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1969-05-05 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa
r • \'. • • .,. .e w . ' ' ·• -•• It - '1i * :Fr,. .... *· ' ' · ... ' , ,. ea·ms· ' ._,_ ).( . • I .. • • ome . . ' • .. ., DAILY PILOT -* * * 1o c * * * MONDAY .AFTERNOO N~1t.1AY . s~;j~9-·, ~ / \'O'"-M. MO, 1'7, 1. l•l:flOHS, M PAtl• • ' . I Queep for a ~ear •• . "..-... ~-------,----------------~---------- ., • . .. . iniqualaes Strihe State:, l Jiggles Downtown LA . ' ' Waves Batter Guard Site, . . . Dory Fleet By JOHN VALTEllZA lit~"' 'ta!! ' • ... . • W9'(W crelhl!l...-PIS!' ~ and cau...t lecoid ~anlage . to N<Wport ,IMCh lifeguard ~tlUweekend. Birt today new strateiY was helping· the aea undo lta damap. -1be latest and most severe onslautl:bt of high tides and erosion, whlch has become an •lmost montly ~ce all year, ttarted Jl'rlday mghL When\ tt lfl .up. Ulna Of sand had been washed away Oll>og wHh three emergency bulkheada. Damage to the historic dory fleet ,included several lost lockers full of fishing gear. • BULKREADll fALL _ As cUy crews· and department hl!'ilds watched their heavy bulkheads fall Satur· day and Sunday, they called on CIW Public Works Director Jo,,eph T. De".lln f6r' a new Idea. It ~ to be working. Devlin quickly designed "lll!(ant groiM" made of heavy planking to trap ' the waves' wtsh. slow ft down and allow for deposit of new sand over the eroded area. "Since the groins were built Sunday morning we have had a new, six-iiteh layer or sand over the area," Chlef At-Four u~s; Universi ties. Ufeguard Robert Reed said. By' United · Pre11 In.ternattOnal The sea has a Jong way to go, however. Fires, td.;' 0 of th.~m in Re~rve Officers nie westerly swells ate away an T inl ROTC Iii ~· estimated 3&,000 cubic yardl of sand. ra· ng rps ( -) o ·ces,.biUAe out Around the headquarters building lhe at Harvard and two other campuies to-·u-· -·• ri_ J~ H .. 1'd lhelfdropped six fee(.· . • d.ay •.. -. .. . ..... . :~.--··'.~·i(,'~!8 :·,~·-·:-: ··~-ome·. ~~:,~-:e~the~":rfc~:r:.· ()U~id~li~eO~~~~~:~e~'if~~ · · -· · -.. sldewalU.and expensive plants were car-School of Religion at'Berke1ey. '11le bla1t - Lo B h W J _ B t l h" rled olf, by lb~ cruhlng brine. brote-windon'"W .--<loon olf · ng eac . er.comes a t es ip BBAatLl'ITBllBD their~-• · · P.MtDENA (UPI) -Two eartbquilis • . . . , , . ---~ -lbe· _ ~--~·-.Disitdent . black and Puerto Rican • jigWSGuthem California today. 1 'LONG BEACRJUPI) -The USS New . show t\mes:broke Into uAncfloir AweJgh" u= tbt-..eb ,;;:y.;:,..-m;;~ ;i1tude!U· at City, College' of · Ne:' York ~ • ~ojogj.U at tbe, Calilomia lnsti!Ul• Jersey, lbe, world's only Octlve batileship, as tbe New Jrney wu nudpd Into Jta Thi oclual 1tnJC:tuio of lbe bql!dq 11. . blocked entrances at the school ~ aoutb . of 'l'idmology aaid the first, recorded at steamedihn>Ul!h lbe breakwater Into its ber1h by tugboats.-not ·jmPlrllld, dly aldea aald, lllnce II cilmi>u'. In 'deltance of lbe N•i<' ¥ark ·l :S'T-.a.n\., registered 2.1 on the Richter home --her< abortly before 1 a.m. to--i..:.:..-.1. nlll •=ditven deep .Into tbe sand.' .\Board of Hi&her EducaUon orders: •--I not 1. • gb •-c1o·•-mage It ~· FamfUes an:I. u~~of the-crewmm ~ fi H d -,_ --• ~ e,. 8l'lt enou w u.. • day, as more than 1,000 persons waved Qtf, 04 'Servieim Director Jake The JttS at arvar , .ia.up"' -. wu ·«:nttred near dowiltown Los signi and a Navy band played. rushed aboard the battleship u IOOll u Mypdirle: llid um tbe'Dewal ~ in-'Western Mle61pn UnivenUiea were ai1 1 ·~es. . Hundreds of wives ·and children of the the gangplanks W«e lowered. for tW°" cldint ~ ,pr1!bably mate our p\inl for ' ,apparenUy eet by arsonbti."' -.. \ TIJt~cond temblor, at 9:03 a.m., was 1,15& Of Heers abd men ·were waiUlig on ful reuniona with 1the men. ,• ~ tinlkhffd here IUb)ect to ~ The fire at Harvard's Shannon Hall, an ...find In tha da)on P ... ond : Pier E • •--be. ch N. al Stati • • heavy review." ·' ROTC bOlldlng, 'dl!I .11lght' ~-' re~"-' '.5 on ~-Rich'-. Sea'-, w'.'". at • .._ a av on · --~ •-· -•--•~ bout M ~ I I •~ •-1 a-~· •K ~ K "'°·' under ·ovel'<ast-sldes for tbe 58,000-ton •-011-~-.a ~-or Papenaiid!Umiture na\uw•-~ = =..::e~ ~fgb:r~-:!tc~us: shiptoarrWehomefromth~FarEasL. Mother Res!Ponds ~; lJ!e .permanent:bul:e-_wJ'.¥1.;: .'!~re . iani~. ~~ were qul~y e~: • Capt J Edward Snyder Jr al · • .... · ~-:lo-l>e,;i>ul • .!!'!Ji: ;lbli;,• ' ·liilgulshell. · -• ~area · ·, · • .,. ..~ ,., ·,.. ·.;;~-.~t .: :.,.• · · ~g'arrivalofmawnaJ11. 'Lartmolithagro(Jpofatudefitl-aelied • . . .• . f4lrf.t/<, vr1dl1• ~ .... ...u.leleplim!tr-ln' ,.,. F lse . Al One of lbe heaviest onalaqhtl ..,.,..,...i lbe' Harvard admlniatraUon bOlldlnc, In .• -I •• ·ri·: " c;.;.. ' ' '. • ,'1t 'ttki6'. 18JQ. 'Only U i tiffOt would not 10 a ' ' arm SUUrday night before midnilht "When Ra protest al. ,Uie presence of 'RC?tt c.wrc.m- J • Mis C l l 'sen<! the New Jersey back" ll Vielnam water began ~ throolb do<irways P"" A pollee'.swOep ol•the'bUlldlnl touch-. UWOr S OD es hos)illtiOI remain at tbe current level. Newport Be,och Dremeo may have cm lbe 1 ... e• level ol tbe statloil. eel <if a student strike that allut'· down ! Bl _,J 'R • t' ·Snyder.p.te·ofhii alllp and'tiew with . round one of the laat· basilona of\atem Monetary damage, lncludlog. Joa ·ill tbe CIJl\brldge; 111 .... ,~: • · • aslo:;u 88 BCJS . pride u the blltlewarocut .. med toward pavemenls, ,plaolta, bulltheoda and lbe IAnonllta at Western lltU:l1lpn cllmbod • , a delayed reunion wltb the famllle1 ol the parental discipline durln( • !aloe allrm e1tbnated 100• man boun durmg tbe lb"'"8h a window, lorctd o;oa -- ·MOlllLE,'Ala. (UPI) -A civil righls sallo'1. • call 'to Lido >Ups SUnday .Yen1ng. emer1ency period waa 111 a('4,000, Reed and tooll anotlior off lta,1iin4"!:-Tbon Ibey ' .....,, which bas been unable to get Signal llghls Dube,J from the bridge, of The fire dlspalcher on duly -aald. ,.;t fire · tO boob .anil pioi!On' In 1 the -· Within five block> of Mun I c Ip a I tlie New .Jmey aa.she came Into view, that • fire phone bad been pulled from The heavy wrm abo ~lalmed other ~1'1 ROTC ofllee1 mitlior1tles aald.1 < Auditorftftn ·1n two protest marches on the ber superstructure towering above the the hook there, then replaced. eNUalUes -afi the Deacli quarantine ·Col. Jtn\iel ~ llaYeit;. held ·116~ 1961 Amttlca Junior MJss Pageant vo.., other ships Iii the harbOr. -A 5-plece ~ BattaUoo <hie! Melton Meehan rolled to signs .along tbe beach!ront. military' .Clenc:e J><Olrlm•ot;WllU~ aid · to laucicb an alk>ut eff<irt on tfi< night o1 Beach municipal band ind a Navy band Investigate,. and reported that ho nctlced 'll111 morning a few 1urle" enjoyed 1111 lrrep~bl,.re<orlls w~, ~. llOTC the finals 'tJleadi.y. played. htllcoptera flew overhead, and a young boy, 4 or 5 years old, lift the their sport in the fouled water upcoast clutel ftft held atusua1"9ti.Uttbt.FBJ; Leader• of Neighborhood Organized depenOents waiUng on the dock cheered.. phone then J)Ut _it down aealn.~ frOfu the' pier without interruption from state aqct .lbeal poli~, find ·firtmeft .. ~ Worll:m (NOW), which ·ha& led ·the The crew, in dress wbltes, stood at at· His report conllnued : "Just RI bat-lifeguards. vestige~ the anon. ~ abortlvo marChts on tJ1e pageant they tebUoo lining the tail1 u the 887-foot bat· talion chief •rrlved on scene ttoy wu 'Said.one lifeguard, "Sure the quaran.-Three thnultaneoUs nm broke out dur .. c:aUed,"''ratjst_. •• sai(I l.he.y would make 1 tleshlp was escorted Into port by a Dolilla geramblin~tlown pole. Mother waa glv.tng . ..,cline.-.ia stlll in effect,. but t'm "afraid we Ing rµ,'1t~1n1lnationt 11t ~s.,,. One last ditch -effort Tuesday, but gave . no of otnall cabin crullers.~ boy sound apanklng ll• batlall<in chief lelt have other thing• to worry about at the wu . p · a cla.....,·tijlmlnlslrat!On detafla. • The binds, whleb had been playing scene." moment." buJtdl~g, oot In a student Jo(m&e, and One :w oRKMEN, NEW!!ORT LIFEGUA_RD, "EADERS COMPARE NOTES ON HOW· TO· ~'Vi~.rr,;: -··· '· S"urf •M ili)jli Tldfl :Un4•rmlnln1 Gl!Ord .Huilquortora· In Control _,..rt • • • 'Fwo Miniquakes .. . . . Jiggle :Soutlililliil-' ... i 1 ' .. . ·' . ' In a phy~cal educatlon bWldiDl. Jn··two·of the bulldfugs, filtmen fOwil" a: trill' ot flammable · fiuld splashed ~ hall Doon. ' None of·tbe ·fires, did major:~ge.- 1Some , examinatiqns wer( called.1off beeauae of the nrea ·and Were ~d for next Monday. · · ' The &NY student1~1tood fast at -en .. trac<:es. to Iii• 30Utb CllJ'l\111,,wbich .aloo& With lb• reSI oi lbe tchbor Jiu lfeOn· • · ,. for almost too week>. • , . • ora.,9 '«1•••· • • ' I ' •• : ( ""'r . takjnC !¢"); off, tbe<- com••. back , Tillldljl to -coastal temperaturea Into lbe up- ' per slxUea foi' a eiear -and·drJ' -<lay. . INSIDB · ftD~l' · •It war pretty muclJ . ti~ tm:t'1' j ioui racea; the. t malJ, bo4(ll 1/lad• the bnt of lhc ilt!ldl w ! took major hofton, owr dw ldrotr'. orit~ fu1 ~ anat.cz ft.. 1enada -rac1 ...... J>t.frie~ .... • ·~ ... / . . .. .. ' ' -. --..... ___..____... _ __._......,,."" , a Ji ••.-..,·---~---'-!.!;... r \ • ' . I -----------------------:--....,.--....,.------:-------:------;-:---;---------• I • -.. ., .. _ Red Conce·ssions Seen Viet Cong En~oy Returns to Paris Talks • PARIS (UPI) -Mme. Nguyen '1111 Bini!, the deputy Viol Cong negotiator In Paril, returned loci~ from a.mysterious lrfi> .... Into the ,....... "' -Viet---· ---"' the Nollonll Llbor1Uoo Prolll (NLF). Tbt alllts bor< ald Ibey tbow<bt her trip could leaf to a .-lloxlble nefOllolll!I posttloil by the !ILF. A South VI........., olliclal almdy •u pndlc- . llll( the C<>mmunlsts ..W bact-. t..m • 11i<11' -•NI for total wlllldmrlll d U.S. lraopl !ram v-. . Mme. Blnh told .. ....,.. al Lo 8-pl Airport she bad .ulled • "llberaled ..... ,, to meet with ......... ol lhe NLll' C<nlral Committee, but Ibo declined to answer questions other -than to' ay she briefed the committee on P • r I I devtlopmenlll. SliO loll Paris unupededly OD April II via Moscow. Allled officials precilcted at the lime ber misoion would be important to lhe Poril talb, potbapo le1dlng toward • breakthrough. A South Vlotoamae olllcllll .. Id lllQI Ownu•nW. bldldowl1 fnJm tb ta l -~ -would ll'OVfde • ~ 111 the lalu wl>kli begin.in J"""lfY and hue been boged down enr alnct. The Olllclal'1 statement came amid rtpoi1a ~ both Sal,on and Wllhlnatm !bit polliled to "il -··al ol U.S. fCll"CB ·• a .. Anwtc1!1 'wiB-._ to end tbe llll(. • CommnD1st IOlJrCia ta Paris aald almoet --... thet they would a<copl ouch • wltbdrnal ol porhapo !0,000 Gii as lull1lllng their demand for tbe pWlou1 of .American forces from Viet· o.am. Tbe U.S. oegoUating team from the belinolq baa asked Hanoi to dilcuas the withdrawal of both North Vletnamex: and American troopa at the &aJne tlmtf. nae Mesa 4-year-old ~illed, Struck .by Trash Truck A four-year-old Costa Mesa boy who WU riding llls tricycle WU killed In- stantly Saturday wllen run over by a two cld one-half ton trash truck. Pollce ldentlfied the victim as James Demi8 Hafntr, Dl of Mr. and Mn. Richard Hafner, 2070 National Ave. , According to tbe poli<e aceount, tbe Hainer t.ot WU riding h1I trike down N•· tional A venue near Oak Street along with l\\'O pla)'Dlllol on 61Cydoa -tbe tragedy oCcurTed. • Investig'ating officers said th e younptera weni following the path of a truck driven by Pete Gallegos Colin, 31, d Santa Ana. Colin told police be had spotted tbe youn¢ers chlllng tile lro<k down the street and bad warned them t.o get ol.f the street. and rm fnto a pole 1t the comer of llar1>or and Gisler, and ooe accident In whkil the victim, who wu n111 over by a garbqe truck, apparently .Wlored a beat lilaclt and fell Into Ibo street beior• the truck hit him. Traffic investlptor R. D. Goode 1aid that Satmd«y'• ecddient wu the only one rellted to trattlc 9lilfAy oo_Costa Mesa city .in.ts, .. Ille motorcycle accident ocam-od ;,., • private road •l Drane• eo..t College. Abernathy Issues Ultimatum to S.C. Communists bave refmed. For the first time, Hanoi Sunday hinted that the United States was "d&o eacalellng" the war, something lbe North Vietnamese would look on favorably in \ the coot.ext of the Vietnam ~ negot. lations. , , The hint by Hanoi Ritdlo waa bfoadc~t In the text of a speech by Primo Minister Pham Vao Dong of North Vietnam tn May Dly ctrtmonles attended bi Prul- dent Ho Chi MUlh. Monitored In Salgon, Ibo 1peteh ald: "The only path they (the Ainerlcam) can follow ls conUnui.ng to deescalate lhe war, ending their criminal war oI &&· gression in South Vielnam." American comm_and.ers ip Vieln~ have denied.any decrease in their level of offensive operatioN. In fact. they have credited stepped-up patrols wlth helping to beat the Communists' winter-spring of. fenaive. Five Arrested In· Fullerton Park R11mble BotUes and dirt clods being hurled by an unruly mob Sunday led to the arrest of five meD by Fullerton police at Hillcrest Park, a frequent trouble spot. The five who were jailed were part of a crowd prot~sting the arTeSt of a teen-age girl on drunk Jn public charges. Police said about 60 ''hipPie'' types gathered when two offlcers attempted to take the girl into cust.ody: Seven more officers answered an ·emergency call for aid. Officer Charles Wojcleszak wu injured when struck in the back of the bead by a flying botUe. After the arrest of the five youths, the crowd dispersed, police said. The men were booked on charges ranging from fallure to disperse to suspicion of assault on a pollce officer. 'Ille girl wu released to her parents after it was detennnied she was a minor. MM: ""9111 Pllet. BeraU1e It'• There Laguna Beach High School stu- dent Pets Schoen,. 16, pauses during c Ii m b Saturday of sheer, ~foot . rock wall off Zurich Drive in city's Top, of the World-area. Schoen and classmate Scollt Byington scal- ed wall In nine and a half hours despite two falls broken by safety ropes. They said face had never been climbed be-- fore. Kidn·ey ·Sought Fo·r Mesa Womaii A kidney dooor II being -.ht for 1 Coeta Mesa woman who lJ in crftJcaJ con. • • dllloo In UCLA Medical Cent,,., Qrlal• County Kldney Founcfallen olfldall Slid today In Issuing an appeal. AdmiUed to the holpttaJ Friday w11 Mn. Colleen RandaU, la, o! 12111 P....U Plac<. Mrs. Randall loot her ri&bl kldoey tn 1967 and wW .midereo t..U Ii> detenntne how sooo btr loll kldne7 wUI . have to be remoWld. She will be pllced ... kidney dl1lyal1 machine following surgery if a donor wtth compaUble U!sue cannot be foood, ac- cording to Mtt. Eileen Ready, 1pokesmq for the Kidney Foundation. Mn. ~Y ald Mra. Raodall'a ~ bond, Jjobert, baa been paralyrod •inc• 1•. 'l)ley hive tbrf!t children.' I to JS ylll'I old. "'Ibey need~ as well u 1 kldf1oy donor," Mn. Roaw 81ld. Potential kidney donors miy-c<daci tht foundation, •111 Libra. Place, Yorba Lindi. A t11-4!xempt trust fUnd bas been ~et up ai the United St.ates N.tklnal Bank, 1845 Newpcrt Blvd., Costa Me.!a, under the direction of attOrney Gerald Brown. 3 Youths Held in Ammo, Weapon, Beer. Burglary A pistol-packing teenager and two other juveniles were arrested Saturday in con· necUoo with a Huntington Beach residen- tial burglary in which five guns, a cue or beer and large quantlUes of ammunlUon were stolen. Police from Huntlngton Beach and Fountain Valley took the juveniles Into custody after they allegedly ontertd the Wesley Steward rt:!!ldence at lllll Worton Ave., HunUngton Beach and removed the goods. Officer Ed Wilson of the llWlllngton Beach Police Department wu working on a runaway invesUgation Saturday . ' . ' ,• ~-when he uncovered information teldlng to the arrest of one of the youths and con- fiscation ol one of the weapons. Later during the day residents living at La. Tiera Slr«t, Huntington BellC'h, dlloovered three boys dumping several bags In a vacant neld near the street. On checking the bags they round them lo con- tain three guns and ammunlUOn. The youths returned to the scene before police arrived and found the ciUzens walUng lot tbem. On• of the ""flO<ls waa tackled and held for police by one of the bystanders while the others fled. A third suspect was discovered on a freeway bank by Fountain Valley office~ Victor Deutsch, who wu driving back t.o the station with the captured teenager. The other youth answered to the descrlp. tlon of-another SWJpect and was taken lnto cuatody al'°. Ono of Ibo burglary IU!pecls capluttd led police to a weapon hidden in &he heater vent d. his home. Another wu allegedly packing a loaded pl>tol ta bil hell Two of the suspecUs are now in custody at juvenile hall and one was released to ··bil part11llrptlldlng furtl!tr _,....,i Coast Woman Found Dead; Cause Probed He Hid that be didn't see them In the rear-view mirrors u be Urted up his truck, and llSU!lled Ibey had lolL Colin u.Jd he felt the truck go over &Omething In the roadw1y when II hid rood>ed a •pead ol 3 miles per hour. Yoong Haine< hid goU<n ahead ol the garbage truck, and hsd appamiUy swerved on hll tricycle and been cnubed by the right rear wheel d the truck, ac- cordlnl to mv..Ugaton. CHARLESTON, S.C. (UPI) -The head ol the Southern CbrisUan Loadorahlp Conference (SCLC) bu imled an ulUmatum to the governor of South Carolina: Either the state begins negotiating tO. day with Negro work9ra conducting a unlnnlr.aUon drlve agalnst the city'• two Jargon hospitals or tbe Rev. Ralph Abernathy will luue 1 "naUonal call" for refnforcements. The five were identified by police as Larry E. Miller, 21, and Jacinto Sanchez, 19, both of Fullerton; Larry Perez, 19, and Tony Bales, 19, both of Placentia and John 1.alfinl, 21, of Whittler. France's Gold Reserves Fall Students Bitten By R':lttlemake Reported 'Fair' Food Poisoning ~ · Death Prompts , Emergency Stop The Orange County Coroner's OUice f!I Investigating the cause of death of 1 Laguna Beach woman whose body wat found ln-ber-,81nday by'a relaUve. A deputy coroner to:lay said to1icology tests will be conducted ~tst.a.blish the cause of death of Ellllt ~ House1 11, of 12&2 Glenneyre .1~t.s of. an autopsy were inconclusive;: 'lbe dealll of young Halnu morka the fourth trafllc falallty In C<lola M ... within the put mcdll, polko ald. Thor• had been no latallU" ta the nine previous monlhl. Tho other accidents Included 1811 week'• motorcycle-car colllalon In which an OCC student w• kileld, ooe flt.allty 1n whk:h the driv« adfered a heart altl<:k A h • w-i u.ii. na eun · o'dinii Stabbed to Death; 'Husband' Held A 28-year-old Anaheim woman was ltabbed to death with a butcher knlfe Slturda1 afternoon and ber alleged er captured 1tveral hours later, reported. Is Jeannetta Caroline Engstrom . , ... __ ,:r:~• ~~"j'' ~·~; e. \The Orange said she died .Mhi lb• h01rt. ce P. Wade, of 2888 W. Rome St., Anaheim, reported to be the worn'!"'' I common-law husband, was ct1ptured by officers Randy Gaston and Robe.rt Goe.Uner who spotted his car near Euclid ~ Street and Crescent Way. Wade, who had reportedly taken poison, wu rushed lo Orange County Medical Center where his stomach was pumped. He ls being held in lhe prison ward of the hospital oa murder charges. DAILY PILOT ............................. --_,...., C..0.- CAUl'OIMIA OAANGa COAS1 l"\lal.ISHINO iOllU'MtY , l•lttrt N; *••4 ~ml*nl 11111111 l'l*lhllll' J.c!t l. e.,~., WC. Pmldtfil -GtM•el INN'" Jli-•1 K••.,lf .. ,., Th-•• A. M•tplil11• ,,,..,, ...... 111111« -C.I• ""-'' • wnt '"' ltrw! ,.._, ..,.Kii: nn #el .. -......,..,_,. l._. lle«ll: ttt f'-11 AVHIUt ~-111«111 .. "" &lffel "I'm going to give the order," Abernathy told a rally ol 2,000 persons Sundal J!llbt. "I have friends all over thll ccxmtry saying, 'Dr. Abernathy, just tell •,wtien }'W 'WIDt"UI to come.' ". The ;work 'stopP1ie at the Sov,th Corollna Medical Co~oge HOlpltal and the-Charleston County Hoepltal is more than 1ix weeb old. So far, Gov. Robert McNab-and hoapltal 1dmlnl1trliors claim they don't have authority under 1tate law to bargain with Local 111198 ol the prua and Hospllal Workera Union whiCh represents the worken. PARIS (UPI) -France's dwindling gold and foreign currency reserves took another '21i million nosedive in April, the French government announced today. Disclosing for the first time since Charles de Gaulle's April 27 defeat and resignation, the Finance Ministry said the toli1 April drain~was $212.1 million. II did not ~lc!lte how. much of this was the result or a panic rush to sell francs and buy gold, U.S. dollars end West German marks in the 24 hours after De Gay,Ue'a defeat Two Corona del Mar junior high acbool sludent.s were' reported In "fair con- dition" today at Hoag Memorial Hospital where they are recovering from rat. Uesnake bits. Karen Randall 13, and Alex Waniek. 12, were bttten ii-'riday on tbe growHis of Lincoln Inlenne.diate School. They will remain at Hoag for at least a few days, ha_spilal spokesmen aald. "We're golng''° keep them qntll the pobon is completely out fl thetr systems." Newport Judge :Poyle Dies At Bill Game; Rites Set The a:nake, which the youngsters mistook for a gopher snake, wu later killed ~ a school employe. It la oow in a bottle of formaldehyde at the school, where it will serve as an object lesson to other students, aceording to Vlee Prin- cipal Ralph Worley. The Randall girl and young Wanlek tried to plck up the 1mall snake when they saw It in the crevice of a doorstep u they went from one cla.sa to another, school ol!ldals said. Funeral services fur reUred Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Elmer Doyle, who collapsed and died last Satur- day while attending a baseball game at Anaheim Stadium, will be held Saturday at Cathedral Chapel in Los Angeles. He was 74. Judge Doyle, a resident of Newport Beach at 318 Island Ave. for lhe past four years since his retirement from the bench, died of an apparent heart attack, the Orange County Coroner's Office reported. The rosary will be recited at 8 p.m. Friday and requiem mass will be at 11 a.m. Saturday under the direction of Cun. ningham and O'Connor Mortuary of Los Angeles. The judge ls survived by a daughter Mrs. Verna Wand~y Of 18301 Santa Anita Lane, Huntington. Beach; a brother Em· mett Doyle of Lo.1 Angeles; a sister Mrs. Marie Boyer of Los Angeles, and seven grandchildren. Judge Doyle once guessed that he bad Surprise Rain Spatters Coast Uru:euonable rain -the weather bureau's tmn fOI' any preclplt.ation fan. Ing between April and October - !]>lubed the 0ranp eout s.-y and overnight as wlnttt .-puttered its 1811. dying gup. Sevm-tent.ba of an Inch, enough to awaken some resldtn.1', feU on Laguna Beach early this morning. while Costa Mtll. Newport Buch and Huntington Beach rt.cordtd only a trace of the wet atuU. Further north, rain drenched the Los Ang:tlt'I Butn and snow flurries were rtported at Southern c.11roml1 re:sorts above the i.ooo-root level. Temperaturu Sunday dlpptd into the klw IO's. Forecisten calltd for mostly 1uMy, weather ror Tuesday, with the met'C\lry msklna: 1 comeback and no rain on the bor1r.on. • granted more than 200,000 divorces, but he was a reluctant witness to the pro- ceeding saying, "I've always felt you can't just grind these things out like a machine. Many of these people don't rea1ly want divorces." The judge once happily recounted that he had remarried about 50 divorced couples. He was elected to the Superior Court bench In 1949 after 34 years of service to Lo! Angeles County, including 14 years a!' a commissioner in the domestic relaUons branch of the Superior Court He reUred in 1964. In addition to his courtroom duties, he was the fe1turtd judge tn the pilot fllm for the "Divorce Court" televWon series. Inflation, T_axes Top Wage Gains SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -lnllaUon and ta1es won the battle wKh pay hlkea for the average Callfornla worker during. the past year. The State Department of Industrial Relations today reported gross earnings In March were up 4.2 pereent from a year earlier. But inflation and taxes boosted the C06t of living so high the worker with three dependent3 was 2.4 pereent behind Marcil of 1968 and the unmarried worker had 3.3 perttnt less spending power. STANDOUT -Chevrolet oWclal Mason Bell present. scholarship to ,Jackie ile!llngton, Huntington Beach's and Calllomla's entry In na- tional Junior Miss cont'8f. Huntington lass proved she ls standout, both montallr and physically, by winning •cbolutlc and !itneu lion· ors In conlb ~reliminarie•. _ _ \. - ANCHORAGE, Aluu (UPI) -A trans Pacific jetliner made 1n eaier1ency landing at Anchorage Airport .Sunday after 13 memben of a 11d>erry blOSIOlll tour" of the Orient were strlcken by food Poisoning, one ol lhem latal1y. Authorities saJd the victim• 1pparenUy ate the contaminated food in ff-~. where they boal'd8d • connecdnj fUaht for Tokyo earlier. The tourists became tll shortlJ after leaving Tokyo for Seattle on a Worthwut Orient fljght and the J>ll!I.( Wunn Aben.son, 'radioed Anchorage 'th1t be In- tended to make an emergency landinc. Foor OOcton _., Oii hind when the jeWner, cal'tl'lng 42 tour members, land· ed. Mn. Lucy Finn Keqy, 7', Redding, Call., was pronounced dead upon arrlyll. Leo Squires, 68, Eureka, Callf.1 wu taken to Providence HMpital where fie was reported. in fair condition: A couple Identified u Mr. and Mn. John Capkh were not hospitalized, but decided to re- main In Andlonlge until they loll belt<r. The other stricken pasaeng:ers conUDued on to Seattle. 2 Countians Die In Car Accidents Two Orange County men were killed In fiery traffic accidents over the weelltnd. The Callromla Highway Patrol 11ld that Jose H. Quintana, 37, of Buena Park, died early Sunday when he wu trapped Inside s camper which went out of eon- lMI County Traffic 1111 A Deaill Ton A trot and bur1t Into Dames on the Santa Ana Frffway in Norwalk. CHP offlctra u.ld Quintana was 10Ulh- bound when his camper struck the bridge railing at tbe Norwllt Boulevard cross- ing. In La Habra tale Saturday, Charles J. Duggan, 35, oC Yorba Linda wa1 killed when his car struck a utlUty pole and" burst into flames oo J.mperlat Highway near Walnut Avenue, the Or1111t County Coroner's OffJce reported. PoUce said the victim had apparenUy been watchlng teletlslon when she died. The body was discovered._ at 2 p.m. on a couch by SOJJ-in-l1w Dean B. John!on, 703 Cliff Drive. Time of death 'waa esttmated st I a.m. Sunday. A coffee cup and bottles of pill.a Wf!'e taken as evidence. However a phy1icl1n swnmooed to the acene doubted that the Pills would have caused death, polloo said. . Mrs. House's occupation wu liJted u teacher but school officials saJd .she was not credentialed to teach in Orange Coun· ty pubUc ochoo~. Nixon, Top Dems Oppose Delay In SS Hikes WASIDNGTON (UPI) -B«h the White House and the Senate's"4.wo top Democratic leaders served notice today they will fight Rep. Wilbur Mills' plan to delay any increase in Social Security benefit& until next year. Senate Democratic leader M 1 k<e· Mansfield ancfhis .a1slstant, Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, also said they believed the increase should be 10 percent as proposed by President Lyndon B. Johnson, rather than the 1 percent President Ni1on recommended. Mills, chainnan of the key House Way~ and Means committee, reaffirmed during t~ weekend that he planned to block ac· tion on the Social Securit"y increase this year but go along with a 10 percent hike in 1970. . At the White flouse today, p!"HI secretary Ronald Ziegler said the Pral- dent was "standing by his propou.I" for.a 7 percent increase for the flscal ye•r starting June 1. He said Nixon spelled out bis views at a meeting with the APL-Clo execuUve council. On Capttol HID, Mansfield t o I d new.!men: "I think we ought to feet up to it this year and l think it ought to be at least 10 percent instead of 7 percent." Ja~kie Wins Two • MarinaGirlNears Junior Mi,s,s Crown ... Jackie ll<nlneton of Huntlnlf<>n BMch moved cloeer to the America 's Junior Mill corwn this morning when she wu named winner ol • fl,&00 ltbolanhip 1n tho achol11Uc division ol lht C0111ptllllon ln Mobile Ala. She -.. the lint lwo-dlvlsiai -ner having won the. youth ntnu. com. petition and I 11,000 shcolmblp Slturd1y nlJht. California's Junior Min 11 a Marina: Jllgh School senior and hi• 1 slralght •'A" atholaslic ave.ra,t. She plans to 1tudy biology al St.nlord Untvmlty. -I • • Judging In Ibo oont..t whidl •kt 1" find the Ideal high !dlool !<nlor Jlrl, II based on acholullc ability and yooth m ..... dlvl!ions -claimed by Mlsl Bonlnltoo. personality; mental 111""*8, pol!< and ~al 1ppoarance an4 atttlve and perfortnln1 aria. Flnala ore to be ttlocaat Tutad.q beginning II 7:30 p.m. on Olannel 4. Miss Ben!ngtoa, 17, his ~ through the various Junior Miu pa ... nll 1ponaortd . by the J ayeee1 t.o the com- petition of !O high llChool prll for !ht na- tional crown. She ts th• daughter ol Mf. ind Mn. Orchard Btnlntrton of $191 Gumm Drh-.. • • I • l Stlniington Beaeh -• .._·, . -"' voi:. ~. NO. 107, 3 s TIONS. 38 PAGES • \ EDITION l ORANGE lcou_N'fY· CALIFORNIA l Today's Flnal·, N.Y. Steeka MONDAY, llfAY s,• 1969 TEN CENTS • Fires Set .On Campuses Harvard, CCNY, Berkel~y Schools Hit by Arsonists ' DAIL.l' ,~OT lttff ,,_,. .. Connie Jo Pfister, ·)9, is the new Miss HunUng\on B-.ch. Sb~· won the crown Friday .nigbt in competition wilh.22 other local lovelies. For the statisliclll)y .minded, th~ Orange Coast College cped stands -5 feet 61h inches, weighs 121 pounds, .has blonde hair aiid brown eyes. Her measurements a're 36-24-36. 3 Youths Held in Ammo, Weapon, Beer Burglary A pistol-packing teenager and two other juveniles were arrested Saturday 1n con· neclion with a Htintingtcm Beach residen- tial burglary in which five guna, a case of beer and large quantities of ammunition w,ert stolen. · · Police !rom li1U1tingto11 Beach and· Huntington Boy ~ttacked by Gang On Lonely ~each A Huntington Beach high school student who went to the beach early Monday morning witb lhree remale comp~nions to. watch the sun rise was attacked and beaten by a catload of youths Who told him they were "high on beer and reds." The '\.'ktim, a juvenile, told police he and the girls were accosted by sli: people·· aged 14 to 17 at 5: 15 a.m. in a parking Joi. near Lifeguard Station 13 f: tb8 beach: . The youths -allegedly forced him to d,rink some of their beer and then told him that IC the ,girls refused to have IU.· ua1 relations with the others in lhe ur,, · they wOuld "kill them." · ·When he refused, they pulled him out of the vehicle, kicked him and beat hlm on t~ bead with a goU club. Fountain Valley took the juveniles lnlo custody aner tllty allegedly entered the Wesley Steward residence at 18111 Worton Ave ., Htmilngton Beach and removed the g~. · OffJcer' Ed Wilson ol the Huntington 'Beach Pblice Department waa working on a runaway lnvestieatlon Saturday when he u:ilcovered lnfonntUon leading to tl<e arrest of ooe ol Die youth> IDd coo- &cation of one or the w~. ,.Later dllring the day reiideata living at 1.o Tiera Sine!, Hun~ Beach, discovered three boi• dumDt'QI several bags in a vacant field· near the 'street. On checldng the bop theY found them to con- tain tbree guns and amnllDllUon. The youths returned to the scene be.lore police a1Ttved IDd )ound ltie citizens wlitinc far them. One of the luopecll wae toctled IDd held fer Police by one ol the, byitaftders while the othen flee!. A 'thi{4 ~ --~ on a freeway blDt ~ FoWllllit .Valley Alf fleer Victor l>eu~ who was driviq back to the staOon wilb the captured teenager. The olher youtlli MSwered ~to the descrip- tion of anothtt suspect and wu taken into custocly also. One ol. the bur1Jary luopecll • .. ptured Jed police to a weapon hidden in tbe. heater vent ol. bis home. Another wu alle1edly pacldn1 1 loaded plJtol in bls bell. Two or the 1uipecb are now ln custody at juvenile ball and one wu released to his parent. IM!ndin( futther invutl(atlon. ... . . By VaJ&td Presa lateraatlonal Fires; two Of them in Reserve Officers Training.Corps (ROTC) offices, broke out at Harvard and two other campuseJ to- day..- A sUck of dynamite was exploded outside the main door of the Pacific School of Religion at Bfrkeley. 111e blast broke windows and knocked 'ioors off their hinges. Di ssident black and Puerto Rican students at City College of New York , 'Big J' Home, Gets Welcome In Long Beach LONG BEACH (UPI) -The USS New Jersey, the world's only active battleship, steamed through the breakwater into its htme port here shortly before I a.m. to- day, as more than 1,000 persons wavtd isigns and a Navy band played. Hundreds o! wives and children of the 1,556 officers and men were wajting on Pier E at Loog beaeh Naval StaUon under overcait akies for the 58,000.ton ship to arrive home from the Far East. Capt. J . Echyard Snyder, Jr., of Fairfax, V11., in a radiotelephone in· terview, 1aid ''only an idiot would not send the New Jersey back" lf Vietnam hostilitie' rqn~ ft the current level. Snyder ~ of hla ship and Cm' with pride a! the batUewa1on 'steamed toward a d~layed mmi91l with the families of the sailors. s;p,1 li&IJls flashedJrOCl(IW;bridi• ol the New ~<l!'Y ls abe ~ l!Jto vi1w, her sqper~ towerlrl: above tht Other s&ijilliftiieli&rtii>r. A l&-pi ... !me Beach inunidpai band IDd 1 Novy bond played, bellcoPttn flew overheld, ond depende~ wallJN on lllo --red. The crew,.1'1 dreafl wbltea1 ~at al· tentlon lininc: the ralla 11 tht d7:foot bat. tleshlp w11 eaoorted into port by a flotilla of amall Clbin cruiserl. The bonds, which had ~ playin( ahow tunes, broke into "Aocbon A weigh·' aa the New Jersey waa JlUdaed into Its b<rth by, lufbool!. Familia and friends of the crewmen rushed aboard the battleship as soon as tile gangplanks wtte lowered, for tear· ful reunloru with the men. '. Valley Totals 28,507 Now FOW!laln Volley popui1Uon alflcl1Uy to- day is 21,IO'I, city olfldllo uld in on- ~I the raulb ol a ipldll census just completed. The figure ii ooly tllPllJ all the city's own estimate ol 21,81,:tbl nmll at· clbi- unr watet meten. TIM! -1-'I ,.., ago WU pegged 1t a.111 ind. *pril I, 1980 II l ,1111. Additional populaUon means that th• city will &wt -from. Ille 11111 oddlo tional tu --ii -wd to citleo •. u. -., ~-. ouch ... .-1a.... ' Young Repubijcans To Meet on 'May 15 Hunt'lngton Valley Youn1 llellublicltl Club ..ur hear Huntinfton Beodi lfly0r Jaclc G""'o 1t the Mq II ~ ol the croup. '"' - During the a: 30 p.m. meetlar 1t the Sherol<>a !leach Inn, Ml)'Or G!'ft wlll di!<u11 the June I II million port'. proposal. blocked entrancts. at the school's south campus in defiance of the New York Board of Higher Education orders. The fires at Harvard, Temple and \Vestern Michigan U!]iversities were all apparenUy set by arsonists. • The fire at Harvard'& Shannoll Hall, an ROTC building, did slight damag e. Papers and furniture in 1 !irst floor roon1 were ignited but were quickly · ex· tingulshed. Last month a group of students seized the Harvard admlnistr1Uon buildlnt In. protest of the presence oC ROTC on cam- pus. A po1Jce sweep of the building touch·' ed off a student ~ike that shut dov.•n the Cambridge, Mass., school. Arsonist.S at Weete:rn" Michigin climbed lhrough a wJndow, forced open one door and took another off ttS'hlnges. Then they set fire to books and papers in the school's ROTC office, authorities said. Col. James T. Hayes, ·head of the · military science program at WMU, said ' ' STANDOUT -Chevrolet official Mason Bell presents scholarship to JaCkie Henington, tt·untington Beach's and California's en ry in na- tional Junior Miss contest. Huntington l3ss proved she' is standout. both mentaliy and p~y•icaliy, by winning -scholastic pnd fltneso boo- ors in contest prelimlflaries. . .iaekie Wins Twd MarinaGirlNears}unior Miss Crown Jackie Benington of Huntington Beach moved closer to the America'• Junior MW corwn this morning when she was named winner ol a $1 ,500 scholarship in the scholastic divisior.. of Lhe competition in Mobile Ala. She becomes the first !\\'<>·division win· ner baving won the y9uth fjtne ss com- petition and 1 $1,000 shcolarshlp Saturday night. Californi1's Juni or Miss is a li-1arina Hi&h School senior and has a slraight "A" scholastic average. She plans to 1ludy biology at Stanford Unlverslty. Judging in the contest which lffkl to find the ideal high school tenior 11r1. ls based on scpolastic ability and youth fitness, divisions now ·clalmed by Mba Benington. personalJty, mental alertnea. poise and personal appearance and creative and pe rforml.ng arts. Finals are to be telecast Tue&day bc~inning at-7:30 p.m. on_Charinel,4. Miss Beninaton, 17, has progm:sed through the various Junior Miss p11eants sponsored by the JayC«S to the com• pelilion of 50 high school sirls for the DI· llonal crown. She is the daughter of Mr. Ind Mrs, Orchard Benlngt.on of Sl91 ·Gumm Drive. Waves Assail, Newport; Guard Station Lashf3d By JOHN VALTERZA CN .. Mir JlllM I..,, Heavy, 1torro-bome w'lUt crashW pa•I bulilheada and caused recoiil dam11• to · Newpqrt Beacb lileguird headquarttn UUa weekend . But toGay new strategy was helptni \he aea undo ff.I damage. The tateot llld moot oeveri onslought of high Udes aod eroaion, '1hicl)}c11 becoa!• an almost montf.y oceurrm:e all -,..I, started Friday nfcbt.. When it let up, -or 11nd had been washed aft)' llon& with three: tmergency b<Jlkbelda. Damage to the historic dory fleet lncl..ied oever1I loot locUr• fUD ol fllhlnl ..... . Al city crews and department beads watched their heavy bulkheads rau Sltur- day and Sunday, lhey called on City Public Works Direct. JO!eph T. Devlht for a new idea. It seems to be working. Devlin quietly desicned "Instant groins" made ol heavy planking to trip the waves' wash, slow It down a'?(! allow !Or deposit of new aand over the eroded are,. . ·-:--- "Since the gr9ins were ~uilt Sunday mornir).g we have ha~ a new, llx-inch layer. Of' sand over 'the' -aria," Chief L~eguanl Robert Reed slid. The sea has a k>nl wiy to p , however. The 1 westerly swells ate away an estimated 36,000 cubic yards of sand. Around the headquartel'I bulidltll the sand shelf dropped six feet. Y.i"bile the youth was being beaten the girl! oed to call police. 1'ht attackers . tbeo conCenlra.ted on the victim 1nd told him they "were going to Lake him witb them." 'Before polict arrived a\ lhe pa rking lot, the youths jumped Into their car and escaped. • . . . Hi~tory Different Here? Wle areas of the headquarters park· Jng 101, remail\B of brick planters, aidewalq ind expensive planta were ·car· r\ed off by the crestilng br~. Planks from the emer1<nq 'builcbeads littered the beach for yards around. The actu~ Structure of the -btJUdtoi ls not imperUed,"<icy aides oald, since it re1l< on pl1in&•driven deep inl4 the und. • City , General Strvlcea Dirtctor Joh Mfoderse Hld'that.the newen eroaion 1!>- cldent "\VUJ proba~Jy mike our plans ,_. ,, permacieht bulklleld here subject ta hU'I)' review." OOlcus invesUgehng the incident saKI the girls were in hyt:tertcal condttkm aDd found thie .. vJetiin to have !\IC· fered ulultiple cuts and scratches from th• beating. Daylight Saving Tune Ma_jor ..f-fopic DayliiJtt saving time on a )'ta('·round. basis is OM of the topk:s for discussion 11 tonight's a o'clock meeting of I.be Seal Beach City Council. 'nae topic (.'Ofll(?I from Lofl& Beach where thal council has approvtd a rtsolu· lion asking for dRyllght Ume 111tlonlll7 on 1 resr.to.ind baJl1. • • ' . I I Stai.e Senate Passes School Text 'Freedom' Bill SACllAMl!:l'ITO (AP) -Con '°" ltlch Americ:ln bblory dlflerently tn Orona• County thin In Sin Frll1dlco 1 That w11 one of the qutltlons blntered about tod1:y~ as the Calffomla Senate passed by a 30 le 1 VOi~ I propoled con- stlluUClllll 1m<ndment IO l)ve the rtato greoter 1..-In ciiooolng leltboob for ... In pubile ocbooll , The CllWllrt, apon.....t by Sen. Aib<rt s. Rodda CD-Sacramento), now 1oes to UieAJlembl7. The State Constitution now requires tht State Board ot Educatlon to approve 1 • "mtUona" -of tdtbookl to be ....} in tho-·· poblJc ldlooll. --In 'llloct, tbat fifth ll'od• otudal th""""""1 Cllllomta ... the _, roldlnl. Ensfioh IDd lrithmetlc lioolco. , Roddi11 unendmtnt whtcft would hive lo be lppl'OVed by the ptOple It the polll, !eta the lqllilture determine ~ CIWlf -ol lextboob the .... board ... ' approve. The board's .actlon. In tum, would delenµlne how, broad 1 choie< local school l><mdt would have In decidinl what'tuta could be used in their oreu. • Sen. Milton Moro (R.S.n Francitco), uked Rodda. uy OU could teach Amer1ctn blol«y dlf!,...t!y m Oron1t County thin you do ln San Francitc0T .. Rodda 551d y,., depmdlng on whet boolcl Ind how mactl' ftl'< lpproved by lbe 810te Bosrd ol Education under piciellnes ,.t by the 1ert>lature, Roddl II sponsoring 1 mwure th•t would permit lhe board lO tel two boois for each subject and grade. ' Some eenaton Indicated they wanted lo(al diatrlcta ro have a number of books to tbOole from. · r ' The city has allocated about ti.JOO for the permanent bulkbeadi which wu scheduled to be put ln early this month, pending arrival of matertab. One of lhe heaviest onsl.iught. occurred Salurday night before mlclnl&ht wben - water began seerln& through doonrays on the lower leve ol lhe stat\on. Mon<tary damag•, lndua1n1 loo ol p.a~mcnts. pl1nt1, bulkhtads and the csthnaled 100 man hours durln( the • !SH WAVES, Pqt t) • no irreplaceable rf:COrds wert lost. ROTC classes were held u usual while the FBI, atate aod local police, tnd firemen in- vestigated the arson. Three simullaRf:OUs fires broke oul dur• Ing final •wninatioos 1t Temple, Ooo v.·as in a classroom-adminlstraUoa building, one in a student lounge, ind one in a physic&] edt;Jcation building. Jn two of the buildings. ~men found a trail d. (See STUDENTS, P11t I) Voters Decide ' Tax Override In Ocean View Voters tn the Oceari View School Di.strict ol Huntington Beach IO to the polls Tu~aytto decide the fate of a $1.:ZS tax ovmide. Polls <>pen at 7 a.m. and close at a p.m. Despite heavy campa"igning for and against the finance pr~posal a low turnout is predicted by both oppooenl! and proponents. 1be present tu rate Ja $1.50 per $108 asseMed valuaUon. U the $1.25 ii liven the needed majority vote, tht rate will rise to $2.75 for two years. Proponents have argued that lhe mone y ls needed to bring the educaliCl'lal program to an acceptable level and to pay for summer school music and ·other :fre~' not now enjoyed· by the Opponents bave argued that miy 49 ceata is needed and that the diatrici ia or too much by aatina for more a aurvlval rate. previo<Jsly hive rejected two ot. tompta II tu overrida in the paot tbreo run. Beacli Policemen Put the Arm on Stuck Porpoise "Honest, officer wbaW~er It 1J, J didn't do it," the recaJcitront IUbjecl who w11 raiatin( ll'ml by two 1fuotJnrton 1lelch po!loe olHctri.,t~ afler-. wl'i>o ed to be 11yin1. The poll...,.. wore ~rlld Ind mumliled IOmethina -..i dol1lll 11 "Co< hit ciwn flOOci" llld, ·wtili thjt befp ol five civllJans, one child Ille! I Fttnc:il poodle , wrostled the vic:tlm Into the pldcly - omld llNOll Ind c:ompllintl. Ail the objections and lliloull ol tho -. foot, 100.pound victim otruct doll ..,_ No ... coWcl ~1111\d him. l;f• -a tmalil~lnded in nU...w1len benelth IM untlnc""1 -Piii'; ... looded 'up IDd drtvtD ·1n the el ol ... pier Ind dumped """'the- Sped.a14,.. ,,_ ... Illa· pier ml cheered wlldy ofter Ille ...,,.... blpa In swim happily In the water. NEW YORK (AP) -The llnck market, who.9e vigol'OUl.J'ally lut week cmied it to some of ks: belt showinp ln about • year, cloeed on • fllt)J even keel today. (Set quotaUona, P.,.. 18-17.), Tradin1 neir the cloee wu acttr .. Weadler After takin( today all, tbe .... coma back Tuesday 14 - coastal temperatures into the up- per s1xties for a dear -and dry -<Joy. INSDfE TODAY It 1001 F•t'r muc" UW> prn- ioui ra.ctli the imoU boa:.t mod• the bHt of tM cchcdt and too" moj01 honort ONr C"c larger 011e1 in the. cml'ual g..,.. 1et1odG ract. Poat ZO. 7 ' I - . I • " I IWLV PILOT H • Mondq, Mu S, 1969 Red t -Viei . Cong .~~voy lte,tur~ to Paris Talks .. PARIS (UPI) -Mme. Nguyen Thi iinh. the dtpoty Viet Cong negoUator ln Paris, returned today from a mysteriou1 ltlp deep Into tht jungles of South Vlel- naiftwbere she confm-ed Wilh 1e:adera ol the National Liberation Front (NLF ). The allies here said they tl>ou&ht her trip could lead to a more flexible .,.gotlatlng posiHoo by the NU". >,South Vlein.Jm~ olficlal aU.ady wu predl<>- tlng Ille c.minunllta wUf\lc~ don fitol lhelr demand for tolal wtlbdtawal ol U.S. troops from· Vietnam. Mme. Blnh told new5men at Le Bourget Airport she bad visited a "liberated ione" to meet with members of the NLF c.ntrai COmmitl<t, but she deCUne<I to anawer questkina other than to say 1he briefed the committee on P a r 11 developments. s6e left Paril unexpectedly on April 14 via Moacow. Allied offici!i.111 predicted at the llme her mlaloe would be lmporlllll .1'•' ' l•~t~*~~ towafd I ~uthrougb. "' A South Vietnlmese offtclal nld· any Communist brddown. from t o t a 1 withdrawal deJXiand• would provide a breaklhroogh Iii the lalks which begin In January and hive been bogged 'down ever since. , The offlclal'I etawnenl came 9mld ,..pbrll from bolb SllloO and W11hiJlglo!I that polftted to ·a~al withdrawal Of U.S. toms ti· a o( America's wlU· lngness lb end the ghting. Communiat aources ln Paris said almost three weeb ago that they would accept such a ·withdrawal of perhaps S0,000 Gls u fulfilling their demand for Ille pullout of American forces from Vlek i.am. . The U.S. negotiating team from the beginning has uked Hanoi to discuss the withdrawal of both North Vietnamese and Amartcan troop• at tbe same l!me. Tht Mesa 4-year-old Killed, Struck by Trash Tru~k A four-year-old Cotta Me!a boy who wa.s f.tdtng his tricycle w11 killed in- slanUy Saturday wben run over by a two and one-haU ton trash truck. Police identified the victim u James Dennis Hafner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Surprise Rain Spatters Coast Richard Milnor, ioio NaUonal /.vt. Accor<jlng to the police account, the Hainer 'lot -rtdlnl hia l!lte down Na· Uoeal Avenue neer Oak Sine!~ with two pl~ymates on. bicycles when the tragedy· occurred. 1nve.Ugallng • of!ken aakl th e youngsters wm following the path of a truck driven by Pete GelleaO. Colin, 31, of Sant.a Ana. • Colln tokl police he bad spollod the ynungstel'I chasing the truck down tht street and had warned them to get off tbe Unaeasonable rain -the weather a:treet. bwuu'a term for any ~reclpltaUon fall-He aa1d that he didn't see them tn the tng between April and October -rear-view mlrron u be started up bll opluhed Ille Orange Coast Sunday truck, end aasumed 'they bad till. Colin and overnight u winter sputtered lt.s 1lid be felt the truck go over ~in.I last, dying gasp. , in the roadway when II bad rtadled a Seven-teoths of an Inch, enough to •poed of 3 ll!!lea per hour. • awaken some resident.,,, fell on Laguna Young Hafner"bad 1otten ahead Cit'~ garbage truck,· and had apperttlUy Beach early this morning, while Colt.a swerved on bll pieycle and beta Cl'Ulhed Mesa. Newport Beach and Huntington by th& right rtar wheel of the .truck, ac> Be.acb recorded only a trace of the wet cording to investigators. stuff. The death of young Hafner mark• the ~ hm !lluM4. ' ,, ' P'or'dM'ffi·1Hifue, H'an01 SWlday hinted that the United St.ates was "de. escalating" tbe war, something the North Vietnamese Y.'Ould look on favorably iii the context of the Vietnam peace qegot•' iations. 'Ilic hint by Hanoi Radio was broadcast ln the text of a spet.cb 1)y Prime MiAittor Pham Van Dong Of North Vltlnam In ·May Day ceremonies attended' by Pre51~ dtnt Ho Chi Minh. " Monitored in Saigon, the speech 1aid: "The only path they (the IJn,ericans ) can follow is continuing to deescalate the w~. ending their criminal war of ag- gression in South Vietnam." American commanders in Vietnam have den.led any decrease in thelr level of offensive operations. 1n fact, they have credited stepped·up patrols with helping to beat the Communists' wtnter-apring of- fensive. Snake Bitten CdM Students Recovering Two Corona del Mar junior high school ltUdtJtts were reported in "ftit con- d!Uori" today al Hoag Memorial H09pllal where they are recovering from rat- Uesnake bits. Karen Randall, 13, and Alu Wanlek, 12, were bitten Friday on the grounds of Liilcotn Intermediate School. They will remain at Hoag for at least a few days, hospital spokesmen said. "We're going to keep them until the poison is completely out of their systems." The snake, whlcb the yo~9ters mistook for a gopher make, was later killed by a school employe. It is now in a bottle of fonnalde:hyde at the Khoo!, where it will serve as an object lesson to other students, according to Vice Prtn-. clpal Ralph Werley. The Randell girl end young Wanlek tried to pick up Ufe amall make when they saw It in the crevice of a doorstep as they went from one class to another, school officials said. Further north, rain dreached the Los fourth traffic fatality in Coit.a Mesa Ange~s Buin and snow flurries wue within the past month, police said. There lnflati·on Taxes reporl<d at Southern California ~ had Ileen po !alalJUea in the nine previoWJ . . ' above the 3,000-foot leveL Temperaturei monlh), · . . " i ... • Sunday dipped Into the l.W IO's. Th~ other accidents !"dud_ed laol Iop ·Wage Garns Forecaatml called for mostly J\IM1 week s motorcycle-car collis100 m which wcatjler for Tueoday, wit!' tbe ~ · •. ~ .. ~~"~l~· ~.!~taU.;t:!!!.r. S"~"FRANC!SCO (UPI) -Inll illdn making a comeback and ·no raift "cli1jhe 1 .... :c.. , 11w~er~ a''"""~•~ tu.. . horl7.on · and ·nn: b.Ko a paJe. at ·the corner ol and taxes won the battle with pay hikes · Harbor af1:4 Gi&ler, and one accident in for the average California Worker during which tbe j'lct.im, who was run ever by a the past year. Accidenl Victim Fights for Life garbq:t ~truck, apparently suUered a The State Department of Industrial heart attack and fell into the atreet Relations today reported gross earnings before the truck hit him. in March were up f.2 percent froin a year Traffic investigator R. D. Goode aald earlier. that Saturday's accident was the only one , But Inflation arid taxes boosted the coa:t related to traffic safety on Costa Mesa of living so high the worker with three. city ltreell, u the motorcycle accident dependents was 2.4 percent behind March occurred M a private road at Orange of 1968 and the ~married worfer had 3.3 Coaat College. percent Jess spending power. • . Daniel E. Ramos, a Huntington Beach YO!lngliter who suffered severe fractures and head injuries followlng an automobile accident last week,, mnaim in poor con. dition at Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital. According to medical olfklala, ti!< 4- year~ld tot stlll rtmain1 In the hospital's tntenstve care unit and bu not 11gn1ficantly tmrroved 1ince he wu Two Marina Students Win bospllaliud Apr! . 3!1. , Ramos, who lives at 103'91 Sbangrl La Drive, J{untington Beach, suffered Ute in- juries when he darted acroM Adams Avenue near the Santa Ana River bridge and was struck by an oncoming automoblle during rwh hour traffic. Voice Recital Slated Abram Edewarda, 17582 Santa Elena Circle, Fountain Valley, will give a voice recital at 8 p.m. May 11 in Music Room 117 at cal Stale Long Beach. The recital is free ,and open to the public. OAll Y PILOT OllAMOa (Q.Ail f'U•LliHING COMt<ANY 1'9Mr1 N. W•e4 '""*"' ..i Mii...., .tack 11:. e"'':T .... ,, ........ 0...... ~ ..,._,~ k••ril f:dllw n.111 .. A. Mllf.tll• MtNlllfll l!itlitr A"-9,f W, let•• WUIJ•111 lt••i ........ """'l"'"" 1-.11 ..... (Jly ....... ................ °"'9 Jot JU. Str••• M•Ui11t Ai4r1wt P.O. lls 1'0, tJ.41 --......... hKI!; UH W.t .......... ~•t• ""'~: Dt Wit!..,.'""' &....-~1 1211'-.IA-...W Merit Scholarship Honors Four Orange Coast high school students have b ten named NaUonal Merit Scholarship wlnntrs. They are among 3,000 gratluating seniors throughout the country who represent the top ene-half of one percent of scholasUc ability. Two of the winneri at.tend Marina High school, Huntington Beach. They are Barbara S. Larsen, daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. Robert W. Larsen, 15352 Yorksillre Lane, Huntingt.On Beach, and Jud.1th C. Presson, daughter of Mr. and Mn. Robert Cottinglon, 5112 Edinger Ave., HunUngton Beach. Miss Larsen. class valedictorian, will attend St. Olaf College, Northrield, Minn., where abe plans to major i n maUlemaUcs. She is a membtr 4)f the band and orchestra, the Girls' Athletic AssoCiaUon, · Anchor Club trusurer, sealbearer and president Of the California Scholarship Federation, an explorer scout, and wu named outstandinc chemistry student by the American Chemical Society. - MW Presson wUI attend the University of Redlands, whert she plans to major In English. She is a board membtr of the Girls' Athl!!tlc Auociatlon, p I a y s volleyball and hockey, is president of Future Teachers of America, was girl of the month, Ca1Jfoml1 State Scholarship Sealbearer, and Ute wlMer of the Edison .science Achievement Award and tht' Bank of An1Nlca certificate. Two lludents f'N>m Corona del Mar were lapped for Ille Mertf Scholanhlpo. 'llley are Kathryn L. Lynch, daughter ol Mr. end Mr&. E. Lynch, lllS AKura QriV<, Corona del Mor High School, end Frederlc Schwartz, 100 cf Mr. and Mrs. Leon Schwam, 3815 lnltt Isle Drivt, Foothill High School. Ml!! Lynch wlll major In English 11 Stanford UniV<r~ly. ~dllar or the yearbook. she 11 also on the edltorl&l at.aff of: the literary magulne, 1n AFS can- didate, Stalbtartr for the Callfornhl ScbalarshJ p Federation, and a member of tht! Stnlor Honor Society. was runner up in the ]'lational Council or Teachers of English Achievement award. He wu a participant in a summer science program at Case Wertern Reserve University, and is a member of the National Forensic League with a Degree of excellence. He is a varsity debater. M•rit Mw111 f'llott Becaiue It's There Laguna Beach High School stu- dent Pete Schoen, 16, pauses during c 1 i m b Saturday of sheer, 200-foot rock ~all off Zurich Drive in city's Top cif the World area. Schoen and classmate Scott Byington seal~ ed wall in nine and a half hours despite two falls broken by safety ropes. They said face had never been climbed be- fOre. .AQaheim Woman • Stabbed to Death; 'Husband' Held • A 28-year-old Anaheim woman was stabbed to dealh with a butcher knile Saturday afternoon and her alleged slayer captured several hours later, police reported. Dead is Jeannetta Caroline Engstrom of 2555 W: Lullaby Lane. Ttie Orange County Coroner's Offfce sa~ she died from a single stab wound in the heart. Bruce P. Wade, of 2868 W. Rome St., An1heim, reported to be the woman's common-law husband, was captured by officers Randy Gaston a6d Robert Goellner who spotted his car neat Euclid 'Street and Crescent Way. Wad,, who had reportedly taken poiaon, was rilshed to Orange County Medical Center where his stomach was pumped. He i• being held in the: prison ward of the hospital on murder charges. From Page 1 STUDENTS ••• fl ammable fiuld splashed across hall floors. None of the fires did major damage. Some examinations were called off because of the fires and were rescheduled for next Monday. 'Ille CCNY students stood fast at en- trances to the south campus, which along with the rest of the school bas been clos- ed for alma.rt two weeks. Jleeting_,'l'~•daf cCofC to Djscuss <~ . ' r P ·ark Bond Issue'! • Both aides of the .city'' $1.8 mUUon puks and recreaUOn bond issue will be a.ired at the Westminster Chamber of c°""'1erce Board of Dlrectora hlncheon m~ Tu'!'l~ .It tlie lla'Penny IM, Beach Boulevard arid W e ,-t m 1n1 t er Avenu,e, W.,tll!ln&W. Spealdng In favor of the bon4 ipue, wb.lch comes before city voters June 3, will be Sal Guzetta « Fr&nk Brummett •. Jack Miller is scheduled· to Voice hjJ ""°"' for opposing the propoaed bo!KI· Guest speaker at the noon luncheon will be Captain Robert J. Bonnot, of the Westinin.s\tr Police Department, who will expiain a ilew progam being uMertiken by the PoUce Department, Mldltay City 1\Qla!Y C)qb and the Hunllqton Tile COmHl'f, In ._auon "Ith the W.,iinlltiler CbonJber ol Comnle!<O·· According la lloMtl, lbe tllo eompuy I• qonaliJlg cer11111e otretl m~kefl whlcil wlll he ueed to dellneete IC!leol crosswalk• In aeveral lltateaic locttleol: lhrouah<>ul the city. Pe!>MS l~tertstod In 111.endh!I lbe )Uflcheori meetlnc may do· ao, but JlkNld, . C011lacl the Weslmjnsler Chamber of Commerce, 897·2113 for ftHl'V&tiem. W elfitre Residency _ Ru'le Suspended in California From Wire Services W.\SHINGTON -The Supreme Court continued today its dismantling of stf;te welfare residence requiremel'lta. ' In a series of rulinjs the coUrt upheld st•..:.penslon of regulatiOJlll in Callfornia and Illinois. • The actions followed the April 21 decision giving indigentS th~ right to receive welfare help once they move lnto a state. The Califomla .and Illinois cases had been held LIP pending that decl!ion. In California, a thrtt-judge federal court in San Francisco prohibited .,.the state i n April 1968 from enfcrclng residency req~ments for p u b I i c allslstance. The· state appealed, arguing they sbohld be retained. - In Illinois, a federal court in Chicago fori>ade the state in February 1968 from requiring a year'• midetlce as a CQfl· dition for public assistance. Illinois appealed. The court also agreed today to rule next tenn on the cat11tltutionality of state Council Studies Ambulance Bids Applications by t h re e ambulance companies to offer l!el'Vice i~ Huntln~n Beach \\-ill be discussed during a pubhc hearing on ambulance service tonight by the City Council. The public bearing was called ~y Mayor .Jta,ck Green for 7:30 p .. m; 1D COllnCU 6hambers of .Mem.Pflali~L I{: r- Pr .... lly· ...-vlng the city is McCabe Ambulance Co. Officials of the com· pany have· said t~ey cannot afford t'.o put two ambulance& lnto the city. Applleations have been recelvec:t from Peterson Bair Ambulance Service of Westminster, Schaefer's Ambulance Service of Santa Ana and Southl_,.d Ambulance-Service~of Buena Park. ~ 'Ille topic came 'to the council alter numerous reports of slow response time by the present ambulance company. Goldwate1· Takes Congress Seat WASHINGTON (UPI) -ll arr y Goldwater Jr., »year-old son of the 1964 Republican presidential candidate, was sworn into office today as a congressman from Callfomia. . With Arizona Sen. Barry Goldwater and hls wife watching, young Goldwater was given the oath of office by House Speaker John w. McCormack (D-Mass.). Goldwater became the repreaentati\·e for California's '27th c o n g r e s s i o n a I district, to which he was elected after Rep. Ed Reinecke (R-Callf.) gave it up to become lieutenant governor . residency requlrtrnents which b a r millions cf voters from castiq their ballotJ.in prtsidenUal elections. Argumenta: in a case ch1llen£IM Cpt- orado'.~ 1l~·month voter waiting period will be heird: next' fall or wiltter. A wrltt.n opinion will lben follow. Kidney Donor Sought for Mesa Woman A ltldney <l<>ltor Is belnr ...,ght for a Costa M••a lfornan who ts in critical con- dition in UCLA Medical Center, Or~ County I04ney FoundaUon oUlclala loday Jll llsuln1 an appeal. Mmttltd to the hospital Friday wu Mrs. Colleen Randall, 33, or !IOI Pmell Place. Mr&. Randall Jost her right kldnty in 1987 and will under10 teeta to d1tennlne how soon her left kidney will have to be removed. She will be plactd on a kidney dlalyai1 machin~ following surgery 11 a donor with compaUble tiasue caMot be found, ac-• cording to Mrs. Eileen Ready, spokesman for the Jµdney Foundation. Mrs. Ready said Mrs. Randall'• huf. band, Robert, has been paralyzed sinctJ 19&5. They have three children, 9 to 13 YW'I old. ''They·need money as well u a kidney donor," Mrs. Ready 1.tld. ' "'" PotenU1I kidney donors may contact the foundation, t781 Libra Flace, Yorba Linda . A tax~xempt trust fund has been set up at the United States National Bink, 1845 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. under tht direction of attorney Gerald Brown. Valley Council Has Long Agenda Councilmen 1n Fountain Valley will meet at 8 p.m. Tuesday to discuss a long agenda Which includes an ordinance governing the city's action on tract pr°'" posals which include parkland dedication. Councilmen meet ln council chamber1 of City Hall, 10200 Slater Ave. A 1tudy sessi<in is expected at 6:30 p.m. in the: employe lunch room. Councilmen, still smarting from an adve!'8e decision by the Orange County Superior Court on the small lot Larwin Tract. are expected to set a public bear- ln&: far May 20 on the proposal governing reduction of lot sizes where parka .ire dedicated as a part of a tract. Mayw Robert SchwerdUeger and Coun~ cilmen Donald Freg~au and Joseph COur- reges have favored reduct.ions Jn Jot 1i;es: where park dedications are Involved. The court. action has cast doubts on the legality of reduction of lot sizes in some caBes. Apollo Space Ship PaBses Crucial Test CAPE KENNEDY (UPI) -The Apollo 10 1pece machine passed a crucial countdown test today in preparaUon for its May 11 launch <?!..three moon·bourxl aatron1ut.s. ' The fully fueled Saturn S . rocket. spouting oxygen vapor as If tt Were launch day, wound up a wcek·long drts• rebearael countdown wtth a mo c k launch at 7:08 a.m. PST. The simulated blastoff Wll" three hours and eight min· ute.s late because of two minor problems. ' From P .. e 1 WAVES ••• ... emergency,perlad WIS Ht at $4,000, Rffd 581\l. The heavy •eves atao ~cta!med other casualtid -all the beach qu1ranttna siJ;nS alone the beachfron.t. · This morning a few surren enjoyed their spoft In the fouled water Upc01rt from the pier without Interruption from Weguenls. Schw.trll, who wlll major In Pby1lcal Sclencei II UC Irvine, won fin! placo In the Orani• County ACJclemlc Dec1thlon1 the BW ol Amcr1ea. Ma1h Aword, ana D .. lt..T ,l\,Of lt9fll,.... WORKMEN, NEWPORT LIFEGUARD LEADERS COMPARE NOTES ON HOW TO SAVE STATION Surf and Hlgll TldH \incl1rmlnln9 Outrd Htadquutora In C..,trel N1wport Said one llleguard, "Sure the qu1ran-- tina II 1Ull In tffec4 bot I'm llrai4 we ·have other thing• to won-y •boul II the moment." ... , • ' • I 1'1~~~~~~ ............ ~ ...... ~ .. ~ ...................... ~ ..................... ~~~~ ..... ~~ .. ~ .. ~~~~T" ..... ~ ...... ~...,~~~~~~~~~~--·--............. ~ ........... ..--...... ~.~~~~-· .. , . . . LEGAL NOTICE' LEqAL N011CE lUPlllllC>a cou•T o• TN ll.._ ""''"'OIO c I It T,, I c" 11 o• STATI 0" CAl.t•OltMIA l'Olt ltUIHllU UNOelt •1CTIJIOUS •1lM TMI C:OUNT'I' O• 011.AftOll! MAME 0-""2 lllt "~ " ""*' terlllY "'411 SUMMONS 1r.y •ti Cttldu<Ml\I • IMl .. I.it OllY'tP': GAIL HOLLIS MUJIPH'I', Pi.t11hfl, ~'-l'M<lt CMll't.Mo wilt! lll'lnci.ai jlllce I/II t:OWAllD JOSEPH MUlPH!, Oflllf'llffflf, M l-•I .,_ w .. 1 S.nt1 a1m11 PEOPLE OF THti: ~1A'Ti> 0 F A'lilNlt. Lo. Motlu. C•lllot11l1 tlld 111 CAll•OJIHIA 111 Ille 11(10~1 Nlnotd Ofll'll' Counly, """°"' Ille Uctlllour. firm Deftlllll1nt · 11M'141 of TOWNI! MOUSI! PL.AJA Incl "'-l You 1,1 ~r•lw dl,."'td to flit 1 writ> Nl9 111'1'1 k 1 l l111llH P•tlt'llr'M!lp com. tin t!Mcll!'ll 111 r9SPUA• IC IM: (01111111nl t:.i~,.ot !tie tollow1111 Geftw•I tl'ld .t n. tllllW 11#1\ed Flallllllt Wlfl lht Pt•IMl't. wtlelit NIMS Mf c;.lerll .,, thit 1bow .,,1111tid inwrt £ !flt P*-I/II '~ t rt •• follo-lo wll ; ...,_ tftlilled act .... ~Ill 1.-111 I \'OU GEHEllAL PAATNEltS !ft aald (Olltl, wlltllll TEN daYt I I ltMI c ';,,..T:"" ~ Pl&11, '""" • wvk• on rou of t11l1 1Ufl'-. If l'lfWd • 11 corpor1t11111, .a WW S1t11• wllhln lhl tboYI ""''"' COUii!,, ... Wlll'llll ~-lbtr:i_ A't'ltl'IW, LH A II •• I • s . THl~TY dtn H Mrvtel •IMWfl9tt, •I lol' 9000& You .,. ,,...,.,,. notHllllll 11111 unit•• YOU t. LIWftMI J. SDR, M1 VIII Lido flit Wfltttn '""°"'Iv• plfld!111i1. 11ld Soud. N""'ll0'1 •e1en, C1lllw11Lll '2'60 W 1 \ud 1 f(w 1,,., _., l. G-91 V. Nwlkolf, "IS S.ntltf' 11Lll~11tlff wm J:k•1~~"1t11 coml'l•irol ,, W1y, '''"' $pr!r1g1, c1111ornl1 mu :"mi'~::. r:rr.ct. or wlH t PPIY '° tht LIMITEO PAllTNElllS A.MC w· lntroduce Six New Models , ' DETROIT (AP) American '-fotors Corp. is planning to build 11.J: entirely new models within the nexl thrtt: years, some of them with hoods and. decks or hl&h· strength plastic iostead of traditional sheet steel. - ( C11Ur1,_ .,,.,. orlltr rclltf demlllded In !ht R~."r,:j:.O, RCii~iZ':~ JN.l MChcllllt c9"'>Pltl11t -.... ff¥lct ol 111 t Oorllt't' 1. Ptltr L. Clt«i.. !JU F0ttll'Stlf 'l'Oll rnav Otlv1, Loa A111141i.s, Ctlllwnlt ~·"" '"'J!~' = ~~ ":.te~= WITNESS !tie 1191111111'11 ol llW GtMr•I • ml ., llMI wllllln ll'le 1~ 111'1!1 •1r'11era. 11'111 3rd d9y of July, IKI . Plutic currently is used mainly in ,grills and smaller parts. the AMV Hornet, an economy compact to be introductd this comlng1all: a sports car call· ed the AMX 2 which rePorted· ly is sla ted for produclion next ·spring, and a rnlnicar to com· pete with lore.ia:n imPort.s such as lhe Volkswagen, likely to appear in the fall of 1970. Company officials refused comment on t!1e other three cars. TWO VIEWS OF CHRYSLER CORPORATION'S FUTURISTIC CAR Concept 70X fncorporat•• Adv•nced Styllnv and Mechanical Idea• • ..-Id tit! <OMU l Ill T-11 liouMI Pl1z1, ll'lf a119" i.,, 11111 1<1mmo1" for I lfrYli 1 wr ef! 1 C1Htw11!1 corport!lon ~ •111~1"9 lo llW c01T111l1!11t. lly Llwre11e1 J. s.r-. D1ted Apr!t 1, 1"' Pr.ttMnr W, E, ST. JOl<N, Sy E0\11 .... M. Sm!1~ Ciolr};. $((.Tlllr't' .\ssf, ll't' M1rk &••M LtWllrll'al J .. iofk o.,.utv c1.,.-. G..,..,. v. Nov ll<olf aoa•RT A. •ASTMAH STATE OF CALll'ORNIA J.MtM't' Pl LIW COUNTY OF LOS .-.NGELES. SS. '"' H•r..., •f'tft .. S~ltt Ml On J~ly 3rd, 1Nt. belort rne ,,... c11,. ,.,...._, C"itw..i. nu. IMMkr.lgfted, • Ho11ry P11b!lc. In ind fw Altl""" tor l"lallttltf MICI County Ind Slalt, Plltl-llY • Pub!b.hed Ori~ C.-sl 0.1\'f Pilot, Jltlr-.1 L1Wr111q J, Sork tnd EdyllM M, :M=·~·~·:_.:":·c"C'CNO'C'C"''-----"'-.. _1.smuh, kl!OWl'I 1<1 me to be IM Prttldtnl •nd S1cr~1ry, rftpecllv11~. or file cor• LEGAL NOTICE r>0r1llon ftl ll Utc11llld the w!l!\111 ln1trv- m1n! I ncl •dnowl.oge<I 10 m1 tl'Mtl •UC" corPOr1!1on 11irec11Jed llM stme. --~~=~:-C:-:-".C7.c;:;;;-:;--WITNESS my "-I'd 1nC1 olfl<lll Hll -CERTll"1CATE 01' IU51NE5l IStttl • l'ICTITIOUI N'-Ni£ o. C1rolyn winer TM ur.ctenloned do cerlity llWIV 1rt " l<lollrr Public -Clllfor11l1 condudlng 1 bllsiness 11 ?30 Et!ol Ill" Prlll(~I 0111(1 Ill StrH! Cosl1 M111, C111torn11, unoer Ille Los Anoe!tl County tlcll!l.;.,. tlrm nlmt! of BAY·WALNUl My Commlulon E~plrts LtNYON COMPANY, A LI MIT E 0 Oc:!. 21. 1'11 • l'ARrNE ll.5H1 P tnd thl! sliCI tlrm I\ STATE OF CAL.IFOll.NIA ) mmpO&td ol !ht rauowlng 11trSOll'J, wl\ose COUNTY OF LOS .-.NGELES J SS. ntme~ Jn 11111 1/'0d pt~tl• of resident• ire On JUiy JrCI, 1961, belort mt, the 11 follow•· undertf~l>fd. • Not1rv Publlc In end for l•Y s'11mmil lni;on><Jritfd, 1JO E11t 11IC1 County trod S111t, per1on111y IP· 17th Slretot, Co'11 Me••• (111!11rnl1 Pfl~td LtwertllCt J, Sork Ind G•or!l1' V. Iii llOtn Re,.,..rcltl CorPO<"tllon. 6UI Nov okoll, known ID me to bt Genertl W u Ctnlllry liloY!ev11CI, Los An~le1, Ptrlnerl ol Ille P1rlner1M11 Th1t e~ecvted ci'lllor"!' 1he wllhln lrtfl rvrnent 11\d 1cknowle4&ed ()tied April 3. 196t lo rnt lhtt IUCfl Ptrlf'W!rllll' e.11e<uled IM liltY S11mm!I lncorpor1tr:O .wme. 1 Ctlltornlt u11·por11•ion WITHES~ mY htl'ld •rod ollk.l1I oetl, 8 1 OarllY R. Fick, !SEAL) Among the six cars will be The firm said it plans to stagger il;~roductions of the new cani at interVals of about six months. starting this fall. AP.1C chairman Roy D. Chapin revealed the plam last \\'eek in fl1ilwaukee, \Vis., while attending the company's 15th anniversacy celebration. He also announc ed the firm n·ould spend more than $5.5 million at its Keno.sah. Wis .. body plant in an "extensil'e !)()(fy constructiOn f a c i I i t y ('hangeover." • A body-handling system \viii be installed for production of 1970 models, the companv said. Its purpose is to creat~ more fle xible model schedul. ing and improved quality or auto bodies the company said. In High Gear Presld•nl D, Clrotyn W1lrtr 11ulkt•rs Rtsources Nol1r1 PuDlit-C11ltorn l1 CorP11r1llon Prlnclpt l Olflct In 1 0e11w"• co•llO'•tlon LDS Al'ID•les Counl~ lily Rober! w. Me~eer11. M'f c11mm1u1on E•olres Ba11k PJ•OJllOtiort. Pr11!de~1 OCI, 2J, 1911 'ITATE OF U.L IFDll.N!A ' . N,,.OC R b Soutl1land Joh 1'otal Chrysler Displays Idea Car Rises Agah1 COUNTY OF t.OS ANGE LES ) SS. Pub! .. Md Or•no• CNst Dilly Pilo!, 0 crt 11. Schoubye On April 3. '"'· ~dO•I m~. 1ht un· Mly s. u, It. "· 196t U l·LJ of La.t<una Beach has tlerilgntd, 1 Nol1ry Public 111 1nC1 '.or •~1d s11,. per_..uy •11o••ree1 Oa•-•1 R LEGAL NOT1C£ been pro1ncted to re-Fidl.' tPW1Wn 10 ,,.. !I bl! tt>e Preslll1'nl or 1,,. e•v summn 1ncor110r11e<1 '1'"1-------------gional vice president Cor.,orellon llwl ••twled 1he within In NOTIC• Ofr OllSOLUTt9N m' charge o( Uni'on strvmenl, knswn lo mt to be lllt f>t''1Cn N~!ltl 11 hereby 1l•tn 1n1t !he wilt u:Kulfd 1nt wl!hln lnstrumenf, c~ 111r;ners!;>lp htrtfofc>re e•l•llnv t>elw&en Bank's Ora C ( blhlLI o1 i11e corpor1non. 1tier11n n1me ... Abe F. L•V'f· ~QI PeRll'f, Leo Gelfntr. · nge oun Y J\1arch y.•as another record· 11'1d tcknow!MIQeCI lo me !ht! 1och Jae~ kosrdln, M~• Glow,· 8trry regional head office. b ki th I Cor11«lllon t~f!Cll1ecl !toe 5eme. .S1!1m1n. GlrtlO J, Tlern1n, Vi(-tor Vtn re& ng mon Or employ• wiTNESS mv h•ncl 1nc1 0H1c111 se•I. &ur11, E119-Lt¥11on •nd Rlcnero c.,,. m~nt in metropolitan Southern !OFFICIAL. 5EAt.I lr<tl1 doing bu1!11es& under , ... firm ,.,.,... G1111dlM L. Vfverk• .... d StyM ol LEVY. DeROY, CEFFER ... California. Nottr1 P11blic-C1111on111 v.ui eouRG 11 1s20 Wlli.hlre 8ovlev1rd, T C Employment rose from a """"'"' Ollkt In Los Anot""· City ol Los A"l'fleJ, Stilt of WO ompute1· LOI ""9elti ct11"1Y c111torn11. -en I"• 111 a.v of J1,,,.,1rv. previous high of 4.555,300 in MY Cotnm!uion E•Plres !Ht, dl»Olvecl by (m11!111I O>lllenl) (Of') February to l'",500 i n Sept.,n~r 7, 1911 lllle wltllelr1w11 from u ld llrm of' LEO F' - F c.-.LrF011.N1 A 1 GEFFER 11·1ns Met'"C ll1arch, according to the '<AUTETYO OF LOS ANGELES ) SS. Nelthtr ol 111d persons will be rfU>on1!--E I By CARL CARSTENSEN Of ""' DfllY Plltl llttf One of the more Interesting features or the Chr,Sler 70X " the corporation's ne\v idea car, is the parallel hinges on the doors. · · -Supplemental lighU In the upper rear deck panel near the backllght which improve inte'r-vehicle communications. -Interior desigm ofrering greater passenger s a f e t y potentials and more con· vcnienl instrumentation, as y,•ell as providing the driver \•:Ith more traffie information through electronics. Concept /OX is built on 1 . 124-inch y,•heelba sc. same as the Chrysler car line. It i! 2.!4.4 inches loog, just three-tenths of an inch shorter , than a production Chrysler. ~verall width ls 80 il)Ches, one inch wider than a current model Chrysler, and it has an overall height of SL6 inches, four inches lower than a cur· rent Chrysler four-door hardtop. co N . 1 6f bllor• me. "" II"' blll from Mid dll• ~I e11ua11111on tar •nv ~ conom c Research Depart· On ~·1 ~ ,: .,.· Publlc 111 trod tor 11ld ~cbts. ll1D11111.,. or o111191llon1 1nc11rred SAN FRAJ\'CISCO -Di'r•c. ment of Security Pacific Na· tlersl ' • 011/ ippeired Robe1'f w under stlCI fi rm 111me or llY 1ny person or • " . al k -· !:~ r··=n to tnl to bf! f!lt Prnl: Ot<'S~ opertllnt Undtr '''d firm ft.lmt. tors of SSI Computer Corp. Hon Ban . 11n: employment .,,nt of ~ht 1i11111Mrs ~"i'"'n ~po;! Oliff: "f! ·~~.!;. gain ·over the past year has 11on thl con•or111on "'' uec11 s1111).oc and statistics for ?ifanagement been r 3 t wlthjn 1nstr11men1. known'°.-~,,"' r :"' Publlthtd Of1nge Cot!! OtllY PilOI. D I p . one 0 per.cen or 11.,son wno •~tcutd ,,,~ ... ,, 11 ns ,,,,. M•v s. 196, 15949 a a rocess1ng Corp. (Nc\Y 132.400 \\'Orkers, compared ,...,.1 011 bel\tlf of tht CorDOrlllon,:IC"-"-"---------.::.::'.1 therein ntmtd. 1nc1 ect~IPdcleCI to m• York) unanimously appro.,·ed 'vith a national increase of 2.7 INll such Corpor•tlan e1<tcu .1d '"" •ame. LEGAL NOTICE percent. wrTNE5S ,.,.,. 111nd 1nc1 crnc111 se11. an agreement to merge their Rather than s w Ing in g out\vard like the conventional type, they open outwa rd and swing parallel to the car. They open some 15 inches fro1n the side and are Ideal for tight parking situations. The 70X to be shown at auto shO\VS around tht country this year comes as both aY,-door and 4-door model and execute3 Chrysler's.most ad v anced styling and mechanical ideas. The steering column of£ers fin gertip control and contr.ols arc placed on the steering y,·heel console with directional signal bu ttons placed on the horn ring. Liquid Gas Car to Try For Land Speed Record (OFFICIAL SEALI NOTICE 01' DISSOLUTION The Security Pacific Bank G~r•ldlne L. vwer1<1 N111lc• is hlretoy 9lv•" lll•t t,,., respective companies. it \Vas 1· II d NolMY Pub11c-Callfornl• p1rtner1hl11 heretofore u istlng toeiween announced. 1gures are seasona Y a • .. PrlllCh••I 0111.:e 1n .-.111 F, Ltvy, George OeRov. Leo Gefi Mr, Th justed averages for civilian Lo• An••ln Counl'f J1o;t Koudln. M.....,, c1ow. •••IY e merged company, to be 1 · h S hi d' MY ccrnmlsilon EJtPires s.11m111, GtrtJd J . Tlern1n, victOf v1n headquartered in San Fran-emp oyment Int e out an s S ' _ •• , , 1971 Bou•1. E11111ne Ltv ltOfl •l'ld 111c111rd c.... ses·en metropol1'tan -"nl•'cs· ~ '"-c' , 0 11u p.11ot l••lt OOlng b\11.I~ under !ht flrm n1me · ·u he II d I I C · -~ · l'ublliMCI Orlflltl Ga! •• , ••3"' tn-d srrlt ol LEVY, DeR OY, GEFFNER " CISCO, \\'I ca e te orp. Los Angeles, 0 r a n g e . M•Y J, 11. 1,, H. ltlt VAN BOU RG ,, 1570 Wllihlrt 8ou ltYlr0, and its efforts will be directed Los Anoe11s, c1l1fornl•. cnv of Los Ar.ve· I rd th d Riverside, San Bcrnac.dino, LEGAL NOTICE 1e•, s11te 01 c111farnt1. w1s oQ '"' \)t <1.ay owa e evelopment of a San Diego, Santa Barbara and -~=~-;:;;--;;;;;;;;;-;;~;:;;;--101 ... prll, 1\169, (l!nolvld by fmvtu11 ctn-broadly based service cor-v· NOTICE 011 TRUSTEE'l.. SALE 1•ntl Corl Clhft w11hdr1w.1 frem 1110 1irm poration speci'alu' ;"" 1·n data entura. NI. 1;1)2 oil BARRY SATZMAN. .... Unemployment in the On 11oar 10. 1t6,, ,, lt ·tG A, M .. TITLE Ne ither or stlCI per.sons wrn be n 111onsl· processing services. .-.ccEPTANCE c0.'11.PANY es CIUIV -bl• from stkf dll• of dl11<1lul1on for tny metropolitan counties re 11 c>Oln"'4 Tru••ee under ind wnuenl 10 111b11. ll•bilf!ln or o1111;111ani r11eurrHI LEGAL N"""CE from 4.1 percent in Feb1u:iry Deed i;f Trv~I di led .-.pril 2S. 196~, ex-under st ld fl rm n1mt or by 1nr ''""" or v 11 KU~ bJ 11.ICHAAO s. FOX 1nd ELAINE peraortl -r•U111 uf>Cltr 1110 llrll'I n11T11. 1-------------lo 4.0 percent in ~tarch. .-. FOX 1111 wif• •nd rec11r<1td Mav s. DtrH: Aprn '· "''~ Cl11tT,'1'"~1',','0,•,•.,••.•,1ttESs Seasonally adi'usted ratios of 1ff~. ~s '1,,.s1r. No. :nu, 1n bllOk 7031, P•a• B1rrv St11tr11n .. , 1~1, 01 Oltlclal Record• 1n The ofllce of 51tl·OC Tn. "'""'"'-"" doK ctrllfv h1 is the uncmpl,oyed to the tot al 1,,_ counlY Reco rdtr 01 Oranw Cou11lv. Pubtl1~ Ortngt Co111t Dtllv Pllol, conduc11nt I buelntSs ti 11700 Mllll SI., · J I bo f d Cillforntl , WILL SELL it.T PUllLIC AU(• MIY S, 196' 16Mf Huntl11gt"' 8e1ch, '264' Ct!llomlt, Under CIVi ian a r Orce {ange 'TION TO HIGHEST 81DOER FOii. CASH Ille flctltlou1 !lrm n1m. ol' HUNT INGTON from 3.8 percent in Orange, CPI Ylblt 11 tlmt ol' Hie In liwful montv LEGAL NOTICE PHYSICAL THERAPY tnd f!>tl 11 ld S D' d S I B b 01 tM UnitN stat1t1l 11 tti• Soulll '~"' 11rm 11 c11mPWM °' ""' 1ou-1ot "''' an 1ego an an a ar ara •nl r1nc:e "' 111t Or•"'e Co univ HlWl'Olll:T-MlSA UNlfllD -,. ""'DM Mrnt: Jn NII •nd ""''' ot counties to 4.8 percent in CoYrlholtlt, C!h' of Stnl• AM, Si.It ol SCHOOL OISTlll:ICT retNllflte Is .u follows: Ri 'd d S 8 dj c11;1orn11 111 rivht. tlt!e '"d lnte•"' ca,.. NOTICE INVITINO •IDS Micllll•ro Y1m1mo10, 12'UJ LDn911~n ·ve rs1 e an an ernar llO ...... td lo tlld now held bY 11 under stld NOT ICE 15 HEREBY GIVEN thtt 11\t St .. G1r<1111 GrOV11, C1Hf, counties Dttd of Trus t Jn 111~ orootrtv •llu1te<I In liloarCI al Eoucltloll of !Ill NtW1lO•l·M•1• 01"11 Allrll JO, lfff "'----·------- Other features of l h e Concept 70X include: -1ivo car1 in one. \\·Ith the driver's side designed as a four-door, while the p~ssenger side is a \y,•o-door . -Advancm aerodynamic styling with flush glass. doors extending into the roofllne and narrow pillara supporting the windshield. -\Vindshie1d wipers recess- ed beneath a panel which automatically ·opens w h c n moisture falls on two senSPrs on the hood of the car. tald County and Slft1t dt.C•ib!-d ai: Unified Scllool Dlslrlcl of Orlflll• Cauo\Y. Mlclll!lro Y1m1moto Tll• Narthw~•lerlv HO fl!I'! 111 Loi 75 Cltlfornl1, wttl recalvt 1t1led bids uo to Sl1!1 ol C1lllornl1, Or1ng1 Countr · et 1rect No. l ll, 1s Pf' maP r..coroed 11 :00 .-..M. 011 lht 201,. c!1y of M1y, ltff 11 On Aorll 311. Ifft, belora mt, 1 Not1rv In Boe~ 15, DftQt 7' cf Misc,n111'9US lht oHlce of ••Id $.c:hool Dl1lrlC1. toc1t1CI Pullllc 111 •nd for st!CI S!t!e, l>l!l"IMll llY M•Ds ""''"'or •81d Or1~11~ County, at 1151 Pl1ctnti. .-.venut. Cos!t Meu, 1PPta...:I Michl11ro Y1m1rnoto Ii.-••••••••••••• EXC EPT the $outhwt1!trlY .564 I....,! Ctlllornll, I I wlllch lime 11td bldl will be !o rr>e Ill be \he person w110M .,..,... Is tnereof 1111bUcty Ol'tntd Ind re1d for: subscrlllf.CI to lht wllll \n ln1!ru1T1111I tnd Seid 1&1e will be medt. but wilf>ou1 SCHOOL BUS •CkMWl!doed ht e.11ecul1d 11'1-f i1mt. cc¥tnant er w~rt1ntv. expr~s• er lmpllfd, All bl(ls ••• lo t11 In 1ccord1!"t wttt'I (OFFICIAL SEAL) rf'lttrdlnq !Ill•, llO!ses••~n. or ...,. Condition•. lnstrvclk>rn Ind SpuollctlloM Ntdlnt J Miiie cumbr•llCt!, 10 PIY !hi rel'TWt1nln~ .,,;,.. ..,.hlch Ire now on fl it In tht office of !ht Natll"I' P~bllt-C~lllornil clo•I •um ol !ht l!Olt secured bY s1td Purclltslng A~nt of Silll School D!slrkl, Prl11elptl Ofllct Dtt<I of Trus! 10.wlt: 5]6,028.ti, wl!ll 1,.. l&St Pl.tcflllll .-.v1nue, Cosl• Mesa, 0 Cou .... 1 J 't 1 1'61 ts In said l'IOlt c1nror1111. rtnff n,, tirnt rem 11 Y ' lf 'env lln<ltr lht Et ch blddtr 11\1111 •ubml! 1 bid deposit Mr CommlstlOll Explr.s :,~1:~·,8~:vti~~'~, Tru,t. iee•. th~roes In thl form of I <••T iiied or Cflhler's NOVtmber 11, ltt? "' 01 ,,.. Trust~ I nd ot tht chtc:k or • bid bond e11u.i to !lvt ptr cent Published Orlll'it! COlll Dt\fy Piiot. :,,,.1s'~~~~~ bv wld Deed of Tr usl. C5'W!) of tilt tmounl of lht b!d, m1dt M1y S, 11, 1', 26, UH lSl-49 The bf'11t!!cl~rv under '"!d Oeed el pty1blt to lht ordlr ol lht Ntwport./v\as1 Tru•I IJv rt•SC!n of~ br••cn or Opfaull In UnUlrd St1-I Olslrlcl. LEGAL NOTICE "" ·cbl! lions secured th,, e b v. No bloc!er .,,,.,. wllhdrtw hi• bid tor 'l---~~-=~-==c-- • __ .. 'fd and dellvereCI to lht period al lorlY·tlVt IO ) dfY1 ti!.,. !ht IU,l'lll:IOR COURT 01' THI '""' e tXl'CU dtlt HI tor 1111 -lllflll 1MJ'lof'. 11ndersl1neCI 1 wrlrttn Dec!1r1!lon of Tiit &oerd of Edllctllon of the Newi:iorl· ITATI 0, CM.l,ottMIA Dt1'1ull 11\d Otmtnd fer 5"1~. and"''""'" Mtlt Un lfll!d .school O!itrlcl .._ ....... lht 1'0111: THE COUNTY 01' ORANGl notla ol bre1ch 1r>d ol tlf'C'tlon lo «u!ll. rl11ht lo re!ect 1ny or 111 bld1 1nd not MO. A""" tl\t 11rodtrslvnfll lo s•ll •~id orapior!v to necesiirlly 1c~t lht lowtl! 11id, 1nC1 to tfOTtCJ! OF ~ALE OP' Rl•L •l'IO .. lhlv s1ld ob1lg~llons, 1nCI l!llrt~lltr. on wtlve-...ny llllof"mtllt't' or lrrtf!ulirlty Ill PElll:SONAL PROPIRT'I' .liT Plll:IVATIE Ncvt"'~' :>"/, lf~I. !ht ~nder11oned flUS-t11y bid rectlvtd SALE Al A UNIT I Y AD- <ICI H id nolk<! or brtlCll 1nd of electfoll lo Dalld MIY s. ifft MINllTllATOlt, 'ROIAT• COD• SliC· be record-.! ln book l 'lff. ''" '"· ol 1t ld NEWPOl!.T-MESA UNIFIED TION JM.I O!fl<.ltl Rl!COl'lll. SCHOOL OISTlllCT In !I'll Mtlltr ol lfMo 1'111~ .i C>ilt: A~rll 11. 19'• ol Ol'lllfll Cw11ty, CtUMl'lllt MAIUORll O. l>OE, Dtc.tntd TtTLE .-.CCEPTANCE COM,ANY •'t' Oi:iroll'ry Mlr'Yt'/' NOTICE l.S HEREBY GIVE N 1h•I J. C. 11 wlCI Tn11!!'0' • Plln'.,..slng All"nl Poe, es tOm!~1rtrtlor ol n. nllollo •Ith lily Phvllll Coy1t MS-1100 !hf. wlM INllXt'd "' M1rlorlll 0. Poe. S•I lfSl1 PubllsM'll °'"'"" Coe1r Deify Pllol. Oec:e1set1. Wiii M!ll ,, orl ..... Ille, to !!'Ht Pllblli.htd Dr~.,.... Coa1! 01il¥ "llol, Mey J, 11, 116' 15619 hl.itnt 1nC1 ""'' bidder, under lht 1trm1 April ,. 1!1CI M1v s. n. 1t6f 771'6'1 •ltd <ondlllo!l1 11tre1n1~r tnef1"°11f4, 11\d LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE iubltGI lo, conflrmtllon by !hi su,..lor Cau rt. wl!.,fn ,,... !lrre 1llowld by l1W, 11 Cl'llTll'ICATI 01' IUSINEIS lhl office al tf11rW ll1., Hurwltr 11\d JU,li'RIOll COUllT 01" Ttfl l'ICTITIOUI fllll:M NAMl Remer, 1tfornev1 for Hid ldmlnlttr.tor STATI!' OF CALtl'OllNIA FOR ,.,,_ Undenl9nfd do Pllr•bY ctrtlfY 11'111 11 IJO -»nd Slrl!l!t, Nll'frlOlf •ttdl, THE COUNTY Of OltAKGl ,,...,. .,. c""®c11nt • Cir Wllh bUllMU c1 111orn1~. 111 !ht r!;hl. llllt tnCI lnlt<IHI H• A41t1t IS Co-Ptrlrllri. ti 111 !<iull'I LIUrtl, ,,,,, llld llltlf '"'' ti.... eltal• ol Mlrlerl! NOTICE 01' s.-.LI: 01' REAL ,lit(). Cttllotnlt, 11ndtr tfte llcilllo\ll nrm llllTH! O. Pot. llK.elHCI, 1\11, Irr -r•lllfl o1 PEllTY AT ,lllVATI: U.LE. of IMPERIAL PU.IA CA1t WIUH Ind 11W or olhlnvtw. 1cWll'l'lll ort11r l'lltn or _,Ml.._l.he Maller al th~ E1!1te of tt'ltl 1110 llrnt b Olfl'IPOHd ti tfw;follow-111 Mlfltlofl to 11111 ol fM dec:ld9ftl tt 11'14 ,......TILDA OAILEY, tltO kllOWfl IS Tl111• I"' PlinoM, whot• nlnwt -111 f\ltl lflcl time et ........ "~· "' .,., .. lltM cerltln o111n, oece11te1. pl1r11 of rn ldtnce 1r1 11 foflow'I. lo-w11: re1l 1nd .,......,,.11 P...,rtv, 11!\Hlllld In Ill!! NOTICE 1$ 1-i ElltEllV GtVEtf lh~I !ht WtLlilUltN LEE •ENTLEY, ll(l C!fv ol H1111ll"'fon 811(1\, C-IY ol llnclmtgned, 1• £xec:ulor or tt'le 1!11111 Of Mlklndt Av--., Lt H1br1, C1t!lornl1 °''""' Sltlt Ill' C1lllornl1, IN oHla'lo.tl Mtnkli 01ltev, 1!111 k"own IS Tlll!1 ELBERT e. SMITH, Ctrbon CtnYlll. ti follows: DtlltY (le(.ftsfd, will l!!I 11 iorlY1'9 Alt Ir .. , C1tltor11!t. Tiie ptrtontl pr-rl'Y ll'l(llJOtt to "'*' 1'11•1'11111 '"" tieit blddlr llPllfl the Wl!nt» our hind lflls JOlll ,., If Aprll, c•n"'tJ. dr""" rtlr1ter1ter, Wllhtr, ttnn1 tnd conditions l\el'l!!ln1!tel' ll'ltl>-1Ht. CINtr, dllPOltl tltd I dlvldtr. tlorlld ind 111bltd '° conflMTlll!lon Irr WILLIAM L. •EHT LEY Thi retl ,,_r1Y 11 1th.II* It 1"41 .. w s...,.erlor Court. Oii the 1'111 dly ot LBEllT 'E . SMITH fW!rMSI t.tM."' Hllflfllllt'°" •etcl\. Mn "'' 11 !ht l\Ollr o1 1111 o'Cklcfl A.M. STATE OF CALIFOlll:NIA I Callfornll, tnd If ,_., Hrtlwlt'IY "' 1t1f \_1w OHlcts o1 Fr1nli.A11 trod COUHTY 0' LOS ANGELES I SS. llt1crlMcl 11 hllio'l's: Frtnll;Jln. it.thllr...n. 101 Et•I llllt SlTMI, On !Ith )Ofh dly II AorH, A..D. 1"9, Lot 309, Tr•ct Ul• 11 "' ITltP CDSll MtM C1t11on111. 111 r\tl'll, !Ille. 1 ... blftr• ""' Ille undtn!91'H. I Nor...,. ,~.., tit ... us, P•-.. " •ncl ~.st tf'ld' t1ltll of tt'lt 11\d MtlllClt P11bllc. 111 tncl for 1110 County 11\d $1111, 50 of Mh1<1ll1~ ~"' R-lfl ol Dtlle't' lakt T!lll• Dtlltr l. Cl.cute-Cl. 11 rlSIClll'lf thtreln. 11u1v commlu lontd end Ortl!t9 COU!lfV. CtHlor1111. 11'11 time o1 her Clt1111, 11\d t1t rlohl, llllw _ti, p.trSllNlllY l-1rf11 WILIUlll:N Sllll!tcl lo: tl'n"t~I ltXISo CO\lefttntt, and l~ter~lt Ille! Sfllll 11l1le 1111 1cq~JrtCI, LEE llENTLEY Ind ELlll!.T E. SMITH conellltons, r1.•llrltl!0111, ,_..,,l&nl, .,., OPl'l"lflon of i.w or 01t1erw1se. ellltr k-hi 11'11 IO tll 1111 per..,.,. wflolt r1t~is. rit>l\lt 111 w•Y, ti-" ,,.. •~"''" or In lddlflon lo 11\el ol !hi 111d l!ll!'tts ••• 1vbscrlbtrf lo lh1 wllhlll ;,.. lltlnt tnell<'l\brlll(.tl ef recierd. Mlllldli OlllfY. ti the time Ill her de111!, llr111111f!1, Incl KklldWle6DICI lo mlt li..I TIW ltr'l!'tl Ind ~oN!HU-ot llltt 11lt 111 tnd 111 ll'le rt•I ,.,.,..,..., 1tfv1lfd IR tilt 1111.r 1xtcU1fd !ht $1rrit. -: ctltt 111 l1wfl.il fl'llllWY II "" Unlt...s CounlY of 0rl"9f, Sti lt of C1Htornl1, Ill WlllW,, Wlllreof. ' lllVI M<tUfllo set Sltlel of A...e•IU. Tlfl lll'li.I Ht«lll OI dH(rlbe.d It' my htlld '"" lfll•ld my offldll tffl "" ~ "-"' bid flt ICC9fl'PI"' 11!1 "'1rr Condamll\lum 1t 6Jl Soutt'I ftl"ltw, tl1v tfld ...-ir In !hit ttrtlllc•le first •bOW tnd till '-ltftet flt IMI "141 en CCII t .-. ... mn.n1 No. uE. Slnl1 Ane, -ltttfl. llr!Tllllon of 111<1 by 11'11 Court. Tt1'ft, (•tlforllll ' Units ll '"" Ut, to.8tt'l'r IOFP:ICl•L SE.ALI rtn1'f -rlllf!I 1N11 mt~ tll wllll 111 u'n.i1vldtd 1·U• lt\lern• !~ t11m· 8w Wldo!I •rn~. '"" • ...,.,1111M on ,..,.,,,_ •• mon JI! 111d lo LOf I Tr1cl $1:11, I I.,.. Noltry P11lllk·Ctl1tor11•1. C1111t11ti. ,. "" l'\lt'd'llttr 1111111 "' tto-Mff llllritol rtco!'ded Ill l!look ltJ, Plnch:lll OllJ(I Ill rtted •• " tl\t Cl•lt el """""""""' of l"lf"-4 St lJ IMlllllY1, MllU!ltM'Olll t.111 A.!)llttl.I Couni., ••le. TM l'Jltll\l111tloll of tlllt, Natl'll!lllJ Mlos. rtc:Otds of Or111111 COl.lfl!Y, lffl.OC ti Cl)flW'l'lnct 11\d ,..., 11tl• ll'tMIMlt C1tlf0mll, Pll~lll>MI Or11119 C-1 Delly l'llol, POii~ tllllt bt ti 011 •~Plfl .. Ill' !!'Ht l lDS Of' olftrs fl'9 lnvlleO JOt' t11d _,. MIY I. U, It. 21. ,... IU1' u111t. ~ """" ...ci _,,, 1111 111 ...,11i... 111<1 win M A" i.ICl'J •NII ettt$-1 l'!'tlllt Ill Ill Wtltln. •eell"41 ,, !Ill L1w Ollie.ft et' frdlln LEGAL NOTICE ·~ ,..tn ~ l'l<llvllf 11 fllt lfflclt o1 tNll Frtnll!ln, Artorfll'I'• flt .. Id estalt. Hllf'#ltt, ""'"'111 •flt • ....,., ti· 111 E11I ,..,., llrftl. Cosl'I MIA, '-••AL "OflCI for n1n tor Mid ldm!nl!.trtll:lf, 9t OD -Ctl~1-. fir ml¥ "-fllttl wfT. ":..er MOTIC'E IS HElll lY GIVIN !Mt t1'1t nn.11 Sll'HI, N.-1 lttdl, Ctllfllmle, fl II Mlcl (Oyrl, flf .... l!\"l!'H 1' foflewlrtl ''°'"' Ill' fo\INI .. Ill¥ .. .,....ry ltfll'tl-tfltt. ll'lt fl'91 M+Jutttr> ti fflls KVtot HrlOfltllY II '"" """' llMr Ille ,,, ... """ lltld Irr "" PtHee °"'"'-"' l\otkl lfld Mfor• ""' m•IM " "" .. 11. tlrtt Mllttllon ol' 11'111 110l1<1 and btfol'I .i !Pit City flf C•lt M ... ter t Mrltd In TM rll~I 11 , .. ,¥«1 lo retld 11'1'1' 11111 11'\tkil!I Mid Siii', tlteH of nlntlY 190) •t'fl' •ti ltldl.. 5tld .. i. wllt tit l'nfdt: -1111 tolfow· ~td tllkt, 1!ln0r1~ ltlkf DATlO; .ui11 11, lffll, ln9 ttl'l'llS'. <II~. NOTICE IS FUlll:THEllt GIYl:N tt'lll II J. C, '°°' Dlltd Mlf<l'I 2', Jtllf, 1111 -""91fl 11'11 fltO'ltt Jt& ....... 1111,trtlof f/I kin IC, k>rn _."'t, "" rhl ~ty wllllln ~ !lot l!tfltl Wltl\ ttoe Wiii .TAB 11 tti. J9ffM ..-,MM ... wlri111 fff'YI••• 11 o,_.,. C.!tllf't. "HOW & WHY INVEST IN RIAL ESTATE" A Two Part, No Charge, Seminar Offered by: Properties West A N•wport Beac.:h loc•t•d R••I E1f•f11 lnve1tm•nf Con1ultin9 and Re1••rc.:h Or9•ni1ation exclusiv•ly sarvin9 Oran9• County. lh1 fittt pttl ef euf 1111'tllltr 1''••••111 wllt ht h1114 111 Ntwport •••th "PelW .. I ... C..." •t tht "hl1MI H11111" lft lu11• 41v, M., lJ" 11 7;00 r.M. Thi 11coll4I pt,t will b1 h11rll •* tlle hi"-.., Cl•'-i11 th• "Clipp1r ~oell'I'' 111 lu11ll1y, Mey JOttl •I 7:00 P.M. Thi1 S1t'ftffttf 111i11 will i11!1te•I 1tl r •rs•fts w+te 111k k111wl1ll9t ,,.4 c11tr111I i11f•rm1tle11 11 • 1ourHll h11 i1 fo1 JlltkiR' i11t1lli9•~* inv11IJ11111t 41c i1ien1, Subjech to be Dbcut•ed: Port I 1 .. wntmnt AftematlYtt I. Why :nv111t? lnfletion 2. Pat1rn•t•t1 of • ~ound lnv•sfm•nt Ris~-Yi1ld· T ... H1d91-Liquidlfy.Lev•r19• l . How dots Reel E1t1te rn••t tht1• Paremefers? ,.., II IRYl'Stmeftt .,. ............... RNI ..... . I. land 2. lncom• Proptrfy C itrus ACJriculturel 1 Resid•ntial/lntom• Shopping C•nters ), Recreetion/R.'tort • ... Prop•rty Menag•m•nt S. Syndic.efiott vs, lncHvidu•I Purchase l!•tc"'°' et th( l •Sl •m tll 111rs fofrewltlf lt>t .wi1t111111 et '"" ...._ ... .i M")W"' o • .._, 1!1111 TntMtftll -' Nllll<t. It'll 11111 iht .... tl'ltlt \oltf ln t111 0.C.•sttl • LOS ANGELES -A rocket. engine ·vehicle fueled by Ii· quefied natural gas w 111 atempt to break the world land speed record. t h e American Gas Association an· nounced Thursday. The 37-foot car -called The Bluc~Flame .....:. will be driven Sept.· 7-13 across the Bon· nevl\le salt flats in Utah. The dri ver \VIII be announced later. The Blue Flame's rocket engine \Yill provide a 13,000. pound thrust capability - enough power it is claimed, to drive faster than Cr a Jg Breedlove's 600,601 mph land speed record set in 1965 in the Spirit of America • Sonic l Project spokesmen at a press conference said the record attempt would climax five years of work by technical experts in aeronautic s, rocketry, melallurgy and tire manufac- ture. Se\'eral or them also are young drag-racing enthusiasts. 'Ibese Include the three prin- cipals of Reaction Dynamics, Inc., Chicago, the owners, NSC J{esults Hit Record John J . J\.1cNaughton. presi· dent of National Systems Corp., Newport Beach. an- nounced record ftrst quarter results for the period ending March 31 . First quarter s a I e s in· crtased 90 percenl t o ,2,427,793, while net income rose 63 percent to $31)1 ,259. For the first quarter of 1968, sale! were fl,276 ,758 and net income w&s $165,207. Per share earnings rose from 24 centa to 'll cents. The 1969 results Include AnthonJ' Schools, acquired by National Systems in July. 1968. Results of Atlantic Schools, whose &Sitts were acquired by National SyslemJ Apill I, 1919. were included in the first quarter flgum. Atlantic tiad ntea: of p .6 million in 1968. An incrtase ot approldmt1tely 20 percent is expected in U16t. See our full-pas• ad in this week'• TIME Magazine mPIR&T CALIFORNIA COMPANY Whet• &ha btwttor o1"'"1' comn fif1t M1lltd1 DIHtY. (l«ffl'ltd. """"'· " ""'9 Ill-· .,. In IM City "' HUlt'WITL MUllWtTl ..... ....... c.11 lor R•••rv•tions, •• •••tint is limit•d, ,,tflllh ,.,.. l'r.... C•t• Mir.11. "' ""'I<"' u11 "" l'fltltfl'Y ·~~!!";;" •. MICDIMllf Mrs. 'rnold, 6'5 'I JO J)ll ft. Lw. AllwllfYI. .lt Uw 111111 Ill 1old 11 '°'"lk lllC'floll •11 1 111'1'11 A fW Atfll'llltttr.lw r. ' _., ....... •--· 1fl •t1I lltltl 51f'fff tfld Otte It lit 1-nC'ld. , t~ -,,,,.. l'•MI -c1111 "".., c11tftnt•1 nnr OATIO: M•'f •· 1-. ".....,, Blt<ll. C•llflnlla ,.... Prep«t1n WHt, ·1021 a-w1 Drhe ,.._, f71..St4t Tth f1U) Ml•t111 R. E. Nl.fM Ttl< (nil •7Mt21 -r• Will'-I " C"-'-N~fW •n<vltt CWIEF Dfl POI.IC!!: l"ubll•Ntd or-Clllfl Dlllf PHet. N I • Cllftfond t2,62 ...... . .... -· "lltlt\l\ld Or1flll CoeJ! Ot!I\' "11o! PUbllsf>td Ortntt CMtl Otll\' P11o1, Mt'f f, ). S. I. 7, I, t , U. If, tJ.. 14 IS. l&, ... ,.,, tee ' • . ·----~-=:..:.'="':': .... ::::.._ __ JCI Alltll ff. a Ind Mir s. Ifft flWt MIY s. Ifft '""' "· lt. ,... l!Mt'll..-------------..,------------'l designers and builders of The Blue Flame and its prct'ltype dragster, the X·l, which tbey claim as the "!Orld's fastest accelerating vehicle, The natural gas lnduslry, the project's 11ponsor, is re- ctivlng the technical manage- ment assistance from the In· stutute of Gas Technology, Chicago. , Consultant! from the Dlinois Institute of Technology, I I T Research Institute and Ohio State Universfij",-as-well as specialists in rocket engine technology and tire manufac- ture, are working on the pro- ject. The American Gas Associa· tlon aa,id that about 30 of its member gas companies are providing the project with flnanclal support to demonstrate the versatility and safety of IJquerled natural gas. The fuel 11 liquefied at 251 degrees below uro and stored at a 60!).ta.1 volume ratio com· pared ''ith regular natural 1 .... Standard Oil Income Up For Quarter SAN FRANCISCO -Stan- dard Oil Co. of California's net incorhe for the first quarter of 19e9 totaled $113,579,000, or $1.34 a share. compared with $108.862,000, or $1.28 a sbare tor the first three months of 1968, o. N. ~filler, chairman or the board. told the annual meeting of stockholders. ~tiller attributed the gain of 4.3 percent to "a generally high level of tcUvity Jn 111 segments of our. business." Per-share earnings for both <1uarters were calculated on the basis of the 15 fulllion shares outst.aDdln& alter a 5 peroe<II ltoot dividend heing distributed this month • Standard's worldwide gross productilon of crude oil and notural gas liquids averaged 2.199,000 barrels dally during the quarter, a gain of 9 per- cent, the chaJnnan reported. Revenues for the f I r 1 t quirt.er welt f l ,ljj,000,000, a galn of S percent. a n d domestic product sales ad· vanced. to 911.000 B/D, a gain of 1.4 ptrtent. _ Miller said atandard expects to spend '750 mUUon this year for capital and ex· plor1tory p u r po , e •· 0lhe hlgbeat level of spending In our history." 1bls compared with capital and explorator)' e~ture:1 of "5 !million ln 1161. - Exten&ive exploratory ac· ilvlty 1Dclude1 drllllns of three wells In the: north slope area of Alaska. • ' .. Can Food· Price Hike > ... ' ... < Be Halted?i WASHING T 0 N-<ii:~ Several c:..ongrcs si ~I'~ economic ex~rts say .;ih8C' government must dJ: something About the unex;! peeled rise in the ct1st of ~ now predicted for this year i~ inflation is to be contr011e4, ~ But there was no agree~~~ on what to do, with aolution~ ranging from possible .,,,.lt .... ~ . ~· pnce controls to a revanaJMI.\ of federal fann subsidies. The Agriculture Departmenf said this week that earlier forecasts that food costs ~Id rise this year 2 to 2.S Pft!!nt was being revised upwll'Qn offlClal said the figure •Id more likely be about 3 per· cent. Food prices last ye a r Jumped .43 percent. Tbe pr.ice of food makes up 20 percent of the overall cos t of living which climbed 4.7 percent bi 1968. the biggest jump since the Korean War year of. 1151. CONTROLS? One congressn1an, Rei). Will B. Wldnall of New Jfrsey in· dicated the unexpected me in food costs are the result of a general. Inflationary psychology. If it conUnues. he said, "I am alraid wi'IJ gee the last thing I waut to Me - direct. C1>ntrols on wages and prices." . WidnaJI Is the 1enJo r Republican House member oe Congress' Joint Eco Dom I c Cmunitlet. Another member of Qle committee. Rep. Henry S. Reuss (D·Wis.) said tho ad· ministration's goal for con- taining inflation this year allowed for too much lncreasa to begin with, and the rist in food prices would push it still higher. ''The Agriculture Department's absurd policy ot subsldizing wealthy C<Jrporate fanns not to grow cro~ causes food prices to rite," Reuss said. "Nothing has been. proposed to change this. "There's a war on inflation, but it is not clear which side the administration is fighting on." · The: chairman of the Hcluse Banking subcommittee on con. sumer affairs, Rep. Leonor K. Sulllvan. fD·Mo.) also said tHe escalating pMce on food might call for attention 'to farm pro- grams. "( really don't want to llik• off on. an administration that has been in office only a short time," she said, "but inflation goes on unchecked and they haven't sent anyth!ng up." UP TO CONGRESS But Sen. Jack Miiiet (R,.. Tow a,) defended both the atJ.. ministration and f a r m e r s • saylng it is up to Congress to prove Its sincerity• in oPPOSlng lnfl1Uon. .; Miller. a ·member of tbo Jolot committee, said it is reasonable that, prices 'rttelv· ed by lannernhould lncnue as much as prlcts farmers have: to pay. u food prices inc:Teued 4.3 percent last year and Increase only s perctnt th~ J<lr, be continued, this would not .. out of line wlth the proaram ot crodualjy clamplns down oo loflttlon. "II too..t In charge al Conlftss are anU·lnfl•Uon.-f In dttds u well q ....,..iwi can gt1 lnflatlon•rz psycholoa under tmrtrot. 1; Miller said. ' .. _______ _.!.Jc._ ______ __;__~...._ _____ ..... ___ -'-- ' • II ~ Pll.9T H Mood.ti. ~·· 5. 1969 • Honeywell ,Gel! ·'· Plymouth Slashes : Prices ·of VialiantS Valiant estab1 1'thed • m a nu fictuhr's ISUQtsted rtlall price ol ~OM-loc Ille car, llkt Glem E. While, general mau&er .ot . ~~ e C11ry11.,..'!>1)111ou11i. l:itv111o1t .. The Vollal,JOO fOllMloor tedan WU iedJIC<d fllO. In Ille delmre Vollanl Sipe! ....... the w<><!oor 9'dan price ... lowtttd $UIO, while the four· 1tf•verlck, i.rid s1id h l s Csoor model was ait $1S7. division had "ob.served that In -lion, pi:vvillon for the compoUUon In thb market is clellf .e .. "" proparllion growb>( ii) lb lnttnslty." "aa ellmlnlted from ·He noted that the lowest· '-··'-_. , -·~ . prl~ UllO VaUant ,. .. P,033. ~acwrer I auan!C\I~ VAa 'fl. Sa1i.trday," White con-. retail price. Unutd, "our lowest Valiant ·White noted the"' lw been price will be 12,094. Tbat's on- a n • w enUy in the cGmJ*t tr• ttt W!erence 1n 10 years-ar market.' the F 6 rd in tht baae price." t ,. ' t I o1I Douglas Order ~tlNNEAPOWS CUP)) - Honeywell Jnc. &a.id It received a contract irom McDonnell Douala.s to provide Honeywell II G 280 digltll alr data com· puter systrms for the OC.JO. Value of the contract ' ls esUmated at $4.7 million through 11175, the compariy said. '• .,, -----------------------------------------------. .. ~' .... + mill .~ .. -. .. • ·: • ;:1-.. ' " . •''' ... • • • • ' •· .. " ' " "'' " . ,, " . .. • , . . -. ; .. • -• ·-" -,, .. .. • •: •" .. , .. • • • •' ~. : ' • • I , 1 .... • • 1· :.:t • I . -I :~ .. • ;. " " • • • .. " ' ; . .. ·:~ ... 1: ; . ' ' I '•, ~· ' " ' ... • :· ~·~-• ,. . i:-• .. • " . • • • . " . .. " • ,. f • . ,. • I . .. l l ' l ' " " f .:. .. • I " . • I . >'". .. l·:"" " i: " ! l 1-. • j "' .. • 1••. I • • • • ' . • r • ; Where should young fa ·milies , keep ~e money they .can't afford to risk? • In Ca1ifomia Federal 5.25% savings accounts. NOW! DIVIDENDS PAID FROM DAY·INTOI>Al'-OUT AT llTGUl<Sl' RATE PERMl1TED JN CALlFORNJA BY LAW! Fora ,.,,mg family's needs, there's nothing like a California Federal salinp !llWW!Dt. Far afdy, it'I the mo.