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1969-05-07 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa
I ! ,1 ' .. I • • ... --:-~ ... SOOralite . . ~' t ' ·' ' . ' .. ' . . . • !"' • - ' ' • • • -' -.. VOL U. NO. '"' 4 llCffOllS. '6 , •••• • • I ••• ·Takes , ··rGrad Training • ,, ~""'· ~. _1 • I • . , .. . -. -· . . ' ... ·- ..,........,, ' HUNTINGl;ON IUCM'S ,IACKll llNINGTON ~S JUllllOlll' MISS CRow_N I Combi .. tjon "''"'-.:.....,....,. • .._ Wlftli• Nelloiwrl'Tltl#lw Mol'irlo 'Hlfh Olr ¥ l "f' ... ' --· r Jackie · W ........ . ' . lu:µior .. Tit,le Jackie llenington ol lillnlinllon Beach Toesdly nJthl" cbanned, Whd and cmwheded her way to lhe Americl't Junior _.M.iss tiUe tiefore a Ill~ tel~vision audience. The bloode, blue-eyed strai&l>t A stU· dent at Marini" Wgh S:chool was ~ the natioo'1 ideal hiCh school senlor glrl In Mobile, Ala., to cap the week·k>ng America 's Junior MJss pageant. Her 1etecUori. lrom the 50 contestant& from an ovir 'the n•Oon earned her -.... f ..... > . ..,,..: ... "1.-1; ,,. • "'-• • • •• " .. . . •• on ....,.rowne ·• ·r. ••• i .,) . .l . ' I > ' . .. .. , • ,,, ·- t;i. .. .., £ue .~Police to Tal·k With Mrs. 'Peek· -By' WllLIAM REED Of 11111 Mir '"'' Ii.ff Palm. Springs police IMOUnced today that they are about to close their in- vestigatkrl ol the shooting of a Hun- tington Beach aocialite Monday and the a~ suicide of a Long Beacl1 music professor. Officers said that they must interview Mamette Peek, 58, of 11461 Colden West St. today to close the books on the case which began about 11:30 a.nt!'-Monday at Mrs. Peek's desert retreat at 300 N. Sunriee Way, Palm Sprina:s. Officers aald that at thl$ time it ap- pears Mrs. Peek was in Palm Springs to d1sculs a land purchase deal with West Loe Angeles real estate man George Triphoo, 39J Tripbon told officers that he had been in another room of Mrs. ·Peek's apart· ment when ·• ma later ldenfilied as Dr~ Lawrence L. Petenon, 57, of 11661 K~ ington Road, Loll Alamit.oe, b\aA into the He aald he heard a shoct ICU.ffle and "then a shot ln the front room," police reported. ' Triphon told officers that he saw Mrs. Peek run down the hallW!lY "with blood pouring from her abdomen." "I tried to keep that man (Peterson) out'' Triphoo ls reported-as having told police. "He hit me over the bead with the butt of the gun and I went down." He w~ later treated for severe head injuries and n:leased from the desert hospital. Police still have not detinitely linked the gun used t.o shoot Mrs. Peek with the one used lo be.at Trlphon or the one used to kill Peterson. Lt. Cpl .Hulslander said Mrs. Peek then ran downstairs from the two- bedroom, two.story apartment at the Continental Gardens Hotel and neighbors hearing her screams called an ambulance and police, • :lSS 't t.! f 'l'..;s, l I , . . ' . ' ) .. Allies Voiee . ..__L._ -... .1.. .. _, A t" • vp :nnism .. . . For Talks PARiS (UPI) -Allied olficlals er· pressed cautious opllmi.mt todayi far Thursday's seS.!lion of the Vietnam peace talks as re.sull of a Viet Cong statement that "the Paris conference wiii take • · fruiUul course In the near.future ." Tran ~uu Klem , chief ne~~ator for the Viet C9ng, made the comment oa West German' television Tuelday. Hew~ asked about private talks outl5de the of. ficial conference. '"We do not reject ... ltlis or any other form in the talks," he said. l<We ·only believe that there must be joint tffortJ, to reach the core of the problem before c:.>e engages in conlacts whk:h ' at' present woul~ be without P!"ecise con.tent ... •. · The· Viet Cong have long'deoounced ~u a "trick" South Vietnamese Pre!ident Nguyen Van Thlel..'S proPoshl lOr private falks between the Viet Cong lfid~South Vietnam. But the Viet -Omg have not rejecled lhe Idea outrlg)rt. a ent. ·- She fa reported this morning as In "fair condition, &bout the sanie" according to a ~<~~.~110..tl ..Kiezn.qld.t)lal.eltfloull! J!itl'ar.i!-~ta~lkl,.__ __ _ had so far provided no result. "they are . Pentagon G:ives Bucher ' ' ' ·iand· Post in Moriwrey I " -.... .verdJct from.Coc;tgrta on tt1 role In the 1,., of Ille Pueblo alfair. The Pentago'n" also i.nnounced the new assignnients for other Pueblo of Cicen and men ·who ar~ contfhWng thelr NaYal coreer1. ~ forthe-otflcers are: Lt. Edward R<MU!'PllY, Flett and Sub- marl~ School, San Diqo; Lt. Sttpljon R. HarrlJ, Naval S<curity Group ffeod. quarten, Wasl:i.lngtob, . D.C.; 'and· Chief WBITlllt Qflker• Gene H. Lacy, Navld ,Supply•Center, 'Seattle, Wah. , A -181· -Annei1 Servk:a iub- ""'111\1Ueo, q writlllf I reR<Jl1 Oil \be Pueblo allalr baaed on 1eVeral·-lll o/. ,.. .• u.,1m1-~. Tba...,.nb - erpedl:d do 1be publlth<d• 'wlUU. two tweeb..i '. ' •• . : , ~. clooe to Ille , 1ubcommlttte prlldlcl the, Navy -11-..eJI ll 11\t Pa. ·flJIOft In senttal ...!;. will• be fCOred for allecffly ~ng to anllclplte Nortlo Korea'• 1elzure of ~ lnlelll..-aalller- ,(lao ,BUau;a,..P.,. 11 I I :~ ~ not' useless." Orange Wt!•~ The sun "10 peek Uttoolh Tburo- dlf '• •lou!I• ~ponr!U< but the merc:urjl -~· llhi>w: lr\y tliD cl budging from the middle Ill's alq lhe Orlll18• <:out. ' '~INSO>E TODAlt'' . . .. -Oranot Countw supervisors hact approved a 10-<:nt in• crea11 in ahe ·coun&y11 flood con- trot ta.%, bvt Jor on• llfC" in- . .attod OJ three aa -0rlgincU11 planMd. P09< ,J4. · , • ·· • ... ,.. .11 ,,,...... ,, ....... ' Mlltlltt ,... • ,. ·~. ··~--.., (........ • .... 10..-.~ ,. iClllll~·' ',. ,,, ... ' *' ~· a IYl'llll """"' ~,. °""" """.. I It ·~ ..... ' ... ~·· I 11.1)..... f 1'41 ........ ,,_ ' Qr, ·--.. .,.,.,,......,-, ,. ............. .. ~f t ,,..... T ...... . ........... . ,. ' """"'*" • •• i....-n ,. w-.;i • 'MMllu ' 1 •• ..... tt Mtn1ate L'"'"" 11' W11111}..... • .... •Ml91111 ~· .. • " -- • r a a 0 I WO ta ... 1.HM . , I ' ' r_,,. P.,.e J SHOOTING ••• .,,... •• -lira. ........ tlial ... -• .2kalibor pilllol ...S ........ I -aid_, tbe 111"1 llill .... "" 1Mel iWWWed. C&H'T 111111 •••ft """'*'..,,· --t _,., ...,. -In .ablr. lo fiDd it " .. ·• tllll 1 bow iD DW1;J eut1 tJJDm are nat 11 cal If•~ tD iii• l'W1M• <llill," aid ......... ...,.; ..... There'll Always be Race : To Ensenada-But Why? [L HgW..W,. a.id Tl-demibed biJ •spQ•• ud police bepn a wrm to -fiiiirllit- -: Ocean View Tax Override ::.Passes; Big Vote Turnout ,.,.... P .. e l ·BUC:DER •..• DAILY PILOT ~ .................. ----~CAIJIOIJU. ~ COllSI ~ CIJl#NfT ..._,.K.W_. --- ..._ ..... -, ...... .....!:..-==--c.ta-.: -..., ..... .... "'-""' ~ :dll --....... ........ ""--'~= ..... ---.. -~----- I "We llcnDed it" .. I Lbink tllis is a irat signifarail ~ -by the pamrtJ r... ... im- Delay Re{fllested In 'Sea Dump~g' Of Poison Gas W ASllINGTON (l)PJ] -Rep. Richard McCarthy (0.N.Y-), said today lllal the ~ plans lo tnmport ..,._ the country I.HID rail cars 8Ded with Workl War n pobml gas be dumped .t 11ea.. Mct:arlhy said !be IJ<!>attm"" al ,.,.._...... bas graoled • pmM ... emptlDg ""' Dd .... ~ fnm OUUin ..r,cy .-.quiranmts ror tile """""""' "' ldgbly toxic maleriaJs_ The: pa wUI be delhrtted to an am- munilioa depot al Earle, N..1., lrom mllilary .......... in Colcndo, Arbmu and Maryland beginning May I I , McCarllly said. From N.., J""'y the gas, in ODH.orl. cym.ders. will be kMded aboard two old liberty ships, which will "" taken oat to ... and .m, "" said. McCa1llJ bas w r i t t e n letters to DollER s.cr.tary Melvin II. Lain! and Transp<rta1ioa s.a.tary John A. Volpe. raising • number cl questions about clangtt> "' tbe poll.U.. and tbe effect to marine life th.at dilposaJ at xa will J>l'S<nl. McCartlly asked Lain! to block the shipmeot ....u olher methods "'~ could be erplcnd ''« more riFOQS Wety precautions can be tatm" --...... -lln.-bad --. ""' ............ Clllicao .... ta:I tbe ..._..., car ~ _.Dr Pela--tbe ..... tiill;ii.oy ..,; bim nltla& • .,., ...... th<m. H< - bro .... -miles ...... the - --...i waJnng .-. ..... --°"" --_..,_ ........ . Petenon walked away. Again the p1 .......... --lo Dr. P*non lo ball. htl!nm 'ran a few Rps frcm the hfe allian, ""1lod • .25-<alller ........., ............ bis coat poob:<. -it ... IU maalb and pulled tbe trigger. FEU.TOaJM a...._.... .... fell lo tbe Ottb al tlie --d Bilkra &.I and Joyce Drivt, affioers said. Dr. Pet.enan was prooounoed dead oa arrival .... the Umt bo5pital wbert Mr&. Ped: ns kl undergo surget'J f<r fmlO\"'&I of the buDel in btr ahdcmt:n.. Compldion of ti)t' iDVdiprion amt closing d the boob still awaU an in- taview -Mn. p.,.i. who ii reparied .,,,.... heavy sed•tm at tbe ll!><Pil.J. IL Hui .... said be •ouJd talk wHb _. ludaJ' aod hopes ••• will ........... oar lbocJI is and fUI will be -. " 'Ibe deed mu ns a long time frimd and~-dlln.Poek.a. a fl citssot of music at CalifCl'Dia Staie. c.u.,. Long Beach ..,., .... "' tbe onpw faculty mernben al the calJqe. ' :ea:. bad~: ::::..d. ~ Peteram WU divorced. P'umnl serric:fs fr. ~ -Pftt:r'lem are schrd!""' far u a.m. Friday a1 DiJdaJ Family Olapel, IJ50 Pacific Aft., 1- Beach. lie ii -by bis -Eoid, pattoU Mr ..... Mr&. Clear~ .... ,..... Genevie Jamllom ~ will fcDow at Fonst LalrD ~. Cypress. Newporter Inn Adds Terrace Of 118 Rooms A fn<Y•n ... -·u.. Neorpori« 1m· ............... -·- tral -told -- -tllllt Glq'4 ~ liolly 4m t+ •• 1111 baUil ow11pl-__. "' • "• .... bird radJ to llJ .• It did. And .,. the painl are Oft!' and the 11owkc cordjnJfs On Friday tile -..... "' tile im'• ~will reoei'fe • -diri• .... -tile~----.. UPl"'Bay. The.,.,._, ---in-dodm a .... II ...WC aw• 1 C pool,~---.... -and a "'*™-roam for i.rae pdler· inp. The 1\Ta"'''"'-'" ii ~ btelt wpm in a Sl!IW cl MtjtMm to the mnNing baRJ uudtt' b by bath the («meting manqe- ..... ...i a...-vwuemip. Gnmdbratlnc -the lm'ace .. in !all If .... ...i .-..-_ ... ...,_ .,_ ~,,.,... ill Newpu1t -... ~ ...i Fela...,.. -tloe " • 'I If the -the tnllllift: • sk wll t.ft a room t.ataJ "' --Ille ...... fir ..... the "' --tloe -far -tbe _ ... , : me-:.-.~ hr -~at'pwla bqe w t • p• reem -=· eonm•""'aHni • dlDen. Aa with mall JOUdiun Cllifomia cam-. tnS"Cial develtJt••wnts, the Im ii a -inlaoi, but...,. .............. just __ --bold. it bubec:omea""""-t,-1lllampall its own. (lleo NEWPORTEll, ..... Ill Early Birds Fly First Pilot Game Entries In Finl -began amvm, today in an "'-'1 -_. aaat Ibo DAILY Pl1DT ii ...... ill__..... -the '1WLY PllDr Uar-1 Mid DaJ" d- &riQs betehel !ml Ital Rid 11!11: ticbU at ball priot. The Uar-1 dtoy will "" btld Sunday, JW 1. 8t A"""im Stwllgn"Tbt Anstb: .-e .......... to tue· -tile Ba!timcn Orioles tW dlrJ in -----ccm&est. The DAILY PllDr ii-... aD oom- 1!1'1 ane free ticRt in tile tl.51 IDll SUD prioe ... far ..,,, -tbey bay ill the ume ._ n.. rree.-will"" for rem...: -adj-.! to the ...U the_,___ . The "es!J _ .. -ii -to all boJ1 and pi., ap le 1' ,_. old. To ....... ..,,, ,..,,... --In. aJoac rill IU er 11!1' tlcbt anll<, a _.,I·-·-........ -the-· ''llJ -Aapl ii ---bee••• ... " 'l1nlt wiaDers will be JP' fed C111 the basis o( human -and originaljlf"' cantml d. tbe writtm llatanrnt• AD "early bird" mtriel mmt be re- ceived by the DAILY PllDr by...., mt May a. The ......... will "" ilrriled lo pl1tidpaf< in ,,.....,.. <m!lllCllitl and will ha•• the opportunlly lo med u,.;, 1o91rite Angel buebaD plaJon. l)Ndline fJr all ticbt resa vaiic& for tbe DAILY Pnm 2-lor·I &,..I Doy ii May •. An """" blank similar lo tbe .... """"' lollowl lllil arUde will be publilbed dally in the -"' -d Ibo DAILY Pnm for the COllYmimce d readers who -lo mall in -Olden. ""' ....... "' --fnm boo lo an entire lfCtioo -can be ordlnd. Group purclwes by Uttle 1-leaml. ....... -· -c:hurcbel, -· etc.. will be weloomet. Here ts an ordfr blank fer your con- vmimoe: , ........•.................. ~ • ~ ... -. -chock ... money ........ hi: • • J.lar.1 ...... Doy • Or-c:-t DoilJ ..... : C10 Nolie Son,,, Ditfiit. '- • DI W. B.y -· c.ta -· Co?lf. '2617 • (PLEASE PR!NT) • •N...,. ............................................. ' ............... . • • 5'"81 ............. -.... -.......................................... . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . • . . . . . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . Zip · ....•••••••.•. • • • Japanese Fishermen • Phono ......................................... Dalo .............• • • • BONOllAl\Y MDlllER Net ECI21 Debris • I want 2. (, I , I, 10, .................. reoe:ved seats, all sealed to-• She is ai.s an luJtW a, life member of • get.her. at the June 1 Angels vs. Orioles game at Anaheim Stadium. • the UW. M<nnaid Guild Cbildrens IZUllARA. J-(UPI) -.,_,,,.,, • For each licbt putthaJed, I will recelft an adjacent seat free from • Hcw;pit>!, bued in H1111linC1<>n Beach. picked ap an ain:nlt tiro, a -and a --P..t bal j1llllod tbe Ca!ifoniia rodio baoy beli<ved lo"" ...... the U.S. • th• DAILY Pll.OT. I want $3.50/$2.50 (cittl• one) tickets. -• Jl8licr MJss Pageanl .........,. 1-u1y ECW plane -down ...,. tile s.a ., • i. $ .......... -..... , I understand tickets will be sent to me bJ mall. • -and slJcrws ..,., bal -. invotv.d J-by Nortl) K<rea, the 11u1ma • I understand ~ can be no m:banp if I later decide to pUrdlUe • in the ~ylaod c:Mc aw-IDDUalJy. M>ritime Slf<IJ baic-r aid todq. n.. • more tickets. , • Her lavisl> bome al Goldm Wost s.r..t agency -the t!li znd blbe ftft mart-• • a HtiJ Av.,... ii tbe """" d many ed •-,....i. in U.S.A." . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • " .....,,.io..rorbeauty...t..uthn>ugbou.t ·"""'"'.m;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;.;;;""';;;;""';:;_;;;;:;:; Ibo yoor and many o1ber llllljot IOCW ....... She and her ,,._, Mr. and Mrs. J_.ii -· occupy tbe -=· rmly. The Peek -.... Mn. Cwles P""I' d 1-Belcb. Lon P..t ll an OraDge C«mty banm and Julie Peek. a studlnt at Go-West Collep ?asl yur. Mrs. Peet \s a oati'tt of New ~leans and 11 tmwn locally l<r ber -in tbe civic and politk2l acme as ftll u social aeti:vtUes. Fro .. Pll!fe l JUNIOR MISS • • CONVENl91T TUMS IANJCAMEll.ICAJ.D . MASTa CHARGE ' . To .. gill~"'--· -but llOI-.. find ;,. Matcli yo•r style with oar -distinc1iw ...... And ask •s •bo•t o•r f1wt0•s ~ ........ ltte. 112J NEWPORT AVENUE COSTA MESA • • ,,,, 12 YWS • SAME lOCAJION PHONE Ml-1401 • , ._ _____ -- I~ -I • J , • • ' ' I ! I I I~ • ' , • J • • • ' ' I ! ·~· ::t:cy Bunf.ington. Beaeh. ' T.iay'• Flwal · • ' • J • \ OP,N6E, COUNTY, CA(IFQRNJA . . . - ' ' ' WEONESQAY, MAY 7, 1~9 TEN CENTS • ! Un· ' • I' OD ·S ac • • 1e ins · "'IT.......,. ' Beach Girl U.S. Jr . Miss Jackie ~-<it·~ Bead>'. 'l)Jesday nlgbt : ~. · ta))ed and cartwheeled her ."!•Y .kl the Ainerlca~s ·. Junior Miss tiUe . belore a national . television audience. · The blonde, blUe-eyed straight A stu- dent at M8:flna ·mgh School was crowned !ht nation's ~deal high school senior girl , 1n Mobile, Ala., to cap the week-long America's Junior Mjss -pageant. Her selection from the 50 contestants from all. over the na!Jon earned her . ' $10,000 In acbolanbips plus Ille $2,11111 lhe had been awarded earlier in lhe fttk ln the · youth 'fit0e$s aod scholarahlp divislons or the competition. ' Second place went to Anita Coklmbo of St. Louis, Mo., lhird to Dee Ann Allen of Minot, N.O., with Ann Landes of Arkansas and Mary Anne Struckmeyer of Virginia also in lhe top five. Miss Benington, shortest of the high school senlorS' at 5 foot 3, began the: finals with a brief lapse of memory when she Police . Quiz Mrs. Peek Over -Shooting, SuicU;J,e • By WIU1AM RE1ID Of ..... ., .... l!afl' Palm Springs police announced today that they are aboul to close their in- vestigation of the. sbootine of a Hun· tington Beach socialite Monday and the apparent suicide of a Long Beach music professor. Officers said that, they must Interview Marn<Ue. Peek, 58, el 164,61 Golden Wesi SL today to close .the books on the case which began about U:30 a.m. Monday at Mn. Peek'• desert rttreat at 300 N. S;unrile Way. Palm",Si:rings. Officen uid·tbat at thil .tlme..,lt ap. pearl Mn. P<ek WU In.Palm SP!'i!Jls lo diacuaa a lallll P"!<;haae deal with .West .!>oo ~ · ~I ~le IW~· !Jtiorle rr1pb0ii.lllli.-. TriP!Jon told o!flcen. that be hod been In another room ol Mrs. P,.t·a •Porl- ment. wheat• tn1n later identified u Dr, Lawrence L. Peteraon, 57, of 11461 Kens-· ington Road, Loo Alamlto&, burst 'into the •parimenL ' .. + He Mid: be heard a lhort ICUflle Uld 1'.then • Uiot .la the front' ~.'.' police r~. I • . Trlpbon told ollicert Ula1 be aaw. Mrs. Pffk rUn down. the-hallway' ''Witli ·blood · pouring from bu abdomen.·~ ;.I tried'lo keep thai ~ (Petenon) oul" Tripbon II reported u having told · police. "He hli me over the head with the butt of the l\ID and I we:nt dawn." . He WU .later ~led for 1evere.. head Injuries and re-lrom the dNell hospitaL Police atll1 have not definitely linked the gun used to ahoot Mn .. Peek with the one used to beat Tripbon or the one used lo kill Peterson . Lt:: Carl Hulslander said Mrs. Peek then ran downstairs from the two- bedroom, two-story apartment at · the Continental Gardens Hotel and neighbors hearing her screarm called an ambulance and police. She is reported this morning as in "fair · condition, alx:rut the same" according to a hospital spoke&man. Mrs. Peek was shot once with a .25---caliber pistol and hospital olficlalt l&id today the slug still has not been• removed, could not correctly identify LJoyd George as the prime minister of Grt1t Britain during World \Var f. From there on her performance was flawless. To a question on Lhe relations between youth and their ' elders, Miss Beningtan1 18, approved of the idea of youth protest, but suggested protest "tbrouih :a legislative means,'' rather than violence. "Young people 5hould learn b>w to (See. JUNIOR MISS, Pqe Z) Voters Approve Ocean View's Tax Override Despite gloomy skies and thrtab of rain, a heavy percentage of Ocean View School District voters f\oc.kect to the Pobi. Tuesday tQ pass a $1.25 ~tax OVerride which will be added to the present $1.50 operating coet rate for the· nnt two years. The measure passed by a good ma- jority in all but five of tht 19 precincts with a total of 3,901 "yes" votes recorded and 3,102 "nci' votes. Voter tilmoot was heavy for this type of an election, with 34.l percent .of the 1 dislrict's 21,000 registered voters.t~ ballots. A. 15 ptrcent turnout w~ el· peeled. . . , ' . The only precincts showing a mtjOrity '' of "no" votes were Crest View, "Ott View, Star View, Village View and Ute Westmont School preclncll. · --. "We didn't just squeak through this electlon or limply win it~" i&id Di1trict SUpt. Clarence· Hall after the-MaJ-ta.IJyo "We stormed it ... "I think this ii a most signil~ en- dorsement by the parenta for an fm. proved educaUon program tn our dll,trict," tie oontinued. "~y have s.hown their willingnen to dig vecy deep lo support their belief and I am confident when I speak for the entire staff in assuring the parent. of a full · commitment to development of the very besl education program for Ocean View chlktren." The override, which will raise the tax rate to $2.75 per 5100 of a.ssesaed valua· tioil,·will allow the district to conduct a summer 'school program. contiriue its (See OVERRIDE, P•1• .z) Youth Commi ttee Hearings 'Slate.d HUNTI NGTON BEACH'S JACKI E Bl!NINGTON WEARS JUN IOR MISS CROWN C011Jbinolioll of Braim, Baauty.and o,,_ Wino Natlonal Title for Marina High Girl "Apparently, from what I heard, doc- Ion are 'Wmb.le lo find It at preaenl, but I mow In many cues bulleta are no< removed U no danger to life or functiona (See 8BOOTING, PIP Z) HAPPIER DAYS,:... i,irs. Mar- nette Peek and family friend Fred Taylor· posed at. recent social ·function. ·Taylor 1 ts at wounded ~·a bedside, Orange County's W h i t e House Con- ference €ommittei oo Youth, which will send representatives to the White House Youth Advisory Commissloa conf~ nut year 1 will hold JM;lbUC ~ Thursday. . - TheheariJlas;open lo all, ~ly young people, will be held from I p.m. lo 4 p.m. and again from 1 p.m. to 9 p:m . .in the Fonnn at Saddleback llli!I School, 2812 S. Flower St., Santa Ana.• Buch e1· Given Land Post, Will Study for Master's· ., WASHINGTON (UPI) -Cmdl. Lloyd men who ate <anUmilnc their -Naval· M: Bucbtt, skipper of the ·USS Pue.tiao, carter&. has been given an a!signment on land, Thoet for er.. offiom•are: the Pentagon announced today. Lt. Ectnnl R.1ill1r""'7,.11eet ml SUb- llucber WIS assigned to the Navy's llllriDe Scbool. 6u nv.i; IL St.i>l>en R. Harris, N.... Seeurlly Gnup Heacl-~aduate school 11 Monterey, Calif., qu0rtors, w~. D.C.; ad Chief for a one-ytar "manap:ment" coune, Warrant ·OftlaS Genit R. 1A!CJ · Nav-1 the announcement said: Supply Om&.r, leaUle, WMb. ... ' The Navy Tue>day ovmiiled a Iloard , . A apeCial -~ -1111>-ol Inquiry t b at recommend<d ....,.. COlplllltlOI II WTtlloc a report ..,. Ille niartial trials for eucher and tbe m.. Pueblo affair hued on lml!'al neb of telllgence officer o( the Pueblo, 1fhi<h • pabllc ad -~. The "1'01l ii was captur<d by North Kman gunboatl apected lo be publilhed wtll>in two w1thout a fight in January, 1968. weeks~ 1 ' ' ' • Today's Peirta,gOn annouoce.ment said : . Sourc!ts cltlie to the · aubcomniittee 11bomntancter ,.Bu&er has indicated to the predict, ttte1 N'1Vy -u ·wtlf .is tl)e Pen- Bure11,1 oC .Naval Per1onnel thal he ls tagoo '.Id 'JeM1111 -wlft ,be ;lboied for wry <pleased with this aulgnmenl." alleg .. ly • l'a!Hn& to antli:iJl<le-North , Bucher was ordered lo report lo the Korea's Mliu1' et ~ lnttnica-cllhel"' aohool , In J"ly for a year•1 course, in ing ship, and for. the alow response to Uie wbich be wlll be worktng toward a act. masler'1 degree in manqemenl Rep. Olla G. P11't (1)-N.Y.\, chairman A mlUtAry lpOkesm&n oald Bucher bad ol the wbcemm!U.0, told -.0 lie uld he wilbed lo nc<Jve poat.cr-lbought tlie Navy~ C1ur1 ol lnqalry and tralnlnf In bis lltXl aaalpmeal Seenbry ol Navy JGlm )!. Ollfet both · The Na,Y Hoell ii -•nlljlnc ~ actad -ty In their own way -the -lrom ~ oo 111 role In Iha OMt.11\lta'~al.Navy l• of the PutblO affair. i. ncuJaUono• and ihiee in lemperlnf Its . Thi' Pentqoo111llo aMOUr.ced lhe new recommendaUOn with 1'1 Cf'ffl deal of 1SlipD'imts for othtr Pueblo oUk:el'! and mercy." • • ~---· -... _ ~-~~-------- 'Uns ophis'ticated' ·Jac kie Spendi ng Her Day in Bed • ll!OBU.E. Ala. (UPl) -Jacquelyn Ann .Bfni.nctor\, a "not 1 op hist t ca ted'' Clltfcnia teen-ager, wanta to spend her fin& day u 19911 Amei'ica's Jlllior Miss ''latlna a long bul>bl• bath and staying In Schwerdt£ eger W on'tQ":it, ' But He Thought ,About' ~t By TERJiV COVILLE ot "' ~'" "'"' ,,.., bed aJJ day." ' Thi blonde, 18-yW-old Mana HWt i.. Silence lell IG FoUnwn Valley Tlleaday night u Maytr. Robert SchwerdUeger stwmed a full ctty council chamber when he lllJlOWICed be WU COO!lldei-ing mign· ing; Ulen. revened·hll decllion ind relus- ed to quiL School senior from Hun\lnalon Beach, IWtpl o few tears !tom her blue eyea whm lhe rece.ived the &littering crown worn by .. America's First Lady of Youth" Tueoday ni&hl She walked around the stag< at ~cipat auditorium with a pink ~et in her ll'TJlll •nd then received the h1.1P of her 49 siater Junitl' Mlues. · Jacquelyn, who 5oes by the 1borter venkm -"Jackie/ says she often tott without shoes around htr hon)e ·and t1 11definltely not. eophllticated" did I barefooted frtt:1!xertile routine. t She d"""'ibe! her 1t11 a .,..Inc 1tom a f_pmlly. of I father, rriolhtt, YOllllU • llster and brother lild two poodlea. .. n.•11 not an Idol! laniiJi!,.tu.~·~ty. pntty' nlct," ihe Aid. ' I ' ' S'-k lJ.rkm , NEW VORIL(V),-"fhe aloci nsket ,Following • the 1 counCil mt e li n I : Sdl...nltf<l'f .to l d reporlenl thet be would not" be a candidate for rHleclion -hUt«nr...Woez!Apill. •. ' !'I deelded that eome time 1go,.. be diJC:IOllfid. ''It's 'JUll JX!t fun ~·" r'lbe mayor, pl'.Unary target Of a rec111 1 movement, told tnore than , IO people TueadaY that he had ·talked with recall • lUder'a and .,.u o;, 111e potnt oi restgn1ng, but -not lo'dektt -who had ' faith In blm. • " ' . Sutprile and C<lllflllion WU Ngilllered on the,,_..,, au .-.praent. some labeled hit emot!Ol>packed otatem.i>t . 'lpurt-•8'·:· Othi!n dlarpd lllin with > ••atap adtnc." . · • N..,_ ol lbe otllor fa1Jr1-1ltnen wm awan belonhand thal IUCh a. atalemonl : -oandbl• 'l . , . . BO/«'t tile . ncutar -· metliM • Superior COurt Judge WWl&m Murray will preside at the sesalon; w,here youth will ·have its chance to volci lts op1'Jions on the problems or )loulh·1 lb order to establi.sh priorities of concetl). w-dler The sun will poet lhn>qh Th111'5- day'I cloud• temporarily but the mtroUry.'doeon'~ show any sign of budiinc from the middJe110's alona: . tile Onqe c-t. · INsm E TODAY. Orange County supervbors h4~ approved G JO.Cent in- creoat in the· courit11'1 flood con- . tr9L .tu, but for Ollfl: VfOr· f'lt-- attt'ld o/ three as orlginallu plon .. d. Pape l,. -" -. .-...... · ,_ CM!ln • :"" ....... : -" --. ............. , .. ',.... Moll =·Jn:..' ~ -.. ,..,..u-.n u Mall .. ..,...... .. _,. .. --" ......... tWn ~· --,. ,,_ "' ,,,... ...,... ~'4 --.... -..... ....... , .... .............. , ........... , .. = 'l' ............ ... --.. reporting ~'iii l!ft'"""· ~kll . , """ "!'! • • ; l · <ioaed 1olm ....,., '?jth bt:O"ara I , ,1 .._,~ · =r quotaUona, P1,...=:f. " -'-• i -"Yaney,. • s'l:..a~ ' l\IPll, u,. D\N<lf read J ~ .ftl~lna· l!,ll!m011!. ·thenl •d)ffecl, -<p!OUon, (See MA.YOR, P11e II , '-------·~--·---1 • • • • • • 2 DAll.Y PILOT H ' PILOT LOGBOOK There'll Always be Race To Ensenada-But Why? By AI.MOii LO(SABE~ DAl .. Y •1LOT ...... t.i.., Come May, 1910, there will be anolber Ensenada race-. • -- ,.,_ Pllfe l SHOOTING ••. exltl." ..W a nun1n& supervisor. LI. Balll ...... llld Trfpboo deacribed hiJ 1mn• and police bepn a Mll'th \O l1nd die-. - -.... 1lourl Iller Jin. Pll1t ~ ._ lllol. in plaioc!Oll--fl!OI' ted the ahandolled car belonging t. Dr. Petenon. About the same time they saw him walking away frem them. He wu two and one4talf mUes from the Peek apartment and walking alone, police said. One otfJcer 1bouted, "stop". Peterson walked away. N.U. U..~<>11><§ oUic.« ""'1t§d lo Dr. Pelenon lo halL -------- • Parade Law A·ssailed ~pposition Sef¥b Ordinance B 1 for StudJ= AD Iha --love a parllde, bat tlleto WU .. pUade Moodoy nlght of lii1ken Cl 11>on!loan<:e pn>pOU1 before the HunlJnitoo Beach aty Council lo ~ qultt pennlLl for ay parades Ill the dly. In fact, there wu Uttle enthusiaml for a proposal, suggelt.ed on an emergency ~. whlc,I> would IOI up strong regula- tioas for grantlng of permllo !or poradts and require pennlssloo of tbe chief of police. adOl)I an emqency ordinance "' parad ... "1 tbin1c It II an abwle ol Iha c111cr .. llonary l'O"YI of tbe COWICll," lhe laid, pointing out that "the ordinance irranta a wide range of diacretionary powfin to the police chief. "Act in deliberation," she suggested, "not Jn panic." . dllloOI. quarreled only with the !!'!'!!' I Iha! tbe . permll be inm&il by tbO police, Jftlerrlng Ibo city admlnlotnlor lo &rllll permit.. The measure ,.,. ordered returned with corrections OP May 12 tor adoption. lo the meantime, Miss Davie said lbe w111ted tbe time ao that the measure could be reveiwed by her. lawyers. ' . ' By tblt time, hard)J' anyone but the winner can tell you who won this : year's race. Peterson ran a few stepa from the two off leers,' pulled a J>caliber automatic pistol from hll coat pocket, stuck It into -h11 mouth and pulled the trigger. ' Opposition to tbe emersency ordlnonce prOposa1 came: from J acquelioe Davie, a Marina Higb School teacher, who told tbe council tha~ she believed there was no reason for the council to be in a hurry to Councllmae Dooakl D. 5blpley, pointing . lo the explanation by tbe 1epl depart-• ment. that the imlde ordinance w~ being • ...-bocl-of tbe ..... t riots oo the beach, uld tbal the council ''should ~ over react." Barry Goldwal(lr, Jr. Escorts Tricia N~on And in all probability, all 500 of those in this year's race will hl!.ve tor· gotten all the hardsbJps and frustrations and will be on the starting line again. · The race HaeJI will be frau&ht wltb all the argument. -whether to .,IO UWde or outaide" ~ and ezcues ol. why "I was in the wrong place when the wind filled in." By the time Ibo yachbmen get lo Ensenada Ibey will be greeted by the same horde of unwashed "hippies" who flock to F.enaenada by motorcycle and camper. and wb~ will have alreody started luablng up Hu.aong'• marg• riw and .-led other lequl1a c:oococlions. By the time the yacblomen get tbroagb sleeping off tbe u or more of changing head!'ls, the unwashed crowd will be even more unwashed. some of them willowing In their own vomit or stag. gertna down the main drag shoving yachtsmen off the sidewalk and making Ind rem.arts to their wives. The crwd at Huaaon&'• wlll be apllling out onto the street and Me-Dean J*ldywagoos wil !be m<thodieally hauling off the more uube<ant. In Ibo back of the Hotel Bal>la, the 1100·yachtlng crowd will be passed out en the lawn or making love 1ml.de their open campers. ·: On a Saturday afternoon, the yachtnnen will gather on the lawn back of the Bahia to cheer the trophy winners and commisertee with those who almost made IL 'I1lere will be the usual grumbling about.J.\that-Ciumb race com~t toe" and e few .WI seeking protosl forms. By Sunday morning the yichlomen will be arriving at U.S. customs 11 San Diego in drovel!i a"'2' a night of beating up the Baja Callfom.ia coast. Lunch 1 at San Diego Yacht ciub and then the Jong beat back to Newport or other home ports. . ,, And when It's all over tbert wll lbe a chorus of 0 never agams -most of which, like thir year's winners, will have ~ forgotteft: Even this reporter will be back again -10 one capacity or another. And when it's all over I'll again bf! asking myseJr the same question: "Wfty?" How OV School Precincts Voted OCEANVIEW ELECTION y" "Circle View 310 _College View 34li CnJt View 127 Harbor View 277 Reven View 209 ~View 306 e View 229 cf'ark View 176 Marine View 175 Meadow View 270 .C>ak View 83 P!Mlant View 166 ..JWidiO• View 60 JIOblnwood 1911 iv,;,:w m lew 236 e View 120 : lltmollt 118 Ne 315 253 136 160 176 248 147 167 144 250 93 111 49 131 242 145 165 148 125 :~ Totall 3,901 . , . 55.7% ~ 3,102 44.3% :~; , M.1% TUrnout -~ ~ * * Fro• PCfJe J . . · :ovERRIDE ••• lransportali<lll pl'Qll'am. and expand blrary faclllli<S. • Two prior el<dioos held In the Oceon View DlllTicl ,..,.. turned down by the votm. forcing llignlflcant cuts In spen- dio(, lllcludlng curtailment of cafeleria "'"'"'· ' Jordan Improved' SACRAMENTO (UPI) -S@creLlry of Stato FnDk M. Jordon, IO, hospilalized iast week for treatment ,Of. a stroke, was '.ftponed .u&!>UY Improved today by his doctors at l\lmiy O...ral Hospital. } ' ' ' . ' ' • . ll~ILV PILOI 'Ol»tM ClOAl1 f'Ul(iaHINO COM1-AHY 1 ... rf N. W..4 ........, .... l>WI"'*' J.~ a. c...i.:r Vkili "-'*"' Wld G.ttorf """"" n-•• ICtt•il ·-1 ..... A. ..... ,~i11• -.i.,. 1:.ir.r Arbtrt w. ,,,,, WllltM 11:,., ... MK!.. Mllflt ...... -..0 E•lltr Clly E9'1tr ............. OM.- lot Ith Sff••t .loleillt11t ~ .. , P.O .... 1'0. 92641 ..... _ ......,.. tMo>: mt...,_ ..... ....,. C....~::mw.tkyl .... "-MIAI m , ............ . '--~~~~~~~~ FroM' Page J MAYOR •.. called fer a 10 mbmte recess. This was the mayor'• statement: "Lut nllbt I talked to two men who in- dicated their a1ocere desire to withdraw the recall acUon -I believe these two men are sincerely concerMd, absolutely coneemed with Fountain Valley's future. "It wu 1UQested to me that' if one of us dropped' o[f the council thiS may be enough to atop the recall. I offered to resign and my offer was accepted. Today this 11ory of my resJgnallon 1pread thnlugbout the clty •nd my lelephone dldn1 llOp all day-people calJll!C didn't wan~ me to reslp, even tboUcb t.bla wwld kill the recall • 11Frank17, I am la a quandary. I want to olop !be mall beca"" of Ibo harm II will brlatl ID dividing our cll;y. I believe at this point lbal Ibo recallen want lo slop It too. "If I ""'°' I will In a V"'J true sense be letUng ddwn all tbe people who bellev1 in me -I cannot~!" M•JOI' Scbwerdtfeg«;• speech WU hand-nn the bact of a prevlouJly tried realgnaUan speech wblch he never read. C..mcllmon John Harper and Edward JU81, <>Ila bltt.r-loof the mayor, both Upresaed e:rtreme surprisrt at the speech. Said Just, "At least it showed he has a lot of guts." Harper commented that. "Under no such coadlttoos should ha resign in the face ol. such recall charges." Councilmen Donald Frquu an d Joseph Coureges, also the subjects of recall movements, both e.ald the mayor had not consulted them on his speech. Fregeau stated, "It wu a . complete surprise to a lot of people. I commeDd him for his action. I have faith that we will be vindicated." The mayor declined to reveal which recall leaders be had talked with, but sa1d lhe meeUng, arranged tbniu.gb 111 in- tennedlary, took place Monday nlght. Several individuals tbougbt the un-- named recall leader might be Eugene Van Dask, the man who filed the Superior Court suit lhat stopped tbe controvertial Lanoin Tract and bas -t vocoJ op- pooent of the city's·trend tanrd planned developf'lenl wtth small lots. Van Da.sk; however, refused lo com· ment on the subject, saying only that it was, "a beautiful political ploy," and that the recall wou1d deflnllely conUnue. New Bottom Put On Valley Floors City councllmeo Tuesday nlght put a new boUcm oo lloors In Fountain Valley, At 1llUe WU the minimum ~ quinmento for ..,.,_ living spoce In oportmenlo, which councilmen acr<ed lo lower. The folloorlnc new-and lower atandards, recommlnded _by city plamer SLtnley Mansflekl, were adopted by tbe council : Bachelor apartment -500 sqoare feet. One bedroom apal1menl -7IO square feet. Tiro bedroom apartment -950 square feel. ' Tbree bedroom aportmeol -l,tlO lq\llnfeel. Mansfltkl txplalntd !bill lllClooed II•· Ing llpace -onlY the llvlntt quarten of an ~t and Olcluded pord>u, -wa}'I, Interior hallways and aaragr --------,- He staggered and fell to the c1trb at the Intersection oI Blskra Road and Joyce Drive, oUicers said. Or. Peterson was pronounced de.ad on arrival at the aame boapital where Mrs. Peek was to undergo surgery tor removal ol the bullet In ber abdomen. Completion or the invesUgaUon and cl0&ing of the books still awaits an in· terview with Mu. Peek who is reported under heavy oedatlon at the hospital Lt. Hui.under said be would talk wilh her today and hopes "she will substantiate our theories and that.Will be that." Newporter Inn Adds Terrace Of 118 Rooms The dead man was a long Ume friend and frequent e.scort of Mrs. Peek. He was A.few yean ago when the Newport.er a profesaor of music at California State Inn's growing pains were acute tu cen· College Long Beach and one ol tbe tral slall lold their ..,, bou Iha! they'd original faculty members at the college. stay on became the hotel complex aeem-He ,_, had se-· .... u chairman of the -i v~ edlike"alarpblrdreadytony." fine arll division of the 1Chool Dr· It did. Peterson was divorced . Funeral service.! for Dr. Peterson are And now the pains are over and the scheduled for 11 a.m. Friday at Dilday growing cmt1mleL Family Chapel, 1250 Pacific Ave., Lona: On FridaJ tbe latest stage oI the inn's Besch. growlb will receive !lo official chrlJtening I-le is survived by his widow Enid. -the 118-room TerTaet area overlooking parents Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Peterson and Upper Bly. sister Genevie Jacobson. Interment will The $1-milHoa, IM!miclrcular cluster in--· follow at Forest LawD ,Cemetery, cllldes • b\lle, meandering swimmiDC Cypres~ • poo~ ,,_. quarlen, conleronce roomt Mrs. Peek has been acf.ive in the social and a "eartmel" room for large gatber- and business scene of Los Angeles and inp. · Orange counties for many years. She is The Terrace la the latest segment in • the owner of Peek Family Colonial series of addltlonl to the rambllna: hotel Funeral Home at 7110l BoJu Ave., undertaken by.both-the foundlng.manage- \Vestminster which she acquired in a ment and tbt present ownership. dlvorce actkln from her tanner husband , Groundbreaking on the terrace wu in Lon Pee.k, now operator of a mobile borne fall of 1988, and construction IUffered park in CoronL They were divorced delays from record flooding In Newport about a year and one-half ago. Beach lut January and February. Mrs. Pee.k is a lic:e:med embalmer, one W1tb the ope:nlng of the terrace the of the few women ln the atate to bold rnaal.ve compln: wiB have a room tot.al such a lictnSe. She hu betn ln the of S50. Belldes the rootn1 tor guests the mortuary field aome 35 years. of 350. Belldea the rooms tor IUflll the 'Ibe eoci.allte has been aeUve in the Terrace includes five rooms large enough Freedoms Foundation, Daughters of the for banquell and board meetings and a American Revolution, Wanderlust Club, large carouael banquet r o o m ac- Eastem Star, Midway City Woman's Club comnwt•Ung 600 diners. and the Garden Grove Businr.is and AJ with most southern California com- Professlonal Woman's Club. merdal ~ d_evelopmenta, the inn is a She i5 a life Jeng member of tilt Long rellthlle lnlant, but lince tis besinnlnc •• Beach Ebell Club and Long Beach jlllt another waterfront Motor hottf. H Assistance League. She holds honorary haa become a landmark, with a stamp all memberships In Fountain Valley's Beta its own. Gamma Chapter and O r a n g e w o o d (~ NEWPORTER, Paae l.$) Regional Counoil of Epsilon Sigma Sorortty, . 1•.' .·' ' • • 'ti'. I io. u· p"'-ti ii also an hmorary life member of. w lbe LIUle Mermaid Guild Cbl1ilrens Hoopllal, baied In Huott\!gton. Beach. ' l' ·1s Mrs. p,.k hu judged the Celllomla ;.:__ . M. tin• Junior Miss Pageant, num""us beeuty '-'UllCe ee g contests·1rxt ~ws and bu been Involved !Jtthe Dllneyland ~vie •wild' '!"""Dy-Supporter1 of Ibo move lo mall the Her laWI! bome at-Ookkit 'll'"' street mayor of hunLlln Valley and two dty and Hell· AftDll• Is Ibo ...,,. .of milly coondlmen will not meet 'lbunclay night r<l!epU,_. !or beaUty """tests lhrolll!l'*'ut as previously lllDOWICtd. . the ytaf and mail)" ctber ·major' social Mn. Barbara Secour, a representaUve eYentS . · : · ' .· of the Fountain Valley Ctvlc Auoclallon, $be ·and her Parents, Mr· an4 Mrs. said members are too busy cJrculathlf Joseph Reid, occupy the mansion cur-recall petitlOllS to meet. renUy. The Peek children are Mrs. 1be nm. meeting will be announced by Charles Paap of Long Beaeh, Lon Peek 11 phone, she said • an Orange County banker and Julie Peek, 1be Fountain Valley Clvlc Auoclatlon a student at Golden West College l~t was formed in early April to PUlh for the yrer. recall of Mayor Robert SchwetdUeger Mrs. Peek 1! a native of New Orleans and Councilmen DooaJd Fregeau and and js known locally for her lnterelt in Joseph Courregea:. AssociatJon. members the civic and political scene u well as claim the trio has been gui]ty of social activities. disregard tor the public lnteresta: in set- ting lot slzet for building developmenb. From PllfJfl J JUNIOR MISS •• negotiate w I t h their elders," she sald. "Protest should be through a peaC'eful means." In the talent division she put on a swirJ. Ing display of free exercise and modern dance techniques. She tumbled and cartwheeled her way. across the stqe end back again several times in the final event befcn the jUdges ·announced the five finalists and finally her selection as the nation's Junior Miss. Her mother and f<itber, Mr. and Mrs. Orchard Benlngton, of 1191 Gumm Drive, were at tht pageant to watch their daughter win the national crown. Brother Steve, 16, was watching at borne on color television. For Mfss Benlngton the road to fame began In the local Junior Miss contosl at HunUnglon Besch High Scbool ILlged by the Jaycees. From there ahe competed ln the semifinaJs and won the slate Junior Miss Utle In Garden. Grove . Future plans ere for Stanfmt Universl· ty and a career ln biology. Finl, -.er, lbe will become oo• ol the most pbologapbed younc -In the nali<lll today and Tbunday u she and the photqJrapben meeL Friday lbe lo ocbeduled to return lo ·mmllnaion Beach and to .aio01 on Mllll- day. Sbe ii one ot the echool'• four valedidorlana. MIA Beo1ngtoa I& bead -leader at Msrlna, She WU bom ......... queen lul ran and Key Club SWM!hearl tbJs spring. She alao au.oded -Prim'• Academy in illlOllnglon Beach. Last summer she wu an etcbaqe studmt ln Hoo1z:ru un- der the Amerlcen Field Servlco -am. She a1ao II vice president of Ibo caJUomLI Scholastic Federation. Detplle being named Ibo Ideal ....... hl&li IChool &Ir~ Mlla Bontl)lloo llld Illa! "l nevtr want lo be conoldmd Ibo Ideal t...,...er. I'd objoct U my ,...... pointed lo the Junior Miu er •QI'~ •Jae as tbe ldi,l girl er lrled lo mike me rnttt !<me «tf: tbe"S standml.s. .. CONVENIENT TEAMS IANKAMY.ICAAD MASTY. CHARGE .... "What effect bu a riot two weeks ago on making this an emergency onllnancet" uked CouDcDrnan Henry Kaufman. Cll1 Attt Don Boofa Nld ho felt the c:oonc11 would ha -Ito ........ lo adOl)I the meuire u an ..,.,_, ordinance. 'lbe ordinance, which WU oenl back lo the •Liii for more -oration, 'llOllld require a permit for paradel and - paraders to cooform, to a lilt of con-- WASHINGTON (AP) -Newly-elected Rep. Barry M. Goldwator Jr., (&<;alif.), a !0-yeaNl!d bachelor, will be '1'rlcla N!I- 00:1 escort Satunloy nlgbt for a muked ball at Ibo White llou9i. 'lbe Pl-'• 13-yeor-oid daughter will be Ibo booleu at her l1nl Wlllte Houae party for 11m1e S50 tona and claiighten of ber fatber's ofJlda1 flllll!y -lnclodlng Cablne~ tlall, membelJ of Coqress and the Wuhlngton diplomal<: corpo. Early -Birds Fly First PU-at Game Entries In Flrsl entrt .. be1an arriving today In ao "early bird bcrml" contelt the DAILY PILOT lo ILlglng In cmjuDcUon witb Ibo "DAILY PILOT 2-!0l'l Aqel Day" of. ferlng bueball fans reamed lea! tlckeu al half price. 'lbe S-for-1 day will be held &may, June I, at Anabelm SLldium. Thi Angels are llchedu1ed lo take on the Balllm<>re Ortolel lhat clay In an allemoila coatest. . · The DAILY PILOT II ciflerlni all com· en -free ticket In lbe_ll.lG and 1UO prlce-nnci for each ticket theJ' buy in the ...., range. 'lbe free -will be tor reeerved seall adjacent to the 1e1ts the fona purchuo. , The "early bird" ~ 9 ,ppen to all boyo and &lrll up lo II yun old. To enter, each youngster thould aend In, along with bil or her Uctet order, a ILlle!nenl of 100 words "' lea beginning wltb the ... i.nce: "My favorite Angel is ---beclUle ... " Three winners will be selected on the basis of human Int.rest and orlg)nality of content of the written statements. All "early bird" entries must be re- ceived by the DAILY PILOT by noon on May 15. The winners will be tnvited tn particlpilo In ~garoe ceremoo!oo and wm have the oppoctunity to meet their favorite Angel baseball pi.yen. Deadline for all Ucket reservations for the DAILY PILOT 2-for-1 Angel Day Is May 20. An order blank similar to the one which follows lh1s article will be publilbed. dally 1n the sports section of the DAILY PILOT for the convenience of readers who want to mail in ticket orders. Any number of llcket! -from two to an enUre aectlon -can be ordered. Group purchases by Little League teams, senior citizens' groups, churcbea, clubl, etc., will be welcomed. Here is an arder blank for your con· venience: :···························~ { . • Clip •ncl'nuil; with check or money ortltr, to: • • • 2-for.1 An11l 0.y • Ora""' Coo1t. Daily Piiot • CIO Pulll!c S,rvloe Dlpt. : lilw. l/!Y ti~. , Mua, ca111: '2627 • (PLEASE PltlNT) • •Name • • StrHt .............................................................. ..... ······ ............................................ ······· • • • • • • • • • • • • • •City ........•.................•...... , .......... Zip ..............• • • •Phone .......................................... Uate .............. • • . ·-• I want 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, .................. reserved seats, all seated-to--• • gether, at the June 1 Ang~ls vs. Orioles game at Ahahetm Stadium. • • For each ticket purchased, I will receive an adjacent seat free from • • the DAILY PILOT. I want '3.50/$2.50 (circle one) tickets. Enclosed • • is $ ................ , I understand tickets will be sent to me by mail. • • I understand there can be no exchange if I later decide to purchase • • more tickets. • • ~-··························~ To lho alrf""" ---wani.but oot-. D find IL Matc;h your ttyle with our many dJsHnctiw ~ Md ask us about our famous o...,. sic..-,......_ 112> NEWPORT A V!NUE • cosTA MESA .. .. 1111 22 YEARS SAME LOCATION PHONE '41..J401 I I .. ! ' I '1 " ' . " ''Right! ~u1£djt " ANtl·PWPilANT ' . . DE-·-·' . r ~· • Slftr Doy;.. 9· 9· C . 1.69 . . 1z. Size • .. , "Chocks'' 1MULTIPLE VlTAMINS with llON . Qnrnle, trait llmrd talitll. 1.89' I SllPORT v i.N...,._. HOSE 11 UIEI I IU~K Providts · Sheer Sl!P. porj !Or !ired '"'' mila varicose v!lns- and. minor ltf prob· ~ms. SJm I It llV. .5.95 CHIFFON . l>E.LUl!I '. • ·paper :Napkins • " ' I . Faciaf!'lrotJ-Eita llrp, i.,11 · 111 1ssettri:C1llh. ... ' . Pack 115• . 4.~1 .~o · ·a ·eV . " . "'"W'· . ....,.,, " ' I ,. 1z ... ,. ,• ;o • ' \ ' .. · · • Air Frlsliew · ' ·e11tm'ir1•1.,...l111f11co.1 · i1'I 11. sin ,,..; •It!· . , NO·IUIBING AerOwax · FLOOR WAX .. For 111 "'"' ••• 111r ·tnt111 · • wax 'w111't 1ell1w 11y fl11r. . . ' · '··4&oz. 9·3c Can "Wool ite"-· ' COLD WA11R . WASH . Ftr all ti11 wwallos. Cltlce ti . 1 i tL lill'il or 13l0 11. l'lwler . . ~'Straw Hat'' ' DOROTHY GRAY "Skin Care" Cologne Spray COMPANIONS . 1.7 "· ] IZ. 3.50 . 5.00 i ,.,......._~, 2 Minute Magic A quick, deep Cl.?ans- ing lotion ... creamy -but not g1easy ..• Bath Powder . · 5 tz. 1111. 3.25 4.75 Cologne 2 tl. 1 tl .. 3.50 2.50 ' j • ~xcel!~nt . for remov-1 50 ing eye roa~e-up. . RI(. 2.!t • orante Flower ~ · skin.'Pra1h1n1r . · -f« lky·or IOlll!ll skil. Cooling lld re· · fruhi•f; mildly sti•· •l1~ng ..• lra!rant ·3 ]() seen~ of-Or~ee ros-~ soms, : l•f· 5.0I . ' . \ ""'"' ......... , "'-'°'""""""'"'1 ..... _ ... __ .. ______ _ PIE-RECOIDID HYGiENE ·cassetres'~ F1H"41 P111 -Gilitir100I ·a-Track "Tipes"· ~" 11Shy" fe~i.nillt;S1ringe '. .. Q is~r~tt ei~and inr feminine sy:in~ hotds two quarrs mi~. Simp~ to '" '"" b!tk '"'1· r:~ 4.95 •I ' . DRUG STORES ... OPIM t AM to 1 O PM -7 offi A Will IMKAM!llCMO NIWPO~T BEACH 1120 lltVINI I ' Wl&TCLl,P PLAIA ;- 'llUNTlNGTON ·•IACH • . ' ADAMI' AND llOOKHUllT HUNTINGTON ·aucli1 .,Rll!OD&i.I & DINOll ' ' ' I I . -·~ll•j 7,1969 " 11•osoL • .. "Bai:tilie" ANTISEPTIC ,. . SUNBURN' RELIEF Stops sunbtirn·iiain fo r ho11rs • . : . cools a~d moisturizes 1 59 sunburned skin. 1.79 5-iz. Size • "Desenex" "' ATHuTE'S FoOT . R!li""· i!cll. i•motes •'Iii gee· beali•r. .Cloost fiom $1.19 Powde1 or Ointm.nt. Ea. • " J ._ ..... -·-_ _. --. -=-· ..... _ _.... .... , ·i .. ,;·& . . : .... .,._ ~ • ' ' .. MEN'S lo LADIES' . JA' 9- Choose-1romJ.s.sorted fashion-wise 2 -•------ti st~les, and co loll. . . le.r, .U , •. , . • ; _ .. LIGHT alJ1;.a$ .. r11-teste-Whit• ,4:99c !dll!·lOI Wiit ... :.,, I :sJ11-whit1 · · · 4 :9·7c 11.ll·100 Witt ........ I "3-Way" W•ite 65c 50/1001150 .... INSTANT MAKE-UP REMOVER ''On & 1Jff'' Renooves IJllk!'ll' io less~ • .-;-.-, 1 mlRuit ••. ~~nS dee,, rt-,._ 'I., .. rnoflng ev~ h~vy eye mike-· u~ ... gentry !t>fles and leaves • ~ s \n moisl ind relreshel. 5 oz. Size 2.25 , ' I IJ£.OO:J!EllH ·15 :tr-~-Ri1. !Oc jlclJ i• ... g IGit!d llMIS! 1 • • • at8ULAR 'Kott-Aid , C -R;,. 5o:pack! in o ., '1!''!f!"'~' 6.25 Koel r.s ••. ,, .,_,., 4'"'· 00 .ass't Jf•VO!J.• :·r ·•11.JJc , ~ ., . ' I , ~ I , , I I " , 11111.Y llLOT (H) Yewr Money's Worth We 4-ll Pay for Car Crashes BJ SYLVIA PORTJ:ll MIU. drtrlq In N"' York City .-nUr. a lrlend ol oun ocd-.UJ DOdC'd tlle lender ol a ta:d In lrool ol blr -just enoup to dent tt lllshUJ. ,,,.... .......... pooslbillly .. injury, but Cid!' • f r t e n a nevenhele,. Inquired whetbtt the tul driver wu llu't ln aey way -and tber etcllaz>&Od appropriate in!onnltioa for their insurance COlft\lM&e!. 1lte driver asmred her.he w11 fine and tblt, our frle:Dd thought, WU that A few -0 later, tboulh. .she WU tued for '5,00I-alJ>" posedly th• cost ol medical Etti111et. NM,..t· Cottect Ti•• •f Attr.eerl L.ltdi119 •11 Mee11! D1po,it ,; •11 AL JAIWIS MUTUAL fUMDS SIMIN· , Al . Tu•td•v. Mtw ll, I :lO pm Elkt' Club, l•ltf a.t<li .... holpilll ......... • .. "wblplN~'" .inJurla the taxi driver's employer cla1mod tha driver bad suffered. Our friend's lmm'lnce companJ went lllroup ·a11 the motlom ol -me dolailJ ol thla -of accldeola -then, 1o ber lltoniahment. infonned her that It upected to tettle this probal)IJo ~ claim out of court for a wbst.anU&1 111m. IT'S IMP05SIBLE to be P,..,iae about bow much ol thla iype of c:healilll ol U.S. ~ insurance com-,,..... _,,... ... bow many tens of millions or dollars are paid out in dubioua or ftadulem clalma. whit percentage of our premium dollars goes to cover such collil. There'• allo no way to · teJl bow m1nJ automobile ..,,._ mularly COOS)lir• with automobile owners to pad claiml to be paid by inluraoce .......... But fraudulent Claims must account for significant part of the rise in our automobile' ln- aurance costs -nu.r)y 00 per· cent in the past decade. The U.S. Post Office at this moment has S2 casea of false insurance claims involving literally hundreds of doctors, .lawyers, insurance claims ad· jwters, auto re~en and claimants and literally mllllons of doDm. Jn many ol .. HOW lo WHY INYIST IN WL mATI .. A Two Part, No Charge, Seminar Ofhr9cl ·by: Propeltles West A N•wport IHdi Soc•t.d Reel . Eit~t• ln••1tm•nt Consultin9 end R"Htch Or9an1 ut1on ••c:lu1ively t.rvi119 Or•n9e County. n. fi"t p•rt •' "' Ml!li11tr pr .. r•ll'I will L• h••nl 111 Newp•rt .: h ..,..._ ....... c-" ,; the "ltl•11d Ho1,1t•" •11 Tu••· ,,:c .... 1J .. •t 7:00 ,,M. Tlt• tecoTKI p•rt will be he•rd •t tk1 ..... .., a. 111 th• "Cli ~ptr ~oom" •11 T11t14•Y1 M.., JM -._ there ls • ...u orpaloed -· accldent ~~ Dea or more ln- TY Pf C .l LL Y , a n ~ lawytr hire two or thrff a,ieople In two dU· ftnnt can to stage -an auto acclde.lt ln which a fender or two are damaged lairlyt _batlly -"""""' to mote physu:al In-jury apptar • possibility. Then, with the cooperation of an unethical doctor, t b e lawyer files i. fat claim agaDt the !nsur ance com· pany ot the "hitter" on behalf ol tbe individual Who has allqoclly IUf(ered a whiplash injury. The hitter, of course, is well protected tiy a JiabiUty in- surance policy , a lthough his car may have been rented. The ••injured" individual plays his part - by being admitted to a boopllal. feigoing Injury • el<:. Ia another twist, individuals hive been known to take out dozens of health and actident insurance policies w i t h o u t m e nUoning in t h e l r a p- plications that they are in· sured elsewhere. They fake In- juries, get themselves ad- mitted to hospitals, Uten try to collect from as many insurers as possible. "There are some people," a Post Office In- spector remarked in a n in- terview, "who make a pretty good living this way.'' AS A N AUTOMOBILE owner, you are almost sure! y sharing the cost of staged ac- cidents, faltt i n s u r a n c e claims. YOU could be charged at any time with causing In- juries., as was my friend. The rt!Slllt could be cancellation of your insurance or . at a minimum, a hike in your premium. Indir ec tl y , of courst, s.11 of us pay for this flourhhing racket through the relentless increases in our~in· surance premiwn Tates. Therefore. if you are sue~, and you feel sure you have not caused any damages or in- juries, do not go a long quietly with a fradulent sett lement; NEVER be a party to in- flated automobile repair costs resuJting from an accident; And if yoo have reason to be suspicious. report these suspi- cions to your state insurance department and/or the U.S. Post Office. Sweetland Corp. Gains Malabar NASO Listings for Y .. sday. May 6, 1969 • OYER THE COVNT!R -A· I~-~ _,. ~w ... ~•~J:"'tt:=-&~"" :;·t~ -A,--u •--11nw llfS...._ .... ..._ •t ~ f &.M. .,_ lllJ.D. I, .. ~ i"' ~ .. "" ~ ""'., lllftw. _..... .. n . .i-.. I Jiit I(:~ f,!11. \'• ,.. '5111 ' ....;,. !'f.:ftM!t~y~: -''J~~;:1:iS!~l: ~~~;J~~lia ~l~lJ 1 ~'1; ~!Ii ~I~ l :s =.. ,, I'.--" -":':. .. ,, ,<J:::: "t.'" rm tt~ ·~ , '!!? .... r,,r, 11\l M • _ 11 ·~ I =i1 =r.. N• Slcl.ir~ 1111 ,._ t1' 1n1r:. 1r-g\li l"llcl NG IW. it.1 ~~Mllllt .a r 'B! \ n--.., fj,J +: = ~~ :. tl roYI lnllll, Wllft 1, 11'11 l":,.wto tt ... ~,: .;;-::. IM ~ 1J 14'. :.t ~'\~ > e !1t trw ,,_. II'• ~ lf: l::: N~ ?1 It '-l"I C•~ It !f Aefl)9L/f 1A •u •1Va '"'-.:t \I) $Ye .+I,_., =I~ :It~ ~"° i! ti:l j* ~l..r n~ ~~~:I( n~ rt._ ~~~:m '1#~» tla,_~'.~ 1.:::, .fl -,_., I~ =J: ~~~ ~~0 U ~~!?'ii.11 ~~~irJ~ ~ft~it1:W·1i.." 11! llli !~ ll~-::~• ~·:! 11: ~ n::.~· ~Ud!Jlr.4111.r.. '"lf l I~~ J jdlt l"L 1~1r'~"'=1t J Jl't ~~fti· 11 ~ ~ ~=\t m~l.to \l tiJ~ 17!)=6 ~·lt, ~rte" '"~ Mell u"" ll ::u~.1 11"-l"S Put1;"1,, 111ti 11 "''"' c11 .• J: tt ~ -~ jll · 11 ~ ,~ s. ~ ii t"~ ... ¥li :~,.Dr." n\6 u J::::-~k ,J"' =~:-1• a :1$ ~1 J '1"" •iv. •1~ :t"' n; ~JO 1 , i ltt e .. ::" Boem. wm· s :r.:; or llC~8:r-.:Y•1 f!·::a ~::r~ ~: ffJ\3 ::~7llt:J:l'I ~\~in1·~ ,,, uv. r c=i= Tt~1t'f' al •, ~ ~""± ··~ . g 1A,1r ce· 0 121.ii U\lt ~ " MV. !DI'>'"'" tu kl Rl'f'/1'111 Cl ,. 31 AllltclMUI .7j 1 ""' 2' " -"' ~··· .. , ' 'q • " ACIM;"I ll\li 1• Oetol AP~ 10\lf 11\11 ic, ...... T n n~ ICIOl•EI ""' TI\'! A...., Pd ·" .. """ """ """ +1\41 I; ""' ~.J"-.1 11\lli 311'1 c ... T 11',lo 11 ic.itwooo '11'1 ~YI 11:11111 Cr "1'1 -'I AHllclltr 1.# • 0 \i 'I •116 +\It A Al . I J7\fl Wo Im " FAA P A ~ '! ... li ln18r· m u l(tlllfl.E • ~ Rllrf Siii 25 fl ,.~ ... .. 1~. , ..... ll'lo -"" I ,x~r, •Ill 4 YI j :;: • act' ...... im I= i':' ,,., 3"' ~::IC-l"lb 2l'll f.W I.·=' lX SJY, ir Alllt Cllf"' 102 31 ~ 2""-.. -,~>:II • 11 l!.~ '" ~~.~ -+ ~ ilO tll kl D 35 Ktnt C\!f 41 '1 " M » o\1111\ePC: .J0t '1 1$ 2• 2• -T ..,,.. ... : FOf141't l~ 1'14\.o" » ~~lf{.C ~~n~::~··: ~ AICI09 1,90 2U mt. H V. Ifft-Vii tri.t."lk l! ~1 :: ~11'1 rr:=~ Arco'l d :H I JOl'lfS l it llO k lMUI Pf :v H 111111 $JoY r. S1Vo .f.mt1$UI lJO ll .n J1'4 l2 +WI D111l.., 112 $,)\4 51' .. S2 -!\\ $350 000 'It.a liw 11>'41 11 00 JO """IC.11111> voe1 ll..., :ra1; llY'*ll Hm1 »'6 AMBAC .!IO ,.. 9'11 21 ~ + 1111 ololnht 1. 100$ .,,~ 5'\li '°"'-'"" .t. IH PID ~ rtw H111 10 11 l(or1 '"" "'"' SI Comp 2' ...,....,£. 1.10 3 ~ lll141 JOl'i -... ltd .JOit "° Sfllo st St -H• •• ' :'1\~"r: .r: It 11~, ..... !~ :i: LMC 011 6* ""' RM' I ~ l)Yli A.mrE• °"·'° 2 Sl" SJla Sl\i +. l~•.1S ' " "'""' tOlll -1.\lo • .... flV. n ,.,., 2) Lanct 31 3l"i ln•t 1 2t Anwrldll J 3H llt tli 1111.<o 111\'i .... , Ill l.fO I t il i + ~ ..,,:i1 L&i. '"" wlran b n .U L•nd• In 7>Ai 1~ Sc1n1M n~l 10141 l!Mlo Mfr~ll!I' ,IO • '11.\ lll~ 31Vr +" ! I 21.J -~. WASRINGTON (AP} -The ~':!! 2°" ~°* ~11 ~'h 15 t!~ r:J m: R~ ~ g::,:~ ':~ ~ "'"A1rt1n ·'° ~1 U-isu. J.M-v. lllGM 11\j 4, _ ,,. = i: .,,,. .. "''" 39 uc SY• I' 11 l t11 eo.1 1\', d kl Ind lO'h n~"'" ...,.,. t 2n t•"" *' '"' +"'° 1uP1a 131 Jra litt ,. Administration has awarded a~:: ~~I n"" P•.o El ~ ,1s\lo leiwrt G 6) Sall! OM M " Amedal 1... Ul n 11 n~ -2 ~ " a~ '° 411 -,,., Am IMIO ... HUI 2J\'i S , l r.oln T1> 11 II Su!!>lll H '1 21 ,\m C1n t.l'O ltt 5'\1' "lh 5Jlh -~ n AO 31 Vr. U• " = .... ~ S350 ooo contract to the Boeing""' Medi Nlld '•'•\lt ?:"' L""•• 11F l 20 1a11110 A 1 .... , .. •,•,. ... .t.e111 pf 1.1s t :11119 ,.1~ ""' -k cm 1. 1 JI :11 ... ' 1:11111. COY I lib Ecw I » ~ S.1•le p( l -"'"""' ... n 11 1•1' I~'" om ... M 'U 2Ni 22141 im + .. Co., Renton, Wa sh., for ~!:J:t!\\l ·~:, ,f11 !: llll ~ 7111 1!.~&,. ~~Dlt A ct111n 111 • .o ~ :14 Jl'IAI :,~+y,~w d_JJ , I~ 1t; 1:~ ~".:.~~ r esearch on the use ol ~ C: ·~~ 1 1 ~1:'1 •C:-J v. Lr.:J•t"" ;!\II Y ~~ft! :l : ~~~'i: 1:: n mi ~\II l2~ :·:·: ~:;:,?~ 1\ 1;& Jr; fi~ ri:l +1~\ , , .t.nhlllwr 1'14 Modul 401 11 V. Mid GAE ll"-l • Sf\lm Ur 6l\lio U V. Atl'ICYl!I 1,25 410 lL ii: :J3 +\lo C-1 lU SI "9'.~ ~n\ -I satellites for air traffic com-........ c F t\O 101/o mp son 1'111 211/o .,1, Ch ~ 3l:V. ~p N1 5' 51 A~••111t1 7 2~ ..... MUls 1 u lM 11\'o It .... + I~ muflicaliOOS and n&Vlgabon On Z,~~ ""AA {1,~ lill 'P(p R• 1"° :: fo\lll>dll A$ ~nll ~\II ~l:.':'\.iD ~Yt u\4 t..e'1\.:i:ptf.& llll ~l;, l l'i lf~ + ~ : _,fas J., ~; YI ?f~ 11" = ~ . . .t.rc11! N 9 "6 Mf'9'1' cv '' 10 ,,.,.1 Rttv ll';) 1~11o s1--H "~ 10'!4 A IV .12o 2t \ w \S. -'~ -~P M 31 ~ "' .. -~ tr · le5 Ardtft otol ' ol$ QUlty 011 11 JGh MSrowet 45\<li II SoG1 NG U\\ 15\li Am ~ I 1 · 14' lf'9 + Ill on l'f(.A 'S J4'0 61 61 ansocearuc r ou · "''k MoP iw. ll'lli rie Tldl ~ 211'1 Md ShloD 30 32 sc.1 wat 1•:w. 11\li AM €J rt 1 " s-n ···· on F.m · 1 u •m "'3'\ ..... ' The basic goal is tO mea sure zr::. H riU ~'\ r:ie~l" ~~I Ml1tr ~C 39= 1"' ~E Jtl ~M ~ ~ .. ~ %" ,n. ff~ i".'•, ,1,·.~ + ~ =~.ir..:·5f n: 1T, lm: l~;z r·~ .. ~35cao1 nv.30v;Fabr1 ~r 101.-.11 •11111~ ~ «i"'sw'E1 s1 : 11 11 ~·~ l.«1 1 ~'°~ nf• nv.-U N1tG 1.1' 11 1 79~ 2"·• :2t~-'• theaccura cy andrellab1lilyof 1Ui1°J1f 2 3l;.,6J.1 11 FB1v ..:ir s1 5l loWdlc H ~1 11 sw G•sCP 11111 11~~?-0'~ 110 l-. lSi! l61,+.,. Pwr 1.to io5 •2'11 .n111 ~2\lt-':- d. . I . th A~1o F!re 31 39 Ftld ..:Ir 6t 71 M.tlrl>l'IC 35Vi 37 Sper1s 111* 12 Atnl11¥11rl lo ldt l'1'0 ~ on pf•,'2 1JO 11 70 71 +I• L-band r a IO signa s, in e Au!o sci t •:. 10•4 F1rr1.., lt :u¥o Mttur T\., Ii.\ Std e111st 'lt\lt 11V. AmMF :to 50li ,,.. jj.,., o\ ···v. on~ pf•.50 ino ttlf 69l\ .•1>.11 -J.• Avtn'l<O t\~ F. Fed N Mlt :ICM 206 MldNI Cap 1'':0 1!Jl.;o Sid k nw Diii ).j" -'Mel C I.to 1f5J ~'I i.:, :j: \Ii OllllAlrL fj 116 1ti4 1""" l'\io -~ IS40to 1660megahertz range "vMc r u v.1 Fifi s1q,1r 91410 Mkne~ "' 1tt.si111HPd ,.. » AnlMo!or'I 22,, • ~ , 1 ... ,;. ~C-•• .·"~ ~ ,oi:; ,'!ll'1' ,•.~-t ~ 1 Az!K 01 \IV. l "i Ft!8os CP n 1' Mldwsl Gl' 11 2t !"IW Cl jJ 5-'Y, ArnN1IG11 1 3"19 t ,. ...., C 4' ,._ ..-. r>< • I 0 r a Ir • r a f I p 0 s i t I 0 n !•bbln j •1:io Fs1G, .. AE ,1.,, ,....., ""111 ROY 1' '' ub1c i v 11.li ,.,.. AmPhol .D'hl 'll 1~ ,~ -•\lo "' 1 COP pfl.l nto 11..., 1 11v. ,,.. ..._ •lrd Al I ..... 1 h Fii Mfllp ll Xl\lt p!1 ""'• :IA 3'~ $<lldl Fch l~ """ All..-dl ,20Q m llhi "~ 1~ OJ/II c. 1.IO 101 l0'1 50'1o '°"' -~ del-m'•a"on and vo·ice and g•'oer M :icn. 21~ Fsi A$C11 61•,. nt Miss V•IG 20>.< ll'lli ratio Fd 1J1' 1•v. ""' s.~ i J ,. _ "" t CD pfAJJO 10 561' JS ~ .. -'• .... u• u " P•!nt ''lo I F•I wu1 F 1~ Mo Aldl 70.:. 7YI 1mPP lU 110 ""' Sh M oJ! '~ i\ ... :1 _·"u ~.''"&:" ··.',",, ~. ~. ",.~ -,, ' =1\<t .. . . 1•rwic'o lS 16 Fn~t Ml 2' 11 MOlll W'll; R 12111 :Jl\'i t-r ll \'t 1!111 A~ l.IO ~i -.. ,. -· •• ... 21 U data commuruca tlorui. 1s1n P ~"•ls -F ..,, '"' 714 """""' Pk u i:. 11 t 1-!11'1 ?IYI Am ..10 •1Yi '°4i 41 +114 1 11 "' »1~ l5'lo J5'o -..,. , •vl • 001 Gr1nt :llll\:o :Jl ,_., Pd 11'4 11Vr l iuel1P l•O.C. lJ A Air '11.7' 2 S. ... Bl\ J:IV. ,,,,, Cont OU pf 2 • $1\~ 51 $1 -1 The tests, to begm next , •• 1,,, ,.~ , """"' '• ,""., ,.,_.., s u lJ'w!i T1111c1r w ,,.,., 6t ~.~,111 .1., 111 .u .i\11 d YI -"'coin1 s11 1 1 "' "' " ··-·· '"' •n rtlldld 10 MC!l(fl M ll'lli 11\'Ji '""-rm Air UY, \JV. _,..,,,. .,,._Jj 1" IU\o\ 111 116 -1 COl'll Ttl a 4'1 M ~ '~ \\ March will mall use of the ~111'1d 11.l~ lf 1 CP 11 .... 13Ut 1or Club u111 1• r1+11.,... 3'J » tTuSrwl\ IT J ;11~• l/ l/v. +' . ._ control oi11 1w u114o u 1 1s1v. =n, • •• H l! «J Elec: 1~ 20'lli N1rr" C 33\ll ltl' T"111 U\\ IM ~-... · ., CnOel "'" z» , ..... '"" ·-+ •-. Appl.,.,,;0 •• Te• h n 0 I 0 g y !L""ub \II st 1 Atv n~ ll ,. "'' 8•ll!ICll w. ' T•-C&f '"• ~ .. "'¥. 2 • •1111 •11t + I'> · ... ,.. ,.. "" '-u •>D .,. f1'1: W 101' 1 "'10~ Nit E""I' SI U TrlM GM 21\11 21V. r ·-10 ' l~ 111>., ... COftwod 1..,. 1' 3' U'lli; :W + \It Sa lefl.1te A~E to be launc hed lrr lon "5 ~ ' llY, 1,9111 NII FdPd :JN~ Tr1nsp M Uflo 1.f'llo :: oo.f·"°, lnf 56'· ~ + \1. Coot Unll ..st 'J ., .. •1'161 ., ...... . •.r lrkl>r 1"" 161111 1 Nit GMl 11\lo 12\lo Trltld Ind 11'lo 21\'t • ........_ 21 141 2'4io l6 ..... C-rt11 I.Cl 7S lSI'> :Miio 35 ... . •-FAA !1(k His :ii"",, Alrcrtl 11" 1314 NII LblY 31 32 Trko Pd l2 35 -'WW;:,' 1 ~> ll 4 1~0 ll'lo -\lo COOJ>e• TA I 71 JS 2•1'1 241'1-ll next Septembfr. 1U1 G!M El 1 Ot'tlcn ,.,., l N11 Stell• 15\0i 11 rld1lr 11 11 AW ,"" " 1110 ,, .. 1111 11'.'o -~ c-T Dl1.1S 1 "~ ''* llllli-'4 -.... olt &uH I \t. 11 Gllbe•I ·~~ '4 Nllol P 11.<o 8\li Tuuon 0 l V. 16~ AW•"'j: ~11 ~ l JjYo Jt.r. ±1 ~ Copeland 1.20 12 .. \Ii •14 .... -\\ ' fl ight inspection Boeing KC135 oo!t-. c W4 Kt .... uu """ rn NE~ll GE 76\'o :io ... Unltec 19 21 Ml . tne 11 mi 251' """+"' COl>r>Rg,, . .sob 111 .!J JI SN +1~ C1al olJl'I -" Al E•I lD\11 1 \It NJN1!G 26 ""' UnA rl Tl! lSYJ J1 Al'Mlek 13 :12\11 "''" :nloo _ ,,_ CoowlSll 1.JI 11 2J 24~ 2~ + "'° ru"rcraft Wt.II take part t"n !hC DWHr 7\il ffi eolill l\lo tV. Nlchbn F 31 .... 39 Un Ooll1r 3'J :M Amf• o •• • rkw•1 G7S"< 7"" lno'1 IN: JI 39 Nlelt A Joi ll Ull !Hum 31"' ll\11 "MKl>CC: ~ 1-'° ~ 5'\\ -11'1 Corlnll\8 .1~ l5 211(, :llf"l 7' -'4 test! ... wn Ar 7'V:I XI .... Gl1tt.lt .u "' Nltlt 8 Joi )5 u" McGll 1J ll YI .I.MP lrac; .... ~ ~l~ t • + \II CorGW '·'°' •1 2Nio. ,... ..... 2171.'o +lv. · rush ''' •,o,~ 39,, .. Gle1111 W .CS~ " Nor.vn lln 7~ '"' u! 8kNott ,. 71 Am-COrD "'' 44 ... ~ ... -~Coron.tin .:tz 11 31V. ~ :iov. -:) lldtr.oe .. 19,, Globt llub 1 I "'C•> NG 11'.:0 ll'lli U Cr-'"" ' •-~ > .....,. "" -'",._,_ -->•>> >-'' · °"o-wo•',!l~D)::!Gr•llhCOfl2l'.\.2,V.'NoE\ll'Oll Sl'i 4· U ~· 2•~2' --·-r-... l... J 61!'1 '-"-•"'""' .-'' .,... -• 1 ~ n Gr111h Sci I• 17 NPenn G 16 17 US 56 S7¥i •··-::' ll 73441 73 23\lo -YI Co•8clcis ,!IQ 12 '6 '5l~ .no. + \t, Timber Cut For National Needs Only -•• -M u,, ,, GI w.sr. In 20·~ 11 ·~ NW N1tG ll'AI 1~ ln L " n ':'.~ '.~ 111 ~ 511lo SJVt -~ CPC Intl 1.1'0 111 ~ 31\to 3'\'t , .... ••-• O ~ ~ *fn Ml lnll ll tl NwPub SY 2l n'lli. U• PenP 26~ 2611o ~~~~ .-•I 11 I~ MVt _, .... Cr1t1e 1.illlb 1, JI SOY, SI + tt ~ l5 w, nfld 11:1 1, 21 Nvc:lr 11$11 lS JI' Ullh st!LII I I .... """""""" WI 2 "1\'o "214 .Qlil -1'111 Cn1f'11l'l(11 ,M lJ 70\.!i IP~ lN -~ :u S:,AW tt ~ rlnnell lJO Ill IO Wll J2Yt 33.... Ill ll'ld 3' 31 ol.nco"'NSY 1 J '1 '1 •I + \;, Cl'o<Mlilli lb J 30 7''\i 2f:\i -" .. Tldl ~ . r~ Prs D\11 »YI°"' S.Ca11 " 6f VII LDeY )! !SY, l.lld C!Jv 1.20 S6 41 'I>'< ""+ 1" Crowcol 1.511 51 3' 31 ll!M -"' lir!t 91 10 I Grw!h 11111 1S 11 ""°"' ll\~ U VlnCI $1n 31YJ l2l.'t .t.PO>Oll 1 •H 11'0 olJ"6 •1 '°"" .f2\;i Crvwn Cort 1• 11',(, 101'> IO .... -'9 ., NGal l•Va Utt Gu1rd c~ I ..... Ottu T.P 21 11\li II Woodwd 2~\'ll H" AC11;11· chftn 21 4't~ ~Siio ... +"' c._.,ze 1.70 "° ..,. .. "'" ~ -"" r. VIP ll 2J\'• Guldt T(fl '" •fl Ovtrs N'A lU• 31\l'J Vl(ldell R 1 1 AAA $we u ,6 IOI ICld\.'I ION + -Cr11 Z pf•.10 150 6fV:I 69V. ff\li -\Ii ~1~•m :i:. 1,:J g~~'oJ;,!,. l~~ l:v. P!~f~, !J,, !:Vt ~~.:d.P 1}.,; tt t.rchD•n 1:to 31 5f 511'1 ~ _" crs Corp .~ 10 11~ 21\\ 11\lo ... hn um 11'" 191' H11m Cot<: 21 1'1 """PK AYl"1S 1\~ ,,,, W1r.n H 1! " A•IZPllbSYC 1 2l 1~~ ?JI.~ 2$Slo -" Cudl hV co Ill :nv. ,,~ :nv, + ~ hi er&j 11 11 Kind 1109 •v. 1\'o p,, F1rE .Ill!~ .ii.... Wash N'O UV. llV. .t.•18nsos .20 IJ• 35'tl 15"1! l51'1 + y, Cudhl' 1111.1$ 10 ''"-1'\lo 1~1Ai ..... "'lli1 111 l:U He"Cl'ler S '7Vt 19 P1"tcol 1l1,~ 1•V. wet Trml 11"" If"' Armco$1 J '° 214 ~ •5'1 .. + "1o Cullle&fl .18 16 1•'-• ::t•l4 24'.0. -·~ hr ~I ot \!D.,HJ,,_ H1v1n Ind S'ill ' P•wY 0!~ '' 2' Wtbb Rel 11'.(o 19 "'mco Sfl .wt I lJ'lll .J3 JJllo + ._ Cummin ,IOb U 39\'r 31'1l llVi -1\'o 0011del A 8"" .,!., Htnredn F 111 .. 'l'l'h Paulr.o P U!-16'111 Wldlrn 15 16 "'IT>DUr I 60 S SolV. ""\II .. >.lo ->"• Cu"nOrt,111 .70 11 37 3'\\ 36\'o -\~ ll! U! 21 " Kllllwn lt\lt 10 avel~ \1 18 Wtll!ng M :JlV. 35V. · .,.. •• ' c "I w o .-,,,.. -·· ,,_ • 1111 IJIB :U'4 26 tlo"" EP 66 )0 p Oil L1g 1111 l '!'o sift Mio~ 1$'~ U Arm1to: 1.'4 H 11 n'-11'4 +\ii u., SI rt • .,.,. ....,;, -lh N Pr! I} 1J tloover J0'h 31V4 iE11t1ln t ' t~'I WPUOlhh ::tlY,:tz .... ArmCk •l3.15 JllOU 63 63 Curl WrA l ll61lo3'V.3'\lo ••• WASHINGTON (UPI) -An llr~ Ml ::t•V.15 HoY•I Fii J\1 l"' P• G'-W 2j~· ,..,. •!ft $.lle'l 2~ nv. ArmRub I... 50 "6'4 '''i "'~ :..:.2·· Cullf<" H 1.10 11 «J!.j, "° «IV._,, ·~~:: 0 1P'" 1m H11ek IJ 13 .... PEC liraol 13~ " W119 W~le 11•.r. lltli Arw CorJI ·" 17 Jll'r ,....., ,. .... + 1111 Cy(IOJ>$ 1.1111 11 •1'1 •1~ •1"6 -\'t increased cut Of tim ber from 1' •'!,I tllld lllY 12Vi 21 fffles• T 20 21\lt WlftnblH «JV. '2 Anoln Ind I 21 23111 32'4 311'> + !oii l"'•llSM l.'11 :U SlV. "b $3'1o ..... min 'E l 'l f '"'""' PP A lSUt » .... p.,,11 REI U'lt lJ lnsl T ru ._ !Uhld OU 1 JI !Jt 51\\ 51 51* _\II -0-federar lands Proposed by the olon SrT :19' J 0 tlU90I Gii 16\lt 11\'r Peo W1.ri 9~ii '"' .... l!(: PL 22\'I 22'19 AIJ'IO!r ..,,:.a 2 1113 103 l!Q ... D •. ' - -'o".~, r~ fl p.3' l o'C"'dVc:Q<IY...-.: ;:i~ SI !~:! ~:! .,/f:'ndQf11 2r' ~!! Aud e,_ •• lm ll lJ -it o1" c'" ,·; •: r, ~:~ rit. t ~~ Ni1on Administration to help • •• -1~ -·~ H11,.1 P l5 21": Pe1"'1t "\• .,,... Y1•d Elec: 1 '""' ~-~11..:.2! '' ' 451'11 '' + ~ -• · ,,. '"" ..._...., .-.. ' 3$ lS ~ -~ 01n1 C1> "'I l 1~ 2"\ '64'o + "41 Tell.Ve a domestic lumber A.1Mft r111 ..io "' 11\1 1w. -'-\ 01rt Jnd .30b 1M 411' """ ""'_ ·~ ASS.OClllY l.'11 , .. , 30\11 •,. \'a -t'io Cert ll'ld pf 1 2S n y, 521'\I SIV. .f •i •-rta ·u t be I" "bJ AIC~!SQn I.Ml ... ~ !f"" l4 + ~ DIYcoCP 1.60 2S ·~ 4' "6\\ -''t Suv ge WI no e !gt e l~ -· o\tic;r~ 1·30 ~· 21 \'~ • + "' OIVCO pf4 !S ?50 10!! lOS 1ri 1' for export, according to Chief ~""-ii od :rl J1 ~ff!\ ~ 'ifu' ::~ f 1~ 8ir"~'A f:g ;Ig ~\4 l~ -5~~ +1 1~ Edw d P Cl.,, r 1h F , Mutual Funds ,n"dl Dn.J as ,,"' , ..... 17 +11. Oft<'• co , 171 .. ., •• _ + •• ar • 1 o e ores At115 c~ .1a " ail.ti · lO¥I _ " R!lPwt.1 \·Oil n 1:1>1• nl'J m.: -,,, Service. A~•s Coro J~ 2j't; ,~t; j~' ... :7.~ ~:17~' ...01• ,: ~h = i.~ ~1~~, ~u~·';t~ t 1 1"'o 6''i ' Oeli.c Int 91 lll't ~ ~-Vt Clilr. who appeared befor e a 1.,, .. '2iK •"-'K ':1.i;u"'..,"""""""'""""••••a'"'ta..,l"Wt$0ktr .1111 1• '""' !!l1' ''' ;:·~ °'"" M1, .60 1a """ siv. n tA -11111 I' ~~'r. Ind " •1\' i'f"' •0'4 -I~ OIMMlt Pl 1 21 •1 41 •I +I Senate Appropriations subcom-""v ' Abe'~" 2.1) '""'"' N'Gw 3 6l 3 ti ~ 'I t .17 ·~ A~D c:'1~ 1~! i-ll 'fi'~ = ~ e·P~111A: 1': ~:: !:~ ~ ::!: ~ lie told Sen D~·rt C NEW VOii.i( f,t,PJ dV•1f~ I~ ! 61 Am PK ~rwovell UI Ji:: 1..0 6. Aivco CllJ.:11 l ffv. 2-\t + V,, AGr 1.11 I•, n~ 2.,><,·i "•"." --:! m1 e, . '"""" . -1111 lollawi ... -flllllll!'d r 1 .02 AllChor Gr0«0, H I 0915. "::Tr.: .22 Sol SFlo .,,,, +" f'CO Pl8 -· ...,. ... Byrd, (0.W. Va .). that the in-\~'°W•1=:::,Jr :::.,..",""'" ,,. 11·fi ~~111 l~:sl 11l:~ u: 1 ,,;i IJ.,, ~_. :,-'°"' 2'f1 ,~' .~•\II ,~w. ~v. ~o.5r:r~""1 .«i00 l~ ~~t ~ ~~ t :~ -·-· t ld be used lo Ilion ol' $te11rllln o\m(:llD •. .02 '"" '"" o~ .... , .. , AYOll Pd l.to u '~ UfV. l!IOV. -" Ell PIS.SO I t7Vo t6\l f M + •• cred.X'.U C'U wou 0.1111"). Inc ... Am ~r. ).Jt 319 F!f Inv 111' 'l •rlf 5.1t 1.34 B---1 SIN! M l•• 70\0 19\6 :10\to +11' eel d I hous ino needs 1t1t 11rKa e1 'w111cti w111 lj02131! Mitll!d l,S.I · 1(111< b !-"I.• -tu .lll It Jl,,, '1 Sl ..... m Omes IC ~-o · n-.ecvrllle:I .-m rill nw. .CS AJI• "10U<>hl0fl, Knld! Gii'! l .l5 1l " 81bck W 1 3' ?Ill :JOOio 30"11 :l(l!f, _ "t IFIMn .SO , 11 1. !~,, ,',',~ ~l~ •; ·,;;, . ~Ollld' ~-belft "" Im' 10 10 F1111d A I )6 'OI t•lllDI 11.39 n .u kr<:lllT . Ot•ml~ll ,.. ,,. ,. ... ...... The chief's stat ement c ame cr.°l'd !bidi "' bollohi ..,.., r..... l'-' 11·'' F"""' e 10,3111.11 t( AWi 11 •l "os ::i1Ge 1 :t ;: ~U: ~~ ~nii -"g11stoem .«i 1 """' 21 ,4 _ 111 ,_ ___ 1___.t 7:00 P.M. Thii S .. 111i11•r 1•ri11 will i11l•r•1f •II p•rt~llt who ''.'k ~110wl.•lllt• ..... cutt••I i11fomietio11. •• • 1011nd bt 111 for m•k1n9 •nl•ll•9•nl i11Ye1hll1~ 4eci1ien1. SAN FRANCISCO ->!AP) - Malabar Manufacturing Co., San Leandro, has been ar· quired by S\\•eetland Cor p ., San Francisco it was an-nounce<r. in response to a question •skllll Tllfldl!Y : ""'"""'' 0 w 1 .s.i k'f'~ : It f Y b~'l~ ~·l; 17 ~ 841 /G 11111:..,.,~m n n • ~ ::.~ gl:ih .r'of.\o 1f ~ ff~ 20 ~·,, I t I •blon t.ll t~ LUI 1nY 7,7' .51 El~~-LfC.f UO &J U-u. --\lo kt1~ ... •lf 711'1 27"'6 21'.'"+-.. '' ~ethe!_~_og~c_u _romn~-111. 1.91-1 Ll ... --•. u 9.4I8a11tPU10t .6t 401 Joi~ Jru :12~-no o1ebo1c1 Mii 161 s1Vt $o\"M !1'11io+1!'o tional forests under the a d-~~tk 1~·'' 1 · l~ti S•v1'' Fd•: ee,..P ltf'l.2s 1 JJV. JJ'' ,5~ + ~ 01c1:~ .to 21 31\'J :i1 ll -" • • I s.lt{ects to be Dhca111d: l'st I 1 ..... --h• I. Why lnv•rl1 Inflation 2. P•r•m•t•r• of • S,•und lnvestm•nt Ri1 k-Yi•ld. Tex H•d9•0 Liquid ity-L•v•t•9• l, How do•• Reel E1tet• meet these Ptr•"J•f•rs7 l'st 11 ln-aat Alt.--I• a .. 1 Estwta 1. lend 2. lnc:om• Property Citru1 Aqricultur•I Re 1identi•l/lncom• Shopping Centers ). Rec:ra1t ion/R•1ort -4. Property M&n•9•m•nt 5. Syndicetion vs. lndividu el Purchase C ell for R•1•rvetions, es 1e•tin9 i1 limited , Mrs. Arnold, 675 .... 13 0 ;. PT1pert&es Wet. 1021 lclylid• Drlv• "~ ._., c•,.,. n"2 The 30-year-old East Bay firm is a world-wide supplier of hydraulic jacks and other related ground support equip. ment for aerospact and airline lndu.stries. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO Cll•OITOIS SUP•IUOll CQUIT O~ THI' ITATI! 0, CALl,-011.MIA ,011 THI COUNTY OP 011.ANOI Ne.A~ Ell1ll If HER•ERT MAT111EU, SI.., 0tcHMld. NOTICE IS Hl!llESY CIV EN lo the crtdllor1 of l"9 ,,..,.. 1111mtd llectd.nl 11111 •II Hrsons 111...W. d•lm1 11111111 lht 1111d dfCWtflt •rt rt<iu!rlll lo 11111! them, w!lll the ""~"' \o04/dllrs, fn the office ., 11111! d M'-of Ille •bov• lftl!tlecl courl, CH' lo _, llltm. wl!~ !tie 11ttes1•rY ~rs. lo lht ~ndt,.ff~ed •' lht otlk1 of Alllrl Knnstllllflllh. Allor..ev II Llw, Intl lle1dl Boultv•r4. H11nll111llln &e•c~. C1tlfomll '26AI. '""!(fl 1$ !hi PllA el MlnfH DI Ille vndfrlill'lfd In 111 mlllffl oerl1ln!,. lo Ille t>latt of wla Otct<ltftt. wlllllll IDllr me>nlh> Birt• ll>t llrtl PUbllC.I· lion of 11111 N!llc,., Oettd N rll n . 1tet H.,INrt M.r~oeu, J•. E~ecuror ol 1~t Wi!I of tllf' lbOVt Nlmtd dKedl"f ALLIN l(LINQ£N$MITH nm a1Htl ...,1ev1«1 ............ hKtt. c1111. tl'" T....,._1 (110 142·"4• A,,._, fW l•P(ll!lr PWllitllld Ori"" Cf)l1I 01llY Pl1ol. AJlftl !2. 21 1fld Ml>Y 6. U, lM• UUf !•Old s1 u.i '!:as c:?,d 11·~1'; 11·ri a1rb011 1."' 166 11 n11 11 +•Iii grw .:u ,. 11'" 2?!-1 Iii -\\· m inistration pla n would be Clu·1·s11' ana ulir:k 'S· 1 -?~ M~• u: 1•:09 Bird Cit .2J &S ·~ '8•:. "'" + ... o111i:c: 8J 3~ 1l"" f~ lm =~ available fo r export to J apan . .•.1•,,, •,,. 11 ::t ·~•" ii· t.01 11 .. 1e 1"' .to '' 11'4 11•., i1•1o --. ~~·".,,r· 265 211t ,,~ 26i 0 -i i. " ,. lll Fnd IJ.43 1111/e Pl' 2"" JlO " 4$ " ->•• O•-' '' !!:1 H ,,,. + -. "! '"<: t. D.lSM1u Gtll 1. u.r, Oo"· M'-~ --., ,"<->O" ,~,. f~ "'3 -I.-•• -Cl Irr ap~·r-• before the ~1 s.ri.. '911 , n ,,, ., ,, ,, , ·= .• . ~-· .. . . . . . ,·-..,... 10 JO 501'1 +· ~· · ,,..... cu 1 u tn1 s.nr 12'.oJ 1J:u arei ' Ill 1·ll B1lh lfld 11 ""' .. Iii "'l +\II -10 :. .G•IJ 52\~ -"' committee to urge a sup-Earmngs p llenftohO FUnch; ""'" l•:.011•:01 8•11'1 Ind "'$ 1 lH "' 166 +1 ~.o;:1n1 or. ,, l~ rm. {~.: ~. I t I rial ion Of ll•l•n lJ.•1 1•.66 Oon lf·a j ·M 8111$CllLb .IO 506 M f2t• ~ -IU. l"'1 · Ml :)ti )9'4 ]I .31'4 -l\'t p emen a a pprop &~hslk ~.C 11r, ~Mir! 1. ·?t ll•rlrL.ei. .11 11 •111 4 ,.. -'Mi r OUwt u n • 11•4 1.-. +"' $460.000 for the current fiscal ~ Ljg .61 _.1"' ~· J::;. S.Mtrt .so 10 u\~ IPA 1•1'1 + '• ., Cp ·" 21 "2V. 11.., n 1• +~ \/ear ending June 30, to help LOS ANGELES -Chris-Chl1f! 1t~-J; J.ll = Fu1'tlf 14 !I ::.:~1;: ~ '~ ;~: ~~ ;h. =1~ .~ '1:: ~ n~ ?!~ !'ri: + ~ ' th li"mbe h·--by · Qil C rt d ' Fllnd IJ.70 U.91 1111:om '1J ,. llMI !"lls pf 4 5 '6 941(, I'll. -l'oli esslllll . .o ~ QI.. l6 ll --increase e r cu • .,.,, hana orp. r epo e in· FrDnt 111.1a116.10 11'1u• 1·~ ·u Elkmln ,50 59 Sll1' 'i JN ~ oreu r .n.:io 14 •Jv. o •l -1 270 llli bo d feet in Stw~ld 13.ft 15.111 Mt~ Fd 20 :12'22 eel DI~ ,;xi '' .. !\ "* -lio Drnsr pf 81 t 39'~ 39 ltl\-'ll m on ar · creased revenues and earn g5 cllftn1c11 1t.iM 20.11 Mt~ Glh 1· 4:,,. A, J !s " ~" § +,,., Dl'e'ff\llCp 1" S1' -"'\ .,"' ~ + •· Additionalfundsforthepro-ded co1on1a1 : Muomcth ·n 1:w Heh "' 1:io ' .+1o.r. Dul!•l'w i . .:i ~ ~l; J~~ ',"",\6.:.::1~ for !he nine m onths e n ~~~Iv 1\:~ itl; ~~I °'"1~r~11 ~·u' ~:tt" .. li'i"-r~ Pet :JZ tt ~ lt 11 ~ -It( t~1 f_~s, 1'16 141'4 145Vi 145'11-.. gram a lso ha ve been rtquesl· ~8 h 31 Grw1h ,,,, 1.11 Mu1 ruit t: · elr'RGW 60 ~7 v. y~ = "• 1111Pon1 pf•.50 s 1s l•'4 "'"' _ 411 ed · th lar budg t for 1n a rc · COl'llf'Mrc lj·r.1•.d NEA Mut n . 1 : 1 1111~ .o ~.,. n •i 3"' +:ii duPollt oll.50 l 51,4 51,,, 51l'I _ ""' in e regu e Gross revenues for the nlne-l::i~.B~ll.• ·~Fds'•08g ~:: rJec ltlili:: !"· T'M1 ~ !.: ~~t ~r: t n g~ll t \si!h"'o1 J: ~:: ~~ ~ti!: the 1970 fiscal year beginning th .00 led to I" • I· I!· N11 1nvtt1 1.» ,.111 ;;,;;;1. ot a 11 ,... n n + 14 OUt1l1 'P' ? 1• Jn< ll'4 31v. + "" J ] I mon per1 amoun l'IC:om 1.. . N~~ Sec Ser: 1 e .... 1F1n 1.40 11s ~ 411 4119 -\~ °"' J.151111.11 1100 ,..,.. <"!to 19111 _ ~ U y • $7 691 438 from $5 226 259 in r~: ltt!1 j!J: B1l1n 11.!IO If.JI l lF DU.JO 10 7i. 111'1 1t\4 +I 0Ymo 111 .51t U, 'll\11 1•:V. 2~ + '"' • ' • ' 5 y k I ! 1\15 II-S.t6 f.«I "" 5ol1.SO J'l"lO l6 l6 ..... DYll-'Am A 11 '° lttto 1m ..•. , 1968. Net income advanced to ';;:'At.II i.1 :r, ~w~ic {ff ~ ::::"' •;: .i ID' Im ".:.~ -E-F- h eu5 961 or 21.3 cents per :Ill\ c&o 1·" 2· 1 1_,. 1.w Uci ~ ~ 2d ~ i•il t\ + " E"11Pc11 .IO 1' 30111 1"i 311 _ ~ M B "'" ' I . . I 10,2111.~ 5!Dd; '11 lGM Caro ~ •1· sv. -\': El\CO Co llO JO 11 16"9 ·~ -"' esa, eac share, for the ftrSt nine = B3 lt:~ H: °"""" 1o:J.1 II.• la~ .. ),.: ·"it . ~~ ~r: -:i l=••I Air .'50 17 2•\li 2• 2• h f f. I l'69 f m onu1~ 61' , N•I we.1 6.IO 1.45 IKlcDlt 1 39 . 1~ 61 -1~ -•stGF 1.151 321 »>• 111v. 2f'-j +··2 m ont S 0 JSCa ro °"'-220:H20:Jt"l~wrlll 21.1121,17m'11u l • ·21 n 1 l.; t!""' 21l2=.i 1KIUlll l,«1 11 2~ 2'4o ,.._1': 199 555 or 3 9 cents pershare -1nv 11.n i..OllN""E.,. 10.l3 1un atii"'l.so 6 i~ '>'O+·~ Koda11:.u. 111J 111.11 .... 11·~+1 M • y • > 1 · onsmJ"'l·ot•,6.I NtwHqo: JO,Oll lll.OO '<• &l'kl , 2 10 '°"' l'O"'-"O alonYl 1.41 11 Jl',1 3'\io )6•1 •. USIC 11·ms for the sim ilar period in 1968. ~ LCID l1:I~ i:::~ ~::,:-NI lJ:n lH! ::~:. 1~ 51: mt ll:l't ~ +·~ i~~.U111.J 2gg ff'i a~ ~ -··· Earnings for the nine-month rown w .lll •.u Nore"' 11.l6 11,l6 eo;uc pf cNI u Mi.lo ti .;.1 ect ... dDs .i1 10 •6'• 46~• 46'o -t't , clelleoll M 7l.Sl 75 Jl ntlllll f.U 10.J2 8ond S!n I 1 aD\lo JOI\ + I.lo EdlsonBrDl 1 11 l8'< J8 31'~ + U. periOd of 1969 were up DK11 Inc l .DI 15 ll Omeo1 1.21 t.39 llookMth l ?I 1$ lStl •'Ai llit +1•1 EG .. G .10 IJ G \1 411'> 41•· -.. M T Id f . ·1 !iJjlWl•t U,87 !l.J.1100 Fa 17 43' 05 Borden 1 70 l(lt :»•' If t ,.. EIMullc D99 16t U io 7'1io 71 \ el·ge1• 0 substa ntlally rom a s1m1 a r , "•~ l~ :·uF 'f:ll.i1 01 Fund l t.O. 11:11 eoraw8r ·1.25 3611 "~ \~ .... :-:. !ic.:t Asioc 11 l'oYJ 1110 20,, -• "od · 1968 H . r v ,T r · Wms 17.ll 11.U llorm8nF 1111 21 1316 • -'Ii IKI Spec 15 1n;, 11\lo 1910 + \il per1 In . 0\\CVCr Ca n• r I" 1,7. :·ol t it 11.l'Cl1e.118o5Edl$ i .ot 1 :it~~ -I'll llll"N'•1 Ind 51 13'1 131~ lJ'A-1" " ( th !ht.rd quarter ~ex• ' \,· •• ~ I.ti 9.11 Bourn' Inc 11 2J!e Ullo 2l4. -'4 Ell~ftONG I lll j •h ll~ 2~. + ~ r 1ngs or e . ,E."J?i .. _,.i,•. . ·V• Ptnn S'I '·" t.u ar1"ltA1r .so 3u i!: lsaio ,,,,,., _" e tr• Cp 1.20 11 n 11 »'h ,.,,. + ~~ Ma rvin K. Bird, presidento •howed only a slight Incr ease ~iit'n""'"ir'N 12 iji:!,.~ut 10.n 10.n 8r1DVSS1 2.(1) ~ s.i't ss ·c · Efl•1 pfl,«1 il4 >a 30 ~ •. , + ,.,· B h M · C t J . >• ,,., '' ,.-n,. IJ.•51 1.4 BrlSI My 1,29 \'t M\4 '*'..,l'l lrntrEltc I lll SJ J.I ... .,. eac usu: en er, nc., over t ho3e r eported for the Sll 1~~ 4:,1 1:6 .Pllerlm llAt 11.61 e1r11My pf 1 \ ~ "" } +1h rne1 pf •.l'CI 11 :11 11\IJ l7'' + ~) 17, .. 0 ·ach Blvd l luntlngton Dtcl•l uu 1603 P11o1 1.11 '·'' 8dwv Kell 1 .a 1't• + • ""'"'"'' .eo u 1"" s.:1;, M:i.;. -•;:. .,..., ~ '' months ended Dec. 31. tock 1t·.., 11:1• P.,. s1 U.56 ll.56 ~""H' pf Af I ~ °'" .\ ..... '"""" 1.20b 21 •Vt •1Yo 4 t• +1 B h has annnu·-·' the k-~· 1 ~ 11 .... l«wr l!M If .... ... . llllA.. l 4) ~ ..... ndJOlln ,11P ' ~ lS "'• eac • l,K.-nl ~I is· '!·" Pl~11-IJl't l•.161~ UG 1.11 16 ~ -Jr ..... lllNl\111 A 11 21ilo 2'\4. ~ _:·-merger 01 his Cornnrallon with ~ lli 1 ·'l Prfu Tll 15.n 1J. cs 2t 141 IF.t l -"' 111 M pt•.15 1 '"' IM 1., + ~ · ,.v n u.,...., "' 11,J,) 11 Co .t • Ao 20 ..... En11lll ll• .64 ll 39\'Ji H\I ll"'-Eleclric Or gan Associates of N F" ) ] Eoui 1~.1111• !Vo'kl11t s.u ' ""'r· 1 " "" 21 21111 . ., EQUtG1s l.11 s :)114 31:w. Jlit + '··ta Mesa. ew te ( EQ;j( Giii 19J,2i:•1 Purllln o;l':ll_f! 11.• wn$11oe :'Ii ~1 """ ~+~I'' Inc I'" 'l !lil F,. 2'l~ .. ....... e .. 1. 11.U .••• Pu'"'"' F . ... 2lll 21\lt -1111 SOUll'I . 10 .• Vi w.· +•ll -e Costa M"'-"a otore . !':wrn l In 17.1311.!J Eqylt I .M U.:M 911dlllDll I, ~ •• r ,-~ SH•lnl .21 l'I )IJ, 7~ l ,, _ "' -DETROIT (UP I ) -~:rr'M l'8~: fl:~ ~· lj:i;~f:IJ ,~er 1'11 1 "'=U ~l~I ~'1 . .io:i11 1 1 fl:t J1~ ~! 1~ located at 333 E. 17th SL and th b" 't k F'"' BMu 11 i:l.sJ lnccm .391026 ~ot7t Vt Yo ..... ~..,"' ~ 't '" jH• lt -is Owned by Neal L. Murphy. has Frcuhauf Corp., e 1g rue Feel ~till 1 II.ft !Wftl 1.16 .:. In .... 1 !t + ·~ urold In. 7 ~ I 1 ' ... . . . h Fld IO 1,, 1•. VIII~ lfflll•lD !,! Ol"llt I ->lo YlnsP . " ft; s1•• 5 lh-2•1 been closed and all inventory lrail~t maker, !S going into t e ~\g 1:-r.J ~] i:: 1 :" Tldl 11:01• i:tl I .It.a .k, ~ ft 1 ... = ~ v~~r~.1S ~ ,. 1'~ a .. ~ moved \o Jfuntington Beach. m ob1\e hom e field. i t plans lo Fl~tncf:. Pir,rfl'; 11:1 1i'ffl{·o1 r. z l ' . • -11111 mor'X 1: Jl J • SI ifv. t ~ The neW mer ge r employs tum out tr3iler hom es with ~:\ s:~ !J1 ~:~'f1 '°~ · 1~ .h40 It ~ !lJ! = ~ 1:~~Hhj1r 1~ "~: ~ ll!l ='il .ppro'l·m a tely 30 people con· '"'O rooms o re a or Fsr 11G111 10. \'· •• ,_, ,, •. ,,,, Sl!Unv 1.211 • 1 ..... •"""' 01 ' 1 2i1, ,,... l't- m usic teachers and terhni-duclion is s lated for late ne~t ~f!i c::i 'd5...!ii~ :,.., 11 11.M 11.,. C.bOt co . .., 125 ~ l4~ u iii t ltr. :'\:r 1rc.., 2111 "= ~ bed t I II f ·~ 'M ·u . F;.,,..,.. ur""'°"'9 .. , ~. 1 1 + ~ • rmon• 21 :111. ,<. -~ • bo t 11 2 000 full s•ale P'""-F•t ns11r. ' 4 o. ~i' a:::ti 4 :11 ulltrsSf< .IO H J1wi "' JN ..... 11 11ett AG t1 ltllo 1~ j' + sisting of sales personnel, .a U , , · ... •o.r Fit ~HI 11.15 11, 1''.$7 JUJ -C-Mn Fill 1,)t a il < lh +'I Flpr Fd Ut11v~Jl 01v U.lJ lJJCI ~· Flt11nt ~If i'° r )~ft -• trlhN!f .iiO ~ U. l'I + 1t cians. year. Fl• G1h 1 u '-"Sec EDU ll '-f1 '·" ~Lt!IM llf llt'IO :u~ ,...,~ _,,,., •. i.o 12 1. ?.. -"' l.ti.;i;;;i;;,_,_ ___ iiii ____ ~-----------1 r,FM G"' 1.06 •.12 Sec l"v .... •.a Rl ·~ 40 1 l6fto .;.1 Fl'CW.ool !" 111 '• \') --~, oundl'rf t .41 lD.:>I ltc Arn llll lJ.ot 1nio5o i 10 )$ o ll FldPt>e 1t;i 1 ' t f O ~~;-.n(I c:;;,,,.·• ~s-;s h.~ri:~ :i~ .... A .. ,J Jll, 12':? 11-. II ~:;·~ ~.:~~1 1" ~ + ~ STEREO SENSATION! Tiie colorftll sound of Ons1e County Maslc RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM .,. From Fashion Island. Newport Beach I See by Today•s b~rcs1t u:::I! sl:"l!v lji! lr. cdilarw rn . .o 10 1Mt 1N lo:v. •. . ~[ ··~ "' "=•v. um U111v1!1 Smll'l'l II l 'u IOM Celfl Pll( J n rl1'1 ""' JJ +)YI ., ft'I' ~ * ·~~ 1 1v11t $w ln.,.tf 11:.. 11.'9 Con PK In) I NI\ b l'o 11\'t ,.,.. ~ .. n V, :_:·~ W I Ads """" !· g·'°Scv.r 1,.v 1 lj1163 c1n1lll.d 1.10 1 U\6 n,.. n -v. t" ' -11• an ~und Am ! • .fll stFnn Giii ,:, 1:21 C•P C &our I• 7' 1S1Ao Jll'o-l I ,a .. 3 .+I~ !{r~.~W t :Q s111e s1 M.~.s.s.oo c.r~run 1 . ..0 u .Ullo "" 12111 ..... ~.,., ~ ':.:.1" a.._ · S l"'m'*" ,.,-,. C1rlo.i. .ta t• 2' ~ 11 -nt r IN 1 ~ -I e Big Bue k Bags? That'll w 't .'3 'I· m ll'ld 'l.ll U.62 c1rw C&Ofl s ia n 11 7t + \o\ 11 wt I !ti , lit -4\t hat lh'• ...,_,,_, __ , .....___ St I,.·~· f-"""' •'"1·16 C1rol"LI l.'2 1QI lM ~ JM---"' \V ""'-"'UM..U=i a ...,wu~ rl'll ~ • i si:t°.i'ltot '"li..12 : .IJ Cl"'Td! 1.60 17 l"6 M'A lf'll -" ~ 1 a Iii 7; t ity Org&niU.tiotl b: lll!llinJ ~ ' f" { ,t1''1.WI C1n'lt1'CI M 14 oi. 4" '2" -'l'I ':f: 4\ri + '9 ' •. all .~•-, 11.00 a bag. ' ' • OP ·!l 11.t1 Clt'J'Oft I.Ii. 4 a. lltli Mt-ti! .,. Ji f. _ . ......,,,...... "" . IOCtt ·r. I c...twW ... ,,,. " "" " +1.. 1 1.. ; + '-~::;i;j:........,~~ • P.ti.ssing Calh ! llere'a the ,., ~ 1 .• l : ~ng= 1tiJ 1 · ~= ~Al~ 21J : ~~ ~ t ~ 012.:.~·21 \~' ' Im ft =1:: 1oh11ion .•• an Anaaf)hono, ~i ~ r"~ lf-#1 C..110:1 _.. , .. ,.. ..._ 11111-1 " "-49t•+:: t:Olt $~00, ask!,... SJ)O, , , ITIMr • ftct<Y11 ·i· 1 C1!'tl'Tr 1.211 -MRI a.. II -I~ I If'~ lf\'I + " ·~ ""'' I~ , , Jj Ceo. c. .• • ttll 2t I " -"' '"' :!0\9 19.... ,,.~ -t~ Your ni>nonitetM ~ · t i Ct'-MOI 2 " .,,. • -"-+ "' Cp t. ~n. "'"' ~ -~ = \ U:il ·11 TMI• I 2f611 C•ltn IL'IM.M I •nt " ., i. \' !'I • f, l!! i!· J.s,n ;; .. " • Po1acyrt.ab1e cuu~! thalSust I f.:' ~l µ,.M +r-:e•c;"1··,.C 1~',,. ~::;J;-,.f! ": !"" ~"~ , .... +: ~"' 11 J~ ~"" ~'"'I • .,. <• l ,.,, , ·~ ~ r: 1·: ·n '" ..... ,,2 10 -"' ,,.1~ ... , .. ,.,.. 1 .. , t•" ~ ~:~~ ~~r~v1c1:• t:: ~ii 1i:~1:~1 ~~i~Mv• lf~l M ~!~~'\~~ 1~ 1~1 ~t 1! ~1: ~ =~~~· 'Ji ~~: ~: ~ill' "'r, Wt CDl'.ltaincd..-Jnclud.. r.nc1 l!·~·1 H: u=FllfWIJ.t. •·1 1-f.11 •n .J.t 1 :i.: «Mc 2·j\ 'U ~;,: ~ ~ -t'~ "' cal'p(!tlna, a \r condltk)n. ,._ u, · ~ 1~·~ l!· J • • , ~ -1' McK p11.*l l' lt # ~ ~ 1-. buUl·ln color TV, s ler-111e"r s111 :.U iR~ lttl,:r,t!. iJ~ :0 ' ~ ~ :: •'-= tl -;'*~ ~ l' ~111 u" l it + ~ ... Cot.rn ll·Jt lt V\.M lift-'""'": '""' p . 1~ + t ~ I 'lo ~ + ,. eo hJ.fl, ta Pt rt't'On.lcr, "'a. E..!~l~ iJ~1 1J1 ~~~' I,.~ 12, l! ::i.l::' J:o ~ 1' ~. -. '•" f~~ 1 ,}, • ~ ~\! = :.! ter filter, di&hmUtcr, by-l;;w; ~~ri 15 II .~r IPI 1.il $~ ~...:• f ... ~ 1,J· 'jJ "! a:: !~': +'~ rtraultc jacb. robot hl<oh. 'r.::.;" i.n i,.,::::;• rn 'UI w~ ' .. I f. .. = = ~ ~·.~~~ 1~·~': 1~ ~ ~ I ~1111PI i·;J t# ,_~ 1 1d ~! .. ~· !If 1 .. ~ ... •n• t ~ ·~ "RO:," :; :~ •i:: !l! 1i: '!" .. ~ .• r • :.:,~ c;1..... ..! ~ i:·~ £" 1.:"ll e Thr IN C ub: ~e ~ i&"' · 11"1en jli1l MtMt" l lO » ~-"' ·""sM"f', l! • • -'lo • man·~ mmnberahlptar aa)l1 """1 1 · 'lt'••1 11'11 :«1 1 Mm'4Y \at ( ,.,. -+"' ~1 . : • J:.'" 1 ~,.. _.. i anb ttl : . :r,1111111 lf:H, ~. :-•. " pfl, 1 .• n i '" -~, ~~~!US Yo ' 0 .I r~ 11 flit;~ Jj IL ~Jt i ~= I lf' ::·~ r ~! )t ~~ u• Ci\ 1''' :~I• 11....--------~~--~- - l • .. Wednesday's Closing Prices-Complete New ..... ... ------------. Ut-.J lfl-UW C1'1t Oil • • • York • Wofneldu Mu 7. I~ IHI Stock Exchange List (W. I Mltll L• <"'* Cllt kin Ntt DAILY PILDT 2."' • -· List ' • L DAil Y l'fLOT Wtdnesd1y, Miy 7, 196' · .... , ~LONDON GUEST -Donovan, above, one Qf Eng~ ; Jand's top singers, will appear on the "Musi~ Hall'' ;program tonight at 9 p.m. oil~Chilnnel •. a.s guest I or satirists Dudley Moore and Peter Cook in 'their ~final show. Everything from a whack at TV cover· !age of war news to the generation gap will co,me 'under their scrutiny along wit)& some good music. . ' . . ~ I ' TELEVISION VIEWS Movies Show ·~ Ratings Drop By RICK DU BROW HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -The sharp slip of tele- vised movies in the ratings is indicated by the fact · that not one of the weekly lineups of motion pictures placed among the season's top 30 $eries. A list of the top 40 prime time network series of the 1968-69 season reveals the movies' popularity as follows : NBC-TV'S Monday night fihns ranked 32nd among all progra1ns. CBS-TV's Friday night motion pictures were 33rd. The same net~ork '~ Thu:s~ay movies and NBC-TV's Saturday night films f1.D.1sb- ed in a tie for 34th place. And NBC-TV's Tuesday ~motion pictu res came in tied for 36th. · This accounts for fi ve of the seven 'veeKl y movie series on the three major commercial television net- . \Vorks. The two movie se ries that didn't even rank among the top 40 entries were the Sunday and \.Ved- ! nesday night films of ABC-W, th e smallest network ; with. naturally, the smallest and weakest li.neup of affiliate stations. ABC-TV in variably suffers m these ·national r atings: and does better in the statis tics ·that ineasure the bigger city markets. , ONLY HALF a dozen new series finished 1n the 1top 40. They were "Julia" (seventh ), the Glen :campbell show (15lh), '"The Mod Squad" (tied fo r '28th), the DoMs Day series (30th). "Lancer" (31st) 'and "The Good Guys" !tied for 36th ). : "Julia" is on NBC-TV. "The Mod Sq uad" on ,ABC-TV. and all the others belon g to CBS-T\:'. \Vhen four new seMes on one network can compnse one- tenUt of the top 40 shows for the season -as was •the case with CBS-TV -'there is ·no question it can ~be considered a strong showing by that network, CBS-TV al so fared extremely well \Vith a series :that can be regarded as at least partly new. This· ;was "Mayberry R.F:D.," the .h~ir of the ?Id Andy ·Griffith program. W1Lhout Griffith, but with many :of his continuing characters,. j'Maybe:ry. R.r.o." , came in fourth among all senes -an indication of : the fantastic built-in strength of this show's con· · struction and audience identity, especialJy in out- ;lying areas. \ THE TOP 10 series for the season were "Laugh-~in.'' ''Gomer Pyle," "Bonanza," "Mayberry R.F. '.o :,'1 1'Family Affair." "Gun smoke." "Julia," the ·Dean Martin show. the Lu cille BaU program and : ··Tue Beve rly Hillbillies.'' The next 10 were Red Skelton series. "Mission : :rmpossible." "Be\vitched," "My Th ree Sons." The Glen Campbell Sho\v , "Ironside.'' "The Virginian ," "The FBI." "Green Acres" and "Dragnet." ' RANKED RIGHT belO\V these 'vere the Walt Disney series, "Daniel Boone," the Ed Sullivan .s how J ackie Gleason, Carol Burnett. "I Dream of ., .Jeanliie," the Smothers Br~er, Lawrence Welk, ·"The Mod Squad" and Doris Day. Dennis the Menace Complete Printing Service Top Qualjty -FasL Service 1iii·111M111!16 642-4321 '211 Wnt lalboo llvd. \ _, • By <:;liarles M. Schulz ,,,_ _____ ..:., '9E l<IND TOAlllMAl.S WEEK' 15 llAlF O\l;R.,. • • I I I • • WEDNESDAY M~Y 7 .. .. lriffll tC> (911) m 11111 "',_ urt tC> (ta) f2il ._. .. hit (C) (SO) llobtlt CiOml• bib with Wi'!lhroJ Jotd1n. 11.11/lor of ~iU Cl'l4f Blacl .. t S'tud)' If ;lacli/Whlt• Nlttlof*llpi ovw th• p1st """ oenturi•. STEVE ROPER By Saunders and Overgard ~;;;;8'~..-=-=::::;7,B11TiUTrTHEYiiE>'iSAJ:Ai00"\iTliiii155o•iii1P~S"i'1r.C,, •• .,. ~"~·~)IM~J1,0!~E~-~~'!":0~ifi~<i_i,i~ .. A ~·Sl~l"LE CODE.--1 s:DG .. e- -1F I DIO-· ro & JOIJG/~F~ NOi'I we TOR! ll(A.T TtUCIC· .UNF'O~TElY' NO/·· D PREMIER£ WEEK· ARRESTED / r~·f~~; ~~-E:;~~r:~r. ~~~'1o'~ * TOM REDDIN NEWSI '"' e _,, _,.. cei ""> "" 400·Yt•r-old anost of Ltdy Cltm· tntlnt Cltmpett stllkl tll• l!Mfly HiUbllllff. FllfftM hi londolt. (~ l~~l~~~~~ ~:;F "·NOTHING.' --~·c~~~ l:OD8nt 111 """ (t) (60) My ON FIR'&,1 H!M;8Rrll , Dunpby. 0 KRAFT MUSIC HALL * Peter Cook, Dudley Moore. Donovan JUDGE PARKER -MOON MULLINS , 1 TUMBLEWEEDS MUTI AND JEFF 'IOU S!"ILL TRYING "TO "1ND )IOURSELF? MISS PEACH TWE TIWU9L£ WIT!i. KAl51"6 Ftowg~5 IS THAT IT '°'!111!18UTl!S TO ~I? POil.EN COUNT ... ? ON M.t.VE' HIM GO Wl'O THE l)'::N ANP 6fr TME &OOK..... ,_~-...--, , HIM. ANO-~ · " IF THAT 0 I:) Hwntlr)'·lrlnlitf ~ (30) FAILS-!! OSIM AINI a.w (t) ('90) Hfmlltan tsmp, M1rty lniets, Rip Tty10f 111d Prof. 'J11li11S Sumner Mil· ler 1utst. By Harold Le Doux , 0"' ....... ""'" (C) .. _ 111Cll v.11.,.. (drrm1) '51-Burt L1n<:1ster, Robert Walket, Joann• Dru. D I "' (t) (IO) m "' ..... cei <JO> m bhlN (C) (30) @CD MM lrltfln (Cl f.D ~r. New? (30) ~11111nd W•· terway." Second pro1r1m on si&lllt alO"l the lntr'1C01stat W1t1rw1y In South Carl)liflf ind Florid1. @D U1 Ctltl hn bt1 Pill Ql ll:l'LM NIWS (C) 1:3110 KNIC Ntwserviee (C) (60) m I Low1 LKJ (30) ' IE Voyap tt th ltnt111 tf !111 $H t') (60) C}@ HMlltllf·lriRkfty (C) @D lift T1lll Abtat Tt1nt1 (30) "Th• Soc11I Scene." Sltu1tlon1 th1t un tal.IM eonfllct d homt are 1n1cted in role·playin1 sequ1nces by hia:~ IChool students. . ia rn mm .... cei (E lft'1 M#t 1 Diii (C) n 9 00 II! .... -"'"IC) CY.I) ''TM Ptter tooi:·DudleJ Moor• Show." Tht British tte&tt .crtt" 111d tthwlslon st.is !lost 1 wrilty Pfotr•m pntdi.ad h1 Eftelnd. Guests Include rw:onllnt llar -"'"· 0 -tCI (00) Dl<l LIN·' mlkeslde. O lllHil!D Alt W* IJ Morie: (Cl -UWW. .............. 1..a• (westem·dr1M1) '66--C1tuet Connors, Michael R•nlt. .loM Blondtll, Gary Mlfliil. A buftllo hilnter returns to hit bridt It! lh9 town ol Coldiron, TU. wllh 117,Q()I) In his stddla bags, k jumped .,., E•ttl• rust!en 1"4! lattr leeru that his Wira, btllwlnJ him d•i. p!1ns to wed l!IOtlltr lltll. (ll} f1)NNI Ill "'+wtiW (C) (SO) eJ S,lvil J Ertrlpt l'lOf)~Cl)CIS "'"'"' (C)(>(I) "Shadaw 61me." Daniel Missey, .WUli1m Shltner and Willl•m Wift. dom stir In ori(inal df'll'll bp Lorina: Mandel. The dr1ma cenh:11 on a a:roup of fltOple tripped Ill a blt$i ness oflice durlna: a power bhtckGUt when 1111ch of the CIDUll- try b plunged Into d1rkneu. Tiit pl1ywria:ht di"9Cts the inotlmlonl of th1 lndivld111ls in th• lf'OLI' and explo1is th1 violance ttiat he · belll'o'et lies Just below the cM· llzed 'rtnlltf of most 111111. D rem (C) (30) Ttd Meyers. 7:00 0 Cl! fv111in& ..... (C) (30) m 12 O'Clod: Hip (60) W1llt1 Ctonkite. ~ IO:OOD @@ @nTht Ollbldw ft) O Whit's MJ lint? (C) (30) ("@) "Alona came a Spider." Rost m f'iuwt1rd (C} (30) uncow rs 1 thrivina: confidence cam• when he tries to ttlfiM tht Ult 1aYi n1s of 1 lonely llearts dub, Ii)(}) You ARetl fer It ffi Tiit f'rruplift Parent (30) "Oiscipline." Betty Smit~ definu som• ac1ls ol co11SlruciiYt disci· plillf. tHi Cl) ll'trlJ Hillbilliu (C) member. Claude Allins afld Mariht Hunt a:uest. (R) 0 PREMIERE WEEK * TOM REDDIN NEWSI nm•-cei <60) ·ms DoCTOR. PUTM•ONA VSRY ' !<ESTRJcreD Dlo:r .• By Ferd Jahnson •.. JIM TO "AT ONCY FOOD "THAT'S BEEN WEC~~PR"PARED. ftl W1ntlwllllt (C) 0 M1nlllll DillM (30> ID Fil• l..,anlon (30) Oedtl&ntll Collete prasents two Hims: "Bl· 7:3011 Cltn Ct111pbeH (C) (60) Ro hind Every Good Mali" 1nd "A Vtry Cla~. Goldie H1wn, Thi Auod•· Thin line." A panel of tll111 lllclllfl tion, Pit P111lun, .ltrTJ lnma11 1nd and psycholoa:Jsb dlSttJss th1 nlrnL YER IN LUCK, BOY! MYLATCSTGUIDE BOOK,'BAAEFOOT IN THE BARRENS: IS A BONA FWE BEAWN T' EVER' BEITER BEANERY, 6\STRO, BUSH 'N' 6001.DfR IWl11E BOONDocKs B'TWIXT BUNG BLUFFSAN'TllE BORDER! ON SALE FER ONE BUCK! HEY.MUTT! *"~l !/! ""'-~ I \1 r· ... ""' P .. W,1 THE PO~L!IJ COUNT TOOAY IS fl. 0 8 POU.ENS! THAT~ NOTHl'16- TO SNEEZI! Ar! I p - By Tom K. Ryan STEP AROUN' BACK TO MY WH01£SALE OOUNTER ! :.wit !J j, li By Al Smith i:::::::=:::::; .. ,. .ltL S:.111»-. By GllS Arriola &01DE ! WIJ..L 'IOI) ll::U. ME:. Wrl'/ '/Q!) STOP LI ~ 1l!IS ? fOr<. nl~ SA.Me Ri;ASO>J nl• AST/tONAUTS DO, 6f$JORf. ...•. >JO !5f<i>.KtS! By Mell JUSTUI<!! YOU, A~UR , "TO ALWAYS /.OOK FOR AN A~(;UM~NT ••• The F1thers au~. First of • two.pert proa:r1m. 0 @ (i) £n TM l"l'l'rblll• (C) OJ M1rl1n1 ' (90) "Thi Wind of Cour~ae." A french·lndien 1tbtl (Ricardo Mon· 10:30 D Movit: "'Fau. If J1m1,-(drt- hlhln), lona:·tince IXiled ffom tan· ma) '60--l.isa Caye, Bir&elio T• ada, Is 1slled by lotmer ccmtadtl trs. to ret1Jrn to his countfy to lead • naw revolution. Loia Nettlrton and L1w1enee Dant a:ut$l. (R) 0 ltil Ill Sptce (C) (5S) m f'ultJic Servica/Ntw1 (C) ' m Tht Cn:ati'fe l ift .(30) "TMrN• ind Mcd~m Life." Dr. Rene &II• ind Dr. Frederick Maytr discun Tho111u with Dr. CyrjJJt Amovon, 0 @ ffi GJ H•• ColM tlrt p1of1ssor It the Unive11ity of Pi!'!!. Irides (C) (60) "A Man inti Hi9 Magic." Jact Albert.son 1uests IS fD fanntt CortlN Martin, 1 cMrlitlj,n_ ll!ho ci11ims tie ------ can stop the tom!nlial r1ins three!· 11:001J 0 fJ Bil iD l!i) H• (C) enina: le l!ood Seattle. (R) O AiffM Hikllcod: O Million S Mcrtit: (C) HCrJ for • Hippy" {CGmedy) '6l~lenn Ford, m U.. Cllb (C) Donald O'Connor, James Siliaet•. m Movie "'AH for Mll'J" (com-m TMh 11 CoMlllllMll (C) (30) tdy) '61-Nia:et P1tritk,, Kltfl1)11 Harrison. m f'tnJ Mno1 (60) ED Joh• lurlOll, 11 .... ..-11 (30) Philo~phtr·a:laW.lower JGh.' Bur· 11:!0 B MMfr. "Fltod 11t11• (l!lyStlfY) Ion po1nb ~ the t1'1111peut".C ••lue '58-Georit Nader .mnna Moor&. ol his h1nd1WOrk, 1nd deltvefS I ' messaa:e of Joy found throua:ll ere· 0 ~@ @n T111 l11tt &bow fC) 1!in1 1rt by hand. 9(1) .... " Hol-m El CU1rto M1rtt11111ftnto 1:00 m Hanl (C) (30) 0 Mwir. "ll:londlh Anllil" (com· 1dy) '36--M,ae West. o !l1I m m "" ,.,., cei m Donald O'Coltllll' tc) eD Sptetru111 (C) (30) "Chana:1n& 12:05 0 Moril: (C) .. Blood 1n Mil the Weather." Oavld Prowltt in· Sword" (ai:Nent ure}-Jtan Marais, vestigntes currt11t researth 1imed Rmnn1 Schlaffirio. al contrtimna: tht weathe1. , ~ Mierttlt1 Musical 12:30 m Action Thhtr1 (C) "Notll'l1n ~ Conquest." I:~ 0 Wll!Mlarfal World er $pert (C) 1:30 IJ TIM Cood till)'l (C) (JO) Ruh1s dtmonstr•t.. ht un foflteH tht fulura alld terrllln 8trt wit~ a Ylliion of I drMdhLI ecddent It Bert's diner. (R) 0 W'l.I Wlttl ... .... ('C) (30 Oellt R .... and ,-, RllsleU ruest. 0 (l7\ Cl) Ill "" ........ (C) (JI» TM IJIOUithl II tn tht l1dles " 18·1"1'-old Zan (Donni's d1u1h· tw). wllo is 11su1!ly busy with aehoo!Wl)f~. )oin1 th1 f1mily. THUR~DAY 1 :00 0 u """ (C) e C.t1R111fJ~l111tt1a .... (Q m ,,. ... 1.s1c1e o.t cc> 1:15 IJ Movit: "'" f'll&I W..r' (td· Yt11tur1) 'SO-.loleph Cotlln. 1e1f Clltndlef. ''"m"-""' 2:30 (D All·fO&fll Shw: "Fiylnf S.· pent," "The Ntbr1sl11n," Ind "1111 Sia: Guthl!f." 12:DO 0 ~f•fle" (lffttStttn) 'SZ. -Wll· Ham Elliott, Phytlia Colln. • JOB PRINTING ' ' • PUBLICATIONS e NEWSPAPERS Out lity 1d11tin9 t11il D•p•nd1b!• S•rvic• for lllOl"tl tlt•11 • Ou•rflt of I C.ntvry. PILOT PRINTING :1211 WPT IAUOA tlYD. HIWPORT IUCH " -------------------------------- I ·I I I I I I ~ I . I \ I I . 1 ! I ) 't I \ F~111•~P -. Valley. EDITION • I ' ' 9C--6~ O. ·109, \I ~TIO~~.' 66 }'AGES ~ ORANGE COUNTY1 CALIFORNIA : -. WEDNESDAY, MAY 7, lff9 TEN~ ~ . -· • •• un :1nl • ~ -• .. ·-·· ~- . I ' • ' -. ' ' ons -. , • • \ • ac 1e lllS • ·Beach Girl-U.S. Jr. Miss Jackie Benln1ton of HunUngton Beach Tllesday -nlghl charmed, 1'lked and clrtw~etled her l w·1y lo• the ·America's Junior ¥'.iss t~Je · betore a ·national televialon -audlent"t. . ~ b!Onde,. blue-eyed straight-A 1tu- dent at Marina lllgh SChool was crowned the n&tion's ideal high' school•Senlor girl in Mobile; Ala'., to :Cap the · wtet-long America's Junior Mll8 pageant. Her select!on from :the &o Contestants from all over the nation earned . her 110.000 in scholarshll" ~·~•the 11,5110 obe hlld been· awarded earlier ln t~ 1'ftk in the )'OUth . fitness and scholarship divisions of the ·compettliDn: s~ tilace went to Anita, Colom)>o ot St. Lnub, M'o., third to Dee Am<.All~n ·of Minot, N.D., with Anh Landes of Arkansas and Mary Anne stryctuptyer. of Virginia also in the top live. Miss Benlnaton, lhorttSl. ~· the hllh school senlora at 5 foot S, belll! ~ fin&ls with .a brief lapse of mePlOfi Wl:itn she Police Quiz Mrs. Peek Over:Sho.Qting, Suicide . By WILLIAM REED or tM Mir Pll9t lie" Palm Sprin11s police · announced today that they are about to close their iri· vestigaUon of the ahooting or a Hun- tington Beach aoCialile Monday: and the sppatent 'sUlcide of a Long Beacli music professor. · Officers said that they "must .interview Marn~te Peek, 58, ol JM&t Golden. West St. today to close: the books on the· case which began about 11 :30 a.m. Monday at Mrs. Peek's· desert retrtat at jQQ N. sunrise Way, Palm •Springs. ~- ·OWcera said that· at this tinie it ap- pears Mrs. Pffk wu in JiamlSPrinP .to discuss a land pur~ deal oliltb West Los AnMles , real estate . ~an . ~D Trlphon, 39. ' . ' ' .Trfl'ho!i'.teid ~jctri that. lit~~ could not correctly ,identify Lloyd Geor1e u .the prime minister of Great Britain during World War I. From there on her performance was flaw~as. To a question ori ·the relations between yoath and their e.Iders, ~tiss BenbJ&too. 13, appr9ved of the Idea of youth protelt. but suggested , prot~st ''through. a leglslaUve means,'' rather thal\ violence, "YoWJg peoPle sh.oi.i.ld leam 1 how, lo (Ste JUNIOR ~nss, Pap ti Voters Approve Ocea11 View's . Tax Ovewide O..pite gloomy skies and tllreata of rain, a heavy ·pen::entage of Ocean VJew School Dlstrict·voters flocked to~ polls Tuesday to pua .a $1~ tax override which will be added to the present $LIO operating coet rate for the next two years • The measure passed by a aood ma· jority tn· aU-·but fiVe of the 19 preetDcls with a t.otaJ of 3,901 "yes" votes r~ded and 3,102 "no" votes. Voter turnout was heavy for this type _ of an ~. with 34.1 percent of the , district's 21,000 registered voters CMtln& ballots. A 15 percent turnout \f'U eE· peded. . In ~-'"'lftl .d Mn. Pe,ek'i'"ii<~: -Eflitla!Vs~d~i - F<:· Aliiu~.~. The '!flly ~nets s1l9wing ~ msjorlly of '.'poh vptes were Crtst V1ewi' oat View; Star View, VUl;lge V.lew mid 'tho W-t Schoof precinctL . "Wt dldn~ just -~ thn!Ugh thls elecUon or simply win it," said Dillrict SqpL Clarence Hall after the flllll tally. "f•·stormad It." itl'I Ti,...,,.li- HUNTINGTON BEACH'S JACKIE BENINOTON WEARS JUNIOR MISS CROWN Combinetlon of Brains, Beauty .nd Grace Wins Nation1l Title for Marina High Girl Bucher Given Land Post, Will Study for -Master's WASHINGTON IUPll -Cmdr. LJO;d M. Bucher, skipper . of the USS fWb1o, - hu been given an assignment on lad. the Pentagon annourtei!d today. Bucher -was assigned to the N1V;y'1 post-craduate school at Monterey, Clllf., for a one-year "management" coane, the announcement said. Tilt J'iavy Tuesday overruled a s-it of Inquiry t h a t recommended court· rmrtlal trials for Bucher and tbe in- telli(<nCe oflker of the Pueblo, wbk:h wu. captured by North Korean guabollts without a fight in January, ltea. • ' c. J«111'1 ~entagon announcement said: · ~ Bucher hu indlcated lo lhe BUru.u of Naval Penonnel tha\ be is very pleued wllh this assi-ent." -WU onlered lo rejl(rl lo the .:bool In July for a year11 coorse., ln whlcb, he will be working toward a inuter'I ·degree in management.. , A mi!IW, 1POkesman Aid Buchtr bod aid he ww..t to~ve pool.ifaduale tralnlrill In ... nm ualll'!flenl The -Wtvy JtMJr ii nOw awaiting a vdtl from Con&r"' oo lb r<lt in the loa nl the Pueblo lflalr. < 1 The .Pentagon allo amour.ced the new aa&ignments for othtr Pueblo oracus a~· \ .. men who are continuing their Naval -. ~·ror the Glllctn or.: LL £ittrai\I it. Murphy, Flett llld Sub-mallne 8cboOI, Bu Diqo; LL Stephen R. l{arrla, NJval Securlb' Group Head·· q~1~ Walbmgton, b .C.; and Chief Warrlill Ollil:<r Gent H.· Locy, Naval Supply Cenler,•SeaUle, Wuh. • A ipldll. -Armed Services 1111>- COllUlllllee ii -· a nport on the Pueblo aliair -..... era1 -ti of pybllc lllCI ...m hearlnp. The reJllrl 11 expected lo be pubU.hed wlthln two weeks. • Source11 c1o&e to the-aubcommittee ptedic\olbe l'i•VJ -" .. wt11 as the Pen- i.gon In -II -'will be llCORd for allell'db' laillnc ·di anticipate !'iorth Korea 's -.,. d tbe ~!her· ing r.hip., and for the alow reapo111e to the act. Rep, Olil G. Pike (IJ.N.Y.), cbainnan of the IUbcommlttee:, lold ntWIIDtrl he thougbl the Navy'1 Court d Inquiry Ind Secni1arJ .ol Nrvy Jolin R. Chafeo both acted -properly In tl>elr own way -the mun In ill "llrfcl lnter.pretatlnn d Novy reguJaUor." arid Chafee in t.empering its rec:omrDefidaUon with "a great de.al or merey," \ • 'Unsophisticated' Jackie Spending Her Day in Bed MOBILE, Ala. (UPll -Jacquelyn Ann BerUngton,a "nots op hist : cat e d • • California teen.ager, wants lo spend her ftnt day as 1969 America's· Junior Miss "taking a long bubble bath and staying in bed all day." The blond~ ta.year-old Marina High Sc~f senior from Huntington Beach, awept a few tears from her blue eyes when she received the glittering crown wc:rq by "America 's First Lady ·of Youth11 Tuesday night. She walked around the stage at mW'licipal auditorium with a pink boquet in her ann!l and thet\ received the hup of he.t 49 siater Junior MJues. J~ueJyn, who goes by the shorter version -"Jaclle, .. MY• lh6..,often goes without shoes around her home and is "definitely not IOpbistlcated" dld a batt!footeif I,.....~ routine. She describel her ae1f as coming rrom a family oi; a f1ther, mother, younger sister and brotbei; llld two poodles. "It'• not an ideal famJly , but.tt11 pretty, pretty nice, II lhe &aid, ' ' ' Steck M•rkeu ' NEW YORK (AP) -!Ille ll<><jl market cloaed lower lollay, th"]ij o'k u 1 reporting . J!f"(iHakP1(-pm11•~ • (ll<e qu'!!'l]l")S,. ~@!._~; , _, , ·!(/ - ' apartment. · . !fe lafd he bean! a short scuff!< llld "then a shot in the front J"OOQ{,'' pqlice reported. , , Trlphoo lofd officers that be MW !In. Peek run dOWJI the hallway "wllh blood urtng·tr0ll1"1Jer'"'abdomen~" - "I tried to keep that man (Peterson) oul" Trll!hon IJ reported as hav!ng 'told police. "He·hlt me over the head With the butt of the gun and I went dOwn." He was later trtlted for siveft head Inj uries and _released from the desert hospital. Pollet sWl have not definitely linked the gun used to shool-MrJ,·P"k with the one used ·to beat Triphon or the one used to kill Peterson. LL Carl Hulslander said Mn. Peek lheD ran downstairs trOm .• the 'two- bedroom, tiv<><tory apartment •t the ConUnental Gardtn1 Hotel and neighbors hearing her screai:ns ~ an ambulance and police. · She is reported UU. morning a, in "fair eondiUon, about the aame" according to a hospital spoltesinan. Mrs. Peek was shot once with a .ZS.Caliber pistol and hospital officials said today the slug still bas not been removed. "Aj:>parently, from what I heard, doc· tors are unable to find it at present, but I know in many cases bullets m-e not removed if no danger to life or functions lll<t SHOOTING, Poge ZI • HAPPIE~ D~YS· -1\lr., M;~r nette Peek arid family ·friend , Fred Taylor . posed at . ~ei:~nt SO!'lal .IUDC1!.0!1 .. Taylof . Is, at wounded Socialite's.bed.side. · ' . ' . "! -tJlll til I mM 1lpilicaal tn- dorlemenl by the parenlt. l<f ao IJD. proved edllcaUon program In · "" ,_.....lilffit;"lii"eonunue<1.- :1'lbey have shown their wJI~ to dil vory deep to support their bi~ ll!d I aJll confident when 1 speak for the entirti staff in '8Juring the· parentl of a full commltmtnt to development of the very beat education program for Ocean Vie.w children." The override, which wUl. ralM the tu · rate to $3. 7~ per $100 of assessed valua· lion, will allow the dillriol lo conducl a summer •school program. continue its (See OVERRIDE, Pip II Youth Committee Hearings Slated Orange County's W h I t e House Con- ference Committee on Youth, which will send representatives to the White Hou1e Yooth Advisory Commission conferenee next year, will hold public hearlnp Thuroday. . Schwerdt£ eger Won'tQuit, The heartnp, open to all, piitlcularty young,people, will be held from 2 p.m. lo 4 p.m. and again from 7 p.m. tot p.m. in Ute Forum at Saddlebact Hlch School, 28l2 S. F}ower St., Santa Ana. Superior Court Judp WlWlm Murray will preside at the ltllllion. ,,,_e youth will have ill chance io voice fta opinions on the problems of youth, in ordtt to estabiWI. ptiOrttles ol cfu!em: ' ' ' But· He Thoilght .About It · • By TEl\RY COVILLE ., "" DMr """ S'8ff • SiltnCt: fell lo Fountain Valley "rut!day .night os MJyor Robert SchY,erdtfeger stunned 1 full city council chamber when he IJUl9UDCed be wu considCring reai1n: Inc, then revened hil decilion and refUJo ed lo quit. Following lbe council m;e et Jn a -t1e1er t O'l·d"repor1'n that . .,. WINld not' be a· candidate fOr 'rt-eJection when hla term eodl next April. , .... deck:led 1thlt .IOJDe Ume a&o,", he ~ikl~ j'It'ajuit not fun11iiymore~ Tl)O mayor. primary tar&tt ol 1 .retall movement, to kl . more thin . ., people' tuo><tay· thll lit hid' talktif with retall J~ Gd WU'"' lbt point d ~' l!Ut'~ not to.iWl<rl-who bid faith In bfm. '. ' 5urirlit llld confuOOn. 'l'U ~· on the loca "' an i!iOoe;pnsent !!<al< libeled his e-pacliecl -"pure coura,se.." OtMra charpd blm with flat.age IClhq." I Nooe d !be oilier four eowtcilinen ...,. lwan be!ORhlnd that iuch 1 llllf\nenl w~ oendln1. ., . In ' · lid en Iii< re~r. couitcll mtel 1, ~ mayer, ·rti<!· ftll ' r.1l41""'" ~ Ille!\, Blollil "'111!? ~ ' .... -MAYOll, ,... IJ• • · • ' • ., c.an WeaCJav · · I The oun wlU peek throuah Tlwr• day 's cliiuda temporarily but the m~ doesn't show' any , sign of / bUdafni lroni the n1iddle Ill's al0111 the Orange c.». . ' INSIDE TOD~Y Orange Countv 1upcrvhor1 have appro11td' a ltk111t in- creaie ln the. contV1 flood con- trol tas, but /or OM ~ in· rtrid of IM<C at .Ol't¢noUy, plpft11td. P•?• l4. • -" ::-. : ---. ·-. .... --,, -" ..,.. ..... ' ...... '" . " ·-..... -.• I=---• !.~=·l ' -" --.. .......... . , m-__, ~ == M -:: ............. =~, -" --''" ,..,~~i .. ' • ' • • t DAILYPUT H :,.' I PILOT ,,_ .... J ' SHOOUNG ••• Parade Law A·ssailed elllll," aid I ....... aupenbor. LOGBOOK . There'll Always be Race IL .. I I f1er .JJlld Trilll* dlcribed hll nrW and pOIJct bepa a' oeard to llod Illa-. 4*' -........ "'"bad -llboi. ~pl·..,,_-....... led the abanc!Oned car belonging t• Dr. Peterson. About the same tlm.e they aaw hbn walking away from them. He wu two and ooe-bal! mlles. from the Peek apartment and walking alone. police said. OP,poSitior_i Sends Ordinance Back· ~o~ Study AD the -Id -Jove a parade, but adopt an •llMl'lencl nll!\ance '"' diUooa. Coundlnn quarreled ollly with there WU no parade Monday night of paradea. ' the ~ that the pennll be • > bacten ohn 'Clnllilanco pr_.i before "! think tt ta an abUIO of the dllcn-l10IUd by the police, pr<lerrtng lbe <llJ , the Hunllnatoii Beach City Council to re-lionat)' puwer1 o1 the CGWICll," Iba llld, ~to annl permits. \ To Ensenada-But Why? quire permlta fer any parades Ill the city. pointing out !hat "!be onllnaoce grants a Tile measure waa ordered returned Jn fact, there was UWe enthusiasm for wide range ot dlJa'tllonary powers to t.be ~~ ~ OD.= g : :ft1:; One officer about.ed, "stop", Peterson walked away. a propo611, auggested on an emergency police chief. • mean me, a basls, which wou1d let up atroog regula-"Act in deUberatioll.,,. Ille IU,Qelled, wanted the ~ so that tbe meaM'e Again Uie plainclothes officer shouted lo Dr. Petenoo to ball lions for grantinc ~ pennlta fOf parades l•nqt tn panic." ~ ~be revtJwed b_y her l.awytrs. and require pennlaaion ol the dill!f of Councllmll{Doollcl D. Shipley,~ --' By ALMON LOaWIEY DAILY PILOT ...... _...., Como MIJ', 19'111, then will be anotblr Enaenada rac<. Peteraon ran a few ateoa from the two officers, pulled a .15-ealiber automatic pistol from bis coot pocket, oiuclt It Into filil mouth and pulled the trigger. puuce. to the upi.,,.uon by lbe legal .,.. B G Id J Oppolllloa to the emergency iftinan<e ment that tlie porade crcllnance WU arry 0 Wale! r, j1l'DllOla[ cme miin Jacqueline Davie a beJnc preoenled becauae o1 lbe, ,,_I By that Ume, hardly ,anyone but the wimler can tell you who won lhll year'• race. And in all probability, all 500 of those in this year's race will have for- gotten all the hardlhlps and !rustraUons and will be on the iilarting line again. He staggered and fell-to the curb at the intersection of Biskra Road and Joyce Drive, offleers said. Mirilla HiiJb School leocber who totd u.. riot! on the beach, aald that !be council Escorts Tricia Nixon council that she believed there was no ''should not over react." reason fol tbe ctlUDdl to be ln a bWT)' to "What effect has a riot two weeU ago on making this an emereency WASHINGTON (AP) -Newly .. lected, Rep. Barry M. Goldwater J1., (RoCallf.), a~-· wlD be Tricia Nlx· oo'1 -Salurday nlclil for a mulled 1be race ttle1f will be fraught 'With all the arguments -whether to •4go inaJde or outside" -and excuea ol why .. I was Ill the wronc place when the wb\d filled l.n. II By the time the yachtsmen get to Ensenada they will be greeted by the aame horde of unwashed "hippies" who llock to Eeoaaoada by motorcycle aod camper, and who will bave already alarled IWllllns up H-'• marga- rilu and ~ -tequila c:oococ:tlDlll!. By the tlme the yachtsmen get lhn>ugb lleeplng off the <n or mon ol cballglng head.