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1969-05-13 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa
• l .. • • • • . -.E._@ti~IP.no Sues . -...,.,..,,t" J -~ .... -.-, ...... -· .,,--~·-:-~ .,._ _._ ,i •• -1-: ~Ol=··is .Ne,,,part EB·terg ' ' .. .... ,. ....1.---'-----------------'::__..:-:::....,..--i·. 'i • lXOll ' ' . ' I • . . I • ' • ' • .· .~ . • ·.-... £.·_ -' • ' ' ... ~ ·-.. -• . ' Sich~ -Sad Pt!nsioner~ 611~ .· B Id • . c -· . t·~-D bb . . e . in .. o:~n-::; ,y _ .. 4•:o · . · . ery •• ! . ; .. .. Nixon .Calls · Lodge ·Home Before TV Talk Reth: German currency issued in 1918 From Wlre SuvleH Nixon's first face to face meeting with "new material" would be set forth by the and ·~ibly w(lflb $71,250 under ,the·cur-W ASHING'ltJN -On '•the •eve of his , his field commander in Vietnam, Gen. Pz:esident in his itpeech and the sum-: · rent marks-to-dollars exchange rate have report to. the nation ' on Vit!tnarli, Presi-Crei.gbtoo W. Abrams. • . moging of Lodge for "new instructions'." blen"stolen from a Costa Mesa woman's · ,, Abtanis Iitet ·With 'Nixqn and top ad-, fmplled that .'the 'speech would be more llllloeked 'home, pallet said today. dent!Nixon today _!qDllllo~ H~ Cabot· miniStration · defense officials Moritta:y than simply a review of the ~ar. ·Mrs. Thebha W. Maherrv, -0f 231 Lod~e ~me f~. the Paris peace tallts duri.r:>g a 2+hour vis.it to Washington. He Ziegler said the speech would run about SherWood Place, walked into pOJ,ic: head~ for new mstructions. returned to Saigon Monday afternoon. half an hour and d~~ it as a "majqr qparten ~Qnday ajght ~ r~ th~ 'Case, The White House announced the · Presi-.Nil:on diicussei:I the Vietnam sltuaUon, addre!s" in which the President "will J!l"obalrl~ om. of"tbe 1+t tlfelts in city dent will ~'lifo!·~·"''~'""' .,. 'l!'<lit'Oallf:ililliilii\~bl!Ciif.~ "'1'ejiiii+;l<1f h'e· Ainei'ican '*'Pie •• his. hi.story. ~' · i;_,,~·1 PDT Wednesday by radio and television grelslonal 'leadeifr this mor·nlng. vlews "as to the prospects of peace in :omcer mt!if·.o<;or*•.:aid ·hcimer; C-to give itis.-s..,.-.~,-,.!,.: .-.-~.GOJ!. leoder c~•al(! Jl, Vietnam." Uiat it is unknown whether the two bonds ding the Yfar. FOrd"safd mX'oi,lYS"'Sjiecli'WOtnd'bdr i!ea? · ~~~AJthOUgh Ziegler ·sakl the address wUI w<irth 140,000. marks each and a The White House said conmllations with any troop withdrawals-and w a s contain new. mate'rial, he declined to say certificate listed at 5,000 marks would ac-with Lodge are designed . to . determine designed primarily to "bring the people what or to say whether Nixon was going tu'filly coqvert to face value. "bow to proc~ in tbe Par\& talb in l.l'P'to date.oo 1bia ~s" of the war and to lay down a nlpolicy. 'The vicfim said the papers were kept in lig111 of'~ President's speech~", .. qie.eutlook for. epding iJ:. , . Nor would he y µtat the matter of ail envelo'pe in hei:: dining room until she L o a g e ,, UJe . chief U,S.. Degotiator , rpe White House said the President's new instructions l r Lodge suggests some discovered then1 missing Sunday night," at the" P a r'l s talks, Will airtve . ilf 31J:.mlnut'e ··speech woUkl ·set 'forth his in!Uative at the Paris peace ta'llle. with no sign of forced entry to her home. Washington Wecjftesday afternoon. and -Views on the prospects of peace. in Viet-But when he was asked whether it was Mrs. Mahe;rry could not be contacted will return to P'aris 'nlurSday morning, a nam, b u 't W:used to re.fine this fair to Say be did not e1pecl any dramati'c today about the history of the currency Nixon aide said. · ch-.rlJ~Wr.~1!<!11·. . · . announcement Wednesday night, Ziegler issued during the final year of Wdrld War Lodge's vis.it comes just two days. after Press Secretary Ronald Ziea{er did say replied: "No, sir, I would not say that." I. or whethe1 the items might be negotiable. •1 Knew £inritat~"'~" .. ·· ,. '· ,,,. '" ··c -"' ·• Pensioner, 68, _ . , ·~. , ~eld ~ .eoun~y .. :: · Q~~:~'~:t~lijp~ostor Confesses B ....__ 1~ . R ·bi.:-· . -.. , . . " o'.l ""'' ... ""· " '~~t:. ., ' <t11A. o · JJt;l'Y ··-. ., .. ·-,:ti ..... r:;:; •• .. ~1t .• ·)1"©1 ,u.:. ~. · . , · " ".; Rol!erti~~~ilf.:J!lllirilM!<!];'llY ... >nsidtnt -ialllta at the clinic m(l6t of the 103 paUents he treated were · A sick sad pensiooe~ 8-rrested at his • ~ay from ;µ.t witnesl;Do~~t~ ~,t ibelfe be was,hired for tbe posl. cardiac cases. ho'l'e.loliowUlg a $410 .bank rOOber)iils in as"°~ ~ill"'· ~DC f'l ~:!i!!lf:'\i:~ ~ tbat .. much oC . his .. 1'0nly 10 lo 15 J>Oicent or thooe I ex-· Qrange County Jail today,' with tbe. pro-1"".riOd ~ 'WJllchr -~~ ~ ,, 7-f, .• :.r~ ~~-led,ge ol medicme · stemmed from amine?, couJd r~:-be called ~ pa. spect or l.":"ibiy living out his m.1 llebind ri~~.1¥·•!~...,.cf;.~itl· ~·. l.~j,/"•I~ lludlu he had to carry out in tlrots, he ,.1d. The rest or lbooe pa· r~'-ralp..i-bars 'l · ~.:-· ··~~tfjle_.~.,i\'B~. ti .·~~on ""th space programs of tienls came to the clinic for 1enerat = ......... : . · · .. · '· • ;nntn ~u.li ,,, · · · · ' '~.cit~' n ...... l'n Alir.hAma •Nl.r_.111c, .... 1a ~· ..; ... i .. ;.1 ellnUnations · most of · James L Smith, 68;,of 465 Lemon St., --. · · '· • t { ~ ,·~~W~·~~~:<tv~ ll·,-~ , . . .. • them m Qrange w~s arraigned on sWipiclotl of pallents-wasevh'inanydanger.wblle.un . ! ~the.,~ mat he also studied .-connectlon with their 'employmen~.'' ba11k ~be Monday afternoon before 'der his care. ' medicine "from lhe _gallery" at ~Qt~ FELT QUAIJFIED U.S. ~~ Arthur Bradley in ~Ttstj{yh1g ·to ,a Ute-long~ love of =!>'' am;I:-\~. ~~~erslly·. 0 f ~ Brown stated, ~ually nnn&, that he0 Santa Ana.· • • "':11i!":~·: Jntenoe llUily;~~~ Brown denied pro&e<11U..;· claims that felt h!mself "weq quali{ied in all but tbe InvesUgators found> , a· , .car thtrew"" ~ ::w1 · J : ,. ·~ ~ ~n.e-.y.~ · ,;i ... ' degree" to jJracUce cardiology •t the matching tbe<lescrtptiqn·oC pne'-iO-a ' -~;· ~· 31·~\!l!!'~ " .. L,:~·i · ; . cUnic. He told Buckley that his work. getawayrromaSecuiiLyP@Cific'l'.i~tiOOal· ,.b<w\lllY''"""'~-~.,:·~1 1Pf•f' ·· Oldup Suspect u.ft·had ·~teci "tw!pidliemo" and Ba~ holdup at Eastr 17th rSt.DM ~nd , <;Wlthla them~ , 1 I 1 ,. r, "'•-1 \ , • , ;.. ;· thlt up to ihe time of bi! detection lhere Tustin Menue and ,took ·,5niltb i\11<> , "W"" ~•ware•.lh(t'~~""PA-'Eab · . ha~ b plain irom · custody. . ualif'od \ and ·lhat . ~aw,, 'f. , L~d b p }i .. een .~ COJD ta h1 s1 : Orange•Police Detective Larry;Leven( ~.tm!t .:::t.,., ,, he 1::'!i~· : .r : • '. IJe y 0 ce emp)!iyen. • saidcasbudatoygunwerefoundinthe · preDotf-Pu61tC ·t: • ·. · · · ~G••·~ ·•,, ..... ~· · B~wn's testimony marks lbe ,cJ"'1ng suspect'• modest llame,and he olfered., 1.:11 .11'1.~, 1-1 • , ~ r!t."r•~'· •AlrelCJerly, L!o'Allmtlos man wu vJo. stagea or his trial before Superior Court "';',~nee wheo_arresi.d. 1 '!Of·~,'' llrown tllilckly _..red, ~qmn.I! !I>' a )'<lUlll llroog arm robber Byn111,K. l(tMIUa"' He ta occuoed ol 17 I m hurting. My nerves • · • . my in 1 failll si!Utbetli drawf. "'But.like[" uj' ~r.'""'11 llGlldiy _,.q, Po\ic< captured· a c:ouota oC pracUClllJ medlolne wltbout al ~dney. _Nobody will ~J>.. NoboclJ: care~. J kliew. wbal 1 l!oilld •• ind · ' •· -'!!..-ri ~ ~ · llce"l!_ani!_ll la e~ thal the l\l!'Y,I I ve gill JO Jel-Jiita.a~rO:-dl!· i could nit do. "Aild • tti..r0" _.. -~· • '·--iilCl"llit , et . ~ lit a•kiiflogl>flii-verdicl late t<> Pilhce qu9t*f llillllb u~:'wllile~ •• :'ijjedallsts• af .11\e <flillertoaf"'ifit"7'"~11,. ol 4111 Kowlrd l!t .. wu. ltnlclc Clo>' « )I08llll>lJ Wedoe8dey. • was taken lo jalL • • -~'M ·"·'-lo ~I -·g .__ " I ' and ~ lo"1lo 'lNvlar <Ifie· llocililocQ • ' 8rowi ,,.. lndl<lld by the Orallle · "!-jre is nothing but mlatry," he addod. "~'"" ~ ~·-' ~ -· • Bar,JUO Loo illllilllol'lliod, Ills •allet '-. wu lodlcled b)' tjle Orup The holdup man wbo approached ldlei had any problems. : ainlalnl!w SIS lo .. o:u -· · · County Grand Jury, on· dlar1et U.l be Linda Sherwood Mooclay -quoted as SHOWED KNOWLEDGE • Anned with ~ from wit---•! Dr. !llenn. Lyon 1'-, telling her to bun;;;:, ibat he had-a•pn, Bl"OW)I recited what' -eel Iii be ., . -· --Gay MDIJ and Tom a Unlventty of Alabama medico! adlool She plaOod the In a paper bill and astonltb!nc knowledse; dr <medical and j Hldil plc:bd ~-~ Duran Jr.. ~( the bandit cMUally walk~ out ol the clinical ' tenns and Ille , ~ of 1'. of -lfl'll 8L Loi Alamitos, lie tellifled today .tbat tbt Idea ol IM!O' ollllk, accotdlng.lo.Orange J>Olice•nli t']!l ciu:diol<!IY tbrou&houl a l<illtbf srilllntl ilOndto, -· wu jailed on in& 11 Dr. Foot.. com• to him alter he agents, wncrplan lo"q\le.'11100 811\lth-. bx·lluCltley. U. also lol~ the ~that 116 ~·dlirgu-of uault ind strong arm ...., . walched the Atsbama cardlologiat lec- tv.·o litnilar holdups. • was interviewed for u.e lba.D live1 houri bery. turlfta 1 Uftlvmity cltSL .. I • .. ' -• Deal0o8ed For Cotton • , Mansion • 'll)'<AimlUll R. VINllBL· ' . .. .. .., "" ..... . . ' Quiet San'Clemente today Iearmd ~ ~~~~·lll,\J.-.. ~. ~~~~~ H. Ccitto11 maJil!on-as hli ·White lfliuoi, w., ... ~ ... -~~,·t.· · : ,&u!IJ•~11:\e,1estt ~~I P!ll"*l·are,nqw, -• way lo 11!1 it ii· auitablie fl!V a 1alte, kr $b9 .NWD mu~um and library bojlaiDg bil put 1 polltlClil papen and future ~Illa. • The· White 1House announcement -said · the Presldot1l •will PaY to.~ear-pld Mrs.; Victoria eotton $100.000 dciwn 'and the , rest over 'a five year period 'at 7.5 petcieDt interesl. .. REPAIRS PLANNED SJNGING'LEGAL BUUES · Newport's Fellcl1no Feliciano Sues • • • Operators of \ '~k , .... Newport Eatery· Pop atlist Jose Feliciano Is lioglng a very different k1od of ,blues today. But, if the· guilar·S;trumming· soµl sing.!'r ~ln'S his Superior Court a'ctlon, the o~r.atars of t~ Newport B e a c h restauran~ t!tat·be,m's )lis name will ~ye . to pro.ylde.~ i,ament-.filled refrain. - For the tillnd balladeer has written a $160,000 score. Named as deCendanta in the suit filed Monday by ,the singer ·are•NeWPQrt,South Bay Inc.,, Gene and Carol TOnkin Ran- dano ·and Cbarles S. 1>1<yer.· Rand4n<> and_Dreyer's ove.rtw:es led, be Claims,. to · the setting up of an agreement in· October' 1968. • He1clahr'84hat~be was told al tbat lime lh!I~ II would talre $100,000 to $150,otMI lo· estab1.iab •!restaurant aloog the ~,of tbe °"" now in lxl....., ,and lhet the defendants1 auured him \hat the money would. be foribomiing from capilal hefd by their company, "Grant l"+alll Fortst Products." _ ·And lie was• assured. be say a, tbtt' the il'OllJ> wm '° coofid"11 of'the -al ' Uw1t rtst.lur1nt that Ill. aper1tori Would ,.,-noMll?'y"or t<H1ipa&t:tornturtn the first year. , "The group alto propolid to 1r1ise llOO.OOO in caplial •by the tauance OI• IO,ll09 sbart1 al $111 per share, Feticlario says. And . a further Jque pf sham wu designed lo provide funds lor Ilol1 and Mary Manpno, 1 managers 4;1f the restaurant at )tlT Wutcllft Ddv~. the complaint Indicates. lmtead, Ftllclano, arguu, tha de!c"" 1~ FEIJOI~o. Pqe ll '• • Repairs, piiinUn& and . improvemellla · are planned for the wb,lte stuceo,.rid tile-, roofed . Spaiiish -villa · 0-verkx!kin& . the ocean, 1lncluding resurfacln&' of a,..~~ court .and possible swimming ~ con-1 struction. 1 Money from the Nixons' $328,000 sale or their New York ~~ent. to food and.1 ~g wholesaler Lewis Lebrmao' will bo; ~ in the purchase .of tbe CoUon home~ and a piece1of the estate. The i9ng:rumored purchase of the pro- perty as a summer retreat in· Nil:on'1 native Southland was greeted by . a welcoming comment froi:n San Clemente City Manager Kenneth Carr. 'jl think it is· a great honor, that· Mr.· Nixon bu selected our community,'' aaid Carr, adding be ii confident the city will meet artv resulting requirements. Pule~ ol tile• !O'rdoril home< wbicij• hosted President Franklin D. Rooeevell• when the Jate Mr. Cotton-a Democratic leader -.was alive alJo.spells aignificanC news for Chamber of Commerce type1. Real estate prices in the city of 17,500 -described ~ one recent vWtor a• Leisure World wttbout 'waps -bavt alreody soared wltb promiatn& -ula- tion of .Nixon's residency~ . I Despite its r<Jative i-biJity·lo aU out oUicial guests, thousands or touristil (See NIXON'DIW>; Pqe l) I I Oraa11e I I J ' , Wei,,.er If you want lO aee the sun Wed- nesday, don-'t bUnk between 2 and 4 p.m: Otherwtle ~-will cover the-· -Orq'e Coast. J with tempetatt.ir~s in the central iil1:Ues. _cc....:,--....:.;....---"--..;;.-.... ______ ..._..:..~e-.--....:.-=------=·----'---'-'-----~---· -'-----~- I • • I , j , • Campaign .GroWs More Bitter! ' """ bod -the _artclnal -bi a move to rocall the lll8J'OI' 11111 eauo. dlmeo l>ooald "-11111 Jooepb eoaz- roces who were allowing an lncreaalna nwnber of plumed developments with Iota u RU1f aa 5,flOO tQUrt feet. But now leaden al tbe rlcal1 move- meat ... llP lo ...... -.. alkced "~ c::r." bJ the IDIJCll' Jn bla near. reolpatioo ..-. CoDllictlnl dolallll of a liq I meeting wblcb nwlY led to the .._,, mtcna· tloo !lave --by-the mayor; Plmllag <'mm!-c.n.u Mahr, tbe -..... urupd the meeting, aod c.-'r Move ~eted Newport Asks C~rigress -.--' - ToExtendOil·Sanc~uary Nixon Urges Draft Lottery, Year's Danger W.AllllllG'IOll (Al') -l'NidG lllx- • -~todl71tl<l..,a..,.. -· ~ -"" tbe .mlUlarJ draft. -""""'"""" lhal !..,..._ be aabjocl to "!be lint call bot that they --bit to the dnll ,.. only . cine 1Ql' rather lhlll ll!Vm u .under tbe ullllnl IYflem. - •11t 11 1111 a:iavlcUoa." Nllon aid In a ...... to Coqrm, ~·u..t the dllrvp- tm l!l!pacl ol lbe mllltary dnll .. II> dMdlial u-lboald bo •mlnlmlJed u much u l>!>toJble,--wllll lbe ... u...i aeculilY. For thll ......., l.11111 fA>. day uklq lbe ~ for aulborUy to lmplentol Jmporlaol draft .., ........ Tbo, ~t -loci hll -tbal ldaally Ulen ohauld be ao all-vo- ..--!or tbo nallon. He uld ... CGOUmled to bollmo dial thll Ideal cao bo rudled 1l!lder more itable world .,... -' He added : "Under pnxnt coocllU«11, howev• 1 101M tlnd of draft wfll be need· eel !or lbe Immediate future. M lone u lhat II tbe caM, '" lD1lll do neey1lllnt we cao lo Umlt the dllruptloo ca-by lbe ,,_ and lo malle tt u lair u po.I.bit." Tbo ---·· ollend a all-point ~ tGpped by chanP>I fr<lm ao oldlllWlnt lo a )'Ollll(Olt-ltnl ankr et call '° a YOUDI man would becoma ._ ntber tbm men vulner1ble to Mlecllan u be.,..,.. older. Tbo raodom ..,...,, -a lottery - -.Id be applied to all -•bo are ""1nenble dm1nl a liven year rather' U... to U-.-blnllda11 !all at cor· taJn Um,. ol Ibo ,_ or month. DAILY PllOI ....,.,..... . .......... .... ----c-.-~"' ...... CIOAl1 rva.1 ....... COMMN'f' l..._.N.W"4 _ ... _ J•• L CwNy ,,..,,...... .. ..., ....... f"""°' kff•fl .... n-•• J.. M1r,hl-. ~1411• atate tldeiandl by the Shell-Olllnlqham Acl. The Shell-OJnnlnibam Act, ldopted by the legislature JDOft thin a dozen years ago, bans offshore drilling -with aome exceptioru: -between the Santa Ana River jelly 11111 lbe Malcan -· 'lbe Newport resoluUon avoids any refertnee to waters on the Huntington Buch aide of the river mouth, where drlllilll 11 permlttod aod now uoder way. 11Gtrl'llN llESTIUCl'IONll 'Ille Newport declaratlon llllo b -to itate legillaton. It ub that they U«fden mtr1clkllll 'lrithln the Sbell- CUnnioglwn aanctuary. At .,.....4 es· ploraUon fer oil II allowed. Newport wanta an "ablohrte" prohibition on any geological or geophysical exploration work involving "physical penetration" of the Udelands. . 'l1ila meaoa, explained Mayor Marshal~ that selmllc teatlng only would bo permitted. ''There would be no c«e clrlll· ing tl any klDd," 1 b e emphulled. 1'We doo' want any repeUtloo of lbe Shell OU C:Ompany Incident." Shell OU lul<Jaouaey racdved author!· 1Y 1rom 1be state Landt Commlallon to sink tat core bolea oll lbe Newport Harbor entrance 11111 elaewllere 'lrithln lbe ~ aanctuary. Alter •ev .. a1 coutal ._. vlpoully pn> teMI, lbe Landt ~ In Marth ftSClnded the permit. ' The Newport ,...lullon allo -U Jm. poalUon of lbe ollsbon uplontory clrlll· in( ball In locleral waten adjacent to the -.... -...i-. In addition, -ullall Ccqrtu to prollJblt aoy leaalnC !or uplatatloa, -~or -al ol oU)li the Olllercaall..tallbell-U.S . ..,_ mmt ...m.I UPleu It II eatabl!sliiil at (llll>llc bearlnp that tine coodlUOlll U· lJt. ,_, The coodlUona an: I -Thal lbere be cu mdaoct that oil depootta an contained In the oubmerpd land&. ('11ila evlclence -.Id !lave to be --by uploratory lllNDI other u... drlllllll.) • - -Thal Ulen be clear -that lbe OU depoltta are being draloed by ftlll an prlvlle!1 owoed landa. BEST IN'l'EllD'IB -Tbat lbe leUin( of the federal Udelandt be demomtnt.d to bo In the belt tntmstl 11of the iovmmental qen. cy whkh OWlll the landa." Mayor llanball said "It would be dam- ed dlfflcult" for oil indUlb'J reprt1e1 .. · taUv., lo eslablltb all lhtto oood!Uooa. ''And unlea Ibey do, acconlln to our _.i," Ibo oald, "they •=Y won't be able to tum our couta1 waters into an oU field." She told ber council Mooday that the resolution had been prepared by City Manager Harvey L. Hurlburt afttr di!CUSSions with Congressm111 Utt and members of the Coastal Area ProtecUve League (CAPL), a clUiena' group \hit Is pushing for tougher oU legt11Jat.lon. It will serve as a model for rtsolutlons to be pmented shortly to the Laguna Beach and San Clemente c I t y councUs and to Orana• County supervteors, ahe added. l'r-r-. .. J FELICIANO ••• daots could ooly ra!Je a 11$,MJ loan , "quJte inadequate" for the operaUon ~laoned. And he cooteodl that the deleo- dlltb are running a "questionlble opera· Uon," one in which "patrons art: bUllltd lo buy drlnJcl." Tht complaint lndJcat.et that lf patrons don, go along with 1UQest1-that they atap up their drlnt orderl, , they are "treat.cl ·nidely IPd In I roup manner" and that thll policy la "ilrlTln& pair- out of tbe restaurant." Felldano CCXJtends that the delondants ne¥• llltended to work without pay and Iha~ In fact, tarp oalarlet 11a .. - wltlldl IWb from the operaUon. Ht ..,. the reatauraot r<llecta -t upon him ~ aod dial the -hava failed to rheet bllb 11111 pay ta1t• promptlf. Some '811,000 of tbe damapa claimed by tbe popular auttartat ••-ta r ... for aevenl appurancea he mldo at the ....... ant and !or which, he 001!, ... bu ntVR bl!ill")lii!. He rlltel that lt tJ&I De\ltt a part of the ~t tMr'be abou1d appear at all. But DOW that he ha~ he lllJ'I, he ,...Id like to be paid !or It. Feliciano also asks the CO\lrt to prevent ~ de(endanta from expandin8 the. cur-- l'tllt -aUon. He particularly ukl that they not ht allowad to open a pro~ .....t.urant of thf llm•f an" Iii Lajilii1 Bea_ch.· I .. Vaa Duk. ltade! Gf the ,..0 moo-hilt tM racaJI. ind tbe mao who llled suit lo ball the At11llt point Mohr and Van Duk IOY small lot 1:.antln tract, the orlllnal polnl "No." of c:ootroveny. "I iold Bob Sdlwtn!Ut1er ..,U... that 'Ille mayor lllJ'l he mel with Mohr aod I would attempt lo help stop lbe recall li Vao Duk ar llohr'• bOme, where Ibey poulhle," l8J'll Mobr, previously ao """" dlto111ed Ibo pomible l't:lllp\atlon of -vol'"" fl&W'e;1'but r th1oli n II..,.. ao· or mare '*mcibneQ to bal\•nca.11 eJec. one can gllll'IDtee to stop1a ~·and OG tloa wllldt -.Id eeitalnlJ ipllt lbe dly p-,..,. made." • Into wUTlll r.eu.a.. V4a Dut tpl Mohr both ,.,. tbiit dur· 'nleo, Scbw11dlfeaer aa11 !le liter calJ. •• Ing the~ no res!~ -e uk· eel lillhr to tall blm be would ...tp. <nit ed kif, and that It waa \Iii 111170<'1 -' .._ clalma --called Vao Dask. choice lo 'Nl!ln· • thea -!be mayor'a·calJ to teU·bJm llqftver, .., May I, the = U. 1>11 mlpattm -... ~,to llOUD<Odtbat1be "atoryolbll.-iailoa '," lining Vp for Contest • • i.11 ~· ~ tbe city, aod due fo the ....,tier of Jibooe cailt he rtc'el•ed .. ting him not to ,..,;gn, he could not deaert those wbo oupport him. Mohr came away from that 111eeUna: angry, not over tbe mayor'11 decisi°'.", but tu nwthod. "RallJping or not resigning wu hls deciskm." 1Q'1 Mohr, "but he 10ay In which he did not mlgn did i!Ollling but daml8• relaUoaa II) tbe cUy, lit )rerit bact QD bit city."' Van Daak's wards lit a little stroncer, "I! waa alaaed ilihJy 1o pin 1)'111· pl~." • ~ M U stand<ojlow, Ibo mlJ'or clalma he • • mad• hll OIDGllonal atalmlOlil ID a -sltueUO., wllhoot rully PlannlilS I. " Van Duk and Mohr ·clalm lt wu • deUberate move which wW mate the pen. ding r<eall figbt eveo woi-ae tor the cllil than It mlgbt have been. • An additJoo&t attack" on U.. r<c1o1r movement was launched th1a week by the mayor, who said an lnY<lllaalton II belnf conducted tnto the allepd lrTtplarttiea of lndMdualJ clrculallnf recall peUUooa. Van Duk called the m11or:!a aUegatJons an "unwarran&ed attack," alld . explained, "we have obtained 1epJ act.. vice en evuy upect ~ recall proced\ltt, and hive followed ifery f1ctt COOh pletely. No irregularities have beta· reported lo us." . Lashing out at the mayor, Vao llaot- sald, "It would seem the public.attack I>)' 1be -II 1111111111: ••IJ•Et:l'wt lo .......... ldo• -~· iledlcated ~· -111p1ns -the petilions• will be intlmldalod bJ 1111o unwllfl'IClled attaet." ~ • •. ~u lllMI ·when ao actual rec.U ~ ,,...... Schwerdtttgtr . bu P<UDlwid ,, "1'ip-lnortDC pmpaip.'' ' . "U .ll!ore <ll .. ~ lill' lf!e ""1l"'• ''I'D •41m!1Qd• Iii riY. publiC forum ln'lbe cl\J ~-==-!:=:.!!'.'~-Neltbtr Van Daik nor Mohl' have •119', political aspiratiOM, they both staled. - Mohr said he b ad hoped to avoid a recall election and span the 'City the b84 publlcity, but he added, IC an elecUQI\ comes, "I'll look at it just like any other"' election. If a better man oppoRs °' n1ayor or lhe other councilmen I'll vo .. for him, if not, I'll vote for them ... Van Dask hu continually maintained that his involvement in 'the recall acUci!l is not politically motivated, •1 have rw intenUon ol being a candidate and no one on the elected board ol the Fount.am Valley Civic Association (the primaiy· DAILY r1LoT 111tt r11ei. group sponsoring the recall campaign)' will be a candidate in a recall election,~ he emphasized. These eight Fountain Valley Hi~b School coeds will be among entrants seeking Miss Fountain Valley crown in annual pageant June' 14. ·From Jett are Lori Hender1on, Deborah Quinlan, Diann Jordan, Judy Wilson, Barbara Rice, V.icky Nelson, Linda Ar!i4!IO 8l!ILJ!l!l4a ~ ... f;\W:ies..are .still being acceiJtecl for evenl ci>-sponsoi'ed by Chamber of Commerce and Foµntain Valley Women's Club. Pos.sible candidates to oppose the three councilmen under attack have not be811 · aoooonced aod ·may nol be·-It II etr-' lain the retailers have the ~ 2,500 signatures to force a recall electi• Nixon •well Off!') President's Worth at $596,000 ...... WlreSenlcet A financlal 11tatement issued by the White House Monday shows President Nixon'11 net worth at $596,000 and in- dicated the cbld ~ II a btl lielle;t off in the bankbook than Iut October. 'Ibe ftnmcial statement revealed that Nlxoo -.tved $Di,ooo lor'aelllng bis New Yotlt apartmenl, lut Sunday. 'A 164.000 profit ovor what be paid for it lo ' 1963. The statement said Nixon has assets of ,,.,,tOO and a liability of $383,500 for a net worth of $598,500 .. Molt of the assets were lla:ted u cash, from the apartment 11ale and. from the .sale of Nixon's shares in Flahen' Island inc., a develop- ment on an island ln Biscayne Bay Fla., near Where NI.ton has a summer borne. It said Nixon sold $185,891 shares of the island de¥e1opment for $2 per share, or $37l,71Z. It al.so showed he pajd 171,800 -•-1111 m!foJ~·in-; tii total coot ol which was nsz.aoo. The lj>billty CO!lai!lod of $126,000 in notel aod loans payab1e. lo baoU and othen, $M,OO Omortgage lo the Calllomla property, $181,000 owed oo the homes in Florida and $22,100 owed -on a vacant lot on Key Biscayne. AMouncement of Nixon's financial status included the nonprofit chariLable and educational foundation to be J.n. corporated to finance the Nixon museum and library. Reds Assault 4() Camps, Step Vp Field Campaign Newporter Inn Robbed of $917 In Cash Receipts An envelope conta'inlng early morning receipts of $917 was literally "pinched" from a slot iD the N;frter Inn's safe --lli:'Q\iio nd'"'-liilliia Monday, police reported. 1be envelope, which apparently didn't slide completely loto the safe when a cashier deposited it wu dilcovtred ml.5s- ing Monday afternoon. Tbe lbelt included cash, traveler's checks, personal checks and a Newporter !nil payroll check, officers said. The money comprised the total rece;pts from one·ehlft, reporb said. After each shift ca11hten deposit their envelopes into the safe slot, but over the weekend the contalnen pUed up and the Jut envelope didn't drop completely through, polloe explaioad. The thief apparently pinched the folder from the slot between U:m a.m. and 8:40 a.m. • IM the campoign II already W1dit way, even if behind the scmet, and U' promises to be rough. AA Both 11ides have apparently agreed thit· attempts to save the city from recall INl now fruitless. ' From P .. e J , . NIXON DEAL . .; . will turn off the San Diego Freeway now !or a look al ,the NW>a bid-11 lllill " grow>ds. -, Built in 1921 by lbe wealtb1 oU "°!I,: realty investor Cotton, the maimo. ... grounds are planted with cypreu, palm;· orange and lemon trees and 11tieluded from the highway. · ,. Secret Service agents find the propertf; a dream from the security standpoint, bounded by the bluff arid beach, a troo14.1!' wall, Camp Pendleton on one side and a- Coast Guard station on the other. A portion of the $1.4 million, »acrt· ' estate carved out of ranchland $ yeara: ago is already an exlll8ive private homa,, development and the remainder ii belnc held in trust until a suitable buyer !I< found. :•"'I Thi.eves Push u curreot studies indicate the pldur.,., po6tcard ~ of California which Jq. thousands in !he 1910s IPd llllOt b a goqil_; B T site for the N.iJ:on mUJeuzn..llbrary, ~ SAIGON (UPI) -Communitt forcea ciJ!ed when a major attack appeared Im· UltODS 00 foundation will Incorporate to lhwlce IL· shelled 40 Allied camps and towns mlnent. 1 •-Jr•-·-tod ,1 1_ MA ~oster of 26 .~stees was ~ overnight and baWed American and Tbe Communlab launched a new round A Corona de Mar uo ..u~ ar u on ay, among 1.111:m David Elsenhowflllt~-probably cursing the auto salesman who N.iJ:on's 60fl·ln-law ; Robert H. Finch, South Vietnamese troops on the outskirts of attacks, mortar and rocket shelllngi pointed out the handy trunk-unlock button secretary of health, educatioo ap4 of three major cJUes, military spokesman and terrorism on Sunday. U.S. officials instde the glove compartment a( her car. welfare ; AUy. Gen. John N. Mltctiell. reported today. believed It was designed to force U. S. Carol Mae Scho.field, 33, of ·• Seaview evangelist Rev. Billy Graham and tbt BatUefield reports esUmated that about concessions at the peace talks in Paris. Ave·., dilcovered Monday that thieves can President's brothers, o 0 n a Id (at' l,OOO North Vietnamese and Viet Cong The U.S. command today revised use the gad~t. too. Newport Beach) and Edward, upward the number of she1u ..... on the She told police that sometime durlng (White H""·~e legal ~···el Job n ft ' lroops had •··n killed in the inte••lf1'ed .... ..., v.... ........... &h ui::oc-...., opening night of the drive from 159.to 212, the put few weeks someone pu11bed the Ehrlichman said the corporation will b9 Communist offensive since Sunday. followed late Monday and early today by button and opened the trunk, taking wigs, incorporated under California law and_.,. Heavy fighting faged in the rice pad· 40 salvos, 18 of which caused damage or clothes, a sewing machine and 1 sleeping President is expected to register as ta dies south of Saigon and near Da Nang "fca;;;s;;;ua;;;IU;;;.e;;;s.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ibai~·;;;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ivotii;eii;r;i:in;ihi;ii'si;ih~o~m~e~sta~t~e.i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~-~ ar.tl Hue on the northern coast. II The Communist! 'showed no signs of letting up on the offwivt aJ.med at irn· p111vtng their itatu,.. at lbe Paris peace tabJ.e. In the French capital, the chief Viet Cong negotiator, Tran Buu K1em, ac- cused the United States on the first u- niversary of the Paris dlscusslons today of escalatlni the war to "unprecedented levels.'' He urged the Americans to ac- cept the IO.point peaetl plan he proposed last week, allinc in part for a coalition governnleot in Saigon. A maaaed Infantry charge oo a U.S. in- fantry base near Hue, 390 miles north of Saigon, took a heavy American toll. Spokesmen said 20 Gls were kllled and ll wounded burling back the North Vie~ name11e human-wave uaault. Twenty North Vletna.mtse bodies were found on the batUefield, most of them cat c!Own by artillery. About all miles south of Da N1111g. Amerlcao IPd Allied troopa killed at leut 4i Communist., military apokemieo reported. The batUe posatbly avarted a planned attack on the airport at Da l<l1D1, South Vletnam't oecond larsut cl· IY· -Allied cuualtla In the rlllhllng, only lhree mlla from the Da Nang lirbue, were rtported "light." DECORATOR AND MODEL HOME RETURNS Spanish and Mediterranean Furniture All New Top 9uallty Brand Names A Decorator's Dream Home Is On Display .Over $100,000 Worth of Spanish & Mediterranean Furniture to Choose From! lt•ms as follows : Gor9tou1 t ft, custom quilt•d 1oft with ••p•rete pillows with he•ry oak trim decor and m1tchlnQ ch1lr, 3 m1tchln9 oak occ11ion11 tables 12 I 61" tall decoretor lamps, h1n9in9 chain 1w19 l•mp In wroutht iron .~ •·.pl1c1 Icing ~ltt m11t1r bedroom 1~it1 i.n paean paneled M1dit1rr1n.in ;tyle wit~ top qu,l1ty $ Y••n warr1nty ~1ng ttl• ·rnattr••t ind bo11 ·springs. Sp1nf1h -'fn1n9 ttt, etc. Ariy piece c1n be purch11ed individu1lly. Drop by •ncl set our 11lectio1t ~of +op qu1ltty Sp1 ni1h ind MecUt1rr1n11n furniture .. , f1ntes+ie1fly priced! COMPUTE HOUSEFUL WAS REGUARLY $1521.00 • MUty SACRIFICE FOLQN,lY '69800 U.S. and-South-Vie-~ becked by taol<s aod other armored vehicles ,..ported killing 13 Comm\llllJta In a niahlloog" baUle wblch raged unW tarly today th""'lh rice paddlet 13 mlln ""'thwut of Saison. Spokesmen aald two TERMS -WE CARRY Amft1C8M 'At.rt lilied and 33 wounded. " South Vletnamuc: troops In the capital OUR OWN ACCOUNTS district a""'nd Salaon were placed Oil 190 perttnt m;lriction. All _y.-ere ~fined to e ll barTBckl mu, but apotumOI. said this ' AT HARIOI IOUUYAaD did not constitute a fllll' ~lert, usually s..--------------------.:.· ________ ............. ;_ ___ _ ' ' • , I 'I :/" _ .. u or. • . • • • fOL 62, NO. 114, 2 SECTIONS, 26 PAGES DAILY PILOT ltllff ...... ,NEW'' FACILITIES -Detective Sergeant Bob .Rinehart (left) and .contractor Robin Garrett study plans for new police facilities rising ,rapidly in Huntington Beach Civ:ic Center. Expended quarters will be re-ady in about-six weeks. . Police Facilities :E~nanu· -~t .. .. ' ' _,.... . . .. "'; A~'HuntmgtonAdds Space Almost overnight two new buildings the mafu building b>.fO IA> the bathroOm ha.Ve mushroomed up to the right and left -rain or ablne." of the llw>tinctoo Beaclr.Poli<e Deparl· ment. ~.,: The $35,000 p<rtable bulkllng will also '!'beY.,. part of• ~,OOO·building pro-cootain Interview rooms, a luJll1)' ffun. gram designed to provide more space for tlngton Beach .detecti~ hive had to do the department's detecti·ve devision and without for many yean~ jail. Baning· inclement weather, the-detee~ .The detecUve bureau addition will en-tives will occu~ the new qUarters, which compass 3,671 square feet of space and wW-be }oined t.o the ~etj_@tinl detective will house the photography, micrography bureau, in about six weeks. ' aiid ballistics lab9fatm'y. The.remohl!I"-• Also ~µled lpr .. ~pl~on at the Will be usedito provide additional.om~ same tilile i.s}a $41,000·iddiUon to the-Ci· sPac~ jor the 22-man Hurrtingtdn Beach ty Jail. plainclothes force wbicb 1las been It will augment the main jail by pro- operating in a building ·ori~y design-viding ·emergency short term fielding ed· for nine peopJe. • ' facilities for an additior:iaJ 50 people. According to Detective Comniander The concrete block building will comiist Earl Robitaille one of the biggest ad-of three large holding· cells and three vantages·of the new building will be the booking cell.I and.Should be of. .Wficient addition of .rest rooms. "We have no rest size to serve the City for the next four to rooms in our present building. For years five years, ai::cording to LL M. C. our office girls have had to run over to Burkenfield. Larwin Continues Tract, it waits W ot-d From~Court ! -~ ~-i'Constructioo on two model homel· in the controversial Larwin TraCt cimtinues While Fountain Valley officials await word ·trom Orange County· Superior Court on what action to •take concerning the Siructores. 'bn April 30 the Superior Court ruled in ravor of a suit filed by Eugene Van Dask to halt C{lnstruction of the 500 home, sinall-lot Larwin development. 1,The decision U expected to be appealed b)r Mayor Robeft Schwerdtfeger along With Councilmen Donald Fregeau and Joseph Coorreges. • Councilmen John Harper and Edward JUst opposed the Larwin Trad ·and were ift fav~r of the·suit agaipst the city. ... puWng • n>Of Oil and wrapping tbem in butii11n1 paper," said Emminler, Meahwhile, lurther-coort batUes IOOrn. as M8yor Schwenftfe;u says be an- ticipates flling 'an appeal• the' origioal decision. "I don't feel there is any ,.legal basis for the decision made April 30,'' said the mayor. COMPROMISE SOUQirr LaJt Thursday JUBt, SchwerdUeger and City Managtr James' Niit met in an at· tempt ~ find a compnwDJse. which would allow the Larwln COm IA> be"'· ..... . . -.... type of jf<vdopment'oo llo property. · llECALL lllOVEMENT "Harper llld I are willlng to 'Uk'lhat • • • 'Ille Latwin development also served as the !'.Oiling ot the pr_.iy In question be the st.imulll3 for a bitter recall movement , left ataodlnl "·said . Just; "whidl ~ !lunched against the m8yor,J'reg~u1ind aave lbe ~ Company about· '9· daya ~es. oo'z/Jtie charige )ir<ic<dures." · ' fclty Building Director Duane Em-Sui\eri!t' Court • JUiJae Byron • K. uliDge:r .says he has received no orifers McMillaO had ruled, that the SOM cha(lce >'i!t u to the legal. eflect of the court granted on the prope/ty ,. .. blvatid aJioa ~~jon on tht Larwm Tracl The Lannn with the use of .&lison Co. land for a park ' ~pany e11m•1tl1 hold9-b•u4~ d4•n I tte.-wt>k:h-would'"ba•e bee\• uaed ·to ~ lor the model homes under """ averal'! the· lot sile ot Llrwl"·-lo sei.ctiOll at Ibo. nor1hweat 'l'oms • of 7,200 ~ f,!d, , l\(agnolia and i;:uls1A-.iu~,.. "• ~ "Wt';Wl'1!'"11 tlii'~ ' "I pllj>-to 1-. ~· 1-v ":!ihllllg ,..._ -It ~~1"m tli ll'lo' llli adl P!'rmils to tbe LarwJn Conlpauf, ~ 'Villllq< ... lot sbes,'' aaYr JUll. "111\1 WO ~ ... "until a r.w court declllOll would lll:e the Larwln co. IA> beCln -iii reach<d." type of development Ibero u _, u ~He also said that Larwill officials posstDle." g>erely were going lo cvinllltle ....,ii Mayor·Schftrdlfegtr refuaed to agree cntruction oo the models lo proteCt b>-lillJ typa o1 ""JI~ .-q. IMi them from the weather. ••That mean! (See LAllWIN..-P•tt I) ~ ' I ' . .... -~· ' . ' . ~ ' ORA~GE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA , '· l . ' J t. ... TEN CE~ New Center . .. . --.t• Site ··Asked· . . Kaufman Suggests .S'01'thern Expo~ure Complex . ' . .... .. . . ,._ " By ~J,EElf ' sugg0$1i>gl011ctheclvlcc...tar-lite.. Nb-dlclil.ios w0r~ made._..,,uie Ill&• cwerthehlghso_boolsite. , ~ . . . ~~Ill:' i:J-llY "1, l lleff. " • .U-'out}inecl •by th&..,ccuDcllmms . the gatkll, bbl ,MQor Jack~Green.bekt .• ~t .1otal cost of tile pre.tent lite. acx:ordJQg A new-civic center location extending · present civic:· center'laDd Would 1bet. used m11tter dtet' ror decfiion at a special 7 to Dr. "KaafmmJ~ would be "'5,0 1'ilh from• the present main library in Hun-and 1at leNt one more block added,. mak· P·n:t· meeting at city billl 1'1'1ursday. another '411,tia added for .iDterest: .ewer Ungtoo Beach,~ to .. at: lejlst ·l?llye, Ing a ,~,ot about"il;it acres. Dr. !l@'!fi!l111._ aJ?ng with Councilmen 15 yeaJ'l. , . ' . Avenue~ and J>erbaps i9 the sea: was -sug-His plan~wOuld result in a cl vie center f'1 Bartlett and Gec:qe·McCraCken have The bich tCbool;slt,, be ~,would iest..i' lo!ooflay mlght. · b)' . Councllmau bounded by Olive , ~ ......, .. ,. tbe' sooth ~" the site prevloualy aelected by colt IMD,800 plbs 181'.!IOO bi Interest over HeijryKallfman. . . andMatn ·Stree1o01henOith·belween5th' the COUiicll at Main Slreet and Mansion tbe 15 year. loi a total cost of $U la 8 Meeting lasting ,UnW •. mid: 8{ld tth1 streets: New b"1ldlnp would be Av~ilue ~ trom 1Junti.ogton Beach million, compared to tb6> JI 11,0G for ~ nigfll,lhe council h~ a fall pre'!f'OlaUon con>lnicltd Of! the block ll<iuth of the High School. pr...,.;'llte pm. an addillooal..,. bloel<. on the economic possibilities of the old preRnt"Civic -center, acCording to 'Dr, He said Monday that the new proposal Dr. Kaufman ilso cli:imed tfti,t downtown area lollowed by Kaufman's Kaufman.• would aave the laspo)'.el'I at lull $jC;912 (Seo CIVIC ~!"I" I) Recall Cam-paign Becoming Bitter ' . By TERRY COVILLE Of ""' OlllY '"*' Shoff Issues are now beginning {o take a back seat to penonalit;es: tOday in .what shapes up as an extremely, bitter recall campaign in Fountain Valley. Opponents of small lots, including recall leader Eugene Van Duk, claipl Mayor Robert Schwerdtfeger called the shots for a. rough campaign when be shocked the City Council with his an- nouncement May s that be had been on the point of resigning but would not quit · his post. ; Small lolii, lhooe W~ 7,200 oquare 1"!'1--had ·•n,the . original Issue ·In a move to ~-~"-JqVW-;and 1Cctuo- cilmenllcmald·~~~oaeiill~r-. reges who ~re ~ an incrpsing nwnber of planned ·developments with laU l< -"'11 .,1:. nM. • ' ' i· t" ,. ' --·•..-.---~,ee "'-· BUt --of the jUall.:move-m!!'t .,. up ill arms a.er "" flleie!I "dilablO fdip'';\irlhe ~'in bll'~ ~~-. -.~. ~--·ol.11~,5 IDll'\IDI which niallY led to the ...,.,,.~ NliiiP.fli· lion liave· beeo rUUed 'by ,the may01•; Planning cmifnfai<*ler carioll Mi:tr, the map who ~ the meetlng,.and Van DS:U. leader al the recall·movement and the ..... who flled suit to halt Ille small tot Larwin tract, the original pplnt olcoatroversy. '!be' l!l!l:YOI' "YI be met With Mohr ·'!I'd Van ~ at. Mohr's 'home, wheie tliey d~ the possible resignailoo ·of one or more ~ to halt a recall elee- tloo wlli& would cel1alnly split the 'city into wai'rlng factions. Theb, Schwerdtfeger says 'le later call- ed Mohr to tell him he would resign. The Stock Markeu NEW YORK (AP) -Tlie stock market, after lW9 straight losing sessions, moved at.adily forward today and cloeed wilh a (air gain. (See quota. lions, Pages 10-11). Trading was fairly active near the close. 'PuµMIHARY A Sitn -J. . .. .'.1'·1.;,:; ... ~.<:· ~ mayor clalms Mohr called Van Duk. then returned the)llayor'• ~ tii'tell lilm h;. reslgnatlQn. -<Ollld be ~ IA> halt the recaJl. At thiJ point Mollr and. Van Dasi: '8Y •;No." "I told Bob , SChwerdtfeger earlier that (See RECALL,,PaJ~ I) N-ixon Urges Draft Lottery, \ ..-"' --..--....---·~ ~~~~~-~~~~. WASH!llG'tpN ,(~ J>resld<al.Nix- on asked~· to.set.up aran-dOll), IOtteFY "lyst:em for flte"il\illlhy draft. Nixon, recommended that 19-ytar.()JdS be subject td the·flrat eall but ·that they remain vulnerable to the. draft for ,ooJy ooe.year,ratber than seve .. as<lll!der the existing system. "It· is-my .conviction," Nixon said in a message to Congress; ''that the disrup- tive lmi»ct of tbe military ,draft on ln- divldll;ll . ~... shoUld I\< niiJliinlzeii .. muc~ as rJ>Ol4ible, consistent 1'(lth·the .na- tiona1 .securlty. ,li'or this reason ram~ daY l'l'kini l!!ec Conp-eaa for atilliority,b> implement lnlportanf draft reforms.': , The Presip~nt repeated his ~.that idea.J.J.y there sh!>ukl be an all-volunteer anned force fOr ,the:nation. He said he continued to beUeve that this ideal can be reached u'ndfr more! stable world · C{ln· diUon.s. He added: "Under present cooditlons, however, some kind of drait'will be' need· ed for the .~ediate ·future. As:long 15 that hi 'the case, we must ·do everything we c~n to limit the di~~lon caUS!?d by the system ~ to make it as fair u possible." · The chief executive offered a six-point (See DRAFT, Page I) ' . . ' • • • t • • • - Leisure· Worid ·Fire Guts · • ' • i • t . -• ' . . Home; Damage at $50,000 · . • ' . . ! . ' Fire· ~ept through -~ ~isure Wo!ld . aP8fP11ent.. unit Mooday,m'3f01ng, ~·, an estimated $50,000 damage to the strUc~ lure and, cobtentS. · . · . Mn. laabell Cross of Apt. F at 13824 · Fre!ih 'M.eadbw Lane; calle(t ·Seal· ~ch-~ firemen at Ul:49~a:m-. wtien sbe smelled i s:moi:e corrilng· from her' home while~she 1 was~ln 8Jl'adjointng la~ room .. i ·' When:firemen arrlV!d 'at the home only· three m.mutes later, they found the 11>- teridr and the root enveloped by· filJRes. · A.·atructural· fin>•taik foroe ""1liJting. of llhltS fton:i 'two· other ~ties·"waa • deployed' 1lr Seal Be•'-"'· i'lre\ ,(lhld_ Roo.ild • Adams when. he · aaw· thati five other J>eilhboring • ·apartm<nls wore· threatened by , tjle blue: . . lt <WU the lint time tl>at tbe .task, f' Council .S.tudies . • force, re<:ently :organ.iml ·by ~1 Orange County cities, was called -into· service. · A total of,31 men ancl'six units from 0,. cities or Seal Beach, Huntington Beach . and Wesbninster went to work oo t b e blaze andJ had it Under control by 11:10 a:m. ~ 'While firemen were putting out bUrrilng shingles on the roof, a. task force fropl the ' Leisure ·World' PhyslcaJ Properties· Department~ remo~ed. ·:eharr.ed fwu1ture tilom the burning home al)d asslsted ~khbors In ~ lhelr belonglsigs !lorn aiijoining d1'dllnl Ulllla which were also in darlger of-catching crt fire. 'Extensive 111DPPinl up ,,_-,.,,. r<quired and the last ltre units did not r~tum to theii stafioili Untb 4.:Xl·p.m. :cause of ·the fire is sWI undei 'm. vesUgation. · ' . • • U you Waq1t to Me \¥ sun W~- ' neoday,nlon~ blink bttwoen I and 4 P·~· ~1,1c:,laucly-lkies will cover the orange Coast. with temperatum in•the'~tral sixUes. INSIQI! ftD.t 'Y ), J l . I ' . j I • • • T ..... .., :U, ·1M DoWnto wn ~·'Below :rage' But Catching Up ' Dr. --,.,.., .. Ibo -Co., 1+ 4"C f.oDrweic Re1earcla A I' ., . __ .. _ *I z- ...... -Cll7 -------le s:ucty .. the ........... .,.., He aid tbal the medi>o lncocne ID the city bu -below the county .,....,e but 11 apeeted to cotdl up by tbe md ci the 19'/0's. "'->Uy U ii about ll,51111. Popolatlan In tbe city ii apeeted to be •t -by 1980 llDd theto will be 75,411 -lital II: the ......... p!INll• -.PtEZ r.-.. u , Wiiie _.. ..s,i .. -. "'II'" • •''" I or ,_.i mops ·-certain things to make them hap-,_•am l \flf '#'P'fll..._ MW'1t•· I aa~J=-11111• §JAi Mt Aaortol"Portaof pen." I r'llrll,lll' I J_tll_ .. "'1111 -•· ..... °". Wfl-..u hp•......... -11:1-.,-·11cwtlh-lc> ''"' -111:c_e ......... ._.. . .... ........................ di)' -.. I\' ,-I ........ -· .. ~ ::.: 0 ......, ..... -.r !11 -".. - -·-·bole! ..d molt! ,.,.,.,.... to -l the l r ••• ' 4• _,., --lo 5 .,. a.I ... f;lllill. Ill -~ -wllP be oeeded fe< In, downward In the.area. will be Well lboft tbe tlll per -th &aid. ,,,. n...rdl ,.,,,.. . .,_ !hit dullrt: Ptaonlng Consultant Ted Ad>ll said the mart. Illes ire up about I per et:nt :n lbe city Tbt iJDtd1an income lbould be up to research data had been •pplled to a ten- Retail sales now m below tbe cwnty u an averqe, but down 5 per cent tlliMO by lllO and the activttlta ln tM ta.Uve master plan for the dow:ltown arta ,,....._Newport Beed, u Oil -mpla, -. -.U .,., abcRcld g-.te-..... sbowtng """"' 30 BCftS of highway MCCOrdlog to Dr. Ashley, hu almost twice He said 1.4 mlllloo IQuarf! feet of new 35,000 job!. related commercial, 10 acres of the retail ales of. the county averace. ~lail sales area will be needed downtown ''These are not. blue sky projections,·,• neigbb<r'bood commercia1 development, while Huntiogton Bead! 5:al -..,iy by lllO llDd mucb of l\ abollld be In Dr. Aahley said. "The1 att reuoaal>le 30 ocreo of """""""'Y commerdll. I lell -Ibo......, -apedt1t)' ............. to _...tlan -al wba1 cu bapp1c1 ti.the dtj acrea of-1tJQ-.,.,.., It at ollkol, ii? .. Pollution Report On SA River Due A report lo tbe Calllomla Aaaembly Natural Ro-... Committee on the Santa Ana River water pollution aituatton will be made ln about two weeU, ac; cording ·to a 1pokesman for AJlsemblyman Robert H. Burke (R·Hun- Ungton Beach). A:cthored by committee consultant Rod Tuttle, who Monday made a personal in· spectLon trur of the Santa Ananaiver area, the report ii expected to favor more unlform ltandard11 for dumping of wastes into the river and into irrigation ' From Page 1 LARWIN ••• could not make any move, 1'without the advice: of legal counsel.'' U an appeal is made, COWlCilmen J ust and llarpez: will be joined by Planning Commi.ssi~ Carroll Mohr in their stand against the Larwin development dilcba, sail! Ma~ W e y u k er , Ad-' miniitraUve usillaot to Burke. During !be tour, TulUe viewed the beaches, the river, lhe Prado dam and the Rivenlde sewage treatment area by car Md by hellcopter. "1t ii my hope," said Burke, "that reconunendationa for lqislation to set up emergency procedures and prevent recurrences of this type of dlwter will come oul of Tuttle's Investigation." Beach Requires Parade Permits An onflnance requiring • permit for parades In Hunllngton Btach palled first reading Monday night by the City Coun- cil without a complaint from citizem or w councilmen. of Industry, U· of motel" 7t of hlglc rllaf. apartmetc\J. 110 of medhnn 4'0allY ..................... - -'"" 1.llt" ....... ,..., ..... Industrial ~menl Is needed f , • keep lb holds t*\8:. according to Adill, __. who pointed out that lhe city has plenty or undeveloped land In the atudy 1rt1 and that Ir the development ii to occur In the downtown commercial area the land, costs will have to come down th:'~ devices 11uch as write downl by ... : · streel ueu in wemll!lng land for .