¢! It's also cash to buy big.&ket i!r:ms w.ilhoutpayinghighiDlciatcm,ingd!alll", SO!lle day it can be college for their )'Ollllgster, ready-y for investment opportnnities, or a business of tlieir own. -~ So, join the young smart get. Open a savings account at California Federal, the natian'a largest fedml. Eam from day-in to day.out. There's no minimum time period required. In additiOD, fonds 1t.eeivcd by the 10th of any· month earn from. the lrt when on clepomt It tho end of the quarter. Start your account today-and chooso )'1)111' rate: 5.25% llonu/J AccolDlt: (A'flllallle 1a JDaltlplel or $1000.) FAml ¥&..-I.ell yeu abare ngal.lr pmbook rate wllm lleld 3 yms. 5.13% Passbook Accollllt: 5.13% 1nnnalyleld 011 lmmed passbook aCCOllllfs wlllll an smqp and .U'fidends remain a year, if Ille 59' camnt llllllual rate Is maintained and compoanded dally for a year. California Federal S wl 1-Aori•'""' • 18 om.... Audi .... $U'Jl1Jloil NATION'S LARGES!' FEDERAL ANAHEIM OFFICE : 600 N. EUCUD AVE.• 776-2222 COSTA'l.llESA OFFICE: 2700 HARBOR BLVD.• 546-2300 ORANGE OFFICE : 3810 W. CHAPMAN AVE.• 639·3033 Head Olfrce i 5670 Wllshlra 91vd., Los Angeles ------ ' .Aclc:ioafs.,.immtd trp to SIJ,000 undu pravl$ions of the :F~al Sav!Qp Aloan l~ Corpontion,apamueet....,otdltUJllllSlillllllOO'Nt J L .. , .... Jtlo11ew'•, Wortli Savit1gs · Bond Rate Going Up • 'l~I Mi.II Ltw C .... 11:: -C- lh' I~• .)Ob •HM :b lb -" tlYllW Ill It llJ n ll n '4 .+ 1'1111 I'! I"'' 1: r !i~ it\4 1 ~ 1--------111M'I ~·~::t l~ \l'1 W S +I •HfW "1'01!:1( '"''I · MlllMY'• -lt'f(;ll,, 2." •1 .... " .1' ... ..,, '*' "' ........ , .. ~ •lcu: e:,~;·~~ =!i ul'r =~ Jf'4h it~ ?~, .... ~ c'=. !:!" '* 114 Y~ ~ a !!!!• "" i !r.1 ..... !~ .. ,, ·r' 'l lli "'~ :: ,,. wLr:, ~-1A ~ ~' ~VI i ~ U! ~~~I :: ~: 1?..; ltiP "ffr' MJMCI IACll ~ ~\~ lm+: t~ HA JlfAl.lt SI 1 ~ '~ - ·A· =r.·.s~ 11 l!tl 1r• 11\0 -a~19~1 j{;;, 't ~ ~ ·rfl c =~~~· . .-/~ ,' ,• ,..,J,~ ;t~ ! ~ ~~r 11\ •l ~l! Yt\ ~ 11U , .. ~,·· •A M :IMO ,. or. P•' 1.20 11 W'O 11\.~ W.ru + • B SYLVl • PO"'TER .1 3"' 41 4''(1 41 -•• • oil',. .u.i. tl Off,. ffl• Jt ..• '/ n n-4rr rt Co ~ rm !t, 2t -Iii 1111\Alli 1.Y n Al'~ ~i + "' Belat~ly but finally. the ~I~ ,..ota ,,i~s '\: 1'im' 1;s~ 1;;"" :U o:r,n11.i ,IO 11' Sf\• fi'1 54 -~ T · · 41tlt9d111 I tOf "' H\l •••. 1~19' lAO 17' .i. .U "'" reasury 1s getting ready to ,.,, ·~·" .. 101 "" ;a " 1' .,., • • Sou "' ' fse JG \\ »1\; = + · increase the intemt lt pays lo ~l~•;:t a J r !J~ I~ i!:!1~ = ~ :: :~~ Ill'~ n:: ~Im i'it2tri ;3: you, lhe I 0 ,3 00,00·plua!1 '~~ ~ ~-ll~ l ~ !+· 01uG01 1.J:! 1 n ... Americans who hold and ~\ "t:i"" ··a .~ fi ,f .• l! -11 :rit~ ·ra " P.n •O~; ..: .!. = I I b U.s S · I • ..., U .-. ~ 2.40 57 .e\:I 'Jh ~ +J\jj regu ar y uy 1 av1ngs ~,""• 11t 1 •1 " ,.t.,_ ,.. n u : 2n, l" Bond s above today 's4.Jf:kt, l1. 111 mi. 2m ..-.... 1 .,,.. 1 17~ tim ,~;..::t 2.ft U7 4JV. .. lt ~ -d Is gr a ce!ully out-of-date, Atld M•tn ... •1•rr ~ M"" Jlfl .'2 ll r1~ 211\ 211'\ + shockingly unfair rate. ~m:r .. ~ :U ,: lfJ ,.~ I~ .ie .. 1~l nwi.,w .. '..:....i.t. • •1nes1t IM .. Ol!IS..I~ U! JOl4 If »14 +1-A gr e·e men t is now .., iie.ts.i. ·'° :: 1:':! jl.1 -1.1u11 • • 1tva 1w. int -1• widespread amon11 41f!• c;,..i,,, n' J2 JI"-""'''co ·1: ,JJ £lt 1!1! ~ ... .::: • • • Alfl,tl1PC: .Ht Ut ~ U 2.ffi + •t C~.·.•,11 .!. ' , ••< ''" '"'' + c poucymaken and l e a d 1 n I AkM 1.M ni a:iv, 11•.o n :::::,,,,' •" , 1 "'" - AmalSvt 1 " 1 nu :n n·~ .. -·, "'' •• S 1.Q~ "'' "'" • •• •• ciongresmnen that It a ~e AMIAC ,5' ll 2No !11\ 11'1 -"° :: FoodJ •J rm "'i t~ ~.:.: "" - ·~·~ ·p~·-•-bor 4mlrE• l,M 1 lOVI :JO 30\l + \~ ~fl!OFd Pl4..sl t I ... 1111~ lOf -"" ....,..,. .. ~ llYUC • Amr& ,,,... 3 i""' 51\i Sl~ -v, C:00>Fr•l•hl 1 UJ Jll1 le J1 + \o .... -m"~ pay 7 •• --•I ·~·,-· 3 1n I I\~ ll™o ,, ..... "t ~ ConNtlG 11' 111 H'.lo 'Jtli '"' •••• ..... --..-•-M ir 1nr ... 17 3Ha 31•1 .--. .. ---, -" ,.. '" ,, -~ more tor mon•y • u· ""'"1r1111 .• 1w lAI ~·• :w.. ta :;JC"p1,:; 11; ~,. ~ 1t ::·:: -• 1~ Am 1•ktt l IDO 11 N~ 7H• 1"1 flllPw pU.50 1210 7ll4 10 Jt\lo +It:. ICIDdaJous for ~ u. s. =~rt~ 1~ ~\ .. ~ J~l'o s,;; :::~;:; ,~ 1~~ l.~: lt~ ll .. '!'" .... Treasury to be paymg small ""' Con !·" '" ,.,,. wo 5Jt1 -lo\ c11n1 (Of>p .311 o 17 1''" 1'1h .o. "" _,;,..,..,M.,fl.o o1na ..... l.lstita'~ and' ~£. ... ,!! ... ~S l••' ~..... ft' I tt\11 1' '0 C:I COP p'1.U II II 11 N •.~-............ ~ ......,.,.}"'., u;:u """ _,, -1"'4 f7 t "-I COit Pll.2$ 1100 1t II II -'Al Cotl·c ...... ,_of 1·u Sa••••s ~~ ... '","'.-' ?! ,"", lsn. 11'11 " Ofll CP 1.tt w nn SDtJ .n\.\o _, "'V '" '"'fi """" .,, ~' ~ 21 .,, . Cl''' Pl.l.7 50 I• " 5'1' $1 .I. \\ a m xim' f I" 4crvSut '·" " ,,,., v,-""• -,.. c1M1,. 1.111 '' s.1~ ·.u St .,., a wn o ,.-.., per-4mC~•" 1.2s Ju 31\1 \Ii ni~ + \t con1Mo1 .10, '° ,~i ni:i ffii .,1 cetlt -and then only if you ~';!.'..,",v"•'".',,, l! 11, .. , "'" ,,.,. + l' Oflf 0;1 sr1 J7 ~· ie· -141 """ "' .. lSV.,11•1 +1~ 1011 .. 12 l 50\'f 1l ·-· hold the piece of paper to AOu11 Pl.w. 2t ,,.,. 1:Aw 1:R1 -•1 Ollt su 1 1' 46 • 1 + ,. . I ... ,,.El ..... 1.51 )1.13' ~-Ji>~ :Wit + li "I Ttl ·" 121 'H \I _. ll .. " maturity n 2: full seven years,~ E,nk•1..'.. 1•u, 2!,, m:. 210., ·+·l >' ~~I OtJ~ lU 15' 1 l4o 1 Y,-2 To •--•ci'ally ~-wledgeable Ae11.Fr:f ,.,:..1 11!l 1it; .n 1 • ... ' ,..,., "'4-'7' ''"' '~ '"' ·· ·· bu ~of ••llU AmHOl$1 .7' :W 11\{ 16''. 1•'h -~ OllWOCI I.IOI ll'n VO l1h ....• yen its other 1.0.U's, the .., Horne .,. 2 13 " lr" U +N -~r~' 1~ Jt ~. fi~ 1!~ :i,:·v;. I · ~. I I 4m H<11p n HJ 3$ Joi''> 1'i + y, ODOtr Tit t :w 10. 24\1' ~"' -ilO reasury IS pa,.u,g percen Amlnv•t (10 •• m-i 2fM< ~ ..... -T on .n ' 'H\io ~1 °"' + to d O.mMFclf 'IO lU v., ,S~ 25':'• + 'I CIDtllnd 1.25 1 41''0 'J>; • >..i -~ an qiore. ...,,., .. c ;,,. 127 1\lr so~ Jll1 +It.I 1-R(lll .SOit ' SHI .SOI& lOl,4 -•;. SECRET ••y f 1h ......, Moler• S .. 12 ll~ 1u1 + li oowlStl l.70 lO 1•\o 2llit ij' i • n.n o e ~N•tG•• , •• -• -, _,.. od,,111& 15<1 .w 1' ijj •~ • ,,. ••· "' ~··.' ..... orGW 2.'so1 17 1MV. 2 +1 Treasury Kennedy is prepar-~~:,.":~ :'ti "1l 1~ 1lla 11f'1 +21' oron111n .22 u 31110 t? ... '·" •·• a -uest to Congr.,. to '" 11111 1 • ~ 30 30 \II Cowie$ _50 1u "'~ u•;, •!l.t i i UJ6 ·-, ' Am hi• ., ,, tl \11 25" 2$'4 + \4 Co~B<k•• .Sci It 4' ••l• ft " eliminate the 4y, perce.nt I-al 4 Smtr1 i.'IO "' •1~ 401~ '°"' _1(~ CPC: 1n11 1.10 ts :11111 g "' + ... "'O AmSGAfr 70 ldl ~· J.11.4 SIV, \lo C:rl"" 1.•0b ll 51\I -1"' cei,llng on new U.S. bonds -AmSAI• 1~.7' , 54 • n SI -CromoKn .10 11 l0"1 "' !'> + i.:. the. •'--'-'' il' hJch ~ Std l "' ·~· t2I' •l ··,,~ Crou11Hln lb 11 XI\~ 'Iii Jn + •'to an81,;.1u-u~~IC ce lDg W 4mSl<I r.14.1' 16 llf>\ lU 4 JiJ•:O ~31\ ~~~olc!r\11 il :¥1~ :&1; n~! = ~ was written into law back in 4m Ster 1 ·" '' 1111o 11"• .1t .;. \.'i rownz~ 2 20 11 ... ~ "'" "'" _ "" 4 S!Jptr 1.61 2.S lO''.o :JO>i ~!'.l'i + \I ,,, Z or.:~o tUO ljl'> tt\\ "" -1 "'ttli days of World War I AmSuti pf " l IO'a 1:1;; 1e•1 . rs Coro ..o •1 2110 11•, i o; •• ,1, • ., Tl. T 7:40 !ll ,,_.,,.., !16 !,! -•\ lfdahv Co UG j 11 20\~ 11·, 1c--Genera) Pi.1olors eh&Jrman 4m T•c T 11. l4 '1'~ .W.• WI -\• udlov oil.?! U •'i ,,,., 1•'1 + ;, . AmWW~I .5' :'• 14 J:; 0 U ultlct~ .Ji •1 Ii''> ,_., ,., o + It Jack M. Roche, who 1S al.so 'WW!IDf T.J5 i1«1 n~ 11•0 i••i -'\ umm111 .l!lb 1 <111•1 "''1 ••111 -11o ch•'nnan of the 196• payroll !ww ,•.,•,•,• •'.·?~ ,1ff 111.. 11'~ 11,. + 1; 1mno."" .10 n 111;, l6\\ ~"" _ 1 .. ,.. ., ... l lY 1!1 1•'~ 1S + •1 IH'llsl Wrt 1 11 1l'.4 21 1111 + l}J Savi"•• d . • h' Am line 1 '5'\ 7$1~ '!!''--'• U'1 W• 4 1 1 :w l5•i :M +1 . ~~ rive, IS pus 1ng new An:t•~t u 31.., 310, 310:, ... ,. U'ller H 1.20 " <111~ """ ,.~ -"" I.. t th, t h' h h d Aml1ct..c 10 q s«1 Ji'~ ''''-.~ ,~ does LIO 21 ~'I 31>.0; Cl\lo +1\\ sa a IS ra e w 1e e a · AMI<. c11 :JI '" 3.,, ~·1 :;,,~ ..:. ,1 cvor~ 1.~ 2~ w.. ~ 54 -1;, mits has b e e o m e "in· 4""" •..c ·" n •!'• ~• •4•'• + ~ -O- de! 'bl " but h t Id h "1flpe~ Cer• ''' 4"'' «3>\ "41,\ -~· g:n 111"' I 20 lll1 'J!\l':! 21~ 11'' ens1 e, e o me e ::;::!r' ::o2A 15 u •ru ''" JI.) . , n• c~ 2::0 .. St .. fl~ :: ;-. is DOW ~confident the rate will ~~ond~ I·" 1;>11 ?eP r.'i\I 'ml·.! a' §l~ ·.~ .... ,, J7J . jf\lo 5t +1 ~ ..... itG 60 21 ~ !a+> " "" lS $4\i ~p.. W~ ·+····· be raised soon." AMhH °', l7D u1,, 4v. . vcoe11 1,40 ~o u\11 ., '4ll K . I An«1•~ Sv 1 s •1v. Jl\11 ,1 .. '(.<, •rco Ofp.25 Vat 101 tll'o ltl + "' -eycongres s 1ona ~~•v'Jf ll O}'< .,.., ., +"&;tr"~\.~·~ ·21 J1•• 31i. Jla\1''11. sources are unhappy about Af:• f,~ JJ .:Zi: ~~ 1?tt -\t t>tt•e co 1 'J\'l !:;~ ~ ID; +1~ having to act on the 41;, per ~rc~:;})vc 1:.: :u 1%:~? 10~~ 1:t ::;~ &:l'::n~~ \:~ ~ -~ H\" ~ = ~ cent ceiUng but they privately ~~j~~~ :\;c, 1 ~ r jffl• '5 . + ~ g::::t1r1nf'o .,, 1"~ fl''-Jl\'t + ~• confess they dare n o t risk so Arm~o 1 3} .,32 1• *'~ t \o 0e~n 'Al' .60 ~ P.l? u:.: Ill! f, v. Armour 1.1J t ~'lo:. •:. ~ l !\O Oe,,nM'9 pt 1 3 01 01 •1 +'l~ brl]ia\ly penalizlilg the small ~~::::~1c:": tJ ~Jf 11,, t1,~ 1:,. +;.,. &:~r:1~s'i.;%! 11~. ~~1 J~~~ ~Jt., +_t! saver. Thus they say they \Viii 4,rmCk 011.11 v11111 ,,i;, '1'1 6114. -1'• o~~RGr 1.10 2' ?1 n ii tt + 11 , , • , . rmRub .10 I' •71~ •11~ 41\'I -V. Oerece pf /I. J "" f7 47 l find a Vt'ay to permit a higher "ro, C0to .'IO ' 21 '~'·• tr +2 Ot•eco of e 11 .,,•, .. ,, .. ,, -, rate.. t~1~ili7"1.~ Ji f1~~ r"''• 11~~ -t 1: O•Sntol~ .'IO I ~·~ ~ .011 +.: """'' 0,, 40 17 ·~ ' ' ·~ > Dt!Edls 1.411 'J ?6"• 2S'i 2i ' -SAVINGS institutions will ~m oW"•;f 10 ff 11~~ ,? 1,... ~~ &:: Es~wo,u~ J ~;~; ~~~ ~tz ~·n lobby : against a rate set high 4WS" 1.iob "' ' not 11"" ~s•i. ~~~ g•,,•,•,•,•,,·.~ • .. 50 ., so ... gh . h th . AsldTr1n .•o 1161 u •; 1n 1 u~ + ,~ . lt I! U'lio U\' -" enou to compete wit nft 4J.<OC111 .. 1~ 1' 31v, :n 31 • -'• 011m1"11 1.• 11' ss ""' 54 -ll • accounts but they too caMot ~l~E't (j1, Y l1~v, ;~,, ~. +1~ 8l:~·.r:'" l'/0 ~ Jr' ~·• J;~• ~ '' I ch · b J ( ( AlcMSOll 1 60 IS II,\ JDV. ~I 1•1 Dl•S 01.lO '2 207'1 Xll't l"1l -\'t open Y amp1on a an 411 R!ch 1'.to •.CU 111 115 11~.;,. ,+21~ 0 1c.a11>11011 .41 m 2s:>1 '"~ ~ + '• di ' ' t• ' ( th lit AURch nl315 lJO 61 61 ,1 01..t!old .'lb 20l !IS•'r JJ\' 5• -1\11 senm1na ion aga1ns e · Atr 11:1eh of, ~1 700 , .. v, 1,,1, :.:;;, 0 1G1or110 .• 10 >111, im 31 _ ,, tle fellO\V .l.!!Rcll pf2.IO JCtO n•• 76 1i!O + &:, O!Clort ol.U ' OVr ., .,~ + \1 ' A!ll1 C:I! 10 U Jla\ 31 Jl•I + >,:. DIUl ... ~m .3& :Jll ll''> 27'-li 11\lo +1\a So it will come. The timing 4119~ corii su "'" ''l f''1 ... 01,11o~ ... ~, .,·"' ' 1'~• 1''" "*-'• . AlllCP a>t.2.9r: t"'9 l~io 2J>o Uti -·~ D Mr... . llO 7t ll1'T ,. t '·•· of the boost 1s somewhat "'"°"' "''" u 11 ,~, ,,.,~ + v.0",~,~ •. lOll 10 11•;, ll\'t Sl"• -'• • b th AutS•lr .oe. 1~ 11''> '°" 101-; _" S """ I.it S 4t''to ...,,~ 4f'o -"1'• uncertain e ea use e 4U'l!n 11111 .. 1 11 ~ 701t 20•1 + ~ O•P•g,.., .• 13 "'' 11"' 11•'> + '• 1'rfasury is planning to de)ay ~:: ~lo'° 1\: lj ~l\ #Vo =1\'t &:;:iM:t1.0t'! ~ nu ~~. n~ + :: the 4" t e t t'I 4YtrV ~ ., I ""'I S-''t ~l't -\~ Oonnl!l•v .60 ~l!I )I 3',,. l t +11; ,, percen requ S un I 4.,,,.. 111e :.., ,.1n !'OV. Mi;i Ml'o .... Vi Dorr o~vtr s "'~ n n .... after the appropriate eon-Avon Pd 1.IO u1 :.~\~ 1.fll ''°'" +1~ g<i.;,ec,,$,. ~·.~ 1~ ·fii~ ;}'\ ;r1'? :i.110 gr-··1onal comm·11tees have -1>-• Dravo<:o 1 ci '' '"' "'' , • , ....,., . R•bc~ W 1.:14 tU j!'i JI)•· '.Ill~ -l-•\ Or!!Sl'ICI 1'.«1 • T ·• had a chance to weigh con· 8•~•0llr .ts 1S "' n•: ,, ........ .., or~$,r p11,M 3912 3!.:i1·.J:'lil :::y, ;..:·,, . . 1•"<.E 1.111 3' lJ J.I 35 + ~ Drnsr pf 81 f 40 Jt 39\1 -1'• tinuahon of the 10 percent tax •UG .,1c;, 1» 'Jl\ iJ'to 'l '• -•; Dl'f¥'fll•C:o 1' 3' u:.;. •l .. +11, h BtnaP11n t .60 Joi 3J\\ l•\> l''O + "° D\lkePw l.00 I >" W O .,,. + ,, 1urc arge. 11 • ...,,. or l 1 •~1-. '''~ ~·-. -1 01111r.11 c:o ' tt> -.. ~ But let's assume a boost by 1~=¥~:~'.i}; 11 #~t H~~ l.~: .:1~~ :~~=:: .!f!5/o 1~ 1;'1~ 't:~t 1ffi~ I;! mid·summer and Jet's assume :'~re lf'>(" ·.IO 4• 11~ 11\t r,a:: ~''o dO~!:_D,•,• ~ • .J.j,J I 5'1• !IHio !1'11 + ,1 1 $Mlfl •H 14 \ + ¥~ -1lffiio211i:141 ..... the new rate is in the 5 -r-'I 1nt1 11 10v, ff\~ 70 + 00 00,,•11'..tt, .u, 1H10 :nv, :nv. 22,,., t ( · k "1" • h tn11 of J 25 110 1111 no __. ,.,, 1sro Jt'r. '21'• 311't ::·\~ cen range give or ta e a 1t. •uJChL b .10 ,1 " "'''" "''' _ ~• o&:q 1.10-12.10 110 !''" 3'"" 1n., +1 U I OXlrL•b ,If ~o $0•~ .,~, "~"' ..... mo In .5'1 to '~I 2fV. ,,Iii -1; e • 1v11k(la JG ll 14>io ' 14 11>; 111'1 AM .00 100 1~\ 1n1; !Mi -'~ THIS. RATE would be com· R::r1~~ l ~ ~~ ~~t fii~ =·~ -E·F- paratively fair, for the·rate on :::~~~~ ~:0' ~ u .• r,.. i,\., t1~ i:~~~ ::& t f,~ l~t r,1• + •• S.v'1ngs Bonds s"oold not com 111ct Otck .JO " ,,., .tl'l(o A .... E•1• Air .50 131 ,,,,.. '~ ''".:.:. v. , 11 • • lltl!dl 4\r .1$ 150 71'4 17'~ ,,., .i. ·~ E1stGF 1.Ut lti 27\'• 71'~ 27 +I pete with top rate!'! 1n the e11ce Pfl .50 211 .qv, ~ 'I'• +~ E111 u111 1.•o , 1611 u i• '4ll + -. • · a .. ldHem ·'° 10 2n~ 11\I ,,..., .o. ·~ E 1<.ec1a11. .u. ..., ''" 11 11•t + ,,, marketplace and the bond e111 How M 1°" ,, 74 '' +1* e11onY• l.40 '' 36\0!ll'io ,. .. .1-+ \o d h I . d 1111 tntrrc~ 11 11'1 ''~ 1!'1 ... eD.•ce 1nc1 2 1'10 14'> 11•1 l)'i +2 oes ave severa unique a · trnl• co 1 o 31'.'" ::i. l 1• + •r. Ec11l!nM 1.n :io 1,,.0 1.,, 1~• + ,, ta ~ d &l'flcll• l.iO 570 U•~ i i 11 -•'o EtkerdOt 11 17 46\~ ._.,~ ·~ 1' van ges. iue greatest a • 11enc11• .,, J , 11·1 11'• n•1 _ '' EdhOlll rot· 1 i• :ire ,. ,. = .~ vantage of all is that you can 8-1"1" !.&& 1112 •P~ •11• "''• +n' EC.,G .. 10 ,. •Pt 40>.o ,1•A + •1 ltnllF pf(.50 tlO ~·\• 6&\• 66>1 .. EIMvt<C .tll'I 7'l 7'i 710 1•\ ->~ buy them via a pavrolJ dedue 1'"'1" ot4.3G 3 11•• "'• 11•• +11" e1ec1 ll$!oc: •• ,,,, '°'' Miit -'' J • • • tnF 5pf2.50 1Ull 3''~ 3' JS''> + ·~ E ~I • Sot< 311 HI\ 11'.I) lf'I\ + o1 tion plan and thereby 11n°~1 4w "'" '"" "'"' -~i E1<11nHa1 tl'd ., u tt'o'r-IJV.. _ \, . . tn•u!I In HJ 1H~ l'Ot.i Xl>.i E!Pt!.QNG ' ·-, ••• n 1 ,,,. + .. di scipline yourself in lo BffPl\llo .111 1ot u 1'1'" 14'~ ± ... Vi En•o co 1.10 Ji lfn :w ' 3'.,. + i; . . ltr"lt!C Coro "' 11 1'•• lili ·~ Enr• pf\ .o ilXI JO 31 JO ••. regular, systematic saving . a,"',• •1 1.1G 161 :w141 W• :w + ·~ erne-r E•K 1 ,·•, ~.·.•, !f:~ ~.L :!:1',', h I k l• "'" AO ll 41''1 WO jl -·~ EmtrYAlr 10 -~"• ,,..,. _ As Roe c proper y remar · 11i.dr;0t 1.:0 ,. ,p, " •P'> + •• Emh1r1 1 iOb , 41 •1.., ,11< _11,1, _ _. "'·l I ldn'I &Ilsa l•u• I '1 lO'li ,..,, :l'''i -&lo EmP019' i 60 J 31 31 31 eu, n any emp oyes WOU 11w Beu L!O n !t U'i SPI +•I El\d.JMn i111 11 .J.J\~ 35,, ~•iL "''.• t II I th llflbltl1 B•t• 19 21 20•1 :10G -•1 EnllJoh . ' ..., • ~ save a a un ess ey \Vere 11"'"' 1.111 ''J •I\' '-l•:. "'' -'" e,..111M7n ''.: ' • .. ~}~ ''~ -~ enrolled in a payroll savings "l'c"' .1111 J57 11 1J 16'~ .... ,:, Ennl•Bu• ·" 13t ~ ~ = t 1· lie M!C l'I cld to '1'• t6 9'>.:i .Lp~ EllUIG• 2°>0 '' 2•• !" ' Plan It is a klt better to get aorw:1 strs 1 J "'" ,,,.., n \'> + •• 1s11 1J 1·20 "" "' 31'9 ~ .. ' 8ootM!h 1.1t t 1.1'·1 71''1 ~1Wi -•I HIU!l'tl :J1i IJ r. ,., t + " only a mediocre rate On llord111 1.HI 1H "'~ 3l'"o ~Vo+ u; s1•llf1'1 ·1.20 n JI ¥,Al 4~ :!: ~ • . lor1W1• t.tt 143 ir; '°'"' JI•~ -•-1 lhvl co n u ft~ ·~ + "-&omethmg than a sensational a,~,'",. .to u 1l•• nt~ ,,,, + '~ thv 011 . .io 2 .. - I th. ,. M di• t.DI lZ 41 .e•;, •0'·1 -,., urohtd .20ll' 1:10 :Z ,.JI.\ 2 +1:: ra e on no 1ng. gour"' Ill( " ?• 11~• n•a _ 1~ ¥1n# .IOlt u , .,,, ~'' Th t Id I be r1nl!Alr .50 I• ltll '''" 1•l'> vtr1h1rt ' · •• ·t.;, e new ra e wou a so 1r1•r1s1 l•o 11 s~ ll''• 54" + ·,.. •C:!'l9 1_2J ff ttu ~ "' -;; paid on your outstanding 1~1:1,X-; p/',0 1c~ :~1~ ~~:; ~J~ ..: -.,., :t:~ ·I: 2~ 1':i ~1~ bond' as 01 th' da'-It goes in· 8uck"Oh '•!O 5• 77'-\ fl" 'i51 -1 Ftfrch Hhltr 40 jG • + • ~ l utvEr 1.-..• 11 n•o + v,, Fllrmlllll I ll \~ 1 t1 1· -\It tG effeet This would be uc1d s;o ·'' 15 '11• 1•~ -'" 1•1rmn1 pf 1 1 ! ,,..., _, · = ~o "'J zno d 4•t n ..,,~ 1t1t1!f .. o lll • 1m · _,... necessary to avert a mass ~doll ,:'·.,. 11; :~ ,r.i. 2~:: :.: ~ ::n1~7 Ir.>:' n t"' oo~ ~~ -= cash-in of the $52 billion of uH ,w:oi 1 " •10 1••1o ~~ + ~l 'r•r WHI Fin JS o = .. • UldYI ·"' s• l"" ~v. """ + ' •••llMI .IOlt JI Vo t l' outstanding bonds. u111t "'~ '" 4t; fi u•• -1• eddel'I ·'° ts> " v. • AC11JW.Y, it is astounding ~~1kr..J''l:: d ·~,l~ ~; ;il': tl~ ~:C.~.~ t·1':: H •• ~· • "' urfl!l\I .7' .. 11 'lo !!.,. ... "" F101>1 .. ad 1 if '" ~~ • -! ~ how many of you have 11oept ~"-• 1111 1 11o 1 No 1 +iv. FedllenS .ill xJ1 u 1101 1.1 "' ,'• durln 1hU,... I.JI! *J ' • J' 2 + "FtdMtr .ts 2\11 :M :M., buying Savings Bonds g utter•Sll '" :111 1't", J1li ..... FM """' 1n.. n u 1~ "' '" this era of soaring interest -C-~r~r:w': I.;..• ,J ~'"' !i"' :'Pio :~ rates. :!'°'~1~111"' '~,·, ttv. ti~! w: = ~! =r~''1 C'.o tJ ~..: : 1~· t ~ Ip March. cash sales of the •111;n .m 1• fu~ n;t L~ :l:t ~1~i:"~~:; ll!n ?f'' ~ \lo .... ~: boo'• and F-'-sh&r'3 fell =So i~ ,ill V... lJ + "• F51Cl!rt 1.611 .. ,. >o 'It -1>i U,) l~VIU dfllr•W ,.0 .--.11 1 ' lU? lfi -~ ~SINfi': 1 l(lo " JJ>,,_ \.It-•• 9 percent under March 1961, tl11";;, '"14 JS ~ ~~ "'' 1~ +1~1 FS:ii:" fl. 1i Hu • jl~ = J: oot ,uu totaled $311 million. =~~-: r,~ 1 ~" " ~~ : .. ::" "ild.~' .,~· 1n U·~ '7:: ·5 t.: The propartion Of O\lr total :'t1tuR •eo :1 J ' h.·\: iJi.1 ':j: :z 11111 ~rA~.50 J.o 11 !t uii . :j: t' savings in the bonds is down rlll~!l': 1J 1~ ~ ~" ::i·• F~nt ''20:.~{ J n•:. ~°t \Ao '.i'.!~ from almost 26 percent in 1960 =~~ t 1::! "n u \\ !!:':' .M•i + ~~I: ~ts t'n 1, "'' 11~· -"' but it's still at a respectable 12 1rr1 ·'° ,~, 'l •( 1 H~t +1lt ,1.,.,..t'7' 1:11 h ",",!! :;:#~ ,""', }:::~.: •,rrG11 .na 3" ~ Jot + ,. l"lol S!ffl .'IO .. ,. .. percent. .~~ • 1 ~· 1·~ 'r~ -~~ ~~\'f 200 •• ~ •M 1~ The key, of course, is the ::rJkA1':.# j' >,I H~ + ~ ~tc'1r: ~J m,' if~ t.,, ~~ .. ·\..'. payroD .avingl plan. for once "-'"' .20 '~· .~ R :t '-'FMC ""'" .. _ jl\l -- in it, buyvs tend to become ~ ~~r~ "' ~ r ~ ~ ~:r.:~· ·~ 'J: i:" = ~ t'~ "frozen" to it. Again to quote :i:::'r~.,l 1 C ~ tr.,t -5:; ~= :®'79 n ~: ~ ~ '=':: Rocht,-t'there i:f'e better ways !.i"flcrr"' r~ ~~ 11 ~, ~ 10>'1 :!: U ",~,' ',·," '15 "u. "1" SJ\lo l ~ t . t but th j bet tfl Htld ).19 J 1' • ,_,, ,,,\ •• , or..... l ff J,l.;lo Dl\ t"" 1 o 1nves, ere s no • '1 "'L' 1.n 11 ,1 ''" ,, +.,., F,M'~'~".,·" ,", ~,»', t'•'•• 1,•• ',',' t to · " It' btl 111..1 ,u.•o l10CI '1 n 11 + •i " · H • lti er way save. s a su e s~•••Pj i'n •1 "'.\ ,,,. ,1,~ + ·~ ~os "' 1 1 1i:. ,,. n' -"• bul Significant distinction. c=D:~I l~~ ~ ~~:: r.1~ r.~ t :: F~: .. ~Ir ·~n :s H.\ fr~ ~ !1;: AND 'tlllLE the boost to a C:fl'll sw 1,,0 71 ·~li 111\ ,, + ·~ :=J;;' l·f: tN nt, ~. 42_, +i•o , . 1 1 ·u ce11 Sf, .. , .. )I ,..~.. " ,. _ ·~ • ,, ,. percent mtcrest eve w1 i"'Ti1u .iori .. ll '4'~ '"'~ + ,, Fll'nl• ,,... ,. 14111 41 -" hardl k S . Bonds .,,.,, C• I --.It ,., 3t JI -'. -G-1 ma e av1ngs • .... teooo1 .P. ,. I'> 'IJ ,.\, • •• GAC c., 1 511 tt:o "rrnwth investment," tbe !•"·fll(I•'·"' 1.:u u :.. +"'IAc: c. fi.1 ,.,~ ~r· 4A ~-'' •·--Air II l' tN '' ,, ·•· · AF Ce~ 40 lD'I' 1"'o ll'a 7t~ + '' pa,yrolt iaver will have a ~~ ·r:r ,&: !!::" ff'J f~ + .., ·-'" s:"·if.31 :11 ~11a 1~31~ Jn2 _t. ,• .. • fi..Mh.• cha.nee to stay even C:hfo""' '·" ,. 7tu. ~ ..1. ''~ ~m :1111 3' 3fi ._,..,.,. Chtrtff'NY' ) 'J '1'' J'I"' .i. "' f "'1~ l )1'I 'o while be builds. nestea . c,. ... ,.k 2.Jt " ..,. ... s· t(I•• + l' -:.." 6S s J71? W.1 .. ~ _ i: -F"' l .!.i '~·\-1\ •• we.f " 11' t 'I ~I • ~:"' t: a m: = 5 ! ~ ~~,. t~.. ,.:;, ~.:.. .• '. i.1~~1· I~,·.~.: Chrysler Wants ,..,_.,., ·" H 1$'i lJT~ IS'~ -"'Gfoml::fft st• ll + "'"Vt 1..., 14'1 CPt U't -"* OMlftv 2'to1 J ll :!IN .-,, :'::~ :r' ;. =-~ 'n i~ • .:!: ~ r. ... 1"'" .. :... J)t 11 "' -1'. Mci:.T I • 17 n•• 11 i 't &AlllOU .60I> 11 T.l'I ~~ •.• t1~ Tools for Pant h'f;.1~.~r~ l: :1' ~ :141 +l:~":l;,r..i.~ '1 ~a s1 1 1 ~,. C ,,. pf I 1 71'~ m~ 1."l ~171 I~ ,So' .. • l~'i l£~ I Ii +\ii I' lloilc I 11 t<•i ,... ,...,, 4 •t ~ (•""' I.ti ,. "~ §!-~ ROCHESTER, N.Y. (UPI) c:/"M .. ~" ': ~ n'::; #;.~ · ~~r 1:w~ .~. ;: si>o = ~t GI W o-h •-d tlftl,. Cl \IP ) "l\ ,, I' ••D'.,.•"" !. Hf ~'\ )I'' -l • -eason m'A6 IS ftce.lv~ ~"-!JO C1"4'V f JA\ ,..~ '"' -' ·•n c-~ ? •t ...., tJ1• .. ~ -•; • Ulu mill.... dollar contra"' ~• T1•1• ,,. '1 •' ' "' .o.r 1 ~~ ,, •• "" ·'"" "" 1to:t1 '""" 1"'" '• m · .... ,,..,, :.ii J• I''\ , ... ,,,, _, ~~ F"' t.N .. ., ,...,.. "'"-•· for m•chlnes and tools for ,,,.,, Cl'fl '"' • ,.\ "'~ n + ... • ·~ ...... , '"' ,,., ...,,. "'1~ -·, It'''" I •• I.$'' ••4 4,j + "'"''" ln•t .~H If" fill Jl'l'i :l"l.i -t, Ch\j;11ler Corp. to be Installed ic:n """'·'°" t 11\1 '"' .. .., -•\ -·nt ... •• ., , • •"'"' ,., i•'+-•• .1. ' t!!!•r '\ SI :ti '"' "'' + ,, l'l-o~ ,.1t•t ,,, 1'l:"I M ~ 31" -\I In e autorn-er s Syr1c:u&e, i;,e:';• iit 1 111 1• 1,. 4 r.eti ,,,.111 '111. "'"; ,..,, ""' .1'I +•• N.Y., pte.nt. 1nclt1ded win be 1,.,.b'!' '~" ~ i;t it:1 ~;.i -'." ~ ~~ ~j.1; _", t:,a .• Ill!, Ill!.:~·;,, four fully automated pinion ~~~~,t1~'4 ~ ~:t ~·1 ~\ • ··~~~~~"\,'f ·· ;; ;,;x ~~ 't"' Prod ...... : .... ctnttr• Ctf l'ln 1.il ,,, 'O'O m. 48;~ +I•• f.•• tt•lt•~'" ,,. 1,-., ~ 1Jtl • ,..., ... ..., ., t"lfln I• d 11' U\Ot 6.! -UV. + .. Gtfl S[t .1" :: kll JI W f \.I -~----------------------·---------~----------------------·· ·~-· --·-· ~-~------ H S,tock : Exchange List - ------------------------- MAYS ~-= ... -(C) (!()) Hny • ·--(C) (3<)) I .. -... ·(C) (90) Sttt • ,. ia'I, Ml.lint Gr.tne 11111 Rlctrt '' UtlSt aued. Al• 1...Un1 ii Thf -stle11to, • rott lfOUp. ' 8 THE SIX O'CLOCK MOVIE * "36 HOURS"-"arl I-ROD TAYLOR, JAMES GARNER • Sil O"OMi .... "'JI ....... J'irt I ( ........ ) '65-Jefl'lts Gtr· ,• •· Eww Merit Sllnt, Rod T11lor. ,;~, ... (C) (60) • .... -(C) (30)Mh""' ..... ·-(C) (30) -p Cl) ..... Srifflft (C) -e Miii'• ,._? (30) 'tlttlf Cleus ,,., Ii i& Cllus." A H1111 Christi1n 'lmtnt11 fllt of how I &mlJI llllft tvtw1ts I bi( bully. • U1 Cl!« Pn hU PW ·111.11-(C) t :• 8 UIC llM.-. (C) (IO) ....... ..., (30) ·-" .... _ " ... ,.(C)(60) ,-. u oo_ .... ..,,., Mood11, Ml) !, J 969 PEANUTS C1tfuntel, O. C. Smiltl, Jeannt. C. RH••· Bobb1 Goldstlol'G, GJtn ·Cam• btll. Jow fehcllno, "''°*' Willi1m1 and UM.psi ftom "tftlr." ID """ (C) l!Ol :n~..:::..~ Jtionr 01cll .. r1, With rn•ntrt t.J. pold StolllllNI conduetlnr. ,.,,., .. I triticalfr 1ctllllMCI ~ '1 OM fl AIMtlt1'1 ltml!Oll com.POSm lltKE MS -~ /lfTlJllNEC '""""""' l;JO 8 8 CIJ ""0 lKJ (C) (30) lCJNIG.HT Crtil tlket 11' 1fte1·adlool ~ If 70 FINO t iijPfrlMrMt wht11 LUCJ thlllb is Hlf !«JOM lhe belt pi,. ti tttdl Kl• llow ti TIRIJfO sllofl, much te tllt boy'a dlM'llp. (R) TOPSY· TURYY ! • -....... (C) "!') ' 5 11~~ i':""....J': .~~ 'li~~ dtr; M1tlh1 trlta t1 comfort Caro- lyn; StMll ttr11 Mlntl• "" .;n htw to ,..,...1 Frid'• MtUulion: Ho.1rr1111 trMll ltiti ·pllJ It coor •IHI Sit. W11Ur. II lllfY CtWfh1 (C) (10) 111111 hr ,.., Liie (C) (&o) '"' .. -... (C} (30) ""' lfilffi!h fUnls wht~ lht M1yb!rry wn council ctlebrata ''Yo11th Gowm11W1t 011" by 1111nln( •I•· menlary ldlool children tt ottllPr k11 civic tff1C1s. (RJ Dlll@ &lNIC ""'''-' (C) ,, ...... -''"""") '&i---Oene lltny. John SUOll, S.nt• a., ..... ,, Anfll w111. An •rt 0.1• ii iMol¥eill With ._ whtn l'tt II ..ti., the Wlltm ,....rs to cornpet• with r19r..,.tatiwn of MV«ll collfttri11 •t 111 111tllon of tilt '-"ii !IOI• vi • decttstd lcitnlilt. (ft) PERKINS lHlS 15 •'& KIND TO ANIMALS WEEK~ JUDGE PARKER '8 a.a. ... (JO) "P111nt [duu- titfl." fW]Jn Piclt1rts, I SUPtrvitor f1f Jlfll'lt tducltlon for th1 Los Allctln City Scbools, t•l•s 1boul ,.lfferlllf partllt educ.lion cl1SHS. 8 c.r,. 1-l's H•t C... .. .... (C) (60) Lorn• CrMfll is &Utst of honor. Alto •PP.Nrinr 1r1 G,,.,. Rose L ... fllidd Fou. B;>O Melvin. Ot¥i1 & 11 .... Sheri Lewis. rr1nkl• AvtlOll. tnd 0.'lld. C.1111)'. m BE veir:v ~er, I 'M CONAISED, LU..e~ l\'i .IJ.W,lifllS AAO c.cwJ>t.ETE msr .utP ntE:IE'S. NO &SOW JM Q ..........._ U lill CIJ'tri n.. "'""' (Cl • (I) tll m ,._, (C) (10) "How flN b Bloodr ' Hav1jo • IAtfi .,. 1 Diii "'I mintf1 wllt h1v1 111111 rollbld by \'" white 111111 pl'Clttdld 11J Ntl'lhll G1ndy birt Uri r..r., 1MI Jtiual J:tO•CIS l'.Miltc ..... (C) (30) Dwid u 1•1ds. .... ...., Cnlnkltt. ' Gii NU JMrU (C) (al) "A P'itot 8 Wlllllfl 1J I.Jilt? (C) (30) Willy Of t111 C.M." A ..tudJ If tht con- '"'-' ....,,. ,,... 1ni SotJtl1 lfructin 1ff..t1 ti buslnta 111 tllt sat., Mn FreRCb, Ntndith Mee-111ban rfllttol. 11 •tmpllflld by 1 IM ..., Ii• Rl)'btlm. tr1lnin1 proe:rtm for tilt lllfd.airt •. ,_... (C) (30) htty Whitt une~plo)'td lft l°lnSurfh. 1114 rr1nt Gifford 1unt. iB !]) 1111 ffNI UNQ.[ (C) 8 (i') Mllu, tlMlt (C) "Thk . t :JO 8 ''""' '""' (C) (;.) Al tilt l t.rtttls Mint.~, ur1in1 of • tophl1tit1ltd tehool a(.-,. w-.. -4 .....,. ch11m, Buffy 1nno1111cu Jfi•'• UNCI i.'.lt (30) "lllt Void."·Al1n Witts of beinf treettd like 1 hlbr •Ml 8bculm tbt BlfddhiMI 'llOid 11 I wtnls htr CIMI kt)'. (R) 9'fllbol ti lrtedom. 0"'" (C) (30) Ttd Mt)'trl. • (I) fallr Atl1it (C) • 1% o'a.cl: *" (to) l!I c..'t Wlritl (CJ ___ ,., 7"'BCitm.. " (C) (60) '1ifUillt' Cron.• A JOl!ft( fulfti'ft icicUlld ttl I Uric:otch robbtfJ· 1111lfdtr ii trtlfld bJ two bounty Mml:M '' ht ll'Ulkn his ••r 111 tlil irrendflt!Mr's r111ch ill " ti· '"'Pl to clter hit l'llmt: (R) I0"'84i(i)""' ...... (C) (60) P«ry Como tt'H'I Tlfll Cofl•tJ ruelt. (R) BID -(C) (60) Ulll>(j)IE"'"" '""'CCI (60) "Point and Counlerpoint." A dyjnf corrtict Mtkts hit *'" prlll'l'I· Is• ttl1t ht Wiii 1111ni1h 1ht tw ptoplt who Mnt him lo jail, Vic- tori1 811~!tr and Oli• C1t rk. .. ••• -" ""''" (C) (!O) •11i1<iin1il-Otdtr Briclt." J•nnle i..v. her 1111st1r wlltn trtls ''wife" ~ up witb "thtir" chl!dren. (hldltdultd) ..... " -(C) (60) B llJ) IJ) 111 n.. -(C) (ii) "'Mom ltlomtd11." ·With Win fZil TIM ltMt W11 (30) ''fr1d1tion." The time b 1915 to Nmmb•r el 1918. Sir Michttl Rtdtm• lllr· rates ftlm foot111 ef Worlll W1r I bfltln In the Mmpot1ml1 rttiM. Jttld l8fl'Dlln6td by mint litlds 10:30 IJ ~ "Miit ff ttllt T.....,. illld .., SOfity in • mt ho1111 for (ldVtntlHI) •64 -Hildtprdt fltff, woulldtl 111111s, T1r1 mud: Uri• Gatz Gtorre. • teMllt to Ifft hht1 from • dtttfl plot (R) 1 = S Mwit: "Mtrint Btl· l (td't'fn1ure) '66 -Jock Pit LL m Jnitll • CeuiqftHl:I (C) (JO) 8 llffft (C) (30) BUI )olm1. Q1) flltvnl (C) (60) '1he Mtrit Mcunt1ln." A senMlive study of lht p10111m •t the ldyllwl!tl School cA Music end lttt Alfs. ii""' •-(60) II"' II DU Ill Ii! IE"'"' (t) g 1...-.. (30) "Xtnon Hi1h lntll!Sil)' Litht." ,Two 1uthorilies 4ilc:al• th• flltllrt 1ppllcltions of t-linllt bulll tttet p!'OClllCU 10,000 -100.000 nt11, duplltltin1 lllt· uni 1unlithL e D Ciertit ,.MaHt•illte 8 Alff'lll ffttttiCMk mu.. Clllltl (C) m ltltitlr. '"M11,.1 Wiii hr' (l!'IYl- *l) 'Sl-Jt111" Robtrbon Justice. ill) I]) Ill Cl) 9 ()) -(C) D THE BEST ON RECORD * SH GRAMMY Award Jl:lO IJllwit: (C) "\.atiR lMfl" (~· flllftCI) '53-laM Tumtr, RlctrH Mcntalbtn. Winners Perform on This TIMEX Special. B 1.D I lijCQ!L I lite hit N lltt- enl: n. Cra•., A••rft Sf!" (C) {IO) A spedtl faturinf l)effOJm- •llCU lly torTtt of this ye1r's Win- 0 llllt¥le: "1.11111 .. tlle ....... (dr1m1) '45 -Annt Baiter, Rtlph Bellamy. U lill IJl IE ..., ""'' ct> m 0...ld O'CM•r (C) nm of Crtmmy A.1rdl. balowld . •11Ulllfr 11r the N1tion1I ~ 1!:15 D M-: ..,... ~ [Jt'" ti RtoDnl\nf Arts 1nll Sc::itnm. (liOtfOI') '60 -.ltcqutl &.1•1c. ""°"' thole Plffarmin1 en the ~· r ,,...,.,. 1rt Tht Betti-. Diorwl1 U:JO G) AMII lllNtn: "'Cifttli ti 0.1· Wtl'Wkt. TN Te"1ptltions, Simon It!'." TU E SDA Y ~YTIME MOVIES 1%:00 ......... (Wlll«ll) 'st -Joti.11 Nthw, Jtnt Nitll. 1t• m.,.. Ltd"" (drlt'lll) ·51-1•· tf'! "'"'· ..... llH " .... (dfa. m•) '46-Due C111t. Jtni1 r1119. 2:00 m""" T• ,._,. (ldvlflture> ·i7-Johnnr $tftdi, Oon C111.11, .... t~ "T\11 r. C1u11tr(' (1dYtt1· .. bar•) -,SS -llrnes Sttwirt. Rutl'I J;OO 0 (Cl bt•• lit fl•Mllll" (d11· """'°' I m•) • 3 -tl111 Cooper, Roberti Haynes. t:Jt8.....,,.. t• Uwla(' (4r1m1) ']S • -fnclr'ic: Mtrcfl. Gt ry Cooptr. 4:008 "011tt U,.. 1 H111spa•i' (r. ' :,. • ....._ My lMt" (fr•m•} '41 1111nct) ·4z -Clry Cr111t. C!llft' -Ctt*t11 ~bert. Doll Am«ht. Rottf*, • JOB PRINTING • PUBLICATIONS • NEWSPAPERS Ou1Uty 'ri~Un9 111111 D•p•11i1•I• 5,,,.;,. 4., 1111,.. ff.1~ c 0 1i11rt•r ef • Ct 11h1ry. f'!L01 PRINTING 221 t WUT IALIOA k'fl. HIWPOIT IUCM • It.I -'lAM •.• KATHBDNE ! TUMBLEWEEDS WEtL. IVE BEEN OUT HERE IN THE BIG LONESOME A WHOLE WEEK NOW •• , • 0 MUTT AND JEFF GORDO vov'R~ M UJJPATfl/07/C. J..trTLE .E).~WORM• PORFIRIO f ' . MISS PEACH • ----·-- •• -- OF c.ooase. aw 60f TD • A IEMJ5r! ALW lfi M!IMM! I ~ ff5 YM4tllY flOMa,lllE THAT Me~ 5C1ME WOMA.111 .\ LITTLE ATT!WTIOtl •• .t.JfP tMt5 IWTR· ~ IT A$ .......... WE'i , .• II l.O'IE MTW MH .• • • . i I WAS HOl'IN'l'GEr A ll111.E. FllfSll Al R / RELAXATION AN' SQmJPE· •.• Oll,Mo? 1\.L MAKE +4IM EAT·IT! I 'U..JAMrr - OOWIHllS " ·~ ·--...... S·S . 'lt>U"U. 14A\IE"TO WAIT, 51R.! OF CIJIJll,$l!f . ~"" ••·W/M.J.·• • HSCICf ly Cliarles M. Schub! By Harold Le Doux By Tom K. Ryan By Al Smith -... L1jM ly Gus Arriola .ti> JUST ~/KE 10 TA5TJ! A:f:!f ly Mel , ' THEY ARE ALL HITS -Dan Rowan and Dick Martin, above, will lead off the "Grammy Awards0 program tonight at 8 p.m. on Channel 4. Awards will include a special one, to be presented by Henry Mancini, for "Record of the Year." Per· formers will be introduced by other notables such as Burt Bacbarach, Mama Cass Elliot, Bobby Gen· try and Tiny Tim. TELEVISION VIEWS Two Faces To TV Rates By JERRY BUCK NEW YORK (AP) -The winner of the television ratings sWee:Pstakes for th~' 1968-69 season depends on which network's figures you use. CBS says it won by a nose. NBC says it's a dead heat. ABC 'runs third in both interpr~ations. The reason the figures can be interpreted differ· ently is that NBC premiered its new shows begin· idng Sept. 16, a week ahead of the other networks . NBC counts Crom its premier week and CBS from its debut the follo\ving week. HERE IS HOW CBS figures it counting from Sept. 23: CBS 20.3, NBC 20.0 and ABC 15.6. It says the figures are the same if you count NBC from Sept. 16 and ABC and CBS from Sept. 23 . Here are NBC's figures from Sept. 16: NBC 20.1, CBS 20.1 and ABC 15.6. For the past 13 years CBS has been the undisput· ed winner and NBC has made a determined effort to overtake them. AN ABC spokesman laughed: "If NBC interprets it as a tie for first, then that makes us second." CBS also offers its figures counting all networks from Sept. 16 : CBS 20.1, NBC 20.0 and ABC 15.6. The A. {:. Nielsen Co. does not tnake the final figures public and takes no stand in their evaluation. Why are the figures so impctrtant? Because they determine advertising rates. ONE TENTH or a rating point equals 57,000 homes and 120,000 people per minute. It also means $1.8 million in billings per year. Three tenths of a rating point, as CBS claims as its edge, would amount to $5.4 million a year. One industry source, not connected 'vi th the net- \Vorks, said , "The points can mean a lot because some people figure it with a sliderule and a sharp pencil." Among the top JO shows in the full season rating, CBS placed 6, NBC 4 and AB C none. THE TOP SHOW, as it had been all year, was NBC's "Laugh·ln.'1 Only one new show made it .into the top 15 : NBC's "Julia," tied for sixth. 0 May .. berrx R.F .D.," not rea11y a new show but a change in leading character Crom the "Andy Griffith Show" of eight seasons, placed fourth. The top 10 sho,vs in order were: 1. "Laugh-In" NBC. 2. "Gomer Pyle U.S.M.C." CBS. 3. "Bonanza" NBC. 4. "Mayberry R.F.D." CBS. 5. "Family Al fair" CBS. 3. "Gunsmoke" CBS. AND 11Julia" NBC tied. 8. 11Dean Martin Show" NBC. 9. "Hhere'1 Lucy" CBS. 10. 11Red Skelton" CBS. Dennis the Menace ' • I I I " I I J ' jl n ~ b " l • r, v t t • • r d t l I t I ! ( I I l I < t ' I l l ' t ' l • I • • . -- )fountain . -. Valley N.Y. Stoeks VO~;.c62, NO. 107, 3 SECTIONS, 38 PAGES '• . .. .. Connie Jo Pfister, 19, Is the new Miss Huntington Beach. She won the crown Friday night in competition with 22 other local JoveUes . Jo~or the st.atjsticaUy._ ffiinded, the Orange Coast College coed stalfds 5 fee~ 6~ mcbes, weighs 121 pounds, ·has blande hair and brown eyes. Her measurements are 36-24-36. 3 Youths Held in Ammo, Weapon, Beer Burglary A pistol-packing teenager and two other juveniles Were arrested Satun:lay in con· neclion wilh a Huntington Beach residen· tfal Wrglary In which five guns, a cue of beer and far,i:e quantities of ammunition wue stolen. , Police from Huhtingtofi Beach and'· Huntington Boy At.tacked by Gang Qn Lonel y Beach A Huntington Beach high school student wgo , went to the beach early Monday morning with three female companions-lo watch the sun rise was att.acked_ and beaten by a carload of youths who told him they were "high on beer and reds." The victbn, a juvenile, told police he and the girls were accosted by six people aged 14 to 17 at 5:15 am. in a parking lot. ntar· Lifeguard Station 13 at the beach. The youths allegedly forced him to drink some or Lheir beer and then told him that i( the gltls refused to have sex~ ua l relations wjlh the others in the car, the!_ Would "kill them." When he refused, they pulled him out of the vehicle. kicked him and beat him on th! head, with ;. golf club. Fountain Valley took the juveniles Into cw;;tody .after they alleged.1y entered the Wesley Steward residence at 18111 Worton :Avt., Huntington .Beach and re.moved the goods. Officet Ed Wilson of lhe Huntington Beach Poli~ Department was worklng on a runaway invesUgation Saturday when.he uncovertd information leading to the arreS& ot one of the youths and con- fiscation ;t, one of lhe weapons. Later 4u(ing the day residents living at L~ Tiera Street, Huntington Beach, discovered three boys dumping several bags in a vacant field near the street. On checking the bags they found I.hem to con· lain three guns and ammunition. The youths returned to the scene before police a& rivtd and found the citizens w~ng for them. One Of the suspects was tactied and held for police by one ol the bystanders while the others fled. A. third suspect WIS dlicovered OR • f,_ay bani: py FOUll\aln Val1ey ollloer Vidor Deutacb, who wu drtvln1 back to the station with the captured ietnager. The other youth answored to the de>crlp- Uon of another suspect and wu.taken into custody·~ . OM of the burglary suspects caplllred led Po~ to a weapon hidden 1n the .heater vent ol his home. Another was aJlegedly packing a loaded pistol in bis belt. Two of the suspects are oow In custody at juvenile ball and one was released to his parent! pendlng further in•esltgatlon. ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA MONl!>A Y, MAY 5, "" TEN CENTS • . I Fires · Set on Campuses Harvard, CCNY, ~erkeley Schools Hit by Arsonists By Ual&ed Pres1 llltn.aUoetl Firei, two o( them in Reservt Officers Tr&inm, Corps {ROTC) afliei!S, broke out aC Harvard and two other campuses to- day. A stick of dynamite was exploded outside the main door or the Pacific School of Religian at Berkeley. The blast broke windows and knocked doors aff their hinges. Dissident black and Puerto Rican 1tude.nls at City College of New York 'Big J' Home;- Gets Welcome In Lc;>ng Beach LONG BEACH (UP I) -Tbe USS New , Jersey, the world's on1y active battleship, steamed through the breakwater into Its hC;rhe port here shortly before I a.m. to- day, as mare than 1,000 persans waved signs and a Navy band played. Hundi-eds of wives and childrtn of the 1,M& officers and men were waiting cm Pier E at Lang beach Naval statlan under overcast skies for the 56,000.ton ship to arrive home from the Far East. capt. J. Edward Snyder, Jr., of Fairfax, Va., in a radiotelephone in- terview, said "only an idiot would not send the New Jersey back'' if V1etnun hostilitiei remain at the currept level. Sny!ler spq.. .ol 'lil lhljl...,.i ""'.!11!1t pride as the battlewagon Itta.med Ward a delayed reunion with tbe f~ of \a. sailors. Signal lights flMbod·fr!llll the bridle al the New Jersey u ·lbe came into view, her superstructure towering aboVe tht other ships in the harbor. A 36-piect Long Beach municipal band and a Navy band played, helicopter1 flew overhead, and dependents waiting on the dock cheered. The crew. in dress whites, ~ood at at· tentian lining the rails as the 887-foot bat- tleship was escorted int.a Port by a Dotilla ot small cabin cruisers. The bands. which bad been playing show tunes, broke into "Anchors Aweigh'' as the New Jeney was nudged into its b<rth by tlliboa". Families and friends of tht crewmen rushed aboard the battleship u soon as the gangplanks were lowered, far tear- ful reunions with the men. Valley Totals 28,507 Now Fountain Valley population afficially to- day is 28,507, city officials said in an- nouncing the resulU af a special ce05u1 just completed. The figure is only slightly of£ the city's awr, estimate of 28,523, the result of coun· ting water meters. The poj>ulatian a year ago was pegged at 25,744 and on April I, 1960 at 2,068. Additional population means that the city will set back fram the state addi- tional tu money which is returned to cities on the bull of population; 11Jcl1 as I &uoline Ups. . Young Republicans To Meet-on May 15 Hunt'lngton Valley Young Republican Club wllf hear Hwitington iJead1 M.yar Jack Green at the MA)' 15 sessk:G of Ult group. During the 8:30 p.m. meeting at ,the Sheraton Beach JM, Mayor Green will discuss the June s '6 million part bond proposal. blocked entrances at the 1ebool's S001h campus In defiance of the New York Board af Higher Educatian orders. The fires at Harvard, temple and Western Michigan Universities were all apparently set by arsonls~. The Hre at Harvard's Shannon J{all, an ROTC building, did slight damage. Papers and furniture in a first floor room were ignited but were quickly ex· tinguished. Last manth a group of students seized the Harvard adrninistra,tlan building in protest of tl\e pretence of RO'IC on cam- pus. A police sweep at the building {ooch- ed off a student at'rike tbal shut down lhe campridge, Mass .•. ~b~I. , Arsonists.at \feitern ,Ai~igan climbed through a windtw, fo~ open one door and took. anathtr oft its binges. Then they set ,fire to books and papen in the school's ROTC office, authorities said. Col. James T. Hayes, head af the military science program at WMU, said STANDOUT -Chevrolet o!licial Mason Bell presento ecbolarsbip .to Jackie ~nijlgton, ~wrtin&ton Beach's apd,Cal!fomi.'s ~!/'.¥ )~,.~ •loall;;JpirioriMis» ~~.,·fllunlil)8iiift 1\1~ ~· ~-~ both mentally end pfiys\cally, by )finning scho\ashc •nil fllitUi hon- ors in contest prellminaries. , ' • ' ,, Ja~kie Win8 Twe· · MarinaGirlNearsJuniorMi.ssCrown Jackie Benington of Huntington Beach moved cl05cr ·to the America's Junior t.fiss corwn this morning when she was named winner of a $1,500 scholarship in the scholastio dlvisior. of the competition in Mobile Ala. ,Judging lb the. contest wh\ch aeks to find t110'ldeliJ. blah .od>ool sen!Dr lir~ Is based on scholaaUc ability ,iod youth fitness, dlvillans now claimed by Mi11 Benlngt<:>n , personality, mental alertnesii, poise and personal appearance ,and creative and performip.g arts. Finals are to be telecast Tuesday oo irreplaceable records were lost. ROTC classes were held as uaual while. the FBT, state and lacal police, and firemen in. vestigated the arson. Three simultaneous fires broke out dur· 1111 final euminaUons at Temple. One was in a ctmroom-adminl!:tratioa building, one in a student launge, and one in a physical edqcatian building. ln two af the buildings. firemen found a trail or (Boe 8TUDENTS0P~ l) Voters Decide Tax Override In Ocean View Voters In the Ocean View Scheol District oC Huntingtan Beach 10 to the polls Tuesday lo decide the fate of a fl.25 tax ovenide. '·Palls open. at 7 a.rh. and claae at I p.m. l>e:>Pi.te heavy campaigning for and against the finance proposal a low turnout is predicted by both opponent& and proponents. The present 1u rate is $1.50 per $100 usessed, valuaUon. If the $1.25 is liven tht needed majority vote, the rate will rise to $2.75 for two years. Proponents have argued thll tht money is needed ta bring the educational progr&n! to an acceptable level and ta P&l (or,........, ~l qilllic and- --not now -''-·rd b• ••· children. ....... , , ·~ Opponents Julve argued that only Ill ~~·:j ,and tbet,!M-11 titan .... ' ialicil .bf ~.for .... . ,,.,. ·~fl_rol<. I. Voters prevtou,ly have reJecled two 11- tempta at tu ovmldes in the paat three ytars. ' Beach Policemen Pu( tlie Arm on Stuck Porpoise She becomes the first two-division win- ner having• won the youth fitness com· petition and a $1 ,000 shcolarsbip Saturday night. beginning at 7:30 p.m. on Chann,.i f . "~o,iest, officer whatever It l!, I didn't Miss Benington, 17, has pf9Bfts9td do ~I·'.' the recalcitrant 1ubject who wq California 's Junior Miss is a JI.farina High School aenior and has a straight "A·• scholastic average. She plans to study biology at Sta.,nlord University. through the variaus Jun iar Miss pageants r~1stm1 meat by two Huntington Beach. sponsored by Lhe Jaycees ta the cam-police Oftfferi SaWfday afternoon aeem· petition of 50 h.igh IChool girls for the na-ed to be saying. . t.iooal crown. 1 The policemen were hardhearted and She Is the daugh~r of Mr. and Mrs. mumbled $Ol'l1ethlng about doing it "for Orchard Benington of 1111 <1umm Drive. his own good" ahd, with the help of five -civilians, one child and a French poodle Waves Assail Newport; Guard Station Lashed wrestled the victim inta the paddy wagon amid grunts and complaints. All Ute objectians and shouts of the 1lx· foot, JOO.pound victi m struck deaf urs. No one could understand him. He wu a porpaise. The,animal, stranded Jn •hallow waters beneath the Huntington Beach Pier, wM loaded up and driven to the end ol, the pier and dumped over the aide. By JOHN VALTEllZA Of .. Dlillt' , .... ...., Heavy ltclrm-bome waves crashed past tioiwiud. ahd caused . -. d._e to N..,port -1i .Jilecuaid heldquarll<s tbJs ~ But todly new. otrateo wu helping t)le 1ea undo tts damage. '!lie lateol and moot oevere <Nlatlghi of hlih Ude• and eroolon, wbk:b has become an almoet montlr,' occurrence .U )'tar, started Frlday n ghl . When it let up, tons ar aand had been washed away along with three emergency bulihuds. Damage to the hi.11Grlc dory fleet included several Jost lockers full a{ fishing 1ear. . Al city crew3 and department heads watched their heavy bulkhead• fall satur· day and Su~ay, they caUed on ~Uy Public Works D'irector Jpseph .T. Devlin foe a new ldeL·ll oeems to be .l!ot~. n.v~n ·quk!cly desi&ne4 · "lm!ant. Jtrolns''"made·ot hN.vy .plankinc to: trap (he waves' wash, slow tt: down and allow for dejmlt of new sand fll'tt the eroded area. "Sinoe the groins were built ~ morning we have had a new, six-Inch la,ytr of sand over the area," Chief Lifeguard Robert Reed said . The sea has a tong way t.o '101 however. The westerly swells ate awa.y an estimated 36,000 cubic yards or sand. Around the headquarters bulklln& the sand shelf dropped si x feet. Spectators gatllered an the pier and cheered wildy after the porpolae be1an to swim happily in the water~ . " . Steele llf'•rlcets NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market, whose vigOl'Ol.D rany tut WMk carried it-1<> .,,..;or. !ta belt thowlnp irl' about a year, cbed on a rm1y even teer today. (S.. quotaUons, Paga 11-J'I.). Trading near the cloee wu active. Oruf e ... \Vhllc the yqottl was being beaten the J.:irl• ned to call police. The atlackera tben concentrated an the victim and told him t~Y' "lfere eoing to take him with them." Before police arrived at the parking Jot. the you\hs jumped inta their car and 1 escaped. -. Offictrs tnvestigat1n1, t~ lnci4ent said the IJitls were In hyitm<OI iolidJtion and fuuncl the 'victim to ha•e· sufa fued mulUple cuts and scratches from .. His~o.ry Different Here? Large are.as of the headquarters park· Ing lot, remains o( brick planttrs. sidewalk& and e,-pensive planl.3 were car· ried off by the cruhln1 brloe. Planks from the emereency bulk.bead& littered the belch for yarda l[OUnd. The actual structure af the l!UiJdinc ls not imperiled, city aides Aid, '1pce it restl on plllilp drlv<n d"P Into the sand. Alt<r tikin( todsy off, the IUll -back 1\Jelday to -coastal temp(!raturea Into the' up- per slxtitll ror a clear -and dry -<lay. - the belting. ~' DaxJight "Sqving Time Major Tor-ic Dayllc;ht saving time on a year-round basts b ant of the topics for Jilscusslon at \anlght's I o'clock n1eetlng of the Se.11 Beadf'<l~~ COWl<i!· · · The . ~le ·comes .from Lon1 Beach .,,.heft tf\al coundl hu approved I rcsolu· lion •ol<lng for dayllghl Ume naUonally oo a year·rouod basis. • " State 8.ellJlte_Passes School Text 'Freedom' Bill SACRAMENTO (AP) -Can you Juch Amft!can history diHerenU7 In Or111ge COUnty, than la Saa Franct.scot Tnat WU ont ol tl)e qut!~ ban\treCf about today as the Clllfomil Serwite pwe<1 by..a » to a voW-a propooed con- s11tut1on11 am.endm<nl.Jo II• the. ~lo ~eater frttdom in chooalng tutbooli;s for u.. In jjublic ochOoll • ~.,,,....,., 1_....i by Sen. Albert S. Rodda (0.S.ctamento), now a:oes to th< Assembil'. Th• State Constitution now requite• lht State Board of EducaUon lo aoprave I • r "uniform" win of textlioib lo be-· -. I& ~ -'fll.BU Jl'tancloco). In the Jll.te'1 public IChlil(~ftll·~ _....~!.'You could teach Ar:n~in In eUoct. • that· llltb , ...-': ...,.,... • h!tt6fJ ~.bl 0r"11' c.cmty thin tbrooahout caDlonlla ""' die -' ""'do In Sah.l'raoCIM>i1'' reeding, English and arttllltltllc llooU. Rlldd1 said yes, dep<ndtn. on. wlult Rod!l<'s_wendm<flt, wb!Ch ...,Id liov1 : booU •l!llJ!ow many""' ~·l>l'.. to be approved by the ~ aflhe pO!lt, .,.. ~ St.to Board of F.ducauon--..naer Jets Jhe leglslalure dettnnl!I' how many culdelines oel by the JegbJature, 1ttlt1 or te.rtbOob lbe Ute board can . Rodda ta IJ)OMOlinc a musure that approve. woukl permit tbe board to aet two book! The board·s act.Jon, in turn, woold for tach subject and grade. • detmnlne hoW t;road a d\OICe .local Some ""'*°rs lndfcated, thtl wanted ochool boards W)lllki ha•• In decidJn& loc:1\dlllrl~ti to ha .. a number of \xJOk$' wh1l tuts could be oud hi Uieir-wea•. to c1-!Yorn. • ' ' J . , . CilY General Strvlcts lllroctor Jaki Mynder,. uld tbet !be newest m>Olan In- cident "wW .......,bly. ~Jiuril!iaal (or • · · r~ ride 'II"~ iOr be~." · .. ~ 1· p ')'be .ci\f hu ·~ltil a~'-l<i' !lie pernianent bllilhucl, ' · wu achedi.tled lo bt pUt 1n tarly mOl'ltb, pendll!i arrival of ma='r , • •One of Jhe"liQ\'lf,I) 'i>i:<:uiTtd • Satutday night bel<ih m ht.when 1t1 waler began ste'dlM: th~ do.?~ - on tt>e.Jawer level of-the Jtation. Monotary dam"t, lncJllCQni loa ·o1, ..... ..... !'ntl . ~~~ Od the • •• ll:.1.a;.Jg:~.niiii·~ ,d~,·tha, . ' 1Sff'WAV1CI, PIP t) • '· t ... ,1 I INSmB 'IVDAY '· It .,.. pr1Uy mucll lib l>M!' iou1 racti; tht imo:ll boota modt tht·btl& of the 10fnd1 and t90.t , major honclr1 ,6if,i · tM • larti(; OMI tn,."tht0 on~ 1tnoda race. Paat 20. . ' --------------~-------------.._ ___ .._.._. ..... ____._ ________ ~~--~--~------~--~ ----- ~ I ! ' 11 I . ' 2 . IW,LV f'!l.OT H • Mood.or. M'1 5, 1969 Red -Conces·sions .. Seen. . / Vie.t Cang Enroy ReJurns to P,~ris Talks PAlllll (UPI) -Mme. Nguyen Thi Jinh, lbe deputy Vitt Cong negotiator in Puts, returned today from • mysterloui trip deep Jhio Ille jUJll]es of South Vitt. Dahl Wben lbe conlerred with ltld<ra Ill the National lJberaUon Front (NLF). The •Illes hero Rid they U..UL~n':' trip could ltad to a more 19 nogotiatin( position by the NLF. A South Vietnamete official 11rt1d,y was predjc':. ting the Communlslll will bock don from their demand for total withdrawal of U.S. troopci from Vietnam. Mme. Binb told oews111en Jl Le Bourget Airport she bad vi.siled a "liberated r.one" to meet with members of the NLF Cenlnl COn>mittet, but she declined to answer quesUou other than to 1ay she briefed the committee on P a r l 1 developments. , r Siie left Pllril unoapectedi y OD April 14 vta Moecow. Allied offidals prtdlcted at • the time ber -would be Important \:..!t: .":".:~.~ ltMl!il A South Vlotnamao alflelal Wd ODY Communlal --from to t •I witbdr1wal demands would provide a brtalltlnugh In lbe lolt1 which btgln In January and have been boued dowa ever alnce. • Tbe offklaJ'• atatemtnt eame amid ttporll ao..,. bolll Soi&On and W uhlngtoa that pointed to 1 ~al withdrawal of U.S. lorce1 11 a 1 of Amerlca'a will .. lngnw to ti\d the ghUng. Communist sources in Paris said almost three weeks ago that they would accepl web a withdrawal of perhaps S0,000 Git u fullilllng thoir demand for the pullout of American forcu from Vi•~ i.am. The U.S. negnU.Unc team from the btglnn1ni bu aaktd Hanoi to diaculs the wtlhdrtwal Ill both North Vietnam.,. tnd "-lean "-It the &Im< tiJlle, 11>o ·~~-.,blntoil that the Uftited States was "de· taca11Uaa" the war, aomething the North Vletnamete would look on favorably la tht contot of tM: Vietnam peace neeot· laUoos. The hint by Hanoi l1Acllo was broldcut in the ton of 1 spetc:h by Prime Mlftbter Pham Van 'Dong ol 'North Vietnam In May DI)' cettmonf., attended by Presi· dent 11• Chi ·Minh. Monitored in Saigon, the speech said: "The only path they (lhe Americans ) can f6Uow ts continuing to deescalate the war, ending their criminal war of •I· gft$Sion in South Vietnam.'' American commanders in Vietnem have denied .iny decrease Jn thelr level of offenaive operations. In fact, they have credited stepped·UP patrols ~Ith belpin11 to be1t the Communisll' winteMpring of. fenalve. Mesa 4-year-old Killed, Struck by Trash Truck Snake Bitten CdM Students Recovering A four.year-old Costa MeM bl>y who WU riding hla tricycle WU killed In· stanUy Saturday when run ovtr by a two and one-half ton trash truck. Police identified the vlcUm _, James Dennll Hafner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Surprise Rain Spatters Coast Unaeasonable rain -the weather buruu'a tmn for any ptteipltaUon foil- ing between April tnd October - apiuhed the om.,. Coast Sunda1 and overnight aa winter 1puttr.red Ila WI, dying 1asp .. Seven--ttnthl of an inch, enou1h to awaken aome residents, fell on Llguna Beach early -this morning, while Costa Me.sa. Newpon Beach and Huntington Be.a.ch recorded only a tract of the wet stuff." F't!llh<r north, rain drenched ll1t Los Ange1.. Baaln tnd l!IO..i Ji~·~ repon'e:d at Southern California nsorta above the 3,000..foot level. Temperatutt.s Sunday clipped Jnlo the law ..... . • Fom:uten called f0< ~ ""1"1' weather for Tuesday, wtth··thf mercury m&klng a comeback and no' rabf oa the horlaon. Accident Victim Fights for Life Daniel E. Ramos, a Huntington Beach youngMr who suffered severe fractures and head injuries following an automobile accident last week, remains in PoOf con- di tion at~ Mesa Memorial Hospital. According to medkal offlcJ&ll, the '- year-old tot 1!111 remaina In the hospital'• int.ens1ve care unit and hu not 1ignlfk:antly improved since ht wu hoopitallzed April !O. Ramos, "1lo lives at 10391 Shangri IA Drive, Huntlnglon Beach, suffered tile In- juries when he darted acroa Adtm1 A venue near the Santa Ana RJver bridge and WU atruck by an oncoming Blltomobli• during rush hour traffic. Voice Recital Slated Abram Edewards, 17582 Santa Elina Ctcle, Fountain Valley, will give a voice recital at I p.m. May 18 in Music Room 117 •t Cal State Long Beach. The recital ii free ond open to lbe public. OMIY PllUT , lle\ert N. w .. 1 .. l'ftlflftl .... ""'"""' J•• a. c .. 1rr Vkil ''•""'' ............ """"""' n-•• x •• .i1 l!tllw 1•-• A. M••Ml11te ..... Liit l•lfw >A.rt W, l1t11 WtR11 .. 11111 ... ,.~ Hulllk'lflM ._.. 1!•11• (11, l! .. tw .............. o..... lot Ith Str11I Meltl•t /r.I~-' P.O .... 7tO. tJHI --......., 1Mc111 '"' .... , ........ _._. °""' ,,..; ,,. ... , .... ....... tMlillrW 1t11<111 m· ,.,.., ..... JU~ Haloor, lll'IO Natlooal Aw. According ta the police llCCOWlt, lbe llafoor tot WU riding hll trike clown Na- Uooal Avenu•neor Oak Street ajong wllh two plll'lftllea oo bleycleo when tho ira&ody occumd., ' lnv.,tJcatin( o!f1ctn aald I h e younptera wtre following \be path ., a truckldrlvm bf Pete O.Uegoa Colin, SI, • o1 Santa Ans. Colin told police be had apottad the ynanpten dwlng the truck down the atroet and had warned Ihm to (et Ill! the itreet. He Aid lllft he didn't ... them In the rear.view mirror• u be started up bil truck, and UIUDlod they had. left. Colln aald be felt the truck ,. over ..,..thing In tho roodwa1 when It had nachod a apeed of I miles per hour. YOW1g u.-had 1ottan al>eod Ill tho 1arba,. truck, ond had appartnlly ·swerved on hi.I tricycle and been erUlhtd bf the right rear -1 of the truck, "°" cording to lnvtlttgatora. The death of YOU1iC Hafntr mark• the fourth traffic fatality in Coat.a Mt.sll Two Corona del Mor Junior hlgh llCbool atudentl were reported 1n "fair con- cllUoo" today •t Hoai Memorial Hoapllol where they are NCOvering from rat- tlesnake bit.I. · XAren ltandall, IS. ond Alex Wanlek, It, ,..,. bitten Friday oo the growm of !Jnooln lntarmodiate School. TbeY will remain at Hotg rar at leall a few day1, hospital spokesmen said. "We're 11oing to keep them unW lhe pobon ii compi<tdy out ol their l)'Stems." The make, which the youngsters mistook ror a gopher snake, was lattr kllled by a 1Chool employe. Jt b now in a botUe of formaldehyde at the school, where it will IM!l'Ve u an object lesson to other ltud~ts. according to Vice PJ1n.. dpal Ralpti Werley. The Randall girl tnd' young Wanlek tried to pick up the small anake when 1.h.ey saw It 1n the crevice of a doorstep u they went from one cla.ss to another. achool olflciall said. llad been 116 !ataliUes In tho nine I>f'VIOlll .Ill ' Mlr1r ,,._,,. r111i. Became I t'• There Laguna Beach High School stu- dent Pete Schoen, 16, pauses . during c 1 i m b Saturday 'of sh1!er, 200-foot rock wall off Zurich Drive in city's Top of the World area. Schoen and classmate Scott Byington scal- ed wall in nine and a half hours despite two falls broken by safety ropes. They said f;ice had never been climbed be- fore. Anaheim Woman - Stabbed to Death; 'Husband' Held Withlr\ lbt"wt month, police Aid. Thu• .A T->..flati'on· Taxes1 months. j : 1 A 28--year..()l<I Anaheim woman w1s 1'11< . jfbeP occid•nta, Included 1111 •I Top· ·Wage Gam" s stabbed lo death with a butcher knife weir$'• 'li:otOrcycle-car eollisJon in which ' i" Saturday afternoon and her alleged an OCC 1tudent wu tlleld, one fat.allty in : · slayer captured several hours later, whlcb the driver lllffettd • bean attack ~AN (RANCISCO (UPI) -Inflation police reported. . aod ran into a pole at the comer of and tuea won the battle with pay hikes Dead is Jeannetta Caroline Enlstrom Had)or and GWer, and one accident in fOr the average California worker during of 2555 w. Lullaby Laoe. The Orange which tile victim, who "u run over bJ l the past year. County Coroner's Office said she died tatbage truck, apparently auffered a The State Oeparjment of lnduSlrial from a single stab WO\)nd in the heart. heart attack and fell into the street F<elat!OnJ today reported gross earnings Bruce p, Wade, of 2888 w. Rome st., before the truck hit him. in Mlrch were up 4.2 percent from a year Anaheim. reported to be the womari 's Traffic lnvesU&ator R. D. Goode uld earlier. common·law husband, was captured by th.at Saturday'a acddent wu the only OM But lnfl1Uon and taxes boosted the cost officers Randy Gaston and Robert related to traffic safety on Costa · Mesa of Dvina so high t.be worker with three Goellner who spotted his car near Euclid city streets, u the motorcycle accldent dependents wu 2.4 percent behind March Street and Crescent Way. occurred on I private road at Orange of 1968 and the unman1ed worker had 3.3 Wade, who had reportedly taken poison, Coaa;l Colle1e. percent less spending power. was rushed to .Orange County MedJcal • Center where his stomach was pumped. Two Marina ~tudents Win Merit Scholarship Ho~ors Four Oranie Coast high school students have been named NaUona.l Merit Schotanhlp •Imm. '!'bey ... lmOl\g 3,000 graduaUng seniors throughout the country who represent the top one-half of ooe percent of scholasUc ability. Two ol the wlnnera: attend Marina High school, Huntinfton Buch. They are Barbara S. Larsen, daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. Robert W. Larsen, 15252 Yorkshire Lane, Huntln&ton Beach, and Judith C. Prtsison, daughter of Mr. and Mn. Robert Cottington, 6S42 Edinger Ave., H°"tin(ton Beach. Miss Lanen, claa valedldorian, will attend SL 0111 College, Northfield, Minn., "bere the plan• to major I n matbemaUcs. Sbe ii a member of the band and orchestrs, the Girls' Atlll•Uc A.Yoclatlon, Anchor Club treasurer, .. a11>ur<r and preaident Ill the Cslllomia Seholarshlp Federation, an explorer 11COUt, and was namtd outstandlnC chemlsirY student by the American Cllemlcol Society. ~tisl PreSIOn will attend the Unlvenlty ol Redlanda, whtrt ahe piano to major In !.:ngliab. She.ii a board member of the Glrla' AthkUc AAoclallon, p I a y 1 •olleyboll ind hockey, I• pmident of l'ulln Tttchm of America, wu prl of the month, Californlt St.ate SCholanhlp Staibwer, and the winner Ill Ibo Edlaon Sclenco Ad1lcvoment Award and th• Bent of America certUlcota. Two atudertl from Corona cl'1 Mar ...,.. tapped for tho Merit SCholll'lhlpo. Tb<)' ll'I Kolhryn L. Lynch, dlUihter of Mr. and Mn. !!!. Lynell, 1113 Altura Drln, Cofoooo do! Mar !Ugh School, and P'rederlc Schwartz. eon of Mt. and Mrs. Leon Schwartz. S815 Inlet lslt Drive, foothill Hl&h School. Miss Lynch will major In English ot Stanford Univer~ty. ~nor of the Ytarb9ok. ah• ls also on the edltorisi ataJf of lhe Utuary mag1ilne, an. AF8 can- didate, Sealbeattr for tl'le California Scholorahlp ftdentton, tnd • member Ill the Stnior Honor Socletf. was runntr up In the National Council of Teachers of English Achievement award. He wu a participant In a summer science program at case Western Reserve University, and ls a memtM!r of the National Forensic League with a Degree of exctllence. He is a varsity debater. He is belng held in the" prison ward of the hospital on murder charges. l'rom Pqe I STUDENTS ••. flammable fluid splashed across hall floors. Nooe of the fires did major dama11e. Some examination,, were cilled off because of the fl~s and were rescheduled for next Monday. The CCNY students stood fast at en- trances to the south campus, which along with the rest of the school bas been clos- ed for almost two week.s. Mee~lttf1~ 'l'•~.,11 c... • · Cof c I to Discuss , "' -; c r Park Bond Issu~; l!oth sides of the city's ILi !!li!liool parks and recreation bond issue will be aired 11 the Weslminater Chamber of CoP>muce Boord Ill lllredoro ~ mtetln( Tueodsy ~t the llo'Penny IN>, Beach Boulevard and W t s t m i n • t e r Avenue, Westminster. • S~aklng in favor of the boD4 lllu•,' which comes btfore city voters June 3, will be Sal GUZftla .. Fronlt Brvnupett. Jack: Miller is &eheduled to vok;e h1I rell!Oll! for Oppofing the pro-..i boiwl. Gueat speaker at the noon luncheon will bt Captain Rober\ J. Bonno!, Ill tho Weetmlnatcr PoUco Departmeo~ who wtll e:rpli:in a new program belnl UNlertaken by the Police Department, Midway City RoWy Club and the Huntii>ctoft TPe compon,y, In --with U. Weotmlmter Cl>omber qi Commm:e. / Accordinl to lclmet, the tile -is don.ting cmmle stroet mor~tn 'tllllch wW be uaed to delineate school crouwalks Jn .everal rtrattJic locatiena· t)iroughout the dty. Penona Interested in allendlng tho luncheon meetinc may do ao, but llhoGld cootact tl1e Westminster Chamber •of Commerce, 1'97·2113 for NervaUena. Welfare R esidency .Rule Suspended in California From Win Senoict1 WASHINGTON -The supreme Court continued today its dismanlling of ltate welfare residence requirement.!. · In a aeries of rulings the court u*ld su ·pension of regulstioftl in caufOmla and Illinois. The aCtlom followed Ute Ap~ 21 deci!ion giving Indigents the l'lg!lt to receive wellare help once they move .tnto a state. The Calilornla and llllnots cases had been held up pending that decision. In Cali!ornla, a three-judce federal court in San Francisco problblttd the state in April 1968 from enforcing residency requirements for p u b I t c assistance. The state appealed, arplng they should be retained. In Illinois, a rederal court in Chicago forbade the state in February 1968 from requiring ·• ,..ear'a midence u a con-dition for public Wistance. 1Ili.no11 appealed. The court also agreed today to rule next term on the COllo'titutionallty of state Council Studies Ambulance Bids Applicatiom by t h re e ambulance companies to offer service In Huntlnllon Beach will be discussed during • public hearing on ambulance service tonight by the City Council. 1· The public hearing wa.s ,caned ~Y Mayor Jack Green for 7:30 p.m. m council chambers of Memorial Hall. Presently serving the city i! McCabe Ambulance Co. Officials of the com= pany have said they cannot afford to put two ambulances into the city. Applications have been received from Peter.ion :Qair Ambulance . Ser:vice of Westminster, Schaefer's Ambulance Service of Santa Ana and Southland Ambulance Service of Buena Park. The topic came to the council ~ttr numerous ~ports of slow response ume by· the present ambulance Company. Goldwater Takes Congress Seat WASlUNGTON (UPI) -Barr Y Goldwater Jr .• 30-year..()ld IOn of the 1984 Republican presidential candidate, was sworn Into office today a a congressman from Callfornla. Wilh Arlzona Sen. Barry Goldwater and his wife watching, youn11 Goldwater was given the oath of office by House Speaker John W. McConna ck (0.Mass.). Goldwater became t.he represent.ali\'e for California's 27th con gr es s ion a I district, to which he was elected apl'r Rep. Ed Reinecke (R.Calif.) gave it uP to become lieutenant governor. .. rtsidency reql.dnmepta which b • r milllona of voters from cutiq: tlttir ballots 1n presidential elections. Arguments In • cue challenging Col· orado's sb:·month voter waiting J:.ri~ will be heard n<JI fail or wio , A written opinion will then follow. -Kidney Donor . Sought for Mesa Woman , . A kidney """°r .J• being llOUPt for 1 Cceta Mesa woman who is in criUcal con- diUon In UCLA Medical Center, Oraog• Coun\y Kidney Foundation olfidail lllld today In i!IU!ng an ·appesl. Admitted to file hospilol Friday WU Mra. Coll ... Ramlall, 33, of llOI P.,,,.U Place. Mn. ltandall loot her right kidney In 1957 and will undergo tests to dotennlM 11ow 100D h<r left kidney will have to be removed. Sh• will bt pi.Iced on a lddney clial)'Jia machine following surgery if a donor with compatible Uasue cannot be found, ac· cordlng to Mrs. Eileen Ready, spokesman for Ole Kidney Foundation. Mrs. Ready said Mrs. Randall'a h115oo band, Robert, has been paralyzed since 1965. They have three children, 9 to ll years old. "They need money as well as a kidney donor," Mr1. Ready sild. Potential kidney donors may contact · the foundation, 4781 Libra Place, Yorba Linda. A tax-exempt trust fund has been 1et up at the United States National Bank, 1845 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa, under . tbe direction of attorney Gerald Brown. Valley Council Has Long Agenda Councilmen In Fountain Valley will meet at I p.m. Tuesday tG discu$s I long agenda which includes an ordinance governing the city'$ action on tract pro- posals whJch include parkJand dedication. councilmen meet in council cbambef1 o( City Hall, 10200 Slater Ave. A 1tudy lies;sion is expected at 6:30 p.m. in tbe employe lunch room. Councilmen, still smarting from &n adverse decision by the Orange County Super-ior Court on the small lot Larwin Tract, are expected to set a public hear~ ing ror May 20 on the proposal governing reducUon of lot sizes where parks art dedicated as a part of a tract. Mayor Robert Schwerdtfeger and Coun .. cllmen Donald Fregeau •nd Joseph Cour· reges hav~ favored reductions in Jot ti.ies where park dedlcatlOl\I are involved. The court acUon haa cast doubts on the le&ality of reduction or lot sizes in JOme cues. Apollo Space Ship Passes Crucial Test CAPE KENNEDY IUPI\ -The Apollo 10 1pece machine passed a · crucial count.down test today in preparaUon for tts May 18 launch at three moon-bound astronautJ . 'Mle fully fueled Saturn I rocket. spoutinJ: 01ygen vapor 11 If it were launch day, wound up 1 week.Jong dress l'flhearsal countdown with a mock lauw:h at 1:ot a.m. PST. The simulated bla.Sioff wu thl't'4I boon and eight min· uee. late because " two minor prol>i!ml. Fro.. Pate I . ,. WAVES ••• ~ emergency period wu set 1t $t,OOO, Reed said. 'I1ie heavy waves also cl1imed other C311Ullties -all the beach quarantine •iRM alon1 the beachtront This mornlng • few-&Urferw tn}o)'td . their sport In the fouled water UJ>COlst from the pltr without lnterrupUon frOQl utelUIJ'(ll. Schwartz, who will m1jor bl Phfajcol Sclenct1 at UC lrvlnt1 won lint place In the Orone• County Acodemla Docattllon, the Bonk Ill ~ Math Aword, and • ~n.. T ,.UT """ Said one Jlfel\llrd. "Sure the quaran- tine is 1Ull in effect, but l'm afraid we hive other U'llnp io worry about at the momeDt.• WORKMEN, NEWl'ORT LlfEGUARO LIADIRS COMPARE NOTES ON HOW TO SAVI STATION Surf •ncl High' Tld11 Und.rmlnlnt Guord H•odqu1i:iu1 In Cont,.1 Newport · _ ' ' I- t - ... - I l ' .. ti b b Ii s b ti ti u I• • r • • f l F I l I I • ( I • I • I ' , I I ___________ __;_ _________ ..__ ___________ _._ • • I I I , • I I h ,. • • • s • I ~· a .. r . l ill ., :e .. !I-ra ly "' tn .Y '" ,. . lg rt he ne lo al ,.. >d tt, re .. k !d .. n· •• ' " ie .. " " • t Saddlehaek -~ EDITION 1 ' . ---- Teda)"s Final N.Y. Stoek8 TEN CENTS VOL. 62, NO. 107, 3 SECTIONS, 38 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY CALIFORNIA . t.iONDAY, MA.Y 5, 1969 .... ~~.-~~~~~~~~~~.-..~~~~-,,.-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .... ~~....:~~~~~~~~::..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' ew Down the Mjssion Trail- Anti-trust Suit Studied in Capo CAPISTRANO BEACH _, Trustees of the Capistrano Unified School District tonight will consider joining in an anti· trust suit a.rainst the publishers of library editions of chlldren's bo;oks. TrustttS, meeting at 7:30 p.m. ,in the Serra Schciol board room; have been told by the Orange County CounSel'• offict that a suit is warranted charging viola- tion ol federal anti-trust law regardinC lbe oetllng ol b&k prices. · . Truman Benedict, assistant superin~ tendent, said previQos suits have ~n 1uceessfully undertaken in other parts or the country. The Capistrano district \rOUld join other county school districts •od the county library in the legal action. :e Boath1g Co11rse Set DANA POINT -A 12·\\·etk sa!t bi:i~ting course will be offered by the U.S. P•wtr Squadron free oC charge to the ~c b!flnnll!& 7,JI p,m. 'futJ<I>~ al Richan! Honry Dana Elementary -S.bool. 2'242 La Cresta Drive, t)ana Point. l\Histration ts at the cl.SS. - Tbpics ol lhe coor,. lnclude •afety 1noat, sumanship, aids to n1vig1Uon, charting, pilot.Jng, mariner's compaM, government regulations and rules of the waterways. The Power Squardon is the largtSt_ boating educational organization. Found- ed-'in 1914, more than a million boaters have taken squadron courses. e ")'-th G•ltu " Bot1or MISSION VIEJO -Science student 'l'lm Holker of Mission Viejo High School was one of 250 ·California top ' science • 9\1,Kienta invited-to a state-wide con- fertn~ Saturday at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in La Jolla. Student! toured the institute, were ad- drused by Dr. Jonas Sall:, the inventor of,a polio vaccine, and attended scientific lectures in the hDay in Science" program aponsored by the National Foundation- March of Dimes. -• Frogs· B it Big Time SAN CLEMENTE -Two S a n Clemente frogs have hit the big lime. They'll be competing i1ay 15 through 18 in the frog version of the Olympics, the Jhtimalional Jumping Frog Jubilee lield iii Angels Camp, California. Entries are the property of Corde P: ifartens of 431 I Calle t.Iayo who own~ "Edroc." and oC Anne Coulter Martens of 33~. Cristobal "'ho owns "Anne .. , de famous by the Mark Twain story " Notorious Jumping Frog or Calaveras eounty,11 last year more than 2,080_ frogs were entered, including one Frtoehrnan wt» entered, but was not .allowed to compete. He protested and Mid that everyone knew Frenchmen Were called "Frogs." e-Writer Sl•te• f'•lk "µGUNA NIGUEL -Marcella Long•. Writer and lecturer, will rpeak to lht May meeting of Niguel Art A_!ISOciaUon on ''Arts and craftl of Central Sumatra". The meeting will begin 1t 8 p.m. May I in the'Crown Valley School caletorium. A.San Clemente resident, Mrs. Lang~ Jived with her husband al one time in tht juag)ts of SUmatra. She viaited villages, took picturts and wrote. Three article& were .pubUsbed in lhe Christian Science Moailw. Ulln& color slides, she shows the Jlltlvu: at work On their craftl and deokla lheir way ol IUe illuslrltlni how coiOr" and deaip affect even prtmitiv• ~-11le me<tln( Is pubUc. • -.4Jtpr•lsen St111Hell ,.. ~CAJ?JSTRANO BEACH -Efllplqy)nenl • fkeppralsen to,evitU1tt fhe .Oapl.ltrano J-Hl&ft School ate wtll be COIMl<le<f!d by Tru•tets o( tilt Capistrano Unified ~-tonlghi-al-1 :311 o'clook aL Ute Smt ~ boml l'QOm. '1111. junior high school ~le ha• bee" reW.mneDded as a possible site for the r~ll of San Juan Caplslranq. Under e Jaw. two appraisals at the property Rt m..ie. E!llm1lld cO<l of lht ap-praia&ls 11 abottt $4,000. ers·e teams ~ r 1M1lY,1~crf -~....,. COLL~CTQR MURRAY DISPLAYS !~YEAR.OLD TRl<ASURES A J•p•n••• Cookint Table ind • Chine11 Lurich Box: Work Her Hobby Orien.tal Objects Collected on Job By JACK CHAPPELL ·ot tM Dlth' l'lllt Sl•ll l l is, a·rare instance when a perSon is able.to c<*nbine'vocaUon with avocation, but ~. Robert (Ruthi Murray of Mission Viejo has done just that. Rutb· Murray !or many years cri!S·· cros.ted the Orient as a r~ttation direc- tor for .American sei'vicemeo stalloned in K~ Japan and Okinawa. Mrs. Murray colleell Orienlal antiqua; and art. The ~ulation oC her 10 years direc- ting 1oura through lhe exotic markets for servicemen now decoratu the Murrays' new Spanish·style Mission Viejo home. Robert Murray is a colonel in the U.S. Army; ~. ''You might think that Ortenla1 . and Spanish would not go well together if you just-heard about it, but, as yoo see, they go very Well toeether," Mn. Murray said. •ltbe Ori(gtal .Js heatry and massive, an<f_;..,;.. '~!.lhe ·PiO<!is. alD)oel look s~." M'rt.1 M\ln'SJ,~uld. ~· ThO' . Orleillal collodion lacll>del. • n-ol Karlan liridea' ~ nwly all )>e~n IOO. and ISO )'<j"n 'Gld. and a tOlld ._,,ood dinhtti llblt, K.,.... poll ""'!' bur)ed ·-lhe llllh t..-IOth ctnluJy sw. ~ Korean kings: and qutny other ** ol.,bra11s and ceramic work. Mn. Murray. wloo holds 1 bachelor or aria delf<O from UCLA, belleves homeowners.. planning on decoraUng sbouJd .. bow. what JOU want and dClt't hesitafe. Howneri ~>t be hasty either. K-wbal will fuflnd whit la good." In decorating piecu s'*'.kf be chosen to fit a like mood or scheme, and not be purchased helter-sk:lter without some acivance thought , she said: . "Pieces sh:oqld -ha\te a functional aspect, othcl"Wlse thinBs get tbo ctuit!red . I live wlth all these -thlr1gs," sbe 1aKI. Mrs. Murray's hobby · was prOdded along by the desire to assist the American servicemen in buying gifts and other things overseas. "I told them not to buy junk and took them on planOed shopping t o u r s. I alwa ys tried to plan the lours close to times when they would want to send gifts home," Mrs. Murray said. While on the tours, th:i upportunity to buy was irresistible, she said. "lt just gets io your blood." Rate fucreases For Taxis-SOµght A rate lncreaae for Llguna'1 .,le tall company will be IOUlht from city-C0\111- cilmen Wf!dneedl.y night. City Manager James b. Wheaton said Courtesy Cab Co. la ut1n1 to lnctu!e it. zone char~ · 10 ctnU: for the first pas.senger and fivi Cft'lta lot the second passenger. a He said the firm 's la..~ rate Increase came In July of 1967. • Hotel Zone ·Coming Up ' To Council The sometimes controversial Com- mercial-Hotel <C·H) Zone that came under fire Jn Laguna Beach Planning Commission hearings is now ready to surface In council chambers. Councilmen will open public hearings Wednesday on the propoaed ordinance that would eliminate existing split zoning problems in areas to which the zoiie would be applied. The area considered. currently ror the zone, Is oceanward of South Coa.sl HJghway. between Laguna A.venue and Cle.o Street. - At present it Is usually necessary to seek a variance to develop property in the area when ownership consists of parcels with dlf£erent types zoning. Denia l cf valiances has been called a burden on property owners. Granting the variances has been likened to "spot zon. Ing." The ordinance would allow hotel and -motel development and listed com- mercial usell. It would not limit height by footage but fuakes height a function of the size ol the properly In relation to set· back and sldeyard requirementt. Planners have said Lt would tend to en· courage pulling together of 5maller parcels to 1ain sufficient tenain for bei,C~1na·nce bu been crlUrilied lil'Uii 1 past by both eathdic interUts who feel sideyard req~irem•nts aOO other re. quirern.ents are not •trjcl eGOUah and by commertiaJ jlliel'elU who beUeve the rules are too atrlicwtt. Councilmen Wedoe!day are e1pected to let tht PJbllc have ·tll say but will~ bably defer any deciaJon untJI the results of a recent questionnaire are In. More than 7,000 of the questionnaires were malled t.o area residents to help denne 1oals in the general plan study that is under way. Nixon, Top Dems Oppose Delay In SS Hikes WASHINGTON (UPll -Both the White }louse and the Senat;e's two top Democratic leaders aerved notice today they wlll fight Rep. Wilbur Mills' plan to delay any increase in Social Security benefitl unUI n~it year. 8enatt Democratic leader M i k e Man11field and his assistant, Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, also said they believed the increase should be 10 percent as prOJ>OSed by P~ident Lyndon B. Johnson, rather than the 7 percent Pmident NiJou recommended. ~111ls. chairman of the key House Ways and Means committee, reafiirmed durin& the weekend that he planned to bloc~ ac, tion on the Socill Security i~rea1e this year but ao along wtth a 10 percent hike In 1'711 . Al th< White Houoe today. pr<n secretary Ronald Ziegler aald the Pmi· dent was "standing: by h1s proposal" for• 7 percent increase· for the fi.,c&I year starting June 1. He llJd Nixon 1pelled out hls vteWs at a meetinc with the AFL-CIO executive council. On Capito! Hill, MaDJlield t o I d newsmen : "J think we ought to faoe up to it thlsvear and 1 lNnk It ought to be at least JO percent instead of 7 percent." ~istory ~iff erent Here? ,State Senate Passes School TeXt 'Freedom' Bill ' . SACRAMENTO (AP) -Can'yooi teach •unUorm''"otrlet of ~l>Ool:l'l<r·111 liaad -blltory dll!areally lo Oranp hflho llllt'I pU)Uc Jd:;;ll.l'ftiio- Counll f111or 1n sen P'randlcol • "'' ~ ,lilt ONµ ~ -Tbal ....... ,. Ibo~ bantmd . ~ 'tlilllGnla· '~ Ibo ..... about · toci.y it the CaiUomla Senate reading, Engtlth a~Uc -.: pa..,ed by a 311 lo I vote a propooed con-· Rodda 'a ainendmeiif\ 1il!ldl wlltlld ba•e stltutiona~~eo-give the stat lo be..appro\1fld by the-peoplt ... Llbe.po greater 1" choollng .JexJboul.s 1~11 th< legjslalure ~ill< how mljlJ' for use in p.1blic school• Rrita of tettbooks 1be ""It.ate bot:d clo Tbe metsure, 1ponsored' by Stn. Albert approve. S. Rodda CD-Sacramento}, now eoes too The board'11 action, ifl t\ltn, wOuld the 'Aueptbly. determine loow broad a cliolc<I local The Slele Constllutlon J10W require• the ochool board• would have Jn d<cldlpc State Board of Educatiott to 1pprov1 1 what teitl could be ult.d in thefr mas. • • : Sel;·w'ihon ll•b·(Jl.$an Frlntjaco)i oal<ad Rodda. "You-id 1eoc:1> ~ lllllorf dUlennt11.1" Ora1?fl' Cdiity"lbu you do hi San Fnnclaco?' , Rodda aid )'et, dependln& on what book• and how many. were approved by th<...$1.ole .Bolrd ol. Educalloa under guklillna ael· by ltll•lllln. Rodda• la opo111orlng I -Iha! -ptmtJt lbe board lo *'--.fo< -JU6jecl' ~ ...... .• • ado ,...,._ indicated lhey 'OMlad· l<\Cll ~ta to baft a number ol booU to clM>Ole lrom. , • ---8f!flltUe It'• l'ltere . Laguna Beach ·High, School stu- dent Pete Schoen, 16, pauaes during c I i m b Satu~day of sh~r, 20().foot r~k· wall off Zurich Drive in city's Top of the World area. Schoen Ind classmale Scott Byington scal- ed wall in nine and a half hours despite lwo fall• broken by safety ropes. They saJd face had never been climbed be- fore. Surprise Rain Spatters Coast . ' Unseasonable rain -the " Weather bureau's tenn for any prtdpitaUon fill· ing between April and October. - •plashed lhe Oran'' Cout Sundoy and overnight as wmter spqttered ill Jut, dying gasp . Seven-tenths :.f an lnch, enough to awaken some residents, fell on Laguna Bench early lhb mornin1. while Costa Mesa, Newport Beach and Huntington Beach recorded only a trace of the wet stuff. Further north, rain drenched the Los Angtle1 Basin ,and snow flurries were reporlt<I ,at Southern C&lifornia resorts above the 31000.foot level. Temperatures Sunday dipPed Into lhe low IO'•· Forec~ters called for mostly •U(Ul)' weather . 'tor Tuad•y, with the mercury makln1 a comeback mid no rain on the ht>rlton. One-way Street On Ocean Studied .. NEW , YO'!IK (Al') -'l1le tlock marltel, whole vlg~ rally ~ ~ canj,ct·• 1o ..... of 111 • ..,.,~ In about •"JUt, ,...._.,,., 1 f1Jrl)' ~n keel today. (Set quolaUana, Pqa-.). • t ' ome • Greet Ship On Arrival LONG BEACH (UPI) -The USS New Jersey, the world's only a~lve battle.ship, steamed through the breakwater into tl5 ht.me port here shortly before 9 a.m. to- day, .as more than 1,000 persons waved signs and a Navy band played. Hundreds or wives and children of the 1,556 officers and men \Vere waiting on Pier E at Long beach Naval Station under overcast skies for the M,OOl).ton ship to arrive home from the Far East. Capt. J . Edward Snyder, Jr., .r Fairfax, Va.. in a radiotelephone in- terview, said "only an idiot would not send the New Jersey back" If Vietnam hostilities remain at the current level. Snyder spoke of hb ship and crew with pride as the battlewagon steamed toward a delayed reunion with the families of the sailors. Signal lights nashed from the bridge of lhe New Jersey as she came into view, her superstructure towering above the other ships in the harbor. A $.piece Long Beach municipal band and a Navy band played. hellcopten flew overhead, and dependents waHing on the dock cheered. The crew, In dress whites, stood at at· tentlon llning the rails as the 887-foot. bat· tleship was escorted Into port by a poUlla · of small cabin cruisers. The bands, which had been playing s}Jow tunes., broke into ','Anchors Aweigh" as the New Jersey was nudged into its blrlh bJ lug~la: Families and friends of the crqmen rushe<J aboard the battleship as soon as the xan#lanb were lowered, for tw· fuJ reunions with the men. Coroner Seeks Laguna Woman's Death, Cause The Orange County Coroner's Office Is lnvestigaUng the cause of death of a Laguna Beach woman whose body was found in her home Sunday by a relative. A deputy coroner today said toxicology tests will be conducted to establish tbc 4 cause of dulh of Esther Boyce House, 61 , of 1262 Glenneyre St. Ruultl ol an autopsy were inconclusive. Police said the victim had apparently. been watching television when she died. The body was disCovered at 2 p.m. on a couch by son-In-law Dean B. Johnson, '103 CWf Drive. Time of death, waa: eslimlted at 6 a.m. Sunday. A coCfee cup and bottles of pills were taken as evidence. However a physician summoned to the scene doubted that the pills would have caused death, police said. Mrs. House's occupation was listed I! teacher but school officials said she was not credentialed to teach in Orange Coun· ty public schools. ? Oldest Man in Senate ' WASHINGTON (UPI) -Sen. Slephtn M. Young, (o.-Ohio), turned IO Sunday. "It's· hard for me to• believe I'm the oldest mao In the Senate. 1 f1ew back from three 4ays in Las Veps Saturday nlghl," be said ol a recenl rip. "I played three ~ts of te!Ws Sunday and came to work on time Monday. I feel flrle." Weatller After taking today of!, the IUD comes back Tuesday to boo5' coaatal tempenturea into the 111>" per siJUeS for a clear -and dry -<lay. INSWE TOD~ 'Y ft WC! prttt11 tn.uc1t llkt prn- loui meta; the smoll boaU mad• l}l~fl<•.l "OfJllc,wlnd,r~ too'WJ~o.-~o~orj--.:_~ .. ." tb. 1 lG~r":'Oiata ht the annual I• Sl!lfada TOCf, Page :_o. .. ) • 2 DAILY 1'11.0T l 5 Arrested Mter Riot 1n·Fu11erion BoWto and dirt c1odl belng hurled by an unruly mob Sunday led to the IJTf:St of five men by Fullerton police at Hlllcre1$ Park, ·a frequent trouble 1pot. Tbe five who were; jailed were part of a .,_ proleltlJll tho arm! of a t«...;t girl on drunk In public charges. Pollet aald abOut &o "hippie'' types . gatbered when two officers attempted to take the girl Into custody. Seven more officers answered an emer1ency call for aid. Officer Charles Wojciesuk was injured when alruck 1n the bad of the head by a flying botUe. - Hfghwa" On-Again . 8 Go on Trial • Six ;.Given Delay 1 Ill In Fraud Case :·· • Six ol JI deftndants l<CllNd ol in-• • volvement i{l a fZ n)llllon insurance 8Cheme toda7 won a dtlly of their Su~rior Couit trial. llqj , ~ eicht cOmplnklns wm ordmfto l<I oe trill l""'*l•tely before \ 81,perlor Courl Judee WUJjam L. Murray. They face charges of COMpiracy and grand theft In 'an Orange County Grand Jury indictmeri\ that accuteS them of misrepreseiitlng the natUre of life in- surance policies issued by ReJ;ency Investor• Inc. of Encino. _ . ,. .. ,. . A lkount Indictment-bsued bJllllie Grand Jury claims that ~gtJityl sold life insurance pollcie1 1o Sou rW<fenl$. "'' "highly J>(Ol!totile, sharing contract& which woWd ' gelf 1Upportin1 ... and ~-oubiilb. tJal income within • rtlatlVtJy 'ilW' year1." ,. ··: tnvesUgators say t'he ·P,llc(ea are ftot worth the pa prr they it< pr1nl<d on. Dispute Ove ff it-After the arrest of the five youths, the crowd dispersed, police said. The men were booked on tjlarges ranging from failurt to dispene. to suspicion of Pl&ult on a police officer. nte girl was released to her parents after It was determ nied she was a minor. Paclllc Cout Hlgb:a~j~outh of Monarch Bay Plaza In Laguna Niguel IS back on the track follow- ing eztensive construction work which made detour necessary for several months. Word included con .. struction of center turning strip.for eventual inter· section with ,Niguel Road, new cqrba and resurfac· ing. Project \was part of tht program for Niguel Shores ~ Sea Lake Village developments now· in initial stages at Laguna N.iguel. · Watching jufy seltdion procedures to- day, were Cleo Marvin Johnson, ~1. of 1901 , ~ Road, Newport Beach; Rowland K. Marsh, JI, of - Bet:ch: Davtd Morton~' 17, ol Jtver· ly Hilla;. June Vtrglnla Ad~ ·za, of North Hollywood; Harry Louil" Hibben!, 58, ol Anahelm; J1ck Bernard hllto. 14, of Arcedl.o;,Jltrbert Roeenmeytr,"'7, of Clnop Pork · and Thurlow 'lll!ter Hartley, lf; of Loe A111el01. Bibl,e Ends ~~ . ;. In 2 Deaths . »: Tbe five were ldenUOed by police u Larry E. Miller, 21, and Jacinto Sanchez, 19, both of Fullerton; Larry Perez. It, an::I Tony Bale.!, 19, bdh of Placentia and John Zalfml, 21, of Whittler. Anaheim Woman Stabbed to Death; 'H~sband' Held Mesa 4-year-old Killed, Struck by Trash Truck A .J8..year-old Anaheim woman wa1 stabbed to death with a butcher knife. Saturday afternoon and her alleged 1laYtt capt ured several hours later, police reported. Dead Is Jeannetta Caroline Engstrom of 2555 W. Lullaby Lane. Tho Orange County Corcmer'1 Office uJd 1be died from• single 11tab wound ltl the heart. Bruce P. Wade, cf 2861 W. Rome St., Anaheim, reported to be the woman's common-Jaw husband, wu captured by ofllcen Randy Gaston and . Robert Goellner who.spotted his car near Euclid Street and Crescent Way. Wade, who had reportedly taken poison, was rushed to Orange County Medical Center where his stomach was pumped, He la being held Jn the prison ward o( the hospital on murder chargea. A fonr.yur-old Cotta M.,. boy who WU riding hill tricycle WU killed in· stanUy Saturday when run over by a two and cne-balt ton traSh truck. Police' i4tntifled the victim u Jamu Dennis Hafner, son of Mr. and Mr1. Rk:hard Hafner, 2070 NaUonal Ave. According to the police account, the Hafner. tot wu riding hill trike down Na· tional Avenue near Oak Street alona: with two playmatu . on bicycles when the tr~gedy occurred. lnvestlgatbtl <1ffi~er1 1ald th e youngsteri were following the path of a truck driven by Pete GaUecoe Colin, 11, Thurston Youths Learn 'Navy Way' ·~ PbLICE AAAESil'' 66 Ten ltudent body officer• at Thurston IN DOG FIGHT RAID . lnlern\ldfate School will get •·1UmJl.'t of . .. -~ .f'.'~'t , ""· c.. ~ " •vy Wl)'11 u they •ttend a N•val PoRTERVILLE (API -A rald en·.., Cdoirf king Tu.!aday aa part of a organiied dog fight wt of POrtmllle parllimentary proctdure1 clw. Sunday resulted in . the arrest. of M P'ollowini the hearing, · the Laguna persons and confil!lcation of teverai train-tlt4dellta WW be guests Of the Navy ed flghtJng dogs. abolrd a destroyer in San Diego, ·Where Officera said the filhl arena wu they 1riU have lunch, Inatructor Art located from th e air after a tip that dot: Treuure aald. fights were being planned in the county. The ltudelits art PauJ KIOltennan, Dan Trustees to Hear Of Program Cuts DUTel Taylor, principal of San Clemente High School, will report on nelf. year's trtmtned curriculum necessitated by the district override failure •s trustees of the Capistrano Unified School Di.strict meet tonight at 7:30 o'clock in Serr• School. It'" believed that budget cuts wlll force the high ac:bool to cut it.s program from an average ol ail and one half perJod1 per day to five and a hall. Mualc and other enrichment cl.usu may be af. fect.d. Total achoo! enrolment ls eipeeted to be 2,240, up 275 from this yur. Eleven new teachers were expected to he hired to cope with the inerease, however, only five new instructor! can be employed because of the money shortage, achoo! of. ficlals said. DAI I Y PIJ Of CMtAMGI CO.UT ~·l llff1"'9 COMPAll't 11•1:.t,t N, W••• p,.. .............. w.w · Jack I. c.,1 .. ., 'W1ll .............. ._. .. MMttlf' n.. ........ 11 .... -,JH-111.11 ;., M11,hl-. Ma"41t11111 , ...... l idaN r. Nill ---'"' Mlllr L...-..... om.. J22 ,..,.,, A••· M1lllft1 M4r•••• r.o. ••• '''· tJ•IJ -°""" C:llta MtM1 Jiii Wal .. , tlrltf ....,,..., a..o, m1 *"' .. .,.. ....,....,. .... h .... llldl1 ........... Collen, Mark Miller, Dan Brctherton, Connie LaPorte, Julle Cabang, Terri Syfao, Ll!a CaMon, Jeff Loge, and Karen Janel. Later thb month, five Thurston studenta: will be cboeen to make an ex- change visit to the Cblnle Junior High School in Arizona . Reeently 28 Chlnle In· dian a:lrll visited Laguna Beach while en tour with the Chlnle Treble Clef Choir. Students Select Cheer Leaders Laguna Beach High School Student& have cboeen l& members of the school's pep and cheering leading units. Varsity cheerleaders for the 1118&-70 school year are Patty Itryan, Amy Gar- rard. Bobo Johns, MeJlnda McFarland, Carol Allen and Debbie 1.eug. Song leaders are Eileen Accord, Katy Healy. Manhl lllnwood, Kathy Shapard, Jan Slzelov!, and Mindy Stephens. Junior varsity cheerleadm, chosen by a student 1ereenlng commlttet, are Dru Ccmstoek, Lcretta Klosterman, Marie McCarty, Sherry Satter/laid, S1ndra Savace, and Jay Sogawa. Two Miniquakes Jiggle Southland PASADENA (UPn -Two t1rthqualtea jiggled Sou them Calilomla today. Seismologlsta at lbe California Jft!titute of Technoloa said the first, recorded at &:.!T a.m .. rtglsttred. t.a on the Richter Seale, not large enough to do dama1e. 1t wu centered near downtown Los Angeles. 'Ibt leCDDd temblor, at t :03 a.m., wa1 centered ht the Cajon PAN and rettstered 4.S on the Richter Scalt, wtUch would have btt11 big enough to cawe minor cilmqe U ti had occurecf in I popul1ted ma. Heart Patient Dies Of Acute Rejection 0 U R BA I<, South Afr;ca (UPI) - Wentworth hospital officials 1ald tod8y South Africa's sixth heart li'ansplant pa· ti~l. Martin Hand , tppirently died as • l'esu lt of "acute reJecUon"' of hlt ntw heart. Hand died Saturday, Iii days anti' fe('tivlng lhe hcaa of 1 youoi Durban houuwlfe. · of Santa Ana. Colin !old police he bad spotted tho youngsters chasing the truck· dOwn the street and had warned them to get off the .street. He aald thlt he didn't ... them fn the' rear-vlew mirror• as he started up his truck, and aaumed they had left. Colin said he felt the truck go over 10methlng in the roadway when it had rucbtd a ·~ cf 3 mile$ per hour. Youn& Hafner had gotten ahead of the· garbage truck, and had apparenUy swerved on hls tricycle and been cruaht.d by the right rear wheel of the truck, ac· cording to invUU,ator1. The death of young Hafner marks the fourth traffic fatality In Cotta Mesa within the put month, police aaJd. There hat! bttn no fatalities in the nine previous months. The other accidents Included Jast week'• motorcycle-car collision in which IJ),OCC 1~nt was kileld, one fatality in wtdCh \h9 .dflver suffered a heart attack and ran into a pole at the corner of Harbor ~frl'JU· and one •«idtnt~ whl4JhA.l~;din, 'Who wu run over by alitblflr. lfuck, 1pp1rently ouffored a heart atteck and fell into the llreet befoce the truck hit him. ' Traffic lnveat.11ator R. D. Goode 1a1d that Saturday's accident wu the only one related to traffic aafety on Costa Mesa city street.:, as the motorcycle aCcldent occurred on a private road at orange· Coast CoU.ge. Fake Physician Goes on Trial Jury selection be&an 105!1y In the Superior C6w1 trial d an Alabatna man accused of poalng as • cardiologist during five weeks of "practice" at a Fullerton clinic. Rol><n Ervin Brown, !!, of BJrm. Ingham bu pleaded not gutlty lo 17 counta cf falsely pr•ctldn« medicine. His trial before Judge Bl'""' K. McMUlao ti expected to take two to three weeks. Brown WU indicted by tbe orange County Grand Jury alter witnesses teat.ifled that he examined more than IO paUenl!I during his 1t.ay al the Fullerton clinic. Among the witneua who testified against Brown was Dr. Glenn L. Foster, a University of Alabama heart •peclallst whose name Brown i1I alleged to have us- ed. Testimony from ttveral of the 11 pa- Utntl all•gedly namlned by Brown dur· In& hla period at the clinic will be ollem before Judge McMtllan. • Among their number will be rtlaUves of four peraona. who died while Allefedly under "tit. P'oster't" cart. R. A. Michelson Directing Club OlrectJon <I the '5G-member San Clemente Boys' Club h.11s been taken over by Ronald A. MichelMm, 28, a former assistant director at Ulf Santa Monica. club. The Sin Clemente port waa vacated when that director came to the Laguna Beach Boys' club. Mlchel!on 1D1]ored in English at Long Beach State. He has taught awlmmlng and l)'l!Ulllllcs 11 the Santa Monica YMCA and bu -ICtiva In the Boy Scoutl. Michelson ts a native of Milwaukee but moved to California when ti y1m old. He ta married and hi1 wlf,. Paull, U u· pectlng an addlUon to the family in September. Whites Attack Negro BEAU1'10NT, Tu.. (UPIJ -A carload of whllo men drow IM>uch 4 Nope aec- Uon of !own flrfn1,,,.,. S<llldAy nipi tlJI. Ins one womld w'1kh let &ff 111 houri° of fire bomblnJ and ptOpel'tl' danap wly tOOey. Snake Bitten CdM Students Recovering Toro Conlrl• del Mor Junior high achoo! 1tudentl were reported Jn ''fair con- d!Uon" Jod1y II HOii Memorial H"!>ltal ?htrt: they ~ recovering from tat- t1esntke bitl. Karon Randall, ti, and Alex· W1niek, 12, Wtr< blttan Friday on the srouncf1 of Lincoln lnlennedlalo School. They will remain at Hoq for at luist a few day1, hospital spoktsmen llkL. "We're 1olng to keep them unW the pollOft la completely oot of their i;ystems." The anake, which the youngsters mlltook for a a:opher snllt, wu later killed by 1 achoo! employe. It ii now In a hoiUe of fonnaldehyde 11 lb. ochool, where It will wve II 111 object 1....., Jo otlrer ·jtiident.0 ~' lo Vlca •Prin- clpal ltalpb Werley; . " The Randall fir! and Y'""I Waniek trJtd. lo plct up lhe omall lll&te when they aaw It!" ~crevice .~• doorstep ·as they "ent from one c:JU. to an'othtr, school olflclala 1ald. Guitar, Clothing Stolen in Laguna A alx.atring pltar lw<rth 12211 and clothing Friday were reported stolen wUer from Loft Antiques, 1294 S. Coast Highway, Laruna Beach. Police said the clotblng worth $70 In· eluded black · caWboy· bpots, a tweed jacket and a Jail•t lined with fur. , Another clothing theft, thb time Anny clothing, WU reported by Lloyd J. Low, 1417 Calallna St. Low, a member of a N11.· ti<lnal Guard uni~ !old polic:o that $1$5 worth cf uniforms had been taken from his garaa:e. Hold pvor untD July 21 1re Larry Cllris- ty, IJ, ot Anahelm: Robort Leroy IY· lnP>o. le; of Oranp; Robtrl c. McCulloch. 38, .ot Sin Ditao; Hennan H. Orlov, lf, of Encino; Jlck Gretl\IUin, 39, of Br0oil111, N. Y. and Robert Lat Dim· mltt. The Re1ency firm wu lndicttct by the Grand Jury following lnv..U,.Uon of Orange County homeowners' claima !hit they had been vlctb!v ol fr1adulent 11les prlC!lcet. An earlltr lnv..U,.tlon of the firm by the Clllfomla Oeplrlment of IJ\l\lrlJlCt! led Jo the ttlund <if· "60,000 in premium• enracted from elilged vlctlml of the. ul!I plab. Fune-r,al Rites Set Saturday For Judge Doyle ;Funeral services for retired lA!I Angeles Superior Court Jud&e Elmtr Doyle, who collaPRd and died last Satur· day while attendlns a bueball game at Anaheim Stadium, will be ht.Id Saturday at Cathedral ChlpeJ In Los Angelta. He was 74. Judge Doyle, a resident ef Newport Beach at 311 ll!lland Ave. for the put four years slnce hi.I ret.itement from the bench; died of an •J?Pllenl heart attack, the oran·ge Counf.Y Coroner'• Office repcrted. , The roury will be recited at I rp.m. .. Friday·and NqullOl mua wtll •bo et It 1.m. Saturd1y under tho·dir.etion ol CWr nln1h1m and O'Connor Mortuary of Loa Angeles. The judge Ir survived by • daughter P.frs. Vuna Wandrey of l&.101 Santa Anita Lane, Huntington Beach; a brother .Em- mett Doyle of Los Angeles; a sister M;-s. Marie Boyer ef Los .Angeles, and even grandchildren. Judge Doyle cnce guessed that he had granted more than 200,000 divorees,. but he was a reluctant witness to the pro- ceeding 1aylng, "I've always felt yoll can't just grlhd these things out Jike a machine. Many of these people don 't really want diwrces." The judge once happily recounted that he had remarritd about 50 divorced couples. He w11 elected to the Sqperior Court bench in 1949 art.er 34 years of service to Les Angeles County, Including 14 yur1 •s a commi!sioner ln lhe domestie relations branch of the Superior Court. He retired in 1964. In addition to his courtrcom duties he was the featured judJe In the pilot lum for the "Divorce Court" television aerl•s. .. ..., ,......._ One Goldwater loin1 Another · Now there ore ' two Barry M. Goldwatets on Clipitol HJU. Barry Jr._ (laft) took hb ooth today as the new House ·member from Calllor· nia'• 27th District. Alterwanh, he posed w\111 his father, Sen. Barry Goldwater (Jt.Arii.) on the 1t.ps of the Capitol. , FRESNO (UPI) -A Black Mutllin barber and an acquaintance 11ho~ and tbl~ ed each other Sunday 11fternoon in the !P-: parent climax of a continuing argumipt about the Bible. .. The two men, both armed with plstoti, had been ITJUing about the interpretaU&n of the Bible for several wetk.1, friends of the pair told policemen. ; Killed were Clinton J. Austin, 56, lhe manager of the All Nations narber Shop, and Ftank Barnes Sr., 67, who waa living in a Frerno hotel. Austin's Muslin name was Dkear Hassen Ali. Police aaid there were no witnesses to the actual shooting but several persons Jiad hee.rd the two arguing about the Bi- ble shortly before the shots rang out. . Austin wu armed with a .31k:a1i)er pistol and Barnes was ua.ing a .22-ca.Jmer weapon. . ;, · Au!t.in was found inside hls shop wilh a bullet wound in the heart. Barnes ap. parently fell through • front window 111d d.ied on the street He was shot thfee times in the chest. } Huntington Boy. Attacked by Gang On Lonely Beach A Huntington Beach high !Chool ttudent who went to the beach early Mon4P morning with t.hret. female companJons 1o watch the sun rise was attacked and beaten by a carload of youths who tojd hlm they were "'high on beer and reds " 'nle \'ictim,~a juvenile, told police ·be and the girls were aec<m.ed by 11.z people aged 14 to 17 at 5:15 am. in a parking lot near Lifeguard Station 13 al the btach.' ~e youths allegedly forced him to dnnk 1ame of their beer and then told him that if the girls refused to have st1 .. ua) relatiOll.' With the others in the W they would "kill them." ' When he refWJed, they pulled him out Cr the vehicle, kicked him and beat him en UY! head with ~ golf club. While the youth was being beaten the girl• fled to call police. The attackeT1 then concentrated on the victim and told him they "were 1oing to take him with them." Beacli Policemen Put the Arm on Stuck Porpoise 1'Honest, officu whatever tt is, I didn't da It," the ~calcitrant mbject who wAs re.