<'ls, the unwashed crowd will be ewa men unwubed, IOmt of them wallowtng ln their own vomit or stag-aerlnl down the main clrag lhoylnc yachtsmen off the sidewalk and mating lewd femarb to tbelr wives. • The crowd at Huaaong'1 will be spilling out onto the 1lreel and Mulcan po<ldywag-wit Jbe methodically baullng oil the more exuberant. In the bacl: ol the Hotel Bahia, the 1100-yacbllng crowd will be pa....t out ca the lawn or making Jove ins.Ide their open campers. On • Saturday afternoon, the yachtsmen will gather·°"' the lawn back or the Bahia to cheer the trophy winners and commlsertee. with those who alm~t made it. There will be the usual grumbling about "that dumb race commit- tee" aod I few atllJ aeekiq proteol forins. . By Sunday momlng the yilcbtlmen will be arriving Ii U.S. CU!toma at San Diqo ln droVt.& after a night of beating up the Baja California coast. Lunch at San Diego Yacht Club and then the long beat back to Newport or other bome poN. And when It's all over there WU lbe a chorua of 1'never againa" -most ot which, like this year's winners, will have been fcqotte:n. Even thfa reporter will be bact qain -ln one capacity or another. And when tt'1 all over I'll qaln be asking myself the aame question : ''Why!" How OV School Precincts Voted · MAYOR ••• caOed fer a 10 mlnuti recess. This was th• mayar'• llalmllnt: OCEANvlEW ELECTION v.. No 310 315 346 253 127 136 277 160 209 176 306 248 229 147 176 167 175 144 270 2.111 83 93 166 111 60 49 ·• '"'Lut night I taJbd to two men who ~ dic:atod tbelr idncen dealre to withdraw the recall ICtion -I believe Utue two men an llncerelJ ccmcerned, absolutely CMCelned with Fountain Valley'• future. Dr.,Peterson was pronounced dead on arrival at the &ame boapllal when! Mra. Peek was ~ wr:lergo surgery for removal of the bulletin her abdomen. Completion of the investigation and cl05ing of the books still awaits an in· tervJew with Mrs. Peek who is reported under heavy sedation at the hospital. Lt. Hulsander said he would tall< with ber today and hopes "she will substantiate our theories abd that will be that." The dead man was a long time friend Newporter Inn Adds Terrace Of 118 Rooms and frequent escort of Mrs. Peet. He was A rew years ago when the Newporter a professor of muslc at Califoritla State IM'I ifowing palnl were acute ill cen- College Long Beach and one of the tral stalf told thelr new boss that they'd original faculty members at the college. stay 00 because the hotel com.pill seem- He ooce had served as ch.airman of the ed like "a large bWd ready tony." fine arts division of the IChooL Dr. Peterson was divorced. It did. Funeral services for Dr. Peterson are And now the palna are· over and lhe scheduled for J 1 a.m. Friday at Dilday growing cooUnues. Family Chapel, 1250 Paciftc Ave., Long On Friday tbe latest stage or the inn 's Beach. ~ will receive ttl official christening He Is survived by his widow Enid, -the 111-room. Terrace area overlooking parents ~1r. and Mrs. Oscar Peterson and Upper Bay. sister Genevie Jacobson. Interment will 'lbe ti-million, semicircular cluster in- follow at Forest Lawn c.emetery, eludes a huge, meandering swimming: Cypr pool, guats' quarters, conference .rooms Mr~~eek has been active in the social .alnnd a "earousel" ~ for large gatber- and business scene of Los Angeles and P. . Orange cOunUes far many years. She is: 'Ibe Terra<:!: is the latest segment m a the owner of Peek Family Colonial series of additions to the rambling hotel Funeral Hom( at 1801 Bolsa Ave., undertaken by both the founding manage- \Yestrnlnster which she acquire(! in a ment and the present ownership. divorce action from her former husband, Grouodbreatina: on the terr.ace waa in Lon Peek, now operator o.I a mobile home fall ol 11111, and construction suffered park in Corona. They were divorced delaya from record nooding in Newpol't' about a year and one-haJf ago. Beach lut January.and February. Mrs. Peek is a Ucens® embalmer, one With the opening of the terrace the of the few women in the state to hold mautve qnnplu wtH have a room total &uch a Ucetue.. She has been ln the of. 350. Belide1 the rooms for gue.sts the mortuary field some 35 years. of 350. Beaides the rooms for guests the The IOciaJfte has been active In the Terrace locludeJ five room1 large" enoUgh Freedoms Foundation, Daughl.eni of the for banquets and board meetings and a American Revolution, Wanderlust Club, large carousel banquet room ~ ac- Eastern Star, Midway City Woman's Club coriunodating 600 diners. and the Garden Grove Business and M with most &oothern CalUomia com- Professional Woman's Club. merclal developments, the iM is a She is a life long member of the Long relative infant, but lince ill beginning u Beach Ebel! Club and Long Beach ju.st anothe!' wathtront motor hotel, It As&stance Le.ague. She holds honorary ha1 become a landmark, with a st,amp all member.lhiJ>! in Fountain Valley's Beta . , its own. Gamma Oiapter and 0 r a n g e w o o d (See NDPORTER, Pqe 15) Regional Council or Epsilon Sigma Sorority. She is allo an honorary life member of 195 131 376 242 "It wu qgated to me that U one of us clropped oil the council thls may be enough to stop the recall. I ollered to resign and my oiler WU accepted. Today lhll story ol my ...tgnatlon aprud lhnlugboul the dly and my telephone dldn'l llop all day -people calllnl clldn~ wan! me to realp, """ tbqb lbll the Lltlle Mennaid Guild Childrens wwld tlD tbe recall Hospital, based in H.untington Beach. "Frantfy, I am in a quandary. I want to Mrs. Peek has judged th_e Calllornia 117 145 -!" ubd Councllmao Holiry Kaufman. . 4 City Atty. Don Boola Nici he felt the COWlcil would be wlthlo Ila JlDWl!'1I lo adot* the meuure u ao emergency ..,tlnance. The ordinance, which waa tent bact to the staff for more cmaiderailon, would require a permit foe paradel and fcrce paraders &o conf<1111 to a lilt of coo- bell at the --· . ,,,. ~·· U.,..,..id dau&hter will ·be Iba ·-ii ber llrat White -party .far ..... 3IO -and daughW. "' ber b\ber'• oltldal lamiJ.Y -including Cablnet, ataf!, memben ot eoo.,... and the Wasbingtaa diplcxn1Jc COIJll. Early Birds Fly First Pilot Game Entries In . First entrle.a bepn arrivina; today In an "early bird bonus" contea} the DAILY PIWI' II ataglng Ill coojunctlon with the "DAU.. Y PILOJ' J..for--1 An1t1 Day" of. ferinc buebaD fana reeerved teat Uckets at ball price. The Uor·l day will be held . Slmdaf, Juoe 1, at AnabeJm Stadium. 'Ibo Ancell ire acheduled to take .. the Baltlmon Orioles that day In an afternocn contert. '!'be DAILY PILOT II ollertn1 all com- er1 ""' r..e ticket, In the II.JO aod ti.JO p-1oe range for each Ucket tbq buy 1n ~ wne rqe. The free ticUU wiO be fir ....... ed ... ta adJICOOl lo the - the , ... purchaae. ' The "'early bird'' coot.at b open to all boya and glrll up to 11 )'earl old. To enter, eacb younesttr abooH lend "1n, along wlth bil ar her tletet order, a lllatem<nt of !!JO lfonl• or 1-beginning with the lel1tence: "My f1vortte Ana;el 11 ---because ••. •• Three winnen: will be selected on the - buis ol human -and orlgil!allty or cooteol of the wrllteo oiatemeola. All "early bird" entries must be re- ceived by the DAILY PILOT by noon oo May IS. , The winners will be invU.ed to participate: ln pre-game ceremonies and will bave the opportunity to mecMhtlr favorite Angel bueball playera. Deadline for all Uctet reservations fer the DAILY PILOT !l-lor-1 Angel Day Is May 20. .An order blank similar to the one whicli follows this ·article will be publtsl1<1l dllly in the IJ>Orla sect1oo ol the DAILY PILOT for the convenience of raden who want to mail in Uctet orders. Any number of tickets -from twp to an enUre section -can be· ordered. Group purcbaael by LltUe League lwnl, senior citiztns' groups, churcbel, clubs. etc., will be welcomed. Here is an order blank for your con- venience: ·····························~ • • • Clip •ncl m•ll, with check or money enler, to: • • • 2·for0 l Ante! D•y • Dr•"'° CMat D•lly Piiot • CID Pvl>llc S.rvtc.' Dept. • • "° w. a.y ~. Cotto -· c.111. 92'27 • 1" (PLEASE PRINTJ ' •• • • • • • • • • Circle View ColleC• View Crest View Hlrbor View Haven View Hope View Lake View Part View Marine View Meadow View Ou View Pleasant View Rancho View Roblnwood Spring View Stor View Sun~V!ew Vlllage View Wutinont -236 166 slop.the recall.bee..,. ol the hannJLwfil_JUJliCX'_Miaa 1'ageanl, numerous..heauty brine ln.dlYldlng oar d&y. I believe at lhls cxmtelts and shows .~ has been involved ~ll Group \ f.ancels Meeting -•Name • .................. ,. ...........................................• 120 143 ·· 118 125 Totals 3,901 3,102 . $S.7% 44.3% r 34.1 % Turnout l'l'OM P .. e 1 OVERRIDE ..• ITlmportation program, and expand lllruy faclllli... . Two prior ·-held In the Oom Vin District w.,.. turned ®"" by the votera, forcln( lil'lllkmt -in apen. dU., locludlog c:urtallmenl ol co!Ula llervlct. • Jordan Improved SACRAMENTO (UPI) -s.cretuy of State Fronk M. Jonlan, 80, bD1pllalized Jut net for tmitment of a ltrote. was l'poNd ll!plly lmpnmd today by his doctAn al Metty o_...i Hoopllal. ... \ ' UhllY PllOI 1""'1t N. · w ... ,,_..,.. .... ,..,..""" Jeck a. c ... 1n Ykil ............. co.-J ~ ,,,..., ...... 1 a- ....... A. M.,tofii11e _a ... Nliert W, ht.1 Wllha"' fl••4 ~ """"""""' a..it ..... Cl~ ••ttr ............. OM9 lot ltll Sh••• w.m., Mireu.r P.O .... 7'1, 9ZHI --......,, 9-dtr till *"" .. ..., ..,_.,.,. ........ 1 .... ,...,.,,., L.-...~m~ • ..,. ...... ., "°'• .......... "' ~ .. ..... ,_ ........... ..., ........ *"' ................. .., Lo.--..... .....,, ....... c... .... "'-.... ............ "' .......... --.............. ~c..,....... c..... .. ~-•irtt ... -... er:.... c.... .. -::a--- T 'le: cntt MMU1 .,_ 2 cw ....... a a • Wsat La'°"'" ~-.-c.... '111171 ¢ ~ .. --,,., .... ""'""' . _... --• ,, •ff.-... ..... ~·••IF ............. I'-....... _. -----.. ----Qlllf ~ Otl......_ ... c1•• W __. a .11 .......,, .,_ ..,, a_.. __,., ..... au. ...... · in tbeDisntyland civic awards annually. Point that the ....ner1 want to llop It Her Javlsll bJme at Golde!> West Street too. and Reil A venue is the scene of. maqy "U I reslp, I will lD a V«}' true 1eme receptions for beauty contests throughout be lettin& clown all the people who believe the year and many other major :social in me -1 cannot l'lllpl" events. .,.,_ Sclnr...tH-•'• _),, wai She and her parents, Mr. and M.rL ·~... ...,_.. ·~ Joaeph Reid, occupy the mansion cur- handwrttten on t.be bact ol a previoualy rently. The Peek children are Mrs. typed ralgnation speech wb1ch be never Charles Paap of Long Beach, Lon Peek Il read. ., an Orange County banker andCoJulill. e P~~t· CmndJmen John Harper and Edward a student at Golden West ege ~ Just, Clften bWer oppottenta of the mayor, year. both a preaed atreme 8m'prile at the Mrs. Peek is a native of New Orleans speech. and is !mown Jocelly foe ber interest In Said Jmt, "'At leut lt lhawed be bu a the civic and political scene as we.11 a.s lot ol cuts." social activities. Harper commented Iha!, "Uoder M such cc..rtu-ahould he mllD In the face of IUcll recall cbarses." CoondJmeii Donald P'rqeau a D d Joseph Courega, alloo the IUbjecll of recall movement.., both said the mayor had not coosulled them on his ._ii. Fregeau stated, "It wu a complete surprise to a lot of people. I commend him for his action. I have faith that we will be vindicated ." The mayor declined to nveal which reeell leaders be bad tallced with. but •aid the meeting, arranged lhrougb ao tn. l<rnlecllary, took place Monday nf&hl Several individuals thought the un- named recall leader might be Eugene Van Duk. the man who llled the SUperior Court lllit that otoppect the controvenlal Larwin Trad and bu -a vocal op. ponenl ol the c:lty'1 trend toward planned development with small lots. Van Dast, however, refuaed to com- ment on the .IUbject. aaylng only that it WU, "a beauUhlJ. political ploy," and that !be recaJJ would definitely ctllllnue. New Bottom Put On Va.µey Floors Cily councllmen 'l\Jeoday lli&bt put I now-on lloon ln Fountain Valley. At lasue wu the mtnlm.um re- qulrementl for tncloaed living 1poce In apa!Untnts, whlcb councjlmeo ..,....S to towtr. 1be followln& new and lower ll&ndarda, ·-by dty pi.,_ Slallley Maosfi<Jd, wm adopted by the council : Bachelor apartmmt-5JJO-laet. One beclr-apartmmt -"° lqUll'I let!. Two bedroom apartment -liO oquare led. ,,,... -opu1maol -l ,llO· oquanfe«. ManllleJd explained that lllClooed lfv. lnl -Included Oll\y the ll•tnc qutrlen ol ao oparln>eilt and acludod pordltr, br..,.,.111, Interior hO!Jwaye and 1ar•r • l From Pqe 1 JUNIOR MISS • • negotiate w l t h their elders," she said. "Protest should be through a peaceful means." Jn the talent db'lsion she put on a swirl- ing display of free exercise and modem danct: techniques. She tumbled and cartwheeled her way across the stage and back again aever~l times in the fin.al event before the judgu .announced the five finalists and finall y her selecli.Q.n as the nation's Junior Miss. Her mother and father, itr. and Mn. Orchard Beniagton, of 1191 Gumm Drive~ were al 1the pageant to watch their daughter win the national crnWn. Brother Steve, 16, wu watching al home on color television. For Mias Beoln&lo!I the rood lo fame began In the local JuDlor Miu conteat at Huntington Beach Hlgh School lllaged by lhe Jaycees. From there abe competed in the semif.ina.ls and won the Nte Junior Miss UUe ln Garden Grove . Future plans are for Stanford Universi- ty and a carter In biology. First, however, the wU1 become one of the m .. t photographed yoting women In the naUon today and Thursday u she and the photographers . meet. Fridll7 abe ti icbeduled lo ftlum to Hunllniton Beach and to acbooJ on Mon- day. She ta ooe ti. . the .:bool '1 four VllecUctorians, Miss Benb)cton II bead IOD8 leader at Mattna. st>•waa ~ q._ tut 1111 and lt'7 Clulr-.rt tbla -· She alloo attended Miao Prlm'1 Acailemy In 11uo11J111oo BeadL' Lall iAU11111er aba wu an acbange RUdent in Bd.tru QD. der the American Field -~ .. ,. She alloo ii vice president the Calllomla Scbo1astic Federalloil. ' DeopJte being ......, the --hicb acbool strt, Miio ~Mid lhet "I nevtr -t lo be cooslderod the Idell 1-.ger. I'd object If my pueitl pulnled lo the Junl<r Miu or ._,. ebe •s the ideal lirl or tried ~ make me meet some one tlse'& ata'.rulardS." Supporters of the move to rec.all the mayor of Fountain Valley and two dty councilmen will not meet Thursday night as previously announced. Mrs. Barbani Secoor, a representaUve of the Fountain Valley Civic AssoclaUou, said members are too busy circu!ating recall petitions to meet. The -~ will be announcecl by phone, abe said. '!'be Fountain Valley Civic Aiaociatlon wu fonned in early April &o push for the recall of Mayor Robert SchwtrdUeger and Councilmen Donald Fregeau and Jooeph Courrege<, AaodaUon memben cl aim ' the trio has been guilty of disregard for the public in~ in set- ti1111 lol lllla for building devel-ents. CON'rollENT TUMS IANl<AME!llCARD MASTEll CHAlGE 1121 • , • StrHt .. ' .............. ' ......................... ' ................. . • • • • • City ' . ' .....•....•.•....•.... '.I ' I •••••••••••••• Zip ........ I •••••• • • • •Phone .....................•................... L>at1 .............. • . -. • J want 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, ... '. ...•.......... reserved &eats, all seated t~ • • gether, at the June 1 Angels vs. Orioles game at Anaheim Stadium. • • For each ticket purcbaJed, I will receive an adjacent seat free from • • the DA!LY PILOT. I want '3.50/$2.50 (circle one) tickets. Enclosed • • is $ ................ , I tmdentand tickets will be sent to me by mail, • • I tmderstand there can be no exchange if I later decide to purcbue • • more tickets. • • ~ ............................ . Tolliogltfwllo--ifiO -but oat-., liod IL Mat(h yoar style wttt. o•r many dtstifldMo dalfsN. Md ask us about o•r falftOu Oranlt.,.,.. ... -.... . lllJ NEWPORT AVENUE •. COSTA MUA .• , .. I • .. 22 YEARS SAME LOCATION • PHONE ~•·140 1 ,_ I• / ' I I I I / I • • • .. \ . ' Saddleha k • 1'.Y. St.ks ~ I • voe. 62, NO. 109, 4 SECTIONS, 66 P.AGES -' ORANG COUNTY, CA(IFORNIA WEOMESOAY, ~y 7, 1969 •\ Planner · ,Sees . -Tr_end for Count y~ J , ~y RICHARD P. NALL Of .. Oll ... ~ .... Whither ~W!Y_cm.nae g«mty 1970! yorest Dickason, counly plaruilnf director, had predictions this morning ~or the coming decade. He hedged them a trifle for his LagUna ~ Chamber of Commerce audience, noting tha( all crystal balls get a bit haif jf they peer more than two·yeara into the fut.are. · . · However; • Dickuoa pttdlcted thel UC ' DowQ tlae Mission '!rrail D1·ug Overdose Blamed in Death CAPIST,RANO BEACH -An overdose ol drugs was blamed Tuesday in preliminary finding of the Orange County Coroner's Office in the death of Armando B. Serna, 25, of 34185 Camino El Molina . Oranp County will pve ,up 11,000 """ to raldeollal de,vdopmenl in lhe 11'111'•. 4,0QI to 1,000 more acres to commercu1 deve~ and ·• "hopping1l0,IXM> more acte1 for ID:tqatrial development, He pointed oot that this will mea11 Orange O>Unty,, ll(hich D I c k ,.J s 1 n cateprim:I u an industr~ area, will ha•e hi eE..sUnc industr:ia.I lcrea,e of 1,000 acres more tbatl doublecr in a 10. year span. ' ''!be plunor indicted Ulal \he county will begin the decade wtlh I.I million populaUon Ind add moro than I00,000 resklen,ta, endibg the decade wllh 2.Z million. Being a county with over one milUon .ttaidents puts Orange County Into an ex· elusive club. There are only 20 t'OWIUea in the U.S. with D)Ol'e than a mllllon, five of them In CalUOrnlll. In the coming decade, laOO will be used at the rate of ZS acres per day and in the _late lt70's, Dickason said. Orao&t County will pass the haU-way mark.In develOI>' ment of available land re&OUree!. Much ol lhe activity has &billed to Southern Orange County areas such as Llfuna Niguel, Leisure World, 'Mission Viejo, Lake Forest, Turtle Rock and Ur\IVef'!ity Park. This will contl'rme with "one real hot spot" of development the 7,000 acres of land boUnded by the Santa Ana, San Diegq_ and Newport freeways, the planner said. .· er r . ere 0 Lower Titan N,.r11aal Laguna Fuming Over Jet Flights The sounds of freedom nying low o\f'er Lquna Beach beads recenUy bas again turned Arf Colony eye6 and ire skyward toward military jets landing and laking off at El Toro Marine Corps Air Station. Pttost of the stir seems to have been ca~ by a number of nerve-Shattering Oights during the early morning hours over the weekend. . A Marine Corps spokeama11. said a number /f U.S. Mr Force aircraft "shoOUn approaches"' tit' 'the marine base were responsible Ior the 3 a.m. ferent than the normal ·viaual approach, he said. 1.fayor Glenn E. Veddtt termed the aircraft noise really bothersome but said he was at a loo.s to say what tile city could do other than wriJ.e a letter. He said tbit the cllJ has iry the past discussed tbe ailuatlon with the Mariot Corps. 1' w;TJ:j~'° :f'~~~~'.I'.' The pl.Mer laudtd county ~ for crealiot'I of. agricultural pruerves (for 10 yean) on land ~prlalng about :itl percent of Orange CoiJnty. · "It will give us a wonder;ful opportµnlty lo plan and provide permanent open spact and preserves," he aald. He spoke or planning !or a hOll ol rellon.il parkl and menUooed the poalbtllty ol • 111ring ol onic!> parkl al~ Qrtep)llgbway WI of historic San Juan Captstrano. He spoke of lhe need to· update the an Serna was dead on ar?ival at South Coaot COOUnunity Hosj>ilal, S 9 u I h Laguna. An autopsy, to be followed by toxicological tests, will be performed .Lo det.ennine the exact cause of death, cor· oner's deputies said. Officers reported Serna Wa;!I rel~ased on parole last week after serving time as a drug offender. . disturb&Dces. ~y. he said, all Marine aircraft .. ~ the base cease oper• lioo al mldnllh1 marine planes t be re hive not. tieen. lclilduled .,.... lligbl.s ~ .. Id...,., the airport wW os:epl ~ al all ""•~ Thal, too, ll U>ject to~ ... -- "'l'lllre may be <>'tloicla• lliot wlD de- mand that. we fty arouDI 1bt clock, de~g upon what our mmm..itmen&I are," the spokesman atknofr~. e Ann.,or.__C.o.nsid ered _ SAN CLEMENTE -City councilmen tOnight will consider a request of residents ol the mile-square Capistrano Palisades area for anneitatiOn to the community. The sectb. under consideration is between the-S.n Diego Freeway and Pacific Coist Highway atop Lhe Palisade! Bluffs C1verlooking the ocean between San Clemente and unincorporated Capistrano Beach. Residents say they are concerned about ''improper deveolpment" of the ex· elusive residential district under zoning regulations now applied by the county PlaMing Commission. e Trustees to /Ueet IRVINE -Trustees of the San Joaquin Elementary School District wiO meet tonight at 7 o'clock in the multipurpose room of tilt Irvine Elementary School, 14736 Sand Canyon, East Irvine. Among items scheduled for discussion Is the fdopti on of a negotiation policy for the up-coming teacher salary talks. The San Joaquin District includes University p a r k, Turtle Rock, Mission Viejo, El Toro, and Irvine. e Ne"' Library OK'll MISSION VIEJO -An agreement to build a new county library braMh here \\'as approved Tuesd•y by the Orange County Board of Supervisors. The pact calls for lhe 10,CJOO.square foot, $250,000 at.ructure to be built on art acre of land donated by the Mission Viejo Company. Location is on Chrisant.a Drive, one-fourth mile north •of La 'Pu Road, overlooking the Mission Viejo Country Club. Ccmtnlclion of the library was urged by County Librarian Harry M. Rowe Jr. who cited "a tri!mendous need.'' The agreement calls for lhe exterior of the building to be in 'early CalifornJa or Spani!h style and for work to beein prial' to July I, li70. . e Singers to P erf- t.AGUNA HILLS -The •voice College Singm wUI perform a cbonl music program for ~isure Wc:l1d reetdenta-at 1;.30.p.m...SUnday in-llJ&.Main Lounge of Clubhouse I. .- David Thorsen, professor of music, directs the group ·from Califomb State College, Fullerton. ~ighliatiUng the pro- gram -.m be the mot.et. "Komm, Je&U, Kom:ni." Tbete Is no admission charge. HEW YORK (AP) -The stock mtrket doled k>wei today, with broke t 1 rtpDl'ling · profU·lalll"i presaure. (See ' quotations, Pagts 24-U). Trading near the-close \YU active. The Dow Jones industrial 1veraa:t It t :)t p.m. was Of£ 3.10 at lt$8.9S. r • I ' • Marine alfcrall have been flying over · Lagyna Beach rtce.nUy at a lower than nonnal altltudei he conceded, becawe bad weather necessitates instrument ap- proaches'" --Th' instrument approach pattern is dif· "We appreciate your underltanrtlng," he said. Allies Express Optimism · . ~ For Break in Paris Talks PARIS (UP I) -Allied officials et· pressed cauUous optimism today for Thursday's session of the Vietnam peace talks as resull of a Viet Cong statement 13 Acce pted For Aris Fan· Thirteen new artists have been ac· cepted as ~bjton,in the Laguna Beach Fine Arta AaaoclaUon'a Art·A·Fair '69 making a total of 70 artist! on the ll'QUl1d!. -, Fonnerly kilown as the :·splinter Fesltval," Arl·A·Falr will be held qain al 3" N. CoOll Highway (rom Jul)' 11 through Aug. 14. '!be !alr will ·(ealore daJ. ly damonRatlonl by 'arlisll an d cra!tsmen u well u irt exhibiUon. N.,. llillll m Audrey Bwd, Jim -· llll Hercum. Doona Krel&iJ>Ctt, -iliene Luaier, Helen Mc CI an ab an , Barbar:t McGuire, Louise }!ash. ...ee Shollbyt, Kathryn Trower, S o n y a Wallace, Mildred Wilen and Carol Wlllqupby. ' -•~ Ollie Jllltl<o ...,. Neal s.~~·· Flibol'. J .... llllorl, IUcblrd llodermln, llld -lllerL ' ' Bahe ·Ruth Team ~ , ~, ' Tryouti-Slaierl-- Tryouis £or Babe Ruth Leque baseball will be · held S.\urdly • al . the Leiuna Beach ~ School dlamond from t a.m. to,_._ . To be eligible for Babe Ruth Leagu•, buya ·must be lS years old oo or afttr Aug. 1 aod not 15 years old befott July 31. Aboo.Jt 50 boys are needed to make up !be liI local toama. Apptlcatiom may be picked up at the Tbul'lton Intermediate School orrlce or rrom Norm Bor)J<:ld al Laguna llelCh High School. Abool 24 boy1 •IJlll<d up al'the 111'11. lfyouts lllt S.lnr· day. . that "the Paris conference wllJ lakt 1 fruiUu1 course in the near future." Tran Buu Kiem, chief ntgotiator for the v~ Cong, made the comment on West German television Tuaday. Ht was uked about private talkl outisde the o£. ficial conference. "\Ve do not reject •.. this or any other form in the talks," ht said. "We only believe that there mllSi be joint efforts to reach the core of the problem before one en11ages in cool.act.a which at present would be without precise content.'' The Viet Cong have tong denounced as I "trick'' SOuth Vietnamese Presid'(it Nguyen Van Thieu's proposal for private · t.alkl between the Viet Cong and South Vietnam. But the Viet Cong have not rejected the idea outright. Klem hid that although the Paris talks had ao far provided no results "they are not useless." 'Kltm aaid he was convinced that the American government would not be dot--in& ita eyes to facts ••and that the Pari! conference: will take a fruitful course in tbe near future ." Allied officiall sav. in Kiem's slate-. 1nent a poM:lble softening of the rigid Ccmmunist atUtude agalmt direct lilt wttb lhe Saison reaune. New Faces in. YMCA New South Orange Counly Y Council President Rick Barr tries J.l:i t seat of power following bis election Tuesdjly night. Backing him up are Dave Creek vice president, and Ramsey ·Ridde~,_, treasurer. Newly elected seeretary Pam Galloway missed .Photo. r Council of YMCA plans recreational programs for YJ>Uths in eight south coast communities. Leg.al Details Holding Up Nixon.OementeHome8uy . " . ) ' ' . ' . By MEllRIMAN·SMl'TH. legal.·detalls>have delayed clollng either I· •U,l'Mllll" _ _...,. deal. ' WASHINGTON _ President 111<1 Mrs. The Nbc..S may be going to California soon. after this upcoming weekend at Kty Hbcon ha,. .JKil completed legal detalla Biscayne, Fla. II may be that they will Jn..ived In olther pwclwe•of'.lho,Cotlmt ila1 llim<wtieit cloee lo San Clemente, Estate in San Clemente or in serun, their but not the hou¥' they are In the procw Flfth Avenue ap&.'lmOal in·N ... "l'ork Cl· o1 purthaaing, ty. This may have to do with lhf: CoUdl Friends say both arrangementa are family not being reidy to vacate,4 it relatively cio6e to completion but certain may be that tbe chief e:1ecu.Uy1 Wanta to look over another posaible ltte.' In any . Boat • ID Dry Doe~ Cast, he bu: evidenced ·a_"'Clellre to villt ~here in U'O ~e' area of the Orange c-t,-lri"Soutbem · ~ whm be ~Ilk dlrectly !tom • bot.i or priv,..residence to the bNch. ~fJ.Jooter F ounil'-on;.:Canyon· Ranch; --~~.rt'.;;.~;; Juatl<e Alll .. .. .. .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .~ • !for1as 11 .no1. proc1ucJnl liblletlllbl• 1e .. It's eilhtr lhe niftiest piece .cf navtp.. piracy had to maneyver the hou t on at the White HOUlt. lriltead there .,... Uon since Columbus cocked an eye on out' i~ .lf•Ull' ,up a l)all mile : . : toad. •Pd . Pf'llf' .to.~ jcy µMiy9J~enh ··' coaslline, or -cruy bjlat owner Is lhrough lwo locll<d 1 to dock her 1'orl.u wu thB appolntoe. ol -t completely up lhe creek. I , ••• U ba "·· , Lyridon 8. Johmon. Wlieo )l!e 'Whlle Butwboeferdeclded totakt a 30-tc>f" wbel:i=,..~.~w ve . .DQ~.··•OW .. Hoble'Kla·~·~ ln 1 t9calt houltbolt on a *1 nm ,..lhe Santa Alll, JI IOI tJ\ett. ~ ~aton, But dl)'I about Forl.u and bis cumnt .Jl'O' Canyoct bu lodof ~ lhe hale ..di ·rd-If' ¥" hef ·ob!pped ou1 ol. .b1eni, .lhe .allllUdi p,,;,.~· ""' - admlration0fbaffledaberilf'1deputjtt.f .,.. nd~r.-...".... · 1 ~~•lt•t~:; '·L . : · , ~·~ :--~ .:l!1Clhl<:%•"' ~~.::.~~~Ir~~~ :!! I ~~~.ue:~"'r1r~": Ernie Eckholf is jull 11 bewlkf« ~ n Im" ol Ille ~ OT a fl , riot elloul to be 1brvl!n llllf aort • o1 1111 the unllonned landlllbbln wi,. ero, Dtj>ullel ;nU lhe'-•tl "~ ,......Ill; lroo> .llllO ~Iv .... A•!,o. awmning ~ll ovtr bis pr<perty. 1 fll!,Olltl~-.,a." 1 · •. _. "' or, ~ ll1'!lll'l ·--U. JUlll<* The 1mued Eclthofl told depul111 thlt h1ce.,..... the Ctrcle C'lnd In ~ Ind All)', 0... . Jcilln H. whoevtt c•rritd out the l'IO'-lel. ttltce W ttm·e for t11, anyone? • Mltchell. · -~ j t . , • . " ' • . " ····u·noo . . . county's · Muier Plan for Sliorellnt Development. ' Growth, said the p]anMr, wflfl'tllllt In more denslt7, smaller averqe kit-ailff. ll will stlmiJl•te r<-developmlnt In tbe populous western portion ol tlMt ·caunty, an estimated re-developmeut for 11.G08 dwelllhg uruts. "' • In the lllO's, Dtckllon aid, llran(i County added 200 _b!1 ..... op 20 acres per day and • DrW_ (See Dl<IKASON, .... T. 0 Will Study For Master's -~ ... At Monterey W AsmNGTON (UPI) -Cmdr. Lloyd M. Bucher, skipper of. the USS Pueblo, has ~ given an assitDment on ~' the PeoLq:on announced lfoday. Qucber was assi&ned to the Navy's poe.t.graduate school at Monterey, Calif., for a one-year "manaaemenl" c:oune, the announcement said. Tbe Navy Tuelday overruled a Board· of lnqUV>' t h a t recommended court· ..martial triala for Bucher '1tCI the, in· [ telllp:nce officer o( ~be l?ueblo, which WM ·cat>iured by fiorl~ Kolm·~ wtlhau( a fight la January, 1t1&: Today;I Ptotagon annonnremrM uid: "Commander Bucher hll·lndiclted to the- Bwu.u of Naval ~ that be is •"Y pleued wit• tbll ..,._t " ~ wal --~ NPGti lo lhe IChiol in July for a yeat'1 course, in WhiCh be wW be . worttng .... toward a muter'• deP.'fle in manapinept. A milltary !Pl>J<•sman tald -had Aid be w"iied tq recelv~ ~~"' tralnin& In h1a next asstgrimelit. The '"Navy llieif ~is ' now awaiting a verdict from Courts• on HI rile In &be 1 ... ., lhe l'UOblo111falr. Tbe Penlagiln aJ.o ~ the .... ""'-It !or Qther Pueblo olflcenl 111<1 men who are contlnullll tli!tr N_avll careen. Those for the officen art: ·Lt. Edwanl R. Murphy, Fleet al)d Sub- matine School, San Dleg0; Ll.~Stepheft It. Harris, Naval Security Group ~ quarter1, w~. D.C.; and Cbiet. Warrint Officer QeDe H. Liey, Naval supply Center, Seatlle, Wuh. A special Houae Armeil Strvlces oub- commlttee ii writing 1 nporl cm Ille Pueblo affair based on several ween of public and aecret hearings. The report is erpected to be publi&bed within two weeks. .,, Sourets close to the subcomniittet: predict the Navy -as well as the Pen- tagon in general -will be ICOl'ed.-for allegedly falling to iintlclpate Nfl'th Korea'• se1IUre of the lntelligeocel'ptbef. lng abip, and for the alow respoDBe to the act. . . Rep. Olis G. Pike (D-N.Y.), diairmn of the subcommittee, told newsmen he thoughl lhe Navy's Court cl Inquiry a\>d-' Secretary of Navy John H. Chafee bolll acled pr-ly In lhllr .,.. way -the court in tla "lllicl ~ of Navy regulatlonl" and Chafee lo flmpertng its recommeodation with !~. veat deal • mercy." .• Weatlter The IND will peek throuch Tblao- day'• cl<>udo. temponrUy but the mercury d->'1 • any ... al budtll'!l·lrOm tbe middle ... ... the Onnl• Coul. I INSl8E 'i'oDAY . • • "':"'~"""""': .... ~ .................. ;::;:;:;::;c ............... ""'""""~""""'~""".,..,"""'""'r-='°7'='~ .• .., ..... ...,,~ ... ..... , , --... ...""I' -" ., • • J . J llolll Y PJ(OT l WtdlltSday, Ma, I, 1969 ~ .. Cl_ ... ttue PILOT LOGBOOK Police to Talk • 1:he\e'll Always .ll~ Race To E?~enada-But Wh r ? With ·Mrs. Peek By ALMON LOCKABEY OA.ILY PILOT ....,_ ...... Come May, 1970, there will be anotbtr ·Ensenada race. J1Y tbal , time, hardly anyone but lbt winner can tell you who won thiJ . yur'1 rtce. . An!l I!! all bility, all 500 of ~Jn ttUa year'• ract will have for- cotten all the bJrd.shl.pa and frustrations and will be Ol'l the starUnc line again. / . The race itself will be fraught with all the ar(p.Unentl -whether to "C9 inside or outside" -and ncues of why "I wis in the wrong place w~ the wind filled in." By the Ume the yacbllmen get lo Ensenada they will be greeted by the ~ horde ot unwashed "hippies" who flock to Eensenada by rnot.or;eycle and camper, and who -:m have already ~ Justllnl up Huuong's marga- ritas and assorted olher tequila concoctions. I By the time the yachtsmen get Lhrough sleeping off the gon 24 hours or more of changing heads'Js, the unwashed crowd will be even more unwashed, some or them wallowing in their o~omlt or s:tag-cerinl down tbe main drag shoving yachtsmen o(( the sidewa and makin« lewd renarks to their wives. • 1be crowd at Husaong's will be spilling out onhl the s:tree d Mexican peddywagom wil lbe methodically hauling oil the more exu ant. In the back of the Hotel Bahia, the non-yachting crowd will be passed out on the lawn or making love inside their open campers. On a Saturday afternoon, the yachtsmen will gather on the lawn ba ck of the Bahia to cheer the trophy winners and commisertee with those who almost made It. There will be the usual grumbling about "that dumb race commit· tee" and a few stUl seeking protest fonns. By Sunday morning the yachtsmen will be arriving at U.S. customs at San Diq:o In droves alter a night of beating up the Baja California coast. Lunch at San Diego Yacht Club and then the long bu.t back to Newport or .other home· ports. And when il'1 all over there will be a chorus oC "never apina" -molt d whJcb, like this year's winnenl, wlll have been forgotten. Even .thi.I repiorter wW be baG11gain -ln one capacity or another. And when it's all over 1'11 again be aak!nl myaelf the same queiiUon : "Why!" From Page l DICKASON FORECAST. •• IChool every two weeb. This will ac4 ce1ente In the 1970's bringing economic promlle but govmunental headaches. Fer the ntlt decade, D l ck a 1 on predicted a don-trend in birth rate (the pW decade), slight Increase In long•vlty, cmtlnued migration to S o u t h e r n Call.fomia and no dramaUc economic changa. Available land and clean air in Orange County will continue to attract growth in ftl newest phase of "metropolltan·urban deveiopmenl" Rod Laver Loses To Roy Emerson TOKYO. (Al') -Rod Laver cl Corona del Mar, consldenid the W!Jrld'a lop rank· lnl !'1'1.,.\ol1al. llllllerl!I , his first set· bol:t Wednesday.In tbe '3'1,777 Japan pro --by lolinC · lo hia l•llow Newpori Beach reoldent Roy Emenon, 6- Asked why the county bu required subdivlden lo provide neJ&hborhood parks,' Dicta.son said tbl'l county 11 now requiring mch acreii:e u a cond.ltkln of development.I, approDmltely one 1cn for each 1,000 per1m1. Questioned about the growing con- lroversy of location of . an airport, Dickuon said the county still bu eight potential sites in mind but ii lludying feuibility of ocmmercial me al El Toro Marine Corps Air Station. Aaked if this ia not a waste of money in view of the Marine Corps position. Dickason said be , reaptcted General Thrash but didn't° aped any base com· mander would tUt any other pooiUon. He .aid U the pooition had hetn taken by the 5ec:rtlary cl Dde1111 II might he another matter. Dlckuon sald whether futiu. alrport ' needs can be tolved inside or outside Clral1I' County, Ille slluaU<11 bu lo he ~orted . out to reduce a r o w l n 1 abimosities. By WIWAM REED Of ._ Dll_, PJIM S!tlf Palm Springs police announced today that they are a~t to close their ln· vestipUon of. lbe ahooUng of a Hun- Ungton Beach soclallte Mondsy and the apparent suicide .of a Long Buel) mu.sic professor. Officers ·said that they must interview Mamet~ ~ .. k, 13, d 16"1 Golden West St. today to close the booQ on the case which beJan about 11:30 a.m. Monday at Mrs. Pttll:'s desert retreat at 300 N. Sunrise Way, Palm Springa. Officers said that at lbis Ume it ap- pean Mn. Peek was in Pa'lm Sprl.np to discuss a land purchase deal with W•st Loe Angele! real estate man George Trlpbon, 3'. Triphon told officers that he had been in another roOm of Mrs. Peek's apart- ment when a man later identified as Dr .. Lawrence L. Peterson, 57, of 114'1 Kens- Newporter Inn Adds Terrace Of 118 Rooms A few ye.an ago whtn the Newporter Jnn'a growing pelns wre acute it.a cen- tral stall told their new boa that they'd stay on ~·the boteJ compln: aeem- ed like "a large blr<l reaQ lo fly."· It did. And now the pains are over and the srowing continues. On Friday the lalat atage of the inn's growth will ri.ceive lls official christening -the llkoom Terrace area overlooking Upper Bay. The Q.mllllon, .emic:imllar cluster in- cludea a hu(e, meandering nlmmlnl PQ91, guests' quarten, conference rooms and ... carousel" room for larJe aather· lnp. 'lbe Terrace. ls the latest aegment in a aeriea of ldditlons to the rambling hotel undertak<n by bolh the founding DW11g .. ment and the preeent ownenhip. Groundbreaking m the terrace wu in fall of 19!1, and construction llU!fered delays from record fiooding in Newport Beach last Jlllll&f)' and Fehruary. With the opening O! Ille terrace the mas.sive complex will have a room total «. SSO. Besklea the rooms for peltl the of SSIJ. Besides the rooms !or gum. the Terrace iDcludes five rooms ~ eoou&h- !or banquetl and hoard meellnp and a large carousel banquet room ac- commodaUng 600 diners. Al with most aouthern Callfornla .eom· inerelaJ dev4lopmenll, Ille IM ii a relaltv. Inlaid; but since Ill bOlhu>lnll aa just another "'atir!rool ... bolt!, it bu become a~, with a ~ all itl own. :, (lee NEWPORTl!ll, P ... U) . 1, e,t. 1-1\111 t'!9 .triumphs. The victory wu Emerson· s second against one k>a. In the other slngla -llennjs Ral!ton d Bakenfleld _, hia oecond matoh aplnot two. louts by dd .. ting !loo Hoimberg of Nl!W York. &-5, 6-4. It was lloimb<zi'• third straight defeat. -Early Birds Fly Butch Buchholz of St. Louis, downed Tony Roche of Australia, W, M . Bucholz now has a two-wfn..two-IOS! rtcord, as does Roch!. In the doubles, Pancho Gonzales of Los Angeles t.amed with Holmberg to beat. Emerson and Laver, M. · Jordan lmpro ed SACRAMENTO (UPI) -S<crelary of State Frank M. Jordan, 80, hospltali1ed Jut wttk for treatment of a stroke, was reported allghUy lmprvved today by his doc:t<n at Mercy Gen•ral Ho•pltal. vMI Y PllOT oaAJfGa co-.it !"Uk llHINO CCIMft.t.NY ••Mrl N. w., .. ""'*"' .... l"Wllw.t • J•cft I . C11rley .. \lllclt ............ Gtfwftl ,,,.,..,... n...1 Kttvil a- n. ..... A. M1r11hln1 ~·.i• l ithtr4 P. Nell ·--Cltr l:lfltw ---2Jt ,.,,,, ,..,.. Mt1'111f AcW''"'' P.O. In 6'6, t?61t --c-. -..: .. W.1 ..,. '"" , .............. 1 '711 ._. ...... .......,..,.. """"°*"" lffefl: .. tlll Ii.wt • . First Pilot Game Entries In First entries began arriving today in an "early bird bonus" contest the DAILY PILOT is st.aging in conjunction with the "DAILY PILOT Z.lor·I Angel .Day" cl· fering baseball fans reserved 11e1t tickets at hall price. The 2-for·I day will he held Sunday, June 1, at Anaheim Sllldium. The Angels an scheduled to Wee on the Blltlmor• Orioles that day in an afternoon contest. The DArL Y PILOT is offering all com· ers one free ticket in the $3.50 and $2.~ price range for each ticket they buy in th.e same·range. Tht free Uckets wW bt for reserved seals adjlCIDt to the Rats th.e fans purchue. The "early bird" contest is open to all hoy> and glril up lo 11 yun old. To enter, each yoongster should send In along wttb his oc her tlcktt IX'der. ~ statement of 100 words or less beginning with the 1elitei>c" "My !avcrtle Angel !J ---because •.. " 'l'lll1o -will he aelecled 00 the " haslJ or human.lnterut and or!p1allly or content df the wriUen statements. All "early bird" entries must be re:- °'ived by the DAILY PILOT by noon on May 15. The winnen will he Invited lo partklpate tn pre-game: ceremonies and wUI have the opportunity to meet their !avcrtte Angel baaeball pla!'<fl. Deadline for all ticket reservations for the DAILY PILOT Hor·l Angel Dsy Is May 20. An ordu blank similar to the ane which follows this antclo will he publlsbed dally In the llporll sec:Uon of the DAILY PILOT for the coovenieoce of ruder'I who want to mail in ticket orders. Any number of tickets -front two fo an entire M!Ctlon -can' be «dtred. Group purchaaes by Uttle League te8m9, senior citiztM' eroups, churcbu, ctub91 etc., will be wekromed. Here i!I an order blank for your ctln- verrlence: _ ~···························· • Clip and . mall, with d>Hk or money ordor, to : • • • • • 2·for·1 Ant•I Day • • Orang• (011t Dalfy P iiot • • CIO Public 5on1lco Dopt, • 330 W. Bay Slraot, Costa M11a, Call!. 92627 • (PLEAS E l'RINTJ • • • • •• • • •Name • .............................................. : ...............• • • St'"' ······························································• • • • a City ................................ , ... , ...•... Zip , , , • , •• , ,,, ,, , • • Phono . . ...................... ·················· Otte •......•.• , ••• • • • I 2, • • wan! 4, 6, 8, 10, , ................. reservtd seal!~ all seattd to-• lnston !load, Los Alamitos, burst into tho apartment. He said he heard a abort 5C\lfne and "then a shot in the front room," police reported. Tnpbon told o[fken that he saw Mrs. Peet· run down the hallway "with blood pourlnc from bu abdooien." · "I tried lo keep that man (Peteraon) oul" Tr!phon II repcl(led u ha vlng told police. "He hJt me over the bead with the butt of the gun and 1 went down ." He wu later treated for severe bead lnjur!.. and released from the d ... rl hospital. Police still have oat ddlni!ely linked the ""1 used lo shoot Mn. P .. k with the one used to beat Trtpbon or the one used to kill Pet.eraoo. U. Carl Hulslander 11id Mn. Peek then ran downstairs from the two- bedroom, two-story ai>artment at lhe Continenlal Gardens Hotel and neighbors hearing her screams called an ambulance and police. She is reported thia morning as in "fair condltkln, about the same" accordina: to a hospital 1pokesmu. Mrs. Pett wu shot once with a .~allber pistol and hospital officlail said today the slug llilJ haa not been removed. "" "ApparenUy, from what 1 heard, doc· tors are unable to find it at present, but I know Jn many cases bullets are not removed tf no d&nJer to life or functions exist," said a nursing supervisor. Lt. Hulslander said Triphon described his assailant and police began a search to find the gunman. About four hoUl'9 after Mrs. Peek had been shot, tw.o plainclothes office.rs spot· ted the abandoned car hdooglng lo Or. Pet.eraon. Abollt the same lime they saw him walking away from them. He was two and one-half miles from the Peek apartment and walking alone, police said. One officer shouted, •~stop". Petenon walked a'lt'ay. · Again lhe plainclothes officer 1houted to Dr. Peterson to halt. Petel'lion ran a few steps from the two officers, pulled a .25-callber automatic pistol from hill cott pocket, &tuck it into hls mouth and pulled the trigger. He atagered and fell lo the curb at the intersection of Bi.skra Road and Joyce Drivt, officers said. Dr. Petenon was pronounced dead on arrival at the 1ame hospitaJ where Mrs. Peek was to tnldergo surgery for removal of the build 1n her abdomen. Completion of the inveistigation and cl06lng of the boob still awaits an in· lervlew with Mn. P .. k who Is reported under heavy aedatlon at the hospital. Lt. Hulsancler said he woula ·wt witli1 her today and hopes: "she will substmztiate our theories and that will be that." ' Youth Committee Hearings Slated Orange County's W h i t e House Con- ference CommJttee on Youth, which will send represtntaUves to the White House Youth Advisory CommWlon conference next year, will hokl public hearings Tburlday. The hearings, open to all, particularly young people, will be held from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. and again from 7 p.m. to t p.m. bi !he Forum at Saddl•back High School, 2802 S. Flower Sl., Sant.a Ana. Superior Co\D"l Judge William Murray w~I preside at the session, where youth will have Its chance to voice its opinions on the problem! of youth ill order to establish priorities ol cone~. • .. ' ' ~. UPiT....,.tit JACKIE BENINGTON WEARS JUNIOR MISS CROWN . J Small Packti• of Srain1, Beauty and Grace . j Beach Coed Crowned ]uni.or Miss of America Jackie Benh1gton ol. Huntington Beach Tuesday night charmed, talked and cartwheeled ber way to the America's Junior Miu title be~ a naUonal lelevis.ion audience. · The blmide, blUHyed straight A •lu· dent at Marina High ScbooJ wu crowned the nation's Ideal hi~ school aenior girl in. Mobile, Ala., to cap the week-long America's Junior MW pageant. Her selection from lbe 50 contestants from all over the nation earned her $10,000 in scholar.ships plus the $1,500 she had been awarded earlier tn the week In the youth fitne99 and scholarship divisions or the competition. Second place went to Anita Colombo of St. Louis, Mo., third to Dee Ann Allen of Minot, N.D., with Ann Landes of Arkansas and Mary Anne Struckmeyer of Virginia also in the top five . Miss Be.nington , shortest or the high school seruors at ~foot a, began the finals with a brie[ lapse of memory when she could not correctly identify Lloyd George as the prime m.ini.ster of Great Britain during World War I. From thue on her performance was flawless. To a qutstion on the relations between youth and their elders, Miss Benington, 18, approved of the idea of youth protest, but suggested protest "through a legislative means," rather than violence. ".Young people should learn how to negoUate wi t h ll)eir e1ders," she .said. Tolhe~wlio--n WWllS but not where 10 find iL M 1tf;h yoar sr,le •ith owr """I' distindh<e doO.,.. And ask et tboar oar f1mou1 Or--- "Protest .should be through a peaceful means." In the talent division she put on 1 swirl· Ing display of free exercise and modem dance techniques. She tumbled and cartwhetled her way across the stage and back again several times in the final event before the judges announced the five fmalists and finaJly her selection as the nation's Junior Miss. Laguna-Seniors Collect $1,000 The senior class of Laguna Beach JUgh ~~I tw collected more than $1,000 for Lts: B1afra fund drive. The project, undertaken two wee.ks ago. was ~et!: to fellow students and downtown stores. Contributiom wlll be forwarded to the American Friends Service Committee, in Togo. The final boost will he held Saturday, when the juniOr class will offer it.. profits fmn a high School dance to the: drive. "We want to express our thanks to all the businesses, parents and students who contributed to the Biafran relief col - lection," said senior class ad'fisor Mn. John Brenot. "Many lives w:ill be 1av~ as a resull" • I t ' .... . . • gether, at the June I Ansels 'Vs. Orioles game at Anaheim Stadium. a • For each ticket purchased, r wUI receive an acljacent see! fret from ... • Ille DAU.Y PU.OT. I want f'.:101'2,:tO (clti:le one) tickets. t~ !II . COIMNIEN'T J.C. J./ump~ 'J11we~ TUMS 22 YEARS SAME LOCATION ( ,, ·• ls f ................ , I understand ti eke II will be 1tnt lo me by mall. • • r unclei;stand there can be ~b uchango ll l laler deClde lo putt11a11 • ·• more ticll:.U. ~ . . ... . . ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • . • lANICAMEAICARD MASTU , CHARGE ''• i. 112lvNEWroAT .AVtNUE . . ' t'HONE COSTA'MUA 541-)iOI ' ' 1, ( ' . ' • ,_, ' • ... .. • • . J • • '· . . . •• OMNGE 9:0~.~ c;ALIFORNIA r'EDNESDAY, tv!AY 7. lff9 . I 1 . -. , -,~ F • ,.._ .._ ,.';';" ,;. ... .. . - Planner ~·Sees ·· t·n.du·str·ial .. . ' .. Trend for .. . ... ,,__ BJ RICllAJiD P. NALL ...... ., ...... ...., ,Jlhllher.~w1y Oran&• County 1970! ~-lllctuon, counly ~ director, had predictioN lhl5 mornln& for Uiecomlncdecade.. · tie h<dgod u..m a lrllle for Illa Laguna . -Chambe• of c.mme.ce ·-· nolJnC Iha! all crylllal bal1I iel I bil buy U.they 11'"!' more lhan two yeoti lnlo }be flilure. . flowever;-Dicka&oo predicted Uia& i ..: ·- I ~ County wW slYe up ·M,000 ocrea lo .. -.~ In the 111111'•, 4,0lt (o iiOllO more IC!m'. lo Ciimtnerml ~ uil 1 wbo!lPfn&' 10,111111 more lor~~t 7 ~ oui thal lbll will mean ~' Oounl)', 'wllldo 'J> I ct I Ion ~ u u lniUtr1al area, wlU ho .. u. al!""' IMlllfill -o! tD00 -_,, jlloD -ID li.lllo 1W spu:.. l .... 'Ibo ...._ pndlcled thaliD.e COWlly -.-• 1, .. . . will· pus tbt hall-w~y mut In develo~ ment.of available laod l'tlOUJ'Ces. Mud! of. !he IC!lvlty bu lhifled to ~ Ora.nee County areas such as La1!1J11 Nigµel, LeWre World, MW.ion V\<jo, Lake Forest, Tllr1le Rock and Univenlty P¥t· Thia will c:ontlnue with "one real hot spot .. of dn~t the 1,Q acres of land bounded 'by the Sanla' Ana, San Dl'flO and Newport •-171, llle planner Hld. . • wr• ' '. ' The pl-.nner lauded county supervllOi's for creation Ii agricultural prtltl'\'a (for JO years) on land CQQlJ)l'iain,g about 10 percent OI Oran&< County. "It will give us 1 WUlderlul ~lly to plan and provl<ie• .. p0rmanent open space arid praervil, 11 be Aid. He lpOte of planning fer '"boll ol ngiooal puta and menlfoned the pealbiJfty Ii 1 airing of IUCb perta aq Or1ep JliProY OUI of hlatori<: San Juan 'Capistrano. He spoke of the need lo update ·!he ue er ere· 0 . Dmcn .the Mission Trail Drug Overdose Blamed in Death CAPISTRANO BEACH -An overdose of drugs was blamed Tuesday in pnlimil)ary finding o! lhe Oranse County Coroner'• Office in lbe death of --B. S<ml, ZS, Ii 34115 Cimino El Molina. Serna was dead on ·arrival at South Coast Community Hospital, So u t h l.aflun•. An lulopsy, lo be followed by 19zirologlcal leltl, will be pfl'fonned to determine tbe euct came of death, cor- etr's deputies said. ornc«-a nporle\f Serna wu re~ on pM'Ole last week after servtn& time u a drug offender. • AlllM!:r c .... ltlered SAN· CLE.i\lENTE -City councilmen tonight will consider a request ol residents of tht mile-square Capistrano Palisadr.s area for annexation to the community. 1111 1eClion under coosiderat.ioo is between the San Diego FrttWay -and Paoillc Coast lflghway atop the Palisades Bluffs overlooking the ocean between San Clemente arid uniocorporated Capbtreno Beech. Jlaldenls aay they ere concerned iibout "Jmproper deveol.pment" of the ex- •• ~-:T ... n ·Normal Lag~·na Fu~ing Over Jet Flights Allies Express Optimism ·----~ -- For Brea ,k in Paris Talks clusive residential di!trlcl under ronJng PAl\IS (UPI} __ All!M olllcil!a ... lllat "the Pllril·eoofmnff wlU Ian a ~=~ed by the coWXy preued cauUoul optfmlsm today for tnzltfu1 coune in the near future." ThundlJ'• IHlion of the Vietnam peace Tran Bua JOem; cl1itf fteeot.Iator for • Tr11Steu to /tleet talb .. l'UUll of I Vlei Cena statement lhe Viet Cong, mlile the comment on IRVINE -Trustees ol the San Joaquin W,Ht Gtnn.azi televi.siOI\ Tue:i!iay. Ht. was Eltment.ary School Distrk:t will meet l3 A ed atked about private 1!-1kl outlacle the of. 11>nighl at 7 o'clock in lhe multipurpose ccepl flclal conference. room of the Irvi~ Elementary School. "We do not reject •• , this or any other 14738 Sand Canyon, East Irvine. For A ... ~-Farr· rorm in tbe tllki," he said. "We only Among items scheduled for discussion J. a.o believe that then must. be )olnt efforts to Is the adoption of a negotiation policy for the up-coming teacher salary talks. The nurteen new l(tists have been IC• ruch tbt core of the problem before one San Joaquin District includel University ctll(id·u ahlblton in the tacuna Beach enpa:es in contactl which 1t preae:nt p 1 r k, Turtle Rock, Miuion Viejo, El Fine Ana ~Uori'i An.A·Fair ,69 would be wllhout )lftciae c:ool<nl" Toro, and Irvine. /' ~ 1 lGlal , of ll .,_ 00 the 'Ibo Viet Cong hayt long denounced IS • /lie"' Llf>r•r9 OK'• . · · · a ;'tltt" South Vlelnamele Prtsidenl .....-,___:._ .:__.· ··u lhe . "Splinter. ~Ven Thieu's propoaal lot private MJS.SION VIEJO -An agreement to -·-·1 -0 ~ lhe v•J r-• nd South but.kl. a new county library branch here Festival. .. Art·A-1'.m.wlll be btld qaln ~-..--=-, "'~ ""''16 a ,.81 approved Tu"'l•Y by lhe 0r..,. af 141 N. c:ooil' JUPlr•~· fJon1 · lulf. 11 . Bul lhe Viel Cong have nol 1 County Board of _Supervisors. • ~ AU&-H .. 'nle falr'wUt ft11Und•~ , ...... lhe Idea oulrlghl. Tbe p~ calls for lbe 10,00IMquare d ' KMm aald lh1l al1hou.oh the Plll'il lalkl \ foot, 125C1,000 slructw-e to bi bulll on mi ly d~-'by uU!U 1 • h!id)o _!er provided no ""'1tJ "they 11'! acre of land .,,._ by the Mlaslon Viejo cmumen u ...0. u ut alilbll!on; • '* lllel.,." cOmpany , Loclllon la on Olrlllnla New' utlaCa *" ADdrey -· Jim iljan Aki· he -cooYlneed that !he Drive, one4oW1h mile north o! La P• Jloli>or, 1'11 ii.i.om, Dmina Kretalnpr, Awtcan 101,.1-would not ba cJoo. Jlaod, overloolting lhe Mission Viejo IDene Lolai,., il'elen 'Mc C l i nab a 0 , fnC flJ .,., to llcll "and lhel tho Peil Ooun!lY Club. -ol the Mbtsy ooolenoce will lakl 1 fndUul c:oune ID was urged by County Ubrarlan HllTJ M. BlrW'a Ji&cGmre, Louile Rllh. Leif &ha 1ilar futdre.'" · - Rowe Jr. who cited "a l.rtmendoUI ....,... ~ Tf"Owtr; Soa1a "ABiid Glflcla1I aw ln 10em•1 ltlteo noed." • Wallaol. liDilred ' Walerl ud Carol nient 1 polllble oolteninl of the rigid 'the agreemenl calls lor lbe uterjor GI ~·-· · I _ c.nummiat lllltude agalqlt direct talk U.. building to be in early CalifOl'!ll1>0r :J• .,r. •Neal--· Ollie •, db the SaJaon reclmt· 'SPl1'ish style and for wc;ft to begih pr~, Fldw,, Joaar..lbort, ~ Sodlrman, • . ~ . . Nem .Faces in YMCA . Now South.Orange County Y Council President Rick Barr Irie• out 1eat of ~~" fol\owing _ his · election Tu .. da.r. ni~~t, Backing him· _up are Dave Creek vi Ce president,. and Ramsey R1ddeli, treasurer. JileWly OJOC\ed secret.iiry. Pam Gall0way ,mssed photo. Y COundl of Y,MCA plans recreational progrtunS-for youths in' eight south coos! communities. Legal D.etails Holding Up Nixo~ ClementeHomeB.uy BJ· M~ JMlT1I ·1,jp>j .... "-~ WASHINGTON -Pr,.ident and Mn. Nbqln have not compltled legal ~II fnvolvod In either purchase ol the Colton Eltlle ID San ClemenlO or In oelllnc lhelc P'lfth Avenue apartment ln New YOrt Cl· ty. Friends say ·both arrangement. are ri:latively ctose to completion but certain legal delalls have delayed closing ellher deal. The Nlxons may be going to Callfomi1 soon, after this upcoming weekend at Key Biacayne, Fla. It moY be thal they-will stay somewhere clOM: to San Cletnente, but not the· -they an Jn lbe process of purdwing. tb July J , 1970. ,, *t• ~· · ~5.-• ..• Sl•9er• to rerlo.... .n:~-Ruth Team' , Boat LAGUNA 1l1W! -,,,. ·-nuue • ID Dry· Doek nu may have. to do~wilb the Cotton family qot being ready to vacate. or It may be that the·chieI executlve want.I to loot over another pou;ble Ille. In any cue, be' ha.a evidenCticf a desire to visit · someWhert ID the · u:me area of \he 0..... Cout In Southern Ca!Uomla where he can wait directly from a boteJ. or prtvale midence to the bt1c!I. 1 College Sin&er• will pfl'fonn • choral nwslc procram for L<ilW1 World retldmls. 11 2:30 p.m. -Y In Ibo aralD LIJaoto Ii Clu-I. Tryouts; Slated· 30-footer Found on· Ciinyon Rq,,.ch ,,,....r1~~f~~J-_.. ..... .. . ' .. .. . . "Foi'lii'b 'iiol ~'licillC..bll loon 'lloflcl -· profesaor GI imuf<. 41ncb tile group from C1H!oml1 State allege, 'Fullerton. Hllhllghtinfl the pro. ll'ltJl will be. the motet. "Komm, Jt111. Komm"'. 'l1let< is no ldmlnloll chirp. Stoelc /llarlceu ·NEW YORK (AP) -·The stoct mlri<et ebed lower today. With b l'·o· t'e r•1 ._ting profJt.lltfng prmun. (See quolaliool, Pqea 24-25). Trodlnl neor lhe clool -l<llve. Tho 'Dow J-llidlilCrlll ·•-• al l:IO ,...,.ui,ittll.IL · , ,\ _, J • ' Tmoll ,... __ i...,,._n will be. bold Solunk7 <SI 1111 l.quNI -Hllb--lloml1.m. to l'JO(I\. • . -~ '. To be tliilbl• fO< Bibe ltulll Loque. boy1 must be IS yean old on or alttr AU(. I and not 1$ yeers old before July 31. • • Al!out M lloy1 an ~ lo mate up tho.ill locll -~""'>'be picked up 11 Ibo ~ t.-iai. School' olllco • Im Noml'llc11-al Lapna-a-Iillo--24'bo71 alped,., at•llla lint lrJOllll:llat -· day. • " • ll'1 olllllr'fhl·nlftlelt.-.olna1Jp, ~ liodto..-uverlbe'bousebollon at the Wllfte--.lhen.&Po tion-.inct eobHnti.li:c:ocRd • eJt-Cllf iW • ·1r1.11w· up· a· half mUe dlrt rotct ntd · pe11r1·to· be icy·unbtY<lt•enmrt - coutllne. er -CfQY IMM --Ir · two Jocted gales lo dock her F-wu Ille 1ppolnl<!e <ll Prilfdent completaly up llMl met. -' · .....,. now Ua "I have·no1du'how ·Lyndon .s.. Jobneon. .. When. Ille ftt1e But ..-~ to .. 1 30-f~ .i ,, • .. House haa been approached In """!I houHboat on• drt nm ,IJtfhl llnla Amt-R 11)1 lhl[t, he tQld lovestlplon, Bui da)'I ibool F01111 ....i lU~ent pro- Canyvn he1 today eu1ill ._,. halO and. l'd .,... lite to '" her llllpped' out of blem, Ilic · alUlude gener1Uy hal - adminllorl of bollled ........ deputl... -'and pretty ...... • ''why Ilk ... ,.. . He Id! Ille onbon~'"91oi b!p Ind llililJl'flill Jn...tfoiton · 11 Ille 1p. Havln( an atablllhed ......t of born, m, on Ille CirCle 1r •"'"'11! ood .,.... ...... _,1 GI all kllftllflcallon llld an enferll, liberal •De!Doera~ For'llil b Ernie Eckldf ll Ja! w bewlldend • =r.• •• GI lhe l111dlocb<l c r a f I. not -to ·bo thrawo .., lot\ ol life the anlfonnod ........ ; *llo .,. -lhe -1 al· "between _..r lroni JIJDO ~An .. ...,...... ...... ~·rw--·· : """....... · "'f• thll l!lllllf, -·1111 -1111 __. W -J Pw lllt 1'411oo·.....r Ibo Circle C and bock fn, ~ and Atty. O..· Jolll, N. -· --...__ ,..,., ----1 MlfdillL • • Teday'• Fl••I N.Y. Steeb TEN CENTS County- county's Master Plan fOt' Sbonline Development . Growlh. said lbe planner, wW nault In more density, smaller 1verap Jot UL It will sU.'Tlulate re-develqpment tn the populous western portJoo it lhe county, an estimated re-development for 11,000 dwelling units. In the 19IO's, Dlckuon aald, Orang~ County added 200 J>'l'SO!ll dallr, Ulln,( up 20 acres per day and building a new (See DICKASON, Pqe I) , 0 Will Study Fo1· Master's At Monterey WASIIlNGTON <UPI) -Cmdr. Lloyd M. Bucher, skipper of the USS Pueblo, bas been given an assignment on land, the Pentagon announced today. Bucher was assigned to the Navy's post-graduate school at Monterey, Calif .• for a one-year "management" course, the annoul\Cf:menl said. The Navy Tuesday overruled a Board ·of Inquiry t h a t recommended court- marUal trials for Bucher and the In- telligence officer of the Pueblo, which was captured ~ North Korean ~U: Wiillout a fight m January, 1961. Teilay's Pentagon announcement said: "Commander Bucher baa indie1ted to the Binau of Naval Pmoaoel tbat he is ver; pleued with lbla .....,_" Bucl>er wa1 onlend to repent lo the echoo1 in July for a year's course, in which he wW be wcrtiQg tOward a m111t.er'a degree in management. A military 1pokesman said Bucher had said he wished to receive post.graduate lraining in hiJ next assignment The Navy Ille!! is now awaillng a verdict from Congress on lts role. in the loss of the Puebkl affair. The Pentagon also alUlOlU".ced the new assignmentJ.for....otber...fuebJo ~and men who are continuing their Naval careers. Thoee for the officers are: Lt. Edwanl R. MUQ>by, Fleet ml Sil)). marine School, San Diego; Lt. Stephen R. Harrts-, Naval Security Group Head~ quartm, Wuhington, D.C.; and Chief Warrant Officer Gene H. Lacy, Naval Supply Center, SeaWe, Wuh. A special Holl.!e Armed Services 111b- commitlee is writing a report on tbe Pueblo affair baaed on several weelm of public and secret hearings. The report is expected to be published within· two -. . weeks. . Sources close to the subcommittee predict the Navy -as well as the P~ tagon in general -wi ll be ~ for allegedly failing to anticipate North Korea's seizure of the intelligenoe-ptber- ing ship, and for the slow ·response to the act. ~ Rep. Olis G. Pike (0..N.Y.), chairman of the subcommittee, told newsmen he lhougbl lbe Navy's Court of Inquiry end SecrelO.Y of Navy Jolin ll Cbalee both acted properly In theJr own way -the court In Its "atrjct.inlerpnlotlon of N~vy ' regulaUons" and Chafee In tempering its recommendation with "a great deal of mercy." WeaOie• The sun will peek lhrough Thu,.. day's cllluda lemporufly but lhe mercury , doesn't show any si&n ol budging from the middle 80'1 alone the Orange' Coat. INSIDE TOD.t.Y Oronot Cottnt11 "'"1vperWm 1'&Vt approued o JQ.cnt U.. crtost in tht cotn'ltw'• flood eon. trot tbz, bat for cmr vear in.- ltfad of' thret os · oriQlnorlu ploaMd. Paa• 14. -=--,_ ·-------::::.:.· ,., ' . ' -;::;i.-1 tt'-..... ( Q ..... ... . .t DAll.Y PILOT PILOT LOGBOOK Police to 1 Talk :I . With Mrs._ .. Peek ·\ There'll Always .be Rnce . . I To Ensenada-But Why? By ALMON LOCKABEY Ollll Y '!LOT ._,illt ••llw ., . Come May, 1910, there will be another Enaenada race. By that time, hardly anyone but the winner can tell you who won lhl.s JUI''•~ . . And ln all babllity, all 500 ol. thoee 1n this year!& race will bave for· iotton all the bardlblpl ud fnistratiOllll and will be oa the lllartin1 Un< a1aio. The race llMll will be fraught with all, the orgumcntl · -whet.her to "go ln&ide•or outside" -'and excuea ofwh)' "I was in the wrong pl.Ice when the wind .filled tn." By the tlmo the yachllmon 1ot lo Elllenada they will be greeted by the same horde rot unwubed "hippies" who flock to Eensenida by. root.orcycle and camper, and who ~ill have -already ~ luabing up Hussong'• mara:a- nta.s and assorted odlel' tequila ccncoctlona. By the time the yacht!lllen get through sleeping off the . on ~4 hours or more or changing beads:'ls, the unwashed crowd will be-even ·more unwashed, !Orne of them wallowing in their own vomit or stag. gerln& down the main drag shoving yachtsmen off the sidewalk and makinC lewd mnarks to their wives. The crowd fll Huasong's will be spilling out onto the 11treet and Mexican paddywagona wil lbe methodically hauling off the more exuberant. · In the' back of the Hotel Bahia, the bOn-y~ting crowd will be passed out cm the lawn or making Jove bWde their open-campers. On a Saturday afternoon, the yachtsmen will gather on the lawn back of the Bahia to cheer the trophy winners and commisertee with those who almost made it. There will be the usual grumbling about "that dumb race commit· tee" and a few still seeking protest forms. By Sunday morning the yachtsmen will be arriving at U.S. customa at San Diego in droves after a night of beating up the Baja California coast. Lunch at San Diego Yacht Club and then the long beat back to Newport. or other home ports. And when it's all over there will be a chcrul of "never again.s" -mOllt of which, like thi.!I year's winners., will· have ~ fqotten. Even this reporter will be back again -In one capacity or another. And when It's all over I'll again be a.skin& myaelf the same question: "Why?" From Page I DICKASON FORECAST. • • ICbool every two week&:. This will ac· celerate 1n the 1970'1 bringing economic prom.iae but eovernmental headaches. For the nest decade, D l c k a a o n predicted a down-trend in bj.rth rate (the pill decade), slight increase In longevity, cootinued migration to S o u t b er n C&llfomia and no dramatic economic changes. Available land and clean air in Oran~e County will continue to attract growth 1n if its ntWest phase of "metropolitan-urban development." ~, Rod Laver Lo8es To Roy Emerson Aalted why the county bu requlred subdlvldm to provide neighborhood para, Dlckuoo Wd the county It - requhing such acreage u a condJUon ot developments, approximately one acre for each 1,000 pen.ans. Questloood about tht growlog. con- troversy of 1ocailon of an airport, Dickason said tbe county still bu eight patonUal sltea In mind but 0b studying feasibility of commercial use at El Toro Marine Carpi Air Station. Asked If this ja not a'wut.e of money in view of the Marino Carpi poaition Dlckuon liid hl1 rUpected Generai Thrash bot Cfldn't upOcl any base com- mander would lake any other posi.Uon. He wd u the poalllon bad been taken hy the Secretary of Defense It might be another matter. Dickuon said whether future airport needs can be IOIVed Inside or out.side Oranp C«mty. the altuallon bu ... be worked out to redUCe gr o w:1 n~g animOl!tlu. By WIWAM REED\ Of Jiii OllPr r111t Sllft Palm Sprlnp police .announced todl.y that they are about to close--theit m.. • vestlgati~ of the 11h00Ung of a ffWl.. tlngtoo BuCh <odalito Monday and the apparent suicide of a Long Beach music professor. Officers said that they must interview Mamette Peek, 51, of 18461 Golden West St. today to close the books on the cue which began about 11 :30 a.m. Monday at Mrs. Peek'a desert retreat at 300 N. Sunrise Way, Palm Springs. baleen said that at UU.s time It ap- pean Mn. Peek was in Palm Sprlnp: to dbcu.ss • land purchase deal with w~ Loi Angeles real estate man Georae Trlphon, 39. Tripbon told office.rt that be )ijid been in another room of Mrs. Petk's apart- ment when a man later idenlilied as Or. Lawrence L. Peterson, 57, ol 11461 Kens- Newporter Inn Adds Terrace Of 118 Rooms A few years ago when the Newporter IM's growing pains were ICUte its cen- tral staff told Lbelr .new boss that they'd stay on because the hotel complex aetm· ed like "a large bird ready to fly." It did. And now the pains are over aod the growing continues. On Friday the laletl stage of the Inn'• growth will receive its official christening -the Ill-room Terract area overlooking Upper Bay, . The IS-mlllloo, oemlclr<ular ciust.r in- cludes a huge, meandering ntmmlng pool, guesta' quarten, conference rooms and a "carousel" room for large gather· ingll. The Terrace la tht !aletl lelll!l"llt In a .aerie! of addJUona to the rambling hotel undertaken by both the founding manage· ment and the present ownmhlp. Grou{Xfbreaking on the terrace was in fall of Itel, and construcllon lllffored delays from record flooding in Newport Beach last January and February. With the opening Of the terrace the. mauive complex will have a rOom total of 350. Besides the room1 for guests the ol 300. Beald" the rooma for· 111esta the Terrace includes five rooma large enough for banquets and board 'rneetin«I and a large carousel banquet r o'o m ac· commodaling aoo diners. & with most southern Califomia com· merclal developments, the inn is a relaUv~ Infant, but since Its beginning as jlllt aholher waterfront motor hotel, it ~become a landmark, wltb a stamp all ill own. (flee NllWPORTEI\, Pap U) TOKYO (AP) -Rod Laver ol Corona del Mar, considered the world's top rank· tnc · pioleaional, tulfend hi. first set- badk Wednelday In the m.m Japiin pro teanla: series by 1oldng to bis fel)ow Newp1ifft<ielfreddent Roy Em......,, g. 5, M. La~et has two triumphs. 'lbe· Victory. was Emerson's second against one loss. In tho ether singles -Denn~ Rallton ol Bakenfleld won hi. second mal<h against two k>ues by defeaUng Ron HDhnberg of New York,. 6-5, 6-4. It was Holmber1'• thin! straight defeat. Early Birds Fly Butch Buchholz of St. LouU, downed. Tony Roche of Australia, 6-5, &-4. Bucholz now has a two-win-two-JOiis record, as does Roche. In the doubles, Pancho Goniales of Los Angeles teamed with Holmberg to beat Emerson and Laver, M. Jordan Improved SACRAMENTO (UPI) -Secretary of State Fraok M. Jordan, 80, hoopitalized last week for treatment of a stroke, wu "'ported 1lightly hnproved today by Iris docton a1 Mercy GeneraJ Hospital. DAl lV PILOT OtlA.HGI '°;"1 rUll llH1HG COM,ANY aoNrt N. w,,., "'"""'' ..... ft~llslltt . J•~• l . Curl.., Vlcit "811dw!t •NI ~'''"ti JM...., Tllt11111 K1e ... n ··~ TII.••• A. M,,,~111• IMllM!ft.t l!•iler lit!:: ~II Ctlr lfdlttr -.-...... 221 P•,•11 At1. M1lft11t J.U,1111 P.O. lea 666, t26St °""' -c.... ..... -Wotll ...,.. •tiW N .......... / Jtll W•I ............... ,,, "-' 4 8MOI! .... lltwl First Pilot Game Entries In Finl entries bepn mivinl today In an "early bird bonus" contest the DAILY PILOT is st.aging In conjunction with the "DAILY PILOT 2-for·l Angel Day" of· fer:tng baseball fans reserved seat tickets at hall price. The l·for·l day will be held Sunday, June 1, at Anaheim Stadium. The Angels are scheduled to take on tbe Baltimore Orioles that day in an allernoon contest. Tho DAILY Pum It oUering all com- ers one free ticket in the $3.50 and $2.50 price range for each ticket they buy in the same range. The frff UckeU will be for reserved seats adjacent to the seats the fans purchue. ' The "early bird" contest is open to all boys and girls up to 16 years old. To enter, each youngster llhould send ln, atong with bis « her ticket order a statement of 100 wardJ or leas begmn°ing with the sentence: "My favorite Angel is ---beeause ... " Three winners will be selected oo the basis of human interest and originality of content of the written statement.s. All "early bird" entries must be re- ceived by the DAU. Y PlLOT by noon ()ft May 15. The winners will be Invited to parUcipat.e In pre-game ceremonies and will have the oppcrtunlty to meet their lavor'lte An.get baseball playera. Deadline for all ticket reservations for the DAILY PlLOT 2·for-1 Angel Day is May 20. An order blank similar to the one which follOwa this article wUl be published daily -In the sports section ol the DAILY PlUYI' for the CCl'IVenienct of reader• who want to ifiail ln ticket orders. Any number ()f tickets -from two to an entire aed.lon -can be ordered. Group purcbdes by Little Ltagut teams, senior citizens' groups, chm"che11, 'clubs etc., will be welcomed. ' llere ii an order blank for your con- venience: , .... ~······················· • Clip and mall, with check er money order, te : • • • • 2-for-1 An9'1 Day • • Orange Coeat Dally Piiot : Cl() Public Servi•• Dept. • 330 W. Bey StrMI, Costa MOia, Calif. 92627 • (PLEASE PRINT> • • • • • • • •Name • ...................................... ' ...... ·~ .............. . • • : StrHt ·····•····•········•····•·····································: • City ............................................ Zi'p • ....... , ...... . . ' . • Phone •.......•...••••...•.•.. , ................ Date • .............. • • • I want 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, ........... : ...... reserved seat., all,1eated to-• lngton Road, Los Alaml"'9, burst into tho apartment. He Aid he htard a :ibort scuffle and "lh<b • shot in the frool room." polleo reported. Trlphoo told -thal be •• Mrl. Peek run down the hallway "with blood peuring from bu abdomen.•• "! tried to keep Iha\ Jll&n (Pettrl<>n) out" Trlphon ii teported'''9 having W'd police. "He hit me over the head with the butt of the 1wfand 1 went down." He wa.s later treated for severe bud Injuries and rel<ued from tho dellerl hospital. Police atlll have not de:floite!y linked tht 1\111 uled to 1hool Mn. Peek with the one used to belt Trlphoo or the one used to kill Peterson. U. Carl Hulalander said Mrs. Peek then ran downsta1n from the lwo- bedroom, two-story apartment at t.be Continental Gardens Hotel and neighbors hearing her .screams called an ambulance and police. She is reported this mcrning as in "fair coodiiloo, about the same" according to a hospital apotesmaft. Mn. Peet WU lhOt once with a .25-callber piatol and hospital officialJ aaJd today the Billi tdil has rd been removea. . "ApparenUy, rrom what J hUrd, doc- tors are unable to find it at present, but J know In many cases bullets are not removed if no danger to life or functions ex ist," said a nursing superv isor. Lt. Hulslander said Triphon described his assailant and police began a search to find the gunman. About four hours after Mrs. Peek nad been ~t. two plainclothes officers Apot· led the abandoned car belongin& to Dr. Peterson. About the same time they saw him walking away from them . He was two and one-half miles from the Peek apartment and walking alone, police said. One officer shouted, ''stop ... Peterson walked away. Alain the plainclothes officer s.houted to Dr. P.W..., to hah. Peterson ran • few ste~ from the two cfficers, pulled a ..25-callber automatic , P!Sl.91 from his coat pocket, stuck it into his mouth and· pulled the trigger. He staggered and fell to the curb it the intersection of Blskra Road and ·Joyce Drive, ofricers said. Or. Peterson was pronounced dead on arrival at the same holpjtal where Mrs. Peek was to undergo surgery for removal of the bullet in her abdomen. Completion ()f the jnvestigation and closlne of the books still awaits n in· tervlew with Mn. Peek who la 1'porled under heavy ll!datioa at the ho.!pital. Lt. Hulsander said be w~d talk with her lod•Y, ll)d ,hopes "sbo.'will :botanllate our tb'eoria aDd that will be t " ' . . Youth Committee Hearings Slated Orange County's W h 1 t e HOUie Con· f~rence Committee· on Youth , which .,111 send repre.sentaUves to the White House "Youth Advlidiy Commission cori1erioCe next year, will hold public hearings Thur9day. The hearings, open to an. p&fticul&rly young peopl_e, will be held from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. and again from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the Forum at Saddleba<;k High School, 2802 S. Flower St., Sarrta Ana. ' ; ' .super;., Court Judge William Murray w~I pres.i~e at the session, where youth will have its chance to voice its opinions on the problems of youth, in order to e&tabll.sh priorities of concern. • • • •• . • ur1 T•1ttthe1• JACKIE BENINGTON WEARS JUNIOR MISS CROWN Small Pad:19e of Brains, Beauty and Grace - Beach Coed C1·o wned Junwr Miss of America Jaclde Benlngton of. HunUngton Beach Tuesday flight ctiafmed, talked and cartwheeled ber way to the America's Jurilir Mid' title before a national teJeVt.ic.a audltnce. : · the blonde,. bluwyed fitraight A stu· dent at Marina High School was crowned the nation's ~ .-ig.b school senior girl in Mobile, -Ala:, to cap the week-long America'• J\miar Miss pageant. Her selecUon .from the 51 contestants from all over the nation earned her $10,000 in .schciarships plus the $2,500 she had been awarded earlier in the week in ~e .. youth fitness and scholarship divisions of the competition. Second place went to Anita Cok>mbo of St. Louis, l-.1o., third to Dee Ann Allen of J\1inot, N.D., with Ann Landes of Arkansas and Mary Anne Struckmeyer of Virginia also in the top five. MJss Benington, shortest of the high school seniors at 5 foot 3, began the £iiials with a brief lapse of memory when she could not correctly idenUfy Lloyd George as the prime 11).inlster of Great Brita.in during World War I. From there on her perfonnance was flawless. To a question on the relations between youth and their fld.ers, M:isS Bem.ngton, 18, approved of-the idea.of youth protest, but suggested protesl ''throu9h a legislative mean!," rather than violence. "Young people should team how to negotiate with their elders," she said. "Protest should be through 1 peaceful means." In the talent division she put on a llWirl· ing display ()f free e~erci.se aod modern dance techniques. She tumbled and cart,vheeled her way across the ste.ge and back again several times in the final event before the judges announced the· five finalists and finally her select.ion as the nation's JWlior Miss. • Eaguna Seniors ·Collect $1,000 The senior class ()f Laguna Be.ach High School has colle.cted more than $1,000 for its Biafra fund drive. The project, undertaken two weeks ago. was takeo to . felk>}Y students and downtown stores. ContributiOns \viii be • forwarded to the American Friends Service Committee, in Togo. The final boost will be held Saturday, when the.junior class will offer i~ prQ~ts from a bigh·school dance to the drive. "We want to express our tlianks to all the businesses. parents and students who contribute.cl to the Biafran relief col· lection," said senior class advi.w" Mfti. John Brcnot. "Many lives \viii be saVtd as a result." • I I • • • • • ' • To ... ~who-wf..i.... l"I ' wantt but not~ to find It. Mat~h your style •ith oar ...... dbtindfw closigns. And ask vs about o•r f1mou1 0""8< B""-guar1nie... · , .. I • go th cr, at the June l Angels vs. Orioles game at Anaheim Stadium. • • For each ticket purchased, I w111 receive an adjacent seat 1r .. from • • the DAILY PILOT. I want '3.501$2.50 (circle one) Uckeu. Encloaed • CONVENIENT TUMS J. C, ..JJ.um,,f,,,ie:i '}ewe"1r:1 22 YEARS SAME LOCATION \ ., ' !& , ............... ., I understand Uckots will be •ent·to me by mall. • '• I understand there can be n~ exchange If I lilter decide to purch11e • • more tlcket&. i .. . . . . . •,• ........... .., ........ : IANICAMUICARD MASTER CHAR6E , ... . I til NEWPORT A VENUE COSTA MESA -. • I PHONE < I ' • 541·1401 • '. I • . ' r • h i e s • • d m 1'· le bl fa or. !al "r "s .. Wl l be '" ca: th• die the m• CO< us enc res thi: thr• did' wa1 ( \ , • COMMUTE DAILY '1LOT If_,,,_.... R AIRLINER, GUIDED llY GRQUND CONTROLLER TAXIS AT COUNTY AIRPORT Traffic.laden San Diego FrHWay lo ~·al 5!1ort-haul Line'• Bast s.1 .. men Schwerdtfeger W on'tQuit, But He Thought About It By TERRY COVILLE --- or tM o.nr f'lltl staff Silence fell in Fountain Valley Tuesday night as Mayor Robert Schwerdtfeger 1tunned a full city coun cil chamber when be apnounced he was considering resign· ing, then reversed his decision and refus· ed to quit. Following the council m e e t i n g Schwerdtfeger t o I d rep<>rters that he would· not. be a candidate for re-election when his term ends next April. . ''I decided that some time ago," be disclosed. "It's just not fun anymore." The mayor, primary target of a recall movement, told more than 60 people Tuesday that he had talked with recall leaders and was on the point o£ reSigning, but decided not to desert those who had failh in him . Surprise and confusion was registered on the faces of all those present. Some labeled his emotion-packed statement "pure courage." Others charged him with "stage acting." None of the othe r four cooncilmen were aware beforehand that such a statement was pending. Before the regular council meeting began, the mayor read his following statement, then, choked with emotion, called for a 10 minute recess. This was the mayor's statement: "Last night J talked to two men who in- dicated their sincere desire to withdraw the recall action -I beli eve these two men are sincerely concerned , absolutely concerned with Fountain Valley's future. "It was suggested to me that if one of us dropped off the council this may be enough to stop the recall. I offered to resign and my offer was accepted. Tod ay this story of my resignation spread throughout the citt and J.ll.)' te1~hone didn't st6p all day -peoj)Je callini dTdn't want me to resign , even though this 'NO FUN ANYMORE' - Valley M•yor Schwerdtfeger' v.·ould kill the recall. "Frankly, I am in a quandary. I want to stop the rec all because of the harm it will bring in dividing our city. I believe at this point that the recallers want to stop it too. "If I resign, I will in a very true sense be letting down all the people who believe in me -I cannot resilJll!" Mayor SchwerdUeger's speech was handwritten on the ba~~ or a. Jir:_eviouaJy typed rel!lgnat ion speecli which he never read. Voters Approve Tax Override In Ocean View Despite gloomy skies and threats of r'ain, a heavy percentage ol Ocean View School District v0ten nocked to the polls Tuesday to pass a $1.25 tu oven1de which will be added to the present $1.56 operating cost rate for the next two years. Th.e measure passed by' a good ma~ jority in~all but five of the 19 precincts '.¥ith a total of 3,901 "yes" votes recorded and 3,102 "no" votes. Voter turnout was heavy for this type of an elect.ion, with 34.l percent of the district's 21,000 registert.el voters carting ballotS. A 15 percent turnout was ex· peeled. The only precincts showing a majority of "no" votes were Crest View, Oak View, Star View, Village View and the Westmont School precincts, "We didn't just squeak through this election or simply win it," said District Supt. Clarence Hall after the final tally. "We stonned it." "l think this is a most significant en- dOl'sement. by the parents for an im~ proved education program in our distrid," he continued. "They ha~e lhawn their willingriess to dig very d~p to support the~ belief,and. I ' ~m confident when I .speak for the'tntire stall in assuring the parents of a full commitment to development of the very best1 education program tor Ocean View children." 1'1le override, which will raise the tax rate to U.7~ per $100 of assessed valua· tion, will a11ow the district to conduct a summer school program, continue its transportation progr:am, a.rul_ LXJ!and library facllities. Two prior elections held In the Ocean VltW District were turned down by the votera,,...for.cing 1igniftcant cuts in apen-.· di!J. Including curtailment of cafeteria service. ...... How Do "We Do It? into one! • Ralph s mus\. consolidate ·l \. I 8 \,wo stores LOST OUR LEASE Mci?~ANO~~ On Juni ;:D, !969 \.he liase on our Mexican &lore, loca!.ul a~ 180J Newport. Boulivard 0<pir•s, .and can no~ be '!'enGW<d . We. must d imi nale 40/. of our • t56p:;o 1nvcn\.ory at. o nce.. CONSOLIDA'tION AT .SALE slf&~5 t' Ov<r l5pxl ~uar< r •• l of showrociin• shOwing th(. irt~l in Mc.dil<rraneon, ~panish I M<.xican will b~ cut in . half. 'RalphS bi t sale in our 15 ;IG.!f <kil~to r.J. .'l ,;t l--iuc. .art U&t a t i/I of tl-t, ma'I)> v.U.._,, ,jQ"a ,o.._ G &M \op • cock ~ail La.bl~ U Misma\.c:htd. mt.\.lrt."8G~· 4 boit Eiprin lwin. eizc. t ki".& ~izf. Sc.low c.oat. t o CJ t.81" Ditoc:...i~.-4 &· '-l a.r.. v.iut.e .£er .32.91L Clooo o"l 'flC/.'il Ooei~ o u.l.· ~l. El Gr"'<.t.o Di nin& roo"' 1 P~f, at.t. 0 t9n. Spe cial , 8ak Hours -Sunday llo:> to 61:JJ BALE M 13011-1" fDCMONS ! ! • • . r' • 1 L - i •sure Beats Dri"Ving~ New Commuter Airlines: Blessing for ·BU1i»almen • By JORN V ALTERZA OI .. INll"1' '9111 ..... The t\l'O ·'tired execUiive. boKnd for Or'ange 1COu.nty Airport aat down In the small folding IQltl and>.pttted out at the b u s 'I Los A:hieles te.rmlnal 'while t h e mt·of tile sma!J plane's paiHngen fUed • In, their heads lowered to ke•p from _ IMinli>l!irlbe-:ttlllliiC---- --- · After some .mW talk tbe businessmen ~ tlie tu! llrline's IChedullpg, which has been firmed• up, finally, after · months ot charges. ''I don't give a damn what the schedules are,'' one ol them said. "All I know i3 that it sure beall drlvin1." The men and 20 other persons on the packed plane are using whaj prom.i.sel! to be an ever-growlnc transport servi~ - lhe abort-haul commuter airline. IJCKJNG WOUNDS It is a service licking the wounds of a ~ictable war o( attrition in which the su pply far exceeds the .demand. Wbe.n the concept became reality three or four years ago, commuter airlines sprouted like mushrooms, and nine months ago the strongest of all of them turned the fiekl into one airline -Aero Commuter Airlines, a blend Of cable, Seamark and Goklen West airlines. "They just were providing too much overlapping service," one source said. "When you have that many firms pro- viding service for a given number of passengers, some just won 't survive." SEVENTH LARGEm . Aero Comuter absorbed them, and now , its spokesmen say, it i1 the seventh largest commuter &irlloe In the nation. It serves 22 Californi a terminals. Aero Commuter's only S o u t h e r n California competition comes from the Los Angeles Airways helicopter service. ln the north, Cal State Airlines provides the competition. Aero-Commuter officials claim the choppers provide "little if any com- petitio.1 right now." The other finn specializes in longer • hauls in the north, while Aero-Commuter flies the shorter ones. . Includeri in the airline's new, relatively h:m schedule are flighl:S daily to Catalina Airport. Other direct destinations from Orange County Airport include Oceanside, Los Angeles , Ontario, Palm Springs and San Diego. ' Many destinations via transfers include most small airports in major California cities. Air commuters are fillin g planes at an average of two-thirds full these days but the ultimate pot of gold for the 'taxi airline lies aero~ the San Gabriel Moun- tains in the Antelope Valley. MAJOR FACl'OR Don Chapman, head of Aero-Com· muter's Orange County opera t Ions outlined that single factor which will giv~ t h e commuter f i r m s wherewithal to weather any storm, -the planned PASSENGERS DUCK INTO 211-SEAT COMMUTER PLANE For $7.62, A 25-Mlnuto FHllnt of Superiority supersonic transport tenninal in Lan· caster-Palmdale. Peering out ot~ his firm's packed aircraft above Artesia, he said the huge terminal would "have a tremendous im. pact on· firms such. as ours." "When you .co nsider that they plan to land a million passene.rs a month out there you can realize tharthe commuter airline Will be nearly the only efficient way to bring'them from the desert to the urban centers of Southern California." Pointing to the San Diego Freeway, Chapman said, "That freeway right there, at night, Is one of our blggel!t salesmen. Passengers look out at the strings of lights and just shake their heads." SUPERIOR FEELING Indeed, it does give the passenger a feeling of superiority at having skipped all the taii lights and e:ihaust fumes of a crowded freeway and, instead hopping from one airport to another in a span or 25 minutes. He pays $7 .62 for the privilege. • While the fare seems moderate, the air • taxi expenses aren't. Current expenses Involving the con· sotidalion, adding new planes aod routes .a.re pushing the financial break-even point, Chapman sald. "But we don 't see any real financial problems coming up," he said. ''This type of service in Southern CalHornia just can't mJss." Much of the future success or taxi flights will rest on the planes themselves - craft which aren't the most graceful appeai:ing in the world, but which perform their shutUe jobs efficiently. To attempt to compare the commuter aircraft wilh an average airliner" is pointless, since both have their special functi ons. It t a k e s the commuter night, laden with _its maximum score of passengers, only 600 feet to get off the ground. Once 81.rbome, the craft -ungainly though it may seem -reaches ctulsini altitude within seconds. The seats are small, but comfortable during the short flight time!, and the .feeling ot being in the front row to wat.ch the action . is const.;mt, since the passenge .. compartment allows conStant view of the pilot and co-pilot. From every seat the passenger can look out onto the rooftops of Southern California and count the factor'i.a:, oil wells, cattle feed lots, swimming pool! and the f.ew remaining unmarked open areas. The one single object that draws the greatest attention, however, is the freeway clogged with cars that look like ants. One, indeed, feels superior ••• if only for 25 minutes or so. by area residents. Nuclear Test Revealed WASIDNGTON (AP) -A nuclear t...; the ninth to be ll1U1llllllC<d tbJs year, -set elf ilnll•rgrourid lodlti' at'llio 'Aiimif: Energy Conuni&Sion's Nevada test 1ite. The AEC saJd the blast was of )ow in-- termed.late yield, which means it had a force-equivalent to between 20,000 and 200,000 tons of TNT. e N-SlwrMlill s.llllOO" 211111 Witt FM ,,., .. Mjllll •l•t• ,..i .... . (--.I ... .... _,, REG. PRICE RIG. PRICE $369.501 $675.50! I Gl<rl<d 1ul1m1tlc IU1"n•l1b!t plus 11100 ct rtr;ci;ic wlfll dltmond ~Ir· ·~ e Fiolllll' fr-pl1""' 1,...._tt-IYI!""' -o!I ... lnvt ..,..._Ill'", A1gul1r 111~.QO • p11., 29968 50927 GARRARD 25-Watt System GARRARD 40-Watt AM-FM Sterca e '5 W~ll SolW Sltht: S'- ....... Jlflw .................. REG. P•ICE $174.501 S"'•-tf Wllnul f"clOlf,n"ft. e 1fff Gerr1td, AlllOmfllc: ..,_ -Ol~ ttb:.i ""'' lltrfll <lrf•llte Wllll •it"""ld l lJlul, 9999 .. 12" Ce ••'-1 ._....:tr -~· "" •n...,., OUW ••lnvf --...n. .... '"'" '"""""' tol'-1 ~111 ....... '"'~· lal ~RICES START AS LOW AS -~69 50 REG.-PRICE $254.501 16981 . • . • • ; ' • .j I • f DAD. Y l'ILOT Cc..IM ..... Olllr,... Ii.tr) Rollort Novok ()( Cleveland says be bas ebout ~ pertlK to go to this year, but be doesn't know when or where. Novak is president of tbe Jubilee Catering Co. and be says Ill ;aird• of·tb• !inn's 190 paI'ty obli ·ons were stolen. He issued a p lie appeal that Jubilee customers call bun for rebooicing. "otherwise, I think I'll leave town,'' Novak said. • Take Ont 1light- Finch Tells Of Welfare 'Llis~' Plan WASHINGTON (UPI) HEW Secretary &her! H. Finch, told 0oocrus today the admini.stration will propme 1, P"Oll"l1I of dlrect CMh asalJlance In.a.ad of food stamps for welf•e r~ In the ne:rt few moDl.bs. Flncb made the disclosure to a Senate Commitlee oh Nutrition which ii ln- _veoUpllng hunger In Ille United stata. Preaident Nixon recommended Tuesday an erpanded food at.amp program an d similar aid to Ille poor, to COii IU billion by filcal 1971 -up II billion from Ille year starting July I. The program also cal1I for an ad- ditional $270 millk>o above the Johflson admlnll!rallon bOdget for food stamps alone for fiscal 1970, starting In July. But as bead of the HeaUtl, Education and WeHart Departml!:nt, Finch said : "Over the longer run ~ 1 more basic answer to the prot!iem of malnutrition - ly btn.t itrttt polt, add ont tin11 pup-' py and tht result 1 ls o comical pie-' ture j or passing :.~ photography buffs. This attming-1 l11 mighty mutt lD(l$ ltJt tied to the tilt- ed pole b11 a shop-Pu in Salina s, Calif. . as with other problems assocfa1ed with poverty -must be found in reform of our public ~istance and employment programs. "Cash income, not a suceessioo or payments-~ki.nd. best preserves the _ dignity and freedom of <Mice cf,. the in-""' dividuaJ to meet his own needs through the workings of the private market." _ ,.,.,,:. ( Reddin the Newscaster Former Los Angeles Chief of Poli ce Tom Reddin makes his camera debut as a TV newscaster on KTLA Tuesday nighl. Reddin served on the police force for 28 years before retiring to take the $100,. 000-a-year new:; job. • Mr. •nd Mrs. Terry H11nn of Homcliun:h, England, took their daughter Alison, 4, to have an x ray afld she complained of stom- ach pains. Doctors la1er found she had swallowed 28 beads, bird seed, a dog's bone, three plastic toy bricks, a deflated balloon , a toy dog, sand, leaves and eight coins. He added: "We hope, within the next few months, ·to bring lo the Congress a set of welfare reforms wb.i¢1 will begin.to rationalize these systems and place emphasis on cash assistance I:! tbe mOfit flexible and use{ul !Orm of aid. "Until the Ume·wben we have achieved major welfar& ielorm, howe ver, the food s.1.amp program Is. vital and must be ex- panded.'' Murphy Selects Negro For Federal Judgeship 6 Stispects Held As Officer Death Manhunt Pays Off "The docwrs said she didft't need treatment.'' her mother said. 0 Her digestion will take care di the objects.'' • Robert George of Anamosa, Iowa offer& these tips to Iowa mush- room bunters: l-11Nevertell where you find your mushrooms -some- one else will get there first. 2 - When asked, lie about the place you find them unless a real mushroom fan asks you, then tell the truth because he'll think yuu are lying and will never look there anyway. 3 -Wear a di sguise when going mushrooinlng. Take along a· fish· .\ng pole or gun so others won't know your real mission. 4 -Spy on other bunter•. but be wary, for they will spy on you." • St. Louia police reported 4 22· 11tar-old woman in hippie weaT told them on assailant a.slud, ~l!Ate -uou. o bo~ or-o girl?" and thtn roped htT. The woman said she 1D(l.I toalking in o small paTk wh.tn the man acc03ttd htT with 11 knife. • Chitf Thundorblrd of Long Is· land's , Shinnecock Jnd.ian tr i b e caine to Manhattan and offered to buy back the island -for the orig· inaJ pure.hasp. price of $24. The chief, his wife, two daughters .and two grandchildren also performed a ceremonial dance in Indian re+ galia as part of ceremonies open- ing an exhibit of paintings of In· dians at the Gallery of Modern Art Gallery offici~s said the chief's of f'er marked the 343rd anniversary of the sale of Manhattan to Dutel Gov. Peter Minuit. _Nixon's immediate . goat is . expanding the present food st.amp program so that poor families have enough food for a nutritionally complete diet. T h e agriculture department estimates such a diet would cost about $100 a month for a family of four. Nixon proposed providing food ~tamps at no cost whatever to families in the "v«Y lowest" income bracket. The White. House said th.is generally would mean a family with an income of $30 a month~ Food stamps for «hers within incomes in the range of $4,000 a year for a famil y would be provided at a cost of no more than 30 percent ol income. Under the food stamp program, needy families buy stamps at a fraction of the v a I u. e of the groceries for which the st.amps may be exchmged at a grocery .store. The government pays the dif- ference. Federal Probe Of F ortas Case Follows Story ~CLEVELAND (UPl)-A federal gnnd jury wu impaneled here today to investi- gate a two-year~ld cue involving ·U.S. Supreme Court Justice Abe Fortu' law firm, court sources said. U.S. AUy. Bernard J. Stuplinski con- firmed the grand jury was in session and that Justice Department attorneys were meeting with the panel. "lt'& out of my hands," he said and declined further comment . The Fortas firm of Arnold and Porter represented one of several steel com- panies involved in a price-fixing case pro- ~ted in Tole<IQ.. Ohio in 1967. Four &teel e1ecutives were indicted, but only trwln Fruchtman of the Fruchtman Steel Co. was convicted. 11ie F'ortas firm represented the Donovan Steel and \Vire Co. Reports uf-a'1NQ.d jury investigation of the case began circlriating in Washington earlier in the week. WASHINGTON (AP) -David W. Williams, a judge of the Lo6 Angeles County superior court, Is b e l n g nominated to be a U.S. District Court judge in Los Angeles. Sen. George Murphy (R-Caill:), announced tcx:lay. · Lebanon Starts Drive Against Arab Guerrillas By United Pren International The 4banese army today launched a major·driVe-against Syrian-backed Arab guerrillas io southeast Le~anon near the Israeli border, military sources reported in Beirut. The Army acted after guer- rillas alt.a.eked a Lebanese army base wil.h mortars and small arms. First reports said the government troops had captured 40 members o( the Syrian Al-Sa.igah (Thunderbolt) com· mandos and that five of tbe guerrillas were killed. The low casualties indica the guerrillas were not offering ajor·· resistance, the military sources a d. The interkab fighting coincided with reports Israeli forcu: exchanged mortar and tank ftre willi 'Jordanian lroop6 along the Jordan cease-fire line and reports of an eight-boor exchange of fire along the full length of Uie Suez. Canal bet.,,'een Israeli and EgypUan gunners. It is believed that the guerrillas might be members of the Syrian armed forces posing as commandos in able to strike across Lebanon at Israel. Israeli seizure of the Golan Height& from Syria cut off Syrian access to the border. In Damascus, the Thunderb o lt organization issued a statement denying its forces had clashed with Lebanese units although the fighting was re-potted officially by Beirut Radio. The Syrians wirned against any altack on the Arab commandos. TOday's army drive began alter the tebanese anny issued an ultimatum ordertna all guerrillas out of lhe i10Utheast part of the. country. Thunderstorms Grip· Texas· Tornadoes Reported Fro 1n New Mexico to Kansas C•llfornla Sic._ wt eJ1P1Cftd to tlt•r I. ~ c.111.,..ni. todl\O, w!ttl •h•ht· tv Wll'fl'ltl" ........ t lllrtt t l'ld l<K•I fftlf l'flCI IO'JO' Cll!Ulh ""r the (~ti! 011rlflt 111tllf and morlllllt llo<i••· Los A-'" wn Nrttv clovdv wi1~ -1~111lllnt •1'111 w1r"""r rllll<ll"91 Tiie Iii.ti w•~ ••DK~ to '» n .i ""' Cl'lolc c..,i,r. •II•• Vf'tll'r!NV'1 rl'!ed!N (/ M. ~I i... WIH ~ "'I' ~. II 'Wrrlll ti. l1lr ilM'llttll 11\d Tl>lll'1dl'f 11!1 w.m111r Tl>ll,.11.1,. Thi Air NtvtlOl'I Cot1tl'OI Dlolrlorl ~ lltilll .,.,_ In Ille tOltlat 1'1111 111•1'111 ""'~ ol ""' I.el ... ,,,..," fl•· JJ!I. 9itlt1Wt flld ~ 111 t!wt - ""' w;tto ..,,..hlne """'11'19 11'1,...,,... •f,_. .._.. Mlfll wn 1'MI' " rMI ,,.. w~ -• •· LO! ANGELU ANO l/l(UUTY -"tdrt llw ~ fMletrit wltfl !fWo .. S1. l'mty clWfr n.urMn _.,.;,. " ,_., ..,.,., '"""'"' ....... , '""'......, 1"-· """ ~·· # -"· COUTAL YALLl!YS -1/1,,..._ ~· .,..,, -11"""'1 cool .., .i-. 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MH11, Tl41!1 ·-lltlf'lll Iii.II ........... ,!.., t.l!'t, Jd ~ """ • ftJI '''"' 2.t n.-..., ,,,,, """ ' • 7'11 '""· •. , ,.1,.1 ... ... ' . 1111• ........... 1-Kllllill Iii.ti ............ S:V t .111. 1.t lottW ............... ,,,.,'·""·ti Me. ,.. ""•JI'!. .... ll:ti. ""· SUI! ...... J:JI I.Ill. •tf f :O t ,,.... ""' .. .... ,..... •. ,, •. A.b~ • ~'• " Z:•~ 11 MIJ 11 - ll.S. Summ•r!I Y--.i tllufldtflltmtl Ntlft'M I ..... l l'M from Kill'MI lo f ...... frf\1- -lwrftMICts ~ fllfllle'I (iWOI WI rt ,.,.,... Ill "'1i.,.,. ef "'' C"fll•11 Nirw Muk .. ~ .......... II ~1-J ii 11 4 -""""' ~. ·-n. .,..,... -~'"' • ""*"--Ill lllt -1- tm """'"'" 41 ""' TIQI '°"""'"'"" ~ 11 ltlll -""** "" 11tf11M, Ill ... 1n.n, lftOl:ltrt" '9 ltfM llt11 • ...,.,., ,.... ,,.. ~ ...... ~t-M tJit ~19fm l('M- ty. Mort ...... ""'" tl'IO>ft ""'"" fJ,1U "°"''°' Mifltt1! Wtllt. T1•ts, 111 tnr, • '""" -tti-11 """' '*'"' ,...,. ~ Kt1¥11J If! 11\t -~ llld (fftt,.I •••1rm w• l11t1 t •rt1e11 er ""* ......... ""°""' •"" 11111~ Klf1t11V OCClll'r1"' fl'Ol'll lllt -lllet'l'I MCtl!N et lfl lll:lldtit!t tlld ,ltlllt fo ir. 1'"91' Mlfwtlt. Hltll ,,...., ... ~ ,....,..11rr clHr tlld fry .... fl'w to "'"' of 1'-Int ,.,. Ir. Wttt, W)mi WMfht<' U¥Wtf fl'llldl • .,,._ l!n1 ..., "'11t> •• wtll •• Ille "•• Wul. Temperatures fhktttti.1" lllsm•rc.t l'lol~· ..... ClliqP<t Cl!l(lnlll" ci.-..11..._ °"'"' 0-~ M.,lnt!t 0.-lt"Oll !w•-11.• Fort Wwltt l"'oi~ , .... ~cnoiulf ·~,,,, IC•~~ C•'V "'' ""'"' L• ...... ltt ..... M,_ M-b '" ........ ...v ... H°""' "lelte Olk,ltflf -"-"•* ""'~!· ·-· ,,.,_,, "e..11111111 l:1111d Cl,., 1:1!'11 9"'1f ·~ SKfl "*!flt s•. i..u1, S11t1111 $t11 L..l(.t Cl,., '" -hf! ,,1.w:!Mt klll• a.rtwire ~.~ ....... , w_.,,,,,.,1)11 Hltll ltw l'rt(, .II U .11 .• u .... " .. " .. ,, .. " " n n .. -h " n " .. " .. • " n .. n " " " .. " .. .. n " .. " ., .. .. " .. .. .. .. " " • " M " " J1 ·"' " .... .. l.~U " " .N " ,, 2.61 ,, .. .. n .n .. u ... " M " .. • " " " .. " " • .. .. .. " .. • " » .. " " JJ ••• .. " " .. .. M \Villiams. a Negro, would be the first of his tace lo hold a federaJ judgeship west of the Missisilppi River. "Judge Williams has an exceptional background and an outstanding record ," t-.1urphy said in a statement. "He is regarded by h i s colleagues with th e highest respect both for his juridical achievements and the many civic con- tributions he has made to the Los Angeles community." Williams would fill !he vacancy created by the retirement of Pierson M. _Hall from the Central California District Court. President Lyndon B. Johnson on Jan. 10 nominated William 1.-1. Byrne Jr. to the court vacancy and at the same time resubmitted the nomination of U.S:·Att y. Cecil F. Poole for a new position on the U.S. District Court at San Fra.ncisCO. Upon asswning ofrice Jan. 20, J;>resi· dent Nixon withdrew these and other Johnson nominations. • ., SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Six persons suspected in the fatal shoo ting of Policeman Joe Brodnik six days ago fa c· ed questioning today after an extensive manhunt ended with their capture Tue.s- day on lhe northern edge of Santa Cruz. Police and California H i g h w a y Patrolmen, with guns drawti, took the six \Vithout resistance. Inside the stolen car, taken from a sun- bather on a San Mateo County beach, of- ficers found an Ml rlne, ammunition and a knife. "We are coovinced lhe peopie arrested in Sant.a Cruz are the people we wanted in connection with officer Brodn.ik's 1nurder," said Capt. Martin Lee, San Francisco's chief of inspectors. "Their arrest gives me a sense of deep satisfactioQ." said San Francisco Police Chief Thomas Cahill. The FBI had been asked to join the hunt and Mayor Joseph Alioto had of· fered a SS,000 reward for their capture._ . - with an electric self-cleaning oven and get $25 in the mail to. boot!* 'Buy an electric range with a self· cleaning oven before June 30 frorn your local participating dealer and the Electric League of Southern California will maU you $15 If you choose any of these popular brand s: Frigid a~. General Electric . Hoipolnt. Kenmore. Thermador. Westinghouse • You 're tired of scrubbing, scouring, and scraping that oven of yours ·' I anyhow, aren 't you? Why put up witfl •ll that drudgery when an electric self-cleoning oven will clun i!>elf far lw than a dime! When your new ranac is electric: . you can cut way down on cleanin1 your ldt<hcn, too. With a 'flamclcs~ range there are no ·hy·ptOducts of combustion to dirty walls , wiado\vs and curtains. Besides a cleaner ldtcb.en, an Riots Again Shut·CCNY; Police In By U1iled Pren llten11tloaal ' Poliee today were ~alled to the City College of N_e w York campu.1 to quell fights among whites, blacks and Puerto Ricans. 'The school, opened Tuesday for the first time in two weelta, was orde~d ckieed again. About SO persons commandeered a floor of the Queensborough Commmunity College administration buildina: in New York City. The seizure was part of a con· 'um.zing dispute over the ·firing of a pro-- fessor. ~o hundred state police, in an early morning raid, broke down a door and flushed 60 persons from a Dartmouth College building they had held for 12 hours. Some 800 students t:amped outside lhe Dartmouth building moved asldt at the prodding of the troopers. The miltants in the building werP. then dragged or led to buses which carted them to an armory where they were held pending ar- raignment today. "Student boycott'' banners fluttered from the windqws of the seized building!! at Howard. The predominantly Nearo .university has a total enrollment of abou~ 8,150. The appropriation of the Howard buildings was an apparent demonstration of support for a small band of militanl!I \\'ho refused lo comply with 11 court order to abandon a single building they took over Tuesday • At CCNY police reported !ltudents arm· cd with sticks and bats. The New York school was closed for two weeks begin- ning April 23 after n takeover of the south cilmpus by· rebel black and Puerto Rican students seeking a change in admission policies and the establishme nt ot a black studies program. 1::r 1::r * Congressmen Ask Crackdown on Aid \\'ASHINGTON (UPI) -Four con· gressmen demanded today that all federal aid be cut off from colleges where a •·substantial" disruption of classes by students takes place. • ·They testified at a 1-louse hearing on t'.'ampus unrest that only by cutting off all of a school's aid will administraton gPt lough and t'.'rack down on disorderly students. The four we~ Rep11. Dan Kuykendall (R·Tenn .): Earle Cabell, (0..Tet.): G. V. Montgomery (0-Miss.); and ,William H. Harsha (R.Qhio.), electric range means a cooler kitchen. Electric heat IOCll into the food-not up the sidet of pots and p2ns. Electric,.._ now outsell g .. rallfles from coa1t to coast. You can sec why. See your local participatinf dealer. Give him your addtess \vhen you buy a range. The LellJ!Ue will moil you a check. . sa= Southern California Edi&Ofl I I :/ II I I I - • ' • . y w ,_ .. ly od .h 12 •• " '" lo "I r- :• ·o II •• Is " ok l · .. . l· " " " II I I I OPIN SUNDAY 9 'TIL S ' OFFICIAL 'COLEMAN REPAIR STATION FOR COUNTY * PllCIS EFRCTIYI MAY 7 .. ' ,, . ., ,.,,,. ... ; I I Jnt Mnl•etll HING-TEN TEE SHIRTS "Cltat .. fr'' ,,, "FAMILY TENT" HAVI YOU SUN tM 11•? We'w f1f •.,.. , •• lvarlout .. .,,..... ....,., ...; 1tri,t1 Itri 111 1f the ''IN" colon. Slln Ut·l-XL ~ '6 $7 and $1 I llEWl I ~ FULLY LINED CPO SHIRTS ....,., .,.. wfttl .... IH::i H"'k ... llnlnt 11 11111 J.M. L . New Sftipmenff Tht bolt h the h11rt of whi t many shoot1rt till ttl• fi111st 1lheround big• game rifle m1d1. Snick ii open. You'll s11 th1 1trong1st action tvtr put in 1ny rifle. Sli m it clowd. Now your c;1rtrid!l1 h11d is prolecl1d 6y thr11 overl1pping ring5 of 10lid steel. llut ifs nol th1 whole 700 story. Wt t1sted 111 th1 bolt Klions. You won't get betttr accur1c y. Or I c1HMr trigger GIMf!SI REMINGTON I MODEL 70o BDL SALE! Tht World's Slnngtll loJl.ActfDft ltfflol MODEL 700 MAGNUM IDL..196~. •264Wln.~ IDL-1961 C-Delot .222 ltM., .222 l•. Mq., .22·.250, .243, 6mm, ----:-::=-.... ~ pull. Or 1 tougher fin ish. Or better thtck1rfng. Or 1 mort-comfort1ble 1tock. -•·7-M...... . LISJ PRIC£ $154.95 IDl-1'61 ......... w1 ...... 1ndrwhttl. IA'lf S]ftft95 $511.ot V7 • LITT l'WIQ $1M,95 s99ts • Air THE IXl'aTll Grllll'a Gvn hptrtntont h 11111111 .. "'"" In llltlr lltld ol 1•etl01l"wi..w ,.. MIJ Wlllf lo ..... lnnt • $20.0o 2Ulfl1 It I $l,500.00 IMtpa. llrlllt'1 hes It lo 1tocl<I c-lo IOtl "' for '°"""' -of Ito. 11<1111 1tocl1 .f ~ hi Sovitwim C1llfoml1I . . . NOW TOU CAN Mr.ct f,... 111 •f .... ....... """ et tnr• Slade• ... 1"• fw ... ,._ pl1I S.. Gftltt's fltr ... _1111 "11Mt LltHI" IEU IOTIOM "Flam" by Lni's9 (IMlk ... .,... Ith • I .-.f .. ~ llM ,., ....... ............................ , ....... ...,. ,.. "-"'• ..... flt ... "'"'''" ....... '" u.lf'• ...... ,..,., .. .. , _ ulln. ... ,,_ • ,. •. ,.. -- LARGEST STOCK IN ORANGE COUNTY 400 Polr ltll-lottotn Nuvo• Hopsaclt LEVI'S• "FLARES" · STAl'IUT9 fllv.u9 tNI miwt4 ht thl ... ce$tn •I ..,,, ,..... ............ -.--2' .. M. •9 * CHllDREN'S uvrse * IUll DllllllS (Ji• 0.12) .. $4.H WlllT'I uvne 1111 ce1en1 "-" 1m cons (Jim 4-lll .. $4:tl ~CHAllE IT" at llAIT'I SURPLUS WI-All MA.IOI --Ill BE • -- W"""'1, MO)' 7, 1969 OAll.Y PILOT & . SAVI Clll AU. •I pw ......, -et lnM"I ••• fr.-CM.,_ fl ~-Jfh ••. po'I "" .,... -11 llrlllt'1I UGHtWllGHt ALUMINUM PACKfRAMD . '4.95 sn AU. Of THI IUND-lllW 19" MODB.S1· Of COUMAH -"'LWICIS AT AANr.I NOWI WfVI GOT IT WHBI YOU NIBI ITI ITOVIS1 • •• LANTllNS •• , HIATllS ••• T8ITS ••• ••• TUIUIS ••• lumNI UGI, ITC. LARGEST SELEnlON OF CAMPING GEAR Wt hnt I ctfllllltfl NIK· tt.111 1f 100% Dtwn·flli.4 Net ·t.r flM Nit llt'9• ......,, 1f ca111,.n l 01Mr 1tg1 lrom $10.U To1st1 4 SlicH 11 Oneel CAMP TOASTER 1 .. , tt ... 1 .,,.. ...... , .....tr. 49' Hlker'1 ~""BACK PACKS '1!! PLASTIC CAN l""1WltGHT ~ 1tvr., .,.M• ""'-'""""· •2•9 IXCIPTIONAUT wmn, •ft-cu1h1H1• comfort wftfi 4-fM . .t '-''" 100f n.htfr WIYlll,.,. 1111 kin 11r1r. c.lwfvl ffrhtt 4uck Mft 0, .... 1 rinine. FwM 11,,.,., llr """"" l*k•tt. s 15 88 SPECIAL! Single Monti• LANTERN s10•• l.0-W l'rfao M All Uol1nosl S.. atlRntl WE RENT Everything In CAMPING EQUIPMENT! Many Colors I Co11t Guord APfll"OYld BOAT CUSHIONS SAVE MORE AT GUNT'S 3-PC. CHOW KIT RIG • 59c Compltt1 wllh 6 8191! PORTABLE TOILIT LIST $3.98 •2aa lUllllt Ufl BOATS s14ts l·MAN I 2-MAN • • • • • • $29.95 I 4-MAN • • • • • • $49.95 ' 6·MAN • , •••• $59.U I Save On The N·E·W 1969 Trailers at Grant's I ' . . . _,,,. CAMPTUILDS *far to fowl * fosr to Porlrl * fosr to Set Upf * far fa Ownf WhM yo• I' cM!Jbtt ft• Wlftf ft a., -""· c.1• lrMws ""'· s. -............ _ ............ to,. f" Ill ..... Tht NSult fl I IN tf •••••• , ""' """" -""' Ollflclplte -....... MlllJ-O'nld .......... ,,... .. L $795 • ' ' . •• TO $1795 • • r • . . f • •· [DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL P AGE'f Time fo r :P.r-agmat~~ • Saddleback Colleae trust .. , have turned down teaching staff requests for vocational programs In nursing and electronics next fall . The action r&ises again the question of federal aid. Tbe p~grams are relatively expensive. It would have cost $55,000 for nuxslng for 21 students (now in the district) and $52,000 tOr electronics fOr.16 students. __ _Jr.:ac6n:.u' ~g~thllle._ budgetary squeeze of trying to provide adequate variety courses for a first enrollment,of sopho- mores. the trustees agreed lo hold off on the vocational programs for the coming year. ' The deciS!on is understandable. Previdinc low-en- rollment cla$ses is expen~ive for__a fledgling school. ..The budgetary bind, however, should serve to spot- light again the board's past refusal by a 3-2 vote to apply for federal aid. VocaUonal programs could probably be about 50 percent funded by federal funds which the federal gov· ernment ·will collect in taxes from Saddleback area taxpayers whatever the Saddleback trustees' future decisions. Weed-chopping Tim~ Arise Lagunan•. Crab your scythes. It's weed ·chap. ping lime. In the sprll\J a, city council's fancy, or al least !ls duly, turns to thoughts of weed abatement and tra•h removal. ParUCUlitly Oils-year, the we·eds have grown like , .. well, like weeds in the winter rains. When they dry this summer they will be a fire hazard as well as ugly. If the city tbops .th!m. down and cleans up Jots, ii will be a charge levied again.st th~ property · owner. Property owners can ·save this city charge by cleaning their own lots or having them clean9d. If removal is a problem, the city will haul 'the trash fway and charge only for that. \ Another La guna 9iampion . It may not have been the Grand Prix, but the driv· ing first place should mean a good deal more to Laguna Beach parents. , Vocational training is a fundamental responsibility of a junior college system. Sadal.eback should attempt to make judicious use of federal funds ·as a financial service to its own tax- _paxers. Frank Mello, a 15-year veteran bus driver for La- guna Beach Unified School Di strict. won first place in a technically tricky annual school bus driving competi· ' tion with 100 otlier drivers. Th.is is not to champion all programs of federal aid to education. That broad question won't be settled by the Saddleback board. ·It ii rather an urging that the board lake a pragmatic financial position in specific circwn- He has been with the district since 1957 and has earned a sa!ety a~ard each year. It's gratif_r.ing to have drivers as capable as Mello. stances and specific need. ' It's also gratifying that 14' district, \Vith its tough topography, places strong emphasis on bu s driving safety. McClellan Committee in Action Militants to Be Exposed WASHING TON -A great deal of 'pade·work has been done by Senator McClella n and his investigators and they will be able to make a good case that dozens of revolutionaries have been mov- ing from campus to campus fomenting a physicaJ ch.lllenge lo the established order on any issues that are handy . When Senator McClellan has finished with the forthcoming hearings of his in- vestigating subcommittee he will have produced a roster of revolutionaries which will serve about the same purpose ss public exposure 0£ members of the Mafia and of the Ku Klui: Klan. Their names, records and faces will be exposed to the public and perhaps this will help~to defuse a student revolt which is so far confined lo a relatively few prominent campuses involving a small percentage of college enrollment. SENATOR McCLELLAN will also establish a prima facie case lhat there is 50me degree of cooperation between Students for a Democratic Society. the Black Panthers, the Revolutionary Action Movement, I.be Black Student Union, and the Student Non-violent • Coordinating Committee. A le?(_iocendiarie.s.. may ~tµally be prosecuted by Attorney General John N. Mitchell under the anli·riot provisions of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 which pro- hibit any person from traveling in in· terstate commerce with an intent to in· ,f"" . _g_ti. Ri'c~aid Wilson ' ' •I cite, organize. encourage, or take part in a riot. All this should illustrate how little 1he federal government actually can do under existing Jaw. The withdrawal or federal funds which is so often suggested is a two-edged sword. Very few of the students convicted of taking part. in riots and .violent demonstrations are among the is,2,013 students in the .course of receiving more than $143 million in edticationaJ opportunity grants in 1,900 In- stitutions.. Many more ire childrtn or the middle and upper cluses who are receiv· ing no federal financial aid, and would be unaffected by recent federal guidelines denying aid to those convicted of rioting or disorder. J\10RE ntAN It percent of the natiOn's Institutions of higher educa"tion received federal supPort totalling $3.3 billion in • 1967, the last yeir (or Which figures have been published. Sen. Strom Thurmond of South Carolina js propo3ing that the federa1 goverrunent protect this in- veStment by p 1 s s I n g an "academic· freedom protective act" making it a crime to inttrfere with the operation of a federally assisted institution by com- -'!litt~ng an act of focce or violence or threatening to do so. Enforcing such an act woqld be a stag- gering proposition which ultimately could involve the Federal Bureau o f Investigation and the armed services in an invasiou of the campuses which would make shudders of apprehension run through the White House. In the end, the responsibility for order on tbe campuses cannot be taken by the federal administration any more than it cari assume the responsibility for lhe en- forcement of the crlminat laws of 50 states. The responsibility lies with the ad- ministrators aod the facu1ties of the col· leges and universities. They can no .longer shrink from the total challenge of Che openly revolutionary storm troopers of Student! for a Democratic Society who have taken their positions on the bar- ricades to destroy the universities and American society. ..JN 'nmlR QUAKING uncertainly, these faculties will never bt able to shift lhelr responsibilities to Washington. They will have to support suspending and ex- pelling the young· men on the barricades who sneer at them as they prepare for their next escalation of violence and disorder. The faculties will not shrink and shudder in academic horror when the police are called to restore order and when the grand juries are called upon to act and the judges to sentence. Either that, or the £acuities can surrender their own academic freedoms. Dirksen Due for Rebuff WASHJNG'!UN -Senate R<!publican Leader Everett Dirkse.n "is beaded for a licking in his latest patronage squabble. William Hill Brown 3d, 41-year--old Philadelphia Negro lawyer, will be con- rirmed by the Senate as a $38,~a-year member of the Equal Employment Op-• . portu,uky Commission, notwithstanding Hugh Scott, , P.a., ls Brow~ s pnncl~~l Oirkill's opposition. · sponsor. ~o~g Scott ~ that -is ne-Nli:on-Arurnntstrauon nor OOly h.as~P~lvan1a 1-other Republtca11 senator; lhe votea to put over Brown, but is ~ Sc~eikert. ~ are--bfwlUy af- emphalically determined to do it for fll'mlDg their dnertnlnation to ~l over . 6everal reasons: ' Brown regardless ol Dlttsen's oppoaiUon. 11) 'Ibe While House is thoroughly fed '111us the senate 111 witnessing the up with Dirksen~s persistent highhanded unus.ual spectacle ol tbe GOP•floor leader blocking of imJl!)rtant appointmenta. The beir)g openly fough t by the assl!tant GOP inside word is the Adminislfal.ion is"look· nOor ' leader r who In turn Is fully sup- tng for an opportunity to publicly r,:1?4Jff ported by the Wblte HOOae and rti.nrorced Dirksen. and his hootility to Brown opens by potent Democrattc backing. the way for that. As ·a consequence, all the cards appear ~be stacked against Dirksen, and if he (2) WHD..E BROWN is a Republican Coesn't back down,· he ts headed for a he hM influential Democratic support. stinging defeaL One. ot his leading backers is Senate Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield, ·Mont. Abo, the Senat.e Labor and Public Welfare Committee unanimously ap- proved Brown's appointment; with Democratic commiUeemen joining · the GOP In acclaiming it. ' (3) Al!istl.nt Senate Republican Leader ..... -Weclne~day. Mii)' 7, 1969 Thi tdttorial pcot of Utt Daily Pllot tetki to inform and aUm-· u.Lote readers bll prunHno thi~ 11eio.paptr'1 opinfon1 and com- nwinta'lt on t.opict of fntereat and rignifi.cancc , b'I/ prookUno a (0111m for lht aprculon of our rtadtrl' opftdoru, and bJI prcttnting tht diwrse triew-- pofnCI of lnfomicd ol>lqwri n>ld 1pok-01< topkl Of U.. dllJI. Robert N. Weed, 'Putilisber Tf:IJI: ~ca an the sonoroua. vay· locked J1wmam Will throw in the sponge. A face-...aavlng stratagem to enable him to retreat Is alrtady In lbe: ~ks. Insiders are predicting that Dirksen, seeing the handwriting on the wall, will lake tho opporl.mlty to drop bis op- posiUon to Brown. Sen. Scott. ooted for his astuteneSll, Is uUUiina: Oirksen's own pro c I a Im e d rt.ason for blockinc Brown to provide th:! s.nate RepubllQll leodor wttll a law aa•lnc •oY to aei off tho hook. , Dirksen clllms he is against Brown becaUK o( oeedinl ai"better look at his appointment." -whatever that means. Senate tnskltrt -are saying the ·real reason {a that Ole Illinoisan wants the 136.000.a·)'tar job for 1 selection of his own. But Scolt b adroitly lilclng Dirksen at his own wot;'d and has 1mnged for him to peMIOnally meet and talk to Brown. TBl5 SESSION will take plate In Dirben'a office In • ftw d1y1, But whll' Scott Is loinl out of hb way to mollify , Dirben. he )I blunlly making no bon<s of his determin1tion to lnsi11 on Bf'0"-'11's confirmation. • Jn other words, if Dirksen wants 1 head·on collision, he will get it ·•Mr. Brown Is a lawyer of outstanding ability, character and reputation," says Scott. "He is not only fair-minded and eminently qualified, but he Is a \ong·timc friend or min e. He was named by Presi· dent Nixon and has his Con1plete ron- fidence and support. This appointment is going to be confirmed by the Senate by a decialve vote, and there are no if~. ands or buts about It." TllAT PUTS THE matter squarely up lo Dirksen. ll is now up to him to fish or cut bait, and Senate insiders are pre.die· tin1 .'the mellUluou~ Illinoisan will cut bait. Brown was given an interim ap- pointment to the EEOC by Presklent Johr\s(pl and is now serving on it. It is an open secrtt the former Philadelphia ass!stanl district attorney is President Nixon's choice for chairman of the conl· mlllkln tn place of Clifford Alexander, whole' n!Jignatlon was forced by Dirksen whtn ht assailed him for "harassing busi{lessmen ." By Robert S. Allen and JoQ A. Goldsmith Dear Gloomy Gus: 11 Rlmrock Canyon Laguna's new cUy dump ? Just take a look at iL e1pcclally beJow Rimrock Clnyon Drive. Don't ctty inspeeton ever Poke around up lhm:! _ -Oe3n-lh•tns ~ ..... ,.. ttllK'<t l'IHto' •ltwl. ... -~ "'"' "' ... -...... ,.,. .. -"" """' ....... , .... °'"' ,., ... , L ~Hi .There, General Hoo DatDonDar' ' A.rt Hoppe It was in the 43rri year of our lightning campaign to wipe the dread Viet·Narian guerrillas out of West Vhtnnng. Peace threatened in Paris. Negotiations had been under iM.ay for 10 years -five to get all four parties to ti;>e peace table and five on what shape peace table to get all four parties &o. ·~ ll was then that the bvaom femalli: negotiator for the dri!ad Vlet-Narians, f\.1iss How Bot Dem, dropped a bombshell: She would hencefo rth recognize the.representative of the Loyal Royal West Vhtnnng Government, General Hoo Dal Don Dar. Stocks soared. Editorial writers hailed the move as "a glorious harbinger of peace." And she was as good as her word. The following \Vednesday. she looked straight at General Hoo, whom she's sat across ~rom for lO years, aaj_ ut- tered the historic words: "Hi, there, General Hoo Dat Don Dar.'' As the American and East Vhtnnngian negoUatorS cheered, waved flags and clapped each other on the back, General Hoo looked ·at her coolly. "And \vho,'' he said. "are you?·' StoCks plummeted. "JUST A J\llNUTE." said the crafty East Vhtnnngian Premier. Ho Chi \Vhiz, as the 6374th meeting began breaking up. "You have us over a barrel. \Ve have decided to cravenly yield to every single one of your demands." Stocks soared. The U.S. negotiator, Mr. Henry Cabbage, was stunned. "Every demand?" he asked. "Every single one," said Premitt Ho craftily. "First of all, m yield to your demand that We withdraw the 100,000 troops we don't have in West VhtMng in return for your withdrawing the 500,000 American troops you have in West Vhlnnng." "Marvelous'."' cried Mr. Ca bbage. "Let's.not be hasty," s1id Gtneral Hoo nervously. "SECONDLY," said Premitr Ho craf- tily, "We agree to stop sending the fS million \n arms and supplies we've been sending annually to the: Viet·Narians ift return for your stopping the $S billion worth you've been sending to the Loyal Royal Government." "Glorious~·· cried i'olr. Cabbagt. "No more American arms and n1oney?'' said General Hoo. blanching slightly. "And lastly ," said Premi'r Ho craftly "We as:ree to your demand that free elec- tions bt beld throughout the ountryside of which we control IZ percent." "What a triumph!'' tried ~1r. Cabbage-. .. Are you out or }'OUT skull?" inquired General Hoo. MR. CABBAGE made an eloquent vic- tory speech in •hicb he sakl lhat now lhe Comm.unista had yielded to every single U.S. demand, peace was if"IC,lvltable. "All American bo)'5 will be-tirou(l)it home, Arntrican money will be spent lor other purpoaea and ," he said. "free tltt- lk>ns wtll determine the papularity of the Loyal Royal Gov'mment." It wu at this J'Oinl lhlt General Hoo. l.fltr some rdlecUon, 11.rrned to Miss How Bot Dtm. "I'm sorry I dkin'I recognize you afttr 1111 these years." he said. "I guess lt'a that you 've'1ged S<l much." Stocks plummeted. And lhe war con· tlnued for 27 matt yt1r1. •• 'Negative Space'· In Our Cities Tbonghls At Lar1e: The prime reason for congestion and lack or physical amenities in the large citles is ttlal "space" is created by default rather than by design; it's what is accidentally left over after buildings have been put down, parking-lots blacked out. and expressways sliced through , so that "negative.space" is all the urban-dweller gets. • • • In the unprece<lented booin of the last decade, it is disheartening to realize that the lwo greatest "gro\'llh industries'' in tht U.S. ha\·e been -\\'arfare 'and welfare. • • • ''A clash of doctrines," said \Vhitehead, "should be regarded as an opportu nity, not as a disaster" -but when doctrines are nol permitted to clash (as on most universily campuses), then this frustra· tion quickly tu rns i n to militant con- fronlation, which solves nothing. bu! only embitters and enl!'enches bolh sides more Cirmly in their dogmas. • • • Jn the 1940s, a calculating machine that rould handh: multipJJcations of 10 digits perfonned oitly a half-doien oper.ations in a minute : today, the third-generation con1pulcr can perform Zll mUllon such operations in a minute -if you n e e d some graphic idea of the ae<:eleration of infonnation--output ir: this new age \Ve live in. • • • It is one of the g1·eal enshrined myths of our century that "research makes pro- gress." but this Is only one side of its coin -too often, "research" merely en· courages us to perpetrate new mistakes before we have le1tCned tO,. escape lpe painful consequences of o1d errors. • • • We oerate modern youngsters 'for lack - ing "respect for their elders"; but how much respect does our society have for • its elders. when three out of every five households with the head 65 and over have incomes tJf less than $3,000 a vear, which suggest they are living meagerly on Social Security payments and other go\·crnment programs? • • • Speaking of youth , one maxim that ought lo !>e tacked up on dormitory walls is Rosenstock-Hu~ssy's: ''Sex u a Ii t y tt-rows no ligh~ upon love, but only through love can we learn to understand sexuality .'' • • • Jn ancient times. a success(ul warrior was thought to be competent in running the affairs 0f state ; in n1edieval times, a succl'ssful churchman; in our time. a successful bureaucrat on the other si de of the Iron Curtain . and a suceessful businessmar •. on our side -what we have not grasped in all these centuries is that no special class or elite is specifiea\ly gifted in running the affairs of state, and that succe'ss in one field is no guarantee of proficiency . in another. ., 0 • The truth of the matter in the academic controversy between the ''teaching machint'"' and the "live pro- fessor " is that while no teaching machine can stimulate and motivate students one- hunclredth as effectively as a good live professor, at the same time a teaching machine is probably far more effective than the med iocre or dull professors. who make up about 90 percent of academia. tit stands, in fa ct. in about the same relationship as a CQmputer to chess: the con1 puter can easily beat 99 out of 100 ordinary playe rs but would stand no chance against a true chess expert.) In the E ye of the S torm Now In the eye of a sudden storm, Dr. P.1ary S. Calderone, one of tbe. m06l respected, effective and active authorities on sex edUCflion ir, this country, stand!J spattered at from the Jen by charges that she '<;mouths old plaUtudes," and more severely buffeted from the right for spreading "pornography.'' An accurate wtiman with blue eye! as di rect as her mind and a carriage as upright as her principles. she remains determined that young Americans un- derstand sexualily as a responsibility ahd a creative (orce far beyond sorry distor- tions. • "l'D UKE l.ESS of the smell o{ sex rmealing society today. but :should' Isn't 'Is' as my mother said: unless the 1dult \\'Orld is going ba<;k lg control by tulcs that are enforced. the only counter i!! adequate preparation in order to pro· tcct' the youn1." A daughter of lhe great photographer, Edward Steichen, Dr. Clklerooe took her ' medical degree a~ the Univusity of Rochester and a Master of Public Health degree at C0lumbl111 Universijy. AS f\IEDICAL DIRECTOR o( the Plan· ned Par!nthood Federntion of America. she became so sUrrtd by the number and degree of requests (or belp in leX tdUC•· lion that sM ~ ln order. In 1964. to become-a founder of I.he Sex Information 11nd Education Council ol tile United St1te11, 1n or&•n.iution Olat offers no courses on ses: but serve! as consultanl -only on requesl -to 1thools and relltfous, m_edlcal and profeasional groups on their own Prosrams. • . ' r Guest .Report i ) AS EXEClITIVE director of SIECUS, Dr. Calderone has become a shlnin1 target for militant misunderstanders. Surprised, rueful, unshaken, bulwarked by~"recognitions and awards (most rttently a Spirit of Achievement award pre54;nted in New York by the Albert Einstein College of Medici ne), Dr. Calderone said , "I don 'l mind the at- t11cks. I'm sixty-five. I kno'' who I am." ~lay luue. VOGUE Ma1ninc! B 11 Geo rge ---· OC'ar Gcorac: .., I v.•anted to buy my nephew In New York City a pony for his birthday but l 've gotten a letter from the little tyke -actually he's 17 now -saying he would like to have somothlng called a "heater with a shoulder holster." -Perliaps 1· wUI check into -this but, first . do yoo think he would have enough room In New York City to ride a pony? AUNTIE AGATHA Dear Auntle: \Vilh a hcati:.r In a shoulder holster he will. ! Send your problems lo George •nd do sometbin& constructlvt about your worries. Or, do bolb.) • I I I 11 I I . ' ' • - ~eWp~rt t Parbor , YO!:. 62, NO. IQ9, ~ SECTION S, 66 PA&ES ~ . ' . ORAN&E COU NTY,<CAUF.ORNIA ' TEN CENTS WEDN ESOAY, MAY 7, lftt I I I UCI's Hi·re ~ yo~r-own By THOMAS FOR1VNE or1 .... Dlflr ,lllf Slaff Students .an .soing to get to reCom-meiiil. on hfrlng ol .... percent of pto-feSo!in · at m; Irvine but no one. today ""°.* quite .011< how II will be dooe. TWo large questions r e m a 1 n -end:, ::.trow w i 11 students ao a b o u t '~!' . ~JiQI i>n>fmsois they, hire be iOn:ed UJl!ll ........,.. deplrtments even °"""b ' ' ., they dcn"t meuule up by normal q..uncillonsf --- 'lbf.et polnta were not covered I~ a pro- ~~two weeks ogo by the UCI Aoallimfi Senale.'~ about 7i ol 210 facu)ly members Jftien!. The Pn>i>oiat-said simply tiu\t otU<lenU shall -lo Ibo c:l>llqllor two ~ Ol-,lllO · filtal fact!llJ< !or ap. 'polntnieqt io'1"ctri. ~lsltlng prof"'°"! or other non-tenure ranks. 'Ille appolntmeols an ' lo be for one yoor, 'liit,noewal wW be pwible. Aulilor ol lhe pion, -Prof-ol P~ George Reller, Mid ille f!Unl is lo lnlurO a yeorly tumov.,. of people In lieldt .~ents find relev'Ot to their cw. nont ooocern. 'Ille UC! 'faculty lhould number ~ Ihm :IOO piolesaon nm fall, w!lid1 """14 give -an mtltlement·of 1111 pro- 1e::'ii-•1 • ceidi. The flliully -came I.to In Ille rectuftl!ll ,_ ad I I 1 . . !;) . ,: Newporte-i; Inn Adds ~Roonis ! .. I Inn's New Terrace Area Overlooks Upper Bay A few yean ago when the Newport.er IM'S crowing paim·Wtre acute its ~ !nil staff lold U..ir new -. !bit they d 1t1J,. c:. because tbe hotel complex seem- ed like "a larg_e bird ready to Oy." -It did. - And now the pairu are ovtr and ihe growing continues. On Friday the latest stage of the lnn'a /'growth will receive its official christening -the 118-room Terrace area overlooking Upper Bay. The h·million, semicircular cluster in-c:IUdes 8 huge, meandering swimming pool, guests' quartens, conference rooms and a "carousel" room fur largt gather- ing!. . < • The Terrace is the latest segment In a aeries of additions to the rambling hotel undertaken by both the founding manage- ment and the present ownership. Groundbreaking on the terrace was in fall of 1968, and construction suffered delays from reccf'd flooding in Newport Beach last January and February. ~With the opening of the terrace the massive comple-x will llave a room. total o( 350. Besides the rooms for guest.a the of 350. Besides the rooms for guesta the Tttrace includes five rooms large enoqb for banquets and board meetµigs .IDd a, Jii'ge carousel banquet r o o m ~ coqunodaling 600 diners. . . . v ·As with most southern Cahfornta com- mercial developments, the inn ii a . rtlaUve infant, but since its tleginning as jUt. anotht.r waterfront motor hotel,· lt Ku become a landmark. with • stamp an -• · l:ATllT WIWPORTIR INN ADDITION READY • p,_ Peol.W,. A GINmlng Vl1t1 it.I own. , (Ste N~RTER, Pqe.11) . -·• ·Youth Committee ~IN,!~. ·in ~ry ~c~k . ' Hear in gs Slated . -·3~jooter Found on Cany on Ranch -{)r1nge County"• w h 11 e House C.. -' ~.-.lhlodllleol~a! n1vlp--1 removal of all ldenUflcation ·•nd rerence COm.mittet on Youth, wblclt di tbt·tlnc:t. Qtlamblll cocUcl an eye oa our the name of the Jandlocked c r art . send representaUve.s to the: White Houle: Cout1tne er nne cruy bolt" owner 11: Deputies value the ve!ael at "between Youth Advisory Commission cpnfermoe cdb--,aer.i, up tbt creel. ~ $IO oao net $25 ooo " ~t yesr, will hold public belrinp But -..,. d«:lclod to like • JO.foot .f..n..1 around Ill~ Circle C and back ill Tbundly. . . hou.oeboal oo a dry nm up.the Sant. Ana Tbe hearings, open to all, particularly Canyon hu--today earned the hate and Ume for tea, anyone! YoUl1I people, will be held from 2 p.m. to admirallo!' ol ballll"f.lherHl's deputia. 4 p.m. and again from 7 p.m. to I p.m. ill H IJt ·~ •·-·-•~ -·• .,... nd tM J'orwn at Saddleback High School, e " .... UDl.91.lMIYCIU v-. ...... a 18 S. Flower St.. Santa Ana. · dry on tbe Clrole. C Rind> end owner Saperlor Coort Juda• Wllllam Murray Ernie Ee~ ii jul\ 11 bewllderecl aa wUI preside al the ielllon, where youth the uniformed landlubbers who are WJI have Ila~ to voice ILi oplnJoo1 ••arrnint all ovtr hll property. .. tbe problems of youtll, ill anlor to The amued Eckhofi told deputJa llllt ...,bllsb priorities of concern. w_boeff!" ,~mled out . Ille novel pi«e of • Pl'ICY nao to .....uvtr the -boat on Its trallor up 1 ball mill dirt rood and tJuilQglt lllO loc~ 11ta to dock h<r where: libe now Uea. "1 have. no idea how It JOI there," he' told lnVH!fgat<n," B•t I'd sure 1lke lo tee her lhipped out of here and pttily IOOO." Han1pells lnnollpdon ts tbe •P. Bu1;kley Sues Vidal Over 'Nazi' Crack NEV( YORK (AP) -WUllam F • BuckleJ Jr., the come.rvaUve cotumnlst, Is seeking ll00,000 damqts apfnll Gon1 Vldal, the liberal writer, ,chltglnc rVldal libeled him by failely alJe(ill( he WU I Nad. 'nl< suit filed In lederal,court,Tueaday charged Vidal conducted "1 camJSl!gn OI persistent. flllao and defam•Jn !'1.UIJca. Uoo bJ .U.ptioos, both cnl aod 'llriaa \ • Plan: Will It Work? witll CQ\ltse olJerlnp In -.. thin. Ind!· tlonlll sub)OCll, he mlgbt be lnlenlled In coming back. Deatr ol 'Socllll Scienc:t11 Jiil* V.Ch· says there Is mi; ~ In hll cl•ilb! not fUled (Or -yeor 11111 be bas !mid • -lftlUpol~- Fellon they can make tbe rtOOm· mor.Satlan. 'l'be one-year appolntmmt CID he In 811)' al tbe ooclal scieoce fleldl af an- (See' UC DIVINE, Paco I) Bucher 'Grounded' ·Pueblo Skipper to Study for Master's WASlllNG1'.QN (UPI) -~. Lloyd M. Budier, ~ ol 1111 IJSS Pueblo, hu been &Iva 111 usJ,.....m on land, the Pentqoo IMOllJICtlli today, Bucher Wll allilnod lo Ille Navy's p>Ot-lfadulle 1choofal !11onterey, CalU .. for 'I. one-year "~ment" coune, the announcement said. The Navy Tuesday 09erruled a Board of Inquiry th a t recommended court· martial trials for Bucher and the in· telligence officer of the Pueblo, which was captured by North Korean eunboata without a fight in January,.19A.. Today's Pentagon ~ uid: Patients Risk !~l~.ifi;. f 3\t~;, Doctor ,f.ase By TOM BARLEY ' Of .. .,..., ,.., ..... Robert E,..ln Btnwn'1 alle;.il ~ of cardlol087 wu -sblo to a layman liking tbe place ol &: hellt surgeon Jn the operating rocm, a Fullerton surgeon tesllfied I o d i y In Superior Court. Dr. Paul Ovando lold the court In the second day of the former electronks technician's trial that patients under Brown's care "ran tremendous risks" ln tnnocenUy submitting tbemHlveo to him for examtDltlM~IDd cUagnot&s.-And be roclllled Ille coliabontlon be1-Brown and himself In an imta><:e where a n. year-old paUent died while in Brown's care. Ovando and an estlmated 103 patients knew Brown as Dr. Glenn Lyon Foster, the University of Alabama medical .school specialist who test.ified Tuesday that Brown used hls name over a five. week period ol pracUoe at . a Fullerton Clinic. Brown, 33, was arrested Feb. 22 and dlarged wltll 17. c:ouni. of practicing medicine without 1 llceme followtng police Investigation of hla alleged mas- querade u a cafdlologist. If Ovando became suspicious of Brown during his cootacta wttb lhe Blrmlngbam Alabama man at the clinic he did DOt testily to !bat effect today. He outlloed the proceduru they llled tocdher In tile treatment of cardiac arrest (heart i~ tack) patients and indicated that Brown did notlilng during that Ume lo ezclte suspicion. But he did atnss .. the grave danger" posed to heart patients by Brown'• ae-' lions, particularly thole .Plll<ollli -mtgbt • bl!come ·eUglble f0< <!im<UV. heart aurcery. •• Aecilra~• and tbOraulh diipcioi• Is 'v!W and It Clll'f poasl1lly lie given by a layman however wen iJt... formed h< migM be," Ovando AllL An earlier wltnea did Id btsitlle to point out what ahe Aid wai 0 111 monnous error" by Brown. the .orderlne « a htgbly lode dnl( ln!a .,.-,..111 times htgber Ulan that nonnlll1·precril>- ed. Cd.M Home Blaze ''Conunande< Budlor ltu llldl<ated to tile Bun1u 'at Naval ,._t IUI ht 'ii very pleued ~ Udl ---... , Buchet was "*'9d to rtporl lo tbe school In July for a }tar'• ...,.., In which be wW bl worklnl tonid a muter'• dqree hi .._-. A military rpokesmln said Bucher ltad said be l¥ished to ttceive. .. :post-ll'aduate training In hll next UlicJimenl The Navy Ille~ ia now awaitiag a verdJct from Congress ' on itl role in the lou of the Pueblo affair. 'nl< Peotlgoo also armour.ced the new 1Ssipmeilll for otber Pueblo officen and men wbo m! continuin1 their ICl'ftl careen. ,._for thi of~ are: LL Edward R. Ml;ryl!Y. Floe\ an« &!>b-• marine Si:bool. San Diego; LI. Sf&pben R. Hirrls, l!lavsl Security Group lldd· quarters, Wuhlngtoil. D.C:; llill Cblif• Warrant Officer Gene H. Lacf, Naval Supply Center, SeatUe, Wuh. _ . A special House Armed Services 1111> committee ia writing: a report oe the Pueblo affair based on several Wftb of public and secret hearing•. The rep:irt is expected to be published within two weeU. Alreraft Takeoffs .ti~P.~~Afesa Po~rs $55,000 ·No~e Muff~r . , ' . Mesa Girl Pleads For 'Nutr.ition' Not Food Choice ......., DOn1kl.Loye wlllo ..a!J lll&lle & ilol4J al alr<raft -I! tlli -I sltt. . In a two-bour period one mor.m., h< tlld, lie rel«ded II pl..,. ll'il. bolicop. la'I -overheod. All wera In the IO lo 90 dlclbel raqe. . A ~ Uv<)' he just completed ''""the IA -Angeles· _..,...., i.. Wd, 'lllOwed 41 declbell to be Ibo ... e<ptable noise -level for•·~ ~~~~..J'! mtndO.f thll th< board olnlldet carolally the futur~ of th< airport In comlni lo I decision. AidiiteCt R I c h a r d Kemp, ol lM Angtlel, llid h< expects teacben could Pause in the.it lnstruct.i6n and live with five airllnen per hour at the preRnt Ume. He said an alternative would be not to put fin· air condilioniog right away but to bOoat the eled.rlcal system at a Colt of fT,000 so air cOnd_iUonirtg couldl>e added later. Supt. Wllllam Cunfllhgham 1114 be leahed toward that solution 1inct in put- ting In air conditioning tlie board would be speculating on what will be the future of tbe aliport. Board· member &derfck MIClllJllan mnfndtd that tbe acbool dlstrfcl hlo aloe schools near the takeoff pattern · Ind grumbled, "These f In a·n c 11a I con- sideraUons lhould be ·taken ·cart of by whoever lhinb Utere is a need to put In a super airport." ,,,. board uked Supt, CUnnlqham to come b•ck with a recommendation a\ lbelr· next meeting taking Into con- alderaUon the· effect. of aircraft nolae at oµ.er· echool1. Onale • .. ••• .. I D.111.V '9.0f PILOT N • • LOGBOOK • • . ' There'll Always· he Race j. • • • To Ensenada-But Why~ BJ ALMON LOC1LUEY DAILY "II.OT IMtllll Ulltf Come May, 1970, there wW be another Ensenada race. By that tlme, hardly .anyone but the winner can tell you who won thlo . ,....1, r~. . . And. la all probtbJ llty, all 500 of th• In UUs year'• race wllJ have for-- gotten all the bardsbJpe: and frwtrations and wW be on UMi 11tartln& line a.pin. The race lt,.Jf will be fraught with all the argumeni. -whether to •:co inside or ouWde" -and excues ol why "I waa In the wrong ·place when the wind filled in." By the tilne.tbe,yachtanen get to EnseQlda,they wW be greeted by the same horde of unwashed 0 hJpp1¢t" ,..,. flock to Eenoenada bY moton:ycle and CBlllper, and Who will have ~ started JUJb!nc up Huasona'• mar1• .rJtu and uaorted other tequila concoctiona. · . , -By the Ume the yachtsmen get through sleeping oft the rigors of 4 ours or more of changing heads'ls, the unwashed crowd will be even more unwashed , some of them wallowing in their owa vomJl or stag- gering down lhe main drag shoving yachtsmen off the sidewalk and making lewd rema:rb to their wi ves. · 1be crowd at Huuona:'s will be s:pllli.Jlg out onto the strtet and Mexican paddywq0ll5 wll lbe methodically hauling off Ole more exuberant. · In the hick of the Hotel Bahia. the non-yichUng crowd will be paS!led out on the lawn or making love inside their open campers. On a Saturday afternoon , the yachtsmen will gather on .the lawn back of the Bahia to cheer the trophy winners and commisertee with those who almo.st madt il Tbert will be the usual grumbling about '1that dumb race commit- tea•• and a few atU1 seeking protest. form•. By Sunday mamln( the yachbrnlen will be arrivlna: at U.S. cu.storm at 5an Diego in droves after a night ol beating up the Baja California coast. Lunch at San Diego Yacht Club and then the long beat back to Newport or other home J>Orl!I. • . And when It's all over there will be a chorus of "never agaln.s" -most of which, like Utlt year's winners, wUl have been forgolten. U~I T•lwM,. · Poliee ·to .T alk ...... .. With M~s. Peek . ' hearing htr screams called an ambUWlce apd police. Palm Sprlnga jiollce 8JUlOWICld today She ii reported tblt mornins as In "fair that they are, •boul to Hote tbtb; In-san.dlUon, tbout the...,. .. accordin1 to a vMUgaUon d. the lboatlnt Of I 1Hu 1 hospital 1pokeaman. Mn. Peek was lhot Ungtoa Beach llOC!allta Monday w Ille' "once with a .25-cattber ptstot and holpital apparent &ulclde of a Loni Beach muaic olficials said today the slwc still hu not profe~r. been removed. Officer• 18.Jd that I.bey must lnitrYitw "Apparently, from whit I beard , doe- Marnette Peek, 'sl, o1 114'! Galdon ·W!ol toro are unable to find it at pre!ellt, but I Sl today to clole the boob on the caae know in many cue.s bullets are not which 'began 1bout-ll:JO •.m. ~y at ,.removed ii no cWl«er to.lile or functions Mn .. Peek'• d'"'" retrut at 3Qil N. alat," Afll a IUll'aiilc supervisor. Sunr.,. Woy, J'.alin Sprtnp. Lt: ~!ldaricftr ail<! Trlphon detcrtbed Officers "1d that at Ulll Ume It ap. Mi au1Ua'nt aDd ·pi:tµce beaan-1 search to pears Mn. Peet wu In Palm Sprtnp to flna tbe' iunmln · di&cuu 1 land purchaae ct,aJ ·~ Weat About four ho~ after Mrs. Peet had Los Aqeles real estate man Georc• been shot-, two plainclothes oUieen spot- Trlphon, 39. ted the abandoned car belonglna to Dr Tripbon told officet1 that he ha4 been Peterson. About the same Ume they sa~ In another room of Mn, PeeJi:•a apvt-him walking away from them . He was ment when 1 man later Identified as Dr. two and one-half mues from the Peek ~awrence L. Peteraon, 57, of Jlt&l Kens--apartment and walking alone, police.aald .. 1naton Road,.I...oe ·Alamitos, burst Into the · One offlcet ahouled "stop'' • apartment. .Petenon walked ·a~ay. : He said he heard a short ICUffle 1nd Again the plainclothes officer shouted "then a shot In the fr:ont room," police to Dr. Peterson to halt. reported. . Pete~ ran a few 1ttps from the two Triphon told olfken that he AW Mrs. officm:, pulled a .25-caliber automatic Pee~ run down the hallw1y "with blood pistol from hJI coat pocket. atuci: it Into pourmg from her abdomen." bis mouth and pulled the triqer. ",f, tried to keep lbat 111&11 (P~) He ataggered ud fell to the curb at the out Tril'!!oo i. reportod u baYlil; told lnlersectlon of Blilia Road ucJ Joyce police. "He bit me overlbt bild with the Drive, ollicm ltld. butt of the pn.aJid 1-dawil/' llr, P-WU )!l'Ol>OUJl<ed dead on He lru later treated fw ..... bead arrival at the ..,.. botpita1 where Mrs Injuries and n!teued from tlil deaert Peek wu to llDderp 1111rgery for nmovai hoopltal Pollce ltlll hlVe not dellllitaly ol the bullet ill her abdomen. , linked the gun Uled to lhoot ~ Peet C9mplet!Oll of the inveatigatloo and with the ono Uled to beat Tripboa or the clootng of the booD atill awali. 111 fli. Even th.ii re~rter will be back again -in one capacity or another. And ~ Jt 1 all oveff'll agali"be asking myself the 1ame quesUon: .. Why?" . JACKIE BENINGTON WEARS JUN IOR MISS CROWN S:m11J P1ck19• of Br1in1, &Muty end Grace one·Uled to kill Peteraon. . U:rview with Mn. Peek -ts nported U. Carl Hulslander .uJd Mn. Peet under heavy Mdatloo at the hoopttal. Lt . then nn downltaJn: from the -ojwo-Hulsandtr said "be would talk with her Planner Dickason Predicts Beach Coed Crown ed ~. twwlory apartm• at the today and hopes "Ille will aubstaalfate Conltneiltal Gardens Hotel and nelpbon our tbecrles and that wm be thal." From PGfle J County Trend to Industry Junior Miss of Amer~a UC IRVINE HIRING ..• lhnlpoJoa,-«U10mle1, g101rapby, C.., llOllleone l<> live tn the donm aod pollUcol ldence, poydloloo or ..;,""1, gl••~tpeeehes. Friday lllgbw, or a . .,,.,p Mardi IOld. of actors Ute the Mime Troupe to live 00 By RICHARD P. NALL Of ... °""" ,..., lttn Whither away Oranp. County 1170? Foreol DtcWon, county plannilll! CJirt.c:lor, had predlctions this morning ~or the coming decade. ·He hedged them a trifle for his Laguna Beach Chamber of Commerce 1udlence, noting that all cryttaJ balls gel a bl! buy Orange Free wa y Dedication Set ·· ' '1111 llnt aegmllll ol the OrBll(a Free,..y. wllld> eventually ·wm laitfe Ila =n ,tl\e Sula Au River to the • will be dedlcai.d In Fullerton Mq 16. -Theme of the outdoor ceremonies 11 1'P'rom the Mountains to the Sea," which deacribea . the ultlmate roule of the freeway. ii. fpur·lue hlahwoy, alto known u Raute 57, linb the Rivearide Froeway wlth Nutwood Avenue In Fullerton. State plans call for~ freeway, on compleUon, to nm Imm San Dimas south to Orange County's beach commwlltlea. Nezt llage of comtructloo of the Orange Freeway will link the RivenJde .......,ay with the Garden Grove.saw Au Freewoy complex tn the city of Oranae. That ~ent ts alriady adopted. Not yet adopted by the Calllomla Highway ponuntasJon is a route from Orange south past the San Diego Freeway to a terminus at the adopted route at tbe Pacific Coul Freeway, on eit!Msr the Newport Be1ch or Huntington lloadl llde of the Sula Ana River. UMIY Pll OT 0........ CCl'l1 l>UlllltltMO COMl'ANV l•Mrt N, w,,, ~,.,., .... l'Wll-..r J•c• I. C1i1tl1y \1111 ,,_l*tll ~ ~II ~ n._,, K11wil .. .., Tk-• A. M11r,.til~1 ,..,..... , .. ,.,. J1ro1111 F. C1llln1 --(ltr ''""" ---2111 W11t lel~• l11i1l1,•r' Mtlllltf Mtlr1u1 ,,0 . lea 1111, •IUJ -- If they peer more than two yean Into the future. However. Dickaaon predjcted that Orange County will give up 64,000 acre1 to residen tial development in the 1970's, 4,000 to 5,000 more acres to commercial development and a whopping J0,000 more aes for industrial development. ~e pointed out that this will mea n Orange CoWlty,,1 which Dick 111 n categorized u an Joduatrlal 1rea, will have its ui.sUng lndultrial •crease ol 8,000 acres more than doubled Jn a IG- yu.r span., ' I . . '• ~ plannet predlcteil· that· the ccuntf '!fll !>egln tlie <IOcade wtth U million popul1tJon and add more than 800,000 residents, ending the decade with 2.1 mllllon. · · ' Jackie Benlngton ol HunUngton Beech Tuesday night charmed, talked and cart~'heeled her way to the America's Junior Miss tille before a national television audience. The blonde , blue-eyed stra ight A slu· dent at Marina High'School l\·a.s crowned the nation's ideal high school senior girl In Mobile, Ala., to cap the week-long America's Junior Miss page.ant. Her selection from the 10!) contestants from all .aver the nation' earned her $10,000 In scholarships plus the $2,500 she had been awarded earlier in the week in the youth fitness and scholarlh.lp dlvl•lons of the CQmpetition· ' , . Second pl~ce went !-0 !Anfta <;olombo ·of St. Lduis, Mo .. third to l>ee.:Arm,,Alleo of Minot, N.D., with . Anti · ~ .of · Arkaii.., ana Mary Anh< struclmleyerof Vlrifn!a alilo "tn the l<iJI five; : ' . E~!,IY Bird.s Fly First Pilot Game Entries In MISI Benlngton, shortest of the high He remarked, 110bvkuly the recom-campus for three months. school senlors at 5 foot 3, began the finals mendatlon bu to be acceptable to me The student government, for ill part, with a brief! lapse of 'memory when she and the chancellor. I think it will be." has tu med. over the task of working out could riot corrtttly idei:tti!y Lloyd George There pops up the uruietUed question, procedures to a seven.member Academic as the prime minister of Great Britain Will studeota havf to have the approVal Affairs Committee. during World War J. From there on her of depaftmerit he84fs? · · · '· Bob Crane, a member or the student performance wa s flawless. Chainnan of the Academic Senate Ken· committee, said they are working now on To a question on the relations between -neth Ford gave his opinion: proposals to bring to the chancellor. He youth and their elders, Miss Benington, "Presumably, facult y will also be con· also noted students sUll hope to fill sopie 18, approved of the idea of youth protest. suited, although the principal 1dvice to poets for nezt fall. but .sugiested ~ "tbtolfgh a the chancellor will come from students," "When coatracU are signed there may legtsl&itlve me.ans,' rather than violence. he said. be some unfilled positions floaling "Young people should learn how to He conceded, "In the beginning there ·around. There usually have been," he negotiate w I t h their elders," she said. may be a certain suspicion on students• aaid. "Protest should be through a -peaceful part that if the faeulty eets involved the Academic Senate Chairman Ford said means.'' student voice won't be heard." he too hopes aeveral appointments can be In the talent division she put on a swirl-According to Vice Chancellor Roger made for nut year and a Jong, drawn-<iut Ing display of free exercise and modern Russell, there aren't now any non· discuaslon over procedures won't slop dance techniques. She tumbled and departmental poltl to be filled. e1cept in any progress. cartwheeled her way a~ the stage Black Studies in wblcb students alrud;y He told why he thinks the Reiter pro. and back again several Uiriea in the final are being given a Iarse voice. po11al pasaed while one a couple ot weeks event before the judgeJ announced the RuSlell u.ld he thinks "It would be JUii earlier to give students the say on 10 per· five finalists and flnaliy her selection as routine procedure to upect anyone aug. cent of new professorships (t of 31 nut the nation's Junior Miss. gested be discusaed by the people In the year) failed decisively. Her mothei: and f.ii:thfil', Mr. and Mrs. department.." ·· nie Reile"r resoluUon was more Orchard Benington, of 6191 Gumm Drive, However, Chalnn1n of History Henry palatable, he said, because it did i:iot were at the pageant to watch their. Meyer .says he isn't ao IUl't atudenll will preclude a faculty voice and it referrtd daughter win the national crown. Brof.ber want their 'profestOrS f placed in tradi-only to temporary faculty appalntmenb. Steve, 16, WfS watching at home on color tional departments. • He said passage of time was a factor. television. "My hunch ls the two percent Pf'OVisioa "Some professors who iniUally reacted First entries bepn IITiving today in an "early blrd .bonlll" contest the PAIL Y PILOT is at.aging in conjunctlon wllh the ''DAILY PILOT 2-for-t AngeJ Day" of· fering baseblll fw reserved seat ticktll at hall price. For Miss Beningt.on the road to fame may well be applied to a new college," he negaUvely thought the thing over and hlsis of human lnierest and orlginalily of bes•n in the local Junior Miss contest at said. "I could lmaglne the dudeat& would decided there were reasonable, respona:i- content o( the written statements. Hllnlington ~ch High School stage! ~ find that a lot mort uaeful." ble dudenta: iponsortni it," he IUQeltedJ. ,All "early bird" entries mlzst be re-the Jaycees. From there she com~ Reltfr told the Acadnntc Sena&e be had Also. he noted, IOD'le proleaor1 n.;t in 'ed b D IL PILOT b the aemllinaJI and won tbe state Jlllllor tn mind that &tudellla mlPI wut to bin sympalhJ with senate staDcla a•......,, ?;!~. 15_? ,the A Y Y noo11 on Mill UUe Jn Garden Grove. • community organizer for the local pet-coming to the sessions. ""Yr""' The wlnner1 will be ~vited to 1-------------------''------.;_ ___ ...::.. __ .._..._..._. ____ _ 'The 2-for·l daf'"will be held Sunday, June 1, at Anaheim Stadium. The Angels are 1eheduled to take on the Ballimorc Orioles that day In an afternoon contest. The DAILY PILOT Js offering all Com- ers one free ticket In the $3.50 and $2.50 price range for each ticket they buy in the same range. 1be free . tickets will bt fct re&erved 11eats adjacent to the seats the fana purchue. 'The· .. tar1y bird" coo test 11 open to 111 boys and girts up to II yean old. To enter, eacb yoangrter lhould oend tn, along with his or her Uctet ord;,., a statement of 100 words or less beginning with !be ..m.nte: "My favorite Angeli. ---becmlte .. :• · ~· !'bmen will be 1elected Oii the participate in pre-game ceremonies and will have the opportunity to meet their favorite Angel baseball players. Deadline for all ticket reservations for the DAILY PILOT Z..for-1 Angel Day is May 20. An order blank similar to the one which follows this arUcle will be published dally in the sports sect.ion of the DAft. Y PILOT for the conyenience, ol. readers who want to mail in ticket orders. Any number of tickets -from tw~ to an entire teetion -can be ordered. Group purcbuu by LitUe lleque i.&m.. senior cit.iJenl' groups. cburcbe&, clubs, °"'·· will be welcomed. Here ls an order blank for your con· ventence: . . ~···················~········ • Clip and mall, with ch9Ck er money order, to : • • 2-for· I Angel O•y II, Ora n1• Co11t Dally P iiot • • • C/O Public $trvlc• Dtpr. • 330 W. &.y SlrMI, Colla Mo,., Calif. 92627 • • • (PLEAS~ PRINTl • • • • • • • • • • N1me ··········································•···········.········ • • • • StrMI .............................................................. • ......___ :• • «;lly .. .. .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. .. .. Zip .. .. .. .. • . .. .. • • • • Phone ..•.•• , ~ ..•..•..••••...•...•... , . • . • . . . . . Date . • . • • . • • • • • • • • • . •' • I want 2, 4. 6, B. 10 •...••............. reserved seats, all seated to-•· • gether, at the June 1 Angels vs. Orioles game at Anaheim Stadium. • • i;:or .. cb ticket purchaHd, I wtU •receiv• an,adjacent.s .. t free from• • the DAILY PILOT. I want ~.~.511 (circle one) Ucl<ets. Enclosed•. • Is $ ............... ., I undtratand ticket. will be sen t to ma by tnal1 • f11 I understand Ibero. can be no exchMJ8 If I later decl4e to purchase • . • mora Ucl:i!r.·-.. • . _.. . . ······················~····~·· CONVENIENT TERMS IANKAMERICARO MASTER CHARGE • Todltllllwho"-'-"'° ,wants liol ...i-., W It. Mat~ your 1tyfe wttt. ow many -dtilp.. lwl ask vs about oor f1mour 0--... - 112l NEWl'ORT . AVINUE COSTA MESA fl'I I 22 YEARS SiWE LOCATION l'HONE 1-4 .. HOI \ ··------- • I I I • o,.... SUNDAY 9 'TIL 5 OFFICIAL COLEMAN REPAIR STATION FO~ ORANGE COUNTY * PRICIS EFPICTIYI MAY 7 .. New Sltlpment Int Atrlndl HANG-TEN TEE SHIRTS MAYI , YIU IBN tM i.t.tt ,,. • .,. ... ·-••• lvwrte.1 .. .,..... ..,., ... mi,.. '" ... tf,....,,,.. ...... lbnS&l-XL '6 $7and $8 I NEW! I FULLY LINED CPO SHIRTS NtYJ lfve with ... ....... ....,, .... 11""'9 '" ... s.M-" L - I flew Shipm~nt! TM bolt b the he1rt cf whet rn1ny &hooters c1tl the finnt 111 .. round big· g1m1 rlflt rNde. Snick if open. You'll lff th• 1trong11t 1ctlcn Mr put in 1ny rifle, Slam it elOMCI. Now Your t1rtridg1 hMd is p!'Cltcled by fhrH overl1pping ring• of IOtid SIMI. Bui 11'1 net fh e whole 700 story. We t9rf'9d 111 t1tt belt actions. Vou won't O•I betttr ICC\Jrecy. Or I clffl'llr lriggtr pull. Or 1 "'°SJher flniah. Or bttttr chtcktring. Or • mol'9· cocnfwt1blt-£toclt. IDL.~961 ......... ......... tfl4 IWfnJ. tlOW YOU tAll .a.ct ,,._ .U tf .. ....... ltylM ef Lewf .. sa.ctl ... JN• hr ell '" ''"' ... lrut'1 .... .. _ ... from'6 . . - SEE THE All NEW 1969 .. TENTS! I "Cltar .. It'' ,,, GI Mr Sf "f AMIL Y TENT" ,, II BIG VALUE BUYI . New whht top boune.t off het~~ rnot'9 ri;ht. big pictyN wWMkJw two-My Dutch door plenty of YlltltllltlM, Slorm ~ •nd nylon M1•19d. ~ framt 9P9'dl ~~:;s64'5 -REMINGTON . I MODEL 700 ·~L .SALE! Tho World's S-gost lolt·Action Riflol 11)1..1961 Cwtom Dtlu11 .222 •""·* MODIL 700 MAO MUM IDL·l968 •264Wln....._ •7-,m SAYE. , 0995 $SO.GO .. ' • LIST PRICE $169.95 .222 ......... 22..250, .2.Q, '"""' -·---:'.":':'-... ·~ LIST P.~ICE $154.95 •9995 ~ THE Pl'llTSI ;,.r, ""' 11op1m. .. 1 Is '"""' by ,.,.,.. lft ltoolr fl.U of ""°tiorl *"'-,.. MIY wont I• guns, from 1 $20.00 22 .. 1n1 to 1 $3,500.00 S-... bi's "'9 tt II 1tockl Conte Jn encl see for your1tff one of th1 l1rgfff stocks of prtt fill Sovttltm C1llfoml1I LARGEST STOCK IN ORANGE COUNTY -400 P1lr loll-Ion.., Nuvo• 11opsac1i: LEVI'S• "FLARES" ST.t.it•are ,.. .. .e futt errtvH "' ..... Citt.rs et 1914, ,...... '""· ,...,. -Whiff .... ,,... 26 .. 36. """ Lltlll" llU IOTTOM '9 ''flam" by im•s• _m ............. ,... ...... ..,.. ...... '"""" ......... ,.. u.l'1 ......... ,=-....... w,t-............. '"_ ............. ,. .. \ ' .. , . *CHILDREN'S LEVI'S-* 1W1 DBllMS ulm 0.12) .. $4.H WHITE uvne con ct1on1 P.69 IAIT COIDI Uhto 4-12) .. $4.H •aH&lllE IT" al IRUT'I IUIPLUI WIHONOa All MAlotl ~CAIDI Ill· ~ ~ J --.... -., ___ _ _ W<dM141'[, Mq 7, 196'1 OAll.Y I'll.OT S . . . P~GG GRit1,!lGULF . IAVI Oii AU ti yw _... -It -· • .. '-c.n. II CM"" • •. ,.... ____ .. -.. LIGll1'.WllGHt ALUMINUM ' PACKFRAMU . '4.95 \. Cr1nt'1 units • ~ ,,.,. ttodc tf all ""' tf Pecb UNI r,....1-.., ''"""" """"""' l'Mlll t... tM MC111art.. I Ill AU.Of l1ff Rue lllW lfff ~~ Of COllMAN APPUAllCIS AT ltllln- Wl'Yl GOT rr WIUN TOU NBD rn nom ••• lJNTllNS ••• HIATBS ••• TWTS ••• , • , TIAlal • , , IUIPM IMS. ITC. LARGEST SELECTION OF CAMPING GUR HIGH SIERUS? Wt 11... t ce111,let1 .. i.e.; tlta tf 100% o. ... ffllM b .. • fir th• '"°'' ,,.... ftulonal tf ctmp•"' Other ht• From $10.11 To1sts 4 Slicts 1t Oneil 1a1'p" ... 1 ,,,_. IM•t efffllr. 49' Hiker'• -11-'11 BACK PACKS' ~l"""I 'I!! PLASTIC CAN LIGHTWllGKT ••ti 1turly ct•t1l11· " ,., •••• , ..,,ti••· •2•' "Grant's I•• lt-W•• 1• #Nd ltl'' {.,,BAGS IXctPTIONAU.Y Wtrm, sofra.W...tl ltfttfwt wftti 4-1'9. If hMSu 1001 JlthtlJ WV'tft,.,. lhl W.Wll '""· ~ ftylftf Mir left flnMl llNfttl. PvU 11,,.r, tit 1111ttt'HI ,.Otts. $15 88 · . SPECIAL! ®'·'' Single Mlnllo LANTERN s1ou 3·PC. CHOW KIT l.O.W l'rlril '" AN """-1 RIG. 59c 47' , s.. "•ts Fnt! WE ,RENT Everything In POITAU.I TOILD CAMPING EQUIPMENT! LIST $3.98 •2• c .. 11 Gvard .,,-T'!--Approrod _ . lllJ!JI~ LIFE Many Colors I BOAT CUSHIONS ' IOATS l·MAN s14•5 SAVE MORE AT GRANT'S 2°MAN , , , , , , $29.91 4·MAN • • , , •• $49.95 6-MAN , •• , • • $59.95 ,,.,, CAMP TUILERS · * E••r to Fo•f * f•sr to P•rlrf * E•sr to Set Upf *far to Ownf Wlooo , ........ ,... "" """ " --'"'· , ...... bOwt tho!. So -.............. '""""' .......... ..,, ,.. lo Mlnd. Tiit mwlt U I llno of __ I, .... laslifttl ....,.,. .... , _,... yow ...,.,, noodl-fftkl ""'""" ,...._ s795 . TO $1795 • • ' • -. " • [ D~ILY PILOT EDI~ORlll PAGE j' • ~Painful · Decision Ahead . - \ The Oranfe County Board of Supervisors Is headed for a painful decision thli month. II Is a decision that can't help but make one party Unhappy for years to come. It will be es:pecially painful for sup!rvlsor Alton E . Allen lh whose district !he decision will fall . The Issue is th e new s.ite for a muDicipal court build· 1ng to house the judges, their aides. their courts and all the paraphernalia· that goes with administering justice in the Orange County Harbor Judicial District. The pres~nt quarters -adjoining the downtOwn city park in Co&ta Me&a are woefully inadequate. Relief ls needed and needed immediately. So the county is ac· tively searching for a site which ultimately wlll house 12 mUDlcipaJ courts. Newport Beach bas what it thinks is an ideal· .site. So does C-Osta Mesa. Newport propoaes !hat !he courts could be lncor- rated in the city's proposed new municipal centet"near ashion Island -part of the burgeoning Irvine Center complex. City offidals point out that this location would have prestige, convenience to the Newport city govern· ment -and a view. of the ocean .. Costa Mesa's p~;ed site on Fairview Road just south of CO$t~ Mesa .High School does not have that view. But.it has ;;i.11 over\vhelming ar,:wnent in its favor, -.Jand apprabed 3t 90 cerits ·.a square· f0:0t versus the $1 .90 appraised value of the Irvine Center property. The Costa Mesa proposal, submitted joilltly by the city government and by the Orange County J'a1r Board, (which owns the Jaod) offers flexible financing. Figures are bejni: pr~senled in alluring. packages to the Board of Supervisors. Cos ta Mesa calculates that it can provide the required 12 acres for a court site. and toss in land for a much-needed regional county library for just over $3.6 million. The same deal in Newport, accordJng to the Co!ta Mesa figures, would cost more . than $4. 7 million. · On the Other band, Newport contendi ~I th• 12 courts could be ~It on considerably l'ss than 1;2 acres by engineering U.e structures to tie in with the propoaed Ne\vport civic center complex. This would bring the s.ize of the property down to Jess tban five acres, asswn1ng joint use oi parking in the civic center, Newport con· lends. ' " · Co.sta Mtu..aml'ltti_t~"*acres_js_the amount of · land specilled by the county's Real Properties Ser• vices Department and that if Newport can propose a mulli·story structure. so can Costa Mesa. F'urther, Costa Mesa is proba-bly willing to toss ·in some free ~king of its own. -A key argument advanced -for the· Costa Mesa site is its imm~iate availability. Newport ha• yet to figure out the financing of its proposed civic center and it is known to be several years away. It is known that the judges:..lto sit on the bench in tbe local municipal court favor the Newport site. This attitude probably .is based on a feeling that the Irvine Center· site would be more effective politically If the municipal court bouildaries are-adjusted to take in land rlo\\'n the coastline "Bt a later date. Moreover, one suii;. oects the judges favor a site where they just might have an ocean view from their office windows. All of these. arguments. and more, are now being studied by the Real Properties Services Department. The department will report to the board and a decision is exoccted !\·tav 20. \Vherever the building goes. it is bound to be a plum for the entire Harbor .A.rea . Undoubtedly, it will stimu· latP. conii;truction of office buildings and other facilitif'<r and remove a crushing physical burden on the present courthouse. McClellan. Co1nmittee in Action Militants to B·e ·Exposed WASHINGTON -A great deal of spade-work has been done by Senator McClellan and his invesligators and they will be able to make a good case that dozens or revolutionaries have been mov· ing from campus to campus fomenting a physical challenge to the esla~lished order on any issues that are handy. threatening to do so. • 'Hi There, General Hoo Dat Don Dar' 'Negative Space~ In Our Cities ( When Senator McCleUan has finished with the forthcoming hearings of bis in· vestipting subcommittee he will have produceCI a roster of revolutionaries which will aerve about the same purpose 1s public e1posure.;ol members of . the Mafia and of the l\.U Klux Klan. Their names, rec«ds and faces wiU be exposed lo the public and perhaps this will help to defuse a student revolt which is so far confined to a relatively few prominent campuses inyolving a small percentage of collep enrollment. SENATOR McCLELLAN will also estatiliah a prlma facie case that there is aome degree of cooperation between Students for a DemOcratic Society. the Black Panthers, the Revolutionary Action Movement, the Black Student Union. and the Student Non.violent Coordinating Committee. A few lnctindtarles may actually be: prosecuted by Attorney General John N. Mltcbell under the anti·rlot provisions of the Civil Rights Act of 1168 which pro- hibit any person rrom traveling in in· tersllte commerce with an intent to in· Ri chard:Wilson "'\, .. . •f'~ t,,,.r •, t cite, organize, encourage, or take part in a riot. Ali this should illustrate how little the federal government artuaUy can do under existing law. The withdrawal of federal funds which is so often suggested is • two.edged sword. Very tew of the students convicted of taking part in riots and violent demomtrations are among tbt? 2Q,013 studenls · in the course of rectivlni more than $143 million In educati_onal opportunity grants in 1.900 in· ""stitutions. Many more are ckildren of the middle and upper classes who~ receiv· ing no federal financial aid. and would be unaffected by recent federal guidelines denying aid to those convicted of rioting or disorder. l\IORE THAN .It wcent of the nation's lnstituUons of ·hight; education received federa l support totalling $3.3 billlon in 1967, the last ·year for which flgure1 have been published . Sen. Strom Thurmond of South Carolina is proposing that the federal government protect this in· vestment by pass Ing an "academic freedom protective act" making it a crime to interfere with the operation of a federally assisted institution by com· 1nitling an act of force or violenct or • Enforcing such an act would be a stag· gering proposition which ultimately could involve the Federal Bureau of Investigation and tht armEd services in an invasion of the campuses which would make shudders of apprehension run through the White House. In the end, the responsibilily for order on the campuses cannot be taken by the federal administration any more than it can assume the responsibility for lhe en· forcement of the crtminal laws of 50 states. The responsibility lies with the ad· rninistrators and the faculties o( the col· leges and universities. They can no longer shrink from the total challenge of the openly revolutionary storm troopers of Students for a Democratic Society who hav! taken lhe.ir positions on the bar· ricadcs lo destroy the universities and Amer~an society: 1N fHEIR QUAKING uncertainly. these faculties will never ,be able to sh ift their responsibilities to Washington. They \Viii have lo aupport suspending and ex· pe.lling the young men on the ban"l,cades who sneer at them as they prepare for their next escalation of violence and disorder. The faculties will not shrinl!: and shu dder in academic horror when the police. are called to restore order and \vhen the grand juries-are called .upon to act and the judges to sentence. Either that, or the faculties can surrender their o\.\·n academic freedoms . Flying Clubs Under Attack To the Editor : M a private pilot and flying club sup port.er, I would like to add my bit to th•~ ongoing airport ordinance controversy. First of all, however, in all fairness 1!1 airport manaeer Bresnahan, I would likr tG pobrt out that the copy cit the propos ed ordinance shown to me does not require n $2,400 yearly fee from flying clubs as ha~ been widely reported In your paper and elsewhere. The $1,400 fee is propMed for air t.ali .OO charter operations and. in fact. the rate schedule as presently writ· ten calla for no set Oying Club fee. . . ' . BEYOND THAT. however, 1 must ta1tr. e1ception to Cft'tain of Mr. Brunahan ·s propou.ls which"' are clearly and ad· mittedly aimed al eliminating "com- peUUon" for a bare hand.fol of C<l~ merctal business (aircraft sales.and ren·· ial, d e.) which are corru;nonly known as fii:ed base operators (FBOs). These poor f'BOs. for the uninitiated, are the people who occupy those lar1e and 'architec· turaI1y elegant new bu.ildiqp to the north and IOUth of the terminal. 'lbt "competiUoo'' which lls Wlde.r at· tack, the flyin& clubs, in ieneral consist --·-- Wednesday, Ml,)I 7, 181i8 Tiie <411orfa! page of U.. Dcilv Pilot 1t1kt to inform qnd 1~ u!atc rtodtr1 bu prf-1ertdtlO thU ntwpcsptr'1 opinlon-1 and °""" mrnto-rt1 cm topic• of iRtf-rtil mid llgnlfi<an«. bv provl!lbto a f0f1<m Jor the e.r;preasfmt o/ "our ttadfrt' opfnion1. and btt prc.JtnU#g the diwr'' vltw- polnl• : of "'tormtd ob,.,,,.,. mid IJlOl•"""' on Copia of Ill< day. Robert N. w .. d, PubU.ber -1iers /rom r.tadt:rJ art_ welco'"' ,'ormally toritfra 1hould conve~ Utt 1 rnessoge in 300 words or lest. Thi rjgh.f: to condeme letters to Ji& spacr or tlimina.U libel 11 re1erwd. #All letters m.ust include 1fQnatur1 and moiling addrt-ts. bvt namu mau b• tt"th'1ield on requttt if 111-ffident rea- joit ii apparent. of a group of aviation enthusiasts who coUecti''ely and on a• non·proflt basis share the expense of oPeraUng one or more light aircraft for recreational purposes. THE PA.er THAT the1e peoplt can Oy thetr alrj)lanes at rates considerably below those charged by the FBOtli for ren- tal is the object of the "unfair com· petiUon" charre. To st.ate my feelings on Uda slate of af. lairs as brie(ly as ,pos1lble, I seriously quest.kin the, right of the county to rqulal< Ille fl,vlng clubs for the benefit of &elect commerctal la~ts. and suutst tbal the Alrporl Comrilluloll ond Boin! al Sapenlocn ....U with .,..l cara 1111 Jcsislotloo to ll)•l purpooe. DAVID GOSS ll'"r c:-m••lt•' To Ille Edi!«: I _.l apin, as I have lh< fh·e previ~ ye.an, tMt "Your Community" with nuip ll!d ,._ Index. la our Encyclopedla of lnforrnaUon for the en- tire Colla Mtsa•Netrpe)rt Beach Area. In -response to tbe. sevtral 1houNnd 1n· quiriel we rtc:tlve In the maU e~h year, by lhooe ... ~1n1 lnlonn1Uon Ill Coortl Mesa, wt send one. THERE IS MORE lnlonnaUon In lh~ annual publication of the DAILY PILOT than in the pages of any other one :1ublicalion , in fact, "Your Community'' covers all the facets of gene.rat in· rormation about this are.a and is the. 1nost ''Omplete available source. You r ;iublishing this Encyclopedia of lnforma· -.ion-annually is-producing a most · ·aluable annual record of the annual rowth and progress of our community. .. •• • NIC~OLAS J. ZIENER Executive Manager C~ta ti1esa Chamber of Commerce Sa1alcctlon Crews To the Editor: Jn an.wer to A. J. D. in Gloomy Guli, April 30, In which he or shf! said, ''Do our IC1Cal trashrfteo take dead ain1 at the nower bed! With.the empty containers or do they just land there accidentall y' I comply with all t~ rules and I find tilt Ne~ Be&ch sanitation cre\.\'S ntost th0u1htful ind efficient. My flower bed~ art always proleeted by the!IC fine gentlemen. MRS. DEE COOK Dear Gloomy Gu: Welcome bade Air CIUromia, we n\lssed )"Oil! Llrult Ill the ltllder· wed loiks wilb lbeir "depr«:lat«f' pnll'<rty values enjOy..i ll1< silence. · -R.E.11. Tlllt lttlllf't ""~ ....... rt' ••• .,,.. "" ~u, ,.... " "" ....,.,...., . .._ '"' '9t ,_.,. • •"'""11 9tto 0.AY P'lltt. Thoughts At Lar1e: Art Hoppe The prime reason for congestion and lack of physical amenities in the large cities is thal "space'' is created by default rather than by design; it's what ls accidentally left over after buildings have It was in the 43rd yea r of our lightning been put down, parking·lots blacked out, campaign to wipe the dtta<I Viet-Narian and upressways sliced through , so that guerrillas out of west Vhtnnng .. Peace "negativ e space" is all the urban-dweller threatened in Paris. gets, • • Negotiations had 1*n under way for 10 In the unprecedented boom of the last years -five to.get all fGUI" parties to the decade, it is disheartening to realize that peace table and1ive on what shape· peace the two greatest "growth industries" in table to get all four parties lo. the U.S. have been -wii.rfare and It was then that the buxom fetmle 11·elfar!. • • • negotiator for the dread Viet-Narians, ·'A clash of doctrines," said \Vhilehead, Miss How Bot Dem, dropped a "should be regarded as an oppartunity, bombshell : She would h'e n c e f 0 rt h not as a disaster" -but when doctrines recognize the representative of the Loyal are not permitted to clash (as on most Royal \Vest Vhtnnng Govern m c n t • university campuses}, then this frustra. General Hoo Oat Don Dar . tion quickly turns i nto militant con· stoCks soared. Editorial writers hailed frontatlon, which solves nothing. but only the move as "a glorious harbinger of embitters and ~nt!enches both sides peace.'' And she was as good as her more firmly in their dogmas . \VOrd. • • • The following Wednesday. she""lOo~ecr-fn-lbe i940s. a calculaling machine that straight at General Hoo, whom she's sat could handle multiplications of.10 digits across from for 10 years. and ut· performed only a balf-doien operations in tered the historic words: a -minute ; t-o-d·a y, the third·gentration "Hi there General Hoo Oat Don Dar.'' computer can perform zt mllUon suCh As ihe ~erican and East Vbtnnngian operations in a minute -if you n e e d negotiators cheered, waved nags and some graphic idea of the acceleration or clapped ·each other on the back, General i~fo"!11ation~utput ir. this new age . we lloo looked at her coolly. ';And who," he hve 1n. said. "are you?" Stocks plummeted. "JUST A r.tlNUTE," said the crafty East Vhtnnngian Premier. Ho Chi \Vh iz, as the 6374Lh meeting began breaking up. "You have us over a barrel. We have decided lo cravenly yield to every single one of your demands." Stocks soared. The U.S. negotiator, P.tr. l·lenry Cabbage. was stunned. "Every demand?" }Je asked. "Every single one," said Premier Ho • • It is one of the gr!at enshrined myths ol our century that "research makes pro- gress ," but this is only one side of its coin -too oflen, "research" merely en· coura ges us to perpelrate new mi.stakes before we have le&rned lo escape the painful consequences of oW errors. • • •• We ?erate modem youngsters for lack· ing "respect for · their elders"; but ho\v much respe<:t does our society bavc for ... ,~. . "'1~·r-,· .. ft.;.; ,\ ... '1' ~ .,,;;is·"1 , 1 ...... ~ .. _· '.· .. , -, t< ney . n _ ~.·.· • ' « ~t ·,· ' "· ~"' ... ··~-!.~~ its elders, when three out of every live households with tlie head 65 and over ha ve incomes of less than $3,000 a :vear, which suggest they are living meagerly on Social Security paymepts and other government programs? • • • Speaking of youth. one maxim that ought to !:le lacked up on dormitory walls is Rosenstock·HUt!ssy's: · ' Sex u a Ii t y I.trows no ligh~ upon lo\·e, but only through love can ~·t. learn to understand sexuality." • • • ln ancient tinies. a successful warrior was thought to be competent in running the affairs or state ; in medieval times, a successful churchm an ; in our time, a successful bureaucrat on the other sid! of the Iron Curtain, aod a successful businessmar, on our side -what we have not grasped in all these centuries is that no special class or elite ls specifically gifted in running the affairs of state, Ind that success in one field is no-i1Jmmlee of proficiency in another. • • • The truth of the matt!r in the academic controve rsy between the •·teaching machine" and the "live p~ fessor " is that while no teaching machine can stimulate and motivate students one· hundredth as effectively · as a good live professor. at the same time a teachiag machine is probably far more effe<:tive than the mediocre or dull professo~. who make up about 90 percent of academia . ilt stands, in fact, in about the same relationship 3l!l a computer to chess : the computer can easily beat 99 out of 100 ordinary players but would sland no chance against a true chess expert.) " craCt ily. "Fir.st of all, we yield to your dc1nand thirwe Withdraw Uif -100.000 troopll we don't have in West Vhtnnng in return for your withdrawing the 500,000 American troops you have in West . In the Eye of t~he Storm Vhlnnng." . "f\farvelous!" cried Mr. Cabbage. ''Let's not be hasty," said General Hoo nervously. "SECONDLY," said Premier Ho craf· lily. ''\Ve agree lo stop sending the ~ million in arms and supplies we've been sending annually to the Vlet-Narians in return for your stopping tht $5 billion "'orth you've been sending to the Loyal Hoyal Government." "Glorious!'' cried Mr . Cabbage. "No more American arm.s and money?" Jaid General Hoo, blanching slightly. "And lastly." said Premier Ho craftly ''We agree to your demand that tree elec- Uona be held throughout the ountryside or \\'hich we control a percenL" "What a triumph!" cried Mr. Cabbage. ''Are you out ol your UuD?" inquired p.neril Hoo. !\Ill CAUAGE made an eloquent vic-lorJ speech In wbkh be said lhal now the CommuntaU had yielded to evel"J idn.gle U.S. demand. Peace was inevitable. "All Ame:rian boys will bt brought home, Ammcan money wil1 be spent for • othtt purpoats and," be uld. "free tie<> !loo• will determine the popularity·ol lhe Le}'tll Ro)'ll Government." IL wu al this point that General Roo, •lier 1101ne reflection, torned to Mise How Bot Orem. "I'm llOfl'Y I didn 't rteognlie you after all lhf:.51 )'Cart," he &aid. "I cuess it's that you've aged to much.'• Stock• plummeted. And ll1< war con· Onu"" for 27 mo,. yearl. 'T • ii Now In the eye« a'-Slldden storm. Dr. ti1ary S. Calderone, "' of . the most respected; effect1ve and active authorities on sex education Ir. this country, stanch saatt&ed at from the left by charges ~t sJie "mouths old platitudes," and ~ sefm:ty buffeted from the ri1ht for spreading "pornography." ~ An 'accurate woman with blue eyea as direct as her mind .and a .c'!rriage 1 as upright as her principles. she remalm determined that youog Am~ri,can' un· derstand sexuality as a responsibility Clrlld a creative force far beyond sorry dlstor· lions. · , · ' u1•0' UKE LW of the smtll of sex permeating aoclety today. bu\ 'shoUJd' isn't 'is' "·rqy mother 11aJCI: t11les,8 the adult world is goin1 back to control by rules that are enforctd, the only counter i1 adequate preparation in order to pro- tect the yoUJI&." A daughler ot the irt•t photogr1phu. Edward Sltlchen, Dr. CaJderooe.took her medical dqree at the Unfvtrsfty ol Rochester ml 1 M"5ler ol PUbll< Heallh degm at Columbi11 University. AS MEDICAL 01.RECl'OR or the Phul-- ned Parenthood J.'ederatJm o( America. she becl.me so stkred by the l'lutnbtr and dearee ol rtqueats for help In stx educa- tion tbat slle re~l1ntd In ordt•\ In 196-t. to become a founcicr I}( the Stx ltlformalion and Educ1Uoa CoollCll o/ the Unll..i States, an organlr.atjon .U)at one.rs no COW'IU oo 1 se1 but setvts as consultant -only on requnl -to ICbools and reli~. mtdlaJ and profes5ional groups on lhtl~ own J>l"Ol1'l1DS. • l • ·,,. I .. • ~uestReport , l ' ' . .,· AS EXECUTIVE direclor ol SIECUS. Or. Calderone has become a shining target for militant misunderstanders: Surprised, rueful, .unshaken, bulwarked by recognitions and awards (most recently a Spirit of Achievelnent award presented in New York by the Albert Einstein College of f\tediclne). Or. Calderone said, "I don't mind the at. Lacks. l'm si1ty·five. I know Whol am ." !\fay tss~. VOGUE Maautne 1---B11 6eorp -..--, Dear George : l wanted to buy my nephew In New Yotk. City L.J>OQY for his birthda,y but I've ptten 1 lelter from the little tyke -actually he'a 17 now -saying he would llke to have something called a "buter with a shou1der holster.'' Perhaps I a·U\ check Into UU1 but, first. do you think· he would have e.nough room in New Yark Cltr to ride a pony? AUNTIE AGATilA Dear Auntir : \Vit h a heater In A shoulder holster he \fill. fStod your problems 10 George snd do 90methin1 conatruciJve ·-)'OOf-. Or, do both.) • • I I ' . · YOI:. 42. NO. :109, 4 SECTtONS, 66 PA6ES -1 Hire-your--oWri . ' . By .THOMAS FORTUNE • Of tile DlllY !"tiff .,.., Sluljtnts are going to get to recom- mend on hirina of two percent of proo- feu:n at UC Irvine but no ooe today seemed quite sure how it will be dooe. Two . large questions r em a I o unanswered : -How will students go about recruiting? -Will professors tl!ey hire be forced UP.OD acadeinic departments even tbOugb ·. . . ..... .. • • Risks Told .. ; . --In Phony Doctor Case By TOM BARLEY Of .... 1MllY .... at.ff • Robert Ervin Brown's alleged practice of. cardiology was comparable to a layman taking the place of a heart sUrgeOO Jn the opeiating room, a FuUerton surgeon testified t o d a y in Superior Court. Dr. Paul Ovando told the court in the second day cf the 'fonner electronics tecltnician's trial that patients under Brown's care 6'ran tremendous tisks" in innocently submitting themselves lo him for examination and <µagnosis. .And ·he recalled the collaboration between Brown and himstlf in an instance where a 73- year~ld palitnt died while in Brown's .. ,.. Ovando and an estimated 103 patients knew Browq as Pr. GleJUl Lyon Foster, lht U~ve,.ity of ~' ni,edjcal llK:bool speciaUst who testifiea Tuesday that Brown used his name over a five-~ period of practice al a Ful!rdoo clinic. Brown, 33, was arrested Feb. t2 •n_d,,~rged with 17 counts of ~ memcu>e without 1 lkel!e foiJOwini police investigation of his alleged m ... querade as a cardiologist. If Ovando became suspicious of Brown during his contacts with the Birmingham Alabama man at the clinic he did not testify to that effect today. He outlined the procedures they used toiether in the treatment of cardiac 'arrest (hea..rt at- ~ck) patients and indicated that Brown did nothina: during that time to excite suspicion. . But he did sltesS "the grave danger" pcsed-to heart patien!s-by Brown'11c· tiQDS, particularly thbse patient. who might become eligible '°' cometive heirt surgery. "Accurate and thorough di•~is is vital and it ~·t possibly be given ,by a .lay.man however well in· foi'med he mlght be," Ovando said. An earlier witness did not hesitate to point out what she said waa "an enormous error" by Brown, the ordering of a highly toxic drug in .a quantity 20 times higher than that nof0la1ly prescrib- ed .• Newporter Inn Finishes Major ------- New Addition • A ftw years ago when the Newpo1 te1 Im'• growing pains were acute its· cen- trti~atalf told their new boss that they'd 1tl.y Ori because the hotel complex teem- e{l ... tikt "a large bird ready to fly." lt did. And now the pains are over and the growing continues. On Friday the latest stage of the bm11 growth will receive its official christening -the 118·room Terrace area ovtrlooklng ~;Bay. The $2-mlllion, semicircular cluster in- clUdes :1 huge, mundering swilmninc pool, guests• quarters, coolerence roama and a "carousel" room for large 11tbef. ..... . iltO Terroct II the lalat segment ., • lines of additions to the rambling hotel . ' . "'"'..,........ JAtKIE.~INGTON WEARS JUNIOR-MISS (ROWN-sn.,11 l'Kkail• of Brafii1, BNuty and Graco · · Beach Coed Crowned Junior Miss of America Jackie Beningtorl of Huntu;gton Beach youth and their elders, MW Denlngton, Tuesday night charmed, talked and 18, approved of the idea of youth protest; cartwheeled her way to the America's but. s~ested ,protest "'through a J · 1.J"•~-.:1-1 ~ore • nat·i-·I legislative means, rather than violence. un1~r. 1•~, u e ~1 --"Young people lhould letm bow to televwon audience. negotiate w it h their tlders," she said. The blonde, bl-yed •lraighl A.IW-"Proia! sbould be through a peaceful --'dem--.-~-wea crowned-mee.n1; - $b1 natiua~•·ideal blab""·ecbooJ ~ Cltl Jn the taJent division the put on a swirl- In Moftllo, Ala., to, cap !he week-foag lnf'dllplay ol free exercise and modern :Am~'• Junior Mla _..L dance lecbnJques. She · tumbled and Her selection 'f:nl_iil the 50:conteUnb cathrt;teeJed her way 1cross the sta&e liun all' <Mr .0,0 .nllllon llAl'llOd lier and back apin oeveral limtsJn lbe final $10,000 in acllOiar!ldPs fllul ,di{~,181 obe event before !be judges ~ !be i.a ~ •warded "8fl)ee In~ -In five. lliW1'U .•nd finally her le!\iCiion os U!e youth lltnm ml 1ebolartblp the naliOn'• Junior Miss. divi.siOos ol the pm:ipetwon. • , . . . • Ker mother. a n d father, Mr. ind Mrs. Second place .-mt to Anitl~Colombo of Ortbant-Benfngton, <if '6191 Gumm Drive, ~st. Louis, Mo., lhircfto Dee Aim Alltn. of were at the pageant to watch their MiDot," NJ)., with AM Landtt of · daughter win the national crown. Brother Arkansas and Mary Anne Struckmeyer of Steve, 16, was watching at home on color V......., alid In U... top five. •. te!eYl&fon. • , ochoof--16.lool!ibepirthe·t,..!s Fer Miss Beninglon ti!.• road to fame willi a .ltrlel lapR· of _..,. when Ille bepn In tile local Junior Miss contat at .mild DOI comdly ldealill Uoyd Georte · Hmillnat<>n Beach Hlglt School llqed by u ·\bo prime,..._ ot•a-t•BrilalJi . lbiJoyeees. Fromtherelbecompei.din dartlif Werltl\111(" From1bn>Oll:bor tb0,-1inaJa lll<f won lhe•lllll Junlnr ..... ot "8'1la1r""' Mi. lflle'ln Gorden•Grovt. fM··tiaitloa>46ltbebNlitloel Wwea .. undertaken by both the launding ..._ ' meiilaootbepresenlownerlhip. . 1.1'..-Wai 't-B• • .. WEDNESDAY, MAY 7, 19'9 • Plan:~ Will It rank of associate profeisor. Shapiro's contract has &nOther year to nm. and student dissident.a !ay they will l\IUest next shchool year be he rehired under· the two percent ~ for fall, 1970. That left Brannan without a job for next fall.. Buf Brannan lllid today be has a job oller from UCLA II looks like be will. accept. The offer is to teach In ari experbMntal college program, and Brannan a.id if Irvine ever gets an experimental college, Work? wtth course offerlnp llr.U..r tl>an·lndl· tional 1ubjects, he might be lnltmled In COmil'!g ba<:k, _ _ Dean ol Social Sciencel James March says there is one poaiUon in b!S di:Nion not filled for next year and be bu tokl a •Indent ""'P of $ocial -Jlmict• Fellows they. can make Ille ._ mendation. The one.year appointment can ·~ ht any of the social science fields of 'all• • (See UC ffiVINE, Pap. II ' Bucher 'Grounded' Pueblo Skipper to Study for · Master's WASHINGTON (UPI) -Cmdr. Lloyd "Commander Bucher bas Indicated to the M. Bucher, aijppe.r of the USS Pueblo, BW'eau of Naval Personnel . that be is ·has been given an uslgnment on land, very pleased with this uaignment." the Pentagon announced today. Bucher was ordered ti> report to the Bucher was assigned to the Navy's school in July tor a ye,ar's course, in post-graduate school at Monterey 1 Calif.. which be wlll be Wor~rif toward a for a one-year "management" course, master's degree in managem~t. the announcement aa.i.d. A· military spokesman said Bucher had The Navy Tuesday overruled a Board said he wished to receive post-graduate of lnquiry t b at rteommended e<iurt~ _. txaining in his next 9&8ignment. martial tri~Js for Bucher and the in-The Navy itself is now awaiting a telligence A>£ficer of the Pueblo, which verdict from Congreas on its role in the was captured by North Korean pnboats loss o( the Pueblo affair. without a fight in January, 1968. The Pentagon also annour.ced the hew Today'• Pentagon announcement said: assignments for other Pueble> officen and men whe> are continuing their Naval careers. ~ forcUle officers are: LL Edward R. Murphy, Fleel ml -marine School, San Diegoj Lt; 81epben a. Harris, Naval Security Group ffead..· ·quarters, Washington, D.C.; and Cbkf Warrant Officer Gene H. Lacy, 'Nhll Supply Center, Seattle, Wash. . A special House Armed Servicee .0. committee is writing a rep>rt .all the Pueblo affair based on several weelr:I ot public and secret beaMnp. The report is expected te> be published wit.bin two weeks. I Mesa Council Given Praise. .>uyGiieiiit Aircraft Tak~ffs Mr• Darrilyn Oliver, -... vl,. force bel\Q! U>e;Coola,)f ... ~paid a. . Wilt ·lo lllji Cfly. ~ lliil w a.e,t to lloltK the paitple Mid offlciala· al Colla )! ... for thelr asslllloce tOd !lqiport.. The Cool!llelieft his ended with )he shipment of 125 ....., of cookies, gum and goodwill to U. S. atrVicemen in Viet- nam. Members . of the Cliy Counctl praised Mn. Oliver for her wOrk, and Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley added, "We must not forget what these young men are doing, now or in the future." Mrs. Oliver allo received praise [rom an ~cwhen;laier-ln the meeting Ted C, Boloeh. atlelldlng to pro. teot on alleged two-fool encroachment by a garage onto 1 piece of his pre>perty, said, "I wish Mrs. Oliver hadn't left the meeting to 900n. 1 wanted to say that she has done a good job, but 1 st.HI think city buiJdinp should' be used for city business." · Deadpanned Mayor Pink-ley, "I wish Mrs. Oliver hadn't kit, Ted , so you could have met hei." Student Hitches Ride, Robbed At Knif ~p_Qint Cost.a Mesa po 1 i Ce today a r e ln- mlipting ·a report Iha!' 1 hftd1hlldng Orange Coast College student was rObbed of '7S Tueeday nigl!t by two bile- wi<lding -ill. ' P-Sdluyler Roth, 111, ol lllV.·2!11h r;t., Newport Beedi, told .P.lice that he hitched a ride: ~me at 9:15 p,m, from Orange Codt College With tw~ men tn an old Chevrolet. As tbe car headed north on Fairview f\Oad, Roth Aid, one of !be .men )>ull'!I .oot a krrlfe and demanded his money, cut~ ting him on the left band as be did flit· , 1be mai drove Roth into the Me,.a del Mar tract in the noriJI end of~ Mesa· where he pve them the money. They lei him out and be-walked away, hi1clllng -ride Into Newport Beach, ..titre be notflled pollco. Newport-Mesa f onde~~. • ,~, I ' >' .t! ' ~ • ! ' • • $55,000 Noise Mu·f#liir · By THO!llAI l'OlmJNB ..... .,..,,,.. .... Ntwpor\.M-·edtool .indaJa today are wondering whetl!er lo ·spend 151.000 lo muffle aitoralt noloe fi>r the Eul!J!Ufl elementary school soon to be built beneafll.Oranse CounQ> Airport's llkeoff corridor. The money we>uld be for an air con- ditioning system so windows coula be tightly sealed against out.side sound. WI bout" air condJUoni_[l(....Ul~-wtndt>ws would need to be opened tio a bol day. Trustees were, told the magnitude of the problem Tuesd>y night by coll!Ulling engineer DonaJd Loye who recently made a atudy o( aircraft noiae 1t the school site. In a two-hour period one morning, he said, be recordea $1 planes and helicop- ters pass overhJad. All were in the 80 tO . 90 decibel raoge. • A year-long survey be just completed for the Les AngtJes school system, be said, showed •s decibels to be the ac· ceptable noise level for a classroom. . Loye said the situation is not particularly seriGUS J'IC>o,r, but recom~ mended that !be board consider carefully the future of lbe airport In comlni to a decision. An:hitecl R I c h:a r d J(emp. of Loo Angele1, said be etqted.s teachers could pause in their instruction',and live with five airliners per hour at the preent Ume. . He said .an alternapve' wmild be not to put .. lncolr COl!dlt!Onbig right •*•Y but.to booSt-the electrlcfll system at a cost of •1 .o.oo so air conditioning could be added liter. ' • . Supt. William Cunningham said he lean;ed toward that aolutie>n. since in put- ting in air'coodltioning the board' would be rpeculaUng on. what will be the Juture of the airport. Board member . Boderick Ma~llan retiilnded that the acbdal dfltricthis nine ICbooll -·Ille takeoff pa!Wn Ind grumbled, '""-I in an e·h I con- -au-lboultl •be taken care of by ' wbOtver thinin there ll a·IW ln·jtll., ~ auper airport." ne board asked Supt. OH•ctwn· to I • e<1me back With a. recounP""'llltn at · their next meeting taldni Into con-- sideraUon the effect of aircraft Doile· at other schools. Youth Committee I . ~Hearings ~Slated Orana:e County's W b l t e Rouse Celt· '""nee Committee on Youth, wlifch. will send reprete0taUveo to the While Houle Youth Advisory Commll!ion ~ next year, will bold public-b~ Thursday. The bearirigs, open to allr par:iicularty young peOple,· will be held from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. and agiin from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. 1n the Forum at SiiddlebaCk Hlah School, 280'l S. Flower St., Santa Ana. Superior COurt Judge Willimn Murray will preside at the aessioo, where youth will have .its chance to v~ice 1ta ~ on the problems of youth, in order to "Htibllilrpnonues o concern. NEW YORK (AP) -The otock market closed towu today, with broker• 1'PoJ'.lin& pr9Jit.t.aki.na :Prt¥ure. (See quotations, Pages ~4:~). . Orange ·coast •weil&Mir The sun will l*l\lhnlUlh Tl\Url- day'• clouds ' tempor..U, but Ille mertury, -~ -., .... al "'""'"' from Uio middle ••• aloal lht' Onqe·Couk INSmE TODAY Growidbrealdng on the terraco -In ~ , ~ , ig lad oi 1918, and ~ -h. • s· . := :~~°"'i!:t:~; .• n;po,;;,1t--.E-:o'n_,.o~.u~g":']·-r-::=-n-o=-t=i--.~C -IDitZ-eX With the opening of the lerract the ~ • mmtte complex' will have • room total A play(ul.Grt.at Dane .m· the bact seat or 350. Beside• the rooms rot' guests the caused •Lot Angeles woman· to Joee eon. of 350. Besides the rooms (Qt guest& the tror of her car in Jjewport Beach Tueai!a)' Terrace iocludel rive rooms largt enough evening and cruh iflto another, then end lo< banquets ml board mtttlngs Ind a up fn a pile of rocks, police repon.d. large carousel banqutt room IC• Clare. 8. Wai.Ion, 21, of t,.. Angeles comiilodaUng 600 dihers. suf(t'red a cut knee and bruises bl ·the Al with mOO. aoulhem Californit com-freak crash oin Irvine Avenue 10I fed mercial tfo<ielopmtnts, the inn 11 a -al 211!1 Street. ThO driver o1 the rtlalive infant, bol m Its bqjnnfns u otbercor, lloloret Joy.Law er, 34, ol DI Jliol anothei\ wa-1 motoi mttf, ii lfl&hland Aff., WU not hurl, h911eqome ~I~ willl 1 llamp all Polfci Ille! the q._....uy jumped its own. 1 on Mn. W1bon'1 btct1 ca'USfnJ her to (ilee NEWPOllTEJI, Pap ti) ~ ~ coniro.I of tlte car. ·1 S~CRAMENTO (UPIJ -The Senate today VOied oruwbelmingly to euthotize parents to ......,.. their children from tel educailoo ~ ml .called · on ecboOI dlalrtcts to .top developmeot of ""'-.. C!Om'IU. ~ 'Ibo bill by Sen. Joltn G. Schmitt to live parents a AY. In the t..chin& of IU ... 9'nt to I.he .... .., ... , ....... alter Ille-~·flte -.. ·--phy-counll ol Ille anal<llny." . A comt>Oftlctn molllfoo alto-~ by Scbmilz (R·'.J)Wln) ond •Pl>fO'<<d ii-I.I. ... ~ice .about. .... c1 ...... lhal they do not would uk diJtticb to freeze au edl.ICa· want thtlr ChUdren to see. tJoft course de~ell'f'ii>ent until • ~ "To· 1otte partnts to pu~ theJr dlildrea !Mlalature can lnvallpte Ille enlfr< 1110. 1 la denial of ... ...:. •• ~ · • ' n aex counea: •a · ._....,_ -scla.iti Aid the ·--.. to lreeckm," be uld. ----f!vm. ml ,..y Provlliorur.ot 111e ltlD -iii -..11 a bi ltannlul In~..., -edliCIUitri pro-rnJodimleinor '"'' oCltool to "!lJllr'8 .....,.."He Ulil netlhl!'-wu In--to tan-cla-. llpannll ob-_ lo.,_,. Ille '"'*"'"ny.• JOC1 In wrltlng1 'l'ba -. mllll-· aflo •But It II 1< way to betln to find a oolu· fumfoh Ille moterllllt 1*Cf In Ille cluin Ueo," be Aid to probleina many pereets for the ,,.,...ts to review. ·' , " . • -" -. ~== ...: ~ " -. _.. ....... ,. -y ............. ' ......... " -... -· ... Alllt&..-. "" -. ,...,......._,. .. "'"""' .. I -.. ...... , ... "' ,.. .......... ., .. __ ... .. .. ==--= --..•.. -.. .... --,.. -·. -, . ....,._I f == J; ' I -__ '!__"---------·~------·-~------------~-~-~----~L...-~--~----~=-~~ ___ _._ __ ' I --- 2 llAll.Y Pll.OT , c \N;'f 0' ' ,, ., "· 19'9 • ' PILOT LOGBOOK· • .. I ' , • . l1!i~e'll Alway~.~~e Race , ~: ~nsenada-But Whr.?· • t CGme M1y, 19'111, there will be ano1ber Eoaenada r1«. · "~By .11111 llmr, llani4' aeyooe bu! lbe wlJmor cu Id! you who ""' W. ,.,.,_ . • . Alld In ID blbllJly, Ill IOO o! thole 'In W. )'Ul''• race will uve for- •-Ill the hard!hlpo and fnlltraUoas end will be on Ille llartlng line qain. Tiie r..,. tueil will be fraught with Ill the IJ'llll'll<nu -whether to "co, lnalde or ®tside'f -and UCU1e1 of why "I was In the wti>ng Place when the wind lljleil 1n." By the lhrie 'the yachlaln<n get to Ensenada 'they wlD be greeted bJ &he' same horde ol unwaahtd "hlppita" who flock to Enltnlda by motorcycle end camper, and who will have afrea<t; started lwdlinc up lluloonc'• IDll'P" rltas and usoried otlll!r tequila concocUona. By the Ume the yachtsmeo get through aleeplng olf on U 24 or more of changing beads'ls. the unwubed crowd wW be tlfen mn unwuhed, 10me of them wallowing In their own vomit or stag- l«loc down the main drag ibovini yilchtsmen oU the •ldewalk and maklni lewd nmarb to their wive1. " .. -. • •• . ... With Mrs.' . ,.. . -By "1LL14M REED 01 "" DWI.-,,,., ..... hearing her screlnt! called an ambulance • and po!Jce. . Palm Sp~ln1s po!Jce announced. today • She ia repor}ecl,thil lnoroinl ., 1n "fair that they a~ about to ..._ ~ tn-condition, about the ~" according to a v~aUon of tho !'IJoollnc of ~ lfu!t:. ~J ·lpok_.., '11.ri.,Ptek 4 ,ahol Ungton Beach_ toelallte Mooday and the , once with a .lklllber piitol and ljolpllal apparent .Wcide " a Lon& Beach mudc:: «nclals aid today the slug'still has not prof....... -mooved. ' . • ' Olficera aaid that the!' l1lUll In1avmr "Appareri~ fnln. wllat I heard doc· -e p,.t, II, of 11111 Goldm Wal tors "1e to Ood tt a\ I"*•~' but I SL tooay to cloae the booka .., the -blqw In maey ·-bU!Jets "" not Which beg.an about 11 :30 a.m. MCllday al telnoved Uno ~to life er functions Mn. Poet's d...rt rmol al IOI! N. Nfst," said a~ siipervisor. Sunrise Way, Pain> Sprlnp. Lt. llulslalldOr ..,id·Triphon described Officers said that at this time it ap-his Niaftint aixt police began a selirch to pears Mn. Peek WU ln Palm Sprina;!I to find the gunman. discuss a land purchase deal with West About four hours ·after P.trs. Peek nad ~ Angeles real estate man George been shot,, two plainclothes officer'! gpot· Tr1phon, 39. · ted the abandoned car belona;ing to or Tl'iphon told officers that he had been Peter.son. About the u.me time they 111,;. in another room of Mrs. Peek'a apart. him walking away from them. He wa s ment when a man later identified as Dr. two and one-half miles from the Peek !Awrence L. Peterlon, 57. of 114'1 Kw. apartment and walking alone, polli:t..#id. 1n;ton Road, Loi Alamltoe:, .hunt ·into the One officer aliouted, 11stop'', 1 -• apartmenL Peterson walked away . He Aid be heard a mt 9CUlne and Again the plaJnclothes officer shouted • ~crowd Ill H_,.a will be 1pllliq out onto the ttnet and Mexican ,_, ... c1oa will be met)lodtoolly haultnc all the more e111berant. ID tbe back of the Hotel Bahia, tbe non-yachUng crowd will be passed out on tbe lawn or makine love i111ide their open campen. BOB TAFT LEARNS ABOUT BOATS FROM' GitoUND UP lntvitablt Stndint 11 AllO Pert of .tM Jab ••then a lbot in the front room," police lo Dr. Peterson to halt. reported. . Peterson ran a few steps from the two 'trlphon told officers tbal be 11W Mrs. o~ficers. ~ed a .J5.caliber· autematic Peek nm down the hallway "with blood pistol from hi! coat pock_et stuck Jt into pouring from her atxlomen." his mouth and pulled the triQer. On a Saturday afternoon. the yachtsmen will gather on the lawn back of the Bahia to cheer tbe trophy winners and commiserate with those who almost in.Ide il There will be the uaua1 crumblin& about "that dumb race commit- iet" and a few still ... ting protea! forms. ~ S~ay morning the yachtsmen will be arriving at U.S. customs at San D1eg~ in droves after a night of beating up the Baja california coast. Lunch Ill San Diqo Yacht Club and th<n the lone beat back to Ne~ or other Eswncia Student,s Take "I tried to keep tha~ man (Petason) He staggered and fell to the curb at the out" '1rlpbon ii reported 11 ta.vine told intersection of Biskra Road and Joyce police. "He hll me over ~ ~ with the Drive, officers uid. buU of the gun and I went dGwn." Dr. Peterson was pronounced dead on He wu later treated for aevere bead arrival at the same hospital where Mrs 'home ports. .,,... !'nd when tt'1 all ovt;r tbm wD1 be a e.bcnl of "never agalna" -moe:t • of which, Uh lhil yeu'1 wimlen, wm havt been forpten. New Course in Plastics injuries and releaaed from the deltrt Peek was to undergo surgery for removai hospttaL Police still have not dellnlttly of the bull~t in her abdomen. Ui>bd tbe gun W'ecl to llboot M(J. Peek Completion ol the 1nv .. tigaUon and with lh!' one Uled to beat Tripbon er the cloolng of the booka llil1 awllll an ln- ona llllid to kill PeterQI. . terview with Ml'I. Peek who Is reported Even lhil nparl<r wtll be back qatn -Ill ono capaclty or another And when ·It'• Ill over 111 qaln be ••""'• ID)'Sdl the asme --•on" "Why?" -... ............ By JANICE BERMAN Of "" ..... , ... ltetl' 1«11 .manufadurers. such u Cabot Corp. of Santa Ana and Columbia Boat Co. of Orange, recognize the need, and have doitated tbouSanQs of· dollars in materials and equipment to Schureman'• cluses. Lt. ·car1 Hula!•oder Aid Mn. Peek under heavy sedation at the holpltaJ. Lt. then ran downatalrt from the. two-Hulsander said he would taJt "1th her. bedroom, hr~ apartmenl al the today and hopes "abe will oubotanllate' CooUnenlal Gardens Hotel and ,nelll>bors our tbeori., and that will be lhaL" Student Asks for Better About 50 &.tancia High School. atudenll are enrolled in a new course of study that will prepare them for additional training or for a lifetime hobby. The students get to keep what they make, Md they pay for their own materlahl for larger projects. Even so, being able to make a dW'Je buggy body is ' From Page 1 Balanced Cafeteria Menu The Industrial arts program thla year Includes plastics technology, a course that is open to students interested in joining the n.atian's fourth largest in- dustry, u well as to students who relish the opportunity to work with their hands in creating things they thought they had to buy tn a &tore. UC IRVINE HIRING ... a aavin& over going out and buying one. thropolocy, ecooomip, I 'o Ir a p h 'f, tos, someone to live In the dorms and The plasUcs shop Is busy. Gary Gailey ~ .::""'• poydlololY or IOCloloey, give speecli., Friday nigh!!, or a ll'UP A ballnced cUel Is mono Important than freedom to -templtn( foods, a junior hi&h -llrl told NeirpoR.llaa --Tuetday night. tall 1-1.s, an eighth grader at 'feW'mkle lntermadiate School, presented petitm ~ by 31 students u\lng that junior -be offered'""" nutrittoUI f by achoo! cafeterias. Mial Leentr13 Aid ahe wanetd to set a ba!wnd ma! altered at 1 tel price u In ' . . . ~~~e Freeway ·Dedication Set '!'!>a lint l<8IMl'I of Ille Orange ~,.wf>kh-...atiillly will knife lb W!i:r'<lon tile San1a Aua River to the ,..;opu;..,.,;m .:i... ileclleatecl 1n Fullerton Friday, May ii. . Tbame ol the outdoor ceramooies 11 "Frern the Mountains to the Sea." wbldt describe! tbe ultimate route of tht freeWay. ' Tbe four"-lane bi&bW&y, •JIG known IS &ute 57, linka the Rtvelride Freeway -Nutwood Aveoue In~ Slate plllll clll for the l"'°"ay, on -pletton, to run from San Dimas .south 'to Oran&e . Crunty's beach communities. Nell stage of -of the Oran&• Freeway will link the Riv...tdo Freew1y with Ille Glnlen Grove-Santa Alla Freeway o:::~ the dty of Orange. 'Illa! 11 alr<adjo adopted. Not ye! lldoptecl the Calllornla Highway Commlsaion Is a routa from <>ranee aouth put the San Diego Frteway to a ~nninus at the adopted roiJ.te o( the Pacific C:oast l'reewlf, on ' either the NOwporl Beach or Hunttncton Beach side of the Sanll Ana River. - DAllY PllOT Ol.&MGI COAS1 PV•ltSHlltO ~ leNrt N. Wee4 ,..,.. ....... " 1"11111 ... Jet.le l. Ctrl.., y .. ~ .... kntf .......... n-.. "'"'a .... The11111 A. M11r"'i111 "'-"'9trlt • .,,.. .... _ ...... )JO Welt t.y Streff M1 ltletM"1r11•1 P.O. t .. IMO, ft&J& --"......,, 8Mdo: mi..,.._.._.......,.,.. ' i..-t t1ne11: m 111.,..1 ..... t.:0•1111 le.tl1 _, Mii lfrlil elementary achoo!, Instead of 1 la cam, and l1arcby foods replaced by more veptablel. Twelve to 14-year-old children don't make very responsible use of their op- portunity for fret choice, she uid. "About 7li percent of the kldJ Ille lhe starchy foods and don't get the protein they really need," she remarked. She suaested the sJtuaUon wUI be even worse next yeaf when with convuslon to three-ytar middle schools 1ixtb graders become students at TeWi.nkle. MW ~ner:ta ,aid, "l rt•Uze th~ C111(frla ·JIU' to make ·• 1"1>flt but 'It shoaJd ieD fOOd beaHhfW fo kids." t BoOnl I'.-& Jamel "Bill" P<Yton thanked tbe -.ger, 00\ dilputed lier contenllon that tbe. cafeteria makei much .,,mt. . Under the guidance of lnstTuctor Robert Schureman, the boys are making screwdriver bandies, wall plaques, gorllla heads, lamps, bellyboards, boats, and cars. Pasties technology is one of the few courses Of its kind taught in any U.S. High SChbol, according to Schurernan. rn addition to the tedmica1 aspects of plutJc work, Schuremln's students are learning some of the principles of manufacturing, auch as qlltll.1ly control and the nei!d for 'pitde 111 ~llllllhlp. · Schufteihan, Who spent te.b·yeartlln'the plastics lndust(y1 ~1 :''There's· a ~ ....I J,cr fool>lo'-,wilh· )>Nie skilll 111 pla!t!Ct1; and~ for ad-vanced ............ ' " . . .. -~. .~ Early Bird~ Fly- First Pilot Game Entries In ssrays fiberglll! on the shell of a future March . of actors: like the Mime Troupe to live 00 quarter-midget racer, Bob Cornuke plans U.e J"llD¥ked, "ObViaul)y the recom-campw: for three months: · a mounting for his ape.bead, and, outside, ~ bu to be aceeptiblt . to me The student government, for its part. Bob Taft puts the finishing touches on a and tbe·chmce1klr: I ttdlill: H wlD be." has turned over the task of working .out cr-een 16-foot flberg!as boat:. There pops up \ht ,umettled ciue,,Uon. procedures to a seven-member Academic Boat. are popular itema. in the plartics Wlll•-haW·to a-the appf<J•al Affairs Committee. COW'le and models underway lnclude d "-b'.twut budi? .. . Bob Crane, a member of the sl.ude.llt kay&U, a_h)'droplane 'and dlnlby•. Chatrman oltlie,Academtc5enate Ken-committee, Aid they are working rlow on Sdmreman .p1ans· to tall:e the boat neth Ford 1ave his opiruon : proposals to bring to the chanctllor. He bu!ldm for a test nee down the "Presumably, faculty will also be con-abo noted students still hope to filJ !OIDe Colorado JUvtr next summer "the suited, although the principal advice to posb for next fall. smooth 'aide, not the rapids," be says.1 -the chancellor will come from students,'' "When contracts are iigned there may "!'lie ..ur.. liP l>eing -•"by he said. b<. som.e unljlled l'O'itions floating educatcn and lndu!try personnel aci'os! He conceded, "ln the beglnnina lhere around. There usual!Y have been:· h• the cwntry and many show, up at &tan-may be a certain st11pidon on students' said. cl.a for a tint-hand look. part that if the faculty 1ets involved the Academic Senate Chainnan Ford said Plans nut 'fear call for eight classes, student voice won't be beard." he too hopes several appointments can be but,' say achoo! officials, about 50 According to Vice Chancellor Roger made for next year and a long, drawn-out studenU: probably will have to be turned Russell, there aren't now any non· discusa1on over procedures won't stop away. departmental posta: to be tilled except tn any progress. One-fifth of Schureman's students plan Black Studies in whlcb student.I already He told why he thinks the Reiter pro. to 10 into some phase of the industry. But are being liven a large ~ posal pused whilt! one a couple of weeks othn have found a new hobby in step Rusaell aaid hi thhW tt wauld be just earller to give ltudenta the say on 10 per. with the .advances of lOl.IL'..centuQ' routine proc:tdure to upect anyone llll· cent ol new proleasonhlps (4 of 31 nut technology. -• '· g.,ted be·.u..u..ecl by·the people hrthe-·year) faUed declstvely. department." The Reiter rtsolutlon. was mere However, Cbainnan of History Henry paJatable, he said. because it diL-not Denyer Ousts Youths ~1eyer says he isn't so sure students will preclude a faculty voice and it referred ~ant the.ir profe!llor' plactd in tradi-. only to tentporary faculty a'ppolntmenb. Uonal departments. He Wd pamge of time wu a f._ctor. DENVER (AP) -Helmeled police car-"My hunch is the two percent provision · "Some·'professors who initially rta.i;led ried 14 youthful protesters from the Col-may well be applled to a new collea:e," he negatively thought the thing oVtr·-ind · Fint entries bea;an arriving today in an "early bird bonus" contest the DAILY PILOT iJ ataglng In coo)unctlon with the "DAILY pnm 2-for-1 Angel Day'' ·of- fering basebill fans reserved teat Uctet! at haH price. basis of human interest and orlg1nallty of orado Senate tod ay, 20 minutes after the said. "I could imagine the studenb would decided there were reasonable responsi· content Qf the written statements. group elbowed its. way into the Senate, find that a lot more useful." ble studegts sponsoring it," he ~uggested ·All "•• .. Jy bird" entries m"~ •-re-declared, "We don't think this is a Reiter told lhe Academic Senate he had Also, he noted, some profeS,,ors mtot~ _, utt• vi:: legitimat.E: body," and took Over the in -1•..1 that 11uden'" -'""t w··• to hire -pathy with •-.... -.1. t...;......d c>lved by ·the DAILY PIL()T by noon on uwN ~ ''""" -.,.. aena~ ·~ ,_,,... Mayll, rrrostru::::m:::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::':comm::::unl:ty::org::::aruzer:·:::fa:r:tbe::l:oca!::pet:::·:::conung::·::t:o:the:::ae:""'"':::·::::::::::::; The z.f...,I clay will be held Sunday, June I, al Aoahelm Sladlum. Tiit An,W are !Cbeduled to tan on lbe BalUmore Orioles that day in an afternoon contest. Tbe DAILY PILOT Is oUertng all' com· ers one free Ucket In tbe 13.liO and 12.liO price range for each ticket they buy in ~ same range. 'Ibe free tickets will be for reserved aeata: adjacent to the aeat.s the fw purchase. The "early ba;d" contest iJ open to all boys and gir11 up to lt yeari old. To en\er, each yobnglter ahcMd send in, along with hia or her Uclttt order, a 51.1.tement of 100 wc:rds or leu1beginnlng w\lh the-: "My lav..U. Ancel u ---beciule ... " 'nlree -. will be te!octod on lhe • The winners will be inviled to participate tn pre-game certmonies and will jlave the opportunity to meet their favorite'" Angel bueball players. Deadline for all ticket reservations for the DAILY PILOT 2-for-l Angel Day Is May 20. An order blank similar to the one which follows this article wHI be published daily in the sports section of the DAILY PILOT for the convenience of reader• wbo want to mall in ticket orders. Any number of UckeU .-from t.wo. to an entirf: stetlon -can be ordered. Groap pur<llUea by LilUe League teams, senior c!UJens' lf'OUPI. churcbel, clubs, etc., will be welcomed. Here ii an order blank for your con- venience: ~···························· • Clip and mall.-wlth chock· or rnonay ordar, to: . ' • 2,f.., I Ail .. 1 Day • Orantl CNllt Dally Pilot • • • CIO Public Sal'vlco Dipl. • 330 Yf· Bay Strnt, Costa Mesa, Calif. '2627 • (PLEASE PRINT) • • Nam• ........ ' ... ' .................................... ····· ·······: • • Stroat . . •·• ............................................. ' ........... . • • • • • • • • • a • • • • 8 Citj ................................•........... lip .............. • • • • Phiene ... ' ................................. --· . . . Ott. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • I want 2, 4. 6, 8, JO, .. : ................ rt served seau, all seated to-• • gether, at the June I Alt«i•1' vs. Orioles game at Anaheim Stadium. • , ~ J'.'ot eat!t tick•! purc11&1id, l will recil•e an adjacent 1 .. t lrae tmm • • the DAILY PILOT. J want $3.1101p .5{((c!i'ae one). tickets: .Enclosed.• • !1 $ ................ , I ~'1and tick el& 'will be sent to me by maU. • • I IUlderstaz>d Ibero can be no exc.ba111e If I later decide >to purchase • . • monrtlctets. • . . \ . . ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • " ' ' CONVENIENT TEAMS IANKAMElllCARD MASTU CHARGE ,nthofllltwllo __ ,,_. -liotnot-toflodL Matt:h yow style wftlt ow ___ ....,,lwl ••k n •boat o•r famous <>nnae ... ....-.' J.C. J.lump/u.iu 'Jewee,.., • ~ ..., • t ' • ' ' ' llll .N&WJl9RT AvtNOf' co~" ._.E'sA , ' (161 - 22 YEARS . ; , .Uf.j~ l:OCl.TION ' ~r'._3 :-=-PHONi -::. -· .. '4•..J,401 ' ' ' ' • • • ,. I .. I , I I I I I - OPIN SUNDAY 9 'llL I OFFICIAL •.• ,,,,,. .. , JntJrrlnfll . HING-TEN TEE SHIRTS IU.YI YOU SIDI ,., let.tf W1'wt ... '• , , , lwlnlrieu1 ... """' ....,., .u nr1,.. .. Ill tf tlM "tM" ttlen. Slut s.M-t..XL '6 $7 a11d $8' I lllWI I FUllY llN£D CPO SHIRTS Mt..,li.. ........ :".:i"""' ... """9 _IL drt1 $M- L I lew Shipment! Tht bolt ii tht httrt of whit tNny shooters ctll tht flnut .1111-eround big· . a•m• rifle mtde. Snick it open. You'll * the 1tror1gr1t tetlon tvtr put in 1ny rifle. Slim it tlOMd. Now your e.rtri®t hNd b protected Ov ftlrH OV1rltpp i1'19 rings of tolld llHL eut it's not tht wholt 700.t!Ory. Wt IMt.d 111 ttil bolt tctiont. Yw won't v•t bt"'' eecvr1cy. Or I duner frigger pull. Or 1 tDuthtr finiln. Or b.tter chtektring. Or t mort eomfort1blt stock. · L....... -. SEE THE All NEW 19691• TENTS! " . • • ,,,,,.,,. ,,,, ., •• ,,,,.,,, "FAMILY TENT" BIG VALUE BUYI New white top bounces on l'lt1t, l1t1 In mo1"1 llght, big picture window, twl>WIY Dutch door prcMdM pltnty of vtntbtlon. Storm fl9pp9d and nylon .,.,....._ ~ fr1me apMdl ..-.ction, elmlnelel CJt.cM:tionl !Midi. Doub'-vinyl-ooebd ·~"--#ow1 $6495 REMINGTON Tho World's S""'9ISI lo~·Attton "Riffel MODIL 700 MAGNUM IDL-1961 •264 Wlo. ...... .•7-M .... m u vr s109's NO.DO UST Pila $169.95 IDL-1961 Custom Dtlux1 .222 Rem., .222 .......... .22·.250, .241, """'· -·--:-:=-:~ ·~ UST PRICE $154.95 s99ts. ASK THI IX'aTSI G,.r, G.., Dopar1n11111 Ii 111ff..t by '"""' In their ftofd of 11ti1""91I ...... fll •IJ Wint In ..,,.., front I $20.00 22 .. 111. to I $3,500.00 ....... lrant'1 hat ft Ill 1toc:kl Coni1 In 1nd ••• for yourself °"' of the l1rg11t sfetks el tvn• hi Sovtfltm Cafifo11tl1J + , LARGEST STOCK IN ORANGE COUNTY 400 P1lr ltlJ.lottom Nun• flopsodi: LEVI'S• "FLARES" ST APUST9 NitWt• "" errfM hi fM .. ..i.rt If..,,, ,...., llvo, .... '°' W>l!o, - -" tt J6. •9 * CHILDREN'S uvrs• * 1LU1 DllllMS !llm 0.12) .. $4.tl WHITI LIY1'M (Ill cof1n) $3.'9 UIY COllDS (olno 4-121 .• $4,tl "CHARI! IT" at I RllT'S SURPLUS WI HONOR AU MAIOl Cfllllll' CAIDS II BE • ~---' ' W""""1, M., 7, 1169 DAILY PILOT , $ - I SCOUTER/CAMPER (ENTER I SAVI OM AU. t f ,_. c Jiii .... 1t -1 ...... -toCeol<Mtt,,, ,.... ___ .. _ .. LIOHT.WllOIR ALUMINUM 1 PACKFRAMU . '4.95 ' ht'I carrfel I C-. ,...._.,.,.,,. ,,_,,... .. _,~ d .... """"''• "--- SR AU Of THI -· N1W lHf MOlllS~ Of COWWI Am1A11C1S AT AMM llOW Wl'VI GOT IT -JOU -IT1 STOYIS ••• lANTllNS ••• HIATllS ••• TINTS ••• ••• TIAJlEIS .... SlllPlt5 ...... nc. LARGEST SELEalON OF CAMPING GEAR HIGH SIEIW? W1 IMH I ce•l•tt MIM-tltft ,, 100% D9wft.ffllH bat• fir th• ''"'' ,re. fntlo111I 1f c1m,.rll Other llg11rom $10,18 To1sts 4 Sficos 11 Oneel hfy ft ""' s, ....... htlt '""''· 49' ............ , Hlker'1 BACK PACKS 'I'' ro '" PLA$TIC CAN UGKTWllGKT 111111tvriy c111tal1t- • r.r wtttr """SM. •2•9 ,,,,.,,,, ..... ,,_. ... , .. ,,..., ,,,,, CIJJBBAGS IXCll'TIONAUY w1""~ toft-cu1hi1"4 ut11fwt wftll ~ .... , ...... 1001 Tilhttr ...... ,.,. "" Inn ....,., """91 flrMf Mk Mft fl111t1tl llnh11. Full i1,,.,, 1lr Nttnll ,.ckets, $15 88 SPICIALI ,IR** Single Montlt WITllll s1ou 3-PC. CHOW llT RIO. 59c s.. &-m s F'n tl . WE .RENT <. . Everything In PORTAILI TOii.iT CAMPING EQUIPMENT'! LllT ~.91 •2• Many Colors I SA VE MORE AT GRANT'S ,,.. CAMP TUILERS *'*" fo Fowl * '"'' 10 Pnl * Enr lo Stf Upl *'•r '' Ownl -,.. '° ...,,..,, ,.. wont to - -""· Col ......... ""'· ....... •• ~ ..,, c•pll1 frllln •• bpt f" II M\tt The,.. ... It I flM tf ...... ., .... "'""' -tftlt -~ --""' ""41-onll C1mp1lll ,...,_, s795 TO $1795 I -" =-- • • .. -. . ' • lnmY PILOT EDin;RIAL P~GE I • • • Painful ·Decisi.on Ahead • I • • • • : The Orange C-Oilnty Boa~ ol, Supervll\>n ts headed for a painful dectslen thl• IT)Olltli. !t is a ·apcislo°ll lhat can't help but make one party unhappy for yeus to · come. II will be expeclally pairillll lar Supervisor Alton E. Allen In whose dlstliet the decision will fall! • The issue is the"'new -stte for a fnuniclpi.l court ,build· Ing to house tlie judges, their-ald<:ll, thelr-courts aod all the parapbtroalJa. that ioes with administering justice In the Orange Cpunty Jlpr!