• development. F,.... r.,.1 CIVIC CENTER __ • Mtkend parking revenue could deduct u . ~ much as Sl2,000 annually from the "7,311- bonclwvlce costs Jor •net yearly coat of SSS.383 for the civic center alle. HI• figures were l:nmedlately cballena-,; ed. by opponents of locating the civic.. center downtown. Led by Crll C. Crla and •. Robert Dingwall, tbe opponenb polnlld out that the clly llkei31 would Mll tl:t present alte and that money lho~.._ :n:t'.: deducted from the cost of the high llCDOOl • Site. In addition, they cl.aimed that it would be doobllul that beach patrom woul<I; park thiee blocks away from the beach:,_ at a cost of 75 cents or Sl'pe.r day. Pointed to the report of the Urba~, Land Institute panel which made a studs of city problems late in 1~. Dr. Klluf· man said lhe ULl had nicommended a downtown site because of the poWblUty. of shared parking facUlties. •• He also ezplalned thal il tbe Parkin1 Authority goes ahead with a plan to acoo quire the rest of tbe blockl from Ollv~~ Avenue to ~ sea for a parklnl fadllt1 there would be an almosl 1CCCObstruclld. ' view from the ocean to tbe civic center. - The city akeady bu dealln•led tbe . high 1ebool ~le as the place fer tbe ...;." civic center. That action WAI on a 4..J~ vole with Mayor Jack Green and Coun!: cilmen Jerry Matney, Donald D. Shipley · and Al Coen voUng for the site. From Page 1 MARINE CORPS l'PRl'70HTER TRAINS HOSE OH· OLD HUNTINGTON BEACH HOUSE Proctlco M<lbt Ptrhct in Trolni"I Progrom p,.,,5c1M by Loc•I Dtptrlment Mohr said today, l'The-best interests of the city wou ld ..not' be·_served by any further court 11ction. After reading the minority position (Harper and Just) sub- mlttec:I to the court on 4.prU 30, I decided their ldeu on the: facta were most closely in line with my. own view of Ule facts in the caae." • • · ~ '" · ... The ault filed by Van Daak, leader of the rteall movt, named both the city council and the planning commission. Now Harper, 3ust and MOhr have essen- tially placed themselvet on the aide of the Van Duk IUit. ne propoeal had firlt appeared before the council a week ago as an emergency measure, but the need for an emergency measure was challenged by a teacher, Miss Jacqueline Davie who urged the council lo use "normal deliberative pro- cesses" in considering the parade control law. A> revised and passed Monday night the law will require payment of a $25 fee, adherence to a set of conditions enforced by the police and a permit issued by lhe city administrator. DRAFT .•. 'Practice' Fire Realistic Enough In Huntington ,,.,,.. -tbnlQlb ,. old -at 1111111 -Blvd., llwrt5ngtoq -Moadaf m«nlSW llDd cruled • dmte .i.r al asnob over -al tbe CIQ''• ,,,_ __ Tbe fire bad all Ibo -" being the nol lhlDI, wltb fin ....--lurioullY to .,...... q1llCldllDg ........ ol waler far aevmt men boidlni the nozzles. · And it WU IO ru11aiC tblt at least CM report" rucibed to the aceno llDd mapped half a roll of pictures before he wu told that lt wu just practice. The old boule WAI Ignited for the benelil of llboilt 1J Marine Corpo fire fighters wbo ... eurreally tralnlllg with tbe Hliiitingtoo Beacb Fire Department to gain experience in aUnguiahing struc- ture tirea. Slccce April 28, the City flre department hat beau llvlng clwroom .. wen .. field instruction to three aud1 groups from the Santa Ana Marine Corps Air Fa<:Ully. Accordl!lg to Fire Capt. J. V. V1Dcecct. the men art members of a fire and rescue squad and will put their training to load UH al thi bue U I atnJctW'e fire ahould ever occur. "Part of our one-week coune provides the mm with the moat rullstJc training pog.sible, which o( course, includes set.ting fU.. In abendoned houau llDd giving them a fire flghttnc problem whicb they are upected to tolve." aid Vincent. ·' lekrt N. W--4 '"""*"" .... ...,.. ... ....... c..i... vie. ,,..i.ni -co-J ,..... n-•• l e99!1 """ 'ft•mM A. Mw,.tll• ~l!llNIW AllNrl W ..... , Wil i•• •••4 A1..ci.N -4..__ hKA I!•• , .. , ... ................ ~ Jot lfk $tr• .. M.ifi"t Aiiir•MI ,,o .... 7'0, t2641 --"""""' "90!: tJU .....,, ........ .._. (Mlt ... , -W..1 .., .... , ~ 1Ml:111 ttJ """' A¥tllul -. ,.,._ r.,., 1 recommendation, topped by chant!ne from an oldest·flrst to 1 youngelt..llrst order of call IO· a young man woWd · become less rather than more vulnerable to selection as be grows older. · RECALL FIGUT BI'ITER ••• The measure comes up for final adop- tion on nert Monday night. I ~ attempt to b<lp atop the nc:aJ1 U poaihle," .. ,. Mohr, prevlaully -unin-. wlYld figure, "bat I thlnl: il 11 olwloul oo -... ....-·to atop • nc:aJ1 llDd .. prtllnlm: were made." Vu Dilt llDd Moler both "Y tbal dur· Ing the meeliAg .. reatlJllll<>c>c Wert W· ed for, and that~ WAI the mayor'a own cbolce to reslp. However, on May I, tbe mayor an· nocmced that the "lllory of bll realgnaUon bad opread lhrouaboot tbe city, Md due to the number of phone calla he received asking him not to resign, he could not -rt -who aupport him. Mohr came away from that meeting angry, not over the mayor's decision, out his method. "Resigning or not resigning was his decision," .says Mohr, "but be way in Which he did not resign did nothing but damage relallom In the city, be went back on his city." Van Dask'a word3 are i little: stronger, "ll was staged merely to gain •ym· pathy.'" . Al it staodJ now, the mayor c1alnul he: made his emotional at.ale1nenl in a tense situation, without rea11y planning it. Van Dask and Mohr claim it was a dellberale move which wW make the pen.. dlng recall fight even worse for the city than ft might have been. An addiUonal attack on lhe rtcall movement was launched thi1 week by the mayor, who said an inveatlgaUon Is being conducted into the alle1e<1 lrregularltiea of lndividuala circulating recall petitions. Van Duk called the mayor 's allegations an "un"arranttd attack," ..ind explained, "We have obtained lt:gal •d· vice: on every aspect of recall proctdurt and have followed evuy (actt com· pletely. No irrt(Ularities have been rtporttd to us.'' Luhlng out at the mayor, Van Duk Aid, "It wouki lfltm the p.ibllc attack by the mayor is another desperate effort to get attention. I do not believe that dedicated people 'signing nor distributing the petitlom will be intimidated by this unwarranted attack:" ' If and when an actual recall elecllon e<mes, Schwerdtfeger has promised a "ri~mortng campal111." "U t.htrt b . a campaign, 11 llld the mayor, "I'll demand d,ebatea. In every publlc forum ln the city, with unlimited questl<m fr<lm lhe audlenee. It'• the only way the Issues can be unclouded." Neither Van Das.k nor Mohr hive 1ny polillcll a!Jllr•Uona, they both slated. Mohr uld he h a d hoped to avoid a recaU tloctloll Md spm the city the bid publlcity, but he added, U an election comes, "I'll loot at it just Ukt aey other electJon. II a beuer man oppoiea the mt1<" or the other COWlcllmeo 1 '0 vote for him, if not. I'll vote for them." Vu Dasie bu contlnually cnalnlalned that Ills 1n..,1.._t In the ...,.n acUon Is not pollttcally motivated, "I ha" no inlenUoo ol being a caocUd1te and no ont on the <leded boon! of lhe Jl'ounlaln Valley Clvlc: Aaoctallon (lbe-prlmary group -1111 the recat: umpa!inl will be 1 candidate in 1 recall elecUon," he empllaalzed. Po1sibl1 c1ndld111tt1 to oppo11e tht tbrefl councilmen undet •llack ha,. not be<n announctd Ind may not be u.nttl It la ctr'· lain the rtcallm have the llOCllllC')' 2,lGO signatures to [O<ea a roe.all election. But th_!_ campaign II aJmq undet way, even if behind the 1«nes, and it promllel to be rough. Both akSes have apparenUy agreed that attempt.I to llVt the city from recall ~ DOW fruitleu. Front P11ge 1 PARKING ••• would wip< out lht blighted IJnt block in· land from Paclflc coast Highway. lnl•nd from the 13.t million pn>Ject wNch could be financed from revenue bonds, tbe clly woold vme tbe land ror specially shopo, office buildlnp, retail neighborhood service shops llDd mu!Uple family homes. The idu, said Adsit, 0 i! to mate an environment of recreation and then bring in the ln\tf:stoni and customera ... The parking lot proposll mel a cool rteeptlon be<:ause of Its scope. Jack Froggalt, vice prtsident of the Hun- tington Beach Co., ownera of about one lblrd of the land propoced for the parking project, said bis company would oppose condemnation. "U what you are after la parking we will build you a parking lot," ~alt loJd the cowicil, "but we think the highest and best ust of the land la for something other than a parking lot." David Holt, representing his mother Martha Holt, owner or much of the waterfront property in question, called the councilmen "landgrabben". "You are usi.ns: this plan to deny us the rl&ht to develop our property. It's wron1. wrong, wrong. We accuaed you two years ago of trying to grab our land and here yoo are grabbing It." Cris C. Cris, pmldeot of the HOME CowicU, ildded bll wke In oppoa!Uoa. "I will oppoee tbia plan.'' "You are laiklng aboal a marginal plan hued on putting ..,. compeny In a dllad- vantqe." CouncUmao H""Y Kaufman llfd the "major tbnul al tbe plan II to provide for the belcb goer. ~unlQ' neecll for laking oore of tbe beach mull come r~"·" he claimed. . "I find tbal a liltle difflculllo swallow," retorted Robert Dl.ngwall of the HOME Councll. Monte Nltlkowakl lnld the council that "U you belleve tbal llOC!lething ii """" down then (the old downtown com· mercial area) then' we need a declalon. "· The clly Mid-beach Developmenl Com- mittee voted It to I with Hofler Sllttt voicing dJaenl, to tend the parking pion to Iha Urben Land lnatl""' Cittiam Sl<erlng Cammfttea lot fllrtlcer i1111<1Y. Councilman AI C-acaated that the committee ml.Pt need .. irlltnlcUon" and polnled out that at !wt .... of the three parts of the parking _. mtpt be acceptable to the council. Ms,... G-called the .....ta! mtetinc for 1bunday to 111nstrvdn-1be IJJJ Committee. . 'Armed' Man Arrested WASIDNGTON (UPI) - A .... car-I rylnf br.. knuckles llDd a can-al Lining llp for Contest DAILY rtLOr "'" ....... ' These eight Fountain Valley Hi~h School coeds will be among entrants seeking Miss Fountain Valley cro~n in annual pageant J~e 14. From left are Lon Henderson, Deborah Quinlan, Diann Jordan, Jud.Y \Vilson, Barbara Rice, Vicky Nelson, Linda .: Arl1ano and Tonda Grimes. Entries are sWl being accepted for event ccrsponsored by Chamber of j Commerce and Fountain Valley Women's Club. DECORATOR AND MODEL HOP.1E RETURNS Spanish and Mediterranean Furniture Al New Top 9uallty Brand Names A Decorator's Drea!ll Home Is On Display Over Sl00,000 Worth of Spanish & Mediterranean Furniture to Choose From! Items•• tollo.ws: Gorgeous 8 ft. c.ustom <\uilted aofe with 1ep•r•t• pillows with heevy 01k trim decor 1nd m1tch1n9 chair, ) matching 01k ocf)eslon•I t bl 121 SI" tall dtcorttor lemps, hannin9 ch1ln 1w1q limp In w,0 .. ght · • ••• I · k' • . b d 11 • • .. iron, •n ·f.••ce 1n9 ~1st m1star • room 1~1t1 1.n p•c•n p1n1l1d Med iterreneen st le w:··~ top quality s y11n w1rr1nty k1n9 1111 maffr111 end box springs s r h d1n1n9 set, etc. · p1n11 ' Any ,itce can be purch111d individually. Drop by and ''' our •tlactlo of top quality Spanl1h and M1dit1rr1n11n furniture , , . f1 nt••tlctlly priceG'j COt.WUTE HOUSEFUL WAS REGUARLY $1521.00 . MUST IACRIPICE POR ONLY 1111 f'11r11il111·t• 1811 Newpo rt Plvd Co<ta Mo\o I only I '698°0 TERMS -WI CARRY OUR OWN ACCOUNTS ~~~-~~~ . early todq.ji-the 1attt of the Wblte AT HAl-IOU. •-•at House, po!W rtported, .... _________ "°':' _____________ ....;::;:.:~-=·:~:: ___ .J • • For The 'I • Record . ' • ' ' ' ' Meeting• Wh>MISD.l't '-'tlli ......... ~ C"Ao, f111• '"' Qi.• • .,,_'"'· lfl'.51 8M<a •in .. "''"""''°" 8Nd\. 12;1J p,m. 'W~ l:J_,. CIUb, ·H1.,..~ hw!., 1 ... l ltMfl IML, W.tn'INlv, ·12:lf .. "" "'-le ·s..ttrlllt lAd9ll No. ?II-~ Mt .. !( T-.•, IJ!fl S!Nef N'l!lll St. ~ ,.s.or. ,._,, ~ '1 ...... CNN ltJt 1"1'"'4 ~ 73. 20nl Ac:«1t st .. co." --... 1 '·"'-HVfltll!I*' _hKh Mnonle Lodlt, Mfforllc ... II. lOS LI-• Avt., H\.lllo llnt"llMI lffdl. 7:3' '·"'· N1..ort ata(ll All'MflirAon Lt11IM. Poat Jtl, 21S lstti $!,, NNllWI 8Mdl. • ~. ICnlthb cf C11umtiv. Jllbl!M Counc:lt, No. °"' St. ,ioedllm Hill, ~ Dtl1'" ......... C11118 Mew, • IA. Or-C1111"ty W Clutl, Eb Cl.lb. M» vi. o,wio, H~ Bueti, l ::IO .. ~ C:O.t $1ft11"9, YMCA, noG Vl'll"""ll't' Pf'lw, N-!1 8"cfl, 7:X '·'"· ttecowrv '"'• Hutlltl'lt""' BNcfrl Hlell $Ch001, It-133, lt«I ""'" ,,,, H1111t1 ... I011 Bff(h, I '·"'· Collt Mn• Junio!' CM"*f of C-~. C•I• Met.II Golf •rid coumrv C1Ub. 7:• •·'"· TMUaSDAY "'"°"'Lites TMlfmMkr'I (ll,lb, Ont,.. c~. F•1'ilot! Iii.net, Nll'W'Ml1 C..,IH, H--1 ... di. 1 '""· lrNk1-t O.tlmkt Clult ol COii• ~. Conil aM ltntfur•llt. 766 HerW l!Yd.. Cos!• MeW, 7'311 1.m. Ba.rd of lt .. lll:n. N-'1 H•ftlo,.. Coslt Mes•, l•lbN 81y C!uD, N""'1 a.-c.h, I •.m. W"'IM1M"°" ltllt1ry C•ob, l(Jrp~ T1b!e ltHla1,1r1nt, Wnlml~~r. lt -l:llWllft Cllltl of H-' Kaf'tlor, Stun Shir! ttnt11111flt, N~ 6ffdl. 12 llloll. k lw11111 Chrb of Cosl1 Mfu-Nortll, Coral ttut ttmwr...i. 26'! H1rbor 9 1vd .. Gm.ti Mesa, 11:10 p.m. N•WPDrl l-l•rb!r 1Ctw1nll Club, vm1 Marini, ID'S ll1y1!cle Drive, Nrwpeirl llrach, U :l& "·"'· FGOJ11tll1t V1lley 1Cfw111l1 Club. Fr111- «111'. 11151 IHch lllvd., Hllllllnllon &Nd'I, 12:1S p.m. ~-lrvl ... ltollrT Cklb, 0.11Jeh,, "31 9r111ol St .• Codi Mesa, 12 "'*'· or1 ..... CDIHI Clvlhll Club. Flllc1•"'"• 1617 Wfltc:Ufl Drlw, Nrrtll>Orl Bueti, 12:15 p,m. Divorces INT•llLOCUTOllY JtmQ '11'1"'91'11 L-VI Lucltla Oll'olla L-r ' Sllmrr 5ttln vs """' J111e 5tel" K1fl'llerll Norllll Olli~ YS JDl>n Alelf ctiilnlrr1 ~ Wl1111 WIY YS lorttll IE. Wl'I' $Nto11 J. Pru.ti VI J9rnr M•C Prwtf C.r'Cll Sue Miiiett YS Philip D1lt Mllllff MalY J-'!lnt Wlllll vs l'heolklrl T-..end Wltsll P"9Y L. SrY111 Yl J1m11 A. SrYllt Vtr'nl MM Be,.rr VI Dort•ld H. Srrttr ll1rt111r1 A. RMI YI Rol»rt C. R- M•l"ll' lllt'det'le F11r VI Wllflam H. Fair "' 111<1!1!rltt D. McC1U11m v~ C11'dt •· M<Colll,11'11 Orlll M. Plncktrd vs Tommi• C.rr PlncUrd Parntll DllM C""'nlnehlm vs G1r1Y • Lrt Cunnl ......... DlirH L11 C.l'lon VI wm11m OeWf'll' D1Flon Linde Gtnr T1ylcr vs Robert J1mt1 T1ylor Leo!• s. R•I-VS ll*rl Peur Jl•bo• Fr1ulell9 E111I-vs Ernr,1 <. EtolfKl!ll Chr!1!!111 C. J-5 ¥t SltPiWl'I A:1y -Sl\lftwl le1 llllln' n Presl'Dn Alltn ... .., ~ L .. Glrtll'lll' VII G\eM Alll<I .. Gird-' • "'" S. Y-... .Jolln N. Yount Vlmllt Sy1Yt1 BorMGff VII Tl>eodort E1rl ....... MirflMI I". "'"'""°" 'VII Clffford M. ...... ~ ....... IY M. Colrm.11 YI Henry If ColotrM11 Llfld1 L. Hlnlns on Sllt'll' W. HlnlM Teri JHl'I ~lrnln vs Jldt Jae """""" Death l\'otlres MACKEL ll)'NI IC, MICM{, Dlte al dt1!h, M1y '· 5"rv!Wd tr¥ -. HlfUY 111d J.,nu Mtldc~I .. ,,,..,....., Pl!ricll ~!. l"rt...te ..rvkft _,., ~Id. Rostdelt Mort!HIY, OlrKfOl'I, STEVENS H.....,.,.. J. lll'YflM. •Jl Hlth Drki!, \.Hll.._ llffdt. Del! Of tltlll!, MIY H , !urtlwd by four 1Kttrs "-Holl1nd1 .i1t.r·l~i.w, Etll1 Whllt1ker, earl,_ b9d1 trWld, J-1 Slf'ldl1J\, of la C. ,,... ttt'l'Ulem ....... _, ~fed 1t f 1.rn. fl'llt rnonil111, TllffdeY, 11 51. t..Jtterr .. S1-C1!hollc Church. L .. fUM. 1,,..,.,..,,., Good ~ (lm- ~rv. DI~ by ll1"1 Mor'lll•l'Y• »a !!, Cont Hl1~w1,, Ccron1 drl .. ,. ATrER!DGE CeOtlll S. A11WlclM. 2«lt 1r"l'I~ Avt., Coll• Mew. 0.le Of dNlll. /Ny 12. S<lfvlwcl by -· TIIDmlt. of (Olll Mirwl _.. ll•'ffl'Ond of L•kr F-1, lln .... 1 dlUll'llen. Rtllo L!JndHfl. Lalli f ... t. Md DorolhY Larson, Hltl'lllncl 1"1111:, IVIMIU 11 ,.,..llC!dllldrtll ll'ICI J ,,.Hnnddtlktretl. Slt'Vleft, Wltl- dly, ll 1.m .. P.C:lffc \/Jew 0..1111. I"" termenl, Uk1 Fo...-1, Ul!nols. P1cil· tc vr.w MorftHrv, Dll'lcion ARBUCKLE & WEI.SB Wede.IHI Mortuary U7 E. 17tll SL, Costa ~fcP 1 UMW BALTZ MORTUARIES Corolla tkl ~far OR 3-H50 Colla Mua Ml f.!4%4 BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY 110 Brolldway, Cotti !\ten LI l-la3 DILDAY BROTHERS HuU ..... Vlllef M-1 17111 -Blvd. Hlllllln&lon Buch " 141-mt , PAClFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK c.mdeT • Morlufl' CHptl J$ll Pldfk: Vtew Drive Newport B<oc~. Callforala -PEEK r.uw.Y COLONIAL FUNERAL HOME ?Ill Bolu A ... w .. 1m1o-- SllEFFER MORTUARY I.qua-. Uf.IAI SaaCltm<ole CIMlll SMITH'S MORTUARY 111 Mllll lk. llntlqttl- LE Miit . . 1 1 QUIT' -~Bright red buttons with the prominent letters "IQ" are being worn b.Y lonner smokers throughout the nation. Mrs. Paul II, Holmes, (right) execu- tive commtttee member of the Orange County Branch of the American Can· cer Society, presented Mr. and Mn. Andy Devine with the first of the "IQ" buttons. Devine, a Newport Beach lilm star, was a four pack a day smoker ~nd has now joined the 11IQ" bandwagon. oc Goodwill Fund Drive Session Set SANT A ANA -Plans for a $300,000 Goodwill Industries of Orange County building fund drive will be formulated at a breakfast meeting May 11, ~ chairman William Aldrlcb and Robert Welch have annouoced. Aldrich, p u b 1 J c relations director for the Irvine Com- pany, and Welch, Orange businessman and member of the Goodwill board of direc- tors, accepted leadership ol lbe campaign this week. The fund drive,' they ex· plained, is part o{ Goodwill . plans for expansion of its rehabilitation program for the handicapped, involving two additions to the Goodwill plant at West 5th and Fairview streets, santa Ana. Total estimated cost of the two structures is $831,222 of which $476,664 will be received in state and federal grants on a matching fund basis. The $300,000 goal of the drive, which will start June 11, will compllte the required matching funds, according to Gaylord Hicks, executive vjce- president of G o o d .w-111 IndustrieS. ~ , .:'. 1 The fii-st o( the t w o buildings, an addition of 12,000 square feet to the existing prG- duction plant, is already undtr : con.stniction and will be com- pleted in two weeks, according to Hicks. Cost is $105,670, plus $10;000 for equipment. The second structure, for which bids will be asked about Junl!! 10, will be an evaluation a n d rehabilitation facility, completl!! with m e d i c a I services. A two-story concrete building, it will also houae a cafeteria. chapel and ad- ministration offices, adding nearly 26,000 square feet of floor space. Completion is planned for about Jan. l , 1970. Cost is l!!stimated at $555,552, with an additional $167 ,000 for equip- ment and furnishings. Coast Man On Board • . . Andy!ls Quit You Can Get Button Too TUSTIN -Newport Beach resident Andy Devine, niovie actor and forme r four-pack-a- day man, now sports a red badge of courage. ·called the IQ button, the pin ls available to anyone who quits smoking, as Devin' did. It stands for "I quit." Devine, former c r u s,a d e chairman for the American Cancer Society, said upon rectiving his button at Orange Coupty cancl!!r Society head- quarters here: "I fttl the badge signals a personal vcltory over a habit which is difficult to break. Eight County Authors Honored at UCI Event I. See by Today's Want Ads e R.am Size! Roll """""1 In 1hl.o Kll'C •lie bed, and get better 1lcep. A grtat bargaill, • , quilted, complete, never u...i ••.. S96. e Retraction Atrni:cTion: Retracta.ble clot.bell line, \L!ed fot a Wt')' .llbort thne, SIS. • ' .hea..U,. ,_. tiiclovd •ben not ln ute, . -"""' Well, thit one's a cam~r •.• .'51 vw. with 1500 tfl-••ne. . . . ..,c>d 1... ,....., Jona: hauls. New paint, In eKCeUent condlOon. • , • 13:15! • Rare Qoaolc' A 1SM Mm II ContlaentaJ Oa.ulc. • -.t:n A·L CObd1. Oon, Empn!p •illtt. Hard .. ftnd lw!ury, -... Alrpor~ _Problem Before Planners ' LAND SALES At the site and Lim~ indicated below WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, lff9 s51t •/I ll'· '1" v. ... -""""-...,·,.-M_1t1_1_,,_IM ________ o_Al_l_V I'll.OT t LEOAL NOTICS .. .. • -~-~---~----....---------------------~-·-·- ' " )Ore Found PllOllNlA l I/ P I ) Silo•• -Inc., AYI • ---lhat u..., "" G.4 mlJlloo """ -ol ~ 111&11 &Tade 1n>n oro In Its -oquare -lll>cl< -.In clq>osll In Pinal c:.aaly, Nii. The tvaluallon --by Dewitt Smllh & Co. of New York. LEGAL N<71'1CE oceallic A-f1llld iwlstllw In tlis . -""""" ond ... Gf the OCllfll and its ftlOllrCIS ---·-------111i...,.~1 ... ... ,..., ...... H .. Yft, M.Y. 1 ...... 1'1 .... ..,--• ~u• °" th• -flGll"'pt.IC f1,1~, l1tt, ..... • H Yowr MOReff'• Worth OVER THE COUNTER Just How Solid Are Gold Lures? •A•·U20 NOTICE TO CltEDITOIS SIJ,1"1110• COURT OF THE STATIE 01' (llLll'OIUUA FOii TH• COUNTY OF OAANGI ........ Elt•"' of MAltGAll:ET C. lllYOEll • .......... NOTICE is HElllESY GIVEN to the crtdl~ "' lf'le •boft fl.lmM d ....... llWt •II ...,_ i'lotYiflll ci.1mi .... Iris! thr Nici ~ •rt l'f'CIUll'td to lilr """" Wlflf 1'llt _.,.,. VOY(Mf'I, In ll!t oltlQ 1111 tt. dltft ol tflli tbove ffllilletl (00,tff, or '9 ~ ~ wllfl IM rtettJMl"I' ~ ho tfWi 11fllll!r1iirnell al ll!t ol'l'la of 1'11' AJtomlV, AHrtd D. WlNl-1. IUll E. S.. Mlefllo DrJw, Loni l,Kll, C.lifwfll• ,_,, Wftkh, It thl •IKI o! b!.l5JfttM ol "" ~lllllN '" •ti ll'lftlirn Hrtelftlni9 to ll!t t$'9i. of .aid ~I, wlfhlft ,_ rnonltls 1Utr the flm PUllllU- llon et 11'11• nDtk 1. 01ttd APrll ts, !Mt Rltfl~rlf (, R'lllef' Adml<11itlrf1or of ""' E!ttlr 01 tN •till-. "~ dt<tdMI All'llED D. WILLIAMS, fM, All'lr"'' " L•• list fi. S•" ••Mlll'I Drltt, ~ ••Hfl. Clllft>rllll ,.., Tiie C1UI l1Ul7'~ AtfOrllrl fw Ad"'lllftlr..., Putlll~ 0rti"91 (6"! D1I" ,.I~, ...... u " 111d ""' '· u. to, ,... 111..-t Voit Hoiiored n. \V. Livingston (center), Scars ~thletic Equip- menl Buyer, presents "Symbol of Excellenceu a\vard to George D. Godfrey, president, W. J. Voit Rubber Corp., as \Villard O. Vo it, Voit chairman. looks on . The award. made to Voit for the third tjme. was presented this year to only 290 of Sears' 20,000 merchandise sources . :M:UTU ASSETS OVER $425,000,000.00 HEAOOFFlCE ,315 EootColorMo "°"''""'""'~ P111dlrr'9t Catlfomta 9 1109 INGS OTHER MANCH Ol'l'1Cl!S ---~ a ae11dllle ! Ii WliCI Illa m Ill SAnlCS • ~ ASSICIAJWI cu pm Tuesday's Closing ·Prices -Complete New · York Tut141), M11 ll, 1969 H Stoe k Exchange. List ............. a..Cltl. -... DAit V Pll OT J.l . ' IWL.IW..'-0.Dll> .... .. < .. I • ' • > ( • • ~ I! DAJLV rlLOT Twsday, May 1', 1969 : • • • • • • • For the ·Record U ~S. Scatters B52s Planes Vulnerable to Russian Threat ' • Meetiag• TUUOAY ;llllfatY CMI _, ,.._..a1111M. lrvlM COUllll'Y Club, Id e. Coa11 HlthWll¥, ' COl'ON dfl Mtr, •1• •.m. !T•I~ Cllllt. 'f1W, I(~ l~ , ,..._.,,11, w .. fltl.....,. • 11.fl'I. •c.tl Yftll"ltas•I ... ,_. I.. .... ~ Ctuo. ~ 'llWCll C-ITY Ctf,lb, .r.'"' (Cldl MeY, l:U Jl.tl'I, !l1lbo9 .. ,. Lioofl CM, VIiia M&tlM, • 10.U h\'tlidl Dtlft, ,._, 9Mcl\, , '·"'--• S.I -..0 T-hnatlet't C ... , HI :. 11..-cl'I Hou9a. ,.. Ptclfk: C- ' Hlll!W9Y, SM! ~. 1 '·"'· ; H""'llneloll tNdl r:•1 l.odll9, E•., , ("""" .. (lcMn Aft., H1,onllrlttoll t IMdl. 1:31 ....... .. ..,,, .... fie .. .._....,... .... EnaM.....,...I llf ltrtlel" SI-. I Qwmt Sir..llle hi Amefk a, CMll ), Meu ctawtff. Collete P1i* SCfioOI, • 2llO MolN o-. Cost• ""'"'*' 1;'5 . '·"'· . • Soutll COMI ActM ~ CN!t. \Ill._ : 11111. 119 MM'"'' lslDM Island. 1:• 'L~:O:M. MOD5e MD. 115'. QS e. 11'1h • St,, Coste ,..,._., 1:15 1.m. ' Or_. C-1 ll'N I l 'rllh Mint llldff, r-ie ~ron. "' w. Httl\11-. COlll Mtsa. l :U •-""· W•DMf:IDA'I' • 111'.Nt Fltme TtM11trM1tel'\ Clull, Mela V1tde COllntry Club. Cosll Mftol. 7 · ci!,';· ~._. c .. 1r l"-c1u11, ' OdW1 Cofffll ~-11? £. 17'11 $!., : CM11 ~t1.m. , Hllrlt .... ton aNdl E•dla1'1941 Club, \ Shtr•ton llffdl IM. HVl'ltl,..iort ·, llelCll. 11 -· ·Wnm<.,_t« Olotlmbl Club,. k~'I # t•-•ntN1111t, Wnlmlilsltf', ·12 -i.C911' ,,_ OPlll!llsl Club, C.1' ~ . ~If •llCI C-lrY-CIVll, 1191 GOii (OUl'M Orlw, Coll• fMM, 17 ,_, I Cos!• ~ tlot11Y Club, C•h 111WU Goff INI c_.1,.,. Club. C.11 ~. ,,_ Wnlmlnsltf' E11cl'llol>M Club. Hl'P"""' • Inn, 14041 fleldl 111¥1:1,, Wnlmllll'9r. •. ,,,_, •kunllneloft a..cr. Liolw ci.iii.Merth. , ~a.111 c-ITT Club, Hunllneton •. Blt..:11, U:lJ 1.m.. ·,N_.., H1rb0r a.1 G•-· vni. ;. MlrllM, JG&,S l1ysld9 Drive, ~-rt Bt1dl, n :u P.rn. GiortJIMI Mc.Adlltl 'II El't •. -· ....... MldM ........ Ill MICill """Ill MOllM W ,.._,Ill Mollfll, - port of ml!IW Ol!ld'911 Letlllff A. ~I .,.. lll'f I\, "*"•I lt;tY Y(. For• VI P•tt>elll Elltfl Ford . ~ Ar'-,LllWltY ¥1 L.,,l'lt' P, Ll.wir.o Aim.ti L lltllleMl'lll n JOH911 ~. ......... E!/11'!"1 1. llYrf vs L1rov A. I.Ir•• Mery R. Ct_,, vt R ...... R. Crtct--Mll'I C-IM'f llldf'll~ vs av,.. Jldl -.. .,..,. J1111 MCEwan .,. OUMllfl $. Mee"Wlll M111n1 ArrlOle ((1111r1r•1 "' Jobi! COii- '~" T"°""" J-• 91!11111 n ll1r111t1 MIY ..... Thltftl M. Rodd ¥1 Wiiiiam Rodd •obtrt f . Conle'f''" 0.Wll c. Collllr llon11ll A, Emil ¥1 Ale11 R, !!:mi.I J~llll ~n '" Jolln w. He11--lorlM a-wtlill "' Donald L1Rov ..... MltW II. C-rd"YI FM O. CUNlrd Ullltll lvl!a .... Rol:llrl L. Sl'kn D1rll J11111 81lllf ¥1 Wlll!1<n G. 8elll1 JH'CllllllYfl M. Wortll ¥1 Jo/It! W, Wort!'! Fllchlnl H, Tlllllffll 115 J~IYll .... , ....... LIM DllllM Miu VI T'-s LM Milt JICk W. Monk V. lllHlt 11 MGM HoH PrltcPllrd VI Dol\lld "An Prltch•nl SIH'f Gori er.,. .... Clllfonl Rlchlrd ,_ Ml'fV M. SPllrlDdl VI Oorll> 0. S-!Kk "°'''"' Mllllttd vs •-Id lrMlll9ed W•rre11 R. huett v1 Dibble L 8111111 $1nclra L. lllchtl'Cb "' Cllrtl II, ,,.,._ J-I'. Alldnwt VI ~11111 M. Al'ldf'ewi ,. Helfl! Sue l(flll VI H1rreld Dt.., Ktt1t R•'f!l'!Ond M, Tllomllln "' Elh:1bttll A. '""""' Jotomwltt W1!111o "' l>wllnlt Atll11 W1lnlo ' Edf\I ll.'llltf'lll '" lllcfltrll K. Tl'llrlol .i '1MI Mllllt ....... , C.11 MM.I tr1C1 , I . "'-~..,. D1111f c-111 Or•,-."' 1•1•""' SI .. Or•-. v WASHINGTON (AP)o-The This-~ould not be enough tagon is making a "far let: T~,_ J, ~ '°' JOM Pllll Get-· MILLaa....aAY,,'-•• •as -" p ••• ••-.-. .... ....~ ...... en-eon p ..... to scatter ~ Um6 atarting tbe engine!, ched" set of assumpUons: J1:;::D.s.Man 115 1,,..,11t.s-. =--~~~ii .l!...~ • U.S.nucleat~ritberfleetover getlil\g~ planes off the _"That the Soviet Union B•r111u l.ot11I• Dllloll VI MurFf ANDl!ll~GIDM, Mkhff+ J.,-11, ~twice the lirfieldl now wieit to ground1<and reaching a safe c.Jvlll o._ a1 11n1 ~""' • ...., u. ;;-: , _.-,,,,1 the p•·-• g, 0 ,.1 n g d'~---i;-the •·-befo""" will have a sustantial leap ot C~ $. C.ltef w Jlmft Lit.I..,. Allmllios Ind K-I., 17,. ti •I --"" ~ ~ ..... .._~ ,.,... ~ , .. Gwi. JIM ,,,..,_. VI ~ w. T~ Dr'-~ G,...., wl.nerabill~ to a s 0 " i el the nucl.. burst. Polaris·type submarines by tvrt1111n cooic-FEN!41!•. G91Y ... a. .. 1Mn missil" -·~·-Def • 1 5 tha -1 Id be ur t C•rill Pr•-K•lwr v1 s~ l . llrookfw.lrll .,,. DllYltt .It.,-n. 11 e ew:uc, enie o • 'The United States has been 197 , t I wou w tng O k•M<I ~~ ~'· "'°"' of Nvn""9to11 ficilla say. . keeping fO percent of the SAC use them for an attack oo the =" ~ -::01':::"' !"'*~:; GENT"-l!~OCK. a..,.,. .... ,., 11 Under the ref pli.n, ~ be Bomber Force on a 15-mlnute Uiiited Slates bomber bases, 1.1u1M Po11oc11 :rm ~1"'°""" o..iv.. LN A...._ announced IOioll, the Air P'orce alert status. But l$ minutes is .thal the U.S. antisubmarine (, •• "-l nl ,,. 'Mele lio<Nnl lltlf QilMrllle M., l4 el -Y•t il ' rf biJi"l , • 0 L ortw, °'"'1" ~ w· I ·redlstribi.lt.e its 531 852 bec«n1 .... too long to wait in wa are capa Y lS so poor a ll"""l'I llllll tr1>1rd ... ow Sl!ELE:'l'--PIETTINAl:f, J-....... ~voulCAV" 91:p--.1.1 ,•.:,..Cs· and ... I n t f bosUI " L1m1n1 of 1., h., St. n Judllfl 11 .. v . ., A 1"1L.LO°W UNo£~f.Aclt. • BSI bombers over somt 10 U)e missile age. arge et o e suuo J.,.,.. P....i Siii '" OiNt L.orr•lfll sn1 '"' ..., u .. b9tll ., c.t1 ~. American airfields in order \o ~........--. .n"""" ~ marines can come into posi· MN 0.Wl'I Mc.Y•ltll n ·PIVI Mc.Vitltll • IOYUT<*-McOIAltMIO, • ..,.,. S., .U'll l'm.n..-..-1 ~~ U S ·•·-Mlr'lllt I(" k...., ,,. J•-F~i. 21,., UM W•tm11111w INI ~" M.. complicat.e the So v I et ~ Safeguard system, due lions cl06e to · · :)111,.QIC"lll c~:',,:-v. Sm1111 W•keflekl ,,. w1r-:..=111:'r1. Wntmlfltttf', llotll ~ targeting problem. to be operational by around without being challenged and reri ur1,,,... w1k~-.ld D&DiNoe•-•tNI(, 511,,..., P.1 "" ., c•r Pi.i. L ..... o.1i... Currently the nuclear equip-1-, woula 1n•·rcept some that their navigation and com- c111r E. Pltfll .... Ellftk'9 Luo;llll 011111 '2'"" Orctlld, CoreN lltl -...., PALMOUl~T-FISH£•. '"'"'' H .. u."' ••-1 u;: and d t I pabil"ties c.ro11... R. c-'" 111c111r11 "· Vldorifi K.. u. of :m ~t, .. RIM 250I s.Yi.w, c.-dtl AA« 11111 ped bomber lqU8drollS ol the enemy missllea approaching m an con ro ca 1 c111<:.111 • 1.i11111. , _ , _ ,. Stra• .. ...i... 1:. "--A--' ...... atrfiet'· but Pen•·gon of· is such that they could carry YlttrYI \.11111 UMworlfl 'n Charin W•IGHT-CULVER., .rilbtrt J., fl, el '""'' .._, ..,, II " Fltlmoni Wt(, Yl'fi.Ao 411 .....,.,UUJaUU .. ,.. -, 14 ch tt··•" W•1•M Ull&WOl'tti rm cv-.ma w N•MY L.; "' ot m cos•• ~. stationed at 35 bases. flclals kDOW' that some out su an a ~. =~~ ~. ":.,":"' :.•.::.r:r i. ~':' w~~~ ... =;~1:.i*',..~;.~·ot 11':.TJc:'~E~;i!.'~fi.n.'Jt..: The dl.spenal program is a warheads would get Utrough to Responding; Foster points N••dw Gorwoln ,,. H•,.,,.."'l•ldo '"' E. Finl s1., ~ htdl -JUI o. 17, ., Jtn 0,..,, St .. L• direct result of· the Soviet their targets. out that the authon would Go11111K Sl(ldr1 L... u. of • c11anu, u.-Alltllnot. h U S bs halt a;ng ow.ttiv F. v111"' Jo11n R. vaie llMct. Union's ate--" up deploy. ';What we would'like to do," ave · · SU c en"' Cl'irllllM f'l,vy ll1hr1n .... Jloblrl M. w••co• "-N••· .. , ..••.. ", .. TIFFANY-l!MGLISH, Rl'(!Mlld E.. .. ~ So 'et ssels ,. 'ntemaUonal IN"''" 1U$0 "R:d-..... ·-:·H~.1111"" _ ot 1m E. 1<11111 •• Dr•1111 ,,.. 11e11v rn«;nt of. submarines which Dr. John S. Foster Jr., the v1 ve n 1 RT:'~ J. t111bodl8' o-1c1 R. Ei.r ... c .. n. ., 4S L..,.,..,.. Drive. J, ., llf '°'° GtnNrndilr, 1rv1111. ~Id launch nuclear miasUes . chief Pentagon scientist, told waters, a serious matter in ••rt D. ~VI JenT L cost• MeH • .1.P••L • w~.::....~:.;;~.:Ua:;.:; while submerged 1.,500 miles reporters recenUy, ''is·. to itself but also probably in· Meow.ti •EYNOLbS-WALTON. HIAllrt M .• n. s., 21 • ., 211111 o.::-... bOtll e1 H""' from U.S. ...&.Area and" ,-.. m·•· sure that a cri"tical num· etrect.ive. Jul!etlfl T. Coleb'f,,. ~e L. CO!tbY ol to5 crest A.w. and Nve1 L, o , of tl!'.1111«1 llMdl. lllJU i..:t ~ Chri.11..., AMf YOUl'll ,,., J1rM1 ~ c .... t Aw .. t1o111 ., H111111nt1011 UN DQUtsf-eOONE. i:"'°""°" "'·• -dev~lopment of a fractional her of B62s will tie able to take ''Just challenging St.v i e L 1Edw1nl Youne. aMlllmelll O t 11 .. di of '"' rb(taJ bom b - 't -t to _,,,. ,,...IMeMllCI CAOSS-VAN AKEN, L11TY !'., 11. of L..!:1..!:':. ~It ::.ii:-:; 1? bardment system orf in time with their tar.kers SU marines IS!l gomg 0 s p Clwrlelll K1v P11« \'t Johll L.wre11a1 \U. S. Coast "'-"'"'• Le1rvM fffdt 1"-Drfflwood.·lnol. -f'oBS. Oil their way to the Soviet Sbviet submarines from A P•,1:r1:RLocuT011v D1Ecw.11s ~i;::,.J~, 24 "' ,, .. Sid" ......... M.UN01s-RDNEY, r11omn..-w .• -. of curs WARNING Union." surprise attack on the United JOMINI I. D•~ ... Fr.cl"· O•V FJl lEYELE-JOHNSON, W.oberl !',, ~.. •21 E. """ st ...... lewmd. C.llf. -Et s···· " F ter ··ted F••-Mll~•f'll s1rouc1 vs s1mue1 of .,,1 tMr1,,."n1 ......... Hllllflf>tlon Flltto M .• 13, of 21101 c111t C1b1Nro. ther Weapon s bar p 1 y That exact number ls secret, 14KS, 05 Soa • e"" .... stroud 11eaeti l1ld ,,.,,. s~ d. of m w. s111.J""" cw111·-· reduces the amouot of warn-but Foster said: "We plan to The report also Suggested Alll11 L. GwntltU 111 Nelly C. G1untletl ~ $1 .. O•-· RUDD--DEMA•EA. J1mn C .. 21, o1 Marie 1. Rullh '"GllM cnt1on1 •w. DOMNE1t-H.1ilNEs, A1w ... J., ,., °' an D.,.,, c1rc:1e 11111 Je•.-tt• E ~ ing Ume which U.S. bombers have many !O's of airfields, mon bombers could be kept Ma.., AM Molllt \'t L~,,., w. Mo11tr 111 Hllk•nt,.L.,UNI 11Mdl 9lld .s.r1. 21 of '"' 1e1111 Ave .. botti of """' could get during an at•-1r and and the 1·11ea 15-to make su"" airborne as a counter to the Tllomn W, Crot5ieY vs A"n M1ri. ''· o1 105 U11lon St .. S." F•lllCIKI. ll"'IOl'I hid!. .._ '" cr.,.11w O'NEILL--:-'fU.RK . J1mn t .. ».of 130 raises the possibility that an several JO's or at r fi el d s Soviet submarine threat, but Joto" Flnlllson ¥1 l'l.'91!\lld WIHrlll <•••• L-·-• ... "' o·• Mo-'-·Pilot 1't"•t"tor bl be F I d " ' ' I -.... ~. '"' .. unaccepta e nwn r cou1d be survive." os er tenne 1t unpracl1ca. • ,..,FlnM;: Willl1mt V'I Ptltr Turner 71,,· .• ,"'.,-""'., . .£_imlllCI El Mollllo, 8 lost th d fl "gb t h Ddreds f .. ... ·-....,. on e groun to m.1clt:ar The ABM reports re<:i!nlly m1 t cos u o Wllll•fM HAFT-5CHULTME1$$, J-11 -P., "· Taun ... (lOlldUdM Molldlys Ind bu~-ill" f doU Rutti R. W11lm1n v1 k•nne111 J ~f w1 ·Sfl•t....t or1v1 •NI c1r11l¥11 Frldln tor ICl'lool ci..-of 11m. ,,,~. distributed by Sen. Edward M. m ions O ars a year. wntm•11 F .• 11. ot 3',0lto. SMllMll'I Drive. a.o111 1rlde 11¥11 ,,,.. 111o¥1 or ott.r or· The Nixon administraUon's Kennedy, (0-Mass.).. played "I don'! bei1-e"e that the R•1 AnM Wlh.on ¥1 AoH PH Wiiton o1 N"*POrt lie-ell. oo·'•o••--~ ,, "''' --· OM ••--• Divorces 01vo.cn F1L1t:D ' 011111 Sllorl_.. n llrl.., K. s.tlfttt!r Mt<"11v" °" P•.....,. w .1i1111rt .1irtr.•·: 11.t.tEMAN--CDlLINs, D1•t1 e .. s.. of e1.'~11119";'.';..;' ,,_ ~; c.M Mr Safeguard antiballistic missile down the threat to American presence of Soviet missile- P•lrM• lt2,,., RuW Av. .. ltNI C1therlfll M.. ... .... ., ·-·--· -p~ ·~ f ard bo be base Neurotics Anonymous, a wu111m ••rt.er VI LIM• 111rlllf" ,~ • .,, '" °"''·"°"'of llilbol ''"""· ;==-===-=·-===·=""'=-="'=-::; ."Oram provt~ IX' seaw m r s, saying Navy launching submarines off our groop that beln• emotionally JUDOMl!Nts 1cENHOWEW.--K1ME, Hoblrl o .. "· of --: aud southward -looking submarines should be able to coast year after year should ,... ~ MvrphY v1 P"'9r Jol1v Murphy 11111 Woodlllld A¥11., Ul)CH¥10r, da upset persons to recovlr from '"'""...,_'> con11., ll'ld Mal'Y. s.. ». o1 2*2 ra r lo watch for submarine-t.andle S o v i e t Polaris·type require us to put our bombers Neurotics Group Meets • llcbbll J. MllM n l\lblrt W. MlllM I K...,., L Slnllll vs Slndr• L. Smlltl • Gli'I ...... A. ~ VI Rlclllotd J, th " il'·····• ts t • :JO AP•IL ll PISIO de! Cl°""' Setltlt L .. UNI. launched . mtssiles and the vessels Bpp-• .... '"" U , S , on •'•~• alert , • , l '"nk etr u~, mee a o: G•UNOY-DU FF, Mlchlel J .. 1t, o• ll•"IGENHEIME~EU•E•, ..1111w1 J~ BOAT BUFFS ,.,.. ....... 16 a..uuv•"" WJ P m each Sunday at 6209 11.111 s.1111 L~ •nd evn11111 R .. 20. n. "' nm eairiem• Avt~ F°""'''"' depressed-trajecto_ry "-· shores. that is not an accep'·ble • • llf 17112 Slnll 11:11 •• boll> ol Faunl•ifl V•lleY 11!d Jefte L ..... el ,.~. WI ·-• Tiwlrrln M. MlldleH vs M91'1•M "'"" I MJklMlt : Mlori.t. M!lehell VI t:0g1r I . Mllcholll. • Ill Seashon Drive, New p o·r t v1urr. A.,.ier L-. """t'"'""' s-=t1. ..... Al-11 L.-=••My h t\1 Mily of the FOBS system~ being 1be report said the Pen-alternaUye." Beach. ME IL-HILLYEJI, Mlrk F .. 20, OI 111 RUS$ELt..-OEMMeL, M(('9!11, "· °' full -th11• b.titl119 .dlt•r tested by the SovieU. 1--1iliiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliiiiiiil-e. 2111 st .. Cotl1 Mesi 1nd $1/Mn II.. 2111 v11t1 .._,,, NewPOl'f IHctl 111111 •etk'"t " ,., ,_.,.,,._ B t th da ts Styled along the lines of the n. "' :ie1 01111a11c1 ""'·• Ot1t1111111. i Hubllfl ..._, ... of 11• tter1o1,_, u e ra r not eqough •1-•-u •-c1111. i:.-,., Mar. ,. 111 er • .,. e.-ty. t-ik ••· of countermeasure, offidals • C•lllilf'IM It:. ~ VI Geot9t R. . ~ _,..i. 1Ml11Mftlnc. Oorottiv J. A!lhley VI Loret1 W. Asltln' , Gtortl• LN EIJOI' ¥1 Floberl E. , EIJOI' • JI..,,,. ........ Nlln VI Dquelu Chin "'"' .lillcl Jttft• JahMon VI Fl-r Plllll• --• Ell!•nor Gonllln VI TIMOdor• Pele ......... n UJllU cs n.11onymous pro-UMKHEIO-MALLNER, Rod""' c.. CONJIATH-IHl!RMAN, """" F .. 67, elnho• e•., ....... , 1.o ... gram, Neurotics Aoonymous :n. "'21' E. •••· ll•lbOll •nd "' .. "' flf 1M °"'Mo.Te D•lv• •lld D1!1• 111, 111• y•ehti" ,.,..,. 1, • say. Too many SAC bases ·&~ h id d . . h • L .. 20, of"' e. Flowilr. co.11 ,MIH. D .. ,,, o113CMI Dfl Monti Drlvt, boll'I located near coast''"es when 0 a group 1scuss1on w ere SHELTON-f'lTZGERALD, sr_,-' ..... ot Stal lll•cll. ..11., f•1tur1 ·' ..... DAILY 1U1 m.mbe ch t ,4, "' 1o10 S11111,,...,, c~•• .....,.. •1111 APRtL tt PILOT. they could get at best two or rs ex ange no es on Pennv, it, or 5n1 w. Jrd sr.; 1 .. --oou •wH• • their illness. ""'· .... 11~P1~';,e•0r~!~ :'u"irti~:, '------------.J three minutes warning of 110 The Newport Beach group ls'l--w-•_,_,_s-<_,_,_,_'c".'-"c·~1'°'c•c•c•___;:_••:.c'a:__:•:":"::..:""=-:•:•~::::.c•:·c· .:':'·____:d____:'~'»:• _____________ _::ap~p~roa'.:".~ch~1~-n~s~m~i~ss~i'.i'.e~.---..!---! for people under the age of 40, l Jahn Daniel Shlllter v1 Ir-Nl111 $hlpltt M. M. Kldlft vs Cllrl KMll11 • Liiii T. Klll,,...n VI G«rll Johll kllf,,,... Je•-"9 Marie J1mq 115 Hutll L. but other groups throughout r~~~~~~~~~-.-~~~--:~~~~~~~~~~~~-:--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Orange County feature pro- grams for all ages. For more • ;i , • J•,_ Jr. infonnaUon on the groups, call ll1rtwir1 Mii Ander_,, ¥1 Mich.el Lmw ...._,._,, 64U459. It's DAILY PILOT 2 • for • 1 Day _ 11 ... .:...... OUT AT THE OLD BALL GAME PILOT PETE INVITES EVERYONE TO SEE THE ANGELS PLAY BALTIMORE . SUNDAY, JUNE 1, AT HALF PRICE 6.+ tw1 ra•ervad 1a1t fi<keh for th1 S11n•1., 1fttr11oo11 J1111, 1 A~9el1 v1. Ori1f,, ''''" 1f Anthai"' St1diu"' for th: 11orrn•i JI"'' 1f 011a fie.it. lluy on•: th1 DAILY PILOT 9iw11 you 0111.I 2-$3.50 2-$2.50 11cam '°' 11cam FOi $3.50 $2.50 Yot1 Clll r11arw1 111 1ntira 11clio11 ot j111! fw1 •••h. 9111 get you• P•riT l•91Hlff uw •"' .,,1;1 in th1 order b1111k b1tow wiflt chi cli •r ft'IOl'llY •rd1r 1111 t•th, pl1•11I tnd hu<1y. Oa1dli111 for·tic••t •~•rs 11 May 20. E•rlll Bird Bow11• Opa11 to Y•11991f1tt up to 16 yo1u old. lncl.,J, with fitkit or••r • 1t1t.M1ftt •f 100 ••nl1 1r 1111 : "My f1v01"il1 A1191l it- b.c11111 •••• ". bhi11 mtlf bi r1c1ivad by noo11 o• Mi y 15. Th r1t "''"'"'rt will b, t1l1ct1d fo r P••-t1"'1 c1r1m111;11, The11'U Meet Tlaelr Favorite Angel 1---------., I I I I I I I I I Clip _, -n, wl9' cllKk or ......, .,..., r.: z.,.._1..,..0., _.,_ __ C/O,_......,..,., DI W • .., lmMt, c .... M-. Cellf. t26Z7 C"LIAU PlllNTI -.... ,,,,,,,,,, __ <••"'''''''"'''"""''''''''•''''''''''''''N --...................................... _ ......................... . Cl'J ............................... : .....•.•...... zi. .•.•...•.•.•... , .• ................................................ D.119 •••• _ •••••••• ,. I .iif I. '-4 l. It. • • • • • • , ,........,. 1t1!1, 1n -IW -~ ••Ill ..... I ......... ve, °'""' OI-It """""""SIMI-l'W _. II-,.,._...., I will f-4W In ld]1C111t -I .,... ~ f1M OA.k.T fltLOT. I ..., U.AllLe. fd..clt -1 ~lb. 1111:-.. ii &,. ...... ,.,,,., j Mi4111tMIPll ~ 111'111 &I •toll It "" " """'ll I L fill ..... _ ........... I ltltr ~lft -~ -- I I I I I I I I I , __________ _J ' ... ' ' .. " ... ... ..... ... .... b 0 • • • I • ·" .... • Nothing. If there's ever anything wrong with your telephone, just call Repair Serv- ice. The number is in the front pages of your phone book. And there's never an extra charge for tj\ - telephone repairs. ~ P~cific T1l1phone We're here to help. ~~--=_;,__-~-----------------'-------'---'----------------- ' ' l ' • t ' ! ' ' ' ' ' ' • • ' I ' " 11 / _I !/ I I • • • • • ' ... ..-' ... ~ l ·~ou:Dtai~ .. Val.Iey , E-D I Tl 0-N' DAILY 'ILOT .......... NEW' FAC ILITIES -Detective Sergeant !lob. Rinehart (left) and coQtractor Robin Garrett study plans .for new police facilities rising rapidly iJlt Huntington Beach Civic Center. E1panded quarters will be read, in about six weeks. ' P&lioo Facilities Expand · . -. . .... ~ . ·, . -~ ... As·HUD:tingtoii: Adds Space ... ' . ~ . . ,Aip>olt ovtmi&bt two ~ hulldlngs h1ve·lllllliu'oamed up lo Ille rtcht and left: of .tJie Riuillngton -~l Deport; rnent. • '· ThOy au part ol>a ~.DOD boOCling pro- eram designed to proride JDOl'f: space for the ~·s detective devision and jail The detective bureau addition will en- compais 3,171 squan fed of space and will bowie Ille photosraphy .. microtlrapby and Dallisfics labcrllory. Tbe remainde. lflll'be UJed lo provide addWonal ofli~•· splCt for the 2:2-man Huntihgton Beact. 1 pl:atnclothes fOrce which has beer; oP!fatinl in a building originRlly design ed for nine p<ople. Acecrding to Detective Commande, Earl Robitaille one of the biggest ad vintages of the new buitdin{ will be· the addition otrest rooms.,''We have no rest · robibs In OW' present building. For years our office girls have had 'to run over to the ma1n hulldinC to ao:to 111e ~ -rain· or sblne.'" . ' • The $3S,DOD portable huildlng will alao cootipn Interview rooms,· a luxury Hun- tlzillon Beach detectiva ha•• had 1o c1o without for many years. Barring il'clmlent weatb@' ,J1" del<c- tives'Will occupy tbe·Dl!fiquarlen, which will he joined le tbe esllting detective bureau, in about m weeks. Also scheduled !pr ""1npletlon, at the same tillle is • ... 1.0!Ql~;to the Cl· ly Jail. It will augment the main jail by pr<r viding emergency short tum holding facilities for an additional 50 people. Tbe concrete block huildlng wll1 consist of three large holding cells and three booking cells and 6bou1d be ol IUfficlent sir.e to serve the City for tbe: next·four to five years, according to 1£ M. C. Burkenfield. Larwin Conti nues Tract, Awaits W ord Fro m <ionrt ' ' ... Co~ on. two model !IOmes " Jhe controvtrsial •!.Irwin Tract 'continues ,while Fountain Valley officials , a~it putting a roof on and ;Wfapptng them in word from Orange County Superlot Co"1t building J>Oper.'"~ Emn\u,..r. ' on what actioo. to take conceniing the Meanwhile, further ,court batUesi. loom, ,Jlnlclures. as Mayor • Schwmftlep" .0,.i,Jie an- On April 30 Ille Superior Collrl ruled in licjpOl<(l lililll an:appea! CID the ~ favor of 1 sW1 filed by Qigft Vantt>a&t decision. "I ctdn•t~fitt'·'there il'anv i-..1 lo halt CO!lllructloo or ihe 5llO home, •• , -..• amall-lot Larwin devel-t. basis for the docialoii -Aprll)IO,'' ~decision is ex~ kt beappealed1 said'the mayor. ' 'by Mayor ROborl SclnftrdUO(er along cOMPnciiw: SOUGHT • with Councillllen oOnaJd F'r<guU •and J,Osepli C®rreges. , • Last Th\D'Sday Just, SchwerdUeger and Councilmen· John Harper and F.dWard · City M.,..r James Neal met.m an at~ ,Just opposed the Larwlri Tract and were tempt to !Ind• a>compnmlae .which wOllld 'if' 'favor' of the suit agatnst lhe clty. allow the Ulnrin Compaay toJbegla tlll1'le .~~"ALL Mov--"' type of.development., 11s proper1, • ' ! ~~6E co~~. CALIFORNIA • .., TUES\)AY .• , MAY H, '196,, •• TEN CENTS ' . • ' .:ir NeW :Cente:r -Site.· ·Asked ' Kaufina n Suggests _ 8 0-r,it kern _E~pos~re Co mplex . : . . ~ . ' . .. . . By 11m1 i.M REElr ' , sicQeoliGaa on the clv~ --: 'No .d.ctst-·,,,_inac1e on uie .,., : -111e·hl&ll ICIMIO~t11e. · °' "° ........ MoH • As 'otitlillod. 'by' tbe """'°1!inon J1ie pcdion,•l!ai•~ Jock (ffl:eo hdl Ille • Total Oii\ ell~ -t lite,~ A' new e!vlc center locaucin'extendiiig """"11:ci9lc•cen]<rland .WWl!!<lie Uled . mataer .-·r.t decillotl at o special 7 ·1o Dr.~. -be-with from the pmeot main library in Hon. and at~ ooe ll\Of< bloclt added, mall· p.m. ~ 1\1 cl\y hall Thursday. another 1111~11 -lar lnlerat ""!' II~ Be,ach. south .lo al ,Iea,st Olive Ing ,.lotal Ill aboot six acres. Dr. ICaiiman, lloac with Councilmen 2S .yean. Avenue and pt;d!aps lo the ... -·-llll ,plah would1'e!Ult 1n .. clYje-center T;d'llartUtl..nci O-. lloCracken have The hilh llCbool alle, Jie·claimed, -1d gested 'M~ night ' by "Councllnwi hounded 'by Olive Avenue oo llW,...,th ...,....cr:u..'lllte'~y .. 1ected by cos1·-plm1G1,IGllll-- Henry• l'aillman. . and Main w.et on Ille ~ be,tw...-. 5111 the c!oandl ·al Main street ond Manlion the 2S years le.-a IOta[, COii of fl.I fn"a• meeting lasting uiltil 'afler mid· and' &Cll 'ilreeta. New bulldlnp:....i.t he Avenue ~·from Huntinglon Beach million, coniporOd to uie 11111.0lt for the nlghtJl>t,councll hear'd.a full prelenleUon ' COllllrucl"1 Oil the block ·aouth 'of the High Scbool. preaeci1 idle plui ID odd-' W blcict. oo lbe ieonomic posjlhlliUeaof ·tl>e old preien~.clvlc •center, accol'dlal lo Dr. llesaidMonday·thatlbenewpropoAI Dr. ICaulman ~lao cllfmed lhat ~1o,..,aua followed by/l'aulman's · Kaulman. _ wouldavelbetupayenll.leut15A,Olt (S.OCIVICCllNTBll,,...ll \ Recall Camp·aign . . ~eeomitig .. ;Bi.~~e r . ' Stock Markets ' NEW YORK (APl -.The iteck market, alter two' straight ·losing sessions, moved Reedily forward today and clooed with a fair plA. (See quota- tions, .Pages I0-11). Trading wa:s fairly active near the clooe. ' "1 lold Bob Schwerdtlepr ~-that (See RECALi; Pqe ll ' I 'Or~ti . ' ' . . ....., .......,.., "Harper and I mo willing. le ult that The Lanrin·developmenl a1ao oervecl'as the zoning-of the prWerty In~ be tbe stimulm for a bitter recall movement left standing ti said Just ..... wvaia . -agalnat tbe ... ,... • Fregeau and "'V• Ille i::aM.t. = -•'<II,. ·~fy~lding Director Duane ,Em· 00&,';~ Jodie'' ~,'Ji. """'"'' ""1,he;bu -1v~ ... ~ M;llllM bol-n!ol u.11ir~ .. ffl 1U.to 111e··Jepl effec. illl.the ,:oorl ,.ga<ll!d,01t11Ni.......,looilo . Actalon •tho Lanrfa Trlllll. The fArwili with the uae'of Ec!iio1fd0. lml t.r • • ~ny .......-·-'b11ldift'I sile. which """1d hlv~ been lo P.ennita lar lhe --....,.. -average the lot aloe ,Ill Llnil -IO ~ at the Dlltllwtlt Car.' of 7,200 'square reet.. ~ ond EU1s A-· "We don"l want ..... :a "I plan ti -no hl1btr huildlng-lllinl land II doeln' ... -.. ' iiomJi. to Ille Lanrb\ Complny," says v-.e on lot ai..s,• --w lliiiou-. "a.til • llnol court declllon woolcj Uft the IAnrlo c;., Iii .......... Ji reached." type Ill development a.. • -• a. a1ao said 1111 Larwln official1 poalble." mettly were aolrc IO ~· _.&ii Mayor SchwerdU~ to -tarlltrU(Jl'!ll on Ille madel" to protect to "'I tl')lO or com . 111°'1 • 11\an ll'IJm the ..Ulher. "'!'hill means (See LAii , .... I) • • .. , • , • ··~ I '•1 .. I . ., .. • I • 1. I ---·-·-·--·.--~~--·- I DAILY Pft.OT Downto~ '6elow Av.£,Fage' Bllt -.Catching Up1· • • Dr. ,_ Miiier of,tbe 1tv1ne Co., l'tPI r •"• Economlc: R t 1 e a r c h • 1111i11,,......, ·-Ibo"'"". u.,. -at)' Colmdl .-Ila Iii • threMDoatb economic study of the downtown am. Ht Mid that tbt median iocome in the dty hN been below the county average but It expected to catch up by the end of Ille mO's. Pnsently it Is about 18,500. fl>pulatloa In the di)' ii expected to be at D$,800 by 19'0 Ind thero will be 75,400 -lllnC In the dowDlown. plllllllng -. Prel!OlllJ -aro ll,IGO. ·-... 77,,1 ~will ...... ••t lor lt,lll-..