~lsting arrest by two Huntington Bu.r.h police <lfricers Saturday afternoon seem .. eel tG be saying. The Policemen were hardl'rearted and mumbled something about doing it "for his o"·n good" and , with the help cf li\!e civilian.,, cne child and a Frtnch poodle MesU~ the victim into lhe peddy wagon amid grunts and complaints. All tJit objections and shouts cf the 11ir- foot, 100-pound victim struCk deal em.· No one could undmt.and him. He wu a porpolu. The animal. stranded in shallow watm beneath the Huntington Beach Pier, • l<>Med up and driven to the end ol t&e pitt and dumped over the side . Specl1iors gathered on the pier ~ cheered wlldy after the porpolu bel'lltlo awtm happily In tho water. Al• 2 Co1mtians Die • In Car AccidentA Two Or1nge County mtn were tilled ln fiery traffic accldtnU over the weekend. '1'11 Callfomta Htghw1y Patrol .. 1d thlt Joto I!. Qulntana, 17. of Buena Pork, <!Jod t1rly Suodly when he wu lrlllliitd tnalct. a Clmp!! whk:h went out ot·• IllJ · Coaoty Traffic 1• a Miii Tall 'II trOt and 6Uil£ into names 'on u;e rita Alla fr""ay IJ\ N°"'alk. = CHP off.icerl aaW Quintana waa ·• bound -h1I CllllJ!OI' ltruok th< llrj rallfn& at the Norwalk Boukv1rd .l2!lfl- lng. "' ... ;, In Lo Habra late Saturday. ChatloN. Duggan. 35, "' Yorba, Llada WU '~ whtn Illa car· ltruek 1 uiillty poli..aild bunit tnlo fllnies .. lmporlal Ht.tJMy ne1r Walnut Avenue, the Orange CtxmtY Coroner11 OUict reported. -b -.. ' t 1 I I I ,---.,--~-..,-----=~:-::---------------------.--------,------....---- --Laguna Bea~h , .. N.Y •. St.eeks EDITION V61! 62, NO. 107, 3 SECTIONS, 38 PAGE_S }· ' .. OAANGE , COUNTY, CALIFORNIA I • ' MONDAY '1.f,l(Y s-19W--- ' f ' I TEN CENTS ; . • . -ew DolVn tlae 'Mission Trail Anti-trust Suit Studied in Capo CA1'IS1RANO BEACH -Trustees or the Capistrano Unllled School DistriCI t.onJght wiH comider joining in an anti .. lru8t IUit against the publishers o( library editiom oi childrtn's books. .Tfurtees, meeting at 7:30 p.m. in the ~ra School board room, have been told by the Orange County Counsel's of_fice t~t • suit is warranted charging viola· tign ol federal anti-trust law regarding the sett'ing of book prices. Truman Benedict/ a~istant superin- tendent. said previous suits have ~n aaccessfully undertakin in other parts of the coantry. The Capistrano district \\'OOld join other county school districts · and lbt county library in the legal acUon. • :e ._ting Co1u·1e Set DANA ·potNT -A 12-week safe boatinl cour~ will be offered by the U.S. Power Squadron p.. of charge lo the Jlliblic ~limJlll· 7: ~ P-!11• ~ .II IUcblr4 Henry Dana Eleriientary School, 2120 LI ciuta -DilvO, Jiina , l'OlnL ~tim le,al the.class. ' ~ .,... ot the -COU!'le include aalety lfioat, seamanship, aids to n•vigation. ctiarting. piloting, mariner's compu.s, govem_ment regWations and rules of the T!jtetwayj, The Power Squardon is the largest boating' educational organization. Found· ed In Jt14, more than a million boat;ers have laken squadron coorses. ·• Y-tl• G•ltt• Bettor MISSION VIEJO -Science student Tim Holktr of Mission Viejo Kiah School was one of 250 California top science 1tudenl! invited to • atat.e-wide i;on· ference Saturday at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in La Jolla. Students toured the institute; were ad· dressed by Dr. Jonas Salk,, the inventor o/,a Po1IO vaccine, and attended scientific lectures ln the "Day in Science" program sponsored by the National FoundaUon- l\lan:h of Dimes. .• f'rog1 Hit Big Ttme SAN CLEMENTE -Two S a n Clen:iente ·frogs have hit the big time. They11 be competing May 15 through 1& in the frog version of the Olympics, the International Jumping Frog Jubilee held ln Angels Camp, California. Entries are the property of Corde P. Martens of 4311 Calle Mayo who own~ '1Edroc," and of Anne Coulttr f\.1ar1ens or 3Sl W. Ctistobal who owns "Anne.'' Made famous by the 1'1ark Twain story ~ Notorious Jumping Frog of calaveras County," last year more than 2,000 frogs were entered, including one Frenchman who entutd, but was not at!Owed lo· compete. He protested and aald that everyone knew . Frenchmm ""e called "Fri>gs." .. Wrltn Sl•ie• T•lk LAGUNA NIGUEL -lllattelia Lan1e, wHter and lecturer, will 1peak to the ~fay meeting of Niguel Art Association on "Arts and Crafta of Central Sumatra". The meeting wiU begin at I p.m. May I 1n tht Crown Valley School cafctortum. A San Clemente resident, Mrs. Lanae lived with her husband at one lime in the iunlles of Swnatra. She visited villaces. took pictures and wrote. Three articles were publis~ in the Chri.nlan Science lllooltor. U•in& color slides, she •hows the naUvtt &t wort on their crafts and dlpicts their way of life illUltralinC _how ctlar aM design affect even pr1mttlvt ~ ... 'l1>e meotln1 is public. e .Appr•btts St•tlletl CAPISTRANO ,BEACH -Employment t)I appraJ11ers to evaluate 'tbe ClpistranO ~~School a!Wwlll be ... diliiid i.y_..tru;t-o1 the captattano u.tflod lldlool Distrlc:t toni,ht ot 7:IO'o'clock al \lie lierra School board room. ''11>a junl0r hilh "lchool site has been ricomtll<Jtilell o 1 poM!ble • for lhe, Cilt !1111 ol San Juan Clpl'1rano. Under 1tate law, two appr1ilaJ1 of the property JTli'lt!t be made. Eatimat.ed cost of the ap. praluil is about fl,000. l-·~ • I \ • -earns ome . . . CO~LECTOR MURRAY DISPlAYS ISO.YEAR.OLD TREASURES ~ .• A ~a,.nti• ~ing Table and a Ch in••• Lunch Box Work Her Hobby Orienw.l Objects Collected on Job ' By JACK CHAPPELL Of,,.. O.ltf ~lr.t·tt•ll , It.is~ rt.rt! mstance ·wheo a person b . able 1o, combine vocation with avocation, but Mri. Robert (Ruth) ·Murray of Mission Viejo has dontr just that. Ruth Murray for many years criss· crossed~ ~ a.s a recreation direc- tor fot ArDerican servicemen stationed in Kore.a, Japan and Okinawa. h1rs. Murray coHects Oriental an\iques and art. The ~urnula.lion or her 10 years dii;ec- ting toura through the exotic markets for servicemen now decorates the h-1urrays' new Spanbh-style Mission Viejo home. Robert Murr~y is a colonel in the U.S. Anny. 1'• "You ·blight think that Oriental and Spanish ~Jd,:nOt 10 1'ell together if you juat heatd:'l.~t it, but, as you see, they co .very ,.en tojether," Mrs. Murray aaid • "™ 0.:}ental is heavy and massive, and IOJT1~ ot lhc pieces almost look Spaniab," Mrs. Murray ·said. Tbe Or~tal collection includes a number J)f .J\prean brides' chtS't!, nearly all betor.,.., IOO and 2111 years old, and a lolid !pll)VOnd dlntoc tabi« Koreon poll once 11\rid 4fith tho !Uul lo lllt!Lcentury Silla ~Y--:Korean tings, and many other ~ ot. brass and ceramic work. Mn. Murray, who holds a bachelor of 1111 _., ·from UCLA, believes homeownerl" planning on decorating should "ao.t what you' want and don't heaita~..Jfo*ever, dM't be hasty either. Know iihat will last and "bat is good." In d~atini Pi1!tts should be chosen I lo fit a like mood or scheme. and not be purchased helter·skelter without some advance thought. she said. "Pieces should have a functional aspect, otherwise things get too cluttered. I Hve with au these things," she Said. Pt1rs. MurTay's hobby ·was prodded along by the desire · to assist the American servicemen in buying gifts and other things overseas. "I told them not to buy junk and took them on planned shopping t o u r s. J always tried to plan the tours close to limes when they would want to send gifts home," Mrs. Murray said. \Vhile on the tours, the opportunity to buy was iniesistible, she said. ·· 1t just gelJ in your blood." Rate llicreases For Taxis Sought A rate lncrease'tor Laguna's •. 110le taxi company will be sought from city ooun~ ci!Tnen Wedneaday night. City Manager James D. Wheaton said Courtesy Cab Co. ii askln1 to Increase its zone charge 10 cent. for the first passenger and five cents for the second J>(lssenger. · • He said the firm's last rate increase came in July of 1967. • Hotel Zone Coming Up To Council The sometimes controversial Com- mercial·Hotel (C-H) Zone that came under fire in Laguna Beach Planning Commission hearings is now ready to surface in council chambers. Councilmen will open public .hearings Wednesday on the• proposed ordinance that would.eliminate existing split zoning problell13 in areas to which the zone would be applied. The area considered currently for the ione is oceanward of South Cea.st Highway between Laguna Avenue and Cleo Street. At present it is usuall y necessary lo seek a variance to develop property in the area when ownership conslst.s o[ parcels with dlffertJlt types zoning. Denial of variances has been Called a bunlen on property owners. Granting the variances has been likened to "spot ton· ing." The ordinance would allow hotel and motel development and Ii.sled com- mercial uses. Jt would not limit heisht by footage but makes height a function of the size of the property in relation to set· back and sideyard requirements. Planners have said it would tend to en- cour,age pulling together of smaller p,trcels to gain sufficient terrain for h<igbli 'the' ordinlnct has been arttlci.ied in the past by both eslhet.lc interests who feel sldeyalil· requirements ud other f'e. quirements are not strict e®U&h and by commercial inlerutl who believe the ruJes are too stringent. · Councilmen Wednelday are expecltd to let the public have its say but will pro- bably defer any decision until the re.suits of a ·recent questlollnaire are in. More than 7,000 of the questionnaires were mailed to area residents to help define goals in the gene~al plan study that is under way. Nixon, Top Dems Oppose Delay In SS Hikes W ASHJNGTON (UPI) -Both the White House and the Senate's two top Democratic leaders served notice"1oday they will fight Rep. Wilbur Mills' plan lo delay any increase in' Social Security benefits until next year. Senate Democratic leader M l k e Mansfield and his assistant, Sen . Edward M. Kerinedy, also said they believed the increase should be 10 percent as proposed by President Lyndon B. Johnson, rather than the 7 percent President Ni1.on recommended. · Mill!, chairman of the key House Ways and Means committee, reaffirmed during the nekend that he planned to block ac· lion on the Social Security increase this year but 10 along with a 10 percent bike In 1970. At the White House today, press secretary Ronald Ziegler said the Pres:!· dent was "stanWng by his propos'al" for a 7 percent incruse f9f the fiscal year starting June J, He said Nixon spelled out hb yjews at a meeting with the AFL-CIO executive council. On Capitol Hill, f\fansfield to 1 d newsmen : "I think we ought to face up to it this year and I think It ought to be at -lflast 10 percent instead of 7 percent." ~~story _Different Here? SUJ~_Senate· Passes School Text 'Freedom' Bill ' SACRAKBNTo lAP)-Can rw leach "unllorm" aeriH ol ·tdtbooks lo be lll<d ~ 1"'iory dlll-"1 ln OrlJlg< in otste'a public actoiil>. 'l'lifHl'8f!IS, ()ouiilJ ihan.ll\.Sln ~! ..hi , 'e!lect, thaL filth gr~ 'Jloilel\ts 'J'.!ll*Y•·~.of'IJia,9U'_ltlons ba~t~ ~' . ille,:,!1>'"••m• ·Iii¥ 'lldl1«• the Cali!Jrnla ,...n.lO • r f!id)r1tlrnouc booU. ~fit a it<w"i vota a proposed con-a a amonclmen~.whlcb wooid ha•• &titutlDQal ll!MiKtmtnt to give the slate to be approved by lhe 1"'9flle at lhe polls, greater lfreedoln In cboosll:lf textbooks lets the ~gislature dtt.-m:Jne bow man y for ua1 in pubHc achOols ~rle.., of {extbooks th•"'*le board can ~The JllU.mtt, l]IONOl'ed by Sen. Albert appl'O\'e , S. Rodda (D-Sacramento), now goes to The boanl'~ action , In tbrn. would the Aotrnbly. . determine how broad a choice local The State ConslltutiOn now requires the · achool boards would hive. in deciding State Boafd « EducaOon to approve a what text.s could be used 1n therr aru1. , • • ' Sen. Millon. Msrks CR.San P'r>llciscol. -,uked Roddo, "You c:ould teach ~rican bit!«>' !ljff"'nllJI in Ora!!r eoun.,_ U>tn you~do in san FraQCt.iCO?' :-,I" Rodda aald yes, dtpendfng Oil whll boots and how many were apprOVed by I.he State: Botrd ot F.ducatlon under guldtUna set by the leglslllur•. ' Rodda . is sponsoring a mN.l\U'& that would permit the board to act two books 'for each aubject and grade. • Some 'Mll810t1 lndkaled they wanled local dlitrlcts•to fll;e.a -~wpber ol books to cbooK rrom. ••• Bee•""'· It'• Laguna Beach High School stu- dent Pete Schoen, _ 16, P@"''' during cl i m b Saturday of sheer, 200-foot rock wall off Zurich Drive in city's Top of the World area. Schoen and classmate Scott Byington. scal- ed waU in nine and a half ho.ur.s desplle two falls broken by safety ropes. They said face had never been climbed be- fore. Surprise Rain Spatters Coast Unseasonable rain -the wtither bureau's term for any precipitation falJ.. ing ~tween April and Oc't.o~ - splashed the Oran'e Coast Sunday aiid overnight as winter sputtered iUI: 1asl, dying, gasp. Seven-tenths of an .inch, enough to awaken some residents, fell on Laguna Beach early this morning, while Costa Mesa. Newport Beach and Hunliftgton Beach recorded only a trace or the wet stuff. Further north, rain drenched tht Lee Angeles Basin and snow numes were rtPonied · Jt , Southern Cailrornia tt&OrtS above the 3,000:foot level. 'Temprratur .. Sunday dipped into the k>w &O's. Forecuten called for qiosUy sunny weather for Tuesday, wJtb the., m~ making a comeback and no rain On the horizon. • One-way S~reet On Ocean Studied Ocean Avenue In downtowft Laguna Beach may become a one-way 1trfft between Beach Street and Foreat.Aienue.. This will be lhe l'<COUll1!<i>d•U.. 'lo councilmen Wlljlnesday, oaicf .C 11 y Manager Jamtt D. WbQe.toq. 1 • ., Over 1,000- Greet Ship ·On Arrival LONG BEACH (UPI) -The USS New Jersey, the world's only activt!; battleship. steamed through the breakwater l.Dto its heime port here shortly before 9 a.m. to- day, as more than J,000 persons waved sips and a Navy band played. . Hundreds of wives and children of the 1,$58 officers and men were waiting on Pier E at LOng· beach Naval Station under overcast skies for the M,000..too ship to arrive home from the Far East. Capt.· J. Edward Snyder1 Jr.. of Fairfax, Va., iu a radiotelephone ,in• tervlew,~said 11only an idiot would hOt send the New Jersey back" U Vietnam hostilities remain at the curtent level. Snyder spoke of his ship and crew witJi pride as the battlewagon steamed toward a delayed reunion with the families of the sailon. Signal lights Hashed from the bridp of the New Jersey 11 she came Jnto view, ber superstructure towering above the other lhipe in the harbor. A •piece Long Beach municipal band and a Navy band played, h<lic:opters flew overhead, aod 'dependents wailing on the dock cheered. The crew, in dreu whites, atood at at- tention llning the rails u the 817-foot bat- tleship wu escorted into port by ·a flotilla of small cabin cruistn. The , ltancb, which had been playing show tqnes, b.roke ,into "Anchors A weigh" as the New Jersey was nudged into its bt'1h br tugbootJ. FamiUts and friends of the crewmen rushed aboard the battleship as soon as the glnlPlanks were Jowertd. for tear- fuJ rewllOu with the men. Coroner Seeks Laguna Woman's Death Cause The Orange c.ounty Coroner's Office is lnvestlgaUng the cause of death of a Laguna Beach woman whose body was found in her borne Sunday by a relative. A deputy coroner today said to1icology tests will be conducted lo establish the cause of death of Esther .Boyce House, 61, of 1282 Cleont!fl'e St. .Resu].U of an iutopsy were inconclusive. Police said the victim had apparently been watching television when ahe died. The body was discovered at 2 p.m. on a couch by aqn-ln·law JlHn B. Jolwon, 703 Cliff Drive. Time of death was estimated at I a.m. Sunday. A coffee cup and bottles of pills were taken u evidence. However a physician summoned to the ace.ne doubted that the pills wouJd ha ve caused death, police said. ~trs. House's occupation was listed as teacher but school officials said she was not credentialed to teach in Orange Coun· ty public scbool.s. Oldest Man in Senate WASHINGTON (UPJ) -Seo. Stephen M, Young, (P-Obio), turned ao Sund•r. "It's hard for me to believe l'm the oldest man ia the Senate. l flew back from three diys lif Lu Vegar Satunlay night," he said or a rtcent rip. '.'1 played three. aeta of tennis Sunday a:od CJme to 1\'0rk on Ume Monday. I feel fine ." Weatlaer After takinc today off, the aun comet back 1'Jesday to boost coastal temperatures Into the u~ per allUes for a clear -' arid dry -day. INSmE TODAY II implemented,· Rid ·W..-. trafli< .. -ould mo•e ooly Jn the direction of Beach to Forest~ 'This voukl ·1ellminate turns onto Ocean from Forest, he aaid1 and hop'.'Jully improve I.be now of traffic. Resldlnil ol the l)l:e!i'-•l>lcb .... both cominen:ial and nat.ftiitlat u* have !'t>- jected.ln Jh«~sl '!iloa ·fil"l'~ blliis · I from lbe~woy 11~ liii Qtuiic , Avenue. \ • · ' lt was J)TtttU much Uke prcu. iou.s racc1: tht 1maU boall made the bt.st of the wind.a and 1 took moJor !tOfl'itt'J .... oVff ~ ~ ·-ior~r °"'' hL ,_QlE cmnua.i a,•-1 • ltttddo rile" Pooe 20. ' Stock /llflrfcetl NEW , YORK (AP) -ThO 1t6.k market, ,.i;,g; vigorous rally last week' wried tt lo -• ol Ito lid\ 1boWfnP ln ,11>om a 7ff1, clOOO<!"' a (alrli •ven Uel today. (See.qll0!1Uw, Pa1,. ll!fl,), • ' .I IWl.Y Jl!LOT L. 5 Arrested, Mter Riot \ ' In Fullerion Boltlll .... dirt clod& Milli borlod by an llMlly roob Sunday Jed to.jht irrt<I ol five men by P'ullert.on pollce 1t Hlllc:tut Put, a frequent trouble •pol. 1lie llve who""° jailed"""~ ol a crowd protallq tbt &mot of a -..,. ·• &lrl on driint In public ehlrga. Pollel aald a-IO "hippie" types &•lhered when two oflleeta atteropt<d to tab the &1!1 lnto custody. Seven fllOrt officer& an1wtred an emergency cllr for aid. Officer Charles Wojclenak wa1 Injured when atruclt in !bl baet ol the head by a !lylnc botllt. 1Jlgla1V•11 Open Agaia 8 Go Oii '.frfal " ·Six Given . Oelar J In : Fraud Case - 61' ol If d.reodanll acculed of in- volvtme11t" 1ii' a P mllllon insurance scheme , 'lodly won a delay of I.heir Superlol ~ trial. A -t lll'fle!ment -..,..... Grand Jury claims !Mt ~ency i,_ 50ld life in&urince policies •to Sou residtntJ I! "hl&hty proht.ibte, •harilll contract> which wOUld ~ aelf aujlpOrllll( •.• 11111 ntUm a .,bllll> tial ln<oma within a rtlatlnly 111o yean."' . . Investi&aton say the pOIJcl.ts are not -1h die paper lhey m p1bted on. But tW .iaht companJOns were Ofdand to go on' lrlal Immediately before 8~per~ Court J~ Wlllllm L. Murray. Tfiey face charges ol eoprpiracy and grancMl1dl In oa Oran1e Collllly Grand Jury Indictment th'at accuses them of mi$reprteenUng the nattlJ'e Of Ille tn~ s~c policies issued by Re&ency ~ In"fit.911. Jnc. of Encino. . ~ • D • . o -4. Watching jury selectiOn ~ts t~ ispute ver• day were Cleo Maryln Johnson, SJ, of ·f 1901 ' Kinta Road. Ntwp\>lt Beach; --After the arrest of the five youths, the crowd disptraied, police aald. The men w~ booked oo charges rang ln1 from lallutt to dllpene to.suspicion of Wlult On a pollct. aUlcer. '!be Kiri wu rtl~ to her parents after it was determnied she was a minor. nae .five were ldenUlied by police as Larry E.,ltflller. 21, and Jacinto Sanchn, Ii, both ol Fullerlon; Larry i'eret, II, an1 Tony Bales, 19, both Of PlacenUa and John Zalilnl, 11, ol Whittier. PacWc CoeJl Highway just souUt of Monarch Bay Plaza in Laguna NlgueJ.ls back on the track follow· -1ng uteruive construction work which made detour necesnry for several months. Word included con· stnlctjon of center turn1!1g strip for evenitual inter.. section wiUt Niguel Road, new curbs IJ1d resurfac- ing. Project was part of tlie program for Niguel Shores and Sea Lake Village development& now in initial ltages at Laguna·Niguel. ~~a~=:~i:..:~.=-Bibk Ends " ly 111111; Juoa Vlrlblla Alllml,, .. of ~ North Hollywood; llarry Loula.-.r, ·"' 1111• of Anaheim: Jack Bernard row.. 64, In 2 Deaths · .. of Mead.la..; Herbert Roeenmeyer, rr, ot ?~ Canoe• Park and Tburlow ' Walter Anaheim Woman Stabbed to Death; 'Husband'. Held A is-year-old Analw:im woman was ltabbed to de•th 1t'lth a butcher kn1!1 Saturday alternoon and her alleged 1layer captured .everal boun: liter, police reported. Dead LI Jeannetta Caroline Enptrom of 1551 W •. i.Wtab)' Line. The Oranp County Coroaer'a Office aid ahe died from a single stab wound Jn the heart. Bruce P. Wade, of 2861 w. Rome St., Anaheim, rtported to be the. woman'• common-law husband, wu captured by ofllctro Randy. G-and Robert Goellner who apotted his car near Euclid street and crescent War. Wade, who had reportedly liken poison, WU "!lhed to Orange County. M!dical Center where hl1 ltomach wu pumped. He Is being held In the prison w~ ol !bl boopltal on murder ehlrges. Mesa 4-year-old Killed, Struck by Trash Truck A lour-year-old Coat.i M... boy whO of San!a Ano. wu rldln( hl1 ·tricycle -.... tilled Jn.,. • Colin told police he had apotted tho stanUy Saturd1y wtien run over by a two yriung1ter1 chasing the truck . down the and one-half ton trash truck. street and bad warned them to get off the Police ldenWJed the victim as Jame.s street. Dennis Hafner, son of Mr. and Mrs. He said that he didn't aee them Jn the Richard Hafner, 2070 NaUonal Ave. rear-view mirrors a41he started up his According to the: police account, the truck, and assumed they had left Colin Hafner tot wu riding his trike down Na. aa id he felt the truck go over 10mething tlonal Avenue near Oak Street along with in the roadway when it had reached a t I te bl I h •pt.tel of 3 miles per hour. wo P ayma • on eye es w en the Youn1 Hafner had gotten ahead of the tragedy occurred. garbage truck, and had apparently Invtstlgatlna officers 1akl t h e S'l'erved on hia tricycle and been cru&bed younpter1 were following the path of a ·by the right rear wheel of the truck, ac- truck driven by Pete Gallep Colin, 31, cording to lnvestigatort. Thurston Youths , The death of young Hafner mark• the fourth traffic fatality in Costa Mesa . within the put month, police aaJd. There had been no fatalities in the nine prtvlous month:!. Learn 'Navy Way' POLICE AR.RES~ 66 .... Ten lludent body ofllcen 11 Thur•ton The other accidents Included 1ast ·week's motorcycle-car collision in which Y . (>CC a,lUdtnt was kiltld, one fataUJ;y in lmR!h thiidrtter suffered a heart attack and ran Into a pole at the comer of Harbor and GI.lier, and one aceident ln wtu~ ~ Victim, who was run over by a g~,;ti'uct, apparently IUll.,,., a heart att.ick and -?ell into the iti'eet before the truck hlt him. IN DO"-FIGHT D ~ID Intermediate School will eet a glbnpse of " AA Ille "NMY Way" u lhey attend a Naval l'8JITEl!VJLLE (AP) -,•A ~&,••, <0Urt ·ll'p!1nl on-ay u port of a l>rpnlud do& fight east or P-.llle' pulillllii>t.iey procedur" class. Sunday reaulted In lilo lmlt. ol 11 Pollowlnc the hearln«, the LaJ!UJ!a peraona ll!d conllacatioo of amraJ tram-stl!denlo wllJ he BUtab of the Navy fd filhting doas. -----•bo&rd-a.destroyer 1n San Diego, wbere Ofllctra laid° the !lfhl artna wu they; will hava lunch, 1 .. tructor Art located from I h • air alter a Up that dot TreuuH aald. fights were being pla=ed in the county. The students are Paul Klostennan, Dan Trustees to Hear Of Program Cuts Dun! Taylor, principal ol San Clementa Hl&h School, will r<por( on next year'• trimmed cun1culum necesaltated by the dbtdct ovm1de faUure as trusteu of the Capistrano Unllled School District meet tonight at 7:30 o'clock In Serra School. It Is believed that budget cull w11J ,,,... the hl&h tchooJ to cut Ito pro£rm from an average of. ail and one half pa10dl per day to ftvt and a hall. Muolc and other enrlchmenl clusea may ba al· fected. T~I tchool enrolment ia expected to be 1,240, up 275 from this year. El av en new teachers were txpeCted to be hired to cope With the thcreue, however, cnJy five new lnstruc:ton: tan be employed because of the money shortage, 1ehool of· flcla!S aid. l>AllY Pll Or Collen, Mark Miller, Dan Brotherton, Connie LaPorte, June Clbang, Terri Syfan, [Ju Cannon, Jeff Loge, and Karen Jonas. Later this month, five Tbunton atudenta will be chosen to make an ex· change visit to the Cblnle Junior High School in Arizona. RtcenUy 28 C\tlnle In· dian girb: vi!Jted Laguna Beach while on lour with the Chinle Treble Clef Choir. Students Select Cheer-Leaders Lquna Beach H11h School Studenb have chosen 18 members of the achool 's pep and cheerln1 leading units. Vanity cheerleaders for the 1989-70 school year are Patty Bryan, Amy Gar· rard, Bobo Johns, Mellnd1 McFarland, Carol Allen and Debbie 1.eug. Son1 leaders are Eileen Accord, Katy Healy, Marsha Hlnwood, Kathy Shapard, Jan Slzelove, and Mindy Stephens. Junior varsity cheerleaders, chosen by a 1tudent tc:reening eommlltee, are Dru Comstock, Loreua Klosterman, Marie Mccarty, Sherry Satterlield, Sandra Savqe, Ind Jay Segawa. Two Miniquakes Traffic lnvesUgator R. D. Goode 11ld that Saturday'a accident was the only one related to traffic 1afety on Costa Mesa city streets, as the motorcycle accident occurred on a private road at Oran&e C-0061 College. Fake Physician Goes on Trial Jury 11election begin today In the Superior Court trial d. an AI•bam• man accused of poelng as a cardiologist during five v;•eeks of "practice" at a Fullerton clinic. Roben Ervin Brown, S3, of Blnn- ln1ham baa. pleaded not· &ullly to 11 .counts of falsely llf&eticing medicine. His trial hefort Judge Byron K. McMiiian Is expectid to take two to three weeks . Brown was indicted by the_ Oran1e County Grand Jury alter witneaatg testitled that he examined more than 80 patients during his atay at the Fullerton clln!c. Among the witnuses who testlfied against Brown was Dr. Glenn L-P'oater, a University of Alabama heart spedali1t whose name Brown is alleged to have us- ed. Testimony from several of the 17 P•· tients alle1edly examined by Brown dLU· In& bis period at the cllnJc wlll be offered before Judge McMillan. Among lhelr number will be relaUves of rour persona who died while allegedly under "Dr. Foster'•" care. Jiggle Southland · R. A. Michelson PASADENA (UPI) -Two .. rthquuu jiggled Sou them California today. Seismologists al the California Institute of TechtlolOBY aald the firs~ recorded at &:31 a.m., registered I.I on the Richter Scale, not larae enough to do damage. It w11 centered near downtown Los .\n(eles. ' The te:COnd temblor. at 1:03 a.m., wa! centettd 'ln the Cajon Pw and registered 4.1 oa. the Rlchter Sea~. whlcb would bavo been bl& enou1h to cauae mllw dlroa&• JI It bad occured In a populatad am. Heart Patient Dies Of Acute Rejection DU I\ BAN, South Africa (UPI) - "'tnl\forth hospital ofOclals said today Soulb Africa 'a sllth heart transplant pa. tlent_. Martin Jland, apparonU)I dltd u a result of "acute rejection" of bls new heart. Rand died Saturday, 1lx days alter rttth'ing tbe heart of 1 yoDng Durb..n hourewi{e. • , Directing Club Olrecllon of the ~mtmber San Cle mrn te Boys' Club hM been taken tJver by Ronald A. MlchelSon, 26. a former assistant director at the Sant.a 1.1onica club. The San ClemerU pott :was vacated when that dtrector came t,o the Laguna Beach Boys' club. Michelson majored ln English at Long Beach St.ate. He has taught 1wtmmlna and gymnastlcs at the Santa Monlca YMCA mi bu been actl\'t In the Boy Scouts. 1-iichelso n Is a Milve of Milwaukee but moved to Califomi1 when 13 years old. He Is married and his wife, Paula, ii ex- pecUng 11n addition to the family ln September. Whites Attack Negro BEAUMONT. Tex. (UPI) -A carload ol white mf.ll drove through a Nqro sec· lion of town firing gun, SUl!<\&Y nllhl klIT· Ing ont woman whJdl Bel oU •lx haul'! of ""'bombing and pn>perty d1111ap urly todny. Snake Bitten . CdM Students Recovering Two C«ooa det Mar junior high achoo! students were reported Jn ''fair con- d!Uoo" today al· Hoag Memorial Hoipltal where they are rec:overing from rat- tlemake bitl. Karen Randall , 12, and Alex Waniek, 12, were blttencP'rk1ay on .the grounds of Lincoln llltennedlate Sdtool. .'J'hey.wtll remam at. Hoag for. at Jeut a . .. few day1, llooplt.il opokoomen· aald. "We~e &olni to t..p them iintU the p0laoo la i:otn~lelely. put .of their 1yrt:em1." The lllal<e, which the younplon miltoo~ for 8 &opher .lilak~, WU later killed by a achool employe. It la now in a bottle. al fo~~de .~l .\he achoo!, where)! wlll •....Vtu 'II o'tiJect 1 ..... to other aiuden11, accordiJll to · Vice Prio- clpal Ralph Werley. :. The Randall Kiri ll!'f youn1 Waniet tried 10, pick 'ill the !/Dail lllal<e ~ they sa~ Jt irt ,thtt'crevict J'.• doorstep u they went from one clw to another, ochool ofllclall laid. Guitar, Clothing Stplen in Laguna A 11'-tlrlng IUit.ir worth l220 and clothing Friday were reported stolen earlier from Loft Antiques, 1294 S. Coast Highway, Laguna Beach. Police said the . clothing wotlh $70 in- cluded black· cowbOy boots, a tweed jacket and a jacket lined with fur. Another clothing !hell, lhia tJme Army clothing, u reported b)' Lloyd J. Low, 1487 Catalina St. Low, a member of a Na- tional Guard uni~ told police that 1155 worth of unilorms bad been taken from hls garage. • Hartley, 1111, of Lot All(elea. -FRESNO (UPI) -A Blick Musllm !Jeld over until July 2l are Larry~ barber and an acquaintance shot ind ktJl. ty, "" ol ~; Robert Leroy By~ ed e.ach .!'tber Sunday afternoon in the fp- lnctori. 41•n olol· c'!'~J. ~~ He. parent climax of a conLinuing argument McCulloch, • .,.n u ... o: -••111 • about the Bible. • OrloV, ff, of Encino;· Jack Greenstein, 3t, The two men, both anned with plst6'1 ol Brooklyn, N.Y. and Robert Lee Dim-had been 11guing about the interpretatiori m!g;. R<~ !inn wu Indict.id ,_ the of Ille Bible ror ,.,era! weeks, friends ,; ·~·-.,, .,, the pair' told polictmen. • Grand Jury following inveaUgaUon ol ~ Killed were Clinton J. Austin, 56, the Oran&e County homeowners' claims that manager of the All Nation• Etarbtr Shop, they had been ~tma of frludulent 'Nlea and Frank Barnes Sr., 87, wbo wa1 living practices. An earlier lnv~ation of the Jn a Fresno hotel. AuUn'a Mu1Un name !inn by the .c.Jllomt.i Dapulment of was Dkear Huaen All Insurance led to the refund of '860,00lt In Police said Ulere wire no wltnuatt to ~':J'eautrpi!,ct.id from ailegtd victims ' the actu>I •honllnl but .. veral peraons • h'1f heard the 11'0 arBUlnl about the !II•· Funeral Rites Set Saturday For Judge ~oyle Funeral services for retlrtd Loe An1elea Superior Court Judie Elmer Doyle, who eol11peed and dJed lut Slbar· day while attending a baseball 1une at Anaheim St.idlum, will he held Saturday at Cathedral Chapel in Los Angeles. He WI! 7C. Judge Doyle, a Nisldent or Nawport Beach at 31& 1'land Ave. for the past four years 11lnoe . tus retirement from the 1>ench,"11ed o! an ·•pJ>ll'enl heart att.ic~. the Orqe C«inty Co"""r'a Ollice reported. The ,rowr .. wlll be rtelted al ~·,p.m. .i:'fict.iJ, 1!)11 ~~. mua ,.m 'be. at JI a,m. Sahi:rday.uhder the directJOft of Ctm· ningham and O'Connor Mortuary ot ltls Angele.s. t The judge Is survived by a daughter Mrs. Verna Wamjrey of 16301 Santa Anita Lane, Huntington Beach; a brother Em- mett Doyle of Los Angeles ; a sister Mrs. Marie Boyer of Los Angeles, and aeven grandchildren. JudJe Doyle once guessed that be had granted more than 200,000 dl vorce.s, hut he wa1 a rfluctant witness ts> the pro- ceeding saying, "l've alw1ya felt ycu. can't just grlnd these things out like a machine. Many of these people don't really want divorces." The judge once happily recounted that he-; had remarried about 50 .• divorced .couples. : · He was elected to the Superior Court bench in IH9 alter 34 years of .ervict to Los An&el• Cpw\ty, includin& lC yeara as a commts'sloner ih the domestic rtl1Uona branch of the Superior Court. He retired in 19M. Jn addJUon to hil courtroom duties, he waa the featured judge in the pilot film for the "Divorce Court" television mies. .,,_ ble sh~rtly befon the shota rang out. Austin wa1 armed with a .3kall~ pi.to! ·IJM! llarne• was u~ng a .2kaJiber· weapon. · Aufiln wu found fnllde hls shop with a bullet wound In the heart. Barnes ap- parenUy fell through a front window aild died on the Mreet. Ht w111 lhot three Umea in the chesL Huntington Boy Attacked by Gang On Lonely Beach A Hundngton Beach hj&h achoo! student who went to . Ille beach "'J,y Monday morning with thret female companJOQa to watch lhe fllll rite w11 attackecl atMt beaten by a carload of youuis who 1o)d him they we're "high on betr and reds." 'M:le victim, a juvenile, told police he and the girlt: were accoeted by 1iJ peoplt: aged lC to 17 1t 5:15 am. in a parking lot near LJleguard St1tlon 13 at Ult bMtJt The youthl allei;edly forced him ·to drink some o( their beer and then told him th1t 1f the girls refused to have IU• ual relatiw wilh the others In tbe car they would "kill thern." ' When he refused, they pulled him out of the vehicle, ticked him and beat him aa th'? head with a golf club. While the youth was bein1 beaten the airla fled to call police. The attachrs then concentrated on the victim and told him they "were 1oing to take him with them,'' Beach Policemen Put the Arm on Stuck Porpoise "Honest, officer whattver lt ls, T didn't do it," the recalcitranl subjtd who was _ r~l11Ung arrt11t by two Huntington !deb pollrt ttfricers Salurday afternoon aeem-- ed to be saying. 1'\e policemen we.re hardhearted and mumbled somethin& about doing it "for hls own scc>d" and, with the help of five clvilian1, OM dllld Ind 1 French pooc11e wtetUtd UM: victim into the paddy waaea amid gn.mta and cornplainll. All the objectl0111 and ahouis of tho tiz. root. 11»-poclnd vldlm l!nJck deal ...... No CM ~d understand hlm. He WU • porpolae. nit animal •!randed In ahallow watara beneath the Huntin,... Beach Pltr, - loeded up and driven to Ille em " Iba pitr and dufnped over the side. · Spectators 1athered on the pier alld cllolred wtk!y alter the porpolM bacadto IWim. happUf in the water. ·" 2 C.Ountians Die In Car Accident8 One Goldwat..er lolm Ata0tlaer:' Now ther~ are two Barry M. Goldwaters on C1pilol 11111. Barty Jr. (left) took hli oatb today as the new Jlouse'l!lfmllcr from Callfor· nia'• 27Ut D!strlc~ Alterwards, he posed with hlo l&Uter, Sen. Barry Goldwater (Jl,,Artz.) on lbe steps of lbe ,Capitol. ., I I I 1 . ' -----------1..-------------~------4.i:: - I , I I I' t • Lo11,g M•y Slae Hei91i Connie Jo Pfi.Ster, 1.9. is . the new ~iss Huntington Beach. She won -... tlle crown Fnday rught 1n competition with 22 other local lovelies. _For the statistically minded, the Orange Coast College c.Ped stands 5 feet 61h inches, weighs 121 pounds, has blonde haft.and bro.wn eyes. Her measurements are 3fr2+36. Red Concessions Expected, . . Envoy Returns to Paris _PARIS (UPI) -Mme. Nguye n Thi B1nh, the deputy Viet Col\g:negotiator in Paris. ret urned today from a mYsterious trip deep into the jungles of 'Sooth Viet- nam \\'here she conferred ¥.jth leaders of Jhe National Liberation Front (NLF). The allies here said they !~ought h~r trip . could lead to a more flexible hegotlating posilkln by the NLF. A South Vi~tnronese official already \\·as predic- ting the Communists wilf back do,vn Crom ·their.tl:e1nand for total withdrawal of U.S. troops from Vietnam. · ""1ifn'l1t ·Binh told neWsmen at Le BOurget ·.AtrpOrt' slle had visited' l "li6eraf&i ione" to meet with members of the NLF €entral Committee, but she declined to answer quesUons other than to say she l>riefed the committee on P a r i s developments. · She left Paris unexpectedly on April 14 .via ,Mosco\v. Allied officia ls predicted at the· time her mission would be important to the Paris talks, perhaps leading toward a breakthrough. • A South Vietnamese official said any ·Communist backdown from t o l a I · "'ithdra"·al demands would provide a <breakthrough in the talks whlcti beain Jn ..ranuary and have been bogged doV.'n ever since. The official's statement · came amid reports from both Sai•tui 0 and Wul}j~gton that pointed to a partial· Wlfhdi-8wal <>f U.S. forces as a sign oi. Arneiid.'s will- ingness to end the fighting. Communist sources in Paris · s;aid almost three weeks ago that l;hty ~uld accept sucb a witbdraWil of phhaps 50,000 Gls as fulfllling their dem~d for the pullout of AmerlClfl. ~~· from .. Vjet- 1ia~ . . ' .The" U.S. m:goliatlng 't~am troin the begiMing has asked HanOl-to discus~ the withdrawal of both North Vittriamese and American troops at 'the ~ '.ttme. The Communists.have refused,: ,,. r' • ' • Por the !irst ti?ne, -Hlml~suiKiay hjpled that Uie United Sta~ i was ""de- ~scalatlng" the war, IOfll~g~ Nofth Vietilamese wo~Jd l()p~ .,oa· favOtably. in the contett of tht VietniriL.)*ic'e; negot- iations. ~ 1. 'J. .~··, 'The hint by Hanoi Radio W'u,broaik'ast ·in the text of 1.-1peech ·by Prime ¥Waler Pham Van Doi\g or Nortll 'Vl<tnam \ lo May Da)' ceremonies attended' t;j 'Preli· dent Ho Chi.Minh. .., ' ' · " . L OAILY Pp.OT <:f ~Fi~~' Blasts Swe~p Canlp_Uses' . : ~~t~~'4~,-B.erJ4~,. !empl:e~ W~ster~ ~i~higan Tar geu , ' ai u,iiil:.r.-~, Jlll;~ poli<e ·•*,eep ol'llte bui1dtft, touch-no li're~ble ,rocotili w<r." 100.:" R(Yl'C nammab~ fluid '•Pluhed """'' hall rites "two ,,(them· In Rooorve orn/:e,. ed .ill/ a ftbdf.ll! sttike 'that •NI•) down classes wtti l)eld u O.W.t wMe111\f f;Bt. Ooon. ,. -•-•Ll r...:...•(llOTO)--~k "" lite ~. ~-... ~•' . stale and local Police., and llrilmen .ln· None of the fires did major dama,.. t•wu'* ~ti'"' , . 1 w~, "'" e -,. ArlQnjatl at1 Wtltern Jdlclljgan3"1hnbtd ' vestlgated tWe arspch f, ' Some 'examinallons were called off at:HJrY4'}' .land bro-other ca,mpuses t~ thMJUst\ If :W~W, 'fornd oPen o.ne door Tb.rte 'slrnql~neoUs fires bn:ike out dur-becluse qr the fire' and were rescheduled ~~, < · 1 ,... .. ~.1 ' .. •n<tt.ooklnolherofflts~nge:s~~"the1 ing final exa aUons al Tem:~I~: ~ Cof'nexi 1t1onday." · 1'-iUci" ol Afnamlte ' was exploded set 'n;e to ~ and 11>~ .1l! the was ~n a clissroo01'·a~mlniStraUon The CCNY students stood fast at en-oUtakirl the oai&} door of. the paclflc achool,1 ROTC•offtee., authorl~ said. buildl~, one Jn a sfudent lounge, and one tranceJ to the l<>Uth campua which atoni ~ Of. Relll'oft at iwrbley: !the blut Col. \James T. ~. 'h.efd.· ol the ·in a physical ed cation '~JI ding. Iif l1'o of wUh the rest of the school h 0 as, been cloJ. ~e-windows ind \~~~ off mtytarY ~ _pt'C!£r•m a( 'fMtf.__ said .ttJ!. ~Udings, mnen .rOUJ!d a ~ of ed for almost two week!: Utelr bina;eS: \ ; · i : , • " 't>lsslclent black 'and Pi.•rto Rican • :i-==~~:1t th~l~~ State Welfare· .. Law Sliced Boa'rd or Highei'EdUCalion ordtrs. -~ . ~ 1be flrel, at Harvard, Tem~Je and \Vutttn Mlchlgau iUnlversities v•ere ill From W1rt Services a state . ._'Ibe Callfornla and Illinot.1 cases app.at'tflUy aet by arsonists. had betn held up pending that decision. The fire at Harvard's Shannon Hall, an WASHINGTON -The Supreme coUrt In Cali!omia, a three·Judge federal ROTC building, did sU£ht damage. continUed today Its dismantling of. state Papers and furniture in a first noor room coort in San Francisco prohibited the "·ere lgnlted but were Quk'kly es-)'iellare residence ~uiremen~. state In April 1968 Crom enforcing Ungulshed. • In a series of rulings the court upheld midency requirements for pub Ii c suspen.'\lon of ·regulations in CalUornia asst"stan-The state appealed Mgu'"" Last month a group Of students selied "'"· 1 -e the Harvard Administration building in and Illinois. they shOuld be retained. protest of the prest"nct of ROTC on C.llft· . The actions followed the April 21 In Illinois, a federal court In Chicago , d1::cblon ·giv.lng indigents the right to forbade the state in February 1968 from receive welfare help once they move into requiring a year'.s residence as a con· dillon for publiC as.slstance. Jllinot. appealed. The court also 1greed today to n.i le next tenn on the constitutionality of JUte residency requirement• which b a r millions of voters frQm castinC their ballots in presidential elections. Arguments in a case challenging CoJ4 orado's six-month voter walUng' period will be heard nexi· fall or winter. A written • opinion wlll then follow. Kidney Sought For Mesa Woman In UCLA Hospit.al • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • A kidney donor is ~Ing sought for • Costa Mesa woman who is in critical con· dition in UCLA ~~edical Centu, Orange County Kidney Foundation official! said today in issuing an appeal. Admitted to the hospital Friday was . r.ln. Colleen Randall, 33, of 1206 Parnell Place. Mrs. ·R;andall loSt her right kk!ney in 1967 and will underg:; tesll to determine how soon her left kidney will have to be removed. She wiU be placed ,on a !:;ldney dialysis machine following 1urgerYlf a donor with compatible tissue cannot be found, ac- cording to Mrs. Elletn Read~·, spokesman ~r·the Kidney Foundation. ~frs. Ready said Mrs. Randall's hU&- band, Robert, has been paralyzed since 1oos: They have three children, t to 13 years old. "They nttd money as well as ~ kidney donor ,'' t.1rs. Ready said. Potential kidney donors may contact the founda tion, 4781 Libra Place, Yorba Lir.da. A tu-exempt trust 1~ bas ,been set up at the United States National Bank, IM.I Newport Blvd., eo.ta.Jd"9, under the direction of attorney Gera1d Brown. France's Gold Reserves Fall PARIS {UPT) -France'• :dwindlin1 g.old and foreign currency reserves took. another $212 million ilosedive in April, the French covemment announced "today. ,Olaclosinc for. the first lime since Charles .de Gaulle's April 21 defeat and rt.Jgnation, the Finan~ M1n1s1ry .. 1<1 th1 •t0ta! Apnrdnin .,.; 111u lnilllon • ' . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • / OLE! ~ at El Rancho: the supermarket where the pric~ is right! I itake it ti Fiestti ••• er.ml help ou,. neiphbora cele- brate "Cinquo de Ma.11cl' l • LOVE THOSE . ENCHILADAS! I FRIJOLES, TOO! • • • • • • • • •• • • • • " • • • • • • • Mad Trans~tia~tie Dash Chi// Grind FRESH! COARSE GROUND U .............................. 41! Scores Bid for Record Between New York, London . . ' ' "' NEW YORK !UPI) - A Royal Air Force Jetfighter that takes.off and lands vertically like a helicopter raced across the Atlanlic today in 6 hours, 11 minutes and 57.15 seconds in a co1upetitioo 11ponsored by the London Daily Mail. It failed to better a lran'satlantic rec1>rd set by a Royal Navy plane Sunday. "ffave you got a beer~" wu the fir!il question asked by the pilot, Squadron Leader Tom bccky-Thompson. 34, as 'he ·arrived on I.he observation deck of the ·Empire State Building. the U.S. finishing point for British fliers. "I lost .my stra1v in flight and couldn't drink my orange squash. I'm thirsty ." He settled for a cola drink . ··' Lecky-Thompson's single seal jet, the first fixed wing. jet to land in ?.lanhattan, tttked Uf· a cloud of dust when It lan4ed at an East River heliport. He raced to the t' I •• ,... . .... Empire State Buildin1 by motorcycle·Ntd look an ele~tor to 11fe .. ,th.floOr deck to me~t the press. ~ The pilot,h8<f taleh. o!Urqpi a London coal yanl neti 'tbe~ Post .Offke tower, Brltisi'i ttartluj'. poiuf tOJP.the' face The toWer is ·ihe. ririfshin'j •]Xilpt fbr U.S. fliers,, who start at 'the Ettiplr.e ~Slate building. • The RoYal Air Force harrier JurnP jet ldcked upd<JI$ ol cOJ1 c\Us!.'!1 it.\iiad<" a vertical takeoff ffom 'thf:,Yeird ijtar Lon· don's St .. Pancras railway station. J °" the re!Olutiohary aircraft rqk the RAF's hopes of breaking the new transaUantlc 1peed record of five hoUrs three minutes set Sa»day by Ult' ':Royal Navy's . entry in tbe race. a 'ltfpe;.aoaic Pb1intom jet. 1 • • • • "'We '~all give .therJJ a'" good n\n for YOUNGEST !ENTRANT IN GRE.(T RACE Goil Shophonl, 12, Ru&hod :to L ....... Plono ' ' • ' their money," F<>mised tht hirrler pilot, RAF 1quadron leader Tom Lecky· riompe0n" before be. 'entered an elevator atoP ~thl m.foot tower 1t io:30 1.m. He. took. a helicopter r r om a pad near the iqWU io his wailing jet. The jet will be refu~led in the air from RAF tanker planes dwing its non-stop flight to New York. , · U.S. Navy Commander Bil\ M~. Sta· tiontd at N,n Y~'• F')O):d;Bennet Field, arr-ived atop ttie-.tbwu thf.s momma after 1 aeven-"6Ur, .2J-mlnu1' dish by com· mei;clal } alrliMt, tn'otQJ'CYC)e and ~·~. wore ~black hood f<>r Ute ride ... 'inotorcycle _.,.r 14 lite lower lto tliat "I would not be dlJtracteG with lllltiir like mlnHklrts." A variety ol planes and llO profwional avialon Md non-Olen from both sides ot'. the AtlantJc are compeUng for prtie1, worlh $144,liOo, in the race, tpOnSOred by the London Daily Mall. A· British marketing esecu,Uve used • h)idr1ullc lirt 14 help speed hi• lrlp 14 the po6tal tower. Peter .Hammond, whose time wa1 six hours. 55 minuti'i. said, "We wanted to challenge the military ln arganizlng abili· ~: . ~ "We checkerl schedu!Q, taxiing detvs and London and New York traffic ~ dtttons" before laking an I p.m. com· mucial ffig)tl from Kennedy Airport Sun- d.., nlshJ, he said. FNml London's Heathrow Airport Hammond took a , mototcycle and helJcol>Cer ,to 1 b a r c • 9!\ the Thames JUf'a. FrOrl the barte bit' ni elev1ttd Ill' hydraulic 1111 14 lite 1Gp of Wat<rloo -.. and ll)llde tlieJ!no! lq-ol the lrlp by rno!orey<le.' • • ' Another arrival, N~ Klelntr or Hlcbvllle, N. v .. .aid he entered lite ,_ w 11 h-!!!.._lnl<!111'11-ol-flfln1 a n d proving ilia!, miiit dtla~·....,,. drrt h"• • ir'QUnd. He used busts .anif the 11;1bway \o 1et lo j(enn<dy from the Elnplrt State. Klelntr, an air traffic l!Ofllroller whol!e lime waa 1~ven hours. l5 minutes, 1aid, • "Ow; aim 1114 pofht out the need for J•t· 1ge 8trvlce on..tbe..cround, 11 wen JI! In filirht, for tbe Jumbos wlU l!OOl1 be with UB." \ ?d3ke a pot of chili ••• or a platterful of enchiladas • , • or stuff taco! r enero.ul!llY , .. aD.d love every bitef Tortillas ' HALLEY'S HACIENDA PACKAGE Of TEN . ............................... ,,, '1'1·~<1iti,onal •.. and tender! Plan your menu ... South.of the Border style ••• apd aav'e at El Rancho! Rot!:ad"out 1101t1· Mexicon. menn with these. values! . EnchUadas .. .. . . . .. ..... 3 1or s1 Van de Kamp's .•. froien • , . beef, cl~eese, chicken. ' ·chill'. Con Came ..... . ...... ,.· 49¢ llormel's .•• rich sauce, tender meat .•. 15~oz. can Refried Beans .. . .. .. .. . . . . . . 2 r.r 39¢ Rourita .•• belongs on a ?ilexican menu ! No. 303 Diced Chiles ....... -21or 39¢ Ortega . , . ii oz .... just hot enough! Green Onions .... . ...... 5¢ Gli:rden l'resh ! , .. add zest to the occ<?.sion ! bun<'h El Rancho Tequila ................ ~4.89 S'i.art the \\·eek right \Yit.h '?llargaritas ! ... fifth Prices in. efftct Mott. .. Tuts., Wtd., Mov s. 6, 7. No,.,., to deaJe;•. Tamales .. , ................... : ..... 3 ... •1 Jlormel's ... 15 oz. can ... heat and enjoy! Chili Beans ................ .-......... ·6r. '1 Geb hardt's ••• apicy and flavorful ! No, 300 can.1 Chili Salsa ................................. 23• Ortega ... add auf;hentic fla~or ! ... 7 01. T acoettes .. .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. .... 3 .., '1 . Set the mood "·iti1 these! ••• XLNT •.. 6 Oz:. J>kl. Bell Peppers ...................... 1r.: Plun1p and firm and tender! Serve stuffed? Margarita. Mix ............ : ......... 4 r. '1 Island Inn ... frozen •.. perfect mixing every time ARCADIA: _ Sunoet and HWliu.ton Dr. (El ~lltc!IO Clllltl PASADEllA: ------320 Wat Cdnlo 81ld. SOUTH PASADEllA: framillil lliil HiillliiiIIDifll'. llUWSTON IUCH: Warner and Al(oncJ11fft (8olnf••ik ~"!trl NEWPORT BEACH: 2727-Nnrport Blld. llltf ·. 2555 l'.ntlllllfl Dr. ltalllltdf YIU. CellllO ' •· - -- 4 DAILY PILOT tc-IM " ... Dllty Pllllt lhffl Students at Lafayette's (Ind.) Central-Catholic High School. are \Vorried about a snake which hasn't eaten in seven weeks. The 7-foot boa coostrictor, borrowed from a studen~ Is supposed to appear in the School's annual spring musical ·but the creature refuses to eat. Ted Rotherrock, the lead singer in the production, said the play doesn't start unW May 9 but if the snake "doesn't eat soon we don't dare use him in the play and risk getting someone eaten. The cast is small enough as it is."" • Charlie Brown wouldn't ha~ -bttn ablt to stand it. The Gar· field Eltmtntar11 School Softball Teem in Salem, Ore., W<1s schtd· ultd to play the Highla11d Tigers, but only tht chterttadrs showed up. So they took on Highland and won, 10·7. • Metori1t Terry Smith or Crawley Hill,. England, said he was waiting at a red light when a kangaroo bounded across the front of his automobile. Smith, 29, reported lhe i:ang•roo to police who ask-ed what he bad for supper. "Just meat pie," was the ·answer. • "Somttimt1 1 clast my tJltl ancL prtttnd I'm on the t.uau to tilt ba•n k \'. 1uith two hUflt bags full of money," say$ Bo11nie Stttlt of Jackson vi l l t, Fla. But, rtgrttful· ly, she 's reall11 ;ust h tadtd for the neighborhood lnun· · dru. • While Arthur Montgomery was searching for a name for his to- bacco, magazine and novelty ahop in Seattle. be spied a dictionary definition that seemed appropriate. He named the shop Carcinogen. A carcinogen is a substance which produces cancerous growth. "I thought it would .have the reverse t\vist effect on customers-and it has," Montgomery said. "1 smoke two .packs a day myself, and custo- mers are gmoking as m u c h as ever." • Wa11t to t1an11: a baby hippo after 1JOUrsel/, or a friend or rtlative1 Tht right to namt tht Philadelphia Zoo's ntw baby hippopotom11.1 tDiU be auctioned off at the Universit11 of Penns11L- V(Ulia'1 Institute for Conttrnpor· ary A rt. Berides biddi"ng on the right to Mmt het zoo's new arri- val, bidder• aL!o can t'11' fo r rides in a htlicopttr, a balloo" ride for two, a closed circuit teUvision .ru1tem for a wltilt: and 11 mtl&aQt on a billboard for two tnttks, said Dr. S~ephen Prokopoff, the inslitutr.'3 dirt c· tor. R~d Troops Ambush U.S. Air ,Cavalry I • • SAIGON (UP() -Communist troops firing from knee-level twmeJ,s they had hacked through jUn1le underbrwsh am- bwlled 11'0 U.S. Isl Alr Cavalry Divislo11 companies northwest of Saigon today, touchln1 off • dOylon& bottle: The ma near the Cambodian border was the target of "repealed B5Z raid! Sun- daY. night and today. Eight flights ol lhe • big• plants dropped lheir loads on the strongholds a.lonJ the approaches to Saigon from the northwest. Initial reports ftom the front said at least three Americans were killed and 17 wound io the tunnel ambwihes IO 11100 from the capital. Heavy fighting also was reported near the demilitarized zone where U.S. guns smashed a Communl.at bivou ac area.. · Four of the B52 raids north ol Saigon rocked Viet Cone· and North Vietnamese camps near the U.S. Gretn Beret outpoat at Katum en the Cambodian border 65 miles north-northwest' of the capital. It brought to 51 the numbe!' of 852 raids there in .the past 11 day1. Military spokesmen announcing the raid! today hid no comment on a state- ment by Prime Minister Pham Dang Lam of North Vietnam that the United States wa1 "deescalatinj:" Lbe war - somelhina the Communilts have demand- ed as a prelude to peace. War communiques did not 1upport Lam. They said Allied patrols fought the Viet .Cone and North Vietnamese Oft IO fronts .Sunday, killing 122 Communlsts. American losat! were put at nine killed aDd 13 wounded. · Stepped-up offerilives and patrols have been the reuon cited by U.S. com· manders for the lull in the Communist!' nationwide winter-spring offensive. In- telligence reports reported the guerrillaa withdra:fing to border areas to resupply. A IJ.S. spotter pilot patrolling the northern border area 1potted a ntw Com· munist buildup in the sauthern half of the DMZ Sunday and called in· Marh'e artillery salvos that triggered five fireballs and damaged four bunkers. American·headqu arters said It was the fifth time in four days that· U.S. cun1 had cpened up on Communist hulldups In the: zone, brin&in& to t2 the number of DMZ incidents considered "sl"g:nificaftt"-1ince the bombing of North Vietnam stopped Nov. 1. Employment Rate Gains Taper Off, Work Week Dips WASHINGTON <UPI} -The 1ovem· ment reported today a taperinl off in record employment gains that extended over a period of Jive months. The nation'• unemploylnent rate in April rose one- tenth of t percent to 3.5 percent of the labor force. The Labor Department also reported that the average work week of factory workers declined slightly. The work week fiKUre is one of the leading economic in· d\cators used by the government lo detect possible changes in the nation's economy. Harold Goldstein, a s s i 1 t 1 n t com- missioner of the department's Bureau of Labor Statistics, said : "You can sum· mariu the employment 1ituation in April by saying lhat the growth we've had ft1r five mmrths running has tapered off." The one-tenth of I percent rise in the une.mplo)rment rate over March was not in itself considered 1ignificant by the department bul Goldstein 1aid since It was two-tenths above February, it may indicate a trend. Goldstein refused. however, to predict whether the statistics mia:ht indicate a cooling down of the economy. "I would say it is hard to 1ee a turn- 11round yet in this data," he said. Awaiting Resciie Sailing enthusiast cling.s t'D side o! overturned sailboat in waters of Charles River at Boston ever \veektnd. He was res.cued by a Boston University patrol boat minutes after the craft was overturned by a gust of wind. Hussein Meets Nasser ; Egypt Defense Growing .. No· Wolfson Deal •• Fortas· Declare$· -. He Return@d Fee WASHINGTQN (UPI) -Assoclalt Justice Abe Foru.1, conflnnlnc that while on the Su'preme Court be received a fee from ·l.be family foundaUon of imprisoned financier Louil WoUsoo, aa,ys he later returned lhe ~y without rendering have reason to believe, nor do l )ow believe, thit the tender of the fee wu moUvated by or involved any hos*« U • pee:taticn" that he would help WolfMll\ la his troubles wiP, tbe Securities and Ex· change• Commission. services of any kind. * * Fortai · dlsclosed his dealings with * \Yoll...,, •ho ls now serving ..... year Outs;de Fees . federal prison sente~ for s t o c t 11 manipulat.lan, Jn a statement he dratted Sunday at the Supreme Court in response to a roport published In the current issue LJ--...1 -r Attack of L'lle magulne. r~ The maeulne arUcle IAld Forta.s received a $20,000 check in January, 1966 B s -three months aftu his appointment to . y enators the court -from the WoUson family foundaUon, deposited It in hi1 personal bank account an'ci d1d not return it for 11 WASHINGTON (AP) -Sa\. Johll J. month& _ shortly B.fter Wolfson's in· Williams, (R·Del.l. moved today to dictment by a federal grand jury. · block future acceptance ol outside ftts The article and Fort •• , reaction to It by S'upreme Court justica as a ·rault cf disclosures about Justice Abe Fortas. came less than one year after the senate Senate Republican Leader Everett M. refU!ed to confirm President Johnsan's Dirksen of Illinois expressed the opinion. nomination of Fortas as chief justice:. that Fortas had committed "no im· TesUmony by Dean 8. J. Tennery of the peachab)e conduct" in fl.rat acctptinf American University Law School, who and then returning 11 months later a disclosed that Forta.s had been paid $211,000 fee f,rom the family of Louis E. $15,000 to deliver nine summer law school Wolfson, financier jailed last month lectures and that the money had been after a federal securities conviction. provided by five wealthy business Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, {0-Mass.), leaders, wa1 a major fa ctor in lhe Senate suggested that Fortas be invited lo decision. explain to the Senate Judiciary Commll· In his statement and in a letter printed tee the circur.istances surrou ndina: t~ fee incident, first disclosed by Lile by the magazine, Fortas said he had talk· Magazine. ed fir3t with Wolfson in 1965 when the Moving independently, Williams told justice's former law firm ·was represen· a reporter he will introduce legislation ting the Floi-ida milllonaire in a civil suit to ban ,the acceptan ce cf outside fet."I These discussions, he said, took place by the justices. whose pay recently wis before Fortas joined the courl and in· raised to $60,000 yearly. valved the Wollson family foundation's Dirksen was asked if he felt that efforts to promote religious and racial Fortas, appciinted to the court by former harmony, he said. President Lyndon B. Johnson. 1hauld A year later, he continued . the foun· resign. <lation ''tendered a fee to me" in the hope "I think he and his court colleague! By United Press International Inforn1ation Minister Mohamed Fayek ''thal J would fi.n d the time and could should know what to do," Dirksen said. Jordan 's King Hussein today met with sald the cabinet, chaired by Nasser, Sun-undertake, consistently •Nilh my court As a member of the judiciary com· El}'ptian President Gama! Atidel Nasser day approved total budget allocations obligations, research !unctions. studies mittee, Dirksen said the group wauld to discuss the coordination of efforts totaling $5.54 billion. compared to last and writings" connected with the foun· have to decide whether it should malct against the Israelis. The Egyptian year's allocations of $4.9 billion. The dati6n's work . an investigation. defense budget for the comming year budget was not brokm down to specific After "concluding that J could not "I don't know what the committee was reported to be the highest ever. outlays. undertake the assignment, I returned the will do," he said. "No impeachable conduct was involved." Israeli military spokesmen said their Nt•x'on's Son·t'n·Law fee ," said Fortas. K d 'd h h d th t lh · f hi h ·11 h s enne y sa1 e ope a e com-turcra t t an Ara guerr1 a ase un -The Supreme Court justice did not say mittee forum would be available ihould day between Elath and the Dead Sea T W k f S exactly when in 1966 he received lhe nUr lhe Jordanian-Israeli border and 0 01' -Of enator money, when he returned it or how much Fortas wish to appear. ed. th II I · I · h ''These are extremely 1 m port ant report at a Panes invo ved in t e WASHINGTON {UPI } -David was involved. charges which have been leveled, which raid returned safely, Eisenhower, President Nixon's 21-Year-But he asserted that since his ap-reach both the integrity of the justic. A Jordanian official said one civilian Id · I I k h' pointmcnt to the C1lurt. "L h1n·e not ac-K d 'd was wounded in the Israeli attack. o son-in· aw, pans lo wor t 1s summer and I~ court,'' enne y sa1 . .,,...-wfor Sen. Roman L. Hruska, (R-Neb.) "I cepted ar1y fee or emolument from Mr. He noted that the Justice Depanmtnt HUMeln's visit with Nasser loclaY wa., don't know what I'll be doing for the Wolfson or the \Volfson famll y foundation Is investigating. then 3ugeated th• tM. HCOftd hi&h-level confer'encc between senator.'' he said. "Maybe emptying or any related person or group." Senate committee as 1 forum for pu~ tbt Egyptian pregident and an Arab wastepaper basket!." Fortas also'illid that "at no time c\id I Uc respofM to the charge. leader In three days. J,============================================;::::; The kinJ and Nasser centered their dl&Oiwluul on unifying Arab military strate&Y against Israel, including the coordination cf their eastern and ~·est· em front, officials in Cairo said. Huuein al so was expected to brier Nasser on his recent European and American tour which included tallis with President Nixon. President Noureddin Al Alassi of Syria flew to the Egyptian capital f'riday for talk1 with Nasser and Egyptian cabinet ministers. Egyptian officials reported that the coonlty's defense spending for the 196!1-iO fi11ca l year will be the highest ever, but did not announce any figures. T,win Sisters, 66, Leap to Deaths . NEW YORK (UPI)-Twin 8'-year-old 1lster1 l11aped hand-in-hand from the roof or their stx-itory Manhettan apartment holl.9f: Sunday, and died when their bodies landed in 'the dirt courtyard below, hands still clasped. Police theorize that the 3isters, Mrs. Edna Slater and f\.1rs. Lillian Gross. were dtapondent over family illntas and the death of Mrs. Slater's husband several months ago. We're flying again from ORANGE COUNTY AIRPORT Violent Storm Rips ·Texas Runway construction is completed and Air California's swift, comfortable Boling 737 Sunjets are taking off again from Orange Co~nty Airport, , Tornados Reported Near Crowell a1id Goldsmith , C'oat•l \.-tl'I' lftOl"fll"9 -Ill r lMI Wit!I l'lt1, f~ilW ""'cl41ifillf 11'1 11'11 1111,_ ""°'"'· WNs -19f't\1. M 11 II kflltl, T•'I"• ~lotl'I. ti ti '5. ~ .... • ••• . Stll '"" 11 1"• ""' .,...._,: .. •·"'· 11n 71Jt ,,,.., li.i •· Htw ,Int e . '"" M•, t Mty t• Mt, 11 • J111'1( I ·• Tetnpieruru.-. Hltl LIW PA(, Albl.o-..rlMI• 71 Jf Afttl'ltr•• '' JI AH•n!I II S7 ltl""'"'lt 1:1m1rc• !!el~ l!011on Chit•" c1nc:11n1ll Cl'~'-lld 0tnv1r 0 1• MOlnu O~troH P.11re~• l•rt Wri !lrt'11• M•""• Meritlujll Ht111te11 IC•""'' e1,., I.•• v ..... l.o. A11t11le4! Mlt mf Mllwt ut:!'I' Ml11t1e1i.olb N~w Ori.It,. .. , ......... tcorlll ,1111• OKlal'MI ....... ,.,,. ll;otll"'t "1111141flillfll• -· lltn1lllr""' ·-..... Cf'.b' ........ __ _ .. M St(fl,,..ntt St. \.1111!1 ....... S.11 t..Mt Cttt Sill OIKI 11~ 'r•ncttv 1 .... 11 a1,..r lt111i. ..... M Tll~rm•I W11~l"fflll'I '' J' .M 6J ·~ .OJ • •• " . .. " •• Jt " . 1'f ., .:H 11 51 " n J.' ,, 7, II 'bf " .. _, •l '' n 1' 7f ,. . -· l• ., n .•1 " 7• .n 11 •S :; :; II _; " .. " -"' .N " n " n . " " M 7J Jr .u -n " . " .. H '' u M " " • • " . . .. ... " n ., ,, ., .. .... ., " ... " .. 6 times a day to SAN ~ANCISCO 5 times to OAKLAND and SAN JOSE Rediscover Air California's frie.ndly, efficient service from Orange County Airport 'to the San Francisco Bay Area. • For information and ralarvations call: Air California 540-4550 or your travel agent • BEQ/SCOVER AIR CA• IFORNiA • S~RYING e-SAN_fRANCISCO • OAK.LAND • SAN JOSE • HOLLYWOOD/BURBANK• ·ONTARIO and • ORANGE COUNTY AIRPORYS .~ I . ......---------.... -------------------.... -.-.·-·--• , .. • l ' , . .$ I ./' . ~. ") ·~(.t.H c~x. ff4.9,466 : ~_.'f,,Mtr&.lNI 1. 'PIMll - ' .,.,.-; 1;.f' . .. ....... ' Benefit · in the~~~tars .. l . 1-. • , SUr('~igns· Seel1 I . , . ' Style-setting trencij, 1unch and a bit of horoscope !antasy·wm be com· bined by S.,ddleback. College'·Ji'aculty Wives for 11\eir first major fund-~s-1ng pro1ec!, a ·Sun Signs IJ1upche;9n and fashion show. -M~mbers 8fe lioping:jte, in.tb·e stars to rai.Se enough proceeds, at th• Saturday, May 24; event 'IO fiJ!ance a scbolarshl1r.'tor some worthy Saddle- back, Uunior Coll~ge stu~nt-. -_ - . '·Mis: t;>av~d. Sariego,".ways and means chairmaD.. said. pt:ofessional models will pr~sent a collecllon•of la\e $)lII\!110i' and !lafly'fall fashions for the Saturtlay atf8ir in the· Rever....ei House. Tustin.· ' · Fashions are · being pravided by ' shwt!in .Laguna Bea_cb, ·Mission Viejo, Tustin; San Clemente, and Newp0rt ee'a:cii's FaShion Island; com-b~if!g· au residetttiaI areas~ Sj?rved by Saddleba'ck JUl)iOrtCollege-DistricL· Lun1:heon' t<ibles, w¥1 be appoint,d, with sqmmer bouquets and each 'vill feature a particulaf'.sign, of the ~iac. ·Dec'Pration committee mem· hers a~e belpi?g research tbe. p~rson8.lity .factor implications for ~se with each sign as ice breakeI'.S. '?bey are the Mmes .. ·Fred Bremer, Bill Otta, Melvin Mit<hell, Jay Roelen ·and• Pall! Brennan. .. . Door· prizes, ano~her attraction e,t ·tbe event;chaired by. Mrs. Sllriego, are being arranged by Mrs. Lee Rhodes and M<S. Bill Williams. • Guest~ will be greeted at U :3o a.m. by ·Ails. Bremer, hospiiality chairman,_ and Mrs. Mitcbe,ll'. l\lf•:.Bre11t~ is. th~. wife of ~-cqllege·~ presi· dent who 'also serves as superillt~rldenf ·0f~the college district, . Mrs. George· Hartman, luncheon hostess, will pre&ide as mistress of ceremonies. · - --· r • , ... ! , The show is open to the public and tickets may be obtained from , • any member of the grollp. Further infonn~tion regarding reservations . ' may be secured from Mrs. Jack Swartzbaugh,. club president .and"t\ckil ; · ZQDIAC-ON THEIR SIDE -Hoping a profitable venture·ls 'ln.the chairman, 494-0425; Mrs. Otta, 837-4204; Mrs. Williams, 633-tlll9, or·Mrs, I ·~~. Mrs. R9bert Parsons and Mrs! Paul B~ehnan (left to ria~t) Hartman, 492-0315, . . ~ J pte~re decorations for Saddlebac~ College Faclilty· Wives fust •"• 1·,v,.:1 ,4. • •• • fund-rillsing v~nture, a slm. Signs lurtcheon and f.;.bion sbow"to . take place Saturday, May 24, in Revere House, Tustin. Proeeedl . will go towards a scholarship. , · · i ' M ,•l' .. • • f/:"' ~ ·:~~ .. : Ayudcintes J. ,' '. 1r Executives . . ' An.~ounced Mr,. Don Clarence is the ' new president or Ayudantes Auxiliary to Children's Home Soc.iety of Galifomia, a group formed by !\.fission Viejo wom· en more than a year ago. She and three other execu· lives were installed during a luncheon in the Mission Viejo IM last week following an election meeting in the Mi!· sion Viejo home of.Mrs.1Gary Leach. ' The leaders include lbe Mmes. W, T. Wells aii.d Michael Collins, recording.and corresponding setretaries, and ' Eric Pepys, a charter mem- ber, who will be treasurer. · Provisional member.s who will soon become actives are the Mmes. Dale" A Cl k i it a., Terence Crane, D o n a l d Jacobs, Leich, Chirl!s Neu· stadt and William'. Pierson. The Laguna Line Mother Needs T ransportati.on _ By JEAN COX Ol tl"4 01llY .. llM Sltff ~RS_. , .. L~.~"l' .Magnuson, 'vho went to ~an Diego rect;ntly ~I? t~i arol!nd Lag~na Beach Civic_ Ballet Co. members ,participatlhg m the fourth an· nual Pacific Western Regional Ballet Festival came home in a rented c;ar. On the final day of the 'festival, just before her daughter' Merilee was to perform, in the gala, Mrs. Magnuson's 1966 Cadilla-c was stolen fr~m the ho- tel's parking area, · · "I loved that c~r and kept is absolutely spot- less. No one has ·ever driven it but me.'-When ~tbe police told me I probably would never see it again because it no doubt was a'cross the border, 1 Cri!ild," said Mrs. Magnuson, stil l justifiably agitat~d. So far the Lagunan, \Vho cheerfully has driven for blind people, teenagers and others without a means of transportation, finds herself II\ the· same boat. SURELY MR. AND MRS. Patrick Randall's re- turn to their San Clemente home this week Will be a. happier one. The Randalls have been enjoying a two.week vacation in Hawaii as sort of the.fruits of hiS IabOrs. Randall received t~e tfiJ? ,as an .a-ward .from bis company, 9~111nfonwealth 1Jld.epe~4ence Life Insur- ance Co .. 1·.·· .. ~ •1 , , . ' " '. ·1· " ' ' • , • • • ' I • Mrs. Randall,\an· acpv¢ A'ssiWmce-,Leagq~ of Laguna -Beac~· "m'ber adrili'tted before' departing for the, lslan~ at ' sh ha 'Ileen t'l<'e ."a)>olit 15 or .20.times ,&!. " ~y."' ltils htr· ~qs~and's thir~ trip. •APRIL HAS 'been a good 1month'lor tbe:Donald B. Vanderbilt• of Laguna Be.sch. . ' •: 1 1 ' The most recent project of the group was a booth' at the Cinco de ~layo festlvttles which took place yesterday en Mlasion Viejo High SchoOI , grounds. Mn. Felix Tomlinson. wu chairman of the venture. In addition members were kept busy selling tickets for 1 Muican ,dinners' during the afteinoOn. •• ' I • • • .... • I ... '., • " • ., "" • ASK OUIJA ..._'Will 111embership· in Ayudantes :t.uxlllary'Of Cllild-· ren's Home,SociftY .,f C!ilifornia grow durinJ-the next year! New officers o! the Mission Viel? group (left to riglit) the Mmes, Eri~ Pepys, treasurer; Michael Collim:..tn<i·w. 'T: Wells, corresponding and .recording ilecretaries, end IJOn·Olarence, president, take their questions !o the Ouija· board. Jn add ition to a trip to Hawa,i~ and ~~e ~ngag& met\t anno.uncement of their daughter, ·Ba,bara. it al!o brought riews O( her placement ODs.the• de'&n11 honor list at'Califomia State;College al'Long,seacb. ·• •• • . , Poli~icia~' s P,olicy · of H'orsing Arou .n.d Breed:s -Contem·pt · DEAR ANN LANDERS.: !'" been -Ina this letter In my i>ead for seven Y,eara. Finally t deClded'tb'~t it down on PaJ>er. My problem it'rieig)ibol's. Befort t io further ~'d, Uke1 to:nlake it. clear U!il ' • Ibey .,. hOrset, DOI peopk. . I Wo live In 1 !own In Ptnnli'IVlnla ,-' ; " . population 30,000 and going backwaras. . . , • ' ,,,,. botlos bekM1lJ to a two-bit politltlon, Re~\lt. the Humane Society, the Jlll)'Or ago I 'l'<nl 'to-,..rk .. a lepl,ecretary. llilr .,. fer-' ·In •· very ~II -.rea, , •pd lhe ,.Uce, but nobody -anytlllng The wt!' of .one of ~ !f.WI•rt alerted lo 'iiiiel!ciurlble draw !Ila-and don't ..to --the moyoo """ everythina in-call me im the plldne,; Jail' to t Jlt." I ony\li!Jl( for ibe lan<fseape. cludinl the City COOncil . What do )'OU was nattered and pl<ssed -until th• 1be horses bteed now ani:t Ulen and an . suggest.? -PENNSYLVANIA PRQB-calls began to come every day and last UUi 1oes oo two block• !rOm the post of-LEM ~ · , for nearly an hour. ~ right in the hurt of town, During DEAR PENN' Or(ulu ...,. p0llll<1I l became UJl"l when Mrs. X slatted lo breedlnc 1euon the moVte hou8es don't oppotfUoe ud &am tJte rucal• out to call me at home, asking all sorts of qu es· do in)' bu'lntss. E've,.YbOdJ comtt putun. Wltil &Item wtll 1• Ute. bor1es. Lions about the office. Soon I caught on to do"°wn to'ifatch. ' . ~ , what lbouJd 'have been obvloUI earlltr. W!'vt comjilalnid to tbt Board ol DEMI ANN· !J&NDEllSo Three years Mn. X ·wu a XltCbeil drbtker. ' ~--- One week sbe called me -every '4tgle night and cried for a IOlld hour about her husband's abusive "treatmeJ't. 'Iben 1he got to £atking about her "vicious" nelaiJbora and their plot 19, 'male 1lttt , ,. telephooe 1nmber.-1'k 11ct dial-yoa -·1 Wok of 11111 JOlfleU nllet. aome qlellloe1 about ytar Dtt;d &o1ufler. Have yea lffll a docklr? U .C. I 1troqly ............. h. move. When-sh• told me they had '1ir house bugged, l k-she wu not only DEAR ANN LANDERS: The girls my drunk but crazy. Alter sevtrli m6nW of fl....,.,worb '!Ith (15 of them) are glv- tlie1e lnterm\nable ~Ii~ ·I fell myoelf· Ill( a bridpl oho~er for .her. The party • golna-10 pieces. !•had IO ;uli n\yjOb 11\d · · wil!'bo a~ the~ of her maid ol honor. fcave: tow·n. · ·•· . · · 'Bev W'aft~.me to come in about 10:30, Eight moo Iha have pused llUt 'lttlt ' when •lhtl' start' lb atrve the coffee and loony woman still calls every week. Slit'! cake. She ••11-111 I have to do 11 uy always is bombect arlfl ,dqes9't cm what , ·:hello." 1!1\f\t I'~ ratl\er walk lnto the lion time It ls. t'ye 16st mapy a night'• 1Tdep , ~ag~ at ~In Park 1.oo. and am slc.k to death of her. What'• the J 'v~ uied around the ahqp an,d not a 1.J\11\ltt? -!SACRAMENTO . aingJt C'llY' here haa ever .hid to do DIWl"SAC: TM _, 11 .......... uythlnc lllNI lltil, p-P" lilt ...... . ' advice last . ..:: SQUIRMlNG : . · . DEAR s, YoU. &lrl w••'f ~ ...,.. yoa off, Lovey ~ to be1 I" .... '"'t 1act make Iler btppy. Jt'll on1y take a few mlm&ta and tile agOC)' di be fover betore ~ now i~ Whal aw,us yw on the other lido Of the marrhJK~ vefl? How. can you be ue your marrlage will wprk? }\.ead • Ann Landen' booklet "Marriage· -Whit to Expect." send your request to Ann Landen In care o'f this newspJper ~nCfog. Ing IO <:<nts In coin and• long:stamptd, self-addressed cnvclo~. . , · ', Ann Landers will be glad to help you with your problems. Send ~1'1 to, ~er in care of the DA!LY.Pl~OT. tneloltDC • aeU-acldmled, stamped envtlope. 'I ~ I l ., ' I I •• • . • • • • • • • • • • ' • -. . . • • • ' ' . . ; ' I . ' ,. ' --r • i . -.. ---· Dolll.V m.of . . -----------. ---- -.,,. -- ----------~~----.----~ ~ -. • ·--· ·--&;: ". -...... ,.t-0• ..... ,:~ .... • ' Specia~ty: · Pulchrltuc/e • ' ......... ·~ ~ ' . • United ~Nations Guides Girls p1tt,ure: BJ Al.BC Couzn -~ lcelllMl In Ille tlt'l . lated qeocies ~uring a three-the gir1' wilil: invitations for p e e k s . ·-NATIONS (•DJ-Mia Uaiver. CCldMt. week courst. •. tioOl • fonnll1 ~and informal • ~ ts llOI 0 .:iiJect Since Ille boclmo a llikio · · ~ool of the girls have al plbirinp, and'}llll!Y pr the • • ,.... Nd upec:t lbe United Wt year; Liu said. .i. 1111 1-two wming I~ ~-'-~. d_~llit~ or_ 11)!-liy Mll'WYll•·• • • • •• N-to •peel•'"' ID. but -,_ bJ'U.N. df!clala • and !lave ample use !ill' tltem. ...,.,._ • .~ tbe -'d cqanlzadon bu de: -ot Ille moot a<CllilOpUlbod About 10 f"rcent of the loW:I Oqe !ormer ~· ,14 Indian Al the man said. "when you . wlaped an ezpertile In the menben ot the eorpo.ot 100 are In a ~e oll1er IUD clrl, married ID Americln .... ~--••·• 'th .1,,, •&lei., It lilaul aefect. girls from IJll'QJpout Ibo English, with mael re-IDUltlmlllionaire -~ ~• a w~~ .. ~ Wl I • inc ~ r girts e wcrld. questl com.in for tours in Another ex-guide is the wUe So, ~1 Mesa stays ~th a .. l!llde -. I year .. 'liter. -MVetal ltundred' Frtncb. s !,JU!I! German. of a member of the G~ gr.et double bib "' movie ... -Y IDd lnlelllgeaee ~.for lhla ,.., • Frequen1Jy tile girls lllUlt ~ •· trilnmenl that~ plen· ::...mi · ;....-• .__~, 1""lcn ........ In wltldt IO put diplomliCy into practice as J\moog t h.f s y~'s new ., .._ as _., In stria from 11 l>lllJJlrleo _. lltey guide visitors on lll·mile guides ts~-. Caroline de ty.ol excliement as well IS I~ ~ ~ ~ ""-u ~ to • tours four times a day_,_ Besche, 21, dsilghter of the of laughs. "'- vb.Mrs • yeat through the Join the lel"Vice. 'I'he1 reCelve During tbe · six-day AraJr ··~wedish ambassador to Wash· Enter the scene tonight or u .N. · two-year contracts ctDJag lfi· laraeli war in 1967, ror exam-· mgton. 1 t aod · s "Apelarance is imPGrlaDt, mont:hly pay Of .. tbe tint ! pie, a Lebanese girl who dis· Able to speak English. ~~ ei::w S:: a1 up- thougll a lllrl wbo loob·llmt-;peer and !ILi Ille -.. · ckloed thal she was born in Frenc:h and G<rmap, she said pe oar ong niog-but facki' -1Jty ., RocnJita. wbo mu>! be ~ · Palestine was spat on by a the /ob was recommeoded. by with Hell IA lbe PaclJlc. James the ability to Oblor6 all Ille gle and behMn 20 and IO tourist, bur she retained ber a lnend who became a IUille Garner lOflS the billing in the lnf«maUoa lhi ~ for her yem old, usually come from. ~posure and reported the I~ )'W', and "my p8renta former which_ is a G-rated lob -~ malce !l," says the rankl of collep grad-IJIC\df!ll' only alter tbe tour lilied tile ldea of my ...-ldng film for general audiences The Maurice Liu, chief fl the Vb-uates, aJrliDe stewardeslet' was completed. at ·the United Nations." ' . . · tton' Sef'vice since 196!. actresses. teachers and th9 'lbere al90 are social fringe Some 1,000 penoos tour the latter one stars'Lee Marvin and . Liu said, however, that looks. daughters of diplomats. They benefits. Party·g~g govern-U.N. each day, holidays in-is a show recommended for and -intelligence. U!U8lly go receive Jnteasfve inltructkn ment representatives shower eluded. adults, mature young people ~. end cited Gudrun In tbe bbt«Y and operailou cl and !or young persons l't!lur>dottir. 2Z. a blonde who the United Nllliillts and It. ,. . Couple Decide On Island Home Hell IA The Pacilic has a total cast of two actol'3-Tc>- shiro Mifune along-with Mar- vin. 'Ibey play the part, of an American and a Japanese shi~ wrecked oo a desolak Island. in the Pacifo during WW II. They are deadly enemies.· Their countries aN! at war. They can- not communicate, What pre· vents one from killing the other? [ f Championship Defended • \ r .. Defendbtg women'•. chaplpion at Irvine Coa.d Countzy Club, Miis Dee While shoots her wlnning putt to recapture the 1969 title .s· champion: A little per- plexed over how she did it ts runner-up, Miss Danni Lipp. Miss White and Mrs. Roger Poole, who won low net, are invi:ted to the Mary K. Browne Tour~ =';:'t to compete with all low net and low gron w_inners in Soutllorn Cali- ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ •• .. f. • .. ~ ~ ;· .. .. .. • .. '· ;· .. .. i' ' .. • '. Child's Play 7387 Give a little pt a dream. : <X1111Hrue tliA -this Jmty -doll and wardrobe. ; Doll plus 3-1'8" wardrobe of. : t.r hours ol unag!natlve play to a cblld. Pattern 7387 : tranaer ot 9-ltldl doll, pet- lemll for clothes, diroctions. FIFTY CENTS (coins) for eodt pottem -add ·15 cent. for eocll pe<Rm for llrst-clals molltJI and opedal bandllng; ~ tllirck:!aol delivery will take three weeks or more. • SmdtoAlloeBnlolls,theDAI· : LY PILOT, 105 Needlecralt • Depl., Bo< 163, Old Chelsea , -.. New Yori<, N.Y. 10011. • Print Name, Addreu, Zip, • Patten Number. Giant, new l book of IJ Pltao Atpam. 10 : cenbi. . •. !· ~ British Group .. t :Shuffles Deck ~ . ,W..,.ard Ho Chapter, · • J:lqllt«I of the Brillalt ~ ~·~have a card pu.. Horizons Unlimited For Aerospace Nurses Opportunities to become an aerospace nurse are increa.s- ~ng dally, and many registered nones in Orange County pos.- sea the qualiflcationa for t b e Air Force's epace-age nme corpe. To qualify as a Dying Flor· ence Nightengale and receive a C<ICllmfslloll in the Air Force on Individual lllllll be be!Men 211 and ~ with no depenl!ents und..-the age of 18. She mu>t hold a current nuning reg!s- lralinn, be a sradulli. of a ICbool acceptable to the aur- Frtdt·l'We4 Bosto.«:ream Pie A frothy conf•c:tion with c:h•rri••· p••c:h•1 or boys•nb•rri•s, c:u1t•rd filling •nd topp•d with whipp•d c:r•1m. 1.65 Art1t.Bred A funny n•m• for this big round 'lotf of crusty fr•nc:h bre11d. Texture and flavor of re1I home-mad• bread. 4tc P-• Pie The sur'lshiney swa•t t11te of rip• p•eches in 1 fl1ky p11try. Splendid with ice c:re1m. 99c WIN A lllTHDAY CAO. RBI ty .jn the Lacuna Beach . w-·• ClubhOl!M at 1 p.m. } "llttirld.q, May 1. ; AUracUoDI Will loclude In • .tteraoaa tu at 2:30 p.m. and • doorpfoos. If your btrthd1y 11 In Tune, Jui or August 1tcp In ind fill out en entry ••. 1 eeor.ted 2-l•y•r c:1k1 to I lucky pt.ople 11ch month! f ,,,. pabUc 11 Invited to ·~ • leJld. a D d tklrtts a ft fl pet : -PID1ltor !nformaUoo · ...,. bl olJlalnod hy cailiq .. ...... Joltn ~ Uf.9511. 3"33 VIA UDO LIDO CENTER !NEWPORT BEA'Cli 673~&0 • TRANSUTE, JAQUET' S SEE-THROUGH LOOK NEW P'ftOM JAQUET! A SJl'ECIAL F'OUNDATION 'FHAT REF'RACTS LIGHT ' TO CONCEAL. LINES, WRINKLES AND COLOR BATI-IE YOUR SKIN. IT SETS \VfTH JAQUET1S SHEER FLATTERIE POWDER, LOOSE OR PRESSED, ANO TS ACCENTED WITH PEARL-TONE LIPSTICKS, PINK CAPER OR BAMBOO PEA.Rt.. F'OUNDATIOH AT P.OWOER, PRESSED, 2 .Sq: l..OOSIE', 3.00; UPSTtCK, 2 t00' MEET MR. IERNA.RO,-EXP£RT MAKE-\JP ARTIST 1 IN ciUR NEWPORT STORE, MAY 8 AND 9, COSMETICS. GIP'T OF PRELUDE OUSTING POWDER, YOURS WITH PURCHASE OP' !S.00 0111: MORI OP' N(VI JAQUET IEAUTY PREPAftATIONS, . ROBINSONS NE\A.roRT • FASHION ISLAN D • 644-2800 MESA MATINEES give local rum patrons a great chance lo see the feature film first. Drop in Wednesday afternoon and enjoy a movie during a mid· week, mid-day break-away. The programs start every Wed- DeSday at 1 o'ctock, opening with free relmhments . FREE PASSES to the Lido or !ht' Mesa will be mailed to- day to J. E. l'><>sl, 539 Calallna Dr., Newport Beach, w. w. Hurst, 531 Seaward Rd., Comia del Mar, T. P. "'4!9uez, 637 W. Dan.II, Costa M... IJld J.E. Com>!, Ill Topu. Balboa laland. We sin<trdy hope that Y* name ii listed here one weet reel soon as a guest of "Pic- ture Peeks" to tnjoy a fine film at lite Lido or the Mesa . Do try to get out more often and tntly get the moot out of (mt motJon pictures on iht big, wide 1Cteen with that d .. !!dous odor of rrm popcorn accent1ne the actton . • • - '· ' ' ' Te .. y'1 Final 62, NO .. 107; 3 SECTIONS .. 31 PAGES . -~ --. ' ' ; . . ' - , TEN CENTS -Pier :i; ' . . · -· Gitard Headquµtters Suffers Damage .... . ly IOBl'I VAL TEllfA ~ .......... ,.,.. ..., Heavy, storm-borne waves crashed . . pall • -.and .. ....i -, ' utm11p • to Newport . Beach 'lif'lllJ&rd headq!!Orftn j.hll -tend. But today .... illl'llt(y WU beJplni. Jhe • , • DAILY f'0ILOT0 lttfl' ...... WORKMEN, N~WPORT LIFEGUARD LEADERS COMPARE NOTES O,N HOW TO ·SAVE STATION Surf and High Tides Undermining Guard Hudquarters in C•nfr•I Newport Pier Permit Fight Loams- Realtor Pease Challenges Newport Beack Poljcy By JER0~1E F. COLl.JINS Of fll• Dallr l'li.t ll•H The prospect of a court battle to overthrow Newport Beach's policy ol ~"ting ...... ~~'!'.~~,.11<1>' y-0wz\irlloom«f' ·today. boa Island realtor •!r·D. Pease, ,~~ is challenging that p(iucy, today dcnand~ a s~ hearin( on his aµ. pllcation to build a boat slip m front of a ba:yside home he doesn't own. It is unlikely he will be granted-the re- he:aring by councilmen. who unanimously rejected hii first request last week. A lawsuit m1y foUOw, Pease bas hinted. P~0_wh9Ji~s at 304-Collins ~venue on 'tbe Island, an address several~ blocks f'llil(Jbe ~;.a.Qd.i.r· -J:!!'ar;n( orJ'l ihf' iroondi1fit.;:Jils apP11CltfQn Ja...<=t Mon4-f bad ·riceived IDatfficient con- sider8tlon ~oni couDcilnlel\j , lie wants:to \>IJUd hi.I pier ban~.ol Ul.e ·bome of. Dt Oliver G.,Howe ll, :I04 S. Bayfron~ al!O oo lb• !slant!. IX. Howell last week protested Pease's .applitatlor, saying it would deprive him of his pro· perty rigbt.s. Battleship New Jersey Home, Greeted by 1,000 LONG BEACH (UPI ) -The USS New Jersey, the world's only active battleship, sleamed throogh the breakwaler into its htme po'rt bei-e shortly before 9 a.m. tG- <lay, as more than 1,000 persons waved signs and a Navx band played. Hundreds of wives and children of the 1.556 officers and men were waiting on Pier E at ~lpng beach Naval Station under overcast sides for the 56,000-ton ship to arrive home from the Far East. eapt. J. Edward Snyder, Jr., or Surprise Rain Spatters Coasi Unseasooable rain -the we.ather bureau 's terin for any prtclpitation fall- ing between 'April and October -. splaahed the · °'""' co.st Sunday · aud ovel'lligbt ~ wmte.r sputtered its 103~ dJilll gasp. Seven-tenth! ol an inch, enough . to a.wakeD some resident!, fe.11 on Laguna Beach .e.arly this morning, while Costa t.ttsa, ·"Newport Be.ach and HuntilJ«ton Beach recorded only a trace of the wet stuff. Further north, rain drenched the Los Angel~ Basin and snow flurries we.re rtpor(ed at Southe.ri Califomla resorts above the 3,000-foot level. Temperatures Sunday dipped inf9 the low 60's. Fajrfax, Va ., Jn 1 radiotelephone. in· te.rview, said 0 only an idiot would, not send the New Jersey back" ll VJetnam hostilitlei remain at the current level. Snyder spoke o! his ship and ~ wi\h pride as the battlewagon steamed toward a delayed reunion with the families of the sailors. Sigqal U&hts O~ed from the. bridg~ of the .New ·Jersey 11 lbe came mto v.ew, her superstfucture towering above the other ahtpo In 1he ha-. A 31-pleoe Long Beach municipal band Ind a Navy band played, bellc:oplen n... OV<!rhead, .. d dependejltf w.altlng on the dock cheered. The crew, in drt.,SS whites, stood at at- tenUou lining the rail1 as the ll'T·foot bat- tleshlP was etCOrted into port by a flotilla of s.mill cabin cruisers. Tbe ,......, w11lch had been playing show -tunei, broke into "Anebots Aweigh " as the, New /~ w~ n~ .into its ~a.po,& , . · <'* llilft~ of, ... crewmen · · ~-t11e llilil"eilili>...,..S·ioo,i;lls the° ~ """'lo'ti<ftd. t«' tw· ful rm.iim· witb tllt men. .( · . . .. ... ' • . ""f. ~ .. . . l . Mother )lespo.nds .. -~ .. To False Alanrt·><' ' .,, . . ' . Pease, in his written request for recon~i~eratioq of I.he lque.1 aaid tbe. pet!· lion is warranted on these grounds: -"N"' arul adiliU..,.l ln!Qrn\\~OD is .. au,l>lo. .. -~dl11 Jl9Fillb!>fate. ' •• - -''The subject matter (last 1.ionday) was the-final !Chedulecl' Item on a 1ong and complicate<tagtm#a: µM! hearjnc was not opened unUI alter mlilnight; the council <&Dd staff Wert· IUbject-to. gret.t strain, if 'not exjreme. exhaustion, to con· elude tlte hearing.j' A! a result of the late hour and "strafu" ·on citt officials, saJd Peue, the hearing was cmcluded with "Ul)due brevity and ,insufficient consideration · of lhe subject in view of the public interest, scope, magnitude and malb of the iaslie ra ised ." Pease claims that resiricting pier c'on· slruclion and use to bayfront businesses and bome.awners is discriminatory to ln· land property owners,. who contribute taxes toward the maintenance hf the public tidelands. Despite Pease's argument that last week's hearing was insufficient; t! ls all he is probably going to get -barring legal action, accordinf to COuncilman Paul J. Gruber. "If he's not happy," said Gruber, "he should go to court. not come back to the council. He got a proper hearing last week. I don't even want to .see. this (Pease's request for another.heiring) on the agenda." But it will be on the agenda next Mon- day. The city clerk's of'flee already has scheduled It. Councilmen at ttu:i.t time will not again decide the issue. All they will do is dete.nnlne whether a date should be set to re.cooside.r it. The council cannot lega lly pennit Pease to build his pier In front of Dr. flowell's home without placing 1 cloud over Some 2,000 existing piers In the harbol:. If one inland ruident is aUowed to buHd a pier, it coukt, In the w~s of Councilman Robert Shelton, "ope1fup an lllCl'<dlble'~ol-." . '· . At pttSOQt,· ownen ol boy boot .Ups pay ~the cflY.1 1100 foe ~ pier permit. That is a WeWne, f«!· It entula ·the owner to exclusive. use of his pier. Pease s_aid last week it is too early for h;m to decide 1'hetbe.r, to toke the ctt, to ~ Ov"f the Wue1 U hi.I teCOnd !'!quest -a -copy of whlch ·was sent . to Dr. Howell's attorney -is rejected, a lawsuit wou1d be Peue's only remainint opllon. City officials have admitted pri•atefy it's t;<>l them worried. sea undo lb damal'. ~ ~ .-· The latest ud moat aevereooalaught of nigh tides and erosJOn, whiclfhliS~become .:in alm08t montlr . occurrence all year, s{arted Friday nllbL Snake Bitten . . CdM Students Recovering -·car.a. jfel M1u"junl..-nilb~h'lol i.tudenl! were repOrt«I In °fair con·· . dition" today at Hoag Memorial Hospital where they are recovering from rat· tie.snake bits. Karen Randall, 13, and Ales: Waniek, U, "'ere bitten Friday on the grounds of Lincoln Int.e.rmedlate School. They will Tem.m at Hoag for at ieast a feW days,: .hospital apokesmen said. "We're · going to k~p them until the poison· is completely out of their systems." The snake, which the youngsters mistook f()_I' a gopher ,snake:, was later killed by a school employe. lt Is now in 1 bottle of .fotplal~ehyde at the school, w,t>ere it wlll ae.rve aa an object le.DOn to o••,~ ~-io viOI...., ciilal 1U1p11.wer1ey: · · The ~all girl and young Wanie.k tried to pick up the small snake when they ~· ~ ln the crevice of• doorstep as they went ttom ont cl~ to another, achOol officials 1aid. Anaheim Woman S.tabhed .to De~th; 'Husband' Held A 28·year-old Anaheim woman Was stabbed to death with a butcher knife Saturday · afterQ90ll and her alleged s!Jye.r captured aeveral l19urs later, police· teJ>Orled. De~ is Jeannetta Carol,ine Engstrom of ·1565 W. Lullaby Lane. T1le Oralli' County Coroner's Office said · she died from a Jingle stab wound in the heart. Bruce P. Wade, of 2861 W. Rome St., Anaheim, reported to be the wOman'.s common-law husband, was captured by officers Randy Gaston and Robert Goellner who spotte(I hJs car near Euclid Street and Crescent Way. Wade, who had reportedly taken poison, was ru shed to Orange Cou nty t.ledical Center where his stomach wa1 pumped. He la be.Ing held in the prisori ward of the hospital on murder charge,, Inflation, Taxes Top Wage Gains . ' ' ' SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) ·-lllllaUon and tls:es won the hlttle with pay. hikes foe the average California wocker1 durinl the pMt year. The State Department of Industrial Relit.ions today reported gross earnJnga in March wtrt up 4.2 percent from a year earlier. · • . , But tnnauon and taxes bOosted lhf c:o.,,t or living so high the worker with three dependents was 2.4 percent behind March or 1981 and tbe unmarried worker had 3.3 percent *8 spending poW"tr. I . When ft let up, tons of 'sand hll<t befn· waatitd 1way aloQI wfth,U\tee· emergency bulkheads.. .. J?amace to the historic ·dory fleet included 1tver•l-lost lockers fuU of ~8 1ear. . ~ \ ~ . . As, ,city . Cl'fNI. ,aod .' d~partl;nent'1 tie'4s watched their bt•'l' bulkheads fall Satur- d.ay and Sunday, · they · called ~ on City Public Works Director Joseptt JT. Devlin for a new idea;· It seeUlS' to be·'workiJ:!g. Devlin quickly ~igned ''instal't groiiis" made of. heavy pJaniinc to trap · • tile waves' wasb,1Slow ft down and allow for deposit of ,new 1and1over the'el'Oded ._ "Siilce the grolos were built Sandly morning we have-had a new._ aiz-ihch layer ,of sand over the area," Cblef Llreguard Robert Reed s&id. t[1le sea haa a long way to go, however. ~The westerly swells ate awa1 an estimated 3&,0QO cubic yards of sand . Around the headquarter .. building -I.be (S.. WAVES, Pqe Z) ' ' •, ' "DA.IL Y• PM.OT ,.,_. 1w ..... 'f'lllln8 YOUNG ART CIUTIC-VIEWS NEWRORT ART SHOW -Michell• Goodr,w, ~' Kept Opini~i"' to Herself • -~ . . First ·Citizen Art Show C'1iletlf.Complete Success Newport Be.Cb's . firi!t annual Citir.en Art Show al Clif'JlaU Sund•~ ;.-,.;\enned • "!'<Jmplete -....;" by .the Oty AN ConuM!ee today. There were · iJo many,1tntrles, if! fact, lhat the ahow flowed o~from !he lawn right on into,Clty HalLJtae!f. l "' • HuDdreds·of vislton stoppedib)''to view the works -a tote.I of JlS-~11yed on the grass and Scattered uirouJhotd, cor· ridon •nd olrtcea· Inside the· building. Three prize winners we.re named by a panel of ·judge.a.. R'eceiving ribbons we.re John Lennon, Yoko. Buy $360,000 Hom~ LONDON (UPI) -Bealle Jol)n ~: and hil. W'ife Yoko have,bouabt·a '380,000 . mansion at Aloot, t1s: mllis wut of Lon- don. ve.~~:Se.~1:!~1~1:~1~~: its own art a:allery, a Tudor-style tea Mute -and eYen· Its own cricket pitch. ll du on 75 "!""' ol irounds. Aines Matthias, Lucia Joan Robertson. Anderson · and Their works and paintings by 22 other residents Will be displayed in City Hall through June. 'Nora -Lehman, Rave Ila .Malinoff · and Barbara Stabler, who arranged the shoW' for the Arts Committee, said they wer1 • delighted at the public 's response to the exhibit, particularly on the part of local artists. 'rhe ahow will be repealed neit year, they said. NEW YORJ( (AP) '-The ttOct market, w~ vigorou:, raiiy last week clrried it to some or it.a best showings in about a year, c)osed on a WrIY. even keel toda-y. (See quotations, Pages 2&-27.). Coast ·. For~slcr;s call~ for mostly sunny ,,.Cather for Tucsd~, "With the. mercury rnaklnf a comeback abd no rain on the horiioa. · Newp;rt Belch fimnoa .:-, • hilve found one ol 'the last l>a:ltiono . ol lllefll p.....,tal diaclplin< durinc a fo).t •iarm call to·Llde allpo Sunday eveoln1. The llrt ~tcber.., duty dllll:oveitd th•f a' lire piione ?cl been pUn.d from ~ bOoit there, -,-.plllcod. A I BmtallOil dlle! M-Meehan rolled. to innSA• mid njlorted Cbll'lle .- William Brown OJ{'d • .,...,. ""· '~· ,..o·aN. .• tlfl. u. ..,, . B d p phonetli-pulK .... ....,: .• .r or.J;EOC oar ost lllJ ~ cont1npec1, "Jmt· .. ba~ ~istot;y Differ~nt ·Here? • ' .... Weather After takini today off, the sun comes back TuesdoY to boool coastal temperatures into the up- per sis:tles ror a clear -and dry -<lay. WASHINGTON' (UPI) -Tile Sen.lie lallGn di!if arrived ,. -bo)>: "¥ confirroed bf. vole< vote .'today the llttlmbllt11 don pole. Mother WU &lvln( nomlnati~ of \yllliam H. Brown r11 as 1 _ !:i~ spankinr as blU.llon chief left membe r of tilt J;;qual EmOIO)'lnt;! '<>p. · , , . portunrt'f 1co.,finllssloif lEEOO), "with. ; • • • • -.. llenale Republican leader Everett M. 01dest Man in senate Dlr'sen joining in , ..SUPJJ0{1 of the Philadelphia lawyer. Dtrlti,en had blocked a previous con· rirmatioo Vct_le oq Brs>Wo, whd ·hos befn servln& 'on an interim basis al: a com- mWion member' but Slid today Brown had gfveD satll(aetorr rtplics to some ·quesllpns be posed i!urtng • <S-mlnut. meetin& between U>e .lwo. WASHINGTON (UPI) -Sen. Stephen M. Youn;; (D-01\to), lurntd IO Sunday . "Tl's. hara ' tor me to beJlt\'e l'in the oldest man' ln the Senate. l new back rrom ttir.. 'days In Las· Vegu Sahlnlay nigh!,• ht said-d 1 ~ rip. "I played three sets of tennis Sur.:lay .-m came to work"' lime Mond•y. I !Ml One." ' ~ ·State Senate Passes Sckool Text 'Freedom' Bill SACRAMENi'o' (AP) -.Clri)'OU lel<b AJl\tr1can hlltory diflmntl1 m Orlnl< °""!'IY lllaDJn Son l"nn•cloq>!" ,, Tliat wu ~ '11'.the quutlom btntered, abcllt todoY u the o.1u ... ~ Senot• pas...t by • :IO to I VOie' 1 P'PPO'ed con- st.ltut.lonal amtndmmt to clvt the 1tate greater freedom In cboollq. te:rtbooU for use in public schooll .. • • The measure, •ponoored by Seo. Albert s. Rodda !IJ.Sacramen~J, -·-ID the Aaembly. • Tho Stai. Cor>ttltuUon !W'! i:equlra the Slate Board of Educail6ii lo •pprove • . . '.'uniform" aerla ~~books to·~ used tn the lllte'1 pubUC ICboolll. Thi& ineans, Ip e!ftct, tllal filth grade ltudenlll throughout California u1e the aame rtadln1, English and arithmetic booU. Rodda '• amendment. which would have lo be approved 'by the people al lhe polls. leu the 1t1i.11,1wo clttermloe l!9!r many • aerlu Of \elttioi>ts the tlate bOar'd ·can approve. TM .board's act.ion, In Wm.· would dettr:mlne ·!lOW broed • ehok•1· klCll~ ld!ool bolll'.4> w<aild . ~~v· In cltCldl111 whif tuia coWd be QMd In their mis. ,, ' ~," . ' Sen. Milton Marki (R~o. Franci9CO), asirid Rodela, "You couTci-~!AIMrfcon history dUferailly ln'Or"'i• County wn you do in Sa,niFnncllc»t" . ' Rodda .. 111 yes, 'dependJnr on whot booU ind bow n)Anf •m approved· tly the Slate Boa:n:I llf EdUcatlon under guideline• Kt by the lqisllture. Rndda ~ sponsoring • mt•l!lre. _that would pennK lite boord lo ,.i two book• for each aibject .. nd pad~ . . . So"" oenatofa ' lndlca they w•n~ lor:al,dllllrlcli .to havo'a 0111ilber Of boob to cbooae from.. ,. • INSIDE TODAY , + l t wo.t pretty m.ucr1( like-pr~ i6iu races; the imo:U boats ?tJOde tht best of tht wfndl and 1• took,_ 'f'Djof . honors Of.lf!r tPf klrg1r ont.1 in' th• an-nU(ll .£q.. se:11ad4 ~e. Poge 20. • n I •·• a " ti " • " U•n " " > . I \ I 11 jf I l ' J I ' \ / ---·----- - - --- -c.c::;:;::::::::::::::::;:;::~""':::;;;::: . .::;_--;_-;,-_-.:..::--=---=:---:;-::--.oc. c;.-;;="<':o::·;::·~==o;---c.;-:.c----. -----------.--~ . ,, ' . . . 2 DAILY PILOT . N ' Swthnt Seriator ' ~l.Y •1l.OT I!![~ ARGUES FOR FREE SPElC·H OCC S.n1tor K1Mr - LA Times Given· Pulitzer Prize For City Exposes NEW YORK (UPI) -E-of wrongdoln& ln city government and 1 labor union ciptured two of 'uie Pulitzer Prizes for 1989, announctd toc;tay . by Colwnbla Unlveraity. The Los Ang"ele1 Timea won tbe prize for publlc 1ervlct for its dlscl01Ure of wrongdoing within Los Angeles 1ovem;- ment commtsslons. The artJcles resulted in both crimhJal conviclions aftd restina~ tions of commillion. membtn. · . Albert L. Delllfach and Denny Walldrof the St. L<>u1i 'Globe-Democrat were honored for a aeries exposing fraud and abwlve power in 1«.i sa of t.be St. Louia SteamflU.,O UnlM. They won the award for special local r<!portlng. . pi oc<; .4.1:twn 'ftll 0£-Coasl Co q 1I1 o+ ·~u.. ml4't ......... la"" &IY. ... ....,...... , ... l!!l*ali "' • ~lie~ (lllll), ..,. ~ Coos! 1tudenl BerYI !(aw. Unwillingly. admin1atnton , ha v • pl<yed rl&J>I lnlo Sil&' \widl by ilyjq them an ISSU<, he con...,.i.. "Wh'h SoS flnt .-on campus • they coul4n't dnw any "'l'P'»1 at lll but at a rally um weell &htrt were over J.OI) atudtJit.-tbere," k•iu eald. · Kuer, a senator in the student 1overn- ment, said he b not a member nor sup. port.r for SOS but hu argued for their ' group's rllhl to free speech. He said ht thlllb many sludenll IHI Uko he t19a. .. , empathize with them becau.se the administriltion · h15 driven them up again&t a wall," he aaid. ·Like a .crut many students at occ. Kaser ii older, :.a. 1t1d a veteraa. He was an infantry eergeant. He I! acuve In the Whittier School PTA and hu jllll organlr:ed a woodcraft llaJlpr1 chlldr611'1 club. Ht llld tlle board or trua1tll a_cted out .of teer when Jt voted down SDS because the dlltrict'• v91m frouldn't Ill<• it. In hla vJtw that ii aeJUn1 out a dem&craUc principle (frte speech) for money. "Whtn waa the laat time they p.lMed a bond IQue U)'Wa)'?" fte Uk•. ' Two Miniquakes Jiggle Southland P A&\DEl'IA.(lll!f) ~ Two •tr!l>«tuakel Jl(gle4 Souibeijl• CalU9(111o ~. Selamolog!Jto Bl':lile'CalifOJ:JUI fnstltule of Tecii1Jol01Y llld4he fJnt, n<onled 11 l :rl a.m., regiltenlil U cm the Richter Scale, not !arc• el10lllh to do c1am.,.. II WH ceJttered '""' downtown Los Anples. The aecond temblor, at t:O:S a.m., w11 c.ntered In the C•Jon r.., and reglslar<d U.., lbe Rldlltr Scale, which """1d hive bje1r btr· enoup to · cauae iru-dulap II II bail occured In 1 populattd ..... Adelia Smith Other PuU!tm lllOOUil<ed by tctln1 Columbll University Prellldent ~ W. c:onlier on behalf of the trustee& of Columbia Ualversily were: Rites o· .... T e~..J -NaUonal ~porting: fl<>!>erl =·. · .-'4&, U euay the Qristian Science M~, ... ~. .:. ,+.,/.} ,, -,~ • !or lil'arttcle on naUonal para· · 1 . ...._.,.,la A~llo (Jerl)lmlth, pron;. on ways to preserve them. · 1nent Lido le resident. will be held at -W.rnaUonal reporting: 1111 m . ll 1.m. Tljod1y at the WerlcUII Chapel Tuohy o1 the Los Anfelu • or > ~~~eo.t. M!l!a. , 1rllcles on lbe Vietnam war. _...,. .;_;,_ 1iwn; · ~ Sallitd~Y .11 Hog -Local ,..porting <i a 1enerlr natutt: Mcm4rlil.. Ill alter • lll'iel llln ..... John Fettennan of the Loul!vllle/lrimu Sha wu '~ end Courier.Journal for hia article: <Ill an A member of the Lido I1le Women'• American ooldler whole body wu rtlUrn-Club, Ibo wu at.. IC\lve in the Lido !