HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-05-10 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa,. ' : > . . • w Panthers on OCC C~~pus -•-at Invitation al SDS • • • ' * * * * '* * * * * * * * Niguel Aide • Tells ·Salt • " * • a1n SATURDAY, MAY :10, 1969 ""' &: M0.1111. 4 HCT_,. a .PAID ' . ' --... * * * * '-ti. • ,, Creek Side (:at &ashes· ' Into Cr;~k; -Ja~~ie: ·'9All This· Just for ,·Me'j)'~.·-.. GrandJ1107 ~i~~~t~ .. -,....__ ~---..----" . By JORN V ALTERZA Of 11111 o.llr 1'1111 Slatf A Misslon Vf.,jo High School student iru tilled outright and bis male com- paoiO!l llEriOQSly injured late Friday ni&bt when 1 aporta car vaulted oH El Toro Road and landed in a creek 25 feet below. , Coroner's investigaton said the · dead youth was Delbert E. Kennedy n, 17, IOll of· Marine U. and Mrs. D. E. Kennedy DI· 2477% Bolgreen .PlaL'e, El Toro. With him in the 195& English sports car · wu Donald Jooeph ,llaodi, II, o! Z4371 Crescenti Ave.,, Mis!ion Viejo. eo,ooer•s aides· said the accident was diJcover<d al 11:40 p.m. Both youths were thrown from the car after it ni.Wed a Curve where the road crosses Los AJlsos Creek. The aports car then tore through the bridge railing and fell into the creek bed. Young Kennedy died from massive head injuries, reports said. The Bon~outh wu taken to South COast ·ty Hospital in Laguna Beach w · his cood.iUon was describ- ed as u1atr_ to guarded.'" He is mffer- lng ~ muWple injw-ies, nurses said. The dgf :w;iu~s father is on duty with the Marlh8-:CorPI in Okinawa, coroner's aides ilicb J ~youth's mother, Mrs. Greti.1 Kednedy, tesides at the Belgreen Place address. Fm)ei'al~i~ are pending at Mettler Coloalal Monu~ in Orange. . __ • • Back Bay Trade Due in C.Ourt Again on Monday By TOM BARLEY ~ Of tM ~Ur Plltt ltatl ._ The much-<lebaled tidelands ex.cha.nae between Orange County aod the Irvine Compaqy comes into the Superior Court opotl;pt again Monday wbon Judge Claude Owem will be uked to rule on whether ar not six Harbor Mea homeowt_. can dtalftge the Upper Newport'81!J Jand IWlp. • "" .. .__., conceded lhe right of llr.11111 JIN. Fnol< llobhmt ,and Mt. ml lfn; -Covenlale of Newport Beodl ..i ICr. ind Mrs. Wnley Mara DI UnlwnltJ l'lrt, Irvine, lo intervene in lhe •ctlqp. . But he m~ determine at Monday's coort ,...loo II evidence which Coonly Auditor Vic A. Heim hopea lo present can be lldtnitted bel6rt htm. And Loo Angel>< a\lomey Ralph Perry will align lhe bOmeowners he represents aloogskle • (See BAY BWAP, Por I) . - ( • Op~ons By RICHARD P. NALL Of .... o.llr' .. , .. , .,.,, Eugene Bell, attorney apd secretary lo( lhe Laguna Nlgµet Corp.. today cpo- !irmed bis appearance before the Orarip Coonty Grand Jury lo give the corporate side of' the three-cornered SaJt Cteet' · Road con1ro....,. MARINA.HIGH PEP LEADERS WELCOME THEIR HEROINE. -JUNIOR MISS BENINGTON '!be Grand Jury, .Inquiring Into facts sum>UPdlng the matter. this week also hearlt ·attorney 'William Wilco-ien who C<11tend9 the COl.Ulty acted illegally wbea tt al>andoned the road to Laguna Nljjuel · 'My Golh, To Th ink All 'fl!oso:Klds St1yod Altir 1Scllool Just for.Me' . Corp. . Bell ·said the county acted not only · legally In abapdoning the road but bad ~ legal obligation to do so sil)ce the· ?pad • sorved ooly one property ownership rather than several or even 'wo. He likened the road stretch that Tan from Coast Highway to a point near. the beach ·to a private driveway sltualioo . with no one afforded access but ooe J>rO~ erty owner. . ·After Laguna Niguel Corp. reque,iled the abandonmeat, said·Bellt the only w&J tlie "°'l"ty "!Uld have. legally blocked , abandoomenl would bav~.bften to quick1$ • acquire.property along lhe road. WORDS TUMBLE FORTH AS JACKIE THANKS HER SCHOOLMATES AND SPONSORS N•xt on tht Aeend•: A Little Phce and Quiet •nd Back to the Books Asked lheil II the c:OOnty should not have abandoned the road al some earlier dat. -before Laguna Ntguei Corp. toot control -Boll aald: Beach Hails Queen Jackie JACKl!l COMES HOME TO HB Down to E1rth Vr. Ch-r "You might aay the county should have abandoned it in 19'1 when an e41'ller p,or· (See NIGUEL, Pase I) . ' 0r .... Thousands · of Classmates Greet New Junior Miss Panthers Attract 500 at OCC as 111 TBRl\Y COVILLE .... o.ltr''*' .... '!be best words Jackie Benlngton had !or he!' Marini High achoolmates Friday afternoon were, "m1 gosh, t sure ap- • predate everyone staying alter school just for me." .. Just for me_," may be the most un- dentated wonb Hun"-ll<ach's praudeat product will -during her year-long reign as Junior Mis.! of ..America. ' MOft than 1,000. of her cluunalet otayed alter achool as -.and ol· !ldall Wke welcomed Jacldl home -Mobile, Ala. M11is whole lhing Is illll IO ncllin( l do01 know what lo ilo," bepn Jilckle aa llhe spoke to he!'. clas&mlla in lhe school'• outdoor amphitheater. "Speaking on television w&s nothing compored lo this, .. -tinued • biahiY • ... d&ed _)'.OUDJ woman, "I'm IO ll@d lo be 1 to De abTe to rtlu ind io &o tbe beach>'' wilh delight and gave her a standing ova- Ubn. To begin . the ceremonies Jacltie flew over lbe school in a helicopter provided by McDonnell-Douglas. Then a police escort took her from the McDonnell· Douglas plant lo Marina Wgh, where friends and olficials waited to greet ber at about 3:30 p.m. First they read the' letters of con· gratulaUons from (}Qverpor · Ronald Reagan, CoogrusmeTI° lUCbard Hanna (D-Weatmlnlter) and Cl'lig -(R- Long Beacll), and stat. Aaaemblyman Robert Burke (R·HuilUngton ll<ach) who Wl'OCe that ·he \fas inll'oduclbi a bill commending JO<tit. government tum a llt-Ue faster here." He then presented bet with the .city's resolu. tloo proclaiming M'ay 9 "Jackie Ben- ingtan Day." Then . Mayor Green gave her the flrsl . Guests of SDS set of the city's brand new keys, bearing Mote than 500, persons turned out Fri. the new city logo. ·The Junior Miss of America' Pageant is day at Orange Coast College'• auditorium , sponsored by the Jaycees and lhey had to ~ Sanla Ana.reptttel!i.UVtS o! lhe Spring finally has pot Jn an ap. pearance, ana it'll push the mer- cury into the ?O's tor' Mother's Day with sunny skies• under which to , take out your beat-11r1. INSmE· ·TODA 'Y their repreaentatives, preaent.-to honor • B~k·frnthera.,_ --J her. 1'be appearance of the Pintbtra oQ. tbei Nottd Author Sterling· North Htmtington Be.3cb Jaycee Preaklent Costa Mesa . campua Wal • apomond bf • rtcaUI "LeslOftl" My M o·t· h e .,-- Mike .Bn>OU ~ted Jackie with .L ....Tied· m'embera of U.. Studma ,.. ~. , ToMQhl Mt,'•lficluding OM about • ' Ouf!y dog.~ed WJlh bul!ble .bath, vemocratlc .Soclely (Sll6i ' wblch ik!ooll~ ' fp1<$1g "'°"'"' "for "'""·· I because, au.er heriwjn in Mobile, J1c~ h · ... .....-i.... of the OCC ~ 1 11 Fomil• Wfeklw, • , . ., had"Upreiled a desite for ia'nice quiet ~ve ~· . . ' t .T'· Four K'--Co"·a· .. o-''· bubble ~alb. . . · as a bonalide'<lllJJ'UI c1u11. • ~ .. ,. -- The Huntlrigton Beach Chamber of Two l':aalhetl' spote•.to: Ibo ....u.nc.' lll;<lr chlldfm rpork ·up lodtef•' COmmerce, rtptelented liy President ' wblch about I hatt lllled lhe OCC . '""""' ot TV WEEK, rolutmg c. E. "Bili" Wood8 and mlhal'_r' DaJe : audJ~ \ ;rhtr'fl • WM1 11D1t1.e .. roea 'MQther'a ·bot.' I • ' • tktM, named · Jackie t.be official am-langulce; -.rew:fhootl' and-catcaUt fr'DID ,._ LMliMn 1,' ~ , bassador o('the city. • ' tl)o ~ bqt no ruJ lr«lblo. ....._ ., -' Wonts-upkided from Jackie'• liPI 11--Whlte two ~ , four otlin ==---.t": ~ -,.,~, she told her friends bow excited she wu. staUoned theinaelves at the audltartUni c....-• it.r .......,, "rm proud ol lhe place I '«>mt from.• conc:hlded Jackie 11 her !rienda acm:med • David ·U. Baker, Oranse County SupervllOI', was present to congratulale Jackie and told her: "The wheels of government tum slowly ill Orange County so we-don.1 have our resolution ready to ' cwnmend ~but I want to givt you my than.kJ on behalf of the county." • .i!wJUngtoo •Beocb Mayor Jack C.retn dre.w a bunt ol lauthter wbon he follow· ed Baker saying. 11Jacme, the wbeekl: of But tal~ took HCOnd plact to the entrance in.guard-Wte stance. One 1f11:1 • !: =•• ~; j5'.? ,...~ '"~ :~::tror=t;r.=.greetedJICkl• ::!.i~oo.:i:·~~nrsfr':-~ .t~:· ,~'f ~ ~i.1-:_~ 1· ,_ ..,.. l!~.'tf" . 1~r :'".r •J ' I •-,.. t ':,,,. ..... , "'"' . ' ,'('- . --· i: f. •·i'•, . .., .. :" ,.~' ....... !'lf ·'''f.~1i:-: ·' !'. , .. ~ ... ·,_ \ .... .fl~j'~ • • . ' ., ,, ' ·' . f . I • IAll.T I'll.Ill s LoGBOOK . ' Some Long-lo:v.ed Saints · I , , . Failed to Make the Cut ' ' ·!~~ . . ' • U you Ute to keep Ille faltll: blby, u you tool down the Santa Ana F,reo- way wtlh • St. .Chr~ 'mfdtll!on awing.in& from -the duh, then you're ._ __ ,·advised to get right out ·of the bot lane and find another traveling companion. -1t aeem.s that good old St Chriltopher bas gone as far as he can go. lle'a reached the end ol the road. The tracliUonal patron saint oI travelers was - a.mane thole storied lii!Jres who failed to make the cut Friday when the Catholic Church came up with a revised roster ol approved saln,., * Tho VaUC.. indnl leave us ~ det-oa. how-· eVeT, ~~I drMor U.-. The dwtdl ouuestec1 we lry Sl Franc.--Sl Fr.-R<> lDIDI' • . Apporeeli,y ""'• .i..-1wlM.~ ni, on. tbow1b. lf)'ou'v• ever drl'"n In Rome yba'CoaMn•t be -for, tllhtltJng IM! alreo<i1 has Jl)Oft th1n hO Cln h-. I suu..travderl w .... 1 the llll)f ....,; to loat .. old friend. Quite • lew -loll Ulelr b'iilol. • ' ' .Yer a Ume Friday even Sania Claus'was on the casualty list. St. Nicholas waa reported as being among the 32 non-qualifiers but later in the day this was explained as a misunderstanding. He was hurriedly relnstat~ as a saint in good faith. All the Vltglniu breathed a :sigh of relief. * But not the Barbaras, catherines and SUsannas. Their namesakes were *lcten from the llturglcal rolls. St Boniface wu another wbo Jost face. What wW the Slnta Barbara Chamber of Commerce make of it? Santa Barbera by any oLber name IDl1 not attract as many tourtsta. Nowhere wu the blow felt more than in Rome itaelf where the American CalholiL Chureh la 111med alter Sl Susanna. All the Rev. Jolm Dlm-Ond. pll!tor of. Sl Susanna's, could ezclaim was "How is It possible? We have her buried tn tbe buement." * 'M>e chW'Ch had an explanation for putting the halos back In the hat box. It said tbe8e old favorites of olll"'S. reelly belong in legend rather than in the cast of characters of a liturgical calendar. It's doubtful whether they ever existed or U they did whether the saintly acts attributed to them ever occurred. Well, that may be, but pulling the rug on Christopher medallion manu· facturers before they could unload their stock was rather uncharitable. And. while it b comforting to believe thit a shady past will catcb up even with a saint, we must lake issue with 'the Pope on the status of 'that valiant lml&ht. SL George, patron saint of England, Germany and Portugal, who aim wu left out of the new line-up. A1J an Engllahman, I must say that all those Englishmen, Gtnnans and Portuguese can't be wrong. What's more we have the military Gfl our aide. That line fellow who slew the fire-breathing dragon is also the patron saint of soldiers. The Vatican claims that historians have never been able to prove this worthy deed. The Colombia Encyclopedia backs thi5 statement up to so me ex· tent, conceding the noble knight's life is cloaked in legends. The encyclopedia, however, does not simply describe this heroic man as an ordinary saint but as "one of the grut salnt:s: of the Eastern Church." , Furthermore, St George's Cross is red and it can be found right in the · middle of the Union Jack. You wootdn't argUe with that, would you? GoMen Spike Recreates Joining of 2 Railroads PROMONTORY, Utah !AP) -It has been 100 years since there hu been this much aclivily around barren, wind· IWOpl Promontory Swnmlt, Utah. On May 10, 1869, In lhe afternoon, Mndreds of of!iclals and spectators watched the golden apike ceremony when tbe last rail connected the Union Pa· cific and Central Paclfic railroads, and America had its first transcontinental nilroad. .Residents around Promontory, in ~ Utah. , .... act the driving ol the golden spike each year. But atten- dance is light. ThiJ year, aulhoriUes predid thou· lands or people will be on hand for the re-enactment this afternoon at the aa.me &pot the certmooy was held 100 years .;o. 'But now the railroad on which the Ceremony will be held goes nowhere. Jn fact a section of railroad had .,.to be built specially for today's ceremony. Spectators and participants can't even get there by rail. The track was abandoned, and later DAILY PllOT ,...,.,..... . ............... . --_,..., ·--C.AUPOIHIA OlAHOI COo\Sl 'UlllM+IHO COMl'AH'I' ''"'' H. W••4 ,,...... .... l"llMl ..... JM.\: It. C1111ky ' Yb ''"*'"' tM 0-tll ,.,..tint, ThM•t Jr:tt•ll ··-n-•• A. M1r,lll11t Me-lflt ltlltiof -C.. ...... I D Wftl I•• $1,W, .,..,,.... a..c-11: nu .,..., .. 111M aw....,. L...,..,. htcll; ttJ ,_, A-Hrwl....,_ .. tell! .... "'"' pulled up, when the railroad was re· routed ·in 1904. Doiens of national figures will be on hand for lhe centennial party. TraMportaUon Secretary John A. Volpe is scheduled to dedicate a new visitors' center. Thomas Goodfellow, president of the Association of American Railroads will talk about the history, and the future of railroad.:!. Pres:ide!'lts of the companies which laid the original line -Qie Union Pa· clfic and Southern Pacifi! -will be present. The Southern Pacific was call· ed the Central Pacific when the lines weNJ joined 100 years ago. The original golden spike -has been on display in Salt Lake City for several weeb. It was loaned to Ulah by Stan- ford University for the celebration. . From Page l NIGUEL ••. tion (now serving Monarch Bay) was abandoned. It was just a private driveway into the Caprin property." Laguna NtaueI acquired the 300-acre Capron property for part of its planned community development to eventually serve about 80,000 persons. Wilcoxen is Ughting the corporation and the county in Superior Court to overturn road aban- donment which he has characterized as a gift or valuable county property. Bell said ooe quesUon he was asked during his Grand Jury appearanct was why the)..afWll Niguel side of the matter bad never appeared in the press. He maintained th1t persons responsible for news sloriea had gj ven the sheer bulk of news stories to WUcoxen's side of the issue. Bell maintains that Wilcoxen has con· fused the Jssue with "all kinds of charges" that are incorrect. Asked about • $100,000 demage claim against the Capistrano Park and Recrea. lion District board, which Wilcoxen represent.I, and its agents, Bell aald : "They are meddling in this at his In- stigation. We've taken de:posiUons from all the diredDn (ol the Park Ind Recreo- lion boon!) Ind theT aald Uley hid no !act.. to '"-' the charges. .. They didnl know the)' _.. plliJlg tnto a law suit and liadn't evat teen tho pleadlnp that were Ulod by Wilcoxen. which Is htlleT unUIUal. ,,,.Y wm motlvated by Wilemon to join this low auit which he is paying (or. ·1 Wiloozen had cha.ractttized lht claim qainsi the rttteation district and him aa "A!Wnl .. Bell said that the recreation dlftrlct had no bu5iness In the metler and had ne~ hail plins to buy~ any beach. • . . Cong OffCr: U.S.~ Cautious on 1 WASHINGTON (UPI) -Secrttary o1 State William P: Rogers la taldn1 a cauUoUI alll-tow,,,a tile Viet C..,'1 IO.point -al !or solving the Vlei· nam war, but be 1Cknowledge1 the.re are new elements that will rtqulre furtbtr exploration at the Paris pea« WU. It wu u~erltood Jbat• Rolen, an experienced lawyer. le" that tacb point presented by U>• Viet Conc.~t tile Pari1 conference on 'Ibursday would have to be carefully and further defined. St.ate Department oWcials aald some of tile Issues the Vlei Coog pmented In their propoul hive' been discuaed P"'viOUSly In Part.. Bui the oew Com- munist propoul fepreaents a compUI· t.lon o( famJllar poinla end a number of new additions. * * * Ma~ines Carry War to Reds In Big Battle DA NANG, Soutll Vlelnam (UPI) - U.S. Marines marched tor lwo nights without sleep to attack North Vietnamese troops headed toward Da Nang and killed at lea.st 129 in two days of fight.- ing, military spokesmen said today. Four 91.her battles betwftll Saigon and the Cambodian border involving U.S. inf8'1trymen and air cavalrymen sup. Ported by tanks and air strikes left 11 Communists dead. The fight near Da Nang moved into Its aecond day today. More than 1,500 Marlnel marched toward the VU Gia River where 400 North Vietnamese troops: were trying to burst through al· lied lines. "It's like a turkey shoot." said Lt. Col. James Higgins, 37, "We broke up a gathering of the clan. We have got them outgunned and outnumbered." Marine casualties were reported as six dead ahd 12 wobnded. "When th!1Reda woke up Friday morn- ing we were' 'in P.Ollition," Higgins aaid. He set up i. cOrnmand post in a hill· tqp cemetUy' overlooking the ·battlefleld 12 miles southwest or Da Nang, on South Vietnain's northern coast. • "We caught them with a lot of illr and artillery strikes al),_st we kept clos- ing in on them," Higgins said. "We shut off their escape routes. Tiiey were con- fused and disorganized. The Communlsta split into tG-and lS.. man groups and made frantic thrusts against the lightening cordon but there was no escape, military spokesmen said. U.S. planes swooped in low over dried· up rice paddles, bllsterinc the Commu- nists witll na~. lllore 'than 3,000 rounds of artillery ripped in from three ?tfarine, outpom. , 11You could see the gooks ru~ all over," said Sgt. Mark Limplc, 22, a sniper. "My buddy killed 14 or them, but he only got credit for lour," Ltmplc said. "Somebody has to !ind the body on the ground before it counts." Grand Jury Gives Its Opinions 011 State Bills Re<:ommend,aUOM of lhe Orange Coun- ty Grand Jury J>erta.4Ung to seven bill! now before the state Legislature have been forwarded to the county's legislators. In a covering letter, jury foreman Will.lam D. Martin of Laguna Beach noted that there "are an unusually large number of bills pending .•. which con- cern themselves .with grand juries.'' Martin said the jurors had "Informed themselves" and "because we feel strongly about the obligations of panel members to express themselves {on pen-- ding legislation) we are taking the libfrty of asking that you consider our position on this legislation." The recommendations : -Strongly In fa vor of ACA 57 (consti tutional amendment) which v.·ould provide for .two grand juries in each county each year : one to consider in· dictments (criminal) and one on governmental affairs. · -Strongly in favor of AB 4$9 which provides that jurors must be registered voters and repeals a provlslon em- powering judges to select names of pro-. spective jurors from "pel'IOnl in the county" rather than. from "a list of names eligible for Grand Jury duly returned by the Jury Commissioner." -Jn favor of SB 460 which authorizes grand juries, courts, district attorneys and Ule attorney g~neral to inspect an.. nual reporU o( cemetery authorities con-- cerning endowment funds. Such report.I are not to be open to the public, however. -Sironsly against AB ll4a which amends laws concerning grand juries which "exempt elected public olfictala from actlng as grand jurors, except school district offidals." -Against AB 31111 which -.Id allow ..,,,uJUple grand juries in counties wttl:I populaUon In ...... ol 4 million. -Agalnlt AB !Mt which provld., Ula! lht jury panel each yw shall Include tl\ree members of the prectdlng iirand JUI}'. -No re<:ommtndatlon on AB 811 which would Increase jurors' fees from SS to $2S a day, and ~uir11 that juf'ors selected be representative of all economic levds in the county. . ,, I ' The Uolted StateS la In cloM CQnlact-mmla In Lt which may ollu a J>OISI· wltb tht South Vietnamese government bility for exploration. . over tbl Viet Coac plan. On F'rtd.ay the 0 We will ex•mtoe Ulla 1taternent CIJ't. South vi.uwn-toreltn Mlolltry i.. lullf tn the hope that it represen"' a sued a statement that denouooed some .serious response to the propocala put parts o1 \he Viet .Con1 plan os 11111<:-forward by Soutll VJetnam Ind the cepl&!>I• but cqricedod ,other elementl United States. I will, of CO\lfle, be con- were wortll dlscuaila1· sultlng very cloeely with the Vietnamese ftoter•, who is. matlng finaJ prepara· leaden on •Utls matter." tlons for a 17-day trip to Vietnam aod i'lbe Viet Cong propO!al was being other Asian nations a.ainning Monday, given very careful study by the Nixon issued a statement which accorded with administraUon at h!Jhest and lower Saigon's line on the Viet Cong propos-working levels. al. Rogers said : , Jn Key Blsc•yn1, Fla., f.ralde:nt Nix- "Wltll reopect lo tile position taken •• and presldeatlal Ullstnt Henry A. by tile other aide In Paris on M.ly t. Klsslapr '""' examtaa 'lk l""-ls that will n!QUlre cere/ul study and clal'-• iJl detail. ificaUon. It contains llOTpe clea'rly un-ln Washington, State ~ent ex- acceptable propoWs, but there are ele. perts on Vietnam were 'Ulmlng the rec· ' I Otter Go Dome? 'Peanuts' Stirs Niguel · Debate By JACK CHAPPELL '. Ot JIM Otllr '"" lltff Peanuts Is a £rilky sb·monUl-old otter and she's got trouble right at home in Monarch Bay down Laguna Niguel way. Peanuts belongs to the John Erik.smoen· family of 32662 Empress way. She joined the famlly about one month ago and unUI recently, had been most happy just splashing in the famlly's decorative pool. Now, however, Peanuts is the center of debate. The Erltsmoens say she is just friendly and aomelimes frightened by neighborhood chi!dren. ·Otben s a .Y Peanuts is a menace because she bit one child. And now, Orange County bureacracy has leaped into the case with a rulihg that could mean Peanuts must go. It all began when John Eriksmoen bought Peanuts for S250 from Uncle Jim's Jungle in Los Angeles. All wu happy unUI this week, when a number of neighbor children assertedly knocked down a section of the backyard fence while teasing Peanuts, according to Mn. Eriksmoen. Mrs. Eriksmoen said Peanuts became terrified and ried from the boys who at· tempted to hit her with sticks. Somewhere in the great otter chase, Peanuts slipped into a neighboring home at 22871 King John l;lne and scared the occupants who scared Pean~ts even more. Reports vary as to what exactly hap- pened, but anyhow, eight-year-old Steve Haythorne ended up with an otter bite ~n his le(t forearm. Peanuts ended up 1n quarantine. Now county officials have told the Er1ilmoeDI that Ult)' must get rid of the otter five days alter the quarantine ends May 19. U they don't. they can be fined '500 per day for each day they 'keep 'her. The counl)' maintains Ulat oilers represept a violation of its zoning ordinance which says in part, ''the keep- ing of wild exotic or rion-domestic animals b prohibited," in residential neighborhoods. As far as the ioning ordin~ is con- cerned, the Erlksmoens could seek a variance application from the county planning department, building officials said . However, the Health Department too may have some say 111 to whether otters are compatible with 20th ctnt11ry residen· tial living -thus snarling the red ta re even more. The Eriksmoens believe that Peanuts i'l safer than a large dog which is of course permitted under county law. Peanuts , meanwhile, is oblivious to all the con· fu sion. She's content lo munch on chicken necks and chase htr tail in the pool at the Eriksmoens. At least for a v.·hile. Kinder garteners Mix Up Recipes For Mother's Day ... Some Kindergarten pupils at Laguna Beach's Aliso Elementary School not only approached ~tother's Day with note and drawings or love but they even added recipes. All this effort was collected into 1 recipe book for mothers. For example, Darren Schoulten's book was illustrated with a drawing of mother jumping rope and Darren eitplained, •·t Love my Mom because she jumps rope3 with me .•. " Darren elao offered Mom ·a recipe, thus: Damn'• Cbocolale Cake "Get a twpoon of sugar, nour and . vinegar. Then baking pov.'der. Stir lt up. Put some eggs under It. Put it in a pan with salt and pepper. Put it in the oven for two hours. After, take the cake out and put frostini on it." People's Gallery , Opening Slated Art comOI lo Fuhlon Wind In Newport Buch Monday with the openlnc of the People'• Gallery, an outdoor et· hiblt ot works of renowned artisb. The. four-week show will pruent 20 graphlcs designs on 1 &erle1 of triangular kloou placed along tile maQ ol Fuhion 111 .. nd, fe11turtng the Vf'Ol'k or such artlsta as \Peter Max, Miilon Glaser and Robert Indi ana. OTTER TROUBLE IN NIGUEL Mrs. Erik1moens end 'Pianuts' Protests Prolong Fighting: Agnew TULSA, Ok.la. (UPI) -Vice Presl· dent Spiro T. Agnew charged Friday night that peace demonstrations are prolonging the war in Vietnam. Agnew, speaking at a Republican fund raising dinner. 'said the war in Vietnam is being "cooled gradually" by Presi· dent Niiton and said he could guarantee the President would not agree to a "un· itat.cral v.·ithdrawal." "In my judgement." he said, "the war In Vietnam would be O\'er today if we could simply stop the demonstrations in the U.S. It is the 'peaceniks who lead the enemy to believe this country is divided. ords of the Parll peace !alb .,,, ,.. vlous Communist peace plana to -mine u uactly 11,-lble tile ~ contained iJl the 11).poln! ~Ian. Experll r<e0gniud thal oew tlemonj! have be<n tntrOduced by the Vlet.CO.g. 'Ibey ~ted (lUt µi;e new ..-..~ •• ,. couched Jnrmaoy cueo •Jn ,.........., laJ11U ... : '""Y :wb<.l!lruck by °" ~ lnessllke tone of the statement and moN optlmilillc expe:rls believed the propo,. al represented noilr;~able CommunW movement. . While tile proposal .. ~ no.. •tanda Is not acce e lo the United Stalll and ltl allles,-eJjlerla oald It u,;. doubtedty repr nts an early barpi~ ing position tba may be subject to fltet modification. Reagan Spe~s In-Anaheim On Drug Figh~ ANAHEIM -Gqv. :tonald Reagan today urged members of the California Junior Chamber of Commerce to join In the 'fight against di-ug abuse in their communities. Io a s~ prepared ror a chamber luncheon, the governor said his adJnin. latration· is giving "urgent priority" to the solution ot 1he grcw1ng drug ~ blem "to s.tve our young people from this illicit threat." Reagan ·listed a number of local pro-- jects, including· the recently formed drug abuse councils at junior and senior hi gh schools, which are designed to in· 'lorrn parents and-children or the dang· ers of drug use. He urged the Jaycees to ''lend all as. sistance possible to the anti-drug abuse projects in your area. Fin d out what needs to be done, then lake the lead in seeing that it is done." Reagan cited statistics which showed arrests of drug offenders under 18 years old ·was running at the rate of 3,250 a ·month in Califo rnia so far this year con1pared with 2,500 a mont h last year. He said the total number of 1969 drug arrests, including adults. hJ3 occured at a rate of 11,050 p; month while last year the rate was 8,500 a month. "Wiping oul the drug problem is J>Oll· sibly the greatest challenge in the area of crime control that has ever confront· ed California and this nation," Rea1an said. From Pag~ l BAY SWAP. • • Heim in a motion that will almost ctr· tainly draw the Irvine Company's determined opposition. "lf we get the judge's approval, we can go to trial," Perry. said Frid8y, "I feel confident that we can and that both Heim and ourselves can then go ahead with our plans to prevent consummation of this land deal." Heim threw a spanner into the Irvine Compan,.•s plans to develop the 157 acres of tidelands they obtained from Orange County when he refused to pay a $13,197 bill for initial dredging plans for the y,·et1ands1 The coanty auditor asserted his belief the swap of the county land for 457 acres of Irvine Company land lo be U1)& constitutional and he challenged the ac- tion Of the State Lands Commission that enabled Irvine and the county to make tile deal. h1etro.111tdi1 Craphic.s Ii pruenUng the show. ' 'TO-MOTHER, WITH LO'le:'l'ROM DARREN' 'I Love Mom; She Jump1 Ropes \'/ith Me' • ' • • • end ; Y•.,.••-Pe:tsw• I • ~Ol:. 62, NO. ·11 2, '4 SECTIONS, 60 PA6ES SA lURDA'Y, MAY ·) 0, 1969 TEN CENT.$ Upper B .. ay By TOM !WILEY Of .. o.ctf ,. .. ,..,. The. much-debated tidelands ucbange between 0..-CGoo/IY and the Irvine Comj>ony -fillo the 8aprlor Court 11P9lligbt again Monday when Judge Claude Owens will be asked to rule-on whether or not six Harbor Area homeowners • can cballenge the Uppet Newport Bay land swap. Ho bas already conceded tlte rlgbt ol Mr. aod Mr&. Frank -and Mr. and . Mrs. Haro!¢ Co..nlale of Newplllt Bea<lt and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Man of University Park, Irvine, to intervene in the action. . But he mllll determine at M011114Y's court _.,. ii eyldence whlclt Qiunty Audito .. Vic A. Helm ba!>el to ~can be admitted before ltim. And Los Angeles attorney Ralph Perry 1 will align the homeownen he .. represents alongside Heim in a' motioli that will al.molt W· tainly draw tbe Irvine Company's de,= ct'=;• qpnpr.i, we Clb • ' 4 • go to trill," Perry said Friday. "I feel confident that we can and lhlit both Heim and ounelves can then go ahead with our r::s to. prevent consummation of thill deal.'' Hi!lm~w a -into tlte Irvine Company's plans to develop the 157 acres or lidel/>n\18 they obtained from . Orange CoUntf ""° he re!Uiod' to ply a $13,197 bill for initial dredging plans for the wetlinds. n.i counly --bis belief the swap of. tbe county land for '57 acres MARINA HIGH.PEP LEADERS WELCOME THEIR HlillOINE -JUNIOR MISS BENINGTON 'My Gosh, To Think All ThoM Kids Steyool Mt.r School •Jost for Me' • It , ---1' . --, ~li:.Y P,R.o'f,...... .,_,Pat~....- :_' . '.. WORDS TUMILE F9R1'1-AS JAUJa T~=~:WCP ';Sptbll,S 'ff-I', ~-.. ; • ·•V;:. • . Nat M 111A jl{ d1 1,4 U.., Pt . . ·~Jitt' .... ~IWt· :--.,.-. , 't • . ·'"'I"' ' -' -• t:9"1"'" : . . -~ . B,e,~C.h . H~ils _ .. Quee-n . Jackie . . . . . ·' Thousands of Classmates Greet New Jun.ior Miss By TE~V COVILLE Of tfMo Dll&lr f'lllf Sll H 'I1le best words Jackie Benington bad for her Mama High ""hoolmates;Friday aftsnoon were, "'my gosh, l sure 3:p- Jftciate everyone staying after school j~t for me." .. Just for: me," ·may be the ~ un- derll(I~ wor~. ·Huntington ~ah's proudest' product .wru. \ISe durtl)g ber year4ong rtf&n as· Junior Miss of America. More-than 1,000 or her classmates stated after school as students and of· ficiils tlike welcomed Jackie home from Mobile, Ala. "This whole thing is just so exciting I don't know what to do.!' began Jackie as sbe, spoke to her classmates in the school's outdoor amphitheater. "Speaking on television was nothing compared to this," continued a highly es:- cited young woman, ''I'm ao glad to be back, to be able to relax and go to the beach." ''I'm proud rJ. the place I come from," COll<tilded Jackie as her frimda acreomed with dtJl&bt and gave ~ a ltanding ov .. ticin. To begin the cenmonies J actie flew over the achool in-a helicopter provided by McDonneD-Dooglas. Then a police escort took her from the M.cDonnell- Douglas plant to Marina High, where friends and olficlals waited to greet her at ali:Jut 3:30 p.m. First they read the letters or con-' grab.ilations from Governor Ronald Reapn, Congm;smen Richard Hanna (!).Weslminster) and Craig Hosmer (R· 1-, Beach), and state AsaemblymU Robert Burke (ll-Hlinllngtoo Beach) who wrote . that be was introducing . a bill commending Jackie. David L. Baker, Orange County Supervisor, was present to congratulate Jackie and told her: "The wheels of government turn slowly in Orange County .so we don't have oor resolution ready to commend, YQU, f>t,.t I WB!Jl',tq,O,ve.you my thanks-on,bMalf of the" c:o®tY."''' .. HWlUngton~.Be'ach MaYlft ·Jlck' Grffn drew a burst of laughter when· be "follow- ed Baker saying, "Jackie, the wbetJs 0£ government tum a little faster here:" Re then presented her with the city's r.esolu- tion proclaiming May 9 "Jackie~ Ben· ingtoo Day." Then Mayor Green gave her the firs' set of the city's brand QJ!W keys, bearin{; the new city logo. The Junior Miss of America Pageant is sponso<ed by the Jaycees aod tltey had their representatives pre.sent to honor ber. . Huntinglon Beach Jaycee l'relddent lllib Brooks pr...med Jacllfe With ·a ll¢ly' ddg stuffed With bii~ liltb., *i-. altar ber win in•lloblle,IJl<ile had --a -for a nlce-qdiet bobble bath. The Huntington Beach Chamber or Cmnmerce, repreaeoted :by President C. E. "Bill" Woods 'and manager · Dale DuM, named Jackie .the official am- btmador of ,the city. Wonb uplodei;I from Jackie's lips as $he told her frlenda bow eldted she was. 'Bui. talking toot IOOOl1d place to the ~and hap that arftied Ja<kie alter tho formal weicome. 'Rell .•• and ,. HttJe peace and quiet, are aeit on J ickie'1,apodl •. . . . • JACKIE COMES HOME ·TO HB Down•to Earth Via Ch-r . ·Zap! Town Busts Seaiµs ZAP, N.D.2 (UPI) -Some 40 North Dakota biChway patrolmen lounged on · the out!klrta of thls prairie town suburb of Bismarck while 3,000 college students beld a massive beer bust to celebrate the-prem;ere of the..Jlrst annual "Zap- In. .. Sludehls ft<ln all -the llllion ..... a_,.,,.,._ ol---ot • Fn4of. can __ ,., -aa Pe!llW)'lnnla, and -from . F~ LaLiderdale, Fla.. and UCLA roamed the lllreets, outnumbered oaly by tlte vast amount of empty beer caos that began to accumulate in the city streets. The Zap tt•ideota met tlte lludents wjth a mixture ol outr\pt hiaUil1y , frllMlj Ill 8nd ariollilf. ---' Oat 1*ident ~ ... a "+-' I -,_,.. I ._...,. ... .... ICl'Oll bis drl+ewiJ, wtdJe .a.or-·lair Iii' mean and .. u.. boob of pidmp trvcb watching tlte biqat ba-'"C to bit tbll town - the nearby Mlssourl River Jul · evtr· flowed. Al Lilclcy's Bar, 10,000 cases of beer were; on hand to serve the Influx of cus- 1.otne('I in the tavern that hat a f]V~rtool bar aljil ~ -· '"1e'. itlldtrit4 1Jeim> pQurlog-Into the p1n1.-town n ... m11es nortjnvel\ .o1 Bilmardt Friday . an.moon Jor what ..., • be a tnncl .. tter for tlte 1prine VlctUoQ crowd. . ' • • Back in C.ourt's Hands .. . . - of Irvine Company land to be un- consUtutional and he cballenged the ac- tion of lbe state Landi Commission. that enabled Lrvine and the COUDty to make tlte deal. ~ty aupervlson stand behind the Irvine Company in a development pro~ tbat ts sclleduled to coovert .the ·!Tvine territory into part and recrtaUon areas. The reitoqulsbed county land wU1 be Ille site of .rtllldentiakom!nttdal develop- ment ltudded with marinas a n d waterwaya, pnllminary plans indicate. . "We will go into Ulla malter ln a big way if we get this approval from Judge Owens," Perry said Friday. "We plan to mate a full scale analysis of this land trade throughout and we believe we can come up with eVidence that wt1I compel any trial cowt to rule 1n oUr favor." Perry and the ho.meowoeta -and ap- parently Hi!lm -argue that con- sunimatiqa of the lrvh>e deyelopment will • mem a Joss to county taxpayers of "hun- dred& ol milllonl o! dollars ... Perry statea in his argument that coun- ly-lrvine valuaUons of the 457..acN spread at Sl9 million and the 157-acre tract at $11 million are mllt.ading. He challenges the inference that tbe county, would thua be II million beUer off II tho deal pa tbrouih. . Thole: met1DDents1 Perry states, matt no· provtsfon for tbte tremendous ~ in valuation Iba~ mJid be llroqhl aboa! by tlte extenll:-<1 dwmeling and~ propooed by the Irvine Co. • Deputy County Ccmlsef Robert F. Nu,,_ (Seo BAY SWAP, PIP I). Crash l(ills Yout·li • Car Leaves Road, Lands in Creek By.JOHN VALTERZA Of .... Dill ... ,. ..... , ... A Missicn Viejo High Sclwol student wu 1tilJed outright and bis male com- panion seriously injured late Friday nJihf Wtieii a •Ports car vaiilted olf El Toro Road and landed in a creek 25 feet below. Coroner's investigators said the dead youth Wal Delbert E. Kennedy II, 17, son of Marine Lt. and Mrs. D. E. Kennedy of 24772 Belgreen Place, El Toro. Laguna Niguel Official Tells Firm's Position . .. . ~ ,., ' ' ~---r~·l\tiiARD P. NAti.~· ·: • ~ .... 0.ilr ,..., ""'! -• .,.. ff\i . .f;·f\'~1~111!~~~~.: finned' · a)JPWance ·b<lore tlte o..anae C\lunty Gnnd·Jury to gift the corporate side o! the tbtt&<o-.d Salt C..ek Road cootroveny. The Grand Jury, inquiring into facts surrounding the matter, this week also heard aitcwney William Wilcoxen who contenda ·tne county acted illegally when It abandoned the road to Laguna Niguel Corp. Bell said the county acted not only legally in abandOnlng the roid bat bad a legal obligaUon to do so since the road served only one property awnerdllp rather than several or evea 'wo. He lltened the road stretch that ran from Coast Highway to a·point.near,the beach to a private driveway aituaUon with PO one afforded access but one prop- erty owner. After Laguna Niguel cOrp. ·requested the abandonment, said Bell, the only way the county could have legally blocked abandonment wou1d have been to qu.ick.ly acquire property along the road. Asked then if the county should not have abandoned the road at some earlier date -before Laguna Niguel Corp. took control -Bell said: "You might say the county should have abandoned it in 1961 when an earlier por· (Seo NIGUEL, Page I) Panthers Attract 500 at OCC as Guests of SDS More than 500 persons turned out Fri· day at Orange Coast Co11ege's auditorium to hear Santa Ana representatives of the Btack Panthers. 1be a~ance of the Panthers on the Costa Mesa campus was sponaored by asserted members of the Students for a Democratic Society (SOS) which doesn't have sanction of the. OCC adminlstrallon as a bonafide campuai club. Two Paotbers l1>0te to 'the audience which ' about hale filled the OCC all:lltorimn. 7'ere wu aome foul tanguag<, a few· hoota and catalll lrom tlte audience but m real tmlble . Whlle two Panthers spoke,. fOlll'othen otatloned tbe-""8 al tbe audlt!'flmn entranca in guard-Ute stance. One ·wore a combat jacket. Others we~ in morti con- "'enliona.J attire. The spWm ..... introduced by sos member and OCX:: student Sieve Xauf· · man. , The' 'P"'""" -ldenlifiid only · by • "brother" names -outlined 10 polnll lo tlte Paollier ptat/"11>o and detailed their 1 .... potnt program being carried out .in Santa Anl. Tbey_said u..r.-..-m11ng .._ ........ ment Mt _ \V'OVlde brtakfutl far 1 the hwllrY IPd to atWnpt •tlinl·"P am. health clinic for the needy. With him in the 1958 English sports car waa ~d Joseph Bondi, 11, 0£ 213n er-ta Ave., Mission Vlejc/. Coroner's aides said the accident was discovered at 11 :40 ~.I]). l!o!!l youths were thrown from the car after it missed a curve where the road crosses Los Alisos Creek. The sports car then tore through the bridge railing and fell into the creek bed. Young Kennedy died from massive head injuries, report.a sald. ;rile Bondi )'9lltb -!Um to 8oulli CoaJt Community """*"1 Ill' Lqunl Beach' where h1s l'fllMfitloQ was dsribo ed as ••fair to gUarded." He ii iUffer- ing.Jrom mn!Upte_injuries, nuraea•aald. The dead youth's lather ts on ~ wllli the MJrine Corps in Okinawa, _.. alda said. The youlb'• -·--Mil' Greta Kennedy, resides at the ~ Place address. Funeral services are pending at Mettler Colonial .Mortuary in Orange. Nixon,. Cabinet Officers • Meet on Crucial Issues Lagunan Buried. In Himalayas To Remain There .A guide. for tlte IU·f;lted Himalaya climbihg erpedjtion that clalmed the livea of -a,. Laguna Beach man· and five companions said in• Nl!pal toitay no ' at- tempt will be made to recover the bod- ies.- The unidentified Nepalese guide said "before we left 'we agreed if anyobt.dies his body should remain where the Him- alayas claimed it." _ Among the half-dozen avalanche vic- tims was Paul Gerhard, 27, 271 High Drive, Laguna Beach. In the same report from Katmandu, Nepal, a female American alplnist camped near lhe Americans when the avalanche killed them late last month blamed the expedition'• leader for "be- ing careless and In a hurry." Elaine Hennlltoo said tlte danger or avalanches · was obvious. "The American eipeditlon believed the mountain wu the aaroe as othen," s)le said. "They did not care about wutber conditions, tJiey did not ac- cllmathe tbemleives, Ibey did not re- connoiter before climbing." He's Ma y Queen , But Jud ges Opt For Fairer Sex EDINBORO, Pa. (UP.I) - A brawny, s.rooW young man waa elected Msy . queen by the atudenta at !:illnboro Stale College, but I lchool QfliclA1 dllquall• fled him on a technlcallty • David Merrldan, 21, a aeol« from PiUsburgb, wllo camPllgDed fa< ,._ ·to' spite Ille fratemliles and -itta whlch SporllOI' the ·annual event, ,,.. elected by a lancll\lde Friday. He ca~ tured to percent ot the vote u a wrtte-. Jn -candidate. Emil Magdlk, dtre<tor of tlte •College Unloo, •olde<j · Mer'rldao's bfl)ota 'be-' cab,. be aald lhei young ·me,rl campaign' ' l!d at night! after the womeh's curfew. · Mqilik said MerriC!an bad an ''Unfair advanta,e•• over the women ~ The IUllDOMIP. -~ 11, • a ftabmln. also of ~1 WU . en.med at the-aoqy~I · 111y. dance Fri- day nfghl aft... --- N. lolU<beJI ~ HHlth and lfelllN Secrelacy -rt H. Fillch. Tben· wil DO ·iel agmda, a~ to pr.a *'etarJ llaaald L. . Ziegler, Tbe freMONR meellng was .._ to lDcladel welfare ~ Nixon h3I bee! atuclYinl here and plana to b""' eo the ..,...,. of unemplO)'Dl'lll'...,. --In addition to other Jity White House staffen, the preeepoe of Roaen C. & Morton, chairman ol tlte R<oobllcq Nallonaf Conunlttee, lOOkated GoP .po. lltical cooslderatiom are involved. NI.Ion kept mum on the new Viet Coac peace plan as pressure mounted bWn congressionaf leaden, including Sa>ali majority leader Mite -Id, to liV!I the proposal serious conslderaUon. 4 So far the Florida White Houae · bai steadfastly refused to irxllcate Uit President's thinking on the Comnnmllt proposal f<r a coilitioo govam:oeut tO supervise free electioos in South Viltio nam. Under repeated ~; ~ ler would say only the Prelldent ii ~ suing "a CO\lf5e of acUott" to end the war. Ziegler also said Nlson la "aware• that some senators are bnakfnc ibeit silence and losing their patience wit1t tbe adminlslralion'• V1etnam approach. The chief executive arranged for NeW York Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller. his special emissary to Latin America, tO stop olf SUnday before departing on hit fact-finding tour. 'There was no plan tor Nllon to see Secretary of State Wllllam P. Ropn prior to his departure llloDday for Vie(.. nam and--· Ille Far East. In the put two days, tho White Hooao has ~ a series o1 campus ap. pearances by Nino in. June with Indi- cations tlte President may .-& oal again against stUdellt disorders. ·Weadter Spring finally has put in an •P.- pearance, ana lt'll puah the mer. cury into the 7011 for Mother's Day with awmy sties under whlcb to take out your bell girt .INSmE TODAY NoUd Author .sterling Notth reca#I "WllO'IU' M 11 M o t h t r Taugh' Mt," including one abovt plo11ino marble:1 "for kelJ)I,"' FinnUv Weektv. TM Four King Couin.s aAd thtfr children rpark up tbdaw'• cooar of TV WEEK, sol•tino Mothtr'1 Dav. ... .._ .,, -· ' -.. -' -,..,. -,, .... ~ -~-• -' --1•11 -" -.... • ....,, r 1111r " --.. ·-.. -.. 1.1 • • e ~ng-lov:ed Saint~ ed to Make the Cut ' BY ALAN DIRKIN ot .. DMrr ...... '''" Jf you like to kwp.the faith, baby, as you tool down the Santa Ana Free- wtth a SL OU'lJtopher medallion swinging from the dash, then you're i&ed to get right out of the hot lane and find another traveling Ci>mpanion. ~ It seems that cood old St. Christopher has gone as far as he can go. He's .... the e.nd of the · road. The traditional patron saint ot travelers was those s\orled figures who failed to make the ~t Fridey 11 when Ute Catholic Church came up with a revised roster or apjtrov<d saints. -' . * The Vatican didn't leave us motorists defen.seleas, bow· Mr, ;-heri it pulled Christopher's drJving liCense. Th._e: church IUl(ftlSted we try St FJ;ancesco Romana. ~. Francaco Ro- man.a? Apparently he's the one Italian drlvers rely on, though, tt ,.. ... evrt driffll In llome Y!" coufdn•1 be blamed for thinking be alreadj has more than he can handle. 'sm.t. tfavelen wereD't the only ones to ·Jose an old friend. Quite a few heroes Jost their halos. For a Ume Friday even Santa Claus was on the casualty list. St. Nicholas, wu repc.ted " being among the'. 31 ncXHiu8.lifJers but 1ater in the day this wes eiplained as -a tniBunderslanding. He was hurriedly reinstated as a saint in cood faith. All the Vlrginias breathed a sigh of relief. * But not the Barbaras, Catherines ·end Susannas. Their namesakes were stricken from the liturgical rolls. St. Boniface was another who lost face. What will the Santa Barbara Cham~ ot Commerce make of it? Santa Barbara by any olher name may not attract as many tourists. Nowhere waa the blow felt more than in Rome itself where the American Catholk. Church ii named alter St. Susanna. All the Rev. John Dimond, pastor of St. Suaanna'1, could exclaim was "How ts It possible? We have her buried in the basement.'' * 1be church hed an uplanaUon for putting the halos back in the hat box. ll aid thae old favorites of OW'I really belong in legend rather than in I.he c..t of characters of a liturgical calendar. It's doubtful whether they ever exlated er if they did whether the salnUy acts attributed to them ever occurred. Well, that may be, but pulling the rug on Christopher medallion manu- facturers before they could unload their s1ock was rather uncharilable. And 'fblle ti Is comforting to believe that a shady past will catch up eveb wtth a saint, we must take ialue with the Pope on the status of that vallent knight, St. George, patron saint of England, Gennany and Portugal, wbo also was left out of the new line-up. Al an Englllhman, I must say that all those Englishmen, German s and , · Portuguese can't be wrong. What's more we have the military on our side. Thl:t fine fellow who slew the fire-breathing dragon is also the patron saint of soldiers. The Vatican claims that historians have never been able to prove this w<rtby deed. 'I1le Colombia Encyclopedia backs thia statement up to some ex· tent, conceding the noble knight's Ille is cloaked in legends. The encyclopedia, however, does not simply describe this heroic man as an ordinary saint but u "one of the great saints or the Eastern Church." Furthennore, St. George's Cross i1 red and it can be found right in the middle of the Union Jack. You wouldn't araue witb tbat, would you? t ~- Go"/den Spike Recreates Joining of 2· Railroads . PROMONTORY, Utah (AP). -It has been 100 year1 slnce there has been this much activity around barren, winii- swept Promontory Summit, Utah. On May 10, 118. in thE afternoon. hundreds of oHiclals and spectators watched the golden splke ceremony when the last rail COMected lhe Union Pa- cific and Central Pacific railroads, and America had its first transcontinental nUroad. • Residenl!I around Promontory, ln oorthern Ulah, re-enact the drlvlng of ~ golden spike each year. But atten- dance b light. · This year, authorities predict thou· sands of people will be on band for the re-elllctment this afternoon at the same spot tbe cemnony was held 100 years 110. · But now . the railroad on which the etumon.y will be held goes "°"'here. In fact a section of railroad had to be built specially for today's ceremony. Spectatorl and participants can't even 1et there by rail. The track was abandoned, and later DAILY PILOT N...,.n ..... • .......... ..... --_,..., --CAUJOINIA 0-ANGS (Q4S1 ~ll1$MING COMl'ANY Rei.t rt N. W114 l'rtll*nt •Ml ,llttll"""' J"k R. c,,._,, '11(.r l'ralilllllt .,.. Otritfll MtMttt Th""''' Kee•IJ ·-Th ..... A... M1r,lli111 ~lfl• I ' ... ' pulled up, when the railroad was re· routed in 1904. OO'Zerui: of national figutts will be on hand for the centennial party. Transportation Secretary John A. Volpe is scheduled to dedicate a new visitors' center. Thomas Goodfellow, president of the Association of American Railroads will talk about the history, and the future or railroads. Presidents of the companies which laid the original line -the Union Pa· cilic and Southern Pacilic -will be present. The Southern Pacilic was call- ed the Central Pacific when the lines were joined JOO years ago. The original golden spike has been on display in Salt Lake City for several weeks. It was loaned to Utah by Stan- ford Univ ersity for the celebration. Fro1n Page 1 NIG UEL ... lion (now serving f\fonarch Bay) \\'as abandoned. It was just a private dri veway into the Caprin property ... Laguna Niguel acquired the JOO.acre Capron ~roperty for part of ils planned commuruty development to eventually serve about 80,000 persons. Wilcoxen is fighting the corporation and the cowity in Superior Court to overturn road aban- donment which he has characterized as a gift of valuable county property. Bell said one question he was aSkC'rt during his Grand Jury appearance was ''·hy the Laguna Niguel side ol lhe mailer had never appeared in the pres s. He maintained that peraon.s rtsponsible tor news stories had given 1he sheer bulk of news stories to Wilcoxen's sJde of the Issue. Bell maintains that Wilcoxen has con· fused the issue with "all kinds of charges" tbat are incorrect. Asked about a $100,000 damage claim again.rt the Capistrano Park and Recrea- llon District board, which Wilcoxen reprtsents, and U1 q:cnts, Bell said ; "They are mtddUna In this at !Us In- stigation. We've taken depositions from all the directon (of lhe Park and Recrea- tion board) ancl they said they had rio facts to support the charges. "Till!y didn't know lhty were 1ettlng Into a law suit and h.tdn't even seen the pleadings that were filed by Wilcoxen, which ta r1ther unusual. They were motivated by Wilco•en to join thi1 law suit which he la: payin1 tor.'' Wilcoxen had chare.cl.criied the claim agalnlt lbe recrtaUon dlftrict tnd him u "• 1tunt. •• Bell l'k!_lhal the r«realioo district hid nO bus.lnesa In the matter and had never had pilns lo buy aey beach. • I I U .s~-Cautious • f W ASllD!(l'l'ON (UPI) -stmtary ct Slate WIPJim ·P. 8'!ce!S la tak1nc a cqtloul a-towaj'd tj>e Viel Coita'• lo.pobtt ~~-Ute Vltlto Miii W• lltll 'llt I . thero are 11ew elements ''thit wW f.eqUfre further eJ.ploraUon at the Paris peace ta:lks. It was undentood thaL Rogers, an ex.perienced lawyer, felt that each poinL presented by lhe Viet Cong at the Paris conference on Thursday would have to be car~ully and further ddined. State Department oUiclals said some of the Issues the Vi~t COllg pr.,.n~ ln their proposal have been dbeuued prevlotltly ID Paris. llut the new Com- munist proposal represents a compila· tion of familiar points and a number of new additions. 1lll Uelt"". ~ Is In ·~ contact wltll Ult ~ ~ ' om thi Viol Cocl( tfon. Oii ~ SotjtJI Vt_,_ ,(><elgn Ministry t. au<d a lfaiemut thit do111\W1Ced IOme parts « the Viet Cong plan es unac-- ceptable but conceded other elements were wortlt · dlacuul.og. Roger1, who DI maklna final prepara- tions for r-17-d«J trip to Vietnam and other Asian nations beginnin& Monday, issued a 1talemeot whlch ~rded with Saigon's line on the Viet Cong propoo- al. -tald: '1W1t& respect lo the p:>aitlon taken by the other side in PW on Mey t. thet wlll require careful study aod clar· ificatlon. It a1ntains some cleerly un- acceptable proPQsalt, but t.tte~ are ele-, on . Cong Off~ me.nls ID It w~!c) 'l!lV l!l!er a PQ!ll· bl!lt,y fof eqiloridiot. I ' "We will u:amlne tlill statement c~re. fully In the hope~ that 11 represents a scrioua response to lhe proposals pot forward by South Vletnam and the United States. I will, of course, be ~ suiting very closely with the Vietnamese Jeaden on this matter." ·'f'he Viet Cong proposaJ was being given very careful 11tudy by the Nixon admlnlslrat.ion at · hlghest and lower workin& levels. -' ID Key JliscaJI!!, Fla., PmldeN Nix- on and presidenllal assistant Hoary A. Ktalnger were examtna UM: proposals in delail. In Washington, State Department ex- perts on Vietnam were e1aming tbe rec· orda of Utt Parb peace tal1'a -ud-'"" vl0\11 ~lllllsl """"' pllM •16 ...,.. mine aJ exicfty aa pos!lble the ch•nget contained iri the 10-point pliln. Experts rte0gnlzed that new elementa ha\•e been introduced by the Viet Cong. They pointed out the new _pa~sa~ are cOucbed ln many cases ln ambiguous language. They were struck by the bus· lnesslike tone or the slatement and more optimistic experts believed the propos· al represented noticeable Comrnunist movement. . .. While the proposal as It now stands Is not aceept.able to the United Slates and its allies, these experts said it un- doubtedly represenµi ;ln earlY bargain· ing position that may be subject to later modification. * * * Marines Carry Otter Go Home? Reagan Spea~s In Anaheim On Drug Fight War to Reds ;In Big Battle DA NANG. South Vietnam {UPI) U.S. 11arines marched for two nights without sleep to attack North Vietnamese troops heeded toward Oa Nang and killed at least 129 in two days of fight· ing, military spokesmen said today. Four other battles between Saigon and the Cambodian border involving U.S. infantrymen and air cavalrymen sup- ported by tanks and air strikes left 61 Communists dead. The fight near Da Nang moved into its second day today. More than I,SOO Marines marched toward the Vu. Gia River where 400 North Vietnamese troops were trying to burst lhrough al· lied lines. "It's like a turkey shoot," said Lt. Col. James Higgins, 37, "We broke up a gathering of the clan. We have got them out gunned and outnumbered." Marine carualUes were reported as six dead and 12 wounded. "When the Red! woke up Friday morn- ing we were in posiUon," Hlgglm said. He set up a command post in a hill· top cemetery overlooking the battlefield 12 miles southwest of Da Nang, on South Vietnam's northern coast.. •·we caught them with a lot of air and artillery strikes and we kept clos· !rig; in on them," Higgins said. "We shut off their escape routes. They were con- fused and disorganized. The Communists split Into IO·and 15· man groups and made frantic thrusts against the tightening cordon but there was no escape, military spokesmen said. U.S. planes swooped in low over dried- up rice paddies, blistering the Commu- nists with napalm. lifore than 3,000 rounds of artillery r ipped in from three Marine outposts. "You could see the goop running all over," sald Sgt. Mark Llmpic, 22, a sniper. "My buddy killed 14 of them, but he only got credit for four," Limpic said. "Somebody has to find the body on the ground before it counts." Grand Jury Gives Its Opinions On State Bills Recommendations of the Orange C.oun· ty Grand Jury pertainlng to seven bllb now before the state Legislature have been forwarded to the c o u n t y ' s legislators. In a covering letter, jury foreman \Vil\iam 0. Martin of Laguna Beach noted that there "are an unusually large number of bills ptnding .. , which con· cern them selves with grand juries." f>.larlin said the jurors had "informed themsel ves" and ''because \\'C feel strongly about the obligations of panel members lo express themselves (on pen· ding legislation) v.·e arc taking t h~ librrty or asking that you consider our position on this legislation." The recom1nendations : -5trongly in favor of ACA 57 (constitutional amendment ) which would prov ide for two grand juries in each county each year; one to consider In· dictments (criminal) and one on governmental arralrs. -Strongly In favor of AB 459 which provides that jurors must be registered voters end repeals a provision em· pov.·ering judges to select names of pro- spective jurors from "persons in the county" rather than from "a list of names eligible for Grand Jury duty returned by the Jury Commissioner.'' -In fa vor of SB 460 which authorizes grand juries, courts, district attorneys and the atlomey general to Inspect an- nual reports of cemetery authoriUes con- cerning endowment funds. Such reports art not to be open to the public, however. -Stron1\y a1ainst AB 641 which amends laws concerning lf'and juries \l'bich "e1empt elected public official!! from acting as crand jurors, e1cept school district officials.'' -Againat AB 388 which v.·ould allow mu\Uple grand Jurica in counties wtth populat.lon in exc!M of 4 mi!Uon. -Against AB 1349 wh.ich providn that the jury panel each year shall include thrte members ol the precedlna i'f'Md Jury. -No recompumdation on AB m. whkh would lncrtue Jurors' fees from $S to as a day, and requlre that Jurors selected be represent•Uve of aU economic levels in the county, ' " I 'Peanuts' Stirs Niguel Debate By JACK CHAPPELL OI Hit C>eltr , .... 119" Peanuts ls: a frisky &ix·month-<>td otttr and she's got trouble right at home in Monarch B1y down Laguna Niguel way. Peanuts beloncs to the John Eriklmoen family of 32812 EmprtSI way. She joined the family aboUt one month ago and unUl recently, bad been moet happy just splasblng in lhe family's decoraUve pool. Now, however, Peanuts ill the ctnter of debate. The Erikamoens say ahe ia just friendly and sometimes frightened by neighborhood chi!dren. Others s a y Peanuts ii a menace beca\lle she bit one child. And now, Orange County burea.cracy has leaped into the cue with a ruling that could mean Peanuta must go. It all be1an when John Erlksmoen bough\ Peanuts for S250 from Uncle Jim '• Jungle in Los Angelea. All was happy unW this week, when a number of neighbor children assertedly knocked down a section of \he backyard fence while teasing Peanut!, according to Mrs. Eriksmoen. Mr1. Eriltsmoen said Peanuts became terrified and fled from the bo)'s who at,. tempted to hit her with sticks . · Somewhere in the· great otter chase, Peanuts sllpped into a neighboring home at 22.871 King John Lane and scared the occupants who scared Pean;rts even more. Reports vary as to what e•actly hai> pened, but anyhow, eig;hl·year-<lld Steve Haythorne ended. up with an otter blle ~n his left forearm. Peanuts ended up Jn quarantine. Now county officWt h~~ told the Eribmoena \hit they must get rid of the otter five days after the quaranUne ends h-1ay 19. II they don't, they c'an be fined $500 per day for'each day they keep her. The county maJntains that' otters represent a violation of fl! zoning ordinance which says in part, "the keep- ing of wild exotic or non-domestic animals ls prohibited," in ttsidential neighborhoods. As far as the zonin1 ordinance Is con· cerned, the Eriks moens a1uld seek a variance application from the county planning departn1ent, building officials said. Ho\vevcr. the Health Department too n1<.1y have some say as to whether otters are compatible with 2oth century residen- tial living -thus snarling the red tape even more. The Erlksmoens believe that Peanuts Is safer than a large dog which Is of course permitted under county law. Peanuts, meanwhile, is oblivious to all the con· fusion. She's content lo n1unch on chicken necks and chase htr tail in the pool at the Eriksmoens. At least for a while . Kinder garteners ]'.f ix Up Recip es For Mother's Da y ... Some kindergarten puplls at Laguria Deach's Aliso Elementary School not only :ipproached Mother's Day with note and drawings of love but they even added recipes. All thla effort was collected into a recipe book for mothers. For esample, Darren Schoulten's book was illustrated with a drawing of mother jumping rope and Darren explained. "I Love my Mom because she jumps ropes with me .•. " Darren aJ.50 offered Mom 1 recipe, thus : Darren's Cbocolate C.ke ''Get a teas:poon of sugar. flour and vinegar. Then baking powder. Stir It up. Put some eggs under it. Put it in a pan \\'ith aalt and pepper. Pul it in the oven for two hours. After, take the cake out and put frosUng oo it." Peo ple's Gallery Op ening Slated Art comes to Fuhton Island In N•wPort Beach MM<l"f with lbe openlng of the People'a Gallery, an outdoor U · hibit ol worka of renowned arUsts. n1e four-week ahow will prelt'nt JO graphlca designs on • serte1 of trlancular kloolcs placed along the tn1ll of.Fultloo Island, f11turtn1 the work of 111<b artl9U as Ptter M1z1 Milton Olaser and Robert indllftL Metromedia Grepltlct Is pn!S<ntin1 the show. • OAllY ,llOT Sti lt J'M.11 OTTER TROUBLE IN NIGUEL Mrs.-enr~sme~nS ,n:t'Pe~nuts-' Protests Prolon g Fighting: Ag ne'v TULSA, Okla. (UPI) -Vice Presl· dent Spiro T. Agnew charged Friday night that peace demvnstrations are prolonging the war in Vietnam. Agnew, speaking at a Republican fund raisin1 dinner, said the war in Vietnam is being "cooled gradually" by Presi· <lent Nixon and said he could guarantee 1hc President 'vould not agree to a "un- il<i teral withdrawal." "In my judgement," he said, "the war in Vietnam would be over today it we could simply stop the demonstrations in the U.S. It is the pcaccniks who lead the enemy to believe this country is di vided. ... J ANAHEJM -Gov. a.onald Reagan today urged members of the California Junior Chamber of Commerce to join in the fight against drug abuse in their a1mmunities. , In a speech prepared tor a chamber luncheon, the governor said his admin· lstration is giving 1'urg;ent pfiorlty" to the solution of the growing qrug; pro- blem "to save our young people from this illicit thre at." Reagan listed :t number of local pro- jects, including the recently formed drug abuse council!! at junior and senior high schools, which are designed to in· form parents and children of the dan&· ers ot drug use. He urged the Jaycees to "lend all as· slstance possible to the anti-drug abuse projects in your area. find out what needs to be done, then take the lead in seeing that it is done." Reagan cited statistics \vhich showed arrests of drug offenders 11nde1 JB 1·ears old was running at the rate of J,2:-,o a month in California so far this yea r compared with 2,500 a month last yea r. He said the total number of 1969 drug arrests. including adults, has occured at a rate of 11,050 a month while last year the rate was 8,500 a month. Mesa Cof C Plans Emblem Contest The Costa Mesa Chamber of Com- merce is conducUng a contest for high se~l art students to create an emblem for the newly.formed Redcoats, a sports subdivision of the Chamber's awards committee. The winner will see his design blazoned on jackets, stationery and brochures. There will be three cash prizes of StS, $10 and $5, and 12 honorable mention awards. The top 15 designs will be ex· hibited in June at the Bank of America downtown Costa Mesa branch. The contest closes f\lay 16 at ·6 p.m. Fro111 Page 1 BAY SWAP·. • • man has stated before Judge Ov.·ens that Orange County 's only interest at this stage of the proceedings is lo ensure that any party opposed to the land trade be heard. He ls expected to take his place al the side of Irvine lawyer Charles Warren on t.fonday. • 'TO MOTHER, WITH lOV!, FROM DARREN' 'I Love Mom; She Jumps Rop•s WJth M•' \ • • J [' , I I DAILY .. ILOT Stall ,. .... MUSIC .TEACH!'R KEN OWEN PLAYS A BIT OF TRUMPET WITH HIS YOUNG D)lljCE BAND Good SOurtd• and A W1y About Ham That Makes Early Risers Out of His Students Viola D•nisov•, 26. of La Ro- chelle, France, popped ihto an auto- matic photograph booth to hide two stolen leather coat,s under ,her over- coat. To convince passetsby that &he was having her photograph tak- en, she put in the money-but then forgot tie pick up the prints. Police today produced the photographs as evidence when a court sentenced Viola to a stifl fine. • Sa1t Francisco Afayor Joseph '1 L. Alioto paid a $5 parking tic-I ket given him earlier this week ~ and commetuitd the offieer.who gave it to hint. But, he added wistfully, "In th.e old days. the Farallones probably ,would have beetl the nt.rt assignment 1or an officer w.11.o tagged the mayor's ,'I car." The Farallones are On ~~s-If land group 20 miles off the Gold· en Gate. ~ Ela ............ "'"! ... .,."""""""'~ • ll•m ' ' •••I li1tJ:tl 'llOkl 1• c:\l DE'Jl. ) V11'~ t, 'J'f-:\WH "Si:i..-. ... International Science 1:1Fdir exhibi· tor Lawana Rhea Miracle, 18 . of Loy· all, Ky., frowns on cl.gar smokhtg sci· ence teacher Ed Haseloff from Cloud- croft, N.hI., as she puts finishing touches on her cancer research exhi- bit. Miss Miracle, who plans to study pharmacy at college, is compettn g in the Fort Worth based contest for the sizth time in as many vears. • Thailand's water shortage has gotten so bad that not even the prime minister can take a bath. P rim• Minister Th•nom Kittlka· chorn told neW:sinen that he had complained to the interior ministry because he could not get enough waler to take a bath. "You see, there is a water shortage (even) in the middle oI Bangkok, even qi my house," said Thanom. '"I1J.is 'Prob- lem must be corrected.'' Designer, 39, Dies Suddenly '' ' Newport Stach Jnterk>r decorator Albert Britilnghom Jr. died suddenly Tfrunda1 at )di borne. He Wll 39. Mr. Brilllng!laln, ol 248 Prospect•Avt., --al ~ of the Brittingham carp., inlerl« -·""'· lloM!l' wUI bt /ocil<d at 7:30 tonight at Baits Mortuary Qlopel, Ceroni de! Mar. Mus wm l)e ttlebrated. I 1.m. Saturday at Our Lldy of Mt. Carmel Church in Bllboo . ~r. arltllngham'a aurvlvon include his parerita, t<itr. and Mta. Albert Brit· Ungham Sr.; a brothtr, Kenneth, and lister, Mn. Ooroth)r Kofi , 111 of Newport. lntennont wtll be at Oood Sbtphenl Cemetrry In llti.ntinaton Beach. I • J'tle et · t h , Peop~ .. ·•· . . ' ~ D.evelo pmg Music Talent Sp ecial to Mesa Teacher By JANICE BERMAN Of th:!i DallY "lie! 51t lr MU$fc teacher K,t!n Owen is a man V>'ith a quiet-voice, a sudden smile, somber eyes and a way about him that causes his teenage· students to drag themselves out o[.~ each day in time for a 7:30,am. band session. Ken Owen is devoted to tea ching music. "ll's very satisfying to be lnvOlved with kids, -to take a child and build him musically from a beginner to an ·ad- vanced student," he said. , Apparently, his students at Kaiser Intermediate School in Costa Pifesa like the .resultS, too. Q\\•en estimates thal 20 percent of them go on in music. some as a hobby, and some as teachers and performers . adding that it might make them prolrude more. After the Instrument is chosen, Owen begins to shape groups of young musi· cittns who will eventually come to his school and join his three bands. "I try to organize small groups of various instruments in each elementary school. Then when they come here, we have -a full·size band . with 'lhe in· struments we need. "Tl's a litllc sneaky," he says with a sn1ile. The planning pays off in good sou·nds. , His stage. band, for example, ·wo'n a trophy in a recent jazz festival. The stage, or dance band plays "s~ing." v.·hich includes jump tunes, swing tunes, ballads, and themes music. No rock. "I've heard from students who were in my classes eight and nine years ago. A few of them have made recordings, some are teaching music," he says. Owen .says he has never had a student A ~idower, Ow'.en lives in Costa Mesa say, 'I h~e rock and' rcrtl.,~tter than thi s, with his two daughters, Debra, 10,_and~hy don t '!'e play rock . _ Diana, 4. Tne arrange.men s are difficult, and He's a native· Californian. born in El Owen says. he ~ad. his. dou~ts al first Centro, and attended San Diego State, a~ut formi~g a Junior ?tgh sta~ band. where he ma1·ored in music education. But they re good at 1t, and they like it. -Pi1a b .,, be · Owen started playing the piano when Y e 1 s ca~~ we ~ry to pick tunes he was 6 but as a child had no idea he they . are fam11Jar with, and enjoy would be~om~ a teacher.' "Music was an playing," Owen observes. outside thing ror me." Owen has had . l~ttle conta~t with the But when he got to high school , he new . stu.dent act1.v1sm that 1s now ex- began to think about teaching. He's been tending into the high school grades . teaching at Kaiser for ten years. '"My students are very much occupied Owen also travels to other schools in ~ith music. I think that any problems or tl)e Newport-Mesa school d i st rict, dissent that I encounter in the classroom teaching fifth and sixth graders. are those which I gave my teachers, and One of the most important things, he my parents did before mt:." believes, is get~ing the rij:ht instrument He copes with disciplinary problems on for the right child. an individual basis. "When they 're in elementary school. they dpn 't really know \\'hat instruments there are. I show them pictures and play -recordings to help them decide. Then there are physical considerations. If a child's teeth protrude, he probably shouldn't play a clarinet," Owen says, V~ltlllf Porl , Miss World Trade for !~. Ka- :Unka Fox, travels to ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach as part of the 43rd annual World Trade Week which begin~ May 18. International commerde is a $3.4 billion Industry In South- ern CaJifornia. • "~l's all based on your previous ex. per1ence as a teacher." he explains. "If a student is talking in class, I ask him to repeal what I've just said. If he can 't,,, repeat it lt doesn't embarrass him and it helps the class to learn." ' Would he advise a student to become a musician? "In performance or in teaching, r would say that, if a student wants to be a musician, he should go ahead and do it," Owen says. · But "it's sometimes frustrating to be a teacher. IC you know how a pi~ should be played, and you want the kids to do It that way, you really have to work with them ," and you have to be able to sit back and listen. The kids want to do it themselves." Owen plays the truntpel as well as the piano, and used to play with the UC !(vine orchestra. ','Music can be a profession, a hobby, or a pastime. You may leave it for several years, but you'll always come back to il. At UCI, there are doctors and lawyers in the orchestra." He has his own hobbies, too. He enjoys trapshootin_g, and last yea r won a trophy for hitting 98 clay pigeons out of 100. He also won a trailbike for winning another &hooting coolest. One senses that be has many ideas on what direcUon youth ~ heading, but what h~ said in answer to the question was a s~ple statement of faith : "l'd like my ch!ldrcn brought up into a society that ~uld be well-governed. There art:. many fme young men and women who will run our country." H~ add.ed : "If we 're talking about music, fine. If we 're talking about government or groups, I don't want to be i~volved in it. I don't want to give op;. n1ons on groups or individual s because--'' he paused thoughtfully: "they're all human beings." YMCA Executive Club ' I S.lates Luncheon Talk • The <>range Coa!t YMCA Executive Club will hold its week'ly luncheon mttt· ing Tuesday, featuring John Barry, of the Wrat.ber Corporation of the Disney. land ilotel. The meeting win begin at noon in Uie Chapel Room of the YMCA, 2300 University Drive. Newport Beach. For more information on the ErttUtlve Club, tall 642-9990. N~on Using Graduations As Forums ~EY BISCAYNE, Fla. (UPI) -Prest. dent Nixon's growing concern with unrest of America's C'911ege tampuses was reflected Friday In the White House ari· nouncement that he has accepted another invitatloo lo address a student awiience. He wlll speak to the graduating class or Ohio Stale University on Jun~ 7, press secretary Ronald Ziegler said. Thursday Ziegler announced the president also would make the commencement address at the Air Force Academy on June 4, stopping off en route to dedicate a library at General Beadle College in South Dakota. The President considers violence on the campuses among the most pressing domestic problems plaguing the CO!Jntry and has been urged by aides to use the campus appearances as forums to amplify views he has set forth earlier. ' In a major policy statement issued Pitarch 23 du~ln~ a vacation weekend at San Clemente. Nixon said mindless stu- dent dissidents threatened to bring anarchy to America's higher education system and called on university ad· ministrators to establish Ol'der. At the same time, he recognized the validity of some student demands, sym- pathized with their discontent and desire for a voice in school affairs and warned educallors not to supp ress tradltlonal academic freedom while curbing student excesses. Then on April 29 in an address before the U.S Chamber of Commerce, he sharpened h!S criticism, saying it was time school officials "had the backbone lo stand up against" irresponsible demands <1f student rebels. The President has .little authority. othe r than the prestige of his office, to influence affairs on the campus. Debate currently Is underway within lhe administration on where he shpuld place. the emphasis in his Campaign of moral persuasion. · Vice President Spiro T. Agnew and At- ty. Gen. John N. Mitchell have em· pha~ized the Jaw and order aspect and others, including Health, Education and \Velfare Secretary Robert H. Finch have urged him to concentrate on the root causes or student di,sseut. }''inch. Agnew. and M\tchell began ar- riving at Nixon's bayside vacation home late Friday felr a series of conferences to- day with the President on domestic issues. Campus unrest, proposals for broadening unemployment benefits and programs for coordinating w e I f a r e benefits were among the topics to be discussed. Nixon spent several hours today cruis- ing Bjscayne Bay in the presidential yacht, Julie, studying position papers on domestic programs, Ziegler said. He was accompanied by C. G. (lieebee) Rebozo. a long-time friend and next door neighbor here. Mesa's Office rs Honored as Part Of Police Week Costa Mesa's Police Department Is being honored through May 15 with the observance of Police Week. A proclamation signed by Costa J\1esa ~1ayor Alvin L . .P.inkley said , "Our first line of defense against the enemies of freedom is our law enforcement agencies. UndersL!inding is the watchword to com- patibility, and it is important that the people of our cily know and understand the problems, duties and responsibilities of their Police Department." The Police Department will wind up Police Week with an open house at their headquarters at 99·Fair Drive, on Thur s- day, May 15, which ha s also been designated as Peace Officers Memoria l Day. 51turday, M.tiY to, 1969 Mo t h e r I s A C~amp DAILY 'ILOT ,,.._ '1 LM '''"' r' l: ~ Taffi, a champion .Great Dane owned lly Mr. and -Mrs. Dick Raines ;· of Costa Mesa, \VIII be among. the mothei:s celebrating their day >. Sun~ay .. For all ~er regal beanng and status in the world of dogs. Taffi ~till has time to mother her pups, obviously tired after a ... romp in the yard. •• Nation's Oldest Admiral, t •• l 03, ·Celebrates Birthday t CORONADO <AP) -Richard H. Jackson, celebrating his 103rd birthday S8turday as the nation's oldest admiral,. re1nembers when his goals were the "Three G's." "Golf in the morning, gardening in the aftern oon and ," his blue eyes twinkling, "galivanting in the evening." Those v.·ere his aims. he said. whe'ri he retired from the Navy in 1930 after Serv· ing as commander of the U.S. baltleship fleet. The oldest liVing graduate of the Naval Academy said he has lived to 103 by "taking things In stride,·• including the big San Diego -C..:oronado Bay Bridge nearing completion within . sigbt .:or"t_his home in this peninsula community that is a haven for beached sailors. Asked if he planned to take a trip over the brld~e when it's done, the admiral gruffed : "I'll get myself a dinghy and row across." Jackson. clad In a bright red sport coat and bow tie, said he is "used to being old.'. ··AU this making over nic for being an old man is old stuff. When I was a kid, maybe 2 years old, back on the cotton plantation nearJ.lorence, Ala., I was a quiet sort of fellow. Never said a mouthful. Now that was back in 1868, but they nicknamed me 'old man' then." The 5-foot-5 admiral, an 1887 graduate of Annapolis, has been slowing down but is still remarkably spry, says his housekeeper for 'l:l .years, Mrs. Charles Bucey. "He's his old self." she ~aid. "He's just a person who enjoys life. But he doesn't get out much anymore .'' The admiral, whose wife died in 1924, lives in a two-story stucco house with a view of Navy ships passing in the bay. He neve r smoked. lie holds his drinking lo a minimum. He stopped golfing at 98. But he still find s time to watch girls. He was given an hOnorary membership ln~ the lntemaUonal Society of Girl Wat.