>qr Judicial District .. l2ccrdlng to Iha Costa Mesa figures, would ccst more than $4. Trnlllloa. ' On the other" hand, Newport conlen<\S .. that the 12 courls could be built on ccnslderabl,Y \ess"'than 12 acres by englneeling the structures to tie m with the proposed • Newport civic center complex. Thls ·would bring the size of the property do.wn to less than five ·acres, assuming joint use of parking in the civic centet, Newport con· tends. _ Costa Mesa answers that 12 acreSls tile amount of • Tile present quarters adjoi'nliig the -downtown Cfty -- park lit Costa M~sa are woefully inadequate. Relid ·is needed and needed immediately. So tbe ccunty is ~c· lively searching fur a site which ultimately will house lZ municipal courts. Newport Beach has what it thinks is an id.eal site. · land specified by ·lb!' county's, Real Properties Ser· vices Department and that tf Newport can propose a rn.u.lti-story structure, so can Costa Mesa. Further, Costa l\fesa '' probably· willing to toss in some free parking of tts .own. So does Costa Mesa. A key argument advanced for the Costa Mesa site ls its immediate availability. Newport has yet to figure out the financing of its proposed civic center and it ts kno,Yn to be several years away. Newport propose s that the courts could be lnccr- porated il'i the city's proposed new municipal center near Fashion Island -part of lhe burgeoning lflvlne Center complex. City oUlcialJ point out that this location would have prestige, convenience to the Newport city govern· ment -·and a vlew of the ocean. Costa Mesa's proposed site on · Fairview Road just south of Ccsta Mesa High Scheel does not have that view. But it bas an overwhelming argument in its favor -land ·apprais~ at."90 cents· a square· foot versus the $1.90 apptaised val\le of the · rrvine Center property. The Cost.a-Mesa pri>j)Csal , 5u)>mitled ,jo)l!Uy ~y the city government and by the Orange Count)' Fair Board, (which owns the land) offers.f)exible.flnanclhg . Tt is kno,vn that the judges who sit on the bench in the local municipal court favor the Newport site. This attitude, probably is based on a feeling that-the Irvine 'Center site would be more effective poljlically if the municipal court boundaries are adjusted to take in land do~rn the coastline at a later date. Moreover, one sus· peels the judges favor a site where they just might have an ocean view from their office windows. Figures are being P,resentM_in alluring_ packages to the Board of Suptrvisors. ~s!a Mesa calculates that it can provide the required 12 acres for a court site. and toss in land !or a much-need~ regional county library for just over $3.6 million. The same deal in Newport, ' AJI of these arguments:-and more, are no\\' being.. studied by the Real Properties Services Department. The department \vill report to the board and a decbsion is exoccted May 20. \\'herevcr the building goes, it is bound ta be a plum for the entire Harbor .'\rea. Undoubtedly. it \vill .~timu· latP. construction o( office buildin~s ;ind olhf'r facilitie!I'. and remove a crushing physical burden on the present courthouse. !Cl McClellan Comnaittee in Aetio1i 'Hi There, General Hoo Militants to .B'e Exposed WASfONG'fbN -A great deal ot spade-work has been done by Senator McClellan and his investigators and they will be able lo make a good case that doiena of revolutionaries have tftn mov- ing from campus to campus fomenllng a physiCll challenge to the eitabll!hed order on any issues that an handy. When Senitor Mt'Clellan ha! finished with the forthcoming bearings or bis in- vestlpUng subcommittee. be wUI .have produced a roster of revolutionaries which will serve about the same purpose as public eiposure o( . ~bers or the Mafia and of the .K_u 'Klux K_lan. Their ' names, records and fat'e! will be exposed to lhe pubUc and:J>efbaps this will help to defuse a student revolt which l, so far confined 'to a relatively few prominent campuses involving a small perctntage of collep enrollmept. SEN~TOR '91cCLELLAS will al so establish a prima ficie case that there is 1!50me degree of cooperation between Students for a Democratic Society. the Black Panthers, lhe Revolutionary Action Movement, the Black Student Union, and the Student Non-violent Coordinating C.Ommittee. A few incendiaries may actually be prosecuted by Attorney General John N. lltil4:hell under tM anti·riot provisions of the t1vil Rights Act of 19811 which pro- hibit any person from traveling in in. terstate commerce with an intent to in· .. -,rq. -~ -)~#- 'l{i¢hard,.Wi!s?~~ ....... k .. cite, organiie, encourage, or take part in a riot. AU this should llluslrate bow liUle the federal govemme:nt actually can do under existing law. The withdrawal of federal funds whicb 1iS so often suggested is a two«lged sword. Very few of the students convicted of taking part in riots and vJolent demonst.ratiool! are among -the '.2Giot3' stu'deDQ in the course of ~lv'ttlc more ttian $143 millif'nr· In edacational opportunity grants in 1,900 in- stitutione. Many more are children of 1he middle and upper classes who are receiv· ing no federal financial aid , and would be unaffected by ~t federal guidelihes denying aid to those convicted or rioting or disorder. !\.IORE THAN •M, ~l of the nation ·s Institutions of hi'ghtt .«lucation i"e«ived federal support totalling $3.3 billion in' 1967, the last year for w)J,ich figures have been published. Sen. str'Qm Thunnond of Soulh Carolina ls proposing that the federal government 'protect this in- vestment by p a s s i.n g an "~ademic freedom pn:iteclive act" making it a crime to interfere wilb the operation of a federalJY assisted instltution-by com· mittini an act of force or violence or threatening to do so . Enforcing such an act would be a stag· gering proposition which ultimately could involve the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the armed services in an inYasiou of the campuses v.·h.ich would make shudders of apprehension run through the White House. In th&-end, the responsibility for ordet on the cainpuses cannot be taken by the federal administration any more than it can assume the responsibility for the en· forCement of the cr1minal laws of 50 stales. The responsibility lies with the ad· mlnb1trators and the faculties of the col- leges and universities. They can no lo11ger shrink from the total challenge of the openly revolutionary ' storm troopers of Students for a Democratic Society "'ho have taken their positions on the bar· ricades to destroy the universities and A~ric1n society. IN THEIR QUAKING uncertainty, Jhese facullies will never be able to shift their reaponslbllities to Washington. They ,will fia•e. to sU pport suspending and ex· pelllng the ybung men on the barricades who sneer at them as they prepart for their ne1t escalation of violence and disorder. The faculties will not shrink and shudder in academic horror when the poUce are called .to restore order and \Vhen the crand juries are called upon lo act and the judges to sentence. Either that, or the faculties can surrender their o"'" academic freedoms. Flying Clubs Under Attack To the Editor : M a priYale pilot and flying club llup- porter, I Y.'OUld like lo add my bit to the ongoing airport ordinance controversy. First of all, however, in all faimcS5 lo airport manager Bresnahan, I woold like to point out that the copy of the proposed ordinance shown to me does not require a '2.400 yearly fee from flying clubs as bas been widely reported in your paper and elsewhere. The $2,400 fee is proposed fOr air taxi and charter operations and, in fact, the rate schedule as presently, writ· ten calls for no set nying club lee. BEYOND THAT, however. 1 muSt lalie eiceP;Uon to certain of Mr. Bresnahan's proposals which are clearly and •d· mlttedly aimed at eliminating ·•com· peUtlon" for a bare handful of com· mercial business (aircraft sales and ren· tal, etc..) whiCh are coffimonly known as fixed~ operators IFBOs). These poor YBOs, for the uniniUated , are the people who occupy those larce and architec- turally eleganl new buildings to the north and south of the terminal. The "eompetitioo" which is under at· tack, the fl)iing clubs, in geniral consist -"""!-- Wednesday, May 7, 1969 Tiie fdUoriol pcg• o/ tne Dailv Pilot seeks to inform ond 1tim.- ulaee reothr1 by presenting th.is MWIJ)OptT'I opinion1 and com- tlNtdaf'W Ofl-topic1 of httere1t God •tfiamct. by providing • fM*JA for "'-• ttprufio-,, 1 of owr rrodct1' opinions. 011d ~It' ~11Une the dWtr1t vfe111> pOtnte Of 111/rmned o~uroer• .. c1~--loplt1 of tllf dog. . .. . -Jloloen-N. Weed, Publisher • . ' Letter& jrom reader1 nrt wet~. NormalL11 writers sho1dd c01tt7eJI their muicge in 300·-ward.s o.r ftss. Tile rig]n to co11~ett1t letter1-to fit ipace oi ellminate libtl is reser*d. Alt ~tter1 . must include signature ottd nurilipg. add~•s. bui ·.n~mts moy be wit11heki on 'req111tt ff su//kUnt rea· ·so'IJ ·ii appnrlftt. • ; of a group of aviation enthusiasts wbo collectively and on a non-profit basis share the expense. or operating one or mort: 'light aircrlft !or recre1tion1' purpo'sts. . TilE f'ACf·THAT lllele people·cln fl"y ' their. airplfnes" at r1te5 conslderably below those.charged by.the FBOs for ren· tal Is 'the ol)jec;t of t~ "unfair_~com· polllion"' charge. To state my (eelirigs on this state of af- fairs as brieOy as possible, J seriously 'question , lbe 'l1&lil ol Ille county lo· rqulate lbe Oylnf clubl kit Ille benefit of .i.ct ...U.nerdtl lntmat.o. ·-l that Ille Air1*1 Commmion • ..., Board of SUperviMn review ·wit~ sreat care any lqlalallo1i lo lhat purpose. ' DAVID G05S Quotes· ' L)"llll A. Milter. M-ui. vtt... .. htMf 1"cwf_._,. -"Respect for lhc United Sii.,. bu flilen lo a. -low In the estimation of our Asiatic neighbors who dtptil\I upco ,,. to protect tlltlr freedom."' 'Your C:ommunlty' To the Editor: I repeal again. as t ha\"C the five previous years, that "Your Community" with map and slreet ind ex. is our Encyclopedia of Information for the en· tire C06ta Mesa·Ne\vport Beach Arca. tn responje to the several thousand in· quiriea, '1e rtcelve in the mail each year, by lbo&e seeking information on Costa httsa, we send one. THERE IS ~tORE information in this annual publication of the DAlLY PlLO'f than In the pages ·of ·any other one publlcaUon, In fact, "Your Community" covers 'all thf: (acets of general in- formation about this an!a and is the most complete av~le source. Y o u r jublW\ing this Encyclopedia of lnlonna- llon aMually i! prod1.1Cing a most \•alu1ble annual rcCord or the annual growth and progress ol our co1nmunily. NICHOLAS J. ZIENER Executive f\1anager (:()Sta t<.1esa Chamber of .Commerce Dear Gloomy Gus: There Is no doubt in my mind that the Ar•bs are aoina lo lry to com· p cte lbe unllnlsbed Job ol cxter- mln11tlng the Jews that w.-ll startt'd by IU\lcr. -H. B. ~lcD .. Jr. '"'" ... ..,. ,..,"°' .,....... ¥1tW.. ,,.. --·"' ............ ......,._,&ft ""'" ,. ,.." .. .......,,, .... D9ltt f"llM. ' Dcit Don Dar' ~rt Hoppe It was in the 43rd year of our lightning campilign to wipe the dread Viet-Narian guerrillas oul of West Vhtnnng. Peace threatened in Paris. Negotiations had been under WI)' for 10 years -nve to get all -flllf partle~ to the peace table and fiye on'What shape peace table to get all four parties to. It was then that the buxom female negotiator for the dread Vlet-Narians. P.tiss How Bot Dem, dropped a bombshell: She would hen ce fort h recognize tllC representative of the Loy:i l Royal \Vest Vlltnnl\8'. G o v e r n m e n t , General Hoo Oat Don Oar. Stocks soared. Edilorial--writers hailed the move as "a glorious harbinger of pe.a.ce. ·• And sbe was as good as her \\/Ord. The following Wednesday, she looked straight at General Hoo. whom sh_U____sal across from for 10 years, and ut· tcred the historic word s: "Hi, there, General Hoo Oat Don Oar." · As the American and East Vhlnnngian negotiators cheered, waved flags and clapped each other on the back. General Hoo looked at her coolly. "And who," he !aid. '"are you~·· Stocks plummeted. "JUST A l\1JNUTE," .said the crafty Easl Vhtnnngian Premier. Ho Chi \\'hiz, as the 6374th meeting began breaking up. ''You have us over a barrel. 'Ve have decided lo cravenly yield to every single one of your demands." Stocks soared. The U.S. negotiator. Mr. llenry Cabbage, "'as stunned. "Every demand?" he asked. "Every single one." said Premier Ho craftily. ''First of all, we yiefd, to your den1and that we withdraw the 100.000 troops \re don't have in West Vhtnnng in return for your \\•ilhd ra wing the 500.000 American lroops you ha\·e in West Vhtn1111g.·· ''I\1arvclous~" cr ied Mr. Cabbage. "Let's not be hasty;' said General Hoo nervou~ly. "SECON'DLY,'' said Premier llo craf· tily. "\Ve agree to stop sending the $5 million in anm and supplies we've been sending annually to the Viet-Narians in rtlurn for your stoppin!f the SS billion worth you've been sending lo the Loyal J<oyal Governn1ent." .. Glorious !" cried J\lr. Cabbage. ;,No more American arms a n d money?" said Gent:cal Hoo, blanching slightly. "And lasl1y," said Premier Ho craftly "We agree to your demand that free elec- tions be held throughout the ountryside of "'hich we control 82 percent.'' "Whal a triumph?" cried ~1r. Cabbage. "Art you out of your slcull?" inquired General Hoo. . MR. CABBAGE made 1n eloquent vie· tory speech in which he. said that now lhe Communisll had yieldtd to every single U.S. demand , peace v.·as Inevitable. "AU American boys will be broiq;ht home, Amtrtcan money will be spent for other pqfposes and," he aaid, "free elec- Uons will dttermine the popularity of lbe Loyal Royal Government" It was at this point thet General Hoo. After some reOection, fumed to J\liss liO'lf Bot Dem. . . ''I'm 5011')' I didn't recognize you after all tltese )ears."' he sakl. "1 guw lt '1 that you 've aged so much." Stocki plummeted. And the war con· tinucd for t7 more years. • 'Ne_g~t\ve Space'· In Our Cities Tboughls At Large: The prime reason for congestion and lack of physical amenities in the large cities is that ''apace" is created by default ratht!r lha·n by design; it's what is accidentally left over1-after buildings have been put down, parking-lots blacked out, and expressways ,sliced lhrOugh, so that "negative space" js au the urban.<fweller gels. • • • In the unprecedented boo1n of the la st decade. it is disheartening to r~allze that the t"·o greatest •·gro1vth indµstrics ,. in lhe U.S. have been -wa rlare and "·ell are. • • • .. A clash of doctrines," said Whitehead; "should be regarded as an opportunity, not as a disaster" -but \\·hen doctrines are not permitted to clash (as .on most university campuses), ther. this frustra- tion· quickly turn s i n to militant con- frontation, which solves nothing, but only embitters and ent!°enches both sidcS more firmly in their dogmas. • • • In the 1940s. a calculating machine that could bandit multiplications of 10 digits performed only a half-dozen operations in a minute; today, the third·generation comi:uter can perform ZO milHon such operations in a minute -if you n e e d some graphic idea of the acceleration of information-output ir: this new age we live in. • • • It is one of the great enshrined myths of our cenfury that "research makes pro- gress," but this is only one side of its coin -loo often, "rekearch" merely en· courages us to perpetrate new mistakes before we have learned · to escape the painful consequences of old errors. . . . ...,,.;. We '>Crate modem youngslers (or lack- ing "respect for their elders"; but how much respect does·oar society have for its elders, when three out of every five households with the head 65 and over have incomes of less than $3,000 a :vear, which suggest they ate living meagerly on Social Seeurity payments and other government programs? • • • Speaking of youth, one maxim that ought to :>e tacked up on dormitory walls is Rosenstock-Hucssy's: ' ' Sex u a Ii t y t/-rows no Jigh: upon love, but only lhrO\lgh love can w£ learn to understand Sf'XUalily." • • • In ancient tin1es, a success[ul warrior \Vas thought to be competent in running the affairs (l! state: in medieval times, a successful churchman; In our time, a successful bureaucrat on the other side of the Iron Curtain, and a successful businessmar. on our side -what we have not gras~ in all these centuries is that no spec.1al class or elite is specifically gifted in running the affairs of state, and that success in one field rs no guarantee of proficiency in another. • • • 1'he truth of the matter in the academic controversy between the "teaching machine·• and the ''live pro- fessor., is that while no leaching machine can stimulate and motivate students one. hundredth as effectivejy as a good live professor, at the. same time a teaching machine is probably far more effective than the mediocre or dull professors, who make up about 90 percent of academia, (It stands, In fact, in about the same relationship as a computer to chess : the computer can easily beat 99 out of 100 ordinary players but would stand no chance against a true chess e:rpert.) In the Eye of the Storm Now in the eye of • sudden storm. Dr. t.lary S. Calderone, one of the most respected, effective and acUve•autbortues on sex educ a lion ir, this country, sland.5 spattered at frOm the left by charges that she "mouths old plaUtudes," and mort severely buffeted from the rigbt for sp~adlng ''p0rnography." An accurate woman with blue eyes as direct as her mind and a carri1ge as upright as her principles, she rem~ins detennined that young Americans un· derstand sexuality as a responsibility and a creative force far beyond sorry dlstor· lions. , . • 1'l'D LI.KE LF.8.5 of the smcll of :;ex pcrm11:ating society today, but 'should' isn't 'is· as. my mother said;' unless the adult v.·orid Is going back to control by rules that art enforced. the only counter is adeq uate p~ation In order lo pro- tect the young ." A daughter of the ireat photograph tr. Ed"'·artl Steichen, Dr. Calderone took IK'r medical degree: at t.00 UtUvcrsity of Rochei\er and a ~ti.ster of Public Health degree at Columbi)\ University. AS ~tEQICAL OtRECTOR of the f'\:\n· ntd Parenthood J·'ederation of AnterlCa. she became ao stirrtd by the number 111nd d~ree oC re(luest.$ for help in sex edlK:41· lion that slie rtsi :ned in order, in IMf. to become a foonOcr uf the Sex 1nrol'TT\BUon and Educatioo Council of the United Slatc.s, en orga.nlutioo that of(crs oo cour.M:S on tex bul s.erves as COIVi'Ultant -only on request -to !ICbools and reliaious. medical and profcsaional groups on their own programs. I \ -. . -. ;,:, 'Guest Repo~t . ' AS E..XECUTIVE director of SIECUS, Dr. Calderone has become a shining target for militant misunderstanders. Surprised, rueful, unshaken, bulwarked by recognitions and awards (mosl recenUy a Spirit of Achievement award presented in New York by the A1bert Einstein College of Medicine), Dr. Calderoue said. "I don't mind the al. tacks. I'm sixty-five. 1 know who t im." L J\1ay Issue, VOGUE M11uine 811 George ---, Dear George; I wanled la buy my nephe"· in New York City a pony for his birthday but l'\'t gotten a letter from the little lyke -actually he'!'! 17 now -saying he would like to have something e11lled a .. heater with a should•r holster." Perhaps 1 wlll rheek inte lhis but, firi;t. do you think he u•ould hive enough t'OOln In New York City t.o ride a pony~ AUNTIE AGATIIA Dear Aunllr: \Vith .wi b<·&ter in A shou.tdtr holster he will . l~nd your probltms ta George ind do something constructive •bout your worries. Or. ilo both. I I ' E ;lll!!r:-- - . - ---~ J / . . . . DAlt.Y ,11.DT Sl•tf '°"'"'' COMMUTER AIRLINER, GUIOEO BY GROUNO CONTROLLER, TAXIS AT COUNTY ·AIRPORT Traffic-ladtn San Diego FrHway Is One of Short-haul Line's Best Salesmen Long-standing F enoo Dispute Nearing End By TOM BARLEY Of 1'1'11 o.llr '11'11 Stiff An out-of-court setUement loomed as a J>OSSibility today in the long standing feoce dispute between a group ot Sunset Beach homeowners and the Huntington Harbour_Corp •. ~ Attorney Edwin Martin of Santa Ana said he regarded settlement as "a very definite prospect" and indicated that an immediate resolution of the problems dividing the parties would have ll e e n reached if one Huntington Harbour ex· ecutive had been available. "He will be back on or about May 20 and I think we'll be able to aMounct then ' that we've reached a settlement," Martin said. Martin said he was "very, very happy'' with a proposed settlement in which "Huntington Harbour has offered to recognize certain posgessory rights ol the homeowners I represent. It is now reaJiz. ed that they have lived there for many years and the corporation is willing to Connally acknowledge such rights in the final agreement," Martin said. The three court actions sparked by the fence dispute were taken oU calendar Tuesday in Superior Court Judge Claude Owens' courtroom. 11iere had been many previous delays of bearings as both sides sought to resolve their differences. Those differences boiled into the open last February when angry residents of. the Sunset Beach island of! the Ramora Channel baited the attempts of cor· porallon workmen to set up a fence along what Huntington Harbour claimed w a s the true boundary line between the home and corporation holdings. Workmen b e g a n tearing down t h e fences of homes along Bayview Drive, but abandoned the project in the face of what appeared to be an immnient attack • .. PASSENGERS DUCK INTO 20-SEAT COMMUTER PLANE For $7.62, A ~Minute FHling of Superiority by area residents. The land in dispute is the strip of cleared property bordered by the Ra- mora Cbannel on the north and the rear of homes on Bayview Drive. The cor· poration argued at the time of the dispute that it had title to the land and had sold the property for residential development subject to the building of a stone fence along the property line. How Do "\Ve Do It? Ralphs must con~o!idatt it.s Lwo sl.orts i nlo otl(.! LOST OU·R LEASE ME3~AN°~ O n 'Junt .x), 1969 l,h t ltase on our Mexican slori , loca l w al, t80J N ewpor t Boul ev ard 0<pires, 11.nd can nol bG -rtnewcd. we must d i mi nate: 40% or our • t56pxi invlnlory aL o n ce. AT CONSOLIDA'tION SALE smTu Ov•r 15/XX) ~uaro f«L of a howrooms ahowing l~< fineot. in. MGd il<.rrAntan, Spanish { Mocican will bG cut in hal f, Ralphs b1.ggest s ale m our 15 yG a r Hist o ry. ' . Hand ~ carvul. c ri dt.nz.as valu<.S t.o l7Y."EJ7l.• SALE Jtr BOTH LOCATlONS !! . . • • WodWay. May 7, 1969 • S DAil Y PILOT 3 ··sure ' .. ' New Commuter Airlines: Blessing for Businessmen ; By JORN VALTEllZA Of .. Dlltr f'llM llafl 'lbe two tired execuUves bound for Orange County Alrport sat down ln the small foldtng·seils and peered out al the b u s y Los Ang~Jes tennl.nal y,·hlle t b e rest of the sml\11 pl&lle's passengers filed in, tbelr he.ads JOwered to keep rrom bumping !ht celllnr. Af1er some ~aH talk the businessmen diSl:ussed the tu.J. airlinels schedulfng, which bas been firmed up, finally, after month! oC charges. "I don't give a damn what the schedules art," one of them s.a.id . "AU I kpow is that It sure bea1s di'iving." . The men iJld 20 other persons on the packed plane are uaing what promises to be an ever-growing transport. serv ice - the snor:t-hlul commuter airline. LICKING W~ It is a service licking the wounds of a predictable war: d attrition in which the supply far exceeds the demand, When the concept became reality three or four year1 ago, commuter airlines sprouted like _mushrooms, and nine months ago the strongest or all of them turned the field into one airline -Aero Commuter Airlines, a blend of Cable, Seamark and Gokien West airlines, "They just were providing too much overlapping service," one· source said. "When you have that many firms pro- viding service for a given number of passengers, some just won 't survive." SEVENTH LARGEST Aero Comuler absorbed them, and now, Its spokesmen say, it is the seventh largest commuter airline in the naUon. It serves 22 California. tenninals. Aero Commuter's only So u t h. e r n California competition comes from the Los Angeles Airways helicopter service. In. the north, Cal State ·Airlines provides the competitiori. Aero.Commuter olficlaJs claim the clloppers provide "little it any com- petiUon right-·" The other firm speciallz.es In longer haUIJ in the 09rtb. while Aero-O;mmuter flies tbe shorter ones. lnclude<i ln the airline's new, relaUvely firm schedule are nights daily to Catalina Airporl Other direct destinations rrom Orange County Airport include Oceariside, Los Angeles, Ontario, Palm Springs and San Diego. Many destinations via trlWfers include most amall airports in major CaWornia citfes. Air CQmmuters are filling planes at an average of tw~thirds full these days, but the ultimate pot of gold for the taxi airline lies across the San Gabriel Moun- tains in the Ante.lope Valley. MAJOR FACTOR Don Chapman, head of Aero-Com- muter's Orange County operation s , outlin~ that single factor whlch will give t h e commuter f i r m s wherewithal to weather any storm -the planned supersooie transport terminal in Lan- caster-Palmdale, Peering out ot hi $ Orm 's packed aircraft above Artesia, he said the huge terminal would "have a tremendous int- pact on firms such as ours." "\Vhen you consider lhat they plan to land a million passeners a month out there you can realize that the commuter airline will be nearly the only efficient way to bring them from the desert to the urban centers of Southern California." Pointing to the San Diego Freeway , Chapman said, "That freeway right there, at night, is one of our biggest salesmen. Passengers look out at the slrings of lights and just shake their heads." SUPERIOR FEELING Indeed, it does give l he passenger a feeling of superiority-at having skipped all tbe taii lights and exhaust fwnes of a """'ded ~IY ond. lnalead ~ from one airport to another Jn a span pl 2$ minuta. • He paya 17.a lot !ht privilege. Wblle lht fare oeems moderlle, the alt la~~~::;~volving lhe cr.h. solidation, adding ne planes and ~ ""\ puahlng !ht Ii ndo) !>reak-evto potnt, Chapml.fl said. • • ~- "Bu{ we dorl·t· see y rtal financlSl problems coming up," he u.id. •'This typo of service in Southern California juSt can't miss." FtmJRE SUCCDS I Much of \he future success of t~l Oights wiU rest on the planes themselvjs -craft Which aren't the inost gractfUl appearing in the world, but whilb perform their shutUejQbs efficiently. l, To 8ltempt to c;ompare the ciimmutit aircraft with an average aifliner "j.t pointlesS, since both have their special fWlctions. ~ It t a k e s the commuter fii&ht, laden with its maxi mfun score of pa.s.mige~, only 600 feet to get off the pound. : Once airborne, the craft' -· ungai!Jly though it may seem -teaches cruisil'Jg altitude wlthln seconds. · ·: The seats are small, bul comforta'1c during the short fligh[ i.lmes, and tbe feeling of being in the front row to watCh the action is constant, since the passenge.-compartment allows constint view of the pilot and ~pilot :· •, SEE ROOPTOPS ; From every seat the passenger c!in look out onto the i;ooflops of ;>outhahl California and count the factories, f}il wells, cattle feed lots, swimmipg pOO'ls and the few remaining unmarked. ost,m , areas. • The one single object that draws tbe greatest attention, however, is tile freeway clogged with cars that Jook Ille ants.. • °""• inde<d, ieels superior .•• ii ""~ for 25 minutes or so. ·. Nixon Deal Not Sewed Pp By MERRIMAN SMITH Uiil W~llt H.v• ._,.._t WASHINGTON -President and lifrs. Nixon have not ct1mpleted legal details involved in either purchase of the Cotton Estate in San Clemente. or in selling their Fifth Avenue apartment in New York Ci· ty. Friends say both arrangements are relatively close to completion but certain legal details have delayed closing either deal. The Nixons may be going to California soon, after this upcoming weekend at Key Biscayne, Fla. It may be that they will stay somewhere close to San Clemente, but not the house they are in the PfOC£SS of purchasing. This may have to do with the Cotton family not. being ready to vacate, or it may be that the chief executivt wants to look over another ~sible site. In any case, he has evidenced a desire to visit somewhere in the same area of the Orange Coast in Southern California where he can walk directly from a hotel or private residence to the beach. * The suffering of Assoc iate Justict Abe Fort.as is not producing noticeable tears at the White House. Instead 'the re ap- pears to be icy an.involvement. · Fort.as was the appointee of President Lyndon B. Johll.son. When lhe White House bars been approached in recent days about Fortas and bis current pro- • •llHll 160·T L1tn1 1'P 111 .Olld .. t11f ., .,..,.. l'M·!l•r.. aec1l¥1r. T-·O·MlliC ""''"' 01IK!tc .,.,,., r1~orll& l'M 1!lllWI " 1~1 puofa e;j e D\ltlOn. lt19, Slft,U, e Garrard •ul...,llk 1ur11<la!ll~ ptu' •IUtO .:1r1rJd~e wll~ •ll1monfl ·1ry. '~· 'REG. PRICE $369.501 blem, the attitude generally has been "why ask us~" Having an established record of being an ar.dent, liberal Democrat, Fort.as is nOt about to be thrown any sort of life preserver from 1600 Pennsylvania Ave .• or for lhat matter, from the Justice . Dep~ment and Atty .. Gen. John N. MitcheU. . The collective Nixon Atninistration it· titude seems to be that jl F.ortaa is ,'in trouble with certain powerful con- gressional elements, then so be it -t( is his problem, not that of the White House. : U the as,,oclate juatice resigns ot ·11 -drummed trom the natkln's bishat beqch by congressional and public prasift, the administraUon wolil.d not be expected: to intervene. e Htw Slwl'wlllll •:1aQOA 200 _,. FM 1t-r• .,lid ll•lf Rall'<!•. Cwood cett .... ti9NIJ REG. · PRtCE . $675.50? e Fl1,,.r fr-11l1ton 01>11ktr •f•l.m -all w11<1ut ....:lo1urn, Rt11uJ1r $llf.llO • ,,.1._ 29968 e All .X 'Pttktt lffll><Jno A ll'1 11-•c-llc llnP"""" cl .. 5092 ' . ..,,. ~. GARRARD 25-Watt Sy stem GARRARD 40-Watt AM-FM Stereo '"""'' W1""1t t~closvrQ. e JN' Gclrr1rd, Au-lie ,...,..,,. -01'-" lrb'c pl"' 1!1r.., c1rlrklg1 Wllll Olli-lltlUI. REG. PRICE $174.501 99~9 • ,,... Ct ••1111 U..Ctt -"• ff '"'--Olllol Wllftvf --..... -e • Wltl AM·f:M tol;., l11l1 ,,., .. rtttl_., 1--1 E5i II PRICES START ~ AS LOW AS '6950 .. • REG. PRICE $254.501 16981 --~~--------------------------------~--------------''----'----'-~ .. \ l f OAILY PILOT • • Robert Novak of -Cleveland says he has about 500 parties lo go lo Lhis yeaf, but he doesn't know when or where. Novak is president of the Jubilee Catering Co .. and he uys all records of the firm's 1969 party obligations were stolen. He issued a public appeal that Jubilee customers call him for rebooking. ''Otherwise, I think I'll leave town," Novak. -said. • Take OM slight--. lu bent street pole, odd one tiny pup-~ Pll. and the 1esult , Finch Tells Of Welfare 'Uish' Plan w ASHING TON VUPI) -~ E w Secreluy Robert H. 'Finch, told Coilgrtss today the administraUon will propose a p!'Ogl'am of direct cub assistance instead of food &tamps for welfare recipients in lhe next rew months. Finch made the disclosure to a Senate Committee on Nutrition which . ls In· vesUgatl.ng hunger in the United Slatt3. President Nixon re<.'Ommended Tuesday an expanded food stamp program a n d similar aid to the poor, to cost $2.5 bUUon by fiscal 19'/l -up •t billion from the year starting July 1. The program also calls for an ad- ditional $270 million above the J<>hnron administraUon budget for food stamps alone for fiscal 1970, starting in July. But as bead of lhe Healttl, F.ducation and Well are Department, Finch said: • Riots Again S~utCCNY; Police In • By .Un.lied Prt11 1Dte.matfo1al Nice today were called to ,the ~ity College of New York campus to qlfll -n,1111 among whlles, blaclcs and Puerto · Ricans. 1be school, opened Tueiday for tbe Ont time in two weeks, wq ordered cl~ again. About 50 persoM commandeered • Homiol the Queensborough Commrnunity Colleae admiQistraUon building in New York City. The sew.ire was part' of a con· UnuhC dispute over the firing of a pro- feuoy '(')vo hundred state polict, ln an early m~ raid, broke down a door and n~ 60 persons from a Dartmouth College bullding they had held for 12 hours. • is a comlcal. pie· \.,.,,;f, '\:"~~ ture f o r pas.ring '.;. t p/wtography buffs. This seeming· ly mighty mutt was Uft tied to the tilt- ed pole bt1 a 1hop- per in Salina!, Calif. "Over the fooger nm a more basic answer to ttle problem of malnutrition - as with other problems associated with poverty ..... mu~ be found in reform of our public assistance and employment programs. "Cash income, not a succession or payments-in-kind, best preserves the dignity and freedom of choice of the in- dividual to meet his own needs through the workings of the private market." Reddin the Newscaster ' . Some 800 students camped outside lhe Dartmouth building moved aside at the prodding of the troopers. The miltants ln the building were then dragged or led to buses which carted them to an armory where they were held pending ar· raignment today. "Student boycoU'' banners fluttered from the windows of the seized building! at Howard. The predominantly Nf:!gro university has a total enrollment of about 8,ISO. Former Los Angeles Chief of Police Tom Reddin makes his camera debut as a TV newscaster on KTLA Tuesday night. Reddin served on the police force for 28 years before retiring to lake the $100,- ~a-year new3 job. He added: "We hop!!, within the n«l The appropriation of the Howard builclings was an app11rent demonstration • few month!, to bring to the Congress a set of. welfare reforms which will begin f:o rationalize these systems and place emphasis on ca.sh assistance as dle most flexible and useful form cf aid. Murphy Selects Negro 6 Suspects Held As Officer Death of support for a small band of militant! who refused to comply with a court order to abandon a single building they took over Tuesday . Mr. •nd Mrt. Terry Hann ~f Horndlurch, England, took lhelf daughter, Alison, 4. to have an X· Tay after she complained of stom- ach pains. Doctors later found she had swallowed 28 beads, bird seed, a dog's bone, three plastic toy bricks a deflated balloon, a toy dog s3nd leaves and eight coins. "The d0ctors said she didn't need treatment, .. her mother said. "Her digestion will take care of the objects." • Robert George of Anamosa, Iowa offers these tips to Iowa mush, roomtnmters: 1-"Nevertell where you find your mushrooms -some- one else will get there first. 2 - When asked, lie about the place you find them unless a real mushroom fan asks you, then tell the tru_lh because he'll think you are lying and will never look there anyway. 3 -Wear a disguise when going mushrooming. Take along a fish- ing pole or gun so others won't know your real mission. 4 -Spy on other hunters, but be wary, for they will spy on you." • St Louil police .eporled a 22· uca.r-old woman in hippit' wea,. told &Mm on assailant a.iked, "Are you o boy 01' a girl?" and thtn roped her. Th'e woman said she tDOS walking in a smaU pa1'k when the man accosted h.t.1' with 11 knife. • Chief Thunderbird of Long Is- land's Shinnecock Indian tr i b e came t<> Manhattan and offered· to buy back the island -for the orig, inal purchase price of $24. The chief, bls wife, two daughters and two grandcbildren also perfonned a ceremonial dance in Indian re- galia as part of ceremonies open- ing an exhibit of paintings of In- dians at the Gallery of Modern Art. Gallery officials said the chief's of- fer marked the 343rd anniversary of the sale ol Manhattan lo Dutch Gov. Peter Minuit. "Until the lime when we have achieve1:1 F :_F d l major wellare reform. however, the food or e era stamp program is vital and must be ex· _· . panded.'' Nixon's immediate goal is expanding the present food stamp program so that poor families have enough foOd for a nutritionally complete diet. T b e agriculture department estim_ates such a diet would cost about $100 a ·month for a (amily ol four. Ni:c.on proposed providing food st.amps at no cost whatever to families in the "very lowest." income brackel The White House sa.i~ ~ .. i~a!IY would mean a family1wilh an income of $30 a month. Food stamps for othen within incomes in the range ol $4,IXKI • year for a family would be provided at a cost of oo more than 30 percent of income. Under the food stamp program, needy families buy stamps at a fra<:Uon nf lhe v a I u e of lhe groceries for which the stamps may be exchanged at a grocery sb:re. The government pays ttie dif· ference. Federal Probe Of F ortas Case Follows Story CLEVELAND (UPl)-'A federal grand jury was impaneled here today to investi- gate a two-year~d case Involving U.S. Supreme Court Justice Abe Fortas' law firm, court sources said. U.S. AUy. Bernard J. Stuplinski con- firm.ed the grand jury was in sessk>n and that Justice Department attorneys were meeUng with the panel. 0 1t's out of my hands," he said and declined further comment. The Fort.as firm of Arnold and Porter represented one of several steel com- panies involved in a price-ftxlng cue pro- secuted in Toledo, Ohio in 1967. Four steel executi\•es were lndicled. but only Irwin Fruchtman "'f#. the Fruchtman Steel Co. was convicted. The Fortas firm represtnled the Donovan Steel and \Vire Co. Reports of a gra,nd jury invcsUgation of the case began clfculalin& in Washington earlier in the week, WASiflNGTON (AP) -David ,v. Williams, a judge of t h e Lois Angeles County superior court, is · b e i n g nominated to be a U.S. District Court judge in Los Angelfs, Sen. GeOrge l\Iurphy (R.Calif.), announced today. Lebanon Starts Drive Against ATah Guerrillas By United Press lnternailonal The Lebanese army today launched a major drive against Syrian-backed Arab guerrillas in 30Utheast Lebanon near the lsraeli bolder, military sources reported in Beirut. The Anny acted after guer- rillas altacked a Lebanese army base with mortars and small arms. First reports said the government troops had captured 4{) members of the Syrian Al.Saigah (Thunderbolt) com- mandos and that five of the guerrillas were killed. The low casualties indicated the guerrillas were not offering major resistance, the military sources said. The inter-Arab fighUng coincided with reports Israeli forces exchanged mortar and tank fire with Jordanian troops along • the Jordan cease-fire line and reports of an eight-hour e:rchange ol fire along the full length of the Suez Canal between Israeli and Egyptian gunners. It is believed that the guerrillas might be members of the Syrian armed forces posing as commandos in able to strike across Lebanon at Israel. Israeli seizure of the Colan Heights from Syria cut off Syrian access to the border. ln Damascus. the Thunderbolt organization issued a statement denying its forces had clashed with Lebanese units although the fighting was reported officially by Beirut Radio. The Syrians _,varned against any attack on the Arab commandos. To<iay's army drive bl'gan after I he Lebanese army issued an ultimatum ordering all guerrillas out of the southeast part of the country. Thunderstorms Grip Texas Tornadoes Reporwd Fro ni Neiv Mexico to Kansas Callfondo Cout•I k it!! "' .. ~,.. t!(!UOh dttr•~• ti ..._ "°"' "*"" .w~ny lfllt ,,...,,._., ........ -· • _11'1 .... tlHlw. 10 .... ll'ICl!'I. TOIMIY"\ Jli9fl, t.MI. y .. ..,...,,... ""'-"'""'" ''""" ,.._,,...,..,.,,.,,'-"''·',.. ...... """'""~ ,.,,.. ... .. .. u. Tiit wtl9r ,...,..,.tll•t w.-4'11.J °"' ·- •r tr ...... JIWi •••• • l!G •.111. ,. ie-c llw ..... t:ll I.Ill.'·' ·-,!<"ft Jl1WI •• • • f,Jt 1.tn l.1 ,1"1 ..., •. , .. . ll:U •.m. 0,J '•DNI M9'1 ,, ...• , S;l1t."'-1.t g_... ... . • . . lt:ll ~.111 .... "'-ri.. 1:07 '·""· "" l!:M '·"'-ii/ti rlMt I.'·"' Ml'I ,.ii I"'' \.tit •. ~"' '""'' •• .. .. ..... f '-'-• ..., l.:.>v :Ii V•• JI v.s. Vle+P~t ltt"""'°'°""' !Mii_,. t 1.,... '"' tram KIMI• to Ttu1, NII> °"' ~ tflll '"""'! clouct1 wt • • 1i9llh!d Ill -119ns ol etill tto1tr1l N-~·kt, ~ ... llOr1Mfot Klo ... 1 • l'I" JGUtlltnl Ok ........ Tht 91WN1! ~ t'll'llnll•11 (If lom.<IDI -· lit tJlt -j. VII -1llfl f1' .fllt ft.Qt. l"t~t. ~ ti '"'' -'°""""' .. _ .~ ..... Ii• ~ ""'°"'"' "' llrn "-11.. ,_..,., l"tll'I tNJ '1ninl WIMI ~ .... ,,. """"*""""' IC'llrio "'· #lor'I ,.. "'"" ll'ld!M ....... /a.II/ ..... M ...... I W.111, Ttx.11 11'1 ~ t Jim. """ "'ell !WO l'llN,.._ TIW -tethllty ift ""' Ml\ll!Mnl • "4 C"'ltfl 111tll!a Wll flnt I _.t*t 91 1111 .. .,,,..d ~ 1<'111 tllu..-1"""' KTIYllY 1«111'11,.. I~ fltt *""'" Mdl8nt "' "" ltotlllft " "'-l!tt ,, 11'1t -MldW'tll. Mltf'· ,,._Mt,. "°""'' _,.ftllw CINI toiolf dr¥ ... ,. ._.. 19 -I If !tit Etll trM1 fflt 'Mis!, w--·.,....~~""~ -'°'1111 h "'1!11 •t !flt Fir Temperature• lb~~ ... ~•ld ~1sm1rt~ llali.t .... ~ """~ (!11Cl11r>1tl Cle"lotY ... 0-n"'!r 0~1 Mol- ''""' (~t ·~·~~ H11tna HCJl'l"lulo "10~1'0" IC•"1t• City l11 ~·· Loa "'°'"* AA1t"'I MllWMw M lnnuPOl!f N~ Or"'°n1 "lfw Yri N!IMJI Plll!w O.•ltNJ ,_ .. "•• ttei... ""11 • ..i..,t1 _,, P1tbllul"t~ l"attlt"" ll•lf ()ho ltflf '""' ·-s.cr .... IO II l.olllt ,,111111 •111 Lekf C:t!Y ihn OlttO $tn 'rt"l:lt<I Ito~!• ltrllt .. ktltlt -·-TM ..... • W.-itMI cf! Mlt~ lew l'ri<. JI 36 .11 ~ . " .. ., ., ~· ~~ 11 ll ~ " " .11 1)11 ~· 11 11 '° ~· ,, ii l.J.I " .. 11 St .06 o n ,. ,, l.'1 ., ,, IJ IP ... " n M " .. T! JI ~ ~ ~ ... fJ JI .M " " II )) " " 16 ll .N " p " g .. ~ ,. . ... ... n " " . " . " " " " N .. II 91 " .. ~, .!) .1' -:: ~ " n 11 '~ " ~ u ~ At CCNY police reported students arm· cd with sticks and bats. The New York Judgeship _ school was closed for two weeks begin· [lifanhunt Da_v~ £\1.r ning April 23 after a takeover of the l'• · · · · C -;·~'.l-.l---soutb campus by rebel black" and Puerto Rican. students seeking a change in SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Six ;iusons admission policies and the establishment Williams, a Negro, would be the first of his race to hold a federal judgeship west of the Mississippi River. suspected in the fatal shooting of of a black studies program. ' "Judge Williams ha s an exceptional background and an outstanding record," Murphy said in a statement. "He is regarded by h i s colleagues with th e highest respect both for his juridical achievements and the many civic con- tributionJ he has made ta the Lo3 Angeles community.'' Williams would fill the vacancy creat.ei:t by the retirement of Pierson M. Hall from the Central Californis District Court. President Lyndon B. John.son on J an . 10 nominated William M. Byrne Jr. to the cow1 vacancy and at the lame lime resubmitted the nomination of U.S. Atty. Cecil F. Poq~ for a new pogition on the U.S. Diatrict Court at San Francisco. ' Upon assuming office Jan. 20, Presi- dent Nixon Withdrew these and other Johnson nominations. I Policeman Joe Brodnik six days ago fac- ed questioning today after an extensive manhunt ended with their capture Tues· day on the north.em edge of Santa Cruz. Police and Callfornia H lg h w a y Patrolmen, with guns drawn, took the six: without remtance. ln.sidi the stolen car, taken from a sun- bather on a San Mateo County beach, of- ficers found an Ml rifle, ammunition and a knife. "We are convinced the people arrested in Sant.a Cruz are the people we wanted in connection with officer Brodnik's murder," gaid Capt. Martin Lee, San Francisco's chief or inspectors. "Their arrest gives me a sense ol deep satisfaction," said San Francisco Police Cbief Thomas Cahill. _The FBI had been asked to join the hunt and Mayor JoseDh Aliota had of- fered a ~.IM» lftant lor their capture. with an electric self-cleaning oven and get $25 in the mail to boot!* ~Buy an electric range with a self. cleaning oven before June 30 from' your local participating de;lcr and the Elecnic League of Southern anyhow, arcn 't youl Whv put up with all that drudgery when a'! electric ~£-cleaning oven will clean itself for less than a dime? California will mail you $25.if you Whee your new.range isdoctric, choose any of thc.c popular you can cut way down on branda: Ftigidairc.Gencral Electric. cleaning your kitchen, too. With Hotpoin~ Kenmore. Thcrmador. · a flameless ntllic there arc no Westinghouse. by·products '?f combustion to. -dirty walls, wiru\ows and curtlllllll· You'rctittd of scrubbing, scouring, and scraping that oven of yours Bc.\idcs a cleanlo: kitchen, an • * * * Congressmen Ask · CrackdciwnonAid WASHINGTON (UPJ) -Four con· gressmen demanded today that all federal aid be cut off from colleges where a "substantial" disruption of classes by students takes place. . They testified at a House heating on campu.s unrtst that only by cutting oU all of a school's aid will administrators get tough and crack down on disorderly students. · The four were Reps. Dan KuybnUU CR-Tenn.); Earle Cabell, (0.Tex.); G •. v. Montgomery (0.Mlss.); and William: Ji Harsha (&-Ohio.). -~ /1 . electric range means a oooler ~i en. Electric heat goes into th -not up the sides of s and pans. Electric nngcs oow outsell gas ranges from coast to coast. You can see why. See your local participaq dealer. Give him your address when you buy a range. The League will mail you a chock . sP Sovlhern California Edison OlllN -AY 9 'llL I OFFICIAL COLEMAN RE~AIR STATION FOR ORANGE COUNTY * PRIC:IS EfflC:TIYI MAY 7 .. ,, •• s.,,.. ... Just Arrlred! HANG-TEN TEE SHIRTS ~ ' . SEE THE ALL NEW 1969 Wl§ TENTS! I NAvt JOU SUN tM lltat? .............. hixvrilov• MW .,,..._ c.t.n, nlll mi,., hi "1 ef tlM .,N" cofor1. llm S-M·L-XL . '6 $7 and $8 I llEWl I FULLY LINED ·CPD SHIRTS ......,. .... wftll ... """'!."""' ,,,. -......... L New Shipment! Thi bolt K tht hurt of wtMt m.any shoo!eri tall fht finest 1111-around big· garn1 rifle made. Sn ick ii open. You'll Set the strongest 1ction tvtr pot in 1ny rifle. Slam it ctoted. NOW" your c1rtridg1 head is protected by three overlapping rings of 10fid 11"1. But it's not the who11 700 story. Wt tested all tht bolt actio ns. You won't get better KCUracy, Or • cltener trigger pull. Or t tougher finish. Or bet1er checkering. Or 1 more tomfortablt stock. IDl.-1961 ,_,, -~ ... •• """l. "Cltar .. It" ,,, GIMF'S! "FAMILY TENT" REMINGTON MODEL 700 BDL SALE! Tho World's Sfrongnt lolt·Aclion Rifle! MODEL 700 MAGNUM IDL-1961 •264Wln.~ •7mtnMlf"UM :;::~ $109'5 UST PRla $)69.95, ·• • IDL-1961 Cn• Dtln:• .222 •em .. .222 ..... Mlf., .22·.250, .243, -. --~--:-.......... §!!!!I} LIST PRICE $154.95 s99ts " ASX THI DPB:TSI Cnnt'1 Gun o.,.rtment 11 1t1fftd lty txptrh In their field of .Wtlittl Whltww Jff ••y-want In 9un1, from • $20.00 22-Rlfle to 1 $3,500.00 Sllotgm, Gr1nr1 his It In 1t1ckl c .. In aM ... for younelf .,,. ef tft• l1rgnt stocks tf pns lit Sevthem c.Qfeml1f NOW YOU CAN MIKt ,,...., 111 tf tht _....., ttylH tf lnf' .. Sllda 1t1d JtlM ~r .II yeu 11111 Set Gr1"t'1 for tkt ~ fltl from·$6 I I "The ,Lr11sr' IEU 80nDM "Flom'! by Lni'18 o.k -..,... ......................... ,..,,,. .. ............. ..... '""*'~ ..... ,.. u.I'• ..... II IT....,,. ........ Liit'• ............ .. .. _......,_.._, .. .. ' LARGEST STOCK IN ORANGE COUNTY 400 P1ir kll-lottom Nuvo8 Hopuck LEVI'S• "FLARES" STUlllTe -1ot1t -....... ..,. ,, ~'· ,..,,... ""9, Nny -'ftltt. Sb:H tr-26 .. 16. '9 * CHILDREWs LEVl'S9 * llUE DDllMI ~Im 0.121 .. $4.9' WNITI ~ Coll celenl $3.6' IAIT ~(II.., 4-12) .. $4.9' Wl-Ol AUMAJOll C:HDIT CAlllS 11 - BE - W""""'1, 11&17, 1969 DAll.Y l'llOT 5 I SCOUTER/CAMPER CENTER I SAVI Oii AIL el ,.., ........... el "'"r' ... '-~ " c..lc "" • • • ,.... ........ -1·' "'""'' LIGHTWllGHt ALUMINUM PACK FRAMES •4.95 "-"• clrriM • -plm-.til~ . , '""' '"" -.d ... llilllllty• -""' ""-*· Ooleman,,, .. SIE AIL Cit' 1111 -lllW 19" ~1 Of COWIAH APftWICIS AT GlNn'S -· . wrn COT II WlllN YOU NEID 111 ITOYB • • • LAHTllNS • • • HUTBS ••• TIHT1 , • • • • , TUUIS ••• SUDltl UGS, ITC. LARGEST SELECTION OF. CAMPING GEAR HIGH SIERW? W• hnt 1·c.mpftt1 llftc- tM If 100% Do .... fllW ~· fw th1 me1t ,,... f1ukiul 1f umperll Otfltr hgs From $10.11 To1sts 4 Slices ,, 011<11 h1r le UNI Sprt1• h11t t'ttnly. 49' .....~. Hiker's BACK PACKS '1!! PLASTIC CAN LIGtfTWEIGHT 1nd 11Vr4r wnt1I• 1r for w1t1r wppllt•, •2•9 "Gr_,,s Ila lt-WIJM You llNd HI'' [IJ!BBAGS (ICEPTJOHAUY WlrM, Mft...W...111 _,.,, wfth ~ ............ 1001 TltMfy ..... ,. 1111 •rown aiw, CMorful """' lllltdr: 1111 flt11Ml lhli111. Full xr,,.r, air Nttl'ffl ,.U1tt. $15 88 . SPICIAU @I.fl Slnglo Mlllllo WITEIN s1011 3-PC. CllOW KIT MMel20o..\ REG. l.O.W Prices M All U.-1 59c 47c Cooiplott s.. &.ti lint! . .. with WE RENT 6 ... ., Everything In PORTABLE CAMPING TOILET EQUIPMENT! LIST •2• $3.98 Co11t Guord RUllll Ajlpr .. u UFE - BOAT , BOATS CUSHIONS 1-MAN·s14•5 Many s2as Color1I 2-MAN , , . , , . $29.95 4~MAN •••••• $t9.95 SAVE MORE AT GRANT'S 6°MAN . , , , , , $59.95 lilfR CAMP TRAILERS *'••r to row! * fay to P~lrf * l••J to Set Upl *'••rt• Ownl Whlft pv go campint yOv w111t to c1mp trouW1 free. Coltm1n knows rhlt. So when we ~ our camplnt tr1Ntn w1 kept ,.. "9 "'""·TM mult 11 a Hat tf ......... ,, .... """" ....,.., "'"' eofldp.te ""' C1M""9 Rlt•.......W «Mtpalft ,,... ..... s795 TO $1795 I ~· I • • • ... , . ... ' . -. .. • -· ' -' ' " ,. . .. . ' ~ ' l I h u 0 ~ •• p " c " . • p ( I t r ' ' I ( t ( ( ( l l ( ' j j I !DAILY PU..OT EDITORIAL P~GEj Help fol-Sunse t Beac h The Huntjngton Beach Parking A11thority m~y con- demn the mile Jong, ~foot wide strip of Pacific Elec· Irie Railway property· through Sunset Beach. A study of the possjbility has been ordered by the Huntington Beach City Council. · The local parking authority is in a position to hell> Sunset Beach solve parking problems if silch a project is feasible. 11 parking flans are· lost. the strip could be used for construction o apartment units, fw1her complicating the already severe parking problems in~ the area. Unless· the strip i$ Used for parking the beach ilself • may have to be used by residents -and by the thousand s ·of visitors the area gets each year. At present t.bere is a strong movement to annex the area-and its problems· -·to Huntington Beach. If the annexation is accomplished, Huntington Beach should Know what it is getting into as far as parking is con· cemed. · • The parking authority has the power to condemn land in Sunlet Beach. It could effectively stave off development ' of apartments on the railroad land if 'it appears that public use is the best for the land . It is not often that a city has the power to prevent public beach from being used for parking Iols. Most often the parking must go in on the sandS because no other land is available. ' But"hl this Citse the lal){fis available'. It could ab.- sorb parking needs rather than placing cars on precious \vaterfront. Huntington Beach appears interested. enough in the problems of -the tiny beach commuiiityM to help solve some of itS problems.. . If~nijngton Beach. has the power and apparently the · inclination to do what it c~n.:tO heJp the residents of the area whether in the city or not . 1n the past tbe1e have been serious problems be- . I tween Huntington Beach and &linset Be11<;h. Tb~ •Xl!"nSf and work now going· OQ by representatives of both sides should be a strong indlcatlOll that the-l"ar is. wiu)Ulg., ·The plan ouillned by tlie council -in• .. lll•!IOIJ of a possible parking authority project, and rie(OtiallOris \Vilb the SOuthern Pacific Railroad Co., owp,ers of~the strip -coufd do much to promote ,harmony of the com· znunities and the beache~ for the people. Too Much F,'1'eeway?, If there·is one Uung:U,;, southeast part of FDW!taln Valley and Huntington Beach can do without it is the southernmost leg. of. Route 57 (Orange) Free\vay, oow .proposed.for preliminary route studi.es. As envisioned now, the freeway would extend south of the San Diego Freeway, which presently cuts Foun~ tain Valley in half, and run some three or foqr miles south ~ong the Santa Ana River'to the future ~acific Coast Freeway. fountain ·valley's northside industrhtl district would benefit from both the San Diego· zind Roqte 57 ~ree:ways. But the benefit ·is doubtful if the line ·is extended south of the San Diego Freeway. · Below the San Diego Freeway is a belt of homes, schools and churches on either side of the Santa Ana River which the freeway would have to destroy, It \Vould seem that the Huntington· F r e e w a y and the Newport Freeway, az:_riving at the coast only three miles apart, should provide adequate service to and from the beach in that area. .i\nother stretch of freeway from the San Diego Freeway to the Pacific Coast Freeway, \vedged in be-- t\veen the Huntington Freeway and the Ne\vport Free- '''ay, does not seem warranted at this time. Ocean Vieiv Has No Family Life Pt•ogram 'Hi There, General Hoo <'Sex -Course' -Fa_ets_:.W:rong- To the Editor: I feel a personal obligation to react to the recent article which appeared in a newspaper (not the DAILY Pl~). on April :.>. The basic content of this article was based on an interview with Mr. Joe Ferm a resident of Huntington Beach. l am ~ned abou t the way in which this man has completely distorted and misrepresented the facts with respect to what he called a "sex course" in Ocean View School District. The facts are these: Letters from t"eader.s are welcome. Notm4lly wriUTs .should convey their message in 300 words or less. The right to CO'ndense letters to fit 1pace or eliniinate libel is Teserved . All letters must it1clude signature and mailing <1ddTess, but names may be withheld on requewt if sufficien~ ,.ea· son i..s apparent. A GROUP OF parent.s submitted three separate petitions to the school board in November 1968. On recommendation of the super~teqdent, tl)e . board reaffirmed , its position not to indude-family l!fe ·and . plan fci.r financin~·their wssible program. sex education as a part ·or the curncuJum . Any• '·program .. will, in fact, be entlrely of this school district. , The t , di vorced from aiiy 'district involvement: That positiOft"' hai not changed. Rath ·1 · ff b { board did suggest that the petitioning er, I is• a~d e . ortf y t'a ~ou~ ~ enta might meet to discuss an after-parents to prov1 e In orn1a ion o t 1e1r ~ool program for their f!lmilies. I children through t h e means that they volunteertd to serve ·as c~a1rrnan. pr11 deem appropriate for their own families.; tern o[ this committee. In this ca~c1ty, I have chaired the only two meetings. of these interested parents. The frrst meeting was attended by 13 parents and the second by 10 parents. rttR. FEM-1 HAS attended neit~er . of these meetings, nor would I k~w him d I aaw hlm. Had he been genuinely con- cerned in the delitleratlon of this group of· parents he might have contacted me to find oui exactly what is going on. It is difficu1t to know exactly what Mr. Ferm's motives were in making his misleading statements, but it seems ob· vious that an effort to be factual was not one. of them. One of Mr. Ferm's charges, as reported in the newspaper. , was that "Ocean View School District, .although acting quietly is just as far down the road as the H..:Ottngton Beach Union High School District in adopting a family life and sex education program ." I HAVE EXPLAINED to the parenls that the school district is not oUicially connected with their acUvities and that no funding will be available from the district. The fact is that this group of parents is not cons idering any program for the Ocean View School District. They are on I y investigating t~ possibility of providing some information that they desire for their O\\'Tl families. If other families want .to.join them at a Jater date, I am sure they Y11il l be welcomed. They have not j'.letjded -,hat to teach, if anything.· .They have· not determined who shall present the materials, nor where they · shaU be presented. THEY HA VE NOT agreed on whelher the information should be provided to parents only, to help them in carrying out their par:ental responsibipties; whe~ the materials should be . presented m homes throtlgh the chui'ches, or other racmtits: nor ha ve they arrlVed at any THE PARENTS WHO have taken part In these meetlngs-don~t lhi.nk•Ocean View has a family life and sex educatioh pro. gram, the five bOard members charged \vith the responsibility for decid ing whether such a program will exist don'l think Ocean View has a family lire and sex education program. none of the school administrators in the district think Ocean View has a sex f:ducation pro- gram; and yet. Mr. Fcrn1 insists that unc exists. Absurd! RALPH N. BURRISON Dld11'I See II To the Editor: i .Cound your editorial of April,,, most asinine. I, too, attended the meeting at Marina High School on the proposed sex education courses, but didn't see what • you reported in your editorial. Whal I saw were about 400 taxpaying citizens who were nol being represented by the majority of the school board trustees. Also a couple of trustees who showed obvious contempt for the n\a· jority of the audience . I ALSO SAW and heard several "hip- py" tyJ)e individuals (who prob3:bly don't pay property ta1es in our community. don't .have children in our schools, and pOssibly don't reside in the schoOI district} share with us their "expertise" on the subject. Quite possibly the voler·laxpayers in the audience, that night were tired of being the "Silent Majority." JOHN PER!ON The editorial criticized tile aud i· ence attending the fllt ntington Beacl• Higlt Sch~ot District board meeti11g for rudtnfsa, bellig~reticy and niob· type tactics. Tiie DAILY PILOT stond.• behtnd the editorial. .:....Editor ----~~~ ~~~d~~Jd,·· Wednesda• May 7 1969 "Oovvmne¢ spending lar -beyond in· "' ' come · bu lntcnitlfied Inflation .and Thf ~ditonol page of tht Daily p!ICed the' Ari'iericA.n consumer in a Pilot 11ekl to (n/orm and atim· staggeftng price squeeze. In fac~ the ur.ctte rta<kn by prtsnting thil red int on government ledgers is so newspoptr'• opinions and com--tremendous that It is past ordinary menta.'11 on topic• of intere1t comprehension , •. For instance ..• -and iSOfti.fiOim«, br ptOiricUng a .the government in the past six years forwm /°'"' the t.ipressi<m of bu spent $80 bUllon more than it& In· 014r MJder•' opinioM, and bt1 come from the u.xpayer1. Th.is preatntfno tht dilltrH view-averages about $lO milllon a da y or pofttU of informed ob1erveri $100 000 a minute. every minute. eight tind JpOktrmtrt on toplu of the houfs .a di.)'. 40 hours a week ... Not daf/. ~~:=~~:o~t~~:! ~~·:c:~ Robert N. Weed, PubUsber do something to return tbis nati on to a s:rne filcal policy." 'Plea se Cat1 c el.' To the Edilor : 1 read an article in your paper the other night and since it hac! no by-line, I'll assume that you wrote it. You sarcastically belittled the public for standing up and being heard for something they are opposed to. I have one thing to say. If this sex education pro. gram had been put into lhe schools without public involvement and then· everyone started yelling about it, you would have published an article to the tune of "\Vhere were all you people before." Please cancel my subscription as of l'lOIV. MRS. JERRY ALLENDORF Taker Exceplio11 To tht Ed ii.or : As~a private pilot and flying club sup. :porief, I "·ould like to add my bit to the ongoing airport ordinance controversy. First of all, however, in all fairness to airPoft manager Bresnahan, I would like lo point out that the copy of the proposed ordinance shown to me does not require a $2,400 yearly fee from flying clubs as has been · widely reported In your paper and elsewhere. The $2,400 f~ is propased for air taxi and charter operations and, in fact. the rate schedule as presenlly writ- ten calls for no set flying club fee. BE\'OND THAT, however, I must take exception to certain of Mr. Bresnahan's proposals which are clearly and ad· mittedly aimed at elimlnating "com - petition" for a bare handful af coin· mercial business (aircraU sales and ren- tal. etc.) \vhich are commonly known as fixed base operators IFBOs). These poor FBOs, for lhc uninitialed , are the people who occupy those large and architec· turally elegant new buildings to the north and south of the terminal. The "competition" which is under at· tack, the flying clubs, in general consist of a group of aviation enthusiasts \vho collectively and on a no11·profit basis share tbe expense of operating one or more light aircraft for recreational purpoSel!. THE FACf THAT tbese people can fly their airplanes at rates considerably · beloJY those. charged by the FBQs. for reo· tal is the object or the "unfair com· petition., charge. To state my feelings on this state of af· fairs as ~efiy as possible, I seriously queation the righl of the county to regulate the flying clubs for the benefit of select c~ercial interests. and suggest that the A1 port Commission and Board oI Supc.rv· review with great care ' any legislation to that purpose. DAVID GOSS Dear Gloomy Gus: Why Is the Brookhurst and ·Adam' Intersection being rebuilt in late spring rather than in the winter? Look.~ likt the usual crowd it up lo its old trlckl again -or ii this planning by committee! -8. B. Tlllt ... ,.,. r.lllC'$ .......... ...... Ml -IHIMlt." Mil ef ftM ~ ..... ""'' Mt ...... i. oi-1111 Ollt. Dtl!Y '119t. • DatDonDar' It was in the 43rd year of our lightning .campaign to wipe the dread Viet-Narian guerrillas out Of West Vhtnnng. Peace thrtatened ih Paris. Negotiations had bef:n under way for-10 years -five to get all four·parties lo the peace .table and five on what shape pea'ce table lo get all four parties to: Jt · was., then that the:. buxom .female , negotiator for the· dread · Viet·Nirians, Miss HO\V Bot Dem, dropped a bombshell: She would he ii c e Io rt h recognize the represen tative of the Loya l Royal West Vhlnnng Government, General Hoo Dal Don Dar. Stocks soared. Editorial writers bailed the move as "a glorious harbinger of pea·ce." And she 1vas as good as her word. The following \Vednesday, she looked straight at General .Hoo, whom she's sat across from for 10 years. and ul· tered the hisloric words: "Hi, there, General Hoo Dal Don Da~ .'' As the American and East Vhtnnng1an negotiators cheered, waved nags and clapped each other on the back, Genera l Hoo looked at her coolly. "And who," he said. ;'are you ?" Stocks plummeted. "JUST A MINUTE," said the crafty East Vhtnnngian Premier, Ho Chi \Vhiz. as the 6374th meeting began breaking up. "You have us over a barrel We have decided to cravenly yield to every single onr of your demands." Stocks soared. The U.S. negotiator. ~1r. Henry Cabbage, was stunned. ''Every demand?" he asked. ''Every single one," said , Premier ~o craftily. "First of all, we yield to your den1and lhat we withdraw the 100.000 troops we don't ~ in West Vhtnnng in return for your . ilhdra\\•ing the 500.000 American troop you have In \Vest Vhtnnng." · "Marvelous!" cried 1'fr. Cabbage. "Let's not be hasty," said General Hoo nervously. "SEC()NDLY ,'' said Premier Ho craf· lily, "We agrte to slop sending the $5 million .in arms and supplie! we've. beth '. sending annually ·to the Viel·Narians in return for your stopping the $5 Dillion · worth · you 've been sending to Ule Loyal Royal Government." "Glorious!" cried tl1r. Cabbage. ''No more American arms a n d money?" said General Hoo, blanching slightly. "And lastly,' .. said Premier Ho crafUy . "We agree to 'your demand lhat free elec- llo~ be 'bet~ throu&bout the 4?l1Dtrysid~ of which we control a percent. ' "\Vhat a triumph!" cried Mr. Cabbagf:. 1·Art you out of your sku1l?" inquired · General Hoo. MR. CABBAGE made an eloqu.ent. vic- tory speech In whi~h he' said thin now the Communists had yiilde(t"to e·very •Ingle U.S. demand, peace was Jnev)table. "All Amerkan boys will be brought home, American money will bt: spent ?or other purposes and," he said~ "{rte elec. lions wnl determine the popularity of the Loyal Royal Government.'' It was at this point that General Hoo, after some rcOection, turned to ~flss How Bot Dem. .. rm sorry I didn't rec(lgni1.e you arler all these years," he said. "I guess if, that you've •eed so much." Stocks plummeted. And the war con· tinued for 27 more years. 'Negative Space' In Our Cities Tltougbts Al Large: The prime reason for congestion and lack of physical amenities io the large cities is lhat "space" is created by default rather than by design; it's what ls accidentally left over after buildings have been put down, parking-lots blacked out, and express\vays sliced through. so that "negative space" is all the urban-dwel!er gets. • • • In the unprecedented boom or the last decade, it is disheartening to realize that the li,•10 greatest •·gro\vlh industries .. in the U.S. ha ve been -warfare and welfare. . • • '·A clash of doctrines," said \Vhitehea<l, "should be regarded as an opportunity, not as a disaster" -but when doctrints are not permitted to cl~h (as on most university campuses), then this frustra· tion quickly turns i n to militant con- rrontation, which solves nothing. but only embitters and enl'.'enches both sides more finnly in their dogmas. • • • In the 1940s, a calculating machine thaf cou1d handlt multiplications of 10 digHs performed only a half-doten operations in a minute ; today, the third·generalion computer can perform !O mi Won such • operations in a minute -if you n e e d some graphic idea of the acceleration of informa\ion-ouiput ir. this new age "'e li ve in. • ' • IL is one of the gi·e.at enshrined myt hs of our century that "research makes pro. gress," bul this is anly one side of its coin -too often, "research" merely en- courages us to perpelrate nei,r mistakes before \.\'e have learned to escape the painful consequences of old errors. • • • We Oerate modem youngsters for lack· Ing "respect for tbtir elders"; but ha\v much respect does our ~ociety have for ' ' , , $idney J;·· fr. . ··) its elders, when three out of every five tiouseholds with the head 65 and over have incomes of less tban $3,000 a. year, which .suggesl they are living meagerly on Social Security paymenls and other government programs? ' . . Speaking of youth, one maxim that ought to Jc tacked up on dormitory walls is Rosenstock·Huessy's: ' 'Sex u a Ii t y throws no light upon love, but only th.rough love can v.'f' learn lo understand sexuality." ' . ' ln ancient tin1es, a suecessflll warrior was thought lo be.competent in running the affairs of slate: in medieval times, a successfu l churchman; in our time, a ~uccessful bureaucrat on the other side of the Iron Curtain. and a successful businessman on our side -what we have noL grasped in all these centuries is that no special class o~_eljte is specifically gifted in runn ing the affairs of state, and that success in one field is no guarantee of proficiency in another. ' . ' The truth of the matter in the academic controversy between the •·teaching nlach ine" and the "live pro· fessor" is that while no teaching machine can stin1ulate and moti vate students one- hund red th as effectively as a.good live proressor. at the same time a teaching machine is probably far more effective than the mediocre or dull professors, t;'ho make up about 90 percent of academia. (II stands, in fact. in about the same relationship as a comPuter to chess : the computer can eas.ily beat 99 out of 100 ordinary players but \vould stand no chance against a true chess expert.) In the Eye of the Storm Now in the eye of a sudden storm, Dr. ~fary S. Calderoncj one of the most respecled, effective and active authorities on sex education ir, thl-. co~. llaods spattered at from the left by ~gesLil1at she. ·~mouths old platitudes," •nd more severely buffeted from the rigbt for spreading "pornography.'' An accurate woman with .blue eyes as direct as her mind and a carriage as upright as her princiPles. she remains determined that young Americans· .un- derstand 'sexuality as a .respon~i~i1lty and a creative force far beyond sorty 'distor. tions . ., ·"I'D LIKE LESS of ihe smell or se:.: penneating society today, but t'should' isn"t ·1s· as my mothef.said ; lllJ'ess lhC adult world is going back to conttol bv rules that are enforced. the only 'Eunte'r is adequate preparation in order to pro- tect the young." • A daughter of the great photographer. Edl\1ard Steichen, Dr. Calderone took her medical degree at the Universil,y or RoChester and a Master of Putillc Health degree at Columbia University: l AS MEDICAL DIRECTOR ol lht l'lan- ned Parenthood Federation of America. she became IO stirred by the nunibe: and degree of requests for help in sex educ:a· lion that she rtsigned in ordtr, In 1964. to become a rounder of the Sex Information ~rd Educalion Council oC the United Slate$. ~n organiulion that offer~ no courses: on sex but serves as consu lt.ant ·-only on r:equest -to 1JC:hools and religious, medical and professional croups on their own pt\>gram'!I. I i ' -' AS EXECUTIVE direclor of SlECUS, Dr. Calderone has become a shining target for 1n.ilita11l misundeNtanders. Surprised. rueru l, unshaken. bulwarkfd by recognitions aod a\\'ards (most rece nlly a Spirit ol Achi cvemenl ai,vard presented in New York by the Albert Einstein College of Medicine), Dr. Calderone said , "1 <lon't mind the at· tacks. I'm sixty-live. I know who I am .. , i\18y lssUe, VOGUE Mq:adne ·---B11 Georg"---• Dear George: I wanted lo buy nly nephew In New York City a pony. for his birthday but 1\-e gotten a letter from the litUe tyke -actuallt he's 17 now -saying he. would llke to have somethi ng caUed a ''heater with a shoulder holster.'' Perhaps r will check into this but, Urst, do you think he would have enough room iD New York C1.t1 to ride a pony? AUNTIE AGATHA Denr Auntie; With ll heat.t r in 11 shouldrt holster he will. ~Send your problems to Gtorge and do something con!tnloOvc, about your worrlts. Or, do tiot:b.I ' J ) ) " " oh '" er at lls y 1ly nd or ng a a of iul ve "' lly nd ee h• h• ·o- ne ~ ve ng ve ho ne he .00 no i ; IS, ng rs. od )St rd !rt lr. '" " •• • ------ . .. CHECIJNG · • ·up .. ~ ••• 'II. ~ BY L. M. BOYD NAMES -The telephone directory at hand lists 15 persoi'IS" ~ Who bear · t b e honorable old name o f Guernsey. Didn't realize that was such a popu•lar nomenclature. ft.fake mention of it because a 28-year-old Toledo, Ohio, blonde writes: "I'm 5-foot-10, weigh , 162 pounds, measure 3&-27-38, and my name is Gertrude. On a recent Florida vaca tion. I 11ald no to· the only marriage pro- posal I've ever received, beca use the man's name was Guernsey, and I just couldn't face the l.houiht of being in· troduced al cocktail parties as Gertie Gu•msey." Understan- dable, I 'suppose. Yet this young lady .did not exercise suUici~nt ... lmaa:fuailon. Why di~'t she·say)'es, then slnlply changt her firat name? Sly, to Elsie maybe. Too bad. ARE YOU OLD ENOUGH to recall those Oepre1&ion days when city fathers all over the country ordered their zoo animals shot to save (~ costs? ••. SOt.rrH DAKOTA'S governor get s $18,000 (a year while North Dakota 's governor · only gets $10,£l90. Is that equitable~. . . WITH 0 UT LOOKING it up, how would you def ·in e "enervating•·; Careful , our Languag~ man says almost everybody says the exact opposite of what it really means. MISS BAXTER -See Anne Ba~t.er is turning up on televition wilh great fre· quency of late. Fine actress, Misa Baxter. Her granddaddy was Frank Lloyd Wright, who once described television as "chewing gum for the eyes." Miss Baxter first went on Broadway at age 13. Those girls who get a quick start tu m into deep thinkers. She has said she wants to· "see into lite. not just look at it.'' CUSTOMER SERVICE' Q. "Is it true as I've heard t!i.al . Centrists Back Pohe~ L, I PAl\IS (UPI) -A cam· paip to draft acting president Alain Poher, &0, as Center pirty candidate picked up speed today in the presidential election battle to succeed Charles de Gaulle. Sweral French m o r n i n g newspapers reported he would accept. With seven days before nominalion.s close for the June I election, GauUist Georges Pompidou, 57, faced three lef· tists and a Trotskyite. The Center partiu, hOl!le votes bot\! Pompidou a the Socialists~ were wooin, . had not yet n~inated a 1dale of their own. Poher, who took ove horn De Gaulle· when he i&ned and will be acting p ident until elecliM of a newt' tf of · state, was reported r ctant to run. He already was under trq pressure to )oin-tJte r1, . .' 120°/c . ~~- 600/0o FF l SPECIAL.: • I • PURCHA E HUMAN . Al. Her•'• What You Get : 1 .... 7.lt WJt Styli .. .... 1.tt W&t Cf .. lllf .... t.H w~ c_.1,, .. 1 .. .... I.ti W't ,,._ ........ hi· 1.tt .&tr.r_.. I f lttl"'• 'if flt~tU•rt W;~;;~' V-A~~~;~PI 46 fASHION IS~ND e NE ~T llACH 644-2612 e IHOI' .MON. & '1:1. NIT 'TIL t :Jt P.M. ------·--~-----~-------- Cruiser Boston Set for Vietnan1 1 W~"""'' May 7, 1'169 HILT-'1 JOHN A. NEWSOM, M.Q. · Announces The Op•ni(),9 of Hi1 Office for .. Th• Practi ce of Generil Medicine Professional .Arts Bldg. , 3/>2 Third Street L19une 8e.1ch, Celifornie t)2651 Offi ce Hours By ,A;ppointlflent ._ .. Teleph•111• 494 .1533 NO MONEY DOWN 12 MONTHS TO P.AY · """' -" ~ ..... ~ See the Mobil •·cushion", 1'Wlde" and 11Premiert1 ___ line..oltiru, __ _ ask about "TlffE ;lfFIC~~ BONUS DEALI SET OF 4 -•scoo "II Mobil DlllefS llNR't V. rifht to n tlblish tM!r ... ,nee. Whit th•J He In the Huner.at Indy you can IH 11 your Chtvrolet Dtlltr'1 $147.00 less than la•t JNr'• Ca1111ro with COllllNll'lble eqUlp1111nt. The cost of •bout. everythinr keep• ri1inr. But not everyt.bin1. ftr eumPie, tak• Ca.muo. JC yod equip 1t with Powerrlide, the new 250·bp 360 \18 that run1 on rerular 1u, ad•ance+deaiJII power diac braket, w)iit:ew.U·tirll and wheel ooven, the price it $147•,teea than Jut year'• model with comparable equipment, includin1 heed rnt.n..ints. Down at Indy, t!wy think CamaJO it a Hu.11er of a car. That'• why they chose Camero u tb1 Otficial Pace Car for t.bia year'• lndianapolia 600. $69.00 less th1n·l11t y11r'1 Chevellt with com1NJl'lble equipment.· Juat by looking at the CbevoUe MaJibu you would rue11 that ft.a price would be higher than laat year's model. Not ao, It ii priced Jeq t han the earlier version. We're not talking about a atripped.:clowq car. either, We're talking about a Malibu Sport Coupe with head N!ltraintl and a 200·hp VS tbat runs on regula r gu. lf you add Powerglid' power di.ec brakes, wheel coven and whitewall tires to your Malibu, you'll find it'a $69• 19811. Add it aJl up: Chevelle is a lot more car for a lot lesa money. . '• .. $101.00 less thin IHI JW'• ,_.. w1t1J COlllplrable equlpllltnt. Mott '*"'1• have a lew fi vorit.utrQ they'd like to ad cl to Am.,; ea'• mOlt poDulAr car, Impala. Like Turbo HyClra-matic. Bis 30()..·bp V8. Power dI.e brd.-. Head reatn.int1. Whitewalls. Wbttl coven. If these are what you bad fn mind, too, you're in luck. AU to1etber, the price Lt $10t • 1• t.ban it wu for lut yesr'e Impala, C'Oft)parebly equipl)td. l'wlllnc you flrst, keop1 •• flrsL • • -· • , ~-'·'·''----.! • -------·--.. ---------- r ------ -------------- f . Dloll'f, PILllT . .. __ ... ~· Reagan's Tax Reform . Runs lnl o Criticism SACRAMENTO (AP) -The governc:r's prop o g a I Gov. Reagan's tax reform basically calls for hX:reasing plan bas run into another bar· ttie state 1ncomt lax to pay for rage of criticism, wlth one a reduction in the property nonlegislative expert saying, tax. ... ' . ABM Plan Defended By Agnew SAC~ (UPI) - Vice President Splio T. Ainow; stoutly defended tjle. Nixon ad-:·~ mirilstratioo's pr o p-o 1 e d slfeiuard ABM system Tues- day night ... "mpplng stone lo peace." Agnew told 500 ~rSOM at a $100.•plate Repub&can ltind- raising dinner that-the system would provide the minimum ~lion for the naUon from aggressive eoemies. • 1'Let me assure you that a safeguard shield ia eutntlal to counter the growing _ Soviet build-up of SS-9 rockets with mu 1 t I p J e multi-megaton . warheads/' he said.· "Missile-launching Russian submarines are being heavily increased. The Soviet Union -rhas already deployed an ABM system around Moscow. Can Amerlc.a do less than ·protect its deterrent strike capability?" Agnew said the system "is affectionately known around the White House as Excedrin Headache No. 29'' and vowed the .administration inten.ds tG ngnn or -congressional ap- proval or the billion dollar safeguard. He predict.e<l it would "han- dily" gain Congressional ap- proval for the antiballistlc mi~ile system on grOunds "f don'l look for us to do too It would impose a statewide muchi bout tai: reform this property tax on nonresidential session." ___ -·-·-----prbperty ·and--a-<>ne percenL * * * 2nd Wife ' 23. Arrested in, 3 Narcotics ·RaiilS. :JI ' ' . , I LOS ANGELES (UPI) -To the notth II> 'Veol!ira lll,l<Ollc -.In· t b rte County, iherill's depudes and Soutbirn Callfornla countlea state narcotics agents raided a Tueido1 ....Wied In 1:1 amst., barn in Utt Somlo '11'!• made tnclud'!f a -'&lld her fwr -...i coillllcaled three aGm: ~ ... , 14 kDOS ot marljui.aa and a ~a.-.,;n It it rtllet, '""',.I-"-''---_.......,,,...,._,. h&n.liu111: and cl1iiamlle and . In Ibo iarp.i = 13. mµnbu of cuns and stolen -""' la· 'jllOtorcycl ... blasting capo. The four ~ tlken into ~ ... ~-1denUtled b~ _¢1 ' ficerS as inemiiers of ' U\e QUestion Mark Motorcyclf Club. oste~y, the barn wit used to stor:e antique rented W film companies. · ~ VldGnllle Bantow '' -'Pll'.I& ' .fn111> 40 different ..W~' ,. Paim. la an-~!Were found in the ;:_..it .. ...__._.:.-•-'\ I l ~bythe -1 , t ACTION? ~tt&t! San~~ aher· • • • l •11~~in~ ;..~~ White Vote ~ol . "-oue:-r .. logic" dictates it should be were booked on . suajliclon of · r J lli9111"1f dep..\ted..areguard :-sy.1en1-~1. !~: ~":...:.=~ · foity· Has Slight Edge , , -11' •"1''1':1'- Defense ~tary Me l .v r n Warrants were out ·for 17 other ' . : tllUI Laird'• cles\!rlptlon aa a •tel>-awopec!B. . · · LO& AN~ELES (AP) -A Yorty was supported by,mly 11n;, ~~=C,~~= ~r<4'UC:::-'~:fd1·0 1~~~ new poll ..;s Mayor"sam onepercentt whUe90perct\}t not requin!l bellia~ but weekend m san l!<elnardlnb, Yorty enjoyil-a slight edge said they would vote-1for security does depenc!. on Redlands, Foitlana ,. '-nd among white voters over Bi:adJey. strength." · ·Ontario that netted 6 l Thomas Bradley, his Negro MexicaQo:Americans split M Agnew had earlier attended au1'nl*'Htso!I .. ·-""""·""·esda·y ru'ght oppontot .in the May 27 percent for Bradley, 37/per· a $1,000..a-coupili& reception at ~ ............ 1u • the home of Gov. Ronald In Los Angeles County, ponce n't~yoral election. cent f~r-Yorty and 1s-. per~t Reagan after speaking to 5,000 raided a 'home and lrrested a Bui the Fitld poll conducted undecided, the poll said. state ernployes on the west mother, her three sona and for ~on.~T 5¢d BradleY Yorty,. ineanwhile, tii\d, a capitol steps .and a meeting two oUter men. ' enjoys atm.ost total support women's group Tuesday his with Reagan.11 cabinet. Of!ice~s found 75 kilos of among LOs Angeles' Negro administration created the The vice preSident also manjuana, 500 seconal tablets, . , . renewed his attack on campus numerous marijuana clgatet· community and is well ~ad climate" _m . which a Nrgro militants. He charged the te.s and two potted marijnana of Yorty aniong Mexican-cou ld become. a seriolls can· demonstrators have thrown plants which po]lce said were ·American voters. di.date for ·mayor. "I ~roug~t the nation into • ' so m e being tended by a lf>.year-o1d ._. The ~II v.·as made l~t week people ol all races and cfeeds perverted nationwide college boy. and was, based on interviews competition for violence:" ·Mrs. Ethel Gitcbo, about 50, with 154 v"oters who said they flld religions onto my side of -··Some demonstraUobS-are · headed the operation, po.lice were sure to.Jo to the polls. lhetabletohelpgovernl'.heci· for good ca~s. 's0me a r: e aa'.id. 1 All were booked for The reau.lts m'ade public Tues· tyt" he said. poorly eonceived,"1 he . said. J>C>$eSS!oo of dangerOIJS drugs day ~'4S· -percent of the Bradley, at anolher 'meeting, "But too mw demonstrations for ..sale. white community 'favors Yor· said Yorty has attempted. to are being increasingly ex-Police said the group was a ty, iteeking his third term, and $•wiggle off the hook" by plaited as a conve,nient major · supplier of marijuana 43 percent support Bradley. disclaiming responsibility, for disguise for criminal J!lements for the Detroit area. Also ar· The others hl.tt. no, preference city scandals. Several city to conceal their • unlawful reited were Gordon H. Davis, or declined to•say whom they commiss ioners have ~n con- purposes in . giand social · ob-26, and Mathew P, Locricchio, favored. victed on charges of /bribery jectives." 21, both.of Detroit. In the Negro cmnmunity and conflict of .. interes. 9 llGllACES DAILY Tu-. Thru S•. F1rtt 1'8C41 ••• Weekdsys 1 :45 S1turdayt&Hali~ 1:15 ADMllSJON.PRICES Gntndst1nd$1.75 Clubhouse $3.00 Reserved Seats f 1.60 (lrlcludn~T-1 H~lywoodPor~ IilvIBWaod Century Blvd. 11 Prcirt. ' \ ' \ The. commeri.t c.1IDt from tax ..on adjusted gross income Robert c. Bro\vn, -executive-'ioa;Kt'JocalsdMX>l districts:-• vice rpesident of . 'th·e ~f:. Peavey, representing California Taxpayers Associa· the California AFlrCIO, said tion •. during. the second o{-~two the 1eif81ature should do more hearings called by t h e -F-or Ag;IeW?= .· ~ ..... ~··-.....---~::-·? "'·'"t:"t~ ,· ' . i .. ,. --~~'"-=""'"""--"'1'-~-·-..... ~··•' _, Assembly Revenue and Tax-for the 40 percent of the ation Committee. state's households who live in • SACRAMENTO <UPI) -i Vice President, Spiro T . ~ . Agnew,•tht happily married h father· of four 'cbildren, was ~:~, told by a pailil re&de. ~ay f he would be rnarriec.J again. · A womati: who ~.identified 1 i• herself as 83-year-oJd Mrs. 1• - Bl'OlVD said nearly everyone r~ed homes or apartments. criticizes the federal govern--A, homeowner, Peavey said, ment for giving money to local would automatically benefit government with strings at· through reduced property tax· tached, but he said Reagan's es, but a renter would benefit plan "takes us further down only if the landlord passed Teodo~a Escolin, San Fran-·y . Cisco..-took 'the vice ~ident's -"".: . ...i,..,:- hand and spoke to him. Agnew • was obviously start I~ ·'1;" ~ the same road ." along the reduction. ~ • 'I;. ' ., ' :-.-': _, ·-' 'tESA LEtt • • ..~ .1" WH OPEN TO THE PUBLIC - To...-. room for 1969 1nca.,1n9 , •OW,~1.0U ENDS ¢---f,_ -·Ila tt Mw 111•. An•I _..,.. 500 •-ts. iwefttory we lllUlt dose ....... 1961 pat. ,_. ...t special""" olaQ ..... Itlu ol-. BRING IN YOUR ROOM SIZES I ~-:i 1.19 ~:1 ONE WEEK SPECfAL Brown & White l 00°/o. Synthetic Tweed Good tor Rentals or Apartments. Never S..n Anywhere at This Low, Low Price. 3 49 SQUAIE e YARD COMPLETE -INCLUDING PAD INS'!AL~ATION . . . NYLON Cl.OSI OUT 3 39 snciAL . • --C.&Rf'R-OifLY- . · :aoli ENDS . 'f IPICIAL H .. M Sf, YAIDS --A-. ...... All ...... ¥•LUii TO 14.tS •ROM 2.87 ~g: y .. ...., .... ...,. ....... ,,.., .... , ,..,. ""' ce.e, first .... . : ... , .~ KOOR SHAG °"'j ............. Wery ,. ... ................... .,. ........................... .... , ... ..,.... a.-.......,, -.... -SOLD AT LUDIN• STOID M>l 10.tl Pll Sf, l"AlD OUR 6 85 SQ. PRICE •• YD. INSTALLID ltlclUDI" PAD (aprjlon Gold libel ......,.., . .,,.. ..... ~ "'-................ ... ~ ................ . ..... -... -· SllNi.At,. ontU ITOlD l!Oi:t.tl,. 19. +- oua' -179 SQ. l'llCI ... YD.' -c.AIPff ON LY- PLEASE PHONE FOR HOME EST. 549.3349 HOURS DAI LY 9 TO a:30 SAT. 9 TO 5 SUN. 12 TO 5 No Money Down. And Up TO 36 mos. To P ACRILAll SHAG M....., 2., t•M• ,,..,, ric• C..,.. ..... fM ~ ,..,. .. *"' a -r • Alltl,... •.W, S•llft•WW f,.N. -' • RECO. 10.'5 CLOSE OUT SPICIAL! NOW 5.49:: -c:AIPIT ONLY- NYLON SHAG ,.,, ...... """""· ........ .,.. '-,_., M• fw .... .. ---·--...,, .... .,... ,,.,.... SoW ot Leooll19 Star• Fort.H ·perYn OUR PllCI 4.as~:: L & J ENTERPRISES 'INC. Orange County's Largest Wholesale W arehouse -2406 S. MAIN, SANTA ANA OHi~~:·°' -Phone 549-3349 - ------------~---- •. I ' --~--~----.,.....__ ......__ -- • \ .. . . . ' General • -. . . - -- '·: . ,, . I <\.. i' , r: .,_ • -~ j j . i elephone. -. ' . ---- ' \. ' " ----' ; NHYC Holds First ' . ~~Opening D~ys , • • N"'!iP>i:t Hanor~t ;Clt\b ;l,l'iii1 Loa ~eles Ylcbl Cllill Is PllliliiriJ:llk'·"""1~ail(lional to Newport. The yacbls ·wm Opeftlligl ~ 9 y" • /:er<moni'5 motor to L\>S Ange~ HITbor nerdiundiy. · . J~~_mornlol#r th!~ of AU-other yaclit-dllb4 ·in• the ""' ,n\ wliCh ~ · \ ' are~ are co~ their !N • f"'er. t .. · ~ l opeillng day ·~=,. May On Sunday NHYC will stirt , Zl,2$. . • . t.-festivtt~--,vith--'r-hunt \" saturday will r e a t u r e 'breakfut from "i· a.m. to 12 Ne~ ~rbor Yacl)t CJUb's '"JlOOft Sunday. From 'Doon to tra~ openi.n"g day race 2::rl p.m. a buffet lunch will SIYCPlans ~g ·Race OnSafurday SIJf.rk Island Yacht Club of Ne\fpOrt Beach will ~r its ahnualJ,n.~i,~fti onal Preilicted Log )\ace Salurday. The event is~ aanctioned by the Southern California Cruiser Aasociati.on and t h e American P:~ We r Boat Association. The, ~T~•WilJ st.rt and •flni,lli ~ No. 2 beUbociy d! ~bor. Finish tiiae.~ Setlor J;'p.in. Jn predicteolJJQg !'acing slippers may djoGiO;Qietr QWn sjar\ing times· arld:Mil at.a:..speed• that .be served. . FDl!owlng the l4te Qreakfast • '.Or early lunch, as the case may be, yachtsmen will 10 aboud · their yachts. at the cluhbol.i'se dock wbrre~ a .~~ insj)ection wUI be held. _ Flag.raisjng ~monies will ' • . be 81 I p.m. with' the El Tori> ~. b·a n d enlertaining ~nor !Ai the flag '~" Dinner will be served aMht .Clubbouae starting at I p:m:. , 1 • Tbe Jij!YC fiag.niJIJ!I and ya~t ~pection is one of' the mast Colorful events of 't h'e year hi·the Harbor Area. eom:. modors Ernest C. Wilson will be in cUree. ' Tr-i,.;Port . Final of will get them across the finish' E .J ,_ line at t!ie designated time. . nsenauii Sklppen must also predict " .. • • the times they will leave each The En1enada race is never ~-·-~-~~Th!'!':k~i':er"~tb~f9¥e~~~11r~~:"'"l·C~~=~~:F'-~c:~..::?==§F-i percentage of error is the win-hp.rbor. • I • I I ~ ~ I· I ~ I ·. ' ner. This will be accompliahed The race will count toward this weekend with the il.iling the C. King Brugman Trophy of the Tri-Port Handicap race given to the high·point winner from, San .Diego to Oceanside of six cut of eig~t selected to Newport and beyond. races. Other trophies offered Saturday'• race f r o m are the Shark Island Perpetual Mission Bay to Oceanside will to the yacht club having the get under way with a "stag- greatest number of entries, ge~ start" Saturday from 10 the Shark Island Class A to 10:30 a.m. Lido Isle Yacht Perpetual to the yacht club Club will be in charge of the .winning first place in Class A. start and lhe· race from (The winner skipper deceives Mission Bay to Oceanside. 1 take-home trophy ), and the Skippers and crews will lay- Shark Island B Perpteual to over at Oceanside Saturday the club winning first place in night to charge their batteries ~ Class B. . at a dinner hosted b y J The race committee is com· Oceanside Yacht Club. Com· posed of George Friedl Jr., mod.ores Frank Hetrick. OYC, chairman : Fred Bice, Warde and Roy Woolsey, LIV~. 'fill ' D. Watson, Ed Riesen, l}ll of be in cbar1e df the Saturlay SIYC; and Bob Gu h I • night festivities. ,i California YC. The scorer is Balboa Yacht Club, Ralph Chadwick and the the directioo of referee King Bfugman. Dave Smiley will-tUe ev race committee chorea Nearly Everyone r:':i.!.'::1 fnim ;r e 'I'he1 race WfS orijinjlty limited tQ yachts ,sailing under the. Ocean· f cing handicap .tule, :)IUt lhiJ ear the ·Mq.,t 'Listens.'· ... ~ ' to Land~rs. ,• ·~,.Ricin Fleet is be!Jig inYihiil-to·Conipete tot the r • .filne'";. \ - ·-.. "!' f • .. i \ • •• •• • ""' • : . •• • • • • •• • • . ' I • • • • • \ • • ~ ' ... .. • ' 1 • -. • .. .. • " ' • • • ·"· ~.· ·------------, ------- • • • ,. " ' ., • • . . "i<a-.1. !Ii, 7, 1969 ' DAIL y I'll.II'. =I . • . " I • I 1 ... ' ' . ' - • .. • 'I .. r, '" . r' OUR .POLYES'.f~R KN!TS HAVE WANDJ:RLUST -- • • ·-' - and no wonder., .-ffl•y keep u,. the n'..ost h.Cttc pace wOh nary.a· p1..t1111t •f place, th• bar•t·mJniNm of upkMp. Fancrfr• styles r•dy Je'trawl Na:lf . yOur mood ta~ ojou, In frah,,coql Summer cotorS. lest yet, thtfre •If ......... • ·Penney pf ices.' Pick1CliM• to weor and ~re' to pGckl ' · · A. Cowl collarp'-af• of EncrOn• pofyelftr, 'f!l'hite,Gqua, lilac,.. ' yellow, pink-, 1.0 -11". ....................... ~ ....... , •• ·/ •••..... , •• 111 8. Jewel neck pleat•~ Wt l!ncron• pofyester, coral, ytUow, • i liloc, aqua, white, 10 .. 18 , .• , • , •...••••.•• ; • •••• , •••.•.....•• • • , '11 C. Double knit poly~ster wiih bax·pfeat Mdrt, b&ac:k,.white,.~. 1 · 1 pink, me.Ion, turquoise, l 0·18 ...• , ...••••.. : ...... , , ... , ....... , •1 •• '15 D. Polyalftr knit with plea,.chkirt, Jn whi'te, f · ~ pl,n~ ~k:rw", a·-116 ........................................... 'II· "-....__ ' • ··~- ~~ .r , ' • .. , "- • • • ' • " ... • • • .. ""· ' ,, . o. " '.• ) • . ' , . ' I: -. ' . ' •• ! • ' bRESS .~ I Pl.ACE ' • • I· . ,. • • '1 • • ' ·- , I ... • .... . . I ' ~·--, •? ---Je IWiY I'll.OT Wldllflll&t. M11 7. 1'69 Salgo• Uprlslag Documents Show t , • Viet Cong Plans WASHINGTON (AP' National Liberation F ~fl n l Pentqon 90W'CtS say " Dec. 5 saying ··unilS ·imust recenUy captured Viet Cong rapidly direct troops in staff document lndicaW the rcsollitely attacking k e y enemy plans to try ror a enemy installations and agen- poJi!ig l uprising in_ con· cies according to a prepared junction with major attacks on plan." Saigon this summer. ~ -A district IC\'Cl Viet Cong's Qfficials said the pape was leader's • captufed ~ebook believed to have figured in a with entries from OCI. 8 to Viet Cong military staff con-No v. 24, 1968, saying the Viet fcreoce in late P.farch. Cong-North Vietnamese forees The document. captured as would have to launch decisive !he Viet Cong's wioter-spring and coordinated attacks t'l assault appears 10 be petering wipe out an important part of out. otjllioes plans for con-tne U.S. war pot en ti a I , tinuirig eneniy"'-ol'ftl'{Slve 11c-destroying the South Viet· t.i vity. the sources said. namese army, and overthra\Y Disclosure of the new paper the Sligon regime m carryiat: comes at a time when Pen-out an NLF resolution aimed tagon au1horitles are challeng-at achieving these ends durin& ing reports of major enemy the Lunar Nrw Year period in pullbacks into Cambodia and 1969. disputing arguments of som.e · ,._ Anotber captured Viel critics tha~ the enemy winter· cOng notebook mentioniii.g a spring _ olfensive was i n province committee resoluliOli retallatiOn for int,nsified directing subordinate fo~to allied operatiOns·. prtpare from -seven to 10 ob- !\tANY UNITS jectives for higher head-.11 1. ..A.· . • quarters prior to Dec. 20, 196&, 'J'.be m I a r Y .aulu;.n ~~et togeUier with plans for rar- claim that two Noi:1h 1e -rying out attacks. namese and two Viet Cong divis.ions, ·Pl~ various units -A personal le~ter, dated adding up to a 'fiftli division. ~· 2, 1968, and signed by a remain within s t r i k i n g Viel Cong. lea~er named distance of Saigon. Hoang. Thai. saymg he !'Bd Citing other c a p t u r , d been informed. by 'hi! hia<J.: documenls and inte~gations ~uarters lhe time. ~ad come of prisoners and defec£61', ~ to laWich .a decJS1ve t,&ttle military sources also say it IS ... becafi.se a hnal aeleat of the cJear thC enemy was prepar-AmerJC~ns " would s e I t I c ing for this year's wtn~r~ everything. spring offensive as ea(ly '11· F AU.EN SHORT last August. • .... _.. ·u I There are no iridicatioos In ruu ..... gh m.1 tary .ana )I~ any of this mattriaJ thai the' ~rredly ~red1~ed lll.15 year s tte. ted to d e . w1nter-spr1ng OffenSJve. the enemy ~ m~. · . . enemy's operations h a\' e escalate Jls military acUvny. ·fallen short of expectations. last fall alter former Pr'51 dJ!nl Johnson halted all -born· ~nio'. officers here we bing of North Vietnam , these saying 1n_early March that~ military sources said. North Vietnamese and Vitt OTHER MATERIAL Among supporting material, they referred to: -A directive issued by the Cong probably would attempt to ptnetrale at least tM out.Wrt.s of Saigon and would concentrate on u p s e t t i n I pacification. ·E-v.ery Mother l/.1td Grandmother tvants '\$1W~ with ··a- birtkst~ 'for · e~li cldltf. ·'nlllllW · '°•Nliii . K-TllNI At como1;a, llmod mo111er' • o1 onclont Rame, llld or hit children, '""-.,. my , JewelL • Elegont IY!lll>OI or ,pi:kf• In mothtrhoOd, this beautifully lashloned gold ring .la the modern way formothtfs and grandmolhtrs to co'unt .their b1 ... lngs. In WJ!itt or ,Yellow gold wllh oynl!ltlie birth•- AGIFT DES IGNED ESP ECIALLY FOR (acli Pin is cuitom.aut~I to yoar ordct wltli tb1 apprepri .. te bh'tls1tone1. IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE 'DRIVERY from - 1995 "'ith ) ···~·· HUNTIMITOH CINTll HUNTINeTON l lj\CH ttt-S IOl 0,.. M......,, Tlltnffy, ffiMy 'lin f p.m . 'I ' -.. .. ' . ... -. Penneys h~• a · big ~l~tl;o~, of su~mer ha"d"-1s ••· every Mom o" Mother,s ; D'y ' . . . . .~ ~·· ~ Your cheiC. of ciuoh grain GinoliurV handbag. ·iii blado, ~ orf-., YltClll straw~' in ~ . _ ~ wh!19, ""· P~C rattan handbag. with cO:*hi~~ · · . •n na!Ural,·:wlute, « brown at P~ fantmiiailly · l ow pri~. All the siw and shapea a handbag !10Ufd Min: ~~-. ~!J • • UICI IT••, CHAIOI IT I '•rfect flt in fine quality stretch hosiery from Penneys Contour fitt ing, proportioned Contr-• plain_ knit hooe in fashion shades, si101 A-B-C-D. Agilon• s.amleu llretch nylon panty ho.. in aUOPtecl ohacleo, sizes ~A.:l-EL 3/2.95 ,_ SurpriH her on Mother's Day with a Margarite iewelry box This !rod itional jewel box features a moral earring bar on the inside of lid, au!omatic lift-up Inly with 10 comport· men ts. In gold or ivary. Size 8"x 5'/,x12'/,, L~vely pearls and smart ~. \ '" . Lovely 1prln9 fresh 2 ft. · f!IQther flower arrangement An attractift feather -p;-in a wrought iron base. Pen.ct lor your den, living roam, bedroam. In as-'9cl colon to ,blend in with your color sch.,.,.. black & white costum• l•welry Our fine lustre pearl finish necklaces and earrings are hand knattecl. Yoilll find o wide variery of costvme jewelry in fash- ion wise block and while. . f •• • I . . • . . .... ..... -~ ' ' 1 The non cllng ·lace bra chJmlse, ereat for the cldfhes of today• . For wo men who w•ar mi ni i: •• scalloped lace cups of 100% nylcln, lightl)' fi ned Wirh fi berfill. kcly' of fortrel8 polyester 1ricot, 'just.fight· length'. Comes in white, black, pink; blue oncf yellow. Sizes 32-3'-36, A:a.c. ; I \ - ----~------------ 'j'l ' l 'l-.-., ~•,,, ltffle&uity or . ~sperat~ ; 1 ;;. . · lngretiteim here for an exlUnpJj ·of quick-lhinkiµ~. (ng"11iily · (or"d~spen\Uon!l are one t~ther wanting' to'Sew.in~~he park an.If one baijy 'e4ger to explo~ ... The · result: a· li'rge wire basJet{.su4fe'nly becotm;:s a porta~Je>: see-.througli .fl?Y1 pen and everybody's happy. ·f . -. • ~ • · • "'"' tz.... f~ · · .. Clark Clit,f ol"d '\:'i:ew ViS. Situ~tion 'Hopel.ess' ' . .. WASHI NGTON fAP) Clark ·M. Clifford, If ·str~ supporter of U.S. Vietilam policy when he ~ame 'the John s 0 n adminIBtration's defense chief in 1968{ tias said ' he l(!ft office convinced the na- tion 's'-nlilitary ,effort ,in the "'ar was hopet£ss, sources say. Clifford. s ecretar y of Defense from Jan. 30, 1968 un - til President Johnson left bf· fice earlier this' year, declared his disillusionment to some Senate Foreign-R e"l at i.'O·n s Committee nieln bers called togethCr by Sen. J . ·\v . Fulbrlgbt. sources saicl. Fulbright, one ' of t h e strongest critics of t h e na- tion's Vietnam involvement. '. " .. , )llwir-'iiftr ... 1•,.;d ' ~ TIMELY GIFTS 17 JEWEL WATCHES . v . . ' called .the meeling April 22. A&iit.::iil:Uon~ by nation, sue- , the ~tees said. after learn-ttinltlea and tl\at IS not hap- •Jng bf-. Clifford's change of j>efiing· noW, in 'DlY opinion. heart\, ~ oe<$use we · are there and .Cliffor4, one of President f?ecause we have extended this Johnsori'S ·closest . associ"ates, sh~eld and I believe we must entered the Defense Depart-. Continue to d<' it." ment publicly co~itted to · , But at the meeting · last the idea 'that tile American in· month, the sources said. he tervenLiob was ·necessary, not told •. the senators he left office only to save South VieinlJJII, in disagreement wllh many of but to prtvent Qie takeover of former President Johnson's other Iiori-Communi.St _nations Vietnam policies and cOnvinc- in Southeast Asii. -· ed the domino theory that the Clifford made bis views fall of Vietnam v.•ould lead to clear when. ·he told a· Sooilte •the·· takeover of other nation!: commigtee1cof1!1i~e~ng:·hi!1.1!P-: was fall~~ious .. pointmenl ~an. 25, 1968: . ~ In add1t1on; Chfiord told the "To me is not a question Senators he didn't feel Presi· of years. is a qilestlon ·or deiit Nixon had tried' hard \veeks-and months. if '"e enough to extri~ate lhe United v.·e'reh'tt therc. until Sdlthcast States from Vietnam . • LINDE STARS , A beaUttful Unde 'to drGpe 9rauifully around o feminine neck. 1.iK 9014 choln adds a finc:il !ouch of elegonee. 2495 • Fo'ur 1.iK (,o~ ~rang• ter1derly .~. braoe thi1 lo'(efy o..,al Lil\cl'e $tor. • Quolitr plos beauty l"llClit9 ""'' 'h• po1r-fect gift for Her • . ' . 8995 : r ,.l ..__. What a gr•l\IJ .way to. keep .in tim• wilh foslitonl Modern tho1n~ ~, bond wotdf1t,>"Ctellccrt1-pe,.,dont wolches, ul'lique pin w.atch, dor· lnply dlff1r1nt ring wotch. YOUR CHOICE i9aa . .' ' ' ' QIARMS i. BRAaLET • • ! '-rily 1t1dfng 1ilvtr choln<llnk '~ Jr.i•t rioht for tM.e m01t foyorM che""'-3.95 .. Choic. of lay °'\Girl 1t.rtl1t1 lill'ftl" chcnm~. A ~dwf;i .. olf~ for MOM. 1.ts ...... CHAIOI rf Ar YOUR ''N~'.s 11N1 .11w~~t OD.Ur~ ~f ,,.,, ~ • ~ .. FULLERTON Or•1111•f•it C•nl•• Harbor •t 01tl'lttthe••• •• . HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH . Hiuitinffe11 C•"*'r • F11h i1n l1l1flif -£~!11t•t 1t !•11 Di•t• F.y, M•,Art~111 •I '•c. Ctt. H.....,. ' • '1' '. -. ' . Wtd!lttdl1, May 7, 1969 I .. -.~ ~. . ' ' ' . ·--· c A+ the :<IUckiest. moms \ - 1 • ' • . " ' are . getting 1en-ncreStS . ' . NOW ·AT 'FABUious SAVINGS~ TMRU SAll'U.RDAYI ' ~ ' . ' ' ,_ . I ' ' . . " .. ~-~· + 1, • .;. ' . . ' ' I I . .. '1; : \ ., r;. , .. ,... .. ' . . ' I l. Convenient water window l'jo more middle-of-the-job dry up! You can see how much water is left for steam, spray. · 4 . Convenient fabric 11uide. Tells you ~orrect temperoture for each fabric ... then just turn single control knob to neede\! selling. . ' . SAVI 2.02 now ori our great Penncrast• 2°slice toaster! Reg. ~3.99 NOW . lleW.· Handsanie •front control toaster hos decoratar end paneli, trim; , Ch"rome plciied steel Y(ith black 1 handle•. SAVE 5.02 now 'on our gre.;t -P.ennc;est~ 10 speed stand mi••r '· Reg. 39.99 3497 NOW ·· Select the right· speed for ... ry mixlng"need. Wllh .2heahesistant glciss bowh, 11/1 and. 3 qt. capacity . .. . ~· SAVE 2e02 Penncrest• spray and 5'-am,dry • • iron . 1{•16~99 Now· 14.97 2 . Full coverage steam vents. 40 of them to give you_moxlmum coverage, overall penetration for faster, easier ironinq. 3. Teflon• caated·1011eplate. , Eliminates 'd.ag', rasists-·llorch--J build up, gives a slick, fast ; glide action. S. Deluxe pushbutton spray. Removes .wrinkles as you iro'n ..• wide moutb opening minimizes spills. Sl'(itc'lf:ble cord. _, ' . ~ .. SAVI 3.02 on our hord htit hair .~ryer/elactric curler Reg• i6.99 '• N«)Y/. 23e9l'., There's la~IS50W911m0toi. . for last · dtying, built-in ·electric hair curler. intlucles 8 rollers. .• ' 1 I ' .. ' 6. Newest slHk design. Sleek and lighW.ight with an ovwan sculptured loak. Avai a)>le In har.,.st-or -avocado. .. . • • ~' l; SAVI· 3.11 on our Pon-'9 1 ·~ solid state bloncfor Rei\ ~1.•?9 18.88 ·111ow Yau gW,7 ~Hds for mixinQ. ~ pirv, blending-PLUS a.salid stale c:oMicil that~. po-.-"slealfy. , . • SAVI 210 t on.our Ponncrest~ Teflon• cocitod-eloctric-gridcll~1t; • ..,..,~,..._-~·>, ~'.J ' Reg. 19;99 l7.97, '. ~· LIKf1.iT ••• NOW • · · · : .;.. · ",, • ,,,._ CHAICW ITJ f.e,r;;,.,,;y·.;;.~iij;~«ist olu~~u.; -· ··-.. -,---:-~:-· grlddle ,~~immeriibljilor ~ easy cleanilrsfwith conlro removed-. --· · · --- • • J -~--~--------------------_ .... ______ _ JI DAllV ~llOT · , Wed-, Mq 7, 1969 I GOP Can't Take State Senate Control SACRAMENTO (UPI) - Republican attem;its to seize the leadership of the Senate are sputtering to a standstill. Despite months or sound and fury, there probably will be no change of conunand in the u~ per house thiJ year -and perhaps none in 1970. Repealed trlesl\ave failed to round up all 21 qop senators to back a fello~ Republican for p{esidcnt pro tempore or forge a coalition vdtti liberal Democrats. The Republicans' lack of success -despite a working majority -leaves Senate leader Hugh lti. Burns. a Conservative Democrat from Fresno, at the helm in the chamber. The GOP dispatched hun- dreds of volunteer workers to ring door bells and pumped large sums of money into ihe r.1ar c h ca mpaign of Republican John A. Nejedly in Contra Costa County. Party leaders said if Ne· ; Jedly captured the seat -to 1ive Republicans the 21-vote majorlty -the GOP Would have the muscle to oust Bums and install one or their own. The s t r a t e g y backfired, however, when a group of five or six Republicans, who have been close to Burns and pro- spered under bis leadership, balk\ld at the takeover plan. After several closed party caucuses, no GOP senator could clalm unantinous su~ port from his colleagues and two emerged as contenders for the job. Sen, John ,F. McCru:thy, San Rafael, one of·the contenders, said the GOP should t\Ol move against Bums unulhtlll. Ht. rallied five. ol his col- leagues to bis posiUon to deny run Republican support to Sen. Howard Way of Exeter. Way then turned to liberil Democrats, who have been grumbling for two years over the manner in which Burns administered the upper house, to assist him in fanning a coaliUon for lhe neees.wy 11 votes. Five Dtmocrata -Sens. Anthony Be.i.lenson, Beverly Hills, James R. Mills, San Diego, Albert S. R o d d a , Sacramento, Nicholas C • Petris, Oakland, and Alfred E. Alquisl -joined the anti· Burns coalition. Bui their support was not enou4h. Way said he could on- ,y qount on U "1igned't Btatement.s of' support fi'om his 9wn Party, whJch Jett him St least five votes short of the Jn ark. McCarthy insists there will l5t! no more ~Uem~ts to oust Bu;rns. but W aY says.,~ cam- paign for the top spot ls pro. eeeding and there art: DO plans to call it off. "It isn't dead," Way said In an interview. "We're going to CQntinue the drive to get tbe leadership." Gov. Ronald Reagan urged GOP senators to unil but refrained from publicly choos· ing a favorite candid1te. The ~-........ _ SAVE 50.~S I Paaiu .... table model color N willt 18" Sawl ..........i Oogonaiy REG. 349.95, NOW •Alct.-111 ~ .,.,.,_ •• c1,..._ . _._ ..... .,..... . 3.,... ~,.b<booo6-..... $299 ,., ..... 12.30 .,.... __., Tune Mom in with bright PEN NC REST COi.OR TV ••• REDUCED THRU SATURDAY! SAVE '311 Petn:nis1• portable color televisial REG. '289, NOW •2ss •U"'=-••• \•11 ... -....--..... .,_ .w ... •' ....... -;• ~ SAVI 31.881 p.,,...,. pordile cdcr ,.i..;.;.,, RtG. 249.88, NOW 5218 ,t:ty CR liHM ta SIO P9'"-"" --CUMllmT """"" "'""""" . HUNTitmf 1MOt lONO llAOt SAM ,_W_, vrtnvu. -"'""°"''""' --- l HUHTINOlOM !'MK lOI MJ0S MNfA """' •UfOYSTll INOUWOOO NIW'Olt IU04 'fOllMHCI WWT COll'IMA lAlfWIOOD MOITM ~ VAN~ CHULA \'ISTA COIUG!...,... ) .. governor said he frowned on a coalition with Democrats. "I beiieve that if you're to get into bed \Vith someo~ it ought to be someone wlao thinks like you," JUocaa quip- ped. Way says he isn't seekinJ: to put together an "unholy allian- ce." He says supporters of his feel a coalition is "bipartlsn st.atesmenshlp." ' Repu~ican t'lc19r 1 e a d e r Donild L. Grunsky of Watson· vlll~. who earlier was a can· didate for the job but later withdrew to back Way. said the"' ~y_cus is no longer assist.Ing Way in the drive. Gi'unsky said Way is "free to continue'' wooing Democrats or lining up GOP support, but that "to try to twist the arms of Republican members -who in lhelr own good ju-nt and good faith, feel no change should be made now -would serve no useful purpose.'' If the GOP grabbed the poot th.is year, it could give the party an incurobent pro tern-auignmenla and allo reqWre pore In two yean when new aU decisions oo b'11s to be legislative and amare.tonal made lo public. ~ . dl!tricla an drawn after the lnsttad olstnlority the nrd 1970 ceo.u.. "experieoct" .... u l d be The Seaale Rlllot Com· subltituled. aim. Doles thor< mlttee, chaired by the Senate im't much difference between leader, a 1 1 I g n 1 committee the two wwda. . seat.s and the party in power While the rtbelliaa. to UDIUt usually stacks t h e reap-him swir~. B u r 111 an- portionment committee· with JlOllDCed: \'It ts not my !n- ib: own to gain favorable new tentJon to ~k re-elecUoa u boundaries. 8-le preifdent pro lempon Bums, who first clain}ed the when the new session bei1ns in top job in 1957 with a coalition, January 197t." has made at least tw\l con· ~ reJDA.rk seemed to to. cessions to the I i be r a I dicate Burns would step_ down Democrat.s. .rrom-...1¥1--lelderlhip -post. He asai&ned Bellenson and Howeve-, Senate IOW'CtS 11y Mills to key committees, It does not include the whJch ' had been denied ~m veteran lawmaker ma COl>- earlier in the aessioD, and now timdnc on tn his praent job. lw proposed rules changes to They poinl to a niJe that muffle aome o/ the diSCOlllent pennill a pn> tempcri fnlm amoag members or his own one aeaion to remain In office party. for the -,.!tboat a eJeo. The two key changes -' lion U there is no cnCUUte which still require approval-of witb 21 votes to umeat ·him, the !ull Senate -would 'I'hlt octtb1«1 th1I year '4tben eliminate ,enlority as a prime Bums caJTied. over from the consideration in committee lMI leSlim. .. SAVE 36.95! Penncrest• Custom 30" electric range Reg. 269.95, NOW ~r-;>$233 ,O'f _ tme OJ l0.30.,... .... • Radiant dean 0'9ft ••• it ~ its.If! • Electrically 6nterio<:bd docw ""'" • WO¥W1 glass Gbre 011W1 gmket • 2 self-demii irw:l;eator ~ ""--'""*""' . • ·-&gl>led ....... ,_., ·O--light . • Timed ~ Ollll.t • ~ trit inclcdtw ~ • CJodc. ..... oled ..... ·---... -• White. wppw llOw. wocado. . ...... gold ••• colcr CIOlll. !""' j "'°"at .....,.., No wy ......... , ••• ..,., n.. ,., ... Pin NEW LOW PRICE! GUft.traA. HIUS HUNnNGTOH S1ACM ~!'MK. - • ........... .... """' ....... ~- DISHWASHER 17 table setting portable dishwasher with soft food waste disposer ,., ..... ,..,~ .,...,_,,__ ...---• Porwlmn ........ fiNsh tvb -• o.aJ data QMll ~- • ~ .. or CUf'PM h>• ... _ ....,. ---~ ... weo ....... _ ~.,., -WWFJUEA .......... \ --COUtof~ °""" ,,,,. • DO~ I BE THRGWN A ~ CURVE • CHECK ANAHEIM SAVINGS THE HIGHEST RATE OF ·-INTEREST ON · INSURED SAVINGS 0 • £arn I-dolly II Anlhdlt SllllllL Siil IDdlY, wilfllw to- morrow or In 20 m,. • Ill doys or lll!timt. llo iiss II ~ -no ..-lloldinl porlod iequlnd. Ila .. -•-wllich ,,.. tlnl,... JOU um 5.31% II • Qlld • -lntnst -.nutates annually. 8-...,.. 1111111 II -$!!Kil dllS $!!Kil ~ Dmll ... 11111 If"' actua lly llll1S 5.13" whln ---tar I !W• /I. :Anaheim Sninp ,.. """'lllt Wiii! lntnlt .,,Ibo ...... 111 lnsure<f up to $15,000 bf lbl·fldlnl S""'8 lld Lim lll- sur1nc1 Cofpocltion. ~ o ... L......;;;;;;;;..'. ·-. ·- • .., 5 .... -a ~HEIM .•. SAVINGS ANO LOAN A S SOCIATION \ "'"' • ..,,, JIW&eialfi ........... ---1-1-··--·u...-_...... -~--.......... •14!' p-' ""' --.. ·~••t~-•tlltlk-1-• . • .. .... ',.. • . . ' ' .. . " ·'· " ... , '. iii • " ., '• . " • " ' -.. -- • ' -. WedNldq, May 7, 1969 DAILY ~llo:T J:J ' . X·YY' Chromosome ' Out . ' MIAMI B&ACtl\ r1a. (AP) normalities. Seven had the and be pointed to some \imita· Cluence a boy's behavior, for ...... u ... ,.....,. Lion pitas Tige~ equal L;ger -Pvbapl 200,000 American X'iY makeup, while 13 had a Uons in his own study. "he may be .11ased and react asales blw tbe ''XYY" genetic · w·1th resen•mr· · and .... i; .. A,,; .. I makeup tbat 11 being linttd different geneUc m a k e u p R e c e n t s t u d I e s o I ~ em ... u.>U\; .. with lrnpulla to , commit kno"~n avi(llnefelter's syn-chromosome t y p Ing in behavior" and, if picked up for violent crima:, a p:sycbiatrl.at , drome, w6ich i: highlighted by newborn !)ab~ indicate that some ·transgression; ' • h I r aJd today. ._ an abnormal bQdy b u I I d one in $00 males has the XYY rearaome height ·and buWi But.t'thett \s g·rowlni almoltferpaleinchar.acter. abnormality .. So "perhaps could bias the courts or the evidence that many XYY in· Dr. Clark eauUoned that some 200,000 XYY miles live p'ychlatrists to instituilonalize dlviduall are stable, law-comparlUvely few men with In the eeneral population of him at a younger age than • 11:-~ ,,, Dr ~-aid the XYY m~keup have b e e n the United States," he said. small or normal siled de · ".. -olns, El ·· ~p identified and studied lo date, Be.ins very tall might in-quent," Or. Clark said. • wyn, •·•,-;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;, declared. "II appe""' that the11 XYY male In """al bas been falsely sUgrnaliud." 'l"P&Uyou.It.I>od1ce~ll bas 46 chrOmoeomes, the ~arriers of genes that determine in· herited characteriJtlcs. They receive an X chromosome from 'the, mother, and a y 11'.Q_m the fa~. Occaslcmil!f, some actjdent adds an ertra Y or X chromosome. For Several years there baa been speculation lb.at men· with the XYY chromOaome were genetically I n c 11 n e d toward aggressive criminal behavior. In courts, (lefense attorneys have argued that such' men were not responsible for their crimes. s~p -rc IA·-L ! Have your scissors . sharpened now! Straight •dgtd 1cluors 29¢ ifraking a sun break, Shasta the11iger, a cros~ be- t ween lion and tiger, celebrated~f!ler 21st birthday , esday at the Hogle Zoo In Salt lji\l!e City. She was born at the zoo May 61 1948, the daughter of Huey the lion and Daisy, a Bengal ti~er. Shasta is be- lieved to be the only liger in captivity in the world. Richard Speck, convicted of murdering e,ight s l u d e n t 1 nurses in Chicago, has the XYY chromosome. Reporting new studies to the American P sychi atri c Association Dr. Clark said the 1 frequency with which XYY men are lnvoJved in crime and other alitisocial b e h a v I' o r "may not be appreciably dif. .ferent from the average citizen." Pinking she1r1 99¢ I ring In your hou11kolJ 1ci11or1 , •1wi119 ll1eari ef ufili+y tduori •rid k•¥1 tk1m 1~•rp1111d 1t lhi1 low, low ptic1 by • f1clory.+r1i11•d 111p1tl, Stop i11 lo 111 hll'I on: • Who~ll ·Press ·the ·nQ.tton~ Not ·Just Nixon in Safeguard AB~ S,ystems Dr. Clark is president of the Elwyn Institute, which began a study of the X Y Y chromOsome in 1966 .. "He is! \VASHINGTON (UPI) orders lo set off a nuclear ex· The lawmakers were more or the "Safeguard" an-plosion. explicit.· "It will . have to be ballistic missile ( AB M ) Under lite atomic energy act c o··m m ,. 1 le• k. II · 1 the responsibility for control delegated,"· avstem to \\'Or e ect1ve y. h · L M nd 1 R. ~ and use of nuclear weapons c a1rma1t . e e ivers Ilic President will have to rests solely with the Presi· saiCI in 811 jnterview. 1'he tlelegate to others the authori-. dent. He-, is not prohibited, South Catolina Democrat said t)' to fire nuclear weapons -however, f r 0 m delegating he v.•as not bothered by the aomething now only he holds. idea. ~h· . h nh authority to subordinates to "Thereig •·di· ff•r•nce • , 1s is t e consensus rea~.. launch such weapons under · " •d by members of the House certail) conditions.. between ·issuing. an o"l.tr to ;.rmed Services Committee launch an offensive missile ltter two weeks· of i.ntensive .Asked M<wday w.h1:ther the and issuing one for a defensive . Dickinson noted that the also associate professor o!i \\•a'rning spread ranges from psychiatrY and pediatrics at ~·':i D}iqutes, in the case o( a the University of Pennsylvania mi!Site· launched . hun an Medical SchOOI. offshore submarine to about 35 t.fen with the X Y Y minU~ in t,he case . o( a i;hrotn95ome are us1:1~lf taller missile . fired from inla'nd ·than average.1 So l he Elwyn Rusiia. "The Presiden~ can't Institute researchers studied alwiys ·be available on five 680 tall inmates in prisons, in-mi~f.el '!)Otice/' ~h~ ~ and stitutions for the criminally in- • volUntuted tliati, he 1'oWdn'l sane, for defective delin· fa\ior' th'e system' u ii J'e s s quents, for the men ta I l y authority was pre-delegated. retarded and ir. state mental "I don'L care whelher it's hospitals in Pennsylvanif . THURSDAY, MAY ·ath -FRIDAY, MAY 9th SATURDAY, MAY 10th I o,oo A.M. to 6,oo_f.,M. lower leve l ... NEWPORT BEACH ... FASHION ISLAND 1ecret hearings. It is a judg-Safegu~rd Wouldt 1nv·o 1 v e missile," Rivers said. "One .-ient concurred in by prG-delegation, and 0 whom , a destoys hundreds of thousands tonents as well as opponents -. Pent~gon spokesma)n res~nd-or people, the other just President Nixon'~ ABM _ed with a P~ated statetQCnt destroys a missile." A similar Jan . thit left the iSsue clouded. viewpoint was expressed by military or civilian,'' he said. Twtnty men were found to "Certainly there are peopte 1~h~a~v:e~se"'x'-c~h~r~om~oso~m~e__:a~b-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!~ with good ~nough judgment The opponents, nowever, in· "We ca~~ot dis~ss publicly pro..ABM Rep. William Bi'ay, end to zero in on the point the specific peta1ls of -.Ur R-Ind. and sense ." Dickinson described a s "almost nil''' lhe danger ol radioactive fa llout fro m a nuclear explosion above the United 'States. nd it is likely to add a new nuclear control arrange1nents, Still another proponent who dimension to the closely con· but it is possible to give agrees that the chief executive tested congressional ,debate on a~surance that these weapons would hav~ to de I e gate the ABM. _ \\•111 be used 'only on tbe authorUy ahead of time is1;:;=========:::J Defenders and' critics dirfer authority of.the;:President.", · Rei>. WilliamL. Dickinson·(R· on whether. for the first timt; Then, in an apparent Ala.) along with ·o t lier since. development of the allusion to.f'811 ..-aJ' gum en t members of the ;committee atomic bomb 1n 1945, someone • employed by !Orne opponents, Dickinson spent lwi> weeks other than a living an9, tti.e..statt:!rn.Ml w~t on: "In no behind ·closed doors ques- capably functioning Amerl'cattt'Ci'st-"Cdu~· ebmpUter make tioning Pentagon and other ex~ ' LOCAL No eth~r ntw1p1p1r tell1 you moA, 1•1"f d•y, 1ff11t wk•t'• 90i119 111 i11 th1 Gr1•t•r Or11111 Ce•tf th,11 t h• DAI L1'" 'ILOT. President shol,.il.d give the the~~~'\ · · i If .perts. . . ·~ .. ~ : .. '. '" o; ' . . ,. . l!AMPBELL '., CLEil ,. . A'VFSTON . ~ . ICHITA . 97 ' •. PHOENIX ~CH The. p~J'(ed' M_9,ther' s Day gift .. -.or ·that1.h~r.d to .1 find birthday or J annivei:sary present ... thank you note~ • • .;;:. NO DOWN PAYMENT ••• USE l'INNIYS TIMI PAYMINT PIAN, SAVE 8.0:71 PonncNSt" custom Lpright vacuum cleaner RIG, 66.95, NOW 58.88 Gets your rvgs 1horoughly cleon; i eots 01 it sweeps os it clean•. Pow•rful 2 1peed mo!Of', wrap arounCI futniture 9uord, 2 J,eight 1 ....... W ahort oncl forig pile rugs. With dutt djtcowt• i'leodHgh t. Attachment tool kit $9 IWfNA Mb: fUllfllON IUHANll: GARDEN GIOYt CANOGAl"Alt: GtENQAl.E > SAVE 6.071 p.ftnirest• imperiaf 10 fl!'. canister cleaner . REG, 54'95, NOW 48~88 ' Vibro-atot .. r119 Aoz1I•, Mots, 1weeps oftd 1uction cleans ;.,at lilie ~~ =~ .=:-::' !d woll bMh, NO ood ~-.....i., ho.e, wonds, ~ ~ dvst· <io i>Mh ond cnnko tool \NOUWOOO \Al\fWOOO LONO I EACH SAVE 6.071 Penncrest" imperial shampoa/palisfier REG. 54.95, NOW 48.88 . 'M"lti~peod .J-poo/polW.., hen 01on13 q1. dltp.n•no un11, full_, ., ... .,,r.....,, ,....,, ..u - control. lftCkliln 14 pc. o to"f ~;· 2 .... -.. ... ; -·--fall ond "°""int pado; 2 N<l> ...W.. 11\ompoo and opptic:atot bnnhn. NOITH HOtLY'HOOO Vo\N ""'5 N~..-.~ VENTW SAN fftNANDO WlST COVINA COWTON GAANAOA HILU LOS All0$ _SANT~ Al't4 _ WtlTO!~StEt CUl'Jft C!TY HIJ.ITJNGTON t EAOt ..,,.,,OYlA SANTA MONICA WttlTilfR DOWN$ """""" HUNTINGTON ,.....: NEW P()l:r IEACH TORtANa: WH•MWOOO NOGA PARK• DOWNEY ,\GRANADA HIC.I;.$· HUNTINGTON BCH •• LAKEWOOD. LONG EACH • LOS ALTOS• NE'NPORT BCH. • Nb: HOLL. YWOOD •NORWALK• RESEOA •SAN ERNANOO • TDRAANCet •VAN NUYS •VENTURA • WHrrT!ER • WHITTlER DOWNS '-------------------------------' • _, ' I •• ' . • . •, • - W~. IQy 7, lM Flood Tax Limited • County Wants 011.e Year , Not Three !ANTA ANA -A JG<:tnt In-crease in the Orange County Flood Control tax, limited to one year instead of three "as origlnally planned. was ap- proved Tue..tay by the Board of Supervisors for recom- mendaUon to the county's legislators in Sacramento. Legislators have refused to go along with a plan approved by the board in March to seek~ a law increasing the max- imum permissive lax by 10 cents for three years, then Jowering it to a live-cent in- crease for an indefinite period. The current rate is 20 cents. Purpose of the rate increase woold be to raise additional funds to repair nood control works damaged by t h e January and February storms Legislators argued that tax rate increases should be voted on by tht people of the county "'heoever practical. They.said they \VOUld go along with the one-year, 10-cent emergency increase because no coun· -Tax Agency Report Set For Laguna tywide election Is scheduled this year. Tuesday's action by the supervisors was upon the recommendation of Flood Con- lrol Dis trict Chief Engineer Ge-Orge Osborne and County Counsel Adrian Kuyper. · The JO~ent increase. if ar proved by the Legislature. 1\'0Uld bring in about $3 million In additional money. Cost to the owner of a $20,000 home, assessed at $5,000 , would be about $l7.50 annually, or $4.50 more than the current taJ bill. In. addition to the basic 21). cent tai. the Flood Control District collects a \ tax I for reliremenl ol general obliga- tion, bohds which amounts to five cents for 1969-70, making the total-district tax rate Mi cents, if the ~crease is ap. proved. Osborne said most ol tbe ad- ditional $3 miUion wotiild be us-. ed on Santa Ana River channel repairs near the inouth of the river b e t w e e n Huntington Beach and Newport Beach where a heavrfaye1 of. silt built up· during the stonns. Additional funds would be spent on repairs to the channel above Katella Avenue in Orange and Anaheim. Kuyper said today he will rec·ommend that any necessary di strict tax increa,se in 197G-71 be placed on l~ June Z, 1970, primary ballot. Grading Board Gets Hassle on Sand Pit ANAtlElM -The con- ORANGE -A progress t~ouing saga of the con- report on a study of special troversi al storm-fl ooded Bur- districts and taxing agencies ris Sa nd Pit near the Santa in the county will be presented Ana River in Anaheim will be at the monthly executive on stage again Thursday meeting of the Orange County", before the County Grading Ap- League of Cities Thursday· peals Board the 2 p.m. session in the coun- ty Planning Commi ssion hear· jng room. 400 \V. 8th St., Santa Ana . night. owners of the sand pit 1and, To date, the coun!y nas spent more than $100,000 filling crumbling s1opes of the pit and pumping water from its nine pools, as well as repair- ing the river levee. The crumbling sides endangered some 85 homes bordering the mile-long pit operation . Mayor Derek McWhinney of between Ball Road and South Westminster, chairman of the Street on the west side of the committee studying t h e river, and the operator of the districts will make1 the report enterprise will get a chance to at the Friedmann Hall dinner tell their side of the story at meeting here. In early March , coonty supervisors declared the pit a public nuisance and legal ac- tion has been undertaken to recover county general fund money spent for repairs. League officials ordered the study nothing that, in addition to the county itself. 25 in- corporated cities and 34. school districts, there are 56 special districts governed by the county Board of Supervisors, and 70 autonomous and in- dependently-governed special agencies, While most of the special districts provide e s s e n t i a I local services. many may have outgrown their usefulness, according t o League officials. Death Notices GOOCllEY °"'' ..... M. °"'°""'· lW San kr-,..nMno '1am> CO.la MIH. Dete ,,, ftdl, Mrt .... ~ '"' l!nbl""-WHIWni ion. WllH-·Jr-f ~. -H..... Mc:Onl, SM!& .V..1 two ti.. ,_ Mn. Mel'H..t Noni. ...... ~"'°'11 arid M"-Mlldrwd IC"""", TUlll!". ~•-ide ~ks were h6ld loelav, WeclnlldaW', 1~ 1.m., H•rlxw" lies! Mt-rnorlel ,..,_, wlltl lt'fv, Herbet"! Jol'tfl- s...t ofllc:latlnt. F•mlly -.esh llllllt '"'-lllnt » fl'lll<e """'Oli-1 conrrniu. lloM, -'-Cortlrlb\ltl hi 1'li. .r,merl- (lft Canar Saell'ty, 1'"6 E. jth ST,, Tu,nn, tallf. 8'41 llroadwliv Mortuary, 110 llroadwe!', Cc.la Mffe, 0 /f'fCIOrl. LANE LOI' VIAIMI l-. Allt '5, at Ill lfvnl- 1nototl. Aw., HIM>tlntlofl llffdl. $4/r'<'I,,.. ~ bl' ~ Tom. ~rvlcft. T~ur11- cll!', • •·"'·· Slnl1'111 c~. lnttr-"ltl'lf, Vtlt11tl.. C..n&tet'l', Na r I h Holl,...,.,_ smr~ M~l'l'. DlrtelOn McFAl\LAND Dorl1 Md".n.M, t.1t Cliff Orlve, L• ·-a..ca. "" ''· ·StJrvtvH 1w 110l'I, G-A. Mc:F1rllnd, V1!1, ColorlCla. Sflrvka lll!'llcli"' 11 WH!cllff Cll10fl Merfylry, ~. YOUNG TllOmn O.vlf Youtt11. m s cal I ,.~, AJll, 1., CDlll Mal. 0.lt of dtalh • .v..i~ 2. Su•vll'fff by .. 111. lltr-ni.c~, COIT1 MeH; cla!Jllhtet:I, f ll11J- bl!lll Y-. Council llutts. l1MI; aM ,.,1nc11 YOUM.. Cc.ta Mew; ION. IOl'I .old •nd L•rl'l", cwncn e 1u11~1 ihler, Hanle!T Mt.n\IOll. P~1and, o.._ . .Jtosar• WIS ~lfecl MOnd41~ eve~lflll, T "·"'· Reouiefn MaH '"" cel~<lttcl T..e1<11y. t ,,m., bottl al St. J61• c~ims cl'lllolk Ollfrcll. Ol•tcteo by Pa<lfk VIN Mot!ua . ARBUCKLE & WELSH Westcliff Mortuary 4Z7 E. titll St.. Colll Met• OlM381 BALTZ MORTUARIES Corona del !\tar OR 3.94511 Costa Mesa 1\0 &-!4\' BELL BROADWAY MOR'l'.IJARY llt Broadway, Cetta Miu LI 1-3433 DILDAY BROTHERS Huntington VaDey Mortury 1'7111 Beacll Blvd. llotia«to• Beacb 84.!-7771 PACIFIC VIEW •IEMORIAL PARX Cemetery e Mortuary Chapel J5ll Pacific Vft DriYe ~ Buck, Calilonia \644-!7M PEEK FAMILY COLONIAb FUNERAL ROME '1•1 8elea Ave. We1tm-r in.= lillEffEll MORTUARY ""-Beadt ff4.IDS Sa a.-te 412-4111 SMI'ltl~ MORTUARY m Mallo SI. flnnHo""' Beacii' LEU539 Death Ruled Justifiable ANAHEIM -A two-week investigation of an Anaheim shooting ended Tuesday with the ruling by District Altomey Cecil Hicks that the killing of Juan Marquez, 35, w a s justifiable homicide. An Artaheim police officer shot Marquez April 21 shortly alter the robbery of a restaurant in that city. The of- ficer said the fleeing Marquez crouched as it to lire after ig-JJOl'iw several llbouted «ders 1o stop and that he .... med to U9e his weapon. Three bullelc struck and killed Marquez. Olficers i.l'lid he had $.100 in bill.s -the amount missing from lhc . restaurant -stuffed in his pants pockets and he carried a toy revolver which was later identified as the gun used in the armed robbery. Alle11 Has Fast Gavel SANTA ANA -Fifth District Supervisor Allon E. Allen of Laguna Beach presid- ed as acting chairman of the count y Board of Supe rvisors Tuesday and set a "new record '' for brevity. The session lasted a brief 30 m1nutcs in contrast to the usual two lo lhree:hour weekl y meetings. 'I)le agenda was not small either -54 items were · considered and acted upon. Allen presided' in t he absence of Chairman William Hirstein, who with Supervisor William Phillips is OJI a four- day excursion to the U.S. Naval Air Station, Pensacola. Fla , -#!GUEST /NTERE~T ON tNSURE'J gAVff'/fTS, INTEREST DAY·IN to DAY·OUT NO BANK CAN MATCH IT! NO SAVINGS and LOAN ASSOCIATION CAN BEAT IT! ASSETS OVER $425,000,000.00 .\ 1!Jl.l'.~ MUTUAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION CORONA DEL MAR 21!67 r.t c.t -· ec.on. "" """ c.iw. 92625 -615-5010 OfHEft liw.cH omcu ~ Cllll'!dlle Wtsl A.rudie Planning Critte11to11 Ho1ne Comparing notes on plans for new Florence Crittenton Home on site near El Modeno are R. "'· Taylor, president of Florence Crittenton J.Iome of Orange County, Jnc. (left), and architect Robert M. Thomas of Laguna Beacb. Private· ly financed, $600,000 school and residence for unwed mot.hers will be built on Bond Street just east of Chapman Avenue. / • . ' 'No Death, Tax;es l TCI Talk Topics IRVINE -Nothiljg ls as tuthor ol "We Froze the Finl cer:tain as dealh and·ta1es, tbe Man." saying goes. Tbe "No More Taxe&" talk But "No More Deelh" and will be abott technocr&ey ,- "No More Taxes" are the im· government by techniclan!. probable Ut1ea of talks to be Speaker Dave Crockett .of given Sunday evening at UC Technocracy Inc. will tell why Irvine. he thinks the United States ls The "No More Death" talk too complicated to be run by will be on cryanics -the politicians. _science of k~g pcJ'S9f1S Tllese heady t o p i c ii • and maintaining\ them in presented by the .associahid suspended animation r or studerts may be heard free at revival 'in the future when a 7 p.m. in-.Sc.ienc_e Ltcture Hall cure to a now fital dtsease is on the Uct camJ>U.'. discovered. ' -;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;~;,:;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;~ Speaker )'ill k Jloberl f ,lr · NelOlll, presideot d Cryonics Society ol California and Entries Sought •There is still time to enter! the contest (or tbe title of Miss Orange County 'Fai~. wh ich1 'viii be held July 15 on the Fair Grounds, 88 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa , in conjunction wilh the six-day exposition. Contestants must be 17 by June I, and not over 25 by August 22 : a resident of Orange County for at least one year, and must also live, work, or attend scbool in the 'I communit y they have been selected to repretienl. :Jkink motkerj 'J:Jay Wa1!cllff Plll l '41·2444 Cooking made easy for mom ... • FIRED-IN, SCRATCH RESISTANT TEFLON°COATED . . COOKWARE REDUCED THRU SATURDAY! lo1x care flrect.in T•I· 1011. CMIM tnterlon ---- hr H4lick cooking (•v•R with metal utensils) and Ro-scour cleanup. SAVE A LUCKY 7.11! 9 PC. COOKWARE SET Reg.39.99,32 88 now e · Imagine mom's delight with this fabulous 9 pi«.e set! ~aybe she'll even cook up your favorite di~h as a way of .soying thonks. Includes: 1112 and 3\12 qt. co'f'ered soucepans, 5 qt. covered Dutch oven, 8,. open frypon and 10"' covered frypan. Surprise her an Mother's Day! a.li•ve Jt or Mt, tvMI .th. cevers have• ft red :" T•flon• cooting ••• plus haat r•sisfa.t phenolic knobs. EatJ--th• .. ,. ..... celain etNltnel finish emrfon come In th• heippi.st colon: cMI necaHerwarm harw v..t gold. SAVE A HANDY 3.11! 5 PC. 'ST ARTER SET Reg.19!~ ·16.88 So what if yo~r budget's Timited! Here's tM set to warm up any mom's heart, (And you con always add lo It later out of open stock). lndudes, ll'i and J Y, qt. «N• ered saucepans, and a handy 8'" open fry pan. DOl'l't let her cook another meal without thi5 easy-core Mi. SAVE ON OPEN STOCk, TOOi REDUCED THRU SATURDAY! lYt qt. CO'f'ered sauce· 31h qt. cove red sau~ .5 qt. cO¥ered Dutch 8" covered frypart, 10"' cowred frypan. pon,,Reg. 7.98, NOW pan, Reg, 9.98, NOW ....,,bg.11.98,NOW Reg . 8.98, NOW Reg. 10.98, NOW 6:11 I.II 10.11 7.H 9:~ 12•....,.,td frypon. bg. 12,98,NOW 10.11 • CANOGA PARK FULLERTON UICI IT ... OIAJlGE Ill ' HUNTINGTON BEACH LAKEWOOD. NEWPORT. BEACH VENTURA , , • • --------------------------------- • ' • • • (Coath1uid from Paae t) ~JI. Newport.er'• un iqueness. It started as .a~ dream by ~ike 'lhe gruund· .. squ"°rel that George Buccohf: who headed begs for tidbits outside the its' development from opening window or the inn's cocktail •day in April . 1962. to the time lounge while his cousins scam· he stepped down In 1966. per lhougb the gardens near GRAmTI Or~nge .~Coast Area Vital Statistics 11< After a few months of fiscal I the villas. uncer.tainty a ne\"'; helmsman The Inn ooasts or resident tbok over and continued the cottontails too and even a :·Newporter 's image of uni· few transient r~adrunncrs. ~ ~ tjueness, All the~ nuances and many L. C. Jal'Obson, former more don 't escape the sue~ President of the Del Webb cessful innkeeper's mint_ Corp ... bought lhc inn and in "We once had it gardener the 1tr~t rew mon ths of who decided he would rid" U1e '1owner~h1~ spent $6,0 0 ,000 lnn of the rabbits." Jacobson , rcfurb1shin g the entire CQm· said, "but everybodr kicked · plcx. up such a fuss, that not one \Vhcn J acobson bo1Jght the rabbit was asked to leave." ------"--'-'--- in n n1any or. its -structures Another minute, bul signifi· -·BJrth.•. \1'ere al ready in, but needed u cant , touch in volves the hotel's ~ Jresh touch. geraniums. T -r:c lrvm' e-APllL " The French CouFt. to the Th e i'nn's scores _0 1 l,J, BAIO.t.-R1NcON, L•'•~•ll• G .• ,., f>f 1,65 HU!Cr61 Dr1Vl', 1..Hun•. 8111<1! n?~lh became the first ad-geranium plants are a special • ;:~,~ c:~:. G., ;s. a1 1n1 Hluo ..... • dLll0~1 followed by the COO\· !rad~ mark, and the guest Remodeling ll RAO'f-AL°FORO, !111•" J., 2C. ol merc1al shops; the_n came tPe needn't ti"berate an --• tra" as 1J11 e1v1r• Ave., Wettmln•1~, ~"d R f d:M.I ;.r. J•nl• A .• 2'0, ol soas Noble s1., ll:lv· Jamboree ~tn,. Sile 0 many a mffii~Jre cantai'i""i--· ' orl~. ' of the large banquets along geranium slip instead from W k Sl led 0 ;r~;ri-gtb~•~l~.v:.!i c~::11do ~·;,, '2i the Orange Coast. 1he Newporter's special cut· or a S6' Joa"" SI,, l)Olh of Co•\• M~~-r II It d JAC0 8SON-FULLEll:, Stov•n M .. 71, r o augi nent a · 1c~e an ling bed reserved for vl,itors. o! ;09 Em•••ld a·lll'· Levun~ 11•8<1• the Terrace._ the manage_ mcnt T 0 the -ave r ag e ORANGE -The PSC Com-an<1 Shlrlev A., n, of 1nc1 T11s!ln I .VUlll1t Way, Tu'tl". · plans extensive remocle 1ng of businessman's mind the pany of Garden Grove has 0Av1osoN-MAINSTONE, M~•t G •• : irs ma in restaurant. which geranium 1-dea m"ight seem OOen awarded a $282,400 con· ;o. o1 26SJ O••n1" end Btnv J .. 11, 01 ?Ul 0•1ngo, l30t" of CO.IA Mts•. ~hould be through by midsum-like another angle to get a few tract by UC lr\'ine for the PATTERSON-JONES, c"r1110P""'· ?o. ' ts ol remodeti'ng of bui'fd•'ngs at !he ot ?SN w11iow L8"8 and H•rr1e1 L . . 1ner. cen out a customer, but at n. o1 1w Anaheim. bath 01 cost• Divorces The restaurant will be a the Newporter the geranium Orange County f'.t e di ca I Me••· Cenler' TI MMEll:MAN-C ROWELL. Mlth••I OIVOIClj PILID : ;ccial project for Newporter cuttings will stay gratis. M. n. rf sos Pa•k Av-., io.11~· Chr1l'l1 e .... Ullo 1v vt Robtr! o. ' I "W d •th I :file""' e II f 1 d" · t1l1nd and P1trtc!1 L., ~1· ol 111 ~ ~" 0 ·~•l!r•lt '"''"'W,~' , anager Doug as Ro ss , e on ave any pans to ....,.&...&-Loo ege o f\ e 1c1ne Rutland koad. Now""'' at.Ith. Georql mon v1 vie w. E111011 , 11t1other former executive v.•ith muck this place up with com-uses the public ho s p it a I APR IL u }:vmour · •11. vt Doro v K. Red · (" " b d f 'I' f I' · , . . MA THF.WSON-ZAHNLECKER. lt:•lth •m.~:1c: rl llr!di: vi Terrv J11n ; l.l)c \Vebb Corp. merc1a ism, Jaco son sai ac1 1ties or c 1n1ca. training A .. 2t1. 01 3911 APO•~ s1,, L• M.-•. Jt~n 11,. M. G«11>o1;t v• Arch!• H. · t f•'rmly of med-•cal sluden'• under a •~d K•ren E .. 11, 01 ~l'l RuWt" boul Ross is designing the ayout · ., or1vo, c=ta Mew. Ar '1'l Ho!drldlM v' H••old H. ;uid decor of the restauranl ··we Want the Newporter to long term agreement with the scorT-AMERAL, we11er r .. ''· ot O::,~:'"~ Hoh•~l" vs o.vid L. stay unique d f · di " county Board of Supervisors. 3n1 Coun!•v ciub 0 •1vr. '~'1A M•·~ Hef\11""'' " "J1J11/ 'a/ling to rtmind yov •.... with Southern Fed eral yo u now earn from D.11.Y-IN 2'0 DJl.Y·OU'I' wh ich means your fu nds earn for the fu ll time they are in the account • So/o current annual rate earns 5. 13o/o whe.n compounded daily and held one year • 5.25~~ on 3 year certiricales (multiples or $1 ,000) •Funds placed between the 1st & 10th ol the month earn from the 1st • Accounts Insured to $1 5,00Cl SOUTHERN FEDERAL SAVING S I LOAN ASSOCIATION • EST. 1124 HEAO OFFICE: Jf33 Wl!1'111'9 Blwd .. lot Anoe! ... DU a.12611 o TAJIZAHA; 181SI V1t1111,. l'llvd., 3-45.all4 • HUNTINGTON IEACH: tt HUllU~tton Ctnt1" 117-t047 :irca. including a hu g c , .~n r1en Y· •"" C•rme" P .• 3t, of 11111 ». C>olDrn eernr..-K•nn••d "' C1ruon fireplace and wine cellar .1 ~ ~erhaps 11 1s that aspect t~at Pre -c Ii n i ca I mcdica1 1 __ '='="="=·~'~'J="="=~=· -------''='"~·~·~M="'~~=------------------------------------------stock'cd with vintage "'ines. brmgs so many per&ons of tn-sciences are being taught this . . fl uence there year at UCI's medica l campus • It _is certain that the growth "Our convention list \1;e 're in Los Angeles. The college Of \vo? l stop ther.e: . proud to say, is pretty im· medicine wi!1 move next fall ~e~n competili~n is a slrong pressive,'! he said, to interim facilities now under tr;ut in the hotel f1~I~, and. un-The large firms. Jacobson construction on the UC! cam· tlc rstandably, ~ef1n1te plans related, always pare down pus. . , . generally aren l. ·telegrae~ed their convention selection list Perm anent c amp u s 100 soon, lest the compclit1on to two hotels in Southern buildings for the medical l3rab the ideas first. California : "the Century Pl aza school are Planned, but To let the cornpetiliun lie and us." university officials said con- ;l\vake nights. J a Cob s on , ··we think they like us bet· struction is being held up by ho wever, did outline some of tcr.'' the lack of state funding. the general future ideas fur --------------------~- the rainbling inn. One plan involves linking the 800-chair-capacity Jamboret Room convention hall to the <·ornmercial shops. eliminating !he small parkin g lol in between. E:vCntuall y. the cxceu1ivc ~aid. the Inn \Viii be lied into clcvelopn1ents a I o n g sur- rounding hills, accomplishing even gr eater expansion of the ex isti ng 3M! rooms. DON'T BUY A POOL UNTIL .... Y 011 know as much about the A posh hostelry has ils built- in super-critics -its guests \vho have stayed at the \VOrld's best inns. and as any hotel employe can testify. comparisons \1·ith ''that pla{'c \1·e stayed in in Cannes" arc common among the !overs or first class. ~'-, .. ··,.,~\ you int•~d to build as · the I 'mal1) -Who is colitroctlnCJ for you? ;, MISSION POOLS \IRMLY BELIEVES ·T8AT I YOU A-RE ENT!T~Fj> TO A COMPLETE Efrl- ' MATION AND S 1l M MAT I 0 N OF #.LL \'COSTS: BASED Ot\I THE P 0 0 L DESl.N, { ~OCAlJOM AND-i DETAIL~UIPMENT ' ·Generally H o.r;e:s memory needs J'ti nforccment. l h e Ne\vporter probably has a :;pot remi niscent of rnost v.·ell· known European hostelries. In the Terrace, the tradi· tional promenade area com· n1 on in southern Europe has been buil t along ·.the pool. En glish pub OOcktail rooms, outside verandaii, -a Victorian roon1. 11•a!k-through gardem; .. . it has them all . Little to;ichcs, too. add to Tecl111icptc Aids Kidney Transplants A technique for injcc1inr r1irec tly i n t o transplan ted kidneys large doses of drug5 tlcsigncd lo suppress rejecti on re:ic tions has resul ted in lhc ~urviva l of 93 percent of such transplants. This infonnatjon w a.s revea led bv Dr. Sa mu el L. Kou ntz, Pr0f cssor .of Surgery :ind Head of Tran~lanlatiott Service at the San Francl&c:o ~lrd ical c en~ e·r, ,.. i:n ia , • prelimina ry report on the first fit pflticnts receiving the treat· llH~nL Orcr two years ago Dr. Kountr. Started using the 1cchnicµic developed by him ;ind Dr. Roy Cohn. Professor o( Surgery at S•anfo rd l'nivcrsity. 1'wo days before surgery, the patient begins 1 ;i k i n g inlmuncrsuppressive r!r11gs orally: At the time of the transplan tation , ~ c~thetcr is placed in the rcnaJ artery <:1nd brought ou~ through the ttlxlomina l \\'all. During lhr - lollovl'ing three days im· 1nunosuppressive dru gs may hC' contin uously introduced 1hrough the ca thet er into the kidnev . The catheter rema ins in pla'cc ror about three weeks ~o that should a rcjectlol\ rrisis occur. the inru~ion may hr repeated . ... ·.SIZING. f...,. ,. ,, FOR EXAMPLE: ~OWING THE ANS)VER- TO THESE QUESTIONS CAN SAYE YOU .. ~OM ~·~o.oo '° $500.00 IN "HIDDEN · _(:pSTS"JA l' THE 1!IME OF c;pNTRACTIN~ "<YOUR P.OOL! ,-- -1. ' 2. 4. s. WHAT DOES "ILICTllCAL HOOK· UP INCLUDED" MIAN -1 WHAT DOES "FRR HIATiR IN· CLUDID-INSTALLATION EXTRA" RIALLY MIAN1 ' WHAT DOES "DILUXI FILTH AND PUMP MEAN? WHAT DOES "POOL AREA" MIAN? HOW CAN YOU IN S U RE YOUR· SILF THAT THE IUILDER WILL HONOR A "21 DAY COMPLIT!ON" CLAUSE? THESE AND MANY OTHER S IM I l A R QUESTIONS REGARDING POOL ADS AND CONTRACTUAL TERMS ARE CLEARLY DE- FINED fOR YOU IN OUR "GLOSSARY OF TERMS FOR THE POOWUYIR. CALL OR WRITE FOR YOUR COPY TODAY • , , IEFOR! fUYINfO FROM ANTONI! Mi88ton -' ' Pool9 " 441 SOUTH "D" STREET Tu'STIN, CAUf, (Up1t1lra 111 thl SH41Wleck Plau) TIU!PHONI: Ill-OHi ·- This technique, Or, t\OU11t1 <''\plained, aUows large dO!iC' nf the~ drugs to be ad· tninislered ) at optimal times ttnd permits 'lhe patient torc-\·.!~~~~~~~~~~~~~:!!~~~~~I main on a lower oral dose. fi1de cffttls from the drugs .arc virt ually eliminated, ANDY HAS ANSWERS Th•••'• only 0111 pl•t• y o11 t •n find m1111• •n1w1r1 th•n yo11t c.hlld1t 11 hevo qu•1li•1u. Clle ck ihe Ai• Andy fe•t1iir• t•ery !1t. urdey i11 •~e DAILY PllOf. Y"1'U lik• It -t nd 10 wll l your cu1i11ity.f;tltd roun,1fot1. 1\rsults or the direct infusion tochnique l'itrongly support tl1t tl~ory that the \en~lh of a '!naltrd kirlnf'y's survival time! 1pay be critically dtpendent °"I the ~n!ti.;.i treatment to sup- rrcS$ immune reactions. '---.._-------------'-----' SPECI L BUT! • 510 coil full size ' . mattress & box spring • 330 coil twin size mattress & box ' spring • Quilted ••• firm Mattress and box spring set at fanta~ti.c saving$! Firmly quilted mattreu wilh sisa l and felted cotto~ construction, 8 ounce ticking, lope edge, plasl ic handles. ,:This very special purchase is a marvelous and inexpensive opportun ily to purchase new mattresses and box spr·ings now! STANDARD METAL IED fRAME $7 FITS '!WIN Ott ML • - \ $66TWINOR FULL SET P r1~1 Tncflfd• delivery 111 local cl.trr.r, .... 1 • ' No meney ~ ••• "" Penn•yt time Payment Pion ' ' CANOGA PARK FULLERTON ' . - HUNTINGTON BEACH LAKEWOOD -·.···--.. ::....-~---~-- NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA . I \ I ' ' J ' - JI DAILY PILOT Wedntsday, Moy 7, 1169 • . Malpractiee 1 Suits lncre.~sin.g ~o~ts ··~f Medical Care By ClL\RLES G: McDANIEL talning liability I n s u r a n c e AP Scleoet Writer likewise are rising. There are other patient Malpraclice suits flied by costs. too. engendered by ex· patltat.s against doctors are tra-cautious -and perhaps contributing to the increased unnecessary . -tests, a com- !!951, of medical care i.n the mittee of the AMA trustees ~-; ' fee depends on whether they courages others to ·1ue sWts. because people are· more -doctors have the, Jilchest pay and' they· resent lnsuraoce Hlrsh sald lbe AMA 11 Work· win the case, and Uten' it i$ a -The public baa b e e n aware of the possibUJty of average income of any p~ companies because of their ing oo a medical atcldent i.. percentage of the award to Ule oversold oo • the. value of maJpracUce action .and it is "a teyJQn•I group so jurle$ experieoc.es wiiJl ~m ; and suranoe plan for patients plaintiff.,~ _is said ·to en-mod~m -~nigS and modem bit ea.Ger to win/' ; .• , decide "for the working Iliff." ttie' knowledge ~jurors wbJch would elimlDlte the United States. reported. courage "vigorous trial o{ a S}/1'81¢11 ~ues,,to more is Rlcbard -P. Bergen. director He $8ld th.ls trend also that lawyers will get.a jlili'd lo. 1ssue of negligenct. claim e.nd pre.ssing juries for · expected rrom doctors and , of tbe .AMA'• department of results in part tl'Opl inflation half of any award. -~fl, The cost for such insurance big awards. hospitals thah;!\somet'.iih~ can legaJ research, sajd ttie trend (Qther 1111'1 awai'ds ·also are \ The cost of malpr~ce in-to the patient \. !'ould be ·--Courts are more liberal in be deliv,ered. · , ' l to higher awards to su~ssful up); the awareness on the part surance is especia~ pro-nominal, Hirsh ·~ and the the type of evidence permitted Sidney' Robin, a·membtr or plainUfrs results fn?JD j.he fact of the jury that insurance com· hibitive ror young ptijaiclans plan woold be1p Cu.kiut the Jil.. Rates on malpractice in· NO STATISTICS surehce for doctors have There are no r e c e n t soared.across the country and statistic:s -.to · sbow whether the-1ncreased costs are-borne,_ there...bas~been...an_inCtease..Jn at teast in part, by lhe patient . malprac.tice suits filed, but iD maJpraclice suits. In the a ChJcago law firm which that the public is aware that panles aie .goJDc to. ha,ve-to starting their practice. ing maJpraetice premiwm past, it has been difficult to ' handles malpraclice suits for1-'--'--'--'------...:.---'--'...:::=~====--...::::.::=-:::.:::_~::.:;.:.:... ___ _;c_....:. __ .;... ___ _ get a doctor to testify against· both plaintiffs .and.defendants, one-of 1Wrcolleagues;-but now said "'mtlSHA'wy.ers respect textboob a:nd outside experts the medical profession and are are permitted in court. reluctant to file a suit" in a Statistics sho"'' tha~ one doc-many doctors, lawyers and in· tor out of every six of the surance men say there has 300,000 in the Uniled States been. . . has been, or is being. sued for Martm cited these. cases as malpractice. Last y~a_r. d~-e~amples of t~ trend toward/ -Publicity given rnalprac-malpractice c~. · · tit'e suits, whether the suits He said there ts an iDcrease 1 are stJccessful or not, en-in the number ·.of cases fil~ tors paid $75 m1lbon 1n higher awar~. . . m .. a 1 p r a c t i c e insurance A woman. 1~ Florid~ rc:ce1v·1 premiums. ed. a $1.~ m1lh~ verdict m an Some $18 milUon was paid in ane~thes.ta mish_ap ; . $ 1 . 4 awards to patients in 1968, ac· ~ill.1on to . a_ Califo~a man l cording to Bernard D. Hirsh, su.n1.larly 1n1ured, an~: $1.25 general coonsel of t ~ e nulhon to a New Mexi~ ~y American Medical As!iOCLa· .whose scalp was ~erely tion. Legal fees added to the burned in treatment' fo r MOTHER'S DAY, MAY 11 START HER DAY _-_ costs. ringv"orm . The c o s t of malpractice suits to the 21 municipal hospitals in New York City more than doubled in one year -from $356,900 in 1965 to $753,850 in 1966. MORE SUITS William F. Martin. a New York lawyer, said in a paper recently before the National 1'.1edicolegal Symposium in Las Vegas: "Spokesmen both for the medical profession and the insurance industry agree that the higher rates are caus- ed by the increased number of malpractice suits being filed by disgruntled patients and the larger settlements being made both ,in and out of court." Doctors and lawyers say th at today 's society is more permissive and citizens are more prone to sUe, so the pro- blem is not limite<I to the medical profession. The Insurance lnformatio"n Institute in New York says prentiums on malpractice in· surance are Op 47 percent over a year ago. COVERAGE HIGH Some physicians pay $12,000 to $15,000 a year for maximum coverage, an AMA official said. !\linimum coverage might cost $400 to $600 for protection against claims of up to $5,000. Many hospitals insist that doc- tors with staff privileges carry at least $100,000 in insurance, and often more. Speeches and .articles by doctors ~d lawyers and files of the American Medical Association list a number of reasons for the filing of malpractice suits. Among the most prominent· ly mentioned are: and EVERY DAY • • with MUSIC! An AMA survey also found instances in 14 states in which physicians were unable to ob- tain malpractice insurance. The institute. in a receot an- nouncement of rate revisions , stated that from 1959 through I 9 6 3 , insurance companies paid $140 !or every $100 received in premiums from physicians. For surgeons it was $151 for every $1QO. Recent revisions u p p e d malpractice rates in 27 states, while reducin~ them iri ·two. -With the number of doc· tors failing to increase as rapidly as the population, doc- tors are busier and the doctor· patient relationship is Jess personal than that of the sen- tim@tally recalled f a m i I y doctor. -Lawyers pres-s in g malpraclice claims are paid a contingent fee ; that is, their A radio that pours out full, rich AM from a cube sound-chamber cabinet.And any· thing a big _clock radio can do, Sony's 6RC·23 can do tOO-but in less than 5• x 5~ of space: Front clock switch makes time-setting simple, and the large clock ,face is designed for easy-readir:'I. Charming cube·Shaped set comes in a wa lnut-looking fi.(Msh that's very rich. But ~1ou don't have to be to buy it. Don't Neglect Slipping SO!fYO FALSE TEETH ; The increases ranged from 10 percent in four states to 75 per ent 'n Mon•·na and Ohi·o Do t•I•• 1e.e111 arOP. !•lo or wobblf C I ""' whe~ ~ !Ilk. ef!, 1-11 or $11ette? and 100 percent in Vermonl DM't tie ~nnatt:_d •net •mWrruwc1 bv @DAVIS -BRO\X'N . • handicepa. F/<STEETH, 1n Ilk• Rates 1n six states went up 50 1in. incin-.eld1 Pl1Wdtr 1o iprrn1c1e 1111 ' 60 per e L vour pi.tet, k-t111ot 1Nth more 0 C n . flrmlV Mt. Gives confldent teell"ll ol Rates were r.educed 10 per-teOJrlty, ... fddecl comttrt. No flllllllm\', cent m· New Hampshire and 15 lllOOtV ~ .,. feel!ne. o.niu .... ~' tit 411 E. 17th St, • COSTA MESA . are -ntifl'to ht1nh. SM your aenti.tl ~in Oregon. IWJl.,.lv. Get F.UTEETH II •II dnlO Rates for hospitals main· counten.. • 646·1614 DAILY 9·9, SATURDAY 9-6 OUTDOOR LI YING 11 A WAY°' Lin ••• IN oUNOI couNTYI OUR WINDOW AND ••• and Santa An1 Tent Ind Awning has tht Ntw Look for '69 • , , everything tt malct outdoor relax• ti!'" 11 family ptttime, SMAlT APPUUllG • TOii QUALITY DOOR AWNINGS · RAnn 11 111111• DICGU'IGI ALUMINUM .~.=r~=~~umJL SCREEN PATIOS , •• 11 ...., atyln for so ,..., nttd~ Planned for eilher large or small homes ••• ~-=,~~~r1::;1:."',:~':i::::n~~'~W:~K= mobile homes tool Durable, long lasting .all ~·'• wt•lht• PfO''";°" 10 pn1m ••I• 111AM11" -"' alumi'num construction, large doors ••• com--111mit111"9'1. hst of 111 • •• .t s.r.11 Anl lffll •f ,(...,.Int JOIJ "I •lwt'i" rtctl ... Ml """" .......... l:Gllrldf. ,(lllklt ~lefl ... plelely bug proof tompltlt 4tP!'IMllbiUty., •• ,i. -.S .,..., .,,.nfl!PI • THI NIW LOOK FOR '69 ~"----., . . CANVAS AWNINGS • V:A~Cll • CUllTAINI Nothing 0-ratos Uke Co'llvas. Beautiful New Colors & New Fobrics. For. homes ••• for bus'inessl MANUFACTUUD SAMIA ANA ' ,-.-NT ••. 1AWNING·co. c FACTORY SHOWROOM 2202 S. MAIN 51. SANTA ANA ........ , • UANCH omcl ORANGE coum lWlllllG co. . . _....,. __ Phone: 879-6732 After 6: 633·6i"l4 Sff our c:oapltl• indoor-outdoor Fvmftute Oitpkry ' • • • Newport Center tl Fashim Island • .... -------------------------------------------------- ----. " " . • -. 'ME GRFAT QETAWAY,., PEA.NJT IN' CAREFREEWILROY DRR'!Sl!i ,. '.these riVid little CaJjf~t -. lim>Lon"'boey '•'time• 119 of cnsli- alie '!'l'.1l"'° No chinoe of IOllinc coqlat,;llh ......... Am, llloy ...igh ~ ~ lillf-.•. ]!etfect ~I~ wei1bt It a pro~ Shown, two flea oar ooJ. eollool; 6to18 .. 41.11. ?B. .. l ' ' • 644·2200 ,._ • ~.,Thurs .. Fri. 10:il lill 9:30 Oller days 10:00 ijll ~ --~ -~----~------ ' ' • • • • • ' ... -.. ' Wtdnesd11y, M117, 1969 .. -------"----'--'---• DAILY 1'1LOT 11 ~n}fr~Y .. ·:·Ripe for . . ~~Phvsicists • by J"fce La1it " ' ' • Mbt U 111 ,...,~flfit I Mm11ry Pllrt· , 1t111f. collr"'1 ol "'-ltovll Y.--riter co., M T.ij,' J~. Crewe, Vt,1 -"Wlwt't U,_.<WIM !Gr l'Jl~lla, from 111111\ _.,_., -0.(MIOl'~I llQr", maier'• llllf doc1ot11e7" A. -You're· living in a good age to be a physicist. 'Ibey (both men and women) are respected by soclety and the ouUook Is wonderful for well- ~ua1lfied physicists. Anyone thinkiog ol basic research in physics should go on to get a Ph.D. It's almost mandatory for landing a good job· in government, industry or Ole academic world. Besides. it brings more salary. Figures from the National Science FoundaUon show that Ph.D.'s earned a median salary of $15,900 ln 191S8; master's and bachelor's degree, $ I 2 , 6 O O (same amount for both). UNIVERSE FOR LAB. . Physics comes from a Greek word meaning nature, and depends on math and logic. Physicists study the various forms of energy .... the stt11c· 'ure of matter . . . and the relationship between matter and energy. From t h e i r analyses, they d e v e I o p theories and discover fun· damental laws that describe the behavior of forces at work within the universe. R & D. About half of some 45,000 physicists are employed in research and development. Many condi.Jct basic research (like "why is the grass green?") with seconda r y regard· to its practical ap- plications. Or as one scientist is supposed to have said, "Basic research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing ." Whatever physicists have been dotµg; it's paid off. They have rrtide valuable contributions in such areas as nuclear e~rgy, e'Jec- tronJcs, communications and aerospace. ENGINEERING ORIENT' ED, physicists engage in ap- plied research, other::; teach in . ~igh schools, colleges and universities (perhaps com· bini~g research and consulting work)'~ or function as managt and administrators, especia y of R & D programs. EMP SIS AREAS. iMiiot physicis6 specialize in on7 or more branches of t.he science -mechanics, t h e r m a I phenomena, high e n e r g y physics, o p t I c s , acoustics, elettromagnetlsm, electronics, atomic and molecular physics, nuclear physics, physics of fluids, soli'd-state physics or classical theoretical physJ:cl. ' COMBINATIONS. PbY!ielsls often apply their laiowledat.to problems originaung in Other ,sciences, . for era in p I e : astrophysics, the use o f physics in the study of the bodies of the universe -wha t the sun and stars are made of; biophysics, lhe physics and chemistry of living things; chemical physics, the physics and chemistry of living thing&; chemical physics, the a~ plication of physics principals lo reactions of chemical com· pounds. WllERE · EMPLOYBD: .• Private 'industry, In the elec· trical equipment, ordnance, chemicals, let'OSpaC!e and in· strum en ts industries; in· dependent ... cc;immer.cial labs aod research institutes ; machinery, eng•rtng and · architectural s e r v i c e s in· dustry ; sch~ the federal government, and various non· profit organliations. 1' h e y work in all s_tates. but more than one-fOurtll , reside "in Boston, Washington, D.C., Los Angeles-Long 'Beach and New York. FOR MORE IN FOR· MATION, send 10 cents to Documents, Washington, D.C. 20402. Ask for OCCupational Outlook Reprint No. JS50-65. ... INTANGIBLE REWARDS.· One of the world's most honored pbysicl!ls, Dr. Arthur Holly Compton des<:ribed hiJ satWactlon with tbe Oeld: '\llo tbri\l <qµals solvlni · • ~1":1~~-~rk"f. ~ ~ ' pb)'31clst ( -on I h e misslle-la!Jnchll1( pad, roe• beoeallr'lhe .... ball-Into \be upper atmosphere. He ...... nol .. proud ol lhe -quest of Ult universe M bumble before the immensity of its conception.'' hr'ld m r """"u!lo"' i.r Niu,. toi. 11111'11\ tlfOU 10 >ore. l.tlft, (•rtr C011111r, tie The D•MJ' ftl!O'I. $0rfl', llO IMll -... ~--..,-· ..... """ "1"" .. "' "'. "11\h ' tolllrtll'I WHI rttflw • tr" ltltl' ... ,,.. -. ., • '· • w .. ,,... .... ~ M:,11• .......... c..w. c.... ~ • a "",,... 11'#111.-Mtrw ~ c...,, c..i. -. KAYI YOU vtSrtlD OUR NIW 110:0 AT1 ' " • , .. k."9111 Aw. ....... , ........... c.w ................. • tnn ._.. •M. •At....,.. , ... , ........ ._. HARBOR BLVD: EDINGER e ~1 CM,_ Awe. fl·~---C-1\' ,...,., et!,.._....,. e 1411 W, hllltlr .... ,_... M..-1" 1 • ..... Cllllw, ..... AM e IJm • ...........,, $1. ft W•lllllMl-W•ltttMlt C.,.lft>, O•rN el't\'il • M:iJi • ..._..., II °"'-w .. 1, W1tlllllatler e ltlM M ....... St. " Tl~Vllllfe c.ter, ir..Mlll VllllY e llNl V .. ltr V .. w tt Cll811-ll> .......... , ..... ...,... ....... ....... .....,. JIW..4t• ...... IMCll S..,. C_..,, HWll"""" 9*11 1w...-.~·-·.._......... : 91• Yel. A11• let Heir S.JN'CIY. -.... nc !'1.1 .... iillie . 52c Hellll & Sli•••••n SKnp11 ... 1· ,_of fS.,.l'rice 11111. lie off• I,Mo1 64.C •111 ,_.., ............... . Ptldl .t 12 H1•1rrllol•11 S.-ltorios $) 18 'I" Prepandl• I. ... :......... . -$899 Value! . Fluorescent Desk lamps ' $)99 ! '""""""""'m 'P'·'P' Aveca .. En .... lwan 2i 5S 1., 2 "41 Snt '2.~1 Full size for COlD· fort OD a bud&eL Quality conatruc-lion throughi)u( .. l "hi-atrengtb pol· is.hed aluminum frame -..Ith hand· some 4x4x4 gtten It white webs. OR"lllALLY MADE TO SELL FOR SI. Mono or Stereo Record Alltums \ c reat ll'oup or i Western & coun· ; 11y; 1bow tunes, ballads, rock 'n roll, countless ' more featuring &op artists. 3:s1•• 3 ••Save$3.~ '"""' loodel •SUt -~.U.. •$1AtS...-Sat87C .• $1.3t tt. wr..._· ... •S1.3t Jtt.Cewn4 s...,.. 53"1Hlan · Madrc11 Plald IHspreads "··~Loo:: ... $2'' ......... Dl1llllon Cloolc. s..., ..... ........ Flml GAllOll L--,.1 3i $975 $3.4t ... ~ -... 99c tklllaor 77c FIMt Wu, 21 ......... . Full Siu. Skin Carc11a ... 1s · Prime quality made.$2,, son. absorbent • • . rorcan, windows. • $5.50 ...,.o .... 1.-o-s1xi..t1ea IS.Ou.nee size. ~tock •• dur-$395 ire onc&•)'a.r sale. With GUd.O. lll1tic ·reatur.. Electric $1 t9 Flnlltlilll' •• Mchw ............. sac .......... ,1 ........ . Hcf•.lff11• 53c s,..., Stordt, 224&. •• s1•• Maile Turltan Hair PntKllr Extra large in laven-$ 13 'der, pink, blue, white . 'l"Yal.91•cos .... ,. f."," 111 l•••Y a.II Super • Fla pup~t bend&, twiata, tltt, 99c stand:', hanp on. In btlf.ht new dalay deatin""wllh Cllde- A·M•tic 1911., 4'c Sloart ._.1.-1..i1 Triuplanter. CUlti••· 3 7c tor, Weed&f'JJ.O:.. or Weeder • 50 Ft. lartln 11111 * inch Jn1lde Oiamet· $ er. Full now, bran cou· 181 pllnp. Rnlltt weaU!o• · .r;ye11dcaJ1; $1s• G.E. Flashcultes ·:.c: 99' Stcd•p . fo r Jlotlara ~~- frffl Roll of Fiim ·-::::.:-. -.... ~.w"il...:;:; 1 .. Ul.t lf ....... . ..... ........ ... ................ ................ .,.. ..... ,_ ........ . .... Reg.Women's $1'8 Nylon Shells $11 88 Endura Pendant Watches $119 · Sleewleu eytoa atreteh puUOYeli with taltle or moet turtleDeck, nylon d pper beet. Choice of white, D&Yf ••• the &ellOD'I p~paitela.: -' . Lacy · Cardigan Sweaten •3•7 Ael"Jlic ta.its in lacy desipa and faahlon 1badeL Fully llned ••• in. •ifl!S s. M. I: L. 12• Llfellk1 Fl .. I ltallaa Style Arn .. 1•1at1 · 11•••'• Saadals· $596 Jt1.r11bton pendants in neweat 1hape1, deaitns to deliaht Mom! Dependab1e. accurate tlmeplecea at a aavift&I or a~ proximately '8.001 Beautiful lifelike no-$1, Batt str ap 1tyle1 lllwl . ral arran,.ment.inan· 9 trimmed with faah· 99c fJ,~:.ttni1bedum over _ ~~n·~~· .hardware. , . s5•YalH! ~~~"'!"'""!'"!"'~-.. ~~a~!"'"!""~~~ ChtiR1t-A.C:olor •r• Yli._I hl01 W11Ma's AcllaH Saqlai·- 'Clilp I Dip Seti· • • Twlll Scarfs ... Qltom;dMllD"d'~I ..1 • • .,.;. ... a"--• h · 8 1 __ .. _ .. ___ .._u $4ff L--pnnts ... t 01ce 9c ... _...,.. ...," P or 1e1uares, lriantle or bowl to match In C!Olor eblonl ahapea. ho ice! - IO"C.nl..-ere C.w ... Sklllet 95 nluel Now at •$588 i& Tbrift1 Savi•! ............. _....,. ' .... ,. Elecl1 k lli•••r L<ra!.~"· $ ' ·2· ...... -Trw-Et> l -ftciat. , , &·puah "butiona.· hh1r111 I.E. ........ • ·-. ":' ...... ,1. 2 boatl. bleadal Ll'1lt ••ilbt. with bater ' ejector. Ull·2 '22"" Mll!l'f Heir • ~1=~18'' '2''Y•l.W11Llll CUialllc Cue Choice or eoi. $ OU, 0111 lo 1'4 . ,....,. wilh &I· trac!Mohmll& Jumbo alze •.• dl1h· wuber aafe, won't ebip 73 C •.• or break! Fully ruar- 1nteedl Ill ll'Twlrf ·····-···· Jumbo-&Jte._memo p1d1 in hot mod 97c tolora. Colorful, pratlltal altta. ..... t•_ otdi1• Chocolates; " . ' '175 ,_ ... Beaotifttll:f Gif\boztdl Z L1''o l :S.50 :.=r_.s·13s ........ 1'" .......... a111l11ti --.......... ----._,.'"' A-loco $110 IS- WhltmaaSampllt Chocolates $225 PoundBox, . dellcioua ••· sortment! t Jl, .. S<.H ""' ..... .. . .......... ... Cboic• or tracra.nee1. 88C Feel l••urioo1 after bathing. ,,. , .... , ,..,._ ' ............ Oii :JO.oz·. boUle, 1.mootlia. 711 c 1ilkena tk.lo •.• leaves • u rraaninu Minored ••Ill •-*-a..1 .. · ·Yanity Trays-.. ~!!':.-.~.,1-!d~o!~!i ... •10.,~"'"'!$1o!i'-·' ... •2·· 1 ............. ... ltoneenaaeltl bloom ht pqtel ha• 9 7c rlL1o•t' ••• aomewtlhfltm! fr1me1 for t'!""''""'------- bath •• bed, Allil•••J Jewel Bes: room. Boxed, $ ,.,d110 """ Choice ol aold or &11· 197 ·-... ,.. .., ' ,..... Aaorted • .,.. ...... 1.7' ·•-••haPli.• ······i Sh1nPIN Sllppen 9~-s<ift-: '.• CClilf· alippers ia red, blue. yellow, piitt or. white. •• -•. M-1.,XL. ·IA>"l·o·-·z· dium Yinyl • covered rat-I tans. · ' •3•• Yalutl ,,.,. Clu1ten ·1~ Mini "cryatal" clu1ter1 in .9"' ll\llt1 IVOC:ldO, J1taon or lime .... • • -·--------------····--. ---· ----------. ~ ----·-----~---- { I r ' b • " --. '. • • .r1ests Anxious To Marry DETROIT j (AP) -New moves, are developing among Roman Catholic priests for a chaQ&e In Church rules gi\ri~ them the optioo either to re- main celibate or to marry -· without any break in their ministry. PubUc '1eclar1tiont. ·on the matter have Come from clpgy groups in various places, iJt.. eluding Detroit and New York, in the wake oC action by American Catholic bishops realflrming the celibacy re- quirement. Further steps also were taken in shaping _ t . new organization set up·to s"eek the right of married,1 priests to continue in their religious vocation. "There are married priests available now who are ready to go to work with the un· derstandlng that the structure of authority bas got to be shared ," said the Rev. Pat Best. treasurer or the ne1v gro~. the Society of Priests for a Free Ministry. PURSUE CAREERS It repQrts a growing membership of 250 who want to pursue their r eligious careers as married priests. The president is Eugene C. Bianchl, a , Jesuit·trained theologian, now t e a c h i n g religion a t Methodist-run Emory University in Atlanta. Father Besl. engaged to be married in June. was a priest in Des A1oines until a year go. •1e applied for dispensation from his celibacy vows, in the view that he eventually would marry, and is now a voca- tional rehabilitation expert treating deaf children for the state of Michigan. He estimated that from 2,000 to 10~000 priests Jell their religious vocations in the United States in the last year. However, no definitive figures are available. and s o m e studies suggest about 3,000 or less. Still other surveys have show~ that the majority left to be married. Also. national polls ol priests lndictlt! about two-thirds of them feel priests should have the opti09 ,pf mar- rying . So do hall of the seminarians. SIMIU!l SENTIMENTS. Slmilar sentiments h a v e b~n voiced by 38 Detroit p11ests. who challenged · the ci1urch law forbidding prieSLs to marry, and said they con- sider themselves free to rrµuTy and continue their work as priests. . "Marriage should never be a state which rules out one for the· mvice of th e church at any 'level," their statement said. 11Je Rev. Jerome Fraser, corresponding secretary of the 130-member Association of Delroit Priests, -said the state- ment would be circulated among lhe membership to seek further signatures. lt does not signal any mass march into matrimony he said, but was prima rily to let Church authorities k n ow priests are concerned about the celibacy rule. A similar stand was taken recently by 31 priests who held a rally in Brooklyn, reaf~ rirming their opposition to celibacy, and declaring they consider themselves free to marry. It came in the face of a statement by Brook I y n's Bishop Francis J . Mugavero saying he· was not opposed to open discussion of th~ subject. but the SOO.year-old rule af celi bacy for priests was still bincfing. American bishops, meeting in Houston In early April , reaffirmed 'the celibacy re- quirement, although noting a growing problem in meeting ministerial needs, w i t h . seminary enrollment down 12 percent in three years. 'Ibe Society of Priests far a Free Ministry,, launched last fall in St. Louis, recentJy held a meeting In Detroit of realonal leaders to p u t fliilahing touches an a n organiulUooal framework and purposes. and to elect officers. lt started with 40 priests who had married as members, ---:tnd the number multlplied--to more than six lime! that. It plam a nationaJ meetin1 this r.u in Washington. Another major organir.ation, the. National Association for Pastoral Renewal • .also seeks an end lo Ill< celibacy rule for priestl. asklns lhal Ill< Church allow an opllon In the matlet. The organization ls made up uf abool 1,000 prl"" and la;ymen, mostly priests atill active In the mlrrlstry. The free ministry group ln · codlrut, iJ made up of thole wbole marriages have remov· ed than •from priestly func- tlaot, .... .... wanl lo ret bid: ... 11111 rolt. I -" - • - \ ' • ff • \ \ ~ ' '' ' .. •• • ==--=-=----·-------·-·--:::;;;;--....... '• / I \ I I I I I I AN AHEIM H4 N. E,d;d 535.8121 Mon. thru s.t. 10 1.m. to _,.:!O p.m. ....... -.._, \ ,.,.-. /' ···~ ... ,; . ., " i ,_ . ' .. DAINTY DOTS FOR MOTHER She'll be delighted with ihe soft toilor ing ond the flotte ring fi t of our pretty polko dot shift by Rhoda Lee. lovished with cast:ade ruffles in 100 "/o Dacron® polyester, sizes 10-18 in navy , brown , beige or green with white, 12 .00. Moil, telephone orders invited. Blouses, Shifts, 66 I l ' ' ' • NEWPORT .•' . .. ' \ \ HER FAVORITE TOPPINGS , . " \ '. Mom will treasure these luscious coverups for year 'round wearing. A) White cardigan, crochet pottern detoil, 36-42 , 13.00. BJ Roffio flowers, seed peorl tr im, white, 36-44, 17 .00. CJ Locy coble, crochet t rim, blue , pink , white , celery .. bone, 36-42. 13.00. Ma il, telephone orders invi ted. Misses ' Sportswear, 40 \ HUNTING TON BEAH 47 F•shion l1l•nd 6'44·1212 Mon. thru Fri. 10 1.m. to 9::)0 p.m. ~· " . 7777 Ed ing•t Av•. 892.Jll 1 Mon. thru S•t. s.t. 1 o •·r· to 6 p.m. 10 '·"'· to ':30 p.m, • • ,. '"' ) I " • GLENN Wtim Sporti Editor. Halos Bank On Murphy; Downed 2-1 By EARL GUSTllEY Of "" o.llY '4191 ... " Tom Murphy }".Ill be a young man on the spot tonight at Anaheim Stadium. If the Angels .are to escape from the g"te at all thia ,season, Murphy, most close followers agree, must pitch up to last season when he finished s..6 with a snappy 2.18 ERA. Currently, the 23-year-old 6 . 3 righthander is 1·1 and·hls' ERA is an un- tidy 4.94: U he can come up with his first solid showing of the season tonight, it'll. give the Angel pi~g staff two polisheQ mound jobs back=tD-back. Rudy May did all that was asked of him Tuesday night, pitching a seven-hit- ter, but he received a modicum or sup- A ngel Slate 17nr' 1 -Anaeis .... N•w v-. ''" 11.m. KMPC ~y t -Angels V9 BOllOn, 7:" p.m, l<MPC f!lOl M•Y 11) -Anoels"" &olton, ''" p.m. KMPC TIO) port -Yankee southpaw Fritz Peterson allowed just five hits and the Yanks won, 2-1, snapping a. seven-g~e New York loss streak. The Angels have 1ost four out of five . Peterson, a 27-year~ld southpaw who grew up in Chicago, struck out nine and had a shutout until the ninth inning. It was Peterson 's sixth straight victory over the Angels and the lefty was asked to explain himself. "Well, for one thing, I like to pitch out here," he said, talking with writers in front of his locker. "I rea!Jy like this cool night weather you get out here this time ol the year." He was asked what pitch he ,banb on •t Anaheim. "You look down the Angels' roster and tt looks like they've got some good hitters but I've always had good success with my changeup against them." He was particularly effective against Rick Reichardt Tuesday, fanning him three times and inducing him to ground out in the ninth to end the game with two men on base. "f mixed .the pitches up on Reichardt. I was happy to get him out -it seems like he always gets the hit that drives in runs against me." · Bill Rigney, the beleaguered Angel &kipper, wasn't deva!tated by the defeat. "Our ball club played heller tonight than they have in the last four or five gilmes. Our young pitchers are doing well but they need some help, so I'm going to 3lart playing Lou Johnson in the outfield. W~~~elm~~~~~ ,:a11:n:i~ to ~JI but the last two hitters. Rigney figures if he can get as good an effort out of h1urphy tonight, the Halos might catch fire. Rig also hopes his hitters will lake ad- vantage of Stan Bahnsen 's (0-5) gopher pitch tonight. The Yank has allowed eight home runs over the past 33 innings, Pitching help is oo the way. Rick Clark was called up from Hawaii Tuesday afternoon alter Pedro Borbon underwent an appendectomy Tuesday morning. He'll be out a month and was placed on the disabled list. Clark will be in the bullpen tonight. N•W YOlll( ,,.L..,'011.NIA tllrllnl 1llr~r1ll Cltric,,l'IJ 4llO~r1JtlO KWIMY, c;t I 0 0 0 P'~I, ., l 0 I I COW•n, ti 2 0 I 0 ~iron., t i 4 I t I M11rt..-. Jb 4 0 ) 2 Rtldllrdl, II • I t 0 Cmr. :lb O I I t A.ROdrlg1111, Jb l O 0 O Whl~. If • O I I S1u.1rt, lb l I l t P•pl1«11. lb 4 0 O t E11n, ' ! I t 0 F....windeJ, c; 4 0 I 0 Knoop, :lb J I 1 0 Trtsh, 11 ~ 0 1 I ll.M1y, p 2 I 0 0 W.lloblnMOI, rf J l 0-0 Mn111"1mJ!ll, • I 0 0 O r:.,..'9<Mll. p l I O O Morion, ph I O I I Oitv•llllo, pr O O 0 0 Tot11t JI 1 1 2 Tol81s 11 1 5 I n-YoR. ,000 010 000 -J Ctllfornll 000 000 001 -I E -ll. !My, 1(-. D~ -New Yort 2, C.1ffol'nil S. l09 -N-Vorll; 7, Ctlllornll J. 21 -Stwrt. I -l. Jof!-. Olympic MUNICH, Germany (AP) -Earth moving machines are 8CUlpting the outline of the 1972 Olympic stadium in the gr1velly soil of a huge site 2.S miles from th• ceoter ol Munich. Jn the city itself, streets are cklsed, macltlnes hammer away f1t into the niilrt and big cranes dot .,. tlcyllne as Munlcb lurialls\y ptlDs aheod wllh a subway system to be ('(N]'lpifted f<r the 20th Oi1mPiMI openinc In Aflltlll, 19'/l. "Everytj>lng is on scll<dule," taid Camillo Hoel, advlter • lbe OIJlllPlco lo MW11cb'1 Lord f,loyar. "Dur -ttf aylt.e:m la even five to teven moachs a.heed of tebedult. ,, ~ The main tlte for the O\)'m!lict wlU be I 'mel-acil> trlCI ·-ol lbe dty for most m a J or sportr facllltfea 1 n d th• Olympic Village for IG.500 <Ofl· I • • • Wol.....,, M&Y 7, 1969 DAll.Y nt~Jf Bo·ston 'Topped Lakers, 7-3, in Tal~nt TiJ.;"' a&alnsl a thousand : • ., lhat old SleCfri<d, Don ~ EmmeUe Bryant Tllu. you hav• thre< going a~Inst tall tale ~ revealed in a Bob Hope r4te two-dllrds Of a point for a &rand seven in our computer method of com. movSe' ~ to mlnd wben OOt recatls tot.a! fl. six. paring the two teams. And elementary the ..,...uy COllduded pro basketball Theo 1lv. tile Celtics a bonus point for arIUunetk wlll teU you lhal U.00. odds are pretty tough to overcome. dlamplonthlp ol the world series between tbelr pt teom unity and their mutual So tile best TEA'M won lbe title while ~ ee':..~ Lakero and ~gendary ...,, ol lbe (OOd ~vldual! had to oetUe It wasn't exactly &$ euu:erated 11 the for second place. Hope yam but the Lakers did ._b to * * * a :team with more· laleot ... a ratio ol WHITE roughly three .aaimt seven. 1 'J'he Lakers &et three polnts by: coun.. tirig ooe each for Jerry West aiid Wilt Chamberlain while Elgin 8ayi-Or ond Mel COOllla pl -.bali apiece. Tom Hawkins, Freddie Crawford, Bin- Hew!U, Koltll ErickJOD and Joltnny Egan draw goote esg~. Boston's points are computttd thusly : ~ each for Blll Russell, Sam Jones, Jolin Havlicek and Bailey Howell. Larry WASH jJYY!!IUUi i i(!f'.fiii I Ui _ understanding and respect ror each other on and off the Door. In thia: vital department the La.ken again go scortless. . . . .. Potpourri from ttle Laker zuld Boston Iockerrooms Mond"'Y' nighl: JERRY WEH, Laker1 -"Th!s game won't be too easy to forget-I've got a lot or traveling and speaking to do and I'm getting kind of tired explafning why we lost every time we finish second to Boston. . "We need more scoring up front next year ••• !hey can't say we (West, Elgin Baylor and WUt Chamberlain) are ,, 1uperltar1 anymore because auperstan are auppoMd to wtn and we didn't ••. It hu lo hurt -• when xoo !eel you .,.. going lo win and tloo't. 1 leK we had the better team ao you have. to etve them (Booton) all lbe crodit." JOHN HA VIJCEK, Botteo -"By the lime I had d i n n er Mpoday afternoon n1y whole body was soaked with sweat from thinking about the game. "I'm emotionally and physically drain· ed from lb1s series • , • J don't want to · think 1bout11e~ sea90ll for a long time, 1 jUst want to enjbf lh18 wln for awhile. "Jei'ry'west is lhe epitome ol a basket· ball playor. I told J1Jm alter the game that We love hbn aod that he's a great player. I 'bope someday that he'• on a champi-On'1tlp team and when h8 Ia I bope I'm nul'playlng'agalnst him." Two Gian'is ·Wind Vp on 2nd t" , "\1 .. " St. Louis short,..,J>al Maxvill has pl"1tY to do during the fourth inn· ... l;lutllon~;!' ... CA!led out u·~!ll, dv-~o the already occu· ing of Tuesday'fgtll!te wtth San Franc1Sco as he puts the tag on Bobb)": ·'.ilitd~.-hlJl'nplre Mt!l •Still\r'2hlikt1> Ille ~ \l'llile Cards' Mike Bonds (right) and~then looks to John' Sipin who is sharing the ba.se ~annon (left) moves in. -~ .. with Bonds. Sipin got back to the bag safely after escaping a rundown. • t · Osteen Goes For Dodg~rs Against Cub s CHICAGO (AP) -Dodger pitcher Claude Olt.een enjoys a psychological ad· vantage over Don Sutton, his teammate. Osteen already. has beaten the Ch!cago Cubs -more times, in fact, than he's lost to them. So, aS the saying goes. it was a new Dodger Slate Mty 7 -Dodl!l•f1 II Cl'llCIOO, 11 ,,s 1.m . KFI (6.,\ Mil' t -Doclll f1 st PUttbl/1'111'1, $ P.m. Kr:I (Ull ball game 'as he _ was tabbed to race Fergie Jenkins of the Cubs toady. . Spar~ Clipped Short . Hogan ·Advances in Net Play GUILDFORD, Engh1nd -UCl's Patti llogan and Tory Ann Fretz moved into the third round of the Surrey Hard Court Tennis Championships Tuesday. Miss Hogan defeated Pepy Munslow of Britain 6-0, 6-1 in the second rolmd and Miss Fretz of Los Angeles defeated Sally Holdsworth of Britain 6-1 , 6;-0. This championship is one or several prelim1nary tournaments before the Wimbledon championships in early June, f\.1rs. Margaret Court, Australian win· ner of the British Open Tournament at Bournemouth last week, coasted ihlo the third round with a 6.-0, ~ victory over Jane Pallister of Britain. ' . a. viln ;effort •Tue$day afternoon as his Cil ~-(Fu)letton/ !ll"le!"il!i!lled 'lo 1 s-s.araw wltll ~t LaVerne. . F;~ Qf,hil'.r.aps came wUb no one on base. USC Jnovef &o 1.11 eaay ,f..t victory over visiUag ~Glpmaa ln a T~sday con. froai.&IOtr ·of lar1e and tmall college baseball champlont. '1'1te ·vtctorlou1 Trojans were Ill& NCM tl.Wsll for large 1ehools wblle Cbapman ,Won. tlMi NCAA 1m8U 1Chool1 cro~d~ .... ... ... ~fexlco ~d Au1tralla"W'lll be played In . Me~ City. • .... ,,,, .... NEW YORK· -Thi-ee lJCLA basket· ball players w~ swept u.p'ffl this mom- t\li"1S secmd hell of the-NM. draft. It makes four Bruins Who were drafted, Lew Alcindor being the lea(l,!e's (M!J .. waukee) NO. 1. choice. ,Milw.aUkee , picked '1P a sceond Bruin when the Bucks tabbed guard Ken He'tz in the fifth roUnd. Another· guard, Bill Sweek. was drafted by 'Pboenli• On the seventh round and Lynn Shackleford went to San Diego in the 11me round. ... tRF.D SCHAUS, LUl.n I e • c r 1 I ........ -'"I think wt'll be a - -team next year beeaa• we1U hive at. fine ,..kl., lo h<Ip ut, 01J>Odal17 Wllllo McCarter (Drw Unl•enlty)." SAM JONU, --•0ts -tltey had the best t .. m but we J\ad Ille bat bench. We got lhe good tbota, won run· ning well aod were hiltln, the open man. We don't depend on 00< guy. They (the Laker•) had lllelr chancu but clldll, come through." .. "' BILL VAN BREDA KOl.n, Lebrt ...... -"11 they (Botton) ,,.,. ft•• years yOunger we'd have been ii}. worse troobl•. The big thing about Boltoa It their balanc< •• , Ibey doni bave lo roly on any one man, and J don't mean that u a knock on Jerry." Name GoHers Will Pass Up .Texas Open SAN ANTONIO, Tex. (AP) -Moot of the big iuns are mlss.ing, fot ooe reason or another, leavlni the doot open for a handful of veterans -.including Frank Beard and Dan Sll:" -and • flock ol youngsters In the $100,000 Teu,s Open goif tournament. -- ·.~U we had Arnold Palmer here, It would be worth another $20,000 at the gate," Ray Creek, president of the sponsoring San Antonio Golf Association said Tuesday. "But we don't have him. "Jn fact, for veteran.!, it's one of the slimmest fields we've ever bad. We've got· all the young guys who have been 'winning :__ like Bunky Henry and Larry Hinson -but the big names didn'f show." • I Among the missing, whom Creek aaid had made oral commitments, are Julius Boros, who won Jut year'• PGA crown on the same Pecln Valley CoWltry Club course, leading money winner Gene Llt. tier, Australian Bruce Devlin, who won the Byron Nellon Classic at Dallas two weeks ago, and Billy Casper. · Mastera champion George Archer still is nursing a burned band. Veteran Don January hail health problems. Butch Beard, Sikes, U.S. -Open champion Lee rea.soru. Palmer had made ~ commitment, nor had Jack Nicklaus or Gary Player Player is on a vacaUon from the game ai his borne In South Alrl<a. Niclilaus and Palmer tlropl)' 'are lakinl t0me time olf. So the lop .-"hen the lleld,GI !ff tees olf 1buraday In lhe ft.bole teot ... th< hilly, 7,138yanl,!'¥11 llyout will bo heard, SU.es, U.S. Open cbanlploa Let Trevino and Mlll<r Barber. Beard, nmoer.up to the youthful HinlOft In Sunday's greater New Orleam(ipeQ isn't in complete agreement, however. "Favored?" ·he uked. "You can't u 1 anyone is favored . NO-HIT PITCHERS JUMPED ON EARLY NEW YORK (AP) -Major league baseball's three no-hit pitchers of 1969 were in action Tuesday night and all saw the first opposing batter ruin their hld for a second chance at immortality. Clncimati's Jim Maloney, wbo ni>M Houston 10-0 last Wedlle6day night, was tagged for a double by leadoff man Rod Gaspar of the New York Mets. Don Wilson of the A.strOI, who answered Maloney witb a 4-0 oo-hitter agalnot the Reds Tlluraday nlal>~ .... hitl chance spoiled ln Philadelphia on ~ d(lu. ble by Leery Hisle ol the Phillies. Bill Stoneman of Montreal; who hurled • 7-0 ~ic against the Phil! ~pril 17, yielded a single to Felipe Alou « the Braves fu Atlanta. Sutton has never beaten the Cubs, and he didn't TuH<lay either. He was koocked out in the sixth inning as Chicago romped to a 7·1 victory over \he Dodgers. lOS AHO•lEI CHICAGO .... ... .... OAK.LANO .,.... "We have lbe momen. tum no•," 1ay1 Oakland Oaks Coach Alex ·Hannum. "I feel Ute • hen sltUng on a good batch of eggs." LOS ANGELES ~UCLA salutes Lou Alcindor and the other seniors on the amazing team that won three NCAA basketball championships with a 90- mlnute awards ceremony at Pauley Pavilion torilght. Champs Welcomed Home t1r111n1 •llr~rM W.Olvll. cf J 1. I 0 keo lnger, $$ J I > I SifftnOrit. 2b ~ • I 0 •ec-Ht, 1b ' I I ' R11nt ll rl ' 0 t 1 •. W!11l11M. If 1 I 0 D Kono, If i eooSan!o,1b 4111 $!,1111~11, lb ' 0 1 0 ltnlls. lb l 0 0 , J.Mllltr, lb 4 I I 0 H\INl1e~. c l I 1 I Htlltr. c 4 0 0 0 $,.ngLtr, rl I 1 l 1 Gr1brk ..... !lt. 11 4 I 0 0 Pl!llllDO. (f l ) 0 0 Sutton, p 2 f I I HOllU•'lll'I, P 4 1 l 1 Mll<~llien, 11 0 0 0 0 K.e oyer, 1111 1 t o a Mcee1ri, p I I I I Tott11 34 1 ' I Tot1l1 n 1 11 7 I.OS """"' 11111 000 000 -I Cllktgt 11111. 11111 nit -7 E -$UttM•t , ""llli". 11:~5'!11. lot -lfl Anoeteot 1, (l!lc1119 1. 18 -w. O.vls, KH11riptr, 311 -HothrMft. Hll -SOllfllltr (2), HUNll.-, Id, Sii -W. Oitvll. S -ltditrJ, $F -links, The Oakl are in a 1tron' position to wrap up Amerlcaa Buketb.11 Association pl•y for the year •ere tonight when they take • 3-1 lead"'into their besl-Of..evea playoff series wltli the Indiana Pacers. ... .... Former Golden West College $lar Don Neugebauer slammed three home runs in The progra'm will inclllde farewf'll speeches by Alclndor and his fello\v seniors who paced the Bruins to an 88·2 record wover three cage seasons. ... .. ... ~texico bat qualified for die HCOnd round of lhe Norib American Zone Davis Cup compe:tlt.lon by be•Ung Brttilb Carib- bean 4-1. Tbe HtODCl rouad involving Construction on Schedule testanl3, trainers, "°'cbes and-officlals- The last Olympics in Gumany was in 19.16 and Hitler built sports ,facilities on a monumental tcale In an attempt to show v.·rlat Nazism could do. ' 11>ere will be no col0&sal strudura In M1lnlcb lik• the Oljmpic stadium In Bttlln. . . vGames should be games and should be light in dlaracter." 1akl Noel 1'Thl1 con. c:ept al!o fit.s the ligb~ gay character or Munlcb alU>oqp w• an! _.king vrry bard It the moment." . Ardlltect a.....,. Btbnlsch, licad o1 the group that won a naUonwidt com· pet!Uon to build the main !ocilltleo. 1l&ld finnly: "Then: will be nO massive monurMntAI bulldinc1." The l'.l,Gaeat 1t.adlum will bt pllrtl1 tmbeddtd tn the ..rtb and morged Into a landscaped area ccmplete with artilicial plans to deliver. Ptfos t sport event! wUI be lakes designed to give the area the look concentrated on lhe Olympic site. of a park. Bavarian lakes proved unacceptable for Half of the stadium will be covered by ~ series of tenUike, peaked roofs achiev· the ro~lng events and an artificial course eel with 1 skeleton oC steel mesh covered will be built at Feldmoching, aboul four · by a skin of "Oplqoe plastic or plexiglaas . mile. north of ·the Olympic site. ' male:rlal. J 1 • Officials stlll,.are Jookfng for I place ((I The roof wUJ sweep around to cover the 1 conduct the shooUng events, but say it indoor sporti: stadium' and swimming . won't be too fa.r away. pool. C-Ornmlolle of tilt !Uldlum Is lo bo Munlch hat 16,000 hot•l beds now and placed this summer and Noel said the en-four new hotels with • capadty of 4,000 tin oomplex wlll be complete<!' in 1971 so beds will bo ""'" by 1m. · al! fflclliUea _c.p be tested ln meets Munich expects more than one mttlion prec<dtng tht 6liompica. v~i'l>l1 f0< the Olympics, but is not ,... A.II that exitts oo the aik now Is the duly worried about feeding and housing too-foot, concme te~ tower with tbtm. rtstaur•nt and vifwinC piaUorm and I.be The city tach ycar hosts the Olympics indoor tee rink. o( beer drlnktng-Oktoberfeat,-and about Munfcll. ha.s promlffcf the wltrld '''" five. mUllon vJlil.or1 turn up durlng lhe Olympic pmes of' ahort disttnces11 and fcsttvaJ's 16-days. , Blase Boston Bubbles • ·With Cheers for Celt,s BOSTOI'/ (AP) -The city of Bolton, once so blase about the Celticl that they coukl bring home a world champlooship without stirring a ripple, finally got e:a:· cited about the perennial titleholders this )'ear. "We've never had anything like lhls," captain John Havlicek said Tuesday as he and his teammate,, made their way through more than 1.000 cheering, sign- waving fans who tumod out to greet them at Logan International Airport. "I guess il was the way we won 1t - comlng all the way back alter such a bad season,·· he added. National Basketball Assocli:tlon cha.m· pton!IDJ>.' a~ o1(1,fial 1o the CelUcs, 'ti.ho made it tt in the last IS 1yMrB •MCl'lday nllhl when th<y dtl•aled tli<!·Laker1 10&-1oe 1t LOa Angeles to wbt lbe Itnal play- oll ..,.1 ... 44. ' Big airport welcomes, hawevtr, are another •ory. A couple huodrtd fan1 u,a.. ed to be about the Umit. Written off as a bunch ot old men 1'btn they r.nlslted fourth In the Eastern Dlvltion dur1ng the resular season, the Celllcs •urprlsed by beatl1t1 botlt Phll&defphia ml New York I n pr•llmlnary playoff serl ... Alter losing the first two gam<1 1galnst Loo An&eles, Booton look lour ol !be nnt five to compelete cne « the lf'U(tst comeba<ks In NBA hlltory. 1bt city wann..i to tbelr -il'I ballle agalnsl the odds, and finally lhi fans showed I.heir apprecllli<>o. Gov. Francis' W. Sa.rgent, ot .• Massachusetl3 led the cheers while • band playtd and the ram wavtd Nnnert proclaimlrig the Ctltlcs, The Greatut In History. . Mayor Kevln lL While couldn't, be there, but M proclaimed Tuesday 8ottOn Celtics Day In the city. Player.CO.Ch Bill Ru.'3ell, Havlicek and sharpoboQter Sam J,,..., Who wound up We career tbls RUOQ, drew the bfaest crowcls of w•U.wtaltm and •utosnPb seekers. RUS5ell, wbo bu played oo all ol the Celtics' ""'mplonohlp wams. and J- agr<ed that Ibey had nover .... IUdl I greeting bt Bottoo btloro. "This is the way .l wal"Md to IO out, .. sale! Joots, who Is leavJnc tbe pn ...., to !'ll<r coll,.. C01<hln41. "It really makes you feel as .....,. yqu've acoomplisbed llOllltlllling>-tho fans _,. out ant -- like tllil," Ha•ll~~< . ~~~ I • • ~--. ~ ,_ --•• ~4 __ _. ~ -------·-----~-··--· .. --""--'-~-~ .................. ~.--............... __.______ __ • ""' ... )4 ............................. ~ ....................................... ~ ..... ~ ...... ":'"' ... _,,.._, ... ..,,~!"' ... ~ .............. ""."''"":~'~'""'""'""' ......... .,.. .... ~~~-----~~-~---~ • ··- W ....... _, 1, IM , • Wilh reeht's Saf efy . . . . Saves Cd~~ 4-3 COITA ,..... ltl .. , .... ~.-J 11 J Cllt't, • 4 • t t .. .. LOAIU (I I .. '""' W11k,,..,lf l I I I PICKOFF ATTEMPT -COrona de! Mar Higb's John Palmer gets back ID first. safely und.,. Malll(lila's Gaiy Flood'• tag. Palmer even- tually &tole ~"" one! scoro.1 winning ~ In the -bDng on Kim Wµbrecht's hit. Victory keq>s the Sea Kings one gmne out of OAILY PILOT ......... IW LM ,.,.. l!nt irii::• with one game left ~ the Irvine League ~ul.e. If the S.. . s can ·PIU1aY a win over Estanda Friday atone wlt.b a Mag- ndla win over Loarii, ttwtlllld g!Ve then.a tie for 1heleague dlam- plonship. Hl..W.01 c 6' I I I II'"'"'' JA I I ~'" J ••• NWrftl1d 2 I I I 8'1._..,,.,, If 2 I 1 I . f"l"'ftl, rf 2 I I I kllllll!, " 1 • • • 1.._.,rf I I I I T ... lt 21 •14 ("'• Mil.I . ..... W1Mnhl\, rl J I I I M9'1.lllH, d 1 1 1 t 5-11, [ l 1 • • ,,_...,,711 l 2 2 J Nldlollcfl. lb J I 2 2 l •.311 1' I I 1 L1u1Mry.152111 Vince," I I I I (.99...,,, •••• Ttttk 21 I 7 1 ' . " . , .... ·-··. , --·-•1• MR. CLUTC.H -Corona de! Mar High School's Kim WUbrecht receives congratulations front teammates Rex Snyder (7) and Dean Wiese (in background) after coming through with the clutch hit to left that scored Ute winning run In Ute bottom of tile aev· enUt. Corona beat invading Magnolia, 4-3. Rustlers Blast Chaffey, 8-1 . . ' l!;l<op< 14< ooome ralher !rsntic jockey· Inc lllal'• atlll going o0 for !be 10 nm- nerup lpoU Jn !be l!Andlngs. !be Eutun Coeftfenc< bueball roce oCllcially ended Tueodoy lltft1'bon with wodelealed Mt. Sao Antonio College c11nc111ng tho 1161 """'11. Tbe MounUes won their 17th game wltlioul a 1ou downlag v!alUng Citrus , ~ 2, Wbilo Goldeo WOii bumped oil llOCOOd· place Chaffey, .. 1, on the Rustlers' dlt · mond. 'Mdrd·butman Ron RI ch 1rd1 on, -•kier G1r7 Mora· and p11<1ler • l Dive PoYn!er were JUll lbout Ibo llllln llory far Golden West. Paint<r )"!elded a tw&<:ut homer In Ille fin! 1nnJng Jn Cbal(ey and !hon blanked the Panthers rest of the way on flvev &ingles. Richardson and Marb k n o c k o d In seven of the RusUtr runa: and coDecttd five of the RusUen' •ven hits, lncludfn& a pair or homen. Richardton k n o c k e d In two rum In the bottom or tho first wtlh a Une 1llol down the left.fieJd line and just ovar tllt 341-foot alp. Pll)'ll!er. hlmaett added an 1nloaance run In the second wl!h a !rlpk and !hen the Rultlen bundled up the game up w!lh a four-run spree in the filth. GOLO•N WIST UI CMAP,IY 11) ftlrllrM· .. ,.,,.. , __ 'altbtr1. ,. ll ldM111tl!I. .. c-11. u ....... d lhtllllt, c T•-c ll•Mtl, H ,_,. ,.Y!'I ..... , TMI .. t J lt~.(f ,,,, t O t t CldwllrM, a. ' t I t 4 2 1.fH'llO!dlr, .. 21 1 1 •ltfCltrk.( 4tll •lJ Jer-tt.U 'llf • I I t c;..,...,, rt J I I t ...... .....,,, ,,,. '''''""'"·" .... Jtt l"Wll'tlltl'.ll 11 11 Jl l ltillt.~ ,,,, ... ,. '"'" :n1•1 ... ., ....... 100 ~tt ___ , ,,, lllMMit -17t I ' Llom Stun Tars Oilers Whip Western, Keep Newport Alive lllmli..,.... Beacb HIP'• ll"'"8llo& otJJers .,. ..,. upoet win .. .., - lllelooer'•-· : further lruairating SunMI L e a 1 u e baseball champlomblp conlenol<n ., !lie Orange and Black llan&o by Jn play bolt ln Newport Huloor Hltb'a Sallon Fl1day afternoon at J: 1&. It wu 111e-.:! W-triumph °"' Newport wl1hin s week. 'l1le Lions bad turned back Illa SalU:n Friday In a mAl:e up pme Jn ..we an old tie. Newport -miwns I II 1ames behind Welllem in !lie 1eacue lllndinp. If the s.Jior1 are sble Jn win their lllial lNIUe teat and two ~ make up 11mts w!lh Welllern and Marina nut week It wOQld auure them ol a lie for the league uue. .. Cooch Don Walk11"'1 form lllepped CN1 toque leading Welllem for the HCODd time this season u they dumped the Pioneers, 3-1, Tue~ay moon at the losers' diamond. Of Westem's t circuit 1tlbacks, two have come at hands of the Oller1, to keep the tiUe up for graba. Newport Harbor lilied Jn 1a1'o ad- vantage of the Oilen' upeet over We.tern, falling to Weatmlnlttr, 44, on Jaycee Baseball IAITlltN COM,lltlNCI Mt. Siii ""'°"lo """" Fulll'rtoll Goldtol W•I CW.11tt Clltl . ._. .. ··-San lffflll'flno S1n11 AM """' ,,,._ -"" " . " ' \ 12 ' " . ' . ' . ' . ' " . " . " . " T .... r'l~ Gelftft Wftt 1. o.ttty I Fuller1on 4 CnM'91t l Ml. Un Allftnlo $, Clt,111 2 ltlo N°""""n llr'Ml\lllM (111lnl Ortnte C::N•l4enl• AM lrllftl T ... .,.. .. _ Ortnte CN1t '' S1!!19 Mt ltlo "~ II "" ltr'Nl\lllM T 01 1 ·-1 • • • . "' 0 • . "' 0 '" . " 1 10 II 111'1 0 " Huntington Beach's stunning win over the Ptonffr1 wu tri~ by.a ~ee-run oulhural In the fourtli lmdJtr whlCh broke up a tc0teleil Ut. i · I MUMTINITelll UI "+l!tfiatc n\ .. ,.,.. ! . ' .. ,."" E.,llly, rl ll:ul:r.. lll ....... ltr9fr, c Wlll"lel& a Sfl"'411," Wilt ... , tf l(l#er, 211 Jtlltt,. T"tb J t I t ~-: I I I 1 J 1 2 • """""" .. 2 • • 0 :I 1 1 I P~l.C 2 0 I I 2 1 I 1 WllMlj.)I . J I I I J I 1 1 ...,..rt J I I I 1111 HYfMt,a :.111 J I I I ~r.d I I I I Jiit 1t•,M 2111 2 ••• • i:..,,. 2 • ' • 111JjJ Tftllb1 Sil S J lctr9......... "' ' a 'M I ..... ·-· .. IOI II. 1-1 JI "IW'°"T Ill WIST¥Ut1Tllt 141 Hltlllt\', II MitlhW!, ,. StnlOll, Jb Wimer, rf Cur;,-, ct FIM\1119, If MWlln, c Holllltl •• k'*'"lw, • T1'91t 1111 r ..... . . .. , .,.. ltlttWiMn.• J l 111 •40ll Dtllrl*.llt ,llOI l 0 0. "-.VCCrtllt.11 2 _2 1. ' I I I W. fkC('tfty, It I Cl 1 ' l 0 • • ,M. Milchil, 1111 ! ••• 2111 Mecti,a -•a• l I 2 I Clllllll\'t'*' rf l I 0 0 l • • • ....,_,, , .••• l t ., • .. .... ~ '' •• 81171 Tellt1 D l'4 ............... a • 0 ... ta .O-l l I ,.,.,_,,, Major League Standin gs NATIONAL LE.4GVE Eut Ill-w .. Loot Pct. GI Chic.qo 11 ' .m Pittsburgh 15 11 .577 3 Philadelphia II 11 .522 Ill New York II II .IC ' St. Louis 11 IS .w 7 MCN>treal 10 15 .400 711 WHI ll!vllloo Atlanta 17 ' .Ml Los Anse.tes IS 11 .$77 I San Francisco II 11 .577 I San Die~ IS " .«a Ill Cinclnna 11 11 .m I Houston 8 21 .271 101! T..-ltn lttWlfl ClllClfOI 1, LOI Anttlft 1 H.., YI"-I. Cllleilwwol! I •1111i10t1'1'1lt .. ....,,,.. .. s.n DI-4. P'lltlb,lftfl I MtlltNtl 4 Alltftf• l St. Llvlt J. $eft Fr•f'IC1-t ---Cl!IClflMtl (Mlnlt l•ll .t N4'1W YM; ...... t·ll • .flltftl Sill Di. c•I"°' I") tt ""'*""' fVMi. ,..,.), llllht Nll.lll'lll ID!tfti:w W I .t _,.I~ I~ W I, ftlf'd LM Allfelft (DI'-! +II .t (tlltth C.-.IM .. , MllltNM rw...,.., l•I) fl All .. (Nttli. ill, .... . Sill ~'""** 1"""1'r _..,, .t at. 1"""' Cff1• 1·11· llllflt AMERICAN LE.4GUE 1aot D1.u1tio Woo Loll Pct. Ill 9 .890 IS 10 .600 JS 12 .571 12 II .444 'II II .ffO 4 II .}IQ Woll lllml .. II I 15 IO II 11 • 11 .. I II I II .&fl .IOO .llO .llO .!14 .333 AuntORIZID 01 II\ 211 s 7 I I'~ llllVICI AND l'ARTS l'OR ALL IMPORTID AUTOMOllLll l~11u1:111 I ii I I l l I L ~ I I · , I Jloe WIST COAST H.-.r#AT-NIWPOltT llACH Mi·MOI '40-1764 """"'lw4 Me e AUITIN•HIALIY Doo1or AlllMiW ... llARI Dooler, Wot & s..tc. • dl.,..ed !If !lie nonnapy weak·hitlfJll Sta K~ tbe -came back to· .;., tha favenil 'Mslnoili! atw w!lh single talllea In Ille -\ an:I IOYeoJh framos. Ra"'.Jnj\li!r ltarted tii1nP off in the 11lth 1'!1h a lrlple Jn le!I, ceD!erfitld and csme In on Dean Wie!e,'~ fiy ball to !he out(ield. Tbf._l__M!j_· ~ ~ !or ~ dram11ic &evefttb.. Aflit Om'er di'JIOSOcf of !he firot two batten, Jobn Palmer •orked a walk on a J.2 ~df and !hen · Wllbrtch!' unloaded will\~· n., :oliol aver :o.e :tell fielder'• hea:f. . ,· . Costa <Mesa stomltd to a foUMun lead againlt league-)eadlna: 'tiiua before Ille roof caved iii when "•tbt SQons . put totether a flVMUll U1ifll ~ lillf added three more in the fifth.~ J .. , . ~ JOE WOL F Wolf Resigns Estancia Post, Eyes Coaching By ROGER CARLSON Of "'-Delft" ,.I ... Stuf Joe Wolf , who has been athletic dirte- tor at Estancia High School since the school opened its doors in 1965, has nsifned that position the DAILY PILOT learned u:Bas.ively today. Wolf, 42, expecta to go into the math department at Estancia lllgh School and indicates he'd like to get back into coaching basketball or baseball, but only if the opportunity should b e com e available within the Newport·Mua School Di11tricL "I've enjoyed my job here at Estancia High but I think the time has come .when new blood is needed for the program," Wolf said. WoU indicated that be expected his replacement to come from wllhin lbe coaching staff at Estancia. Wolf came to Estancia after two years at Corona del Mar where he wa:i backfield coe.ch under Howard ''Corky" Joh.Mon for a year and then took over the Bee football team his ~cond year. Prior to that he was involved ln coaching in the ftfidwest. Alter graduating from ?i.1Wouri State College where he was an all-conference football player, he began his coaching ci\reer at Oak Grove High in Oak Grove, Mo. . After two years he matriculated to St. Mary'a High in Independence. Mo. where he coached for another four years. A si:r year tour at Southeast High School In Kansas City preceded his move west.. Two years. as head baseball coach ai Sierra High and then Wolf was at Corona del Mar.· In II years as a head football coach Wolf's team compiled a 70-15-7 rtcortt'. . 'i•n , .. . . • ~ ' •• . ·-' 'f. ~885 90U SIAL USID CARS ftNIST SIUcTION OF USID SPORT CAltS IN IOUTHllll CAIJl'OINIA • J~ rtu po r 1 31111µort ~-, • • I ) J ' April Atlaletes. Na111e«t · Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce :Red Coats Com- mittee picks for Harbor Area athletes of the month s..wap .talk of track, diamond and swim pool \Vars after luncheon-a ward ceremony featuring UCLA . basketball star John Vallely. Winners (f(om left) ~te.'iwunming Mllte Mi'rtin, UC!; ]/aseball player Rex Snyder, Corona deJ Mar; Vallely, cho~ep all- toun1amenl guard; swimmer Cl1ris Ga1n1non, Cosla !Ylesa; trackmen Darel Blood, Newport Harbor, and Mike Pomeroy, Orange Coast College. Not ·pictured are \Vtestler Bob Raymond, Estancia, and baseball- Jra_ck-~nnis standout Di.ck Sivertson, of Soulliern California College. .. Rustlers' Westminster Seeks Weather Gymnastics Cro,VIJ. Postpones · -Five Games . WestminSter High Sch6ol Walder was.second in tumbl· \1'iH be seUing the CIF title ing. third in long horse and Five of the· scheduled high Friday nii!:ht at Bald1vin Park fifth in rings .. / sch~! baS;.eball games . In· Seymour .. I st.in-U.S. . Paul Jac:ibson of Nc\rport volving Orange Coast area Golden \\fest'& Jim Seyrllour High $choo) whe n· the Lions lf arbor 1vas third in the rope teams 1vere washed away has r~claimed a share of. Qlc ~f:nd !I athletes to ]Ompcte in cllinb. Tuesday by the, rains, puling a na!ion·al lead in the junk:ir the gym n a s ti cs cham; Qu alificr11 fram the San daineer oo the Irvine, Sunset, ccllege 4 4 O intermediit.e pionshlps. Gab riel High-prCli~: Ang!?h.ts ahd Crestview Jea:rue hurdles wit'.Ji a S2.2 clo~kln~. t d. Starling time is 7: f.'-"-.61t -1. McF•YI C\VMI , G-•r· s an 1ngs. Three \Veeks a g 0 James ·~~ ~54~ J. M,~~llfl (\'/Ml ~ wr1c.r• A1aler Dei's night game with "King ol San Diego l\1esa Col· Pauf Ralston, Jerry Iverson 1-iC.,~.,1~ cJl,,~!Po1n~5:°·1..s. 111 " S$ilc at ~'lemorial Park was Jege slipped ahead o r and Jim ?\Ile Faul. lead .the ~circl~'c.i 111t~1M~~00/~~1{~~ pUt olf for a week nnd \Viii Seymour \\ilen he was limed Lions' contingent that boas~ .:!:f~~'/N.~. 1f,;,~~1t~~~ 1 °"'"'~1 !-' tticn be made up in the ' DI· in 52.2. Seymour equalled 15 berths io·lfie finals to com-• .._."' hot'~·-1. Thi i.1,"'en ilk~,.,, t~rno::n whie the rest of the hat k I'" · f \Y'HA! l llll Ftrrtl\ 1AVI l. W_t"l:l~• t mar w u1 a non-\vm-bat co-avorites Long Beach C!to\11 ~. ~~·1 c :ortf'lv<cw1 s. $o1r.o te':'ms involved have tried ning 52.2 in the invitational \Vllson and 19611 champi9n 1~11.,!·,:::~, tut:;o:-.1n;1i.::!~~!~ ~V:~" again to:!ay at the sarpe site.s. 4-40 itifennedia:es at the M:. Lakewood._ . 1. "\lbrpd'l1 cso. Hin.f '· SO.M tAi •· I th c • · •. 'I 1~ r; . ' 1-:crw• 1w1.\I J. ~n-·11 csGi i. a:ovv n e res~v1ew ~ague, San Antoni:> reJ3ys arr1 the•1 11 cF..au \V1'<: L\rst 1n t\\·o J~. H11 .. 1. Po1.n11: ~-~lission y;,,J·• """~ at Lam•~• •.. ~. m· the.,..Melims at 5 ... , "t:"':'rlb!lncl -:; .. }.: P1t1rti1; !Al '·""''1~,. • -'r ... o ..-i-ripped off an identic:31 clo"1:· y.,;i,..,, ,,. 1 .... ~ • \h:-'\l"J. _c..,..,:oc;!t .t8Pl •. McF•u• !"::each and S~n Cle"mente at i'lg last fi'r idav-in !he Gabriel last week, in the free ,~t:~!~~,[b~ria 1$Gl •· To:;cr rst.1. Tustin. 'Ea.!tem Coof:-rence finals.· exercise and long horse. ._, .. Ski• horw r 1. ~ymour 1WN.1 t. Foun•am· · V·"ey ahd E·''· lff Ralston turned ili a 3.4 '.Se.. f~ I(~ l . f1~11s.15~1.J.,:'iti Ci3, lri~ 'agab: today at~ E~. M•rrltt •·' C(lnd perfo~ in the rope '~~•mllr•! .-· ti.w~ CSGI. Polfl•a: fonner's diamond in lrvii\e Hlrl, COr11'1 c"'1' •·• climb· •to \ie foi-first all4I · P•r•r~.iwlff' -1· 'Ztmor• 1~"1 '·-League 'action and fl.farina :~=: J,,~:ii;-::: lveriOn sc~ed !.8 "points in r~~i~?.°f.':i!· ~;.r.1(1~fl.4i>td'tci= traveled to Santa 1Ana In h~s ~!l!r~.~~::.1!~iA,1r. ::~ the rings to~.that event. M?JZo'' '!im~, l-~wM?w,,.,2i of getting in its test \\'llh the 11r111c11. w11"r1cro. e~. '··' Corona del Mar High's Jerl •no: ~r s I. l . · •~dtr ft11M 1 i. ·saints. · Al'N ''"'' HtrrlJ,i!WC ••. t.I j-------------'~'~""'c..c'~""c..c~"~"-· -'"o..o.'~·~·~···~· ---~--~'"-,-----.:.. EdmonJcll, Merritt '0.t I Jl!M$0t'I, Ph0911lx. Arll. ?l.I Moote, e 1,1 LA ?l.l Hlwt.11, (';l~lt,•Ar!l. ll.~ l!ltnMll, M~c~ 11.I H•r1. C11ntr1 Ct,!• •1 ' w111i. l'l'lotnl-. Arlt. 21 .' Aree .... H•rrlJ, O\YCI Ktllw. ~e -······· .._ .... 11.11 Joli<tSOf!. l'h~•11I•. 'rlr. i6 71 Edrno!lton. Mtrrltt ol&.9 DM Mnt. Arh. Tl ; llutf, Groumont 41 • White, New Mvtlco Mlt!l1rv 11.r Al'M hit: a111.1r. O(C .It.: . .. ' F.nrkn1t:t. lltlomtr 1 :!l.O ' O'"'O"ld. •·n D'•nl\ Mei1 1:!1 '~ wn--. e u"". TeJ. l :SJ.l. I 11.-. Sin Dlt<ilo !:SJ.• Vtnden"'-'•t , FwlltrlDrl 1;51.1 Artt '"'' kllml ... OCC .. l:Jl.I Mill 1 Palm..-, Gltl'l<l1tif;, Arll. l •Ol I Estel, LA Vt !le'I' •·11.~, 5tl'ld!, St"1t An•· •:I'." Mollrlrit, S111!1 Mo11k1 1:13 31 etil,;im, Pllffflll l:T~ I ArM lffl: 0.Nuuhi. GWC .. . 4:1'.I '·Miit M~..._ Slnflt AMI 1:06.I '# .... beck, LA V1T1•1 t ;Ol.1 H!tch(l)Ck, 1!11ll.ersr1e1d t :Ol.?11 JtoWlquer, 111•1r1!lllcl t :ot.tn ShM1r1, M1r!" t :lO.• At" 1n1: O.Nr.te,11, owe .. ··''"·' IH HlthJ labll, l<S Antt1H l4.1 f,lcKl1Jlc. •Hnn, lei. 11.2 Wllktr, •u!ler CtYnlY, Ktn, U .f !ltP.J, S.crtmtn!c 11.4 P•tt"' "'"" M••lco u.~ ltll-5, P1Jomaar 11.S t•·• u< ... Vr;l•·r• 1• J; Al"M •1rt: l"mt1ir, GWC U .7 441 tntt"""llltl lermour, GelMn Wnt •• l(/flt, Sin OlelG Mesi t1...-•rn. Mesi, ,.,1,. l:!lllr. Mne, Arlt. n1e-r. Wrtl v1nrr Hltll Jv"" 19"1ft, G•IMW ~ • •• • . ••• . . ol-11 s..ir.r. ~" Frtl'ICIK9 6-to'~ O.Vls. lllM, ll•. 6-lD H11i.,, hmrvlnt ._,.~ l -· EM! LA ._tVI l'A Ytllll 11:jch1rd,. Ml. ~c Diii, ltlY!rl!Clt 1-\llrtffwn, FrWtO (~ IMt f , Atlf. Mtell!TI~, /Aftl, lt.rlr NM Int: •Ill• OCC i..,,, Jy- 1-0ntt. 31t••,,,.,.lo • Gfi...,Mt. ~ Or1. D$t9. "&Ion ~, .... ~"'""· -San DlttO ""'M V',ltbtl. ltac!Mod1, ... ~--1. Al'M ""I ,....,~".'GCl;t .... , H~1, S•~rw.!..,"": ,_,.., v<.nltt'. M• ... .olllt. ~1'JWPl1. Fr111M .......... IJ-~·"'l•ld II: k rutt•• Ml1 SAC AJ.1 •u 1: Ct~. l.-.i1t~1c• , Slit! PWI Hfw•rd~ PtJ•llt.nli 1 Mt1ln'. r,\'.rri"! Cllhr1rt, Ch•lie., llh~•. Gl,,ct~I•. -'•If 01,.1'1"'" t• ..•• ,, A,.• I ott: ""'"°"' owe U.11'1 , .. , . .,. ... ,,.>', ll·Jl. itf.11 ~-'~ ..... "'"· ... . ..... , J':~ 'S•I J• If'\ ,..,, .•. , llt1r·• "II"°"·'· Stnil!OOll!, Flt 11'-lt ~ Foc"'IH lff•1 0'$yrl!wtn ,Crll"•IOll IU-! Met~· MtHlll , ... , l'•tl, S111 Mt!M 16'-I I lttl: f.-11, OCC •• • HM~ J .... 1111 1"'. Tc-tUlt lll llft', Ort. 771·1 F~ Mm, ,t.flf. ,,._S Mdi. kr!'lf,.,.lt. Flti. '1).11 °"" •$efY!lnolt. I'll. JOH • ....... l'~IL ArlL m.1 '""'' ~. 1:111. ,.,., ,..,.. attt1 ..... occ .... 1n-1 , ....... , ' " .. ., .• , ··' Now! Buy Seagr•m's 7 Crown half •gallons · and save $1.10. ' • From May 1 through June 30, 1969 Y._ou _pay only $11.39 for each ),?.gaUon of 7 Crown in1tead of $1:Z .49. · Don't mi11 this big aving on A~•ric!a'e favorite wfiltkey. j ........... """ .. ~' Say Seagram 's and Be Sure. ,_. . . . ' . ' ;;With Halos (' ·The Dodgers have declined1 1o break the 1-1 1969 series iieadlock with the Angels, -1Dodaer· • vice-prcSldenf Red •Pattprson told Angel general ~Ht~nager bick Walsh that an ~htbillon f.&me In the middle Of' Lhe, regular l!leason WU OUI ff' the ·question . ._,~-e have decided that il .11outd be best not ·19 .play the. 1 Uiint Dodger-Angel gatne this ' f ear," PaUerson said. ..,t.."As you know. we would l W.nt lo start one of our top , tiu.r pitchers against you and it• J1 felt that wi th o u r club > iliooting rli a division cha.m· pjonshlp, breaking• into lhc te11.1lar rot.atkln v.'Ollld no' 1ee1n toa wise." 1 The Angels had a 5--0 bulge it--_lhe series u·ntll th~ Dodgers Poited a 4.2 v.•ln .Apr.H 3. Then the Angels won agatn. the nexl hlaht, 4·3. . ~-.. , . .\ . , ·' Prep Golf NO MONEY DOWN! And H91p Save,.You Money On Whet. T9. lacate Your , ... ' lea+ The Summer Rush! SAVI MONEYI tuY·NOWl POO L H~T~· ONIY $19900 Wlllt Pool 12'x24' KIT ONL.Y $84CJOO OTHER SIZES OR SHAPES AVAILABLE '-·Sll1111-Wectir-L.11y l SECARD POOL DON'T BUY A l'OOL UNTii YOU CAil ~ECARD'S GIANT l&x• POOL ; RECTANGULAll 3 TO 1· n. . . ' ·, l' ., f 'I Ct1!1 Mu. Clt! 111 Lt.art -itowurr CCMJ 7J, ftf B•kH' ll· , .. 0). ll1ll04lll tCMI 74, di;f GtJO>ll~\ (ll I 323 So. Main St, ORANGE I •rock• So. •I Ch111m111 °""$1369 DHP•COMPtmlY.INSTA(LIO . . ' , •. ' ' 100%2 FINANCING n. U·U. · Own" (CMI to, '°'' to Westmore· !*<Id (ll 75. l~J). ~V ICMl 11. Mt l rtmcr (L) •2, u-ctl. . 532-1992 IN. C''UDES·. fl'ool • .-11t1r, •111lt·I"· J.11t• li<lm1111r, iktt.'. '-Dr'lh't, IUtlftltff llHI \.t~--.' AO hfflllll ... ' . SPECIAL PURCHASE! • 2 SIDEWA\L l'LIES OF POLYESTER ' EXCLUSIVE Wl~AL RADIAL · ADVANTAGES T oli:es three liMH longel-.,. build tfiGft a conventional lire due lo 0fhe combi""' ing of both the rocf'ial -'and ovol tl r9 can1tn1ction cDrtCeptf, It's lower, wid• and flolfer thoft a conventional tire. SAVES YOU MONEY Gos -You get o 6 Y. fuel scrtinos (more miles pll!'r gallon}. This MMng . -.cil0'1• will almost poy for the tire dur· ing its lifetime. Mileage -UnbelM¥- oblel Yov'U. gel double ._ Mileage You are pJ11sently reuiTMg from origi· nal eqt.rip...ent tires. EXCITING. NEW RIDE AND CONnOI. Nothing like it. Your cor win rMM lfloottl and efforfles1 ot highwoy ........ &tra.widlh and wide rocffOI COftlh'vdion gives on.,otchff trcrct!on cntd c:ofMring. --..--n 'ltllU HAflOflWIOI fill ~ .. " _..,. ~DlT OlfKIS -UR OI' T9M -MOIMM -ll4lMO _.. to ,,.. lw ... V ........ -...... If ...... ----_,,...!..,_ -.. -"" ................... "' ....... -..-...,. ..... --, "-oo - -, ..t -,....i.t •P~ to"'° .... ~-, "4NMh° ~ -M «I.a ...,... If -....... -_,_......_ _ _,..r.t __ .. -~1.-... = ·.c ':'% ":::'-.::"' .. •llMt< -. .. -...... SENATOR WIDE ADIALS W• lllOda a spedOI pUrdtoM of ._., W..ished ladial' ....... ~ liNs ... dauifl8d bte.ilhed. .. ewe of slight appi<wG1U W...ilttes' ·ilt· the .sidewall. In nO ~ tun the wecir OI tqfety beeft off1d0ed.' ' ·wHY rAY ' $50 TO $80 A TIRE? . '· r 1131, O'.J5..Mf ms. ........ ~ 1.w. c--. o-11t, a.., "· c-9t,,Cf91ai', o.t. ' • I l. 1 __ ).l',; I TIRE CENTER OPEN .DAILY AT 8 :30 A.M . ~l)ings until 9 :3;0 p.m. Monday thru FriOoy Sorurdoys until 6 p.m. · '. ANAHElti. UJ.ll~I ' NEWl!ORT (7141 644-1212 HUNTINGTON 'BEACH 192-lll 1 See the qi~ctory for your toll -free ~r of The Broa<lway nearest ypu • L ~$444 FU : JZ SQZ;i40 ++•?OS a ~• :::; *'*"'IU•P '".,. :; ...,_._ __ _ ' --R IWLV 'ILOT ' . --Ott the Gree•• , J..:' • SOFT SEU Wi! · Baseball Standings- . g°"'ag wlf~ _ · Id Pa mer Obarrs Combine ' \bm©~ tl@'\l>i1 Jc. JF~!Miw~ ~ ~· = • Ll•ou•w L 01 . ' . ' t • SUNSI T Lt•tUt = . = J J ,, • . THE 'WEDGE FOR SAND SMOTS Jn ill\ltrotion fJ wt set how a 9·iron or G fairway ·w .... cuts into the 1and. Nott thot it cuts much more dMply thon do-. the sand wedge In 12. Thi1 deeper cut To Win 'f ourney "I' ~ .;.= """ , . Bev c.twell and ~U<ia /; )' )" •• '°' _ t .. 1\t ' ' ' ' ' . will ca~•'*"' ploy•rs to l~v• Joo mony shots in the 'IOIWI , Th• shallow cut is mo ch more des i rob I e when ·,i.o1ine r'°" sand. · \ T•ie lm\dwtdge: mok• a 1hollower cut beca1Ae ~ft~• :ctnfi91.1rotion of the bo tt o111, the aole, of th• blode. Wllll1m and M)'rtle Obarr whipped lhe field b)' five strokes ln a mixed best ball of twosome tournc)' at Mesa Verde Countr)' Club Sunda)' afternoon. They combined (or Y.'h\le h~10 teams were for secon.d at 62. ' a 57 tying Don and Edith Gow and Parr)' and Betty Stephens were one stroke ahead or Al and Jean Tobey's and Del and Bette Hamre's 63. In Sarurday's .men's club event. a partners best ball, Virg Do111er and Hal Gri(fin \tCre first wit!, 58 followed by GMfrin and John Owens at 59. Ted Foth and Lew Foster \l'ere third with Its. .Jotmston were fourth with Bis. I 1 necent eagle5. jlt J!anqio /•1.' S~n 'Joaquin incl Ude Orrin ' Wright's e(fort9n the (>!r.jopr· 18lh hole and Bob , Zink's seven-iron shot on th'e l7Ut hole. Irvine C•1111. lllYINI l.14GUI ,_, C1'°""' .. I Mlll M"nol5- F...,,111" Y111eo/ E1111t+C11 Celll MeN W LT GI H J I 10 I 0 l 10 I I 1 J I I J•, l ' 1 1 I 12 I ''' Co•-dlt .....,. '• M11neri1 J LHr.i L c11t.1·Mtsa I 1.1•ou1 W L ti •• ' . . . ,• . ' i1: :It Snnta AHO ·~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;:;;;;;;;~;.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::::::::::::=:::=:::;;:i" The Ken Nowling.Jack I \Viltler match for the men's club President's Cup cham· plonship is slated Saturda)' ~·ilh a 9:32 a.m. tceoff. 1 r:~ ··?:.:f,::~~~j,t.::; ::.;~\;:.1 ·:-..· .·~ ........ ,.,_, ·~r.::,~,,~.::t~{:;,;~)#~t r~:' ,.:;~~ ... ~o:+~.i.:~.:.~~::~:~~t.· .. -:-..,;,;;,'l.~:i-::u1<~'~ .. .:;:·;;,:~.;~.:; :o.·:::~'.:;r;,O;J.~·Y. •. I ··~ ' ' , • N~e'ithat the sand wedge's back edge han91 o .bii-l~wer ti..· its·l9ading edge {Jee shaded area on Clubs ~n i ll!A- tra\iOI). 12). , This rahed ' 190ding" edge: doesn 'tA_ccur on the foirwoy irCR . ThiA they cut deeper into th~111nd. · T-he sond wedge also is slightly short er" o~d heavier ti:ion the fairway wedge, th\.C aiding its ability to ma ke o sha llow-cut with l.u diffi culty throtigh ~he sa nd. t.ClNt KAM.~fJ'l'o .... Prep Tennis Results .,,,,,111 Hll"lllltlff f)l'Ol IU\01 W1lllot'll ..... LY ...... IHll IM! !-1. M . M , IM, H1rr1ll (HI) Im.I l-'1 1WL11 l·I; l"!.11· I, 4.1. •1111111" (HI ) lot! l-41 -11 6·], '-S, ••• Keith Or•lload (Ml) WDn 1·1. 6'2. 6·0, ... _ ... IC1ftL u111 Klrt Or111oad CH•l won J..S, ...... J. 1·!. M!ll1r and M1ni,r1v1 !Ml) IMI l_.: lltlf 1·11 IOll ~-4. J..I. Ju• Y1nl1Y MVlllllll"" !UVd 14Vil WHltr" ..... '••ktr IHI) -'-1· M. M . '"3. ~rll:I IHl l -'"'' '-2• U . 6.fl, 1-nl (Ml) -'-"· '-'· '-1• '-l. V "'"'-' !HI ) -'-1, M . M , M . _,., lttt111 1nd M1r...-(HI) loll IM; _, 64. 1-1 ..... McO.rmoll •nd Wlllon (Ml ) lost 1·11 -1.J, ._.I lnl ..... Paul Renius and Harry Martin are set to battle for the Augusta flight title. Sencliff Rosen1ar)' Ericson tallied a 67 last week to take the women's club blind bogey ti· tie. She beat out Vula TolleHson by a slng le stroke fo r rirst while Madeline Price and Shirle)' Cummart. were ,1ed for th ird at 71. """"'"' SJ Yvonne Ha ig and Jane Hoagland tied for first place in woincn"s club low net play Friday with 76s . Second. with 78. was Zola Bartholome\'¥ follower! hv Vi· vian Troutman's 89. -·' Ace R eturns Shitlty H~rdman. ln~ured for more than a )'ear with a bad leg. will rejoin the Texas Oullaws for their R o-l_l er League match againSl the~ Angeles Thunderbirds tonight in the· Anaheim Conve.J)lion Center. -•• -..... q~ .,_ ...... _.___ -~· c: .•• ,. ~-- ... .... _,y_ ••mn•W&at' -.. , ... I.MIO ..... -",_a ... --.... T ..... COIMl11U TAPE Pl.AYER $54 ....... ~Wl'Llt......, .... ,_ ,_,. ....... ,,tit••,,. """' 1-ln:dl ~ -.. "111111.t.~ _ .. REVERB UlllTS YOUR CHOICE ! $J3 ... " llSE DUii COMY£KIDfT CllEDIT lllT WITI II lllOltfT IO'MI MARK I FM mREO PAK $38 ., • ..., ........ , s .... ,...,. tj:_ 1c::r t.o.otit>ll ri.t 11,,. 1:1 ·1114 • THESE SPECIALS GOOD AT THESE LOCATIONS OHLY WISTMINSTER 1---· AIM-n IUENA PARK IUENA PARK 5l01 •-h llhocl. "Lo Mltffo IL • 5115 u.ca ""· At V•y Yi~w • ltZ·ZOll 126-5800 COSTA ME$A 2200 -11"4 .• At W~o• 54'-il082 SANTA ANA 1400 Edi"" At lrlltol 546°7832 523-3040 , ----\ POPULAR "ALL-WEATHER TIZ:" TIRE Al EVERYDAY LOW PRICES ... • Cleen 5idl!l\'all tlcsfi;n, radial d1u1s on 'houldcr • Triple·ternpcred n ~·lon cord con1truclion •Buy fl.01\' et the 511 \ovi pr ices 4·PLY NYLON CORD "Safety All-Weather.Z" Tire 7.00 • 13 l~•IUI bl1~•·1t1ll •IU! 11.!H feel. Li. 11.._ No u1a1 ~ude~. Compar~d lo bit ~·,1r'1 "S1f~\y J\ll·\Vealh~r·• 1,~·"11 : •lmpro\•ed lh~ TllhJ!I rnbbllr compound for b11tt•r 1toppln .. •lartl nit tr1ction • • Ue•isned 1 new An1lt Grip Tni•d • Lowett;d the prolll• for impro11t d 1t1bllity 1114 h1ndll111 • Wid111•d th1 lr~1d to put in or• rubber on the ro1d ' . Tllllllt• ... 7.0Cl•ll l 11-t• (rtJlltU J.35 1 t•) 111·14 (rt,l.IC.I 7.151 14) ,71·14 lrt11l1"" 1.H 1 14) t11·15 (r1ar.cu 7.35 11~ m .11 fr1PllUI J.. JS 11 fl ••c. "k• l lltftlll $23.65 - $24.Ja -- $2&.15 lllll - 12<11 1n.11 l'IH ,ft, S1!1 ,rit1 R~. l'rlc1 111 'rJct ll. T11 llKtWlll Wll ll11t1 ~il•••ll "' ,,,,, ""'" $19.15 $26.90 $23.21 $1.94 ---· --. - $21 .23 $27.95 $24.15 $2.41 --------- $22.53 $29.40 $25.4i $2.~ ----. $24.74 $31.15 $27.Si $2.66 . 121.23 $27.95 $24.15 12.48 122.13 $29.411 $25.46 $2.C~ -- ANY OF THESE SIZES ONE LOW PRICE.,. 1.75•151295 7.75 x1 4 $ . 1.25 x14 r~u:t~i21 lttl, Cc. T11 (dl:p11+111nc .ft 1111) '"' t lf U11 BLACKWALL TUBELESS SERVING ·ALL SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA tOUNG & LANE TIRE CO. • YOUNG & LANE ·TIRE CO. THEODORE ROBBINS FORD . ' I 15H NIWPORT l'HONI J4t.tJIJ 411 OCU.N A VI. PHONI 4"4""'6 2040 HARIOR ILVD. PHONI "41·0010 COSTA MESA LAGUNA COSTA MESA . ' ' ' I • ! • : • f I ' • • I I • • I ' ' I I ' , • > . • : • • • • • • I • • • • • . • • l • • . . • ~ . . ' I r • t t f I ' ' ' ' ' ' ' f • I ! , l i . s I I --------~·--.. -. ' w~, 11q 1, 1969 DAILY PILOT j'~ Bf Ruewa11 Dra9sters Bleach Used for Fast Start -, Man111.rs ol 0r..,. Cout other way and made circular the checUland lints with their arta supermarketa Who read moUons around their ears with bleach. thil atory-wtll now bow why their fingers. "It'll be a standard practice , now,1' Jones adds. they haven't been able to keep "There's some animosity "And if they find something bleach on tbe:lr sbeJvu lately. between funny car and fuel bet~r than bleach, they'll Bleach ia u common a al&ht drivers," Jones explal.M. 6tai1 using that." at Orangt County Intema-"One isn't likely to copy Jones aay1 the bleach fad Uonal Raceway thete days as what the other is doing." has. reached tbe point where But when funny car times all the top tuetdrlvera are us. arnldd·marks, llaabllll! li&hls began <Jrooplng at a •lartllng 1"11 it now Ind that soon the and e:thaust smoke. rate, tbe -fuel boys bad no top'aaa and JW1ior fuel .et will .,..-Il~ that almost a year alter]_aUve. Wllb I o w ere d regard ·"\heir bleach as in- aao an unknown dragster.:-e.:.y•_•_. _tbe_.y_too_k_th.....,.elr'-'-pl_ace_ln-,---d-~pema'---ble~u-•__:•par_•_tiro_._ driver in the South discovtr'!d a way to achieve more trac- tion at the starting line. He spun his wheels In bleach before each race and was startled to discover the pro- cess reduced· elapsed times immeasurably. The practice wu initiated at OCIR about ~ months ago by the funny car set. "The . funny car drivers would put bleach on the track in front of their wheels and • then jump on the gas pedal. The high-speed spinning ln the bleach cleans all the oll and dirt off the tires and softens them, increasing the trac- • · tion," explains OCJR general TRACTION, ANYONE? .:... Dragster driver Kelly Brown ol:Nortli Baney of Fountain Valley is at right with botUe of bleach. Drivers manager Mike Jones. · r· di th t th J d oft u-and creates Drivers of the sleek, rail-like Hollywood spins bi s rear wheels in two puddles of bleach prior to are m ng a e process c eans an s ens ·~" . . fuel dragsters took note of all D11bitiv1tc1., n • .-itm M,rt Cotitpii"' •to,._,. 1ocrs Gr.i. NMr.a .,.,_ a race. at ·Orange County International Raceway. Mechanic Lou better tractioo at the starting line. this but disdainfully looked the ==================-F-iiii=~~~~,~~~~~~ ' f JATO SUPER·100 GOLF BALLS • Ouralon cover tor long, cut-free lit. • Energized "PB'' center gives great e111tance ~ The Belted GTW is a safety belt on wheels Tht BeHed GTW ll lht longnl-tnlle199 hlgh-ptrlorm- •nce h'9lnnJ Ul'9 we'n •.v•r Put on whM~ A ..,.ty ffbtlraa-twin-belt.under tM tOl.lgtl, .,..,....,..rubbw tral lhlekft qlllnst pwttturn' •nd blowout&. Full H11•n• oord plies "l" GH•r•I'• patentad procMs nyfon t!ontt -•dd to ponrfvl pMi'ormmce. Fa.nous, dHp, duat ll'll•d dnign gifts all'll "•lop ..... ri tflC• lion. Dllllncti'19, thlff Whtie ring sldenft •• .,.,i. ' IST. ''" IU. ... .. . ,.., ·~ ... ... .... -D. TAI "" "" ~ ~ :I "' ..... •• '"" 171-M 7.25 I 14 ..... ,,,, ,,, .. 1•.11 ~ .. na-14 J.75 114 41.71 ,, .. , IH.• f.tl.24 .... IHl·M 1-25 I 14 M.71 '"'' 211.• 1M.M ... 0"71-14 I.If 11.t .. ,. ..... 2,, ... 111.Jt "111 f71-11 7.711 IS: 41.1J 24 .. , 1n ... 1.tl.J4 ... 17t-1J I.JS 11J "-" ,,., 211.0I ...... ... lnl-11 .... • 11 ..... •.n 2'1.11 111.M 111 111-11 I.IS 111 ..... ..... . ,, ... 211.71 "" Llt-11 1.11111 11.U n .11 ...... 214.M .. .. -1.1111111 II.II :M.11 ,,, ... ...... ... f'IUI IUlte •nd/Otr loul l•llfl Priced •• 1hOWl'I itt Gene1111 Tlre stor.s. Competltivtly priced •t Gentr•I T1111 d•lltn dl'f>l•)'ln1 the Geoet11I l ip . WHEEL BALANCE CUT& TIRE WEAR ·i Spei:lal11t1 precision ~1 b•lanct both fronl t; whnla, dynsmlcally ' '! and 1tallcally, to • Ultr•·high-tenslon winding 3 for ., 33 'i ~ anurt1 even tlr9 wear, $~. '• eue thumping. i{ Um111 Doz. 1 do:r. for $5.25 ' ~ ••• ,, AL( WEATHER ~ SPORTS JACKET fMnOIJ8~rm.id ALL-V llYkCAI MlT • ldta1 lor all ouldoor activities .. ' • Hlgh-vlalbllity • yellow vinyl Is " ratnproof, windproof •I • Ona sin fi11 atJ ll 99 ~ DON IWIDLUND COAST AVERY ~ENERAL GENERAL 'GENERAL TIRE TIRE TIRE SERVIC SERVICE , 6941 hocti ...,,.. 1JZZ I. 4ttl SIS W. 1fttt Htf . .._. S.te .... C-.M ... t41·1UD Ml·llli S40-Sf1t--64'-SIJJ ·-----111111111 ~-,,..HIGHWAY IAFm co1111mu----- ' • AUli ~CENTER THE ,COLD FACTS: YOU SAVE 20.95 THRU SATURDAY! Foremost 'Hawaiian' auto air conditioner ••• high ~apacity cooling. for W.aximum comfort Prt<hills Y9Ur car thru 4 large rectangular louvers ond 2 round side louwrs, Has new Silent Scroll plastic blowers that give quiet, • • • efltclent delivery of cool, crisp oir. Avoil- oble "'.ith illumina19d switch p0nel for easy n.ieht operation. Provides total circulation . ' to every corner of your car. Reg. 239.95 NOW 5219 Including adaptor kit ' CANOGA PARK FULLERTON NEWPORT BEACH VENtuRA BUENA PARK'(Otv%,":i~ HUNTINGTON BEACH .,. \ ' I, . ' ' I I ;, ·~ ' t ' .•. ~;l!ol, 7,W.9 i O L & • $ . ' I -· " SET Of fOUI 9" plates in 1 79 "Sup~urst" de.$ign, fC1ur cups. ' Ccyst•I clear. · • : · 9-Pc. Salad Maker Set . ANCltD! JtOClUllG-1• E~ly 3 . 8 ARlericaa 1P,resout .• , • Salarl s bowl w/fo~ & spoo~ 2 a"!lS. . sugar, creamer, ,butter dish, • salt and pepper. . • • l 8-Pc. Dessert Set · ANCllO NOCKlllG -"Wex-· . ldr(" lorrsists of·fiot 711 01: 3· 98 sherbe!$-for .puddin,s;:lce · _ 1 • cream, etc .. and four 6' match-I · ing dessert dishes.._ . · _. , • ,r. · • . • 1,1 ' 16-Pc. "HosteSf' -'Sit . ; R!ALTONI r •.• AM/ FM Clock Radio , Stlill .¥•11 Wft~ Walftll Fililli . 19.88' Wake up to the luxury _of FM concert ha!I . r~lism in mus!e . 1. AM for amt weather & sports broaor:m l'Qwof~ 3~" speak· et"delivers rich, fun sound. Full feature clock with automatic wake-t().1rA1Sic w· ' bimr alarm. Built-in antemas. WARING ' ·:~ Pus~-111111" Blender . ' -.. A special speed fclr eveij blending job! Solid stale with cord storagi, 5 ,..,,p "' he1t resist.nr C~vOl!etf glass · contai11t. Comes o<0rrrple1.t will ·Warila Cook Boo~ 3~98 " ' • "\ . ··--- Postiche 1"-9" ~ng. hair. Olltside coin purse,• inside for bill!,' multiple windows for credit 2 95 catd$ and many otller features. · . ~-col"'' ' 1or. us · , "Sachet" Clothes Hangers ·1y SKE~A -Wi~ a lasti ng frat· ""'" Ll!llJ!iousii pat1do1. finislled ... gee satin.acet.ate .. Choose from ·~s't1 colo[S. . • lt11f ! -. uo1Es· Hair Brushes . IJ PIO -ChOosi from many-sfyles ·a·a .with fine qualit{ bristles. H11rlfles in C assorted pastel colors./ 11: • ~:t 9.88 . ... ... . ----·------ • I ilncludes, I, lli and Ill Qt. Sauce- pans, each w/co~er, I aadle, and l fian-.1·7 · 95 die that li!J'.111 3 • . saucepans. • "FashJon" Rings . ~-~-~ =-·~~ ., fuJ·styles •• , lef·th! ring1e- cSrt your hand & frngert;,.. " Contoir ~!yle with vinyl covering· in 1SSllrtetl colors. 7 pocke_ts in ucll la"ge piece, tray ind mirrot in cosmetic use. Cosmetic 21" 0Yerni1U 8.88 8 .. 88 . 26" Pull mu 11 · • 88 . p~~~ls 27 .BB Tote Bags • ~ .. 11111. 19fr'1 UDIES' CIGARET)'E , Blita!le lighters " : ... Chios."from asst'd fashioo styl:s tor ladies In regular and slim-widths. :1. . 