~1 ed from Vlelnam for burial 1n,bla home Play<n q.b. town. Sb< II llJrVlvoil. by her hUlband, Junior Miss Contest Blasted as 'Racist' lltOBILE , Ala. (UPI) - A civil rights group which has bei!n unable to get within five blockl or M u n I c I p a . Auditorium in two protest marches on the 1969 America Junior Miss Pageant vows to launch an all-out effort on the night of the finals Tuesday. Leaders of Neighborhood Organized \\'orkera (NOW). which has led the abortive marches on the pageant they called "racist," said they would make a last ditch effort Tuesday, but gave no details. Whites Attack Negro BEAUMONT, Tex. (UPI) - A carload Df white men drove through a Negro atc- Lion of town fjrlng guns Sunday night kill· ing one wnman which set off six houn of fire bomti":; and property damq;e early loday. OMIY PILOT OU.NOi c0..11 l'UlllMONO COMl'AMY lob.rt N. W114 Prn'-nl .... l"uMlllNt Jae• R. C•rl•Y Yid "r"lclitnt •Ml Gftlff• Matlt"' Tho"'•• IC•ovil .... Th•'"•' A. MY•,hl11• Mtl\Otlnt ficlftor J••ott11 F. Colli11t ,..._" '""' Cl" l:ctrtot· ---1111 Vf111 l1n101 l1wl•••14 M1ill111 A44r1111·f'.o. ~ •• 1111, •t••J --C'4t. ~! .. '#"t aw'""" L-lffttli m ,.,.., •-HYM1"1M .. .ell\ M tlfl l"'"t Wlllltm E. 8ml1h of the home, :m Vie Koron. · Burial will be at Hollywood cemetery. ~~,.. .. Because ll'• Tlaef'e Laguna Beach High School Siu· dent Pete Schoen, 16, pauaes during c i t m b Saturda1r ol sheer, 200.loot rock wal oU Zw:icb Drive ill elty'J Top of the World area. Schoen and classmate Scott BYinlllon' seal· eel wall in nine and a fiall hour• despite two falls broken by Safety rapes. 'fbty Hid face had Dever been Climbt4 be- fort. .. 8 . Go an . Trial • • • • t ' t D . -:Six G1x-en . ela • ·. n · .. .... 1 .' ..... t\tx <i U de(enc\>nl> accuaed o1' U.. 1111 Kuip Ro;d, ·Ne;;-~~· volveMtaL Pi 4 $i million ln&ura('lce Jlbwltnd X. Marsh, \ ~· · tJ! . _ lcheqw,·~· iltiL a dell1 <i thelt · Beach:. "'vld Nor19" Kape, if. ill~.:_.< . '* . lY llllli; ·J ... ~iflfnla =-~·1· .. .,......,, . . . ' N~ Ho~. llwY ' : .1111 ,~illk· _,..... ,..,.. 'It. <iAnlhefin;11ck B*'1al!il~. · ~lo.ij'tal1111 .~ltl¥1"fwt or Al<MJa : 11er1>er1 ~er. ii;; • !llpetlOr' C"l!'f Jqdp W!1u.I!> L. MlllTty. CaoopHarll· ;ar~ i,,:~ •• ~~ • , .... _ One Goldwater Joins Anotlaer Now there are two Baley M. GO!dwaters on Capitol Hill. Barry Jr. (left) took his· oath today as the new House rnmbor !tom Ctlllor· nia's 271h District. Afterwards, M posed wtth his father; Se!\. Barry Goldwater (R·Artt.) on th• steps of the Capitol. Mesa 4-year-o~ld Killed, Struck by Trash Truck A four.year.(lld Costa Meu bey who was riding his tricycle was killed in· 1t:antly Saturday when run over by a two and one-half ton ·trash truck. Pgllct identified the vJdim u J1m11 Dennis Hafner, 9011 of Mr. and Mr1. Richard Hafner, 2070 National Ave. AccordJn1 to the police account, the Halher tot was ridini his trike down Na· Uonal Avenue near Oak Street Ilona with two playmattS en bicycles when tht lr•i'dY occurred. llWUU,allng officer• said I h • ~· Wff' followinf tht ptth of & "&ucf'<invlil bY Ptte G'1!•1M Colin, 11, of Sanl& Ana. Col!!1 __ ~]~_f!!lce he had spotted the yna~inl; the truck down Uie Drunk Driving Chatg~ on Tap A 4•year~ld Newport ·Beach man 1o- day fa~• charges µ fe~ny drunken dl'lvinl 111<mmln1 from "' alleged hll· run Injury acciclenl Friday nlltlt on Paclfic coast Highway. James· Riehl.rd Leonard of 1901 D<>rolh)" Lipe, WH ltreotod ti 11 :llO p.m. after 1llegedly opeedinl 1w17 frolll the ~oe of the craah near I.he Arcbefl;. • PoUce aaid Leonard'• car lpid away from the scene at speeds reaching 75 m11.. per hour with • pat:olma.n In purllllt. Officer• said Leonard pulled off the .. ~d at Pacific Coast Highway and Suparlor AV<1111<, w!>m he was atr•ltd. 'Tttt vlctltri of the rear.end traffic cruh, J1mes Baldwin, a 13-yt!ar-old Marine, complained of neck and back ~. Temple Plans Meet On Minority Housing Harbor Reform TempJt will hold • special meetlng in Utu of Sabbath aervicH at 8:30 p.m. Friday at St. Jamei Episcopal Ch~h, Newp6rt Betcl\. G-opeaket ·wlll bt Mrs. ~ saveu of thO Orinp (:oqnty Ftlt ll...,. in( Councll, wl>o will llpl&k on minority houlin( In°''"'' County. An°"" Sbab-bat Ind ooc:111 hour ..in folloj< the meeun1. 11r .. 1 and had warned them lb get off lhe street. He said that he didn't see them In the rear·vitw mlrtora ii he Nrted up his truck, and mumed Ibey had !ell Colin said 1'lt ff:lt the ttuct jo ever 56mtlhing in the ·road_way when it bad reached a speed of 3 miles per hour . Yoong H-bed pi.n ahead of the garbage truck,' and had apPartntly swerved on hla trlcycle and been Crushed by the right rear wheel ol lllt truck, 10- @ordlng lb lnvesUgator1. 'Ille d .. th of )'OUl1I ~na m1,rb tht fourth traffic 'tiotoU\y in co.it: Mu• within the put rnonpi, poll .. ltld. Thero had been no falal1Ue1 In the nine prevloul mont.ha. The othtt ~ccJdtntl . {ncluclfd 1••t week'• motorcyclt-car corusiOlf lri which m O:C stUdent was kiltld, oM fatality ll'I whJch tbt drivf:r aulfered a• ht&R'•ttacll and ran into a pole at the ciomtr of Harbof and Gisler, and one aceident in which the victim, who wa1 run over by a tarbage truck, apParenUy sutfered • h•arl atllck and ltll lnlb the attttt before the truck hll him. Traffic invea\laator R. D. Goode aald that Saturday's accident w11 tht only one related to traffic safety on Cost& Mtlt city &treets, as the motorcyc)t Keid"tnt occurred .., 1 private road at Or*"'" Coas1 eon.,.. Girls 'Beat Up Lido Secretary .. , Two unldintllied youn1 lirl• beat 1 111- yur.old Lldo Isle aecttt.ary Into un. cons<loumw late SUl!day night naar tht Ntwport Pier, police 1ald today. Lisa Smith sufftred a broken tooth and fAclal cuts and bru!Sts in the lJ :al> p.m. incident, police aaid. ottleers said the victim told tlttm t"W"o heavy·ltt girls atoocl In fronl gf hlr on the sidewalk lnd beaan be•Unf ~r wltbout provocaUon. Ane:t+ .. .tr youn* """'"' llbod by and watthid, llYinl nothln1. Miu Sllllth llld ol>e wet knocktd un- C0111C!OU1 end l•U to the pt•-l . She wu treated at Hoq Mamortwl H..pilal 111<1 llttr nleutd. Newport Judge Doyle Dies At Ball Gaine; Rites Set Funenl MrVictl , for rtlir1d i.o. mttl Doy1< of Loi An1tla: 1 sltltr ~!tr. Mlflt loyer <i Los Mltlel, u{ Hvtft grllldchlldrtn. . Anpl.. superior C6urt Judf• Elmer Doy!<, who collapoed and dl!d list Satur· day whUe attending a baseball game at Judp Doyle on<!e guo....d that lit h•d «ranted more thin 200,000 4Jvtircij:, but Anahflm Slldtum, will be lltld Saturday he was 1 ttluc\allt wllilen IO Ille pr<>- tt Ctlbtdr1l Chepel In too An1eles. H• -.., ..,m,, "l:ve &1"71 re11 you was 74. ~ can't just grln4 lhett tblni•. out Jt~ a Judge Doyle, a resident ef Newport machine. Many of theat people den't Betch at Sil Island Ave. for the put four really want divorces." yooro 1lnct hlo retirement from tht T1!e Judst once hlpplly l'tCOWlted that btru:h, dltd ef an appar~t heart attack. he h•d ttmarried about IO dl\'Orttd tbs Orange. CClunt,y Coront1'1 otflct couples. reported. · · Ht ,.., electtd to tht Superior Court- 'lll• ro,.ry "111 bt recited 11 I p.nt bonch In IHI after ll yun of ,.,.Ice lb Frl<l•Y and requl•m ftlUI Wiii be II II Loo Aoplu.COunly, in<ludln114 ~ .. 1.m. Satunlay undtr tl!ldlrectlen ol·Cun-1 comm!l11-In tilt dom•ldc rtl•tlonl nlngham and O'Connor MOl'IUlry of too branch or the Superior Court. lie rtllrecl Angetu. In 1114. Tl\• fud11 lo ~vtd llY • d1u1Mtr In addition lo h11 COW1tOO!ll duUOI he Mri.Verna Wandtty ol'lliil·~ntt Anlt1 "" lllt·f"turtd fudg• in the J>ilot lnm Lano, Kunlinllon lltoch; a lhthtt Im· for the "Divorce COurt" leleviltCll oeriH. Tiiey l*<:• chirps <i COllQ4raey and ey, • 0 """! ·· . -.. ,..1n4 theft 1n .. Pf~ CQoi!IY Gr111<1 .. Held ov~ 1111t11Julr11~''1"'": Jun' ladictmenl tbll -U... <*-ly, JI, <t. ~·..,IIOr1' :~~'t 11\lortF,.,.n~DJ Ille nature ol ~,ll{o In-~ 4'.19 ~f s':i"Df.~~. l'Jrm~ !l 8\lfll"ICe policies 1atutd by cy ' r • • . a!....-... ~·.:.· 11!.Vfltto{& Inc. of Encino. • .. 1 : Orlov, tf, of Encino; Jack · ~~1i • WticlhlJ Jun'~· ~,Jo. of Brooklyit, N.Y. and 11<1but l.!oe ' dly Wtrl· Cleo Man'ln Jtballil; ••:·: ol m~ Regency flrm·was lndtc&ed bY lll ·: Grand Jury loUowing inve1t111tJ01·' • • Orf.Ille County homeewners' cl$ims· D:.p-ute· ov-e< r they had betn vlctlnu-of fraudulent a.a , · · · .·; pracUces. ,\n earlier lnve..tlg1Uon of . . · firm by the CaWomia Department,.. B • b J _ E ;J ~ "J'nsurance ltd to the refUQd of $860,ootji· ' ie nw . . premiums u .tracled fron{ alleged vic;tWs of the sales plan . ~ ,, .. In 2 Deaths \. FllU!IO Cl,lPll ->, llltci Mu1linl barber and ,n 1cqualnilllce shot Ind lull· eel .. ,h olhv Sunday .lfleoloon In the IP. perent ellmlr of a c0nllnuln1 ar..-1 about lllt Bible. . Tht lwo inen, both armed with plltoll, had -arluln1 1bovl 1!1e !nlery,rtttUon <i Ille llllJln r ... several -is. rrteodl of the pelr teld pollearn,111. Killed were CUnlon J. Allllln, M, tht manqer of lbe All KJlione llorbtr Sil<>Pl and Fr&llk Barnet Sr., 47, 11ho was JiviDJ In a Fresno hotel Auatfn!1-M111Un name .. -w11 Dktar Rauen AU. Pollc!:fl a,i.IO J~ert "ert no wJtntSltfl to -the aCtUal lhoO\ing but Severil persons had heard the twe arguing about the Bl· ble ahortly before the shots rang out. Austin was armtd with a .38-callbtr piatol and Barnes w1;1 using a .l2-caliber weapon. ' AUit.in wu foUJMt Inside hb ahop with a bullet wound in the htart. Barnes ap- pattntly fell throu&h e front Window and died on the street. He w•s shot three times in the chest. Man on Take ' Physician Charge Goes on Trial .. Jury ' seleclloi\ began ioday In the Superior Co!lrl. lri•I <i an Alabam• men •ceuaed or p0<li>1 11 1 cardlologiot durlnc fivt weeks of "practice" at a Fullerton clinic. "Robert ErVin Brown, 33, of Birm- jngham has .pleaded not guilty to 17 cOunts of falsely practicing med.lcll'le. His trial before.Judge Byron K. McMillan is expected to.take two to thret Wteeks. Brown was indicted by the Orange County Grand Jury alter witnesses lestif1'ld that he examined more than . 30 patient.I dur~ hil stay at~lhe Fullerton clipic. ' Among lht wltnf:IWi who testiflM 8i&lnst Btown was t>r. Glenn L. FoMer, a Univenlty of .Alabama heart specialist whose nam~ Brown is alleged to have u• ed. . Testimony from eeveral ~ tht 87 pa- lienta alle1tc11Y exlllllned by Brown dur- i?ll his period at the ~linlc will be ou1. ... J before Judi• McMillan. ... t .. Ce11tpetl"9 C<>rona del Mar 1U1h School lfesJIJhBli l!:Ollflll Clar~. 1f, will compete May 16 and 17 in Opttmtit-CIOb1a Pacific North· west lleclonal ·•pe•ch contest in Los ~les. II he wins, youni -Clari<, already a zono wiMtl' will qu.allfy for naUonal compeUtkln. A »coun,t lndiclmenl Jasued by all9: Grand Jury claims that Rqency as~ '°Id tu1 ·Insurance poUcl.N to ~lh~ re11ldent1 u ''hlghly ptotitablt, ~ sharing contracts whlch .w,putd: ~ nll supportin& .•• tnd return a sublttli' tial income within a rel•Uve1y few years." ,: lnvestlptar. sly ll>e pollciee · a\.e 'liOI ~ the paper they are prinlod ..,_ · Five Arrested ' In Fullerton ,. Park Runihle Bottles and dirt clods being hutled b' an unruly mob Suhday led ~ tHe arreat or five men by Fullerton police at Hlllcrt:st Park, a frequent trouble spot. The five who were jailed were part of a crowd prot-esting the arrest of a teen.age girl on drunk in public charges. Police uld about 60 "hippie" types gathered wtien two officers attempted to take the girl into clfStody. -. · Seven more -Officers answered tn ~mera1ncy call for aid. OffiCer Charlo: Wojcieii iak was injured when struCk in, the back ol the head by a nylng botUe. " Arter the arrest of the five youths, Uie crowd dispersed, poll~ said. The tn~n w·ere bookedr on char1e1 ranging frmn failure to disperee to suspicion of a1sault' on a police officer. '' The girl was releaHd to her parent! af ter it was determnitd she was a minor'. The five were identified by police a~ Larry E. Miller. 21 , and Jacinto Sanchez, 19, both of Fullerton; Ll.rry Perez., 19, an:I Tony Bales, 19, both cf Placentia anti John Zallini, 21. of wrutuer. ' Burglal's Collect $3,355 in Guns " Burglars Sunday stole rare firearms vaJued al $3,355 and hoii1ehotd items from . ibi Cameo Shoreg homt Of Ted H. Vandling, police reported today. Vandling, 4M7 Hampden ltd., 1114 he di.scovered tbe· thtft a\ 11 p.m. The burgh1rs pried their way through a door. then took the stolen articles out a sliding glass door to the streel 80metiqte bet.ween 9 a.m. and 11 p.m. Included in the loot were eiaht riOt.s' and shotguns. many of them cus~ made. Silverware and china aLw w~r!' taken, police &Aid. Vandling told polict the home ls for sale attd visits by realtors and clients are comrilon at the house. · Fro1ll Pqe 1 WAVES ..• ,.nd shelf droppe<! six feet. Lari• .,.., or ihe headquartm perk· ing lot, -Ttmains of brick pl.,..1, sidewalks and expensive plants afttrcu .. rltd off by the crUhinc brlnt. ~ .. · Plan-s from the emergency bulkheadt littered the beach for yards around. 'Mle actual 11tnJtlure o( the buUd .. not imperiled. city aides uld, si:·: tests tin pllln1s driven deep int-0 the Cltv Gtneral Services Director~ Mynderse said that the newest erosion in· cident "will probably maki our plans ftrr a permanent.,bulk.head here subject-to h~a\)' review." , The city has allocated about• $8,500 fbr lht pettnanent bulkheJd, which was !C~u!td to be; pu~ in early th.ia monlli~ pending 1.rrlv1l of materials. One of the heaviesl onslaughts occurred S.turday night before midnight wl!tn sea "ater 11tcan ,..ping through <14J!rw•Yf on l!>t loWlr l!vel <i ~ 1tttlon*" ., MOiilllfT dlm•P· lnelliilin&-- Pl-lllla, p)enll, bullcheacll ·~ estlm1ted JOO man houfJ d emerlfllcy period wH oel 11 II, llld. ~ Thi heavy WlV<! al claimed . C11U1lliec -an the ~c.h qua.I'. sl~• a!Giif1hf beaClilfclil~ .J 11ils moml"g a few !Ltftts• t:njo : th•lr oport lo the follled wile. ~ from Utt pi" wlthOOt illterrupllio ..., IUegllinl~ · ' . Slid one,.'Jtir,Uan!, "~ure 11* ~ tint !1 IU~ In <lfct, bUI lin i!Nlt.- hlve other thin&• lo 1'tjry 1bou 111111 moment." I I ~ I ---------------------------------,----..,.-------~=---~ ,---.---.---.f .. . . • . . - .. ' ' • ' 'BEA ANDERSON, 'Editor M.:..v, ·-~ f, I"' N .... U -' • I I .. I . D-es t~i-n a-ti on: . . . '. c·6nf identia.I . ' • 'i • Erigines are revved up; drivers a.re ieady, the excitement builds. and suddenly, they're ofi for a ™ly. , Where are they off to? No one knows except four men, husbands of National Charity League Juniors, who ,have selected the destination and planted the (\Jues for t~c exciting car rally Satµrday, May 17. · Memb.ers and guests -will ' gather. at the· Briggs Cunningham Aqlo l\1useum, Costa Mesa, and take off from· there for the unknown aestination, with a trip to Sf!n Francis·co for two at stake. Th.e Bay Area jaunt will be given to the couple who cross the finish line first. The on1y way to arrive at Ute top seCret destination is by following the clues to the directions along the way, painstakingly planned and hid· den by Victor Wil son, Richard Ferda, Kent Snyder and Donald Dearing. After ufe rally µiere will be a Mexican dinner at an unknown loca· tion, undisclosed because it is at the s~cret finish line, and ·dancing will complete th~ postrally festivities for the participants. - In the driver's seat for the rally is .Mrs. Snyder, and on the race crew are the Mmes. Freeman Sardou and Richard Sayles, refreshment.a and food ; Wilson and Castendyck Fay, decorations ; Dearing, ·printing; R4bert s . Pike Jr., .publicity ; Ge9e . j!oss J.r., invitaUoa~. and, William Alvarez, Barry von· Hemert afld Kae Ewing, pnzes. . Proceeds from the rai!y', derived through·tlie entrance fees paid by the contestants, wi ll go to the John Tracy Clinic Demonstration Home Nursery School in Costa Mesa, and for purchase of hearin1 aids for needy children with hearing problems. Seat belts fastened, they're off for the' rail;'. Destinatiod: San Fran-- cisco for one speedy couple. · ... • . ' ·RALLY I REALLY?' -With a trip to San FraJ!!'iSCO at stake, Mrs. Kent Snyder (cente.r} an~ Mrs. Victor Wilson (rig)tt} take off at top speed for the car rally planned by the Natiorial Charity League Juniora ·Satunlay, May 17. Mrs. WilliSill Alvarez waves the starting flag and they're ofi to the rally. Really; .. ' ' 'Em pire Debutan tes . . . . . Importance of :Debut -· . Le~rned ·by ·· F~thers Fathers~ of 1969· Empire. debut.aQt'eis wer:e apprised of the im· po~ce ·of their d'aughters•: pr:.es~T\~t.ipn to society when they:tqared the Child Guidance Center of OraJJ&e. Coun~y yesterday.: ProCeeds of the fifth annual . baU , to .b:e presente d by Jlarbor Key in June, \viii benefit the center. . : '. Another project of Harbor Key which is a continuing financial aid to the center is the Thriit Shop and. 'ail• was included on the tour. ' ' . Prior to the tour, fathers and· their daughters were entertained 1t an al·Ireico brunCb by.the blill committee at Berskire's on the Bay. ' In the receiving line were the Mmes. John O'Hara Smith, Har. bor Key president: Stewart Petersen, ball chainnan: Homer Elston Howard, co-chairman, and Louis Pratt, presetrtation luncheon chair· man. Debut.antes are the Misses La Royce '1ay Allen, Karen Lynn Bailey, Nancy Sue Bergeson, Marta Mueller Chotiner, Susan Ma r- garet Hart, Kerry Lee Hill, L~sa Mcirie Laughlin, Christine Joleen Martin, Susan AM Mendoza , Marilyp Kathleen Peck, Karen Lynn Puterbaugh, Paula Louise Sprague and M~ry Christine White. Fathers attending were Roy· Jellerson Allen, Dr. Burton Elton Elson, Garth Stewart Bergeson. Murray Chotiner, Forrest Edwin Hart. Edwin Lee Barkley, William Arno Laughlin, Carl Laurence Martm, Leroy John Mendoza, Dr. George Arthur Peck, Herbert John· son Puterbaugh, John Robert Sparling and Walter Harris White. · Before orie~tation at the center. guests ~ere~\r/elcOmed· by Judg8 . Logan Moore, center 'board president and Jbhn .Rau, pa,t, president. Greeting them at the Thrilt Shop were Mrs. Berk McCol.l<im and Mrs. IF THE SHOE FITS. -Wearing tlae ~ tbai fill Ille fllUl,ann:W Empire Debujante Ball. Also WNI" which lymbollcally expresses lho nsponslbillty of · Inf a/shoe that fits is Garth Stewart BergHOll, financially supporting the Child Guidance Center of father of Miss Nancy Sue Berge50n, another debu· Loui~ Pratt, chairman. · • ·· ' The shop is no! new to the d~utantes;' for as "Ke:fnot,s their servo many boW-s' yearly and •tall \h• shop on Saturdays. Bes:aule of contributing aervice to the community, thel have been s'elected Orange County is John Robert Sparling who will tante. present Mlss Paula Louise Sprague (ri&hll durini • .-,,. . I . ' • Politician'~~ Polic.y·· 6f .Hpr~ing , . ' DEAR ANN LANDERS: I've been wriUng thiJ Jetter in my· head for seven 1·ean. Finally I decided to put·U down on J<per. My problem is neighbors. Bel.,.. I 10 further l'd lil!e.to-mJke--it clear that they are horses, not' peo)>le. We live In a town In Pennsylvania -· '°pulalion 30,000 and going backwards. · ' , . , · . , .. debutanteo. . " ... ' . ' ' A·rourild Breeds E onf~m:pt · .~ .. ' . toleplOolo amhcr. TM lld IUt ,.. • -~ -I( ~ Jtafl!I ra!'" ----y-...atooalltr.lllvo you .... I doc1#? fi Mi, \J llnlaJJ ............ ,. DEAR ANN LANDERS: The g~ls my One week ahe called me every lingle nlaJ>l llld cried for a 10lld -.-ber busband't abualve trtatmen~ Then she Sot to t.aWnc about btr "vicious'' neighbor• 111c1 their ji1ot lo mile ber move. When ahe told me they• hl4 her house bu&led. t knew ahe wu not only clrunk but crazy. Alter oeverajmoi\tl\t o1 li~ncee works with (16 or them! m grv. these Interminable calla. L relt mytelf ing a brtd11l shower, for htr1 The party adVlce·la.1t. --;~Qt~f11q: , .. DEAll-S: Yoar al~ wnlt It -,.. off, Lo .. , -.. be ............. ... 1n1te lier hJipy,"ll'D HI,' iu.·a .,.., mlll•te• .. ' tbe ... Oii, ... .. '"' before J'Oll Dew It. •• r .. ' • .I Ille horses bdoni lo a two-bit politidan. llellth, the Humane Sodely, !he-~ • qo I -I lo "91* " a Jesal eecrewy. Ille).'. are fenced In a very small aru. aJld the police, but nobod7 doM 1Q111tiac The wffe of one ol the l'awyera' stirt<d lo _, draw. flits and Jdoo'I do because the ...,.,. .,,.,. everytltlnf U. , call.me on the ,....,..,,._,lo 'choit.'"I ~ land"1fpe. -~ chHflnl lhLGll¥-Couttctl.-Whit_.. ,... . .... _llaller<d...Dd pNW -!mill. lbe breed now and theifjnd all Riggest! --PENNSYLVANIA PROS. alll btgan to come "'ery d•t and l1st 1 going to pleca. I hid to quit my job and Will be·at-the home ol her maid or honor. leave town. -,._ • 1 _ • Bev wan ti me to come In about t0.;_30, Eight montlfo hive palRd but thlP when theYitirt to wve Ille coffee and loony wom1n at.Ill call1 every week. She cake. She 11)'1 all t h•ve to do ii HY alwaye 11 bombed and doesn't care whit "~llo." .\M, I'd rather wllk. lnto the li;on What awalti, y.U on the Ol\ier oldl ol the marriage veil? HOw can~ be an your m1.rrlage will work? Reid Anft Landet•' boot!<! "Mlrri'I' -Wblt.-.;.;:IO;---t-11: &1pect"-Send "" ttq..rTG Landen b\ cart lhls newspaprr m:\OI+ hll 1oe1 on two bf>cks rrom lht post or-LEM ' for nearly an how'. lee. rl8¥ 1" !he hear\ of town. ~rin_g DEAR PENN: 0.&aobt _. JIOllU<1l I became uPo<( when Mrs. X started to Keedin(" shJon the movie ~ don t opposltiol ud t.n U. rlJClll Ill W call me lt home. UkfnJ afl IOrts of QUH- fo 111f JJ.uaines~. Everybody fOmes p&slutt. WI .. <tm wtd 10 tile IMlnts. tlona about the orfl(t, Soon I cau1r..Jn to lownt<rWn to witch. • , . what 11hould hive becJI ~ous1 e&rlier. we·~ COf>Plalned· lo .!he Board ol DEAR ANN LANDERS: Three y .. n Mn. x WU • kllcllen 'drinker. Ume II ii.' l'>'I lcitt ·~i i nlg)l'o al~p I ;case ~t Lincoln Park Zoo. • • and 1m 1lck 10 c!Utb Ii! 'her. "Wb11'111le l 've asked around the lltop and not a lllllwer! -llAQl,\AMll:N'l'O· • ,alntil>' llllY here his• cut ,llool to "do DEAR SAC: ,n.--ii u ulilled li>ylhina like lhll. P-pvt one -. ' Ing lG centa In c:oin. llld 1 IOlfl, flllmpod, seJ:·addreosed envelope. • • Ann Landm wm be glact lo· help ,... wllh fOJll'. pi:oblems, Send them to bar In CAte ol the''D.t!!.Y PJ,LOT, ~ 1 ..U-lddress<d, stamped en...iop..' , I DAll.Y ~OT MCllllCJ, M11 5, 1969 .,;;......, ........ " ' .......... , S~iolty: Pulchr!tucle e I • United. Nations Guides Girls pittu e: ~-.. 1llo 1117 -.,_;es durinf. -Ille p l• wtlb lnvitatlom for p e e ks : , '.~· .. • ,. -. -.. .. • I . • • i . • ., .lLBC OOU.sTr tJllrl'ID NATl<lNI (AP)- -II lllll a aablad '°"· wiuld = flit Ualtod -lo "-ID.but .......i...p;;;;; baa .. an 8pol1laa ID tbe ult,...liboulaalecl- h!l-olllrll•1W(oe UssuJda-.. -1lty .... lalli11-~ count • modi •. beuty 11) choealng the yoim& lldla wllo eaeort more Iha ..,. mlDJon vislion • year throulh Ille . U.N. ~-er..:. er: nllli bul penooallty or the abUHy to -all the Information Ille -ftJ< her lob. WUl'I maU it," aaya Maurice Liq, clllef <f the VJo. lt<n' -siooe Jiil. Ltu uld, however, \bat looka and lnl<lligence ...,.uy 10 lbgether, and . clt<d' Gudrun J>etund<Jttir. 21, • blonde - U1tlNW-. --bolh fonnal aod lnfonnal S1Dct a -pdde MOit cl Ille pit ha!• al, pdlorinp, 11!¥1 maQ)' ol the • J.i ,_, t.au aald, :..0 '9a leul two ,,.,~ ~ ""'·marry ·.i,· P!" or U.H. h M-p• • • • • .. --"1 OJI. oflldal! 11 and have ample -l.r u.m. Clllldals. . ..,. cl flit --•IP-About JO ~'!JI 1111 toon °""ia~ an Indian Al the -said, "when you --"--_. "b.t eorJll c' I""" are ln .a other"~ pl, an American .... !ck 'th "I" ,._. w ~"' w Engl.bh, 'wi the mi>sl . ,.. multlml "" -have a wlnoer •• w1 . " eld'. lrom the quests eo!fllnJ Jor tours In Another <%.,Wde Is the wile So, the M,.. slaj'• with a Fftncb, Spaniliuod.~ I( a memll<r of .the Greek "'81 double bill of movie en· • 'lbere -_. ieveral bUndred Frequently the girls mU!t government'. tertainment that produces plen· app1~ tot tbll )'tll''I ~ put diploma.. o/. into pracllet as · Among th l 1 year's new ly of eicitement as well as lot'.! leodoq Jll'OOlll ID whldt 50 1hey gwCle v1B1tors on 1\4·mll•r INides is blonde, Cl.roline de -etrlt frwn M ~. wwe tours rour times a day. Besche, 21~ daughter of the of laughs. · ~ ~= During the slx-day · Arab-Swedish ambasndor to Wash-Enter the scene tonight or l:,,... caatrw:t. ci.lUnc tar Israeli war in 1967, for exam· iagton. \.. . tomorrow eve and enjoy Sap-ndllblJ "'1 fl. $& the ftnt pie, a Lebanese girl wbo dis-• Ab)e to speak Engl~, _ ... Yoar Local Sberlif along and fill the lflCODd. closed that she was born in Frendl and German, abe said r-• · ,..r .. Palestine was spat 00 by • Illa.Joi! wu ftOIJll\ID<lldO by with Hell Ia the Pacific. Jsm,. lilt~= n;:t.: 30 tourist, but sbe retained her a ~ -became • IUide Garner tops the billing in the ...-.. ...iA ·-·-n ... c::Gm from ~poslltt and reported the last yUr, and "my parenb former which is a G·rated •-· """ --.., 1nCJdeot only alter the tour liked die idea ol my wwll:lng film f aJ di --the ranU of coDqe pd-~ 11 ••-u~~ Nati-•." , or gener au eoces ... ~ .. ~-.i-n---.... = ; was completed. U1C ~ _... -I" ~ ..... *_ ...... .. -· ... l..QW .i.ew I ' There allO are social fringe Some t ,000 penom tour the latter one stars ~ ruAI ~m ..... = ~ta. ,:; benefitl!I. Party.going govern-U.N. each day, holidays · is a show recommended for receive btl.-ivt tnltz'Udl9n: ment represeatltlyes ~ eluded. • adults, mature young people in the hiltory ud aperatfoa ol and f~r young persons. the United Natka and lta re-BeU In The Pacific ha.s a l ? ' • Couple Decide On Island Home total cast of two actors-To- shlro Mifune along with Mar- vin. '!'bey play the parts of an American and a Japanese ship- wrecked on a desolate island, in the PacJJie during WW Il. '!'bey are deadly enemi<o. Their countries are at war. They can· not communicate. What pre- vent! one fmn killing the . . • • . . . . Championship Defenclecl .. • • Defending women's champion at Irvine Coast Country Club, Miss Dee White lillooU her winning putt to recaplure the 1969 title as clrampion. A li!Ue per-. !>lexed over how she did it is runner-up, Miss Danni Lipp. Miss White and Mrs, Roger Poole, who won low net, are invited to the Mary K. Browne Tour· nament to compete with all low net and Jow gross winners in Southern Cali-. . .fornia. . • -. ' : • -• 1387 Give a little girl a dream- ome-true gift with this lively doll and wardrobe. Doll pl"' 8-porl -<i-. •. ler hours of tmaglna<Jve pity : ; to a dU1d. P1ttern 73f7 : transfer d. 9-incb doll, pat- . . terns fur clothes. directions. FIFl'Y CENTS (eotns) for each paUem -add 15 cent! for each patUrn for flrst-cl"' mailq and opecW handling; otherwise t:hlrd-clam delivery wUl take three weeks or more. Send to Alice Brooks, the DAI· LY Pum. 105 Needlecraft Depl., Box 163, Old Plelsea : • Station, New York , N.Y. 10011. • ~ • Pr.bi\ N1me, Address, Zip, ! P1ttent Nllnber. Giant, ne'f' · book of tJ Pr1se Algllam. IO . .-. ' British Group Shuffles Deck · • Wlltwatd Ho Cb•pter, · · nai..,.... of the BrUlab : llolplre, will have a cud par- . -ty In the LalJln• BeaclJ . : Womu'• Clubhouse at 1 p.m. • '~. MaJI. • : ~ wlli Include an . aner-lea al 2,30 p.m. and . -~ ': • 'Ille jiabllc IJ lnvtted to at· · tlnd. • n cl i&iebU are $1 per Horizons Unlimited For Aerospace Nurses Opportunities to become an aerospace nurse are increas- ing daily, and many regi!:tered nunet In Orange County pos- seu the qualifications for th e Air Force's apace-age nune corps. .. aeon ieneral and be • u. s. citizen. Commissions are granted ac· cording to irldlvldual uperi· ence and education. Start.Ing salaries range from $5000 to $7000 with automatic incrtas- es. Nunes oo. Dying llatus might earn as much as $13,· 000 . LOCAL To qualify as a Dying Flor· ence Nightengale and receive a commil6ioft in the A.lr Force an individual must be between 20 and 35 with no dependents wider the age ol II. Sbe muil hold • cm-rm ........ ntl> tratlon, be a graduate of a school acce~ble to the ltlr- Unllorma are provided, and whUe on active duly nurses rtcelve 30-day paid vacations a year. Addltiobal tnformaUon may be obtained by caJJln& S/Sgt. James T. Bowman, 517·:m8. No •th•r newtp•p•r ton1 you 111or., ov1ry doy, 1bo11t wk1t'1 9oin9 •n in th1 Gr11t1r Ot1~1 Co11f t+i1n tM DAILY ,II.QT. FINE BAKERY Fndt-l'UW Bo1toR C're•• Pie A frothy confection with cherrie1, peaches or bo~enberries, custerd filling and topped with whipp..I creem. 1.65 A,...11 Breetl A funny name for thi1 big round lotf of crusty french bretd. Texture· and fl1vor of r11I ~om1.made br1ad. 49c WIN A lllTHDAT CAU. 1'11111 -If your birth.iey Is tn Jun11 Jufy et Avtu•t atop in ind fill out en entry ••• e cfecorettd 2-ley•r ca~• fo 5 lucky peopr• ••ch monthl ~~LIDO CENTER --lnformallon ~ ba olilalDod "1 c.alllq 3433 VIA LIDO INEWPORT.Bft.'CH 673-6360 ~llofd, 111-11111 ..... _______________________ ., ' TRANSLITE.JAQUET' S SEE·THROUGH LOOK •, NEW FROM JAQUET! A SPECIAL FOUNDATION TH~ REFRACTS LIGHT To CONCEAL. LINES, WRIHKL.t:S AND COL.OR BATH£ ¥0LJR SKIN. IT !SETS WITH JAQUtT's SHEER FL.ATTERIE POWDER, LOOSE OR PRESSED, AND IS ACCEtn'ED WITH PEARt.-TOHE LIPmCKs, PINK CAPER OR BAMBOO PEARi.. FOUNDATION AT 8.00. 16:Do; P.OWDP, PRESSED, 2 .SO: L.00511 3.00; UPmctt, 2.00. MEET MR, IEAHAftDt' EX~E~ MAKE--UP ARTIST• IH OUA: NEWPORT STORE. MAY 8 ANO 9, COSMETICS. • GIPT OP' P"EWCE DUSTING POWCDI, YOURS WITH l'URQIASE Of' !S.00 OR MOR! O• AHY JAQUP' aEAUTY PRO.MATIOHS, ROBINSON'S NEVVFORT • FASHION ISLAND • 644-2800 I -r other'! ' ~tESA MATINEES give Jocal film patrous a great chanoe t'o see the feature film "rst. Drop in Wednesday afternoon and enjoy a movie during a mic:f. week, mid.c:Jay break-.away. The programs start evtry Wed-nwt•r, at 1 o'clock, opening with ree refreshments. FREE PASSES to the . Lido er the Mes. will be ma~ ~ day to J. E. Froot, 531 C.lalina Dr., Nowport Beach. w. w. Hurst, all SUward Rd., Corona de! Mar, T. P, Muqua, s.n W. Damll. Colla M... aod J. E.CarTol,llt 'l\Jpa,~ llland. . We s!ncettly hope tllal Y<M' name ts listed here one wttt real 9000 II a guest of t1ptc- ture Peeks" to enjoy , 1 tint fUm at the Udo or the Mesa. Do U'Y-to get out more-crfltn and truly get the moo1 oot of great motion plctuf'fll on tht big, wide screen with that dt- liclous odor ol lmh popcorn accenting the 1ctlon. - -"'ru,;;-;;-...,.=;...--...=.,,.-.-.-----;::_--. -.-.-. --- , ' ~ ., l:;os ta ... Mesa • 1 ·~~ E 0'1 TIO N • VO~. 62, NO. 107, 3 SECTIONS, 38 PAGES .. . .,_ ' ' (}ve r 1,000 -~reet 1:lig J On Arrival 'LONG BEACH (UPI) -The USS New Jersey, 1he world 's only acUve batUeehip. siUmed through the breakwater int. its he.me port hert sbOrtly before t a.m. lo- day, u more than 1,000 persons waved ligns and a Navy band played. Hundred! ot wives and children or the 1,556 officers and men were waiting on Pier E lit Long beach N1val Station under overcast ~s for the 56,00f>.toa ahjp to arrive home from the Far East. tapt. J. Edward Snyder, Jr., ot Falrl1x, Va., in c radiotelephone in· terview, saJd "on\Y ~an idiot would not send the New Jersey .~ck" if Vietnam bolUllUes rtmain at the curnnt level. Snyder spoke of his ship and crew with pride Ill the battlewagon steamed toward a delayed reunion with the famillf:s of the sailors. ·· Signal lights flashed from the bridge of the New Jerse;t as sbe.aiM:into. .view, he.r superstructure t.olrerlng above th• other ships in the harbor. A 36-piece Long Beach muniCipal band and a Navy band played; htllcopters flew overhead, and dependents waiting on the dock cheered. The crew, in dress whites, stood at at· tentk>n lining the rail! as the 887-foot.bat,.. tleshlp was escorted into port by a floU11a ol small cab.i.D cruisers.. • The bands, which had been playing Jl)low tunes, broke into "Anchors Aweigh·• ~s the New Jersey was nudged into ils b<rth by tugboats. Families and friends or the crewmen rushed aboard the. battleship as soon as the gan41>lanks were lowered, for tear· wr z:euruons with .the meo. Anaheim Woman . . . .t Stabbed· f() m ath· . ' 'Husband' Iieltl' A i 2'-yur-old Anaheim w~an waJ stabbed to death with a butcher knife Saturday afternoon •!Id . ~r alleged 11!1yer captured &everal hours later, police reported. Dead Js Jeannetta . Caroline Engstrom of 2555 W. Lullaby Lane .. The Orange County Coroner's OUice said she died irom a single stab wound in the heart. Brutt f .. Wade, of 2868. W. Rome St., Anaheim. reported to be the wpman's cummon·law husband, was captured by officers Randy Gaston and Robert Ooe11ner who spotted h\s car near~Euclid Street and Crescent Way. Wade, who had reportedly taken poison. was rushed to Orange County Medical Center whe.re his stomach was pumped. He is being held in the prison ward ol 'tbe hctspllal on ui.urder charzes. Ma n on Fak e Phy sician Charge Go es on Trial Jury selection began today in the sUJ¥rior Court. trial of an Alabama man accU:sed of posing as a cardiologist during five weeks or "practice" at a Fullerton. clinic. Robert Ervin Brown, 33, ot Birm· 1ngbam has pleaded not ruilty to 17 counts of falsely .practicing medicine. His trial before Judge Byron K. McMll11n is expected to take two to three weeks. Brown was indicted by the Or111ge County Grud Jury after witnesses test.Uied that he examined more ttta.n IKt patien!J during his stay at the Fullerton clinic. Among the witnesses who testified ~galNt Brown wu Dr. Glenn L. Foster, a University of Alabama heart specialist 'vhoae name Brown is alleged to have us-. ed. Testimony rrom several· of the 17 pa· llents allegedly e~amined by Brown dur· ing his period at the clinic will be offered before Judge Mei\i:ilJan. Two Miniquakes Jigg le 59Jithland PASADENA (UPl) -Two earlhquak<s llUkd Southern California today. Scisibologist! at the CalUomla Institute cf TechnoloCY said tht first. recordid 1t 8:37 1.m., regijtered 2.1 on the Richter Scale, 'hot ·11rge enough to do dam1ge . It wu centered near downtown Los >Ml•lis. -' . Ul"I Tt""'919 01ae Goldwater Joins A 1aother Now there are two Barry M. Goldwa~ers on Capitol Hill. Barry Jr. (left) took his oath today as the new House member from Califor- nia's 27th District. Afterwards, he posed with his father, Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz.) on the steps of the Capitol. ..... Waves Assail Newport; . • • ·Gua rd Station Lashed . . . . , .. :.:~t -1 ...... ~.-:.;~, ;;.-By JOHN VALTERZA ' : Of .. lNillf ,~ tfll'ff He9V}', storin-bMne wives crashed past bulll:head11 and .caused record damage to Nev."port Beach lifeguard headquartr,.s·this wetkerkl. Bllt ttxiay new strategy w.as helping lhe sea undo its damage. The late3l and niost severe onslaught of high tides and erosion, which has become an almost .montly occurrence all year, started Friday night. When it let up, tons of sand had been washed away along with three emergency b'hlkheads. Damage to the historic dory neet inclnded ~veral lost lockers full of lishinc gear. M·. City crews and department heads watt:hld thf:ir heavy bulkheads fall Satur· day and Sunday, they called on City Public Works Director Joseph T. Devlin for a new idea. It seems to be working. Devlin quickly designed "instant groins" made of heavy planking to trap t'he waves' wa.!lh, slow·it down and allow for deposit of new sand over the eroded orea. "Since the groins were built Sunday mominc we have had a new, siJ:-inch Jaye? ·,of sa_m over the area," Chief Ltleg\flltd Robert Beed· said. · The ·tea has a Jong way to go, however. The' westerly swells ate away an estimated 36,000 cubic yards of -sand. Ar.ouod the headquarters building the sand abel! dropped 1i1 leet. Large arw ol the headquarlen park· , Ing lot. remains of brick 'Planters, sidewalks and expensive pU.nts were car- ried orr by ~ CJ15hing.brlne. Planks iroO) thl emergency bulkheads littered the beach for yardS around. The actual structure or the building is not imjierlled, city aides said, since it rests on pilings driven deep into the laud. City Genetal Services Director Jake Myndersc said that the newest erosion in· ·cidenl "will probably make our plans for a permanent bulkhead here subject to heavy review." The city has allocated about $8,500 for the permane11t bulkhead, which was scheduled to be put in early this month, pending arrival of materials. One of the heaviest onslaughts occurred Saturday night before midnight t,1,·hen sea. water began seeping lhrough doonvays on the lower level of tlie station. ' Monetary damage, including loss of pavements, plants, bulkheads and the estimated 100 man boors during the emergency period was Set at $4 ,0ltl, Reed said. The heavy "'·aves also claimed other casualties -all the be:Jch quarantine signs along the 'beachfront. This morning a few surfers enjoyed their 1port in the fouled water upcoast from the pier without interruption from lifeauards. • Sald one lifeguard, "Sure the quaran· tine Is sWI .in. effect, but I'm afraid we have other things to worry about at the -moment." ' • • Teday's l'ful -N.Y. Stoeks -.MONDAY,!MAY 5, 1969 I , TEN CENTl Mesa Child -Killed A four·r.ear-0ld Colla ~1eaa boy wbo- was rldini, .ti.ls tricycle was. killed in· stantly Saturday When tun over by a two and one-half too trash truck. Police. i~enUfied 4,1e1 ~rn as ~.a;mts Dennis , Hafner, IOf1 of :Mr. and .Mrs. Richard Hafner, 2070 National Ave. According , to \he poli<:e account, the J1afner tot was r ding b.IJ·trJke down Na· tional Ave'nue'near Oat Street 1long with two playtn'1es on bicYcles whe11 the lragedy-~wred. Investigating oflictrs said t h e youngsters were following the, pa.th of a truck driven by Pete Gallqos Colin, 31, or Santa.Ana. • · · Colin told police he had sPotted . the Y"ungsters chuing the truck down the street and bad warned them to cet off the r;treet, ' •• He said that he didn't Set them In the rear·vlew mirrors as he started up hi! truck, and •usumed ·theY· bad Id!. Colin u.id be felt the truck IO over aomelhin1 1n the roadway when It had reached a 1pted of 3 milts Per 'hour. YOWJ& llainer bad gotten tbead d tho carbare truck, and had apparenUJi swerved on his tricycle and been crushed by the right rear wheel ol the truck, IC· cordi.(l.g to in..:istla:aton. The def.lb of younf Hafner marU the fourth 'traffic fatality In Coeta Mes• witlfin·the put month, police II.id. Tber• (See BOY XDA.KD, Pqt I ) Snake Bitten Jealousy Charged . . . CdM Students 'Fun Computers'· Seek Recovering Tl)'O Corona de! Mar junior hi~h !Cihool students lv&e rep6rted in "fair con- . ditlon" todiy at Hoag Memorial Hospital where they are recovering from rat· Reprieve From _Coµncil . . tl esnake bits. · Karen Randall, 13, and Alet Waniek. 12, were bitten Friday on the grounds or Lincoln Intermediate School. They will remain at Jloag for al least a few days. hospllal spokesmen said. "We're going to keep them until the poison is completely out of their sy&tems.'' The snake, which the youngsters mistook for a gopher snake, was later killed by a school employe. It is now in a bottle of fonnaldebyde at the School, \vhere it will.serve as an objed lesson lo other students, according to Vice· Prtn· cipal 'Ra.lph Werley. 'fh~ ,!Wtd;lll gir\ and f!!Ul)l, .. \V•!lle~ tried ·to"~ick up the sma1r ·1nner when th&Y saw it in the crevice of a doorstep 11 the', went fro"1 oiie claas to another, school olfJclals 'laid. Nixon, Top De1:11s Oppose Delay In SS Hikes A plea to l'fltore hcnacopes by com• put.er to lhoppen ·1t South Cout Plaza may help liven an otbtrwlat rouUne Costa Mesa City Council qend1 tooJaht. Stewart Krlkover, ownei' of COrnputer1 for Fun, Inc., [.qs: AngeJes, said he will request modlfica\ibna of municipal code sections in order to permit the computer to again indu lge the aecrel yearnings after the truth o( the Zodiac that came,'to some 2.1~ llhoppef, •I 50 c<nli t lllot, before the machioe Was 'removed on a complafnt. K.rllover has alleged that . the com· plaint was filed by 'l"" of hi§ cllmpeUton, who. he clahn.1, was jealoul abOut Com· putera for Fun' winnin1 the conceuton righta. Also;!"''\!'P tlor l!>"i~t·;r,111·•~11 session · ls a rtport\ ,...,....a bt' Couno cilman ·Wllliam. St. Clair _on . P.acilic Telephone and Telegrlph ComptDJ'a yellow tlooli tdterlifilll nto ~ '' SI. "CJU' hie clilrp! that the .,,..; yellow.-nla a& too bllJI •. , St. Clair 11 upected to uk the c-.il lo con!iider three steps in dealin& with the mattet: -Re~4est the Cilifo:nrla · Leap of Cities to undertake a ltudy Ind make recommendations. . -Jo'ile. a protest with the. California Public -Utilities Commission. \\' ASfllNGTON (UPI) -Both the · -Assist local users lo obtain a similar . White House and the Senate's two top phone directory from a prtva~ service. Democratic leaders served notice today In other acUon, ,the council• will con· they will fight Rep. Wilbur Mills' .plan~sider three requests lot zone exceptions delay any Increase Jn Social Secur· y lhtet propoged apartment complew. benefil.5 until ne1t·year. All e:e ha ve been recomm!nded for ap- Senate DemocraUc leader ~f i k e proval by the plann!Og commI8jlion. Mansfield and. hi& assistant, Sen. Edward Mayer Construction Company of M. Kennedy, also said-they believed the ;·Downey has asked pefmlss!On tO eiCMct in.crease .should be 10 percent as ProP@sed ~he'maxi~um permls!Jble building height by President Lyndon B. Johnson, rather in order 'to bull~ a JC.lQllt apartment than .the 7 percent President Nixon development •t 525 VJctorla 'St. recommended. Currently, the property is 1aned for a 1.fills, chairman or the key House Ways and 1'-feans committee, reaffirmed during the weekend that he planned to block ac· • tion on the Social Security increase this year but go along with a JO percent hike in 1970. At the Wh.lte Jiouse today, press secretary Ronald Ziegler said the Presi· dent was "standing by his pro~al" for a 7 percent increase for the fiscal year starting June 1. \ Surprise Rain. S patters Coast Unseas.mable rain -the weather bureau's term for lny precipitaUon fall· ing between April and October - aplasbed the Orange Coast Sunday .and overnight as winter sputt~ Ila lut, dying gasp. Sev~n·tentha • ot an Inch, eoougb to awaken some resi dents, fell on Laguna Beach e1rly this morning, while Coata M.,., Newport Beach and HunUn~ Beach recordtd cwtly a trace of 1tbie wet atuff. . · t Furthfr north, raiD drenched the Lo!: Angeles Basin and snow Ourriea wtre reponed at Southern C.lllornla raoru above lhe l ,lll!;lool leYel. 1)mjltrltmu Sunday dipped Into the low I0'1. Forecasters called for mostly sunny weather for Tttaday, with the mercury making 1 con\iback and no rain 6n the horizon. Abern~thy Issues Ultimatttm to S;C. CHARLEsToN, S.C. (UPI) -~ ~ al the Southern Clll:llllan ~· Conference , ( SCLC) 1111 iMUed1 WI ultbbatum tq tM eovernor ' ot Sobth Carollrui : · Either the state bqlna negollalq to- day Willi Ntsro -'ea cooducllnc a -1onilatlon drt\le ap1nst· the etty'a two largttt hosplttll « the Rev. Ralph • Abernathy will issue I "natJonaJ call" for reh:iforcementa:. maximum height of three atcries. A request to construct t 41·UDit apart. men! complu II 387 Wal Bly Sl that would encroach inl.o required front and backyard eetbacb is allo up for con-. sideratJ°'}. Builders art L. C. Miller and L. B .. Fredertckl al Newport Qeach. The third request la from Rlymond Tbornas Troll of Anaheim, who Rekl pemdslion to build a 31-unit apartment complex at '11117 Charle St. In 1ddition,'the COW1cll will qain•hear a request J;>y Art Judice, of Art Judice Family Billia<Jls, 511 West ltth St., ior.a beer llctnae. The request was previously denied. LA , Times Given· ... PW-tJzer Prize • • For City Exposes NEW YORK (UPI) -· ~ ol wrongdoing in city government ll1d a labor W'lion' e1ptured two ot Ult. Pulitztt Priaes for 1969, announced today by Columbia Unl\ler1ity. · The Los Angeles Times won the prize tor public aervice for its disclosure Of wrongdoing within Loe Angeles aovern· ment commissions. The articlea i'flulted in both criminal convictions and resilna· tions of commisskm members. Albeft L. 0.lugach·and Denny Walsb ol the St. Louis Globe-Democrat were honored for a series exposing fraud and abusive· P-QWeT in ~al 5U of u.e st: LouJ1 .$1e'i!tmfl~tera Uriion. Thty won·the awai;d for special local reporlin&. Other Pulitzers announced by ac0n, Columbia UnJv.erslty Pm:idtnt Andrew W Cordier on behalf of the trusteil or Columbia University were : -National reporting: Robert Cahn .of the Christian Sclenct Monitor. Boston, for an article on national parU focuainr on ways to preurve them. -International reporting: W 1111 1 m Tuolly ol the Loa Anplfl Tlmts for 1rticles on the Vietnam war. -Local reporUng of a general nature: Jolin Fetterman of the Louisville Timer aM Courier.Journal for' hia artJcle on an American soldier whoH body wu return· ed from Vietnam for burial in hia home town. NEii' YORK (APY -'The . llock - 111arket, whose vJ~oroua rally lut week carried ii lo \IOl'l'le of Its best »mrinCJI in about a year, oloaed oa a falr1y even keel today. (See q\Jotations, Pi.-IH'I.). Oru1• Weedier Arter taking loday,olf, the IU!I coriieiD&Cl< Tueiday lo boost coastal timperaturH tnto the lJl>' per siJ:tles for 1 clear -and dry --<lay. INSmB TODAY lt ~s \pretf'JI much Uke preo- iot11' mc:t.!; Che amal£ boo.ts • mode the be1£ of the wtAdi end toolc major honor• ouer tllii lorotr one1 tn the annval En- tcncdo-toct.;o.Pagc 20. -~ TM leCOnd temblor. at t:03 a.m .• 111·as centtredi 1in lht Cajon Pata end re(ist.eried 4.$ en tbe Rlcllter Scale, which v.-ould have bttn big enough· to cause minor damage ii it had occuttd 1n 1 ,popul1ted area. ~ o.;1. __ _.. . ~ f 1 • t .,, ... y , .... , , ......... '""RKMIN, Nl!Wf>ORT tlFEGUARD LIADIRSI llGIN RIPAlltS TO•,STAT ION • Sufi .... High Thies U"""'"lnlnt Gu.,d Hoadqutrters In Control Nnrport· 'Tm 1<>ln1 to give the order," Abe•natl1y tofd • rally ol l,OllO ptr- Sunday ntlh~· ") bOve, lriendo !~ over thll·COU•lr1 ~loc. 'Dr. A-~· jual tell ua when Y9'1 want ua to come' ''I. ' ;r ,. • 7 T • ' l . \ Newport Judge Doyle Dies At .Ball Game; Rites Set Dispute Over Bible Ends In 2 Deaths Funcr1l service. for reUnd Los Anaeles Superior Court Judge Elmer Doy!<, -collapMd and died lasl Salur- day while attendina: a baseball 1ame at .Anaheim SUdium, will be held Saturday at Cathedral Chapel in Lo! Angeles. He was 7(. Judge Doyle, a resident of Newport :Beach at 318 Island Ave. for the past four years since h1a retirement from the bench, died 9f an 1pparent hurt attack 1 the er..,.. County Coroner'• OfllCI reported. The fo&afY will be recited at a p.m. Friday and requiem mass will be at 11 Five Arre·sted In -Fullerton • I- P ark Rumble Botlle& and dirt Clodl beln& burled by an unruJy mob Sunday Jed to the arre1t ot five men by Fullerton police at Hlliaut Part, a frequent trouble spot. The five wbo were jailed were part of a crowd prot'5Ung the arrest of a teen·&&• girl on drunk in public chirges. Police said about 60 "hippie" types gatl!lrecl when two oUicem attemoi.d Mi take1"\he gifl into custody.~ .l'-l>~f7 Seven more officers answ~ an emergency c&lJ for aid. ==f ; .~l• Wojcieszak w-s lnfured ID · the back of the !Ho1d by 1 flyfnC bot . Af1'r the irrest ol the fl•e f0\11111, tlle crowd dlapened, police lllid. 'l1le mm were booked on charges ranging from failure to disperse to susplclon or Uault on a police officer. The girl wu releued to her parentl af~ It wu determnied she was a mlnoc;. nte five were JdenUfied by police as Larry E. Miller. 21, and Jacinto Sanchn, 19, both of Fullerton; Larry Perez, 19, an:t Tony Balu, 19, both of Placentia and John Zalfbf, 211 of WhltUer. Mother Responds To False Alarm Newpor1 Beach firemen may have found one of the tut basUons of stern parental disclpllne dUring a falH alarm call to Lido slipa: Sunday evening. The fire dispatcher on duty dllCOVered that a fire pMne had been pulled from the hook there, then replaced. Battalion chief Melton Mioehan rolled to Investigate, and reported that he noticed a young boy, 4 or 5 years old, lift the phone then put Jt down agaln. His report conUnued : "Just as bat- talion chief arrived on tcene boy wu scrambling down pole. Mother wu givinc boy 10und spanking as battallon chief ltft scene." DAil Y PllOI QaAN'I (0.Ul l'tltll5NtHO COM'AJf' l•krt N. w,,4 ''""""' lftll ~I ... J1c• l , C1ol1y VIClll P,.,."9111 1N Oe111r .. Mtl\lltf '"''"''' llC11t1il ltlllr lh•m11 A: M••,hit11 Mtllltlftt llltior ..... __ JJO Will l1r $11111 M1lKt1f Al'''"1 P.O."' llto, t16f6 --"'""" ...... ; m• .._, .. ..,.. ""'"'"' u ... OMcJ11 m ,_,......,. HwlllMllll .. tell; M JIJI tll'fll ' a.m. Saturday under the directJ('.111 of CUn- ning)wn and O'Connor Mortwy of Loa An(tles. The Judge II llllrVlved by 1 daughter Mn. v..,,. Wllldrey of tl30t Sonia Anlla Lane, Hu,tington Beach; a brother Em- mett Doyle of Loe Angeles : a sister M.;:. Marie Boyer of 1.oa Anielea, and Seven srandd>lJdren. Judge Doyl• .... 111eued. lhat lie bad grantM more than 200,000 divotee.11 but he was a rel!!:'ctant witness to the pro- ceedlnC aaylnf, "l'lle ahraya felt YOI! can't just grind these thin11 out Uke a machlnt. tdany of thtse ptople don't reaJJy want divercea." Th< Judge once happily recounted that he had remarried •bout BO divorced couple.a. · 1 • ·: 'f· He wi.s eltcted to the siptrior court · bench in 1949 alter 34 yean bf aervlce to Loi An(eles Cowtty, lncludlng 14 year111 ~,commissioner in the domesUc rel1tionl branch of the Superior Court. He retired in t161. In addition to hil courtroom dullei, he wu the featurtd iudl• in the pilot fHm for the "Dfvorc1 Court" teleVlllon aerlu. FRESNO (UPI) -A lllack Mutllnl barber Md an acq-ttntt tliot illd kill- ed ucb oilier Sunday afternoon In th• 1p- P4rtnt cllmix of '* cOnUnulrJJ argumerit about !lit Bible. The tw6 men, both armed With pistols, had btetl irl!Jlng about the lntefJ)ri=t.atioo of the Bibi• lor ....,al weekl, frltn<b of the pair told poUc>men. Killed WeJ1 Cllnl!'ll J. A111Un, 16. tht m•nqer Of the All -NaU-llvi>er Shop, and Pranlr ll&mel Sr., IT, who wu Uvinl In I l'\'isilo hot!!. Auitln'I Mullin ilame wu Dke!r Haasen.-AU. Pence Uld there ...,. oe -to the: actual ahoottn1 but aevera! persons had heard the tw• l?Jlllnl lbout lhe Ii· bl< lbortly before the sbota rbi out, . Aultln w11 armed with 1 .3ktlibtr pilfol and J!an1e1 Wal Illini I .lkallNr wetpon. Au>tin wu fOWld l111id• hla tllep with I bulltl wound in the heart. Ban\• ·~ panoUy fell throulh 1 !rOftt window and died on th• 1ttttt. He wu Ibo! tllfte UmoslnJhec!IOll. - Fight Loonis on Newport Policy on Pwr ·Permits lj niftOME F. COL1.1N1 " "" Dllllt , .. ,, "'" Tht pro1pect of a court batU• to o~ 'N'wporl Buch'1. pol1ey of JJmllln& 'pi<r pmnlll to waterfront pr .. perty...,..,.. l<>omed clooer today. Balboa J1l1nd rtaltor Harvey D. Pease, who b cl!allengln1 that policy, todey demanded 1 Heond heatlnc on hi• 1p- pUc1tlon to build I boat elip lo front of I bayalde bo~e ht doesn't own. It ii unllkely he wJll be srantod the r .. htaring by councilmen, who unanlmou1ly rejected hb flrtt request lut wtelt. A lawsuit may follow, Peue has hinted. Peue, who Uvtt at 304 Collini Avenue on the island, an addn!u several bl&ck1 from the ~y. aaked for ant>llltr hllrln& on the lfoundl lhat hla appUcatlon last Mond•Y had recelved lnsuWclalt -aldetati6n from efliuncUmen. He wanta to build hla J>ltr baywltd of the borne of Dr. Oliver 0. Ho'trell, 204 s. Bayfront, also on tht Island. Dr. Howell last w~k protested Peast'a appUCaUori, say ing it would deprive hUn of bis pro- perty rigbil. Pease, In his written rique&t for reconsldtraLion of tht 1uue, said lh• peti. lion i~ warranted on>thtte lf'Ol.lnd1: -"New and 1ddlUon1l lnfOfmatlon is .i vailable.11 He did not elaborate. -"The subject matter (tast Monday) 'vaa the final :teheduled item on a Jong and complJcated agenda; tM hearing was not opened uhUI after midnight ; the council and staff wertf subject to creat str•ln. if not e'Otreme exhauiUon, lb cotl· elude the hearing." Al 1 rllt\llt ol the Ula hour and "llrlln" ... ty ol!lclala. Uld p ...... jh• bMrinl WU Cllfteluded with ".m.lue brevity and Insufficient consideration of the'.io&JilltJn view of tho public lnlertlt, acap., ma.,.itude and merits of llie l11ue ralsb!I. 11 Pease claims that restrictin1 pier con· strQctiOI\. and uae to bayfront bu1ine8st1 and horneowne:r1 ii discriminatory to In· land prbperty owners, who contrlbQt1 taxes toward the maintenance of the public tidelands. Despite PiaH'I arrumtnt tha~ lllt -k'I heating Wal Wuf!lcllllt, It it all he la probably &olna to 1et -barring legal action, acc0tdm1 to Councilman Paul J. Gruber. · "If ht'1 not happy," Aid Gruber, "he should co to court. not comt "'ck to the couneU. He got 1 proper heerln( laot 'tt'tek. l don 't. even want to Ml thl1 (PIH•'• requeJI for another bterln() .. the agenda." But it will be on thl agenda nut Ma:n· day. ne city clerk'• ortlce atru.dy his 1ebeduled It. Councilmen at thlt Um• will not qaln dtdde the laaue. All they will do II determlnt whither 1 date llleuld lie Ht to rtconalder IL The council caMot 1raally pmnJt Pease to buUd hl1 pier In front of Dr. Howell'• home without pl1cln& a c!Oud over some 2,000 exi11tin1 plera In the harbor. Jf one inland rmldent 11 1Uowld to build a pier, It could, In the wcrda of Councilm1n Robert Sheiten, 11open up an incredible can (lr womu1." Al present, ownm Of bay boot 11lpo pay the city llllO for each pier permll Thal 11 1 Wtllme f... It t11UU. the owner to elcluelve 1111 el 1111 pier. Work Her Hobby Oriental Objects Collected on Job By JACK CllAPPSU. 8f tM o.IPF PIM ..... tt is t. rart INlanct when a prnon 11 able to combine vocation with Avocation, but Mrt. Robert (Ruth) Murray ol Mltalcm Viejo lllo detlt J11J1 lhll l!Uth Muruy for many years ct!.,. Cl'9l,led the Orient 11 1 .-..rtltlOD dirtc- tor for Amoncao ...-.1caMn Olltloned I• Kona, Japa l!!d o~n. Mn. Mllrrar collecta Orlinlll anUquOI and at!. · 11lt kcumulatJen Of bar 10 ,.an dlreo- tlnll toun throulh Ille uoUc marketa for aervicmMll now deconta the Murrayl' ntw Spanllh-etyle Mwlon Viejo home. Robtrt Murri)' la 1 col60'1 lri Ille U.S. Army. -"You ml1ht thlnl< thal Oriental and Spnnl1h would no! go well toftther U you Jutt heard about tt, but. at you tee, they r ..-very well foCtlbot," Mn. Murray Uld. • "™ Orttnral Is bfaVJ and m&aaJve, aur,.... of the ~ llmoot look Spenlth," Mn. M111r17 aald. The Orlenlll colltctl«i Inc-a number of Kor .. bridff" .-. ~ aO between 10l l.nd 1IO yun eM, Ind a aolJd ....wooct dlnlnl tablt, KOlUI! poll ... once burled with the fUth to !Olli century Silla Dynasty Jtorll&ft ldnp, aM many other piece, of brua andqramlc "1>J'k. Mra. Murray, who Mids a Ncttelor of uta dtsr" from UCLA. btllev" hom......,1 pllMhlc on clocer1Unc abould .. _ wllal you wut llld don'I hwltala. ff-vet, don'I ht llall)> tither. ~ wllal wlU lul 11111. wbtt la good." .. -·Uni pl-.lhould bt cbooen to 111 a W.. mood or oebant. and not be , ~ btlter .. keltiOwltlloul - aavanct Uioulb~ lht Mid· "Pl-llliouJd lla¥t I "'1l<llonal aspec\. OCbtrwl!' lhlnp pl too c1ullmd- I JlYO with all tholl tlllnp," lho AN. Mrt. Mum.y'1 hobby WN !lnldded alone by the dtlin to uolll the American aervlctmen lo buylnc llflt llld other thiner oventa1. - "f told -not lo buy jullk ""' ..... them on Planned ~ to u r •· J allraya trftd Ii plijlll>O fourl cloii IO --they ....w -to ltlld slfll bomt." Mrt. Murr17 aald. Whll• ... the ........ Ille -""1lty to buy .... 1m$1'tlblt,.aht ..rt. "lt )Ult fell lo your blood." • •• 8 Go on Trial 1• Six, ·Given~-Dela· -. ' -~-Case ' In Fraud -- ---•ee-e It'• Tllere Laguna Beach High Schoel stµ- dent Pete Sch .. n; 15, pauses durtn1 c I i m b Saturday of &heer, 200-foot rock wall oil Zuric:;h Drive in city's Top of the \Vorld area. Schoen and cla11mate Scott Byington scal- ed wall in nine and a half hours despite two falls broktn by safety ropes. They said face had never been climbed be-- fgre. 2 Countians Die In Car Accidents Two Orange county men were killed in fiery traffic accidents ova the weekend . the California HJ1hway Patrol said that JQSt H. Quintan1, 37, of Buena Park, died early Sunday when le w1is trapped ln1lde a camper which went out of Ciln- !Mt • Coanty .Traffic Dta~ Toll , .. 51 trol and bur1t into flames on the Santa Ana Freeway in Norw1lk. CHP qfficera said Quintana was ,;outh· bound wben hls camr_r atruck the bridge raiUn1 at tht Norwalk Boulevard cross. ing. Jn La Habra late Saturday, Charles J. Duggan, 35, of Yorba Linda was killed w~ hls car struck a uUUty pole and bum Into names ()Q Imperial Highway near WalmJt Avenue, the' Ol'an1e County Cor(lner '1 Office reported. I SI< of lf dtfend•nll accuttd ol ln- vOJv~t:Jp: a '3-mllllon Insurance ICbemo;J •y '""' I delay .of their lklriOrlot ~lllol. Bui 'lhdr. etibl "compalllel!I were of<ltred to I!> on trltl llnmedtatlly b<foro SuP<fl;r .Jadp William L. MUrray. Tbt~ f"'' 'cl!if1t1 of C<llllPirlCY ·•~d srllld ~ Ill ... Orange C«Jnty Grand Jury liici1ctmen1 that acciiia them ol misfeprtttntio& the nature of We in-1uranc. pollcfia wued by llqetic:y Smpended f OCC .Stll,dents Reinstated A 111ajority of ~.... COast Celltge lludmt COUl'IClt members, IUJJ)tl'lded Jut ,.,.~ by the dean 's office, are nlnolaled qain fuday. • Re!Ntatement Is the result of a unanlmOUI I to 0 decblon Fridty by t)le 1tudtnt JUdJclal i>oJrd DOI to -"!tr midterm grade& u blndlnc f e r d•tel1!llnhll ac.demic •lllibillty. Nine of 13 student councll memtitr• had -IUJpeoded lut -k ~ ... they 1recetved ineompifteis or were not mail\llining a ·c grade aver11e at midterm. . Dean of Student AoUvlUes Je.eph Kroll aaJll the judicial board hu every right to re~stale t.qe suspended siudenU since "It is their (the studen~') conslit~ton and their bylaws." ' He txplaineit th! suspensions were bas- ed on his interpretation of 'the student constitution. From f1()W M he will abide by the judicial board's iriterprttition, he uld. In another development, chainn~n of the student CilUncil Ray Gendrin, saJd he wanted to correct an impression the ad· ministration had retaliated against the Ettident council for voting in fa vor ef recognition for Students for a Dtmocratlc Society (S OS). A talk with OCC President Dr. Robert Moore and clw::k of the records con- vlnctd him suspensions based on mid· term grades have been traditional prac· tlce, Gendrin said. Fron1 P.,,e 1 BOY KILLED .. haC been no fatalities in the nine previous months. The other · accldents included la11t week's motorcycle-car coll1sion in which an OCC student was kileld, one fatality in which the driver 1uffered a heart aUack and ran into a pole at the comer of Harbor and Gisler, and one accident. in v.'hith the victim, who was run over by a garbage truCk , apparently suffered a heart attack· and fell into the street before the truck hit him. Traffic investigator R. D. Goode said that Saturday'1 accident was the only one rel1ted to traffic safety on Cast.a Mesa city stre,ts, ais the motorcycle accident occurred~ ot( a private road at Orlf!ge Coaat Callece. I . Nl\Y Ptt.9' ......... . \ COLlECTOlt MUltltAV· DISPLAYS. llOoYIAR·OLD TltlASUlt!S A Japan• .. Cooklnt T1bl1 and a Chlntff Lunch Box ' -, .. ·,.u Jnvaton ~· of-Encino. -1 i W•l<hb!g ~ry .. 1ectieo prq<edur day :ne Cleo P.iarvin Jolui~1, fi 1901 l\01d, Newport. . :1 Row • Marth, 31, Of'- Belch ; O.vitl Morion Kane, 37, of ~ Jy Jtllls ; June · Virginia Adams. ~ C North Hollywood; Hmy ·Loula Hibbal!I. 53, of Anaheim; Jack,Iltl'Ura Foll11, N. of Arcadia; Herbert. ~~Q11t9er, S'1,'o( Capoga ,~rk and 'li'iurl6w W•lttr H•rtley, ~of Los Angeles. ' Held ov~ un~I' July 21 are Laf!Y Chris· ty. 2f, of Alla!Hoim ; RoO<tl l,fro1,~· ington, "4', ol Or1n1•; R0btft1 • McCUlloch. 39, of San Diego: Hennll\; . Orlov, 4', of Encino: Jac)t: Gretnsteiq, . , pf Brookly•, N. Y. llnd Robert Lee Qlili· ~~ . ·,·1 irtie Regency fl~ was indicted by ~ Orange County homeowners' claima t _ Grand Jury following investigatil' they hid been .victims <>( fraudulent practices. An earlier inv,estigation of, firm by the California Departmen.t Jf lnsW"ance Jf!d to the refund of $81(),00l'.Jn prerniumis' e:rtracted from alleg~ victiml ot I.he sales plan. > z A »count indictment issued by the Grand 'Jury claims that Regency a~ sold 'Jife lilsurance policies to Southlaiill reskltnts as "highly profitable, profit aharin1 cont.ract.s which, woiild htctlme R1f supporting ... 8nd1return a Subltlftt· tial income wtthln a relatively fe.- yean ." Jnvesti1atora say the policies art not worth the paper they are printed on. food P~C?i.~i~ _ Death Prompts · Emergency Stop; ANCl!ORAQE. Alaska (UPI) -;,\ tr1ns Pacific jetliner made an emergency landing at Anchorage Airport Sunday after J3 mnnbers of a "cherry blouorn tour" of the Orien~ were stricken by food polsoniq:, one of them fatally. AuUlorlties said the victimis app1rently ate the contaminated food in Hone JCOnf, where they boarded a connecting flight for Tokyo ea rlier. The tourists became ill short ly 1rter leaving Tokyo !or Seattle on a Northw~ ' Orient flight and the pilot, Warren Abe{'l.son, radioed Anchorage that. he i.- tended to mak•. en emerg~ landing:. t Four doctors were on hand when the jetliner, carrying 42 tour member~ land- ed . Mrs. t:u'~y Finn Keagy, 11. ReddinJ, caur .• was pronounced dead upon arrtva1. Leo Squires. 68, Eureka, Calif., was Ur.ken to Providence Hospital whert he was reported in fair condition. A couple identified as Mr. and Mrs . John Capicb were not hospitaliied, but decided to re- main in Anchorage until they felt better. The (lther stricken pusengers CO.Dtlnued on to SeatUe. Drunk Driving Charges on Tap A 4&-year-old .N~'J>Ort Beaf;h man to-~ day faces chart'es .Of ~lony i:trunkin drivine stemming from an alleged hit· n1n injury accident Friday nigh( on P11cific Coast ltighway , James Richard Leonard (lr 1601 Dorothy Lane, was arreated at 11 :30 p.m. after allegedly speeding away from the scene of the cra5h ntar the Archeii. Police said Leonard's car sped . away from the scene at irpeeds reachJng 75 miles per hour with a patrolman .ii pursuit. Officers u.ld Leonard pulled off the rri11d flt Pacific Coast Highway and Superior Avenue, w'.lere he v.·as arrested. 'fhe \•icti.m of the rear-en<! traffic cr11h. James Baldwin, a 23-year~ld Marine, complained of neck and back pains. Girls Beat Up Lido Secretary ' Two unidentified young gjrls beat • 1J. ye1r~ld Lido Isle se~tary into tin· ccn!clOW"neMi late Sunday night n~e Newport Pjer, police said tOday. ' Lifl Smith suffered a broktn tooQlJid facial cut.; and bruires in the J1 :31Jl~· incident. police gaid. Offie<'rs ~11\d !he victim told them two heavy-set girls· 1tood in front (lf hv on the sidewalk and begart beating -Mr without provocation. Another youa1 woman llood by and watched, uyfna nothing. Mib Smith u id she wa1: knocked un- .-loua and· tell to the prvinicnt. Slit wu trtllad 11 Hoac "lenlotlwl , Temple Plans Meil -On Minority Hou4'g Harbor l!tforin Ten\ple will l:,l ' •pecl•I meellng In lleu of SOba . 1ttVlce1 at 8:11i p.m. l'rlday at Sl q,,... Ep!tcoptl Church, Newport Btach. t ; Guest speaker .will be Mfg., Savett of tile Oranc• c.urtty F•lltlt Inc Council. who •Ill tpltk ... mlolrilj • ... In Or•nr c.ut>ty. Mt°"~ bat and aocli hour "{ID follow the meeUn;. l . ' I . I County Eyes farking ' For Smiset By JACK BROBACK Of ,... hllr l'tlilf '"" The much-atudied plan to provide beach ):larking in the Sunset Beach area goes before the county Bqard of Supervisors fM' a qulck once over Wednesday. Study on t6e "badly ned" project began July 9, 19611, at the request of Sewntl District Supervisor David t.. Baker. Since then, tht s ta Lf .of the. county Harbor District has prepared five dif ferent plans to solve the parking pro- blem. • There are at least two factors blocking lhe projecl. POSSIBLE ANNEX First the Sunset Beach community is now in 1the process of possible aMexation to fluntington Beach. ' ··SeCond. some of the· proposals call for use of the mile-long, 80-foot wide former Pacific Electric RaHway ri8:ht~f-way. Carlton Builders of Beverly llills WU turned down by the supervisors April 16 In an effort to develop the strip under a Planned Community zoning. The strip is now ioned for apartment use and carlton Builders could build on it under a modified plan allowing less than the 75 duplex apartments houses the firm's original plans called far. County Administrative Officer Robert E. ' Thomas, in his report to the 11upefvisors, proposes development of the right-<1f·way strip for parking as the best of the five plans submitted. His figures indicate that the 13 acres between Warner Avenue and Anderson Street and between the Pacific Coast Highway·and the beach could be purchas- ed for $1,695,000. With improvements CDS· ling $589,200 a parking area for 1,130 cars could be developed. . . . -EXCEEDS.J!RV.ENUE -- According lo Thomas. the "esUmated annual cost" exceeds the possible revenue by $93,089 in this plan. Pay park- ing and beach concession wwld make up the difference, he. says. Advantages are listed as providing ade- quate parking for the beach visitors and comm11nity, the widening of North and South Pacific Avenues on either side of the right'of·way and the creation ol an apen space buffer in the~mmunity. One disadvantage is that the parking weuld be separated from the beach with limited access to the sand. An alternate plan calls for development of parking on the actual beachfront. A!, outlined, this proposal calls for purchase of six beach!ront lot.s at street ends for i333 ,000. Improvements to provide 1,704. parking spaces \vould cost $1.15 million. The "estimated annual cost" in this c~e exceeds the possible revenue by only '2~688. BIG DISADVANTAGE Big disadvantage to the plan, Thomas notes, is the reduction of usable beach area by 17 acres, or 36 perctnt. The bu.ch i:s &,100 feet long with a width of ~ 200 feet at Warner Avenue and 400 feet at Anderson Street. Thomas suggests that, inasmuch as Huntington Beach is now engaged in a planning sb.J.dy for the community, that lhe supervisors authorize the county planning study for to offer flelp to the ci· ty and the participation of planning staff members.in making the study. He also suggests that all plans be refer· red to the county Planning Commission for study pending the outcome of Hun· tington Beach'a proposed annexation. Center7 to Give Student of Yea1· Award Thursday The Huntington Center Merchant 's Association will present its student-of-the· year awards during a scholarship ban· quel Thursday in the Montgomery Ward cafeteria. Festivities begin ai 6:30 p.rn. with a dinner and general session. Featured speaker will be former Huntington Beach Mayor Al Coen . The a w a r d s will be presented by Howard Matheny, president of the Hun- tington Center Merchant's AS5ociation. Students participating in the contest will undergo written examinations and oral interviews by a panel of judges earlier during the day. The contes~ta have been drawn monthly from high school !tude:nll in Huntington B e a c h, WestJnil)!ter and Garden Grove. A $500 cash scholarship will be award· ed to the winner of the competition. The second place finisher will recei\·e $50 and all other finalists $25. GWC to Present Oassics Concert The music of Gershwin, Sbosllkovich and Sousa wUI be featured •t a p.m. Saturday in the Golden . West College Center. • The conceh will mark the nnal performance of the year by the SO.. member Golden Wut College Band. 1ncluded in the program art &elections O'om "Porgy and Bess," "Bruillan ~~~i~:·~ ·~:~ :~B'~Fn:r:~ cu:~ Fair." • Tickets, prtced at $1 per person. "'ill be ~Id at the door. -... M'1 " 1969 ' -s Battleship Returns -···---o-• "" ... ; .... ·~ . Home · i11, War New Jersey Skipper Says Ship Still Needed .L -. LONG'BtACll (UPI) -Th. Ripper o! tbe USS New-Jeney;the world's only ac- poot(X)M<f rewuon. Na\I)'. Soyde< would uy only that tlie • YOUNGEST ENTltANT IN GREAT RACE Gail Shephard, 12, Rushed lo London Plane . Uve batlle&hlpt u1d today "only an Id.kit would not tend tbe New Jersey back" to the Fu-Eu! Uthe Vietnam bostililies re- mained at the """"'\ levtl. .C.pt. J. Edward Snyder' Jr., of Falr!JI, Va .• ipoke of bil ablp and crew with pride In a ~ldlotelepb<ine lnlenlew u the huge 1>1u11~11M steamed toward ·ita: .home port. Huhdlocb of wives AJld chlldreo' of the l,~ olncert and JPel'l waited 1t the Long Beach NavOI Sia~"" for. the 5',00IHon ship. to arrive home. Many of them hid lfalted a\ motels and hoteb ln lhe vicinltY for 11 days. The New Jeraey wa.rfirrt acheduled to anive last •April 1', but instead she was diverted back' to Japan as 1 last mtii.ute feint toward North Korea after the dowli="' lie calltd h1s crew, all volunteen-, "the most mapUDCent crew I've tver had the honor to work wlth In my 28 years of naval SttV:ice." The New Jersey carries Ule world's biggest n1val gum, 11 incber:s. It flrtd more than :t0,000 rounds in 434 gwUire n).lssloos while palroling the coastlines of both north and Soulh Vietnam, after U \\'ent on st.ation last September. .Snyder said lf ground troops were ask· ed to assess the effecUveness ol the New Jersey, "They would say without ex- ception the Ne"". Jersey o ff e r e d something ttt».t no conventional weapons 11ystem could offer." New J'eraey wu fverted and directed to iland by for em~ orders." The ah.Ip never ~ the task force cruialng In the Se of Japan. It nmalned in Yokoluta for veral days and thaa WU ordered lo AU home. The botlleohlp will undergo repaln In Long Beach while most ol the crew ii given 1,ave. It then will become U. flagship for a midshipman training c:ruiJe o!f the West Coast during the summer. The Navy aald that during Its lour of duty in the Far East, the'New Jersey lob- bed ~.~pound :shells as faf as 21 miles inland, destroying or damaging 984 bunkers. ' ~ ing ri 1 Navy reconnaiasance plane. The move caught many famtlie.'I un- prepued, bu( resldent.s of Long Beach of. '' {ered shelle' and the Navy offered fin.n- clal wlstanct when funds ran-low. The skipper said U the war in Vietnam remained at its present level of fighting al the end of the summer, "only 1n idiot would not send the New Jersey back in September." The vessel was four days sailing from Callfornia when the order was sent to r~um to the west Pacillc after the Navy plane was shot down by North Korea. While the ship hurled an intensive 30- mlnute-barrage at artillery sites on North Vietnam's Hont Mau Island, an airborne spotter radioed : "You've blown' away a large chunk Of the island. It's tiown in the &ea. You've sunk it." The Great Ra~e Scores Dash Between NY, London -LONDON (UPI) -A British jetflghler ' A variety or planes and 390 professional took off like a he.Hcopter today from a aviators and non·fliers from both sides <>f Loodon coa l yard in the Dally Mail the Atlantic are compellng for prizes, lransailanUc air race between the sum-worth $144,000, in the race, sponsored by mits of the Empire St.ate Building a n d the London Daily Mail. the London Post Office tower. A British marketing executive used a The Royal Air Force harrier jump jet hydraulic lift to help speed his trip to the kicked up clouds of coal du.st as it made a postal tower. vertical takeoff from the yeard near lAln-Peter Hammond, whose time was six don 's St. Pancras railway station. hours, SS minutes. said, "We wanted to On the revolutionary aircraft rode the challenge the military in arganiilng abili- RAF':s hopes of breaking the new ty. transatlantic spffd record of five hours "We checked schedules, taxiing delays three minut es set Sunday by the Royal and London and New York traffic con- Navy's entry in the race, a supersonic ditions" before laking an 8 p.m. Com. phantom jet. _ n1erclal !light from Kennedy' Airport Sun~ "'We shall .~ a good run. [OL .Jl,ay night, he _said. __ their money," promised the harrier pilot, From London's Heathrow Airport RAF squadron leader TOm Leckf· Hammond look a motorcycle and Thompson before he entered an elevator helicopter to a b a r g e on the Thames al.op the 626-foot tower at 10:30 a.m. HE!' River . From the barge he was elevated took a helicopJer from a pad near the by hydraulic lift to the lop of Waterloo tower to his waiting jet. Bridie and made the final leg of the trip The jet will be refueled in the air from by motorcycle. RAF tanker planes during its non-stop Another arrival, Nick Kleiner of flight to New York. Hicksville, N. Y .. sald he entered the U.S. Navy Commander Bill Martin , sta-race w I th the intention of losing and tioned at New York's Floyd Bennet Field, pro ving that most delays occur on t be arrived atop the tower thls morning after ground . He used buses·and the subway to a seven· hour, 21-minute dash by com· get to Kennedy from the Empire State. mercial airliner, motorcycle and Kleiner, an air traiOc controller whose helicopter. ! time was seven hours, 25 minutes, &ald, Martin, 33, wore a black hood for the "Our aim is to point out the need for jet- ride as a motorcycle passenger to the age service on the ground, as well a~ in tower so that "I w<>uld not be distracted flight, for the jwnbos will soon be with with things Ute mini·skiru." us." Spotlight on Issues Chaplain Says 'Family' 'changes, No~ Destroyed "Perhaps the family system in America is not being destroyed, but merely undergoing change.'' This was the opinion of Dr. Francis ~tcOlash, · Pr<>testant chaplain a t Fairview State Hospital in Costa Mesa, as he spoke at the last luncheon meeting of th~ Huntington Beach YMCA!s spotlight on Issues series. "You know," he continued, "we are ac· customed to thinking that ~ the famil y goes, so goes society, but that's not tru e. Society is the basis of the family, and a· society goes, :so goes the family." Dr. McOlash explained that the Jamil~ is a relationship between two variables; the child and society. "Society utes the family to humaniZf' the child," he said, "a family is a way oJ life for growing children.'" The Fairvlew chaplain took exceplion Beach Musicians Score Higl1 in Marina Festival Several Huntington Beach High School ensembles and soloists acored "superior" and "excellent" ratings in• recent musk: festival at Marina High School. Groups receiving "superiof" ratings by trained mus.ic educators who judged the performances were the high school's percus.&ioo ensemble, the flute en&emble ol Juli Macy, Carolyn Whel.8e11, Laura SeJU ml Jackie Roach, and ·the clarinet quartet of Charlotte Freeman, Ed Jeffes, Steve Robbina and Kristi Dillon. Soloists scoring "superior" ratings att. Mark Smit, violln ; Scott Wallace, cello; Charlotte Freeman. clarinet ; and Juli M1cy, Dute. Those ICCOl'ded "excellent'' raUnp are violinist Janet Slracllan, OuU•l Ja&te Roach, trumpet aoloisfDave Bigelow, the att.ing trio of Janet Strachan, Anne Com- inaky and Terry egan ; the trumpet dutt ol Mike Paulson and Dave Bigelow and lhe clarinet duet ol Charlotte Freeman and Ed JdJCI. to the belief lhat there are atandardized methods for raising children. "We think that out of certain types of families come problem chpdren, but that isn't true," he emphasized. "Each family is unique. There are no standard ways to 'hise children and there are no standard ways far husbands and wive! to relate to each other." "We are all doing our thing in a somewhat dif!erent way," said Dr. lifcOlash. He suggested that perhaps recognizing the uniques In individuals would J)e a good start for better family retationshlps. · LocaUng some problems perhaps com- mon to Huntington Beach, Dr. McOlash mentioned migrant workers-professional migrants, that is, "The professional person in buslhess is no toften considered a migrant, but in reality he Is,'' said the chaplalh, "and his mobility often generates problems in a family with a dilliculty in rinding roots." With the migrant profes!lonal, Dr. McOlash explained that "thlnp," such as a house, furniture , car becom'e sOurces or identity and ~urlty rather t h a n neighbors and location. This atttchment t<> "things" is rather unfortunate, he added, because, "we lack comm<>n frames of reference." Absentee fathers, were alao blamed u a reason for change in the famlly struc· lure. . • "With today's advanced need Ind abfU· ty for lravel,.too many problemi are put of£ by I.he parents becaute the father says, 'oh, forget ii. I'm going on a busi- ness trip tomorrow, we'll :settle it later.' and they never do until it's too late," con- cluded Or. McOlash. He suggested that parents and all in- dividuals learn Co face problem1 im- mec!Jately and not to o;;orry about tbe chadging ltructures, but nallie: why and bow they an changing. Valley School Aides To .lUeeton Thursday The regular mettinc or the Fountain Valley School Diatrict Personnel Com- mlwon will be held,.t 7:30 p.m. 'nwr• day in the Board Room of the dlatrlct Educatkin, C.nlet, I LlghtOO... La(le, Fount$ Vaf~y. A publie hearing wtll be held durlna the meeting on the 1969-70 Pcrsonntl Com- "We're k>oking forward to J£ mott lhan they are," Capt. Snyder_ said of the The battleship put lnt.o ·th.e nav11l facili· ly at Yokosuka in Tokyo Bay for "logistics support" according to the The shJp's maeive firepower was the main reason for bringlrig it out of mothba11s in 1968 at a cost ol $21.S million, but the psychological effect of. ILi presence was considered one of its para- mount assel'l. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • at El Rancho: the supermarket • • • •• •I • ., where ·the price is right! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • / OLE! ~ /lf(lke it 4 Fieata ••• 4nd help our neighbora eele-- bra.te "Cinqu.o de Mayo" I •• • /. LOVE THOSE ENCHILADAS! Chi/I IP/Rd I FRIJOLES, TOO! FRESH! COARSE GROUND BEEF • • • •• • • • • • • • • • .............................. 41! ~lake a pot of chili • , • or a platterful of enchilada.s ••• or stuff tacos generously .•. and Jove every biter Tort1//a1 NAUEY'S HACIENDA PACKAGE Of TEN . . . .. " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'J raditional ••• an'd tender! Plan you r menu ••. South of the Border style ••. and .save at El Rancho! Enchiladas ....................... 3 IM $1 \'an de Kamp's, .• froze n •.. beef, cheese, chicken. Chili Con Came . . . .. .. . .. .. . .. . . . 49~ Jformel':s .•• rich sauce, tender 1neat'., .1 5~oz~ can Refried Beans .............. 21o1 39¢ l tourita ... belongs on a ?if cxican menu I No. 303 Diced Chiles Ortega •.• 4 o:r. •..• just hot enough ! Gree11 Onions ............................ 5¢ Car~en Fresh! ••• add zest t.-0 the occasion! bunch fl Rancho Tequila .................. $4.89 ·St.art the \\'eek right \rith ;\IargariWJ , , , fifth I Pricca in effect Alon., 1ue8.,, Wed ..• Mav 6, 6, 1. No 1CJ.U1 to dttihr1. , • Tamales ............................ 3 1or'l Honnel's •.. 16 oz. can ... heat and enjoy! Chili Beans .......................... 61or '1 Gebhardt's ••• spicy and flavorful! No. 300 e&lll Chili Salsa ............................... 23• Ortega ... add authentic flavor ! , •• 7 oz:. Tacoettes ........................... 3.'1 Set the mood Y•i th these! ••• XLNT • , • 6 oz. pkf. Bell Peppe~s ....................... 1~ Plump and firm and tender ! Sene stuffed! Margarita ' Mix ... . . .. .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . 4 ... '1 Island lnn ••• frozen .•• perfect 'mixinar every tim• Because of thflr ratings the musici ans will be quallil«I to participate ln th6 Regional Solo and Ensemble Festival, l'ldleduled far M1y 10 at CAUfomla State Collt!gc , Long Beach. mlS!lon Budget. '---------------------------------------- • " • l I r ~ l I I I I ... /- I I • 4 DAILY PILOT I. No Wolfson Deal Red Troops Amhusl1 U.S. Air Cavalry Fortas ·He.Returned Fee ' Declares ,. lc:..1111 ., .. _.... ,,..... 511#1 Students at Lafayette'• (Ind .) Central Calholic High School are wnrrlad .abc>ut a snake which hasn't eateD. ·in seven weeks. The 7-foot boa constrictor, borrowed from a student, ls supposed to appear in the school's annual spring musical but the creature refuses to eat. Ted RDthtrroc~ the lead singer in the producijon, said the play doesn't start until May 9 but if the snake ••doesn't eat soon we don 't dare use him in the play and risk getting ~omeone eaten. The cast is smaJI enough as it is." ( •• Charlie Brown 1uo11ldn't have ·f been abtt to stcrnd it. Tht Gar· ! f~Jd Elementary School Softball Team in Solem, Ore .. was Sched- uled to play the Highland Tigtrs, but only the chee1·/eadr.~ showed up. So they took on Jlighland 1· and won, 10-7. .. ~'t*i .,.;;:~ -~ °'"""-'~ • Motorist Terry Smith of Crawley I-fill, England, said he \Vas waiting at a red Jigbt when a kangaroo bounded across the front of his automobile. Smith, 29, reported the kangaroo to police who asked what he had fQ.i:_3uppet. "Just meat pie." \\'as the answer. "Sornetimes 1 r/o st m11 tyts and prttend I'm on the 10011 to tlte b an k ~ ~vith two huge bags ful L of money,", . -;nys Bonnie Steele ~ of Jacksonville,~ Fla. B1it, re gretful· · ly, she's really just ; h eadt.d for the tici.ghborhood laun .. rl'I/. SAJGON (UP I) -Comn1unln trooplll firing from knee-level tunnels tbty had hacked through jungle underbrush &m· bwthed two U.S. lit Alr Ca.valry DiYlalon 'CQm pantes northwest of 5aigon today, touching off a daylong bat·tle. The. area near the Cambodian border was the target of repeated B52 raids Sun· day nigbl and today. Eight fllghls o/ the big planes dropped their lottds OD the strongholds along -llli" approac:hes to Saigon from the northwest: Initial rePf.llis from the front a!Ud at least three Americans were k:Uled and 17 \vound in the tunnel ambushes 80 miles from the capi tal. Heavy flghUng also was reported near the demilltari~ • zone where U.S. guns smashed a Communiat bivouoic area. Four of the 852 raids north of Saigon rocked Viet Cong. and Norttl Vietnamese camps neat the U.S. Green Beret outpoet al Katum on the Cambodian border 65 miles north-nortliwest of the capital. It brought to 51 pie number ol B52 raids ther.e in the past 11 day,. Afilitary spokesmen announcing the raids today had no comment on " slate- 1nent by Prime Minister Pham Dang Lam of North Vietnam that the United States waa: "deescalating"· the war - something the Cvmmuniats have demand- ed as a prelude to peace. War commwi.iques did nol support Lam. They said Alli<d potrob foust>t th< Viet Cong and N'"1h Vi-e on \0 fronts Sunday, killing 122 Communists. American los:ses were put at nine killed and 13 wounded. Stepped-up offtnsives and. patrols have been the reason cited by U.S. com- manders fOr the lull in.Jhe Com!J14.niSL"11 naHonwidc wioter-spring ()(fengfl;{4f."'~· telligence reports reported the guerrillu withdrawing to border areas to. resupply. A U.S. ·spotter pilot patrolling the northern border area spotted a new Com· munist buildup in the southern half of the DMZ Sunday and called in Marine artillery salvos that triggered !Ive fireballs and damaged four bunkers. American htiadqUarter1'1aid it was the fiftb time in four days that U.S. guns had opened up on Communist buildups in the tone, bringin1 to 92 the number of DMZ incidents cOMidered "significant" since the bombing of North Vletnam .stopped • Nov. 1. ' Employment Rate • While Arthur Montgomery was -Gains Ta per Off, searching for a name for his ttr bacco, magazine and novelty shop Awaiting R~scue Sailing enthusiast clings to side of overturned sailboat in waters of Charlta River at Boston oyei' weekend. He was rescued by a, Boston University patrol boat minutes after the craft was overturned by a ~at of wind. ---.... WASHINGTON (UPI) Alloclate ' J.,Uco Abe Fortaa, conllrmlng tllal wlille on the Supreme Court be received a fee lrom-lbe family foundailoo of impriloned fioa.ocier "l.ooit, WoU!lOfl. ~ys he later teturned the money withOut renderint aervlcea of any kind. Fortu d,18closed his dealin1s with -Wolfaoo., wbo II now ier\ling a one-year federal prl80n &enter.ice tor t tock manlpulaUoo, Jn a 11.ttement he drafted Stmday at the Supreme c.ourt in retpona to a report published In the current issue ol Life mqulne. · The magazine. article said Forta.! received a $20,000 check in January, 1966 -three month! after hi! appointment to the court -from Ule Wolfson family foundation , deposite<I it in his personal bank account and did not return it for 11 months -shortly after WoUson'.s in· dictment by a federal grand jUry, . The artkle and Fortas' teaction to ii came less than Cine year after the senate refused to confinn President Johnson 's nominal.ion of Fortas as chiel justice. Testimony by Dean 8. J . Tenoery of the American University Law School, who disclosed that Fortas bad been paid i1s,ooo to deliver nine summer law school lectures and that the money had been provided by five wealthy business 1eadcrs, wu a major factor in the Senale decision . In h.ls statement and in a leUer printed by the magazine, Fortas said he had talk· ed first with Wolfson in 1965 when the H • M N justice's former law firm was represen-ussef,R eets ass er. ting the Florida millionair~ in a civil suit. -., T~~se d1scuss1ons, he said, look place · before FortM joined the court and in· f -~ .. • volved the Wolfson family foundation 's Egypt De ense fi!O'l}J tng ~_!~Z~:?:::~~::~_:;:'. .. -' -dation "tendered a lee to me " in the hope By United Pre11 lnternallonal Information Minister Mohamed. Fa.xek '·that I would Jind the time and could Jordan's King tlussein today met with said the cabinet, chaired by Nasser, S'un-undeftake, consistently wlth my court Egyptian President Gama! Atx:lel Na.sst'r day approved total budget allocations obligations, research functions, studies to discuss the coordination of efforts lotallng $5.M billion, compared to la~t ;ind writings" connected with the foun· ag~irist the Israelis. The Egyptian year '~ allocations of $4.9 billion. The datiou's work . defense budget for the cOmming year budget was not broken down to specific After "concluding th at l could not Was reported to be the highest ever. outlays. undertake the assignment, I returned the Israeli military spokesmen said their N • ' i..;: • L fee," said Fortas . Aircraft hit an Arab guerrilla base Sun-lXOll S vOll .. JJl• 3W The Supren1e Court justice did not say day between Elath and the Dead Sta T W k f S I exactly when in 1966 he received the near the. Jordanian·Israeli border 11nd 0 Or -or ena Or money, when he returned it or how much reponed that all planes involved in the \VASHJNGTON ~UPI) _ Davi cl v.•as involved, raid returned safely. Ei:senhower. President Nixon '!'! 21-year· But he asserted thal since his ap- A Jordanian official said one civilian Id · I I .. h. • po1·ntmcnl to the CO"rl. ••J ha·•e nol ac-n son-in-aw, pan!! to wor .. t IS summer u • was wounded in the Israeli attack. for Sen. Roman L. Hruska, (R·Neb.J "I Cepted any fee or emolument from Mr. Hussein's visit with Nasser today wa.~ d 't k b t I'll be d · 1 lb Wolfson or the Wolfson fanu·1· fo··-•a110· n on now w a orng or e J wl\,I the !~d bi&b-level conf~rence betwcrn senator," he sa.id. "Maybe emptying or any related person or group." the Egyptian president and an Arab wastepaper baskets." Fortas also said that "at no time did I . Jtader in three days. The ting ... and Nasser eenlcrcd their discussions on unifying Arab military 1 have reason to believe, _nor do I now believe, that the tender of the: fff waA motivated by or involved any hope or es· pectation" that he would help Wolfaoo in his troubles with the SecuriUes and El· change Commiuion. -·-* * * Outside Fees Under Attack By Senators WASHINGTON (AP ) -Sen. John J. Williams, (R·Del.). moved tod•Y to block future. acceptance ol oui:side fee8 by Supreme Court jwUces as a reauli of disclosures about Justice Abe Fortas. Senate Republican Leader Everett M. Dirksen of Ulinois expressed the opinion. that Fortas hlid committed "no Im· peachable conduct" in first accepting and then ret urning 11 months later • $20,000 fee from the family of Louis E. Wol!son, financier jailed Jut month after a federal securities conviction. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, (0-Mass. ), sui~ted that Fortas be invited to explain to the Senate Judiciary CoQUTlil· tee the circumstances surrounding the Fee incident, first discla,,ed by Life Magazine. Moving independently, Williams told a reporter he will introduce legislation to ban the acceptance of outside fee."! by the justices, whose p.ay recently wa.s raised to $60,000 yearly. Dirksen wa.s asked if he · felt that Fortas, appOinted to the court by former President Lyndon 8. Johnson. shoukl resign. "I think he and his court colleagues should know wha( to do," Dirk.sen .aid. As a member of the judiciary com· mittee, Dirksen said the group would have to decide whether it should mW an investigation. 1 • "I don 't know what the committee will do," he sald. "No impeachabl• conduct was involved." KcMedy said he hoped that the com· mit'tce forum would be available should Fortas wish to appear. "These are extremely I m p o r t a n t charges which have been leveled, which reach both the integrity of the ju!tic. and the c~rt,'' Kennedy said. He noted that the Justice Depanmtnt is investigating, then suggested th• Senate committee as a forum for pub- lic respon.!e to the charge . in Seattle, he spied a dictionery Wor·k Week Dips de!inimon that seemed appropriate. He n·amed the shop Carcibogen. A WASHINGTON (UPI) _ Tlie govern~ carcinogen is a substance which ment reported today a tapering off in produces cancerous growth. "l record employment gains that extended thought it would-have the reverse over a period of five months. Tht. nation's twist effect on customers-and it unemployment rate in April rose one· has,'' Montgomery said. "I smoke tenth of 1 percent to 3.5 percent of the two packs a day myself, and cmto-IabOr force. rners are smoking as m u c h as The Labor Department also reported ever." • that th e average work week of factory workers declined slightly. The work \Yeek figure is one of the leading economic in· dicators used by the government lo detect possible changes in the nation's economy. strategy against Israel ,, including lhe j coordination of their eastern and west· em front, officials in Cairo said. I Hussein also \vas expected lo brief Nasser on his recent European and I A.merican tour whlch included talks v.·ith I President Nixon. , President Noureddin Al Ala.ssi of Syria 1 · flew to the Egyptl111 clpital Friday for talks with Nasser and Egyptian cabinet ' ministers. I Egyptian officials reported 1hal thr, country's defense .spending for the 1969·70 , fiscal year will be the hJtM:!t ever, but did not announct any-figures . We're flying again from ORANGE COUNTY Want to oome a bab y hippo after yourself, or n fl'iend or relative? The right to name tht Phila.dt.lphia. Zoo's 11ew baby hippopotamus will be auctioned off at the University of PennsyZ. vania.'l' Institute for Contempor· a,.y Art. Besides biddtng on the 1'ight to name het zoo':s 11ew arri· vat, bidders also ca1i try for ride& in a helicopter, a balloon ride for two, a. closed circuit t.elevi.rion system for a. while and 11 mes:sage on a billboard for two weeks. said Dr. Stephen Prokopoff, the instituie':s d.irec· tor. la Harold Goldstein, a s s i s t a n t com- missioner of the department's Bureau of LabOr Statistics, said: "You can sum· marize the employment situation in April by saying that the growth we've had for five months running has tapered off." The one.tenth of l percent rise in the unemployment rate over March was not in it.sell con-sidered significant by the department but GoldStein said since it wa:s two-tenths above February, it 1nay indicate a trend. Goldstein refused, however, t.o predict y.·hether the statistics might indicate a (cooling down of the economy. "l would aay it is hard to see a lurn· around yet in this data,'' he said, Ttvi n Sisters, 66, Leap to Deaths NEW YORK (UPl)-Twin 86-ye ar-old sisters lt:aped hand·in-hand from the roof of th'eir six.£tory Manhattan apartment house Sunday. and died when their bodies landed in tl1e dirt courtfard below, hands sti ll cla~pe<I. Po1ice theorize that lhe sisters, Mr:s. Edna Slater and Mrs. Lillian ~ross, were despondent over family illness and the death of A1rs . Slater's husband several months ago. Violent Storm Rips Texas To r1tados R epor ted Near Crowell and Golds mith. Callfo1'ttla '.11et11p e1·nt11·re.s "*"' ""' "'«· I .t.1tiu<1uer•,.. 1">'1<1'10ft9f" !a~•roll•ld Sl)me<tk 60h• &0$10/I C~l(llH> Cln(!nft1!! C•tV11!4r4 Of'nv~ O•t MOi...-t Drtrolt l!vrtk1 .. " .. .. • " .. ~ " ,, " " n " " .. " " • ~ " I " "I .. ·" .. I " I " " • .. " " " .. " ·~ " .. " " " Cocutal U.S. -!Su nu11ar11 Vloltfll 1!11<mt fllf!ll 1(1"1,.t Ol<ll· i.om. ene Ta••• 1od1y. 1mie.J11111~ ~tl¥Y rllllt I nd lll\l"°""l'Hl~rl, ll flt fttH t nd -liul wllldt. FOi"! Wtrft\ "'~1116 H~~N >1eno1utu liOU•lon K1"9.t$ C:11¥ lit Vf'lt•• los A"9•~• Ml1ml MU•1uk~ M!~"ll!IHl!t New Or!ffll\ N!!W YDl't: f<lor'lfl l'llt!t 0-1 ....... " . " •j It ~ " ~1 I} ., I ·" low Ufll' ""°""*,.. CNtlt l <IO<Jll• ~ l\aty tl<l'lllllllt ~1 ... In .,.. •tttr!IQO!! 11p11r..,_w1111h -ttrl•· 10 10 U ''°°"' T ... ,... 111111, 'I le lS. XKIWf,lt • ft!l'IHfllvfK , • ft I •• f.-.i'I • llltil "' ..a le • !Ow cl J). i ... !•"" ~llW. f1nte W•• •1 to _.,, Tl'le ...... ,..,_1lun; •t> tll.1 ft. ·-· S••• Moo11. Tides H~....,.,..-. '""' stor"' Ktl¥1h ,...~ 18$StMd from f't•ltw ,..,.,, 11orms 11\el I.MW"" i.~ I M l'U,tM !WJI, MfK• .,_.ft 1\'l llKflel ., tll!ft dflf!C1'o. N Mldllr4 ltX.. ;,. ti• Jlewh 1111 ... ,. 11911 ......... tlty, Kall 11w tit"" Mil ..... Tt•~ '"" '°'* """ ......,, """" -ffc,.,.,..n. ,,, .. "°"' 11,f ..,, ... _...,, ., ,,.,..,., .. , MO"OAY _ 11W1 _, ~-IYMftl. • '"'"'' wttl ti ~..... ...,. '·'• t .111. t .I MhfltfMI, • 'tUlt DAY lfl_..,I r11\1\t4 wt• l"flr t "'Id. 11<1r11 ~ .......... .•·n 1t1 '·"'· 1.1 .,.. In 1Tlt...,,.,... ,,,..tltltdt • "" l"lftl 16* ............ 7:$0 1.m,1.1 (l)l,llllTY, lllOwtr 111C lllltlllft,.,._.,. ~ 11i,. ... , ........ l :lt 1.m, t .l 1~1 ~lllRll 1Tlt ,_,,._,, IM .w<oM .,. . ......... 6:ll 1.111. 'J.t Q"•' <lltl ""' flt .... -cem1111-n '°"''""'1'1 11.ed;llll. Int ttllftlll 1"111" M-It .... , S111.t O<I •·"'· ~fMI 1119 ~ tM lefWtf Mlttlu1"' 1•11 ltlMt t;lt 1.,.,, Stll J:st "·"'· Vtllllw, Ntw lllnt Ill. Me• !~ JV..IT l' • \ - ••• J~ I Wltll'I' 'C.1:1191'f'd tl'IOw~r• flCC~f,..... 1~ !!'!• toll~'''"~ ~f•I retl~ er ,IW'Ot ll'flll N'"'~ Vlrt(P'lll """"' 1'11" .......... l"lltltdl!t .. la "t!Otol*• .. ,,.,.,.. llwtltnf lll•lf C11¥ It .. '""' ... ll<rwM"l• If, 1.tvb &tll•- Ull l.f111 (ht -.. ~ DllM tin ,,.llCIW• $11"'-•• ,.... S·•lllo $"'*•"'! T,.,,...,., Wtltolftl!(lfl " .. u " " .. " .. ,,--n 1,\ jt . " " .. " " -. ~, ,, ·" " .. t 1! " . " . 1: ~ :: 1 " .. A) •4 ., .. "' J' " " ·" ... 1 ·" I I I ... j AIRPORT Runway construction is completed and Air California's swift, comfortable Boeing 737 Sun jets are tak ing off again from Orange County Airport . 6 times a day to SAN FRANCISCO ' 5 times to OAKLAND and SAN JOSE Rediscover Air California's friendly , efficient service from Orange County Airport to the San Francisco Bay Arla . • For information and rallrvations caU: Air California 540-4650 or your trl VIJI agen t REDISCOVER . • AIR CA• IFORN-IA' SERVING • SAN FRANCISCO • OAK LAND SAN JOS·E • HOLLYWOODL BURB~NK • ONTARIO and • ORANG E COUN TY AIRPORTS . ' • L VCI Lists Events -I ' Sc~eduled in May Foll~lng ii the cale:nd1r of events on thl UC Irvine cam· pus for the month of ?\-tay. All evtnts are open to the public. There ill no charge except where noted. ART C~~J\'¥j'b\ ~~..J"c1 Sru.19" e,111b.l1I"" 1ff•, °"" 111 lh1 Atl O•UWy trom MIY 1G llvouon M1v n . GIUlf\t l'lollr1: l·S Tuelod1r ,,,,.OU811 Sui.:11Yl CIOM<I M~IY. I .Wf4 ... ~y lllVINf REPEllTOJIV THEArER --"Ylintrr Wiii Alik" 1:)11 11.m., Sl•dlo Tl'leolit' j l\dldt S2.$11, IKflll l'I ll. • , ..... ,. 11. I Tl111n.ur te!Jl~~~l!j ~:"~f,Ti~.RY Tl'1EAT!:ll - POETRY JIEAOING -Vlllllr>t paH Wllt11m St11tord wlll •••d nit t1Wn pee1rv1 • p.m., Wrlll"I! C::l!<l~f. ~TUOENT VOCAL "RECITAL -"l• t:enwrv1!0ir1 111 11 vOlt"f 11' l"IM Arts, 11 n0011. t FrlNr IRVINE IU!!PERTORY THlATER -~~ ~" I tor 01111111. ENGINE!lltlNG COLLOQUIUM -F, e. c.-wo.... HUVhet R-rdl Lib., Mttlbu '' l I I I f ':OINIWrllc1!1eni T~c~Oll'I'"; 'p.m'"" C1mran AGVtric.. CHEMISTRY St:MINAR -O•. Tho!M1 Band, Unl ....... ll'Y of C1tltornl1, $en Ot,qo (IOC>ic: to ~ 1MOllllC9dl1 I p.m.,.101 Phv1lc1t ScleflCI. IRVINE FILM GflOUP -•'G-111 I" 1 •!Id 9::IO p.m .. Sc~nct LKtur1 fj1ll. Tlck1!1 $1. sluOtnts SOC;. 11 s.1uN1r IRVI NI!: flLM GROUP -•<!! M•• t ID<" dtt1H1. IRlllNE llEPERTORY ~f.ATER - -Mir 1 lllf" del1ll1. · 11 Sun<111 !RVJNE COMMU NITY C "'0 RU S COttCERT -Dr. Maurk1 AILlrd CU<>· <1ocllng. "~nil!~!" llY ii a c h, "Srmp/>ony d ·Pu1m1" by Slr•vln"°rl I 11.m .. Cr1wtord Hell. SUNDAY EVENING CONCC::RT "'0<'11$ by Hll!dtm th, Beemoven ~nd Scarl1!1I; Lll!d• Sllle, ~fauti<I, Can· •!~~'~ L1I017, P ianist; I 11.m., 111 Fine Ari!. H W ..... 1Ny CONCl!:RT -E~ur11t1 lrCllfl bereQUe Opera; t 11.l'lf., 171 ~Int 4rli.. !ll:VINE REPERTORY T~!::AT ER -•ee M•Y 1 lor d•llllS. U TllurlMy NOON COHCEJ!T -"Oi1no wltti l!:~trrtM1111." worts b• Mo11rt '"lfh membero al the Unl~trsilv Or~~t•l•t ~':'n;;";'."1,1E~~~:'~~J,~t{~~-F r.ctlt v, IRVINE REPERTORY TrlEATE R - •!'ti M•Y 1 for dctell•. '' "•141¥ CHEMISTRY SEMIN•R . Or. lloborl E. l•tl•nd, Calll"'n1t !~,1:1utt nt lto<:hnolovy, "Of! '"" TOltl svn1n11i1 l'>I TrUtrl>f-~•." • 11.m., IQI Phy1k tl Sdtnc't•. IRVINE REPERTORY l'"lEATER - If• MIY 1 for de!lllJ. SAILING CLUB F1LM -· 7 ::0 ~·'", .k!ence Lfdur1 Hell. l idtel1 $1, 1Tucltn1S 50c. n 11twrtll¥ SAILING CUI FILM -let M•y 1• lor dtla!l1. • -· - tltVINl lllJtf'lllOllY THI ATlll -Mil .V..•(J fiir 1111111 .. '·~~' 51"1llN~lVrlr.. -"F•llOll~ &~ EiN~~·~::-"':J.rJ..lftl II I .It\.. r llHI ili\d . C.mtu1 OrlYt Ofl I c.a/'nlll,IL IS. flf1.t> ....... • *E' ING CONCe:ll.T -H 11'1 •lllf JMurt, ""'')( ...,, ..... IC••• •lllf l'Mtn11 Wl'llrner, 111en1uw 111 l"in. Arlt. I o.m. "~· I TOWN N GOWN MEM-a~i$Hll" 'MElllN -Mutlctl pro-•••M Ind •uldM tvur tf cemD111; lQ ~ .... ,-~. IPARATIYl L IT EllATURE l.i, TUllE ;: "Thi. lnltrdbcll!lln1ry ,.,H w .. ltll)ll ....ot'tlllf lrom the Un .....,...ltY ol T-ro, ll-1111 COil .. C.H UH1l• fw lime tnd loo;liforl. tlW~ ~ETllY llE~IMG -vi.lrtrit -t, Glry Snyilfotr wO r-H ~ .. -Ml~ "-' 4 •• m., tltllll ''"'-· tltV1'J_.I!:: IU!l":.