\ chers on his IOOth blrthQ.izy. and wears the.,,,. group 's emblem on his lapel. ..,, "He rode his bicycle until he was 91,tt.f Mrs. Bucey said. "But I had lo. take itt. away from him becijiuse people told ma;• he wasn't stopping at stop signs." t The admiral was honored for his I03rdl birthday Friday by representatives of thei. Navy League, the Anny . Navy Club an~ the American Battleship Association. , c~ke ree_lica of. the BattleshJp Virgini his command back in 1915, was unveiled. Hundreds of well -wishers. from active duly admirals to retired comrades, will •• visit'lti! admiral~ bis horne'todv.. ~ · -Asked howlong he· Pla'nn'ed tO kffp thi' Jackson vessel under full sail, he cracked: "Come back to my 104th birthday party and we'll talk about it the.n.'1 1; ~ 60 Ne 'v Sea ts OK'd for Bowl •. ' • Laguna Beach counCiimen h a v.,. - authorized installation of 60 new seats at:; the top of Irvine Bowl which are expected ; lo pay for themselves during the coming '. season. The seats, requested by the Festival of ·~ Arts board. would cost an estimated $3,875 to install. Sale of ~ tickets for 43 ~ of lhem would gross an estimated $3,870 • additional revenue Crom the sell-out · Pageant of the Masters eaeh season. · The additional 17 seals would be • assigned on a complimentary b:isis. The l' city council waived revenue from lhe pro-: ject for the coming year. Future city; revenue from the additl onal seats, on a $2 · basis, would come to $677 annually on ~. sell-out basis. - ·' .'·· ' • Women's '28 pants now s21 -I I Women's •25 pants now '19 Clearance Women's s20 pants now 115 Women's 'l? pants now s14 Sale! Women's •18 pants, •13.50. Women's s17 pants now '13 '40 tops and blouses, •30 Women~s '34 tops & blouses, •25.50 516 tops and blouses, •12 •50 sweaters, •37.50 Apparel now Women's •30 skirts, •22.50 Women's •28 sJdrts, •21 25% off! 8106 dresses to clear, •80 1100 dresses to clear, 175 170 drelll!es to cleat, •52.50 Jack Bidwell •40 dresses to clear at •30 •26 dresses to clear, ·•19.50 ' •23 dresses to clear, •I 7.50 3467 Via Lido, next door to Lido Theater. Phone 673-4510. 120 dresses to clear at •15 • . Park free ai rear of store. " ~O EXCHANGES OR REFUNDS ALTERATIONS AT COST OF LABOR ·- I I v• ·a.. '""' .. ,..,_ ~CC!' 1. ... a.p~ the d P Graham: a ~"'11 .... Angel ... ·~: B..ch, 111 Aca~la St. ~o Appeal nounced OU. wetk the torma· Speakjng wlll be Lo u J s T ' SOctll ~ C«nml\1oe ol • ~r'-Cloolo -u111arha "°';VII+• 1llllt a..rdl "111 00 , prtMpt ltfttl1 propo11d ·-to be bn>qbt before the Uni t aria n t"l Ualvleraalist General " -·IY In July, at 1be 10:30 11111 &.m. le{Vic:e. The church ls ,,, locltod al we Victoria St. • Tiit Rev. Rocar T. Walke ••'...W bqio a new -ol -'ilt o r J 1 n tat lo n d1lculfkln , """!l"P co lbe bt tic r y ,,.. ,.._ and -ol lbe dlurcb SUndlf, ?:IO p.m. '" ''Ibo l'nll and Cool ol n.··~TtneU," • d1lc:uuloo I • ..... p. will becin Friday. .1t"!f • "1 The Llcm>a Beach HJah "' School Choral -will •• ·porticlpale In Ille l:IO a.m. ~· """"1p -'at lbe Com· : "-11 ..,.,.,..,_ a-II -~ ·cl w...,. --. ' j)'. Tbe irt*P'• ~lion .Ls n' · delaibed *' "tl)e now gtner•· 1 IJaa rudln( w!lal It Ubs Ind ••. alluinl lbe -lbet tt llndl ~)!\Important. •• l''. The Rev. WllliaJn D. Ecllel's •1°• aermoa topic for the 1:30 1.m. . ,, .ervil» Ji· "Daring To Be ... '!t The Bev. pa11u TUmer will • :lt lipuk on the subjeet "How to Have a Happy Home" at the 10 a.m. worship strYict. The Huntington B e a c h Chapter of the Order of DeMolay will worsh.Jp at SL Wtlfrid'1 Epilcopal Clturcll, Chapel Lane at EW., Hun- llngtoo Belich, on Sunday, 11 1:m . 'lbe OeMolay Flower Talk will u preoented by the Muter Councilor ,Robert Kati at tbe: aerviee. . • .St. Wilfrid's will a I go celebrate RogltJon .Sunday with the Flowering of. the cnw. The Church of Scle11kllogy of u... cf I Citiun'• Commission Mulvey, !'l'1ani1er or a new 0 Blacks on Hum111 JU&bls: Psychiairic company which ptOpcae> to Jn • VlolaUons, to conducl a sure people who may require ~d p u b I l c Jn-ball liond1. vetill;ltwlft into the liekl of Sunday night, a o'clock, Ben mental beatth and alleged in· Leviton will read one of hls ~"d. p ay c hlat r lc 9wn plays at 590 Diamond St., brutaUUe.. 1be commluton Laguna Beach. will meet each Tuesday, a --p.m.~ 1708 W. 8th St., Los ·MeeUng""' each week at AagelH. " Harper Elementary School, Dr. Phil G. Murray will preach "A Re1ourceful Woman" at 10 a.m. ~ay for Corona dtl Mar Comm111lty' eonirti•ttoaal Cburcll, 611 Heliotrope· AVe. Child care and churdl school are also held at 10 a.m. LUe Bible College stu~ent Brad Card of Costa Mesa will speak Sunday, 7 p.m., at Cotta Mesa Founquare Cburcll, 1734 Orange Ave. Other membus of the church youlh group will also assist with the service. Servicq art also held at 9;45 and 11 a.m. "Bail of Jail, a New Concept In Legal Aid11 wir. be ·the sub- ject of Sunday's 10:30 a.m . program of the Unltarian- Universallst FeUowllllp o f '25 E. lltb St., Co&ta Mesa, Barbor Chrt1111,D Cburtb holdl worshlp aervlcee at 10 :45 a.m. an-cf church school at 9:45 a.m. "Our Gcodly llerltage" will be · preached by Dr. D. W. 14cEJrey this week. 11Born of the Spirit" will be the sermon subject prtsenttd by J>astor Loren Dale Flick- inger Sunday for Newport. Uni- ty Cban!h. 'lbe congre1aUon meets at the Senior Citizens Building, 15th and }rvlne, NewpOrt Beach, 10 a.m. The fourth lecture In the. prosperity development coone will be given by Past.or FUck· ineer Wednesday; 7:30 p.m. Pastor James Herington will deliver a !pedal Mothu'a Day sennon Sunday at HunUncton· (See PULPIT, Pare 51 ClNCINllATJ (UPI) -111!11 Graham . • Ind olber wblte ev..,..U.U hive ..,q a limlled appeal to 11-. ac-~to lhe ~ant" lbe 'National Neiro \Evan&elical ~laU.... · The Rev. Chl!lta ,perry said lut week blaclcl were "caught up" in the nee ecn- cept of religion. "Bjack people c.-Iden- tify with lhe Billy Graham campaigns," PtrTY aid. "He is • wonderful brother, but we must ti.ve our own meetinp." ~erry lold a predomlnanUy whlle group or oome 1,lOO . ddecatea to the National Association of Evan1elicals convention . it would "take black men to reach black men for Christ." "We are trying to help our young pt<>ple with a problem which many or your-white youth dci not face-; seeing Jesus Christ In a rele\tance to the needs of today," he said. During its final business session, the associaUon : -Adopted a resolution op- posing the appointment of a NO SOULt Biiiy Graham • diplomatic representative to the Vatican a.s "an intolerable aflront to the hlsf.oric principle of separation of church aod state." " -Adopted a resolution au~ porting leglslaUon to farbid federal couru from hearing an (See GRAHAM, Pa&~ SI - 'Talk's Tipoff' • Attitude to &od . Change S·tudwd . By GEORGE W. COllllELL NEW YORK (AP) -The ••1 rell&lom people lalk Is lhe Up-off. 11 has changed, aubUy. And that clue hints at a l>aslc cl)anle In lhe~ attitude toward God'• activity in the w.rld. 'Jbe lnnllilon WU pcinled OUI I!)' a Roman Catholic lheoioilan, lbe Rev. Dennla J. Gelney, ol ' SL Louis, who -lbe symploms ol It in ..;-. ldloms ol speech. i'ONCE WAI the day, be n!!UI, when peraon.al coo- --Ind letters • f beUeven were sprinkled with phrues such as, "We'll see you next year, God willing ," our "Uncle John is ' getting over his 1wnbago, thank God." Those frequent nferences to divine decision in virtually every turn and circumstance in life, he says, indicated a certain, ratalisUc view of God's relatioris!Up to man that is fading away -and so is the frequency of the usages. .. IT'S UPSE'ITING to many people," be l&ld In • telepl>one lnlervtew. "but tt'I oomethlnc we l\lve to face reollsUJ:lllY· "God 's will controlled au lif• and the.re was not too much any of m could do about It et- cept ask God t,o intervene," he says, IJld then pmily accept whatever happened as divine decr<e. But that view Is on the wane, be adds, and Uie change brings out a different, developin« ccncepl cf God's paniclpailoo in bum.an aUalrs. A colwnnist for m a n y dlocesin newspapers, t h e Augustinian priest writes: "THE NEW view.~ God as giving to man all the poten- tial for working out his destiny, to make sense out of life, and to face all the un- certainties and ambiguities with his native resourct.$. "Tftis is not a denial of God 's action in man's life. but rather God leaving man alone, li ke parents do, with adult children. Because the parents (See TALK, Pase S) l. OR~NGE COAST CIJUR-CH DIRECTORY LOOKING FOR MEANING & RELEVANCE? -' IAIRVIEW BAPTIST CHURCH ..... I. ~.I I F1lrvltw Rd. At Falr'Dr., 'cost• Mesa ? A.M.-Cliurch School 10 A.M.-Worshlp , Di•11 S-ltt'ffty Dip .. llW. Stffy' GJMPI 1 . ·, rn.... .... ....., c....n.. 545-4611 :i~H~~::R::BOR~.-nt==:IH::ITY=::.o=B::A::PTl:==ST::C::H::U::R::C::H:=::i(I ' I tPO ..... St ..... .,.,..., c.. M ... • c.· a... c.-1. s.11... ••tor Simday School 9:45 a.m. "Morning Worship 11 :00 a.m. ! 1 ;JBaptlal TrabilDg Unl .. I p.m. Evening service 1 p.m. ~Weclneada1 Bible Study & Prayer ........... 1,00 p.m. 1 ~================;1 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES IUNCHIS OP THI MOTHll CHUICH THI FIUT CHUICH OP CHllST. ICllNflST IN IOSTON, MASSACHUSms "ADAM AND FALi.Bi MAN" Subject o! Lesson -May 11 Co1t1 Me11 -Ffrtt Church of Chri1t1 Scl•n'tlst ZllO MeN Y«M Dt., C01to"M ... s...., kllMl-9:11 A.M. Chwtlll S.JTI• 11 A.M. ........... 2150 w .. , ... °'· RRST SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH Huntington Beach-First Church of Christ, Sciant11t 611 HAMILTON. COSTA MDA 110 on.. UNIVERSITY BAPTIST CHURCH 2211 S. I. PAU1ADIS •o. " Rev. lob Schmeltekopf • C•lltdl & S.149y Sc ... 1-t:JO & 11 :00 iJ.n4ay Sebo.I ••••••• •:45 Trainin9 Union .•• • •••••• 6:00 ,I, lffdlllf IH ........ lO Olfn ••· •· W h' I I ·OO Evt nln9 Worth•p , , , , •. , • 7:00 Ill ""'•mmt •"*1" •·•• • Wtl I · S ' 7 00 '" ~ • · v•nu19 ,,...,c, • • • • : 111 L19una Beach -First Church of Christ, Scl1ntl1t • ..... '41-9111 N.,..,., Alwefl A...ii.bhl :-=----;;::::;;::;:;;;;;=;;;;~=====..:1~1 635 Hl9lll Dr. I c•1rclll • S.Affv Sckol-t:Jo • 11;00 I a....1111 100111, 214 Femr An. I N•wport Beach -First Church of Chris,, Scl•ntlst I.ANJA· ANA Hll•HTS IUfttAY ICMOOL • ................................... •ia A.M. I 3303 YM UM MOllllllMe WOIUHI" ,,, ••.•••••• , ..................... 11 A.M.1 •Y•NlllO WOUMI" ,···~::·····"•·••••·•· .. ··•·····•· J P.M.~ MIDQIK SlltVk9 W•DllllSOAY ................ 11• l".M. WilMlrll J. A<-. ,..,.... Cll•rill """"' W-)oln I FIRST CHRISTIAN I Flan IAPTIST CHURCH 941 ........ , •• i., l~llothl) 11411 ......... I CHURCH Clll1rdi • hNcry ScltHl-t:l S • I I :00 • .,..1,. "'"' IJll "° .,., , · I Newport Be1ch-Second Church of Chri1t, Scl•nti1t JlGO P•lfk ¥i.w Dr., Core• 414 Mw Cllltlfd & S11M11rr SckoJ-10 A.M. l...n19 lo•-2161 I. C.... Hwy. All are cordially invited to attend the church services 1: -·-• .,. DM9 """"' Victoria & Placentia Ave. Costa Mesa ,,_ I . Piercy Mlnlllw D .... os Ho4tet Ytutll Millhtw I 111111 Sdltll .• .. ....... t:• 1.111. and enjoy the privileges of the Reading Rooms 1 CWld C1rs "9"4W AT ALL SllYICIS CHURCH OF CHRIST THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Welconiff You. ST. JAMii, IJM f1lo LMe, Nft'"9 S..Clll J S....,. s.mc.-7;JO, t :OO, 11:00 . , ...... 10:10-'lllsrlNf 1:00 , ••• H•fy 1-.W & Hesllllt s..kiK lectet, PM ~. J .... P • ....., II: Ats.., TH ln. D..W Crs191t Phona: 675-0210 ST. MICHAEL I. ALL ANGELS Pacific View Dr. at Marguerite, Corona del Mar Sundays: 8:0-0, 9:30 -Chlld Care at 9:30 Holy Days as announced All •-w-. .. lm.r, 1'o ltT. JoU 1...,. Dfth-n-'44-M'I ST. JOHN THE DIVINE, 2043' Orange Ave., C.M. Sundays 7:30 & 9:30 Church School -9:30 TburSdays: 6:30 & 10 a.m.; Holy Days as announced -YJoor, T1te lsf ....... W. D11ll ... -,.._ 141-IJZ6 EPrSCOPAL ' ST. WILFRID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH alls II, It QI'"' LM1t -Jlltt ... et ....... rt111b Hllll ........... C.llt1n11t Tiii ltn. '""" c. C.llY, ,..., Sunday Strvlcff l :M A.M. Mm Ct1111111•... t:• A.M. l'lfltllY hl'\ttce & OIWtl 7:Ml'.M. 1...-t ~ 11• P.M. _.._.. lh M A.M. MMt11n1 '#lnll"' y._ OllfttlMI 1f.,_, Carl Pl"l¥Nllf Flnt Assembly of God Church 146 E. 22nd St., C"ta Mata 541-3761 M. C. Cronic, Pastor Ray Nlcllet111, Miflllttt of Youth SCHIDUU OP Sl!IYICU S1114e\i-Clll1rct. Schol •••••••••••• , ••••••••••• t :Jil •. -. hllltt W....,, , ••••• , ••• 10110 •·• a 7:H P·• Church Ch•lr -Sh1ril Ptwl1111. Diroctor Ylsltws Wtke• -H..,, A""4slt STATI LICINHD PQ.SCHOOl.--Po91 wnu.-. Dlrsctot ,.._: '4S-2JZJ 5111111l•y School •••• t :JO 111 Mer11i119 Wonhlp , , t:JI I 11 ................... ~ ''"' WN'tll"' .. .... .. ... •=• 1.m. 1 =~~~' ........ ir:~:·:::· 287 W. WILSON ST., COSTA MIESA 111:==================~ I v~~ery··b~~~::~;~~id~J: II llTWEI N HAllOI .. 11 FAllYllW ii 142·2421 141""4771 141-61-41 SUNDAY MORNING lllLE STUDY •.....•..••••••• •:45 AM I §;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~ii SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP I COMMUNION •• 10:-45 AM :!: I SUNDAY EVENING WORSHIP •.••.•. : ••••••••••• 6100 P.M. I I WEDNESDAY EVE~ING lllLE STUDY • , •••••••••• , 7130 PM ChYrth of the 01i1y Word NUISll't CAl'I PIOYIDID 1:1 NEWPORT UNITY I 0••111' o. Merf'lelll o .•. H1rtt I HARBOR REFORM ftMPLE mHting at a St. Jim .. Episcopal Church 3209 Vi• Lido, NewPort Beach SABBATH SERVICES -RELIGIOUS SCHOOL Nawport Harbo~ Lutheran Church 2501 Cllfl Dr. U a.® .................. ,,...., ............ ,,. .......... --.....,, hrYlu ...... •1••·• '·"" I ......, S4ttl ...... '1 ... lt:• a.m. .... "" lrtlcit .... 1111•111• Nursery care available at an servlc!s • WELCOME Lutheran Church of the Master 2900 Pacific View Or. CORONA DEL MAR ' DR. wrLUAM R. ELLER Phcna OR 3-5022 1:45 AJ.!.-Ftml ly Wor•hi,. 9:41 A.M'.-Sw11dty Chwrcii School I 11 :00 A.M.-Ftlliv1 Wor•hip "''"" """" CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH Missouri Synod 760 Vlctorill St., Cost• Me11 Lother V. T..-now, P•ttor ........ ww .. 1111 ...... , l tTS • 11 A.M. . S.W.y Sdlttlt ,,. AM. A*fl l llH 0.S.: t :K A.M. CHlllTIAN IUMINTAIY SCHOOL 141-6166 PRINCE OF PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH M111 Vertie Ori"• I ''"'' Strt1t, Coit• M111. C1tif, ANDltew C. ANDlll:ION, l'llltr Momin$ Worihl1: l :CG, t:JO I. 11 :«I SlltldlY School: 1:00, t :lO 1.11 :DO Prince •f '••c1 luth1r111 Scflool -Mi11 Either Ol1c.11, Principtl Ofliea Ph.rt•r 149-012~ • Sch1ool Phone: 549-0562 w. 1.u,.,, 111 v ••... ' UNITARIAN I UNIVERSALIST ~ CHURCH 1111 I Jft Victoria St,. Cosio M111 ,,, "'2 Slll'ldlYI Ill ~ TO:» A.M. I Attend the church of your choice on Sunday 1!.~~~~~~~~- A Cordial Welcome from THE llNITED METHODIST CHURCH 11/D•a hlt11d COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH I 15 At•t• 671-0950 1:15 l11form1I Wor•hip 9:)0 Tr1tlltio111I Worsh ip I Su11dty School Hu11li"9ton l11clt--North COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH 6662 Hell ""'·• .142-4461 Wor1hip I Church School t I IO:JO AM l ARST CHRISTIAN CHURCH I CHURCH Ml"lster Auochds Mlllnr ,..,,, ''" ,,,_ l'Olt Ufl'DllMAT!ON1 CAI.I.. VI-MO M1Tn I Ad1m1 Streef1 Huntington Be1ch 1!1 ' ' LHM:-:::lrltlr l1:.,,;·""'""'"'P~h~·;·~a~:~5;41-;;57~1~1~D~ay~o;•~N;::lgh::;t========ii~======:===:==::===::~:::==::::::::::=:===:==~I ,. .... ~;;;~~.;!:·.r.:~\.!~"' 11r CENTRAL 1 CORONA DEL MAR G L A D T 1 D 1 N G s Co1t1 Me11 . FIRST UNIRD METHODIST CHURCH ltvi"-E•ri l l11ff UNIYIRSITY METHODIST CHURCH Worship •• , .l:JO AM lll-12]) M•1tin9 t•mpor1rily In St. Mi r• Pre1bytetil ll! M•r11lftt Worehip ~tJO I ll:OOAM l lblo.School , , , , • , •• t :45 AM Youtti tiroupl , •• ,, • , 6:00 PM Ev•t1h1t Wonhip , , , •• 7:00 P'M .... ....,. --. _ .... _ , '·"'· I Nll'IW«'f C..,.. l'rwldtd •t ,q Nrwlr:Q Oflkt: a:ue oi.1 0no1~'5IO 1:45 A.M, Sundty School / BIBLE CHURCH ./ 1 io,ooA.M. 0'"0 "'"1 ,.,,; .. I ~(::.J-'f,i . ,'i/oo_\).RCH 0 i ASSEMBLY OE GOD 0""1c£: ~h:~~=s~~w•~, N.I . ,.. ~~~;_.I' 0 v. ~· ~<" I 5th & Monrovia, Newport Beach ~ ..,. I I '/1 tloc:k W"t •f ""' H..,,,.,, 64M6ZO ., 146o7166 DIAL·A.PlAYEl-646.063t ,. .,,_ '""'°''' ... _.llfl. """"' -~ Mltltr, M.iul Dnct. -.,, ' I Z -9141 A.M-S1'"'9y k ...... ,,..,., c.,. f., ""'Y 1MYke ::;J ~ 10:50 A.M.-''1111' Qriat of C ..... " Emphuizing . The Pl.1n of God , ' P.ator H. E. Jones; lfCA />.lbr. CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE The Person of Christ If NIW""1 ._.. The Powu of the Holy Spirit I Mtnllillr ~ If U.,.. Clillrdl ltlllt• SCMc .. U1 Mttitt I Sund.iv School 9 Ml SUN MY SEIVICE .•• n AM Mo1ni111 \Vonhip ' ~nd 10:30 A.\I I , MlnhlW • • • • Alllltt llll1t:• 11:.$.c.I', fl"l'ning St!rvice 1 P ... t !.-ellll'l'rTH CHAr•L. Thl/l'~IY &Ible S!udr 1 Ctlfllll Col1t YMCAJ nDO UnlYrnlty Dr. i lld Pr~rcr 7 P>.t ,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;11 Nu~ry du1111a;wrrias ::;: A full Youth Pro1nim j 1j GO AHEAD! Crn. of Or.1nge .and 23rd. St. 111 , • Cosl.1 Mesa SLEEP IN SUNDAY MORNING! j' n-......... 2111 A......_.. Serr ... ., CALVARY CHAPEL ............. l'J=====:· U1ftld Cti.rc• of RELIGIOUS SCIENCE + / f""'-+ Sttlflo~ by l'•1tot ~ J "" 7:00 P.M.-"A Cell,. lJt•t1••111" s , l s.n...~ ....... :Y.,\ '-.......,,,, .. ~ CNlr Shill st ._.. S....., s.ntce. ~ \. M•11. 7:10 P.M.-c.,.... ,,..,., Mw1l::1 646-1761 It MA't ~\; WM. 7:10 P,M"."'"IH lMlil, T"'M .. ,.,.._ ~ .. COMMUNITY CONGREGATIONAL • 611 HELIOTROPE Pr1y1r M11tl119. S1turd1y t :JO A.M HARBOR ASSEMBLY OF GOD 740 W. Wilton; Costa Mesa Y. L HllTWICI, ......,. CAIL MNTl't MM7M Ml ... of M• ' NEWPOllT HAllBOll LUTHERAN CHURCH ! r 1 '420 I 0th SI., Hunti119ton l11ch PhoM1 516·2120 WOllMfl--10:00 A.M. C•vd kii11I 10:00 A.M. Dr., ....... ,,..,..,., Mlllll .. , SUNDAY SERVICES f :41A.M.-.._, ....... I · .JJa,./,or e~ri,6tuu.. Church oP NIWPOIT 1u.CN.["fi.1p1et1 / '1 ' II~ . . w,..... • .....,, ....,. •• ,.. ••• , w.t.I W L 1M St,. C... ..._ Church Sohool -+IU'A.M.' Wonhip -10,45 ~ ~ c.. ._...... . PhOno: 675~ lllallller: Dr. D. W. Mcilroy ST. MA~ LUTHERAN CHURCH lMi11Hrf Sy11o4I •onhl,ln' •t tfi• UNIVlllSITY PARK SCHOOL INA.'1 tt M11thew1 kl U11Mrdty P1rl WOUHIP: 1 O:JI A.M. • ..,., H. Nl1r1r1t1111. P11tor I JJ.ltll ] Atlw lf l Yoiirth S1r .. lc1t- l I :OO A.M. lltNUT PAT(, MINlml Miu 1111,....,. '"""' D.c.a. 67:MOOO Seventh-Day Adventist C~urches C:Wo..... ........N""9 271 A""49S...... ........... Joh11 Shewm1ke, '••llf lntlll S.... '-"" C..tclll Jltio111: 141 -6196 12711 0... YeH•f hrtny ~ k ... 1 , •• , t :IO AM A. E. Aaw1011, P11t1t .. .,.. .... ...., •• ll:M AM Pho11•1 '4fJ.JtJ6 • , leMtetfl le'-' ...• f1l0 AM ...,.. ........... w.I" 11)1 PM ....... Wonllilp • , 101H AM PRAY FOR PEACE I a... .......... lO:IO A,M.-.... .,..... N .. 111 0...,. ............. ,, ..... 6100 P.M.-Y••" hrflc. J :HP.M.-"'lhct ..... tflelMllte Hefl" ,.,.... ",.,.,, COSTA MESA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL ,..,.$dlllltf ""t IU1'*11M,_ -,___.,. -ClllN C.. II~============~~ FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH tlMO ,....., ""· n.._, I w.,..n.1, POUNTAltl YAWT UNIFllD Sl•VICI " Su11llty Sclrt.•I t :JO-WOASHI, • IO:JI Worship I Youth Gro11'':fJj' • 0 P·'"· N1"try preYlll•tl at •II ,...ict1 A C.-.lllfr Cliwdl -.,.... """ w.._ Trinity UNITED SPIRITUALIST CHURCH HJW.l ..... S....U. WORSHIFl AND E.S.P. ._......,._,,.,, .... 962·04U J.414'H We 1,11,.,, l11 E11r111! l lf1 •1111 ,, • .,, ltl ( 19th St I H1rbor 11 .. t1, Wot1hlp I Chtrch School •110 I 11 AM 5'41°7727 Coile M111 North MESA YllDE METHODIST CHURCH Me11 V1rcft I l1k1r St. 549-2719 Wot1hip I Chtrch Sch•-' 9:00 I IO:JO AM Ht11tlnft•11 lttch FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 2721 17th St ..... I J6.J5l7 S1rvlct1 -9:10 l 11 '·'"· N11uery thrt 211cf 9r1tle • 11 ChMrch Sch•ol -9:10 '·"'· Church Et1ibluff Dr. I: Jembor11 Rd. L1911111 lt1th LAGUNA HACH METHODIST CHURCH 21612 Wes ley Or 111 So. ~•9wn 1 Wonhip 9:10 I 11 AM Ch11 rch Sthool 9:30 AM '499-3011 Ntwporl ltach CHRIST CHURCH IY THI SEA 1400 W. l1lbe1 11 .... 671°1105 Wor1hip I Ch11rch Sch••I t i 10:10 A.M. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES of the Coastal Areas Christ Ch.Uh Prnbyterla~ 11111 ....... I.._, AH•I H111tfattM ·t-111 In . .,._ o. s....i... ....... ,..,., ...... Wtnlllp1 f :JO AM Cltwd: kllooh 11:41 A.M. 0Mte J1 S W St. ,.._ 9""4NI Ch11reh . of the Covenant .... .,._._..__ l rr._:1 A •. k11r~•. P1rior ...... WWllllp & C..... WIMI: 9:11 p' 1 14MI04 St. A .... w's Pnsltytel'kill ' C~wcll .................. ....,., ..... 'CHAILD HIUllT 91llDIPI ..... ·PAJTOI ........ a c.-lcOMI' s. '"'' It &Ill M .. TI47 St. Mark Pnsliyterlan Cnrch c....1 ...................... c.... .... . _._...,_ W...., & a.rtii ~111 '11 AM ..... ,,.1 Co-lty Presbyterian Church '411 ,...._ A-• 1st W It.I, ....... ..._. ~ -DALLU TUINll. PAITO• W-• t,JO a ll•ff A.11.-a...Jo ...... • t<OO A.M • 4'4-1111 ' Pulpit ,and Pew r---·- (Coatlru•ed lrom Paie ti V11ley Blptl1t C'alll'Cll. 97'19 Slater Ave., Fowtlain Valley. Mothers at the service, 11 a.m. wiU be given flowers. Sunday school meets at 9:45 a.m.; youth bour and new con- verts clas.!, ! p.m.: and even- ing worship, I o'cb::i. Wednesday evening, 7 o'clock, the Rev. Sheridan, a representati ve of tbe Associa· tion or Baptist for World Evaneelism, wlD speak. Cll•rdl ol ll<ll&lcMu Sci....,, -t Cllurd, l'/Ot Baker _, Laguna C.nyon Road, St., Cosfa Mesa, will bOld Dr. Henry Gerhard w 11 1 .,.rvlces al I and lo~.30\ . preach "Your Mind :... Ally or with a group at .. II& n Foe?" at 9 and 11 a.m. Sun.-1>«rtlclpat1na In t~ e day. Junlor church and high witlJ Pastor Joseph • school group meet al 9 a.m. · 'lbtme of the servicta wtlt be Cburch membership under "'Outreach Opportunities in the Dr. Gerhard's ministry has Community." 1rown Crom 38 to 404. · Y '"\ . -', Ffu1 UOJWd Me£~,ill1 I "Faith Fillea 'Families" will ·au1ttb, 420 'W. 19th St., Costa be the special A1otl)er's Day Mesa. will hold w o·r·s h Ip sermon de1il'ered by the Rev. $Cf?kes, a~ t :¥1 and 11_ a.m. George J. Busdiec.ker, at 8:30 . ~By ,wit ttie,Re~ R~~ard and 11 a.m. worship services J. Don!•P ~chipg The M · _., vi~ at Ne.....;.,. Harbor t..tlw:~o • Sanctity of Cdttlpltte, LOve." onung wor:iiup ser '""" .. l'-, Ct'n ·Dr' • N. • r ., and h will be held at a and 10 :30 Cburcb, 2501 u' , 1ve, 11rRfY ~re j churc a.m, Sunday and church Newport, Beach. Sunday ~hool -~~ ~ held at. ~e same school at 9 a.m. at Resur-· mee!s at 9:45 a.m. Baby!l~~ng h'ours. Youth fell_owship meets r~ctlon Lulbe:ra• Ch.W'cll, 9812 serv1~ ls provided . ~ring a\ t:~ p.m. while the young •laffiilton, Huntington Beach. worship ~ sc~l ~In~. ad1,1h group eonveoe_s at 8: IS Dr. Geddes MacGregor will be , A C~~se m C'hrlstian p.m. guest preacher at the 10 :30 Fellowship will be the theme a.m. service. for the annual mother -daughter banquet .1 l a t e d -"Adam and F8llen Man" is the Bible lesson·sermon to be heard this week in all area ' , .. mA.NGI WOILO • MR. MUii' ~ .... \0, '''' Jews: God's People\ • L Christians Move Toward New Approach. By LOUIS ()ASSJWI 1 1 .....,R .cen t tbe0Jo1Jcal ll · <,levelopmenll olkr llope for j major lmprovement tn rel• .i 1 tiOllS between Cl:uiltians and :i Jews. •· Both In the Roman Cllhollc Church and In mo)or Prola- tant commwUoaa. Chriltlan theology IJ movin( toward acknowledgment tlilt th • Jews .,. aWl God'• ~ hi a speclaJ sense. ThLI trend 11 importont because It slrikel at one of the principal ldeoloiiical rooll al antl..stmltlsm amona Chris- tians. Apllllle PllUl warned the mlY, church, nearly 2,000 ;ran .... a1a1n1t 111e -t1ia1 God had turned his hock on tho J ..... "GOD 1W1 NOi' rojectcd his people 'whe>n he - from the beglnnlnt:," Paul sald In his lell<r \<> O..Ul• Chrlatlant al Rome. f1For God does~ not dwlte his mind •bout whom lit Choolel ...i • b1ts1es:•1 AN UTllNlllVI! attitude catholic llleoloil•m from _At ~:30 P:m. D;. Ma.cGregor Thursday, 6:30 p.m. at the w1l~ b«: Jorn~ by Dr.~ P~ul church. Reservations may be WC1ss_ 1n a dialog on religion made Sunday. Christian Science serVices. -------------------'---- THE TRADITIONAL Christian view, which has held sway among Protestants and Catholics fot many centuries, is that the appearance of Jesus fulfilled God's promise to send the Jews a messiah or sun'tf eaackacted 1 e v e r a 'I many countries met in Rome years •io by Untftl"Sity of recehtly to cohslder Christian· Caliromia aoclologisla Charles Jewlah ...i.uom. •1'11eJ mel Y. Glocl: and Rodney Star~ behind cio.d doon bu C disclot<d a direct link helween participants Aid cme GI the anU-8em!Uc feelings and ac-prom1neat themes of the ceplance o[ the traditional tneetin& WU ibe need for Christian \liew that Jews had Christian tbeoloty to affirm la defaulted on their covenant explicit terma lbe continuinc with God. validity ol \he "old" covenant Ra~bi Marc H. Tanenbaum, between the Jews .-cl God. dlrector of lnterreligious af-aDd to show bow it hlatn to fairs for the American Jewilla the "new" coveaaat ---- Committee, to Id Christ1an ChrilUan believen and God. tht<1logiam at an interfaith Under the prodding of DOted conference in 196& that aban-acholan sue)) as Dr. Re1Mold donment ol the ' ' f o s s l I Niebuhr of Union 'l'beololieal' religion" attitude toward Seminary and Dr. Krlater Judaism wa.s "critical for tbe Stendahl of Harv.ard Dtvinity future o i Jewisb-CbrlsUan School, Protestant tbeoloo is and life. . Blankets and children's Worn~ or the church will clothing for Lutheran World. meet Tuesday, ~ p.m .. f~ a Helle.f's Spring Clothing Drive pro.gram on _Chr1~t1an b.apllsm will be collected this Sunday entitled "This Bright Gift." also. Preaching" at a,-9:30 and It a.m., Dr. Charles H. Dieren- field will conduct servjctt Sunday for St Aadttw's Prt1hytertan Churc~ 600 St. Andrew 's Road, Newport Beach. . ' Jn honor of Mother's Day, both junior and junior high youth choirs will sing at all lhr services. Churches Considering 'Modern' Lord's 'Prayer LONDON (AP) -Churches of the English-speaking world are being asked lo conskl:er a new version of the Lord's Prayer -one which makes such changes as replacing the phrase "Hallowed -be Thy name" with "Glorify Your name.'' Mother's Day will be celebrated at First Bapt.lst Church, 301 Magnolia, Costa Mesa, at both 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. services. At the morning service, Pastor P. G . Neumann will preach "The Most Honorable A m o n g Women.'' and at the evening hour he. will speak on "Chris- tian GuJdelines for Mothers." First Assembly of God Cburclr, 157 22nd St., Costa Mesa, will hold a special 11-fother's Day program Sun- day. Orchid corsages will be given to all mol.hers attending the services. The Rev. Paul Fereuson wi11 preach, lnfpnt bapUsm will be ad- minl~tered at bOth 9 and 10:30 ----------'The version came out oI a meeUng ot the International Consultation on English in Uie Liturgy in London last week attended by representatives from 20 countrie.s-AnglicaN;, Baptists, Lutherans, · Metho- dists and Roman Catholics . Nursery care is provided during both services. Primary church is held only at ti a.m. hour for children aged 4 through 9. Communion will be celebrated on Mother's Day at St Michael's and AU Angel's Epilcopal Cburd. al both 9,30 and 9:30 a.m. Meeting at 3233 Pacific View Drive, Corona del Mar, the congregation will hear the Rev. John Rogers Davis sptiak on the Christian calendar Sunday. Follo,ving the 9:30 a.m. service, the yards and gardens around the church will be blessed and dedlcated. Girls' Friendly Society Play Day is being held at U1e church and the Lincoln school playground today. Celebrating its ·second an- niversary in new quarters, C a I v a r y Baptist Church. - 82.81 Garfie1d Ave., will com- memorate the event at the close of the 6 p.m. service Sunday. Pastor Do Ii n ' s message at the evening- se rvice_will be "The Design of the Local Church." Mothers will be honored at the 11 a.m. worship service with Pastor Dolin preaching "Can Parents Be Replaced?" Sunday school will be held at 9:45 a.m. and "little church" will meet during the 11 a.m. ·hour. High School Youth Training Union meets at 4 :·45 p.m. The church"sT' I e phone Gospel Line may be reached by dialing 962-4~. worship services Sunday at Commlinlty UftJted Methodist Church, 6662 lleil Ave., Hun.- tingtvnpeach. The Rev. Roger G. Betsy.rortil will preach "The Good 1\Vay." The membership training class for adults continues at 9 a.rn. in the pastor's study. Youth groups will meet Sun- day evening, 7 o'clock. "When Women Pray'' is the lheine ror the w 0 men "s Missionary Society RetreRt to be attended by women of the Warner A\lenue Ba pt I s l Church, Wamer Avenue at Gothard Street, Huntington Beach, May ·16, 17 and 18 at Arrowhead Springs. The First United f\lelhodh1l Church, 2721 SeVenteenth St., Mrs. E v e I y n Whitehorn, Huntington Beach, will honor mother who refused to allow all mothers attending worship her l&-year-o ld son to register services at 9:30 and 11 a.m. for the draft, will speak at Sunday. The Rev. G. Russell Anaheim's Unitarian Church, Shaw will preach on the topic, 1120 W. Santa Ana St.. Sun-''The Woman Who Touched day, 8-p.m. Her basis for His Robe ." . preach "Why l)ray" at both services. Sunday school and Bible classes v.·ill be held at 9:30 a.m. and nursery care is pro- vided at all services. Dr. William R. Eller will deliver the message "God's Word Shall Accomplish Its Purpose" based OD Isaiah SS : 6-11 at 8:45 and 11 a.m. hours ol worship at Lutberan Church of the !If aster, 2900 Pacific View Drive, Coroila del Mar. Norman Lyeck...-a" represen· talive or the"1'aclflc Southwest Svnod and the Lutheran church in America will meet and assist in preparing select teams to visit the homes of the congregation in a "New Life Mission Emphasis" this W!:ek. In olher prayers, the group suggested ' replacing archaic pronouns such as thou and thy with modern usages. The new version or the Lord's Prayer: Our Father in heaven: Glorify Your name, Your kingdom come, Your will be done, On yearth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins As we forgive those who sin against us. Save us from the time of trial And deliver us from evil. Far the kingdom. the power, and the glo'ry are Your s now and for ever. savior. AttOtdlng to this view, the refusal of a majority of Jews to recognize Jesus as the long- waited messiah resulted in abrogation of the ancient Five Beach Churches Set Choir Fest relations ." ' in sl 11 .,~, evolving a m ar uu.-on.. 1n re-lhinkln1 the question .... during the past few yean, THE WCJa may Sff,n Protestant and C at h o I i c abstract, -but the pr~l acholan have recalled that the resu.lta couJd bit e~ } . j Abiding Savior Churell Choirs from five I o c a I i churches will participate in T I tall N -p l I the lhird annual Huntington 0 ns ew as or I ' Beach Rotary Club Choir ~ Festival May 25 in the Hun-The .Rev. Burton F. Giese The Rev. William L". • tington Beach High School will be installed as pastor o{ the Bev. JQhri GdMr..-Ad , Auditorium. Abiding Savior Lu t be ran Rev. Paulus Voeiake di The event, slated for 3:30 to Chuttb, 23258 El Toro Road, participate in the -5"",;'.m., h open to the J>l:lblic El Toro, Sunday, l.p.m. · ™ Women's Guild ··•-·t har A n&U\le of Utica, N.Y., w1u..,,,. c ge. Pastor Giese attended eon.. Abkl.lng Savior will honor Among the choirs acheduled cordia College and Concorid• Rev. Giese, hiJ wife, ,,Sbl....j~ to perform att thMe from the Semln~ in St Louis. He was and children, Steven. . Church of Jesus Christ of the · 11·11 _, I l h Michael, 2 and --a • m pl'eVIOUS y a I a~ w IUI • Latter-Day Saints, the First Bethlehem Lutheran Church in at a reception followtnc: t1i1 BapUst Church of Huntington Wisconsin. ceremony. -~ Beach, the First Christian ...::.=.::::=::_ _________ ..:..._ _____ -'-; Church ol HunUngton Beach, King of Glory L u t b e r a nl~~~ Church, St. Bonaventure\P Church and Sls. Simon ind Jude Olurch. Guest conductor for the performances will be Walter Gleckler. director of the Orange Coast College music department. With the Rev. Thomas Ray ln the pulpit. Central Baptist Church, 766l Warner Ave., Huntington Beach, will hold services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Stmday: Sunday schOol meets at 9:45 a.m. - refusal was. grounded in sup-Church school will meet at port of con¥lctions ~aiqst t~ • !:.to:!:m-?!ith •cla~ f~ a~ war irf Vietnam arid the fact ages; the 11 a.m. churcn that her son is legall) a minor. school is Umited to nursery Temple Beth David o f Orange County will conduct its: regular Sabbath e v e n i n g services on Friday at 8: 15 p.m. at Community Congrega- tional Church, Katella and BloOmfield avenues, L o's Alamitos. TALK TIPOFF ... COMING SOON CORONA DEL MAR Other activities i n c 1 u d e training union for youth and choir rehearsal at 6 p.m. Special services will com- memorate Mother's Day at both the 9:30 and 11 a.m. services for First Baptist Cburth el RanUngtoa Buch. - The Rev. Willis J. Loar will preadl first at Peek's Chapel. 7801 Bolsa Ave., Westminster and then· at the Huntington Beach Chapel, 6th and Orange. Church school meets at the downtown location 9:30 a.m. and senior high youth meet there at 6 p.m. Family even- ing service, 7 o'clock . downtown chapel, will feature a special program by the American Baptist Women. Beginning his loth year of service with the Laguna &ac.b GRAHAM ..• Admission is free and a age through second grade discussion and question period youngsters. The Junior and ~·Ill follow Mrs. Whitehom's Senior United Methodist Youth talk. Fellowship groups will meet al Newport Beach'S Chureb of lbe Crossroads will h o I Cl services Sunday, ll a.m., at Pacific View Chapel". Dr. Vin- cent Gotfuso Jr., will preach ''The Window s of l\totherhood." Child care iS provided. ~1other's Day will be celebrated in First Chftitiao Church of Laguna Beach, '285 Legion St.. with the Rev. Bruce Cushing speaking on "Christ and Motht:is," 10:45 a.m. Five mothers will receive special awards at this service: Monday, 1 :30 p.m., the church will hcfit ladies atl tending "Women'• Day" at Pacific Christian C o I I e g e , Long Beach, with a program entitled "An Afternoon of Artistry." 6:30 p.m. and the \Vesley Fellowship of colJ~ge age youth will meet at 7 p.m. A covered-dish dinner will be held on 11-fonday evening, 7 o'clock. Nursery care will be provided and a group of 24 entertainers will perform . Two worship services, 8: 1a and 11 a.m., will be held at Christ Lltberaa Church, 760 Victoria, Costa Mesa , Sunday. The Rev. Lothar· Tornow will Te1nple HilJel Elects Board Temple Hillel of Huntinrton Beach has elected new officers of the board. Elected were Mr. and Mrs. (Continued from Page 4) Elliot Heller, LeOnard Victor, appeal on any case involving Bringing the message "The Stan Hirshberg, Al Springer, pornographic literature. Holy Spirit and Gilts," P.astor Mrs. Stephen Handler, Mrs. -Went on rtt0td opposing Henry E. Jones will speak at 9 AUan Dudman, Bob Leeds, public school seI education and 10:30 a.m. at Central Bi-Bert Horn, Sid Goldstein, Phil without '·st r I c t moral hie Church, 23rd Street and EUank , Mr. and Mrs. Howard guidelines." Orange Avenue. Costa Mesa. Simon and Siles Bazerman. -Announced support or tax At the evening service, 7 The eonservaOve temple credits for private benefactors o'clock, he will preach meets at Comm un It y to schools of higher education "Usable Vessels." Methodist Church, 6662 Heil as a substitute for increased Thursday activities meel at Ave. and conducts worship federal aid.,. · 7 p.m. and include B~le study. services Friday evenings 8 The association is comprised prayer mtttlng, Pioneer GirJS o1clock. Rabbi RalplfDeKO\len of 33 conserv1U\1e Protestant and Christian Service Brigade. aliso conducts a religious and church organizations which l tebrew school and adult have a total membership of Mesa Verde U o Ile d cluses,-during lhe week. more than 2 million persons. ·--'-'-----------'--- CHAR.LES ff, BAltll • HOW GOOD.Ii Good is grut at MR. STEAK. ll yoo haven't tried a delicm., pedeclly agocl ,_ USDA CHOICB MR. STEAX llloak, 1"" ehoald. &joy oar great ..U ,.,, time ~ r--,, 11 ~ and 9 p.m. ti: I ., 2267 'f1lniew Coste MISI 642-0732 During the services, con- ducted by Rabbi Bernard B. Goldsmith, in conjunction with Cantor Harry Newman, the Bar Mitzvah of Marc Stewart Powell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Powell, will b e celebrated. A planning session of The Concregatlonal Church of the Way of Newport Beach is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Sun- day at 436 Holmwood Drh•e. ''Pe rmi ss lveness in Pornography" will be Mon- day's topic ' at ttie ·· Dave Wilkerson Youth" Rally slated for the Anaheim Convention Center, 7:30 p.m. Mother's Day will be £eatured both at the Sunday school hour, 9:45 a.m. and the worship hour, 11 a.rn . at Foun- tain V a 11 e y Presbyterian Cburcb, 9420 Talbert. Children will participate at both hours. "Bible Mothers, 1969 Style" is the title of the sermon to be delivered by the Rev. Stanley P. Allen. New time for the Sunday family hour is 7:30 p.m. Au- dience-participation character- izes this meeting. The Le TQumeau College Male Quartet will present a prosram of sacred song at the Wntmiaste:r Brethn:n Churclt, 14614 Magnolia Ave .• Westminster on Friday, 7: 30 p.m. Le Tourneau College, located ln Longview, Texas is a Christian college. COMPLETE DINNERS FOR MOTHER'S DAY LEG of LAMB ........................ 3" witti "'l"t 1•11., TURKEY ............................... 11s • HAM ........................................ 31 ' CHILD'S PU TE .................... 2so Entertalnmtnt rlitr!11 Bernie Glen Duo DANIEL'S RESTAURANT 2131 BRISTOL, COSTA MESA For fttHrv1tfont C•ll 546-3414 e JUI DSl.IVDT e EAST 'l'DMll t W DAYS. NO 1N'l"lnlEST GET MOM OUT Of THI KITOIEtt ON MOTHel'S DAY Sunday, May 11, sarva the quean of your housa our holiday buff at. Ship round ' of roa1t beaf or roost spring lag of lamb, 12 axotic • salads, potatoes, ve9atablo, ron1, buttor Ir beverage. HOURS 1 r.M. TO • r .M. ADULTS $2.95 CHILDREN $1.75 Includes tax, tip and a lot of loving attention. RESERVATIONS PLEASE -540-7200 COSTA MESA 60lf & COUNTRY CUI 1701 GOLF COURSE DRIVI S40-7200 ANNIVERSARY SALE! Sponilh Eu,_ In Dird"f . • . Table wltb 2 11111, 4 1wlwl dWn lri . your choice of f;abrlc •""-or vinyls. s20900 ,__ OPIN ..,.,-...,, "nL t .... M'N9Af t TO t • ...... , --'° • •.& .....U•CMD -- • 265 So. Tustin Ave., Orange • Ph. 639-3142' 11 aLOC:K IOUTM 0,. eHAi-MA.N\ i ' I I D,111.Y PILOT What To Do? I . Califomians ""' finding plenty to talk about on campus affairs as today's ~ent Page reflects. This interview with Gov'. Reagan by TV figure George Putnam was recorded by UC Irvine student Floyd Norm.and printed in the UC! student newspaper under the headline, "Rooald Reagan Tells It Lll<e It Isn't." Other comments: on . campWJ turmoil , are from leading California fi~~ and the Opinions -as you'll note -are diverse indeed. Progress Is Being Made Ill' CIWILE8 J. em:& Pnsldeat UoJvenity Gl California We have a serious problem. What do "'clo-ll! On the posidve aide J 40 not believe that you can find nlne cam- puses anywhere in the country coping more effectively than we are -if you measure by the right i.st' keeping thC educational process going. Even at Berkeley, where our troubles are great.est, the. effecls on the educatlonal process ttiel:f have been minor. Howevef, I doo't Wint to mtn1mize our situation; it b lndeeil wry - Laws currently oo lhe books &fl' being enforced. and the University is sup- porting three new pieces of legislation to cover inadequacies pointed up by the cur- rent trouble. t. A !tatute maklng interference with University activities a mildemeanor. 2. A sta1ute declaring it to be a •trespass fm-ooe lo remain on O'f return to UDlvtdty property aft.er notificatioo lhat perplissl<!' has been withdrawn. I. A sla\u!< making Us&ult, battery, and usault wtth a deadly weapoo upon a llnlvenity PollCe ._.,, a lomy. We have not and we will not tolem.e violence or disruption. Violators or rules t.ve been and will be disciplined. students using pbylllul force or aeriou&ly tllrupting campus a~Oes have been ll1d will be placed on lntOrin! a!3pemloo. Mt.er a bearing, they are subject to mspenaion, dismissal, or ei:pulsion, with IUlpemion for an academic quarter the mlnlmwn penalty. In addition, the Berkeley Divl!iOn of lhe Academic Senate,~ OYtrwhelm- lngly on Feb. 3 to condemn the use of toru, violence, and disruption on the campus. Tbe reaolution declai-ed that 111ch tactics as physical obstruction and rlolenc~ 111&.erferenoe wilh classe.s, and lhreals and intimidalkrl are intolerable In an academic community. As for treating \he basic causes un- llerlying the unrest., I think we have a pod record. While by no means at- tempting to give you a complete list, I lroUld like to mention aeveral ac- complishments. In the area of curricula, experimental courses have been developed; student-in- lUated C1>urses and programs have been ctven; tutorial-programs are available: and Interdepartmental Courses have been ltart.ed. I think in general that there is now a high awareness-on the part of the facuJty of tbe need to relate their mat.erlal and courses to the needs <>f students . In the area of minority affairs, we have blatk and other ethnic studies courses at several campuses; we are setting up two new education abroad centers in Africa· there ii al the San Diego campwi ~ mobile counseling unit which operates in the ghettoes and barrios; the seventh col· lege at the Santa Cruz campus will con.- centrate on 1D"ban and minority affairs: an Intense recruitment program has made our San Francisco Mtdic.al Center the top enroller of minority studenls ol any medical &ehool in the country, with the e:z:ceptlon of the two predominantly black ln.c!UtutJons ; we now admit by special procedure up to four percent of so.called unqualified students in each entering cbss, almost all from disad· vantaged backgrounds; the enrollment in our Educatiooal Opportunity Program bas doubled each year of its n.istenct; and tbe whole University bas commiUed ilseU lo an Urban Crisis Program. In the area of student particlpaUon, J waot to rmnlion, u indicative of the ~ e:s:oellent campus programs, Pro-. ject lnvotvement on the Davis campus. Project Involvement encourages all members ol the campus communlty to gather regularly for frank discussions and it seems to have staru!d some real communication. Tb e All-U niversity Fat!Ulty Conference this year will have student delegates for the first time. J have establilhed a President's Student Advisory Councll; which had it.s first - and very successful -meetihg last ~turday. The Chancellors have ln<:luded students on many campus advisory com· mittees. The Regent& have started a new program of campus visits to dlseuss University issues with admlnlstrators faculty membe rs, and student&. And irn: student body presidents attend Regents' meetings as observers, with one or thelr number participating In committee work each month. I think it is clear that we have not been standing still, that we have made real progress, both In ttrms of developing measures which help ensure that the University can maintain Its own order and in tenns of moving to answer legitimate student complaint... But I would mislead you If I assured you that our efforts will put an end to our troubles. 011r M•• f11 San .Francisco High Bolls-ers "'By HERB CAEN SAN FRANCISCO -Where else but ln Hiu..borough would Rolls.Royce owners ra.lae a fuss over two bucks and fifty cents? The entry fee for clusic cars in the annual Concours d'Elegance there May 18 has been raised from $5 to $7.50, and the Rolls- Royce Olm.,.. Club, led by Flghljng ·Peter Lind, ls protesUng loudly on an 1'lt's the principle!" basis. Actually, hi tbe money, folks. ~GATELLE: A lovely sunswept morning at Jiuntlngton Park on Nob Hiil. Enter two hippies who approach the fountain .and proceed to take off their shoes. Children stare, nannies &!art and two Little Old Ladles on a bmch sniff "Dirty hippies!" and "Why doo't they stay out of our park?" Shots and socks removed, lhe blppln Wide into the pool and pi;oceed to clean OUI all lhe trash, ,_'fpaptrs and J\lper c:upo d<posiled by lhe Nob Hill gentry, INPUT .i. OUTPIJl't Harold B. Junlooo ol Berkeley ii &addled with a problem '9CUH•r io the qe. The ma• jellic ""1ll card computn at Crock· tr!Otl:em '-•married" hlm to one Ha:tel Jamleon and issued her a card with his number. "I have never laid ryes on Haul, let alone anything •lie," "°"'plolrll JIUlll>on, "but 10< a ~eot of the con>poter'• Im· qlnation, Ille la r .. J enough 1ince 1he II cbarstnf aiNrlll thinp lo my ao- • count. I am d!lighted io have her enter the mainstream of our economy. but why on ME? Like the hero or Kafka's 'Trial,' l have protested In v~.11 Jamison is divoreed, by the way, and would now like an instant divorce-by~mputer from Haul. BARNABY OONRAD'S nexl project for Random House: a book about the murder of his great-grandmother, Mrs. JerothmP.I Barnaby, in Denver In 189t -pouibly this country'• !ir•t murder-by·mail (she died of poison~ whisky MD her by her physician and confidant, Dr. T. Thatcher Graves). The mystery wu solved by Barnaby's grandfather, John Howard Conrad, with tbe aid of 138,000 worth o! Pinkertoos (tho apparent motive was a large bequelt to Dr. Graves In Mn. Barnaby'• will). The docl« killed hlmaell In his .. u by swallowing arsenic ooakoc! off flypaper -and you w!D have lo concede· tllllt'lha 'b °"" meaty story. (Copyright Chmnlcle .Publlshing c.. 111111) BE DIDN'T LOOK like your ordinary Fisherman's Wharf street· corner h1wker, and he wasn'l It's just that Clifford Donley, chainnan of the EnglJJh Dept. at Dublin High , "w•nted tl1e bwnan •iq>tr!cn« of klillng them in person," 10 he Mood there on Satur· day, peddling his new boot ol poema, "Oialoeue In a Dark Place," at 1 buclt a throw. He 801d 10, am.kl much dJalogue ln I brigbl place. --- f;omment Page I ' • THE CAMPUS ,State Leaders' Views on Shutting Off Violence An ln~rvft10 of Goo. ROMld Reagan bll _TV fill"" G•oro• Pulnam. Plll'NAM: Govemor. thank yoa for • tUin( the time lo be with UL You and I come from. the ume modest Income, mldwestem, bactgrouod. Both of us w0<1ted hard to bey our booka, our clotblng, pay our tuition, lo really aeek an education. What Is happening on our campu.1e:1 appears completely foreign to anyUUng we have seen befcre In America. What immediate cholcn do we have in coping with these revolutionaries, these anarchists .on our campw;e11. ~GAN: Well, George, the im· mediate choice, I Ullnk,. Is one of recognizing that what bas taken place ls not just some change in the young. people of America today, that this is, we are part of a revolutionary force that has been growing ln the world for tome Ume and has been lnereas.ing in power and virulence since World War J[, and it now IJ bitUng us as they Intended It shoiild, with our youth. Nine years ago, almost , ten years ago, J. Ed.gar Hoover, in a report to a congres_,ional committee, said that campus leaders had met in the Edgewater Beach Hotel in Chicago, and there planned a long range plan for what is taking place today, and we have to face this. The choice is no mor~ backing away, appeasing, or thinking this will go away U we don't look at it. The choice is -M~~ our stand here. We fight ft and we wm it, ~gardless of cost at this point, because what we're fighting for ls the vast majority of our young people who are not a part of this, and who are pro-babJY the finest, most decent, best in· fcrmed, lntelllger1t generation of young ~le lb.II country has ever known. P1J1NAM : Well, certainly the lax· paYeta are fed up with riotlng and bum· mg and destruction of their educational facilities. But, do the Regents, the ad· mi.nistrators, do they fully understand this, do they believe it? Do they care? REAGAN: George, they care. Perhaps they've been slower in coming to a realization of what I just said. Perhaj>s some of them still doo't realize or believe or agree with that This would be more true on the campus actually among faculty and administrators because there has been a kind of -Well, first of all, in the educational community, let'.1 be fair, they've never had to deal with violence. They have lived in a workl where, even wl~na: opinions, Uiey sat down .as men Of good will and good faith, talked them out, disc~, and respected each others' opinioo. They weren't prepared for a force ln their midst that would say every dirty weapon, kneeing, gouging, whatever fs fair now and this ii what we're going to do, and they have become confused between the social causes that are touted outside, and they have failed to see -they're conJ'used by this. Because they're a liUle &ympathetic, as many of us are, to 60llle of the things that the young people want in the line of change. This Is no longer the issue. and they haven't been able to &ee that the rea) issue is -Once the other side took to the barricades, once the other &Ide •aid this is a demand l}nd we bum you down lf you don't give in, that now becomes the only issue. Can you have an orderly society if any group in your midst, through C()E!rcion and force and violence can get what they want, because Viey'll be back next week? And once they realize that, they'll realize that until that comes to an end , and until they convince them that they must come inside in an orderly way, sit in the schoolroom and present their so-called demands of their proposals in an orderly way, and accept defeat tf they're not bought by the ma· jority, and by the authorities, take what they can gel, there can be no negotiation and no d1scus.5ion. PUTNAr.f: Are you able to detennlne who lhe.se troublemakers, who the3e these wreckers really are, and whai percentage they represent. REAGAN: _Oh, it 's a tiny percentage, George. It's like more Ulan 20 yeara here in the mot.ion picture industry, when we had lo deal at that time with the Com- munist threat, by way of that litUe con. ference of studio unioM, when they used a jurisdictional dispute to confuse many people. You have a sort cushion around them, this will vary depending on the issue lhey happen to be touUng. Tbe'issue is never real. Academic Freedom, right to have a course, different bclus ln the dormitory, food in the cafeteria. Ptn'NAM: Trumpecklp grievance1. REAGAN: That's right. Get rid of that soft cu.shim around them, who are kids who bonntly believe they've p 1 calllt lhey're touttng, and In the mlddla-you wW !Ind a llUle bard core bunch Ii pro. fslooal a&italon. I call them pro. leaaioaal becauae you11 find -o1 them only take a courae hm and there lo JusU!y their being on tbe C!llllpua. Sm>e of them hive been In twf a doZ'en col- leges •lready, moving from ooe to anotber. They travel back Ind forth ~ the counlty. '!'bey go to Havana. They 10 lo Hanoi. '!'bey go lo Moocow. SomeUme the Internal Revenue oueht to look .and find out where tbty're g'ttlng the money for all th1s travellng. PUTNAM' Arfll'I you saying that perhapo theae are either hard core 0< directed Ccmununlsts! Wh1 do ,.. back oU from the word "COmmucist"? Ycu'rt talking about these lndlvlduab. Hatchin•: ' REAGAN' nilJ Is one of the things that lhey~V! kh!!f.fi put OVtt 00 Ill today. It'• kind ol Illa kba ol dealh lo your came j you talk Commmlm ar 8Jl)' of the~ N'!" the °"'!m•:i::r lodoy, he'I loot a uttio bit ol conl!'o\i the throlUe, beN!u• -kll!I, like ID SD6 have I""" on be)'Glld the Ameiaoi Caaununill Par- ty. Tbe Amerlcml COmmlaiat Party ails back and .smugly say1 .... dcrt't care what causes the ruckus and what breaks down the Social Structure. Once it's broken down, that's '!'hen we'll make our move and come in." But at the moment, tbeae klda -I lhink,I& rreatest parallel you can draw Is :fttb the Hitler Youth Movement all ovtl again, with inlolence and anogance and fear ani! bdln)Jdatlon. Ibey limply are balfalo\nc decent people into lltttng beck/while Ibey d<stroy. PUTNAM: We've aem all tbe way1 Don't Trust the Police By ROBERT M. BVTClllNS Former CkaaceOor, Ulllv<ntty ol Qlea10 President, C.en«er for 8Wdy ef Democratic WUtudou, Santa Barbara If in Jpite of the best efforts ol. all con-- cerned, or aD but 1 few, the univmity ill disrupted, the police llhould on no account be called In. They ,,_ be trusted, and an invitation to them to enter in the name of "law and order" is evidence that the unlvenity has given up trying to become a center of Independent tbouchl and criUclam, for IUCh a center can live only by discussion. The R e 11 a n • Hayakawa syndrome produces a uni versity that is worse than none at all. If, therefore, a lllliverslty is victimized by a group who insist on lrrational demands or who limply want to dlarupt the lnalltutioo, the thing to do IJ lo close Younger: the place down and call for a coo-- atltut.ional coovmtion. In atate colleges and universities the convention should consist qi poUUcians, regents or trµstees, adminiatraton:, professors, j u n Io r membera <>I the !acuity, and students. 'Ibis ii whal higher education In America needs, serious d!Jcuulon about what it IJ for one! bow lo organize It lo achieve its objectives. Such dilcusslon bu never taken place. No college or univeralty cculd emerge unchanged from the kind <>I ecrullny and debate a con- 1Ututlonal convention would require. Ancient sinl of omission and com- misaion might be abaolved at lasL Modern crimes again.st humanity might be corrected. The university, instead of reflecting mialulded purposes and aban- doned Ideals, might fashion the mind of the new age. Rule of Law Comes First By EVELLE J. YOUNGER Dlllrtd Attor.ey Los Aagelea Couty If you permit students to lock 1 college president in his office without puniah- ment. where do you draw the line? Do you allow a student to physically attack a teacher if he only breata a nose and causes no perm.anent injury? Will he be permitted to set fire to the administration building IO Jong as he does damage lo only one or two offices? How n1any buildings must the atudenta occupy before action is taken? While diasidenta have a right to be heard, they do not have a right to ac- complish by force what they fail to ac- complish by persuasion. We must be completely and utterly devoted to the proposition that we are going to achieve needed social reform and, at the same time, insist upon obe- dience to the ruJe of Jaw. We must admit our mistakes and our shortcomin«s and pour the necessary money, lalent and dedication into a massive effort to effect necessary change1. But, we must, at the same time, recognize that there can be no social pro- gress except iD an environment where Jaw and order prevails. Lives and property on campus are jusl Jacob11: as precioos u off campus. We must 1et rid of our lnfmortty complex and our gullt feeling about somothlng that hap- pened many yurs ago. We mlmt imi1t that everyone, whatever thelr color, whatever tbe.ir religion. no tnl.tttl' that they may have been the vic- tim of prejudice or dl.acrimiDation, notwithstanding the lad that our great· great-great.great.grandpartnll may have been cruel to their great-great.great. great.grandparents, obey the Jaw. We mut aay, "we are sorry lad we are going to try to lolve 10me of our prob- lems. But while we do, everyone - man, WOD'Ull1 and child, bl.act. brown, yellow or white -Ls g.oing to follow the rules. And where there is a vlolatlon, we will move prompUy aod vigorously to ap. prehend and prosecute the persoJ11 who commit the violation. In other words, we are making a total commitment to social progress within the framework of law and order. We are making progress. People are fed up but when fed up begin making el· fective change. No one ever improved an educational lnstitutloo by burning down the buildings on campus. No yotlnJSter ever got an edUCltion caJTying a atgn on the sidewalk in lroot of bis ICbool. Push Non-Violent Means Ill' NEIL H. UCOBY r.._0eu Gradult Scllloel el Um"'*IU.. Unlvtraity of CalUGnlla, Los Aophl God knows that lhe American unlversl· ty needs to be re!onned.111 lhe -<>I re!ormlllon there la one prtndple upon which l believe the admlnistntor must si.nd without compromise: violence ta an unactePtable instrument ci rdorm. As an institution dedicated to the free examination and o1Ucllm or ideas the univen:lty studs for ntJoul di~ion and poatt!ul penuulon ., tbe proper means of rtf«m. Opeo dlscusaion on the campus by bona-fide studenl.I Nld their invited guests is an inalienable rlghL P.....iul -atloos and picketing are legllbnate adJona. Disruption o! -"111 of ad-m.lnlttr1Uqn by 11*4nl/1 looUnc ol filel, wlndow·brulcing, and bwnlnp Violates the rights o! olhm and should be ponlsh- ed by expul!lcn from the university and by legal proceedlnga. The lhrowlng of bombs and the threatening of faculty members or •d· mini:straUve officers with deadly weapons ere serious feJonles. They sboukl be pmlllled u such. Radlcal actlvislJ often argue -a la M...,... -that vlo1"""' IJ n«essary to brln( ·-.-ua1 relonm. They point out that 1be IJnlted Stows -Ila independeoce only because our fcn!alben rebelled -_ violeoUy - aplmt the Brllilb Cnnrn. What they IOflel Is lllat violence lo pro!DOte ll juat calllO may be coodooed only after Ill ...,.violent meana have -tried and !ailed. Our student acttvJsll today have not re.U, tried non-Violent meam. Indeed they have generlll)y not even taken u,; first llep In the procesg <>I peaceful nlonn -that of tlllnklng through tbe !aulls ol pmerit arrangements and dmsnlng a c:oberent pr<>1ram o! reform. Ev"1 ll)'lllpalhe\lc phllooopben of the i.1t have ot.rved 11111 the radical movement on American campuses lacU a true lnteUectua1 effort and un-t d..-plnnlng. Whal the Americao campus needs today b I little l1lOI'< thought ll1d I lot less almlm adlon. The ldmlnlstr•tor's single moot lm- por1anl -ll1d harden -task today b to penuade activist studsltl to read a book lnlle1d of cartyinf 1 placm!, to listtn ln- 11<1<1 ol -,., to <zpreu an ldta tn- lload <>I thn>wlnl a brlclt tbonigh a win- dow. these troublemaken, these wrecken, ""' determined to de,s1z"oy our educaUonat ll)'llem. What would they put in ils plsc<~ Have they ever come up with something coocrete wlth which they would rtplacc what we have! ( REAGAN: No. The SOS has been veryj explicit about that. They say thelr aim' right now is to tear ctown, and theYi haven't given any thou ght to what they'll put in its pl.ace, but they 'll t.h1nk of something later. Jn the meanUme theYt have deliberately chosen the campus and their own words -Here as you said a Ut· Ue while ago, you mentioned the word communism. We Ignored Hitler's Mein Kampf, we ignored the threats of Slatin and of Lenin and the things they predicted, and here this group. They tell us they are using the campus simply as a ~ launching pad for insurrection against the present structure. PUTNAM: And to take over our government and our way of life. REAGAN: That's righL PUTNAM: lf these are the followers o~ Mao, Castro, militant communism, dCJ they understand any other language than brute forte! REAGAN: No, they really don'L And we don 't want to join them, we don't want to say, well you knO\v I've never subscribed to the belief that you fight fire with fire. If you have to give up your belief in our insUtuUons and our ideals, then maybe they're right and there is something wrong with our institutions and our ideals. We don't have to. All we have to do is recognize, as J said some time ago, government's responsibility is to protect even one in· dividual with the full power of govern· ment if that individual's rights are being trllmpled upon. Now those right& are being trampled upon, in the persons of the Proressors and students who want to go ~ get an education and give an educawon. So, government has no choice but to use whatever force is necessary t~ insure the protection of those decent peo- ple on the campus. But the college and the University administrators also, .and now the trustees and the Regents, must come to the support of me, that they no longer can be confused by the pretended issues. This is -now a confrontation in which the other side has declared for ~ Jng force. Therefor¢ it must be met by enough force to restore order. PUTNAI\I: \Vell, now many believe these militants have finally overreached themselves and that we no longer think of these wreckers of our campuses and our way of life as kids doing kid things. Do you think that they 've crested? Do you think we're about to go over the peak and down the other 5ide? Aie we winning the battle? REAGAN: 1 think V.'e are. I know that sounds perhaps foolishly optimistic to some of the people who are close al hand Jn seeing it go, but I think we have an awareness now on the part of many of the people that we didn't have be.fore. I'm optimistic that we are, and I know that the people recognize that \vhat we are ~oing is not some fascistic assault upon innocent youth. They know, and have sup-- ported us in the acts that we've taken. PUTNAr.f: Well, Mr. Governor, as one who has watched you in your career, as a sports announcer at WHO, Des Moines, when you were known as "Dutch" Reagan, and then as a llollywood actor and later as Pre&ident of the Screen Actors Guild, as a businessman ex· eculive, rising finally to Governor ~f the State of_ California, may I offer you, &ir, a great big Thank You for your tireles.'5 ef· fort., your dedication in standing up to these force.s of anarchy, these revolu-- t.ionaries, who are attempting to aeiie control of our California schools, and you told the revolutionaries, and_ this movti. ment, that this is not the American way tha~ ya1i"re going to stand or fall In oP. pos1Uon to their Nazi, Fascist., Com· munist, Anarchist, violent actiom aimed a't.Qverthrowing first our school 1fstems, and 111errour government, and finally our own American way of life. Quotes ~ T. Cropley, CuperUno -"To this middle age re.actlanary observing tbe college scene, the dJacussion of lower· Ing the · voting age t~ 18 ts highly ir- relevant. tt should be raised to 25." --...icW- Saturday, Moy 10, 1989 Tllo Commont Page of the Dally Pilot aeeko lo Inform and stimulate readers by presenting a variety of com- men~ry on topics of inte~ est aM algnlll.cance tro.n lriformed observtrs a n d apoke1men. aolNrt N. Wwl, - or;.~.......... . ---.. , S.turd~, M~ 10, 1 •6• ' .. Taurus: D&n.Y PILOT Z "' ~ccept and Gain· From Spi·ritual Counsel SUNDAY MAY II BJ SYDNEY OMAIUI RECllE&TION lllNri Good ft< .t-..-Got -- Ille· -....... -" ct1111IM9 IUM. V• •.r prefer te wata aWttlc ne------11 ... -llnlap ,.,Uclpatloo. ARIES (Morch ll·AprU It): Cycle moftl up. Enlist lid ol ..,. who may ha .. been 1Mnr you cold shoulder. Means ua surprise teclmlque. Do the u n expected. C!rcumsllnc<s are right for you to take 1zt.. IU.Uve. TAURIJS (AprU :ZO.M1y 20): Accept and gain from spiritual counsel. Emotional void can be Oiled. Know this and be determined. Recent setback will be ovtte0me. Today strive for inner slrtngth. GEMINI (May II.June 20): Be active. Cleek recreation hinL You are vital and a wl~ ner. You mate friends, in· For The Record ...... Senior Cltlnnt Clull ol Mvlltl ...... lkw;ll,, P1rt Ind lte<TMllon l•lllflrlt, ll'lfl Mid Ont'* Sir.eh, Hvnllt9lwl lkKl'I, 1• •.m. H1rtior Stnler Clll-Club, Senior c1nrens Clubllovw, Ult! Strwt 11111 lrvlne .r. .... ni., HeWl!Ort 111«1'!. 10 ··~ N,_. Ctt1Nr K!Wani. Clvb, J..rt Rt•t.llrMll, 2121 E, C0\111 Hltllwey, Cormw Oii Mer,U _, cam,,,..1ws T...,.,,...,..,s. car• """' ltn!Ml,_.I, UU 1-!erW lltwf., c.tt Mela, 7 P.m. IEllPlonr kol.ltf. II~ El«;l'rwilCI, IEKPiw.r POI! No. IN, llttic.dl Et.c. ~lo. 3Jlll Hl1'.... IMI., Coltll I Mee, 7:U 11.m. ll..V.O .. r, Huntlnstan llMd'I C_,.r, MIMl'llc lftnPi., .,.. l1k1 A"., """' tlMt.1 hlKh, 7:)0 ... m. Fou,,,.!11 V1tler Jvnlor CllM\tler .i C-u, O.-r1t membtrslll"" Cl- tl' HIU,/IO'JW Slefw AY•., Founi.Jn v111..,., :» p,m. Or•~ eo.11 Coln Club, Mtrl!wr1 Llbt"a,..,, 2005 Do\11r Drlv1, N""'"1"f .. lldl. 7:30 p,m., Cml• MHP H1rmon., LoOv• No. "· Odd FtllDwl Hill, 2~1' IM-' 81vd.. Costl MIN. I •.m. VFW Na. 7W. VFW Hall, Ywlllawn" A-. Hurltl ... ftln l .. dt, I P.11'1. Mtrbn k.lll~rtnle F-.HTIM\. o....,.. C.U..l'f CM.,_r, Vnltld ,......, Bllildlne, 1Ul2 5t.n1Wd A111 .. GPrWI .. _ TUISDAT CNll tMtll City E'"'loyn,. °""'1lll IC/tct...i, Sit W, lfttli SI,, CDlf9 ,.,_., ··~ Cor11n• chil MM' ExcM-Club. _,_.,., R•l••rltlf, 2121 E. Collt Hltl'i......,, c.-•I Mir, 12 -· Callo "'"-Eldll"'t Club, COr1I fl:..t, 2W Hart.r 8MI., Costa Mnlo, '12 -Hvntlnt!m 8ttd'I North Llont Club, MMdtPN .. rll: CGUntry CllJlt, 1•112 Grart.m. Hun11 .. 111n eeac,,, 11 "'°°" Cotll MIKI Roll,., Club-Norlfl, COl'9 MelP Qolt and COU!ltry Clutl, 1~1 Goll CO\lrn DrM, Cm!• Mesi, 11:10 c:=. dtl Mir l(IW1nlt Club, \'Ult sw.den, 1536 !. Co11t Hlthw1,, COl"Ol'll 411 MM. H:IO 11.m. Hvnll"8loll llltld'I Rola,.., Club-North, Four Wlflft lll•l111r1nt, 1...,1 hlM Chiu, Huntl1111ton ... di. 12:11 •·'"· H11ntlNfon h1dl Kl'Mni. Club, Hvn- 11,..trori S.1<llft COlmITT Club, XIClll "•Im Ave .. H~nlll'!llM !leach, U:l5 ,..m. N..._, Hirt.or 0itttrn111 c 1ut1. vni. t.WrffM, lOU llP'fllft Drf"ff, Newflott llNch. 1,:U 11.m. eo.11 Mn• 1tlw8ftl1 Club, Codi Mn.e Golf •1111 CoU<llr"Y Clull. Colli MIN, 17:15 11.m. 1tot1,..,. CIW o1 N~81!bo9, lrvlns Coun..,., Cll/ll, IMIO E. Coe1I HlthWIJ', eo..-Ml 'Mr. •::JO •.m. Tontm111"'11 CMI, T/OF, l(lnel Tell .. rntaur.,,!, W•tmlnt1'fr, 6 ,.,m, Cftll Meu-N-rt H1rbDr Li.n. Cluti, Mesa Virrde Count,.., Cillllt, Cmt. Mell, ,,'5 "·'"-.. lboa !I.., Lions Club, VIiia MMlf19, IMJ l1nkls Drift, N._rl l•dl. 7 ... m.. .. Seal k1<ll Tontni.1t." CIW. 111 "atldl Hovw, 1a P1clflc c- Hllllwl'f. $ell k1dt, 1 ,.m. H1111tlnetot1 INCi! l!lu Lodlt, Eb Clllb. ICM Oc11n An .• HIHllintlon l•d'I. 7::111 11.m. Society for fM "'""irrv1lkll'I •nd EnQMJrff-1 ot 81rber 1'- 0u1rt.1 Sl11t111'11 In America, C•I• MaM dlil!I ..... Collete "•rll sctiotl, t.1tO Notre 01m., COUI Me11, 1:4J '"·'"· . sc.u111 Co11t "'di.,. 2o.30 Clvb, vn1an Inn, Ut Mlrlne, ll•lllM t•1an11, 7:30 "·"'· t .0.0.M. ~ No. 1151, LU IE. 11"1 St.. Cos!1 Mna, t :U •. m. Cir•-COollf l~I !l'rllli M-L..,., T .... r. ..,,.,., •U W. Htmlllorl, Co1t1 Mtu, l :lJ P.m. Wl!DNllDAT l lue l'llrM T-tm11111 .. Club, MWll v...v. '"-"" Ch.lb. C0tl1 MfM. 1 1.m. Cmla Maa..Or1-c .. 11 Llone Clult, Odll 'I c.t'IM ~. 112 E. UI,, St., Cml1 Meu, 1 a.m. Hunlll'leton !111dl Eu111"'9 Clue, $J'l9r1tvn !1..-cll Inn, Hunli,.ten ... cto. n -. WntmlMlw Opllmllf Club, l(lnl'J T1bll 1tn11ur1n1. w_,rmlMl!lr, 11 -COlll .V.-Cilltlmlsl Club, C•la ,,.,.. Gorr •1111 Country Club, 1111 6-11 Counoe Drl'ft, C.11 Mna, 12 ,__ -Corti Me111 lllo .. ,., Club, CO$ft MeM Goll Ind C-..,., Clllb. Coall Miu, ,,_ w .. 1m1r11ter ~~-Clull, Ha'"~ Inn, UIMl llW'd., W..lmlntltr, ,,_ H11n'1n1""" INCi! Lklnl CIW-Ho1111, MffOllWl1'11 COlll'lffY Club. H\11'11..._. lhld'I. 11:11 "·"" N-rl H«bor Bw1 G.--. Vl111 Mllr1N. tM IWllde Clriw, N~ lffdl, 11:11 11.rn.. I'll drat those pesky 9arden pe1h with my fruity dratt•r Do you 111,. bup that CTttP or crawl err. nibbM or gnaw? G<t I hold fl ~f, I" Jo Yl>ll' phone, dllJ my answtt· Ing oervlce, and <1lm17 !elf your Dime and nmnber lo the voice thlt .,._. Theo I'll c:Hmb out ol my J'09t bush, coll )'OU back, •hd com< -and 11111illi11te 'em. ROWELL'S GAlDIN PUT CONnOL I Ute ,..11 la , Newport Beadl, Colta Mesa. Corwa del Mir, Lipa l'hone 646-0451 ·- nuence people. cOallctl loday coa pay IUblro dlvldendl. Be coolldenL Sense ol humGt ..,__ CANCER (June ~~J. 22): lloa1 nqlecl •• home. You abould -plete, cborts wblch have lo do with utety, aecurtty. Get. cooper1- Uoo """I f1mily member. Finbh what you \atart A-t ttlilblllly. ' LEO (July U.Aq. 22): You. may find whit you lad lo surprlltoc llllllDer. Not necessary to tr1vel great distances. Whal ii reqvlnd ii clOM 1t hand. Ad ICCOC'dln(l.y. SlodyC.-meuqe. VIRGO (Aug. U<iept. 22): Hol4 oo lo -Money ~ a way or bein, elusive for you today. Be receptive but keep ammunilloo flrY. Meana beair..n-....Someoao Dll1 w tryloa lo bttk ycu. • Ull4 (Sept. IS-Oct. 22): You tend lo be Impatient. Trut flmily memhen with respect. '!bil It day lo .._ understanding. Thia: cau be a fine time for amicable aet-· llelJl'lll•of dllpute. MaM coo-~..'.]l•stun" , °""""w (OcL 12-Nov. ao: \SIJll>lise due. Auocl11od with ncent. rtstrlction&. Some a.re lllted aod you hive gruter freedom. You learn tb1t you ........ _, you thotlghl WU lost. SAGITTAIUIJS (Nov. :12- Dec. 21): Loven' · quaml should not be taken loo seriously. You I.end to act on irnpulte. 5a\'e I Wtlt roori\ for Jogic. Ac:cem on creative endeavon:, bow you rtlate to • opposltt; MJ, MCIS'try. Conrusm ~. CAPIUOOllN (Doc. .II.Ion. Leave detalll lo othm, Doy lo 19): Conlllct of lntertsl could rtlu. M<dltation b r ID Is exist: It mvolvu fa rq JI 1 aniwert from lthin. obU,:ation and proieukml du!-w ty. Key 11 lo 1lln _.,11 PllCl:ll (l'eb. 111-Mardl 20): from t11ose wbo ,_ -lo Vllll IDdlWllal who ..,. betn you. Then you -ny lo Ill~· llhowil loday b1pp!nesa. . . wUlbe , .~. \\QUARIUS (Jon. !20-Feb. Acoeot on What . .,.,..... out of 18): Travel lhnuld bot be ol&!IL Be U. Ind dilcnel. undertaken unless ,abiotllllly .11~ ,_....,.,)'<>II .,., lalldUve ·llld &le hr o clUng chanp. YCRI .. o llllurll teacller and .._..., YOU CID acaunubite and tft.. ltWlllftllY uWlle locb. A new llart lo rigl11 d-II In· dlcai.d. . ... ... Ar 2f'P111Me I . 10" Hibaclli- Sinrre. adilstable c11na ptlted 1rifl witk wood 3 98 llnlle. Cast itot holy. • BBQ ::iu 12.881'---- 18" Table BBQ ,it ..,.. _~ ..... "''"'" trill. 4 3 """"" ..,_ T-. f~dilt( lost for Portability, 2 side c1rryi~1 u.dl!s. • 1L1cn1c sn10FoAM Ice Cbest Charcoal Lighter ""'" b>dy .,~ bho "QlffCHAl" "lhtltr" -~ ~lit. lllllQ! dies lrld conrl«flble •~ ....... _ .... lll IPpt'CIYtd willl 1 69 sidegripc.36 qlsizt. ~~~. 1.59 •ttxl<d I It mt 1 88 . I ltf. ?.11 • FOLDING ALUMINUM 6 Ft Umbrella Outdoor Furniture Dlllltl Back Rest CHAISE LOUNGE "Ac1p1lt1" ••• $Qu11Hf-tbe-Bot0er talart Mi solid tones. IJlllllinllm ffame witb Cmib!e lublllar .-m Jests. live Jisi- liall ad'JUSfllmt. 1 wertai webs. 16 llcrizonlal kr utrJ slreftith. ~ C1l1liDrt It I low frie,e! OllLY 7.99 3.99 ''Command' 1 SPIAT-811 tt•lr GrM••r fer Men -ilo ""'' ...,, •air mt, '" *itn'I 119 have a "sllcW .,_.. loot. 1.H 11 N. Sin • "F D s " lllltlllM£ ••• mm Deodorant Spray A oost P.lOlll sort of • -... --i; Mild"' gee J IZ. Sill LADta• <PUnAlll'' Hand Bags Choo't fro• 1ssorted •.• eaa will! a tMtic: •l!leS. ""' .. coin 3 69 ~flllillf, u. • •on· Swi1DR1ing Trunks -"' .. "' -O!lil ..... oili ....... ...i ......... fell :1:.2 39 If tnms. Siles S·llM.. • hr Piiio•'-' "flllr" -Jwo.pia 1!umia~111 pol1 ••• stripe drill in Pit. rvst or blot. • .,.. SIM!ill hi -J lbs. filltd IOI' waintll, cot- lo• •01adclolk covered witll lfinted arttlll flinnel · linini. 36" iipper. in1r 6.98 Sin Claw• Tack Ha•r Wreld Set ottl blllr lrllS •.. T1tk 49c 6~~ _P ... 11 ... e-r ..... 1111 •L ~ ...... -. 5-pieri 1pe1 end set 49c wit~ sizes f1t1111 5/16" r '' ~~~:.~:~;Yer· ~J'l .89 so -r.o.io1'11e 1~1 rn• 49c =·-""1 """'"' Wrench Set Chain Lack .;11 u-11c1 .•• 49c idell for IA Ofl r.ieydes, 1111kr· .-...., ........ "" 5·""2 "" "" botlll set oritll "'" """ 311" "5/1". .as • ~Pc. Screwdriver =::::: sn -AssortH inn for 4Dc !!llSl •Ii jo!s. " 2.39 .,~ ~ ' . .. ' " ' .. , .... '•"~ .. " . "Loonie Straws" is ""' "' 1Y ... '"'· ... 59c keabbte straw • • • tM full • ., • *"" '"""' "Slinky" ~~., Bttter b Mr! Watcb it waB: 5gc tlownstlits; ... it ·~ ' SI.., MU; • , • it's lots off• uu-_~•111" "Jl"'T""'ll' ., - 61111 lia """" """' -sgc "'"""' ---20 ft.,--I "NOYahistine" ruxu -fir relief of llSll COll- 1estiol doe to tM, ctD- ..,. :, cold llld "'g& CtLSlll .,- 11 Absorllill Jr. 11 11111 "Compoz" Tut.m· -·--"'_,,, ~ >i-::=1 ::.: ··1 ·a""g ' . 2JIWS I !!.size 1.19 "NikoblJ" -"Chap Stick" I.if ....... lltisolllc ... """"' ~ """"' ~,. ... 3:1.00 "Kaopectate" Fn "Sominex" rulITS Triat..t 1t lbntu I £ffectivt N " lllhr..I • • •• prompt ICtiq. sootti-~~ sleep M takeft as :;~:~i~ ::. 2.49 "l'repa'ation H"· for HIMOllHOIDS "Pop Specs" f~ .... ""-a oo tioll: ••• blaaorn- ller W/ ffllf lellSes. • ~ .... Goggles ·A.so.co· ... ci..s.""' 11 00 ass't coonhlt· lllailors. • POI IYllYONI WHO WALKI uetue-Jay" AEIOSOL POOT AIDS ,,----., I .II ,..-Siu :~::= .. , 79c ............ q , Panty Hose ~ . - ottl •-1 CIJI ..... ••I· "jeposit lotties! 119 lei 1.n 11 u. Sin hk tf I • "Soft COSllrnC Puffs" ., -, _ ..... so1~·ab­ -.•. '"'"ll!rilo! 2 , aac Ideal for cosmetic and o WylSt.. llclWs I uDtlS' Sandals n111111t}Je1 •aemrdo" ""' - -lot 1 88 ~ ldeol "' bolcl " lti .. ww. Sim 5 ta JO. • 11 lllC8 lli'lllU ·Slojof, .., I tll tlrl ' ,.....,, .., ttll DRUG STORES II ~t-tllt .. -1DATIA-.... W HUNTINGTON llACH ADAMI I llOOIHlllT NIWPOllT llACH t• lmMI IN WllfCU" PLAZA HUNTINGTON llACH ln16tALIADt6a • .• • " • '•' .. .. •• ... " , ,. .. " r. I I l J • I ·1 .. 1 ' • •'r'1 .. .J,_ I • WdlV•111.tT ' ·NEW '1YORK ·STocK EXCHANGE WEEK'S . .~ . YEAR'S· , IDGH, LOW CLOSE • . I , • -·- \ • • • • \ -------------_____ :..__...__.'-----, IWl.tl'ILOr' I ; ' I .1 .1 I I • Wide Open Spo~: -Vlw-'model, till SOaieoel. la Ille big4amlly .... ,,. _lous, ,......,. ...,... hu .n the _...,.. _,. • llrl" IJnllt CQllld -· The family room_. f~ .ex· imple, JrCIYldel room ..,..... I« pme tables, a ·Jllam, or -,.u ¥ke. 'Ille room adjolm 1he ior,. kildlea .... where ·lho Jody o!'lhe bogoe Cl!lnr qWctlJ pl"eplR and serve inacks to -.... q1liel faijilly dimer . . "The S<menet rOmnr room ~ · a ·. favorle with mmy Harbor View Homer buyers," !l(lt<lding to Dlilfie Fryling, uleonianoleratllarborVJew Hoines. '!be ""' « the Som<nee'• floor plm provldos illll as moch _..,... opoce ..i comfort as you'll llN in the fainily n>Olll. '!be entry, for lnllance, Is nearly 30 feel long. Bui Its ummual lengdi lnvk ,.u Into the epadous formal living n>Olll. '!be den. jlllll olf the family room, can be coaverted Into • ...... . room, bobby room, TV room or a fifth bedm:m. There is a large warorobo ci...t and -ad-jaceit In the den. Spanish Dream . ' Viua With Pool-~Cheap By ALDO TRIPPINI . MADRID (UPI) -Near rotjremenl and dreaming of opeodlng ll in • seaside villa ~ swimming pool and a:arden? It may be an hn- J)OSSible dream for Americam wanting lo retire ln the USA. but it'a not impossible in three. rooms, •.plm: ~tchentlte and bathroom, aparbnents in the Spanish capital can be bought for 16,000. What about affluent Americans who · waht something speclal? 'Ihey have a wide range. It even got! back to the middle ages, and the towers and castles that . filled the Spanish c:ountry•ide A building boom lw made it then. . Spain. possible to buy a three--. ·in Uoret dt Mar' ,: •side bedroom aparµnent on . the l'e80rt on the ~· Bra'va Spanish seaside for Jen than (wild coast), you :.tn ·im ·ar $3,000. A glance through ancient tower .urrouaded b)' · Madrid newspapers uncavtrs huge · gard~ with .ntriuninc hundmll of harplns by pool and garage fq<'f57,140. Amencan -rda. Towen and castlet' dating In the ltuide resort.I fl. bllck 300 to 400 y e a r i Fuengin>la, along • the Sun metlmes are offUed by the ) Coast near Malaga, a modem f!llVl!rnmenl free of charge: lhtte-bedroom apartment with 'fl!er!!'• ll!M"catdl. You '.ha large diping room, kllcbonelte tii'pay lo(aiiy 'urient repojn; and bathroom Is offered far 1llld Ibey can be quite cosily ... · 12,895 -and you can ~Y In ·Ten miles Mlide Madrid b imtalments, start.Ing with • a 9 14f..square-foot villa, !W' · down payment of fllt. ~ by 8 218llO-square-· Alone the blue Medlter· 100t park with ga~ aW'irm ! ranean, near Allcante, you riling pool.and large garage. It , come across "Pia de Bon ii' brand new, deluse and the . RA!pos" (good rest beach) uldng price Is 1102,157. w~ere a four-room aparlment . l,ulur)i ~ts abound · in a new building goes for ln the capiliL ·Some four'..room ~9?8. Jl·has a large t.rrace Dal ..U. for $14,142. U you and a gl....ct-ln gallery look· want to live In a lllllD')' lhree- tng -out OD the sea. 'J;'be down bedroom ap&rµnent w i t b payment lo 17511 then ISZ.50 kltditlte . and. bathroom, be per mooth ferr loo ntOnths. pttpared ·to pay '$9,000. But Thirty miles outalde Madrid that includes a garden dotted you can buy a cottage for with pine trees. · IS,:;n, plu• land at $1.31 per Spaniin!S shake lheb-~ 10.764 square feel Five miles ti.l such ridioilous pnce.,.· But closer to the capital a 2,700-Americans are fascinated. aqu_are-foot c o t t a g: e sur· roQn4ed by 10,764 oquan feet of prden cosit 1u.iu .. , Coast 1 M .. an Se. ts A tbJ'ee.bedn>om 1 cottage, w1111· umoe, gaJ'!len and d u· T~"­gatare. •CID be bought for · Lao · Se '. ...... 17,11$7 .. A c:ollqelh lbJs ..... ' . • suriounded· by• 5,533 equare . MIAMI -. D·eo·m·O•D d feet of land, is )'ours for Muirhead ofNewj>ort Beac:b; a 14 000. noted 110U CQllrae designer and §;pp09e the: ~ife" doesn'~ · .Jan;d,planner, wtU '1"U: at ~e want to -live In the country. Urban Land InsUtute'a first St,e'd prefer ·Ma~rid and an , ~d· Use s~~ium ·~ ,the apartment. She can· have one lloial Country Club and Hotel, -thtte rooms, II: i t ch e n • May 18-22. bathroom and the works -for Muirhead will speak on $10,642. One advertisement .. Golf -Yesterday's Luxury promised a live-room apart--Today's Necessity," before rnent in a oew building for appro1imately+500 membell of $8,314 . Another mentioned four the ULI. Theme of -iht rooms, kitchenette. bathroom meeting is ''Land -Redea· tor fl ,tC. U you can do with tiGa I: Leiaure.,. Jack Risbrough New Forest Coordinator Jack R!abrough, a San Fran- cisco Ales exerullve, has been named marketing coordinator at Deane Brothtrs' Lake For'!Sti it was annouoctd tl1il week by Warren Toman, ~ of marketing. · Jlllbr""lh Is d I re c t I y rapoDlibte for sales of the three iertn of homea at Lake "°""'" LWebore Homea, Ganlen Homes, and Sad- 411~ 7 =t Homes. 