-Gf-7,111 Will ... ...... ,...,., llld .... tlallll* flmlllJ -_.,Ibo ..... will be wtll abOve the !loo per month mark. Retail sales now are below the county average, Newport Beach. as an uample, according to Or. Ashley, has almost twice the retail sales of the county average, • while Hun\jngton Beach has cooslder&bly less than the county avel'lge. ..... Ill• ......... ~ the ,'1 .......... ~ ... . 'l'I' ..... Dr. Albl9 ... . iiiiiaul ,,_. OJI NII ' ·' ......... J!IJI' ....... ... . ._ ...... .., ......... ... 1aid. The researdi ftgures -ihow ·the.t sales are up 1bout e per cent :n the c1ty as an averqe, but down 5 per cent downtown. He said 1.4 million square feet of new retail sales area will~ needed downtown by 1990 and mp<h ol It should be in •peciall)' .lht>pl caterlnl to ncr<&Uon DAILY PILOT ,llOtt ltr llNll Ni.dl.111111.1 MARINE CORPS FIREFIGHTER TRAINS HOSE ON OLD HUNTINGTON BEACH HOUSE Practice M•bt Perfect In Training Progr•m Provided by Local Department 'Practice' Fire Realistic Enough 11:1 Huntington rOOneo r\)ared lhrDo8h Iii old b-at 1111111 lleMb Blvd., Huntington Beach J\lmdl1 momlng and created 1 dense Ja1er of 1mob ow one of the City's --· Tbe n.. bad all the earmarks of being the real -· with n.. qlnea pumping .. lurlolilly to pmlde quenching -of water for 18\'eral men holding the nozzles. . . And it wu to realistic that at 1eut one reporler l'\llhed to the ecene and mapped half a roll cf pictures before be was told that It was just practice. The old house was Ignited for the benefit of a.it 11 Marine Corp!: fire fighters who are CUrrently training with the HUDtington Beach Fire Department to gain experience in atingulslµng struc- ture tires. Since April 11, the di)' fire department bu been giving clum>om as well u field instrud.loo to three such groups from the Santa Ana Marine Corps Air Faclllty. . Atcordlng to Fire Capt. J. V. Vlncen~ the men are members of a flrt and rescue squad and will put their training to 1ood me at the bast if a structure fire abou1d ever occur. "Part cf our One-week COUNe provides the men with the inost realistic training possible, which of ccurse, includes settirii !Ires In abandoned bou,.. and Civlng them 1 flre fighting problem which they are expected to IOlve,'' aaJd Vincent., OAll Y PllOT OIUMOI CQASl P'UlllMtlNO <~AN'I' llt•Mrt N. W"4 ·~ ..... '"""""" Jack Ill. C11rl•y vie. ,,....,, .... o. ............... n ... ,, Kt1.il tdl!Of' t•-• A. M•r.hl•• ~~. l•riw An..rt W. l1t1, W!lli1111 1,,4 AUOd,q tNflll"'llllo. '""' ,.... Clly 141W ................ OftW )Of ltli $tr..t M.tri111 Aililrt11: ,.0. a.. 1tO, •Z64t 0--........, '"°'' "" .,,,,.., ...... """,. a. .. "'-i 130 W.1 ,.., $t'rttl L__... httll: U2 P"W.tl A~ • From P•e l RECALL FIGHT BI'ITER • • • ~ . -. I I would attempt to belp stop the recall il Pollible,11 aaya Mohr, previOU1ly u wiln- volved figure, j'bui I think It is obvious no one CID guar.-to atop I recall and DO prcm.laes wtre made." ·van Daak and Mollr both aay that dur· lng the meeUng no resignations were uk· ed for, and that it wu the mayor's own choice to resign. Howev.,, on May ~. the mayor an- nounced that the "story of his reJignaUon had spread throughout the city, and due to the number of phone calls he received asking him not to resign, he could not desert those who support him. Mohr came away from that meeting angry, not over the mayor's decision, out his method. "Resigning or not resigning wu his decision," says Mohr, "but he way in which he did not resign did nothing but damage relations in the city, he went back on his city." Van Dask's words are a little stronger, "It was staged merely to gain sym-pathy." • As it stands now, the mayor claims he made his emotional state1nent in a tense situation, without really planning it. Van Dask and Mohr claim it was a deliberate move which will make the pen· ding reea11 fight even worse for the city than It might have been. An addlticnal attack on the reeall movement was launched this week by the mayor, who said an investigation ts being conducted into the alleged irregularities cf individuals circulating recall petiUons. Van Dask called the mayor's allegations an "unwarranted attack," .ind explained, "we have cbtained legal ad· vice on every aspect of recall procedure and have followed every facet com- pletely. No irregularities have been reported to us." Lashing out at the mayor, Van Dask said, "It woult: seem the public 1ttack by the mayor is another desperate effort to get attention. I do not believe that dedicated people signing nor distributing the petitions will be lntimidated by this unwarranted attack." If and when an actual recall election cmnes, Schwerdtfeger has promised a "rlp-snortng campaign." "li there Is a campalgn,'1 said the mayor, "I'll demand debates in every public forum in the clJY, with unlimited questions from the audience. tt's the only way the issues can be unclouded." Neither Van Oask nor Mohr have any political aspirations, they both stated. Mohr said he h a d hoped to avoid a recall election and spare the city the bad publicity, but he added, if an elecUon com~. "I'll look at Jt just like any ether f:lection. If a better man .opposes the mayori or the olber councilmen I'll vote for him, if not, I'll vote for them." Van Dasi&: hu continually maintained that hia involvement in the recall actJon ls not politically motivated, 0 1 have nc intenUon cf being a ca ndidate and no one on the eJtcted board of the Fountain Valley CJ~c Aasoc.lation (the primary group «ip0nsorlng the recali campaign) will be a candidate in a recall eltc:tlOn," he empbaalzed. Possible candidates ta oppose the three councilmen under 1tteck have not betn anncunced and may not be WJtU It la ctr· lain the ttcallera have the ntctssary 1,500 sjgnatures to force 1 recall elecUlm. 11\11 the campailJll is amclJ under .. 1• ' way, even U beiynd the 1Cent1, and it promise& to be rough. Both aidea hive apparenUy agreed.that attempts to save the clty from recall are now fru1Uesa. From Page l PARK.ING ••• would wipe out the bllghted first block In· land from Pacific Coast Highway. Inland frcm· the tJ.9 mlWon project which could be financed from revenue bonds, the city would zone the land for specialty shops, office bUild.ings, retail neighborhood oervice shops and mulllple family homes. The Jdea, said Adsit, "is to create an environment of recreation and then btin1 in the investors and customers." The parking lot proposal met a cool reception because of its scope. Jack Froggatt, vice president of the Hun- tington Beach Co., owners of about one lh.ird of the laud proposed for the parking project, said his company .would oppose condemnation. "U what you are after ls parking we will build you a parking lot," Fro1gatt told the council, "but we think the highest and best use of tbe land is tor .something other than a parking lot." David Holt, representing his mother Martha Holt, owner o( much of the waterfront property in question, called the councilmen ''landgrabbers''. "You are using this plan to deny us the right ta develop our property. It's wrong, wrong, wrong. We accused you two years ago of trying to grab our land and here you are grabbing It." · · Cris C. Cri!, president cf the HOME Council, added hls voice In opposition. ''I will oppose this plan." "You are talking about a marginal plari based on putting OM company to a diaad· vantage." Councilman Henry Kaufman Wd the "major thrust of the plan ts to provide for the beach Coer. COmmunlt:( needs for taking care of the belch must come first," he claimed. "I find that a little dl!!lcult to swallow,'' retorted Robert Dingwall of the HOME Council. Monte Nitzkowski told the council that "ll you beUeve that aometh.lng is wrong down there (the· cld downtown ccm- merclal arta) then we need a declsJon." · The city Mid-beach Development eom. miUee voted 11 to 1 with Roser Slltea \'Oicing dissent, to send the. parkinc plan to the Urban Lind lnsUtute Citizeni Ste.ring Commltt<e for further lludy. Councilman Al Coen suggeated that th< committee m.lsht need "IMttucticm" and pointed out that at leut two of the throe parll ol th<' parking propooal mlgilt be accepllble to the COU11Cll. Ml.Yer Green called tbe 1peci1l mt1!ting for Thursday to , "instnJct'' the UL! Committee. 'Armed' Man Arrested . WASHINGTON (UP!) -A man -rylng bra.as knuckles and a Cln of cbemJcal maee war taken into custody early today at the aatu of the White House, ponce reported. 1 -u ,....,_ or appmi Mopl . doa cerWn things to mike them hap- aljM( at ~I\ son of "Porio of pen " Clll" ine·•11:/:l!i"o .......... ' ' Tha'li••• .... •Ii-inPor ID:-am..... -~ .... Ille, ~, .... tllo clly -.. * -a.LiiiD •• •w hotel and motel resources lo ~l the t r e-o ll -.·lift"~ itll ho ne<decl for 111-tiwnward In the .ar,a. / duotcy. -• Planning Conauillnt Ted Adilt said the ~ medlan Income fbould be' up· to research data had been •ppliid to a itn- $12,940 by 1980 and the activ1Ut1 in the lAtive master plan fer the dcw:ltown ania downtown area shouHI generate some showing some 30 a'cres of DJgbway 35,000 jobs:. related commercial, 70 acres of "These are not blue sky projecUona," ne~ commerclal development, ]Jr. Aahley said. "Th•1 are re.-ble 30 ..,.... ol communilj> commercial, I eotimales of wllat cu bappon U tho city acroa of jpeclally lht>pl, 10 ol ofOC<I, 611 • Pollution Report On SA River Due . ~ of industry, 12 ol motels, 7C o( hlgl.1 rise. apatjment.s, lto o( med!~ density • ..,._ uillts. 29 of parl<I Ind civic -alld 1,100 of slqle famUy llom<I. Industrial development is needed t • keep th hotels golng, according to Adsit,~; who pointed out that the city has plenty or undeveloped land in the study area and that if lhe development is to occur in the downtown commercial area the land,..:i, costs will have to come down thro~gti ~.;, devices such as write downs by us1n(~ • street areas in assembUng land for ... dovdopment. Fnm P .. e. J CIVIC CENTER ., weekend parking revenue could deduct as. much as '12,QOO aMually from the $87,311• • b<l'ld service oosts for a net yearly cost ot '55,3&1 for the civic center site. • ,. A report to the California Aasembly Naturtl ReSQurces Ccmml.ttee on the Santa Ana River water pollution sltuaUoo will be made in about tWo weeka, ac· cordlng to a a po iesman for Assemblyman Robert H. Burke (R·Hun- tingiori Beach). His figures were immediately challent:. · ed, by opponents of locaUna the civJa di19hes, said Matt Wey u k e r , Ad-center downtown. Led by Cris C. Cris and • mlniatraUve aastataot to Bu'rke. " Robert Dingwall, the ·opponents painted Authored by committee consultant Rod Tuttle, who Monday made a personal in· specUon tour of the Santa Ana River area, the report ts expected to favcr more uniform standards for dumping of wastes . into the river and lnta irrigation From P..,,e l LARWIN ••• could not make any move, "without the advice of legal counsel." ....._ If an appeal la made, cou!l"'cilmen Just and Harper will be joined by Planning Commiasioner Carroll Mohr iii their stand against the Larwin development. Mohr said today, 1"n1e. best interests of the city would' not be ··1erved by any further court iction. Aftfr reading the minority position (Harper and Just) rub- mltted to the court on .o\.pril 30, I decided their ideas on the facts were most closely in line with my own vi~ cf ~ facts in the cue." The suit filed by Van Dask, leader of the recall move, named both the city council and the planning commission. Now Harper, Just and Mohr have esse~ Ually placed themaelves en the side of the Van Dask aull. Du.rinir the tour, Tuttle viewed the out that the city likely would sell th•~ • present site and that money should ba • ~.,the river, t.l!e Prado dam and deducied from the coat of the high acbool • the Rivenide sewage treatment Bfea by iite. car and by helicopter. In addition, they claimed that it would "It is my hope,'' 1aid Burke, "that be doubUul that beach patrons would; recommendaUons for legislatJon to aet up park three blocks away from the beaclra_ emergency procedllres and prevent at a cost of 75 cents er $1 per day. recurrences of this type cf dlsuter will Pointed to the report of the Urban come out of TuUle'.s investlgaUon." Land lnsUtute panel which made a stud~ Beach Requires Parade Permits An ordinance requiring a permit for parades In Huntington Beach paued fint re~ Monday night by the City Coun· ell without a complaint from citizens or councilmen. The propooal had first appeored before the council a week ago as an emergency measure, but the need for an emergency measure was challenged by a teacher, Miss Jacqueline Davie who urged the council to use "nonna1 deliberative pro- cesses" in considering the parade contrcl law. As revised arid passed Monday ni1ht the law will require payment of a $25 fee, adherence to a set of conditions enforced by the police and a permit issued by the city administrator. The measure comes up for final ado~ Uon on next Monday night. of city problems late in 1965, Dr. Keuf: man said the ULI had recommended a_ downtown site because of lhe possibilitY: of shared parking facilities . ~ He also explained that if the Parking Authority aoes ahead with a plan to ac· quire tbe rest ol the blocks from Olive~. Avenue to the sea for a parking facilitf . there would be an almost unobstructed , view frQm the ocean to the civic center. The city already has designated Ow; high school site as the place for the new - civic center. That action was en a 4-3 vote With Mayor Jack Green and Coun·. cilmen Jeny Matney, Donald D. Sbipley and .Al Coen voUng for the site. Front Page l DRAFT ••. recommendation, topped by chandng from an eldest-first to a youngest-first . order of call ao a young man would become less rather than more vulnerable to aelectlon as he grows older. -. Lining Vp for Contest OAILY •ILOT S111f ""'"° . These eight Fountain Valley Hi~h School coeds will be am~ng entrants seeking Miss Fountain Va1Iey crown m annual pageant June 14. From left are Lori Henderson, Deborah Quinlan, Diann. Jordan, Judy Wilson, Barbara Rice, Vicky Nelson, Linda Artiano and Tonda ~rimes. Entries are still being accepted for event ~sponsored by Chamber of Commerce and Fountain Valley Women's Club. DECORATOR AND MODEL HOl1E RETURNS Spanish and · Mediterranean Furniture AU New Top Cj)uaHty Brand Names A Decorator's Dream Home Is On Display Over .. s~oo.ooo Worth of Spanish & Mediterranean Furniture to Choose From! ltem1 11 folloWt : Gor9•ou1 8 ft, custom quilted soft with siperete piilows with heayy oek trtm dtcor ind m1tchin9 ch1lr, 3 matching oak occ11ion1I teblt1 121 SI" tall decorator lamps, hen9in9 ch1in sw1c;1 lamp in wrought iron, a~ •·.piece king ~i~t mister bedroom s~ite i.n p•can p.neled Mtditerr1nean styl•· with top quality S y1ar1 warr1nty king 111t m1ttre11 end box springs. Spanish dining set, .. c. Any piece ctn be purchased individually. Drop by end ••• our selection of top qvafity Spinish end Mediterrtntan furnitu~ ••• f1nt11tically ,priced! COMPLETE HOUSEFUL WAS ltEGUAlLY SlSH.00 MUST SACRlflCI POI ONLY . '698°0 ' \ TIRMS -WE CARRY OUR OWN ACCOUNTS • AT HA-IOUUYA•D t ------------------------=---------------~-"""~-------- I . . • < } _.J_ .. . . _Saddlehaek rVOL. 62, NO. 114, 2 SECTIONS, 26 • P)>,GES ORANGE COUNT!'., CALIFORNIA ·TUESDAY. MAY 13, 1969 TEN CENlS ' L .I -. ,. I t ~alt Creek Road Deba1tl Heating UpJn :court By TOM BARLEY Of .. Dloil'f Pllol Sltff 1 No argument ' by Laguna N1~1 Cor poration can' overeome the fact that Salt Creek Road was deeded to Orange Cooll- ty by the State of California as ;o permanent and public right 'of way , J;aguna Beach attomey ·William Wilcoxen ttlstified.to<fay in Superior Court. That act alone outlaws all subsequent >handomnent action by lhe couuty Plan. $1 Commisaioo and aupe"~-the -~ : ' • Art Colony lawyer told Judge 'Claude O\\'ens. And Wilcoxen went on to lash the supervisors for ~ "e'x_tremely summary 1nanner in wbicb lbey ~nded public in le rest in Salt Ci'eek ·Road one year ago.' ago." Wilcolen testlfied that the board, led by Supervisor Alton E. Allen of Laguna , abandoned the thoroughfare on March 26, 1968, in a hurried move "that ~confined to six aentences ol testimony."· IXOD Dowtt the Panel Told ''That action w&s, In fact, sp summary t~al it was nen!r brought to a vote," Wilcoxen said. 1 He told Judge Ownes that Salt Creek r.oad was deeded to the public in 1133 and no legtslaUve action had .ever been~taken which would allow any private ente~ lo deprive the public of that'•radiiional right of way. Wilcoi:en's arguments came today as the court debate on the, road aban 4onment ~·into its fifth hour. Four s M'ission Trail Transients Push To Find Selves Planners Study El Toro Tract EL\ TORO -A tentative tract map to subdivide ~.l acres into 21 residential Jots in the El Toro area is be.fore the county Plannin&"Commission Wednesday. Subdivider for the properly at El TOro ll\l&d and'.llaton Drive is the Roseglen COiJl.UiictiOll CG., 221991 Jubilo Place, El Toro. 'The fitm also is requesUn.g lhe rezone or 7. 7 acres to residenUal use in the same trea. e Summer Talk Slated SAN JUAN CAPISTl\ANO -Planning summer activities for children will be diilcussed tonight at 7:30 o'clock by psychologist Donald Bowlus in a talk at Marco F. Forster Junior High School. Bowlus is a psychologist in the Orange yPifled School District and is an in· slructor at UCLA. His talk will conclude 1 · series. o{ moo.thly meetings sponsored by the Capistrano Unified School District. ·~The-seFieS ·Oll· learning disabilitjes has t~ken up areas of in.ter:est to pt.l'ellts and b8.s been well attended. .. e $100 Grant Planned CAPISTl\ANO BEACH -A $100 1Cho~p-w.ill • be awarded by the &pistrano Beach Chamber of Commerce <O a graduating senior of San Clemente High School this year. ' The grant will be given to a student in the field of business administraUon, Chamber directors have decided. San Clemente High School handles an the g. gh ·school students of tlle Capistrano , !,Dified School District. a district which e ludes Capistrano Beach , San Juan Capistrano, parts or Mission Vieje>, .. 4-aguna Niguel and Dana Point. , Egg ri.t S,__ u1EL TORO -A ·use variance to permit atablishmtnt Of an egg processing and 41Bcking plant and a store fOr the retail -aale of eggs and dairy products in the El Toro area will be studied Wednesday by ilte county Plarming Commission. " .; Pennit applicant Jack Mru:low seeks \be facility on El Toro Road, three- lftlarters of a mile south of Cook's Comer it Aliso canyon. ~ Pep Meet Wed..esda" l MISSION VIEJO -Graduating high .Chool seniors and Saddleback students ~:.iiterested in becoming cheerleaders and 1100gleaders at the. college "till be boated ft a Pep-In on the cainpus at 3:30 p.m. Wednesday . 1•The informational mee'Ung w'ill ac· quaint:candidates wilh requirements, and ~outi for the' posls will follow later with final ·1telection JW\e 4. 4 Refreshments at the Pep-In·will be pr~ 'ided •by the .woclaled Student lfoclY, By RICHAl\D P. NALL Of IQ o.llf' ,lilt Slaff A child keeps pushing until he is st~ ~ ., nus is }Ww his limits are set in society. . The same is true of transient youth who are trying to find the "real them," Tom Barnes, county delfuquency preven- tion coordinator, told a Laguna Beach au- dience Monday night. -~ sa:mea was on~ of five s~kers at a ~ 'If ~ .. ~~ connected w'ith tfuaieftt'-70atb.. Jt:Was sta&ed by tbe LqlliJa Coordinating ~ wltjl Helen K~aclinK Uprog1'al1}~ ~to tlie relliln'• tremendous ' Flii-• B~ Seid . if• ...!! .... 1 ·' "'t..._J ~ .. • ' ~1<f,1 .f..:y •:cA.P•~•....,.o~ ~ •• or Memorial Day aod otller up coming -italriotic holidays shouJd be marked with " lhe Dying of the Amtrlcan Flag, ¢llplstrano Beach Clwnber ol Commerce g!licers belleve. ''l'o encoura,i flaf O)'illf on the9t lm· gorlant occasions, American FJ1gs were t;eing made available et cost to the public ,fiy .. veral local •-· They are on we IL Kent's Ory ClbA11US, al Kenny's trardware. and at Jack Ingalls Realty. ' o' ' ' . .. '· • ) ,· population influx and to wandering youth, Barnes said, "This is bow a child finds the limits in society, because he will go until somebody stop: him and the ,Jame thing happens .to an adult." Ropr Carter, South Orallle County YMCA executive director, 1 a Id youngsters bec:o!ne' lrillllellls·becOl!oe ot "Lack•(~~ ~~t ~ ..... meamnc·"1d tlici of) unl.,atioa in tbe fanilly " " '. ·. j •4 ~ carter ·saw . in atthi~ · ~~ · clilaly&t to ro'!ibl~ )'.Ollih bal· lhe means to come ahil IO selrchinc for id"1llty. lie uJd not I daflal&ed fpr the Y wilhout ~t;y ol dealing with young persons bavlng dilficully understanding (Ste TRANSIENTS, Pa1e I) Nixon Urges Draft Lottery, · Year's Danger WASHINGTON (AP) -President, Nir· in asked Congress today to set up a rall- riom, lottery system for the military draft . Ni]\on, recommended that l&-year~lds be subject to Che first call but 'that they remain vulnerable to the draft for only one year rather than :seven as under the exisUng system. "It is my convlctlon," Nixon said in a ~es~ge to Congress, "that the disrup- tive unpact of the military draft on in· dividual livea should be minimized as much as possible, consistent with the na· tional security. For this reason I am to- day uking the Oongrea for authority to implement important draft reforms." The President repeated his stand that ' ideally there should be an all-volunteer anned force for the nation. He said he conUnued ~'believe that tbls' ideal can be reached under more stable world con- ditionl. . He· added : ''Under present e<indltions. however,aome kind ol draft will be.need- ed fo! the·trnmedJate future. As long as that is tbe case, we rnpst do everything we can to limit the disruption caused by the system and to make it as fair as possible ... The chief execullve offered a six-point .....uunendallon, topped by changins from an oldest-first to a youngest.first order of call ao a youna man would become Je.ss rather than more vulnerable to seledion as be grows older. The random system -a lottery - woold 'l/e·•pplied to all those who are vulnqable dur:in&r a .given year rather Utan:to thole whose birthday• fall at ce.r- tairl' timea of,,the year or nlonth. -- 1nlt fraud .'' ! • .. Wilcoxen; chitmf he .1 Will PfodUCe evidence, game'~ from newspaper .clip-pihe<'' ot elghl'years ago, thal"lhli cor· pQratlon J)l'Olnlsed '\'!_ to ' P.inue aiiy rJrtl\er abanclollrh<ht,Of ·Sill Cr.e~ 'R<iad. Judge <>wens rriust ro}e on WllcOX~'s plea that abandomhet1t of the publiC foot. path, carried Oil) after the · COU11tf plan. nfng commission ' aild boaril o' f sujle)'VlsOrS' approved of l)je Lquna Niguel requests, ~Id' 6e Overturned .. and the issue asain placed belCl'e tM publiC'in tlie form ol llearlnp. "There is no cblbl what wduld ~ -!lien iind Laguna Ni,u.l w•ll -. I~·• Wtl<olen said. "An.anwed publlc .-111 very quJckly ohow UU. eounly 91111 dt thlriks ,about some Vf!rJ 1doubtfulr and underiland maneuyering behlpd • the soenei." ~ . .. Many: area residents Were on band in It' crowiled courtroom ~ -(SH.SALT CREEK, Pqt.I) '' ome . ' . • • For €ott6n· Mansion · By Al\TBUR R. VINSEL Of .. !Miff "" .... Qui.et San Clerriente today learned it will J!ave an offlclal plact in u:s. blitory, with closing of a $340,000 deal for Presi• dent Richard M. Nixon.to buy the.old H. H. Colton· maMion• IS hil White Jiouse West summer $e8L • Studies and· land teats on the five-acre parcel are now under. Way t.g cletennJne. if I" it is S\dtable aa a site for the Nilon ~um arid IJ.¥ary\.hoUJilll .bts pest poll)1!=al P!penf•nd ·l'l'-"'"'J"'ral\il!•· 1i.i ljlle ~· ~~ .... lhe ,Pr:Z~nl wllt·l!'ll·'°'~~ ~.cotton. 'IDG,dile'· ..... :G!f,~ roit '!'11' ~~ve rear Pll'¥!d 11.u,.~· ............,,., II ,, .. ..... ..,.. . Rl!PAlRll~l>uNNEo' ' I Repain,, painling , and l~ are piai\ned for the white lltuccOiniiHD .. r\)Oled lijlanlsh villa .overlOcitlilJ 1'-""'"1· iilCiudjllf ruur(aCjng' of , tepnll court and. llO"lbfe swlmmlng PoDI ...,_ struction. • • • • ' 1 .: OA IL 'I' ,"ll.01': tt.fl' ...... ' ' , I ' , ' I . ANNEX MAKES CHARLIE·PEDblCORR• 11;.FIGHflH'"MAD , ' ' C·a'nyOn· Resident SMkes Hi's Cant 1t Officleldom . - Money from the Nlxons' $328,000 sale of thel!' ljew York •""'"1ent lo ·1oo11,'an<1 drugfwholesaler ~Lehrman Wfll ~ used in the purchase of the Cotton tmne ap4. a pl* of the eslote· The11ong-rumored pW'Cbase of'tbe pro. ~y u a summer retreat in NIJ:o0'1 n~UVe .Soulhland waa greeted. bf a welcOming e<inunent from Sar ~ City Manjlger Kenneth Carr. '"i'thlqk it ·1s ·.-great,bOriOr Uiat Mi;. Nixon has selected our community," Aid Carf, addJni he ts confident the C;iy will meet ,any resulting requiremeats. Purchase of the 10-room home which. hooted ·Preaidenl Franklin D. Roqlevell Oppose.s. Laguna Junkyar.d A1'pe .. f" · r!Ter~.!~~;;:~~ ·-' news· for Chamber of Commerce typel: By JACK~ CJJABPELL out in the past . Ulat ·.Bnn~bi,~R;o-· Real estate ptices in the city qi 17,500 Ot lllf·--Pllel 9fe{f ceedings were initiated it ~e~~~·o£: -deecrlbed by one-recent vlsiklf'-aS "l:m too.old to use·my 1flSts any more, .several otthe land orm~rs;.~Y.otV,ild.,, , IAilure WOrkl wilhout walls -. have ' ' lhe b<oeflt4 ""_,.,.. already soared with promising, IJIO<llla-but I can ::hoot· a· gun and speak my , PrAJ>OQents· c~ · , l·"" ~.!!'":: • tion 'Of Nixon's realdeocy. , mind." and ·fire protection and olh""l!!imlC;p.al ' Do$pite its relaUve inacceaiblllt;y to all Charlie Peddicord w'as· and is fightiil' sefV]ces. Opponen~ say , ~~ .u,ey ·a~ but official guests, .thousands· of~touriltl mad .about a propo~d. city ~ile:ii:atlon · alre,ady up to the!r ine~ in ~ a~ (Set NIXON DEAL, P11e I> which iricludes His taguna Canyon Road . don t want the serV:ices offered by ,the et· . ----7'"--,-=~---junkyard. -. -_ lY anyway. , - The colorful· IOlll time, Lasunan -a "With the terrible dlllll&ge· caused' tiy Steel& • .,..,. Lagunan in splri~ U ..Cpjiysicarloc;itlon the-' flllOd and landsll~' -llllll'the: ~vy or inclination-18 one .ol.'several·canyon' taseslfor the waterwliicb we mut;piy NEW YORK (AP) The OX:~ reliide!iis' prOteslihg'· ltte measure whic~ and the~ ao.calle~ ti.land that 1 .lj:w:i city· market, after tw9 straight losing I would"bind 4.41: acres to the city.• wants .to-·anoex, say'ma)ibe' eight •or 110 sessions, moved steadily forward today Much of Chailie's'hopes are Tiding-on: a land owners an<I • CoupJe,•(lf. pen:e.ls tb'e abd closed with a {air latr'i· (See quota- public hearing 'tiy the l;ocal Agency owners can't even git to, I must pi'Ote5t tions, Pq~ 1_0:11). Fonnatior. Commission (LAFC) Wed· the whole scheme,"·Char:lieriii<.i. · ,,.. nes_da)' i.i:i. p.m .. in Sant.a. An8. 'J'.he: hear-. NtnexaOon, Charlie. says woltld "criate ing Will'be held' in rootn·601 at the cOurity maDy ,Wands, which also create a wOne building ar-SIJ:lh ·am1 sycamore. Problem, all .this dupllcatlon of senkfs "I know we're gblftg t:o beat this," makes tt impossiblli to know whoiserws' Charlie ,salG. _ · \vho." . . , •, "AU the 1city wants is to seU each coun· "Please, I hope you folks will pay a· II t- ty licensed business'-M here In the can· tie more attention to a 3S-year-land yon a license, and g~t some tll oUt ot owner and llcenied businessman here 1n us," Charlie states in a letter to LAFC. the canyoo =to,. a cllgue. tJJat is ~ the agency which· rules .on the ap. the cl~ of · to r¥JWheNI, ,;;~ propriate"'55 of local government an· diCor\t Wtote lhe C commwt0net1, •· neuUoos. . . , At 78 years. of age, CQarlie. Peddi~rd The1 dty e>f 'Lagun8 ·Beach' llas pointed Can ,todeed 1speak bis mind. i 1 1. ,.., . . . , • .-• . I . I t • • 't . ' 'Oraa11,e . , Weatller. ' 11'YO.,;..nn11o'Je•ui.: .... ,wid-1 I neaday, dnn\ bllril: 'MIW .... 2. and • e.m.'puierwlie, c\ol!dJ' Uld lfl!! cover the Orange COUl with 1 temperatures in \he centrohlxUea, I r • • ( j I L :.tlltlltl•••I Dlltles' , Adj-qst ·rent u it Paris Tactics? ' . . . . . !> • I C~ang~ Asked . . N~nC U. Lodge· Home :Bef(Jr~ TV . Tal~ ~ . . ' I ~· n.(1fh Servlctt: • ,. Nixon's first r+ to face meeUna 'fliUl 111tf:W mattrl-1" Would be set (ortb by th 'W~ -On the eve ot bJg h1a: field comml!\der in Vletna1n, Gtn. Prta:ldent in hli: 1peech ~d the sun;. • sJ Creighton W. Abrams. moriing of IAd&e for "new maltucllons npor;I lo the naU'l'\ on VltlQlJit., Pro • Abrams met with Nixon and top ·a4. implied that the speech would be _. The boud, as II I& llO!! -luted, M&y not ftteet unless A piaruting· COnt• mlatoo member lJ present. 11lls will be ellmlnatod ln lhe O!lllpance .-en1 and lhe illlY«, wllb _. ...,...a1, wlll lllv1 the ciify of 1ppolaU., two.memben lo lhe U-member boud from lhe public 1t litge. The appolnlea, If 1vallablti-, are to be connected with lhe buildinJ indoatry, such as an ll<hltect •. The third member will eoqllnlie lo M I IMmbor ol lhe clly stiff. · · . Tile boud'wlll ~ab on lhe lddlli<llll duUa -hindltd ·by • th-memlier Atchltoctonl ..... u .. C«mnillff 'iblt -...........ia11ons ~ llplng .... other -....... lhe ptOperl)' "" V<>lvid II In 10 ALS -· Tbla tuocUon u well u variance -will be<omt lhe duly ol lhe .... lloard ol MJuotmenL · dent NI.Jon todiy Mnmoned Henry Cabot ministration defense olflciata Monday than simply a review ol the war. ~ • LodlO home 1rom lhe Paril pe ... llln durln1 a 2~bour visit lo Washington. He Zlegltr said the spoeeh would run abou~. for new lnatructkms. returned to Sa1gon Monday afttmoOn. half an hour md described it &11 a "majqr" The White House annoo.mc:ed the Pmi4 Nixon dfscuued the Vietnam situation, addttM" in which the President "will • dent !i1J addrea the naUaa at 7 p.m. among other~ wltb RepUblican eon· report to t It~ American people oo hli,\ PM W-7 by rldto llld telel')alon ,_ionll. I~ lhiB mo r nJ n (. views as lo lhe prooped• ol pe1ct ln lo giv• hlf vltWs nn lhe·proilptcts olcen· Alltnrar4 H...,. GOP leader Genld R. Vietnam." , · - • ding &be war. · Ford said NJxoo'! speech would ftot deal Although Ziegler said the address wilJ . The White House said consultations with any troop withdrawals and w a a contain new material, he declined to ~a)' , with Lodge are des.igned to determine designed primarily to "brfng the peOple what or to say whether Nixon was gom1r "how to proceed in the Paris talks in up to date on his vJ.ews" of the war and to lay down a new policy. light of the President's speech." the outlook for ending it. Nor would' he say that the matter of· Lo d g'e, the chief U.S. negotiator The White House said the Prtsidenl's new ln.struc'Uons for Lodge wggest.s somo. at the Pa r J s talks, will mlve ln 30-minute-speech would~ at lo:tb -JUs inillaUve at the PariJ: peace. table. . . ... W~n Wedoesd9 altemOon and vtewa on the prospecti ol peace In Viet· But when he wu a!ke.d whether 1t w11 will rttum to P,ariJ Thursday momlng, a niftl, b u t refused to refine thls (a.Ir to say he dld not expect any dr~atief Nlxoo aide s&Jd. • characterization. announcement Wednesday night, Zletlet' Lod,ge'a vWt COD)tl ju.st two t!aya after Press Secretary Ronald Ziegler did aay replied : "No, sir, I wO\l.ld not 1ay thAt. '' From P .. e 1 ·Reds Assault 40 Camps~ Step Vp Field <;ampaign SALT CIJE~K~ROAD. •• beun ol lo!timonY M_, In which llrie Lqun& Nllutl .. ltornoyo IOd Depu- ty CoantY C«msel Tbonlu Conroy Ul'Jed Judge Owtns to throw cul Ule Wilcoxen ccmplalnt. . • MCConnlck said lhe omended Wilcoxen -"merited no betl<r U..tmesrt ihan ·the flnl" -.. lppartlll ......... to Judp °"'"'' eoller ndlq• thlt Wileo .. 11 WOll!d have to point lo evldenc:e of fraud il be hoped lo get 1111 llllt put I.ow IOd ..-IOd lnlo lhe.lriaJ court. wu-....... thll lhe pelllloa - beill& diblted -.. .., -ol e-" ol lraud llld collusion on lhe part ol lil who sucoeulully lilUlbl 111111• Oonment. . It .. knlnm thll the ~ County Grllld Jury I& -ldlvely llludytns - <emed with -..... .u,.111 .... Wilcoxen, 11tornty Mlcbltl Sqer llld member> ol lhe Cop!llrano Boy Pltlll ud Recrutlon lllllrid bl.. letlUled before lhe panel lo(etber with lllomey E-Bell, 1 Lquu NllUel n- Irvine wmpany Gives $171,675 For High School wuii.m Muon, pmidenl ol lhe Irvine CclmPloJ, Mondly nllbl prtlepted I clteek ' lo 'l'ullln Union llJlh . Sehooi Dlstricl -. in lhe 1moun1 of im.m for embelll&bmenll lo lhe new Unlvenlly Pllt.lillh Scl>c>nL The lllCIM)' ii lo be Uled lo hire I llndlcll'l lri:llllelt, purcbue ~srow>d educatlonol equipment, ind ,... other Items IC< which public fundl on not available, tueh 11 educational television or a learnlng materlala rtlOUrce center. 'l'ullln lllJh, beln( I dlllrlcl that receives lllte fin111Clll help for con- llnlcllon, II Uml!ed In what lhe money can be ipent for. An lntne Company spokesm1n said Newpon,.Mee1 Unified School D!Jtrict I& nol ao mtrlcted llld company poUcy bas been lo give 1 discount on llnd .purcbale prloe 1""'8d ol I Cllb gilt. In preoenlln& the money Mondoy nlgilt, Muon said lhe Irvtn. Compony beUeveo It "will oerve lo 1ltrlcl .... keep fine teachers, provide a good learning en- vironment and gain parental and com muntty support ... Tbe Irvine Company aold the 40-acre IChool slte at the comer'of Campus Drive ud CUiver &Id' lo the Tustln High Dillricl II the •PF~ price of l!0,000 per acre. Tollf C08I of the high school, including the IU million for purcbaee o1 the llnd, ii npected lo be '4,113,1141. Grading now la tmderway w I th University Put H1«b lo open with UIO studenl& In September, lt'IO. OM! Y PllOT OUMel COAll l"lllkllttllfe Cfl/M'Alf'f ••hrt N, w,,4 '°'"""" 111'11 NII .. ' J•cl: R. Cvrl., 'Ila .. ...,.*"" ,,.. 0-tol ..... Th•11111 KM .. il ..... Th•m•1 A. M11r,S.TN • ""'"""" .... kld••r4 P. Nell , __ c"' ----121 kttotf A.,.. M•ln"f M4rffo P.O .... Ml. t2611 --c....-..1•w..11rr ...... ......,,~l ttl11¥llt ........ ..... ....... , ...... , ... .... lltlvt, Ud P...,,.,,, lllttclor Fomf DlcWon. The' DAILY PILOT turned Mondly that it la "very likely" that Supervisor Allen, Who has voted for abandonment at all phases of tbe controveray, will be cal· led before Iba Grllld Jury lo offer 1111 view of the controversy. Domogt1 filuro nn both sides of lhe .... uon. Wl1-en Is ~ iaao.ooo ·from the Loguiol MP!l Corp. ud the Prudtn- 1111, ImunncO Co .. backers ~ the 100. '"" -~ thlt ii cumnlly aboorlllllil Bill Cntt Rold, Ind ... In tuill 1111, Deen -ed with I 1100,llOO IUlt chlfllul.bliii with mlilcloua P'-Ution. County superv11on reeenily approved f lo 1 1 tentlllve trlcl mop · of that developm1111 u oubmllted by Log\1111 NJ&UIL WU,,._•, wller ptlltlon 'hid IOUgill to pnv.m th11 presentation before ll!)lmllon .... hilt ·--ol lhe -~ 1t lhe Pilnnll>l 1111.e. ,.,..,,. .... 1 TRANSIENTS •• , their puenil. The y -1lln pve neults of • survey by lhe y involvln( 19 "hlpple- type'.' youth. It nllted lo employment, houliQa, health needs, polJce relattonai, ICbool IOd mlrljuanl. Ht said 35 f1vored lepllalnr morljUIDI, two did not. · To I qllellkin 1baUI pollce hlrulment, • SINGING LliOAL ILU&S Newport'• Fellcl1no SAIGON (UPI) -Conununist forces shelled 40 Allied camps and towns overnight and battled American and South Vietnamese troops on the oulsklrlil of three major clties, milltary spokesman reported today. Battlefield reports estimated that about 1,000 North Vietnamese and Viet Cong troops had been killed In the intensified Communist offensive since Sunday. Heavy fighting raged In the rice pad· dies IOUth of Saigon and near Da Nang Pop art1lt Joee Feliciano 11 singing 1 ar.t! Hue on the northern coast. very dtfferent kfDd of bluu today. The Communist;, showed no signs (If Felici.ano Sues Operators of Newport Eatery But, if the guitar-strumming soul letting up on the cffensive aimed at im· a1n-wtm tus SnnM'lor C.ourt action, the proving their $,f.ature at )he Paris peace ia-~s--table. -==t :.t:,. ~W::e .!: ::v~ In the French capital, the chief Viet to ·-.1de '""". '·--t..fWed nlraln. Cong negotiator, Tran Buu Klem, ac· .-v... WfRMIJXTI . cused the United States on the rtrst an. For the blind ballade« bu written a nlversaty of the Pi ril discussions today till0,000 ICOfe. . cf esc8fatlng,the war l.o "unp~edented Named u defendants in the lllit filed levels." He urged the Americans lo ac- Monday by the singer are Newport South cept the 10-po~at peace plan he proposed Bay Inc,. Gene and Clrol Tonkin Ran-last week, ca.lliJll ln part for a coalition dano and Charles s. Dfeyer. ·Ra.ndano govenunent in Sllgon. Bnd"Dreyer'i overtures led, he~claims, lo A mused infantry charge on a U.S. In- the: aett.ing up of an agreement In fantry base near Hue, 390 miles north cf October, 1958. Saigon, took a heavy American toll. He claims that he was told at that time Spokesmen 1aid 20 GI.s were killed and lhll It would like ttOO,llOO lo $1!0,000 lo 6S wounded hurling bacl< the North Vie~ '·'"·' t ii th 11 of nameae human-wave assault. Twenty American and Allied lroops kllll!!d at lea!t 4... Communi1Sts, miUtary spokesmen reported. The battle possibly averted a planned attack on the airport at Da Nang, South Vietnam 's second largest ci· ly. Allied casualties in the fighting, only three miles from the Da Nang airbase, were reported "light." U.S. ana South Vietnamese troops backed by tanks and (lther annored vehicles reported killing 83 Commwrlsts in a nightlong baWe which raged until early today through rice paddies U miles southwest of· Saigon. Spokesmen said two Americans were killed and 33 wounded. South Vietnamese troops in the capital district around Saigon were placed on 100 percent restriction. All were confined to barracb areas, but spokesme1. said this did not constitute a full alert, Ul!iually c<o.tled when a major attack appeared im· mine~t. NEW SENATE CHIEF GOP'$ Howard Way GOP Solon Way Elected Head Of State Senate tsftSUl~u 1 restauran ong e nts North Vietnamese bodies Were found on dlhef...'.'!'~ •• ~--1'.'~bualnbl lllthudl •• ~t the the battlefield, most ol them cut down by SACRAMENTO CAP) -RepubliC411 e "''~1.111 -w.u m t ul'C money artlll J,,ow-keyed opposition to a 44-unlt Sen. Howard Way was cho1en to repJa(:e Laguna Planners Hear Opposition To Ouster Unit would be forthcomlng from capltal he.Id eey. clwiter·type development planned . for De 1 H h M B ' whh no menUon d --'""' -1'-a-., by ,._,_ com-•v "Grant F·"· Fo-•I About •ix miles 1outh of Da Nang, La , Bo !Jlocta ug . urns as prl!!sidto.' • .,__.. .. .....-.~ uw::u-....... ..,, ~ ..... gunas st Canyon was heard by pro tern of th Se t loci ·.11_ ... clea, 21 stated they bad been buuaed Product.I" planning C(lmrnissioners Monday .. 1 .. "t.· . e . no e ay, en~14 ud 15 ltated ~hid not. · And be. wu lllured •• says that the Co . 1 U&&"' Burns' 13 yea r's as presiding officer of llie ·~ C lle d rnnuss oners continued the -public u h-· A -·•orfft• ·----"•• lo -·p .;._ so· "-·"don't o1· "e ;,_.., of $6 000 t h . th . pper . ,....., •J •-..... _.... ....... ".,."' \.1.IDU r' .,..,.,,. 0 C e eating On e CODdit1onal Use permit IP. health querUou 1ndlcat.ed tbtf. needed the rutauranl that ill operawa would ' plication until June 16 to await results of The action came in a closed caueus of dental and medJcal eenktl i;Ut not :o.: draw no aalai'y or Compeljllltlon durinC ,,.. a road alignment study. the Senate after the 67-year-old Bw:u pl)'Cbololl<ll .....U... Al>oul half (11) the flrsl yeor: ' . In Flood Auction The City Department of Public Works dramatically called for the vole. ; cheCked ~ to ab: mcmths u the leqtb The' lfOUP allo proposed to raiae and County Road Departml!!nt are ex· It follcwed weeks of hard campaigni ni of their pllnned 1t11 .in Lapna and 11 · $200,000 In capital by U. tasuance cf pected to come up with a precise future by Way, a tall, gray-haired member of 11 cbecked eJJ: to l2 months. 20,000 shares· at $10 per a&re, Ftllclano A Sunday art aucUon to aid Laguna alignment of Campus Drive extension to San Joaquin Valley farm family ind A Villa Parle blch ac:hool atudent ~ of . aayi. And 1 further i11Ue !of ihares was Beach flood victims ralsed approximately serve the area; fellow Republicans. They began their ef· 1 sordid family Hie wbleh Include IWdde des1gned to provide tundl for Don and $6,000. Opposition to the development on s.:n forts when the GOP captured control of by her mother, molatatlon by an Mary tMangano, manageri of the Richard Challis, owner or Challis acres above Riddle Field wu based the houae 21·19 in special Contra Costa alcoholic father, a drug Ultt uncle and restau:rant at 1617 Westcliff Drive the Galleries, zald all of the donated art, generally on fear of increased traffic and County election. h~.:':1~ ato lll=i religtous re-complaint indicate1. ' nearly 100 works, sold as a crowd parking and to chan&ing Laguna. There The vote for Way was 21·19. juvenaUon after turn1nc vol11ntarily to the Instead, Feliciano,. argues, tht dtfen· estimated st 2·000 persons milled through were three letters of protelt and three or The senators declined to specify tlfe J·uvenlle -·~ which p'·cecl •-'" I dant3 could only raise a S'n,642 loan, the Festival of Arla grounds. I four speakers in opposition. ~ part.lsan breakdown on the vott, but Wa~ .. ..,,,.. • ... UC! £1• .. uite in d t ., f th ti Challis, who with Mrs. Helen Kee ey One opponent spo~e or Laguna as It had had been tiupported by some Jlberal foster home. She urged LagunanJ kl open q 1 equa e or e opera on hl!!ads thl!! flood-reUef committel!! shared been 15 years ago beCore the Boat ~on Democat3, unhappy wilh Bums's suppOrt their homes to foster children. planned. And ~e eon~nd• that the defen· Sunday aucUoneer duties with City Coun· shopping center and Ridd1e Field Where of President Nlxon and other Republican! Vice Mayor Joseph 0 'Su 111 van . ~an~, are r:unnin~ a" questionable opera· cllman Richard Goldberg. Little League baseball ls played. in the last election. supervisor of attendance and child bon, 0™: m ~~lch patrons are hustled Challis eaid the flood committee will Bernard Syfan, a partner in the project The liberal Democrats also objected to welfare for Public IChooli in the county to buy drinks. distribute the proceeds to flood victims th at lnclud•• a-"tecl Willi'am E. Burns' business dealln•s · I h' ··'d lhe --unity __ ,_ •· try to' The complaint indicates that U patrons .....,. •1,;.111 e -main Y 11 --............. ln;ICWI "' d 't ,, I . h ti th t th who include the Winston Blevins family B:lurock, withheld comment unUl the action in pushing a bill helping an in-understand reasons for transient youth on ·go a on~ wit . sugges ons a ey and artists Ray Unger and Jack Fontan. June 16 metling. !Urance e<mpany while serving as an of· and hippie conduct. step up lheir drmk orders, they are All had thetr Canyon Acres Drive homes Syfan, a Laguna Beach ensineer, had fleer of another lnsuranct firm. He said youth ls bored. They ha ven't "treated rudely and in a rough manner" destroyed in the deluge. estimated the totaf developmtnt. with Way told newsmen he would make no had to work for what they have. Some and that this policy is "driving patrons One of the highlights was "Mr. Seri~ land costs, would come to more than $1 major' changes "at this time." He said are eeeklng adventure. SOme unattracUve out of the restaurant." ble", watercolorist Bob Noble who, in a million. there wouid be: "no drastic change1 io girls feel that by wearing weird clothing Feliciano contends that the defendant,, clown suit, did caricature drawings for It would have dwellings arranged in committee assignments." ~ gain attenUon. Other& just want to never intended to work without pay and children. Funds were also raised during clusters with a common recreation area ~. the most powerful senator sinct buin around. • that, in fact, large salaries have been the day for Little Le.ague, by sale of hot serving the development. The first phall!! his election in 1957, said, "I don't think O'Sullivan uld IA.guna can try to withdrawn from the operation. He aays dogs, and for the high school art club by would be 20 units with a 24-unit second the Republlcan party gained a great understand while malntalnlng a firm, the restaurant reflect! discredit upon him sale of carnaUons. phase. deal." constant and equaJ enforcement of Jaw1. personally and that the defendants have lf;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;ii;;;..;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i~;..;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o.I O'Sullivan .. id certain aspecb of the failed to meet bills and pay tues II hippie syndrome will pin as the youths prompUy. bectlme a little older, with more prob-SOme $60,000 or the damages claimed !ems and more toler~. Long hair and by the popular guitarist represents fees bright clothes he aaw as a ·style change ror several appearances he made at tht just u atyle bu changed at other Umes. restaurant '1l<f for which, he says, be has Jol!n Longley of Youth Challenge llid never been paid. tiis 1fOUP brings the Bible to llle 24 hours He states that it was never a part of a· day where ever youth bu a need. the agreement that he should appear at "Our 1ppro1ch kl ·the problema of our all. But now that bl!! has, he saya, be youth and norcotlcs ii not of Cbrilllonlty would like lo be paid Cor It. llld our entire empbalil I& hrlnll/11 to Feilclano also asn the court lo prevent youth Iba knowledge that God ts no!, the defendanl& from expanding the CUI' that he b workinc, he la actlYe today." rent operation. He particularly uks that The meetln( 1t Lquno Federal they not be lilowed lo open a propoeed buUdtnc was alt.ended by· about 50 restaurant (If the uml!! name ln Laguna ptnODS, mostly adultt. Beach. Fr-r ... 1 NIXON DEAL .• will turn off the SU Dlqo Jl'r .. w1y now tor a look at the Nlim bJdeaway and grounds. Bultt 'lll"ISH"1>7 the w .. tthy oil llld rtllt1 inV"'°'" 1Cotton, the n'llJlllOn ....... '" pllnled with eypna, palm, orange and lemon trea and teeludf!d lrom the bl,tttWoy. -Service l(lllil find the l"opuly • -lrom lhe MCUrlQI -poin~ bounded bJ the bhlfl ud belch, I fr.at.I wall, Qlmp Ptndltton on one lkk and a Cout Outrd •Illian .. lhe olber. A portloo of the tl.f million, »om -to corved out o1 rancllllnd a ye1r1 ... II llr'tley on alUllve prlv1to homes <levelopmenl and the nmalnder " belnt held In trust unW a lullablo buyer I& found. U currtnt studies Indicate the picture- postcard scene of CaWornia whJch lured thou1ands in the lMO! and 1900s is a good site for the Nlton muaeuzn.Ubrll')', a founcl1Uon wlll 1-ponte lo flnanne it. A t'Olter of as trusteeii was announced Monday, among them David Eisenhower, NiJ:on'a aoiPin-law: Robert H. Finch, eecretary of health, tducauon and wtlfan: Ally. Gen. John N. Mitchen, evangelist Rev. Billy Gtaha.m and the President's brothers, D o n a I d (of Newport Beach) llld Edward. (White House legal counsel Joh n D . Ehrlichman ~Bid the corporation will be incorporated under Calllomia l1w and the Pred'dent ts expected kl rq.ilter as a voter In his home state.) • DECORATOR AND MODEL HOME RETURNS Spanish and Ml'diterranean Furniture All New Top Quality Brand Names A Decorator's Dream Home Is On Display Over $100,000 Worth of Spanish & Mediterranean Furniture to Choose From! ltam1 e1 follows : Gorgeous 8 ft. custom quilt•d 1ofe with seper•t• pillows with he1vy oek trim cf•cor end matching chelr, l matching oak occ:esionel tebl•1, 121. 