~o~~ TH!ATlrt -;~~ ,=:.. ~r.ir::;,. t;:io ,:m., n ""' lllVINE llEl"l!J! OllY lHEATEll -1-.., /lilr ti for iltttU&. NOOl't CONCEflt:T -''Ori Wtnlock Eotf." *"1• b'I Koliim&n-Mt to mu1i( ..... Rt tlltl v-WIHl•~WI" .l'\llflbert Of Unl~llY !rt 1~:~ 1n1~'1:' ,:/,llOf'ft Le~ ' WINTER QUAltT~ll e'l:rs u ,,, ... , -~ EHGINEEltlMO COLLOQU\UM -1t, L. 1(11111n, MtOOMtll OQi'f 11 Cort. "On-Llhll lllltrl dl"" C 0 111 I II t t r Sv•'-""~'· 4 P•lll..i C1m11111 Adwll\Ct. IRVlN REP~RTOltY TH!ATEflt: -'ee Ml 21 /Of" 01!1!11. EXP R.IMENTAL O l!GE -"Nlt!y f~ut" pl1r1 1~ ... ~ Aftt. I p.m. 24 s.ft UNIVER.StTY CHOJtu7 COMCl!::flt:T -""••hms R.to,1lum." Sc:ltne1 Ltctvrt Hall, l:JO p.m, IRVINE REl"Eflt:TOll:Y T!iEATElt -He MIY 21 tor dllallt. U lu,...y UNIVEltSITY CHORUS CONCtRT -"llrohm1 RtqUlum," Sclenct Ltdu,.. Hiii, ••:IO p.m. , SUNOAY EVENING CONC Eflt:T -wonc.1 by Ht,,.I, 1tr1u11, Mo11rt, kllublrt, t l!d Hll!d1111!tt11 Ll rr'I' GordOfl, pl1nl11, °'\'"'n H11tn•lcl'll1r. to1>r1no, J1n111 Ph lllo. Fl•utht; 171 Fllll Ar11, In:•· WMMIMr tRVINE flt:E ~TOflt:Y THEATER -lff 11'1•• 21 tor 11111. tt llUrMtr NOON CONCE RT -"Lt Con· 11rv1!olre 9rogn1nl." work1 tor dl~u•t ln11rurMn" by v1rlou1 CCllflPOlfro. MPmber1 of Unlv•rtlrY OrcheJtrt. wind 1n1emblt 1nd Chtmblr 1numbl1. ' IRVINE REPERTORY THEATER -l ff Mey ll !or de1all1. F tLMS -"War G1rne" arid "Or. Slr1ng1lo..-e"1 '/.' f;ll,,f''I. I 11.m. M EMOR.l,t..L DAY -.t.cU.ml~ M<f ,.omlnlsir111.,.. tiol!cllr. IRVINE REPER.TORY THO:.-.TER -1H M•Y 21 for 11ta1U1, SENIOR ·voice RECITAL -l1rry Gordorl; I p,m .• 171 ~1n11 A•l•. JI SthrrN y IRVINE REPEllTOllY THEAlllt - -i •e M1r·U -l11r .dl!tll" . • . , Cbe1nlcal·Blological • Congress Quiz On WASHINGTON r API Congress Is opening a broad Investigation of a series or weapons potentially as deatlly ;ind harder lo detect than nuclear fa lk:rul -includin~ one where a bomb the size ()f a fru it jar could wipe <lUl all life within a cubic mile without warning or remedy. The weapons are g a s , bacteria and viruses care.fully clevei<lpcd and cultivated for death and stockpiled i·n arsenals and military depots lhrough<lut the country. "Deterrence is our primary objective ," Pentagon offlcials say of the stockpiles. "As a matter o( policy, the U.S. will not: J be the first to use biological weapons.'' __ Nonetheless, Sen. J . \V. Fulbright, (D·Ark), quts- Uoning \Vhether such weapons are needed for any _ purpose, \Viii take his Foreign Relations Committee int<l e x e c u I i v c session to begin a \vide rang· ing study or chemica l biological warfare. IDEA RIDI CULOUS "![ we have substantial stockp iles of matter of this kind, it makes more ridiculous lhao I th<lught the idea of building bigger and better nuclear vteapons and ABMs, .. Fulbrigh~ said earlier this week in a letter to Rep. Richard D. ~1cCarthy (D· N.Y.), a frequent critic <lf C-B weapons. Various non -lethal clcbililating gases have been used by the United States in Vietnam . The military says tear gas, for example. will flush the enemy from bunkers and tunnels Into the open where he can be captured rather than killed. Chemicals also have been used to strip Vietnam's thick forests of their foliqe, depriv- ing the enemy of gtountl cover. Military sources concede that some death.s have OC· curred accid(nlally due lo the use or these milder chemical· biological warfare materials. hut insisl that no hardoC()re C B weapons have ~n used. \11eapons have been used. The current C<lngrcssional Inquiry will concentrate on the materials designed lo be dead· ly, SEEit ANSWER 'The question to which both Fulbright and li1cCarthy seek 11n answer is why the Pen- lagon spends hundreds oC millions of dollars • year on the materials for an-Jll'Ollt chemical-blological war in an age when attacb. second 11trlkeJ. d e t errents and safeguard antl·missUe 1)'1tems .,generally are thought of in lerms <lr nuclear weapons. The Pentagon's respome: We buUd C-B weaporui be<:1u1e ()Ur tnemlcJ do. and "e will conf.in1te lo develop them A! long a11 our cnrmies do. 1'tflilMy orticlals refused fn lolk lo 1'ht Associated Press Opens Weapons about C-8 warfare but did brief several members of C<lngress and replled in writing to questiom submi tted by McCarthy. Part of the briefing and the answers to McCarthy's questiOTIS now have been made public. The Pentagon told McCarthy that the CB warfare budget for fiscal 1969 would be $350 million. including SS 111illion for herbicides, ()r plant killers. ACCEPT FIGURE "I find it difficult to accept this budget figure," McCarthy said , "It Js g•talty adrriltled lhat lhe United Statet spent aix>ul $100 million r () r defoliants and herbicides last yc8r . I carihot believe that we will buy <lnly $5 million this ye ar." And J\fcCarthy quoted <lnl' report from an investment newsletter which said the Edgewood Arsenal w o u 1 d spend. all alone. S420 milli<ln in 1969 f<lr C-B warfare materials. The Defense Department told l\fcCarthy the United States maintains <lnly a limited <lffensive capability in chemical weapons. But in the Rocky :litountain Arsenal and the Tooele Anny Depot alone, lbere a r e , McCarthy said, about 100 million lethal doses of nerve gas, One Anny source said that a single nerve gu bomb lhe size of a quart fruit jar could kill every living thing within a cubic mile. The Defense Department admitted that 1t the present lime, there i! no device available to detect and warn against biologica l attack, bu t said it is' working on one. NO STOCKPILING DefeMC officia ls said there Is no stockpiling of "medical supplies to use as anHdofes biological aHack b e c a u 1 e there are more than JOO biological warfare agents and making large quantities ol vaccines against ill of them i5 impossible. The United Slates alS<l does Ml keep the anUdote to nervt gas for civilian use, the Pen- tagon said. But it added that the military does have equip. ment to protect lls personnel against chemical warfare. lifcCarthy quoted Flfures, however, whlch 1afd the N1vy purchases only o n e • t e n t h enough atropine, Ule nerve &88 antidote, needed for It! total number of personnel.~ The Defeme Department says stncr .. rety pracUce.i are enforced 1t laboratories where C-8 weapons a r t developed and lelttcl. Jioweve!t a study reported b y Mccarthy 1taled that between Ig&.4 &nd IM2 at Fl Octrlck, ~id., t h e head- quarters for the nation's biologlCaJ l(l:tf'ra:rc rtse:arch J?,COJCam. there were 3,xiG 1c- c1d~nt.s, htl! lnyolvlna: auch 1s .. AllllENAL. r.,, JO , ... _ -. -. • THE BEAUTY OF SUMMER IN HER PRIVATE WORLD A gift o r beeuty , , . as sof t end del ic ate end welcome ti s sum mer itself ... Olqe un derfeshion.s, eternally fem inine, each designed a'i. e per sonol complimen t doy or night: A. "Younq Secret '' shell cup bro for knih, J2.J6 A-8-C . 5.50: "Soft Secret" short log ponti o girdle, S-M·L, 10.00, bot h i~ white. 8. Bro lop gown, genlly shaped with o !eyer of sheerness, pink or equt1, 32-36, l~.00. Not shown: lace cup gown, 18.00. C. Camisol e, stretch strt1ps, wh ite , nude ' ·or blue , S·M·L·XL , 4.50 ; mol ching oll.in·ono pontslip, S-M·L, 7.00. Meil and telephone order s invited. foundtit ions, 19, Sleepwear l ingerie, 2~. Dt1ywear Lingerie, 63. "· I --ell __ ANAHllM ••• N. Euclid ~n.11 If Mo n. fhru Sef. 10 a .m. to '1:10 pin . NIWPOU 47 Fa1hio1t lsl11td 644.1211 • Mo1t, tkru Fri, 10 t .m. to '9 :30 p.M. Stf. 10 •.m. fo 6 p .m. I • ' --:---_ HUNTIN•TON lilCH DAILY PtLOf i> .. 1117 Edi1t9•r A-.e. l9t.Jll 1 Mon. th ru Sat. 10 •·"'· lo 9:)0 pM. .. I \ \ , • I • ·----·--- I . • ! oln. y PILOT EDJ.TORIAL PAGE] The State An Assembly committee's stafl analysb, adtrlitted- ly Incomplete, has suggested Gov. Ronald Reagans' tax retorm program would provide tax rel1ef for upper· incoine families at the expense or those with middle and low incomes. Former Assembly Speaker Jess, Unruh, now A,ssem- bly democratic floor leader, with ~1s .. eye on the gover· norship bas gone farther. He .said 1t com~s very clos.~ to con!iscation and pauperization of the middle class., And of course Reagan's office ~e~po~ed th~~ Unruh J.S "desperately grasping for political_ issues. • Discounting the political motiv.ations of attacks and counterattacks it still is a good idea to look at what the staff of th~ Assembly Committee on Revenue and Taxation has preliminarily reported. As the governor's pro~ram. stands, it calls for a massive shift from the residential pr<>l?erty tax to the income and. sales taxes to finance p~blic school educa- tion-an attempt to provide real relief for the heavily burdened property taxpayer. . . Using certain arbitrary assumpt~ons, the co~m1t lee's staff finds however t.bat a family of four with an income of $8,oOO a year aDd a ~se W!>rth $16,500, could expect to pay $18 more in combined income, sal~ and property taxes under t.he Reagan program than it now pays. . A similar famiJy with an annual income of_ $25,000 and a home worth $41,000 would pay f17 less 10 com- bined taxes than it pays under present law. The $8,000 family would 4a".e a tcUI income tax increase of 876 percent. And the smgle person who rents his home 'vould pay substantial tax increases at all income levels. lf the findings are accurate~ tbe progran_i in it~ present tonn does indeed benefit the weatrthier tax- Tax Hassle payer at the expense of the mJddl~lncome!'citizen.1 But there is hope for greater eqW{y, as well as real relief. Assemblyman W. Craig Biddle, the Republican ftoor leader and author of the governor's tax billJ, said the stall study wu re1 .. sed de spite Its shortcoming• to give people a chance to suggest changes. It appears there'll be no ahot1age of 1ucb auggestloru. As Valid as a $9 Bill The questionable prestige of the office of the Orange County Superintendent of Schools dipped to a new low last week. !Dcredible would dOlcribe the revelation by Supt. Robert Peterson that be bad conducted a survey In barbershops to determine pui>lic sentiment on such topics as the desirabillty of sex education and family life courses in public schools, school busittg and ef:fec~ liveness of local school boards. Under persistent prod\llng by the Orange County Board of Education, Peterson reluctantly revealed he had 1ent questionnaireS to barbershops around the co~~ ty and had received replies from 90 barbers and thell' customers from some 20 shops. •· When members of the county school board ques-- tioned Peterson'! "barber poll" on several obvious deficiencies such as lacking any sampling of women- Peterson complained board members w e re "nil· picking." A less valid, less useful and less representative sample of opinion would be bani to imagine. Peterson's lame attempts to defend this silly venture into opinion sampling have only made matters worse. ·-. I ' . . I ... ., '\. '• ->r \ ,, . ..-.. P'3·~~':-_~·-'!:·-~--. ~~."=" Real Meaning of A Thrilling Battle for 17th Place Student Revolt atad Financial Crisis --- 'Chosen People'· Stepping of{ the plane in Chicago, we were assailed by a high", cold wind blow- ing off the lake. "I see now," said a fellow passenger, "why Chicago Is called the Windy City." But he clidri't see al all. Chicago began being called the Windy_ City for a poUtical not a meteorological, reason. It js only ~bout 35th in wind velocity among U.S. cities -but the name alone con· \•inces \tisilors of its windiness, and thus the myth perpetuates itself indefinitely. J\1llC. THE SAJ\lE happens lo other misnomers that get stuck in the pubUc mind -the most long-term and tragic, perhaps, being the epithet ''The Chose n People," as applied to the Jews throughout history. . The ignorant. and the prejudiced !who are so often the same) imagine that lhis is a name taken by the Jews themselves to signify their superiori ty and t_be~ ravoritism in the eyes of God. But lhis is a blatant misreading of the Bible. IN TltE OLD Testament, the Jews were "chosen" as an example by God, 1 not as a specimen of superiority. They were not favored by Him, but were judg- ed more harshly than other peoples. because they had been given His Word and wen! expected to Jive up ,to it. This was a dreadful burden, more than an unalloyed honor. Jt was like a school principal picking one pupil out of a class and saying: "You understand lhe rules here. I! you follow them. and behave ' ; yourself, and act as a good example for the others, I'll see that you get high grades and are taken care of. If not, then I'll punish you as an example· to the others of what will happen to them." , AND THE oi,o Testament. of course, is full of such punWunents. Rather than the Bible being a demonstration, or vin- dication, of the Jews' obedience to God, it is a candid and bumble recording of their transgressiou, their follies, their falling away from the Covenant. Unlike .m<?st historical books, which show the nation in the best possible light, tt~e Old Testament includes all lhe diatribes of the Hebrew Prophets, who castigated the lsraelltea for failing to live up to God's es:- pectations. "I will vislt all your 'Iniquities upon you," God is quoted as saying, by Amos -and it is this sense of belng re1poulble to God that has shaped the Jewish character, even among those, who no longer consciously believe it. Being "chosen," for whatever reason, can be a scarring and even deforming experience -jusl contemplate the reaction of the other children in lhe school toward the one who is arbitrarily selecled to be the model! The day the Covenant was drawn up was the first day of antl-SemHlsm. Saga of 'C annon Kings' The first Krupps came out ot the German forests in lhe 16th Century, and ever since an aura of grim mysticism has shrouded members of this dynasty. The saga of the legendary "cannon kings" of Essen from Prussia's victory over France in 1871 to their use of slave labor and operation of concentration carhps during the Second World War is a dark Teutonic tale of \\'agnerian proportions, and one which apparently fascinates American readers. Jn spite of its price ($12.50), William !\1anchester's "The Anns of Krupp, 1587 -1968," published last October, remains prominent on national best-seller li sts. Jt has passed the 70,000 mark (plus another 200,000 copies clistributed by the l.iterary Guild), and there is no evidence that interest in it is slackening. TIUS IS HEARTENING to ~fanchester who spent seven yeara researching and ''Tiling his dramatic version of the djabolical Krupp story. Jie put U aside during the three years he worked on lhe Kennedy book, "The Death of a President." When the Krupp project wa~ published, M•nchestcr found it stirred' almost ax much <:onlroversy as the Ken· D<dy book. ~--By 6eof11e ---, . 1>P.v G(!O('gr: • Do you thlnk l flhoold teoJJ my wife 1boul other ~irll I've loved, or keep lt to myself'! W.O. Dear W. O.; No. your wire wlll catch you with one ot them soon enough v.·ithout you hell'fnl her. ' CONFIDENTlAL TO MAYOR LfNDSA Y OF NEW YOHK CITY: Oon'l Jet pelty, UUlt problem., throw you . Tear tt d_own and ~tart O\'et'. So in two works this tall, quiet-spoken writtt to whom literary fireworks might seem intolerable, has created more heated debate than just about any other aulhor of his time. Loudest howls over the Krupp came f r o m Gennany, where the book w a s originally banned (it has since been released). The difficulty, Manche11ter said; came Crom a faulty translation which frequently twisted his meaning ft and added words, phrases and in· terpretations not in his or i g i n a 1 manuscript. EVERYONE 1N 1-DS generation was "scarred" by. the Nazi experience; that portion o{ his book which focuses on the late Allrled Krupp ·and the tirfu's role in the Hitlfl: war economy, is anti· Nazi, not anti-GermRn. Opinion jn the Federal Republic tended to ignore this dlstlnction. ~fanchester sees no evidence of neo. Naz.ism in Gennany. Ile has a theory t h a t Soviet Russia will make a d e 1 I, urging unification ol the two Gerrnany1 If the Bonn government abandons NATO. The United Stale.'! will have nothing bei.ter to offer and, Manchester feels, Bonn will leap to the offer which will make 1 united Germany, without a military machin!, the great Europe211 industrial complex. NOW BETWEEN. books, Manchester is teaching a course in nonfiction prose at Wesleyan University. Good nonfiction prose. with its counterpc>tnt and lltttll)' style, is. he feels, a 20th Century 11.rl form -Barbara Tuchman '! history, for example: the wt>rk of Alan Morehead, or 'Villiam L. Shirer end others. WllU1m 1101111 • ''Well, folk.!, here we are in the bottom of the riinlh tn the list ganie of today'• thrilling triple header between the Wenatchee Weasels and the Pelmiar Pelicans -the major leagues' two newest expansion teams. "Ball one. "The Weasels and the Pelicans have been waging a pretty thrillina: battle for 17th place tn the new North-by-Northeast Section of I.be Sotithwestern Division. And we've been treated to some pretty thrill· ing baseball bere today. Eighteen hours ol ll. "The Weaseb faced the usual ban· dica-p5 of any n'ew ball club trying lo field a team this year -primarily flllding nine meQ who knew lhe rules of the game. uBUT THEY'VE come on strong behind lhe brilliant pitching of Little Bobby Breadlowe. Bobby's shown us a lot of stuff out there on the mound today. He's got a smooth, easy, underhand de- livery. And he manages · to gel them across the plate. Usually on the first bounce. No wonder the experts predict a brilliant future for him in the majors af. ter he turns 1%. "Wait! 1 think he's going to throw .another pitch! No he's going for tht resin bag, Keeps it in his locker, you know. Gives him a chance to stretch his legs between pitches. "But Bobby faces the top of the Peli can batting order here in the ninth : Cheetah, the crowd-pleasing African shortstop; Hennan Stermwanger; and Bub~les Ballou, the topless third baseman. "CHEETAH'S generally recognized as the most brilliant lead-off chimpanue in eilher league. Bats left or right, sometimes both. And Herman really gets around those old base paths pretty damed well for a man of 87. Bubbles is only hilting .032 ao far this season, but she denies she's in a slump." "If I started to slump" she says, "I'd be tired." . ''And she really draws the crowds. Speaking of crowds, maybe this V.'Oukl be a good time -while we have a few minutes between pitches -to talk about all thooe prophets of doom who say our national pastime is on the skids. "SURE. J\IAJOR league attendance has been dropping at the rate o( a million a year. But It's certainly not true we've got more players on the field than people in the stands. 111ere's easily twice as many in the stands here today. "t guess you can credit that lo Pelicans' Manager Suede Shoe.!i Snively. •le not only fields an interesting team, but he's introduced some innovation! to thrill lhe fans -like the big scoreboard that dynamites itself when there's an Cl· citing moment on the field . "And baseball's filleh-.with Ciciling moments. Why, we had one""'11iere only four·and-a haU hours qo when Bubbles lofted one over the left.field fence. Snive- ly, u you know, his moved the fenct In to actommodate her. But thtre's ltill 11 good thttt feet or running room behit'ld third bw. "HOLD ON TO your hall, faml Bobby's aolng to pitch again. There 1oes the ball towan:I the pl11te. Chtttah tenses. The crowd.'• coming awake. WM-... say~ baseball isn't thrillinJ? "Bill two." Two P!!ohltml-8 Along wilh the problem of rebellioua students, many of the nation's coHeges and universities are suffering a financia1 bind -and the two troubles are not unrelated. The budget stringency was highlighted recently ·by the proffered resignation of the president of City College, a part of the vast, 165,QOO.sludeot City Universi· ty of New York. In a fiery letter, President Gallagher denounced as un- believably stupid the budget cuts he charged had been decreed by both the state and the city. He said they would lo~ the university to admit no freshman class next September, term 1 n ate graduate work and scrap plans for black and Puerto Rican studies. , WELL, r.1A YBE it is all very terrible. But it needs to be remembered that New York State and City, like a lot of other governmental entities, are themselves in a financial crisis. Taxes of every description go up relentle9Sly -just the other day the combined New York City and State sales tax hit six cents on the dollar -and .still the authorities can·t get enough. Some of them are even beginning to fear that the taxpayer may be turning into the proverbial stone from which little more can be squeezed, at' least without grave social and economic danger. The main reason for the crisis is of course that the states and localitie3 (and the federaJ government as well) have been trying lo do much too much with far too tittle thought to the con- sequences of their undertakings. THE RELATIVE generosity of Ne\V York's welfare payments has betn a factor in the huge inflw: of people from f t the rural South and Puerto Rico. That influx in turn has swelled the welfare rolls and brought welfare costs to the breaking point. To some extent the children of the new residents have con· tributed to the bulge in lhe -schools and to the schools' financial plight. At the same time New York . state over the past decad~ or so ·has ~n financing an ambiliOU!' expansion of its institutions of higher learning, adding campus after campus to ils state university (also a nationwide trend ). In many ~·ays it is an excellent thing, aiid certainly a college education for all who are capable of it is a noble aspiration. \'ET THE UNDERLYING assumption is that practically every young person ls in fact capable of absorbing higher education. This assumption accounts for the various current proposals to make college education free for everyone. The assumption is the fault of no one in particular; the whole social structure, including for ces as disparate as the business community and the peculiarities · of the draft·, has come to place an excessive value on a college education. Unfortunately but inevitably the noble aspiration collides with some of the Jess agreeable aspects of human nature, and we get a number or people in college who simply have no business being there. Either they lack lhe intellectual equip- ment or, however smart, fail to lln· derstand the meaning and purpose or a university. CERTAINLY TIIERE are justified grievances among their numerous con1· plaints; notably college administrations have generally taken inadequate account of social, economic and psychological changes since World War II.· But students misread the concept of college when they insist that they -by nature transients -shOuld in effect run the institution, which is permanent. And they forfeit all sympathy when they embark .. on person and property damaging ram· pages. Lately a good many .administrations have shown a commendable stiffening of attitud~ toward such · displays, but some of the concessions already made and continuing are ilJ-afjvised. That ill especially true of , the whole notion ot lowering standards so that still more students' can be accepted. It is a disservice to education and to the students; insofar as it is rheant to benefi t Negro and "disadvantaged" s.tudenls, it is also a disservice. 'to them to ·thus ·deprive them ~f educational quality. · AS TJl1S COUNTRY is somewhat prone to do, it haS. taken the attractive idea of mass higher · education · and gone Overboard with it. The answer, if any can be : fourid, Ought to start with a comtnon·sense realization that, for the sake of the future society, cduc~tional standards should be maintained, the cor· ollary being that higher education i! not automatically suitable for all. Meantime it is hardly surprising that colleges and universities find themselve" simult.aneoUs ly-racked by financial crisis and student revolt. Wall Street Journal Our Ever-growing Military WASH INGTON -An Air Force veteran named Abner J. Mikva is pro- posing to his fellow congressmen a plan \\·hereby the American armed services might possibly elect to become fighting units instead of unshapely bureaucracies. Rep. Mikva's plan is. quite simple but, in order to understand why he is pro- posing it, it is first necessary to consider history. First in 19'«, "•hen there were 1% million American! under arms,, the Peo· lagon had 30 percent fe\li·er emp~o~es than it does now -for only 3.5 million men. Second, we are the only nation in the world which would consider building - and, in fact , has built-a mini·Pentagon, known in military vernacular aa Pen- tagon East, at a cost of $50 million, in order to house the generals and their staffs who are directing a guerrilla war in Vietnam. THF.SE t'ACTS in turn illustrate the problem or what the military call.!J ihe "division slice.'' The ttivision slice Is t.he number of men In the front lines a.~ compared to the Dear Gloom y Gus: Those,mlnibikes are a real mena« on public streets. They 'Should have their own off.street "raceways.1' -R. S. T. '~•• lt1tur• nll«'<t •'tde.,. ""'*'-,.,.. fttC•lltrllY ni.14 tf "'°' M•N'I .......... l'Wr HI , .. ,.. It' ."''"' GUlo 0111., •tiff, • l ~_.,.... ..,..-~~~ ..,..., "" . . l .. l\fa~lci,e~k'z , ' ~tr ~ and, Braden:' I • .. ·-~~-.-. , ' J number who back them up. We present!f put fewer forces in the front lines in pro- portion to support troops than any other nation. In the Army, for exam.ple, 1t is about one to three. The one is a !JOldier in a front-line division, many of whom, for that matter, are never called upon to fight. The three, Yiho will never hear a shot fired in anger, are clerks, secretaries, PX salesmen. soldiers who pull targets for the National Rifle Assn., and soldiers who rake the generals' yards. The circle is closed with the equivalent of the Pentagon·and·a·halr lhat has been built or purchased in this clly In order to house the overflow of soldi rii who arc 1 doing office work . , r.tJK\1A IS pr<J!Sosing an open-ended plan l\'hich will enable the military to unstrangle Itself tf it wishes. He would cut mi1itary manpower by 10 perttnt and leave it to the Defense Department to figure oot where. He point.. out that we have 1 lot of men In 1 lot fJ places. For example, thtte are still 40,000 men ln Japan and 40,000 mort on Okinawa. There are 93,000 In Western Europe, ex· elusive of Germany where U\tte are 228,000. There are U .000 In tht: Canal 1.one, Puerto Rk:o and Guantanamo. In short, about hall the lol1t U.S. military II b as e d or 1eabome outsidt the United States. J.756 million, 111 told -le5s than half of them In VlelnAm. The cost of ("Js unttorrned nu1npo\vl'r, 11.ccord lng to ~1lkva, ls '11.'ell O\'er half the $81 btlUon· Pentagon budget. If Congress adopte(J M,va·s proposal of a 10 percent cut, Mr. Nixon could lower hJs budget by more than $4.5 billion. IT IS ,OF COURSE, unlikely. Early in the 1950s Congress set a st.atutory ceiling on the anned services and · each two or four years since Congress has suspended the ceiling as automatically as it raise' the permissible budget deficit. At first, Congress gave reason.-., though very . general ones. Thus, in 1954, lhe House Armed Services Committee declared that it "·as "obviouS'' that we needed an ann• eel force or 2 million men. In 1957 the reason for suspending thti ceiling was again caUed "obvious," and in 1959 it ll'aS "vital to t)te continuation or the American way of life." Since then no reason at all has been offered. The ann- e<' services have continued to grow. ' By Frank M1nlde•lt1 and Tom Br1de1 -""""I-- Monday, May 5, 1969 The editorial i;wioc of the Doil?J Pilot 1eek.! to inftmn and 1Cim- ulaie readers bu pre:enting thu newspaptr's opinions and com- mentary on topici of intere1& a11d significancr., blf providing ti f orUm for the c:tpressiO"n of our readers' opinions, and bv prtse11tin11 the diverse view-. pointi of i11fo rmed ob1ervers and ipokesmcn on topics of tht day. Robert N, Weed , Publisher -· l l CHECKING . ·• '91P • -____ ,;_--<---' Hrt:vuig.· Baby Wa s Monkey Business Ro1na1tla Getting ·Ow11 Way? • • LONDON (UPI) Russin has reluctantly agreed lo tolerate Romania's demands for complete independence. 'rilhin the Sovjet bloc in order to avoid anoUier Cze<:boslova- ·kia-lYpe invaslont East Euro- pean diplomatic sources said today. "• The sources said th e By L M. BOYO ot which think lt appropriate Kremlin has warned Roma- OUR NAME GAME MAN . their wives each entertain nian leaders the Soviet Union insists no woman over age-67 several lovers. Our Love and' \\'ill not tolerate any moves by is named Aedllne ... IS IT \Var man ls looking into the ··~ TRUE that Feter Paul Candv matter to determine whether their country to w1u1draw ~ from the· Warsaw Pac: t company seve ral weeks ago the matrimonial life of the Toda'i ailiance. :;topped making Walnettos '! is generally .happy or sad as a Unable to bud.JJe Nleolae Incredible! •.. J UKE THIS result thereof. · "' caption in search of 8 cartoon: Ceausescu, the stolid Rom8· 1 MAGIC A ti l nian leader, from his -flrm "Keep the baby, Faith." . . • . -mong ie n1os stand, the Kremlin has decid'.' lF YOU WANT to crack black-baffling of magic tricks \Yas . I t .-l r that ru·11• b·11 of bu··iness e<l to. acquiesce rather than \Ya nu s u1e easy way, r~ze J ~ them first. ... IT JS A COM-wheerein Harry Houdini stop· risk a showdown that could l\10N BroadWay contention ped his pulse. Doctors out of ass U·m e Cz~choslovak-type lhat the ideal showg'trl should his audience with fingers on proportions. be 5-f!!Ot--§lh inches tall. his wrists-shook their heads in The gist or recent diplomatic wonderment. When Houdini an(( mi Ii tar Y consultations J\1ATERNniY -When this chose to concentrate on the betwecn1the· Soviet Union and wife at'the age of 38 still bore matter, he claimed, he could its allies is that so long · as no oUspring, her doclor ad· make his heart stanil still. He Romania remains within the vised her to buy an infant couldn't, tho. What he did \Vas Re_d 'aligtunent, Mosrow will monkey. He said i;uch a press down hard on rubber tum a blind eye o n monkey would.require diaper-balls hidden in his armpits. Ceausescu's "antics," the ing and bottle feeding, and sources said. those chores would do 1 much CUSTOMER SERVICE: Q. However, \he Kremlin has for the lady's frame oE mind, "What's your vote on the be st left no doubt that it will not relaxing her possibly even so month. for weather?" A· toleraJe in _any circumstances greatly as to allow her to bear Maybe May, it's hard to say, <111ything amounting to Roma· a child. 0 So I did as directed," As old Earl r-.1arl:itt said, May nian "defection" from the she writes, "and a year taler, is that monlh the world was camp. last autwnn, my husband and made. I don't care much for The Kremlin evidently has t had -our first baby, a August. In August, everything bowed to Ce au s es cu' s beautiful daughter." that's supposed to stic k determined posture in the togetl1er comes apart and hope ''things will not get out of HOW LONG does it take you everything that's supposed to hand." lo brush your teeth? f-low come ~part sticks together. The Soviet leadership does tn~ny strokes do you ~se? One October is probably the best. not ,vant another bloc crisis, 1n1nute and_ a half 1~ about You get those northers then lo ;dthough militarily it would be average. With approximately flutter up the color and snap no problem for Russian tanks ~.._l.59. ~k~ Or so---1JJ.n tQld._______£ames...inlo the air th~t maKC!b-:ot;; q~erAm-&emania~ Ilard to check ~ out· you want to romp around the The result of this "cmn· personally: The habit C-Om~s landscape and get it done, promise " according to the unraveled 1{ you think about. it. whatever. ~urces.' amounts to this: .. IN INDIA UVES a tribe A REMARK Ro · h 1·• d t called the Toda th h b d _, 'The other -manta as p ""ge o s, e us an s night a friend named Orville remain in the \Var.~a\v Pact Peace Corps Cont1·ihutes To .Deficit WASHINGTON (AP) -The General Accounting Office says the Peace Corps is con· tributing to the n a t i o n ' s balance of payments problem by paying . return fares to some volunteers in dollars in- stecid of in available excess foreign currencies. The C-Ongressiona l agell,C'y f'aid volunteers serving in Ceylon, InWa, MorocC{l and Tunisia could be provided transportation home at virtually no cost to the govern· ment -and wilh no hann to the payments deficit -if ex- cess currencies available in paid his check, winked at the and to cooperate \\'ilh it. but redhe,aded cashier -a pretty strictly within the provisions thing, she was -then said to of the alignment which pro- me on the way out , "She used vide for joint action agaiMl to cowit on her fingers until aggression from outside the she learned to count on her bloc, but not against any of legs." Glib character, Orville. the bloc members. TIME Dwight n . -Roinania re mains op. Eisenhower was internationally posed t~ bloc maneuvers on renowned long before half the her tcrr1t~ry! but may. agn:e people alive today were even to some h~1ted exercl!les 1n born. And ye~. as one wire areas spec1f1ed by her. These service . obituary stated, "He arc understood to be away was virtually unknown until frortt .the Yugoslav border. after he was 50 years old." -Ron:iania firmly ;ejects Might remember that, inister, the doctrine. "P ~ o c I a 1 m ~ d if you are a fellow in your 40s, rece~Uy by Sovtet party chief wondering whether fame and Leonid I. Brezhnev, o f, fortune have passed you by, "lif!lited -soyereig":ty" f. or Anything can happen. social countnes, which claims Moscow's right to intervene Your questions and com· Yltents are we/.Comed and will be used wherever pos- sible i11 "Checking Up." Address mail to L. M. Buyd, in care of the DAILY PILOT, Box 1875, Newport Beach, Calif., 92663. · when it sees fit: ~ Finally, Roinania rejects the idea·· of economic in- tegration with bloc nations within Comecon (the Council for Mutual Economic Coopera· tion), the Conµnun ist Common Market. those countries were used. ---------------------- More than 1,200 volunteers serve in those countries. The Associaed Press reveal· ed in February 1968 that the Peace Corps was distributing $3 million a year to volunteers for return fares without taking any precatllions to insure the expenditures did not con- tribute to the dollar drain. ONE ELEMENT The GAO report covered one r,Jement of this problem -the faJlure to us" several fore ign curr~ncies Which the United States has accumulated in vast amounts through sales of agricyltural goods. These cur· rencies cannot be exchanged for dollars. The GAO said the Peace Corps transporlation policy contributed $182,000 to I.he dollar drain in India alone during one 17·monlh period. Fonner Peace Corps Oirec· lor J{lck H. Vaughn told the r.AO the policy was justified because for most volunteers, ''the only significant op. portunity to fulfill the C{lll· gressional purpose of ac· quiring knowledge and un- derstanding or countries and peoples other than those they actually serve will be in the course of their return to the United States." • The GAO said return travel "''ould not be e's sent i a 11 y limited if the volunteers were given , government t r a v e l vouchers paid for in foreign currencies rather than cash. NO DIRECTOR The AP sthry last year pointed out tht1t returning • volunteers are ~nder no direc· tion to use U.S. Airlines where: Plan on a really -· carefree summer •.. start with a treasure perm 9.98 " HAIR FA.OSTIN&-_.:.:....14.88 complete Shampoo and. set • • • . • . • • $3 (Mon., T-. and W• 'only) w. a,.etoli• lft tM ecn of Wtc. """' NO APPOINTMINT NICIS5.U'I' POssible on their government· financed trav~. Use or foreign r.arriers in place of American lines contributes to t h c balance of payments deficit. lr-----------"---------~-~I •• Although government rrilployes arc required lo fiy lJ.S. carriers where possible. flULLlltTOlf Or•f!Pf•lr CMflrt ,,,. floar, 11'14U HUHTllfGTON 9fl(tf MUl!tf~f!On (~I~• z,,a floor. Jn. nn ffi\llPOltf ll•<M FP.IMl•lllld ,,,., ttoor. "4·11':\l the govemmtnt (ID an c e sl'::=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=~I Jnllllons of dollars in other1r t r a v e 1 without safeguards ngainst Its contributing to the balant-e of pa)'ments dcrlcit Soma agencies Ughtencd prt> t:l':dures last year aller the problem "·as publicized. ., DIMES TO DOlLARS Sr•".j di11"111, "'~~. doll10. e.11 •~Z-5671 ... for '"l wilh I ll i"· ••Pt1"i~1, 1t.•r1.fir1 O;.tLY PILOT Oi"'•·•·li"' 1 , • • ,. FASHION P LACE .. ';'I "'11n<f,:Y. Pliy 5. '196t ' FashiOn~-favorites .•. mc,ck turtlenecks .•. cQrdigans· Collared cardigans, si ngle or do uble·breasted, of bulky acrylic, with the laok of a coat, and short slHVed mock turtleneck ac,Y- lic slipovers .-. • the sma.rtest, newest"look In sportswear( A. Attractive notch collared cardigan in w!i ite, aq 11.a or beige, to stretch your wardrobe beou!ifully. Sizes 36-l!O. $11 · , SiH142-46 .............. •12, B. Ne,~•long double breasted bl~zerstyle i~white or navy .;,' takes beou!ilully to skirts and panh. Sizes S-M-l. $12 C. Junior ·m~k turtle·short sleeve slipover with contrasting trim .•. whit•/noY'f /red, navy/white/red," natura l/brown/yellow, notaral/green/)l'll~ow. Si zes 3"-40. $5 I llKE IT ••• CHARGE ITt "' . ... . ... . "' ~ •.. -. .. ----·· ....~ .. ' • • • • r U.S. I .E·Judge Hits :~·Separatism . ' ' I I I I I ,.1 NEW ORLEANS (UPI) - l'lle lint N .... julllce ol tbe ·i U.S. Supreme Court uld Sun- day "anor<IJJ II lllSCby II anarchy." "IL makes no difference who · practices It," said ANOcltie Justice Thurgood Marshall. "It ls bad, it Is punishable and it should be punbhed." fl.1arshall, referrtna: to hinuelf.11 a Negro and not a "black mai," denounced black mililanta and aaid "ootbine "'ill be seUkd with gunit, firebombs and rocU. "It's time for I.he good thinking people to realiu thal black se paratism b r e e d a. nothing," Manha1l ~Id an over f 1 ow, predonunantly_ Nt>gro crowd at D 111 a r d Univenity's ant.ennlal cele- bration. "Some or us old folks here can remember when a pro- poial was made to 11ve ~s a sla!A!, and who pro. pcied it?" Marshall asked the crewd. "The CommUn1Jt par- ty, that's who, 80 that's nothing new." / Marshall, who rote to pro- minence as qirldcr-oOunsel of the NAACP Legal Defense and FAucational Fund, aald while h• believed blaek ,.., lndffd Tr,,.,,. Topp•-s beautifu1, he did not agree .:;;.c-1-C ~:!~~~only color that \Vorld famous \Vawona Tunnel Tree, a t.ourist ~at· "It think we Negro traction for 88 years, is no more. A road-cfearing Americans have just u many crew in Yosemite National Park found at the week- beauti!ul people in mind and end that the tree had topPled over. Tree wu 234 feet body, '6: well as skin, as any tall and estimated to be 2,000 years old. other groups and tflat we have ....c=-.:::...:...:. _______ .:..._ ________ I just as many slinker.s u IIIY other group," he said. "Certainly so far u race prob!~ and minority tllhll- go. the problems are,-not yet solved and I have l)O l~a when they will be,'' the jUJUce \ said. "Sure we're frustrated. There probably isn't a m a n viorth his salt who Isn't, but we can't look for t.he solutions in suddenly planned actiorur f<r the sole purpo11e of getting on TV." He said "The seeds (of anarchy) are here, but nothing wW. be set.tied with guns, firebombs or rocks. The coun-trY can ·1 survive I f the perpetrators go unpunished. lt's that simple. N_egro Makes ·Demands At NY Church Service NEW YORK (UPI) -A goateed Negro leader in- terrupted services at the fam· ed Rlver1Jde Church Sunday to read dmands for massive financial contribuUons to the predominantly w h i t e con- gregation. gregation to help hla organiza· tion perauade other churches acroq the ceuotry to c - tribute to ~e t500 mllllon t.he NBEC aays relt1Jous in- IUtuUOnJ should pay J o ~erican Ne1roes ls "r1paratlons." '"We auure you that U theM demands ar1 not met, thl Harlem community will be&ln Boy Bitten • By Spider .Succumbs CLEVELAND !UPI) Todd Quester, S, of Amherst, Ohlo, bitten by a deadly brown recluse spider three weeks ago, died Sunday alter lying in a deep coma for two weeks. The boy's physician, Dr. ?tlichael Wald, listed the cause of death as "cardiac arresl." He said tes1.I Wete being made to d~ ., Whether the spider bite WU ~ a "con- tributlat cause of death/1 but added be doubled n colld have been the main cause, Actording to a spokntian for B ab i e s' and Chlldren'1 Hoopllal here, Todd died "qWet.ly'' wltb his pareatl and his dodon at_ his bedlide. He scttd tbt boy never rea;lintd consck>umeu. An anU-vmom auum wu flown by comme-rclal alrllner from a bu.Ith cUn!c ln Sao . Paulo, Bra.ii.I, to New York Ci- ty and then by air force jet to Cleveland April 24. Braiil ls the only source CJ! t h e medicine. Alta • 1tries CJI hourly ·in· jectlona, the youth staged a brief rally and then slipped in-- to a deeper coma. Because we don't fly from Orange Coo~ PSAcansave you$5.64 round trip to , San Francisco. Orange County fares are higher now except on PSA. That's because we don't fly from there. Consider Instead L, A..-San Francisco for $13.50 plus tax eactrway. 900 fllghts a week. All jets .. Lowest air fares. Call your travel agent and save a Uttle son1::hing. PSA gives }'OU a lift. ' :c:::t .. k""'_.. .... 'ltl ....... --- DIAMOND EARRINGS{ Diamond stlld 11trinp set bewitchingly In f pure 14K IOI<!. Guaranteed to bring out the devil '" every man! 1996 otllara fflm :zt.15 to 215. ---. ' -CHMGI If AT YOUR HHHIY'S '1HI JfWILRY DfPARfMfNf PULLlltTON HUNTINOTOH II.I.CH HIW,OltT II.ACM Or•no.t•lr C1n1tr Hun1lnt~ C•n11r F11tilon 11111111 H1rDW II Or1 .... 1th0r11 EGln11r 11 MltArlhlll' 11 ''' C1I H..,. ••11 Oleeo FWY. --Don.{t 1niss-our -great seleetiMr ···~~:· of gifts for Mom on her day ! 7pc.-- MI, the ptr'9ct gift .... -. ._., .. _. $4 ' to take &PPf'OP.rl1te •ct1on, for 'l1t• Lfty 511111111 is 1 ptff9Cf t.W• helper. The Salton bun Wanner U.,. ..._,. rolls, • -"Black studies and African eWt.ure, sure," l\laz:ah,tll told iJle: Negro students, ubut only black studies and African cul- blre, no." James Fonnan, an cfficlal of the small mllltant National Black Economic Conference (NBEC), d<manded !O percent of the chureh's annual income, free ofHct space a n d telephones and funds from pension and investment p~ grams. no chun:h bu a rl&hl to •list --' $8 •nd mvlllns """ fml>. 9.95 • Slonn>, '"""""'" or av-•· ___ .:..:.::.:...-1-------"--------1! it cannot be rerponsive to ..:,• ____ .:..,,-----;;----.:.._-+-----; 1 j Ptfarstlall urged the youn1 Negroes to seek an education lQ_ &ain leadership. "You're oot going to com-pete in the world unUl you hne training just l i k e ev'1)'one else and hopefully betttt, because when you're Nf;ro. you've got to be bet- ter." .. ~1ayor John V. Lindlay ex- pressed shock to day at the disruption o( the ch u r c !\. service and urged ttllgious leaders tn call police lf such incidents occur ln future. Forman asked the t'On- the needl ol Ult bla~ people," he 11Jd. Llndlay said In an early- moming statement that he will advise reli&ious leaders at a meeting lhla \•leek tln "the procedures they s~ou\d follow when faced with the threat of 'intimidation." Shop at home! ..... • •••l•hM ... .... .. """.......... . ........ , .... .. CALL Col LICT (7'14) 523-6511 -• • .. SAVE 50" 0n Ol&lr ..,,.,,._ lfipc:ovw Wtric: for a Hmil9d time only _ .. __ 'Mt.._,..,.......,., ....... ,....,.,._.Wwia.._,... ................ --. ... -.,_., ....... it • ....... ---tor beciut*vf --~ ....... ~ far ,_& .....,._ .. ,.-.. .. ottrvctW .Mr1ian crf ........ Giid IOU color .......... ....,. ..-1ow.....,,,.. ...... &M 1 ""' IT"• CH.UGI Jlt ow 2~ •· d1002tlfitre ..,,... ... •""" ....,U2••M any Jdtcheft. $13 _. "I • a.11 love one of our 1 qt. copper tea ~ ...... 1 .. her kltd.... $9 CANOGA PARK FULLERTON I , . Ch•fi~ dbh w~ troy ;., ,...im, ....,_' I sweet er 1voc"ia0 vrnn. $15 ·~· ... HUNTINGTON BEACH LAKEWOOD ,,--• t Sho'll --. :r:'.!:.f Gt..e fw puda ·~ 3.50 °"' ...... .-~, ..... ., . ...... -... . . her oloy1 $10 , . Ow __. J2 ............... .. •·-'I-. ...i, -• .,.._, • $17' ,,..,., ........... ., ..,.. wy :r::· .... -.w.-no.I....... .. ,..,. wood. S4 .. $14 NEWPORT BEACH VE~RA I Mondi)', M17 !, 1969 • Agnew Has Tu~ned Out to Be Anything ·But ·a Malaprop I 17 MEJUl1MAN SMJTll we'ro tryq Uke bell." UM!ln wldlln the c 11 y in f"'en\ll)elll except the ""'· should be a oo-c&lltd "wet" tlle Seute. youth at ~. won • .. u~GTON (UPI) ~ !<----cqrophlc: llmlU -and tlle7 Pl'Olident. -Oleim>an cl a tMk lorce NASA. -,Special R e p u b I i c a n Agnew, worklnc ilb • 4bor w~, . ( cooce.rnllt, fedtnl·•tate. have '°' to involve the &tiatta Ei~r by Nixon auigru:neot on directlon ot the U.S. tpaee I --a.l.nnao of •·n j~ 9 Gait.leal dll1Jm1e.1ts con-~ George 'Shciltt .. Vlca Prealdent Spiro T • local rdalleu) •••fthe-r local (wburban) or •~tote, /@>w llM,.,among prcgr1111, maaoecl .and . un-t r-lal -.nillee junc<IV< wl(li GOP Natlonal h>o met ~with Uie youth "-• ofter more ' then ·100 "The 1hmc I ·hove the moot goverm><nts, too." others, -mponalblllUes : mamod, wllh a portlcular •Je Oii ~ worka chalrmal ftos<rs -C:-B . coordinalorl of lhe JitaJor .i.,. In the -cl the -With It tryln& to -By law, he I! president of )o cool and performance pro-and proj«U, 'l'hll fl-lhe MorlQI. "I hive been preU1 citi,. and heeled up the•Sum· pw:a' • 'Q', bas turned out to persuade tbe mayor1 cl the ft)' does Aanew fed ao the Senate. He tpend!J two or jection. Urbln Affairs CoancU .. oC bwly It tills," says Agoew. mu Youth Opportunity Off~. be _,,..~ but the malanrop eltJ .. -tile bl& clU.. -ii ,,,,_ lbciut to maoy pro-lhroe bQurs Id~ at bis job ---OlalnnoD of the Mar!Ume wllich he Is vice chafmW, -Heading up tlle Youtbs b1 addition lo wrltirc all ...,_ < that H theJ are going to cure b!Oms! •· atrange job lO hlni since he &1..-Council wllll u Im· -P u 1 h In c th e· a d· Coordination COlinnluee, the ROVetlJOl'S aboot wi14!.,. lhe wbo 1Wam into ~cal hot the prot>lema of the cities, Far ooe thine, he wurs had never participated before portarit ass I g nm en t ~ mhUtradon's A'B M Ctn-Gniaiatratkln label rot its federal government is ~ina wlter durhlg the 1961 carp. -the-'-y_are __ no1 _ _,goq._,._to"--c"""';;..;.._;m.;..ior_•_hals _____ 1_bol_ul __ aey-'--ma-n __ ln_lhe;__.::,.;;.;tlon&l==·=· c;lotl=••;:_::,J>l'O-;,;___;;;-=•,;;•;;;linq=,__.;..w;;.hetb=er'---'lh"-"";;.•;__,;;tlballistic;:<·==.::n;;; ... ;;;·;;;ile;.:)_,pr;;.Oll';:,:,..,='.;;ln;;.•...;;.Olll>"=';....;ft!ori=.;._to:;_,;;teep=-=ne.ed=y'-.::"'c.do=. -----~·_.· ~ paign beea:D&e he w a ,. - inPrioul Ind talked coJ. Joquloll)'. Wullinlfm, a generally uipidot!I town, p r o b a b I y know• 1ms about this man ttMm moat pnmklem. ad- m!r*Vation .......,, except, pomibly, the President bimoell. Unlike his bose. the vice pr<Sident bu • kidding eeme: fl bwnor, a blows- lrodlng ...... of banter, but a( the same time he can be a man of towering dignity. 'SPIRO WHO' He was governor o f M1r1Jand wfien Nhloo selected him as bis running mate last wmmer, _Jeadi:ng to _ such political wise<:racks as "Spiro Who?" Neither man would admit it, but the relationship between Nixon and Agnew today is closer than ·that enjoyed by Nixon as vice president when Dwight D. Eisenhower was cb.ief executive from 1953 througt 1960. Furthermore, Agnew's total preseoce in the executive branch is considerably larger than was Nixon 's c i r c a El!eMcrwer -and the current Presldent wants it that way. 'The vice president, \ike Nix- m, regards the importaoce at- tached to the first 100 days in office. primarily as something involved I a r g e·I y with members d.. Congress and the ·--W~Jrres.1 . corp.!!. Agnew prefen: to regard this passage oi time, as well as the adm.ini'ltratim record since Jan. 20, a.s "The First Quarter" <l a')'ear, rllX a focX. ball game. SOUND START They know their record with Cmgress, country and the world is yet to be made and they think they have made a good, soundly based start. Political critics think they may have been hypcrcautious and slow. After 10 days, Agne\v sees hDme2I as having three major problems: cont inuing in-job training for a position more complicated than m<iny people realize ; erasing his own stumblefoot image from the cam~gn whicli he, surpris- ingly, candidly admits; and convincing govern<>rs a n d mayors that urban problems have-an interlocking rela- tionship, as well as that with the federal government. • . ... .. .. . -· . In .this age of gimcracks an·cJ _ chrome, .. ~··· ... is there a place for a car so masterfully engine-ere-~ ' ...... that 90 percent of its value is invisible? ' ' .. .. .,. Yesterday·s dreamboats had enormous tail 6ns. Today, it's fastbacks, racing stripes, and wall-to-wall chrome grilles. Obviously, tl\ere are millions every year who are willing to buy a car that's "in vogue"~en though they know newer gimcracks and styling quirks will soon erode. their investment. But Mercedes-Benz. refuses to play the"planned obsolescence" game. At Mercedes-Benz, iron·willed mgineers, not stylists, rule the roost. And they insist on putting value where they think it belongs: at the Juart of their machines. That's wily Mercedes-Benz motor cars can. cost anywhere from about $4,600 to $27,000 without, to some tastes, "looking'.!' it. Form follows func ti on . ' Merce·des•Benz thinks s·o. , .. •t·•· .. .. ....... .. "'· Revealing showroom tests . ' RUft a finger along the body ot - th"e 250. No" orange peel" texture. Sli.ff·• in and open the glove compartmerl~ .. Fully tritnzned. Close the cat dooi.1 ~ !<...:hunk. ' • Now Rex your back. This is rib marshmallow seat. It supports yaa; ... -·" mile after mile. 1t should: it was de. • .,.,.J signed with the guidarice of orthope.... die phy.!!idans. · Crank tlie window and &ddte"~ with some knobs. "Everything worked' with delightful precision, eliciting ~ same sort of satisfaction that COIMS .. when the shu tter mechanism aacldtsi· 5hut on a good re.ft.ex camera," reporticf'. Car M d Drioef'• expert. ~..-1 · That's the beauty of riie 250,1 It's built &S if it.were a 3,000·pound Hasselblad camera I An unconventional cu7 De&,.· antJy so. Mercedes-Benz dOHnot mA conventional cars-and never will !:' !:-. ..., --24-page brochure ~ . I As fat Ml Ni::xoo is con- cerned, Agnew is totally dedicated. Agnew has on-- ceasing gratitude for the President for eocouragemenl and bolstering instead of critk::ism last fall when Agne1v was taking his lumps, some of them admittedly sell-induced, aioog the campaign trail. He sees er talks with the Presi· dent once or more daily, but Agnew does his best to see that the chief executive is oot bothered by "the nll.ts. and bolts" o( the vice pitsidency. Make no mistake. The perfec- tionists at Mercedes-Benz do not apol- ogize for those classic lines-free of faddish touches-that will still be handsome yetrs from-now. They-sim----- ply. think fonn should follow function If you'd like more facts on tlii5 -----,.,.-u-·m1es·s;z9·9,,--maeliiiie, maiJ·fli~.---l FIRST QUARTER Looking back over the .. First Quarter" of the first year cf this administration , the8e are the sort o{ thoughts, repxted verbatim by UPI , that the vice president ex· presses m talking with friends. B380Ciates and even strangers who inquire. "We (he and the President) get along very well. I would rd say there is a close. personal, long-tenn relat.ioship, but It is one I feel very eMy with . • . I ·have always felt completely free to use my judgmenl and this grew out fl the campaign when I was under this tremen- dous fire. But I was not crit.iciud by him, and he never second-guessed m y jOOgment -ham't still -and um gives you a kit of con- fidtnee when you're working wi;th somebody • • . " (ConcerttiDg-ht1 pablie lm· •1e ud efforts to chute it) "I am encouraged to !KID'le extent and things are looking better. I am sure, however. that because of certain bu.ic p h i losopbjes, disgreements that J may have with some of tbe editorialists, that I will be In for my share of criticism. I expect this. I think it is pro- btbly right. I lhinl< ii is the on11 thing that gives lhe peo- ple aomething by which they can judge. "But I am hopeful that 1 will continue to lose the stumblirig. ktlot image, which I think as - an individual ii one or the hardeot thillflS that anybody hu to Lake. Having been a instead of fashion. The contours of tliat 250 sedan at right were dictated by the need to provide proper headroom, hiproom, legroom and protective packaging for five adults. Dictated by the prOpor- tions required for nimble maneuver- ability. The car is both sflorter and leaner than its overweight rivals. Yet it bristles with sophisticated, ultra· performance features that simply do not exist on domestic sedans. A su perb machine Too sophisticatf:d, some critics say. Nonsense, retort Mercedes-Benz engineers. If a man can afford to invest thousands of dollars in a superb driv- ing machine, he is entitled to get some.- thing superb. What he gets in a Mercedes· Benz is legendary in automotive circles. ' An expert from Car ~nd Driver tested the "new" 2SO when it was re- leased early in 1968 aftf:r an incuba- tion period of fioe years. His verdict: "Offhand, I can't think of any other :C.-door sedan in the world-with the possible exception of the Maseratl Quattroporte-that handles, steers and stop.!! like the Men:edes." Scrapping the solid rear axle system of most dOmestic cm, the lSO uses an 11U·indtplndtnt saspension- plus anti.sway bars front and rur •. - • The "N M1,c1.t:lef.Beiu lSO. To .fami, JI '°""'f "look" wa,lh S5~'. Read t0hN i i it. TIUs endows it witli the agility of a scrambling quarterback. You can blast it over rutted and potholed gravel lanes. It behaves with almost eerie calm. You can thread it through the corkscrew tu.r.n..s of a mountain road, and enjoy yourself. There's no sloppy play ~ the steering. No mushiness. When you hold the wheel, you "feel" the road. When you tum the wheel, the car re- sponds instantly. Suddenly, you are a more confiden t driver. Heroic stopping power Stopping? Unless you liave i:lriyen a 180-mph Grand Prix racing car or a Mercedtt-Benz, chances are: you have. never experienced. the secur- ity that comes from having really good brlles. Disc brakes. A few domestic se<lans liave f,ont-whee:l disc brakes, and. othm offer front·wheel discs u an OptJon. But every Mercede .. Bmz coma witH mas1ioe disc brllktl on .U fOMrtDhnll. • Standard. - Result: You gtt more stoeelng power than you may e\ler need. But you sleep better at night. The pinnacle of safety, . As for 1afety, Me.rce'dts-Benz engineers applaud the intent of the U.S. Govemmen~ regulations, and carry their prote.ctivemeasures beyond the letter of these laws. The 250's best defense against blundering drivers is, of course, its al- most uncanny evasive ability. But, if the worst happens , )"our Mercedes- Ben'.z is designed lo shield you. The entire passtnger comp•rt~ mtnt is built as a1turdy''safety zone.'' Doors are designed to stay closed on impact. The. front and rear sections of the cu are enginee.rtd to crvmple in a violmt crash 4f 11 controllcli rtite, ab- sorbing shock and reducing the thnat of serious injury. __ CllJ' and Drioer'1 sober concJu.:. 1ion: Of all the world'• motor can, the current Mercedet'l!enz line "r<p- resents the prtSCl\t pinnacle in We CU' enginftring.'' . Valuo. All of it conC.aled from the. casual eye. But thtrc. And there's more. Construc'fion of every Mercedes-Benz. begins in a shower of sparks. Where conventional cars use bolts to tie body and chassis together, Mercedes-Benz uses thou- sands of welds to create· a single uitit cf immense strength. After 50,000 miles or so, you may b;g~ to wonder if your 250 will eoerrattle. When welding stops, the raw body is dunked whole, like a taffy apple., into a gigantic vat of primer. It eme.rg~s with 24 pounds of ru.st protection. More hidden value Every car gets 20 more pouniis of primer and paint. Even the if1slau of the hub caps are coated. ~ a 6nal ftourish in its armament against cor- rosion, each car gfts a 24-pound fac- tory slathering of underwatlng. • • • • The six..cylinder,overhead~am engine of every 150 is bench tested be- fore installation, £or more: than 60 m1nut111:--A. hint Of trouble in thi1 gruel~ Ung mt an•fthe afgine iJ tom down and r<batlt. Morcecles-Benz 6nds the ltmons--aot you. coupon for a full~olor brochure. '"· Of course, the qulcktst way to. verify the 2SO's virtues, both visibTe and invisible, is simply to drop by tht showroom and arrange a test drioe. Other model.s to ponder: 280S Sedan-the most road- wortliy car you can buy in the luxmY, class, $6,249•. 28oSL Roadster-a sports car for grown·ups, combines soul-stirring , performa.rice with comfort, $6,US•~ 220 Diesel-the onl11 di~tl~ powered automobile Mercedes-Bena: makes, gives you small-car economy in a big, safe sedan that may well en- dure for decades, $4,780"'. JooSEL-an underi;lated lim· ousine, $9,849"'. . .......................... . . ' : Mercede.-Benz of North @ ; • Atntti«i, Inc. : Jim Sl•mmon1 Import• Int. • I 10 w.,t W•rn•r /It.~•· • : S•nt• An•, C•lif t 1707 • PfHM und me • 2f.·p•ge, Eull<0lor broch11re on thl! n.rw 's•ncratlon of • • moto' cart from MttttdH--!enz. , ..... , "' 4DOll55 • . • , • art tT.f.n: •• . , , , . .......................... . CConfl&htlM.~hu"',._.~,_, Jim Siemens Imp orts, Irie 120 W. Warner i\venue,Santa '.Ana, California 92707 Phohe: 714-546-4114 well-respec ted county (BalUmore. Md.) official and a respected governor, to tit en IUdden!y in the image of the stone age man ii pretty difficult to oven:ome -buti----------------------------------------'-----------------------------• ( • - • , J ,, DA!l Y l'llOf , State GOP Raps~ ~Bradley Backers • FRESNO (AP \ -The United Repuhllcans Cl! eatifornia are impatient with P~idenl Ni1on for not cut· lint taxes and doy,·nright an1,'T'y "'ilh three C) I h e r nePublicans fur supporting 'T'homas Bradley. a .Negro, for ma}'or of )..os Angeles. rr.pre.sentln& • n estimated t ,000 members -attended tbe · meeting, but by ~ Ume It came to vote for resolutions their number had dwindled to less than 200. An almost unanimous vote approved • resolution that said Ni.J.on, wb~Jt campaigning for president, had promised repeal of the tD percent in- come surcharge. It said, ''The U n it e d Republican~ of California urge the President to honor his campaign pledge." Only one delegate rose to defend Nixon. UUHNIE By Phll lnferloncll Reinecke Plan Hit By Reagan LOUISVILLE, Ky, IAP) - Gov. Reagan s1y1 h e disagrees with • propoaal by Lt. Gov. Ed RelnecU fOr 1tu· dent representation on the University of California board of regents and the California stale college~· board o r trustees. Reinecke made the aug- gestion last v.·eek v"hile he was acting governor-in Reagan's t.absence from Ca!Uomia. Reagan flew · back I o Sacramento Sunday afler ap- pearing on •a network television show -CBS' Face the Nation -taped here. The conser\'ative group of political grass roots workers arsG wants school districts to declare .t moratoriu1n on starting new sex education courses, declaring the con- trov'ersial cirriculum threatens "modesty, morality an d spiritual values." .. The Democrats gave Ni-Ion -00 you mind? I don't think Bbe can hear & word 90 days and 1'd like to bold off I'm whilpori:zc"in her ear!" Reagan said the principal difficulty with Reinecke's sug· ge1tion is how student representatives on the two boards would be stlec.ted from lo the final session o! an an- nual c;onvention ::; u n d a y • delegates approved . a series of res<Mutions that realtinned UR(>C's tonservalive stand l'!nd:emphasized its hosblity to rrgOlar party leaders. on the resolution,'' ••I d -------.,---------~---- Richard Tagg of Norwa lk. Then, delegaie! 'struck ,hard al three Republicans for their support of Bradley, a city councilman runnlng agaillst fellow Democrat Sam Yorty, the incwnbent, in ·the non-A· total of 411 delegates - ): ort)' Asks Transit Tax Okay LOS ANGELES IUPI\ Mayor Sam Yorty Sunday pro- posed the stale legislature ~ allow the Southern California • Ra~d 'l'ral)Sit Dislrict to i1n-posl a .5 percerit sale.!! and use la:t for six monlhs. lri a JeUer to Gov. Ronald Rea_gan, Yorty said lhe tax wal!I necessary to head off an 'i~ding financial crisis_.·· v'Orty said it was most im- perative that the state "under youf' leadership" meet its resfionsibility by permitting the)Hst.ricl to Impose the tax. Yorty said the legislature rec(llUy allowed the Bay Area Rapid Transit District to im- post a .S percent sales and use lax .to finance completion of the bay area's bus system. ·•Certainly. lhe transporta· I~ si~ation i.!I no . mo~e r.ritlc.al 1n Northern California thart in the Los Angeles area," the 'mayor said. Yerty claimed that although lhe i t.ate Jong ago assumed the responsibility for the stale's 1.ra$portation 5ystem. it has consistently refused lo take any; effective action. Y.rty said rapid transit 1Yas :11 rfgional rather thlln a local t'r•blem and 11 state rea~sibi\ity, partisan race. The delegates s t r o n g I y c:riticized Rep. Alphonzo Bell, IR-CaUf.,) and Sens. Charles Goodell, (R-N.Y.,) and Charles Percy, (R-111.), for coming \Vest and voicing su pport of Bradley, • . Bell was a c:and1date for 1nayor in the primary and when he was eliminaled joined !he Bradley side. , Finally, delegates lashed out al Nixon's appointment.-...ot Charles W. Yost as ambassa· dor of the United Nations. A resolution said . that Yost was a ''.long·time friend '' o( Alger lfis.s, convicted <lf per- jury in the 194-0s in a t.:on· l{ressional investigation or Communist spy activities. The resolution also declared that Yost is identified in the Congressional Record as a ··Jong-time friend of many known Communists." Turning its attention to stale issues, the group vowed .a year-long campaign against sei.: education in pu b I i c schools. One resolution asked local school boards to declare 11 moratorium on new s e x education courses until • pro- posed legislative in· vestlgalion is completed. · 2 Brothers Saved From Hill Cave-in the thousands of students at Southern California :~~.,~~0:.17i::':;:.,c•mpus" Quizzed about difficulties at some or the state college and T ache S F l S univ.enity campuses, the first-e r ~ f' e~ queeze term Republican chief ex· ~ ocuHve said the "grea\ silent LOS ANGELES. (AP) _ <..:oun~y hired %3:> new majority" of college students "have shown remarkable con· Remember the t e a c h e r leachen, a thlr.d of them new trol In not striking back" al sho rtage'! It no longer exists grads. This year, with a Lu di~sldents. in Southern Ca lifornia, override having failed last He said an" threat of a month, no new leachers are -' Many school districts, ha v- ing failed 'lo sell voters on lax overrides and .borid issues, have had to clamp a freeze on all n~w job hirings. Fewer teachers ··are transferring to new districts. These are among the faclors behind t h e tight j o b market suggested by So uth ern California educators in a Lo.s Angeles Times survey. UCLA is even _ considering cutting feacher production. "The graduate ~school of education has been forced to take a totally different look at its curriculum and the current situation, with an eye toward decreasing the <jUantity of teachers and instead con· centrating on improving quali· ty," satd Dr. William G. Thomas, head or'" educational career services at UCLA. reaction is the work or ex· being hired. tremists using Nazi tactic!'! to The biggest question mark disrupt the educational pro· is the Los Angeles city cess. system. Last year 3,100 new Reagan also said he st.ill teachers were hired here. This wants the United Stat.es to year new hiring bu been press for an early end to the haJted while last month's tax Vietnam war. He backed election loss is analyzed. President Ni;t;on 's goals of in· "!think rllis i.s the first year ternetional restraint and an \Ve'll have some left over:• e nd to fighting in Southeast said ·Jim-Barclay; su1'f:rvtSOr Asia. ·· of secondary teacher selection lie said lhe Nixon ad· for the city schools. mini stration cannot mnke an Santa Barbara schools are impact after only three hiring fewer teache rs so as to months in power, but need! an be .able to pay fo r a salary in·. ,-·-·o_p_po_r_tu_n_il_y_f_o_r _o_p_tio_.,,_. "--I crease. Turnover is down in . l.ong Beach and Garden (;rove. and consequently there are few openings. \Vtui.t is the reaction of col· lege education majors '! Said one ·u.ni versity official: ''They're panicked." La,t year the Simi Unified School District in Ventura l"'C.-W PASADENA IAP) -The third fire at • Pasadena area school in four days cau.sed $5,000 damage Sunday at · McKinley Junior High-School. COMING SOON CORONA DEL MAR • Investigators said someone broke into the school business of.lice, took papers from flllng ~ TORRANCB ( U P I ) -cabinets, stacked them on 1 ,. Rescuers i;;aved two you ng desk uid set the paper ablaze. ~·!l Mi'Uw' n brother! Sunday after the1-------'--------=======~=~=-------1 'W hillside cave they were digging Qrugs Found co1,\':~;,. 9-year-01d Jam .. and 12 -year·old Gary dlKLAND (AP) -l.SD and Brunswick were reported in othtr drugs worth an esti· serious condition early today matd $3 million retail were with head, chest and possible conliscatcd in a raid here. Ja\Y · internal .Injuries. ii enfltcemenl officers report. Digging wilh s h o v e I ~ , ,,._ __ --~elve-penons were-er-fmo~etmuen-and-poHce foun d the r~ Saturday by raiding boys, both unconscious, buried ~lat.i narc o t I cs agents, several feet from the enlrance Bet)eley and Oakland police, to lhe collapsed cave. 'vbo. said they also round a A third brother, Steven, 10, pouQd of marijuana and two had freed himself and ran 108.decl pistols. home. His parent.!! ca lled the WANT INTEREST ON TOtJR BANlt '---EBBc&ING ACCOUNT? YOU CAN'T GBT IT I I ; 1bere were somt brief scuf· fire department fies.-police said. Firemen said It ' ' look ' severaJ minutes'' to revive lhe • Peace Corps Chief s,vorn W~lllNGTON t UPI) - Jo 1 e p h H. Blatchford wao; swal'n in today at the White Houee: as new director of the Pel¢' Corps and said he plans 1.o shake up and revitalize the volW'teer force born early in the ·Kenned y-era new frontier. ~tchford. who at 34 is the :-oungest agency chief Presi- der( Nixon haa chosen, is not 11 sfranger to this field. fie is fonfler executive director of a pril'ate, volunteer organization opetaUng in Latin America, c-alled Accioo lnternaUonal. • boys. Sleven also u· a s hospitalized. but with only minor injuriel!. i'\'lother of Three Sets Self Afire SAN LORENZO, C a 11 (. (U PI) -A mother of lhree was in critical condition Sun· day night after trying to com- mit suicide by turning hersell into a human torch. Phylli.s Aliff, 46 . w as discovered by h(r husband CI yd e, also 46, in the r~ar yard or the home Y/ith third- degree bums over 90 percent or her body . Dl·eatn oi Peace • l;ipcliitz Un:veiL~ 'Prayer' • l.j)S ANGELES IAPl -A rtovt. carrying the message or peace, cast in ten tons or bro6te, was un veiled Sunday •l the Loa Angeles f.tusic Cenler as sculpt.or Jacques IJpc.ttit.I ahnigged 0 r f riearly unapimous praise. ''1'bis ii my pra)•er for pea~" Llpchlt.z told a n estliutcd 1,500 persons jam· med into the. cour1yard, "1 would like Jt lo be judged nn1 e51.heUcally, but If this v.·ill htl11 us bring peace it i~ a aoo4 1eulpture." At ht unvcJJtd lhe sc;ulplur r , l ipchitz $aid, 1'11 is my Child." • I hand ii lo you. Please lake good care of it." The 78-year-old sculptor said he has bad I.he Idea for more Lhan 20 years. He first began • drawing it in Parilf during World War U. But the Nam f<reed him to nee. Later. small models he made: were dcslroyed by a fire in his Ntw York studio. ''I "'as alway11 dreaming to make it bigger," the artist isaid. And the S2.$0,000 com· mlulOn rram Los Angelet In· dustrinlists Lawrence DeulsC'h 11nd Ll<l)d runglu madt it pos~lblc BUT WITH PACDJC'S SWITCll 'N SAVE ACCOUNT Yoa e1n do almost as Mii by k11ping 1 lot Ins money in ym cll1dling ICCllUllt and 1 lot lllOl1I ill your PRific 5" Pusbook AM111t Md switdlilll lllOlllY beck •d fonh • often II ·YOU Rke. Beeaw ne17 dollar eana• neg dal lt 11 ln your PaelBe Aeooaat- evea lor laR one daJ'. &% ••llllly 11 Pr 'zlkAz111111 ••••lilltl •llly-11111/4" IMl- illitsMI 11 lllrle ,_, ~11u --ire 11nnt relll. Sni1p.i1Jtlr1-lil It .. arll(l 11• Illa !rt• th 1st of HY FHWtl •• relllwM llytfll IDtlr. • • • Mom likes picnics? Then turn her Into an expert with Nancy Mcintyre's collectlon of tips and rtclp11 for Catnper Cookery, Gr1ndat1nd Snacks , B'anquets in a Basket and more! "It's a Picnic!" 5.95 Mom's sentimental? Tuck a charm ing littte Rosalind Welcher book in her Mom's Day bou· 1:1uet The trials, tribulations and re- wards of motherhood are expressed 1n ''It Musi Be Hard To Be A Mother." Or choose "Thank You For So Many Things" or •·somebody's Thinking ot You," each 1.95 Mom's thumb ts green? Treat Mom to magnificent color pholos ·i of blossoms and gardens plus a his- tory of plants, man's use of them, how they grow and practical garderiing suggestions. Give her "The Garden- er's World," 15,00 \ ' ' . • Mom's a nature lover? ~ P ulitzer prize-w inning 'author Jose- phine W. Johnson powerfully, lyrically describes nature's changes and won .. ders am id the tragedy of an lntrusivit society. "The Inland Island," 5.00 Mom's a swinger? Squ.11re or hip, she'll like th is enter- laining story of a college dropout from !he class of ·43 who returns to school 1 in lhe swinging '60"s. ''Due to Lack of ln teresl , Tomorrow Has Been Can- celed," S.95 Mom liked Ike? ' r This pictorial autobiography is 11s in-l timate as his family album. There a re many new books aboul Eisenhower. Tt'lls is the only on .. e by Eisenhower. '"In Re view: Pictures I've Kepl," 7.95 For gifts that keep on giving , call me t B. Dalton , Bookseller Fashion Island Newport Beach -644..0041 ' •• Planners Shape Future FIRST DISTRICT L1wr9"Ct Ko Kirk By JACK BROBACK Of t1Ho Otllr 'lMil H.rff SANTA ANA -Meeting here each Wednesday ls a KTOOP or five men, relatively u~wn, with vast powers to shape the future of the unin- corporated areas of Orange County. They are the members of the county Planning Com· DEATH NOTICES HALDY I~ Htldv. ...9'1' ti, of ~} "'me-1n1sr. B1n1oa 111u•ct. o.1e 01 ~1111, Mlly l. llttklent 01 ~Ibo.I 1,1,..., since 1Pl9. S\lrvl~ by 4.lu9h· •-r, M1_1,,.. McKlnlov; son, Dr. Hu~h H1H:lv; 11r11lda1uth!er. "l•r>o:v s~""' fhr~ tre1!·11r1ncldllklren, Jll.:ly, Jill •"" Jll)jl Brou!ll'lte<I. Serv!~ .,.111 D1' Mid Tunday, 1U:31 AM, I" the Li1Tl1 Ch1~. F~I Y wn, Holll'W<>Oll HUl1 WOODFIN Mrs. °"'"'"~ le.t W-lln, Ate n, of 1071 l•-1"'91m love., El C1ion. Dile ot ~"'· ~r 1. Survl~ by l'>usbu>ll, J4CI< BY•<W' W_,ln; 1on1, llusselL.f1rl llo/101 111<:1 BvN)tl L~ Woocif!n; cl•u•ti-. t&r, Mrs. lll!I F1~ L~ever; M.,. l...iri<I L .. G.amb"'lll bro!hen. E1rl *nd Melvin llr1n1111-n; 1li!er1, Mr1. Velnwo '11Yiot •ncl Mrs • .lidetlnt Kii\!'; 1D 11~tllldllkf~. C1'1111t!l s~lce "~d "rlvate lmerrMnl, W!'dnesd1v. l PM. Wosrmins!er Memori1I P•rll M0t1u1.., ~rod Ceme1erv. GOOCllEY Gerfroo.. Glllld>l!v. 15'1 S•" flrr,..r- 1llno Pi.ce, (~!1 M~•. ServlC!l:I pe,.,;... '""· Belt BrOldWIY Mortu1r~. JIG Bro.ad-r, C111t1 M .. 1. CEFIS J&ct ~],. nn F11 .... 1ew "'"""'· CO!!• MH;i. Sfrvict\ 1>•r•llnt. flell Bro•d- w1v Mot1v1rv. llG Bra.dw1v. Cos11 ..... JONES Poerr• E<1w1r<1 JonH, 1'3 0 11:-.0 S•villt. l•111n1 HUI!. 01"' of Ml!ft, Mtv ?. Survlvfd by wife. H11rt; d1U9lller. Mr•· Jl!Chard E. Jer>~n. ol NeWPCrt Be1cll; Mr1. John w. Mu•I· !•r Jr .• M!Jml, FIOffdl: sl,ters, M ... Wilt>l./r S. Donner. GrHnc1111e, lndf. '"" and 10 1r1ndclllkfren. Memor11t ~·rvkes wlll ~ l>ekl Wfd~\dav. I PM, In ""' Chapel ,, P1cillc vi ..... wi!h Dr. Henry Gerllerd of!1ci1tinct, ~1m1ly "'!l'Ve'lh l"«.e wJ;Mnq 10 ,..,_, '""'""'"'' conrrlbl/lio1u. tie•~ c~nlrlllul., To !lw flulldiM Fund. C~urcll of 11: .. 11~1.,.,., Science, t.1ctun• Betdt. lnurnmef!T. P1clllc Vlr"' MemorlAl P••k. Olrocl•d bY P~tlllt View Mor1u1rv. YOUNG T!lomli• D1v!d Ytull9. 113 Stell Pl1r•. Act. C. (O"I Mesi. 01 .. of <1e1·~. May !. Survl-bY wlte, Ver1, (.,.11 Meo•: 111u!!+lltn. Ell11befll v.,.,.n~. ccunc11 11111t11. low1; 1nll P11rki• "'°""'· CO'ill Mrw: '°"'· Ronald 1nd t.1NY Ycunt1. CcuM!I 81ufts; slst•r. l·llrrlett Mun!IOn, Pllf'lllnd, Or~n. "011rv, Tcnfgl!f, Morod1y, ' PM. llr- nulem Mon, Tu11<d1y, • AM. borh et ~! Joact\lm'~ Caltlollt (hurtll. 01- ;tcted bY P1cillc View Mortu1rv. SAUL Albo!rt Morris S1ul. 2J:ll Vitt• H11<r11, N,,_., 8..0.. Dtll of Oellh, M1"f t Survived b"f w1t1, N1nc:y l. ''"'· NewllOrt flftdl; d1u1ht11n. Ka!fllten •nll c1...,li11e, 91' ~ ~: ~r•rher, "-<lblirt llfov !.llut, WODdl•rKI Hill!> 11 .. 1,..., t.uc~ Monno, ·waoc111nd Hlll•- Privtte 1e,...ia., locl1v. Mond1v. 11 A~. In P'Klllc View Ch•llf!I. Familv '"""" ll!!!ff wl111!nt lo mike m•· moriel contrltlU'I~ P~l'f contrlbut• IO IM .lirtllritl1 Fund tn1tr<'Ml\t, P•· tilic v-MMTiorlet P111<. Oireclf<I by P.clflc Vl!'W Mortu1rv. P,1EGLI rt~nc· M1v ~II. A~· t'/. OI 'Ill) WtlflUI, Hunl1"9IOl'I ll~lth. llurvlvrd by -100<, A:1y Meal!, Huntlnvton 11e1cto; •rod Orttl• Meoli, ColOl'"alk>; lll"9h!~, Mrs. Lel1 Morris, Nl!br1st11 bri;llflCf", RI) Sherbundv, Mi$1lt•IPllTI !hr!'!! ~ftrt, Mn. lll•ncM Ch11e. Kan!.IS; Mr>. Zeltnl Ak..,t, Cclcrada. 1.-ci M~. P.ullr>e F°'ler, M!Hcur!;. I oraodctllld1'1!n 11\0 I '"'"~~'~ o....., MtmtH!r cf Sefllor CltlltlU ol 1-lunfiMton le.cl>. Se<viai. Tue>111y, , PM, Sm!lh1 Ch1Qtl, 1,,,.rmenr, Wes1- ml"~r Memor1fl P1r\. Olrl!Clf'd b1 smfltlt Mortu1rv. ARBUCKLE & WELSH Westcllff ~lortuary 427 E. 17th St., Costa l\1esa li<l&-4888 mission. Who are these men And what are their dutiu'! As outlined in cold leaal terms in a county ordinance adopted in 1929, the planning con1missioners have the pov.•er: -To recommend to the pro- per officers of the county !Board of Supervisors) plan." for the regulation of the future growth and development and beautification of the county ln respect to its public and private buildings and works. streets, parU, irounds and vacant k>ts. -- -To recommend plans <:on· sistent with the future growth and development of the county in order to secure proper sanitation, service of all public uUliLie.s, harbor. 1hij>pin& and trAJl.!;"rtatlon facilities. Capo Beach Overhead To m a k e ttc0m- mendaUora to any public authorities or. any corpqrallon or individuals with referenct to the location of any proposed buildings, structures or works. --To recommend to county supervisors the approval or dU!approval subdlvlalon trict maps of lands. Every such map shall, prior to its final ·~ proval or disapproval by the supervisors be submitted to the commission for its rec- ommendation to the board. Crossing Study Set All this. the ordinance states, is deemed necessary and advisable for the welfare of the County of Orange. . SANTA ANA -Deletion of a condition requiring a n overhead crossing of the Santa Fe Raih,•ay tracks and Pacific Coa&t Highway wiU be sought during a hearing before the county Board of Supervisorg Wednesday on a proposed I hree-tower hotel complex in Capist rano Beach. The BBC Development Corp. of Arcadia, failed to get the 4 Diplomats Plan World Crisis Talk ANAHEIM -Four n1ajor crisis areas of the globe -the Middle East, Eastern Europe, Africa and Southeast Asia - v.•ill be discussed .r.1ay 7 by four senior U.S. diplomats from the State Department. \<.'ho \\'ill appear under the :iuspiccs of the World Afrairs Council 1Jf Orange County. The four will speak and participate in question and a!lswer sessK>ns at a luncheon at the Anaheim Convention Center and at a dinner at tbe 1-Jotcl Laguna. Tile speakers will be Rodger P. Davies, deputy assistant secretary of state for Near Eutern affairs; Samuel Z. Westerfield, deputy usistant secretary of state for African affairs; Adolph Dubs, country director-for Soviet Union af· fain;;: and Thomas J. Barne5, country officer for Laos. For further information and reservations, telephone the \Vorld Affair.'! Council at 8.1a.- 25M. Both meetings are open to the public. Beach Senior F orcl Winner Donna Durham, 17, of 10182 Edye Drive, Huntington Beach, has been awarded 111 four-year college scholarship by the Ford Motor Company. condi tion, deleled in 1 hearing before c o u n t y ioolng Administrator Raymond Reed on April 1$. The location of the proposed project is the si le or lhe now-abandoned Capistrano Beach Club. James C. Coppedge of BBC. In his plea·to supervisors, Slliys the 'firm plaiis to build" only one 11).story tO\\'er at this time, The structure \\'ill con· tain 216 hotel rooms and be flanked by a parking structute for l66 cars. Coppedge says it is not economically feasible to in· elude the overhead crossing sl ructure in the one·tower first phase of the multi-million dollar project. Ile promises that the firm \\'ill install railroad crossing gates, flashers and light!'! which he argues will be suf- ficient r or the ma1imum or Z,000 cars <iaily the first phase of the complex will generate. In the meantime, Coppedge stales. the developers \\"ill ask the state Public Utilities Com- mission (PUC) to move the railroad crossing one milt south lo accommodate homeov.·ners in the beach area only when the additional two towers of lhe hotel are built and the overhead crosstne in- stalled. ~ Plans for the second pair or towers include 432 hotel rooms plus banquet rooms, shops, restaurants and bars. The BBC Corp. recejved the original variance to build the project on May. I, 1!168. Hughes Sets New Plant For carrying out these multiple and weighty duties, f!ilmm.issioneni are paid $40 a 1neeting (usually all day and sometimes lon6[er J with a maximum of $240 a month, plus travel expenses. . Who are these meh, v.·hat do they do in thei r regular oc· cupations and ho\v did they become plan ning com- missioners? To answer lhe last question first, commissioners are ap- pointed by the Board of Supervi1t:'3 and hold office for the same four-year term as their counterpart on t h e board. They may be reap- pointed . One commissioner is-named from each supervisorial district. Who are they:' tlarold Eklnan represenrs District 5 (Supervisor Alton E. Allen). A retired architect. he r.eside.s In Three Arch Bay jw;t south of Laguna Beach. He was named lo the commission on April II, 1967. Ekman v.•as a -practicing architect in Phoenix, Ariz. for 20 years and now devote.~ what leisure time he has t o watercolor painting a n d sculpture. lie has been an Orange County resident for IS years and is a member of the board of directors of South Coast Community Hospital. Bowanl K. Saltll represents Diattict 2 (SUpervisor David L. Baker). He hu been a relt· dent of Huntington Beach aince he was a year old .and "l'U named to the commls9ion on Nov. II, 1962. His grandparents, the C. 11. llowards were among the first settlers in Huntington Beath. Smith is a representative of a securities firm and is vice FULLERTON -Hughes president and service director Aircraft Cu. says it will spend for Pact::c View Memoria1 Park in Corona del Mar. $3.$ milJion for 11 three· He helped start the Hun- building complex at its 426-tington Valley Bank and was acre plant here. its first board chairman. He is \Vork will begin today on the active in community affairs and has served on both 500,000 square-foot project. It elementary and hljtl school will provide nearly twice as district board!. much space as now is leased 1 1 t 1 Dan J. Foley represents from an adjacent aci l Y or Di.strict 3 (Supervisor William Hughes manufacturing opera-J. Phillips). He has been a lions. resident of Yorba Linda since I fl,TH DISTIUCT Harald Skm1n IM7 and was named to the commission on, July 3, 1983. Ills career has been in the conalniction n1 a c h I n e r y business for the past 27 years including service from field representative to part owner or six different firms . He has also been a citrus grower. Foley was active Jn the formation of the Yorba Linda County Water District and in the de velopment of sewer pro-- gram for the Yorba Linda area. • John T. fl.1clnnis represents District 4 (Supervisor William H. Hirstein). He resides in Santa Ana and has been a resident of Cali(ornla for 49 years. He was named to the commission Jan. 29, 1956. Jfe is the owner of a com· mercial printing and publishing business in Orange. lie was a member of the ·Orange City Planning Com- mlssiori from 19.fS until 1955. a three lime president of the _ Orange Cham~r or Com· merce and has been a member or the Presidenrs Advisory Council cf Chapman College. Lawrence K. ··Larry" Kirk · represents Distri ct I (SuperVisor Robert \V. BaltinJ e1nd is the newest member of the commission, assuming of· rice just last nionth . He succeeded George t:. Preble, a lumberman who had served on the commisslon for almost 14 years. Kirk is an attorney associated with the firm of Cunard & Kirk In Santa Ana. He has been a resident of the city since last August. He is a graduate of Lhe U~LA School of Law in 1967 and \vas previously associated with law rirms in Los Angeles and San- ta Monica . These, then, are the live men charged ~·ith guiding the 1.oning of the unincori)orated areas of the county and "plan· ning for the proper growth and development of the county in all respecll. ·· GRAFFITI BALT'l ~IORTUARIES corona del l\l1r OR 3-945' Costa J\lts• 1'111 F-t4!4 BELL BROAllWA t ~!01\TUARY Miss Durham. a senior at Huntington Beach High School, plans to use the scholarship at 1 the University of Southern California this fall . She Is one of 71 high school seniors in 13 states who won scholarships in the 19th Ford Fund com- petition. Work i1 expected to be com-j;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.,I pleted early in 1971 . Huahes- Fullerton ma nu fa ctu res mllltary electronlc syJtems. Cyp1"e~s PU Site Cl1o~e11 Old World Mediterranean Spanish Furniture OVIR $100,000 INVENTOl!Y 111 Broadway, Co1t1 ~1e1a I.I g.3433 DILDAY BROTHERS lluntlnito• v.o,y ~tortury 11911 Stach Blvd. Huntintto& Beach 81!·'7'1'11 rACW!C VIEW kfEJ\JORIAL PA.RI r. .. metery e l\1ortaary Chapel isee Pacific Vlew Dri\'e Newport. Be1ch, Cllifornla fM4-2'iOI l'El~f\ t 'Al'\111.V COLONIAL FUNERAL BOME 78'1 Oolu Ave. We1tmln1ter SHE•'FER MORTUARY l,aiuna Bead 4t4-lSSI San Clt.meate 4twllt DEATH NOTICES SM1'111 A,dell• sm1111. m Vie k.....,, Liff t1i.. o.tf .-!' fir!-"' M•y J, S~r v 1 y I.. by hUl~n4, Wi11!1m l . lt!'ll!ll, ....... kt• Tlrftdtv, 11 AM, ''"''*'Y· Mn, Smllti Wt• • mtmber o1 W-111 Clvb 11\d 1"!1"r1 Club ff LIO. lllt, Wntdlf' MOl'"lutl'Y. 01· ""'"· . BAYLEY .5-l lt~lef. 110 llYI~ Villat•, HllW-1 ~di. Olte aot dfl1I~, M•v •. JlnlCet ...,.lllt •I W..ICHll (Ill,.. ti Mwlllary, ......_. .... RUSS CYPRESS -Postmut.er Gener•! Winton l'lt Blount said today a site had been picked for the new Cypress post of· fice . Blount aaid it would bej located on the south side of Lincoln A\'enue, at the Jn. tersectian of Los Altos Drive. The building will be erected under the d!!;partrnent'1 lcaee 1 conatrucUon program and blda will be sought al an early date, ht sakt Jo~·;o~ "· ltwu. C. •koet-1'' Can"fo" Oriyt, L•tu1111 lffoctl, Ott. of "'"' M1J J, Su,..,lvH ~' wl19, AlllO!nellu -. ll:Ob9"' 2 tr•ndclllkt~. s.e,,.. le.,, Sllllftr L."-... di Ct\tptl, TllHdtly, 11 AM. llltt"'*", l".cltk V1'W ,_,,.._ti-I l"1rt1. 0 1..aM ~ Sllin•f lnVflf '-" ~,,. • .c..cc:.:,,,:..,.~...,,·-~~cc-~.~~~-:--~--~ TO CHDOSI l'ROM DICORATORI CANCILLAtlON arul AITUllNS PROM .MODIL HOMll.., ALL IRAMD HEW DICOAATOll:I DlllAM HOUll ON Dll,LAY Items as follows: Gorgeous 8 ft. cuslom clullted sofa with separate loose pillows with heavy oak trim decor and matching chal~: 3 matching oak occasional tables. 121 58 tall decora,tor lamps, hapging chain swag tamps in 'vrougbt iron, an a piece king size master bedroom Suite in pecan p-anelled Mtdilerranean style with top quality 15 Yr \varranty king sise mattress &·box springs Spanish d•cor dining set, etc. Wh•t. HIMl'Mi"'ll wa1 f'lllUl•r 11 ~21.ff Now Possible To Sh9nk ~~:r0~~~·1.'.'~.1 .. . 5698.00 Painful Hemorrhoids ••r ,., .. c.. .. '"'<""'"' 1oc1r.rdu.ny TtnM .4.ven.wt -N1w1erncn tt Calif. And Promp~y Stop The llchinr, C.141t .J,,.,,..t4 llholedr.tcfy , RelieftPaia In MoetC-. < c-- I N•w Ytrir,, N.T. C91iecW>t Sci-of tlie inflamed benio1·1·bo hl1 , / # l] f' • t ,nc. ha1 toand. a ...stc.Uon toolc place. tfrlll lt.l·C~ 'Wlth tht UUIW, ta-' tu1.1 Th••11CTetf1 PnparaUon R•. ___ -- -t• promptl.J atop tkhlns, Th•r•'• n• oth•r form\lla A H b Bl 1 Si\ll'J'•l'S l\IOHTlJAll\' nllnepalnudaet..U,ahrink 1fk.e it! Preparation B alao t QT OT t;( • t!7 Mall St. MrnorrhoW.. 1oothe1 Irritated ti11ul:i&fiU nuollogtoe ... .,. T"u br docton P"'•"' that h~"'""""Uortbor !nfoction. 1844 Newport .llvd. Costa µes11 e•Jv LE Ms;t I In cut •ft.er cue, while itntlT In olntm1nt or 1upp111itor1 Ev~ry nf.,ht 'tif ' -WeJI .. S•t, & Sun. 'tfl 6. '-----------~ nlit'rin1 pain, ~ct"\l•I nduct.ion form. I!.,_.:;;,;.;_;;;;;;;;,_;;;_.;,._.;,;.;;;;;..;;;;,;:,,.;;..;..;;.;. ___ _. , I I -• ' . -.. -. • . . .. ' .. --l • .. \ DAILY l'ILOT V ., !... Mom likes poetry? Frn verH and mood-matching Illus· tratlon1 1r1 exqui1lt1ly printed on parchment and other beaUtlful papers. ChOOll "'To Those Who See." "A Wal~ With Me," "These Things Are Ours," ''Wing Borne" or " A ftlaea On Earth,'' by Gwen Frostic, ••ch 4.00 Mom Jtkes a laugh? ~. Hil1rious cartoons and quips depict the fairer sex's foibles and fr11ilties·in "A Wife Is Someone Who •.. " She·u enjoy seeing Dad get his in the wry companion Volume •• "A Husband Is Someone Who •• ," each .1.25 Mom's a hobbyist? This big, beaulilul book will tell her an she needs to know about decoupage, the fast•growing art of decoraling with applled paper cut-outs. Complete in- structions. over 100 photos, "Decou· page," 1.15 Mom's favorite author? Popular Jessamyn West's companion novel to "The Friendly Persuasion" tells the further adventures of the Quaker Birdwell family during post- Clvll War limes. "Except For Me and Thee," 5.95 How 'bout Mom's Mom? "Grandmotl"lers are for making good thick soup and good thin cookies," says Loia Wyse lh "Grandmothers Are To Love." Her humor and illustrations ~~ touch Grandad too; "Grandfathers Are To Love," each 2.50 .--· ... •• ~~~· '\ cNfJ.1-'tHI . -~ . Q< .... Mom's had Jt? Give her' wickedly funny poems by Judith Viorst, who looktd forward to pot partiea and pastlon, but wound up with 1 car pool and slrained b1nana~ In h1r hair, "It 's Hird To Be Hip Ovtr Thirty,"' 4.16 • • • " . . .. . .... .... ·" ' ' • 0 .. • ' • For gifts that keep on giving, call tn~ B. Callon, Book11Her Fashion Island Newporl Beach -644·004 I • 1 I ' l •' • • -· "'15. 1969 .. f' Vital Statistics, l Marriage ' Licenses ,_,...,IL 1t r £DElllSEM-MEICES, :s.an ... '4 J, "· tof 1A21 I•'""" Wallmll\lltl' •NI ""'" t\111 M,. ... o1 !HJ C1t111na, AMllelm. CAIU'ENTElll-MfLLON. Jll'Ml "' lJ'. ef 1n~ •u"""wood St , Fou•llf'" Vltllrr •!Id ~ J , JI , ot 1J SI w-kk. WMtmi...i.r. roLO.oj!!l!ltACKI Mlcl\HI l.. lf, GI -10400 k SI., ~ten ton i nd Cl'l<l1llM e .. 1, o1 •"2 s~ne. H1111tll'IClton ....... DOW-SULLIVAN. CUI!,,.. A.. 2l. ol -1.l)ll lltO<Aihurst, G•rden GrOYt .,,., •-Iv A., 111. of l-1641 Purdv St,. MJ.e'w•v CUv. 51CAllSTEN-TVClt.Ell, T"-• IC. ~' of IUI 1-1•1 Av• .. G1rorn rcwe 1ncf P•I•• G.. 7.'. ol "21 w11.'r'11M~fio\''llm1i~1eL.eo...,..,. sa. o1 ""' MQf11lo::,r01 Orin , L-'~ I~ ... 'ii''. th ••• Ji, of 521' d SI ort Holtvwood. CIUUt --GUV'NN. Jlmet E .• n.,o• n,• C1nl'Ofl Orlve. Ao1 O •114 L noa .. 11, f11 2l4' C•nvon Drive. Apt. D. bolh "~If Mew MAC IN-STOIJGHTON, l k nard E~ n 2u111o t'lln• s1 . ,.,.,.~,,,., 1,,.i ~lilll' £,, l,, ot 1161 8lvm1 D<lvt. LOt ~Ai•l~H~lrl, ROMld F .. JO ol 21' M1rllw ....... l tld J111!ct M • l'll °' ~8 Mltl... AYO, boll\ ol Bl - EJ:..!'i1t11-SANTANGELO. R~!ll D .. 11, of ,"' Allllmbrl. AO!. a,"",."' \'r.P."" B•idl l tld JO.II ICIY, '-W1l11u! Ave., G1roen GtCIY8, NEL -TETHER, lrl 8 . l't, ol 1'10 f:» OS All""" I nd IC1!lllKll0 11. of 101 C1olstr1no LI"'· bo!ll of s.t11 wf't~S· •OAMSON. R•v E .• n. of . ~ w.~ Ave .• Aol. A Ind PIUY A .• "°' ot l'OSt W•ll•t• Avo.; Aot a . bolh ot C0<!1 Mt$• McGREW-BARENORICIC. How•rcl D . n, of U.115 h>0l111 Will!. Line. PJlm0 DK""' 1..d LUii F . U. of "" A,,....ldl Mllort•. LAGUlll Hllh.. Al"lllL is CL.A.RIC-REEDY, Wllllt R .• :U, ot 1;11 Jlldlfnotld W•r• Cotll MHI Incl Ciro! E .• "JJ. o 500J 5e11~ Ort.e. v:Afu:'ANN'To.,\..Hl\~11·owe11 l .. n , 7'ifS11rkit. u1d Aorll C., lt. fl 1111 Stir~ SI., both ol Hu11!111GIOll Btlth. VESICOUKIS-THOMPSON; And'rel&, lS, of 61'2 R\llt..rlord Orlof, Hu,,_ llM!on B•1ch Incl Pllrldl s .• 21. of 1~·PtnNVIY111l1, LQ1o11t1. C1lll. NEtl-L~, Joh(! C .. 1t. ol :lOHl2 Kli11t Orfw, 51ntl A,,. 1n<1 Fr1nc ... A .. II. of 1)00 5115•1~ La,,., N•woorl BHth. llROWN -ICNOWLESI Wlllllm l!I .• 20.1... ol 7'$2 Gtlnco Incl Sh rltY A., 20, of "" G"\f4\ bolll ol Hunt11111tcn Beach. WHEE R~Rl5TIAN. Denni• l!,1 21, o HIO olltcM Ave .. ApL 41 l<!CI Lllldt l , l , of 2190 CollllOf Avt., tpll • .i;iinrll OI C0$11 MtSI. II! IECl(~Ul!PHYj How1rd M.. 20. o UOJI Wln1low Ot Yt i ncl Lorri]"' I ,, 21, of W l WlMIOW Or!Y•,bolh ot HvnllncilOll ae1ch. COME A-MAYING WITH ESTEF LAUDER She's created new Youth Dew Boutique gi ft.s ... ever:ythiag you 'll need lo create a bowe r of .sprinq-like Divorces beauty yeo r round, For the packogin :. :-;he plucked spring 's prettiest colors: daffodil yellow, young bud green, de w silve., ond f.oshioned them in a filgree ploid fe stooned with ribbons and bows. Ideal gifting for Mothe r's Day , spring birthdays ... for you rse lf, jusf becau se. Choose from Spring Bower of Beauty 5.00 ; Youth Dew Du shng Powder 5.00 and Youth Dew Spring Bouquet I 0.00. Mtrol.J'll P. s .... 11t YI JI"°" H. Stwtll Wl'lltm Cl'llrll1 Cr.wl YI Glorlt MM CttWI Ro..ero 8 Slltw YI Normt V. 5l">lw Mlt'I L. \ioU111d YI Norman J. Ho\llnd Je1r11t!t L. P•I~ v1 Ctlarle1 v. Price Stndrt LH &rlcla• YI $!<!\'Bii Anclrew '""' Rlrl'IOlll 0 . OUlllM YI P1ul M!d\lel OwnllP Vltol11l1 Grr. YI ll:obtrl Oetlnlf Gtee11 E~=~ . '"°"'"'' YI Wiii t m A. l!letty Mlt Sehr-YI Howtrd L. SchtoYlt EllU.De.lh At>11 l!lrtnch YI Jae~ 0 . Br1111Ch Sos>llll Gusl1lll1 YI ler111rd Gu1!1lll! Sharon .... Hl•I YI Johll E, Hirt MllOrtd Lucille Wllll1m1 YI Lt G!1lr Lee Wlll!1ms Lillvtn Mat'lulll'Lte Vlllncl YI Edwtrd J-h \IUtncl Sqlenllf J1111. LI s.ai. YI MlchH I 01le 1.t Sc1t. 8e..erl> 8 . "'""YI w ........ E. AUe11 Terr1nct J. ShtPlnl \1$ Joen C. Siieo- ~~ Carl H. Ktll:> Yi J-1111 L. kill> J<ldlrh A. Sltt(Ult YI LIMl11 A. SltlCUU Ei<!a Mtt Gullml" YI R1vmood Edwtrd Gurim111 M•t'I L. MUI .. Y• Fredtridl E. Mill~• Oeborth Su11n L\111/lno YI C1rlo1 An!orilo L~vtno Jo Ann Rtlfly vs Norman Willer Reill>, J r. E!<r.,,,ort S. Mit llote YI Ctesar Mklllon1 TllO ..... I F. Jordlll YI llonnit ll:lt• Jordin i:;1a<1v1 A, Goock1st YS Orto II, Goocl- CISI Jetn Mt rlt WtbO YI J•~ Robl!rt Webb Jocelyn E. Smith vs John S, Smltl'I M1rlorle J. ll.ooclv YI 01vld E. llooav ,,...tlorv CU1hm1n Frv YI Johll Vernon Fr1, 1ep1r1t1 mafnlet11nct" COMPLIMENTARY GIFT ANAHEIM -'44 N. E.,~r;.. s1s.1111 Mell. 1hr11 Sit. 10 e.111. to t :JO ''"'' With ony E~+ee Lauder p~rcho se of 5.00 or more receive the nafurol beauty kit containin g Re -Nutriv Lipstic k, Lip-Gl oss and Honey Glo Comp•cl. Cosemtics, 17 NEWPORl 41 F.,h:•" lil •t1.. •44·1111 Men. l~r11 f ri, 10 •. m, lo !!)0 p "'• s.1. 10 •·"'· '• • ,,,.., ' • HUNTINGTON BEACH 1111 Edi11901 A.wt , 1!1-Jl) I Mo"· th"' Si t, !O 1.m, '" •:JO "·"'· . • . Around Orange_ Coast .Area D1\lld: I. Gt._-, ~· l.or"t1 llrr.tl .. ,..,.. LDVltf W. Kaalw fl Glltll1111 ~ ~""'' Cllltlts Laslie 'lnd'ltf YI Vlolt M, ·-0119 oi..ne auf'b YI w11111m 11. 1ur11~ IC•• LYM lltlllllolPll YI Al(rlenl ~ ••ndoiPll ~r~= ~::., H11111111 YI EdW1rcl v~ GrHnwoocl .... " I c II• , II ··-ltwrfy Mlrll 1En11I YI Mlclll_. Wtr• rM (11911 • EchQnl F. Fain' vt Htllll G. Folt\I Poo9'ltW IE. lltlll YI llt-11 J, a.IH OoMt Del Grltll11 YI CMr_fr \Mtiu:o Griffin MltY E11t1er Onkbon YI CloMld 1'1o11I OtYlciMln 111111¥ L"-. AOleh w HWIO' A. It~ Shlrln A. Gretn VI Herbert F. Gt'!'ff' Jlrnll. EdWlnl loltDm1 YI E\lllillell't Siii .... Bottom• $hllMo Fl~ fdWlrdl 111 Fornt II. Edwlfdt. ""'"'' rntlflt.nlllc:lt PflYllll AM Pl~ YI DoMkl V(tM l"INt Dorolll\< A. lll1rMo YI Chtrln W, 1111111' tio. _,,,. m1ln'-Joen L• 81,..,. YI J1no. 0.Ylcl lem Ellubelll IC, Hen YI Tllolnt1 I . Hin. "· l!o0'/11 Cheryl T1rr vs Gt0t'9t Ed'W1rd T1rr Miry El!Ubelh CulberllClll fl Tlloom1$ "9""11S c ... lbt~ ~ &arbtr1 M1rlt Mltl!ls vs Oolllld Lee .,M•lhls DOfol!w T, Seldmill YI S.Ololnotl M, Selclmlll Flori H11nlef" N1v"-u1 YI Dorl.lid Ntu/11111 Mlt't'I N. Sudd ... lt! YI Etale How1rd Stld· '". ROSI Mlt'I OtYll YI LI Rof 01v1. Amt nd• MendDII VI Luis Mendotl Frill EdW lrd k l1ntn YI Dolores A\tC 1Cl1sse11 W1lll• IC. C1rrllkl YI Nori """c1 .. 111G Oorls Rulh Smllll YI C1,I A $mllll N~v• N. Wlmberl'Y n R:ont ld Wlm~rlv Lora M. Loudtnbtct 111 DoNold R. LoucltnbKk WUOOr H. R:11l!lkot ¥1 JOH¢111le S. R1lloltt M~lbt RM• Polit "' J1mH E. Po~lk t Edwl11 ll:IV Scfl11ltr YI IClf lfllN! ScllUIPF Vlr11l11l1 M1e Gllrtllh YS Joi!" 5!1n)ty r.·• .. -1'! (1•11>11 Mff1rtt Ebtr~I •1 l'lllhnl • .ytlli.or fWlllrdf D..i 11111 leJd vs "'-l911l1 A 141¥11 Gtr•lll w, ~ .. De-¥1tm '"' -·-bltllr M. Jo/VllNll 'ft HUWI L JOMl!ol\, Jr, Sllllj)llt Hl1vln " lltobeft wi..v1" 1'1)11 Mont-., $!'. "* Otrtr11dt C:. _ ... 51'11111 AM .. 11tlltu v1 1"1111 l'"ntfld1 8NUlltll ' J111tt A(lfl Tlt(k1r YI 111°"11 Jtf T ... ~ Ml•llt11 Mtri. OrtnGliS. " l'"r1nk Joi\11 GrMdltle INT"llll.OCUTOltY DICAl•S Glkte ~ M"111• 111 0111111 lit, MftslN 1 Fr1n11: W11tw J"'* .. Mliflfllinl Jtmtt: ' P1lrlcl1 Arin ,...,,.. YS G•tY StU!\lffl'I Ptfnl • JOI F • .St""' 111 Sltrlll E'. $ttN Ek>IM AYtlt ll1mlru YI Wl'ill!lO CPltaifl lltrnlrtl S!111~ Jtff• ""' ~It« HttYll JlflH MMllll L Hvtdll-. Jr. YI letty L .. Hutdllaoli Olef'I ... lllld( YI fJous)IS Mlltlllm '""' ROOfrt P. '5Pfl'ltr YI Donn. L. 5-l•r I.It'll Lii Kt!ler Yl P"rl~k Allen ICtller Le•lldtrf de Wltfl Yl Flot cit M1r!1 cb w ... An..e1!1 M, Ot 5tnlo YI Arlhur T. Oe .... Joen,,. Yvonne Piper YI Ch1rllts He11t'I . ... ICotlllltlll Ellloll Grlffll!M YI Shlrl>t Je1""' Gtltll!M Sf11ron 0. Wheeler YS l!obetl L IYl!telllr Dolor11 A. HIHl YS Joe RIY Hlog1 Liiiie Mlt En1 le Ys H1t0ld Htmllton Et11l1,Jr. Tl.e!m1 P . SWtfliOll YI Otrrel Let S..ce11'°" f•tncn IC. lenlOtl "I C!lllord c , ... _ &onnlt LH Wh1kt..I YI l tYCI Ow1ne WMlchel 81rbtrt Ann Prtmo n Triom11 1111\<, ..-d Premo J\ldllh Pthlt Coll~ \ts Jl:obert Slephen '°"'" Nltllolts E. k1rpl11e, Jr, Y1 ilt1rnon1 A. SarplM Theim!! v . MYt'1 Yt JIHf R. Mver' To overcome dlr.comfoN whe n cltn!11re1 1lkt, lllde w loolttl, 11111 SPrlnll:i. t tl"le FASTEETH on !>'Ollt ol1tn. FASTEETH hOlcb deflturn 11tmtr. 'f'loU .. , brtltr, flll mote comlorf1b!1. FASTEETH 11 1 .. tl11t --.•t loOllt . HetPS dMdl: l ltft odor. Dtnturn !till f!I •rt nNfllll l Ill Mtllh. SH !>'Oii' d1"UU rtWllrlY. G•! FASTEETH I I •N dr ut counlt'1. You charge gas. You charge clothes. You charge dinner. YOURS MOfffilLY ••• a $25 CH£CI on each $5,000 Ctrtificate. If lleld under. 6 months, principal r1d1.1ctd b7 cheW sent )'OIJ. JUllDS 111 un AS ?5D u.p Jlllll ht a PASSBOOK ACCOUNTS PAID llUAllT(ll1Y! MyArll(lll11t. r1111•s in l11t ·~.~-~~·!~~ .. !'.~!.!' t. Ii I ;J iti I 1) @4 COSTA MDA - ?200 HAllOI IL¥D- 7 ' . Now you can • one r with new BONUS BALANCE checking. ,., ~ "<--··-. -•c--.-., .. .., '"• --- BONUS BALANCE checking means just what it says. When- ever you need extra money, ' you've got it. Right in the old checking account. Bonus Balance costs you nothing until you use it. You're not forced to borrow one penny more than you need. And you don't pay finance charges one day longer than you have to. It's like writing your own terms on your own personal credit card. It's not only cheap, it's convenient. More conven- ient than credit cards or other similar bank sys- tems. Instead of wrifing even more checks. you pay back your loan the sensible way. You sim- ply make a deposit In your checking account. And you get only one monthly statement to cope with. It includ es your checking and BOllUS Balance transactions-all on one piece of paper so you know exactly where you sland. There's a built in security to Bonus Balance. In the event of the borrower's death, the money used from Bonus Balance is insu red. The outstanding balance is paid off in full with no obligation to the survivors. Bonus Balance offers a bonus too. A Uniied States National Bank Courtesy Card. Use it to cash checks at any of our 52 Full Service offices. Use it like .cash. If you need extra mon ey for two or three days be- fore payday-or two or three months or more- don 't live off your credit cards. Don't spend \ime fumbling through a wallet full of plastic. Just use Bonus Balance with low Un ited States National Ban~ fi nance charges. It's cheaper and more convenient . • Bonus Balance makes it all a little easier UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK A RJll SERVICT llANK ,,.,,...._ • ML MUM L ----:J se •g• • For The Record Divorces INTIRLOCUTORY D•Cllfl Otlon• M•Y Pl1rntr YI Wllll•m Du1ne Palmtr s11nc A. L1119~1d vs Ct rl E. l1u1heH E"nlYn Honie¥ VI J. N. Hot1ltY ltltY D. $mltll YI P1ul R. Smith Oovtlas Wllltrd Ht11t r YI Jo-Ann Httltr MtfY C, Vo!1h! vs Robert C. Vo\11hl l'lllrtnK c . ICrl!v vs Robert B. Ktlh' (Clllnl• Lu11n Alver.td• v1 R1vmond Rios Alvtrtdt MtrY R KllPIM!I VS Gllberl F. )(\lpprl Mtr1v.fn1 II. Rtld Vt Robert E. Rtid Evt lYn Wiikinson vi Gretor-Wl!kln11111 Caryl M<;Cov Sdlalit n v1 Pt trlck M t urlct Sd'IOIUn h llY J. £1,r!v VI Johtl w: EaclY /Mf'Y M. \lotH i.r VI Alllfrt M'l'l'llll \IGJlf:h• LUC'!' J, W!Moelt r vs G~rlM! llt. WhHlet /MrY E. Wll!lt YI Sll!PMll While Jn M!r.. 0111, .,,, 111 Jtmn 0 1111. rte. Htllfl J.!olt ncl VI Ar>drtw \I. NoltlMI t it. Lvndt Otle Brlnklev 1i1 Tommv Geor1111 l rtnklr!' \llr11lnl1 T. f"IV VI Fr1ncls H. FIY PP!'flll1 M. Chambers "' 0~1111 E. Ch1mbt'r1 P'•trlcl1 Ann McEl(oY vs Nell Vlm:enl MtEl•llY • A11folntla F. 6or11 vs C1rl C. Bo•11 J 1m u $ltv111 Jt nnll\llS vs Su11n kl'f J tnn)ngs l l l'TY G. fl l•nch••d YI M1rv Ar>tl 8l1m:ha•d f'1tr!cl1 Anll McL•rntrr1h v1 L1nnv kltld1ll Mcl1mm1rah Artflur 0. H1rrlson Vt Ann Btrlhl Her· "'M Gr1cl1 LM IC~n v1 W1!ter Allin 1(err WIHldYlall Lllltn o·Ambrt v1. JOHPh V1l1rfo D'Ambr1 Wrrlll L. Woodll ... eo.. w. Woodle ~11vnl Jovct Ltlnci "' conn Ltlno tin . 