't\ ·111o Fl'lllldlco native, IUlllroUCtl waa ameral Illes llJDlllf' for American Hous-inl Guild In l5an Franci!co for U,. llllit four yeon. ~rller, be llad --Torc:b and -Co. for n .. yean .. ..-.... boiil ••Nies pa4tkll willl IWW 6leel <::ort> J.. ~ ~ Acit.. lo. a 111111ber Ot dYlc -lie la a put [X- "' the Contra Colla y- IWpui>Ucans and """"' .. Ibo ) ' COOltl>~TOR Jock Rio ......... 11"3' Arn Rapid TNnslllPI..,. nl g Commlltee. • • ... ··~ £1 'I ; , # .. • • ::::;;:;:: p r-••·~ ·-·· ..... . . .. . . . . ~ .. ' .§····ii··~ C•+t ••Ill! 0..,.. , ......... o--o a ......... ~. ·D--,o...._,.,,...,. DAILY l'ILOT The Complete ·Neighborh~!!~.,.,,., __ .. · •boVe? repNuntte onfy". em.II PG'"M of th• tolal community a~ by the ttthlt• ~In tM map P.low. · In a perfect 44 acre" Park I .. 6 Tbiaiait.ThePlol'PJ..:l'orAPetfect Way To Live-In.A Park.· Tho Puk.fiome1 ""' neailed around and tlirough tho larpot private park In Oi:ange County, l>Mutilully landacaped and carefully maintained with """""tlonal .-in O'fW'J ...._,Bue.it dooan't 11,op at )>irk 1iYiiir; Tho bciaa 1iave -11111- ilted OD the lot. in a menner to pzo. 'ride more -for Jivini, DIOl9 pidOll room, -plq 100m. . I A new concept for placing a home on a single family lot. The Park homes are complete llomes; carpet., drapes, 7' high privacy walls, 1'!81 tile enirri<a)'ll, feature .rter feature in· eluded in the purchase price. There js no necessity to take oUtbome improvement aide Joans here. Shop around and compare, wo think you will fu>d Park living, )Jetter yard planning and this complew homo bead and shoulders above tho compelilio.n. Fro.m aa3,99S. • I .. L.__~--------" -------------------------- .- •• - DAILY PILQT •• Rt•al "Es,Jlte· ' f 'end ' Com moot ., I ' •t~. \· .. Rultor RandaR MoCarcllo Jn • r~-. cilUrrin • ii.I ;j,o .~ Of tfit' ihcrea.id~iMi lartty of·ap•rtments. You· lndlci1ted that in soma •r.M• more apartment unit1 were being con1truchtd th.In •lnvle-fomlly rt1ldinces. Whot It h•ppenlnt io ·-the home? • Lumber· Beef Rise's • .! . ' · · Nixon Joins Battle on High Costs l ~ t 1 ~· I • I I ~ ' • ' • ' • • t N~ JI. · Rog, tx· • Development CHUDJ Georp -, v'°'. prtld!ml GI .lbe RomMy •• and _......u, .. . lillloool AOl<l1ttoli Gf Home of the housing lodustryi on !JulldeJ (NAHB), • ll)oio MIMxlay, Febillary :II In in I 10 b t"' ~ Wubin8""-'• 11 whlcb ·limo the o(pnlutkJa.Jae,adquartend JD entire ~ wis reviewed Wasb!nPo,~£\ 1w -for ,Uie. \li'>tfil _of the new crtlu)jjeil .""!•!G , 'fO•n I• IOCTelafY •• msideftt .Gf , !he, 'Building ~I oa Ma>Ch 7 l~ ..A.a 1 • c.I 1t.J' n !Of by, President Nixon of the CaHforbla (llAJ for"leadiq Task,, Forte appointm .. 1 Is lM. IJC!W ~Ide.. b!otlJi certalnly.bot.Ule climu lo.the qalllll"'Plrolblf·hunMr coota aclion called for by YOUl!B In whlcb can cOd: Amefic&n August of last year -but it home "?.~~ 9"' 1 ... bllllon · coold be a very · effeci.lvo dollan -,...,y. · -· .--· "beaUiiilnc .otlbe Olli of a na• Tiie battle WU ..... u, join-Uonal "crllls,". ~~ YQl\llg. eil by Praldeot Nl>on wben . ._ Nixon'' fast .,.._ lo !he he aPPGinted • R?tSldentlal · · . · dire ptediCtiOns ~ bis id'Visor tasttOrcetostudy .tbeeotn .T ~I~. _cqngreu held In ~y av~~~ a~·:.qatiooaJ . I do not wi1nt to be a Gloomy Gus, but could this apartment-transient situation be due to our present 1oclal-ec:onomic conditions? I am 1peakin9 of the di1- 9u1t with tt't• social realm; the c•refrff leisur~tHking •nd reckl1s1 11ttitude ~hat most of the youn91ter1 lend many of tht."mat.ure") po11e11? I am disappOint.ed with some of the things that are happening in thi1 potent .. 1- ly great world we live in. Nixon Title!· Presented ' matter. ln making the •P-. Coronado, Callf. tn November ~ter; . .: po!O~ ·Nixon charaec1 the ,of. 1988.• Copja the ~lu· Luqi.~ pr KV · "-"e • lock force·· witb three maJi>r .. Uon ~ mailed Presi<lent· dr..,ti<: ultlniale eflecl on the • Rep. James B. Utt (cenYer) accepts a framed iWchment of the dlain of ·tiUe for President Nixon's .old Yorba.Linda hoinested frun I!· K. ~uUet, '!ll!'kot- mg_ manage~ of Secunty .Title Insul"81!ce ComJl'nY, ~·the finn1s ·.mana~~' E. R..Marvm. Utl _presented the tiUe to tho PfeSideilt. . . "I · ,_,pooalblllties: (1) fmd the -e;lect• Nllon, N and all price of horr\.e~. as evidented cause el the recent· lumber m. .California I e I i s. I a by a recent study izr the· Ba1 M.C., Newport Beac~ }Jome ownershlp is very desirable. "The Holl}e is · the Heart and Hope of the Nation" is the s\ogan of the • ~(2)"-,itlJne iinmediate ·Washington. Arefl of (::allfomia whlcb .in-- actlbn ·tut. ·~ld ... miilt in Aa"'lbe direct r It .Of dicated an ine,reue " of t-mig tho! pricOs and (3) ·~·! by Yoon and $1,389.00.lri tile coot Gf'a com· outline 1ong term objectives other" BIA delegates, ·NAHB ~rable .. home · ~ilt ··i n for ~~ reuooable prn:e passed a strongly worded Novemt>er of . l~. and the NAREB.. · . · --~ My experiences, however, ha.ve been di.fie-rent from yours. We find that some oj .the finest families we knO\V Jive in apartments. I'm not sure why they cbops,e ·10 live in an apartment rather when they could be a .-bome owner; but 1-·ao know they are great people. Yl·e1"0 Realty Suhd1··n· s1·o·n T1·e stability .. the lumber .in-reooiution in Houston at tbetr same hom• bUllt m March ol . duatry. 25th _ Annual Conventiob in 1969 • · •• the entire• increase I ' ~ ' • BIA ticked off the preaent . Januaey 'that-almost exactly direcUy due to a. htrge degree . They have their investments, and they are vitalJy i;oncerned with what is happening in our world today. Dia he and I love our home· on Lido; but many of our apartment friehds-wOuld not be interested in trading op • · iUror over lumber prices In c:opjed·the original BiA moltr lo ri•lntf lumber·prlces. I einng I . B h l Au,gust . Of · Jut. :y_ear wbeo f tion. Tb.ii action.put the entii'e In conclusion. Young·stat.ed, . . I rvine, eac· . ,· Sp it Honors v...,., --piatdent Of -of lbe . 50 state "It is relatively •Uy lo ... BIA. ctialJtnced the buildtrt r membership of NAHB square· the effect this $1,300:00 in--S'ales Off ice · · coottactor mt m be rs of ly·behlnd BIA's original 1effort crease could have .nationally, The Irvine area and Huntington Bach were in a...Virtual dead, statewide Aslociatlooa t0 .. do to stop· lumber pr~ ·escata-We' have· bes!·· ChaUeftgtd by us places.. . . Miss~· y · . Reak heat in subdivision development in Orange COUli\i c!urini uie aoiaelhin( about 1be spir11in1 tion • • • and prol«t tbe tbe Federal Gov,enuMnt lo · 1e!o Y -•first quarter of this year, accordlnl;to ·stltlaUca complied by the Unber prices." BU cOnttnuea An).erican consuiner. · build. two mllllon ~met this real 'esta~ f~ .r~ to plan& service&· department of. First American T1Ue Insurance the "pruaure" a·&·a·l n st These efforts led to a "con· year -and will probably end serve ~ V1e10 res1~ts Company Santa Ana runaway lumbe( . P.l'lCes by frootation" between Secretary up building one and one-half As· to the ~re today -Bernard Baruch years ago said somethibg ·I've always liked : HAll men canriOt be masters,· but none need be.a slave. We cannot cast out pain from the world, but needless suffering we can ... "Tragedy will be with us in SQJTle degrees {!S lon'g. as there is life; })ut •lnlsery, we ban banish. InjuStice will raise its head in the best· of all possible worlds, but tyranny we can· conquer·. :J t!:! =~~: In th~ thtte=monih period, four tracts contalnint 321 lots in pusing a.resoluUoa.~,?t m-ul Housing and Urban ;:11lllo);u The Iner~~~: to buy · a. ~ned home in .. 79.754 ~es were reco~~ for~ Irvine are.a. while Huntm_gton • ~ ~ · 1~~~~=a~ •tftincTal' the comm~ty .-has openea,Beacb bad three subdiv1~ons with 322 lots m 72.tlO acres. Cy-n· . . s·ho · increase cannot be tolerated an ·. <!fice in, the first phase press was c1 ... behind witb tbrte tracts ha•lng n 1 1 ... in 1us1 ove' r . · res Tract by th• Am•rican public nor by area of the 11,00G-acre new acres. · •. . the builder of Amer ica a "Evil will invade some men's hearts; intolerance wilt twist m~n's minds -but decency·-is a far more common human attribute and it can be made to pr~ town. The great~· acreage weqt into subdlviSl°'1 development• at · ~ ·i homes." ·· · A n n o u o o1 n g · the com-Laguna . Niguel, where · two tr~ witJJ, llj 'lots.in 226.110 acJU. s fl -..J o· • Another billiorl dolla.r in-' vail in our daily lives." · . munity1s n ~.'1.e st business, ~ere recorded. -!iowev.er, the "major portion -llO ·acres~di~1 .•. te ' b~a1m· pen in a crease' ln costs would"' alinost John T. Martin• vice~-mto 11 lots ~ llJ an industrlaJ ratber'4harr reaid~Ual a-veJai>!~ ~~ 1 ....... • • ' • • 0 certainly be passed oo. to all o< marketing_for Missioo Viejo meril It waa ~rded.i!J februiiy by N..th Amel'jtui ~.,q;~ ·.{-.t ~ ~ ~ , •. ~ .• . . .1 , • • : consumef1 by mahufJet.Urert' Company, said: Corp. for the new..\utonetlcs:~Iu. · · ... 1(. ... ;Qja~w-...e1, Ivan cle<Ullng double oVens; several and service corporattonl who I've paid for n\ore then one policy of title Insurance, Martin also GKlUDCed thati . Between January 1 ani:I March Sl Gt this year, 2,W lots ,,-,;e-!11,\WS ... ~".~ of. firepl_acts, a . bedroom that would eod .UP :paytng 'that but I've never had • .eood explanation of whlit •xactly. the office is DWl8g!d by·R ·t:·.rnanµfactured i!1 59 tracts ~ed ln the.county~ Flpt A~. f ~ . P:'•lfi:.i!f tbe.lr c;o!U'erls to.m~d's:quarters.~ much ·m()fe for the .lumber I am buying. How doei a policy of title insurance help '"Bob" DIJU, -a ·Mission. ViejO"lcan nported.-A total of. •.2232 ·acres-went into wbdi'diiOB ·: ·~~ ieiits in .~t • room-den with · a that g~ into their ntw me? · · e.-resident wbo had •formerly.development. · -·i....·· ·C : ~ ~y at· ~parate entry, Roman.-baihs. buildirJgs durlng'l9&1. ·B.J., Costa Meu ~~ as. e:ai~ ·Jnanager for Totals for the comparable perJod of 1961 Were ss subi}ivf .. ~.'~~ ;• ~ ... ~ Newport spacious dlning rooms, ana 1;;;:;;;;:;;;:;;:::;:;;;;;,:;;;:;;:::;;;o A policy of title insµrance protects you· when you Mission Vre1o's Deane Homes sions comprising 3,016 IOts In a&e:.S&OI acres. ~ ~ .. ,,._!_ •; ' I .&m.ulne· Jath and pluter buy. Eliminate delays when f9U sell. Pays attorney fees ncighborhood, now sold out. The first quarter totals for 1969 by area follow : 'Designed .. and built ... or ~alli. . . BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL . GUIDE South Bay Club . . d t ts · b ' 11· · G Dull brings to 'hiB new po6i· · ~Je. bayen who can af. an cour cos m t e ·event o ttigation. iJara:ntees lion over 25 Yefml of sales Area TncU • Acret Lots fOrd tMe very bes~/~ 1!1t Wells (~ 1ns~res ~gain~t =ownb Or dhidden defects such as: management experience, in-Anaheim 5 29.533 aa br,it~era ~Heally (a f OS or orge s, ( ) eeds by incompetents, eluding seven years in real Buena Park 2 .J0.702 9, Pointed out.Q>e lnaay H.asom he~ ra(d}s as to ;arital status{ (d~claim of Undisclos'ed estate. HJs background in-Costa Mesa 3 29.781 130 wby,;the .. newt"St-400 tents of f etrs, e recor ing errors, ( ) i exing mistakes, (g) eludes sqpervis1on of .8 l1 Cypress . 3 49.85$ 311 their Baycrest·~.es are~ a~ification of records, (h) .claims of children born or dealeNibips in three western, El Toro 'area t 8.664 1 = ~ •bocnes they ve wi1· deeedmaraltried thafter will bahs ~n executed, (j) di:livety states fqr twoi. of the big .Fountain Valley ·s 53.482. %36 . · te. o er e grantor as .,;ed, (j) impei"sona!!Qn of aulorno!M ~actur..... Garden,Grove -1 1:391.. g "lbm'•••·Paooled f,imily record owner, and (k) other undi~~losed risks. Open seven d~s a week·to H~tlngton Beach, 3 '12,tlO · · .•• ~ ·• ~ tblt ;~;~i"en- 1:011011.•s NOTE: R1111tan 11.. Mcc1n11t 1s .,, '"¥tStment·•"'"'''' l'tft1dtllt ,,, ~ Mrve res~~ ~ ~ 'rrrine area C • ·i .'1J~154 , .. !U pctD( ... eoui'tYll'd ·Poof and lllnl Ell•''"' • conew1 lectur~r, • director ol·rt'l9 C•Utornl• ~-ei RcW ~~M :Vte}O Bealty · Larnma Beach 1 · :4.lflO. g pa~: . ..Geoe Wl}.ll .JMJted, E111t1 Te.cto.ri, •ult!or ot "Reel En.ie In 'cei~!·'9Nf 'l"lllr:•tuitMlenl «!' '" · · S:r ~'.;" !":1 _0 ::·1 ·'N•" I ' \' J'th,. .. ·: '11. ~1i~ •• .r.,.ti&h 'Of l Gut ·~'.1N\ 1;11mm1nl1 to R1r>d11t R. MtC1rdle, ''o lllt Dlj_I)' Pjloi, .so.·J-.t Cott• Mttlt y{p· 'll:lf:l~.J .... :.:: V' •. --°1'~. •w..agqn.1-'£Ue · 2 1 ' '12f,6.1 .. , • JM , 1 1 _,1 ' · \ l>"l""'.'"l ·l"""' '2614 · · , _ ,,....1vet.'1UMtlllll te)O. , ··-·· La .Pa>ni~ 3. 3ft 341 ·180 : ,ser\~s. ~\s ~1;@i!:pl for ;·· ~ . ~tisSion Viejo 4 ·51:257' .193 ~bli~ are nOted !or • Orange 4· 43.c9C JI".! sp~ · ' ·she; · 2 850 to t; Placentia ! 11.59!'! Mi gm1 lD rom ' San Juan Capistrano 1 (20 1 3,645 square feet, . they ~e · equipped with four &o five Sant~ Ana 6 11.3111 249 bedrooma; three· bath 1 ; $1,000 . . .. REWAllD Lti111•t• Nt•r•1t Corttct Jif!• tf Astr.11tu.J Lt11cli111t Oll'MoOftl D1po1it 1t in AL olAIYll. jiil1tl~L •f!llltis 0 SIMIN'. ,... ·. . . .r~ .. d•Y\ M1v 13, l:lO'pm , ~1•1· r.Club, Lo.nt ..... ,~ · Tliurtd1y, M1y 15, l :OO p111 N•wport1r Inn, N,t, I.ch. MATTRESSES . • MATTRESSIS 80&'1'9''"' BOMD •·ftADDa lmcllll' ..... ~. c.ta ·-lllltb-·Ca. SIN Kewfmf 9lYd. "U~ e.1-303 ' . . . ' UPHO,L~TER't , • . .;._:.___ : . . . " ~. Liberty 1-4781 'Singles Mecca~ Now · Open 'T'~1st1n 1 5. 7~ 2c separate at:rvice a r ~ 1 1 ; Villa Park :'I 47.84.'l t?S private bedroom courts . · JJ1t· NIWl'OIT l\YD. WestminstM' 2 29.178 121> Tr8vertine marble floOn ·and1~~~~~~~~~~~=~======;:;; (714> ui.s141 <a111 59~3 McC,..,bt Securltiei Co.,· ln;c. . . The Newport Beach skyline at 17th Street and Irvine Avenue has taken on a new look with offlcial opening of initial units at the $12.7 million South BaY, Club for single yoyng adults. E:ncompassing a t 6 · a c r e fiite, th e new residential and recreational c o m m u n i t y marks the . ninth South Bay Club in operation throughout California -a cotJce p; pioneered, owned and manag; ed by R & B Development Company of West,Los ,\ng~l~. The Newport Beach project Is designed with 732 units, io· eluding furnished o r . wi- f W'tlJshed single, one ali.d two-- bedroom apartments. Each unit offers a private }>atio- balcony and color-keyed in- teriors, featuring carpeting, draperies and electric built-in appliances. Completion of first phases at the Newport Beach SBC In· volleyball pool: two Jacuzzi corporates a $750,000 recrea. baths and shuffleboard areas. tional complex and 402-apart-Services of a full-lime tennis ment units. Construction "811 profesa:lonat a n d activities the second phase, co!l_slsting of director are available to clUb 330 uni~, is under way with ' nle.mbers· ind their guests. In completion slated for Octobet. addition ·on-site services . A ~ree-storr c ~ ~ b h o u s -e feature ~ <try.:Cie~ning pick-up highlights· amenities o( the, station, Jaumiry a n d car. Newport Beach club's ex· washing facilities . tensive recreational facilities According to Edward R. - a hallmark of the SBC con-.B, r 0 id a, president of R & B cept_. . . . bevelopment C om p a n y , ~ubho~se prov1s1~n~ offer ''South Bay Club communities fully-e<i,u1pped f!le,n s. a n d are satisfying a contemporary wome.n s g;'mnas1ums, s~~na n~ for specialized 'singles' baths •. an in~ golf ~1~ng housing.'' Purposes of the SB range '. ~ eight-table billiard concept, says Broida, •re par_lo.r, pmg pong tables. pl~s "lint, to provide superior ind1v1dual rooms for ai:s ~Dd p J a·n n e d, re creationall)' crafts, color TV v1ew1ng, oriented communities for 'peG-: cards and ~onfere™:e~., ~t· ~le of1approxlmately the same" door rec_reaU?nal fae1liti~ ~ agt, ith comparable educa- culde n1ght·hghted t e n n 1 s , tional ~ backgr0unds ·a ·n d courts; vol~eyball and ~as.ket-~c levels; second, to- bal_l c~rts, an Olymp1~·S1U~ design ifbese aimmunilies sO swururung pool; waler they appeal to today's sPorts' mJOOed oung adults and 'et> Village Three Sales Averages Home a Day cour~~ .congenialitJJ While permitting privacy.'' A total o( 91 new homes at iron gates, roogh sawn wood Village Three of University and tile and shake roofs car-ries out the theme. Developing from the initial project in 1965, South · Bay Clubs currently are in opera· tion in major metropolitan areas of California, including a $7 million, 402--unit Orange County complex in Garden Grove. The next club will open soon in Sherman , Oaks, and copsVUctioq,.is in 'progress on the first out-of-state develop. ment lecatSI. in' Phoenix, Artz. Plana call" tOr a nationwide cbafu of 50 Soutb Bay Clubs. Park have been sold1 during Village Three homes are therarst90daysofthisyear,ia be.ing simultaneo u s l y sales fig\lre repre300tJhg $%.5 millioo worth o( real est.ate developed with The Par.k busineis. • homes within University Park. According to Dave Olson , Base--priced rrom $ 2 7, 9 9 5, director of marketing for the Village Three homes range in . Stanley c. Swart: Company. s ii e fr 0 m two to four I can whip bedrooms. 'l1le Park homes . deveklpers, Pr 0 s P e c 1 i v e are available from $33,995 and any aphis homeowners have been at-tracted tn the development by ranee in size from three to who ••• , ., five bedroom!. the variety of floor plans • UnJ.verslty Park modeii·may climbed available and the different be visited daily llnUl du.sk by gelecUoo or exlerior eleva· a bush lions. l.lilkitlg the Santa Ana or San A meaty bug, 1 terrorize. I pul. 1 Diego freeways to Culver "PartiC'Ular y po ar a nr· and i·-11 . ..... . ,Thrhw .and ants. and sea.le Village -'J'hree 1s a one-story ive vuowvig _wC:,.lillll i:hd~iij Can't possibtr OUI· model which.can be~ as a1 _10_1be_<1<_.e_1opm __ e_nt_. ___ .11 ,run me.1 ruthlessly tu •em. two-bedroom home or as a lf bugs are bothering you, ooe • bedroom • and • a • der FAVORITES ma·'am, I'D bt your cham-llomc." said 01,.n. "Othen pion an1hcutUe 'em foe you. offer spacious kitchen!! and Nrif01t•I •11• lcrc•I ,...,,,. ROWELL'S d!ning nooks." 1h1, r.11• pro•• th• DAILY Vlllage Three homes have l'ILO c1nl•1 •• ,.., •f th• ••~DI '...~.~~ar ~!'i"aTROL ~-1_, hi hli ht h tMtt pop11l•r tol11:.i111 •11• -w .., ~n des&"''"' to g g t ' •••twr•• •••ii•"'' to, ·~ Ne1'J)Cll1 Ba , Cotta Mesa, hl.storic Irvine Ranch at-n•••P•P•' "' •h• \lnlf.,. Coroaa det M1r, lApna 111011ph<tt, according lo Olson. "''"· Piton ••• "•58 The use of arcblte<lura: • ...,....,,. 10ateriall includinc wrought ! '========='I . I Yorba Linda -3 22.3':1 llO wood paneling ; wet ban; Ir TOTAL S9 llUl31 1,IU General Electric JK-21 self. .. •I • ,• . ' ' IT'S A ,· , ' ' . ' r .. . • • •' •, •. ; I I I GRAND ~·< OPENING ... AT •• .. ... ~ ' . .. . . ' ._,,;I 'IC '1 ,f I " 67SANDPOINTE; . . r , t , -· • .3-4-5 .Be:drooms From $27,395 r-----="·r-----..:r---. Driving directions: Take Senta 1----• ·t------bc--1 Ana Freeway to Newport Buch ~ Frwway. SOtltPI on Newport 1 ! Bnch freeway IO MlicArthin IOI.IA AYL I Blvd, extt, 8nd follow 8'gns. 01 tlill• Sin Diego freeway _, toBmtol~treetexh,andgo "iii:~k, nortt\,tollowing 11gn1. Sandpolnte !)a!osOttice: (714) 546-9411 . . see~SAN:DPOINTE. leadershiohames · ~'ICA:IMMUNlf'r roc.-T AOMllOJ!OfM~~Tl~#I ' --- EVERYONE'S FAVORITE .Ir' '''httl r•tJttthl' !'•lit, •n• •' th• "'''' p•;111•, fttw,,.t ,., f•1t11r•; 111 A111tlit• i1 th• An• L•nd•r• t.•h1-. 11°1 • tl.11!1 "rtttil •r" bi tt• DAILY PILOT, .. UIUBO CIPllTllBD ·· -Land of the (Jons ' ' ' ' I UNSPOu.ED, SEC.LUDED . · :2'/, fQ . .3 acre· rancho sites amid the. gJeat oib of Clevelud National Forest D~P in the ~sr:Cat oak. ~ Saa. CtameDte. ~ NoWport. of the Cleveland :N•tion•l Beach. OD.ly 23sce.nic miles Forest lie! a JOO.acre island of from San, Juan. Capistra110. • rouma bills. wum valleys and lttochO Capistratto silts are . arusy glades known as Rancho prioed~$8,00) 10 $18,CX::O, 'C1~.Vur.reacbesoftbo .• terms lO~·dOn, JS :y•1r1. Natirmal Fota& uicreation.arca . ' .. J ' •• \ ·-·---·--------·· ... --·-. ____ ....._ ______ _ ------~. ~-=----'···-=---- -_ .... --"-.. ~ ... •I . ' .. . ,, . . • • ~·· ····· .. ·--......... ; JJ DAILV "LDT • Lew -Can't Miss in ,Pro Ranks . ' . t . ~West Says Bi }• NEW YORll: (AP) -Low Alclndcr can' mfll "'8kin& It bic in lh< Nadiinal ,-1 Bulcelblll-lloo,.sa)'>C Jmy WM!. :'f "I think ht's pat lo be 'Ille IOool llaluable player lo the league,• aald lh< ~auperstar of the Los ~eles: l.akers I~ '.tmY· ' 1 Hen to receive a'"' as tbe ou~ , r ding player of Ille l!'C<nl NBA Ona! play<lff series between t.tie Lakers ullthe · Yt'innina: Boston CdUca. West was asked ! whom he would pick first if he had lo ~select a pro team today. .. ~Conigliaro, Yaz Blast -~gels, 7-2 The Boston Red Soi:, who had mahl- tained a 2·2 tie with the Angels for most of the game J"'rid_ay night, ex· ploded in the, ninth inntng with .a fi.ve· man avalanche and buri ed the Halos, 1-2. l!ID.e Andrews, who (Ince. played high school baseball in San Pedro, Socked a ba.!leS-loaded triple off· Hoyt Wilhelm and incomparable Carl Yastnemski roUowed wilh a 450-foot homer off George Brunet. The Angels gel anQther crack at Bos. ton•s muscular lineup l<>night when Jim McGlothlln (2-2) faces Red Sox starter Ray CUip (H J. Managers Bill Rigney and Boston's Dlck. Williams used seven pitchers be· tween them Friday evening before a paid throng of 12, L27 and the wiMer was Sparky L)'le, who faced just two " batters in the eighth inning. It was a frustrating evening for the Angels. They continued to show im· provement at the · plate by ripping eight hlts but they left nine' runners on base. While the Red Sox were producing the excitement in the fnial frame c>f the three-hour, three-mlnute game, it was Angel startb:t«. pitcher Andy Messer· S{llith and Boston cenierfielder Reggie Smith who nearly precipitated a free· ror .. n in the lhlrd inning. MeSW"Smit8 hfd just given up a home run to Tony ·~\ aod Jais first pj.t.ch to SmithPUnked him on the shoulder. Smith hit the deck bul was <ln his feet in a flash and walking lo the mound \fhere Mesaersm.ith, no shrinking vl<llet, was walking t<1Ward Smith. Umpires and players separated the t ... o before any blows were launched. Tom Satriaoo, wh<l started at fi rst base but finished the game catching, went three·f<lr·three. aOSTOM ANGELS OJollft 10 AN1r.w1 211 Ys!rmt" Cl ·~. AConlllr-If 11.Sml11! ct GI°"'" c Ptfnl(lll u ...... N11v p l1Haua"" Sl111M p "". """"""" 'l'lwml• " •lt r 11191LJdl..onrt'1 1 0 ' I I 0 F-1 " 5 I I 1 5 1 t 3 JafllMtone (f ' 0 1 0 '222 Rtld'wr011f '111 oooos.1ri.no1e. JtJo •l:lJAlttollrll"i!l:lb •ol• •OlOENn C )IDO 3 010111-pl\ 0100 l0 10Mol'1otl"" 00 0 0 ~IOOAmtr0ltl 0100 1 00 01C-2" 2000 10000.v•llllG ll'I 1100 OOODCottlerJo 100 0 OIOD~thP 1000 t I I 0 Stu.rt "" 1 I 11 0 OOOOW!lnelmp 1000 10'\llWI • • ••• vouP11 1000 ~ 110 7 TOl•I :W 1 I 2 002 000 005 -7 001 100 IOCI -1 E-Alld,._ kelt, L. )Ol>llllOll, OP-floiton 1, Clllf· Nlrllle t, --......ir ...... Hll4. Con)tlls YulrH!Mlo;I J, 1a-Y11trutJ1•I. II.. "911111, L Jato,_ J. $- GI- Reid wding Texas Open Pa ck With 67 SAN ANTON10, Tex. (AP) -Sleve Reid said he was scrambling, but came in with a four-under-par 67 Friday and took the first round lead in the rain-- delayed $100.000 Texas Open Golf T<lurna· menl. J . C. Snead, a drawling . 27-yesr~ld nephew of old pro San Snead. and Bobby C<lle. a 20-year-<1ld former British Amateur champi<ln from South Africa, tied for aecond with Ms, <lne stroke back. There was a flock <lf seven at fi9 , in· eluding na.shy veteran Doug Sande.rs. Others in that group are Steve Op- perman, Dean Rtfram , Terry Wilcox, Wayne Yates, pert Yancey and Dale Douglass. Most of golf's lop names. including ArheW. Palmer. J.ck Nicklaus, Cary Player, Julius Boros and Bill Casper, Hipped lhis test on the 7, 138 yard, par ?lj)>ecan Valley Count.ry Club course with lhe younger pro1 domln1ting play. Reid. a blond D-year-old, ~·ent to the )Jr1ldlce tee alter bis morning round, aqtng his swing wai troubling him and predicting that altemoon scores would be I°"". He was wrong, 1t least on the lasl count. He had 1o scramble lO sav.t par <ln the first, IO<IJl1d and 11th boles, bul eac•ped wllhoutabcJcey. He hid consecuttve birdies on lht iixlh IUld ~' n111J1ing In p.1111 of I! and 7 leot, bcrolea Ille ninth from Ill 1 .. 1 and c:oued 1n a 1$.foottt for hls linal bird on NO: 15. "Law Alclndc'!"." he replied llhoul,.. The :D,y~ AlclNlor, • loftrtnc 1, balltotlon. root.111 ~ triiin uc~~llJ "I've walclled hln\ pill' and he do •1lllld " nwlll--·-ac'I for everytlllnc. He has Bili Russell'4 quick, :J=~ mU!!<>o with !lie '• hu (lftal huola, can shoot onct Is an The :io.,..-Old LU• ~ unaelllob (>loi<r. ""'I Alclo!lll'la prataaa -~ ''WI tine wst.....,'is rebounding. For a had as.k~ld 10 CG1DpC8 te guy hia sire bl doesn't do enough. But wpt Cbam ' I! 7-1, I'll 'and with competlt(on that wlll lmpro". R6,..ll Pli>'\111 1:""111• "Of courte, In college he was always &!ton •JI ... aad JIO. aelline d0uble and tripl .. teamed and had "Will Clambarlaln JI 1 all- 1"1'' baitPIC all over hllm" ~ ""'""" P~.)h 1R,'~-ll'Oll.- "lle'I I --and rtbowlder and I thJnk he ev• blockl more shots than 1 -.. But I• \be one CUY for the ~ 1ame I'd baH lo pick BID Ruaaet;, Illa -speau ,,.. tl>ell. "U I bad lo 11¥ whal the dllfertnee Wu 1n our flnll em,., J'd 1111 Bill RuaaLL He'.s a winner. "And I'm llOI lmocklDC Will. !11'1 I areal llluer bul ._ ._.,.. bl'• ·a loaer. Well ~·m a loler, &oo: 11111 • b HOT-CORJ11Eg '·Ac:r10N -Orange Coast Co)lege ,' thi rd-baseman Randy Brawn tags out Golden West's sliding Noel Paulson after be tried to go from second to third on a ground ball to short in sixth inn· ing Fridaf .. afternoon. IL turned out to be a crucial play in the'2-l contest won by Orange Coast because Gary Mark's single later in the inning would have scored PaUlsdn. Oklier Win s Tokyo Title; Emerson 2nd TOKYO (AP) -Tom Okker of The Netherlands captured the men's singles championshfp of the Japan series in the world professional tennis circuit Friday by beating Roy Emerson or Newport Beach, 6-3, 6-5. And. in Madrid , Manuel Santana. Spain 's No. I player, defeated Zan Guer- ry of Rice Univers.ity, 6-1 , 6-0 in the men's quarter-finals <lf an International tennis tournament Friday. Arthur Ashe defea ted Anl<>nio Munoz of Spain, a.6, 6-4; Charles Pasarell, beat Juan Manuel C<lu1der of Spain 5-7. 6-3. 8..fi and M1nuel Orantes of Spain defeated .I. A. Castanon. also of Spain, 6-3, 6-2. in th<' other quarter-final s. Okker won first prize money of $.1,~ in the eight-day tournament held in Tokyo, Nagoya and Osaka .. Emerson won $2,580. Corona de\ Mar's Rod Laver finished third by defeating Butch Buchholtz of SL Louis a-6, 6·2, 6-S. Laver collected $2,080 and Buchholtz $1 ,440. Mrs. Ann Haydon Jones of England , won the w<lmen's singles title with a 6-i, 2-0 victory over France's Francoise Durr. Mlss Durr withdrew in the middle <lf lhe seond set. Mrs. Jones received $1.440 and Mlss Durr $1.060. Throughout the tournament the pros eiperimented with a 11coring system in which players participated in a 12-poinl sudden death period after the count in a set reached ~- JC's End Play Today Pinter Pitches, Bats Bucs to 2-1 Triumph Right-hander Sleve Pinter has had little in the way of good luck during most <lf the 1969 baserball season, so he took things into his own hands Friday af- ternoon pitching and batting Orange Coast College to a 2-1 vict<lry over arch- rival Golden West on the Pirate diam<lnd. Bolh clubs were 5Chedu1ed to tUe the field again th~ afternoon on tbe last regu lar day of the Eastern Conference season . Golden West will be at home ag&.inst Riverside whlle Orange Coat visits Cypress. Pinter. along with short.sl<lp Bill Jenkins and centerfielder Rogu Whistler ' were just about the entire !tor}\ for Orange Coast. Pinter overpowered Gcilden West m<lst <lf the afternom, chalking up 11 strikeouts while wllkinc only one man. He yielded nine lhlgles to the Rmtlers, but only two of them were solld blows. The other seven were infield nubben: and grounders that juBt trickled througll the Pirate infield. lie lost a shuthout in the top of the eighth when G<llden West second· baseman Ken Paulson looped a single in- lo right field and Tom King tried to shoo. string the ball. It skidded by the diving King and Paulson circled the bases on the hit and a three-base error. Paubon also was inv<llved In what turn- ed out tel be ooe of the key plays or the game in the sixth inning. He started the frame witli a ;fowxi ball single into right and was sacrificed to secood. Ron Richardson then smashed a hard grounder t<l Jenkins at short, and Jenkins easily thrtw PaulS<ln out at third when he tried t<l advance. Gary Marks f<lll<lwed with a pop single into right which would have scor!d Paulson. Jenkins ltlrted the day's abbreviated >eortng in lh< lhlrd Inning wbeo be bull- ed a shot up the right-centerfield alley that rolled to the fence for a borne run. In the first Inning he lined a shot to the identical spot, but a fine cutoff by Myron Pines held him to a double. Pinter drove in what proved lo be the wimUng run tn the last of the seventh when he bipled home Roger Palmer. G<llden West had .!everal other good <lp- portunities to IC!Ofl, but Pinter WU tough in tbe clutch ana was backed up by Whist1£r who made twO fine catches and threw one man oot a third afttt a wild pick()(! play at second. GOLDllN W•IT 111 •II r tirtll P1~11111 .. l'b 4 1 l 0 Pine, rt J l l O Riehl"''°"· 30 t O l C Mlfkl. Cf • • ' 0 Cor~I. ID ' 0 I t S.._ll11t1,t •000 Elder, ir l o o o Ru»1ll. u • O 2 I W°*-• i I I 0 TeeQI!. '°" 1 O 0 I P1mHr, p 0 ti 0 t Hf!lltfl'ld1111, p" I I I I Tot•b J4I 1 ' • OlllAJllGI COAST Ill .. r II nl Jet\ll:lnt.••1121 Lftdl, :ltl • I 0 I ar•-. lD ' • I o IClfl1,rf •OOO 1•111'1', If J O I 0 P1U1.U• l C: 1 D Ptl,.,..,, c J I 2 I W"l1flllr, cf J I 0 I IOin~t, 10 l 0 I 1 Tit.it 1' t 7 1 ,._. •r ''"''"'' . " . 000oot 110 -1 . 1 ocn ooo IGir-J 1 J Injury Forces GWC Miler By JOEL llCllWA.RZ Of .... 0.llf ..... ,,.,, • Rick OeNuccl<l, the 1"9 E~stem Con- ference twCHnile chamJkin, has quit the Golden West trick-tum, tltt1 DAILY PlLOT learned today. The S-10. l~nd dJ$tnce star cited a pulled achilles tcndoa and a resulting inability to .train properly es his reasons for dropping CU lhe It.am. By quilUn1. ~Nuccio gave up .a chance 10 compete in the C$rd Wrst Coasl Relay1 tCJday in f'resno and nett week'• Southf:m California jur.icr Ct'.llltge c::ham· • l pkmblpe Which. IUW:I as a qualllyln& ttst fcir the llale\nett later thl9 month. · "I hurt my leg about four monlh!I ago and it just hasn't responded to treat- ment." Oetjueci<l said. "I fee.I I'm not in top condilkm any 1nore. For the last month 1 haven't bttn able lo \\'Ofkout like t should. About all 1·ve been obit to do ls a little jogging - "It's been a very frustrating !leason. I thought I should hlYt bttn nnminl around nine--mlnlltH nat this-yur, but I haven't evtn been able l<l match my best of la.!!l r.eason," he !l•ld. • As a freshman last 1prlnf DeNucclo reconled a bell of 9,19. 'l'b1s year bis best clocking came two wteks llO against Orange Cout COllep when he let a me.el record of 9:20.1. List week DeNltCclo pulled off a startling upset when be won the Eastern Conference lwo-mile UUe, breeiing kl victory by more than a IOD Yardl ln 9:21.I <lvtr Sarita Ana's heavily (a\IOf'td Rick Muth, who bad a seasonal besl of 9:08.l In lh111t race DeNucclo 'wtln by duhlng off 1 4:SS nrst mile to leave. th& rest oc 1he It.Id ••Y be!Und him. Appar•ntly f ElFn (tummale Elaln Bll'lflrJ. Wt l!aven'I bealeo llOlloq one! ~1'1 on< W.,-1 w.-moll. I tbout)ll 1111'< 1111• wu Ille 7w we wert 1olni IO do-II" Weol, him-b7 I puJJed bamWlni mUICJe lo hit left le( In the flUI IWO ,_ -Boalon, ICOted a point" crabbed lJ ~ one! had )I allllta In tbe 109-lOI lollnc seventh &amt with --. 1'e W, 17$i>O<md blck""'11 W~ stl ... l!BA pi.,.a -" ~ points. He acor<d 21$ In lhe ,....-pme aet with Bosten for a 37 .a average. .. Jerry west i& the m06t complete player in the NBA today -aid 1111ybe oC all time," aaid his coach, BJ~ V'in Breda Kolff, at the luncheon honoring Weal ThunclaY West wu presented wlth a 1969 Dodge Charser Jl..T by Sporl Magazine. Jorry uid be almost gagged "When he was shown Ille w . "My God, it WU green -Boston cetuc pet0." he said. F~r An~ual Rel.ays Meet Golden West Aces At .Fresno Today Don Shields and Jim Seymour, the orange eoa.t's prime contenden to hi& first place1 latet this month in the state junior college champiOl'llhipa, will get a preview Jook at some of their chief con· tenden today in the '-'trd annual West Coast. Relays being hel~ in Fresno's Ratcliffe Stadium. The two Golden West :itars head a small contingent of athletes from the area's three junior colleges who will be competing against track and field perfonners from 59 other Jaycees. Shields, who owns U>e .nation's be st junior colle1e high jwnp of the year, 6-ll, will run up again!t two <lf his primary challengers f<lr state h<lnors -Olis Hailey <lf Porterville and Steve Lang <lf Easl Los Angeles. Hailey bu a &-9% jump kl his credit while Lang bu cklne u1;,. Seymour will be pitted against a top. flight field that includes "Jamea King ()f San Diego Mesa and Roger Vlgoocchi of Chaffey. Seymour and King b<l~ have run the <lne-lap hurdle race in 52.2, the nati<ln 's be1l this year. 'lbe two fi(Ul'ed to battle it out for the state UUe but King wu dlsquaillied after Kosco's Raps Pace Dodgers To 13-3 Win PITISBURGH (AP) -Andy Kosco slammed twO home runs -the first capping a nine-run second inning - and drove in five runs as the Los An· geles Dodgers bomt>ed Pittsburgh 13.-3 Frido,y night KOSCi> started the big secood iMing with a single agairu;;t loser Dock Ellis, 2-3, and took second on a wild pitch. After a walk to Tom Haller, Bill Sudak-. . Dod9er Slate M11 It -Dodlen 1t Pltbbutlllt 11:10 1.m. KFI !':f 'f 11 -~ 11 l"llblll,lrfh, 11:» 1.m. KFI ''l!l, ,,_~~"I'· LN .. ''ff"•· !'J l"'I Mtr lJ -trs.i 1.u111,s:U .. ""K" •«i ~~ \, ":. rs91n'·,. th 'J~. J':~ ._:,. ~ is doubled for one run and Ron Fairly doubled f()J" tw<l more . An error by shortltop Freddie Patek and an intentional walk to Willie Craw- ford loaded the bases and Ted Sizemore cleartd them with a triple, kayoing Ellis. Reliever Jlm Sbelleaback wild pitch- ed Slzebore home with the seventh run. WIUle Davi> wall<ed and ICO$CO drilled his fifth homer of the seuon. The Dodaers pounded Bob Mooee for four runs In the sixth. The first came <ln singles by Paul Popovich and Davis wrapped around a walk to Crawf<lrd. KO&CO then hammered J\is second hom- er high oil the ICOl'eboard in left field. ' \.OS ,,,. ...... s Cr•~" S!l•rnor. u W0.¥11 cf ·-" Hiller t ,,,_' !.udl~ll JO Film' lb lluu.t H rl l'-vkfl 111 SI-II CO.llr! .. ln Ith MClflltr 11 ''° r II •1 ) 2 • 0 5 1 1 J ' 2 1 l J J J 5 , 1 • 0 I t I I S I I 1 1 I I 2 J 0 ' 0 5 2 ' • t D 0 0 I 0 l 0 • 0 0 0 Ttlll aJ U 10 U l..M """"' ·- l"ITTJI U•OM MA., " AllO" lb Sl•r.-11 II S."""ll!n c AOllffl' rf Mtn.111 211' t•ebrtl~ 10 l l•S&'" Kolll '°" l"•lelc u Elllt 10 Sflotll8"11:1k p '"'"" "" ..... 11.0....11" Tottl •II r 11 111 ' . , > o I > o I ' .. ' .. ' o I ' .. • • • ••• . . ' • • • ' .. ••• • • • ' . . l1 I It "° '°" 000 -u 1D1 000 OU -J E-l"tMk, Ft lrlY. DP -\.H ""''rt. I, LOI - Lii "-111 '-ffh'f1~"" t. Ja -ludt kl ... 1'1lr1'1', Sl .... H. ltttll. M, Aofu, J141-l'L Nll-lttolal I • ,._ to Q.uit ~ by lh< bid lq his final mile Umew11i,o .1. o.Nucdo llald b1s vklory In the EC meet was llmpb' a matter d. ttrateo, runnina a fast wly pace. hopina to llrt CJUt Muth and the other NDne:rl who had competed in the '!lltle finals an hour earlier. De Nuc:cio was the No. I man on Gold· en Well'• crus country learn lul fall and in has 'f'rtlhman track te.UOtl WU a membtr of the Rust.J en' four·mlle relay tum which aet a oatlonal junJor college record ct l!:lO.I. winnin& the Pacific Southwest Conference title lut week when he failed to go over one hurdle properly. ·That disqualification cost him a berth in next week 's Southern California cham- pionships and a chance to qualify for the state meet. Vigncicchl has the fou rt h· fastest time <lf the year, 53.9. Orange Coast College's rapidJy nfi. proving Mike Pomeroy also is entered in the hurdles, but he'll run in a different race. Orange Coast's big effort will come Ir: lhe distance medley relay where the- Pirates will be going after their school rec<lrd of 10 : 18.0 set in 1966. Competing in the race for the Pira.tes will be Dave Stephens, Terry Schnutz, Dan Mooney and Fred Skirde. Saddleback's lone entrant in the meet is Paul Cos:, who will C<lncentrate ()n the triple jump. He has the area 's best mark this year In the evenl. 46-5, but wlll be hard pressed to place unless he can im- pr<lve dramatically. QOLOEN WE5T o.ci lnl1rmedl1t11 -Jim S.Ymour, 1-!J -Oofl Sllltldt. SP -LIMI Pe~rJOn. -MD ll:tl1y -Don Ktrrl1. Phil A1e. 0oQ IC"udi.on,. $tvmdur, &en Rlll Y -Hll'l'lt. A91, ICl!Ud111<1, $fVmo~r. MHt ll:ll1Y -Hlrfil, Alt. ICnucl:len. !lym11~r. SPrlM RlllV -H1rro1, A1t, ICflllO.Slln, ~rk Me> Mtl>on. D!l11MI MtdleV -5!e~ Frt Mh, Rlndy Cl>OPcto 00ut Schm.,,k, MtM11>on. O•ANG£ COAST ..o lnltrmtc1111 .. -Miki Porn1roY. l"V -Lii ll1nd. 2·Mlle -01" MoO,,..... 44111 ll:1l1v -AllffMltd entrv!. lid SlllPltv. "°"" erov. Jiit BP.tr. Mikt O!lden. Mlle 1111111 -Shh>laJ'. Terrv Scflmllt. Dtvt Sit• titnt. ~kl!r. Olrtlnce MedltV -St-lo-. Stllm)lt. AollO!ltY, $klrdt. SADOLl!IAClt TJ -P1\ll Co~. Prep Ju1nper Sails 50-01/2; 9.4 for Allotey FRESNO (AP) -Bill Schabram <l[ Occidental College ran a 4:03.6 relay leg mile and Stan Allotey of Los Angeles Stale ran two 9.4s in the 100 to highlight the college division competition <l£ the West Coast Relays Friday night. Dave Tucker, a SClphomore at San Joaquin Memorial High School in Fres- n<l, set an interscholastic triple jump record with a leap ()( SG-Olfi. Cal Poly San Luis Obispo scored 45 points to win the team title, setting two meet marks in relays en r<lute. Cal Poly w<>n onty three events. Mo. binder Singh took the triple jump with a fine lead of SI feet 71h inches and the Mustangs won the two-mile and 44!t relays. Cal P<lly's two-mile relay team won in 7:34.3, eclipsing the mark set last year by UC Santa Barba ra by ninc- tenths of a second. And the Mustang 440 relay team v.·on in 40.8 for anolher meel mark . Schabram's anchor leg mile helped the Tlrus win the distance medley re- lay in a meet record time oC 9:46.9. -Andy Steben of Occidental broke his .own meet pole vault record with a leap of IM and Fred Jackson <lf Hayward State high jumped 6-10 for two field event highlights. Allotey, a member of the Ghana Ol- ympic team last year, tied the meet record of 9.4 in a heat or the 100 and won the final over Lorenzo Russell who also ran 9.4 in a heat. · Fresno Pacific's 880 relay te.am tied the meet mark of 1 :25.0. Br uins, Trojans Drop Loop Rivals The hitting ()f Chris Chambliss ln- cludlng a home tun in the sixth in~ing, led U~A to a 4:~ victory over Oregon Friday m a Pacif1c.8 baseball game Jn Euifne. . A?d Cal Meyer got three singles in hvt lrlpg t<l the plate Friday leadlni;: Southern California to an 8-6 'Pacific.a baseball victory over Oregon State Chamblis.s' solo homer went 360 feet .to ri&ht fltld , making eight horr.E'rs in 14 gamt'S for 1 conference record, Cham· bliss hit 2-for-4, driving In one ru n Third batman Jake Molina wen\ 2. for..3 wltll a dDuble, drivin g in on run for UCLA. !Iii '"' or <la ,., ~· TY ... tic 3 • '· • • " •l y • t ' , ; ' 1 I ) , t ...... ' -·· QUITS POST George Selfridge Mesa Coa~h Quits Hagey to Replace Selfridge By ROGER CARLSON Of no. 0.1..-f'I• ltaH George Selfridge, Costa Mesa High School varsity baseball coach, has resigned that position the DAILY PILOT learned exclusively today. Taking .his position next year will be Jim Hagey, 42, a member of the Mesa coaching staff since 1964. He's been the junior varsity baseball coa~h for the past four years with this season's outfit the best of the lot, finishing second in Irvine League action. Hagey has alJo been an &Mistant football roach at Mesa for three years and directed the Bees the past season. Hagey w~ graduated from Downey Hfgh School in 1951 where he lettered ln baseball four years and three times in football. He made the All.San-Gabriel Valley team as a senior in football and baseball. He spent one year at Orange Coast College where he played baseball for Wendell Pickens and football for Ray Ros.so. ~ After a year at UC Santa Barbara he served a two-year hitch in lhe Army. \'. He finished his education at Cal State (Long Beach) and then began ·l coaching at Wan-en High in Downey. After a brief tour there he went to Artesia High. i Ilis two years at Artesia resulted in a championship and a runnerup spot • In junior varsity baseball before he moved over to Mesa. Hagey, wife Jeanne and their five children reside in Garden Grove. y T rito1as Blank Laguna Diablo Bid £01· Secon d Thwarted by Villa Par l{ Orange Coast area prep baseball learns closed out the.ir season Friday· afternoon · tn Crestview League action with Mission Viejo's try for second place in ~inal• l?OP standings thwarted by champion Vtlla Park. Host Mission Viejo dropped a 1.0 decision to the Spartans to fall out of a lie for second place. San Clemente completed its season 11'1\.U. l"MK (11 MISSION Vll"JO (t) •• t ~ rtll with 1 3-0 victory _ over visiting Laguna Beac1a • ... .,. ' , Mission Viejo threatened only ooct dur- ing the game when Tom Beret &lld Rudy Holmes combined for back-to· back singles ln the third inning with one out. However, Villa Park's Stan Russell-shut the Diablos down from that point on to bold on to his shutoul San Clemente scored twice in the third and added an insurance run in the fourth frame to lock It up against Laguna. Showdown LOoming For TaI·s Newport Harbor High SChool, with 1 ehol 1t the Sunaet Leq\le championship, girds ltaelf for. thie confrontaUon between league.leading Western and the Sailors at the latter's field~M-y Oltmloon. After de.feating Hw\Ungton Btac6 at the Oilers' diamood Frldoy aft<rnoon, a. I, the Tan .,. in pooltlon to 10 to the CIF AAAA baaball ~ with IO)' kind of. a break alter llarlna was dump- ed by \Yestminster,:u 1 to alnt a game and a hair behind the Tan. tr lhe Tars lose to Wettem and subse-. quently lose to Marina Wednesday · af. ternoon in another makeup game, it would throw second p)ace into a Scramble between Newport, Marina and Santa Ana. A victory over Western and Marina would give the Tars a tie for the title. Newport bad an easy time of It Fridaj with Huntington Beach, scoring a pair ol runs in the first two ir:inlnp and then added four more in the fOurtb frame lo sew up the victory. Howard· Struble was the big gun for Newport, knocking ln four runs with a single and tw1>-run homer over the left. field fence. Westminster crippled Marina with its 5- 0 win as pitcher F.ddie Bane went the dlstan~. striking out 13, walking only four and allowing one hit. Bane completed the season with 157 strikeouts in 16 gam~s. Marina threatened only in the second Inning when Dave Klungresetter Tony Creel and Chuck Nelle walked to fill the bases. A good defensive play ht Westminster ended the threat and later the Uons caught on for three ruru in the fifth and two more in the sixth. Bane singled in the first run in .the filth inning and came in oD John Hogan's triple. lll!Wr,OltT .(ti 1b r llrbl H1n11y, ••-l 2 2 a Martln,e 41 00 Slrvblll. b1 ' 1 2 ' M1ll11Glf, lb 4 O l 0 W1rntr, rt l 1 I 0 Se~llf,P 10 1 0 Fl8nl"9, 11 l I I 0 C11rrv, cl l I 1 0- F"oslef. ~b l I I I ScllMl1l1r, p l G 1 1 Tol1l1 31 I 11 I KUNTINOTOM 11) tb r II rM ElrltY, rf 2 0 I 0 MllrPIW. 211 I 0 1 1 h~,H (000 RYd1r, e 1 o G o ~IUtr.c IOOC Whllllf ld, lb 2 0 1 0 Rulr. cf·lb l o O O Shubin, If 2 I o o c ... rlbt1u, ""'' 1 o o o MCOIRWll. lb t 0 0 0 Wlllct r, cl I I 1 O Jol~l,P IO DC B1n1t11. p I e o a T<>1111 'U1.JI N1w1>11rl H1 tbot 7112 fOO ' H ' O-ene I H1111!1ng1on Bta(h 000 000 I -I J l "°"'lllMA Ill H r ~ rtll Mall,c 1000 WUllCJt, ti l 0 0 0 C11rr1n. rt l o I o Moefl,u 1001 KlnVrllt'I', 11>-p 1 0 '0 I CrtKI, lb 1 0 0 0 AndtrlCM'I, p 1 O 0 o Fl1mlng, 1b 0 0 0 D Mitter, pl! 1 O 0 0 Crtllf, ti J O D o N111,,,b 7 0tO Tottl• n o 1 o WEITMINSTllt Ul ·-t •• ,1 i-log1r, II 1 I 1 I Madr., lb I 0 0 o P. MC1rlnw. cl J 11 1 I W.McCrtnr, II J e 0 O Dfdrldl. 2b t 1 2 o McOan1td, rl J 1 I o H•vftH,( 1101 J.Sll\Cl'Mll,lbl O I I Blnt,P 31 1 1 To1111 71 s 1 ~ Sc.r1 '' 1nnrn11 Marini Wt1rm1ns1irr ' H ' 000 000 0 -0 I l 000032 •-.J1 4 1tove ... 11 McNHIY, 211 -ct 111,115'11 ... CIH"Oll. lb Kl!\;, lll J1rvl1, SI .......,,, U r ll rM • 0 0 0 l • 2 0 l 0 0 0 ' • 0 0 J D 2 o l l 0 0 2 0 0 0 J 0 1 1 3 0 1 1 J 0 0 0 24 I ~ 1 Holmes. 2b J a l I Cl!ro,Jb 3 0 10 G1r<ll'ler,tr 300 0 Gr•Y• e 2 0 1 0 HIIln, lb 2 a 0 0 Lealtltr, rf 2 I 1 0 Shamrocks Top Rebels John$Oll, e li1'1111rl, rf T011ls Vlll4i Part: Mlulorl Vit ia Moreno, cf 2 e o o 1-ill'W'lllOfd. H 1 0 0 0 Btr(l.P 2D le To!•l1 1' I 4 O ' H ' 0000001 -ISO 000 000 o-o ' 0 SAM C\.aMll\ITE UJ LAGUNA atu.CH It) •b r ll rM Mr•rti Chrt1t-11, SI J 0 0 0 D. Sdlmlll. cl l • 0 0 0$tnlllll,/fh, 2b J O O O McDonntll, 311 l o o o Tsuma, cl I I I 0 $h.,1n1, P J 0 I 0 Bemer, "' o O o o 801!11, rl l o I o kolot1, el o o o o Mt.Ell!•""· lb l o o o 0 1""'-· 1f J 0 0 0 0 .kltmlll. 11 l 0 I 0 Jones, lb 2 0 1 0 kttsler, ll 3 0 l O Rnch111, lb 7 o 2 I M(Murr1y, e 1 o o a eov~.rr · 11.oos1t1loY1.~200 0 Wrltlll, e o 0 0 O l"f"Olll,P '112 Tot1!1 1 2 ' J Tci1111 15 0 J 0 5ewe b1 lnnl1111 L"11111 a11c11 000~0-011 S..n C1tmt111t 002 100 • -J 4 I KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (AP) -Westside Jewish Community Center of Los An· geles and the Long Beach Shamrocks turned back all challengers Friday to advance to winner's bracket semifinals in the U.S. Volleyball Association Na- tional Tournament. A third California team, University ol California at Santa Barbara, finished the third day of action in the tourney as the only undefeated squad in the Col· legiate Division. Westside, the 1968 Open Division champion, downed the Long Beach, Pa- cilic Coast Club, 8-15, 15-10, 12·10. Meanwhile, the Shamrocks, defend· Ma jor League Standings AMERICAN LEAGUE NATIONAL LEAGUE Ea1t Divllloo . Eal Divhion • Won Lost Pct. GB w ... Lott Pct. GB Baltimore 20 ti .6.\4 Chicago 19 ti .633 Bo!!ton 17 to .630 Pl Us burgh 16 12 .571 2 Washington 16 14. .533 3~2 Philadelphia 12 13 ,181) 4\-J Detroit 12 15 .444 6 New Yort 12 15 ,44< 51> New York 12 17 .414 7 SL Louis 12 16 .429 6 Cleveland 4 19 .174 12 Montreal 10 17 .370 7\1 West Dlvblon West Dlvi1lon r.1innesola 18 8 .692. AUanta 18 9 .667 Oakland 17 10 .630 JI,~ Los A•ple1 17 II .IOl 11> Kansas City 15 12 .556 31; San Francisco 17 ti .607 11> Chicago 10 11 .476 5" .. CincinnaU 13 15 .464 Silo CalUontla I IS .31S I San Diego 13 18 .(19 7 Seattle 9 17 .346 ' Houston 10 21 .323 10 ,..,..,.,, lt"'lh ........ "' ll"91t$ -hi~ 1. C•llfWl!l1 t. Att...t1 .. ~llll .. i.l'llt, -'""M OM.ltnd l, l<ttw Vor11 t. (~l'WMIH .. MofttT'MI 5-1 lnl\ln9l 5Nttle t, Waotil"'ltfl 0. ....,_"°" ti H"' Vorti., "5'""911 °'~ ., (ltvt'-'d _,..,..._ l6t """'" u. "'"'""""' J k_., C"1 4, 811tlmo,. SI. """"11-1.-'8fl D .... • M..,_IDt• '-0.lf'Ort t. S111 l"rMICI-11, CllltHG I ""!':: San $' s.ltt~\~~ S~me 2~ Cftlc•r~~,.. •. 1ris:m~'~ ,_,. It~ E!,i!iA~~ ·r.· . ~--1¥ 'Ji.i1uJ·l _f1.1 I• lllMl't ~~llr J.I, it-,,' I 1~:,, ·2· • Att1'Br.:.'°"" ~I •I 1"!11 !'.l'INlll f1L i:s"~ .. ~~1ft,9~ ~ ~~ n!l; Wftftfl'llmiorl l"•Klllf I Sffll~ 11 '-, " • S..11 • ~ W If t, c.irl!vll nl!IM. AUTHORIZED FULL SERVICE AND PARTS FOR ALL IMPORTED AUTOMOBILES ing Womens' division champs, over· came the Chicago Rebels, 15-9, 6-15, 15-7. A new Collegiate Division champion was assu red when San Diego State, the 1968 titleholder, suffered its seeond loss of the tournament, going down lo UCLA, l~. 15-9. San Diego won two other loser's brack· et matches earlier in the day. The Az- tecs beat Earlham College, Richmond, Ind., lf>.8, 13-15, lQ..8. and trounced Brig· ham Young University, Provo, Utah, 15-3, 15-9, Finals in the double elimination tour- nament will be Saturday. The event is being held at the Universty of Tennes· see. 1969 Amt!n Alnerica . 51885 Available w/AutomatJc Tranmda1lon GOl.D SEAL USID CARS FINUT SIUCTION Of USlll SPORT CARS IN ·SOUTHUN CAUl'ORNIA _l ~ 1' lll L' 11J I i\ 1, Ip l' i I '.· JIOI WOT COAST HIGHWAY -NIWPOIT 11.t.Cff J1rtuporr 3\Jnµort s MJ.MOI M0-1764 A-las· lff e AUSTill-HIALIY o .. i.r A-.... FIUARI D....,, WO. I. s.mc. ' ' • I• Si.tllrdly, Mq 10, 1'69 IWl.Y I'll.OT J3 • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • •• • • '• • • • •• • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • = • • • • ~ at your-local Mobil Dealer • ' ·\AT .TERRIFIC SAVI NGS ,, NO M ON EY DOWN 12 ~P..U!tl~,lq.f':v See your own local Mobil o9aler-and his complete line of quality Mobil Tires. He has the right set to "TIRE·UP" your car . Mobil M-3 775 x 14 Black s Nylon Cord, Tu beless tugg111ted selling price, plus $2.20 exciae't1x plu1 aalM tax 70 -eac~ SET OF 4 •• $54QQ I plus $2.20 excise tax, plus sales lax (e•ch tire). • All Mob/I 0.1/er1 re11rve /he 1/ght to .at11bl/sh t,,.fr Oll'lt prfce, MOBIL W 0I DE Offers MOBIL CU$H,ION Offers big mileage, driving com- fort-a really tough tire. MOBI L PO LY ESTE R PREMI ER-A rugged, tough tire that hugs the road smoothly. 25% more traction, 25% quicker stops; plus better gas mi leage. Don 't take chances wilh your tires, let Mobil ma ke your automobile "Tire Safe" tor everyday freeway driving. Remember you can take .up to a full year to pay for your new Mobil. fires. Just charge them on your Mobil Credit Card and make easy monthly payments plus small carrying charge that will fit your budget -your own Mobil dealer has the plan for you! See Your Local M@bil Dealer Today. PARKINS' MOllL, r 292 T111ti11 I K•t1ll1. Or1n9•, C•lif. Ph. 4o)J.J422 , 11.NOX CIOW 104 Co1st Hwy. & Braadw1/ L1eune Be1eh, Pl!. 494.30 " ;£NE SCH.UEL 24362 El Toro Rd. & Moulton Pkwy. L11un1 Hills, Pk. 83().1570 IOY lll!UIO 9024 W1rntl' & li!11M1li1 Fount1ln V1ll1y, Ph. 847-9008 flOYO W. SIMMONS 5202 W. Bois• & Cuclid Santa Ana, Ph. 531-2467 E-P SERVICE 15496 M111noli1 & Mcradden Weslm inster, Ph. 89J.98!6 AHOY WOOD 13172 Garden Grov1 & F1irvitw Cirden Grave, Ph, 530-0763 W IEMWAID 20002 Beach Blvd. Huntinllon 8!ach, ~ 53&.~JSS £USED lOPlZ . 5972 Wsrntt & Sptin11d1!e Hunlin(ton Bt:1eh, Ph. 847-9220 llOllE l lOADIENT 2145 Plac1nt!1 I Victmie Costa Me11,-'fh. 6424243 OTIS LAllkfOhl 3001 81btol & 81ker Co1t1 Mess, Ph. 540-2265 IUJC IAllflS 5962 Lt 1'1tm1 & Valley View euen• P•k, Ph. 527-8911 WILLIAM 1'. IAl 26051 l• Pat Id. & r.\uirl111ds Mission Viejo, Pit. 137-0917 KlMDALl lOCC•ART 1000 E. Coast Hwy, & Jlmbor1e Newport Beach, Ph. 644.(1272 IDWARI MOHl 13462 Hlfbof & Tt1sk Garden Ctove, Ph. 631-2080 IOULD AIEY IOI N, Hnot & 11! S111t1 Ant, Ph. 5ll·S24S CRAii lrtNOLOS CIJllENCl R. IAIKllY OON CARTll'S SEIYICE 3195 Harbor & Geislu 5972 Lincoln 1244 f.171h & Grand Costt M!s1, Pit 545·9226 Cypress, Ph, 527-2327 S1nl1 Ana, Ph. 543-5586 HOEL ALLY HERMAN MILLER MOl tl Fl(ET SlllYICE 1701 ft B101dway & 17th SI. 9972 Valley Vitw 521 E. 17th & S1nt1 Ana frwy. S1nl1 Ana, Ph. 542-9049 Cypress. Ph. 827-0660 Santa Ana, I'll. 835-4181 MAURICE rWE-1430 s. LALOR KERST MOSIL $£1VICE COOO(Trlllll( El Camino Real & V1lenci1 Ctaht) 1800 S. H.W l San Clemenle, Ph. 492-9250 18930 Carmenito •I South Street K1te tla, Anaheim, Ph. 535-1956 Cerritas, Ph. 865-9107 EVlRm Mllf(lf EINll HAGIN 120 N. £1 Cimino Reil & CabrilJo JIM WRIQHT 396 W. Chapman l CYPftSS San Cl1m1nte, Ph. 492·9129· 3971 Cerrills Or1n1e, Ph. KCS-2812 tlOWAIHI IEAm -600 Aveni di Los Alirnitos. Ph. 43G-0703 OWEN MUELLEI Pie & Sin 01110 frwy. lOWARD NUSSER 2217 £. 17th SI. & Tustin San Clemente, Ph. 492-4194 8510 Knott & Crescent S1nt1 Ana. Ph. Kl2 -3259 Cl YD[, IURlllf Buen1 Park, Ph. 527·8322 FRENCKIE. LESAOUT 3100 E. Coast Hwy. & Jasmine RON/WAYNl PIAflON1 171 E. firsl& P'l'osptct Corona Del J,11r, Ph. 673-0477 IOI w. Central & Brea Blvd. Tustin, I'll. S«-5804 DONALD H. SCHULTZ Brea, Ph. 529.5057 ROY CALVETTI 12240 Los At1milas 13372 Rd Hill & lllUlll Los Atlmitos, Ph, 591.l51 1 LOU IULONC Tustin, l'tl. IJM268 l 100 N. Euclid & l1 Palrru llONALD M. SCHULTZ Anaheim, ~-53J.9359 LI( PllMM -4000 ltmson 2504 E. ChaJiman & '10fbl Stal BelCh, Ph. 598-3511 TOM WAIDEN Or1n11, Ph. 6J.J..1952 DONALD f. llUlR 1800 W. Vate~ll & Braokhut1t JACll LARSON 2201 N. Main fulterlon, Ph. 52S-3902 511 Main & leVet1 S1nt1 Ana, l'h.-135·9814 CHAil£$ P.ll( Or1n1e, Ph. 541-8805 SADDlllACI[ $[11YICE 235 W. V1ltM:i1 Mesi Or, MIKE PNfllS 1465 S. Mtin fullerton, Ph. 526·3974 2637 Gl1ssell &. F1hh1ve n S1nt1 Mt, Ph. 835-2421 IAllY INMAN Stnll Ana, l'h. '39'1624 WAYNE ffllOI IOO N.ltl)'IT10lltl&Commonwe•tt,1 MnlO CAI WASH 1300 W. Edin1cr fulltfton, Ph. 871·7700 187 rt Tustin Sanl1 Ma, Pll. 546-8800 Or1n11, Ph. 532-2155 DAL[ JOHES P•ITMflS FOi PIOIRESS 1000 N. Karbot' & Be1kl17 JO[ VIWLOIOS 1248 W. First Fullerton, Ph. 170.1240 2091 N. Tustin Awl, & Meats S.,tl Arla, Ph. 542.a774 011n1e, Ph. 637-6860 tHAIW E. JAMES HOlSIE MOllL IOI CUIPllll 13982 Bols1 Chic• . 901 S. Harbor & Vermont 1200 N.Sl1t1 Collete & Pl1Centi1 Weslmlrnter, Ph. 89J.999B Aniheim, Ph. 774-3760 An1heim, Ph,. 635·3440 CMARllS E. JAMES fl[O l DON'S MOllL JOHN I. IUU . ~16001 Betch 11111<1. 3991 Of1n&elllof11 & Matrtofil 2800 £.Lincoln l l io Vhtl tluntln1ton Seic~. Fh. !47-9149 Buen• P11k, ~. 871·1914 Anattlim, "'-631).2180 RONALD kEll NORRIS' SIOICE ClllTtl IOI "8111PME'r 15502 Be1eh Blvd. IJOI S. Htrbor & OJ1n11tllo•J1~ 1199 S. Slldl Bl\ocl. & lmptfill WeslmiMlll', 1'11. 892-l!IE3 ful1rrton, Pit 170-4270 l1 Htbrt, Pl!. 6'7·3106 VALUABLE COUPON '"'"t ™'-tt,.. fnwtll -hlllr, Miki ynr .... j11I !tr fDUR "" Molli hly11tor l'rnl~r Tlm -IMI bkl $1Q00 Ill If Illy TWO lft Ml 1'111-$4 00 .l'rtlllor Tim -t11t1 llkt ell Otter llmlled, -. CMIPOft ,..-cuelofMr • O,,.r, ••lttfff M•Y Jt, 1Mt. • • •••••••••••••••••••• • • •I II! ~ • • • • • If • • • • •1 • • • • • • • • •1 • • • • •.1 •• •I •• • • • • •· • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • : • • • • • • ., • • • =· • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • JI · Olll Y PILOT JC, Prep Baseball Standings COtl•l•INCf W L 01 " I ' -1J 1 ' " I • •• " • 1• I 11 I I I lT l l:l'I 'II'" , • 11 •ll0""1 • 14 ' u IUMSaT LfACiUI: W l T 01 Wt1lf:rn IG ] I fff~twrbw I ' 1 Mlrkle 7 6 I Saollt• AM <I I I A,..llelm 1 1 o Hu"11"9fOll INCh J t t Weltml ... ter S • 0 S..nl• A ... V1I'" 10 0 Ftld"'' Sunt N.-ort I. Hlll'lll.,.!Ofl 8Mcti 1 W..ttnJ..,i.r "' Mlr!n• 0 WK1t>n\ J: ANOl>lolrn 1 '" , ,,, " ,., ,,, "' $•"'-... ,.. I, Senft An1 Y•l .. y 1 MtolNJ"'I ChlM """51em 11 N""°"' .,,.,.._...,.., o.- N_..i al M1r1,.. l•VINf: LIAG\,lf l oar1 c.,.._ c1e.1 ,.,.., M1tl'l(!ll1 Foun1•in V1!ley E1t1t1c:i. Costa Ml'.P W L T 12 .) • 11 5 • JI ' • ' . . • 11 1 1 11 I FtlU,'1 kWe lMrl I, MMlf!Dli.1·1 Fount1i.. Y1l1-1 l. Cmt1 ,..,_. 2 E1tfl1>Cl1 I, Conlllll cllll ,,.., I CllHTVllW L'fAIUI W L T V1U1 P1rtl: 11 l 0 Faofl!\11 I I O Mllslon vi.lo I ' D Oo'lllft • " • El ModeN I " I Tu1!!" I I I S..n Cle"""'' • t 1 L11un1 ... ell 1 12 0 ,,, ..... .,.. luirl.t Or1"9e S, El M~ l Vlllf '°'rt: J, M11Slort Yilllo t san C\tmen!e ], l.MUlla &we.II 0 , ... " G.ltM Tus!ln 11 FootMtt ' •• ' ' • '" ... •• " ' , ' ,., '" • ANCiELUl .... AGUI W L GI GAllDIH GllOV• C'IMIJ , ' ' ' , s • 1~. ' ' ' ' ' ,,. ' . ,"/'} t:• ID !I. I . . , ' . . 5 lD t J 12 • FrlUY't S-G1rdt-n Orw1 1, fl-Cllh;.I I 110) ltel\Cllo Al..,..lto• 11, L1 Qu!nt1 s S.nll11111 4, 8ols1 Gr1nd1 1 W l GI " , 10 4 , . ' . ' ' ' . . ' . . ' ' IG I J II t ---·--- 3433 VIA LIDO, fill:WPORT 8tACH - ,CdM Eyes Playoffs Despite ·I-0 Defeat ' j • Corona dd Mar Hiib Sc:hool, despile falling 1-4 10 Estaoclo In Ila llnal ll'\'lne Leaiue wt, WU virtually auureef' a CJt AAA baseball playoff berth aller !.Qera dumped Mopo- lla, 4-%, to capture tbe league !Hie in Friday pl«y. -FoWifain,-Valley Costa Mesa, 3-1. Pitcher Chuck Looe\h wbo whlUed nine Corona dd Mar batten en route to picking up the tine-bit shutout, llartad It off with an i.nfleld sinale aDd promptly 'stole second base, After pitcher Rex-snyder got the next two Eagles out, Bob Cornuke came through with a clean single to right field lo score Loseth. · • After that, Estancia did lit· tle in the offensive depart.- ment, bankinc on 1-tb'• ble Ollly IO die theno wheft pllchlna io cmy the EoeJes, Looeth lorced an lnnlng-endior and be didn't lei them down. pop up. ha' I'· Corona del Mar went quietly Coronl del Mar 0 ... In tbe seventh to complete it.a cbancu", however. "th 1• • ln tbe second lnnin& the Sea Irvine seaaon w1 a .,.., Kings put numers on second record. aod third-with one out-•be4-[ountain '{alley took . the Snyder walked and. moved to measure of ~~ w1lh a second on Dean Wiese's inf~ run in the alxtb lnning break· &lnc)e inJ up a 2--2 tie .. Both numers' advanced .., a 1Nane Dlllle alngled In John wild pita i.,t then the Sea Cam>ll a/ler the latter had Kings were caught when they reached hue, vb an error. tried · 1 squeeie play that Earlier, the hosts had tied backfired. the score with a pair of runs tti!eth--:strua-out the man in the bOttom . or the seco_nd trying to bunt and Snyder was when Joe Knight and T!m nailed by catcher G r e g Farrell . cam~ through W1th Powers attelnpting to score. ,run--sconng smgles. . After two out in the sll:tb, Fountain Valley drew first Corona's Snyder walked and blood wbe~ the Blll't>m . ~ut went to third on Wiese 'a dou· together s1ngle5 by D1ff1e, Tom Boyle and Bob Wilkenson. W estmin,Ster Bags· Gymnastics Crown ....._ •STANCIA 11) ...... , .. L~1h.• l l•• llull1rd, u l 0 I I Pawell. 3b J D 0 I Cotnvk•.lf l 0 1 I P~lt.d JO DI "-'"' c 2 • o a ltlldlort, :rb 2 0 I 0 Put-nit. tl 2 O 0 D l rmk•, 1b , o o I Ttl111 21 I 3 TWO.FOR.oNE -Dragster driver Bob Muravez of Raceway's drag strip tonight. The· car develops North Hollywood will be aiJnjng bis twin-enl!in«I 1,750 horsepowl"'· Over 30 fuel dragsters will be on "Fmgbt Train" down Oran-=ge.:.__Co_unty_:_In_t_e_rna_il_onon_alaI __ h_and=-'f.:.or:....;:th.:.;•_di'=a=g_s_ho_w_. --------- Top Fuel Dragsters At ocm Hall Cracks 2 U.S. Marks; -Nine cIF Records Erased • ' ' LONG BEACH -OIJ!iipian Thirty of California's fule.~ Gary Hall smashed two n'a· !,..,...,..) 1:02.J. f, Ml•u!• (S1nt1 ~)l :i>'.,. Westminster High School be- came the first Orange County prep contlngent ever to win the coveted ClF gymftastics championship with a convinc-- ing victory at San Gabriel High School Friday night. The Lion1, under coach George Beckstead ran up 2914 points to runnerup Lakewood's 19 before 1,400 fans. The Westmlnster victory ended a 22-year reign of non- Orange County champiom. Corona del Mar finished sev- enth with sii: points. Free E~ert1-1. ».cFay1 cwi ,i It was 8Weet recenge for ~l·~rr:~""1~.~-J'~~'j',,1 ~~·~ \Vestminster. Lakewood was 1 •k.-J ~1n11-11.1 the winner last year when the -1· liY•WIY Ile ti.iw.... 11•~ L,·ons fuus· . hed third. ilOll CW , F.inbtf! (l1lclwlft P9'kl Frow1u CllilrNOOd J, G1ntn1n fMon-J · J' M F uJ th ttblllol • •""' McDwmcit• CM11ftk1nl uruor 1m c a won e Tl~.•. tumbling and tree ei:ercise ~ "°'._1. L4•v111_."" IL•k&-•"en'· and •··--ale Paul WOOd) t. Coll (W11M111~ :J. VonW1lcl • wt u::ai.wn IW) ... ltllllrld"lt_J!O· 11'-J ~-01f. ,,._,_, __ •led I •rrunl"'11::_.~1 M<"r-~Joi.2_ Gerl.ta. naawi:1 "' or first in the 1MU1lll111I 3. H•rt.11 'tMlflnk1n1 1 •. rope climb. Jerry Jversoo won ~':'..!: ,.jc~M\'~1 ~~:. ~ the last event, the rings, with "'~::;! ~ 7if-IE• Rinctioi a 17.f score, 1. Stvmour cW11tm1n11H1 3. ire "" Beckstead and most of the lw"" Lottie! iL1ktwoodl 1!>d Mert/11 IWllSCfl) 5. HOYIMll (WI'-"! Poln1t athletes who perfonned for -1Ji!-i1._1 111r1-1 111 bflwfttl ,~.,...., him Friday night, will move CO.ONA OIL MAil Cl) ... ' llrtol l'tlmtt, rf J t t • w119~'°''· ct l • o o B· Sn""'1'tr, lb J O G o wi .... ~cl$~· p ~ g ~ : w.n:i.3b 3 001 Kllll'/',C J IOO , ..... rt 3 010 M8Y••·lb J OOO Tot1b 1• o 3 I lwrl ., lllllhtlt 11 H If Caron• 0.1 M•• 000 000 •-I l I Etllf\tit 100 000 K -1 J 0 lfOUNTAIH VALLEY (ll •• , II rW Ar ledge, lb l o 1 o Robtrt1, 2b 1 o 0 a Carrol!. cl 3 I 0 0 Cl••llaon. rl l 0 0 O Olnle,lt 1 1 3 1 llOY .. lb Jll O Wlll1MOft, cl l 0 1 2 Hlll.U 3 000 HfrTic:'b P il ~ ' ' COSTA MIU. II!. r II rllt Flelcltr, 2b i g l g ~\~t'i;,.~1c 3 I I O 111"°"-lb j 0 > 0 Mu"''"' " • 0 • Qultsotntttrry, H o a o o Ad<lern•n, lb J I ' 0 knltlll, cl l 1 I l'trtf U, rl l G I I ll~.·~-2l ~' t lional interscboolasdc swim-1 , o O O ·.ho rsepower fuel ming records to steal the &bgw dragsters will converse upon Friday night at the CIF cham· Orange County International pionshlps belore a throng of Raceway this evefliN: to com-2,%!0 at Belmont Plata Olym- G:I lrM rt111 -I. Bv-en. 3:17,, 2. Sl,llly Hiflt J:lt.t 1. Lii WltlOll 3:20.1 4 Armel.. S, CM11 Mn.I 1:2'.G '· L-. taatrnlnl!er) •Ni Piii• lL1krNOOd) 3. I wnsonl •-1>1n1l ca110wln Pirkl on to Golden West College • H 1 J' f~~1rn,.:~r:...l~J1.~> •nd Fr.. next fall where Beckstead will -1 ' ktr• •1 1111111111 SCOlltNG -8uen1 po1J, LA W!IJOn (IU.5). Su""v Hiiis. !n!. (Otll Mti.e 113)." 1t1nctao A. .. mll!ls !Sl.5). 11eR1:':W~ 1~:f::' c~'t'1':~f" .~ become the gymnastics coach. ~:..'~11~''~111n ~ 1::1 °t = ~ ~ ~ ll•b.I (El lt•nocl>ol '· tit be!Wffn ,piiiOiiOiiOiiO;;;iii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiii;;;;;;;;;i;iiiiiiiii;;ii;;ii;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ plete a fueler show that was' pie Pool. •• partially rained out AP!il 5. Hall zipped to a l:S.'1.9 for tc':: =:r :.~-;:;..,K:;"q~;.1~;. The top favorites amooa the tbe...20Lindividual medley...;to--111 l: .... • '· C.t 111~ 1:'t.•. 5. slin~hots ar.e-'John--Peter1" -clip five-tenths ol a second ';:' ~:'"_1:1~'·5..;~'vt;:1;.;::; "Freight Tram" mtehine out off Mark Spitr:'1"(>1'evious U.S. ,,.,..s tCIF r««111 '· Rllbltr 1R- of Santa Monica and the ''Odd mark 'Iben Hall came back in •1 1:!11 .. 1. S1W.-. t1ttd1u•1 " • l :Jl.S 4. ·~ !G&nltn Gr0¥~1 Couple fueler owned by Art the 100 backstroke with 1 nifty 1:12.e s. Mtl•lll cWv1111 1:n .t. '· Lacost of Van Nuy1. 52..S to J'flduce Fred Haywood's ~;.''!'':. ~.:,) 11C:,!~1 n.1, Both entries are ~ standard by six.tenths of • '· ... .mt c•-1 211, '· ~ · b p -I d (l• ,..,_, 2S.1t •· Verftr1 1Lowt!ll ed JO S, et~ URI WO sec<ll. • tS:a $. SV!dMr1 (Arc9di9J 22.XI. '· su~rchargtdh'I C,~e V,~ OOldedt Heading the Ora.Ille Coast ~1,!.,~ =~l_~j~irurnltt !Foot-engmes w 1 e '"""" lttl patade was Clay Evans 111111 Y .1 2. c~r (El setul'IOOI Couple" wears "Chevrolet and of Marina gold medalist In the 57.s '· Hoelll fl• 0111n111 s1.t .t. c.oe .1 • IG1rdltn Gr-) !1.0 S. Grffn (HOCIYl'I" Chryiuer powerplants. Cee 50 butterfly· with a 25.3 JHSl s11.1 •· ....,. ....... 1Tf'OI'! "·'· Ginn Cll1Mlwln P•rkl 11\d Dirt lWU·[I t0nl 0Plnt1-U.•. Hiii\ Polnl M111--Jlm Coll. Loni hlch .WHSOll. L11:'m str,'."\r1Tson WW,'"1ff 1'R1~~'i::,: I?, ~Hr.in 11, 1!11dwln fl1rk '"" C•OM d•I M•• 6. $a. Torr:-.. Lani h•tll Pol¥ '· Sin GI lel •• MOllHbolla l. An1i.1rn 2. Sml Hlllti '· Pirate Star Jenkll\s:: .. _ Will Become Trojan 0th •-fl t I ki H •--· ked SO t11 -I. YllM (Oltr\lrdl SS.D !. ers W1~ gure o c oc ng. e 310V pie up a Gu..-1n rLoa Al1mr1011 -"·1 l. Hend~ Orange Coasl College foot· PILOT Friday that he has ac· challenge.Jor the winner's cir· second in the 100 individual 1~n 11••dool -"·1 •. Art~ <AniMrrni ball and baseball star Bill ted f n ·c1e scholarsh" cle are national champ Jack me<i\ey with a 58.30, losing ',',·,' ,':.,'-'"' .. J ,MJ:.•.•,•.1tiu ss.t ._ L•1• cep a u -n 1p " ·~ ~ Jenkins will fulfill a childhood to attend USC next fall, where JRonesd of El lnMonle;B Wahlt the viclory to Chbip Rf owe of "~~,:re;.;;;~,;. s'ft-i~.~~'!~~;"'~~ ambition next fall when he he will play baseball ~d foot· hoa es, Hunt igton eac , Palos Verdes y ou r-(lne-sonmon IL• s.rn11 w., '· H-puts on a University of ball. and Stardust champ John hundredths of a second. 11' Olllnt•l '°-~ 5• crvrn tP•ios Vt•· eo-.... "' ern Cal•.forn<·a gr<·d;..,..n "l'"e always ~-n a USC fan n .. H n. h Le d' •t f. 'sh ,clel) •. C.Utford IEs11noci.1 51... ..:11.NUI .. V>. • ~ n.<13Smussen, ermosa _,ac . a 1ng vars1 Y 1n1 en; 100 llfld< -1. Gl•t 1c11 H19111 S?.5 2. jersey. and as a kid r drea'med about theThe lnjected.1f1ubeel hephadl,.lnedof were ~oel P)ennendo!.!~st!Gru·n s-~~r1111~~.A.~:O..r-;.~1 ~··w~: Jenkins told the DAILY playing for the Trojans," he program W1 l ter (diving a ..,,u is am-1Mor"1.,,.1c1e1 n .1 s. c11r1i 0 ... 1.. said. by national and cx::m record mon of Costa Mesa (100 fly). ~1 "'-2 •·Kelso CLA w11w'"11 :00,•,. Jenkins, who was named to · f . , 40CI lrl!'ll -1. Furnlu 1 Foot~ 1 J holder Don Enriquez o Penne was second tn his spec-3,.,_, 1c1F record\ 2. H1v0tn tP.-T • C h the All-Eastern Conference Missioliln ~iejo. ialty until a poor final dive. r:;:.~ ~~so~w~ (~~~~"~~: ro Jan oac first defensive team for two Qua ymg st.arts at 2 p.m. In all nine CIF records were s. L•mbert !G~•J J:51., •· 11ow. ye ars as a defensive back, was for the junior fuelers and at 5 broken. 'i~ ~r::"_ ~'.ovi~~,~~~ •• JHs1 Coming lo CM sought by more than 20 major for top gas cart. Top area team showing \\'as 1:0.J.1 2. e..ot-tG.rOln GravtJ 1 :~ 1 colleges and universitie!. ~aceway .-enerai manag~r by New}Xri Harbor, which l·ov!"!v~~s.;~,~rt;~';:.11 1.:°'v!,11~ Universily of Southern Among the schools who tried Mike Jones figures the trac~ S placed second to aPloa Verdes CL• ~.,., l :01i.1 '· eruner !K~n-California football coach John to recruit him were Alabama, ~p gas record of 7.38 and in-in the Cees. Costa Mesa's var-"":' .~~IY _ 1. Gle<>Oor• 3:2s.1 1. A1cKay ~ill speak to members San Jose State. Utah , 1octed fuel standard of 7.68 sity was fourth. Buena bagged ,.._,.,,.11 3:".t 1· P•IDI verdu 3:11 3 of USC's Newport Harbor Washington, Oregon and are both in jeopardy tonight, the varsity and Palos Verdes '· L• s.m. !I. Foottilll '· caw"''· Alumru· Club on May 24 at the OregM State. h t 'th ••• bl h $CC*ING -f'llos 'llenMI (H), L• w a w1 un:: new eac the Cee title ~n1 !Ml, K_...,., cMJ. c;1en110•• Costa Mesa Country Club Dick Tucker. OCC's head burnout technique drag buffs · ts.i, Foolfllll tsii. (7101 Goll Course Dr.), Co6ta grid coach, last fall said have picked up recently. v'"1" c.. Mesa. Jenkins could start for any The can line up against the 700 tn!"d1'' ...... ~ -1. Lii wu.o~ 20ll INClleof rN~-1. P11os v..-dei f ds behind th 1 ~Jt.3 1c1F ~l '· 11..e ... i"1.• 1"15 2. Nirw_.1 H.rtior 1:.t1.1 l. A social hour at 6:30 p.m. college in the country and ence 200 yar e J. Atudl1 1:•1.1 •.coo• Mew 1:,1.1 su..,;1 Hiib 1:s1.2 •. u,11"" s. L1-will be followed by dinner at 8 rated the former Huntington Starting Jine and Spin their !. Gitt.o.le Hover 1:;J,J t. Ranc~a IU;& 6ir~1!'."'H11~1y ~Norlh Tor-• · bl h ddl l At.rnll0t 1:'3.G. rtno;• 1:61.1 tc1F record 1. Parks o'clock. Beach High quarterback as tires 1n eac JIU es. t 700 tr11 -1. McCCll'llu 111~ .... 1 t e1n G•rdi!"Ml 1:S3.s 1. 1~ !New-R · t' f th t th be t I e he had -ached It's DAILY PILOT 2 -for -1 Day OUT AT THE OLD 4 BALL GAME PILOT PETE INVITES EVERYONE TO SEE THE ANGELS PLAY BALTIMORE SUNDAY, JUNE 1, AT HALF PRICE &•t two 1111rv•d s••t titk•h for th• Su"d1y •ff11~0011, June I, An9•lt .,.,, Oriel•• 9tni1 •I An1h1im St1diu m for th1 11orm1I p1it1 of 1n• fitk••· tluy O"•; th. DAILY PILOT 9iYtl '(Ill ...... cleans the tires of oil and rub-1:"4.S 2. F1,.n1J• 1Footti1111 l : ... o 1 _.11 1:».• 1. ••-1ca1t1 Mes11 eserva ions or e even e s Pay r '"" L•lhbfoct fA1111fle.lrn ) ,,,..,1 '· G~"1'' l:SS.3 s. Ev1n1 tFant1n1> •· 11rn-should be made prior to May ,_c•ct_Ocr_a_n0gce_Co_a_s_L ______ 11 ber and softens them, creaUng IL•k~! ''"·' !I. w1n1..-llluen.11 "1ll:'"ir~~11~ tNo1re O•rn•l 21, Checks for tickets (" per,"l,~----------- 2-$3.50 2-$2.50 TICKm •o• TI Ctcns •o• $3.50 $2.50 greater starting traction. 1='•·• 1· ANMKlll (,_, 1=SG·2· 11.-11 1. Horne tL11 J..-d'nl."iu 1. ~ so tree -1. c.rir.,. 1su1111y 1t11111 T'1<1;1 !II"""' n . .o '· z~ TflcN. person) should be mailed to 11 '45 <CIF record \ 1· 11.._. tRI~. "°"'1 """ Oilks~ '· ur""" 11"'11wooc11 Conrad Schweitzer, 2615 Alt11 ON THE TUBE :n.n 3. Hiii! IP•lo$ Vtrdn) n.s1 '· ··,~'"'1'r:ir. G~;::~-l~oaR:~· ~··1 11o11SH11 fM!,.. cot111 n.a s. L~lldt Vt-roni Jl.2 1• E,,.m <M•rln.1 ,.. Vista Or., Newport Beach. f • b 1 ·; 1 h ,. INolrf o.n.) 22.17 I. OUll'n lllllfnl) 3. Tnamnon IMOll!ebello) Jt.S 1. ltlit Ph , Or tn1 •1 9u1 I 0 w • I n .N. leeu G•"''"'l J. w.to1v !Gkro1or11 one reservations may be k1pp1"i"t o" TV. r11d TV 200 Ind. med .. , -l, H1tl /RIMM . R~ (ll.Jll'"l. made by calling &44-l163. WEEK -di1fribut•d with '"' Al1m1too l:S3.t !NlllOMI Ind CIF 50 11ri-'· !;Vint (M•rlnl) 25.l 1. rKord 2. ctwittlf-kl f lfllnt~MI 1:.5'.t jRc": fJ~ ,'l.rfl F~!f~.~-=~~ For further information, call S1turd•y 1diti1n 1f th1 DAILY 1 11._r11 tL 11 wi11on1 2:01., '· HS> s. W)il11 1v11C11 ... , '· ttou•""" f\.1rs. Bo!> Basmajian at 646-l'L'-"_o_r_. ________ .,e. 1•1'111 INO,.,.,ltkl t :IJ.I 5. lt•lcle~\ltlft 1000 tU Hlbr1). Banquet Set Yiu tlll rt11rv• 1n •ntir1 11tlion •r ju1' lw1 s11t1. lut CJ•I your p1rly to91lh1r now •nd m•il In lh• order bhnk b1low with tk•ck •r mCl'n1y 1nl1r !n1 ,.,h. pl111•l ind hurry. o •• dli11• for,., •• , ord•rt it M•y 20. Two Ofanle Coia.st area high schools will honor their spring sports Tue9day evening with Fountain Valley and Newport Harbor in the limelighL ,,._.l 2:0J.~ t . $rnlrti Cllutn•l 2:0,!,I. 100 1r..._1. H1ll..i1v <No. Tarr· 0462. Dlvl119-l, Fullll•w• (Glo!nda~1 •1'.40 l;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~iii;;;;;;~lll 7 SurTldte CG!eftU~ ~r) Jn.30 l . .$1ulllkn Cll11t111) 1511.'5 •. Pen,... Earl11 Bird Bonar Fountain Valley will hold its awards banquet in t h e cafeteria at 6:~. honoring all spring sports while Newport Harbor hosts its swim and gymnasUcs leam.s at 7 in the school cafeteria. fWMlj $.)$ S. lluckleY (Servilfl :m.70 '· Hok ts.i.,,,., Hiii•> :n1.os. 100 nv -1. C1mero11 (L1 tt.iir•I S1 .1 1. l""""11>s011 IS<>u1!1 H!11s) SJ.I J. ,...,.ft !Lii Polvl 5ll •· G1m..-~Cosl• Menl s. 1111111 (U•l•rllll sl.' '· ll1•N• (Lii flohr) SJ.•. 100 ffH -1. (11YV [Sunny HUit) ''·' t. lllov i lt!w. f'oly) lt.f l. He" (Pfiol Vtnln) ... t I. W•ll111tr (BUr• bl>nkl 4".t S. McMullen Ill! WlllOll) ••.• '· WllT11Qr /Cotll .V...1 '°·'· 100 btc--I. Hill (ltu1crio Ai. mtt0.) S!.5 CNttloNll Ind Cllf rt<»nll 7. C1.....0.ll CA!Qdll! Sl.t l. llttfcle"' bll\/Ol'I (~) SJ.! •. Koall Ill.-cl- ..... ) SS.I 5. F-'ntllft IU Qlllfll•I 5'.I '· $heW Ill WllWI) JI.I. .100 lrM-1. MtCOl'llQ (llltM) l:.U.I t. Furnlto (foothill! J:O.t J. L••h- brtok (A!\llwlm) J:•.G '· -•In !DclwN'rl 3:51.2 S. GM....-IL ... IWOCllfl J:Sf,.t t, I('""" (~n "'9rl .... I l :JT.2. ICIG W.-.tl -1. (twlll~ICI !Fllntrkl~I 1:00., (Cll' reeord) 2. ~Ith ill~) 1:00.t I. Ooflf flurWnll l 1:0l.• '· ll,..,19i"d (Lt Wll-)1 l :o:IA S. Ftko SENTINELS TAB WILTON Bob Wilton has been named to succeed Don Lent at Magnolia High School as varsity football coach. Lent quit last morllh to become an assistant coach at Cal Poly, Pomona . Wilton comes to the Sen- tinel! from Western High School where he was an assis· tant coach under N i c k Ugleslch. "BITTER CARPET CLEANING for BETTER CARPm" EXECUTIVE AIRCRAFT FOR SALE Attractive Financing and leasing 1-'61 C 11u11 S~yl1n1. Equipp•d w/] ••is •ulo pilol, orn11I, loc:1lh•r, tr1n1itlor ADF. St711 2-'63 Pipe' Twi11 Com•11ch1. A 200 M'H •irpl1111 •quipp w/du•I omni, loc•litft, ADf, ] lite m•rk1r, DME. l •iris •uto pil•I S2l,lto l-'64 C111~1 S•yl•11•. H•1 b1111 0111 ew11•r t irpl•111. New cli•orn• m•jor •nd 1100 TI. Omni. loc•li11r, ADF, J lit• "'•r~­ '' Sl2.SOO 4-'t.6 C1n11• 4 11. A "lu1111y twin". 2til M,H 1i1 1•1t •i,pl1111 with b•r •lld r11t f•cililf11 . Compl•I• IFR r•dio •~• pilot w/ coupl1n 190,ffO s-·e.1 C•n111 C•nll11tl. A b1•utHul "'°'''" 4 pl~c1 1hlp pow· ,,,d with 1 150 HP Lytornin9. fully 1quipp•d tlld 0111, 110 llour1 n . S12,0M 6-'•I C1n11t Twi11 117 Sky"'•1l1r, A 6 1••f •irpl,ft1 ih1t 1t lik• 111w 11 Ji hourt TTI. fully 1qu:pp•d, 11rn11l, 9 llCI'• 1lop1, ADf, J-lit• m•t••l'. S42,'" 7-'6t C1u111 C'°nlin•I. A11 ••cltlftlJ lfl04f111 4 t11t •irpl•n1 th•I w;11 t• ISO MPH. H11 110 MP Lyco.,,1119. fully •qulpp-4. 111.111 Open lo yountil•r1 up to 16 y11n old. l11clud1 with lit••t order • 1l•t•m•nl 1f 100 w1rdt •r 1111! "My f11•rit1 A11ci1I i1- b•t•u••· ···" E~lri11 m111I b1 r1t 1i¥td by noll!.~ on M1y . II. Th ,11 wi1111frl will b1 11l1tt•d for p r1-9•m1 c1r1moni•1. The11'll Meet Their f'avorlle Angel r-------- I I I ·I I Cll, -4 Mii, trft• OM• I f Mhf 1r•or, tor 2 ... ,.1 ...... .., Ornfl c .. , DeHy Pll1t C/O Pdlk ~lc1 h,,. 110 w. 1.., Str99t, c .. tti MtH, c.11r. 92627 IPLIASI PalNT) Ntrlll ................................................................ _ ..... ................................... ·--····--·······-···--.... CHf ............................................. Zit ...... --.. -- -1 50 f ·30th Street Newport Beach 673. 29)0 • REWHITENING • ORIENTALS • WATER DAMAGE Phone SH-VAL 847-1678 WE OOff'T lllOKlll Alll,LAHIS ANO WE OWN WHAT WE AOVl.llT!il. Wl HA.VI! AMOTHEll ~'"'STOCK IN ANOTHlll lOCATIDM TO WO,oot 141nllt ~IYI .. ,,, .. 1111 Slncl IHf CaU or Write John Baker, 714/675-4440 lox 273, Corona del Mar, Calif. I I I I I I 'lllflt ........................................... ·°'"'··· ..... --.. .. L-- • \ ' • -------' -' ,l n ' 1 • ~ • • n d d • d n b ;I I ' • : ' • • : I ' • • : • • : • • • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • ' ' • I I • ' ' • • • ' I · ~ PaiMu,&OLF ................... J • : HOWTOTAKE 1- i : PROPER AIM \ .r--~• : --!"~""' I • " Aim~ 1 roll shot ls limilor to aimlnc 1 rifle. You muat not only pOint tho 1un (club) at tho t•ra•t, but you must 1lso posf. tion your body to allow yourself to execute the shot properly, You Will-have your best chance at proper aiminc If you _....,.__ follow tho threo 1t>ps thal I am 1howln1 In thl' Illustrations. . firs~ opproach tho boll from • behind and sight 1n im11in1ry l ine from it~ thetarg1t.Squ1r1 off this line at 90 degrMI end extend the second line to some object ·at the right of tho fair- ',.. wa~ (illustration# I). ~,~_,D_. Second, pl"ace the tlubhead behind the ball so that it ls facing down the target line (illustration 12). Third, position your feet i nd your body 10 th1t you are facing directly the object you have chosen alongside the fairway • It you follow this procedure, you will properly align not only your cl ubfac1, but also your enti re body, into 1 perfectly -square position. ... '! Sea Kings Favored In Irvine Net P"lfiy Co rona del Mar High School Is favored to win the Irvine League tennis title M0nday afternoon at Costa Mesa High School following preliminary play Friday afternoon on the same CQUrts. The Sea Kings are rated a~ tbe favorites largely on the strength of their depth in )he doubles competition. ...... 11.0Hlll (El dtf Torr (FY) M , .. I. ll:mettl tEJ def EndsllY (CM) '"°' " t.11.0Httl (EJ clef Ciolll (CM) 6-1, 6-l. Enll1lu CCMl def Pet.non (CdM) by Mf•11ll. Clolll ICM) det Rvsall (CdMl f.l, "" I. Ciolll fCMI di! Dort.~ (l"YJ .U. 16- 1. 6-l. Hull (Meg) !NI to Dorlllnd ll"Y) 6-1. u..... "' Renf1·0 Tops SWim Stars Six San Clemente and two Laguna Bead1 prep swimmers made the 1969 All-Crestview League team with Scott Ren- fro o! San Clemente leading the Orange Coast area eelec· lions with four opots. Foothill High's duo of Chip and stove Fumiml lkminated the list with the former named as oot:;i:anding swimmer of the year. INJ AIKf'lflvllw lAll9UI '"""' T-l'OO rnf<ller rf!.Y -1. SlllVI! F11rn!11 {FH}, Chi' 1"1,1rn!i (l"HJ. ROll•r E• ::::.~ ~rt'lll..J~o $1~1 IFH). ?00 ftM -I. Chip l=11rnf11 IFH), Siev. Furniss CFHI, Ranor Smllller ISCJ, Smtt 11:.ff!frp !SCI. 10 frll't -l;l1n $ummtrl CFHI, All<'I 'WHll IFHl\ aut $mlth IFH) Ron At~~1cni11 IMlllW -Chlp Furnfu (fHJ, 5""' F11ml11 IFJ!l.< Sain Renfro (SCI, Ctirlt 8n11111hlon (:K.I. IDO lly -$l1v. Furnlu {FH), Ted Prlomore IFH), R~r Edmonston \Tustin!, Art Scheele ( I. '' ) 0 100 frft -Chip Fu"' u H 1. •n t:..1'J::"' !t~), 8111 Srflllh (fH), HinclY lDO 1o1di -Sl•VI F11ml11 CFHj• Stoll ltentro 1SC/~ Ted Jbbt11on f ,,..11n1, l~ ~ -~-F11ml1t IFHI $fwv1 Furnlu fFHJ, <;orlly Llord (Kt JOii H~rtmen CSC). 100 bre1st -,Chip Fvrnill ll"HJ, Ol1r1n ca.. fT1111tnl..1,. Tom 111,_ fFH), L1rry Cr11mle)' ! rlltftt1). a frM r11tor -•m Smllfl f"Hl, Ch1rlle W1r1 llll), Soott ft""'ro ISC_l1 lbt1 !i1rn1~rl CFHJ. Alter.,.11: !