3.88 ... '"PARll:" AVENUE"." . Dinnerware Sets ) • • ..,~ • j , It TW l;,llE .•. Clio!S~ •· · -.. ft"'! ""'1irl.co~rtul designs 1 thiFarestJine;!stanl and dl!h· . l waf'~ft ;- • ''"""""•" -~ ......,,, Jo\ .i,. • • ~ ·~ ._. FM IN! flatteiilg'~.·~g look!. o..i-IQe w1tli nude heel in ..a•d shades. Un- Cooditjtjl_a_Uy auaranteed br SAV,ON. 79c ' Si1es 8W to ll.: Pr. i . Panty Hose • · Streich nylon !lat won't ba( · ' the ~nees, won't · sag at the IJlk~s. 1 Ass't sh.ades in ladies sizes. ' 11!1 • "Timex"· Wristwatches LADIES' "Electric" ;~~~~~:~~~~~·so· oa· ~ ·. S!"'I> s!cond hand;. leather Str,P. I • • ·~fashion" Watches Choose from 6 designs, each with .matcbing Uexib!e, , 11 .riec1 Stt · 45 Piece Set band. Whi.te & gold .. semi·exPaftsion 16 ·9"5 6 88 ·· 1 S BB eoloo., 11. , : ' . I ~::tt::=:::c:::~~ •Hair Dryer Wit~ StJiis• CHfJ & St1ra11 Casa- 3 heat selections plus a "cool" for som- mertim! dijini Large bonnet fits over ~' · larg..t t0tlm and a Dail dryer feature. Fir Q1ick 4 U$J T11C-·IJS ••• \ Has I~ nylon rollers - ill 3 'diHerent sizes . •• rollers warm up quidly on heat co1- tacls • blse • 22.95. " Tall Cake.PJate . . w1j~ . - ----- . • 'Ii FmftAL -Clos plaJ<tic •ill 111 look et r.. art atm. 61\" Mp for tall cafis. : · 1·.29 . w/built-in ~ . .. adjustail ' v:tralariesh . ing beads. fashion c1se · - elu ded. R11. 17.U #~l-21:14.9 "Snug Tred'; WASHAILl Foam SJipper ·1~88 • • ' . . ~'."Right ·Guard" ~~NT ·'.· s ·.,Illy .. : 9: :, .. c . . 1' I ' ' · ~i~IJt · '. · .. IA. DI . - Toilette .. long l'5ting; fQfrtnce t!Jt 2 75 clin15. · • ·. • ,., ' ' ' -· ... _, NO-RUlll~G ,, • .• AerOwax. : : ·1 . . llOOR WAX"' . k • • • ' • Ftr aU· 111111 ... l"'f la!lt1! · . . -.ax '1'fl'I y1ll1w ~Rr f1Hr., . . . -'' . ,· • I \; • ' I ~. <1·~z. 93c . . c • . .. ap I I ' . ' ' • ;2·. 50 · ' . . . • . Set Tollette . water. 2.50 ~ Spray Mist · . . 3~75 . D11crt1 ! .,, .. 1: .,, 1.-. l)!iqe loWo two .-ins ...... n. .. flcl..,. . . ~ 4.95 ~ . - ' .. Bath ' Powder . • 5 11. . . 1a·oz. · 3.25 , 4.75 . ...... C91ogne : 2.n. · . 1 n . 3~50 2.50 . "Wen-End" s.; . . . cor~gno fxtra-. leamin Bath ord ina ire and 3 75 ''"'" s!ak er. • '" · DOROTHY GUY ' "Skin Care'; . ·~ . ·COMPANIONS • . . Orange Flower .. Sida ~ri1hatt -for ilY Of· 110rfflll skia. COo1i1'!1 a d re.· freshinc. mildly Stirn- st:erttofOr1111p8los· · _ . ,,,,in, : .. '"""1 3 QO som<. hr. 5.11. ' . . . ~ . "", ... 1 .... Texture : Lotton For· no1111al or oily skin. Rillse.s loVi1 last traces of make· up • ~ • ·lea\res:skin· · · fookinl briilrter 1nd'3· 'OD finer texture~.1 i • • ' · 111:·5.H · , · , I • 'I '· ,, • . -.... ' " MfDICATID . . '· -. . ''0 " . , esenex h• • ATHIDl'S·FOOT : Reliev!s itdt, promotes rapid gee· heiling. Choose from $1.19 : Powder or OintQ'l!nt. Ea. ... ·~-> "\ ' . . · 'Bi~if ART . . '-:_, P!"f'<l',......r<" . .,~..,_~:::" . ' . ' '. . :· ,_ FO$TER !GRANT'. ' . · sunglasses · .. . ·@litt-tia ''"'!1 .. -,::·.'.1· . -lfll Lm ... · · · . 6 • • .. : . l . ',. ~-'' . MEN'S & LADIES' . · · " ' " , ; chOose fnuR assorted fashion -wise. 2 DI 1 · 49 ~ '. ~tY,le5 .Ind COiors. . ~ef. ' ... I ~. , . : .. Soap Refining lotion- H•fps.c1 .... complexians ~oubled . by • ~aci<lieods 8lld p1m¢~ .•• i~I for excessively oily: cam- . I ., . ~~·IUIU W~il1 ,4,egc·· ;;\'( · ll-75·1H lrtlt. .. ;... .I . , SIJt-Wkilt . .4:97c . pJexians, especially amon1 tM11-. . . . e·ath Powder, 6 00 S.., and Colo • in wat!fl!l'oof f;L • , agers. . . "'· 2 ·5Q ·UI • • Light cologne Mist by MAX FACTOlt' In new crystal styJe.flstoQ ••• fo~r fa~ed fragr1<1c.r, taell.\\ith 1hint·1' 75 . of spring .. • hi"'• WHI• • '-'" . · ' _', . .'. " • """fl"" • Prfllitil • uCN · .. .... w ............ \ •••••••••• ••••••••••••••·••••••• . . . . l . . REVLON·." Intimate" SPltA \' MIST -in "tear arnp" hottte . 3~75 r • DRUG' STORES - omn ~1i11PM -11~An ~ wm NIWPORT llACH ~ , .. MUNTINGTONBIAQI AOAM8' MD H~UUT HUNTINGTON BIACll , IH-DM.I.& IPIHIR • · . . . • . ' ' :i1-7s.1aa ·wait ........ 1 .... "3-Way'.' · •1• 65c· ~!l~t:: 1'f. 50/100/150.... . .. . .. , ,.· .. .. • • . 1 • • ' ' . I INSTANT !AAKE·Uf ~EllOV~ ....... ' · ''Orr & Off'' I 11, Sill 2·.25 ' I ~----" ----- ' •• -•• . • . • • ' • . • . . '• • I ; I ' ,. -·-s ,,,,._..,,;Hit • ' • ' ' • Year Moaey's .Worth ' I • We All Pay for Car Cras'IMs By liYLVIA PORTE& and JIOIPilal •-I• Wblle driviog In New York "whlpllllh" lnjurfeJ the IAll City recently a bitnd of ours driver'• tmi:ioJW claimed tbe acctdentally '"4sec1111e lender drlvtt, had lllf!ertd. OUr ol a laxi in front of hlr -jullt frte.od 1 tDturance compa11 enough to dent ~ •11aht1Y. went tiuwlh •ll the m.U- There seemed 00 poulblllly of • o1 ftWldbla deWla ol lhll .. bt 11 -olllOddenb-lbe"> :1:e~l~ ~ ~ tG htr astcmbhmenl, info~ the tui driver was tut in any he.r tb1t It eipecLtd to 8't~e "Way _ and they elCblqed this problbl:y ~nt claw :appropriate infonnaU. ror out ot court for a iubatantial ·their Insurance OOID\*lla. sum . . The driver auurta her he was 1M IMPOSSllLE to be :nne and that: our fritDd precise about bow mucb o1. .Jhoughl. WIS tbel• lhll IY1'e of cht<ttiq ol U.S.' ; A rew weeks later, tbou&b. automobile . i[llllJ"UlCe com- -she was sued for f5,0IO -IU.P-peniel -.ctually toes Olli bow j)OSCdly th-e cost ol medlcal many tens of millions at E•tl111ol• Ht••••• Cerrect Tim• ef Atlt•11•11I Li"Gillf '" Moo11 I o.,,,a •* 1 11 AL JAIVIS • MUTUAL fUNDS UMIN· •• Tu•191y, M1y 11, 1:10 p111 flk1' Clult, Le119 l••th dollen an poW out in dubious or fradultnt clai.w, what perteotage ol our prtmlum daUlrs: p.s to cover aucb COit&.. TMre's aleo DO way to • tell bow ma~ automobile ft:patrmen re arty -conspire '1itb avtomob e owners to ~ ct.in>e lo be peld by -.... -1<'· But fraudulent claims must accounl for lianifh1ntput of the rile in our a11tomobDt in~ suranct eosts-•J IO per· cent in the put decade. The U.S. Post Olllce et tbl5 moment has ~ eases of false insurance claims involving JitSally hundreds of doct«s, lawyers, i.nluranee claims a~ justen, auto repainnen and claimants and literally millions of dollars. In many of "HOW I. WMT INYIST IN UAL ISTATI" A Two P~. No Charge, Seminar Offered b~:. Properties West · · A N•wpiit l•1ch loc1ied R••I Est•+• lnv•atm•nt ; ' Consultint and R•••.,ch Or9ani1•tlon •xclu1iv•ly ·. · -s•nint Orant• County. •' The fir.I ,.,, •f ''" •-i••r pr09Jlll't will lie he1N i11 Newp•rt lt1ch "r.Mea ..._. c.w" 1111 th• "hltM Heu1•" •11 Tu11• Gay, M.,. 11,. .t 7:00 P.M. Tiie ••ce11d p1rl will h Mer4 ti th• ' .hllN• hy ca. 111 tt.e "CHpp1r k•ofll" e11 lu•Ml•v, M.,-J ... · 11 7:00 P.M, :. Tlli1 S1rn!11tr 1•rit1 will i~l•r11I ell ptrt•"• who •••" kri•wlWt• • 'Irie! cun111f i11fenl'lttiff '' a t•ltll4 Nti• f•r makillf illlfallitt1d i11¥ttl111ont 4Misl•M. ·, 5ubjech te lie DI...-: . ,.,.. , , •• , .... Att.llflya I. Why lnv•st? lnfl1iion 2. P1r•m•t•r1 of I s .• und lfl'f'••tment RiJk-Yl1lcl·T ex H1tlf9-'liquidlty-l1ver•t• ). How clo11 RMI E1t•t• m••• th••• Port II I. 2. P•r•meten? ..,,..,._. A~ .. -lo RHI lei.te l•nd Income Property Citru1 'Agricultural Residenti1l/lncom• Shoppint C.nt•rs ), R1cr•etion/R11ort "4. p,.perty M1n•gem1nt 5. Synclic1tion v1. lndividu1l Purch••• Sweetland Corp. Gains Mal~ar SAN FRANCISCO (.<!') - Malabar Manufacturing Co., San Leandro. has been 11c- quired by Sweetland Corp .. San · ·Francisco, It was an-- nounced. The 30-year-old Eut Bay rum ii. a world-wide 1uppll~r el hydraulic jacb and other ,.lated lfl'OUlld support equip- ment for aeroapact and airline indualrle!. LJ!GAL NOTICE • STEREO SENSATIONI - Tiie colorfll!I souad of ....... Countr M•lc ~ADIO· KOCM 1Q3.1 FM ·el)e From Fa~hion Island, Newport Beach ... __ ···-··· • I ' I I i ! I ···.--.-···---... -· • • . T~y's Closing ·Prices-Complete • WMooollf ..... '· lltt • s New York 1 ... ' DAILY 1'11.llr ·-- l } ' i·.""•-• ------~-... ~-••••W~td"'Mld-~I!/"'. M•l!l-7 .. , 1•96•9--•~+.-.."."'¥"'fMf'"""'l"'f'-"~tr-------; --• .. ------------------------------• ' • • ' .. I ). ~ . ~ LONDON GUEST -Donovan, above, one pf Epg· land's top singers, Will appe#lr on the' ''~u.Sic Hall" : program tonight at 9 p.m. on· Cl!anneL~·-ll.• gue1t I of satirists Dudley Moore and 'Peter cook ID their 1 final show. E verything from a whack.at TV cover- ; age of war news to the generation gap. wµ1 .co.~e ~under their scrutiny along with some good ·mOsic. . TELEVISl~N VIEWS MoVies .Show -. · R~t~gs Drop By RICK DU BROW HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -The sharp slip of lele- . vised movies in the ratings is indicated by the fact lhat not one of the weekly lineups of motion pictU:res , placed ~ong the season 's. top ~ series. . : A list of the top 40· J!nme time net~ork ·series ol the 1968-69 season reveals Ute movies popularl.ty 'as follows: · NBC-TV'S Monday night Wms ranked 32nd '.among all programs. CBS-TV's Friday night motion ; pictures were 33rd . The same net~ork'~ Thurs~ay .movies and NBC-TV 's Saturday rught films flnlsh-!eid in a tie for ~th place. And NBC-TV's Tuesday ; 1notion. picture~ c;rme, in tied for 36th, .. 1 This'accounts for five of the seven weekly movie 'series on the three major commercial television ·net- : works. The two movie series that didn't even rank : among the top140 entries were the Sunday and: Wed- 1 nes day night films of ABC-TV, the smallest !letwork ·!with, naturally. the sma!Jest and weakest lineup.of 'affiliate stations. ABC-TV invariably suffers in these ! national ratings. and does better in thi statistics 'that measure the bigger <.i ty markets. ' . : ONLY HALF a dozen new series finished .in the : top 40. They were "Juli~'· (s.eyenth), the . Glen •Campbell show (15th). "The Mod Squad" (lied for 128lh ), the Doris Day series (30th). ,"Lancer" .(31st)- 'and "The Good Guys" (tied for 36th ). · : . "Julia" is on NBC·TV~ .... 'The Mod Squad" on 1 ABC-TV , and all the other's' belong to CBS-T~. When four new series on one networ.k can comprise one. . tenth of the top 40 shows for the season -as was 1 the case with CBS-TV -there is no question it can : be consi dered a strong showing by that network .. ' CBS. TV also fared extremely well W·ith a series : that can be regarded as at least partly new. This. :\vas "Mayberry R·.F.D .. " the· heir of the old Andy 1 Griffith program. Without Griffith, but with many :of his continu.iJJg characters. "~layberry R.F.D." 1 came in fourth among all series -an indication of : the fantastic built·in strength of this sho,v's con· : struction and audience iden tity, especially in out- 1 lying areas. ! THE TOP 10 series for the season were "Laugh· 1in," "G<Jmer Pyle," "Bonanza," "Mayberry RF. :o.," 1'Fa1nily Affair." "Gunsmoke," "Julia," :ttie ·Dean Martin show, the Lucille Ball program ·and• ; "The Beverly Hillbillies." ~ The next 10 were Red Skelton series. "Mission: 1Jmpossible,,, "Be\1.'itched," "My Three S~n s:". The ~Gl en Campbell Sho,v, "Ironside," "The V1rg1n1an," ''The FBI." "Green Acres" and "Dragnet." ; RANKED RIGHT below these were the \Valt : Disney series, "Daniel Boone." the Ed SuUivan ·show, Jackie Gleason, Carol Burnett, ''I Dream of .Jeannie " th e Smothers Brother, Lawrence \Velk, ''The Mod Squ ad" and Doris Day. Dennis the Menace '~ WE Ol.GllTA &UY A PAI ~,,.,,;,/• Of &AC!' ~;roo_ ~ (11.,,..,,, ' Complete Printing Service Top QuaBty -Fast Service ·1;i11;11141e 642-4321 2~1 1 Wtsl llllbot llvd. " f • ,_, ly Cliarles M. Scliull ------..:. • 8e ~ Tl> AlllAA15 lllf!I! • 1$1fCA!P,~ I -• • I I I lii;;i;;STIYE3~::;RO::::P£::;;. Rr9jji'iiifY~~;;;;n;;;;i By Saunders and Onrgc!rd ~lf!,~""1Wlt~~~~'!"-fii""~'"";g-°ft'~!lftilll~i¥] fJllA'ftf·SIJriilkl C --1~ .. ' II)- WE TOU """,....,. STOP S1'«AT... ~·~ . -NQ!-• PREMIERE 'WEEK OA'IVElfSMONY.i:r, SfJt~-»WtML • . l'W'lr(rtT *TOM REDDIN .. EWS1 Mlt RIWGOOt:D/ TIE 800C tS .. ~ • '"';9:'10 ...,__ • .. - -NOTHIH9/ CON/ _,. .• ---, =-~ .. e:: ..... A ' (Giit ~ MOOlj MULLINS );'. ::i. El.11<1<',I.! NE ~OST ANoTHE~ 1'M W:-.ot> AaolJT l.Ol>D TWO POUNl>S ! 'TME l>oCTOP. PLITMI< ON)I VEr<Y ~<STRICTEt> t>1.-r ... PUJ5H80TT0M-"HE SEEMS @,,' -;;;::f:Sc\ . 'TO s.-Off HIS fEE't>. ' ' v--... 1 TUMBLEWEEl>S , MUTI AND JEFF \OU STILL TRYING 1" 'FINO YOURSELF? YER IN LLCK, B111'! MY LA'Tm GillPE BOOK,'BAAERlOTINlHE BARRENS: IS A BONA AllE eEH:00 T' EVEP.' BETI!R BEP,.NERY, !!ISTW, BUSH 'N' BOOll1Ell IN THE B(X)ljOOCl\S B'rWIXT BUNG BlUFFS AN'THE BORVER! ON SAU: FER ONE &ICK! ' '-../.·,', I ... ~ ... --,:::;, -" L.. _______ _.. •'i&':::·,,.;-;.;;-;;.:;;·-:;;;-;,i - -~ MISS PEACH ._, ~-=!:~ -. 1o. --"' IF TwaT , d ii lbi., l rlliMlf'. ~: ~~ -· FAq~ ·---CCI (IO) ' iw.in.. c."". 111-'J 11\1111, .. ~~:...:: T.,W Md Prof. ,luliw S111MW1lllM-u._ ltr , ... By Harold_ IA_ Doux By Ferd Johnson •.. I'M 70 &:AT ONL.Y FOOD"7~AT1S Bl'El'I WE 1.1. • Pl>of)!.Ro p. 0so..--CCI -• ,...,.. (t1r11111> ·s1-ai Ul!Clliw, ~ Will•. MM .... 111 ... I<) (81) ........ CCI (30) .,..,_CCI (30) @(I) -"'"' CCI 0 WWs ..W, (30') "1 .... Wt· telwlJ'." Sltolld llf'Olfllll Oii lldrb •loftt: tht hltnc:otllll w.,...., "' Soillll CllOlina Ml Flori*. fl U1 W. ,..., Em PW Q)IPUI IM CC) l:IO 0 MIC luamMI fC) (SO) m• """" (30) .,_ .... _ .... s. CCI l"'l UCIJ._..., • .., CQ Bur. ,. -1-(30) "fhe Sodll Sc9M." Sftvltlou tlllt w a11"" eonflict •I ltonrt ll't IMdld ill roi.,i.,111, MqutllCt:S br hldl IChoel ttadtttts. a IJJ Em -.., Q)Llr• ....... , (C) ' ''"' IJ... --(C) (30) Willer Crtnkitt. D ""'' "1 ""' CCI (30! 11-CCI lJOl Ql (j)T• ~ fw ft fEl"' ......... .,.. (30) "Olldpllne." htb' SmtUi dttl1111 IOIM pis fll COftll:rvtthtl 41erJ. pline. ll!J IJJ _,, -CCI l)W111tln.I tQ "'° m Mal CCI !!01 '::---(Q (60) "" LHo ~ Q ll!J(l)tll ... • • • • -!C·----... (lllilhtHrw) '&6 Cid Connon. MicflNI 1•11. JDas l loMtll, Gary Mlrrill. A wt-. 1uift1tr mums tt '* Will 1111 ..,. towii ti Coldiltl, Ta d $17,aot IR 1111 ..... btp. II ........ W Clttlt rwt!tn ln4 lltlf 1- that his wif•, btllewilll tiilll ~ pl1M to Wl4 llMltfltr mlft. <W> SI._ II .. J dit1 A (IJ)' 11!1 ............ l:ll IJ9 IJ) .. -(Q (Ill "Sii.-.W G11M." 0.Rlll ....,, ·~-SIMtw •Ml '#illlll Will· doM ti• • wilillll . .... ., Loriftl M ..... Tiit .... .-.. Oii I 1'°"' of ,.,,.. n,,.i ii • ~IMSJ .na 11mni • ,.... llladlolrt '""" llUdl ., tbl ..... by ill pivllftd llltO ll1rtin.. lk pltJWJillll lllmcta ... tllltiNlioHt of tilt iftdMdu11t it .,. ~ 1nll txplora tllt Mlenct tllet lllt bellwts till 11191 hlew ... ... lillll fllMll( of lllOlt """" CJ '91111 (C) (30) Tiii M8J111. Ill lZ D'Oo<l .... l"'I 1~10 au (I) llll no -111 (10} •Alone C.1111 I Spi9.'" ... UllCMf1 I thrifin( t:etlfiMcl .... wtltn ht "" .. "*""' .. 11111 sevints If 1 lfMlr ._,. clllll IMmbtr. DlllM Mf• lllilll ..,. Hual fUlll (J) 8 PREMIERE WEEK * TOM REDOIN NtWSI em-CCI 1011 fJMtnllll ... (30) By Al Smith m Spedrm (C') (30) "Ctllfl&in1 U:ll CJ ._ (C) ,_. • 111 . 1y Men JUSl'l.IU VOU, .MTHU!t, TO ALWA)S !DOK !'Cit AN ~• W..U.." Dwill hwitt i.. '-"' (ldvtnturt)-J1111 Mtnirr. vllll:ipt• cumnt .....mi lillMI llonMtt Sdlllfflno. II CD!Mlnlq b llMtlltr, 111-- THU~\:JAY DAmME MOVIES lZ:Jtlll._ -CCI ·--·· 1•oa-<C> ec. ___ 111 m...,.,,_..,(Q • JOB PRINTING • PUBLJCA TIONS ~UMeNT., h~~CHoo,1 • • NEWSPAPERS Q1111ltf 'rifllff111 •ff Dt,.M,•I• S.P'l'ice ,_ -........ Q.lirtw .,f • c. .. ,.,. ··. ·.·. • .. -•' '' t , ~ .... ~~ ":~ : ".1'- I I ' J21 t WllT UUOA ktl:, Hhn'OIT l lACM • ----• ( ' .. I -• f1i ' ,'k..;· rl ' . lq,y·h.ptM.~~ . nJJ4 .,Colleges 1Jf ... . "' " "'~. ~ t :J·· .. t' ,.···~" Jf!!.·~.·"t.'..,"·,l r · ' :-·Jlpening ;ro~~t·0~ew :S?ows f BY. TOM T~S ' ' ~ .. ~ « -~,,. fll•tf'~... • " ..-·r•'•t:···· i: -At' r'o\I o Ma~ -uted to .., ~· f lf s •a confmon. 'Word, • so~ething. you tlo\.evert day .~I The 1.~'secrct ward'' in Jocail lheatcf this.,"tee.k ii "ask'' .!.... ~'ith three oJ lht!.. v.·eck's four j::ciwrilpahy .a n d collegiate QPeniiJ-• .productions in the °'"i Goast area carrying it m 1he < titles. . ' . • 'f'he' ''s ''\\'inter Will' Ask.." premifring tonight at UC frvineJ-Then-·there's "-Ask-'Any r.irl" It Santa Ana arid "OnCT ·19' .Jhe A s k i n g-M at Westnfinster .• ~·ooor ope11ing f'rldai. B['t'!altiryg the molJ;I is Uolde!' \~est c ·o 11 e g e "s !·:i-art~e:11i • ak-o. bo_wlng in .t'riday•night. ! \Vithi' tonight's unvciting or "'Wintf:r Wllt :o\sk1" the lr\·ine n'Cpcr\PrY Thcete.r' at "'UCI p_resen'ts ils second ori~inal j>lay ilt three seasons·. \Vr1tlcn by ITh'ine dra1na profell6or Daniel' Stein. the story is set in Russia's "'pre.:Zhlvago'' period ~r the lale t800's~ • t1.3~6n Garrison', rjcan of line.,at,Js at UCI._ is directing ihe ~ii , Yl'.ith ~RT director fiol~ti Cohen • and student :J0:hn .(Ra·ggard . pl ;!yiift· he i rincipal role5~ Major dislaU JSSigyVnenls 8fe.being handled t>v JCri Dollins-and Ann Pcars6n." '' Co~pliting \he UCI ca~I arc 1.arry:-Lott, ea thy Donovan, Sid Cook, &rui;c ',Boucbird, r.-l;i rk iErickson, 'Sli!ve Nisbet, }ilike .~.van L.anciin,gkam· ~and ~oni -Xlexanc.!er. Petsformances !fo'ill be gii'f:n tohight through ~iiturday"and May 14q7 in the StUd(o~: '.tl'!c<i(er: . ·on .campus. \v i ~h teservatioM',;:ivailablt at &'33-6617. * . * * "Once.: for the A'.<:king. '' ;i. n1odern-fai ry tale · by Owen Arno. is W:!ing m!)Untcd by the \\le~tminSler Co m ri"1 u n i I y $heater for .a tlu'f!C·\\'Ccke!1d rtin . .John · ~1 otan mvk<'s his 'tlire!'.:torjal . dt:but 11'! t h the large. :.Ca&l _co1UC4y. · Arl'\d Mahl3a · and . P<:t :.'\Vives' Set :.Ai :.Colle ge . ' DIREC TI NG· DEBUT John Moran \Varner play tbf'! te'adlng roles in the \Vcstminst~r. produc)ion. \l'ith Joan Jfagerty casl as·~ 11·ish·granting fairy. A I s o featured are Ralph Appell as !he hard nosed boss and Diane Frank as his sul try secretary. B.ouriding out the cast. 'arc Mik~ .'Clutter, Doris ... Xllen. Barbara Harries. , Don n :i \Varner.~ bcnnis Griffith• Jan Storm, Carol Rainil!!C-{ Joe Obritz. John .. Briggs, -Larry Tranuritll _,and J,ames !\lien. The play \v111 be 'staged al the theater building ig. t h e we s t mi n's te r C'entcr. \Vestminsler Avenue at Golden ·W~t , street. with ticket orders· heing taken at 893-5443. • -SPECIAL GUEST STARS- GRASS ROOTS SA'T~ >.fAY:10::,t ·- ~'oN4J CR .~•INA ~ , cll!Jll "..JL .$0.~ "'1t<91Ye'~ •lf>ct,t •ft _,, __ I . "-......... . tltk•t •1-"'t: S~ ""V"" "9111,~M,;M t'~T 1ltn1, ~lllf!ut;q• Oulltts ............ 11 .. 11.,.. i. b~·•''"'•· · ' 11 ... T ' toll'HD 'IODVCllOM ~-' . STAGES SA PLAY Frank Rugell D~vid Em n1cs. Don Tuchc, f\1artin Bcnso11. Ronald Bousso1n and Elaine Bankslon head the cast or lh(' olcl-tinle co1nedy at lhc Thir d Slrp, 1827 Nc,vport Bll'd. The sho1v runs Thu rsday through Sunday 'l'ith tickets availaUlr by calling \hl' box · office Hl 646-1363. ' Cal State - . Sy1npliony Set Monday • • Cal Sl3le Ft1llei'ton 's Symphony .O.rclleslra w i 11 present 1vork:. by Haydn. Stravinsky and local co1nposer Rodger Vaughan in its spring conce rt, to be presented Mon. day, Jl;1a y 12, al 8:30 p.m. in the LitUe Tbealer. Under the baton of Pro1 . J)anie.1 Lewis, coor dinator or instrumental 1nusic , the 65 piece sy1tiphony orchestra \viii feature a ne\'; \\'Ork. Overture ·to Dionysus, by, Vaughan, one of Cal State Fullerton 's five ac tiv e faculty composers. Also to be performed is Stravinsky's Puicine\la Ballet \\·ith voice solos by l\1rs. Jane Paul. dramatic soprano: Paul Harms. tenor : and John Git· 1ings. baritOne. Gitting~. 11'ho lives in Costa r..1esa. is a mem- ber or several area choral groups. , The orchestra will oalso present Joseph · H.ay dn 's Symphony No. 99 in e flat ma· 1 jor first introduced on the Loi'.don cQncert. s~age in 1794. l Ti~ts may be purchased in I the ·theater bos office for $1 1 general· admission. Reserved selling is available by calling 87ll·33i\. ' ~ Cosby Series fVE SHOW STA-TS 6.4S CONT, SUN. FROM 2 P.M •. - FOR FUN ... FOR ACTION .. IT'S THE GREATEST DOUBLE BILL IN THE COUNTY -' la11_1es Garner loan Hackeit Walter CreMan Calcnda.r- a.dull town Ul\til Sheri fl·M cCullou•h took over T!~~P,HQNf 541-1552 FOi INFOIMAY!ON· ' ACADEMY WINNER BEST ACTOt CUFF ROBDTSON · SELllUll PM:TiJ)1!S fu collabol1lioo wi~ ,~ ROll~RTSOll ISSOCllTES ~Jllllli~ CLIFF ROBER}$0N • . CtfA~~ ,.,,, ... CLAIRE BLOOM "--~=~~-~---~-'~------------------• In Fine Concert By DOnOTHY BAILEY tht face and charm or the If tbe aim ol the pleasing, "Minute of the Wll 01 the 1 well balanced program we WlsPf" lhtoul6 tbe swecpins. heard ~unday niaht. at the tolorful "Walll or the SylJ)h.s" Uni.vers1ty ol Qa11!0mia at to the bold, . commanding try1n~. "'as \o end the O~ange , ''Rakoczy Match ,. a superb Countf PhllharrnoNe Soc1ety•j-t -· I96M' season on a happy nott Berl~z finale and a great • Jb'O the society'J orpnlierJ fa\loiite <oo. My concert pro.) ca;i ,ta~e ·~ ~eep bow for 1t> gram. , complishing exactly that. ~ ?be beloved• Hamillon ltarty ' &XCL USIYE j AREt',!~,VING I ,....."_' "'i1er ... .:..,1i1 a·11lu iM•r'nu•i ·-i_,_,, ~ -..JI It has not been this writer 's ai'r'angement of Ha n d e I'! privilege to atte~ very many ·•water Musit'"ls very 'dear to of the society's ofrerings In the UUs writer's heart •nd we season now gone. BJ.It if the have ·nothing but'praisc to of. Loe Angeles Philharmonlc's fer for Wallenstein's sensitive l)~lvcrsity of California at reading or this glortous seore.j~~===================~ lrfinC session is a soamplc of ll Wa!i beautifully played and wbat 'l''C have missed then 1ve weJI recei ved by the near shill adjust our pla'lilj ac-capaCi ty audience. cof<!ingly come the fail and Concluding oa n enjoyabie 1 the new seasoM. . . program was Wagner's Rhine • We · 1yere ·part1eularly tin· Journey from c·o t·1 . pressed -and we thought the terdammerung and it 1vas a Cr81vford ~alt a~ d i en~<' triumphal}t finale for th~si shared our P,leasure -1v1tp polished orcl!Cstra . \V.illens· Mozar:t's S~phony No. 40 In • ll?in ~as more than eqUal to! G minor. y.e h3:ve al\\'ays the huge demands of melod icl looked on this h~ppy, graceful counterpoi~t imposed by lhis \vork as the epitome of pure w.ork and did not rail to cap. music and conductor Alfred ture the overtones of tra gedy Wallenstel11 masterfully led thal figure so prominently in his orchestra in a polish ~en-the Siegfried Idyll. dition or this ageless classic. No less accomplished \Vas l\1r. \Vallenstein's reading o( excerpts from Berlioz's "Damnoation of Faust." His . orchestra . cleverly conveyed lhe rich tonal color and lyric quality of what we found to be. a most refreshing work. '• The three selections <lrfered gave us a good cross section of, 1 lhe ve rsatility of Berlioz., fron1 "" "C,OOGAN'S BLUFF" ,, I '<: wl,. ;""'ii .,_,.. ___ T[CHN!CClOfi• 10)( Ol'l'ICt: O,INS ''0 Ton• Ehloy COLOlt "THf WITCHMAkfR" C1rmro.n M!rcllell COLOlt ~ "lllo11d of tll• Do1t11.,..' M• -UllCl1r II t .... lllff Ulllesl wlftl ''"'"' or il.tllvll n1rt111111: Geroev~ve N1lte COLOR "JOANNA" fonv 'C11rllt COi.Oii ·n.. 1 .. t111 Str ... '*r" ....... w . ., ·-· . 147·J5tl ACRES Of FREE PARKING l"'--""m"'"-1 kit wlftl ,.,.,., t r ltll~lt ,.,..,.. "'"I I Yv~t1',i Mlmlw~ COLOR 1 "JHlll IN THI A nlC" I llorv Ctl~o11n COLO-' "DlYllS EIGHT" ' -·~--"' .• _,.·.,.';',..,-i'l' ~ .~ ...... , ... m .. u I i P,,,cer Trecv l(~!Mr!t>e Hepbu•~ COLOR .. GUfSS WHO'S COMING FOi DINNEI" I M SIOfl~Y PGlll~r COLOR 1J "TO SIA WITH LOYI" . IMctl l lM. -''''"' S:w.tllZ ... NOW SHOWING THROUGH TUESDAY Exclusive Area Showing What is the Magus Game? The camt is re1I . The c1me 11 mystery. The c•me is love. The came is Ii.Isl. The vfcious carne the Magus p1•ys. is not a came but, life it.self ... Or is It death! STR:VI: MCC2Ul:l:N AS ~OOLI ITT" [)elective LI. frank llullill ·~some other .kind of cvp. Held Over by Popular Demand ENDS TUESDAY -· .. .. [!t:~siiSTo~-rU.!Ultf ~NSl:Jl•TKlllllM•n.-•-m• \ Also: Frank Sinatra in "LADY IN CEMENT" "POnlC ••• llAUTIPUl , • , PROfOUND AND IXCITING . .• UNflOIGmAl\I , •. $!'1CTACUU.R" -V11'-tv "OUTSTANDING ••. UNl9Ul ON°THl0SPOT COYEU.Cil" -L111 "'1191!11 Tim•• ''THE MOST UNlqUI FILM ADYEN1'Uat OF THIS INTRIGUING CONTINENT' -Bt><t rly Hil11 Citi1111 N1w1 Plus rhis Outst1ndin9 Comedy FOR ONE WEEK ONLY! ENDS TUES!)AY eot.v~e1-POCTullf~ II'"•"". Stanley Kramer~- ... .. ,, Spencer I Sidney I Katharine " TRA CY POITIER HEPBURN ' guess who's coming to dinner ., ' HO•lolCO!.Oll" ~ iE SECOND BIG HIT He teaches London's SIDNEY • • urned-on teens POITIER e1 ~ JIJl[S Q.lllf:U l "OIOC~ Of TOSIR,WllH ~ LOWE",.;;.:,. Now th,,, r11t1il1v St1rh w.c1 n.ul1v "G.ONI WITH THI WIND" U1tt11.-Al't1!tl ...... 9 S..."*-' .lnl« M.._ -, I 1:11 p.-,' "WHlll AN•IU •O TIOUILI l'OLLOWl"'--n '"" ••; -·-·.,.---._..,. STARTS WEDNESDAY°, MAY 14 Al IOTH El!WARDS CINl...,A~ ' , I, , '\ \ · l I • 30 Dlll Y PILOT .. --- ' As U.S. Agency · ' ' PO Departnient To Stay for Awhile \VAS HJ NGTON (U PI ) -this Cbngrcss. al leas!. the The Post Offi ce Depart ment. postal reform plan will almost \rha tever its faults. is here to surely be routed to the dead slay. at least for the next fev.· letter off ice. yea rs. Rep. Arnold Olsen <D- Sponsors of legi.slation to ~lont. ). said in every nation abo lish ii and turn the mails "'"here delivery of the mail has over to a government cor-been turned over to a poration cooceded this today. nongovernment agency the but co ntended the idea isn't service eventually has-been dead. plag~~ by a labor shot.dow n. ··11 will take an incubaliutt Anyway, he s aid , cor- of two or three years." said porations in o l her com- Hep. Morris K. Udall 10-munications fields manifestly 1\rii.). a principal House have failed to provide t he sponsor of the postal cor-universal service required o/ 1>0ralion plan evolved !:1st the· mailman. yc_ar_ by a presidential cotn· "ThC tele.phone rompany 1n1ss1on. doesn"t serve everybody," he "Nobody thin ks it can be said. •·congress has to rnacted this year -or even subsidize the rural telephone · ncx1 year.'' systems. Western Union is But Udall , in an unusual role. closing do1vn everywhert. The :is a witness before the Posl railroads are going out Of the Off ice comm illee of which he passenger business as fast as is a key member . said he is they can. satisfied that in the end '"Only the Post Office is \ert. Consress will t'Onclude lhere is 1 don't know why we kn ock it. no other solution to the Post Congress never said the Post Office's problems, which in· Office should make money." elude obsolete pl ants. old-0 n e problem is it not only fashioned equipmenl, and -does not make money but it crjtics say -a bureaucratic will run a defitit this year of straitjacket on ma nagement. abot.Jt $1.S billion, out of a Fo rmer P o s t m a s t e r s budget of maybe $7 billion. <:cneral Lawrence F. O'Brien Nixon has asked that postal and Marvin Watson endorsed rates be raised from 6 to 7 tbe corporation plan, which cents for letters and "'ith ap- gre1v oul of an O'Brien pro· propri ate increases for other posa l to abolish his job. Prcsi-services. 1lcnt Nixon's p o s I m a s I c r The theory of the corporate ~neral. Winton M. 13\ount, on,Pa'n'a'glieomn en;l, 01tha8t. b",,",,d ,0,1·, still is studying what he feels I Oijghl lo be done. directors the postal service • ' . ~ ~ . "v ·:. ut ility sewing chest provides com·_ pact 1storag e for any woman who se ws. 16'/i" long, l?l/4" h;gh ... opens to 36''. Easy to c.or ry! Wol nut f;n;shed hordwood. 11.00 m"y co art needlework 40 Waring 8 pushbutton blender with timer . Waring adds a ne w twist with a full bO second:+ime r._ S cup jar, 2 piece lid , snap out Blade:-, and cord storage. Model ::;=NL 12. 29.99 . "!not shown: Waring model =ccs w;th out t;me r 21.99]. may co srrlall appliances 74 TIJ.embc rs. includ ing Ch<J irman more efficient and operated , '~>".:;::'.:;"-:-!;::::: • / Thaddeus J. J)ulskl (0 -N.Y.), within availa ble income from \ / -· ... telescopic mirror adju~ts in height from 36" lo 6 fo et for sitdown or stand-up com fort . Brass finislfed metal. two way mirror ••• one slPe maq n1. fying , one true-view . 13.00 moy co both shop 33 • • " ' '• I~ 'li> ~-. • -· . - ' ...p,.. ~· ....... is reminiscent of the him 'f !he een/ury. A reel con· virsation pi4ee. ..•. !his white housing con b8 installed' by lien Systems • . • coll 'lfiem for srevice enc!' chirge. I-.. ,, ' t ' 35.00 moy co gifts' 82 Elko Flint sloinloss stool cook;..,. so+ provides waterless cookery. 9 piece set include s I, 2 and 3 quart covered sauce· pans, "b quart covered sauce pot, 10" lrypan. Open stock, +4.45 29.95 m.!ly co housewares 29 Farberw•r• Open-He•rth broiler-rotis- serie. You enjoy smokeles.s, spatter-free. Cool-Zone cooking with an. outdoor flavo r year around. Stainless steel body. I+ height odju slmen ts 4'1.99. (Shish kebob un;t 9.9J. Broilec olone ll.99). may co small app liances 7-'r L Otht'r key co 1n rn i t l e I'. \vou ld be rnodcrnized. made ) ~ ~:=s~~~~1d h~v~ .. ~tid ~h~i3 :~ ~:~I :~=~~a~~."·ha\e\•er level !--------------{"' I __________________________________ , _ _. -, -Cro-ss w-ord-Puzz-le-MAKE 'i /'A MOTHER HAPPY ACROSS '"l !J ~LI item S Indian 10 Piece. of 49 Contain Pr 50 G iv~ olf vapor SZ South Stas capita I concrete 53 Grerk vowel pavement 5~ Relative 14 Wingl!ke of a firth 15 Fi ghting man 511 Caused to 16 Part of the leave street scme 58 Badger 17 Kind of 6Z Harvested boast 116 Kind of rye 18 Numerical 67 Fool prefiK 69 Trlbt In 19 Amongst Colomb l1 20 Charlemagne's 70 Half: comm ;mder Co111 b. form (Z Armf'd S!l'V• 71 Carr ied ice VI Ps 72 Mtal cul 24 Not 73 Sprinter 's re.cep ll vr goa l 211 Mil Irons 74 Fin ished of years 75 Miss 27 Old 111oney Somm er of account JO On ltlp of JZ Use ;igai n In another '""' 36 Conducted /"" 37 kind of TV progral'll 39 Brisk 40 Ont of lamed r:tdlo tram ~2 Fooltd 44 Trina 45 Tena -· -47 Houdin i's forte " lO " .. " I DOWN l Hiding place Z Ila ty'.§ Moro 3 ShoppiFlg cent er section 4 Kind or foad 5 Obsotrte 6 Pronoun 7 Calgary's pl'ovince: Abbr. 8 "En -r." '.i Captivate • J. I I 10 Space vehfclr 11 Asian ho1y min lZ Angle of leafstalk 13 Quotations Zl Dtar"s partner 23 Feminin e """' 2S Montreal 's NHL artna 27 Several Norweg ian kings ZS Send mone y Z9 Think the world of 31 lrrs«ls In certain stage 33 Qu ick ly 34 Sm1t1 herring sn/69 35 Afric an anrmal 38 Sovereign 41 Fib: Z words 41 Steered off 4& City of Ch ina 48 Walklng aid .51 Journalist 55 Wore: Z words 57 Furn!tu1r '"" 58 Deft1t 59 Part cf U1t ey t 60 EKhaustrd bl Make secure 63 YM CA lraturr 64 --· lh t Re.d 6S Compl eted 118 Number 10 11 11 " " -l ' ' . glistening treasures from Toscaqy Imports Yours to treasure Or to give ••• handcut end hand polished lead crystal accessories import .. ed from We'!t Germeny. Shown ' are :just,• few of. the beoutiful pieces. may co glassware 126 .~. • ' moy co south coo1t ploze , 1an diego fwy ar 'bristol, cosla . mesa; '546. 9321 shop monday through saturday I 0 a.m. lo 9:'3 0 p.m ,. • •----- ;, ·' .. :< . ' " ·" " ·-· • • ' .-! t ' I • ' • • > -I ·• I I I I I I I I I I ' 1 • DAI~ Y 10 TO 10 SUN.Q~Y .. lO _TO 7 . - l . . .. -. I ' ~· ---' :COSTA-.. ME$A ·. , ' • STORE ..;-• ONLY! ' THE POLAROID · .,;,,· '• . CAME-A . ., '. .. GIRl .' - WILL BE IN . . OUR STb~E . ' • FRIDAY, 1 p.m. to 4 · p.m. • SATURDAY, 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. TO . DEMONSTRATE THE .. .. THRILLING NEW LINES OF FAMOUS • • I) POLAROID (AM ERAS ' WE . HAVE rlltE , tNCREDIBLE COLORPACK II • . •' Cll•rr• l t t . . ' . • Wtdnflday, M'1 f, 1969 THURS, FRI, SAT, SUN ONLY! ' • • r ' ' • •• • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' ' ' ' • I • ,. \ . .. -·:for • " . ' ' • • . I • ' ' ' \ . I ;; S~DAY .. MAY' 11 . ), --I • . • • AUTOMATIC . 320 POLAROID Land Camera .. Al', ...... , ....... •• . '" CHARGE IT! JERRY PANGBURN, the Polaroid Sales Representative Will Be In Our Store, Saturday,. May 10th . ' From 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. To AnJwer Your questions About Polaroid Instant PhotoCJraphy. Charge ltl The economy mooel ol the new Polaroid -' fold~ cameras hu feetures you'd 11p90t to find only on more expensive modei.. A, double window, coupled range •nd view~ finder. Electric eye. Tr1nsistori1.<I shutter ,,., . Automatic exposure control for flesh. light, we ight. Detoch1ble "cover. Big {3\14"x41/4°'.~ prints -color in 1 minute, black and whit• ' • j ' in seconds. Don't miss out on the chance to . ' own a delu xe insta nt camera at such· a low, price . ••• the .ULTIMATE With each purcNse of 3 packs of Polacolor film at the price of •366 · You get a poCket pKture afbum , (a $1.00 reta il value) at no additlonil cost. Come in and take advantage of our special price$ on Polaroid Type 108 Land film, and our fr" offtr. PORTRAIT KIT utl ,.,u ui. hied •nd.lhoulder portraits wtttlln 19 lnchn of your subject. TN spe· d tl portr1lt 1tn1 and vftw/fOcu• edipter clip right onto the came111. • I.ti FLASHGUN a lps rtahl to ,..rCll!llrt lftd 1111,.. ""°' toc111ph lndoon In cotor or btKlt t nd whfh. Tl'I• flntt It l)'nc:hronlud wtth tf'le attuttar and utu M'3'cl•r ftalhbvl~ 4,47. I • ID . . FINE CAMERAS! ) Model 350 Cllarre l t t ' .. ' ... • ,. I ... ' I -T • SJl DAILY Pit.OT • TU l_ELf.S S . TURTLE WAX . ---,,,.._ llGULAR:,. PRICE . IACll . 6.50..13 15.95 7.75-15 17.95 -7.75-14 17.95 ... I . -' I, 19,95 ·8.25~1'4': • 1 • ~ ,.,.. ' All p~Ji.:F~deral Excise Tu Whitn"illli UOO more eacl1. ' ' . . ... 'TWIN JET AUTO .AIR :CONPIJIONER < 14.9 •95 -,111 fl\'11H1llo• • T9ll'S~-Cjp'9!1Wor1 • , • ..., ta· c...,,..,,, • iw ·Air v.i,oi, (111"1 ~ . -AUTO AIR CONDITIONER SERVICE We ~ ... .,aet. •Jr S 17 ••••ll•ie•'-• .• ,. ..... ' . Pl ,,... & P•rt• Fl~K·18.UFFL£R 4 ·Qff•ut11t1\u · Sll l1•1 H IC£ .. .., .......... "" ·aa·c, , ,_7•300 I 11 ""'"' Fii. ""'"'Ford!, Chcvy1, .9.57 " 12.56 13.48 15~9&. -· • . ' . -..refkl1>r1 DAILY JO TO a·· • SUN.·10 TO" 7 ::...;;... .. Offeri!Mls SUNDAY MAY 11, '69 FISK CUSTOM 240 N O W ONL Y P\USRD. EX. TAX EACHTilll! 1.79 2.21 2.20 2.36 ( 6.S0.13 llackWall, ftiWteu Pl._ 1.711 FcderiJ Excise Tu Use Dur Convenient Credit, Buy with Ho MoneJ Down • FIS K . SPRIN T G.T WIDE OVAL GUARAN.THD FOR THI LIFE 01'-THE TREA D -WNITIWALL OUli 1UllLl51 PRICf SIZE IACH D70-14 (6.95) -~21 . 170-14 (7.~5) .$22 F70-14-(7.75) 525 F70-U (7,75) ~26 070-15 (1.15) 28 fin.JS (LSS) 29 All aric. plld F.O..r fxciM Tax .. RIGHT TO UMIT QUANT1111S · RUBBER OR VINYL .AUTO FLOOR MATS 3.66 VINYL: Tni\sparent-Full Fronl or Rear • Twin Front or Rear RUBBER.: Full Front or Rear. Twin Front. "- 26-2000 thru 26·4~00 -' .P.,~S fEO, ·le X. TAX. EACH lll'E 2.28 2.3~- 2.SB 2.61 2J8 2.93 W1o1-n, ,. .. , ... D70-14 (6.951 Plus 2.2& ftcfnl fllltise T1:u:1------ BRAKE OVERHAUL Hlltl'S WHAT Wf DO: I, h4._ ell fMt wt-11 wltti ..... Uai.p. I 2. h n1 tht ._ 9" •• trllMI llllhtp " -" '"' ....... J, a..Mllil eH fffr w""4 •yf......._ 4. """· tt.11, ... ,... "'*-'k .. ,_ .... "'"".... SAi ft.W. s. c ..... ...,.,, -....,..,, ,.,... ffWw.._.~ •. ..., .. ew.-. -...... ....... ............. d ...... .. 2777 MOST CAH S.U0 Adi•1ti11t •• li.-.$4 l.C•rt. • 'W -1!lftllll'i·1I flaOll IWlll llAll Sl!Clllllll. TRANSMISSION FLUID GALLON GAS'CAN -23' 4 4 C l l·lOOO • llUAI~ ll·l 116 , ' /• .' ................... ·~ndmPiiil mh'm:· .... ' ...... THESE SPECIAt:S GOOD AT TH.ESE LOCATIONS ONLY .. • WESTMINSTER 15449 llACH llYD. At Mda•il• 892·208I • L ' • IUENA l'ARK I US LINCOLN:AVI. ,.,,...,_ 82•SIOO • • BUENA l'ARK 5101 llACH ILVD. At r.. M--· 523-3040 ---~--------- • COSTA MESA •UOO HAQOR ILYD. ··-548.2082 • SANTA ANA 1400 IDINSR AtlrtiiOl- 546-7823 -........ ~ ....... ____ .. ___ .......... ; ....... -,._ ~-·--· - ' ..,, • • TODAY IS MOTHER'S DAY , ,, • I: THINK l'LL SU ~PRISE MOMMY . ~ ' ~ ., ,. . ' I ,• 6etr~ o ~ ·: - Wte1n11cl•Y·M1y 1, 1Ut • P1,1 ;II " I • WAKE UP, JAN , I NEED SOM E H E~P ~ . . WAIT A MINUTE JAN -THIS BERRY NEEDS EATING ---''-------------------------· ------ -.. ·----.-------•. 000-THE BERRfES 0ARE SOURI • < •• ANO ·ON MY MOl)fEi!'S DA¥ MENU WILL BE ••• . ~. ·' J 1 ,·' -: ., , ll•ff ,rmo1 •Y ~ 01- ! '., ' • -lots of Love Serve,~':Wp, J ' \, Oh, the joys of motherhood -tKe _diapers to be changed, the 'cut"fingers to be bandaged and the spankings to be .... given. ' · These all are-.pvershadowed -when ~lolher's Day C<>mes around, for it is then that the truly angeltc'. qualities o( of~ sp ring come to the forefront and moth- er's special day is fil1e0W1lli -surpfis~. One of the most loved surpi'fses perhaps.is breakfast in bed, which can be breakfasJ all over Ole · bed instead of in bed. or if the covers are RUlled back, truly breakfast in bed. ' ' However $ie meal finally arrives, breakfast in bed-is one of the most.' de--' lighttui experiences a mother can hlrve·: Little tMt"lissa Rowell, age 2, ·will prepare a feast fit for a queen next Sun- "'•~'~"f!!i:, her ~. M~.'i!enry R'oweirOf -COsta Mesa, with just·_a1~ft 'Qf help from big lister Jan, 9. -, .• ~ She has _carefully inventOried / ~ - mother's cupboards (when motbU's back \vas turned), se!ecttd her men1.i and plan- ned just the' right-n:iethod or set:ving. An appetizing, breakfast of ·a peanut butter sandwich (lots of prOtelil), leftover tomato-sauced macaroni for coiOr, mash- ed up strawberries (minus quite a -few) and a cup of water, wHI be served by Missy .with love. Mommie will be sure to love her somewhat unusual breakfast, too , because the love that comes with it is the specialty of the house. ( • ' .. r THEY'RE PERFECTI ' ,. . . _, . '· ·' . .. PEANUT BUTTER'S D&.LICIOUS !.:.'. ..... '" ' WHDOPS, ALL MOMMY'S BERR IES ARE GONE .4. ISN'T THAT THE BERRIES ~ . ' .,. :!f l ,·. • " ·, ' ----------------· -_.!....._. ____________ _:i:,_· • • - • • 1 ': • • • • • • , • -• ' ' • ·.·.• ~ .~ .. " ... : ... -.. . -~ :-; ... __ ••• '!:..: " DAit Y PILOT Wtdnesd1y, M1y 7, 1%4 -~Alphabet ·Game· Cool-s-Wi.fe' s 1-r:e-Wben Dir-l~e.~' s . . on Fire ;W.R ANN I.ANDERS: Wbtn m:J bus· ooly way. so I acreed. !il!All ANN l.ANDJIRS; May Ian~ heu racket. Do yoo have tbe nerve to print i..I' failed to gel -· !0< dinner oo Nr,:. six Y""" lat<r, lhe cJrl Is mouthy yet ~ alttedy I 1!11 dreod'1I II. The my ·lelter and your comment? -REil .... 1 used to get awfully Irritated. Theo a and tbe boy Js a belllon. They call me "merry" lllOllCh o1 May Is when we get INK "!'" fay I tnV<Oted a Uttle game which Rtna and my sJsi.r ls "Ma" and her bUJ. hit tile baNal wilh upcocnln& wedding DEAR RED: Som~ people love lo get m t only did away with the irritation but ~ band is ''Pa." Last ni&:ht they behaved amouooements, g r a ct u·a t i o n an-UDOW1ceme1b, odlen doo'I. M Y li'l m• in a happy frame ol mind. Now \ . like animals at the tablie. l mgpked that nouncemtnts, college and high school peneeal opiaioa ls -tt1s a compllmeot J';m ab&e to greet him with a smile in--their manrers were terrible and It's time graduatiool, Bu • Mktvahl, Ba a to be INVrtED, but oot aaaouace4 to. c;:fe-2 « a· gt.are. ANY MORE ' di~ my husband at his requed. He MitlVlba, ad naueeum. It ·took ua until :Tht game goes like this. Start with A DEAR NOT MAO: 1.001 UW. pme warRd, to marry a local belly dancer. they learned better. My sister said, "Shut ~~. Jo recovf from the ~m11 clob-Unsure ti. yourself on dates? W~t's OlfX{ go ULrougb ~ aJphabet -think d a prqm a tMory. ~ ~ ,,_,, m.bad cu • ·Beautiful eo far, isn't .it? Well, the worist up. 'lbese are OUR kids.'' ua F --~ right? What's wroof? ShouJd you ? 'mrd you wam to be -or are -u:t. as: bold=Ollly oae ~t at a Ua:ie. ftea is yet to come. . . What can~ do! -PLENTY SORRY Why do ~E:. aend annou~e;nta to Sbouk!n't you? Send for Ann . Landers' afllftdative, b-l·e·rs e d , c.viecimtious, -yoa ve out ·a 1ep:tlve tboqlit ud pat J had a chance to mike goocrmoney ?1 -OEA.R SORRY: very HUil. OllCtpUae fr• and fainity Who Hve tbousends of booklet "Dating Dos and Oon'ts." e)'ICIOS·- dependable, efficient, friwdly, gracious, in Jts . 1 ;::~ ODe yo. blecome • a roid job 8ixl decided to take·lt. The OO· must be admlnl•tered dally. Yeu ca11;t de mile$ awiy? We tnow . Betsy is ing witp yoor request 35 cents in coin and tilppy, intutive, joyous, ki~. loving, better penoa. lot tiaa.r1.Qc. ' Jy hitch was the chiJdren, My oldeSt mucb OD a drop-la baal1, espectally dllee gr~g from~ school and Jerry is a long,.selt·addressed, :tamped envelopr. rOagnanimous, neighborly, objective, pa-iister and her husband '\rtlo tiad no you've alpecl aw-.y your rigltb:. PerUpt 1eW.na: married tu we Clll't be there, so Ann Landers will be glad to help you t~t, qWescent, reasonabte, sinctre, DEAR ANN LANDERS: t messed my · children of their own said they'd take the a talk wtlb • tltrcym.u woald 11.elp, He why don't they leave us alont? If-we witti your problems. Send them to her in truthful, understandiog, vital, wholesome. life up eerly-married at 17 and.ttad two kids oo one condition-that I allow them might come ap witlt a 1olutloa J c••'t set want to send a gift we'll send one care ol the DAILY PILOT, enclosing B ~citing, youthful, zealws :-NOT MAD children by the fiime I was It. At 21 t to adopt the kids legally. It seemed the Ul:l'OalgA.Jlle mall. We co:wider announcement~g • self-addressed, stamped envelope. . ~ -:\. ¥MCA Squaws Host Heap Big Pow · Wow • 'Squaws or lhe YMCA Indian M&idens were honored today ;¢1 a luncheon in the Edison CArnpany's Eltctric Living ctnter, Huntington Beach. Mrs. Barbara Spencer and • ' • Party Fare • Presented • fookiJlg for Enrertaining with Chafing Dishes will be pl'!sented by Mrs. Gerry Gtrken. home economist with· tit Southern Counties Gas C-0 •• f<J the Friday, May 9. rq:eeting of Coast HCimemakers. Mrs. Gerken also will in- c\tide in her ta1k ~enls on h«bs and spices and tem-P4'ature control ideas for ""le-lop cooking. N e w r(pPes ,.,. chafiJlg d is h coobry, induding flaming ptly clisbes, \fill be given. . 4'be 9:30 am. demoostrat10n wll take place in tbe Corolla de1 Mar Youth Center, and a luqcbeon will follow for $1. Mr!. Kitty Barnes is in charge of the luncheon Committee. Anyone wishing further in- f otmation may call Mrs. J. E. Powers, 536-3964. Who Can Read Just -One 'Peanuts'! - Mrs. CWton Well of the Gree tribe, assisted by other mothers in: the Cr~. tribe, were in charge of arrange- ments. The molhers were, Uuted to a demonstrUob, OD r 'the preparation o ,fQOd; • .:and numerous door prj1es .were given during the annul.l•event for mothers only. • Mrs. David E'rlcks9p . princess, ha.s . annoupced that the Indian nation now has 22 tribes with a membership· of more than 300., Each 'tribe meets twice a month and .ac- tivities additionally are plan- ned for the whole nation. New ly -e.lected board members include, in addition to Mrs. Erickson. the ¥i:nes. David T. Beegan, Sachem princeM; Clarence -Reth0rst, tally keepef~, Roier .~e. wampum J>eaur ; , G.e·n e Barlow, medicine ma}den; Lloyd McCollum, IOO<f,talker, and"Richard Becktel, torn1.om bearer. Other officers are t h e Mmes. George Rodda Jr., pow wow chanter; Charles McGavran, review chairman: James Severson, I e gen d keeper : Leon Hart, award chairman; Robert Helsper, smoke signals ; Gary Fairbanks, sunshine chairman, and Dale Moeller, social service. The next event will be a longh6use at t :30 a.m. Mon- day, May ·12, in the YMCA. ~----VIRGINIA'S~----, SNIP 'N' STITCH SHOPPE 3134 Eest Coe,t Hwy. e Corona de\ Mer Phone 671-8050 V1e11io11 tim1 i1 do11r f111n you thin\! How 1bo11I 111in9 tll111 nlld w11lr.1 wh il1 childrtfl i re 1t;ll in 1cllool, 11win9 llp • ".torm"~ Visit· in9 Ho11olulu this 1umm•r7 S•e your v•1t 111•<• lioil of •uthentic H.w1ii •11 p1inh in •cry!ic •nd 1•ilclotk1, end w1 .toclr. Polyne1i1n p1tt1rn1 too. Or ;, Europe your deitin11ion1 For thi1 trip, l•lt<I from our wide 1election of c•relr•• poly. e1t1r knih end B1n·lon prinh. EY1n ii vo u'1• 1 11on·lrevel1r, end plen to 1!1y hom1 ind enioy our own Newport leech re1ort, cre1te "'"' t•n· ni1 011tfilt, 1korh, b1tllin9 1uih, end •••Y·lo· mike "1kiflt" 111d bt th e b11t dr111e4 911 in -your 111. S1e you 10011, VIRGINIA UH Your 8-kAmerlcard or Master Charge ESPECIALLY FOR MOM ... 11111 we'll include d1u9lll1rl .w. hav• the largest selec· t ion of fin• quality FALLS ..• WIGLETS .•• GAS. CADES ••• end WIGS in 0 r e n g • County. Many pre-riyled for you to try .... on. CASCADES 14.95 WIGLETS 3.95. 6.95. 9.95 WIGS lllOTIC ...... , . 49,95 All W;9 p,;.,, lool,de SIMI HAND 79 95 Profes1ion1I Cutting .. , fllD •. ,..... ' St 1· s· . y "9 ' . . '''"9 ... HAND TllD.... 84e 95 ..,_ Wig CtfTying Ctse & 205'00 Sty•o HHol CUSTOM.,,,,, e FALLS -·· 26.-95 .• , .... 36.95. Wit·· 49.95 ma!A11& WIG & IEAUTY. SALON 250-0 l:ett '"' s..... HILLG"EN SQUA AE Cede Ml'M, Ceflfo"'I• it'· Rummage Sale: Joint Endeavor E piscopal Churchwomen of St. John lhe Divine, Costa Mesa and St. Michael and Al> Angeli, ~~el Mar are combining efforts in presenting a twcr day rummage sale from 9:30 a.m. to 4:3D p.m. Friday and Saturday,, May 9 and 10. The Costa Mesa churcP will be the setting. Sorting and pricing articles are (left to right) Mrs. Gene Adams a nd Mrs. James Knapp. The Big Spenders?? Budget Blues Begin Horoscope Leo: Be Analytical THURSDAY MAY 8 By SYDNEY OMARR Money, agreements affecting may have message rrOm financial secu rit y are relative. Key is to be receptive spotlighted. Best cour se and keep· open mind. Day to features diplomacy• especially take notes. Commit ideas to . in reaching agreements with ARIES (March 21·April 19): family members. paper. You could solve dilem· Be s o c l a b I e , sympathetic. . ma -try it. Friends could form a great LEO (July 23-Aug: 2.2) · A~· CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. part of your life. Activity con· cent on pe;~rsh.tp, marrl· 19 ): Opportunity abounds. You nected w I t h organizations age. l_egal ltes., Wise to . be can obtain real bargain. Be comes to fore. Day to ex-analy~cal. Don t ~sh into discriminating. Choose the periment to try unorthodox anything. Play waiting game. best'. Stick to quality. You get metllods.' T:U~s~o~~~~ay. Do not force good news. Accept social in· TAURUS (April 20--~ay 20): VIRGO (Au 2.3..Sept 22). vitation . Keynote of day 1 s aC.. g._ . · ' AQUARIUS (Jan. 2(}.Feb. complishment. You gain Work pressure indic_ated. You 18): Puzzle pieces fall into · through meticulous attention have to .handle_ basic chore~. place. You n'ake important to details. Superiors watch and Reward is ~ue if your pace 15 contacts. You kno\v \vhere you appreciate. You get credit ~ady. Patience 18 Y,our ally. a·re going and why. Cycle con· which long has bee n due. e~p 0~ cou~se. you re head· t;•ues h1.gh. Definite gai n in· , ed 1n r ight direction.. "' GEMI~J (~ay 21.Ju~e 20 ): LIBRA (Se t 23-0ct 22 ). dicated. Your rrund IS receptive to P:. · · PISCES (Feb. 19-~larch 20): change. Aura of excitefllent is Qrea~er recognition due. Your Best to remain in background. present. Creative activity is crea~ive effort~ a r ~ ap,. What you need comes to you. emphasized -fine for wri ting prec~ated. Now is the tim e to Wiltj·goose chase docs no and expressing yourself. Be mul.tiply cont~cts. Ex.Pan d good. Welcome change. Do definite, positive in outlook. h~riwns. Don 1 be confined by some reading. Gain if you are CANCER (Jun 21-July 22): minor obstacles. percept1.·ve. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): 1~~~:;;;;~~~~~~. • New Slate Summoned Installing officers of Orange County LaWyers' Wive s Improve surroundings .Ir Brighten home atmosphere. New person could come into your life. 'i<no\V this and hold optimistic. view. SAGITI'ARIUS (Nov. 22· Dec. 21): Listen to one who Mothers Feted tomorrow in the Newporter ~ts. Simon and J u d e Inn will be the state president, Catholic Men's Club of Hun· Mrs. Max Wizot. tington Beach will host a din- Accepting duties will be the ner-dance i n Meadowlark Mmes. Welsh Morningstar• Country Club next Friday at 8 president; Don Martens and p.m. in tionor of wives and Stanley Go uld , vice mothers. :J/iink molher:l ';])a'J Wttlcliff P11u '42-2 ... presidents; Paul H. Morgan Ticket information tnay be and John W. Anderson, secured by calling Ben Run- secretaries; Donald Wood, fola at 968-2156 or Chuck Sen· treasurer, and Delbert Larsh, new aid at 536-2850. state representative. l;=========~~~~==;:::::::::::;'=::j Festivities will begin with an ll 11 a.m. social hour, .aid then members and guests will be seated at tables, centered with marguerites, at noon for a Jun· • cheon. GIVE MOTHER I A GIFT OF 1 LINGERIE NE \V YORK (UPI) -Your daughte r, the high school stu· dent wants a $110 fun fur coat. Arranging the event are the Mmes. William Byrnes, James During the two months paid, on the average, $7.73 for Obrien, John Teal, Robert covered by the study the the pullover and $5.64 for the Kuehn, Grover Frater and "All the kids are getting one," she ~ys iri a pouting, tearful mariner 111eant lo break your heart it you turn her down. teenage girls spent $1.7 billion turUeneck. Paut Behm. for wearing apparel. They . spent, in addition, $394 million ~:A.~· for things connected with the • • fun and work of a teenager - You don't have to swallow that "all the kids" argument if you find YQW'self in sucti a squeeze a t back-to-school <:lotlles buying time -August anQ September. from ballpoint pens to · • ers and tape recorders. \ Adding the fun expenditures . Thanks lo a marketing survey. there are statistics to guide you. to the clothing bill, each girl spent 1338.9.1, .°" tbe average. li DELIGHTFUL INTIMATE DINING ~ The marketing survey show- ed other averages to help Uie . FINE WINE & SPIRITS a.: master Q[. the family budget SOON IN ~ High school giJ-ls -6.3 million of them -spent on fhc average $276.22 for wearing apparel last year, according to the survey sponsored by "Seventeen" magazine. decide how muc~ to earmark CORONA DEL MAR for teenage girl's back·to- school expenditures. Consider : • The girls are big buyers or \\ '>-.. __ .. ~ H regular and pants suits, $2>1.52 ~.,;y~~. And they didn 't, on th~ average, spend anything near $110 for a coat. The averages on coats ranged from SI0.35 for parkas to $31.(',() for a dressy coat. and $18.54 respectively. '=====================:;!! Mini skirts. The 15.6 percent Ir About the fur coat? The (2 percent of the high school girls who bought fake nnd rea l fur coats paid an average of $31.27. who bought one paid $6.63. Most of them purchased longer, described as "short length," skirts at $7.51. Jn the dress . bracket, St.I percent bought jumpers, still a schooltime mainstay, for $8.60. They preferred pullovers and lurtleneeks to cardigans in the sweater department and ,; ~ A tour of historic Scripps Miramar Ranch can be a program for your club or social organization ... now • WEEKDAY TOURS of ScriRps Miramar Ranch are especi'ally designed fo r civic, social, thurch and other groups. Make a reserval ion now for your org;inizallon; group rates (or 20 or more. Caler· ing fo r coffees, teas or luncheons available 100. For reservations and information call 277·7110 (or 2.91·0204 weekdays only). NEW IN SAN DIEGO MINl·MINUTES This is undoubtedly the world's smallest battery ~larm clock. Weighs Jess than 1 Y2 ounces. 17 jewels. Wi th leather case .-:JS49.50. . 'Travel·Alongs• pack lightly, unpack unwrinkled I OLLYWOOD P1!1m11. 1it11 ll·ll r nl t.., 1.."1f:"". $12.00 ~ Rob11 , 1h11 S·M·l e $1J.OO Always in style ••• this mandarin robe and Jong pajama set for travel or wear at home I Bright-nisht colors in Antron• nylon tricot enricl!e<f wilh matching .. tin brocade trim. Launders beautifully, dri.~ J)ltemlahU 2717 I. C... Hwy. OPEN EVERY DAY S.1,, Sun .. and ~lid.1ys 10 1.m.• ~:lO p,m,, no rtst1v1Hons re• quir~. Weekd1ys. by ldvant,. ll!Sl!rt"ll~ onfy. -SLAVIC K'S ;.:;•;;'.,~:; J1welcrs S!rict 1917 • 141&\Mrkft I a Feshion lslend e Mam c•-.. N•wporl Beach -644-1380 Ywr (lll"lf Ac-I Wtk:IA'lt -••n•Alllflric1rt1, M11ttr Clltrf" !M, 21 Yecin I" ""-----------·----"' ~ q p1n Mof!d 1y, f rid1y ~"til t :JO ''"'' L ___ ..:::=::::....:_ _____ •_•_Mt:_L~oc~o~li~H:_ __ , . .. .. __ ~~~~~~~~~~~--' Scripps Miramar Ranch , • . ' • Mothers' /:lands Always Are Willing Willing Hands will theme the 10th annual Mother-daughter Banquet of the First Christian Church, Costa Mesa, which w i 11 feature a f3shion -sbow of handmade articles at 6:30 p.m. Friday, May 9. Highlighting the evening will be the honoring of the Mother-of-the-year, who will receive a handmade gift. Plan- ning the program, which will take place at the church, are the Mmes. Ernest Laurin, chairman, Steven Hortin, John -Gardiner and John Burger. Prepar- ing ensembles for the fashion show are (left to right) Mrs. Gawain 'r-.1auger, Mrs. H. R. Stone and Nicole Stone , 4. JILL HUBLEY Summer Rites Weddings, Troths Pilot's Deadlines To avofd disappointment, prospective brides are reminded to have their wedding stories with · black and white glossy photo- graphs to the DAILY PILOT Society Depart· ment prior to or within one week after the wedding. For engagement announcemenU it is suggested that t he story, also accompanied by a black and white glossy picture, be submitted early. U the betrothal announce. men t and wedding' date are six weeks or less apart, only the wedding photo will be ac- cepted . To help fill requirements on both \\'ed- ding and engagement stories, fonns are avail- able in all of the DAD..Y PILOT offices. ,- -,., M11 'P, H6' DAILY PILOT 3§\ _ Outw-it f:o1rgers · With · Delay Tactic s NEW YORK (UPI) -Each minute of every working day, forgen lift II.500 out ol the American economy. The total km through check forgery alone may well uceed S600 milllon a year; some experts even predict a loss neattr $1 billion this year. Supermarkets, • ' 1 l t t l n g ducks'' for forgers , will lose $250 mllllon Uii.s year. ln the final analysis, thl! me higher prlcell on our grocer!.,, for the loss from forgery must be made up. The .. elderly, particularly those -on pensions, a r e especially vulnerable because they don't ask questions and many of them women), u a drtds ••• they got away with forger ls delay ," s ald art "very recepUve to the result ot hit wort wltb IO't'Utl-about $250,000 before they McG,ulre. "Be suspie:ious. A.at, printed word." ment ~ 1n Ink analysis, ocl'\~ The rich al!O .,. vulnerable hit speclally u I i:IMmJ>t. Hll. wero caught," said Ml'Guln. qum!OOJ. Be cr!Jlcal. .,.,,JJ -blt by art, coin or. stamp boot, "The J"cqen," wu fRltr do torgm get such as accept thlnp as they leell:t~ forgeries. prepared 'with Ille 'cooperation cl>ec~and Cledlt cards! Th•IF=o:=o:======-~ "There literally is nothing of the FBI, Secret Service and w are too numerous to list, C""J/ /. ,, ~ outside of a human being that U.S. Postal Inspecton. but uire said the careless Jhink , . can't be counterfeited," says In an interview McGuire :'=! wwholthdoul!ctatrdseari:s:cethue~ m ;:!). ii l E. Patrick McGuire, a said there ii not 'one lin£le .. ·-. f I .. , ' chemist turned author who \ phaae of the us. economy ..,. up la one """""· His check O her~ "'Ir ,, has de1ve<l into tl)e character tOuched by ~ forcer. Jt can sbowa bla account .number, and tocholque of-the-forger-be tbei<Y'pch:heck;the __ bank ud. bu hit 11gnature. and how we, the honest, can credlt card, tbe. paioUna bf a 1be : for1er goes to work protect ourselves against his ••muter," the cbect or mooey duplicating llD}e. . operations. order lifted from a mail box Urban areas -especially McGuire became interested and cashed the counterfeit wealthy sections -where in forgers, operating as in-greenbacks. ' mall is delivered In bulk to dlviduals or as rin&s (and McGuire u-At th 1 apartment houses provide • eslollUA e.s a good bunting ground for credit '" \ ' -' ' t, .: Double Ring Ceremony abou~.~ pef001~0of the forgers cards. They're Jilted before are amateurs -that is, the apartment b u t I d I n g criminals on an . irregular maUman gel!: around t o basis. But ~ said ibert ~ sorting. Or, travelers leave all some 2,000 ~ ~ pros sorts of negotlables in hotel or ~~ ~ =..1::f cncKel l'<loms, Inviting thiev- a.gencies' term for the opera-'1revenllon? "What kills the Performed in Newport tion. Making their home '11 Glen- dora following an Arizona honeymoon and marriqe in Clirioil Church by °" Sea, Newport Beach are Mr. ard Mrs. Den M. Hagin. The former Lym Elizabeth Thorn, daugtter ol tile H. C. Thorns ol Balboa Island and the soo ol tne Dale E. Hagins of Covina exchanged rings before the Rev. David P.1. walker of the Churdt ol the Good Shepherd, Westminster. The bride wore a white organza over taffeta gown adorned in lace wi'th a cathedral length lace train. She carried a bouqud. and a .prayer book ol her mother's. G-Owned in shades of purple were Miss~ Lee Thorn, the bride's sister and maid or honor: Mrs. Robert Conroy, Mrs. Richard Fi.her and MiBs Jane 'Illorn, another sister1 ·bridesmaids. James C. Hagin was his brother's be9. man. Ufhers were Edward Hagin, another brother,, Tim tbom, t he bride's brdtler and Jack McKelvey. Berkshire's in New po r; t Beech was the setting for the reception. Cireuleting ' t h e bridal book among the I~ guests w er e Miss Fran Thom, the bride's cousin, and Miss Dianne Dickson, the benedlct's cousin. The new Mrs. Hagin at- teo.Jed Cal Poly, Pomona and ucr where she majored in math. Her husband was a stu- .dent at Mt. San Antonlo College. The forgers someUmes are housewives -"a ring of them on Long Island held morning coffee sesslorui and each would fill out a different aeclion of a check. . .and they coun- terf elled checks by the hem- Casseroles Uncovered At Potluck South Coast Cha pt er, AWARE lnlernatmol will celebrate its aecuxl birthday with a pc<Juck dimer In the Laguna Beach home af Col. and 11..rs. William Roley Fri- Children's Artworks day, May 9. FesUvities will commence with a social hour at 7 p.m. aOO casserole dishes will be uncovered at 8:30. Exhibited in Twenty-twO pictures from the recent Imaginative World of Children's Art Show , sponsored by the ~unior Ebell Club of Newport Beach, \viii be viewed in Japan. Through the International Art Exchange, sponsored' by the Tenrikyo Young Men's As.sociation of Tenrlkyo Hon- jima Grand· Church, the pic- tures will be displayed in public halls or department stores in eight cities in Japan. Other cou nt ries par- ticipating in the exchange, which has as its purpose pro- moting ln~ematlonal goodwill Court Stella Japan Tickets to the event are $2 per person. Mrs. Burt Weir ii in charge nd Jin r cl arrangements for t h e a appea g or. peace, are gathering vr'here womeD in the AustraJia, Brazil, the Congo, world of entertainment will Formosa, France, S o u t h Korea, Switzerland, South be A~ ~ for the Vietnam, and West Germany. . f The state of Hawaii also is a Association or W 0 m e n ' s Active Return to Education. participant. Those interested in attending ASK Mr; FOSTER .. Travel Service ROBIN SO N'S · UPP ER LEVEL NEWPORT BEACH Young artists who· will be may obtain f ur t b e r ~ represented in the display are formatioo md reservations by • Tom Anderson, Norman Clark, c·"'-Mrs Role .~ -·1 NEWPORT CENTER ~ASHION CSL.AND (714).••4-1661 Rusty Barton, J e n n i f e r 1 lii~ ....... iiiiiiyii, .~.-iiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiil, Campbell, Steven V a r g 8 s, Chuck Shepardson, K e n n y Wong, Jeff Wan kier, Jason Kleinhein, Tom Dwick and Steven Marchese. Others selected are Sharon Beck, Polly Temple, Julie Dokas, Sharon Sadleir, Mike Chaves, Byron Grartll!I, Steven Dreyer. C r a I g Raynsford, Richard Garcia, silly Escher and Stephanie Bniwn. 11 b I Further questions will be answered by Social Ji Hu ey ~-N_o_1e_s_s_1a_ff_m_em_ber_s_a_t_64_24_3_2_1_o_r_494-_94_6_6_._~ Members of Court Stella Maris 1448, Calholic Daughters of America meet each second and fourth Moir day a\ 8 p.m. in St. Joachim's parish ball, Costa Mesa. The 22 pictures received from Japan, by Japanese child ren, will be dlrplayed by the jwtlor club at locations to be announced at a later date. ================================== To Marry Jill Evans Hubley's engage- ment to Stuart Elliot Goodell d Santa ~ionica was revealed during a family gather ing in the Three 7irch Bay home or her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William HEm)' Hubley. Mother's Day Shares Installation Spotlight "BITTER CARPET CLEANING for BmER CARPm" VJss Hubley will marry Uie bl of Mrs. Gloria Goodell of ~NL Beach and Donald Goodel1 ci Huntington Harbour in South Shores B a p t i s t Church. South Laguna, Aug. 2. The brkle-elect is a senior at California State College at Long Beach wbere she is ma- joring in recreation. Her fiance, an alw:nms ci Cal Poly at San Ws Obispo, affiliated with Delt.a s;gma Phi fraterni- ty. DIRECT FROM COASTAL ORANGE COUNTY TO L.A. AIRPORT f !Y all the way, start with LA.A. FOR CONNECTIONS TO ALI. AIRUNIS 22 FLIGHTS DAILY '· • REWHITENING ' • ORIENTAL S • WATER DAMAGE Phone SH-VAL 847-1678 FO•MI• INSTIUClOl NATL. CHIMICAL CO. Gifis for Mothers from Weisfield's Family Circle Pin . ' A delightful g.ift.for·mother or grand- mother. The fa'mily,circle pin-in silver or gold tone, set with EiSenber& Ice and edged with si~birthstones. You may have the pin custom set with 12 stones. . ' ' . A gilt of./ovf .. • 11 oo Match!n, eatrints ~.00 Bea4tifully gift boxed.i;free gift wrapping. A Very Thoughtf ul Gift for Mother's Day-May I I Lovely sculptured ring set with a birthstcne for each chitd. Yellow or white -&old. Birthslone s 3.00 ea. Whet• ,,JJ. .,/ , .... u:.,. h ,arl el Y-hrtJioM weis/ields ~· JCWlt.&R• -- S OUTH 3333 Brislol 11 ·s.n Diego fwY C OA ST PLAZA .. '",.. . TRANSUTE.JAQUET' S SEE·THROUGH LOOK NEW F ROM JAQUET! A S PECIAL. FOUNDATION THAT REFRACTS LIGHT TO CONCEAL. LINESt WRINKLES AND COLOR BA.ntE VOUR SKI N .. rr S ETS WITH JAQUET's SHEER,FLATTERIE POWDER, LOOSE OR P RESSEI>t Nm IS ACCENTED WITH PEARL-TONE LIPSTICKS• PINK CAPER OR BAMBOO PEARL. FOUNDATION AT 6.00, 10.QO: P,OWDER• PRESSED , 2.!50: LOOSE, 3 .00; LIPSTICK, 2 .00. ME£T MR. BERNARD_. EXPERT MAKE~ ARTIST' IN OUR NEWPORT STORE, MAY 8 AND 9 .. COSMmcs. Gll'T O" PftEUJDE DUSTING POWbEJt, YOURS '!ITM PUAOUSE , ~ !S.00 Oft ·MOOE O• ANY .. .IAQUlT aEAJJTY PllEPARA"rlONS. ~---,--- -· ROBNSONS NEWPORT • FASH ION ISLAND • 644'2000 _....__--"-----------------------~--------------- I ~I I 1 • • • H .••!LY PlLDT • »!!!\ - P·arent·-T eacher f!dllor'• !+*! " ..... dtvolMI " h• NltH, NewNrl lt.cJI. .._ I t.ell tlMI M~"'°" Yltle l'l•trll·'"1:...,. ,,,,,11111'-•tM 1~., ... 1111 Oillll 'f PllOl t«~ • .,..,, lnl«.,..l\oll ....,,1 be rt<tlvtd bv ltW •otleh fft>lrl...,.~I. or b• .... 111 ... or CMIOVfrt~• COP• 10 Mfl, ~·..cl Sml!I>, 1'011 C!l\t~!ll Pl1ct. H-• l!lt•C" b• s p,m, F•!d11 for plltllktllM W@Gllt'MMY.J ' Adams PTA Atn. Pau.I Ohlsen President COM lNG UP : Movie for children al 3 p.m. Friday, May 9. Mrs. Paul Ohlsen will altend the ;state COi}• vention Mar a.10 ,in ~ Angeles. , ' California PTA ~fff, Wlllllm Stepben10D Prt11~ent COMING UP : Mofherr da~ghter Luncheon . ftom 12:30-2:30 p.m. Saturday, May lu', In nlullipufpose rOOm. 'A· fa shion s)]ow of wedding ·gown.o1 ~ii~ be ' . ... , . l:Jnits presented with mwle by the T e.:w·1 n k I e Chansonettes, under the direction of Miss Diane-Prince. Chairnien are Mn. Joe Meng eind Mrs. Larry Bersch. • . Estancia PT A Mrs. Matt .Goodyear Pre'side,Dt , .. " . .,. . Plan Morris wW attend the ~ president's meetina at Htinz Kaiser Scboool at 9:15 a.m. Wednesday, May 14. ,. REPORTS : Publicity record book received an outstan· ding award from Harbor Council. · NH High PTA 11-trt. Robert Hetzel President . - Wrap-IJ,p. COMING UP ; Board meeting at 1 p.m. Wednesday, May 14, in faculty lounge . Volun~_tor Grad Nlte are needed. Informat ion available by calling Mrs. Robert Randall. "'""REPORTS: Spanish dinner profits were $312, reports Mrs. Raymond CeccarirU, ~irman. COMING UP : Horoscope of Fashion '69 will be presented by senior girls from the home economics department &l 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 14. Rea PTA l'trs. K'efth Kellogg President LB High PTA P.1rs. Atark Smilh P~ldent' .t COM1NG UP: Parent-stud ent REPORTS: Officers installed at mass installation are: the Mmes. Donald Jacks on, presidefll : John Archuleta. John Kelly and Robert Sankey, v ice presidents ; Robert White and 0 r a Childers, secretaries; M. D. Grosz, treasurer; Marion Hartley, a ud ito r, and \Villiam Nowak. historian . . . Record book received hanorable mention from Harbor Council and program book received com· mendalion from F o u r t h Dislrict. Committee selected to pick a gift for school are Windell Rice and the Mmes. Jackson, Robert Blackburn, Grosz, and Keith Kellogg. Young Generation Views the Old \Yedding gowns of the past will be modeled at the mother-daughter luncheon sponsored by California PTA members next Saturday at the school. Ruth Brisso show s her grandmother's gown from the 19'l0s which wins approval from (left to right) Andrea and Leigh Ann Bers'cb. The school's multipurpose room will be the fashion setting from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. and Mrs. Joseph Meng is chairman. " ' ... " '· 1 . ' ' > • . ~· . '· '. ·' .. ' ,..t~ . /' ··' I'\._' tf -t •• ... '•jU " ' ' ' 1 ~ ~}.; ..... ~Wi:?;:· Evils of Smoking Demonstrated Smokey Sain (cenler). a life-size mannequin representing a 13-year·old bo.v 1nade \vith clear pl3.stic lungs and tubes which draw cigarette smoke, is used as a visual aid in Fountain VaJley School Di strict. Now student Marty Uhler and Mrs. l"crn Zahlen are a\vare thal n'icotine and tars are disposited in the , lungs and \vhat res piratory problems they can cause. A Showdown at Spring View Corral " . Spring View School Is hosting a spring carnival enliUed Showdown at Spring View Corral ne~t Saturday from 11 a.in .. to 4 p.m. Scott Muzic. 4. has a game in his 15,ght.s a s his mother ~lrs. Fred A. Muzic watches. Mrs. Julio Rivera is Lhe _, g•ral chairm3n. 1 r ' forum, the Establishment at 7 p.m. Thursday, May 8, in scllool library. Topics 11-re, the Establishment, What is ii? What are its principles? What are Ule complaints . against it? Lindbergh PT A · Mrs. Robert Virsclk President COMING U P : Association meeting at 7:30 p.m. Tu es· day. May 13, in multipurpose room: First graders will pr.esent a Spring Sing and new officers will be installed. Mesa Verde PTA Mrs. James Mangu! · President REPORTS : Winn ers in the Storybook Parade were Jody Sorensen. most beautiful : Bella Mallo, most original ; Collen Slac k, best depiction of character; Lourie Fat{!e, funniest ; Lynda G r e en , judges special. and Denise and Martha Alfred and Cary and Russell Drause, best group. ·Monte Vista PT A P.trs. Mark Morris '· President COMING UP: 1.1rs. ~1!ark St. John Aux . Mn. ll<>bert Reid President COMING UP: Election of o;- ricers tonight at 8. Harbor \Vomcn 's Chorale w i 1 I 1ircsenl program and roon1 2A mothers will host ... Field day from 9 to noon ; room mothers are in charge .. , Mrs. Henri .Bourget '~ill take CYO Day C a m p registrations at 7 to 9 p.m. F'riday, May 9, in the school hall . . , Athletics award banquet will be Friday, Mey 23 •.• Tasting bee, from noon to 3 p.m. Monday, May 19, in ,school ha 11. Fashion Show 'Made in Japan' Japan is the theme for the annual mother-da'ughter luncheon· and. fashion sho\v Saturday, May 17, at Harbor View School .. The PFO unit is sponsoring the af· fair at noon in the cafetorium with models showing frocks from !\'lay Co., South Coast Plaza. Getting in the mood wi~h appropriate costumes and dee· orations are (left to right) Mts. Helen Brannen, Mary Ann Soden and Mrs. Norman O'Connor, chairman. Te Wink le PT A ~1rs. A. A. Johnson President CO~lING UP:· Association meeting at 7:30 p.m. Mon- day, May 12. in Boswell Hall will reature a gymnastics display by members of Mrs. Jack Hart's physical educa- tion class. William Spurgeon III will speak. Victoria PT A Mrs. Fffil Woodworth \V.lS co nduclc<i In the horn!:! nf Mrs Frcri \\'ood worth. Family fun night Thursday, May 22, and sixth grade skating party were discuss· ed. Pcesidenl 'St k • t t y / ~EPORTS : Board meeting OC S I 0 OU Countians Counte·d at LA Convention (Editor• Nett: A 1>1~• !levotH 1<! Foun11ln V1lley, ~un1\119ton llffch, Oce•n View, r.t!•I lle1c.h • n d W~tmln•1u School Dlllrlc! ••••nl· te1cher orv1nl1lllon• will 101>e1r In !ht' OA!LV PILOT etch""'"-· tn!Otm1!1on mual ti. rtctlve<:I by Mr1, Wl!ll•m Pulford, ln60 Stnl1 Luci1, FcunMln V1llev by J P.m. Frld1y tor publlc•lion We<:lnesd1y.) HB Council l\frs. J.oseph Dille President COMING U P : Convention chairman and c .o u n c i l delegate. Mrs. Jt1$eph Ditte .. announced d.e I e g a t e s representing the Huntington Un.ion Cou ncil of PT A's at the state convention o[ California Congress o f Parents and Teachers ln lhe Sh rine auditorium, Lo s Angeles. tomorrow throogh Saturday, May 10. They are the ~1mes. \Yllliam Talbot. Anderson School : Robert Smith and Richard Crodt, .. Boos: Edward Aleson. Circle Viev.': Ray Myers and A. B. Lipi\:J;, Clegg: Floyd Collins, Cook: James Lewis. Eadrr; l{obert Frest'nius, E;.1st\vOOd : \Villiam French, Fin!ev : Donald Reh Ii n g , (; i I i : Pa u I Ren f ~r o, (~oldenwest: Lorin Lam· mers. Harper : G e or g e \Vallon, Marina lligh : Jerry Sutherland, Johnson; Carl 1-larris, ~leado\v V i e IY ; .James Bra yton, l\1idway Ci· ty: George Cross, Newland: Frank \Vask and Charles Spade, Schroeder; Jamts Blaser and Jame s St rickland . Sequoia; Carlton <.:orey and Saul Millstein, Seal Beach: Robert \Vollman. Springdale ; Glen De Priest and Charles Parker, Stacey: Emory Clif- ton. Westminster H i g h : c:raram Wetzel and Roy Aguirre , Webber: Arthur Adams and Robert Chase. ' \Veslmont, and Clarence Knight. Willmore . , . Board meeting at 9:30 a . m . \\'ednesday, ?i-tay 14, in the PTA building, Ti c ket reservations for the annual awards lun cheon \Ved- nesday, May 28, will be ac· cepted. REPORTS: Reprc.scntat ives from the 38 units attended 1he workshop for newly elected offietrs. Nieblas PTO 1'-1rs. Richard Wilhtlm President COt\fING UP: Unit meeting and installation of officers al 7:30 p.m. tomorrow , . . lnstrume:ntal music pro- gram'Thur&day, May 15 ... Chora l · mu.qlc1I ~rogram Thursday, May U . Paper drive Saturday, 11ay 24 ... Aloha F1shion Show· al 7 p.m. Monday, May 26, in Peek Family Colonial Terrace 1Room. l....- • Find ing Transportation Proves No Problem Mike Le\vis, ?\1rs." J8mes ~wis ;ind f\1rs . Victor Pe~· rella f\cft to right) show the various means of trans· portation available to get them to Eader School's \Vor!d Fair next Saturday from 10' a .m. to 3 p.m. Pleasant Vw. PTO Charles Taylor President COMING UP : Captain ?ttagic 1vill entertain al" 1 p.m. Saturday. May 17, in F'oun· lain Valley lligh School , reports 1'1rs. Hoy ~~am brough. · ways and means chairman. Adult and chil- dren admission. 25 cents: preschool free. P~m will be sold for 5 cents and ice cream for 10 cents. Tamura PTO fttn. Lowell Brink President COMING UP : Presentation or honorary life membcrshifl award and lnstallalion of of. ficers ;11 7:30 p.m. tomor· row , Sam Rodrigues and Kf!n Ortiz wllh prtsent 11 p~ ' gram enliUed Tille T Pm- ject. Officers to be installed are the ?tfmes. Birch Mal- l.hews, presi~nt; Ch r l s1 Schnelder, vice pm;ldent : Richard Gillum. Scl:rctary : \\1ill Romine , treasure r. and C. E. Stewmon , historu1n .. . Seventh and eighth grad e dill'ICe at 7 P.P.t. Friday. May 9. co-sponsored by PTO and stodeat council. Wardlow PTO Mn. Geor1e fltffban President COMING UP: Annual spring fashion show at 7:30 tonight in the mullipurpose room, featuring mother, daughter and son fashion!. REPORTS: Unit presented overhead projector to llChool , •. Officers for th\-coming ' Featured will be booths \vitb an inlemat.ional theme and surrey rides, goldfish games and food bars. Star attraction at the benefit \\-ill be Mr. Scribble. Installation in the Cards A day o{ bridge and canasta ls being forecast for Card Sec- tion members or Co a i; t \\'omen's Club Tuesday, Ma)' 13. ln Mesa Verde Country Club. On Tuesday. f.-fay 2t'l, nie mbers again will gather in !he country club for the in· slallaUon of Mrs. Jack Hart and her staff. Officers a~ the Mmes. Ray· ye11r ~re the Mmes. George f\.teehan, presidenl; Edward Spang and Jess Carranzo. vice presidents: It a r o I d Schnackenberg and Ricli'aql Eisenzimmer, secretaries, 1tnd .Jam e!! Dugan, lreA!iurer. ( mond ~cb:I. George Bryson, Elsie PttcGeary and Arlhur HoodenpY.le; \'ice presidcnt.'i : Dale Mligor. r ecording secretary : Gt..'Orgc f'o'<. cor· responding sccrelary; Erl11 ;:ird t\1rier. treasurer: Ole f'1\r, financial secretary . :1 n d Michael Col'9flel, p:lrliamrn· tarian. f.-1rs. James ~fcCalla. Orange D~trtct pre!idmt, v;·iJJ. install. The c 1 u b • s mcmbcrslfirt drive is on und a C<>nlc.~t ha~ startrd for lhc membe r brin~· ing 1n lh e n1 o !i l \Yomcn. "trs. f.-1cGe~ry. n1cmbcrshq 1 · chairman. at fi73:1096 \l'ilt answer questions Rbou! the social a n d ph1lanthr(lptc nrganiut1on • • WedMSdlJ, M11 7, 1%9 w"°""'. May 7, 1%9 DAILY I'll.OT 17 • • . f , ears < Sean Has the Sofa of Your Choice • ·• • 7 ,000 Styles and Colors. Priced. for Every Budget! • . ,, You've Changed A Lot Lately • • • And ·So Has Sears Classic Loose-Cushion Sofa • Crescent shaped sofa, decorator designed with sophisticated lines • : • meticn· lously detailed .and hL"mriously comfortable • e Welt-trimmed T-shap·ed scat and hack cushions ••• all of Koder polyester wrapped polyurethane foam ••• r eversible for long wear e Eight-way, hand-tied spring base construction ~ . e I..txurious striped velvet or outline qnilted matelas!\C coven in choice of dec- orator eofor.. Zepel• treated for soil resistance. Casters for easy mcning Sears Low Price $ Elegant Tuxedo . Style Sofa Fabulous VaJue! $ •• I I· -• ~ • ·~~ ·-•• ... ~ .. • NO MONEY DOWN.., Sem1 Eloy Pay • ~ ' • •Contemporary sofa in popnlar tnxedo styling. Hand pleated lieclt- l and arms with diamond design bnlton lofting ( • Reversible polyurethane foam seat cushions • Beautiful, lustroua crushed .. Ivel cover lo Scotchgard• _. for-10il resiltance •••. choice of decorator colon • 99 inches long for opacion• •eating comforl, deeo1' elega- L~urious Classic Style Sof~ i2! Regular '299.95 . $ ' NO MONEY DOWN on Soon Eaq PiiJ-.n.1 • 100 inches of luxury ••• crescent shaped front. dfltP. chaiuiel deiipi hack • R .. enible T .. tyle polyurethane foam cu1hions, he.ovily padiled, _ ......... ~ cap atyle arm• • •"' , • Outline quilted matel-• .eofel', Scotchgard• tnlllted for eeit resi1tance. Decontor colon . ~ • S.... boll.type cuton for eaay mmng .. · t ,-----~-----------~-------------·------~------------TA M«>O, 521-'"0 a_.. GI 3-3911 101D -HE 5-0121 11CO WE IM262 SANrA II! -'44«111 VAlllY PO' ~I. *-2D1 I ~ ,,,. 340-0661 ~ ot s.1004, a 4-4411 «YwtC" IOIO AN u211 POMONA ED 2-1145, NA 9.5161, YU 6-6751 SANTA -EX •Mn 'lllMCtCr PL 9.1911 • -. ...ICM NE 6-2511, H£ 2-5761 llOUl\llOCD HO 9~41 ORAHOl 637..2tOO SANTA ANA Kl 7-1371 -SOUTH COAST flAiA s:io-3333 Cl1¥llA f!M.4611 -01 e.2521 rASAbfW. IHJ 1.3211, n s.4211 I I 'll>IW«Z 5'2-1511 '~ ---7---- - - ---- - - - - - - - -Sears - -- - - ---- - - --- -- - -.. !""-,, Satisfaction Guaranteed orYourMoneyllack" -···u:-m. Shop6NJthls Mondoy tMiugh $etvrday 9'.30 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. ;,. . ' ...... -_.J~~-~---'--~--~---_. ___________________ ..__ ________ ~ __ __.__ ___._ ------. -----~-----• '1::;=.-~·"'""' ....... 4-· ............ ~ .. -..,._,,..-;;;;.,;;:;.:::;. ,;--; .. ;;;.;;,_,;;;_::: .. :::-.~~.::: .. ::-.::-.•. ::--.--:-.-.. ,..._ ................... -.... -.~~ ~· ,.. ,• .... ..... . . ~ . . . .. . . ... . . . . . . ' -I I • -. H DAILY ,ILOT Wtdntsd.\)', May 7, 1969 ' .FARMER JOHN OR KRUSE . 1SHANK-PORTION · COMPARE & SAVE If you wont to be sure YoU -. getting the .,.eotHt value for your shopping dollor, ~k• your own shopping comparison. Shop • .. our store from one end 'to the other-notice the quality, the ~ · vort.ty, th. freshness and above aU, the lower shelf prices. . I Ti>en check t!te totol ~t thr bot· tom of your receipt, We think fOU win ogtee with tM thou· 1oond1 of housewives that lhop STATER IROS. MKTS. every Wffk. IAl-MIUUC . WIENERS !~~r ......... ,_ .. ,L•. 49< MANHATTAN SALAMI:.~ •...... 12.oi:cuSS< siicro'lioio'GiA 0~f5c PLUMIOSf DANISH 1-ll. CAN SLICED BACON ....... LB. 69< r , IOHIUIS 93 ROUND STEAK ... LB. c USDAotOIClOttSTATHllt0$. 99 STEAK i/~l~~ ................. LB. c .. pr, ieoaa cvi ~~ HENo•rPM TURKEYS - RANcKo BRAND U.S.r;>.A. GRADE A LB. CORN =-:...~~,. :"'-~ -... -·-... • • -·-.----~--:: ... :-:..::.. ------:-=--L:--=---L-~·---= :_: --_-""'r -=-....... ·~-.-:. I l PEAR.5 ALKA SELTZER •••. ' 81ic Ofl6 . 7- SWORD BLADES WILKINSON DOUl l l IOGI .... 65' .... s 121 Ofi OJIO MEDICATED POWDER f;,r:;io~N -SM•LL 41· SET MAGIC HAIR SPIRY..... "·"'-4r 4-WAYNASALSPRAY ""Ir NEWDAWllHAIRCOLOR __ ---'"'·'1.7! ·DERMA FRDH HAND CONDITIONER _,..._ !r 'MENNO SPRAY DEODORANT __ ,., 19' HACIENDA FLOUR ____ 25 .... 11'' CHARCOAL ~J',j'Js°'0w_ ·--· 210L 39' CHARCOAL LIGHTER ~::;•-·-"'29' FIDDLE FLAKES.,.,._ .... ---··· 1-oi 29' LARGE X-FANCY .D'ANJOU ASSORTED V ARIET:Y EACH VALUABLE-COUPON THIS COUPON WORTH 10' TOWARD THE PURCHASE OF ANYONE VARIETY OF LIPTON MAIN PISHES GoodOnlv11 STATIR IROS. Good Wt-!!k ol MAY I t"-14th i:4MIT ONE COUPON 'flt CUSTOMll WHITE KING SOAP gf:~r"• . ... 63' FABRIC SOFTENER W~tii~~---n o< 83' BLEACH ~~~I~~~(·····'"'"'"'"'"' ......................... 215 -0Z. 6f AEROWAX ~~~' ............................... ,.I G>L '2'' GIANT SIZE All 59~ WITH THIS COUPON Goof/On/y1t STA.TD lllOS. GaatiW••*ol MAY lth-1'-th llMrT0... COUIJON '911 CUSTOMll •KERN'STOMATOSAUCE 2c1Z'i 37' ------.... ·CINNAMON ROLLS ~:.\~~~·.~"-"" 37' MJB COFFEE :CARAWAY CHEESE :~::,_," 45' l-POu•o 69C LESLIE SALT r,r.~g'·--·-2 ,..oL 25' PORK & BEANS HUNTS ----,. CAN 25' Hl-C FRUIT DRINKS.,. •. ·--3 ... oi 11 REFRIED BEANS ROSA"fA .•..... ~2i 21' STA-CRISP CRACllDS SUPERIOR 1 0 c CAN TAMALES ._, .• , •• 2 ' 1 1" -·ll.CHSl.!7 3-11.U I. MOn 1 i:;11EY JACK :~~~ --'" 45' :·MUENSTER CHEESE ;:~~~_ • " 45' CHEES'IC' . STAft1"°5.AStolmDVAltlfTY ,. IAJllDOM WT. l'tlCIO AS MAIClO AJAX :~tT 69c 1:.29' DIAMOND-A 6 s 1 CREAM STYLE OR '03 CORN WHOLE KERNEL .... CANS ~s?.~ ~ood 'P~/* j!HNS PIZZA .................. Js.oz .• 79' DEu!!!!~.:~•DED ....................... 24.oz. s 179 M!!!!!.SOUP5 ......... J6.oz.49c · IXED VEG 39' °"·10•'"'"°'' ll•os.nrwm. • ..,.'Ofj .. ·····--· •·DZ. CRINKLE curs -CiREEN BEANS 39< ---· .... -.... H •.&'7" -..... ..,.._,,.;-··-.... •·0< HASH BROWNS 2 Jn. j BIRDS-EYE RICE 3n. ........ .,.._, 12-o< '7" --m--··· '·0< 7 . SUPER SUB 7n. I BUTnR BEANS 21 • "'" -..... .,..;o;·· ........... 1s.o< • 7. . IUPl•t ..... IO·Ol. SANDWICHES ~MOKlf , ... Fl OE ..... •·D< '7. Mu.,!!' ~TICKS ........................... 14.oz. s~ ' !!fl.ON ··~GS .................... 16.oz. 7 fc OIUISOI PIES ._,,., ....,,. ... ., - -·········-•·IN UT LEMOflADE 2 . BWEBERRY PIE . 7n. ............ . ................ •>-o< 5• -·······•·IN, ... -LIMEADE 2 27' PIE SHELLS 39' "°"' -·-··----..... ._., ' CHICKEN OF. THE.SEASHRIMP WHIP TOPPING --10.0l. 49< -······ l·O< IJ 2·ll $'Wt l.Q.F. SJll ' •. 12.oz. KRAFT S:OZ.JA CHEESE PALMOLIVE SWEET CUCUMBER SLICES,.;,_,.;, 39' ~~rNT 79( HAMBURGER DILL SLICES,.,47_,__ "" lf ""''""' HAMBURGER DILL SLI CES"""··-" ... 3r J4JO w. Lt11e.111, A11at.ei... 15:2 Wntim .. m thtl .. WMMIM .. r BUTIEnUT COFFEE ___ ....., ..... ..__PRO CESSEQ DILLS, .... _ .. ..,,3r .. ,,1r 2564 W. if"*.Cw.,, Aw.! .. :lfl 14211 Mh ... A¥1 .. WhlttMr 2110 N1w,." 11'4 .. CMt• "'"'• 1100 1. c.10.,, o,.... 107 w. lfttl St., c .. ,. M••• 2il0 r111...., St .. s ... t. .&11• llM C,._,111111t ,_,.,.a•, G1rct-SN" -----------------~----- ·RIB ROAST ~ lb. i ·--~~-- . . SHORT RIBS c lb. . WHITE FRONT'S LOW A D VE~TISED EVERYDAY BEEF PRICES GROUND FRESH HOURLY lj.S.D.A . GRADE A POULTRY YOUNG HIN OR TOM 33c . TURKEYS _ .............. LI. BONELESS ROUND STEAKS ~------•'1.1.8 SIRLOIN STEAKS 1mLcun. .. •t.21 GROUND BEEF 48( SIRLOINTIPSTEAK$___ •.'1.38 SWISSSTEAKS . · .. 18' · ---LL CUBESTEAK$_____ --"''1.38 PLATEBOIL t.24'- r£"GsF&Yl1H1cHs LB. &Be MIATY &sc ROUND STEAKS 1,...,,1 .. 98' BONELESS CHUCK ROASTS ..... U.S.D.A.GRADEDOIOla.LIAN.IONELHS 88 RUMP ROASTs , ... .,,J ____ _ .. 98' T-BONE oR PORTERHOUSE STEAKL1.11.38 BEEF STEW c BONELESS CHUCK STEAKS ______ ,. 88' FRESH GROUND CHUCK u.68' · ............. -.. LI. FRYER BREASTS ....... L8. CUTUl'PANRIADY 33c FRYERS ................. _LI. isfos~;;FRv'ER..58c WHITE FRONT'S LOWA DVER TI SED EVERYDAY PORK PRICES HOFFMAN'S FULLY cooKEo. sHANK 4ac couNTRY STYLE SPARER1Bs .. , .. SMOKED HAMS -LI. CENTERCUTRIBPORKCHOPS _ .. , .. HOFFMH11UTTPOITIOM sac LOIN END PORK ROASTS •. 68' SMOKED HAMS •..•. LI. PORK BUTI STEAKS. .. ... lllEMD ' sac CENTER SMOKED PORK CHOPS -t.98' .. PORK CHOPS ............. 'LI. PORK SHOULDER ROASTS . .. 46' si:iciii"'ilACON_.58~. LiNNKKSAUSAGE _ 2C)c t I • t i SIGNET NO. 1 CAN · TOMATO JUICE . ELLIS 12.oz. CAN LUNCH MEAT ...... . 10&$1 c,.•o.oz.J•• 89C . ,.,.. R PEANUT BUTJER .. ''''' '''''' .....,,, r"-'CHUNK TUNA .'.'. 4~ s 1 ARDfNFROZENIMITATCoN • 3Fs1' ! STAR KIST 11> CAN LIMIT 1 ICE MILK . . . .. UAl w I I I I . TISSUE ~! CHIFFON FACiAL, 200, LIMIT 1 I; 6 s 1 AUT'D. FLAVORS 19 I ..... ~ ARDEN YOGURT ................ !,PINI c LIBIV'S CUT JO J CAN GREEN BEANS ... 6Fs1 , AIDEN 11PACK ~ 49c . ..... w POPSICLES . . ................... . UNY'S JOJ CAN SWEET PEAS ...... . FLOWERLANDNO.l '/1C.A.N 4' s 1 ARDENORANGE 79c PINEAPPLE . . . . . w JUICE BLEND ... :~:Ji~ .. fJ f,J, U :A Tr .. ~-" f: \ '· ~ .. [=.. FROZE;\' FOODS BIRDS EYE FRODN FOODS CUT CORN, PEAS, PEAS & CARROTS, 5 F $ 1 MIXED VEGS., 0 GREEN BEANSvouR R 10-0Z. PKG5 ......... CHOICE ORANGE JUICE -........ 5~$1 IOSARJTAMIXICAN • 3"' DINNERS .. .~~,;~;e ..,- DOWNIY FLAKE KING 3 j $1 WAFFLES .......... 1 0~6~NT ~ UMfT 1 C0UPoH '8 ADULTCUSTOMll OFfB GOOD MA YI THIUMAY 14 ARDEN INST ANT • BREAKFASt::!::_ ORCHID PAPER NAPKINS ___ _,}!!~~:_, • DEL MONTE JUICE PINEAPPLE ____ ~ $ 46-0Z. CANS • CAl-FRESH EVAP. Ml LK __ _ $ TALL CANS ' ADVllTIHD PllC15 IFFECTIVI 'IHuR:M.t.Y"l 'TllllUWED. lllAY 14 22J2HAR80RILVD . MON .. l .. UiAT'\J O:O;OA .... to,:30,.M. SUNDAT, f:JO A,M, TO 6:11 P.M. - COSTAMESA •. IRISTOI. AND PAULARINo MON. TMIUFltOAY!-l l:)OA,M.tot il OP.M. SAT\MDAT,t : OA.M ... ·t:-)OP;M, IUND.(f; t 1JiA.M: TO 6:10 P.M. -" ... ,,,. "· " •w •• •• .. • . ... . ., ... •M ]. , . " ., . •• .,, ... . .. ! l I. I 1i ;;. ':t .~ ., ··1 "' l' " ·• •• " ' ... ... • • " ... ..,. . . . ; • • "· . " ' '· ~ • •V ... ',, -... • ..<: • I . I I I . I I ! I I .. . ' • -· I , I~ Spring ~'T>Cleoniflg P •;>. r. asse. .... .. ' . • 1 '111 ~l J'AUl:EV .. ; • fiEll' YORK (UPI) -They ., tbal .... cl,e14io)g bu • ~·out fll .i,~·tlllf todoY" · : iillicleocy ripen Cteans on • · Jilaao!ll · ~Uy >Oil 'w.Okiy -fonn&l ;a'nd tbe 1MU1l wee1>- out,J, u,.pas1e .. t>ealinc a rilJ on Ille clothe&jmt. • , Not a,t qor hoUse. 1\-lsn't. - \Ve're not exactly 6eating the .. carpets with a broom or other weapon. Nor are we putting leather Ucks and pillo,vs out on the line to exhwne the winter's dust as women once did. We sleet> on foam, any.way. We also live in a l\fanhattan apartmvit a n d that sort of cleaning would be frowned on. ll a!S<J "'·Gold be ill~gal. ~(Jul the people at-cleanliness <:enters who tell. me they've qijil advising 011 spring re- Jumiation of th'e household Jt!t me \vlth only o ri e ~otirae. Draw upon n1y 01vn guideline!; fur mak ing the job ~:.Sier, if yuu too have the c.ld- !as.hioneci approach to the pr;:r blem 3S I ha \'e. If the budget in unlintiled. hire the professional!t and move jnto a posh hotel or motel for a· week. This is a must especiaQy ir you're bir- ing .'professional painters. Oc- cupyin& a hou se during their siege prepares you for the pgy~h "ard. If yoit ate a do-it-yoursel r type, though, n1emory tells me the advice \\'IS: approach spring cleaning cherrfully. It ct1n be fun. ijah! TlikeA&loc~ ,plan the assauJt rooft1 by tDOpl.-4 Assign tasks. Pop takes on the .aUlc and-basement . fortilitd with the knowledge-it \1•ill k~p film temporar 1Jr away froin another assign- ment 1 ....;. getUrig tht Jav.'n in shape, the shrubber}' trini- m..i. · While he's re-reading las1 vear's collec'tion of magal.in~s. he can soften the job \\'ith memories of the summer he made a hole in one. ·Get the children involved . Involved is a big word fhtse days. Somehow the "either. else'· threatljds a~lot of clutter. ·Of COl:)rse. as the executive supervisor pf spring cleaning. you have special privileges. Llke ·let's eat out tonight, mother's tired . Or the. kitchc.11 ls In such an uproar that n1eal preparation Is out or the ques: tion even with a full freezer . But being executive doesn't entitle you to hang on to an ancient su.ll because it may come back in style or you're going to lose Some weight to get back into It. orr to the rummage sale for anything that hasn't been v.·orn in Lhe last year. " By this lime, you should be so well inlo the spring cleanup that you're absolutely on l?p or the world. whistling your way;through a spic and span house and daring anyone. just once, lo puc feet up on newly covered couch or spread the Sunday papers on the ciean den rug. Open Face Suggestion Cheddar . Jack or S\\'iss cheese give a ne\Y look and flawur-phi! to frankfurters in this open-face sandwich for eating with a knife and fork. Trim crusts fron1 bread or riot, as desired. Plan on .l~•o franks for each sandw ich. T~st. bread on one side under biotlet.. (or toast both side:; tirht:ly): spread other side Wl'th butter and/or mustard. Split franks and arrange o\•er mustard, sliced side dowa. Fill ridges with chopped tnlon&. pickle relish and/or c.itiup. I Cover wi th slices of Cbedllar, Jack or Sw i s s choose. Place side by side or cook ie 1heet or other flat pan. Bake In bot, ~ degree, oven for a to 10 mlnute11 until cheese is melted .• ~read crispy and franks heated . Spray Away Woi/16du, M17 7, 1969 49.oz. PKG . -~ l!lert $r~, l&latkbll'!y tr #ric.ot;~lt .. J ' ''"'59' Giii. ... • • • • • • >or N#lry f1IM 2Q.b ' • Grape·Ja11 ... ,,/45' [h,tto/I Solt Slit); "-· M . ""35' arganne .• ,.,,. . Giford'I Or~ Fnndl """ ~. '""'47' anvU1"9. • . ..,. J rL. ,.. .. P• M" "ii''' in< . ma . 11 .• -.. '~ .~~ DETERGENT RINSO l>ft"Om Whop 8 O Topping Mix ..... '.89' (l,1mK1119 •Vorit1!n 'JO * D• . "89' inners ....... coo . (hu~ (•ng Chi11n1 * Noodles .••••. ~; 29' '~.!.,l.!,l.~.~ ... i s~~P~' ...... 6t,~I 65~ tl~n11 lomo10 l 2,0 Paste .••.•.•. ,;:2s• . ------------------------ ' , * . t>mdorunt 1 ~Or. 1 Ban Roll-On .... 87' °'"'""' l'owd'f •..:tee· th ""'" 11°' rn ••• , co" Mtt\-8oll\l1 Si.It * S I '"' SJ29 naro f • <'t t I I ao~ Brunr111: Ollly-A>Mlr1ed ShOOH H • c· 1 .. E«h SJll arr o or ... ·"'•· . -.. . " 91f ' ' • ~· , • r ~ • . , . ~ Wol~tl<lv. ~" 7,. l"" • ' P~~~·~~~llCU:mber.s_ Team ,_i.n:.#i~· of ·sou r.· Crearn *~ .......,.,.." • ,.,. .. Lanlll'd>op,.,-Ud/bc. I joaspooo ch9ppecl chl\.es , f""'8 ,...., a nice, and~ ~crop ~In. l ~ poond I ~ , .. (ap. , 'rl ·efiltes;, Hd a S't • ~ k ? A:.I W a ~5g o o Cl , prOJ. 2 cup1)~&wtt!t ,peas, dOIJ ol N cream _ and especially When you hive save Liquid op... r son_ie ~1PiA ·H'Pdites to U slices peeled cucumbers l-' ~·e:1 Xt"'1.~~ .. ~~~ W:.serve saUdy -:--or c°l\icke.n qr tJaro-"I.~ sour .cream and chives .. · , • ~'1\'rl.i\Cl:n~ and s Imp I y, burger, d it's budget-watching• 4lt stand 30 minutes. Drain li· i wo nd erful ~meat ·ae-.time. . quicffrom"Pea• into Jl!l quart . ,1 com~t. '1 Piek .1.ut. ,the': peis @nd sauceRan. Brin& to boll. ~ ·'l'lle~ )art ·of aU·~n· -~ ne~<Ufne you shOP1 Add peas and cucumbers ' 1..~4d ' • h' "" ... 1 1.. ~ aUrpnie the family_ Wit1' .. a aqd 'heat ~orywg!Jl~ i;nakin , u.:: ! • _ w ICu me., u spnna-fresb dinner. ,.' ~e to ma.intam the crispness • .. ol' the Cucumber slices. Pour \: ' PEAS 1t'n'B_ CUCUMB. S90r crum mixture over peas . , . . ' , ·coat Set ¥.s cup ~ cream ,and ~rs. Serw:s 4 •. ,..: " j 7408 &t~-a~··· ' •,A fiiiiiiii HIUS IROS. :""--69' ' 11111111 HIUS IROS.:::'--'1" HIUS BROS.:•y 'J" HIUS BROS.=:-.. -IJ" HESTIA INSTANT nA-.~'J~ From iChool ttfSiturdaya to ~ spOcjll trips. Il'a r.,.. i0 ,. .-, . . ~ ill this ootlll., · : , !' , ... f:lt&f/.--. . A~Ubied coat ~ ,'hlf, lft a · 1 , .. bri&ht coloi' ls fU~ .. hat .she r--... HARVEST DAY CUT wantlt Knit ·coat, in one piece, " GREql,BEANS l >'h.O~CE C"-M neck down el tnil.tlng worsted . · • :l.!3c Pat. Mii: ~ 4-10 il)Cl. • } ~ '• Flriv~1 (coins) for tltCW,.uern -add ·15 cents for eich·,.,ttern for first-cla~ malljjlt di! -!al handling ; othei:W~ tlilrcklass delivery will tare '!wee-weeks or more. Send to Anlio· B~ the DAI• LY PILOT' 't05 r 'Needlecraft Dept. Box 111; ~)Chelsea Station, New Yor~: N.Y. 10011. Print Name, Addreu, Zip, ,...._.. NmnbeT. Giut, new ,Ull> Needl-t C.talog - orir 200 deslglis •t4 choooe, 3 . free patterns prlnted inside. !end so· cents now. _NEW! "50 INSTANT GIFTS" -fabulot'.is fashions, toys, decorator accessories. M~e-it todiy, give it tomor- ro,,! ldeal for all oceasions. SO cents. "II Jilly Rap " to knit. crochet, weave , sew, hook. SO cents. Book of;U•Prtie AlP...!· 50 centll. • Bargain! QaiU Book I has 16 betoliful patkrns. SO cents. ' _.., q,dlt -t -1'!11-tcrM ~for 12 stipe:rb quilts. '50 cents. Book 3. "Qallts for Tod ay's Uvinf." 15 patterns ~ cents. Guidance , . . Of Teens Necessary ·· ·~ ....... --~ .. ~.~--........... ~ SI.KID PlllEAl'PlE·=·· 20' f!\QTI.'S fRUIT ntfAfS,..L..._35< sTOIRY APPUSAUCE'"'"'-21 ' GRAPURUIT SECTIONS ~...._30• CLING PIACHES ~ 29' GRAPffRuiJ JUICE ::-.~-39' H!!Yj~.!)!! DRINKS ........ ...24' MOTI'S APPLE JUICE ...,... 45' ~. ~-... ~&ff.·--. \!::!' DOLE FRUIT.COCKTAIL ·30-0UNCE CAN ' . GOlDEN CORN-:f:rl':• 16' 1 B&M IAllD.BEANS--39• PRINCEU.A YAMS ~ 33' BIT 0 HONEY PEAS n.cu•-19' SPINACH ::.-~i 16< TOMATOWEDGES ~~ 29' '(lt{LI BEANS :::~·~ 18' MIXE1I YEGETAILES::::~y 21 ' ~-... f:lt B.y/. \!::!' . BAGGIES SANDWICH BAGS 150.COUNT PKG. '4 ·9° • TOMATO JUICE :it;;;=••c:.•-.--2•• lMCED SPAM-·"1 .23' .. UDYtm snwl"'~ 61 ' HORMELCHIU .:"---57' MINCED «AMS~·----·· 32' CHllNll TUNA :::.t".::.'.'!~ .. --•. 30' YAN CAMP'S TUNA!:tll'u._: 19' SAW OlMS i:.'l:""' ~-34' sl!ltr :o:~-=-·-43' ~·~r~= IVORY.SOAP fLAKfS"..,,-.;83• SALVI) DEtlRGENTl:lr'w , '15• TIDEbi'llRGufr-. ' ~3· OXYDOl DmRGEllT -.....::...:..3• BOl.D DETERGENT..... 83' JOT LIQUID =.-' Sa• CAMAY SO~P un 15' scon TISSUE :::w::r. 37' COLORnX NAPKINS •o"'-10' LADY scon FACIAL=: •• _.27' ~ ... f:lt&f/. C.H.B. Dill PICKLES ;&.OUNCE JAR &s~ _:1.••SEl!llmti::.; -~- DUPONT SPONGES .. --33' BEHOUI POU~H ~.--i9• SPRAT STARCH;;:.'.'::\ 57 ' FAllllC (INIS~:::r::'.-----.57' DIAL SOAP .. n•~ 20' r DOW~~~, ___ 59• Our LOW E..:r)da)'Pricc' ROYAL OAK BRIQUmES .. ~!~~~~~!!.~!~~~ .............. 73' THIN SUCID BACON 89' CIK•...,..-l·'""""'lill.-·--· ~~~~!2~~(WW,.!,~.~:~;63( ft-. ..... ~&ff.·--.,, IUDQJG'SM!ATS """l"'-"°'3'1:.t. 'q . TOIUT s-l.,,...,,...,,._.,, ... ., ... cw.•--!(- MD TISSUE . ~~ .. ~~-':!.'.~.'~"-~~~ ......... 41' ~~!'.'!.1.!!.F_ .. ___ ......... 63' ~.~~"~~~~~~~.~~~-1-.. .M~ "'· 83' ~!~!!._._ ... ,..!:~~-~~:.. .. ~ 47c 4-425 COUNT ROlt LUCk'Y'S PRODUCE DfPAITMf~JS Alf ALWAYS W'tLL SJOCKID WlrH FRESH TO~ QUAUn' fftUJTS AND VEGf TAllfS ••• AND TfffT Al.I DISCOUNT PRrCfD fVflTitA~ "' a•un.1.,_ > .ix ,1oo(CHIQUl'JA . -~rA t~~~;:t:2;: ; -~.. < :9-l ·llANAS 11 c HI-HO CRACKERS :l'.!.'T'. 37' I 1< .'"' · ' COOKIES ~:..~~~~--····50' ~ "1 ' CtNt:RiL .~MllKA'S FINEST •••••••• :.............. { ··~· Our LOW Everyd;iy Price' · HARVEST DAY u.s. NO. 1 GRAD! ~o~~~~!.~~~~! RUSSET .PQJATO~S ...... : ........ 10 ••u•• 55' CEllO ' ... . WHEAT-2~Z. LOAF aa0 ~!!!1~!!!.~'!~ ......... :.:..~~ 53 c, ~!~!~~2.~.". .. !!.I ..... _ $2" 2~~~~!1~ ....... $4 29 ' !' ~ !.JW DISCOUNT PR ICES OM HOUSEWARES 8 BEAUT I AIDS DESITIN OINTMENT -:::.-::::.:r.· ?~· IHI l ual '1~'9itwsf9t .. W.. ~·..-_ •• ~·"· 'i....,. n9i ... ---. • .., """""86" "!.-·-,., .......... .-•• n. .•. -~ ' --..... ...,.,..,"". f KOnx TAMPONS ....... s...r . .........,~ ....... , .. Mc ............. $139 PAllAMOf .. 1 • • Wll.lbllsoN 'SWOID WOlllUIS . """'""'" __ _ " i..· ---- ' 1 r I. 'I · I • ... 42 DAIL V PILOT Wtd-. Mu 7, 196'1 , . tiorh e News and Views ft--~~~~~~~~~~ tl ' l~ .• ", ~-·. . . -; -.... I No 'White Knight' Cleans Better Than Grandma's f &~fP'. ,;\·1' • a1 DOltCn'llY WENCK. make clotbea easier to iron must be added to the rinse dissolved mloerals In II, doel 5Ct.lm -.-·hk:b depasils in clolhes J)ul ~hen water is hird you waler 1is a must. -• · tightly sOlled a~' ti· I - - - -and help riduce static cllns. water. Omit them every lifth nol get clothes&;' clean as solt leaving them harsh an<l i"Y· 1 ne..i to use more detersent In The temperaluro of your pecially .•f,lhe easy •• tn Grandma'• (it)' "doing But they have the disadvaiit· wash or . so to keep clolhes water. (Remember ho.'" Detergents usu~lly contain orper to ·soften it. or you need water also affec ts your .do · Ja.,oder satlBC , . • in 6t; lamily w~-., wa~ 1 •ood a,fe of decreulng fabric lb· fro1n losin~ absorbency. Gran~~a \\'a~hed in "rf11n water· sofleners which Oe up to roflen the water either results. In spite of the a~s for •-c,okl water. But r. rt1 day or more of bird· IOJ'be~ if used continuously, The quahty of your water water ·) the hard Witter minerals so mechanically or with added cold water I au n de t t n g, clothes need hot .. ot bDr. lfow we 111ve 1ut.omatk a'nd. they also cause white also will affect your washing Soaps combine with hard they do not form a scum in water soft.eners. Obviously if Grandma does .know best, bot )¥ater also destroys bacteria ujpmenL, mlrac)ll: llundry clothes" to yellow. Softeners results. Hard water, which has water minerals and form a your clothes. you wash with soap, softened water gel! clothes cleaner. more effectively., . 1 1 ·-~1"::1'~" ..... Hv~ lleach-15511 So. Edwards · • 'Fount~n v~ney-16o42 Maq~oli~ .,., Huntingta~ ·ae~ch :..:a?ii 1A;k:~-·~~ Iha! wearilome tast. I -•....:.-.. ·oo So c H . . c ... ·1 Ma' • 3..i49 c· • H I : while M's !rue iiiat theie -.....,..na ---. • aast wy-. -or-.. e r -; '!· oast wy.>f *'°dern developments have I IUten the h&fd worit out QI . launderin~, t h e y rtrtainly , taven't simpliried it. I' 1 Grandma 'l'i simple -formula ·f f hot w<1ter. soa,p and •unshin~ has been complicated •y the problems of uslnt j' Juto1nltice qulpmentcor-, tecUy. choosing the best l1un-j fry product for lhe Pllf'PO.'e · and using the right laundering ; ; pthod for .the co~~sing 1 variety ol. fabrics and finishes l j ff modern clothing. , The modern h-Omenlaker tn u s t be a mastennind of (ecbnok>Ckal know-how just to feparate fact from fiction in the advertilementa of these ';pt9ductl. ,'to help .Wplify lhln1s, keep In miOO tblt there are still an- Jr two bllic ingredients wh.ich you mat have to launder clothes water a n d d!tergeni.. Using the9e two~. can achieve a w11h that 15 c~an and sanitary . D~ERGENr DEFINES The term deteraent mean.!! cltansinl atent and includes both aoaps and syintbetic d!leJ1elU. But UIUllly when we uy ''deter&enl" we mean .~lbdlc d<Wl"lll Almost all latindry _,8'"11 on the market are synthetic deter- gt\11!, not soap. They ccme in liquid, 1ranule a~ tablet form with tabletll being the molt tonven.lent but aioo the 'inclit Oxpenolte and the leatt fl61.ble when .you want to vary the amount. lri· quids diMolve readily in cold '!filer and are especially con- vinlent for pretreatin1 stafnl. Whatever form of deter~ .. Yoo use, be sure to measure Ill' amomt. RIB ROAST ''•"'"• '( 89< Cllo.ce "••' ·~,·· •••••••• ,, •• ,,lb. SPENCER STEAk ·"0 '"'"'· 198 ll ib Eyt ••···••·•••·lb. BEEF STEA.KS '°"'1~'""''0' -98< ~•on fomily S!•ok1 ••••••••• lb, CHUCK ROAST ~::·~"~·'. ........... lb69< BEEF ROAST ::",'.'~t,;:::: .. : ........... 1b 98< U.S.D.A. CHOICE BLADE CUT .. (:A-NNED HAM "011 "" 4•9 O•o! ••••••• ,, , , , , ., • ~ lb1. fR.ANKFURTERS ;;::·;·.·.: .......... lb 49~ GROUND BE:Ef fomily r ocli. 47< • J '""''' ........... .O b CURE 81 HAMS ~;;~:."•I·" ........ lb l 29 FRYER LEGS {\"hr,;.~ ........ : ... :/.~., ~j .. 'G , s· · .· FRY~R THI ,HS ,,.,,o., ............ ,lb ~~s.i LINK SAUSAGE SLICED BACON FRYER BREASTS Holfl'f'lon !1-kinl•1i 2 9< Holl .1'01.1nd Porko91,, •• Hormtl Red Lolal, ... lb.5 9( f1t1h Groclf A, •• ,,, lb 6 '3( ·BREADED PERCH '"'''·""'.~ ••t .~. · Rondo~ Wfi~1'.r.''\'lb V "(, ~ ... ·'• PEELED SHRIM~ D"i<"'d Flo~"" ;.,:-.ftt, .. I'; l ror>d -··•·•••••• ,t;J ~ • 4 •o B Pound , 4'7e n 8fh\•ollf 0 ,,,;,,,,00Jb: ''« FR~SH TURKEYS . ' FRESH HE" TURKEYS • NO SWEAT! WE WELCOME YOUR CHECK 8 to 14 LBS. AVG. NO 1oc CHAliGE SHRIMP COCJ<TAIL ~·;:·: ...... 3/1. PARTY DIPS ;·~.~.~::" .................. 3/1. U.S.D.A. GOVT INSP. GRADE "A" PRICES GOOD MAY 7 to 13 . . " ' .. ;oeter1tots m1y be all· pttrpOM -to handle every type oC laundry need -or mild -for supposedly delicate items such · u lingerie. Ac- 11111ly tee 1 11.purpo se dettrgent cu be used on effl'Y fabric JOU la~r IX- ctpt wool and allk. . CHIPPED MEATS ;·::::;:~·····'"' 3/ 1.· SLICED SALAMI ~::~ ••••............. 69~ •• t., ,·. ' .. The mild deterle!ts, such IS ~ use for waiilling dishes, ue more neutral md are be st to' use oo wool tnd silk. Somelimes mild deter1ents or neutral soaps are recotn- mtncied for baby clothes, hut unless you have a baby with unusually scnsiti\'e s~l'l, !ht' m o r e effective 11.ll-purpost detergtnts a.r~ prelrrred. The sane i.s true for nylon!'!, lu\ge.rie and other "delicate " items. ENZYMES New ca the .cene are laun- d'f y cWeraeMs containing criEymes, 'and enzyme ~ duCU deligned to be used as a preaoak prior to regular launderinC. Tests by consumer testing acenties tend to shov; that these producta will help to remove IOllle. kinds or stains, particularly if a long !Olk period, socti as overni1ht, is W«l. Tests aleo 500W that you will have just about the aame luck rwnoving atam, If yoo soak clothes overnight in your reiula".' Jaondry detergent. Since the enzyme presoak pro- ducta colt approximately 10 cents a !old, you might try tht lesis expensive detergent·908k -first. Other products highly touted by advutilers are fabric brighteners and fabric 90f- tenen. Tbe brifbteners are Jlrimarily nucnteenl dyes wtDcti. co.. up J'tllownetl and _mate ~ _.. whiter. 'ft>ey" do llJl make clotheti cleaner, urue.., they have been combined with a waler sof- ltDe:T which may help a Jillie. Soltenen lubricat.e l h e fibtn and make clothes &tem .filer and fluffier . They also ..... 'Girls Eat fb;: Beauty · • Mte and mote C1Jlforni1 &'ri..are e1Una for beauty. At. they listen lo school nutrftionl!ll. they realile th1t they cao and re11ly should "ul for beauly." They a.re in· cludin& "the 1lamour·four '' ""trienl! In' their dally di<Js. Ttiet< .,.. pnMln. calcium, vitamlll A and vltomin C. A qurl el milt. I day and _.... *' t1op ti lhril and v.,.iallles will to a ~ way .... .,,, llllln( the body • "" ~foe 0.-lour --In turn will htlp luttd ..... bones and ... &e a.t a lifetime u weU a~· Mlp dellve:r the clt1r ~ tldn and brliht aparltl· 101 .,.. ..ired 1>1 •"""I malnotl-•llte . • ') • HUNT 'S TOMATO CATSUP 22~ ... MOTHER 'S PRIDE FRUIT DRINKS 2811 Gol JOHNSON~ , 89( ROD'S TOPPING 3n.. KLEAR ........... "" WHIP-0....... T JO"NSON S •UG KlllEi 89( BEiJOtli OLIVE 4 96 KL-EAR ............ l>N OIL ..... FUl\ G•l\ON JO HN50J'.t'5 AIR FRE SH 52 ( THORO·FED MEA T BALL 19( GLADE ......... ,.. DOG FOOD .... '"" _ MOTHIRS DA Y ,.,, 11o:d prot[f""'9 1nool t r KODA COLOR '·""'"""··· ...... I" .l'rt Po.d Proc•1>rng ..._\01l t r KODA COLOR 10 "'"'"" ........... 3" TIREND ....................... 67< SCOTCH T!IPE ............ 29' Rtg~lor ~Ile ~oll SCOTCH TAPE ........... 39' 60 Co""' lfblt 1 EXCEDRIN .................. 88' fresh-local STRAW BERRIES 19~. LONGHORN CHEESE :~~;;:~~"•"" 89~ ; > • • A 8 C VANILLA Whole Wheat FIG BARS AMERICAN BEAUTY SALAD RONI ALBERTSON'S TEA BAGS SWIR'S VIENNA SAUSAGE 38( 11~ 48!a ., 25~ .. PREM ~~~~~s~;A;1s ......... S,i,~, ' ~ 1 .,,. ', OCEAN SO lb.WATER 68~ SOFTENER ......... . ICE CREAM ~~·~~~-n;;o'-·······-· 59< Van de Kamp ::;1:·~111::1 •. ~36< , .... POPSICLE ::.~':.,, ......... : .. : .. 21' POT A TOES ~:.:1~:.:;;:·c'.:.";, 2 6' HAtlBUT v •• do ~omoln •••••••••• 68< POTATOES ~~·~::.~::~,,o.20 ' VAN DE KAMP '""'h"1c"'"'S6' JUIC-E '""""' 25' fnd1ilodo Dinn•r, Grop1/,.,,, •••••·•·••, .6 oz • LIQUOR-BEER & WINE l/JIOS CAlOlllS '~ .. ro.11;11 1 1•;· lilt Meitlt1 lr1v 137 • •1 or SAVE 7!-WORLD RI-KNOWN $12s Schlitz BEER•N• . . . . . . . ' . . . . CHABLIS :·:~:::'..' .. , ................... l •' DON Q RUM .................... , .. .,5" BOURBON ••...•.•••.. , 4 " It r .o&' ',., , , , , •••••••• , , • VODKA ,., .... 8 .. I l Gal TEQUILA ~ .... """";·............... 5•• '•0•· ···••l• ··············· Qt Fresh ·~;~~·::· In-Store Bakery • M O~~~··s CAKE ,..,.~.~-· ,.....>'::•'.· . ~ . '< ,,,,--:, :;.'. ~"" ~ ,., ,.,-...... r ·-···· '""""'· 99 . _ ..... ·; .. ·,f.• .. .-~ .· ·' ICfD 1111 IUTTl l ~ "*'i ......... '.,1·.,.,.. '·· V ' (llAM l(llillt ..... ..: • ~ COCO .t.NUI .t.lrlD " 10,PIO WITM 10~1 COME·T . ' LIMIT 1 WITH tl· 0 THIS COU,ON , ~ llPIRIS 5/ 13 l ADY SCOTT ?OO't LIMll 7~11M TJllS 17/49( COU,Olf.11.1'111\ S/\J , Pri<e Vfithovt Coupon 77< CAKE MIXES • Ptll\,ltlT IATtR· 31 9~ lllllilf J WUN TIO\ ?lltOl·l•PtllS S 'IJ _ ~rice Without Coupon JS< -PLANTS iiirniiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiili--~ ROLL S;:>.;.::? ..... 7" 49< DONUTS ~~c~~~1~.1 • Sc COOK IES :.~:··.~,., 4/1 . \ . - ' ' . . ' -~ ' • • • EASTERN GRAIN FED . . c~~~R CUT . IB i.PORk ' . P-~ r Spf in9fiel~ . Yellbw Cling ' PEA 1C'HES I ' Slic:ecl or Ha~es YAl.UAILI COUPON • WITH THIS COUl"OM -AIMI U ... Ml.1m11'" ,.,,,th1H. Llmh l ••Iii ,,., CCUPCn -Ont (Ol,lplln !NI' Ulllomer. A~lk a ........... .... FreJll l'luld D•lry Prodll<'lt ~ (lg.lrtlla tJcko6«1 lrom ......_ wn:lle1t by l1w. -Ytld an,,. S•.U.y, M.-r I!, Ifft. GOOD ONLY AT IARGAIN IASUT BARGAIN BASKET'S e OLD FASHIONED MEAT MARKET e NO SELF·SERYICE MUT HERE ••• PLENTY OF FRIENDLY BUTCHERS TO CUT YOUR MEAT TO ORDIRI! -. EASTERN GRAIN FED FARMEI STYLE PORK. U.S.D.A. GRADE "A" 3 LEGG!D SPARERIBS FRYERS • • Lean 'N' Meaty } Large Loin C Eastern Grain Fed 6 9 Pork CHOPS · lb Eastern Grain Fed 89 · · Po~kc1CHOPS ~ California Grown 49 ruriiivs lbs. -~ . • FR ES CA SODA 'l!OP ' . 10 oz. 6 ~R 49( Bottles M.J.B. .COFFEE ~-3 . LB. 189 · CAN 2 lb. can 1.37 l lb. c1n 69c C'h~';;OlliiiouETS 89' HOUSEHOLD CLEANER 29' M Cl . 15-or.lottle re ean R ... 43c Pork Loin . C Eastem Grain Feel 6 9 :R1lAST · ~~ -, KELLOGG'S '· ' DJiislt~~ROUNDS 1 39' New Toaster Treat FOREMOST COTTAGE _ CHEESE· .. SPRINGFIELD • PEAR HALVES ' • 3 8ig $1 ';#:2'h Cans SPRINGFIELD W.EBER'S BREAD I #303 c- • Peas • c,.. .... Con • Wliole Kernel Corn •Cut G,_ leans F 0 il Req.42c Large 1112 Lb. Loaves F 0 R ' . Wot,,.,.,, 1111 7, 1'169 OAJLY '!LOT / Bar-M_ Western Style HICKORY SMOKED BONELESS TAVERN HAMS 19-~ ONLY ·: THE BID FOR "MOM" H'•r_. 11-.k L.iMI SLICED BACON " ' " • lb. : ' "" 69( "' coNTv'w1ENERs ~~:·"..., 59~: a. M w.._ Sty&. :;::: SAUSAGE He.i 'N'ht lrHllH FISH STICKS 59t -... ,. ... ' . a... MW ..... lfyle• . • SLICED 1 IO(OGNA ' . .· ,:'ml FRESH PRODUCE . . " . . . .. .. . " . . · Re~ Ripe local y :: ·: . I . STRAWBERRIES ~ '. BASI(~ s 9:( . ; ·: · ' , > I . .. . '---------·" New Crop l•"!luda ; O~IO~S - SWOT Y,ALENCIA · , ORANGES . 4 ~29': . . " -. ARTICHOKES . ,: . . . . : 2 F« 2·5e: ·: YOUNG 'N' TEf!DER , . : . . . . ' MORNING FRESH-1 lb. c•llo bag , . :CARROTS 3F« 25',~ .': I ' I ~ .~~------------.......... ·PRICES EFFECTIVE: .... , , ,, · a@il•134:1it•I•l•ij~ . . "~u,rs.. Fri., Sat. .& Su.nday · ... May 8, 9, 10, I~ Prices subject to 1tock on. hind. •.1 ~ ....._ ____________ ..... ......... BLENDED WHISKEY .... _. ViiGJN ... ISLAND RUM VITA PAKT -Box of 6 39" DOUBLE BUDDIES Fr•z•n :•:;.• :~:vor Bars I'' STOUPFER 49 ¢ .PIES • Chick•n • Turkey • Beef 59~'!0a. e .. \ WllGHT WATCHERS -Full ""'"d age . FROZEN , DINNERS • Ha libut • Sol• Crown Russe $888 VODKA~:~,~~~· :· """ $,299 --TEQUILA ·=· ........ Mook. ' PULL fUAIT • 2 lb. box BANQUET : ~~;:~=~~..°.'kml~~::r . ggc • Turke~ & Grav~ ...... ....__,....__....__ FROZEN MIXES • '°"''". •ol Toi . M .. -. ' . • ------~-------------------------------------- -- -~··" WE GIVE ILUE CHIP STAMPS CORA MESA · PLACENTIA , , • l't~- ~· ... 11 •• :ii:v,. ibti,., . ~ . }, . '1(1 ~" WE OIVI'. '1 ILUI CHI•' '' stAMPS ""~· . .~,·~flL 19th and Pl1e1111ir"'"' 710W.~i . . . .. J I • . . .. Yl'll.IT w-:11ot7,lM • -£-• •• Whit Salt ' - • I • • ·Men • m ' Service . -.. Appreo, Job F. N-, USN, son or Jerry Nlkolo ol :l320 Cornell, Colla Mesa. is serving aboard the destroyer USS EdfOll at Loq Buch. 'lbe EdWl was awarded the MerUq{ioos U n i t Com· 19end1Ubn~·tor_tt1 actio11 ualmt th! enemy t11 Soatli VI.awn ond the Gulf o1 Taiikla. Spec. '· r.,. a. Adler, u; oon o1 »ro. 1!1Ji!:l'7 Uk• or ' 4'I l2n4 SI,. Newport llUcW; . lw beea ullped to the ' . : Cavllry Diviiion (Ai~) • hi Vietnam. ..fr : .. He Ls a ne 1lcople r ' repainnan. ' • U . Jeln J. Keaa,, i50n ~d 14t1. Cloyse: C. Kenty of Die' ~ Blvd., Corona d<ol lloi, his been as•ijn<d to . ~ AFB. G1.1 for pilot tratnini. -"He rocelved bi! B.B:& '!·e1r~e . ~rom Te:ra1 TJdmDioliell .COTlqe. He ii 1 -ol Pltl Koppo Psi ml Delle Phi Epoilon. -J.C. Lony 8* -. -ol Mr. ond Mrs. Lloyd Huldlenon cit 1931 F6llerton Ave., Cone Mesa, a eemmunicaUons spetjali.st, ii ,..member ol the Air Force 'O>mmunications Service: Unit, ~theut.llil. . · ne unit, serving t n 'l'halland if Korat Royil Air 'Jl'erce Bue, was cited for outstandinc comnu&nication:s aspport k Combat units in~ 'l'Hilsnd. INert Wtrlt)', guidlllCt COU111<ior ol Corona d<I -I.DP Sc:bool ~ -!dectl!d u one ot 35 Southern callfornia educaton to attend 0.. United ~lei Militory Academy, May 1-1:.-. Worley will • perticipate as port ol the Couoielor Viii! Prop'am sponsored annually 11 the U.S. Military Academy. AirDtU 1.C. JoU C. Jacobi, aon .. of Mr. and -Mrs. H. E. JIC<lbs ol 511 Lagw11 Place, Seo! Beach, "'8 bftn asalp<d to ·a unit of the Strategic Air Beale AFB, CaliL Uman is a. eraduate ol. Ulgh School ind It· teocl<d G'olden West College before entering the ttrvice. . He ts aa a.iministradve specialist. --L.lhool, ol Mr. ml Mrs, Clloiles L.' Hood ol Coote M.,., hos 11ee11· -ip<I to~ AFB, Tb., for training u .a medical -•pedslbt. . Ainilu Hood ls • arlduat• Iii llollywood lligb Scllool ml -V<d hi! B.A. doaro< in i• rrom Utall State tfniverst-ty, . 11.L WllUaa.M. NIM, n ·air ..,..it controller at Grand Mu AFB, H.o:is the 'oon oi Mr. oncl Mrs, William O. Nice o1 · LlllO Hl,iilond D r I y e , ~-. ~· ~-ice is ~ eraduate 'or NH!'Jliow,..,..lilit -ID!lh Scbool ... -iv<d hJs A.B. degree ~·-from the Oimnlt1 ol ltedl~. • I • ,. " Is Your Business Conducted.' U'nder 'A ' ' . . -' ' . : . ' F 1·c1 I J.:I O.US ~ . , -· . • • ., ... -;. f . "M; · . : .. , 'A·· M ._.. _,, t •' 1\ , • • ~ -1 -,,. ~-1 i l fi'.'$0\IT 1s MAND~TORY}uNDER' THE LAWs o_,,€AL1; ... -· --.,llJQINIA THAT THE-FQ&,LOWING REQUIREMENJ'S OF . ' ' I' . , T.l!E "CAt:IFOitNIA.C~CODE ill 'CbMPLIElt'WltHi .' LAW o~ 'PUBLICA lirOl""ClttTIFICAT..15 . . OF BUSINESS, F.l TIOliS:iqRM N~:"r.-~ (Civil Codo , , Ion. i/16l"6M91 , r Soc. 2466.