0111\1 YI C11h.,,.r1 0 . 01ul1 lt_Ylll R~rsell MUtNll \II $1\trrY IEVll\111 tcMlt J1nt1 Mir I C11!1ton VI John Vlrall C1!111on. Jr. Vl(1l,l,n1•· Mev L1U9f "' Junior Charles ciri:nUf!J Smllh vl Bl!llt J1an Smith M1ro1ril A. Ol'n 10 vs Cht rlt• Dunl1n 81\IY L .. Edw1rd1 VS Wendell K111t l!dwl r<h v1r.~~~\ Lt!ah Asslnk vs Kenntlh eovd Lll:l:Y M.11 11.ltkt tl vs Fr-6erlc C1rl l(!Cktll Mtrv Lor11!• Slon«lltll YI Nlcholtl Fr1nd1 lonorent 8 1•• o . Nw•r"-Jr. YI Etalffl llll P, ,,.~m.Tr'Ja C1tUY ~ M.lchttl Eul E;J,~~~v Robffi B!t d<tt \11 AnM [ansllnc-Bfl di:I l!ovron B Thofr\U ~ Htl111 L. Tllom•• MlrY Ale•clnt Mltlhtll v1 Jal'I' Herbl'l'"t M1rsh1ll F rtnce' Evelvn M1rtl1U V.1 JOHah Ml t llotl M1rY E. M111wlll VI Welll<I 0, M111wlll · Iv• V. Mqrrls vs Glenn L. Mqrrl~ 6 ..... A. Polk VI W1!11Ct H Polk 11111 I Rll>h,11 V> Phllllo V. Rlhhee! n<ll t:. WrlaM vs WIUl•m Francke Wrlohl, Jr. Vivian T. J Ollft VI Wllillll'I f . Jont'I E•nul M. Root! vs M1•\ene Rqnl C.ltlld•H• c . Grev vs w11n1m J . Gr•v JOll\1111 M1rv HOUst V'S ll.lchltd Hi t· 1:'1=r~CX~'s11111r vs Tfllfllo Orl•ndo ..._;n11~!1~191Wt.J• vt lkl Lt s~ltneur aev1rlv A. Hlflrllr ~ 0sw11d t.. Ho.rttltt. Jr. Msrtl t\11 St llt1r vs Je11J1 S1l1Uf Adee J. Gurnev ~ 0111ltl S. Gurntv CollMn Tl\eres1 Rllev ~ l lmolh'I' DudleY Rll•v Cl1\ldl1 E. B11tv YI ktnntth I. h1lv J•1ntU1 L. Con1!1blt VI Owlt hl H. CMtlablt '"•lrk:1t A. Divis vs H1n:v_)'.._Oitvl1L.. Ll!'lda L" Thor1> vs Rkh1rd W. Thorp Buck Pace w 5h•ron 1(1lhv Ptct P•mt l.I Ellt n Pl111tr VI Gerik! WtYnl ,.,,,,,, Shtrrl L'f'nn Bllfonl V1 l horMI Edd'I' Buford Gt rlld Lero)' Wrltstl YI Gll'llle WrllM!1 c 11r,. V. 8roeknY v1 P1vl K. BrockWIY 8rendt Joyet G1....,kt vs lttY l dw1rd Gtut •kt G"'"'rude P1trlcl1 Gooch \l'I Chlt~I Eu11n1 Gooch Ju~ilh An11 EbtnhOCh vr Btmtnl E1rl l!btnlloclt 81rbar1 Anne DtutKh \l'I W•lhlr S•~ ford Dt vl1'h RllPh Travis G\bson V1 Ptv!lnt EvtlYn 011 ... llobtrt $. Fowltr "' Shlrltv A. !'owler Bt rbt •t Annt Alltll vs Jtrry Andtl'll!ll Alie~ ,,, • ..., c. Ht nlklt n 'I'S Dlcll A. H1rtl•I•" Evtlvn E lfr1btll'I ~ \II 1!1rl Frrdtrlc); Ancftrson 111.•toh 111.•yMOIWI Jtnlel'! YI An11' C1ltlerln1 Jtn1tn PIMAL DI Cll:•ll Judith ICIY Ch1mbH1 \II Rlndt ll J M Ch1mben Ptltlcll A. W•llnn "' l "'°t l'I J'.1 Wtl!Olo Oorotl'IY J, O'Dtll \II MltNt Wl\11111 H~~J. 5mll!'I vs ()evld (. Smllh Mtra1rt1 Ann McN1m1r1 YI Etrl Jooeoh MCN1m••1, Ell11bttl'I Hend.r1 I! vt Mlch11! cornellut Hert<!trshott W1\11r Alvin Ct rll11 Jr. ~ Vloltl M.•r l1 1::rt~1~. 8 K ll VI Rkl'l1rd 0 Btd< Ol,:by Flqvd Or1v v1 M1rv Ann or,,.,., . c. Till>mCSOfl "' Cl•r• rt Thornoson A!lct JOV(t RO!.t \II G1rv LM "°''111 • Merion E. M1t1c1rofl vs WI I M1!1c1roff l'r1nk M. lltlkotkl VI Otnl' Mii ll1lkoo~I Flovd o. W1lcol1 "' llrllll• ~''" W1!ca!f I "\~'""' Shtlrtr V\ J1n'\IS Denn• w11';:.!'"l. a1111tr \l'I DtVld R. 11\/!lfl' Lindi M.lt Holl VI Bt11\1mln Orvnl• Holt C1rotvr, Ann O.nltl v1 lt~rl Henrv "l" 11. 111 M•T 1\111 °" Wllll•ms YI John O.vld wm1m1 Rlcht rd R. M.1v1 v1 WVM Bld~1 Mlv' c.,.,111e Ltt aerk ""VI S!tnltY uDfM Cieri! Gllbfrt Everett ,,_, WI Pl'IYllll An11 lllJ:;:;, J. MtF1f11Pld vt Atfflur E, McF1ri.n11 Mt '111rel E. l(t"llJS VI Htnrv E. Krtut Jerr'I' L. Turn« \l'I SMrrlll A . .:rw""' ·~ Jtln Scflltdltfll1!/ffP1" vs 1!141rt L" Schl1dtftl1uffer C...,.,I Ree Ce.,_ \II Otle lWll"ttt Cit"""'" M1rllv11 I!. GniMWt!d n Jollll C Grvntw1td N .. 110' J. Sn'lllfl n Vtm L Smith 11.1cl'llt Conf!-1r11 .., Fr111~ C1111trtr11 I Comm••e1, bOlrd me'111111. secu•ll'I First Nt11Mll 811\11;, M•11no111 51rtll ' 11d Ttlblrt Averwt. f011nt1 n v1111w, :JG o.m. TUESDAY Wt•tmln•t•t Oie.mbtr of C~tl"<'f. Botnl of Olredort. Kine , T1blt ltt1l11.1r1nl;W"lmlrutff, n "°°" C0tr1 M-;1:t!lll>qt [lull. C&r1I Rtlf Rnt1ur111t. 26.U Htrbor ll lwd., Coa!I M"'5•, 12"-! lltot•rv Club of Coot1 Mn•Norih, (01!1 Norw. Go!I t ncl Country Club. lllOI Gall Courie OrNt . COl!I Mft1, 12:1D p,m. "!0111 do! Mr 1Clw1nl1 Club, Vl111 Wtdv.. 33311 E. Coe•t HtahW IY, Coro"' del M1r, 12:10 o.m. C<iji,T, M~•d Kl~ls Club, cr,11 Mtl' MtH, ,~:U p.m~!rv C!u . Cmt1 NtW1><1rl HerDOr Oollml1t Club, VIiii Merl~•· 1045 8•Y>IC1e Drlyt, New-"°'' Be1cn, 12:15 1>.m. , H11ntlnolort Be•clt klwt nl1 Club, Hyn: llnolon St1Cll!I Coun!rv (lub, JODI Ptlm Ave., Hunllna!on Bet c!l, U:U ....... Huntlngton 8~d• Ro'l1rv Cluti.North, f'our WlllOJ Re~!1ur111t, 1M21 llol\l C/llc1 Road, Hunn1111tan aeec:ll. ll: ccir·~. de! Mir E11;CNnJ Club. JMef'I llt~!lurant. 2111 E. c .... 11 Hlollw1y, Co~ df'I M•r. u noon , Hu1111na1nn Beien Worth Llom Club. MN<fD'Wl1rk Country Club, 16712 Gr1n1m, HunUooton 8t1ch, 1l -Hx,nHnalon Buth 81rr1clr1 No. l360• 11~\r.r•~1.01 ~:.'~fow~.·· t?un~i!O·r~n Be1d!, 3 p.ni. ROlerv Club Cl NtwPQr1·11•1bot, lrvlM Co~\! Coun!rv Club. J6GO f . C.,.11 HIQ!lWI~. Coron• IHI Mar. l :JG a.I\'\. C0>/1 Mtsa.N•wcort H1rboo" Llon1 C ub, Mfll Vttdt Counl•V Club, Cn1t1 MUI, 6:1.! o.m. >Ml ~'tch Toestm111t" Club. 101 RI Hqu11, 1600 P1clflt C1»1I !-+lo wtY. Seti Bpacn. 7 om. B1lbol B1y Llorll Club, Vlll1 M1r1,..., IOU l lYlldt Or!Vt, Htwoort ktch, I o.m. Hu.,111111!0"> 11~ach Etk1 Lodot. Elkt Club, IOA Octtn Avt., Hunllnwlon Beach, 1:JO II.IT' Vet1r1"' of WCl!"fd Wrr I Ind NtW Mis• Berrac~I 12~•. A,,..rl(;ln ltlllnn Ht l!. 16 w. 11th SI •• Co1t1 M•j•· 7:l0 o.m. i 1,rr Club, S1nr1 An• P11tfllt Llbr•ni, S•nll An~. 9 o.m. H~~--,::e,,.11, Y~~.:.00.F'?,~I~~~,,., D.m. Swlh C011l Ar:tlve :>C·lO Club, VHllM 11111. 129 M1rln,, fltlbDI ltll!'ld. 1:30 Oc~: &ti""" S~I Club Ntwoor!Tt' Inn. "'"'Dort BHCh, • o.m. Odd FtllOW> LC!Ckil /'fo. lU.. Odd Fttl0W1 Temale, 1\i M1ln Str11r. Hu"tlMIM Btl~h. I : G ti.I'll,. l .O.OM. M.ocu NO. 1 5', C! t;. lltll ~!reel; C111!1 M•11, l :U o.rn. ~~~ra\:~t;' 0~rn~t:i1r ~e! Quorlt! 51111111111 ln Am~rlc1. ~ ~~· N~r~0'tfam~?11~!• 'M~.''774.t o.rri. Calllo•n/• Society of P1vehl111'lc "'fe<hn clan~, Felrv!ew C II -o It r , r~rvJ~,°;. Stl!t HO)ol!al' 11/dll<l!"h/m, WEDN£1DAY 9 1~ Fl1me T011!m11let• Club, Mt11 v''°' CDUntrv Club. CCll11 Ml••· 1 1.m. Coslf Mnl Ooll.,,11! Cl11b, Coslt M•t1 GoH and C(ll.lnfry Cl\ltl, 17111 Golf COIU'M Ori~, (M'll lt'.111, II ,_, Hu11tlnoton BtKll Ellthll\Clt Cl~. St>tr•hln 8tldl 11111. H11ntln1Mn b't1th. 12 llllQll. w;11m1nster DD!lrnlst Cllltl, Klno'I able rH t111r1nt. W•lmlnsltr. 1 -·· Cool• M"1 1tot1rv Club, en''' Mesi Go1r 1D11 coun1rv Club, co.11 Mtsl, " -Wt1Tmln1ter £ichtno. Club. l!lbrv1 ~11a11r1nt 1'°'2 9,1ch I I¥ d .• fDV~~!~1~~'1r,!1'~~cfir'niir c1ut1. ,. •n· col" r'!!&urtnt, UjSl Bt•cll afvd .. Huntlm'l'loot-B...:11,-1 1~ ''"'' Clvll Air Pl!rolf Sou& ron )I, 20'UI Ac1cl1 S/rtt!, osl• "'' 7:(1(1 o M. Ae ronu r o n c T11111m1sl,u, VIiii M1rln1, IG4J llt lkll Or,..., "''""-' ee1c11, 6:XI D.m. MtlOf\IC Sttferlnq LOCIGt No. l MtlOfl!C T•molt. Ult! .Slrttl 4!1d Andrews Piece, N~ Blldl. 7: 1>.m. W'tlTTlfn•lw E•dllnee Club, Ht' Pfftlt'I' ~~~ ~~-1 Btech 81vd .. warm1.,.11r, ":+:llnctlOfl BIKh Ml lOll!C l cidG1, 1tonlt Ht ll, 101 l1•1 .Str"'' Hun. 111<1to11 Beech, 7:)0 o.m. C°'t1 Me~1 E1ol1 Atrlt. 756 W. 1'111 .SI., Cotll Mest. 1:00 11.m. St ven!ll S!to Fw ncll llon. H1111t!1111ten lll<l<ll Te!!n Ce~. GtiilMcl AWllUI lr>d Mil" Street, Hu11t1no11111 811ch, A. ~~ c!l~'iln1 c111oi.r o1 s-., l"'l '" ... ,,,•rlc~. O<id fel10""1 H1I , 41• ~ 8!vd., C:oilt Mtt.t, 1:00 1.m. Or11111e County Siil Ctub. 1!1~1 Cl11b, J-1511 VII C!Dorto, HtWDCll"I 811c11. 1:311 D.,,,, C<11JI Slnolt1, YMCA. ~lOO Unlvt r•lt'f' Orlve, Newoort BHcll, 1:)0 o.m. TNURSOA,Y H1rbor·LU-s T1>11•tm1tllr'1 Club. Onlrt Ctlthlrl1, Fathlon 11111'!1. M.-1 ''I'"· 1 1.m. Brt1 I••' Onll,.,l•I Club of C111t1 Mn 1, OCttl Rftf Rntturt nf, 26"5 H1r0tr B B~def c;_~~n~•!fl2:l2,t·ro· 1 !<'!,. .... , ,,,.o;-r,; ~iii!:.' ,"1 W'.' C01$1 H ohwt v. H._rt 11<11:-'j E:~R'ino~ Club of H,)'ll>Orl H•bar, Stun .Siil•! rttt•ur1"t• Nt""'°'I l••ch. U -Wttlll'Jln11ff RQlt rY C!ub, K~1 lttllt 1t11t1u,1n1. Wtttm1111\"'· I noon. 1Clw411li Clvb .i COi 1 l'lttl •HOtlll. C:0t1 R"ff Rttllur1111. 26-IJ H1rllor 11rw .. cca11 None, U:lt 1.rn. Ft-?:~1~1,t~11v •• 8 .... :rs~ c~lf= N1=.trvi:.! '-f.!r•"" Ch.lb Dl11!1l'J R•t111r1nt, 201 ar111111 ~14 C•ll Mesa. n - NewDorl H•ur khirni!1 CIVb. Vint r,•rlne, 10. B1vtldt Orlw, N~ H~.:ir;:to:,I: t of~· L~ Club. Hm:· l111t!Ofl S.tt1 H CW Club. 1tm Av.,. Hunllno °" Btldl. : v.11'.mN .... 1 ,., Cldtl Cnrtlt,_ J:MS •• ,. r1nu ltOjld, S.11!1 A,,., ' t .m. M~lllllC Lockll, IOOP H I I 1. u1m1111ltr Attrwt 11\G Ollv1 '''"'' WM!"' 111tt r 1:10 11.~ Co•t• Mttl Gr\llOI 1 t&(l 1 l t 1 11 . Gr1r.oe HI!!. U4 l rln AW .. Clllll Mn1. 1;.'0 t.rn. Nl!Wl>Orl H1111Dr l!:tlcs Club, l lln Lod!lf. '.W.M V1t Ollorto. NIW!Mrl llNCll, I 1.m. Mu_0t11c ~'\. \i•t'tior Wlllhl lhrjM N!' fl MlMcP.~ ,_, .. ue1 11111 t~ N1tr::r1 At=~'lf:: ,._ Advt~ ClffMfll If C1 It , Slvr"°" Room. U..t1 "' u Irv, 1111 •lit ""'' slnitls. I THE PAMPERERS town and tosa set for special nightdr~s1ng Treat Mother to extra special nighl dressing. Gown s ..and toga sets that pamper her as much as she dt:RM!s. Look al them. Can you imagine Mothtr In anything predler? Does she love ribbons and lace and soft little bowsl Or does she fancy the ll"IUOl'O;US comfort of a sleep goWn l Pamper her pleasure, whatever her mood. You'll find ~ look for every mo1her in the sleepwear coUtctlon 't M'Y Co. Sizes petite, small, med. 1. S.r1me, sleep gown, white, yellow l J.00 b. S.rame, toga over bikini, pink, blue 11.00 may co iJftp'Near 10 " " Monday, M,y S, 196? DAil V "LOT - " THE FLOWERLINGS br ight carna tions bloom for Mother's busy-day dressTn1 Mo1her's busy days ••. brightened with a garden o( carnations.. In full bloom on dusters and shifts of r11yon and cobon. bay• time lh ings she'll love to wear and never waste a worry ovet , wrinkles. The short-sleeved duster for strictly~t-home. The body-skimming pants dress that stays at home and goes 10 market with equal ease. Choose the style to plea~ her best in lilac. rose or gold. Available in 8· 18 or 40-44. By Norman. c. zip fr6nt shift dress, comfo rtable, 12.00, large sizes 15.00 d. carnat ion colla red dus ler 13.00 or the large sizes 15.00 m1y co loungewear 53 ., " ~ I •• may co mesa; south coast pla1a , san diego shop nlond ay through 9:30 p.m. fwy al bristol, sat~rda y I 0 cost a a.m. to 546 • 9321 • .. ' •I • ... v ... • ... ' . •• ... .. "' .. .. .. ... " ' , I 011\,' •• L•.JO. , ., \I !'· " . .. . .. 1 1 ~·1.. "' I " • ,. • !,. ,_, ' •n , ....... MAVCO • ' ' 1 I r I ' "' . ,. '14 llAJLV PILOT r-M°""ar, Mar 5, 1969 ::·~ay Lectures Set .. ·:8Y. UC ~xtension • The following public lectures will be offered by University ot California EJ: ten si on , Jrvine, the week of l\1ay 5; ARSENAL STU DIED • • • (Conti.Bue~ From Page 5) things as broken test tubes and scratches from needles. CAUGHT PLAGUE Jn 1959, one worker there caught pneumonic plague, a highly infectious disease. He also was a life guard al a Rimming pool, but local residents .,.,,ho' might have come in conlact with him at the pool were not warned of the danger nor, accol'ding to McCarthy's report , did the U.S. Public Health service report the incident to the World Health Organization as tto.ujr~_b y __l!lter~tional _ agreement. Earlier, an Army bar· teriologist at Ft. Detrick b«ame ill at his home in Frederick, ?i.fd. He was placed Jn a local hospital where his disease went unrecognized. Shortly after being transferred to a· base hospital, he died of Contagious anthrax. Some 6,000 sheep in Skull _7 Firemen 'Graduated Seven Seal Beach firemen have graduated from the -1th Fire Science Academy at San· ta Ana College; Those finishing 120 hours of classroom instruction and an equal number of hours in sta· lion training are Paul Puckett., .Jim Fowler, Ken Roberts, Wayne Sears, August Wapr, Bill Skat.es-and Bob Castillo. All seven men will receive seven units or college credit wbich may be applied toward an associate of am degree in fire science. \'alley, Utah, died last year when nerve gas-drifted from a C-B warfare testing area at the nearby Dugway Proving Grounds into the pastures. McCarthy said he was in- formed that autopsies done on some sheep showed low-level exposure to the gas. The Anny refuses to ·confirm th.at its nerve gas caused the sheep deaths but has paid the rancher who owned them nearly $500,000-------m-damages. Tests of the gas at Dugway were suspended, but now have been resumed. LA YER OF SAND The Defense Department said it carefully conforms to regulations covering transport of C-B materials overland : there is a layer of sand under the materials during shipment to_ reduce vlb1ations and absor b leakage ; all shipments are accompanied by escorts; routes are planned to avoid populated c e n t e r s and materials carried are not \'Olatite. Yet in the Denver rail yards, McCarthy said a reporter for a local television station found gondola cars carrying what he described as large. tanks of nerve gas, a highly volatile substance. The tanks remained in the Denver yard most of the night. The reporter said his cameraman filmed them for an hour and a half and never saw a guard. Speaking of C.B warfare in general, McCarthy said that most members of Co'!:gress know little about. it. "It's covertly Covered in the defense a"ppropriations bill," he charged. "We've had this shroud of secrecy over it. We just don't think it would survive in the light of day." [/,WIGHT 0. E·1sENHOWER A Gauge of Greatness The DAILY PILOT prcudly offers thi1 lu1rd ·cover "-iogrephic.11! volume in which two-time Pulih:er Prize 1'vinner Reiman Morin tak11 the measure of "Ike," fhe Preiident, the soldier, the st.11t esman, th• fam ily Pnan, the Am•ricen. You can own this in timate pie· tureof the life of Dwight David Eisenhow•r for just $3 per copy. Order Your Copy Now A ...... ., .. ,....,,_ o....,. C-r Doil, rn.~ ... ,, PoaJll lfll , N.'I'. 12ltl ' • .. 11114 it$.•···'•'•••, .copin .t tM VtHllowft h~ • . -············································ ................................................. ... car,: ....••..................................•... I ~ -I ..................................... z1, .....•.•••. Mtb .,_.,. '°10ltk-t.9 n. Au•tlet-4 r,.u ._ J • ' cupid measurettes in 3 torso lengths 5.00 To trim you where you need lf. Prop.or1ioned for your meosurements! Shor1, Overoge and loll-underlays to su bdue· your tu mmy, lo s~ope your derriere. S·M·l·Xl, wh11e ponly girdle, saddle crotch. budget stores downstairs, girdles 819, e..:cept Wilshire extra size nylon shells and pants 3 99 shells 6 99ponl • 42-46 • • 38-44 For Moms who come in lorger sizes. Pretty sleeveless nylon shells in pink, blue, while, beige, Or block-42-46. T wo-woy slrelch nylon pants. navy, laden, brown or block, sizes. 38 to 44 Bolh complelely wa~able. budget stores, dresses 8 JO, except Wilshire PETAL PRINTS breezy whipped creams of no-iron Dacron • 7.99 Solt blossoms. Airy -10 breeze through summer. Dacron® polyester for a core-free season. They n1ochine-wosh .•• ihey dry without wrinkling, never need ironin"'g, Shown here, two delightful versions timed for Mother's Doy giving. Dresses she'll live in th e whole summer long. Cool to weather the )Un· days ahead. Bl ue, pink or ma ize prints. I 2-20-ond 14V2-241/2. A. Soh two-piece suit with notched collar. B. Scarf-lied step-in wi1h slim self belt. budget stores downstairs, daytime dresses 81 O. except Wilsh ire • I , I • h I semi-annual sale support nylons ' 1. 79 reg . 2.29 . Reduced in lime for Mother's Ooy giving. Seamless support stockings of nylon ond spandex. Sheer flattery -and they make tired legs feel olive. Beige tones, taupe ton.es, while. Shot1 81/t-10 ; overage 8'/2-J l; long 91/2-12. budget stores downslofrs. hosiery 807, except Wilshire ,. . • save! basket bags with bamboo handles 5. 99 rogulor/y 7.99 W irh room lo sporel Tht! big basket scenes in for summer-soh woven Vis• cose rayon, fully . l i~ed, inside zipper· pocket. Hand Mom hers in fashion solids -or . in1 eresting color contrasts, ocessorie$ 826, except Wilshire ~ may to south coast plaza, sen diego fwy al .bristol, cosla mesa; 546 -9321 shop inondey through saturdey I 0 a .m. to 9:s0 p.m MAY CO BUOGET STORES l • -..... · -------.---. -------------------·---------------;------------;---·-._..,-.,-..,....__,.-----""l'I • JODEAN HASTINGS, 641-4121 MM)l8r. Mn a. ,,. I , .. U Coffee' C6ps Click New Faces Welcomed Coffee and conversation is awaiting provisionals of the Huntington Beach' Junior Woman's Club. Prospective members will be welcomed during an infonnal 8 p.m. coffee In their honor taking place to- morrow in the clubhouse, 420 10th SL Greeting gueots will be Mrs. Erwin Zuehls, mem- benll!p chalnnan, and new o!ficers of the club. The provisionals recently were entertained at a membership tea where they learned about the purpose of the club. The group wu organized in 1946 to promele culture, conUnuing education and social activity for members as well as community services and coopera .. lion-with the ...Uor club. lnvitatlona were extended to 33 new prospective members, and C~:a" will be given thear pins dur· .-ing-the~dub'• on banquet~g pl-Tues- day, May 27, In the Mesa Venle Country Club. ' COFFEE GROWING -P~$. to-'ID;port 'alf the""6_;,\froili 1 ]!each'-.J\llliOr•Woin.;.'s·Club; and!tlJ.~c<>jf"'for ·P'1<i>peoti~·m~ Brazil to honor their new pro,,;siooals are (left to· right), \h,e . '.bers,.1'1!1 .1~ plaee . at 8 p,m. ·!oit,iorrqw , in tli,. cluti!iouse. Mmes. John Coutlee, Erwin Zuehls, Jolin Knox and Ronald,Nov';'. ~ ·1:1.,r;~'Wfil <ifficiaUy be welcomed.into the,clllb d\U'dng the . kov. Mrs. Zuellls JS membersbil' cb:Bltmall o{ the Huntin~ P>sl~".'\f;~off1cers tak!ng.plpce Tuesday, May 27 •.. Taking o!llce will be the Mmes. Don Winterhalter, president; Slanley. Hettinga, first vice president; G«>.rge Kemp, second vl~e pN!lident; Ted Reddick, third vice ·p,..!dent; Karl Hammer, CQn'espallding iebretaryi Zuehls, recording secretaryi Jack ·H'all, treasurer, and 'Eugene Wiltilims, auditor. -" ,..j h•1 ~., ! , , . \ , ! ' I I ' , • ·~·' . . ' ' ( . . . ' .. .. . #Carnival of Garnes StageCJ for 81.ue B~irCfs A carnivaJ of games with ribbons being awarded UJ.e rjgh_~) · Deb~els. Joanna Dickerson, Cheryl winners is being "planned for Blue Bi.rd Play· D1tY ,_,·, ~, ~ Fra,nttS Schmidt. , Following an after taking place between 10 :30 a.m. and. 3 p.m. Satur· lunch treat there. will be a smg-along to conclude day, May 10, in Lake Park, Hunting\otr Beadi .. Tcy· .the day.'s• activlties"for the Huntington Beach · and ing oul their ability in a spoon ra~e are Feft to .E"':"'tain Y!~y:.gjr!s. . .. . . • • . . . Are You Getting the Most Out of :Life? Grandmothers, mothers and daughters will be en- tertained during a mother and daughter tea in the First Christian Church of Huntington Beach spon- sored by the Christian Women's Fellmvstrlp. Pretty enough to model durin~ the fashion show, Are Yoo ' ' Getting 111e Moot Out of Lile, are. Mrs. ~ Cald· well· and•dallgbters Marianne (lefl) and CY,ndy. Mrs. Fred Galltenne, Mrs. Patricia ·Emmert ·and J1!111 Patiy Emmert will welcome guests, and'1*is. ,G. D. Gordon will coniment on the fashions. · · .. Politician",~-Pol ·icy :··af·« ~H .orsing Around Breeds Contempt . . . DEAR ANN LANDERS: I've been · wriUng tJtis letter in my head for seven ANN LANDERS yurs. Finally I decided to put It down on paper. My problem is neighbors. Before I · go further I'd like to make it clu.r that ..... lhey are horses, not people. +-. We live in a town in Pennsylvania -, -. '. " poptilatlon 30,000 and going backwards. . .. · .. 1 • The boneJ belong to a tw<>bit pol!Uda. Ileallb, the Humane Society, the 1"IJOI' agO'I wenl \J -.11.rt~s a ~glll · ... lary. 'Ibey a.re fencetl in a very small area .. ~the~,1 butDObodydod"uyt.hfug Thewifedfbrit:ot:tbt!lawyen.st.rt~io .-Ltentble. draw ru .. ad don't do •bocalllt Ille 11111yor nms ....-ythlng i1>i callme_on .tbe ,phQno.,"Ju.!lito c:hoL:' I M11hlnr lot the !andlcape. cJudlng the Clly C...ncil. What do you. wils 11aUhld· lilKI 'p!Wiil -· uiiUI the Tbe bones breed oow Ind then and all "'"'°'! -PENNSYLVANIA PROB.. csl!s began to CG111e .....,.day oiid !asl this i* on two block• from lht post of. LEM fOr nearly an hour. fi:ce, rt1bt ln the heart of town. During ' DEAR PENN : Organize Htne poUdc1t t became upset .when Mn. X started to breeding aealOn the movie hou1t1 don't oppOlttion ud tan u.e .-1acat1 Wt &e c•ll me al home, asltlng all sorts of que1- do aey , buslne111. Evt!rybody comes pu&art. Wltll them will 10 Utt bona. tlons about the office. Soon 1 caught on to downtown to watch. ' what should have been obvlOU$ esrUer. We've complained lo the Board ol. DEAR ANN LANDERS : Three )'fRrS Mrt. X wil: ~kitchen drin1'er. One week she called.me evf!fY atngle , &eleplaoot nmlter. ne feet duit yo. night and cried for a solid hour about htr dldl1i dalat of Ualt 1oanelf ralH1 ffmt husband's abusive treatment., ~ ahe flHltlou •bomt yov DMCl ii Aller. Have got to ta!ldng a1*>ut . her · "vicious" --• • -· U1 _.. I -·I•· neighbors and their' Plot.: ~to make ,htt -~'"tt' ...... ---T"A·-·':'~~ .... move. When she told me they bad btt, house bugged I knew she was not .. 1,. D!AR ANN LANDERS: Tllo 1Jlrl1 my drunk but era~~ After several montha ot fiancte workl wJth (25 of them) are siv- lhese lnlermlnaj>ie calls, l 'leh myweU ' Ing• brJdsl .ohower lor her. Tllo party ,going to pl..,.s. I had-to q1lil ·my'jol>add ·. , will.b!l;l\l:lhe ~ ol Im 'l!aid qi honor. leave town . . 1 Bev -~~ ~~~ b\ iboal.10:30, E1g111 ,.,;,ntlu nave -passed but ttiil 'wlliillliiji ltfrt;to '!'!".'(•' Uio·coti.e Ind )oony woman sUU calls every wff:k. Sbt ' cake. She ays aU l have to do bi II)' •lways ls bombed and doesn't care what 1'hello." Ann, I'd nthtt w1lk into U.UOn time it 11. J've lost many .a nigh('• sleep • cage at LtncOln Part Zoo. and am 1lck lo death of her. What's the I've uted around the ahop and not a amwer? -SACRAMENTO -1ngle fUY here has ever had to do DEAR SAC: Tbe answer Is 11 aaHsled enythins Uke lhia. Pleue give me iome .advice . last. -SQUl1\M!Ni; . • DEAi! S: Your 1lrl -le -,.... off, Lovey -,. bo •. ,... .,... u(; '!'.!i!! .. ller ~,,,, It'll ·!"'>' -• '"": ........ ud ... ,..,. ...m .. ·-.., .. ,.. _ 11. • Whal' ••• lli ,.., .. Ille oll(lr olde .,: lbt JD.ll'liaae vellf Bow Cft JOU::bt ..... your marrla,. will W<rtl ~ AM: Land<(I' bciOtlel "folarrlap ..., WMI to: EIJIOOI." :-' yoor ~ le Ami Landen In we of 11)¥ --· lng 50 cents ln cOln and • loar. • ; e4 ..u~ enW>iopo1 : Ann Landen wW .. Pel to hllll y ... wllll your ]>l'OblelTll. Send lhorii IO baO .. care ot the: DAILY PILOT, mcloe ... a: 1tU•ldclre....t. 1tampo<j ......... • • J .·. .. . ~- . " ' -. . . '- . .. . " .. " " " . ' ' " -" •· ' .. , ·. ·. ' ' ' • Spicialty: Pulchritucle • MM•H ff 'll • •••••••• , • • United Nations Gui.des Girls p1tture: Jatad aa-JM dur1lli 1 t11ree-the s1r1a ·wtlh 1nv1u11om for . ,. ., B ks : . Couple Decide On Island Home -"""""· , bolh lonnal and tnlonnll • • Moot ol the slrla have at plberiap, .and muy o1 the • liaoC two ·worldni 1-l(tt g1rla many clelerata or U.N . ., Mlrwya1 • • • • •• and ba ... ample -for tlleln. ol!ldlla. . Ah«ll If ~~ol the toun One -guide, an lndlan As tile man salil, ''when Y"' :t:,i\'!i.• ;iu,~ °!: ~ · ~'ttm=1te ~=have a winner ~ wtth it!" ~ Caauni ior toun In Another u-cu!de la tJ?e '!lie So, the M... lllYI with a , l"r1lndl, Sponllb' and Gtrmu. ol a member ol tile Greek greet double bllllol movie en-~ the slrla mlllt ~ . tertalnmeat thal Prvct-plen- prt cllpkllnlcj: lnlo prlldtce u ~ I h I 1 yur'1 new · '··'· 1llof aulde villton oo llll·mlle RUidel 11, blonde, CarollDe de IY ol ucllemeat u -as ~ toun follr llin<t • <lay, . ' fletche, l1, daui)ller of the ol-laugbs. lllirlnl the 1bc-dly Arab-S-~lo Wall>-Enter the scene toolihl or -war lo )111, for exam· IDgt<ln. • IGmcrrow eve and OllJoy llap- ple; a ~ ·gtr1 wbo dll· Able lo Ip e I k Engillh, -y , _, ~• •'-• .-i that a -born In Fr9x:b and ·German, llle·wd ~·· -~ -~ -.. Palepllne wu spot oo by a the Jab wa """\!_..,.. by with Bdl lo the hdllc. James -. but she retained her a lrimd wbo became • guide Gerner topo the blJllng In the :re lild r<porl<d the IMI ·,..,-. and ''my parents 1iJrmer which 11 1 G-l'lled mly after the tour llk.ed the Idea ol my -, mm, for _.i au-The WU CQlllpleted. If the Untted Nallom." Tb«e a11o ""'' sodal fringe -· I ooo penoos tour the Ja«er one atan Lee Marvin and beqef)U, Party-ioini govern. U.N. NCh day, holidays In-II a -rec<IDmended for ment ~tlves shower duded. aduhi:, mature )'OW'IC people and lor')Wlll penoos • Bell lo '11le P.-!Jal a Iola! cut ol two acton-To- shlro Mllune o1oog with Msr· viii. They play the pertl of 'IUI Amertcan and a J apaneee ahlp- -on a de>olat. island, In the PacUlc during WW U. 'Ibey' are deadly ~es. Their countries are at war. 'Ibey can- not communlcat<, Whal pre- vents one from killing the other? ·:. Ch ampion sh ip Defen ded " " •. · . .. , " " " ·, .. -·~ ... -, "• . " " ... ;; .. . • " ~ -. .. :--· .. .. :· .. -. .. :· .. •• :· .. .. .. : . .. .. . Defending women'• champion at Irvine Coast Country Club, Miss Dee White moots her winning putt to recapture the 1969 title as champion. A 1ittle per· plexed over how she did it is runner-up, Miss Danni Lipp. Miss White and Mrs. Roger Poole, who won low net, are invited to the Mary K. Browne Tour· nament to compete with all low net and low gross ~inners in Southern Cali· fomla. ' Child's Play 7387 Give 1 llWe tk'I a drftm· comHnle gift w!lh lbll llvdy dollandwantrobe. Doll pl111 I-port wardrobe o(. fer houri cf Imaginative play to a dilld. Pitt.em 7Sl7: tramier d. 9-incb doll, pat- terns fur clothes, dlrecllons. FIFTY CENTS (coins) for each poMoiu -add 15 cents fOr -pollern fOr llnKl-modlll!I aad oPOCitl bandilns: oCberWlao tlilnkM deltvery will ~e tlrea -a or more . Send tO Allee Broob, the DAI· LY PILOT, 105 Needlocralt Dept., Bos. 183, OJd Chelsea -._New York, N.Y, 10011. Prlnt Nunt, Addrt111 7Jp, Patten NIDllllJel'. Giant, btW boo1t ol U Ptbe Afpau. 10 cents. British Group Shuffles Detk Westward Ho Chap ter , Daugblen of the British Empire. will have 1 card par· ty In the Laguna Beacll Woman11 C1ubhou&t al 1 p.m. 1buncb1, May a. .AttracUona will Include an afttmoon tel at 1:30 p.m. and docT prllea. . The public It Invited to at- tend,1 n d tickets I re$! per per.on. Further lnrormaUon may he obl>lncd by callln1 Mn. Johll Haiold, 111-9118. ' .• Horizon s Unlimi ted For Aerospace N urses Opp«lwlltles lo !>ecom• ao aerospace a\ine are lncreu- inl dally, and lllllll' registered """" In Oranp County .... aeu the qnaJIDcatlom for t h e Air Force's apace-q:e nune corpe. aeon general and be a u. s. cltlun. · Comm.111lons are granted ac· cording lo lntilVldull experi- ence and education. Starting 1alarle.s range from f5000 to f1000 wllb automatic lncreu· ea:. Nunes oo fiylng 1tatua mlgtit earn as much u f13,· 000 • LOCAL To quallly u a llylnc Flor· ence Nlcbteople and receive a eommlqlioa in the Air Force an lndlvtdoal IDUll be between 7j) IUld IS with no depeDdenta under the as• ol 18. She muat hold a c:umal lllD'linl regis- tration, be a -gi'iiluale ol • school acceptable to the sur· Uniforms are provided, and wblle on active duty nurses receive 30-day paid vacations a year. Additional information may be obtained by callJng S/Sgt. James T. Bowman, 547·2218. N• ,th., t1•••P•P•' tell• you tn•r., '''" city, elieut w~1t'• t•l119 111 l• tt11 lir••t•r Or1119• Co11f tM11 th. DAILY PILOT. l'ndt-l'Ulell Boston Cre•m Pie A frothy con~·~tion wi#i ch•rti••, p••ches or boy1enberr111, cust1rd filling ind topp•cl with whipped cr11m. 1.65 Arm11 Bread A funny nome for this bijjl ·round lo•f of crusty french breed. Terlure end fl1vor of re1I ~orn•-m•d• br11d. 4tc Wiii A llRTHDAY CAO, flDI If your blr+hd•y It Jn June, July or Au9u1t 1top Jn end fill out en •ntry ••. • dtcor1t1d 2-liy., ca~• to I lucky ptopft 11ch monthl '£.~LIDO 3433 VIA LIDO INEWl'ORT BEACH y CENTER 673-6360 TRANSU'l'E.JAQUET' S SEE-THROUGH LOOK HEW P'ftDM JAQUET! A SPECIAL F'OUNDAT10N THAT REFff.\CTS LiQfr TO COHCE.\I.. LINES, WRIHKt...ES AND COLOR BA.THE YOUR SKIN. IT SETS WITH JAQUrr•s SHEER FLATTERIE POWDER, LOOSE OR PRESSED, AND IS ACCENTED WITH PEARL-TONE LIPSTICKS, PINK CAPER OR BAMBOO PEARL. FOUNDATION AT 6.00. 10 .00; P.OWDER 1 PRESSED, 2 .50: ~SE, 3 .00; LIPSTICK-2,.QP, ~Err MR. B!RNARD,. EXPERT MAKE-llP ARTIST 1 IN OUR NEWPORT STORE, MAY 8 AND 9. COSMETICS. Gin' OF' PRElJJDE DUSTING POWDEft1 VOUM: WITH PUROi.ASE CW 15.00 Oft MOft& OF loN'f JAQUET 9&NJTY Pflll'AM.TIOHS • ROBINSONS NEVv'FORT ·FASHION ISLAND · 644-2800 ·~ ' MESA MATINEES give local film patrOM a great chaooe 10 see the feature film first. Drop in 'Wednesday afternoon and enjoy a movie dUring a mid- week. mld-day break-aw.-y. The programs start every Wed- ne!lday at 1 o'clock, opening with free refreshments. FREE PASSES lo the Lido of the Mesa will be mailed to- day lo J. E. Froot, >st Catalina Dr., Newport Beach, W. W • Hunt, 531 Seawsrd Rd., ConJna del Mar, T. P. Man!uez, 837 w. Dam11, Costa Mesa IUld J, E. Clrml, 211 Topu, Balbol L!land. We lliicerely hope thal Y'"' name II listed hero one Wfft tea1 soon as a guest cf ••ptc. ture Peet!" to ea.Joy 1 flne film at lbe Lido or the Mesa. Do Uy lo set out more olin ~-!!!!!I &~ lher JllOll out ol iretl motion pl""""' "' lhe big, wide screen with um de- llcl"" odor ol fmb poprn a~ng the action. -----~ -----------------~-------------------------------------------- I r' ----------- Show Draws Art Works H~bor Chapter oC Hada.Ssah will present its annual .Champagne party and art show next Saturday at 8 p.rri. in the Huntingt"on Beach home 1ot·Mr. and Mrs. Allen J, Shafran, 17214 Courtney Lane. Included:in' the show will be works in most art ~edia. Admiring ,pieces of sculpture wti!C'b wil. lbe display. ed are Mrs. Don Pinslly (left) and the hostess. Res~!Va!ions due by Thursday, may be made by calling Mrs. Stan GotUieb at 549-2069. •· . Colorado Home ·John M. Spiller Weds Lithe Lines 9352 ~ SIZES 1o)S.20Y. 't., 1ff ,..i ... 1fr,...1" ... Admire spring flowe:rr; and be admired in this light 'n' loose shape with s m a r t , cl'()S90Ver neckline buttoned lo the aide. Fine for linen, shan· •Wll!· Prmled Patt<m 9312: NEW Hall Slw 1011, t.2 1>, 1411, 1111, 1111; Ill\. Siu 1411 (bust 37) takes 2\i ymb 39-lnch! Cotto -., Coll!. 111 ••. '""" """' Mwf•lr ~ ,...,. S4fl" ------~-----~~---------------::-_----~---, M"'doY, MIY 5, 1969 · DAILY l'llOT ]7 . ' -. Her Role Not Extraordinary - ' Nun _ Braoc,hes iQ!:!t Into Big B·usiness INDIANAPOLJS • (UPI) - Slst« M. Paul Mkhel pn>- bobly Is lhe tint nun to .. u In- surance but she does not con-. aider her rol< extra~. The wort lhe does It St. Benedict College at FerdiMl!d, .in oou1hern . ln- dlana, Is her IOlutlon to · a paramowit problem she could Dot IO"'lve in l!l!CUlar life. ' qulc~ 11111 tl>o 115-yeat-<>ld an inlnnnco qeot lac hll coUeae hid ID inadequate and firm . ............U, aly lnourance With aome ol the ....,.y ~-So Siller Paul ll!lchel llOOll made for' St. Ben e d I c t • s bee-the lnllurance con-tbroogfl her 1nsur.... ..1 ... sultan& tor the liberal am Sister Paul MJchel turned to a .c. new · cball<nge lo wblCh she school. One ot me ways she brougbt previous experience could mate IDOl)I)' for the col-"My !ct.her Wu a printer· in }ege and tbe ~ .fl ~t. · Balil.m«e and I k n e w Benedk:t wa1 ~ beeome an lD· .something about Jrintlng,,. suranoe aaent. . she said. 11We used much ol J cl1n -Y • resident vice the mooey made tlroogfl in· i:=r old.!':~ ~!t'~'1 surance to ~ e_qWpment we Oisualty Co .. -ldolitted' If ·-. Now we have & ,Prett>; &~ printing aetup. . "Religious ll!e today does noe require individuals pro- (eos1onally trainocLto won in clrcumacrlbed areat, 0 Sister Paul NJchel believes. "It is essential t!lat r<Ugtous Hie be fiexible aDd adapt to the needs of the time." The nun, now IS, has seen her <rder change its ba~it. or dress, during the two aM a ball yean '° • d'IOR com.. lorlable ••b for the --tho •i.t<n do .• Now that the lnonraoce Ind prinllna ocUvlllel al SI • ~nedJ_ct'• •e r u oft Int -y and do DOI roq~ her lull 111ention, !;titer Paul Mkbel will turn to her next challenge. "I'm 'er y Jn- terested in -"' 1od socio~. I em illtetttted !n writing and doing .-!I work." j'I 'bad alx years ol work with instrance in several cities," abe recalled. "J bad a lot ol amblllm to get to the top but once I got there, I lost mt..-..t. So I thought that 11 l gave. my llfe to something In which I nev« really reached the top, I could Ji.Ve a Hie ol theoreUcal cbaJJenge." Her solution WU to enter tbe Order ol Sl Bet:<dlct. Her knowledge ol the Insurance business <Oabled her to "" belle 1 o m e w b a t surprbed when the attzoctlve ~ women he ftnt knew as Miss Bever!)-Brooks ol Balltmott, ssked -..,. her becunlog a nun WG.lld conflict with being an hlluruce 1gmt 1or his MAY company. .._ He Mid thC being a nun would nOI int«fer< with bel,,g Camp Fire Council Has New Big Chief it's verve I it's· instant color with 75' PLUS SHAMPOOlM••lll•y ,,.,, Th1nffyl s2zs AND SET I.After I ll'·M· $2.IDJ Fri. • Sat. -. Sun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . $3.00 llo111 h1iP e11fr1) Wherl Spring puts verve in your life, we put it inU>your hair! With our new comb-able, brush-able doe. And with our color that just rinses in and "takes"while we set your hair: It's marvelous Roux Fanci-full that • colon instant.11-then ~h•fft'POO! ouL when '" wish! . • uaea no puoxi~ netda no after· rime! • coven snr. re.freahn daD hlir, tone.e bl~ed ht.Ir! Caot1 -· Col!I. ,. •• , .... ltrtl'I _..,_ "CAMEO" PRINT·S da infy desi9ns on '100 % cotton R99· 49c yard-SAVE 11c· YARD 38~ Printed Hop.sacking ' •R· cotton ·~eespun ," 9'reat fof sporhwear ' . Reg. $1 .19 yard-SAVE 20c YARD 99~. BUTCHER WEAVES I 0 solid colors in rayon, co~on, · flai HURRY! THESE ARE $1.69 YD: VALS. ' ---~- ~!!.~~;.~so~!~n !~[!!!~ . R99• $2.29 Yard -SAVE 81c YARD Llttlo lronl"9 45" Wide •1•!. SCOTCH TWIST coordinated woven plaids ind solids Reg. $2.98 Yard-SAVE $1.00 YARD Rayon & Acetate 54" Wide Guar. Waah.abl• '1'!. DRAPERY PRINTS colorful designs on 100'/. cotton Reg. 98c Yard -SAVE 49c YARD 2~DS.99c DRAPERY FABRICS broc.Oes1 novelty we aves, · •ntiqu• satin R99. $1.98 · to $3.98 YCll'd Values 99~. Upholstery FABRICS heavy quality brocades ond novelli .. Values to $6. 98 Yard • '1'~ SIXTY.FIVE CENTS In o::ims for each pattern -add Ji oenl.i for eacll paUem for fint-cl ... mailing and SJ)tcial handlinc; otherwise third-cla ss delivery will take three weeks or more. Send to Marian Martin, !lie DAILY PILOT, 442 Patteno Dept.. 232 Wm 18th St., New York, N.Y. 10011, Print NAME, ADDRESS wi<h ZIP, SLZE and STYLE NUMBER. ArtMit, Calif. llJU ~--...,.,.._.. ...... ("'91111' o .. -. Coll!. 1~ w. a..,,_ ,_.,. .. fount1ln Valley, (11if. I ,,ll Matl!Oll• S.nta An1, C1llf. ,. .... 11 ......... ·----,,.,. ..,.,, 'ount1ln Valley, C1llf. lm1 1111'-t' •I IWIJf -·--tt-~---COSTA MIU. eo1lll•1 .t llActt l"IST'OL fl SAM Ollff t!llNTl ... lOM aaACM rwv .... u.. ..,.,. l"tw:iM "WW• Viii...~ ...... ,., .• , "'''" CtMfl' ....... _ • • • ' ./ . ~------~---------------~--=------------~~~-..·-=--------------------------------- ' ' •.If Nll.Y PUT M-. liq 5, lM '. D. l. Halloran s SJ/ec t Corona Del Mar Home MRS. HALLORAN New Bride De legate Select~d °"' Lldy Qu ... " Anc•ll Church wa1 the setting for the double rln& nuptlala Wlltl!>a In marrlage Oenn1I i. Halloran of Coron• del Mar and the . former Mary Josepblne Derum ol Manl>altall Qeach. Tbe . Rev. Wllllam R. Harney olfklatad. The · bride wu escorted to the altar by her fat.Mr during the noon ceremony. She wore a white organu. gown with Belgian lace over dotted aw.i.a and a cathedral length train, and carried a bouquet of white carnations , roua Md lt<phanotll. The daugbltr ol Mr. and Mn. James P. Derum of St. Clair Shor.,. Mich. aaked Barbara'· Walker lo be her maid or honor. Bridesmaids were Judy Fields, Kathleen Derum, the bride's sister, and Letty Hallor.,,, the bent1Uot"1 sl!ter. They donned yellow linen ·IO"DI with white cotton embroidery trimming t h e front 'pane1I and necklines. The bridegroom, son ol Mrs. HARRI ET ANN COLLINS August Bride ' Misoion •Flaherfy R!fes -• St. Jose ph 's Church Ch os en fo r Ceremony Hanaymoooin& In Hawaii are Beoch, ... bride'• tiater, w. Roland Macape.wa 1(~ a Janklr brMwmlld 1 n d and hlJ bride, the .former M-Flabtrly, lllOCl\lr Carolyn Helen Flltierly, who ..... wu llowtr llrl The l>r1dogroom ukad bla exchanged wedding vows and bn:Jd)u, Clarence MlaaJon' Jr. rlnp bel..-o the altar ol St. cl AJlljlelm to be "beat man Jooe~·· ~ Church, and ullltn wort Albert MIM-Loog Beed>. Jon, Ida COlllln of Long Beach; The afternoon riles were 1'bomea Lope.z, another coualn read by the Rev. Andrew T. of San F«"Dando: Todd Toeu for tht daughter and aon ·Collim, Long l!toch; and of Mrs. Carol Joao Flaherty of Robtlt Hlradi>om, Long Long Bead> and the late Mr. Btacb. Paul Ocampo o I Francia A. Flaherty and Mr. J4wai1 w• Junior U111er and and Mn. Clarence M. Mllajon rln( beor<r ,.. ~ll Mloa• ol Newport u-h. joll, b r-o I h • r ol the Given in marriage by her bridep'ocm. brotller, Pairlck Flallerty ol The' ...,.1ywec11 sr-ted 400 Long Beach, the bride chose guaU In !ht Lafayette Hotel, . an old~aal!looad floor lenith Loog 8-h following the gown of tiered val lace, eD\w': ---· Mulic r..--dancing ced wtth a aaUn cummertiund w-111 ini~ by Sbapa ot and detachable c a,t h e d r 1 I . Sound follolring dinner and length aatln train·. Her. Door Mias Va1or:le Burdtfleld of length silk Ulusion veil was Torrance, the bride's cousin, edged with lace and her bou· circulated the guest book. t quet WM an arrangement or Special guests at the wed-f white orchlds, stepbaoot.iJ and ding were Mrs. H e I e n carnations. Burchftek! d Long Beach and Floor length blue chUfon Mrs. Narciao ~ Miaajon, ol gown1 aM ktct paraaob trim-HawaU, grandmothers of the med wlth blue carnatkxts were couple. .. Att.ndlng tho fourth Con· entit-eonventlon of the Unitarian Unlver1all1t Women'• FederaUoa in St. I.oois Friday·Manday, May f. !%, will be Mn. Holbn>0k Mulford of Costa Mesa. Termlcfl Hallorin of Santa Ana and the late Mt. Halloran, asked hll brother Donald Halloran to stand as best man. Ushering duUei were assumed by James and Richard Derum, the bride's brothers, and Michael Halloran, brother of the bridegroom. SC Students Revea I Troth selected for the bridal party. The new Mts. Miaajon ~. Maid o( honor was Miss graduated from St. Anthooy's • , Patricia Krogh ol Long Beach lligll School, Long S..ch, and and brldesm.Uds were the attended Loog Beach City Misses Alberta MacKemie of College. Churchwomen from alt over the United St.ates and Canada will convene for the biennial gatberinC, themed Woman Power in Action. Keynote speaker will be Caroline Bird, author of "Born Female: The lllib Colt of Keeping Women Down." MW Bini, journallll and research director for a New York public relaUw firm, hu done tx· tensive sb.ldies of dlJcrimina- tiDn agalmt women iD the bu!iness a n d pro!essional world. Servica: during the eon- Marilyn Oberst was the flower girl. Special guests were Mrs. Joaeph Goedde of San J acinto, the benedlet'a grandmother; Mrs. Jo an Marcum of Portland, and Mn. Janet De Mets of Washington, his aunts. · The reception followed in the Newporter Inn where a mariachi band entutained. Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Collin• of New- port Beech announced the engagement o! their daughter, Harriet Ann Collins to Charles Ralph Fisher during a buffet supper in their home. · The brtd ... lect, a 1966,, National Charity League debutante, is a graduate of Corona del Mar High School and is a junior at the University of. . Southern· California. She i~ studying dental hygiene and is a member of Delta Delta Delta. r--ventton-will-mark the tooth anniversary of t¥ first na- tional organization of church women in the United States, the uniting of Universalist women in 1819. The new Mrs. Halloran at· tended the American School FoundaUon in Mel.lco City and her husband attended Mater Del 11Jib Schoo~ Santa Ana and the-University of San Diego College for Men. The newlyweds will make their home tn Corona del Mar following a honeymoon in Acapulco and Mexico City. The future bridegroom, son ol Mr. and Mn. Connie P. Fisher of Sand Springs, Okla., att.e@.ed Okl~C?ma State University for .three years and will graduate in June from USC where he is majoring in business ad· miniatration. He is affiliated with Delta Chi where he is graduate advisor. The couple have planned an August wedding. Costa Mesa High School Faculty Picks Delegate Fuller-Goggio .Names To Be Linked in . • GIRLS STATE Judy Folkart Gra nd mothers To Welcome Vete ran A native of Czecho!llovakia, r.uchael Van Horn will be the gue3t speaker 'I1tur3day, May I, when the Newport Harbor Grandmothers' Club meets at noon in the c.osta Mesa Goll •nd Country Club. The World War II partillan fighter joined und_.,,nd fighters in aabotaglng the German occupaUon whiJe aUll in his teens. When that eonfllet ended he soon went un· derground again. this time as an anUCunmunlst. In 1948 he waa forced to nee to America with a price on his .head. He just recently returned from a vis it to hi!: bcmetand whlch once again la In the midst of conflict. Van Hom'• loP.ic will be Ciechoelovakla After 18 Years of Soclallsm. June The faculty at Costa Mesa High School have selected Miss Judy Lynn Folkert as UJeir delegate to the 26lh. Plan1 for a June 21 wedding graduated with highest hon«s session of callfomia Girls 1n San Francisco have been from the University of State, aponsored by l h e revealed by Diane Goggio of California School of Nursing. American U glon AUJ.i.llary Oakland and George K. Fuller She earned BS, RN and Public 4M. of San Franaiaco 1-lealth degrees. The Davis campus of the Fuller, son of Dr. and Mr.1 . Unlve'ratty of Callfomla will be The betrothal has been an· George B. F u 11 er ol the ses!llon's setting from June nounced by Mrs. Phyllis Gog· Scottsbluff, Neb .• ia a senior · 23 to July 2. Girls State lJ a sfo ol Newport Beach and Dr. medical student at t h e project in pr a et I ea I AJfred F. Goaiio ol Berkeley, University ot . Ca JI r or n i a Americanism and cltiienshlp ptrerQ ol. the future bride. Medical Center in San Fr-an- training a n d ls on e of t he Mlq Goggio, • ttgl~red cisco. He graduated Phi Beta highest honors which come to l'IU19e 1n ~errltt Hospital, Kappa in anthropology from a junior girl Oakland, graduated from An· the University ol California Mill Folkert, the daughter na Head School, atteMed San~ and plans a career in public ol M and M K--lh o ti Clari University, and heal th r. ra. •••~ . -======="""====·======= Foli.ert of Costi Mess, has n- been chm officer, G i r I s Athletic Association member and on the honor roll for three years. Next year the will be a varsity cheerleader a n d already has been active in the drill team, Pep Club, atudent council and concert choir. The 11th grader ripresented the high school at the Governor's Traffic Safety Conference In Los Angeles last year. The raculty, when selecting, look for leadership, character, scholarship, service-a n d citlunship quaUUes, according to Mrs. Robert Fisher, unit chairman. Girls State Is a multipurpose program cover- ing Americanism, education and community service. , More than 550 girJs lrt. selected from all artii of Califomla to participate. Tr i Delt Tou r A lecture and tour of orchid growing lJ planned for the Harbor Area Alumnae, Delta Della Delta. Members will gather at 10 a.m. next Wednesday at the Paul Bncth Ordlld Co., Co6ia Meu . Afterward a meeUng wUI be conducted by the newly ln- 1iallad pmident, Mrs. Ronald Ward. This steel watch costs more than many gold watches. It's a Rolex Oyster Perpetual Ch ronometer. ()pier case carved from a solid block of s111nreu 1teel. Water·resistant. • Perpetual rotor, ~jeWtll movemen t. ctwonomeltr certification g_uarantees prec i~ ilon untjer extreme condll~s. YES MAM Because most of the work Is done by hand, it tak• • yeer to buUd· It It'll probably last you a llfetlme. $197.50 wllh matching steel bracelet. '""""' c-. c ..... lftd •tytlil ,,. ln!ICt, " We do have the la rgest stock of SHAG CARPET a t the lowest prices! DON'S CARPET SHOP 11-H""lf--I 4H SOUTH MAI N . ORANOI • R O LEX SLAVIC K 'S J.weW1SttQ 1917 II Fash ion h land Newport Be•ch -644-1380 'l'wt Cllfftt Ac~ Wlk1m. -•tn11AmWlc1N, Mlttw cu,,._ ""' 0jl!1J1 Mo"d1y, f rld1y uni;! t i)O I'•"'· ----------"'---------------~~----- Long Beach; Kathy Fletcher Her husband , a graduate of of. Lakewood : Barbara Misa· Millikan High School and jon ol Bellflower, th e LBCC, attends California State bridegroom's siaiter, and College at L«lg Beech, where Margaret Cobbs, Long Beach. lie is atudying mathematics. llJ.!o Monica Flaherty of Long Lmg Btad1 wW be the A 'Prize ' of o Husband . • MRS. ROLAND MI SAJON Haw•ilan Honeymoon bridal couple's address when they mum mm lheir.lK>ney·, l!IOOll. _Speaker Told Wife Analyzes Mate ~tr.!. Thirza M. Williams spoke to Laguna B c a c b Brandl members, Nation&! League ol American Pen Women at their last meeting of the seasoo t.hia alternoon. Mn. Williams, a writer and lecturer, is president of die Jeague 's Palm Spring branch. CARLISLE, Pa. (UP!) "My husband's mind la nnething like a spigot.'' That's what .Ava Pauling told chemistry student.I at Dic kinson College when she was asked to describe bow it felt to be the wife d. the man who bas twice become a Nobel prize winner. Her husband is Dr. Linus Pauling, noted physical scien- tist, who received the Nobel prize for chemistry in 19~ and tm Nobel peace prize iii 1981. Mrs. Pauling accompanled her husband to Dickinson wheD be received the college's annual Priestley award for achieve-how he via:uaUzes them. ment in the eciences. She descrlbed her life with "If he haa a miall _....blern, Dr. Pauling as '~satisfying and ,.. ~ exciUng." he ooly tum. oo a liWe bit o1 hi! mind," she sald. "If the Engaged ln peace W«k problem is bigger, he turns on since her youth, Mrs. Pauling more of il Only when the pro-will lecture lhroughout Europe blem is really big does he turn next yelr wxler the a~ces of the Women's International it all oo. Often he puts hi!! Committee for Peace and deepest problems into his sutJ.. Freedom. She is active with con.scious. Aft.er that, amwers the Ameri can Civi l Liberties aometimes come spoo-Unioo and similar nra,. ... ;.,._ WHO PAYS Many questions arise when planning a wedding. Send now for ''How to Plan Your Wedding" Guide. Send 25e in coin to P.O. B ox 388, Huntington Beach, Calif. 92643. taneoosly.'1 ~·o-..- Mn. Pa.W. oai<I her bu .. ,...:li:""'::...· -------'"'='========= band aees all problems ss "structural matten -even abstl'act ..,OOlena::, '' but she wu unable to describe exactly SANDAL LOVER'S UNITE STRIKE A BLOW FOR FOOT FREEDOM! UNI ROY AL CONTINENTALS MARAlU 5.91 FOUR WAYS 6.91 S'ICE ISLAND 6.91 AVAI LABLE AT In Coot• -IY• CEP'Ai.T MSN T STOi.& 1116 NEWPORT IOU UYAl D Uie Your •.• lenkAmtricard, Ma1ter Ch1r9•. Ointrt, Ce rte Blanche Cr•dit Cerds PARK CONVENIENTLY JUST A STEP FROM OUR EAST ENTRANCE ••• Op'" D1ily 9:l0·6: Fr;. til 9 ' NEVER • BEFORE BEAUTY BONUS For the first time ever •.• thi s very special beeuty offer. With ••ch 6.50 Evyon purchase re-c:e ive, at no extra cost, White Shoulders Youlh ond Be•uty B•th, reg 5.00. Do toke •dvonl•ge of th is dramatic and t imely event to obtain choice gifts for Mothe r's Day, June graduations. White Shou lders Lux ury So•p 13 c•kes) 6.50: Powdered White Shoulders 6.50; Youth •nd Be•uty Beth; Cologne 3.5().12.00; Perfum e 3.5().20.00. Cosmetics, 17 ' ~R.C>ADWA.Y ( . -------------~----~--------------------·--------·----·--~·----------......------------~~~-• DA!lY 1'11.llr Jf . Horoscope t • • Scorpio: Accent Continues on Journey, Visit · Betrothal News · fold • • • Tbe betr<tlPJ ol Mtrllyn Ann Fagaly Ill Dalllel JOOlpll Silva has been revulld 111 bat .· TUESDAY MAY 6 By SYDNEY OMAilll ASTROLOGY HOVBEllOLD HINT: Cleu cuial-. Be wary !J acddellY, bamJI m. nM•r -· Day !et-tlior ouftmetl. U na•, dhpes have been ae&)ected, pi at them today. AlllES (Mlll'd1 ll·Aptil Ill: Accent on wtllingndS to as- '""" C<lll!mand. 0on·1 emrui an)' situation to -a:et o.rt. of hand. Be independent and selfish, if neceuary. Some lry to give you more than a fair share of burden. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Bt: receptive. CommunlCIUon cf importa~ m1y be cm tht way. Passive rolai.. especially Books to Boats when dullng with Aries, is nlC'lllW'Y· Day i! favorable , e1pec.lally for vacation or trafll plana. GEMINI (May II.June 20): Money lllvoMog male or part. nor ii tpOlllahled. Don't try to t0lve too many Jll'()blems at once. Senae of humor can be your great ally. Slow pace. Thlnk of your own future st· curtly. CANCER (June II.July 22!: le aware of public relaUoos. Mike motives crystal clear. 'lllere Is ..... ~ .. connected with legal matter. Today you can clear away some red tape. LEO (July 13-Aug. 22): Ba· sie chores need attention. Show appreciation toward one who aids you. Avoid atreme.111. Maintain .teady pace. Aiem- Ebell Club Sections · Aflutter With Events The month or 1'1ay will see much activity for membera of the various sections of the Ebell Club ol. Newport Beach. Book Section Three will con- vene in the home of Mrs. Clyde Johnson of Corona de1 Mar next Wednesday for a luncheon, Co-hostesaea will be the Mmes. Nlcholaa Brettntr, chairman, Marcuerite A spring buffet ii planned for members of G o r e n Counters Friday, May 9, in the c~ubhouse at noon, ,.._ f.farshall Murphy and 'Stanley Two dates are circled (or members of the Travel Sec- tion, headed by Mrs. Raymond Hmm. An area ouUn1 Ui planned for Wednesday, May 14, and a trjp to att the Civic Llght Opera presen1'Uon of "My Fa.Jr Lady" Ui set for Wednelday, May 21. l Sta ti a. ' lifeeting the next day wilfbe Book Section Four, chaired by Mrs. J. V. Blackman. A cruise aboard the yacht Susie and a shipboard luncheon await sec- tion metp:bers. Also gathering Thursday, May a, will be Boot Section Five, which will meet in the Fiesta Room In EastbluH. Co- hostesaes will be the Mmes. .Jack Cunningham and Dorothy Stanwood. · On the agenda for PM mem- bers when they meet Thur• day, May a. will be an 11 a'..m. brunch in the home of Mrs. L. \V. Jenks, Corona del Mar. Installation of officers will take place during the event, C<>-ho6ted by the Mmes. Frank Merkel, Richard Schneider and Thomas Dawne. SALE! Boot Section Five will close its acUviUes for the year with a noon luncheon Friday, May 23, Ill the Balboa Bay Club. Mn. Mtrpret Hampaon, chairman, ia ma'kln& ar- rangementil. • Installation of new offjcers is plaMed by Book Section (Lucky) Seven Monday, May 26, in the Mesa Verde Country Club. A noon luncheon will precede the ceremony, ac- cording to Mrs. H e n r y Vaughn, chairman. Mra. Ray Niel.sen again will be chainnan of Home and Garden Section, which will 1ather Wednffday, May 21, for a luncheon In Mn. Nlelltn's Newport Be a ch home. Landscape cooaultant Mrs. Clyde Wampler will apeak on garden decor. 17 .50 re1.3500 •• . LOOK YOUR PIEmEST Ol IOTllER'S QAY WITH IUFFUIS' OP PEllllAIEIT IA Y£ At this "'Y special price, you will receiv1 N·eu:lt.rsive ptrmanenl ...,, 1 """'"'"' ctlllitimlt1 lreallteol IJ\d a flatterinr hair Wpinr. And. we hiw 1 c11111pli111tnbry can of hair siray for you! Beauly Sllldio. · Bufftuns· Mclhor'. lll1 ii ,,.,,, 11th ber pl opposlle sex makes you bappy. VIRGO .(Aug. !a-SepL 22): Obtain hint from IA'O mes· sage. Creative forces are ac- Uvated. You can.settle prob- lem. wh1cb bas been hanging on. Involves domestic issue and children. IJBllA (Sept. 23-0cl. 22): Don't take unnecessary chan· ces where security is con· cemed. Meam not wise to give up something solid for the speculative. Message is very clear by tonight. ' SCORPIO (Oct 23-Nov. 21): You get better Idea of what message or memo really means. lt adct,. up to reapon- s.ibility . with close relative. Accent contin~ on journey or visit.•. SAGITTAlllVS (Nov. 22- Dec. 21): SpoWghl on money and possessiorui. Your hori· zons are widened. What you have is appreciated. You gain greater personal recognition. Modernize procedures. Sears · CAPRICORN (Dec, JI.Jon. II): Cycle mo•eo llllb'-your liming Improves. Good ~ to stress confidence, lodepend- ence. Take fattlailv•. We~ come new starts la new diJ'ec.. lions. · AQUAlllUS (Jan. 20-Feb. II):· Remain be h I n d the scenes. You are effective to- day as one who coordinates ettoru. Voice opinions with· out being arropnt. You do get your way -in round-about manner. PfSCES (Feb. 1._Marcbal): Accent on friendships, rtc'r~ ationa1 activJtle1. Your lntuS- tive abiUUes come to fore. You sense what people want. You are capable of providing lt. Theater engaa:ement tonight l!I coruitructlve. To lllld out -·· luO y fof YOU 1 .. mcnty lllld IOW, llf'Olor SYCIN'o' Omtlrr't bclllt'-'· "Sllefwt "'"'' for M9fl ...... W-." !.lflOf blrttwl.1' ""' Jit t.,h ,tot °""'"' Attr'Olan ~ ""' l)ililLY l'ILOT, IOJI :no., GraJW Cf!>. t!'M Mtl1'11, flN Y.,._ ft. Y. 1011,, . ... MARALYN FAGAL Y BridHl1ct ' ~pfather and mother, Mt. 1 and Mn:. Ed W' a rd Ooed· manson of Newport Bach. Miss Fagaly la a sr•d .. i. of EJtancla High S<hool aod Lawton College ol Medi~ and • Drntal Aui.tanla, Santa Ana. spva, son of Mn. Betty Silva of Colla MO¥. wDI bqtn basic trainin& at LackWMI lit • Foree Bue, Tfua, alter 1111 June &raduollon 1rom· EllS. No dlte hu been aet for tht weddin1. At Sears-Costa Mesa ONLY-One Week Only_;._Quantlties Are Limited In This S..,.,..., • SA VE s99 to s349! Select · From Over 150 Luxurious Natural Minks!* e· Natural Mink Stoles ReguJar $299 to $399 ' • Natural Mink Stoles, Capes Rqular ·S399 to $4j9 • • Natural Mink Stoles, Jackets Regular $·159 to $:>59 • Natural Mink Stoles, Capes • Natural Mink Stoles Sliown are just a few of our elegant groups. Come in and see our complete line· of luxurious quality furs jncluding our 'l et ou t' tninks lavished wi th rich doubl e fur collars. Be early for best selection. " YOU CAN BUY YOUR MINK 4 WAYS AT SEARS 1. Lay-A way-Jwi:l a small deposit hOilds %. R .. o~•i ... ·Charro .A«OVnl 3. F...asy PitJ'lnf;nt r1aa '· C.Sh •Fm-products labe led to •how <00 ntry of origin of imported !om When You Buy Your Mink at Sears, You Shop With Confidence QUALITY S..111-Ml.s and ,.Jnt.aiM high atandar<IB. Yoe rel Ille ...... fit of. tm cartfal npenisiol i• ... ptrior f'Gn. TRUST S--. HllabilllJ' Md inlc• rity hHt b<etl ballt .... a pariocl el 8% yeara. Oar nmt.ont.. kft -'· ... "' Mm ..,. prime dMSIL •. I Y ALUE To gi,. 100 loll ...... s..n offers th• n ... 1 qmlltr ,.. at moclefi prittS • • • mioT the ._ .. 11r1 •f e""ing the beet. -· EJl:PEK!ENCE .Seen 1.-~aye.-. """ the beot on the '_.t.et. 1'hlloai ~ h<lp -tlle risM fw ,.,. ,. ... Costa Mesa ONLY in South Coast Plaza 3333 Bristol St. Phone 540-3333 • . ' . --• .-· I .. 1 . ' • • • l I J Jt II.ill Y PILOT Sailor's Cry Terrifying 1, ALMON LOCkAIEY McLaughlin, Campbell in Race Finals Argyl< Cambell of USC and Mcl.a\Whlin of San Diego Sllte won the rilbt to repre- sent the P1 c1flc Cout Intercollegiate Yacht Racina AuociaUon in the slngte-hand- od cbempionshlpo to be .held al SelWe In June. In an eiaht-£act series sailed Sundly at Newport ·Harbor C&mpbell was the winner with 11 polnU and McLawtbJin was nmner-up with 21. meven IChools competed in the lflies. 1bt top '" are eligible for the natlon1b. The .-Ms ,riiu sailed in Kite dlngtOO. National champion J.tt ADen o( UCJ was third 1n the rtandln,1 with 3!.__polnts. Ship Rock Won By Swiss Na.vy FREE "LADIES. MATINEE" TUESDAY, MAY 6th At The , Edwards Cinema Theatre COSTA MESA 5'0NSORED IY The first Natjonll Bank Of Or1nge County Show St1rt1 1:30 PM-0..rs Open 12:30 PM ON SCREEN ft~= :.;,i~L'l:t~ ON STAGE "ADVBffilRU IN SOUND" A M!ltory ef W.rtcl f•'"•11t Eveti'- The Colorful Sound of Orange County Music I RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM Camp6tll. <ifl!llOO. Y1ihl C!ub, 1nd McLaughlin, San Diep Yarhl Club, wert both umed on the All·A~rlcan tailing team of the lotm:ollept< Vi chi l\aclng Unkla ot Horlb America ln FROM FASHION ISLAND. NEWPORT BEACH •• Small 13oats Top · E:qsenada • ' " 1 I • • 22nd; ECl,ition of Yacht Race, Much Like Past Years ... SHOWING NOW! ORANGE DIWE-11 -.. ~ llllo.- llllHlll'S ShOWW "l.OVIN&CXXJPUS• 1.00 • 1:15 PM •THESMllB• 9:45 PM -.. r-~11 a...-<Elllll--.. 1111 .... _.*> • _ .. F...., ... 11 a...• a Slslllflll(illlol. ""- \ • MeW.llol.-.. a._.-• SHOWING NOW! HIWAY39 lllYE-111 --r-11-..,, 11111111'5 SllOWIE •LOVING cowus• I.CO• llil5 PM "T .. SWWICBt:" 9:45 PM Ol-llol.-___ ,.._F_ • ,.....,,_ .. _ .... (_Ill_) . . •. O.l!Odollol. -·~-""' • °"_..,_ Jldtfl:L . I..._ • SHOWING NOW! " • • ·t.r SPECIAL .PUBLIC NOTICE!* llESTRICTED PROGliAM • NO ONE UNDER 11 ADMITTED! ) ---. Ellglble JOU1111 people inu11.,.--1 driver'• llcenae •ncl/or-.Ollierproofofmge. · , II ,au're under 1 a, plen8 Mlecl anolfler moYie progrmi 1' ELIGIBILITY WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED/ HOUYWOOD IS l'l-H·f-J.P.f -R-1-N-G! THE WHOLE TOWN'S G·O·S.S.l-P-1-N-6! All AMERICA IS a .. u.z-I-l-N-6/• BOLDEST saNES OH ANY SCREEN!* FRANKEST WORDS EYER SPOKEN!* *EXCEPT ... , AM CURIOUS (YELLOW)" OJl1lllE IDS lll!SDllS A 111.C ~ """" l'llOl>X!lOll • ll!CIJTM mmtl IMll.D - ~--.....,---• l'IMCll-"'1-talllilfl'ft. MErOI--•-.-W-9t.- "All THE . ~~ \\\VING COUf\\~· "true-He ~ush-hush story about real~\ maybti a fr1end ... or a relative ... Of. a ne\9'1'1 YOU'aE l'llOMIU Y •HEP' ... LOVE IS THSll l'HIHGI -. ---.;....;.;.:..;;... WMM ltMf • lnt" CNITWllGHT •!'All COii • !t.O'rt ~M !'Al.l lAMDT • lil.ll"' lilAH01' • .w:KlRUSSru • MObWI ALD£R • M'JQI .· .. ... • • • • • .. • • • I • . . • '• • • • ' • • ' • . .. . • '• • 1 ' . • • i " • • • ' ' • • • DAILY PILOT !J C::lvlp Ught· Opera ' -. Superb 'Came'lot' At Long B.each GWC Slates --------------- ----------. . . • ... .. -. ~IL Y PILO'.f ••ff , .... . .Just. a Darn Minute • . . • • Fngitive···From TV Janssen Running to Movie Stardom PRINTING SERVICE e LllttrhNdt • 8u1lnH1 Cardi e Mlnu1 e Tlckll1 PILOT PRINTING • 642-4321 2211 Woll l1lbo1 Boulevard, Newport INch 111• Colorful . ...... , Oran1• ·~outy ·. Mu•lt;I RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM FROM FASHION ISLAND, NEWPORT BEACH ' ' . lpslcle Stuff Atre'! . I Hollywood Sttldio _ExpoSed In-IDUminating Ne~ Book By BOB THOMAS When Rei .Harrbon bllkod .now -rwporla' 1o 1ain HOLLYWOOD (AP) ,... Tho at pitying "Doc1or lloollllle," ~IU=cb==anl:IJll~de~lool~. ;;;;;;;;i movies IW'ely mU1t be the 911· ~ Plummer wa I ly lndllltry which would .now hired al 131111,000. Then Har a reporttr to overbear and rlson chanced b1J mind, and then report 1o the world the Plummer had to be paid off. intri1Ue. backbitlng and in· Robert Wlse didn't want to fighting that goes on within make "Star!" But he . wu executive aanctwnJ. eager for another J u I I e , -,Andrews film 1o follow up Such an exercise ta 'The their success with "Sound ()f S~o" (Fanar, St r au 1, ·Mualc,'' Seeking to avoid the Glr0111', 15:95) by Job n trouble and expense of prepar· • IGreSotY Dunne. Aa a cloaeup, Ing a script she might tum n01>W1Che1·pulled view of the down, Wise assembled data on film world, this book-is the Gertrude Lawrence's It f e . ma1t incisive P.iece of Mbs Andrews agreed to do the rtP.Ortlng since Lillian Ross project, then "Star!" was skewered MGM in writing prepared. about the debacle of "Red The studio could have aaved Badge of CoW'age." several million dollars by "The Studio" already has filming "Hello, Dolly!" in caused one actor to punch a Europe. But RJchard Zanuck c&llting director in the nose vetoed the plan ,be c·a u a e over statements made in the "Dolly" was "a piece of lhard- book. More reaction will core Americana -you shoot doubtless ensue, perhaps from that ln Rome and the union! stockholders inquiring, "Js back here will raise such a th1s any way to run a studio?" stink you'll have a bard time The studio is 2oth Century-getting over it." Fox1 which is proclaimed the With hi.5 career in a ·tailspin most successful in tiollywood. because ol a string o f Indeed, the pl.ant appears to mindless comedies, T o n y be t h r i v in g under the Curtis was considering a stewardship of R i c b a r d television series about detec- Zanuck, production boss and tives, but he c:_hanged bis face son of the company's head with putty, rearranged his man, Darryl F. Zanuck. About hair and sold hirilse\£ to the worst thing Dunne writes dubious studio officials as about young Zanuck is that he "The Boston Strangltr.!1' bites his fingernails. The studio was a::iked by The "Red Badge of Reagan's office to lend the Courage" of Dunne's tale is stale a lawyer to work for the "Doctor Doolitle," an $18-utilities commission during million production with an air summer hoUdays. Richard Of disaster about it. The film Zanuck agreed to do so, is followed through its tepid saying, "It never hurts to Minneapolis preview , to the have a friend in Sacramento." Hollywood iU'emiere, attended ··Tue Studio" is often cruel, by Gov. and Mrs. Ronald as in its picture of an ovtr-the· Reagan, Sophie the Seal, Gui>-hill direc tor vainly trying to Gub the Pi1, and Sonny and sell a film project to. the com- Q;er. pany brass. It is aJso a breezy, 1be book also fifen inside black-comedy and f a i n t l y views ot a day-to-day opera-frigbtenliia' view of the inner tions at a major l\udlo. Such councils ol the movie business. as: Afttr such a boOk It is ,, 'Hunting' Pair Plu1 Al.AN A.KIN •. "The Hoar! I• A Lonely Hunttr'' doubtful if any studio will & ''The TouC:h1blt1'' GUllmlllDD lllll:GK --' ...... !XCITING ' BIAUTIPUL Tho Latoot · Surfing Fiim "FOLLOW ME" .... ~.rllCtr. .. '1:'fll• 'Al~· IW!lll It""""' '"· ·-,..,... 6'141 c..t1 .... ,...,. *'--J ) ... all • WAn l!Wl. U ll.OUllTHUR MYO. • MnlJOM MAQI • '444nll Ac.demy Award Winner-Be1t Editing ' ~l>cllclclM! lttrank ,} Wlltl. STARTS WEDNESDAY ="'!=1-== -- v.llOl o1 AO.I.Ma. emu, lil8A, "IOI« ,...llOI .. ---·------lwr. Rich.rd Burian 'Jam•• C."~ . W•lt1r M•tthau Ew• Auli11 i~ . I l I· f ) .. ~ . . .... -- H IWl.Y ~ILOT !Ion&,, Mq 5, 1969 Yes, It's Heally S n~iv • ' . Eight inches of that feathery white stuff that melts into soggy slush fell on Duluth, Minn., paying no heed to the calendar. Falling for a ! six h~ur period, the latest snow brings to 120. 7 inches the total amount of snow th1;1t has: blan- keted the city this year. The record is 130.5 inches which fell in 1950. Big One for Nixon Chief Ju stice Selec tion Coming Up • • • • • No Oae ,Geu AINI -_., -·"-.... ~-•r • • • C.op~er _Crew Captu·res . With Ease • LOS ~OF.LES-(AP) -It colDl!lllld<r. "ff• ,.., atiJI nlOll, '1oo1iq for ID)'\hJJll Ung. their· --·on ,about the noilo ,or ·1ow-nr1n.t WU aboltt mtdllllfht when I ohollilll like a\i,af when they ~. • building -· inl Mool-by..1-nJibl.Jllgltls; ..... about lhoM timer went olf in the ,polkt boob!I b¥n at tbe ~." · • So..far ........ .._ plpyed loot letters 10 aid . :CQpter• in daytime. ·-Som.folle .had tripped Tbo 'c;opier'J)lllrola.b"CIAOO uy·,oie.111 ,,.....i li!lrJlary crewmen in l de.ntlly l ng Alter police OI.P)•in whal tile siltnt butflar llmn Jn •· an~ -• lill/ll!jl :-. :JGll ddld ·~· oel1bborboodo: ·· • • they .are "doinf> tHe '°"" am... •ao. ' .' '• 'and •'/¥nr~.~ ... So·lllf', re1'<"'1' .. 0il\eo. there . plainonLI say tJiey:r"all lot '!be djfpatcl>er aent,a polrol• Tbe Wiit Voller livlililil =~·i"~lll~,Y~bal~~-~-~·~-~n~pom-~~ha~·~··•~.be~en~m~·~·COJl!P~.~tain~)s~. ~·t~, ~be~a~d~clll~,==·::· :;::::=:: oor -and a helicopter. coven the l!llfh-'-' san,: Pilot Hal Brasher and Fenwido Valley, • ........., • -...er Roger , Coist, both complu lt)ot would be tbe "8· ~ policemen, were over the tllpln'1 teventb largest city lf It t-.e ol the ~ in abol!t a wmo't part ol Loo Anplesc ll · ~ mlllule. Al eoo feet, they flick· is 55 nilles acraaa and' "1· eel oa • s.eoo.~r rounded by toworiog ...... Jicbr, ~ night inti> day talnlH ._ "' • -"'th~ , +lover an ma.the me ol a foot· • omea \II many· m:tU 1 bell ueld: families nestle . lil _...., ''11WJ .ii 1 pOuce helicoptei'," cul~ Jt ~ tab quite a· b o om e d tr om rb e I r while to reach them. ''The key loodapeaker. "Come <>1! with 10 inod-pollee work is Im .YoUI' hands in the ait."· I r~,'' SIY:f Gillen, "and A secood or so later a~man . tat ~ does iua;t tbal~' sprinted fro_m the SlQft, lloR" _ 1be ~ -tWo DCJll!_ ~ ing • to elude them in nearby ln use -cnnse at 1,000 feet m shrubbery. The 'copter crew <ifiytlme and 1,300 feet at easily kept him in their light, and officers in the patrol car, arriving five minutes -later, made the arrest . "It musf,have sounded 11~ too·-voic'e <>f -:.Gdd' ·to .that fellow," chuckles. Ca_21.. Paul J. Gillen,, West Valley division . HAL AlllSCtill. . -HE<!IRING .AIDS ~1to'" N~u:t:='~!fc~ilN> -t4ot L cdAsT' HWY. ( c-.ulhi · ,., .... 67J.JtJJ -Pr~pare for the future •.. '~ School . of · Business s~ . ~· ... Toda~!" ABC ~HORTHAND e S.cr•t1ri1I e Mtd_i~tl • ln1111•11~• • • lo.~1pi19 e D111t1I Aullt/119 . ' . ' . ' ' ' " . . 51..EREO SENSATIONI The·colorful sound ·o~· · el..-.. Orange County Music --~. RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM ' -f rQCD EasbionJsland , Newport Be.acb WASHI.NGTON-({JPI) -Tn-"rt°nx~-lh;:~-sending a cinch NiJ:on: will cons u 1 l 11 1 W. ~lib-==--·--, the ne:rt few weeks President nominee for chief 'justice tol-~D~i~rk~ao~n~bel~o~•·~·~no:m:in:•:•in:g~~~~~$~•n~l~•~A~n~•~~~~S-4~3-~17~~J~·o!~~~~~~~'====;============:;::=============== Nixon will make what m8y be C3pitol Hill is Everett M. Warren!s SUCC!¥Or. the most signilicant ap-Dirksen <>f Illinois, GOP leader pointment of his presidency: in the Senate. the new Chief Justice <>f the Dirksen has emerged as the United Stales. apparent power o n ap- Chief Justice Earl Warren pointments and· undoubtedly has announced his intention o( will be consulted bef<>re any retiring at the end .of the cur· choice is made for Warren's rent tenn of court in June. successor. So far his claimed Warren's earlier plans to track record in getting his retfre went awry when Presi-way is unbeatable. dent Johnson's nomination of Consider: his close friend Abe Fortas to . ~ . the post ran into obdurate -;--Pre~1dent N';Xon forced the Republican and s 0 u t h e r n _ res1gnat1on of Clifford L. Alex· Democratic opposition In the an~er.. the. young Harvard· Senate. tramed chamnan of the Eq~al Senate veterans credit much E m P .1 °. yrnent ~portun1ty .ol that <>pposilfon w i t h Comnnss1on, after DU:ksei:i on· Johnson's failure to observe Jy lhr~a~ened tog.et him ~ll'ed. one of the fundame ntals of ex--\Villiam J. Driver resigned ecuUve-legislative prot()C{)I: as. ~ead _of the Veterans Ad- checking to make sure a ministration even though he nominee will not encounter In-h~d SClITle ~an~es from th e surm'ountable <>pposition either N1.1.0n a~tration he would in a Senate committee or on ™: retamed: The rea90n: the floor. D1~k.sen cl8;1ffied ~~ f~d One ot the key men Pres!-Driver playmg politics with denl Nixon is almost certain to the VA and demanded his scalp. -Dirk sen let the White 'i • House know he opposed the appointment of Dr. Franklin L;ong as direct<>r of the Na· tional Sc i e n c e Foundation because the Nixon "team" is for dep l<>yment of an an- tiballistic missile systemand "Long was' against the team" <>n the issue. Nixon withdrew the <>ffer, then rever se d himself but Long finall y turn- ASSOCIATE DEAN UCI Prof Brunner T. Br unner ed it down . -Appointment of Dr. John Knowles <>f Massachusetts as assistant secretary of health, education and welfare has been ·held up and perhaps blocked for good because of Dirksen's opposition. There are those who doubt Dirksen's opposition v.·as the sole reason some or these nominations failed to be made, but be undoubtedly was a fac- tor. Dirksen's influence Is not all negative. He also successfully promoted a Chlcago con· stituent, Robert A. Podesta, as assistant secretary of CCJm· merce. And if Otto Otpeka Is To Head U CI evenlually confinned as a • member of the Subversive Ac- tivities Control Board, it will Humam"ti"es . in large measure be because of Dirksen's insistence. Professor Theodore F. Brun· ner will become associate dean of tbt UC Irvine School (If Humanities on July t, ac- cording to an announcement today by Dean Samuel C. McCulli>c:h. Or. Bnmner will also coo- tinue aa chairman <>f the UCl department of classics. which polilion he as.swned in July 1911. He re<:eived the BA degree b'<Wn the Uni versity of W.itccXalin in 1980 and the MA and PbD degrees at Stanford Un19tl'llty in 11163 and 1965. Ho bu published and col- labarated on articles and -. la the fields of Creek trapdy, Roman a at Ire, AuguR&n poetry and !Jcientific term1oology. He al.so col- ltborated OD I tramlation of ~' ''Oedipul Tyran- nm" wlUch wu produced by u.e~Repertory -'Mleatar in 1tl6. · Dr_ Bnlnntr hokla t h e ec:ademic rank ol lllil\ant profeaaor·1nd CWTenUy ltl"Vt'S ., .....wy ol lhc UC Irvin< dtJlllon of the~UC Academic • senate. He IJ a re3idt'Tll di La .... Beach. That influen~ may well be paramount in the nomination of a new chief justice. Dirksen is the ranking Republican member of the Senate Judiciary C<>rnmlttee. Jf Johnson failed to consult with Sen. James 0. Eastland (0-Miss.), ch ainnan cl lhe committee. before nominating Fortas, it's almost a dead Student Wins Press Award Dick Howland, • Newport Ha-ll1gb Scbool Senior, won a CertificMe of Ex- cellence la pboqrapb1 •nd an flonorable .Mention for one of his spoiU llorieo al· the 44th Annual Uni_, <ii Southern California Joumalilm1lay. He was the only double winner of all particlpao\a. He is sports editor tnd head pholograpber ol the IChool's Beacon Newspa ptt. He is the son of Mrs. W. I lowland. 219 Via OrvleLO, Newport Beach. GLORIA MARSHALL oays: ''Tell us tbe dress sit.e you want to wear, and we'll.tiell you how many visits it will take and gUarantee in writing, that you will rmdt your goal. In fad; so &beoluteJy positive 'are we that you will 'obtain yoar objective. that aa stated i!t"our guarant.ee, we wiU even let you have FREE OF CHARGE, any and all further visits. until Yo•t mlCh. your roal. lt'a ]>08ilive aSsuranoe that we bock up our fU8l'Blltee 1003. NEWPO~T .. BEA,CH-430 Pacific. Coast Hlgh~a -~-· ...... ~~) 642°3630 1 · -SAN:t'A AN-A-1848-Wes 1·7th-543•9451r 1 --~- s.1 • ., .. A1 .. In: Anohelm, Beverly Hllh, Covin•, Crenshaw, Downey, Gl1nd•le, l akew..J.li..., lie~, l!Mwport 8-h, N.rlh Holl"""°" ~ Ontario, Pauden•. Sen Dieeo, Senta An•, Senta Blrb•ra, 5Uftland, Ttr1ena, Terrance, Weati:N!tw,-Wh.itffw, .... ~.0 F ... srJ., ~n Jose: Sacramonto,.Sunnyvala and Waltftll, Calllomfa, ' ~<)_ C~i'ri9~'-~9 oJ41rio i.lf~,llab '.l(gL co., 1 ' . . ' ...... . -· ----~ -----;·--------... -' --·-~~----::-:--:----::-:----=-:::::-·:-:-:----~"'"'.:-:~-=:;:::~-::::: --• UOftliay, May S. 196t DAILY '-ILOf p , ........ Tli···~····-.. ·····-, .ere s· No Tomorrow for L~I{er s, Ce·I tic s:.: . - ; LOil ~GEi.ES -Bolt«)'• Sa1J J- '"~ "'"" up Ille National llaWI· ball ~aUon's c~piomhip ~le II\ seven words: "It '11 com~ dO)fp. tu &hJlloa!.'' • . • The Cettics, who _mp.ke a. ffab1t of· win· nine -tldis, and Ille Loe Angeles Lakera, who-haven't done it yel, tan&kl in their play;O{f, ptY.olf lDflight al 7 befOrc. a na- UonaJ tilevi!ion audience with the orani:e Oout ana blacked out. ·-FJve...umet aince the Laken moved to Loo ~ Ibey bave 1.,..i. BostDo iA Ille llule and five Umes they've loot. Tbla time they won U\e first .two games bUt coukto't w·in in Bolten, and after sLt bat\i.,, ooJy five pojniafaepar>te ·the two clubs -Loe AngelOs bavil>g thot· sta~lcal edge UM.S3. 1 At home, the Laktrs have WM 120-118 ; 111-112; and 117-tOI. In Boston Ille Celtlcs have triumphed 111-106; -; and lf.90. To the.-wlnnlng ch.lb goes $41.000 from lM floyoff ldtty and to Ille loaer 131,llOO. Fat .Jones, the aame also mi{U .lbe end of a ~tic c"'"r cl&Una baclt to19;7. The veteran guard ba.s announced · his reurement to enter oollegiate coac..';!ng, . Bolton and Loe ""'eles, witb tbelr'blg men Bill RUSlell and Witt Chamber.lain, each has won three time& in the. best- f our-of-seve.n series. Every victory bas come ~ t.be bom.e ~· ROUGH SLIDING -II wasri't ooly the Angel bats "'.hich. h!"I a bad day Sunday -the catchers for both sides had their problems, too.1 In top photo, :Angel backstop Tom Egan drops the ball as Chuck Harrison scores. In bottom picture, Ang~ls' Bill Voss,(of'NeWport Beach) scores in fim inning when Kan'sas City catcher Ellie Rodriguez muffs the ball. Roya!S won, 15-1. Royals Give Rig Sore Neck 'By EARL GUSTKEV Of fM D•llY •llot Sltff Sunday was bat day at Anaheim Stadium and the sight of 10,000 or so kids • In the 'stands with their free bats would've' warmed the heart of any public retaUons. man. But for the Angels, the sight became tomewbat menacing around the seventh 1nnlng when the visitors, Kansas City, had a 1>1 lead, whlch is bow lt)e debacle .llnlsbed. In the procesa, \he Royals sent up 54 men to the plate and raked six Angel pitchers for tt hits. The man who presided over the losers, Bill Rigney, complained of a sore neck afterward. "Blanbty-blank, 1 got a sore neck watcbin& thole PY• run around the baaes all afttrnocm. That wasn't bat day, it was bad cla1, N_, got burl, anyway •.. '' Inning game was Jesus. Alou with th.e Giants in 1964. The only defense the Angels can offer for one of their wont-ever trimminp res'ts with the fact that they were beaten by a talented pitcher, Roger Nelson. The number one KC draft choice, he allowed just four hits and faced only 32 batters. BUI Voss started and collected lhe Oftly Angel extra base blow, a leadoff double. .. But instead or grousing about his batsmen, Rigney turned his wrath on the pitching staff, no member of. which had an ounce of eUecUveneu Sunday af- ternoon. The manager d1':1pped the-hint that Greg Washburn, a right-hander at Hawaii who wu the dub:s last spring cut,.nllght be elevated to the big leagues soon if the Angell don't start getting some pitching. The onJy other present possibWty of help is at San Jose, where the Angels' No. 11968 draft choice. Lloyd Allen, is l·t and nearly had a no-hitter recently. ·But he's only 19 and doesn't figure to be called up thls season. "Our pitchers learned something out of this one," Rig continued. "You can't pitch high In the big leagues. Anything above t h e waist is too high. Nineteen hits? -that's a week around here." The only thing the Angels did Sunday that's. worth discussing wu a nifty pickoff play at second base when starter Clyde Wright whirled In the second inning and toued to Jim Freaoo, who t.gged out OUver. "Our trick playS an working great," Rig said. The Angels have the day off to get ready for the New. York Yankees' ftnt 19&9 visit to Orange County. The Angels' Rudy May (1-1) 1.11d New York'• Fritz Petel'IOll (3·3) start the three-game teries Tuesday evening. I _, . , --coo.rt, tn-advanta,p the tper1 ~din UWt,l wu Sa\wday,.'" I.he flnale at the Forum btfare 17,500. After awrailn& JI poinla 1 l•mt for Tbelr bia: queatJon centers on the the ~ five, West acored 2' u the Ctltk:1 '1qUared the .mes. physical condition of Jerry ·west, tbe "We woa that game beeaUle we held sharpest &hooter .on the Loi Angeles club. West 1a points unq_er his average, .. com. He pulled,. hamltrl111fmusde Ill game men!ed Bootoe ca~ John HavliC<k. "I No. 5 and wasn't, up to par when the .terlously doubt we could have · ac- CelUcs eVened tbe sedea with a 99-90 vie--com~ it if be wu sound." tory at Boston oo Saturday. In the Bill Ruisell era, bis clubs have "I'll deJinltely.,play,'1 declared West. "l won .the Ulle 10 Umes in the patt· 12 won't be in top· abape, but I '11 be better· yean. Few thought they could do it a&ain ... 1fter ftnishlnC fourth Ill the, .~ diviaion durlnc the rqular sepon witlt ~ 41-31 recor<I. Theo tbey dbpatcbo4 Philadelphia 1-1 and New York .. Z. • Loo Anl•les, alltr acqulr!nr Cha!n; berlain after the 1967.&8 campaign, ~ ed first ir. the West wjth their best ~~ SS-27 and whipped San Fr..,.ilco ,'-!Id Allanla In Ille opening pll>y..U roo1~,. •• With just one game remainjng, Rullfll observed, "lt's a:ive and Co 8'ain... · ' Another Driver Dies .. . , • Or'l.1fl• County lnlernatiooal Raceway wu reeling today ftom its tJUr.d..tadng fatality within ·three weeks after another dea~ Suhdiy. · Al Burnett, 27·year--0ld motorcycle enthuaiut from Lynwood, perished in a sidecar accident Sunday evening when his maehine, driven by Gary Waldo of Long Beach, collided with another sidecar _driven by Wayne Kestennont, Canoga Park. HJa passenger wu Bill Bryan, Sun Valley. OCIR general manager Mike Jones reported the mishap appeared to be caus- ed by an engine malfunction when Burnett's bike seemed to die on • hlgb speed curve. Burneu was dead on arrival 1t Santa Ana Community Hospital. Jones said about 10 bikes were in the -. Sma~ race and that ~1 rield had completed three laps. . "These ·bikes l'UQ. in very close con\· pany in theae races·~ it's pretty risky business," Jones ~. Alter David Gaines, 21-year-i>ld Los · Angele-. motorcycle, driver, was killed in an April lS race 1t <>CIR. Jones ordered all future cycle racu to run in the op- posite direction the track'a cycle course was designed for. ' The new layout forctd the bikes to go slower and figured to cut down accidents. And It worked until Burnett died Sunday. ·· "The frustrating thing about it is that alter we finally decided to change the course direction whether thi drivers liked l~ or oot, w:e had been having fewer ac- cident!," Jones told the DAILY PILOT. "In fact , we hadn't he.done injury from ~ a.m. to 1!i p.m. Sunday, when the ac· cident OCCWTed. Usually, the ambulances make two or three trips to the hospital." Burnett's death was ~IR's fourth iD two years an~ the third since April 13. ,;• Carlsbad's Danny Ongais drove Mic~ Thompson's Mach 1 Mustang to toP iif. dividual honors in Saturday's MMUfac• lurer's Big Four Funny car open at OCIR. In the final round, Ongais beat Rich Siroonian of Whittier, in a Barracuda. The runoff petween the two was wotth $1,600. Ongais covered the quarter mile.in 7 .88 seconds In tbe finale, after quallfJtnc in 7.a5. The General Motors fUMy car entries \Von the team championship with lt points to six for Ford-Mercury. Stev.e Bovan or Costa Mesa and Gordon Mineo of Huntington Beach were on the Winniae iide . .New Orleans Open Canadiens ManFromCoffeeCounty Sweep Cup Wins in Sudden Death Pla yoff Set NEW ORLEANS (AP) -Folks back in G'eO?gia's Coffee County didn't think Lar· ry Hinson woold ever amount to much on the pro goU trall. But looir at h1m today, The 24-year.-old Hinson, Ori the tour U• ~tly a year, ~t bespectacled Frank Beard on~tbe tli!rd hole of..mddei;i deatb Sunday to capture the $20,ooo· first prize in the $100,000 Greater New Orleans Open. They had finished 72 holes over the lush Lakewood Country Club course with 275s ~ 11_under~par . .__ "EV,e.ryone· ~ck home jual thought I'd never. mJke it beca~ 1 'ttlihl't make · good in my stud.lea -a C average going ihrough college -and they said, 'He's not bright and he can't knock the ball far enough and his handicap will probably keep him out,' " said Hinson. Hin.son's handicap is a left arm weakened by a bout with polio when he was five years old. But he has proven he caa play with the best. Hinson, who shot a closing round 67, slarted the final round five strokes behind Beard and Dave Hill. BearJ was leading by a stroke until he bogeyed 13 missing a three-foot putt for a par. It was on this same hole, the third extra one, that Ikard again had trouble. His iron shot to the left green went to the left. He chlpped five feet past the cup and missed his putt coming back for another bogey. Hinson had a par 3. FINI 1cor• 1M wl11111~ Ill ltlt Gr•tllr Nt" OrlN111 01*!: L•rrv HlruOfl. m ,oi» Frink llMrd, 111,.IQO Joti Gold1tr1l'ICI, $,1,)00 Dtv. Hiii, $.1,lOO Botlby Mlfchl!I, $5,lDO JOhn11y Poll, "''°" L•• Elder, ''''~ lknll Hibert, U,t50 Htrb Hooper, ~,t>O OHM 8tmln, Sl.flO &ob C111rla, S1.f10 8n.o::e Dtvt111, Sl,110 GtrdMr Dkkl11ton, $1,110 "od F11n1t1h. S!,110 LllN'oll H1rrl1, 11 .. 11 John JICOt., 11,110 Grl..-J-, U,llt o.n s11c ... s1.t10 lobby Stinton. Sl.flO Biiiy C•iper, tl,o24 Bobby COit, t1 A2l HOwi. JOfl!llOn, $1,0?4 Orville Mllolfy, S1.G24 kit E, $ml"', Sl ,Ql~ Al 811dlng, S1U Miller lf"'tf, S7li Herold Htnnlroa, $725 Ito~ I.UM, 171S JoMny Stwv-. int K1rfftlt t•rt.y. ins L1rry Sr.toter. $7li J•dl M•nlen Jr., $72' tllay Floyd, "40 Howell Fr111r, i.54 Hiii lrwln, tut ., .... 11 .. 1-Z15 ''-'1'4t-n-21s 71M7-lf.7t-416 .1 ....... n-n• 10-10-ff.41-21• .ua.11-~271 U-7,...71-27t ... 7Mt-11-271 67-J'0.'1"41-171 11-11MMt-m 7l-... 70-72-'7t 71·71MMf-21t n41·11.ff-m 6t.ff.70-11-27t 1t.1f.114'-11t ""'*"11·12-21' H-1U1·11-21t '1-1t-11-6t-m u-;oo.12-4•-m 71-71~ •7·11·12·10-UI •7·12·~71-* 1D-7M4-1 ..... ...,...,..,_.., n .... 1......u1 ~~·11--#1 70-71"'4<7'-•1 71-714Mf-411 ...... ,.10-a, ... 11 .... 1$-111 71·6'.1Wf.-.211 'M1.J•,,..__,.1 ,,.,,.70-4tt 11.u.n.n-m ffo10-7t-n-at Beard, who finished regulation play Sunday with an, earned $11,~. Hill slipped to a 73 and a three way tie fflt' third al 276 wlth Bobby Mitche,11, who h•d a 87, and Jotl,'Goldstrand, who shot 70. Each won $5,300. · This, WJJ Hinson1s first tour victory, his previous best waa •second place' at Hat· tiesburg, ·Miss. 'l'he big paycheck here boosted hls winnings for the year to slightly over $31,cioo. Hinson started )laYinl goU at Dougla!, Ga. ~"Wfitn-l-first startedPfaylng, the in- structor told me to turn loose of the. club down. there at the bottom and I was em- barraued. I'd turn It loose and I'd throw the club every lime." Gesturing with his left hand, he con- tinued, "I didn't have strength enough in this hand to hold It. Now I can take any club I want and turn it loose and pull it right on through." Hinson habitually squeezes a little rub- ber ball to strengthen his grip and work! out with an 18-pound weight. "I felt so sorry for Frank becau&e he doesn't deserve to lose a tournament," said Hinson. •:1 never had any Idea at the start of today's round that I'd be the champion." ST. LOUIS (UPI) -The Mootrtal Canadiens have sipped champagne f1'0DI the ~tanley Cup 'for the 16th time. Only, the names of the players have changed over the years. · The Canadlens, on goals from Ted Har· ris and John FerguJOn Sunday, cOme from behind to win 2-1 and'conlp1etethefr - second consecutive four-game sweep of the expansion St. Louis Blues in the Cup finals. Team captain Jean Beliveau, who ac· cepted the venerable siJver cup from Na- tional-Sockey League president Cllr~ Campbell immediately after the game ·at center ice, said later, "every one who joins our team bas a lot o( pride in wear- ing this uniform." Beliveau, his handsome face bruiNll below the left eye by a St. Louis 1t1Ct. said, "a great deal of out 1uccess In the 18 years J've bet:n with the team has been because of togethemeu and a great ta· mily spirit." _ Les Habitants' winning tradition Wa.s almmit too much for goalie Rogatiera Vachon. The 23-year-i>ld rookie, who allowed only three goals in tht fO!k games with the Blues, slumped ori a bench in the dressing room and lightd. "It's over, it's ovet, It's over. With Fro%en Finger .. ' Pappas Stymies Dodger s:, , Brave.s Sweep Serie s • ATLANTA (AP) -Jt was a 1'blister- 1ng" altack the Atlanta Braves used against the ~ Angel~ Dodgers Sunday as they completed a ·sweep of the im· portant three-game aei:ies wtth a 4-1 vic- tory, 1be crowd of 30,933 at AUanta Stadium watcbea Mtlt Pappas burl six strong m. ninp, alklwlng only three hits, unaware that Pappaa waa havln( a blister on the mldd1e finger of his pJ.tching hand frozen every inning to keep the pain away. The blister developed while Pappas was · wanning up for the game in the bullpen. He told nobody exce:Pt trainer Dave Pursley who froze ll each inning. ... .. Braves Manager Luman Harris didn't even know about It for a while. "I dldn 'l know until tbe slnh iniJi!ic Pappas had the blister, but he 'Wll pitching fine ball. It's ~ like him lti walk a batter, ao wh!o he walked T0m . . Dodg.,,. Slate · M1y t -8,;*'' 11 ClllaillO, 11:U 1.m. KFI I-NII Mey 1 -tfl 11 Chic•"· 1 :15 •.m. I(~ M» MIY f -11'9 II l'lll*l111h, S f'.m, K"I I~) Haller in the teventh I jerked him," ~ ris aaid . ·.: ''A frozen fingtr was bound t.o 41(~ his control.•· · It wu a landmark day tor the ex· panslon &yols, w!lo of coune broke every oil-rteonl oo tbelr ledger. And their 24-)'W..id centerflelder, Bob Oliver, tied a major league record by 1olng siXJor-six with four singies, a dou: Majestic Prince Seeks . Tri.pie Title . Claude Raymond was sent 'to the mound and got the Braves safely put ~ seventh, thanks to a double play startW by Felix Millan. _,, • P-1 aaid Ille blbter didn't lwi;t nearly enougll al Ille beginnlng of the game to keep him from going on. , Me and ,• horner. " Otlver OWM the botttat b"1t in baseball. In one week. lte'• llft.ed hJS average from M3 to .JIM, hitting .511 in Oiat time. 'Jbe la.st mJD to post six hits in a fliM. llAHSAf CITY U.1.lfOltHIA •111rto1 •aotlll'M iltlmerikt. .. • t 1 • w.t. rf • 1-1 • kl~frk*. rf ' I I t ,,.._,, • l t t t 'P!Mllt, 11 I 1 I I Jdwllllrll. d 2 I t 1 ...,.. • • I I • ,11.itfllnll, " •••• H1111Mn,. ,. 4 2 t ,,_., II' t f I t -Ill.DI._., d _._, I ~ II' -._._. .. , ~,a It It O.v.ill ..... h i 1 t1 ltltit. 21t I t 0 t lfltr"1!0. lb I I I I ~ c ,t 1 1 1 A.ll~a.1 'I I I .. ,,....., rl JI IE99!1o c; .lli l I ~ K.... • I I 1.1 Wrlll'\f• ' •••• I ~ l .F ... • 'I I I I ...,..,..., ....... T•lt .. ft" It Ill-t lty . C.U'9riltt 11..,. ... 1 ••• °' .... ! ,. •••• ~fflltt T ... h ~ I 4 1 ..... __ ,. 100 000 000 -I LOUISV!Lt;E fUPl) -WW Kentucky Derby champion Majestic Prince become the turf's first triple-crown champion in 2l years? • Trainer Johnny Loogtltn, shipping r,la- jettlc Prince north for the -•I Plmllco Ml)' 17, hlntl tt coWd"be an. And, alltt the bi& $2141/IOO dollor rnble the llUle man ...., Ill the Derby, folb betttt _,J)IY...atentkm. -t----"He's aa eood. as Count Fl~" declared LoDP!I ~ -Y'• Derby .1rl""t.1?',llJetlk..l'rlnoe by I neck cmr ~and,-;hllf· ltnPh -.Olk<. •» 'lbet'• preUy ctoee:t.01..berwy for, there . are loc.s or nclnr peqile woo rate Count Fltet the 1ttat<sl ol tll-.m alt. BUI Longden 11 in I mlflh\y &OCJd poeltliin , I& know -he rode Count Fltet to Uiose 1rl- ple crown wbls Jn the Derby, Prtakness and Belmont 1la)r .. back in l!IC. Since then, Only Asaault iri •lHf and Citation in IHI have been ab1e t.o stririg together ati illree oi the clasllc rac" for tbtte-yffMldJ: I -, ' AIU llld Leitm, lllke, llld tlie llftb. place Top Knlgllt. ~ Derby -· chol.. who lolded. all l!llPPed llom O>urcbtll Dowol to New .York Sunday and are expecled to hook up with Ml)utlc Prjnce qaln In~. ' -··~·· ..-·that·· Caln _'.Hoy -·· Ack ~l•bc .. oet I ~ °"""' rqd for -m11e.1o •hmlllc Ille Derby trial hert,lalt ,--ay:may Jqln ~our" for the May 11 __ 11 In ' · • ~ -.,. · ii-I ·felt grttl, just great, so l sure Rowever, Ack Ack has• Saturday date and tht late-charging Dike "llJ the way wanted to stay out lhert," he said. [lrsl In tht Withers Mlle la New York-down that long, lotlg Churchill stretcb Pappa1, now 3-2,.p:intjnued. "Man, .J Provided N.; York'• ra;,_ boycotl II-"that has been dubtied "Heii'lbreak didn~ gt< my third win unttl lune If¥ ~·• Hl~hw•Y·" ' yeer. It w11 a long dry 1ptil from_Aprll alded by then. 'Jf be wouldn 't ot been gamt, he to June. It hurt today every time J tbMf 'Jbe four other startm: ln the Derby -wouldn't have w<>n," said jockey Bill a fut ball, but eome folks say I'm throw· fourth placo Tralfic !'ark and ~1111. Harlack, and tbll w• Ille uoarammaUc Ing better than when 1 came up to ~Rcior -Flffl Alllid llld Rat Jet -lrutlk Baltlmoft In 1157 ... and 1 aure wllll. I& bave bad .Ji Ibey want ol lhe "blg lour." ffarlact -wbO became Ille top Derby Illy out there. hurt or not. Traffic Mart inherited tbe.Jourtb..place,-rlder..'.oUll.Ume_wJth.bJ.sJlfUl.Derby win "" A1t•aL•s ATLANTA 10°Mngths out of the mbne)', when 'to.p In nlqe ~rta tEdifle Arcart, the only cr.wtont. 11 -: ; ~ * F."IOll· ct 1 ~~ • ., 1t .. 1~ ran.out of au. But hi& tratner otbtt five-time~ ntedfl(I 21 starts) w.o.-i., d' • • • Mman, ,. • • • • ~ Warren wUn•t fooled -0we"va. -dJd a brllllant'job:'cm Mtjtstlc Prince, :=:;, ': : : : ~~ 1: ; : -: ':· gQt one mJ&hty tired hone co out hand!, 11 He btought the favorite In from the = ~ : :. ; ~~~ " : ~ • : he-uid.~'aiwiaJI Wt-Want to do it pl. blm ... --OU111de-posl.Uon, linall)' aot .hlpi through S\flakl-• • I 1 ~.h1w. lb I J: 1 1 back to1 Qhlo ~ get hlm.mted up." ~ the' inside on , the backatrttcb to A~:' .. ; ! ! ~:.;~~ .;. i ~ ~ I . · MajriUc PHnce puf on • ol the-Oh.all'enge. aerit hb::n to the· froot ·at the slnfft', , 1 • • ,...,,... ,, 1 • • • a•mest tacu Jn~ nmnlnjp of tbe Dtrby, right tlfne, and thfQ tebt him both. mov·. o.w141i,..,, " ' ' 1 ~~~=·: ·: : : -% golngtothtf.ronlattbehea4oftheJtrel... tng .1nd rwming·atrt1$iiwltllleft·handed 1~i, A11111: • 1 T9:~ 000 ,:..!.,,• 1 ch .and thtn holding off Arll and Letters whlpptnc. A•i.ni• 110 • •-' • \ ) ~:::--:_------:---.------::--~-~-------~. -------·- I l I ' .. ~I · •>-ff Nll.Y I'll.OT ·_\·Pirate Ace · ' • .1> J.tunning ,.,:Out of Time .• PITl'SBURGK (AP) -.Elroy Face J)icb up a baU, takee a quick 1lance at ·!ti ..... hurriedly winds and throw•. ~ K'I. not qµtte the pace ol. a man who's ":-ays been counted on to throw striiea. ~---F •c e, ooe ol the greatest retie: :·)lichen In bueball hi.slory, ts pitching l• .apinlt time. , iSY.' tM D<troit Tl(ers cul him rllbt ·• the IW't· ol lbe seuon. Face bu ollo""1 to put on his old PiltsburJh te unlform, No. 26 and pitch during pregame batting practice. .,_One night ""'"Uy be threw to New York for 15 minutes with Meta' Coach Yotll Bona, one ol the srulest catd>ers In baaeball hlltory; behind the plate. !'i ....But Fact, who at 41 bolds a variety of ~ajar league records after m years of P.'Gfes&ional baseball, says time i! nm- nil!g out Ht says if he'1 not picked up by anoth- er club he'll be forced to quit baseball. --"J've atJU got my carpenter's union . -·card," Face sald 1n an interview. "I can •• ,,.ili•Yll IO back to pounding naih." ~ ..l'ace'• father, brother and ~ .e are carpenters ·and be'1 worked at ~ u;.;crart during the off aea10D. ~ hoe, who'a spent 1$ years with the _ PtraWS, aay1 be'.s received several ofltrs ~:;"outside of buebeD,'' but he uld he's going to keep showlnlJ up at batting prac- tice to keep in shape in cue a club decldea .to lob! him . • .. • "I at1l.I thlnk I can get. somebody out." he aald. "ll I didn't think I could do it, I'd do aometblng e!R. But I stlil know i can-'' The n,ers bought , Face from the :Pirates at the height ti. the World Series ract. He only pitched a total of one inning -in .two games for Ute Tigers during ...the month he was with them. Face tied the major lta,ue world record set by Walter JohnlOll for the most games pitched in one league for the same club. His 802 National League game. for the Pirates equalled Johnlon.'1 w I t h Washington in Ute American League from 1907-11127. He holds the major lelflle reco'rd for the most consecuUve games as a nonstarter In a season, 17 in 1959 and for the mOflt c:onsecut.ive games in two or matt tel.SOfll, five in 1951. In 198?, Face, relieved in 11 straight 1an;ies, allowtne only one run. The run Jr• unearned. He made his last start in 1957 against St. Lou.ls. Until the Tigers dropped him, ~d relieved 813 limes with "° '°'"' and • ;wa aedited with saving 170 games-. " " ·Mesan Bows • tfo Olmedo •• .; -;j.05 ANGELES -U.S._ indoor cham=. pljJii ston Smith ol Puadeno, opeoed detne ol his l>oothern California tennis • tpumomeol title Swlday with a 6-2, IH tlctory over John Yeomans of LI Jol11, ., a oecond round JTW<:h. l.1'."'~•er Wlmb'-' cWl1pion Alex ........ a teodling pro fmn Encino and ,...sect second, alao gained the third ,,._ He hHted Robert AblloU ol Costa ell, f.2, 1-1. . mith, who rceeived a first round bye. ed fint ln the nine-<lay tournament the Loe Angeles Tennis Club. The vis Cup player is seekig his third . 'gbt Southern California crown. aklstan's Haroori Rahim, a UCLA hrnan who i.! seeded seventh, beat Borrelli ol Sherman Oaks in teCOnd round match. The scorn ~l,8-1. first round wins were Bob Lutz l.Joaquin Loyo-Mayo, both of Universi· ty ll Southern California, and UCLA's Ro)"' Barth, seeded three through nve, respectively. Luti defeated Miguel Hernandez, Wilm· 1ngton, 6--1, 7·5~ Loyo·Mayo be!ted Joseph Pompa, Loi Anplea, 6--2, 1-2, and Barth trimmed Dean Wachtel. Los Angele11 M , "'' ... t .:A.RLOS, SPIKERS j/EAD FOR FRESNO l iAN JOSE -ll'1 olf kl F....,., and the ~-Col.It Relay• th1I weekend for moet ~.the west's tract and field stars, and ; . the list is J oh n Carloe of San Sia!<. os ran the 100 in nine seconds flat San Joo< State lnvltallooal Salur- tbe futest clocking ever for the cen- t~ Howtve.f'., It never will go into the ree.ct. boots because Carlos hAd an e.x· cedlve allllng wind to his back. Ind 's. Lone Turbine Hopeful AIMS FOR BERTH IN 500 -This Jack Adams built car, powered by an Allison engine, will be the only turbine shooting for a starting spot in this year's Indianapo!U ~mile race on Memorial Day. It'll be driven by Jim McElreath of ArlingtA>n, Texas. It's breezed at 155 mph in tests. SplirtS~lippecl ·Short- . Ruttma·n Perishes in Crash LONG POND, Pa. -Troy Ruttm.n Jr., 19, ol Dearborn Heights, Mich., died Sunday aflef' his auto crashed through a met.al safety barrier and overtt¥'fled at tht Pocono International Race Ttack, of· ficials said. Ruttman was the son or Troy Ruttman Sr., winoer of the 1952 Indianapolis 500. Young Rutman was coming Into a (urn In the 651.h lap of the tQO..lap race when the accid«it occurred. He was driving an Indianapolis Roadster. Ruttman was pronounced dead on ar· rival at Monroe County hospital. Lckers Sign PU,k The Los Angeles Lakers have signed their second draft choice, Rick Roberson of the University of Cincinnati. The 6 foot 9, 235-pound forward was a bonus pick resutting from a multi-club swap two years ago centering around the Lakers' Rudy LaRusao. Roberson was a three4bne All Missouri Valley Conference selection ~and finished his career u CindnnaU's fifth highest all time scorer. Club Amerlra Win• SAN JOSE -Club America of Mexico City defeated tht Calilornla Clippers ~ cer team Sunday, 2·1, with Horacio Lope.z scoring twice. Colombia Still Alive CARACAS. Venezuela -C<>lombia, sparked by Jairo Velasco, 'von its doub\~ mat.ch against Venezuela Sunday to keep its hopes alive ... tn the South ~n~~an 7.one of the Davis Cup ehm1nation matches. Venezuela leads 2·!. Bad9er1 Vlctorlou• Scot.land's Winnie Shaw 5-7, 6-4, 6·4 for the W-Omen's crown . Penn Triuniphs PHILADELPHIA -The University of Penn.1}'lvania won the Adams Cup h_eavywe..ight eight-crew race on the Schuylkill River, rowing to a l1h·length victory over Harvard with a 8:30.0 lime for the 2,000 meters to end Harvard's previously unbeaten five-year domina· tion . Van Dillen No. 1 PALO ALTO -Erik van Dillen, a Burlingame High School student who llves In San Mateo, won the California .stale temLs champi<ihlhip Sunday by defeating. Paul Gerki:n of Stanford Unlver~ity, 6--3, 6--4, &-2. Van Dillen, 13, got his victory over Gerk<2n, 19, by posting 37 points to Gerken 's 28 in the first set, 38--29 in the second and 31·21 in the last. Oenise Carter of Los Altos retained the women 's singles title by beating Gail Hansen of Palo Alm, t-4, 6--3. 25G-m.lle stock car race over IndianapoliJ Raceway Part's 250-mlle road course. Britbh Srere KANSAS CITY -Center forward Peter Knowles !COred two clutch goals to spark Wolverhampton Eqland, to a ~2 victory over Dundee United of Scotland Sunday in a National CUp soccer tournament match. In the tournament, sponsored by the North American Socett L e a u e , Wolverhampton Js representing Kamas City and Dundee la representing Dallu. Jlfezfro Leads BARBADOS -Mexico took a 1..0 lead over Brltlllh Caribbean in the North American Zone first round tie of the Davis Cup Sunday when· Rafael Osuna breezed past Richard RUSlell 6-1, 6-3, 6·2, in the .opening singlea match. COX QUALIFIES FOR SOCAL MEET ANTELOPE VALLEY -Saddleback Jim Osborne of Honolulu and Jim Mc111anus of Berkeley took the men's . doubles with a 8-2, H, 6--1 victory ove r Henry Kamatana of Los Altos and Don KiM'bow of Sacramento. College's Paul Cox qualified for tbe The women's doubles wtnl to 1'-t~!