='~ WH~ \FH), .tOvts 1nd1..., SWlmmtf' t)f thl YHr: QllP 1tuml11. Foolllltl. Hofll!'l'Wln (CdM) lost to Fr.Ur IL) 2-,, """· ~-(El llft' Flllltr {Met) '-'• '-2. ~-(El def Fr1t1Y Ill 7.,, '-•· K11munoto ICM) loll to TOPPtn (FV) l-6. 3-6. P•rlu. (CdM) lo'I to Fr1n1en (Ll M , ... Fr1nnn (LI def Mft50n (El u, l·O. NlllOM IL) def Goodm111 (CN) 6-1, '-2. Cr1M (L) Od Miiier (FVJ 6-l, 6-t. Greenwood Ill def Klt111n tCllMI 6-0, •• Greenwood (LJ lo$1 to Nixon (LI ).6, ,._ Tencl1I (FV) Jost to ~lln IEl 4 ... ,._ J. ::j:;'~ ~"Sch~\E~.o~:.~ k:..J (~~ k~ (fEllt,~{,!· CorLnfll ;MAG) lo5! lo Au"lllfM (E) , ... S-1. P11rull (CM) losl to ~lw IL} N , 1· . , . ~llr {L) *f Melilc {(Ml 6-1, '-l. -Emuy ind Wln11r1 tEI dlf Zurtk •ncl ~llboff (LI M. 7-5. Em1rv 111111 Wl11ltlr1" .(E) def ,,_. 1nd Sl'lltlkl ((Ml 6-1, ,:.i. Moore and $111Nkl {CMI Cllf Viluuuel1 incl KtllWCl\llC ~' 2 .. 1 .... Ntllser Ind NtlSMr (CdM dll Pl19ren and Hollr IM") ..,, U . -N1l1ur and N1l11Mr fCdMI '" G1brvdl 1nc1 Boe!'lne Cl"J 1-t, 6-. ltUlller incl llftf!e'f (CdMl dlf Gabnodl •nd Bothnt CF J by def~ll. Normlntlon Ind P111.inc1 (LI dtf S~lnlleld and M1nln (IE.I ':21 J.O. Normlntlorl 1nd f'1llioM ILJ dlf Or1y 1nd P-11 lFJ "'f tl:. 11~/J'r~ IEi ~ lh*tnt11ln Incl McN.m1r1 ("'") f.l\ ... Mritrt 1nd Mu1ller (CM )Mt te Tift 1fld MlKer CCtlM) D.&, M . T1lf 1nd Miiier fCllM) dtf Fou Ind 8erl$dl CEJ 6-J,.,.O. Prep Tennis Summary ··-H"'-' """91'~ (1) Hullftlllttll '"t"' Cll'PI INHJ def. ......... (Hll M , Kelfll Orar.oocl 6-0, =· 'f' M . 091t lNHJ def. F CH I 6-0. Ke!lll Or.nnoG 6-0. dlf~ I'll ynott1 c1-:,:,le:' 1'H°H1 *I. FllMlan (Hiii '-'• Klilll Orahood ':-01 Lmcrtt 6-1, LH k . IJ'Vd< (NHI 1111'1. Fl-""'' Kellll Orlhood i-(1, L~ UI 4-2. Cll!!nlnvll1m 1nd HIM INHI def. IClrll: Orll'lood 1nd Kent Or.tlood Oil) 6-1, 6-3, Miiier Incl Hardll•IYI ... 11 6-1. Pfl"lno •nd Chlrln !NH) def, Kirt; Ot11~ 1nc1 Kent Orahood (HIJ '"'· ._. 1, Miiier and H1rdtr1ve '-'-6-1, J1111111" Y1nl1Y H1W111rt H•rbor Clll ff) """11111111 •Heh Slftl._ E11fn>1n CNH) d!f, P1rll:w IHll) 1-3, Pr~~';fi lt+fll def'. l"trtr.er (Hiii 6-1, l"rlcl 6-0. 11:-(NH) dlf. IM.,.. (Hiii 6-3, Pe~r"°" U . Nld'loll INH) d1f, ll0111rd (Hiil 1-1, p~ 1-t. Dlallllt Ourt11n IOld Jonn (NH) 1111. "'M aM H1rrnon Oil!) 6-1, 6-2, Wlllon Incl Mc~~~ A°:W..ulst !NH) dlf. lten~ I nd H1~ (Hiil 1•2. 6-2. Wlllon Ind MC(leY!Tt ... 2, .. I, ''TAKE ~ 1!Mt" MAK//'l(jo PA'tMfr<TS-(Vf" AAVfN'T REPOSSE15U A P.OOL JF:T.1" • Hopes to Pick Up With Twins, Royal,s I • AngeJs Rele~se E~-Tar Thompson 111.,~=Y .::S~turew..looll:'u::; :::r, hit. I can play n:.i :l':i'":'.'~W::: =.ull:,.~"'t OWlde ol Three -a ago at tbe An-=.ointed and I got tbe Im· Thompoon WU shllllled to mllilpy beckoned In '16 and lie II ~ted and pla' -~ camp Ill be waa r.ood)' to tho ~-FallS tum 'l:bompoon -tile Navy. hopelul at Ille ,... lime but 11o1nt1te, farm director Roi· diuck -D rllf>I -· Bui tilt<r to J,.,. .ol •as. He w• _..,... Ja.t July aboYe all ttaltotlc. "I'm a and Hemond called 21-year-old you lmow bow kids are, a TbtN, bit .3:11· while ra-and.reported two-.. later pltd>er wllb a sore-and I TerTy Lee 'l'homJllOll loto his coUple ol -U i• 1:1' anil they cklog up a H •reeorn. Al San to the Anlltb' winier in-koow l'U hove to Ml 11!Y101f to o(ftce. gel the urge· again.' j ooe In the calt1omla League atructlonal league lo Ari-, aet bock In-:· ... _ ~ knew loo news A perceptive mm, Hemond. tbe /oUowloc ..... ·-.. wbere tbe trouhle·-. "I hold no _.._ ageb& wwld net be "'°"' A pitcher, Sure enoogJJ ~ a a"' Ille mound aDd .!IS at Mle "Rlgfit at tile otart, I had a Ibo ,\nCell _ ~;"i'uot .,.,., b1ilillt :,,~~:0::1th"": :!.!~ Cc6ta Mesa ~ldent,"J> --~le.hilh ocb<>ll.Jl>ompoon poin onlhe topo!-my right -~;:. .. ·pitcher with I ood TRIES COME.BACK ulcerlnapri>gtralnln.<. ing lo le\'IDJ ,ol a ~bock .• ~ the bat1-·bet1.er -mool<jer. 11 -b\ifsitis," be Torry Thompoon Hemond !1'«med I h e He's tboppinc around lo< a then thot jlut tile, Angels say:s. He has Del oquanilend his ---------fi:ewport Ha r b or High 8'mipro . ...., to pllcb tw tn ,._.ieo1 his ann • .,.jor The ailmeot «milnued to booos ::J'· He can afford 16 (rod-that tbe Angell were Orange County this summer. Jeque. Be waa 1W his lallt pursue 'l1l<llllJlOOh lllroughoul Jl<ll hlmot 11\rougb collop -...i him ootrigbl "l 'ID free to sign wllb 1,.. ..._ alld -two.,.. and he bu pW... now 16 ....U Mesans Feted "It was an unpleasant task," anyone now and if my ann hltters. ue w&1 the Freeway the wintet session and he ar· • at Orange Coa&t this summer Hemond recalls. comes arouod. there's a good Le8gue's pftyer of the )'Mt in rived at Holtville in February Hemmd hopes 1bom~ ..c.tliiaJdesa High School's It was Hemond who had chance someone will pick me . '65. with his fingers crmsed. But can come back and sayi· tne·t reck and field team will be bought Thompeon into the up, Mirmesota and Kamas Ci-He hid· been offered an events turned out even worse Angels, too, will Wlltch bis feted at the school's Spring Angel organiUCkln in 19S5 as a ty have expreaed an intettst atbletlc ICbolarship to the than he bad imagined, ~with interest. , Sports Awards banq u et filth round dralt dloice out ol in seeing how my arm looks Umwnity of Oregon by the The shoulder was still pain. ''Certainly it's possible we Wednesday evening at the Newport Harbor. this summer, .. Thom p so n t~ he •as graduated but the fut and the ulcer which aud-would sign. him again. He ,can htustangs' caieteria. "I told hi111 we just couldn't says. An8BJI coudered with a bonus den1y appeared put him in cbrne back, it's been dooe F~vlUes begin at 1:30. keep him on the roster and "And even if my aim ofter hi ave (lgures. the bo9pijal for 10 days. before with a lot of ap. 'Ibe Cee contincflllt won the that we thought his total doesn't respond, I co u J d The AJceb were delighted Thcmpsoo suddenly felt very plication.'' Irvine Leque champicmhip. 111111 llT AUTO Allt COllDITIOllll 4.~ ,.,_ ... - ._7ss OIL MISER oa CD·2 66' SPAii NU 47t. • •• • • • • • 111221 DAILY 10 TO 10 SUN. 10 TO 7 Ofhr .... 'WED. s/14/69 °"""" IRA.KE OVERHAUL Halll'S WMAT WI DO: • NIW whlll eyllndlt kJll lntfallef In Oii ,,_ *'-. • Turn orlll ~ "' Mir drvN, • •llld .. ,.,.. ~ ..... wllh --SAi fluid. e I_. lfalw <YI"*' etVI -"' cY!lndlr ,.. ...... e Fir.I rood tllrt t. """" Ml. --Ina . . """, ........ .,_,... -.. ow-. m••llRll ,,, THESE SPECIALS GOOD A I THES-E LOCATIONS ONLY WESTMINSTIR 15440 llACH a.YD. At Mer 1111 -ft2·20ll • BUENA PARK 5185 UNCOLH AYL Atv.loyVlow 126-lllOO • ,. BUENA PAR'K COSTA MESA SANTA ANA 5301 llACH ILYD. 2200 HAlllOll ILYD. •• At Laltwt• ,,,,_ . , S:U.3040 548·20l2 : • 1400 IDINGU Al ..... 546-71Jt • ' • I - Costa MeSi Slore Only - FROM OUR FINE ·JEWELRv -·oEPARTMENT! .. • . . , BRUSH & MIRROR · • , t ~ or • su·nbeam Electric -Minor Vanity Tray Alarm Clock SET • 2.47 , I 2.67 ea. I LADY SUNBEAM ;\\--.'/!/-----.-S~l IAVEllS- 1297 BUILT . IN LIGHT. ASSORTED COLORS. • • "" ' . . · Discount · Price · ON --A-L--L DECORATOR Wall Clo~ks · MOD WATCHES 99 . FACTORY GUARANTEED CHILDREN'S WATCHES J f ACTORY GUARANTEED 68~ JAM & JELLY DISH or BUTTER DISH [neg.1.2s 97e - AITRACTIVELY BOXED. __ ,._..t I -~ LADIES DIAMOND WATCHES I FROM· 3995 ~ ~ 14·1T GOLD 5 88 CROSS & CHAIN .... 1 .. 1 • ~ """°"'"j,''.JU' ......,,,_..,_...., ....... , -·-'WnmflllPO'"DMi'W.,:MEt!.llb!lfllJ# PM i&&GA I! W &MMi4GJ_& I WTCT?W?W•~~---......,- M OTHER'S DAY APPLIANCE DISCOUNT . SPECIALS! ' ' i _ I Model l•O Hamilton Beach Electric Knife or horizontal carving. Guara~teed ' ' I ~ Blade can be rotated lor vertical 19 44 for 5 full years. Comes complete , · 1~ with stor~ge tray. " f"":. -tiJl:ll:• T. ,._,., ____ ,......,,. Sil'llil•t te IJl11it11tio1t M•dt! F·?2 G.E. Electric Steam · Spray & Dry Iron 9-hole sole plate p<rlect for perma- nent preu. 3 temperature settings. light and easy lo handle. 1154 ) ' • -, ............ •¥ MOTHER'·S DAY EXTRA SPECIAL! WASHER· DRYER COMBINATION I LTA 5540 Whirlpool Washer LTE 5500 Electri Whirlpool Dryer 'PAIR 3 .1977 SIMIU.JI Tp lllUST•ATION Model 'ltl22 WESTBEJID Ell(JRIC TEFLON SKILlET 1388 •j l Has ne\Y fired on hard coat Teflon II finish for no-~ scour -no· stick cooking. F Simi11r to ll lYllr1tion ,1.-.i-----o.;;c·~~,.-,.........,ur_~ Mod.I I 3116 WESTIEND 30 ·CUP ! COFFEE ., : ,: : . ~'!i . PERCULATOR ~ 1; ;u::i lf 44 ~ '. : i i l Completely insulated to keep coffee hot up lo z , hours without being plug- ~ ged in. Perfect for party or ~ picnic. 2200 HARBOR BL VD. Corner of Wilson and Harbor COST A MESA \ . . \ • -----------~-~-C--- - - • , , J "" j . ' • 8·A DAILV PILOT Slturdaiy, May to, 1'6t Dennis the Menace Congress Studies Memorial-£ or Ike By G. DAVID WALLACE (D·Tex.), voiced similar sen- SUMMER-BOUND SANDAL$ Sund•» Onl11 Save $1! Teens·'°'."and mb.sft;' vln,yl or PatUna® al.nda.ls in the newest summer styles & colors. 5-9. l!~.97 Assoclated Press Writer llrnent, but added a more ililDlll"tft1 r .M.. ,.r ii. ollflM "'wi.1 .,... ~ \VASHlNGTON (AP) ~ 1 ea_rPly reaso.n, when he pro-1~~~~3;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . .de . ~ changing the name of Cong~ess IS e<1nst_ . ~Ing a ,Washington's D u 11 e-a-ln· grow1n~ . pile of ""bills to lemational Airport. It is now m_emonahze D_w 1 g h \ D. named a f ter Eisenhower's Etsenhowe~. Pro~ls fange secretary of state, Joh o from. n~1ng_ the first, rooon . Foster Dulles. lan~1ng s1~ 1~ hls honor to uMany times I have heard • putting . ~ picture on lhe in airport waiting lines con-dolla~ bill ~n place of George fusion between the name of Wash1.ngto.n s. the Dulles Airport~ and the · Legislation to honor the Dallas Airport " Yarborough World War J[ comm~nder and said. "1 think, a change is- .34lh president w.ho died March necessary to eliminate tlli5 28 are stac~ed 1n Cap~tol ~ kind o( contusion." • hoppers with 25 bills m· ' troduced In lhe House alone. FiRST SUGGESTIONS All are slill in committee. Some call for naming a dam after Eisenhower· as well as two airports, the interstate highway system and the moon landing site. Another bill would put his picture in' place of George · Washington's on the dollar bil and 25 cent piece. One of the first suggestions for honoring Eisenhower stir- red a brief partisan political flurry. Thirteen House Republicans proposed renaming the city's sports stadium after Eisenhower. The stadium was n a m e d for · assassinated Democratic Sen. Robert F. NO FAVORITE Kennedy•by th-. D.C. Armory Eisenhower's family says it Commission. E le ven FLORAL BEDSPREAD , Sundav Onlv Twin, full size daisy print 6 6 bedspread in acetate. Double 9 stitched, quilted to floor. 4 • C<llors. Reg. 9.47 LlrnltM Qu1nlH1n -N11111 Mid f9 t111"" has no favorite among the· Democrats responded with'.lf~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ plans. legislation to make the Ken- "\Ve've been very honored nedy name pennanent. by all the proposals," said his Sen. Wallace F. Bennet (R- ~ son.john~, by teleph09!l fro ~ ~t,,h), has 62 cosponsors for his Phoenllville, Pa., ~e. · · · hii'. proposal to change the "fdon't think i t'.s up tO us to -.; name of the Glen Ca,nyon Dam recommend anything. I can't on the Colorado River. see a hunk of mar b I e . Five House bills-would som.ewhere, though." . change the name of the m. . Eisenhower. seldo~ publicly terstate highway system, discussed his wishes o n which like the dam was memorials~ started under Eisenhower'S' · "That would be the last administration. thing Dad would ever talk about," John said. But in a · Speech at the dedication of Eisenhower Park in New1>9rt, R.I., July .22, J960, President Eisenhower told the crowd:· "I am deeply touched by this -ltlnd oJ gracious incident and lhouglit for the simple reason that a name given to a place like this endures" Grave Yields Skeleton of Male Indian COLLEGE NAMESAKE LA JOLLA (UPI) -A • BEDDING PLANTS Pansies, Petunias, Margue- rltes and many others. 3 tor 1.00 Reg. 47c Another of his favorite skeleton of a male Indian namesakes w a s Eisenhower belitved to be S,000 years old College at Seneca Falls. N.Y.. was uncoverecJ ~atb the.'11.!z:;:::i;===:::======:::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;; which enrolled the charter patio· of a restaurant here. I' freshman class of 300 last fall. John Katzensteih, co-owner In the announcement of his of the Top O' the Cove death. Eisenhower's famUY restaurant. said he was dig:- suggested donations to the,col-ging in the patio when he lege, among other charities, discovered the bones, a skull instead of flowers. wilh shiny teeth 'and some The bill to name the fir.~t ribs. · U.S. moon landing sile "Point The Indian was buried on his Eisenhowet" was lnlroduced left side with his head toward by Rep. William G. Bray (R.. the east. and his face toward Ind.). 4 the north, leading a professor "Let us by this step insu~ of anthropology at the perpetuation of his memory Universit1 of San Diego to far beyond the bounds of believe it was a burial of the earth, his home," said Bray. La Jolla Indian cullure. "Let the name of that great "That would make this American whose highest goal fellow about 6,000 years old," and proudest altainment was Prof. James Moriarity said. peace be th~ first to mar~.~e "The La Jolla cullure prac· road through the universe. ti d this form of burial " Sen. Ralph W. Yarborough ce · · ·~ -t The last La Jolla Indian re- mains were found near here in S 11 N d 1962. Moriarity ·said there pro-pe ame bably are other ancient La Jollans buried nearby, bu t Chi f their graves are covered by Jaycee · e _bull_dillg_· _ •• ___ _ Will Spell has ·been -elected president of the Fountain Valley Junior Chamber of Commerce. Seven other officers were also elected for new terms: Frailk Manino ,i>as elected to the first vice,. J>resldent's PoSt and Jim Berinett .1rill serve as second vice priSl- dent. Bill Fry is the new secretary .and W-ayne Hopple will be treasurer. New Jaycee directors who will take over in June are Ter- ry DJnkelbe.rger. C h r i s Schneider and Jack Caldwell . .. Current Jaycee president George Scott and bi& fellow of- ficers will continue to ~rve until lnstalJation ceremonie;s are held tn June. ANIMALogic ~- 4~ -----'JM J!JiT '!MIO< AHP 11REC> ~ ~-5fi..FI " - SIT-ON HAMPER Reg. 2.88-3.88 · ·I.97 S!1nda11. Only 15x12}(¥16lAi poly hamper. . 3 Shelf Metal Utilty Table Sund•» onrv '2.94 Reg. 3.94 Sturdily constructed. 3 shelr, 30x20xl5 .. , metal utlllty ta· ble with handy electric out· lf!t.. Colon. t' " MEll'S DACROtr COTTON BWI> IVY PANTS Sundav Onlv 344 Costa ..... Reg. 3.97 Culled lvyo, In 65% Di<tlp® polyeitw/35% cotton pop. ' Un. Many colon. 29-42. ®Dll~~I ...... l.111. 3 ·H.P. 22" MOWfR BOYS' & GIRLS' 2-PC. "SHORT SOS FOR SUMMER FUN 8Bc Our Reg, 97c-J.12 ; Girls' crop t~e set or boys' v"t.. ~ort 1et ·~ cotton seer- suoker .cl!( No-Irm Cillton poplin. ·Colo~":' 2-4. GRASS CA TCllR Q I COOL, COOL COTTON PRINT TENT SHIFTS Sundav 2~g:.58 Misses· lovely floral or geometric print tenl with _yoke top and buttona at shoulders. S-M-L. Rewk 44!18 ' ·_.;, , ' . 33;414 ;;;i;t: 5.37 12.,a. CUP PARTY PERK ~unday Only Automaticall)" perks 12-JO cups Sund•v Onlv Stag&ered wheel. RecoU start- Dl•ceunt Price Sund•» 0n111 ::if coffee, 1igM)s when done. 7 76 Keeps brew hot tor hours. Has e "' tng. .niiliiiiiii ~WA¥ faucet. Healthfnl, Active Fun THE "MOD" GYM OUTFIT Sunday Onl11 2994 Reg. ,'J8.86 "The t1od" gym set with 7' (ovenlll slide, popular Alr·Fltte, Swings \vith NEW dur· able pla..stic swing seats and plastic lawn swing . 9'6" x T3" approx. size, b$..ked on enamel finbh. .REINFORCED HOSE '·· 2.97 . Snnd•v. ,on~111 1009' Vlfl)'l • Solid BrtBI' Couplings, • l.litllt.f 0-lltl .. -NW hN It - Reg. 9~54 Reg. 97c tlcn's poncho. Waterproof. Colors. V • F 100 INST AMA TIC CARRYING . .,cASf Stmday ·only! 99c • • ' . ' ' • • • • • • . . • Summ·er Rentals? ; .. . . ' These are some pretty e:.clusiite·diff dwellings. They're in Mesa Verde National Pprk, ('.;olo., and they're estima- ted to be 700 years old , not exactly in the same class as the charming bungalows all a 16.~-~ the Orange Coast you 'll find advertised daily in c I ass if·i e d ads of the . DAILY PILOT. But, you know somethi_hg? We'd be al- most willing to bet ·Y,OU CQuld • ... I . • • • .,, ~ '·· • I - : . . .. ... . ; rent -these · lndia1n relics • .. ' They Coul·d Be . " for the summer if they overlooked the fabulous beaches · . '. ' of the Orange Coast . . . AND, if you placed your ad where people are looking. !his is no cliff hanger. "Buy- . ' ing" or "selling," the market is in the DAILY .PILOT . Dial ' ' . I 642-5678 and we'll drop you our direct rope ladder to ' . • • . the Classified Advertising Department where a . courte- • I ous specialist will help you with . , . I your "srnejke signal." • • ·. . ~ . I • , I rz' s. ' ) ' I tt'*?. 5 5 •llll'ii"iliiiii'liii'liili"lilillilliiiililiii•'illzii''tilil' z?lil' ... -----·····--... -... .;·.s.;·.;·;..._....;_...:..._._:,. ____ ;,, • ~' ! • 1 • ! ' • • ' • ! • • 'Wlnter WlU .bk' • • I UCI O·rigln~tP,r:arna Fascinating ' Ann Landers By TOM TIT\JS ot .._ a.11y f'ltllt Swt • Homaae ~ Ille. Clieldlovtaa ,lllea(er in ' whlob muc:b Ill America drama bu Ila roob lo plkt llT \IC lr:mt j)roloioor 1loiilel 1J!eiq' ID bis orlatnal t play,'"Wintor Will Ask,".,. being presented by t ~ e • univel;'Sity•a lrvbw Repertory. Theater . lt ' b. above a1l else, a fa'jcfllllJllj """'· and .. ·m. * ~ulable exercise in tra~ .\· ¥8J '1!3ging' for Its student I "WINTll WILL ASk" A Piel' b)' D•nl.i S!tln, dlrKtN by Cl•vttn G•1rl10n, setTln• •ncl co1tumn 1W 1tldl1rd 'T•lli.11 JI!'~ W.,,..._ ti.Y "1fDU9h S.tiifd'1y llfltll ~y 17 II\' ti. Intl,_ It_,,..... ThMltr 11 tflt $tWle '"'"t.r. UC lrvlne. • TMI CAST TAslU.11111" ••••••••••• , ..• , It*" ~ Na1n1 •• ~ ............... ...,.,,. ~ v1mlf'I ................ Jollfl .......,. Miln'I ., •. ,,,,.,,,.,,.,,, .• Jtorl com.. '""°" ...................... Ltrrv Lott AlfHlbhi One ..•...• ,., S~y COo11 t<•Honld1 .. , .••...... ~rk .lfrldr.W. The COllnl , , . , • Ml-it VIII l1"411,..,l'l!llll) T~1 Proleuor ........ s'-'*' Hlabtt,,. Ill~ .....•...•••• .,.,, ICllllY~ N1!1V\e •••.•• ,,.,,, .. TGl'll Ala-I' ~ • 5uun BeOtDW Mlfk1 , .. • •••.••.... Bruce floudlioril wedded·,·' she wins,· cast .'l!.~mbers. it is, 'in fact, • • • '* &h is ~~p1ined tigldity 'which · • · • ' niakes it unique irl today's , Sing'le, She Loses ~:·\nd director ctpyton • . G.arrwrn~e tnet and largely DEAR ANN LANPER.s ~ .My best friend is' nv.e QV~~ tlie'inherent threat months pregnant. She 'is a· jpj\io.r in high school. EIU8·.~ .~ tecltV:Df.. in a wor.k of this really is a good kid. Wz·r·ba(>p~ed to her was nOt ··nature, .fly by virtue of a entirely her f ult. Her bO end.lied and said he was ~ough and~bl~ ~act sterile .~ m which all comic stops are . Y~sterday ~!lie wa can'11nto the principal's of· ~:1u:'t;or~~·~ ::: f1ce and asked 1( she was. dane first and third. During pregnant. It woulcllft this period, a party which con· have ma.de any sense to w_oman J wotk with ha!. been tinues into the morr)ing's wee d e n y 1t bec~use .~h ... e [J\arti.e<J· 30 .years. No matter . )!ours, lnter-char&cter rela- shows, even in lOO:fe what the conversation is tlonshlps are ind e I i b I y • 1 , •••• DA.Li PILOT s .. ~ PlllM ILL·FATEQ ROMANCE l"l ·IJCI D.RAMA 'Winter' St•rs,John H•n•rd, Jeri Collins fearing to find it. Recognition iS &Chieved only in retrospect when ''winter will ask what were you doing all sumtner." ' . ' ' • . . ' aoolcom"'~ lackln& the hl¥h drama which i:eoches 111 bearit>g ud emou ... 1 m· poignancy with the rullialloo ·au1at1on requlttd. As hlJ op-· ol lb character>' wuted uv ... postte number, J9hn Rl&lafd Only in 1 Us Craftsmanship. / is quite eUective as the ~ly bl;the ~·of~~ i carefree ~boy, but less IO den transitlom a.Od 'douded~ iirhls_mote 91ature moments. motlvlation, does' ~inter" The , e v en f n g 1 s best fall short of its fn¥k. ,.- perfonnance ~es from An-"Winter Wlll Ast" stands as,-:::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;:=; .;...ne;, Peirson, who successfully an admirable achltvement for Ir s\>ltdlla ,_ a vibrant and the repertory company In the IPOHed beauty to an atUtude 'rulmellt of oriJlnl1 matter. ol alocere concem • ..Also ei-1'111 play conllmail laoJiht and Otlleat ll Jeri Collins as the nei:t Wednesday t b r o u g b trqk91Jy. humorleu Marya, Saturday •I the'Studio Theater ~vtYlnl a ~ and di.sturb-on ~ UCI campu!. ing mOod of umer ~palJ'. Notable in the. supporting cast at~ ,,,:ark Erickson as a henpecked man reveling in his self pity ; Stephen Nisbet , sup- plying most of the humor as a proverb-spouting professor, and Kathy Donovan in two briel appearances as an old, dying woman. Larry Lott gives a solid performanl'e as the master o( the troubled house. w iJt h Sydney Cook dellciou s'l y underplaying his agreeabli • 1riend:" Michael Van Lari· dincham 18 strong a3 a J>(ln· pout ...Pol).sh military Officer,· while Susan Btdsow filli in a<f: nfirably for Tetu Alexander in a short epilogue scene. ' l\i-Tr1J!lett lw done a One job boll\ la designing ·the parli>r setflnl and lashi-g the co!Wmes 1for the show, Auth"'1Uct!Y ited simpUcity is keynoted 1111 'boih accou~ts. . -Overall, Stein has coa· s~rutted an exceHent, IOw·k~ Cal State I Concert Set --"BULLITT" ... 1'COOGAN'S BLUFF" -Cll.t latwMI CNtllillHHr$ S-W,, 1 :JO 11·•· ~ . ... The·SO-voice Collep Singtn, · under lhe direction of Prof. j David 0. Thor..wi, w i 11 • present thelr rinal ~·ol ~...,... the season Monday a.t c.tllfor· ~ '"-" ~ s.;.,. 1 :JO . nia Stata Collep; ll'ullertoo. WALT IJISllEYW"• 'Ille event tt sei for · 1:30 & BlEJIN FORD p.m. in Reci!JI Hall, ~Usi~~ · u Spe«h·Drama BulldlnJ_. 1 . Ci'ltll@ . lnclu.Jed in the p~ , 18 • the fifth c~ mqtei· by ~ ...... li..,Pl'IMI'-a1 saw Bach, "Komm. Jeeu, Kolnm," e· J as wen as BrlOsh compoeer Ralph Vaughan W i 111 a m s "Mass· in G Minor'~ and. Dr. DOnal R. Michalaky's "Miss& dresses. The prinCi,P.8-l about. s~e ma'nages to bring In established. told Ellie she would have Gordy. Gordf is her husband. Apart from its jlliilosophical to leave school in two This happens at least 10 times weeks. , a day and we are sick of it. The boy, 1 however, doesn't I once had an, aunt who had p ol conOicts, w h I c h ostensibly form the crux of the play, "Winter" deals more im- n1ediately with the rela- tionships between two mismatched couples and the inability of .eacA-to com- prehend the otber's -•no! makeup. ' 1 : Robert Cohen as the corf: fident aristocrat takes the weigbiest role, but SHms tbe least comfortable in h 1 s Foiiroi.!!! ,_. ... ,....., .. ....,_.,.,,11 . Aq.IS OF NII PAllCINli OUR 4111 P.T.A. SHOW JUNIOR MATINEE SAT. 2 P.M, ,,.....!;;.b vs-$91erGeogo •• . . o tot\IT O Y. "' IUUJl"1111! l\'ftl. ' ~ KAQ1 • M6-01IO POSITIVELY ENDS TUESDAY have to leave. He gets to stay Lhe same. problem. Her remiere on as if he had nothing to do h u s b a n d ' s name was Against a iettliij of litb century rural Russia1 when manner and formality pr,efail despite the host's disavo"9:1 Pf these · vlrlue1, the prillClpal characters play out a scene·in their livesJ seeking rapport but with it. Is this fair? Bordman. She . called him· , . Of Ha.ndel -PROTESTING INJUSTICE Bord. The family joke \\•as lhat she Bord us all to death. What's the mailer \\'ilh these people? Is there a way to get them to cut it out'! -NEAlll,. Y BATTY DEAR PRO: Who said life was fair? At the risk of soun- ding like a broken record, I'll 1ay it a1ain -..-Tbe Jirl i1 Ute big loser iD Ute game ctlltd qnmarrled love. Kids ~ DEAR BAT: Indlvlduaia want to sample the pbysk'al who do this feel Inadequate". pleasures of marriage w-.Jd (Incidentally. H's almost ex· do well to consider all lite elusively a female weaknesl).' fossibillties. Since the feinalt nese 1ats need emotioDal 1ets pregnant and ber J;ody · support. Bringing a Cordf Or • undergoes tbe changes, Ii iJ · Bord Into tbe conversaUon bcr re1pon1iblllty to can• t~ ., mikes them fed less alone• 1ignaJ1 -and to bold .Jht.!f.')"a• alJ~OW ,.acb WO~j r' line. /\~ •. ~If~t~yareUrtlGme. DEAR ANN LANDERS:·,1,.· •. ~ fsut undt'Qtanding why they ~---------·-·_r an like this should reduce t.lae Jlt<91ft.,,,.., ,.., ..... 1h . irritation. . DEAR ANN !.ANDERS : My· daughter-in~'a:w · and I get . ·along very well . We have no ·problems and I want to keep it that way. The only thing about her I.hat bothers me is that she . tnust hate to wasp and Iron Work SJ!lted IYl":" ·"" Melodrama Makes Debut Garden Grove's U nit e d Metbod.im Church will be the focal point for Orange Coast lovers <i church musie May II with the West Coast pemlere of George Frederick Handel's "Utreoht Te Oeum" scheduled ( 8 ls tba• t dat 1 'The to11.-Bea.Ch Comm•,..;ro or : p.m. on e. •-o ....... , The towerfng Handel wurk Playhouse Is offering the Wlll join Al61ri>ni's "Adagio:• , preml~. of a new musical aild Handel'11 "Concerto No.-13 .tnelodrama, "No. Sooner Wtln lit F" on the ambitious-pr<r "Than Wed," written and gram. Fred Stoufer, music . directed by Donald Reed . director of the church at 12741 Presented in the upstairs Ma.in Sl., will direct the Studio Theater of t h e chancel choir and an an-playhouse, the show will be Lipbmel cho.lr from Cal State, presented on A-lay 12, 13, t•, Fullerton. 19, 21) and Zl at 7:45 p.m. with At the '8-rank organ will be Sunday malinees May J l arid Norberto Gulnaldo, the in -18 at 2:30 p.m. ·F .. """o··~x~~iiri.~ ~,....,.,. , l;eii'Dltle ,.....,., .. l•lelol • s.M·rria IOX OFl'ICE OiolNS ,,u ACRES Of FREE PARKING . .. . • --Tony EitltY COLOR ''THE WITCHMAltER '' c.~ron Mltdlell COLOR "ltl•IHI .t tN D••1119d" lblrts. ' . ... My son who always was . meticulous about hi s ap- ~, pearance now looks iShablfr because his shirts are .a me~. l gel sick whenever I see him. ternationally r e c 0 g n i z e d The playhouse is loeatf!d at A r g e ntlnian organist-com-5021 E. Anaheim St., Long ~r. Organizing the program Beach. Reservations a n d is Dexter Weltoo of Fountain ticket I n f o r m a t i o n are Valley, who is available at 531 ... r=~av~a~il~a~bl~e~a~l~43S-0536~~~· =~=~~~~~~~~~~;]! 1s1n. Ii You are good wHh wbrds": GWC Seeks · EXCLUSIVE' AREA SHOWING .. • , RMllD ---..... I ~I-. S'riMNs· ..... I ."'~<9<4 M .~~ 1.D'IS •& 12:45 I . 4 CARTOONS 1 ALL SEATS 50c ' FD"""'ksOUTH COAST .. LAZA TH..,_ San Dileo,,_., at Brislol • 546-2711 ACRES OF FR!E PARKING WE ARE PROUD.1:0 PRESENT THE ACADEMY AWARD WINNER ... - IEST FOREIGN FILM ' '. Thii Two Part Production of Leo Tolstoy's· WAR and PEACE .. ,........, .., 'ht. Wilhr ... ~-... lttf" " R AM~ Can you tell me what to S.y to my son's wife so she will not be offended and still £er the message? ''GIGol" -·6::JO & 1MS ~j ... c.~; ..... .,.~ , ~ . : ·,"PART l _;::'.~:;~-::.:::.~ .. :..STARTS ' MAY t'lli SPECIAL NOTICE TO OUll PATRONS: T~I plct11ns 1111 .. II! tlll1 IMI• ftMY .. tOl!lklered .., -..... ...,,.... • !!bl• ltt c~I .. ,.. 11>11 .,...... ,..,.. -11\d Nlli\llrl .. Aftll l tllKrwtllill. c..,1r1ry h Mlw1rtl11'11 Nfl'l'ld ''"' CDnlrol '"' ·~•lftt ''".,.,..,..., .,._. ................ 11,IHOT lfl will .. , bot MlmlH"" .. P'AClflC THEA· TltES to ... pkf9rn 1111911 Ill flll1 •• VfllHt ''~"""".... "' .. ,...., .. 1t1111t ,..n111111 "CANOY"~' , .. "THlll lft. THI· ATTIC" ".Jd'"A•NA~"' •' J -• ,. ---M!J.UJJ Ne One UMlr II A1111tttf U11o Ins Wlfll hffftl w Adlltt Otllr· t1i..M Good Grief II'• ,,~ •NDr' COLO• -SiclMy ""ttler COLOR "FOl LOYI Of IYY" -. _..,,_ I u1.1211 Ne -_..,. II •*"llltf vnltll wUfl P1r"lllt er 1. .. 11 9IMl'tl1R: Genevie~ W•rt1 coi.011. "JOANNA" Tony C\lrll1 COLOR "TM ... te• "'-t*" -·~ -' 141.JMI NI .ne ..... It ... lftllftf -kl, Wllll 11111"1111 W ........ ... 1il•RI Yvttt. Mlmltll• COi.Oil "THlU IN THI ATIIC" R°"' C."'-COLOll "DIVILS l•HT" fOU~l~IN i.l ill Y . --..... - ..................... -J'.ARIS, QUEBEC .DEAR'PAR$: Wilen.a man , m1rrle!, bis wife bec<1mes responsible for his laundry. No matter bow you phrase It, any comment or suggestion from you would be consldend in· terftrenct. So keep quiet. ,r,iother. J "llW'OIT llACll -el ... 1oll_._ •• l•1"ol•t1t lllh lo!. -01, S•I JI• FDR LAUGHS J1m11 Gerner and Walter Brenruin in !!!/• .limia~·GenevleftPage ~ Anc1Mn.'El1 .. wa..1/WaGa(iw ALSO PLAYING-WINNIR OF t ACADEMY AWARDS ,, THE ENTtRE PR.oou'cr10N OF "WAk. ANo .'Pt:AaE·· WILL IE SHOWN IN TWO PARTS. EACH PART W1ll IE SHOWN FOR ONE WEEK I PART II ;::"~:'.:..:.'"•'::.:. STARTS MAY 21st sciuus OF PERFOIMANCIS Wldn•Jd1y, M•y 14 ... -........................ -.. _ .. _ ........... 1:00 """ Thurlday, M11y 15 .................................................... 1:00 ,.m. Frld1y, Mly 16 ........................................... 6:JO & 11:00 ,.m. S1turd.1y, M1y 17 ................................ 3:00-6:H-10100 "'"' Sund1y, M11y 11 ....... -...................... _ 12:3M:~:OI IL'"· ~day, 'M11.·1t ........ -................ _ ................ r .. __ l:M ta-m. Tu111d11y, M.1y 20 ................................. '. .............. ; .... l :ot ,.,.,. I.AME SCHEDULE FOl 11 W!IK5 NOW SHOWING THROUGH TUESDAY Exclusive A,..• Showing What is the Magus Game? The &am• is real. The C.1me Is mystery. The &Jme is love. The came is lust. The ricious 1ame the Maeus plays is not a C<11mt but life itseff ••• Or rs it death~ ,.._ _____ _ ilo. _______ ... ....; ...... _ .... ___ ... _______ ........ _______ ~_... _____ ,.._ ------.-~~------~-·--'-------------------~ SIH'E l't'ICClUEEN AS 'f>ULUTT' --~-"LADY IN CEMENT" ~.,,. P•H•YlllONI • TfCMMltOlOll• CflC [!) PLUS James Garner ... ,,..., """ LeatlShorlff• __ .,.. ~ .. ~ a)lf&,wM, ~ uw NOW THRU TU IS DAY SIDNEY POmER ~-5111, WIJll !!!.t ~ I j f { wrnlllfTII . . --l'IW NO. .• DW£R .. ·-.c.nr. BRUD IPf / 69 BUICK RIVIERA '** ...... ·' .......... ,..... """"'·-· .. i.:-.,..... .... ...... fldory .............. -..... -· Yloyl ..,, --· -......... "". ~ ....... -............. ~ ""'·"",., ............... ...... --. .. "" .......... ":-·--JIW, cfwolle whHIS, prottctfn MO ltn" b1Rdl mt. FROM WINDOW STICKER PRICE '67 PONT. G.T.O. H.T .. CPE. 1 v.a,. Aulll'lll'HI:, ~ ,_., ,..... .._.., '~ .,r.ilft. Fk1onr Air GoilMll!loln~.W.ll •TI,...,, Vlrlyl ap, lie •. Ho. 1UY UI. • S2699 . '61 MUSTAll5 IU. CPI. A\ltM!lllic. rtdlt. ~. WM!ls•W.11 T'""-lk. N1 • .,..... n< ! · s2299 '67 CAD B. DOIADO CPL v.a. Aulomltlc, lttdill. H .. 1w, FuH '"-"• FK!wy Air COndltlonlne. llrlnd new wfllte -..11 fl,.. Vinyl T0p, Tilt wi-1. Lelltlet trim. Lk. Ho. VGZ 907, s5299 ' '67 MUSTANG H.T. CPE. MAYlllCIC SUKI MATI ~;:-.,.~11cH~'IJr.' .....,.,, ---.. -.it.'w.i1 tti-n. · 81999 · '67 DODGE POLARA 500 CONVT. GORG£0US CONVllTIIU ...... """"'9tk tr-.. tldlo. tw.lw, -...,., -...... """" ......... f.ct.f 11r ocr.cllllonlno. l ie-,..._ VEA"'- 82099 '65 BUICK RIVIERA CPE. PllClll FOt QUIClt SAU Iii.I. ~ tr..., .-die, l'IHh!r, full -....,., ... -o;11 .. 1n1, ""'fie wilrfirft, ...... IM•loor. l k:, Ml, NIK h 4. s1733 LEASING DEPT. SPECIALS 'ff IUICX .,.,. $13 3 M' (---~· ~i:1 .... _ .. ,..,.._... ............ ll't L,.11 II.II Mdr1 .. , MoJllJ I --·---' - '· ' • • • '> " . '. : I WHILE ,M.cCAMHY B"tCK l.(S ,, DEALING • • • ~-.-,.;:; ...... ------------------...... ...... IEW ~ '69 .'.BUICK -WILDCAT . • 2.ooOI sroltT COUPI FROM WINDOW STICKER PRICE • lllllD NEW .,.I• OPQ.. KADEm ')•i"r'foct0ry i<\ui .... ~ries 31. Stk. No. 0165,.Motor.Np. 91l25l~. . ~-On Appro•ttd cndit Plui!""'i Tox & Ucense ' McCARTHY QUALITY USED CARS SHOP' HERE AND ·YOU'LL BUY HERE , . '64 MAU&µ S.S.,H;T. CPE. Cl.UST CUT1E c ,. ,~.._He', ,..._, hM!tr. """"""'-' ... Mckft,_... U..-Nf. MNI" s11n '67 CADILLAC CPE. DE VIU~ AU. THI GOODtlS ::..,...,,., ... ~,r,i •Ir f.lll'lfllloll, ,...,,,.,. '"" ltndtu, 1111 "-""' , ....,, ..,... racatt. LI~ JllO. U)(I' 24'. ' '64 PONTIAC LE MANS H.T. CPE. 4-ll'EID G.T.O. • 4 • -· .... "'s12ss-· , ......... .. '67 CHEV. IMP. S.S. H.T. CPE. SNAPPY SUPER SPOiT ~::. /Wo.i'.""'" l'IClle, M.W. -.,..,..,.., brlk••· WIW. Llc, s2011 '65 DATSUN 4-DR. SON. GAS SAYll ~ S-.t, ttdlD. ........ Llc, Ne. JllW11. s799 $30 Do. $30 Mo. 36 Mos. 0.A.C. , . . '. • '67 "0PEL CA~ ~y "SPORTS. ,_,IND!D" , ' 1,..r, Hultr. Whlll 1klt Wlllt. lie.. YHU .a> $1517 7 '67 . AUSTIN HEALEY SPRiTE "QUICK SALi" '1Pffd, ll:lldlo, HMltr. l ie, VJX "2 s26 ON s26 ~o '~~~ S699 '62 FALCON FUTURA "A GOOD GET-ABOUT" A111omtlk tr1111ml11lon. Rtd!o, Hut«, Wlltt. w11t1. QZE D6 '63, T-BIRD H.T. CPE. STURDY llRDI V.f MllolM!lc rld'9, i.-, -~"'' -· llNl(lf. wf1"9w1lt sja'::-838 MQ "a;&' sass '61 TEMPEST "A LITILE CHEAPti'" • door teden, ltldlo. Hu tw, Air condltion«I, wltll Wl!lle will tires. N11:8 .511 , . ,, '68 & '69' D111111iatrllio1 I Ex111Hn Cars · ' NOW AT ' HUGE SAVINGS . '• ' . SP O~Vl! '67 COlVITTI toTH TOl'S '61 'CAMARO H.T. Cl'E. , V.f, 4 1P1911. ll:ldlo_. HNltr, lnt.w Whit. W.il !kw, Z·• l'adc.lot Lie. Nt, Vwl no. s2399 '64 FORD GAL. 500 H.T. CPE. '-CAN"T MISS THIS ~42·::·-· ~;4: :-·~.:;·s 11'ii '67 COMET CALIENTE H.T. CPE. CWST COMITI V-1. Mrlemllk, r~ 11Mfw1 Pll"'lf' 1i.rlrot, fld9r\I t h' CMdltitftltw, wl'l!lt w1!1 tlrft. V""1 ..... Lie. VE8 1:9. ' . • -. . • • ' -. • FASTBACK . •r 2 ~••·:-HAltPtOP .=. NEW 19&9 · MUSTANG . . ' ' ' . . • . . .. . . . •; •I f ' " ; llRAND ·NIW1'919• FORD LTD -2;DOOR SEDAN DUNTON'S LOW PRICE! 4-DOOR SEDAN · ' . -'' $ 2 3· ·8" 1· DU$N· TON'S LOW .. PRICE. DUNTON'S LOW 'FERMS . ' ' . ORDER ' NOW! PLUS TAX AND LICINH .. . !U Maftil· .. nanclnt -.,,,.... en.iw-.. ,;, -C.•Jtf: F.i...Ung -' ~ • ~ j 1 • • j o•Dn M~W - .. A 'Dunton Dea/'~. YourGuarantee · oltheB~$1 -'$$ BuyAnywllere · ' " " .. .: /:4t M°"rH . . . • FINANCING . ' ' Availoblo Through Collf. Funding 1 on Approved Credit '67 DATSUN 1 ~00 ltOADSTEI . 4 ,pl..i, ,..:Sio, Mll191', Q)l'l50l1. (UNll 2'1), $·1695 '65 GALAXIE 500 Tr._.·ck. 'LE WE'RE DEALING iODAY! .• CHO.OSE FROM OVER 40.0 ·cAR·S· .. & , T:RUCK S! . , . ' . ' PICK OUT THE ONE YOU :WANT ••• GET A DUNTON DEAL AND .DRIVE IT HOME! MAVERICK TRADE-INS '66 VQLKSWAGIN ·- · '66 GALAXIE 500 2 DOOi HARDTOP v.,, 1utem•lk:. IK!ory .ir cond~ pow9I' 1teel'lng, rfdlo, hNl1r. IST" o!UI. s1495 '66 CORTINA G.T. 2 DOOi 4 Spd., ll:tdie, H .. t.,.., (SSIC 7'11. $895 '67 MUSTANG • " • 2 DOOi HARDTOP DILUXE 2·DOOR 4 speed, h•i1ter, etc. RYN 976 2 DOOi· HAIDTOP .. v ... ........,k..flNtwy • ............. ,..... "'"'· (NHO JIS). ' ,. "65 MUsi'ANG '6 7 CUsTotill SOO '67 BUICK ll<'fV.ll .l DOOi . V .. , ll/lornlllc. llCiwy 1lr, ,._f •""""9· pOMr t>r•kn. """'· 11n1td 1i.u. IUICk no. $2395 '65 FAIRLANE . 500 51095 '67 DATSUN 1'.00 ROADSTER 4 speed, r•dio, hei1ter, consol9. IUN B 241 1 . •16.9 5 :' .. --. 'H'1lll'f~H ·· CONYllTllLI · "4 sp..cf, redlo .. heeter. IROW l 791 ~79$ ~ I:-'' • I ,• ' ""( .... ,, .. v ... autom.ttc. _, •""""9. , ..... Mlltf, ¥1n'tl·• (TUR f10J .. . '63 OLDSMOBILE '67 MUSTANG ~s .cDUn . ..,.., 1irl0Ntk, '!Ktory 11r, ..wet 11-trio. rldlo, llutw. "'""''~ "" '$7 9 5 J +.J PAS'llACI. . V-t, 111tioiM1rc. lldDrr •11'1 ........ 1w.r1nt. rldill, "-""· wtlli.wtlll. OPF 0111, • '$19 95 '65 MUSTApt~ . . ........ ~~~~..:.-~--~--------~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~-~--~ ' "' '• ' •T •• • ...,., ... ' "" • ' ' . -~ ......... ~ .. . .. . HOUSES '°' SALi HOUSES l'Oll Ul.I HOllSIS FOii SALi HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE 10000...r•i j':~Got~~-.o~r~ol~~!;~l~OOO~~o..~-~,..~-~~:;;~~~l~000:1j~0..~"5ior~•~l~~~~llllOG~~-~.,.~r~•~l~~~~l .. ~jl!O..~-~"'~'-.l~:::r:::--'~O!i-OO O...rol 1,M_r • .-_u"'_·'ftlg '*.-;£,-;'°:,..,...,: FINl:R H. OMES. ·NO~!· IN CORONA DEL MAR 1000 111 111 ••I I•• • ~ ~ , .STANCO We would be happy to show the PRUDENT R E A L T Y ~ l , D.OVER SHORES Build"' Inc. BUYER any or all of these choice values. IN COSTA MES~ ESTHER a.lltUP ~~ A fascinating A: In· UTestlng pb&se of today's Real Est.ate movement Movin~ people by matching their holdings v.ith. others, either local· Jy. or through the • Red Carpet Multi· Office Sales Organi· zation. Thirty.active ~ting -offices through!Nt cautor- nla otter pro!es&ion- at experienced u- slstance ln negotla-ttn, pn>per\Y ... l'lhiftl•· Ltt'I talk about Jt! EXl'ENSlm Y HOLIDAY FUN DETAILED EYEllYDAY. A home that has that in this charming Waler- Jook & feel of the very tl'ont home:... with 35' or btsl. 4 bedrooms. high sandy beach and :slip for beam celling l J vi n g 36' boat 2 eXtra large r oom, form a J dining bedrooms with their own room. A joyful kitchen. baths. Invillng llvin&"· Spacious entrance with room. w i t h fireplace. marble fl oor. Expansive Prlstlne interior. New view. The lot is deep, quality carpeting ovf'r plen'ty or room for pool. soft cork floors. Two Ideal for growing fam-1 patios tor entertaining. Uy, A home you'll live We see many attractlve ln and low. And the well priced homes but price ~ less than you \\'e feel this is one ot would expect in this the very best. especially area, S79.500. et such a price-.$63,500 "2 GOOD BALBOA POINT BUYS 2 Bdrm. & den, 2 baths, 3 Bdrn't.. extra bath, Floor to ceiling win-immaculate condition dows Large patio. Over-throughout. ~C!Ct ~t-, . chen, forct'd air heatmg, sized lot. The little price fireplace. Few steps to la your sccret-$41,750. beach. Hard tc find at $46,5()0. REDDOIPEI REALTY 2025 w .. r-.. lml:. Newport ..... 1714) 675-6000 Magnificent cu.tom built home, s bedrooms v~l_LJ-1~~~~EAD All of them on Fee Simple Land (you own It.) SY. bath!, family rm .• exquisite wall cover-HOMI OP YOUR ·.~·ON POl"·PY : Dine with an Ocean View in 'ings, large terrace with oversize pool, wet CHOICE ON ~ Ibis spacious 3 bedroom 2 bath home. 120' of ~n s~.;d3j, i': ·5: .. 500· 1.i~~;tl;,g st:~ YOUR LOT* trontage. $49,roo 'In most Orarwe County LINDA ISLE ""'•""• ._.... .,..,. .,,. ON NARCISSUS : Protect y41u:s elf,agalnst New Z.sty. bayfront home· with lge. pier & AT TREMENDOUS increasing rents with this neat 2 bedroom slip. 4 Bdrms., dining rm., beautifully decor· SAVINGS TO YOU home. PLUS a spacious 1 bedroom rental. ated. $135,000. Call for appointment. Low prices 11'! usured Excellent cond ition •............ , ..... $35,950 by Stanco'• beylna: pow· WESTCLIFF "· """"' • ....,,w.tlon ,,. ON JASMINE : Corner Duplex. 2 bed-New, large 4 Bdrm. 3 bath executive home. end many ye.an af ex.-rooms, hardwood floors, cozy panelling PLUS Formal dining rm., huge family rm. with =.:; inv ~~ r;:: spacious, Guest Unit. Room to build another ~~~kf~.d r~"."'-in ~~'. ~: .Gl'.""o'.": ~~ J>ome.. 2 or 3 bedroom unit. .. . . . .. ·'!15· 750 . Open daily l • ~· 1338 Santiago Dr. CHOOSE FROM OUR ""'ON HELIOTROPE: Picturesque Cottage. ' CAM&O SHORES D&SIGNS, STYLES, Ideal !qr the reUred family. Located just a Fabulous white water view, private entrance ELEVATIONS stone's throw from Ocean Blvd., and an easy I<> beach ; 4 bdrms., 31!> baths, formal tllnlng' stroll lo the beaches. It bas only 2 bedrooms, rm. Teakwoqd paneling, pool. $157,000. Call ~= ott;'~:',: ~~ but maybe you're tired of the big house any· "for app't . ttmporvy, Ranch, Medi· way! ..... · ......................... $57,500 0 terranea.n, Spilt-level &: D VER SHORES Colonl.il. ""' ON OCEAN BLVD : Watch the boats go This delightful , large 3 Bdrm. hotne with by! Where else can you sit in your living family rm.; huge, luxurious master suite, PLANS CAN BE VARIED ~oom or lie .in bed and see every boat enter· parklike setting with plenty11f room tor pool. TO SUIT YOUR NEEDS mg or leaving the Harbor. This unusual 3 Indoor·Outdoor lanai, mature citrus trees & bedroom + Den home not only has aesthetic rose garden. $115,000. Call for app't. Fina:ncinc Available value -but should appeal to the prudent LIDO ISLE CALL 537.0:llO buyer when you consider 110' of frontage on Chatming sunlit home, 6 bdrms., 4 baths; Ocean Blvd. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · $98,500 1 block from beach, club & tennis courts. . .. . . . . ' ......... ' ...... ' ..... '' .... $'17,750. LINDA ISLE 5 Bdrms., pier & slipi· asking $125,000. Open Sat. & Sun. 101 Linda sle. Open 7 Days ICM>66 \Vestmim;ter Ave • Garden Grove Balanced Power Homes GENE'S GEMS Orange Coa.st Property Gene Norvell. Realtor * * * * * RUSl1C DUPLEX So. ol Hwy. 2 Br. home bit. around a ll'Unny patio & cheery rtudkl apt w/dtck. ~7,500 ft.: 1000 * * * ' ·' * $75,000 BUYS a new home BUILD FOUR MORE ' Pele BaneltReally ~~ ~~,.! .. ;; .. ~h":~: UNITS on front of thi! level • beaut_ home w/an income EASTSIDE lot. Two existing pl'esents unit. Bay & Beach Realty, Inc. 2407 E. Coast Highway Carona del Mar 675-3000 ---------- Gonerol 1000 Ganoral 1000 Party Pool Hause Eastside Trlplex Fantastic home with gorge-ow; With Pool pool and patio an:a 'for the Excellent condition, excellent summertime partiC!s. AB-return. Room to build an. SOLUTELY Immaculate! In other three units. Asking every detail. Huge window~ $4909 50 OVf!!r-looking entertainment area. King.size muter sulte 1 Q0/o down Now under construcUon. • SEVEN CUSTOM HOMES from SZB,575 WITH SUCH FEATURES AS: • 4 Large Bedrooms e VA & FHA Financing e Wood Roofs • 20 Year Guarantee DiJbwuhers • Oversized Lots • Roman Tubs & Showers • 'In Prime Area e PLUS MUCH MORE . SELECT YOURS NOW & CHOOSE YOUR COLORS & STYLES for Information call COATS & WALLA CE REALTORS J0a.. 1491 BAKER STREET ~ 546-4141 COSTA MESA, CALIF. == 11 == General 1000 Gener•I ~=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; BAYSHORES $34,500 A'M'RACl'IVE 3 bdnn home, lge. encl. patio, lge. liv. nn. & din. area. mom !or boat • CALL TO SEE! ()pon S•t. I. Sun. 12·5 2505 VISTA DRIVE A BEAUTY in this private comntunity with private beach • Lovely 3 bdrm. 2 bath • TOP condition ONLY $39,500. UlllOU£ Open Sunday 1 ·5 1136 Santiago Drive DOVER SHORES l.l you haven't .-n the lvan Wella' Spanish ver- 11on of their labuloUI At- rium 1ee thJa on SUnday. Electrically con t r o 11 e d tran5.lucent 1diding rool I: adjoining wet bar. 4 btirms, 3\ii bathl, fam ily room + Separate 21x27' units on rear are presently , • * * * * ~=================! rented. Located clcse to First Time Offered *OCEAN VIEW LOT. Em.. Gener•I lOOO Gener•I lOOO EAST 17rH Sf. SHOPPING erald Ba,y area of expen- includes dressing room and bath with a ''Roman" tub. Beautiful location. Room for boat er fl"a.iler in over-size yard. A must see! $34.950. Submit your smaller home on our guarantee sale plan. -Farr~W-CONDOMINIUM rumpus room for pool ta· THE BLUFFS -Excellent ble or ? . Kitchen, din rm, OR.ANGE COUNTY'S !iv rm & masler ~room LARGEST ocean & bay VIEW from all have sweeping vtew ot . this beautiful spa.cious 3 Up-r Bay & bills. Luxur-· lr=:================;:~ I CENTER, Priced to sell at TREMENDOUS VIEW OF sive· homl!s. Owner may cnJy $29,995 • SEE TI-US BAY from ,..,,.;....,. room win-subordinate. $37,500 Coldwell, Banker OFFERS: OPEN HOUSE SUN. 1 • 5 Elegant Waterfront Home 301 EVENING STAR, DOVER SHORES. 3 BR's., paneled den w/frplc.; wine cellar, bays ide terrace. Pier & fl o a t for large boat ' .................... ' .. $155,000 Mrs. Raulston ' Udo 4 lleclroom Pilll' & Slip 4 BR., 31h baths, near new Spanish on 2 lots: walled patio with large pool. Slip for. 50' boa t. Custom quality lhtuoµt .. $149,500 Joe Clarkson layfrant Beautiful 4 Br. Lovely, large home on 70' lot with private dock; 4 baths, powder room, huge fam. rm., saun a and splendid patio. Priced low at . . .. . . .. .. . . . . . .. .. . . .. . $110,000 Walter Haase Fint Offering laycrest Unusual contemporary hom e built aroUnd spacious, sparkling pool. Inside atrium - lrg. stone fireplace. 3 Bedrooms. Profes- sionally landscaped ..... , ......... $54 ,500 Mrs. Harvey A Real Buy -$52, 950 Baycrest Spanish • 4 Bdrm. 3 Baths • for - mal dining rm.· family room ; on beautiful 90 xll0 lot, room for ,pool. Detached garage. l\1ary Lou Marion Eastbluff View Home Lusk, 21f.a ba .. 4 bdrms.. fam . rm . Prof. landscap., enclosed courtyard w/3 patios. Walk to high school & tennis club . $45,950 Mrs. Davies Eastbluff Lusk Hame Gracious 3 bdrm. 2 ba.; fam . rm.; beauti- fully landscaped w/Orienlal motif. Cover- ed patio-great for ente~taining .. $42 ,950 Mrs. Davies Fantastic Mediterranean 8 Bedroom. 41!> baths; lg. diilinr room . Gourmet ~ilchen -fam ily room. 3 Ftr&- l'laces, game rm.; 2 stairways. 31!> Car :tarage; 3 paU~s. dog run. Fee land. Mary Lou Manon COLDWIU, IANKEl &. CO. 2200 E. COAST HIGHWAY NEWPORT BEACH ~ __ _ Kl f.U51 675-211GO TODAY?! ....... ~ * * * * * * * * dows in this 2 bdrm I: den *RENTALS 2 Br. luxury (11n11111 Dfl M·'R horn•. """'""" patio • Channel ..., -..;., •pl: """"fl A garden. Well priced at fil'lhing, b c a t i n g. S600 $13,SOO. Month. • ONLY $2:1,500. Build on fronl of Jot &: have. Iun re- modellfl&" l bedroom fixer· upper at rear. Own your land among modern duplex- es, Bicycle to Big Corona Beach A State Park. Walk to stores while )'Out childrt'n 51.lety play ~ block away at Community Youth Center. Assume existing financin&:! * * * * COMMERCIAL ZONID PRICED TO SEU. AT ONLY $17 .500. Two bedroom borne and bachelor unit presently bringin& 5165. month. Local ed just a few step!! !rom NEWPORT BLVD .• euily converted lo numeroua small business usuage. $2,500 will handle ·~ Let U!! show you this sleeper. H•rbor View Hills Specl11.cU1a1 view from this modem home 1vlth 3 view bcdroonu incl. Luxurious master suite, Separate f.am- Uy room adjoins cheerful, all electric kitchen. J-lomc Best B•ycresl Buys! A SPACE-GAINER HOME. Spilt level . 4 bdrm 3 baths & separate family room with fireplace. Located in Baycrest in neighborhood cf healthy, happy. active children. Owner moving lo Hawali -priced for action. ioil.900. LEEWARD LANE BEAU- TY. This 3 bdrm 2 bath home hq all the exlraa. La r 'r e tufiy landscaped yard, separate formal din- ing room, panelled fAmily room with fireplace. Kitch· en has big breakfast area plua bar/counter. Owner mo~. Priced well. * * ... * * 2 BR. furn. CdM apt. 5145 1'.fonth. * * * * OPEN HOUSE Sat. 1·5. 620 Jumlne, CdM ~.!'.'.!~ 332 MArgUerile, CdM 67U550 Assume SV•% G.I. Loan Total payment.11 of $98.00. A ttal sharp 3 bedroom doll house. Loll cf room to grow, Carpets &: drapes are new and beautHul. Modern space. saver kitchen fur !\tom. Any. one.-qualifies. Submit your do\\·n payment en $21,500 sales price. WE SE LL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee PRICE REDUCED! Owntr has bought another home out of al't'a & ls anxiou.s to sell . Tastefully decorated <I bdnn & den (with wet 7682 EclingC!r bar/ _ could be 5 bdnns. 842-4455 or 540-5140 Formal dining room, pool, 1'iiiiiiiiii°".;....,•Ev,.•.,• .. · ... ._ large children's play tll'C!a. I' Immaculate. Shown by ap. poi.nlmcnt only. l 160.'.; \\lcstcllU Dr. J NEWPORT BEACH ~ 642-5200 SHARPIE This L" the sharpest 3 BR Northga le home on the market. Adu!! occu· pied. S hake roo! & sprinklt-ni front &. rear. Come to see It. S28,500 built lll'OUnd lovely swim-I!!~~..,.,.......,..,. __ ming pool, Priced to sell al -$100 Total-Down Vetsl • CCIATS I. . WALLACE REALTORs --S.5'1o16 ... 4141- $69,500. 4 hdrooms 2 Baths Call: Kent Ki11g$1ey H's hard to believe, buf this RES . 540-1812 SUPER SRARP -4 bedroom home is ... ON CORNER f0pen E-i ... I LOT with room for boat or I"'"""'""'""'""'""'""'""' trailer~ Cozy used 'brick FARROW REALTY SAi.UT-. Fllt.EPLACE! Only 6 yean ES THE MarHERS OF old! AU. BUILT IN KITCH. THE \VORLD. FOR A JOB EN! 2 Car Guager PLUSH WE1L DONE!!! WE HOPE REALTORS CARPE"'I'S and completely YOU ENJOY YOUR DAY. 673 A400 dnpo<l! Rffl' yaro "" h -r lazwe patio area and extra !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!' I .11harp 1rom: landscaping! laycrest • $46,000 11100 down to all othert. Or aa&ume 5% FHA loan 11.t Just placed o~e markel cnly $141 per month lolal. ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 !his C'XcepUonal pride ot WE SELL A HOME :i:~~~~1.~cy~Jva~ EVERY 31 MINUTES BEST Bl,JYI """' '""' "'"'· beautiful walker &-Lee N•wly '"'"'"' 3 B•. home. yards with ~· lot a lure H1.1ge patio for fun &: aun. PQI)(, ••kl •CCHS for bolt 2790 Harbor BJYd. at Adams Choice Peninsula Point Jo. or trailer. Spbmit yo ur SU.9t91 cal.Ion, $42,500 AfT'lallC!r home on our par. Open 'til 9 PM JO WEBB, Realtor 1n1~ salt plan. · I •iiiiiiiiiltoii&M .. & Belboe Real Estate Co. WE SELL A HOME Open House 700 E. Balboe BlYd., Balboa EVERY JI MINUTES :m ROBINllOOD PLACE m.-OIO Walker & Lee 's:.~~~!"':0.!:'.~1 """""""",..,, ..... !!!I!!! .. • 2l1t Sl ............ 3 • OPfN SUNDAY Zl1 Wealclllt Dr. f.amUy room wfth "Paddock'" 146-171' 0,... E>e$. 'poo1. .. ,, .. prinl<" t11t:Joe. 369 Vl~A BAYA Coli.,. Pork Beauty "' yard .-<Count> l 'BRl "BR + t.. • "bath endme<I lanal, &54'·5110 DAVIDSON Ro•lty llke new $1000 ctrpetina. 11111'0-~) ....,...,., S2'1,SOO • hu "'"' GE REALTY 546<5'60 ~. ~69 WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES 293 E. 17th St. 646-44M bdrm, 21J: hllth condo, De-,,.. luxe in every "-'8.Y. adult lously carpeted, draped • 60x130' occupied, cpl drapes, elect landsca.ped, Priced to aell EASTSIDE CORNER A MUST SEE now. Walker & Lee gu. opener · Roy J . W•rd Co. 4 BR 1 %. ba, ~ patio $49 500 FHA Sl4.soo v• • "c· .. · THOMAS (Bay'""' ollkei 20tJ \Vestclill Dr. Rltr. 64:1-9730 Eves. 548-0720 1 1430 Galaxy Dr. 646-1550 646-TIU o,.n E'"· • Euumy REALTOR JS YOUR AD JN CLASSJ. K nn 224 w. Coast Hwy >~·5''7 I DIAL dlnoot 642-"61>, ~ FIED? Someone-will be _-----=--,,,, Newport Beach Eve. 545-564~ your ad, then sit back and looking fr it. DiAJ 00-5671 ~W~h~il:g•e~Je~pha~nU~!~D~l:gm~ ... ~-Ii~,,.~~~~~~~~~~l~l•::;"::;n~ID~the~p~-~~rl;;"I~! ':'I Gener•I 1000Gener•I 1000Gener•f 1000 Gen•r•I 1000 Open Houses THIS WEEKEND • .., ttiil ...., ....... wMI '" 11th ......... ro1 90 ...._ i..11t1 ... AK ... loc!Jftffl lllN4 Mlow -._,.... .. .,...., ~ lty ~ •IM• wllorll 111 ...,-, DAILl PILOT WANT ADS. Pm."' ... .... , .,.. ...... ,., ... ., .. ""' .. .,,.,. to lltt PC• hrfOf'!Mfl•• .. tlth col•-ffc• Frldor. (2 Beilroom) *1100 \Vhite Sails \Vay, Corona del 1\-lar 644-2244 (Sat & Sun 12-41 318 "L " Street, Balboa Point 645-2000 (Daily 1-5) *1072 Buckingham , Newport Beach 675-1662 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 2512 Vista Drive (Bayshores) NB 646-6475 rsat & Sun 1-6) **20 Balboa Coves, Newport Beach 675-2000 (Sun 1·5) (2 Bedroom & Family or Den) 1518 Dolphin Terrace (lrvine Terrace) CdM, 642-6472 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 615 Catalina, Laguna Beach 675-1662 (Sat 1-5) 20121' Marina Lane, Huntington Beach • (Su n 1-5) 478 E. 16th St., C-Osta Mesa 646-1189 (Sat & Sun) 510 Lido Soud (Lido Isle) NB 646-2414 !Sat & Sun 1-5) *4621 Fairfield (Cameo Shores) CdM 675-3331 (Sun 1·5) 3136 Boston Way, C-Osta Mesa 642·1771 (Sa t & Sun 1·5) (3 Bedroom & F~mily or Den) 1014 Santiago Drive, (Dover Shores) NB 642-8235 (Sat & s un 1-5) *450 E. 21st St., Newport Beach 675-1662 (Sun 1-5) lml'ltmgs Place (Clifi Haven) NB 642-5749 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 100 Via Florence (Lido Isle) NB 673-9060/675-4747 (Sun 1-5) 2034 Baltra Place (Mesa Verde) CM 546--0353 (Sal & Sun 1-5) 301 Evening Star (Dover Shores) NB 675-2000 (Sun 1-5) 430 Esther, Costa Mesa 54-0-1720 1147 Gleneagle, Costa Mesa 54-0-1720 3213 Iowa (Mesa Ven!e) CM 54-0-1720 1502 Lance, Tustin ·M4-4613 · (Sun 2-6) (Sun 1-5) (Sun 1-5) *1901 Kings Road , Newport Beach 646-4596 (Sun) 1959 Vista Caudal (The Bluffs) NB 675·5930 (Daily 1-5) 2607 Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar 675-3000 Eves: 548-8868 !Sun 1-5) 564 Park Ave., Costa ?Iles a 646-0555/548-1812 (Sa t & Sun 1-5) 210 62nd Sl.1 Newport Beach 642-3365 !Sun 10-5) 1866 Rhodes, (Mesa Verde) CM 546-2313 (Sun 1·5) (4 Bedrooms) 135 14 Sonia Andrea, Fountain Valley Cor. Ellis, West of Beach Blvd. t1·5) (4 Bedroom & Family or Den) 1338 Santiago Drive (Westclifi) NB 642-8235 · (Sun 1·5) *1817 Gle nwood (Baycrest) NB 673-BSJO (Su n 1-5) 1415 Santiago (Baycrest) NB 646-3255 (Sat 1-5) 1518 1\ntigua (Dover Shores) NB 646-3255 (Sun 1-5) 1430 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB 646-1550 (Daily) 1836 Santiago Drive (Dov er Shores) NB 646-1550 • (Sun 1-5) 234 1 Irvine IBack Bay) NB 54-0-1720 (Daily 1-5) . (5 Bedroom•] IOI Linda Isle, Newport Beach 642-8235 (Sat & Sun 1-5) * 1536 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB 642-8235 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 976 Paularino, C:OSta Mesa 540-3647 <Daily) 1315 Antif'a Way, Newport Beach 646-771 (Sat & Sun) 207 Princeton, Costa 1t-1esa 646·7711 (Sa t & Sun) (5 Bedroom & F•mily or Don) 1354 E. Oceanfron~ Balboa Penn. 645-2000 (Dally 1·5) 2610 Redlands Drive, Costa Mesa 645-0128 · (Sat & Sun 12-6) DUPLEXES FOR SALE 301 32nd Stree~ Newport Beach 648-2414 (Sat & Sun 1-5) I CONDOMINIUMS l (2 Bedroom) 1072 Buckingham Lane (Dover Vlllag•) NB , 678-1862 (Daily 14) ..... * * W11ttrffwt Joan. Fi-Ink Klnpard Real Miii ii:"""""' THE QUICKER YOU CALL, Eotot. Ml'""' !.!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!•I THE QUICKER YOU SELL IJ,:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;; (Sat & Sun 1-5) *** ....... w ..... ... • ( ~ ....... F .. l•F•F .. l•F•F•··' .. 7 ....... 71777517713177751??115izz?llll771?1' .. ?•11772·'•,17711711?71 ...... , ....... _.s...,s._ •. ~·"""s~,...,.._.;....""--',,;:._-'-'·~--- D -• -• • . • 5 •· . ! ' ' ' • d = ) • \ • HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SA LE HOUSES FOR SAL! HOUSIS l'OR SALi • HOUSBS l'OR SALi HOUSI S l'OR SALi! Saturday, M11y JO, l't&> HOUSIS l'OR Sl[E HoUse's FOR SA[I! DAILY '1LOT JJ ' HOUSES FOii Sill p.in•ral 1000 Gt.n tral 1000 O.ner1I • lOOOGOntnl 11000 Oener1I • 1oooo-<11 100I O.ntrel IOCIOOenor1l 10000enor•I !:===~~======:=:::!:== THE :REA:I.: :ESTAI"ERS S. BEDROOM TWO STORY LQcated in lovely Mesa Verde, with 2\" balhB, bright, shiny. kitchen with all bullt•lns. Ideal home for large family -Priced ~ow mai- ket at $33,950. -J FANTASTIC OCEAN VIEW \ Sit in 32 lt.)iving room and see all the way to Catalina. Absolutely perfect condition 1 throughout with attractive shag carpets and l decorator drapes~ Owner is working out of area and offe1's at $38,500. IT'S NO DISNEYLAND But it's just great for kidS. Slow traffic street. 20x20 rumpus room, city park in the back yard. 3 BR, family room , 2 bath. 70x115 lot no ~own. VA, low down FHA. Seller w,ill pay 1 points. $26,950. J EASTSIDE DOLL HOUSE r1 Sparkling clean 3 Bedroon1 or 2 and den in excellent location. Short \Valk to schools and shopping. Don't miss the little jewel at only $24,500. HARBOR HIGHLANDS 4 BEDROOM Original owner, leaving for New York offers this outstanding 4 Bedroom; 3 bath hom~ and \vill give possession as early as June 15. Extra large fari1ily room; large patio. Profes· sionally landscaped. $57 ,500 -A must · see. BEAUTIFUL BAYCREST ·AREA U )'OU have ·atways wanted privacy~and have a large fa mily, this is your home. 5 BIG BED- ROOMS with a separate wing for the child· ren or teen-agers -and only $41,500 - Phone now to inspect. EASTSIDE 3 BDRMS.+GUEST HOUSE Just 2 blocks from Westcliff Shopping Cent- er in well· kept area -3 Bedroom home with beautiful guest home for n1other or young couple -You have to see this to appreciate IL $31,950. 546 -2313 -646-7171 • RANCHO LA CUESTA -If you've rn!l•ed the closeout of RANCHO LA CUESTA'S 3 other unit~ ••• ~ DON'T MISS THISll Each succee<µng unit co.sts. mw.!'1 so· take' advanbfge of the~B">Pl'.ic•'~~--& see our models on Brookhutst at ,11lanla in HW\tingto!l Beach, Thete are •f ., 2 , stories. S & 4 bedl'oom hornes with 2 or 3 baths, Mission ~e or shake roof. fire- places, concrete driveways, heavy rough cut ~ms, built-ins, family rooms & dining rooms. Close to Huntington State Beach. These beautiful homes are pdced from $24,995 to 134,200 with VA or Con· ventional financing as low as 10% down. No 2nd TDs at 7.2% interest. Call 968-2929 or visit .;my ·day 10 AM to 7 PM. * .OUTSTA.NDING * E·Z Care 4 bd rm Bayorest home with family room & format din· Ing r o o m. Lov~ly pool, I a r g e patto wtth BBQ & pooloide wet bar. What a place for . summer fun! 5 .. ._ Jwi the pl8ce !or a 1 a r g e family. eu.. tom' built Bayorest home with beamed celllngs. Artistic use of adobl~r b r i c k. Lovely master suite .. ''A'' Frame Unique 3 bdrm ·Only $62,500 home with shimmer· 5 bdrms, 3~ baths ing ~l & plenty of Bay crest home. space for badminton Beained celling in ~ o u r t or garden. living room. ~P?iced Vacant & ready for !or quiU sate. you. WANT TO BUILD? Several good to.ts available. JERRY FREUD -~HARLES ARNOLD 388 E. 17th Street, C.M. Realto rs 646·7755 •••••••••••••••••••• J P·-' Gtn0ral IOCIO Goner1I IDOO ust ...-rect 'iii;iiiiii;;_ijl __ ;iiijliii;ijiiii;;_ijl __ jlijli•ll 1-Iere is a duplex in the Newport Heights II area !or only $23,500 that the o'!'rle r is Will· OP.EN" H. OUSE s·•N. 1-5 ing to' fi nance. Spacious and clean one bed-U room units with there Own private . yards. For a starter or for a retired couple interest- ed in low payments this is it. Who Needs It Probably you could use an extra 16x24 tt. work shop, studio, office or guest _apart- ment. This room 'WOuld be perfect for an ac· countant, radio ham. model builder, sew· ing iroom, or music classes. Sdper sbarp r.on- dition throughout with 3 monster bedrootns. all l>uilt·in kitchen, heavy. shake rooff nd situated on a c h o i c e, tree lined eas ide street. Out of sight value at $34,500. . FOR A WISE BUY Colesworthy & Co • 542-7777 ~ FrM llcettM tfol1l119 et L11111blM1 Scll"f f Pff Sol"""8Mhip Cl.._ l11teratecf hi A •"' lbhlte c.,_? Coll for iatitnln" . ,_ •••••••••••••••••••• 4621 FAIRFIELD CAMEO SHORES Grt1t 3 bdrm. plus pool plu1 vitW. Perfect fanigy home. $12,500. .. Wm. Winton, Realtor 229 Marine, B•lbo1 l1l1ncl 67S-33ll Opan 'Iii 9 Evary Night Gentr1I 1000 5'11% FHA LOAN Car. be assumed on this ~1esa Vertie 3 bdnn &: fam- ily home. You \\'Oll't find another as immaculate. with ne1v carpeting, large ·ush landscaping &: even has •. hobby room built in .,_~ rage. A steal at onl>" . "$26,950 "' Gtn1r1I 1000 · UPPER BAY Older 3 BR family home wilh large play yartl & located on beautiful B~ Vie:~ ~~ Owner mo~ i:ast..4 lwbl sell VA or F1iA fW:enc~ $22,§0b; ' ' '!:\ No-o:I . -" -at :ieneral 1000 General 1000 General Y!.-~C!i• 6¥-flll College Park Corner * 642• 1771 Any•im• * 1 ======II PERRON ~ ... ~ ... ,,. 1000 General 1000 PANORAMIC f I E V./ '.1,r Catalina, San Qcmenfe .and almost Ha\vaii. its spec. I tacular arid otily four years olcl an immaculate ,j bed~ . -. ~· room home 1n a real pN!s- tig<? area. lls a "ntust see" al only $37,500. , ORANGE COUNTY'S .LARGEST 293 E. 17th SI. 646-4494 • OPEN HOUSE • SAT. & SUN. l'l • 6 ·2610 Redlands.Or., CM 5 BEDROOMS BACK BAY Also formal Din/Rm & Fam/ Rm • pracUcally new w/w carpeting thruout. Fam/ lbn & kitchen has new com- mJ. slain resistant carpet. ing .. 3 Ba, bit-i n gas kitcb. en plus dishwasher . exc lo- cation for the lal'gt! family, as this sharp home is local· ed .nn a Cul de Sac street. l...aq:e backyard beaulitully landscaped. Pr ice d at $42.500. Possession in June • BEITER HURRY ON TliIS ONE! Robinett Rltr. 645-0128 OPEN HOUSES Southern Mansion $65.000 615'. 'Catalina, Laguna Bcacll ,. Open Saturday 1-5 Cust. l!omC', pool; $51.250 450 E. 2l.St, Newport Open S~n. 1-5 Best Area 2 Br .• pool $32,000 1072 Buckingham. N~t. Bch. Open Sat. & Sun. 1-5 NEW LISTING Corona Highlands; o cc an view; 3 BR. 2 ,Ba. You own the land . Full price $44,000. For information call CORBIN -MARTIN REALTORS Pl•"'Y of "'°"' for boal & • MESA VERDE """'"" + a , • .,,. do"ble 4 BEDROOM detached ~a rage. 5~i tk in-OVERSIZED YARD-\vi th terest available to anyone, t · f boat No qualifying. Payments sep.ara e area or . Sl~/mo includes eo.-erything, trailer, garden, ~e: dog Call now to see. or ~hat have yo.u ?" New cpts in all bedrooms-Beau-$26, 99 5 ty·Pl<al <h~-.iee Bil " D/W. Available:' lor j>oBM!'S.. 1511 Dolphin Terr May 10.lllh 1.5 Spotless 2 BR, 2% ba, den, eJeC kitchen, PLUS huge covered boal·port,.min, land. scape .mainte.nance, CURT DOSH, Reallor f130 W. Coast Highway 642-6472 Eve!!. 673-3468 Newport sion alter 6-1-69, can llO\\I 646-n 71 for appt. to see · $35,950 FHA'Or VA no down • 64s.nn 5'lt>23JJ ""'""'"""""'""'""'""'""II •• Vlctori• $21,500 · 646-8\11 Premiere Showing '-o ·THEREAL \~ ESTAT ERS 6 BEDROOMS 646-nn MESA VERDE· $950 DOWN lere is a repossei;sion \Vilh e.xcellcnt terms for lhC' \Vise ihopix.·1'. 4 bcd1'oon1:s, · 2 baths, separate ramily room, \\"Ork.saving built-in kitchen 1 e nd cheer[uj !\replace. JdeaL ly located in \valking dis- tance to schools and shop- pi111;. This one can'l la5t. Call today! 3036 E. Coast Hwy, CdM RAMBLIN ' ROSE I '!!!~!!!!!!~67!!!S.~1!!!66~2-!!!!!!."'IB' ""firSt to '"'"' 2 new w Id y •-1· I ! exciting tumished m o d I!' I OU OU U9 llYI • • • 5 spacious bedrooms, twin ASSUME 51;4 0;0 -homes, (We have moved to 6. Bedrooms, 3 .ba~, a fam· \0 THE REAL ''""-ESTATERS ' . baths and anyone can as-1430 Galaxy·Drive) Both are ilY room plus a dm1ng area, sume the \oW interest loan $176.00 mo. large & have spacious with fresh paint. and all the 1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiOiifl . BA YFRONT APT. at 5~ 'ji, Total pltymenrs in. 4 Bedroom rooms. 4 bdnns, 3 bath, tarn-a~vantages of. a lfarbor I' d uding taxes of $134.00. Bet. ily room homes with a Ia~ Highlands Jocauon for ter than ne\v condition, new CoUege Park tastic unobstructerl view cl $42,500 carpets, just painted, re-Beautiful home in rxcellent Uic upper Bay. Vista Del Lido. Pier & slip availllble. Enclosed garage, $28.500, niodled baths and alley ac-area, all,elcc. kitchen, brand Roy J, Ward Co. ccss. Al] for $27,500. new carpeting and newly (Baycresl Otficel Lawson George Will iamson Realtor WE SEL L A HOME EVER Y 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee ORANGE COUNTY 'S LARGEST painted. Double fireplace, 1430 Galaxy Drive 646-1550 3416 Via Lido; NB 675-'562 rumpus room for a Iola! of =========li.,,..~~::;'i!"'~"i":':i" 1700 '•· "· GI Rosal• EASTSIDE-3 bed- 6734350 Eves. 673-15&4 4 BEDROOM - $23,500 2043 \Vcstclirf Dr. M6· 1TI_l Open Eves. l S' D 293 E. 171h St. 646-4494 REPOSSESSION 10<;~ dn. 61h% int. 30 years No loan rees. 2487 sq It o! Live * Simply * Dclighlful living area. 4 BRs 2~!i. baths ;iganlic yard to store kids, new epts/drps, coinpJ re- '.pef;.:;, pools, trailers & boa!s decor, Son1e view. $39,500. ,. Surplus schools. parks &. Oflice: 526 San Juna, San c hurches plus 3f hon1e -Clemen le, ( t>I o d e l open !J~ 'i0 FHA • big Joan. daily) 492-7801 or 545-3483. j46-717l 546-2313 .• 1860-Ney,•port Blvd., CM W. E. Lachenmyer, Rftr DAll, Y PJwr WANT ADS BRING RESULTS! ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 D9LL HOUSE Sparkling clean 3 Bedroom or 2 and den home on Eastside. \Valk to schools and shop. ping. -A must see at $24,500. $4&-2313 \O 'THE REAL \'""-ESTATERS ' ' General lOOOGeneral 1000Gt neral 1000 OF THE FEW IN MESA VERDE ••• • • • HERE ARE THREE OF THE BEST FORMAL DINING ROOM -31' POOL -1100 Sq. Ft. of "LIVING" Located in Mesa Verde's finest section. This immaculate 3 bed· roon1 hon1e is better than ne\v. Brand new LUSH CARPETING. All repainted inside & out. HUGE FAMILY ROOM with firep~a£~J AND a 38' POOL you can really swim in. Only hall block to PAM & SC HOOLS & near to golf course. With the Library. shopping convcnienlly nearby, everything juSt fits right for living enjoy- ment. 4 BEDROOM -QUIET CUL·DE-SAC STREET The children are safe playing in the street in Cront of this home located on quiet street. Iiome has 3 months new shag carpeting, large living roo1W. Room !or B 0 AT or TRAIL E R. Priced at $26,900 -only 10 % down . PLUS 3 BEDROOM, 2 balh, vary noat ho..,. at $26,000 PLUS 4 BEDROOM wilh formal dining room. Close lo Park. Can go VA financing. 546. 9521 Eves. 540 -6631 Take over 6% GI loan of fOOftlS 2 baths - $18.600 with payments of ' $151/rno. hrl. tax & ""· • quiet cul -d• • sac. BR & Jamily room "" =· Sacrifice $21 750. net • room (or boat, trailer 1 ~ otc. LIBtiog ;, $22,650, hut CALL 540· 1 l 51 ~~~~offer! Chvner Oregon. (open eves) su.suo HtrltaCJt o.'.LE'teiiETL-rlt I ,.. ..... R .. ea .. 1 ..... E .. •t .. at .. • ....... 1500 Adlm$1I H11W,tl& 1-Steps to Ocean BA YCREST WITH L: ;:; ~':_.~· ~P:, .38Xl0 POOL ANO LARGE POOL .. ....._ empty • ready to ... $35,950. • PATIO adjacent to family 2-Story ''A'# Frim• room make this BaycreSI home id eat for entertaining. F lxtr Up~r 4 spacious bedrooms, Joveb $28,900 • come Wlth oUrr · modern kitchen, din Ing Caywood Rlty., 541-1290 room. Priced at only $55.900. 6306 W. Cout Hwy, NB FOREST E, OLSON. Inc. can 645-0003 Open Eves. la Bonnie Vie Buy Of The Year! 2 BR 1\1 bath Ooodomlnl"rn Waterfront • View o( Cata-$1500 under new price. Una &. Bay. 2 BR, 2 ha $14.400 ~ 11\1% ~Y8)1abl<. Qi.annel Reef 'own your W:¥mo., .Pm + ~ .• own' Penthouse Apt, with soclalion dutS Includes gar. Frpk, $62,500. dening, pool A outdoor main. Ask tor: tenanoe. 2400 Elden, C.M, "Apple Pie" order in11lde & out. 2 baths. Dream kitchen, extra eating area • built-in range & oven. Paneled fam- ily room, 540-1120 TARBELL 295S Harbor Income Property Duplex So. Laguna $37,500, mo, income $310, eq Sll,200. 3 BR home, San Oemente $25,000, Sell or trade for vacant land, 675-4070, Stuart Ii Robbins Rei&Itors 3 BR 2 bath home, comer Jot 130lcl80 -add 5 more units. Drive by 1545 Santa Ana Ave, then call :ilania &ratty 642-6.\60 NEWPORT BEACH 5 BEDROOM-$49,5001 Area of $60;000 hemes. 3 baths, Fatnlly morn • lovely swim pool home. AD eJec. tric built-ill ltOOJrv kitchen. 540-1720 TARBELL 2955 H1rbor 2 Ac. lnvennent Chester Salisbtlry, Rltr. can ~ar 642-lm, 64M927 315 Marine 613-6900 eves. Cabin. H.lway frontaae beV :;;,,;;;;~~~~,;;;;~~I'""~~~~~~-Coast &: Lake Elsioore 1962 • TRl·LEVEL WANTED pnc•, "'"m• ,6% loan. (TIC) 838-4978 eves. P.O. Box Priced for ,tmme41ate WI!'. Experienced and creative 41 Dana Polnl Excellent carpeting, spnken Salespe1'90n wtth Sood work. tamUy......, forola1 dJnfJ>o In& -ied .. o1 Harbor MOST WAHTED .,. ~m. ill tantutic J'flSkJf!D. area pl'QPfl1)', Features -Blu' A Ocean tfaJ area. Vacant. ready tor -I View, pool (20 x 40). • Bdrnl immetl. po91tas\on. Quick · _ OW900 jJL In kwtly lrvlnt Tmate. sale at '38,!m, CWL .TACK llltdleo. Delancy Rt1I E1t1te• HAMMOND MO-ll51 (open .... _._.....,. J8:28 E. <but·Hwy, OW: eves) He:rlta.ge RH! Emte 67M662 61).37'10 '\ 2 STORY S 111c1,..;m-F1mlly Rm. 5 Bdrm· $2900 Dn Slt !fSO Eoiry h.U, 2\1 bl\ths. Hug• $.BR 3 balN, cpi.tdrp1; e~ •· -. ---f11mlly room, BUUt.fn klteb. r . ·our ' 24th Year Results thru .Service I $19,500 to $24,999 I WHY PAY UNT1 Move today into this oom- fortable vacant 3 BR home-owner transferTed & needs quk:k sale-l~ baths-stall s how e r- steJ>-i;aver kitchen wi th built-ins &: dishwasher, breaktaat bat .with 11tools, hardwood floors. All new- .y painted interior-con- venient locaUon n "e a r schools l.: sh::ipping. Only $24,950 •VA no down or FHA min, down. 54&-5410 $UPIR SHAIP AHD SPICIALI ls thl.s 3 BR doll OOUse 1vlth ptusn carpets & drapes-all beaut i ful deco 1,. ~-:1 s~1 ~:,: disp: too- '""" + amp llock wall· pric- ed at $22,950, Buyer c.an assume 5%. % IBA Joan at $13G/n10-or &et ne\v FllA loan. 546-5440 Ml. CUAN Ideal H~ !I· BR va- c.int home that bu just bttn redet'Ol'llled-tn&ide Ir out. Ready fbr OCCUJ>MCY ~Owner~ aell eo make your oiler. l ~ baths, ste1>-saver kitchen. with blt-Jn oven &: ~ .. diS'hwasher, 25• I J v Inc roon1, stone flrep)ace- hardwood Doors. Only $23,450. EZ terms. .... 51411 I $25,000 to $29,999 I IRING YOUR CHICK IOOK You will fall In love \Vlth this first time oUcred 3 BR Mesa Verde home that owners have decorated in bright happy tone colors thn1out. Im· macula!e condition . 1 IJJ baths-sparkHng built-in kilchen-spaciou.<i living room, \V/\11 cpts &: drapes-Beaut i fully landscaped. front & rear & tooK at "grice only $25,95()... FHA terms OK'D, Jiurry, it won't Jast. 54&-5440 TOWEii.NG PINES ln your own yard. Fine :: BR home & family room ln 1.fesa Verde, Func- Oonal lloor plan, l~ balhs, built-in oven &: range, large service porch, large living room, vo/vf carpch1 & drapes. Near shopping. 0 n I y S25.9JO -VA/FHA finan- clng. 546-5440 I SPUSH, SPLASH Family fun in Your 01111 pool. Ideal spotless 3 BR home & family room. in choice Westclitt location, 2 blocks to main shopping center, A truly warm & friendly horn!!' \vith wood & brick fr.cnt , 2 fireplaces, gas lighter. Spacious living room look· ing out on pool. Ladies dreant kitchen, natural wood cabinets, e 1 e c • bu i I t-1 n s, dishwasher Good slze bedrooms, 2 baths, Profe ss ional landscaping, whole yard completely lighted. First time offered at la.~t year.; price -Only $44,950. Call now! 546-5440 llG AND BEAUTIFUL Ea1111'idgc Esta.le, 2 story Contemporary, 3 BDR .. Den &: Fam. Rm. ~ POOL! 2~ baths -mar- ble pollmans, Enclosed front patio terra1.zo entry, open cellings, stone frpl. extra large family room: ceramic tile k i t c h c n w/raised ash cabinets, all e l ectric built-ins. Trotnendcus entertalning. Rear yd., heated pool. Mr./Mrs. dre11sing rooms. gartlen lights!!! Priced to sell at only $36,500. SEE FOR SURE!! ~ *EYE APPEAL * PURSE APPEAL Beautiful quality 3 BR &: family ·room home with great functional f loo r plan, Real pride o r (}wner.;hlp here in choice Mesa Vcrdelocatlon . l2xl4 separate I i v I ng room with fireplace, cpl!! .~ drapes, 1% baths, ne\v 10 i:al ,1·ater heater & \\'aler softener. Outstan- ding yard \vith patio-Ex- lerior newly painted. Priced at only $26, 750- 10% down. 546-5440 SLASHED $1000 This -Kool~Pool-Home In Mesa Verde ls a must see-3 i:ood slze_d bedrooms. 1 ~ baths, stall !ihO\\'er, ne\1•ly painted in- terior, al l electric bit-in kitchen, dishwasher. Lo\v maintenance yard .. Heated pool \vlth swee(M!r, Now only $27,500-EZ terms. 54&-5440 INTEUST CONSCIOUS? ASSUME St/2% LOAN Then inspect this 4 large bedroom ex«Uti\'e hofl'I(! in Newport Be a c h , designed for easy living. Terrific kitchen with aJI electric bit-in oven &: range, dish,vasher, ex- pensi~ tiled tops &: splash, extra I a r g e *1rvlcc room, 2%-baths, lrallic fT't'e living room with fircplatt, large f a mily room wilh fireplace opens out to patio \vilh ftre plt . Separate J4x10 formal dining room. You'll not find A nicer home at only $53,950 CALL NOW, 54&-5440 SEPAllATE IUMPUS IOOM Hard lo find 4 BR- beautlful Pacesetter home with l5xl7' walnut panell- ed rumpus room. Extra sharp thruout, wormwood sidinr, shake roof. 2 ~ths. Outstanding kitchen \Vith bit-in oven & t'ange, dishwasher, quali- ty carpets k drapes, Park-like yard. A must see at $38,500 -EZ tl?rms. 546-5440 . NEID n1ow IOOM? "This large 4 BR 2 story home with family room is your answer for that large family, Over 1900 sq ft of living area 22' living room with volcanic rock stone fireplace, quality w/w carpets & drapes-farm style kitchen bit-ins A disl\\vasher, eating area- 2 baths, hardwood Doors, terrific yard with covered patio, Near Scllools. Only $29.950 Buyer c.an take over large 514 % loan at no cost~ m qualifying .. pymnts $201/mo. includftl all. 546-5440 RUSTIC llANCH In a tree shaded woodsy setting. Newport Htjghla location, 2 BR + huge 25' all wood pa n «l led den-custon1 built with 1% bath-sta11 shower. Lovely kitchen, tiled s p I a 11 h •, disposal. atovl!' included, Ideal yard with enclosed patio-split rail fence. A must see at only $28,500- Call for showing. 546-M4IJ I G.I. APPRAISID $29,700 Buy this 2 story 4 bedroom home only 2 years old with no down payment • -vacant-im- mediate occupancy. 1750 sq. fL 2 baths, Lovely tl!'r- racect ki!chen with bit-in eye level double oven range + dishwasher - separate living room. fireplace, private bath in master bedroom. Reel country living dose to , · freew~ in secluded area -Anaheim, FHA temu also. 5"16-5440 A MOST SPACIOUS HOME Real family life is no happy accident In this jumbo me. 5 BR. 21.4 bath home that has everythirlz desired for comfortable living-extra I~ famib' room-outstanding bit-In kitchen, traffic free Jiving room with fi replace, quality cpt:s & drape11- Immaculate condition thruout-Near all schools & shopping. It won •t last st $36,T;iO. can quick ly. 546-5440 I CONDOMINIUMS I 4 IR-2V2 IATHS $2'.750 Just listed iii this lovely Townhouse 'fl\h tnan)' CX· tru-Only 2% )'l!'al'S )'OUng-excellent, con- venient l o c ation in Un iverat t y Park- Spaclous living roo m , frplc, qual i ty w/w carpets & df'11.pe1-buUt-ln kitchen, red tiled root Low leasehold cl S18& year. Owner anxiou!I for quick We. 546-5440 5'ANISH TOUCH tnvcly red tiled. roof. 3 BR + den in Ne\\·port Blufb-Has beaut it u l areen belt vlew-pools, puttine: greens, park Ii: shoppine center close by. 2\,1 baths, large Irving roorn with firep l ace. bulll4n oven A rangf!. Tennis memben.hip In. duded in price-Only $35,500. Call now!S4&-5440 POPULAI CAl'I SlillES Exl'e-Uent 3 bdnn In choice private Eutsict. neighborhoOO -Lovely pool &: attracti\1! club house for sutnrner enter.. Qlinlng. AU electric blt-in cve:n I: range, dishwaah. er. 3 large aize bedrooms, 2 baths, Maintenance free grounds. Live it up hett, Price only S25.950-$2!llD do\\>'11. 546-5440 I OPEN HousEs •• ~ 1213; to sa3o I Sl/ .. /o LOAN. Asswne at no cost to buyer 3 BR • 2 bath -near Harbor JDgh and We11t,.. cliff Center. NcWly painted. w/w cpts. and drapes. .2 fireplaen. $30,950. 411 t LENWOOD fl block south or 17th Eut ot Tustin) 54~0 314' NIW YOIK In Me.a Vttde. Spotle1t 3 BR· flm• Uy rm, all elettrtc buUt.ln kltcbm.. 1 ~ 1-tbl:, traffic ttH living room, cpU 6 . drapeo. l'encod yVd with pe.Uo. $26.750. (GL&Jer off Harbor w~•t to home) ~ • PAUL· WHITE· CARNAHAN J. K. NICHOLS, REAL TOR Ilic buil.t·ina, abake root. 2 pullman baths, Builtln en. Cowrtd patio, BBQ plt, Neu ALL Wtooll. $36,750, ?JWe 4 own. Ideal aet·UP Prtstlgt areu.. Sfb.1'1'20 JIMU• C:•• W1ll1-Mc:C1r"dl1, Rltra. for bolt or camper, $13.f.50 TARBELL 2'55 ,Harbor ,. ~ _. 301 5·A HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA ·1810 N.....,.. Blvd., C.M. ~~;." poymcob • 1'" than 1,llAILY'==p=lLO'l'=~w~ANT=-~AD=s, 1093 IAKER STRE~, COSTA MESA 548-Tl29 anytime TARB E.LL 142-6691 Wlllto~~olophan~~t11~D~;me...u~~ .. ~fl1!!111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!_,!!!!!!!!!!!!"!".,!!!!!! .. ---1!!11-_,,,__, __ _ ...... _____ -· ---· ---·---------------·---· --------- --------·. ~. -. -"'---• • ~;;:..;.;'' " . • ....... .... . .. -·· .. ~ .. ~,··· ...... 'l •• .. ...... .. 6% Which means we att ctlfering a lovely 3 BR, 1%. bath .Mu• Del M.r ho.lne with tam nn, and a 1105 swimming pool at a prlct 2 STORY 5 BDRM, 3 Baths. you will hard\y believe. \Vater softener, elec bltns, CaU Us To See: covered patio. Walk to all llURR WHITE, Rltr. "hi" Prioed bolow market 2901 N~ Blvd., N.B. value. By owner. 5f6..S492 675-4630 Evea. 673-41159 Mue Verde 1110 P~ER -Hidden two story. best lo c a t r on. Gorgeous carpeting, slate entry, labulot111 fonnal din- ing room, cozy f.arilily room with built-in color TV, huge master bedroom w j t h fireplace, &: large yard pro- f@S&ionally landscaped. A must to see-$43,950. CALL AL BLACK 540-1151 Copen 5 BR Show-Place? Al l extras + 50'xl5 patio, Fabu}9Ull lndscpd'g front &: back, 2 Golf ..courses. $38,800. ~es & suit 546-3081. Ofc, 637-3930 eves> Heritage Real Estate. l,.,..,....,,....,,..,..,..~I s'b" ~VEY~l1 Gracious-Spacious Immaculate 5 b edr oom , family room and finished garage rumpus room . Beautiful carpeting a n d draperies, stone fireplace. Only 3 yrs. old. Near everything, Nicely landscap. ed. sprinklers front & rear. Assume 61h % or rdlnance to suil $29,900, 540-3647 POOL CbeerfuJ 3 BR 2 balh hon1e in excel, loc. Formal liv room, huge fa mrni. Master suite overlooks the beautiful htd-fit pool. $32,500. CALL MR. NE.1.SON 540-ll51 (open eves) Herttage Real Estate No Down GI . $24,950 mo. 2 Bdrm, 2 baths, direct Bluffs site, best water view. J $l9,950 EASTBLUFF REALTY 24JA Vilta Dt-1 Oro Newport Beach 644-1133 S©\\.~·lA-~t.tfS" Solve a Simple Scrambled Word Puzzle for a Chuckle rUGODU I' I I' I ' I I I I I ~P;..;;;A:..;Y;..;l;;,;.I c,_..,..-,.-tl lo/:14' "You so y you •mokt a I I' I I I Moe: "Y .. , I usually smoke 1.-..1.-L. --'·-'-· -'·-' thrM or four pocb a day." • . ['o FC IR I ~~·0o you.., .. ·~·""" I I I I' I -."Ya,tho(s hoWlgot 1.-..1.'-J.. --'·-L. --'·-' fhll --.• •--------. !j:·ll ' IG A Y C EN , .. tomi>lt!o tho u....i.11 ......., .1.;...~,, .... "l-"1'...,1,-.,1-1 : ~:;:~:i;"t = • r::w.~~~.ES 11 r r 1· r r 1· 1· 1 ·~~watro~I IRI I • I I I I SCRAM-LITS' ANSWER IN DIME·A·UNE Oce1n1ide of Hi9hw1y Tv;o on a lot, bolh 2 BR custom quality, stainless bl t- i.tts. ma.hog/trim, good pri- vacy. Ready to sell at $5t,500 H1I Plnchln & Assoc. 3900 E. C.O.Ut Hwy 675-4392 Old Homesltid RENT.AU H•-Unlvrnlahocl Coate '-1100 RENT.AU H-Unlvrn......, ' L••• Nltuel '707 FREE RENTAL EXEC ,.side .... 3 Br. 2 ea.. bltns, d '·h w b r . SERVICE .,,...,e1rp, Beaut view $300. tar _,.,,.., S bedroom. 2 =~=:=·.;$12-=UIS====r 1>&tlll 122S.oo .,.. ""'· can 3· 110 S.n Cltrriente ~r-r -;..W - Costa Meu 4100 4210 ' . I. ___________ ... _____ ...... __ .,. ____ .. __ ., .•.