58" till dec:oretor lamps, han9ln9 eheln •••t:t lemp in wrought Iron, en l-ptec1 •ing 1i1• mister b•droom 1ult1 in p•cen pen1l1d M1dit1rr1n1an style with top quellty 5 years w1 1 "·"nty king 1i1e m1ttr11s end box 1prin9s. Spanith dining set, •fc. , Any pl1c1 can be purchased individually. Drop by end ••• our 11ltdion of top quality Spenish 1nd M•dit.rren11n furniture ••• fanfestlcally priced! COMl'LITE HOUSEFUL WAS RIGUARLY $1521.00 MUST SACRIFICE FOR ONLY . l'11r11if11rr 1111 . ' 1844 Newport Rlvd. Co•l a Mc•a I only) , .... , "'' ~. ,,, " yr..," \<ti ·' ~ •.• '·' ~ '698°0 :rERMS -WI CARRY OUR OWN ACQ.OUNTS • AT HAHOll IOUl.IVAU '1 I J \ ,. • Laguna Beaeh • I l • ' n ·Y.Ol. 62, NO. ·114, 2 SECTIONS, 26 °PAGEs. . . ' •• ' t ~ ·-~N&t coQ~. ~LIFQRNIA TEN CEf'lfS ~ Salt '. 87 fOM BARLEY ~ or .. DelJ ''"" Stiff . Nt argumeo, b) Laguna Niguel Cof-pcn:uon ean overcome the fact thif'Salt"" ~k Road WU deeded lo Orange Coon- tJ by the State of California as a piennanent and publle right· of way, J..aiuoa Beacll attorney Wtlliam Wilcoxen testified today in Supedor Court .. 'l'hat act alone outlaws all subsequent abandomntnt. action by tbe ·cou.nty. Plan-nli>c ; Ci>mmlssiQ!l and "'P<"'laon, the , • •• Art Colany lawyer ·told Jllclp Clall<l!o Owens. Knd' Wilcoxen went Gil to lash the supitria:ors tor the "e>lmnely summary manner in wl!Jch they endod public in- terest iD,Salt Creek Road one year ago." ago." Wllcoxeri testified lhlll the board; led by Supervisor Alton E. Allen of Laguna, abandoned the thoroughfare on March 26, 1968, in a hurried move '~t is cooflned ,;w six sentenca 'of testimony." -0 'Ibat acUOll WU. in fact. ID IUJlUUl'Y that it WU never brought to I vote," Wilcozen said. He told Judglo Ownes lhal Salt Cnoel! Rood .... -lo the p!lbllc In 1133 llJd no lecl1lnive actloa bad ....-been tal<en which woold allow Ill)' private Olllerprise 'to deprive the public ol lhlll lndltlooal right of. way. . Wllcoxen's arguments came today as the .cO;irt debate on the ~road abtn- • doomenl around into its fiflb hour. Four IXOil ·u s ' Down the , ·Mission .• Trai.I . . Planners Study El Toro Tract EL TORO -A tentative tract map lo subdivide 1.1 acres into 21 residential lots ill the El Toro area is before the county Planning Commission W~y. Subdivider-for the property at El Toro Road and: Raton Drive is I.he Roseglen Construction. Co., %2611 Jubilo Place, El 'foro. ·:.ni.e firm alBo is requesting.the rer.one ol. 7.7'aCre! to residential mt in the same ~ea. e Summer TaUc Slated SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO -Planning summer acliVities for children will be diJcq.wed tonight at 7:30 o'clock by psychologist Donald Bowlus in a talk at Marco F. Forster Junior lUgh School. ~=&wlus is a psychologist in the Orange Unified School District and is an in· structor at UCLA. His talk will conclude a series of monthly ~lings sponsored by the capistrano Unified School District. '-~ wies on_ lw:D,ing diaa.bilittes has taken up areas ol interest to parents and Ills been well attended. e $100 Gra11t Planned ' CAPISTRANO BEACH -A 1100 ICholanbip will be awarded by the Capistrano Beach Chamber of Commerce to a grlduaUng senior of San Clemente High School this year. ·-Panel Told Transients Push To F-ind Selves By RICHARD P. NAU. Ot IM EJ41tr Plllt St.ti A child keeps pushing until he is stop- ped. This is how hi.s Um1U are set m society. The same is true of transient youth who are trylng to find the "real them," Tom Barnes, county delinquency preven-- tion coordinator, told a Laguna Beach au. dience Monday nlgbt. Barnes was· one of five •speaters at a discussion of the v._reblems connected with tranli...,,youtb.11 "a·slqo\fby the Laguoa CoOrdinatin CoariCU wtth Helen . g ......... . Keeley.acting u program.....--· 8"ferring •to • the reilon'i/tremendoul populaUoo Influx llJd lo ,.anc1erin( yquth, Barnes &aid, "Thia is how a -child finds the limita in IOciety I becauaei he ·will 10 unUl somebody stops him .and the same thing happens to an adult.'' Roger Corter, Soutb 0r..,., County YMCA ei:ecutive director, 1 a ld youngsters become transienta becaUle G(1 "Lack d. a a.riltian~Jov• tW has 1eme· melbing and (lad< ol) conm•!Dl(atloo m· tbe~y." . . 'I\ 1.Jf,~, ..i: Carter saw in affluence . Ei' ~~It to rovin& becaute.y<Kltb bu means to come and· go searching identity. lie said nol a day J>UH!l·lor'the ~ ~-"lii-'!.i"r;!:""wllli 1'UI!&, ' (See TRANSIENTS, =~ ... 1\1 N~on Urges. Draft· Lottery, :V ear's Danger WASHINGTON .(APJ ·-Prealdeot Nix- on asked Congress today to set up a ran· dom, lottery system for the military draft. Nixon recommended that 1$-year--olds be .. bjecl lo the finl call but that Ibey remain wloenble to the draft f« only one year rather than seven as under the elisUng 1fitem. "It is my conviction," Nixon said Jn a ~essage to Congress, "that the dilrup- t1ve impact of the military draft on in- dividual lives should be minimized as mil fraud.", Wilcoxen cbiml ho will ~ evidence, garnered from newspaper ~ pinp of eight yean 110, tbai. the cor- poration promised not lo -any further -.. ... ol'Salt ~ Rood. .Judge Owens must rule on Wlko1en'1 plea that abandomnent of the publk fool.- path, Carried · out after the county pia!> nine · commission and , board o f supervilor..: approm:I of the LIC\lft8 Niguel r<quesll, should be overlumed Deal Close.d For. Cotton Mansion · By,AR-THUR R.•VINSEL Of ..., DllllY ,. ••1 Quiet San Clemente today le'ariMfd '11 will'bave an offidal ptaee.tn U.S. hiitory, with clming ·of a $340,000 deal for PreQ.. \ dent Richard M. Nixon.to buy the .old H. H. Colton ma!J'lo!i.u his Wbito -w~~ .,,.....1.. . . . Studies and. land tests on I.he five-~ parcel are ...,.uncler way tO ~If ~ . it is suifabJe· • a ~aite fbr the Ntloa: -· a!ld ¥brllrY. ~ bis JlOfl .~papen;~~-"!·· t The White Belile. 8llllOUrlCement .u:t /. ~ ~ will .poy 90-year-ald KrL VlMmla~ $1DD;lll.:-........ rt.t...n tm ,.., perlpd ll 7.J;~. • .... ~ (' ..... f- llBPAUil'.J'l;ANND· I Re~Jrs.' ~. and . ln1pr6'0me!!l<I ·are p•••_.. /ot•tbe whltO ~--n:d lfle. JI !... ,_.~~ • ~ " ' I ~ roofed ;Spanish VW• • oYer . · · the. oeean, li>CJ-t reourlacln('ol a tennis cOOrt &qi! 0ii09lble iwimmlni pOof, -s&uctiori:"" ' . .McirieY frOm·the NixOns• '3'li,O sale of Ulidr' New Yor~ aparlmOnt lo, !odd and /, drug1whole,Wer J.,e1fis:1Lehtman wlD be ulid'lii•tllt purchaie ol lbe Cottoft--• apd a piece or the estate.· ' • ~ • • ._._ I • • ·., 1 • , , ) DilltyJPM.JllToll'ftlll: ...... • ibe.loiii-~ Piir<bu'e •f 111e p-o- per1y •u ·a ll!lllUDOt ~ ill Nbi0o '1 native SoulJtl4nd wil ~ bf 1 a vl'1comlni ·comment' from 5ar" Clm!ente •I ' +<..;i ' .• • ·--i I•·' A1!,NEX1 w,K·es~ ckAR.~1e< PEDll1c0Ro, ·71, ~1G1+i'JN'"W.D Canyon Re1icl,nt Sh1k1s Hli. cane .et OfflC:leklom ... ·ch · ».J.ie-·F.ig·h~_ing· ~I!. ' . ' . . ., .~ . . • ' ' I ' ' • Opposes Laguiw Junkylird An·n,ex ' . . . By JACK CHAPP.ELL 01 rite Diltr Plllt S!tfr . . out In the past that annexaUon p~ Ceedlngs were initiated at the riqueS( of several of the land owners inYolv~. CllyM•••-KenQelhcarr.-' -.;•n1ia"ifu· a ir<afbcnr tl1li Mr. Nix<m bu !lelected oor commwilty ," said Carr, .addliic'be I• conUdent the clly will meet all)' imi\tin( requirements. Pul'cbaae ol the tllfliilln bome wltlCh hoated President F.ranidh\ D. Roooevelt whe~ 11\e late Mr. Collon ~ ~ Democralle le&der -WU allve' also iP.ePs ~anl ~ws for Chamber of COmmeree types. , Real estate prices in the clly o!J7.iotl -described by one -recent :viiitar a111 Leisure World without walll 1-have already soared with promliin( ll)lOCl!la- • .· ~.grant will be given lo a student in the .field of business administration, chamber directors have decided. San Cltlnenle IIlgh. School handles all the l).ip &<;ho:ol 1tudents of the Capistrano Qnifled Sc'hool District, a district which tbcludes Capistrano Beach, San Juan Capistrano, parts of Mission Viejo, '18iuna Niguel aod Dana PolnL much as possible, consistent with the na· "I'm· too old to use imy fists any· more, tional secwity. For this reason J am to-but I CJD shoot a IUD and speak ·my day aslqng the Congress for authority to · mind;'t. implement lmportant draft reforms." aiaCile PedClicord«was ~and. is flghtirl' Proponents cite the benefits qf ~ and fire protectlon and other munlCfPat .. mces. ~ts ~Y· that they •!!' alr<acly up lo 'tlieir ~Its' In taxes-aild d~n.'t W1lJltthe services offtre4 by pit cl· tion of Nimn's residency. , , Despite its relative IQICCflliblUty. to .~u i but official guesta, lhouAnds ol lo!!rlltl " 1 • : En Pr.at Slaoti>K EL TORO -A ·use variance to permit eilablishment of· an egg ~ and • P.clilng plant ind a store-fer the retail -ol eggs and dairy producls in the El Toro area w1ll be studted Wednelday by IM..county Planning Comml,.loo. Permit applicant Jack Marlow seeks qi. .facility on El Toro Rood, ·,_. q'l;wderl ol a mile south of Cook's Comer In Aliso Canyon. ' ' . e ".:Pep Mee£ Weol...,slla11 ,. . l\CWSION VIEJO -GraduaUng hig!I Xhool senion and Saddlebaci students IMertsted in becoming cheerleaders tnd ai:ingteaden at the college wlll be hosted at a Pe~ln on the campwi at ·3:30 p.m. Wednesday. !'lb! informational mleeting will ac· quaint candidates with requJmnenta, and tryvuts for the poltl will follow later wtth linal..elecllon J181e 4. 'Mresbmenta at the Pep-In will be pro-v/ded by the Aaaoclated Student Body • • ....... ...... , s.u wl'.S'fRANo Bt.\Cll -Obo<rvance ' of lllmar1al Day -·-up ..... polriollc holldl)'I -be marlted -the fly1ng of the American Flag, <lapberano.ll<lcl! Chamber o1 Oommen:. Be~.._ Vp olfloen bolleve. TO ..-.p'dq flying on theie Im-' +-~ occulord;American Flap were · htlng mllde available at COil to the public bf,.....al local buli...,.._, They .,. on .,.,._at Kent'• Ory Gleaners, at Kenny 's Hi'1fware and at Jack lng1lls Reatty. -~ can ·C•~;ll'• an~~drum)-,... lliiai-~ pole alter enterp111ln& 1 udenu • combined pop art and spring hi-jink for laugh• at Laguna High. .. The J>res:ident repeated his stand that mad about a proposed' city annexation ideally ,jhere should be an all-volunteer · whldi fncludes hii l:.itwla:Canyon Road armed ·force for the nation. He 1aid he junk)rard. ·~ -· · . coollnu«j lo llelieve that Ibis id<al can be Th• ~I "ioag' lime 1_,agunaD ~ a r<'!Ched IUldtr more stable world cor> Lagunan hr spirit; U not".pl\jslcalJocalion ditionl. or inclinaUon -is• Me of. severaL·qmjop, Ht,added : "Under -t conditions, rosidents Proleslinl the me.,... willch however , !IOJl!e kind of drMI w!ll be need-woold bind Ml acres:lo .tbe ·cily. ed for lbe .immediate future . Aa 1on1 as Much ol CharUe's·bOpes are riding;Oll!a that ts the cue, we mllll do everylhin( publlc hearin( by· the Local li#«Y we can to limit the disruption caused by Fonnation Cc:mmtalidn . (LAFC) , Wed..- the syatem and to make it as fair as nesday at 2 p.m. in•San\a1Ana. 1be hear· poulble.". . ing wW be held in room~5f1 at•tfte·COQDty The chief e:recuUve offered a six·point building. at Sllth and Sycamore. recommendation, tapped by changing "I ~ tpow .we're going_ to ~t this," from an o'ldest-Orst to a youngest-first. Charlie said. order of call to a young man would "All the city, wants ls to se:U·each coun- beeome.lea rather than more wlnerable ty I~ business out here in the can- to eeledlori u ht grows Older. yon a llcenae, and get some ·ta1. ou\ o[ The random system - a lottery u!l,'' Charlie states in a leUer to LA.Fe, would be applied to all those who are the a1ency which ruJea on the ap- wbier1;ble durlng a given year rather p~oprlateness of local govemrpent an· than to thole whoae birthdays fall at cer· nexaUons. lain !Imel of the year or month. Tbe dty ol tq\ll!a Beach: bu pointed ty anyway. · , · •• I • "With lhe terrible do1m1ge ·ealll'!f • '17 the flood and l1!!dsl~1, and'. the· 111\"VJ taus Jor ilhe ,,,_ which; 11• mutt. pay and -ll>e• IC>qjled l,~. Iha\] the ··dty . wants to aDDQ:,rllJ miybe.eJcbt or -10 land owoen llJd a eo11ple ol· partojf•lho owners can't even ,get to, I must ~. the wbok tcheme," OiarHe aakJ. ~ f , Annexation, OwUa aays WO!f)d "create m811)'. islands, which ral., crea~ .a ·"°'9e pnibiem,.aP this dupllcatjoo of .sen;.,s makes itimpogslble to ·know who m\"el' who." "Please, I hope yoo rolks will p,iy 11! U"t- tle more attention to a SS-year land owner and_. licensed businessman hire in the canyon than to a clique that ls taklna the cltizetil OC 1LgUWi to now'IW:re," P'6- dlcord wrote the'f.AFC commigsioaen. At 71 years of age, Charlie Peddicord ctn Indeed speak b1s mind.. ~ -l f (See NIXON DEAL, Pap •• _: f .. NEW YORK (AP)' --Tlie· ·-ll\8"kel, lfi'I; tw?, ,llrllilbt '-J sessions,. moved ~If tonrard t"l)ly llJd clo11ed with a fair pln. <See quOta• tions, p~ tG!lJ), , t 0r..,. • • \ .'I I l .• •• - ' It ~y PUT l • . T ... , 1111 U, IM • ' :.4.WICl•••I lhltie• Adjust~ent linit ' Chan·ge lAsked Al rioonce lo In lhe munldpal hopper today to rutructure the-three-member ~ ol Adjustment which handles d!-'onaJ varlan<tl IOUlht for i.....,. j!leodl """'"'' 'Ibo ordlnlnce IU11<JIClment It one ol several thlt dty couhcttmen have ln- llructed City Allomey Jack Rimel to prtpare !or adOptlon u part of· revtslon to..U.-..:e•. ,,,. loan! ol AdjuaUnent, formed In Septanllar of 1181 to late part of the load -haildled by the City Ptl!llllnc Corn- -now COllllJll ol a piaM!ng llalf rn.nbtr, the Plamllnl comm I 11 Jon chatrman « bit delegate and a public member. CUnatly Mrving. are Cl)'de Z. Sprinp, Sf.Jannlnr and bulldlnf dlte<tor; Nd B , pll!llllnc.C<lllllllilslOll chairman : eue Riddle, former m1yor. The board, u II II now --· may not meet unlesa a plllUlJ.na com- m.Won member la pruent. Thia will be elll!llnaled In lhe onllnanoe am...iment ud lb• ntayor, wllb ([Olllldl· approval, will llave the <illy ol appolntlnl two members to the thrte member board from Ill• public at large. • • The appolntffs, If availablt, are to be coonected with the building lnduttry, such u an architect. 'Ille third membtr will continue to be a member of tht city staff. • ,,,. board will lake Oft tht eddllloul dutift now hancDtd by a three-mtmbtr Archltee1ural Land u .. Ccimmlttoe tllat mu" .......,en4111ons oa llpln( and other mattara 1'htre the pnipert;y m. volved ii ln an ALS zone. 'Ibis function • as well u Vll'il.nce declJIOM will.become lhe duty of lhe new Boan! ol Ad)mtment. ,.,.... P .. e J SALT CREEK ROAD • •• hounol~V.'ylolhm 1-Nlpel _..,, _. ~ ty County eow...t ,_ °"""' mled Jude• OMns to throw oat the -ccrnplalnt. MeCormldc said lhe ammdod WU.0- petltloa '"merited • blller -than the Ont'' ... -u ..,,.,. ....... to Judp o...n.· eoller ,... !bot Wllcosen would hrive. to point to ~ ol fraud U he hoped to set bis lldt pqt law and motJoo and lllto the trial _.. Wlkona argues tllat lhe pdltlao - being ~ fumlJbel "an abnndaftre tJI. evidence'' or fraud and collusion on the part ol au wbo succesdully sought lban- donment. It It known tllal the ~ County Grl!KI Jury is now 1ctively stud:Yln« ~ cemed wUh thoee same alfegitlons. Wilcoxen, attorney MlcbaeJ Sq:er and memben ol the Caplatrano Bay Parks and Rematl<>n Dlltrict bave te.tifled bel<n lhe panel together with attorney E ..... Bell, a Lacuna Niguel rep......,. Irvine Company Gives $171,675 For High School Wllllam Muon. pruldent of. lhe lrvlne . ~. Mcnla7 nllht -led a ' cheek to 1\utln Union Hip School D1ttrict truste. In 'the amount of 1171,l'IS for embellishments to the new University Part.Hilh School. "il>a ....., 11 lo be uaed to hire a landlCape ltchltect, purchuo playground educatlooll equlpmen~ and for other Ii.ma for wlikb publle funds are nol avallab1t, 'such u educational televlaJon or a 1tamln1 materlals h:IOUroe center. Tustlll ~h. being a dlllrtct lhllt receive& state flnanclal help for con- wtructJca. II UmJ&ed in what the money can be spent f«. An Irvine Company spokesman uid Newport.Mesa Unllled Scbool Dlllrtct It nol ao retlrleted and company policy hu been lo ll•e • dlac:ount "' land purcllue price lnltead ol a cub llft. In .,._,ilng the money Mond>y nip~ Maten aald the lrvhie Company believes It ''will M!'Ve to attract and keep fine teachen, provide a good learning en- vironment and 1alo pareotal and com munlty support." 'lbe: Irvine Compey sold the 40-aere achool alte at the corner Cif Campus Drive and CUiver Road to ~e Tustin High Di.trlct at the apprslaed price of 13(1,000 per 1cre. Total cost of the high ochool, including the tt.l million for pun:hase of the land, It npecled to be 14,113,illtl. Grading now Is underway " I t h Unlvenlty Park High to open wltb l,llO --In September, lflO. OM IY PllOf OIWitOC CO.Ut PUil. llHIMa COllU".MIY l•Nrt N. w, .. Prt11'*"9 "" P'Wlw. · J•c• •. c ... 1., \'lu l"rnl*"I 'flf lklllf'1 ...... TJi•111•1 k•••il .... n. ..... , lo.. M•rpJilR• ~11.iw klcJier4 P. N•ll ·--'"' ••1tw tative, and Plaoolng Director Forest' Di-n.. DAILY PILOT learned Monday that it Is ''Very likely" that Supervisor Allen. who ha.s voted for abandonment at all phases of the controveny, will be cal- led before the Grand.Jury to offer his view of the controversy. Damages ficur'9 cm both aides of the ac- tioo. Wllcouii ii -klnl l300.000 ln>m the Lq1lll Nlpl Corp. and the Pruden- tlal """"""' Co., ba<Ul'I ci lhe ((Ill. acre ~ !bat It curreolly 11-tJlar Sall ~ Road, and be In tum baa -· amed with a .1100,000 suit ~ him wllb mallclOW! p-.:uUon. CociatJ 1Upervlaors recentiy approved 4 to 1 • tentaUve tract map of that dev.elopment .. , 111bmllled by i.....,. N1"111: WU'!"'en'e earlier peUWm bad ""!fill Ill prevent lhal pruentation belOre -_,.la!Jn and hall ~ of the~ a,t !be planning llli•· ,.,,_ P .. e J • .TRANS IENTS • • ' their pareots. 1he Y director also 11ve results of a !IUl'W)' by the Y lnvolvlnl It '"hlpple- type" youth. It related to employment, hoaalng, bealtb oeedl, pollee relations, ocbool and marijuana. He aald 36 lavored legallllng marijuana, two did not. To a question about pallce barumnent, with no mention of ~ pollee a- clel, II altted lhey bad -baraaaed and 11 stated lhey bad not. A· majority of -teipODd)na to heolth queationa. indlpled lhey needed dental 1nd modJcaJ .ervtc:e1 ·but nol paycholog!cal COllMOllng. About bail (Ill cheeked one lo all monlhl u lhe lenath o(lhelr pllJUlel! atay ·1n Laguna and 15 cheeked stt to IJ moelhl. . A· llllla Pl!rk hJlh llcllool llludenl told ol a IOrdid family Uli which Include aulclde by her mother, molestaUon by an alcoholic father. a dnq' UJer imcle and her own fU&ht to narcotJcs. Sbe told ol a 1Ubeequtnt "llgl°"' ,._ juven.tton after turntnc voluntarily to the juvenile court wtpch placed her in a foster home. She urged Lagunans to open their homes to foster children. Vice Mayor Joseph 0'Su111 van. supervisor or aUendance and child welfare for public schools ln the county, said tbe community needs lo try to understand reasons for transient youth and hlppie conduct. He said youth is bored. They haven't had to work for what they have. Some are seeking adventure. Some unattractive girls feel that by wearing weird clothing they gain auentlon. Others just want to bum around. . O'Sullivan 11ld Laguna can lry to under11tand while mainlainlng a firm, constant and equal enforcement or laws. O~ulllvan said certain aspect& of the hlpPte syndrome will pass as the youths becOme a little older, with more prob- 1el'll5 and more tolerance. Long hair and bright clothes he HW 11 a style change jlist as, style has changed at other Umes. John Langley of Youth Challenge uld hla group brings the Bible to life 24 hotas a day where ever youth has a need. "Our approach to tbe problema of our youth and narcotics ii one of Chrlstlanlty and our ent.lre emphasis ls brln&ln1 to youth the knowledge that God ii real, that he ii working, he Is actlve today." 'Ibe metling at Lqun• Federal building waa 1ttended by about 50 pttJOnJ, mostly adults. •• ' ! ' I N4:0n ~iAUi~odge H~ Before TV Talk 11 "'9 -llemce1 N"11oe'1 lint I• to face m<o!lJlr iitUi , '"new material" would be set forth by tiJ WAIHINOTON -Oo the eve ot Ji1s his flelcl commlniler in Vletn&m, Gert. President in hls speech and the su";, report to the naUcm °" Viftnlm. Prtal· cretghton W. Abra.m1. • moniog of Lod1e for "new instructions cltnl Nilon locl ,ci H • rl~ Abr1m1 met with Nlson and lop ad: Implied that the 1peeoh would be more •Y •ummon enry ~ min1str11.lon defense of~ ,Manday Lha.n simply a review of the war· Lodge borne from the Paria peace talka: during -, 24-hour villt to Wul\lngtol'I. He Ziegler said the speech would run •bc:iut• 1or new inelructiona. returned to Safaon Mooday artttnooo. ~ half an hour and described it as a "maJO(', The Whit< Houee ~ tho l'iesl· Nlton dilCljOIOd lhe v~ situation, address" In which the President '"wnl dent _ wW ·adclreu tht natlGr> al 7 p.m, ~I other lldnp, With Ropubljcaa con. r.port to th e American people on his· PD'f tredntlllly by radio Dd televilion lrelllOna1 J.s&I· ..1h1s _mo r 111 J D. I • views u to-the proapecl.s ol peace m to II•• hit vlow1 oo the ptoapec:ts ol en-All«ward ~ GQP letder Geralcl R. Vletnaro." . "' ding the war. • '.Ford said Nllon a speech would nl)t deal Although Ziegler said the· address w1U- The White House said coosoltat.iona with any troop withtlrawals and w a s coo.lain new material, he declined lo ~a)'. wlth Lcdp are· designed to determh>e de!iened primarily to "bring the people what or to say whether Nixon was gomg "how to proceed m-t.he PariJ ta1U in up to d1te on h1"vlew1" of the war and to lay doWn a new policy. light !JI tbe·Prtsldent'• speech." the outlooJi; fOl' endin1 it Nor would he say that the matter or · !-o ~ I e .i. ~ chief _l!, .. S. _ ~_[Otiator ~~ .~te .HOUie said ,t!le Pr~t'1 ~e_w inltrucliau focl.c>dJe suggests soi:p.e· I t tbi --Ya r J 1 ialks, will arr1wi 1n 30-1nlnute sptech would att forth bll inltiaUve at the Paril peace table. · · Wuhilip:ln Wedneaday 'afternoon and vtews on tbe pro1pecta ol peace in Viet-But when he was uked whether J.t wu .. will return to Paria Thunclay rnaml:Qc, a nam, but refUJed to refine this fair to say he did not expect any dramatic. NllOll aide uid. cbaracterlzaUon. announcement Wtdnesday night, Zie~ler Lodce '• vtait comes Juat two dly1 after Pre5I Secretary Ronald Ziegler did aay replied: "No, sir, I would not say that. ' • R eds Assau.lt 40 Cam ps, Sfe p Vp Field Camp ai gn SING ING LEO.AL BLUES Newport'• Felicleno SAIGON !UPll -Communist forces shelled 40 Allied camps and towns overnight and battled American and F l • , S South Vietnamese troops on the outskirt.'I e iciano ues ol three major cities, military spokesman reported today. Operator s Of Batll•fietd report. esllmaled that about 1,000 North Vietnamese and Viet Cong troops had been killed in the intensified N E Commwllst offensive since: Sunday. ewport ate ry Heavy liJbUog raged .In the i:i<:e pad- dles IOU.th of Saigon and near Da Nang p artist J F U-'A•A 1 • ..i .. "".. ar.<! Hue on the northern CO<Ut. · op oee e "iauu '° -.... ·I 1 The Communisb showed no siaris of very dUfere:nt kind of blua today. -e" But, lf the su!tar-etnunmlnf IOul letting up on the offerulve aimed at irn- 11 .... 6 winl his Superic.o Court -~-•• 1..A proving their ~ature at :the Paris ~ace .. 16 .,.\IUI, 1.1"' table. · operators of the Newport . B • a c b In the French capital, the chief Viet rntaurant that bem his name will have Cong negoUator, Tran Buu Kiem, ac-~to provide the Jament-fllled refrain. cused the United States on the first an- For the blind balladeer bu written a niven1ary of the Paris dlscussions today $190,000 &Core. of escal'ating the war to "Unprecedented Named u defendants In the IUlt filed I eve la." He urged the Americans to ac- Monday by the alnger are Newport South cept the 10-potnt peace: plan he proposed Bay Inc., Gene and Carol Tonkin Ran-last week, calling in part. for a coalition dano and Charles., S. Dreyer. Randano government in Sa:J.goo . and Dreyer's overturea led, he clafma, to A massed infantry charge on a U.S. in- the lttting up of an agriement in fantry bee near Hue, 390 miles north of October, lMI. Saflon. toot 1 heavy American ~1li1ed. d He clai.mJ that he wu told at that Ume Spokesmen said 20 GI.s were -.u an that it wou]d take Sl00,000 to $150,0DO to ~a:~u!~J:c~U:.~~~~ American and Allied troops killed et least 4,. Comrriunists, military spokesmen reported. The battle possibly averted a . planned. attack on the airport at Da Nang, South Vlelnam's second largest ci- ty. Allied casua1Ues In the fighting, only three miles from the Da Nang ai,rbue, were reported "light." U.S. ana South Vietnamese lroops backed by tanlts and other armored vehicles reported killing 8.1 Communists in a nightlong batUe which raged until early today through rice peddles 23 miles southwest of Saigon. Spokesmen said two Americans were killed and 33 wounded. ' South Vietnamese troops in the capital district around Salion were placed on 100 percent restricUon. All were confined to barracks areas, but spokesme1. uld this did not constitute a full alert, usually c:.lled when a major attack appeared im- minent. N.EW SENATE CHI EF GOP'S Howard Way GOP Sown Way ; Elected Head, Of State Senate establlih a restaurant aloog the llnei of · the one now in business and that the North Vietnamese bodies were found on SACRAME'~ (A , the battlefield. most of them cut down by n • v P) -Republican defendants u.sured him that the money artillery. Low·keyed opposilion to a 44-unit Sen. Howard Way was chosen to replac• Laguna P lanners Hear Opposition To Cluster Unit would be forthcoming from c1pltal held About sb: m1les south of Da Nang, clll!ter·type development planned for Democrat Hugh M. Bums as president; by their company, "Grant Falll Forut Laguna's Bolt Canyon was heard by pro tem 0~ the Senate today, endin,C Produc:ta." planning commissioners Monday night. Burns' 13 .years as presldiJl&.affu:er'ol tlie And be wu lllUf'ed, be 11}'1. that the $ C lle d Commissioners t'mrtinued the public upper house. group were so ~de:nt,of the am:cesa: of 6,000 0 cte hearing on the conditional use permit ap-The action came in a closed caucus of the redltaant that Its operatora would plication until June 16 to await results of the Senate after the 67.year:-Old Bum11 draw no Wary or compenaaUon durin1 A • a road alignment study. dramatically called for the vole: the flrll y~. . I n Flo od uctwn The City Department of Public Works The grqup also propoHd to ralle and C:Ounty Road Department are ex· It followed weeks of hard campaigning QI0,000 in capital .bf the illluance of ped.ed to come up with a precise future: by Way, a tall, gray-haired member of'1 ~ooo baNs t llO .1..A-F U-'--"" A Sunday art auction to aid Laguna ' alignment of Campus Drive extension to San Joaquin Valley fann famJJy ana M"t 1 a per ~. e ~ Beach flood victims raised approximately serve the atea. fellow Republicans. They began their ef. 11y1. And ,. further J.llue of abaru wu t11 000 forts when the GOP captured control ol desl.._.. to ~ovlde ._,_ for n.... .... ,...., · Opposition to the development on 6.Zl .. ~ • ,... ·~ UUQ a.IN a · h d Challi wner of Challis the house 2t·l9 in ·-1a· I Contra r--ta Mary Mangano, managers of the 1c ar s, o acres above Riddle Field was based C 1 . .--~ rstaurant at 1817 Westcllff Drive, tbe Galleries, said all of the donated art, generally on fear of increased traffic and ounty e eclion. complaint iodicatel. ne arly 100 works, sold as a crowd parking and to chancing Laguna. There The vote for Way was 21·19. Instead, Feliciano, argues, the def en-estimated at 2,000 persons milled through were three letters of ~ !IJlCI three or The .enators declined to .i;pecify ttle dants could only raise a $7S,Ml Joan, the P'utiv1I of Am grounds. four speakers ln oppO&IUon. p.art.lsan breakdown on the vote, but Way "quite inadequate" for the operation Challis, who with Mrs. Helen Keeley One opponent spoke of Laguna u It had had been supported by .'iOme liberal planned. And he contends that the defen· heads the flood relief committee shared been 15 years ago before the Boat Canyon Democats, unhappy with Burns's support dants are running a "questionable opera-Sunday auctloo.eer dulies with City Coun-shopping center and Riddle Field where of President Nixon and other Republicaflll lion," one. in which .. patrons are hustled cilman Richard Goldberg. Little League baseball ls played. in the last elecUon. to buy drink!.,, Cha Illa said the flood committee will Bernard Syfan, a partner in the project The liberal Democrats al90 objected to The complaint indicates that if patrons distribute the proceeds to flood victims that '411cludes architect William E. Bums' business dealings -mainly hit who Include the Winston Blevins family B:turock, wilhheld comment until lbe actidn in pushing a bill helping an tn. don't go •long with suggestions that they and artJsts Ray Unger and Jack Font.an. June 16 meeting. surance cmipany while serving as an of· step up their drink orders, they are All had thelr Canyon Acru Drive homes Syfan, a Laguna Beach engineer, had Ucer of another insurance firm . "treated rudely and in a rough manner'' destroyed in the deluge. estimated the total .development, with Way told newsmen he would make no and that this policy i! "drlvin1 patrons One or the highlights was "Mr. Seri!>-land costs, would come to more than $1 major change:! "at this time." He said out of·the restaurant." ble", watercolorist Bob Noble who, in a million. th e would be "no drastic change · Feliciano conten'-that .1.._ defendants er s in ~ ~n:: clown stllt, did caricature drawings for It would have dwell.Inga arranged in committee assignment&." / never intended to work without pay and children. Funds were also raised durin1 clusters wtth a common recreation area ~rm. the most powerful senator since that, In fact, large sal•rie.!J have been the day for LIUle League, by sale or hot servin11 the development. The first phase his election in 1957, said, "I don 't thin• withdrawn from the operaUon. He aays dogs, and for the high school art club by would be 20 units with a 24-unlt second the Republican party gained a great the restaurant reflects discredit UPon him sale of carnations. phase. deal." personally and that the defendanb have t:r-------------;;ii;~i;;;;----------;;;;i~i;;;;----------j failed to meet bills and pay laxes II prnmptiy. Some '80,000 of the damages claimed by the popular guitarist represents fees for several appearance.. he made at the restaurant and for wblch, he aay1, he has never betn paid. He state. that it was never a part of the agreement that be should appear •t all. But now that be has, he says, he would like to be paid fO< I~ Feliciano also asks the court to prevent the defendants from ~xpanding the CW'- rent operation. He particularly asks th•t they not be 1llowed to open a propoaed restaurant of the same name in Lagun1 Beach. DECORATOR AND MODEL HOME RETURNS Spanish and Mediterranean Furniture ~II New To, 9ua!lty Brand Names A Decorator's .Dream Home Is On Display ---tJI '-'••t A'•· f'rot11 r,,.e J Over Sl 00,000 Worth of Spanish & Mediterranean Furniture to Choose From ! M•TU"f "414rt•n P.O. ha "'' fl611 --c.... ,.,,...! -... , ..., Ml'Wf ......., IMcll: 7'11 W.t ..... ~ tt d CIAIMO:MMJI ...... w.&.,. ""'"°'• ._ •IOI ........... .. ...................... -.a., ..... -- --------L ...... --. -----""' .............. . ........... _ ... ...-...--.o.. ... c....r ··._ .,.. .:;::.11o\.=~ .,. " nu _. ........... c..11~ .... - '·st 1n41 4tM4" Cli : ........ '41:4111 °"""""' ... .... CMtl ............. 1Cl1141Mp. ,. .... ...... ~ .............. .._. .......... ... """ . ·~ ........ """' .. ...... ..,,.. ..... . ...................... ........,._. .... c....-.~~-... --.. ,,. ....,., ........ .......,, ...,., .......... ft.JI ........ . I NIXON DEAL •• will. tum oll the San Dl•Jo """'ay "°" for a loot at the Nixon hideaway and grounda. Built In 11114 by lhe wealthy oil and realty tnvator c.ouon, the mansion ,,..,..,... .,. planted wllb cypreaa, palm, orange and lemon trte1 and aecluded from the bl&Jnray. s.c..t Servtce qmts !Ind the (l"opei ty a cltum from the oecurll)' l!landpolnt, bounded b7 the blufl aod beach, a frontal wal~·Camp Pendlelon oo one side and a Cout Guard staUoo oo the other. A portloa ol the IU million, J>.acre Ntate carved out of ranchland I yur1 ap 11 alnady an tzlutl\'t pr1v1te homt1 clo'rtlopmenl and lhe remaloder 11 .beinl held In lrull unW a suilable buyer It found. If currtnt studies lndlcale the picture- postcard scene of California which lured thousands In the IHOa and llllOs ii a good lite f1r the Nix.cm museum.library, a loundatl<>n wW lncorporot< to llnllll« II. A rom:r of 2' trustees was announctd Monday, among them David Eisenhower, Nlxon'1 aon·ln-law: Robert H. Finch, eecretary ol health, eduoatl<>n and weUart; Ally. Gen. John N. Mlld>eU, evangelist Rev. Billy Graham and the Prttlde:nt's brothen, Don a Id lof Newpon Be~) and Edward. (Whit< Houae l•gal c«JN•I :l,o h n D . Ebrlfchman 1aid the corpcrtUC>n will be incorporated under California law and the Prt.<1ldenl Is expected to r9'1st.er u I voter In his home slate.) ' •• ltem1 es follows: 601"9iOUt. I ft. custom quilted 1ofe with 11ptrat1 pillows with ht•vy oak trim decor and matching chair, l matchin9 oek occ11ion1I tebl11, fll SI" tall decorator l•mp1, hengln9 ch1in 1w11;1 lamp In 'frfrou9ht iron, en l·piect king tit• m11ter bedroom suite In pecan penelM Me.,lterr1n11n style with top quelitv S yt•r• w11·~,.nty kin9 1111 mattr111 and box 1prin91. Spenls h dining set, etc:. • Any piece cen be purc:he1ed individuelly. Drop by and ••• our selectio n of top quelity Spenh h end M~iterr•n••n furnitura ••. fentattlcelly prlcecll COMPLETE HOUSEPUL WAS UCSUAILY $1528.00 MUST SACRIFICI POR ONLY '698°0 1111 f'11r11if11rt• . ' Co>lo Mo•o (only I 184·1 N<•wport Bl>d ',, .. ' • , .. ' ' ¢ \II ,·.:! \o• ~ ~ " ,,, /_ TERMS -WE CARRY OUR OWN ACCOUN TS • AT HAHOI .,ULIYAID . . . ' ------------------------------------------~~---~-----~------------- Fake Doctor. Confessed IL.-'Limi• ' V ·W·ll lS · • ' llobe<I Ervtn Brown ...odily • admllted toc!ay'!rom the wltnen bo'• thaf,be. pOeed Ii a ·drdiolo&bt dUUng a • ftv .. week .• , . ~ ~ ln which . he ei,amiried al)d ~the -of 103 pallenll. ~t the lolWJ>oke'it B~mingbam, Ala. man liniily decll!'Od \hllt not one ol'those' ~Uenb ,wu ever in 1J1Y ilangU wblle u.n. dir~hll care. · · Teltifyin& to a. life-""" Jcive of iq,edldne and his inttnse abidy .or t b e aubject du<ii1g hil -r u · an ti.ctricol • Tut""1, MIY ll, 1969 L DAILY I'll.OT I Mesa, N~Wport Unite? · • • ' Cities Bot~ May Fight Orange Freeway By JEllOll!E "· CQUJNI final aesment ol the Orqe Freeway °' lflt ,..... '* ..., abould be carefully atud.led by Ne.wporf Cotta Mesa nU&Jtt not have to IO it "with an eye toward supporting eo.ta alone Ip • U')lini t<J keep the Oran1e Mesa." Fteew.,-WUI. of the Santa Ima River. EARLY STAGES Newport Beach could, be an ally. Current state plw, sW1 In the earliest U the l*rlnc devilo'8 -and'Newport or stages: calJ for, construction of the cooncllmen Mond1;y indkiat~ It would -· freeway somewhere in ,a ·corrlder .iong the two HarJ>or ·Area cities could wen tbe Sant. Ana F,rffway. The st.te bu find ~mael"8 '.llilted igaJnst F.~-~ coastal cUles for sUUUUons on Valley ud,HunUngton Beach. 'fhey don't Which side of the river llie .freew•y want the freeway ork_ilheir side Or the should be bullt. ' U it' Is constructed 0n the Co.ta Meu· river, either. 1 • NewJXJ1. side, it would wipe out • IOod Newport councilman Dol\ald A. fl1cl~; porlifll\ of lhe Mesa Verde Country Club nill, re.presenting West NewJIOri, brought and deslroy Cost. Mesa's bope3 !or an m,. The atal.I DMaloo o1 Hlpnye. • pc:eMl\t d 1 ""'*"',,. --ale Or .... '1!...,.ay at adoptH ...... men!. ol tlie Paclllc Cout l"ntwl1, ~do Cl)aat Hllbway. '~ .tbfnt we should take a aood look at what p<illUon Newport -id take "Alcl ' Mclrinls.' "Perhaps we COl!ld U. ih with Costa 'Mesa's poslUon. A route ea.st of the ri~er would end any poulbWty ol inlUd llllrinao for c..ta -or Newpxt," Brtmi--Gl\OUP ~ • M' -·-~.'Stmm-;-'3S;'·tokMhtWcourt: .. , ... __ ,,. . ._, up .!at-p!).!Sibilitl of ·~ _,,JWance-wil.b~.~ l~ys~· Marina down.stnam near , Costa ~fesa. the: Newport city limits. • At McJnnla' suggestion, the matter wu turried Over to the council'• treew1y com- mittee for study and a recommeodaUon Vie:e Mayor Lindsley Parsons •nd Coun- cllmfn Paul J. Gruber are membel'I of tbe mlnmltf.te. 'J I 11 ' \ tuiew my own lil!'il.ltlons and I kept .,jthin them. • , "Wm you aware tbat you were an 1,lll· qualified man and that you could have hinned someone?," he was asked by Qeputy Public.Defender Lawrence Buck:-1r... . . . f 'Of ~ourse," Brown quickly 0 ~nswered in a faint aouthern drawl. ''But Jike· I !183!, I! k.OeW what 1 could do and ~ibat I ~kln~t do. And . there were . 8'Yeil 1pec~1ists at the . (Fullerton) intern~! J¥diclne clinic to Whom ·l could tum i!.l h!td any problem!." SHOWED ,KNOWLEDGE ;1lr9wn ""ited what •Jll>Olr'!I to,,. ~ : ~ Jmowied{e of ~i'" aiiil ;:iea1· ternis and the praetke of ~iolcw throughout a lengthy grilling J!Y Bue<I!Y· He ~bo.t9W the court that he was interviewed'.for more. than five boars Ii). U..O·reildent speclallsts at the clinic before he. wu hired for the: ~. II!!""'• tellifled that !'\ucli of, ru.. ~ied&e .or mediC\Jle stemmed from ttoloelcal studies )le .had fto carry. out ·in ~ecUon w I t h · Spac4t program,; o( qet(n~ firms in Alabama and Cinf<.rnia. (He fcild the court that he alSo ~ied ~edic'ine "from ~ gallery" at,Stanford nlVe.rslty and ·the Universicy-o { <!b•ma. · · Brown denied prosecution claims that most. of the 103 patiepls he treated ·were cardiac case.5. ''Only ID to 15 percent o! those l ei· amined.could r'eally be called cardiac pa· tients," he said. "The rest of those pa- tie,nts came. lo the clinic for general phys.ici.ill eXaminatio~. most ol them in ~lon with their empioymwt." Ff:!,T QUAIJFtED Brown.stated, equally •firmly , that he felt himself "well qualif ied in all but the degree'' to practice cai-diology at the ~linic. He told Buckley that hi.5 work there' hid presented "001 problems~' and that up•to the urne of his detection there had b'ee n no COOlplainls1 &om .his employers. · Brown's testimony marks the closing ltages of his trial berore Superior Court Byron ,K .. McMJlla:n. He is accused of 17 couall of practiC:irig medictrle.withput a 'Jict09e l.nd. it is expected that the jury 'Will be asked to give its verdict late lo· tiay or P.CJSSlbly Wednesday, Brown was indicted , by the Orange Brown was indk:led by the Orange County Grand Jury on charges th.it he muqd.eraded u 'Dr. GleM Lyon Foster, a Univtrs.ity of Alabama medical scllool ,1)Jedalist. , . He testified today, that the idea of ·po5· fog as Dr. FOBter came to him after be 'watCtied the Alibama cardiolotist lee· "turing a university class., NO MORE BOOKKEEPING FOR FRAZER SMl·TH Playhouse Emb.zzltr G1t1 Prison Term Frazie1· S111itl1 Give111'erm . . . ' . For Laguna En1hezihne11t Laguna Playhouse rund raiM>r Jo"rate.r Smith must serve one lo 14·years in state prison on each of two · convlclions of forgery. ·su'perior Court Judge Robert Corfman ruled f\.fonday .• Judge Corfman ·ordered · \!hat the sentences. impOsed aflet the· 4f.year--Old LagUni 'Beach man admitted th~t he embezzled nearly $10JXIO in Pla yhouse funds, should be served concurrently. The tall, neatly dressed Smith ap- pNieCi. unr.noved by U)e v~. ,He ~;rt Iii< ctiurt qUietly alt,e" a ' l><!i[ ~ round the almost empty courtrOom arid a faint smtlt at an uoidentified~witneas.· 0Smittl · carried oUt the embezzlement Pritne Mini'ster Wilson Challenges Callaghan ; . . LONDON (UPt) --'Prime ·Mlmster Hptoid Wilson dropped Home Secretary James Callagftan from an Important meeting of his ~'inner cabinet" today. l'oliUcaJ· sources Jaid it was a bluilt cballeiigt .to Catlaghan to halt criticism of ., aitti!trlte-le;islat.ioo or q4Jt lhe ~ovemm~l during hi!i supervision or fund raising ac- tivities for the ilew ~guna-Moulton Playhouse. DisCftpancies and [ofged chec ks were discovered after he left the Art Colony for a vacation in Mexico. The former actor was discovered In New York three n1onlhs later follo"·ing his arrest for a traffi c violation in that ci - ly, MaPiie Findh1g Romance Rough 111 the Outfield Newport Beach actress Mamie Van Dor;n, who had a brief malrimonial fling l\'ith minor league pitcher Lee Meytrs of Huntihgton Beach, today ·ill finding romance a bit rougher in the oulfiekf: Mamie's name has ' been linli:ed with Bo!ton Red Sox sluqer Tony Conigliaro, "·ho is making a dramatic baseball come- back after suffering an eye injury in 1967. Miss Van Doren, blonde. ~xom and 36. says dating outfield hitters hu its drawback& wheo compared to pitchers. "Pil.che:rs don't have to play every nlght." she explained. Also, Mamie notes lhat the 24-year-old ... Conigliaro carries the marks of his trade. "He has so many callwes on his hands." Miss Van Doren. who once . dated pitchers Sandy Koufax and Bo Belin.sky \ and recently divorced hurler Meyer1, says she didn't know the 24-year-<11d Conigliaro until two weekl q:o in New York when entertainer Merv GriUin In- troduced ~m. "We .ar.e just good friends," says the star sluner who sat out last season after nearly losing his eyesight in 1.917 when • pitched .ball from ·California Angels' hurler Jack ·Hamilton struck .him on lbe left sl~ of the fact. "She's• lot of fun to be with." The actresa said 1.1onday lhe gave up on athletes after her dlvortt from ~Jeyen until Conigliaro came akmg. "He doesn't really loot like a ba.eball player. He's every woman's dream. He has sez appeal as well as llOCk appeal." She lhirikl the cross-coontly frlend!hip 1\·ith Conigliaro will continue. Conlgliaro·was ask~-if the relltlonshlp had reached lhe Poi1it of engagement. "l \VOUld not aay IO," he replied, "I've been very lucky for him, he told 1ne,'' said Miss Van Dortf\, twice mar· ried. ''He's better iit his hltUng. That's better than the. other ones I went out with." Miu Van Doren' s first bu&band was band ltader Ray Antbooy. Re<f China Occupying Soviet Territory MOSCOW (IJl>I) -lllCUlar Cl)1- troopc have ~ the Sq¥llt. (rootler ln ·the Sinkian(-KudhsllD aroio and are o<>- ' c;ip11ng ahoul 2~ tqUarO 10)1<!1 of Soviet teniloll', Wonri<d COnnnwilt sourca Nld today, The report could not' be offictolly .... NL~ .... ,. He told his colleagues the routing of the ~t would also, West Newport's Mclnnls pointed out, wrttk any plan! Newport might have ror waterways development of Banning properties behind Newport Shores. * * * ·Orange Free\vay First Section Dedic!ltion Set A Marine band and poliUcal leaders will be on hand in Fullerton Friday for the dedi~ation ol1tbe first segment Of the Orange Freew.y. which eventually will re.ach beach communities near the Santa Ana River. OPPOSED 6,ITE Fountain Valley and Huntington Beach are opposed to freewa y construction on their ti:ide or the river because rt would wipe out hundreds of homes -many in the $50,000 class -and at least one school, the Fountain Valley School District's Arevalos School. · There is if p<isslbillty lhat all f o u r beach cilles will press for termination of the freeway al the San Diego Freeway in Founta in Valley. Mcinnis r.oted Mondp.y that Huntington Beach already has made this proposal. ·~it would preclude a lot of problema," he said. '"Die freeway la a fool woy'irom '..ft.. slr)Jctloa (perhaps a decade)," llfd G~. "Now is the time to apreu ourselves1 before a route Is .oopted. Maybe we can take • at.and that ta: In line with better 'planning that 'mull be done for µus ar~." · Public Works Dir.ector:Joseph T. Delvin :'!laid he ·will be mttUng with' DivWon of Highways engineers aomeUme in the nnt few weeks to find out more about lht fltate'.t prestnt'thlnldog on the imlut. He invited Parsons and Gruber to alt in on . the di!iCussions. u the. state aoe• ahead with a roa11ng all the Way to tll(e ·couUliie, it woald mean . a tolal · .of three massive O..C, Freeway interchangea within thtee m08I.. The • •fate already baa decided to terminate the Newport and Huntlqton freeway• at lherCout Freeway. ' . Theme ":Jf' ·the outdoor dedication ceremonies il1 "from the Mountains to the Sea." The theme describes the freeway general route, according to present state plans. f('{;(f( *** The newly completed f o u r ·I a n e higltway, also k_oown as Route S7, links Nulwood Avenue in Fullerton with the Riverside Freeway. How About Straddling Next stage of construction will link the Riverside Freeway with the Garden Grove-Santa Ana f~way complez in the cily or Orange. That route is already adopted. A third segment, whose align- ment is not yet adopted, would run from Orange to U\e San Diego Freeway. Freeway D.ownSARiver? A fourth segment may calT)' the rreeway all the way to the coastline-along the Santa Ana River. Swed en Gives Asylnn1 To 14 War Protestors STOCKHOLM (UPI) -The govern-~ mcnt today granted asylum lo 14 U.S. servicemen and draft dodgers. It raised the total to 218 Americans who have been granted permission lo remain in Sweden :;ince the beginning of 1968. The 14, who were granted asylum on humanitarian grounds, all listed op- position to the· Vietnam War as the reason for their refusal to serve.