-Exeopt .. ;.;ilt;;,;iL. prOvl~od i~ '1h. noxt sectjon.,very P9f'IOQ tr•n11ctlng bu1inen in this St1te under 1 fictitfous name and ..,.ry p1rtnership tr1nucting· business In this Stlt1 under 1 flctiti~:n,.n., er . 1 design1tJon not s-inv tho nomo 'f thoia. .. l;,ttrostod os portnor In ouch bull ..... , m• fir. . ttio ~ · of tho county in which his or Ifs prlnclptl p · .o:of Win•• is sltUlltecf, a cortlficote subocrlbod.Md ocknowtodood In tho monnor , ... •klod In Soctlon ~ of tho CMl•Code, stotinv tho 11•mo In full 1ncf the pl1c1 of rMidMM of tudt p1rso"' and stating the name in foll of 111 the rm.m..._ of such partn1nhip . 1nd· tMir pitc•· of rnld1Acei'.. :_ • t •• Such subscribed ~nd acknowledgJi· c1rtific1fll ·niu1t 1>e • published subsequent to the filin9 thereof with the county cl.,-k ;.u.._.1nt to Gowrnmtnt .. Cod• Section '°'4, l'n 1 new.. p1per pubh-hed1ln 'fhe countf,Jf ~·be one, •nd if there' be none in 1uc" county, then in~· n~ptr In 1n adjoining county, An 1ffldavit showing th pulllleatlon of such certlfi.. · cito H In this HCtlon r,rovldod ~II bo 'filocl with tho county clerk. within 30 d1y11 1,r the compl1tiqn of such publication. but In no event 1h1ll such publication bt mldt prior te th• llllfttl of -~uch oortlflcoto wltlt· tho county• clerk. · · ' - -2461: -Tho cortlflcoto fllod with tho dork n p,..ldocl tn HCtion twenty.four hundred incl 1lxty-sh1: must be 1i9ne4 by tho ponon thor.in r.hrrM ...,or-by tho portnors, u tho a.. may~ be, •nd acknowl_... Wfor. Mme officer, 1utflor. Ind to t1ke the acknowlMgement'-of cOnveyenc• of real property .... Where a buaineu is hereafter commtneed by a pert0n,und1r 1·#1ctltious namt or 1 p1rtntrlhlp i1 he~1fttr ~~~the ctrtffic1te must be flied •nd th• publication . 'des~ in that section must bt m1de within one month l'fhlt'tbit commencement of auch bu1ine1s,'.er after the t,nM-t""-ol the partnership, or within one month from tM ~me .. Jinated in the agrttnMnt of its membtrs for , ... cci,n- mencement of tM p.srtnershlp. Where the business hu been . heretofore concluct.d under a • f~ctitious name or where ..... Plrtn•nhip<hQ ...... rhtretofore fo:rrned, the c1rtlfic1t1 must: bt ftltd-and the public1tlon mlde within six months •fttr the pau•g• of this act. No person doing business under 1 fidltious name or. his a11ignff or assign .. , nor any ptf\ ~ .. oing b\tth.!_~~i,as P1rtn1rs contr~ry, to the provisions ~'this •'1icl~, o,r tltelr a.SignH or nslgnHt, shall maintain 1n the courts of the' State of .~1lilorni1. • ~ "" ' ' Sec. 246~n EVERT cho.,... In tho n\omllors of 1 psrt· .~ip tran11cting bu1ln.U fn th11 st~te Vf+ir 1 fictitious "'.,... OI" 1 designation 'which dots; not~ lhoW the n1me of tfMi persons ln .. resttcl -. p1rtnen iri"h ~'""' .•.. a MW 4 -~ficoto mu11 bo lllod with tho Counfy Clorlc, ind o'rwf/ pUltllc1tion made es required 1iy this 1rtfct. on the formation ..., 'IVCI! ... rtno .... ;p. 11 you h-·rlogloctod this p......iuro, you should r .. lin thot ·tlio·n•-'Of,your flmt Is not pmoctod ond thot you •N not ...tltW telftllnt•Tn suits for collection, or for other purpo1111. _J 1ny 1dien upon or on 1ccovnt of ariy contr1tet or contracts their ,.~ershlp n1me, in any court of this itlfe until the certjffeej9·"'8s bfflf flied end the publ1c1tlon 1 tt.1 been m•d• II fMNJn~ ... ufred. 1 Taki• ai-e ·Of this lmport1~t m1tt1r now , by hiving the ' DA.UY' PILOT, •n odludlcotod 10901 nowipopor for Ori"" County ....i cllstrlllutod In COSTA. ·MESA, FOUNTAIN VALLEY, HUNTINGTON BEACH, LAGUNA BEACH, Sli\L IEACH, NIWPORT BEACK;'"WESTMINSTER, publloh' your corti~<1te, Tho cost Is omoll bul tho flllnv ond publl-·ls somolhl"' which should not bo ovorl.,;i.ocf, ' · l Forms for Fictitious Finn Nemes and C1rtlflc1te of Abandonment of Fkt). ~ lieyt Firm N-con bo oltt1inod FREE fro.Ii any :of t~ DAILY PILOT , officq shown below: 330 WHI Boy Str~t, COii• MHo 92627 2211 WHI Boll100 BOulevord, Nowpo_rt Booch 92660 309 5th Stroot, Huntlnvten BHch :naq ~ F•-t Avonuo, L09uno Bo1ch '2'651 \ I ' I -•1 . IE. SURE ",TO CONSULT OUR LEGAL ADVER.TISING DEPT. AT DAILY PILOT .. • ....................... ~. • ' • ···~ • . . • ' VARIETY OF COLORS · PINK, HEDr-WHIT.E, PEPPEllMINT . ' . : . . . . '.. . • • ·;., CAllNATIONS -. -' .. ,. • f • ( ' FRE£. lemon leaf ind floral piper available with the purchase of 111 clrt flowers! " .-' Florist Qriality at 'D'i'scount.J>rices 1 .. 1 ' ' " ~. THESE FlOW£R PRICES EFFECJIVE THURSDAY lhrou1ll SUNDAY MAY 8 ttirOurti MAY 11 -,r ' ASSOR'l[D COLORS 6 INCH·POT- POTIED MUMS '. ALL POTTED PLANTS Will sr FOIL 3-BL()(lM MINIMUM • 6 INCH POT · WRAPP£0 ... WITH BOW· ANO , MOTHERS' DAY DECORATION HYDRANGEAS , • • ASSORTED COLORS • 5 .INCH POT CALADIUMS .. COLORFUL GIFT SIZE AFRICA* . GLOXINIA AZALEAS VIOi.Elis g INCH ·$399 POI s399 HYBRID • TIGER COLORFUL ' . "ENCRAllTIEIT'' SPRlllOTllE LILIES -TULIP$ '" s211 '" l244 6 INCH 6 INCH POI POT ¥\ri}ericana • Plastic 'PLACEMATS , .' CMOICE Of ' fUll COlOlt MAGNIFICENT WESTERN SClNES • WUIM.ILl • lAMHtAltd PV.snc • tl\10fll1l •tCH'll Oii t .lttll Of U.CM ()( TH{ OIHlltl!U MATS 11~ IHCtiS l 'll\?•lflCHES ~O:' 44c_ .. It 11.oe lACll "" • ,.. .. ._ '- ' . 2 >P-• • • j :e ¥ .$¥ 1'4'i i£$)4\ • ·' r' ·-.•..:..; • 1/ I • " I ' ! • , ,f ; J _:, .. ' . . ' ' ' ' P.OTTED . , ' OYIBIDfR :-:.. -. ORCHIDS ~ s5• ii' .. " . . .. !• ·-~ -----------------------------~------------~---------------- I I ~--r--····· . ~6a"eeia-, ~ Man in Blu~: says:-~ r .... • ,.._ I . "1l ·~ . . .,· -.•-• ' ' , , ,,, -·---....... ............ -............. ~ ........ _ .......... _ • ··-... ''Our ·frozen· fQods ·are· kind·. to Mother and ~so ,are our · ' .. ' . . .. ' . ' :~:'~~i __ ~ ·~~11,e the $9.64 * savings on .... ~ ~to' t . ' -this page !'' ' . "'""". ·~ AU. V AllttT • BAIQ~ MEAT PIES SOME 18_ STOii ES CK~GE • . • .. _f • •• ;Rto~ , ' CHINES£ FOODS '. ~oz!P,1.Cif;Gt FRIED RICE/MEAT SOME STORES 5 .... CHARGE ~i: 1; 17 OZ.• PA,CiTGi\ CM<Ua· en..., =Jt'~f9¢ . ~~ PACr.AGl: ( MEAT ·l S1tll.. . '• tat• ROLf " · ~~~G¥~~·51' / IS.OZ, PACKAGE SW.oVSoar l'lr1< SOME. STORESGG4 CHARGE 99c UU' llf"'1.,.w;*, ........... ·~· .. lllt ""*"· ... ,. ... '.ft0'14 .. -......, ..... '!_ .......... ........ I ·- • SAYE 'WITM ALPllA WA'S ~\ } :. ' . 12,871 ; v · -~~ TOTA.l .DtSCOIJljTS ~ve.w.....-irJtr. oouilfOISCOIJNrS 43 DOUBlE' DISCOUITt II THIS AD They mtlfl edTI sl'l'jnp !or yuu,lMldl po5sibl1 by speclal purclllst wllh cost re· duc:tioM passed on to you. Looi!: for· tf!em throuatiout the stort. FAMILY . Lill{ LOW • PRICE .. ,ll = 1-1.B. PACKAGE :wfLSON'I CRISPRITr: StlCED fACON 4 FISliERM!ll f!OZIJI flSH. CRISPS 14'll. ""' 89:. l lNE EASTERN QUIUTY ' st RltllRJOHN SLICEO a s. BACON P)(G. • J ( ·-,-: .·:: ... ' .. . . --·--. '~ . -...... "'_ ALPHA BETA 1mur,1 nDi BONELiss ,,, STEAK . LI . ' . WILLIAMS FAMOUS • GRrAT FOR SANDWICH!.. ALPHA BETA YUL CUTLETS Pl.AIN OR llREADtD . DUBUQUE• REC, SLICED • 14.8. Pl<C. IOWA MAID BACON 11 :t . S&L \ .. - SOM! ALNl.l ltrA • STOllES DISCOUNT ,QIAIGI NICE •• I' . " ' .-•o~• <t&u:s 9.7c er 11.0t · ; . ' U OHSELTZER 73' 6~' 1/0UNC"E !lonu; • WITH BODY 7ftC BRECK CRQE RIISE 1 oo 7 , . lail'iliiD"Oiiair "'0 "100 "~ PAC:?l" OF '15 • NEDJCA.TED $f 2' . STRl·DEX PADS 1" . · ~ l" 861 ~ . :--' ' . i" GllAIM • IOTTLE or~ TAILETI 4ftC · Ri-S"'9l Saccharin '59' . 7 BOX or JO • REGULAR O!I Sql'QI: 3& MUS TllPOIS · 49' 7 DIAMOND. PA_cr or ~~ .. 114" D&A:~rTEl't l..AM!flATI::D-MOUn;o QI ll' ·PAP." P,LlTES '" .,.• , . . @ 2 JIOU. PACI:• REGUW,«-~ 1tOW ~ • ' -l.&SORT?D COLORS ltND iiil& 391 . • ~· · .VIY l ~OWEU :· 43' I -, . . . • < @. LOG CA81N COUNTRY lJTCHEN 36 OUNCE BO'M'lt: 61' PANCAR£ SYRUP 79o ..___,, ·-~------4 CCJ)fC£ am: SCHILLllGS ILlCK PEPPER SOME STORtS CHAAGt: .,, 391 ' ' -- l1JfAl 01~1,[]UNI\ l~l~Y 04Y CORNED ... BEEF ROUNDS u. 81:. 2-1.11. l'OCl!AGE • Tli1CK SllCID $!JI - 12 OUHGE PACKAGE • &CW McCOYISBEEFIACOlt'V' -.. - McCors • 8 OUNCE PAC~GE • ' 2... ~ . BEEF SAUSAGE LINKS ~, .. iE'rrA mmn -.' . I SHORT C RIBS · , ii. FllW! FIUET or OCEAN PERf;K 19:. iuFsA1Js'A6l101c 49- COll'/!lllOO • Rf.IOT TO !Al<[ 65 FRESH·MEATLOAF '- SOME MllU. lnA ITOll(S llllCOONl CllAllliE l'IUDI 54' • .- ' , S.tter Pro/ace af DISCOUNT PRICES/ ' STRAWBERRIES I·· .. ~ .. ---: ... " PEAK OF THE SEASON TOP TO BOTTOM RED ,RIPE RLPHR BETJI {.... ~ . COSTl MISA--141 I . 1i th 51. , , HUNTl!llGTON l l ACH-9045 Aclom1 'HIJNTTNOTON llA~TIMT N. Main St, POUNTAIN VALLEY-t930 Worner LA~NA 'IOIH S. (-,Hlwrt ' ~ .. . . ......... • ~ ' . -c ~ ••. ~OX ~ i ·~ I' t ·~ ._.' ~~ ~ , '/ .u ' •• • " .. ·' .•,l " ,. " " , .. } ' ,, '"' ,, -· \:' .. 1 •• " I' " " . ' .... .,. .. V • '" ,,, IT ' .:.I! " .. ,,. / v. ,,, ,., ,, ;ol ,, .,,. " .-, ;\.' ••• °' ' ... .,, "' \t.• •• ..,, ' <o .... Jl• 'I' i.,\ .. , ?tr ' <j\I " I ~' '111 :. '"' If" f, ' ll f. + ,.,,, II tll:l ,Sri! "'" T I r lti ,~I ,;) ) .,.. JllO .,. . . I • • ........ ,,I.:, ' M Dolll.Y PILOT Wed""4lJ, Mq 7, 1969 . . . Win A l!ree · Nation-al-Airlines Bahanra ¥olida.y Jet N1tion1I Non&top to Miami. Thtn ~op to Picturesque N1111u. Visit Fr'? Port. Stay •at tht Luxurious Kinfs I?"· ALL ON • ~-NATIONAL! . ,-,.. Oven Reedy 11 • 14 , LBS. NO PURCHA.Sf: REQUIRED FROZEN FOODS RUPERT'S -l·e1. plt9. 39' llJH ITICU • , •..•••••• ••,,,, RUPERT'S -l·•L pj9, 69' FlllD HALllUT, wJ'J--, ,, • , . , • RUPERT'S -1 •-01. p\9. 59" ·ASH I CHIPS , ••.• , • , , , •••• , , MRS. FRIO,A.Y'S -1-oi. pkf. 79' •OUIMIT SHllMP •.••. , , • , , • • G0•.1.~J'. -,... .... . 79" ICA~F~lltn •...• ~: •.••••• ~UT -~~-E:~~.'.~-.~1:.~~· •••• 65" . ::i~~r:~~E0D0 ~--1·2:~: -~k.t:. ·~ II.AW -Pric1 plu1 t11 -?·ID. pk9. 4~ PITIUIGll •.......•..••• ,, .. ,. SEAFOOD SPECIALS FRESH CHINOOK It• i,,..aJ , 4fi SALMON PILLITS , , •••••• ,, , ID. F .. SH FILLET 98' l>OYll SOLi ••••••• , •••• , , , ID. FRESH Flll:ETS MONTEIUY 65' IOCI COD ..••.•• , , , , • • .-. It. Pure Gold ''Citrus Jubilee"' ·ORANGES ....... 7~ i'EMONS .......... 5~ GiiP1FRul1 .s~ --u.s.D.~R~~v~R~7~~ECTED~ FULL QUART JAR CH~o~~!NS MAYONNAISE n•57•~Ks , ~ -~ BEST Foo:s TASTY MEATY 49c THIGHS.......... lb LB. Al l wH111 M"' 59c -~ WILSON 'S c"""n _SLICED • 9 BREASTS · .. · · · lb \ EA. · ·BACON LB. 5 C :~c~;"'.,. ••us. ............. f;,' 8' YJERSEYOMAIDGFlavo-;';\& Fruit OZ $ PKG. · ~;~.~'.'.'~ ................... r;· 29· U RT ~rNs'. SWIFT'S PREMIUM le1t af the per c • • • U.S.D.A. POPPY GRADE A ROASTING CHICKEN OSCARMAYEREASTERNPORK UNDER 59c i~:~: 49 JERSEYMAID-All Flevors-CATERINGICE 69c SPARERIBS ••• : L:S.. lh ,_, M. ~ C .REAM ••••• ~~~. BA'soHFT-RWEOVE OM Quail Dollar S~1·et~he1·s Liq vo~N~~~sR~~~c•ALS TASTY APPLE GOODNESS 8 No . s1 SCOTCH TISSUE APPLE SAUCE..... ii~~ $ 19 $ 00 FOR SPAGHETTI SAUCE 8 s1 . ~·::.1~ TOMA TO PASTE 6T~~· FIFTH ' OR.CHIO CLASSIC TONE WHOLE KERNEL or CREAM' ~TYLE 8 s1 LONDON U ID&E-90 PROOF . $299 ·~~ri; 10~. GOLDEN CORN ~;3 !~!.~.~~ ......................... ,299 NAPKINS .... • • • TINS WHISKEY ............... :.......... Fil~ CAL&e1me~ ORANCiE v JUICE • $ ..., MAIC.ARINI , • , •• , •• , , ••••• , Cti1. lti• ' Gt. l l·el. 49• DmlllNT , , , ••••••• , • • • • • • Pli-9. 6·0Z . TINS DEL MONTE CATSUP OL' VIRGINIA ALL MEAT ·FRA K • ·=::m 2 354l ?:Ei~1~0 .rc11Nruc~r 4 $1 ~~~ 17~ 10"•01RG'"L"Ao''M"'G1o•N•'"A'" io-oz.49~~C'lf"M,t.E"..:tE!~'"sM 1J9c MUI PIU ~;!: POTATOES I~~ ' . PKG. l . I~ . . . ~ PRICES EFFECTIVE THURS. thru SUN., MAY 8, 9, I 0, 11 ' 2701 HARIOR BLVD., cosy A MESA e 13922 IROOKHURST, GARDEN GROV.E e 5858 WARNER, HUNTINGTON BEACH 1008 W. EDINGER, SANTA ANA I (,_ --_,_ • '------~-~-.~---~------~~·------------------------------------------- . ) ' J eaith ... , Sn~.aks • ; t ln'~1tle 1 0vens ~II '!,t ~~)H'f • ~ pe1<hes ~nl~ over pa;.,,. ' created. Thtn tame ·~M vtrla. Bake Jn a pre.heated 400- tions. And ever slnct the degree oven IS minutes. · kuche~ i weet hu '1° Beat egas w_ell; be.a\ in '""f Im ,· -.. ,·sugar ··~ e 1nnam.,9n; peared it t.vs el e. gradually beat in sour cream. The German kuchen , in ifs Remove pie from oven; pour purelt form, ii a. yeasl·raistd ~ mixture evenly over coffee cake Ullt l.i.uallf' In• pe'achell. Return to 40!kiegree ·eludes fruit and ol~n has a oven and bake _until lightly . browned -30 minutes. ·Serve creamy topp~ warm or at room tern· But cooks got busier and per4_tun:. ' Cooking With Beer -~Hearty Dish ! empting . There are mip)' irnqlnatlve lngredl6!ll to uoe In cooking. and beer certalnly adds a pi· quanl flavor, according to gourmets? Try.-this hearty Bay Betr ,:.alld--Beef for yo_ur nett com· pany meal -accompanied by . tall mugs filled with !be frothy beer. BAY BEIER AND Bl!Ef t Y.i. pounds ltan beef (chuck or rump} cut in 1-inch cubes 'A cup water t bouiUon cube t tablespoon brown 1ugar Z cloves garUc, minced l~i teaspoons c hopped parsley - I small bay loaf ! •,a teaspoons· ult l/, teaspoon pepper 14 teaspoon thyme I lZ.Ounct bottle beer 1 'l.t lablespool1ll corNtarch I ~Z tablespoons cold water Brown beef in oil in a Out.ch UJ\UI teDder and u,J!Uy b,.,... ed ; remove from pan. "Put water, bOuUlon cube, brown suaar. garll~. paraley, bay leaf, s.lt, pepper and thyme in Dutch Oven• bring to o boll and ~Ur wuil;boulllon cube 4~ves! ' ·bu&ier apd started m1kJn1 Ute Makes I to a servings. BEEF .UP MENU WITH PIQUANT DISH 2 tablespoons cooldni oil 3 ciips sliced - oven, • few pieces at i Uine ; set aside. Cook onions in oil Returnt lief and~ enlon, to pan ; Pout'tietr'Per all, cover and simmer tor 1~ houri. Blend cornStarcli and water to fonn a paste; stJr into meat mixture aria eook u n t l I thickened. Serve over noodles or rice. Makes I servings. kuchen ,tfl easi~ , w~y: a ctouih 111.ade will\ biking powder 'as Uled instead of the yeast.rai80d doogh. Then came sliij another variation: a flour-and-butter base lhakould be patted into the pan Was used inste'd of the baklq-powdei: doqh. It's °" third vari8tion we give you · ~oday : iJ , crumb-like base laden wit.h lroztn'·sllced peaches ·and a crtamy top- ping. The topping may be made with frozen non-dairy creamer or commercial sour cream; this recipe was tested w:ith both and both functJi>neQ welt This dessert Is not overly 1wett so it is S\litablt to 1erve when you a~t \trfends for morning coffee..' . ' · PEACH K'IJCHEN II.ii cups sifted h6ur 11• teaspoon baking powder I ~ teaspoon sal~ , ' tabl .. poor!J. 6 tabletp00n51 butt.er or -margarine ··2 packagtS te~ 12 ounces) frozen peach .. tUces wi~h syrup, thawed and well drained i eggs 2 table1pooru1 sotar I teaspoon cinnaimon 1,1 pint frozen non-dairy creamer•"~·~· or com: mercial sour cream In a medium mixing bowl, lift togetller flour,. biking powder, salt and sugar, With a ~y ijmcler, .cut in but1'r untll port/<;!. •r< fine; mixture wnr be my dry' Pat ·an -evtn "layu Of " thi! mixture onto the bottom and side11 oC a buutted 9-lnch pie plate. piochit:ti: an .u~anding elm around tOp edge. Arrange Paint May · Be Poison HARRfSBURG, Pa. (UPI ) -Penn1y)v~i has taken steps to .r~uce lhe J>OSsibility of lead poiSoning in children - • hazard which threatens the young natJonally. Since most lead poisoning occurs as a' result of eating chipped palnl; 1,.ndll'ds GI the state health department•..,. provide that "when interior painted 1urftce5 are readily accessible to' chJldn:n, paints shall cootain less than One percent Jead by weight.'' Previously, the standards llpecified only the use of "non- lotic" material. Wesley E. Gilbertson, depu· ty state health secretary for environmental protection. said a study of lead poisoning in children conducted over a" 10. year period by the Philadelphia Public Health Department showed a total of 388 cases in the city that resulted in 77 death s, predominantly in the pre- school age group. Gilbertton Pointed out that many of the children who survived we.re subject to com- plicatjons, incliiding mental retardation l'dllltln1 fr o m bnin dama1e. Finger Food Easy 'to Eat Give 1pficial t.boNht to ~ vidine fat* ttlll ,ire easy to . eat when l~dJl\dr•n. sampi.;: ili\i<r rc>.i. ouch as cll'l"Dtl and ~letY. tticb, cheese cubU, Cljlp' lttlpa GI tout, wedlts of apt.les and oran1es. 1 • • Serve meats t;o.a~U p~es ••children will \'f!l·need IO cut · ii. Etlqu.ttle aside,: ir1 1 also caaltr for a youna· c;hi.ld. to drink bis aoup rrom • cup thafl to aip it from a spoon. Sala4 ··'M9te Dellca:~··ec1 collOJ• cheue I .... , lllad w1>en ~ With •-' any chUled fnill or cooked ve1etablee. With teafood or l>Ollltri. try servlnc , t•lf or a.votaclo. dlpped in lemon · Juict, then •opped with I !!coop of pineapple cottaie cl\eeoe, I• ., • • GIANT BOLD TURKEY HINDQUARTERS DETERGENI . ROCK CORNISH GAME HENS U.S.D.A. GRADE "A" MINIMUM WEIGHT 11-0l. c REAL McCOY BRAND CORNEO BEH BRISKH .. _." 91< CORNED BEEF ROUND ·--" 91< PASTRA_"41 _~~ PlfCl "**·-· II $1 .09 ~ U.S.D.A. GRADE "A'' FRYING CHICKEN FRYER PARTS LEGS 6a THIGHS -• I FRYING CHICKENS CUT-UP .c PAN READY . lb. c ROASTING "' 10 CHICKENS ··~AVG. 'U.~.D.A.GIAOt 4 ~-··-····· -·---· ... FRESH FRYING " I I 'c CHICKEN BREAST . · I R!~H llNOlR -" ·-· ....... ~ .. -···-· .. ············-·-·-·-·-.... ······-·--\&, 100 FREE STAMPS T!-iA T ~ ~ 10 WQllTH WIT Ii P\111(" r. ,1 Of · !J,!?,~!!!~~~"!-~.'!~!~-~-~~N~---_ _ ___ 5~ $1 • CANNED '.POP ,,~!~.J!Y,,~~~~~E --·----.. ·----------·-]~ $1 PoP..V!~! !~~-~~l_C SO~!~N~~-----------69' MA YFRESH REG. or LOW CALORIE 12-0f. ·c~ ASSORTED FLAVORS ~~~.~.!!~~~!."!~~~~RINE __ J9'. • FRISKIES CAT FOOD Ml.._! fl~~·· fl~,11\'l~. (l!ot 1 >N. Ut1 ... !11~ 01 ( ... ti .. -............ -........ , ...... _ ...... "" , BUttERNUT COFFEE 7 ll . ~ ... N S 1. 29 J \I CAN i. 1.9l 1 !B. U N ................... , ....... , ~t~!,,~o'~~M.·_~~~~.~;____ .... ____ 4~$1 mgyfair Frozen. Food. WEST PAC FROZEN 4 9 VEGOABLES "·" CUT MANS. CUT CORN. Pl AS r<-11 l •(i. f MIX. VIG .. Pf AS" CAltltoTS -···--················-·-·· or . •' . RUSSET POTATOES • • 10a~6 49ct STRA WBERRIEs :~.:;::i1 3 ~·8CJ< ~9.~~~~'"' _,_.,, J 9' r-F-Ol_M_O_TN-1-l'_S_D-AJ__, OllOIS WE HAYE AN ElClWNT l i 29' SELECTK>N Of COLOtFUL 1J $;NO.l2'4Nl'fl M--M-· • MUMS • HYAONTHS'AND ~!,!~JS ~! __ J! ~< ~~: ,t~ ,:,~~FAIR'S ___ 7i$1 for .. 65' ,.. ' I ----------. 'BEVERAGE PITCHER ALADDll 70-0z.s12•----·--.. ·-·----i9' COUNTRY PRIDE EGGS LAR6E •RAi'iE AA 39~ MIYfl!SH Liiii! 11111( 41 4\c doz. --WlllJ'lllJ' ~Wlllill Van de Kamp's SPECIALS lh1Hs.·Sun., May 1·11 FIRST QUALITY PAITY HOSE ........ -...... ----·-.. ·-·· "· 11.29 NORTHERN ··c TOILET TISSUE 4 ROll PACI( D£Al PACK_ ............ -........... -~ ........ . VELVEETA CHEESE LOAF 2 ll . CARfON .................................................. . BETIY CROCKER CAKE MIXES R£GUlAR PKG. A5$0RTED FLAVORS ................................... . • ' . ma_yfair Li.quors-- ~B!i~.P...<t9.f1J.CO!_~_f!_""" $ 54~ --g~!~R!9!.~E-~RITQ~Y_,~s429· f!B~.~-v-~~µ-~91~ _______ ..... $3 89 . 'ltQY.~_L oc_~~s19N_y9~-~.s3•• Q~J"Y£tNEs a~~:~~s 1 l• .1t~m1~~~~,11 " .. 6 '"'89c . ADYERTIHD PllCH EFFECTIVE 7 FULL DAYS-THURS., MAY Ith th" WED ., MAY 14th . MAYFAIR MARKET-175 EAST 17TH STREET, COSTA MESA 2030 West I st Street, Santa Ana 9892 Westminster A!anut, Gardtn G'fv• I I .. ---------------------------------------------------~---.:.·.:.' ----------------------'-- . ' • I ' • ~r:.otby A frotlly ~\llllYorful milk punch wll!, r1!tli>I a s~lal c:barm to many p 1r11 es, lbowtn ahd meetings. Mllk JIURChes art elegantly approp('laf;e~ sbov.'trs of any kind, ilopbisf!Oot«I enougl! for every buttet 1'r' Jnee..Ung, and deli<I01/9 (and &ood !or them, too) enough for e v e r y chlldten 'f_'P¥,iy. '" Dl.iry~I ol CAiifornia home economists' have come up with some delicious milk concOctions and some special servinl *" that will delight .. er, gu.S~' To senre lhe creamy milk punches. Da iry Council sug· pst.1 lhaf special attention be paid to the Ji,Jnch bowl and its decoraUon. Any unique idea such as a hanging punch .bowl or colored Jct surrounding the punch 't50WI win make your oartY seem .extra sp:ecial. Fresh fiowets or any of the latest· in flower art can be .j!S· ed to give your punch bowl the ffah and colorful look so eaential for any successful party. The punch bowl itself need not b:e the standard glass bowl. Almost any large con· tainer can find itself ·serving in the spot of ho®r -as the punch bowl. Why, even lhe common plastic dishpan or bucket Y.'hen adorned with f!o\vers and rib- bon and filled with a foamy milk punch 'A'ill be well rece iv· ed. And. II it is a bridal shower. the bride-to-be could be given 1he "puoch bowl" after the shower. If it is a bab)'.s.hoWer, ibe punch boWf oiuld be a decorated baby bath tub that is later presented to the mother-to-be. A large bowl, tureen or ket- tle can also be converted into a practical "gift punch bowl .. or your O'A'n unique way of serving punch..~ Milk punches Jerved in any type. of containe r are sure to plea!e the guest of honor and all the~rest. These punches. rich in fresh· whole 'milk and ice cream or shefbet, offer un· beatable enjoyment as well as quality nutrients. PASTEL pYNQI • , ThJs, pale y.llow·li1bl er ... punch·~ beautiful ~hen senM in a bowl surrounded by daisies or tinted carnations. You can make Pastel Puoch~ "go pink" simply by "'ad£1ing strawberry or ra s p b' e f.r Y, • sherbet inst~ad of the lime sherbet. l (6 ou.~l can~ lrpzt£1 orange-Julee ~tr:fe 1 (6 ounce) can e11ld Wafer~ l/4 cu p sugar dash of sa lt 4 cups (I quart ) cold milk 1 quart lime sherbet · l qu.,i g!Jlger ale Combine orange i u i c c , Water. sugar and s a It. Gradually add milk and stir to mix. Add scoops of lime sherbet to milk mixture. Then, gently add the ginger _t.alt. Makes 24 (4 ou~) 'sen'ings. ·FLUFFY PINEAPPLE PUNCH This beautiful light yellow pul\Oh Seems especially. ap- propriate for that very special bridaJ shower. float circles of pineapplt -"wedding rings" -on top, if desired. 1 (6 oun<:t!)' can frozen pineapple j u i c e con- crptratet. thawe_4 2 qutrt.s cold milk dash 'Of salt 1,~ cup sugar few drops of yellow fpod col· orlng .. 1 cup heavy cream, whipped !': teaspoon V#lnllla Place thawed'p i:n e·a pp I e juice concentrate in punch bowl. Gradually stir In milk; salt and ~• cup of the sugar. Mix: ~ell; Add yeJIQl\V colori~~. lo des1rtdJttnt. } -1 • , Whip cream until it hold!! soft peaks; fold in re.qiaining sugar and vanilla . Fold, whip- ped cream gently into. Uie pun- ch. To serve, keep punch bowl very cold by surrounding wilh cruseyed ice.~ ¥akes about; 11 t4 ounce) servings. *If you freeze your own ice. tint the water a bright yellow with food -ir'~rin.1 ¥for, freezing. ~ ~ , • • • • STRAWB RRY ' ·BLOSSOM PVNCH Thili pink-fruited punch is ' DELICIOUS VERS ION OF AN AMERICAN FAVORITE ' Go North, Young Tom . . : S\Vedes -Talk l urkey Ask a Swedish cook how sb~ sections for "Turkey Roll wou.kt prepare an American Scandinavian. 1 Tur~ey Roast to get a ,urltt 9Ueb' delicious version of •IJ , ,fURK!Y . R O L L SCAN\ • ~can · favdrite. H c r ' ' DINA VIAN ' •Mftr wonkf 'be uuct ·with I 12 poonds 6 ouDce)_l.rozen lerJ)cNl jllici 'ana cream and '' boneless ·turkey roa-s t, IUIT'OOnd by prunes and appk partially thawed Marinade Flavors Pork .. . ""'-.......-... A new Whion or ont or our sharp krii!c. cu( away any f~he ,,,..t Jlf'k recipe$., large piecu or. l•t f~ Inner MAalNATED side of potk. Pl1ce pork; flal, ROAST PORK on a small platter or similar 4-flund -pork loin utensil. I....,_. utt titlx rtmainlna ingredient.,; ,. tee..-,ptpptr spoon over· pork, letting theo1 1 'Sp f,... ....,ano run down. Cover Ughtly and I IDldtam clom a:arli(', refrigerate 41 hours. • • fllfhed non and tk: pork : place on a 'i'tlip t.Nn juice rack in a shallow foasting U ,. bay the pork •L a pao: -spoon any marinade over. iupa-n~ ll wlJI bo r~ meal. Roast In 1 32$.<lcgree ~ llM • ..,..,. .,.., ml .,.. unlil ftti l)leJ'mo111<1tr opt11 flat. rqistm 170 dt1ree1 -about wi. kllcbell Id..-. • •o minu1ts pa powid. • ' '• cup ~tter 2 tablespoons vegetable oil I small ogion , diced l can (fji 'h.,01,1nccs) <;~ickrn 1 bouillon broth 1, cup lemon jui"e t cup heavy cream 1 teaspoon cloves 2 apples, c<>red a n d quartered 1 cu p plumped pllted prunes 1 cup carrot coins ~ ;salt and pepper , Remove lur.ey roast from 11.s baking container, BrOwn in melted buttl!r and oil until all sides a.re ~olden. Remove from pan. Saute onion in but· ter. ln a small bakiog pan, pour in chicken. brolh, lemon julot. cream and c)oves. Acid tur-e1 roast and onions. Cover with 11 lid or foll. Bake at 3SO degrees for 11.i hourii. Add apples. prunes Md carr.ota, cover and contfnuc biking for 11nothcr ~ hour Season 'Ind serve. .. ~ ... • ,. ' ' For mothers who love~things. flowery and feminine-- BA TH BUTIERFLIES; jewel-like glass and resin towel holders outlined in wicker. Wall towel ring, 12.00 ·couMt6r Fingertip Holder, 12.00 ._ . Pink, Blue, Olive, Gold or Black. Upper Level .. .... . . ~ ~~clll · . . ' "-\ She's a greathomemak1rl DAISY APRON, sponge off, I QO'/. vinyl apron, giRQt ff.Cket. Blue/Green, Orange/GOid, Mt>ss/ Orange, 5.00 from Spoin-BUTI~CUP COOKWARE in porcelain and stairtl•ss ~feel.· Durable and beautiful. Flower· sprinkled gold & ~ite. 7 sizes. This: 8" s~illtf, 1 .50 Lower Level , ~ n-tP..· 1 "' M~~ S~_-_· ... , cj~~ . . KABUKI CO:A T ' ,0.11 kind1 of malhfrs lo,v1 KABUKI COATS-the apron • with sleeves. Mony colors & J)atttrns. Reo . 4.00 NOW 3 .00 . -. ' . _ ... tOTS Of COUUEOUS SALES GIRtS, MYllAD UllV!U~f~Mi~~mY~~~~-.• , DAILY 9-6, OPEN MOTtlU.'S DAY 11 -~ 3433 Via ' NewpQr .l• • RICHARD'S LIDO CENTER •• • -·..i t• ... • t . ..... '" Beach ,.. _'l_. . . . . ' ' . ' . ' t • -r ) ~ ' 1...~~--........................................................................ '" ...... ~ .... ~ .... -.... ~ .... ~ ..... ~.~-~-~-~-~-~-~·-·~-~~~~~~~---~-~~~~~~~-----. -. ·.,. ,# .... wrrn u.wr: .. t;XCITI:;\ft:NT. BREWIXG 'ii ,} . ':. in the ~ o( KnMt·a Berry Farm canned Uke1 ! .. , 1·our· n10m just nf11ht ,njoy . . . extra-1ptt.iallx· il she own1:a boat : •. a cbOco- late chip pound cake °"all vacuum p.acked and ·li-clou1 .• , Round sll<:M .att ~ interestin& . , • Or ~ . ~~· .. ·~inraPpt cocoMul poUnd cab . 'Ttie' reeommend. ro \\'ay ls 10 chill befott r!illcing ... You can e\;e:n !oasf' lMifl llehtlY or mike into crtam chttse sand- wiches. . ". T"' ~ canned thllt cake ill a real hont~ wtfh- out any Pttl. only lus~ mara3'"hino cbe:rMe:a, ch~ al P\neapple and ~ilinl .\ • ddiclous, a n d mom~ Wou1dn't she a~ the-3 tied together with &lilttr_inr ~Vo and,,an ymptious bbw. Rt>re at Richard's, r',11 e Ptop)f Stort, \Ye 'I\" bun h ouf all o\'f'r w1th lhouJ:htl o.f ~ ·. t1, Ptrhaps a Tiinl OUUll! l>ll tft:t&i. the YaCht Shop which l\'lakt1 the ifiit . tlest Purse . . or 10me. or the new mod Dowen mad• by the Mod 11.rannft1 eC Sunli)'$lde'\Vallllnrton, •• Their ~mes are Ellttn ~ Ellen and the tlowtts ~ hand, 'Pltnftd W~e •nd come plut(d In Uhlt c),ay pols. All thls Is •ltiul I Inc~ ifh and they ~n have .11. lhtlc l11bc\ wft!Ch =' !hem ideal for place ' ~ . ~l{t $:'1.'i. :.: • i fiPI >:.r • • '• 1 ' •• ! > t ~ ' ,I ,! ' ' .. ' • . ,, I , > • '·' > . • ~~ , i .. j . ' ' ' ' ' . ·' ' ~ , '.> •• 1 .. . ' ' • \, " " • • • 1i;, PRO~·. iHE "WORLD'S SWEETEST~ JUICY . . TEXAS R,UBY RED . ·. Grapef(dit ·· ·'tO'~~R$1·:, .. ·' FANCY, FRESht, TENDER LEAFY-GREEN ' , ROMAl~E 2 FOR 29¢. * GARDEN.FRESfi EXCELLENT WITH NEW POT A TOES PEAS f 3 L~~l . CREAMING SIZE, NEW €ROP . CALIFORNIA WHITE Rc°SE · . I Potat~~ ' > ' . • ·U)IELDCATIESSIEN ' ' . . OSCAR MAYER ALL MEAT, ALL BEEF • • ' . q_R GRILL SIZE ·.WIENERS "-. . . ~ " QsCAR. MA YER,' VARIETY PACK · B!logna,' Olive 'L6af, l'toney Hain ft1ncheon Meat -~89¢. !ilR DINNER ,' SANDWICHES, SNA<::KS .R£D.E-~RVE SN10KED .,onf J.a~s.age _· ..... ·69¢ P~LSBY~(',l~,fif• 'N Bok~" ~hocolaf• Chip:~(~js .''""'.'39¢ ESco FFI Ek,. 11\1,IO RTEDI. . SAUCE/DIABLll .... : . ..., 89c SAUCE ROBERT , .. '"·. .. 89c' ·'. NbRTHLAND QUEEN "< ·..-~~.~,.-;;" O:ANISH SALAMI ;;;~ 1~19 ., ' ' r . * , ... 'ii. .. • OAIH "LOT ... • •4< I ~-- '' . t . ~ . t ' ' . ' ' I ME -:11 i» '•. ! ·~ • • •-< •" I fl.. (I ' Elil, t'f. I ! ' o y • ~ • R.1ettARD,'S u.s.D:A{ sl'io1ts BEEF '15 'THE'. TOP QF THE GRA!ie 1 · • THE MOST ~~~TIVE OF AU ,ME~TS, FOR MOTHER ' " .PRIME.'RIS ROAST ::,".r~~·'"' . 98¢ ~· .. ,F,!AVE A llARBECUE FOlt M01f-JER .' . .. . ·.. . ' . , · ;:SPE"CER .ROA$T ·~h .. ~r.-;~... )~89 .. Lk: . · BRUSH Wl1\4 SAUCE DIABLE. BEFORE BROILING " . ' SPENCER STEAKS n; oye·.i the ,;b. I " LEAN ENGLiSH STYLE ' . ' . ' '.: .. 'SHORT RIBS .. ~h•"""' w\~ ~.~pple, oofoo. ' •. 390 ~ ~ , : ; , pePfl'~· tint~', etci 1 MY' ~•.ce. _ • 1 J • • , •HAMBURGER PERFECT, LEAN . SMOKEY" FLAVOR ·BA~·M ' ::' . ' I • '' ',' GROUND BEEF '$~·...:· TJ\VBRN 'H 0 AM '~·149u.': ' 'I' ' . IAR-M . . :BAR·M, ·for buffet· dinners ' · ' BACON 69c i1. l1 or Yi .HAMS · . ;1:4' ~ · ' '0 /1 •.. ~IJ~ ~·~~ (j)~ W!At/l.VJ~ . ~ . . . ' ~c>t. ', TO THE OLDEST MOTHER,. THE YOUNGEST MOTHER .. AND THE NEWEST MOTHER! ., WINNERS 'CHOSEN SAT., MAY I 0th • GROCERY GER~.ER'S STRAINED . • Baby Food~: 1o~R$1 KN~DSEN LA BON BUTTER ,, .. 83c SUNSHINE THAT'S WHY WE HAVE SO MANY THINGSi TO PLEASE HERi Hydrox Cookies I 1'. 47c ~ ' • 0 • , , 101st he~ wi~h Ch1mp.1gnt, • -i:~. tre.yful of hot d O•li¥res to ord•r ~rom our Dell, ind 1 P.rim• Rib · Ro1sf, .. HILLS BROS. COFFEE 1 LI . Hills Bros Coffee 67¢ I Ht. ].33 " ' . ··p.RozeN FOODS ' . .., l, ' SUNKIST :.;_ 6 oi. · ' I .Orangeluice 4~0R8Q¢ VAN .DE .KAMPS ~ . . Macaroni Iii Cheese " ... 3-,.. '1 ' 'BIRDSEYE "QUt.cK-THAW -I 0 oi,• Strawberries 4: FOR $1 • ;· , j MRS. FRIDAY'S GOURMET BREADED : SHRIMP . : ,.... . 1.29 ' f:&V( . \ · P.E~ITE . ·PE.t.S '.,.,: 4 .... '1 ·c&w • ... ' . ' BROCCOLEJTES 3 ' '1 .. tn. fw · ' . ClW 12-.oz. '' t? Yegeta.ble \:D,licieux "" 5,.. '1 C.& W CHIN~E P.EA PODS 1 - O&W CHINESE · i.o._ . fl.EA POD~--·-39c ., ..... -...... - r . . • ' 'The Finest-Edy's Candies, ,, . . . in ttl sorts of un1.iSu1I flavors! EDY'S HAT ' IOX -• , V1 lb. box 2.6~ · 'l I lb. b'ox · 4,50 . ~..._, -.. , ALMOND IARK , ·' 1 .' ;· 1 · l I~. box-2.25 ALMONCl IUTUR C9.Ub!C.lrl . t •lb. bo11 . 2.25 , ... •~ .;. . EDT'.£,CREST 10X . ' ' , , . l ,I lb. i,., 2·.25 .,, .. ~ , , 2 lb. box 4.50 ''\ , . ·~tNY~MORE YUM~t .eoo IES fQ P~~~· Yo:u~ tii'Q~· ', , " • 1 1. • • •• ' .. . , ·-..... . , BAKERY · . ' • • 1 , ' ' SPICIALI Rose Topped, Oril ng·e Flavon' ,.\ Ch•rry, Appl• or loy,tnbtrry, l•r9• Mother's Day Cake. l.29 FruitFilled Danish 89c OELICliTELY SOFT & CREAMY FOR F,ESTIVE' Ol~NERS Donn 'Butter Cream Bread 41c Parker House Rolls 614 , ,"C~'bY~ QESSERT . DISH · ..... ., . . ~ . .. ... ' "2~...t:;._~ MA]~~T .. HO~~--&' GIF~:sHOP THONY'S SHOE REPAIR ~LOWER SHOP ,, I I • J I"•'' ; f ~ ' ' ' LID01 YAC::Hl' SHOP " "4IJt I t OPEN DAILY .1, SUN.-9.6 . OPEN DAILY 9.6 . -' . OPEN DAIL y 9-6 .. OPEN DAILY 9.6 DAILY 9.S:lO, SAT. 9.5 . . ' . . • • • ClEANE~. . ' • DAILY l!l0-6, SAT •. ,:lO.S .. I I ·.if;, •J:*-;_.;'flP °7.J ~ :.t ,)\ ' • -6 ---' ---• --------- • ' I + ; "' . "' , ... ~ •.• ,. ,,.4 . ' - g 11A11. V l'ILGT Celebrity's . F~yor·ite Comes FrG>.m Sea IJld dlllate pastry ot tlto yellow clbbqe lavtL ed from 1hell1 we l l ·a• 110 a e I wllipi>td ,·-·• u-·• •··•·-I "I ca11ect .=tbooia. My Otopped fresh peraley polatlioa; llll•piimy lube wt111 NEW YORK -How would ~~trl , -1 I 7-. ..o~ two favorita =Ille Vlnctnl Wipe fillets with clomp mubecl:J!::: tr. lnlllJ1d -.... to •• , .. a -··"·· Aus a. • go ' .---·-~: ·P1>ce In "-proof •·•. -•~ -..._ -fbt ":... brwt~ from that trip. Nonnally I Price bOoko ud, ol ........, i:i'ciim. ~ • -i:ki., dbll. llllia\liiodw ~ deliftll ii npt lo the lable! don't have a snot tootb a· Mn. Beeton'•, Ibo r.m... Saulo oballota Ugbily In IMit· to broft pola!Oll liOIJ7. ·~ ..... •-Howes cepl -It coma to apole EocJish clullc wltb nclpea. ter·, ·-"·· ol'el' '"'-·In beli. •• taib:j-~ u:°talMJlous strudel l!ld tbal lo v.e1y that eall·lor Uilni> llb•llZ• Ing ;"'Blend';'.;,,... h macblne that friel ·•IP and crum." i.mu::iac blnbuld ud peaooclc <or c111n Juice) lemon julco, Yummy Dis ......,.._ -the food ooto Reccntlt she did a coolllng 'IP• Ille · • oal~ white pepper l!ld thyme a plate a.nd sl~ the . plate session fot a magulne iD her "Tbe bell. food ii almple Pour over flUets. Bake tD down • ramp to where It's to ocean-front 11.partmeat J n fare: that'• why Italian food b preheated 350 degree F oven ~or Cheeses •• ---·. "ll -~·'d be Pacific Pall•adee. "I &tarted so SU"""-'or [ Uke choice ll n_.. . .. I - UC -•eu WUl.U .,_. • unt 116U 13 uare y Here la .I # rrooey b u t l!lltVeloos to have It right by oul to eooll a dinner party for meats well coobd, good (about 10 m1nu1 .. ). RemoYe • )'OUf bedside!" s.n, said. seven, only I endtd up cooking vegetables d e I 1c1 t e J y un-fllleta carefully to warm ecnnnptious kb! ol cheese Unfortunately tho machine for 14 people indudiiig the ~O<I. Wbft -1 came place: Poor -liquid ln13 ~ that J1llt camot be ls not yet on the market and editor and photographer:• from, people mate the food so sauce~; reduce sllghUy over resllted Ot certainJJ wun't a:lsts only in lhe mo~~ Her choice was a curry bas-wet," she moaned, -. medlllm Jfeal ~=~!)-·lfii;pf- "Cbitty Chitty Bang Bang,'' in ~on a recipe from the Hotel ren"Ufylovl~mtolooco=ht:blfor-..'.A~ Saute shrimp and lobster in of crisp t<rtilla •~i-on a whlcb Miss HoM.S stars. Pierre in New York. "It's ter· ,~,...... bu A"'-·t 4 lnute 8"turn he -... rlbly """" '"t compllcat·' I ... ; •• cumin "·-•--'•. · lier ~ m '· , aj.i)OtOOf plate or platter '!be peUte ash b Ion de •-~ ~. -1ed~ "M f ·--· loods-... fillets to beklng dish; pour (!><lier make Ila~-). -doem't need her food com· almost blew the dinner, g .: Y a .... au:: are reduced liquid over fillets: Ont -Ai' .. with thou...,, with the Bombay duck chili cho--' onkirl and beef'" • « •--.r p.rterized. howeftl'. "Coming 5"' the Ameri~' actress con. garnish with shrimp and . grated M<Dere): Jack or from Eil8land, I love fish," (small, dried salted fish) I cwded. _ lobster. Run under broiler. !b1rp Cheddor a.-. Pop she said. "What makes it so ordered: I'm used to buying it Garnish wi,th minced fresh into· a hot, 450-degree, over superb, I suppoee, is the cold by the 'biscuit' and this came LEMON SOLE parsley. Serves 4. ~ c:hene ia melted. Serve temperatu,. nl the water. Al In the orlgtnal form and 1 bak· roACHED IN WINE Afterlhoo·'ts: Sal""• r-•pe qwekly. P~ forollnl""""1 least, that's what 1 read . gu y -.. pthierinp. ._. Pll*' somewhere." Sbe giggled. ~ It. Everyone kept asking, 4 fillets o{ lemon sole, can be made into party fare mptSq!I, pleue. "It's been 1ike this all IDO(D· 'Is that goin& to be dioner? 1( weighina: about llh pounds by creating an enriched llUCe ing.'' she said, answering the it ls, we're not going to eat it. 2 shallo'ts, peeled, minced from the reduced fi.ah itock. telephone at the same Ume as You 'd better have so me 3 table!poons sweet butter Beat 2 egg yolks witb ~ cup the Wajter appeared at her Cbkken Delight on hand!' ~cup Chablis cream. Strain reduced ftah U. Perishable bole) JUite with morning cof-"Luckily, the dinner was an lh cup water (or clam juice) quid, add to egg<ream mlx· Coh:'.q'e ditese ii uncured fee. "I started my morning at enormous success ; it tasted as 3 tablespoons lemon juice ture, cook sauce over double and haa 1 light 'ud dtllcat.e I with a trans-Atlanllc call pretty u-it·looked." She serv· ~teaspoon salt boiler stirring conm.ntly until navw Jhat _keei-It on the rrom London. They sounded ed the 10 co n d i m e n t s Pinch white pepper sllghtly thickened, co r r e c t highly perishable list richt lresh and raring to go," she (including white grapes, chop-1/16 teaspoon ground thyme seasonings. nut to mllk. So keep tt cold said, trying to belt her bl~ ped parsley, peanuts, chopped 6 large green S?ltimp, clean-Spoon sauce over poached and coVU'ed. With this care, and-white mini dress, "But I coconut and chutney) on ed and deveined fillets in bating dish with it should Ny frah IDd fia· suppose the fllh lf'f.I more dishes shaped to restmble 2 large Johna tails, remov· shrimp and lobster. Prepare vorful for 1 weet. tender becaUle they don't----'-----------------'-----.....:.. _________ _ develop muscles or something like that." Asked lf h e r coun- trywmnen's pnference for fish miiht account for their famed comple:xion. she said, "More likely it's--t be climate. As for my own skin, I'm wearing a lot of ma .. eup now for appearances en telly, but when I'm at home I ordinaril1 wear only a little lipstick. I hnen't bad time to use my facial sauna steamer. It's marvelous. "Your central heating hasn't helped. Alter thrtt days in the hotel, my skin feels dry and drawn, but the steamer makes all the difference. How's that for an us, recipe for akin care?" she !aid, with a laqh. After the film was finlabed, she spent nearly three months on holiday traveling t o Hungary, Portugal, Italy and Austria, indulging in the local fare. 'MUFFLED' FLAVORS "After so many Hungarian goulashes, I was glad to ~ fish au nature! In Portugal. There the fish la 11 o t dominated by sauces. You get to taste the original 01vor of the food." Sally has an J.¥..ersion to what she Lenm "m'uffled fl1voring." '!be bes! tasting food she hid wu in a Hungarian market. lShe said, where !hey mde sausages in aJJ manner of sizes and shapes. "The ooe I liked best WIS mild-flavored, about one and 1 half inches thick. You buy by the piece, and that'a fun. I J10inted to the sausage saying, 'I want it cut from this point to here.' " She found he. mability to speak foreign languages 1 "shattering" handicap. "Peo- ple are terribly nice if you try to speak their tongue, but it's like being a stutterer and someone finishes the sente·nce for you. What's more shat- tering is, so often they speak such pe:rfec' English," she said. "l 'm mad about Italians and their food. I love Rome because it's physically so beauUfuJ. You can go to lunch and &it for hours over coUee. They even keep the restaurant open for just one person." The languid atmosphere h con- ducive to eaUng and drinking in quantity. "You can 1et so crammed that you bave to be carTitd aw1y in 1 wheelbarrow," she laugbed. Sbe p r 1 i s e d particullr)y the R o m a n spapetll Cllbonara and ~ tiput.o M a r I a (marinated seafoods -equld, llrm white fl.sh, mnweJa, _ ~ ~nd oc- lopua -plckled 1n a n atOl'DIUc mixture of olive oil, freoll -ond baylea~ WV· ed with qul!ltities m cracked peprfer). alPID&'ISERT Uaaally a dessert ski pper. Ille did, however, indulge hemly In the whipped cream No Waste Slnall p~ of cboae may be left over, but never, no oever-wall'ed. Jdlt .,11e ot lhr<dl!ldi.r.lna"'"1td jar in tbe~ralOf • , . nady lo OD top -~.:s;.~-blee, -llld Serving To aiJoJ dlo .,....,. navor cl IDOlll-fta di••· tab u muc11 u ,.. -,..·u ... """" the ,,,....._ -• 11111 -""-....... time • • • then ..,.. ot room t.m- pe111Urt. mps .. - - • Special Prices -Thurs.-Sun., May 8-11 Happy Mother's Day! Mom's Special Special-(Sl.79 Value: Mother's Day Cake On her Special Doy Mom shouldn't hove to bake her own cokel So why not' let Von de Ko mp'5? Their 13 fr""1 egg recipe mokes thi• Angel food Coke o Super Cab. It comes ~itting pretty w!th puro butter uoom icing (pink. no le.,I) ond do- ligh~ully decorated with a yellow rose. fancy Mother'• Day Cookies Express H•ppy Mother's Day, H•ppy Any Dayl Say It 'With ot<Uoahlaned melt'.in-her-movth good- neu. (little things onean o lot, remember?) Pure Von de Komp'• care makes them something special for Her Doy. light. lovely and luscious all. So-whet more coukl you oslc from a special Cockle Special? Pk1. 11 30 39c (4k Y1l1t) ·-...... ·-..... ~ "'l -49• .. N_,., ........... ~ "'J, 0, •,, -69< ....... '''..,....,...,'(lie, lflt) •••••••••• s,.w 33c -·-... -" .... """"""""-'1.19 (INC-_..... .. _. y_,. d. ..,.., .,.._, , ••• O' ...... -,,....., ....... ,...2 e,.....~•1.29 1 • . " ••• ,. '1 . ... .. Chocolate1 Mother1 Lovet (R11. $1.59) Assorted, Milk O' Oa~ Chocolal<" All her deep dork end milk chocolota fovorites in one big, beautiful box of chOcolote madness! Cream. caramel and nut centers galore -o field day lor any ,_, tooth. Complete with Mother'• Doy ribbon. 1-"· ... L Alllrld tltc1l1tn (It(. $2Jtl ..... , •• $2.25 2-1•. Assortll Miik I Dark CllHl•tn IRl1. $2.91) •••• $1JI Danish Cluster Coffee Cake1 A La Mom Surprisel What could be a nicer way to start Mother's Doy than with steamy coffee and fragrant almond flavored lemon fill ing Danish Cluster Coffee Cokes? The one tha t stints ,on nothing: laced with butter. Drizzled with lemon cream king, From Von de Kemp's. Who else? Pkt. 11 I 39c 1111-41c) look for tlle Bin Wiadllill at selected superllltets ~ Van de Kamps~ 1f A DMSIC»irt Of oeNOM. MO$T CCIP. We bake the way you would. II you hail the time . Dry Gin Stant~ Proof Seagrams 1 Crown-86 Proof M1H Gallon 1000 Bayside-Or,-Newport Beach 24 Monarch Bay Plaza-South La9una -· . . . .... . ,;, •.. ··=····--=----· ·-------------~--"--~ • s a , ~ -·-.. ·--~- . USO.Ai · CHOICE USDA CHOIEE . USDA CHOICE USDA CHOICE USDA CHOICE USDA CHOICE · 'USDA · CHOICE USDA CHOICE - ·USDA CHOICE Boneless Roasts lollHI TWa.tC!lllk~ U.SDA a.Kt ll<d-f1-f~ Teodlr •. IWl.ID I'm RolSt Slices Evenly for DilM' or SnJ. · wiclia low in Prict! c Chuck Steaks::~..,"'!' Sf 7•Bone Steak =~.-~ ~ 6f Boneless Steak ~"t...":'"', •. ar Hen -Turkeys • ll1or Htm !lulffJ llr • llorhlt • C.llflllli h1rla C MllTio, Te'°" lad Melly As DNy A Safeway Tll"key Can Be. OUf lb Buyers Ate fussy In Selectint TheifT11keysforYou.OllyThe • Very Best Ate Good £nou2h! Turkey Drumsticks ... 331 Turkey Hindquarters,. 331 Turkey Wings c .. 331 Cabana Variety fil'lll & Golden Ripe lb. Fiil Dllllr 1111 1111•1 · U~Jl.!. Cboice Beef~fmy Aied IOI T-fl-1\j IOI lb. Tender. kill! to Panfry. Low ia Pritt! Safeway ~ Boneless Roast ~·= ,. 981 Chicken Fried ::i.!"'' Fried Chicken ~\ic!o. .. J .... s11• ... Ca lined . - Hams - hlfl's • D h4111 Bcoeless Aod F~~ l'.ooled Hams. 5-y And Relay Smoked ~ 11-~ ['Illy Bill. C'4 f11111 !Older And Melly £.mm f'o<U!L ·1•~298 can Veal Shoulder Chops .. 6f Lamb Chops ~~~ .. tr Leg Of lamb l::' ...":~"-. .. tr . --. All Beef Franks llftw1yltll(~-I-IL St Tender Ille! F~vo1u~reat ••• Baked with BrO'.MI Buns! ... Ham Slices S.l•••J a..11n ... ,.!' 79c Cenler·Cuts-Fmm Tender ... and Meaty E1Stem Pork Sliced Bacon , • Luer's Iowa Finns • Dubuque Miss Iowa -Y11r n1tn--59c Spa....._ Pool Chlorine LOW PRICES TOO.' Edwards Coffie Tomatoes ~= 11-efo 25' ..-..~'-"'" ... ... , 33' ' ao l!m Robust Bltnd Gf Finer Cotftts. 24b. Clll $1.17-3-lb. Qll tL7! S I C Fnsll Picket! 3 29 wee orn "="' un c Right Guard · :::.':........ • .. lo '131 -= .... I ...... "... . :l'W"'i::.. 79 c 'Mllkfndl. .. • Red Wi1esap WnhilftonSllt1£.drl fny a~ggc • Jaice On1ces ftncJ Qillfonia ¥-.:ii Alka-Selfser I ::.':ti.""= ,.,. 95c ........ , .... ~ Mr'9 ll.9TI ..,., ...... :;:''.I'!; 11'~· Cream Pies lult1 Alllcltl :::: 1111~· RedPotatMl ~~1~5 .. 39' itcii1cins.-..·r::. ~ lt4 Elu611THltls ~·1""':1 .lttpl'1 Lelitl = ... ;l UJl::. .. ~(i}... Foil Wrapped Uliesl:.':."= ':"'I" .. S,rrr = ::-111m1 CJ1U)UlPJl4 JJUg Foll Wrapped Mums ~ '-;::' '2" 1 ... '''" ::: ::::. •m..., ~ ....., ............. ""'-~ -..... -lntt tlttm.. :0:-11"~'1' . ...., __ ,.._"""'".....,.. · lent Heir s,rrr •:;::-83'"l!.~ .... 29• 211' l 17th SI., Costa Mesa 1000 Bayside Dr., Newport Beach , ....... Sauce 4-loll Pack ' ·Zee Toi 11 T11sue lf-\•IL 7c ... TawalhNne T1111ato Soup :-:· ] I c lfh«. .... Ora119e Juice = -:27' 24 M4~1rch Bay Plaza, So. laauna, 636 H. Coast Hwy., lagun~ Beach Santa Ana freeway , al La P1z, Mission YleJO fflrvlew Aye·& Wilson Sf. . . . T ·· ' ~. ·-! rn\ .... .. , ·• •' ... .... • .• , ' ·~ •• ... . _ .. ., ~ .. •'-i '.· uo •• ''J. ... ... -. .. . ~ ... -. .e..: ~ ,- •• ,, . ,~, ....... . -.. • •• ~ .. •• . "' '· . ~r· -... r· ~· -tJ J ~~-~~ ....... -~---........ ---~·--• --~............__ .............. ---·--·-..... ---·--------..... _ ...... ~------...--. •• IC• ·-., --............ ,_-..;,~------ • • l 'd --------------------- •.f ... ' 112 DAil Y PILOT Energy ' Baking ·~Quietly Nowadays many mothers are 'nutrition-conscious in practical ways. They don't keep telling their youngsters to ent such-and- such because it's full or vitamins and minerals: they just add nu~ous ingredients to everyday dishes and make those dishes las~ good. One ol the nutrfent-rich in- gredients they're likely to use is wheat g!µ"Dl. and they use it in ingenious ways -:. from working lt into a meat-100( rn.iJ:ture to sprinkling it over pancake batter. A wheat-germ recipe we tried recently is going into our e:s:lra-good file. lt's for Walnut Gems -a cross between a muf!in and a cup- cake. The sems are delicious served warm from the oven or reheated. WALNUT GEMS 1~ cups unsifted flour 2~ teaspoons baking powder 1,~ teaspoon salt ~ cup wheat germ ~o~g~~sticks) butter ,i4 cup sugar 2 eggs 1¥' cups milk J cup chopped (medium- fine) walnuts On wax paper thoroughly sift tog~ther the flour, baking powder and salt; stir in:v.·heat germ. In a medium-size mixing bowl cream butter and sugar; beat in eggs. Add flour mixture to cream· ed mixture alternately with milk. • Stir in walnuts. Fill well-greased muffin-pan cups 2/3 full (or use paper baking cups in pans). Bake in a preheated 3i5-- degree oven until a cake tester inserted in <:enter comes out clean ~ 20 to ts iiiinutes. Serve warm, or reheat -with or without buttet. Makes 1 ~ dozen large or 2 dozen medium gems. Fish Finds Lemon Aid Can't make head or tail of fish cookery? Here's a hint. Stuff a generous-size white- fish with bread 'Cllbes sparked to high llav.or by sour cream and spices. SOUR CREAM S11JFFED FISH 1 (3 poulld) whitefish, dress- ed Salt and pepper Staffillg: 5 tablespoons margarine 1/z cup chopped celery l11 cup chopped onion 3 cups toasted bread cubes 2 cups (I pint) sou r cream 3 tablespoons diced, peeled lemon 11/t teaspoons grated lemon rind 1 teaspoon salt ~ teaspoon paprika 2 egg yolks Wash, dry and season fish. Mell 2 tablespoons margarine; saute celery and onion. ~tix lightly with bread cubes. \li cup sour cream, dice9 lemon, 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind, % teaspoon salt and paprika. Stuff fish ; close cavity with skewers and string. ln a well-buitered (13'hx9x2-inch ) baking dish. place remaining stuffing; add Hsh. Brusti fish with 2 tablespoons melted margarine. Bake in moderate (350 degrees F.) oven ;))-40 minutes. Baste 2 or 3 times until fish flakes \lo'hen fork. tested. tn double-boiler U>p, over bot water, heat l 'h cups sour cream. In small mixing bov.·I, lighUy beat egg yolks : beat in a JliUe hot sou r cream. Pour Into sour cream in dou- ble-boiltr. Cook 6 to 8 min- utes ; stir constantly until thickened. Add 'It teaspoon each salt and lemon rind . Remove fish to serving platter; remove skewers. Serve with cream sauct. Makes six servings. Big Sprou t Sprouts. San Fr a-n c Is co style, are inade with lemon juice and 1 dNb cf curry. Sall10 s' (101Jiln<e) packages -If lrolen bruuels aproul.$, thawed and thinly slic"1, In 1 ball ~ ol butter with I tea· -Al~ 1 ball teas-ach ol mono sodlu m &lutlmale artd curry powder. and J tablespoon ttf !eroon juice, Cook and stir about live 1 minyte1. until lightly browned, Makei I servings, tr 'fl 2 ' WtdM$day, MaJ 71 1969 • ~OW, LOW PRICES for t , Wtdnnday, MQ 7, 1%9 .. PLUS BLUE CHIP ST AMPS CHICKEN, WHO\£ LEGS OI THIGHS .. ·.F-JlTER PARTS ~1~~.59c DIMllTli'IMTOf •Ht.. lltCllJl(UlJVlll ·~ . . . FRESH FROZEN MEDIUM PORK SPARERIBS 59,~ FARMEjl JOHN OR LUER QUALITY COOKED HAM· laoiK cHoPs 79! lllii""L'Miaciioils 89! LUER ·QUALITY PfNNYWl$l 65 c u.s.o,A. INSPECTED flfSH FROZEN SPlllNG, SM.Alt $119 SLICID BACON '""• LOIN LAMB CHOPS .. LINK SAUSAGE 49:. sHAllK "ti.I' L'dii'sii'"oui.iii'0"'49~ TAYERNii"iMi" $1 2! L'IG'0.0i.'iiii"""0 89~ Fisli'ii1cKs I-OZ ..... 39c 3:K~~ .. $1 '-~~~~~~~--' DELICATESSEN ., I STEWED TOMATOES 5,,;~.~I · ioiAAto JUICE ~~-29c fRESH Kist MANDAltH ORANGES 4 ~~·$1 t•fSH klST TOMATO SAUCE 3 I-OZ. 29c CANS FOOD GIANT SCOURING CLIANSER 2 21-oz.35c PKGS. IMITATION ICE MILK GOLDEN CREME All FLAVORS 1/,-GALLON 33c FROZEN FOODS STRAWBERRIES KERN'S 4 $1 SLICED ~~-g:: BIRDS EYE COOL WHIP (9-0Z. CUP) 59c M'E'Ai''pi'('Ditiiiis" :.i~-45 c s"wiilsoit~ENTREES~'';; 4 7 c CH", lAGOUT lfff (Sfl:OG ... NOfF 7.5<) i_i 5 3 C Swanson Pouch Pak ::~ MINUTfMAIDUMEAiifOR 2 6.oz. 2 7c LEMONADE . CANS BIROS EYE -IT.WAN IEANS, IAIYORFOllDHOOICl~ 29c VEGETABLES ::~: YEGOABLES/SAUCE :~~ 39c CALIFORNIA CHOICE SONATA STRAIGHT BOUUON DINNER CASfOf2' o '.uruRPW 12.oz. CA"'S WINES iii.LO . 7CROWN $1139 SAVl SEA GRAMS 11.IG. 01110t1S • 8URGUHDY$12 9 $1 ,10 $12 ... , • C.H ... lllS 7.ya. STRAIGHT kfHTUCICY llOUnON CJ.il Of 4 •VIN ROSE SAVI 12~~~ •CHIANTI OLDCHART R lfG. C.Al\ON\ • SAUtfJINt FULL $1.SO $1•.95 3\19' ss" • VINORO~ GALLON SCOTCH wtflSKT 16~! SAVI CUllYSARK ..... 11.f..!.NOf~ ''NLFt'S $2 98 12.00 S1t.lS \'OO<A .. """" ·~~. VODK A or GIN c~'l:I~. """ SAVI CROWllRU SE IUG. "' 59.2• TENDER, SWEET, "fRESH CARROTS T-ll, I oc CELLO 1.f..G te GARDEN fRESH ROMAINE LETTUCE LARGE !ROWN STEAK 3 9 MUSHROOMS ''" c 2 '"'" 29c IUNCHES COFFEE-ALL GfflNOS DOG FOOD ALL f\,I BAlHRDOM DASH lOW SUDS DillRGENT •••••• , •••••• ·'"' "• 79' corm-ALL G~NDS I MAXWELL KAL KAN ~~Ai 6G~H~I~ SCOTIISSU~ CASCADE DISHWASHER OETERGErfT •••••••• , "" "' 45' YU BAN HOUSE MPS W/Cl!iCKEN PARTS ·~· 39c TOP JOB HEAVY DUTY ClfANER •• ,,,., ••• , 21 .. o; 73' 73c DR CHUNK~EF W/EGG J.!h. 1·1b.C.. ......... 6Sc 29-c S11t Pkg~ flfl'~ly P.ck DOWNY FABRIC SOFTENER ••••••••••••• , ,,., 1" 89' ·~ 1111.C. •••.•... Sl.!1 l•-GZ. O<L It IJI'! PARKAY SOFT MARGARINE , .. , , , . , • , , ... , . ""' 43' 3 J~, r111 ........ SJ.99 c~ KITCHEN CHARM WAXED PAPER •• ,., ••••••• """' 21' ' TENDERLEAF TEA BAGS (Incl. JO• Off) •.••••• ,,. •u 59' STRAINED OR JUICE POWDERED COLORS OR DECORATED PAPER THESE PRICES FOREMOST INSTANT BREAKFAST, Choe., Vanilla,·"'""'!" [RBER BABY FOOD SNOWY BLEACH VIVA TOWELS , EFFECTIVE JOY LIQUID DETERGENT •• , • , ••••••••••• ""''"'" 35' ';: 1oc 11 .. 47c 26·Dl. 77c ,,, 37c THURS, thr1 SUN,, SALVO OFTERGENT TABLETS ••••••••• , ••. _, .. ,.. 79' ... •• ~· MAY I, 9, 10, 11, 1969 2300 1 Harbor Blvd. 'at Wiison St., Harbor Shopplilg Center, Cosfil Mesa -. j ' " . . . I 0 • 1 a •• •• 1 --·-e .·,,;. ---·-----___ _,___ __ :;:_· _ _: __ ·--------~ ~-~ • • , WtdllfSd!J, May 7, 1969 ~[y l'ILOT 53 Book Where Cook .Should Look When ·shs 'Masters AB Cs By JOA.I;' HANAUER a cinder and recoils at even ~rys~al ~nd silve1 {plate) Is the mal, event and what rib roast of a gi.111 alrloil'I Is ate tasty. , ·7 Ory chk:.ke~ and pince in The white wine Isn't NEW V.ORK <UPI)· lbe mention of seafood. But serving dL!bes. dtstrvts the most tender, lov· l mp re a a Ive a)ld easy. 2 bn:iiler-t.rs (about 2Y. stiallow baking pan. Dot with necessary but it adds 1 little 1-. , . -when .r sei:ve him turkey willt If guesl.J are of the drinking in& care. Yoo can make your Jndlvldual ~-Cornish. gilm~ I>OUDdll each) cut up In butler. Sprinkle lightly wllh extra. tf you .use dry Anybody wbO can read a lhe ~1mm~ng1 or roast pork, variety, remember th 1 t own hollandaJse sauce, pray a hens .stuffed wtth wild rice are ~lng pieces ull ~nd pepper. Bake un-Vermouth, thtn omit salt. recipe cl'ii cook. Anyone. who he thinks 1 ~ tbe_grtaltllt chef gourmets clai\n cocktalls dull lot over a fancy potato _so:ufO~ . ~eUc1~. . L 2 fu~letpQOns of butter , covert~ one hour. , Otherwise add 1all 1 and pepper can scheme can achieve an since Escolf1er · the palate. Mate the most of or carve out rosebud radishes For the more budget.-mlnd· "' 2/3 cup of lemon Jl~ Meanflme mix together in to taste. After I.ht chicken has unearned reputation as a aood Setting an , elaborate table t.fiat inlormaUon and pour for the sala_d. But what they'll ed, here 's a dilh ~t req~ 1 teaspoon of rosem•ry shallow bowl the lemon juice, cooked one hour, add mixture , •. • . -al!o foo~ people. They <i_an't 1 fr~ly for euphor&c .diners. remember ll ~he meat cOlfr-se. .a minimum of .wotk »4 tor u gloves garlic, minced rosemary and garlic. (Garlic, and cook for another ts cook. . Imagine eating poorly off the 1'he big moment arrives and ti you are doing things on a which I am u.ndeserve(Uy ap-Spluh Of dry white wine of course, Is a matter of taste. minutes. Garnish with· lemon Take me , for eiample, The wedding • present Wedgw·!)Od everyone sits down to eat. To big budget. or your butcher plauded. It'll serve four Salt and pepper When I say 3 cloves of garlic1 sllces and parsley -if )11)\J other night my husband and I the gold-plated flatwar-e,,.. Ute my way of thinking, the meat has a specjal, then a standing generollsly, arid the leftovers Heat oven to 375 degrees. remember I like.garlic.) feel like it. di11ed at the home of friends ; the la~y of the h.Q_u_g b_ielng a really fine cook. This Renoir of lhe saucep.an and stove told 1ne what a good cook I was, adding she never had a bad meal iij my house. Calling me a good cook is nonsense. J\ty introduction to cooking ca1ne from · m y n1other. She teug11t me her en-· Ure repertoire -how to open caru:, bot'i an egg (lf you boil it long enou,h, it comes out hard boiled), hroil a steak and whip up a delicious cup or instant coffee. By the time I reached Wtirk· ing girl stlitus, with my own apartment, I had discovered the wonders of frozen food, particularly the kind that comes in its own cooking tray. I snorted -and still sniff - at the recipes with which single girls are supposed to create culinary delights for · their dates. MY dates were in- lormed that I couldn't cook. So they never expected me to make dinner. They took me out to dine. Some of my more kitchen accomplished friends had an appalling number of dates \11ith men who came to dinner, watched television and went home, flinching openly at the thought of going out. Those girls would wonder \\'hat I would do when I got married. It was simple. I learned to read recipes%! those years of dinin ou! Laught me to r~gnize good one when I saw 1t. ' But I wasn't satisfied rWith lhe fact that my hu.sband survived and thrived, thanks both to my improved skills and to his liking for meat and frozen vegetables. I began to schen1e. First I acquired a small library or cookbooks, including the inipres!tve "Larousse Gastronomique," the helpful "Joy of Cooking'' and the kitchen classic, Julia Childs' ''Mastering the Art Of Frencl'l Cooking." There were others, too. NO\\! these books actually can be useful in the handling and cooking of food . But they also should be prominently displayed to put dinner guests .in the proper, respecUul frame of mind. It is important to work in a small, cramped kitchen \\'ithout proper counter. freezer or storage space because then anything you' ac· complish is consider~ a n1inor miracle. Menu planning snould mean discovering wh1:1t foods your guests like . and preparing the1n. 1 haye a cousin who is a n1ediocre (!OOk like myself and determined to make her favorite eggptp;nt dish for my hus band and,tne. For us, that is more of a threat tbai a promise and we haven 't been to her home in a year because the dread egg- plant hangs over our heads. On the other hand. I ha ve a brot~er-in-Jaw who loathes garlic, likes his beef cook~P to Fig Bars Sto red I W1ith Ease ' These-bar cookies keep welt FIG BARS 1/3 cup shortening 14 c·up sugar ~t teaspoon baking soda I teaspoon salt l teasJ>OOJI cinnamon 1/3 cu p..aark molasses 1/3 cup honey I large egg l ','4 cups unsifted nour. stir to aertte btfore measur- ing 1 cup finely cut soft dried rigs • ~r: c u p chopptd lmedium fine) walnuts -Grease and flour a square cake pan (9 by 9 by 2 lnche1). Cream shortening, sugar, bak· ing soda , salt and cinnamon; beat in molasses and hooey, Uten egg, Gradually and gently beat • 1n flour ; stir in figs and wal· nuts. Tum' into prepared pan, Bake ill a preheated 350- 'degree o~en until a cake tester Inserted ln center comes out . free ol batter -30 oilnutta. ~ ~ · Tremendous > Mo-tiler's Day . 7 Gilt Suggestion! flfilill@ BAMIRY !R EI.fl 7·LAYER WHITE C,A,K!; COVE~ED WITH ~INIC COCONIJ.[....8!C'ORA TEO WITH ROSES ANO INSCR!SEO '"MOTHER." voiis Petit Butter Gems Danish Rosettes / ..... ,. '"''···-• IU!!tlP 001(1. O\llCI[, ••ONi Plll!f •Iii. lt<°tUVll~ll,(( ~Ofllf (A(H, llO llU.11 ' I.UT. -H' M••f 12-PACK 59' 6-PACK 37' Seafood Seo-lections FANCY TURBOT MOST Pt:lfC'IA&\E, IONUf5S Wl(llf flSI( 1•DM C:OlO ~Ol1l!UM WAt9S. PAN ~!,,DY 69~ Iii "'' Froz•n Food Co1•1 GiQrmlf Shrlm, ~u. nw.r. 1.01. " .......... SI.TS PM!td Shrtrnp "-"L .. ,oAr 1-111.1.oL .. o ........... tk Fish lrlspt ,,,,,.._, u.oL .. v. .................. lie fldl Sflckl _ .. IH u.ou. "".on ............ 3k ... , Ftlfftn ilfUl.11..CA ..................... II. tk fxtro Volu15J M""11ft l c...,,.. Diftn.,.. ......... , •••. 17 oi •.. 6J.. lo!O<ttn Me .. •onl l CM••• ...... ,, •• , .I 01 .... 2Sc M•rT.., M.ctr..,i & 0.-t ., ,, ........ ?O oi •••. 4k Jtln! Mo•l<•n Din Mr ...... , . , • , , , , .. 1 i\1 111 ... 4fc Jtlnt c~, ... fnchil.,..., Dinn•• , , , , , • , , .• 11 or, ••. 49< Jt!"t a..f lnchilodo Dinn•• ...•• ,,, .••• 11 01. ,.,4•• Xlnr T••a-ett .................... , ... 11 Mi;, .,,3f<c loby ""'"Ju. c ... .., ''" .. ~ .. ,. ,,, .. 6 M< •• ,. 6S< C & W Chin-P111 P1U w/Choo1nul1., •. 1 OL '.' .49< CIW P.ilr1 ,_, . , , .. , , ....... ,, .... 10 01 .... ltr BOLD ·DnERGENT N1w lolcl1r Bri9/i/1ning Form11lo 99~ KING SIZE LISTERINE ANTIHPTIC Ki/11 GfrrN by Mll/ion1 .,, COllflld 14-0l. 1n . S•ECl"l 88 c COLGAn TOOTHPASH ~:C-~~11~~ 14' WHln RAIN HAIR SPRAY ~0..:'.."i;0or. 11'' Vo.s SH•uroo -11.111.oz.•n. 'I" Aln uo. l'ST, illPU. ""L I" - j9@11f '1J llOUORI FEATURES f tffW lOW l'lllCEI 16-1'11. • ~ OlO OLD TAYlOI ~~ 1~!: •••COUPON•••· : DOUBLE BLUE CHI~ : • ST ~MPS with thit (OU· • • pon on th• total amount • a of 1ny ~Ur(h11e exclud-• a ing liquor, toblcco and a e fluid milk products. l • • coupon p • r custotMr. • • Coupon good Thurtd1y • • thru Sund•y, M•y I ~ • e Moy 11. e • • •••••••••••• ,/ GIVE MOM . A "TIUE ~RUS,,.,IE'' FRJJAID MASTERPIECE FOR -HOME Genuine 1969 Spring lomb ·JUICY TENDER RIB 8orNcue f(J'(Ofil•/ Ill Chuck Steaks 55• Family Steaks ~~ri:>:... 98• """!.:':.~°""' 5 9 Beef Short Ribs -::.:;: 49:. ~~:; ..... H~ G:ib'R• $!J LAMB ROAST '°-•······-·· ·1 ~~ si· dB HORMILOll 89-IAKE 1011 ........... •1 ~ ice aeon um.,,.~ .. t CHOICE Ill CHOPS ..... •1 ~ Link Sausage :~·:,!:'"" 291 1 w .. • ,_ 0---'-l ..... ""' Boneless Ham fW\::l~2'~0Lf '1 ll. I SMAil LOIN : .... • .... 'I~ II 1.::::··~~: ... ~·~·~::·-:;;:"'":;: ..... ::::: .... :·::::.~:,~:.;;:.:;,:.:..;;..,~ ..... ~ ........ ~. ~ ........ ~..! Chuck Roast ~~~:~~~rB()~;L.: ss~ Shotllder Clod • ·0;~:~s:~~" 98f Hen Tu rkeys vo::;:,~~,",~~:.::" . 39~ 12-1.t lJ. A.VG. WT. Game. 'H.ens DELK.,.,S.OCKCO!NISH 69' .. c ,20.()Z. MINIMUM WfJGHT ·--- tibbYPORK &BEANS in Tody TOmafo Sauce 2V2 CAN . ... aceez froz11t-IO-oz. Pkg. BEECH-NUT BABY FOOD STRAINED A!.SOltTED VARIETIES ..t~ OL JAii WESTWOOD ICE CREAM Assorfed Flavors FRUH SAIDS 3:$1 FOLGERS COFFEE 1 ~ 69• !'2~ 11" I 3~ 'I" folttn ,,....,. Cefftt "°" i.u .................. 11.Jt /V/O/N/S/ COFEEE ,,,,..;v,,. Ouality-01.U.. Coot. 2 u. 1115 3 u.1111 CAI CAI , .. SLICED .,PINEAPPLE HA.WA.tlANSTAR•21liCAN ~ Perfect for D1u1rl1 'S18•• or Fruit So/ads ( .if ancy Red Salmon ~:,~:.:· 99' Chic·E Cat Food ~t~ 3: 29' Gala Pa1er Towels '~~~0 33' .Seneca Apple Juice 40 •~39' I SWEET '!~~. , .... ~ .CUT GIADIOWS ~.,. MOTHER'S DAY PLANTS ! •MU/l\S l11F~1111-$191 • OlOXINIA 6~ '"' •HYACINTH YOllr CMM:t u.. • HYiiAANGfAS • , ... , ..... $J.9' Pidttd ol the Righi 5109• and . Rusi.eel to Vo1u,., ea. Cantaloupes ;~~~.;::;~ 3 i '1 Russet Potatoes ~::.::io\. 1f R d• h ........... """"' 11115' a rs es Hl5" lMGE II.INCH -... ~A~ERM.~LON 8' L P• I "'"""" 49' arge 1neapp e .,,,,, ,o '" . • Valencia Ormiges .. ~ 1f Anjou Pean ::u "t..""tt. 1fo c.·cvalcilllW tr 4*iwt Ntn ,.~ .. si.. ....... ., ... Celltct If Tiii ..• - Place on a wire ra ck; with ·, i>lnall spatula loosen edges : cool; cut into bars ; renrov~ with spatula . Wrap tightly In 1011 .Adams .Ave., at lrookhurst, Huntington B.acl. plnstic film . then store in l J I. 5922 Edinger Ave., at Springdale, Huntington leacll 17950 MagnofJG, Fountain Vally tightly covered tin box. "' '" . -.,..._ ·~ , ··-.:! -~----·---~·"---· . 1 .. ...........-., ~ . . ----. - ' .. ' ff • NILY PILOT I S: ... • • , -"" • Bar·M Franks . . : • • 49~ :All meat' .... barbecue dogs lvith Kabobs this time ! Nalley' s Salads . . • 3 for $1 Beady to aerve ••• your choice of reg. 39c varieties . -sda1. May 7, 1969 ' . . ' _'l>Qt ; 24 PILOT;ADVE~TIS£R -·~ -· • ' l·_ ·-• • • .... ~ ••• , •• ·····~····· ~air;Jen<ler, flavorful ••• cubes of U.S.D.A. chpice beef ••• rich in tU1turil 'flavor : .• and'satialaCti'oil(1il<ive Rice Pi!~· with Beef Kabobs! •" . ~ -> ' ' ~ .. , '·~ - ! • a Oz • • • •••••••••• -~b·. in th~ Az:menian tradition·· •• we'll marina.~. them for yqu. for that aµthentic flavor! Or try Schilling'~mon-Pe~r·J:- . , \ • 8 OL r ' 8 OL e • e I I I I I • I I I I I I -' .. - Lean mid-,ve.stern pork, with grain-fed tenderness! A new world twist to a,n old 'vorld treat! So easy to be a.niaster.·chef~ With· Kabobs! 1. , . t _ RE~ RIPE • ~s·1o-e .~ ·. . .. , ~·~All tlic ,oma 9es .. ~H.~~~ ... ~~~~ .. ::.~~~~, ·, \ · n1ons ........... ~~.~~~ .. ~1.~~.............. . ,~b Spear Uiese littfe ~ems1on yp~r Kabob ske~vers -•.• colorful, flavorful ! <B'skt. :Ad_,iihat mtra touch that tji! flavor .of-mild onions affords ! ·:-~ ., .. _ ;., , P . -SWEET CRISP 29 .. eppers .. < ..... ~~~ .. ~~~~~~~...... . ~ Cu't into generous pieces ••• thread on skewers for added flavor and color I .. ~ushrooms .... ~~;~.~.~~~ ...... 69~ -. ~ , " ~ ,. Firm neshed ••• finest qual.ity ••• true Kabobs dEiserve mu shrooms'! ; ;, •. . Super Grocery Values! Super values for rest of the week fTleals!:. ! ... S k• T . . . CHUNK 4 F $1 ·tar 1st · una LIGHT : ' . " ................ . J • J k FRESH 4·9· c· un1or ur ey .... ~~.~~~ .. :~A:: .. ~.. . . -, ·• Perfect size for Sunday diriner ••• 6 to 8 lb.· average •.•• younk\~enderf .. Sweet fi~ meat ••• for delightful salads, casseroles, sand,riches ! No. 1/2• • . ·, CANADIAN . . · Ling Cod ........... .f.R~~~ .. ~~~L.E!s............. 9~ From icy cold 'vaters ••• flesh that's firm, ,~·h:ite and delicious. kServe ~~' with Newburg sauce. · C SERVE THEM 9a·· . Pork ubes .~!~! ... A.~.~ ... ~~~ .... ::~ , _ •b ' M . . BORDEN'S 3 F $1 arga~1.ne ............ _.~A.~1.s~.......... : Flavor that's sure to plea6e ••• 'in .cooking, baking, or as a spread. I lb. pkgs. ' Pineapple ......... ~~~~~~~~1~ ......... 6 : $1 . Cut them once • , . and they're ,a perfect" size fo fit your ske"·ers ! No. 114, ~ans. Lean fresh pork, triirimed· ihd cuoed-••• tender morsels to cook perfectzy! '.. . . Heinz Relishes ........ ~.1~R~~1.E.1 ......... 4 1" s1 Tom Thumb Dinners ..... 3~.''.~~~'..~' .. .' ..... ${62. Swe'et, Hot Dog, llamburger or' India ••• 11 ounce jars! c . Apple Pie . . . 69c Johriston's •. big 9 in. size .. frozen!· Ice Cream • . . 69c · Springfield ••• all r'lavOrs ••• 1/2 gal: Ground Round . :; 79~ · Always fresh ••• i.nd so vecy lea:ri! Ice Cream Topping ; . . . . 29c Sipu~ers sundae flavors .•. youl' choice .. 12 oz . . Treesweet Orange Juice 4 ~~ $1 1'""'rozen ... from Indi an fliver oranges .• , 12 oz. 49c .. IOatfque Towels : , • • • 2'c :Spic~)sl~nds Wine Vinegar., 39c '~ Frollftt.he.,10.~n~ peoµJe. ,·. to'vel3'With a .flair~. ~out-.cho1ce-df 49c varieties and flaVOrs ! 1! ot •.. ;Kleen'ei ·Fadit:Tissue. ~ 4 for'-$~ ··st~lling's Lemon P~pper .7 39c The~ you know toe quality I ... 200 cL pkg. New! ;A•delightful marinade for' all meats! · ' . -EletlnSol . . . ~' . ... • ~9c ·Green Giant Rice • -... 3 fori·$1 · For ol4mi•f:ic<lishWMheri !, :.:'33 oz.' pkg. Buttered, Medley, Pila! or Verde ••• so good! ·• (fticken in Wine Sauce • • • 59c · FMfasttc' Spray.' Cleaner •• F6l"lll "-hold cleaning ••• 22·o•.~oh:an ~ . . ' 79c -HUNTINGTON .HARBlllfR: Warner Ave. & Algonqu in St._ • Swan'!'On um Vlh1le Wine for flavor!-Froi.cn, 6 oi. • NEWPORT BEACH: 2727 Newport Blvd.~ 255 5 Eastbluff Or. (Eastbluff Village Cent ) Also conveniently located Star.es· in Arcadia, Pasadeha (lnd South P~adena StOtChgard • • • • • · · $1.59 ·,: ·li4axwell House Coffee. 67~ ·I· '' Doit JOUilel! fabric pro~tlon I ••• is oz. ai•~ T,.. wund an 1.33 'Chl'ee pound can 1.93 . .. •• .. . -. ' ' I I . • . ' WtdMsday, Mot 7, 196t --..,, Mai 7, 1"' • . ' ,• • ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGE ST ,:VOLUM E ,DEA,LER CHRYStER : ~:~·~ : PLYMO UTH ' " """·due to our low, low pricn encl' oar .huto d.iKoUnh.;. ... sen. ing more new Clvysltn, l'tymOuthS, Jo.dnianers and Used Automo- bnes than eny other Clvyslor.Plymoulh.'Dtaltr. . ·' •' ' ' NEW '6.9 PL YMOU H ··-Fliirl i1 2 DOOR HARDTOI'. fully "JUipt. $ 8 0 0 incl. air cond, torqueflitt trl!ns .. p. steering, tinted glass, radio, vinyl roof, de lu xe wheel '°"'" whitewalls plus.many luil.lrf ex· ; : ' · tru. Sr. No. PM23-f90-130380. DISCGUlfl' " VOLUME DISCOUHTS • •VOWW SWCTION ·• VOLUME' 'SAVINGS' NEW '69 CHRYSLER 4 DOOR HARDTOP. fu ll( eq pt. incl. p. steering, p. brakes, air cood., radio, forqueftite trans., whit• walls, tortoise vinyl roof, 1ccent stripe, clock, 3 spd. wipers, lig'ht grp., plus rtian y more luxury 1xtr•s. Sr. No. CL43-G9C-239794. NEWPOtlT CUSTOM .$1000 DISCOUNT ' '•, ,I. 'ROAD RU NNER·"· 1969 USED 2•DOOI P.' ·~~if.: 't'~, Alt·Wlll. ........ f. .. Mi, <f4m ........ ~-'""'b ... ,,_, wl~L."!!._llwrib 0 .• mlN'111', H~''!f'form. Cffll. ' !:.: . -·· ' ......... "· ........ '"'"" <ff'Jett1t. uwo $1•'7.Y .... ~· * ' $'77 ' .~ ... · e " ,.._ ';""-( MMtMr • o.-•...!!" ~ '9y-t ' ,..,_. ......... ,_, VlL ........., rH4 Qllnwtlr', "7 t. The ft!al~ .. ""*" I. m te'H """ montlll'r ....,,,,.,. lrlclufillll .t,-. 6 lie. I ll _,,-l"f dl9rth .... -'Ir a 11'1111 • .., ... J rr. Ind .HO ONE PE Y MORE.-' " VOLUME SfWNG .~EANS VllUIMf SAVINGS • '&l Plpa. Fury II s1377 $46 * $46 ' ... -"""" V4, ..... te.llo ...... . Dll. MO ... .,...,,., ttdwy 'l lr. AIM 7~ FUU. NICI • ' _•ii a:T.o. 2·Dr. H.r.s1 477 sso * sso Au1e.. -.,....,.,., "'°"" '" ....., DH MO _.., -11. FULL Plkl • ' * $64 MO. ,I .vs-. '8& Ciey, lm;ila $877 ·~ .... 1t ... ,,,..., '"""' '*ttr trld'ln" •· -· ~ • • 'Off • MO. · "· 1tfWl119. Mir. llUM. ruu.· PllCI · · . '62 v.w. 'Bl DA TSUlll '8& v.w. '66 BELY. waao• .. $877 · $29"*";$29 ·W~ v ... """""'9tlr ..., ...... JHt. u . -· ~. Dn · Mo • ~ uMN M1. 1 ~ , ruu.> PllCI • · •~.hfftw.•~· 4 Ooor Stdln. at111e. llu!tr, ' , 000!'. " ............ ' ..... /rll"lt " .. $11-.cl. UOP "'· It!"!" ll7. 5477 full $977 full $777 full 'rice Price ,rice $1 6 * $16 $33 * $33 $26 $26 DN. MO. DN. MO. DN. MO. 66 v.w. '66 GHIA '84 v.w. ~IJ~~;~~~.~ 1$a11 529 '*· $29 •~ be ' ' FUU. ,.ICE °"= . ' MO. l W '66 Comel Caiiri . s977 $~~ j; $33 Ir~ ll"!'ll>' Alr'°w1~11\: " ' -FUU 'lKI ON. MO. • - ' ...... *' • ""'"'· l(All:MA~H GHIA I Oil. H.T. V1rient Um W .... CAZIC. Prl HM!..-. ""/,"!/' rlo:lle. 4 ..-.ii ' ..-......... osu '11. w11111wt11t. v n1. $877 Fun 5 1177 full $877 Fuft Price 'rice ,~,. sit * $29 $39 $39 $29 * $29 DH. MO. DN. MO. Dn .. Mt. ' '84 T.-BW ' s977 ·sn * $33 ·m ' ... --..... r.:·:.:· DH.-·~ rsr ... ,a;, ........... .-..... .... . FUil NICI ' . mu. ' '8& Plya Fa!! 111 s977 ~.3 ~ $33 W~ I Ir.\'; ~'1:'~'1.:"> ... -· -· DN MO ... :~~:.:."!-'!~sio77 S36DN. •• ,* sM16 0. fU ............ UlV.Mlt) FUU. PllCI • • '&& Pl,..11111 s1077 SJ•* S36 (g 1£\.~',1-,."::.. l':!i"!i.i.""" FUU. 'IJCI DH. MO. . • :! .~· Vall!•!,,_'• $1177 $39 * $39 ·~ l'Wf, •-.. net~....,..• !/J.i ON MO ··~ •. FUU. ,ll(f . ' . ' '63 DODIE '83 CHRYSLER '83 DODIE rsr·zi:.r. llMI. ...... llwt. HEWl"OllT 4 Oil. t.·T· "'" a:r. 1 .., .......... ,..,... ,t.vte., rtdlok ~~· , .i--Int, .... lt .... 1 I. IH. lllCllt. llM!lr, FJT -5377. ,~~ $477 Full $377 Full Price Price $13 * $13 $16 $16 $13 * $13 DN. "'o. DN, MO. . DH. MO. '64 FORD '83 IMPALA '65 PLYMOUTH ,.1~-,. Seda"" v-t. Tu ,,.H.T.n=· rtd llHW, "· ,,_,.._ J~SEOA/rl m. llNIW if.'. ~';r. • ~ He1tw, vii 1tnr -.it. lll'K· 15', • s477 full s577 full s577 • Prtc• Mee $16 * $16 $19 $19 $19 $lt o •. Mo. DN. MO. DH. MO, ANY usro CAR WITH GOLD SEAL ... 100°/o GUARANTEE GOOD FOl ·lOO DAYS Ol 4000 MU.Et , . WllKltf~l COMES FllST I'd .. :=;--~· .... -""""" ir-!11 ........ -.... Tltll .... ".,. -....... llwt·W. • -_..., ................. ,_ ... *"' --.................. 4Ail I 1111a~ -lftlW; _..... I ' -1 . ' • - , • DAILY PIJ,DT • Pa.ul·White- Carnahan RNlly Co. 10t:I kk.,. St., CM -'546-;,54~ Our 24tll Year . ' 2828 E. Comt Hlway Corona clel Mar 673-3770 "BEST BEACH BVYS" BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 108 McFadden· Place, Newport Beach at the Newport Ocean Pi!r-. · 673-7420 673-9127 "Hedge Against lttflctloa Consider Income Propert"" C. L. ROBJNETTE, Realtor . ' il7 Boler• W•y, Newport Bo•<h 645-0121 CORBIN ·MARTIN REALTORS . 3036 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del '-'ar 67S· 1662 Anytime ' . WEU.S·McCARDLE, Realtors 25 Years Dependable. Service In Same Location 1810 llewporf Bild., NB SU-7729 anytime . <ir&f COATS & WALLACE · LTORS List With Us & St Packing 14'1 BAKER STRE s.46-4UI COSTA MESA, CALIF. • DAVIDSON . Realty Rltr. 2750 Harbor Blvd., CM 1 j • • • ' I • ' • ' • • ·. 546-5460 646-8811 Newport al Vicloria, CM , ~EGE ~ REALTY 1500 Adams at Harbor, CM (near Cinema Theatre) S46-5880 . BRASHEAR REAL TY 23 YEARS EXPERlENCE '17420 Booth Blvd., Huntington Bo1th 847-8531 HAFFDAL REALTY "Homes lo Match Incomes" 1740 W1rner, Fou~taln Valtey 842-4405 • TO llUY OR SELL-CALL Jer;y ·Friiid ~Cliiltlits""Amakf'· A1socl11te1 CLARA ENRIGHT -RHODA Jii4AGIL JOHN COURTNE·Y 3U E. 17th St., CM REALTORS '4'"7155 Don V. Franklin, -Realtor I • 3250 E, c-t Hwy., Corona ·del Mar 6i1.izi2 ' ' Int.,...... "'Tracllnt YMtf' .....,. Int WALKER & LEE • ' ~ • at 7682 Edinger Huntington Beach can give you 111 the det11ils ••• Call 842·4457 WM. WINTON Realtor 229 Marine, Balboa Island Open 'til 9 Every Night 675-3331 ~tf~ realtv 2414 Vista Del Oro, Newport Be ach Call A Specialist Ph, 644-1133 • • • "Personalized: Senice" • " CHESHIRE. . 2111 E •. c .. 11 Hwy. : ,·;; 1 REAL Coron• del M•r ' ~ .' ESTATE ~·67s.250i .. nytlme -~ Spec:i1ll1lnt in fh. Sale of Homes, C0o0p9Ntlve Apartment• & Income Property, 'a.ach & 1!.aYfrort · GEORGE WILLIAMSON, Realtor J10f N-,..-t 11..1,. N~ .._ .. ( M 1rl•f B11••t Pl•a~I "On the Peninsula, •nd Sped.ii.sing ha 1•enln11da Properties" . ' Newport Beach R·eally 2627 Newport Blvd • 675-1642 FAREL WALKER, Reahor 300 North N•wport Blvd., Newport Boach 646-7414 -- ' ' Just a moment! Before you decide to sell your own home, perhaps you'd better ask yourself these questions:· 1. Wh ich is best for me: 1 co11h s1l1 or a r11I 11t1te 5. How c1n I help the buyer 1rr1n1• 11ti1f1ctory 1xch1ng1? fin1ncin9? 2. Is It necess1ry to itdvertise? If so, how ext•,,.. 6. How c•n I get a ll the information on fin•ncing, comparativ• values, •nd market trends? sively? 3. How ctf\I ipvest the. proceeds of my s1le profit· atily In other re1I est•t•? 7. Is this • good tim• to S'!._11? 4. How c•n fin•n~ing or tr•ntftr of the present loan be •rrangtd if I sell now? 8. How much c•sh4 .n I get for my property on the current m•rket? It will pay you to se,e a Realtor! Smart move! Ont that could save you tim•, effort, and mon•y. Ree son7 8eceu1e • Realtor is a profession•I in re•I •stete. As 1uch, he ca n~cf at your di1- po11I his wide experitnce •nd technicel skill in stllin9 • hom e . Because he his th 1 knowledge of what homes are available in yo ur •rea, he can pen onally show your home to more pro1 pectiv• buyers . One important point to r1mem· ber: Not •ve~y rt1I 1stat1 broker ii a Re altor . On l~ a member of the f'iationtl A11ociation of Real E,tate Boards, 1ii d of his local board, who subscribes to th• pro- ftssional standards of a n estab- lished Code of Ethics may call himself• Re•ltor. t When you w1nt t o stll a J.ioma -or buy any otJ.ier real astata - look for the Re~ltor's seal. Only a Realtor can display it. This Me~sa'ge Is Published in the Public Interest Courtesy of SECURITY TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SANT A ANA 825 North Br<>adwa y P.O. Box 208 (92702), Phone: 47-725 1 (714) • • BURR JH~T REALTOR 1tl1 N•wP.:.t Bt:..i.; N;..;j,.,1 8' · 675-4630 "OIJR KEY TO SIJCCESS ••l'P• S•tiafled CHenu" Balboa Real 'Estate Co. . :-~ J...,..lne W., R••ltor 700 I!. kl'""' Bfvd., Balboa '! 6~14' 'I "/)" <:'11 ' L ' Jhoma&· .,REALTOR " ' For Harbor ....,. properties -Specialists in Irvin• lea"seholdll, Residential Income, aJld Commercill properties. ISTAILISHID JJ YIAU I" THl HAllOI AIU. 224 W. c .. 11 Hlghw•y 541-S527 Newport llNch Evo. 545-J643. "Let us HELP YOU make 11 House YOUR HOME" BOYD REALTY . Box 704 3629 E. Coast Highway CORONA DEL MAR, CALIF. 92625 (7141 67S.S930 332 M1rguerite, Corona del Mar 673-8550 BUSY SINCE 1959 -•ERNIE_,. CLEVELAND -.._ Select Multiple xc u1 ve Listings. 143 Broedway, Costa Mesa 645-0111 MUTUAL REALTY Member of Huntington leach/Fountain Valley Boord of Realtors 842-1418 anytime PETE BARRETT REALTY hr prof•uio"•I 1tl"'tit t •nd the fi"t1t ho111t1 i11 Hit HtfiHif Ant. · 1&05 w ... cllff Drf•e Newport looch 642-5200 \ !Office e ~n Seturdty tiwf Sundtyl For ln¥t 1lmtnl Prop1rli11, Profenion•I Appr•i11l1 limited f•rlri•nhip1 350 East 17tti Stroot ~ Costa Mna 642-1353 FRANK KIN6AARD REAL ESTATE 333 East 17th Street Ml 2-2222 Sf'IClA.LlZING IN CORONA DIL MAI PIOPllTIU 2828 E. C~st Hlway Corona dtl Mar 673-3770 Want to llve at thil leacht WALKER & LEE II 2043 W..tclllf Drlv. Newport Beech will find your home for yev Call 540·8944 FOREST E. OLSON REALTORS 2299 Harber Blvd., Costa Meta 645-0303 EXPERIENCE -INTEGRITY 10 SALESMEN TO SERVE YOU ~'111!1!11!1 646.0555 220 E. Sn8"tHnlti 51. IE. 17th St. Shop~~ Ctr. I COSTA M . Ust . Your .. Home .W.itb A ReCfllor -It Pays! . ... , ... ·."' :-.-.... -., -.""' ,. .. • --i;ii;;~iliii-..iiiiiioi ... lioiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiii•";,.;, .. ...; ... ~·~·-··~· ... ...;...;.. ... .;.: ... ~...;;. • • . a as ··.J•-··--··----------..... -----------~---~ . ~------ • Wtdnud1y, "'111, 1969 • ) List Your .. Home With A Realtor -It Pa.ys!- ,For R~al Action *TO BUY* TO SELL* -Serving The Ne"vport Harbor Area - Oran9e County's Lar9est 293 E. 17th St., 646-4494 LIST WITH THE l l ST ••. WALKER & LEE CALL 545.9493 IN CO·STA MESA Now under construction SEVEN CUSTOM HOMES from $28,575 WITH SUCH FEATURES AS: • 4 Large Bedrooms e VA & FHA Financing • Wood Rools • .20 Year Guarantee Dishwashers • Oversized Lots • Roman Tubs & Sbo\\·crs • In Prime Are.a e PLUS MUCH MORE SELECT YOURS NOW & CHOOSE YOUR COLORS & STYLES for information call COATS & WALLACE llULTORS 1491 BAKER STREET 54#-4141 1::=============~1 COSTA MESA, CALIF. JEAN SMITH ' c Realtor General 1000 . 400 E°'t 17th Street UNRIVALED FAMILY HOME Costo Mne john macnab 646-3255 RANCHO LA CUESTA missed the closeout of CUESTA'S 3 other units MISS THIStl -H yoU've RANCHO LA • • • • DON'1' Each succeeding unJt costs more , so take advantage of these Rrices. Come & see our models on Brookhurst at Atlanta in Huntington Beach. There are I & 2 stories, 3 & .f. bedroom homes with 2 or 3 baths, Mission tile or shake roof, fire-- places, concrete driveways, heavy rough cut beams, built-ins, family room s & dining rooms. Close to HuntinglOn state Beach. These beautiful homes are priced from $2f,99S to $31,200 with VA or Con- ventional fihailcing as low as 10% down. No 2nd TD• at 7.2% interest. Call 1163-2929 or visit any day 10 AM to 7 PM. 100°/o FINANCING 4 BEDROOMS -SHARI' Veta -this home is in belier than new condition, n e w kitclw:n, ne\v carpets, t:~v· ered patio, completely re- paiht!d, oversized lot, total prlce $23,950, hurry! IMMEDIAlE -POSSESSION CHECK THESE FEATURESlll Freshl,y pa..inted in and out. Fully carpeted and draped. Thr~ bedrooms, tv."CI b11th:i. 15'x26' Livlng rooat with F'.P, DiniTJI room and Bk- f:>t. room. 8/N ,kitchen. •lainlell:>1 sink. 12'x18' OEN off eovel'ed paUo. Large pa- tio wit h bar-B-que. Loads or built·in closets,. cupboards, ' ' l HOUSIS FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FO!I SALE!. 1 G-r•I 1000 Gonoral lOllO Gonanl· · . , 1000 ~ HAPPY IN Mesa Ve.rde Thf!re are h.undrecb or houRs in the ~ • mo11t at a tower price. BUT You'll enJoy nvmi more Ir. have a few thousand doJlan' rnore ~ulty when you resell if you ~l\oo!le a home in Mesa Viei,'d, , . , . !\fay "'e show you an e:"cept\onally neat, l ~th home prloed &t $2fi,IXIO! ...... "., •• • .. Owner will hefp linaiJce for IO\Y down payment. Call Arlene or Jim 11 546-9521 Eve. 540-6631 J. K. Nichols, Rllr. ABSOWTllY BEAUTIFUL deseribies thlis adUlt occupied 3 bdrm rustle hOme located DI\ c\ll~e ~ cJoM fo everyt.hin&. Mual ll'!t '° ap- preciate. Won't last Ion&: at thla prici! . of : $28,950 3 Bedroomi +Guest Room * CALL. * ' lACHE!Wfl. Reallf When·)dt wa~rto )lat' or sell YQtll" home wie att fn contact with (Q families rnovir.w: lntO the Ne\YPC)rt Bnch I: Cwt. Mesa area Jn tM: next 60 da.)'s. Frtt a,ppraisat 1868 N""""' Blvd., Of· Rltr. 646-39'28 ~. •6"-liSS * LACHENMYER GI Reul• Ta.kt! over 6~• Gl loan of $1&,600 with ~entl ol S157/mo. Ind. tax Ir. lns, 4 BR l\ family room on cor. ner • room for boat, trailer etc, Listing Is $22,650, bitt make oIJer! Owner Otta:on. bound! $21,500 ~ Hl·5110 Al;lsolutely without a doubt. (rmrcinelillttllllrW l tht-best buy in Costa Mesa. OUEGE REAL't! • 3015. A Harbor Blvd., or ImmacuJate 3 bedroom 150l~ltMMW,--==:I houSI! + guf'st room, larre.1 'ii::l=:IS:iill=::=:zzz::i=i ii ;ool sired, tr!e shaded Jot.1 1----• Sil 0/ FHA I.GAN Ch•"Y living 'oom, V•'Y WANTED 14 Ill ~ mod om kltoh•'" with """'"' Can bl! asisumed on thia ""·ood cabinets and builtlnis. R.E. Saleswoman t.tesa Verde 3 bdrm &. lam· · 2 car detatche<I garage + We have I.he advantqe DI the ily home. You won 't find c~rt for boat or camper. exclUAive a,g~cy lor Ivan another as immaculate, Don t 'Vail. Wells' new Dover Shores with new carpeting, larte FOREST E. OLSON Dewlopment • • a captive • 'ush landscaping ii: eve.n has 64$--0303 audience for resales. Olfice t in ne\Y exciting, lurnishl!d t a hobby room JM.lilt in P· mod~I at 1430 Ga1axy_ Dr. 1 rage. A steal at only BUY of fh• WEEK " $26,950 Ru; J . W"'d Cc. Mk'°' M. , EA.Sl'SIDE. un~ually sharp Pinover 646-la50. Paddock pool home wllJ! 8' """""""""""""""""" J; " .-- PERRON -.... -........ · .. , .... * 642·1771 Anytl.,. * hiah fencing for ultra pri. . ~ vacy. l\Unimum care yard. BAY HARBOR f "tiki" hOUSC , quiet cul~c-Mobil• Hom• s.1.. . aac etc. $35,1:>0. Casa Loma • Roll-Away • l':==============~I FIT FOR ii A ROMAN EMPEROR Space Jovera move a1-ound 1.1ith ease in this four Bed- room and M n plus Family room and dining area. Beau. liful patio and landscaping. FHA tenna available. $36,900 OCEAN VIEW OWN THE LAND TOO Located high on the bluff with a breath taklilg view of Ca.. Wina. ,,1.7~ IQ. ft 3 bdrm. home,· profesaionally land· scaped, courtyard entry and many, many ~'<lns $37,500. cases. and ahe.lves. Corner I iiiii=:l=:l=:l~:ii:Z Lot-Ob\. Garage. Near Costa Meu Park, Girl.~ Oub, Boys Club .l downtown. Priced to sell, 10% down. Owner will carry ht T.D. for qualified buyer, ACT NOW!! Shen.ton Manor • tlomette • • •· Kit • J>rfftige -Sahara AU. SIZES NOW ON DJSPLA Y '1425 S.ker St. • ' • KATELLA REALTY 17081 Beach Blvd., Huntington hacli 847-~§1 We proudly present this Bay. front mansion which recrt'· ates the Aura or an Imperial Dynasty. This~ bedroom, s· bath home 1itu&led on 120 11. of Nev.:port Bay, com- plete with pool-house con- taining Lotus Baths, Sauna baths, massage room, dress- ing rooms, a unique propt:?rly ':;:=================~I completely custoin furnish-ed \\'ithout regard lo 1.:ost - is olfcred Al $425,000. By ap. "* Paul Jones Realty * pointmenl only. (7141 642·8235 17931 Baach Blvd., Huntington Baach 901 Dover OlivP., SUite 120 Ne\vpot1 Beach $500 DOWN! On this 4 bedroom, 2 bath family home. Cose lo ·~~~~~~~~~!!':'~~~~~~~~~!I everythihg. \Von't bie around I" Jong! S140 per month includ. 847-1266 Gener•I 1000 Gener•I 1000 1..;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;; FAMILY LIVING This beautiful 4 BR + l'umpus room Paceset- ter provide~ over 2000 sq fl of living space. Lu.sh landscaping sets it off in drlightful ?\1r~a Ven:lr. Hun')'! $38,f'IOO is the p1icc. 5 BEDROOMS BACK BAY Also fo1mal Din/Rm I.:. Fam/ es principal and interet1t. WE SELL A HOME. EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lett Rm • pl'aclically nc\v \V/w 200 Vi'eslclltr DI'. carpeting thruout. Fam/ 6-M). 7711 Open Eve!!:. R~ & kHohen _h., ""w <om. BAYCREST WITH m I stain rc~utant carpet. ing. 3 Ba. blt·in gas kilch. POOL en plus dll'lh\vasher • cxc lo-~ cation for the large fan1ily, 38Xl0 POO~ AND LAR~F. as this sharp homie ii! local· P ATIO adJ8,cent to family eel on a Cul de Sac street. room make lhis Ba>.'c~I Large backyard beautifully home idea) for enterta1n1n,. landscaped. p r J c e d at 4 ~pacious . bedroom!>: kl.vely S<ll.~>00. Poi;session In June modem .k1tcbcn, d 1 ~-1 n g -BETTER HURRY ON room. Priced at only S;i;;i,900, Call 6·15-030.l Open Eves. THIS ONE! "For A Wise Buy" Colesworthy & Co. 642-TI77 OPEN EVES. vrnRAHSll! FREE FREE FREE Let us check your eJ~bllity. You may be eligible lo buy again undrr the G.I. Bill of Rights, even though you have wed your G.I. one". Find out where you ~arr -~.;- Orange County's Largett 293 E. 17th St. 646-4414 H•rbor Highland• h•uty New on Markel e 4 Bcdr0om • 3 Ba.th • Large Family Room e 2 Fi.replaces • La.rse Patio e Beautiful Carpets & 0ra,.,, e Decorator \Vallpapers Oriainal C>writ!r translerrinl to New Yotk. P~ssion s!. tier June 15th • See thil sparklina: clean hom' today. otand??!? NO COST . NO ,Wllfhl•lit•1 ~t'..":.TlON ' CALL us llMNM!f FREE FREE FREE s•&-1111 • 546·231 6 BEDROOMS Evt-ninga Call S45-8il3 WATERFRONT i.,an::e 2 Bt<droom 2 hath ·home with 11ip for 30' boat : sandy, beach. fronla,C;:c . Ex· 'ra large livi ng room \\·ith !ircplace. F'.A. heat. $63.500. 1mmed iate possession. Rob;nell Rllr. 645-0121 WANTED I l PRICED E'"""'"'"" .'"" ,,,, •• ..._Barren Realty Saliesperson "'1th good wo1'k. UNDER MARKET Ing knowlodg< •1 ""'"°' pruenh ~ 4~drooms, 3 baths, fan1ily area property. ~""" Would You Bell•v• ••• 6 Bedrooms, 3 baths, a tam. lly room plus & dining area, with fresh paint, and all the advantages of & Harbor Hlzhlands location for $41,500 Lawson 3416 Via Lido, 'NB 67:i-4562 '.REODOIPEr REALTY •:?<CS \V, Balboa Blvd .. N.B. 675-6000 DAILY Pum WANT ADS! roo1n, large Jiving rom, for- mal dini~ room, plus bonus hocuanb lowson jn. cieoU.011 roon1. Corner location in a--l!OO • --. w.:.., B1ycrett Cu1tom SPECTACULAR JUST U5TtD BcautilUlly finished 3 bdnn SparkUng 3 BR 2 ha home home with enclo:§ed elll'tlen in Mesa Verdie, Beautiful atrium. Thls home can ea. decor in happy colors, Jm. ily seat 80 people for dinnt-r mac. rond. Bit-In R&O, \v/w Bar k Bay, Nef'd~ cleaning 1'!!!!!!~"'!"!"~·~·~.,~~..,. and yard \\'Orie. Askingr: 13.1.500. SACRIFICE! JEAN SMITH, Realtor 400 E. 171h, Costa ~1csa 714/6~~ Cle&n 3 BR, 1" Ba. Mai in & setting found only in cpta/drps, Only $25,95() • So. Coast Plaza. Assun1e H ~ FHA 'II" A k' OUSI! BieautifuJ. FHA terms. ... o.OOJ . a ,~. s ing i PWC 546-5440 $26.0CXl · $2j00 down. 11605 \\lestcllff Dt NB 642-5200 1-------L-- Petitte Re1ltor $41-0.512 ' DAILY PILOT WANT ADS? Loc•fion Coe• Count Lef us prove It. 405 Holmwood, N<wport HU. EASTSIDE-3 bed· 3 bed1'00m • dinini a re •· ·2 b h "Easy to work In" kitchen, rOOmS1 at S - pleasant Uving room with. ad· quiet Cul • de • sac. joining den. lnvitinr family • atmO!!ph erl'. ?itinlmum yard Sacrifice $21,750. w0<k. A good v al"' •I CALL 540-1151 S<\:1,500 and )'OU own the {' ) ''""· open eves lllJ CJlll' Herita9e R E A L T y Real E1tate in block Eut of H&rbot' Blvd. ~ on Baker. Costa Me.sa tn-t> 540-9470 : • Buy Of The Year! : ., \Vaterfronl • View of Cata. _ Jina & Bay. 2 BR, 2 ba • Channel Reef 'own your : o\vn' Penthouse Apt. wilb • Frplc, $62,500. Ask for: Chesler Salisbury, R!tr. 315 Marine 61U900 College Park Corner """ w. ~~·"-N.e. step• •• 0c .. n I ::l~~=~==~=:z:i:IUke ne1v 4 BR, l ha, fam TRI-LEVEL Pr\ced Iot bnmediate &a.le, Excellent carpeting, sunken lamily room, fonnal dining " room, in fallta.stlc resklen- tial area. Vacant, ready for immed. posse;.;sion. Quick sale at $38.500. ·CALL JACK HAMMOND 5'~1151 (optn eves) Heritage Real E~ate , Plenty of room for boat I: Ii rm, llC\V crpts, drps, pain!, can1per + a large double UP' PER BAY fixtures, empty _ ready lo detached garAge, 5'& % In-ao, $35,950. tert:at available to anyone. No qualifying. Payments Sl58/mo includes e''erything. call now lo stt. $26,995 New pert el Vicfetl• 64Utll 2 STORY 5 BR 3 baths. cpls/drps, elec. Irie built·ins, shake roof, Near ALL achool~. $J6.7SO. W1ll1·McC1rdla, Rltrs. 1810 Ne'tl.'Prt Blvd., NB 548-rm anytin1c 3 Becfroom·F•mily Rm. $19,450 2 pullman baths, Builtin ranee & oven. Ideal 1e\.up ror boat or camper. 1134.50 month payments -Jess than rent. TARBELL 142·6'11 Income Property Duplex So. Laguna $37,500, mo. income $310. eq $11,200. 3 BR home, San Oemente $25.000. Sell or trade for vacant la~. OI0-4070 Stuart k Robbins Realtonr Older 3 BR family home \vith 2-Story ''A" Frime large play y&rd &: located on Fl U ht!autiruJ Bay Vieiv Street. xer p~r 0111her moving East k 1vlll $28,900 -con1e.\\1lh o!re-r sell VA or FlfA financing. C•ywood Rlty,, 548-1290 $22,500 63C6 W. "'"' Hw,,,' Ne In Fabulous Avalon Bayfront Holel INCOME 6' tJniti-$60,0oO ROOM TO BUILD Rltr. ~"2-9730 Eves. 540720 e KENNEDY New pert ti Vlclori1 646-1111 Dinlni: rm, 2 bars, 35 room11 plus View owner Units. 1 ·4~B~E=D~R~M7-~F~AM~l~L7Y7R=M ~M'!"!!oo"r'"Y'"•"c'"h"t .. A .. t"!Y'!'ojJ .... ,~1 BURR WHITE, Rllr: $23,5001 Door Step 2901 Ne111po11 Blvd., N.B. Sharp.clean! llkP--n!!\Y dttp 675-4630 pile carpeting, 2 bathe, built· 40 It. private dock ii one or,..,,,,.. ...................... I in kitchen. Deli&'htlul patio. the many fim features ofr: _a.ID.1720 this Hu ntington Harbour 6% TARBELL 2955 H•rbor Cape Cod. Hugt li ving room "'i'li all glass wall overlook- "'• pat~ and boat ohannol. BEACH HOME c:'ozy den 1Yith u~td brick Lovely 2 story home· 4 la rgie Plll9 Gue~t ftootn & Bath l fireplace and 4 large bed· bclnns den, fo1ma1 dining In block lo Beach, 129,500 rooml!, all con1blncd to make excellent tta.sklenUal l!ll'ea. Gffrg ... Willi•mnn thi! an exceptional buy at $4900 do\vn • lake over 6% Reallor Si3,900. FOREST E. OLSON, loan. CALL AL BLACK 540-S1J.4350 Eve!:I. 6n.t5&4 64·5-0303. 1151 Heritage Real Estate Exquisite B•ck lay 4 BE0RM -$21,9501-'I• Acre. $37,2501 NO DOWN GI Vielvet green lav.'11&. King summer parties &. family alzed bedrooms. den. New Cook-Outs in the delightful bu!lt·in 1ppliance1, dish-covered patio. 2 pullman \\'asher. 2 fireplaceL .Formal baths. Family room. Spac- dinini: room. Brick trbn ex· lous living &: dining room. tcrior • channing coach-54(1.1120 man·~ l11nlem. 540-1720 TARBELL 2955 Harbor TARBELL 2955 Herbor -SOCK rr TO 'EM! MOST WANTED ••• FNtures -SQ •· Ocean Viet\', ~l f2tl x 4Ul, 4 Bdrm in lovely Irvine Tetraee, Delancy Reil E 1t1fe 28'28 E. Coast Hwy, CdM 673-3770 '. Ne\V 4 BR 2 bath. ftp(, Water tottener, Heated pool. 642-9852 eves. 9ener1I 10000....ral 10000-ral IOOOGenorel 1000 Gen•r•I 1000 NOW IS ·THE TIME TO BUY HUNTINGTON BEACH . OFFICE- 7'U ~., Doi H- 1 Bedroom Doll Ho~ close t'O ocr:an, Lots of Privacy. $20,000 ... 1 .... •• L.u 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath. Beginner's Lllek. NewlY\\·eds. Herc's your atart , •• l lu1T)' only S18, 700 G.I. -No D•wft J Bedroom. 2 bath, GI no money down. FHA Apprtiul S2J.900 G.I. & FHA y...., 4 Brdroom, 2 Bllth. Selim pays buyers costs GI and FliA Tcnns. $24 ,300 A 1.-y ~ tcdroom. 3 Baths. Bc1ut,y -2 atory with lou of extru. $39.500 Income Uftitl 6 Unit! ~Ith Pool. Real sharp. Shows good SIM:ndable Income. Slcrifict $67,500. H .. e Lot 7 B#Jdroom11. 3 Bath. Jina:" comet' lot !ig family welcome bC're. GrlOw market $30,500. I 2043 W"tclllf Dr. at 1 .. 1,,. Open Evenlftfl A MILLION MlLIS l'IOM WORK Get •way from evt'rythin&:. Liv,. tn the ITIJ'\'in1 1rH. of Un iversity Park. The offerlnp are unbelievable. 3 t>rorooms, 2 baths. Largie living room "1th dttor- •tive white brick fireplace on one entlt-e wall. R~ for formal dining. •lso eating area In the kitchtn. Be•utiful planted atrium i:tvlng outdoor feellnc from llvl!lg room and ktcht-n. Faceis two green belU, plu." prlv•~ pool facilities. \Vl1h all thls privacy, you atlll can bl' on the lreie:,va.y to work. only • ftw bloeka *"''Y· Priced lower tha.n the ne\v oflt'!: at only $29.900. Submit your tmt.Jler home on our guu•nlC(l &alt! plan. IUILD TOUR OWN IN IA TCREST \Ve offer you a slnpc lot in the most desirable are• of Newport Stach. Build a 2 story and your view wUI be' magnlfi<:,nt. ll you prefer the low rambllna df'~IR'J'I, tbla laree properly u·ouJd be no problem to N Uity any plant. A pool 3izf'd lot limited room for outdoor entertaining v.-111 deli{ht your t•mlly lll.nd friend.~. Come join t he $80,000 &nd $90.000 homes In this mOll quiet and gor&tOU! loc&llon. Priced at just $25,SM. l'lOl'ISSIONAL DILl•HT , Do )'OU tometlmu work out of yoUr home! The otnee 1fnied wtth book 1helvtt, buUt off the master bfdt oom would lie perfect tor docton, Jawytm1, or any chi,fs, High bt&JMd e@.tllnp add to the charm of thla 3 bedroom, 2 ti.th home. Double fi:t•~ .epa.rate hu1e Uvtn~ and family room. ov«lookln,: pat io. This ts West- c1 _ n NfWJ)\'111 Beach nffarlng you thf'lt m0tt dtslrable: Ooor plan. Quh:k oc- cu-pa • PrlCed Al $43.!500. Submit your t1nalltr horn• on our gullrfl;nttt aale plan. - WI SILL .A HOME IYIRY 31 MINUTES . COST A MESA OFFICE ~5-9491 2790 HAltott ILVD. Op.. ht•lo• 'ti 9 P.M. ! llDRODM POOL HOMI -s11;160 TOlAL PRICI $150 TOTAL MOl'li'TIU.Y payments in<::lude ieverythln~ for thh1 2 bath sparkler with CARPETS le DRAPES! It has t:fflclent ALL ELF.CTR.IC BUU.T-IN~KITQf .. EN! Full 1lted recta.n.gular 13x30 POOL in ntll and trim bflck yard. Double Garage with BOAT GATE! Lovely manlcuttd f'ltont yard u1th SPRINKLERS! A-. sume t~ls attract ive financing NOW! 6 llDROOMS -3 IATHS -COSTA MISA PRlMI ARIA near l)Ubllc and puochial M:hool~ and !hopping! The mO!lteat with It& ~auUful rur garden arftl and s"·ttplng patio and lush front land:scapin&I Th~ 2 •tory, 2.600 sq, foot drtam home M~ lovely deep pile carpets and 1leamlnA' HARO.. WOOD FLOORS. Sundr@nchM R.ANCH SIZED KITCHEN! Immense FORMAL DINING ROOM! Convcrtibk DEN or sewlna room. hbuloua l8xl8 master bed· room! Submit only $3,600 Do\\'ll lo attrtctJ\.·e nnaneing. MISA VUDFS FINEST -NO DOWN VA er fHA 1'Ut!S Lot&t~ In l\1esa Verdt-'s fine1t aectlon. Th1s imm11cul•le 3 bedroo1n borne •howl lo\1na: care •nd 10,rgPOU-'i dr-corl Rolh COt)' living and lal'te FA.MIJ..Y ~OOM . bout r:l_epuit flrt>placn. Lush nrpiets • CUiiom dra~ •dorp \hf: home. lb ovtr.J 1lttd POOLSIZtD LOT and IU park•llltl'! rroun& aurround 1 ler,1e 1P9clourg:>v-. EREO PATIO. N«!llr t.he GOLF COURSE on a quliet l1'tf' llnt'd attftt. 6f tJw. tlnnt , home•· Oftertd 1t an unbeJle\11.bll'I $32,500. 'l'nlb' the BEST BUY wt'w: hadfift ..... -- . ' ..... ________________ ...., _______ . ________ ----. -------------. .... -·---------------------- 1 =~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~ 'HOUSES FOR SALE -RINTALS I RENTALS H1,,111 ~ Aott.. u .. turnlthlct fOe-ol , 1M -1• Lido ltlo 1'51 L .... nt IMch 1705 -----~"- General 3000 Coron• del Mar 3250 '.:' ~ '::"s...,., View ltf A .... 111.1 a.r1ront THE -Drt¥w:.., ue = ""' ""'""'"111 • 4 ... '" llACHCOMIU Ana Ave. tbm ctJl with ~ f btdroom l kth mMY-z.ti'U Incl. Nt1Y carpets TflADE WINDS AND SEA • +"'room tor ttnnlt court pler/&lip, llornc clear. °'4·n.. •eta ilt•I... -boata a trtller ' ., will cany TD, 1168,500 BREEZES, will bo )'OU' fl<tt -..B · R.. c. CREER. ~alt.Y bnpraaiob when )'OU see this MU* Delta. Real Estate &f6.4n4 333.:i V.la Lido 67).930,} unlql.lt' beach 1t)'led cottage. ,aE.\<XlN BAY 3 8dniio, conunwtJt> ~aeb. pifr, tennta court, $&/mo, john mac11ab REALTY OOMPANY 642-1235 1 BATHS ·$1f,.IOQ SACRIFICE 2 mo. old Omo!<, ~riol' or WOOD Hf1b beamed ctiHDp In' Uv. Harbor View 2 sty, f or 5 STRIPS. B A MB 0 0 I $150; 2 BR, '1/w, ctrp., bl& 6: family nm. Spacloua Br., 3 ba, tam. rm, 2 Ip!, Plenty Elbow Room WROtJGHT IRON CRIU.S. slOVe. Olildrtn OK. Ava.IL btdtwnL Carap ii ,_w. cpts, drpc. 6.9~ Lou 2 Bdmt, 2 bl.. many ex'tra1 LGE. SUN DECK OF ru:p. 1FW ed. Alt built-in kltdM>Jt. """'°" Owner lncludld. Cultom bit, room WOOD PLANK W/BfL'.1\-lN f ,.,,=_,Brolo>c.-=.r;,.,:;~;;.;;=-.:-:_ '°""91 TARIELL BEAl!JIJ"Ul, Mme Jn the to upand. St to St lot. BENCHES, !iAS A VIE \V NICE large 3 bdrm house l;;=======°"I Blu1ts. OulSt&ndll'.lg Ba.y Ca.II ua to IM!e, $69,500 OF THE OCEAN. w / pooJ cm }i aett iot, Cede Meta l100 view. 3 Bt. 3 &. 8)' owner. R. C. GREER, Realty Artistlc&Jly destgned liv. rm.. Tustin iuu. IAUe P85 Mo. 1,;;;;.;;.:...;=;.;;..----644--0T18 3355 Via Lklo 67J.SJOO has walls of yello~·ed PINE !'4f..C612 Fr---1--Hom•• PANELLING, OPEN BEAM ''1235=~•"B"n,-2~ .. ~~~--_.. CEILINGS, F I S JI NETS : · . · "ncd. yd. • an= rood buys Ne¥tPOrt Hel9hts • 1210 $44,.500 B.)yl DRAPE THE WALL, all ,Patio. Yf/W. Children O>olMt ocean breez.e, bij: 3 BR, 2 ~ Wo Beach I-tome. bll.!nded together in tropical wrlcomc. Broker 534-698() Uohl.rn 3 BR. 2 bl.. Xlnt. sm~ ~-. Cltvtd<me ...... ~ Huntlnvton-Botch .3400 CUSTOM H om e, 2 lge bQrms, & den, w I rumpus roo1n In garage. on iit quarter ae~ across froin Melldow La.rk Coif Coww. l.Ae, w/opUon or We. S>l-718'1 NEAR. Beach 4 br, 21 s ba, patio, bll!n11, crt1ts. drps. $195 213-823-&t&j, 3 BDRf\I, 2 ba, new crpts, adults JllTfel:red, No pell!. s~. mo. 962-7331 RENTALS Aptt. FumlshM Newport 6ea<h 4200 Col'O<l1 clef Mar 5150 YEARLY rental, ocrantron\. beiutltuUy funlllhed 2 Bedl'OOl'l1, "'1th sun deck, mutled c:ou.pJe only, oo cbl ldre ", no p e t s, references. S225 ?.tonth. C&ll 6Ta.-l.824i alter 6 PN Coron• def Mir 4250 1..ARCt 2 bdrm, l t;ia.th, fU{fl. 1pt. $200. P.lo. Adulll only, imml'd uccupanc:y. Ca 11 ~Th-7970 nf1 5. Days cS.11 6#-3'161, exl 461 or ~171 BLK lo ~an & bay; I Br. trptC. SI50; bach. apt. $9'5. 1 Adult each unit; no pets. Lease. 673-7629 ~ ~ .. ~ ON TEN AOlES I A: 2 BR. Furn 6 Unfum Frplca I prlv. patlol/POQl&. Tennis . Contnt'I 8klll. pu1· tttw amn. 900 S.a t..ne, OfM Uf.281J t~facArthUr nr. CoaJt Hwyl LARGE l Br. SQt., of ll•y. Stove .l ref., new cptl. Ir: drpa. ALSO, fum. bac:b. apt: ., .• u. 673.&90( 81111 .. 5300 44'. loans. Pm Pl.)' lt are 2 Story 'Ca"" Cod Buy DOW and enjoy all •um.-isl11.nd setting. COZY LOG VERY nice 3 BR ~ b6ths. :u than rtn~ now. 20<;0 dn -rv mer. Oniy Sl0.000 DIL BURNING FIBEPLACE OF good area $220 Mo. A,il. !:,agun1 BelcJ\-3705 I========= ~=taf:n ':' = tkluxe S Br, 3 Ba. Newport L IO~ ~EAL TY, INC. RED BRICK WJTH \VOOD. I ;;,!14;,6"'""141=-=------LO\VER dupin, 3 BR. 2 BA, Lido Isle 4351 3 BR, l ~1 baths, trplc, ocw carpets, d 1 a p e • , $215/nkl. Adults onl)' no pets. lnvHtfd, or a nice home lits. R-2 kit, room for View 3400 Via Lldo 67U330 EN MANTLE. RENTALS dining rm, all <:pld l. drpd, UDO JSLE with an uaund furutt pro-unlt. .Beautiful. $31.500 Long, &alley t,ype kitchen Hou.a UnfurnlsMd patios. garage, S250. Days &)'front Apt ; s ub I e I fit We of!A!r • 4 bdrm i t~·o ~ LOVELY BAYFRONT with range "-rclrii:;erator in. "94-l!H9. eves 4%3458 furnished for 'um mer. 3 bdnna, all near Vl!ta ~~" 4 BR + maids, e•• .. lhem ex· cl&uded, opens to servict bar Cotti Mell 3100 I•========~ I Patio, flrephu.", 3 BR. 2 BUJT Mi.lie, Realtor 2001 Ne11o'J>Ot't Blvd. NB 675-4630 6U..i.m ...__ .. ,1a ..,.. steps dov.·n to SUllo'KEN be h ,~ ~-,,_ 21.l .,..~pplnr Center. W. 19th. ~--.... posure, pier & .slip for lge PATIO W / FLAGSTONE FREE RENTAL Laguna Niguel 3707 ~~16 ,;,--...,_,, '\· ...... ys Lytle Realty I I A L T Y boat. 2-sl"-"' w/view from DECKS & LUSH TROPICAL _, SERVICE EXEC residence • 3 Br. 2 583 W. 19th MS-9-W Near NB Post Ole:. ~Z4.14 master BR, Call for appt. PLANTINGS. ThH unique Ba bltns d h h PACESE.TJ'ER -Hidden two Walker Rlty 675-5200, 1111•-"°""· c-, t'-beo"h) !or example, 3 bedrooms 2 ·· ' s w r • "' ....... "'' .. crpt/drp. Beaut view $300. story. br1t I 0 c. t i 0 n . ia BEING SOLD E'URNJSH· baths S2'l5 •• oo per mo, Call 836-5750, 56-1215 et::qeous c:arpl'l\ng, slate Westcllff 1230 · · ED. It's a real charmer Jor entry, tabulous tormaJ din-Huntington ~e1ch 1400 only Ins room, oozy lamlly room WANJB) BY Owner; 2 yrs old; 2 ml. $23,900 FUL,L PRIC,E with built-in color TV, huie 10 beach; trl-level, lath & S~ 'rriDAY! ~;r:cc. r::: ~ ~ LARGE FAMILY plaster; water soflener; ~IOSNSEIOTONMROERAROLWT.Y' , reulonall)' landac:aped. A Have you wanted a separate corner lot, dbl. gate for boat -F"arr..,.Y- ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST Sin Clemente 3710 3 BR, 2 BA. Sea-Vie\\•. A°vail June 1. $260 mo. 403 E. San Juan. 544-42'Jol Huntington Beach 4400 QUIET & BEAUTIFUL Adulll only; 2 Br., utiJ. paid. Pool. $200. 847-2125 17676 Cameron, Hunt. Bc:h. L1gun• &••ch 470S Huntington Beach 5400 LIVE RIGHT ON THE BEACH FISH, SURF. S\Vlf\f Jn your own front yard mLllt to see-$43,950. CALL \ving for 1ttn -~~rs? -5 ~ools:·)'a~~ioc~~.~f.?j ~::n. Coas(Jtf;)1'4.4.' La131'4 Al. .BLACK 540-1.151 (open Bir Bedroo~. · D1n~ng room 293 E. 17th St. 64&-1494 3 BDRM w/w cp!,i, irplC, tam rm, diahwaht,' fnc:ed yd & patio. Mesa Verde, "" 11c:hls, park, ahops. 1 child OK, rete:rs. $2Z:t/mo. ?ttr. Wood. Bkr. 54&-$90 or 6T>7973 eves. Capistrano 372$" PANORAMIC view overlook-~~~~~~~~- Private clubhouse, heated pool, u.unaa, priVfle gate with 24·holll' security guard. 1'tedite1·ranean adult living:. eves) Herit.,. Real Estate. or den. -nus functionaJ de-Br. 3 Ba. Lovely entry, Mlr. 4 BDRM -2BATH Ba ror wan·. crystal chandelier, WE LOVE rr sign .. re~ e~tra.nc:e 10 . Y-terram Door. Raised liv. Fam rm, near sc:hooh, park 80 \VllJ.. YOU crest, "'ill fiU your .desires. 1 Total prioe $3.4,0XI • 10% Dn. • $41,500 seems 50 little for rm., e x I r a gt . din. rm. and ing Aliso Beach. 2 BR furn. FOR lease by o\vner: IM'w 3 all ~ec, Mature adults, no Br. 3 Ba. Ca.sitas: bltrul, children, no peL~. Sl.85 mo. c:pts, drps, pool, extras. S265 ,..._,, e es 4_37 __ ?.1onth (1 I 493-1252 ...,.... " ' """" ;xi 2 Bedroon1s, 2 ,Baths From $250 INCLUDES \V/\V shag car· pe tlng, G.E. built-ins, \1·ith refrigerator &. dishwasher. Immac:ulate S bedroom , so muc:h. Phone n 0 w lor w/c:rystal chandelier. Fan\. owner will flnance tamUy room and finished sboWing ~ mr. 17X21, raised hearth, Los Aadres Rlty -.-.-N~r"'A~L~,----1 --I RENTALS Apts. Furn!•hed , Apts. Unfurnished prqe rumpus r o o m . walnut panelinJ, J>iitquet 4M-aU3 Beauti1ul carpeting and fir. Qua.I. c:arpetlna:, cwit. 2 BR, coov. den, frlp, cpU', draperies. •tone fittplace. drp!. Walk-in attic storage drape1, builtins, view, near Only 3 yn. old. Near apace. $43,900. 962-0230 beach & school&. $31,500, evtt)'thin(. Nicely landscap. 20181 Lawson Lane, H.B. 494-0500 Bkr ed, gprinkle~ front'· n ar. 6"6·7171 • 544-2313 WALK TO BEACH Auurne 6%-'" or rer1nance . . REAL give-a~? GorgeoUI to suit. $29,900. 51().3647 HOME -R-2 lot Excel Llsted just In time to ellJOy viev.', 4 bdrm, 3 ba home. -,-.-.--~==-I \Vt'lilside. 3 BR 21.4 ba. room sumrMr fun at 11\e beach. 1'.twit sell now. 645-2598 • Bedroom-$35,500 tor 4 or 5 units. 549-1623 No car needl'd from this $35,000 DUPLEX, 2 and 1 ~ OUOl'I, Jl.1esa Verde eves. nice modem 3 BR home for BR, view, just remodeled, Quiet SU"Ctt: 2 baths 2 BR. 21 z BA Condominium only $2&,SOO. Not Jeue hold. pvt. wild kitchens! 494;-.9748 Fittplatt, shake shingle Open Hou.w Daily l-4 Submit on financing. niot; frnt le back yard 1072 Buckingham Lane,DoYtt ~ aENTALS sprin]den; 1 blodr: to •j11-IWUIJ.~ M HouNS Furnished elementary school, near Villagt.. Broker 6'1>1S62 ---r!PTlllTr Estanc;.. & park. Patio E1stbluff 12421~===~~=~~ ~Ge-0-••.;.r_;;•.;.l ____ 2:;;000;;;; I ~a~p1ay~can~".""; .... ~8>~1llO~·o~-~r:.· ~llwWiWi--;;iij;;iil CUSTOM HOME ISP;ACIOUS 3 R 4 BR 2 bath home on com. 8 home with ATTENTION PLEASE merciat -zoned 101. ·A nice muslve play room, fonnaJ ~; 3 BR., 1% ba. Fenced yard, f:rpl., W/W. Broker 534-6980 Rentals to Shlil'll 2005 AVAD... May 10; Lge.1 Br. It lanai. $150 ?!lo. Cpts, drps, 1,_~ ba: 2038 "Walla c:e. -2 BR hoUR in court. Crpta, drps, prv patio. 976 W. 17th St, CM. 548-2839 $150 2 BR., 'vater pa.Id Call before noon 64.2-3315 J BR, 2 bath, carpels .E: drapes. $195 leue. "Inquire )459 Norse Ave, CM 2 BDRJ\f house, range & garage, fenced. 733 A Weit 20th. $ll5. 642--0530, Mesa Verde 3110 3 BR .. den, 2 Ba. Fnett. yd. Nr. Elem. & Jr. High Sehl!. S19& Pu mo. 540--0093 General 4000 Single Young Adults dinlnr room, fully carpeted. home +good potential. Pric- lmnw:ulate c o·n di t i on . Al long last "·e can present ed for fast sale @ $22,500. Quiet traffic: 1rtt street. our finest. Angelita Plan, GI or FHA terms. Close to schools. Prlc:ed for 1ing).e level, extremely spec:-MUTUAL REAL TY WANTED: Female over 21 3200 to share 3 bedroom apt. Newport 8"ch Luxu<y single, 1.& 2 bedroom apartments, f urnished and unfur- nished, with complete privacy and landscap- ed country club at· n1osphere includin g $750,000 worth ·of recreational facilities designed and operat· ed just for s in g I e people. l.mmediate u..le at $32,950. ious 2 BR, 2 BA, end Ian· 84Z-J41B Eve. 847-6978 wilh 2 working & Ir Is . I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. CALL RAY C A U LT ai . lavish derorator appoinl TWO ON A LOT 540-ll5l lope n eves) ments -cho~t Greenbt-lt Heritage Real Estate lroniqe . Don't bl.amt us ii you miss this one. $4:?,%0. 2 separate 2 bedroom homes, I No Down GI 4 car prqt!, 4 blocks to EXCLUSIVE MTl-I ocean. R·3 zone. $35,950 P•ul Jones Re•lty $24,950 3 BR. 2 baths, with ocean vil!w I Roncl Rttlly 645-2340 POOL • FORCED SALE. Ex· -847-1266 Eves. 842-2296 ~ GLENMAR homr., 2 story, 3 BR. tam nn. 2 bath POOL. Frplc:, patio, new paint in· t7 ~l~c:. S33.950. 96:Z...2008 aft 6 Olllk!Dt art&. 3 1 a r & e bedroom&. 2 baths, lamlly 2414 Vista Del Oro EXCELLENT Buy 4 Br Nt-wport Beac:h home. f\tuat sell this wk. =~~ftt-r ,0/$2 5 ,900 , . SALE or Leue; By owner, :1 l'OIXD I Jlreplace. Almost immediate p o11e 11lon.1.-..- CALL St0.ll51 (open eves) Heritqe Real Estate ''Pick of the Litter'' BR. 2 BA, fpl, new c:pt~ &. 3 IDRM·$19,950 $27,500 pai"t, pooJ ,;.,d lol. Wolk to Asaum15';4 c;r, FHA loan, SW Ch\'flt'r offers choie~ Blulls 11c:hJ/beach. 96'.L--6611 mo. Pl.YI all. J..rr fnc:d yard, Plaia, 1-story 3 BR, 2 ba, VIE\V HomP, 4 Br. 2 Ba. di.J I. newly redecor. dbl patio, best loc:, lowest gar., lge kitch, Shag cptg. Owner. 548-5221 or 541).T;,67 l[\aintenanC't' lee & leaM hold thruout. $22,500. lOo/a Down. HOUSE Ir Guest House on R· avail. cau 644..()5(6 eves. OWNER 673-TI'18 3 )oL Santa Ana Ave. TilE BLUFFS Fashionable BY OWNER: Tr a n 11 e r Owner. M2-2!183. $22,000. 2 4 "D-""' 2 bath· forces .lale or 3 BR, 2 Bath, story, 0 ..... ~ • maey extras. Sl.SIX. below ZONED far bustneu, 4 fully carpeted "-. draped. market al $21,200. 962--3170 bdnn. 2 ba, Antlxlny pool, Frplc. Pool, patio, bltns.1~~~-~-~-,- no dn, G.L 1$23,500. 548-8676 $34,500. Call aft ti pm A: 3 BR redec, new w/w crpts, New 4 BR 2 bath. }'rpl v.1mds 644416 $20,500 -$1250 dn. R-2 lot. Water 10ftener, Healed · 216 Knoxville. 0 w n e r l:::="°"'""'·=6C"852?=C:==Ev=o"~· :: Corona chi Mir 1250 =532-5939======== 832~ art 6 PM WORKING girl to share furn. Uni\>erslty Parle home with same. 546-0928; 833-1531 eve Newport Beech 2200 BAYFRONT Summer Rental Available July & August Prime Bayshores location Pier .t Slip 4 Bedrooms CaJI John Abell ~s 67J. 736.i Coron• d•I Mir 22SO 2 BR. .2 Ba. 2--Story $250 lofo. New Carpets. 514 FemleaJ. 675-«144 Bkr. 2300 B/B TOWNHOUSE SPLIT-LEVEL 3 Bdrm, Z bath Unit. Spacious pool. carpets, dr1pes, lireplaC't'. tltt blt-ilu:, $265/mo, 2 BDRJ\f, 2 baths, ne1v car- pets, newly painted, adults only $225/mo. Please call Mrs. Fay Bay & Beach Realty, Inc. 901 Dover Dr., NB Suite 221 64~2000 Eves. 548-6966 $775: 2600 SQ. }'t., 2-story, 4 Jg. Br., 3l/, Ba ., f.am. rm. Dln rm.; Jge. Jnd sc:pd, tncd GARDEN GROVE 13100 Chapnian Ave. (4 Bila;. \V. Santa Ana F"'Y·) (TI4l 636-3030 NEWPORT BEACH Irvin~ and 16th SL (7141 645-0550 Furnh;hed ?iofodcJs Open Daily lmmc:diate Occupancy South Bay Club Apartments yd. nuscs to all schools. I--------- Loe. 1 Blk. from Santa Ana 5130; Deluxe l-bdmi. Cntry. Club in SMta Ana Pool. Available Nol\'! }JJhts area of Np'c. Sch. Broker 5..14-698(1 Avail. J une ht. 545-1095 NEAR new 2 SIOI')', 3 bed· room 2 baths. Double gar- age. 1 ~ bk>cks lrom beac:h. Lease only. 1860 Newport Blvd., 01 Rltr. 646-3928 Evt:, 644·1655 * LACHENMYER 3 BR. duplex: 2 bas., bltns, dshws.hr., new painl.,91.s. &. drps. Nr. beach. YeaM.se. Cotti Mes• 4100 $30 WEEK UP • Commercial Rates • !\faid Service -TV's aYllil. I Cocktail Bar -Pool I \Vestern trlo Fri., Sat. SUNNY ACRES f.10TEL 2376 Ne\lo'{>Ort Blvd., 548·91;)5 .$230. 540-7573 Meu Del-M•r 1105 TAX SAVER Huntington 1 BR. 2 BA. beach. view. Harbour 1405 M., 23~"" 28, 11'0 mo. J"" SUS CASITAS l Sl'ORY 5 BDRM. 3 Baths. 2 Br collage, swimming pool, 28-Jul 12 $185 ,~k. 675-Jfi60 1''URNISHED W•le!' softener, elec bltnii:, Room for 2nd apt, Instant \VATERFRONT. by 0\1•ncr . Newport Heights 3210 covered patio. W.11.lk to all income:. $23.5 mo .... $32,500 4 BR .• 2 BA ., dock, 55' on 1-BR. &. Bachelor Apls. achlw. Priced below mar~t H•I P lnchin & As1oc. water enclosed pa tio $74,500. Huntington Beach 2400 LARGE 3 BR, 2 BA. unfurn. ~110 NE\VPORT BLVD. va.tut. By owner. 546-5492 3900 E. Coa.st Hwy 675-4392 Also 60' on ma.In channel 1 BR Condominium. Nicely Dining room. Lease or re.nL r.lcdallion by llotpoint large 3 Br. 3 Ba., dock, furn. F.nc:losed patio. $275 mo. 642~1J * Villa Pomona Apts. Mela V•de 1110 $U0,00J. Consider lease/op-$150 * 962~ Costa Mesa's ne1,·cst & most 6 UNITS t..1on. 592..5998 Corona de l Mir 3250 luxurious. fum. l & 2 BR. ·-· Ve~-HI~,.~, 3 . nl.c...;Jft '""' ......... 9 old ally ncome Summer Rentals 2910 apt1. Ac!ulta only. No pets. BR. 1" BA. 16M aq. ft, 2 years ' •.nnu 1 L1gun1 Beach 1705 Beeutiful 3 BR 1760 Pomona Ave., just south frpica, water 11 o t ten er, Sl2,4SO • &!!king Sl.37.500. I;;;:;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;; 2 BR furnished house, La-or 18th st. •MR r 0 0 f , land<eoped. O rang• Co.1st Proper_t_y I> 0 _ h 3 bl k t 2 ba, carprts, drapes, Fplc:, ~===~~==~ 332 M 673-8550 $'-OOWN guna ur:ac • oc s 0 blt·ins. Children over 12 OK, CHATEAU La POlNTE Very clean. Minutes to ar'g\Jenle _., OC-ac:h, 1'.·k. or mo. 494-1227 ICb1I. SZJ.500. Laguna Beaeh Lot 11,,ith mag· $275 on lease. Lovely 2 Br. furn. apt. Pool, Gtlner11 5000 $135: 2 BR. W/Y.', range k oven. Relrig. avail. Children OK. Broker~ $1Q; 3 !iR, l ~~· ba, garage. Air-C'Oncl., fpl, \\'/W. ~ & children OK. Bia. 534--6980 5100 HARBOR GREENS Huntington P•cific Ap.rtments ID Ocean Ave. t3 Blks. W. ot Huntington Beach Pil'r) PHONE: (Il4) 536-148? CHEZ ORO APARTMENTS 82M Atlanta Ne1v 1-2 Bedrooms . Pay 6 C'lectric: only r .. ~3927 or 536-272'7 Pqol-\Vashers-Dryers Q Private Garages 2 BEDROOr.I, 2 b a t h , carpets, drapes, blt-ips, 1 bl.I-: to S Pis., stores, owner 645--0150 or key at 7701 Ellis Apt. D. BACHELOR UNFURJJ, BP.AND NEW 2 & 3 Br. Inn. fram $11 0 $1.