• ---.. -----·---·-----·---···---------···--·-------·---·---------• ---= = = • • ------------------··---·--·---····-····------- • -- S.tu'1:1.y, Mey 10, 196• RENTALS I ENT A LS .yts. Fum......, Aptt. Unfurnished .* ...... * ...... * ...... * ....... *.,._,.. ... * itl0.t.;._~:;1'ATI BUSINESS •nd FINANCIAL ANNOUNCEME~, • se~vl~• on4 NOTICES OAILV I'll.OT Q f TOllY Jua> & oMP m f Huntlnpton luch 4400. C•-• dol -5250 QUIET & BEAUTIFUL S. OF RWY. Nico 2 Bit for Adulti only; J S,r •• utll, pU:I. re l Pon s J b I e • dil. • Cwllll '815 luo. Opp1-lffoo AGO ....._... 6405 Gotd ... 1119 '6IO Help WOftfecl. -7200 I ·<OMPU19 ' ' Pool. UJO. 147-2175 crlmlnafJn& t.dults. N e w SELL Or ....,., -CANDY IUl'PI> ..., ... ,.n ar * l'ALM & CAltOS * JOHNSON'S Cardenllia StN, ..... """"" SL, c.11. WW full !Imo, do»/,_ Rdlll Spirit ... nwr.r Put Pi-et-Flnut ""'~' oxpert fU'I° trade $22,000 eq. Irr ponr . • f'Olltct mont)' tro:m cotn ent, f'Ul11tt. 1iclp ln in 1Ut care! !\east 90-2035 lIOINICWI • I 17676 Ca.muon, lilUll 8ch. carpetln&: ' painl. [)n.pel, frplc, sW1dedt, blt.n-iD ovtl\ BEAlfI'lFUL 1 Bdnn. $130, 2 &: stove. Private & ·quiet bdrm. $1t0, adults. 5al Hun-Upstairs <l\'U p.raget 00 boat lO' er ...... IG.IOO, By opor. -ID 0... prob1ema SI. Jpedal read-Mbnthly Ganlo.nlns. Owou. 49f..t525 Meta • \lie. No ltllhlr. l!W. Ope~ dally 9 am to 10 Call alttt t5 pm. Yuk)o OJMMERaAL Lo\ • bt $1650 Total cub req. Smt pm. 7421 We&lmlruitu Ave., Murakami. (213) llE s..3186 tln&ton A~ .• H.B. 536-1865 real" ~ of loL 6T5-(l6l3 t1me offered. 700 E. Balboa name, addresa & phone to: Westminster 89J..9854 e E.XPER Jr pane 1 e Varian Of.ta Machlncs, Jtat. Blvd. (Next to Balboa Route Dept, P.O. Box 3846, ' Gardener C:Omplete serv1ce. ed ln the Irvine lnd111trial If Theater.) Call 6G-2n1 Anaheim 92lll3 • INTERVIEW e Frte CjUmat(!, cau ~11'2 Complex ot Orance County, ========= RE"I'IRlNG-Beauty Sa.Ion for TV, COMM.ERC., ~tOVIES -~~.,..-0'°""~---'"'-=· I has several dlc\lBt oriented lndustrl•I R1nt•I 6090 rent Been tn same toe fOI' All aa:et. No tra.inlng ~. No ~& Edge Lawn computer technician pact. Gordon Grovo 4610 Huntington IMch S.00 SINGLE Young Adults La- ury prden a.pt.a with coun- try club atmosphere and complete privacy. SO\ITH BAY CLUB APl'S. lllOO CHAPMAN Ave., G&rden Crow (714) 636-30]) Lagun1 hech 4705 1 BR near bcb/town, patio, nke, util pd. May--Jun $l$. J ul-Auz $195. 494-4925 DELUXE ocean!ront 2 BR, also 11tuino. Furn· or unf. Lse. 492-1845 RENTALS Apll. Unfurnished Gener ii 5000 SllO; 1 BR, closed garage, 'vtw. rfo, utiJ pct. Broker -$135; 2 BR lourplex, stove, w/w. chlldfe.n & pet OK. Broker 534-6980 Cost1 Me11 5100 HARBOR GREENS ....... UYE RIGHJ ON THE BEACH ""' Whoddyo Wont? Whoddy• Got? SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR 13 )'I'll gOOd, clientel Ad exper. neceRs. For app't. M nance, Ucwsed dons availlbh!. \ MACHINE SHOP Mart•'; Beauty -.:·r,.! can, Rlci•·Arl Prod""""" M /&t>23!0 alt l FISH, SURF, SWIM In )'Our own front yard Private clubhouse. btated pool, aaunu, private pte with 2f.hour llee\lrlt)t zuard. Mediterranean aduU liviqr. 2 Bedrooms, 2 Baths From S250 INCLUDES W/\V shaa: CaI"o petlna:, G.E. built-ins, with refrigerator " dislJwUt:ltr. Hunlintton Pacific Aportmonll 711 Ocean Ave. (3 8lk:s. W. of H3ntington Beach Pirt') PHONE: (TI4) 536-1487 2 BDRMS. • 2 BATH NATURAL IORN SWAPP&ltS Spocl1I hto 5 LI--S llmM - 5 bucks ltULl!S -AD MUST lNClVlll! J-Wllel "" .. .,. .. """' ... ~, ~ ..... "' '" .. a.-YOUl ...,. ttll/w ..,..... .-...! .._ "' ~ t--HOTHINO l"OJt SALi! -lltAllQ OHi.Yi PHONE 642·5671 To Place Your Trld1r'1 P1rldlM Ad Cotta Me , a, campletely Sat noon, 2482 NeWpOrt • 11) 826-3460 • AL'S Gardenlng S e r v I c e equ.lpped tot turnln(, mllllne Blvd, CM. 548-1828 or eves LICENSED Lawn maintenance, ianlen- J: drillll'la:. Rent by hou.r, 41: Mon 548--1740 SplrituaJ Readings, advice iog &: clean ups. 646-3629. week or month. Rent lndlvkl BEAtrrY SALON Lido atta Oil alJ matters, 1C6 S. El CLEAN·UP Speci.allsl! MOW• ual machines or whole shop. long establiahed: Must sell: Camino Rut, San Clemente inP,. edging. odd j o b • . o.yr or 11Ji:hl Pb. M6-00m best otter. Owner/broker. 49Ul36. 10 AJ.f·lO PM Rea!lOnable. 548-6955 or write P. o. Box 1466, ~nu sPECIAL n READlNG JAPANESE Garder.er, com- Cosla Meaa. Attr•ctlve Expert plete yard service, free FOR !ea.e Laguna Nipel, But. W1nted 6305 YOUNG WOMAN estimates. 540-1.m oft San Dltso Fwy at Crown · . dancer ~ill teach you .U MOW & w--• Labo' by ~r WieMnchnitzel, 1951 Need room! Edward '• Ba· Valley ~ commerclal & HAVE $10,000 to actively in-· ..... -u. Harbor, CM. Land & hid&'. by Grand piano, ebony: lndustri.J units. Delta Elec-vest in O.C. business. \Vrite lai:;t S:~ ~0~~11 ca .. i:bl~ ... :Oll67e~ ...... ~tudcnts. lDcome $500 mo. net $45,(Q) worth $800. Trade ,wn f« trlc. Days. 131·1400. Eves. • Dail3 Pilot Box M.324 · ..,..,,,,. ,..., '"" equity for lots, Back Bay. Spinet in food condition A 49>4198. C.P.A. delires to pllttbate ~:n~ : =~u~~ 675-6130 tuned. 673-1151 alt 3 pm. N,8. l,OOO Sq. Ft Contr'i;. aet.'OUJlling practice or In-property missing trom 2421 TOWNHOUSE 3 Br. 2% ba. 8 cemetery lots, choice lo-Sbop/ofc. Bath. Yd. storqe dlvldual act"OUnts. 642--0626 Elden Ave., Of. 4/30/69. Beaut. appl'd. Priv. paUo, cation in Chic&&o suburb. avail.~. pkg. 60-2809 Money to Loan 6320 548-2135 eves. & wknds. pool: nr. bay. Va]. $32,500, \V A N ~ Meditenaneal1 --'------'-'"'-'!COUPLES, singles: Joncly? for T.D., car. camper or ? ? breakfront. 49>5470. Loh 6100 1st &: 2nd loans for "'''ck t'ew in area? Join the swin .. Owner 64&-6654 ...... ·-. Choice 124. acre horse & C _ 2 Plans for 20 unit ca.sh. ~w on ~ur P_n> to fun & ple_!lSUJ"e '65 'FORD C 0 U N T R Y grain ranch (many ~r 1\10TEL or 13 apl'I. or · pe.rty eq without disturbing • 635-929.1 e Hauling 6730 GENERAL HAULING & CLEANUP $12 per load. 962-6846 art. 3 &. wkfnds. HAULING. General, Top, trim, !'<'move trees & h"edges. Big John 6424030 SQUIRE WAGON. TRADE uses). Trade up fur Real. change present house to your low interest ls: TOs. lfAPPY BIRTHDAY $150/Mo. $125 -if stay 1 yr. my equity FOR econom;.o denlial, lndust'I, Comm'!, BUSINESS. NURSER y Also buyers for 2nd TDs. * LYLE * p00L, cpt/drps, Kids OK car worth up to $850. Income Orange Co. Bkr. SchooJ or etc. $ 3 6 , 0 0 0 . S11.ttlu Mortgage Co. Inc. \\lorld's Greatest Kou! YARD/gar. clnup. Ren1ove lrces. ivy, dirt, tractor back hoe, gradinz. '96U745 Delaware Studio Apts, 538.$69 6J3.. 7541 675-0473 548-8644 Servinc Harbor Area 20 )'I'll. ALCOIIOUCS Anonymou& 642_:~ ~=· H:.1816 160 Beautiful Acres nr Palm 12 1.1-1 shops in 2 tilt-up R,.2 LEVEL lot CdM with 642-217f6 E. lTU. St545-06U Pbonc 542-72J T OI.' write to Springs. Disagreeing parl. bldgs on Placentia, C.M. new overszd dble ka~ ,, P.O. Box 1223 Cl>sta. Mesa. Houncleanin9 CHEZ ORO APARTMENTS ners eager to track. This Va!Ue $150,000. Trade part f t B NEW 2nd LOANS AR.- 6735 stresses or ap 5 Y owMr SERVICE DIRECTORY 8234 Atlanta prime land can only in-for property. Bala.nee? $26,000 cuh. ~ · RANGED" Top cash tor electric only ;:-c=cc~°""'""=~....,,-LAGUNA ~.view lots, 54U311 Bkr. Apptl1nce.R1ptfr1 CARPETS, Wind0\\15, nrs, etc. Res or Comc'l. Xlnt work Reas! Refs. 548-41.11 You should have a llrm back. 1 gfound ln basic electronics and cood knowled&e ol teml· ' condUctor circuits rrom tee· ' ic drawings and achemctlca. I Good '1.a.rUna: aaluy and I : liberal employee benefit pro. ,I gnam lncludinc' twelve days vacation durin&: first year I of emp!<>yment, and 1 stock purdlue pqram, ~l i · varian dila 'I machines A VARIAN SUBSJOIARY 2722 Michelson Drive (Adj. Orange Co. Airport) Irvine, C•lif. 926'4 An equal opportunity •• ' • t employer M&F J Eleclronic Project · :;l •l Engineers Wanled ' New 1-2 Bedrooms . Pay ~ crease In value. Bkr 64&8'l26 Call 548--~ seuoned 2nda. 536-392? or 536-272? Older 7 rm }foll~'OOCI home 21 units near Bradbury Es-underground utilities, pvt. I-,,=======--I Pirtt" 6510 P<bl Washe D (clear) + ??, for beach !ates, Duart~. Equity plus $6,950 I $9,250. ~9748 ANNOUNCEMENTS J1nitoria l 6790 We are a small company (400 -rs-ryen Q a~a income property. Prin. seasoned 1st T.D. 1or com· ind NOTICES SUPREME Applia'.nce Re. , Private Garages ·p1 only i::Ao """? nle .... ial prope-·. 3 ADJ. lots; room tor ll ----------I . 0 _,,.:_ __ .. _ SP RKLE J . ,_, .,_. people), located in Oranae c1 es . ~ or .... •..;r n1•-~· E 21st St ~-1a pall' •• ...., ... ll!I, w ...... ..,rs. dry. A an1tor10.1 .:><:.1-v. Cou•ty _,, N·~" Beach. BACJlELOR UNFURN. from $110 ALSO AVAILABLE 1.2&3BDRM. l{eated Pools, Child Care Center. Adj. to ShoppiJ1& - N.o pets allowed 2 BEOROOhf, 2 bath, Broker • 494-133ll u "'· -M> • " ......,. Fou-• •(FrM A~I 6400 e,. Tom ""1363 ••7 •~1 " '"'" ... ~..-" ' 213/lIO 5-S<W6. htesa. Owner 494-5072 e\"I'. nu -. . .,..,.. ' .,., ......, Windows, resid., com c I ' Our electronic project en. ~~ts5 ::;~~::-::ne! l·Do_yo_u_w_an_t_mo_re_lnco __ m_e_? 2 BR&: din, F/P, Gold Me-SMALL child's prescription Bl~lttl 6550 ~isl cleanup. Free esl. gineers arc given Cull re·· l 645-0151 or key at 7701 Ellis Will trade $26,000 equ.ily, 1 <la.Ilion home. %. Acre, Par. Acreage 6200 glasses, grey frames. Found .. ,.. "I sponsibillty and 11upport. \Ve Apt. D. &side units w/ $370 mo. ris, Calif. area. TRADE for I ;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;;I on Nightingale Street, Foun-CXlSfA Mesa Pre-Scboo1 COUPLE Specializing in of· have many challenging pro-l spendable income, for your tocal income. Call 540-115l I• lain Valley. 962·5276 1J nsed A-2-6 fices&: apartments, day or grams Iha! must be slartt'ft NEW 2 Br duplex: stove, ho · kr Heritage Real Estate COUNTRY ce · "5"8 : open S:t5 night. 494-2551 immediately. Should have al Z700 Peterson \Vay, at liar-. bor I& Adams, Co&ta Mesa ~70 dshwbr, crpVdrps. $150 me equity. B . 646-3750. •.u:rw. ·1y 2 BR I " bath LIVING GRAY Persian cat w,lfiea to 5:45: $18 Per wk. =========·I least 3 ""'· ex"'""rience in dul on! I~ 01· IV 11 .. ~2nd T 0 Bal _............ equi 711 coll. undu •--tme•t lo' COMPARE! 548-9803 ~·~ .... I a ts y. """ iw. e secw-..-u · · · Condo for small house, TD "''""" " 838-5237 P1perh1n9lng designing log ic and contro 1 536-8523 $2,T:iO at $27.SO mo. 7.2% or ?. 61h:% loa'.n avail, 2400 30 Acresin0ironawithbeau-sore. r:Jden & Cecil, CM. Palnti':"g 6850 cil"C'Uils or audio recordinc;' 'I • RENT • LARGE 2 Br.; 1 or 2 due 5 years. Trade for late Elden, CM Unit 15. can ea. tituJ 3 bdnn. home, pool, etc. 646-6248 Bib I I 6550 and playback circuits. ) I 3 Rooms Furniture Children OK, pet OK; cpt&, model car and ! ? ! Cs.ll:i car 642.lm, 646-69'11 eves. Tenitic view. $50.000 Down F 0 UN D young boy'a -'"-ys=lt=ng"'----'C:::: PAINTING Int & Ext Lowest $20. $25 & UP drps, range, 962-7637 673-0173 Want clear lots or land for with lntereat only for 5 prescription glasseg. po.wta. RESPONSIBLE High School conlracted prices. Fully ins. Phone Ernie F'Jccky, Penior.. NOW ail 2 B Dix Xlnt rtu ·ry take years. Full price $!50,<XXI. Mesa Park. Sun. May 4th. girl wants Baby s it 1 in g Satisfaclion guar. Free est. ncl Manager for delalh1. 1 Month-To-Month Rentals av " new r. · oppo ru • over $35,500 equily. lovely 4 BR For more lnfonnaUon pleue 64&-1149 ' ~ Newport lleo·ght• a,, a Jln1 \Veeks 673-l166 DAY S: (n4) M2·2427. · \VJ.DE SELECTION features. Garage. Families clean Beauty Salon, Lido home La!: Palmo area all K W S _,1 .th • ===~-,,-~-~·I Appliances & TV's avail. only. $155. 847-3957 '11.rea, lonz establ., 6 .stations Palm Springs, or submit, cE . kh. 11·& mAw "' I SET of keys, 17th & Orange _6<>-0022~=~~--~~~ INTERIOR • Exterior painl-NIGHTS: (n-11 5(2.1304. ; ! No Security Deposit $15G-2 BR. 2 Ba. Studio. Trade for lot or submit. Owner 673-7011 C q ssoc., nc. 5/17. fiU.1781 Eves: J XLNT da,y care, AM to lng. Reasonabl~ rales. Lie. , HFRC Furniture Rentals Owner/broker. 548-ml 1818 \V. Chapman Ave. 54s-3877 5:30. Hot meals. \I c. Ins. Call Chuck 548.&I05 or WANTED 517 W. 19th, CM 548-3481 ~~:0w::zti: =I-----'-----HAVE R-2 Lot, NewPOrt Orange, Calif.. SMAL=~L-8~1-onde--p~/-coc-k~er Harbor/Baker. 54~1539 645-0809 ~ Want Motor Home. Trade Hgtg, n 7,500 clear. WANT: 541·2621, Eves·wknds 538-59Tl ..i ...... Mon nilc. Vic l9th • '1! 1568 W. Lncln. Anhm T14-2800 REAL ESTATE '64 Olds 98, loaded with full Dupl~ or Triplex, Corona ........ CHILD Care Vic Paularino "MR FIX-IT" 2 Paintcrs·Trainec OCEAN BREEZE. A p T . Gener•I pwr. fact air, plus 18' travel del Mar or Npt,Bch. Match. Placentia CM. 549-1666 Sehl. Day or night Top Paint, Elect. Carpl'y, Haul l Eleclriclan-Skllled Large 3 BR 1-l'. ba. blt·ins, trailer, sell contained&: 114 a m Realty. 646-4837 Resort Property 6205 FOUND Ladies prescription supervision_ f>49-1928 • 642--0127 • 2 Carpenters-Skilled j cpts I drp., $150/mo. 2286 Rent1ls W1nted 5990 acre, Palm Sprgs. 536-1131 _H_A_V_E-,~,-U~ni-,~1-,t-,,.-., ,;;;:;;:;;:;;;;:;;;:;=:;;;I san glasses. Near beach i.n =========01e lNT -EXT, ANY SIZE 2 Bonders-Skilled Canyon Dr. No pets. 545-3215 What do you have to trade! shoppif1i, SlO,OOO c 1 ear. MAMMOTH MT. Laguna. 494-39ll Brick, Ma10nry, etc. JOB. Xlnt \\'Ork, refs. free 2 Sanders-Trainee l aft 4:30 or \veekends or i (EASE OPTION List lt here in Orange WANT: lloUse or Duplex CONDO. FOR SALE FOUND: Blade puppy. Vic. ________ 6_5_60_ est JIM. 642-4669, 646-3749 l Assemblers-Trainee ' MI 2-2222 or 1ll'e Apt. l. • LEASE Couoty'1 ~ read trad· Newport Be a c h area. Luxurious 2nd home, profit/ Balboa Island. 675-5016 BUILD, Remodel, Repair PAINTING, Papering 16 yrs 1 Shipper ol yachts. 2 BR unfurn, crpls, new e RENT in&: post -aD'J make a deal. Matcbam Realty. 6464837 pleasure investment. Split-Brick, block, c 0 n c r e t e , in llarbor area. Lie & bond-Islander Yachts drps, small pvt yard, Family 01 four (boy and 1\ level 2 Br. with quality Lost 6401 crpntry. 00 job too small. ed. Ref!! turn. 642-2356 1m1 & PLACENTIA Ad Its nl •150 * * * * * -"--··hi _, 8 COST A MESA garage. u 0 y. ,. · girl in teens) wish a home c ... .......,....,.., p, ~eepg · LOST: Bm. Ir white shaggy, Lie Contr. 962-G!MS PAINTING & maintenance, 546-3716 in COM high .school &: u.n. l-!!!!!l!!J!!!!!J!!!!'!!'!!!!'l!!!!!!!!!!!l!!'!!!!!!!'!'!!!!!!!!!''!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!! Year ~W"ICI management, mixed breed male do&; It. . interior & e x I e r i o r . i, SPACIOUS, clean 2 Br. cobi area. Have been IM~ REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE rec_reational ~mplex·sauna, brn. back, white ciiest & Busin111 Service 6562 Reasonable rates. 646-3185 studio; new w/w ~tps. drpg, tn area since Feb. and plan Gener1I General whirlpool, swunmlng pool, feet· about 16" tall· named PAINTING interior, exterior. --------1 ! CAREER OPPORTUNITY! • • cl~. bltns; quiet atta; to Iocate permanently, Priee rec. hall. C'1ole to lilts, QV. sruie: lost vie. s..:ita Ana, SECRETARIAL Serv. Typ. \Vork iuaranteed. Free est, adults, no pets. 549--0412 range to $450 per month. Income Property 6000 Office Rent1I 6070 ERLOOKING PCXlL. $29,950. h'ding for New p 0 rt. ing IBM ex~. tech reports, Herman. 642--0132 eve/wknd Will furnish list oi refer· Alao for rent. (127-C) n-""' 5 • 8 A 2 6 9 ., corresp. etc. 54t-8874 2 BDRM., w sh r f dry et . cnces. Wou1d like to be lo-4 UNIT apt, 3 blockA from WANTED TO LEASE PROPERTIES WEST ~· " -.. NEAT, exp. Painter, no B 1 t n s , ( n 0 re 1 rig. ) cated be.fore Memorial Day. beach. 1 BR. large den, Retired lawyer \VOuld like to 1028 Bayside Drive Carpenttrlrtt 6590 drinking. College student. Join todays fastest zrowing professl.on·Mutual Ful'ld sales 1 No experience necessary. We train • full or part time Please call ·675-4800 day or newly decorated. 1000 sq. ft. lease space in s o m e Newport Beach FOUND: Glasses in brown Low prices! St~ve 548-1549 Crptafdrps. Adults~ no pets. nite. per unit Income $400. per established la\v firm in 675-4130 cue; parkini:: lot Manny's 'CARPENTRY ..._.,.. -~~~~!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~I "'7 s H B Newport Beach <>r Costa I ~~~~~~~~~!!!!I Coffee Shop, lluntington MINOR REPAIRS. No Job t2 '~s°'·R~Du-pl~--~.-.-_.c mo. 4...,.. th t., ' • Be·-• "" •9 "-tho T Small '·btne In ex, piv pallo ....... ..,,.. o: .... 2570 Age•t Mesa area. 0...-........ is to nu•. ~ : ~ ... w me oo . .... t gar-WANT 2 br, unlurn or partly .,.,.,.... " • '"1"'= o · · · ·d itect designed. Mu1ts, no furn. Costa Mesa area. ,110 have some place to put my Mount. & O...rt 6210 ptlc1an's name 1ns1 e case. ages & other cabinets. pets. $150/mo. G75-2942 aft 4 6 APTS. feet on the desk. Haw the 892-7988 after 6 P.M. 5<15-8175, if no answer leave or less. Lady &: one child. p.n1. £46-4063 Tip Top cond. Sell <Jr E."<· {,!!owing library: Complete SALTON · CITY lg. oor .lot, IJJST Fri eve. Ter-msg at 646-2372. J.f. O. f\10DERN 2 BR unfurn apt. change 1or small house with Pacific Reporter, U.S. Codes sea vfew, nr. Marina A tier/Chihuahua male. Lite Andenon 135 Albe.11 Pl. $150 mo utll e LANDLORDS e zood equity. Annotated, New. Californla Club. Sac. $20001 549-4039 brwn, white. Le ean, Vic MASTER'.,==-,carpe=,,...nt""-·-S"l,......P'-, incl. No }M!ts. 675-6i21, FREE RENTAL SERVICE FORTIN CO. m500:i DI g est, miscellaneous ...:'l•n Heliotrope &: 1Jt, CdM. hour. Remodfl'Jtng. Repairs:. 546-1968 Broker 534-6982 1701-A \Vestcliff Dr., NB f'..s.Jlfornia Codes, for m Exch•ntn, It E. __. Reward! 673-1456 aft. 5. MU4l)9 er 536-3900 2 BOR, elec bit.ins, l ~ Ba, ONE BDRM Unfum Apt. for LARGE 4-PI xi t 1oc books, etc., plus too much near occ. Adults, no pets. employed lady up to Estancia H~h &: n Mti':~ furniture. M. A. Sturges, "14 546-5079. Aft. 5. $110/mo. 642-«1!6 Day Sehl. Annual inc.1-"-""-..S"t.", N=.B.=615-001=='~- NEW luxury apts.; l & 2 BR. WANTED: 3 bdrm home, $5,880; 10% down. F.P. ONLY $225/MO Adults. No pets. 3 7 8 N1vpt Hgts vie. Yrly lea.se. $45,000. For top Door central loca. Avocado 673--0823; 675-Q52 Unfurn. 642-6601 OWNER 673-7178 tion, 3 rooms A large pvt balcony, w/w plush crptg CLEAN & attr. 2 Br., MW Rooms for Rent 5995 Busln ... Rent1I 6060 thruout. walnut · paneling, r.pts, drps: bltns; carport. ---------drps, view windows, sliding' No pets. Adlts. 54~ $75; F1JRN. room near beach STORES tor lease Village glass drs, pvt exit, oU street 2 Bdrm apt unfurn. in Newport. Shopping Center, cor. ol El parklng, cleaning service children OK, no pets. 673-4m Camino &: Mendosa, CM. provided, 1se or monthly, $140. 548-2757 RM for rent, employtd adult Suitable Deli., TV. variety, Qualified applicant. .. reply LOVELY 3 bdr 2 b a lady. Prv bath & gar. HB Hobby, etc. Sec Liquor store for appt to: OFF1CE, Box townhou,e. Newly dee, pooil area. 962-t900 1m' key, 1774, Nwpt Bch. etc. $210 J..ease. Call 546-3TIO Al Waantt 213; 981~0 Misc. Ront1l1 5999 STREET FRONTAGE 3 BDRI\1, 2 ba. lux. Span. ·.:.::::=-~~=·---""-"'-~1 d. h ... On Beach ffivd. 1480 Sq. fl de<:or, ...... ,, c, is was,r<::r, STO~CE garage, 00 cat •Model home ideal fur Insur., patio, extras. 645-1509 $20 month. 258 Costa Mesa rutr., etc. (Bet. Kalella and Newport B~ __ s_2_00_ 2 BR, 111' baths, frplc, ~w carpels, drapes, $215/mo. Adults only no ..... BUlT White. Realtor 2901 Newport Blvd. NB 675-4630 642--2253 l:'ELUXE 3 BR 2 ha, ft'plc, Near Hoag Hoe:p. Adults. $210/mo. Mgr. 642--4387 EXCLUSIVE 2 Br, 2 Ba, crpts, drps. blt-in.o;, adults, no pets. $165. Uie 613-2370 2 Br, nr ocean upper dplx $175 yrly. Refrig, crpl~. 300~ 36lh St. 213: 248-19Zl E•1t Bluff 5242 e NEW OELUXE e St. Costa Mesa. 646--6&10 Cerritos) s I g n s. tndscpd., .$250 mo. 10650 Beach Blvd. Income Property 6000 • 6.J6.4120 • Choice E'slde ~Plex Near 17th Street 3 • 2 BR 1 ba & 1-3 BR 2 bath with fireplace. All units have built·lns, cpts/drpg, pvt patios. ~a.rages. $55,500 $32,000 Triplex $340 ~1on!h near Harbor C.enter. 2 BR 1 ba, bit.ins, 2 pvt pa- tios. 3 gar. Call quickly on this! Bob Olson Rltr. COSTA MESA UNITS 10 Well kept units w/room for more. East.side, nr. rountry club, Xlnt income. Re8.ll0Nlblc al $1.30.000. PROPERTIES WEST 1028 Bayside Drive Newport Beach 675-4130 4(0) SQ F.T. M·l space with olllces. New bid&'. Tm· medlale occupancy. Logan Ave. Costa Mesa. 546--6530 FOR LEASE • Beauty ParJ<>r space . H .B. a rea . Immediate occupancy $165. 536-2691 ~ e LAGUNA OFnCE e Attractive modern bid&', oen- ~al loc, air cond, $95 mo. on lse. 4942-466 Office Rental 6070 PRIYA TE OFACE Secretarlal service, air COi). dlUonina, &: parking. Orange County Bank Bid&:. 230 E. 17th Street Costa Mesa 642-lW OFFICE SPACE WANTED, sales rep, building products co. ~s 250 to 300 sq ft. Ill' Orange Cb. Airport w/phone answmn& & acretarla.I service available. Cal] D. Motf•t 213: 886-3122. 3345 NEWPORT BLVD. OUices suitable for Com- mercial, ?.tedical, Dental. Air-cond., crpts. elevator 35c PER SQ .FT. 5"11-0032 OR 67>2464 Hastings Ranch north east MALE Sealpolnt Siame9e Pn&a.dena home w l t h kitten. S Jl10ll old. Vk unusual swim pool designed Yorktown &. Beach, HS. for outdoor living. Desires _,..._78S8 _______ ~ to trade for home on Lido FOUND: White, short haired hi.?. Call f2I3) 792-3753 tf no cat, vie. Bayside Dr. &: answer (2131 681-3768 Bayside Pl., Corona del Mar ~AIRS. ~T_IONS CABINETS. · y JOb. 25 yrs. expe . 548-6713 REPAIR, Partitions, Small Remodel, etc. Nile or day, Reu! Call Kl.'N 540-4679 673-1423 Cement, Concrete 6600 R. E. W1ntecl 6240 FOUND Black/brown/white al dog V h • CONCRETE work all Selling Your Home?? shaggy m e · ic Beac types. Pool decks & custom. 1. We have over 300 Sa.Jes-t :~er, H.B. 847-6584 after Call 5'8-1324 people. 1,,:,,;:.c· .;,·==-~~--2. We are the 1.ar&:est 111 Qr. 1969 PROM pin I r o m Cement Work-all kinds ana;e County. Newport Harbor HI. Found F'rff Estimalc 3. We can GUARANTEE to in park In CdM. 673-5189 I ~~,,;;,=*=636--03'=°'.c.7.cl~*cc~ sell your home. BLACK Snoodle Poodle, Vic. * CONCRETE W(lrk, bonded WE SELL A HOME Irvine Terrace, has green & Uc. Concrete sawing. EVERY 31 MINUTES collar. 673-38-n PhilllPll Cement. 54S.6380 W I k & l al c k CEMENT Work, no job too a er ee BUFF m e o c a e o o' small, reasonrbie. Free Newport Heigh!!! vicinity. U H Stunt k .., 0010 7682 Edlng<'r Call 543-60:56 es m. . c . ......,...,., ~ e CUSTOfi.1 PATIOS e 842-4455 or 54().5140 RED Irtsh Setter. 6 mo. old. 0 E Female. vie. 19th k Santa concrete sawing & removal pen ve~. Slate Uc.•842-1010 LOOKING for a home In Ana. C.f.1. S4lh30-ll Mesa Verde. Pace.1etter 4 ..__."5 Child Clrt Br., sinile story; need1:P..;•:..'.o'°:..n ... •:.:I:..• _____ ....;. 6610 poMeU. 1..f Months. Prln- clpa).g only. Bax M-4M, Dal- t, Pilot BUSINESS ene FINANCIAL lus. OpPortunlti• 6300 FREE! Basic Bo.ting Cla11e1 OU~red to the public by the Balboa Pow-er Squadron starting 7 P.M. Monday June 2, NewportH ar bor Yacht Club, 420 West Bay Ave., Newport Beach. Enro ll at class. For additional information p b o n e 675-0467 or 673-1855. Mrs. Alfred J~enry and CJllLD care: for 2 aclU Rge chldm, live In. Li 1 e housework. Refs. 89J.1225 Contractors 6610 ADDITIONS-REPAIRS REf.tOOELING De1ignlng &: Planning Kltchens-Balh5. etc. Llc'd Ir Bonded. F?ec cit!. A J: B CONSTRUCTION 1122 Paularino, CM •545-4941* Dl'lftlng Senlce 6637 DE.SIGN Dn1..lling, f'lectro meeh P/C la,yout Ir: detail· 1-rtr. Ktn Sc. 675--1191 Plastering, Repair 6880 • P A T C H PLASTERING. All types. Free estimate. Ca11540-6825 Mutual Fund Advisors, .1 Inc. Npt B. 1603 WestcliU 6f2.$22 l S.A. 1212 N. Broadway l 541-8331 Plumbing 6890 PLUMBING REPAIR No job too small * 642-lW! • PLUMBlNG REPAIR DRAIN O.EANING 541).2387 or 540-7217 6960 • Dres&maktna:. Alternations Custom Designs * ......... * Alterationt-642~5845 Neat, accurate, 20 )lrB. exp. Upholsloty 6990 czyKOSKl'S Cust. Uphol. European Craftsmanship 100% Iln! 642·1454 1881 Newport Bl., C.J\f. * HOTEL DOORMAN Experientt nece.uary APPLY JN PERSON THE NEWPORTER INN • LABORERS Inter.olewing !IIon lh.n1 Fri., S.5 P.M. INTERIM - Personnel Service •1·15 E. 17th, Cr.I 642-7523 Ship'g/Slock Clert JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Job W1nted, L1dy 7020 .1 wl rh deslre to 111ovc Into par! ~ OJNVALESCENT AJOE PRAC. T?l4rl)(' or companion - available full or part tim<'. long or short term. Bonded and Insured. HOMEMAKERS 517~1 EXPERIENCED Bookla:<'per desires Y."Ork lo do in her home. Will pick up and de Ii v c r, Payroll, Acct's M.P .. etc. 5'!0-1994 EXCHANGE domestic or bu.o;lness se1vices, eves ror apt <Jr live-in quartet'!!. lime rlrafling. General han. rly·man wfch small electro~ ic company, $2.50 an hour to start. General Monitors, Inc, 3019 Enterprise Coria ?.tesa . , Fiberglass Molders Experienced only, lop pay, Jarg~ custom work. Will1rd Boat Work• l29J Baker SI., CM 545-7837 or S.t.8-8291 aft it I"'""-":~~:'!".'~~"""' p.m. * SALESMEN * COMPANION • Nu r & c . <Part Time) Capable, experienced to \Vilh car. Leads Iurnlahcd. elderly lady. No stnQke or 'work any rour hour.« ind drink. 673-4~ a.VCl'8£"e SIOO. per We<!k & PRACTICAL NURS E. up, can alt. 5 Pti-f for Int. -Avail. day or nil!'. Local ref. 8JG.pJ2S GIRLS, 19-Z>, to work ln boat uphol1tery shop. Wiii ll'lln. b • 3 Br. 21,_, ba apt. fot' lease fncl. i;pac. mstr. suite. din rm. &: dbl. a:arage, .11uto. door opener avail Pool tt rec. area. Nr. catholic Oiurcb & school &: Corona del ~1ar High. Mt!. Erlinr Olson ...... GREATEST MOTHERS G•NMning 6610 Domffllc Help 1035 Apply In pers. Joh111Sen k Chrl.81.tMCn, 89S w. 16th st.. l N.B. Corner or ~1anroVil .It: 16th. e ONLY $710 • 837-87.l Am!aos Wa,y, N.B. I A 2 BR. Furn A: Unturn l'rplcs I prtv. p11.tJot/POGl.s. Tennis • Contnl1 8kbl, pul- Hfll gnorn, 9()0 Sr• L.ane. 001 &f.i..2611 l1'f11.cArthur nr. Coa&t ltwy·1 tell "near new" unit.B. well locnlt'd. carpetM. dn.ped It "'ilh buUl·ina. $6S.9'T.J tenns. PacUlc Shores R~aJ ly 141-8586 Evo11. 34U728 In the World~ Out Love to you ASSOCIATE WANTED on your d-.y Sunday, No Riling-keep )'OUr' reiiutar Douc and Judy job--work part time refilllha 7"' 1N'I'ERESI' attractive new candy and wrttt tor free broctue .,.clr machines. Can exPeCt VERY 1nc•1 EARNINGS dfeCriblnl ,." 'n t. t •• ' on ' l"OOdtst lnvntment or clmrch boMs. belnl ~ by $1500 to $3,<:m Writs-for ti.. Valley BApllat 'J'.empM, P.O. tttvlew 1ppolnbne:n1. givinl 8oJC 5002. San Jo• a , phone numbe:r and addrea C..IUomla 951SO to: SPEED VENOOR.. 535 EDUCATOR (AB, U.D} will South 2nd Wu1, s.It i..~ •"end to real estate, etc. City, Utah 84101 while you vacaUon ln ex· WANTED: OttC&le liquor chanae for Ullle ol btacb pro- llceruw:, Orange County. ptrt)'. CMH.l5 Call: MU1S9 OlaI fC.5678 for RESULTS ALLEN BROS. Oardentrt Students Ml'f'ktni WI,)' thru collece. Exp. Uc. Reuonable! Phone gg.m or t'>f&.2531 ANTHONY'S Gonion Service 646-1941 The best. eott& no mon!! Prune .•• Plant .•. Prepare f.tonthly Malnto.nanco Exp. Horticulturist DAILY Pit.OT WAN'!' ADS BRING REWLTSI • tieorre Allen Byland Aget1ey Ernpoyer Pllf& Fee llJ6..8 E. 16th, SA 547--0395 DRILL PRESS OPERATOR. I Otlne• live.int. Oiterlul Lite, d08e tolennoe work, ~ Permanent Exper1enced Stnall, clean shop. Far Ea.It Agency 64U7Q3 DJ.SC INSl'RUMENTS INC 2701 S. Hallada1 Htlp W1nted, Min n.oo Santa Ana ~!Ml..1A!I PROGRESSIVE amall pe.r:ts OCEANOOR.APIUC .f Ir m , m a n utaeturing compan,. seeks -experienced R r P : wllh exetllent warklnl: mn. tn o I d , m a k e r • " n d I dl\,IOnl and lrlnaf' belll!.fll&. JamJnnlw.._ c.ll collect 2ll .._ Ms imn1cdlatc openlnx for 4J2..897t ' "Cri-Den" threading lalhe n.n.L tlme lk"f'Vlce •IAl!an I operalor. allt.ndull, da.ya. f\ndenon't s111,-F'ut lr.c. I Union 16' too Adl'rM> GM. ~ 640 J:i. SA nta Fe,. S.A .. MO..lnl • --=----~------~--------------_..; __________ -------------------------------------- I • ~ "I • ' • ( . H DAll.V Pit.OT Sa.t11rdq, May 10, 196t • I . J ( Hello again, boys and girls, and welcome to another edi· Uon of Uncle Len's Comer for a Soturdoy morning . . wen. kids, Carol was very happy thl.! week because a goOd many of you took special care to write to her. In fact, she even bad a couple entries .she couldn't use, so she's holding them for the next con· test, • • UNCLE LEN would like to thank Julie Kuder of ~ Mesa for her met letter about .., ___ ,Ji..,._oll how much she likes the col· umn. We hope to hear from you m<ft in the future, Julie. All you boys and •girls who have been hearing stories about an earthquake here in Southern . California might be interested in finding out more about it. In today's Ask Andy column oo this page, Andy Yout16 HoRSES \\l\Vt l'\01"HERS Too tells all aboUt the'San Andreas ,.------------------..-.-----------11 fauJt. In nut week's art contest, boys and girls, Uncle Len is asking you to look out toward the ocean and draw your favorite type of b o a t . Remember, i magi nation counts jusl!tjs much.as artistic talent HONORABLE mention win- ners in this week's art contest are: Terilyn Kelly, 9, Costa * PRIZE WINNER * This week's contest winner is Diana McAleer, 1606 Kent Lane, Newport Beach • Any child under 12 can enter Uncle Len's An Contest. Here's all you do: (1) Draw picture on piece of plain, white paper 51h inches wide and 4. inches .deep. Use black ink and make liJ1es black. (2) Do not copy or trace picture. It must be your own work. (3) Ptit your name, age and address on back of drawillg. Mail it to Uncle Len's Art Contest, Box 1560, DAILY PILOT, Costa Mesa. Winner will receive Kennedy half dollar. . ' Mesa; Michael Drahman, San'------------~--------------------'I Juan Capistrano; Caroline (no · last name). 6, Newport Beach; Tim Petersen, 10, Costa Mesa ; ·Julie Ann Kuder, 10, Costa Mesa; Carolyn Leith, 6, (no ci· ty given), and Carol Woodward, 10, Chattanooga, Tenn., from her grandmother in Costa Mesa. MOTHERS i---~-·-P::ro. ~·:~:; /?to' r· ner·-----·1 Mothers· are so happy and La f u L(J ' " . . gay Rl.D.D. 1'. E·s·· :.·a''N D ,JOKES When it's time for Mother's L R Day; ' MOTHER'S DAY Mother 's Day l s so gay; We give her a kiss. .And she'll say What have I missed ? Now it's their turn to sit and rest Because they do their very best To make us be somewhere above And always. always make us love. MOTHER'S DAY Mother's Day is here tomorrow ; Children will I\ot want to borrow Money for the candy store, They will stay home and scrub the floor ; Mother's Day is rest for mothers, But hard work for sisters and brothE!rs; Mother's day is Mom's day in bed, That's what people have said; That's what Mother's Day is to me So mothers will be filled with glee. .. KMHCIV hllf •nar -.. CIMn Mllltr, '· nn Mll!lll!llt Drift, Nllllfll!IMll NICJt, ... "" Wlftllllll """ "' .... •l•rv 1..C ""'" ftlltftt. Mlllt -· -tr It.,-, .. U11d t ltn, at,, IWf, <:1111 Mfll, <:111 .. .,.,11. Crossword P11zzle ACROSS 45 Droop Yesterday's Punlt Sol•ed: 46 Immunizing 1 Elect agents S Cost-of· •&Twined: * PRIZE WINNER ' Teacher: Sue, name five things that Cohtain milk. Sue: Let's see •. _. butter, cheese, ice cream ... and two cows. -T•rllv• ... tr. ,, U4 VIit• • ..,., C•11t Mona Dear Carol: Why dots a golfer take two pair of pants when he goes' golfing? ·•uo U! •fOLI • ·~•w .iq&1w •LI e1n1~ :JeMSLfV -CMl'YI C1r•11 ... .itY, It, L"11111 auc1 Dear Carol : Why is 2 plus 2 equals 5 like your left band ? ·•qfiJJ .J,US! .&! esn1t:>e9 :JeMsuy -LMW. hltlle, N_. kKfl He : May I join you, Madam? She: Heavens, am I corning apart? --cllwYI '•lllY, Hu"tl"'IM kfcll Dear C8rol: Whal i! gray and has a trunk! _ ·uor.a•>•A uo lutoS esnow y ;JeM.suy -OIM LllMnlltlH, IL CUii M.,_ ._. ¥9• ........... te Atlr AIHfy, c/• Qr..,_ C0.. 0.Ry Pll9', ... 1560, Coft M .... C.IH. ll'ring Item Comb. form : 'Sharp turn 52 New -14 Tran(J.111 rest Bruns•lck Andy M!llCIS t :»volume 1iet of I~• w...i. ._ fll(J'c'"'9Cli. to 0111 1-loweu. Ille' 11, ol Nov11~1, C1lltor11lt , fer 1111 11untlon: the next 30 years. Maybe. An earthquajle fault is a crack in the earth's "Crust. Il may be a slanted or vertical line straight down into the ground. In any case, it is a weak geological-feature where the sides of huge crustal blocks push and shove against each other. This causes the tremendous friction energy that triggers periodic earth· quakes. The San Andreas is a whole series o( vertical cracks, branching off and run· ning more or less parallel with each other. Altogether, it is a weak geological zone between two massive blocks of the earth's surface. And yes, the western block does tend to shift northward and the San Andreas does have enough energy to open great cracks in the ground. However, it does not have enough pep to sever western California and toss il into the ocean. S Earthen pot caplttl 6 Money: 56 Possessive ' Slang word l7 Brlsltly, 57 Hts 1 yen in music 58 "Scram!" ~8 Rotablt 59 Dot1nr1 dish 60 Useful 9 A11iono: quallty Prefix 61 Thorough· -120 Self fare 121 Albttta city: 62 Noun 2 wcrds ending r: Rtpelltlon 61 Gardmtr's In shreds concem 6 Bone: 64 Observed Suffix '15 Bambi, ~. 7 LMd an ear for ont 9 Exasperate 2 Intolerant DOWN person bs Symbol of 1 Ois)oin office 2 Lttoy G6 Bciston (Satchel) 5/10/69 10 Htrmlt 35 Read 11 Swl'des of old hastl ly 12 Olivt genus 36 Lo~ ptrlod 13 Kind of of troublt skin bltt1ilsb 38 Vo" 21 Drizzle 42 Farm 22 Yugoslavl1's struct11re neighbor 44 Rldg t s 24 Comt homt 45 Packtd to -47 Advillc!d 27 Organ 9radu1lly 28 Metil as 48 Diamond compensation 49 Communlca• Braves pitching 9reat JO Systrm of tlon mrdl1111 3 Pre•ent relJgtous 50 Not I Ir practice relaxl!d 7 T111111olls 8 Frightening 9 Preposition 0 Pl tnl part Alert . Atta~td -h•t ....... unit ega Y "l Sollor's 51 Law's •Teeny ~ 5 Unissumfng concern partner • 6 Omit In 3% Pressure: 52 tmperfieclto~ pronunciation Comb. fonll 53 FIO#tr t 7 Jal_ 31 Image of 54 AdlecU•• 8 Lubricant a dtlty suffix 1 red l t 34 Sound 55 Earth 9 :\ey· en Intelligence: 59 Provided 2 words 2 wordi foddtr What exactly Is the Saa Andreas Fault Seismologists know where most earthquakes are likely to occur and roughly within a few decades of"When to expect them. But th~e trained earth· quake specialists c a n n o t predict the exact time or place. This, however, does not stop other folk from making p r e c i s e predictions. They seem to regard it as an ex· citing sport, ~aybe calculated to scare their neighbors. But you wou1d be foolish to pay any attentilon to such stuff. Earthquakes choose their own limes, and not the times peo- ple may choose for them. The San Andreas is 'an earthquake fault 650 miles Jong running rough1y north and south in California. Lately we have heard a lot of talk . about it because we have had a rather silly season of amateur earthquake predic. tions. A major temblor was forecast for April 4. On that shuddering day, the side of California nearest the sea was supposed to break away. move northward and become an island. But the date on the calendar came' and went - and ~ifornia, all of it, is !UU a nonnally healthy part of the cooUnental lams mass. When such a prediction fails to come true, Utt forecasters should feel like Jackasses. Bu~ instead, they· try to looi like owls, and have another try, merely movioa the di>asll'ous dalA! ahead on Ut• calendar. This nonsense ls making many of Andy's young readers anx· ious. The aniwet is the same as i.t tJway1 was. According to expert seismologists who know their business; the S a n Andre as fault may crtate a major earthquake 4t any time. day or night., during perhaps Shakes and shudders, large and small, occur all the time a long various seclions of the fault line. Most of them can be detected onJy by t h e seismologists. Its 1 a r g e s t earthquake of modem times occured in .1906; and it was a thumping whopper. In some places, the eastern a n d west.em blocks .,ud past each other a dJstance of 21 feet. For example, a fe nce cra&!lnlt ,the fault line could be.aevered and · the broken ends shoved U. feel apart A major earthquake is usually preceded by a series of lesser ·shocks but even with this leeway no amateur ls like- ly lO select the correct time of any earthquake, big or small, and h<> expert would daTe to try, II San Andreu •hould happen to &huddtr on• a ct.y predlc!ed,Jhe event willrnere- ly be chance -no thanks to anYboib'. And we can 1U be downright certiln Illa! h a 11 of California wlU not float out to sea. , PEANUTS By Charin M. Schlik ~ v ¢ ~ ~ ~ ti ..!.~~~=-... s-11 JUDGE PARKER t AP1'lOOAT'E VO!lr T,\W:ltJG-T\.IE TIIAE TO TALK wm1 MC, 5.U\: !"'-WORl:IEP A&OllT Tl-lE J'U"6e AMP KA.TWERIWE! HAVE n.IE'f 60TTEM ALONG WELL T06ETHER .. OR HAS TMERE SEEN ~E FR!CTlOtil !ETWEEtJ THEM? MOON MULLINS 'lllAT'S Rt1'1C\l- L0l!S! . By Harold Le . Doux LOOK,~AA .. t'ON 'T c.er """AT ME: 1'M ONLY fELllNG YOO THE STOlt\I .lS KATHERINE POUlE1' IT OUT TO ME: I WOULPtJ 'T !.£ W-'STIWC. YOUR TI ME OR MlNE .IF I WEREN'T INTEREST8' IN n405E TWO WOMr,;'ERFUL PEOPLE ~ :!\If <&Or THIS • · 7/R!P FEE LING, t>ocroi> ... MY >i;ET "TING~f, /II<!> so DoMY WRISTS. ..,HEN THAT .ACCOLlNTS fOI< If ... TUMBLEWEEDS I 60fTIEM L05f IN THE 11ESERT ~LIES! GOT MOOE THAN MY FEET IN MY 51l'.IESi LOTSA PEJllUS 'N' SAND, FT AN' MISC'LANEOIJS ~DS 9 • OF INDIGENOUS DES~RT REFUSE! J' .r fJ .P -..u.,.- MUTI AND JEFf GORDO 5-10 MISS PEACH 1110, I 111G1ll1S ~IAN FLIN&, T'l1€ LOST IN IT .JoST AIN'T Ml llllNG! WflY AIN'T I ON /.f'I HORSE? "" THE ANSWER O'COORS!: '5' J • SAOOLESORES Fl\CKA MEAN STING! fl J' ./" YES, A MAN DOE&tfT KNOW W~l'<r REAL. ~APPINESS IS U"'11~ ~E GETS MARR.IEO! ' WHEN SOMEONI!! OWl!S ~ MON!Y, VOY Hiit! A LAwYl!lt 'l'O ~y TO 6eT • youg MONey F~ fol!M. WK'.T IS '1}415 CALl.t;0? By Tom K. Ryan FORTY MILLION HORSES AROUND, />/¥ I GO!TA DRAW A MUSIC CRITIC! By Gus Arriola By Mell TMIWWIN& &OOD MOllt!Y A~!lt 8A01 l'u'J'VRE 1..AW~!1S of AME-RICI\ l""Et't" MiU c~ ' ~·--·~!"'_• • ! , ' : • JOIS lo IMl!LOYMENT JOllS & EMPLOYMINT Hal~ w,.,..... "'°".noo1e1p W·~·~· "'°" 1200 JOIS t. IM/'LOYMINT ~OIS.& IMP~OYMIHT JOIS lo IMPLOYMINT Help W1ntM. Men 7200 rl••• W••Nd. Mt• ~ twl;. Woo~ MM 7HO . , . • ELECTRONIC TECHNICAL "~" Ont>'lwo years advanced elecli!>alcs lo college. Exper1-nced In digital teol equip. men~ semlConduclors and ln!Algrated ell'-. cull!. wm build dlgilal U!st equipment, bread board and lroubleshool sona state circuitry. e INSPECTORS .. . MECHANICAL· 'IA", High School graduate wllh one y,ear of mechanical irtBJ>!CUon work. Must know prints, Mil-Specs, precision measuring equipment, ,1bop Malh or Trig. Will In- spect sheet.'metal work, riveting, as- sembly ww~ and detail parls. PRODUCTION High Scbool-graduale wilh oner.ear o! mechanical assembly \vO rk. Will per- !orm mechanical assembly and ·m.pro-- cess inspection of detail parts and as. semblies plus some welding inspection. e TECHNICAL WRITER <Part Time) Five years in proPosal \Vriting and edit- ing (BA in journalism desirable). Will as- sist in preparation ol proposals and cus- tomer presentations. e TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS ,.~·COORDINATOR Th~ee years in ·atl ·production an,d admin- istrative functions of publications depart- ment. C•ll or Apply to P,te Helfri.eh 3133 Harbor Blvd., Co,,t1 Mes• t2626 1714) Sl6-i030 Ext 154 Mls's.He System s Division ATLANTIC RESEARCH CORPORATION ~ A Division of the Susquehanna Co rp. Wantod, Mon 7200 Holp W•-· Mon"7200 , fllOGRAMMlR 'AllALYST Tor i -progl'i!:ssive 360 inatal- JatR;n. MoVing to Irvine e.arly, 1970. 360 experience desirable but other tape or disk background acceptable. PARKER HAllMIFIN Aerospace Group -213/670-122-1 58'l1 W. Century Blvd. Los Anaeles, Calif. S«XS Equal opportunity employer UI/F 1w ·~A~N~T~E~D~.-cSA_L_E-SM~EN Ir you are a good salesman, and really & truly like peo- ple. this meeting ma,y be \\"Orth $500. to Sl.IXll. to you. It may completely change your life, even to the dismay of your "ife {who may "pre- fer security" to a mink coall. \\'e deal in helping. Due lo gro\vth in this area, a larse. nationally koown company hu SALES OPENINGS: The indlviduala we v.·ant m~t be aae. 24 or over, with some.colleire or sale!! back- ground. They must be ma- ture and articulate and \\'otk well with people. \Ve. offer ll starting salary plus incenUves u earned -a 2- year professionally 11uper- vi!!ed training_~ pqram. Group life inlurance and hospitallu.tion plus lifetime incomc alter 20 year.1 · for lhe rirhl candidatt'. \Vrite P .0. Box 1850 Newport Beach, CA..li..,,ia 9266.1 Equa1 Opportunity Emplaytr -M & F. * SlfXl. WEEK + SECURITY OFFICER FOR PATROL DUTY Over 40 yrs, Penn. Radio car provided. Non smoker. drinker. Unllorm a.ll'nct. Apply: 4 PJ\f -5 P?.f, Rm. ~. 325 N. Broadway, Santa AM. sm CUIK • The ma.in f'MpoMibltity \\'ill be io 1t~re. maintain Md lsiue our eltttronlc stock reom suppti:er. Ytrian d1t1 m1chines A VARIAN SUBStDI ARY 2722 Mlch1lsOn Drive (Adj. Or1ng1 c·o. Airport) Irvine, Calif. '2"4 An equal opportunity em~rMleF BLUEPRINT CLERK (Second 51\f!tl Knowled~ of bl1.1tprint.s le: filing procedurez and know. led&e. o! ho'v to operate Bn.uutlna machine. MUBI be depcDdablt. Apply ROY AL INDUSTRIES ~'0-lO E. Oyer Rd . S&nta Ana 540-3210 Equal opportunity employer llAS pdMEOIATE OPENING FOR AN EXPERIENCED SPORTlllG GOODS DEPT. MANAGER Qualified candidates are invited to apply in per- son to Zodys •tore man- ager, 161.ll.Harbor Blvd., FoWllain'Valley. Equal opportunity employer JONE'S TIRE SERVICE la expand.Ina: and requites EXPERIENCED * Re.ta.O Salesmel"I ~· ~ •· · * Tltt Selviceme.rr * 1',ront Erld and 1r Brake A-tecbanicS ~ plm bonUI' and <."Om· pany Paid bendlts. Op. portunil,,Y for advancement. Apply : 2049 Harbor Blvd., C.M. MECHANIC \Ve need 2 mf!n with ~r. in fleet truck ttpalr. fU &: diesel. ~ A MUST, Must have own hand tools, 10 yrg eipericnce., willlfli to work any shill. References !'@quired. $135. Week to start. Cali Mr. Larcome, M5-nt7 MAN, Young, ambitious, for route !!alee with expanding service ~mpany. Students \veloomc. We train you. Start at once. Apply 9 AM only, 7522 Park A v e . , Garden Gro~. WANTED: ~ice Sta. Att. Local r'!'ferences &: ldl t"Mlde.nt only. 1 b:I 3 and 3 to 11 shl.fta .open. Must be neat and bonda b le.. App: Bay1hcft Richfield 200 w. ~tHwy, N.B, ARC WELDERS ~ other p!"Ople. Thii. Is not pets & pang, life lnsu1'8.nce, encyclopedias or dool'· to. ' door ·sa.J.e11 of any kind, A presentaUon wUI be held Frid~ morning May 16th at 10:0) and again Frklay af. temoon at 4:35 In the San Juan Rn1., Sheraton Beach Inn, 2L112 Ocean Ave., iiunt- ington Bench. Attend either. Bring yoUr wife ll you wi1h. We. need 2 all position M id· ers. ?.1llSl have structural A fabric experience and know low hydrpa:en wtldlni. Start ----~~----·• $142, ·wk, The Rigger c.u Mc. 1..arcom• ... ~1111 WANTID _ Young man \vith drlllli11J e~-1 perlfince to start on U1e 1rouod ftoor of large Prt!· cast concttte ma.nulac!ur- in1 firm. Must be able to read blueprints, make pro- duction drawings, learn quo. .. taUon It pricint procedures, ' help In e111lnetrlna. ro11t ac- counting and invtntory tak· ing . FU!~ opportunity to enltr l&lri depa.l'ttntnl, e.natriee1'· i~nd/or quallt)' control. ' """ i.. Prerequll\le.!!: J.11.nifd, .- )'I'll. o,ld, drallilll" e.xptrienct, h11h IQ. Call r.tr. Laroome, MS-TI17 1'fAN, 11tcady, peirt tilTll!: job for reliable adult. X1nt LA Time.t route open O:lr611& de.I ~,.,, Top IMY· 9G463.l Tl\UCK DPJVER.-Mw:t Imo\• Orange County. Must bl reliable.. CaU ~00 # Hi FASHION ISLAND NE\vPORT BEA0-1 NEEDS A FULL TIME DISHWASHER Acceuntenh Crltdlt M11n11 .. r1 Admlnl1tratlve TrnM• LOCAL JOBS CALL 808. 541-1796 ARC9US AGENCIES 1S69 C NltW)Or1 Blvd., C.l'tf. FRY COOR • relltl 11flilt. 18 or over, ,experienced. St11.rt $2.00 hr. No phoilc please. Apply Jn penon. Cottage C.OHte Soop. 562 \\I. 19th St. Costa Mesa BOYS 10 -14 Ca.n1tr Routes Open '°' Lq:uOR Stach, So. La&un• DAU..Y PILOT 612-4.121 SERV. SlaUon attendant. mual know tuoe.up It ':lr11ke.a. Al'a Union Station, corner \\tamer I: Mapollt., 118. GE!ltRAL MAClllNlST HELP WANftD Boat Carpenters -Ftbtrsiu Worken. AJiPlY Savannah Enterpr11t1. m w. 18th St., Costa Mesa. \VANTED : llf ar lne carp t ntth, uaembltts rollers, bondtts, e n t I n e men. M7-0lll. 1232 E. Pomona, S. A MECHANICS We need 2 for full time. Must ha\:e 9\VJI toob. ~­ perlenctd only. Appb' in peMIOn, RICHFIELD, ltt)I A NeWpOrt Blvd., Cotta Mua PAINTMAN- Experienctd prtferrtd, Ke.nn Rima Hardware; Contact Dick \Vnlsfe.lt. StS-T!SO FLOORMAN, 2nd. & 3n1 1t-Jfta -.. • .. 1346 LOGAN AVE. COSTA MEM l'LUMBE!l; capabt<, 'I· tttulvt, plt1rnbln 1 l heallna rtpQ-. Ootnm. • benefita. 4M-$ oua A, Job~lnl machine • euS eots 9 1hop. Caiie tnahteerln&, Ben Brvwn'1 ftfftaurant + COOK, FAST jljiy wu1 tn1n, tut ad:Vltltll. 501 Pacific Cout Ilwy, H8 27691 Camino C.,Utrano, 3u-s r-~ • l•M• * J. c.-·<lo. lhlhiian 1Mnd NOWport IWlcb Hu '"""" tor AUTOMOTIVE Sl!RYICI! 'MAN * Reee.nt e,,perlenoe In muf· ners, thOclm. tire bllaneS., tuboandoll.~. Excellent woritinc conditions, compet.IUwfo wq:ea. ou~ atandlnr be.neti.ta lncludinc hollpltaliu.ti(fl a n d profit -· Apply in pt1'IOU 10 A.M, to I P.M. --s.-· • J. (. PBllllY co. *l11Wiy Alill!y In ........ IEUIEN'S COCO'S !SSS W. Ada"'' Co1t1 Meta DeilV..,, Drlv<r -Part Tlmo Iris. Mui1t be dtpendable. lS..25, sharp 1n mlnd I. appearance, * 24 Faohlon l1l1n4 ..\'!) eqUll OJlllOl'tWllf:Y f.mploye.r * area Naklent 6 mo'•., have auto, and money motivated. $1.50 per hr. C&U pera. dept. 5'1-7712 5 pm to I pm, Mon. UNUSUAL Opportunity The Independent Order of Foresters have opened a nGw offii:e in Orana:e Coun- ty. Require lnttllltent man 25 • 59, CoUe.a:e not nee- essary, Should have ex· perie:nce in rneelina: public. Diinified life time pQSition. Eamlng commences immed. iattly. Should be in ~ceu ol $250 weekly. Telephone bet\\•ten 10 am . 2 pm, ?.'Ion. thru bi.: 10 am • 1 pm Saturday tor appoint. ment ....,.. 5..14-1701 • COOK lEvenincs) •SEAFOOD•. RESTAflRANT Apply in person REUBEN E. LEE 151 E. Pacific Cat Hwy Newport leach MESSHIGER Dispatch Dept. Young n1an, drivers lie., throurh with military obli· 1atlons. Owlet for advance. ment in newspaper bw:inesa. Good •tart.in: aaluy, com- pany benefits, ~-S. Mr. Rich, Mon. thni Wftd. any. time. DAILY Pll.OT thru Fri. MOTOR HOME A111mbl1r1/ BullHr1 Immedll.te openin(s fot men with e.xperie.Dee In plumb- ini, electrical, walls, cabin. eta and finish _ or we will traln you. Must have aiome hand 1oob. See ruck. 2135 Canyon Drive., C.O.ta ?.tesa ..,_,,,. 2 Dl1hwlllhen At:e over· 11, niJhts. APPb' in person aft. 3 p.m. l'IYE 1CROWNS RESTAURANTS 3IO! E. Padllt"c..at Hwy. Corona ijeJ. Mar No Phone Calli Pli!ue SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT A-tature and study. APPLY IN :PEfl.SON Gront'1 GvH Stotlon 1740 NeWpOrt Blvd., CM. MAIL a.ERK 1381 Suppkme.nt )'OUl' tncorne, have car, m.u..at e:rpenst. I ·~BCHANTS 'i PERSONNEL k "> Apncy • 2IH3 WectclW' Drivl'J OJrner lilh Ir lrvint ~&f5.rn0-~ Oliver'• Rout Beef \VUI lti:e hirlna well croomed _pel'IOnnel, ovtr 21. FUD I: pa.rt time. Apply Z.S. Also will be l nte:r vlewlni manaatt trainee.s, 2ll4 W. Ooeanftcmt, NB. STOCK CLERKS $450. per month to ltlJ't. Ne ....,....,..-....... thr'll Friday. Otance to -4 vance. Write: Box M-SOl 'nle Daily PUot. StOCK CLIRKS $450 per month to llarl Mt111. day thru .JM)ay. Advance 330 West Bay, C.?.f. to aai,.ef purchasi"J. Writf! BASTANCHURY l!o>(M"'83, Dally Ptlot. BOTrLE WATER CO. DltlLL PRISs Es!ablished tranclilie routes OPIRATORS available. in Lona ~ich 4 Mech. / el«ironic uaem*r Orance. Co. Bu.Ch Area. trainaft, Ph: ~ Short paid tra1nin& periOd: 2--6 wks. Guaranteed min. YOUNG MAN inleftlltH in monthly earnln&s S700., aft, learnlnc tnde. Must havt route a.sslpment. X In t gd. ftf'1. Gd. ~ Ir b6n'1 • growtb auta~nt. Good S~ady emplmt. •mi cttdil. Valid dtiven ucense. 1 _.:H=""°"=:.,":;::.elol:;_Ftntlhltrr;.;;:~:.:... Age 21~. Prefer famlly ALLEN BROS. men. GARDENERS mJDENTS FOR INTERVIEW 'A'Olidna way 'thru colleat. Call 525-1163 Ex p. Uc. Reul HM203 RtiJEF filTElIDER MAN. 21 or owr, put. t1ftM £ HunlinltOn Harbour Beach full time.. Apply ~ 10 Al'tt Ciub 4121 WimU Aw., HB Me I: Ed'1 Pina Parler, FRY COOK: Graveyard l.65S3 Beach Blvd., H.B. !hlft. Stirt Sl«l wtek. 2 wANTEO; Salnn:.n and yean l!xptr. nee. Apply in Mechanlt:t. Apply 172 5 pt.l"90n 582 \V. 19th, C.M. &.r.perior, CMta ... NO MATTER WHAT IT IS • • • YOU CAN SELL IT WITH A DAILY PILOT WANT F•r Fast S.rvico Ir bptrt A11i1tar1Gt DIAL 642°5671 DllllCT CONCRETE or blook ma.on. Exp nttt5SU)'. Al90 up'd lalioret. SCS-Sl07. Lq'una Nltutl 131-1164 w • ~ .. .,. ==rna EXP'D. Service • • • t ! '• ~Gl2 ,!,•,;;_•• VftUI AD~ llACHES u1tamcn. Rd¥. P a Y + * 50--16" * f-U I OFFfffii PRINTER Full or part time. CA il 114: &12-4567 :~mia~rt1,:.r,; a1:,;: MICHANICS:Outi1Ht4 &8,912 HOMES EACH WEEK f'or appt; 64ol-!131 -=Cll=l:.."4-:o;.;;1!145;:..lllw=•:..:.•::.• _,__; _______________ _ 6 4 -5 6 7 8 D A I L y L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 - 5 6 7 8 Stt.unf.J, M1110, 1t'9 LEGAL NOTICE 'I LEGAL !iorICE ....... ca11n,1tAT• OI' austMass ,ICTtTIOUS NAM9: 1 T1te ul\CIKlltned " certif'f "'"" t rt conductlnt1 • tJ.Vtl~n 11 UH W. Kt .. 119, An«Mlm, Calllorftl1, _,ndltl" tt.e rktltklul f!rm ftlmt ol INDUSTRIES IN· TElllHA TIONAl. lnill lnef .. Id firm 11 ---,cL0E=GcAcLc--cNcOT=I0C0Eo:---I ~ :n~nd'°~=~°'~~~ •• 101low5, • NOTICI TO CllllDITOIS ARTHUR J. FL YPOI, 17Sf2 Jl:GlllMI, SUl'••IO• couaT 01' TM• Hunllneton fl11(M. ST.I.Tl 01' CALl,OaNIA l'Oll JACK SCAlll'A. 525' NtWUStlt Aw .. TN• COUNrY 0, oaAN•a Ef\C!no. .... , A .. iut MARIO PITAkO, ltU Santlll LI M, HERI Eltl" MATl41EU, Sil.. LOI Ant•lts. '°°"1 AllBUCKLE I< WELS11 Weatdlll Hll1Ury m E. 17Ur St, Coata Mesa N~ Dtlld -H !Ji; 1Ht Ar11Wr J, FIY~ J•d s.;.,,,. Mtm ,.,,.,.. STATE OF U.LIFDltNIA 1 COUNTY OF ORANGE I u 011 Aarll ZS, \Mt, btfwl ll'Mt, I ffolltl' Publlt I" and for Mid SI .... penon1ltv •Pf>t•rld Arthur J . · fllYnn. J..:k S<ano•, ""'''-""',.. •-.. ITlll to llt 11'>1 --wf'llnl 1111,,.,. '"' '4Jblcrlbtd to llM wllhl" ln.lrumar>t alld ICknowlolltlld 1!19' l lKll!tf 11'>1 -· COFl'ICIJ L SE.ALI Mary I(. H1nry Not1rv "ubllc.C11ltorr1ll PrlrieJ1111 Otllc, In OrlrlP County My Commlulorl EulrM NDY11mMr ,,, it72 "ubll"'"' Or•nt1t Coest D1llY ,.111111. April 'M 11\d Mil J, If, 11. Ifft IOMt LEGAL N<Yr!CE ........ Cl!ltTtfllCATI 01' •USINISI p1cr1TtOUS lfAMI • Tiit undetlllfl\ld don c.rtff'Y .,_ Is mn· dlKTlnl I bVSll'ltll If llM ~l'W l lYd,. COllll MHI, C1l!lorftl1, ~r ttle lie· t1110lll llrm 1111•" of IACKOOOll IM- l"OllTS Ind hi 11111 llrrn II --" II !IHI loHOWlH Pl,,_, wl'llnt M.1'111 ill f\111 Ind IL41C. of ftlldlMt II IS fiollowt; · M1r11rll Louise Mini, 1•1• Dlwrr Drlw, HC'Wl'Ol'f a..Klt, C1Hfomll D1lld ""'II 17, 1Ht Mlf'llrli UolllH Mrl ST.I.Tl!: OF CALll'OAN IA I COUNTY OF Oll:AlfOE I 11 · o.. A1trtl u, Jffll, btlo•• ""' • Wo!trv flubllc 111 incl for .. Id Sl11t, -111111 ·-•rid Mt1111rlt L01,1l1e N1rd IU'IOW" flfl ml to 11t tllt "'-w'-NIM It sutisu!btd to IM wllfllri t"11r~I 1111 Ktt-lecl9ed '"" 11Kllftd '"' ....... (OfflcJ1I Setll Mlt"/ IC. Hint"/ Nehlr'f' "1.lbllc • Cll1fiarll'-' l'r1Mr.i.1 Ol'flct Ill Or"'" C-11 M1 Cfmm!tlon f:11lrt1 NO~. 1~. S.12 II .. -'IORTVAlllES 111 ::':":"c":..::"":::o:"c"c":...::'c'c"c'.:;::."_'"' __ "c'"'" ··•·• 1 fUll~ 1' ...,,,11 lf , 2' Ind MIY l, ID, JM tfWI Corfta 4eJ Mu Oft Mlle CoOla Metl ~D f.1414 BELL BROAOWAY MORTVAltY UI -00,, Cetta Me11 LI U413 PAClt1C VIEW •IEMORIAL PAU • ..,. .... ,, . _...,,. Cbpet I 1111 hdlle Vlow Oii .. N ...... 8-Ir, Cilllwwll llUI• _.. PfJEI. PAMU.Y ~vLONIAL l!'1/NEllAL IOIU • 1111 ......... Waitalt*r --• su:rrllt MORTVAlY Laiualellll ...... Soi atlleota liM!li LEGAL N<Yr!CE PUT WH IN YOUR POCKO Stll unwanted Items with a DAU,Y mD!' Claulficd Ad. '"'" l'HONI 642-567 • • • ' ' ' l ..... ,., ..... ,~ ... /, ' ' • COST PIOPOtAL : , , ADMINISTRATO R ' Will be responilble for the -operaUon of complete cost .proposals for· 111aj_or ~ . neering changes and new business hop\ blitor!cal data or drawin11s .includinc statement of work and coat nanatives. Must be experienced in all phises Q( cost pro__posal preparation frorn receipt of RFQ to contracts award. College degree and several years experience required. • -SENIOll BUDGET ANALYST Will be responsible for doveloplng, com· piling ·and presenting cost data and budg~ et reports. Positio'n also entails man- power and material pr?jecti~n ~nd their relationship plqs fundmg requtrem~~ts and rate analysis. Should be {runib wit~ PERT cost J!lethods, computer tee • niques and office machines. SEND RESUME INCLUDING SALARY HISTORY OR Coll L11 Kelley . . 3333 Herbor Blvd., Cost• Mesa '2626 (7141 546-IQJO Miana System• Division ATUNTIC RESEARCH COFFORATION ADMalonollha lD Susquehanna corp. 1¢' -~---.- Help Wonted. 7 • .;, H.ip' Wmlft 7•~ _·w_.,,,_,._n ____ ~""'-,w.,,.... • - The Rigger mlMBUR$ # 16 Fashion'Island Newport Beach Need.a an . . .. * SEC!IETARY Minimum 'two ;years ex• w this jo '· • ....... A .. ,..,, p-fer In a -n~ • 111.Y b :ia pttpant ,-n-•• '" OD two ~ts; Flm,. bt- tracts depl.rtment Re-"1&Ule the sirl Who bu had quittl aood' typinc arid _1eto<.•-••·~N it·-· FROM l•nks • Flneftce C•t• E1t1te1 Model H.,,,., 1 QUALITY FUllNITURE b&nb can't 'dep(,sit funL. they demand cash! --· lull time * ·WAITRfSS * We have an Jmmedla!e need Jor e~ assemblers with • maximwn ol l ~.,. 'ex.peritn¢e>. "'°""""' aldllo. S&!ary ....... ~ ........ _ PART TIME ' Recmlle11 ot loasl ' sPANJSH' Jello ' -· Wom. 7500 ll!£DtTERRANEModAN ~le. WUh back· and teaV:itlr u 1"""·"l'I~) See. • .-...n.. 'W• ..; lt"ls ~t PBX/RECEP'liONIST Solne'f.xperiene'e ,on a tlnaie ,,..it1on SGO'C'....i .,......._ ,it M e r' n ·I ri r and -afternoon You must ,_ wUJina ., worl<. · ' :~V'1J'-,.;,2...?_d• .. l On 'tbt:: ,ltt 1ahUt .kom 1:30: Anply ...,.._ "?":--. \ r pai1mcpt of .major national a.rri. to -4 p:m. or the· 2nd &uilde'r ·in'Ne,vport.Jleacb. • ah!lt 1rom ,4,1s to ,.,45 a.m. ROYAL INDVSTRIES Job den..-· · 11nce RN OR LYN Knowtiedp · of color code, , Excellent salacy. how-a l ·cofuponent part! I 'iolderini it el'.}COm~ ml:nf detail! fringe };ene.fits. Doclor';i: oH. lJ.maJ'ldator,y. ' · 3MO ,E. D)ier ltd, -publf.e ft~tiom, adverti&. lee, Westminster. Call Mrs, . Santa Ana 540-321tt in&' •. ~, ttpOrts. ·and all Decker, -893-1321 Gaol! starting rate + excel-' t~ many e:dtaa that thake • SECRETARY. N'ttd sharp gal w/ good 11dlls. Type 60, .ah, 80-100. Beach ti.rea. Start to $500. AR'i;t~~i'~~s 1869 C Newpo~ Bl\l'.d., f;M. tent benetit1 includinc u ~.,i, o~l;}ltemplQYer this • •ftin, but pm.IUl'e: or- ditfs vaCatiOn"durin& the lat ADY•RTISING iented 'perinanent a.ssiin-. o! m<nl year· employn"nt; Sec,, r~t, ar·Y, I I~~.:::..,-:, ~~"i:' Varian Data k so. m"'' have .. analytical M ... Book eeper ;;: .. ~a::' ... ~.:~ """"ule" Excellent "'.Or'kinc conditiobs, com.Jl(tllive wqes, outstand- inc beoefitl , includina: hos-pl1'lizallon ... pmit ,..,. ""· . APP}Y in 'perion 10 AM to 9 PM Monday 1hrU Saturday J. C •. PENNEY CO. ' ?tlapJe.Maboc&D)'· Q9 J. C. J;»enney Co, Fashion lsland Ne.....port Buch Brand N.me b!diooms • Ii * Id,. .. !"!' . .iu "" -· A ~.s. custom marlt IOfal 6·~ -m. exqutlitt dinl!lc ft10Qll A hutchieL Guaral\teed .......... nlriJ<· eniton,' oolGi' TV's, 14 t e model wuhen a: dryers: ~ all on Ille at sacrllice prlc. PART.TIME SHOE SALES PEOPLE fteCl!nt auett!Slul exp!!r\ence in fittinc and -sellin: of child. i;ens shoes. BUY ANY PIECE OR HOUSEFUL AOK Warehouse IC11lnes Re1pon11ble, top level the right atrllinow• •hew. __ • Medical Assistant A VARIAN SUBsrhIARY pMltlOn for shar.p,.t•k• PS: -You'll never work with 24 F~sh~ lslencl Excellent workins conditioM, Mature-Pediatric ex· ch -I l 'M ~ h a greater .croup of people. com-tltivew,.·..,oubltand. 2722 Mich•tson· Drive •roe I r • u., •v• An eqUal opportunity ,... 1 H•IP Wented Men 7200 perience perlerred. Froot A ("I O C •xcellent skills incl. Call Mn:., Otto, our pregnant .. 1__ mi benefits includinc hos-H•!P ·W1nted, back ottice. Send resume: ·. -• r•ng• o. • lady for an-interview. (U4) * em.,..,.,,... pitalization and profit shat· - ...;Wc."'.c"'.;.;'"'.;;" _____ 7_400-'-l ~ge, exP. •. etc to Daily Pilot Airport) 1h0~1ncf: ·h•ndl• litt 54Q.l62t> * 7722 GARDEN GROVE BL. \Vntminster C% 'b~ Wsat from ~ corner of' Beach Blvd, near G.G. Fl'ttWS1). Open 10.9, Sunday, 10-6. SPANISH Returned from Model Hori:lu On aaJe ·at }eas thu wholeialet Gm.Ir -· buut!lul ' ,. .. quilted sofa Ii Jove · seat, . Box P-325. I • -,· Ill _,,. bkkjlg ; ~1111.... Uncuf --'-----'---• ·!!!l!!!l!!!!!-!!!!!!!!1!!! I ""· "''"•·' •• .,.~ L I I ' TYPE AT HOME , ._, An;cq ... ....,.nuuty JO. Cell B1raer1. 17 41 EXPlORER . Apply in· penon . ' MOTORHOME CORP. PROOF Ol'ERATOR Need· women with sq>d.t)'P.. , :1q1,_.;g eatlploytrAit:-P' 6424910. :" ""' akili. to wori,.at ~ SECii'Lili'lff''m·· l'JE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH NEW 'ACCOUNTS OFFIC.ER . 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. · Monday thru Saturday 3 Spanish oak deccrib bo.hles, IWA&'. or taW. lamps, wall placque, ldng, qufJtn. « full size bedroom lisfte ' NEEDS * E~ECTRl~.IANS *MILL MEN ' * CARPENTERS . * CABINET MAKERS *WELDERS * GENERAL HELP * LINOLEUM MEN *CARPET MEN Overtime -D•y Shift Excellent fr l n 1 e bt'!netits, life inlurance, paid holidays, etc. APPLY IN PERSON ~1 Newport Blvd. Cost• Mes•, Ci1lif. EXPERIENCED .. United Celllornlo ~ B·ank 4:525 ~Arthur Blvd. - Must have ~peneme lirltgr I ~ I\ -al field. Call 3PM·tO-'hP?d 1::·!.i 2~ifl1 f.\" only, 968-1087 ' '"'°'''' i '"'\,~~·~1!'.!!h1'now. COMBINATION $11&tj,~ ' ~ ·o~:~·ri:i!o! <ijcument:i -nn ..... -,,,. 1 'I ~~employment ~-~.,.;.,;, " ., . ~"' ... , ' ·~- .;..o' ••• STENO CLERK' 11 . (Legall $416 • $5fl ,.. Month. 1$510.$620 rKominenclod ·July I, Ifft) Mal<ls &< Go 'oo p...... ·~Mil.,R!,it,,E>i~· transao- Top wages $3:_...·~ -to pi· _ ~ -~i:-a' Trult dept. FM top paying Ttri'ljJGriry· start Ph. for mt.· 545-9983 ·y.:oµli -~t.bclp~. Typ. Po.s.i~ se! J~· Cargill STENO CLERK·I _SASSY LASSY, 290! Harpor, ':1n,j should be ac~te at in our TemPorilT)' Divl.oikln. (P•rtOnnel Offlc• ' . Savinp and IAan ·experience pnifnred. Contact Mn. Bray for appointment •. Ml.RINER SAVINGS ;AND LOAN 642- J. C. PBIHEY CO: , eomplei. ind tm sprtnp; 24 f'athlon ltlancl mattrea, u..ns i.· boudoh An eqUat opportunity Jampa, Spanish oak S J>G employer · dJnlnz 1et priced el!ewhml * at ..,..,,. im;.oo .w. ~~'!!'!!'!!l'~~~!! I FOR ONLY $399. $20 down. GENERAL CLERK' I<-"' por ... k , "'t o: * C.M.· . 'so.:65, shorthn...1 at 80 will 13• Do . D N'B ....... • ver r, • • •~52 ... , P1r "··th Equal opportunity employer. PBX do..-..M:W.t be • ~It startl!r 642.J170 54'~2713 ..,. ·..,... ~ • Ans. ~rv. now hlrinf f~ ~ ··-~: ·caii ,w0fk ~pendent. ($510-$620 rNOmmencfec:I {Male or. Fein.ale) $440 to ~ per mo, ' itate credit OK. W 11 l separate tor quick sale. m Century Furniture, 9 'l. t ,.. Garden Grove BI v d· •. Gardni Grove Daily lo.9, Sat 1", Sun 12-5 Cmnr m or call ffi4) 53l)..52tO EXPJ'RIENCED e ·ESCROW e SECRETARY 10], and 1 to 6, shifts. ex~r~ 1y (lf ·~uperVtsi?n. ~Uf!nt l,I: DAY. boo }t k e e Ping, July I, 1Mt· jence preferred. -compaey benefits. Ca 11 secretarial position a.dm.ist Knowledge ot modern office: 543-2222 -~ between l.A..10 AM pleasant surmundinss. ·ad-Both positions require Ex]>'d power mac~lne oper· practices and procedures in- LVN ~ Ex-rlenced, Convales... and-.2 to 3:30 PM. jacent to O.C, ·Airport, Top H.S. grad. 2 yrs. o1 sten-a tors to .ew .naUgahyde boat cludifl& bu5iness correapon.. ~ ~--,,--.,-----I pay. Hrs. will be.adjusted to oeraphic and ceneral cushions A canvua pro-de~. filin( and standard SEAMllESSES cent Hospital. Costa Mf!sa. · · * ~OUl' -o,;A situation & cl-~ca1 ·-n·en-, 100 du pd L..,. ,..,,.. -t bo ' ' ' -Ex U t k I 1 ·~ en ~..-'-'" eta. Top wqa, nwl• ~ 'l!Q\Qptnen opera n. UNITED CALIFORNIA .. ce en wo r ~ g con-MAIDS probtenill. U Y<lll'• have ade-w.p.m. ahi>rthAnd; SO days, vacations, ins. Xlnt ·Two years clerical work in- -BANK , :-=.~a:~~ srui4 _ ~ Ni&bt shift ~~~· ~M· 1:~:~··~'"'~-~1yp:· ~""'~·~.:~PP~16.111!69,~-: '...Orkint · colikiione. Apply ..:.c:Wdin&:· opmUiol1 of at.and. •141 'E' C H H o ·u s E KEEPER/ com-Experience ~ssuy want,,ma¥ to ... .., Office, • Jack~Q)le Ot.; iTCJ Placen-ar'd:oftice equipment, sradu- • • Olllt wy · plirtion. Sliate loV~ home ~. 540-«552. 3300..,N Blvd. New· tia Avt·., CM'.'646-2451 atlon b'om Hieb School. Typ.. -. ~ returned from dis- play atudioe. model ~ deoin•M'I anccJll .... ·1-! Spanlab A Mediiern_.•otc C°"T,t;t;~Mar · w/employed lady. ltoOnJ 1: · App~i~~to port •6 SECRETARY ~;!."°:k!c~::n~ Clerk Typist -bOard in exchan&e fOr iite NlJRSf ~-, ~ECEPTIONIST Fllt application at Oty Hall Able to type 60 + and handle ' 1 houstk~pin~. 540-0142· THE Must be full c~ Girl Fri-8'200 Westmiiuiter Ave., West'.. RD FURNITURI; 1144 Newport lllvd.,,~ every •rrl&ht :lil 9 " Wed,..S.l &< Suo.'till ,' ' ' phones. Like people and this Equ~l ~ty employer ; P6WER sewin( ~ciffi; .~ay for !lmall office, attrac-mill.ltir, C&Hf, be1cire May job i! }'OUI'!. Salary to --------' operators tor loni_estalilish· NEWPORTER INN If ')'ou·~ inl!!ttsted in:. One of my compeni in tive I: unde'. 30, $450, month-29th,. 1969 · 5 PM. Written $476.61. Employer will pay ed aail making company. 1107 JambOree ioad * Proiftllilve-iJatient ca.re Newport i.s loolrlne f~ l Jy .7' possiji0.,,2_e trlsu~-t?t Ha. exam ju~ 14th., 1969 cn4) fee. Beaci> area. + many EXPERIENCED Hanna Sail Makers. 861 ,\V. Newport Beach, Calif. * ServiOe educalloJI secretaries for purchaain(, w~ aK.-.:. uo•I re-893-4511 Ext 2m more jobs. Alsc Jee jobs. 18th SI., Costa Mesa. , H k . LI I 'ft. Excell. worklnt ·cond'a. ehgr., &: contracts, ·typinc sume only.1!J repl,)'s confi-· · · Open on Saturday 9 to -,.2:30 'STENO -OIJH nper--ve n Call ~e Q>untte11 taq:eat 60 +.and short hand.90 +. dential. ' a· b '1'L1-ties MERCHANTS DR~ J~b • K~ep >'°.'11: un-Mature. woman needed for exte?Jded care' hMpital. Wary to f320. Employer will Ahola-Newport 'Land Co. ' porta:nt )Ob u wife &: gen, housework & cboklnr. ~· pa'y f#;e, Beach ~·. + 1823 W~stcliff Drive anlimiteO PERSONNEL UNIT.ED CALIFORNIA. mothor & •am a w~ Newport Beach family w/4 many more jobs. Abo '" N'?'J"'rl Beach BANK payoheck . .5 H-.3~ thildren.'M"" bo •hie to WorkNur-H.me l bo ,,_ ................... __., ageTlC~ Agonoy ~ Westcliff Drive Comer 17th I: Irvine 64>2TIO -54s.56S5 CURITY OFFICERS $390 Uniforms furnished. . .,...,.,, 531.1010. 512-1891 . *""" " ape'1< ftuint Eng. • Accouotlngl!!tdcpi • . o ME CHANTS I' Quality Postitions for '3029 Harbor mvd. I SPECIAL M,ACHl ·N·~ llsh:aeer $225. per mo ·+ •'Settelarial I ~ , R T :..w QuaJ,if:ied Applicants Cos14 M•"' 546-2003. OPERATOR • . To> . ..,. _,,, 4 -lioanl. Seod 'em· • ,...,.,.tlon PERSON.NEL ~ -I 488 E, nth St, suite"' Equal·~pportunity employer 1 SteadY. C&rm,nt M.f r r. ptoyment ·hhnorY· a: refer-• Ty'piatS • Agency . I-~ -=>. ~ta Mesa ~1470 --~===--· 642-2666 ·encea to: c:T. ·w~., 1000 : Sup.rkN\:A9..-.cy 2GU Weatclill Drive ...._ v MOVING To Hawaii. ~ Must aell everything. Spanish d in&' set, Dedroom. llvi'1c room, bar stools, pool table; etc. Huntington Harbour, oU Edgewater, 4002 Figaro 842-2648 OUR Son's been transferred · must aell . his Marly new M ~ diterranean · fumiture; includes 8' 90fa, love seal, pald l500 .. u ""'' Alto klng slze BR tet, coUee &: end tbles, lamps, dinette &: ?.Jedi!. chairs. (1) 826-00.6 MERCHANTS PERSONNEL ~~I~ SALESLADYWanted,La~s So: Grand Ave.; S.A.. 1J5?H~~~ Corner 17th·&: Irvine ur1tt1NO~U •l--'1'.:fr OP·ENING Sou1bl'by young progressive =· s~:. e?.d:;ef:,~ · GIRL ·FRIDA-~ Call firs_t &42·1141 . G4S.mo~=-S45-5685 ~?£,.,~~Hf.~ 1teilF~1:;:;r.J:mi1n C:n:Y &.~t!at~~. ~ sailmaker in N. 8 · area. Mad-Fashions. 10055 Adams •Typing, filin&",' gOO!f p_hone Junior -cret•r&.s in well establishtod otiice BR set + bed, frame, ' Agenc) n>p wages paid for ~pttd & Ave. al. Broi>khurst voice. ~ with . figures. St!e Sett)' Bi-uct at -For the sale promotion mgr. Please Call For "C" THOMAS. Realtor dresser, nite atand. DBL I accuracy. previous ex. EXPERIENCED Chainide Steady •. ~rlunit)'. for a,d-Typing Ml + and Ute S/H, An Appointment 224 W. COast Hwy, 548-5.527 love Rat rocker & l~ cbaii- ' . • 2043 WestcliU Drive Corner 17th &: Irvine 645-2TIO -54!>-5685 perience preferred. Apply Usistanl lor general "prac-vancement. Company bent-m fl Salary $433.3J, employer will I .. ~!!!!!'!"'!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!'"' .................................. I wl ottoman. 962-a74S Rick Ta Y 10 r • Coast tice oilice, Laguna Beach, s . fits including. health Wur_. _ i6tJ Wee pay the fet. Bea.ch area, + Cashier/Recept. Men.1ger/H1ndym•n f~iiii"""iiii"'"iiiiiiiiiiii•I Catamaran Sails. 817 W. day!/wk. 494-9737 ance, paid vacations, etc. . -many ·more jobs: Also fee FURNrI'URE • All nl!W , ~ S•J.tm•n 17th St, C.M. 645-0260 Write Box P-485 Daily Pilot, Aa'eney for C~ Glr.11 jobs. Excdlent opportunity if )'OU =-icrcou:sle t p~erredt!..i upholstered. Sofas:, hide-a- . ~ Mem Qothing * SEC/BOOKKEEPER * ~SKPR. l child ' care, live Newport IJrach. 410 ~.·O>ut 1~-..,, .. N. B. MC8ClfANTS have accurate clerical abll-· .~ o ren beds, chain, love aeabl, an- •. ~~ immediate openin& p . in, 5% days. Pvt rm, & ba. --~---S,. appalat ~ ~ it)' a: poise in handllna cus. Wlita.Free Apt & 1.1lils, plus tlques, .dining ta b f e . ·ence prelen'ed but art . time, secretary to Ref's. $200. mo. Pmodlc BOOKKEEPER PERSONNEL tomer coot.acts. Hl&h School percentq:e riven. Polaroid camera. M&-0957. · -... ~. Ap~'·' in -r-president of new company. raises 5'!.G-9212 Lite bkkpg exp,.&OOd figure EXPER. lele"'l-A"' sollclton iraduation required. Apply: 925 E. Balboa Blvd. 3281 Coloradc? Ln, O.-f. ~~~., ....,, ,... Responsible, top l!!vel posi--• ... 1-1 ... ~ .. So ..,,..; "'· 'h ,. i""" Agency n.....u:.,. --·'"-Balboa· &75-5'38 ==--~-~~"' tion for qua!. girl. ?tfust BABYSmER. Tu e ad ay ~1·-.~~r;,'!; °"'0oa; to Work triftn booie' tor fiM 2043 Wtestclif:t Drive ,,,_,,rH-=.u.·~·B ·~,vd.~•. CM. ROUND mahoa:any table $75, ~ Grant's Surplus have excell. ikills incl. typ. through Satu;d&l"· 1~~10:3D ~~i~"..,.., au:! .....u. ns, Cal.it dept atore .. ltluzt be • Corner 17th A Irvine ~·-41~ FEMALE Cubier, Part· 6 chain '90. Dilnish youth ~rzoo.Newport Blvd., C.M. ing & bkkpg. Ph. Mr. PM. One child, l year old. •RG'-•GENCIES able to call beadl &ftU toll '645-2'1'10,-545-5685 .,_,_, "-"rtunity Em-l~r time: male driver & bed A chair, blue $45, Olive Da·'-, Ed·-~-al Data 49'/"-1801 "" ""~ "" free. M2-8402; J0.2 on)v. No £o<tU<U ..,._.i"' r -.,~ warehouseman. Apply in ·"ag ..,,,. "--•~ '"" 6--· . ,..Ip Wonted . · Women ·~· -·~• =========I~'~ . ' S.W.U. --Beaoh Mfg. * SALESLADlli-S --··. Newport ~u-, M• ·-· ,~. ~· •r•~ Sy.l.m'. 64" <>n<:A .. ....., C Newport Blvd., C.M. calls -"'"'turtlmy. ""'-"!"""' .,....,,,.., ,.. • .,.. '"' ' _.,.,.,.._ Ekp'd aeamstrl!as to ae·w COMBINATION e· 1 GIRL ...,Frld • Corp has.immediate OJ>l!ning Full ·-• -~ tim .• , 2616 Ne•.....-Blvd, N...,.,,,rt QUAL. Kng Size bed v.·J \ SARAH COVENTRY haa camper curtains. can p r •~r. ay, wuranoe of. for FJ,:~t)ve secretary-of· .,..,. _.. e ~i..,ons Beach.~...... -·-r-quilted matt., cornp,lete i-400 openings for full ot· part 893-S37Q.a'fter ~ p.m. quality a mu.,t. Mr. Be!t fie'@. Able to type a: takt !Ice manq:ei. A'pplicant available 1or experienced Never used $98; worth $250, time sales. Min. age 18. H~eaners,,..~9 E.;' Coast dict.tion. Some ins. ~ in I.I at ha ve broad uletladiM to woJ'k in Lf.NZ MANAGER; dlx. apt., Costa 847..(M06 * Pleasmt 'WOfit, no inw:llt, MAID· over 30, permanent 1~·ay, \Alruna del JI.tar. experience nee. 7 ht da.y, 5 background in sectttari!ll Ir: NEW FASHION ISLAND Meaa. Co m p I e te mm I ,-,==--=--,,-,----I HOTEL no deli~s. For interview part time, 6 dQys/week. 675-3306 . day wk:. Citll for appt. general: ottlce procedures. Sl'ORE, OPENING JUNE tenanct & p&inl1n1. LIVINg . It ?ini~g room call 54G--0614/ 837-4749/ n. 75 hour. 494-8521 YOUNG Y.'Oman (2.XJO) to do 673--0612 Some eXperience 'in book-lS'I'. Call co 11 e c t (213) Callfonti& Management fumltu:e I. misc ltemz, 503 INSPECT'RESS 847-3900 e SALES Part Time. $2.00 lite housekeeping I. cookina. HOfiSEkEEPER. live • in; keeping desiftd. Forward 934-1325. or lll!nd rnwne to 826-9940 (213) 774-Gl.80 Carnation Ave., Cd M · , (ExperiUIOt ttecessary) SECRETARY · Far Laguna per hour to start. Over' 21. Small family, no .children, motbetiess home, beach · re«(ime to: 866 w. 16th St.. 6100 Wilahire Blvd., Loll An. e HAIRSTYLISr e ~MPIS6LETE 11 . Apply in 'penon t~ ?.Umi Ki~ THE NEWPORTER INN Jlills law office. Corporate Call '546-5145 Call ~2076 ar:ea. 2 teeoqe chldrn. Newport Beach or call g~ ~r. 9XM8 WITH FOLLOWING ... v Vlfll" room .et: or probate experience BEAlfrl, C'IAN w/cl.ientele, Se<!relary/Bookkeepe.r Woman w/ 1 SrQ,all child 540--0161 for appoi.Qtmezit. Brhlal Censuttent LIDO AREA OR l-5930 couch. ooUtt table, chair, OK ~· u1~ ••• -llA!RDR"•~n W-"~ end tab!es 4 walnut desk. p refemi!d but ,not required. very.lt®d lcatio~ le shop in Exp'd. lrnthed.18.te opentnr. ..rn:.i. .... .........,_, JAMAi~ lNN HOTEL Attractive Y."Om&ll, .ambit. ~ ,... ... _...,..... S48-2070 Good skills, -salary com-Laguna Beach. 494-9975 * 642-2050 * MQ~'.S he1per. ,m.ature needs 2 mott malds, full or ious, eood .peraooalil;y, U9e Jacldt'1 Cotnure r ==~'=~~~~~· 1 n~nrunte with ability, age MAIDS, Ben ~·5 Mot~ BABYSI'rr'ER/Hskpr live in woman ':SI to·.6:3>,• ~·di$! part ttme. Are 25 or over, of car,· over 21. Some eves 187'"£ Beach HB 962-'1812 OILED Walnut dlnlna: table, 23 ~ 4'1. Telephone 830--0150 Hotel,, hill time. good pay. Qilld· 9&12, l\1>rklllf mother. \ ~ ~k. _own .tramportation, Apply bl · pert0n 2101 E. prefen-ed. Ayera,ee p art ' I upholstettd chairs, $550'. for\appt. , ill06 s. Coast, s. Laguna 6#-tlltl'i or 962-1381 Mesa Vtrde. 5t&-&'O Coait Hw,., Corona Gel ?.tar time $59 week, full time $124 Apnci-. Men & . 54Q.5653 (JUI 31t-l96l llOT Jaml:lartt lload ~ARMAIDS * \VIOO\V or ai11g)e lady to live MEXICAN Hsi....Nive in. WANTED .clean-up lb'l tor W,OMAN to work part time \\'eek. No . eXPU'illCe ntces-Women 7550 MISC. gd. qua! hfrniturl! & Nev.l'Qf't~Beadl. Calif. ...., sary. For interview caiJ Mr. Lam1>3, al111 Frig l d a Ire 1..,..:..:==--:--'-'---N nee. .Nr costume in. Lite housekeepine, must ea.re tor 2 chlldftn, Lquna Tom Rae Hair 81)iUat. 1701 lil Yardqe aue. Must be Whitney 5"-8550. It's Not Luck-Appl '•· Movin&'.. '4?-8633 """' req' Tp .$3. {>er. hr. Ph: driw, reff:rences. ~-N~I. 49!MT20 Westcli11. 6().6857 alff to..,, MS:..f5H EXPEltlENCED or ~ • TRAINEES • It' K H BOX Sprinr A mattnu A •HIT Help W1nfecl H I w nt-• Help We...... • Ht ... ·w-WArl'RESS'&S 0.R I no,w ow ... ~. bed 120 '°' on. TEWR HONEYCOMB . Women 7400 'W'om.~ -7400 w-n 7400 ;,,,_.,, 74111 CAR 'HOSm8ES Femile _,, . . . , , , 3423 E. Chf.Pman. ~e. Mut be neat. attra.cll\'e a.nd ~. • ............... , • $550 TWIN .hide•-bed $9'.I a: whitt ,UNITEDC:«IFORNIA TEJLERQ ..... ,,, •• G' R.oun INSURANCE _ ... ' FIR·EMAN :v~,:;~~"~ ~!~~::.~~~= na~~~· ( IANK ~;t, ~ penionabJe. I:' . ecut Hwy ~ ?t!acArthur, Gf:ne:ra.1 OUice, rood akillil ' AISt accci.int<-teller ex· r N.B. · ........................ $400 SO~A l Chair. new, never #6Monlrch &.y Pl1u per. or· 1\IUJ !Iain. Royal CLERK WAM'RESSESWa-nte,d&ll 'Mel• used. Ma.ke otter.~ ' Soutl> L.,un• Savtnga La HUia. Mr. . -DIS-NEYlA. ND-ahil~. .,.,,.ricnce not Sal"man, °"'"' or 962-<llli9 .,.. ei\ly. ' ~1m }lurnell • ~ -~ (n4) . ' n t c e 1 1 ify. Apply "at Fee Pd ........ " ... .-. ·$100 VIRTUE bronzetone mt~ 83'1 ... W DIS'-NEYLAND • Bellamy's bitaunnt. 1400 Enar. Mteh. Fee Pd. $13.500 dinette set. 4 cha.Ira. L1kt Ecru&J. cPPofbatdt,y e.in~r MEOlCAL tuy, op. ' Pacific Cout H 11 h w a )'. Coet Estimator, 80me new. $35. 540--130 GENERAL Of'FICE-u.Almoloclat. oW..• ex· SEASONAL OPENING WITH l'OSSlllUTY N;a. · ""°'"'· F" Pd ..... 1780 souo Salem mat>le ""'~ per. In illlUflJJCt, bWing ' • ' OP: 'AftT TIMI HRMANINCY. SANDER. _.. ttme, °'" General Acct · 3 )'!'I exp. Si75 din. tbl, 2 lvs. open to JDt'r Gal ""l> Alli. 3100 NCR, JO •tc. Pl<ler owr 30. G45-046tl ACCURATE TYPING, AILE TO PROCESS El"IRIENCE' WITH CITY Oil COMPANY ~· + many more ""1"°"' ""pads. !14$-1251 by adder, b'Pt. .-.00. Bea.eh 11 UPHOLSTERY * S · ptritnced, Newport, Bead' CA'-o Ftt Jobs) ' ..... •••Ill F .. spilt. AJ.. • ~ " \INPAID CLAIM • PIRI DIPARTMINT ISSINTIAL. ...... MERCHAN-COUCH .... ~ • ...., -... Jol>o. Call Dorlr.!14'1'1911 l46-1li2 ... ~. Rocker m. t.<12 "" ' AR8US AGENCIES' For ~m~17 "'°m CAU 10 AM to 4 PM ,i:All JO AM to 4 PM HOUSEl<EEPER, UvHn • PER$0NNEL '12.50. ~ um c Newport BJ..r.. C.M. u __ .._,. tlini--Frichty u __ ,._ ..,_ F""'-daya, '"""" """'· T:v:-2 ·--. itAM.EYJlmMProduct,it SHIPP ING/JN. RY· ..,....__,.';"" ·~-r •-:• ·~r l\lld NB. &U-lMO "'6"""•1 BUSICST mM!:ttplaot t• -liiillil\aiil:fltlf • liO. wl<.SI<~ n Gar·. 17141 533-4456 E1t. 671-(-1-141-533-4456 Ext. 678 ~~ . GIRL wit> ~~»:'~ :: ~!\'" = p~ womm. 1,1111 tftilr-. J • ~ mcnt Atlp'. ~ . • ., • ' ' • ! a:Jlera\loo qpnience for 643-2170 ~ Hma. c;',e ••••uorY. DENTAL~ SIS T An °'!"'I epperlunity,t 'l'ployor An_, •l'l"'rlunlty employO.: clranJnoagancy.IB363Bolll money, time 4 olfo~. Looll ... ., ..... -Newport Beach ,&46-0fll Odea. HJJ. ' socx Tr: TO 'EM.!. now! It ------~ \ - --- ii L L • ~ I > ll 0 • " ,, ,, • ,. • • ,. ' ,, • ). m •• '~ " L • •• ' ~ s: u < ' L '· o! I; th ,. I, ~ II it • " fl '· ' '. w ·" "' ~ • ' "' l· n- 1. 5, th ,. ;4 ,, • o. -m ~ I, .. '· " " o: l • -• ,, il I" ,, ~ • • - ' . . F®l!.C:O[M.NllNT · °"'CIS \J ·.. if~ ~~VE ~OU ::. . ' • ~ NIWPOIT llACH 2211' .... .J""L ' . e C:OSTA MIS.A • n• W~ IOr " e HUN11Ne,.,.. WCH 7"':'t ~0! l'lfllo 14Net , e . L\•~NA-'llACH -·-...'...~,.....A~·- .. -I , ' , Here'• 'How YH' ·can u .. Qs ffn!Mi' Diiie ·A «U.., .................... """' .......... .......... 4 ...., ..... .,...,.. ... &•••;, ........ -. . • W It• ...i k ~ wltli H ,__ (PS: ••. ~ ' c...11 .......... , ......... ' sc· ~.~A~M;:=:L~E::T~S::=~EDG~ER~=-~. ~,.=...,=-=.=.=!lolid=;;1 ~-. :::~~ •• ~. ;;&=l,le=~== ... =lliO=.=,..;.;;PET== ... ;;.o=.=~;;--~---... ;.115=·vm-=Yi;·N·ic.l;·=w..i..=·t·bed=O>m;;;;;·=NEW=-=Ou=t'-~=-~;;;-===BEA=·UW'UL;;.;;;.=. -81~ .. --=:::!=R·' A=N;;, D;;;;M=.···s-.1\Jm;;;:;;,_-~FUR~-. ~-:;;=1~10,=-·. = , , • •"""led ~· kitchen llnb W. 18th.St,. ApL 5, ~M. !'ago 125 Chiel«"lo 15-$75. --Im ""'"*' ml Utl ·-ml ~ om U•Pl•~ ..... ·-knit ,.SaluRlaY and $.....,. Sota tl.,.trlc h<d&< cli""' ·.·. ANSWER·S r20 $5Soo2;.J" ~s~r. D!I SNE~D Attraction BatiY dicks $l Fertile~ rnattnu SlSt w.«162 matcn two~ .. '1.0 .... .,alt $3),Llke new pink prin1 chair $25. Beds $2$ each. ~wing m• cb I~· 27'"', •'···, "·' 2 .. ~.! ~~ 11. Q) V(orth ft_.!50, on. $1 doz. ~: .• ducka. nb-RED And ~· built in MJ..'1623 aeinl formal size 16 $12. J'.)ftuus $Z nch. Rand matcrlaJ $12. _ Pau- n ~ ~ -•••• 50~ •at ""' bill 15-#i ~ 15-$75. • 9Q.43u ..... -· ;1~. 2llOtl lam.. $4.50. °""' -rlu,out -~ -Nicety -pack.a, .childftn's ~s $5, Y • .,,., • 5 5 aquarium top ~ $1$ ilric'ubl.tot $25'. 4i!:!lie ~ ':i..::,!: REFRIGEJl'.ATOlt $25. !'Mc. 'v ,Oitt dr., N'B. • ~ Bnmewict l'Ua Ft'Olic '"" each. Small upbo!Jte,.;Q .0. . f""""'-and tlli.r $1. -..... Irle ~ $1. -31" Tllf 't/HF ...., -1< 15. ball 14 Im. SS. "'"'", cy - -~,...,,ncy ca&lonaJ t:ba.ir~ needs CO\'t!I' . ~~UP\, top $1. New _ ed ln Wall~ $25. Mat· itr1c popc:om • ~r _p,50 Bf.tbrooll\, •itlk on pedestal CHAIRS: Contour; n e crd 1 apreadJ $2. !191 HeU. .... J~O~;ylft.~ ~. ~e I :!'.150'.:::646-=15<_,.'--..,,.---' 'l'iinger'' camera DUMBBELLS. 5 ·lb $5. Slant tma fir wall $10. Okt G.E. atftm irol'l-$5.. HJ.mt 153... Hotpoi:Dl, 1 i. r b ac I! ;~ S1. p 1a1 t I c Alley pl~ IU-4?4B • "L" , ->T .,..... • J:5. ~ iS-1;.a..r.a)J-te borud $lO 10)tde ,board SI Faabiened1 pa range $10. '· d'·-·• _ Pu~ ...... t .... ad_"\ rocker SS. Captain, $20.,.,..,=-,:-=...,,-...,..=,....:-:ill Mae· '"Ye!. 1 tmfall)' DUCKSBaby·rnal1~mfke1 cl.mtta suo. BraN1 Di... Eltt!Jic foot~ $3 White na.Y bed and bol.sten ;io. 2SEATifi9*vytQalit.Yrubber ~ ,.,. ~i$:nEar-Cricket $9. ~1:' ~·R.oLLAWA-Y ~ltd io" · · , nice pels and • • n at 1 "°'1ru-Vie_., ~r $2. ~1'r,_ 'dlain...•;tor' $15 . Men'1 blaCk coWhkle 'ft.laht tue boat, oars. 2 lile jackets 1y :.:t' iocker sound. 1$20. Paper badC bOoka Sc. SS. srneike •• ~ °"'four packa, eliminators Sl • e ! ch , Microlco~SL50."StM649 Double ·~ ,n;o .nicks $25 bag '25.,'l)fq ~ bit¥t ~ 1$25.·,Kltchen a1flk with cup. needt coverioi'.is. ~ and Ha~r $5 .. Small oon-~2946 a 1!::" i,.09 , iou save• the 5J&..2'.f18 ~ SIZES·S-14 women's clothes ,,\Badminton ~ts , 4 for .and '3. S.ltfi§1~ .bo&rds $10. Vacuum cleaner 7x9 oval bralde4 ~ ~ <IOle. VKtor rad10, 45.-record T.v: Latp' magnawx coupons !" • SC-.;2',' awdren·s cloihn, au u. 3 speed ret'!)l"d_ player. S5 LARGE PouJtry f~ers $2. $5. Wringer-type wuher .u. cl~ $5 eaQl. EleCtrlc pleJ'ft' $25. Lamps $8--425. I01e $15, ·v.w. ~~~I Moe: "Yes, that's how l DO~~.·~~~~ ~s Sc-OOc. $hoes. all aiiea 1:::. •="lO ~ = ~ ~· ~ blrd ·~lner .c.~., ~~electric' d~p frytr $3. Kill&' 'aiu =~rid carpednc $4. Thor autom.1,lc .. t ... ,. 1»QN LV"'G.". . • 5o-15c. ~ocket b;oob 10c. •10·u·1 y .. 1i..... ~ ..... ca&, $15. ~ ...... tor -~ HoU:Yw,ood ~ frame '4. 