\w.. Southern California track and rield cham· Cart.er and Kristy Pigeon of Danvl\le w~pion.ships in two events here Saturday in beat ceci Mart.lnez aod Esme Emanuel, the Desert Conference spike fina.15. · both or San Francisco State College, lo-&, Cox, who has won as many as five 2..fi, 6--0. events in dual meet competilion, con· Ste10Grt t 'frst centrated on the triple jump and ja\•elin. lie exceeded the qu alifying standards when he leaped 46 feet in the triple jump and threw the spear 162·11. BARCELONA Spain -Jack.le Sle\vart of England, In' a Matra Ford, won· the 1969 Spanl1h Grand Prix for Formula One cars on the twi sting Monjulch track in two hours, 18 minutes, 56 seconds for an ;iverage of 92.703 m.p.h. Porsrhe_'• Da11 Ed Jarrell, Saddleback's only other alhlete who competed for a berth in the So Cal meet, failed to make the quali· fylng time in the 440. Pirates ·erall-- 7th In State, '70 JC Meet ~ack Fullerton Is a happy man. His Orange Coast College team grab- bed 1eventh place ln the state junior col- lege swimming and diving championships which concluded Saturday night at DeAnza Colle1e In Cupertino and the Pirates also bagged the 1970 meet for Costa Mesa. Fullerton began work today on plans for the 1970 meet. the second state mett. which Orange Coast will host. The Pirates conducted the record-breaking 19511 meet. "l'm really pleased, particularly with our~ freshmen," Fullerton said after the Pirates moved into seventh place on the final day of the meet with 77 points. Foot.\illl CoUege, •s ezpecled, won its eighth stralgbt stale title easlly out· /distancing second-place Los Angeles · Valley, 318'1; to Itt~:Golden West finish- ed back in the pttck with 22. "Nert year, our kids won't be scrat· chlng for Ut.b place, they'll be in the top three," Fullerton said. Several of his :swimmers missed qualifying for the championship or consolation finals by one·lenlh or a second. Best effort by Orange Coast on the third and final day of the state meet came in the 400 free relay where the Pirates smashed the OCC record with a 3:16.9 clocking. ~fike Cunningham (49.7), Do ug Scha umburg (4.8.0), Mike Allbrigh t (49.0) and Bill Luther (50.2) swam on the relay team which held first place tmtil the final i.; yards when four other teams anchored by swift sprinters edged in front of the Bucs. Other Orange Coast placers on the final day included Paul Hughes with an 16:09.5 for sixth Jn the 1,650 free and Schaumberg who coasted lo a 49.5 and 12th in the 100 free. The only Golden Ylest placer Saturday fifth in 54.5. rtANOVER, N.H. -\Vis c on sin's heavyweight crew pulled in front 250 meters from the finish and edged host Dartmouth for the Cochrane Cup Sa~ur· day. The Badgers were clocked in 5:25.1 and Dart.mouth in 5:26. Korh, Riche11 Win PALf\.1ERO, Sicily -Porsche drivers Gerhard M!Uer and Udo Schulz of Gennany won the 482-mile Targa Florio auto race in record time with a 70 m.p.h. average spetd, giving Por9Cbe its fourth consecutive victory in the open road race. Major League Standings ATLANTA -Tom Koch of Bruil downed defending champion Bill Bowrey ol AmtraUa 8-!, 6-2 and Nancy Richey ol San Angelo, Tex., defeated Linda Tuero of New Orleans 7-5, 6-2 to take the men'• and women's tiUes at the Atlanta lnvita· tional Tennis Toumamenl J\'etllronabe Top• BOURNEMOUTH, En g 1 and Australian pro John Newcombe captured the British H a r d C.OUrt Tennis Cham. piomhJp wltb a 1-8, 1-3, 5-7, 6--4, M vlc-- tory over Bob Hewitt of South Afrk:a, and Mrs. Margaret Court of. Australia beat Fireball Winner \YEAVERVIl..LE, N.C. -Bobby Isaac of Catawba, N.C., drove his 19'9 Dodge at an average speed of 72.581 m.p.h. and easily won the Fireball 300 at the A.!heviHe-Weaverville Speedway. l11d11 Virtor INDIANAPOUS -Parnell Jones of Terrance, Calif., pushed his 1969 Ford Torino to a record speed of at.37 m.p.h. in winning the seventh annual Yankee NATIONAL LEAG UE Ea1t Division Woa Lott PcL Chica:ao 18 9 .Ml Pi Us burgh lfi 10 .600 Phlladelphia ti ll .lOO New York ti l4 .440 St. LouJs ID IS .400 ~fontrael 9 IS .37S \Vest Division Allanla 17 8 .680 Loa Angeles IS 10 .600 San Francisco 15 10 .!00 Cincinnati ll 14 .4l0 San Diego 12 16 .429 Houston 8 20 .286 11111t11Y'I llt"'lt AMERICAN LEAGUE Eaat Division GB \\"on Lost PcL GB Baltimore 20 8 .714 2 Wublngton " It .503 3 \~ 411 Booton l4 10 ,583 4 ' Detroit JI I! .403 7 7 New York ll JS .423 ' 711 Cleveland 3 I! .143 13 ~~ \\·est Division P.tinnesota 16 7 .696 2 Oakland 14 ID .58.'l 2t.4· 2 Kansas City 13 JD .542 31\ ! CbJcaeo 8 ll .421 6 6 ~~ California ' 13 .331 7 IO~J. Seattle 8 JS .348 8 lu11t1y•1 1t11ult 1st Division Still Goal ' For Jaycees The East.em Confertnce baseball nee moVes into ita flnal week wilh Golden West and Orange Coast Collegea battling to hold on to berths in the tint division. flltb In M.S. Golden Wes 1, which Jost a Saturday nllht game at La P1Jma Park to Fullerton. 7-4, currently holds down fourtb place with a M record and la at home Tueoclay afternoon agalnat Chaffey Collqe. <>ruce Coat ts fifth with a 74 record and traveb to Santa Ana College Tue,s. day. Both gama will atart at s p.m. ID Saturday's game, Golden West WWI Lnf T GI 16 ' 1 ML S..11 Mtonlt Cllef11Y 11 • 1 • '"!llr!WI OOldtn west Orll'lll• (H lf ll:W.r116t 10 1 ' ...... ' . . ,,, f I I ..... 1 ' • f Alo HondoO S.n 111'!'\ttcll,.. Cttr.- 7 t I f 7100,!A 6 10010 S1"t1 o\1'11 cr11r111 6 0 I IOV. • u 1 n SllurClly'I SCltft Fulltr!on 7, Gollltn W11t • T111Mll\"I ~Clleftty ti Gotdtn Wttt Or•l'lll• CHll ., S•nl• ...... CyPr .. I 1r Fullt rl(ln Cllflll 11 Ml. S!!" "-'ltonlo Rlt Hor.do 11 san l1rn1t1.ine flnally bad the services of pitcher Sleve Griffith a&aln after the right-hander had been sidelined moat of the oonlerenCEi. sea.son with neck and arm woe• suffered in an automobile accident. COmJng off the long layoff, howeve r, Griffith was: chased in the bottom of the third lnnlng when Fulletron's Marv Owen& slammed a 351,foot homer int.o.Lhe bleichel-s to highlight l four-nm ralfy._, Al Hrabowsky's solo homer in the fifth to the same spot clinched the w I n for Fullerton. Oolcltn Wffl 141 llfuUtrtlll CJI 1b r II rfli ll'u1l10t1, tb • o t o Strothtr, 11 ll'lnn , rl l o o I S1bol, Jb ll:kll1rcll011, 30 • O ' i Slnn1rcl, rt M•rkt, d 5 O O O a-&. ct THCt. c • 0 0 0 T«rtll. n1 aawen, lb 5 o 1 o Hr1-.ky, It HtN!rlclge. ti l l O O GrHr, If R11111ll, IS 4 l I 0 lllldgttt, C Grlfftlll, • 1 0 o o M111, 2tl Woocls, • O 1 O 0 J1tkt0n, • Corn•ll. p11 o I O o Colli"•• J Ol'lfl, Pl' 0 0 0 0 ~utctilt'l1on, p o o o o IOlo•r, pll o I o 0 ·~ t ""' • 1 2 I s l 1 • • 1 2 0 • I 2 J • 0 0 0 J I 2 I I 0 I 0 • 0 0 0 • 1 0 0 J • 0 0 0 0 0 I Tollla ll 4 ' • T0!1hi Joi 7 le I C~lf'" W"I Fulltrtoon • •• OOODXlllOl-4'0 OCM 110 10~ -1 II I Stanford Edges UCI for Crown In Big Regatta UCI lrvine had lta great.eat ~.ever in crew, but Stanford University edsed the Anteaten for the team Trophy in the fourth SMual Newport Regatta, held Saturday afttmoon in the Lido Channel. Coach Duvall Hecht's Anteaten won two of the three races, but lost the team trophy in the freshman race when UCI finished fourth while Stanford was win· ning it. On the basis .of four points for first, t h r e e for second, two for third a n d one for fourth. the Indians won the trophy over UCI, lG-3. UCI nabbed the varsity race In the fasteSt time and the most tightly COl)o tested event of the day. The Anteateni crossed the finish tine of the 200()..meter race in 6:38, just edging Stanford whlcti clocked 6:39. The finish was so close it took the judges' decision to decide it. In the junior .varsity race, UCI wa! first across the line in 6:44 with Stanford 10 seconds back in second place. Host Orange Coast College Jed the race for the first 500 meters and flrll shed sccontl in 7:03. UCI was fourth with a 7:09 clocking. Times In the Regatta were slo"' because of a strong head wind and aa adverse tide. 1969 Aupln Aaoaica Posey Wins at Laguna Seca $1885 , Ntw Yort; ).J, CMCIM ,., a1tf\ll'IOl't J..U, Ntw V1~ W Ml-IOtl 4, Chlc1t9 I Al l11111 •· lot A11ttll1 1 Wtll'll!!tton •, Cl-lel>d I PMllClt kllllt $, $!, lOVll t SNltlt t-7, 01'11!111 •·II "'°"'""' 6, Pll!lbu111h • &o1i.., ... 0.'"'fl t, II IM ll>ll Houston 1. 5111 FrtndlQI 1 K1ns11 City 11, Ctlllornlt I S1111 0 19" J.4, CllKIMlll :t-n l Tt91Y'I GI-I A\•ailablt w/Automflllc Tral'llllmisalon MONTEREY CAP) -Sam Pooey or -· c.nn., pushed hiJ Chemllet· powered EaaJe to an averq:e of 1011 mi.,. an hour Sund1y and won the Lapll Seca Continental Race for Forinula A Cll'I. Pote7, • 24-yev~d vekran racu, toured Ille l.kllle l'OOd coune 52 U- ln 11 m1mrta 1-17 -· to but George Wiota.-ol Vlllanov1, Pa., by Ut -~ Wlnlenlaen ilrv-• a Lol• Chevy. POI<}' t*ked up U,lOO firrt pl1ce money and an utlmated $1,000 mote "'"11'bltl commercial 1pon.wrs. , -• ~~ Chuck Dietrich of Sandusky, Ohlo, plac- • ed thin! In a Lota Chevy. ,._,.,......, cars started but el&ht drop- ped out bec.uae ol mecbMlcal failures. Enlertainer Dick. Smothers ol Lquna Beach competed tor Sl ol. the U Japi but ped out ~UH ol. mechanical fallura. Englishman John Camion,~ Pasadena, Who turned the lute.I lap of the race in I :04.34, was forced ·out of the race for five laps wben an electrical ahort in the cockpit burned hi• leg slightly. Jle won the first of the l3·race series, &I Rjverside, two weeks ago nnd h3d the futesl qualifylng_ Ume SatW'day. Early leader Loth.at Motacberlbacber or Beverly Hllla, wli1orced to rtpeated pit stops later ln the race and dropped from contenUon. In the 13-race championships, Cannon and Posey art now tied wlt.h nlne polnta apiece. Wintm1"" Is lhlt<I with eight, Motschenbacher hu Jlx. • Httt lft 1111 toll lt"l~lltrl In 11\f UtlU'M SKI (.ti>. 'Il¥f! lfM• ,.,. FormlH• ._ c.111 ~I l\lf!dlv: l' I'll~., $1\tl'Oft, Conn.1_.111 Cfli , Wii\to,.."9n, VH'-"'"t.. I., I C'-'IY. , O .. ltkfl, Sll'llknJtY,,OIUo._till .... ., '"'"""" l..,. tdll'ld, .... v .• "", 11tvv. S, Jllfl" M1flllr Btttft>lllOtr 1-., t vv, &, 1<111'1 lh i/WllJ, Aoi:•fl>rd, hi .. II\( N Cl ¥\', 1 A!cfl G1r10w1v. Denver. (010 , LOI• Cllrvv. T•r"1•1- Nt •ame1 tdleclul..i. NI f&rf'ltl tdlttl\llN. -r ..... ,. .... _ • n.. .......... "'" L11 Alloltlts ti Chic ... Cllk.,. ti ltlllmort, nllht CIM1-11 t i Nrw Yeni., 111111t M'"'-1• 11 Cllvt\Md, ,.,.... "40vt!Oft 11 Pllll ... lt l\lt , nltht Kll'llll Cltr aT Oflrotl. nltM 5.ri 01 ... ,, l"lff~ll. """'' flotlOn 14 "''""· """' s-. l'renc;I-ti II. L.ulr,, llltM Nt• Yo"' 11 C..tlforll"'· flltflt MooottM/ 11 Alltntt. nlfl'll Wtlfllne~ ti Ololtl,,_, 11lel'lt , AUTHORIZED • FULL SIRVICE AND PARTS FOR A~L IMPORTED AUTOMOllLE.S J~rlll~ltli I !1111 p tl I I <, llOO \:::~4~~AST HIGHWAY -N~~~l!IAC:H A-ed MG e AUSTIN-HU.UY D•I• A-ed NUARI DMl•1 Sol~ I SttYlco •OLD SEAL USlD CAlS FINIST SlUCnON OF USlD Sl'OIT CAIS IN SOUTHUN CAl.IFOaNIA J1rtllµOt l 31111 µ o rt'-' ·' ----·~-''-------'~=-''-"-'---C---------·- • -------• ------------------·-~-------..,.....---,---~,---------"":"'-------.... -~~~---.. Monday, Mar '· 1969 DAILY '11.0I' Three Tar A. Q , Area Splashers Fare Poorly Qoijt~g wit• r Id Palmer Bee Netters In CIF Varsity Prelims -EXTtNO ·LEFT AIM FOR Ad WIDE llACKSWING i'.llC Vance 8A ... ca INBUAANCB A small contingent of Costa $11.7 '· $1Mw tw 1boll1 u A 1. 1.• fl.1esa swimmers and a P!Pklt l~rii.1 R• 1. H•llMN tiu ... blink) SI., '· O'CO<l.,.r (l ttUlll'I) ,__, Westminster dJ ver ·rem al n 10. 0ea..-. ... !E111nc111 .st.• 11. $111t•· from the Orange Coa!t arta in btre (Pv1 s..i u. Ml11o1~ !Ca~. varsity competition with the Mewl 59·s. • • • ol!lO fl"llt-1. ~~ ll•kewood) S;51.J ClF swim finals slated for t . McCon1(1 !Bue-1W1J s:s1.1 1 LiWioroolt Friday nlght at 7:30 at Bel· l.t.n.IM'lmJ s:u.J " 1Ctoy1111 <s"' M•· mont Plaza in l.Alng -Beach. r;no) 3:s.i.5 s. M. Mor11n 10ow ... v1 3:SS.1 '· C. Furnlu (FH) S:UA 1. The top six individuals and w1n1er t8ut111J 3:M.• t. smlttt tT- reJay teams qualified for the pi• c11¥1 1:rr.o t. Henar1cu 1w1110111 f. ·'· S turd af 'th l :51.S 10. Ad1macfl.I (81H111tl l :SI., 11. 1n....., a ay ternoon WI CHlrk• !Ro-111"9 Hlll1J l :St.7 11. Tlloml>- Chris Gammon and Dave '°" 1sau111 Hllbl •:01.1. Whltaker the lone individuals ioo ~•51-1· s...1"' <•-1 1:01.• IT~ CIF R«ordl 1. Cllllfleld fFlll'lf.. malting the coveted finals. •ldot.l;. 1:02.1 s. ar.,.,111111 1w111or11 Gammon tied for second in 1==·• 4. DodN tllurwnkl 1:os.J i. F1lco IP•Sldenll 1:03.J f. ~1111 the 100 butterfly with a 54.3 el· cs.n111 MonjuJ 1:0'.t 7. LIG¥d <Hoo- fort behind a leading marll of wr1 1:1M., •· Ott 11tedl1nd1J 1:os.1 '-s...rtti (11!1 Set\llldot 1 :05.S JO. Tie ti.-SJ. I. '-" Reynolds (11!11:), ltnl1mln Whitaker was fifth in the 100 10..-11 1:os..c. 11. H.lrwy tAr· free with a 49.6. re.i.i i:os.s. ~ .......... , -edl .IQO free rel•Y-1. llUl!N J:Jl.7 :'. , .. e uJ .......... ngg · ... w m ey W11J011 1:2:1.1 ,, AIUdl• J:11.z '- ».I If, ••rT•n t•"""I Sl.!. 100 btc.k-1. Ghl-ICll Hltlll Sii.i '· 0.INlllY (AVHllJanJ St.5 J. c1.- -(Ej 5HuncloJ H.t 4. Ti. til'fWffft ICt llO (Wiii.Qi\), Woodm1f\ fMornl119- .idlJ 1:00,G 6. CHlrkt llne~I 1:00,S 1. Lawry (Wt$1 Covl111) 1:00.4 1. Tie '*'-Sd)oenllnl l~rv1rdl, R-!Pt lol VttdftJ 1:00.f 10. Monl1 IG!endortl 1:01.f 11 • .I-. (5t n11tll0) 1:01.) n . Guerl11 (La Al1mltoo) l lllt.I. 1011 lfff-1. S. Furnlu (liH) J:U.t IClll' ll:l(Ol"d) '· HIY°"' (Pt-I'll) 4:0tl.1 J. "THI ~ Webti tS.111 ... Manlc11, Pulmtn {Jorden). ':OOA S. Ltmbr<'I (GltlldortJ 4:00.7 I. 110.,.. min tGGI 4,01.2 7. Cozem (l.1 Str1111 4:01.5 I. Chr1"1o> fNDJ 4:01.t t. 811'°' CGll!'dorl ) (:OJ., 10. II. °""" !IC..,. llld'rl 4:11S.1 11. llutlke CRldondo leedl) 4:M.J 12. Cook (l"otlm Spr!flll>) 4:01.1. ID!I brllttt-1. GIWft fHMwr JHI 1:0.U 2. Clcle fGGJ l:W J. llN.,.t ilCtfW'lllllYI l:llS.7 4. L-151"11 11,._ blf"1I l:M.7 S. o.t!f'f ILi StrNI 1:17.1 '· L-11 (0. ~) 1:07.I 7. Tiii ~ Tll'TI (Matltcll1rl. ll:odcy (Gltnd911)'-ThomP-Cl y,.. "'110dl 1:07.1 It. 111 be!Milf' Wlnon C~ Vtlie\11 • .ive l•UINI 1:111.S 12. Dlllmdl (NH) l :llf,,. ' R.~r, too, thot your head ond ,,.,,. bodymuot not ::t.':ot-Newport Harbor Jllgb IChool 11 ... 1ewooi111 »-' '· Hf"'"" ,(Jonlln) pla......, one indi·"""al and one ""' •· Tit bJ'-Wfirslfl' c'Vf, entl y to the right .on your -.. ,... v""°' w.tdOll 1011nc1or11 .u.i 10. a.r111111 swlrvt, s-1.v. wlll •--1-oll doubles ream in the (LOI Altoll W II. Tvlllf (I-I ..• ---, . .._ YWa ·-1 ll'ld ,.,,,..r INH> J.1.A. b.neflt1derived .fron.,thewlde quarterflnalJ of the Bee and JO tiert-1. lledol tt•w..,l 11.1 1. swTngou:, So...,-ingth• clubhead Cee tennis tournament at San· MH1t1 tAvllllon) 2',J l. Tl9 bottwetll straigfit,\,bock, th9n aro"und ond .c1111 cP1io. V•rdft). 1Ctw111e <I!'''"" ta Ana High School Saturday ("le) ,._, 1. Tie i.iw.n 1111rt1rm1n vp, wi a strojght left a"'4 ·- 1e111nd1), 'Lnlllf" 1Man1<1.in :11.s but don't ..-... ta the ri.-t.t. afternoon with quarterfinals 1. Mc:(11F (fUlll• 1\1 I. Tit lit!-n 9 ·-... , Ill" o.11m1 cu p..,...,,i, Jl~l!POI' (1!111 A wide swinn arc produces a and semifinals slated for this JHJ H.J 10. Currktr (Glerdot•I 'It.I I I U. ·• S d th 11. S11yc1er tNMJ 2'.J u. E~''""' onger c u~.ead, path than does atur ay at e same site. 1s1.01 :rt.'I. · G · l'IOl'TOW swing arc. Normally, Starting time is JO a.m. 50 brt•iT-1, Mar11u1n<1 CP•la v... a lo....., clubhead t' -• -detJ Jl.3 2. ci..na t 1C111MC1y) Jl.1 ·~ pa n pwuuces Leading the quarterfinalists J. Tie bt'-11 fo.1tr IP•lol VtrdHI. more clubMod speed at lll'fXX:t, is Bob Ogle of the Sailors JcMtGrl ICll•fl Jl,7 s. ri. ~11 • ond thut rno,.. distance. A wide 111rt111t 1u.11nc1), N•.,. lL• c1111d.11 while mates Ken Perino and 31.t 1. Ti. bttwltll· Htldftlrem swing ore, i( properly orD<tcecl, <A•~ol. How1r4 ICoH JHI Jl.J '· allO eneou-es a Fu If shot·ld-Dave Eastman made it in Tio> betv.fftl 5llCor jfH), &onclt IP1lm-·-,,. snou '"" doobJ dllt), sm1111 tNHJ n .1 11. Tit ~ tufii, another rnafor JOUrc• or es. ._ G1"ll tAn• Lom11. Mew --er~ Estancia's doubles team of ({>u111t) :H'2. ,..... •• Mt wide bocJcswi~""' -·lh Steve Emery and Jerry 20111 '""' re1t.,_1. "'""" Hui. 1:uJ1 r-_ '"''""" Winters also made 1't to the 2. Noilra o-1::11.1 :r. THI btt-11 11\Jlft inointainlnga fu ly•xtended for speci•I GOOD STU ENt DISCOUNTS' on you r Fomily Auto Insurance f•i. Bob Paley "-' tl!d Gllfllllor• l:•.o 1. .s.... 1.~0'11'1 -th--Lou1. Aloo, r I~'• ·quarterfinals. Ytt. 1:lt.s "' P11m v .. c1n 1:Jt.1 1. ·~· w; Bee action was dominated I SURANC cos11 ""'"'" 1:JJ.t •· L11111t1 1:"-' '· th• clubh--.J ,,_, . ..._, bo•k ~-N . E 11_.. l:n-' 10. creK1111'• v11111 'CIQlill '"' 1:1" "' · TNm by ~1ai-k Keppel, Santa ·Ana relay team of Gamm 0 n , $1H'M\y Hill' 1:14.1 s. Tit ~ c-'• .......,_, LaUllll l:2S.4 1. Mire co11• Whitaker, Ron :rttisiolek and J:?J.S 1. A111lll4m J:211.s '· H-Jay Sponagle finished with the J:'6.7 10. 1 11 ~,_,. Rom.,. HUIJ. .second best clocking of the o~ 1:21.0 i:;. Bllv«l'f H111, 3:21.s. ;.,:~ '~;..;%•yne;nc11 =~~t1~ T7:~~ • t~ ball. · and Palos Verdes high schools 474 E. 17th St;• «JO frff rlllt't'-1. T ie betwetfl P1/111 hil Red! ·-d So th T •• "'"'"' L• .s.m. a:n .o 1. Glel!Dot• kt>rlne: cat• Meu 24. G~ndO•• ..... e. e -.,,_ _ ._..., w e an\13 an u or-COSTA MESA ' J:H.s '· MC>M'OVI• J:tt.e s. Footttlll 11. 1tonc11o A1tm1a 11, sunny Hll11 ranee are expected to battle 642 6500 J:IO.S '· oa......, J:JJ.I 7. Kt nntdv 16\i, Ltiuen 14, Ne_,, H1rt>or fJ\I., Newport Harbor for the Cee • '• day with a 1:43.5 behind Long "~:!~:. ~~~·20~111~~H':.., Beach Wilson's 1:42.3. M!1'11 co • ._ ••Vt, u1111111 u, &uen• u. A~m 11, Redlalldl 11. t.1kewood I~. And the free relay team NDl"'Qlk ,, R1ncno AHlmlloe 1. (D!v1 ... sped to a 3:25.4, good for fi fth ttof"1nt ""' Included!. 3:12.t I . Mlr1 LllSlt J ::H.I f. E'l1nc.l1 li~,,~,~.,,~~~~a~·~·~·~-~~~o.;;;-~·~"";;;'-~'--------------------------~~~--------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I J:rl.6 10. Ct llforrol1 J :S3.7 11. Wll lll11't o.Q ll'li 1Kh. title, l :)I ... 12. I.I Qul11t1 J:M.t. SQ!rlll'll : ICMll!ldV 21. P1los ~ :to l/S, Mire 1.etfe 2(1, lltndlo Altmllw lJ. G~I 11, L1 .Slf"lll U, Wet! Co...IN n . C1lll!lf'l"lt II Ill. Jordt" 11. Rtdondo 8tiKfl 10. place and a spot in the finals. Westminster's Joel Penne is third in diving competition 1.-with three dives left in the :1>0 mec1iw ,....Y-1. Monrvvll 1:41.1 1. Callfornla J; ... J 3. P1lol II~ Clll finals. He's scheduled to do a 1:4'.J 4. Kt,_.,., 1:.,.4 '· Hnrv1/"CI '°' -.i1tv ~11-..-1. 1>11os Vrrdtt half g•'ner plu• two opt'•onals 1:4t.o " W111tti..-''"·' 1. R1nc11o 1:o1t.t 2. N.-1 H•rt>or 1:4'.6 ·~-... Allmlla 1:M.t I. Mlrt 1.e'Jtr 1:5Dt Lil-l:Jl.l '-SullflV Hiii• 1:J2.I in the finals -a 2~Sc gainer '· RedOl!do 6ffd'I 1:!0.l 10. o"""r11 s. clWitteT 1:st.t 1. u,ren.t l:ll.o 1. and 2% back. 1:50.4 11. 'Tio> ~II L1 kr!'11 1n<I lltnd!O AHlmlla l:SJ.I I. Cot!1 MK1 R ho Al UPl.llld 1:50.l. 1:53.1 f. TllOOIWl'ld Olk1 1:$4.1 10. anc amitDli Olympian :IOO "'" -I. Curlil (P1!.ldentl W1•rm 1:5'.3 11 . THl"btfwei!oll ""°"""" Gary Hall maGe the big noise 1:50.• 2. Rueke (RedondoJ 1:31.1 l. tieiio. s.nt• Fe t :So1.1. In varsity action with a CIF BOW1n1111 (GGJ 1:!!.o •. sn.WVff tRrd+ 7(IO ,,__1. H•H•d•v (No. Tor..-.na:) mark Or 54.1 , •• the lOO bac'·. landS) 1 :~1.2 S. Mcl1ln (Servlle) l:J2.J 1:52.• 2. Ev1rs IF011t1111l 1:5"1.7 l. u1 II. I. Chrl1 IND) 1:$1,( 1. PLrlm1n (Jor• Wiicox fNHI l:SS.5 4. lm.nehill The Bee picture was even d•ni 1:52.4 1. Llrnt>ert 1G1""'°'"' tServll•I 1:u.e i. ••-!C11111 kim . f th 'th Ed 1:s1.s '· Wietib IS.nit Monla ) 1:S2.7 Meq) l:.Y.O '· , ..... , (8111 G4n:ll!M) s pier or e area WI 10. c-IL• Semi) l :SJ.1 11. Mot• 1:5'.1 7. Pl!llPof IE11! JH) 1:Y.S .. Clifford of Estancia the only r1s tGlft!d<nl 1:SJJ' 12. c11rk1 11... Au11111 tG1tn001"1J l :YA '· Mtrf'ldl •==::c. -.,,..,Hr:~--u:-,,,..,,_ · be '"" OllWOOdl l:SU. (L.11\11111) 1;5'.L.ll. T.lt ~ fir:. --1 •· ·--~..-,~--.1~-.lD-I ---1-TI lidWMn -!Mn---~NN~~~11111v...HllllJ •• Al.-free-was the second best tim-41.S: ~). y1~ (Cb ... l"Cll 23_1 '°;'. •lt•rd ICl"tKllll• v111rt1 1:nA. ing Of the day. Verdm' (~!I) lJ.J 4. Tito bltwftll !Cl frw-1. Cl,..., INOJ 21.5 2-Tlt Foolhill High's s t e v e ~~;ts" 1L:u..=:1• cA11~~:, 1:,'.';"'1~ ::.~ ,7.oni ..J:•!'li~~~~ Furniss set a CIF record in Tt. ~ 111mer !P•los Vtr0et1 01k1l. t.•r-11111i-oodl n .t 1. E ... the 400 free with a 3:56.9 and ~~Jc;~. HT't°!~1n1;u~:i ::,..(~~~~1 5~.;!..7·(~11~ it.:~ was also fJnt in the 100 in· c Focr111111J, Self 1.v.onrov111, GoettK.11 e111 CSllnn• H!ltsl 2•.t 11. Tit ~n dividual medley w.ith·a 57.3_ IL• Mlrad1l 2l.6. !~~~,,'P•lot Ve'*1l, Ali.n (Nor· M · HJ b Sch J' CJ 100 l!!dlvidutl rned!ev-1. S. Furniss ar1na g oo s ay (FHI 51.1 2. c.<111 !GGl 51., J. c1~v· .Evans was the on1y first place -er (El ~undcl ~.1 4. Green finisher of the aftemoon from <Ho<M>rl J?.o s. Hoow <LO) sf.1 •· ........ kllWll (Tr•ol 59.6 1. LIYl"lll the area with a 25.Z clocking IHIWlltOr"TleJ 59.7 1. Lowry 1wn1 in the cee 50 butterfly. cov1r111 "·' '· R-!P1100 v.rn110 1:00.2 10. Tit ~ HmdV (Sall He also qualified for the 100 &l!l'doo), z~ 1Rl9llllflO, w111on Individual medley with a tcrenani. v111ev1 1:00.1. 1 00 I 100 lly-1. Arlfl fAnlhelml n .J 2. : · • HCllCIY ($.111 e.nkloJ 5'.0 l. Guerin Newport Harbor"• John ILDS Ai.tni1otJ .Y.l '· Kln111 (Mir• Wilcox was third in the zoo 1.w.1 s..A 5. Tie ~ V1lfl IO•· "111n:I), l1.,..1I fHol"""°'11el 5'.7 1. Tie free with a 1 :55.S ahead of belwem Hldlll 1s-nt1-.01, Etl<f'W Coota Mesa's Dave Bannon CK11r1MdYJ 11.4 '· wun1hcMI <Jord1n1 ST.1 10. Tie~ /IA«l(ot /Arttdlll· (fifth with a 1:56.0). Al'>derson (S•in G1~J s1.1 n. D'· Estancia's tandem in the NlriH <RAI 51.o. Cee 50 back qualified. Milton 100 1,__1. $1Mwver t1tedl1n<111 .51).l 100 lndlvldu1I rnedll-f -1. ll-fP11os Verde'Jl .51.7 2. Tl!ornpion {MonlebellO) 5t.I J. Evins (Marl'!!ll 1:00,1 4. Rtclos (LIWllll) 1:00.t s. P1rk1 ($ell Glrd<em) J:DO.S 6. W1lclrf (Gllndor•l 1:00.7 7. M11t1111 1Av1• tlotll J:DO.• t, Johnsl«I (lraokllunl JH) 1:01.5 t. Ntwlon (SUl'lllY Hlllt ) 1:01.7 10. Oftan t llA) 1:02.t 11. llo't'd flll1ll011 MOnt.) l :Ol.O It. LIM (Los Al1mlloi J 1:0.1.1. JO fty.-1, EYllll (Marini) tSJ' 2. ll-lP•los Verdft) 2s.1 J. Tl& ~ -H_..rd IC-JH), WJ!l1t (Vu- ctlPI) H .S S. Frvefleld (H"""tr JHJ end H-M1c" (L1 H1br1) H .4 7. Tl' ~ H11bo!>r" csu11nv Hiii$), L1M !LOI Al1m llOI) 76.5 f, Tie bfolweft\ Auslln (511111 Fe), Frollo (E~rl 'lo.1 11. MtE-fY (NOJ 26.f U . T~ ~ M•dltT (Jonlln), currier (G~) 21.0. 1. Clifford (E111ncl1l Jl.O 3. CNm Kawabe sped to a 28.4 for a tie (P11ot veroesi ,1.1 4. Hooue CLQl s1.s for third and Larry Blat· s. s.or-on (LI Str,.) Jl.4 '· FIYW--100 1-1-H•lllOIY (Ne. Tor..-.narl nell1 tN-lkl 51.$ 1. Mc:l1in (Ser· Jl.J (CIF R-.IJ !. Tl!omP90n (Mor.-terman ended in a tie for fifth viaJ Jl.5 1. v~ 11--i11. v1nwr tebllflo! 11111 AxllMrd (CTft«!'ll• v1~ With a 28 5 !Pl!Ot Verdes) $1.I 10. IC~wetttr lrf) Jl.6 4. C.~ (ND) st.I S. ,Tiii · ' (ND) 52.0 11. f1N1;1 IP111>s VttGesl bel\ftell l!nn1 /FOM11111, l.11'10f1 Newport Harbor's re I a y -'-'-'..-------------------11 teams qualified in Cees with the medley contingent second with a l :49.6 and the free re- lay team was third at 1 :38.0. 200 med~ ~11'1' -!, Wflson l:D.l '· COJl1 MllM 1:.U,S 3. B--1 l:G.7 1. R1r.r;ho Alamllos 1:4 .J 5. Arucl!. 1:4J.6 6. HooYll'f' 1:'3.t 1. 811rt..nk 1:6".0 •• 1.alcewood l:U.J '· DoMley 1:43.J 10. L11ven l:u .s 11. Morine 1:4'.7 12. M l,.. Cosl1 1:'5.2. 200 fre. -I. Genie.. (llkew.Jd) 1;116,, 7, La'Sl'lbrock !An.Nim) 1:'1.6 J. c. F11m!K (FHJ 1:4 .2 •• McConlU llu-J l :lt.1 S. Wlnt.., C8ueiY) l :SO.O "-AdemKhc IBUl<la) 1:50.1 I, Morlote1 (OowM!rJ 1:50.2 I. Le. CHOO- Vl'I') 1:50.l f . Cl•rk• (Rotllno Hill1) 1:50.7 10. F~nt..rv fl.OJ l :Sl.1 11, Kenyon (Soan Mlrlnll) 1:51-' 12. Tl!Orn- lon (Cl\tlJ I :$1.1 JO 1~1. S. C..rrt {Sunny Hllh) 21.t 1. l iq¥ lRiv. Poly) 77.2 J. Holt (PY) :11.3 '· Tit ti.lwHn Le<!Oill IND), llol11t1u tMln11 Cott1J, Quinn fBlll'TllJ '2.S 7, Tie belwe«I Ocn1khon !Ma· rin1l. T1vlor (Norwllk) 22.1 J. THI ~ Grlf!lttt (Jl:A), Potier CEJl:l, ONM~t (MIUll11n) Elli011 CAl'Udll l 22.•. 1(» lndlvkl111I mt'dleY-1. Hiii (RA) 1 :57.S 1. Cr..tflfld (FUnlrklgt) 2:01., J. Btnn CNorw1lkl ':CM.7 4. Relden· bllu~ll <$0n0r1l 2:CM.t 5. "Tl. ~ l!lrOOIJWrd IW1!101"1!, SmUll {Bt>elll) :t:CM.f 7. Tie ~n 1Coc11i (Red· llfldt), Hal11k1 (l!lurb.lnk) 2:N.5 f. &um1 {Rolllno Hiib) 2:06.6 1n. "Tie~ -A~on (Wiiton), Rent (RA) 2:nt.O 11. t.1mblr! !A!llhelm) 1:0'.I. Olvlrl9 -l. Fu!!Uwt (Glendeli!) JD:!.~ 2. lltn"lctoe (Hoowr) 26:1.ll ]. p~.,. CWl'Jtm!ntlfl'J m .n1 1. Hoot /SUIWlY Hl!ll) 2511.JD .5. fl uckley (5«"o'• lltl 2.U.45 6. S.uno..~ (lluent) 2U.!O 7. Mc:F1rltnd (llurrouoht). 100 nv -l . Cl'""1111! ILH) Sl.I 1. Tie ~ Clemmon CCM!, Pllll!I rPoty), Tllom11ton (5ollltl Hlllll 5"1.1 S. Buth tUPlandJ 5"1.J 6.. lllml1 fW!l- Mlfll, .M.•, Murphy (ROlll/19 H!ll1) 15.7 I . (Nm (L l tUMI) JS.I J. Osbomr: fl<Jl'l'll) JS.t 10. Jl:a 1 CRAl 5'.0 11. Tie betWftft S/11 .. kl (Mlrl COl11) t nd Wlll'9 CllJY. POl'l l 56.4. 100 fret -l. $. C1ny !SUnny H!flll 4 .t 2. lllev /Riv. PolYJ ff.1 ,1. Kott (PVI 4t.J 4. Wtl!l'Rf" (ll urtNol'lllJ ff.5 S. Wl'IU-.11.w CCMI M.6 6. McMullen CWlltOll) 4".t 1. l~I (NO) If.I I, Ondlhl (Mlll!klfil JO.I t. Oo111lctson IMtrln1) !O.J 10. 11ne1 tNorw111<1 !0.1 ·11. Ye41 CM!t1 Cat1l !O.J 11. Pottel' (l!!llJ SI.I. lDI b9dl-l. Hill (llA) 5'.I !CIF lleeordl 2. Clml>t>tll (Arc.dlt l IS.7 l. Koal1 llt••fl1111111 Ji,f 4. lltlff'l-bl~ (SilrooAl .Y.J S. F-1nber1 CLQ} character clues at Big Savings with your local Mobil Dealer -~ tilDE-OtfMS MHIL um11-MHIL PILTllRR 2S% more t1eUon, Offn .it' RlilPp, PlDHfl-A nued. 25% ~.,.,. slops., *irint COlllfolt -1 tousti ti rt thf!. . ._ better 1as mile11e. a ttaffJ twdl tire. tbl ,_ A90d!T)'. . "" llObll O.lffi """"th• rlght ta ..t'*1'1 lhflr on,,,,.. See your favorite local Mobil Dealer today and have him "Tiro-Up" your auto. with fresh now Mobil Tires-all at big aavlnga to you, i!llEE INSTALI.ATION, OF COURSE. • NO MONEY DOWN 12 MONTHS TO PAY Pl• -n c.n,tllt ll'fltrOt. Cherge your new Mobil Tires to yvur ·Mobil Cllldit C.rd. Pay nolhing down and lake up to a year to pay, all for a small carrying Char119. IT'S: OUR ANNl .VERSARY! • FREE .. , ''FUN-TIME'' PRIZES! • DEEP SEA FISHING TRIP FOR 2 AT DAVEY'S LOCKER. NEWPORT BEACH • BOX SEATS-ANGEL'S BALL GAME • G.OLflN~ FOR 2 118 Holnl . • DINNER FOR 2 PhollOI 5~43 646-4421 lllt.,a NO PURCHASE NEEDED ! Wfnners Will Be Notified -·5 DAYS ONLY -TUES. tl!rou9h SAT., MAY 6·7-8-9•10 WHEEL BALANCE • 50' HIGH PERFORMANCE Belted Silvertown POL y. FIBER EXTR=~~::n., ~ 'MOlREA s s 0 MILEAGE! SIZES E-F·G·H WITH OLD TIRES or"' . MUSTANGS • CAMARO IT YOUR JAVILINS a FORDS a ~Ha T·llRDS a FIRHIRDS a MERCURY • IUJCIC SPICIA,::•oLns • l'I. YMOUTHS """''!!'•'<"plus 'N..-.1 i 1 e lAMllEIS .-!l••·•~'~'~'":;T~•1t__:.tt.JJ t• tJ.77 COIYfTTls a a DODGfS a GUARANTEE: I!....., -11.F. Ooodrld! PltlfflO'O!f Cit 11rt llOI b!'tnded "~"' It 9111r111- ltlll tor !hi II .. If ''" ttlt1Jlll trlHI. ••rdllu of lf9 or mllM(HI, lil•lnat dlfKh In .... i.rHll ind WOl'krn1n1hlp, 1nd Ill roonntl llOIH.'Olflmtrtltl PIH·l!'IOtr cir 11rvlc:t, IOllllll Plllurn tlu11d DY road Miu'lll fnlll IMlucllnt r1P1lr1bll punctwn, llrn 1rregu11r1v "°'"• Urn 0.!M511f ~.,. ruro'l lnt 1111, Ut•, wr1ek1, col1Sloro1, cllllfl evil" or obl!f'lletlollt on lfte 1ulom&b!lt, 1IOf" doe II t pP!Y 10 11,... whl!'I u•lll on vthlcl• o""'" 11\t~ • Pll•ttnOH" automobll91. II 1uch llr• 1~111 "llNl•t lflJt OUl••ntM Ind It cNtmtol'd bt"fOllCI ttpttr, '"' -Wiii ftQllY• ffitl t llOWlllCI !or r-r .... 11111 trMd 111w1rd Ille pure~•• of • "-!IA of ow mt11uf1clv1"11 11 the thM currt111 t111tl "lrldt> Iii" prk t, PIUI I te10Mtllt •1r\lllcl C~flll- Open 8 am to· 6 pm MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY OPEN SATURDAY 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. PHONE 540-4343, 646-4421 2049 HARBOR BLVD. lat layl COSTA MESA ----------'----------~-----''--- ... . -, ' • . . .. ... . . ~.-. ··~ . --· -·--..,,.... .. -, ..... --... -.-... --. .. . . . . ' :.;...;.;: .,. r..,..,.._,...,,....,.,.o-;,;;:,._,.cc.;-i,.,,.;:_,,,..._.,,.,.,..,.,...,...,,,.,..,.,,,,..,.,.,-,.~,;7i7'~o;; --··~ . ... ~; .. ~ ...... .., Clippe rs'' Boosters Saddleback Finally Wins 0Q..e, 7 -l - j To Meet •.There's joy 1n Mlss1on Vlejo Longnecker enjoyed a great qain. --day at I.he plate, goJng five lor Sadd.ttbaek College finally eight1 includin1 -a pair of won a bueblll game again, doubles and a triple. He also ta"" .... the nlghl<:ap of a Saturv collected six rbi's in the twi n The. Coas1 Clippers Boostua' daYdoublebeader at home bill. 3-20 on the season, were scheduled to like on Goldin Wut at .3 o'clock tbls af. ternoon in a makeup game. Golden West beat Saddleback, 1:1-Z, in the two clubs' first game of the season. Club wW hold Jtr annual qalnst Ml. S a n Antonio Kovolski checked Mt. SAC spring meeting at Co!ta Mesa COUege's junior varsity, 7-1, to on 11.x hits in the game in col-111 • 11 •" HI snap a 1s.pme losing streak. lecUng bis first victory of the ""'· ~"' • o-, 1 Ml. SAC 111 · ch School's· Lyceum Thurs~ Mt. SAC took the opener in a seaso n. Wrlt hi, •• • 0 0 0 ,cfif nfa:ht ·at I. " alugfest, M. Kovolski and Longnecker ==:.-·rl ~ ; : ~ : SADDLl!IACK VI 1torh tt1 ~ 0 .) ' s 0 0 • J , ' • I 1 0 o , 0 0 0 3 1 2 J J t 0 0 ' O II O 1 D 0 I L--l'letker, e1 Hl ll«I. • 0.ni~Sll1N, If• S.....wlllncl, c e101e, !Ill Kovol,kl, p Wll!Jemt. ~ Ptn11f1111lln. !I Vldl, • rl Toti~ 21 7 1 7 ' ' . 01a ooa D-1 ' 1 '°" 20l1 6-1 1 1 The meeting la: for cupper Pitcher Lenny Kovolsk.i and 'setUed J.be second game, ~= 11 111t ~ ! ! : . parenta and parents 0 f centerllikler Scott Longnecker which was halted after sev~ J1,...,,, If ' o 1 o ,, r 11 •bl athletes lnterelted 10 com-combined to halt the Gauchos' innings, with a pair of two-run J 1..-i111. cf ~ : : ~ ~ .... ~ ih • • 1 o Mt. IAC (t) long tumble in the second doubles in the last of the ~~ 211 1 o o o wr1~1. n ~ ~ ~ ~ s 1 ' 1 o I I D 2 •• ' 1 I 1 II ' ... ~ '13 ' 5ADD LE_l"CK (0 L-1'1«.ker. cf HtllO!I. ts ~lr1.ll Swa>ll1nd, C 6"~. lb Ko;wohk l, lb Prn~lllefarl, • l'NVY, P WlllJe""', 1h Vklr., rl Tot1lt ••r ~ttoa ' , 2 1 J I I • • 0 I I • l I • l t I ,1 ) 0 l D o I I II l 0 I I t 1 I I I 1 1 I ,,,,,, , lit ,.• Trout Hit At Irvine petitive swimming. game, knocking in all seven seventh . ~ ,. ' 0 0 n Ma~. •u s 1 , 1 At present, workouts are Saddleback rum. · The Gauchos, who are now u~i: J: ~ : ~ f,-;::;, ~ ! : ~ ; ~~ !:: : ~ ~: ! held at Colla Me.. High . ...:.=='-='-----;_=='-=----==------"--'-'-'-....:..:=-c..::..----:....:._:_:;_-===--=:::..::....:..::...cc. With 3_,~ paund.!i or tr.oltt pJanted every ~eek, catche's have been high a~lrvint;_Lake by area. fishermen. Action , has betn centered around -Trout Island, Privy Point and the Weat Fork. , Bass fishing remains fair in wind)' weather with nothing of great .tu regislm!d.· Surface activity i S -an· ticipated -for ·the nelt-rew weeks by bass. Crappie· ia expected to con- Unue good for another t w o month! in the weedy shallows. Bluegi ll conllnue sporadic and unreliable. Best catfish hole appears to Workouts are divided lnto three ability. sroupa, ices ranging from five to 17. CompeUUon is off ered \hrough a graduated pro&l'.-m .. Slated for this summer ii the Orange Count> ,Swim· Con'.- ference competition and AAU !fleets -for adVaficed twlln· mers. Heading the coaching staff is Costa'Mesa swim coach :Q>n Utter along 1wilb T!Jlll jl'illse of Cal Sbte '<Llini Beach) and Bill Craig, -fcrrnerly of USC where he won seven individual ·national champlonlhipt in the breast.stroke. He was a member of the United Sista Olympic team that picked up a 1old medal in the medley relay at Tokyo in I!IM. be ju•t outside of Sierra Cove M V TO SEE on the side oppoalte from Rocky Point. There's still a 1ot of channel ANGEL FILM cat activity in lbi• area in about four to slx feet of water with cheese remaining the The M'lllion Viejo Hiah School Booater1' Club will be best bait. · Full !tringers of catfish are presenting ~e of ~ flnt ear '"' common. · az:ea . showings of An1el -·----.,...----~~ H1ghhghts of lMl" Wed-·mATER • -= -illSday w11eirt11e aub holds N I E . ii! regular m"llnl at 7,30 mASTER ear y veryone p.m. Featured wilh the film Is .Jim McMath, scout for the .,.,.,.., latte...-'L" t / Califonlla Angels. TOILET TANK &ALL IS en S Dick Enberg narrat" th• ................. film . • AUl ·~ CENT-E,R THE COLD FACTS: YOU SAVE 20.95 . THRU SATURDAY! :t e:~':':=!!.":: d All ~tere!ted persons are ' ,7St Al HAIDWAll STOllS to Lan ers invited to' attend the meeting ~~~~~~~~~~-------~~--_i•;t~M~is~si:on:_V=i:•j:o_H~ig:h_~:·~1 ! : room 22.3. _ l\nne111 AUT8CENTER ., • ' ' r, . - " .. .. - ., ' •. 'I" , ., ' '" ls -that funny th.111>-ttunp lllder the hood the generator? Maybe it is. Maybe it isn't. And maybe it's kind of foolish .. .. , to letthe local garage spend a lot of time "" (llld a lot of your money), trying to find out. • Drive Into Penneys Auto Diagnosti c Testi ng Cen ter . In less than one hour, we put your car through "' a•rfes of scientific tests (21 2 of them , to be exact) that pinpoint any existing problems -and warn of potential • on-. Stierlng. Engine:Brakes. Transmission. Electrical and caollng and fuel and exhaust systems. Expert anaiylls of everything from headlights to tailpipe . . , .. You watch the results come out on an • · electronic typeWrlter. . A skilled diagnostician goes over ~~~ the report with .you. fl you wish, he'll .,· give you an estimate of any necessary repairs. You'll be able to take care of small problem;; ,. now, before they develop into big problems costing big money. 'j"' "" . ' And; If you wish, Penneys will make the repalra- qlllckly, accurately, economically. Repairs that could p1WV911t a needless highway breakdown. If you prefer, you can take the report anywhere Yoll llk•. The cost? Only 9.8~. Pretty reaaonable for an analyst, these days. Clwgeltl ...... ~ ••Ila. a· ,.-.. _ ... NI fullerto11 14G Of11 a ufillr MttH ,_.,,_ Newport lch. , ......... . __ ,. " • Foremost 'Hawaiian' auto air conditioner ... high capacity cooling for maximum comfort Pre-chills your car th rv .ol Iorgo rectangular . . louven and 2 round side louvers, Has new Silent Scroll plastic blowers thot give qu iet, efficient deli•ery of cool, crisp a ir. Avail·' able with illuminated switch panel for easy n~~t e>peration. Provides tota l circulation . . to eV'lry· eorner o:f your ca r. Auto 1ir conditioning Flex·•·Lite fan 15.88 Light weight, lltxlbw, extra mono fan u ... 'leu hon•· poller to cool your on0lno than factory mttal fan~ If you -an air -dltiantr, you nttd fwx-a-Lite . CANOGA PARK FULL ~RTQN-. BUENA P'AR K i0<1n,.1h"'° '' I'\ V•lley V1&w) Reg. 239.95 NOW 5219 including adaptor kit 3DAYSONLY! PREMIUM LUBE SPECIAL ONLY 8.88 • 5 qts. premiu m 10/30 oil • l new oil filte r • l new a ir filte r • l new oil breather ca p • Expert cha ssis lube NEWPQ_RT BE ACH HU NTINGTON BEACH VENl URA ' - • , ------·----~ --------------·-------------·--·~~--.----------------------- LEGAL NOTICE • ~AL NOTICE SUPERIOR couaT 011' THI AMaNOto (IRTIPIC:AT • 01' iTATE 0' C:Al.l•ORNIA ,0111 IUllNISI UHOIR PIC:rtTlOUJ Pl•M Tloll COUNTY 01' OlANc;;I-NAMI o.u•n Tb• 11nc11n111,..q dO ""*' (..,.Utv 11\tl •UMMOHI 11\tY •t• COll!fuc:.!1119 • rffl 11l•le dtv1iop. G•IL 110LLIS MUlltPHV, f"llll\llH, VI, fllffll ll'oi1JrietJ. wllh PflJKlp.ml Jllatl ti t OWARO JOSEP'H MURPHY, defenclanl. lluslrw14 II 3'51 Welt ~•1111 lltMrl p[OPLE OF THE STATE <J F Av•-· Lot AllQ9ln, C1lllor11l1 11111 111 OLIJl'ORMIA to lht 1llO\'• llll'l'lld or-. Ctu11ty, "'"°'' Thi ll<1llloli1 firm Olftfld111t: Nm. of TOWNE: HOUSE PL.AV. tlld !~ You 1r1 htttbV dlr'!Ck'd to fl~ 1 wrll· Miit ltrm I• 1 l.lmlllCI Ptr!"'r'h'-,_ ten 1l•1dlnt 111 '""'°""" IC JM (.Oftllllll11t flOled tf '"' t•Uewir.o <knertl •Piii " "'• '~'ti ~ pla!Mlfl wllll "'' l.lmlttd Pltllllrt, wtloM Mll'IM IP\CI (.lfrk tf mi.; 11111W ttilltlld cCIYl't Ill tilt Dl•t• °' ,.,~ -•• fDllow1, to wit: 1llO\'e tnlll[ad e(lllo\ '~hi •NINI WO\I OENEAAl f'AllTNEll$ In Mid wurt, '¥1'1111111 TElf flf_. atMr !ht tiii~r-111 H~Je Plue. lne.. 1 ..,rvltt Of\ VOU f1' 11111 1umfl'llM, 1' Mrwd 1 (.Of'PIWlllDll, 3Uf Wttl $1111• •llh111 IM ebolll Ml'l'ltld c;oUnrv. or wrthlf'I !!r1b9•• AV•fl'1•· ... " A II I I I ••• THIRTY d&YI II NfVed •IW•l'lf••· .... rornt1 '°°°' You 111 MrtbV l'IO!lflld thtl unllM YCM; t. Uwr111c1 J. Soni, .01 Vt. lJdit "° fill 1 written rUllOllll~ pltldlf'lt, Mld &oo.od. Niwpori Btll(h. C1lllornl1 '26111 11i.1"tlff wrn 1111:1 f..,,,.m..,t lof' 1nv ""°""" w'· GIOrteo v. Novlllttf, .ns s1n1J190 "" '"""'" Mn'llncllll !ft the CQll'WOll!nt '' ay, Pllm S()tll'lg'I, C1!1fom11 '2262: ir1'1'"' "'"°" cot1111d, 11r ""'1\1 IHIV to !!'ti I R~IT:t> tARTNlll$ AMC to Introduce Six Nw Models ,, DETROIT (AP) American Motors Corp. ts planni11& lo bulld six enU...ly new modfil within the neit three years, some of them wlth-hoodl and decks of hlgh- 1lrength piasUc instead~f tfadlt.ional sbeet steel. <Olltl fv' 1~v othlf' Nll..r otllftl,I'*" Isl. lhil 1tM4. E11e.lnri. (:,ii:':°~ *3 Ardldlll ~Pl•::v Itek the MIYIC9 fit Ill lttotfleV .. ·,· ""'' L C!.W., 2711 Fwr11i.r OU kc! I h ft>e (.om-VI, ..... Al'IQllet. (tllltl'llll .,. any 11•11ller connK w 1 WITHES$ tht •111 ... lllret of tht G I 1l1lnl or ttll• 111mmor1s. Slltl'I t it.1rMV P11111er1, th!\ )rd di' of"'. IHI ""'' Plastic currently Is wed mainly in grills and amaller parts. the . AlifV Hornet, an economy con1pact to be introduced this cominc fall; a sporta car call· ed the AMX 2 which reported· ly is slated for production nut :ipring, and a minlcar to com· pe!e with foreign lmport.s such aa the Volkswagen, likely to appear in'the fall of 1970. Company officials rffused comment on the other three TWO VIEWS OF CHRYSLER CORPORATION'S FUTURISTIC CAR Concept 70X lncorporet11 AdvencH Styling end Mech1nlcel ldtet lh<lvltl be .,..n,uttfd wUll!~ IM 1!m1 llm!I u • , ii.led 111 1111• wmmons lor 1111111 t wrlllen !'!:u:!~': :-;;·.~!IC., p1io-.dl1>9 to t~ c.om•l1!11l. ey LIW•tMI J. $ork"' D1lll'll Apr!I 7, 196t PNSldlnt Among the six cm will be w. E. ST. JOHN. •v Edyll\f M Smlth Citrk S I •--· 8Y Mark &ttn' '°'' ary ...... 1. Oet>\llY (l.,.k Llwer1nc1 -J, Sorll: ROIEllT A. EASTMAN STATE OF ~,;Jii::1~1katr AllorM1 11 Law COUNTY Oii' l0$ ANGELE$.$$, .. t1 .. M!lfbor •M., $~111 JOI OM July ~d. INI, btfar1 ""'· the " c .. t• M"•• C:1Jltorni. nd6 l.llldenlgntd, • Ho11ry l"vbllt 111 9nd tor -Alie""' ffor Pt.lftlltf Mid COIJfllY 11\d Slife, Pl,._llV ._.. Pu1>U111u1 Or•noe Ct1$I DIUV P\1111, "'"" L.IWl'WI<• J. Saric 1r.4 IEdVll!.t M, M1v 5, 12. It, 211, 1'6f "'"" Sl'l'll!h, k-rl te ml to bt the ,.,.lldsnt Ind 11(.rlfary, r.-:t!Ytly, ol tht COi'• LEGAL NOTICE ,_..llcw'I Jtiet tllKVl'td lfMt wlllllft IMlnl- fl'*ll IOll «lc-lteltM ... ,..,. Hitt •Vdl corpon.tian -.ultd IN """'' •--~===-::C::C:::"-'=-~-1 WITNESS fl'IV hl!ICI 11\d offk:l•I i11I CERTll'ICATI: OP SVSIMISS (SHU ' ' •ICTITIOUS NAM• ~ O. Cllol'#I Wiil.,. The 11ndets1gnlll d$ Ctrll't" ltiw •re Nal•ry Putilk • C1llfor11I• unciuClllllt I bullMSS II 230 Ead Ulh Pr~I O!flte In strttt Costa Mufh C•llforn!•• under th• Loe Angila C:ct11n1Y tlcllll.;.,1 tlrm 111me of 8AY·WALNUT My Commlu1on E~lres <.ANYON COMPANY A I. IM I T E D Od. n, 1t7l 1"ARTNE ll:SHIP and '11111 ••Id firm 15 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) comp0se<I ol IM tollOWlf'lll ptrwn1, wllOSe COIJNTY OF LOS ANGELE$ I $S, ()Imes 111 full and pl-of re,ldtnte 1r1 011 J~ly Jrd, IHI. b9for1 m•, lht 15 lollows: 11ncltrllttlld.-•-N011noJ\lblk IA •ncl for tl•v s11mmlt 1/ICCll'W•lt<I. 2)t E111 ••ld Counrv Ind s1111, Jl•r-Uy IP. ll!h s1ree1, C~I• Mftl, c111tornl1 pt•....S u-1r.c1 J, Sortc 11111 Gtoro• V. flllllders 111.esourcn Corpor1tlon, •Ul Novlkolf, kl\OWll to mt to bt G-r•1 W ConlYrV B01.1lev1rd. Los An11tlfl, P•~IMr• ol Thi PttllllrlMP !111! eXKUlt<:I cirllorn!• th• Wl!Nn l111trumenl •nd &cit,_~ o.ie-ct Aprl1 '3, 1969 to ml th•I llUdl P•rtrllf!hll IJIKUled the B•Y Summlt h1torl)Orlled Mfllt. • Ct llfornl• C'Ofpcr1tlor1 WITNESS mY h•llll 1nd olf!cl1I •ell. ev Dorsev R. Fie~. (SEAL) PT"51denl D. C•rol~n Wll11r B11ll61!rs R!~rce~ Holarv P11bllc--C11ifern1t .• CorPOtttlOll Prl11dp1I Ofllc1 111 • ~!aware torJKlrl!IOtl LOOI Ansitles CO\lnty Bv Retie•• w. Medearis, My commin1on E•Plrn Bank Promotfota Presldtnl Oct, 23, 1911 Two Compute1' iTATE OF CA\..IFORNIA l utt-oe D·-b COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES 1 SS. P11bllllltd Orlngt CN)! 0•11'1' Piiot. .rW ert H. Schoubye °" April s. lfft, bdor• me. the vn-M•v s, 12, 19, 26, 1Ht u1""' of Laguna Beach has 111or1lgned, 1 No!1ry Public In ind lor 'aid <;t111 person•llY ~ppe•rf<I 0orsev R. LEGAL NOTICE been promoted to re-Fick.• known to me !o bt the Prf'll denl ot , -----------'---the eiv su.,..ml! 1nco•110ra1ed !Mi1-gWnal vice president Corl>O(allon that e~~tHI the within 111· NOTIC• Of DISJOLUTIOH · h ~!rUllM'lll. known lo me. lo bf! !hf ""'son Notltt ll hereby given th•! lh• In c arge of Union Wllo executed 'the wllhon !ros!rument, 011 p1rtneohlp ,,.rtTol<lr• o~llllng bf!l'l'l"n Bank'$ Q C ! blli'•ll of !he Cor1101atlon, !herein n1!"ed, Abt F. Livy, G9orge !?'Roy, Loo G1fl11tr, range oun Y ind icknoWledgM lo mf thll such Jack Koudln, Mtrvt GloW, 6•rtY regional head office. <:tr-..Uon .. eii:Jc\;ftd The ,.,,.,,, S~1Jm111, Gerlld J. Tlern•!!i.-~,'ll: V111 r-,.,.---~-~-----WITNESS ml'"hend and ofl\clal 'ell. c; lii!Utt, E._ L"lO'lloft •nd--ltiC . -""(1,.. !OFFICIAL SEAL) treU OOlng bu1!nn, Un.dtT !ht llrm ntme Gertldlne L. Vevtrkl and Uylt af LEVV, OeROV, GEF FE R & Nola" Public-CBllfornl• VAN BOURG •I 1520 Wll1hl .... lloulev•rd, Principal Olllce ln Lti Angel11, City GI Lol Ange les, S11t1 of LOS Ange\t1 C~U"!Y C1lltornl1, Wll Gii lfte Isl d1y o1 J1nu1rv, MY commls,lon Explru 1969, dluolv..i llY Cm11tu11 to1111111) Cori Fir1us Merge Septembu 1. 197' flhe Wl'lhdrlwtl lrom s1ld l!tm tf) LEO T E OF CALlfi.ORNIA l GEFFER ~otTNTY OF LOS ANGELES l SS. Nlllhlr of Mid PlrSOM will bl,.._,,;. l 3 196f bf!ort me nie 11,.. bi. from 11\d d<ltt Of dlnotutlon fvr 1nv ti o~ ~I Ho11r/ Publlc In .nd for s1ld dtl;ote, 1i.bllllJH "" obll111!1ons Fnc11rre<i SAN FRANCISCO -o,·,.,. IU II • • 1 1 ared Robert w. under Hid firm llllM or by 1ny !Mr.On or ~·~e, 1P'r:':~ny !a ';: to be !ht Pr"'· per'°"' 0Ptr.i1,., v11111r s•ld llrl'l'l ntme. tors of SSI "Ampuler r-rp. dt~le!;; 1jt>o eullOe" Rl!lourc~• Carper•· Otflld: AprU ·9, 1%9. ....., ...., lion 111e corPOr•lion 111at e-..Kutll'll Ille LID Gt:~c and statistics for Management wJtl\111 Jru!r11monl, known to ""' to lie ll>e P11bllsht<:I Ort~ Ca.11 01l!y Piiot, D p 111,..,n who elltt:llt<:I !he within l1"1Strt1· Mey s, Ifft 15949 ata rocessing Corp. (New ..,.111 on ben111 of the Cor110••tl011,l--C-----------=-"I Therein named, end 1cknowlM11ed to me LEGAL NOTICE York) unanimously approved Ill.It 1uch Corpor.1Hon el!ecu+e<l the i;imt. an a'reemenl to merge thc1'r WITNESS ..,y hand 11111afflcltl1e1I. J-------------1 g 10FF1C IAL SEAll NOTICI OP' OllSOLUTION <'•,a'<!in• L. v .... er111 Notke 11 ~•reby 111ven ..._, 111e respective companies, it was Not,¥rV l'_'ubl\t-Clli!orn\t tlrlntrshlp here1olore e•l11lng bftwHn announced. Prlnc\oal Ollice in ADI F. Le~y, George DeR<1v. Lea Geitner, Los AM>eltt countv Jtck K*ldln, Mtrv1 Glow, &arty The merged company, to be My (_ommi,slon E~plres Sat1m1n, G1r1ld J. Tltrnan, Victor Vin headquartered m· San Fran-Stolembfr 1, 1911 Bourg, Eu11en1 LtvUon 11\d Rlclllrd Ce,.. Publl,~eo Or•n~ coe_•t oanv Pilat, tr111 <lolng 1:1u11.,..1 under th• 11rm name clsco, will be called Itel Corp. -M." >. n, 19, 26, 1969 l~l·69 ~nd sryle cl LEVY, OtROV, GEFFNER I. d 'ts ff rt II ::::_•;:_:::_:::_.:.::..:c;_-,,c::::::::----1""'N BOURG II 1570 Wllsh!rt BoU\fYlrd, an l e 0 s wi be directed NOTICE Los An••I"' C•Ufornl1, CllY of Los Anet-to rd th de I I f LEGAL 1e~. S11te of C•llforn11, w1s on Ille ,., dav wa e ve oprnen o a ---~~~=~c;;;-o:;c;--lot April, 1"69, dlualved bV (m111ut1 con-b.roadly based servlct cor-HOTICE OF TRUSTEE'$ SALE •t<il) (or) !the wltl'ldrlWI( fl'om llld !!rm puration Spe"'al'·lng m· data Na. l01J1 tfJ BARRY $ATZJMN, '-' "' on M•V 2Q, 1969. 11 11:00 A. M .. TITLE Ne!IMr at 1110 Ptr!l>fl• wm bl respol\Sl· processing services. ACC EPTANCE COMPANY &I du\v IP· ble from Slid d1te ol dl11<>l\lllon for 1nv •---coc:::::,.,---,--~---..olnl~ Tr1ist~ under tf\d P\IUUant Ill Otbh, llablllllls "" abllj•lfons Jnc:urted1 LEG" Deed ot Trust date<! APr.H 21. 19'4. ~·· und•r J•ld llrm na,.,. o~ v .inv. pe,.on or '---,,~~c~ __ N_OTI.,..:·_C_E __ _ .. c:utfll by RICHARD s. FOX af\d ELAINE pe,.en1 apetlllng 11iiilel' Hiii firm n•m~. 1· I> FOX hii wll• and •ecor<1!d M•V S, O.ied: April t, 1Nf. C:lllTIP'ICAT• OP' 'suSINlfl 1f&.i, 111 'inslr, Na. 1117, In book 7031. 11ge B1rtv S1lima11 FICTITIOUS HAMa eta. n! Oflltlat Re,ord1 !11 1111 o"lc1 tf S111·0C: Thi ullde,.\flned OoK Cff!llv ht II the coul\IV 111.e<orOtr cl Orll""'9 CG1111tv, Publllhed Ot•fltt Coul C..lly Pllo!, tolldu<1lnt1 t Dullllll• al 11100 ,,.,.In St., C•llforn11, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUC-M1y 5, 1969 l604t HuntlngtOll krloch, '16"6 Ct!llornlt, 1111C1er TION TO HIGHEST etODER FOR CASH h flc!lllOU$ llrm "'""fit HUNTINGTON 1~vabla 111 time ol s1le In lawful monev LEGAL NOTICE l'HYSIOL THERAPY tnd 11111 s.ald fll the Unltll'll Stl!etl 1t lhe Sol.rlh front firm Is tOfnPCl5td d the tell-1111 Po!•· entr•nce to !he Or1nge Countv NIWPORT-Ml!SA UNIP'll!O :;on, wi'IDM n1me In lull atMI 1111(.1 ol Courthou.e, Cllv of Santa AM, Stale of SCHOOL DISTRICT rnldence Is •s followl: c1tl!orn11 1!1 rl9ht, title 1nd lnteresl con· NOTICE INVITING a1os Ml~ltlro Y11Mmoto, 121-4? Lcritdtn YtVtd lo 1nd now l'llld bV II 11111111" ,aid NOTICE IS HEllEllY GIVEN lh•I the SI., G1rde11 Grove, Cell!, Dfed cl Trvst in thf prOPertv •ll1,111ed In Bo1rd of EdlXtllon or the N1wport-Mesi Dared April 3C, lfllt uld Coul'!IV •nd Slate <le•tribtd as:. UnUIHI S<hOOI Dlf!rlel '11 Or1ng1 County, Mlctlllaro Y1m1moto T~e Nor!hwfsterly 150 feet of Loi 75 C1lltornl1, wlll r1c1lY1 •••ltd bid$ Ill> lo St1T• Of C.lllotllll, O!'enM Countv~ l)f Tract NO. 'J76, '' ptor map r..:ot'dld 11 :00 A.M. on 1111 20!h 01v of M1y, 1M' •! 011 Apr II :lO, lMP, ~lor1 me, 1 Not1ry In eock 15, p~~e 29 of M1'eell1neo11s the olflct ol tlld School Dlstrld, localed Publlc In •nd tor uld Sllte. pe~allv MeP• record• of s1ld Ora~e Co11ntv. 11 ll.!7 Pl1c..,U1 Avenue, Cost1 Me~•· -•reef Mlchltaro Y1m1moto known EXCEPT !he SoulhweStfrlY $66 feel Calllornlt, II Which time •lid ll!d• Wiii be ID mo lo tie Irie INl'nolll'! wl\Ollf 111me Is fur•t~I. . publlclv epent<t •nO rtAd '"'' 1ut..ertbtd to !ht w!'thlll IM!rument 11111 Sal~ •alt will bf! made. but w1Th01J1 SCHOOL 8US 1c~nowr..:!;l!'d lie e~ecutll'll ~ SI'"'· a.venant er v1errantv, expre~• or lmalled, All 111.U 1r1 to be In •ccorda"ct wUh (OFFICIAL SEAL ) rl!lla rdi<\9 tllle. po<5el5lo~, er en-CGllOltlon•, lnolr11cll°"' Ind Spedfk1llon~ N dine J Miile cumbrarices, It 111v !Me rem1inln11 1>rl,.. which 1rt now on file ln !ht of/let af !ht N~•rv P~bl k·C~lllomli clPtl tum of 1ht note secur~d bv said Purchasing Ao-nl ol tald Sct>ool Olslrld, p 1 1 1 Offi Dted ol Trv!I to-wit: ~16.021.~5. w!Th In-ll.!1 Pltctnlll AYen11e, Cos!1 Ml'!a, r nc 1>1 Cl ., J '1 l 19'11 es 111 said note C•llfornll, Or11111e CO\lnty ~~~~~'.°'"idv~~aoi, fl ' e~v. ender the Each bidder must submH I bid 'deposl! Mv CommlulOl'I E•pir11$ d Deed ot Trust lees chAr<1es In th• form tf I ·ct{IHIMI at (.IShler's November 11, lt?? •e,.;.,m' 01 sal , 01 tht Trust~ 1,,d cl the check or • bid bond IQU•l lo llV• pit cent P11bll~ Ori"" C"'sl Dilly Pllol, :,ush•:~:~ hY ,11d Ottd ol Trust. 15'°) al 1111 1rnoun1 of !ht bld, ,.,.d• M1y 5. n, 19, 26, Ifft tsMt Tht be~flclt•Y under llld Deed of plyalllt lo !ht ord•r of the N1Wp0rl·M.,1 Trust b re~s.on of 1 breech or <lel1u!I In U"lfled Scl'iool Dl1!r!c!, LEGAL NOTICE the 'obT1,.tlon• stcurf'!I ! h e, e b v , No bldOtr m1v wllhd•1w his bid lor •, ---~~--,==-,.,,.-,=--! period of 1orrv·nv1 !45) days 1tter thel-htntorore executed end d•llvertd lo the d•!e u l for !hi Opining lhireol. SUPl'.lltOll COURT OP THI unOof>Tanl!'d I written Decl1r&Tlo" Gf The 6a1rd of Educit!or1 of Iha Ntwpor!· STATI 01' C:.l'-IFOllNIA Oeteull 11111 Demand for S1le .. enO Wrlllen Mt•• Unified Scllool Olstrlcl rtstrve' lhe FOR THE COUNTY OP' OllANGI! ..alh:e cl breech and of e\l!ct1on lo ttu•e rJghl to reject iny or •fl bldt, ind no! HO. A·ll4M the unders!gnHI Ip !ell said 11ro.,..rlv lo itictu •r lly •c~pl lhe lowest b'd ind lo NOTIC!: 01" ~ALF. Of' llE,\L Al'IO Mflilv "id obl!O&llons, 1f\d lhl•ttlter, on ""111Ye •ny lnlormtll!y or 1rrogufi rlf'f In Pl!lt 50NAL f'llOPallTY AT PR IVATI! Wovember n. 19.!e, lhe under,laned ceu,. anv bid rectlvid SAL!:l AS A UNIT I V AD· td Mid nol!tt GI breech ef\d Cf tltt!lon ID Oiied MIY S. it6' MINISTllATOlt, PROBATE CODE SEC· bl! -ecordHI In bool< 096. PKe 616, ol i;eld NEWPORT·Ml"SA IJNIFIEO TION 154.S ()fficl•I Rec:>rds. SCHOOL OISTR ICT Ill 1M Miiier ol ltlt !1ll!e ti Dile: AP'll l!, l!>o!t • of Or1"91 Cou"ly, C1lllcrnl1 MARJORIE 0. POE, OKHStd TITLE ACCEPTANCE COMPANY 8V Dorotl\v H1rvty tJOTICE IS tU!:REb V GIVEN lhel J, C. ~s S81d Tru5!~t P11rth1slng />gent Pooe, 11 •dm1nislrll0r of IM 1111111 with 8y Phvlll• Covle 6J,S.110CI lh• Will IMtlled of Mttlorlt 0, Poe. SPS 1'511 P'ub!iJhtd Ot1nte COlst Dtilv Pilot, oecN~ll'll. will iell 1t 11rtv1!1 ule, lo the Publi1htd Ore.,.e Coflst Dttlf Piiat, M1y 5, U, 1'6t 156>6t hlah"I ~nd btsl bidder, undtr the l!lfm~ ..,,,u ~s end MIY 5, 12. 1'ff 771-6' •1111 con0111on1 h1r11111n1r mtnllo!Wd, 1n<l LEGAL NOTICE 1ubl.ct It; tonllrmaf\Oll bY lllt Suaerlor car:s. __. The firm :>aid it plans to stagger· introductions of the new cars at lntervals of about six months, starting this fall. AMC. chairman Roy D. Chapin revealed the plans last week in Milwaukee, Wi!., while attending the company·~ 15th anniversary celebr-ation. ' He also c.nnounced the firm \"Ould spend more than $5.5 111illioo at its Kenosah, W13., body plant in an "ext'ensive hody construction f a c i I i t y changeover." A body-handlica system will be insta11ed for production of 1970 models, the company said. Its purpose is to create more flexible model schedul- ing and improved quality of auto bodies the company said. • Southland Joh. Total RiS€>s Again March was anQther record- brtakini month for employ- ment ln-metrop@!lin SO'utbem California. Employment rose from a previous high of 4,555,300 in FebnJary to 4,558,500 i n ~farch, according to th e Economic Research Depart- .rnent of Security Pacific Na~ tional B-ank. The employment gain over the past year bas been ooe of 3 percent or 132.4Dl;I V.'orkers, compared \VHh a national increase of 2.7 percent. The Security Pacific Bank figures are Seasonally ad-- justed averages for civilian employment in the Southland's seven metropolitan counties: I Los Angeles, 0 range, Ri verside, San Bernardino, San Diego, Santa Barbara and Ventura. Unemployment in th e metropolitan counties f e 11 from 4.1 percent in February to 4.0 percent in -March. Seasonally adjusted Tatios of the unemployed to the total civilian labor force ranged from 3.& percent in Orailge, San Diego and Santa Barbara counties to 4.8 percent in Riverside and San Bernardino COWllies. - In High Ge,.r Chrysler Displays Idea Car By CARL CARSTENSEN -Supplemental lights in the 124-inch wheelbase, same as · Of ,... °'"' Pllft $t•ff upper rear deck panel near the Chrysler car line. . One of the more Interesting the backlight which improve It is 224.4 inches long, just features of the Chrysler 70X. inter-vehicle communications. three-tenths of an inch shorter the corporaUon's new idea -Interior designs offering than a production Chrysler. car, is the parallel hinges on greater passenger safety Overal~ width is 80 inches one J.he_d()J)U. _____ RQte!lli!!!.~nd more con-mm_. Ula.rt a cu~rent Rather ... tliin s w i n g1irrventent -1nstrumenmrton;-a-~1-cnrystu,an-d1tlilS-an outward like the conventional well as · providing the driver overall he.ight of ~fit .6 inches, type, they open outward and with more traffic information foui inches lower than a cur- s,vlng parallel to the car. They through electronics. rent Chrysler four· door open some 15 inches from the Concept 70X is built on a hardtop. side and are ideal for tight parking situations. The 7ox lQ..be s.bown at aulo shows around the country this year comes as both a 2-door and 4-cloor model and executes Chrysler's most a d v an c e d styling and mechanical ideas. The steering column offers fingertip control and controls are placed on the steering \•:heel console with directional signal buttons placed on the horn ring. Other features of t h e Concept 70X include: -Two cars in one, with the driver's side , designed as a four-door, while the passenger side is a two-door. -Advanced aerodynamic styling with flush glass, doors extending int.o the roofline and narrow pillars supporting the windshield. -Windshield wipers recess- ed beneath a panel Y>hich automatically opens w h e n moisture falls on two sensors on the hood of the car. Liquid Gas Car to Try For Land Speed Record LOS ANGELES -A rocket. engine vehlCle fueled by li- quefied natural gas w 111 atempt to break the world land speed record, t h e American Gas Association an- nounced Thursday. The 37-!oot car -called 1'he Blue Flame -will be driven Sept. 1·13 across the Bon· neville salt flats in Utah. The driver will be announced later. Ttle Blue Flnme'S rocket engine will provide a 13,000. pound thrust capabillly - enough power it is claimed, lo drive faster than C r a i g Breedlove's 600,601 mph land speed record set in 1965 in the Spiril of America -Sonic I. Project spokesmen al a press conference said the record attempt would clim<ix five years of \vork b y technic al expert3 in aero n au t I es, rocketry, metallurgy and Ure manufac- ture. Several of them also are young drag-racing enthusiasts. These include the three prin- cipals of Reaction Dynamics, Inc., Chicago, the owners, NSC l{esnlts 1-Iit Record John J. ~'cNaughton. presi. dent of National Systems Corp., Newport Beach, an- nounced record first quarter results for the period ending March 31 . designers and builders or The Blue Flame and Us prototype dragster, the X-1, which they claim as the world's· fastest accelerating vehicle. The natural gas industry, the project's sponsor, is re- ceiving the technical manage- ment assistance from the In· stutute of Gas Technology, Chicago. Consultants from tbe lllinois- lnstitute of Technology, I I T Research lnsUtute and Ohio State University, as wen as speciallsls in rock~t engine technology and tire-manufac· ture, are working on the pro- ject. The Americ~n Gas Associa- tion said that about 30 of its member gas con1panies are providing the project with tloanclal support ' to demonstrate the versatility and safety of liquefied natura1 gas. The fuel ls liquefied at 258 degrees below zero and stored at a SOO..to-1 volume ratio com- pared \Vith regular natural g".s. Standard Oil Income Up For Qua11er ''1'. Can Food Price Hik~::, ,. Be Halted?-- ~ ---~. WASHINGTON-(AP)' <;- . .,. Several congressl on i~ economic experts say · • . ' governme-nt-mUSt-...._ something about the unex. pe~ _rise In the cost of food now predicted for th~ yeai 1f inflation is to be controlled. , -. But. there was no agreement r Q.n what to do, wflh solutions ra~ging from possible w~~;. pnce controls to a revampJna of federal farm subsidies. The Agriculture Department said this week that earlier foreca* that food costs would ~· rise this year 2 to 2.5 perC!nti -· was being revised upward. An official said the figure woUld ~ more likely be about 3 per· cent. Food prices last y e a r jumped .43 percent. The price or food makes up 20 perceht o( lhe overall cost of living which climbed 4.1 percent 1D ~._the blggest_jumP-since- thc1 Korean War year of 195~. CONTROLS'! One congressman, Rep. Will B. Widnall of New Jersey in:- dlcated the unexpected -rue in food costs are the result of a general Inflationary psychology. If it cootJnues, be said, ''I am i!rald we'll see the last thing I want to tee - direcl controls on wages and prices." Widnall is the 1 e n i or Republican House member of Congress' Joint Eco o om i c Committee. Another member of the cOmmittee, Rep. J:lenry s. Reuss \D-Wls.) said the ad· ministration's goal for con. taining inflation this year allowed for too much increase to begin with, and the rise in food prices would push it still higher. ''The Agriculture Department's absurd policy of subsidizing wealthy corporate farms not to grow crop~ causes food prices to rise," Reuss said, "Nothipg has been proposed to changl: this . 'iThcre's a war on inflation, but it Is not clear which side LEGAL NOTICE -------------lc~un. within 11!1 11m1 111owec1 by 11w, ,, -----~=c=-=~co-~-r C:EllTIP'ICAT• OP' •USlNESS 11!1 afllct ol H-!h, Hurwllt tlld SU,ElllOlt COUllT 01' 1'HE PICTITIOU~ P'lllM NAME Remer, tnOl'nev1 '°' Mid .Omln!$1•11of STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOii Tht Ullll8t1l1111td do ~eretr( certify f!'>ll 1t •JO -l2nd Slrftl, NIWPtrt Buch, "HOW I. WHT INYIST IN UAL ESTATE" A Two Part, No Charge, Seminar Offered by: P;operties West First quarter s a I cs in- creased 90 percent t o $2,427,793, while ncL income rose 63 percent to $301.259. For the first quarter of 1968. sales were $1 ,276,758 and net income was $13.'>.207. Per share eaminss rose rrom 24 cent! to 37 cents. SAN FRANCISCO -Stan· dard Oil Co. of California's net income for the first quarter of 1969 totaled $113,579,000, or $1 .34 a share, compared with $108,862,000, or $1.28 a share for the rlrst three months of t9fi8. 0 . N. Miller, chairman of the board, told the annual meeting of stockholders. · the administration is fighting on." THE COUNTY 011 OlllAlfOE lhov 1r1 COllductlnt I ttr with buJl111n Callforr!~, 111 !ht rtvM. 11111 tnd lftltre•l NI. A""Hlf 11 CO'PlrTMrs, 11 ~n Sou!~ L1ure1, 81t1. •nd ffl11t '9!11 the es1alol Of M1t!orl1! MOTICE OF SALE OP' lt l AL PllO-C1lllor11l1, und1r the tlc1UI011J th 111mt Q, Pot. dlc11SO<I, 1'111, bV -ritlon flll PEllTV AT PRIVATE SALE. ot IMPERIAL PLAZA CAii W.,SH Ind llW or olMrwlH, 1cqulTt<:I etl!.tr "''" or tn the Miller ol t~ E11~1~ ot lhll 'tld llrm h tom1>11sll'll or lht follow-In 1dd!tla11 to lhll of 1111 d~ 1t the Ml> TILDA OAILEV, 1lM) knew" ., Tlll!e Ing Ptr'IOnt. whos• n•me• lff In IYll 1nd llmt of her de1th, In'"" IC""" ttrlllll Oiltey, Otce•t.ed. pl•t•s el fl':sl$nct 1r1 11 toll-•, tt»wU: re11 •nd ,..l'Wfl•I 1r0Ptr'h" 1t11i11111 In !ht NOTICE •S HERE8V GIVEN Illa! lh• WIL8URN LEE aENTLEY, l4fl c1rv of H11nllneto11 hlcn, CcM!IV of tondersl~nf'll, 1s E~l!C1Jlot ti ll!e tst1~ of Ml~fndt AY111111, L• Htb<t, C1ll!Glnlt Ortllfe, Sllll of C.111trnl•, aM HKrlbed M1lllOI D1Uev, l l>G •now11 I! Tiiiie ELBERT E. IMITM, C1rtion Ct"YOll. 11 lollows; D•llev dt<:t~d, wlll sell at prlv111 w11 8r••· C.!ltcrfll1, The person11 prGPlf"lr lnclvde! lo thf.'Mahest and bell blOdf'I' \IPOA !he Wtlneu our ... nd lhll lO!h dty ef April, etrpe!S, drapes, refrlger1fof', w111Mr, ~,...5 11111 conditions htrel11~Utr m•n-'"'-drver. 4!sPOStl •nd • dlvlcllr. tlenfd . .,.,d 1ublecl lo cDllll•mlllon bv WILLIAM L. SENTLEY Tiit re•I prOPfrtv Is slhittld II 1H•1 uld suaerlor court, en the 1nn day of ELBERT e. SMITH lvameu line, Huntr.,.ton ttath MIY 1969. 11th• hOllr er '"" a'ctock A.M. STATE OF CALIFOllNIA I C•lllo•11l1, Ind IS mora 11•rtle1111r1~ ~I !ht Law Offlcet of Fr1nkU11 11'111 COUNTY OF 1.0$ ANGELES I SS. dfitrlbtd 11 tolklw1: Ff!lnk!ln. Attorne~. 107 E•st 11th Slretl, Ori th l• JO!h d•Y of Apr!!, A.D. lt,t, L<ll 300, Trtcl 4'16 11 1111' mtp cost• Mes•. c1111ur11!1, 111 rl1ht, 11fl<l, r,.. be!or1 .,...., t11t unclen'9Mll. • Ne11ry recorded 111 aoc.• 17$, P•,et •· # 1J\d lftrsl 11111 l!llttt, o1 tllt ""Id Msll!da Publ ic II! Ind for l•ld CounTV •nd S11!e, SO cf Mlac1lllMOUI lhltt. ftKOl'(IS 01 CalltY (1k1 Tfllft 01nev1. We.•"°• 11 residing lhtrf'ltl. d\ll'f (.Ol'flfl\IH10lltd •1111 0~1111• Countv, Ctlllorn!1. !hf t!me of her dllllh, 1nll 111 rlfhl, lllle *-"• Pl~IY -rfd WILBURN S11b!ed lo: current 1,iiet, co ...... lftl" tnd lnterl!SI f!lll llld -.1111! /\ft Kl!lllrt<l, Lee aENnlEY I nd ELaERr E. $MITH CGfldllkl"1, r•fl'lcllolls, ,..,.,,,ion,, bY o11eritloll of i.w or Olh-lu, ether k-to 11'11 lo bt the Ptf'1;on1 w11<11• rlah". tl•hle OI w1y, """""'"h tnd 1x• lhlll or 111 1ddtllOl'I to llwlt of !ht Miki llllMI 1r1 1111tscrlbtd to the within i,,. 1,11n1 lllCvmbr•nces OI r.conl, Millld• Osllff, el lht tlllM' of hu ~·th, 11n .. .,1t11, and 1denowll<IOld 10 mr the! TM ltr.,..1 •I'd COlldlllont Of Ills ,.,, In •nd to 1111 rNt pt(lllerty sl1u1ted '" ""-thtv llCKutM Ille ,,.,.... ''" (.1$11 111 l1wtu1 montv et lllt Unl!Pd Cllllnlv of Orer1111, Sl•te of Ctllfom!I, t11 Wllnlll WllerllOf, I hlvt h••wnro tel Sl1tH o1 A.rl'!ttl(.I, Tift (1~) llff(.tfll o1 desc:rloll'll 1,, my h•nd Ind atm:.O my t11!e!1t 11•l !hi tht 1mount bid to aecomotfll' l!W 11tu Condomlnh,om 11 '31 SGutn F11•v1'1#. OtV lftO Vttr Iii thl1 ett1tl~i. 11rtl •MYW Ind ffit bll111« " bl 1111111 •n con· 1 A<1artmt~I Ne. 1$E, 5111!• An1, written. llrml!IOll of 11ill tw 1'ht C1111rt. Ttns, C1ll fornl1: Unllt 1l •rod lrt. f09elher (OFF ICIAL SEAL) renh. -r•llMI lfld ""1"'-"" IJ· with •n ulldlvlded l·U• 111h:rttl In (Oft'!· BH WldO" 11rn,es, Ind preml\ll'l'll on l11111r111ct a.c. ..,.,,., 1~ •nd to LOT l trret 5'll. 11 tfc• Notar~ Putollc·C1!1tv1nl! ~ttble to the e~rc1111er W.•11 be I n!• Miii IM1rtol re<:ard~ Ill Sook 1t]. PlntJHI Ol'llct IA riled 11 OI !!'It dtl• tf eorrnrmlfton of Paon , So U 111c1ontvt, M~!ctllanfl:>IJ• Le-A!IOllt1 Countv !Ir~. The tx•ml"~tlon of tttll, 111COl"dl11t Maps r_.115 of Ortna• counrv. UN-OC: cA eo11vey111C1 '"" eny 11111 llllut1ro Ce!"°'"I•. Publlsntd Or111g.o C•••I c.11, Piiot, POllCV '"''II bt II !ht exlltl'!!lt of !ht 81DS or otlef"f ••t Fn~lted tor t.tld pre-M•• l , 12, "' U. '"' '""" .. 111e. -rv •nd "'"'' tit in wrlllnt •nd will bl An bldl •nd off.e•• m11sl bl In wrlllnt rett!Yed ti 11\t L1w Olflc:n of Fr1"tlj" LEGAL NOTICE '"d wit! bf r•cel'Hd •I tM .tlka of •NI franklln, Atto111t~• !G• llflfO ''''"' M\lt'W!lf, H~ltr t/llf RtrM1"1 11· l!!7 E•1I ll!h Slretl. Codi Mn.I, 1,,leAI. NOTICI tomf'Vi IOI' Mid Mlmlnl~tr1tor, •I QO -Catlfl!rnll, er !NV bf flied "I'::, 111t C~ NOTICE IS >teREllV GIVEN lh•l !119 Jlnd St,....r, H1WPOrt 8e1t.b, C111lornlt, II ol Mid c;owrt. er dtllv...i !NI • !Gl'°"lftt 1""" o1fo!llldor 11...., ~rty .,,VII_ ttt.r lllot flrtt P1Jl>llc:llltn el "''' eartor PttlOl'i4ll"' el MIV1 """ llttr !flt fl-llftn hlld '1 lhl "'•lit.I Otolrll'Mnl not!~ Incl~ .. "" m11i ll'lf "111ct .. ~. 1;.,1 PUbllt~tlofl ., "'!' "'9b Ind "'-' " "" CllY qi CO.II Mn• for • 1>1rlD111-1n TM rlthl 11 r~ " l"llfCI .,.., 11'111 m•-lrw Mid Ale. lllt'tll of nlnfty 001 0•1•= •II bid•, Slld Mlt '."'1!1 lie mtclt \!POii.... ..... Rlld blf(t, 1tlner•v Ilk• DATEO; ...,.,.11 "· '"'· 111!1 !!'•JN: tttll, NOTICE IS P'UllTHElt OIVEN th•! Jl J. C. Pot 01ted M•rth ?'. ""· llO •tWntl' .,,,, •• ,. Ind ,.,~. "''' Ad,.,lnltt'"lct' of IC l11 K. $11M crwnt t5h1P ol "" ltf"OPltfV wltl\111 -n lllt Eilet. With the Wilt Extclll'O' o1 11'>11 L••• wm 111 d1y1 1o1'°"1"' 1111 ,.,,bl1c111on ,, 11111 AMt•ld ef M«lorll o, ,_, and 1'nl•mrnt cl Mal[(.t, Ille '"" thtrtlo ~.u Vttl Ill !flt Otet<llQ!I A N•wport Baech located Real Estate Con1ultin9 encl Res••rclt Organiietion 1ervin9 Or•n9e County. lnv•,+ment •11clusiYely Thi fint ptrl of our 11m!111r pro')t•rn will b1 h11rd in N1wporl l11cli "fellll•• ht-4 C•Nr .. 1t th1 "111,nd Hou1•" on T1111· d1y, Mrr 1Jttt 1t 7i00 P.M .. Th• ••corld ptrt will bt h111d •I th1 ....... Irr Cltt1lt 111 th1 "Cllpptr •oom" o~ Tu11d1y, M.., 20tll 11 7100 P.M. Tlii1 S1min1r ,,,111 wil: inl1r11t 111 Jltflens who l•tk knowl tdqt tnd (.~1r1nl i11forr111tltn 11 1 1out1d b•1i1 fe r mtkin9 intell itenl i11v•lim1nt il1(.i1ie111, Sub)ech to be Dltc:ubeti: rart I hrt•ihntttt AlternatlYeJ I . Why lnvest7 lnfl etion 2. P1r1mt t1rs of • ~ouncl lnvastmBnt Ri:k· Yield-T•)( Hed9e-Liquidity.Levor19e l . How cloe1 R••I Est•f• meat those P•r•msters 7 rart II l1t•11ment AfterHt1vu I . l•nd 2. ln com• Prop•rty Citrus Atric:ultur•I' Resid•nti• l/lncom• Shopping Canters l. R•c:r••fion/R•sort -4. Prop•rty Me11•9em•nt 5. Syndic:etion vs. lnclividual ht ~aal E1tote Purch•1e • The 1969 results include Anthony School.•. acquired by National Systems in July, 1968. Results of Atlantic Schools, whose assets were acquired by National Systems April 1, 1969, wi?re included in the first quartll!!l' figures. Atlantic had sales of $2.6 million in 1968. An increase of approximately 20 percent iJ expecttd in 1969. See our full-page ad in thi s week's TIME Magazine mFJRST CALiFORNIA COMPANY Whtre 1h•..J11v .. 1or olwoy! eomn fir1 t • tqtlte11 O•tlt~. d""'""· nn11tr. 11 tntr• 11e "·" •~"" Cll'Y o1 MIJllWITl. MURWITt •llOll RIMllt Call for~ Re••r'tetlons, es 1eetin9 is lim\fed, Prllll~11 Allll Frffl!IHll cer.t~ M11t, tit which t•11 !hi ~ IY1 Jt-I, M1t01111N .J Jlll fMt Lf4-Alttnltyi At L•• 011111 bf 1o1d 11 IUl>ll< '""!"" 1! 1 time AltlrM.,-1 fir AlllllhUll'lltt , Mrs. Arnola, 675--4130 117 l •tl ltlll SITHI tnd ll•ti! IQ M IMOllnttd. •)'I --,~~ <-."f" N•Wlil9rt le«lt (Mii Mtw, Ctllftr91!t nnr OA.Tl;O: M•1 s, It.It """""" ... ch, ttllll{"i1 ftW. rr0ptftles'-Wnt, 1021 h11lcft 0,1,e PlleMl 675•1941 Ttl t 1'1•1 Stt>1UI It, E. NETM Tiit f1U) '""',. Wlltl I M Cl d Nflf'l'llfl ttr l!•~Vff' C:"11EF OF IOLIC£ Publlthed Or_. ·Cot~• 01n1 l'lltl, Now..., •-• ~~11 ... 10 92662 • ' (. 811 0" f!+lbllll'lld 0.l!lf"• Cotti 0.11~ f'f!.I, ,.\lbllll'lt4 0rl"811 Cewt Dolli" P\14!1, Mt y 7, J, 5. .. 1, I. t, 10. n, 1t, I .. 1S, 11, t ______ ...:_r"'_• ·---"'---------------ll ''----Yk:;:;•:...;_•~~=·~· ... :::•;_ __ fo 11 ~r•11~ n •nd M•• s. I~ II?>., \111 j, !flt ••{·lf o. ,., !till I 0 • ----------------' Miller attributed the gain of 4.3 percent to "a generally high level or activity in all segmenls of our business." Per-share earnings for both quarters were calculated on the basis of the 15 million shares outstanding after a S percent stock dlv:ldend being distributed this: month. Standard's worldwide gross producttlon or crude oi l and natural gas liquids averaged 2.199,000 barrels daily durtng the quarter, ::i. gain of 9 per- cent, the chairman r11portcd. Revenues for the I i r s t <iuarter were tl,114,000,000. a gain of 5 percent, a n d dome:.11c product sales ad· vanctit-tO 912,000 B/D, a gain of 6.4 percent. Miller sald.,standard expects to spend $'150 million this year for t1plt1I and ex· ploratory p u r po 1 e 1, uthe hlghest level of --wpending in our history." This compartd.- wllb capllal and exploratory exptnditurtS of MS lmlUlon in 1968. E1ttnslvt txploratory ac- tl vlty includes drillina: of lhrte well.11 ln the north slope area of Alaska. -- The chairman of the House Banking subcommittee on con- sumer af£airs, Rep. Leonor K. Sullivan, (D-Mo.) also said the escalating price on food mig_hl call for attention to farm pro. grams. "I really don 't want to take off on an administration that has been in office only a short time," she said, "but Inflation goes on unchecked and they haven't sent anything up." UP TO CONGRESS But Sen. Jack Miller t&. Towa, I defended both the ado ministration and fa r me r s, saying it is up to eongre·ss ·to prove its sincerity in opposinc innauon. f\.1lller, a member or the joint committee, said it is reasonable that prices rteeiv· ed by fanners should increase as much as prices fannen have to pay. If food prices increased 4.l percent last ytar and increase only 3 percent this year, he conUnued, this would not Ile out of .line with the program Of graduaJly clamping down on wi.uon. "If those to charg~ cangress are-antf·inflatl • ln deeds as well aa wordl, ·- oan gel lnllallona~r psychology under controt, MiJJer ,Mi d. t ' . IWl. Y l'!LOT Plymouth Slashes --frices of · Valiants Honeywell Gets· Mo.Hell'• Wof!tlt • \ . Douglas Order ocraorr -'!bl n1111 -vei..i t 1 I 1 b I h b 1 d 1 lowered 1180, while lhe lour· Maverick, aod Yid h I s price of Illa -cm>ptel m 1 • u llldU!O(• ~ door model wu cut 1117. division bid "obotrvld that Pb-* v.u.i 1111 -• Jt1011 price of 11,1111 1or the In 1dd1Uon, provlaloD for the =u:' tt!"1n:ai,.~ Is -.-111 $111, elf-earl 1114 Gleim E. Wblle, dealer -car pr<poraUon He noled thal .lllO Jowts1. S&lunlq. ~ .._., of th e charps WU tllmlnaled from ortced !MO Vallanl -#,Oil. It "" the hl(Pll price Cbrysler-P~ Division. Ille mllllU!acturtr'I IUl&taled ''Al of Saturday," White COO· MINNEAPOLIS (UPI) - lloneyweli Joe. aald 1t reoeived a contract frmi McDanntll Douglu to provide Honeywell H G 280 di<al air data com- puter ayotema for lhe 0010. V a1ue of the contract is tltlml!ed It $U • mJIUon ~ · llTI,-tbt comP.ny sold. nduclJoD In tbe II • ,.ar '!bl Vallanl 1111 lour-door r<tall f111ce. tlnued, "our Jowell Valiant of Iha Vollllll car llllt.. -. "" -'180. la the White noted tlleno has b<en pdce will bf 11,l!M. That's on- " r r -·~ ·-• " ., .,.. , .... ' ~,.._. ' . r • ' • ' • .. U ....-,.._.., llliWIP V-f111D11 ...... ·• new entry In tht compacl I)' a Ill cllfference In 10 y..,. -.-price -tbe --. prloe -car mark•~ the Ford In the hue price." Where shotdd yoUng :fa1njJies .keep the ey ~ey cant afford:to risk?- In Ca1ifor11ia Federal 5.25% savings accounts. " NOW? DIVIDENDS PAID FROM JJA\r-IN TO DAY-OUT .AT BIGflfST RATE PERMITTEDIN CALIFORNIA BY LAW! .For&J011111&mi1f•-1l.thdanothinglihaealifomiaPederalsarillifaccoll11f.Por~. ll'I die mmtl lfl lllt>c:alh 1D buy big-tlcb:t items without paying high iDlereat caaying charges. Some dq it can be c:oDcsofor their~, rcadym.aneyforinvestmcntqipor1t1nities, or a l*i•M>1 d tbdt own. So, join the YQllD& smart set. Open a savings acl:ount at California Federal. !he nation's lcll'Cstfedcnl.Bam from day-in to dliy-<Jut. There's no minimum time period required. In edditioa, fmulsm:r.ived by the 10th of 111.1m.onlh eamfrom the 1st when on deposit at the end of (ho qaarla'. &alt )'Oll1' llCCClllllt today-and choa;e your rate : 5.25% Bmlm Accuunt: (.A:ndlahle ill maWple1 of $1000.) Earns %~ lllllms aeh .,._ 9lloft repllr pehook rate 1'l!en lteld 3 yun. 5.13%Pu!bool:Account:5.13%ammal:Jlel4onirumedpassbookaccounlswhen allarflp 1114.dtrWmdsremaln a year,i{the 591. aarent :lDl!.Dll rate is malntalnecl ml-,..W llalJtfar •year. Califoi:!!~f~~~l!!D§avings NATION'S LARGEST FEDERAL ANAHEIM OFFICE: 6~0 N. E_UCLID AVE.• n6·2222 COSTA MESA OFFICE: 2700 HARBOR BLVD.• 546·2300 ORANGE OFFICE: 3810 W. CHAPMAN AVE.• 6394033 Head Office: 5670 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angel1s ' •• ---- 0 111 . --·l>Sls,llOl!-~ofth<F°""'JSa>in,.~LooollmnnceCmpontioft.a,., __ ollhoUollod-OoMW .. , ..... Savings · Bond -Rate Going Up By SYLVIA PORTEii Belatedly but ~nr. the TNasury t. gettlnr ready to tncreue the interett It pay1 to you, the I 0,300 ,00·plu s Americana: who , hold apd , regularly buy J1.S. Savings Bond s above today 's · d I 1 gracefully out-of~te, shockingly unfair rate. ' Aareement ii now wide1pread among policymakers and 1 e a d in g c:oncreumen tklt It I time -fllp-ntod private bor-..,... IJlllll pay f.U .,.,...i . and more for money, it 11 acalldalo<11 for lhe u • s . ,..._,,. lo be paytnc small, nurrt•llJ_umopb1stlceted llld palllalfc buy<n of Ill Savini• Bca1o a mu!mum of Ille per-cent -aod tben ooly U you hold tbe piece of peper to maturity In a full .even yean. To llnllJctally lmowledgt1blil buym of Ill other 1.0.U's, lhe treulll')' II peylng I percent and more.· -SECl\ETAllY or tile Treuury Kennedy II prtptt· Ing • nqueot lo con.,. to ellmlnata Ille 1¥• percent 1., ceWn& oa new U.S. bondl - ~eanachnlolsUe~lllngwhlM was wrtUen into law hick in the days of World War I. -General Moton chatnnan Jack M. Roche, who is alao chainnan of the 1969 payroll savings drive, is pushing new sales at this rate which he ad- mits hu become "in· def ens.Ible," but he told me he is now "con!Jdent the raie will be raised soon." -Keycongre1sion1l sOurces are unhappy about having to act on the 4y, per cent celling but they privately confess they dare n o t risk so brutally penalizing the amaH saver •. Thus, they say they will find a v.•ay to ~rmit a higher rate. -SAVINGS insUtuUoll! will lobby against a rate set high enough to <ximpete with thrift accounts but they too cannot oPf.DIY champion b I a t a n t discrimination ~against the lit· tle fellow. So it v.·ill come. The timtng of the boost is somewhat unctrtain b e c a u s e the Treasury is planning to delay the tl/, percent request until after the appropriate con- gressional committees h a v e had a chance to weigh con- tinuation of the 10 percent tu surcharge. But let's assume a boo~t by mid-summer and let's assume the new rare is in the 5 per- cent ran.a:e (give or take a lit- tle). THIS RATE would be com- paraUvely falr, for the rate on Savings Bonds should not com- pete with top rates in the marketplace and the bond does have several unique ad- van tages. The greatest ad· vantage ol all is that you can buy them via a payroll deduc- tion plan and thereb y disc ipline yourself I n to regular, systematic sa$g. As Roche properly remark- ed, "1'1any employes wouldn 't save at all unless they we,e enrolled in a payroll savings plan. It is a lot better to get only a mediocre rate on something than a sensational rate on l'lothlng." The new rate would also be paid on your out.1ta"nding bonds as of lhe date it goea In- to effect. This would be necessary to avert a mass cash-in or the $52 billion of outstanding bonds . ACTUALLY, it is astounding how many of you have kept buying Savings Bonds during this era of soaring interest rates. In M1rch, cash sales of the bonds and Freedom shares fell t percent under March 1918., but sUll totaled $381 million. The proportion of our total savings In lhe bonds J1 down from almost 29 percent in 1980 but it's still at a respectable 12 percent. TI1e key, of course, Is the payroll savings plan. for once in it, buyers tend to become "lroien" to It, A1aln to quote Roche, "there are better \vays to invest, but there Is no bet· tei' way to save." It's a subtle ·but significant distinction. Al\'D WHILE U1e boo$l to a S pe.rct:nt intere3t level will hardly make Savings Bonds 1 "growth investment," l he payroll saver will have 1 flghtlng chance to stay even whlle he builds 1 nestegc. Chrysler Wants Who Listens To Lantlers? SINCE SHE'S ONE OF .THE TEN MOST INFLUENTIAL WOMEN IN AMERICA ••• •• • Just About Everyone Does. \ That's Who Tools for Pant Daily in The ROCHESTER, N.Y. (UP!) DAILY PILOT -Gleason \Yorks b11 received a mulU-mlllion dollar contract for machines and tools for Chrysler corp. to bf lnslalled in the automaker'• Syracuse, N.Y., plant. Jncluded will be four rully automated pinion producUon centers. ii. __ ----------------~ ___ ........__ ..._ __ -r" -- -----"'- • . -• • • All 1,000 . of tJs Had a B"usy Day Tod~y~ • • • • ' ! - We created and delivered another fresh ,edition o.f The DAILY PILOT ' ' . ... ;· , • TEAMWORK produces each day's ail-new DAILY Pu.or. Gfteo special- ists like Thomas Fort.Wle. (left), whose beat is•educatioo, work •With a staff pbo41grapher like Patrick O'Donnell to gel the story both in ·words and pictur~. The staff shot 70,000 pictures last year to illustrate I.be varied story or Orange Coast life. Nobody'khows how many local stories we wrote. Not even us. CREAnvtTY helps advertisers tell their stories and sell their goods in the affluent market served by the DAILY PILOT. Gordon Crawford (center) of display advertising department discusses with layout artlsL Suzie Gunderson and DAILY Plwr Stall Artist Bob Noyes an ad whlch will be ready to appear in the newspaper only hours after Noyes put" final touches on artwork and it is approved by the advertiser, a local re- tail merchant QUICK HANDS place Lines of type , ads and cut.s (the metal plates used to reproduce pictures) into page forms as the day 's product begins to take shape. Compositor Arden Malsbury is only one of a p~ of printers wha "build" the news pages under pressure of deadlines, work- ing against. the clock lo bring readers the latest available information in each edition during the day. ."Z:> . '""'; ' .J'~l .... DEUVERY of the newsaper is a speed event, too. Conveyar belts carry the papers through the mailroom where they are automatically tied in bundles _of SO and tossed to waiting circulation district managcrt <4ke 'blaine Roberts, shown here, right) wht> speed them via a 40-vehkle fleet to carriers for deLiVery. Mailroom foreman George Arauz (left) and his crtW can move 20,000 newspapers an.hour. ... . VOLUME Is. the wont at the Copy Desi:'" DAILY PILOT Copy Desk Chief Norman Anderson (right) aided by Tom Titus. (backif9Utld) and other copyreaders every day silts, checks and edita more wire reports from worldwide news services than the average weekly news magazine pub- lishes. F.ditors scan eco:.:gh telephotos to wallpaper a Living room eYerY 24 hours. ·Speed, born of e1perience, helps them keep it all fresh, too. ' THE WORDS are ready .. 1'1arjorie Jackson feeds them tnto' a $25,000 computer, a DAILY PILOT investment in~. and, accuracy, which ~s· a Jagic systefu Ito hyphenate words as it, reads characters at the rate of 1,000 a second and punches a new tape which will activate another machine for automatically setting type at High speed. The machines can set type at the rate or 6.000 lines per hour. J\.1ACHINES hasten the processes of preparing plates far printing the pages of the newspaper. Here, Charles Haubrick (foreground) and F.d· ward Quinn opei"at.e a casting machine. which molds curved plates lo fil onto high speed presses. The DAILY 'PlLOT keeps in stock more than 40 tons of type metal which ill used, melted down . and used again in the continuous job of printing 100,000 wordS 'a· d8y. MODERN equipmeat·helpa the accountiOg department keep up 'with the "today'' pace at tbe DAn..Y PILOT,. E;.ven as the dl)l 'l,Dt'ft'IPIW ii being sped to its reailen, Boonie Oiauvin begins feeding figures into ' compotronic bookkeeping machine tbal helps keep track or billings for ads .and subecriptions. The mM:hine, forerunner of• bract of computeta soon to be.1added,.handJer 5,000•acCoi.intS :a nionlh. ' . ' ' . I J ' " .RAPID communicatloo is the name of the game. SupervC!or Juanit.a FIJ1 and her, crew or "ad-visors" handle l,000 transaclion:s a weet by ~. resulting in publicaUan of 5,000 classified ads -words which relp people buy, seU, rent or I e a s e , .. even find lost dags. Many •of Ule11>Allff 1 PILOT'S 150 phone lines are plugged in here, the classifled,a<fvertiting.it- partmerit, home of "Want Ads" and Dime-A·Lines. ''.!; ' . -PICTURES, too, get the benefit of skilled, efficient handling by master craftsmen who re-photograph them and then transfer the images to a sensitized metal plates which are used to 'reproduce the photos ail'ilO- ers will aee them in the newspaper. Here, Chuck Ryan takes a reatJ.y close look at a negative whic h will be used to etch the image on 'the metal plate. , ~ FINISHED PRODUCT Is checked by Elwood Anderson, press crew ctft, even u high·s~ presses continue to roar at 60,000 impressions per blur completing the day 's run on press units which represent an investmenrt>f S3.5 million. Eleven·man press crew will feed inta these machines lie equivalent or a roll of paper one page wide·and 110,000 mUes lonClrt printing the DAILY Pu.oT this year. .,. :t ALlrosT be/ore.the inl<,la dry, the product ol 'oor busy day i. t...id d#Ur '!l'1 your lawn or porch by one ·of our 700 newspaperboys who ~ .. important links. in the chain ol people it takes lo bring you today's oewl and features today In the DAILY PILOT. And as our young lndepeodoil rriercllints, like John Melton here, make their deliveries, we're ~ up-for I another busy day -a!J 1,000 al us. _ "" • Tlie: •Now' Newspape;r for All The Co11lmuniti-es • " Of The Growing Orange Coas.t • ' • • --------------~----------------~~~-----'---"-~--~- ' ) I ' • D.111.Y PILOT • •.1QNOhr .. . ,,., . ' ,,tfunbt 0. c. Smlni, .ltlflflit c. ~illt' . ...., ~ ''" C.111,t-llitll, -f.Udafto, .... WllU11111 i nd HM wt llOM "Mak." ID-ICJ ClOl :an'i'i:"'~ JlblllJOrdidn,.tai...t ....... ,... __ _ I ctfficd:r ta:ll .... wt; ., tM rt ~·a fonnost compostrs. PEANUTS -c .... -(CJ (IO) ""' : ••"• .,......., (C) (JO) J//jJIE HAS ~ ,.,....! lltTURNEO "'°'" WrJRJ( ,' • .. ... ... (CJ (tO} 9bt I :• 8 8 Cl) Mln'1 lat (C) (SO) TONIGHT Cilia 11ii • .,..,..... lob al 10 FIND •. ..... ....... "-' •• lidl ,,. um. ...... Al• 1U1111i111 " Tltt I ............. LIK.'Y thlllllt .. Hl5 ROOM . ShHit. Ira• lf9llP· ihe 11111 ,._ 19 ttK11 Kia M It Tl/llf'lfD -,, 111udl 111 UN _., fl-.y. (IO TOPSY· ....... .,.,... CC) (30) S·~! e THE SIX O'CLOCK MOVIE * "3& HOURS"-l'lrtl-ROD TAnOR, JAMES GARNER ... ..__.,._ ili~.Ct! ~::... "i: ~~ l'l~~ ' l'irt I (....-) '65-MrMS Ga,·. , bl Mh Slillt, Jlod T171of. .... ICl (IO) ·-ICl (>l) aw-.... tCJ • 1ftll'I .. , (JO) "Ul1-CllMS a. 1ir a.111." A Km Qrilfil11 ,..,.. bit " ..... llMll 111111 ...... 1111 b11t11. - ., U1 W.-Pn bU P'itl ...... -(CJ ...-.. 111n11it Ifill • eonfttt CW. lrl; S1w. "°' ....... the will 111w tt rMtl Ftld'1 1o:uettioll: PCorlllH .. litl ""' Jt COOi •• Sat Wa ..... tD Mn &llffil (C) (90) .... W ,..., lit (C) (60) ... !II! -... ICJ (!O) .... Grlfittl IUllll When thll lil1>"kf11 town CllUllCH ctltbnt• "Youtll ~ Dey .. by 111mln1 II•· llMfttlJJ adloot dlikkeD to «CUPJ t.., ctrit lffas. (RI A:• 9 IMC ........ (C) (60) .I LM Uq (30) D till CIJ llll ... -_, (C) Oif...,.-[JptW' (susptn1e) ·~ Barry, Johll SIXOD. Senta B•r•. M•IJ Ann Mobley. All 111 llttl• b llwolnct with IPits when he b Mftt. bf tlll W•ltrn powtn to compete with reprnent.cli\llS of ..,.,., C04111tries 1t 111 111Ction of llM r-rcll Mlttl of 1 clec11std .cientbl:. ( RJ ..... ~ ....... "*' ... ICl (60) ID(J)" M;M M• (C) • " I a (JO) '1'111111: [Ma. tlM." E'l'lb'I l'kbrtl. 1 111pilnfmr fl ............. tM lot _..,,_, .... .... ..... ~ Mllleatill ct.... 18Cll••-CCJ • .., ......... (C) , ..... --ICJ (lO) I ..... CMWU.· •-.rt .., lW (Q (30) WtllJ "-.... ,.... lfl Soupy ~Artlllt Fruck, 11..-Mtc-..... Ii .. ..,._m. ·-tll(IOJ ......... .. ----· ,. Ci)~ -(CJ "'"" t.ilftll1 .... ·----~ '10t "'fN Yoll."' Mn Witts ............ 11 ...... .,... " l1Mom. . . 18Cll•-.... (CJ • '-"• w.w fC) ·--(CJ 7;11•8()).. 1•1 (C) (60) "'JiiMilr C,.,'" A )'Wiii fuaitin _.... tf • r''P ct. -.,. --.. tniW .,. ... Mlllltr ............. ~..,. ............. , ... 11.tt-....... lrlil __ (I) ····-<1-(C)(lO) ....-....or.. lrilk... *"""' ................... 'wif•" •11&.r,. .._... !We C... tilt ill.t ft) (60) Lone Gr_. i1 l\ll:Sl ef lloeor. Abo IPPMrln1 •rt GJllll' ,._. LM, Redd fo:a. lob MeMa. Dftil I ..... sti.1i LNi .. Fr1Mlt Aw11CM1, , .. DrM C.111111. U!Hl (J)mrio -tCJ ('°) "How fill II llooclr"' Nflftit 111illwi who Mn b .. n 1ollbld by wltitt '11• ~td 11J M1rsflll G1141J hiN WI eor., 1114 .ltlllll DIWi4 n .-rds. Gii E ..... (C) (60) "A l'itcl ilf tlM bk." A studJ of tlM con· atruc:tn• lfforb " bUll.nm • the ................ w .. .,. t11laill1 PIQll"llll flf th• hlnl-<0r• u ••~IDtM M Pitt*u11h. Qt (I) .. ,,.. UM:I..[ (C) l;JI. ,..., lftlli' (C) (30) II. tht 1rsillt ef I IOllflilticltlcf XflOOI dlltlM, ltdfr "'-aftt'• lif"'1 ti Mi111 trNtlll HM 1 btby , .. nnts her t111n1 bf. {I) 0 ..... IC) (30) Ttd M1yu1. ID iz O'a.d Nicti (601 um-tCJ 1601 D IDHll GI"' 111 -!CJ (ti} "f'lliit 11111 C.0Jpoi1t.• A fylac ........ a.is '°" "°"'" lat M Ila wll PllMM Hit twt ..... • IWlt bill l• Jtll, Vic· lori• •r»er •1111 00s a1rt. ......... (30) .... • d "ttltlr'' tlllldM. aDri lf'lll W. (]Q) "Traditiln." ~tldltlf) fiil titM i1 111$ .. NMmlllr II •Liil" -tCl (to) ltll, Sir Mitllltl llldrrm lfllf· --'\1t• 111111 toot1p tA Worlll W1r I li~'t:!:...~ ..... " ... ·-·· ...... .... •• 1111 ~·-,;;f :"W: 1t-.JOD11Mr: """"" • ,.,.._. ... -ttr ill I 1911: NIM fol (1Mnblr1) ''4-HMde11rd1 ""ttr, .......... , ...... 11.;. s.tz.Glof11. ............ llk'llrr.1 ... .. (K) m llllM (C} (30) lil1 John1. e-, __ .... ( .. rt) '" -Jodi ht LI. ., .. •fl I I UI (C) (30) ...... -(IO) 11••11o•mm-tc1 ·--IDU.. -!CJ • lllfia: .,..,., WIK Oat" (,. ti'!') '53-.IHtn Robrtborl Juttitt. l!ll (Jl Qll rn a oo -ICJ ll!lO. INril: (Cl .,_.... L.....-(rG- 1:11 rn1nct1) '»-t.1111 Tur,..,., Ricardo 11 THE IEST ON RECORD """' .. '· * Sot GRAMMY Award D@ Cll 11'1 '"""' -!CJ Winntr1 Perform on U Mtril: "Cltll 111 ttie ..._ .. This TIMEX SpecSal. (dnm1) '45 -An11t t.i11r, 1111911 a1tt1my. !, t.e:::.::-a':.~ D IHllll m.""...., (CJ (IO) A .,.clal f11t11rl111 ,.rorrn- _. ., 101M fll ttlis Jtlr'I win· ·-..-(C) !" 1 ... 8:-:'? = = 12:1511 ~ ',,_ MnMtit bt" .. llarllillc I.ti 11111 Sdtnca-(~) 60 -*""" '""''" ..... .. .....ft. .. thl ,,.._ ,,. Tiie a.tki1, DllNll lZ:•. AdiM ~ •tftM tt DM· ...... "", ............ s-. llf," TdfSOfr.Y ... ~mllE MOVIES ' .... ~-··-<tit) 55 -J•m•• Sltw1rt, 11111~ -f'.Jt• .,ll'r ... Ul6IC" (1111'11111) 'JJ ~ llwdrl, &arJ eo.,.i-. • .__._..c.., .. 1·•• -GcAll'tl Colbtfl Diii Alltcht. ll:tlB ....... ('llllltn} '$2 -Joh• ""'"'· .II• "irti. ~ ........... t•IMI) '57-Aob- "1 a.ttr . .,.. .... " ...... (llt• 1111) '4$---DI• Cllrk. JHir: P1!11. z:•m .... 1 • .,..,. <~> '17-!Dtll!llJ '"""' Deft CUtlt. J:•Dm.,...... • ,..._. <••· 1111) . •$3 -C.ry taqper. ltoblft1 ,_ ) 4: ....................... (I• •lllCt) •41 -c.11 °""'-cm,. ..... • JOB PRINTING • PUBLICATIONS • NEWSPAPERS Q11allty Prl11ff11t 1"4 Dt,.tM11\l1 S.l"ric• W ..,. tt111 • O•ert.t .f , C..t•ry. JJtl Wll'f IALIOA llff. NIWPOrT 11.ACH • PERKINS JUDGE PARKER TO 6E YBY HOME-ST, r ·M GOM~ LUKE~ I'VE M.WA.¥5 HUI COW'lffE TRUST "' M.M ..• TUMBLEWEEDS WELL.. IVE SEEN OUT HERE IN THE BIG LONESOME A WHOU: WEEK. NC!W ••• • 0 MUTI AND JEFF GORDO 'IOU'R.l! ,AJJ 1)/1/p). Tllf011C /..fTTU .EART>IWORJ..f, PORFIRIO! . . < fAT PAT fAT • ·- I • • t WAS HOPIN'T'GEr A LITn.E.AlfSll All'.1 RELAXATION AN' SCUTUPE· ... Oll,lilO? l'LL MAKE ll1M EAT IT! I'L.L.·JAM IT . OOWNHIS -~T! ·---..i- ly Cliarles M. Scliuls -'<IXJ MEAN,"llW'S IT ? ly Harold Le Doux. • 1'llo5ll AIU THli Ho.Al>· JW~~ 1J LJNfS, AND Now R'.ll< If "Tl41i Pl'TAllfr-Cll·Cll .. n Sl<ONlN«i Off ... ' r s ·S By Tom K. Ryan ~ JI By Al Smith -"''""* ly Gus Arriola ;to JUST J,l/IZ 10 1'A5Ta AHDT11ER LANO/ ' .. ,,, ......... ___... - THEY ARE ALL HITS -Dan R<>wan and Dick Martin, .abov.e,-wW. lead oft.the 11G.rammy Awards" program tonight at a p.m. on Channel 4. Awan1' will Include a special one, to be p~ented by Henry Mancl.rtl for 11Reeord of the Year." Per· formers will bO Introduced by other notables such u Burt Bacbarach, Mama Cass Elliot, Bobby Gen· try and '!my Tim. TELEVISION VIEWS Two Faces To TV Rates By JERRY BUCK NEW YORK (AP) -The winner ot the television ratings sweepstak .. fer the 11168-69 season depends on which network's figures you use. CBS says it won b}' a nos~. NBC says it's a dead beat. ABC runs trurd in both interpretations. The reason the figures can be interpreted differ· ently is that NBC premiered its new shows be&in· ning Sept. 16, a week ahead of the other networks. NBC counts from its premier week and CBS from Its debut the following week. HERE 15 HOW CBS figures it counting from Sept. 23 : CBS 20 .3, NBC 20.0 and ABC 15.6. It sa)'ll the figures are the same if you count NBC from Sept 16 and ABC and CBS from Sept 23. Here are NBC's figures from Sept. 16: NBC 20.1, CBS 20.1 and ABC 15.6. For the past 13 years CBS has been the undisput· ed winner and NBC has made a determined effort to overtake them. AN ABC spokesman laughed: "ll NBC. interprets it as a tie for first, then that makes us second." t BS also offers its figures counting all networks from Sept. 16: CBS 20.1, NBC 20.0 and ABC 15.6 • The A. C. Nielsen Co. does not make the final figures public and takes no stand in their evaluation.. Why are the figures so important? Because they detennine advertising rates. ONE TENTH of a rating point equals 57,000 homes and 120,000 people per minute. It also m"eans $1.8 million in billings per year, Three tenths of a rating point, as CBS claims as its edge, would amount to $5.4 million a year. One industry source, not conneC'f.ed with the net- works, said, "The points can mean a lot because some people figure it with a sliderule and a sharp pencil ." Among the top 10 shows in the f~I season rating, CBS pla<ed 6, NBC 4 and ABC none. THE TOP SHOW, as it had been all year, was NBC's "La~gh-In." Only one new show made it into the top 15: NBC's "Julia," tied for sixth. "May, berry R.F.D.," not really a new show but a change in leading character from the "Andy Griffith Show" of eight see.sons, placed fourth. The top 10 shows in order were; 1. ''l..augh,Jn'' NBC. 2. "Gomer Pyle U.S.M.C." CBS. 3. 11Bonanza'" NBC. 4. "Mayberry R.F.D." CBS. 5. "Family Al tair" CBS. 3. 11Gunsmoke" CBS. AND 11Julia" NBC tied. 8. 11Dean Martin Show" NBC. 9. "Hhere's Lucy" CBS. 10. "Red Skelton" CBS. Denni• tlae Menace - • ...,_ ____ . ---------~ 'NEVER MINn ¥ rtm1. O'MY FfoCt! llUP t'INlfTlMf' , • -· ··-·------,--·-· HOUSES l'OR SA LE tlOUSfiS FOR SALE HOUS ES FOR.SA LE 1000 Gener•I DUP.LEX QJRONA Dl!L MAR eon.<nJtnU,, -led clwmlrc 3 "!<I-hoo\e 1onrial d.l®'a room brick ffrt~ il'I nletly decoramt tivtns nn ..na.11· Apartment in rear $12,500 Newport Call : Kent Kingsley Res: 5'JO..S8U Attume 5V4 G~ Loan Only $139 Per Month Less than rent and look what it ha!ii! LARCE FAMILY ROOM or malliVCI bedroom, PLJJS Z mo~ BEDROOMS! STON.E FIREl'LACE. C... ~ts & drapes! Glt'aming HARD\VOOD FLOOR S! Fenced 130 Foot d~p lot in nice artl <W\ q~t TOWER- L.'iC SHADE TREE-LINED street. Take ovtr loan or NO DOWN VETS or Sl.100 to a.I' others! WE.SELL A HOME EVE RY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee Oranee County's L•rgut ' 2'3 E. 17th St. 646-4494 WALK TO BEACH You can assllme the ex· bung low interest loan with payments of $193.00 zrnO Harbor .Bivd. at Adami per rho. including taxes 545-9491 I: ins. meticulously cared Open 'W 9 PM ~ With . family room \\1th 'l•-..O:iiii;iii ... iii;.,. ... ll tt.s own ftrepl&ct, bullt-,Would You Believe ••. 6 Bcdl"OOml; 3 baths, a fam- ily room plus a dining area, witb fresh paint, and all the advantage• or a l!!ll'bot Highlands location for $42,500 Lawson 3'16 Via Udo, NB 615-(562 tido Isle Luvlits ABSOWMY Old" 3 BR farolly "'""·will.I ar'•unFUL large play ya.rd A located on · ULA beautiful Bay View Street. O\vncr moving Eut & will describes !his ad.tilt occupi~ .sell VA or FHA finant lng. 3 bdrm rustic home located $22,500 °0 <ul:d•.,.e & clo.e to · everything. Mu.st see to a~ Newport preciate, Won't last long at this price or •• $26,950 Vlctorl1 646-8111 ln kitchen and isolated separate dining r oom. <:all now aalring $30,900. 100°/o FINANCING 4 BEDROOMS -SHARP 2-story 4 BR plus den, ~us tom style kitchen, Te!Tilic I ZZ:IZ:I:= family ~~"'1;, App< Barrett Really 1 Vets -this home· Is in better than ne\v condi- tion, ne\v kitchen. new 'carpels, covtted patio, completely ttpainttd, oversized lot, total price $23,950, hurry! Roomy 3 Bedroom Custnm home on 51 ft loL presentJ "".,. Priced $69.500 ~ $19,500 FULL PRICE Newlyweds! P lanning your future is simple in this cute 4 year old Ranchero, 3 Bed· rooms offers ~m for family growth plus 2 baths. Brick Fireplace. Electric built ins. Dishwasher~ Carpet! & Drapes. NO cash Down GI at $165 includes all, FHA $900 Down. No Closing Co'st!. ·ocEAN VIEW OWN THE LAND TOO Wilker Riiy 675-5200 . EASTSIDE-3 bed· rooms, 2 baths - quiet cul • de • sac. Sacrifice $21,750. CALL 540-1151 (open eves) Heritage Reql Estate In Fabulous ,~valon Baylronl Hole! Dining rm, 2 bars, 35 rooms plus View owner Units. BURR Yil!ITE, Rltr. '2901 Ncwrmrt Blvd., N.B. 675-4630 NOW'S THE TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD 642-5678 B·aycrest Custom SPECTACULAR Beautiiully linlshed 3 lxlnn home with enclosed garden atriwn. This home tan eas- ily seat SO people for dinner in a setting found only in House Beautiful, WE SELL A HOME l6C6 Westclill Dr, NB 642..5200 EVERY 31 MINUTES cDM. corr AGE Walker & Lee 7682 Edinger 842-4455 or ~140 Located high on the bluff with a breath t&k· ing view or Catalina. 1700 sq. ft. J bdnn. home, professionally landscaped, courtyard entry a nd many, many extras $37,500. DON 'T FENCE ME IN 2 BR home \V/inc unit needs some TLC. Walking distance to everything. $33,500 torms. --=O'°'pe'""n"'E"'v°'"'"'· c:---·ll Acre quiet cul de sac WAS $22,500 5treet -a 1tones throw By appt only NOW $20,900 trom the fabulous West- CORBIN·MARTlN TjilS IS THE LAST WEEK ·clllt ou·••· !Mge 2600 · 3 btdroom. Ca r Pe t 1 n I sq. fl hoine with 4 bed· REAL TORS · throughout. 10 x 20 covered rooms -double fire- 3036 E . Coast Hwy, CdM patio. All built-in kitchen place _ photo lab or of· 675-1662 including refrigerator. Re-fi ce, tor the busy or re-~~.~YHo=t~sd v:!~~ ;1~ tired seeking peace and Steps to Oce an assume 6% v .A. loan. S4300 quiet. Like new 4. BR, 3 lia, fam down, $134 PIT! Private rm. new crpt.'I, drps, pain1, Party, 962-7689 fixtures, empty ready tol"'"'"""'-----•11 • 0 • 135•950· Buy Of The Year! 2-Stor y ''A" Frame Waterfront • View ot cata. F ixer Upper lina & Bay. 2 BR, 2 ba $28,900 • coine with otter Channel Reel 'own yo.ur Ca yw ood Rlty., se1290 own' PenthoUSe Apt. With "~ \" ~--H NB Frplc, $62,500. """" ·v • ..........,., wy, Ask for: Chester Salisbury, Rltr. A DREAM 315 Marine 673-6900 Custom built 4 bdnn \Vest-- clill home with family room YOUNG EXEC HOME & separate dining room. Immac 4 BR. 31,i ba family Large patio with sparkling home in exclus, Baycrest. pool, You'll love this one. Fornial din/nn, 1am rm Arnold & Freud Pl"' "cl<ild "Jc" oo 0 ~ 388 E. 17th St .. CJ\! I~.~ REAL TY, INC. Realtors 646-775.5 3400 Via Lido . 67~0 Owner Moved to Hawaii DESPERATE _ Take over 3 BR 2 bath home, corner payments on house that cost lot 130xl80 -add 5 more $30,500. Sacrifice for $26,500. units. DriV@ by 1545 Santa 2 story, 4 BR, 2 bath, Ana Ave. then call sunroom, patio, dishwasher, llania lttalty garbage digposal, carpetll, 642-6560 drapes. fireplace. Corner llti-~-~~~---11 ~~;.a;;.~ & Baker. '1Y Pool Home 2 STORY IN TillIE FOR SUMMER. 4 BR -!-FAMILY ROOM 5 BR 3 baths, cpts/drps, elcc. BACK BAY LOCAtION. tric built-ins, shake root. DAVIDSON Realty Near AU. school s. $36,750. 546-5400 Eves. 54g...1053 Well s-Mccardle, Rltrs. 1810 Newprt Blvd .. NB 548-7129 anytime 3 Bedroom·F amily Rm. $19,450 1 pullman baths. Builtin OCEANVIEW 2 BR, 2 bath, l block to Beach $29.'°' George Wllliamaon Realtor range & oven, Jdeal 11et·UP 673-4350 Eves. 673-1564 for boat 01' camper, $Ll1.50 J"!'""'~""'!"'~~~!.' month payment.s • less than IS YOUR AD IN CLASSI· THEIR LOSS YOUR GAIN Price reduced for quick aalc. Large 4 bedroom home located a short walk froin the beach- plush carpeting -beau- t.iful · kitchen -dining room -· 11pec:iaJ bonus community pool &: sche· dulcd kiddit' activitiea- NOW HOW ABOUT THAT' DO YOU WANT TO SELL YOURS! THIS SPACE AVAILABLE ••• FR££ ASSUM£ 51/•0/o -176.00 mo. 4 bcdrm--College Park Here's what It has: dou- ble fireplace, elec. kit- chen, new carpel, 1700 sq. ft., rumpull room, & is in a fantastic area._ $18 ,950 rent FIED? Someone will be Charming 2 bedroom TARBEL L 142..6691 looking fr it. Dial 642-5678 hou~e on a gigantic Int l========='='"'=='====c===-:==''::=====:=~=ll SOx.170 zoned R-2, possi-1000 ~-neral 1000 Gen•r•I 1000 ble variance tn R·4 or ~ commerciaJ located just S©\\~}A.-ltt.~s· Sol .. •Sim pl• Scrambled Won! Puale for• Chucl<le I 1111'1 f llYKA L I . I I I I' • l l OEGG I _ ~,J I I ~hineae d!ef't recipe fo,_ _ _ _ _ romance: "To make girl ten- der •.• neceasory to soak her '•-.,..-----,in-:• IM ol · L vi ulE I' I' I c.m.1o1o "" -" ~;;!od o byflllloo ..... __ . ~---No.~Joelow . .'• "'l:.~s~\Oq lfmts IN I' r I' I' r I .• ~~~~~"Emas I I I I I I ' ' SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS IN CLASSIFIC ATION 9000 off Harbor. Excellent area. EXPANDING PAMILY?? Here i! tt, a bl&, hig house, :5 bedrooms arid 3 baths, 2400 sq, ft. if you're outgroWn yo u r present home, and have approximately $3.100.00 equity, you can trade It for this one. 100% t in· anclnjt available to Veb. Priced below market at $30,500. 4 bedrm & pool $154:00 lNC~TAXES No qualifying, anyone can uaume 51.4 lli Joan or '5()0,00 total to veUi. l{W't)' on this one. Or•nge County's L•rpst 29) E. 17th St. 646-4494 ... • M"""1, Mo !, 1969 DAILY Pll.OT ••I I•• IN COSTA MESA Now under ...,,tructlon SEIEN CUSTOM HOMES from $28,575 WITH SUCH PEATURIS AS : I • 4 Large Bedrooms • v A & FHA Flnanclnf e Wood Roofs • 20 Year G~arantee J)l!hwaahers • Oversized Lots • Roman Tubs & Sh9wen1 • In Prime Area e PLUS MUCH MORI SELECT YOURS NOW & CHOOSE YOUR COLORS &· STYLES for information call DON'T MISS THIS RAHCH O LA CUESTA -ti you've mla•ed lh• closeout of RANCHO LA CUESTA'S S other unlts .... DON'T MISS THISll \ Each aucceeding unit costs more, 10 take advantage of these prices. Come & aee our mode.la on Brookburst at Atlanta in Huntington Beach. There are 1 & 2 stories, 3 & 4 bedroom homes with 2 or 3 baths, ·Mission tile or shake root, fire- places, concrete driveways, heavy rough cut beams, built-Ins, family rooQls & dining rooms: Close to Huntington State Beach. These beautiful homes are priced from '24,996 to ,34,200 with VA or Con- ventional financing a~ low as 10% down . No 2nd TDs at 7.2% interest. Call 968-2929 or vis.II any day 10 AM to 7 PM. ' GUEST HOUSE 2 BATHS· $11,500 . E> 9!A'-. I ltlA L.J"I' Near NB Poe~ Ofc. 64644'.lf Newport ShorH 1220 • WATER FRONT HOM E In Newport Shores. 