· A Santa Ana River-spanning caukway could be the answer to the contrdver.5ial Orange Freeway route, satisfying four cities now opposed to having it on east or west sides or the channel, says a Costa Mesa man. "I can readily understand the Combined object.ions," says N. Jay V. V. Green, of 460 Elmhurst Lane, noting the land cost and destruct.ion or homes and recrea· tional facilities. Joining together in an unusual alliance -on frttway routes -Costa Mesa and Newport Beach officials hope to together avoid being struck \\'ilh the freeway down their east side. Likewtse, Huntington Beach and f'ountain Valley leaders do not want the freeway knifing down their west bank. The choice lies with the State Highway, Commission. You Aro Cordioffy Invited To Shop Our Grand Opening Salt Of The Finest Clothing Anywhere. loafh-foast?l•n • lllSTOL ot Sao DI"° l'wf c .. te M- ·sulTS .... lo $111 $79 .... lo $125 $89 .... lo $1~5 $99 SPORT COATS .... lo $75 $59 .... lo $65 $52 .... lo $55 $44 o,... 5 Hit• • w.n ·1n t:JO 540·1502 FIRST UYIL and LOOK Slacks .... lo $25 $19 .... lo UI $23 .... lo $32 $26 NO CHAIH POI NORMAL ALTIUTIONS Ol'IN DAILT 10:00 ''TIL t :JO: SAT. 10 'T1L 6 P.1!1. --"'-- "It occumd to me that the e1Jnp1"91 •· way out.of tbi's dilemma arid probably the 1 )east expensive would be to bWJd a can- crete calileway over the riverbed for the entire' d!Jfanct," Green aays. He Bddressed his remarks In a Jett.er to the Costa Mesa City Council, uytnc a causeway wou1d not interfere with removal of riverbed silt after 1Mual lvinter rains if it were built high enough. "At U.e ·same; Ume, it would be Vf!tY scenic with unobstructed views on both .5ide.s over Wide areas and not Interfere with the .pro~ marina on the west side and the sanitaUoo district faclllties on the. other side," Green explained. The situation coold be bnproved from another sanitary upect, since Ne'lt'pOrl Beach officials Jut week desaribed the Santa Ana Rtvu as nothing-tut an upen • sewer. , ' s•· ll&INNING WIDNISDAY, MAT 14111 SALi INDS SATURDAY, MAY 17111 .. _,, U.NIAMllUCAll MA11UCHA ... •INTIT'I ACCOUNT ....... fATHR'S DAY JUNI 1 ... NEWPO~T'S VAN DORE~ SJ(ITI:HliS TO OUTFIELD For Conl9ll<tre, An E19 hr 1'11"41111, llondtt firmed. , ._ ___________________ .;:;;......, .. _ ... __ .;...;......1 • I l j J j I I ~ I • -· ----. --.Lo.-'~--------~----~ -~ ~ - DAILY I'll.Of When Tom HorlhborVo• o! Mu .. catine;·.1ow.a drove a .....car out of used car lot, police rushed alter him and made him promise to stick with his hike. Tom ii 7· years-old. • """'1, M111 13, 1969 Date G11q.rded I .J Mitchell Curbing Facts on Fortas? WASlllNGTON (AP) -AUy . Gen. John N. Mitchell ii undtrltood lo havo told Clllel Justict Earl Wmen that further pubUc dl,ocloouro about the Fortas-Wol!aon lee lncid<'1t could 1trala. Russ Claim . --the Wblle -ond !he SUprenie· Cowl. The allomOJ. --1 allo ii.believed to have told Wmen al their meetlng Jut Weclntaday ....i.s.rably _,, about lhe lncldeiit -hat been !ii lbo..Obli<. Inllni wltlillii1la.a-Adliiliiiaiii~t1m"'·"'"· - nonpartjun' atance, ' MllclltU made' 1111 preaentallen ... a 1nytr and lrleod ol the Supreme oCurt. He II believed to have expanded on lbe • County .$uporvi-.Rlchord No-Egx'(]Jt Strong accounl Life mqu!ne 1ave ol lbe lee ol- . ferecl Fortu In 1• by the ~ ol In---· · . · ~-.!uslrlolbt Ldl!rE:"'Wiilfli>cl'._ fafliU- walsld has written the Milwaukee County Zoo, asking that Somson -lhO Gorlllo, not be fed grapes dur· Ing the strike by vineyard workers of California. "Even the monkeys should make a sacrifice to support . the migrant workers of Californ- ia," he said. As Israelis By Unikid Preta 1Dtero1Uonal A Soviet newspaper said today the Egyp.ian army, revltaliz.ed by the now of Russian-made weapons since the 1987 war. it is strong as Ila Isralel roe. --urael's defenie-minister waffled that another MJdeast war could e1plodt out of the daily shelling incidents across the cease-fire lines. Bowling pin shaped eQQ """ found In • """ tDUh two non114llY 1/lap<d rgos bJI Otto Loos of Broo~Ue, ~ ...... -. _ In Beirut, meanllme, Eastern Euro- pean diplomatic aource aard Communist China may offer long-range ground-to· ground mi.sailes to a Syrian mllllaty mlsslon now In Pekina. The Soviet Union had relU5ed to supply Syria with such rockets oo the grounds that they an of· ficially clasllifted as "oUensive weapons," the sources said. The &eml-official Cairo newspaper Al Abram aatd the United Stales has urged hraeI not to reWitat. despite EIYJll'• stepped-up artillery offensive along• the Suez Canal. It gave no source for the report. The implied warning to Israel against a.nother-war with Egypt came in Pravda. '"lbere ii a great dHference between the U.A.R. army on the eve of the June (19'7) war and today's U.A.R. armed forcae," the &Met Commwililt party paper. Pravda aald. It contended that Egypt's mllltary ml&ht had been rutored and aaid Israel no lqer can speak of its "military superiority." Part of the Arab •nny buildup, Pravda said. la reflected in the "trust" it now en- joys amoog the people. than to have made IOme tweliited di&clolta~. It ia understood to be higbly unlikely that Mitcbell would ever 1tttmpt to bring charges apinat a ll!Uq julllce. And yet. the allorney -ti ii convtnc:od lbe substance ol what' he told Warren '11111 sUmulate enough pressure within the . court to bring about Abe Fortu' mlsna- tion. WhirWiiTtn i5 doing with the in- formaUon ii a cloeely iuanied 1ec:ret. "There never i1 comment on the chief Juatlce's private cooven.Uom," aid a •pol<esman In bil office icily. lnqulrt'" at the olflces ol other justic,. lO find oul tt they have been IJroutbl Into the discussions produced s i m 11 a r nonresulta. Meanwbtie, with the court in nceas, Fortu ii malntalninf a dlscreel distance -and a cblpptr optlmlam publicly. He wu acbeduled to attend a rep:.nat judicial conference at Wentworth b)' the Sea, N.H., today. On Monday he made bis third speech outside the capital In less than a week - lhis one aa belated law Day address at Alemphia State University. Oo Capito1 Hill Sen. Paul J . Fannin (R- Atii.), said he had been told by a Wuhlngton attorney that Fortas will resign this week. Sen. James B. Allen (D-Ala.), called in a Senate speech for both Fort&! and .Justice William 0. Douglas to step down. Douglu has received fee~ from the Parvin foundation. Sen. Allen J . Ellender (0-La.), pressed Fortas !or "a full and complete ex· planaUon'' of the Wolfson fee. Jn Darlirniton. England a Wlti]>- 'et called IJobo was so swtlt that rival owners at the Alpert Hill Racing Track voted to ben Boho and her owner, Gordon Lamb, irom the club. ExJ>Iained club ~surer Roy Polloclc: "It is our policy to bar members who are in· volved. in controversy." .. Babi .. at the newly-built Sl Cle- ment of Alexandria Church in Bromwich, :i:'Jland will he chris- -in a '• salad bowl from oow oo. The light-weight steel howl ... , reportedly ordered because it was eaisy t'O move around./ LA Coroner Said Joyful AtRFl{'slmpendingDeath • About 1,200 ,,.,.,.., """1«d fl miles from Iowa City to Cor- ottnUt, Iowa. to protest hunger. Refre1lament1 wae served along &ht IOO!/. • l The Dade County Sher!ff'1 De- partment narcctics section ;., seek· Ing $400 in appropriatioos to feed and provide medical attention for a labrador retriever to miff out illegal weed caches and smoking roams. · Sgt. Allen Richards said the department has been offered 1 free dog-tlle retrievers allegedly b.ave a nose 40 times sharper than 1 human's-but fl!e upkeep will be expensive. LOS ANGELES (UPI) -While Sen. Robert F. K.....ty foughkalnly for his life, Coroner Tbomu T. No g u ch l reportedly told blJ associates: "I hope he dies," and danced In bil office In aleeful antidpatlm ol perlonnlJll tile autopsy. At Noguchl'1 dilmilsa1 hearinr Mmday before the CM1 Service Cornmllttlon, Deputy County Counsel Martin Weekes quoted the Japanese-bom pathologist u saying: "I am goiog to be famous. I hope be dies, because if he dies. lbeo my in- lemaUooal reputaUon will be establlab- ed" Noguchi did perfonn lbe autopsy ond he later t.slllied at the trial ol Sirhan B. Sirhan. But be waa fired March 11 under some of the strangest charges ever loci&· ed. against a public official 'Jbe reports were detailed In a 10-page letter prepared by Administrative Officer Lindoo S. Hollinger and implied Noguchi was suUering from neuroUc fant.asles and needed psychiatric treatment. Noguchi charged hls firiog was politically inspired and ·the accusations about his behavior and statements wtre "untrue, distorted or some:Umes said in jest and blown out or all proportions." His attorney. Godfrey Isaac, vowed to fight the dlsmlsaal to the U.S. Supreme Court, il nec:esaacy~ Weeks told the bearing In his opening statement that the .. final evidence" or Nopcht's "aicknaa .. came when lhe cor- oner told lllOdltea: "I bod a vlalon ••• that a (Boeing) '127 loadod to eapadly cruhed Into a hot.I. And amid lbe Dames, I, Thomas T. NOIUCbl. stood. Ind the press was there." Moch GI Hollinfer's letter ond Weekes' statement Monday allqed Noeu<ld hoped for air cl.basters so glory wouJd be bn'.IUght to the office of county chief cor- oner-medJcal e1aminer. During Noguchi'• tenn in office just over a year, he bandJed autopsies oo two major aJrllne crashes and the two worst heUcopter Crashes in the history of U.S. commercial aviation. After the eecond btlicopter crash, Weekes said Noguchi did another dance in a "relDcamation of Dante's Inferno" and Aid, "Isn't it n1ce ... isn't Jt nice." "M lk:kneu ravaged" the coroner, Weeke1 said, told staff members, "We need anotbtr air crash . . . 1 hope we h&ve another air crash ... I pray, I pray th1t there Js another air crash." The county aUomey said Noguchi evcn- tuallJ. flzed in his mind the "magic number'' ol 14,000 deaths. Twister Rips Ravenna Barn Thunderstorms, Tornadoes Wrack South Plains Calif ....... Molt of ..,,,..,..,,. c.llf...i. W •I dlllldy """"' wflll ~ 1111 ... _ .. , .. ..ctlcn •'Id 911111tty ~ ,.,.. _....,,... 111'-'cl. L• ~ -ncuty wltll drlui.i. Ill lille mamlM, C ... rlroe lo MrY -•lliftt 111 tlw • ......__ Tllf: Predlc!W """ too.y -• n. •-n t11,.. • -"""' ~I'. TPll p'1!d1C~ """' IOllltltt _. .0. IM<'* _. ckllln wllll mor'ftl"' di'(""' etld lle!I' 1Unlfllna P11thl111 ""' hi.ti ""' .., a.r .,,.,._. TM 4-11 -MHW!'I'. Hlwll tem-· ...... ""-r9110H '""" ~ to. In """ W11i11t Yt!ltrn lo Ille flk I" 1M I- vel..,.. ..,,.... .... --. ""'"" ., I t I\ 111t11 ..........._ Ill tke 6o. 11 ~ -· illl'IW fMtM Mendi'Y Mid Pml<W llllfll ...., --: ....... Mllnk.e •>-.. _...,. 71-FL lllwnldt 71-l!. 5el'I .... ., ... ....,... .. ,., ...... ,. I.DI AfltO!litS AND VICINITY - """' el'!d "'°"''"' low OWf'Coltst wllfl '-Y ~ ~""'1"' Wl!d-r. .. -"' ..._.,,,,.. dwl.... wllfl l>llM ~ 12. L-,...,...,,lie. (OUTN.. VALLEYS -Lift: ......,lfte ---"'ldiftlntllle """ CMlld"-""'" NsY ·~ _,.i.... ,,.. ...,. .......,..,,,,. di-wllll flleM ... ,..,., n " n. I.OWi toni,til J6 ..... INTllUM'.DIAT• VAl.l.fYS -L•'9 *" ........ flltltfNrf!ifte .... -· Qtt ... toe.ti ..,,_ ,_ w'lfll N tY ..,,.,,....., .......... ......,..,, Not ..... ~ dWI ... wtlll 11¥11 ..... .-w ,. to 12. .._, kM!f'll JI ...... MOUNTAIN AllillAS -~"""' 1"4 ..,.,. ........ ., Nt 11-. ..itt.I ~ ......, "*"''"' OD<'IM 109 1ta-................ ).000 left. M•ll:fCMll ANO Olll!illT lll~ONS -~ .... C911!""*11 .,.,,,. 'Md· ,,...,. " ........ -'"" " C.utal ,_.,., -..... ""'"" ''°"' ...... ~ .... 1'1lt _,,.,_, W I n d I .... .-.111 .... i.rty, M te 11 klllta. T• ..,.. """' tJ .. fl. y ..... ,.. ~·iw. "'""" ....,,. • llltll .. " '° • -.. fl. '"" ...... ~ ...... -11 .. 51. T,_ ...... ..,...,.,....,... ...... I 9-·-s • .., n-. 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Chi«•o Clntl'l"UI Cl-11\d °"""~' °"J Mlllne• Oefrolt E11rek1 Fort Wotlll •m,. ...... -·· . _ ... KIWIW• C"°P '" ,,_ , __ . ... MlllffMl!'I! ·-· --.. -... "*""' , .. ,.. -..._ , ... ~ '"''~Iii -· ·--ll..W Cl" ·-..,_,, " ..... S.llM• • • " • ,. 41 " . " " ... " " " n " •• . " ... " .. " .. •• a " ... M tt .IJ JS 63 .IJ M U ... " 11 f.ft .... .. " " " " . II .. .n .... n • .., " .. .... n JI T " .. . " ... • • n • n " ... fl ti " . . " n " ... Real Traffle SqUfl!e.:e ----Traffic on heavily traveied lnterllate Bil near Rlch· mond, the main transcootioental highway between the Bay Area and eastern polnta, i•'llmlted to one lane aft.er four of the highway's six lanes caved in u a result of the heavy spring rains. I Body Found, 4 Missirig in Barge Blast QUINCY, Ill. (UPI) -A barge loaded with 847,000 gallons of gasoline was rip- ped loose from its moorings by an ex- plosion and, Spouting flames, drifted eight' miles down the Mississippi River before slamming into a $10 million railroad bridge Monday night. One body was recovered today and four other men were missing and presumed dead. Four persons were injured in the blast. A rescue boat pulled the body or Glen Maples of La Grange, l\-lo., manager of the Triangle Rcl'inery, from -Uie -river almost 12 hours after the ei:plosioo. AuthoriUea said an explosion and fire erupted at La Grange when a pumping barge blew up while unloading two other barges at night. By dawn the blatlng barge had drifted down river and was caught against the middle span of a r3ilroad bridge that crosses the river at Quincy. It burned furiously despite a heavy rain. The blaze sent flames leaping 60 feet from the surface of the river and engulf. cd the middle .span of a Chicago, Burl· ington and Quincy Railroad bridge. Railroad ties on the bridge were ignited and the rain did extinguilb a few of these, but aside from that, the blaze con- llnued unabated. 5 Die as Car, Gas Tanker Truck Collide in Flint FLINT, hUch. (UPI) -Clifford Walters saw what was going to happen, but he couldn't do anything about it. Walters. 27. was watching from lhe tire store in whlch he works, as a gasoline truck hauling two tankers was rolling toward an intersection and a car pulled in front of It from the cross street. The tnick rolled over the front end of the car and one tanker tipped over. spilling 11 ,000 gallon.s of gasoline whlch caught fire and killed five persons. The vitclm.!1 were so bad1 y burned that they were still unidentified today. The accident occurred at noontime hfonday at a busy intersection on the western edge of this indu5bial city. The \'lctima were all believed in their can at the intersection of four-lane PierllOl'I Road and Clio Street when nam- ing gasoline gUshed around them. Kennedy Pledges To Keep Up Fight Against Otepka WASHINGTON (UPI) -The Senale Judiciary CommiUet today approffd the nomination of otto F. Otepka to a $36,000 job as a member of the subversive ac- Uvitles control board. The vote taken at 1 clostd committee seMlon was 10 to 3 . Sen. Edward ~1. Kennedy (0.Masa.), sakl he would ooaUnue his opposition to Otepka when lbe nomlnatioo ruches the Senate floor in two or three weeks. Kennedy ond Sena. Philip A. Hart ((). Mich.), and ·J...,,i. D. 'l)dlnp (0.Md.), voted againat otepka at the committee session. Otepka is 1 former at:ite department oecurlty olllctt who wu d•moled 11.Dd later suspended by Secntary ol State Dean RuU for pY1ng conlldtnUtl ll> form1Uo0 to a~ commlltee. ACIJon on Otepb'• nomtnaUon WU delayed earlier ptndlnc preparation of a committee r.port oo chargea lhat nominee was allied with right wing Pre-dawn Dorm Arrests Set Off Student Rampage ' Narcotics detectives today routed security cars were reported flipped over :studeota from bed at the Stony Brook onto their roofs and set afire. campus of the State University of New The uprising forced postponemeot of 1 York. The pre-dawn raid touched off a legislative hearin·g on drug use at the student rampage that did an estimated estate-like, Loog Island campus. $10,000 in damage. Students who went on .the three-hour About 40 students, led by the Students rampage charged that the arrests were for a Democratic ~lety (SOS), seil..ed politically motivated and were made to two rooms of a student center at coincide with the hearings. Northeastern University in Boston, the As Northeastern students moved into nation's largest private university. the Interfaith Lounge in the Ell Student Students at two East Coast :seminaries Center a group of counter-protester1 held fast In two buildings they occupied surged into an adjacent room. They tried Monday. to break down a door and oust the SDS. At Stony Brook the police m o v e d led occupation force but were dispersed swifUy ioto dormitories as the students by police. we.rt: sleepini and arrested Jt_on charges After the_ couoter demonstrators left, of selling narcotics. Word o( the arrests the SDS fo rces swarmed into the ad- spread quickly and studeots began pour· jacent room and occupied it. ing out of the dorms. The se.iiure by the small band ot Rocks were hurled at the squad cars as students was made to protest tht they sped off with the arrested It. presence of the Reserve 0 ff ic e r I Epithets were shouted at the police, Trainitlg Corps (ROTC) on the 32,000.stu- several fires broke out, and two campus dent campus. * * * * * * Antidraft, ROTC Stands Contradictory, Laird Says WASHING TON CAP) -Pentagon leaders .say students clamoring for aboli· lion of the draft are working against themselves in trying to destroy the col- lege-based ROTC program at the same time. _ Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird says campus demonstrators ought to recognize ROTC is one of the big building blocks in' the Nixon administraUon pro- gram to end the draft and establlsb a basically volunteer military force. "Some or the very people that are trying to keep us off the college ca~ puses are the 1tame people \hat are the most vehement in their critic.Inn of the present draft," Laird tells reporters. "'Now, you can't have tt both waya, gentlemen. "We have to be able to carry on recnllting and try to attract the most competent young people that we pouibly: can to military service. You can't do it. and you can't move toward volunteer forcea if you are prohibited from going 1:9 college campuses. "This inconsistency is one we have to cons.Ider, and it's one that bothers me,'' Laird says. ' The Pentagon is struggling to modify ROTC to make it acceptable to schools where faculty members as well as studentl have criUcized the program. Defense officials are prepared to giVI way on some details such as course com. position, in!tructors and work loads. But they do not intend to alter tht program's basic feature: military training con- current with civillan academic life, God 'Careless~ Hippie Ranch Sought in Suit SANTA ROSA (UPI) -An Oakland a~ torney, who want.s the ranch folkllngtr Lou GolWeb deeded to God, bu rued a SI00,000 damage sult again.It the deity for "cart.less and negligent'' control of the weather. • Rtwell H. Tan.sit filed the suit by mtll on behaU of his lepl secretary, BellJ Penrose, who blamed God for a ltghtnlng bolt which struck and destroyed her home in Phoenix nine years qo. The Sonoma County cleric iuued a summons for God and returned it to the attorney for service. Tanale uid he doesn't plan to look for tbe defendant, but hopes lo win a default judimenl when he lalll lo •PP<M In court. "Plaintiff ls Informed and believes that defendant (God) at all Umts menllooed herein 11 responaible lw the maintenance and operation of tht untvene, lncJudi.n& JFK Aide Sorensen May Run for Senate . MIAMI BEACH (UPI) -Fonner Prosldent Kenned;J'a -1al ..._1, Tod Sonnoen, m17 bt a candld1t. for lbe U.S. Senate from New Ycq In. 1172. Son:naen aatd Mmd17 be had been asked to ruo foe lbe ... t held by Hoben F. Keruiedy before bll USllllnlllon. the weather hi and upon the state of Arizona, aod that oo or about Aug. 17 1980. defendant so maintained and con: trolled the.weather, in, around and upoa Phoenix; Arii., In such careless an<t n~U,ent manner as to cause lightning lt stri.kei the plainUff's house, aetUng it on fire and startling, frightening and shock· Ing the plalnlllf." Miss Penrose, who now lives in Oakland, further charged that Goel "did this with full knowledge and thal the act waa committed with malice and W will.'' She asked $7$,000 g'neral damages and $2$.000 punitive damages. Tll\&Ie said the suit wy filed here becau• God owned propert~ In the coun-- ty -the 31.7 acre Morni"!l \Star Ranch. Gottlieb, formerly of 'l>e! Umelitera singing group, filed 1 grant deed last 'l'Uesday conveying the hlppie ranch to God. --· .. Tanale Kid he would file a writ of at. tachment against the ranch liter thiJ -· Blaiberg 'Exhausted' CAPE TOWN, South Alrlca (AP! - Philip Blalber&. II, the -Id's ionrut survtvlnc bun tr1111plant recipient, was ordertd to bed today for a week be<:IU50 doctorl believe be· hu uhtufled himself. 1111-wi fe, Eileen, aald &he called the doctor In charg~ of her hus~nir1 ... poatoperalive care to the apartrn~t taflo '-19 .............. '-"'"left' M • • .,... .,... • It " ..,..., vtl ....... .... '"'' •• '"'" lell ... INir t• · M.t, INr )I Ji11'4 1 ,._ir.., nittrl'f si;. '""'*' llf "''" willlln • al..........,t "'lod •111.ine """ ""''· S1tlt W. Cft'¥ &In OleM hllf• .. l'1Nlr1 .... ....... ,_ W1tlll!~ " ., " u \ poUUcal or1anlzations . Kenned)''• ... 1 ii now held by Republican Cl\arlel Goodell. who was ii>' painted to the poet last year by New York Gov. Nelson Roctercttcr. lY today when Blaibf:rg apptared shon of brealb. , , ---_____ __, _______ _ •• '·; ... • - e )Vet I ~· lht 1our ~ere ' to into :lent ter1 ried :os- :sed left, ad- o! tho !r I stu· nost ibly, ) it, -!'"' ' to le,'' dify ools •• givt om- But m'• oon- ' of "· :on. f>O• and ! ,. . on lCk· in 'did '" Ill.'' and 1ere .... 1<1• ~" last ' lo at· !his I' "' "' ,,. elr. illo d't .. ar· or ' . . •, 'J • --------- ' -1 J ,. ' . / .· , J°!AN COX, ........ :i 11 ', :, .I J!lllW,,..q.tHt___;_Li l !'!'\\~ t ' 1 • ''t. • )•..t;. I.I-~ ••• \ I ; ' .. GUiJ.d :' -s ttak~s . ' -....,_,. . ' --......... *=-----·-----------.... ...-~~" Life 's Spi·c0 . . ' Variety, the so-called spice ·ol Ufe, will be sprinkled liberally · over A Taste of ·Evei'ythmg Party to be given by Service .Guild , St. !4ary's Epsicopol.cl>urcll ol Laguna Beach '1bursday, May 22 . ' The object of the 1:30 to 4 p.m. benefit in the church is to offer a wide ·selection of things-for people to enjoy. So1J1e will be to taste, some to buy and 30nier"Simply to admire. -Fo~ instance one offering, a Taste of Desserts; will inCiude _a pptpourri of tempting food prepared by league members. Mrs. Chari· ton,~, .chainnan of this delicious array;, is. assisted by Mrs. Alfred lfaatie. ~ In .addition, there will be .A Taste of F}owers; which will .. be a coloft.u! W.spleY of· pott~ plants, dish . ga<dens. and fl~~al arrange- ments. Mrs. EdmWld Van Deusen, Chail'.Dlan, will be assisted by Mrs. Lyinan King. ' . A Taste of the Antique will come in the fonli of an exhibit,' chair .. ed Ji~ Mrs: Donald Arvold with the help ol Mrs. Edmund Fairchild. ~ Dl06t,ilerps will be 'on•exhlbit_onl~, there'will be some valuables off'1'""d.t'or 1s,al\lo .. . , .. · -,· . Origi1181·1l!'! works;'iiicIµ,ding peinilngs , watercolors and pottery will be preoeiilid'.iil \he· Taste ·o! ·Al1s ahd Crafts headed by Mrs. C. StUari Lewis with assistan~ from Mrs. Williann Purcell. 1 , •• • · . Tick.els are $f a!!ll•will.-entlUe,l!µyecs to coffee, tea and a chance to. win one of the--many door ptjzes ·to be given during the afternoon. Proceeds will go to refurbish the old roctory. . People who wish to disj>lay or sell antiques and art ~t the event • " ' r, . ~ ' •• may· call Mrs. Arvold, 494-2177. Charges for each entry will be based oil the displayer's asseosed value and wil !range from 25 cents to $1. If any entry is sold, the league will roceive 10 percent of the selling price. TASTE OF EVE RYTHING -Mrs. Dooold·Arvold and Mrs. ·wu. ilam•l'uttjl!J" (left t1»ri&l!t)· are.enjoying some ol lhe art works and antiquelii>Which will be on disp\<ay "11en Service Guild, St. Mary's . ~ ~ ~ ' . Episcopal ~hurch of Lagune Beech . bes a Ta Ste ol Everything party Thlll'.lday, May 22, from 1:30 to 4 p.m. in thatburch. Tickets• aro $1 per JlOTSOD. ~ .. ·'\ -. ' . ' • •• ' , .. l'"-~ ;i-.· "-_~.. ' . . ' . . 'YOU AJtE11iW)TEI> .-. _·'. -Mrs. •ROber:t 0 . B,aamajla/l' Qeft),., ,Jr: (left torigbt) to the event May 22. Proceejls .sustain a scholar· challmep ·<if. Lu]Maftqeras' 12th "!"fa! S!lver"<lbampegne.Toa. slup.Jund 8lid will' be uaed ftno.e •Family Service oC!ic.e ID the.beach invites ~-D.ol;tald JI. Talmage aiiclcMrs. Kennetb,c. Hollow97 • .• area. · • 1 • ~~' ' -' : t , . I ... .. -, t ., Champagne 7iea ' Service Polished By Las Marine·ras Las Marineras' 12th annual Cbari:lpagne Silver Tea will have a special significance this year. · Besides sustaining a scholarship fund for graduate· students in the field of social, Work, proceeds also will be earmarked as the first major contribution to a 'COil* .certed fund-raising effort for a Family Service office in the beach area. Because oi the increa.sing 'demand for Family Serv• ice counseling in the area, the auxiliary will sponsor a branch office which will serve Costa Mesa, Newpert · Beach and Laguna Be;ech rhoro directly. Under con- sideration is. sPaCe in the V01Untier Bllreau office at 325 N. Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. .. . Family Service· works · to fill the needs of families under stress throughout 'the n8tion. "The business com .. munity has no higher prlority, and no better invest- ment than the strengthening .of f-amlly life," stresses Mrs. Richard D. Keith, president. Setting for the traditional ways and means e,vent will be the Irvine Cove borne of Mr. and Mrs .. John B. Northcott. Chilled ·champagne, ta~ty hors d:oeµvr1es, coffee and tea will be served from 2 to 4 p.m. Thursday, May 22. Mrs. Robert o: Basmajian, tea chairman, is being assisted by the Mmes. William Fisher, J.an:ies R. Dowty, Charles B. Mitchtll' Jr., Ho,ward Means •. Richard Broome, Timothy Macres and Jack Spatl<s: ' '· • • .. • ' • • • • . • • , , . • " • ' -. , ' . I i B·akefsf i-el CJ Teens Point but That Smoking Is Ncr Joke · • EAR ANN LANDERS : Thi>-letter be ol ·interest to 1'SmotehouR tarY'"" and other , who Hlent being ~ by·lncoosiderale tlobl who 1mo~e -'tblnk ......,..,. else should put up itb il Help is an tbe way! I , _ Slxty4our teenocen In Bakersfield' are an • advertising catDPOICn h1cb we , created ounelvea. Our aim ll mu. ......... 1oot -b Ille! tdiculoul lnotad o( ............. Wt eall )he project ••Smote· Out." Here's what we ~ doing. We hlfe launched • llllH<:ale iclverllllnfcarnpalp-mMhl radio Ille! . We 'cot ·-with lhe help of the Counly ,!nterAlen<J Council .. klqiandlletlth. .. WJ,bave butlool, boot covm and bum- illcl<en which 511 "Smoke-Olote- • Croak." Here'• one of our radio com- mercials: "Worried about Ule popiltlion uplmio1l? Have 1 dprett.e.'1 Another: "Don't llllOt. In !'r· )'Ou mlPt burn a ho)e In ,,.,, lta!gs. • , One of our" TV tommerdalt abcnn an eleg..Uy ll"WOed WOIDlll -smotin(, A voice tay11 "She Smoke1." 'lben there'a I •hoe. otburnioc trub. Anothet voice uy1, ''So does the city dump." - OW' project is • tremendous succtSS out bert ln Baker1lield and we hope lt apreadl to oCJ,..-• communiU... - GLORIA ZING£!( PROJE<:I" COORDI· . , NATOll ,_ DEAR GLOl!lA: So do I. At 1 .... -...... ...,nd .... ~ oa td9er peepie11 efPrtUe smoke for tel ~ ,..,.,. , am 4tupled wllll ,.., project. I wrp 1et1apn la other ddt:• wlto wot bllormtUOl OI tiow \0 gtt 1tamd to ' wrll.e to "Smoke Ovt, P. O. Box 4. Bakenftelcl,.Callforalt, hJIZ," ~nd now, yoa reDn oat' Ulen n. are udtr Ute lmprestlat IUI Glr coalry'1 _..,. divide tltelt'Uatt betwen nnoltag mari· juu1, rotmllc .I• ~•uP ud commltUng tn1ylM!m "' UM 'city's 1tree&11 plellf: rtld WI •1tl1. DEAR ANN: OUr GI son ls bringing home an Oriental bride. His father and I, his 1Isten and their husbands have talk- ed It over and 1gree to make her fee! welc:ome. some of the aunt.t and uncle1 are·upset about Ute marriage and have let us know that they have no intention of accepting her. Tltia meam· our son will not be ' . welcome in their homes' either. OUr two daughters 'married out or their faith. It was 1 blow to us bUt we ' hive grown to know and love both young men and they are wonderful huabands and fathers. Accepting a daughter-in-law of another race Is more dlfiicult, but we ire prepared to do whatever we can to make the girl feel loved anti wanted. The problem: What can we do apout the members or I.he CamUy who have let us know that they do oot approve of this marriage? Our son ia unaware of their feelings. Shall we tell him? -N.H .. DE.\!\ N.J. TtU hlm wbtT '!bl..,.. of hit rel1dvti doe'& wbll to meet lb wife? Why be the bearer of IUCll lttWI I.~ IUI? S., ~ ud ltt· yoor .. ea11 Ille lamlly -lie_,,,,_ n... n. .. IOI whh to ... ldm trlll IOD ldm ... Slf1 Oii ti I~ How far ahouta • -,. couple p! can necking be llleT ·When· -'II become 100 hot to bandit! Send IW Am Laf>den' bookltt, "Necking Ille! P<tthe -What An lht .f.!mJtar•; Mall your ~ quest to Ahn Landen In can ol llilll newspaper tnclosll1g IO ceall 111 com lid a long, stamped, sell~......._ Ann Landen will be Clad to help jia with yoilr probltms. Sood lbem to lter ill cm ol !!'< DAlj.V PILOI', <nclollnC l self·addreMed. •limped en,.lope. ' • ••• I ·• l ,, 1 ' -~ 14 DAILY l'ILOT ·~ !'rize-winning .· -..... ----~ Posters Tell Party News Wickett-Brewster Rites St. 1 Andrew's Selected For. Nuptial Setting -to the allar by btr David Jam-. alalet ol the lather, J ... a -lier ol bridegroom, Mn. R(chard 'Nowjlori Beacb, 1-Ann Ferrell, the brld•'1 """ Bmrl1ar -.. the bride ol mod>er, and Ml• lllli 1-. Gtolrly Bal(oor Wlckelt ill Margu<rlle daisies wwa In Balbol llland In lala.aflemoon . their "9uqu<U. . nuplllk oolemnbod by' the Jenni/er J...._, n;.,.,. o1 Rev. Dr. Cbarlel ·Dle'ienllcld; the b r Ide, ""' now.r ib'I. st. Andrew'& Prelbyter:ian weaJ'lna a )'elloW 0 f I a D I 8 Cburcll ,.., the Hllinf for the dreos, and her !l<Phe••-. Peter -rloa ZU.. which were JIDj....,, bad charge· of the loUond by a re<eption In the wedding rinc~ Bal"°' Bay Club. • The bridegroom asUd bl.I Tile bride, allo the diupte,.-hrother. Cbarlel Wickett Jr. ol, .i Mn. Brewlter, -,. Loo Angelea to be biot ,..., or1anu over taffeta veniae · and 1trvirlg as mhen Wtre laco lown deolped with lbort Jam-. Larry B-. 1leevet Ind a cameo nectllne. brother ol the bride, Robert Sood pearl.I and lace appllquea Jolmoon and David Gash. decorated the neckline Ind Spring flowers graced tbe ·hsn of the gnwn. Her -Balboa Bay Club, !or Ibo tiered elbow kollh veil ·wu rece!l<lon and were placed caupt . to a lace trlm1n<!d atop and around the ....sdln( plllbo<, mt bet' bridal bouquel cake. l\lr. and ~. Bruce wa1 19 arrangement d.. but-Follette of Sunl assisted dur- terfly orchid.a. stepbanotit Wy ing the reception~ 'of tile valley and fluffy ,;,me Special gu..ts al the wed· fem. ding were Mrs. G e or 1 e ~ l'IJlterl mode by ltudentl at Our Lady Queen ol tbe • Allpll School annilunced tho church's annuel parish dlmlr cllnce nezt Friday In the Balboa Bay. Club. and a lesson on mod dancing by Mn. Dorothy Jo Sw8NIOl1. Shown with their winning po&t<!rs are (left to riJbt) Teri Rhinehart, third place; Heather Harri!, se<:oocl place, and Barbara Rakel and Meghan McGorrigle, lint place. ~wearinl yellow or1an za Houston of Upland, over taffeta pmi: trimmed grandmother of the bride, and ~~~~~~-~ KETT Kat11f Brewfller, 1i111er of the After honeymooning 1 n MRS. GEOFREY WIC : ~by the ldlool a~. the evemng will feoture music by Mike Espoclto and hil on:beetra bride wbo wa maid ot bcmr Hawaii, the couple w 11 1 H1w11f1n Honeymoon 'and 1the bridesmaid!, Mrs'. establish a Balboa Island------------'--------- home. ; Morgan-Hough Troth The new Mrs. Wickett Ls a graduate of Corona del Mar High School and an area business college. Her husband, a graduate of Fullerton Union High School, attended Fullerton Junior College and senred in the U.S. Navy. i ---------- • Fall Rites "" -Jy fill . weddloc 11 ; bllnl plllllied by Cbrlollne ' I . • • CHRISTINE HOUGH ~ To S•y VffWs , • • • Planned Ellzabelh Hou&h of Newwt Beach and Glrird Erle Morpn of-. 1be coop1e1, belrolhal hu been ---by Mn. J!:Jtqbdb Qr.ea H..,P al Newport Buch and Peytm Royce H..,P of Loo Aqelel, par<i!ll of the lulute bride. !Illa HouP. • ,, __ ., WhllUer HIP Sch\JOI, ls a srnlor ht the College of N,,,.. In(, University of Ulah. 'lbe future bridep'OOID, l<lll ot Jay Willard Morgan of Lone Beach and the late Mrs. Morgan, also is a graduate of WHS. He rectlllJy returned from 22 months service in Vietnam where be received a BnmeSlar. St. Matthia& Episco p al Churdl, Whittier, will be tbe setting for the rites. Officers Accept Positions Mrs. Re:s: McDonald as!um· ed tbe duties of president of Gamma Alpha Nu chapter, Beta Sigma Phi, during an ifl.. stallation dinner in Francois restaurant, Huntlniloo Beacb. Mm Dorothy Dunn, chapter advisor, also installed the Mmes. -Cooper, -president; Walter Davidson, i Emancipation • • Ahead Males recording secretary; l i · o r Sedor, corresponding secretary ; JOOn B o w e i , ll'easurer; Harold Schubert, council ~ve; ·Joel Pooley, e:rteaion officer, and William Oby, dvU def ..... i For American Mn. Robert ~ -lved the pledgo riull and Mn. Dooold Wlf.lon Ind l\lrl: Richard Bylund, trwl.....,,. received the welc.me·rttual. I • ; NEW YORK (UPI ) -To t seam ls lo join, says one ol Webster'& deftnlUOlll. .;e Soil is only appropriate that ~a new organization aimed. at ... erasing the "matriarchal" aoclety ln the United States • should call itself SEAM. •Restoring the nalion to : a : palriarchy, glvlng the poor • benighted male his due once : qaln as head of the family - \ti these are jls goals. : "It was . just coincidence, ;. though, that the initials work-t ed out ao appropriately," said one of the founders of the ! Society for the Emancipation of the Amerlc111 Male. "We're ~ trying to reestabllah the man .-. in the role whl'ch it naturally :-is, that of taking charge, • trying to harmonize male· 1 remaJe relationships, preserve J the family Itself." ., SpeaRing was Kahlil Samra • (the origin of the name is :-Lebanese), who writ.es under t the name of Carlton M. : Brown. Samra, 38, married • and the rather of an lnfant ! son, is · a foTmtr i" newspaperman and currentl1 • is president and e:s:ecuUve !director of a nation.ll • organization doina: research in • pl)'chialrlc problema. He and Robert Beauchamp, • SI, an insurance e:r:ecuUve and r-father of four, are co-found en of SEAM, which has its head- . quarters Jn Ann Arbor, Mich., 'where both men live. ' Samra (or Brown) said lhe ~Idea for SEAM, which will : have a amall membership fee ~for men or any women who .. want to become au:s:illary :':members, crew from his :-assorted cUppinp and othe:r ~rt:i*b OD ''the decline of Ult " Amerk:an male. I was going to :~write a book on the subject." ., ''This ii a serious problem," ·he Aki In a lelephone In-t temew from AIUI Arbor. "And •"we're dttdly lltrlous •bout the -oraanlulion." ~ "'Men abdlcale their roles (U held of the lsmlly) • --they jflll get Urcd of ~lnl· '1180 .,.. preuure1 at Iha olllco and then th> ,._.... 11 borne. The male , ....._ bK«oel paulve and ::..tram, lie ._, up hiJ ~and -ct he turns , lo alcobol. 'llley'ni being driven AWi)' by WOIJlell mtk· .-Jna a boml We wretched.'' '!lill IC>Calkd 1111trtarcl11I aoclett bu emerpd pariJ¥ ' , because "we've become a lit· tle too materialisUc," II.id Sf1D18. 0 The wife wmb .IO the family can have more things. Mom, the wage earner too, becomes the 'take-charge' type. She sets the pattern for the l<idJ. The result -anarchy in the home." The solution, Samra sug· ~~u:!~~~":r'::".::: Unused Objects Go to Work Mrs. Hlrokl Norman, the chapter's IJl'Cll*I' I WU guest durlnf tl>e dlnn<r lnltallaUon . OC Sin9le Bees The llOOOnd and fourth Fri· day of the month Oran.le County Single Bees gather 1n Doig School, Garden Grove. ActlvlUea begin at 8 pm .. collaborating with the homey ones." A roomful of bargains have been collected for the rummage sale planned by Jn patriarchal countries like the Women's Fellowship of St. Andrew 's Presbyterian Church for next Thurs· Italy, Greece, Japan or Jndla , day and Friday. in the church fellowship hall. Hours will be 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. there is 00 such high incidence Thursday and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday. Church missions will benefit from the 0 f "psychiatric dilorders, sale of househol d items, costumes, antiques, books and other items. Unpack· alcoholism, drug addiction , ing "treasures" for the sale are Mrs. John Wyman and Mrs. John K. Hamel, divorce, desertlons, identity co-chainnen. Harbor TOPS crises, homoseruaUty ... ----'.:....-"..------------------------- Harper School In COila Men ii the location: where membtra of TOPS Hlrbor Ll&hters gather each Mondly evenina at 7: 30 • wlle-murderlng, child-beating, violence and juvenlle delin- quency ,"said Samra. Ntlther or the wives of SEAM~ti founders w o r k s out.slde the home. And both support SEAM'& premlae th1t the family ii worth preserv· ing. I asked Samra who's bos5 in his home. "I am," he said. And that was that. Greeks Hear AFS Students American Field Service ex· change stud~ta living •fl al· tending hlaJi school In ~· Beach this year will share ex· periences with Laguna Buch Panhellenic members lomor· row io the: home or Mrs. MildnJd Slllatrop. In addition to talks by Diana Baralt from C araca s. Venezuela and Nick Enright from East Maitland, AWlb"alil , Mrs. M I rs b a I I lloull, ~ ol the Lquna Belch Chlpter of Al's, wlll give a brief exptanaUon of the group's cumnt llatua. Deaert will be ...,,ed at t p.m. by Mn. C. Stuart Lewla, c:halrman. She wW bl aullttd by the Mmtl. F. J. McM1nu" Manllall D. Paltoa, Roy M. 'lllorouglvnan and II e 11 Parksin.son. Future actlviUt.a for the Lagun< O.ach arouP Include an ins\allalion and lw>ebeon In lrvlne Coast COuntry Club Saturday, Jflllt 7, Stockings Shadow Shoulders A variety of stockings tha\ go calf-h igh, knee-high, thigh· hlah or waist-high h a v e become a familiar part of every woman's acce ssory \\'ardrobe. Now, the newest' addition lo the stocking wardrobe extends leg fashion coverage even further -clear to the shoulder. Belle.Sharmeer knits this new shoulder-high bodice stocklng of opaque stretch nylon to CGVer up what rashion la leavtng newly uncovered. ln a bluthinc bei&e akintone, l h i s seemlngly uninhibited cover up is the lat.est ac· ceuory to wear under new see-throueh fashlom. For Jess adventuresome fashion ad- vocates, It 11 \deal with new city panll, jum)llUils Ind at· homoclolhu. 'lbe "stockl.ne" helps create a sleek, topblJUcated look ll'om ~Ider. CM Auxiliary The first Thunday of the month members of l h e Amtrican Legion Auxiliary, COila P.1e~ Un1l 455, gather In lhe Amcr ic'an Leg ion Hall, at 8 p.m. Horoscope Capricorn.: Face . Facts WEDNESDAY MAY 14 ARIES (March 2t·Aprll Ill : Study g e n e r a I indicaUons, especially financial reference . Be awa~ of budget and possessions. Day to tighten reins on expenditures. Avoid any tendency lo be ex- travagant. TAURUS (April 21>-May 20): One In authority demonstrates faith in your ability. Atttpt added responsibility. Project may appear large, but you are more than capable of handling it. GEMINI {May 21.June 201: Events, per!IOns of paSt de· m a n d 11ttention. Financial commitment &hoold be met; don't be evasive. Frank at· tltude wins the day. Set fine exarttple. CANCER (June It.July 22): Some friend& may appear mQroR. Your task 11 to do some cheering. Some of your ~. wishes ire subject to revision. Necessary to be more practical, realistic. Then you gain. LEO !July 23-Aug. 22)' Don't neglttt duUe!. Basic lmtts may be at •like. Check details. Be obie.rv1nt. Ap- parent minor matter could be more important than you Im· agtne. Sl<ady Pl"' la helter than speed. q u 1 remenla. Behind-ecentl VIRGO (Aus. 23-SepL 22): maneuver plays d om In an t Travel COMected with duty, role. job la lndlcaled. Nf!C<SW'y lo ·PISCES (Feb. llHllarch II) complete assignment. Take Avoid unneceHSllrv journey. special care w l th com· -~ munlcatlona, wriUen word. Running away from problem You are held to promises. is opposite from constructJve. Some of your Ideas \Oday •re UBRA {Sept. 23-0ct. 22): not based on facts. Money of close associate---:::;liiiiiiiiil;;=----becomes your coocem. Key is1 to aim for security. Don't do. anything to upset domestic situation. Change of residence comes up for discussion. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21), Someone you count on may be lndblposed. Know tbi!I and be prepared. Draw upon past ex· perlcnce. Take special care in any legal matt.er. SAGmARJUS (Nov. 22· Dec. II): Slow pact. There 15 pressure but you can. succeed. Important to come to agree. ment with ut0ei1te, ~ worker. Don't be r\llhed blto any foolish acUoo. CAPRICORN (Dec. %Wan. II)' Face Ioctl concerning children, affair of the heart. U realiJUc, you 1aln. Otberwlst, you could be leaving yourself open -for punishment. Act ac- conllngly. CHARLES K. BARR AQUAIUUS (J1n. ~Feb. 18): Home, property come Into spotlight of atttntlon. F~h viewpoint provca bencllcial.I ~~~~~~~~~~I Bt 1ware of 1ecurlt7 re-J~ Preschoolers Invited -'To Play for a Day' P a r e n t a , preschoolers, friend! and neighbors are in- vited to visit Happy Valley Preschool during it.s four-day open house beginning Monday, May 19, between 9 and 11:30 a.m. at 17791 Newland Ave., HunUngton Beach. Purpo8e of the open house is to offer area youna:sten an opportunity to participate in the program for a day, and to acquaint prospective members with the facilities and teacher. Children will he able to paint a picture, create a craft, listen to record&, play a muslcll In· strument, climb or awing on outdoor eqWpment, build with blocks, or almply observe. A bo.stess will be present to answer questions, pro v i d e registration forms, and es:· plain the philosophy behind parent participation preschools. 11l.ere is no ad- mission charge, and refmh· menta will be served. Mra. Thomas Blinn is presi· dent of the organization. and l\lra. Robert W. Applelolt 15 preas chairman for the group. Focus Put on Color ColOr and Your Personality will be explored fOI' members ol the South Orange eoa.t Chapter o! Zeta Tau Alpha na· tional sorority by Mrs. Claire Pike of Long Beacl:I ne:s:t Thuraday al 7:30 p.m. Mn. Plke.,put dlltricl and naUCflll! preildent of the fllnrity, will cllacuas die ef. r.a. of oo1cr on bellavlor and ...,..._, Mn. Jorry Nash qi Hun- tington Beach will bolt the 7:30 p.m. meeting wblch will include installation of new of. ficers. Mn. Patrick McDooakl will receive tile presldenl's gavel and filling other offices will be the Mmes. N~. vice preai- dent; Wintoo Warner, cor· ..._.i1ng secretary, and G~ Gibb<m, recording aeaetmy. Zeia In tile -Cnasl area are welcome to attend and may call 1111'1. -s. Grlllt, 173.etlll, for lurlhcr In· formation. - "E1portie sholtie" pantie brief li&fil, cool ----.._· The one and only Stay There• •ctlYt knit ••• in • brief panti• with Just the ri1ht 1mount or lit;ht control for spoftsweer. It's cool, porous, qulck-dl)'in1 •.• Ns a Hvin&. brNthln1 'Stretch that hofda JO• In, ntvtr holds you beck! Nit for Style S.2. wlllt• S·M·L, 4.00 U1• your-BanltAm•ritard, Ma1ter Ch•r9•, Oin•r•, C•rt• l lanc:h• Creclit Carcf1 IN COSTA MU.I. '" 111' NIWPOlT IOULIYARD PARK CONVENIE~Tl Y JUST A STEP FROM OUR EAST ENTRANCI!", •• Opon Da ll y 9:30·6, f•I. fll 9 I• n h • ,. d " j. ,. ;. d ~ '· (. II !I • i- r· d \! •t d . ,_ , . ~-.-Newpor·t • lfarhor. T '.J'lidaY'• . N.Y. SMeks • . EDITION -· voL;62. 1110. '114, 2 SECTIONS, 26 PAGES \ .~ . ORANGE COUl'!J ', CAtlFORNIA • ' . ' '.' 131 '1969 1 TEN CENTS '' , .. i : • • ~ { J ·congress Asked to Expand .Oil • sanctuary,_· -• N:ewport Beach cl!y councilmen Mon- day · called on Congresa to spread the Orange Coast's offshore oil sanctuary in· tO !.ederal waters. 1'he cities of Lsiguna Beach and San <;Iemeote and the 0 r a n g e County Board of Supe.rvlsors are e1pected soon teiuue. similar pleas. Newport councilmen ukcd for .the ex- tendfld oil eiploration and drilling pro· hibitkml Ip a unanimously pdopted ' . . resoluUon. Ml)'O! Doreen Mat$hlll said copies of the resolution wUJ be sent to every member of I.be U.S. Senate and House oI R'eprese.ntat,ives. She pointed to the Santa Barbara offshore oil blowout as the reason for the prop(,sed sanctuary · expaniion. -.. That disaster occurred in federal tidelands bordering a state Sanctuary. So what we have here obviously provides too little protection.'' ' · One of the principal purposes of the resolution, Mayor Manball explalned, is to Jerid as much support as possiblci to an anti-oil bill now being drafted by Rep. James B. Utt (R·Tusuii). The legislation wou1d Impose the same restrictions in federal waters that' are now impose(! in state tidelands by the SheU-Oniningham Act. The Shell-Cuqningham Act, adopted by the legislature more than a dOieT\ years ago, bans offshore drilling -with some ezcepUorui -between lhe Santa Ana River jetty and the Mui<111 bonier. The Newport resoluUao aY<ids ·any reference Lo waten on the H!pl1bltton Beach side of the river mouth, w~ drlllln& i! permitted arid now. under w.y. · 1 The Newport declaratkin also is d~ecle< tO state legWatois. ·It asks. that they•t11ht.en reJtrictiona within the Sbe.U- Cunningbam sanc4W'Y. A~ preaept, ez~ ploratlon for oH is alloweC:I. N.ewport wants an "absolute" prohlbitioo ~,any 1eologtc1r " '-"Yllcal ezploratlon work inVoMar "physical penetraUon" of the tidelands. This mean1, explained Mayor Marshall, that selituic: 't.ltlltl 'only woold ba' permllled. , ''""" -.Id ba no 'core diill-ing of any k!nd,",1 he ent~lr.ect. '1We don't want any repetition of the'Shell Oil ComP"l\Y Incident.'" SbeU OU JUlcJ.mllry received authOri· · ty tt.rii the• Sllote Landi Commissim to aink • tell core holel off · the Newport ' . Harbor "'ir-e and ei.e.,bare ·•"!tin 'UMi· Shefl.Cunnlngham aanetu..r: AllO( several coastal ageoc&el vigOrou:sly pto- tested, the Lands C.mmllslon In Man:h -rncinded the permit. -• ·'!lie "-wPort r-alao -·"11-poo~"of the offshore .....,..l«Y ditll- ing ban in' federal waters adjacent to the state's'submerged lands. · <lb addition. councllmetrulltd c....,.. to pr<ihlbtt any l<ulnl· .ior: ..pmu.n, (See OIL FIGHT, Pqe ZI · . ' ' Jet 'Inaction' Assailed·.· Newport _Prot.ests Air Cal _Flights to S<(Cr.ame~w By JEROME F. coums 01 IM o.irr r111t stiff ~ Newport Beach. is fed up with the aoar<t of Supervisors' failure to push for restriction.; on jet flights at Orange Coun· ty, Airport. City councilmen made that clear Mon- day night as they .voted unanimously to protest a proposed boost in flight service by Air California. The county-baaed airline wants to fly non·s~p to Sacramento. A petition seek- ing the route award is now before the California PubLic UtiliUes Commission (PUC). Air Cal presidefl\ Carl Benscoter had sought en.