1 , floor n\Odel ff.~ uu;o ,..~ .,. plant for -an· •ummer Pu~-Sc Dll ~~ ,;..,.•"" na .,., .. 1 • -•-··-• -n-. .. '~ ~s . · hes 5o425c. · ' GOOD Clothing n;e 12 m 18 0 . Steel ..,...ng cot .,., Electric NE)¥. IMM movle1. ....uua drawer • ....,,... . fOR ' Sale o~ briibtelt. blooms. Choice -varieties 20042 . Bttth, Santa Ana 15. P. A1R ladies brand name ......._ •1' 'Girl' ....., . . 4 BR NZE Preaidenllal u:nn noor polbhe.r SS. Girl's and Hardy, Fn.nbnateln. Te.lev~ -~ ·$2. ·•··ts--•'rootdlv'-"--tt Hl h -..--....~ .as • ..,..,saiR to ,.•-•"50•ach ., ...... ----c::lothes.line, like new $J.O. ,...-,.• ...... ~m • ..., e g ta. l'l!U' Airport. shoos.,· like new~ SUe1 9%-50c:-$l Jladlo ike ,,. ,..u>• 'VU"VI,., 3 speed bicycle $10. Cbine1e etc. 11. v1.r-Lake St. Ph. One '36'1 x'l8"x1%." panel per dozen.536-271&., D v PO 10\~B n-•., i ti: . • $1.50I B 'WINDOW T2 x 40. ~ new •ilk ·p'rints S5 pa,ir 1513 I 1·38 pm Saf. , l:::-::-::=:----=-I A EN RT $10. Lawn . ...,.. per par $!?· ,poua, tQya ~·¥any ,_.,., , , . · DISHWASHER.Hotpolnt!J;;i;;i'""',,::';-'""C::::::-;..-.--,:I door $10. One ~" x 74" x ~ YARDS rev e r.a tb5 e edger ~O .4' mt!f 1tep lad-549-17'98 mote' i~ms. ~ Full~ _...., With screens. 6'l5-4S5r9 qtana:e Ave., &C-5666 -w!tb 'auio dfspeNer pi DEN Set J Pieces $25 ~:.{B;~~l=~~~ andcarpeMt~·~_!.."!:5~?.frt.• :.ssit!o~rdcu~= ~ncGlaESS3.· .. ~ah~~cy TNABLE:a&q-3767La b' •l ~:rra:s~ .. ·::: TWIN QIJILTED BED-~~~t Jl" tah $19.ron••·~ .. ":-:".18 Old trunk $5.• Kitchen table rs., ..,,....,. ....... 0 • · $25. · ' ' ''t" .. uwi.. mp oom UVl.,on .., · SPREAD, dwrt. nttfle, lham, '"'~ .., e new d teal ·wood $5 sM-4.lg toma:ft $25. Maple ~nd tibles ed to~.U::~~e!:c::~~ .WIRE Cagt!S 1 x 2" mesh, $15, ?o.1agazine rack $1.50. Desk and chair $25. Walnut PM roae de 1 i g n $5. HUMP Back trunk, old ABC pletely lined 'bought at top·. • · 1· ·m. noor lamp $5.'0iesi,of . ~ '24". x 18" x 84", ;s com· End tables $10. Record cheat of drawers $25. TV Modern print in blues by raillo, blue tlowen?d soJ:a, gmy, 2 tone pink cttPt 34t CHE\!: 3. cat:l;l.. set Up $20. d r a we r a $15 •. Provincial Santlaao .Dr., N.B. " · partments, rabbill, e t <: • player or tape deck cabinet M~ tabl• $.1. 6 pant cm Franca' in danish frame .apartment site stove: $25 9/lQ, t>e!P lace 11/U Used tires $2 ,, $5. Ford chest $3). Wrought iron '58 ~.-Nffds tlutch 543-~ · $15.-Baby·car aea,t $4. Scrap )lreslt'n·SI. Bathroom lheU $10. Two &lass &0blell bll!I! each. 3 ~red vanity Qi: each. Shoes to match ee'!'"'I pic::kup parts SS • $25. 61 marble top ·tables $10. rong a.nd brakes $25: · '2 0-2 9 LAPIES. j ipeed bike with blrcb ~'Ood.· '5c-$1. 30l6 towel faek $3.50. 549--Ull and &old sz each. ' Eun Lawn moWP.r,' twin ·tied size 6 $8! Glove• S3 a pUr Pontiac parts $5 • S25. 5,000' size he-.dboard, dust ruffle ~mona, C.M. Saturday, basket s23 Girl's bike 24.. KillYl?rook, C.M. 546-9179 CARPET lDc ft. ··beige Flowfr Malter Pak $2 ntw. complete $15 each. B~. Semi formal pink and cyclone f~injr $3 • $20. and table lamps to match ·~een 11.nd 3 PM with basket $14. ~ FOR The radio bullder and Nothing.over~· 6'73-9103 ' 847-1123 · · ' Club cbair, occulonal chair en:ibroJdered linen with 9 Jeep overdrive. transmi$Sion $25. Boudoir 2-PleCe wicker GE N'E R !. L EI e ct r'i c Ham: electronfe p art s HID BABY FURNlTURE Crib, SS each. 3 chests $8, $20 and pllque fiov.>ers size 9/10 $15. Jl!ep body parts Sl5 • set $25. Househ91d Items JOc automatic washing 'fnUhtne B~~ ' ~!1~ 'I'nln!.,. S4 $1'420. For the boat owner: Ma. £.Apl -~ ~~ sf:" bat h In et t e pl-aypen $25. Mahogany headboard • ~ . · ' $20. Ford _(.;~ rear ends up. · CIOUllng Soc up. For '$25, \Vf!t 'Sui t I m. a it -· cue "" pes ..., pr. "l-32V and 112V l.utomatlc e co · m h' _ ... _._ ' ' and frame $15. 16812 Ross BOY'S Po"-der blue 1 $1. $20. Sat. after 2 PM and ~-'l 'f Curtains SOc Bottles n . 7 movie camera, Keyatone $8. •·•,;u1ur, car bed, 1troller, La1'M! 8Q...381& , builders: 2 sliding glass m""" um, $10. 952 DarTell Electric clocks $3-;>. Radio,· bilge pumps $15 ~':ch. Bbat White ·milk itau pole lamp car aeat~and lnlanseat $1 to • j~clc~ • 3t "!'OrQ once , Sunday only, ;z586 Santa Ana, doors $10. '1 Wood• Ooor $5. St., C.M. after 4:30. . rood $15 Ruis S 3 ... S 5 . hook $3. ~ ~nerator $10. · $3. White milk glass table $20. :Blankets and cloths 5c FANTASTI~ Dog, .. m a I e 8th grade. anuh4&~ SU Ave. Salurday ,an4 .·SUnday 10 2 BLO?iD S1¥ing line falla $25 .Jev.·el.ry 75c Magaz.ines. 20e Electr\c· .• meter'. and lam~ o2lve •hades $1S to $2. Toys 5e1c to $3, boull-·Basenjl barkle8:5 • AKC Anorted teen boy• Hntl GROUP 1huiies , ~~ts. AM-4 PM 10 Balboa ~s. each. 2 girl'• bikes, .(lne s, . Lona brown silver fall $8 vacuum puge $15. Sendus Pf.Ir. Ottice dfsk '·$25. Car dng ~ $1.50. 84T-1123 registered ohampKln stock, e~ch. Amplifier, good blouaea, jackets in · ns $1 entrance on · W. CO a s t one $15, Boy's bike S15.-Hats 75c 2633 . Elden Ave ~ ~m.eter $S ~~ach. cooler $8 S4s...6340 OOfFEE And end' tables SS $25 9:f32.3752 d1tion 125. 962-4ll9 • $3. Sweateni, new Beeline IIiway, NB' 642-3909 C · · l'f I ss: e IJ an e o·u a boat · · , $3.50, size 38. \Vhite coat .$3. M• l"tU. hardware $1-$5. Fr e,1 h AQUARIUMS: 30· gal Sl.5, IO ~ $2.50. Woman 8 ~I~ Dresses $l • $4. Purses $1. NEW Statues: Ru.in gir!S $12. METAL Dune buggy body 12 FT boat; good tor back water 'iackle •Poona and pl 11, ~ iaJ $S. 8 gal $8. $~0. A{Jhan SlO. I_nvalld s Thong sandals, ·7 and 81 Dolphin, Cherub centerJ)iece Late 3 speed C he v . yard fort. with oars $10 ptua:; , $5. AM nU:!fos $10 . Pumps S2 each. All like f'l!ll $2.50. New mixer $5 • oni.,nge and black 1fic. $12. Two "Poodles S3 each. trl.rui:mlssiorl $25 'rtuck &ige carpet and pit.d, 9 x ·each. 23.~ 'IV wrirks •sooCI ~w.~ ·oi~hes 5<: to SI. 909 No Matter What It Is, Costume jewelry, belts, 25c Fiower anangeDlent ~7. dri'le-~ no:.548-2000 91A $6•car jack '$5 Bathroom $25. Electric t~a-.kef.tle; new SLIDE PioJECTOR, Ara'UI . Delaware, H.B. ~-50c. \Vhlte· ci-~ straijht Poof table $25. -Mangle $12. 2 DANI~ ot±uional chairs CS:bintt with godcl min'Or S2 $5. ,New1 garbq• dispoaal 200 $10 · ~ TAB~ 40" x 60", ex,te~ to formal $5, Black velvet Queen Size bed $12. ~bic "$15 eacll. 2S" lawn sweePer-TV stand 75c Cai' bed $1 ~· . PQmable ~·'llJ. i D 1 ' · 94", with 6 chain $25. 2 ex- ev.enina: skirt $4. Arne! dark water cooler S15. 0 I rt '$13:. ~~~·S)Jalihh "Polty chair 25c Sterilizer machine· $JQ ~ ~~tm GE>lJI! • C2.UaS, .4r1wooda, 9 tra chairs $5. s gal but.aM brown bail' pieces and head typewriter. $5. youth bed and landaca.pe print $10. BeiJe 25c lnfabt seat 25e Baby •Ave., Cd:M &13..s1$. · . irona.,1 t.c,·.1~1\eart, ~ tAlk ·with controli $5. Fix· from U . $2. Kenmore Ooor dresser $25. Sa,hq'day only :~'{!~ ttbi.e! '"top t;lothes, ,! Sc-25( Jn f.a n t GOU' J bg $2-$25 Wheelbar-Golf shoe1,•t1li\Plh puppies. 1 -.\IP cirJ's bift $5. Car jack polisher attaches· to your 962:-3666 or G-57U : $25. ·~ •ft":t-,111\t, rize childrth's •hoh ·5 c • 2 5 c ·cu · l\iF: ~:n;)ll -·1 .$1.·t Metal window frames vacuum, new .in box $4.50. 1 MAPLE coff~ table SIS. 1 larie· \ fIS,'' Go18 Ear J y Diapen S:c· 646-2319 row~~~ . J '{J MltlS\ I )'°" , 1and ecreen-trame $1 each. l Boy's wool sport coats1 size ?o.iaple end table SID. I Night American chair $15. ~ 17" PORTABLE :rv $25. 21" OU\ -~~ ~ian S20 ~" MAT,mF$S (Kai' ':"'WCOden! Early American U.14 $1 each. Shirb:rae .. $tand SlO. 2·Pltitlor m trieyde ·$5.'~14 'Phlll&rope TV $25. 'Bo'ui y.iork, OK. LouilP .c.~ 1~ Coffff tliOrOUitilt~~tM', ' window $1. Bathroom door SOc. Older Un·derwood Ctt., C:M. 5fS...oo:rJ Mini;broile'r $5: Sina1f.4!le<> table $10 12 ~l ~~es S5 armilf'o ~;~:tt·~i&ij ~~watt $6. Patk> typewriter in caa $10. !:rZ.~ $.l~~=sf°~. ro; ELECTRIC Barbecue like · 1l'i6' lies.let ~ SS.· ·SandWich each Bird cate Sl5·Wuhlng $25. 7 I~ ' -· ;lold~ chair 'l5e.1 Childrens &i&-6226 .~w $8 •. Qtild's ~ grill $3.· Paints" 50c • $1 machl~, u is $15 Male llilidel°'"N~:rr.~·;~ , ~i 2 "1l1tf11•?9<: to SOc. 255~ Char-IB..:U.::l:.;C=T-::!N:__di_Oh_w-.,-. her-,~-"'°'" Ma}lle knick ~ck shelves Chair' S7. 2 tWin mattreiSes gallon. Table radio $3. ~~ii ~ cage $10 :rable venetlart cream IM&el ltke ~ Dr .• San Juan Capl!tr&llCI S2 -$10. 1 cOmer boo~ spotleks S25 Child' ' 64&-1525 t at¥1,·5 chairs $25 Wheel ~r. 1)f!W' ?.&'; ·,c 90'' "$20. 1: bi;igt . 493-3314 1 -'",:;"°c,:,"',;,:$20~.-"64-"i-5'.l..,,'-',1~--1 ·s5, 1 apt. aize stove n:;. 41. 549-~·: , .. s wagon . iJ.VW$3,14Fl.nsbct:1$25·Cbild .wool hall rim~,··-.·ydS: x 1C.ro Jtem1 from Idaho BE;AVTtFiJL , wa1~qf ooac::h. ·~.B. Indi~ .Sf, H.B. G.E.1Stereoi new needle, dia· ~k(:a.se . $5. Cheat o I 2T" $25 ~49Mi''4 G ••-I ,_ SU Danish ·mo'der n $25. 53(;:.:1181 .. ' · 1W1N Spring and .mattress mond, eld'll~M :condi· dJ-1,wua $'7. Trash can·$2 · a.a J.ll"l:"pace ougl •Bar 6«--0180. 2906 Alta Vi,sla Dr. BOOKCASE $t). F r·e n c h $10. Wicker chair $5. Ladder . $21) •. u·· pQttable I TV with Cblld·i record ana player' $7 HO GAUGE car 1~; $10 .. stoola $5 each. E a~ l y Eastbluµ. · · Provincial velvet chair $8. back ' ,chair ·· '$.lf).... · 8 ' a by atand · 1$25. Jlanu:n's beer Cba.lt $2. 2136 Rale.igh Ave. Caaes. hutchea '1;, GuppM!s ~ 50c ea.eh. Anti([Ue lttdirig table $5. Hiih chair neon aign US. New com-C.Mi .lOc. A~ ~ lOe. glaM $1 to no. Antique iron MAGNETIC jig saw $6. Maple twin bed complete $4. Double blue quilted petition exhaust headers for ...t.. ~25 . $3. G~tather clock cue Single dog bed $9.50. F1ar-$20. Floor lamp $. S. Spre.i.d $4." Lawn rocker .$15. 66. Falrlane or Comet with ~D 3% llP B Ir. ~ ¥1-otm TOP Grade ........ 1 .. _ .. _ 2 x $12. Old antlque trunk $4.50. ing tool, new $3.15. 546-8693 Radio-record player $10'. Fire . · · ·sz. ·we-'. k 3911 el)iine $25 eac~ 962-5.1111 $25 Minibike clutch $'7 Chain ..:u .... ,Ul!.o; . (No dealen·pleue) 1 Attache ea$!. $2. TV $15. ~n ,. ... rac ,, . S1 548-&7 6 lOe per foot. ·2 x 10 l5c ptr THREE 7.JS.l4 tires, near· Chaise' lounge framf! ·$2. $1.. J.l~t ~ (6 X 9l ~ CAR hop· boat-loader-and · . foot. Jeep can $L Deluxe Idaho Place, Mesa Verde, ~he:;iQ ~~ ~~ Pictures. vaes.·di:a>tes 50c CHESf'.3, Bl~ ,a,nd gold, canier $15.· .646-5997 ~~.condition .~lO birch ~by bed 'J20, Bria:llt ,.C.M. ~~Y 'O to ~ ·to.·.s1 .. ~~··table !S2.: :ir••cbtnc.,J3i . .ea~,Tra1Jer BO~G bag and ~shoes -• . brua fift,lttffn $10. Bran FORMALS. 3 slJort. aiaes TV pertabliet·J:1ave-~..,e:nt Tireplaoe ISCl'ffn· SL-Books -ti1tth $5.. S'A!lll gltn la.mp $25. Men's akl· liooti, 1D;i tlIKE., ~ • DeRalleT $15 ~'Sunburst ' · c Io ck $4. 12-14 $10 each. Long, S40 to ~· still needs 3,.it,C 528 Redl•nda Ave $2.50. WhUe tub and window $10. · Pitterris lOe each. Tour foOt ~~ gat~ and 536-2231 , formal, never wom, We 12, worlc $25. -~d~S:IW20~~· . NB·~1092 .• CIUialn,,$2.;~ 25c--$1. Wtcker dreaslng table $15. "?!JlC ~' .. f!M ... T !'$2.0 REDWOOD Picnic table and Cost ~· ucrifioe for $25 . . 4 di;awer: t"i'1 • ... ll' s 548-6288 . , .. Children's clothes lOc a SL a.irpl~ iuei. ~~ bench '$lit, GetU' cart $10. Slendende exercycle with ca}>r1, 5 se..., new. ~ 14, DESIGNER Clothes! .. Suits GIRL'S SchwiM bike, Jr. American tourist 2 aulter 584-1334 . 962--1983 ttcOl'd S10.. 962-0816 ~a~i~o~ Sl 5~ ~ize 9-a,nd Sport,s~ear ~ize . ,l2 M9.(!el, .l,ike. riew $25. New $25. 'l)pewriter t,25. Guitar MAGNAVOX Hi-Fi S 2 5 .22 OR Kn&" rttle $20 .BAB:"I Crtb and mattras $10. 4. $2 8$5 s; tric ,:::; ~· .Faa~on acct~es, carptti11&'. ,aqusies roe. BBQ $25. 11.0 . .aauee board with Ladies clothes. size 1-14, St· c Oftltruction wheel~ Stni.lier is: ear bed $3. High ~w he ~ itl ~ N and hal).:lbags, )ewe~ 25c4.1· 50c;'Foocl choppei-$2. Men' Ii · tra& ahd ·4 switches. Can $10 Boy'a clothe1, aiie 12 to SIO 96Z-'7983 .cba1r .$3. 546...s206 Kt!<: n C ~w .Woman's I~ llU!S 9.~10, 'golf and'baiebaD sbcies 50c ani:I e'rigines 50c • $3. 14. $1-$8 2 bar stooJ1 $5 . , · ===;---,,,,.,,,---,--..,.,,-1 used purse~ Sl •. $5 •. New $1-.$5. Everything in.perfl:cf ·pair. 5 plece' Virtue dinette 548-oCS.95 · each. T°'81.ter 1$3. Blender $2 B 9 W ,L 1. NG Ba 1 l $ 4 . DARLING Pink and white SereJJB. bathing su1!• B!Ze 10 condition. 646-8354, 161 7 . set $25 • .S:iilt Car $5. ~ piece 600 x )G TIRES $5 each. 23,, New ahoes, si:r.e 7-8-50c. $2 ~tbergla!S bod)' for , dune, crib~ very good condition $3, $5. Blouwi and akirts 50c -Alilp ... ~ . silver cocktail set $25. iJttle :rv· f25· ).!!" portable TV .$25. Dlslies 50c-S5 SUvefwatt ·,$5 buflf ~O. ~ £162...4851 . ~ ~s~are:,.s~ :i7 MOVEP! HOµsehold goodies g~'i .U:e 6 b~itck ae&lskin Tail ,lights 50c each. Bowl-Linens,'. ·il\1¥5, records, 1'.'RtSffiENTJAL Coin aet Gr..E;-_-;J-;4''"' ~. 0Porta;::;:;b:;l,::-:;:T".v:-.,I mitlt $3 : 234 Ha.nOver nr' 5Clc:>$4. -Cornet ·desk $4. fur coat $25. 629 S. James . _ing_.ball ~ t>q $3, Radio J~welry 25e-$5. 4U9 Jlllaria ~ bro n z e 1 ··~ ~··tubes SI7.50, 3.16-l656 ~ta M~ • 2-rqqm sired'l'.UIJ and pads, .Rid .. l'{.8'. ' and TV tubes 2Sc • S1 each. Way, .Apt .o. New P 0 rt ~'. coini»ete, Waahireton WHJJU..PooL Au t 0 mat i c TONNEAU _..,_ fits 6!)..68 oil~ and gold; $:25 each. MOTHER'S Day give her a T R-U·N.nL E bed i $15. Beach.;Near Hoac Jloapli.l: 10:;_ !"'°n.. ~· Orl;ctrie1 oil, wuber, ~ rood condition VUY~~ Rattan king~ beadbnfU'd ~iame&e kitten, only no. ' . . . off Superlor Ave. Sat 9 AM ~· . on; cacvas in, ...... 'Fen(lir lldits .__ "61 TR.4A Triumphs, brand new ,.. RoUaway $25. -C:E~~~ 10 PM Sunday fit 3 PM be tilul --.-..._ __ .. ,,..., '""' $20 •. Also $Oft top cover for $5. Many more ~· 548-5172 $5. 8',h:hto:rVer13:·~~ ~~ ,, .-..,. ..... ,,..,,~ ;~, ·~'new, SS· a. pair. All ck f . w~·s clothing .14e 12 RABBITS. Rabtiif'L b . PADDLE2<?ARD, ~'. tail· ~pt $"-ffPL·~ x30 lilnd1 of il!ll!d washer parts ;-::~ ~~:~ ~ ~·, Slx>es .91*-lll·, $1~' wbi~e ~th bla~ :~~h\:4 ~!;~~ 1:: 1::~ 1'.8" 'l'ftP ·c:mnd Saerlfice $15 •. ~. 3 pi¢ure nprmts ol in aood condition $2 to sio 545-3528 ~. ~61'l Aliso, CM , weeki , 9Jd Jl,50 ea c:. h . row bolt~or a small sail 64l-2019. "Old Masten" $2 each. Phllco-Btnllli: combina~ MOVING. Wood banded PICNIC Table, $8. Vacuum Balboa.I.stand 675-2it45 boat $20.""675--0625 · CHEVR01Xf 10'" wiile ~~ Jfi:~=· :~1 ... 115 u i. !or trunk. old $7. Turquoise cleaner, $2. 2 eltests, S2 ea. PICNIC 'I'Ule '15 16" trike, ?.IOVIE pmjector .$ 2 4 , wheels $2S. &l&-8'708 . cigarette box SlO. 19869 ,.~,,.,,-=~,.·-~==--,~~I tWiri spreads $10 each. Boat. lad.den $3. 208 Via like new $&. Mattel! X-15 Portable movie IC.'l"etn $12. 4~.o:n: ----~iT. ,.,~ to1220ldin& chair• Keswick Lane. H , B, SIAMESE Kitten, aea1119int Painted .magazine table $3. 1ier1tone; NB 6'.73-0888 $24 ne!' .will · sell for .$8. Carrying case SG. Dayllte ~ ~ .,..._.,, .....,.. SSS..:1697 males $15. 96Z-48&I · · 4 ·green metal folding chairs E X C ELL E N T U s e 'd 642-0089 viewen $3,.. Sl8. Aluminum GAS dryer, worka iood $25. WOODEN Swivel desk chair 4 TRACK tape player $25. $1.50 each. Books lOc each. · carpeting, 18x24, 14 JI: 1 6 , BRO~ PresiQ.ential, · cOin extrusions 2"· x 1116" x 6 ft, 847-1115 S7.50. Adjustable metal bed Reducer· for same $25. Air 6 .old Sterling s;poons $1 9xlZ, lOc sq: ft: Table •'$1. aeta $12.50''u.cb, 604419 75c. Traverse rods $2 • Sl2. FRIGHT , Fa~ t 0 r.x and frame $4.· Metal T. V, stand condition $25. Beam bottli!s •e~;!:~ .~il~~~;r J: Coffee ·table ·$3. 30" mat· WttEELS An4 tltts, fo.ur 10·, New ,,~l"f..'><aM. sample TJ:ii~~r ~· 642-31.63 , Sl. Mattress and cov'er tor SS. 15 gallon aquarium Sl.5. --...,. tt'esses, $3 ea. 284 Knox St., J]ly nylon · from Mobile cue "": .,...~ BARBIE roi.: n • ky 1tation wagon $6. SchlcJc 897-7350 f~D•= ::Wi ~:soAir:~ c~M. Evenings' 5:00 to 7:00 honu!.'700 x l4:5 like new FRANCISCAN "Starburst" Ken, Aita~~s'sy d~11a'. electric razor S7.50. ~ FOR Sale, ·sliding giau: door Saturday and Sunday. G1 BIRDS. Zebra Finches.. $1 $15 'eaCb, fqr, all .touf'. $18 d!nnri'itt; 1ormoreal16 Qotbes; _Wtp, llalr dcyer, P:CEROSER $18. Blue rua and IO'ttn left ilde, 48 x 70 Snug Harbor Rd. N.B. each .. -\Vhite or a: ray, each., ro·r tWo. Not home items, including aeveral luggap. $20. 642-3163 $25. 2 maple end ~ il5, l-TI~l CHRO?t!E reversed 'rirrµ1, 1 548-1497 ' v.-eekends, .5484.210 . ~;eees 25c • $12.50. 2 BOXES noure.cent tubes, $21)...$25. Bathinette $6. New FULL She mattn?11 $25. Box pair 15'.' cost $38, Rll for TIRE 8.~14 Firestone,. new SOFA And ':"'° chain S25 new. 6' $12 a box. 962-8357 lonr evenlne &OWD llze $4, lpl'ing $15. t twin site $20. Perfect conditiOl;I. Elec-$15. Movie camera auto.· each: All like ·new. 217§ TWJN t:ied $15, Clock radios HB. Sat. only, :-ae~e~~:n ~= bed.spreads Sl5. 2 twin •lze tric guitar $15. .5f8.QU8 with zoom 8t..lM S25. Liabt Ralejgh, C.M, ;S?· Record player $15. Set ol TAPE recorder $15 New bedspreads, c h i Id re n WAU. clock battery and 8 bar $5. GE washer rrtt.· F.RidlDAIRE Refrigerator ::i-~~lO~Foot n~ ~l pocket. radio .$3 2 twin bed H.B. MZ--7327 designa $5. 96M049 d $4 400 d.Y Anni~ Saturday only 546-4655 $25. Jn eood c.ondl~ at Ovilr $2.. T ::;r $1 ~ ss' sprlnp $6. 2 ·dining chairs ARTIFICL\L Tree branches SURFBOARD 8' no dln&:s cl~ its. AJa:rm clock 7sc. CUSTO~I~t mattrea for l99l Newport mw.,, .C.M. 'fypewriter $15. s An ti q u ~ $4. l..&dies ooat $10. sift 14. .Sio ~· 8 ~Jr:or!: $2S. New tape deck and .,.9870 ~ u F 0 , d I M e , e • r y Space 1. 5@-8657 . ..,_A •cir:: .,._ Clothes 5c·$2. Punts 'L .Willi ma · ta 1_ ~--1..:.~::~.=:;,,.~~-~,,-,-,,,.,. Vlr'V'O .JleW1llg ma.enwo:: ...,. rvbl, Dresses $145. Unifonm, hone $5. %, a:ultar $13, Golf pes .,_ ..-uw-.;r mowtt TOASTER. 2 shce $4. 4 1hce atation wqons •$15. Matteis 8' SOFA, good condition $25 pang and tupperware 25c • Jize 10 to I4. 4}-$5. CttrtaiNI cart $7. Two aeb Jett band a:ood engine llS. F~ air $6. Fry pan J4. Deep frye.r X-15 $7. Wonder bol'se $4. Swivel rocker, needs C\Wfr !iOe. 164 E. 19th St. ·<brta 50e $lips Nie Red stole l1 goU clubs _ and Ni Ui. motor and fan $5. Wet suit $4. Electric mixer S.3. Pl~ trike $1.50. Ke-$5.. Olest llttJer lW1I good Mesa. Saturday and Sunday Swt1tters Si. Shoell $1. l'l86 ·~·7509 jacket ml'd. $20. Wet 11ll1 548--9810 nner proJector $2 •. Super Cl-$25. Trailer frame with COINS gakm!:. 1969 proof aet w,,.tmmatu, ru 548-83 1 FEMALE Siamete kitten, pants med. $1S. Shoe fim PARTS for 1957 Pontiac Sl • ty $2. Color Forms 25c each. aides and.endl, no tJoor, t\J! 'Sl2. 1341 SO. Bristo4 Santa 't'··-'~ $!ft. 54s.5978 3-&1' $5. Wrap around m14k $15. All parts. goOd ~· puzzt:ES 15c ~a ch. a ~ ~-~ 'AS:,t: Ana. . \VOMEN 'S clothe1, alie 14-16, $10. 10' Sea lance $5. Butno l60 W. WilBOn, Apt, l. Tonka trucks OOc. More toy1 a--b'om O::;,;_ ~.. 25e425. Cha.Ir and couch SS DRAPES,. Be.Ip 82" ~. V~tura a:ulta.r ,new $25. 2 .,,. N A ............ *-~-...., POLYESTER necordinl tape and SID. Tlffd1 upboi,terinr. . 96" wide, $15. Dral"'· beige d··-• '"t"' ..... !rat ~ •~ .. 1me, 15c-$2-. ..,.,.., orse ve., ... -..... . 6 --• 1" .,.·i. ~ ._,,bl~ 32" I ....... _ uu "" ors ...-.. .,.. ............,.. ...iu _uu., """ SolldC9P~rd•corator ong, 100'' "'IU'llL' $10. h Co uni i sTovE $1.0. rreeitr S25. ~ 36". l,.AMP $10. UpbolateHd $2. Grfil, mo~, 11Plt $5. Oil pieces $1-SlS Co 1 tum e Drapn:, belp, 32" lonz, ll2 ea c • S5 m~ n c ~ 0 n Washer $25. All work. FOR ~: 4 ~. ~ .. ~ cfl&it Us. l°YP!!writtt lamp .St. lla,na~, Spanish jewelry ~~ 406 .ea.ta wide $10. All matchinc. system eac 8- MS--7862. ,a&l E. 20tb. C.M. $20 each. 2 ~~ •l' iton tea &tind sz. Pl8.ots Jor pots 'lamp . $8. Patio t@.ble $8. Me.a SL CM. 511~ aood maferial. Includii:ia: SERVEl. Refriprator ff. SEWlN'G machine, a: 0 0 d kettles \vith lidr :$.lS· ft.ch, ~· Red ateppin& sto~ 1 \1~ ~ · ~ bow MOVING. Kitcl>en ll&ht (ix· brad rod, iihgs ind ft.11 5.1&-7698 Kenmore electric conso,le 2317 Cornell Driw, tM. 15C each. ~la~ bed $15. SL Deeotattve. pillow• Sl. ture $t Puritan pl.lrifiet S3 brieketa, ~ 1,bte, RECLINJNG d14ir, ~ $25. Divan... needs cover $5. ~2$13 ·~ •ide. vlewer-~.u. ~live ft.etUna: ~· ~11 waxer for Electfolwc .fl ~ ~ut, modern, w I th $21), . Good platfonn ' roclw:r $5. Cl:tllJj)'S Golf ~ tet · 49. Metal' Ice ehelt'$2. 54&-096.'I s... Pielltc hamper 12. loe tna:er type wuhet $10 Elri> Neva-Mar finish top S25; ' 54Ml15 bl · cheirt S2 UtUity cart P. · ' • · · · · ' Uted a• dln1..... or ........ GOod small' c:odcta.ll ta. e Movie ~ ~ 2 Pieces sn.vm Klnc .elect r I c Sea.lea sch:. Shoji panel• "· Irie dryer S20, ~ :lndl .... -:-...• ~ YARDS Ull'd c:arpettna $3. Double Hollywood lied .wblte Samlonite ladies Jug-~r In , A•l conditHon Wall plaques 50e ... $2 2'.DO doqn S2 .. each. Ta:rveMlfl table. 5404638 $l5. 2 u9t'd dresaim $10 $5. T:i$ w. 19th St. Apt A. gage SIO .. Man OJ' ~'OnWl'• $20. ·Efectric May.tag CaeyonDr CM 5fR'ig; fOl1ll St each.·A Electrk: HA'Ja1Cown,-30"X168l'1'.1• {.ch. Olnttte let til. Bo.lC Costa Mesa. 642-5976 beautitUI Ventura tuit lua· ming1e;cie&J'landinroo.d ' ' . beater S1 Corner tabie ~. 4o ao -·~ )'Ollr p1Ck. ,...,.np'(andl ma«na $10 2 TWIN beds'· with head· ge cost $100 nf:w used cobdlUon. $20 Two F.aloon HIDE-A-BED couc:h, brown F'ilb~i.qUartum, l 'ii pl)on Sl °""'J"fdr )7• n1Diibou .. #).• iet . .1'&~:Ji h,e>i. '5 t~ boards $25 each. like new. f;;a; $20. lArle ~ "tute Ford ~ ply 'tubelesa 1.tm1 SlO. Child'• ~•k 'UOJ Wbl~ -ToUtt.r-bnlller St Child's ~~~-~.:."s'!. ... ',.!;:!.! , =~-1 a<: b. 10 nla:i.t ·~room chair $10. 2 so:WI __ , excel)ent condition 6(X).l3 SS. Nice cofttt table lace dreu, aae 5. $20. Boy• re<lOf'd pll.)'tr $1. S..7!M9 ............... ...,., .-llUUI ~ 15 -• 3 nd ~ P1:"'.I m ... '6'e, • blke ..... SIO 644-,25116 ... •1• "··,.no. /J...., -s.... ~· !.,_ ta"-•15•""..: ..... rou_ .... eheltt $10 n ·c b-; -2 $24. Deak tlO• ~1063 . SS. ~5187 ·-.-'" • 1 · , DtytN~'Wa~ brand ·new ~ "' ... m: , ,,...,,.._,,,. .-«'II" vtn ~ .. typewrijm;, ~ ·~itiOn BLUE Formal, M1l1l C)O(le, ELECTRJCSt9Vfi$25TV~.JZ BOY'S Sti,..,Y '~ '3).154M9!IO _ __ Pin~e Rd .. N.B. . "153l_E.1:A-Palma, AnaheJrr: 1 $15 each. Lamp $3. 2 Dllbt Colt .'40, 11!11 OJ; SI.le • 10. Surfbot.nlt J\O, CI o ~he-1 MAC 8 mfuWlt«i& sz;, Ci1ii5K' pto{& S20 Girl's MAPLE: CIJHI. $25: .ftudel"ll LADJES DJqw and mt• ttand•, beadbo&rd '°·match Linda at &73-(1119 !iaq41., &Jt~~ve 50c-$3. 2'9 HP Briggs SU. 3 HP bleycie $12 Batteries $5.90 dak. $25: ~,~lilt atxl l. ~ 1 abet: .._1t famoua m. Drt.Skt ha $25: Kl~ Good con.-DIM is. 33:11 4th Aw.. Bria;s J!7. ~ lAr&e prment. be,& to •Iott leaf. PS: Olptattl. ct.In, ~n s:;...$25 6~ <11 hood and 1'lft Iii-U • 15 FIUG!DAlllE. . Corona dd Mu. Satwc!ay. Ii ELECTRIC molOr-S3 l "1Jli.r c!otba in $2. ~ $12.50 each. TW bed, $2S. • , rug, aooc1-condition "Pl. f52 'dtflon. ,Jtlmt go.. $2S. B\Jll/NlES • .A.Pott~ co!on. l HP motof''-Sl.,64&-4Mf .. NEW • and used -plyWood ~r lamP8i 1?5-Pair LADIES J>rtqea and c.os-, JoaM SL·C.M. 9U4ll5 -1939 . ,,..ia cil<l $1 TV lamp $2.50. wEIMARAANER •PU!>, AKC ......_.tut, ...,,..,,,. fir -Early Ammean tum<, """ 14-12, famous HIDE-A·J!ED ~ GE~~ Shephfr,t, ~ 2 nauphydt ~PJ>f!r boi5tf!'1 female, 4 moa. houM:broken al.o toUd lumber ~ ~ampa~ iz:· ~= fJ$ tn1kttt swz. 6'15--Mi& :~~~.u~hplklo\Ntarie ~~MJ1119• :~bod.iikeM"'. pup sis, ~pen ,;,2 5-. :::CbenC!~~ru: eC:Ch~ Wai~ut . recor.d ~1J~'\T'::. ~m~ tani "lfO: · 19$1 ·s·i:;tt~ ~ PWd Unto sofa $21), v\v li'&n and ·~r tttsperi,lon 9:ic1592 1kd#. e~. ·com· .~ Jroo~~umlnum ~ :,~:';~t:t. w::: .. n.ttAll t•ble ' 49,50, Maple O\evy motor $20. Us. 673--0235 "' $2S. Con>.alr doolw, $10 each. pltte: wltk nat(naH1, rall· •Eltctric moton' $4.$6 Cbaln tops. S2Q each "Ma P 1 e. foOt •tool $4. Cute drop lu.1 =i:u~:::m= $1b. 3 SHEETS, F\at~ 'asaa. •P-M&-411.2. ' • \re and ladder $20 tach. • ll-$3. ~23'17 mquine ftC~~ ·s~ lMg9 end tablt is. 54!-M6l. M I 1 YOU CAN I /. ' SELL IT · 'WITH A DAILY . ,, "9LOT WANt AD•· ' . ' I . 642~5678 I t ' • " " • " ' j 1052 '"Pall&adu Rd. santa ~mitely 34x62 .• lnthes 8 .F.T· IM)fa, ..lopd~ t'Ondillon Knittlna ~cl'l:ilw:· '2 5. •IONEY. M ~&gs lb, U· maple b Oo It(! •• e m. !UJLT..t.6 dlshwuhu $2l. A .. 1t'1&bt1 '1~ ••"'· "6-IJS.l . IIS--... 12 ·: • -... ..., s1 "'" -rosa !i'lfl8' • .. . ·..:-~=·~~:.':::-:;;·~_...:::::::::.::...i.,.,t:a!::===='=' =========="' -·l ... II •• • . ! ' : L • . •• " . . . . ~--~~.:.~ -.-.-.. ~~ .. ~,:---.~.~~~~~-.-.-.~~.~.-.~.-.~.~-.~.-.~.-.~.-.~.~~~~~~-:~~,.,.-:~ ........ ~~~~ ........................... -. . JllWl.Y I'll~ S.tu..Ut, MIJ IO, JtOt ."iALI AND tlADi MEllCHAMDl5~-I MIRcHAHDISI POlt MlltCHAMD1$1fJ'Oll MlllCHAHDISI l'Oll •ltCHAHDISI POil SALE AND TRADE SALE AND TRADE SALE AND TIADll SALi AND TllADI TllAN5l'OltTATION TllAHSl'OltTATION ;;::;F-;:RE=c=T=O:-=Y-;O;;;U;;;:: ·l~~~·!!.."!..!:Y..,~h!:J!fL_~9Cl~GO ... ~ y ...,, lT'I 1.oMi1ae 11:1r MUWu. Ch1rt.ra . FREE TO YOU ilvmiture .OOFumJtu,. IOOO Antlfl!! 1110 ~!~!!' ~............ W , ' .r ~·~· · •.· · r,::n!" .... ~~~ ~ &Ometl\lnc for r,vtt)'Obo .i F U R·N 1 ·rr U R E AUCTION Ip maa mln oerman 11' CABIN Ctuleer. wry 1 wANTf:D Goad bctmli" tor flil:plwrd. now. J%; )T old clean! Mtre 78 ena:. DJx cont BLUEWATER O lARTEltS pnt\\f C&Uco cat, • .._)'fd. .,..,mon ,.. pne. Af· Ult trlr, rw:w tires. Coast %7' Trojan. Power t.ma1o. Lona haired. Want !ecllonato, "'""' f; no..i. a C'i"d eqpt'd. Roady to go. 26' Ttmnd<fbird, Sall cJ....;lsh ' ' l{EJ..Dl'S AIITIQ~ M28 ~ • , _,.ewpert 11.vd., stote 1. CM. ltom• with one 01 two pll.)'mate. Call aft 3 ,pm. lle1it otter takts. 962-TW Skipper avail. 646-«llXI ,utulta. She ts afr'ajd of ~tno Sat a Sun 9 am to 3 pm. ; MlditemlllW . ANT!jjUI; CibJNl' e ... u t, Bought M1nu1 1Ciiirir'•-.,,;,..,..s. iiillilClOOr>, iln~ '69. Shew..... s..,.1.. 1110: -... $1a). chUdnn. Good CoPhlr cat. h:EAL'iiiY,tlvelykltt"'9 Atter6,pmwk-daya. . fl1hlnt 8"fl 9040 --· $49.W Ii/JI I.Im -a JddL CholCI ol 1163 311 TltO.JAN. Radio, 27 ft fl-Lf loat ,_ .,. Sp:eeioJI I· wt<. or $ "" oldt. 1>-.r. equip 1 or • • an n9 ,..,--.i ....... --W-1_190 8' wooa ~ arm divan, lg. llllll'stllall' 1 1 =~=====:::=~1 or lO'fe .eel. ·5 l!c O<tagon dark' oak ilin set Sowing MKh)-1120 w/bllck or avocldll' !tamed ctialri; 8 Pc BR · 1!119 SINCEil wU~ ,;g-iq: & 5 bt~utlfld ldtun. 6 '!ka 546-9913 5/.13 ~: Sips 6. XJnt cond 6-cyl. Ciryaler'e.nalne, owtf'o oil!. -I blk w/wltt l DARI.INC ,.uow A bla k $llOO: ~ ,._ NB. haulotl Nov. '68. Sleet>t ~ feet. 2 all blaci:, l Cf'CIY· Call 1ctttM. Tratned A we~. ~ y Head, Galley, ~t TPk. set 9-dr Mr. & Mrs; dresser, 11 mi,rror. ~ walqur '°"""'· Ma .. button \' - SATURDAY NIGHJ tor t11 evet or w~a. F'ree to l'OOd hoJ\1t ~ I 9010 Docked at Huntincf.on Bcb. scg..m71 S.10 evta.. · 5112 Sallbotfl $2,200. 6,U.1315 after 5 p.m. eommodes. decon.live headboaid' In _l)panish hdlc~ · desig"' •!<,. 13.25 1 oak desJgii wilb matching ' bOx SpriDks, mat-mo. or $36.00 cash. !i2&-6616 . . I 6:·30 P .M. SHARP!! TO GOOD home. Medium FREE I wttk old kittens to CORONADO '23 \ or a.eytime WHk:end& size maJe. !Piac. line boy;s good ~. housebroken. Now on. dhpla.y • • • • • • $31$ Bolf Sto 9041 watch dog, 3 )T'1. Obedient Call ~78 , 5112 CORONADO ~ rage ll•mt Sold lndM dyal17 f1ress & frame. Shop Arovnd -.. Ion you buJ'. -USI VALUE $1095.95.-FULL. PRlc;Fi $529.95 or termt as I~ as $4.66 Pl" ... k . •U.e Our Store Charge Plan. or Bank FlnanClllg MUtl.cal Inst. 1125 . "Guitar Heldquarten 9 NEW ai\d"USED e &: kind, with perfect dog 3 n.~ Silver G kit-NOw ~ ~play , ..... $"995 BOAT SI'ORAGE house. 66-114& 5113 ray CORONADO 34 Sall or power up to Zl' Fenc· AbOR.ABLE" P/Sia.lnffe kit-!ttna, 1 range ::eu.1 ~ Demonat:rator , SAVE U ~·)'$rd. Newport Bayfrool. ', Febder • Vox • Standcel • cmsoN • MAR11N e wn.90N e YAMAJIA Inspect ~ARLY mis. 8 wka. l -white king • ~· Snowbird, Ultd • · • •· .. • $49S Montl!J,y rates include •• • hair 'fttnai.. i.Jxrt hair 6 WEEKS old ldltw. kme ·A ~bota, new comPlete $265. Use of Hoist blkJbrwn ·striped, ma.le & ihort h.alr. Box trained. 2912 W. Coast Hlahway Launching female. ~7822. 5/12 M2-3U6 5112 Newport Beach 6'5-000 can Anthony'• "' Fancy Front -BUT Qualib' Values Inside Drum Headquarters J'M a.Jone1t1me kitten. I'm •NEW and USED • AOK C • f G II smokey ~ wtth a funny LUDW!C, ROCERS. ASl'RO Omml$$ Oft G ery laee. Wo,•t '° m, body As We Seit . 9UICKL YI PETS and LIVISTOC:K Cats ••20 Price Cut $10,000 l==-=2281=== 9100 Aircraft l...a.rie . selection with qe,w « 1n2 GARDEN GROVE BOULEVARD please give me a home. OCEAN RACER pc. sels with cymbals start· 6 • M8--M22 !5/U 39' Sparkman..stepbens SUPER Cruiser TA 12, new lng at $99.50, Pedahi. tU-baU 1 Block West O~ Beac 'Blvd., off G.G. Frwy. SI~~!!kB K$~s \Vheel, A/pilot, IO S&ils cover, complete en a: in e and sets repaired. All small LOVING, Longhaired gold 642-4933 e PACIFIC YACHT SALESe overhata. Consider P. Cat parts , ace&SOries &. cymbals kittens, love dogs. 208 3446 Via OportQ, Nev.'Jl(lrt as trade. 673-4911 in stock. S ti . Good ISOO Laguna Cnyn, 1..a,g B · 213: 597-5568 n 4: 673-1570 !="""'======= EVERYTHING IN MUSIC ""' •a . s. ·M __ 1._ .. _1_1._-="';.;__.;.. l600;;.;;.;..: 49Hl58 5/12 Cap 1125 . ESCAPE I Mobile Homos 9200 F~rnllvro 8000 Store Equlpmo"t 8012 Be""'h Musr'c Center COLF Ni... mAI.,,,;,, ... ii STERWIG • t I• er Trad!-FLUFFY • Whir. " Tan ·~ CERMAN Shepherd pi1pplff; Aboard ""' beautiful -"--------8\o , &:: B Grand slam. Extra tional pattern. 12 ea., dinner collie % ? Malt1. Housebrkn, AKC, Imported lire, acien· Alberg 35 ya.wL Seeps 6, EXQUISITE SPANISH • MEDITERRANEAN }'ROM MODEL HOMES ti.stem brand names, com. plete housetu:ls of quality IQ:miture, king size bed· . CASH RG~ length u· inch t'onier than knives, forks, salad forks, loVt!a chldrn. Has ahota. g..10 tlflcally rabed, la.rle boned. hot water 1hower, fully NafJonal, with 9 Item keys. Fl\ctory Sales A: Service , rqullr) 4'woo4S stafnins indlv. butter knives. mo old. 5t6-8487 5n2 49&-2184 equipped. Perteet for Npt $250 540-2627 'Daily 12 noon 'UI 9, Sat 9-5 • -~"-· · 17404 Beach. Blvd., (Hwy 3$) ftttl irons $75. 545-09DJI cocktail forks, ice tea FREE To Good home • BuHtt Pups,· AKC, champ. to Cai.aw.a cruising! l 'i1i ml. So. San 0~ Fwy. spoons. 24 teaspoons, 2 lge: Malmute husky female l~S stock. $65. 6 weeks. Priced to sell at $21,000 Garage S11le 8022 I-luhNr.gton Beach 847-8536 Miscellaneous 8600 serving spoons, 3 amt serv· yrs old. Lows people &: * f>45..7098 * Ardell Yacht Brokers "-'-'"-'--'-----ing spoons, 2 salad servers, call. CalJ days 642-8464 5/12 2101 \V. Coast Npt. 642-5735 GARAGE SALE DRUMS, Sparkle Blue, Sling. KENMORE eltt c Io the s 1 meat fork, 1 gravy ladle, 1 SERVEL Re:frl&eratw, Apt G=.allS~~~~e, 6 SMALL SAILBOATS OF erland. Complete. . ~ UO. 1 Madbo&rd, cake or pie lt'rvet, 1 butter ,__ .. _ .... _ 1512 ~-Lid 14 trail s•~ ANTIQ'l"C'"' c Ao ,.,.,A * dbl ht I r•·· 110 1 """"· ............ W ........ '!;an $75. 546-1081 o , er ........ ~ '-'£.-> * .....,....w.n , w ea ,..,.-· knife, 1 sugar shell. SllOO in-'-"-bo la 'MOBILE HOME $10,000 -OR - $35,000 HOUSE! I 'I I f91?mS. .I~ or twin, custo1n ~ted sofas & love seals, lamps, tables, beaulliul din- iill: sets, china & 6 chairs, u-hl ki hr 15 I Front (upstairs) N 'Pt LOVE FOR SALE M;,.; ..... -.,.. t, g !!! • ·• ......... $249 e COLLECfIBLES MU ST S et l Fe I) de r ni"" er roe ng C · vested, sell for t 3 0 0 . n-h "IO ·-•~· o·-l2' (NEW) .,.. e TINS Telecaster. Bass + Case. Zenith port TV, b I w . 675-2364 ccac ~ Poodles. AKC. B rO w n I G;;s SnO\vbird •·•••••· i350 Come in today and ate lUX· e SIG~S 382 w/stand &: reniote cOntrnl LEAVIN" s•·te·. 3 ___ 1WO Female Kit I en a . black. $50. 837-9684 N 0 . i... ··1····· •a<: ury living at down to earth I color TV's, automatic refrig- erators, wuhen; & dryers. 1 \fill separate. Terms. All on sale al sacrillc<! prices. • BOTI'LEs-JARS Nr. Nu. Best oiler 543-8 $5D. 916 W. Ocean Front, turnltu; Ke~re ~;, gry/wht. Want to atay ~UlASA-~-A-..,--.,,-.-.~,,-,,-AK=c, ew ~f{e!,T• BOATS , _., prices. Especially ~ dur. •VALUABLE STAMP Pianos & Ornant l130 :~N_.B_··-------I year new. Apt. Ne together. Days 61>-6383, 10 weeks 2614 Npt Blvd NB 675-2400 ing our clearance aale on COLLECTION • i-eves ORS-3558 5-10 646-2876 After 6 PM ' all display modellt-they're ' ,. UKE BOX PIANOS & ORGANS re.....,trig'°""erator.,. faD, 1c"'ha11,,,.', ",.,.,t. i •• ,.,..., • __ .. _ .. la-•·· e J .. ..., J ·s•LBO• e•y CLUB ~'IAI'"" Kittens, free to good GREAT D""E PUPS. AKC, pril.-.:u to sell imm= t..,.,,-. __ .. "" "" "" ho •••1909 tt 4 PM nl' LIDO 14 with trailer. Like p :.. 'labl · all Fine Glass Candy Toys Best selection new & Uliel.I M. o'mborshlp' For Solo tables, lamp,, bedroom S<t. me ~ a er 12 weeks old. arl\6 ava1 e 1n areu AOK Warehouse 004 Cl bho Wkd all d Sat &: new! ~900. Call anytime aft. B H bo Across fro~ Li:Center Grands Consoles Spinets $?50. 25% Discount. dishes, glasses, vacuum ays, ay · * 893-6953 * 5 Sat 11y ar r ORGAN VALUES \Vrite Box M566 · cleaner. All in excellent Sun. 5/12 AFGHAN HOUND er p*m. 67itS7' * Mobile Home S•la1 '7122 Garden Grove Blvd., GG 1 __ <_Be=hind=-'_~Co:;n-',1',."',.t,ioC-n_I _ Estey 61 note perf • ... S175 Daily Pilot. condition. 642-2007. 1018 Vic> 5 Kittens, Love a sand-box. 1425 Baker SL J,>· b!ock west from the Cor-GARAGE SALE Kimball, Leslie/perc •• $25(1 toria, C~I 11 Will eat anything. 3/orange, =::'=,,,..=' =M="'='=· ::549-="""== =--~---~--l 'h block East of Harbor Blvd. • G F Th F 1 5 5 Wurlitzer 1969 model •• $645 Wka'. old. LI 8-2462 5/12 H_o_rsos _______ a_a_o 32' sloop, Olympian. % Costa Mesa (714) 54().9C7D Iner of Beai;h .B.lvd .. near _ 10 A .M •• 7 P.M. Baldwin Orgasonic .... S395 1-=== -====~ 'A"R"T"""T"R"'E""A"S"'U"R"E=s "o"F" l/dk. Ktay, !/tabby gray. 6 3 Thousands below market! on Baker u. · rwy. urs • r • et· un · 315 EUROPE TOUR fin"·•·• Open 10 to 9 Sun 1°"' Moving. Drapes; divan & Conn c;~~~:t~ $l '·°ii ' lst 3 VJeeks in AU&Ullt F R I E N D LY Cock-A-Poo 4 Box Stalls For Rent ov~~~eei;:~.io:;;te~:t!t. C ~ DEht?XE Oo1:1blc w Ide NO INTER.EST CliARGE chair; matching end & cof. "'ew Wurli-~• •pi-'· , .. -. Ju1y 31 thru Aug. 21st puppy needs a family, 10 Orange Co. Fairpvunda all ~tten .,. -·• e·-• Mobile home m new p&rir, le tab•-"·sk l nal " ~. • .... ~ ~ .,,_.,_ old. Call ·•re• 5 PM, * "~0 .... A.. * .,A., •A~.,. • ~ .... · CM. lll,250. ~0 •-·•t FOR s rx MON1'HS e '""": ,.., : oecas o · nsoJ.ei.t; Miii spa in, Italy, France a: --. .. .u ... • ~ ~ .,.............,., a.i. NO 00\VN PAYMENT chair. portable sauna : 2 bar Wurlitz7r wal co · s5i5 ·. "_., J,.!Jl. tt 2 Greeoe-. Personally planned 545-6954 5/10 ~BI~G~H~o=RN~=w~ .. -t-.,,,-Saddle~~.·r 6:30 pm On approved credit on a stool&; step/s.tool: bicycle; Chtckenng cons, save S P ' ta. ?defa. & conducted by Mr. ltalph KITTENS; ••Licorice, Good condlUon. $125 ~nd ':fiy. l~ps:.~ DELUXE Sbow~se 20, fllm t museful ol furniture in xlnt 1V starkt; Jioover upright: s:e~:C~~~· ~·· ~i"~!f· ~L~ .'. , 1 tune-.tip H. Butterfield, ruveraide "Pansy" &: "EWrin", 8 wks, -==~54>-~22~37=E~"'~'-· -=·I oiling dinghy $125. OR 2 Br, 2 Ba. Bayside Villqe. f <»ndition. Includes king, 2 chests of drawers; heater; Chickeringe Aeoliane Knabii .. 6 i)O ~. ,ol~ $l100, City College Prof., artist & weaned &: trained. 64~7647 YEAR-OLD FILLY, terrific 3-7375 64-4-2285 full . or tv.·in bedroom set. Mi."IC. MANY, MANY MORE -c· ' . " , , • . ..,.ctili\f ~~Impact lecturer. Info & bl'OC'hure, aft1tr 5 5/10 /4-H project, SlOO. I oompl. living r m, dinelte 925 E. Balboa Blvd., Balt)()a e TERMS LIKE RENT •• ~ •. ~ •iG»~L Jet 4241 Glenwood Dr., Ri~l'-FREE 2 months old mixed 544-6243 MINUTEMAN U ', new ; Mini Bikff 9275 !iel, auto. telrlg. & w3sher 6'7>5438 Open Mon & Fri Eves. a1~tng ~Ip & stock i•ijidi,,i (ini4iiii)!!684-50l!ijijiij!6iijiiiiii!il I breed puppies. Very cute! l·BOX stall &: CO?Tal, Santa beaut. blue & \vhite ·!----'-----' guaranteed, i;love. den GARAGE Sale: Junk lo an. Gould Music Cornn.any .$150. Other rn.i:&eelf. c.an aft. 548-3191 5/10 Ana Hat .. area, for rent. divorced, must sacrifice '69 BONANZA Hodaka 100 fllrn., dishes & small ap-tiques,' old bottle collection, 2045 N~Main SA s47'-0;s1 5 PM 897~7 -* SPECIAL * 2 FEMALE. 1 male short f>"" $595. 675-e53 CC, in warranty, with ex· ~ia.nces. S a c r i f i cc Jar furni• .. -, silver, c h i n a , · · 0 .. nu•s m-~ hi for ~289 CAL a> Top Cond. Head, tras. Xlnt cond. Ask. $300. "-d ,,_ t6 -· G LBRANSEN """" ~·-l'Y ' •. K hter's Jewelry hain!d r.m.rs, 6 wlm. old. ... ~n E -1. ue '"'"· or pay ··--.. pliances, bici•cle, ---L ' ....... D.l'lo ... 3 ... ., ae Registered s HETLAND genoa spinnaker life lines V"VJ ves ·'· kl Will r le Buy -ORGANS •aii_..ng a D"~. '"" 540-3874 5110 PONY 11 ' ' 'l,-.;=""°'~-=c--:-;-. I "ee Y· sepa a · sun Jamp, antique glazed lb 1~, $2. Includes partiaJ 3419 Vie Oporto, NB · Muat se ! bow pulpit, cockpit rails. MINI Bike, Taco 22, xlnt a~ll hoor pa77•22·t. GardAO"Kn fruit bMkels & clothes size WURLITZER delivery. Send check or Open Thurs., Fri., Sit. BOX Trained kittens, 8 wb. * 646-5n4 * Many Extrall! Asking l2900 cond. 3 hp, 4 cycle. $110. ' are use. " 12-14. Milcl. Fr i·Sat & Sun. PIANOS & ORGANS M.O. to ,H.A. Komu!alne, Bankru Emta ~~~·.~ .... Black, I .gray/w5112ht. TRANSPORTATION 675--4120 540-184.1 ' ' rove Blvd. '!.. blk. \\'est of 81-w··'--k c,·-ie .. H.B. Disposina' ol , pt U! .............., .i.. 0 -u 1:111U1.: .... Pianm: & Organ!! Rented 209 W. Carlton, Ontario, of Orienta! 'jewelry • %. 26' ENDEAVOR . ¥each nr. G.G. r"'Y· pen 96Z-6128 EVERYTHING IN MUSIC Cal. 91761 PRICE! 4 FLUFFY kittens, all male, Botts & Yachb 9000 Sip• 4, "·" ra<:e, alip avail. Metorcycle1 9300 I ~9. Sun 10..U. ===---o-~~ I"-='=--=---.-,---, 1Ne ID good home Call ·-BE'I'TER women's cloth ing GOLF Clubs, comPlete _.t C•ll 675-1011 · eves FREEi Try ~150. Schock. 673-2000 2 1969 '350 HONDA'S. 1 • •RETURNED FROM " 7-12, 50c.15, Women'• D-·ch Mus"1c Center ·Including bag • " -·l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!I!!! •It~ 61>-8945 .5112 • •·13' CAL CAT Catamaran Scrambler " I road ' ' MODEL HOME sboes-Capez\os, sz 11,!i $1-$5. UGG tladies). Fish t n g rod * AUCTION * 5 KITTENS, 6 Wks. Old. 1 wttrailer &: sail, 1 yr old. machine. 'sAVE S2'l5 Spanish Din'g Guitar .$10. Traverse rods. w/reel Tablo radoo· D..... Stumpy, 1 Rumpy, 3 with Be1ic Bo.tin.a Cl•IHI • .,.,i: nA "" r.:An .,:.,.. 1 Factory Sales & Service · • ,-,,.. U you will sell or buy .. ., -fn-1""1 .r1..-WJUJ. I Rn1: octagon tbl , 4 ~idc chrs boob, dishes, kl uten.. Dally ,., noo" 'Ill '· •·t .. i: dry dresses, {size 10 It. 12) , Tails. 64~48 5/U Offered to the public + 2 host chrs. buffet & misc. Sat &: Sun 10-5. l:i5."J ,.,, " ""°' .,-;, Make fff 548-4264 give Windy a tr!· 17' THISTLE Sloop, 2 sets of FOR sa.I~ 500 cc Matchlesa c#Jlna WIS. SAVE SlOO-King Santa Ana Avf.'., CM 1741)1 Beach Blvd .. (Hwy 39) I===·="=·--,~-~ Auctions .Friday 7:30 p.m, YOU Pick Up Variou s by the Balboa Power sails &: trailer. S 12 5 0 . Desert Bike. $250. Prepam:I . d?.e BR. Incl triple dresser, 642-3150 I Y.s n1i. So. San Diego l'wy. FURNITURE · All newly Windy's Auction Barn Lengths of Used Lumber Squadron starting 7 548-$69 by racini me c h an i es . mi ........ r, hdboaro, 2 <.-oinmod-RIOO Huntington Beach 847-8536 upholstered. Sofas. hide-a· 64&-1277 5113 P .M. Monday June Cal '8, fully,.., .• ~. 64&-928; ,. ""' :r • G.E. rev o I v in g bed •.:. l ta. "·hi·• T"~· BIA .. Mat'l ADORABLE T 2 N t H b ~ ... mattress, box sprin"s & WE'RE back in our new 5• c ...... s .. ~\'e se:a an-°"' ,,.. -·'7 • .,... • errier pups 6 , ewpor a r Or --or_,,·,., Make oH••, «o KAWASAKI ·-. N•"' b shelves. clean good $75, tlque din n t b I 20751'-N rt CM 6f6.8686 ··"-ld I -• l -• ~ .. '"" '"'" "" ""' ~ .. . ft.ii me $295. SAVE $100.Sofa, many other items. 5191 lleil i;torc. Blg Celebration -Bi& Pol 5•.d 1 g ~7• 11• ewpop • w .. s. 0 • m ... e, f~m ... e. Yacht Club, 420 West * 842-6061 * heavy duty forks. A-1. $.175. jJove seat. chair, hex com· H.B. rear alley please. Sale. i2s~1oraC:~ra.CM · MOVING! Alm<>11t new bx Weaned. 540-3784 5113 Bay Ave., Newport l3%' FLYING Dutehman JR .• ~Call-~ti49-~223-1 __ ~== . l1Jode. sq. c· om n1 ode. <>A" •148 CLOSEOUT of consale Pian-n, · spring &: mattrcues, extra 2 GRAY Kittens. 1 arm Beach. En r o 11 at •· ~ ·~ CAD c _., .. head Fbgls-Dac sails, trlr, cvr. '&I HONDA Scrambler 300-0:.' 1match'g coffee tbl. sm. os at savings to ...... $400 lOMJ ULA • Tow ii long King & re&......... • oventuffed chair, nil s class. For additional _Xlnt oond. ~1 546-5625 S250 Good condition '8 & E FURNITURE. 2tJI N. G:!1':!15!!~k~!~1~:~: I~;: CLOSEOUT o1 Baldwin oVt!r-ad~:?! '-~las ~n .. _nmning_~': boH ~'."loofl. Bed ~:am ~ds'. recovering. 646-540'J 5113 information p b 0 n e 21' CAT. Choy d" In • 546-2748 !Mail, s.A. o p e n Sun. age pianos at savings to $349 uun uu ne"'"' tome ....,. "· eu m sprea~, ma1 s CUTE ldtteru; 6 wkfl oid, 4 all 67 •• ,.7 67•1855 ~lni ing set. miscell. gift shop & CLOSEOUT of 1968 Organs New Battery, 1$14.95. 24451 caits, lamp, toasters, cotfee ~ or "" Ensenada vet. Extnul. $8000 HONDA 160 ce scrambler. ottice items. 1901 Kings Rd. 1 · 1 ,..._. Cort& Cre!ta Dr El Tdro pots & n•ru;. 8' bar, 4 stools. white, 1 grey, 1 tiger stripe. val, aac ffi995. n4/893-1019 Reblt~ng, new oveMized I! COUCH, matching love NeWJ(lrt Beach a savings 0 ....... ••• ~ ·• · ,.... C&ll 962-3956 5113 32' TOLLY ('67) F/B, dual I .seat. Barker Bros. table, 6 No down oac, 5 yrs to PllY· 1,.,,837=-4239c-=---~-+~ Tables, chain:, etc. 546-9824 controls TIS, hot water. 13' GlasS w/19' ma.st. tires, make offer. 675-32'JS , _.chr&. King size bed com-GARAGE SALE -Sat & Sun WARD'S BALDWIN SfUOIO JONG Size m.,.ttttss J. &: 3-SECTIONAL, 2-3 pc & 1·2 Free i..a:us~~~h soil elecll'ic winch, radio, depih Best Offer. '64 NORTON 750 l'Jllc1r; lrg 8 dra"'·cr solid N,.""",•--"',·,w'e't~ •on,.!: hSoems ~ 1819 .Newport, C.M. 642-8434 blathk~ts. ,A,,dmi~t ReM .. pc 6 ft couh _chesd.ln2 .~~· 497-1&49 5113 finder. Only 83 hour s . * 545-5.107 * Ei;~~len*t 61~'!1.!°" Wood • dresser. lrg milTOr; ...,.., ·'7• ...... '" HAMMOND. stfl.lnway ·-•. ap size .... sc 1 ems. ust lounge c airs, t: ,., se .... « Inspect & olfcr, boal 111 our 1969 '}'hunderbird Sloop 26' .,.,.... .,...,.,,_ IJ-i1atctling 5 dra,,·cr chest. furnlturr. 225 Kings Place, maha ~ neY• &:: used pianos sell by Sat PM. 2450 B misc. 160 W. Wilson, Apt l, Too n\any friendly rats! ffict. New boat. Steal at $2895! TRIUMPH 650 Semi-chopptr, ;t>bl bed :sci & dresser. NB. ot all makes. Best buys lnl;:;E"ld"'•"n • ..,C~•.,,•....,,....--,..,-10 AM-12 PM or aft 7 PM 494--1854{PETS 01'.'fl.Yl Sil: 0 • * * * Thi& v.-eek only. 646-9000 sharp! $700. !1daple l'OCklail & end 1bsl. 8' GOLD sofa, 1::3$ rangr, So. caur; right here. BUILT-INS: Oven, cooktop, NE\VPORT Beach Tennis 3 Zl' King Cruiser Sloop, 13• CATFISH Catamaran, call eves 646-1327. lor TV. lrg in'<:'g. shape tablea, phono, healer. rug. SCH?.llDT MUSIC CXJ., vent hood dishwasher all Club Member&hip for sale. KEN M 0 RE w a ah i li: I immaculate oond. Askini fiberglas: fully equip'd: like '64 SUZUKI TIO, 250 ce. ~IIee 1bl. All ni ce & crib, hi-ehair. st ro ll c r . 1907 N. Main, copJertone: Sink & dis~stt. save $200. call Harry machine, repair a bl e. $7-400 ne\v, $590. 675-5786 Eves. $175 asonablue" :.!O&.l-A ,,~:1~e.~ ~eai~o~~· .nu~ Sa~:in Santa Ana :l fo1mica counlei-3 $200. Butler, 805-482--3882. 673-J82 5/1l DAVID L. FRASER 15, OLYMPIC class Finn, Call644-0013al~r7p.m. n. CM o E. 21sl. . .,..l7"'""""' · tV){ln nc, HAMMOND Organ & Leslie Daya 646-8272. eve 542--9725 .,...." • membe-h•'p "'e"""'..+ 3 HEALTHY kittens, 9 wka. CAU.: Chuck Ave"" e ~ u...... '" " .. If"'"' 'J cover, trailer, like new. 2 -1967 SUZUKI 90's, 1 dirt 1>AVENPORT. La\1:son sryle GA.RAG.E' SALE 1'·ri & Sa1: speaker. Like new! Paid MOVING must sell Coldspot Beach Tennis Club. $450 + old. 1 blk/1vht, 2 gold. 3424 Via Oporto, Newport $85Cl. 646-2Sn. & 1 street bike. Xlnt cond. [made by l\arpcn. Chgo Gas range, elcc fl ryer, over $3000, asking SI400. frost [ree refri&:. Formica transfer free. 673-7019 67>1087 5/12 613-5252 * 494-3916 Eves. Both for $300. 675-rolS / springs & rr~e. cxttl. C'Oll-houtchold mi.~1" 446 Esther 646-8018 ) topped table, 2 cheirs. Misc. N".;E;;E::;0:;:=:2;._1;;3;; .. ::w,,:;;hlc,,-:1;:.,:-;vw=, WANT Good horue for large Shoregoer-s1~~ina: Dinghy ditiCln. r~a~ric !lii~htly \\'Orn. St., CM. 11Af.1i.'.f0"'1D A-100. \Valnut. items. 642-5244 will sell 2-lO"xlS" VW wbla Husky/Ger. Shep. lovts 30' CIIRJS Craft, lapstrake, 1965 HONDA CB 160. Ma!1l' Asking $50. Dinette set. GARAG.E Salc: 242:il La f'\1ras, $18ii0. EXCLUSIVE Club slngie & tires. 496-2500 childrtn. 968-5666 5/10 twin screw, fiy bridp, dual ==""'•"67-o>-;::23.16-;;c*=:-:=I extras! table, 4 cha.in, cxlrnsion Hcrmosa, Laguna Nigucl * S.16-4440 * v.'Oman membership kir a.ale 3 DARLING Id 2 . controls, elee refrigttation, SHOCK Racing Sabot with Call 897-4053 aft 6 or wknds. leaf, like new. Aslng $35. 495-4720. t'ri·Sa t & Suri, • BALD\VIN Acroni;onk: • Bargl\in! W r i 1 e Daily 60-GALLON fuel tank. 3-cyl. Uens, tlgt'r Gt!!al Marlin fishing boat. Dolly. $300. 673-7558 1967 Yamaha 305 Scrambler. t 540-Ll8l. 256d. '°1 lh, c;.1 t HAND guns, lools, 6 r~I . $<17j. 18 n1os old, xlnt cond. Pilo1 Box f.! 323. ~~!c~i~~· 17" lathe &: ~':.~d. ~~It wh~ll~ ;;~~!iw/sl~d, ~o~rci ~~ ==~"=""'""'"===! ~ ~ 5 speed. • VING & in ng rwm sc s. ma rine mo Io r . 1O;2 Mo"'ing mu~t 1;elt! 549-2103 * POOL TABLES * Power Crulu rt 9020 4 dressers. DeLuxe l iving Palisades Rd. S.A. Hei.,ht-. NE\V, UNOPENED WORLD 4 Kl'M'ENS. 2 male, 2 213: HUl-3434 · :.;;.:.;....;;...;.=..c...---I " CUstom ... antique -modern 0 ~•CYCLOPEDIA female, Long haired. 6 Wks. =,---=--=-=~== -• t S I room chair. mise. chairs, Rl\ d' . Televlslon 1205 . used. SPORTS .. 100... B O I\ ""' · 1958 25' ESSA NESS 1962 32• CHRIS Sea Skiff. Dy ""u o erv eu stoves, n:frig's, cabinets, ~iawa'y· ~-~~~"§0~~~ ~'.: ---------<1111 "~"......,,, 1 ., 0 s:i5o. ~ old. ~75116 5/lO Sportfisher • ·overnit;hter. bridge, twin 185's. Low & Parts 9400 swivel l'!Clfa, bctlS. The •pl. •., Co,la ,1_,, 1 Yr. service contract M'~=-'~~c..;_"-:,~-="-",.:P_cm::...~ CUSTOM Made 1ur1~-~. g• 2 \VHJTE, 1 blk &: wht. klt· 115 hp Chrsyl~r Crown. 6 R d · " " "~-1(../UAL Kng s · bed I ...,.... time. Sips . . a 1 o ' DISAf.ANTLlNG 1963 CheV)I Garagr. 1550 Superior. CM. I="========" yt1ur rolor TV. tti;artlless of 'lted. "' .1 w 6", ~ cond . $50. 6'7S-OSZ 5t~~15• ! wks. old, weaned5/10. Fathometer, ~hip to she"' pressure water (hot & cold ) PU 283 e"" 4 gpd trans. 1, 646-9188 a II llOO agt but n1ust tx-in v.'Orkinj qw matt .. comp e.te --1u radio, 5 scoop bait tank. Rtf.r1g. Onan po~w plant. . ·"!!'• . . _ SI DRA\VER W1.lnut dresacr. ,.,pp ancu orrirr. · .. S15. Bi ii.ck & .Never used $98: wcrtb $250. Misc. W•nfed 1610 LONG-haired, charcoal col· Asking $2650. Call 64fp.1S45 Electric head. Winch, halt n~tsid~ bed. ste~ bumper, mirror $80. La.Jnp. waliut ADMIRAL. auiomatic ict 'vhite .... S35. Contract ln-1,84=7-0406=~~~-~~-ored kitten. very Persian. Days &: 6£-4994 eves. tank, Birnh\i top, oovers. ~~~~;nu & nu.sc parts. ' shelf group. Maple bertm m.ftker refrigerator -(;\) ' eludes free a~justmen1 -if HONDA 305 w/Ceranls Ir. f!)(· $ WE BUY $ 491-1458 1 5110. FREE STORAGE Ma11y extru. Sll,500. C&ll l ,C'==~---~-"I •1 sn. ~taple book case. \Vhilf f1u111 ntodel homes. Save rmrt11 arc 1 n s t a 11" d . tra ~ng\ne; diving equip, 1 MALE P&ke, 3 yrs. old: 14 Ft Glau Runabout, anytime aft S PM Sat, BUCKET SeaU for Corva1r 1 leather bench fr. 2 9 8 3 $100. o u n I a p • 11 , 1815 llnth1d:ng pictu11,..1 tuhbe etc), con1p. Frigidaire washer. $ FURNITURE $ ~ 1 male Chihuahua 4 50 hp Evinrude, trlr., 1 .:"'.:3-05;.:,;.:19_~===--I ~~n!!;., Sharp. $55 a pait, Ceylon or, Mesa Verde l~ewport, Cosla f.I c 1111., you on Y pay a c argt' of 646-1588 Al»PLIANCES yn. old. 546-2838 5-10 Xlnt condition. $695. 1 • 4 r SJEPLIDlr ~ : area. 540-3312 548-7788 512·~ for call. Special -B"°A'°'R°"G"°Af=N"'t-,,M"•-m"ben=hi'°''_p...,..in c.1.r 1V'-rf•11··-s .. , ••.• FREE . TOMCAT BOATS I ~ l==========•I :, nv~Y Maple Zenith bl• i:r.'111);'.RAL ELECTRIC UHf VllF . color antenna Newport Beach Tennis Club. I Pl•t• •r H.vt• Mill kittens 16). to iood 2614 Npt Blvd., NB 67$.2-tOO T 11 T 9425 ~ ""'u 'f-~ Sll 25 lncludin" lnstallaUon UT I Mm.es. 6 wka old. Call a.fttr 3 ~ .. ate stare -m>, ra er, raver I E ar I y Amtrlcan Kroel~r n.od Sfj9.88. Dunlap's Our repair ma~ has 642-341"7 aft 3 pm. · • 5 • 1.453 I • 5:30 p.m. 545-3922 5-lO 8 berths, loade4! 30' TRAVELEZE tr ave I . 21" TV. Needll \\'Ork. $50. ~u~IQI ·~~·asher. f I 0 0 r . . " . $700 .)'QU pay transfer fee. CAStt IN JO MIN E 2S £J' TROJAN 1965, 190 hp rn· ,....., •= l°' ..', ,..__ 'I ' 31 yrars experience. "t GERMAN Shepherd pup 5 Interceptor. Bait tank, SS •PACIFIC YAOIT SALES• trailer, like new? Self~ ' hld~-bc<l. good concl. s...... o;' ,.,ewport. ....,,.ta "esa, 'IADISON ELECTRO"lCS 2-26 GA' "'lsh tan"· ,--• & ol I radio Only -ho .. -Im , '29-i8 !); '' " .. .-""' ,.,IU A N T E D moa d, ove1 chUdren, frtt · ~ ....... · 3«1 Via Oporto. Ntwp0rl tained, cri>t'd, air-<:ond, b1tn 833-tt INSURERS fish incl $140. 3 pc sectional w to i(I. home. 646-2398 5/10 macu1ate! Sleeps 4, atlley. 213: 597-5568 n4: 673-1510 color TV, stereo hi·fl. tape REJ>Si:l GEltATOR t'rcezf'r. 11732 \Vestmlnater, Suite 1 $40. 2136 RaJtigh, 01. Ready to ro! &Th-5867 8010 18 1 Id ~. ·•-41.. ,,,., """O 3 ADORABLE kittens, 7 ,.., . 19' GLASTRON tbgla recorder, wattr r i l t er , Office Furniture INS. Group dl1poses of: ateel de~11. chairs, tables. file:w. shelving, Jockers & drafting room furniture. '. fl1c!i1ahan'1 722-84!'!0 ! 18.10 S. AnAhelm Blvd.. ln • Arntheim falongllkle S.A. FTI\'"Y at KsteRaj : Offica Equlpmont 8011 CASH REGISTER Nalional. 8 dept't. good !?""· sn.-.~M~ 5:":"~ ADDll!i550GRAPH Mod. 2lO. ... pbotyp0 Mud. !.50. P'ramtl It ab. 174--5200 lhcr are looking -DAILY Pu.or clauUled. &12·5671 a. t.. 1 e ":I Sh""• \Ve>lminster 0-.1090 ~~' \Ve -··" quallly (no l""k -O"A'"l·c ·'ell 1•= w ul kk?1 N $600 · ""' iretru " \!.'eeks old. house broken. 1 :1i ... tl'IU"' "'' wu Cruiser. 140 hp ~tl!fo'ulser di.shmuter, hydra ic jacks, \V · ew • · rr::oving 18" SILVERTONE lV, with OIAMOND custom duiened please). Funtlture, c o I o r white, 2 calico, 838-7650 5/U Sto\vboat, folding boat, new J/O, 4 bunks, bead. gallty, robot hitch, awning a: much mutt ll $2'1a. 6'ffi.403(i stand, $50. Excellent con· cocktiil rlng; over 2 Ct, TV's, slel't'OS, appliances. . $100. Stqull 31)..HP/~ hr bait lank, new 55 w morel 5374032 KEN\'.t E Au t om at I c diUon. G'i:>-4235 aft 6 Phi. appr. $1450. sac. $475. tools and ollice equ\pment. 2 LONG Haired male kittens $95, OR 3-7375' Simpson radio. Full covers, SEARS Ttnt trailer, used on. \\•ashf:r, lale nlodel. Xlnl =========l='-=""=~~~=~--I TOP CASH IN 30 ~flnute:s? 6'13-4l06 5-lO 25· BERTRAM ·ss Hard top bow rails, 36 pl Ml, trtr. ce. Like new! Orie CO!l cond. Hl•Fi & St.r.. 8210 CHEV ENGINE 1293) Ir auto 53l·l212 • 893-0355 HALF-Brtff Siamese 1cit-twin ?iferc 120 ro. Clean $3200. 714 : 968-2675 eves. $350. Sell $250. ~1989 ~· 841·811.5 trans. Good cond. Both $100.W .~-AN=T~B~ .. -.-w..,--~,...,.--.· I lens, 6 week1 o l d . bilge, costJ.y u trU. OUer. -OWENS XL-19 19' n...1. GF..'WERAL Eleclric Dryer, ROBERTS tape recordtt. 548-&111 poline ustd ~t In iOOtt CM-642--6206 3/10 min $9400. T14:M8-5979 '•• ' • ...., CLEAN 12' trailer, re:a.dy to llOOI' motl~$99.S8. Ounlan's rriodcl 1630. bell ollerl Calllo'"RAN="c~E~-=,.~,.~. ~.~ .. ,-~IOO= dlUon. 6U-l"82 or. 644-4687 MINIATURE Poodle, 2 ....... tnboAn'I runabout. 225 hp V-3, travel, 1295. 5571 AltrM ,. Da -•t '.I 645-W.18 SO • J ·~ 17 FT cat 2-45 HP Mete e:1*c· U1ed 36 hrll. 6'1'3-9100 Ave. Westminster 1S1.5New .C~t.543-TISS n(U ., -MINOX 8. meter,.. strobe \VANTED ·usedS'tol'bllr old, Male; vtl')' 1ood tr' T trl •·' ··• NORGE .;nl\Uc washer $30, gas . $45. 1!13 •"RICIDAIRE \Range. 2 ullf!n~. xlnt \"flnct. $100. SP"'t·ial feature. !)6.1,..1023 KENMORE De t "800" 8t'rie:S .,...asher, . s \\'O!'k. suo. &U--2948 NEWER. J'(':llOW PJ'.i4ro ault'l. i,1•i;hr .. ruM ..,,oo. · 5404289 GJ~. Wuht!r A Oryrr. $100. Xblt 673--191~ DAILY PILOT WART • STER~ -~ l • hll~ 61° _,,, 5 12 ICS. op, r, ..... i ,...,...., 5 '69 p.RQWLER. J8', Fully £.>V-tape 1"''"uer. SJ.35. After 5 pm. 64$--0639 for home. ~1345 evts It w/c unin. •P"'\IO> I etc 546-8963 ..,,_ I I I 90• -ld Craig )fodeJ 24<J.1 ' "Mr ftt qu D. • seU~nl. Xlnt cond. $3400. J • ~ ~591 ' , SHOP S.nith for sale, Jots wkends. FREE J(jtt1's, ITIOlltly main. ll' GR.EGOR Bott ~ 'l'ffny . -J;. 64&-2305 SI of a ... ·chment11, ••~. ;;=======""''! A•k for Sandy:' fl'om 1(1..6 trail r .......... ""~. ....,1 'b7, 35 HP Evinrude mtr. in ·~--~-----• ... .,,. ~ Sterejie 1 1775 648-1363 • 5112 e ' u...:u .., ,_n. -rood oond. R e c e n t ! y 6.MAU. Sl;.-otsman trailtf -T11•!f(>!~R~o~co~rdon~'.!__!l~22!0~1;;w;LE=!;:iiik!i'imt.i:-S:i5. I --.,...----~"""'-2 BLA 1 6<>-mr cweliiaul.tt. 96S-38!I l9f7 si,... 6. xt"t cond. .... MAPl~E: hUT\k fMUtlt.9, '35. $20 P.10. M!p 1111• prqt, cor. CK Klll•M, ma"' TAKE O/balinct. of 22' In-$TOO 11.tust sell! ~2079 \VANTED lo buy snny 250 bunk set, $3(). Antll'(ut. china l3rd A On.¥, C.M. Part AbylllnJan. Fr' e to botrd. tncludta s/~ radio. IMf Slfp Meotlnt 90361=========1 tape deck. Reaaona.ble! cab~l $4.S. MJ..Q86 Petitt~. 5'8-Q522 1ood home. ~!S'H 5nt Lots of e:xtra1! ~n . -Triillf'I Utlllty 9 450 =d64&-~l~982~o~•~83&-~l~2U~=l··~"l'l~S2T~m~plca~l~FU~·~b~el FREE lo pOd ~hom e, INBOARD/ Out boar DOCK tor Powtr bot.t z;· or ---·--~---1 Openl,,. 'bout ii l!ilh FREE TO YOU mh<iotun poodle. •payed John.'!tln S.uport tll! hp. ~ .. 12 P"r It.""' bom•·NB. EXCEPTIONAL UTlLITY S=f!".:'-rl'.:l-n1"'-:-G<:-o:-•::dt--.::-'500-;-~l~'-;;.;'.'.'.";::'":..:V•".!l:::l<>!..,,,,"',;84~2-<.;30:;''.:':'. \ --------·I ffmalt . 546-123$ eve:11. !i/13 trlr T.0. Pfl'l'ta OrT ~ 'vater A: e:lec turn. m-6102 TR.AtLER! $200. S41-2557, 30-C.llbtll M~l Carblnt, xlnl N&W S~tr-porlifilf"sewl.ng FREE lowly hall Siamelf. YotmG \\'hilt Rait1 for Pet& 21' BUROICRAn' '6\ &. 80 SSl Center SL. C.lof. cor>d.. 1s1And mtg. $35. machine, must M!ll--best of· ~;~·2 54M95t, call ~~{2 131--0131 ~/13 HP OiB. trlr, ndiO. Clean. 1(~:r~~! 9039 trucks 9500 6'15-o.1105 .,, fe-r. 64:i..1t92 Chrit. KITTENS $1 393. M~ --'-------".;..; ====--c,.-,==,-,.,-:·l===="""'""'---""-··""· l rtufi'~y killcl'IJ .• ae:livtritd ~ S/lJ nd CAL •• f C11A·~ -G'tC 6 PU . SLO'T' CAR & TRACK for 4, DIAhroN'O Tif~fl)' \vl:!,IUlng 32· P.C. Sloop, Jood co . .., or .,,,.._,. 'uo:1 1• • I' bed, Sl.695. mounted, + •~~qorie•. Ml, fh1.wlttM: appra~ to )l'CUl" homt . N&--0'161 5113 MAtqC kittflns "-adU.lt cab F"or lnformlUtn. p1tue ~II $25 ~·· $150 \\'k, Good cond!Uen. $». Xlnt eond. ~2039 $7i'5-, "11 '200 Cub. f7MW OIAltO:Z )'OUl' wa11t ad now. to ,aood home. f36...449.'I $/13 Vent.ura (l<lli) M2-U48, __ _;:816-.::..;~=:'---"'----<',.:.*c..:;84::.2-.;;11::8':..*::._..;:;,...jl.._- t I • .t l h '· 0 ' L 0 • < It -• •• : 5 • ,_ ). -" ). D 1 d w 5. c -r. ~ r. rt d. -lY r. s. IO -,., •• •• •• " •• tS 'I .. tn " ' . .. "' ... .. i; •• " d. 19 'Y •• IO •• • TRAHSPC!aTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSl'OllTA TION 1cT.;,rvc=.b;;... ______ 9;;,.500;.: l"'flOrted Autos 5'l DI~ P.V. Overddve. fl' bed A: large rear wtndow. 6 cyl, Sharp!~ $!{JO, MS-2557. !i.13 Center, CM '67 CHEV shortbed, buckets, 327. 4 spd, tacb, r/h. 1plit rlm-1. new tires. 21,00 ' ml, $1595. 499--2168 ·59 FORD noo, Ion.a: becl.. 1ood cond, new eng, 6 ply .Utft. 413 Detroit, H.B. t&f CJ-tEV. % Ton; '" camper, 8' lleeper-1ype. $1250 Complete. 53&-3448 '56 custom cab Chevy ~~T P/U. $400. RUNS SHARP! .......,. '1297 POI '54 FORD % ton,P.U.; 6 Cyl. Opt equip. $30. Sti~ ~n Ave., C~f F.relght. $14.50 /~~66 MPG '1341 50 ·~· +tu& Uc '68 FORD % ton , csuton1 cab. 15,tm ml, $ 2 1 9 5 . 540-1488 • JHps 9510 '66 WAGONEER 'SUBARU MAkES SENSE ' SUBARU of Calif. Ret•il Divl1lon 1000 W. Coast Hwy. -Newport Beach 64.1-0050 * 540-2733 4 wh~I drive. Pov.•er steer-Imported A.utos 9600 Imported A11to1 9600 ing. Extra sharp. Lie. # sVE368 ENGLISH FORD MG $2595 ta1t Lenm IMPORTS TOYOTA·YOLYO 1966 Harbor, C.M. 6•16-9303 '67 BRONCO ORANGE COUNTY 'S VOLUME ENGLISH FORD DEALER SALES· 'SERVICE '69 MODELS Immediate delivery LARGE SELECTION Theodore '67 MGB-GT 3 10 choosie from Al\ ready to go • Lie # UJCS17 Fro1n $2395 ftA Ill L··.,; I 4-ivhee.I drive with hubs. """ UU'O Jhrdtop, red & white, radio, 2060 Harbor Blvd. ROBINS FORD heater, rear seat. $1900. or Costa l\1esa 642-0010 IMPORTS TIANSPOltTATION TRANSPOITATION Imported "-HOG Imported - TOYOTA VOLKSWAGEN Bill M!XEY 1---,.,..---• vw • !!.UJfJ c:~cfi!8'S '&41 ~-BllS .Hunt. -IC7"'55J :!!.~"'"' B~ S mJ N. ofCou1 HW)'. on Bcb •w<xl'EiWint!1 1967 n:>YOTA Corona, aedan, radk>, beater, dlr. Like new! TX\1519. •$13 9 5 . 494-7503 TRIUMPH 'bi TM A With IRS: only driven 1 year. 673-9251 Alter • 3 P?i.t I===== . VOLKSY(AGEN '69 VW's L't~IEDlATE DELIVERY Bank F'inanci~ $213 DOWN S·J4.o.1 • 36 mos P lus 1 final pymllt for til1e. Full 2 yr, 24,000 ml \varraDty_ AVail only at T& M MOTORS 8081 Garden Grove Blvd. 5J4.2284 at Beach 8!n--S5:i1 OPEi.'l SUNDAY '67 VOLKS Squareback Sedan. Factory a.ir cond. PRICED TO SELL 6n.a:Kk> Exl 667 1970 HARBOR BLVD. t'OST A MESA:· '64_ v.w. RcL-ent o-baul, so n1fU1 like a bug. Except. Clean.,PCW557 $975 JOHNSON & SON Uncoln-Mercury 19-tl Harbor mw. 00.7050 '68 VOLKS\\'AGEN . Xlnt' cond. Chrome whee J 9, original owner. $ 1 7 O O , ........ . 1967 V\V 1500 eng. AM/FM radio. \\'ht 1v/ blk deluxe int. $1650. Xl.nt co n d . 673-3261 GOING To Europe, 1nust !iCll red '61 V\V, chrome \\'his, !'Car wind's open, R.~H. new 4 pl. Lires. Sl400. 962-3849 '60 V\V, xlnt mechanicaJ cone!' A good buy at $395. Best OUe1'. 879-6088 Daysl'!'~~~~~~~~I OYOTA·VOi.vo ooty. FERRARI 1966 """°'· c.M. "~''°' ---,.63'°'vw="ea=m=,.=,:-. -1961 JEEP \Vagon, 6 cyl, 2 1 _________ New brakes and I.ires 837-7612 1966 V\V Sunroof. Xlnt cond. $1300 or best offer. wheel drlve, air ~nd. tinted FERRARI • MGB Clean tnsidt! and out glass. 9421 Banning Ave ., $1200:.......546-&'.15S aft 6 • 837-9671 • 1-l.B. Ne\\'P(lrt lm~rts Ltd. Or-?ttG 'GI White VW. r &. h, , . ange County s only author-Sales. Service, Par1s VW Bus '62 Good eondilion! $400. &12--0628 42 JEEP. Good running con-ized dealer. excellent condition. S680 dition. i975 or best offer. SALES-SERVICE-PARTS Immediate Delivery, 54!1-0a.}5 642-9196 aft 5 3100 \V. Coast Hwy. All ?t!OOels '&t V\V sedan, ne1v pulnt, ·53 JEEP 4 wheel Drive slu-Ne1\•port Beach 1-ed. clean. $765. • '62 sundial camper,' tuned exhaust, C a m b ~ r Cmu. pensate. $955. 4!»-1591 . . Xlnl _ _,' n-. 642-9405 540-1764 p . "' ~, lion \\agon. co ...... .r-1 v A lh •• 'lG ~ 1 rivate party ....... 1-~.., Prty. 0 .,0 2001 U orizcu n v.:a er _ J1rt11por1 31111p0 rt s .r'Kr" '61 V\V, 700 mi. on n<."1v mod • '61 Variant S t a I i o n \V~on, AMJFM, sunroof. $1125. 4.94-1591 Campers 9520 CAMPER Sales .. Rentals Authorized Dealer Eldorado • Four \Vind11 Scotsman • Barracuda 8' Cabover Low As $199 r-.todel # 600 Theodore ROBINS FORD FIAT -------'67 Fiat 850 Coupe Black exterior & interior. 4 Spd, cllr, prestige Sl(.'(11 wheels, Pirelli tires. $15.5 cash dels or older trade. \Vlll rinc priv prty. LB VI JE 743, Cali Bill, 494-9773 or 545-063~ JAGUAR 1967 JAGUAR 4.2, XKE 3100 W. Coast Hwy .• N.B. 642-9405 540-1764 Authorized 1',tG Dealer OPEL RENAULT • CAMPER s1 ... ,.,,. rn, S'. MERCEDES BENZ I-------- bed truck. Xlnt (.'Olld. $150. --------'6.5 RENAULT Dauphinc, 646-8600, 642-8894 pullh button auto, t\C\V tires. Dune Buggies 9525 V\V Dune Buggy chassis. engine & all running gear in x1nt cond. Body ren1oved. $300. 83.5-5202 MYERS Manx. 1200 cc, xlnt range oun y s Largest Selection N.aw & U~ed Mer<.edes Benz Jim Slemons Imps. War"n":r & Main St. Santa An a 546-4114 ., cond. tup, side curtairni. i.969 MERCEDrn Benz Loaded .v/extras. must su-. convertible & hardtop. sell. Slt95. 540-J&rl \Vh.ite 1vit~ Tan leathrr in- El\U'I SPORTSTER. Corvair terior. 7,000 miles. AM /F'l\f poYo-ered nylon top, Myers radio. S!ick shift. $6495 buckets. \l'idc tires, top privatt' 1mrt.y. Call 11.nytin1e cond. $995. 64~2076 af1 ~ pnt Sar, 673-9579 BURRO type dune bugsy J\18 "69. 230 Scdan..JjkeJ!l70 reasonable, call. 2.000 actual mi. <I sp. Tex * 962-3458 * le<1ther, heater. lintt'tl J:lass. Disc brakes $4700 or offer. lmport.d Autos 9600 Priv. party &16-rm 2421 D --''---------1 Elden, CM AUSTIN HEALEY ,~966~230~s""L-ceo'"""-,,.-.-c,o-,,.-,..1 '67 3000 ROADSTER Gray/beige, Inunac cond. A beautiful car priced right! 540-7306 Racing green, black interior. MG Ready to gn, Lie # VH\\1165 --------$2695 'SO: '1GTD, gd cood. Top, ~ ton11eau, spare parts. Sec 7- L 9 Plwl \\lk days, \Vk ends all "'111 Al.,; 1 day Sat & Sunl...!>;2.-3563 """ UUIO '!l.l ~TD )..1nt conchtion! IMPORTS Best offer! 675--0:t.10 TOYOTA-YOLYO ~1GA • less th(' eng1nC for 1966 Harbor, C.J\f. 646-9303 parts. $50. '59 AUSTIN Healey $3/J. * 84?.SZ17 * El<'c. o'rlrlw. Need a Gardensta.ngl~? 546-2148 Find It with a want ad! ~d . (.'Ond. Make offer. ~2'J Littleton Pl., C.r-.1_ 545--91l5 SUBARU SUBARU Retail Division $1297 POE Opt equip $30. Freight Sl4.50 Delivered $1341.50 ..1.. tax & Jir. 1000 W. Coast Highway Newport Beach 64S-0050 * S4B-2733 TOYOTA TOYOTA $ SAVE $ Executive Car Sr.le Hurry While They Last! fML~. IMPORTS TOYOTA·YOLYO 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-9303 TOYOTA Ht::.\f1011,\RTf:R<: ELMORE 15300 Beach Blvd., Wstmnstr Phon~ 894-3.122 DATSUN Imported Autos 9600 Imported Autos 9600 DATSUN '61 PICKUP $1695 4 speed Lie # VWV561 '67 SEDAN $1395 Near new. Lie # T\'T366 '66 WAGON $1395 4 dr. All extra!! Lie # ~\15.'">3 '65 PICKUP $1195 Little workhorM'. Ltc # NPt1,V'152 tJ fM LfmiA IMPORTS TOYOTA·YOLYO 1966 tlarbor, CM. 546-9303 .'69 DATSUN Big sedan, 96 hp, overhead cam eng., dlr. 1 spd, ndlo, hea.lt!:r, WSW tiret, kMl.dedl 2200 Ml""-Wider laciory \varr&nty. Bal to finc. $1715 . Take S1S Wlh dda, or older car. LB YNW 087, Call BW if!M-.S773 or 5G-06M 1968 DATSUN, 1600 ())!'Iv, Only dri\-en 2'lJ . miles, musl 8Cll SJOOl. 968-407!1 arn~a~ ELMORE MOTORS 15JOO llACH m.VD. WnTMINSTH IM-3122 -, 1600 eng. Xlnt cond. Call after 6 Pr-if. 675-W-ll SO WE TRY HARDER FOR YOUI! '69 TOYOTA F•om $)770 4%% BANK FINANCING WITH 15% DOWN On AppreYef ef C,.;it 4B MO. BANK FINANCING AVAILABLE WE NEED YOUR TRADE IN! LU.SIN• AYAIU.ILI DEAN LEWIS • ' IMPORTS 646-9303 TOYOTA-VOLVO (~ 1966 HARBOR, C.t-1. Imported Autos 9600 Imported Autos 9600 ~\\~~c,· ~ atno extra cost • , , !ndudi"fit fro11t wh.,I di•.c br1ke1, 4-1p11d 1ynchro11111h t lic k d1ift, d11h-mount1d t1cJi. Ol'l\1!1r, lockin'J 1djuit1bl1 buck1f 111h, und1rc-;01fi"'J· T11t prlc 1 it tod1vl Fiat 850 Spider THE NOW CAR 850 sr1010 couru AUDY FOi IMMIDIATI DILIYllY' 124 ........... . ll:lADY' FOi IMMIDIATI DILIYIAY ~ALIFORNIA ~ SPORTS CARS 901 E. ht sr .. SANTA AllA. 5'42-HOl $100 IHS -s.i1 •• f'CI 417. "" I M ••• lld1t,. WEF 161. AND GOOD CllDIT ltM Y.W. ,,, 2 •• ci..:. ••. nu M.fi. fhl1tr. JZE t2J. DELIVERSI 1H3 1H1 Trlumpll ......... Tll·•·A 1600 s HUT <111. YCV 201. Ifft 1965 Flot A.Heally ISO Co11110 1141fr. Ul"&ll2., ltEJ 071 e PHONE 542-8801 e , TRANSl!OltTATION TRANSPORTATION T NSPORTATION . 9100 Now Can n a 4't N i ,. ; "' 0 . 0 0 9IOONowC.rs ~ ll: 0 • • • 9IOO Now C.rs f f l • 0 • Z!I: 0 --0> >C • 5 '" :Ill :I z .. .... = r i .. ; "' g -· .. =-.. -· :::: .. -· "' :: g .. ;; -:r .. -· ""' ,.-o~:- ....... _"' .. ' . . ., . . . ~ ' . . ... '.. . ., . -. '---.":... ___ --------~---""--"---J.:., -;;. .. ,, .ii'~ -b JJ& ,, .• ..._., '\e • :!. -~._--_-"-!...:...lo.."" • !., .. • E • _ _,..,.... _..._, .. -,., I I -,, ' •• - • !'If DAILY ;.!~OT S1tu""1y, M-1)110, 1'69 ( ~S':!?!!TlTtON TRANSPORTATION • WA,,.SPORTATICH C." . tlOO N1w C1n • .. .• 9IOO Nfl!. Cori_ 9IOO TRAN~ATICIN . TIWISPORT.ATION TRANSPOllT.A1'1oN T~NSPORTA'flON TllANll'ORTlTllll\I TRANSPORTATION lmporhd Autio HOO 1mporhd A-HOO A-W-f70li +.uto Lt"l"I 911D Ultd Co" 9900 Utod Cort 9900 • 1 ~17~77·~ • :t: ORDER YOURS • •ii TODAY! • • :1. BRAND NEW • •·Ii' '69 IUl~K • • :!'' $2444 • • ' ORDER YOURS • I •t , TODAY I I • • I • ?OOLE'S FINE USED CARS I I I'~ AUS'flN /HEALEY • 1s'~1 •. 4 •p1•d. r•djo, h1•f·I a1:1 YWT 321) I I :; $1295 I 1 't ~65 OLDSMOBILE 1 ••:cloor H.T. f•cfory 1ir, I l~wer st1•iin9 A br1~11, I 1 e:fo. CMOY 1461 I I i: $1395 • I• .1: '67 BUICK I •RJJ,i,,,. F1ctory •ir (0"'· I I FiJI pow•r, bucktf •••h.I •'~Y '" • '• j ; $3695 .• • :' · "66 BUICK • 19 .J.ldc1f 4 door. F1ctory• • ~; 111!0., power tlltring, I a l\lH. ! SVX Oa6 I I ~ :; $2395 • • :i\-66 TEMPEST 1 •d:.stom cpe. R&H, 1u!o., I • ~5., f•etorv •ir condition· I .i~f.. ISTOl771 I • :> $1595 • • ;: : '61 CADILLAC : •sM:. D1Vill•. Full pow1r., l f&ct. •ir. !HXS 74 2) I I • :: $1095 . ' . • ;'H THUNDERBIRD • .F,dory 1ir cond. Full pow-1 '"' '.¥inyl fop. XLV 4'1 I • :. $2795 I • ! , . I • ' '65 SKYLARK I a4~'" Autom11ic, pow1rl •1<it•1ri ng, r•dio, 1l11!1r.1 !RGV414l' 1:: $1395 I ' '68 MUSTANG • • • a Rfd io, _h1•l1r, l 1p11d.I IWTAOlll I ,. i $1995 • 1•'--=-----1• : '64 RENAULT • l d.r•vell Cp1. '4 1pd , R&H, I IOWZ 100) I • ' $995 • ..__.;:..;.... ___ . •' • : "67 CAMARO • 1 titT. Cp•. Auto., PS, F1ct.1 l1ir, R&H. tTFX 76'11 • i $2295 : • : '60 CORVAIR • I :c,, •. Autom•tic, RIH, I I ~ fFAS 617) I ··~:_$,_5_9_5 __ • • : '67 COUGAR • I Ftctorv •ir coM. Full pow.I •• • ucx ••2 • • ' $2495 • • i • : '6l CAl'llCE • A\it•m1tic, f•ct. 1ir, pow•r .. r.1rl1t9, rMle, h1•l1r,I 1 Cl1MJ7J1 I •i $1995 • ,, HOLIDAY RAMBLER YOLISWA&IN VOLVO WEPu ;.,· · ' WHYLEASE-cor1or24 CONnNENTAL GASH~ monllll untu YoU'•• "'"' it CHEVROLET 'G VOLVO Ht IN COST A MESA AMX and JAVELIN HEADQUARTERS FOR ORANGE COUNTY RED SPORT COUPE a.u ·~· ___ ,_,... =====:::;::::==! ell\"' ... --... S!!"rt Cir;. 9610 6R01H OIEYIOllT , ., tor 6 MONTHS? !---------'Ei6 CONTINENTAL Chupe. c.an Mr. Malcolm bid far 1963 OIEVR.OL.ET Bel Air. Fully loaded + atett0 tape Full Details Now V8. automatlo transmiaion, deck. Still under wain.nty. 642.oo:J.O l'Ukl, heater. $395. Dlr. 2026 Ma.ke offer .or trade for Jatit Ford Author1iied Harbor BJvd., C.0.ta Mesa. model Sta Wa&. 645-2026, Leutnc S.)'11em M>lm 645-&446 llG&mi SA YlllGS MR SPRING nME DEMO SALE 4 (>NL Y, NEAR\ NEW 1969 JAVE~INS VOLVO VOi.YO CUSTOM made ...... oar, tlber&lu body, Vcddte V-8. N .... Ul)lt -1<, $l00. or best otftt. -.1983. Theodore 195.5 CHEV Bel Air 2 dr Hard 1966 LINCOLN Cont. 4-Dr . ..... tar -... _ ROBINS FORD lop. -ll•nl Origlnal -Sedan. Owntt 10.vlng fer 1l2l1 8eutt Blvd. 2060 Harbor Blvd. dltion. Mtt~ perlect Europe. Car ln:unaculatt. Ni:W 1'4 ... ~ Bilacb Costa Mesa &U-OOIO ~1<25,,.,.:;;Mc;;:k;;-,,230=="°""'"'= &st otter over S 2 8 5 0 . --:-=:::-:"'==="::...,;:::::.:.,,,,,....1---;;;--;:1"mf""'.;;;--'66 au;v Impala, 327, Jan. Please caU 548-3667 NI W 1100 J NOW OH DISPLAY RoceC.n,bclt ·ss CHEVY 2 Dr. ax cu In Olds w.; 12 heads, Malory ing. Sig Erilon cam, trl poi.vre, C & 0 stick hydro. Sacrifice $650. &ti.mu. An 3 P'I' .all ~ l ult 1or Johimy,. WE. 1'AJ Wff' ,63 ::. CdVLEAlullSE " dau »o, aulo tran., Juli '16 CONT. Sedan, Landau. r ~ , pwr, air, pwr. air, $1615. Prlv prty. F/pv.-r. Leather ·int. Fae 15,500 mi. $139 per mo. Mf..2287 :Ur.' stereo wno tapes. Ori&: ALL LOADED. including automatic trano. , mission, power .steerin~, ~rformance pack· age, one with atr co nd1tiomng. ~ JOI :JOUR QR 'S9HOTJdaal~';'_Jlo>IJ, 2 cir, '59 CHEVY Wagoo 3 4 8 pr, ply, 67'>1136 , r, .iu per mo. Trip 4 N !""--'-'======,.! '61 Ford LTD -ower, nu titts, ew CONNELL ' •.dr, HT, muffler system, new paint, A.i -air, $69.56 per mo. rebuilt trans. USo. 642-0480 CORY.AIR SAVE SIOO's of $ $ $ BRAND NEW '69 RAMBLER Seats 6 NOT 4 -128 H.P. CHEYRvu: I SOUTH COAST -u.~ ~ CAR LEASING l966 'Cbe"Y 2 "'" HT. V-0 '6J CORVAIR MONZA, 4 -....,._. _ .. q., 300 Cst auto Xlnt rond Days speed, :stick, imrnaculatr:! TOYOTA.of~LWO, Autos ,Wanted 9700 • ....:Cooto::::;::::";:-:=-,;;.5jg.=.:121111=-i "'~W=.==-='=NB==~=2182=' 642-oi930, eves ~izls ask XJnt mechanical condition. 1966 Harbor, C.M. '*9303 --~-----for T See to appreciate. $495. '65 VO~VO ' IMPORTS WANTED wm Illy Ultd C1rs 9900 1,,,,-,,,"",,·=,.-,,,--,,-* 5:J&.8774 or M"'829 r =Orff.eaSedan~to:, ~.= y Vobwqm'ff'J'th;ebe l956 CADILLAC .. Tow It ·~ea:~~r:r::·p..:~ '65CORVAIRMomal80hp, HOLIDAY ' ~~ -srJ.L MAXEY" TOYOTA ~ tDpdoUln.'-Pldit'Cor 1away! Was in runnin& con-& brk! auto trans 327 vs tUl'bo ~. nu tirea. " ll8b 8c19cb BNd, , =. CID 1taJiil (, dltion but needs aome work. $700 or best offer. 646-7545 35,000 mi. Asking $1050. C.all AMEllCAN MOTOIS e · R.BU~Sf · _ --~'!1~-Glln GI' 673• 11 fO ~a~~·:.~·; = '57 CHEVY, 2 dr, ti cyl, titt1 ~:-!~ ask for De~d S I ' s rv'ce ~ . Ula.I-..~·~ 837--039 good, stick shift, good mech 1 .:="""~--~--a es e I x . . -. ,,.. DAILY PIUlT WILL Pay $1000 plua '60 Olda cond, $35(), 962-7164 1963 C0>valr Conv, SALES OPIN 1 DAYS .... IC.a... --: ---s.•' · Oauiti@d lt-Cdon. Save 98, motpr xlnt, Y@I')' c:leM, 'S6 CHEVY. $JOO One 10wner car S300 AND IYINI NGS -Grt ,,.. money,.-time • effort. Look for sturdy late model car, BUICK GOOD RUNNER! • 6134406 • FOi YOUI CONYINllJrfCI Mz:.6023 • now!!! xtnt cond. f!M...3746 .-1--,-6-6-LA--S-A_B_R_E_ Call 536-3932 aft 5 pm. '62 CORVAIR Monza. Auto, 1969 Harbor, Cosla Mesa, 642-6023 N:... c." tlOONtw C:or1 99DON~ Cort 9800 11an1top. Au1oma11, --miL ""' CHEVROu:r. 2 dr. v.s R/H . '!" ~~.,::';,, •••lliiiiii~---~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijjl ..,..,,,, Hardtop. Re bu i 1 t e~ne. sion, power steering, radio 545--0513 alter 3 PM '61 MONZA. 4 speed, excel & heater. Uc. # 395, cond. new valves. clutch & o( 51550 '66 CHEV, Impala 2 Dr. Xlnl tire" Call 67~2 THEY'RE ROLLING .- FORD ,,,r."' r-.. , ' 1 v f:-• ',i!·1 OUT THEY GO! · SPRING DEMONSTRATOf r SALE! 1969 MUSTANGS e 1969 WAGONS . 1969 THUNDERBIRDS e 1969 LTDs 1969 FAIRLANES It It our policy fo cl11n9• our 1t•ff c1r1 ev•ry 6 month1 !or 6,000 mil1tl in ord1r to P•'• on d••n fr11h c1r1 te eur cu1tom•rt •I BONAFIDE SAVINGS Offef lh11ltff te con o• hctltcl! FULL VALUI FOi YOUI TlAD£0 IN I If You Haven't Been Able To Find The Color; Etc. That You Want On Your NEW MAVERICK ••• ALL REMAINING 1961 SHELBY GT1 NOW AT ACTUAL FACTORY INVOICE. TR.Y US! TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS Now 01'tTCMJlrtt 1 S con Jlfl Wfft th et can N nttolled et wltolnalo te tho P•b- lic. hat the clMlert e n ttMff olcl•r cen. SAYE!! 1966 BUICK LE SABRE F~ll pow•r, f•ctorv 1lr. 2 Dr. H.T., (RPMa60l 201. dow11 or tr1d1. $1595 ~~~~. $56 :::.!: '-~1"9"6~8 "F"O"R"D~4'D"o-.-,•v.a Cudom. 390 •n9., 1utom1tic, bl1ck w/wllite fop. llJ51Zl l'4918) Blue Boolr pric1 $21t5. 201. down or fr•d•. $1395 ~~t~. $39 '" " Montt.s 1967 VOLKSWAGEN 2 dr. S•d. b qui1it•, Ju1t ov•rh•uled. IUOL 3011 20 '4 clown or tr1d,, $1595 ~~~~. -$58 :-: • .:: 1962 CHEVROLET V,.TON Pickup. 6, tl•nd1r-d hint., •qvlpp•d. (J)9· 411 1 20 % flown or lr1d1. $695 FULL $29 '" 24 PllCI Moltfh1 1964 CONTINENTAL Almo•I • doien 1968 Ford Cus' tom Costa Mesa Patrol cars to choose from et fantastic savings. lnt8rceptor performance! 196* FORD V·8 '4 dr., •1110,. pow t r •t111in9. redie I h••ftr. IEn9. No. aJS l244913 ) l lu• look pric• $2 150. 20 % down or tr1d1. $1795 FULL $49 Por 16 · PRICI MeMll1 1966 DODGE CHARGER VI, 1utom1tic, P.S., lo'41,d. IXUM5l41 20 't. dow n or hed•. $1695 ~~:~. $58 :-:...:.: 1963 PLYMOUTH WAGON l1lv•d1r1. Va, 1ul• .. fwlly 1quippMI. IOCl 092) 20% down or tt-1de. $695 FUU $29 '" 24 PRICI · Mfffb 1964 FORO GALAXIE 500 , s.d. Va, eut<i., RlH, P',S., 1ir con4. IOMM Jl91 201. dow.n or tr1cl1. $795 ~~~ • $33 ..... Moa"' TAX REFUNO DUE? WHY WAIT? Fi.II pow•r. tir, low '"1111. l l•ck ••l•rior. BUY NOW -PAY LATER IULF779 ) 20'.4 dow11 or lr•d•. $1595 ~~~ii $55 ::-,..:.: IASY flNANCINe AYAILAIU USI D CAI Ult PllCD IPNCTIYI 41 HOUIS UNLDI .. moUSLY SOlD ALL PAYMENTS PIGUl lD ON APf'lOVID Cl lDIT PlUS TAI 6 UCINll ~::!;j,:'.' OPEN SUNDAYS ~~ 1llUCX • UMPER SUPER • CEJITfR PICKUPS TO HEAVY DUTY TRUCK SPECIAL NEW 1969 F·I 00 PICKUP Fl•rotld1. 115" W.I ., 11pd.1yncre. tr•n•. 1055 f·tp1ing1, 995 R·1prin91 ,etc. ORDER TODAY I • CAMPER SPECIAL! BRAND NEW 1969! F-250 PICKUP ... SCOTSMAN CAMPER •;ic:~ 53495 Cl ... Ne. P2SllllffJll Scohm1" c1mp•r 11 compl•f•ly fur"hh•cl witll ic1 boir, dov1, •k . Sl••P• 6. F-lSO piclu1p h11 JOO '"'" i mp & eil t•ut ••· lfSO lb, r••r 1prb191 151 t .00.16.S I -ply tub1I••• t l111, tllx. h11ter '"" cl1fro1t.r. ek. M111y to choo•e frem 1t tlllt pi-41•1 S1v1 •" Eld111•do, Fo11rwind'J, Goldli"e Scohm•n· Ov•r JO ••ri•cl fleer pl'"' eit di1pl•y 1rtd r11dy for lmmMi1 .. .i,n .... ry. ' t '·"'· 19 f 'p,111. Mon.fH' e NI I 1.in. te IP·'"• PARTS & SERVIC E HOURS PARTS ON LY .Sw• I 0 1A te I I'•"'" f 1.111. t• t p.M, M•11 e 1 •·""· .. I '·"'· T•• .. M • '·"'· .. ' ,.lft. 511 I rood, Full pwr,, auto., ;;;;;~==== " .., .. I •-!. MH, .,,, 11650. ,,..,,,1 qui, Lr.ant '56 Chevy Wagon w I ex----~--"--tras. ;285. Good Urn, &ood 1968 COR'~E l'"'""TS -'°.-""=' 81;,;2-01""=8=':::-;=~ • L " 1·u-un ,,, Must sen, $4000. IOYOTA-YOLVO 'ti2 CHEV Wagon. R&H, pwr * 540-6761 * steering, $450. Good cond "·53~co=R~V=E'=1"1=E~389~.-,,-,,pd 1966 Harbor, C.AI. 646-9303 "t"hru=ou=t"'60-=~Ll21--'~"""' Hy-Oro. 2 tops. Best otter '65 BUICK SpeclaJ Station '57 CHEVY'4 door sedan, V·8, 423 \V. Bay, C.M. Bill Wagon. Low miles. R/H. new paint & seat covers. ,65 Corve tte Coupe Air-cond. Xl nt c o n d • $375. 646--012-J 350 hp, 4 :spd. 84l-1639 4944509 '68 BUICK Skylark Custom 4 dr HT, auto, xlnt conc:l! Make ofter! 536---9929 '60 _£1,.!X:l'RA. P/S, P/B, air cond., R&H, g ood transport. car. $150. '42--8468 '66 BUICK Riviera. Like n.!W! Alr--cond, tuilY equip. ped. $3350, * 644-2'48 1963 Buick Electra. LOAD- ED! Priced to sell $875. *644-1732• CADILLAC CHRYSLER '64 Chrysler Newport f Dr. Sedan. A ft'll 1amily car with power stttr, power brake& and fact. air. MGF • 615. $995 JOHNSON & SON Lincoln-M~rcury 1941 Harbor ·Blvd. 642-7~ 1962 CHRYSLER Newport. A u to matic transmission, radio, heater, power steer· ing. $495. Dir. 2026 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. 645-1872 1966 OlRYSLER Town & COUGAR '67 COUGAR Owned by little 'ole. banker from San Juan. Canary yel- low exterior plush black in. ierior, fact' air, pwr atrg, dlr, $125 cash dels or take foreign trade, Will fine prvt prty, VHE 743, Call Hen. 4M-9773 or 545-0034. '68 t'OUGAR, R&H, air, PIS, PIB, private party. Xlnt concl. 675-2206 'ti7 COUGAR XR 7. Fully equip, air. Clean· like new? $2450. 675-6354 anytime DODGE '39 CAD Limousine, V-8, good running cond. Asking $800. Come by OT call. 2508 Holly Lane, NB,.,.646-6498 Country Sta Wgn. Xlnt. ·1960 DODGE Pioneer 2 Dr. izioo. L'--'--X1nt running cond. -* 675-2591 * ~ .. Good tires, clean! $220. 1956 CADllJ..AC -Tow lt TEENAGER Special! '56 675-7452 aft 6 or wknds. away! Wu in running con-Chrysler, Hemi E n a: in e . -,65::::..:,CU:::,,5TO:::,:,,M""'880=~HT=..,,,~., I dition but needs 9Jme work. $185. I • **675-0816** Pis. PJ~very cean. New Battery, $14.95. 24451 ========= Whlsle b-book price. p.prty. "" ~~ala lli,, El Toro, · CONnNENTAL '44-0047 .,_ '68 CADILLAC convertible, FALCON PERFECT, leatheT interior, 1967 CONTINENTAL 12,000 ml. Muat sell: Best CONVERTIBLE '62 FaJoon sta. Wagon. oiler. 494--0660 Beautiful Gold Beige Metallic gd cond. $2SO stick shift finish with Parchment leath. e 54g.2917,,... 1961 CAD. Coupe de Ville, er interior and white top. =~==-,,,"--.,,-­ fully tqpt. $595. Xlnt cond. L u x ur y throughout. of '60 FALCON Wagon. Good 644-0062 coutV, Auto trans., radio &: cond. $145. '60 CAD Convertible, 20,000 heater, Factory Air Cond., * 536-9636 * orig miles, red wlth black power steering, power brak· top, all extras. 6'4-28n es, power windows, ti • way CAD '63 Convertible. All power seat, etc, This attrac- power Ir: air. Orig owner. tlw car has bee n driven on]y $995. Eves 644--0661 7,700 miles. Looks and runs CA MARO 1968 CAMARO Sport Coope, 327 eng. lo ml, ext l':tripng. xlnt cond. $2500. 67l-2519 1968 CAMARO. auto, ps, dlr, fully equipped, low mileage. VFJ469. Sl395. 494-1'":;)()3 like brand new, Buyer ~ ceives the balance ot the new car Factory Warranty. UQC 84-4. $4195 JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN.MERCURY 2626 Harbor, Costa 1i1ua 541).5635 {1 Mi. So. o1 San Diego Fwy.) '62. SILVER wl blk lthr int. Good tires, full pwer, air- conc:l. Prv prty, ~1555. FORD • ... ~~· t:t,j..,,..~ ..... 642s6023 '63 Ford Wa9on CoWltry Sedan ti pass. V-8, auto, It. blue and low price. OKG368 THE HUB of activity for service businesses • . • the Classified Ads. Dial 642-5678 to oiler your servtoe NOW. $695 Uptod~;i;ca;;ir;i;t iiiiiiii~9900~;;iU;i;ltdi;i;;;C;;it;;ir1iiiiiiiiiiii9900iiiiij JOH~~~!;ON GROTH CHEVROLET STOCK REDUCTION Shop from Our I ll lnwentory of Meire Than 200 Ute Model "'OK" Ultd Can. All M•ku & Mochla. '66 SUNllAM ALPINE . $1499 Convertible. Red w/black intC'r. 4 spd, CUte a:s a kitten, Xlnt. cond. A food yal........,.nanclng 11• ,..Ulem. Full Price '6S CORVAIR 4 . dr. Sedan. Auto. trans., fully equipped. Lite green. Xlnt trans~ portaUon for yea.rs. Lie. PEF 509. A 1ff11 valv.-f"Jnainclng no pretl:tlem. 