\0 mo, Cpts, d ' " ' ALSO AVArt.ABLE d1sl!\vhr. Nr. Bea c:b . 817-3957 L -2 & 3 BDR;,1. Healed Pools, Child Care 2 BR duplex, stove, dshwhsr, Center, Adj. to Shoppini: _ cr111s, drps. $160. Adults on- No pets allO\\'ed ly. 1508 Oli\>e. 536-852.'.J 7700 Peterson \Vay, at Har-BEAUTIFUL 2 BR, all ex· bor & Adams. Costa ~fesa trns.. pool, avail mid-lllay, 546--0370 $135/mo. 962-n09 I !!!!!!!!'!!!~~!i!!!'J!!!J!!!!!!!~ !LARGE 2 Br.; 1 or 2 • RENT • Chlldt'e" OK, pet OK; <:pts, 3 Rooms furnltur• drp~. range, 962-7637 $20. $25 & UP REAL ESTATE 1'1onth-To-Monlh Renla1' General \VIDE SELECTION Rent1ls W1nted App!illJlc:es & TV's avail. 5990 No Security Deposit HFRC J.~urniture Rentals e LEASE OPTION 511 \V. 19th, Ci\1 $48-3481 e LEASE 1568 W, Lncln, Anhm 774-2800 e RENT FAIRWAY Family of four (boys and · girl in tee111) wish a home VILLA APTS. ;11 CDM high """'' & L;,_ " O C •;-rt 2 B coin area. Have been livlng , .. ear . . ~.,... . r. . _, Apts. Unfum. 2Drni Santa 111 area ,..nc:e Feb. and plan Ana Ave. ADULTS ONLY. to locate permanently. Price • S46 7602 range to $450 per month. • • \Vill furnish list oa refer. OCEAN BREEZE upper apt. enc:es. \Vould like 1o be Jo. Large 3 BR l~t. ba, bit-ins, cated before Memorial Day, cpls/d rp ., sur.de c k Please c:aU 675-4800 day or SlSO/mo. 2286 Canyon Dr. nite. No pets 54!:'>-3215 aft 4:30 or I !~~!!!!'!!!!!'!~!['!'!!!!!!!!!!~ "'-eekends or ?ill 2-2222 or IP, RO FE SS I ON AL man see Apt 1. w/family desires 3 or 4 3 BR. APTS. bdrm house. June 1st, to e CHILDREN \VELCO?ifE e $115. No pets. 675-4917. Nl!'\'ly decor.; l~i Ba. $~ Have refs. .J\·IRS. COLE, J\IBnai:t:r HELP! 1-lusband in Vietnam; 874 W, Center. Apt, 1 desperately need 2 Br. un- P RO FESS 1 ON AL LY furn apt by J une 15. Pref Decorated 2 BR, sundeck, NB. Local tels, to $115. air-cond. uWs incl, adults, 1 _64S-~TI~10~, ~"~"-~15~'~'~'~"~'-·~ $:ixltmo. Bkr. 6 7 3 - 7 4 2 o e LANDLORDS e 613-9127 -F1lEE RENTAL SERVICE SPACIOUS, clean 2 Br. Broker 5.34-6982 studio; new w/w c:tps, Urps. \VANTED: Garage renlal for elec:. bltns; quiet area: storage purposes only. Call adults. no pets. :>49-().112 673-5420 evt'/wknd \V ANTED: 3 BR unrum hse, DEWGITTFUL, d~tac:hefl 2 yr's lease. Prefer Ot, BR. view apts. Fully c:ptd .. * 646-8664 * drpd, patio, fenced yard. 1 ONE BD""l Un! A r Child OK, no pets. $140 1 ,..., urn pl. or ; ' RfAL ESTATE -·· .. , Income Property 6000 TRIPLEX' IW. eon.,o Pu1t C,1.1. 2 BR. ea. kit bit-in, -.,ncl. aafliu:. tncome S3I> mo. S32,00D OWrn IC-SW U UN ITS, Sood corldlUon. 100% reot.d. Large 6~ wan. Bargain .. t $108,IXIO. Phil SUWva.o, MS-6161 Business R•nt1I 6060 STORES for leue Vlllap Sboppirls Ceriter, cot of El Camioo A .Mendoaa, CM. Suitable ~ 1hop, dreM. ahOe repair etc. SH Liquor •tonl for key. Al Wqner 213, 911.,;sio APPROX. '121 aq ft I'~ &Cl'0!9 from Vlsta Shoppln& Center. Excel. for real estate oUJce, accountant, paint 1tore etc. $110/mo. See at 826 W. 19th St, Cli. Bkr. 6424422 STREET FRONTAGE On Beach Bh·d. 1480 Sq. fl . Modcl borne ideal for insur., Ritt., etc. <DeL Kalella and CerrllosJ s i g n s, lndM:pd., $250 mo. 10650 Beach Blvd. • ro&4120 • Balboa Island Store or ollice. 1627 sq ft with \v/w carpets. $600 pr. mo. or will divide. Bkr. 642.95,5.5 . e LAGUNA OFFICE e Attractive modern bldg, cen· 'ral lac, air cond, $~5 mo. on 1st. 4942466 Office Rental 6070 LAGUNA BEACH A ir Cond it ioned •ON FORES'!' AVENUE -Desk spac:et available tn n.ewNt office bul1dlnz a; prime location bl downtown Lai\ln& Beach. 1'-ir cond~ lillned. carpeted. beautiful paneled partitioning. T w o eo.tranc:ei: 1'Tontq;e on Forest Ave., rear leads lo llfuneipaJ parking '°LI· $50 per month for apace-Desk and chairs available for $5. Buslnesa houri aniwerina aervice availi.ble for $10. All ulilltleai paid ucep1 1£1!!-pl.one. DAILY PILOT 222 FORE.n AVENUE LAGUNA BEACH ... .- \\'ANTED TO LEASE Retired lawyer v.m..Id like to lease space in so m e established law finn in Newport Beach or Costa l\ici;a area. Purpose is to ha\>e some place to put my fec:t on the desk. lla\lf! the f•L'i..>wing library: Complete Pacific Reporter, U.S. Codes Annotated, Ne1v California D i g e s t, miscellaneous ('alifornl,a Codr-s. f o rm books , elc., pl us too much furniture. 675-0016 ONLY $225/MO For top floor c:entral loca. tion, 3 rooms & larie pvt balcony, w/w plush crpl& thruout. 1~·alnut paneling, drps, vi(!\V \1•indow:i, sliding glaSs drs; pvt exit, oU street parking, cle~ng service provided, Jsc: or monthly. Qualified applicant1 reply for appt to: OFFICE, Box 1774, N'>l'Pl Bc:h. PRIVATE OFFICE Secretarial service, air con- ditioning, & parklfl1:. Orange County Bank Bide. 230 E. 17th Street Costa r-.resa 642-148S 3345 NEWPORT BLVD. Oflicea suitable for Com· mc rcial, ?-.ledic:al. Dental. Air-rond .. c:rpts, elevator 3:>e PER SQ .FT. 541-5032 OR 675-2464 LEASE: store or ollic:e, 1974 sq. f l. good location. 333 E. 17th Sl., C.M. 847-8536 300 Sq. Ft. Offlct COSTA llfESA ti46-Zl30 Commercial 6085 FOR LEASE 3100 sq ti garaae Bldg. on lla.rbor Blvd. 4 double doors. Bkr. 67~1 494-7161 eves. f.lon th. 646--0821 en1ployed lady up t o S110/mo. 642-0086 I "''""!!!!!!!!!!!!'""'""'""'"""'I 2-BR Duplv.:, prv patio. Arch. 1-It OF~JONAL building: 1690 Iowa St., 54~ rNVEST NEAR THE nlficent Vie"'· small. but BUSIEST marketplace in Corbin-Martin, Rl'altors carporl; adults, no pets. -•oJCE _ 4 BDRM, 2 OL'EAN 3 BR. 31,J. ba, den, 2 level ~.900 balance S65 pei-town. The DAILY PILO'r 3036 J::. Const Hwy, Cd~f $150 i\1o. plus ulililies ""'" .. ....,.. trplcs., 3 pta&eS, brick. mo Oauified section. Save , ,6T:>-1662 1941 PO~fONA. c . ~l. B&U.. 5 years new. Ask.inc be am/ceilings, charm in~ -t97-1210 or 497-1021 money, time &: effort. Look 1 ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'""~~~~ I ••CH t di f ilC'Ct designed. Adults. no Rooms for Rent 5995 lDr ule or leaR in Costa ti.: 30'L Near 8011 course. hll-· '' .. -u Dupl-"'l~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~,,;""";:::;,!!;:!======:.'.'~'o;;;ot;;,;642<;6111~;;:;;,,;:"~r:';RES~U~L~T:,;S DJ'\ • ap .. U x. cat~r;s: • i...t........1 11... ..... .._ ~-gara&e; gen em.an pao:.ier-Low nwnt, .. _,.... ...1 bUUd 2nd home ot. big lot. red. $115. &12-2550: 546-6716 lllPl se-37M Bkr 673-2010 General 3000 General 3000 General 3000 pets. $150/1110. 675-2942 alt 4 M ~~ l · nd S esa . ......., sq t. au-co . p.n1. LEEPING room, v:orking equipped for medical err lt10DERN 2 BR untum apt. lady, home privilezts. S50. multlpurpose. 494-22JO or ~--~-~~~~~~-----~~~~~~-~-~--'"'" 4 BDR/4. 1% BA. Cote to SHORECLIFF 3 BR. 2 BA. -135 Albert Pl. SJ.SO mo utU i\Jo. ~ 494-4125 8C:ho0la. l]x>PP!rc. ~11· Quiet tree lined att• by the- By owner. 546-alB. Prin· aen. Fee simple. Access to 2 elpal1 only * $23,900 bfoaches. Under $50,000. By ... . • _ h 1200 owner. 673-3681 :.:;:~pert. a.ac sss.ooo· -10',(,-D9wn. 61,•,o Interest. 2 Houses, Jt..2 So. .. ck lay Beauty ol Highway, 6~ Bkr. IMtlY home lltuated on •n VIEW • Pool. Spacious 2 BR •te abe lot complele with home 40' llv rm, lrg mutu Wmlnton Cour i proleL suite. Owner. 644-2244 *1a1 1and11Caplnr. Located ea quiet CUI dr. Sac strttt I lllbol Peninsula 1300 1ilocJc to upper Bay. Spaclou.1.;;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;1 3 ll<d""""' pl"' lomlly Rm, P£Tllf parldn& lor boll or t.ra.lltr. • 149.500. we. PRO,ERTIES WEST PRAmw PRETIY --$ll.'llil --Dr. 17Hl30 4 Br, J a.. Jam, din, uW/ 2 Bedrooml, 114 baths. DNl Ian nn. Total 2«IO 1q. ft. Bl)' A Ocean on P!rUnsul.I JIS >/1o!a -°""""'.., PoinL ... 15G Only $.13.250 BR W•t""""t No. 62 BURR WHITE . Rltr. a.Jboa Oms. SI0,010. 2901Nrwport8lvd., N.8. -tnde t>r ,_,. tr '7M630 Ev11. 673-0ISf wtD """ltl<l' °""'· 54&-TJ'll l~!'.!"'!'~~~~,,..,...I iium. fabuloul F·plan on DON'T JUST' WlSll for ill)ffifl. pw111 1*t w/i.t view. lhiQs '° lurnlah )'OW' horn• MID)' emf, ftaturtl. 3 Br. ~ • , • find CTUt buys In to- 8&. 8eat oUel'l lf4.42&J d&J'll CUMf'Jed M 11 . So1vt 4 Simple Scrambled Wor4 Puzz~ /or o Chuck le o r:;o:mb~tt.fl WO::. ~ /"71 .... ..---...,--... low to fomi four llfll91t worda. i Ir E' 0 i T '1 r 1 I '~~~:::Ii .. ~ l"TEN I I I' I I 1•1suv I r I I Comment •bout on old- -. . aged bore: 'The more >iii ,...,--,------. teerh drop out, rhe more - ll 'AYTON 'ht gm.• 1·1 .. _,-1,._,,--.,_,,",_,..' -l ~n~~~=- e PR~~~s7~JS~~s lfTIE•s IN I' 11 I' 14 11 r I 1 ~l\'.·~·~e,,~:1 •mus I I I I I I I • SCRAM-Lm ANSWER IN CLASSIFICATION 7500 Sl'JS i\10 Dix. mobil honlf', int'I. No ~ll. 675-6727, NICE Room for l'<Orlcing RENT or Sale • Do\\•ntown c11ba11a. C'On1p. !urn. Pool. 546-1968 man wt kitchen privl. E. Costa r.1esa la.ritt 12,000 eq Adib, no pell. 4 Se:uon!I:, 2 BDRM, drps, new crpts. Costa ?.1esa. 64~ ft ston.e:e lot. completely 23a9 Nt\l.•port Blv. 54$-3332 P"t pal io & garage, 2 fcnc:en & small office Ii LARGE 2 Br .. v//1v, bltns. children OK. no pets, Sl30 Misc. Rent1ls 5999 stor11._ge g~. 548-6501 htd. pool. Adults, Jl(l pcls. 1110. Rcq. c:lng ff'f'. ~7540 GARAGE for rent f o r SELL Or tradl!: con1mcrcial $145 ?I-to. plus util. 2272 3 bdrm, 2 ho.. lu.-::. Span. storage, tai MG. easlSide. JU'Op. on 19th SI., C.i\I. WiU 1'1aple. M0-5566: 642-4807 de:ror, frplc, dishwasher, * 642-2657 • trade $22.000 eq. for power AVAIL.. ?.fay J!;lh; bach. apt. patio, extras. 645-1509. boat 40' or over. S4S,950, By Ne1v furniture. Adults. 1 ·LO~V-E~.L-Y--,-1x1~,~,--,-a Income Property 6000 01vner. 494-9525 Sl25. VIII paid ~ townhouse. Nt>1\·ly d•o pool• &Side home + inCQme -3 EASTSIDE: Qu\PI 2 Bdrm. etc. $210 Lea..'lt. Call 546-3710 BR + 2 Apts, $27,000: inc Elec. bltm;, pa.tin. Adults Cl.EA.~ &"1\1'"' • .., !:\~ new $343, 6-E. side u n l t s, only. ~1-B Ogle. 642-1298 1 bl! rt. c~111. t rps: M: c:arpo 156,000: inc $'14:'1. Sell O'I" 2 BR 'Trailer S12S + utU. No pt't~. Adlts. ~18-G7G9 tredt clear S. Cail! borne QI' ~lan·\td cpl. 35 or ohlrr. Nori hem re 1 or t . Bkr 1J2 \V. \\'il:t0n, 0.1 rHS-9577 N•wport Be•<h 5200 £46..JTJll oELUXf , eR """"'· ---,,-A~P~rs=-. --3 BDR~f beach apt unfurn. rtPtll. drpo;, pool, one child •• .1.-.. -und OK. unfurn '11.vall. 64&-0t$ c:rp .... , .... .,~. )'Car •u · Tip Top CClld. Sell or Ex· LARGE I BR. built-ins, s:z.:io. mo. 64&-618!1 cha11&'e for small hou.sce \\1th rood equity. . Clfl)els. drapea. Adults ol'I-E1•t Bluff 52•2 FORTIN ro. 6C-50XJ ly. $125. SCS.-2897 eves. 1701-A \\'eslcllU Dr., NB 4100 e NEW OELUXE e Newport Beech 3 Br. 2~1. ba apt. for Jtl\.'lt LARGE 4-P1e~. xlnt \oe. nr. ,;;:::;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;:;;; Jncl. spac. ms tr. sultc:. din Eltancia High l Chr\slian FURN or UNFURN rm. & dbl. l:'IU'fl&e. 11uto. Day Sthl. Anm11d Inc. 2 • 3 or 4 Dcdt'OOml! door optnl'r ll\'1llL Ponl & S.l.AAO: lO~i. do'>''n. f'.P. Y.·•ly le••• M~'mo & up J'l'e. a.rra. Nr. CAlhollr. $l;';.(XKl. ou ._, -O\\'Nt:R 6Tl-71'1S rtne Btat'fl a"'a !('('11llon~ Church & school lo. CtJrona PROPERTIES WEST dcl Mar Hlah. DIAL dll<cl &<1~11, °""" 1028 Bayside Vt, ~113{1 • ONLY $170 I rour ad, tht:n ail back and 837-871 Amlg~ \\Ttiy. N.B. l!slcn to lht' pi,one rirl)!:: lndu1tri1I Rental 6090 FOR le11.se Laguna Niguel, off Slln Dlt'g'O F\vy at Crol'-11 Valley, new comn1l'rcial k iJ¥iuatrlal Wl ils. Delta Elec- tric:. l>R.,)·s • 831-1400. Evu .. 4~19S. N.B. l .DOJ Sq. Fl. Contr'!.. Shop/Oft!. Bath. \'d, 1tor~ avail. tee. pk:J. &U-2309 Lota 6100 LAGUNA W()Qdsy vk!w bts, underground utlUUe!, pvt. $6,950 & $9,250, 4!M-9741 J ADJ. lols; mom for U nnil-5. 113 E. 2111t St., Costa MC11ft. <N•ner 4M-50ft """"· e R-4 LOT e ?.onrd ~ 35 unllit. Phil !\uJliv11.n, 5467fn • • ............ ·-··)·-------------------···· -.:i· -----··;.. __ .. • ....... -...... ~ ' -...__ ''f a • f , s •..!·•·········==··-·-------·..: ___ _ ----~-~-------- l~J~7~P-ll·O~T·~·~ovtiii•T.IS~i~·!iiliii'ii!!!'ll .. wiii~~lltSdiii.,~'~M~"~'~·~l'M>ij•~ ANNOUNCEMENTS SERVICE DIRECTORY -11111. M., 7, lM DAll.V !'ILOf * * * * ANNOUNCEMENTS *-.. and NOTICES _a_nc1_'_NOT~._1c_u_~·~111ou11n2 •730 JOBS & EMPLOYMENT' JOBS & EMPLOY ...,.. & . , , , ~~ a I found (froo Adsl 6400 c...i.ry i..ts 6411 GENERAL HAULING ~!P..°!V!"'ted, ,,,... 7200Holp Wllitod, Mon ~ Help Wanted, Mon '1200 "•In w ....... -7200 FOUND' Glaslos In -I ~y Iola. Puillc & CLEANUP cue; -tot-· V!ow Memoclal Pu.k. SIJpeotood. Cotfee Sbop, Jh111Usctosit Ne"POl'f; Beach. MUil atll m.-. a.tt, 3 • wktML Bftcb. ~; llaWtilmt nowt~ M9-06"/f after J P.11.i-========"" I Optician'• name l.blkle cut. ""1tilne weekeods ........... ,,... 6735 892-1988 after 6 P.M. t CEMETERY lots, reu. PRESCRIPTION SW'I Ha.rb::r Rrst MemoriaJ e HOUSEa.EANING e "29:S5' ~·· with black Sta.ttwr Pa.rtr. mllf-5pni.ce: a.IU. Ll ElrorDtnt wort. $2.!iO bout. :::: • cue. 1'""ound h1 Edwt.rd'• l-311S :;Coll=640-599S=:-==-"""'-Clrlt.m.a parkiJlll lot. H.B. F~Y plot, f kK1. Hartxw CARPEl'S, Wirldowt, fin, ... _ Sd-6191 Rnt Memorial park, ttc:. Ra or Comc1. Xllll Whodtlya Want? Whaddy1 Got? SPECIAl CLASSIFICATION FOR NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS Spoclal Rate 5 Lin" -5 11,,.., - 5 IMlclc1 , FOUND, Small black sbaG)' C)'praa 8l!dion. Will sell all work Rea! R.efl. 548-tlll Poodle. Near lntcJwtim of or put. 56'8IXt HOUSEClZANING , qualit)' Fairview & Mum,y, Costa 'Mll'kJ Braob Clng Serv. Me.._ ~ SERVICE DllU:CTOllY Call OG-28U anytim• ",,;;.'i';~~ic ~~.:w .. ~ llobysittl.. 6S50 JonlloNI 6790 ·~ llUl£1 -AD MUU INClUOE J-.Wl'llt ¥0W 11 ....... tr.a.. ~If WV INM Ill ........ A Ed"*1'. 5t).(l!6l, eYet M HOUR dWd care, 1 ~ SP.uua..& Janitorial Serv 633-2816 wk. fiOr:o tr per child. 2 adul UJI....._ -ui l • l-YQUR 111\00M &Ml ... 4°'""t. ..._, "°'" f/lf ~lft9, f-NOTHING .. 011 lAl!' -T•ADfJ ONl.YI 'tt .. _ al all ............... ., ... _ come , BROWN Pu.ppy wfBlk Tail. 1.1 ers, Me ....,.~ «:OQlt. de:aoup. Free est . Red & Wht J1ta Collar. times. All meals \nc., teno-968-368J . PHONE 642.5679 To Place Your Trader•• P•radlse Ad 18th & ~tmont, CM. er1 badc;yard, ~ UPLE c-;~1;~1 . -• \Vant clear lots or land for $35,500 equity, lovely 4 BR home Las Palmas area Palm Springs, or submit. Owner 673--7071 22' Fiberglas! Cabin cruis· er, cus. trtr, 100 hp Mere mtl'. Runs like a top! Trade for like corn:! '68 or '69 Sta· tion wagon. 549-~ S5100 Solid corporate note secured by seasoned TD, S'i!.%, due 3 113 yrs., for late ear; C.ontinental, Cad. or ? 644-4265 Xlut opportunity • take over clean Beauty Salon, Udo area, long establ., 6 stations Tn.i.de for lot or submit. Owner/broker. 548-TIU Der Wicnerschnltzel, 1951 Harbor, CM. Land & bldg. Income $500 mo. net. ;45_,000 equity for lots, Back Bay. 675-6130 64&-6515 ~. ~t or wknd......., "'t"'...........,ng in ..... Need room! Edward'& Ba· . cbUdtt9: wclcome. 54(1..1810 ficQ I a,partmf'nts, day or by Grand piano, ebony; FOUND La.d.irs Jllfttriptioo night .f94..2551 worth ssoo. Trade even for ,a-.m atasaes. N• bucb tn ~NSJ.m..E Younc adult.'========= Spinet in rood condition A Laguna. '9f...3D babys1""-· Pre le ra b I yr tuned. 673.7'151 aft 3 pm. FOUND· Frie-Calico Ccata Mesa. or Newport Paperhaft91ng · Beach are~. Own P.Jnti"I 6850 24 apt units in L.A. Trade caL Mesa Va-de area. transportation. n bl'. -- for boat, home in otanp S4S-069a 642..(IOfJ PAINTING Int&: Ext lowest County or T.D.'s. Mr Post. GERMAN Sbepberd. .temak, C M Mother will care b contracted priceL Fully inS. ma,. 546-8030, ext 434, or 6 mos.. sUver gray, in .:.W,' child in aa\.de--sac Sati&fadion guar. F1ft m. 8944004 eve. Mission Viejo, 837.:.666 home. Fenced yd, pla,y rm. Jim Weeks 673-1166 8 cemetery lots, choicl'! Ii> IRISH Setter, Female Fri. loviJ1t pup, lunch., 541).1580 EX·PAINTER now teacher, C'ation in Chic.ago suburb. eve. Wilson St. Ownr Jelen. a.ft. 6. quality painting wkends, \V A N T Medit~IUl 646-6819 BABYSJ11ING, my home, VllCl:tion. 1'Ttt e s Ii mate bi-eaklronl 49&S470. SEALPOINT, Si a.me ae, day I: nights; Walb.ce • 6f6-l5U at 54()...0062 Choice 114 acre hol'SI'! I ft-male, Mesa Verdie area. Ham i Ito n, area CM. INTERIOR -Exttrior paint. grai n ranch (many other 546-4418 Pennanent &6-2il5 Infant ifll. Reuonabll' rates. Lie. uses f. Trade up tor Resi-O.K. Ins. Ca.D Chuck 54.8-0405 or dcntial, Indust'I, Comm'I, Lost 6401 rosrA Me-la Ptt-8chool 66-0809 Income Orange Co, Bkr. ck Ll.cemed. Ages 2-6; open 6:t5 NEAT. exp. Painter, r10 675-0473 LOSI': Yng, male, bla to 5:45; n8 Per wk. drinking. College student . . . Labrador Retriever. No CO .,0 _ v ,_ . ••" 1.2 M·l shops l.ll .2 tilt·UP taga. Vic. Coast Hwy I. MPARE! '1"lO"<>OI» et')' ..,.... PflCt!S. .x.::ve bldgs on PlacentJa., C.M. Dover, N.B. Rew 8 rd. &38-5237 5"1&-4549 eves. Value $150,000. Trade part 548-1347 .) XlNr day care, AM to "MR FIX-IT" for properly. Balance! . 5 -Hot --'" Ii c ....... ,_. ..,.,._. r .. -t• Ha··' Ca.11548-1.542 FRI . Eve., Ter-:"". ,..........,., · ..... ,,......a:, .......... l'y, w Nr/Chihuahua male, It. Harbor/Baker. ~1539 • 6G-Ol27 e MXCHANICAL ·HUGHES NEWPOlT, IEACH hn U'91"t Nquirernent1 hr SWISS SCREW MACHINE OPERA TORS with TQrno experience and able to do own setups. Top dollars for top men. Openings on 1st and 2nd shifts. DIE MAKERS with at le~st 2 years o! experience in steel roll die making. · HOT MOLD SETUP MAN with experience on thermoset transfer mold· ing presses. ELECTRO-MECHANICAL TECHNICIANS to fabricate complex el~mechanical as- semblies wing special wiring systems. ..o\ knowledge of laminating, •potting, molding, paintm.g, soldering and welding techniques is required. A minimum of 3 years of experi- ence in precision electro-mechanical device fabrication and assem~ly is mandatory. lnttretted and qualified epplic•nh should •pply in person ta: TOWNHOUSE 3 Br. 2~ ba~ Beaut. appt'd, Priv. patio, pool; nr. bay, Val. $32,500. tor T.D .. car. camper or "!? Owner 646-6654 Want 11otor Home trade '64 brown. white. Lg. ears. Vic. CHILD Care, Mon-Fri. My e INT -EXT, ANY SIZE 980ldsloaded fUU-pwr,fac Heliotrope I: bt. Q1M. lov ely N .B . home . JOB. Xlnt work. refs. frtt HUGHES air, plus 18' travel trlr, seU Rew 613-1456 Aft S .Rn&onablt:. GT:>--5429 est. JIM. 60-4669, 6f6-.3749 contained &. 1 '""· Palm 4 M~ old P1P/blk ......,. BABYSITIING by the hour INTER " Ext PAJJ<r!NG, NEWPORT BEACH '65 FORD COUNTRY SQUIRE \VAGON. TRADE my t'QUity FOR economy car \\'Orth up to $850. 538-8669 ' 6J:l.. 7541 Spgs. 536--llll hair, brown underskie .. wbt or wee:k. Experienced A IMMED. SERVICE. Local 21 uni~ near Bradbury Es. feet. LooU like cartoan doc mature. &U-7119 rel FREE est. 543-1627 500 Super,ior AYHlle tales, Duarte. Equity plus "Tramp". Vic center of • PAINTING. Papering 16 yrs N wport Bea h "-r.jf seasoned lsl T.D. for com-Costa Mesa. W-1725 Brick, Mlisonry, etc. in Harbor aitt. Lie & bot»-e C • '-Ull • mcrcial property. DAUGHTER Lost ring: 6560 f!d. Reis tum. MZ-2356 Equal opportunity employer -?ti & F Broker • 494-l330 d • c fl a s e d _.....__tber'1 1!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!'!' .............. BUILD Remodel, Repair PAINTING & maintenance, 2 BR&: din, F /P, Gold Me. 1..""etpsakei Vic Standard Sta, Brick,• block, coacre te • .interior & exterior. dallion home.%. Acre, Pat-Nwpt &-f'a.irview. Rtward. ....... n ..... , no JO. b too small. Reuonable rates. 64th'3185 Help Wentacl. Men 7200 Help Wlftted, Men.7200 ris, Calif. area. TRADE tar 633-li642 -.-'""" tocal income. Call 54().llSll·s-M-O--Old----~-wtU-.te Uc Contt. 962--fBt.S NEAT, exp. Painter, no * Mortuary • c.emetery Heritage Real Estate ~ kit1ftl~c Elden• Car ilerl 6590 ~~?'~ ~t. * J.~c. Penney Co. ServWiSfM1NSTER .. * * * * * Del Mar, CM. S10 reward. _ _.l*-:"'.-:"'.'.".ng":'::::'.::--1======== t"ash;oo I.tand l!i!"""'•~""'""'!!!!!iil!!!!!!!!!!!~!!\!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!•!!!.l~--~~;e;;;;:--s;;;;rt:h;;:;n; CARPENTRY Plastori-Renoir 6880 N""'°" S.aoh MEMORIAL PARK What do you have to trade! List it here -in Oral1ge County's l.argftt read trad- ing post _.Pi n:iake a deal. MINOR REPAIRS. No Job•I----·-"'~'--'"'-----TO QUALIFY: Age over 35, REAL ESTATE BUSINESS no LOST: Genn. Short-haired • PATCH P' ·~~c not over 60. • Pointer; brown w/brn. I-Too Small. Cabinet in pl'-~•.c.n.u, · llas opening for TEMPERAMENT: A real dr. Ganer•I FINANCIAL wb·t -"~ ·11 0 r .. -& other cabinets. All i;ypes. Ffte estimate. I e ,...,. ...,ngs; (" n -o~v sire to be o.( service lo Bus. Opportunities 6300 W/Laguna lie. 647-008 56-8175, Uno answer kave Ce.ll S40-.ms AUTOMOTIVE peopJ". Lots 6100 1 G 1 d -at 646-2372. H. O.i========= SERVICE MAN RAB ~ _ L 0 ST : M a e o " n Aodl'!rson Plumbing 6890 ry'S: Good steady work AFFILIATE Retriever, "Pepper". Vic Rt-cent expM"ience in muf. habits, sober & reliable. BUILDERS Attention R.2 lot, 66x301. 2635 Santa Ana Ave, CM. 546--9050 aft 7 pm. Acreage 6200 COUNTRY UVING 30 Acres in Corona with beau- tilul 3 bdrm. home, pool, etc. Terrific view. $50,000 Down with interest only for 5 years. Full price $350,00>. For more information please call K. \V. Small with Eckhoff & A1aoc.i Inc. 1818 \V. Chapman Ave. Orange, Calif. 541-2621, Eves.wlmds 538-5971 Resort Property 6205 IMMEO. INCOME Santa Ana Hgts area. REPAIR, Partitions, Small PLUMBING REPAIR flcrs. shoclci, tire balancing, This t.. a lifetime catter (NO SEU.INC INVOLVED) Reward. 549-1885 Remodel, d:c. Nit" or day, No job too small lube a.nd oil changr. opportunity with salary & Qualified individual WW be BLACK &: White Rabbit, bt Reas! call KEN 540-4679 • 642-lllP e fringe benefits selected by Mul~tate ""'.· 'lie. 2nd,\ BegottW, Olli. MASl'ER carpenter, U »el" PWMBING REPAIR. Excellent working conditions. APPLY IN PERSON to supply established buli· ~3)25 boor. Remodeling· Repairs. DRAIN CLEANING competitive wagt'S, OUI· 9 am only ness with finest triple A-1 6f2-6409 or 536--390:> S46-2J87 or 540-721-7 standing benefits induding to Mr. JEWEU.. """"' ~uct < -~· t. holilpitalizalion and profit 1-Be •• m·~ w tm DB......,.-. P•uu 1 c........,-· · · REPAIRS. ALTERATIONS · ._._. a .... , vu., s ns\J' snacks). $l',450 C&.!h ftCIUir. Peiw .. ls 6405 CABINETS, Any me Job. S.Wlftl 6960 abarin&-BASTANCHURY ed, For ~rsonal interview 25 ·~ ~·u--~------in Costa Mesa & surround-ART TREASURES OF yn. expe.r. ;,J'"tO"l.l(.LJ Apply in pet'S)n BOTn..E WATER CO. I .:::::::::::;:;;:::;:::;:::;:::;::::;:-I• DrHsma1drw ·Alternations 10 M J\ Established f~ routes ing areas, aend name, ad-EUROPE TOUR ,. ___ _,,,_ C 6600 Culklm. Designs A. . to 9 P .1 1. ,._ .. ,_ • , ~-0 _ dress & phone number t.o ht 3 weeks in August ...__..., ancrtte *&46-6446* Monday thru Saturday ava .... uac m ...... og ._ch & Orange C.O. Beach Arca. MuJti.State Inc., 9)75 E. Im-Jilly 31 thru Aug. 21st perial Hwy, Downey, CaliL Sp a i n• It&Jy, Fri.nee I • a>NCREI'E work ..U Alttr•~ J ( llEllllN (0 SZlol1: pa.id training period: 90242 Gree~. PenooaDy planned types. Pool decks l. custom. Neat, accurate, 20 )'l'S. exp. • • rutllt I , 2-6 wks. Guaranteed min. &: conducted by Mr. Ralph Call 548--1324 monthly earnlnp $700., afl. CANDY supply rou~. put« JL Butterfield, Riwnide Cement \Vork-all kinds Upholnry 6990 24 Fashion l1l1nd route aalignmenl X r n t full time, days/eves. RdUl ,..._11_ r...-i _....,..... ..,.__ • t An equal opportunity &rowth assignment. Good & collect ~y lrom eoin City ~e rnu., ._.....,,. A z: •-= Estima r (ZYKOSKI'S Cust. Uphol employer credit. Va!id driven Ileen~. oper. Dispensers in Costa lecturer. Info & brochUtt, * OHJ37.C * European Oaftsmanship * * Age 21..J8. Preltt family Mesa & vie. No lelllng. OU Glenwood Dr., River-e CUSTOM PIAJ'!OS e 100% fin! 642-1454 "'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!O!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!""' men. $1650 Tc!tal cub req. Send side. CTI4) 684-5016 coocre~ sawing le removal 1881 Newport Bl., C.M. -FOR INTERVIEW name, address &: phone to: 'l% INTEREST State Lle. •&U-1010 JOBS & EMPLOYME.NT * GROUNDS~AN Ca.U 525-116.l Route Dept., P.U. Bm: 3846, Wrib! for tree brochure * CONCRETE work, bonded GeneraJ ~s maintenance Anaheim 92803 describin&: 7% intereat I: lie:. Conc.Tl"te Mwing. Job Wanted. L•dy 7020 & gantening wo_!"'. H.S. SERVICE Station manager Mammoth Mount•in NE\V TYPE CAR WASH church hood•, being IOld by Phillips Cement. 54&-6380 gra~uate ~th 1 ·year ex· needed. Top pay, profil CONDOMINIUM Brush type equip, blo\m', Valley Baptist Tm.pie, P.O. CEMENT Wark. job too TEENA'S complctt'! Typina; ~~nee m grounds .sharing. Must te ambitious, Profit I pleasure investment. dryer avail. Low opera~ Box Sim, San Jo• e , small. bl no F Service • efficient, prompt, maintenance or gardening willing to 'Mll')t, must have 3 Luxurous split-level, 2 BR cost & malnt. Will wash A: California 95150 esti H ~l'l!1 k e~ e deli~. Cheap, 54&-0469 woril. $ol~ .. per month. A~ retttences &nL. supervisory Condo \Vith quality crafts. \Vax. ca~ for $1~ 85% *PALM ,l CARDS* m. ' )C • LOCAL lady with PrarlicaJ ply clusified penollllel of. experience. Call 54S-IJ43 manslUp, sleeps 8. ye a r profit. Sites & fine. avail. Spiritual Reader Past Prff. Contr....... 6620 Nuning exp, Hoose 'Mlrk ii: fioe, 1901 Newporl ffivd., ORAFI'SMAN ( B ) ' clec- around management. Recre. Call 675-4158 eveg alt 6 pm. ent. Fulun!. Heip In ~n lite cooking OK. 545-7882 • C.OSta Mesa. 66--0600 tro-mtttt. with some recent etional complex incl/swim-BEAUTY SAWN, Lido am, problems. $1. special read-ADDmONS.REPAIR.S BABY SITIING MAN. Young, ambitious, for e~rience or trainillg in and recreational hall. Sauna long establiabed. Must sell· ing. Open daily 9 am to 10 REJtfODELING Experienced, Reliable 1 n route sales \vilh expanding e I e ctr on I c drt.ftlng. and recreatinal ha.II. Cose best offer. Owner/broker. pm, 7421 Westminster A~. Designing &: Plamling your home 642--7643 servi~ company. Students Documentor Sciences 2-409 S. to lifts $29,950, Also for Rent. 548-7711 Westminster 893-9854.. Kilche~Ba.Oui. etc. welcrune. we train you. Broadway, S.A. 546-3&>1 127·C Lic'd A Bonded. Free est. PRACTICAL NURSE. Start at once. Appl.Ji 9 AM PROPERTIES WEST VENDING Roote, 10 units, • INTERVIEW e A & e CONSTRUCTION Avail. day at nitc. ..1., ..,,,..., *BUYER R .. 2 .. ___ 1..1 •• 'IQfltl , __ 1 _, 0.,.,........, o • ...,. , ...... Park Ave., Pl fil 1. llo 10'.28 Bayside Drive equirea •u• .. ~ . .......,, TV, t'OMM.ERC., MOVIES ll22 Paularino, CM ......... -. •~· .,,,.,...,..,.. Garden Grove. eue e app ica n Ne\vport Beach ea.sh. 675-3360 All ages. No tnl.lning req. No •545-4941 #t b)' May 16U1 67"130 exper. neoeu. For app"t. * ADD. REMODEL * Domestic Help 7035 WAl'w'TEO: Servirt! Sta. AU. CITY OF COSTA MESA ~ B W nt....... ...:~ Local !e & k>cal 77 Fair Dr. 834.5.%0 I~!'!!'!'!'!!'!'~~~!'!!'!'~!'!!'!'~ us. • -_., can: Ricl'l-.vt Productions CABINETS-BLOCK WALJ..S ,....,._ Allon Byland A,.ncy re rences ---------• (11 -•~• • ~5"" resident only. 7 lo 3 and 3 to 6210 HAVE $11),(Q) to actively in-1---'o~~-===-'--642-9852 evening! Empoytr Pays Fee u shifts open. Must be neat * PART TIME * _Mo_u_n_l._&_o_.,. __ rt___ vest in O.C. bus.ineu. Wri~ · LICENSED 10&-B E. 16th, SA 547--0395 and bond ab I c . App: Ma.intenanoe men, nights. SALTON CITY Jg. cot .lot, Sl'!a view, nr. Marina & Club. Sac. $2(0)! 549-4039 Dally Pilot Box M·324 Spiritual Readings, advicf: Drafting S.rvlte 6637 Chinese U\'Hns. Oteerflll Bayshon!: Richfield Dt w. Exp. helpful but not nee. C.P.A. desires to purchue on all matten, I.ml S. El DESIGN DnJting, electro Pmnanent. Experienced CD&st Hwy, N.B. ~~ rate $2.00 per hr. Camino Real, San Oemente F Ea 64Z-8703 .,_.._.. accounting Jlf'Bctire or in-.m.9136. 10 AM-IO PM mech P/C ta.Yout A detail· ar st Agency * Parts counter 1nan R. E 230 cd=h=n·d=ua=l=•=""""'=::":::·::::.....-:::::::=i-~SP~ECJAL~~~"~READ~~IN~G'_ ~-Ken Sr. 675-1191 * Mechanic STOCK CLERKS Exchanges. • 6 _ ...., I="'======== Help Wanted, Men 7200 * tot man $450 per month to start. Mon. ,-1 .. -!in-.,-"Ra-'-nc-h--,..nortb--,-ut Maney to LNn 4320 A~~~b";.,~::rt Gardenlnt 6680 MECHANIC ~· C::So~. P~S: ~ ~ ~~~: Pr.sedena home w l t b 1st & 2nd loans for -w.&. dancer will teach ....,., ..0 ANTHONY'S Di h Box" M-483, Daily Pilot. unusual :swim pool designed .. ..__ J.,.. WI'! need 2 men with ex.per. appt. ck or C u c k . ATLANTIC ·RESEARCH CORPORATION in Co1ta Mesa needs ELECTRONIC tECHNICAl ''A II .. on .. two years advanced elet:lfOolcs In coJ. lege. Musi be experitnctd In UM of dllllal testing equipment. Mutt alao Jmow·- ductors antf Integrated ClreulU. Will build lest equipme.nt systems. brudllcWd and troubleshoot ao!ld Biiie clrcullt1. ~· field deoign and check out test eqalpmiDL · Call, Apply or Write "9le -rllh Jm Hart.or 111"1., Coat1 -tU (7141 54' -· l!ltt. IA An equal opportunity empJoyv ~-llBIBI l ll! Cemetery 151 E. c.nt Hwy. t t' I I I and !IA=!:-NEED r Funer1l Counseling Beautiful P a c I I i c I View Memorial Park is located on the hill· side overlooking the Newport Bay area. Cemetery lots. crypts and niches before n e e d pur· chase plan. A fast growing com· pany with complete s e r v i c e Cacilities. Mortuary, Cha pe I, Mausoleum and Cre- matory all within the cemetery. We want two emcr tionally mature men . No experience ne. cessary because of o u r professional !raining. Do not pass up this opportunity. Phone 644-0212 · Darrell W1rd Vice President •nd Director af S•les. * c':oKS '( * DISHWASHER ' NIGJrrS f APPLY IN PERS:lf -------It *Busboy Apply In Per- REUBEN'S coco~s • ,, t· " l .. " " ., I ~ l ., I• 1515 W. A4111• ~: --:~C=o~d~o~Mo~ .. "'=,_~I r: MECHANIC ~ Journeyman nwhe*, tx.. i: perience Fo~ or Domes-•• tic. One or the o1delt lor-1' eign car service deparlmlnts ; in Orange Co. Flat ntt &: ; warranty wiprt $t.lt per t: hour, pa. baed Clll IO/IO% . .d1 ExceUent wortUw dandl. 4' lions. M11&t haYe own liand 1~ tools. Cal Km -..ni • -. * DRIVEIS * .• " No Exrwi•c• ;: Noc .... .,,, 1; r.fust havl'! clt&n--diitJn'U · driving record. Apply ; YELLOW CAa CO. 186 E. 16th a eo.ta -J: .z Dishw ....... Ale ............... AWl1 FIVE CROWNS ..... dt.1..... I ------RESTAURANTS \V A N T E D : M a r i n t' 3801 E. Pacilic c.out Hwy. j c 11. r p e nters, assemblers Corona det MM s§::l:f· :2: No:;;;; I must koow tune-up & Full time only / brake.a. Al'• Union Station, Apply ln penon 1, corner Warner & Magnolia, Gra:nta StitjUu.1 ' HB. 1750 Newport Blvd., C.M:. jl EXP'D. Serv'ce s t a t I o n . , , ........ n. Hdy .•• y + GENERAL HELPEll/ I """""-o,,,,._..., alt. 40 DELIVERY BOY hrii-. Xlnt. worldng cond. Must be dependable, Oppor. I For appt; 644-4131 tunlty for advancement. Ap.. • CAMPER, Mfg. n ee d s: ply8to4p.m. 1 Fn:rnen,. cabinet man & Orange Coe.st Pluties. J a!umlnurn r;lrlnnE"r. Apply 850 W. 18th st., C.M. , Majorway, 2120 Placentia, Busboy ... Dlthw•sht:ra I CM. 18 and over i' FLOORMAN, 2nd &: 3rd Good wqn, Shilts DOit ...._, 1346 LOGAN AVE. 9011 E Ad•-.. H B. COBl"A MESA S..m' . Pie::~ =ery TV SIRVICIMAN ' Apply Hub·Auto Supply Part Tl.me, Aftemoon 2120 Harbor, Collta Mess Exp. in oot&lde aerviee dJlt. II . n. ,_ cash. Borrow on your ~ latest steps. Call AtdeU Garden S.rvke in Beet truck repair, cu 546--9467 * NIGHTS * for outdoor vnig ........ s ... ,.,s perty <q without diah...W.... 213: rbo •'""• 1·10 PM •••1••• to trade for home on Lido ...... ..,.. _,...._... -~ & dincl. DIESEL A MUSI', WANTED; SaJesmen and f)Jll. time janltorial mainten-WANTED service station at· lsl.:?, Call 1213) 792-3753 if no your low inteftrt 1st TDs. COUPLES. single.; lonely? The be1t. coet'.8 no matt! Must have own hand tools, Mechanics. Apply 1 T 2 s af'IC'I;. Call alt .c pm. 317.2259 tendant Ir mechanic. Local blk A; Whf~ alld Color. Bond.. I able. Sind rnume to Bol ', "'""'· Doily . .Pilot, c..ta , ans\11er 1213) 681-3768 ~so Ubuy:' ..!~~Co ""f!:. New in area! Join the twine Prune ••• P\.ant ••• Prepare 10 yrs txperience, willing to SUperior, Cost.a Mesa or...8117-9525 · reb ttq'd. Apply at mu :;.-it er 0·'6-"' · to fun j, pleasure Monthb' MIUntena.nce work any shift. Referencet11=========:.i========='I Warner Ave., H.B. Mea. \ ' BUSl_NESS •nd Serving~a~~7~. » yrs. e 635-9191-e Exp. Horticulturtst required. S135. Week lo start. Help Wanted, Men 7200'-ltln Wan~. Men 7200 FUU.. time J<'l'Vice litation FINANCIAL 642-2171 54S-OS11 LOOKING for my As~ J~0~11NiNsSON5i<·'Ss(Ganlen!Dr;;;;i;;;;;·~s..vsa:v..J.eat~1~M~r._:Lar<o~~m~··~"5-~mll27 ' a.ttmda.nt. dqa: Aadenoa'• Olivtt'• Rout Bttf • \Viii be hiring Well p~ ' personnel, owr U. I'd A '. part time. Apply 2.:S. A* · will be intirvlewln1 ;1 manager lralneet. Jllt W. t • Oceanfront. NB. .4 ; EXPERIENCED. Servtct I ataUon alesm&J\ ~ JI,. , Neal courteoos tar .,._ .t.. · ternoon ahift.. Put or NI "NEW ,;,. WANS AR. twin, ,...... -1928 • ,.._ equip, -yard ARC WELDERS uo;,n 111, 1116 -Cllf. Bus. Opporlunllln 6300 RANGED" Top cub for '2N-11W. TftMe! P. 0. Bax core! l\eall 961-:11135 Wt .....i 2 all tm;uon w<ld-A s s E M B L E R s -5111-;.:o,UO&Oii;i:=-===w-FRIGIDAIRE .....,.... 2ndo. 12'7, s.nta -Callf. !l2l02 Rcllablo lawn ....,,,.,., ,,._Mun haV< atrucMol ·A *COOK, FAST FRY 54• -1 •Lr ALQ)H()[JC9 .\DGll)'m<M: mow, edge, trim. Jabric experience and know Will train, fast advance. 504 JET ACTION ---• Pbn' 512-1217 or wrtt. to * 5.U·l«M * low ... ..i-n we'-*'~-Start Pacilic Coast Ilwy, HB 18 · _..,,_ 11 ,._.._ ... _ • ...,......... ......_ Positions are available in the entry level Frlgl.da.ire mui. ...,......,. Mort91911, T.0.'1 6M5 P.O. Boll rm....---. Monthly Gardening. S1.f1. wk. I 'ti "" f n· b'·-~--. bs MEalANIC w/ own tooJ.s. the f.astest in the industry. Call after 6 pm. Yukio Call Mr. Larcome, SG-nl7 C assJ ca~wn O LNSSem JtU". .a 11Vi)C JO Aalt tar Jack m. W. 16th St. M ~~•a1tt1 do ••-work "500 ·-TD IM d 3 lead lo later opportunities in machine build· o1o1 ., • ..,.... we-...,, ~· • 711 lMI )Tl, An ts 6410 Murakami. (213) HE $.-3786 • WANTED NtwJ)Ort &heh of 40, 30 min. wubera. Find 10% df:tcou.nt. nouncenwn • EXPER J ,. Panes e FULL " PART TIME ing, inspection, or material control. Previous time. Set -°"""" ... ' !loo, 'lllO W.19th St.. QI, ' out how easy it la to own «·1210 JIALF,CIIBSI' Oub OlildMI.'& Gardener Complete 9ttVk:e. Retlred eentteman 1 0 ,. mechanical or electrical assembly experience ~:f'e~G~~ta Ana, 1---------Dance Recital May 17-Year Free estimate. Call ~1332 janitorl&I work. Jnside & required. 1\lstin. Orange, Anaheim Monty W1nted A50 round c::Jub -etivftiff tor cut & Edge Lawn outaide. CotltAet Mr. Dinius Cbmpany paid benefits including profit- col·n·O·Matic childre.n .. Family ~tember· :f.1alntenance, Ucented nu llarbor BMI, C.Jit sharing, comprehensive medical and h• Kl'VANlS Brtakfut helps lhl11 • Mn. Jack Smith 54Ma/&45-2nO-aft 4 MECHANICS' pitaliz.atio.o coverage for employees and de· Equipment, Inc. MrPPOrt ClrcJe K Oub for S&l.256 , We need 2 f/Jt full time. Mwtl d ts 23341.4 \V. Valencia fa.rm td\IUllon-?dq 10.C.M. ONLY Best Pucake now ~ s Carden1lll s e' v I c e have OWh tools Ex-pen en . _,, Tl' ·--· p~ tt lAwn mainbem.nce, prdeD-· INTERVIEWS ruuerton .,: .,._,o.w ... -.... II.YI Pete WiUIOl'I • at ~ q It de&ll 6*-3629. perleoced only. Apply ln WONDERFUL opportuni~I $5,Cl» 2nd TD, lOS\ phaa 3 cake Bftaktut Mat 10., f · UPI-. ~· RICHn:ELD, l9Ch I: Acquire lovely Boutique potnts. 1 yr.; Blufb bame, 11 AM. C.M. Pnk. OZAN-OP SJlecialilU Mow> Newport Blvd.. 0.ta Mesa Ottss Shop by takinc owr Sl.2,000 Equity. tl4t G65 SU'PREME Appll•nce ~ ecr:-·~jobs . YOUNG MAN lntensted lb lnvt.ntory. Country dub, R •pa l r. RefriaeftUon. uona • learning trade. Ml.Ill hive beach area. S4&-3665 ANNOUNCl:MENTS Wuhen, dr}'ft'L T 0 m. JAPANESE Gardie:Jer, c:iomo-id. nf'a. Gd. pay & ben'a BEAl.ITY Salon: rood and NOTICES .. 546-.ll63, 5t7..ai81 pleW yard aervtce, frff Steady emplmt. 646-7721 cllenlele. 5 Stations. Reuon-Found ff,... Ad1J 6400 FREE Priiea A. CootinlloUll ntimatee. S.1332 ~~~AL able. ...~~1472 DraMnp: Kiwanis BrMk. H1ulln9 '.' 6730 DRILNL PRESS '" f'O UND: Blnck. brwn. whl, tut· C.M. Pali<, May 10. '"'-"'-'-"'-·------ 9 A.M. -12 NooN MONDAYS, TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, FlllDAYS XEROX MACHINE CONDITIONING CENTER IRVIN! INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX 11'91 JAMBOREE . ROAD IRVINE WANTED: off-We liquor AhaUY m11Jt> dog. Vic &acb HAULING. Gtntra.1, Top, OPERATORS liQ!nae, on.~ Couot,y. 4. Slater, fJ.B. 147-84 aft 4 DAILY PJL0r WANT ADS IJ'im. re~ trtt1 & Mech. I electronic aatmbler f.tt111I O~tf Utpl..,.. M I F __ c._u_, 64Ul39 _____ P_.M_.______ D!&1 M1"'1I bed&<L Bll John -tnl"!'"'. Ph: 8*9$11 11•!!11!!!!11!!!!!!!11!!!•••••••1!!!• • ---·- MORNING Dilhwuher. ~ pij In penon btwn 2-5 pm, 190211.-.CM. JD-FI "'1ea ......... Salaty, xl.Dt futurt. CiD Mr. van ALERT UPilOLri'iiifi 1 TRAINEI!: • AP'IA1 lD penlft" --. JohanMn I: ~ b-~ G4fl.8891 1S8 W. !Sib St:, N1 - • BUS BOYS • Comet ol Mootovla 6-. ~':"""~~= ~nor .... ,put-6 · ful!llmo.Al'ft>-•All EXP'O. Sen' sta Attlndant. Me A F.cft Pilla Piiiar, T9CllETl'Elt CDMUlN lllli32 --· ILB. Z'!S Nnport BM:, C.M. Pt.11MBER: co,...... II TRAINEE. BU& machines srentw, p J a •'tac I S'ia. wt rtart + owrUmt. tteadng ~palt. a... 6 706 w. tttb St .• 0xta Me!a bene11u.. ~ms MECHANIC$0Uilloard WANTED 1 au . Cau -b""' 1-5 mechanic, """ llldft. ~ ENTERPJUSINC Yoo na pl~ comm. • Nesµt .......... ti ... Sil ... br. B!Yd. c.M. ' w 54$.1191 * SOCK IT ro 'DI! I ... i I • ~.Moyl,lM' ' I 'I 11 • Mo Listens To Landers? SINCE i , SHE'S ONE OF ,THE TEN MOST I _ _,,~_ .... _..,._ . , (INFLUENTIAL i 'J f ·WOMEN 1AMERICA • • • • • • Just . About Everyone Does f'llat's Mo You Can 'Listen' to Ann [anders • ·Daily in The DAILY PILOT • • • •• LEGAL . Nones LEGAL NOTICE . ' LEGAL Nones LE.GA'!-NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE 1 • • • • . ., -·· Wtdieidar, Mar 7, 1969 Are You ·Letting . Cash . Slip Through Your Finger·s ' ' ' L _.. _, ' - See If You Have Any Of These Things A < . . ' DAI-LY ·p.ILOT WAN.T-AD ' . 1. Stave 2. Guitar 3. Biby' Crib -.. Electric Saw 5 .. Carner• 6.' Washer 7, Ouiboord Motor 8. Stereo -Set 9. Couch 10. Clorln.i 11. Refrlger1tor 12. Pickup Truck Will Sell Fast! 29. Bicycle 30. Typewriter 31 •. a.r Stool1 32. EnCyClo~i• 33. Vacuum Cleaner 34. Troplc1I Fish 35. Hof ROcl ~qulpm't 36 •. File .CU!n.i, ... 37. Golf Clulis :ii. ·Storli"9: Sil~r 39. illct~en Mirrot · 40. Bedroom· Set 41. Slide .Prolector. 57. Elactrlc Train SI. Kitten 59. Cl•ule Auto · 60. CoffH Tobi• 61. Motorcycle 62. Accordion 63. Skis- • 6;4. "N Set · · 65. Workbench 66. Dl1"'°"" ,Witch 67. q .. K1rt 68. Ironer ' ' 13. Sewing 1t1•chlne 14. Surlbo•rd IS. Mlchi.., 't'.0011 16. Di1hw11htr 42. Lawn Mower 4i ·Pool Tobie '44. tires 69. «;imping Troller 70. Antlq~e ~urnlfure . ' . ., , .. 17. Puppy · c . ., II. C1bln CNiMr 19. Golf Cert 20. B•rometer 21.· Stemp Collection 22. Dinette $e1 23. P!oy ...... 24. BowllnO 1•11 25. W1fer Skis 26. Frener · 27. Sultcue 21. Cl.Ck ··45. Pitno 46. Fur Colt .47: Dr1pu 48. ·.unens 49, HorM 50. Alrpl•n• SI. Organ 52. 'EXercYcl• 53. Rire .BOob 54.' Ski Booti ·55. Hjgh Choir 56. Coins 71. t:•pe . l'ocorder • 72. S1llbolt. . 73. Sports Cer 74. Mlttreu, Box Spp 75. lnbo1rd SpHdbeet 76. Shotgun 77. Saddle . 78. 1)1rt G•- 79. Puncltlrig Bog 80. Biby Cerri ... II. Qrums 12. Rifle 13. Desk 84. SCUBA Gou These· or any otlier •xtra ·things arounCI th• house may btt tumed Into c:ash with a • DAILY. rlLOT WANT·AD so ... Don't Jiist Sit .There! DIAL DIRECT 642~5678 . . . ,. <YOUR C~EDIT IS GOOD> . DAILY PILOT_ ·WANT ADS -'1 . ' 'Will WORK·:.fOR YOU! .. Get In On The Action · Today! • -· . ' • " . . . -~--.. ..__ ..... '*-~ .. ·~. _.__ ..... -......... .. ------··--------r~--- . Wodnudar, Ml)' 7, 1969 DAll.Y I'll.Of eJ JOBS & EMPLOYMINT JOBS & EMPLOYMINT IOBS & EMPLOYMliiil JOiS i IMPLOYMENT ~!~ 1 IMP'!"M!!VJ, ijeJp Want,d, Mon 7100 Alonclet, Womtf1 73llO Help W1-1tetp Wotlltd , . • , , _,..,. • ·7• CONS""UCnON * BEACH AllEA * · W-i> 7400 Women 7400 Help wenw I . I " tBM Keypunch SIJp'Y '°' $500 -' FOREMAN 1' f .. J>d. 11y emt>1oYtt ~· Emptoyment ' ~Plmeh-~. . newport .. personnel a'g*JcY * t.arp pt<Cu) _,..,. ·"""" -Pl.Jll'h U"".nm.y llUl\fD ufl.clUrlnc 11nn -. 1 .... ~ .. .,. ...... '311\ 111u11u' n1U1 •• I man• for produclkrl) t)'pe AaPUcent pays tee J __ WOfll MU&t ba .,...,. with loct'Y. -.... lo lSlO • Clem " . 5 to io ,.... tXl>'rie"'< In II Fee pd. by ......,.... e ~ ... u .. w.. ..,.., Ex.P" tn pre. Cl< Typbt Jr .. 13'6 to 1368 ~ ,,..sts 833 DOVER DRIVE NEWPORT BEA.Qt 6(l.:J811) cut•ciix: .. lio .,-but Employer..,.. 1,.. ~ Repro Typists not .,.....,,., , ~te"'1 Sec'y, Jr .... $4111/433 • ~---~-rl- PART TIME 'i .. , Emp)oyer1pay1 fee ~u ... Dr,aft.women. 1 •. h $400 PBX/RECEPTIONIST 1 "ln.k. or"u~ntt ~ ' "Some eqef'lence on a tJncle Telefype ·opot ..... $400 position 560 °"" ·pre>wred, REFERENCES REQUIRED Typist, ............... 1315 • Keypunchers Appllca.nt Pa,y8 fee i;.u.\RY OPEN Call Mr. Laieome, SCS.nIT WANTED Youpg man with draftinc ex. perlente to atart on the , .,..oo ft"'l" or tare< P"· ca.st concrete ma.nutactut-1.ae-finn. Must bo>-able. to read blueprints. make pn> duritlon drawina:1, Jeam quo. ta tion I: pricing procedures, help in ercineerinr, cost ac. countlnr and tnventory tak- ing, Future opportunlo/ to enter salea department, Englneer- lna: and/or quality control. Prei:equisltes: MllfriM, 25-30 yrs. old, drafting experience, high IQ. Call Mr. Larcome, 56-Til? WANTED 2 Palnte~Tra!Me 1 Electrician-Skilled 2 Ca:pel!te....skillod 2 Bouders-Sldlled 2 Suders-Trainee 3 Assemblen-Train'ee 1 Shipper ol yachts. l1lender Y1chts lTl'H & PLACE:N:flA COSTA MESA CAREER OPPORTUNITY! . Join ~Ind.,.. -"""""' prolenloo-Mutuat Fund ..... N'o .xper:lence nece_,,.. We train -fUl1 or part time Mirtu1I Fund Aclvl..,., Inc. Npt B. 160.1 W•stclll1 64UtJ2 '8..L '1212 N. B- !547-33.'1 .COOK Experienced Only ·Over 18. Apply in per10n ~Iv• Crowns Restaurant 3801 E. ~st Hwy, Corona del Mar. J. R. Pierce Auoc, Ag.ncy • l'IX Open. 1885 N ......... c .M. 64U720 • Assemblers 1 yr min exp. M orb t n t and aftt'l"nOOll H~lp Wonted Women 7400 ASSEMBLER TRAINEES "'' SUBMINIATURE ASSEMBLY OPERATIONS Must haw aood ~yes}lbt aod fln&er deJcterlty; poaeaa a vaUd California driven \l· cenae and' be abJe to pUa a rlgUl -eicam. Please appty In persol'I to H U.G HES NEWPORT BEACH SOO S\lpertor Avenue 1-'ewport ·Beach, Calil, Equal opporlunity employer ri.t &: F PROOF OPERATOR EXPERIENCED United California Bank 4.'.i25 MacArthur Blvd. 540-4424 Work when A where you w1ntl INTERIM F/C/Bkkpr ...... to$400 1Chedula. · Exp w/ 1ln atatemta Bkkpr ........ , ... $550 Excellerrt -itiiw ronditlo~, Learn ma.ch operation -competittve wactl. OU~ Exec Secty , • , ., ... $550 lnC bendlll bicludlno "°" Good okills + llf<, ~ pltallzotion wt prof;! ~ R•~pt/ Jr Sec > .. ::.$450· •lne· Lite ah. aecutite 1;yping •• • ~-1n pmlOft PERSONNll SERVICE Typist .. ; '. •: '." .• '.$37$ • ·io-~ ..... PM , . 65 'fl'l'?l + a ~•skirt Monday tM.r &aturda 445 E.17th 'St, · w!U W><l thla·Jobl • ...,--Y. Cnl• Mete, C.llf, Inv. Cont,..1 Clerk-. .$433 J, I"'. ~ (0 . 647513 Mln ' """ exp. • ~.:~I • • Glrl ;i;rr~, ... to $375 ' -· I lnhrvjeWlng For ..,.O.!i<uY office 24 FolliJort·hlend ., .-Mori. t!jru Fri, Mat Control Clerk .. $375 An "l\lil """""""'ty ' I ~ ,._ S DetaD1mtnded, lite. type .U:.J.16rt *' e.m."' P.!11• •--··rlt'-1• •--t .... * ~--· rtunl"· -·--~ ... -.. 0 .... . --oppo v emt""J''" ,..Ins or iejtal bkgrnd. !!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!•!!ill!!l!!l!!!!!!!!!!i!I -..,,,,.-..,....,.,.-=----1PtrsonMI Clerk .. to$450 · ,..~ Work Near Home Type so; gen ofc bkgd. MUS oEc Auall r;; Agency Fee PaJd Sharp & penonable girl! Secy, a .. 1 Estate ... • $500 P. T. Setty .... to $1.SO hr ·Ex<!e Sec>-etery • .. • .. 1E110 Secy, Escrow ...... ~, $525 Legal exp Prefemd ' OUice M&r/llcUla •••• • ~· ~" · °'P1 1 ...... ~ Medic:al Division s.ere1ery • .. :.· ..... l!'!Ouf> -=--,,, • .,rsonne ••••• • ~ Secty/fund ru'c to $55iO Recept/Typist ..•..... $425 Med Recpt ....•••. $400 Sttretary •••••••• :.: ••• S50D Applicant Pa1d Fee Know Medicare & Medical, F.C, Bkkpr ............ $4~ Bkkpr, ,Full Chg ••• , to $60CI no Saturdays. Secretary , , , , •••••••••• .$450 Builders Ass't ........ $400 Med Transcriber .. $450 Secretary · ~ Bank Tra.ineett ... , $285-$300 No Sa+. . ..:..in.. · • ... '· ••·•' ·' ·• ·-"""UOJS Receptionist , •••••• ,, • ~ Bum>-Bkkpr """ 1425 P. T. Med Rocpt .. $3. hr Sec/ElcrOW, no oh .. $40<hO> Dlcta~hone ~ •" •• • $400 10.16 hrs per week Front Ole/Dental , ••••• $40fl Secy 'boating • .. • • • • • $425 Escrow Trainee ...... $350 Superior Agency Medical Secretary .; •••••••• Established 1946 ASSTRAEMBLEINEESR. P.T. Medic:aJ. 11'111 ~ ••• , $3.br 1857 Harbor Bl, Costa Mesa C&ll first 642-7141 -----'-'.;,;_--IPolyoptlcs, a rapidly growing company with manufactures Secretaries fibcroptics, has s e v e r a I One of the leading coinpanJeg openings for a a: s e rn b I e r 410. W. Coalt '1iahway \ Newport Beach -~ SECY /R£Al ESTATE in Orange County needs 3 trainees, Will be trained tn Need a aharp,pl with~ good secretaries in their assembly of tiberoptic pro-ledge ol lepl~. doOOmentf Real Estate Dept. Should ducts. primarily for con-and Real ~-.. ~---Equal opportunity empl,,... d'-~butio Ex ~~ =-be familiar with real estate 5 um e r ""u' n. -tions. Previoul empjoymei;t EXPERIENCED e ESCROW e SECRETARY transactioM. Typing 65, cellent opportunities lo r in Escrow for a Trust depl shrthd 80. New plush offices creative and productive in-would be moet beipf\ll. 'l)p- Newport Beach area,-Xlnt dividua!s. Apply at ing should be ~te at benefits. Starting salary PpLYOPTICS INC. 6().65, 1horthand at 30 will $500. Company pays 'the fee. 1518 E. ~gle, S.A. do. Must· be a self starl@T Also fee jobs. equal opportunity employer. who can work IOO,lltndent. UNITED CALIFORNIA MISS EXEC AG.ENCY ACCTG CLERK ty or '"P<rviiioi>. El<ceU.nt BANl(, 41Q·W. Coast H.igbway l year college bkkpg, good company btnefits. Cal'l 3141 E. Coast Hwy Corona del Mar 673-9240 Nc1vPort Beach 646-3939 typist, 10-key adder. $500. 6443258 between 8 & 10 AM * EXECUTIVE * Fee .. negotiable. Other-fee and 2 to 3:30 PM. *SECRETARY * """'""'" · l·A;;Do;V"E'°"'R"°T"IS"l.,N"G,_-~I t.1ai:az:inl? publisher needs RUTH RYAN AGENCY good right arm with top 1793 Newport, CM _646,4854 Secretar·yt "'""· Must be sci! atarte•, 17931' B<aoh, HB 847-9617 • EqlW_ opportunity employer accurate •. fa.st and capable .TYPE AT HOME B kk ol handliog o W n '• '· N..a womon with good typ. 00 ee.per res P.o. nd enc e: A big ing skills to work at home. EXPERIENCED STENO plusabibly to write good Must have experience in leg. Re1pon1ible, top lenl promo~l~nal copy and/or al field. Call 3 PM 10 7 PM position for sharp, t.t~ advertisrng e x p e r l e n_ c e only. 968-1087 ch•rte 9irl. ft1iust. have Salary open. lmmed1ate l-c.-i--.,,-~~-~~-excellent 11llll1 1nc:1: ---------I UNITED CALIFORNIA placement.· For interview Medical Transcrllier shorthand: Nlndle llt9 B•NK call Mrs. McFeeran.l yearexper.Type50-60wpm, bk'-,· bllll--u-~r ~ 546-4370 no Sat work. $45() mo, Beach "" .. _. nu9 H k L.,, 1 area. Call Dom, 548-7796 30. Cell BorlNr . .i. (714i T"'"poracy URGENRY llEDED Employment 3029 Harbor lllvd. Costa Mesa 546-2033 F.qwll opportunity employer ..,,. ffper-i.• n ARGUS AGENCIES 64Wfl~. . " . Mature woman needed for 1869 C Neumn..t Bl·~ C M ] -~~'---'~.-.-I gen. housework & cooking. ~..,..... vu., · · Newport Beach family w/4 DENTAL ASSISTANT, Intery~ FILE CLERK children. Muat be able to P~ooontic practice, Ex· •LABORERS Rll'S-ICU Mon thru Fri., 8-5 P.M. Auto exp. helpful. sM.mC!& &peak flul'!nt En+g. :_ncn~to d~if'edM.,!eTbend INTERIM II.sh. ear $:l25. per mo ume : ~ Excellent work1-CODdldolll, SECRE 'RY room &: board Send em-Dally Pilot .,,. , .. P~rsonntl Service TM 'pioymenf histoi'.y & re!er-ls'"A'"LE°'S"'LAD"""'°"y'"'w"an...,.ted°',"' ... ,....,d~les above average salary .and 445 E. 17th, CM 642-7523 Part lime, shorthand, typing, C T Wall! k lOOO truie benefits. c.an_penon. stencil. 3 day wk, Full time ences to: · • c • wear, some e.~p. preferred net <tept. bet, l:lf~&m ,. 5 MOTOR HOME later. So. Grand Ave., S.A. good salary, s day . week, pm, Mon. tbru Frl 527.71~ Auemblers/8ullder1 Niguel Personnel Agi!ncy ATTENTIONJ Mad-Fashk>ns. 10055 Adams Immediate openinp: for men 2fl61 ~tty Road Bar Maids • Dancers. Apply AVE'. at Brookhurst with experience in PJ.um!):. Lllguna. Ni&uel 831-1477 at the 'Bunny Hutch. We can RESPONSIBLE Babysitter in&, electrical, w&lla, cabin-oHer YoU hie salarlea:, high needed, Refs required, ·Own et. and .finish • or we will CLERK TYPIST _ ·tips plu1 a groovy place to transportation. S.A. area. Stanton Community Hospital tnUn you, Must have -some work this wmmcr •. Must be 838-9759 · hand tools. See Jttck, 2llS For large dock broker-attrac tive Is 21, No experf.IA::.UTO="M"OT"l°"VE"'°"'D~MV;;,--,cl,-or.,..k 1----.=.----I CanYon Drive, O>ltlt Mesa age oUice. Must be ence necessary, we will Theodore Robins, Inc. ~ RN'S 642-9758 young, attractive, type train, Call Gary or Jerry Mesa. Call Elinor Wall for 11 PM to 1 AM, Full Polition open in lash-65+ wpm. $375. Apply .at 8J8..8202. appl fi41...0010 part time. 1onable Newport Beach ~:~~30&~.S~~;: SECRETARY For Laguna S ALESWOMAN. Ex-LYN'S restaurant for ambitious, Hills law olficc. Corporate ""rie.nced in ready 10 wear 3 PM to 11 PM and 11 PM -ftlbl n port Center Dr. ba ~ to 7 AM FuU · ..,.......... e ycung ma • or pro te _e x_p er i enc e .l sportswear, Part time. . and part time. experienced in restaurant preferred but not required. CNZ. 546-2462 PARK LIDO management. Reply to LEGAL trainee, Steno/Secre-Good skills, salary com·I===-==~--Convaleacent Holpltal box # gi\ting resume. tary, to $400. Attorney will meJlSUTate with ability, age ~~y =~ITEDbl flngor 1445 Superior Ave., N.JL , Box M-621. The Daily train. Type 60, limited short-2S to 4D. Telephone 836-0150 m e 11 PP · 6«2-2410 Pilot. hlnd. Heavy on stenocont 1 for appt. Apply Telo Div., WOOLSEY !--:=,.,--==~=-I --:,.-,l"°lllO"'.-:WEE="'K,..+,.--1 girl. o!1ke, Xlnt opportun;ty --------1 MARINE INC. 887 IV. 16th, GIRL FRIDAY' SECURITY omCER to learn legal in N.B. ApplY BOOKKEEPER Newport Beach In busy stock brokerage oft FOR PATROL DUTY Dodds Development Corp. WOMAN or girl for lite fice, Must be younc, attrac. ~-r <O -. p-, Rad'-«812 Armstrong, Santa Ana. Thni T .B, AIR. .AJ? $4'15 housecleaning, P a c I f I c tive and e-tlc. Start t.tt"i, vvi:: J •~ "'"" iu Many ~r listings Sands LI 1• will ·-·•· ...., car provided. Non smoker; 540.n65. RUTH RY•N AGENCY . area. ve ou • Apply aft. 9:30 AM SheU: drink U " ll' " train. $300 per mo. Call son Hamm!U t. Co ~ N er. nuorm a nee. Medical Recpt. 1793 Newport, CM 646-4854 53&-2456 ' ·......, ew- Apply: 'PM -5 PM. Rm. MU&t be ex"'"r, accurate ....... _ 17931 Beach HB 847 96171=~===~~-~ port Cenia:Dt. 405, 325 N. Broadway, Santa .,... "'v-' . TWO WO~, 5· day&:, 10 ' DEITAI. ASSISTANJ', Ana. ist, some bkkpg, able to la1k TELLER Ex.per. over 21 al-AM·to~2J'M Moft...Frl. WW ~~~~-=~-,.-! with people, no Sal work. tra ti nd bl ' "' N'-ht R',·rs Went·, ·-b. h Call c ve a J>C1'80na e. train. ARPY'S Cateriri&, .., ""' .,,. ._,.,.,mo. °"ac area, Also new account~ teller ex· 30218, Harbor Blvd., CM. U you can roam the Oranae Doris 548-7796 per or will train Royal Exet"llent position. Muat have O>unty·ranp, ews. Pod.nor. ARGUS AGENCIES Savings Laguna Hills. Mr.~~· Full Ar· front desk aperience. I need YoU fn my part time 1869 C Newport Blvd., C.M. Purnell for appl Cn4) ime. PP Yin person. Wl8S C1IJ ...... •.1. .J• posse, All my "ha.nda" pt 83'1'-.Slll Chalet, '14 N. Newport --• •.....,_,Call Sherill !lob at ASSISTANT CASHIER ·"'QMEj'i)~i;d"a;"Vo;Od.ll~B~lv;:;d:;,, ;;N!!B==,.....,=-~ SARAH COVENTRY bu $4T-?782 Must be personable. WOMEN Needed as Vanda OFFICE CLERK b I opentzwt for fuJl or· pvt Beauty Counselors. Tea~h, &kills. Apply· M~go c time Alea. Min.. age JI. Accountants BANK TELLER ... advise&. 6how this prestige ' . r Pleasant ·"tlo'Ol'k.' no ~ Credit M1nagen Exp helpful, or will train. cosmetic line in your free Yacht Corp. 1631 Placentia, no dellwrtes. J'or ~ Administrative T.,,... Niguel Personnel Agency time. 675-5195, 847"'°846 01' C.M. 9 to 12 only. I can 5t0-461.V 131-tfO/ LOCAL JOBS ~1 Getty Road 346-17S5. For appL MAIDS, Ben ·B;rown'a Mot.or" 841--8950 CALL BOB, 548-7796 taauna Nt.,,.1 83l-l47T MALLIE'$ 11oi.t, 'lull time, good ·plJ, LOCAL JOISI ARGUS· AGENCIES B R"•IDS 31106 s. Coast. s. Laguna * A -* WI• 6 Beauty Salon hu .,.. . Seef>'t, -o.J Fri, O..,. 11169 C NewJ)Ql;t·Blvd., C.M. No exp, nee. N(' costume enlngs for Manicurlrt &/or MEXICAN Hskpr-Uve in. Typist A pvt time Dental DESMOND'S ttQ'd. Tp $3. per. hr. Pb: Pedlcuriat guarantee &/or care for 2 children. Laauna Alst. # 3 Fuhlon IJiland . 532-9217 or ..+-Om comml"1.;.,, Hair Sty(lit Nig>lel. '9'M'/21l . Qill. Dorit, 548-Tlif .' Newport B<aoh Apply with ""'e lollowlng, 518-3446 Exp'd ,...,....,. to iew ARGUS AOINCllS need• lull tim• HONEYCoMB TELEP! ONE s 11 1 camper ""1atns Catt •-C N ' rt ru-~ c.~ i o c t o r , 893-537D &fter Iii • .._,,. ewpo Vu., •: e PORTER e 34'Z5 E. Q\a.p'rnan, Orapge. cxp'd pref. CM office ' pm. p.m. PART·'I'inM! ntedli:lli amce 5 DAYS A WEEK *GIRL FRIDAY* 9 pm. 5 day• p por hour. . DENTAL ASSISTANT -· ltN jimemd 11qt E•periencld FRY Attractive, Dip 181, 3.i1:e Pennanent. Call 545--0137 r'Call~o !!'!!"' not required, ottloce aper . COOKS. Af>ply JOLLY '20-30. looking for an oppo.-Mr. Fontadt -_,.,,., -Bot 2 A ROGER Ptrtonnel ()I. tuntty to move up fut. Type DREAM J ob. Keep )'OUr Im· MAID owr 30, pel'rl'llLDent 5 pm Fri, M1¥ 9. fice. 1297 L09an Ave., 5MO. np SH. Salary $375-portant job aa wile fr: part time, 6 dayt/week, HSKPR. • chDd care. Jive ,._... u.~~-$400. 64U382 ' ' mother &: earn a wklY n75 hour. 49M52l In. 5\fri 4QI. 'Pvt""-'*bl. ~-~~,e~~~!:·:,.,..~_.,..,,--EEXP5'PEERRIENOOiCCE:Ei5o--pa ycheck. 5•4-3854, MASSEUSE WANTED , Rtfs. 'm . mo."Pfrti.:nc ~i: ,!:k!!'!I,.: :&:'. W,AITRESS WANTED -· 531-101~ M2-l89l 11oun Open. eau tor Ap. nlli!t, 5l!>e2l2 ~ar round. MW.WY Obup. Contact Mr. ur 'Mrs. Zimmer SPEC I AL M A CH J NE • polntment. 642-60'..l9 ' WINDOW sb1S wukd. . ., -·-11113 w Flying Butler OPERAroR • Top .... Q;JALITY ~ rod ...... 35 yrs 01 .... --u Uon ·owr. A:l'l'Y · fl3.G9T1 S~. Garment M ts_r. per. Brownb:w Mf&. Cl>. ~ AM tll 2 PM. ~~ ~~S.A. JQ S.not., uh: EXPERIENCED Ow.inlde ~ Placentia, C.M. ~Un Mcl>oMkr1135 W. lltb., CM MAN;;.l8~ .. ~30~1.,~11-wn-c:u-t· I au.lstant for· ~nenl prac. BEAUTY Oj>etatol" WI th TELEPHONE Solicllors ex-BE!AUT'JCIAN w/dionb!lt, ttnc roule. Steady. Start tice office, LQuna Beach, 5 10me f011owtna. FUJI or par! per. Work at home-M seltlni. wry pod lcallon ' ,... tn $400 month. MU5t have own days/wk, 4~7 Ume. O:rrona dcl 1-W. Call top doi\ar. (2131 131-3007 t.pna Beech. $tt7S . trt.nsport.ttlon, AJ>rib-8 ,AM, CHlLD tart_ fur 2 sch1 qe altar 6 PM 613-0963 -. SECRETARY: I BoiottkM~, BABYsrn'ER., -., bomr. -C.ti)< Dr, ll>!UJ1rlat cbldrn. Uve tn. LI te DENTAL ASSISTANT ,.xp'd tmmedlate -· 'l\toa ~JO, 'l1lun ~ nt lJI. Ai.lot IAguna •N~I -..rk.·IW& 11$-1225 Newport Bea<:h ""6jl.1 64,._:lliO 4, Mm4 -... -"· .. ~ -............. -~ ... • l ii I I I ' , 1 I --. --· ••••• , ~ •• w -~·--~-~ ..-----..---. 7400 JOl'N US TOOAY Jo\n the I cr<>whw -ol women wbo WOtk 001"' and thta an temporary Job&. A day, ft. wtU or ~r. IMMEOIAT& OPENINGS FOR TYPISTS SECRETARIES -KEYPUNCH OPERATORS !Mlp W1nt1d Women El>1'El\IENCED \ PART TIME )'cLlER 7400 UNITED CA LIFORNIA BANK 222 Ote1n Avenue La,guna 8e1ch · 494-6546 Jobi !Mn. Wom. 7500 MERCHANDISE POii SALi ANO TIADI W-. M11 7, 1969 MERCHANDISE FOR PETS end LIVESTOCK TR SPORTATION j TRA SPORTATION SALE AND TRADE D"il' 8825 Sillbooh 9010 MotoccyclH 9300 Furniture IOOOFvmltvre IOOO Prlriot & Ora1ns 1130 Ml1cell1ntov1 8600 GERMAN Shtphlttl pupple$, CORON'Af>O 23 t'On s;de roo <.i; t.tatchless ~ J ~·-· ····~· ·-· -·--~~··---······· -··~.--~-• wed p1ano1 equip 6 n10's oJd UtOO. tUically ni.laed, larae boneu. CORONADO ~S by racing 111 ~ c n a n i cs · · ~ -Best ~ 1n Sn3J>-Oll air chlsle & impaol 49&-2184 Now on d)AJ>lay ...... M9!l5 64:;:::t>«::':;:";,' ==:-=-;;::: Sponlsh So. Cal1L rtcht heft, wrench $235, C.Om,pL Jet TOY ~cs. SUve.r, AKC, CORONADO 34 7gg KAWASAJ\I 110. New SCJiMJDT MUSIC CO.. alr-cond'lng equip & stock F'em&le.a. 7 v.•eeks, clipped. Dcmonttn.tor -S AVE U l)eavy duty forks. A-1. $375. · MeclfNrranean 1901 N. Mam. ~. Other tniscell. Call aft. Sa&cr!(1cr>! 673-0.16? Sno\\•bln:I, used • · · ... • • S·~ _,c~alf=6G-=223=7 ==:::::'::'.: •-·-•t Manuf·~·,.r'• Senta -:o~P~M~.,~l;-1837~~====1; .. ~~~~~~~bnille& Sabots, i.ew complete $265. ~ UYVV"' _,.. -::: ..-~1 ERN Saddle-, bridle & 2912 w. Coo.st H . .igh~·ll,)' Trailer, Travel 9425 '69 Showroom S.mpl.. C:ONN ORGANS Misc. Winted 8610 pad $00. Xlol cood. N•wpon &och ~IO AITtrrillc._..I.,_.. .... ._ ' ALL MODELS * 549-12;16 * ~· TRAVl:l.EZE trave-1 8, Wood "•rved arm divan, lg. m&nll chair NEW • us••> UY $ 0 -·--tt ll\l:' Fl.YING Dutctuniµl JR. 1ra1l{!r, hke ne\\! scu-con. ~ • ~ $ WE B ~ Pype, AKC. champ, Fbgls-Dac sails. lclc, eve. or love seal 5 Pc Octagon dart oik din set Frear the NEW 3 Manual! •tock. $65. 6 weeks. Xlnt cood. SS!li. S46-5fi?..5 taini"I. <'-rpl'd. air-cond, bltn wfblac.k or avocado framed chairs; 8 Pc BR Gould Mviic Company . $ FURNITURE $ • 54:~7098 * color TV, ste1'00 hi·fi, tape o,i. Mr L "-dre ) inlrr 2 PPLI NCES recorder. ~·uter f 11 t c r, set. "i"""1 • « HU;J. sser, g Or, 2M5 N. Main, SA 547~1 A A GERM. Shepherd, male, 6 Power Cruisers 9020 (il'!hmaster, hydraulic jacks, commodes, decorative headboard in S~h Celot lV'trPl1n1·-sf,,,o'~ rtlOll., all ghot~ AKC. 1 .... & ch oak. desif,n· with matchi.Da: box springs, "fuat: Telnlllon l205 1 Pi•e• or Hout• Full S'iti. 546-1081 SACRU"ICE! · 33' Class tc. robQ,t hitch, ai\ln .. 'b mu CASH IN JO MINUTES O'ulser, 11ij7. Good sound morel 531-8032 LEGAL SECRET ARIES * J . c. -""· P'a&bion Island * tress & rame. 1 'Vr. service contract on • 453 • Hol'lel 8830 p:.ind. Needs low. no hp ltom• Sold lndlvldu1lly your color TV, ,...,.u.,. ot 541 • I . . Gny Marlro. Rid~ & Trellors, Utlllty Shop Around .:_ Before you buy ... US! qe but must be in mrkilll _ w A N T E D ~~ stalls For Rent 1J,lhometer. $3300. 541-t2'l9 4 x 6, WOODEN fiat bed YALU! $1095.95 -FULL PRICE $529.95 o,ntec .• -.145. stack l ·, v·~~• C.. '"'""'°"""' .61 OIVENS X!A9, 1~ fbgl• ·-"·• " --~ 9450 '"·~~-~. lnternatlonal Temporary 11elp ~rvic1! Watch for our billboanl!. Anaheim 1184 W. Lincoln Santa. Ana Ph. 5fO..q325 Costa ?.1esa 2100 Harbor An Equal Opportunity ·Employer Olfi<;e Secretari~s Typists · ALL OFFICE SKILLS EARN ~10RE \VITH US Champagne T8tnji9rary Help ·ANAHEIM 775 W. La P'lim• NEWPORT BEACH 3849 Birch Sfrfft ' SANTA ANA l&l~F , E. Fourth 540-7345 An Equal Opportunity Employer HUGHES NEWPORT BEACH KEYPUNCH OPERATOR With a minimum 'or one year's exJ)eri enCe on IBM equipment. ' HUGHES NEWPOR'r. BEACH 500 Superior Avenue Newport Beach, Calif. Equal opportunity· employer -M & F STEN0GRAPHER This ls an e.xcellent np· portunity \vith A ~mall, rapldly Sl"O"''ing fibC'roplics mfg. co. in their merketing dept. This opportunity will be particularly desirable to thote wbt enjoy variety in their jobs. Good ·education and excellent clerical skllls are a must Excell. ad- vancement opportunity. Ap- ply at POLYOPTICS INC. 185 E. Carnegie Santa Ana. Newport Bieach J{u openings !or PART TIME SHOE 'SALES PEOPLE Recent suceeaful experience In titting and aelllrw: o1 chUd. rens shoes. Excellent working conditions, competitive \\'llge&, outstand- ing benefits if!cluding hos- pitalization arW:l profit ihar- ing. Appl}' in person 10 A.M. to 9 P .M. ?i.londay thru Saturday J. C. PENNEY CO. * 24 Fashion lsl~nd An equal opportunity employer * -GENeRAL CLERK I Male or Female) $440 to $535 per mo. Kncwdedge of modern oUioe practices and procedun!s in- cluding business correspon. dellet'. filing and standard off\~ equipment operation. Ability 1o· perform clerical \\'Ork involving independent judgment and requires ac- curacy a.nd speed, spelllng corre:ctly, good English and make arithmetical tompula- tion. understand and follow oral and written directiom, establish and maintain co- operating working rondilions with others. hl·o years cler- ical work including opera. tion oI standard office equip.. men(, 11:1"&.d~ti~ from Hisb School. Typing 35 wpm, a e~iien of The United States of America. File application at City Hall, 8200 Westmins- ter Ave .. Westn1inster, C.aliL before !\.1ay 29\h, 1969, 5 Pf.1. \\'ritten e..xam June 14th., 1969 cn4> 893-4511 Ext 205. * ASSEMBLERS Electro-mechanical assembly including soldering, Experi- enced, or will train. Call Per1onnel•Oept. (7141 494-9401 TELONIC ENGlNEERING CO. Laguna Beach or t•rms ••low•• $4.66 per wMk white .••• $35. Contract in-* 548-32-49 * inboard runabout 22:i hp V-8. ~a..c,,, ucen.-... &lG--3629 Use Our Stor!!·Charge Plan or Bank Financing c1uc1e1 free adjustment -u We need quality (no junkl========= Used 36 hrs. 673-9109 No Fancy Front _ BUT QuaUty Values Inside pa.r:ts a.re t n st a 11 e d, please). Furniture, co 1 or Swimming Pools 8900 ,;;:;:==:========= 9500 (indOOlng picture tube etc), TV's, stereos, upplia.noet, SI M • 9036 cT.:.••;:,.•:;k;;•------· I ~· only ... Dal c•·-ot tools and otl.ice ~·;pntent: COSTA Mesa's Family Club. Boat Ip ooring .rv-......, ''-a" ~"~ '59 FORD FlOll, long bed. $12.50 fur call. SpeClal -TOP CASH IN 30 Minutes! "The Halecrest Club"-F'ive BOAT dock or Nwpl Isl, cqod cond, new eng, 6 ply UHF VHF color antenna 531-1212 * 89~-0055 ~:;:. ac~~·-J pools. Mem-limited to 18'. ~\.50 per tires. 413 Detroit, 11.B. $23.25 lncludlng imtallat\on, TENNIS Cub Membership. ....,r ip ownc. ..... 549-1255. ti/mo. Year lse ~· (213) ~ .... .::.::;CH~EV;;.:;. :::C1,1:::-CTico:':o,-: '"""''68 MAD~~s=-°NlCS Send info to Box P 859, Dai-TRANSPORTATION 693-5191 camper, 8' sleeper-type. 8732 Wedminster, Suite 1 ly Pilol, N.B. a_:.h & Y h 9000 Sl250 Complete. 536-3448 Westminster 891-1000 WANT Buy. LarF Tram--IC !1 Boat·'Vact:t 9039 '56 CWrtom ·cab Cl\l'vy %T e COLOR picture tubes, pollne used but in good con-FREE STORAGE Ch1rters P/U. $400. RUNS SHARP! JOBS & £MPLOYMEN1 Offlc9 Equipment IOl l new, installed f7S_ Call dillon. ~z..t48l or M4-4687 14 F't Glass Runabout, BLUEWATER CHARTERS 642-9614 .. J bs-Men W 7SOO 9fi2..6.100 anytime Sto,.ge 8775 50 hp Evinrulle, lrlr., 'l1' Trojan, Pov.·er •54 FORD i.; ton P.U.; 6 Cyl. o • • om. CASH REGISTER >.1n1 conchlion. S695. 26' Thunderbird, Sail Stick; $350 'National, 8 dept'1, good HI-Fl & Stereo 1210 $3J MO. sep sglc gara,&e, cor. TOM~AT .J30ATS Skipper avail. 646--9000 3253 Oregon Ave., cr.t .. OPENING . for Experienced Real Estate Salesman in well e1tabllsbed otflce ''C" THO?.fAS. Realtor 224 W: Coast Hwy, 548-5527 Qind 847-8536 AM 't 536-4868 23rd & 01'&Ilge, C.M. :!614 Npt IDvd., NB. ~2400. CAL 24 for CllARTER '56 F'ORD pick-up; $T.i; . • Mc CL INT o·c H Stereo Petitte, 54rro522 1963 30' TROJAN. Radio. $25 day. Sl:iO \\"k. n'ill trade for car ADDRESSOGRAPH cOnBOle. 3 pc w a In u t talhomolo•, -utp 10.. o."'29'7 Bch M~..!I 200 ho""'-Mod • ~" • .,....,... " 2307~11 Florida, Jtunt. · ~ , gcap ··~ . abwL $200. rn-12'0 FREE TO YOU "'";""· st-'· XIn1 -~ 350. Frames & cab. 774-5200 ---~·--------~ ~ --~ $8l00. 34l2 Marous, NB. Fishing B .. 1, 9040. ~pt 9510 G1r1g• Sile 8022 Tape Recorders 8220 WANTED Good home for fi75-.0842, SM-mo :;:.._,.,_ ______ _ ~~~!!!~~~~1==:..:.=--..:.:;:;:11 -''-------pretty CaHco cal,''""""· TH UNDERBfRO """"hp. 27-~. Fishing Boat '67 BRONCO A-.nci·es, ·u.n & CARAGE Sale, May 9th "A WANTED ID blzy Sony 250 female. Long haired. \Vant 1/0 Or.JC, CB radifl. rom· 4-•••h""i dri\.'e with bubs . .--ta d k "Da nab! 1 6-cyl. Chrysler e.nginc. over· .. ~ W 7550 10th, 1251 Baker, Costa pe ec · .<\.CUC e. home Y.'ith one or two pass, full covers, big wbeel hauled Nov. 'GS. Sleeps 3, Jlardtop, red & \vhite, radio, om1tn ll;lesa. HOU9ebold Items, golJ 646-1982 or s:&-1211 adulll!I. She is afraid of trailer. Xlnt cond. $3300 l{ead. Galley, Bait Tank. heater. rear seal. $1900. or lt.'s NQt Luck-clubs &: carts, clothing, lotsi---------children. Good gopher cat. 646-8580 Doi::ked at Huntington Bch. Best Oller, 879-6088 Days It's Know How ~w~lj~~k.New or near Misc•ll•ntoUI l600 Housebroke, 548-1951 5/1Dl•25<'·-B"'E"'R"'T'°'RAM=~·55"--1"fo-,n1°'1-op S2,200. 633-7315 alter s p.m. only. ~~~(iiii'-;:;;;f;iTiiill;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~1 5 CUTIES! ll~in Mere 120 IO. Clean or anytime weekends. 1961 JEEP Wagon, 6 cy\, 2 Female Sec., Exec. aggressive lo $650 Bookkeeper, thru T & B $550 Clerk Typist, 60 WPM •. $450 General Ollice, good skills ........................ $400 Malo ANSAPHONE, cost S 4 0 0 . 2 ale T' 1 bl k bilge, coi;lly extras. Otlcrs· I-"""'"======= \Vhccl drive, air CQnd. tinted asking $200. Antiques, bric-:-* AUCTION * M igcrs. ' pur_ .nc . min $9400. 714:548--5979 Boat Stor•-9048 nlass. 9421 Banning Ave., a • brae, etc. Visit open I-grey & 'vhitc, l .Silver1==-'=c"'°'='.,:,,:.,:::.;o_ __ I -----"•·----" garages, Idaho Place, Mesa grey/black tips, 'Ve need 21' .BURCHCRAl'l '61 CC. 80 N'PT Be h 30x50 space J-1 .B. Verde Thurs thru Sat. FRIDAY · 7:30 P .M. good honies/Call our owner JiP 0 /8, trlr, radio. Clean. · ac · MAY 9 at 673.6434 all 5 pm. $ll95. 64~ avai l.. boat storage. Camper• 9520 Good security 642-2809 Appliances 1100 RE p OS SES SE D &. UN. TO Older or retired COLlple 5 • I=='-=='====== I COACH -TRAILER ~~-------1 a..AIMED SfORACE: Bed. year old female, very lov-Sailboats 9010 Mobile HonMs 9200 RENTALS Administrative Trainee, KENMORE Au t 0 mat 1 c room sett, divans, cht"sls, 11 tcb do Fee Pd. • ·••· •· •· ••••• $6S(l washer, late model. Xlnt coffee tables, commOOes. ~ce ent \\'a 578 41' DIESEL YAWL It's none too early to make ft'servations for Spring 1-lol. Engr. Mech. Fee Pd, $13,500 concl ottice desk&, vacuums, sew-'.!stale rms, elec refrig. Cost Estimator, &0me $50. * S4?-3l15 ill&' machines, dinettes, mat· 2 MO old black mixed poo-R/T, fatho, bit '67. Sac. MOBILE HOME $10,000 idays! college, Fee Pd .•• ~. $180 tl'essel, dressers, TV's, ra-de. 2 toy collies: 1 & 3 yrs, 28' SLOOP "--ral ....... t. 3 YI'"' e"". I""" BR.AND new. GE rdrlg. 12 t females. 1644 L ab 'tad o r , A -· u~ WEEK-END.OR \VEEhl..Y 546-0291 u.::..... ~~ " ~... '1"' fl .. --• Only $170 diot, lamps, picture•, m r-ux. ••;, ...........,, + many more positions ·cu. ·never""""'· ron. refngerators, stows, Cf.1. 56-2327 e PACTFIC YACHT SALES• '63 CHEV \<t T \vi.th cabover ca1nper. Call alter 5:30. 642-7140 or best offer. 83G-619'1 {Also Fee Jobs) washers. dryers & MUCH FERTILIZER; horse, with 34'16 Via 0Porto, Newport MERCHANTS HOTPOINT Auto waaher, MORE! shavings. BaTn L. Orange 24 Hour Phone 673-1570 -OR- $35,000 PERSONNl;L late model, xlnt cond ;45. COME BROWSE AROUND County Fa i rground s , Coming CUSTOf.f DLX K 41 * 847-8115 * WINDY'S AUCTION C.M. 5/9 Tl~""""'' b<low .,..,-kol! HOUSE! Camper Rentals 9S22 Agency NORGE Ga.s Dryer, late COCKA·POO to loving honte 37' sloop, Olympian. 11~ 2M3 Westclill Drive model, xlnt cond. $50. 207Jlh Ncv.'J)Ort Blvd. \Vith children. 6 months old, Jinis.hed in!erior. Ra n g c NE\V Scotsman trailers. Get Corner 17th rl livine * 847-8ll5 * Behind Tuny's Bldg, Mat'ls. female. 642-4166 alter 5 PM o\.'en, sleeps 6. tnteres!cd in Con1e in today and sec !UX· 64&.2770 -54&S685 Co6ta Me'lla * 646-86S6 !J/9 all o!Jers, 83'1-2314 eves. ury Jiving at down to earth 1,i nter rates for summer , dale~. * 49-1-4922 . Antiques " 1110 642-8446 prices. Especially now dur-Schools-lnsfrudfon 7600 OPEN DAILY 9 to 4 UN DER Counter dishwash.cr.1--='7'=====-ing our clearance sale on 9525 Educational Vacation· 4th graders , .. Sr Citizens ~ coat 10 lesson typing Sehl. Trial Lesson. 173 Del Mar C.M. 548-2859 Dune Buggits FRONTIER RELICS&. Civil Needs new pump, 515-4107. 26' ENDEAVOR all display models-they're War item5. We hav e MAPLE bookcase. Maple 3071 Fernheath La n c. Sips 4, full race, slip ava!J, ~riC'ed to sell imml'.'diately. r.tEYERS Manx without eng. something for everyone at night stand. B 1 e a c h e d CM 5/8 Try S3150. Schock. 673-2050 Parks avail.a b!c in all areas Antique bro\\'n flake, 1966 llELEN'S ANTIQUES 2428 m 1. h o 8 any bookcase. TWO f'en1ale Kilt c n s, 28' CAT. Choy des g 11. Bay Harbor cl~is. ~1any options, ne w Newport IDvd., store J, CM. Wrought iron gl as 1-top gry/.,..•ht. 'Yant to stay Ensenada vet. Extras. S8000 Mobile Home Sales Gates tires. $800. catl Tim table. Marble top cigarette together. Days 675--6383 Aft. val, sac $5995. TI4/893--10)9 1425 Baker St. f.1eyers, 548-3315 PIANO Lessons: The very Sewing Machines 1120 atand. J1orentlne white and 5 OR5-3558 5-9 SABOT-Xlnt cond, contpletc. % block East ol Harbor mvd. t.tYERS Manx, 1200 cc, xlnt best In instructions. Call "'"" SINGER ·'lh rig-mg &. gold tier t.ab!e. 8 u r n t 2 KINGSIZE n1attresses. 208 $175. 642-2753 aft 4: 30 p.m. on Baker conci, top. side curtains. .., •• .....,.,... ~ ... orange upholstered chair. 0 t .,........_," walnut CQnsolc. ?i-1aks button rd,____ ndl .,_._tab! Canyon 1 Acres r. -"'="'='=•~Su="~·~==~ Costa Mesa (TI.t) 5-11}.9470 Loaded w/cstra.<:, mus SS 25 '° 1 ..,._. ca etil.IU\. c 494-8758 518 ::-: sell $1495 540.3&42 MERCHANDISE FOR holes, designs etc., · lamp.Floorswing-type . . WANTED FOR RHODES 19. Sacrifice Ne\v Trailer 12xW · · --:S=A~L::E:-:A::N:;:O:..,:T.:RA::.;D~E~I ="'°=·=°'=l>;:.:IXl:c:a:'':·:"""'==l6~ I lamp. This is q u e Ii t y LOVING, Longha1red gold kit. Tm lier, dolly or 2 O' Skyline Buddy. Furn. Av.•n-EMPI SPORTSTER. Corvair ~. merchandise in pxt con-lens, like dogs. 208 Laguna berth. * 675--7402 ing, skirting & tool cup-poWered nylon top, Myers Furniture 8000 Musicil Inst. 1125 dilion. 545-0906. Canyon Rd. 4%-8158 5/8 17' TillSTLE Sloop, 2 set~ of board. Sp. #38 on "C" St· buckel.!, wide tires, top ---------LOVING Ca.Uco ca.l ex-sails & !railer. st 2 so. at 003 17tb St.. 0.1. No cond. $995. 645-2076 Guitar Heldquarter1 KNJTI'ED FABRICS peeling kittens needs good 548-5669 phone calli 1o Park ol.lice. =="=======! e NEW and USED e home. '194-6483 5/SIF'"L°"Y"IN"G~J'°,-ni'",.-. ""rn"i"i.-N"''o-,-cc1h Deal with O\vncr only. Imported Autos 9600 Fender • Vox • Standel ""'FOR SALE 4 FLUFFY kittens. All male. sails, ne1v n1ast. Xlnt cond. Dl.BL. Expando Kit Trojan e GIBSON e MARTIN Remnant., umplet &: Mill r·ree to good home. can S7'11. 1213) CE 1-'1007 20x5.'i. Seacli1I Mobile Prk. e WILSON e YAMAHA ends Sat. On1¥ 8 a.m. to 2 eves nrt 5, 673--8945 5/8 1969 ThundC'rbirtl Sloop 26' 890 \V_ 15th No. 108, N.B. '61: AUSTIN HEALEY Orvin HeAdquarten p.m. 9'l9 Baker, Costa Mesa. MALE Kitten, 9 wks. old. New boot. Steal al S:li!'J~,~ ta .,,_ 4 pd di • NEW lllld USED • -Motorcycles 9300 4 P cc ~tr, 5 • r, · STEREO, refrig, din table Fluffy white \\'/gray spots. This wt'ek only, 646-9000 ---''------elec overdnve, ne1v top, new LUDWIG, ROGERS, ASl"RO w/ <I chrl, dbl bed, air 842-2176 5/8 Lr CATFISH C5iamar:1n, '64 SUZUKI TIO, 25() cc. 1vire \\'hlii. 10 ply tires, xlnt l..Arge aelection with new <I cooler & oilier household 1 2 ri.A 1 f I! · · 1 t'k 11 -,~ c:ond .. $125 Cash <!els, lok• pc. 'sets with cymbals start-ltema. 1008 Huntington Ave, NEED good home' or i""rg as: u y C'Quip c: 1 t• ,, irae at $99.50. Ptdall. bi-hatl HB. S36--4lS3 lovable Manx kittens & new. $590. §i5-5786 Eves. Call 644-0913 after 7 p.m . low pymnts, XTF665. Call and sets repaired. All ttnall . older cats. 836--4493 518 TIIB QUICl<ER YOU CALL, THE QUICKER YOU CALL, Ken 494-9773 or 5<1~3-1 AUSTIN HEALEY equal opportunity cmplQ)'Cr. Equal opportunity emplayer SPANISH Returned from Model Homea on aale at lcu than wholesale! Croup Includes beautilul 9 6 ' ' qUilted sofa &: love seat. 3 Spanl.sb oak decorator tRbles, swag or table lamps, wall ptacque, king, queen, ·or fuU me bedroom llllte complete· incl box springs, matttts:s. linens It boudoir lamps, Spanish· oak 6 pc dlnine ~t priced el!ewbere at appi:p~. Sll00.00 ALL 1'"'0R ONLY $399. $20 down, $4.99 per ... eek , out of stale credit OK. W I I 1 separate for quick sale. 20th Century Furniture, 9 7 7 2 Garden Grove B I v d , , Garden Grove Daily 10..9, Sat 10-6, Sun U.S Come In or call (TI4) 531>-5240 part.a , aoesaorleJ It cymbala BJ~th!~~ Sl~ ~e·Chfl~ BLK/Cry Part Terr/Poodle THE QUICh."ER YOU SELL THE QUICKER YOU SELL White elephants! Dime.a-line in stock. Guidance Thrift Shop, 1570 1 Yr. old, likes children. -"'=========-==~==~===::.J.=='======== I EV£RYTIIING IN MUSIC Newport Blvd., Thurs & 646--8114 5/8 lmport•d A11tos 9600 Imported Autos 96oolmported Autos 9600 Please Call For An Appointment. Insurance Clerk Medica1 exper. \Vork pa.rr time 10..16 hrs per wk. Pre. fer non-smoker. $3. hour. Beach area, Call Dor!J ~ .,.,.. ARGUS AGENCIES 1869 C Nev.·port Blvd., C.t.1. OJMPANION OR CONVALESCENT AIDE for single lady. Lite dutiC's. Live in or oul. Short or long temt. No fee. Apply HO?t1EMAKERS 1638 E. 17th St., S.A. * SEC/BOOKKEEPEH. * Part time, M"ttetary to prc5Jdent or new company. Re.spomlble, top level posi- tion fl)[' qua!. girl . Mu~t have exce:ll. skills incl. typ- ing &: bkkpg. Ph. f.t:r. Davies. Educational DBta Systems. 642-'!' WAITRESSES Wanted all shllti. Ex~ n o I ne cess ary. Apply al Bclll\my's Rt:11taurant. 1400 Pncitlc Coast 1-1 i g h w a y , N.a WOMAN for gcncr.1 offl~ dut.ift; typing, fJJinc. OOok- Ja!to.plnf, experience helpful. Dewey• Rubbi&h Se.f\llCC!. 2113 Canyon Dr., a.ta Mtt1. · CX>N81NATION, Sbe.rp Bar M&idl It Co Co Dancers. Top ~s S3.00-$3 50 to atart Ph. for int. MS-9983 SASSY LASSY, ~11-farbor, t."M. • SALES Patt Tlme. S2.00 peor hour to litart. ~ 21. CaJJ 546-Si45 ~· * BUSBOYS AND * WAITRESSES r..fust be over 21 Apply in person 2 to 5 PM Monday thru Friday HUNTINGTON SEACLIFF Country Club 3000 Palm Ave., H.B. SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS Gaiety -Feint -Viru3 - Botany -BITING Comment about an old· aged boN!: "'The more his !ccth drop out. the more BIT. INC he ~ts." SACRIFICE, hand braided wool rugs, all sizes Sl sq ft., compl bedroom set $95, davenport & chair $J1.5a, mahog end tables &. coffee table $30. 36" maple table w/leaf. 4 chairs S 3 5. 646-1767 aft 6. Furniture returned trom dis- play studios, model homes, decorators cancellation. Spanish &: Mediterranean etc RD FURNITURE Beach Music Center ,.,.,, , u1u. K'"~'"· Mal""· BUILT-INS: Oven, cooktop, Blu/Gry, ~ \\~, old, Call F11.ctory Sales &: Service vent, hood, dishwasher, all alter 6, &12-598 . 519 Daily 12 noon 'til 9, Sat 9-5 coppertone. Sink &-disposer, TO Good Home \vilh Oiild. 17404 Beach Blvd., (Hwy 39J 3 formica counters $200. ren. ~ Yr. old J\.fale German 1% ml. So. San Diego Fwy. Days 646-8772, eve 542-9725 Shep. 5~4212 a19 Hm1tlr.gton Beach 847-8536 BARGAIN! J\.lembership in FREE Pet rnt for older RICKENBACKER Cu It a r Ne1vport Beach Tennis Club. chi Id re n. Also cap:e. hallow body, "6". $400. S700 )'OU pay transfer fee. 642--5308 519 value. \\'ant $260. 549-1760 642--3417 aft 3 pm. BLACK & Silver Gl'rman ---------!EXCLUSIVE Club 1ingle Shepherd 1 year old. Free to Pianos & Organt 1130 v.-oman '!lembe~ip tor sale (l:ood home'. Call 496-9876 ~9 Bargain! \Yr J t e Dally 3 Cln'E Kittens. 7 \\'ks old, Used Organs pu: ~~ ~~ * ~~~~k. 2 Tabby. r.1a~~~ C-2 Hammond w/Leslle $1495 Custom • antique ~ ~e~ FREE Kittens, :i, toilet 4500 Wurli\J:er Console $1695 wed. SPORTS lOll • trained. Looking for goorl Hammond chord, ebony $395 1n4) 636-2'130 12-8 pm home. 548--&122 5/!l Hammond chord, walnut $295 QUAL. Kn& Size bed w/ f Kittens, 6 V.'ks. old. ?tlixet.l 1144 Newport Blvd., CM 4140 Wurlitzer ........ $l29'j qullted matt., complete colors. long hair. Blue eyes. every night til g 4070 Wurlitzer • • .. . •• • $995 Newr used $98; \\Orth $250. 54s.-6.<M4 !i/9 Wed., Sat. &: Sun 'tU 6 MOd A Hammond w/Lel Sl.595 847-0406 ~11N. ?i-fale Poodle, ch.1rcoal. M~O~V~IN=G~To~~Ha~wa-l_l _·_M_u-111 Lowery Holiday • -• •· ••• $695 D"IA=M'°O"N"o,.--,cu"s"to"m,.--,d"o-,,1""""'""' I f.lust !incl good h o m C' sell e ........... i .... , Spanish din-Baldwin TIP ....... -· • $695 cocktall ring; over 2 Ct., 835-57!i6 51g • • ... ,,. ..... Of!; Wurlitzer 44 .......... ~ appr. $1450, u.c. $475. ' · · ing 1Ct. bedroom, living Gulbramen Rialto ··-· $2.500 S?l-JSOO PLY\\'OOD lumber up lo .6'. ~.mffu~f:H:i~~~~f EVERYTHING IN MUSIC DIAMOND approx 2 can.I ~~~~ahogany s c r a P 5st8 * COOK * Edgowal"· 4002 F;,aro. Beach Musi"c Cenler 12 000 value '" ILOIXI " ,,, Small dtel •kitchen, same l'X· 842-2648 f~r. Pr!v. Party. 2421 D \VtlITE kitten!<, box traic""'M· I ~~-~------Eide CM 646--3389 Sec at 32'11 Minnesota, . , perience. QUAL. Kn.a Size bed y,1/ Fattory Sales A: Service I==~·~·~"'-·~·~.~· -~~-1 or call 540--6761 5/8 Niguel Personnel Agency 26Cfll Getty Road Laguna Niguel Sll-1477 quilted matt .. Clo mp I e I e Dally 12 noon 'til 9 Sat 9-5 DIAMOND Till.any wedding 5 ADORABLE long-haired Never used $98; worth $250. 17404 Beach Blvd., {itwy 39) set. fls.wle11; appraised kittens. 6 \\'kl!. 2 btk males, 847--0406 1'~ mi. So. San l.Jieia Fwy. STI5• M!ll S2Xl Cash. 67>-41ll 3 calico. 542--4567 5/8 Beach Motel Man.ger Couple-Xlnt liv. qrtrs, e~. For tnfo call 831-1477 Nl&uel Penonnel Agency 76(131 Getty Road Laguna Niguel AVON SOFA a: Cl.air, new, never used. Make oUer. 5'8-.fi025 or ~ eve1 only. LARGE detlk &: chair $t0. 1999 Ra&emlll'f Pl., cornet 20th, Cosla Mesa. &fJ.-.3398 COMPIErE 1Mna: room aet: couch, coHee table1 chair, 'Vant a nlCt! v1catlon end tables &i: walnut deal<. this year!. 54~2070 Start to ea.m for 1t today.-f '""==-=:-c:-cc-.c-,..,.,. \\'l''ll tell )'!>U how AVON OILED Walnut dlnln&: table, c11n help. ten'itory O(lt!n. 8 uphobtered chairs, $550. Mn. mn or 546-5U1. 5fO..S653 l2l3) 379-3963 • BUS DRIVERS SubstilutC? part time ten month po91tlflns. $2.87 swr hr. Apply bl.Ill garage, 600 ltvlr'll", Nt\\'J)Otl 8 each . <42-'IWl • HAIRSTVt~rsr • 'vrm roU..O\\'ING UDO AREA OR ~59:t0 WALNUT double btd, box gprlnp & mattre11: 8potk1a, $50. 847-2125 l'i!APLE brtak1ul set. table .\ 4 chain S."iO. Ex:cclltnl condiUon. ~ZlZt EXTENSION 4>lnette t11ble WI 4 chairs. fitude:nt desk. Baby Cre.ltd plaoo. 54&-79W 1-lu ntineton Beach 847-8536 \VEDDING gown & head WE'RE back in our new dress, designer model. Siu Ct.rrE Short haired kitten. store. Bl& Celebration • B" 8, nevt.r wom. 675-7459 house trained. 546--9963 518 ~-rtt 'TIS Tropical Fish e 11\.'0 half Siamese kilt("n.'!. l CLOSEOUT of console Pia~ Opening 'bout May 15th mlllC', 1 female. 546-$940 5/8 os at 1avinp lo ...... $400 Founlai.n Valley 84Z-4SlO 'i' COUCH. needs cover. CL.OSEOtrr of Baldwin owr. . 540-3471 518 a.re pianos at savin(s to $.149 NEW Singer portable sewina: 2 CUTE kittens. 7 wk5. old. CLOSEOUT of 1968 Oraan1 machine, must ~best of· 1-lousebroke.n. 54S--OS98 5/1 I . to I"~" fer. 64i-3192 Chra. a savtngs • .. • .. • • • • 4'111 I o· No down oac, 5 Yl'1 to pay. C'.Q..~ 9 1tation beauty Fret Fil il1 WARD'S BALOWIN STUOJO sa;on equip. for salr; eood l----=-842-4825:0..::=.---I 1.819 Newport. C.M. 642-8484 condition! 543--74'2 PETS and LIVESTOCK ONCE A YEAR MOVING. Kdvin&IOf retr, WURLITZER ll"'d cood IIO. N"'1fo potnl Catt 8820 PIANO I ORGAN SAU; bench $8. 4&4 L«ust, Lq 8 =:...------SIAP.iUlE Kn1'ENS New Pianos trom. ••.••. ~75 \1lALNUT Drtaser wlmirror 2 \,1l'f'ks $1$.tll New Ortans from ...... $099 $10, chtlt dra1ttrs SlO. Fr 642--0933 '\'HY BUY USED Y Prov sofa $50. CM Locul'I, Optn f.Jon It r1"i M!3 'lll 9 Lq B • Rtnt.al Purcha1e PW'I • 1'w"oo,,;,L~R-.,.-,-, ""1ox,..,.12'"'""'~;,.-, "'11x Gould Music Compeny 10 py m ~ ... wtilte booked 2045 N. Main, SA 547-0681 S25, 4Sf Locust, Ltg B GORGEOUS Sen! P o t n t Slarnesc Xitlcl\!, S20 ('11.C:h. Call 64~ DA.D...Y PILOT \VANT ADS! -How does· Fiat do it? 30 E x T R A s at no extra cost Think ''Fiat'' Test a Fiat. the850 I Spider '7-:'l". I ! ONL y .. $2178 5 E E Friedlander _s_l1_.1_11_1_FIAT TRADE-INS __ s9_4·_ll_ll_ ... , ..... Spltflr•, lt,000ftll. Both tcp•. $1499 ~Miil a loo\ G•••'· '62 YOLYO ' "1 22" s.c1.11 '64 MGI .,. YW lo mil11, R•d<o. '64 YW $399 899 $1499 $1399 $999 HERB FRIEDLANDER lt~PORTS 9625 GARDEN GROVE ILVD., GARDEN GROVE * Complete foreign Car Service * • t--ifriili'itm•lllll_lii_ lit1•171·i-liil"li'Cml'liiiii.....,,,ailii~ii-r-iiiili""iitilllii--;.;·.;·;,·.;·~··;;,·.;,--:o..;·;....;..:;"l.oi~.;;·~--... 7 : :..:~'~".:;"'~·~,.;·:.;;··~·:....:·.;·~· ..;.· ~...:.:· __ .....:---~·~~-? ----7 ----7 •• _· __ ' -•• •• • •••••••• • • • • r .A•··ee··=----··==•·---=~ ____ _ '" : BUSIEST marketplace in town. The DAll.Y PILOT O.•lflecl Mdion. Save maoey, time • effort. Look ~!!! ----------==---......,--::;:::;--;;::;::;:::;=~--------------~--------. -- OPEL 1--------'60 VAUXHAU.. Good VAUXHALL VOLVO '65 VOLVO U2S 'Dr. Sedan. Aulo. tran1. Radio, Helter, Mint cond. $l:a'i WE PAY . CASH !tr used can I-trucka ju.st call us for b'ff ntlmate. GROTH CHEVROlEJ • ....... ..,.._ Au to Lt •slng 9110 FIAT '66 OPEL ft>Otur, paint " Tim. N"' liiiiliiiiiiiRiiiil!!~~~~~iliiiiii9ii6iii00 --------Stitlon w • .._.. """" " Battery. $211J. '67 Fiat asa Coupe Loaded, 4 IJld, dlr, db: root =....,=-====== ---."'63,...;VW;;;;:~m:,per,--, - Black exterior & Interior 4 rack, blue o:terlor 6-inttr-1 New brakes · tires a~ Spd, dlr, presligo st~! \or. $75 Dtls . lake. pymnt11 VOLKSWAGEN , Clean Intide ja.nd out 18'lll Beach Blvd. Huntl~ton Beacb Kl~l Wf J!AY CASH FOR YOUR CAR I-' La ASI 'IM I-' '68 Cad O:IV, full JJWT, alt vlllYI top. Driven 14,fal ~ 24 mo. lse at $149. mo. New '69 Eldorado. tUll equip. . air, vinyl top $230.87 mo, :It mo lse. '69 LTD 2 dr vinyl HT, air, SIOCJ.52 mo. .SOUTH COAST ' wheels. Pirelli tire~. $155 :-6:86 mo., LBSMG 4.l&. CtJl '6J VW's $12)0, ~aft 6 ,...... e-c1.sh dels or oldi.>r trade. \\'ill ill il9f..9'rn or 545--0634 65 V\V 26.000 mi. Supei:b con-__ _ •• line priv p1·ty, LB VHE 743, ·~OPEL Rally Cadet; rtd-U.IMEDIATE DELIVERY dltlon! i\lust $ee! $1189. VOLVO WE ARE ON Ly # 2 Call Bill, '19'1·9m or 545-0634 orange w/blk. r a c 1 n r: Sank Flnlt.nclni f>.k)..0640 aft 5 PJ\t =="'====== stripes: still under new $213 DOWN GLAS warranty. Chrome wheeUi. )14.03 * 36 mos '61 V.W. new engiM, brakes, NEW 164 CONNELL CHEVROLET CAR LEAS INO 300 \V, Cst llwy, NB~ UMd C1 r1 9900 SO WE TRY HARDER FOR YOU!! radio, 102 eng. Must sell, Plus 1 final pymnt for ~~~ $.175, runs excellent & '69 TOYOTA $1770 '67 GLAS 1700 GT. Ovrrhead leaving state. ~take an ot-UUe. Full 2 )T, ~.000 NEW llOO From d "" . fer!"""""'"'" ml •·amo,(y, AvaD only at VOLKSWAGEN '6'. Pen.ct. NOW ON DISPLAY 4tl 0/ BANK FINANCING ~"· s':i •:,,_.;.,,Rae"" '69 OPEL Sbition Wqo" T & M MOTORS Ori<. """"· 11150 el L 2828 Harbar Blvd. Costa Mesa 5-t6-1200 CADILLAC Will Buy '62 SEDAN DE Vil.LE. whltt!, 1 owner. 60,000 mi Your Votkswal"ft or Pondte All pov.-er. 642--3368 ll /O . ======I on warrantr. low ml, 11100 !Im Ganlen Gn>Ye Bl"'-""1. _, 141111 1...: I WITH 15% DOWN JAGUAR • 675-""7 • ~ at l!ff.ch 89U55l LAn: '65 Sqbk llOl s. Very l4IH UUIO OPEN SUNDAY l U ~ O•·Approvcil of Crffit . o m e. w-•-. owner • l/1PORTS 48 MO. BANK '" JAGUAR 340 Sedan. PORSCHE 1"3 Volks,$580-'""°'''""· ..,_.,,., ..... A pay top dollan. PW tor ~.,;.,c,~o'--'-"'.C,.,~-1 or not. call Ra.lpil '61 CAD SdV. ),'Old, b!ck top, 673•1190 blck int., full p!AT. Mint Aulo, PIS, P/B, chnn wire 656 SUrf, C.M. VW Bui Deluxt1 '64. New TOYOTA-YOLfO FINANCING AVAILABLE _WI/'""''=· 13=·=100=·='"=-8=156==~·1966 PORSCHE, 912 CoOpe, NO m•tler what ;t '" YoU lr&rn1. •iarl.r, •hock•,-· 1966 """°'· C.M. 646-9303 cond. Mw;t sell. 541-l!m WE NEED YOUR TRADE INI -xlnt cond, best otler over can sell Jt with a DAILY Sunrool! $1250. 6f6.-~l DAILY Pn.oT WANT ADS LU..SINW AYAILAIL I! MERCEDES BENZ ~tust sell by Fri. ·PILOT OAssitied ad. CHARGE' IT! Always 'a Go-Ocl! JUNK CARS WANTED run· CAD '63 Convertible. All nln& or not. Immediate pick power Ir air. Orig owner. Up. Call MZ-7121 $9!15. Evt1 644-0661 . DEAN LEWIS • IHPORTs646-9303 ~ '60 · PORSCllE s u p e r , N~e~w~C~•;";.iiiiiiiim9;800~~N;•;w~C;•~rs~iiiiiiiiiiii91~00-N~ewiiiii~C.~ro~1 iiiiiiiiiiii9~IOOiiiii~N~ewiiiiC~oiirsiiiiiiiiiiii~9~800iiiiNiioiiwiiCiioiirsiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii91iiij00 Sunroof, Chrome wheels, new paint , extras, must sell. TOYOTA.VOLVO VOLVO 1966 HARBOR, C.M . iiC·1i'l·)iE ELMORE MOTORS 15300 IEACH ILYD. WESTMINSTER H4-llZZ MG Sales. Service, Parts Immediate Delivery, All Mod~ J!rllllJOrl 31111por1~, 67HOBS, 675-2513 '62 PORSCHE $2300 titust Sell! Excellent Condition 642-1120 '55 SPEEDSTER l 5 O 0 . Perfect overall condition. $1500. * 54~1281 ~NAULT '65 RENAULT Dauphlne, pUSb button auto, new lirH, gd. cond. Make offer. 2)29 Llttleton Pl., C.M. 569115 SUBARU SUBARU 3100 \V, Coasl Hwy., N.B. 642--9400 54Q..17&t Aulhorlud MG Doaier Retail Division '67 MGB Rdiitr iood cond $1297 POE wire \vhls, RiH, Tonneau'. Opt equip $.10. Freight $14.50 After S pm. 548-5426 Delivered $1.Ml.50 + tax&: Uc. Imported Autos NOW'S THE TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD 96001mported Autos 9600 Imported Autos 9600 HOME OF THE @ .LOVE BUG @ SPECIALS 1000 W. Coast Highway Newport h•ch 64s.GO.IO * 540-2733 SUNBEAM '67, 5 PA$. Sunbeam Imp; xlnt shape: first fl%i takes It! 842.2615 TOYOTA TOYOTA $ SAVE $ Executive Car Sale Hurry While They Lastl " eMLtmi4 ' ll1PORTS TOYOTA·YOLYO 1966 Harbor, CM. 646-9341 BILL MAXEY !Tl§!v(OITIAJ 18111 BEACH BLVD. Hunt. Booch 147-1555 l ml N. or Cout Hwy. OD Bch TOYOTA HEADQUARTERS ELMORE ClllCI rYllSOll UMMOt SUl TlltD IU~S. II[ IS AUlMOll?IO ltOl 10. MA.Tiii Of FACT Ill c111cn • 11-lS3IXI Bncb Blvd .. W ltmnstr CltlCIS 1111 USIO UI~, llMDS ntUt llUIOKll MIS allTMotlZID O.INtC WHl l l Tllll ''' Ill.IT fAMOUS '' H ii l UllCIMP A.Ill All llPAHS MllllO. 11111 111 ClllO:S & llClllCIS Tlll M A$AIM A• f ltlll IUISI ll====""""='= .... =3322== wun Ill MS tlliM IN Tiii PAPlll "·" ... "MIG IS TOO 11111 TO MAil ''*urn -•. !f em SOI.I JO AllOTIUI MAL~ • • • • 75 BEAUTIFUL LOVE BUGS FROM $399 to $1999 • PORSCHES • '55 COUP E • '65 COUPE '57 COUPE • '66 COUPES ( 4 ) '59 Co nve rtibles ( 2) '62 COUPES ( 5) • '67 COUPES ( 2 ) J CAMPERS -TRANSPORTERS -PANELS I '66 CAMPER & BUS '66 DELUXE BUS lad!~, 1plit front ••••· R•dio, t rlra ftlc•. 1967 DATSUN 1967 TOYOTA CORONA 411 S • d a 11. Auto111aflc frt111mi n ion, rtdio, t>•at•r, w/w -lili• 111w. Otlu•• 4 Dr. S-4•n. R•iio, •lffo'"alit lra"""h1ion. $1399 $1399 1970 HARBOR BLVD. PHONE 673-0900, Ext. 66 or COSTA MESA 67 TRIUMPH '65 TRIUMPH 4 Rdstr, dlr, 4 speed, over- drive, wire whC!cls, new dise brake11. Jet black ext. new top, good rubber all around, Xlnt cond. $100 cash dela or trade. Will tine prvt put;y. LB RIV 291. call -49f.91l3 or ~ NOWS THE . TIME FOR -- QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PllOT WANT AD 642-5678 • THEY'RE ROLLING FORD QUT THEY GO! SPRING DEMONSTRATOR SALE! 1969 MUSTANGS e 1969 WAGONS 1969 THUNDERBIRDS e 1969 LTDs 1969 FAIRLANES It i1 01,1r policy lo cl1tn9• our 1faff car• •¥•r'f' ' '"onlh1 !or 6,000 '"ii.al i11 •rdt r to pan 011 cl•a11 frt1h ct r1 to our cu1to'"'" at BONAFIDE SAVINGS Off« lllllltH t9 ... M ._.., FULL YA.LUI POI YOUl Tl.ADI-IN I IMMEDIATE DELIVERY If You Haven't Been Able To Find The Color, Etc. That You Want On Your NEW MA YERICK ••• ALL REMAINING 1961 SHELBY GTs NOW AT ACTUAL FACTORY INVOICE. -. TRY US! ' TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS N•• ...,..1 .. 15 con per wffl ti..t c• M Ntellelll ilt wh•I--'• h t'8 ptlt- llc. .... ti. .. ,.,. 'M tilne olHf CllrL SAVEii 1966 BUICK LE SABRE Full pow•r, facttr'I' olr. 2 Or. H.T. IRPMlllOl 20 % dow" or tradt . $1595 ~=~· $56 ... " M•11tltt 1961 FORD 4 Doo.r V:8 C111to'"· 190 •nt .• aulo'"alic, black w/whit._ top. !IJSIZI 149111 l lu• l ook pric• Sl l 11, 20 '/, down or trad•. $1395 ~~i. $39 :-:..:.: 1967 VOLKSWAGEN 2 dr. Secf. bqui1ile. Jud ow11heult d. !UQ L 1011 10%. down or frtdt . $1595 ~~~. $58 ..... ··-1962 CHEVROLET '12-TON .Pickup. 6, 1ta11dt rcf t•a"'·• •quipp•cl. IJJf- 41 11 20 ');. down or lr1d1. $695 PULL $29 ... 24 PllCI ' M••tflt 1964 CONTINENTAL Almo•I 1 dozen 1968 Ford Cus- tom Costa Mesa Patrol cars to choose from at fantastic sa ving s. Interceptor performance! 1968 FORD V-8 $58 ... .. . .. ... -l963 PLYMOU1H WAGON 11.t ... ,dt r1. \II , tulo., full y •quipptd. IOCl 092 ) 20 'f, down or tr ti1, $695 fULL $29 P• 24 '11CI M..,._ 1964 FORD GALAXIE 500 S..I. VI, 11.1to., ll l H, P.S., air cond. fOMM ))91 20'.4 d•w11 or !rad •. $795 ~=~~. $33 :-;.;.:.: -TAX RlFUND DUE? WHY WAIT? BUY NOW-PAY LATER TRUCK -CAMPfR I SUPER -CENTER PICKUPS TO HEA)IY DUTY TRUCK SPECIAL NEW 1969 F·I 00 PICKUP Fltrasidt . 115" W.11 .. l apd, 1yncro. frt n1, 1055 f ·1prin91, 995 R·1prin91 ,•tc. ORDER TODAY I • CAMPER SPECIAL! BRAND NEW 19691 F-250 PICKUP . .. SCOTSMAN CAMPER ·~~ $3495 Full powtr, 1lr, low mil••· l ltcli trltrior. 1Ulf719) 20 % 4ow11 or trtd•. $1595 ::~~I $55 ~':..!: I.UY "HANCIN• AYAtLAILI r1.,, N .. FZl llllltJIJ Scottf!lla11 ctmp•r i1 co'"pl•t•ly fur•lah.d with I•• bo..-, Ito••· •fc. Sl••P• 6. F•250 pie.up haa JOO •n9 ., ''"fl I-oil t•11t1••• 1910 lb.'''' •prin91 IS) 1.00•1 6.I I -ply tubt l•11 tir•1, dl ll. ht•f•r •!Id dafro1tt r, •tc. M•"Y to choo•• from of thit pri1•I UllD CAI SALi PllCU lfffCTIYl 41 HOUU UNLnl '1mOUILT IOLD ALL PAYMI NTS Pl•UllD ON APPlOYID CllDIT PLUS TAX I LICINll S•"'• 011 Elclor•do, F.vf'Wllldt, G•Wlrfl• Scohm•ll· Over JO "''''" floor pl•111 011 di1play alld reedy fo r T'"mttllatt d'""''r'f'• ~=~ OPEN SUNDAYS "O_:~ ~ ~ Iii\ _.. of~ molt n'IOdWli fofd ..... _. r~&JbJTh-odqre ~91 'SJ ~ ob ns 2080 Harbor Costa Mesa ®8 4 2-0010 t a.111.' t P·•· Mon·frl a Stl I a,f'I. t• 6 p.111. PARTS & S&RVIC I HOUltS PARTS ONLY Su,. 1 O '·"'· t• 6 P·"'· 7 a.'". to f '·""-Ma11 e 7 •·'"· te 6 '·"'· r, ... ftl I "·""' to t p.r1, Sil . ........_.~ ........ . ' . +······ _. ....... • i I t 9 7 • Wedlltsdl.1, M17 7, 1969 TRANSPORTAT 0 TRANSPORTATION TRANSP •/ RfATION -·-------New C1r1 9800 New C1r1 • CADILLAC • , NINET~EEN SIXTY-NINE . . ON DISPLAY AND READY FOR DEllV~RY . TODAY! 1966 SDN. DE VILLE Strathmon! v.·hitc \\'ilh silver tapes.try clot.h and leather upholstery. Full power, factory air conditioning, tilt v•heel, etc. Exttptionally cl!!an. (SYJ004l 1967 CPE. DE VILLE Olyn1plc bronze firl'mist \1.:ith saddle leathrr upholstery. full no11·cr, factory air condition· irtl;. lilt '''heel, door locks, etc. Drive It -and you \\'ill buy it. 1ULC321 l 1966 CADILLAC CPE. 1Jan1[lton blue 11·ith matching DuBarry inter· ior trirn, Full IJO""'Cr, factory air conditioning, lilt \vhccl-all the options for thl'! discernin~ I SALE. $2888 PRICE SALE $3888 ¥RICE SALE __ _ $2999 buyer. <Serial J\'o. 8599) PRICE -'-~---"~..:::.:.:_~~~~~~~ 1967 CONTINENTAL Eeauliful gold e;i.:terior with black vinyl root and gold leather interior. P.S., P.B .. P-,vind., P-scats, fact. air eond., plus much more. This is an absolutely beautiful automobile. Don't be too late on this one. ('167) SALE $2999 PRICE ---------------~ 1966 THUNDERBIRD Thr srorty 2 door hardtop Is fully eqt1ipped 11·ith po11·er steering, flO'\'er brakes. po11·rr 1\·Jndo11·s, po11·<.'r srat and ford's famous far- tory air ronditionin;;. A beautiful satin silvrr e.xtrrior 11 ith blaek vinyl interior. ll1Ul!t be i<C'cn and driven to fully appreeiate? CRTU· 3391 1968 CADILLAC CouJ)e DcVille. Alpine \\.'hite with black pad. dNI l'OOf ,i;; black lealh~ interior. P.S., P.J.;, P-'Vlnd., P-S1>RI, P·Dr. locks, fe et. eir cond1- lionini;:', 1ilt st~r. l\'hf'cl, stereo Ai\l-r1'1. ju~t about c ... ery Cadillac acces. avail. (\\'C\V270J SALE $1 77 SALE $4888 PRICE OVER 80 .QUALITY • AUTOMOBILES TO SELECT FROM • "IN MOST EVERY WAY, A PREVIOUSLY OWNED LATE MODEL I CADILLAC IS A BETTER BUY THAN . MOST NEW . CARS." OUR SELECTI ON OF LATE MODEL CADILLACS IS TREMENDOU S RIGHT NOW. TEST DRIVE ONE TODAY DURING OUR SPECIAL SALE! • 1965 CADILLAC The popular Sedan de Ville model finished in lovely burgundy with black vinyl top and black leather interior. I-las power steering, po\\·er brakC'S, po"·rr v.·indov.·g, tilt sleerin.i: \vhecl, Ai\1-flil radlo and fa ctory air c(lndi- tioning. This is a beautiful automobile that is pr!Ctd for a quick sale. fNQXa,4l 1969 OLDSMOBILE Delta 88 4 dr. Shimmering green l'!:>o:tcrior "·\th black vinyl top & matching black cloth lntf:,r· kJr, Loaded \\"ith fu JI J)OW('r equipment & far- IUl'Y air. A~l -Fl\1 radio, tilt steering \vhcrl, \VS\V, etc. Like nc11·. 3,223 miles. IYPU517) 1967 EL DORADO Finished in phantom i,'l'eell '''ith green cloth and leathe1· inlrrior. Fully equlp)>ed with po1v. er steering, JXl\.\'Cr disc brakes, po'ver seat, po\.\'f'.r 11·indo11·s, lilt and telescopic steering 11·heel, \\'ondC'rbar radio, factory air condition• ing plus many n1 ore Cadillac optional features. SALE $2333 PRICE SALE ~3999 PRICE SALE $4_888 PRICE SALE Coupe DeVl!lc. l'las fuil po,1·cr equl1J111cnt \vith $12 2 2 fac1ory sir (.'Ondltioning. This Cadillac sho"'li outstandin~ carC'. F\nishC'd in a beautiful silver blue \lith mat<.'hin:; 1·inyl interior. You niust PRICE 1963 CADILLAC sec 11nd d!"'l·c this one today. tKJA313• _1_9_6_8---'-E'-L-"'-D '-0 -'-'RA"-""'D'--0----:osALE-- $ 5999 &auti(u\ Chestnut bro11•n 1vith bcig<.' roof and bci:;<.' cloth and leathc1· interior. Full IXl"'<.'r and factory air conditioning. Stereo A ~f-F)I, lilt &. tcleaco1)iC i;lccring \\'hrel, P-door locks, e tc. Lovely car. Loca1 one 011·ncr. IUNB466) ' 1065 MeHedes Benz 220 S Sedan. Automatic transmission, radio 11.nd heatrr, f)O\\"f'r stcct•ing, l!ir condltionin;::-. SnO\I" ...,-hite exterior 1l'ilh black vlnyl interior. Thi:-; one has very lo1v mtl('s and is tn out- standin~ condition. IOTV909f PRICE SALE $2999 PRICE -----------SALES DEPARTMEN1' OPEN----------- • Used C1r1 9900 Used Cars I=.:::.::..=-'-·---- 8:30 AM to 9:00 PM s.ALE PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH TUESDAY; t.'!AY 13, 1969 MONDAY thru FRIDAY - 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM SATURDAY and SUNDAY Your Factory Authorized Cadillac Dealer Serving The Orange Coast Harbor Area NABERS 2600 Harbor -Blvd., Costa Mesa 540-9100 9900 Used Cars 9900 Impo rted Autos 9600 Used Ca rs 9900 UMd Cars . 1 -~~------ • 9900 9100 9900 CADILLAC CHRYSLER CORVETIE FORD MUSTANG PONTIAC RAMBLER RAMBLER STUDEBAKER 'SV CAD Convertible, 20,{0) ori¥ n1ilcs, reri with black to[>, all extras. 614-2871 19GS CORVE'TTE: i\14st S<-11, $4000. ... j l0-671i l * "60 CHRYSLER Sara.togs: gOOrt n1olor & body: Trans. nreds n1il\Qr repair. $75, As 1~. 1703 \V. Balboa. NB Apt. l:c==::=::=::=::=::=::= FOR 1i;aJc '63 J<'ord C'.ala..xy, I 1968 ~IUSTANG clean, only o\\·ncr, 58.000 n1i. like nc11., Sl97~>. Prl\'81<.• p11rty, 11:;k for PIS, PIB. : :-kin~ $.j!Jj. i\lr Cota. &12~"1 CAMARO COUGAR S.t£-3802. Aft 6:'.".0 pn1. 6;'; i\IUSfANG6.-good~-co-n clition. Ori1t O\\'tl('l' 41.000 mi. -· •'"'''""0 ('riul'W', 4 11pd. 'console, p/s, tntd Wnd\1·s. Tl!:ENAGBR Special ! ":,G Chrysler. J.lemi En & in I'!. $185. . 64~ * * 615-0816 ... * i\l•ke of.fer I====== ------CONTINENTAL MERCURY r.:ro. 6·12'--0.i19. 548-23.10 PORD CHEVROLET LTNCOLN C.Onrl '67 4 Dr. '61 l\ft:."TRO: good, Original condl11on. $16:1. SA (ES & SERVICE 6T.)..i·113 or 646-4563 O~DSMOBILE ts CHEVY \\'Bgor 3 4 8 t"11 lly equip, !<11'l'Nl, beaut. '66 FORD \\'AGON Tti-PoiYl!'r, 4 nu tires. Now cond., blue w/blk lanaclu 9 ·pa~ Ctry. Squhl!, •Auto., '66 i\IERCURY Colony Park niurner systcn1. f'M'.!w pain!, to1,, OCll' fires. ) O\Yll<'r-prv PO\l'l'.lr stoc1· & Brikcs. station ·wagon, 9·pa s!l;(!nI::Cf, 2800 HArbot Blvd. rebuilt trans. S4j(J:. &42-0480 prty. ~1.000 n)i, $ 3 I:; o . $19ro rully ('(lUipptd, 616-3493 Costa P.ll!'.sa ---5-~7'6 '67 COiJGAJ(, aulo trans. ps, 540·9&10 . UMd Cars 510·~!18'1 1966 Chevy 2 Dr. IIT. V-8 =~====~~- nc10. Xlnl cond. ~ '66 CO~llNJ::NTAL Coupe ~?· rl'dio, lint $ZDJ' btiys ·~OLDS 98 4 door, TIT •. futly 1542--4930, eves 6Wi-12Z ai;k Fully londcd .l. i tcreo ta.]'X' 11. 673-2!52 equip. 16.000 nli. 7 l ~: deck. Still under 1l'al1'8nty '" ' ""' )9!>-9111 ft 7 /;,~ T:;~VY lmp..IA. new $28.'A). 645-2026. G-l.~-16 ''"!.ott~: ,0,1•""'· MUSTANG 1963 OL£>s-~~n·1~;a-.-._~;"de~ru tlrct. batt I brakc1. Good '66 CONT. Sedan. Land;iu, 642-6023 .1:rad. prc~nt. Lci1v l\tilcagc. f"Qflfl. :-Clnt 2nd c""· S·IOO, m •l'"/pwr. LcalheOr inL ::._Jtc ~-.. ~ro~n-I,''0 GT. -V-8· ·53 i\fUSTAi'1G clcJtn. &15-1622 Ln C ,i/ a1r. stereo w/1 tapes. v • ie ·~ "'""' ~Ullo • -r· pr. pty.'6i:;.t136 aulo p\iT. Sl<'t'r. &. hrk."I: 2 dr. 11.T. \18, auto. triim .. '68 CL'TLASS. 2 dr h.t., hkl!, 10&2(jlEVY ;fupa:fa Super t·11<.'t. air; T,000 1'1i. ruoo. itir cond .• \'iny! roof. NllA-4 !lf>C"d, Jl,000 ml. S22!1J. c-rt dlo ~-1 1 196( CONTINTh"TAL. 2 door, .,~., ., .. ,17 liS. 5*-'iti93 "'1"' ra , •-=-er, a 11 o., hard ~ 000 1 ..... ":I\ .,.......""" b 1..-"~" ......,., lop. w , m , ._, l l'"' l ·.~.,~0~L~n~ •• ~-~-~,=~~ JI.I .• p •. , .......,. V"I-61l-5620, El."es. m-Oi28 '60 t"'ORD Strlnr, 2 dr. 111~. "~ u.. ..,.~ oo: Iii.YI! .:,.,..,! ~ '16 CHEV Im-In 2 ~ Xlnl p/b "" C I V • "' 000 Door. All PITT.. 11h-, top ' ,_ "'' '62 \Vl-nTE w/black leallw-r ' ,..,.. ·" ...,, °"'• · cond. 1-0\\ncr. 644-1693 cond. Full p\\T., 11uto., inl<'riO'I'. lull po"''er. Lo!!.tlro, 1ni. $100, S.16-6Xl8 JUll, etc. lls:iO. &1~7 lflV t'Ond. nooo. 548-0j6(1 '61 GALA:>."\' XL. J>l)llf't', air. ,,_ ~a,.., '60 01.0S !JS 4 dr hdlp. Lo~d· '62 CllEV '''•goo. IU·fl. P"'T I door, !>h1t'l'. 1'fake offer. '"" ; "'""' P.d , good cond. Ocan. 1300. -Mne. SISO. Good oonc/ I CORVAIR :>18-098I •.. tJI"• 670..<><i lhruou l. ftZ-132'1 J 1 ~-s.~1 -,~-o~r.-n, XL ~ C'.oflv 642-6023 ::::::::::::::::::·' '&."i Cll}..'V SI• \V~n. 1ulo • .;;c;RVAIR i\10~7.A,-4 PIS. Pt.R, llir, P!\\", Xln1 'G:'1 ~tUSTAN(; 2$9 v.g~ rL YMOUTH V~ Pwr s&B, "4 dr. 9 P45·1 lf)e'Cd, stick, inumcula1111 ~·-'?00· Sl2-TGJ, I trans, It f.. t~. 3."l,oorr ori;:. Pood lhl'llDlll. ~7 ~ XJnl mcchAnicat condition, '&.I rono. ,-r_ry JlOO(i C'Ond . 1n\lcs. l 011nc r, Like nC\Vl''61-..B/\RRACUDA 383 ·ii CHEV. (OOd runner $1 00, -SHI To lippreclate. $49j, $600. Cood lire• I& en1;ilw. Si<Jj{). Xlnt cond .. All exlr11.~! pt'· 63$-.3!Jl2 •flft' 5 p.n1. * 5J6...8774 or 8421829 • S-1Q..7823 6"6-17::.0 or fM2-4.ol22 67:\-4010 a.fl 4 pm. en;. 1966 LE i\IA.i~S. Xlnt concl. 15,00Q ntilP.!5. 1 0\YIH:'!f $J7JO. 675-SiG.i. i\fust be seen . '67 GTO, Burgundy, 1v/Blk Int. PIS P/B R.t·H, Air, 4. Spd. '.\1nt Cond. 6T.r4119 '62 STAR Chief Pon!ia.c, ZJ,j(){) n1ilCs. xlnt cond. $675. 817-{;147 f962 PONTIAC C a t-e Ii n a. Good cone.I. S37:>. 6'J2-i015 or ,.,, 6. 5'18-427 ·67TE~1PEST \\'a;.'On. 13,700 n1i. Still u/w;irr an ty . i ....... 1v11er. Call art 6, !Mi8-J097 RAMBLEJl '64 \\' l\GONS 2 Cl;,~it'~. I 11.utomatic, 1 01·- C'rdn,·r. OST:-Jl S'I~ ....-:l"!llfh ' NEW'69:-$l99B ;\~IX _ Jll\'F:LIN 1-lf.ADQUJ\RIT.R~ 642-6023 1964 RAi\IBLER \V a G o n , auto, air-cond. Bf'sl offer. ... 962-6913 • ·51 RAi\IBLER. 'I a I i D n 11·agon, good condition. S300 . or bcl't off('r. <'all l".6-1931 CH,\RGF: l0'\1r 11·1tnt ad now, Oil!\ s.12-56i8 for RESl.iLTS ';i1 ~!UDE Coupe \1·ith 'Gi-·;;g RAi\IBLER. ..........1 ron. guvu 3!10 Ford c n1;inr. 3 &pd. ditlon. Engine rebu\.lt. S12.l lnilkr offf'r . !'>'18-.1807 or l>csl offer. 6'1&-12i2 aft 31 ::::::::::::::::::::::0::::=::= pm. T-BIRD '62 RA.l\lBLER \\'agon. 4 Or. I--------- I GoOO tireM, Ira~. En:z nf'Cd<; ~lTit' \\'Ork. A good buy a! SJ&;i 968-:i6JO 'Slt T·Bird. Full po'll'f'r, Air rond. 10.000 mllr'i. 5369:1. 5't8-1461 afler 5 £msTAR GAZEEl<~~ A~lfS By CLA Y It. POLL";Nl---,--,-11-._.--l ,..,.~ 21 i:.. Yovr Doi/7 ,t,ctivity Guide J:i. Sf.I''!' ,3 .ft't ~r~ 19 Atcordin; lo tlie .$ton. ocf 11 ~ll.J 34. To develap message for Thuruloy, J.17·'2S.2t 4-6-19-1 reodw0fd~correspond!11g tolUT'lbc~ ~l GIMIHI Q:,., l>:>~Z! Fr-'i '·"~-ti ·l-'-.5..A6.43 '.so 70.&G-f(J CAHClt of )'OIJI' Zodloc birth \ign. I Rtoullt >Yw 3 fot&el 'S..C..•r: !l Oto! "~ 11.,.., "w "-111 1"~ r~~ l1 ee '"" J3'¥1-1'o',. 1(U,.,:rrtoi'" 5Sn..., J6 Dey 17 ~o• "'""""" J<I ~-. •OPI_. " °"""" ·~ !oHll<"Q 1;\v,,. •3 Prac1~r l 4 Y""' ••Fu'W 1~1n tSFo> 16l!Mo •6loo::lu 11 Y""" •7 S:o•1n\Q' 11(.......,,:~ •S~t(lr"<.lr<I 19 .t'llr iC re 501.ud• 211-1.31 SI Yo..r '< Sr...! !IJ To : ) Vw •t SJ Heed 1• S.Cr<Vl4l•Ol'I ~ ~ .... • ~.: ~.,,. !>1S-~ ;--s ld1~1 ., "'~ 'VI~ i..;()o :<iC•,... ~8\lotie ~[,,to I~·" !!1 A lO"--6(1~ ~Good ' @AdT~ 61 l>\ol• 62Tht ,,_ ~· C),•(1.<'t l~" .. "' E~ M.,r.u 67 T1 """"' "' 't=Pit "" 71YOllf 12 HMt! 7J Tod:1 7• .... ,.31 7~ "''' 76 ,,._, 77ru-... 71Ycu 79 To IOY/,1). 81 ,,- 112 lo.' J~t !) '""'! £• ... ,j '• f,,.,~~·~ ,. a.. •.••. ' •; { .,....,,.,., . ,, '"~ .. ·-f~b 59 t'"~d • oC 'l'c" 6'\ Sit '1Neutril • s S z nY't ' ft · ¥& l r 2 ~~ • ,. , '" ' ·' -• • .. • ... ........ 't > , _,-•• '(' • ' f'.·"' • r • • ' \ -. ' • • ' • ' • • •• 0 --ft 0 -= = ·--.. ----------------------~-~ - ' , ' ' ') .t ·' .. • ' • • • • ' • ' ' • l . . ADYDTIS11'4G IS CONFUSING. THE THING • ·~. ,. IS THAT YOU CAN IUY A NEW CAR FOR .. '.' • CLOSIJ .O THE SAME PRICE AT ONE bEALERSHlP OR ANOTHER. DIDN'T YOU ALWAYS SUSPECT SO? 1HE"iNfFIUNCE IS: .FROM WHO.M "---------y~·ou · 111Y YOUR CAR. AT JOHNSON'S WE PUT YOU FIRST ••• WHIM YOU IUY THE CAR AN.D AS I.ONG AS YOU OWN IT. TIY US AND SEE. ; US!DCARS ' 196. VOLKSWAGIN FASTBACK Allmll" k it• ~""' with mot<h;,, ,,. $17 9 5 teri•r, F•ct~rv •it, r•~i•, •k. L.oli:1 lili:• 11ew, VTS l 17. 1967 TRl.UMPH MKlll ' . :;~;~~:.~:::~:::~:~=~~::;;: $1 '9.95 wh••l1, toflrt••• c•••r, •le. Dti••11 eftly~ 12,000 mlf•1 ~., on. ew11tr. I! ll\:i011•w· • • co11ditio11. WFW ~J. ' 14 t. ch .... f,_) Attrec+Yv. ~.~ • ~ '°''" • 4 ............ '"'"''' "'"·$2 5 9 5 t i•11 of colon & l11teriot1. All ••• luury ~v1Jif"41 lncilMlint ftctory t ir. Cer1ful/y mei"t1h1H. 5,,, No, 42t212. rrices stert •• .... ! ~-• . ' 1969 MONTEREY REAL LU1.URY WITHIN EVERY CAR BUYER'S REACH 4 dr. Sedan. ·~~nd new full sin Mercury MCiin wlfh 390 2V VI, front •nd re1r IMtl, selejft shift,. powtr disc •rakft ind 1fffrlng. Radio, tinted glass . arid whMI COffn. No. 547611. I WAS S3937.70 NOW '33 2369 .I t ~\ -. \ \ '1 ~ • ! j I. ' JNDJCATID ARE PLUS uc •. & TAX .. . ' •. J • • I i 1 •t• ..... ,,., ... " "'" . . ,, ILY s..,lng up to a bettff. used car can be fun for the entire 1a.n11y1 ElplCially when Y011 ·select from Johnson's stock of Premium Resale AutomobUes. • • • 1968 CONTINENTALS • '15'~1c(AL PURCHASE FROM FORD MOTOR . CO. . ' ::Ep~~~~:E~::;::.;~~~:F:J::.~u:!:;$ 5 2 9 5 br•ket, power window1, 6-wey 1e1f, L11t- tl111 rooh, etc. Very low Mllet 1rtd bt1uff· • fully ftltiirleh1MI, IVVH•r.c:ti•ff the b1J.. 1nu Of tho now c•r F1clory W1rr1nty. 1968 COUGAR XR7 COUPE Allrtcllw SMfoem fllrquobe met1Ulc tlrtlefl with PerdllMnt i..ttttr bucket 1e•I• 1nd blldr llondlu roof. U Litre v .. lllOlnt Wiii! •ufio ~ ...... redlo lo ,..,.,, ~ 11fttl"9, p0wer disc brHll, l'tclory Air ten.j. TJI" ~l.lflflll cir drlV'ttl llfllY 12.00t ml, 1nlf ~ re<:e!vn the bllMct of !tie -Cir l'Kb'y Werrt11tr. WOW IO $3295 1967 COUGAR GT AeQun brot111 tlnllh Wl!JI PStCl\ment comfort -v• ..... • bi.ck L1n111u ff». Allio. tnM., radio end lllrlO llPS, JIM!tr, f1cfllry elr. I Mw E·7'1111 fir ... P.5., 11Dwer disc br1lr.n. t0!!$0i.. A bl1111tlul 25.000 milt cir. TtltH 725. $2595 1968 MERCURY PARK LANE tftvtlM Jell'llkt YtllOW llnllh With bledl ln!Wlor Mid IMdl top. Auto h'tM.. radio lo .... !tr', ,Kllll'Y Alt Corid .. ,,._-at-Inf, powtr brK"' power wl~ws, etc. Dl'IYIHI orily 10.000 mlla. Tllll Olllallndlng ur ctuld lie ... LIY "11119k9" for ~•nd /llW. •11'1'9r rtctl~ts Ille bal•nc• of lllt -(If Ftclory Wlrr111ty. WPC *· $3595 1967 CONTINENTAL CONYERTIILE l.etu!Hvl Gold .... Meftl11c llnllll with Plrdlnwll ....,_.. lfl"'lw Md wl'lli. ._ I.WI· urv 111~. et eovrs1. AlllO "'"'~ redll • llNtw, l'.ctwy Air COllll •• ,._ 11-rlllt JIO-br1-e. PDW'W wlndcrwl, '-wtY PO'lll'tf _,, ek. Tllll tt1Tacllw eer 1111 lMtrl dr'"" only 7.100 mUe. Uolib tnd """' 1111:• W.nlf --l!lllytr ,.,.,,.. t1M lllltnce of tftl !MW CIT FKIOl'y Wt rTlnly. VQC ...._ / -$4195 USED CAR DEPT. 540-5635 Attrecti¥o color1. Price• tftrt et 1964 CONTINENTAL 4 o ....... ,,, '""' ~·" ••••• .,, """' $1495 w·ft'l•lch!119 l11ftrior, f11lly l11•urr •quipped. , AutOl'l'leti; tr•nt., r•dlo, he•f•r, PS, Pl, P0 willdows, 6-w1y •••f, f•1:tory 1ir co11d;, plu1 1111ny more. !IOZ 6l7l , • . ' 1967 CORVEnE STINGRAY 1967 COUGAR GT ~:.:.~:::::.·:.:~zr .~'.:~·:~:.7~.::.:$2 595 . ftcfery •ir, 4 new E-71•1 4 t iret, '5, ,OW• ~ •r tli1c br••••, eo"1ol•. A be1vtlfvl 25,000 '""' CIT, CTRH 7151 • ' -$- ' ~ DAILV,Q.ff • ' ' ~ & oo ~ m 0 • ·~ ~ oo © l1D oo. w· ~ ©' ® M'@/A\ oo ' -\ .., ~ 2626 HAilOR· IOULEVARD, COSTA MESA . . . "' ' -.. • • r l r --· •- 1 ' ...... t •... , . .......,,.,t196f · · ~·11~~ . ~ONSHINE "TIMI • • • 1T'S OUTDOOR , TIME··.-·~ ADVANTAGE· OF ROY ' CARVER'S GREAT .. ~.~-~·:0.;cou~ Pl.ii~ UCINsi AND TAX . "'! ,., ~ ... '65 'CHEVRo~ET'WACA . • ~ I . . ' -Hertlto, c__,,, liWle, ,...._., ..G • .+tc. . ,,_, itt.trl.~4~ .. 1 •• -I~ 1r16 :Z47) · · ' ' r • , .' $ll1J.'!t: . . .. :> .• , .... ~,,f·. · ... ~~.-. .. ~ ... , • ... • . '61, PONTIAC CATALINA . 4 dr. 6 'a11, w19011, 1ut.., 11.&H, l'.S., fa~tort".it.'7,140 mila1. IXOO 2011 $3577 , . . . .. .<16 · ¢HIVl!Ot;JT-1oiA~'~· ' ' YI; ,If 4t,~.t._ RW!., h'tt .. 1i~-.m...,1P.S~ , .. ..._,1'li•lfv•>,tf.,,.,.,,isiu -1q1. 1·" '1'~·':· .. , '., • • ' ' .... ' j •• f, )•''"~ • t'·•·.;. ':.• ,11~"f-, . : 't7°P.0N11AC CATALINA • p1111n9M' 1l•tlan 'fl'lfOll. v.1, Hydr1· ll'l•fl"" P.S., r1dio,. h1rlpr, w1w, fatlory ·1,ir co~ditio11i'!9· !TJ~ 604 1 $2877 • . • • '61 RAMILElt -AMEltfC~· 2:or. a.Ji., ...... ,, _ ... 111.ttc, wlrit. .-• w1ll1. 11,000 ........... wtl 21-7t - fl917 . ,. . ·~ ., ~ • '67 PONTIAC LE MANS 2 Or. V.f, Hydram1tiC, pWT. 1ho•r., r1dio, h•t•r, whit• w1U tir11, ITUI' 1161 $2277 , • ..... ' '68 MUSTANG ... Coup1. k1dio, hf1t1r,' •u~n:i•tic, pow1r 1ta1ring, f1ctory~1 ir, IWIP 5691 $2677 ' .. . -• • ' . .. • ; · "16· ~USf Atto ' ' . I , ~ • ~ ~ • \ VI, ~ltlft.t" e.Hj .111:&. PiS.1~1f~· a ir, 4hr. "!rim. I It.SH h I '. '•, . ';: ' '$2077 . . . . . . .. ' · , '65 · ll'O.NTIAC · C.t•li r• 1 ,pl,'" 2 tH,rdtop ·C•up•. R1dio 11111 k11t1r, ,1u~or1tic,· pow'r ,1t1•riitg. INQX 6'1ll ' ' . , : , . : I $1477 l . ' ' ' .. 1961 PONTIAC$ lid of our auhl1nding t1fl. All fully· 9u1r1111,ed. l•r9• ••liC+lon. M'o•t. 'ith .pow1T •q1tiPfl'l•lll~ ::J ,1ir, eonditioning. All e•r1 dr11tlc~1y ut1d. • . ' I '; ' '' SAVE · .. ' . ' . . .. . ' 'H CHIYT 'CAMARO VI, 11110. ''"' •••• ,111,, r1tlio, .. 11111, wtilt1 1ftl1 .,.,11 t{,..., ·f1ct1,., elr, w,,. wick tilw'• w/wti~~ ·!J'!~ f1,, IT4J2Al • .$2877 '65 PONTIAC C1t11in1 · w19on., 4 ci r. 6 · P.•11., r1dio, hil1t1r, 1utom1tie, power 1t1f~i119.' INQZ ,,, l .$\Sn ' '68 CHEVROLET El Comlno ·v.1, pow•r' morin9, 'r•dio, li11f•t, wt.It. w1U tir•I, f1etory .-ir tondition. 1111 ... CI $2977 ' . -.:1., . ~ER YOQ PlCK A .SP~NG IEAUTY AT ROY CARVER'S YOU ·,11(-b'V• THAT YOU''CAN'REALLY PICK "EM BECAUSE AT CARVER'S EACH :.AND MaY "~ARVIR-CAR£~·AR" .HAS A 1 o o 0/o WA'ltRANTY ON .m·titt~~ c~"C,:~ PAl'IS'! IF YOU ARE STEPPING UP TP A BETTER usm AUt'O. MO.I/RU'S NO-IEmR-PLACE TO DO IT •THAN .R 0 Y C A R V E R ' ' ':t';,· .. • ; .. ·'' . ' ..... f· 4.• -r ,0 ... :11 1-~~_,,, ! I ",~~: 'I • 1 • .; ~.·' + ·' l ... "II'.~ .I!!-.. 'r i . ~ •··' • ~ ' J•. _.,,,. .. ...-·· ........ .. . • • l l ...... ___ ~·"-·--~--·~1---~--·~·---~· ~-~-~-·-.. -...... ~------·-·.,·-· .. ·-~·-----... ·-·--·~ --.. -. .:. _ --~ I ·... ' .... ... ' ' ' • • • -.. '