~t of the service from the Newport council County supervisors two weeks· ago backed the propo$81. Councilman Paul J. Gruber, wbQ&e borne is below jet flight paths, pressed vigorously for council rejection of the Air Cal request. He said he was aware that the Republicans' Way Elected Senate Chief ,.. - SACRAMENTO (AP) -Republican Sen. Howard Way was chosen to rep~ Democrat Hugh M. Bums ·as president ' pro tern of the Senate today, ending Bums' 13 years as presidine officer of tbe Sacramento flights woold be within 'the 40Q..mile des t in at loo limit ... of a metroport, which coWity aviation. master planner William E. I?ereira says should · be County Airport's-ultimate role. "Bul this thing goes beyond the melroport concept," said Gruber . "We have now reached the' point where we cannot tolerate any additional noise and fuel pollution over·our city. Air Cal, with this proposal, is expressing u t t e r dlsrqv4 Mr the ni;pact ii wotll.f have on thiJ C00\11lunlty. . "ii ..,Ybody "ants to look at the fi!tloil . on lhe umbrella and plant.a in my backyard, I'd!< happy to rtxJ'!i lbem." He said Alf Cal wanta to sta('(_ ~ two . flights a day to and lrorn Sacramento. "That's just a beginning. They'll 'have many, man1 more." He noted that the airline began lta operations more than two year!! ago with !See AIRPORT, Pa&e %) -'~ ' . ' draft, upper house. ,. The action came 1n a closed caucus of \he Senate after the l'l·year-old Bums dramaticaUy called for the· vote. , Nixon --that It-year-olds be subjecl to the !Int call but that they ......., -Iii•! to 41\e dfaft for only one')'elf ratbef than· RWJ'I• aa under the ' NEW SENATE CHIEF GOP'S -•rd Way Newporter Inn Robbed of $917 In Cash Receipts An envelope containing early momirig riceipt.s of '917 was literally "pinched" from a iot in the Newporter Inn's safe during the early morning hours Monday, po1lce nported. ibe envelope, which apparently didn't lllde" completely int.o the safe when a C)JShier deposited it was discovered Jniss.. iltg Monday afternoon. ~The theft locluded cash, traveler's ~ penonal checks and a Newporter Inn payroll -· -said. ' The money comprited the total receipls rtom one shift. reports said. · After each shift cnshiers deposit their envelopes into the safe slot. but over the weekend the containers piled up and the last envelope didn 't drop cotnpletely through, police explained. It followed weeks of hard campaigning by Way, a tall. gray-baired member of a San Joaquin Valley farm fam.lly and fellow Republlcanso They began their ef- forts when the GOP captured coatrol of the house 21-19 in speci41 Contra Costa Coon!Y' eleclion. The vote for Way was 21·19. The senators declined to specify the partisan breakdown oo the vote, but W•Y had been supp()rted by some liberal Democats, unhappy with Burns's support of President Nilon and otberRepabUcans in the last election. The liberal Democrats also objected to Bums' business dealings -mainly his action in pushing. a bill helping an in- surance company while serving as an of· ficer of another insurance finn. Way told newsmen he would make no major changes "at this time." He said there would be "no drastic changes in committee assignments." Thieves Push Buttons Too . A Comm del Mar hairdresler today ts probably cursing the auto ..i ..... n wbo pointed out the handy trunk-unlock button insiae tbe glove compartment oi her car. Carol Mat Schofield, S3, of 411 Seavlew Ave., diJcovend Monday that ~ves can use the gadget, too. ·She told police that sometime during the past few weeks IOMtone pushed the button and opened the trunk, taking wigs, clothes, a sewing machloe and a 1leeping bog. Youth Recovering Rapidly After Loss of Six Fingers \ ls1xteen.year-old Colston Hale of Balboa tOday was "making remarkable i;covery" from a weekend ~Ung J11i&hap that cost him six severed fingers .ma two badly mangled index fingers. '}'he ~i-~ .dock emJ>loye at Art'f· Lan· djiig, •• 11alb11i l'enlnlula ,...nr..lung f!tm, lost the flngen -they - f ;NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market, after two stratgbt losing afaalons, moved steadily forward today lllld clOMd with a (oir 1a1n. (S.. quota• tJi!!s, Pqa 10-lt). • caught in a line rm •ttie s'"portflJher "Frontier.'' . The youth was reported In "tllfactory eonditioo and 11very brave about it all,'' accwding In • ""'t>'tal aide . Hale lives with hts guardlaM at l&.17 E. Ocean Blvd. • Sp61<efmeti Wd'the ftngon were p!nol>- ed off at the lint joint obove the knuckl<. The two forerinaera were mancJed, but Hoag surgeons restored Uietn. GralUng or the remalnlnl n...,., gatbered up by an off41ty nune, wu uosuccessful, ipokesmen said. 'lbe -nune picked up the .evtred members and packed than In ICfl for tramport to the horpital. The accident happened Saturday af~ te:moon. ~------·-----~- existing l)'llem. -. "It ii my convlcUon," Nb:on aid In a meaage 1o Congress, >'that the' dlwt>- Uve lmJ!lcl· of the iliilltary· draft ..... dlvlclual' nm lbould' be 'nilnlmlloll• u much as ~ble.• ~'with the na- tional security. For ttlil reason I am to- day asking ljle Congress for authority to implement importaqt drift reforim." The P.lmleirt -(Od Iii ~ tjlal ideally •ttiere !hould~be an all-votunteer armed force for the nation. He said h.e continued to believe that this ideal can be nached under more stable w<rld coh-- ditions. He added: "Under present condiUons, however, some kind of draft will be need· ed for tile immed1ate future . M long as that is the case, we mUBl do everything we can Lo limit the disruption caueed by the system and to make it as fair as poulble." "' Ir -.. Groia Going In .. ~ ' ,, ,1 • Pierside su))e<illtendeut& wr,tdlt•s workmen set pilihgs fdr grojn'oft· we.I aTde il NeWpo(t Pl~.'o~ along wi.ui two otherl tdlie J!lact<I• iieirpfer;'is· d05tgned to"pr<ilect"jliet~a;:oiyfleet. •119 lil~IJuar<l)it,adi . quarters ,fr9rn. beech et'O&ion that. ha~·~ .plaguing the ary.> 1 1 ~ '. • ._ • • \ ~ \ ~ '• '•I I I .. ' • -~ ! " . :-'• Latest A'nnexatwn Fight ' ' May ·B~ Delayed 6 Weeks SINGING LEGAL BLUES Newport'• F1licl1no The chief execuUve offered a six-point recommendation, topped by changing from an oldaMirlt to a youngest-fJrst order of call IO a young man would become Jeaa rather than more vulnerable to selection 11 he grow1 older. The random lfltem -a lottery - would be applied to all thole who are vulnerable during a given year rather than to thole wboee birthdays fall at cet· lain Umes of the year or month. The stage appeared ' today set for another battle Wednesday' between Costa Mesa and Newport Beach over conflicting annuaUon P"!poo&ts In the , Upper • Newport Bay area west of Tustin Avenue. , . ' ne1ation, dubbed Back Bay No.1. on ';wrtl 1 11. The area is between .Tuslin1aiUt Sinta 1 Ana avenues north of La, Canida flay ahd north and south of bl8ecting ,Mtsa Drive.. · .. ' Feliciano Sues Qperators of Newport Eatery A young man normally would enter the stace ol maximum· vulnerability duri!lg his 19th year and 1eavt it durinl hla 2(Mb yu.r. Bul indicatioaa are that the wat will' be , postpooid for six weeks at the suuestioo of Local Agency Fonnatioa Ccmmilsjon · Executivt Officer Richard Turner. -Shortly thereafter, on 1May --: 2. • Newport'"Beach filed for two anneutloftl 1 in' the same area. One of them overlays the proposed Co$la i.t ... IDDOUtina. -The conllicting annu, dmbed "La 1 canada," is %3 acres over1al>ping the eastefri hall of Mesa's proposal; walJof Tustin ,Avenue, bet~ Orchard Drivel .OD the north and 660 fee\• IOUth of Pop artist Jose Feliciano ls singing a very different kind of blues today. But, if the guitar-strumming soul singer wins his Superior Court action , the operat.ors of the Newport B e a c h restaurant that bears his name will have to provide the lament·filled refrain. For the blind balladeer has written a llere'1 why : •' : -Costa Mesa filed for a to-acre an- ' . Nixon Ooses Deal to Buy San Clemente Residence $180,qoo acore. .. Named as defendants 'In the suit filed B)' ARTHUR R. VINSEL Money from the Nlxons' $328,000 sale of Monday by the linger are Newport South ot "" °""' ,... ...., their :N•' York apartment to food and BoY Inc .• Gene and Carol Tonkin Ran-Quiet San Clemente lnday teamed It drug wbolesale, r .Lew\a Lehrman _.will )le dano and Char~ S. Dr<oyer. Randano and Dreyer'• overtures l<d, he claims, 10 wtll have an offtclal place In U.S. blstory, uoed Jn jhe.P'!rcbue of'tbe Cotton hol\>• the setting up oi an •17'1'eement in with closing ol a $340,000 deal for Pnsi· and a piece of the estate. ~· dent Rlcbil'd M.,Nixon to buy the old H. The 1 -nD1IOttd h of the pro-<T..lt!ber, 11118. H. Collon _ ....... u his 1!hite -. ... pure ... ' (See ANNEXATIO!j, !'•I• II , . -' Oraage Wea*r ' 1r.1® want to sei the,sdn'W~ nesday, ·don't blink betften 1. UCl:i 1 4 p.m. otherwile. cloud:f skies wUI cover Ute Oi'llftCe Coast. 1with temperatures In the ~al miles. INSmE TODAY He"clatmt that he was told at that time West ~~t pe:rty as a lllllUDU retreat 1D Nixon's 1 thal It would take $100,000 to lt50,000 to ' · • native Sou~ ~u &reet':!,j_Y.;, • • t A il!ghtlv different kind of .. tabllab a restaurant aionl the linp of • :.5L"'I"" and 1e!_ tt\111 00 .~1.•f • m1comlnf comK~t,~ Sal ~,,.,... le . , ta• protnt Is o\octpl•o Ule ... the one -In bualnesl ·and Iha~' tlle \. """.., .,.-!"'!',,.,....-.•rlJ•Wc;.;:-;=r !lltfM1nqer ..,.,... _.. • · = ~ •"• ·~· defeoidanto usured him that the moqey i •la .ito~,• ».;iite,tor,Uli.'11~, "I think 1111 a "lll'!•t.honor,tha~W.·.r l · .o::!...,._lidtw i ll.l t""""' , woold-he forthcomj!ig, !""" ~ beld .muoeum orld ' ~ ·~ 1"! · Nlaon ha11elected ..... .....-r.·: • • ' , _,,._, . w " by their -pm;y, '"Groo\,Filli' rore.t •• pO!I~ papen tliil iiituij· m.moiib . Carr lddln( lie la -t,tloe clt1 will ' ore mthodi<Ollv knoelihtg - Productl." -..... Wblte ---uld , mait10Y-11tnc~""· '• ~·.j rehool bo,n<1.tnU<1. Poot 1. And be was usured, &e-. thal •the ~''Pr-t wlU 1'01'~~ PUrcl.-111 the·~-w~ ! ,_,,. ,. -· :j ll""PWett90confidentp-'of \'.lctorla ~ t1•.-.-·-~ -Pt!li ... ql ,1'n11M!n •D. -VII-; !:"' •·n ·:t.::.-• • tbe mtaurant that Its ... woilld ........ u .. ,_pailiod111.~ ......... -u.!lajeMr~-~~l!lo"l. I ·-II =-·':"": '1 d-no ..i.ry or""" dlirlnr • ,,,..._ ·-" -'•, . ···±: __..~::;~=:•, ::::...-.. : =: ...,, ,.!! the flnl yur. ~· ' u.t~ ~' 1111(!1~ \llld. J..;r'!~~ ~11.-...._ in'~-,;,.1.,,.J;' " :::::"T ,"'l' ,: _.. " •Mi, The croup alao ~'Y"o; .... ~ftrllllee~· ·•1·~r:"\-... .,., ...... ,. ·-.... =--~ -.!lll!llncopjtalb)' .~:~·~·a,qt•\• ................ ~lit&~.: .. ,,.,, .:.':.'/••,, :I , IO,OOD aharel at-tllpll" .,.,·Jr~ oetMI:,.....,, -:.tfit~ · wvna' "-~ ,,,..._ • =:-.._."" .., .. ys. Anet • further lsaue of sham "" court and poaible owb°"""' ,JIOOI con-alnldy -..i wllh ~ ._.tt-1 -.._ 11 (S.. FELICIANO, Pip I) ltructlon. • \ (8" NIXON ·or.u. _.,.... ) "---------_...J t • ' . ..... 'I . . ..... > .... •+-'a:, ...... , .•• •(·! .••• , t I • · . ~ ••• + , • .,.. • .. , • ., •++...&\'·• ..... , ... , ••• . ' • • . . . -.. ., .. . ' I • .-~ I I f J f 1 •• " ·-· --. . -. " r...iq, Mq ll, IM S3It Creek Roa.d ·Debate Heating tJp in Court: ! -~ Bal Pier Site .,..,. ....... la rad. ... ·-·~ 1111& II --)lnuPI It I' nli. ' B..i&°P-!-:e wblc:b would allow lllY private en&erp~ lo ~eprive the publlc cf that 'radlllonal rl&ht ot way. WUcG1en'1 argurnenta came today as the court debate on the road aban- donment around into its f.lfth hour. Four From P .. e 1 Nixon mtt fraud." W1lcoMa clllD ba Will ..... .-. -·'flial -.. -= .. pings 111 efgtlt )'Ian .... llli! ... poration promilld l-not to pursue llr further lbandomnelll of Salt Cteek ROadc Judge Owens must' rule on Wilc:oun'• plea that abaodonment of the public foot- path, curled out alllr the county p!IJl- nlng commission snd board o f supervisors approved of tbe La11una Niguel requests, should be overturned •well Off~ and Ille 11111• qalll ~before lhc "~t-.-· ... ,• then and W-~well ua'.!i'fF~ Wilcoxen ~-"An """""' public wooiicl4 very qulcldy lhow this county wllat I f th1Jlb IJ>out, some very doubtful and undqhalld maneuverlnl behind tho ICtoff" • Man~ area resident. were on hand l~·b ' crowded courtroom thruughoul'th~ • hours of testimony Monday ln wbicll · thr« ~ Niguel 1ttomey1 and llep>-' ly eoUnty COWllCl Tbcmll Cooroy u"'4 Judge ·OWtm to throw out the Wilcoxen complaint. • City Voters May Make FELICIANO •.• d111cned to provide funda for Don Ind Mary M1111ano. muagera 111 the rtltaw'ant 1t 1111 WestcWf Drive, the complaint lndlcotea. President's Worth at $596,000 McCormick said the amended Wilcorep", petition ''merit~ no better trtatme11,l' than the first" -an apparent reference to Judge Oweni' taller ruling thlt.~ Wilco1en would have to polnt to evideq; or fraud If he hoped to get his suit pa~ law and motion and Into the trial court. • . ,._ win s.rvtcea Deci-swn on Boys' Club IMtead, Fellciano, argues, the dtfeo- danli could only ralle 1 115,IC loin, 0 qutte Inadequate" for the openUon plannod. And he conlendl tllal the clefeo- dants are runnin& a "questionable opera.. tlon," one m which "patrons art hustled to buy drinks." A f!nlndal statoment W.ed by the While 8-Monday lbows Pr<lidenl Nl.xoo'1 net worth •t $596,lnl and ~ dlcated the chief execuUve is a bit better off in the bankbook than last Octobtr. ment on an Island in Blscayne Bay Fla., near where Nixon has a summer home. It said Ni.Ion sold $18$,1111 lhares Of the island development for '2 per share, or 1371,711!, II abo lhowed he paid 171,lllO down on his t'M> Key Biscayne homes, the total cost of which was '251,llOO. ~. Wilcoxen •!1U<• th1I the petition "°!". beln& debated furnishes "an abuodanCe" ot evidence" of fraud and collusion on the part of all who oucceufully soopl .-.· donment. ·• Newport lel<h wlon IDIY !lave to mllre tho ltnal dtclllon on whether the H1-Ar<a lloyl' Club la to bulld a now clubhouse on city beach property near the Balbol ocean pier. City c:<••••tlmen Mooday la!d they fa-the notion. . llUt Iba bell l1)ey could do WU lo 1qt unanimoUaly . a lttttmeDt 1pprovtns the plan "in prind;ple. ". .. Cltl' Allome)' 1'lllly 8eymour oolnted out lo COUlldlmeD lhll Iba City Clwler prollll>IU oellln( o..-!euln( 11111' munldpll ,.,...-...-11 -blY or ...... - without ftnE 106nc to the eCec:tara&e. "lt'1 Giant Sli~e Can't Slip By Newport ,,,... will be .. 11 .. 1 lllde rlllq lrom the llte of Balboa'• Jlendt1vou1 Ballroom, which burned to the li'<Jlllld llmaot-yunqo: Newport Belch dly COOllCllmeo M°"' doy llllhl QlllDimoullJ upbald 1n urller pllJmlol cmmt"""' -qalnll Iba ........i---'!1ie 'plunln' clecldoa bid been IP' ' . pealld by Toll Slide lflnu(ldurlq CO. GI s.n-. The ftberllul lllruclUn ~ hive been 11 Itel wide, 151 lflet Ions 11111 II feet ·lllib-' • ' COUndlmen -11111 pllDnen -njoc:lecl • -permit fell' the lllde .. the -bedetrlmenlaltothellll'- 'and 'hild probablJ' - -pion -belnc tba dty !or the UM. ~ bomeoWDlrl allo peli- Uonecl qalnll Iba project. ........... 1 AIRPORT ••• turbo-prop Eledru. '"llley lald they were quiet planes, and would come and 10 without fanfare. Now they've got full jets. We've been lambuted." Moyor Donen Mmhall lald the cll)''I written ~ to the PUC 1bou!d point wt tllat Penlra !all yw bid ncom- mended that jet rtllllt mtralnll ba plao- ed Ofl COunty Alrport while plans for • regional airport eleswhere are being developed. "Thia wu to involve the hours and numbers of ftlghts,'1 aaJd Mr1. MarahaJ.L "But no progress has been made u; um direction." City Attorney Tully Stymour 1aid a protut on that ba!ls would haV1! credibility. "Since the Boord of Su-perviJor1 has done nolhlng about stt- ling outalde limits on airport operations, unllmJted extension ·of fiighla la un1c- copllble," he lald. "There bu been no implemenlltlon of the Pereira report," agreed Vice M1yor Lindsley PlrlOOI. "So we have to oppoee 11n1 new OigbU to force cootroll." DAllY PllOI CMUJfla CO.Ul l'U•LllHl .. O COM .. f.NY l •krt N. WtM ,.,... ............. ~ J.c~ I , C4l1ltY vi. "1-.141t111 •llf 0.-0¥ INlle• n.-•· ic •• ,a ..... Tli-•t A. M11,,,.hl11• ~lllltt ,,_, '· C.111111 _ ..... (llY ••ttw ---1111 w ••• '•"'•• 1 •• 1 •• .,, w.m-. ""'"·!P.O .••• 1171, tJUJ -- ~ flat restriction." said Seymour. . • "Tllat meam lhla could be on the ballot -April," oald Mayor llor«n Mal· shall. IU!80LIJTION OKAYED Al the lil'linl of Balbol Councllm1n HowlJ'd Roc•n, the council 1dopted the resolution tentatively endorainl the i-. quest from Boys' club ·uecuUve director Lou Yantom. Yutom lald the club, which oow bu· two brlllC:baa, holh la Colla M .... Willia la bulld I tbfnf faclllty just ftll of the lll!bel pier bee:-studlea lbow the need la' lhll llU lppurl to be cruter lhln 8*whero la the community. About one IC'f'I would be reQUired to bulld Iba f!IJ,000 clubboule, he llld. Mclll cf Iba money; be noted, would COl1ICI Ira --.. ,,,... In ...mi srlW lhll !ilnp on the 1vallal>lllty cf the land."' be said. '"'Ibey w1Il be releued u ioon u WI IOI Iba property." Tbe dty !ml would be donltecl et- .. an ~· 1111 or be r.-to the club !or 11 1 ye1r, 1ccordlnc to Iba club'• ~. l,He EUGIBLE llo(era polated out lhlt wltbln two mllel GI the p._.i Illa l,fOO bo)'I r...n qe I lo 1l who would ba etfCll>le to plrtidpale la llo7a' Club ICl!vftla II the aewclubbollle. ••r•m well .aware . that we hive tbl ocean there." be' llJd. "but we are greollY lackin( la ~ lacllltla that 6tber areu haw. ' Tbe oou11dl'1 ruoblllon dlrecled Iba d- ty alalf to wurt; With the club la pillmlllJ 91 the clul>hooM, wb!Ch wUl Include 1 c:ralll lbop, --',_, cflllce Ind meeUJil bc:flllfei'' Incl 1 1111111 gym- na_sllmi. Y &$>1'11, 1111111wJ>ile, la upacled lo determloe wbelhlr ,lfllll f1lllda !or lhl bulld!Jll Clll be nleued Pllldlna ... Udpated voter 1pproval of the PrOPoeed land.... - II Iba funcb can't be tied up tllat tonr. II la poaall>IO thlt city off!cllla will Ir)' to work out 10nte other •rrancement with lhe club, and lllll ally wlthill city c:hlrler reqlilmnenll. Que '"'-" a mllllldpal aide ouggested, ml&hl be to hive the city build the lllnldun, usln( Boys' Club lundl, Ind then tum the bulld!Jll over to the club. The complalnt indicates that U patrons don't go along with suggestlou that they step up thelr drink ordera, they are "treated rudely and in a rouab manner" and that this poUey 11 "driving patrons out of the restaurant." Feliciano contends that the defendant.s never intended to work without pay and thlt, in fact, large salaries have been withdrawn from the opera$1on. He llYI' lhe reataur1nt roflecbl dlacredlt upon him. personally and that the delendants have la!led to meet bUla and pay tuu pn>mptly. Some l*!,000 of the damogea claimed by the popullr gutllrlal repraenll r ... for eeveral appearances he made at the reetaurlllt Ind for whlch, be says, be bu never been pald. He .ti.tel that It wu never a part of the qt .. ment tbat be lhould 1ppc!lr II all But now that he bu, he says, he would lll;e,to be paid for II. Felichmo allo uka the court to prevent the defendants from expanding the cur- rent operaUon. He particularly asks that they not be allowed to open a proposed restaurl.llt of the aame name in J..aiuna Beach. Horace Ensign Girls Arrested Elllftn Junior High School Newport Two young girls atte~OrlCI Belch. have been muted 1 cs chlrge1 en campu1, police ' fb. day. The ,lrl.s, t• and 13 years old, were II'· reoted ut Thuraclay by Juvenile dlf J.lon detectives. Pollet said one of the lirla facet cllargea of .etllng ....ucted druls. She·il . •U1pected of peddl!nlr Sec.onal, laiown u "·redl"'by users .· The other girl wat arrCllcd Ind chug-· ed with pnpesalng marljuan1.. Officers laid "very amaU quanUt:les"'cf . l1lrCOllcl ..,.. illvolved. The financial statement revealed that Ni.Ion received '326,000 for selling bl! New York apartment, last Sunday. A $64.000 profit over what he paid for it in 1963. Tbe statement said Nixon has assets of nao,400' and a liabili ty or $383,500 for a net worth of $$98,500. Most or the as.sets were listed as cash, from the apartment sale and from the sale of Ni.Ion's shares in Fiihers' Island Inc., a develop- The liability con,,i!ted of $121.000 In notes and loans payable to banks and olhers, $54.00 Omortgage in the California property, $181 ,000 owed en the homes in Fl orida and $22,100 owed on a vacant lot on Key Biscayne. Announcement or Nixon's nnan clal status included the nonprofit charitable and educational foundation to be in- corporated to finance the Nixon museum and library. From PGfle J NIXON DEAL •• tion ol Nixon'• nstdency. Delplte ltl re!aUve lnaccesslb!Uty to all but olllclal '"""· lhouland! of tourim will turn oft the San Diego Freeway now for a loot at the Nixon hideaway and grounds . Buill ln 1924 by the wealthy oil Ind realty investor Cotton, the mansion grounds are planted with cyprw, palm, orange and lemon trees and secluded from the highway. Secret Service agents find the property a dream from the security standpoint, bounded by the bluff and beach, a frontal wall, Camp Pendleton on one side and a Cout Gull'd alltloo oo the olber. A porlloo ol the IU mlllion, 20-acre estate carved out Of michland 5 years qo ii already ID edullve private homes development and the remainder Ill being held In trust until a suitable buyer ls round. U current studies indicate the picture. postcard scene of Californi1 which lured thousands in lhe 19405 and 1950& is a good si'te for the Nixon museum-Ubrary, a foundation will Incorporate to finan ce it. A roster of 26 trustees was announced Monday, among them David Elsenhower1 Nixon's son-in-law; Roberl H. Finch . secretary of health, education and welfare: Atty. Gen. John N. Mitchell, evangelisl Rev. Billy Graham and the President's brothers, Don a Id (or Newport Beach) and Edward. (White House legal counsel John D. Ehrlichman said the corporation will be incoI1>0rated ooder Callfonrla law and the President Is expected to register as a voter in his home st.ate.) . Fro81 Page 1 ANNEXATION •• It Is known that the Orange Coumt.· Grand Jury is now actively studying COD-1 cemed with those same alleg3tions. Wilcoxen, attorney Michael Sager. and members of the Capistrano B8y Paro· and Recreation District have testified before the panel tbgether with attorney Eugene Bell, a Laguna Niguel represe~ talive, and Planning Director Forest Dickason. The DAILY PILOT learned Monday that it is "very likely" that Supervisor Allen, who has voted for abandonment at all phases of the controveny, will bt cat'"" led befort the Grand Jury to offer rus· v.iew of the controversy. - Damages figurie on both sides of the ac-:' tion. Wilcoxen ll seeking '300,000 fronr lhe Laguna Nigdel Corp. and the Pruden" Ual Insurance Co., backers c1 the 100-: acre development that Is cunutly absorbing Salt Creek Road, aod be lr turn has been ff:rved with a •100,()(Q tui~. charging him with malicious prooecutlon. County supervisors recently approved 4_ to I a tentative tract map of that development as submitted by Laguna Niguel. Wllcoxen's earlier petition had sought to prevent thal presentation: before supervisors· and halt progress ofo the development at the planning staae. Irvine C.Ompany Gives $171,675 For High School . Wllllam Mucm,pmldenl of tbe ·lrvfM Company, MCl1d1y night presenlld a· check to TmUn Union High School Unlvenlty Drive. this property, then owned by the Mellon-District lru8tee1 la the .mount of 1171,Cli· The oecood Newport prnpolal is of ua ne!Hlouglas Corp., ill the 11161 fight. for embe!U.hmeni. to the new Un!vmili' •-·•-an lrrem"•-·•ape eticom""'"-• (When Mcllonnell-Dou•la• did not P1rk Hlch School. · ,_,_ w ... ~ ~1 .....,...... e The money la to be used to hire I property from Pallaades Road on the develop the property in a sales hi north to Orchard and Mesa drives on the landJCape arc tect, purchase playlfOWMf south, between Blrch Street on the east agreement-specified period, the Irvlne educatJonal equipment, and for other and Santa Ana Avenue on the wm. -Thls Co. took back the acreage last year). itema for Which public funds-are n~ propoted merger borders Costa Mesa's available, such u educational televl!:lon proposal on the north, but does not or a learning rnat.erilla resource cent.er. I , B . ' B I Tult1n High, being I district tbal overllp t. oa tm u ·urg ars receivea 'allle financial help for - Newport has asked that conslderaUon !!'.' strucUon, la limited In what the monef by the LAFC of Mesa's annexation be Loo Li y h can be apent for. Reds Assault 40 Camps, Step Up Field Campaign postponed to May 28 when the two t •do aC t An Irvine Company 1pok.,m1n 11id Newport propolal.s are scheduled to be Newport-Mm Unllled School Dlllrlct ii heard. Thieves apparnetly approachlq In not so rtatrlcted and company policy hai LAFC'1 Turner says the agency has a been to give a diJcount on land purcha!t! heavy 1geoda on May 28 and suuests the another boat stole electron.le gear, rafts price instead of a cash gift. ·: three armexauons be heard on June 25. and a compass from a cabin cruiser In preaenUng the money Monday ni«bt, (June 11 11 occupied with a second hear-docked on Lido Isle, it& owner reported Mason said the Irvine Company believe• ing on the proposed Ha,rbor District dis-Monday. it "will serve to attract and keep fine goluUon). teachers, provide a good learning en.: Tbe six-week postponement 15 CQn· The theft occurred sometime last week vironment and 1aln parental and com- SAIGON (UPI) -Communist forces shelled 40 Allied camps and towns ovemlgbt and batUed American and South Vietnamese troops on the outskirts of three major cities, military. spokesman reported today. ·BalUefleld rtPorts esUmated that about l ,<m North Vietnamese and Viet Cong troops had been ltllled in the intens~led C(mununisl offensive since Sunday. . Heavy flghUng rqecl ln the rice Pld· dies south of Sata:oo 111d near D1 Nang uc! Hue oa the northern coast. The Communlals lbowed no stp or lettlnC up on the cffemlve aimed 1t Im- proving their stature at the Paris peace table . In the French capital,. the chief Viet COng negotiator, Tran Buu Kiem . ac- cused the United Slates on the first an. niversary of the Paris dilCUSlions today ol e!ICalatlng tbe war to "unprecedtrlted levels." He uf'led the Americans to ac- cept the 10.point peace plan he proposed last week, calling in part for a coelltlon covemment ln Saijon. A mlllld !nllOlr)' cb1rp on a U.S. Jn. fantry bue near Hue, 3tO mlJes north of Saigon, took a heavy American toll. sidered Utely ). between visits to the 27-foot cruiser "Jo munity support." Spokesmen uld 20 Gls were killed and The scene of batUe 15 not a new one AM I" by its owner, Sal Struu.rl, .0, an The Irvine Comp.ny 1ald the 40-acre 65 wounded burling back the North Viet. be.tween the two communities. Most Anaheim salesman. school site it the ~ner of Campus Drive namese human-wave assault. ~enly recenUy they fought over conflicting and Culver Road to the Tustin High '• ~e reu j t th r p "-d The vessel is docked in front of tKl9 Via North Vietnamese bodies were found 00 me • .,, r a us IOU o a1.13a es District at the appraised priet·Of $30,000 the batUefield, most of them cut down by Road. Both peUUons were denied by lhe Lido Soud. per acre. artlllery. LAFC on April 10, 1968. Incl uded in the loot was a radio Total cost of the high school. Including Aboul 1•-miles •N•th of . Da Nan•, Top prize of the fight Is the 238-acre Jn. I h d' . f. d d · I the $1 .2 million for purchase of the land, ~ -• d t la! in .-. I · 1 te ep one, 1recllon 1n er an m1sce -Amertcm and Allied troops killed at lust us r acreage wn:: rvme ndustrial' ii expected to be f4 ,183,846. ih Communlats, mllltary spokesmen Complex just north of Palisades Road laneous boat gear, police said. The Grading now is underway w Ith reported. The battle possibly averted a and west or the Orange County Airport. equipment was valued at •t,017 by University Park Htgh to open with t'"° planned ittack on the airport at Da 'l";;Bo;;;;th;;so;;u;igi;h;;I ;;lo;;b;;lo;;;;ck;;th;;•;;olh;i;;;ei;;r ;iior;;r ;;fro;;m;;.;;;iis1r~a~zze;;;;r;;i.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iistud~en~l3~l~n~Se~pl~em;;bei;r,~l~9'IOiii.. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;., Nang, South Vietnam's second lara;est ct-II ty. Allied c:uuallies in the fighting, only three miles front the Da N1ng airbue, were re:ported "light." U.S. ana South Vietnamese troops backed by tanks and other annored vehic les reported killing 83 Communlata in a nightlong battle which raged until early today through rice paddies 23 miles southwest of Saigon. Spokesmen said two Americanl' were killed and 3S wounded. . ~th Vietnamese troops In the capital district around Saigon wert placed on 100 percent restriction. All were confined to barracks areas, but spokesmc1 said this did not eonsUtute 1 full alert, uaually c•lled when 1 major attack appured Im· mlnent. AND ,ro;~r:01,~0ltoRNS Spanish ·and Mediterranean Furniture All New Top Quality Brand Names A Decorator's Dream Home Is On Dlsplciy Over lSl00,000 Worth of Spanish & Mediterranean Furniture lo Choose From! Fro111 r.ge J lttms ••follows: Gorg•ous 8 ft. custom quilt•d sof• wffh ••p•rtte pillows with h•avy otk trim decor and m1tchin9 chtlr, l matchln9 u k occasiontl ftble1, (21 58" tall decorator limps, han9in9 ch1 in 1w19 limp In wrou9ht 1ron, •n 1-pi•c• king •izt m•sftr bedroom suite in p•c•n ptnel.d ._,.•diterr•neen 1tylt "':it~ top que lity 5 years warranty king sit e mtttr•11 end box 1prin91. Sptn11h d1n1n9 ••t, ttc. OIL FIGHT ••• deveiopmont or .._.al of oil la the ouler contlnantal ahaU under U.S. aov- -control unloa II ta eatablill>ad al public bearinp that tht,. condfUona u - 111. The condlt.lon1 ar•: -That Ihm ba c1 .. , evidence lhll oil depoalll .,. coolallled In the aubmeried landa. ('nlla evldcnce would hi.. to be ullbllalMcl by eirplor1tory muna other than dr!Wq.) -'l'hlt lhere be clur evldcnca that the oil depOllll ore btfn9 drallled by weillon pri•1tei1 owned lln&. -'l'hlt the lellin1 of the federal Udeland• be demonstrated lo ba In the beat.lalamll "of the ro•ernmentel ..... ey· which owns the landt." Mayer Mlllhlll lald "II nuld be dim· ed dUficult" f0< oil llldllllr)' repreaen- tat.lvei to establish •II three condlticns. "And uni"' they do, 1cconlin1 to our proposal, '1 she Said, "they aim ply •on't be 1ble to tum our coastal wallra Into an oil field.,, She told her council Mondoy thol the reooluUon had been prtpmd by City Mlftl(ll' Harvey I. Hurlburt aller dPcuaolona with Ooncnssmon Ult Ind memben 111 the Coull! Am Prollctfve Loque (CAPLI. 1 cllluns' group tllal ta puahln1 10< loClgber oU ltt11!1Uon. tt trill 1erve as a modef for reeolutlrons to be pm<!nlld ahortly to the Llgun1 Be1ch incl San Clementi c It y -11• Incl lo OnnarCOll!lty-auporvlaon, lbe added. • Any P.i•c• ctn be purchastd individu•lly. Drop by end ••• our 1eltction of top qutl1ty Sp1!'l l1h and MtcUttrrtntin furniturt •.• fent11tlctlly prlctcll COMPLETE HOUSEFUL WAS REGllARLY S1S21.00 ' MUST SACRIFICE FOR ONLY 1111 J '11r11if11rt• 1844 Nowport Blvd. Costa Mr"' I o"ly I ,,,., "'l'' .,,1 Q Yl'<J \t1 • ~ ~-· '" 6 •698°0 TERMS -WI CARRY OUR OWN ACCOUNTS • AT HA-llOULIYAQ ' ' • . . . .. . . . teague V.iews PROVISIONAL YEAR BEGINS -Mrs. James R. Dowty and Mrs. Joseph B. Colesworthy (left to right) sort and price articles for the National Char4 ity League Thrift Shop, a ways and' means project where provisionals a·ssist. • Beginning another year ·under new leadership wUJ be Newport Chapter, National Charity League mem· hers .who will witness the "changing of the guard" dur .. i~g an installation Juncbeon next Thursday in the New• porter Inn. Presiding over meetings will be Mrs. Edward L. Corlett, and serving on ·her boo rd will be the Mmes. Richard C. Rawlings, Richard L. Lawrence and H. John Meany vic~.preside~ts. _ _:;,_ _ ~ --L • Al~arge<rWidlduties •by' Mrs. Paul M. Rogers -will rec-the Mmes.-Maisnall-J. 7 Sf'll-and-Robert J: • Hayes, secretaries; C1aUde" E. Mee~s. treasureri Jack L. Caldwell, debutante b<ill director; William R. Scholle, director of charities; Earl S. Olrich, natiOl\al boord representative, and Howard L. Bryan Jr., parliameo- tarlan. •New; provisi®als to be introduce.<! by Mrs. Lee Paxton Jordon Jr., meQl}>ersbip chairman, are the Mmes. ~ohert E. And~son, warren E. Barker, Reed G. Bauman, Wallace P. Chase. Norbert S. Cochran, Joseph B. Coleswortby, William A. Conover, James R. Dowty, Brian A. Ewald, Donald F. Howard, Charles M •. 3ohnson, Miles Lawson, William A. Moses, George ·o. ·Munger. RaymoJld P. ·Ramming, Edwin F. Steen Jr. and Robert ·B. Underwood. Th~y-.will be honored at a coffee Thursday, May 22, in the home of Mrs . Norman C. Walker. Also ·to be introduced will be associate members, Mrs. John R. Bishop and Mrs. Fred M. Hauer. During the past year, under the guidance of Mrs. Olrich, substantial donations wer~ made to the league's philanthropy, the John Tracy Clinic for hard-of.hearing preschoolers. The chapter is a mother-daughter organization which sponsors and helps staff a clinic and demon .. stration home. It also operates a thrift shop in Costa Meoa. · In addition to philanthropic endeavors, an import. ·ant aspect of the organization is the.stimulation·of cul- tural and social training of Ticktocker membenhip. / . BEA ANDERSON, Editor Tu-.,'I, Me'l'o IS. 1Ht If P111 II .. GETTING A RUNNING START -Ready to set· the pace for a new year are leaders of Newport Chapter, National Charity League. Jogging up to the start- ing line are Mrs. Edward L. Corlett (center), president; Mrs. H. John Meany (left), a vice president, and Mrs. Marshall J . Styll, corresponding secretary. " :.: 'f ... ,. ! . •' . . . ,. ·you ARE INVl'l'ED . ', : -Mrs. Robert 0. Basmajian (left). ehaiTrn3n of· Iias Meririeras' 12th annual Si1ver Champagne Tea. invites Mrs .. Donald B .. Talmage. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Holloway ' . "' DEAR ANN LANDERS: This leuer .. Id be of interest to "Smokehou se tary," and· other who resenl being ssed by i~slderate slobs who smoke think evuyone else should put up -th it. Help is on the way!! ixty-four teenagers lQ Bakersfield are , ucting an advertising cam~gn Croak.•• Here's one or our radio com· ch we created ourselves. Our aun Is 1 1 ·,.w -~ bout th I t· make smoking look dumb and mere a s: orr1\:U a e PoPl.I a IOfl lous Instead of afamorous. We call explosion? Have a cigarette.'' Anol.ber : project "Smoke OUL" Here 's what we "Don't smoke in bed. You might burn a doing. We have launched a tull-acale hole in your lungs." • rtiaing campaign -mostly radk> and One of our TV conlinerciala shows an We got started with the be.Ip of the elegantly gowned woman -smoking. A County JnterAgency Council on voice says, "She Smokes." Then there'• a ng_,..nd Health. shot or burning traslt. Another voice says, • lllVe butlCIM•IJObk"""'..-S and'lnlm-. "So-dOOS tlle--city duln~:" ' llk:liorl .;;!;id, say_ "Sm<>k•·Chob· Our project Is 1 tremendous SOCC<SS ',, ... -~ ' " ... Jr. (left to right) to the event May 22. Proceeds sustain a scholar· ship fund and will be used for a Family Service off.ice in the beach area. ·. i ) ·..; Champagne Tea Service Polished By Las .Marineras -· . ~· Las Marineras' 12t.li.' annual Champagne Silver Tea 'vill have a special significance this year. Besides sustaining a scholarship fund for grad uatfi' students in the ~iel,d of. social work, proceeds also will be earmarked as the first major contribution to a con .. certed fuild·raising effort for a Family Service office in the beach area. Because of the increasing demand for Family Serv- ice counseling in the area, the auxiliary will sponsor a branch office which will serve Costa Mesa, Newport Beach and Laguna Beach more directly. Und~r con .. sideration is space in the Volunteer Bureau office at 325 N. Newport Blvd ., Newport Beach. Family Service works to fill the needs of families under stress throughout tl'le nation. "The business com· 1nunity has no hi gher priority, and no better invest· inent than the strengthening of family life ." stresses Mrs. Richard D. Keith , president. Setting for the traditional ways a nd means event wlll be the Irvine Cove home of Mr. and h1rs. John B. Northcott. Chilled champagne, tasty hors d'oeuvres, coffee and tea will be served from 2 to 4 p.m. Thursday, May 22. Mrs. Robert 0 . Basma1ian. tea chalrman. is being assisted by the Mmes. William Fisher, James R. Do\vty, Charles B. Mitchell Jr .. Ho,vard Means, Richard Broome, Timothy Macres and Jack Sparks. • write to ''Smoke Out, P. O. Bot'°'C. -: ..Oelcom~ In lhetr· homes either. llaat? Saf .nothing •Id ltt 'your toa call the tamlly, when be returns. Those wbo dt nol wish to ste him will tell lliJm so. SWJ out (If II. • out here In Bakersfield and we hope It spreads' to other communities. - GLORIA ZINGER, PROJECT COORDI· NA TOR DEAR GLORIA: So do I. As t ........,.~•.Ito •u ctoabd and (!boked on fllltr peopte'' d1mUe smoke for too ma11 ,..,., l •m· tleUpiect wllll yoar· projt<l I arfe __...,. 11 ---wllo Wtll tii~Uoll ti '°" &o ltt l&ut!ed ~ BakenOeld, CtJUomia, tllln." And now, )'otll rtaclen out Utere wbo are under the lmprea~oa lb.at our country's teenagers dl~lde their Ume bttwtta 1moklng marl· Juana. roamiqg Jn cane• 1nd commltllng mayhem Oii Lite city'• 1treeU, ple1se read tb.11 agaln. · DEAR ANN: OW' GI son is bringi ng home an Oriental bride. His father and 1, hi.s sisters and their husbands have talk· ed It over -and agree to mali:e her reel welcome. . Some of lhe aunta and uncles are upset about the marriage and have let us know that they have no intenUon ot-accepling her. This means our aon will nol be Our two daughters married out of their faith. It was a blow lo us but we have grown ,to know and Jove both young men and they are wonderlul husbands and (alhers. Accepting a daughter-in-law of another race is more dUflcult, but we are prepared to do whatever we can to make the glrr feel loved and wanted . The problem': What can we do about the metnbe.rs or the family who have let us know that lhey do no\ approve ot this marriage? Our son is unaware of their feelings. ShaU we tell him?-N.H .. DEAR N.J. Tell blm what? That 1JOme of his retadve1 "doa'l •hh to mttt bis wife? Wlly be the bearer of s11cb a~w1 11 How far should a teenage couple go? Can neckl ngt be safe? When does It· become too hot to handle?· Send for Ann Landers' booklet, "Necking and Petting -What Are the Limits?'' Mail your ..., quest to Ann Landers in care of thts ncl:wspapcr enclosing 50 cenl4 in coin and a long, stamped', self~addrtssed envelope~ Ann La~ers !"iU be a:lad' to belp yo. • with your problems. S.nd them to her. ii care ol the DAILY PILOT, tncloolq e .. ll-&ddrwed. ~lall\Pe<I env.elope. . . .. . . ~ _(__ -~-~-~---------• \ ' I ....... I( Wl.Y I'll.OT T.....,, Mor U, 1'69 Prize-winning Posters Tell Party ' • Posters made by students at Our Lady Queen of the • Angels School announced the church's annual parish • dinner dence next Friday in the Balboa Bay Club. : Sponsored. by the school auxiliary, the evening will -feature music by Mike Esposito and his orchestra • ; Morgan-Hough Troth Fall Rites --.. • An eorly fall weddinc ta • being planned by Clriltlne • • • CHRISTINE HOUGH To S•y Vow1 Planned Elizabeth Hou&h of Newport Beach and Girard Eric M«gan ol Wbiltier • The couple's betrothal ho been announced by Mrs. Elizabeth Gregg Hoo&b of Newport Beach and Peyton Royce Hough ot Los Angele3, parents of the future bride. Miss Hough, a graduate of Whittier High School, L5 a senior jn the College of Nurt- ing, University of Utah. The future bridegroom, son of Jay Willard Morgan of Long Beacll and tbe late Mn. Mcrpn, a.llo is a graduate ci WHS. He reeemJy returned from 22 mootbs service In Vietnam where be received a Bronze Star. St Matthlal Episcop al Church, Whittier, will be the setting far the rites. Emancipation Ahead For American Males ~ NEW YORK (UPI) -To • seam is to join, says one of · Webster'• definHiorui. So it Js only appropriate that a new organiJ.aUon aimed at • erasing the "matriarchal" society In lhe United States ohould call itself SEAM. . Restoring lhe nation to a • patriarchy, giving the poor benighted male his due once again as heed or the ramily - these are its goals. "It was jusl coincidence. though, that the initials work ed out so appropriately," said one of the founders of the Society for the EmancipaUon of lhe American Male. "We're trying to reestablish the man Jn the role which it naturally is, that of taking charge, trying to harmonize male- female relationships, preserve lhe family it.H:V." Speaking was Kahlil Samra (the origin of the name is Lebanese ), who writes under the name of Carlton M. Brown. SamraJ 38, married and the father of an infant son, is a former newspaperman and currently is president and executive director of a nation:\! organiialion doing research in psychiatric problems. 11e and Robert Beauchamp. • 31. an insurance executive and .. father of four, are co-founders of SEAM, which has its head· because ''we've become a lit· lie too materialisUc," said Samra. "The wife works ao the family can have more things. Mom, the wage earner too, becomes the 'take-cllarge' type. She sets the pattern for the kids. The result -anarchy in the home." The solution, Samra sug- gests, is to "stop coUaboralion with the worldly and to start collaborating with the homey ones." In patriarchal countries Eke Italy, Greece, Japan or India, there is no such high incidence 0 r "psychiatric disorders, alcoholism. drug addiction, divorce, desert.ions, identity crises, homosexuality • . . wile-murdering, child-beating, violence and 11ivenile delin· quency," said Samra. Neither of the wives of SEAM'S founders work s outside the home. And both support SEAM's premise lhel the family is worth preserv- ing. 1 asked Samra who's boss in his home. "l am.'• he aa.id. And that was that. Greeks Heor AFS Students American Field Service ex· •quarters in Ann Ar bor, l\1ich., ; where both men live. change students living and at· .. Samra (or Brown) said the tending high school in Laguna Idea for SEAM, which will Beach this year w!U share ex· .. have a small me!l}bership fee periences with Laguna Beach .., for men or any women \\•ho Panbellenic members tcr'nor· ... want to become auxiliary _ In ... home of M"· "..members, grew from his • .,.. ""ni uoorted cllppillp and otber Mildrod Slllatnlp. : reports on 1•lhe decline ol the In addition to talks by Diana American maJe. I was going lo Baralt f1om Ca r a c a s , write a book m the subject." --··' ..._._, ''This ii a serious problem," Vi:i.~a and Nick """'...,.t be Aid In a telephone in-from East Ma J t I and, 'tervStw from Ann Arbor. "And A Walla, Mn. M I r I h a 11 we're deadly aerious about the Hout.a. preskient of the Lquna ~lion." Beach Chapter of AFS, will "Men 1bdJcate their roles give a brief explanation ol lhe (11 bead ol the family) 1roup'1 turttnt status:'" becAUlt lhey jUll gel tired or OW.rt will be served al I l>allllnc. There are pressures p.m. by Mrs. C. Stuart Lewts. 1t the orfice and then the chairman. She will be aMilsttd J!ttllUl'OI al horn<. The male by Ille Mmes. F. J. McManua, .orelthcr becomtt passive and Marshall 0. Patton, Roy M. ~ he lhrow1 up bis 1bclroughman and N • 11 hands aod -11, or be lUnll Pil'tllmon~ so alcohoJ. They're being Future ad.iviUea for the ~ 1way bJ women mat. Laguna &:ach croup include 1na a bame Die wrekbod." -~ .... i-Jlatlon and -in ' f!lll ooallod 1111tr1archal Irvine Coast Counlr)' Club IOCfet1 hu ....,pt partly Saturday, June 7. • • News Wicketf-Brewsfer Rife5 St. Andrew's Selected ' For Nuptial Setting Eocorled lo tbe allot by ber fatb«, J.mes1R. Brewster of Newport Beacli, Teresa Ann Brewster became thie bride ol Geofrey BaHour Wickett of llali>oo l!land In tale afternoon nuptials solernni!ed by the Rev. Dr. Charles Dierenfield. ~t. Andrc,._w •s. Presbyterian Church was the ,setting for the double rlng rites which v.·ere followed by a reception in the Balboa Bay Club. The. bride, Blso the daughter uf ·Mrs. Brewster, chose an organu over· taffeta venise lace town deslgiled with shbrt sleeves and a cameo neckline: Seed pearl! and lace appliques decorated the neckline and hem of lbe gown. Her three- Uered elbow length veil was caught to a lace trimmed pillbox, and ~ bridal bouquet was an arrangement of but- terfly orchids, stephanot.is, lily of the valley and fluffy ru!fle fern . David Jatnet0n, sJ~I of tbe br1degroom,.Mrs. R I h a rd Fem!ll, Ille b r J d e s aod· mother. and Ml• Dert Leoog. Marguerite daisies were In their bouquets. Jenn.ller Jameson, niece of the b r i.d e, w~ flower sirl.' wearing a yellow organ 1"a dress, and he.r nephew, Peter Jameson, had charge of the wedding rif'llS. The bridegroom asked bl.I brother, Charles Wi ckett Jr. of Los Angeles to be best man, and serving as ushers were Jameson, Larry Brewster, brother of the bride, Robert Johnson and David Gash. Spring flowers graced the Balboa Bay Club for the reception and were pllCtd ai.p and around lhe weddln( cake. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce· Follette of Simi assisted dtir· ing the reception. and a lesson on mod dancing by Mrs. Dorothy Jo Swanson . Shown with their wirining posters are (left to right) Teri Rhinehart, third place ; He@tber Harris, second place, and Barbara Rakel and Meghan McG<>nigle, !!rs! place. Wearing yellow o rg a nza over. taffeta gowns trimmed· with daisy lace were Miss Kathy Brewster, sister of the bride, who was maid or honor, and the bridesmaids, Mrs . Special guests at the wed- ding w-ere Mrs. G e o r g e · Hou st on of Upland, grandmother of the bride, and her husband. After honeymooning in MRS. GEOFREY WICKETT Hawaii, the couple w 111 _______ H_a_w_a_ll_a_n_H_one_yc,m_oo_n ______ _ Unused Objects Go to Work establish a Balboa Island home. The new Mrs . Wickett is a graduate of Corona del Mar High School and an area business college. Her husband, a graduate ol Fullerton Union Hjgtl School, at lend ed Fullerton Junior College and served in the U.S. Navy. Officers Accept Positions Mrs. Rex McDonald assum- ed the duties of president or Gamma Alpha Nu chapter, Btta Sigma Phi, during an in· stallatlon dinner in Francois restaurant, Huntington Beach. Miss Dorothy Dunn, chapter advisor, also installed the Mmes. Ross Cooper, vice president; Walter Davidson, recording secretary; I & o r Sedor, corresponding secret.apr ; John Bower , treasurer; Harold Schubert, council representative; Joel Pooley, extension officer, and William Okey, civil defense . Mrs. Robert Ross received the pledge ritual and Mrs. Donald Watson and Mrs. Richard Bylund, transrerees, received the welcome ritual. Mrs. Harold Norman, the chapter's sponsor, was guest during the dinner installation. OC Single Bees The sectind and fourth Fri· day or the month Orange County Single Bees gather in Doig School, Garden Grove. Activities begin at 8 pm .. A roomful of bargains have been collected f(JI' the rummage sale planned by the Women's Fellowship of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church for next Thurs- day and Friday. in the church fellowship hall. Hours will be 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Thursday and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Fri.day. Church missions will benefit from the sale of household items, costumes, antiques. books and other items. Unpack· ing .. treasures" for th e sale are Mrs. John Wyman and Mrs. John K. Hamel co-chairmen. ' Harbor TOPS Harper School in Costa Mesa is the localion where members of TOPS Harbor Lighters gather each Monday evenini at 7:30. Horoscope Stockings Shadow Capricorn: Face Facts Shoulders A variety of stockings that go calf-high, knee-high, thigh· high or ,,_,.aist·high h a v e become a familiar part of every woman's ac c e ss or y ~·ardrobe. Now, the newest addition lo the stocking wardrobe extends leg fashion coverage even further -clear to the shoulder. Belle-Sharmecr knits this new shoulder·high bodice stocking ol opaque stretch nylon to cover up what fashion ls leavln1 newly uncovered. In a blushing be~ sldntone, t b I a seernm,ly uninhibited cover up is the latest ac- ceuory to wtar under new lltM.hrou&h fashlOtlfll. For less adventuresome fash ion ad- voe1tel, It la ideal with new city pants, jump!uit.s and at· home clothes. The "stocking·• htlps create 111 sleek. sophlsilcated look frtim toe-to-shoulder. CM . Auxiliary WEDNESDAY MAY 14 ARIES (March 21-April 19): Study g e n e r a I indications, especially financial referenct. Be aware of budget and po.ssessions. Day to lii;ihten reins on expenditures . Avoid any tendency lo be ex- travagant. TAURUS (Aprtl ~Mey 20)o One in authority demonstrates faith in your ability. Accept added responsibility. Project may appear large. but you are more than capable of handling it. GEMJNl (May 21.June 20): Eventa, per30ns of pasl de- m an d attention. Financial commitment should be met: don't be evasive. Frank at- Utude wins the day. Set fine nample. CANCER (June 21.July 22): Some friends m11iy tippear morose. Your task Is to do some cheering. Some of 100r hopes, wishes are subject to revision. Necessary to be more practical, realistic. Th~n you gain. LEo [July 23-Aug. 22\: The first Thursday of fhe Don't neglect. duties. Basic monlh members of t h e issues may be at stake. Check Amerlc1n Lt1lon AuilUary, details. Be observant. Ap- Coala Mesa Untl 455, gather iry .J pmnl minor matltl' could be the American Legion Hall, st I more important than you Im+ p.m. agJne. Steady pace ii be:Uer •. than fPtt(I. q u I rements. Behind-scenes VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sepl 22): maneuver plays do m In ant Travel connected with du ty, role . job Is indicated. Necessary to PISCES (t eb. IS.March 20) complete assignment. Take special care w i l h com· Avriid unnecessary journey. munlcatlons, written word. Running a\\•ay from problem You are held to promises. is opposite from constructl\Pe. Some of your id~as today are LIBRA IScpt. 23-0ct 22l: nol based on facts. fl1oncy of close as."6Cia1c ---:::;;;liiiiiiil;;:---bccomes your concern. Key is1 to aim for security. Don't do anything lo upset domestic situ1.tion. Change of residence comes up for discussion. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 20: Someone you count on may be lndilposed. Know this and be prepared. Draw upon past ex· perlence. Take special care in any legal matter. SAGITrARJUS (Nov. 22- Dec. 21): Slow pact. There is pressure bul you can succeed. Important to come to agree- ment with associate. co- \1·orkcr. Don't be rushed into any foolish action . CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. \Il l: Fact facts concerning children, affair of the heart. If reallslic. you gain. Otherwise, you could be leaving yourself open for punl!hment. Act ac- cord ingl y. AQUARIUS (Jan. ~Ftb. II): Home, property come Into spotlight of attention. Fresh !itlJ1~. ~· viewpoint prove.s beneficial.I ~~~~~~~~~~J\ Be aware of 1ccur1t7 re-1-· • Preschoolers Invited 'To Play· for a Day' P a r e n ts , preschoolers, friends and neighbors are in· vited to visit Happy Val)ey Preschool du.-ing· its four-da.J open house beginning Monday, May 19, between 9 and 11 :30 a.m. at 17791 Newland Ave., Huntington Beach. P"urpose of the open house is to offer area youn~sters an opportunity to participate in the program for a day, and to acquaint prospective members with the facilities and teacher. Children will be able to paint a picture, create a craft, listen to records, play a musical In-· strumeiit, climb or swing on outdoor equipment. build wilb blocks, or simply observe. A hosteM will be present to answer questions , p r o v i d e registration forms, and ex· plain the philosophy behind parent participatio n preschools. There is no ad· mission charge, and refresh· ments will be served. Mrs. Thomas Blinn is pres!· dent of the organization, and Mrs. Robert W. Appleton i& press chairman for the group. Focus Put on Color Color and Your Personality include Wtallation of new of· will be e~lored for members ficers. of the South Orange Coast Mrs. Patrick McDooa.kl will Chapter of Zeta Tau Alpha na-receive the president's gavel tional sorority by ~1rs. Claire ' and filling other offices will be Pike of Long Beach next the Mmes. Nash , vice presi· Thursday at 7:30 p.m. dent; Winton Warner, cor· Mrs. Pike, past district and resp:inding secretary, and national president of the Graham Gibbons, recording sorority, will discuss the ef. secretary. fects of color on behavior and Zetas in the South Coast happiness. area are welcome to attend Mrs. Jerry Nash of Hun· and may call Mrs. Burton S. tlngton Beach will host lh-e Grant, 673-6981 , for further in- 7:30 p.m. meeting which will · formation. "sportie shortie" pantie brief light, cool control under swimwear and shorts The one and only Stay Thera• active knit ••• ln a brief pantie . with just the rl&ht amount of light control for sportswar. It's cool. potOUs, quiel~hyin1 ••• hes 1 llvlnc. breethln1'Stntch that I "olds JO• In. nt¥1r holds )'OU bocl<I Ask 1"" SIJfe S-2. ""ft• S-M-L, 4.00 Use your-81nkAmeric1rd, Mester Charge, Oinen, Carte Blanche Credit C1rd1 IN COST ... MISA rrs O&ftAfltTMENT 8TOI\&-- 111' NEWPORT IOULIYA•D PARK CONVENIENTLY JUST A STEP FROM OUR EAST ENTRANCE •• , Op•• D•ily 9:30-6, Fri. 'ti! 9 •• ---------'-=-=--~-'----'=------------------------ • I I l I I I . - • Costa 1 Mesa ' EDITION :VOL 62, NO. 114, 2 SECTIONS, 26 PAGES . I r I ORANGE COUNTY, ~ALIFORNIA • It's/ Batman Billboard City Planners 'Okay Advertising Slide Show Siplply, aceording to ~an Ryplnski, 2514 Bayside Drive, Coroi1a del Mar, his organization will use the moSt powerful projector oow in existence (o flash slides Once it only summoned the Dynamic E>uo to fight crime in Gotham City, bul a piojector device fatnillar lo all Batman and Robin fans may soon be invitin g Jiilrbor Area residents to invest money al lOw interest or visit community events. "'nle Costa Mesa Planning c.ommission Monday recommended City Council ap- proval of a zone exception pennit for .. ralux of Orange County to officially ·l!* the 21st Century billboard concept·, ·featured already in 52 other nations. · oo screens at spkilic locaUons. , ~epublicans' Way Elected Senate Chief ... SACRAMENTO (AP) - Republican Sen. Howard Way was chosen to replace Democrat Hugh Af. Burns ~ president prp tem of the Senate today, ending Burns' 13 years as pre~iding officer of the i upper house. I The action came In a closed caucus of the Senale alter the 67-year-old Burns dramatically called for the vote. · lt foUowed weeks of hard campaigning by Way, a tall, gray-haired member of a San Joaquin Valley farm family and fellow Republicans. They began their eJ. fcirts when the GOP captured control of the house 21-19 in special Contra Costa Cowlty election. abe: vote for Way was 21-19. · The oenitiln declined to specijy the parl.&an breakdown on UJo.vo'te, but Way 'Jtd ~ ~n supparted bJ some liberal qtmocats, unhappy wilh Burns's support o( President Nixon and other ReJNbiicans in• the last election. I The liberal Democrats also objected to Burns' business dealings -malnly his action in pushing a bill helping an in· surance company· while serving as an of· fleer of anOlher insurance firm. Way told newsmen he would make no rnpjor changes "at this time ." He ssid there would be "no drastic changes in cen=i"" assignment~." Child Beating Suspect Freed ~o charges will be filed against a Costa Mesa man, freed Monday f1:11lowing his arrest and booking Sunday night on suspi· cion of fel1:1ny child beating. The Orange County District Attorney's office refused to issue a felony complaint against Thomas C. Myers, 32, af 779 Sballmar Dr1ve , thus taking prosecution oQt of. police hands. 'The victim -or the parents in the case of a minor -mu st sign a complaint to allgw misdemeanor prosecution and the arnstee's niece and mot.her declined Monday to do so. , OUlcer Tlm Holbrook arrested Myers • ~ the ll·year-old niect!. who had been tMlby-sitUng for the My~ couple was triAted at Hoag Memorial Hospital rgf assorted Injuries. the girl said bet und• disciplined her al~ a sharp reply to his anger over cold ll!Jpper soup. Unlike an ·illuminated or changing-face billboard, he told commlsslonen, the powerful Mitralux PiflO; projector unit flashes five seconds~ blink.!!, repeats fivl'! secon~. then changl'!S •slides 1.:i second later. Headquartered ln Brasl'!I, Swttztrland, .NEW SENATE CHIEF GOP'S How•..! W•y ' <. • German Currency Issued in 1918 Stolen. in. Mesa Relic German currency issued In 1911 a~ possibly worth $71,250 under the cur· rent marks-to-dollars exchange rate have been stolen from a Costa Mesa woman's . ' unlocked horn!'!, police said today. ~rs. Thelma w. Maherry, of 231 Shf;rwood Place, walked into police head- quarters Monda)' night to report the case, probably one of the largest thefls in city history. OCficer Harry Carter said howl'!ver, that it is unknown whether Ole two bonds worth 140,000 marks each and a certificate listed at 5,000 marks would ac· tua.lly convert to face value. 'fhe victim said the papers were kept in an.envelope in her dining room until she dibvered them ~ Sunday_nigi}_t, wjlh no sign or forcedeiitr)' to ~r homt!. Mrs. Maherey could not be contacted t°'6y about the history or the currency issliied during the final ~ear al World War J, ·°" whethl'!r the items might be nei,otiable. Steele itfflt'lceU l!EW YORK (AP) -The 1toclt market, alter two straight losing aessiona, moved a1eadil7 forward today ~ ckJ9ed with a fair pin. (See' quota.. lions, rag .. 1t-1t J. Nixon Closes Deal to Buy ' . San Clemente Residence • By AR111\JR R. VINSEL Of .,,_ Dmll'f PIW SMff Quiet San Clemente today ll'!amed It will have an official place in U.S. history, w1tb closing of a $3+0,000 deal for Presl- ~ Richanl M. Nl1on to buy the old H. H. Cotton mansion as his White House wm summer retreat. ..... SWdits and land tests on the five-acre parcel are now under way to determine 1f it 11 su.ita.bl~ as a site for lbe Nixon museum and library housing hi! put jiOIWcal papen and !uturi m<1110rabtua . '""' White H..,.. annouocement said P....tdent wnt Pl.I' to.yw .. lil Mrs. · om c.ttoo lllltl,000 down and the ovtr a Ove year period at 7.5 peN.'Cnt terut. ~' palnUn& and improvements :planned for the white stucco, ,ttrct Ule- Spanish villa overlooking the , includlng rwirfaclng of a tennis ,. and possible swimming pool con- tructloo. , • Money from· the Nl1ons' $328,000 aale of their New York apartment to food and drug wholesaler Lewls Lehrman wlD be used in the purchue of the Cotton borne ,J=ict a piece of ti* estate. The loog·nll!>Ol'<d pwchue of the pr .. perty as a summer retreat In Nixon's naUvt Soutfiland was greetfJd l;y ' a weleomla1 comment from Sar Clemente City Manager Kennttb Carr. "I think It Is a great honor that Mr. Nixon has Rlect.ed our community," A.kl Carr, adding be Is confident the ctt7 will meet any resulUng requirementl. Pun:hase ol the t.,_. hooie yblch bost.d Pr .. ldent Franklbl .D. -I wbtn the late Mr. Cotton-a Demochllc )t.ader -was alive a1lo apelll alplftcant. news (or -Chamber of Commerce types. Real .. tale prices In Ibo cKy ol t7,5't -described by one -vbllor u Leisure Workl without walls -havl'! aircady &oaffi! with promiaing specula- (s.ii r:iw>N DEAL, Poee IJ lhe parent company operates ln 'U lands and European architects now include a Mltralux screen in aU shopping centers and RUbllc; development projecls. Under the strictly controlled prose .. talion format, be said, only tasteful prnentations are offered and e.reful screening of francbise applicants and employes ls a MJtralux hallmark. "WI'! have a very dynamk: weapon -if pul in the wrong hands," he e1plained , during a preseillatioo, shoWing a photo .. P">Jected I' stories onto t Los Aqeles hllh-rise building, fttlm a VG-degree angle below. ~pinski, accompanied by his creaUvl- ty manager, brother Don Ryp~ and pubUc.nJatioos manage\.· Harry Fulton, said someone bas been at their 1740 SUperlor Ave. test screen for the past 3~ weeks during test period! . "A. -to prevent theft of the expensive instrument. and B. -to prevent nne (Set BATMAN, Page Z) Seeds, Pill• Found 8 Held . in .Mesa Pot Party Raid A team of Costa '-fesa policemen sent lo quiet a loud party smelled trouble when the door was opened Monday nJght and broke up an a11eged marijuana-smok- ing session. Investigators said they arrested eight persons inside the home at .341 Ramona Place, confiscating 100 marijuana seeds, a quantity of assorted pills and pot-smok· Ing partphemalla. Booked Into Costa Mesa Ci\y Jail and Orange County Jail. which bas a women's facility, wereJh,tae.,,,rsons, charged with suspicion of poqession of marijuana: - -V~gjnia ~ It, al Ml Ramona PlaCI'!. l . -Patricia K. Palmer, 19, of 341 Ramona Place. --O!l<ste M. Pffry, 19, of Ml Ramona Place. -Carol E. Rill', II, Oi 1727 Loretta Lane, Santa Ana. -Jobn C. Hayes1 21, of 510 3Sth St., N@wport Beach. -Jeffrey P. Kirst, 20, ot 510 35tb SL, Newport Beach. -Tommy F. Chafllin, 19, of 833 W. 17th St., Costa Mesa. -John E. Bergstetler, 19, oI 133 W. 17th St., Costa Mesa. Patrolman Ricbard Johnson said he and Sgt. n>e)l Glucock and Officer Ted Wilson arrived at the Ramona Place ad· dress at 10:45 p.m., kno:cked, and smelled bumlnil marijuana when the dOor was opemd. Investigators said MlSll P e e r y afl!Wered th;f! <ml aodnbgurtoehMaf answered the door and brought Miss HambU. out wben lher um! t..,..k to tblilillitlnr -.·prior lo• ei>tAll'ar nd mftlri( •...mb. . The other '1x auspecta were taken ip for boakin(, wblle•tbe·two YOUOI women al'l?OmpanJ<d pollct lhraulh the bouse •• they conflscated the contraband·items. 115% Increase in Juvenile Drug ~Arrests Disclosed Narcotics arrests among California juveniles rose 115.3 percent last year over 1967, with the ooly decrease in any drug abuse arrest rate coming' ln the category of adults caught with maJi.. juana. This 1.!t from the annual statistical report released in San Francisco Monday by the State Department or Justice, rank· ing Orange County third among 58 in the state for total narcotics arrests. The total Orange County rate ror 1968 waa 4,777 adults and 2,790 juveniles at· rested from involvement with marijuana or the so-called dangerous drup. Statistically, the two categorie! are kept separate. Dangerous drug arrests -those in· vblvin1 depressant and stimulant pills, LSD, methedrlne, or opiates -rose by 291 percent over the previous year, ac- conltng; to lhe repm, ~"Adults 1ralled in the daneerous drug ca~ wltb an increue of only 135.6 percent, whUe the rate of adult. mari- juana arresta dropped 90mewhaL Horace Ensign Girls Arrested Two young girls attending Horace Ensign Junior High School In Newport Beach have been arrested on narcotics charges on Campus, police reported t~ day. The girla, Jf and 13 }'UJ'S old, Wert IT· rested lut Ttmlday by juvenill'! division dttecllve1. · Policti .. Id one o( the girls face!I charges of selling restid.ed drugs. Sbe is SU!pecled o{ peddling S<Oonal, known aS "reds" by uaert. The other girl was arrested and cbarg· ed. with~ mmjuana. OWcen llJd "'tf!r'/ Gl\&11 quantJUe:i'' of 1 --.·1rm>1ve1. Six Czechs Arrested PRAGUE (AP) -Sii J11n011S were ar- mlod In ""-for pull!,. down, bum-t111 .. dlObonorill8 So.tel llqil during .... -oelebraU-ot ~lovaltia's libtratlon fttlm German occupation by the Ruulan anny, the COrnmunfst party newspaper Rude Pravo reported &odly. ~· Los Angl'!lts County was first In total with 47,04.1 arrests, followed by San Diego, Orange, Alameda counUes and San Frandsco in that order. Kern County experienced the geatest incr~ in juvenile arresl3, with a 382.6 percent hike, while seven small northern counties had no drug arrests at all. Beauty Sal.on In Towers Makes Planners Curl A beauty salon proplled for presenUy unlivable second Door quarters at the 18- story Belhel Towen: retirement center was brushed out quickly by the C<>lta Mesa PlanningCornmlasion Monday. The zone eiceplion penn!I IOUghl by Mrs. GI""' E. Krueger~ )'eaident ol the 270-un.it tower at 161 W; 19th St., was unanimously recommended for denial to the city council. Operators of two ether neighborhood beauty salons and the landlord of one, who also owns a wig shop nearby, ~ tested lhe -Ible competition, but had no particular impact on the decision. Planning Commissioner Jack Hammett made :t clear he wa1 not oPpoaed 1o business campetltkm. after COmmislioner Don Hout moved for denlaJ , ii.nee com- mercial businesses are barred from residentJal are14 The ooltopo«en Mrs. Krueger said lhe had applied for a -one< be!°"' and was turned down. "I Juli tried to be of 1CrYice to the ladle!," lhe uld. A 1118 •IWnpl by lhe A-.blles .ol God Church project to gain emnpllon from ~Y IHa -wblch failed, •f leul le-•.lly -"" -.. reason for denlaI In a staff report. :. Mn. llllllflti wanted lo -.a lllon emolol'lnl ...., betullclo,. In 8-itJ, •hlch · 11 over •n oqlllpment nan and cannot be rented due to noiJe and vtlwa· tlonl1 accoHtng lo ~"" Depor;Jnent ·-. llaoty lhop '!P""lor Mn. JOMplllno Dodge, 1111w.1111\ Sl, llld 71 pm:oilt ol her tnde CCllllff llml -T....,. aad Mrs. J<ruetw'• aolon ~ ntln her. Mr1. Roil Shtlrlct., who openite&' a uloo al 116 W. tllh 81., -her ..m- petitor'a worried pleas. ' " SINGING lEGAL BLUES Newport's Feliciano Feliciano Sues Operators of Newport Eatery . t -• Pop artlsf,Joee Felit~ ~ sin&inl a VU)' dllfmnt li!nd of. bluS fDday, . .Put, ;if Uie guitar.strumming soul singer Wins his Superior Court action, the operators' of. the 1 Nl'!wport B e a c II re.taunht that bean hi! name will have td provide the lament-filled refrain. For the blind balladeer has written a $160,000 score. Named as defendants in the suit filed Monday by the singer are Newport South Bay Inc., Gene and Carol Tonkin Ran- dano and Charles S. Dreyer. Randano and Oreyer's overtures led, he claims, to the setting up of an agreement in Cktober, 1968. He claims that he was told at that time that it would take $100,000 to $150,000 to establish a restaurant along the lines of the one now in business and that .. ttie defendants assured him that thi money would be forthcomin1 rtom capital held by their company, "Grant Falls Fore.st Products." And he was assured, he says, that the group were so confident af the success of the restaurant that its operators would draw no salary or compensation during the first year. The group also proposed lo raise $%00,000 in cApltal by the issuance of 20,000 shares at $10 per share, Feliciano says. And a further iuue of .shares was designed to provide funds for Don and Mary Mangano, managen of the restaurant at Ull7 Westcllff Drive, the complalJlt indicates. _ Instead, Feliciano, argues, the defen- dants could only raite a $75,642 loan, u'ciUtte ~Uate" for the operatJon Pwlo..i. ~be .contends tbat the defen- dants are.nlnning 1 "questionable opera- Uon," one ln1 Which· "patrons are hustled to buy drinks."' The complaint indicates that )f patrons don 't 10 along with:,auaestioos lhat they step up their drink orders; they are ''treated ruddy and In a rough marmer" and th'at'. this policy ii "drivu\g patrons out of· the restaurant." ' Feliciano contendl lbit the delendanta never Intended to -k without pay and thot, in fad, 0large salaries have been wtllldmm from tbe"operatton. He "Yi the f.estaurant re6ects dllcrediL upon him pertonally and lhat the defendants have failed to meet bUls and pay taxes p~. . • S6nie 111,oeo Of tho d•m-claimed by p.. -1ar p1i.r111 ••Pl...,,11 rees (ot ~ -lie mod< at lbc mfaW'allt and (0< which_ he 1ays_ he h.11 neYerften paid. r ' He 9\1tet tbat It was never • P1rt of Ibo --tbal bo lhoold -ar,at all. Bui -· tbal lit bas_ be -.hi. would like. to 'be paid' for It. Fefldono allo ulal the court to prevent the -f-•"'*"'""8 "" cur-rent opnllon. R• portlcularlJ au tbol they nol be ·-to open • PloP*d reataur1nt of the ume name. in La.run• - N.Y. Stoeks TEN CENTS Nixon Asks .Lottecy For Draft • WASHINGTON !AP) -President NII· on asked Congress today to set up.a~ dom, lottery system for "the ~ draft. . Nixon recommended that' It-year.olds he subje<l to the Drst call but tbol they remain vulnerable to the draft for oriY· one year rather than :;even u under the existin1 system. "It is my convlctlon," Nilon taid· .In a message to Congress, "that the disrup- tive impact of llie military draft on bt- dividual Jives should be minlmbed u much as posslble, conslstent with the na-- tional security. For this reuon I am t~ day asking the Congress for authority to Implement important draft reforms ... The President repelled hla -lb! Ideally there should be an all-volunteer armed forCI'! for the nation. He said he continued to believe that this ideal can be . reached under more stable world COD• di lions. lie added: "Under present cond.ltll:!ns, ~wever, some kind of draft will be need· ed for the immediate future. Al .Iona:.as that is the case, we must do everythmg we can to limit the disruption call!led by the system and to make it u fair u possible." The chief executive offered a 11lx·point recommendation, lopped by cbanring from an oldest·first to a youngPt.flrst order of call so a young man wvuld become less rather.than more vulnerable to selection as he groW3 older. The rand001 system - a lotterf - would be applied to all lhoR wbo are vulnerabll'! during a given year nther than to those whose ~irthdays ran it ctr-- lain times of the ytar or month. A young man normally'wou1d enter the stage ol. maximum vulnerability during bfs 19th yw and leave it dminc his m year. ' History ~~ety To Hear Talk on Mission Founders Orange Coast College professor Henry S. Panlan will ·addres,, the Costa Mesa Hbtorical Soclely toolghl oo Folher JurUpero Serra and other Spaniardil who colonized California 200 years~ago. ~ "A Forest of Junipers," is the Utle·of the 7:30 p.m. presentation in Costa Meu Civic Center chambers. PotenllaJ eoclety members or interested guests are invited to attend. The title of Panlan's slide-illustrated t11\k is taken from the writings of St. Francis of Assisi\ founder of th~ Fran- ciscan Order, W!l09e men l!!itabliabed Califomia's 21-mission chain. California is currently celebratipg lts1 bicentennial anniversary and .Panian, returned from a semester's leave which' covered 8,100 miles through Spain and England. He was literally trying to get inskle the head of Spaniards or the late lllb Cen· tury, to £ind out what the contemporaey citizen was thinking and feeling about the colonization. "I will ettempt to relate Serra's great moral strength and will to the type o( society from which he emeried in Spain," noted Panian in outlinina hia talk. Historical society officers ~ that 1 Panian begaa his own professional cveer trimming vegetables &I a Sl.feway and Alpha Bell mMkel prodUce man. He holds a B.A. ftmt the University at Oregon, an M.A. in lhe history ol Maico from UC, Berkeley, and WU I 19611 con-- sultant to the University ol Hawail'1 new community college system. Ora••• Weatlier Jt you want to see lbe sun wea.; nesdol', don\ blink bclweeo I and 4 ~.m. Olhenrlae, cloudy llkiea WID cover the Orange c-t with temperatures In Uie central sixties; INSIDE TODAY • A 1UghU~ diffr<mt ~ind of taz J)T'otert ii 11Heping the "°" tlon, combinbtg with thOM 1evitd br 1tc1111: H~ ore "14tMl1ii..Uv -llf di>lolO rcrlool bond fuus. Paoc 1. • -.. -.. ...... ,.... ,. ............... --' ., ..... ,... .. .............. --.. u .....,......_..., ·-" -. -. --,. - • c } New Annex War Lo oms But Delay Expected'. .. .. 1 !I. TM -If IM!t-¥Ui 11114 .._ • Ill! 11'1'111 .i ._ '1<1 ,.. II ~7 lbe J,AfC of ~·· annexallon be The 11C0110 of batUe la not a MW ono !Wbell Mtl>oMelHJouglH did •" 1' •--ol .... ~W.,. Ualll!ll/I'°"'"' • , pof'llni ta •M.V a wi. llll ·lwo I*• Ibo two -llflU._Nap ~-~~!IY ill 4 = lllol ~"" -"tlii~w _. .al'' 'J:l.';:'""1"1i.o111t Nft711'1""'"" .. ..w.doclo11o = .~ 1'.:r!.,~.,, ~ ~1'i:ru;;·;'c.="\'a.t~•;i . . Pl!Ye, ti• ~••I• fl.. ~ Road. Both peUUelll ,..,.. dellitd by • Sill<e the early t9" battle, Colla M~a !: -Aartt1 ....,...., • "'1 I. '"""1 ire Mrrlln ...., • t"9 LAPC'• Tumlr liJ'• \he aaeocy ~as 4 WJl'O-on April to, 1161. has suceffd¥'in anne1ation of aboul 4~ Newporl lkldt ftlod for two -.atlons noriJi to Or<bard aq4 Meia drlV<I ~ Q,. heavy 1pnd1 on May II and auuw \!!'I Top prize of tlie light U. II\< :ua.icre ill· ama borderillg tlie east aide or Newport ill the tame an1. One ol them cmir"1Y• ~th, ~ween Blrdl: Street oo the eut three anntKatiooa: be hf:mi on Jul'dt 15. dustrial acreage In the I~ lftdiaatrlal Boulevard and toUth of PaUsadts. The L- tho propooecl c..ta M,.. -.aUoo. and Santa Ana Avonue oa',lbo wut. 'lbb (June 1111 occupl"1 wltli a •&eCONIO-· Complea juot north of Peliaadu 11oac1 •hl!*l l•nd utendt rrom the S.ota Ana The conflicting annex, dubbed "Le Pf"OPORd mercer borders Cotti Mesa'• Ing on the propoffd Harbor\ District di• and west or the Orange Coaoty Atfport. 1 country Cl@ parking lot on the IOUlh t~ Canada," la 23 -CNI overlapplq the propoaal on the north, bql does not solutlon). Both 110U1ht to block the othe1· off from Santa Ana Avenue on lhe ea~t. . , eutom ball ol 11-·· _.i, wat ol over(lp It. The llX·-k poalpQMment is con· tliis properly, then o"."'!' by th~ ~cDoo-Newport Beach dld not oppose th"" , '1'11a11n A ..... , bet_,, Orcbar4 Drive Newjlort bu UUd tbal COllfidtr•llon •liertd UkelJ), odl·Dou&lu Corp., lo tho 1111 fial>t. 'MnenUons. . Huge Apartment Project Fails Reds Assault 40 Camps , I Step Up Field Campaign ~ -- Mesa Plan ners Veto 1,140-uni t Garden Complex S.\IGON (UPI) -Commutllat fon:el' shelled 40 Allied arnptl and towu overtllght and' battled American and South Vietnamese troops on the outaldrt.s of three mlJor clt.iea, militiry spokesman reported today. Spokesmen said 20 Gls were killed and IS wouocled hurling baclt the North VI<~, namue human-wave assault. Twentf . North Vietnamese bodies were found °"- the batUefield, most of them cut 'down bJ'' artillery. •\· Coo tarp apor1ment comple1 of 10 unlw won a »<lay .Uy ¢ .. ecutloa Moo day, bul lhe C""7I M-Plannloi Com· mlaalGo rocommended dtnial or anothe· 19 tJmea larger. Gtnjl Kawamura, of 711 St. J ame Place, Newport Beach, I.I aeetiaa: a zon change oo $1 acr<s In the norlheut part of the city, to allow • garden aputmen comJHex of l,lto units. Planning com ml11lone-rs vo~ unanimously qainst the PfOPOA.I drawn up by the II. B. Co., which pf1111 lo l>ultd and keep the project -not ..u -llald spokaman Arthur Highland. City sbldlt1 hive ahown tho area lo he From Page J NIXON DEAL •• tion of Nllon11 raJdtney. Despite Ill relaUve lnacceaslblllty lo all bot olllcW gueatl, tboulandl al touristl will turn olf tbe San Diego Fneway now for a look at the Nixon hideaway and groandl. Built In 1934 by the wealthy oll and realty invtltor CoUoa, the mansion ground& are pllnted with eypreu, palm, orance and lemoa trees and MCluded lrom the hilhwl¥· ---"'find the property I dream from the aecurtly Jtandpoint, bounded by the bluff and beach, a frontal ...U, Camp Pendleton on ooe 11de and a Coul Guard mu.n .. 111o other. A porlloa ol Ibo 11.l miWGll, 211-acre -carvod out of rancbllllCI I yun If:'> 11 alrudy an exlaatve prl¥1te bomea iMlopmeat and the remainder I• being btld lo tnllt unUl a .Wtable buyer II !OU!ld, u uin a -lndkat< the ·ptctur. poatcard ecene of Calllornla wblcb lured Jhouaanda In the 1-and 19509 is I good lile -fcr ihe NllOn mllleU!ll·tibrary, a foundation will incorporate to financeJt. A rooter, al 26 trul\ees was announced Monday, among them David Eisenhower, NllOn'1 IOll·ln-law; Hobert H. Ftneh, iecmuy ol health, educauon and weUare; Atty. 0... Jobn N. ldltcbell, tvanpllst Rco:v. Billy Graham IDd the Preslden\'1 brotben, Don a I d (of Newport Beach) and Edward. (White 1louae legal counJel J ohn D. Ehrllchman said the corporaUon will be ~ted under Clllfornia law and the Pra1dent Is expected to register as a VQler in bil bome lllJe.) • Thieves Push Buttons Too A Corona de) Mar h1irdreuer today is probably cuninj; the auto salesman who pointed Oil\ the handy trunk-unlock button inside the glove compartment of her car. Carol Mae Schofield, 33, of 488 Seaview Ave., dilcovered Mondly that lhleves can use the eadget, ~. She told police that 80mettme during the put few weekl someone pushed the button and opened the tru~. taking wigs, clothel, a leWfnc machine and a sleeping bag. OAllV PllO T OIUMOI COIUI 'UtlllHI~ COMl'#IH~ l•"'* N. W•-' ,........,.,..,..IM« J., ••. c., •• ., \Ike ....,...I •11111 Oewrll Mell99ff T1IM•1 ic •• .,jf .... Th•"'" A. Mvr,lril~• Mtllffloll lfllrtt ""'"--JJO w.,. ••t ,,, .. , M•IN•t Altlr•tt1 P.O. t .. 1160, tt6M --............ .,.1 nn w.-..... .......,.,,. ~ CIMc'ft! nt ,.,., • .,...,.. HIMllNllll ikld!J -Mii kMI . a w d • best 111ltec1 lo uniform alngle f~ boo! deve~, · albtoucb Hlplanit told conunllaloom Ibo 1W apartment son featurta ll1Cb lltmlty at one end and io. at the other. The pant chunk. ol land II between Bear Street and Smalley Road, north or the Sin Diego Freeway and Its owner Jut summer wu given clty f:o.~on to Mil home grown produce a road.aide stand. Hil apartment project fared much wone. CommlNioner Don Hout •lliPlted tablinl the mau.r ror further study since the H. a. Co. hu aome rather lllct apart- rneot projectl In Tullin, but bil col· 1 • ...., ball!od. ' CommlAlorier H •. J. 0 Jim.J!\le" Wood slid rough drawing ahowed parking areas 300 and 400 feet from living units, an unworkable layout, delcrlblng It in several ways, each prefaced by tbe word poor. "We hlve a spokesrnan for the architect hert and he i.s now under his seat.'' joked Highland . "He should be," snapped Wood, a builder. Commissioners continu~ for 30 dayt a variance application by Edwahl W. Mlltenbur1, ol. 773 Paularino Ave., wbicb would allow conatrudlon of 7 I apartmmla on bil adjacent property-In the 700 block of.l'aularino·Avenue. Plannlnc Dlrec1or William L. Dunn 111d a land use report on the IO-Called Golden Triangle 1n which Mtltenburg's land lies is due within a week to 10 days. Conaldered last year and delayed until almost mid·1969, the land in question Ues In the triangular·shaped property to be eventually bounded by three freeways . By the time Orange County reachts_ metropolitan proportions in development -such u downtown Los Angeles for In· stance -Miltenburg's land could be the heart of it, with hlgb-rlae capitals of buaineu. · Battlefield reports estbnated that about 1,000 North Vietna1:1ese and Viet Cong troops bad been killed ln the intensified Communist offensive since Sunday. Heavy fighling raged in the rice pad· dies south of SaJgon and near Da Nang ark Hue on the northern coast. Tbe Communists showed no sl1ns of letting up on the offensive aJmtd at im· proving thelr stature at lhe Parb peace table. About six miles south of Da Nang, American and Allied troopa killed at least 4.. Communiab, military spokesmen reported. The battle possibly averted • planned attack on the airport at Da Nang, South Vietn1m 's second largest c.i-. ty Allied casua1ties in the fighting, only. three miles from the DI N.an& airbase,' were reparted "light." Blasts New Flights ; Rustling Returns To Far West; In tbe French capital, the chief Viel Coq: DNQliltor, Tran Bua KJem, ac- cuatd the Un11"1 Stet.a on the finl IJ>. nivenary of the Paris disctiaslons todly of escaJatihg the war to "unprecedented levels." He urged the AmertcaN to IC· cept the IO.point peace plan he proposed laat wtek, calling In part !or a c:oallUoa ~rnment in Saigon. U.S. ano. South Vietnamese troops backed by tanks snd other armorecf vehicles N!ported killing 83 Communists in a nightlong battle which raged until early today thf'OUJh rice paddies 23 miles · soothwest of 5~on. Spokesmen said two: Americans were killed and 33 wowided . ' -Newport Council Angry , ' 3 Horses Stolen A maued infantry charge on a U.S. In· fantry hue near Hue, 390 miles north of Saigon, took a heavy American toll. South Vietnamese troops In the capital . district around Saigon were placed on 100 percent restriction. All were confined 11.· bamcks aree, but spokesmei. said thla. did not cona:Utute a full alert, uaually. called when a major atlack appeared Im· mliitnt. At Airport _'Inaction' Crime on th• On.nae Coa!t is geoera11y more aophisutatld, but Costa Mm pollce Monday logged three cases ln which thieves rustled more than '2,000 worth of horseflesh,. Nixon 'Well Off~ ' By JEllOME f'. COLLINS 01 t1101 P911f 1"1191 ti.,, Newport Beach ii fed up with the ~ of Supervisors' failure lo push ~or restrictions on jet fiights at Ocange Coun- ty Airport. • , City councilmen made that clear Mon- day night 8! they voted unanimoualy to prole!t a propoaed boost In fill!>I aervlce by Air Callfornla. · The county·bued airline wants to Oy nOHtop to Sacramento. A petiUon aeek- ing the route award ls now before the Callfornla Public UUUUes Commiuion (PUC). · Air Ca! prelidmt Carl Benscoter bad sought endorsement of the service from the Newport. council. CCUnty superv1aors two weeks ago bflcked the proposal. Councilman Paul J. Gruber, whose borne is below jet flight palm, pitsaed vigorously for council rejecUon of the Air Cal request. . He said he was aware lhat the s,tcramento flightt: would be within the 400-mile d·estlna:tlon limit of a metroport, which county aYlaUon master · planner William E. Pereira saya should be County Airport's ultlmate role. "But this thing goes beyond the metroport concept," said Gruber. "We have now reached the point where we cannot tolerate any addltlonal nolse and fuel pollution over our city. Air Cal, with this proposal, is expreulng u t t e r Car Display 1.-0t Wins Mesa Oka y For 'Mini' Wall A mini·wall to skirt attracUve models wu ordered by the Costa Mesi Planning Commission Monday night after being persuaded that a brand-new car Is like a lOvely woman and should be viewed as ono. The recommendation for a 30-lnch block wall instead of a five-foot barrier around the. display lol at Poole Buick Inc., 234 E. 17th St., is part of a package deal worked out Monday. A higher wall had been suggested by ~ city staff after appllcaUon by pro- perty owntr Ray Stan1bury and dealer Joe Poole to use several Cabrlllo street lOts near the agency for p&rkinJ anc: diaplay "To build a fence around a nt.w auto is senselus tome." declared Stan11bury, "I Wouldn't build 1 fence: around a beautiful woman or a lovely home -It'• .sacrilege." "A used car or a wrecked car b something else again,'' he added. U appi'oved by the city council, the reione petition and ione exception permit will alloW new car display at 245 Cabrillo St., 1 lot at 23t for customer Rrvlce parking and parking at I.I! and 237 for customer service and damaged car1 nallill( body lbop wort. Trio Plead Innocent In UCLA Murder of 2 • disregard for the impact It would have on thl• community. ':If anybody wants to took at the fuel oil on the umbrella and planta in my backyard, l'd be happy to show them." He said Alr Cal wants to start with two flights a day to and from Sacramento. "That's just a beginning. They'll have many, many more." He noted thll the airline began Its operationl more tban two years 110 with turbo-prop Eloctru. "They lllid they were quiet planes, and would come and go without fanfare. Now they'Ve 1ot full jets. We've been lambuted." . Mayor Doreen Marshall said the city'• written protest to the PUC should point out that Pereira last year had recom· mended lhat jet flight restraints be plac- ed on County Airport while plans for a regioDal airport eleswbere are beinl d•veloped. "This wu to involve the hours and numbers of flights," said Mrs. Marshall . "But no progress bu betn made in this direction ... City AUorney Tully Seymour llald a protest on thl:t buis Would have credibility. "Since the Board o f Supervisors has done nothing about set.. ting outside limits on airport operaUona, unllmlted exte111ion of flights ts unac. ceptable," he said. "The.re has been no implementation of lhe Pereira report," aereed Vice Mayor Lindsley Parsons. "So we have to oppose any new fllghta to force controla." From Pa9e I BATMAN .•. A fiye.year-:el~ riCiat~ 9uart.er horse worth -'l.200 •m a re&tstered Morgan quarter harae valued at S500 were :::itolen from stablea at the Orange County Fairgrounds. Leonard F. Raab, of 3129 Lincoln Way, Co!ta Mesa owned the more expensive pony, RJchboy, and Je.arine A. Sclmacken- burg, 11, of 2744 Fremoot Way , lost the other horse, Tabu. Thieves also '-ntered a nearby boarding stable at 2914 Newport Blvd., 1tealin1 an Appalooea pony named Bachelor, belong- ing to Joanne Powell, is, of 738 Tustin Ave., Newport Beach. A $300 English riding saddle belonging to Kathleen .A Flathers, 13, of 598 Pier· pont Drive, Costa Mesa , was laken in lhe saine stable break·in, police said. Two other minor fairgrounds cases were reported earlier and police are ln- vestigating also a $221. weekend theft of public address speakers from nearby Man<le B. Davis School.· Horses fil{Ured prominently in the fairgrounds thievery Monday, but two big dots dldn't amount to much ln another case reported by Aleta V. Lutes, of 1509 Tustin Ave., Costa Mesa . Mi~ Lutes said burglars got past a German Shepherd and a hefty Siberian huaky to steal S80 from a ca!h bag in her apartment, but left per50nal checks un. • President's Worth at $596,000 From Win Se~k:es A financial statement iasued by the White House Monday shows P~1idenf"' Nixon's net worth at S-,000 and in- dicated the chief e1eeutive Is a bit better off in the bankbook than last October. The financiaJ statement revealed thet Report on Ri ver Pollution Going Before ·Assembly A report to the California A&&embly Natural Re.sources Committee on tbe Santa Ana River water pollution aituation will be made in about two weeks, ac· cording · to a Spokeaman for Assemblyman Robert H. ~urke (R-HiJ.n.. tington Beach). Authored by committee Conl!lultant Rod Tuttle, who Monday made a personal m.. spectlon tour of the Santa Ana JUver ' Nixon received '326.000 for selling bis New York apartment, last Sunday. A $&4.000 profit over what he paid for it in 11163. The statement said Nixon has tssets of $980,400 and a llabllity o( S383,500 for a nel worth of $596,500. Most or the a!!lls were list~d as cub, from the apartment sale and rrom the' sale of Ntxon's shanS Jn Filhers' Island· Inc .•. a deve\opl ment on an Island in Biscayne Bay Fla,. near where Nilon has a summer home. · It said Nixon sold $185,891 shares of the Island developmeDt for $2 per share, o~ $371,782. It also showed he paid $71,«IO down on bis \wo Key Biscayne homes, thJ total cost of which was $252,800. . The liability consisted of $126,000 ip notes and Joans payable to banks and others, $54,00 Omortgage in the California property, $181,000 owed on the homes lia_ Florida and $22,100 owed on a vacant Jot on Key Bistayne. Announcement of Nixon's financial !tatus included the nonprofit charltabl~ and educational foundation to be in· corporated to financt the Nixon museurd: and library. ' Auto Ra Ill• g E • area, the report is expected to favor 'Ar d' M A t d C ngme more uniform standards for dumping of me an ITeS e E wastes into the river and into irrigation At Wh't H G t quipmen t Stolen ditches. said Matt weyuker, Ad· l e ouse a e ministrative assistant to Burke.-WASHINGTON (UPI) -A man car- More than~ worth of parts from an During the tour, Tuttle viewed the rying brass knuckles and a can o( auto racing engine today were N!ported beaches, the river, the ~rado dam and chemical mace was taken into cuslody stolen In Laguna Beach by a South 'tl\e Riverside sewage lreatment area by early today at the gates of the WMte L car and by helicopter. ' House, police reported. 'element' from slipping 1n a slide that aguna man. "It is my hope," said Burke, "th'at The man, identified as James J. would pul me out of business," be ex-Police said William G. Crowley, 31581 recommendations for legislation to set up Kitchen, 40, appeared al the northwest plained. Egan Way, reported the parts had been emergency procedures and prevent gate shortly after 2 a.m. EDT, carrying He did not elaborate but one need only taken while his car was at a service sta-recurrences of this type of disaster will brass knuckles and a can of the chemical recall the Southland's recently famous Uon at 1890 S. Coast Highway. come out of TuUle's Investigation." mace, a police spokesman s&Jd. Phantom Pornographer case, •hen a 1-::";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ii;m.;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,_,_;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;.,;;;;ii;;,o;;;;i;;;;;;;;;.-;;;;;;;;i;;;;i;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ... closed-circu1t television technician sat 11 • down to enjoy a stag flbn after ac- cldentally leaving the broadcast switch I.ill after signing off. Thousands watched the action with him. One of the gr~atest advanta1es of the concept, aald Ryplnskt, is that ZO percent or tho lditra!ID project!OO time is dooated \o public services, such .u the uptoming Coata Mesa-Newport Harbor Lions Club Fl1h Fry. Reputable advt\1.i.sinj takes qp the rest of the time at low rat.es. projected a1alnst buildings, attliough tho powerful instrument tan flash an accurate meS!age on clwds 1,000 feet up or onto nearby hills . The concept was ·out 1 in e d en· thuslasUcally by his public relations manager. "~acific Outdoor Advertlsln& and Fosler & Kleber -with 20 tom of 1teel up the..e -wUI be a thing ol lhe past In a few yean," Fulton told planniftl com· mJuimers . Baaed on a rteommendlUoa by Costa Mesa Trafficr EncJner James ff. Eldridge, coaunlaJlonen uted l\yplnatl to find two other noo-lntenectlon alta and luve the present one but gave him a few wteu. Eldrldp llald tho temporary ..-at the SUper1or Avenu .. Ntwport Bool<nrd· 17th SltHI lntmt<tloa could b • clanprously dlstn<llng lo motorlsto, altbouch Rypinlti 1aid not a &Ingle rnlsh•p bas occurttd ln nearly one month of opuaUon. Commlsslontr Charla Bt<:k, 1 n aidlltect. voted agalott tbe Mltr1t111 permit on pt1nooal and eslbetlc .,..ntll. "Tbe prospect of'lm11es projected on trees, cloud• ond bills Is a bit lrlghtenlna to me,'' he noted . DECORATOR -AND MODEL HOME RETURNS Spanish and Mediterranean Furniture All New Top 9uallty Brand Names A Dec:or.ator's Dream Home Is On Display Over Sl00,000 Worth of Spani$h & Mediterranean FurnjJure to Choose From! Item• •• lollows: Gorgeou1 I ft. c'ustom <tullttd tof• with tep1r1te pillows with heevy citk trim decor a nd matching chair, l matchlnt N k occasionel tabl111 (21 58" tall decor1tor ltmps, h1ngiln9 chtin 1wa9 lam' in wrought irofl, 1n 1-pltct •in9 1i1e m11t1r bedroom suit• In ptc•n pantltc( MtdittrranHn 1tyl• with top qu11ity S y11rs wt Ntnty king 1iit m1ttr111 end box 1prin91, Sp1n11h dining 11t, tfc. Any P.i•c• ctn lie purch•1.d indivlduelly. Drop by t nd st• our 1tl1ction of top quality Spt'li1h end Mtdittrr•n••n furn lturt ••• f1nt11tic1lly priced! COMl'Ll'll HOUSEFUL WAS ltEGUAllLY S1521.00 MUST SACRIPICI fOR ONLY • '69800 Tl!RMS -WE CARRY OUR OWN ACCOUNTS • AT MAlllOI IOULIYAlD ... • • .. • r • ' ' ' Playhouse Fund .Thief ' ~ert~nced ~ .LqunO Playhoole fund raiser l!'r...,. SlDlt& mlllt terVe one to 1 t years. In state Jldaon on each of two ccmvlctiona of 1.,q.,y, Superior Court Judie Robert Codman ruled Monday. \Judge <:orfman ordered lha1 the seatencis. lmpooed alter the U.)'Ur<>ld Loguna lltach man admitted lbat he embezzled nurly 110,000 ln Playhoue -.. -be llOrV<d coocurreotly. -tall, ...Uy dresled Sml!h ap-~ llDDIOved by the vmllcl. lie left lllJ coort quietly alter a Irie! glance '9lnd the .-empty courtroom and a tat mlile at an unidentified witness. Smlth carried out the embezzlement diiing bis superV!sion of fund raising ac- m1t1es for the new Laguna-Moulton Playhoole. Diaa'epancles and forged d!<cks were dllcovered alter he Jell the Aft Colooy for a vacation Jn Mexico. :The former actor was discovered in New York 'three months later following bill arrest for a traffic violation in that ci· ty. • firemen 'JJ,ush To Save Leaper, " But Only Stunt .. ,LOS ANGELES (UPI) -The leaper -poiaed on an eighth-Door ledge of the mte1. A crowd began to gather below en bftsy' Wilshire Boulevard. Then a fire truck happened to drive by. :The men ol EnlJlne Co. 32 are used lo Qoaling with peraoos attempting llUidde. 