'M CHEVY "IEL.AIR STA. WGN. '999 V-8, AT., P.S. A ~al &ood value here. l\Iany years of fun and trans· portatlon Jeft In this one. VFK 628. Wiii Flnenc• All er Any Part. ''1 CHEVY 2 DR. SEDAN V-8, auto., radio, heater. fully eqpt. 'Many to choose from in thla: ume pri"' rangt, S27 Dn. & $27 -lo< 24 ,,.._ PIMMlrtt M ,.... • ...,. h9r1 'M GALAXll 500 2 Door Hardtop. V-8, auto. trans., P"T· 1tffr. Excellent condition m~. Pull Prlc• Full Prlc• A .... velue. chanlcally. PCA 253. Wiii PIMnc• f ull Prk • All er Any P•rt -A RMI Geed Velutl ''2 NOVA CHM II Sl'ORT CPI. $699 Auto. trans., pwr. Stt!e.r., RAH. A t't'al gem. U e. No. DA w 644. "6 tin. ,ntt. a pa mo.. ,.,. 24 .,..... Pull Prke A .... yaf..-...neMlrtt M """""' hwe. 'H CHIV ..... Afr STA. W•N. '1299 V.S. R&H. All the a:oodles. White w/tutq. lnttt. "OK" In every way. 24 months J(Uarantte In-wrtUng. ..Pull Prlc1 Ue. NGN 667. PINMl"I M prlMem ...,,.,, GROTH CHEVROLET r 1941 Harbor Blvd. 642-7050 '64 FORD XL HT, fact a.it, :itlnt condition inside & out. $75 Cash dels, dlr, take low pymnts. \Viii fine priv prty, OBM 395, caJI Bill. 494-9113 or 545-0334. '62 GALAXY 500 XL; Mom· ma's one-owner .convert. Auto .. pwr. steer, brka. & top. T·Bird eng .. 58,000 Ml . $650, 546-9270: 833-0042 eves. 1961 RANCHERO • S cyl, stick. 47,000 ml. New tires & paint. RIH. Trlr hitch, plug-i n lites. $400. ~5905. '60 FORD Strlnr, 2 dr, pfs, p/b, 3.';2 C.l .. V-8, 65,000. mi. $150. 646-6258 '64FORDVAN Map-Super Interior! e KI 9-2698 e '58 GD cond, $250. or offer, or may trade , for lie col port tv. 545-6391. 60 RANOI WAGON 8 cyl. ahlft Ex. cond . .~ ... '64 FORD, xlnt cond. 8, auto. R.epo sale. $500. BeJow B.B. wh01esa1e. 54()..1828 1966 FORD Cortina GT, 2 dr, f spd, dlr, radio, sharp. TllV035. $993. 494-7503 '64 GALAXY XL. ~. &Ir, -l door, sharp. Ma.kt oUer. 548'0081 '6C FORD, XL SOO Conv. P/S, P/B. &Ir, PfW, Xlnt c:ond. sm. s-ci-7651 LINCOLN '39 Lincoln Zephyr * 49+5697 * DAJL\" PILOT WANT ADS! Iii ......... ~~-------~--~·------~--~ .... "\ ........ ~ ........................... ~ .... ~ ........ , .......... ~ .... ~ .... ---~--~~~-·~~~~-___..__ __ - • ~ ----,----. ---------• TRANSPORTATION rRA"ISPOltTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION · TRANSPOllTATION Now C.rt NOONow Cort NOONow cfro I 1 Sa~IY. Mq 10, 1, .. TRANSPOllTATION TIWlliiOlflTION OAll.V Pl.OT 31 fRlASPOlTlTICIH ·· -· -.... c ... ,., ... can ,... . -. • • ., . •, ., . I NINETEEN SIXTY~NINE ON DISPLAY AND READY FOR DELIVERY TODAY! 1966 SDN. DI VILLI SALE 1965 CADILLAC SALi !2888 $2333 Strathmore white with sliver tapestry cloth OVER 80 ·QUALITY The popular Sedan de Ville model flnlahed 1n Jovdy burl\llldy wttA blade vt1l1l top and. and leather upholatery. Full power, factory black leather tnteriot. Hu poww 1telr'IQI. , aJr condltJonina, Wt wheel, etc. Exceptionally poWet braket, power w1ndowa, tilt n.ertnc clean. (SYJOOf) PltlCI AUTOMOBILES wheel, AM·1'M radio and factory aJr condl· PltlCI tionUii. This is a beautiful automobile &bat 1967 CPI. DI VILLI SALE ti priced for a quick II.le. CNQX5tf ) $3888 1969 OLDSMOllU SALi Olympic bronze tlnmlst with saddle leather TO SELECT FROM $3999 Delta 88 4 dt. Sltlrnm•rln1 aretn exlt~r with uphol1tery. FW! power, f4ctefy air condition- black vinyl ~ I: m1tctitns black clo lnterlo tnr, tilt whttl, door Jocks, etc. Drive it -and PRICE lor. Loaded th fu~•r equtpment A fa"'° )'OU will buy il (ULC321 ) "°7w 8Jr. AM·FM o, tilt 1tffr% whet!, SALi • w , etc. Ulce new. 3,223 mtlea. C US1'7) PRICI 1966 CADILLAC CPI. • $2999 1967 IL DORADO SALi Hampton blue with ma.tchlnc PuBarry Inter· P'h>W>ed In pha"""" ~n ~ cloth $4888 lot trim. Full power, factory air cof'dltlontni'. . "IN Ml EVERY WJ1 an4 Iet.thtr lnterlor, equi with PGW• Ult wbeel--tll the optioru for the d.lacerntn&' • power 4ilc brU , power ~•t, buyer. (Serial No. &99) PRICE , =·-· tilt and tel~ ''"""' ' wonderbar radio, fa.ctory r n riditlon--PRICE 1967 CONTININTAL SALE A PRE . USLY · OWHE hfj plus maeyo more CadiUk optional elturH. $2999 1 1963 CADILLAC SALE -Beautiful 1old exterior with black vinyl roof LATE ·i~:i CADILLAC $1222 '-and gold leather Interior. P.S., P.B .. P-"ind., clUrie DeVllle.' .Ha full power =•nt with P-ttats, fact. air cond., plus much more. Th is factory air cond1tlonlne. Tbil ac 1h0W1 is an absolutely beautUul automobile. Do1ft oat1tanmn1 care. nntab!d iii a beautiful lllvtt be too late on this one. <467) PRICE IS A B· BUY THAN · blue Y.i th matchlnc vinyl interior. You mud see and dr.ve thil one toda)'. (KJA3U) PRICI 1966 THUNDERBIRD SALE ' SA Li The sporty 2 door hardtop is fully tqu.ipped. $1777 MOST "'NEW ·ens." ; 19,1 IL DORADO $5999 with power 1tffring, power brakes, power S.uUful Oettnut br'OWD. wt th ~root Ind windows, power seat and Ford's tameus f&C· ::fj cloth and leather lnttrtor. PQ'M!r tory air condltlonlnc. A beautiful satin silver factory air cond!Uont~tereo AM·l'M. exterior with black vinyl Interior. ?.1ust be PRICE OUR SELECTION OF LATE MODE ~ tilt a telescopic 1ttetlns w , P-door locks. •ten and driven to fully apprtciate! <RTU· etc. Lovely car. Loe~ one owner. (UNM66) PlllCI 339) CADILLACS IS TREMENDOUS RIGHT SALE SALi! 1961 CADILLAC NOW. TEST DRIVE ONE 'TODAY. 1965 Mercecll•• lens $4888 $2999 Coupe DeVllle, Alpine "'hile with black pad-DURING OUR SPECIAL SALE! 220 S Sedan. Automatic traru:mlulon: radio ded roof I: black leathPr interior. P.S., P.B, and beater, power 1t.eerlng, air conditlontnc. P-Wind., P-Seat, P-Dr. loi:ks, fact. air condi· Snow white exterior With black vinyl interior. t ioni"i'., tilt steer. wheel, stereo AM-FM, just Th l.s one hu very lqw rrillt11 and la tn out.-PRICE about every Cadillac acces. avail. (WCW270) PlllCE atan&nc condition. (0'J'V909) ' ; -----------SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN----------- sALE PRICES EFFECTIVE 'THROUGH TUESDAY. MAY 1 l, 1969 8:30 AM to 9:00 PM MONDAY thru FRIDAY -9:00 AM to 6:00 PM SATURDAY and SUNDAY • • Your Fadory Authorized Cadillac Dealer Serving The Orange ~st Harbor Area ! NABERS • •' • . . . • 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa ' , • • 540-9100 • l • T-lllD .. Used Cort 9900 Used Cort ;:.:.;.;...'------- T-lllD LINCOLN 9900 ::Usotl.:::.::..C::;o::•:.• ___ 9900:..:..:; UHd Co rs MERCURY OLDSMOllLE OLDSMOllLI 9900 Used C1r1 9900 Used Cars T·lllD RAMILER PONTIAC ' '64 U11coln ConYertlllle 1961 MERCURY '66 OLDS 442 '66 T-llrd -..,,..,,,=-=,..,•""•n1""T"-Rebull '65 GJO ( rfib( '66 a.ASSIC 770 Matallic bl.,. w/matchlnr In-5 y.., ~ T-BIRD. I """'· PAllK LANE SPORT COUPE onYe e • dr oed. auto -,....., -· Full ........... air ~--NI -..... air, --· -lntorlor. • Convertible. Btt.utifUl Jama. SAL!S & SERVICE 4-.....-1 • ......,er steerin .. , ra-steer., radki. heater. SUcs.17 ver,. ~. Priced '10w. Mi °j;;rMue.. Low pric.. NN'f. Hd-top. $2.Cl'.lO or oner. lllYWITY liff'Ch. good. Nftd• a pt.int job. Priced be)ow wholtsale •l cia Yellaw tinlab with black OlDSMOlllf ...... "" rw" ·-.. Full pwr, xlnt cond!Uon, top $1lil5 '71T cu. 56-0963 i int•-and black top, Auto dlo •heater. Lfo. # RRZ973 Uke now dlr, $75 C...h dola '65 cr.ASSIC 770 ' $21. 95 $1795 '68 T-Blrd. Fall _.-. ~·~ .. ~ :=:·.~: 2800 -Blvd. "' 51550L ';R~'."d:i; ~. ~:.-:; ·,.::: ... ~~!'.he'=.' N~ JOHNSON & SON JOHNSON & SON ~ ~= .=:· ; ONR709 $1095 JOHNSON & SON in&'. po\1.-er tm.ltts, power C:O.ta Meu Ill It 1m: 1 or 545-0034. $1005 Uncoln.~tercury Llncoln-Merclll')' 'I1IE QutdtER YOti CAIL. " wlndOWI, etc. Driven only 5fO-SStO Used can MO-M!l 14111. UUl(J '67 PONT. Bonn. Conv. 29,IXXI '65 CLASSIC 4 rx;>OR 19f1 Hubor Blvd. ICl-TlliO llMl Harbor Blvd, &G-mill 'THE QUICKER YOU ELL i·• 10,000 rnllet:. This oubtand. ;65 OLDS Delta 88; RI;}{, IMPORTS mi, good cond., hv new car. P'ACTORY AIR OJND., V8, , Llncoln-Mercw-y ing car could be easily ml• pwr. brka a: steer. Good $1980. 846--1165 auto trans. Lew mlleqe. .. l !Ml Harbor BJvd, 642-7CM taken for brand new. Buyer cond., orig. owner. $1150. TOYOT.A.YOLYO ,69 Pontiac· Grand Ptlx, $1295 .• ,4 Uncoln ::i=. ~1:c:::"~-::. MMl&S Evtl. 1966 Harbor, C.M. G46-930.1 loaded with extras. must ove'!tr;::!~r~tee~~~- WPC: 36&. '68 OLDS 98 t door, HT, fully '61 OLDS 88, runs good. SJOO, Sacrifice! 347-f193 I Continental $35'5 equip. 11,000 ml. 7 H ' Very -cond. '68 FIREBIRD, RJH, • spd. 331· $899 4 Dr. Std&n. Full powor, a~ JOHNSON & SON 49!H617 alt 7 pin. * 54~7441 * i>OX, mag whee~, llO •"I<· '64 AMERICAN 330 ~ ABe!~-wl•~!!~hina:car .~!~.· UNCO'LN ... ;,.,,~,RY 1915 2 DOOR hard top No. ''J,_OLDS, Oelm0nti88' 4 dr, 10,000 ml. $2,60Cr. sn..9'lN 2 door ledan. Auto tram, ~ --..-ITU;'"'"" 442 aut:om.tlc, JUrH, ucel. ""' cond. AutD trana. P/B. ·6i STAR Chief PontJac radio, beater. OSROllll low price. IEZ372 2'26 Hubor, Cotta Me• mnd. moo. SU-1063 $2195. Prv Pty 545-7813 ' $]99 • • • > • 1.-~- ,., ., • , .· .. ' r· • .. $1295 -•!ii T6ri6NAOO 'Q 4 DR. HOLIDAY a ~\~,';"'"· xlnt '9nd.167S. '63 CLA!:'!IC 4 DOO!t (1 Ml io. of San Ditl1) Fwy.) Sed 6 l JBK«li JOHNSON Ir SON Lo ml air, f\111 ..--. Prlv ll'>O. * KI $-2898 1962 PONTIAC Cat a I In a . an. cy . ' Llncoln-Mfl'CW'Y mo pty. Wr'1245 Good cond. $3i5, 642-7015 or $495 '* llarl>or Blvd. ..,_,,.. M "68 Clil'WS. 2., 11.t. """· PLYMOUTH . a1. •. 51&47 , &! ~';!1~:'.suit ''1 M£TRO: pod. -4 ,...._ U,000 ml. 122911. •rr TEMPEST w-. ~ 1295 ct1111Ullon. $165.. 5«>-7113 00 PL YMOtrm Valiant 4 ml. StDI u I w a r r a ri t 'I . m1ru tit M&-4513 '15 OLDS. D; aave $5001 c Door. Automadc tratwml• 1.-owner. C&ll.aft 6, 961--109t e · ( 951 JllERC. Dlcol. °Ind car. ~. All ,...,. air, "P :::.. ........ ""'::"'u.= 1J11 LE MANS. Xlnt cond. _a OnlJ 49.000 ml ..... all MUSTANCI .,.,,, !.Ownlr. Mf-Hll Blvd. Coota -615-lm U,000 ,mllet, 1 -13750. .... ..;.~ ~ aniund cond. 1175. -U '64 OLDS a Oon..n. !WI, , • <1W765. Mu.t ba ,..._ -dJll-• I Gii MERCURY °"""" Piii< 1111 MU!TAHG deoll. ooq wtw. PS; l<hlt cood. 1115 r1 BAlllW:tJDA 383 .... ·~ «_TO B-w/J!llc statkln waaon. I ,......., SllTS. Private 111111. aaJi: IDr -IC.ma Xlnl.cand. All ....a ~ P1S-P1B 1W11 Atr, '--'41__, __ l\IUy equlppad. -llr Cota. MUJl3 ,., OLDS a f ar hdtp. Load-'7Ml1D alt 4 ,.._ Sp\1. Xlnt Cond. m.rut '64 RAMBLtJi :DO. bOOd 1 '67 OOUGAR. auto trana. ps. IS W!TANG I, aood ...,. e4 llOOd c:ond. a-13(111. PON11AC "'-· tlrislnal 0 "• • r • '"' radio, lint IDlO """ •111on. 0rtr ownar 11.000 1111. m.-. . IRAMILIR l«lO. lfl m,2252 $9111. llCUlll, 511-2330 •au-ITM• Pl.A($ ,.... ,,... ad ...,.,.. 'II PON'MAC BoMav111e 4 , I '51 Mttc Station ·ea MUSTANO, V-'&. radio. tt..y are llddnc -~y Dr ff T F'qll IX)Wtt real 1964 RANSLER. YI a 10 Q ' RAMal.Ji:R Clualc a De· Wqon. S150. PWf' 1ft'J', auto traM. dean. PILOT cluliftedl MUm elf~. $s2o under Bl!M: 'nook, auto, alNlOJld, Belt oUer. cellent tond. 111QO, 3171 •962-6985• Must aell. ~ For DJily PUot Want Ada Full 'price '895. Dlr. ms * 9621913 • Dakota, C.M. 540-M ----~~~!!l!!~~;;~~;;;~!f;;;~:!!:~!!:~...:.. __ ;t;j Ile elephanlll Dtme-.-llne White Eliepha.nb1' Dial 642-$71 Harbor, C.M. 64~U72 White ElephanfJT Whlle eJepha.ntJt DlmH·\IM MERCURY • ; .. ~ • •, • ' , I I I ' I \ I VOUJlll SB.UNG l!WS VOUlllE SA YllGS I S1turdl,y, M1y 10, l96t .. . ................... ... ORANGE • COUNTY1S~·tAft6ffj---­ V.O L.UME DEALER . ' \_ . ' ' . ' Yes, dut to our low, low prices ind our huge ditcounts wt art S.I~ ing more naw Chrysltn, Plymoullis, Roadrunners ind Ustd Automo- b~.,~ -, !II"" Clwysler-Plymou!h Dealer. . ' . . ~ DISCOUNTS e VOt.UME SELEqlON e VOLUME SAVINGS pill~!ill!lllllillll.-.... __ ... ~·------------· ................... ....i--.... ----.... ... . NEW '69 PLYM.GUTH ROAD RUNNER NEW '69 CHRYSLER ' . FilRY 111 1969 USED 2-000R · ' • · ·2 DOOR 'HAROTOP. Fullyoquipf. $800 "~~·='J:'I'-~~=.~=.~ Ind. air cond, torq~eflift trans., 7"'1 . ·v ou. * •$·11 · ' -... Mir _.... u ... p. Jfetring, tinfed glass, radio, . T~ . T .... • •·~ ~ vinrJ roof, delu xe wtieel cover$, , ' . M.ilhfr ··o.-• *' lllMMill wh1t...-alls plus IT!llriy Juxu~ 1 .. • • • .....;-nt ~ • N1 ,.._ ....._ 4 DOOR HARDTOP, Fully NtWPORT CUSTOM ~~~"'!;;P. .:~~~~ii;~: -$1 ooo·-· torqueflift .trans,., whiJe- walls, tortoise Yl(lyl _r,oof, . . - accenf stripe; clock. 3 spd. ' wipers, light grp.; plus · ~ .fras. Sr. No. PM2J.F90.13" -DISCOUNT , ~ ~-""'f!l'J..!!! ~"'I \\i.i -.,_. • "'•,. • " " • •W, C'"M;' := U'.-liid"Jfo'r°o~E1'J"e~Y~["lnl dM~· fir many mort ·1uxury extra~ ·--DISCOUIT Sr. No. CL>IJ.il9C-23979~. · I ·'al DATsUI . .• " ··n v.w. 11 ·v.w: . •n. :J\"'wt ...... ~ J#"..l ......... tO-.lt .............. ..... $477 ~~ $911 ~'!. $777 l'vll Priw $16 * $16 $33 * $33 ~26 * $26 .. DN. · . MO. DN. MO. DN. MO. . 88 v.w. '86 l~IA '84 v.w. ................ l(ARMANN GHl.f-1 ~-H,T, ... ...... ,. .,,_ ""' "" 'HN .... ~:rr . -, .......... OIUfFS. ~877 ::! W~i-il.IL , • $11 7 . ~'!. $877 Fvn Prl'" $29 *$fl $39 * $39 '$29 * $29 DI'. MO. DN. MO. 'i>N. MO. . '8& PIJlll. FurJ )Yp.$1077 $36 * $36 :: ~cll8' ~ ,... FUil Patel DN. MO • '63 DODGE •,.•"· .. M -"" ·~ -· ·~;.!~.~~R •• .'!,i,!!,O~ ... *-'88 PIJllO-alh $1077 $36 * $36 " $37 7 ,';(! ~t 'ff"li.n-$'Df "'n m."l~·~ .. "::.. \'l!'l"!i.,.-FUil ,.ICI DH. MO. . $13 * .$13 , :6-;rr ;~.. · ·s1l";rr $:S'" '88 "'· , ..... , s11·77 $39 * $39· ~I DN. MO~ DN. MO. DN. MO. i-"..l..~-~:t::"J:..."l'.o.'W!e ON. MO. ·~ , ~ ' . ~~ -cu.:!;F~~.~... :~"!~!~ 86 PLY!!!f'I .. '88 Plym. Spi. Furr $)277 $43 *· $43 •.. ::.i:n-~:" .... ~~11 l•dorJ' .... s .. ~5'.c7: ;;1;:;,'KK".'11""'1 nr"'" •~'°"" ""'· .,.. GOU> tu.L"CA• '· . . $477 ~~.:..' "· $577 111: .. 111, """"· ,_...... _...._ """'9tk. DH. MO . . ' -· brlk• llVU.ail FUll PIKE • • ~ ' Pnce ~ $16 * $j6 $19 1i $19 $19 1i $19 '88 Fonl W1go1 $1277 $43 *: $43 •. ,. ... DN. MO. ' ON. MO. ON. MO. co·-....., ,.,, "' ----""---....;.....;..._...;.;;;.:;.;..._ _ _.:..c;;._....;.:.~ ""TllY SEOAN. It '~· ... • DH MO :'.i'°ii: r~,. r-·"'"' ' ....,,. FUil PllCI •· : ., · ===== ='== ANY USED CAI WITH GOll1 SW .... l 00°/o GUARANTEE I -. • . :~,~,~~~~1~ 52777 $!! ·* M$09' W1I 11,1. • FUil nKI ..... • •• ...................... Al_.,.,"""*"" .... ., M ....... ......., ..... Al.t ADVT, P'll.lctiS GOOD TO 11 J'.M., MAY llTM r , .. • . = 2 ·-. -.-..____.-:~-------- I I · ~ I • I - Family ffleekly DAILY PILOT \. · · MAY 11, 1 f61 . ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA • Ask Them Y ourseH 'OIC FINTON M. BWVNT, [I::;:::;;;: liar ... • ..... u ~ ..yiaf, "t'o• -., •lre.tly MN ...... ~ .. ,,. .... ,,,..... TU, ..y, "t'.. .Ill 6e 110d~ I/ ,...,. u l"lae J.eiy --"r." Boa _,.,.yf,otiy ..u.1 .4re •..-en lo alaae l1tll•,.. ue4' lo co•,,U. ... uu., ,,_,., --S1eU. Mt:C•yre, r..,.,. Cor•, '"'· e We are not aware currently of any pre- selected lucky-number contest or other promouoo which is not awarding priaetl under the slated rules. Mallin& ii.ta are created from literally thoosanda of sources. While we have no knowledge of the UIQ made with names of entranta, we imagine compilationa of mailing Ji.sh are created with such matter. -FOR. JVLl.4 CRILD I FA.I u llurl hqe yoa •• ..,,,,.. ... ,. .. )'OfU' •• Mo., "TIM' re.ee"la CJaer 1 -Mn. Palriei• St•rr, •• ,...,.., 1¥.J. • It is tbe insigne of a cooking school in Parit, "L'Ecole des Troia Gourmandes." f'Oll MICKEY MA.lfTLE 1. ., .,.. ,,.., ,. .. ,. ,..,,,. • ,..,,._. ...... ..m ,,,,,.,., ••111-D. L., Ad•111ic Cily, !¥.}. • My twin brothers did not make it in baseball and Jeh the game several years ago. They have been involved with me at timet in the operation of a bowling alley but currently are living their own lives completely separate from me. I see both brothers from Lime to time. " FOR CHARLES F. ROLL Jr., tlilecior, PolitiC'9/ Suroe,-1 &: AMl7.e1, Princeton, NJ. ... .,.,,, r,. __ ,., Nlxo11 ....... ,,.. 1961~ tiofa if IM oatc:o•e lunl ·--milleti by • .,..~ under 1111'k1' • Nuiflau ....U '"""'• ,. Jlnff,.,.I• o/ eleclorel tioee. o/ a .,_,., •eeoNIU.1 lo Ille perc11111 o/ ,,.,,,.,.,. eofea recei11ei1 I/ no&, wllo ,..,.u U.. won1-lticlurrtl ~' -3-,......, Fi.. • President Nixon would have recei•ed more electoral •Oles than Mr. Humphrey but leM than the majority required by the Constitution, The results would have been : Nuon, 2301h electoral votes ; Hum- phrey, 2251/3; Wallace, 79Y,., and minor- pa.rty candidates, a total of 1% votes. Tbe winoer would have been determined by the HOUie of RepresentaLiTee. ' FOil J. EDC.4R ffOOJ'D, tlirecior, FBI ,,..., ...... JaoaU • 6y-.,.1141e,. .... •Ma .. ,,. Mna ............ .. • • eldU •Wlledoft1,.....Mr. • P • ..4~ Ew .. .iW., C.IJf. • Immediately report it to the nearest law-enforcement agency. You should at- tempt lo get a good deacription of the individual involved and any other par- ticular!! for the information of inveetigat- ing officers. FOB. JIMMY DVR..4NTE I I• U lrme ,.. are ~"'6 lo NJlire ,,.,.. .... ,, ..... ..... 1--Curln B. R011MJ, s.,..aoa., n.. e No. I will start my own tv show, 64Jimmy Durante Present. the Lennon Sisters Hour," a contemporary comedy- variety hour in the fall. FOR If' ..4LTER J. BICKEL, Secre"'ry o/ clie lnurior .. ,.., u ... m,-. ,,... ""'" ec>Mpell•lioll ,,.w ...,.,,.,,., ff'* •uela "I• clilua" f,lood ,..., 011e A.N lo q••Uh /or eo•JWIUflfloa?- 'Mr•. lrerae Roltr, Dftlll'• L.h, N.D • •No Indian ie paid compensation by the Federal gov~mment simply because he is an Indian. Some tribes have mineral, timber, and other resource income and may divide all or parta of tbjs among tribal members. Some tribes require a sped6c degree of Indian blood; others, direct descent from a person who ap- peared on tribal rolls taken yeara ago. POR B..4RBIU STREIS.4ND .. Dill you la.ee lo U.ee ,...,. .. ,. llOlrile ,.. INrft ~U.1 "'HeUo, Dolly!"? la U 11ece ... ry lo lwee ,. lont( 1eparaaioraa wlaile ~?-Mra • .4Uce Gordota, ..4d.ra- lic City, 1¥.J. e Not al all. JAJtOn wu with me often on the set of "Hello. Dolly!" both in Hollywood and in Garri&00, N.Y. w~ :Spent every 11eCOnd toge!her when l wasn '1 actually before 1he r.ameras. FOR WV BROCK, St. Lo.is Cori.inala • Fu nre Ille unlal p/klNr au Cflk:Mr lo ...., 0111"-J,,,,_ Moore, Ro.efl, C.. • Pitcher Mickey Lolicb a11d catcher Johnny Bench. w ..... _.a 1-..-a .-deet Y--.......... tWe ....._, ... we'U 9'f4 .. -,,_ ... .,,.• •• ..-1-......... SeM .-.a... IW'f.fnaM:y -a ,_. ....... ~ 'n.. Y-V, r-n>' Yeefl'1, 641 Lu.__ A ...... New Yedl. N.Y. lMll. ............... ~ ••ltl .... ts will ... ,.w , _ _.. --d. .. WHA~WORLD! CoMpvteriwl Patient ~- 091 residents at the Los Angeles County-UniMl'Sity of Southern Cali- fornia Medical Center all probe their computerized training manikin, accord- 1"9 .to Mec/icaJ World News. ",Sim One'' ~ plastic skin, 0 hinged ;aw, a heortbeat1 muscles that simulate Sim under tit. lcnile breathing, pulse and blood pressure, a tongue, teeth, vocal cords, a lrocheo, MOphogeal openings. and bronchial tubes. Not much else: he's only half a man (ikin)-the top half. He cost $75,000 ond may be the lost of his species becouse of his cost. Too bod, since standard training averages n days and 59.8 trials on real patients; with Sim One to practice on for 5~ to 9Yl hours, only "5.6 days and 30 trials are necfllClrY. W1Ute House Dog House Almost ev- ery President has owned a dog _(Presi- dent Nixon has three). They say a penon pidcs dogs to fit his penon- olity. If so, what kind of dog do you think George Woshlngton owned? Calvin Coolidge? Dwight Eisenhower? Well, Washington had an aristocratic foxhound. That figures. But how do you account for dour Cal's perky wire- hoired terrier and Ike's large German Weimaraner? luiW a letter ..... . .. And the fishermen will beat-or row-o path to your do«. The yachtsmen, oystennen, ond fishermen oround Chesopeoke Bay, Vo., .get very busy sometimes too busy to get to the bonk. So Kifmar- nodt's Chesapeake National Bank de. cided to come to them. The mobile branch ls 33 feet long and mode of fiber gloss. It's a good place to ftoat a loan! Tax Cutter? Taxpayers across the nation are voting down escalating school-construction appropriations. Maybe ihere'~ a lesion-for theflt in the new Green Tree Bementary School In West Bend, Wts.1 a 500-student build- ing, designed and built by MorshoR Erdman & Auociotes of Madison. This C0f'P9fed, air-conditioned building cost $S<M,000, saving taxpayers $290,000 (ot $7.00 per square foot), based on the usual cost of similar schoofs. Cost cutting was achie¥ed by using factory prefabricated building sections, stan- dardized materials, and modulot con- struction-something like putting fo. gether Junior's building set. In addition, six months was shaved from conven- tional construction time-leaving tox- poyen hardly enough time to get set for the next budget bottte. Undo Hayden Boys Are letter Lindo Hayden, 15 when she fUmed "Baby Love," thinks the American Idea of Hmixed schools" (boys and girls together) ls good.. ''We haft so few in England," she com- plained to Family Weekly. "Boys you can tnKt more than girk. My mum found the some thing. lilte keeping secrets. GMs a.-inclined to tum, do catty, caJculated, tricky llttte things. Girls' minds ore different. Boys don't compllcat9 things as much." l Free to be vounelf You're feminine. You're active. And became you UIC Tampax tampona,:'tbat time of month" doesn't slow YOU!_ pace. Tampax tampons. Wom internally 80 nothing can show or make you uncomfortable. NOW-you're confident and free to be younelf. Every day of the month! It's that easy to be free ••. . TAMPAX~ ~ MAO! ONLY IY TAMl'.U INCOI PO&Ant>. PALMO, MASS > ' \ ·~. ~~~-------------------....... _. .. , ...................... _ Famlly~/Mo7111, 1919 ' Lessons My Mother Taught Me Mother's Day ·inspires this noted author-and probably -all of us-to recall what we learned in our early years, whether we liked the Cit teaching methods or not By STER.LING NOR111 Aldhor of ,.._..,,. ,.._ Ale .. ~ ,_,.,'' ONI ''The W ..... " " be ~ In A..,at A GAME OF MARBLES was in noisy, hap- .ft PY progress in the shade of a wide- . spreading oak tree in my boyhood t.own of Edgerton, Wis. Nine or 10 of ue were rolling mibe at a beauti- ful target eome 16 feet farther down the side- walk. The prize ·at which we were ehootinl' was a larse glue marble with a •piral of varicolored stripes which circled in graceful fashion within thia eolid crystal rlobe. The boy who owned this rlaNie aat with lep apre.ci wide and chanted, "Everybody rolls and nobody bits it! Everybody roUa and nobody hits it !0 It wae not easy, with our slightly irregular earthenware marbles, to bit this relatively small tarset at such a dietance. But the odde were not "' ua.!air. EYerybody knew that one rluaie wu worth 26 mib6. I --. very younl' and new at the game, but suddenly to my delight and surprise I hit the tarset marble which now, of course, becaune mine. Tbe boy who had loet bis glaaeie picked up all the miba between his lep. He wu w~ll aatis- fted with the bancbful that be scooped into hia leather baa'. With inat excitement I took the place of the former sambler, IJ)read my lep wide, and put my lovely prise at risk. The mibe came cucadins ----------·----------------- into the area between my legs, while I took up the ancient chant, "Everybody rolls and nobody bits · it! Everybody rolls and uubod:y bitw it! Every- body rolls ... " There went my beautiful glaaaie. But I, too, was satisfied. I bad many, many mar- bles to put in my pouch. · It wu perfectly fair to quit once you had Jost your gluaie. Besides I bad a distinct feeling of guilt. I was supposed to play "for fun" and never "for keepe." How would I explain my bulfiog pouch of marbles to my mother? TM ,..,... were well detined around our pleas- ant and comfortable boueebold in tb&t peaceful spring ol 1911. First came the "Thou shalt nots" of the Ten Commandments. Beyond these loomed other restrictions. My mother believed that pmblinr wu a ma- jor social evil. "If you start playing marblM for 'keeps,' you will aoon be pitching pennies," she predicted in her gentle but earnest voice. "Next you will be playing pool for dimes and quarters." I saw her point, but it all sounded rather ex- citing. °F inally you'11 end up playiq cards for money and betting on the bones out at the Irish Picnic Grounda. And your poor wife will have to take in waahin&'." There lived on the other aide-of the tracks just enough for lorn washerwomen with irresponsible husbands to make the point quite vivid. But at the age of five, my borribJe fate seemed rather remote. What I did not know at that time waa that my father wu an avid speculator, which in mother's eyes meant a gambler. To my knowledge, he never rolled a pair of dice, p•yed poker, or bet on the horses, but be thoroughly indulged hi018elf in buying and selling real estate, which wu usually deeply mol'tpgecl. I .,wead m11 lega 'HJUU ClM JNt •11 kwel11 priH cat rUJc. After l'r&duatiq from college. my parents bad a romantic weddi.q. Bright and banc!aome. their future aeemed ... ured. But almoet immediately, my reetlee1 father wu d.reamill&' and echeming. He epent ma1ty, many hours trying to jnvent a "perpetual motion machine." He borrowed heav- ily to become e<>-0wner of a newspaper in Madi- aon, Wia. Next he purchased. a partnerabip in a printing concern in Evansville, Ind. He then founded a brieftY. aucceaful bakery in New York City that produced "the first wrapped loaves of Graham bread in America." lly charming, optimistic father! H~ blew many such beautiful bubbles, almost all of which burst. He never worried, but my mother did. . The ten.Hy fortunes were at their lowest ebb when I came along in 1906. I' was by far the younreat, a "frost child" born when my mother wu 40 and when my brother and two eieters were in high school. We were living on a poor, little farm on the ehorea of Lake Koshkonong near Edgerton, a town to which we aoon moved. By 1911, when I played that game of marbteS, the family finances were distinctly on the mend. My father bad a suite of oft\ce8 above the Finrt Na- tional Bank. He owned a number of properties (heavily mortgaged, of course), including 1.000 acres of newly purchued wheat land in Montana. "It won't laat," my mother would aometimes sigh. "Come on, Libby. Cheer up." "You '11 never learn." But ;f my father would not "learn," Mother was determined that her children would. Vale- dictorian of her college clue, she taught all of us to read and write a.t a. very early age. She managed to instill in ua considerable com- mon sense and a degree of caution. But her teaching included a rreat deal of "uncommon sense" as weli-.bout the living world around us, the sky overhead, and the pleuure to be found in good boob. . She believed in mutering every subject one studies. I can still bear her aay, "If a thing is worth doing, it is worth doiq well." Any com- J><Mition or poem we wrote wu banded back to us for f urtber polishi~g. Thie ingrained habit of interminable revision stays with me to this day. a.t to retum to the morning of the marble game. Mother immediately noticed the bulging marble pouch and gueeeed its rea.son. "Have you been playing marbles, Sterling?" ''Yes, Mother." "For keepe ?" I hesitated. "You know what I told you about gambling!" I lowered my eyes. "I shall have to punish you, Sterling." Her epanldnp were meaningful. Her little work-hardened hand could sting. I vowed to myself I would not cry. But I looked at her beeeechingly. A thought came to her mind. Her son might not remember a spanking. But for the rest of his life be would remember the puniabment ehe now invented. IUUSflATIONS IY JOSD'H PAl'IN "You will take your marbles and give them back to the boys and apoloaize_" "I. won't do it." It waa the first time I had ever openly clefted her, and her eyes blUed. "You certainly will t" "It's unfair," I wailed. "I played by the rules of the game. The kida will ju1t laurh at me." "You'll do what I aay. Now march I" Completely miaerable, I walked the 1haded block to where the marble game wu ttill in prog- ress in high gear. ''I'm au:ppoeed to apo1otize !" The marble pme stopped abruptly. There was a brief, astonished silence. "Apologize?" "Apologize for what 1" "For winning your marblea." "Are you crazy? You sot bate in your belfry?'' I opened the pouch and poured the marbles on the sidewalk. There wu a wild scramble. 1 turned and walked aw~. ftgbtill&' beck the tears. Hoots of derision and wild laurbter followed me. Only Bud Bahcnck left tM pme aad eame to walk allentl7 bmlde me. You certain17 c:an tell who JO'lr ... trienda are in a moment lilm-thM -one. llaJl1' ~ bellne daat tbe .habit pat- terns "'Which a chi'-! fonmt before the qe of eeven stronfly influence the entin coune of hil Hf e. Mother WU rrantect only HVen years to inftuence and guide me. In the cruel month of·April, 1914, she wu buried in the family plot. worn out by work. worry, and uncertainty. She wu •7 yean of ~e. What Mother taurht her willing youngeat child will never be foriotten. That snowftakee have 1ix point.a and thousand• of patterna. That the two "point.er lt&rs" in the Great Dipper abow where the North Star i1 located. Tti&t each antenna of a moth loob like a little fem, while each anten- na of a butterfly i1 a tiny rod Upped with a ball. That every bird. beat, ftower, and tree baa it.a very own reason for ex:t.ting, and ao doea every single human beiq. Trutha ao 1imply revealed that they remain in- delible. • F•Milw w...,., ""'" 11, lHI • -- This 111~, oreaon. Pun, aun and KeDerY are put alona the Ottcoo Cout. Thi. i8 Cape Kiwanda, one of many beadlanda that protect public beacba alona our 400 mile coatline. lt'a an acca- lible ~. too. Hiahway 101 takes you the di8tance with eomethina new to aee and do around evety tum. Go colf -inc. damminc, aa1moo fiahinc, ... ... IW'finc, IUD bathinc, beach· combine. Alona the way: Friendly towm, fine ratau- ranta and raort:e. Of coune. the cout i8 just one ed&e of Oreaon. Between our other borders you can cet next to nature by ridinc hone- back throu&h CfYfflboy coun- try, campina baide one of our many mountain lakes or atraum. Accommodatione nmae from modeat to down- rilht pluah all over thia cool. peen vacatiooland. And, the auto travel i8 really smooth, t.banb to Oreaon'a aystem of mperb hicln1ray"1. Our 32-ptap color book tell• more. We"ll leDd it, if you'll mail the coupon . . • and we will Me you here thia year. OREGON ...... .. . . . .. ... ... ... ... . .. . ...... .... ...... .... ... .... ....... .... ...... .. Reio In a State of Excitement Trawl Information, Room 409 Highway Department, Salem, Oregon 97310 Pleue eend free: 0 Full-color booklet O ~ and <*nplng guide Name ' . City 0 Highway IMP O Even19 folder Zip .... .,. ..................................................................... . JUNIOR REASURE CHEST Ld'aDrawMatller 0~111 I B~ A .. Dottidot0 c:::) ()poeaurns celebrate Jlotber'1 Day Just like any other day. The babies chatter merrily And ride Mom's tail around the tree! ...... One To a three-Jetter word for a lar1e body of wa- ter, add a la.at letter and get an animal found moetly in cold ftl'iona. (See AU10er Boz.) Httle·a-Name The name of a month i1 hidden in this sen- tence : Bob and Helen gave Mom a yard-long letter telling her bow much they appreciated an the thinge ehe had done for them during the year, and Mom laughed until she cried . (See Awwn-Bo:i:) Riddle .. '11111 What ie aht'aya ahead of you and never comes 1 (See AM1Der BCY.r) Qu••tl•• Can you tell oftband wboee picture ie on a Federal Reeene one-dol- lar bill? (Sec AU10er Bfn) a .... , ..... When the box waa opened, the letters on tbe blocks spelled the name of the one receivin1 the present. Can you un- scramble them 1 (See AwMier Box) (See Auwer Boz) Answer •x: 'AVJ( :a••N-~PJH i 11'~ :a11() llnld ·.aeqlOft :8"08 JO xog y ··0.1 -.IOWOJ. !8J1U 8K a1ppfB ·s,u~UJ -l(HA\ e.l.loa~ :uoneaab -CN uo p.1fq) uap.ana : n a••N no A ' Fomilw WHkiw, Ma1111 , Jiii ...._.fast Taltle Wo Tke pop-ap loaater l. 1well, bot where Oh wltere~ •~ •r tob aad their beptaer Ae breakfast eool., -d I loadly 1wear Tlaat pop-up mata:reue. woald be better! --Ceorsie Sa.rbuclc C.lhr•W. QUIPS AND QUOTES The leading bueineesman in a small town waa well known for keeping hie family on a tight bud- &'et. One day hia wife ventured hesitantly into a boutique to aee what was on sale. A good-looking young woman, hair freehly coitred. dreNed in the latest style, paid for a $60 blouse and then came over to her: "Aren't you Mrs. Henry!'' she aald. "I'm Miae Jones, your hus- band's &ecretary." "Ooooh," said Mrs. Henry, with sudden insight, "toere you!" -Steplui?l-ie "°" EHc Wll.r •lwuld.a't blott.du 11.a.ve mor e fun1 Thiftk of all the otMr wome• ther keep g1te•li?W1 . -Bill Copeland A.a dawn was breaking, Mr. Crochett sneaked into his house from hie lodge meeting. His wife yelled down the stairs, "What makes you think you can come home at this hour? I'd like to know what fort" Crochett replied, "For break- fast." -..(! Roberta ~· .. -.· The young man waa told by the draft-board doct.or t.o rud the letters aloud on the chart. "What chart?" exclaimed the prospective draftee. "I don't aee any chart." "You're right," said the doctor with a calm smile. "There is no chart. You're 1-A !" -Jack Hn-bm T ~ <m!r good tlt.i"'fl Gbout lu- tfming to 1om.ebodr 811e'1 trouble• i6 that it ta.Jui yo1tr mind off J<>l'r Otctl. -D4ft BetaMtt Note clipped to menus in a cafe: "If you are one of those who douse cigarettes in cotree cups, tell the waitress. She'll be glad to ~erve you r coffee in an aah tray." -Dorothea Kent Retlectlon Small lawe one didn't think aeute Seem nea~, •••ehow, a•d dearer ftea tryHag OD a bathing 11ait In front of a three-way mirror. -Beu1 BUUpp f I "Olt., d<m't bt .ucll 4 apoilrport. Tiu salugirl, tlu maMger, 4ftd I all wci.t me to 11.a.ve it." FaMilW WHlclr, Jlaw 11, IHI 7 If you want to Stop Smoking, ,Here's. ~ttowl Trick water skiing may look simple, but no spon ia more demanding in terms of stamina, coordination and sheer physical 'strength. Believe me, trick water skiing and smolciog just don't go together-not if you want to stay on top. Some time ago, I decided I should stop smoking. Although I bad been smoking for 14 years, I noticed that now I wu smoking more and more and I wun't doing my best at skiing. Having been the champion trick skier for many years, I just couldn't afford to get booked on the habit. l bad to stay physically fit. However, I found it was getting harder and harder not to reach for a cigarette. Then I remem- bered reading about Bantron. I went to my drug store, bought a package of Bantron, and started taking it. I'm very happy to say that with Bantroo'a help. I stopped smoking completely in S days. 1 bad no diffi- culty in stopping, and didn't feel rest- leas or irritable. It didn't affect my taste for food or anything ebe and it was so pleuant and easy to take. Just one Bantron pill after each meal for S days did the job for me. And now it's been more than 18 months sinoe I've touched a cigarette I I f«1 very proud to endone Bantroo and strongly rec- ommend it to anyone who wanU to stop smoking. It ii a marvelous aid"to quitting or to cutting down easily and quickly. Just try Baotron. You'll be amazed bow il will bdp you. I've a.med that dinir.al evidcoce baa established that Bantron is more Known•• the "ma1tc:tan" of trick water sklln1, Al Tyll (rhymes wtUI •'WI!") 19 • man1-dme wmner of National. .... tar• and North American CM mpioMMpa ln tridl akilftc. V..ttla Al Tytl ••leoan •.-t snow Uder and author of "The Complete .... nner'• Gulde to W.wSldlnc." than 803 effective in helping chronic chain smokers give up smoking com- ptetely. Extensive research work at a great American Univenity has shown that 4 out of S people who bad a de-an to stop smoking MR able to do so within one week with the help of Bantron. Even those who didn't atop completely cut down drastically. Bantron simply ICtl u a aubltitute for the nicotine in your tylCem ud helps curb the desire for tobecco with a bannJesa. non-habit forming au~ stance called lobcli.ne. The result ia that you feel no panp of withdrawal and oo desire to smoke. Bantron ia easy and pleasant to take. It really worked wooden for me. Even now, when 1 think of smoking, I just take Bantron instead. 1 ~m­ mend Bantron to everyone who wanu to stop amokina quietly aod euily. Try it. You'll be amazed with the re- sults. just u I wu. It really works! Bantron ii so safe when ta.ken u directed that you can get it at all drug. .. stores without a prelCliption. It bas even been granted a patent by the U .s: Government. Also available in C.aoada. 1 i • 1 I ~ ... ~-........ -- ~ ' r I ' ' • ~ . • ElimiN1te pests that ruin picnics, s-tlo loungina •nd outdoor livin11 with this new Mystic U1ht Electro Ray Su11 Kiiier. FC>rBet fly sw.tters, sprays, chemicals •nd t,.psl • Plua in this 5'1ent killer for lnmnt action. Worb like • mini antl·mlsslle svstem, •ttracting mosquitoes, flies, gn.ts to its tantalizing rays, then kills them with low power electric chuae. • Keeps wide uea free •nd cte.r. Yet it's a boon for pets and people. Doesn't bua anyone -Just the buas. Uses no powders, no chemic.els, no liquids. • Smart design looks like a coloni•I lamp. Golden chain giYes it the styllna of a hiah·fashlon swa11 l1mp. Meuura 7%" long and 4 1/a" across. No moving p11rts to wear out. Ready to plug In and hang the moment tt's received. • At this low, low price you owe it to yoursetf to enjoy the new way -the IU8,.nteed way -to enjoy a bua·free life. There's no risk. If you for any ruson are not satisfied return the bu& killer for a prompt refund. --- f - ---MAIL 10-DAY NO RISK COUPON TODAY - - - -, 1 GREENLANd S1udios 1 I 1173 QrMnland Buildq, Mimnl, Florida 33147 I I Awe rus11 ,.. #74to Electro RaY9 ~ $7.98 ptus 95' tor poet. a. henct1. I I t undentMd If not compMt91y dellht9d. I may retum tt.n within 10 deys for• full end I con,..._ Nfuftd. £.ndoMd Is dlecll or m.o. fof .,__ _____ _ I O Seftd C.O.D. t eftdoM $1. aooct wlll depoeit end will pay poetmen $6.911>9tenc:. ptua I I a11 ,_.. c:tMlrlta-I I I I l..:-· ~m -- -' --______ STATE -___ Ztlt -_ ...._ ,_ -_j ~----------------· Choose· the Right ·Camp for Your Child By J. GRANT GERSON with Lou Jacobs, Jr. A.S THE precamping sea- .fi son rolls around, my mail gets progressively heavier with queries fn;m parent&--«mle are calm, some are frantic; but they all have a common question -"How can I choose a good camp for my children?" I have devoted my whole career to chi1dren's 1ummer campe, sta~ ing aa the camp director for the Loe Angeles YllCA. For the paet 20 years, my wife and I have owned and directed Calamiroe Star C Ranch in Malibu, Calif. From thi1 experience I've come up with anawera for parents per- plexed by summer-camp aelection. Here are some of my anawen t o the questions aked most often: What k W of ca111p shovld I chao•'P First make decisions on wheth- er you want a play camp or a learning camp;. whether you want a camp operated by a aervice or- ganisation. church or municipal group, or privately; whether you will need a day camp or an over- night camp. Then request brochures from severaJ campe. If it is not possible to inspect the camp yourself, ask t hat a representative (often the camp director) visit with your family. Put every conceivable quea- tion to him. Don't pull any punches. And keep in mind that the cost is not the moat important mark of the camp's excellence. What shovld I expect a camp to ... for "'Y child! A good camp •bould help de- velop both mental and physical akiU1 ; imbue sportsmanship, lead- ership, self-reliance ; help the child grow apart from the preeaures of homelife, yet have the eecurity of discipline set by the staff; provide a nutritious diet and comfortable accommodations ; off er opportuni- ties for new experience; develop the ability to communicate. ShouM chi ........... veke In choosl119 • ca-.t I think so. After you decide on several camps within your bud- get, in a different setting, offering activities to ftt the child's need and abilitiea-lhen diacuaa the proe and cone of each one with him. Let him make the ftnal deci- sion, then he's lesa likely to think that he's being "sent away'' for the summer. If you and the child can visit the camps under con- sideration, all the better. a. ........ r~lllDl"ethaa ............ ,... ... of ....,_........, There is no worthwhile profes- sional camp juat for child care. S1ummer campe are under the di- rection of trained coumelon who iMtruct children in camp living. As for the dttf enmt types of campe around the country, there are specialised camps for music. sports, and handicapped children. There are also campe, called "campenhipe," that offer partial ftnancia1 help to needy families. The American Camping A880- ciation, Bradford Wood, Martins- ville, Ind., can help you to ftnd a listing of cainpe, aa well as direc- tories published by your own state association and service organiza- t ions. The liat:B give camp special- ties, locations, program. dates, fees, and the penon to contact. If searchinr for the right eamp aeema a bit of a chore, remember that it is more than j ust a vaca- t ion for your son or your daurh- ter. It is insurance for your child's !utu~but only with your careful planninr and preparation. • ,. Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, Pasadena. Panorama City, Anaheim, Glendale. Sanll Barbara, Newport Beach Cosmetic Dcpanmcn1, Main floor Mail and phone orders filled. Phone 628-0332 or mail coupon. RoblDsoD's Sue.nth, Grand and Hope, Los Angelu, Calif. Attn: Cosmetk Department Please send the followina: Quantity __Jaqucl Creme Appatcer O 2 oz. S.00 O '4 oz. 8.00 _Jaquet Medicated Eye Pads II S.00 ~r box Namt~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Adclru'--------------~ City t»tt 7 .. __ _ O check or m.o. enclosed O char1e acct. *---- ~l••1• #ti''°'" I•~ •114 ~11•1• ""Hr• #1&111"'7 , I 1 It Va l --.-W for ~ r..,.ir ,._ty ... .,c ,_. .a..re. m • u.-,.-. • .._ ilt..,. titM. l!anl wtlile you ICl1'I •.• pndical, ... ,.-tiy. dolfta .cllod ..... )'OU --· '°""" t...U Ooe't 'foil ... ~ jail •.. t.a1"t'li.cc-... ....-• totllll U.. .... _ot,,__ ...... ,.._ SlkJllll,... .... ... ~ .......... ...... .................. .... • .. .., .. Dldri- ~· trevltl• tllMter ... wltll ...... •tt1 ,_ will ...................... ....... MNOWao IOI r......o C-.. OJ. ML •••••••••••••••••••••••••• --mnml ....... . • • •• [Mt ....__ .... ,.,..... IOOelt : :11w11melllsfllCT~"--'-l e111t : ....... Md ....... [ledritM ~ ............ • • • • :.... : . : :,...., __________ . • • ·~ . • • : Stllt _______ ,n, ___ : llMIY•OrAr IJ lllil f l'HI . Family Weekly ••• ............ te ,_ ..-s .... hotry. Tiit Ml .,. ,.... ... l'lflltMlt QllllPMlts. Tiit lt.s .... ., ... dltQtd fOt rtll· aMll'1 117 F ... 1, Weft!J, teo. If ~·w ..., ......... 1111111 ..... lint .. 11.1: Stmu ~ r ... 1, w.tiy, 641 La1.- --. .... Y.t:, ltv. 10022. No Nagging Backache leans a Clod Night's Sleep Grandmothers, teen-agers, businessmen, hobbyists-and maybe The Sky~High W~rld of RECENTLY, weekend pilot James Baker and his family climbed int.o their sleek single-engine plane and soared int.o the skies above a subur- ban Chicago airport. "Three boura later I wu ftthinr on a nice lake in Kiuourt,'• Baker said. ''lly private pilot's license bu tripled our weekend vacation actlvitJee. Fly- in1 a plane la easier than driviq. The cost? No more than driving." There are more than 126,000 pri- vate planes, ranling from two-place traineni to businea jeta. And more are coming: last year alone the in- dustry produced more than $600 mil- lion worth of aircraft, and 150,000 studenta enrolled in private ft.yinr couraea. Private ftiera uee more than 10,000 airports in the U.S. (commer- cial lines use only 554). Theae aviators ranie from a rrand- mother who recently flew the Atlan- tic solo to teen..are ftyinr clube. What about the earthbound "or- dinary citisen" who wants winp? Well, here are some tipe about the excitin•, ak:yrocketinr world of ren- enl ·aviation: ~"You don•t need the eyes ot an eqle or to be rlowing with 1' F••tlw-WHklw. II•• 11, 1111 By WAR.REN SMITH health to tly your own plane," re- ported Bob Evans, a young Clinton, Iowa, buaineee executive. •"The first step ie to pau a standard inaunnce- type pbyaical examination. Jn IOIDe cues, special waiven by the FAA will allow a handicapped person to fty." You then are l•ued a student li- cense. This permits you to fty with an in.etructor or solo, with bis penni•ion. Qualifications for a li- ceme are relatively 1imple. You must fty for 20 houn with an inatructor and complete an additional 20 hours of aolo fti1ht. Students mo.st be 16 to start leuon1 and 17 to obtain a pri- vate license. ''I soloed in 10 houn," Evans report.. "Thi• cost $350. Splo fti1ht brou1bt the coet of lestona to almoet $1,000." Nationally, pilota qualify for a 11- oeuae in an average of 65 hours. Coete vary from '8&0 to '1,200. . When your training Is completed, you take written and ftirht te8ta un- der the eyes of a GoftnllDeDt..ap- proved examiner. You will alse be qualUled for a lifetime racli~tele­ phone operator's permit. luy .... a Planet You can stay within your budget or soom home with a rleamiq million-dollar pri- vate jet. A sparkling new tw~pas­ senger aingle-enaine plane will cost ,11,000 to $12,000 with full equip- ment. Expenses, depreciation, and insurance will average 10 centa per air mile. This "dime-a-mile" com- pares favorably with the coet-of auto ownership. Many private pllota find that the price of a new plane will dent their bank boob. They ftnd that buying a reliable used plane ia much easier than finding a good ueed car. Planes are manufactured on a custom basis. Each craft must be regularly in- spected by Government-certified me- chanics after 100 hours of ftirbt. With routine maintenance, Urht- plane engines must be overhauled every 1.200 hours of operation . "That is about 150,000 miles of fty- inr,'' explained uaed-plane broker John Singer. "A typical four-pauenrer plane that 11 10 years old will COit from $6,000 to fT,000, depending on con- dition," Singer reported. WV ou can also get an older two-puaenrer plane in rood flying condition for ,1,000 to ,1,500. The older plane is just as re- liable. It just won't ro u fut, isn't u shiny, and doesn't have all the extras." lentlns: Many bobby ftiers rent their planes. A two-pusenrer single- eqine plane Will rent at $16-25 per hour of u.ee. A four--paaeenrer plane with a 135-mph cruising speed rentl for $20-30 from ftying...arvice opera- tors in the Midwest. Coata of renting vary according to regions, and fees are higher in metropolitan areas. You pay only for actual ftying time. There is uaualiy a minimum rental fee of two hours dally on fti1hta away from the home airport. Fly .... Clubs1 Many flien form a club and purchaae a plane on a share basis. Ten Miami ftien recently put up $900 each and purcbaaed a ,9,000 f our-paaaenger plane. '.l'he craft is rented to memben for $1 per hour. "The rental fee covers upkeep, hang- ar coeta, and other expenses,'' M. J . Denton. a club member, says. · "Membership in a ftyin1 club ia the most economical way to fty," Denton believes. "We reserve the time when we want to uae the plane. We've never bad any problems with confticting times among members." Jamee Stilaon, a Cbi~o ftyinr- club member, wae recently trans- ferred to the Weet Coast by hia com- pany. ''I thought there mirbt be a problem in 1eUinr my share of the -· - u-ore toking wings in ··vate Flying ... Jub,'" he atated. "."l aold it on the eame att.rnoon to a lub f rlen,d.'" ........ Po..Ultlea Fn.nk Zdy, a bu~ineea conaul- nt in Lakeside, Calif., flies to meetinp with bi.I clienta a rented plane. "l obtained a private license because y echedule doesn't atwaJe match thoee of the airllnee," 1 aaid. ''Last Monday I wu in La.i Vesaa. San Fran- iaco, and Sacramento, providins bualneu-builcliq ideas o my client&. The trip would have required a week by au- mobile. It would be at leut two, perhaps three daya by rlinea. I was home with my family that same eventns." Pl•--Po11•111t1ea "Flyinr my own plane baa pied our vacation and lei1ure opportunities," Zdy re- rted. "My wife and I have a ball ftying to sports eventa n weekends." Zdy bu ftown to the Cotton Bowl game, the New Or- s Mardi GJlll festival, and frequently ftiea to isolated kes in Mexico for ft.ahinr and hunting.. "We usually en- rtain another couple," be stated. "We fly in a four-place lane and so and return when we wish." A pilot'• license provides your ticket to the exciting orld of modem aviation. • New friends, specialised ftylnr clubs, and a limitless an re of weekend vacation.1 are f rinre beneftta. • Some ftiera even build and fly their own experimental ireraft. • There are various clubs aucb as the International yin1 Farmers, a rroup dedicated to the uae of aviation n apiculture. • Fliers from one city will frequently "fty torether" to tion rerions. A group of Midwest doctors and their ivee recently piloted a aquadron of planes to the Ba- u for a winter vacation. • Aerial antique coDectora re1tore old planes and then on old leather helmets for their b ... y ftirhtl in their n-cockpit planes. • Huntinr and ftshiq enthusiasts 1'nd a plane puts em in range of unspoiled wilderness. + .. SJNetal armwg...,..,.t, ,....,.. Maw onln IA. 1~·~11· pio- . I Aidorw, "TAi• Wu Air Tnrt1tl," at '-' ol f*bli1/uf"• 'ce; 117 plotoa. Mail 17.11 to F.W. Boob, Dept. A!OI, B" 7, Gnau Cntrol Sta«o., N..,, York, N.Y. 10011. F ... is.WHklW.M•wU,1HI 11 High Cut •Ions dottM • .,. !I t I I ! • I I r , t I t I A 'If I SW.. TOUGH•G AIMll1Wl 1'0U. nm. EAIT· 'TIMllM NO«UT ........ ~ .......... ...................... -•dlmd."•-...... ... 1,,,................, .. ....................... ~ ........... lllsb'Ollllliled WOIUll...., ......... rty ....... Mlilwtd ........ 11111 llloldet ....... for ..,.. ... _ _... ......... .. ....... .-tlril~: ~--°""*1 .... rln1 {tM==:::j Aktsl S#i fer 1w FREE IJOOKlETI ll•Dfl;,.tiH ... M•ilC,..... r~----------~ I •IMCL£U•• I I °'9t-FWS119 P.O. Box 549 I M'nnMpoh, Mjnnnot. 55440 1, .... f ............. , ...... , 1, .., Alie Lwl ....... Apill llwt ca.t, I I I I IM*--I I Cler I 1.. '• I L~-----------' Now •• Makes Dentures Look Uke $1-Million Denture. Mpeei•Dy old.er den- tures-are harder to cle.n Md keep deu than natural teeth. And becaw they are 16 tiJDM eofw. ~ are eMier to dam-aare and .cntch. Thafe why eo maay deablta suaeet ~ denture. clean in ~Kl.sSNIT• 1ut.e.d of banb bruebin1 with abrasive putee or powden. With KLmDrrn you can now clean you!' precioua deatm.,,.. ftM 'euielr:Y-dean them thoroushlY f:t ufely. Became ita eaay-to·UM for. mu.la eombinea 3 different .Wn- removin&.ct.iom-(1) deterpnt; (2) os:idiaer; and (3) 90lwnt- f<.La&N1n 80aka even dillli•t dentures claan 3 WIJY• al once. What'• more, ICuSHITll ia iMl4ntly-octWaled the moment JOU put it in water. It mrpm into fteJ'Y denture crevice. It peaetrat• toqbeet tobecco ataiu ... helpa eoak away film. 'l1>e cliJfennce it mD.-even in the dinsieet denture-will ~.be't Kl.mHrn to- clq atall dnas COWlten.. c-t c--All"CT'9ft Cwp. p._. 21 '•wl Chlld. ,... •• lerttota J-a.. , ... 101 1'1,-Alf'CrGft c.,,,. , ... 11 , J. 1r-r * f .,.G.; l-r Jet ......... ,'"' IRC. Ost Around. .. fllllllMld ol "1lnBllull DllAtaJ8 Today's modern woman 10•• ptKea. Whether It's -" cw play, you have a tWit schedule. But you meet it. You ... around. In the Sllftna. Set a faet pace. No time to alow down .•. and you don't haft to. Not even because oJ functional man· lltrual diatr.U. Howl With M1oot.1 Because M100t.• contains: • An exdushre anti·•t>esmodlc that helps STOI' CMMl"S ••• • Medlcally.appro"9d lnsredlants that REUEVE HEADot.CHE. Low Bltclt· Aa4£ ••• ~ Jo..,,. NCllVU ••• • Plus a spedel mood·bfishtener that atves you a real lift ••. 1ets you ttiroulh the tfyfn1 pra•man· strual ~ .....-n1 calm and comfol'table. Get wound. Any day. wtth M1oot.1 T&NYTHING FALSE TEETH Tloable wida AOC* ... dlat dip CM' awe aott gums?. ny Brimms Plasti-Liaer. Pits plates 1a111gly, without powder, puie or casb- ions. Gives tight. luring it. YOU CM1 UT Mt't'nt ... I Simply lay 90ft arip of Plud-1.iou on uoab&nome upper or lown. Bi~ and it molds perfectly. Easy to use. T..ae., ododas. harmlaa co places. Moecy-b.ck paa.raacee. At all iii COUDCU'L h• I • I". I 'f I ••I! 0 f , If INTEllMTIOIW. ACCl'PTNICt deOl 4 • SIU"-Cf<ll..i ~ .. ........, .. Aru •~11. • • ::11 c=. ":.: ==~-0 ~ = . ltl I I ~-I I appeP MILANIE DI PROFr Food FAitor • Here are redpN for •• inform.al -~ per ia k.eepi.ag wia.h Ille relas.ed paaee of a s.nd.ay eveaiag on the patio. Oriental Oven-Fried -Chicken ! tablespoou 901 aaaee Z taWeepoou holley l tablelpooa le•• jaitt 1 elon sarlie, • iaeecl S Iba. claiekea piecea for fryins % CJIP l our % capall·ngetable altorteniag, •eltecl ia a •killet Z c:a• (I oz. each) chow •ein llOOClle.. iaely cnaslted 1. In a large bowl or dish, mix the soy sauce, honey, lemon juice, and garlic. Put chicken into marinade and tum pieces to coat. Cover and refrigerate 2 to 8 hrs., turning pieces once or twice. %. Remove chicken and coat with ftour (shake in a plastic bag, if desired}. Dip pieces in melted shortening and then coat with crushed noodles. Place chicken, skin side down, one layer deep in a large, shallow baking dish; pour any remaining shortening over chicken. 3. Cook in a 376°F. oven 30 min. Turn chicken pieces over and continue cooking about 15 min. or until tender. 61«NJings Spinach Casserole 2 pkp. (It ... each) froae• chepped apiaadl S tat.leepona batter or mar1ariM Z tablespooaa replar all-purpoee lour 'A teaspoon prlic 11tO••er % teupoa11 eeeeoned pepper ! C11,. •ilk l erg. eliptly beaten % H p Prettared -.a-like pi«es (a .. , protein product) % cap grated Panteeaa ct.eeH Paprika 1. Cook spinach according to directions on package: drain thoroughly. 2. Meanwhile, beat butter or margarine in a saucepan. Blend in ftour, garlic pow- der, and pepper. Heat until bubbly. 3. Gradually add the milk, stirring con- stantly. Bring to boiling; stir and cook 1to2 min. Orintal Ovn-Fried Cl&ickM u delicio1LB. .f. Remove from heat. ~gorously stir about 3 tablespoou sauce into the egg: immediately blend into bot sauce, stir- ring until smooth. Blend in drained spin- ach, bacon-like pieces, and cheese. 5. Tum mixture into a baking dish. Using additional cheese (about 1A cup), form a border around the outside edge and sprinkle with paprika. 6. Heat in a S75°F. oven along with the chicken during it.6 final 20 minutes of cooking. About 8 1eroings Vegetable Relish ·I .. p ~naly packed 1wowa .... ~ 1 tableepoon Acunt 1 teaapooa •••med ... , l cap cider viaepr 2 QM (1llJ.12 OS. eada) toaatoes, draimed ud quartered ! C11pe chop,.S rreen pepper 2 npe dtepped Olli• 1. Put sugar, Accent, salt, and vinegar into a saucepan. Stir over medium heat until sugar is dissolved. Mix in vegeta- bles. Bring to boilitll' and simmer 16 min. Z. Remove from heat and coo~ completely. Ladle into jars and cover tightly. Store in refrigerator. !% pt.. nluh Choco-W alnot Kisse.s Serve thue cru.nchy meringuu ?vi.th a fif- /'11 ptul.ding from a. ron. ! ere whita ~ teu1NMJll salt % ~upooa nea111 of tartar l teaapooa vanilla extract % cap sugar · ~ cap aemiaweet chotolate piecea ~ cap wal•ata. eoanely clloppecl 1. Beat the egg whites, salt, c ream of tartar, and extract together until frothy. Gradually add the sugar, beating until stiff peab are formed. Fold in chocolate pieces and nuts. 2. Drop by heaping tea.spoonfuls 2 in. apart onto cookie sheets covered with unglazed paper (baking parchment). l. Bake at S00°F. 20 to 28 min. Remove from paper while still wa~. Cool and store cover.ed. About 3 doi. cool..-iu This woman is giving herself the equivalent of eight hours of "solid sleep" relaxation in a mere minute! Justo~ of the fabulous Yoga exercises you can master-on sightl - At 'long last-¥ oga that is so downright easy, you can learn it at first sight! So rewarding, it cuts years off your appearance-recharges your body with youth- ful energy-flushes out of your system th.e internal poisons that keep you half -ill today! And does it all-in just a few miracuwus minutes a day! Specially daiped for men and women OVER FOJnY. even if they have neakcted and abused their body for years. A DA' system of HEALING YOGA-consillin1, nae of ucr- ctxs., W fll ..... HBALINC P0811JR!S • ..... te ft- tllnd ................... , ... ..., ...... ,-= J) flUlh OUl tJuoullii YoUf po ... the UflUll Wiila and poiloliS that mab you OLD toc117 •.• 2) M-and llimulale hidden al8DCll, &hua sbeQthcftina your powen ol dia17loa and therefore -SI/) W~M"I IM '""'0 ONlfHI/ Of 10flf "°"1 • · • And---m09I ~ ol all- ) ) flood widl _,,.,..,.,rl6bwfu the oeateaed upper~ tis- sues of yuur face, neck lftd bair-ud di .. dn•Micany ..,_ down the dryiaa and coUQeiDa proc:ea that is asins )IOUr tippe&nDCe (lllW md fllllsr "911 ,..,. AU tJoM ., Nli}y tlult '°"' ltnrt WOlt't add tH" • dlt11-u11a lwttl. (So incredibly CMY ie fact, lM1 the boot that briot1 thia new HEAUNO YOGA to you-«> read entirdy at our risk-U fil/H wll,, pltolM o/ #WNl1 1111411l1"1'1·1ffr~ll _,, •" "'°""" ,,.,..,,,. in1 tltl• ,,o.•. You nw1t SEE them to beliew ~) Hew To ,.Fneze YOIJll Ace',._ For The Next Thirty Yun But why lhould there be a ipeCial boot on YOGA OVER FORTY? Wb,y IUCh emph9lil on HEAUNQ Yop? WA, •~ tlw t«ltnlqw• "' tltu boolc ·~cW/1 •n.-11 to tw tltl abtutd """ /""'4wd "•lll4'''4tf'ltfl botly," Md~,,,.. liw t""1 bHy MORt 11rwrqrll .-ti MOU "ifo#' Mil MOit.£ """""-,.,...., di... '"-II llM .-wJt YHn 1-/orwl The aaaw.:r ii aimple: Beca.-e "mi6cbc-..e" (and Yosa defines middle·• • the period between forty md eilhlY) u tlttt Jut'""' cl'Os.a"""111 of .wry It..-11/t. It i1 at thil point-NOW-(hat you make the vital decisionl th8l wW either propel you onward to licbell and oW qD ••• Of t,.,,. Yoflf ",llyllu/ doclc" l>«lcw•" lit ltnlllt Mil .,,.,.,,,,Mil ap~ '° wltal c• o~ 1-colW "A SECOND YOUTH." The choice ii completety up to JCN. Became if you ka" )IOUI body alone afler fortJ, llttt .pe, ''°".., pklc iq • tllMlttrou 'llWIL A duoaic ti,..._ .,..._ to ...._ .wry daJ. Yoa l*l °" wcisht you cm't tab oil Ths lk.in of )'Olll faoe becim to cnamble faller aad ra..er-bt~ 10fU ltnn /fUt CllWt PfllltP 11p neo111lt "°"""""" Woofl to kttp It )'OWl6_..., loqtr. And. most importat of .U. sr.YU;y-the areat killer of all animal life oa ea.nb---lwP.. to wclflt •wn '°"' "°4IY ,,.,,. -" ""'" '"'" ,..,. Ulltil it becio"* di8k:ult to walk, almoet ...... to rue, a aenor to climb ltain. Until 1DW entire body bema. a ti.tdefleld of aches aad peinl. Until ,_ ~ yot,1fwl/ ""'""-ow /tall tlttt rHI FUN in Ill~.-.,.,,, t~, )Otl0rt ital '700 OLD"/ Tltu II.,,_, ,.,,..,,., It II~ "1 ~ "1 lpor- antt. Fow t~ ,,_,. o/ l'Olll Yotll.\ di/ N'-'7 proN II "'rwll· a,,..,. tlttt /«U. H#rt.,,. tlw "A.,·FfW7tln"' Mil "~ ~wnu'' tltat YOU CM -IO bfli"1 • wall "'"""' aicbta Mil pt1"-'4l}u tJW: I FortxamPc: How To 8rulhe Yowseff Youns! Stretch Yourself Younc! Sleep YCU"Mlf Youns! Four new 10Urca ol enerv you mver dnamed e:xit4ed-from the tanh, air, water and 111n. Pale 90 .sltow• JOll /tow to ,. t«lt 0111. In Htin"u .. ClllllJJiAI an.du. Sort of Sapu~ thM Aet JOG bllU1bc warinell riaht oua of your body. Why the best traaquiliar lo the wodd ,.,,.,..,COM. ~lflf;y. It'• yours oo pap: 94. \._ TM /Jlood..S"""' ,.,,,,_,. Foras )IOOl body to BURN UP hidden poilom that .._, ha~ belll doainl )'OClr crlll for year&. You-., fed die diecn:1K1 in &hrillu.t new freedom from indt- _. aloae.. Relemect for the fiiM tins to OQr U.OWW..: Tis lilaple-tlleb- niquc that allows Yosis to lit '" tltl MOW, with ooly a loio<loda, and be perfectly comfortable. YOU cu me this ...... 11Cnt. .iD minu4e1, to ~lilHWI" col4l "-'II -' /ftt .a ""'*' loftt. Prniolllb undildoled Yop 1ex exen:iacs. Theil prime pwpoeo: To tranemutc Physica.I Eneru ialO SuUlll Eaerp. The 1iD11e illlOIC powcdill Yop .-e to delay die ... ol the b_.. body (,... JU). Alld wltJ it.._ a Yirtulll eornat al lelf-blalilla D1pni:o1. zm& W1'6Jtt-loa 11ttt r°"' w..,.. How cm,..,. a. wiUclat ib a 10'lllS pel"IDll, If you bafe • oW penoa'a llack'1 Tbcnfore. Yop worb oa your ~ ""'1 "' w, ,_ '°" ,,,.,,,,., ,,.,,,. qukkly ,,._ JOll ,..,., ..,., ~ .. ,0,. hi to «""""1 ltttlp 10tl dllftJ.. ,... .,., ,,.,,,.. ,,.., ,.,,.,,. --"'* /fH ~ Yop ~ F• Your F.ce, Your Hair, Yow Spine, Your Teeth Yop aa.JI that ... _._ itaalf oa yuur I.a for two ~ Bec:awe dial taos becll mn llaned for ~ DOU.rilbiDa Wood; aad beca~ ii Jc-. tb9 bettle ~ ataYity, and .... TherelON, y oti9 ~ ,.,., "'" ..,,,,. Woofl"' ,..,, ,,... .,,,,, .,. Jtlld II u111poNllly ,..,.,.111ttt po"' o/ 1MY111. to /om 1/tat lhn'll1 to COlfflMI (Ill ,,.,, /Of G ,_ prttiow lflllttlttl •Hf1 .,, IM .,_'*,_ U Ital ,,._ wrw"*'r °" 10f'I /.:. /or .,_,.i The limple .... thM do tm aN IO powerful tbM tlwy DOC - pour .... JOUda ...., JOll' fac:a, but allo: lnipell ths bniD. md ........ m.tal pnl C I I F.a die pam ud roota al your ....... ud ille.-tWr IO'eftllhand~. Feed the ac:alp ud Mir follldll witJa die w rida .,...-' ' ' J INFORMATION,INCOKPOB.ATED •119rut.laAY••NewYork.N.Y.10003 blood, aDd (ia CM1 al• C.-reported in ..... boot) "'1hlNl/y 1w1, ,...,. ,o.r ow• "-''41 lwlr. Prove It Yourself EntirelJ At Our Risk aw thil ii onl.Y the beP9 iioL al coara. Almolt • ..., .,... ii filled with pricelea bMld9 lec1WU. i.cludillJ: How to a¥0id incomple• e"-i•lk• the number oi. c.m al chro.UC poiaonifta of the syMll'IS after forty. A Y oaa madlod by which the body can eo111,.._ to ,.,,,., JU 0-c.U., ,,.,,, .. Miii ... ,,. How eo #Ntd ao••wcle Met peia a.,.y. Mate tbat .,,. .......... aki&aea'L o., 11*,,..J ,........ To 6nB the .eomair;ll ••• ,_. to -.r c:h-'h •... ---the lllllric .... • A new WQ to aeop mM>tiaL wllltotlt ea1inJ ..,,. ( .. ,... 52). What Yosa cu do for you IO illlJllllo" l'JOllaa aUlla ...S ,__ Your bat undll eo rechal9I die boclr-daM tat. • 819 mia'*& a cMJ.md ...._you eo do ABSOLtrrEL Y NOTillNG (but ia eentiNIJ..,.nJ).See PIJll 113. Aad ad, _.. ~ .,,, JOll ,.,,., "7 ,,,,_ """"' ,,,,... yDllnd/ to rHIJ1 btl#w tlwM, The C09l of thia amaziaa llC'W ~ ~ al HEALING YOGA-called YOGA OVE.ll FORTY-ti only Sj,91 complete. ll 1°" llHltM lo ktt, It. It c:oat you notbint if 10'& decids to aead it back. TM ~Uiolt u t1p to yOtl. We beUHe that SECOND YOUllf lies in the coupon below. U you an williaa to .... thil liml* nijuwnatiftt method youndf, .. our rilt-why not llnd it la TODAY. r----MAJLNO-AtSKCOUPONTOO.\Y1 ----., INFORMATION, INCOllPOltATED Dlpt.IW-21 UtFWl-._,.._V.-.N.Y. lOOOS Clf1 c ........... ~ ... ~ I I I I J L------~------~~-----_J ., I . T• Your 0.-. -Md T ... Huilt .... _., lm11&ine beautifyl• your home, office 0( dub with mac· nfficent art reproducttons !Mt h-. won the plaudits of art lown and decoratina experts aHUf And imletne uv-lnl as much as 80% when you take advanblp of thia unpt9C8dented seasonal dole-out Mlel Y-. It"s true • • . 8d p(Omptfy and you can order the fabulously bMuUful MAGNIFICENT DlllOWD GOLD AMBllCAN EAGLE 11tREE FT. WIDE-ONLY $t fult-color art prints of WoUI' choice -menr up to tout feet In width -for as little as 8' eacltf (A word to the wise: use this oPPOftunily to order extra prints ..• titer make peff9Ct 1tfts (of friends and ~I) Ofter -Not .......... . Our suppl._ of U.... exqu..,._ prints.,. strtdty limited - SET OF U>VAllLE WIDE-EYm llOPPETS-AU. 4 ONLY $t ,..... proud 8ftd bautiful Amerbn El9le 19 f'9P"ldl~ •a IM..-16" x 17" ft'Wral for '°"~ home or offloa. iinba • 1ad lfl .,._...,. 9Dld • a rtdt .._ ~ it .. ,.,,. at a _,. ffKtlcNI of Oris'-' cost. =.u~::t c:,,,-,:i=-.. "t ,:rsf"s!-i~~i~ i~ ... ~~' •t t1Ftm1_.-.--. •"'1----Y$1 YOURS FREE! W•HI WOOO .. PAllOUe ~ -...oNtl" •LAW81D so plene order at once to evold dluppolntm.nt. But huny. 5'mpty flee out and m11U the no-risk coupon today. 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Ju1t put 1 drop of "PRF.l:IOUS OF.W'' unclf'r the tip of eaclt nail once f'Yf!'IY dey for 3 day11 in1 1ow anJ 1ou'U ti.ve nail1 like a tigreu- 1'11w his ey..s out if you like ... lhf'y rt' bf'e\ltiful. S.fe, d6cieftt and rut; th1t'1 the amllllin11, 1trwly diM:uvtted. "PRECIOUS DEW Nail ~1r~n11tbt-nl'r''.· Only SJ.00 pu11IJN1id. I! f..0 .0. Sl.00 dri>o•lt .rt'Cluir~. So 1f your na1l:S b~•lt, crac\ uM.I ckon I ~row lo"fl uJ Leautiful, mail ordtt for "PRt:CIOUS DEW'' today ou AUlfUt~ of uti.afaction or l'f'turn bottlfl cap for monl'y back. s..nd to: flMtsud, Dept.xu;427 W . ._11•8'h. a.1c..., 11. WOI Here's 'l\e Way Tot.nA.R.,me CWIT ___ _ ---._" _ _..., -..... ,.. ...... c.. ... .,... _. ............ ..., ........ . ...... _ __, ........ .._ _ .................. _ .. ..... -. ... , __ _ .... ~ ....... '-_,,. ___ ...__ ~ ,_, -,..,! ...... «n.-. ·----MT-.O.r·\4,.1121141-.11· 11101 ANY 8 OR ~: cXPC':.UPE Hodacolor Film D•Y•loped .... Prhlfe4 I ... 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Why not plan for bigger success in the field where employers are looking for you? Authorities agree thot for many years to come there will be more openings in computer programming than people to fill them! Even beginners are paid well; and with experience, programmers can fill major supervisory positions at salaries of $12,000 to $1.S,000 a year -often as much as $20,000. Without leaving your present position, you can start your training now -at very low cost. You can study at home, in hours of your own choosing. Experienced LaSalle instructors will guide you by mail every step of the way. Industry experts say this is the most thorough course of its kind that they have seen. The ease and rapidity with which you leam will surprise you. LaSalle has just published a fascinating booklet '~ow To Become a Computer Programmer." In simple, non:technical language this booklet tells you what computer programming is ; what the pro- arammer does; how you can train by mail through . the school that has enrolled more than 1,500,000 people in its many success courses. Mail the cou- pon for your free copy or write to LaSalle, 417 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Wjnois 6060.S. e1MJua.11e'El1 -~ Mail this coupon today! ·------------------ ' LA SALLE EXTENSION UNIVERSITY I I A Correspondence Institution : I 4'11 s. l>Mrt»or'ft Street. Dept. aM>90, chlcllgo ...... eoeos I : Please mail to me free illustrated booklet "How To Become a Computer Programmer.'' I I ~ I I Mm ............... ········~~~~j,ri;dJ ... ················ ..... A.-........ I I Add.re. ............................................................ Apt. No.. . . . . . . . I I I I City.............................................................................. I I State ................................................................ Zip No.. . . . . . . . I ~--------------------------~ 1 NEWPORT BEACH LAGUNA BEACH POUNT AIN VALLIY lllVINI WEEK OF MAY 10 • MAY 11 • DIC _"WILSON'S · ~ -------, I FO_~~ WILSON FORD SALES 18255 BEACH BLVD.,· HUNTINGTON BEACH MAND NEW 1969 8RAND NEW 1969 MUSTANG HARDTOP THUNDERBIRD $71 .30 36 mo. -.................................. ,.. .,,, ............ ....-w • ...... ..... ... ...... 1 ....... .,...~ ............................. .... ............ , .... ,....,~ I~·········· .................................................................................... ,.. IRAND NIW 1969 $9 g· Tot•I Required Down Payment ·~°"Any NEW CAR or NEW TRUCK ........... crMlt. W1LSON FORD ........... ...,..,. .. ....... ,.....,.,.M ........ ....... ..,-.... A--.. U..._. c:.11 • ._. _. 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All ....,. .-. ..,... ~ ............... ...,... .......... ...., ... 2 .,... -... llAftD NIW lfH 52288 $99 Down 70.95 36 mo.· R~NCHERO Pickup "u• Tn I Lic111H 111 .,,. b111\i cr~it, "'9tM ........ dee,.....""'*· ......... lllldl.., ..... CMrtety ....... ""'""' ................ y, ..... llllln"W1 ....... dlti ........... "*'9r, ................... 11111 llW UllS, Yll!'fl trlM, d!lr tleyef flw llHt ..... . . ....... llA"' NIW $99·Down $64.45 36 mo. F· 100 ,lu1 Tu & ll-...1111 011 .,,. b111lt cr.4it. JUST 2 MILES 10U1H OF THE SAN DIEGO FRWY. ON BEACH BLVD. 18255 BEACH BOULEVARD 842-6611 HUNTINGTON BE'ACH SALD D1Pr. ' ...... 10 , .... 1 hys SEIYICI OPIN T .. s. tllnt M ., I •·"'· to 5 P·"'· Mo:t .. I •·"'· to 9 p.m. 592-5$11 HOST: MR.JACK LEMMON Man's most vital link to life-breathable air-ls In jeopardy. Unless we stop fouling our environment, air and water pollution can mean extinction for all living organlama- lncludlng man-within 50 years. Thia ia no ordinary problem. "The Slow Gulllotlne" la no ordinary program. You'll see the dramatic results of two years research-Including the first public view of a poaalble breakthrough In the control of amog. SPECIAL TONIGHT KN BC'~ I 6:30·7".30PM -'!'• YfNt community-minded ltatton SATURDAY MAY 10 rvFNINr. 6..-00 In. ~ ..... (C) (60) U @ @D H...a.,.BnnkllJ (C) ( 0) II Portlf W11M* (C) (30) Archie Clmpbelt guests. B IMS Cit1 (C) (60) Sam Riddle hosts. m , ... , .... H ... c ... IA""LJ ..... And Wt still Call It Dra1 Raclnr." (C) (60) Dick Clark hosts this special on the ex· citin11 sport of the decade. Wally Parka tells how he feels about dr111 raclnr and what propels him and drives him from one race to the other. Veteran auto racer Mickey Thompson elves his views on the ·•new thin(' on wheels and whit he thinks about the machines and the men who drive them. 6:30 D r Jdc!AL I T1le .. QulllotiM ~ (60) A hard look at the dens· tation beinr wroufht In Southern California and throu11hout the na· tion by smor and other pollutants. Experts from science, rovernment. and industry are int8'Vlewed and the results of a special develop- ment project are revealed: a pos- sible solution for automotive smor. Jack Lemmon narrates. U Melody Randi (C) (60) Kenny Price ruests. ...., Crier (C) (30) loft ltlCJ (30) nt Ult Quit. (30) (R) C.11e die Stars (C) f.,,.,-( .. ~--- 7:00 QI ()) CIS SatunllJ Ntw1 (C) C30) Roger Mudd. D Tiie AtHIMf'llfJ , .... (C) (30) Al Hamel hosts. a nm1Ati1~ D~ ~ ft! Ktn1 Fa•lly (C) (60) Love and attection Is typically bestowed upon Mother on her day. and when the entire Kln11 family gets together, the blesslnp come out 46 fold. I!) Wonders of the Wof1d (C) (30) Ell) NET JMmal (C) (60) "A Piece of the Cake." ( R) I ElltHlltro 7:30 Cit Ci) Jackie, ...... (C) (60) @ oo m Ada•·12 <C> c3o> II "EVA" falls in and * out of LOVE! A fatal accident INVOLVES INNOCENT PARTIES! U Merle: "Eva" (drama) '65- Vlrna Lisi, Jeanne Moreau. Stanley Baker. D @ (3) (f) Tht Dltinr 111111 ~ {3oflim Lange hosts. 0 Million $ MO¥ie: (C) "The li•nt· m" (adventure) '58-Robert Mit· chum, Robert Wagner. I!) World of Women (C) (30) "Don't Forret Wales." Gwenda Stephens takes viewers lo that ren· e11ade part of Enal1nd known as Wales. I Los CallCfltlos l:OO I oo~ 8et Smart (C) (30) (}) · Tiie New1Jwtd 811111 0) B Eubanks hosts. Movie: "The Tlllrd Man" (mys· tery) 'SO -Joseph Cotten. Orson Welles. (Continued) WANTED BOYS and GIRLS AG&S 3 to 19 TO AUDITION FOR TV e COMME·RCIALS •nd Mova. PreHnt•tion Nete4 H .. fWM4 T..._, c..,.. ....., ............... ,.. ... ........ ,., ..... ..., ... u. ..... 6" ..... FOR FREE ON CAMERA AUDITION IN YOUR AREA CALL NOW 547-6251 JIMMY LLOYD F•moua Actor, Producer, D!l"ec• for 0H•rin9 opportunity to kicla 1lld young •dulh to b• repr•· Hnted in the TV I FILM IN- DUSTRY. LLOYD HAS DIS· COV~ED ALMOST 500 KIDS WHO HAVE APPEARED IN MOVIES I T.V. MANY OF OUR LUCKY KIDS EARN OVU $100.00 PER DAY. P.R. CO. MAKES PROFESSIONAL CON. TACTS FOR YOU IN HOLLY. WOOD. TAKE I PRODUCTIONS 6671 SUNSET ILVO. HOLL YWOOO, CALIF. Pase 3 -- M'ruRDAY (Continued) I De ~ Wiit (C) (30) I TwlHaM z... <30) NET fatMI (60) "The Wotfd of ..... (C) (30) &Mlt T_.. (C) (30) Jama Buswell.'' (R) NET ,..,..._ (21,h hr) "Jour- · 1:30 ta Qt(i) MJ "'-S.. (C) (30) ~ of the Fifth Hone." (R) 9 SPECIAL! ROD McKUEN, Ill'-c1e Mtllet * The Loner does REPRISE 10-.lOITHE Cit <C> (30) ALBUM ••• "GREATEST WWa MJ 0..t <Cl <30) HITS OF ROD McKUEN" • < ..__ ._.r•ft ,...._ (C) D ta Cl) m I ·r1· .... Mo-m SWIA&W Colpel (C) (30) llM: De LAIMr ( ) Rod Mc-&) Nol~ ud tile b'a Ku~sln(tf, recordlnJ •rtltl com-11:001 D IJ mm ..... (C) Po•. concert performer •nd best· wiMidr....,.. (C) 5'llln1 poet-4inp neer1y • dozen -MoM: "Tiii htl -Alley" (musl- of his own JOnp In his first on• cal} '40--Allce Faye, John Payne. min show. GJ """"""' Fred ~ (C) 1J@ CJ)&> De llwrtnce Well 11:15 R ,....._ 52 Mowte: (C) .. A a.. (C) (60) The Champaine Mu-TI• To lAwt ud a T1mt To Die" sic Makers salute Mother's Day. (drama) '53-John Gavin, Jock M•· &J lllCl Owens (C) (30) honey, Keenan Wynn. t:OOIQl~i'"'' Htnltl {C) !!.~ Nfatd Movie: "T1le 9 · ·NI C S1tuda1 (drama) '58-Klm Stan- twle: < SHnd of Al..,.. i Lloyd Bridees, Patty Duke. (drama) '68--0uy S1ockwell, James 11:30 1,D Tonftltt .,.. <C) Farentino, DaYld Macklin, l,ynda Movie: "Two y..,.. lefore the Day, Collin Wiicox, Chartes Aldman, ur (classic) '46-Alan Ladd, Burl Ives. Brian Donlevy. &J llh Andenon (C) (30) I lnafatlt {C) fil) Crftlque (C) (60) Stanley Kauff-De ~ {C) m1nn hosls • Protram centered on 11:45 Mowte: "Tiie F•iftivt llnd" (dra· the achievements of the late Amer!-m1) '60 -Marton Brando, Ann• can sculptor David Smith. Meenan!. 9:3019 (I) httblt Jimdloft (C) 12:30 0 MoN: "Loot "' Alff Wllldow" @CJ)&) Hollrwood P1lec1 (~ma) '61-Paul Anka. ( (60) Roy Roaera ind Dale ! n s.met Strip Evens play host to Irene Ryen, Burt 12:45 an-a s.tmraJ; "Klne ot the Ives. Jeannie C. Riiey, Georae Gobel nderwortd." and The Stoney Mountain Clouers 1:00 ta Mowit: (C) "Aotpn" (western) In 1 countIY-westem hoedown. (R) 'SS-Stertlnr Hayden. fJ News {C) Leny Burrell. 0 News (C) m 1'e ._..n f111tly (C) (30} m AIJ."IPt Sllow: "Portrait In Ttr- 10:001J a Ci) Minnix (C) (60) ror," ''White Conidors" end "The IJ n.. "ltf.ndtfs (60) 84le lamp." ----~ - Movies of tlle Week I SUNDAY, MAY 11 9:00 D @ Cll "Zorba, the Greek." Anthony Quinn, Alan Bates, Irene Papas and Ula Kedrova star in the repeat of the 1964 film. MONDAY, MAY 12 8:30 0 p (6) "Father Goose." Cary Grant, Trevor Howard and Leshe eiron star In the 1965 Wor1d War II comedy. A repeat showing. TUESDAY, MAY 13 9:00 B tD @ "The Pink Panther." Once again, NBC airs the com- edy starring Peter Sellers. David Niven, Claudia Cardinale, Capucine and Robert Wagner. The film was released in 1964. WEDNESDAY MAY 14 9:00 D (Ji) CJ) ''The Great Sioux Mnsacre." The 1965 adventure film stars Joseph Cotten, Darren McGavin, Philip ("Granny Goose") Carey, Nancy Kovack end Julie Sommars. THURSDAY, MAY 15 9:00 ta QI Cl) "A Distant Trumpet.'' The 1964 post-Civil War ad· venture stars Troy Donahue, Suzanne Pleshette, Diane Mc· Bain, James Gregory and Wiiiiam Reynolds. FRIDAY, MAY 16 9:00 II a Cl) ''Tarzan Goes to India." This release is dated 1962 and stars Jock Mahoney, Mark Dana and Leo Gordon. SATURDAY, MAY 17 9:00 II QI (i) ''The AppelooN." Marion Brando, John Saxon and Anjanette Comer star In the 1966 adventure. 11:15 R "Derk at the Top of the Stairs." Robert Preston and Doro-tlly McGuire star. D "EXpr9ao Bon10." Laurence Harvey and Sylvia Syms star. John G•vln Lllo Pulver First time on Loa Angele• televlalon I In color. Tonight at 11:15 pm. CBSa THE DAILY PILOT, Tv WEEK, MAY 10, 1969 I All right min@ tice. 6:150 6:300 6:551 7:001 7:301 7:45 IJ 1:001 .. , ~ tt I ~»I e G i 9:00 I • ~ f ' I I I 9:30 I 1 I 10:00 10:30 SUNDAY MAY 11 '., () I~ N I N L All stations reserve the right to change program- ming without advance no- tice. one of tht Fordham students In· volvtd In that university's demon· stratlons dlscu11 atudent·1dmlnls· tr1tlon confrontltions. l~m m1a .. , ._, <c> hlttlfer ""Today (C) ())Future 11:00 R Mewie: 11M Mttt.I Widew .r w.,... ~" (comedy) '47-Abbott & Costeno, M1rjorle Main. li'1 (I) a> lllltwintle (C) ~ "lli About En" {drama) 11'11 Is UM LHe (C) ..._.,.,.,... lulcle (C) 6:15 ID The Cl1rlstopber1 -Bette Davis, Anne Baxter, 6:30 m Tiit Bible AalWtrl Gary Merrill. 6:55 II elwe Us T1tts Oaf (C) I Clt•rdl fa tile Ho.. (C) 7:00 1J Tom ind Jeny (C) Ci1 Ftnt leptlst Clltrdl m SUBd_, F1nnles (C) 5°•pus (C) 7:30 8 Aq111•111 (C) 11:301 lrMn LMvts (C) 0 MormcNI Tlbemacle Qolr (C) @(I)&) Discilvery (C) ''The 7:45 aJ Th Cllristoplws (C) reltened Species." Story of the 8:00 II 9 (j) La111p Unto My Feet tc\ fight to preserve America's rare "All Generations Call Her e1esser" animals. (R) Art and history are utilized to study fJ Mevle: (C) "Pmport to Chiu" the Virain Mary. (1dventure) '61-Richard 81seh1rt, I. iD Tiie Cltrislopben (C) Athene Seyler. Ci1Mdr1l of Tomonow (C) 9 m Stmd., Mltinet AltroaMt C.rtDons (C) @D liant Oii Action (C) Woodef1u (C) Allen Rnll tto. (C) @ Cod 11 tlle AllSWtr (C) AF Tl RNOON 8:30 I Look Up ind Uve (C) 12:il0 I Reid Ri&ttt (C) Ulblft bdluce (C) C11e ~ Rebels Wltll a C... (C) (fi') @ al Tuu Open loll (C) • Movie: (C) "Snowfir.., (west· Tournament is telecast live from em) '58-0on Meiowan, Morty Mc· the Pecan Valley Country Club In Gowan. San Antonio. I Kltttrya k»hl•1~ (C) aJ lnttlligwnt Parent 00 Davey & '9olilth_ (C) @ @ Triple Future: "Ma and Pa 00 Full IOlt)tl Rev1Y1I Kettle on Vacation," ''Abbott and Escuel1 KMEX (C) Costello Lost In Alaska" and "Char· Tiie Answer (C) Ile Chan at the Olympics." 