3 bclnn, &. den, 2~ be. 6 )'I'S old, 3 blks, to ocean. Crpti. drps, frplc, bit-in rat1&e, oven Ir: dishwuher. Low yard maint. Xlnt area for ltlda, 1 bllc to .2 pools, A play ana. Allo Basketball, tennlil & volley ball court. A clubhou.se fDr all By owner, "7,000 w/ moderate down Ir: take 2nd 54J..6147. . • COATS & WALLACE RfALTORS 1491 BAKER STREET 546-4141 COSTA MESA, CALIF. or WORic ·sHOI'? ':' &~D! ~~;~~; Beautlful Back Bay home on bedrooms. Gara~ is pend-W t llfl 1230 Jowly euJ de sac atreet ed. All bullt·in kitchen. _ .. _•------"I foaturmg •paclous bed· 842-66'1 TARBELL HOME -R-2 loL Excel rooms, elea:ant famUy room, Wl.'stside. 3 BR 2'4 ha, roorn maulve brick f!rtplace, Cost• Mesa 1100 !or 4 or 5 wtlt&. 56-1.m and 14x20 covered patio plut -------- large l6x24 an!& separate $900 DOWN ~~~~~~~!~~~~Q,J~ [! from the house, pufect .for 3 BR. 2 bath, large eaUn 'X'I :: 111 1:: 11 11 11 111 : ··-..... ·"-\!!I. . . ~--=1 rumpll.!I room, ww-ti.. ...... ., or kitchen, beautl.tUI ahag car- L.nder'I Genero1Jty conversion to mother-in-law pet, overslJ:ed double i:ara~. Some Iuclcy,bu)'er ll aoing.to (It' guest Must>. All this for Located on quiet street close FHA OFHRlllG NEWPORT HEIGHTS take advanf&p o1' thia hiah only $34,500. Shown by ap. to all schools, Tot&l payment 5%.% tinandnc availabl. to pointment only. Thia one only $118 per month iriclud- all. $179.00 per monUl pays won't last. Submit your in& principle. interest, tax· all and look what 1t buys. amaller home on our iWU"-ea &: insurance. CALL LAR.. CUstom built 3 bedroom 2 ant~ sales plan. RY 540-1151 (open eves) bathlwithrtmodeleddream WE SELL A HOME Heritage Real Estate kit<heo. eeautlM roc:k wall· EVERY 31 Mtl!l.UTES :i:~~ :~::Walker & Lee No Down GI Secluded rear yatd with block wall fencing. Asking 2043 Westclilf Dt. $27,500. .. 646-77ll Open Eves. $24,950 S1A% FHA LOAM 3 BR 2 bathl, with ~an view eves. 2 BR, 2\l BA CODdOtnJiiiUiii Open Holl!e Daily 1-4 1072 Buckingham Lane,Dcrver Village. ~ker ·67>1662 E11t~luff 12.42 Best In The Bluffs 1959 VISTA CAUOAL $51 ,000 ·VIEW · VIEW OPEN OAILY 1-5 BOYD REALTY 3629 E. Coo.at Hiway, CdM 675-5930 Price reduced $1,IXKI! Owner says you may take advan- tage of FHA loan Commit. mcnt of $26,600~ Your fam- ily will be thrilled with this three bedroom, two bath, HARDWOOD FLOOR home in this fine NE \VP 0 R_T BEACH NEIGHBORHOOD! 'Break away from the crowd and appr1!Ciate from your living room, the sett:ne view of fruit trees. A great spaee for children; separate hobby room for all in oversi:ml garage; alley acce111 for your boat. See '''I first for a family fun! Can be amime<t on thls 1'.fcsa Verde 3 bdrm & lam· ily home. You won't find another u Immaculate, with new carpeting, large lush landscaping & even ho.s a hobby room built in ga- rage. A 1teal at only ' Rind RHlty 645-2340 FANTASTIC FOURIOiiiiiiiiZ:liiiliiiiiiiiZ:l::ll $26,950 BEDROOM. lovely Mesa Verde Jocation. l.&rge fam.i· IY room, l\Mh ~. ex- cellent landscaping, corner Jot A: cloee to schools A shopplng. A.salme 6'A% loan • no loan fees, n68/mo lncludes taxes. CALL "Pick of t)lo Llttor'' $27,500 Owner offers choice mufh: Plaza. 1-story 3 BR, 2 ba, dbl patio, bellt loc, -lowest - maint. Fee &: lease hold avaU. Call~ evea. -''For A Wise Buy". ~ r-· PERRON 540-1151 (open eves) l~~~~~~~~~I Herl.tag(!! Reel &state I • Colesworthy & Co. 3 BDRM-$19, 950 I ;C;;o;;r0 ;;;" 1;;;;;;d';;;1 ;;;M;;;';;' ;;;;;1;;250;1 Auwne 51'% FHA lo&u, $111 CUSTOM . BLT . .,.,, . . ... ~ ..... ,~. Evenings Call 673-6ll6 Loc•t ion 642-Tm OPEN EVES. mo. pays all. l.q fntd yard, 2 BR, den, 2 ba, cor Joca. newly redecor. tion, tip top cond. Plua: 1 180 Degree VIEW Owner 548-5271 BR aep/house on R-2 Iota. Does Count Men Del M•r 1105 Let us prove II. EASTBLUFF. Profe,. •1ohn macnab 405 Holmwood, Newport Hta. sionally decorated .Ir: VERSATILE 4 BR, 2 BA, 3 bedroom ~ d1nlng are a. land1taped, 1111 the ru. S sep muter auite, close to "Easy to work"in" kltcbtn, tutta you woukl ex~. WE TCLIFf all schools. By Ownef. pleasant living room with ad-Jmmediate occupancy. ExC!'J>tional custom home on M0-8S83 joining den. Inviting tam.Uy J111t I t • t e d, FULL beautifully Jandataped cor-======== abnosphere. Minimilm yard PRICE $39,960. nerlotwtthtoftheatedand Meu Verde 1110 work. A good val U e a.t fil~ pool. 4 ldnp1ze bed. ;....-"--'-'-'--- 143.500 and """ own the • CQA&TS ....,,., l\l bo!M, luge liv. PAINTlN' , __ ... Ing nn, Hi Fi & Intercom. ~~-WALLACI ~ patio with BBQ. A ind 1111 ...,._. llALTOU dream home for entmain.. 1 FtXIN' ....-a: 546 4141-inl ·•·••·•••·•······ $69,500 Just a little \\'OUld make this R E A L T Y (Opein 1"'91"11) charming cul de sac home a 2005 W, Balbo Blvd., N.B. (714) 642423.S ml buy •• 3 large bedrooms, 000Hl9 "'""!""'!"m:'!'!"\!l!!!""!!'!!!!•J 901 Dover Drive, Suite 120 fonnal 1tving room and 2 ,..!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!~ H•rbor Hlghl1ncl1 · Nzcrt &a.ch fireplaces. • Near be•! FOUR BEDROOM Baouty oehoob and •hopping. • New on Market Moor Y•cht At Your $26,950ownerwWpaypoints _ $19 ,500 _ 9 4 Bodroon,. 3 Bath Door Step for FHA or VA terma .• BeL Move into this large family • Larp Famlly Room 40 ft. priva.te dock 1s one of ter Hurry. •home today! Close to shop. • 2 Fireplaces the many fine features of THE REAL ESfATERS ping, schools and churches. • Larie Patio this Huntington Harbour Open All Day Suriday This oiie won't last! $153 • ~&utlful C'.a.rpels l Cape Cod. Huge Jlvlng room 541-2313 646-nn per month includes taxes • =tor Wll11papen with altlol ~ wa.11 overloo~-MESA Vertie Highland.a 3 and insurance! ONLY $700 Original Owner transferring Ing pa a boat cbanne. BR, 1% BA. 1600 sq. ft, 2 Tpta1 cash required. to New York. Ptueasion al· Cozy 1 den -~th4 ~~~brick trpJc11, \\'aler 10 t ten er, WE SELL A HOME ter June lSth. See this fitepace ..,""' -..5.., bed-shake roof, landscaped. EV£RY 31 MINUTES rooma, all combined to make Very clean. Minute11 to aparkling clean home today. th! "-·-• b 1 Walker & Lee THE REAL ESTATERS ' an exe<p,~~ uy a "hi,_ $77,'°'. S $73,900. FOREST E. OLSON, 1690 Iowa SL, 54M226 2043 Westcliff Dr. 646-7711 Open Eves. Open wxlay 645-0003 ~6'6-~n~n~----=S46-~23~1.!~1 ·--:~·~~~~--1CHOICE 1pot, 4 BDRM, 2 -WANTED Baths, S Y'"' now. Aaktng EASTSIDE l Bedrooms ht 30's. Near golf course. + G·-st Room R.E. Saleswoman Low molnl, -By •• appt. 549-3704 $2. 1 500 We have the a.dvantage ol the (Near Irvine Ave.) 1 e-xclualve agency for Ivan You will like this 3 BR 1% Absolutely without a doubt, Wells' new Dover Shores bath home-freshly painted !he best buy in Costa Meaa. Development • • a captive inside & out. Large living Immaculate 3 bed.room audience for resales. Ollic:e room with fireplace, built. house + guegt room. larv in new exciting, tumished 1200 BIG 5 illll, covered patio for enter· pool 1lzed, tree ahadtd lot model at 1430 Galaxy Dr. BA YCRES'T AREA taining. Dbl &arage. Cheery living room, v~ Roy J , Ward Co. Ask for M. Built Ior a big family, with 1860 Newport Blvd., O.t modern Jdtchen with natural Pinover 646-1550. a ,separate wing for kiddies. 175,000. Or1nge Co.at Property 332 Marguerite 673.8550 I NVES T NEAR THE OCEAN 3 BR, 3% ha, de:n, 2 trplcs. 3 ~. brick. be am/ceilingB, cbarmina home or use as Duplex. or build 2nd home an b1& lot. Bkr 6'1l-3JIO SHORECLIFF 3 BR. 2 BA • Quiet tree lined area by the sea. Fee ainlp]e. Accea& to 2 beaches. Under $50,000. By owner. 613-3681 $5.5.000 -10% Down, 6%9' Intertst. 2 HOU!fl. R-2 So. , of Highway. 675-6044 Bkr. Balbo• Ponln1ul1 1300 PETITE PRAmw -PRETTY 2 B~roonu, 1% baths, Mar Bay & Ocean on Peninsula Point. Only $38,250 BURR WHITE, Rltr, 2901 NeWpOrt lllvd., N:B. 675-4630. Eves. 6~ OWNER ANXIOUS Corner Dupltx on 1 ~ lots with Bay View. Now $62.500 -terms Newport Beach Re•lty 6'1S-1&12 open eveninp Ritt. 646-3928 Eve. 64+l655 wood eab!MU snd buUt1n1.J '""'"!!!!!'""!!!!!"'!'"'!'!!!!!"" J 5 Bedroo:ms, formal dining * LACHENMYER -2 car d•t•teh<d ....... + BAYCREST room, klt<ben bu pantry Lido l•I• 1351 carport for bolt or camper. 15 000 00 _, tlo Cha and eatlnc area. • $41,500 -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,I 4 BEDRM $21 9501 Don't waJt , · •"""-Ut n. rm-with 10% down or cash to • -' roR.ESr E OLSON i'li 4 bedroom, family, plus a 5~% loan. Plenty Elbow Room NO DOWN GI i ~ home with elegance of lux-THE REAL ES!ATERS 2 Bdnn, 2 ba, many extras Summf':r parties & famlly I,.,....,. ...... ,.. ........ ! urloul living. call us today! 64& nn 546-2313 included. cu.tom bit, room Cook.outs in the dellihtflll GI Reaile Owner moving. to expand. St to St lot. """'"" patio. , pullman . JEAN SMITH • VIEW • can .. to .... $59.500 baths. Family room. Spac-Take over 6% GI loan of • R. C, GREER, Really too. living & dining """"· $18,600 with .. ,.. .... 01 REALTOR 33$ Via Lido 673-9300 S.IQ.-1"120 $157/mo. tncl, tax A ins, 4 400 E 17th St Costa 1'1 TARBELL 29SS H1rbor : "r!:'1for r:1t,0~ • &1&-3255 eaa P~n:-:: =mBa3ckbas: H I •· h l400 INCOME etc. U.ttnr ls $22.650, but Bell location on cul-de-lac. unt ngton -•c mike offer! Owner Ottgon. Exqulolto llock Boy Dela Rool Eotate 641;«11 CUSTOM HOME i • bound! 114 Acre .. $37,2501 . SACRJJ'ICE 2 mo. old 6 Unfts-~60,000 ~ "•"·"•to Velvet sreen Jawn1. Kirtr Harbor View 2 Sty, 4 or 5 4 BR 2 bath home on·eom. ROOM TO BUILD -d:.:tlllltltl ai%ed bedrqomr, den. New Br., 3 ,ba, tam. nn, 2 fpl, mercial -aoned lot, A nice Rltr, 642.9730 Eves, 5'18-0'iXI ._ LTV built-in appllance11, dish-cpl.II, drps. 6.9% Loan home + sood potential. Prlc. E-GE!EALTY wube".r2 .f'ftl)lacea;Formal &M-40« Owner ed for faat Ale @ $22,500. • KfllllEDY •1Miililr,tt& ~' GI or FllA terms. · i;nn .,.."!!'!~~!!'!!!!"Bii = ~=:. ir:.: "BLUFFS .. O>odo, 3 bdrm, MUTUAL REAL TY .....,.,..,....,.,..,..... BAY HARIOR man's .lantern. 541}.l720 2~ ba, 21tory, T plan. V\ew 842.lf18 Eve. 847"'71 DUPLEX Coot1 Mo11 -II• H-51111 TARBELL 2955 Hubor o! bock bay. 844-0284 aft 4 Pric--' ta .,_., ~--• -· • Roll-A-pm Wff'k da)', A Sat, 1111 SU ~ Soll or exchange for houJe ....... .-ua d s or Units tiear State Collttt Shrraton Ma.nar -Homette -PENINSULA POINT ay un. 4 BR.~ bllh. ha.rdwood tlocn, Fullerton. JOt -Prnttae -Sahara Good Buyl 3 BR bom.e on BEAUTIFUL home in the ~4{ aen1cew ~t ...... c,l~ F'ORTlN CO; 6t2-«XIO -ALL SIZES -50 x 100 .ft lOt:" IMitkln l<ttel' ~utts._ Outrtandlnc Bay ~ .... -1.:i: .... emu. on -~ 170! A W tell!! D NB NOW ON DISPLAY vlfw. 3 Br. 3 Ba. By owner. ,..w,itaU. · · a r., 1415 &.ker St tor f.amlly $42,SOO. 6"-0778 Paul Jones Ru lty Pool.s-Tr•llt-Golf ~ bloek Eut of Ha,_; BJYd. Betboa Re•I E it•te Co. BLUFFS, fabulous F-plan on MT-1* · Ew, 86W1l7 Shopp1"9-UCl..'1 Min. oo 11.tlfft !DO E. Balboa Bl"1 .• 811"°" .,.... btlt w-mw. IMMEDIATE 3 BJ\, ut. famlly •• m.soo O»ta ?tte1& (ru) 540-9470 6™140 Many cust featurea. 3 Br. 3 POSSBSSION 3 Bit 2\l bo, 2 ....... $2',950 i'BE ORM-~AMILY RM • Assume 51/4 •/o Ba. ....• u .. t 1!44415 ROOM ~OR TRAILE R 3 BR, etrlum ........ $77.500 $U,Jltl 3 BR Wotl!l"!ront No. 62 Call ......,.,5%% loul. 3 BR LEASE . . •• $275/mo Sharp-clMnl Ukt-new deep loan Balboa Coves. S '0 , 0 0 0 • 1"vet)t a BR, fAm rm.. 214 BA Doug Joy RE llM504 ptte carpetV1r. 2 boths, !NOi· Chole< 1,. io.... No ""t to "'-kr tnde !or •eruae or HAFFOAL RIAL TY Nt':w 4 BR 2 baUt. Frpl. in ldtc::hen. DellahtM patio. buyer. 3/fam rm. near ltu-.ntl r:onaidtt other. 518.-Tm 8'740 WA.mitt, F.V, IQ-4«15 Wattr aott~r. Heata1 M0-1720 hor RI. 1% baths:, 2 trplct. CAPE COD •--Br. Pool. JT•$ WONDERJ!Ul. the.mu)' pool. 64~9852 ...,_ TARBE LL 2'55 Hor r w/w cpbldrps. Sltl."50. 159.000. 1523 Llncdn Liiie. i..,I 111 .,.ii.-,.. i1n1 CHARGE yoUr wMI ad now. For PUot Wa.nt Ada PWC 546-5440 Owntr 54s..&en •ft & rim. In tht au.uled Ads. CWcl 1 BRING .RESULTS! Dlal ~ for RESULTS White EJtphanllT Dial oo-5671 for ftE.!ULTS ~th<=mc..:now.::.__;_! -----· ' ' • -----. ~----------'------'------~--------=...:----'""'--'-..L.: ' I t • ( ., ·-\. .... "~------ •• Moodat, Mat 5, 196' RE . Apll. FumloltM UNTA1.$ -Unlvrnbhld RENTALS AplL Unfurni.- RIAL ESTATI 0-rol ........... ~ ....... 1400 ·==='----- --514% VA.loon ~0oo;-;'°';'"~l=;:;;;;;~ll~G~O~D,1:'"'~;-~;;rt~~B~o;1~dl==;:4~200~ No\flllOlt Sito,_ 5220 Buslnou ltontol REAL .ISTllTI 0..ral 6060 Mount. " - ANNOUNCl MENTS oncl NOTICIS * "°"' -" ol '91.00. A IRVl_NE TERRACE FURN Or UNPURH LARGE 1 Br. So. ol 1'"'" APPROX. T2l oq tt ,..,. SALTON CITY Ja, CU' Jot. J"Ml.lharp 3 btdr'Oom-doU 2 R I: 9eD, ta.n1ullc: V)ew, 2 ~ 3 or 4 Bedtoorq_ Stove & ttt, new cpta. • at"rOU from Vilta Shopplrc It& vtcw, .v • .l4arira I: FOUND: Glauet ln brow!! cue; parldna: lot ,M&M)t'I Coffee Shop, HunUrcton Beach, f...:n-69; Hawtbacm ~dclan'• name lns1dl! coe. 89'J-T988 afttt g p .M. houa with crft room to ~-~•a..1 _......t..... -drpa. ALSO, turn. bf.cb.. •PL bnter, Excel. tor ~al Club. S.C. i3>00! ~ srow. Ca.rpeti limas.t new ~u;ww. """""......., Yearly 1'!ul1 #iCllmo .A: 11P •.vall, 6?].89(H ntate offlct, accountant. ___ .,.. ... _ $SS(l/mo Unlw-n or f750 rum. Fine Beach area locatloM --•~ _,...._, lov<IY w•P'L PROPERTIES WEST ,..... au.. etc. JUO/mo. Ex~, It. L • 62JO -•-kltcheu. SUbrolt BEACON' BAY tars 8"yalde Dr. """'° &.!boo "°" ::.•.:..e.!'-l9q> St.,\=!'· ;J;ica Hu"·-~· e-~ ,,..,-.,poymeol-3 Bd .,, •-~ 2 BR, Ill .. ~. -•· '""';d~:;;-~"'"'===c -'" ·--~• FOUND packap Of }'U'daae at Oran1e County Falr1rouud1 f'riday. quallfif, WW ldl Gl rms, l'Qlnmuni.,, ,,...av., uu .. _ -. Pua.dim& bo i b down. i'rnRRY! no pier, ttrmis court. $-150/mo. new carpeta, .... dfape1 STREET FRONTAGE unu.ual swim~ d:~ WE SELL A HOMJ Carone chi Mir 4250 $2'75/mo. Adult.a oo1y nQ Ob Beacll Blvd. 1480 Sq, ft tor outodor Jiving. Desittt I V1!RY 31 "INUTES ,·ohn macnab BU< .. o«an. bay; 1 &. ..... ' ~elbomeldelllor"""1 .. lo trado for born• on Lido m $9& Bun-White, Realtor R¥1'·· etc. !Bet Katdla and lale. Call {213) 792-J'l'Sl if m l.S'°'MALL""'""'"bla<""'k""'Jmnale-~~ki~'""~., ';'Walk.er & Lee REALTY CO!olPANY lrp~ s ;hbac~t· •pt , 1 2901 Newport Blvd. NB Cf:rritol) SJcn1, lndlCpd., &n&WU (213) ff1-3T61! 4 white feet. About u wlqi ......,,. ' 7682 Edinger 8f2..44:i6" 54Mll40 Open Eves. 642-1235 Adwt e uni ; no peta. 675-4630 60-"""''" $250 mo. l~ Beach Blvd. 'l"'" Lease. 6 7629 -e 636-fl20 e 7~. Lake Plll"k, H.B. 5JS. llJS: 'BR. 11! ba ............ a ,... 4300 Ba lboo 111.•nd 5355 1:::=======-BUSINESS and \\'!\\',range, ovtn, Cltildren,'°'•::.::;-:::...'----_;.::;: FINANCIAL lo"'OUND, Bo&ton Bull Tgr... OK. Avail Jtml! 1. S3-s:89801· 2 BR apt, unturD, frple. Office Rtnt1I 6070 rler, 1 Wllaon ' Fail'vtew, • rum. CLEAN Bacl>Olor Ap... Call altu 5 LAGUNA • E ·cH .... ~nllies. ~300 °"'" ...... Call' :143--1462 Whaddya Want? Whaddya Got? SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION fOll NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS Sf*l•I Rolo • S LI--.5 timoo -S buc\t RULES -AO MUST INC:LUDE " ' 1--'0¥~., l'Oll ...... ,. ttlde. lo-Wllft """' 'lfflll Ill "•• .. JUST C T PRICE $ltm WAS $22.500 NOW $20,900 All uW incl $75 up 213: 378-3$90 u ,.., • ONE small blaclc female · 3100 315 E. Balboa Blvd. Alr Conclitlonod VENDING •cc_ .. _ •• _Mo_ .. _____ BALBOA 673-9!)(5 ON i'ORES'1' AVENUE SPARE TlME INCOME mixl!d brd. dog. Vic ot Rey Ir' Huntington Beach 5400 Desk ipace1 avail•ble In KEEP YOUR PRE'.S£NT JOB Jr. Hi. 5/1 64&--8'T14 ~YOUR ..... •fl410r tdMfl. • ~ ....... "' Mvtrtitlllf I • ~NOTHING fOR SALi! -TllAOl!S "il'tl • 'PHONE 642·5671 THlS JS THE LAST WEEK 3 bedroom, l bath, Carpeting thnlihout. · Cowred 'P'allo. Loll more extras! You ov.·n the land. Assume my 6'ifi V .A. $4300 d o w n. $134 P.LT.L House is vacant. Private Party, 962.'ffi89 4 BR 2 BA. New shag carpets lhru-out. drapes, 2 qr gar, lrg fenced yard. Nr schls on cul-de-sac. Ta.kt' over Gl. By appl only. Call aft 4 pm. 96&-MSl BY OWNER: Tran sf rr forces sale ot 3 BR. 2 Bath, many extras. $!WO below market a t $21.200. 962-3170 3 BR redec, new w/1v crpts, $201500 -Sl.250 dn. R-2 lot. 116 Knoxville. 0 w n e r SJ>."939 Huntington H•rbour . 1405 \VATERFnONT -by 0"'1icr • 4 BR. • 2 BA .. do<:k, 55' on v.·ater encl08Cd patio fi4,f.00. Also 60' on niain chanllC'I large J Br. 3 Ba .. <1ock, $110,<XXI. Consider lease/op. tk>fL 592-5998 Fountain Valley 1410 FREE RENTAL I SERVICE Huntington Bn<h 4400 UYE RIGHT new.. o<nc. blllldlnc at CANDY -SNACKS SH 0 RT-h •I red Germ To Pl1ce Your T r1der'1 P1rtdJ1t M !or example. 3 bedrooms '2 QUIET & BEAUTIFUL baths $225.00 per mo. Call Adults only; 2 Br .• util paid. Pool. $200. 847-2125 17676 Cameron, Hunt. Bch. prime location ta down1own Reti&bl.e man or woman wltb Pointer, recent motbtt doc. ON THE BEAGH Ucuno &Id>. Ah ....ii. ""' to .,,Y,.t and Bil :mo Marion Way, 64H03'I 20 aett1 noar ""'"''· t.v. flSH, SURF, SWIM ~~j ~-ted, bMutttuJ machinea nianufaetuttd by YOUNG Poodle, Champagne, el, on fUIW'e hiwa,y, zon.. Jn your own lrcnt yard .-.---_.. Two our own company ri;ht here color. Vic. ot Downtown ed M·l hked at 20% uD- entrucet: i'rontqe '*' tn Orange County. C~f. 646-5&32 • der market, Trade for com. Private clubhou.w, heated Ferell A•e., rear leads lo NO SELLING. ~ptionally FOUND Ladies prescription mOll stock. 494--0341 ORANGE COUNTY'S ,G'-a'-'rd=on;;_;G'-'r-'o.;.••;__...;46=10 ?ifu.odpaJ ~ lots. $50 high income. We can furnish 1 • pool, saunas1 private gate per month for space. D@sk locations, guidance, ln. san glasses..Near beach in For Sale or Trade: ·ssca.d. LARGEST SINGLE Young Adults Lux-with .:.!4-hour security guard. and chain available tor $5. cludln; your record 1)'lltcn1s l.a,.."llna. 494-3008 allic Coup, Dev.' '56 Ponti. 293 E:17th St, 646-4494 ury garden aplll 1vith coun. Medilerranean adult Hvinz. BuslMM boura answering and training at our factory, FOUND: 1'Tiendly Calico ac Station Wagon &ood con. FREE RENTAL BOOK try club atmosphere and 2 ~rooms, ,_ .. ·-, .. _ aervtee availi.ble fer $10. to insure )'OUl_fucce~. cat. A1esa Verde area. dltlon for trailer or pick up complete privacy. SOUTH '"' AU ulillde11 pa1• • except INVaJ WITH 54g....()69j camper. 536--36&t Drop in & Bro'wse BAY CLUB APTS. 13100 Frorit $250 telq>t.orie. REAL SAFETY ·, Want clear lots or land for WE SELL A .HOME OlAPMAN Av~ .. Carden '} DAILY PILOT ROUTES COMPLE'TELY Lost 6401 $35,5<X> equity, lovely 4 BR EVERY 31 MINUTES 1 ~G;ro;v°''"'"TI"·l=I "'631>""3030""== INCLUDES \Vt\V shag car-2'i2 FORF.ST AVEN1JE SET UP FOR YOU ---------'- 1 home Las Palm.a.a area 1. peting, C.E. built·imi, with LAGUNA BEAQI $1,495~CASH LOST . ~rown & "'hite shag-Palm Springs, or submit. Walker & Lee Laguna fse1ch 4705 re!Jigcrator & disb"''asher. 4!K-9466. Write or phone for intervic\Y CY mb:ed breed male doe. 011o·ner 673-7Dn H 1· t p ·1· light brown back, white '';;;~,--c· ,--.-,-e:.:.:_= un 1ng on ac1 1c \VANTED TO Ll-.:ASt at factory. che~t & 1,.,, about 16 .. "'!, 122• Fiberglass Cabin cruis-, l'ANORAAllC view overlook· Apar tments Rell--" Ia-,• •-uld l•'k• i~ 'ffiANSICO/'.f CORP. ...., ·>7911 Harbor Blvd at Adams · Ali "· h 2 BR l ''=" ~,,.,, v " u nimed ""'-·te," •-.I vie;~;. er, cus. trlr, 100 hp Mere • • · 1ng fiO ocac. urn. 71.1 Ocean Ave. (3 Blks. w. lease •P&"" in ••m e Vending: Di\·ision Di" """ .... !".t).9'191 all I M [ d I'· ""' " -..... Santa Ana, headino for ml:l". Runs like a top! Trad~ 0 · 1 PM e ec. a ure a u "'• no of Huntin<>ton Beach Pi'"') ••"•bH••·• law 1•-·,... 851 West 18th. St., •;,,-. ..., ""'" •u 9 , hlld 1 ,,,oo:: . ..,, ~ .... '"'" ... ,.. " Ne"""'rt. Reward "'~0 ~'''"'. for like cond '68 or '69 Sta· "'"' c ren, no pe ~ . .....,... mo. PHONE: (7141 536-1487 Newport Beach or Costa Cost, Mesa, Cali!, 92627 ~ (office). ~ tion wagon. 549--lUJ ;l BDRi\1 1v/w cpl!!, ll'plc, Call eves. 499-3755 CHEZ ORO APARTMENTS ftfcsa area. Purpose is to (TI4) 642-9000/(213) fi35.67l9 farn rn1, 1_hsh1\·~hr. rnced yd RENTALS 8234 Atlanta have some place to put my AFFILIATE LOST small black/brown $5100 Solid corporate nole & patio. Atcsa Vl'l'd~. nr Apts Unfur nished New 1-2 Bedroo-·. P•• ~ feet on the desk. Have the IMMED. INCOME female pup. Vic Canyon Dr. secured by seasoned TD, iichls, park, shops. l child ' .,.., ._ u · C.M. Hu Int es Ii n a 1 6~1.%, due 3 l/J yrs., for elee'-' -• IJ.:uw1ng library: Con1plete (NO SEU.ING INVOLVED) 01\, iC'fcrs. STL/1110. /'.tr. General 5000 .,..., ......,.. ... c 0•uY Paclfic ftennrtcr, U.S. Codes Q"allf•'-• ,-..,· . .:.1 •• ~• will .._.,_ di!Order. Needs special diet late car; Uintinl?ntal, cad. \Vuod. Bkr. 546-:e.xl or ---------' I ' .............,4 , or 53fr2727 "" = '"' ""'""-' ""' &: medication, Reward ! or ? 644-4265 Pool washers-n--rs Annotated, New California selected by Multi-State Inc. 67"".>-197'.i l'VCS. $110; 2 BP.., ]l, ba SludK>. • ~'J'"' , ... Q ' I ' ll 64.Z-9148 XJnt~po•t"•'~·""·•v•• ~ Privale Garages • I i e s , misce aneous lo supply established busi. -r ....... ,,-...._ v , 3 BDR~1-:-1To-USB si'5c!-Patio, Y..'/w. air-<."Of'ld, rnge Calliornia Codes, form nc.u with finest triple A·l SM Female Sia.Jnese w/ blue clean Beauty Salon, Lido i69 \V. 20th st.. c.~I. & oven. 5."'A-G980 Bkr. 2 BR. Duplex. Bltns, crpt5, books, etc., pluio;, too much national producl"I (candy & rhineslooe collar. AM lo area, long establ. 6 stations ~2-6994 EVES. . llrps, enclosed gar, yard. furn iture 675-0016 "-) 11 r~~'-"Susie", Vic Walla« & Trade for lot ~r submit. \YANTED: Sl.Utx.t . •·or equity in line l -'n. plus den, ocean view La. guna Bea.cil home. ' NEWELL~ t 'l);J AtUStal\&: Conv. Bea)t. Porsche gold. Disc brb, pwr, ~ wbc.>els. Trade:tlp or down Bront'O or VW Bil.'I. 8'6-9518 eves. · f ixer Upper Home on 4U&e .ot "1th trees. Exe~• for El Cajon, Lakeside, J. pine or M·l NE San D . Fortin Co. 642.5000 . ~ Need room! Edward's Sa· by Grand piano, eboin': 1vorth $800. Trade even }or Spinet in good conditlOfl, l ~uoed. 673-7751 aft 3 p~ Commercial bldg, Grana:da Hills, $30,000 equity, Wa),l home or duplex. Newport, Laguna. • ._: BKR 494-1330 '-. Bro....·ning Semi-automatic shotgun, Remington ~i autornatic J0.00. Trade b' gold coins _oc proof Mta 1946 up. 546-41111 ~ -=~-"--=-'---Costa M-· SIOO Older aduJ•-. no ch•'ld-o · snac .... · ,450 .........,, requir. ; OR 2 ba h 1 ·-• " d F oal · · Hamilton, C~1. 548-6386, Owner/broker. 548-17ll , . . ' . <.,,... ' • $l30. 548-4;73 or '4&-2tt84 PRIVATE OFFICE • . or peno '°""""W 642.-2'68 rlrap(':-1 -$I9:i lea.St' lnqu~ in Costa 1.leM. &: sum>und-1 ~====----~-24 apt uniU in L.A. Triifr 24j!I N~rse Ave, C~f HA·RBOR BRAND NE\I ~ ot ~---;"rr-irt'rl.' ..-ing arell, send narii~. ad-DAUCHTi:rt Losl r i rig: What do.you have to trade!· for bps:,. home in ~f $150 mo, Cpts, d rp s, Sf>crctarial service, a.ir con-dress & phone number lo de c ea 1 e d grandmother's List it here ~ ~ ~ _ County or T.D.'s. Mr ·Pofl· N t B h 3•00 dishwhr. Nr. 8 each. ditioning, & ;iarkin~. lolulti s ·-lnc 9015 E Im k ·-· . sta~--s·-C.0Unty'1 ~ read trad ma .,.,, on,n _ .... 4'>A. •, .•"'R.pod"rpl·,· •. 12Cba 's., bl.tn•., GREENS 847-3957 Orange County Bank Bid(. pcri~ ~.:;,, ~wney, CaJi N~e~:~ew'."'~:.~: ingpost -aMmakeadeai" ~~· .,.. ....... or " ~ ·' 2 BR. duplex, stove, dshwhsr, 230 E. 17th Street 90242 633-5642 dshwshr., new paint, cpts. & G'Cl'"'LOR UNl'URN. crnts, d ..... s. ttct1. Ad"''',..,.. Costa ?.1csa 642-1485 ..;;:::.::________ 'A * * * * * drps. Nr. btach. Year lsc. " f;m $ l l O 1;~· 1508 Oi1V:~ v•r SMALL olJice located near FRIGIDAIRE ~~eve~~~~!~ co~!~; ~~s~ l.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!.!!!!!!\!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lil!!!!!!!ll!!i FOUR SEASONS Jmt listed. Existing 5% '7a FHA lo&n. 3 BR 3 bath, 3 years new, 3 car garage, terrazzo tile t""nlry, sunken living room, formal dining room. exceptionally large kitchen with eating .area, family room wilh wet bar, drapes. Block wall fence, J.andscapine Y.oith ~prinklcrs. $230. 540-7573 DELUXE :.t ., __ ''''· ~,,,, 17th & Newport, grouix! , JET ACTION to "CinnamGn" Bayere•t SE • 1 • ALSO AVAILABLE ~ "' n Fr · . RVICE DIRECTORY SERVICE DIRECTORY TOWNHOUSE 3 Br .. 2\1: ba. drps, stove, re[rig. 'Vash'i; 001', truck p•a r k I ng. i&1d~ 18 min. cycle fs area, Mon. REW An D ·I "-==:=..co.;;::;:;.;;:;.;::..:... _______ _...._ W\V cpts, drps, fpl . l'ncd 1 . 2 & 3 BDRM. fa cl. SlJ:i. 847-6692 $80/n10. Call Mr. Hester the falltest in the industry. 646-5804 ' Babysittin, 6550 Plastering, Rep•lr 6110 ANTHONY'S · , Garden Service 646-1941 ··~,~~ W•1tmin1ter 1612 Open Hause 1 Z-4 3 BR l'M. be.th POOL l:IOME, an bulJt.fns. Covered patio, BBQ, Hardwood noors. 1 minute from fl'eewa.y, 1hop.. pine &: schools. 15750 C•nn• Way R. D. SLATES, Rltr. 847'"3519 89'l·l.i74 170S palio; elec. bltns, 2 car gar, Jtcaled Pools, Otild Care BEAUTIFUL 2 BR, all ex· l~Ai'gt~-~646-881~'=-'=~~~-30 Frigidaires do the work $25 REWARD. l\fale, black, . pool. sm. 642-7219 alt. 4 pm Center, Adj. to Shopping -tras, pool, avail mid-t!Iay, LEASE S2T5 Mo; lge. bldg, or 40, JO min. washers. Find standard poodle, license 2-1 . HOUR r.hild ~· 7 days Corona del Mar 3250 unrurn 3 BR. 2 ba. Xlnt. S27~S300 Clevidcnce, Bkr. 675-6CM4 Huntington Buch J~OC NEAR Beach 4 br, 2~~ ba, patio.. bl tins, crpts,' drps. SUl5 213-82><485. 2700 te~e::~ ~~owy, ~t Har· $135/mo. 962-2100 40Xl98 Lot, pldng, stor;ige. out how easy it is to own 33905, near Victoria Beach, ~k. 50c hr per child, 2 adult Toilet, shower facil. 2730 a paying laundry. , &-•~", 494-8689 s_iuers, f'lne there at all bor &: Adams, Costa Mesa C--'en G-..... A ---1 All REAL ESTATE Harbor, C.rt1. 213: 927-2991 ...,,,. ~vve, .,.,..,._.. na, tn1e1. meals inc., [enc· l i!!!!.!!!!!'!!!!j54~~~1).17~0~!!J!!!.!!!~ 1 __ G_e_n_or_a_I ____ _,_ LEASE: &tore or office. 1974 TusCc;j~=M:~im :Z ;e~~~0·;~~r;i~~a~~ ~ay. ba~~t ~~= • RENT • Rentals Wanted 5990 sq. ft. good location. 333 E. tar. Vic. i 1onrovia, C.M. childre11 11o·elcome. ~1S70 3 Rooms Furniture $20· $25 & UP l\fonth-Te>-hfonth Rentals 1\'lDE SELECTION Appliance~ & TV's avail 17th St .. C.lof. 847-8536 Equipment, liic. Reward. 646-4T::i.1 JOO Sq. ft, Office 2334~ W. Valencia . OOSTA ?>.fesa Pre-School \\'ORKJNG lady wlll ~hare Fullerton n.c: $783.1 LOST ~ female Irish Uccnsed. Ages 2-6; open 6:45 your hme/apt, "'ith .lillflle, COSfA MESA 646-217.0 Setter, vie PlaC'Cfltia & Vic-10 5:45; $18 Per wk. Pvt ba, ample <:losets. Olm, HARDWARE toria CM ltt-w! 646-8786. COAIPARE! 548-9803 c .t.1., or N.B. area. 644-0170 REAL ESTATE 5 838-523'! days. Gentral TORE Personals 640~ ClilLD care, my home Prer 1 BR unrurn, "'ith stove & Commercial 6015 Huntington Beach 7'!. INTEREST over 2 YfS". Near 19th & refrigerator. Up to Sll5. 8000 sq, ft. Busy shopping Write for free brochure Harbor Blvd, 01. No Security Deposit L•gun1 Be•ch 3705 111-~Rc Fumilure Ren!alii 2 BDRM_ den, 2 ba, $725. on 517 W. 19th, 0.1 548-3481 lease. 475 Legion, Laguna 1568 \V, Lncln, Anhm Ti<l-2800 Bca('h. &14-4477 Prefer C.hl. area. June lst PR 01-~ESSIONAL building center. Lols of parking. Ter. describing 7% i n terest 67~7468 2'104~\ E, h1ain, TOlTance, for sale or lea11e tn Costa rific loc. Good will has been church bonds, being sold by Babysltttng, hour, day or Calif. lotesa. 2600 sq II, air cond, bulil over period ot 44 years ·Valley Baptist Temple, P.O. y..·eek, my home, Fenced * Villa Pomona • FOUR. Responsible female equipped for medical or Fin, avail, For further infor-Box WJ2, San Jo 1 e, yard hot lunches, 846-0339 Rf NTAL5 ,.._,. ,. leachen want turn1~hed multipurpose. 494-2250 or mation. • California 95150 1~-..0·=""'--''-~- The best, cost.I no moi:e!: Prune ... Plant .•. Prcpatt 1tonthly 1.1'aintenance ' Exp. Horticulturist • ORANGE COASl7 Landscape G1rdener\ Uimplete lawn fl,1aint. R1. liable &: Experienced':'• Reas. 548-2.134 or 66-2.lK JOHNSON'S Gardening Suv. 1'"':incst equip, expert yard care! Rea.s? 962-2035 • .Re.liable lawn scrv~. : mow, edge, trim. * 531·1404 * A I F • h d ....,..ta .. tesa·s ncwcsl & moat <""!~ BRASHEAR E J XLNT day care, AM to Income Units: _ _,P_"--"-'"-'-'-'---I Juxurlous apt:o; now rt?ntini: house or apt from June 10 .,.,.....~ R ALTY *PALM&-CARDS* S:JO. Hot meals, ·lie. G.n.'.I 4000 Un!... I & " B"· Ad II So11tcmlM>r l or yearly. ""l RENT Sal Do nlo n 847·8531 Eve• 536-2123 H•ndym•n Spec:iels '"'· • '"'· u s ....., or · c • w w · Spil.itual Reader. PHst, Pres-Harbor/Bakt'r. 5'1~1539 • EXPER J ;o panesc Gardl'ner Complete seNi4c. Free J!stimate. Call 541).,1332 Loe, on Oceanside of 1-hey. only No pets. 1760 Po1nona 675-Jl62 after 6 p.m. Costa ?ttcsa lara;c 12,000 sq CANOY supply route, part or ent, Fut~. Tfelp in all life 150 yd& from Beach. 4 lge $175; 3 BR. 2 ba., \\'/\V, Ave. jusl south of 18th St. WANTED: Garage rental for It storage lot, t.'Ompletely full time, days/e\·es. Refill problems. ;1. special read· Brick, Misonry, etc. Cut & Edge lawn . , iltaintenance, Llcen.'led ' 548-4808/64~2310 aft .4 : need & pp.lio. Avail now. FAIRWAY storagr purposes only. Call fenced &: small office & &: collect monl'y from coin lng. Open daily 9 am to 10 6560 ;!t :::Mi.I cle~n~~ Children OK. Bkr ~4i980 ., VILLA APTS. 673-5420 !llorage garage. 54~1 oper. Dispensers in C.OSta pm. 7-L?\ \Vestmlnster Ave., AL'S Gardening S e·r v t c e la"'·n maintenance, gard&n- ing & clean ups. &tli-3629 •. ~ CLEAN·UP Specialist! Maw· in", edging, odd j 0 b i . TENTIAL INCOME EX· $105; Bach. ApL, patio. \VANTED: 3 BR unfurn hse, 1-----·----Mesa & vie. No selling. Weslminster 893-9854, BUILD, Remodel, Repair CEEDING$10.000ANNUAL. Carport; w/w: util paid. Near 0. c. Airport, 2 Br. yr's lease. Prefer CM. lndustri•I Rent•I 6090 $1650 Total cash req. Send LICENSED Brick, block, conc r ele, LY, Price $69,950. Broker 534-6980 APls. Unlum. 20122 Santa * 64&-8664 * ::e.t~ ;;;,~s~.~-~ne~:. Spiritual Readings, advice ~~~~. :2 ~~ 100 small. MISSION REALTY (M.-0731 Ana Ave. ADULTS ONLY ONE BDRM Unlum Apt. for f'OR lease Laguna Niguel, Anaheim 92803 on all matters, 108 S, El ")' ll=:98S=:· :;s.:;.:;Cou::;::::::'·:""'::::":"':: ;C;;;°';;;';;•:M=es:•===:4:1:00;;\ • 546-7602 e · eniployed lady up to oU San Diego Fwy at Cro11o·n Camino R.eal. San Clemente C • $l \O/mo. 642-0)86 Valley. ne1v commercial & 492-9136. 10 A...'f·lO PM •rpenter1ng OCEAN BREEZE upper apt. industrial units. Delta Elec-CORONA DEL MAR. JAPANESE Garde $30 WEEK UP Large 3 BR 1% ba, bll·ins. • LANDLORDS • tric. Days. 8.11-1400. Eves.. RESTAURANT SPECIAL $2 READING CARPENTRY plete yard servir:: ':: Rea!lOnable. 548-e:» · 6590 $500 DOWN Laguna Beach Lot ... uh mag· nificent View, small, but level ~.900 balance $65 per mo. 497·1210 or 491·1021 4 BDRM -2 BATH Fam rrn. near school!, park Total price $34,000 • 10% On. and oy.•ncr will fina~ ,Los Padrt• Rlty 494-1133 $.15,in:I DUPLEX, 2 and 1 BR. view, just remodeled, pvt, wild kitchen$! 494-9148 L•gun• Niguel 1707 House Pinching You! Spac: 4 BR horn!:, located on send!! rolling hill with com· mandlnc view. Sep din rm ' brukfasl are:a. 675-4070 Stuart a: RobbiM Realton llENTALS HouMI Furnlthed 2250 ~ BR. 2 Ba. Z.Story $250 Mo. New Carpel~. 514 Fnnleaf. 675-6044 Bkr. RENTALS lfouMll UnfurnlshM Ge,.....I 3000 DQ(ACULATE 4 BR, watcr- h*tt 1xmt, tn Nl!WJll)rt $boi... $390/mo. on )'f!arlY !Hae. Cayw11d Riiy. 541-1290 &XIS W. O:ut l!WJ, NB ms..,.. l bdrm"°""' w I pool oa " acre lot. Tmltn art"&. Le* $285 Mo. -$110 YRL Y n.nta! 2 Blt --Child .... pe1 Oii.-- ' e Commercial Rates c PI s Id r P · , s un d cc k }"'REE RENTAL SERVICE 4!b4198. Lunch &. dinner, seats 35 COUPLES, singles; louely! MINOR REPAIRS. No Job estimates. SfG-1332 • r,1aid Service . TV·s avail. SL'lO/mo. 2286 Canyon Or. Broker 534-6982 Top oond. & kic. ~area! Join the rwing Too Small. Cabinet in gar· 1---------"-No prls 5'f.5.3215 aft '1 :ll or 3.1 X 30; 12· O'head door. SU 000 to run & pleasure: -"'"es &. other "~binets. • Cocktail Bar • Pool LlDO Resident ne-'-2 + s f u· Good I • --"''cekcnds or 11-11 2.2222 or =ii pace or 0 ice. oca· o L R I E • 635-9'.l91 • 545-8175, If no answer leave Hauling 0730 • \Vestern trio Fri .. Sal. den, furn or unturn House tion, Ne\\-'Jl(lrt Beach, near • ancy •• st•fe 64•2312 0 --~-----'.;,;:I SUNNY ACRES ?.lOTEL see Apl. l . or apt. 6T;,-5901 United Parcel. 642-2800 673-JTIO LOOKING for my Miro-msg at .,.. ' lL . GENERAL HAULING 2376 Newport Blvd .• 548-9755 2 Bft Duplex, privatt patio. =="=="'-''====I~=~==~=~~-[•!!!!!""!!!!!"""""""""""" tWG\, Marc? 3'.>lh, 1928 • "An"d~'~"'°"~~~~---& CLEANUP !!!!~!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!""!!!I Architect designed. Adult&, Rooms for Rent 5995 127X90 OORNER At-I, fncd,-WONDERFUL opportunity! 42N-71\V. Trenncl P. O. Box REPAIR, Partitions, Small * Villa Pomona Apts. no pels. $150/mo. 675-2942 I oo=:.:.:.~:...:;::."-_;:.:..:= 700' bldg 19th & Whittier, Acquire: lovely Boutique 1287, Santa Ana, Ca.Iii. 92702 Remodel, etc. Nite or day, $12 per load. Cost.a Mesa's newest &: most • UPPER 2 BR .• S135 • SLEEPING room &: priv. C.AI. $200 mo. 642-3490 Dress Shop by taking over ALCOlfOLICS Ano?lymous Reas! Call KEN 5-10-4679 962-6846 alt. l & wkerx\s. luxurious apts tiow rcnling. Adull1, No pets bath for employed man: l1500=~SQ~ft~ll~lO~mo-.-,~ •• -.-,,~ inventory. CoUntry club, Phone 542-7217 OI' write to MASTER carpenter, $4 per lfAULING, Gt11eral, Top, Furn&: unturn. AduJts only. 28&:; MENDOZA 5<15-M2l quiet hon1e, C.~f. $15 Wk. Warehou11e Villa&:<', Costa beach area. 546-3665 P.O. Box 1223 Costa ?.iesa. hour. Remodeling-Repairs. trim, remove lrce11 I.: ~o peL<>. 1760 ,Pomona Ave., Sl20: 2 BR. garden apt. 548--0ln Mesa. Lt 8·55.'ll. BEAUTY Salon; g 0 0 d 642·6409 or 536-3900 hedges, Big John 6424030 · 1ust south ol 18th St Adult~ rt infan! OKI. Carp., CORNER sleeping room for clientcle. 5 StaUorn;. ReasoD-Announc•ments 6410 REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS d G •.~~ o..,,,, young man, quiet !ltreet, $60/ Lots 6100 able CAB s rp~. aJ"ugr. ·"'\t"OO\IV ino. 642-5000 • 54~7472 HALECRES'J' Oub Chlldren's INET ' Any size job. SUS CASITAS LOVELY 3 bdr 2 ba to"'·n-24 l1rge Beautiful Dance Recital May 17-Year 25 yn:. expcr. 548-6713 ' 'URN!SHED .... N I d pool Co I BEAUTY SALON, Lido area, '""'se. ew y cc, s etc. I p ~ 6000 mp elcd Ocean View Lois, rowid club .activities ror C Houseclt•nin9 6735 e HOUSECLEANING f1 Excellent work. $2.50 bow'. Cali 54&-5995 • l·BR. & Bachelor Apt~. Call 546-3710. ncomt rope •• -.-Laguna Beach. underyround long established. Must seu. children_ Family ft1ember· •rnent, Concrete 6600 ,uo NEWPORT BLVD h u. I best offer. Oy..·ner/broker, · ' Villa Fino Apt.s, ·3 BR. C oice E'•-4--P ex utils, no bonds, 20% dmvn, 548-Till ships • Mr1. Jack Smith e CONCRETE v."Ol'k all CARPETS, WJndov•s, fin. 1\-ledallion by Hotpoint Unf. Children Welcome $1.50 Near 17th Street 3 _ ~ BR balance release clause And S<e-125rQ types. Pool decks lr. custom. etc. Res or Comc'I . Xlnt MODERN FURN 2 BR 874 W. Crnt<"r Apt. t 1 ba & l-3 BR 2 bath .,.,,ilh partial subordination, \Vil! WANTED: off-sale liquor ONLY Best Pancake nower Call S.1S-1324 \\'Ork:-Reas! Rel,. 54S-4W •1 1 b \\"l ,_ ,_.. 1ireplaC1!. AU units have aJso take 2nd'1 or trade license, Orange County. 1 -o.-~~~-~-~ HO SE " ape Y 1 son, '"'a t."\I LARGE Bach.: adults, no 497•1210 · Call : 64Ul.39 says Pete \Villaon -at Pan-Cement Work-all kinds U CLEANlNG. qUAlity pool. Sharp? Blt·in!IJ Park· pels: cpls, drps, hllns. ;91). built-ins, cpts/df'P!, pvt. cake Breakfa!I May 10, 7. Freoe El!!timale "-'Ork! Brooks Clng Se.rv, ing. No pets. Sorry, no chil· 288a Afl'ndoza 5"'5-542l patios, garages. $55.500 ~ LAGUNA woodsy view lo!s, VENDING Route, 10 units, 11 AM. C.ft1. Park. * 636--0374 * '-='caJ=l=642.-=28=12=an=y";o'""':::,· =rl dren. S15(). ?t1gr. 646-6974. Unfum 2 bdnn apt, Newly underground utilities, pvt. Requil"H 2 hn v.·eekly. $000. I cFREE;;;;=-,,....,.,"""-:.-;:"';,ConC=c--l-c,-,=;,,:::;,:;:;:_:_,,; __ 1 CllATEAU La POINTE painted. !JS Albort Pl, C.M. $32,000 Triplex $340 $6.950 & $9,250. <IM-9148 ~sh. 6T>J360 n-..w1n . & tinuous e CUsrqM PIANOS e lnc:om11 Tu 67~ l\1onlh near Harbor Center. ..,.. g1 Klwani1' Break-concrete sawing & re1noval ----""---~.:.: Lovely 2 Br. tum. apt. Pool, 6T;>6m. 2 BR 1 ha, blt·ias, 2 pv1 pa· • R-4 WT • Mon•y to Lo•n 6320 fast • C.M. Parlt, ~!ay 10. State Lie. •842-1010 carport: adults, no pets. 1,3c-cbd,---,2c-c-~-~-7.oned for 35 units. $158 ft:to. plus utililicio; rn1, ha. l\L'(. Span. tio!, 3 gar, C&ll quickly on PhU Sullivan. 548-6761 C l CEMENT Work, no job too INCOME Taxes p~pand )'Our borne, long form com· bincd, $15. 494-3422 !Ml P0~10NA, C. ?11 . d~r, rrph;, ,",,}slh509washcr, Bobthis!O"·n RI••. '"" r.~i... b~ :mi:: ~••qup: tmeitery ot1 6418 amall, reuonable. Free "A~V~All.~~M~ay~15~1~h": '"ba-.,.~. -.,-1.1 pauo, c:iclras. ~ · '-""' ..n<ra:»ll I :A;;;c";;;";;91;:;:;:;;:;=;:;';;2;00~ pel1)' eq \vithoul db'tiirbln&: 6 CEMETERY lots. Pacific eslim. H. Sturuck. Sf8..86l5 Ironing 6755 New tumiture. Adults. 2 BDM1. APT. $UO &Side home -l-income • 3 1, your low interest lat TDs. View ~1enmrlal p a r k . * CONCRETE Y.'Ol'k, bonded $125. Ulil pald ~9-l866 l Sn1aU child OK .No pct,.g BR + 2 Apts, $27,000: inc COUNTllY Also buyers for 2nd TDs, Newport Beach. ~lust sell &: lie. Concrete sawing. IRONING DONE JN ?llY riJS-9462 Evt'll &: wke.nds. $348. ~E. sid(' u n; ts , ;;;: .. Iller "lo•"--Co. r-. now! 549-0674 alter s P.11-t Ph.ill! .... Cement. S4s.63SO HOME n-•- LARGE Bach,, n~ly furn. •= ooo · 1743 Sall ..-" '6_.. '"' }~~g~~~_:_~];::;:~::::· :=~;:;:;~;;;; I · ·"" •u · ...,..., : tnc · or LIVING Serving Harbor ·Area 20 yrs. An,ytime "''ee.kenda * 540-8731 * $UO Mo. Adulta, no pets Newport 8e1ch 5200 trade clear S. Calli MrM or J.36 E. 17U. St. 4 CEMETERY loll:, reas. COt1tr1ctor1 6620 l-..,,,==='-'o.-----1 2885 Mendoza ~~5421 Northern r, 1 0 r t. Bkr 30 At·rcs ln Corona \\'Ith bt'.a:u· 64•2 n °'° ~u IRONJNG • 80c an hour • EASTSIDE: Quiet 2 Bc:lnn. 3 BDRM beach apt un(urn., ~ tiful 3 bdrni. home, pool, etc. -1 ....,...,,., Harbor Rest Memo r i a I ADDmON~REPAIR.S Please bring hafl!:t'l':'I: ' Elec. bltnl, patio. Adults crpls, dips, year round. I 'T=~u:x=~-~-~-Terrific view, $50.000 0ov.11 "NEW 2nd LOANS AR-Park. Blue Spruce area. U RE'MODEIJNG 2.ll·B Avocado, CM S48,8Z?7 ~ .. 1 • ., 3Gl-B Ogle. GU-l29B $250. mo. 646-6189 · RIP nr. College Park with intere~ on\)' for j RANGED" Top cash for 8-3073 Design!~ .t Plannin& ""'Y C.M. 2 BR ea, kit blt·in, aeuoned .2nds, l.t\RGE 1 BR, built-ins, $l6S: 2 BR. 2 Ba, encl. gar. e.ncl garages. Income $340 yFears, F\Jll price lJ.10.000. 543"'311 Bkr, SERVICE OllECTORY Kitcberut-Batba, etc. Janitori•I 67to carpda. drapes. Adults ~ Range, oven, dlshwshr, rel. mo. $32,.500 Owner 642-9l9l or more infom1&1ion please Llc'd &: Bondi!<!. Free ert. '"· $125. 543:-2897 Q.VH, Broker S3f..6980 call !{, "" Smrill with ======. === 1 ... _llanct R--lra A &: B CONSTRUCTJON ~ I 2 ll UNITS, aood condition. E ckhoff & Assoc., Inc, Mort91ges, T.D.'1 634S "'t't' --1122 Paularino, CM. SPARJ\LE Janilorial st.iv. Wmdows. re1id., com cJ, COt\lt, cleanup. Frtt ~t ....,.., FURN sturuos $9950.Al~1 OPEN HOUSE, BR, 2 Ba, 100<;(, rented. Large 6~ Parts 6510 * SG-4941 * bdrm. apt1, $it.~ .Sf:.e ?i{&r, crpts. drps ' blt-inL $16iJ. loan. Bargain at $100,000, 1818 Yt', Chapman Avt. $4500 lst TD, 8Ci; due l )TS, Apl 1. 2131 Elden I :'";0=· ;"":=:&~">~· :;613-i=231tl'=':::;:\ ==~P;h~il~S~oU~1va~n.~S<~3'761~~~ Orang(". Calli 1090 dlscounl. r ~l·Zll , Evn-wlmd1 5.18-5971 497-1210 S'lO ~ntle=:~ Apl. Coron• del M9r 5250 BusinHI Rent•I 6060 "132~W~.jw; ....... ~;:;CM'!!:!,~,,.._~9511~11•iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!iim l ~ _ STORES for leaM> Villap 1 BDRM tum. util incl, $100. ~,,, Shoppin(' Center. cor of El * 615'846. * rSI Camino A ?t1endosa.. CM. 'fli,., l'!r.1!. SUltahle coffee lhop, dress. Newport a..ch 4200 Moe repalr elc. See Uquor ON TEi~ ACRES ,;toni' for key. Al \\'agner SINGLE YOU"C AduJtt Lwc· I It 2 BR. Furn It Unf\m:I 2lJ: 9Sl -6510 U1'Y prdM •Pts with coun. Ft'J)lel / prlv. patios/Pools. B Ibo I d try club •ltnOllphere llnd Tl'nnla • Contnt 'I Bkflll. p.11· G G slGft complet~ privt,Q. s<,>UTH tine green. s~ nr m~. 1627 iiq ll BAY CLUB APTS. lrvillf: al llOO ~A LIM, ()jM 6f4..2till ~ith w/w t'IU'J>f'll'. $000 pr. l6lll N11wport . Beach. IM11ieArthur nr ())tiAl Hwyl mn. or "'Ill divld t. Bkr. (71 4) &f5.ffi;"I() • fi.!Ut5$5i~ Attr•dlw E•pert YOUNG WOM>u~ MonoyWant..i dancer will teach you all KIWANIS ~ast helps latest steps, Call Ardell aqiport Qrck-K Oub fOt" 213: 591-4538 l·lO PM farm educafiaD.Ma)l lo.c.M, 300 ACRES plU! creeb· -Putt. • hilh • trtta -pn\e. Mail $5,000 2nd TD, 10% pl.ltll 3 Bax 46. Bangor, Cal. 95914 points, l yr.; Bhtll.'1 borne. $12,000 Equity ....... ,.. Resort P~!'!Y 62,05. • ns.ooo _ 10~ lo"""•L e FOR RENT Furn Jl.flmmOlh Write: Occupant, M o u n l 1 t n Oindominiwn, ~ Th\irfn, Co!lta hfrg a1~1pa 1..675--fU) D.AlLY PILOT WA.h'T ADS! SUPREME Refriguadon &: ADD-A-Room, apt. unitA. Appliance Repair. ~ for cust homes. h\.'O 1tary OOUPLE Sjlttiali.zing fil ~f. Tom. 546-ll63, 547-'1691 5J)H'lalist, tre1! 1 a 1" o u t , fices I apartments, da,y or detiJn. )) Yrs fh the night. 494-2$5'.l • • llbysltti"' 6550 ~. Pacilic c 0. st =:;.======= C. M. MotMI' will care for BJda. ~n91. \Vetkdaya, P1perhanging .. • r:hild in cul-d"'48C Sat Ii: Sun at your •rvice Painting 6&$0 = F need yd I * ADD • REMODEL * kM e. e lunch_ p ~i':i CABINETS-BLOCK WAU.S P..AlNl'lNG & mBinlt:fllll1*°· Alt ": P'U>. 6U-9&S2 e\-enings · .inte.rior .It ,. x l e r I o r . , . RcatlOnablc ra!es, &16-.119$ BUSIEST marlfelpla~ ln Drifting S.rvlui 6637 NEA1\ exp. PRinft'r, no fOWTI, The DAILY PnDr drinking. eoueie l'l~r._~t. O.asaiUed *tlon. Sa v e DESIGN Dndtlng, l':lectro Low pr1ce1! Sieve Mll-4541 money, time I. errort. Look mech P/C L'l,)'OUt & detail· now!!! fnx. Kl':n 'St. m,..1191 DIAL dl.rttt 642-.."'678, Cl~r. Whit« !:lcphanl•! Diml'·1-llllf" DAfl..Y PlLOT WANT AD~! your .ad, then ~It back-ahd li!'lt'n tn fh(' photlf fl~~ · ' '!! • -· Ba- "/Y ' '" n . .{ 'L i&?a . .,,, ""'· • • ' aHc 't ..ii ' . • '" ~ l&o -' ••• Re-.' -""-'""' ' .. I • I ' ~· Ion- '30 IG 'op, ~ I • '35 Ji• > '"- "'· :tnl l -lity :rv. = 'Ml '55 ~tY 90 -iv. :~ . ~I. -;r. " ~o ~. r . • "" ·~t. ., "" ""' -------~-------·-·-·-·--·-~-----.. ------------------·-~- I 'lllVICI DIUCTORY JOIS I IMPLOYMINT JOBS A f t,IPLOYMENT JOBS A I MpLbYMENT JOBS A EMl'LOYMINT JOBS A IMPLOYMINT PAINTING, hperina 11> )'I'S in Ha?W ana. Lie 6 ·bood- ed. Ilda 1urn. - ,1.sferl"•• R•o11 lr 611(1 e p ATC H PLASTEJUNG. All typtJ. l'N eatimate. Call- "-"'"' 6190 PLUMBING REPAIR DRAIN CLEANING ~arM0-721.'f PLUWllNG REPAIR No job-toe trnall ·-· S.wln1 '"° Altoratlono-44Wl45 Neat, accurate, 20 yn, exp. Contact Pete Holtrich m•i~ '333 -Bl ... COlt:J M~, 9'l62t - ~ ~tlSSIL.E SYSfEm OIVISJON ATLANTIC RfSWCH CORPORATION A Dtvtaion ol the s...;u.1ianna Corp_ An equal opportunity employer - t.Jale or Fflnalct may apply REUBEN E. LEE 151 E. CNst Hwy. Newport lt•ch ' U::Jp'-'ho~lll_•_rt_,,_ ___ 6_990_1 HAS IMMEDIATE NEED C%YKOSKl'S Cwit. Uphol. FOR ' Elll'Opu.n Craftlmansh.lp 100% finl 60-loGI 1881 Newport Bl., C.M. *COOKS )OBS & EMPLOYM!NT * DISHWASHER NlGlrl'S Job Wontool, Ledy 7020 APPLY IN' PERSON lady with Pra.c:Ucal 1---,c-o====~Nur&lna: up. HOUH wwk • e ENTERTAINER . , ,cookltc OK. MS--7882 e BUSBOY • BARBOY PRACTICAL NURSE. e DISH\VASHER Avail. day or nite. • ~ ref. 83&-0021 ;. -~ • -r='Ob-...w-- , D~mntic Help 7035 • Geol'l't Allen Byland ~ Empoyer Pays :ree 1!)6..B E. 16th, SA 547~ ' ~ llve-ins. Che~rful .c,.Pennanent. Experienced -~mo in """" -y WESr 2lo8 W. Oceanfront, N.B. Salesman · r.ranae .l Sttady F\lll time only Apply in person Grant.a Surplus Fu Ea!t Agency 642-8703 • • 1150 Newport Blvd., C.M. :··r,H~•~lp~W!!a'.!!"~'"~· !!_Mo~n!_7~2oo~l""""'ii:ll~~:T.i""""" I: Po!ldon open for Account•ntl Credit Monagora Adminlstr•tlve Trneea '.. ·• LOCAL JOBS CALL BOB. 548-7796 ARGUS AGE NCI ES • . 1869 C Newport Blvd., CM. MAJNTENANCE "fECHANIC \\'ill consider trainee.. Dey shift. App, Ind\lltria.I ~ Products, 18765 Fiber Glass Rd., Huntina:l.on Beach Bu1boy1-Dl1hwa1h1r1 1B &nd over : BANK ROllER •• C.ood ...... • tt you've been robbing the D~ Joq1 piQJ' b&.nk to make ends 9003 E. Adams, H.B. -l'n@et. then call Jeuil! ~2225 ,.' 1P$-Tl823 50 l'o•ER H""""'R-c TV SERVICEMAN , • • Part ·Time, Afternoon • REAL ESI'ATE. Shouldn't E.xp, in outsldt Rrvice calls, ' blk Ir: white and Color. Bond. you be sell.Ing the hottest abie. Send re•~ to Box • U1!a Hunttnaton Beach? M~ ail Pilo ' &&11 Phil McNamee Vllll.ge • D Y t, Costa ' Rtal Ettate 962--44n or1-"',,',,, .. "·.,,.,=~-~=-:.· ..565-8103 FRY COOK · relief shift, . RY 18 or over, experienced, . Experloncecl F start $2.00 hr. No phone : COOKS. Apply JOLLY please. Apply in penon. 'ROGER Personnel Of-Cottage Cofftt Shop. 56:1 flc1. 12t7 L091n Ave.. W. 19th Sl Costa Meu ··Coit• Me••· WANTED SERVICE Station managt"r FULL .l PART TIME · ' 'nttdtd. Top pay, profit Retired (!ntlernan r o r ~ ?ilust be ambltio~ janitoriaJ m>rk, inside Ir: wllllnr to work, mll!t ha\-'e i out!ide. Contact Ml'. Dinius .references anc:.; wperviaoey 3141 Harbor Blvd, C.M. ~ ·~xperienct:. Call 549-4043 ~!EOiANICS Help Wonlool. -72oOHolp wantM, Moil .noo ~HO!i'.!!.~nt..i, -7200Holp w~'t'· Miii 7200 CLA·YAL CO. IS THI PORIMOST MANUPACTURI R OF AUlOMATIC VALVU AND CONTROLS we CALL THI' OllANCll COUNTY HAllllOR AREA "HOME" NOW ' You have an opportunity lo be Wt ot our l'Jpidly srowinC tndu.'1')', and lf you nve 1n tbe Oran&• Cowtty H&rbor "1't&, )'OU won't have to lea~ "Home ... If ~ou have expetlul<:e ln any ot this \\'Ork, comr: ln and ... lll. e OAVIHIFT e I JOUllNIYMAN MACHINIST TOOL MAKIR IADIAL DllLL OPllATOI DRILL PllSI OPlltATOll • e SWING SHIFT e JOUINIYMAN MACHINllT TURlllT LA.THI OPIRATOI Bullard, Totter • Johnston, Wamtr A Swuey INOINI LA.THI OPllATOll llADIAL Ol:fLL OPllATOl DlllLL PRiii OPllATOll DllUlltlll CLA-VAL --ro. 17th I. ,LAC!NTIA, COSTA MISA 541-2201 Equal Opportunity Employer. JANITOR ' ' EXPERIENCED Excellent Employee Benefits APPLY PersonMI Office Thlrcl floor THE BROADWAY NEWPORT BEACH 47 Courts of F11hion FASHION JSI.AND Newport leech An EquaJ Opportunity Employer WANTED Younr man with drattina: ex- * METAL FINISHERS (fil'lJI & llflcond shill) Pt'f!h!r aome knowledge or abruive1, bu.{fing and POli_shipg equi~men and ieneral shop urea. • PLATER (Tr inMs) Requi1'ell indlvi uaJ with r o o d mKllanicat and m.ath aptitude, inlere!ted in learnina: the platin&' trade. APPL\' ROY AL INDUSTRIES 2040 E. Dytr Rd. &.nta Ana 54()..3210 Equal opportunity t:mployer perienct to atart on the I -======== rrouoo noor °' 1.,... .... CONSTRl,ICTION cast mncrete rnanUfactur· ing r;,.,,,, "'"'' 0e ab1e " FOREMAN read blueprinti, make pro. duction drawtn&:s, learn quo. tat!On I: pricing procedW'f!S, help in eniineeri.ng, COil ac- counting and inventory tak· ing. Future oppo1·tunity 10 f'nter sales department, engiflttr. inr and/or quality controJ. Prerequisite!: l\laiTicd, la.JO yra, old, dra.Jlin& experience, lrilh IQ.- Call Mr, La.rcome, 5t.J.TI17 Internal Auditor ·Large precast conc1-ete .nan. utacturln&: firm need! fore- man 1or production type \vurk. Must be mature \\'ith 5 10 10 years uperience in motivating men. ExR. in pre- Ca!lt concttte preferred but not necessary. REFEREN~ P..EQUt.r.ED A thorou.ch background chN:k will be made on all applic- ants ~·ho pa!s the initial In. tervlew. SALARY OPEN to $8$0 Fee paid fol' 3-5 yn exp. Call ritr. L&rcome, &45-71.17 Audit customer accts, Jeag.. MOTOR HOME ed l!(IUip & product \Ule, RI!· As1emblor1/Builder1 port direct to m.gmt. 50% Immediate openina9 for men time travel entire ~._311 with experience in plumb- ex-penses pa i d. Ol'ange ing, electrical, walls, cabin- C.Ounty bated co. ?tfll!t hire el! and finiah _ or we will immecl! Ab:J fee jobs. tn.tn you. Must have some CORONET AGENCY hand tooJ1, See Rick, n35 1202 E. WMhington Pl. canyon Drive, Costa 1leSI (Grand • Santa Ana "Frwy) 642-9758 s.n1a Ant .,,_.m 1-*-7GU""A'""R"'D""S -*- MECHANIC Full " ,,.,.. tim•. Pre!or ss We need 2 men w:lth exper. or older. Work any 1hi1t. in Qeet truck repair, gas Unilorms furnished. Contatl MECHANICAL HUGHES NIWl'QRT BEACH SWISS · SCREW MACHINE OPERA TORS with Torno experience and able to do own Htups. Top dollars for top men. Opetliogs on lit and 2nd shifts. D(E MAKERS \ with at leut 2 years of ex;perience ln 't'"el roll die making. HOT MOLD SETUP MAN with experience on thennoset transfer mold· lngpreues. - ELECTRO -MECHANICAL TECHNICIANS to labricate complex elecm>-mechanical as- semblies using special wiring systems. .~ knowledge of laminating, potting, molding, paintin~, solderin~ and welding techniques is required. A mirumum of 3 years of experi· ence in precision electro-mechanical device fab rication and assembly is mandatory. -lntero•ted ind qu1llfitd •ppllc1nts should •?ply in person to: HUGHES NEWPORT BEACH 500 Superior Avenue Newport leach, Calif. Equal opportunity employer -M & F EXECUTIVE SALIS CAREER Starting salary plus com- miulon. Ji'int year eamll'lls ot Sl.2,000 plu! posalble 2 Year u.inlng J>t'Olfam, by ~ntury old national com· pany. Busl~11 or sa1c11 background helpf'UJ. No tra. vel, l\.fanaaement opportun. ities. RON GILL 827-7!00 WANTED 2 Pail"lter-.-'I'ninl'I! l Dectlidan-SkillPd 2 Carpenter9-Skilled 2 Bonden-Sldlled :.1 Sande...-Traintt 3 Agem~-Tniintt 1 ShiJll?t"r of yachts. l1lander Y1cht1 17rn A: PLACENTIA COSTA MESA COMPANION OR CONVALESCENT AIDE tor llU\gle lady. Lite dutie:J. Live in <r out. Short ctr Jone krm. No fee. CAREER OPl'ORTUNITY! Join today! fa!test: srowinc profetslon-Mutull Flmd sale! No experienc. necessary. We train • tun or part time Mutu1I Fund Advisors, Inc. Npt B. 160.1 Wutclill 642-6422 S.A. 1212 N. Broadway 547-83.U COOK Experitnctd Only O..·er 18. Apply In perso n Five Crowns Restaurant l801 E. Cout Hwy. Corona del Mar Temporary t-:mployment URGfNTl Y NEEDED • LABORERS Tntervitwirij: t.!on lhru Fri., g.;, P.M. INTERIM Personnel Service AWly llOMEMAKER.°' 1638 E. 17th St., S.A. • 44S E. 17th, CM 642-ia23 Help Wented, M9n 7200Help Wantocl Men 1200 -· BUSBOYS "1e need 2 tor lull time. Must ha\'t own tools. Ex· perlenced only. Apply ln !>ttSQn, RICHFIELD, 19th &: Apply in person Balbol P1vlllon 400 !\fain, Balboa Newport Blvd., C.O.ta Mesa STOCK CLERKS YOUNG MAN intere1ted in &: diesel. DIESEL A MUSI'. Trell Laird, 19700 Jamboree ?trust have own hand tools. Blvd., N e w po rt Beach. 10 yn experience, willing to 8.13-0600 Ext. 22n aft. 9:30 work any 11hitt. Re.lertncet M.f, Mon. thnl Wed. required. S135. week to start. I -=c-T.w"ld-:-------11 Call Mr. Larcome, 545-ruT • 1 ers ATLANTIC RESEARCH CORPO_RATION S450 per month to 1tart. Mon.. leandng trade, Muat ha.ve day thru Friday. Advance Id. ref's. Gd. pay I: hen'• m ~or purcbuiD&. Write Steady emplmt. 646-7721 Box M-W. Da.lly Pilot. HIXSON' METAL HOTEL Anlstant, niaht and FINISHING dat clerk, split shift. Re-* SA LE SM EN * $250. qull'll clerical, t)'pln£, &nd atarta you as a dlstrlbutm.· ,. !tome maintenance, bortd-for a new product which able. 494-ll96 will bring }'O'l a minimum IOAT of $100 week in ~ time. ASSl!MILERS 5-1&-9896 Mon all da,y .l eve. Experienced. ALE RT UPHOLSTERER O'OAY YACHTS TRAINEE 3090 Pu]Jman, C.l'lf. Apply in penon Joha.Jaell' .l Oirittensen YOUNG MAN 898 \V. 16ih St., N.B. Pick up and Dtllvery Ccrner of Monrovia I: 16th. Apply Hub Auto S\lpply ... ~"n>LY "-···-· 2120 Harbor, Colta Meg ~c.J.no ~uC, lerl. • Flt & Jig Hudors P~!lioo open in fa.sh. e p • I & lonabl• Ntwport Bet.ch aint n9 restaurant tor ambltloul, Grinding poroonable ,...,,. mu, JAROINE experienced in restaurant HEADER CO. management. Replf to 7565 Acacia St. box # glvfnr msume. Gai'llen Grovt 893-1~ Box M.ut.. The DtJly SERVICE 1talion attendant Pilot :JJ to 65. Older men preler- TOOL & DIE ~IA.KER red. Gu &. oil service only, Apply 1987 Plactnlia Ave. no exp req'd. Call 714: Co.sta Mna, caltl. ~ or 714: 54:1-&369 Help Wanted, Men 7200 Hel., Wi:nt~~. M"'" 7200 * ASSEMBLERS * • · mech. exper.: 10me ' fRY COOK' G"'wyard machlne ""'1> '"''· Salary ROYAL INDUSTRIES ls engaged In the de-lhlft. Start $lllO wttk. 2 opeTL Hayward :nlter Co., ~an expe.r. nee. Appl)', in l.61l PJactnlia., Costa l'lfeaa sign and manufacture of nuclear, aircraft person 562 w. 19th, C.M. ~1212 and commerd.al components and usemblies. WANTF..O service ·~tlon at· MEN w/ nw.rernent abilJ.. Our nuclear field involves working with in· .... 'tendant Ir. ml!chanic. Local ty to open.le llnl&ll com-teresting precision mechanical assemblies -ref! req'd. Apply at 6012 pany. Exp. in aalea helpful. which are components for commercial and , Wa.rntr Ave., R.B. A&e no limitation. 5t0-3XI FULL time service station or 549-2SS1 G<Jvernmcnt nuclear reactors. -~tte~ant, days. Andenon'5 --o=R'"IL'L:-;Pc;Rc;t:°'S"S;--The Airora.ft activities are in landing gears Union 76• 1645 Adams, Of, OPERATORS and precision ball screw1. 540-UOG ?i1cch. / electronic uaembler ' . l'jt COOK, FAST FRY 1,.1 ... ,_ Ph' ~ Immediate openings exist on ALL shill.! for · JWUt train, last advance. 504 SERV. Station attendant, quality i ndividuals \Vilh Ro o d recent me· , • Pacific Cout Hwy, lm m11.1t Jcnow tune-up le chanlcal 1ssembly experlence. Must read ~tAN to as&ia '. Mg. ln •i>-~. Al's Union Station, blueprlnll and have own·tools. · )HanCt! i.tore; neat AP" ~Wuwen..tn.Magnolia, Excellent benefits ;i.long with good job se-.pearil'll. Call: 534-0SM 'HB. , in Costa Mesa needs ENGINEERING AIDE lligh School graduate with typing experience (technical school preferred). Will handle in· coming materials for testing operations gtroup, coordinating requirements with op· eration department. Will assist ln preparing tech_qica l documents. SPARES ANALYST Two y e a rs of college and administration courses plus two ye6l"s experience in parts analysts or four yean in production control, malarial or tpares programs. Will prep1re operational procedures and monitor progress of sparea p~gram. Will attend conference M an advilor of spares supp0rt program. lnsuites interchangeability, eue of matnten· ence, servi ceability and economy or spare part<. ELECTRONIC TECHNICAL AIDE . 1 M....,, Ma1 5, 1969 ' D.\llY 'llOT U JOBS' IMPLOYM~··!!!!n•f··~u-!!:!-~~!YM~•N~TITTJ£01~S[•p~~~~fllrl~ AgonclH, Womon not Help WontW, Mtir7200 Holp-W1---- p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;I * * Women 7400 mwr au Yi! newport . p81S9nnei • agency SSS DOVER Dltlvfl NEWPOJ\T BEACJI ~10 You an cordially ~nvlted to visit OUI" offlc" or mek• tol• phone inqulri" ,.. 11rdint our employ- ment opportunitl11. Or111199 C-ty Auoclates NOW Hll\NG _ W• netd 2S men with all cypn or: work bl.dlpowlda. lo fill .evvtl poiltioM ln all departm9nl&. TOP STARTING PAY FA!fr ADYANCE.MENT * START WORK lMm:.oIATEl.Y For interview call ~t~ .. Tuelday n4 .7251 * l'ART TIME TOP STAl!TIN,G PAY NEW BRANCH ·IN ORANGE OOUNTY. WE NEED 25 MEN FOR ADf.ERTISlNG AN'D DlSPLA Y WORK. NO EXPERJENCE, WE TRAIN. WORK J'IVE DAY WEEK, 8:!0TO10:30 P.M. POR"-IN· FORMATION CALL MR. JAMES. DUNCAN- ASSEMBLY TRAINEES ' E>tporioncod. llK- tronlct fir~ IEx· ceUent work1"t conclltlont •nd em- ploytitt llleneflt1, S4.5.1261 1165 Fairview Ito.ad Cott• Mes• Lqual opportunlt)I .f!mployU * SECRETARY SKJ'etory ~tONOAY I: TUESOA\' Minimwn two ~ f'X• J)tttmc:., ~ in a c:oi~ tracts depf.rtment. Rr.. qllires ioocl twil:w and 1hortt'la.rxt llldlll. Salary <'Otnmenaun.te with baclt to $HO A"* n4-7251 Work in bet.utlf'Ul .l\D"" 11~=,_,,,-,-.,,,-,---c--~ rounclinp. Sh 90, type ?tlAN 18 to 30 for lawn cut- 60, Tues. thN Sat. Una: route. Steady. Start StOO month. Muat have own FC loekkHptr t,ransportation. Apply 8 AM. """""'-to $600 IPf ~ Getty Dr, Industrial Experienced y;(th f lnan· Area of ~ Niguel cial statements, l)eavy 11----~-~--AppJy cllent contact. 1 .. .....,c .. 1..i Clm to $4U APf Kai'des & Inventory con· trol experience. Mini- mum 6 months el(J>erl· enCt". Very nl~ firm in South Sant& Ana area. Glr~Fil. to $175 APF Sl!ve1·al very nief: hwy men nf'ed mature pi••· sa.nt people oriented lady "1th 1ood general ot[lce experlencl!. Moterlol Control Clm $l71 APf Detail minded, light typ- ing. aood 11&nawrttin1, 10..kry adder e:q>l!rlence. Th'O years genl!ral of- fice. . Ctm Typist to $450 APF Good phone p!!raonslity, type 60, minimum 2 yellrs ge neral oftlte. In- teresting and var I e d work aotivitlt11. lacpt/Cholotc to $421 EPF Con~iderate and helptul penon&llly for meeting & telephone Kfeettn&. Accurate lyplng, some statistical. ExK Socty $600 EPF ,viU1 knowledie of con1- puten . -Good skilla -{- ability to work with younJ' croup. Excellent company benefit!. rood local.ion. Escrow Secty $450 up AP' titinimum 1 )'l!&r exptr!· f'TIC<' or good real 6t&te backaround with knowJ· clae of terminoloo. i1115t ha\-'e good th and aecurate tyJll!lJ· Sacty to $410 APF Llght !h, type 5S. Should have aalu or n1arkrtlng background. lNtp/Jr Socty $4SO Clf Mef!t customen, llgh.t sh, accurate typing, rood pera<}'l&lity. au.ill 6t- cutive secretary. , Secty $421 IPF Good skllls, will train in either Advertising or Engincerlnr De p 11: r l· ment. Hll\'e 11:bility to work with yoUnl group. Clerk Typist ,. $J71 co ,,, Accurate t y p In r 60, beautltul new oWtl!s, in· teresting people. Typist $l71 APF Must type 65 accurately. Ability + mini skirt will land this job for YOll· ~~encios, Womon ,7300 * BEACH AREA* IBM Keypunch Sup'v to S500 % Fee pd, bY employer Key Punch Oprtn .$350/375 Applicant pays fee Girl Friday Jr ........ $400 Employer pe.ya lee Sect'y. construct .•.• lo S600 1'1 Fee pd. by employer Ok. Typist Jr .• $346 10 S~ Employer pays fer Steno Sec'y. Jr .... SWO/W Employer pays rec PBX Opt1". hvy brd S400/42a Applicant pa.ys fee J. R. Pierce NtllOC. Agency 1885 Newport, C.1'.f. 64&-tiT.?O Temporary Employment URGBtTl Y NEEDED •• • Clerks • Typlm • Repro Typists • Secretaries • Keypunchers • l'IX Opers. • Assemblers Work when &. where you want! INTERIM PERSONNEL SERVICE 445 E. 17th St. Coat• Mo••, C11if. '42-7521 lntarvlew1ng Mon. thru Fri. I a.m. to 5 p.m. Equal opportunity employer Houaek .. ptr·Llvo In l\1ature woman needed for gl!n. bc:Nll!work .l cooking. ROY A~ INDUSTRIES iMO E. l>yt'I' Rd. Santa Ana 54!>-3210 ;;qua! opporlunity emploff!r PART TIME TELLER UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK 222 Oc11n Avenue lagun• Beech 4l~546 e SECRETARY e. $47S to $Sff EOUNTAlN VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT Require! minlmwu IO wpnt typin&. 90 wpm i>horthand. for a.ppllca· tion &: 11.'!finr tnfonna., lion. call Mn. Baxter, 812.fi651 1~1~'fEDlATE ~ 1or young lady who wilhes to be trainl!d tor 1enera.1. omc. clerk in the movln& t. atoraa:I! indUlltry-. Appllcuta must have typing skill, will trd.in remainder if qualified, Apply in person. 929 Baker, C.f.1. Lido Van &: Storm. DENTAL ASSIST ANT Excellent position. Must have front desk experil!IX.'f:, Coll 545-5611 Newport Beach family w/4 * SEAMSIRESS * children. Must bl! able to Experienced or will consider 5Wim I: 1peak .tl.uent Eng. youn& trainee, Apply in l.illh. Oear $225. per mo + pel'IOtl room &: board. Send <'m· Johansen I: Christensen ploymwt hlatory .It. refer· 898 W. 16th SL, N.B. ence11 to: C. T. Wallick, 1!.00 Coml!r ot Monrovia & 16th. So. Gn.nd Ave., S.A. ALTERATION WOMAN ATTENTION!--ruu tlm!!, experienced, fer Bat Maids _ Oancet5. Apply ladie11 &: mens altuatlom. at the Bunny Hutch, We can Call for Appt: $tO-Sl50 Ext. otter you big salaries, high 30. JOSEPH M.AGNIN tlp1 plu11 a groovy place to F.qua1 opportunity employer work th.ii summer. Muat be COMBJNATION, &up Bar attractive &: 2t No ex-perl-Maids I.: Go Go Danoen. Droft1wotnc1111 ence necessary, we v.'ill Top wages $3.00-$3.50 tu to $600 CllF l/1 train, Call Gary or Jerry start. Ph. for int. 545-9913 Civil en(l:lneering exrer· at 838-SlO:Z. SASSY LASSY, 29Cll Harbor, il"'nee. Pertains to water Work Ne•r Hom• C.M. dis lrcl. "J..nk on lintn" • Accountlns/Bkkpa-c""'!RL"""-FRID==A~Y~.~c"'°t v..,.11 Backaround e Seerttarlal Engineering firm. Dictation Tetttype Oper •Reception a musl Need car. S hn dai- $400 APF e TypWs ly. Resum• to o.ll7 Pilot El111enti1ll one year ex· SuFJ9rlor Agency o'-=~"'~.322~----,-.,--,--,,,--,-1 perlence. Eatt.blllhed 1946 LIVE-IN or out babyajtter. fC lkkpr ~7 Harbor Bl, C:O.ta Mesa ?;:'" _:m A: ha_¥'-Rm. to $600 .,. Call fint 642-nU ;rtO-.WIY DoublP entry bkkpg, SECRETARY lo $650. M&f. SPEC JAL MACH l NJ: NCR bUllnc mach!1.1omc ability top Co. Excellent OPERATOR • Top prj, 11,ght typtna A: blwng. frinp benefits. Sharp lkllil, Steady. Garmtnt M ff r. lkkpr $110 Clf M~~-=ntl =o"'=--=~-=--,.,-,.,,1 Learn machine opera• BEAUTY operator w 1 th tion plus tom!! ana.lyti-WAl'l'RESSF.S; D a Y I: t0me tGUowir:la. F\IJ1 or put cal work. Good tH!nellts. Crave yard shift, 2 yn. ex. time. Corona del Maf, C&IJ perience nteellAt')'. Apply alter 6 PM 673-0968 hoc Socty $HO CAP 1n .. ....,, '62 w. 19tb St ,_, -Rlaht ann to president WINDOW r\fll wan ...... , ..., h> or well established com· .,_c_.lll~~=~~-=-35 Yl'I of lit· Work bun 11 pany. Good sklll1 ·r MANAGER-TRAINEE AM tll 2 PM. Appl)' light bkkpg. Sport.wear shop, Balboa hi. McDonald's 6.15 W, l9th, CM Sale• expPrlence necessary. Exp'd 1eamatreu to •w • EPF, employer 813:8221Mt5 PM tor appt. camper curtains, Call poyi '" A~~TM:Rob.:!MVI.,., ~~ 893-M'IU after Ii p.m. • ::!.• f:plic1nt ~f'~&u br w.u,; DENTAL ASSISTANT ' oppl. 642--00"10 . , NCalleWJI0!1. ~ • Cltl', qmpany .....,._w r1imbur1os fH S A LE S W 0 M AN • J::x:. MAID OY8r 30, pmnamnt DISHWJ.SHER, fU11 time l'EXP="·o"".-,,sem=".,.-,-,,-.,:--:-, ;"o'"'n cunty. ' One-two years advanced electronic.\ in col· See: Terry, 495 E. 1Tlb St. uJeam.m. Hrly. pay + Ovartime ivailable lege. Pi1:ust be experienced in use o( di&:ital 642·3170 ~, CMta Mu.a 548-SJ14 comm. Overtime PlY aft. 40 ivor-.lng 53 hour• 1 -...k. testing equlpmenl Mwl also know semtcon· perienctd trrl"i!Jd)' m wear part ume. s dQl/week. • -:ar· Part time. tl.7S hoof. 494-1521 CM. MASSEUSE WANTED rRY Cook. ApplJ in pttlCll1 Houn Opt.TL Call fW Ap. MESA t. A N E-S I 110.1 polntmenl 6CM009 ~ Ave., Ot ?t1ATURE woman m do i*ft LIVE ·IN babysitter time btbyJllUnl It ul1st lltdlou8ev.'Ol"k. N twp o rt w/laWldl)', MT-3929 MECHANIC w/ owo too1L hrs. Xlnl -"°""· ductors and Integrated circuits. Wiii buUd ~ newport -Mk fur Jack m w. llUs St. For·appt ; 644-41!1 5% Swint and Greveyerd thlft bonua-. t~t equipment systems, breadboard and · Newport Beau CAMPER. Mir. ••••" APPLY NOW _ troubleshoot solid state clrcuitry, assemble persOM~ .. •ORNING Dhhwall>tt. Ap-flomen. eabintt man & field d .. lp ind check out test equlpment. agen"" • ~.In penon btwn M pm. alu:mlnurn 11ldtlllf'f'. Ap~y USTRl-ES •r --1002E.H.-,O'-.. -. ~ Ploe<nba, ROYAL IND c.n.ApplyorWritoPotoHolfrich TEMPORARY ol-FI ..,., tnJnte. Sol.,,,, 1,CM=.=-=,--;::-,..-;:== »» Horbor Blvd., Cott• MoH 9!62' -VISION J<lnt Mu..,. o.n Mr. vu EXP'D. Serv St& Att.ndanl 2040 f . Dyer Rd., Sanl• Ana, Calif. 17141 -· E•I· 111 -DI '" 2 ~ "'~"' -T9CH1:rI'ER CHEVRON 5 0 3210 bt. btwn 1 . -· 2m N-Blwt .• C.M. 4 • rot the ,.,. ....,,., : e EXPER DAY MAN e .... _. An equal opportunity employer lntert1ted In top pl.Yinc ~l.lattheww Unbn ~ MiCHANJCS.OutMlrd •11111 •PP011~11ltr '"'P1•v•• I~===============·=::::::' JOC'.al IPmpotll')' JobL ·mi E. Coot u..,., CdM Call &4<-456 btwn ~ •• ....... _ ... _____ l!!!!! ...... !!!11! ....... :. ,'--------'' ' ' . -------------------·--------- ·-• ' Beach lln'L '1S-'f90& QUAUTY &Ill• ... ...,... DENTAL ASSISTAHT ..,., ......... Mis. Oo. ISl! Newport Bttldl 6l66G1 PLaoentJa, c.M, Ma-Un • FULLER&Tl'ES. lnft BABYSJTrm nmpl~ A:: J)ie.k up onlln. hty·Oi.ta Nt111t Mmt. Av;:. $2.50 ptt hr. $el-Ile Car neceuary. ~ DAJLY PILOT WANT AD81 . - " r • \ ----~-~--:---------------_-_------~ ... ----- '' AEPRO 'i'Yl'!S'J' (Part Tlnie) 1 pubHcation tYPil'.J&, requ.irt!I 50 wpm. Work from. hand written copy, understand edit marks a.nd line jusUfi· cation. tbrtt yean rtp11> duction t)rplng. Exl)t'rience required. Position requires ten-twenty hoUrl a \vtt.k or more as needed in p e a k work periods. AJ'lPb' To Donna Elllt tTJ4) 546-Sll30 Ext. !al 3333 Harbor Blvd. Costa fl.fesa, 92626 • ?.fls.511.E SYSTEMS DIVISION · ATLANTIC RESEARCH toRPORATION A Division ol the Susquehanna Corp. An t"Qual opportunil;Y employer~ Male or Female may apply DUNCAN lmmediet• openings fo r Second Shift Experie~ced ~SSEMILERS Electronics firm. Excellent wor king conditions end employ" be.n,fits. 545.1261 1165 F•irview Ro1d Cost• Mes• Equal opportunity employer ADVERTISING ' Secretary/ Bookkeeper Re1pon1lble, top level position for 1h1rp, t•k• cherge '9 irl. Must have excellent 1kill1 incl. shorthand; hendle lite bkkpg; billing. Under 30. Call Bubua. (714) '42-3910. Rl'S ·KU ? Excellent working conditions, above average salary and frill&• benefits. Call person.. nel dept. bet. 8:30 am • 5 pm. Mon, thru Fri. s.27-7744 Stanton Community Hospital EXPERIENCED WAITRESS Appl')' in Person ' SURF & SIRLOIN 59l0 P•c. Cit. Hwy. Newport Be•ch RN'S 11 PM to 7 AM. Full and part time. LYN'S 3 ~f to Jl P?>t and 11 PM to 7 AM. F'ul! and part time. PARK LIDO Convalescent Hoapita.l 1445 SUperior Ave .. N.B. 642-2410 GIRL FRIDAY Cupet store & bldg material sales. Part time, 3 day '"eek. Call for appt. J. J . Knickerbocker 18582 Beach Blvd Htg Beach 962-3351 SARAH COVENTRY has , openings for full or put time sales. htin. age 18. Plta&ant work. no invest, •llO deliveries. For interview call 540-0614/ 837-4749/ 9'7-8950 LOCAL JOBSI ktyi, Rkpts Gal Fri, O erk Typiat 4:: part tUw:.._ Dental A.ut. '-- Call Doris, 543.7796 ' ARGUS AGENCIES 1B69 C Nell.·port Blvd., C.l\t TYPE AT HOME N'eed women lVilh gOOd typ. Mc akills to ll.'Ork at hon~. :,Mu.st have eX-perience in Jeg. al field. call 3 P?i.J to 1 PM only. 968-11111 NOUSEKEEPER to live-in, 3 chtll:!ftn. Salary open. Own room. rdi ttq'd. Perm. job. OJntact Mt Davia • l 5t5-91ll or SIU-1654 e PART TIME. HOSTESS Ask .for Nan AILEY W>m 675-1714 DENTAL ASS IST AN T. i~tic pn_etlce;. Elc-~ 1~ dtslrtd. Se n d ....nt to: Bo:c M-005 The Doll> Piiot 8SKPR Ir dlDd cant, lfvo-ln, S\6 ~Prv""k ba. -m-~• SECRETARY One )'tat 1ttnographje exper- ience. Type 50 't\'Pf'I', short· hand 30 wpm, Ptrfonn cler. ical and seeret.a&l work for buye.rs/wbcontract ad· minil!traton, b'Pt purchase orders aM cotl'espondent'C!, take dict&.tion. file, answer telephone, esoourt visitors. Apply to Donna Ehlt tn4) 546-8030 E>.1. 151 3333 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa,, D2626 J'ltlSSILE SYSTEMS DIVISION ATLANTIC RESEARCH CORPORATION A Division of the Susquehanna Corp, An equal· opportunity employer - Male or Female may apply MAIDS EXPERIENCED Apply personnel olfi~. 3rd floor • The Broadway NEWPORT r.:o. 47 Courts nf Fashion Newport Center An equal opportuni1y employer PROOF OPERATOR 'E.XPERIENCED Un ited C1liforni1 Bank -!j25 ?>IacArthut' Blvd. 5404424 };qui.I opportunity t-mployer EXPERIENCED e ESCROW e SECRETARY UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK 3141 E. Co•1t Hwy Coron• del Mir 67J.'240 • Equ~l opportunity employer * Accounting Clerk Experienced in accounts pay. able. voucher systems, with ~me general accounting background:')Must be abre to lvork w_itJ: m~mum 11u- pervision in a small com- pany atmosphere but all the benefits ot a big corporation. Gener•I Monitors Inc. 3019 Enterprise St. Costa Mesa, Calif. (n4) 54<M895 EXPERIENCED STENO UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK 300'9 llarbor Blvd. C.Osta ?.Jesa 5<16-2033 Equal opportunity employer • CLERK TYPIST }"or large rtoclc broker· ag~ oUicr,. l\f u s t be youni. attractive, type 65+ wpm. $375. Apply after 9: 30 AM Shearson. ' llammill & Oi. 550 New. port Center Dr. LEGAL trainee, Steno/Secre. tary, to $400. Attorney v.ill train. Type 60, limlted shot1· hand. Heavy on stenocord. l girl office. Xlnt l)pportunity to learn fegaI in N.B. Appcy Dodds Development Corp. 17672 Armstrong, Sant• Ana. 540-TI65. MALLIE 'S Wig &: Beauty Salon has op- enings for l\lanicurist &/or Pedicurlst, ruarantee 1:./or commission. Hair Stylist ''"1th some tolloo1ng. 548-3446 HUGHES NEWPORT BEACH KEYPUNCH OPERATOR With a minimum of one year's experience on IBM equipment HUGHES NEWPORT BEACH 500 Superior A venue Newport Beach. Calli. Equal opporlunlly employe.r -M & F • JOBS & EMPLOYMI~ .MlRCHAHDISI F.Ol Ml!lCHANl!ISI FO~ MEllCHANDISI !'QR 11\l_gCHANDfSI FOR _ PETS ind LIVESTOCK •tu lhtlft W•-SALE' ANO TIADI·_ SA~I AHD T~I SALE AND TRADI SALi AND TRADE 7400 w-n 7400 Pumltvro ·-umllvre I IOOO Mutli"1l Intl. 1125 Ml-II•-· 1600 GERMAN Shepherd pupp~ !lop ' ~? ~.RICl<ENBACKER Gu l t • r * AUCTION * AKC. Im-sire, sdel> Coronet MISS UK AGBICY ~ s nii h ~ =~w~mo:~i-1:~00 u :,~~V:U:'.°'~~ !;~~::.:,: Exec Sec/5 yn exp •••• S6(I) pa Pl & 0 11•• AUC1i<>., F11!1oy 7:30 p.m. 1 _ _,_ 3 -Fe ekkp l ·-.... ____. • ..__ ...... rv•n• -e .. -. mo, ...... Empl Yment :;.o!Mrkt~ ~~·;,;;,;,~b-.~ jiM ......,,.,ranHn --U d O Windy 's .Auction Bun •IH<-1765• 0 Sec/!und rai""" .... lo $SSO Bought Mllnuf1clvror't se rgans &hind Tocy"1 Bid(. Mat'l GERMAN Shepherd tern'°"'' Of'e Mrr/ik,W. , .•••• ,, mo '69 Showroom Samples ~ NeWpOpf't. CM 64&-8686 6 mo. All shots, AKC, • Sec/Contract.a or lta •• $500 Alfenffk ~.,... ...... ,.,,. C2 l lamntond w!Leslle .Sl49S FUU. 1\tarquette, tune-up ' * 6'1S-S391 * .' Agency Secretary ••••••••.• io $500 8' WI ood carvt. s•dp arm divan, lg. man's chair 4500 \Vurlll.uu• Console $1695 equip 6 mo'• old $1100. A'<C''htln. Poodles. A.pricql, • . Exec. seet.Y •.••.•.. $500tlp or ove" sea 1 c Octagon dark oak din set Hammond chord, ebony $39iJ Snap-on air ebiste & impact Show or pet qua.IUy.'M/F. 6 See/entr or "tech areu S500 W /black or avocado framed chairs; 8 Pc BR Hammol'ki cliord, wa.ln1t $295 wrench $235, Comp]. Jet wkl. S35 & up, ~ Serving 111 of Orange Couoty These 1elected ·posi- tions •re wi th Or- •nge County firms noted for excellent workin g cond itions: & job security. W • in- vite your inquiries on t hese •nd other f ee p a i d or applicant paid career oppor- tunities. Beach Area Opportunities! Bookkeeper $600. Fee negotiable. A- lert, capable gal to a s s is t controller through P&L state- m e n t s . Construc- tion, re.{ll estate or allied •background. Dynamic company \vith challange. Typist To $400 Front office, com- pose simple letters & type bills of lad- ing. Excellent med i- cal & dental bene- fits. Fun, young, busy office. Fee by applicant. Produclion Control Clerk $100 Week Experienced, ag- gressive gal 'vith a- bility to work with minimum supervi- s i o n , Electronic background helps. Company moving to I r v ine Complex. Room for advance- ment here. Fee by applicant. file Clerk $286. Recent high school grad_. ne at & trim, 5'4" plus. No experi- ence necessary. Fee by applicant. Re pro Secretary $100 Week Tech publication de· partment, h e a v y typing, good spell· ing & grammer a 1nust, li ght shorl· h a n d . Company pays ree. Jr. Sales Secretary $100 Week ~1 inimwn 2 years experience, sho' band 80, gets the position 'vith top company. Fee paid by company. PBX Relief ·sao . $85 Week \Vill train Spaniih SJ!eaking wi th some office experience. Type 50 to 60. Front office appearance. Company pays !ee. Coronel Employment Agency 1202 E. Washinglon Pl. (Gr•nd & Sina An• f rffw•y) Santa Ana 541-4171 =~gal .......... ~ set. 9-dr Mr. & Mrs. dre,sser, lg-'"lnirror, 2 4140 =1.zcr ........ $~ a.IM:ond'i.ng equip & 11tock Baseoji puppies, AKC reg. •--;~ ccti:1 • '······· ~ $4 -commod_es. d~corative headboard in Spanish ~,m ue.r '···1··1.e··111= USO. Other mlscell. Call aft. barkless, clean. odorless, I ~ 6"""' w fl&ures •• to $4ro ' oak de.sign with matching box springs, mat.. 1' Ctd A Hanln\ond w ";J;J 5 PM 897-4837 • 50..(Q)O • .... Seccy/Recpt ••••• :: ••• $450 tress & frame. Low~ Hollda.Y .... :::. $69~1 -----------========d Gen Otc/small payroll -$450 !Wdwm 11,P •••••• ,~.,.,JPS QUAL. Kn: Sile bed 'v/ - St!cty/lile shortha.'1(1 , , $400 lt1m1 Sold Indi vidually Wurlitzer 44 ••••.....• .s.m quilted matt.: comp I et e Swimming Pools 1900 Front Ofe/Denttl • • to $400 Shop Around -Before you buy see US! Gulbransen ruaJto , .•• $2500 Never used $98; "1't'lh $250. Reception.Ut .•••• ;,,to $400 VALUE $1095.95 -Fl/LL PRICE $529.95 EVERYTHING JN l\fUSIC 847-0406 COSTA Mesa's f'amit,y Oub. "The Haleci:ttt· Ciub"-FivC .-reen acres, 2 pools.\ M'em· be:rshlp O\vned. 549-12>5. Asst Bkk1u·/work or te rms as low as r.66 per w .. k Be h M . ( I l --.-V~A~C~U~U~M~S-.-- wkeru" ... ....... $400Up Use Our Store Charge Pl or Bank Financing ac USIC en er SIO Up. RepaJn ' .... ~. Front Offit:e/h1edical ••••· · No Fani:y Front -BUT uaUty Value.t Inside Reuonable. Coast Vacuum, 410 \V. Coast Highway Factory Sales &: Service 333 E. 17th, C.AI. 642·1560 Daily 12 noon 'ti! 9, Sat 9-5 174.M .Beach,Blvd~,_(Hwy 39) l 'i mi. So, San lJie&o F\\')'. Huntington Beach 841-8536 TRANSPORT A TIO N,ewport Bea<"h ~ SECRETARY TO $700 J..:xcellent company nioving to beautiful new offices' in Newport Beach. Need gal to assist controller. Accurate typist \vith knowledge of bkkpg or acctg. 'Thi.'J com. pany pays your lee. We aJ. so have fee jobs. C&lJ Ja· son Best Employment Ag· ency, 2120 So. Main, Santa Ana, 546-5410 Office Man•g•r I Bookkoepar $S75 .Fee split. Beautllul company, Ne1ovport Beach area. Num. el'OU:5 other job opportunit. ies, both fee paid & fee paid by applicant. Recpt $400 Fee reitnbursed. Plush offices. , Abilities Unl imited Agency 488 E."17lh SL, SUite 224 Costa ?>1c~a 642-1470 Typist with.• future! $476 E.'>ceUcnt t.1'Jnpany moving to beautiful new olliccs in Newport Beach. Need ac- curate typisl -will train prepa1-ation or the 1vork, Call, Jason Best Employ- ment Agency. 2120 So. !I-lain, Santa Ana. 546-5410 ?>tl':XICAN Hskpr-live in. Care for 2 chl1ch't?n, Laguna . . .. WE'RE back in our new store. Big-Celebration • Big -Sale. ":'':":":''='"':"':'!!!!!!"':"':''\"l~~~~~~~~~1 CLOSEOUT of console Pian-• OS at savings to ...... $400 '085 & EMPLOYMENT Furnitur.e 1000 CLOSEOtrr of Bald"'in over. _;...;.;.:;c::_ ___ ..::.;::;:1age pianos, at savings 10 $349 Schools-fn1truction 7600 20 Pc. Maple CLOSEOUT of 1968 Organs LIFETIME Girt, typewriting, 3 ROOM GROUP at'""""' lo .......... $"6 Ch No dO\\'n oac, 5 yrs lo pay. ildren, grandchildren, or Include!.: Living room set , \V ARD'S BALDWYN STUDIO yoin:self! Individually tutor. table'J • lamps • bedroom 18l9 Ne\\'J)Ort, C.1\1. 6'12-8484 eel Chilcoat 10 lessons typing school. 173 Del t.far, CM, set ·.~led mattress • ma· Uffd H•mmond 548-2859 ple din111a· room. All for .• , ORGAN SALE PIANO Lessoll.'I: The very, $449 B-3's, RT.2, C2, A-lOO's, l\1- best in instructions. Call No do\\'n • Pmts. only $18 mo. lOO's, L100's, ~l.S. A l• o '44-'639 WElJ('S WAREHOUSE many pl""°' -Stoinway, Wurlitzer, etc. JAi.\fES Kerihelh 01apman Open Sunday 12 to 4 Baritooe and Teacher oI 60C \V. 4lh St., Sal)ta Ana HAMMOND Singing. 642.5512,.494-9340. Open Daily 9 • 9 in CORONA DEL MAR MERCHANDISE FOR SALE AND TRADE Sat. 9 • 6 Sun. 11 • 6 2854 E . Coast Hwy., 6'J3..8930 DREXEL BREAKFRONT, ONCE A YEAR pecan wood, pull<i ut desk in WURLITZER Furn'.luro 8000 cente~. 78" long, 19" wide, PIANO It ORGAN SALE 12'' high. I paid $554. Also 2 , ---------DREXEL . END TABLF..S New Pianos from ...... $579 20 PC. "MADRID" 3 · illlom Group FROM MODEL HOMES Includes: Quilted sofa & chair -2 end tables & cof. fe'! table -2 lamps -dress. el' -mirro1· -headboard - quilted box spring &: matt- l't!SS -5 pc. dining room; t.?.blc & 4 hi-back chairs. COMPARE AT $749.95 pecan. I paid . $lG4. Al~ New Organs fJOm ..... ~.$699 COFFEE TABLE, 72x24. 1 \VHY BUY ~SEO ·, . paid $150. Scarcely used Open Mon k N eves til 9 {bought for my mother just • Rental Pu~chase Plan e before her death1. Will you Gould Mu11c Company pay n1y cost, Jess 25%'! 2045 N. 1.-(ain, SA 547--06.sl J\.!rs. Lansdale, 673--6286. 11 HAJ\.l!,iOND • Stein\Vay •-I· no ansll.·er, try 833-5339 or maha • nc1; I: ustd pianos &IJ...1~15. or all makes, Best buys in QUAL. Kng Size bed 11·/ So. Calif. right here. quilted matt., c o m p I e t e ECHJ.IIDT hJUSIC CO,, Never used $98; 11·orth $2JO. 1901 N. Main, 847-0400 Santa Ana $399 No do\\'11-Pmt! only $lG mo.1 '>"'R"EN='CH,,--;:Pro=vic-oo~iaJ-,...-,-,cdl CONN ORGANS !able, "'ilh one drn.,vcr. ALL MODELS WElJ('S WAREHOUSE WoU·m•d•. 135. Sof9-<1674 NEW & uscn 600 \V. 4th St., Santa Ana Open Daily 9--9 Sat 9-6 Sun 11-G SOFA & Chair, new, never llea1· the NE\V 3 1\lanual! used. J\.fake oUer. 548--6025 Gould Music Company or 9GZ..3059 e\le11 only. 2045 N. 1'1aiii, SA 5'17-0681 I "°N"iguo,...'-,1·,_'"°':H,--7_20.,.-,~-=-ISPANJSH Returned from GifU. Friday, l·ghi office. hiodrl Jtome-S on 11ale a1 Off• E • . IOI l * BABY GRAND Piano; ice qu1pm1nt French Pt-ovincial styled. CASH REGISTER Take over p aymen t s. Bkkpg required. Call less than wholei:ale! Group National, 8 d~pt's, cood 1=54&-=28=l=S====== 546-4950. includes beautiful 9 6 ' ' Cond. 8·17--8536. AJ\.f's 5364868 T I •• Jobs-Men, Wom. 7500 quilted sofa & Jove seat. 3 Spanish oak derorator t;o.b!es, swag or table lamps, • 1v111on 1205 Gar•~• Sale 8022 • • • • • • • • • I * * '"all placque, king, queen. or lull size' bedroom suite --'---M-OVIN_G _ _.c._I RENT OR _BUY * J. C. Penney Co. Fashion lsland Newport Beach I las opening '" COOK * \Vith some experience and \Yillini to learn our limited menu. Competitive t1·ages, outstanding benefits incl ud- ing profit sharing. Apply in person 10 A.r.I. to 5 P.~1. i\tonday thru Jo'riday J. C. PENNEY CO. 24 Fashion Island An equal opportunily f'mployer Bargains galore: :'\'ailing complete incl box springs, mattreS!'l, linens & boudoir dinghy, desk, yam, i1orap- lamps, Spanish oak 6 pc • ping coun\cr, lamps, o i I dining Ect priced f'l.sewhere paintings. p11'jector, titter at ..... approx. Ul95.00 ALL totter, clothee, chest & etc. FOR ON.LY $399. $20 down, Tues, \Ved, Thurs 10.7. 406 $·1.99 per .. eek , out ot Belvue Lane, Balboa (8el\1• state credit OI<. \V i 11 '-=L=•=M=So:l:=l =675-0I=,,"=· ===o I separate for quick sale. 20th I · <"..cntury Furniture. 9 7 7 2 Appliances 1100 Garden Grove 8 I v d . , Garden Grove Daily 10-9. 2 REFRIGERATORS, J Sat l0-6, Sun 12-5 Come under c.-ounter Westinghouse great tor wet bar $50. 1 Full in or call (TI4) 530-5240 size G.E, $30. Both clean I:. 20 PC . MODERN in•""" '°""· "''-"'' 3 ROOM GROUP KENMORE Au lomatio \l'a~her, late ntodel. Xlnt ceLe.R -' TV FREE Parts & Lobor $7 Me. No Dep •sit $j(), + 841·8115 Includes: 1<1oral sofa & chair cond. • '.l'alr.ut tables • lamps · complete bedroom with quilt ed ma!tress • 5 pc. dinette, Rent With HOTPOJNT Auto 11·ashc1·, Option to Buy late niod cl. :-.:Int cond $45. \Ve also rent tl1e following: etc. All for ... $277 * 847-8ll5 * * Furniture * \Vashers & * * Nt. do\vn -Pmls, only $10 n10, =E=Ro=N~Z~E=,-,~,,-d~ri~,-.-. .,-,,.~,·.I Dryers * Refrigerators I:. excellent cond ition. $ 5 O • Ranier;. =*::::iiiiiiBu.:::sB"'"o"'"v=s ~-WElK'S WAREHOUSE 60"." \V. 4th St., Santa Ana Open Daily 9 • 9 Sat.9 .6 Sun.ll.6 AND * WAITRESSES .l\tusl b<> ovf'r 21 Apply in pe1'fi0n 2 to 5 Pr.t i\Ionday 1h1·u Friday HUNTINGTON SEA CLIFF Country Club 3000 Palm Av1., H.B. FRIAR F'ISI-1 & CHIPS needs COUNTER 1-lELP. App: i927 O, Harbor Blvd. Costa ?i.fcsa. Agencies, Men & Women 7550 It's Not Luck - It's Know How Fem1l1 &-e .. Extc. aggJ't'S..~ive lo SG."lO Bookkt"rJ)('r, thru 'f & B Sa:itl Clerk Typisl, 60 \VP:\f .• ~·1::.0 Gencl'al Of/ire, good i;kill~ ........................ rnJO Mi le Adn1inistrn1i..-e Tftlillef', Fee Pd ............... SG;;O Buyer, ElecU'On.ic exp. Frc Pd, ................ 91\ Cost E.stilualor, 5o1l'lft t-ollcge, Fee Pd ..... S780 PubUc Relations supv, f ee Pd ............... 1;;K -1· m11ny mor~ po11itlons <Abo Fee Jobs) MERCHAt{TS PERSONNEL Agency :..'G-13 \\lestC"lUf Oriv,, Comtr 17th & Irvine 615-2770 -5-\).561lj \Vhite elephants! Dime-a-I' " 17 Pc. King Size Bedroom Large 9 drawer dresser, mir- ro., 2 bedside stands, ki1t1: s!zetadboard, fra:ine, qullt- etl aUress~ sheets, blank- c!S. c. Choice ol Spanish or i\lodei·n Style' All For $249 No do,vn • Prnts. only ~ mo, WElK'S WAREHOUSE 600 \V. 41h St.. Santa Ana Open Oaily 9 • 9 rat.9.6 Sun.11.6 Furniture returned 1rom dis- pla,y studios, model homes, decorators cancellation. Spl\nish & ?ltediterranean etc RD FURNITURE 1844 Newport Blvd., CM every n4?;ht tl1 9 \Ved., Sat. & Sun 'til 6 LEAVING Slate, must sell. 2 ronipl bdr sets. 2 re.frig~. d!nelrc set, 1il'rn1 tum. TV. S4~-Gl83 •tier 5. UESK \\'ilh IOl::kabh: Lile dra\\·cr, $.)(). * 67>-0304 * E.\TENSJON Dinette lablc '"' 4 chaJ1'S. Student desk, Baby Gral'ld pia no, :146-i~ UtDE·A·~'AY bed, like ne\\'. 't rocl1tr chnlrs. \\'ashrr & drye.r, l yr old. 642~'.:!%0 --e-HAlRSI'YUST e \vtTJl FOLL0°\\:1NG 1..tOO AREA OR 3«130 PLACE YQUr ll.'3111 Ad 'vht:'re UW!'y 81'l! looking -DAILY "ILOT clu ~ .. ilied 642-t,6';8 - '70-4!7' 521-7555 NOnGE Gas Dryer, late niodel. xlnt concl. $50. • • • • • • • • • 1 ==~*oc-;8,.47,,...,.,..._15~*--c-.,.-I• COLOR picture tubes. DELUXE Norge heaV}' duty ne"'• Installed $75. Call d11'er, auiomatic, like ne1v. 962-5303 anytime 548-6991 CROSS.TOP Refrigerator, Tape Recorders 1220 ~gid3;_ire, good cond. Si.i. \\'AN'TEO to buy Sony 250 -8965 tape deck. Reasonable! f"RIGIDAJRE Imperial, c1'0s.s &1~1982 or 835-12U lop. $Q. or best offer. ISOQ ===53&-0IH=='=== Sporting G"!'Js Antiques 1110 US Diver's Scuba tank ,~·ith -~-------ttgulator. Like new! $100. Vast stock Amer/Eur turn &., 673-9440 clocks. Larry h-forgan Anti-Cl-IARGE your v.·ant ad OOll'. ques. 24.."8 Newp, Bid., C.l\I. Dial &12-5678 for RESULTS $1,ving M1chln11 1120 1SG9 SINGER with ?:ig-iag & \Valnut console. Makes but- ton holes, deslg:ns etc., $5.25 mo. or $36.00 cash. 526---0GlG Musical Inst. 11'25 Gulter HeHqu1rter1 e NEW and USED e F'cttder'e Vox • Stand.cl e GIBSON e ~fARTIN e \VIL.SON e YAh-IAH/I Drum Headqu1rters e NE\V and USED e LUD\VIG. ROGE.D.S, ASTnO Lrit'l;C selection with new 1 pc. sets witlt cyn1bals stai•f. ittg at $99.50. Peda1:1. hi·hals end sets repaired. All small parts . •c:eAOI'its &. cymbals In stock. t:VERYTIIING JN irus1c Beach Music Cenler F:i.ctory Sal~ &! Servi~ Daily 12 noon 'Iii 9, 'Sat f.5 1740-I Beach Blvd .. ll·hvy 391 t l• ml. So. San Die:<> Fwy . llu11tJrgton Beach 8'!7·8j.S(' SOO< IT TO 'Df! t< POOL TABLES * Cus~t • antique -modern -"'fl· SPORTS "'100'". 32730 12-8 pm DIAMOND custom de.signed cocktail rln;: O\-'er 2 Cl., appr. $1450, sac. $41j. 673-""10 Boats & Yacht, SCRAM·LETS ANSWER · Daring -Balky -Gorge - Volume -i\fOl\'EY. Chinese. DIAMOND app1-ox 2 carat chef's recipe for romance: $2.000 value tor $1,000 or of-"'I'o make tlrl tender .. ~De fer. Priv. Party. 2421 D ct>s~a"'-• t n-~•· h · Elden Ave., Ci\J. 646-3389 ?>JO-NE'Y." ~ """"' er in DIAMOND Tlfta.ny \\'edding 1963 30' TROJ AN. Radio, set, 1lawless; appraised fathometer, equip t 0 r ins. sell $'200 Cash. 675-4111 fishing. Slps fi. Xlnt cond WEDDING gov.'ll & head $8500. 3412 Marcus, NB. dress, designer model. Size 675-0842, 534--Jno 8, never worn. 675-745!1 $3000: CABIN Cruiser, 2 BABY bed complete, play1 -bunk$ & head, s_hip to shore, pen port·a-crib girl's bike 135 Grey ~faruie. Perfecl xini cond 962-1621, · cond. 539-5013, 517-1515, or • 675-1909 ' e 'TIS TropicaJ Fish e 25' BERTRM.f 065 I-lard top Opening 'bout h1ay 15th twin ?tferc 120 JO. Clean Fountain Valley 842-4530 bilge, costly" extrai;. Of!Cl'S-' NEW Singer portable Sewing min $9400. 714:548-5979 machine, must sell-best of.1 ·.c;G3'°'CH"R"1"s"cxo-at~t~26~'~C~a-'-v~al~~-,I fer. 642-3192 Chris. Isa hp. SIS radio, xlnt cond.: F U L L ·membership: Ex· S5000. 962-?.065. elusive Nev:port Beach Ten-24' '66 GLASS boa1, 150 hr> nis Club. 644--0637, 545-9419 1/0, trJr, $5500. SY..'CJlSOO. CildJ'. 9 station beauty 1-"'-5-50=·""u=o°'''°64&-=;'"':='====l dttin equip. for sale; good condition? 543-7472 Sailbo1t1 "IOfb TV's: 17" En1erson, 19" ·Ad· AQUA Cat. Ex. cond. Red mlral $20 each.' Boy's 26" hulls $550. Lost my Sabol! bike $1!}. 65G Surf. C.l\l. Have mast, ~, .Judder, I<ING Size foam rubber mat-dagger board, ex. cond. ' tress $3;i Ironrite ironer $35. SIOO. 67f>.-2916 546--4062 3150 Madeil'a, CM IGTE, 2 sails, hl-1-.,.ay trailer, l.1APLE bookcase. ivtaple xlnt cone!. $700. M&--0082 alt night stand. B I e.a c h e d 6 pnt & wknds. mahogany bo o kcase. \VANTED FOR Rl-IODES 1~. \Vrought iron gl a s s· top Trailer, doHy or 2 o ~ table. Marble top cigarette berth. * 6i:>-740'.:! stand. F1orentine 1vhite and I '1"1"· THI""'°s°"TL'E"'s"'100:C,:c,-;2:-,-,,.,.,,.-.~,I goid tier table. .B u rnt sails & trailer. $12 5 o. orange upholstered .chair. 548-5669 solid brass candlestick table lamp. Floor 8 w i n g. t y p e FLYING Junior-1621, Nor'th lamp. This is qua I it y sails, Me\>; mast. Xlnt cond. merchandise in good con-$7JO. <21 3) GE 1-4007 dllioil. 545-0900. CHIFFAROBE $20. 4' x ~~~· blo~case $10. ~· x ~~;· bookcase $5. "36 Ford rear doors· with glass $10 each. '40 Ford DeLuxe hood $15. '40 Ford dtl.ux.e grille $20. ~ll HB 2 POWER lawn edge1·s $3().. $3;}. 19792 Ranger Ln .. Hun- tington Beach. 962-1070 Misc. Wanted 1610 --· ·------$WE BUY$ $ FURNITU RE $ APPLIANCES C•loP TV't-r.•no'1-Sl11t o's I P'i1(.0 oP Ho1n• Full CASH IN 30 MIN UTES • 541-4531 • TENNIS Cub ll.1embership. Send inlo to Box P 859, Dai· ly Pilot, N.B. FREE TO YOU BEAUT. Ger. Short-haired Retriever. Good hunting dog. Nds l"i. home & Lg. yrcl. 830--0194 J/5 2 SNO\V \Vhite long haired kittens, plw; 1 black & l grey striped. Ii \\·eeks old. 833-1690 5/5 J\ITTENS. 5 \vks old, 4 gry. '.:! Blk. 3 ma1e, J female IJ;.:;2~ 5/5 >..KC Doberman f"irst Place fllledl en c e lY i nner 5'!().2819 'j/;1 Free Fill Di11 842-<825 FREE TO YOU FRE!E Kittel'\S; adorable, long fur, black I:. \vhite fen1ale & lite grey male. 2921 Carob, "East Bluff," N.B. 644--0688 5/3 FREE kittens. StricUy alley cat east, Costa Mesa, that is'! Cute bundles of tur look· ing fo r serva n t s . 548-8422 5/5 OWNER passed av.•ay. Must find good home for several adult inslde cats. Both male &. female. All altered. 549--1846 5/6 BEAUTIFUL part Si I ver Persian kittens. 12 wks old. Free to good h ome. 67:l--6300 jf'3 2 GREY I:. \l"hite sisler kit- 1 ies. :; mos old. Free 10 good-Jving hon1c, OR S.:1558 an 5 pm, 5/J KITTENS, Cute & sturdy nJa.les, 6 11·k.~. o I d , hnusebroken. 329 ?>Iagnolia, C.i\'1. 642-8806 5/5 ADOR. Littlr. Dae h s u nd, Friendly., loves childrt'n i-fousebrokcn. 968-3692 5/5 JVIOTHER Poodle/TetTier !: 5 Puppies 6 '"Its. old need fine ho1ne. 548-6S&a 5/il 1 \VK. old kittens; 2 grry striped, 1 black. Ji'l'ec to good homes. 5,16-5546 5/5 ?>!ALE Toy Poodle, 6 Yrs.. old, Blk, needs good mature home. &12--5885 5/5 2 CUTE Kittcnl!, 7 wee ks old. 543--0598 5/5 Jo'REE Kittens 10 g o o ti RED\\'OOD playhouse. • you homes. 541)...$ll8 5/5 pick up. :>4!Hl6!1.1 5/5 ' " ., " ,. ., . ' ' •• ., • •• ., .. • .. '_. __ .......__._ ____ .........__~-,=~·-··-·"~---~--'-----~~'-----a..----------~' --·-_____ ....1.._:_ -··--~----~-~-------~--~--------___ ,,. ----· • s • ~ L . '• . .. 1. 6 ;. 0 . • > D • I • n " r d I. 2 ,, T ' p n r I. " .. . ii d , . . I.' !· ' " •f h I. • . .. 3 y .f 5 ,, d e I. 6 r I. 0 s 3 y .. 5 " 5 d ' y ' 5 e 5 I. 5 -u 5 .. ,, .. " .. .. .. •• .. .. " " u • -. SACRD'ICE! 33' CI a • 1 I a """.'5'• IJIT. Good """" ~ Needs love. UO hp 11..,. ........ Radlo .• ·fithomettr. SSXQ. 54.T~ Imported Aul" Drnt·llE ILMORI MOTORS ISlOO HACH II.YD. WISTMINSTD 194-3322 . • FREE-FREE 'P~"'"!l lJs Vegas Vacation l DAYS & 2 NIGHTS ,OR TWO Mehrl,_.=== I 15300 BeKh llyd, Wesnlnster "'·3322 OPEN 7 OAYS ---------------------------------:-~- Moncfq, Mir 5, 1969 DAILY k l •,SS TRANSPORTATION TRANSPO•TATION TRANSl'ORTATION rRANSPORfATIOH UtN c.,. 9900 UNd c.,. 9900 UMd C.... 9900 -Con ttC10 . CADILLAC • 'The 1-m lit one el lbewld'1 aroot -..WI• Yet It ..U. lor ... th111 half wlial the world'• other 11!11 aahnucAillto ..u lor. u..i.. UOOO.I wi..1n1oa•llllfctor1 JaguarlJ.. mlr a·u:~ 900 So. Coast Hl9hway "' •• La9una Beach 494-7503 tll•t~rs s40.3100 494.1so3 • / • • PORD '67 MUSTANG ·2+2 COUN Y.1, 4 •P•-'• f1f;t.ry •1r, ~~s;ns A"'b1111il., St1tio11 W911. A.T .. RIH, r.s. Im 2191 51195 OLDSMOllU SALIS & SEIVICI OIDSMOBlf 'U ,CHEVY VAN 10&" W.I. AT-1\-H IV2t l211 51295 '67 CHIV. * Dr. A.T., P.S., k14lle, M1ttr, IYWS 1411 51295 l .i'lk f11111d "t, 1 •• "t , .... ,.,.a.w. •• . .,,, • ....4 tt'411t. CONNELL e CHEVROLET e ' 2828 Harbor Blvd;, Casta Mesa . 546-1203 I !/),oof.p n UIC K • • • • <IHI Wi • ,,.,~ COSTI\ MFSA llAN~ NEW 'H IUICK $2444 OlltDIR YOUllS TODAY! POOLE'S FINE USED CARS '64 RAMILH ii •Autometic, pow t r et••rln9, 1 •r•dlo, hetfer. ISIM?l71. , • $1795 ~ a '60 COIYAll CPI.! •A.to111ttic, r141e, fle1t1r~, •IFl"S617 1 a! I $791 I : '66 CAPllCI m; .A ... tom1tic, fa<t. 1lr, ,.ow•r••i •l••rln9, r1~U1, httf1r.9 1: •1SIMJ711 1 : $1995 :: .••••••• ,: I 'I I JAGUAR i ' I llEADQIJARTERS •' •eompl.+e S.111 • Serv~ ~ •tee 1rtcf P1rh Dep41rt.• : lmenl f0< JAGUARS. I~ • Set n.i bcltl11' ':l • lt6t J•t"'' TMty • J =·······-=· I ' . : 23' E. 17111 ST •• ; : 541-7761 =j •om,1-•-• ·--~ !P~llUICK • !IMI 1u1c • (Oltl'Oi~' COSTA MESA . -' '--------------""---=--"-""-""-~---J.:"-"--'-'------·· -~ ~ --- I l ~ •• --. ' 1 .. -I .... SIZE r.:4rt.,,. H• Id TI;. Tuboless Bladnralls 6.50.13 I $18.95 I 9.48 I 9.47 6.95xll $19.95 I 9.98 I 9.97 7.35xl4 $21.95 10.98 I 10.97 7.75xl4 $23.9!i I 11.98 I 11 .97 I 8.25xl4 .$%6.9 ' 13.48 I 13.47 8:55xM $29.96 14.98 I 14.97 . 5.60xl6 117.95 I 8.98 I 8.97 7.75xl5 $23.9~ 11.98 I 11.97 Tube White,..0, .' 6.50x13 s21.95 I lo.98 I 10.97 6.95xll $22.95 I ·11'48 I 11.47 7.35x14 $24.95 12.48 I 12.47 7.75x14 $26.95 Ja.48 J 13.47 · 8.25x14 $29.95 · 14.~8 I u.97 8.55xll 132,95 16.48 I 16.47 5.60xt5 $20.95 10.48 I 10.47 7.75x15 $26.95 13.48 I 13.47 8.15x15 $29.95 U.98 J 14.97 8.45xl5 $32.95 16.48 J 16.47 9.00x15 $38.95 19.48 J 19.47 . ·.ALLSTATE Passenger Tire Guarantee Tiw.d Life Guarantee a.r-he4 Aplmt: AD failuJu of th• Un re.ulting' from nonnaJ. 1'09.d buardl· -: 4etact. bl matertal or worlammbip. Tread Wear.Out Guarantee G.,...teed Apbtlt: TrMi:! wnr-oul l'eP Bow Loni: Thi Jrutnber o1' monthl -"' ... . rw "-·Lm&: l'ar the tlf• of th• orlg1.-... _._, ' WUt 8-ls WW Do: Repair D&ll punc· turM at no cha.r1e. ID the cue o1' failure, ta u:cbance· tor Ute Ure, npl&ce tt, · C1butfn1 obly the proportion of airrent , ·l'fll\ll.lr ..nine price plu1 J'edenl J:xdN ru t:Ut npz:e-tta tread Wied. • 'WlaM aeu. WW Do: ln exchalll'I f'Or the tire, repta.c. u. chargiq" the cul'?'ent l'tl(Ular aelllq' prlcti plut Federal J:xclH Tax leu U.. follawtnc allowance. Allo ...... 107. 20;. 1.79 1.96 2.07 2.20 2.36 2.57. 1.76 2.21 1.79 1.96 2.07 2.20 2.36 2,57 ' 1.76 2.21 2.38 2.57 2.83 . ' 30 Month • Buy 1st Tire at R_egu:lar Trade-in Price of $18~95 . . At 50o/o Off Get 2nd Tire. for Only ••.•. ••. 'I .. 650x13. Tubeless Blackwall . Plus i.79 Fed. Ex. Tax Each A,nd 2 Gld Tires • Dynacor Rayon gives a soft, quiet ride with no harshness, no thump and no lump · • Added strength from 4 full plies for safety • Patented interlocking tread design with thousands of road-biting edges ••• Silen· cer buttons and ~ontour shoulders give maximum control. Available at· Sears ... NO MONEY DOWN When You Buy Your Tires at Sea.rs on Credit . STEEL CORD RADIAL TIRES Ask Your Allstate Salesman Aboat Them ! ' . .Regular $249.95 20988 ... "'. .,,,_, • Really compact· •.• 21,4-in. le&! in de,pth than any other Sears model • Fits snugly under dash for emart appearance and greater leg room " Classic black croas-padded, die-east besel • Fuuy· recessed cont-rols for added safety • · • Four-way adjustal)le louvers and 2 Tevolv:ing side louvers for wider range of air distribution throughout the car • High capacity unit for quick coot.- down • 3-speed control, automatic ·thermo- stat, dual blower whee.ls for maxi- mum efficiency ' 0. E. R.* Sheeks Rerular $4.99 Expert Inatallalion Available AM for Your FREE Shock Aboorber T .. t al Sean! NO Obllptloo ' . . ' · • Built to outlut and out. perlonn o:ririnal equi~ ment shoe.ks • You get increaatd hand). ing controi improved rid .. smoother ride .. •original Equipment Replacelnent 11-·--·-~---··----:-... ----~ ------------~ ---~ -------------' 1,-IMt T.I, .I '400. Ill""'° a.'°"" GI WfJI_ ~IONG 8Cll HE ~121 PICO Wf M262 . . $/flTA ll lrllNGS 9.u.t011 UfW<O 91$..1921 • QHOIM r• HCMl661 ,_ °' t1 ocu. a "'4dll Ol'l'MllC • S01P AN a.5211 >PM""" a> 2-11'5', w. f.1161, "'UT51 IAHIA MoN1CA vc ~-6711 vALllY ro 3.u41, 914.1210 I 1 ·-IUHHI6-21111, HI! ldr61 -HO•f.59AI ..... -637-2100 SANTA»U. Kl 7-3371 SOUIHCOASTIUZA $.I0.;1333 Vllll\ONT.Pl 9-1911 I -~I •-ocoot 8-1$21 -MU'l-3211, El. 5-4211 'ICllRANC!542-1511 _,_______________________ _ ____________________ , ' -. . . s(_'(l rs "SalflfactlonG9a1an111dorYawMo.'llJlad;" l53 .SB<\RS Ingle. Aµtomotive 8x21 5+69 . Shap 6.Nlghto Mallclliy ~h sGtvrclay 9:30 A.M. lo 9:30 P .M. 253 SEARS Ingle. Automotive 8x21 5469. - j • • I ----~ ~----·-----....L-...-~---------------------=·-~-----~-~------~~----~------- \ . . . ~ STRAW HAT ... light1'eartecl, flirty fragrance by FABERGE I STRAW HAT IATH POWDER. 5 or .•...••••..•. t .U I ATH P0wo£R SHAICElt, ~ 01. • .............. t .00 STRAW HAT flERFOME SHAY, 1~ dra"' ••••••. 4~ ' STRAW Ht'.T COlOGNf, t 01 .................. 2.IO .. ~ 2 oa.,, .l.IO 31/i OL ... S.00 .. 5 oz .... 6.50 12 O&.. l2.IO STRAW HAT SPRAY COlOG.Nf, 3 o~ ......... S.00 STRAW HAT BATH SETS ... FABERG E'S· favoritesl . . . STRAW HAT SET,·;;,,;;;; .. ;,,,,,, .••....•.. 6.00 Cologne Sf>l'0)',·1.7 oz. Bath Powd.<; 5 oz. · · STRAW HAT UT: :;; ••.. ::.:;:.·.::::.·.~;.: •. s.oo Colog"'· 1 ~.' Dvstlt.,g Powder, S oz. ThiS is where . it is ... he gift for mother, and every other lady You know! Gifts of-every.favorite fragraAce ... wondrous new Ways tb wear them. Other gift idecis, 1 too (and we'll be happy tq help you choose.I · FUt.LERTON VENTUIA TORRANCE SANTA ·ANA eurtfANR LAKEWOOD INGLfWOOD NO. HOU YWOOD •LONG BEACH NEWPORT BEACH CANOGA PARK HUNTINGTON BEACH ' . . .. . > ... that say 'love', again and againl ------ Natural wi. 6ropldn hatr ..._, ottatchtd to a thin, ttue~ ~le oAelive already opplltlll NM. .ye beauty for Wtery wo.N Regular or 1"iri length ••••• · ••••••••••• , •• , •• .,. 7.50 pr. For mothers who travel ••. MIRROR-GO-LIGHTLY To help her loolc perfect wherever •ht goes. Compact travel cases hold two-aided makeup mirror with receMtd . light bulbs for makeup perfection. PETITE, more compact, pert young cofora , , • , • 20.00 ORIGINAL, right for most women • , , •• , , , , , 30.00 EXTRA MAGNIFICATION, for models, actreues, gals who wear glGllel • , • , , • , • , , ••• , • , •• , , • , 35.00 SPECIAL! CQMPUMENT ARY "TOTE so LIGHn Y" wlth- eoch Mirror Go lightly purchased! Three large interior coroportments, double outside pockets. $8 to $10 val ue. (AiF:;;;a; FULLERTON VENTURA NO. HOLLYWOOD TORRANCE LONG BEACH SANTA ANA NEWPORT BEACH For Mom, from the. Islands ••• HAWAIIAN FRAGRANCES BY LIANA £><otic floral frog ronces •• , Pikake, White Ginger, Sandalwood. ..a.t.-~ • -· , .so t dram ,,,_. , ....... , •• , •••••• , • , , •• , •• , ••• 3 dram perfume aproy •••••••• , •• , ••• , , , •• S.50 2 oz. cologne apray mist • , , • , •• , •• , , •• , , •• 3.50 2 oz. Pearl Essence for ltody and bath - (Pikakt or Whitt Gmg.r) ••• , , , •• , , ••• , •• 3.50 .. ~-Reduced Limited Time Onlyl BONNE BELL• TEN-O ·S IX9 LOTION pint, Reg. 5.50, NOW 3.95 gaflon, Reg. $30, NOW 24.95 The best trealment for problem skin. Scrub with Ten-0· Six first thing in the moming1 lost thing at night. Keeps sldn moist and stimulated while it heols and antiseptic· ally cleanaes. BURBANK LAKEWOOD INGLEWOOO CANOGA PARK HUNTINGTON BEACH /' j I / j . ---y ARDLE1 brings you more ways to enioy 1he airy, lighthearted scent ... SPRING FLOWERS 1.S oz. spray coa,g,.., ltli2.50 • , ••••••••••• 2.00 I oz. aftw-both hhner1 ..... ~ •••••••••••• 2.50 Yardl•y'a ~cent.• aoopc -English Lav.nder, R9d ~oses, !prif,g flowers, C:ornotion ••.•••••••• box ~f 3, 2.00 -· ---- SANTA ANA NEWPORT BEACH -.. -~Bl:JSH . Piflll a aw .. t apriJal Mt_..llJDANA .-.isH .SETs •••••••••••••••• , , .. , •••••••••• 6iM ~Cologne, 3 oz. Dwllftg Powder, ·W• oz. . Cl>llC>GNE oume ........................... a. ,..uah Cologne, 1 oz. T• Cologne, t oz. DANA'S NEW BATHING BEAUTIES ... In her favorite AMBUSH l · AMBUSH SHOWER GELEE & S?ONGE MITT, S oz. ••••••••••• , , •••••• , •• 1.75 AMBUSH AfTE~ SHOWER Oil SPAA Y, 2 oz. •••• I .SO AMBUSH PRESSED DUSTING POWDER, PUFF, 4 oz. •••••• , •.•••••• , ••• , ••••••• ; ••• I .SO BURBANK LAKEWOOD INGLEWOOD CANOGA PARK HUNTINGTON BEACH . • - • I t ~ r • ~p~ase.rs ~ .... that-ay 'love, again an~ oga1n! . . . . --- EMERAUDE'S the one ••• the 'all-woman' fragrance mother loves. It's by COTY PARFUM OE TOILETTE, 1 Y. oz ... 2.50 2Yi oz ... 4.00 l:>ELUXE OUSTING POWDER, 8 oz, ••••• , , • , ••• 4.00 PARFUM Of TOILETTE PURE SPRAY, 2 oz. , , , , , .4.50 THE PERFUMER!! ••• Coty'• $pr<ry Mist Collection % oz. each Elan, Emeraude, lmpre't'V • , , , • , • , , S.00 ; ELAN ••• the first fragrance created for the American woman ... by ·corv1 EtAN PARFUM D! TOILETTE PURE' SPftAY, 2 oz. S.00 El.AN PARFUM DE TOllETTE, l '/z oz. I.SO ~oz. 6.0I ft.AN DUSTING POWDER, 8 oz. , , • , , •• , , , , ••• 1.00 ELAN I' ARFUM CONCENTRATE 1V1 oz ......... 4.00 When mother's out of TOPLESS (by COTY) •.. she's out of LIPSTICK Tpe one and only No·Cap Cose-Just one twist does it! Six new sh ode; for .tpring, Gift mom with 1everal,. 1 .65 HONEY BUNNY (peach) MAUVELOUS [mauv.J ' I • PINK SWIZZLE (plnkl SPICE BERRY (coraf·brown) MAD MUSHROOM (betgeJ PUMPKIN SEED (oranget • FULLERTON VENTURA TORRANCE SANT A ANA ... BURBANK LAKEWOOD INGLEWOOD NO. HOLLYWOOD LONG BEACH NEWPORT BEACH CANOGA PARK HUNTINGTON BEACH ·.