9:00 CllMf'a ThrM (C) @I) Cine ea Sa Casa • My Fnorile sen.on (C) f!b Profitts 9f ~ (C) ~'!i:~:acovery (C) 12:30 IJ M0¥11: "Tall in die Sadd1e" 1ospt1 Music (C) (we.stern) '44 -John Wayne, Wan! ~A. A. Allen (C) Bond. Kltlliyn bfllun (C) 8 Ctl•ICtm hi tll• Alts (C) Tom end )lfTJ (C) • , . Movie: "Wells F•19" (western) • IMptdDI Mlllkales 37-Joel McCrea, Frances Dee. • N• Testl••t Md Mall aJ TV WOl'lfllp of the West (C) · Acriatltlnl Report (C) f?:' Qlltlt flf Adventllr1 (C) 9;30 R Conwetlltion1 Witll • ...,..,.. 1:00 Im Meet die Prm (C) tn.t (C) "Over·Control and Under· • Ciertle Ctl1n Control of Emotions." Dr. Edw1rd Co•bat Stainbrook hosts. Revival f"trn (C) I Eafto•lcs for All Ac-(C) 1:30 UCU footblll (C) Dan O'Nell o YOUTH AND THE POLICE calls the action at the Bruins' wr . • i·~practice. * Frank appraisal of crtme m ~leJ Do·Ri&ht (C) and our current laws •.. 6 Oral (C) 0 . A. Evelle Younger ..!4':'':.:0<CJ1nchero & Loyola U. law students T1ris Is tile Life (C) I Yoatft ead tlM Police (C) 10:00 II Refi&iOll TodlJ (C) With hostess ~Vo6ce of C.miy (C) Ruth Ashton Taylor. .S FNutllre ,..1 C I Ett.r. USA (C) • • IYJ n nt ( ) l (})al Linus (C) 2:il0 IJ hblic Sefvlce Fll111 (C) "In owle: "Everydllnts Oltc:Q" Your Hands." A lilm from the City (comedy) '61-Midley Rooney, Bud· of ~· IHa<:kett. • 0 m Conamai0ft1I Report (C) Oral. Roberts (C) Wliliam Monroe reports. ~ Faitll for Today (C) I @ (]) m Olrections (C) Town Han Meetin& (C) Riii. DWJ (C) 11laste Corazon m Sunday Matin .. Wlnp " Advlfttllre (C) trcuarto Mandlmlento 10:30 IJ Steps t. Lnrwln& (C) • Conirealon1I Report (C) . 9 CI) m Q•ldttiM (C) "Cam· Z:30 IJ Co11111bteftt (C) pus Unrest." Second of five diJ. D ON CAMPUS--"So What ~=fc ~!'::.': ~~u~~atl~ :: * Should Students Do?" modem • day wor1d. Dr. M1rtln I Ga Cl~ (C) Meade, Vlce President of Student @ CJ) aJ ISAa and All ... ra Affairs at Fordham University, ind ( ) B MllNN S lihwll: (C) °'fllcllt ti r ., tfil Lost lalloon" (ICl·fl) '60-Mer· shill Thompson . ... ::~CC) I MEN, WOMEN I II Movie: (C) "Tiit CastHlan" (•d· & COUPLES- venture) '63-8roderlck CrawfonS, I 5 5 I Ce$1r Romero. U Tales of tlle lolden West EXCITING U Press Conference (C) Candidates for the vacated Los Anaeles City I MOTEL/HOTEL Councilmanlc seat from the 3rd Dis· I trid. Howard Speer end Don Loren· zen, are 1uest1 of host·moderator POSITIONS I Bill Bonds. Stu Nahan, Al Wiman • • and Jim Lawrence compose the I I panel of newsmen questJonlna the candidates on their stands on the -manager soc1·a1 d1·-lssues confrontina the city. 1 m outer u.tta I r e ct o r , e x e c u t i v e ~~-;:::. <~> "New Yot11-housekeeper, hostess, I the Most." apartment manager- m McKtntf • n. Colon9' I you pick the job you I m Lidia 011 cc> want, then let Lewis- 1:10 IJ lnsidtr /Otltslcler (C) Welfare •th 53 , · services In the Mexican-American WI years eXperl· community is. the subje~ explored I ence training and plac· I =·~ar~M,: '!f '7:00.S.. ing motel, resort, ho- (drama> '53 -Boris Karloff, Betta tel, Steamship person· St. John. I el t h th aJHaH Qun, Will Travel n -eac you e I fil) IW> Review: "Earth Re.source ropes at home by COr· Sa~•W:,"Rt~Xo,th<~> Moneyr· <R> resp on den c e', or at· I American Ptobte ... <C> I tend classes in Los I 4:00 Viewpoint cc>, Angeles! Man from UNa.E (C) ffi°~;~ •. U.. I• CCI I FREE BOOK TELLS I , ~:S::.":0~:> ABOUT OPPORTUNI- • Enslan O'Toole I TIES ALL OVER CON-, • Seos>e <C> Tl NENTAL U.S. & 4:30 ror:=~·n (C) Mayor Sam HAWAII . AGE NO BAR· • Nen (C) I RIER . NO PREVIOUS : ~~°::.~~:::=cc> EXPERIENCE NECES-1 CJ) Polb Perade (C) SARY! • M•lka J Palabru • Thi o .. otas I I • lulpt (C) 4:55 e Wenderful Wottd of Sport (C) For your free copy, S;OO I News (C) Clete Roberta. I phone • Speak Up (C) Bill Leyden. (213) 749·1438 I Df. luter'1 Adventures (C) Mowil: (C) "Tiit BUCCIMtr" d d (1dventure) '59-Yul Brynner, Chari· Or sen a postcar ton Heaton, Claire Bloom. I with your name age I fJ ~ (C) ''The Sw1gman " An d · ' ' eccentrM: -mllllonalre who prefers phone an address to: the life of a "sweaman'' (Almral· lanese for "hobo") causes a crisis I I In the life of Sonny Hammond. I Merv er1tt1n <C> Lewis Hotel I Motel Tiit Addam F1111ily Sch I m S.vtn Arts Theatrt: "$Mn· I 00 s Yearttch " I I 1.,t1 of Cllrlst 7080 Hollywood Blvd. (6) Mett t11t Press cc> Suite L -1926 fiat's New? (R) Toros I Los Angeles, 1 Run for Your life (C) California 90028 5:30 g ~mat.ur Hour (C) • 6 m Frenlt Mc8ee (C) ~ (C) I I • f Troop (C) A f Tiie New Sound <C> pproved or rntemttioftal ....,..oa.. Veterans' Training : Spectrum (C) (R) I. (Continued) ------.. l COMRADE SOLDIER ~ "Comrmde Soldier," an AM; NftS documenl9ry on the American Gl'1 ..._..n caum..p.rt. •In In COior on ABC, FrldQ 8t 7:30 PM. The prasrem. ' lbldy of the lndoctrfMtion methodl of the Savi« enny, -ftlmld In the U.S.S.R. °""•two-month period •nd wes rel•••_. without c.sontllp fot prcic1Hl"8 In this country. The ltDfy of the '"8klf1S of • toldler In R...i. Is laid throush the ~ of • 19-ymrdd rKNlt from VollCllJH, An-1Dty Semnlko. Desmond Smith, who produc.d, dlrect9d •nd wrote the special for AM; fMwl. spent li8ht months In Ruut.. He •nd hil crew were the flrlt Amertc8tw to ITw •nd work In Soviet •rmy campa since Wortd Y/•r II, Md tf*r flndlnp provide broad coobMl with the techniques UMd to IMpe • U.S. Soldier. · Prrblottlm In the Soviet Unlon bellns In the klnderprten with membefshlp In • Coml'T'tunllt Youth orpnQtlon. the Youril ~. AMIDfy, 1 dtlftam8n 8t • tl'8dDr factory, spent much of hll .,.... time In compue.ory pre-mlfftary tnlnl"8. ly the time he jolMd the inny for his two-year stint, he Mel com- plet.d 400 hours of mlllta~ lnltructlon. After two yeers of 8CtMt dutY. he will ...,,. In the l"9MfWI until he fl !50 yeers old. The _.a.I thowS thlt ~ 8nd P8tf'iott1m 8N the m8jor cfiaf8C• teltstks of the Soviet army Ind the youns men who serve In It. ~ The dl9cipllne ts Iron. the tnlnlna •nd m•newers rtao,,,,,_. PrlvM9 Anltoly Sezonlko, a member of a motorized rtfte All.lment In IOUtlwn RUISl8. ls up •nd ctreulns before 6 AM. •nd hi• day ends llt 10 PM. Thil ii the procedure lbt days• week: He gets free med· lcal 1nd ctent.I c.re. • IU•f'lnt. that l'til tnp:or t.ctory Job will be •ltlna for hlnf when he returns, •nd Ktually 11 fully supported by the anny durt111 hil Ml'Yk:e. But he ...W.. no pey. Rlctylts •re liven onty a d81ty •llowanc:e -the eqt1tvalent of 10 cent. for "pocMt money," plus • free ration of cta•ntt.. . Productr Smith did find that the Soviet GI• have • f81t1y common compl•lnt. When •ked what they disliked most •bout •rmy life he wn told: "No . vodtt.I" TCJQJ •bstlnence II part of the •nny NSirMn. thoulh one draft. ukl he pts "plenty of 'mllk' In pe~ from home.'' ........................................................ ~.-· ....-. .. ...... •• .. -............. 11111 ...... SUN SUNDAY (Continued} ! . f '< I •; <, 1.-00 R 8(()11le Zlst Ceat.y (C) (10) "Can We Conbvl the Wnth· err' JR) l>QI @ m c.u.p 11..i <C> iwc (30) 11le Nltlotl 111'111 (C) ( ) Ill unud hosts 1 film in· vestiptina the multiple-city that Is lsr11~fore, durln1 and after the Six·O.y Wu. (R) IWWil• TeU .... Beat (C) (30) (R) II• f,.. UNCU (C) 5:30 ..... Stllly (C) (30) m Wld IQqda <C> <30> ranae Partnership.'' Provam showina an unusu1I eumple of coopmtion 1mon1 three different animals. (R) D ...._ lary (C) (90) John treets Fernando Limas. Wlllilm Shatner, Jack Cassidy, Pat Buttram, Dottle West. Jaye P. Morain, INery Schrei- ber, Bobby Scott •nd Fuon Youna. A HAPPY MAN-hi oee o1 dM .... ~ paform.nca .. W. cUldmpillled careu. Aadao•f Qulma ...... ~ ph:de4 oW Creek ............ lk.ta ... of aduature ucl romuce wtio de-"°""' Wt • II It wen a feaA--411 "7.ort»e Tiit Glftk," oa 1k A.llC SuDc1aJ NfPt MoYlt at J PM. 11 $PJ (C) (60) I lat 1.t1cJ (30) ... ,.. .... Z2 @ llodMr's Day Witll TM IClaa ••llJ (C) . fJll Tiii fr•dl CMf (30) Julia Cfiild prepares aenoise cake. flj(j)Sklpn (C) 7:00 tJ 9 Ci) Laale (C) (30) Lassie and 1n Alaskan Indian boy (Mark Miranda) face a tortuous and lonely journey on 1 wilderness Island as they attempt to eJude a stalkina timber wolf. (R) 0 m thldi F'llln (C) (30) "The MTssion of Captain Mordecai." Lost 1t s11, Huck, Becky and Tom en· counter 1 deranl'd captain, hunt· i. • rrut whale. (R) tm rn m u11c1 °' t11e 111• (60) "Oouble-tross." While suf· ferln1 from amnesil, Commander Fltzhu(h helps ai•nt thieves Hook and Lobo capture Bany, who is needed in their plan to rob a mu· •um. (R) m EQUITABLE SAVINGS * presents KING FAMILY MOTHER'S DAY 7:00 PM m ........,, 0., Wit11 TM Khl& riiailJ (C) (60) {R) m hleport tit Trainl (C) (30) ''Caribbea~utch Style." Hal Saw- yer hosts 1 visit to Saba, st Mar- tens, Aruba, Curae.ao-tiny West In· diln Islets combinini the charm Of the Caribbean with thl tndlUona of distant European Holl1nd. Train for an exciting, rewarding career as a • MEDICAL ASSISTANT . e fJi) Speatlltiee (60) "A Sen• of Style." Dr. Keith Berwick and auuts attempt to define the elusive qual· ity of style beina exhibited by ow busineu and cultural leadtrs.. Guests are businessman Max Palev· lllY. architect Crair Ellwood, fash· ion editor Bea Miller and art critic William Wilson. (R) &>Alecrt.a DENTAL ASSISTANT 7:30 11 ot Cl) Qentte a. <C> <30> Ben Is threatened by • ahatk dur- lnf his activities at sea and his dolphin friend comes to the rescue. The Wedloes and seaquarium ofli· cials, meantime, set out In search of the missing pair. Conclusion of two·part episode. (R) 0 0 CJ) Walt DlllMJ (C) (60) "Kilroy." Part I of four parts. A comedy·drama starrina Wuren Ber· linaer, with Celeste Holm, Allyn Joslyn, Philip Abbot and Robert Emhardt co·starrina. Upon his dis· charae from the Marine Corps. Oscar Kilroy heads for WiHon June- .. tion where he quietly wins the hearts of his buddy's family. (R) D MUliee $ Mewie: ....... IMS to Waf' (comedY) '60 -Briaitte Bardot. Jacques Charrier. lt Q) TIM Clla!l•&ia& See (C) (30) "Sea Search for Charlie.'' Bill Bur· rud joins the 3000·m•n Coast Guard Force in Yietnam. EE Bil Pkture m 1..os ea••• New. Exclusive Clusroom. Home Study Courses! Career Academy graduates enjoy good·payin1. rewarding positions (full and part-time) in these presti1e fields. You can train to become a Medical Assistant or Dental Assistant. Unique, nationally-recognized courses are supervised by physicians and dentists in a beautiful. modern laboratorv school .•• located right here in"L.A. Tuition Alllttanc:e Avellllble. Ameditlld Membs- N.tionel A80Cli9tlon Of T,_.·llnd T echnial4 Sdaook. •• and tN Netioftel HorN Study Council Return Coupon ..• or CAL( 464-9291 I r(iCAREER ACADEMY I 'J 1080 Hollywood Blvd. Dept. 153 Lot An ...... CeUf0tnle 90028 Pleue •ad my ''"book ."Spolliaht On Y otl'. ran 1:00 II a CJ) Ed S.UIVlll' (C) (60) Int WOftd r....... liahts the historical themes, ldeels Ed Ames, Alp Wilson, The Muppets, 9:00 9 (j) s-tllera ......,. (C) and values that t"-landmaits rep-~•na c:: II and d T~ dl~up:mes. ( ) r .. nt Burpss Meredith ls StD1J na (R . e en a e ason II ID 'i" m leuma (C) (60) teller. ruest. ) •'{ Rldeln ttie Suri." Three bank al ..... (C) (30) D ROLLER GAMES-Live! (C) robbers involve the C.r:twriltlts ~n ~ ...._. (90) * T-BIRDS vs. DETROIT a robbeTJ 1nd then attempt to es-U11or 11.,.n (C) (30) cape Into the desert, pursued by ...._ f.,.. D Roller 1 ... (C) (2 hr) T·Blrds Little Joe. Robert Hopn, Anthony C... Ens hn • W.. vs. Detroit Devils. Dick Lane reports. Zerbe and Mirj Duuy auest. (R) lO:JO w.w y...,,.. 0 FORD PRESENTS AN MU~AIC ~ 11ewit: Jee,,_ (C) (2 hr) * FBI CLASSIC ~ _ Anthony~=-: ~~~ 1 ~~ ~~.~~;;;::: 0 CiZJ (I) EB De RI (C) (fiO) Irene P1pa, Ula Kedrova. Basll, e rud and retlttd Maj. Qen. RDbert "Counter·Stroke." Wor1cin1 undtr· shy younr British writer, journeys Ballance of the U.S. Marine Cofpa oover in the ruise of • Communist to the island of Crete to tau rttum to Guad1lca111I 20 y1111 fl. courier. Inspector Erikine is ordered cllarae of a llcnlte mine bequeathed ter the flen:e fllMJni of Wortd War by a Red official to execute the him by his Greek father. On reach· II. (b Communist spy leadtr. (R) Ina Greece he falls Into the hands 11:001 ,._. (C) m Movie: "nl 1llird .... (dra-of Zorba, a &rizzled old Grtek ruf. el T_.... (C) ma) '50 -Joseph Cotten, Orson flan who dlWUrs life as if it were Tiii ~ (C) Welles. 1 fuat.. (R) Ci) 8 (I) ,._ (C) Q) Walldertutt (C) (30) ''Girl In tle•11t.S/ ..... (C) 11:15 iliwll: ~ -OW .._.. Paradise." Bill Burrud invites the PM a.. (mystery) ·~ry Gl'lnt. Joaphlne worting &ir1 to Cabo San Lucas, a ~ Henl• Hull. return to paradise at the tip of 9:30 • """ (C) (30) Leny Bunell. 11:30 8 ....._: (C) "I• ler 1 ~ Baja, California. 111J ....._, tile C. (30) (western) '57 -Fl'ld MacMumJ, EE Tiie Fidler F••lfJ INlJ Jellel Jfffrey Hunter, Jalllet Rule. m PIL (C) (90) "Do You Think• • Dawtcl s-llM CC> (2 hr) D LOHMAN AND BARKLEY Job Is the Answerr· A reprise of • " de Unemployed Spe1k Their * "LOCAL ANAESTHETIC" report on attempts by private en· Mind." '• terprise to wipe out hard.core ~n-10:00 & ta (j) Mlaielt: l11111•lble (C) I Ltll.. a .__ (C) employment in Detroit. plus • trib· ~)Cinnamon is captured and the • W.• f. ....., (C) "Th• ute to the late Dr. Martin Luther enemy discovers the one thin& that C.mpua Oest~ra." N C.pp ptlll. Kina Jr. . would unmalll her Identity and U · I ul#t (C) @II Carroaef lilelka• post the Impossible Miaions Force. 11:45 Q) ..... (C) 8:30 0 9 00 m TIM llotllen-ln·Llw i 12:00 S... (C) (C) (3()) "Every ln·law W1nts To 9 ~ m Ptefed 20 $pedal ~ (C) ............. (mu· Get Into the Ad." Jerry is too ill ( (lll) 'Minor of America.'' Usio& SIC.II) '54--Mn Btyth, Howard Keel. to make his debut as a nl&htdub the great landmarb of W1ahlnston, 1Z:lO IJ ,...... CitJ entertainer. so the Hubbards ind O.C.. as backdrops for the re·crll· 1:00 .... : "11le lllCl*llale ~· the Buells decide to ao on for him. lion of some the most stlrrin& and Ille .._.. (horror) '57-4nlit Wll· Jimmy Durante auests. (R) unforaettable moments In the n•· Iiams. Q) TIM S.I SM (C) (30) lion's history, this pro1r1m spot· 0 ..... (C) ..... 1 REGULAR DAYTIME PROGRAMS MONDAY thru FRIDAY ',1 0 f~ i'i I N (, ID C111., (C) iM Redcrave 1nd Dee.11 Jones. @ Cl) Wlbltlr Wlbfeot (C) Trudi Of C:.._..tftCllS (C) 9:00 tJ Th Lucy SllOW (C) Ci) SltMJ TMIJ (C) 6:00 IJ S.rile S.•ltttf (C) CJ 9 00 6D It Tiba TWI (C) 10:15 ID Ediatiotl1I Fffm, Mon. 6:30 I Odyssey (C) Vin Scully hosts. Ev• Gabor, Pet11 10:30 tJ a (j) Diet Vu .,,.. Eduatitn Exdllnce (C) Breck, Jerry Van Dyke and their 0 til 00 €m Htftywoed Squf9S Tuell• ln·Sttviet spouses are this wetk's guest pan-(e) Host Peter Marshall welcomes EducatiOnal film elms. 1uesu Georae Lindsey, Jack Cas· Technlal Com• U Jolwlny lir1nt Slilow (C) sldy, Keye Ballard, Nanette f\bray, 7:00 tJ CIS Ntwt (C) Joseph Bentl. D Movie: See Daytime Movies. Barbara Bain and Martin landau CJ ~ @ m Tiie Tod1y SllCIW (C) Jackie Joseph is hostess. this week. Hugh Downs hosts. ~ldl TrKY Clrtoons (C) m from tilt Inside Out (C) I Exwcise W'ltll Clorl1 (C) (fi) (1) Jldl IA lltlnt (C) U) Roy Ro,.n Felix Hit Cit (C) (j) ~dy Crlffitll, Ann Cutdttr (1) m Jeopardy (C) Mr. Wlsttbont (C) Rodly Ind His frt•ds (C) 11:0011 Cl) love of Lift (C) Co•MOclltJ/Stocll Reports , Fn. only. C1li0pmc Gourmet (C) 7:30 I The Ed Ntlleft Show (C) 9:30 IJ. ~ (j) ltverly Hillbillies (C) rahem Kerr. • Retlpus Fll111 CJ @ 00 m c.nc.lltr.tioll ( C) m Slltriff Jolin (C) Tllt Alntstones (C) Ed McMahon hosts. 0> Ro•p• Roo• (C) liUMby (C) I a MOlie: ~e Daytime Movies. 11:15 a.· ""' (C) Dou1 Dudley. 1.'00 IJ tli (j) Clpt.in Kanproo (C) ::!'is(~)· M:S:tioflil Fi1•• 11:25 IJ Qi (j) CIS Ntws (C) Douelas With Bob Keeshan. T F . • __, Edwards.. I Abbott & Costello Clrtoetts (C) uu. · n. Mipty Mouse (C) @ 00 Hlfdtti's H1PP1t1iftl (C) 11:30119 Cl) Seerdl for Toeomw ~ Rodell Robin Hood (C) 10:00 II Andy liriffitll (C) • QJ @ m [Jt liuess (C) Btll 115 '"' rli'I • lift r.i"I ~ PlflHllity (C) Host Cullen hosts. . : u.!1 1...v Video Direst (C) Larry~lfden~elcomes cuests Bob D n.. Annivtnary Iii .. (C) Al 1:25 D Co11111unity Bulletin lolrd Crane, Virfinia Graham and Rodly Hamel hosts. 1:30 0 Stinar11. (C) Mon., Wed., Fri.; Graziano, who attempt to cuess the fJ TMpo (C) Roy Elwell hosts. . Ftlhlres, (C) Tues .• Thurs. inner personalities of Arthur Tl9a· ID But the Odds (C) Johnny Gil-0 m '°"" Cartoons (C) cher, Eva Gabor, -Jonathan Winters, bert hosts. ----------------------11:.45 9 Cookinc With cOrris (C) Wed. only. .flll&E B8l!GIAS Sll8Jr 3:30-SPM • WEEKDA VS IN COLOR Tiiie week'• co-host: Kaye Ballard ....... 1 ArTfRNOON 12:00 tJ loutlqut (C) Whitney Blake end St,ve Dunne co-host. CJ Q OO m Hidden faces (C) U Movie: See Daytime Movies. l ~~r ~ of tltt President (j) Unklltttr SMw (C) 12:15 U) Strltdt 1nd Sew, (C) Wed. only. 12:3019 ~As tM WOftd Tns (C) . Qj 6 m Days ., 0ur Uva ( ) Mac on1ld Cuey st.a11. D @ (3) f1111ay You SllMld Alt (C) lloYd Thaxton hosts. Ricardo Montalb1n, Linda Kaye Hennlnc. Jin Murray, Rose M11ie i nd Stu Gilliam 1uest. m Movie: See Daytime Movies. Ben Hunter hosts. ID Di1U•1 fOf Dollm (C) Alan Sloane hosts. fl) Ttdlnlal CenNr 12:55 D l171 Cl) Clllldren's Doctor (C) Tues::Thurs. Lendon H. Smith, M.D. 1 :00 IJ Qj CJ) Lon Is I M11tJ Splttt- dertd T111n1 (C) 8 9 00 m T1lt Doct9fs (C) @Cl) Dt'u• Hollst (C) Mike Darow hosts. fl) CHtMCittJ/Sbld RtpW 1 :30 I g Ci) Tiie Culdilt& ~ (C) @ m ........ Wll1cl (C) .ttter ....., hit @ {)) Let's Mlb I DMI (C) onty Hall hosts. U) Tlllt SMw (C) Joan Rivers Is hostess. 2:00 tJ 9 Cl) Secret S1IDf9 (C) D QJ @ m Yoa Dolt"t Sir (C) Tom Kennedy hosts. Pet Curoll and Richard De1con 1uest. a Love Tlllt lob; Cootfn1 Aloulld iii WOt'ld, (C) Wed. D @ (1) al NtwfJwtd li11111 (C) Bob Eubanks hosts. U) Movie: See Daytime Movies. 2:30 tJ Q!l (j) The Edee of NIPt (C) CJ fD @ m Tiit Matdl C1• (C) Host Gene Rayburn welcomes euest celebrities Gordon MecRae and Edie Adams. D lilrt T•lk (C) p @ CIJ m D1t111 Iii• <C> Jim Lanae hosts. 2:45 fJ News (C) Ted Meyers. 3:00 tJ Tiit Unklttttr Sllow (C) 11 P.O.Q. (C) Dennis James hosts. Hlpny Pltrol D @ CIJ m li1otr11 Hospital (C) fJ Movw. Sff Daytime Movies. Tom Frandsen hosts. U) l.00f1iu, (C) Monday only; Felix ttte Cit, (C) Tues.-Frl. @ Ci) Mlti11t1: Don Rodewald. Qi (j) Dillin& for ~1111'1 Movie m Mltintt: Don Wilson. 3:30 IJ LuQy P1lr (C) Geoff Edwards hosts. II Mille Douetn (C) Divofce Court (C) 0 @ Cl) &) One LHt To LIVt (C) m My f1¥0rltt M1rtlln U) Hobo ltlfty (C) 4:00 R Mr. Ed; Morie: See Daytime MOvies on Wednesday. o om. ind Hlrritt D @ m m Dirt Sllldows <C> m Tiit lflntstoMS <C> 4:30 II Mowie: See Daytime Movies. B Mister Roberti (C) News (C) 8111 Bonds. m litorit Put111111 News (C) U) Bozo's lie Top 5alw (C) @ rn M•• °""" <C> I m Slllkey's Pina hrtJ (C) fiWn Tilt (C) lnttdltd 5:00 CJ IOflC Newsenlce (C) D To• Reddin Ntw1 (C) fJ Tiit liroovy Sllow (C) Robert W. Mor1an hosts. m Tiit Add••• f1mily @ @ Jim.., Tllo11111911 SMw (C) I Ci) The Lucy Show (C) ilfl1•1n fanllJ You Should Alt (C) 5:30 D @ Cl) al ABC Nwa (C) Fr1nk Reynolds. fJ Tiit Rat Pltrtl (C) m Tiit M..,_ttB (C) m m lilllipn's lsllnd (C) QJ @ lllb ~ 1969 ,., ~(l)N.....,. (C) @E Dmlift& bJ Dtlioi, (C) Mon· day only. I 1 witl gra: We bra ma1 nat. 1 a n bra thn Wet 1 I r. s s. fai tht OU bu tio fat wi go ho an pa me w~ of Fa a fa: tr< an Lt an as an bi an MOTHER'S DAY IS SPECIAL This Mother's Day is a very special one :b the Kings, whose musical variety pro- un The King Family Show enlivens ABC's ~nesday nights (8:30 PM). They cele- lte the 80th birthday of the clan's .triarch, Pearl Mortenson Driggs, whose taJ day was April 22. The family felt that Mother's Day was nore fitting occasion for a birthday cele- ttion-bow many mothers can watch ·ee generations of her family performing ekly on coast-to-coast TV? 1be pla celebntioa of the 30-plus King mer, giving concerts in churcbea, ecbools, clubs and theaten. • Maxine, Luise and Alyce, using their father's middle name professionally were first to hit the bigtime. At an early age they made their bow as a trio on radio station KUC in Oakland, Calif. Later, while sing- ing on KLS in Salt Lake City, band leader Horace Heidt heard the King Sisters and signed them for a two-week engagement at the Golden Gate Theater in San Francisco, an association that lasted for five years. From tbat time on the Khlg Sisten have been a part of the American scene. Now their ranks have been joined by the second and third generation of King cousins. First change in the original King Sisters FT'S MOTHER'S DA.YI-And what better way to ctlebralt it than with the multitudi- 11ous King family! W~en the clan·gathtrs, Mothers blessings come out 46 fold. All the sisters, their children and grandchildren celebrate Mothe~s Day on their regular weekly -;how (A.BC, Wednesdays, 8:30 PM) and on a KTTV Special Sunday, 7:00 PM. m.ily is an after<hurch breakfast in which ey all take part. Donna King Conkling's ndoor patio kitchen, which boasts a six- uner electric stove as well as the tradi- >nal barbecue, will be the setting for the mily feast Each branch of the family ill contribute foods prepared from favorite mrmet recipes: pancakes, sausages. eggs, >memade breads and coffee cakes, jellies 1d jams ·and other goodies especially pre- tred for a "King's" palate. Mrs. Driggs, alternately mother, grand- other, or great-grandmother to the brood, .as herself once a part of the Driggs Family : Entertaine.ra. forerunners of The King amity Show of today. When the late William King Driggs Sr., music teacher, found his family growing LSter than his salary, be organized a musical oupc consisting of himself, his wife, Pearl, :id their eight children: Karleton, Maxine, uisc, Alyce, Donna, Yvonne, William Jr. ld Marilyn. AU joined the group as soon i they could learn to play an instrument rid all, it seemed, were born singing. They set out from their Utah home in a ig touring car to make the rounds of cities nd villages throughout the west each sum- group came when Maxine married and re- tired, and sisters Donna and Yvonne re• placed her, making it a quartet. In the early 194-0s Alvino Rey, by then Luise's husband, organized a dance band st1ITTing the King Sisters. They appeared at the Astor and Waldorf Astoria hotels in New York, sang on major radio shows, made bit recordings, made motion pictures for MGM, RKO and Universal, and lllftg their way around the world entertaining U.S. servicemen. At the close of the war, when their hus- bands returped from the service, the King Sisters retired to devote their time to their growing families. la the meantime baby sister Marilyn had grown up and was now a soloist with Alvino Rey's orchestra. In 1955 the King Sisters came out of retirement to join Alvino Rey in a tele- vision series from Hollywood. Donna was living in New York at the time, so Marilyn replaced her in the quartet. Several years later, remembering the fam- ily show of her childhood, Yvonne, who was living in northern California. decided to put on a fund-raising show for her churc;h, em- ploying the talents of the entire family. That &bow raised SS,000 for the church. The next family performance was for Donna's church in Burbank, Calif. This show inspired William King Driggs. Sr. to have the ciao do a benefit for Brigham Young University in Utah, wbCt'c be wu president of the first graduating class. YvoD.De obtalaed a video tape of that show and after editing it to a 60-minute program, she set out to sell it to television. As a result a King Family special was aired on ABC on Aug. 29, 1964. Appearances of the King Sisters and their daughters on The Hollywood Palace and on other TV variety shows, as well u a King Family series on ABC the next year, followed. All eight children of the late William King Driggs Sr. and his wife, appe8l' on ABC's King Family series, along with their children and many of their grandchildren. Yvonne, Alyce, Luise and Marilyn now make up The King Sisters. The four King Cousins (pictured with their children on the cover) are Tina and Cathy, the daughters of Yvonne; Carolyn, Maxine's daughter; and Candy, one of Donna's four daughters. The balance of the family includes the other King Sisters, Donna and Maxine, brothers Karleton and Bill with their wives Hazel (the only brunette in the family) and Phyllis, Alyce's husband Bob Clarke, Luise's hus- band Alvino Rey, and Marilyn's husband Ken Larsen-plus the boy cousins and a varying list of the second and third genera- tion "King Kids." Tbe boy coaslm include Don, Jon, Ray- mond and Lex, all accomplished vocalists and guitarists, with Lex doubling as pianist and arranger. - Among the talented King Kids, appear- ing regularly, are Alyce's youngest son Cameron; Donna's daughter Laurette; Stephen, Debra and Jonathan, off-spring of Bill and his wife Phyllis; and Marilyn's Susannah and Adam. Representing the very young generation so far have been Tina's almost-3-year-old Volney Howard IV, the accomplished drum- mer in the group; Candy's 3-year-old daugh- ter Kristen and Marilyn's youngest, 2-year- old Jennifer-with several younger children literally waiting in the wings to join the group. Milled amoaa the boy cou:lm at the Mother's Day celebration will be Maxine's son Tom, who is a student of dentistry in Sao Francisco; Luise's son Robert, now on duty with the Navy in the western Paci1lc; Chris, Donna's son, who is on a mission for his church in Tokyo; and Alyce's son Ric, now in the Army, who recently put in an appearance on the ABC show while on leave from his New Jersey post. All four ~ys appeared with the King Family in recent years. Also missing will be girl cousins Liza i remembered as an accomplished harpist), the daughter of Luise, who is in Spain with a Brigham Young University group and Donna's daughter Jamie, who is a B.Y.U. student in Utah. What mother couJd not be proud of such a brood? ,... 9 1000 BEAUTIFUL STICK-ON LABELS $1.00 .......... Moy be used on envelopes os return address labels. AJso very handy es identification labels for marking personal items such os books, records, photos, etc. Labels stick on gloss and moy be used for marking home conned food items. All labels ore printed with stylish Vogue type on fine quality white gummed paper and pocked in reusable magic seal top container. MrL OwistN Brown 969 Post Ro.ct Costa Mew, C.&f. 92626 r---------- 1 Rll 111 tills , .. ,.,,, cllp ll'ld mill with $1.00 te: -, I I I I I I I I I Pilet '1l11fil'l9,J.at..I Div., loa 1171, N...,,.,. hech, Calif. '26'J· ~-·-······························--··················· ···--·······················--·-·········--------···-·· ··································-----·-----·-----·-··· h swe te •M yotir Zlp Co4e I I I I I I , __ _ PILOT PRINTING ----' L ------------ PlplO FREE BONUS WITH EACH ORDER OF LABELS WE WILL INCLUDE ... SET OF PACKA6E MAILIN6 LABELS. ,. .................... _J MONDAY THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, MAY 10, 1969 m r ...... rd (C) (30) Phyllis New· man and Paul Anka guest. MAY 12 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 U (C) "TM lnlta Breed"' (west· em) '53-Rock Hudson, Julie Adams. 9:3011 ''To tilt Ends Of Hit Earth" (mystery) '48 -Dick Powell, Signe Hasso. e "01'1 the ... r· (comedy) '62- Norman Wisdom. Jennifer Jayne. 12:00 D "Httuy ind Diay" (comedy) '42-Jlmmy Lydon, Charles Smith. ll:JO m "MoontJde" (drama} '42-Ida Lupino. uc..,, .. ,, Fro• Laredo" (western) '5~Robert Knapp. 2:GO IP, "Air Stille" (drama) '55 - Rtcherd Dennin(, Gloria Jean. 3:00 fJ (C) "llfunllnt" (musical) '57 -Pet Boone, Terry Moore. 4:10 fJ ""-Yeune PllUICltfpllians" Part I (drama) '59-Paul NewlTlJn, Brian Keith, Ekrbara Rush. fVfNINC. 5:00 II TOM REDDIN NEWS! * NEWS that IS news! 5:00 IJ Tllt Iii News (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. ·-- ! m HunUIJ·Brlnkley (C) (30) Stm Allen Show (C) (90) ry Gibbs, Gypsy Rose lee, Jayne Meadows and Pat Henry 1uest. O Six O'Clock Movie: (C) "Nortla ti> AIQU'' Part I (adventure) '60 -John Wayne, Stewart .Granger, i ucine. • I S,, (C) (60) P'ay Cardi (C) (30) Art Jam8' hosts. . I htiun (C) (30) (j) MttV G riffil'I (C) Wlllfs New? (C) (30) "The Fir Tree." A film of Hans Christian Andersen's tale about a littfe tree that worries so about the future that it forgets to enjoy the present. II) Un Color Pan Est. Piel mKPt.M News (C) 6:301 KN.IC Ntwtarvice (C) (60) I Lowe LUCJ (30) Yopp ti> tllt Bottom of Ille Set~) (60) Huntley-Brinkley (C) I allenrn (30) "Secondary Vo- cational Aericulture." Canoga Park High School students discuss a new educatlon1I proaram with agricul· ture suptNltor Ronald Regan. Ql(J)ll)mNews (C) m Ul'S M1• I Dell (C) 1:00 I cas Ewtnln1 flews <C> (30) • Mat's My lint? (C) (30) Wally Bruner hosts. P1nellsts are Soupy Sales, At1ene Francis, Meredith Mic· AH •nd Rex Reed. @ (j) MondlJ Mowle: "Cape Feer." Gfil!•ti~I Robert Mitchum star. Ell) At HolH Wllll r .. I ( 0) Cflar1es W1lte dis. cusses the hleh pressure mayoralty race with candidate Councilman Tom Bradley and his family. I Cl) F1•lty Meir (C) Cesw's World (C) Dream House (C) 7:301J9 @ Guu•oh (C) (60) Festus. in1ured In an tvalanche on a hunting trip, end Marshal Diiion are alven pas.sap to DodH City by the nol·too·friendly trallboss (Jottph Cam~neUa) of a cattle drive. (R) CJ iI:') I lkff• of Minnie (C) (30) "Tomdtrow Is Not Another Day." Jeannie blinks up tomorrow's news. paper and causes much trouble for her two astronaut friends. (R) 9 lMt in Sptc0 (C) (60) 0 (jJ) (j) m The Avenaers (C) (60) "Legacy of Death." Steed and Tara are set upon by assailants who want an antique falcon da11er that Steed has Inherited. (R) fJ Million $ Movie: (C) "Blood fw a Silver Dollar" (western) '6~ Montaomery Wood. Evelyn Stewert. I Trvtb or Consequences (C) (30) POllJ Muon (60) l11novatioes (30) "Tape Fasten· ers." A textile enaineer illustr1tes the many usu for tape f1Steners, which are rapidly repl1cin( zippers, snaps. buttons and hooks. (R) m EJ Cuarto ........... 1:00 o m SNEAK P'ftYIEW bd ... • & Co. (C) (30) A comedy pilot about a large and IOYina family In the days when home WH where your P.arJnls lived t1nd a dropout was a scamp who cut school to 'Catch froas. Fred Gwynne. Abby Dalton and eight children star. mHu .. ~ (30) ED I Ifie I Tllt Clllcap ~ (60) An NET feature on the con· struction of the SO·foot sculpture designed for Chicago's Civic Center Plaza. (R) m C.111icos ' Candoftn * TOM REDDIN NEWS TONIGHT at 10:00 (ch. 5) 1:30 IJ ~ (i) Hort's LUCJ (C) (30) For Crali'$ birthday, Uncle Herry takes the entire family to see sin1er Wayne Newton perform 1t 1 local nightdub. (R) Uat @ ,~Moftd11MM: (C) iifltller (comedy) '6S- Cary Grant, Leslie Caron, Tmor Howard. A Woffd War II stOfY 1bout a b11utiful air1 ind her WYOn schoolgir1 c:haraes who "inv1de'' the South Psciflc Island outpost ol 1 cantankerous bachelor. (R) II Gelcltn Yopp (C) (30) o @ ()) m ,..,.." P'lact <C> (rO) steven ttlls Dr. Rossl th1t ball has been denied; Ell'i courbhlp of Mauie takes a new tum; Alma asks Vickie to remain In their home. m MttV Grfffln (C) (90) Q) tun for Your Ufe (C) (60) II> 1V ...... , Olurt 9:00 II Maybeny RfD (C) (30) Sim and Aunt Bee h11d the weteomln1 committee fOf Mexican officials whose town b named by the state Departmeftt 11 sister city to M•J· berry. (R) ec ..... ed b1 Lou · Monr bin I 0 0 (60) Sabir Coft) herse enou Foste m~ Cara< cross cans 9:30-~ his f dutie plate 1·1 10:00 c Vuice (Uesl llTO' * NE'I e• USEE * ROC • O G ...... City the livin& SING wards in a ·Show D Georp Jeueh HeH C... tM and pollutlo~nd suuestions of Stan (C) (60) Steve Allen Is roast· somt solutions. John H. Secondari, td by Jayne Meadows, Stu Giiiiam, producer, narrates. {R) Lou Holtz, Mickey Manner, Matt fJ Manltal 'DllN (30) Monro, Bil Tiny Little, Rep Phil· tr!) TIM Sl98t Ww (30) "Defeat." bin and Paul Winchell. The time is 1915 to NOYtmbel', 0 @Ci) m TIM Olkaltl (C) , 1918. Sir Michael Redirave ttlls (60) "Take Your LOYe In the Rina." the story of British \'.ictoty in the Sabine, an u -slavt tirl won by Earl Balkans. Austria and other Ger· Corey in a poker aame, attaches man allies collap$9. herself to the bounty hunters Iona . fl) llatiana enough to steal Earl's money. Gloria 10:30 fJ Mewle: (C) "Jll&MiMre le tM Foster auests. (R) SH" (mystery) '65 -John Derek. m NET Journal (C) (60) "Human I ..... (C) (30) Bill Johns. Carao." The problem of llleial : Future (30) "Experiment on crosslngs into this country by Mtxl· 1 th Street." A study of New YoB's cans is examined. federal/local pernment project to I (I) Man FIOlll UNCLE {C) clean up &hetto areas. {R) La 8""8 Maldltl I Fallutt C.razon I Family Affair (C) (30) When 11:00 D 0 uc:km ..... (C) his fellow valets look down on his Aiffed H duties as a nanny, French c:ontem· Lia" Club (C) plates marrlaae as a way to Im-Movie: "TIJ and Get Me'' (mys. prove his stature. {R) tery) '51 -Frank Lovejoy, Lloyd I News (C) (3tl) Ted Meyers. Brid~ 12 O'Clodl Hip (60) @C.V Qj @Qj (I) News (C) RIVista Musial 11:30 6 Movie: "The Happy Tl .. " (com-' ~ (j) Carol Burnett (C) (60) Jy) '52 -Louis Jourdan Marsha Vince Edwards and Chita Rivera Hunt. ' guest. (R) a ID @ m Toni&trt Show (C) TOM REDDIN NEWS! 0 Movie:, ''lllt More tM Mtnilf" NEWS that IS hews! ~m~ylD•lii"= = (C) D m News (C) (60) m Donald O'Connor (C) SEE NORTH AMERICAN 12:15 0 Movie: ''lllt Penaadtr" {wes- ROCKWELL'S SPECIAL em) '57-William Talman. "COSMOPOLIS" 12:30 Q) Action Thutre: "Wicked City." fJ @ Ci) tiD Man and His U1I-1:008 S,.kln& Freely (C) vtf1e (C) (60) "Cosmopolis-Bia News (C) City 2000 A.O." A look at some of 1:15 II Movie: "l1lt Case Apinst ....... the problems that plaeue urban ,,." {mysteiy) '58-Darren McGavin. livin~naestion, houslnc. traffic O C..•lllli\r Bulletin Board (C) TOM REDDIN NEWS WEEKNIGHTS a.llf 5 & 10 • KTLA ~ JNG-A.WNG-Caro/ Burnm (right) joins guuts Vince Ed- 1ards, actor-singu , and Chita Rivua, musical comedy star, 1 a sing-filled spoof on yesteryear, on The Carol Burnett how, Monday at JO PM in color on CBS. lnbWIUCI• Thi HllDlkll ··Boonle-llkl" ••• Thi lll·llllOR Trlll Ind ~ snow Ilka THE BIGGEST -WHEEL IN TRAll BIKES GIVES . Pewer f,.111 t\e e119il1e 11 tre111fe'"4 lty cl.ah1 to ffiit II a 1.50 M~oleu floataffe11•ty,. tiN . l'lle rea11lt It l.l9h 1ta1Mlity •114 HM•rii•~lo tractlH 11"4er el1t101t uy 111rfac• COfl• llltlo11. The co"'l»l11etlo11 of tlle GT·ll'• I HI' et1· f lH , 2•tpeell trelll• 1t1i11lo11 e11ll 91\i11t rHr tire ti•• It re1t1erhltlo trectio11, ev•" "' 11-•' hill• .Mt ,...... 111 .. 1 SURE POSITIVE ALL-SURFACE TRACTION s ... , 011 the o,ti011el 1kl •ccfHorf ull the l»ike i1 r•-'Y to n111 •••r 111rf ""' wet H11ll, H well H "'•'f. for h1111 .. n , fi1herflll011, or j111t plei11 fun. No 11Hll to ,.,t ttlo &T·ll ewey for tllo wi11ter . • . J-•t 11101111+ • ttlo optiot1el Ski Acco11ory. ~.,. on i11 seco11ll1 withHt 111· • 1119 tool•. UH It for wi11+.t h1111t. i119, fi1hi119, towlt19 akien e11ll .. .,.,, .... ,.. FREE 'Send for °"r Huge c .. alog lt'1 .... te Y" '-tM Alilhtt· HEATHKIT® &IGJJIOIHC Cllllll.. • -'1!' •• == -• I t To rHch HHt4.lilt Efoctto11lc C111tor teko Herl.•r lfT4. " lall A••· eHt Oii lell e fow short "locks t• JJO fed left ., telio Sellf• A11e ftHwey to Heritor llvll., Hef~or llv4. to lell, • fow ,.._, ~locks ull yoll'ro horo IDV1C• I SAUi & PAm HIATHllT -n6-t420 HI IAIT IALL.-AMAMll----D6-f411 ___ _ ..... 11 TUESDAY MAY 13 For mornin& and afternoon llstlnp, please see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All ala· tlons reserve the ri&ht to chance proarammln1 with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES f j J ""' I '. I 5:00 B TOM REDDIN NEWS! * NEWS that IS newal l:OO • .,.. lie -(C) (60) Jerry Dun~. 8 ID tt.wdlllt!lfM•lflril•lll•IJW (C) (30) ........... (C)(90~ Gossick, Jack Carter, The Sir • lu Quintet, Jonlth1n Moen llld "Rtd Doc'' We.btr peat. D Sia O'a.cl Mowlt: <C> ....... tt AluU'" Part II (advtnturt) '60 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, MAY 10, ·1969 TOMIEDDll IEYIS --WEEKNIGHTS a°"' 5 & 10 • KTLA ~ t:OO D "WlilW Clnllwal" (rom1nce) '»-Ann Sheridan, Richard Carbon. lr~;i:~rt o~-. ...... (C) (30) CJ) .... lrttlla (C) · lfilt's ....r (30) "Spac:e.•1----------------------- t:JO II~ (comedy) '29 - l"he M1rx Brothen.. D "Tiit 1,.,_ ti Wr8lll" (dmnt) ·~nry Rlnda, John Carradine. 12:00 II "Tiit Heir ltltrt .,._.. Cdra· ma) '44-franchot Tone, Veronlcl Like. 12:30 m "Tiit ltlrapr (drama) '56- Pliilip friend. (C) "Tiit Plr"9 .ii a.. Slave tir1" (achenture) '63- Lex Barbr. %.-00 m .,,...,..... (mystery) '47-Henry Wlicoxln, Miry Brian. 3:00 D "Tiit Mlldllrt" (drama) '51-Alic Guinness, Irene Dunne. 4:30. "'Ille y~ Pltlhd .... 1m" Part II (drama) 59-hul Newman, Brian Ktlth, Barbara Rush. trst p1rt of I documtnlary striu on the tr1lnln1 of utron1uts for m1nntd space fltpl I ~ ~'(C) Edi Piii 1:30 KJlllC ......... (C) (60) I left LllCJ (30) v.,... .............. I~ •(60) 1~~~(30) "Understandln1 New Enatish." Alt e11plan1tlon of the eltrntnts of ttlt new En1tish Wc:hlni system, ind Points fOI ,.,.nts to Ir.now In htlp· I their children. ())em ..... (C) Ul'I Mali I DI.al (C) 7:00 CIS &a.la& """ (C) (30) lter Cronkite. fJ Wlalt'a MJ UH? (C) (30) .fll.IAB .DOVGldN NllOJr 3:30-SPM • WEEKDAYS IN COLOR Thtl ..... co-hoet: Kaye laUard I h:n ud (C) (30) Jimmie w.lcomes specill auests Ar· @ a-lea! (C) tttur Du11C.11n and Salty Terri. .. _ o,.. ..... <30> "My o @ CIJ m " 1 ....• Tlilf <C> Son, the Artist." Ru•ll Connor dis-(10) ''The Biii 11 In Committee.'' cuues the 111lntin1 ind etthlnp ot When doctored photos art used to J1mes McNtlll Whlltier. Connor blackm•ll • U.S. iovemmtnt of· looks 1t M¥tt1I Whlstter palntlnp flci1I, Aleunder Mundy is usillltd in the Boston Museum of Ane Arts. to st.111 the nq1tlves from the safe I Cl) n. l4l9d c.,. (C) of a Latln-Amerlcln dictltOI'. (R) , ..... II a.t S... (C) ~ .... lrHfill (C) (90) 0..... Htmt (C) lwl fw Your lite (C) (60) 7:30 a Ci) l.lllCet' (C) (60) Mur· t:00 9 Ci) m NIC T....a, Mtwtt: doch flndS an old romance rt· ' iPlftr htrtlltr'' (comedy) '64 1w1kenin1 when he meets attrlCtlve -Peter Sellers. 01vld Niven, C11u· widow Marcy Dane in San Francis· di1 Cardinali. Clpucine, Robert co after a 20·year abaence. (R) W11ner. An lntem1tional Jewel thief 0 Qj(i) in JtrrJ L1w1s (C) (60) and 1 princess who owns 1 f1bulou1 Lissie, file Osmond Brothe'1 and diamond 1rrive on the ltlliln Rivie- Gary Lewis and The Playboys are ra 1t the sarM tirM, cr11tln1 • tonipt's 1uests. problem for the loe1I police lnspec· ~lost In ~ (C) (60) ' tor. (R} @ (}) W M04I Sqtlld <C> (60) 11 VIKKI CARR SPECIAL ou Cln't Ttll the Players Without * ith BOBBY VEE & NEW a Pro1rammer." Pete, Linc and W Julie 111m of 1 blackm11t opera· CHRISTY MINSTRELS tion throulh 1 school friend ot IS A SENSATION!! Pete's. Tht friend, Louile Semple, 0 S11ewcu1 5 (C) (60) Bobby trlts to drown herself 1fter beln1 VM and The New Christy Mlnstrtls shown d1m11Jn1 photos of her auest as Miss Vikki Clrr serves IS mother, Sam1nthl, with 1 youni hostess. aiaolo n1mtd Roy Tiiton. Julie fE NET Ftltinl (60) ''The World of Adams auests as Sam1nth1 Semple Hart Crane." Actor Gary Merrill nar. and Mark Goddard IS Roy Tiiton. rates a bioaraphlcal study of the @ American poet, includini retdin1 of IJ MlliN $ Mtwlt: (C) Vf1le &· t0me of his WOf'kl and talks with rand ..,.. (comedy) '61 -Jeny friends 1nd 1ssoci1tes. LtwJs. Brian Donlevy. I QllCM Aftlllaet (C) Tndll tr Ceatq-(C) (30) ,..JO QI (j) Doris Dly (C) (30) ""1 ,._ (60) er the boys find 1 wounded 1'e Frtlldl Clltf (30) (R) duck, Doris M1rtin tries to trip 1 lJ Cttlftl ll1Mll•ittltD poacher who is shootln1 birds on l:OO Hant (C) (30) her f1ther's ranch. (R) · w..w ,,_ (C) <60) a cm rnm ""o cc> c3o> .,......... 1 a.... "Wilk the Loni Pier." Oet. John * TOM REDDIN NEWS Corso IOU unde~ as • lonl· TONIGHT at 10·00 (ch 5) shOleman to ~ p11ter11e .on the • • docks, and hts true Identity be-l:JO 8 9 ()) ltd Sbltta (C) (60) comes known to the men ht Is try· Shakespelrt1n act« ~aurlc:e Evans in to citdl. (R) plays 1 tutor wtlo tries to teldl • ..... (C) (30) Ted Meyers. punctiy flabttr Caullftow. Mc:Pua 12 O'Clocl Hip (60) (Sktlt.on) to plly tht violin-with 111J his lloves on-a11lnst ~ wiahts 10:00 a (j) 60 lllaatlll (C) (60) of McPua'• m1n11er Bolivar Shll· 1ny R•10ner, Mike W.lllce. nasty (Skelton). Shirley Basley Is B TOM REDDIN NEWS! 1l10 f11tur9d. (R) II 9 Ci) m Jlllll <C> (30) "The * NEWS that IS news! Champ Is "HO Chump." Julil la ~GI..._ _jC) (60) urpd to compete on I TV show to (I?) (f) UJ lWs Lie (C) (60) win a date for 1n eveninf on the " aftcrthe Married Min." Goldie town with 1 boxin& titleholder. Ron Hawn, of "llu1h·ln," 1Ullb IS • Rich plays champ Bob Byboll for· sexy l'O'IO dancer and Bobby's for· mer m1jor IMPt outfitlder Jimmy mer alrtfr1tnd. Diel Shawn 1nd Pleraall •PPMl'I II ''Win I Date" Norm Crosby lllO 1uest. (R) emcee Ctilck Shlcldt. fJ MlnMI Dillla (30) e ._.. IMen a. ct> <30> muse .... FedAI <60> ''Wood· STA .... ...,.. foDo CBS 10:30. r I I 11~, ~ 11:151 11:30 If R ' bi M u~I t• 12:3011 Vf 1:001 1:15 ~:=I wind Ch1mber Music." John Crown, ch1lrman of the USC School of Music's piano department hosts the prorram. Selections are "Satour," by Poulenc; "Divertimento.'' by Ramiro Cortes; "Woodwind Quintet," by Leslie Bassett; and "Octet" for Wind Instruments by Haydn. @l)Titarlua Jl'AJl8-Tro1 Doultae and So-..._. Plelbette .car la "A Dllta•t l'nmpet," ..... ot die Soadlweet 'oDowllla tM CMI War, oa llae CU 11aandl1 N!Pt Mcme •Cf PM. :30 fJ Mewlt: (C) "Tiie Ttmf" (hor- 1"()() '63-Boris Kar1off, Jacl! Nlchol- 10n. m Public Service/News (C) IE F1llata Corazon :oo,ommNews <C> Altr.dHltdack Lian Club (C} Mowlt: "'C-M1tt" (mystery) '49 -Dean Jauer. John Carradine. cm cv ~ Cll N .. <C> f%l) Reapn lifts Conference 1511 ~@ mNews (C) 30 lliOWir. ~ by Nlald" (dra· ma) '52--8art>ara Stanwyck, Robert Ryan. II Movie: (C) Cllriltoplltr Celua- ba" (adventure) '49 -Fredric March. I @ oo m JotJ 11111op <C> Donald O'Connor (C) 45 9@ m Tonlpt Sllow (C) as Mowie: 'ft.11, s:u,.nw' (mys- tery) '6>-Rlchard Wyler, Jany Cl1lr. 30 m Action Tlteatr.: "Murder ln Re- verse." DO I Co•••nltJ luUetin Board (C) """ (C) from tile Inside Out (C) 15 ..... '1tide 'ta, eo.t.y"' (comedy) '41-Abbott & Costello. l fltn(C) 90 n SUl!Slt Slrtp 90 AMUpt Show: "The Lon& emory'' and "Little Minister." WEDNESDAY MAY 14 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with- out advance notice. IJAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 0 (C) "little [Opt" (comedy) '57 -M1rt Stwens, Rhonda Aemln&. 9:30 U "Alter tlM 1a1r (dram•) '53- llurence Harvey, Pat Kirkwood. B "Tale of F1¥t Women" (drama) .-S'i" -Bonar Colleano, Gina lollo· brlalda. 11:00 U "Raaprs of Fomme" (adven· ture) '40-fred MacMurray, Albert Dekker. 12:30 CB "Encore" (comedy) '52-Niael Patrick. .. D1n1erous Ptofltlion" (mystery) '49-Pat O'Brien. 2:00 D1 '°Sealrlty Rill!" (drama) '54- .iOlin Ireland, Dorothy Malone. 3:00 B ''Ont Toudl of Venus" (fantasy) '41--Ava G1rdner, Robert Walker. 4:00 8 (C) .. .., Sister Elleetl'' (com- edy) '55 -Jack Lemmon, Janet Lel&fl. FVfN I NG 5:00 U TOM REDDIN NEWS! * NEWS that IS news! 6:00 8 TM Bl& News (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. 0 m HunUey-lrinkley (C) (30) 1J Stl¥t Allet1 SM (C) (90) Mary Futernlck. Dave Dudley, Pat But- tram, and Peter Marshall auest. D Sil O'Clock Movie: (C) "Destina- tiOn Qobi" (adventure) '53-Richard Widmark. Don Taylor. i I Spy (C) (60) PIJ C1m (C) (30) Batman (C) (30) CV Mm Criffln (C) Whit's NIW? (30) "Space." Three boys train under the 1ctual conditions that astronauts will en· counter on the moon. fl) Un Color P1ra Esta Piel &) KrlM N .... mce (C) (60) 6:30 I DIC ~ (C) (60) t love Lucy (30) V01111 tD tile BottD111 of the Sn~) (60) eiJ Cl) H•nU.,-lth1kley (C) tJl) Let's Tiit About Tttfll (30) "Teens on the Go." LA. City School representatives answer some ques- tions about today's mobile youth: "Who's drivin1 the carr• "Where are you aoinrT' "When will you be home?" ~ Ci) GI m News (C) &) let's MIU 1 Deal (C) 7:00 8 CIS Ewenln1 News (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. I Whit's Mr u.ne? (C) (30) Pa.sword (C) (30) (i) You AUid for It fli9 PerapfM P'IMt (30) "Creativity." Betty Smith explores (Continued) TRUE COMPANIONSHIP ... bringing people who feel alike and think alike together: that's what computer selection is all about. Nor is it just for young people. It works for men and women of all ages who ore looking for mature, lasting relationships with members of the opposite sex. It is not a sub. stitute for the humon mind or emotions. You truly make the selection because of the values you 'place on a lasting relationship. The computer merely helps us f ind like-minded companions foster. It hos worked for thousands; it will work for you. F.r M.,. ,......., .. Cell (714J 147·1641 ., PHI Owt c..,.. NAME ............................................................................ . STREET .. • .......... CITY .............. STATE ............ ZIP ......... .. PHONE ................ RACE ................ SEX ................ AGE ....... .. OCCUPATION ................... ( I SINGLE ( I DIVORCED ( I WIDOWED COMPRAMA TICS 3333 WEST COAST HIGHWAY NEWPORT BEACH, CALIF. 926'0 (714) 547-5645 -(213) M0-2714 11 AM-te 11 PM , WEDNESDAY (Continued) ways of drawln& cnativlty out of chlldrtn 1t 1n 11r1y 119. First of 1 two-part procr1m. m w.1ertat <C> &»Dr.-..._ (C) 7:30 8 llel C• .. 11 (C) (60) Gtot'l9 LI,._,, Merilee Rush, John Hut- ton! lfld Bill Medley pest. D ~ Ci) CD 1111 ¥qhllu <C> (90) "lm11e of 1n Outlaw." Don stroud 1uest.s In du1I roles IS 1n innocent ranch hind ind 1 w1ntld criminal who 1ttempt to Hsume Heh otht(s Identity. (R) U i. If (C) (55) ()) Jacqun Co111t11a (C) ( ) "Sunken Treasure." Proar•m tells of the se1rch for a wreck of the comm1nd ship of the New World Armada of Sp1in that wlS sunk on a Carlbbe1n rHf In -1614 with more than two mllllon dollars In fold and silver aboard. (R) fJ Mllllta $ Movie: "The Explosive hHratlH" (drema) '61-Wllllam Sh1tntr, P1tty McCormack. I Tru:lt er Coftaequenc:a (C) (30) PlflJ MMOO (60) JMn l1rt1Dn, 81 ... .ur (30) Fin1I procram on John Burton, San· ta Barbar1 •uthor Ind artist-In-clan With torch In hind, Burton dis- cusses his person1I philosophy and artistic values. &) E Cuartt M1nda•ltnto 1:00 m Hazel (C) (30) fJl) s,.ctru• (C) (30) "The Trem· blln& Earth." DIVld Prowltt reports on new methods of studyin& e1rth· quakes. ond talks with seismolo&ists end 1eolo1ists about the San An· drus and the Denali (AlHkl) f1ult lines. The sensitive equipment used et seismic stations is also surveyed. &) Mitre.Its M.._, * TOM REDDIN NEWS TONIGHT at 10:00 (ch. 5) 1:25 U Wet!dlrfll wer:d of Spelt (C} 1:30 II Tiie '-4 CllJS (C) (30) Rufus ls driven to dtSpefate measures to rid himself of an unwelcome house cuest when his buddy, BiJ Tom, moves In after 1 squabble with his wife. (R) IJ Wilt WIUI a.t Stars (C) (30) Roberta Sherwood 1nd Reals Phil- bin 1uest. fJ (flj (I) ED Tiie Kin& Fa•llJ (C} {30) The clan takes a musical look It time. m Merv Crlffin (C) (90) THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, MAY 10, 1969 and comedienne Judy Came of I Alfred Hltdcoct "lau(h-ln." Tonlitrt's &uest.s are u.n Cllllb (C) Lena Hom' and Terry-Thoma. lhlte: ~ UH Iba ......,. I Wreatflti~ (60) ( r1ma) '4G-Mer1t Oberon, Ralph (ilJ m UC Wed111sd1y · Richardson. ..... (?) er.at Sloa .... @(I) a (j) 9 Ci) ..... (C) MCfl" (adventure) '65--Joseph Cot- ten, D1rren McGIVln, Philip Carey, Nancy ~eek, Julie Sommars. In this stirrln& tale of the events leld- in& up to Custer's Last Stand, Cc>I. euster Is promised the Presidential nomln1tion by powerful IObbyists In Washln&ton In return fM fordn& the Sioux Indians off their velu1ble, treaty-protected land. fl'i) hatlnlltitnal Mapzlne (60) fl) 5¥MI , Enrlq~ 9:30 R QI (i) Crteta Acra (C) (30) IJia 1nd Ollver Dou&las-and al- most everyone else in Hootervill~ wait excitedly for the broadcast re-! R11n f1IC' Your L.lfe (C) (~ suits of a national contest they've 8o_ok a..t (C) (30) Robert Ster-111 entered. (R) I n& dlSCUS.WS his book "Loud and fJ News (C) (30) Ted Meyers. Clear," a dose questlonin& of air· 0) 12 O'Cloct Hip (60) line safety with an .optimistic an-10:00 119 (I) Hanff f1v..o (C) (60) s•er to some pressing air traffic Danny Wffilams sees a young &lrl problems. fill-or Jump-from a hi&h scaf- 11) Sonrins fold to her death, leamin1 later 9:00 II Beverly Hlllblllles (C) (30) she was under the influence of a Granny plans a trip to Hooterville psychedelic dru& at the time. Bren· but is sidetracked when she thinks de Scott 1uests. (R) that Jed is plannln1 to marry Jane D ta@ m Tiie Owbicler<C> (60) Hathaway. (R) "As COid as Ashes." Actina on the D KRAFT MUSIC HALL last wishes of a client, David Rose * Sa di & Y d attempts to deliver the m•n's ashes n er oung, Ju Y to a friend. but unfortunately runs UNDERWATER SEARCH-A•· Ca L H Int er from tlte llalp, CalJp9o, Mardaa rne, ena orne o the man's enemies on the fOC' tralluft la • ttt• from '"Suk-D @@ m Knft Mak Hall (C) way. (R) .. Traam," dte fall ...,_ color (60) The.first of 12 shows taped In U TOM REDDIN NEWS! doculMlltuy, atxt1i 1a 11te u.-,.. !f'i!~ :::J1~~ !~ ~~~'v~8:n~ *NEWS that IS news! ri:.. w~~'~: -------------------------I Marsllal Dillon (30) I m Ntws (C) (60) AllC. ..... 14 . Fii• Implosion (30) A ~nel .°' 11 :30 R Movie: "Convlctld" (mystefy) film teachers and psycholoc1sts dis-·~1enn Ford, Broderick Crawford. cuss student films and look at an D @ @ m Tonlpt 511ew (C) experimental fllm. by ~f Occidental g Movie: "&.J DIJ'• a Holldlf' Collea• stu~~nt titled And It Goes (comedy) '33--Mae west · o~ and On. I ~ CI) D1 Jot, ..... (C) .m Mariana Difaald crtonnor (C) 10:30 fJ Mowit,: "Room at tllt Top" 12:15 • Movie: "lndntructibi. Man" (drama) ~9 -Laurence Harvey, (horrOf) '56-Lon Chaney Jr. Simone S11noret. 12:30 0) Action Tllutre: "Whispering m Public SetYlce/News (C} Smith vs. Scotland Yard." fl'i): Tbt Crtetivt Lift (30) "Camus l2:45 I Co•. •u.nity Bulletin lloanl (C) and Contemporary Morality.'' Dr. 1:00 ' O News (C) Aerol Arnold, USC En&lish proftsSOf', Fr011 U1e Inside Out (C) talks about .the philosophy of the 1:15 Movie: "De World W11 His French essayist, Albert Camus. Hosts J..,.. (drama) '58-£dmond O'Brien are Dr. Rene Belle and Dr. Frederick Mona Freeman. ' Meyer. 1:30 m n Suftltt Strip fl) faff• Corazon 2:30 m All-Niatrt Sltow: "A Dispatch 11:00 II 0 0 mm m ..... (C) From Reuters" and ''Desert War.'' TOM REDDIN NEIS WEEKNIGHTS J{ 5 & 10 • KTLA ~ DU I rlMI 23~ I powe plllit IPtll 89 FACTORY AUTHORIZED CLEARANCE SALE DuMont SAYE 5100 Ill PUOO Color TV Credenza In Spanlsll Medlttr· rane111. Craltld of ,1n11lne oak veneers end tollds. 23• (meas. dla&.) 1111 view 1cr11n. 25,000 volts power plct11re tllbt. Aut01111tlc color "'°"ltor. Slm- pllfltd color t11nln1. AutOlllltlC fine tunl111. Multi· speaker sound system. 8921 ADAMS the col.or spedalist SAYE '300 U llAYA Color TV Jht1ter custom-cra'ttd In Spanish Medi· terr1nean style. Genuine dlstreued oak veneers and solids. 23" (meas. dla1.) full view screen. lnet1rated solid state FM/AM stereo tuner and amplifier. a .. speaker sound sy,tem. full power dtsl1n. Quick-on picture and sound. Automatic color control and fine tun ln1. 70 watt hl·fi power amollfler. Carrard 1ut01111tlc 4-speed record chancer. SAYE 5100 TOlllMO Color TV Console 1u11trbly styled In ll1ll1n Provincial. Crafted of 1enuine dlstreutd cherry veneers and solids. 23 (mtll. dla&.) f11ll view screen. Autom1tlc color mon itOI. Automatic fine tunlnc. Simplified color tunlnc. M11lll·speaker sound system. FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION A ,,.-Ct M ...,fer tt..e .. wfll piece It la '"' i.e .. fer • frM ..._. ll1•1111tf ...... We .... I.mt. .-y ...., ..._, te • ti4e hy ti4e c..,..• ... ef c ...... -4 ..... NPre4ectf•. TM eely .Wa.-t• • ,.., ,.t It • ...._. le celer TY -4 ttle ebnlty te ,ey H .,.. IMM -.w. .. INiy. . HART TV HU.NTINGTON BEACH 962-3384 (Nexr ro Albertson's) ..... 15 THURSDAY MAY 15 For mornlnc and afternoon llstlnp, please aee DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day.!s movies. All sta· tlons reserve the richt to chance procrammin1 with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 1!00 U "1H .. .._ .. (comedy) '51- Donald O'Connor. Piper Laurie. 1:.30 B "Otar ..,.... (comedy) '47 - Joan Cauttield, William Holden, Mona Freeman. a ..,..... F1ddle" (comedy) '39- i ne Power, Sonja Henle. U!OO "'lllud tf lMt Souls" (honor} ' ,-Bela Lllp. 12:SO m '"TWs Allewe 'All" (dram1) '42-!i'ront Power, Joan Fontaine. Frank Sinatra Dean Martin Shirley Mac Laine 2:00 ID,._ a .. t. Miii" ("test· em) '58-lol• Albriatit. 3* 0 (C) "'" Pride • • ,... So111e Came M" (drama) '57-frank Sinatra, 4:30~(~ra~ ...... ....,, <west· Running ern) '52 -Randolph Scott, Donna In Color on Reed. The Six O'Clock Movie l::V FNING 5!00 II TOM REDDIN NEWS! * NEWS that IS news! 6:00 111'1 Bia News (C) (60) Jerry lliln~. I tS HuntieJ-lk_..., (C) (30) Slln Allee SM (C) (90) At· a (an tlabt·week-old lioft), Thi Aquarians, Jacklt Vermoil, Mort Garson and Johnnie Taylor auest. D Sil O'Clocl Mewit: (C) '"s... ~ lblaaill(' Part I (drama) '59 -frank Sinatra, Shir1ey Macl.alne. 11 S,, (C) (60) PQ C... (C) (30) llbua (C) (30) (1) MIR Crlffln (C) Witt's N•f (30) "Minion Con- ttol." A look at the work In the manned space fllaht complex In Houston. THU. I ~eo-:.::<c:m Piel 6:30 MIC Newutvlce (C) (60) I LM Lacy (30) v.,... • .. lotto• " .... C} (60) • QI H•tltf-lrinklty (C) fm hw Your MOIMJ (30) "Pur· chasina Appliances.'' Two c:onsUmer 1utborlties point out what to look for in purch11ln1 appliances foe the home. Marlon Marshall is hostess. (IJE8'N.., (C) let'sMllle a DNI (C) 7!00 CIS E»Mtna ..._ (C) (30) ........ , Une1 (C} (30) P•w•'d (C) (30) @ "'-tlld Wiid (C) • ,..,._, tllt Cultlr (30) "Sharps, ats. Keys and Scales." lntroduc- lna the ''Whole tone" and "ball tone" concepts. 9 (I) lldt.lt'• ""' m ht Adwtnn cC> Plpll Thursday, Part I. Friday, Part II. ~ Q) Drua Houle (C) 7:30 IJ ANIMAL WORLD * "Bison Roundup" Kai Kan Pet Foods 119 Ci) AIUlllJ Wortd (C) (30) "In. areal American bison, once 11· most eliminated from the continent by the areed and carelessness of man, is examined on toniabt's show. D9Cil 8'DanMI loeae (C) {i>) '11it Valley of the Sun." Jlmn11 Dean auests as ttapper Josh Cl• menQ. who becomes separated from huntlnr partner Oanltl Boone and suddenly finds himself the prisoner of 1n eccentric Enatlshman (Severn Darden) In 1 cave of ancient Indian treasures. ( R) I Lost la Spece (C} (55) Ci1l CD aJ 1'I fl1lq 11u <C> ( ) "The Croollld Convent" Cap. taln Fomento becomes suspicious of tbt nuns' activities when ht loses $25 on the wbeel·of·fortune at tbt convtnt bauar. (R) 0 Miiiion $ Mowle: "11lt 1abe fidi storJ'" {drama) '43-Willlam Bendix, Cf a Ire Trevor. I Trutll or Coo1141..._ (C} (30) ...., ...... (60) lllCt Pel1pecln (30) Jim Randolph, of Radio KGFl, hosts 1 dllcusslon of educational crises In the black a>mmunlty. &JD Cllltlt llllldaWlilltl l.1IO R 9 ([l .ltutlaa• Widn (C) (lO) Sonp and comedy by ruests Shani Wallis and Soupy Sales are hlJhl!Jhta of tonlctirs show. (R) D l1J) Cll G> n.t 8k1 (C) (30) ·~rtt Ballot." Ann Marie la '° aerlous about votlna In her first "Public Aff1ir>--OR·l2." Fridty and presidential tltction that Don wama Gannon work with Secret Service her she's becomlna a pain in tbt Aaenta lo mJkinr aecwl~ arrana• neck. (R) ments for a visit to Loa Anaeles by m Haul (C) (30) tbe President of the United States. f1i) lf£T PlaJtio• (C) (2 hr) '1he i Star Waaon." Orson Bean and Dus-Ntw1 l:Z (30) Ted Meyera. tin Hoffm1n stir In Maxwell Ander. I Ifie_! SO Yura UClA-1'1 10n's comedy.fantasy about a time Product Is ,.._ (C) (60) UClA machine that rfvQ people a chance celebrates In 50th birthda'y In Los to relive their lives. Anaeles and KCOP brinp ma~ of m fellciHe! (C) its most illustrious araduates to the * TOM REDDIN NEWS front tor the actlvlties -Lloyd TONIGHT at 10•00 (ch 5) Bridees. Tommy Prothro, Gary Be· 1:2.S IJ WOlldtmll Werld •01 $fott (C) ban, Lew Alcindor, Jackie Robinson, 1•30 9 00 f, l....W. (C) (60) Walt Hazard and Kenny Washinaton. . "I th p6 •., M'lt B rt .... -.. Dr. Ralph Bunche and Bob HoPt , e eop e. 1 on e e .......... will !e.9alt u a 1V oommentltor who uses his 10:00 B Q3 (i) m Dun Mlltin (C) lhow to voice his unpopular opin· (60) Dean's auests are Abbe Lane Ions.. Ironside and his staff ~re U · Paul Lynde, Gordon MecRu ind slaned to protect the commentator. Bob Newhart (Rl Patricia Barry aS?d Dane Clark also D TOM REDDIN NEWS! ruest In this episode that was co· * NEWS that IS 1 scripted by Blfle. (R) news. D ..... , (C) {90) Tom Harmon Im ..... (C) (60) Ind Mickey Davies art rinplde for SU,.• n...w (C) (60) a 10.round ll&htwelatit bout be· • Maraal Dillon (30) tween Rodolfo Gonzales and Chero-CJJ Futurt (C) "Live Via Early kff Parker. Bird. D @ CD m 8twitdled (C) (30) I Tlleatrt 811t (30) I "Sim1ntha Goes South for a Spell." Mulana Samantha takes an unexpected trip . Paaport 1» Tmef (C) Into the Deep South of 1 century 10-.30 • Movie: (C) '"TM lat of EH- aao. Cousin Serena arrives at the •In" (comedy) '62-0avid Niven. Stevens household with her latest Michael Wildin&. boyfriend. who is discuised as 1 I "... (C) (30) Bill Johns. myna bird. His wife pops In close Cil falblrt (C) "Space Duet." behind the couple, mlstlkes Sam • If You Wert Prtsidtat (C) (30) for Serena and zaps her to New ''Would You Give Priority to Arms Orleans in the year 1868. (R) Control With the Russians?" Exam· rtffln (C) (90) Iner Whitney P-ertilna questions wit· HollJWOOd Starlets nesses William Griffith and Lincoln ( ) (60) Dick Strout hosts Bloomfield on their diveraent opln- thla proeram that features younr ions on arms control. stera of the future. (R) I Fallate Corazon I lllllica J Eshlta CC} • TwUlpt Zoae 9:00 Qj(i)CBS Thrsday Movie: 11:00 BDf!.!kEBNews(C) ( ) "A Distant Tru•pet" (adven· Alfred H ture) '64-Troy Donahue, SUzanne Lian Club (C) Pteshette, Diane McBain, James Movie: "Cfy Touttt7 (mystery) Greeory. William Reynolds, ctaude ' 9-John Saxon, l.inda Crystal. Akins. Based on Paul Horpn's best· (j7J (]) Q (6) Q.9' Ci) Ntws (C) selllna nowl of the American South-11:30 II Mowlt: (C) "'fire Owr Afrlcl" west followinf the Civil Wtr, the (adventure) '54-Macdonald Carey. film deals with the romance and ad-R Qj 00 m TOlll&'lt Sllow (C) ventures of Lt. Matt Howard, a 8 Movie: (C} ........ tllt 11• Younr U.S. Clvalry Officer who is Horizoa" (adventure) '42--0orothy sent to remote Ft. Delivery in Art· Lamour, Jack Haley. zona. (RL I (ill CD m Jo., 8iallop (C) D ~ (}) 0) Tiiis la Tom JoalS DOllald ftonnor (C) (Q (60) Pat Paulsen, Shani Wal· 12:20 . • Movie: "Ufa Miu It Ltpl" tis. Stevie Wonder and The Hollies (comedy) '51 -MICdonald Clrey. ruest. 12:30 m Acu.a Tlleltrt: "Klna of the @I) El Mudo Esta Loco Underworld." 9:30 D@ 00 m Dr11ut (C) (30) 12:45 D Com•unltJ Bulletln 8olrd (C) TOMIEDDll NEIS WEEKNIGHTS"' 5 & 10 • KTLA ~ All ty1 the ho pool I Exoe ,. IJ Walks I Cc Any si 25 CARP Lat Corr Use RE and J. (To\ 1858 , A&• SPo Ser Con 724 s 24 1 5 All types concrete work tor the home. Patios, driveways, pool decks, sawing, etc. Ucensed -Bonded Exoert work. Reasonable. PHILLIPS CIMINT ,. ..• ••ST IN CONCRETI , Walks pool decks, ftoors1 patios I Concrete Saw Cutting Any size Job, work ·guaranteed Reasonable! Servln1' Harbor Area '42-1514 (after 4 p.m.) CIMI NT WORK -ALL KINDS- Free Estimate . 25 Years Experience * 636--0374 * . CARPETS -VINYLS -Tll..ES Latest Styles and Colors C-0mmercial It Residential Expert Installation BLANKINSHIP FLOORS M2·140l -540-72'2 CARPl'rlNG Use Remnants for Extra Rooms and SAVE 50%! J. J. KNICKIRIOCKIR (Town A: Country) H.B. 18582 Beach Blvd., 962-3351 GNlffy IS:i Plu....,. -~.,. .......... , ttlc Plumbers, Inc 271 lucknell Cesta M ... 7 A&B DISCOUNT l'LUMBINO Specializing in Repair and Service. Reasonable Prlces ! Complete Line of Plumbing Fixtures. 724 W. 19th St., Coat• M ... M2-16IO Plumbing Repair Drain Cleaning -Free E6timates - I PllDY PLUMllNG 24 Hn. A: Weekend Wor k 546-2387 or 540-7217 YOUR HOME s1·Rv-1c E Gu I DE REPAIR REMODELe REDECORATE CIYSTAL JANITOllAL & WINDOW CLIANING Complete Janitorial aerVice. Business. residential and cpnstructlon cleanup. Free estimate. 541-1727 House Cleaning Quallty Work Call Us! IROOKS CLIANING llRV. 1111 Clay St., Newport ... c" '42·2112 anyttme ADVANCID CARPIT CLIANIRI Work Guaranteed, Fist Service Very Reasonable Rates. Ucenaed -Insured 531-9332 or 539-6801 CAltPIT & FURNITURE CLEANING For 1 Day Service and Quality Work ... CALL STERLING FOR BRIGHTNESS! '42-1520 IPARKLIF. JANITORIAL Windows Our Specialty .. ,... ....... .... ~•et. ...... lat ffl.2't1 c:-tfnlct• c ..... e HOUSI CLIANINO Excellent Work $2.50 Hour Call 546-5~ OINIRAL HAULING AND CLIANUP $12.00 Per Load 962-6846 After 3 p.m. and Weekends HAULING PAINTING, HOUll CLIANINO ODD JOI• You Name It ... We Do ltl 642~3398 VIT'I IONDID PAINTING Free estimates, UceMed, insured. Small Jobe welcome. M2-M2' ROOM ADDITIONS , .... Luv .... v~ with Evel')· Eatlmate! 3 03)'8, 2 Nlghta Hacienda -Thunderbird Trans. a: Meals Not Intl EJ9>ert Plannfng -Free Eat. S-t.-IC C.ON..,..UCTION 11431 Westmpter Blvd'. Carden Grov~ 1~9831: cis Y~ r.rrem::e, WOODY CONSTRUCTION Com.-ny of ,..,.... ... Valley Ucell8ed contractor. Build, remodel, repair. Brick, block. concrete carpentry. No Job too amall. M24MS Repain-Alteratlons-Cablneu Any size job 25 yean experience. Work euaranteed.. call BOI HalllY 541-6711 iOOM ADDITIONS Ucensed C.Ontracton LAUTIR BACH & Auoclat• 114 I . 1'9h St., C•t• M ... .,.._,,,., ADD-A-ROOM Apta, Units, Cul Homes Free Layout Dealgn 20 Years Experience PACIPIC COAST BLDll •• 675-7191 W eekdaya Sat. ·a: Sun. at Your Service ALUMlNUM AW•UNOI PATIO COVIii 8xl8-$139 ... 10x20-$16tl J.2)c2()-.f199 Window A~. 8c:neJW • Sbedl. Sldtt:Jnl NM IALU 536-2182 -5'1-3147 109'1 YAAD • MAINTINANC! Ught Hauling, Odd J. Cleanup-Reliable, Reasonable No Extra Charge for Weekend Work ... CALL 548-6~ or 1--C96-2Cll9 HUNTINGTON llACH TRl l llRVICI Tree Trimming, ExtractJna and Ornamental Prunllut. · Olive Tree Spedallata Expert! Reuonablet - No Service Charge? Expert Work Color, Black A: White or Stereo. ff2..uta anytime HAR T·V -15 Ye~ In Area - Servicing All Brands! our DuMont, Cw1.1a Mathes, Dealer for the Harbor area . lt21 ADAMI. ..... .. ,......, .•. Hwnt& a..ce. . H2-I* Upnol')Jt:r y oc "t:pu1 WILLIAMS CLIANING SIRVICI Cleaning A: Repairing Your Furniture Can Be New Again! MW1M IURGIR QUALITY UPHOLSTIRY Over 20 Years Experience Satisfaction· a: Workmanship Guaranteed. Ht W. 17th, Coeta M ... 541-1tu CZVKOIKl'S Custom Uphelstery & ••r:lr European Craftsmansh D 100% Flna.ncl~~onUnuoua Do-lt-YountU VpboJ. f':4••• J..arselt SU!ettoli df.~ • 1U1 Nea,.rt It., Ceth Mllil '42·1454 ..... 17 FRIDAY I MA,Y 16 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reHrYe the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAmME MOVIES 9:00 fJ (C) "TIN Spoilers'' (adventure) ·~nne Baxter, Jeff Chandler. 9:30 0 "Kitty" (drama) '45-Paulette Goddard, Ray Miiiand. G (C) "The Jm Slnpr'' (drama) '53-0anny Thomas, Pew lee. 12:00 IJ "f.lq Co .. e, bq Co" (mUsl· cal) '47 -Diana Lynn, Barry Fitz· rer•ld. 12:30 m "Claudll 111d Oniel" (comedy) '46 -Dorothy McGuire, Robert Young. '1\t Bl& Citsfler" (adven· ture) 'St-Wayne Morris. 2:00 m "Dtwll'1 Clrp" (mystery) '48 -John Calvert. 3:000 "T1te Clrl Ht left lt!lilMF' (comedy) '5~Tab Hunter, Natalie Wood. 4:30 fl (C) "OM Dakt" (drama) 'SS- Rock Hudson, Anne Baxter. f V r N I N (, 6:00 IJ Tiie 111 News (C) (60) Jeny Dun~. D m HunUer·lriftklty (C) (30) D Stew Allen Show (C) (90) Jack Bums, Shelley Berman, Mlchttl Dees and Deep Purple ruest fJ SU O'aoda Mowle: (C) "s.. Ci,.. R11n1tln(' Part II (drama) '59 -Frank Sinatra, Shirley M~· Laine, Dean Martin. 11 SpJ (C) (60) ,ay Cafds {C) (30) Batman (C) (30) (]) Merv Criffin (C) Whirs NtW? (30) "The Meet- ing." A humorous Belalan film about life In the zoo, comparfn1 the zoo's inhabitants with their visitors. @!t Un Color Para Esta ftiel &) KPLM News (C) 6:30 I KNBC Newservtce (C) (60) I Lowe Lucy (30) ¥0111• ID the Bottom of tlM See (C) (60) @ 00 Huntley-Brinkley {C) ED Circa (30) "Performers on the Ground." A look at the skill needed by circus jugglers, with a fllm survey of other "danaerous'' acts -meaning acts that could collapse with one false move. a oo m m News cC> m L.t's Map a Deal (C) 7:00 R CBS Ewnlnc News (C) (30) Wi"lter Cronkite. I Wlalfs JIJ Uot? (C) (30) ,.USWOfd (C) (30) 00 Cinema Showcase (C) DOES YOUR CHILD WET the*BED? M111J chDdren -even adults do so ••• unnecessarifJ ENURTONE has proven in over 21 years and 450 000 cases t.hat it can stop IJed. wettina (Enuresis),• when not caused by orpnlc defects OI disea-, in just two to four weeks.. NOT A DRUG OR DIET ••• Just a simple conditioning technique. Correct bed-wetting in the pri· ~--. vacy of your own home. ENUR· .. TONE Is t he Ofiginal and only method patented by a doctOf, , approved and prescribed by many doctors. Recommended ages 4 lhru SO. MAIL COUPON FOR FREE .... BOOKLET ''11(D-Wml11G1 "' CallW, 11'tct '"" trt1l111tnt" -It llO oMlptloil. Tiiie lnlo1mttM t1oo.i1t. Wltltn 1111aa1rolntnt lilllllb' 11 .. 1111 tu1!1ortty. " Copyrtllrt 19", TllE DIUltTOllE COMPAHT ---~· • ---M-;ii·;;-rNii'RTDN'E-roM™v-:-~;-ii~soo-:rvsiii _____ _ TARI.ANA MEDICAL CENTER, SUITE 208 18740 VENTURA BLVD .• TARZANA. CALIF. 91356 HAM"-----------------AOORILlNI~------------~ cm AT"-----=z=1P"""coo=E AN /\CC REDIT[rJ PERSONAL SERVICE ,.... 11 "Bronco Buster." John Lund and D BUDDY GRECO cooks Scott Brady star. * "LAMBCHOP" over Ql) Challtntts (30) "Voices From uraNNEO HEAT" the Community," A reporf on the Y""' &ctivilies of the Citizens Compen-at PLAYBOY PARTY! satory Education AdviSOfY Com· U ~ Afttr Dart (C) (60) mittee. Shari l ewis and her handpuppet tit!()) Maybeny Rf'D (C) lambchop, Buddy Grec.o, Canned a;, A!Mrlun West (C) Heat, Mu Lerner, Johnny Jlnis and aJ Df11• Heuse {C) Colvin & Wilder auest 7:30. 9 (j) Tiit Wiid. Wild West (C) ~ mr~~ ~: :::. . Deel (la) A double.deaflna forelin diplo· t..-•lation (60) "A Converta· mat attempts to implicate the ..,._ .. United Stat~ in an International tion With Eric Goldman." Dr. Keith I Berwicl! and the author of "The @sp racy. Harvey Korman guests. Tragedy of Lyndon B. Johnson" dis. D m Hid! Chapiml (C) (60) cuss political . social movements ''Tornado Frances." A temperance post-LBJ and subjects encountered group attempts to prevent Buck in his best-sellln1 booll.. from openinr his new saloon. Kath· 9:30 0 @ CI) aJ The &una of Will i Hays auests. (R) SOnnett (C) (30) "Meetlna In a Lost la Sp1/5Jff> Small Town." Jeff dreams he sees (i1) Cl) m [J C..rade his father, James, shot from a Soldier (lf (60) C News docu· tower located In 11 nearby town. (R) mentary on the American Gl's Rus· G News (C) (30) Ted Meyers.. slan counterpart. The prorram Is a 10:00 0 @ 00 m Tiie Saint (C) (60) study of the Indoctrination methods •'J>ortralt of Brenda." The Saint of the Soviet army and was filmed solves a murder and breaks up a In the USSR over a lwo·month pe-guru swlndle. After flndin( an artist rlod and released without censor-friend dead In his studiO, The Saint ship for processlna in this country. and one of the artist's models be· The story of the making of a sol· gin a chase that leads them to a dier In Russia is told through the guru's session. experiences of a 19-ye.ar-old recruit Im News (C) (60) from Volfograd, Anatoly Sezoniko. (i1) (]) aJ Judd for the hftftM 0 Miiiion $ Movie: (C) '"81raka ( ) (60) "My Client the Fool." X-rr• (drama)-Gerard Barry, Sylva When Ben Caldwell is accused of koscina. · immoral relations with a minor, he I Trutll or Con-..encea (C) (30) refuses Judd's help and defends hny Muon (60) himself. (R) Pll (C) (.90) _"Law aruf Ordec." G Mmhl Dilloll (3Q) A repeat of the PBL portrait of the fil) R&D Review (60) "Teleconfer· bir·city policeman In action. The ences-1970." Some companies ire PBL cameras travel on calls with cutting down air travel to confer· Kansas City, Missouri, squad cars ences by establishln& "teleconfer· on every type of call in order to ences." Or. Albert Hibbs participates establish that the stereotype of the in such a conference in the KCET "brutal cop" is usually inappll· studio with Seattle and Alabama cable. conferees -implementfnr lonr·dis-m El Cuarto Mandamltnto lance transmission of iraphlcs and 1:00 m Hazel (C) (30) simultaneous voice communication. @!t luctdta (C) 10:30 ~ Movie: (C) ''Wonders of Alad· 1:25 IJ Wonderful World of Sport (C) din" (comedy) '61-0onald O'Con-nor, Vittorio De Sica. 1:30 1J Qt Cl) Comer Pyte (C) (30) m NN1 (C) (30) Biii Johns. Gomer's platoon forms a chorus @I) fallaste Corazon and enters a contest to. represent 11:00 I 0 0 e> m m ..... (C) the . Marine Corps In a Hollywood Alfred Hltdlcod 0 9 <& m Name of the C11111 U.rs Q•b (C) .. • (C) ~) "Lola In Lipstick." Glenn r ~!-' Tlleatn (C) Pam Ex· Howard and Pem Maxwell fly to ~~ ,... fTI -Cl) Rome to find out why his bureau (11) 1.1.1 ~ 1-!.i 1e1 News (C) chief, Gabe Sobol (Ed Begley). was 11:30 IJ Mowfe: (C) :1" LldJ Tlhs • scooped on the sto,y of the deattl flJtr" (romance) 58-lana Turner, of play(irf Lola Martino (Caria Bor-Jeff Chandler. elli). William Windom, Louis Jour· D QI {j) m Tonl&flt SMw (C} dan, Dana Wynter, Cesare Oonova 0 "!mt: (e) ~ (dra· and Harwy Lembeck also i\lest. (R) ma) S&-R~h Meeker. I Acms ttte Sewn Seas (C) (30) I@ CI> w ,.., ''*" (C) (i7) CJ) GE Ceneration Cap (C) Donald O'Connor (C) i (30) Jack Barry hosts. Cl) Friday Show Merv Crlffin (C) (90) 12::20 G Movie: ''The lest of B•daptst" I iflc1l~i How Do Yott Y~l (drama) 'SS-Michael Miiis, John ) (2 hr) om Bradley and Sam Hoyt. Yorty will be matched in a battle 12:30 11J Adion Tlleatrt: ''The Black. of ballots when Jack Rour1te once Whip." again produces a two·hour tele-1•00 M O N (C) phone vote show. Those Invited to • · Count tWIMusi (~ make pitches for their candidates F 'Ji 1 sled (C) are Gene Barry, Buddy Ebsen, Ed· rom • n t ward G. Robinson, Burt Lancaster 1:15 IJ Mom: "The FIPtln1 WlldClta" John Wayne and Dennis Weaver. ' (adventure) '57-keefe Brasselle, el Prtmltft! (C) Kay Callard. 9:00 6 Qt Ci) CIS Friday Movie: (C) 1:30 m n Sunset Strip Mflmn Toes to India" (adventure) 2:30 m All-Nllht Show: ''Torpedo Bay," '62-Jock Mahoney, Mart Dana, Leo "The Man and the MOllSter'' and Gordon. ''The Black Dakotas." I SATURDAY MAY 17 MOR N I N G I ~ (J)Q) Fututlc Vtr111 (C) Mi Titlft: "Captain Mephlsto ind tht Transfonn1tion Mldlln•" Ind "Th• Hideout." ••11t1rru 10:00141 (I) T1lt Almie SM (C) tm w m .._.., tt • c.. .. ., tM Ea~ (C) fJ ....w. "Cow CHtltry'" (Wiit· 7:25 Che Us This DIJ (C) em) '53-Edmond O'Brien, Pe(lfl 7:30 SunrlM s. ... ster (C) Castle. ID Ci). m Untlmtcl World (C) I Plttem for llvln& fi•pus Diatst Lu Esttellas J Usted Ca•pus Profile 10:30 -~ IWull/Suplrala (C) Mlklna tltt Most of MaturitJ • m U ...... (C) 7:.S Sactld HNrt (C) • '"filt NiPt 1111 1 n.o. 1:00 I (j) Crio Coplien (C) saH [ya" (f1ntasy-drama) '48-@ m Sul* Six (C) John Lund, G1il Russell. ~ M"aic <c> I <HJ mm rutnt1c r .. , <t> @ Cl) m Ca,• (C) nM l1bll Aawtn Abbett I Costtllo Clrtoofts (C) Cintlandil Tilts of Wlfls F1reo 11:00 'Cl) m M1jer Lupe .... SaturdlJ n.utre: "Tomb of Tor· lblU ~~ l ture" and "The Buminr Cross." <m ' ~.of J111111t (C) 1:30 IJ 9 Cl) Bup Bunny/RNd Run· ' A,, Itri. 'The bitton ner ROur (Cl G rts. 1100 • Cool McCool (C) 11:30 I~~ n. H.ulolds (C) Cl) . lulliwer (C) @ Q) blericln Blndltlnd ovit· ( ) "TM Tiler of lie Dick l1rk hosts. S-St~ (adventure) '62 -An· • Movie: ~C) "The First TBln" thony Steel, Gianni Maria Canale. idvtnture) 56 -Joel McCrea, Fe- 1 lrlnded llcil F1rr. Ela1el1 KMEX (C) t:00 9 @ m F11ntstDnts <C> IJOwii: "fap Ind Ule tc..l" (adventure) '3~ry Grant, Fred· 12:001 flt Ci1 S'-m.11! (C) /\FTFRNOON rlc M1rch, Carole Lombard. 8ren T11tro @ (!) G> Spidlrm1n (C) 12:30 9 Cl) JoftnJ QUiit (C) Jack u Iinne (C) Movie: "Sllltcl Ynlct" (mys· SlblrdlJ Show tery) '48-Ray Milland, Broderick Eabldlo de Pidro Y1rps Crawford. 9:30oR1M-.f We«*y ._ (C) D @Cf) m Hlpptnlq (C) P1ul 6 m BlnHI Splits (C) Revere and Mark Lindsey host. The TV !PORT! H/CHllCHT! SUNDAY, MAY 11 9:30 AM It UCLA FootbaH (C) Dan O'Neil ls sportscaster at the Bruins' spring practice. ~:00 D (ft) CI)&» Tau Open Golf (C) live from the Pecan Valley Country Club In San Antonio. Final round play on seven holes in the 4lst Texas Open is covered live from the Pecan Valley Country Club in San Antonio. The nation's finest pros hole out on seven greens vying for the $20,000 first prize. Total prize money is $100,000. Scheduled to participate are Arnold Palmer, Jack Nicklaus, Biiiy Clsper, U.S. Open winner LM Trevino and n8Wly crowned Masters champion George Archer. ___., The last Texas Open was held In 1967 and was won by Juan (Chi Chi) Rodriguez. Other previous champions are Byron Nelson, Walter Hagen, Sam Snead, Ben Hogan, Lawson Little, Denny Shute and Arnold Palmer. Describing the action covered by 15 camer1s are ABC's Chris Schenkel, Jim McKay, Bud Palmer and Byron Nelson. THURSDAY, MAY 15 8:30 D 1ox1,. (C) Tom Hannon and Mickey Davies are rfnplde. Lightweights Rodolfo Gonules and Cherokee Partter meet In a lO·round bout. Gonzales boasts a 37-4 record with 16 KO's, and Parker has a 14·11·9 with 5 KO's. SATURDAY, MAY 17 11:00 AM 8 U (i) e ... )or LMlue a.tb·I (C) CUrt Gowdy and Tony Kubek report game betwMn Detroit Tigers and Minn. sota Twins at Minnesota. 2:00 IJ 9(1) The. Prulrneq ~) The 94th N_.!'ning of the HCOnd Peppermint R1lnbow end Thr11 Doa &...,..._ .. rt (C) i t auat. .... .... 1lleltn: ''Pollet s." 1:0019())....., Diel (C) IJOwlii: ~els" (•dvln· ture) '52-John Dertk, John Barry· more Jr. B MoM: <C> "Cflltion et tM Hu•1nolds" (acl·fl) '62-Don Me· i 1n. n Suuet Strip 111'11111 Ar...r Ftrca Hi&tilil'b (C) 1:30119Cl)111• LIM ._,_ (C) 2:001aCl)111t Prub• <e> • ~ Doatlll Flltlnr. ''VII· I•&• of the Glints" and ''Carry On, Re11rdless." m hdfie I Clal•piolldip Tl'ICl Meet (C) m C.11et Tlleltr1: "Chlceao Con· fllentill." I Spoltl In Actlen (C) Qemt fw Advent11re C) 2:30 Movie: "llldl M:J• (adven· turt) '44 -Orson Welles. Akim T1mlroff. l llttle Cry Gl Set tlle USA (C) 3:00 1re New SecietJ (C) Movie: "TM H1JPJ Yen" (dra· ma) '50-Dun Stodtwell, D1rrrt Hickman, Scotty Beckett. I U1 Color Pin Eltl Piii 111 Picblrt (C) Rllllbow Tll11tre (C) 3:30 Movie: (C) "TIM Lone Raa&ll" (western) '56-Clayton Moort, Jay Sllvertieels. ID Color Tlleltrl (C) "Home In Indiana." Im Trallll tlle ..... (~ m Qlltlt ,. ....... <C> 4:001, ..... Ml , (C) ..... T,. (C) ..... • SIMI WIRp (C) Sit tlle USA (C) .:301 ................. (C) Olt1r llafta • lrollCO • ........ Tlleltre (C) 5:00 I All-Merlcu Col.... Slllew (C) lfa Aodemic (C) Cb•p ....... lp lowha (C) Elrt l\IOn Ind Joe Joseph VI. Tlm Harah1n 11iCT'TOmmy Tuttle. D (jJ) Cl) ED Mt:1 Wide w.rtd If Sperts (-c) 1rm McKIJ hosts tht Rebel "400" Stock Cir Rice from Oulinrton, South Carolina; the NCAA Wrestlln& Championships from Provo, Utah; the Jim Ryun Mlle Run from the Bia 8 Outdoor Tradt ind Field Ch1mplonshlps from 1Ame;,e.:.1i (C) l~(R) Fltbel.secar S:JO ... Stlry (C) (R) Qftc ........ (C) ~ llllins (C) Dlcll Mar· tin auests. ' T1lt Rlt htrel (C) ll1n fl'Oll UNCLE (C) 1111 .... s..d (C) Rllnbow Qw9lt Th• folk music Italy is f11turtd H Pete shows films of a 1roup sin& In an lllll1n villaae and welcomes Uno M1noc· chia, Ralph M1rlno ind Federico Picciano. They sin& ind pl1y rul- tars and accordlonL 8'felblr9 race of the Triple Crown Is h~ at Plmllco R.ce CourM In Baltimore, Maryland. Jack Whitaker hosts. Heywood Hale Broun and Eddie Arcaro provide color commentary; and Chic Anderson calls the rece. ID Padflc I Tnck MMt (C) Oregon State University •t Cor- vallis Is host for the finals of the two-day P8c;lflc Ellht TrKk and Field Meet, with the University of Southern Callfomla Trojans as defendlna champions. The meet orillnatn live from the Beavers' Bell Field, markln& th• first time the 10- year-old competition hn been run In Cornllls. L9d by pole ftUtters Dick Rallsbac:k Ind Jon Vauahn. the UCLA lllNlnt' aooct all·around •tNnlth makes them a teem f8VOrtte accord· 11111 to a surwy of Pac 8 trKk coecheL other schools pertlcfpettnc Include the Unlveralty of Onion. UnlWrsity of Wnhlnston, Wnhlnston Stat. UnlvtrlJty, UC at 8ertcefey and Stanford UntwnitY. 9:00 8 lft) Cl),.,.. Wide Wortd of lpar'8 (C) Th.ousands of records and 4-track tapes, all at 33% discount- Car stereo tape cartridges and cassettes, all at 20% discount. Dozen• of custom-made stereo cabinet. diaplayed-hundred• of styles and finishes available Largest aelectlon of top name brands of ate'reo components, all et substantial price savings Decorator-atyled com- pacts, modulars, wall shelves, speakers. etc.