1J101 immediately sized up the situatioo and radioed for a truck· with a lifesaving net., ~But their call went out too late. The man jumped and plunged in a swan dive M feet to the ground, Figuring there might lt1ll be a chance to save his li!e, ~ firemen Nnmoned an. ambulance.. H the story seems tlke lt was right out of the movies, it was. The leaper wu Leonard Terry, 28, a stuntman filming a scene Monday for a movie called "Run Shadow Run" for 20th c..rtwy-FoL ~t the ambulance attendants were of- zome use. Terry landed 1n the uact cmter of a 2$-foot sq~ of cardboard 1>9zes at an estimated speed or 70 miles .. hour. Tbo firce ol tba Impact jammed bis knee btto bls jaw and he was knocked ctlkl. Terry wa1 revived by oxygen and was ooly sllghUy hurt. Model Fighter {>lane Missing fi. mlasing radlo-cootrolled model jet flglter plane, lost Sunday while being flown above Mile Square in Fountain Valley, may be dangerous. Jerry Otis, 120 E. Wilson St., Costa Mesa, lb owner, described the plane to police as white. with a red stripe. He said thlt It had a full tank of nltromethane fuel, and had a device ln the noae ol the cnft which would eipiode if It were Mlpped on Ille ground. Otis said be would pay a reward far the retum of the plane. . - DAI\. Y Pl\.OT St.tf ....... s n~1~·1 rn.or 3 Mesa, N Wport Unite? Cities Both May Fight Orang~ freeway 87 JBROME r. ClOLLINS ..... _... ....,...., Cool& Mesa mllbl not bave to go it alone ln trying lo keep the . Oraoge Fretw1y west of the Santa Ana River. Newport Beach could be an ally. II Ille pairing d ... lopl -and Newport counc!1men Monday lndlcated It would - the two Harbor ,.v.a clti<s could well . find -... pitted against 11ountaln Valtey and lluntinglon Beach. 'll>ey don't ' want the ltteway OD their side of the river, tither., ., · Newport councilman Donald A, jM<W nll, repnsenllq WO!I Newport, "'°"4"1 up ibe poulhllity cl the alliance with Coola Mesa. He told bis~ the routlng olibe * * * Orange _Freeway First Section Dedication Set A Marine band and polltical leaden will be on hand ln Fallerlon Friday for the ded.JcaUon of the first segment of the Orange Freeway, which eventually will reach, beach communities near the Santa. Ana River. Themt: of the outdoor dedication ceremonie.! is "from the Mountains to the Se.a." The theme describes the freeway general route, according lo present state plans • The newly completed f o u r -1 a n e higbny. also known u Route 57, links Nutwood Avenue in Fullerton with the Rtvenldo Freeway. flDal segment of the Oranp Fnleway , The state llMolon ol Hlihw1119 9' lhould be carefully studled'by Newport pnseot ls ~ termliiaUng Iba "wilh an eye loward supportlog Costa Oran&• Freeway at the adoptad ailp Mui." ' ment -o1 the Paclflc Coast-:rreew1y, ~ Cout fUlbway, !WILY STAGES "I tbiill<. we llhould take a good 1oo1i at Current Slate plans, 1Ull ln tbe Wliest what posiUon N8"J)Ol't lbouki tue,0 Aid of stages, call for construction of tbe M(lnnls. "Perhaps we coukt tie 1n witH freeway aomewhere ln a corridor along Cost.a Mesa's position. A route .eut of tb9 the S8llll Ana Freeway. 1be st•te bas river would end any possibility of lnfaod asked coastal cities for suggestions on marinas for CMta Mesa or Newport." whJch skle ol the river the freeway m:JDY GROUP should be buJIL If It u eonotructed on the Costa M.... At )klnnls' suggestion, the ma~ wu, Newport side, It would wipe out 1 good turned:.ove:r to the COW>Cil'1 freewl.j CICJll\oo' portion of the Mesa Verde Country Club m.ittee ftJr study and a reCommendatiorJ' and de8troy Costa Mll\"'S bopa for .. In-Vice Mayor Lindsley P&rsollll and Coon· land "Keys" Marina donatream near ciJn\an Paul J. Gruber are memben of the Newport cilj< llmils. ll\e eommittee. · ... It would abo, West Newport's Mcinnis '"11M! freewar is a long way fJ'()lll eon. painted out, wreck any plans Newport struction (perllaps a decade},'' said might have for waterways development Gruber. "Now is the time to ezpresll of Bannlfli properties. behind N~wport QIJ.l:lelves, before a route la adattedc Shores. M<6~ we can.take a ·atand.that 'b la UM OPPOSED SITE. wllh better planning that · must be dona· for this area.'' • Focmtaln Vajley and Huntington Beach Public Works ou.ctor Joseph T. Delvfd are cp'po8ed to free~ay construction on said be will be meeting with Division' ol lbetr side of the river because it wou1d Highways engineers aometime in the next wipe 911t bundreds of horn.~ -manf in· few weeks to· find-wt-more about the' the $50,000 cl~ -and af least ooe state's pnsent thinking on the !awe. He school, the Fountain Valley School thinevlteddi .. !.~9!°.:'. and, Gruber to all in on District's Arevalos Schoo!. ~ There ls a pouibWty that all f o u r U the state goes ahead with a rouUn• beach.cities will press for termination of all t:he way to Uie eoutllne, 1t ·wou1c1 the freeway at the San Diego Freeway in mean a total of three massive Cout Fountain Valley. Mcinnis noted Monday Freeway interchanges witblo three mUes.i that Hunlinglon Beach already bas made The state already bas decided • 16 this proposal. "It would preclude a lot of terminate the Newport aod Hm1li"""d problems,'; sai~ ~frt the; l'ree;ay, How About. Straddling NO MORE BOOKKEEPING FOR FRAZER SMITH Pl•yhouse Embu:zler Gets Prison Term Next lllage cl eoristructioo will llnk the Riverside Freeway witb the Garden Grove-Santa Ana freeway complex in the city of Orange. That route is already adopted. A third segment, 1'hole align- ment is not yet adopted, would run from Orange to the San Diego Freeway. Freeway Down SA River? Ocean View Gives List A fourth .egment may CllTf the freeway all tbe way to the coutllne along the Sant• Ana River. A Santa Ana River-spanning causeway could be the answer to the controversial Orange Freeway route, satlsfying four ciUes now opposed to having It on easl or . west sides or the channel, says a Costa Mesa man. Of School Improvements Student Ambassador Award Giving Slate "I can readily widerstand the combined objections," says N. Jay V. V. Green, of 460 Elmhurst Lane, not.Ing the land cost and destruction of homes and recrea- Uonal facilities. Ocean View School District ad· ministrators M<llday nighl presented the Board of Trustees with a list of tentative educailonal improvements. A rectnt sucee.Wul $1.25 tax override election is expected lo provide the 1m- provement.1"PX'ley. ' ~ccoding to District Supt. Clarence Hall, a preliminary investigation shows that approximately $832,000 will be available for the proposed improvements. These woo1d include two teachtr allies P.ef school at $145,000, purchase of ad- ditional library books which would amount to $100,000 and an increase in cWsroorn suppljes to $8 per child which would cost $112,000. other improvements .suggested tiy the administration include the purchase of two new school buses at $35,000, in· struCtional equipment -consiiting or tape recorders, projectors and speed reading machines -at $70,000 and one yearly 30-mile field trip per class at $20,000. Top priority will also be given to swn· mer school which is expected to cost $100,CO'.I, a full-time project writer who would seek funds fOf' the di.strict from outside sources at a yearly cost of $15,000, two learning specialista per school at a tot.al cost of $190,000 aitl five music teachers al $45,000. "This is not an all-inclusive list by any means,'' cautioned Dr. Hall, "but we in- tend lo show the poo!ibilitles for apmdlng the additional funds. He remlnded the truitees that the 1332,000 l!gure c11a not Inciul!e ..i&ry tn- aeases, adding that '1if we nally want to put the money where the ICtJon ia we shoold comlder a salary llnlctur< which will attract the best poeslbl< peciple." Mamie Finding Romance Rough In the Outfield Newport Beach actress Marnie Van Doren, who had a brief matrimonial rung wlth mioor league pitcher Lee Meyers of Huntington 1leach, loday Is finding romanct! a bit rougher in the outfield. Mamie's name has been linked with Boston Red Sox slugger Tony Conigliaro, who is making a dramatic baseball come- back after suffering an eye injury in 1967. Miss Van Doren, blonde, buxom and 36, says dating outfield hitters bu its drawbacks when compared to pitchers. "Pitchers don't have to play "f!rJ night,'' tihe explained. Also, Mamie notes that tbe ·24-year-old ~ Conigliaro carries the marks of his trade. "He has so m·any calluses on his hands." Miss Van Doren, who once dated pitchers Sandy Koufu and Bo Belinsky and recently divorced hurler Meyer1, says she didn't know the ff.year-old c.onigliaro •until two weeks ago In New York when entertainer Merv Griffin in- troduced them. "We are just good friends," says the star slugger who sat out last aea.son after nearly losing bis eyesight in 1967 when a pitched ball from Callfomla Anl<ll' hurler Jack Hamilton struck him on the left side of the fact. "She's a Jot of fun to be with." The actress said Monday she gave up on athletes afler her divorce from Meyers unW COr\icllll'O came along. t "He doesni really look Ute a baaeball player. He's every woman's drum. He bu sex appeal u well as IOCk appeal." Hunlington Buch Vice Mayor ·George McCracken ii tcheduled to prtle:Dt a People lo People atudent am-r certificate lfay II to Jane Caley, daup- ter o !Mr. and Mrs. Jameo G. Caley of asi Snowbird Drt..,-durill( --. al the Pacllk: Coul Qlq!> la Looc -· Miii Caley Is to be -during the ftCOgn1Uon ~ for her selecUon as student ambasslilor, ber achievement in school WO<k and partlclpatiOn ln com- munity affairs. Joining together in an unusual alliance -on freeway routes -Costa Mesa and Newport Beach officlall hope lo together avoid bein&: struck with the freeway down their eut dde. . ' illeWtae, Hunllllgtoa Beocb " and Fount4in VaDey leaders do not want the freeWBy knifing down their west bank. The choice lies with the State Highway Commission. You Aro CordiaUy Invited To Shop Our Grand Opening Sale Of The Finest Clothing Anywh•re. &outb Coast ?Ila SUITS .... to $115 $79 .... to $125 $89 IRISTOL 91 S. D .... ~ C-M- O,.. S Nltol o W .... 'tll f :JO 540-1502 s1W SPORT COATS · FJUT UYIL and LOOK Slacks ...... $25 s19 .... to $21 $23 She thinks the ...........,try friendship with Cooigliaro-Will cootinue. •tt· to $141 COOlgUaro was asked if the relatlon!hip l19. to $32 .... to $55 ·had reached the point of engagement. "I $9 9 would not say so," he replied . ''I've been very lucky for him, he told $44 $26 me," Wd Miss Van Doren, twice mar-II~-----..! ried. "He's better in bis hitting. Tbal'I ._ _____ _, 1-----~ better than the other. ones I wtnt out wtth.." II.-.... ~::::~ Mia Van Ilsm'I flnt lwiatwwl WU I ~~ band ltader ll'll' 1.n!boey. eo"'1S s,o•1a -'4lr \1'- Realtors. S•ate Talk "It OCCUJTed to me that the almplool way out of this dilemma and probably tha least expenfilve would be to build a COO:' crete causeway·over the riverbed f« tho entire dlstance," a·reen s<iys. He ·addressed his remarks in a letter to the Costa Mesa City Council, saying a causeway would not interfere WiUi removal of riverbed silt after annual winter rains U it were built high enough. "At the S8J!1e lime, Jt would be ver1t scenic' with unobstructed views on bods sides over wide areas and not interfere -the pror-d •marina ... tllo -side aod the aaniiatton diatrict fa~ OD. the tither lid~" Green erpWned, 'Ille situadon could be Improved lrord another sanit&Jy aspect, lince Newport Beach Offlclsls last week ~elCribed the Santa Ana River as nothing but an open sewer. .. ' Sii lllilNNING WIDlllSDAY, MAY 14tll SAU ENDS SATURDAY, MAY 17th • WI HONOI: IAN:·~ MlllCAID ti!ASTIR CHAIM •INTIM ACCOUNT ........ FATHU'S DAY ~UNI liltll NEWPORT'S VAN DOREN SWITCHES TO OUTFIELO l'er Cmlfll•"'· An Eye for Faslball1, Blondet Membel'I of the Huntlngloo Beacb- Fountaln Valley Board of RHlton .,. scheduled to htar J'Uchard F.. R\iue.11, president of sales Powtt, ltlC., dl!ICUU "160 ways to close" at lhe I a.m. 1 breakh1st meeting at ihc HunUnston NO CHARM l'OR NORMAL ALRllATIONS ortll DAILY 10:00 'TIL f :JO; sAT. 10 'TIL 6 P.M'. ,.._,,.,... ...... ,.._ SeaciJllCountryClubWedlleaday. 'l..~~~~--~~~~~~..,;~~~~~~~..;;;;_~~.,;.~.,;,;-.~~....I '· .. -• DAILY I'll.OT cc...-.•-~, ........ When Tom Ht nhberger of Mus-- --,c"'''-low a drove ~ a car out of used car lot, police rushed after him and made him promise to stick with his bike. Tom is 7- yean.old. ,.. . County Suporvloor Richard No- wallkl has written the Milwaukee County Zoo, asking that Samson tho Go<llla, not be fed grapes dur• ing the strike by vineyard worker• ol. Calilorn1a. ''Even the ;monkeys &bould make a sacrifice to support the ·mJ&r!mt workers ol . Califom- ia," he Hid. • Bowling pin shaped egg ,,,.. found [tt a MSC with two normaU11 1haptd r:ggs bU Otto LaaJ . of Brookville, !'(cmsas. • Jn Darlinllt<>n, England a WhiP' pet called 8obO was so swill that rival owners at the Alpert Hill Racing Track ·-to ban Bobo md her owner, Gordon L•mb, from the club. Explained club treasurer Roy Pollock: "It is our policy to bar members who are in· volved in controversy." • Babies at the newly-built Sl Cle-. ment of Alexandria Church in Bromwich, England will be chris- tened in a cbel's salad bowl from 110W on. The light-weight steel bowl was r eportedly ordered because it was easy to move around. • About 1,aoo p<r•ons t001k<d %7 ..U.1 from Iowa City to c .... al~. Iowa, to proUst hunger. Rt/re1hmenta were servt!'d along the toa11· • The Dade County Sheriff'• De- partment narcotic• section is seek- ing $400 in appropriations to feed an4 provide medical attention for a !abrador retriever to sniff out illegal weed caches and smoking rooms. Sgt. Allen Richards said lbe department !las been offered a free dog-the retrievers allegedly have a nose 40 times sharper than a human's-but the upkeep will be i!:rpensive. ' .. . Dfda 6*rded . . Mitchell Cu.rhing Facts on Fortas? WASHINGTON (AP) -Ally . Gen. John N. Mltcliell Is understood to have told ciuet JU1tice Earl Warren that further public dlaclo,,ure about the Fortas-Wollson fee lncldellt could strain Russ Claim Egypt Stro~P As Israelis By UDll<d Preti latuaadoul A Soviet new':!!paper aaid lociay the Egyptian army, revitalized by the flow of Russia(>made 1feaPo111 since lhe 1917 war, It BIS strong as its laralel foe. Israet•r·defense minister warned that another Mideast •ar could eiplode out of the dally !helling lncldellls across the cease{tre linel. In Beirut, meanUme, Eastern Euro- pean diplomatic aource said Communist China may oiler Jooc-r""lle ground-to- ground missiles to a Syrian mllilary · mllsloa -In PU!ng. The Soviet UDlon bad refmed to aupply Syrja with such rocltds on the grounds thaf they are ol· flcially clauified as "offensive weapom," the soorcea said. . The' semi-official Cairo newap.per Al Abram said the Uni1'd States bu llrled . llrael nol to retalltate delplle Eapt'1 steppie:ckp artillery offensive along the Suez Canal. It gave no source for the report. Tbe implied warning to Israel againsl another war with Egypt came lo Pravda. "There ls a great difference between the U.A.R. army on the eve of the June (1967) war and today's U.A.R. armed forcse," the Soviet Communiat-party paper Pravda said. lt contended that Egypt's military mlght had been restored and saJd Israel no longer can speak of Its "military superiority." Part of tbe Arab army buildup, Pravda said, is reflected in the "trust" it now en- joys among the people. relations between the White Houae •nd the Supreme Court. The attorney eeneral also ii believed lo have told Warren at their meetlog last Wednesiay -lbly more about lhe _incident than bu been in lhe pul>llc eye. In line wi\b the Nixon Admlniatration'a nonpartilan stance. 'Mitcbell made his presentation as a lawyer and friend of the St1preme oCurt. He i. belleYed to hive upanded "' the account Lile magazine gave of Utt fee ol· fei:ed Fort;is_ln 1986 by the family of in- dustrialiJI Louis . E. WolfJon -rallier - than to have made some unrelated disclosurt. It is understood to be highly unlikely that Mltcbell -.Id ever attempt to bring charges against• sitUng justice. And yet, ~ the attorney general is convinced the substance of what be told Warren wtll stimulate enough pressure within the court to bring about Abe Fortu' resigna· lion . What Warren is doing with the in· · !onnaUon is a closely guarded secret. "There never is comment on the chief juaUce'a private conversations," said a &potesman in his office icily. lnqulrla at the offices o1 othu justices to f1M out if they have been brought into tbe discussions produced s i m 11 a r ~. Meanwhile, with the court in recess, Fortu is maintaining a dlscreet dlstance -and a chilli!"' optimi.m publicly. He was IChedUled to attend a regicoal judicial C<ll.fere:nce at Wentworth by the Sea, N.H., today • On Monday he made his third speech outside the capital in leas than a week - this one as: belated law Day address at Memphia State University. On Capitol Hill Sen. Paul J. F8llllin (R· Ariz.), said be bad been told by a Wlllhington attorney that F:ortas will resign this weet. Sen. James B. Allen (0.Ala.), called in a Senate speech ·tor both Fortu and .Justice William 0 . Douglas to step down. Douglas has received fees from the Parvin foundation. Sen. Allen J. E;Jlendu UH.a.), pressed Fort.as for "a· ifull and complete ex~ planation" ol the Wolfson fee . LA Coroner Said Joyful AtRFK'~lmperidingDeath LOS ANGELES (UPI) -While Sen. Robert F. KeMedy fought vainly for his life, Coroner Thomas T. N o g u c h t reportedly told his aasoctates: "I hope he di .. , .. and danced In his olft<e In gleelul anUcipatl"' of performing the autopsy. At Nopcbl'1 diam1ssal bearing Monday before the Civil Service Commtasloo, Deputy County Counsel lllriln weew qu~ the JapanesH>orn pathologist u saying: "I am going to be famous. I hope he dies, because if he dies. then my in- ternatlonal reputation wiD be establish- ed." Noguchi did perform the autopay and he later tatilled al the trta1 of .Sirhan B. Sirhan. But be wu fired Mardi 11 under some of the stranaest charges ever lodg- ed against a public olfidal. The reports were detailed in a 10.page Jetter prepared by Administrative Officer Lindon S. Hollinger and implied Noguchi was suffering from neurotic fantasies and needed psychiatric treatment. Noguchi charged his firing was politically inspired and the accusaUona about his behavior and statements were "untrue, distorted or someUmes said in jest and blown out of all proportiont." Hls attorney, Godfrey haac, vowed to light the dismissal to the U.S. Suprtme Court, U necessary. Weeks told the bearing In his opening statement that tbe "final evidence" of Noguchl's "sl.cknea" came when the cor· oaer told woctates: 111 had a vision ••• that a (Boeing) m loaded to capacity c:rstbed Into a hotel. And amid the flames, I, Thomas T. Nogqcbt, stood, ad the press was there." Much of Holllnpr'1 leller and Weekes' statement Monday allefled Noguchi hoped for alr dlsasten so glory would be brought to the office of county chief cor· oner-medical examiner. · During Nogucbl's term in office just over a year, be handled autopsies on two major· airline.crashes and the two worst helicopter crashes in the history of U.S. commercial aviation. After the second helicopter crash, Weekes said Noguchi did ahother danc~ in a "reincarnation of Dante's Inferno" and llid, "Isn't it nice ... isn't it nice." "AJ sickness ravaged" the coroner, Weekes said, told staff members, "We need another air crash , . • I hope we hive another air crash ..• I pray, I pray that there ls another air crash." The county attorney said Noguchi even· tual!J fixed in his mind the "magic number'' of 14,000 deaths. Twister Rips Ravenna Barn Thunderstorms, Tornadoes Wrack South Plains c ... Ud ll.S. S••-r" Tet1tper•t11re• """ L..-"1wc. AlblJ--.1.111 11 S2 And\or-• JI ... ,1..,.. it 5J 1111111rck •o<11 .... ~ Clll~ltl Ci~d11n111 Cl1~1nd """"' On M111!• Oet~ll l:Ul"!~I For! Wetftil "'"l'IO .... ~ -·· ....... IC1M11 City l15 ....... ,, ,, 11 51 " " M ~ 65 •I .. " " 4 •I S5 .Ol ,, " . " " y .... . " " .. IO '' ,IJ 1J 6J .0) . .. Metttr ~ '"" """' •llnit ... emit ..... 11\lt .,,.,_, WI 11 • I TIOlldDH PIH ..... -lt'lttft rll!lllS Mllln Mey -Id lllllNlifr•lonN• l'lltfl "lnd1 1/111 Mii IMI lfloOlled 1n cin.""lw tr-II -!Mf - l(rt&I !tit UftltH ., ..... LM -M ..... Ml"'M• .,_. " " ., ti , ... 61 ,5 ; wt ="•wwwftr,,, II hi II kNll. T• .. ,.. """' u "' u. y........,. ...,._...,... ,..-., .,_,"""',, ......... S1.l• i.M ...,..tw. ,.... ... " " a. 'nit .., ....._.. ......... ... -S•a, . M~.~ '.l'Wa Sec:ft .... •·· ' .. ' t;•~•.1 SfCIOl'ld Miit ....... 1;0 11.111. J.I -Jl"T iow ,, ........ 2:.)0 •·'"· t.1 "'"' •llf' ••• , ......... 1:11 •. .,,. J.t $of(;Cnll ltW ..... ·•··· 1:• '""· 1,1 $e(Olld flifll ...... •• l !ll '·'"· '·' M.o111 ftlet •tTJ •·"'-Wfl J1SI ,Jl'I, Sn .... l :lt t .rn. Mh 1td 1.m.. .... ''"' •• ,... Lill! o, INr II Mar INr JI Jllnt I T1le WM"*' a-.. IMutll I - '"' ol totMdWI 11111 ....... lfMI. .,.,.,...,,_ fof' ftM ... t!lllit .... ., ""' .,,, llflriolt wt¥ todtY. n. .......... 11111 1 -•Hiie fl.>Mfl tlollll NII ...,. ~Mir....,.__, iff. No 1111vri. "" IWWf9d M " """ ol "-""'"'°" 1!'111dl t1wM11 1trllltn. MOflllfY '"9111111 !ft MVtll otnlrtl "'"'•lk•. "'"' IWdlH ~ lfl -<-'"'· . A Mta -&e!TIQtll "' 1 f-Mir It•-· NH., tlY -et 11 11111 lllftt twlti.rt "''' Piil Irle 11111. -!fl « ltlt turllldl l(fi"llfY ••• Mt..,. •lll!ftH llllitll t""*"""Ult. lt•·• lwol'llllt ""'"' il.\o lllCl'l9 • 1'9(~ .. 1111111 1 .i•.f!Ollr 1trlod d ll'lt .. ,tr ...... --M _, ... ~" .. "" ... , ... ..... ·--....... -,,_,, ,,..._ ·-llMoMI Cl,, ... ... ..-. 61, levl.t J.lllnu Stn t.n c"' s.~ Dr.to ""'• .. rtlt,. ..... -·~ ,_, WWII,,.,. • • .. " " .. " . ,, "' "" M II n .., ., " ~ .... • " T .... N " " " " .. n • " n .. " ,, ., •l 51 M D n " " . .. " " " • Real Traffic Sqwee:ie ...... Tt ......... Tralflc oo heavily traveled Interstate 80 near Rich- mond, the main transcontinental highway between the Bay Area and eastern points, is limited to one lane after four of the highway's six lanes caved in as a result of the heavy spring rains. I Body Found, 4 Missing in Barge Blast QUINCY, Ill. (UPI) -A barge loaded with 847 ,000 gallons of gasoline was rip- ped loose from its moorings by an ex· plosion and, spouting flames, drifted eight miles down the Mississippi River before slamming into a $10 million railroad bridge Monday night. One body was recove,red today and four other men were missing and presumed · dead. Four persons were injured in the blast. A rescue boat pulled the body of Glen Maples ~ La Grange, Mo., manager of the Triangle Refinery, from the river almost 12 hours after the explosion. AuthoriUes said an explosion and fire erupted at La Grange when a pumping barge blew up while unloading two other barges at night. By dawn the blazing barge bad drifted down river and was caught against the middle span o( a railroad bridge that cros.ses the river at Quincy. It burned furiously despite a heavy rain. The blaze sent flames leaping 60 feet from the surface of the river and engulf· ed the middle span of a Chicago, Burl· ington and Qu!ncY R8.ilroad bridge. Rallroad ties on the bridge were ignited and the rain did extinguish a few o{ these, but aside from that, the blaze con- tinued unabated. 5 · Die as Car, Gas Tanker Truck Collide in Flint FLINT, Mich. (UPJ) -Clilford Walters saw what was going to happen, but he couldn't do anything about it. Walters, 27, was watching from the tire store in which he works, as a gasoline truck hauling two tankers was rolling toward an intersection and a car pulled in rront of it from the cross street. The truck rolled over the front end of the car and one·tanker tipped over. spilling Il,000 gallons of gasoline which caught fire and killed five persons. The vltclms were so badly burned that they were still unidentified today. The accident occurred at noontime Monday at a busy intersection on the western edge of this industrial city. The victims were all believed in their rars at the intersection of four-lane Pierson Road and Clio Street when flam· ing gasoline gushed around them. Kenned y Pledges To·Keep Up Fight Against Otepka W ASRI°NGTON (UPI) -The Senate Judiciary Committee today approved the nomination of Otto F. otepka to a $36,000 job as a member of the subversive ac- tivities control board. The vote taken at 1 closed committee session was 10 to 3. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (0.,..1ass. ), said he would conUnue his opposition to Otepka when the nomination reaches the Senate Ooor ln two or three weeks. Kennedy and Sens . Philip A. Hart (!). Mich.), Ind JOS<ph 0. Tydings (O.Md.J, voted against Otepka at the committee session. Otepka ls a former state deparlmtnt securllf orncer wbo was derpoted Ind taler suspended by Secletary of State DfeJn Rusk for giving canUdcnlial in. formation to a congressional committee. Acilon on otepka'a nomination wu delayed earlier pending preparation of a committee report on charges that nomlntt was allied with rlg~t wing political oraaniiatlons. ·I .. Pre-dawn Dorm Arrests ·'.'. " ,. Set Off Studerit Rampag~ Narcotics detectives today routed seqi.rity cars were reported flipped over students from bed at the Stony Brook oitto their roofs and set afire·. campus of the State Unive~ty of New · The uprising forced. postponement of a York. The pre-dawn raid touched off a legisJ&tive hearing on drug use at the student rampage that did an estimated estate-like, Long Island campus. $10,000 in damage. Students who went on the three·hour About 40 students, led by the Students rampage charged that the arrests were ror a Democratic Society (SDS), sehed politically motivated and were made ~ two rooms of a student center at coincide with the· hearings. Northeastern University ln Boston, the • As · Northeastern students moved into nation's largest private university. the Interfaith Lounge in the Ell Student Students at two East Coast seminaries Center a group of counter.protestera held fast in two buildings they occupied surged into an adjacent room. They tried Monday. to break down a door and oust the S~ At Storiy Brook the police moved Jed occupation force but were dispersed swiftly into dorm itories as the students by police. were sleeping and arrested 14 on charges After the counter demonstrators left, or selling narcotics. Word of the arrests-the SDS forces swanned into the ad· spread quickly and students began pour· jacent room and occupied it. ing out or the dorms. • The seizure by the small band o£ Roclcs were hurled at the squad cars as students was made to protest the they sped off with the arrested 14. presence of the Reserve 0 ff ice r 1 Epithets were shouted at the policer. Training C.Orps (ROTC)· on the 32,(IOO..W. several fires broke out, and two campus dent campus. * * * * '* * Antidraft, ROTC Stands Contradictory, Laird Says WASlilNGTON (AP) -· Pentagon leaders say students clamoring for aboli· lion of the draft are working against themselves in trying to destroy the col· lege·based ROTC program <4t the same time. Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird says campus demonstrators ought to recognize ROTC is one of the big building blocks in the Nixon administration pro- gram to end the draft and establish a basically volunteer military force. "Some of the very people that are trying to keep us off the cqllege cam· puses are the same people that are the most vehement in their criticism of the present draft," Laird tells reporters. "Now, you can't have It both ways, gentlemen. "We have to be able to carry on recrulting and try lo attract the most competent young people that we possibly can to military seI;vice. You can't do it, and you can't move toward voluntJer .forces if you are prohibited from going on college campuses. "This inconsistency is one we have to consider, and it's one that bothers me.," Laird says. The Pentagon is struggling to modify ROTC to make it acceptable to :schools where faculty mem~s as well As students have criticiied the program. · Defense officials are prepared to give way on some details such as course «llQI· position, instructors and work. loads •. But they do not intend to alter the progra.in's basic feature: military training ctfu. current with civilian academic life. God •careless~ ' Hippie Ranch Sought in Suit SANTA ROSA (UPll -An Oal<land at- torney, who wants the ranch folksinger Lou Gottlieb deeded to God, has filed a $100,00J damage suit against the deity for "careless and negligent" control of the weather. Russell H. Tan:sle [iled lhe suit by mail on behalf of his legal :secretary, Betty Penrose, who blamed God for a lightning bolt which struck and destroyed her home in Phoenix nine years agio. The Sonoma County clerk Issued a summons for G<>4 and returned It to the attorney for service. Tansie said he doesn't plan to look for the defendant, but hopes to win a default judgment when be falls to appear Jn court. ''Plalntlff is infonned and believes that defendant (God) at all times mentioned herein ls responslble for the maintenance and operation of the universe, including JFK Aide Sorensen May Run for Senate MIMI! BEACH (UPI) -Fonner President Kennedy's special coonoel, Ted Sorensen, may be a candidate for the U.S. Senate from New York in ~. Sorensen said Monday be had been asked to run f0< the Stal held by Robert F. Kennedy befort: his assassination. J<:ennedy's scat Is now held by Republican Charles Goodell, who was ap- pointed to the poat lest year by New York Gov. Nelson RockefeUer. • • the weather in and upon the state of Arizona, and that on or about Aug. 17, 1960, defendant so maintained and con-- trolled the weather. in, around and upon Phoenix, Ariz., in such careleu 1.m negligent mannet. as to cause lightning to strike the plaintilf'1 house, setting .tt. on fire and startling, frightening and aMck· ing the plaintiff." . Miu Penrose, who now lives" In Oakland, further charged that God wdid this with run knowledge and that th~r•tt was committed with malice and JU tm. ' She asked $75,000 general damages I~ $25,000 punitive damages. ' · • · Taoa.ie said the suit was flied ~e ~ause .God owned property In the COIID- ty' -the 31.7 acre Morning Star Ranch. Gottlieb, formerly of the LimeUters singing group, filed a grant deed last Tuesday conveying the hippie ranch to God. • Tansie gaid he would file a writ or al· tachment against the ranch later tfus week. ,, Bla iherg 'Exh austc:cl: , . CAPE TOWN, South Africa (AP ) - Philip Blaiberg, 59, the world 's IOl\Ctl& &UrVI Vifig heart transplant recipient~ 'Wn ordered to bed today for a week betafl!M doctors believe he has Hhausted hltffM) His \\ife, Eileen, said she calleo' 1fit doct or In chargl! of her husbamrl J)OBtoperatlve cart to the apartment ear .. ly today when Blalberg app<ared short IJt breatb. , .. Astronauts Undergo Physicals • ; CAPE KENNEDY (UPI) - 'Die lhne Apollo 10 -underwent their lu t major P!Jysical checkups today for siinday's tak..,il toward the -· . Wltb the countdown """ ~g smoothly and the !Ou&best.part of tbelr =-over, Thomu P. S !olm W. Young and Euiene A. C e r n 1 11 began be.a.to-toe medical eumlnaticm. They ~ no pnibleml puslng the cletalled, mom1q. . . .. .. . .... .. .. ... ........ ~ .. --~. ~· "'.''"" """..,_"" "·"'·---'"··~~~---~~-~~~·------..,,,-.,,,~---~· .... , ·-....... ·---'• .... -....-,--....-.-- ''-· ""' 1', 116? DAILY l'llOT 5 Hollywood Lampooned . ' ' ~ Harvard Gives Barbra 'Natalie' Award CAMBRJDGE, Mass: CUPI) caliber." "Star!," "The Bo1to11 -•'1'be Hong Kong fiu WUD"\ The "Natalie Wood award .$tr ID CI tr•'' "Cindy," 1918'• ooly blight," t h e ior bell actreu" went to Mia 0 Barbarella. » 11You Are Wbat Harvard Lampoon a a y 1 . Streiaand tor her role in -1111\Jn. You Eat," "The Seegull" ud Hollywood presented one of its ny Girl," and Poitier WU 11Boom. •• beat Cues for wholesale in-named winntr of the Kirlt Another hooan handed out ocolaUon against the living Douglu award for WWII actor Included : cinema. for his sbowini 1n '4For Ute -"1be Natalie Wouldn't While some of the stars of Love al Ivy." award for the naughtiest ~ Unsel 1-:nd jumped into The financial giants of havlor among . lflngl,_e glrla: politics, "Ronnie Reagan and movieland didn't escape satire 'fterese and Isabelle.' -ti Geora:e Murphy took to the at the Lampoon noted that -"'Ibe best argument for rlghf and Paul Newman and 20th Cenbu'y. Fox paired Omar vivisection for 'Roaemary'a Stilrley MacLaine the left with Sharif as Che . Guevara GI>' Baby' with lts abnormal Y· Bob Hope in the middle and poelte Jack Pala.nee u ll'ldel chromosome." long physicals; - • While space •tetlCY jibyal- cians looked over t b e aatronauts, ground c r e w s readied the 36-atory com· bination of the Saturn 5 lioooter rocket and the Apollo lG spacecraft for a blutoff 'at 9:49 a.m." l'ST Sundoy. First steps In the ~-Y countdown consisted of hooklng up ex- plosive devices to the rocket and spacecraft. Martha Raye Jn Vietnam," the Caatl'O ln "Che,'' pmbllng on -"T.he ROIC09 ••• to that Lampoon was pleased to lind the ab.Uy auumpUon CUtro'1 actor who. ln the put year, ''Shirley 'l'.emple '" famllywillaueandtbestudio baa most memorably ~zeCliM10Viltl!f.· wm niiP lbe lllfiesl bUil4!eor-cmp!l)V~~··--H! The Lampoon , the nation's free pub Ii city a inc e td clwnay quality -that cer- oldest colleg e humor "Cleopatra." tain je j'en veus pas-that magazine, Monday released Other major awarda went to has marked the products of its list of the 10 worst movies Rod Steiger as worst support Hollywood , alnce the early of the year as well as selected actor for "No Way to Treat a days ... to Tony CurUs for hia dubious awards for actors and Lady," and Ewa Aulin, worst appealllng' appearance tn ''lbe actresses. supporting actress .for Hsu~, Boston Strangler.'" • "The Llon in Winter," which porting a variety of positions. -"The Ayn Rand award ••• brought Katharine Hepburn the moulderin1 remains of to that writer whose bad books her third Oscar, headed the Marlon Brando, J a m e s made worse movies, this year · list as the worst film of the Coburn, John Huston, Richard -to-that-warble of . naive wood- The prollmlnary part of the countdown began on acbedule at midnight. year. Burton, Ringo StalT, Charles not.ea wild, Shakespeare, for ' · d to D 4 L Barbra Streisand and Sidney Amavour and the stage mw 'Romeo and Juliet,' a cllcbe-SeR-tetlce ea.... Poitier secured themselves a of 11Candy.'. ridden WOfk•'1 Stefford, Yi>wig and C..... BlaCk Nationalist Fred (Ahmed) Evans is manacled sniper slaying of three policemen and' a civilian last place on the Lam poon'• ma-The rest U the 10 wont Tbe LlmpooP thanked San-- and heavily guarded as be arrives at Ohi~ Peniten-July 23. The conviiction carries an automatic penalty jestlc list of people honored in movies, after 11The Lion in dy Dennls, J?atf.y Duke and Monday spent their Jut lull day practicing in t w o spacecraft simulaton for the eight-day missjoo they hope will provide the go-ahead for man's first landing on the moon in July. "·ry at Columb111 i·ust hours after bemg found · . of death in the electric chair. Iiollywood's efforts "to re· Winter,'' included "lee St.atlon Natalie Wood for makin& no g;Uty of first degree murder in Cleveland for the ___________________ ..::m:::•:::ln:..._..::im::•:;g:::in:::•::ll•:.:e~IY_,;.10.:.w:..._..:Ze.:.b::.ra:;•_" _"..::Rose=::m::•::ry:.'.:.•..:Ba::::by..:.'_' _mov1ea::..:..:..:_· ------ Czech Troop Withdrawal Due June 1 PRAGUE (UPI) -The Soviet U-Is likely to betln withdrawing its troops from ' Czechoslovakia by June 1, Communist party sourcts said today. The withdrawal w o u 1 d demonstrate Kr em 1 l n con- fidence in new Cz«bollovak party leader Gustav Husak,, the sow-ces aa.ld. It .... <Ould be • goodwill delayed w o r I d Communiat gesture in anticipaUon of the summit set for Mosoow next month. That meetin& was 'poatponed portly -... ol anger by several countries over the Soviet-led invuion of CzechceloVakia Jut IUJDI1IU. Husak, Presidenl Ludvik Svoboda. Premier t,t-td r i c h Ctrnill: and Defense Minister Col. -~n. Martin Dtur will go to MOICOW 100D to sip I ntW agreement Go the OCCU~OD 11-. the -aald. Rocky Making S1wrt Visit to Guatemala MEXICO CITY (UPI) -'" Gov Nelson A. Rockefeller of N~ York will cut short a vistt today to Guatemala , on his Latin American tour because of coacern for his safety, U.S. sources aaid. . Rockefeller wu ·1 ~ av i n g Mexico for about four hours in Guatemala City today and then heading for El Salvador before nJghUall. Guatemala was the biggest coocem for Rockeftller's bodyguards. In the past 18 months Castroite Communist gunmen have killed a U.S. am-• busador and the Army col· ' onel and navy captain . who headed the U.S. military missicrl. Rockefelltr is on Ute first of four trips to Latin America on a faCt..finding mission for the N-admlniJlralioll.. He wlll vllll with leaders of 23. Lalin Ame:riCan naUons, submitting a report to President N&on In July. The ldta is to revamp U.S. policy In the Americas, particularly in matters of foreign trade. The first stop, in Mexico, peTbaps set the tone for the entire mission. Rockefeller said he was there to "listen and gather opinions." There was s pecu la tio n Rockefeller's report would become the basis for Nixon orders to either abolish the Alliance for Progress or greatly change it. Rockefeller criticized the alliance in his first news con- f erence Monday. Transplant Eye Mov.es, But No Sight HOUSTON (UPI) -John Madden spent three weeks with his eyelids miched shut, waiting to learn whether an operation would restore his sight .• U.S. Seeks Support Of Welfare Mothers His wile aaid Monday it had not. Madden, 55, a Conroe, Tex., photo shop owner, received a new right eye three weeks ago in what was announced u the first total eye transplant. He quietly checked out o f Methodist Hospital Monday GTON (UPI) a shouting match with Sen. and returned home. W ASHIN -'-· O.La ) d "The-,.. no .,·ght but the •-•-•·tr ti Is Russell B. -..."6, ( . , ur· ... The Nison auuU1W1 a on ing his committee's con· eye has perfect movement and considering using a militant sideraUon «. a plan to restrict he baa feeling in it," Mrs. organiZation of w e If a re welfare p a y m e n t s . The Madden said from the couple's m 0 t h e r s as the ad· mothers also staged a con· home about 40 miles north ol ministration's broker in deal~ frontation with police on Houston. 1 Capitol Hill a year ago during "I don't know what they ex· ing with di&advantaged 1 um the early days of the Poor peeled,'' S'te said. "They tell dwellers. People'• Campaign. ua that being able t o Under a plan now OD the NWRO was formed t n transplant an eye and have desk· of Welfare Secretary Auguat, 19'7, with the goals of movement in it is really Robert H. Finch, a grant of "jobs or income now, decent something." jobs with adequate pay for Neither Dr. Conrad D. $100,000 a year would be made those who can work. an ade· Moore, who perfonned the to the NaUooal Wellm Rights quate income for th<>!e who surgery, nor Methodi s t Organization. Tbe N W R 0 cannot." Hospital offlcia1s would com· would uae the money to guide It claims 250 afflllated local ment on the success of the persons with phyalcaI, em~ welfare rilJhts organiuUons operaUon. Madden left the tlonal and other diJabilities. to with more than S 0 , 0 0 0 hospital secretly M o n d a y state vocational rehabilitation members in 100 c1Uea:. morning. and other agencies. ,-------------------1 NWRO Is made up almool entirely of motben on relief. ' A year ago the motherl staged ; Office Workers · Given Relief NEW YORK (AP) -Office• workers who choose between fltbtlng tbn>ugb c r o w d e d lunchtime lldewalb or -· . lng can m narrow stretta will ·have a respite ne:rt week. A five-block .-of :JO. £ool·wide Nassau S tr e e t , between City Hall and the llnandal district, will be cloo- :ed to traffic from 11 a.m. to 2 'p:m., providing lhoulllldl ol 'Womn with a pedestrl•n mall. The expmment wlll lut three monthl. ' New Russ Space Probe Reported , llOCHUM, Gemmy (UPI) .:. nit llodlum -Inolltula for Spece ResMrcfl reported moollorlng 1ipall of a new Solvtl ...... _ ... flll I<> d'1· •. '11>1 lnstltulo uld the ....... '11W"ed the MW Jauncb may be .n· unmanned Comal ..,,!· cle. II would be the atst In the C:O.mo1 aeries. •• • FM\lly 11d1111 In for MJVice?. Where do11 um lean you? NNr your Ford Ren~ -ter. t11ar1 where! Roni a MW Fonl, ~ or Torino lor a d4y, WMk, or -.._ -••• lnsurence lncludod. FORD RENT-A-<:M SYSTEM THEODOltE ltOllNS ,ORD ---c...,; -c.llf, ...... ,. 4llD WILSON FORD IUll .._. M'llL H•at ... lw ..... c.llf. 141-Ull • • You charge gas. You charge clothes. i You charge dinner. Now you can one with new BO~US BALANCE che9k.(og. BONUS BALANCE checking means just what it says, When· ev11r you need extra money, / you've got i.t. Right in th~ old checkipg !ICCOUnt. Bonus Balance costs you nothing until you use It. You 're not forced to borrow one penny more than you need. And you don't pay finance charges one day longer than you have to: It's like writing your own terms on your own penional credit card. It's not only cheap, It's convenient. More conven- ient than credit cards or other similar bank sys- tems. Instead of writing even rriore checks, you pay back your loan the sensible way. You sim- ply make a deposit in your checking account. And you get only one monthly statement to cope with. It Includes your checking end Bonus Balance · transactions-all on one piece of paper ·eo you know exactly where you stand. There's a built In security to Bonus Balance. In the event of the borrower's death, the money used from Bonus -' • Balance Is Insured. The outstanding balance Is paid off In full with no obligation to the survivors. Bonus Balance otters a bonus too, A United States National Bani< Courtesy Card. Use It to cash checks at any of our 52 Full Service offices. Ute it like cash, II you need extra money for two or three daya be- fore payday-or two or three months or more- don't live off your. credit cards. Do!l'I spend time fumbling through a wallet full of plaitlc. Jlllt UM Bonus Balance with low United States Nltlonal Bank finance charges. It's cheaper and more convenient. Bonus Balance makes it all a /ittfe easier UNITJJD STATES NATIONAL~ BANK ~ ...,,....__...,..c. .. r _.,..... ............ , • . \ --------------------------------------------------- \ I I •· 10 MLY ~ILOT EDITOIJIAL PA~~/./' .~~,, -*· r r .. , , , .. Two Could ,. \ SUpreme Court JusUce Abe hrtas' appaJJJni In· aen1lOvlty to ·tbe ethical reaulremeulf of·.bls poSIUon will, tt appears, produce either hls voluntar,y res.Jgna .. Uoo or an attempt at Impeachment proceedings. Whether or l)OI reports of Justice Department pos· session of·"far more seriom if\{ormation1' than has been revealed so far are true, Fortas' acceptahce of a fee from \be Louis Wolfson Foundation· ts already enougH to wara,nt his resignation forthwith. For more th~ a dozen yearS--Jong before his"l'ecent cs>nviction on stOck · fraud charges -Wolfson was widely known as a · ''wheeler-dealer' in financial circles. The i0utcry over Fort.as• judicial . ethic.s also has revived dllcusslons over a situation sometime back in. vol.Ying Justice William 0. Douglas! acceptance of fees from a foundation with Las Vegas casino connections. ilhoul4 ~u..resign,-lt.migllL]>j!_gre~ l!l!lle1!!:il!Ul! _ ·-· \be court's Image II Douglas also stepped down.- ., - 1tudeot body ·prealdellt, said Ille IDtent wN to lie of service bolh to Ibo tlllilala ond to \be J~nctor• It might ·alao help ~ego "4minl1tratora. , · . '· This Isn't to <aa1 (acuity members should be bind, · fired or Judgejl entirely by •\udenll. Often tbose · lladl< · ers and proleuon wbo WOUid ~ lowest beca""' of personality or touib• curricula are fUuncl Jn la\er yean by tbetr lorlJ!U illqdents to have jJeen more eHeetfye· \ban \be popularity lcMden witb \be snap courses. , T.QO. tbere are erlterla tor Judlin& teaen.n ·tbat'an not particularly the preroptlve ol those belai ~t ... Ii • ' , ' .. • • . -~ .. .. SUJJ, tb~ Golden West u1'¢ment certahily iliowr some ,pro1D14e. If ,the sampling 11 large -.gh to be _ tru!~ representative,'lalltale inclicallom or·a teacber'a. efficacy or weak points -partic~ II ~ are oul< standing -are llkely to show up. l'bl1 Wormattob:' could Ind~ be moll useful of all to \be lnsll'!!£11!!<..:.· ...:,.=li"= se r.ire maYfie!iiliilifg a s 'l>l'wlllioufeven~now ing it. • This is a sensitive time in our nat_ion's history wb~n we can ill afiord lack of confidence in the absolute m· tegrily and totally detached wisdom of our highest tribunal. Teachers' Report' Card · Meanwhile, UG Irvine bas gone through live months of student protest over \be recommended firing or tbree faculty members. Faculty evaluation of the abilities ol the .three IJ!eri involved '!'IU Strongly disputed by a small group. of students. Unfortunately, \be student "protst relied more on· creAUng friction and d.issen'sion than on producing t.\clJ to S\lbftantlate tbeir prolest. New efforts are being made at UC! to involve stu-dent~ in evalualiJtg-te&c}\ing· ability. Activist students wanted much more, claiming that they fear teaching on the university campus doesn't. count as much as re'"' An 1nterest1ng and potentially valuable student evaluation of Instructors has just been compleled at Golden West Junior College in Huntington Beach. The campus Veterans Club compiled student opin· ion of teacher ability -a grading system outlined in a report-card fonn to lrade instriictors on goals, organ. lzalion, leeching teclmiques, willingness lo help sliJ. dents, grading and homework. First repo;rts are in, and Golden West administrat· ors and teecheis themselves generally feel the students have dooe a good job, particularly for a first effort. Vern Hodge, president of the Veterans Club and search. · · Obviously a student evaluation Of faculty perform· ance is, of itself. hardly a valid basis on whlch to make or break a professorial career. But it does seem that a carefully done, continuing survey of stUdent views on course content and teaching would, over a period of time, come up-with trends and patterns that could im- prove such judgmeitt! at the department level the campus level and university.wide. ' Patient Schenae Worked Out Full Public Disclosure Demanded Campus Peace at Chi~ago CHJCAGO - 0 Alty. Gen. John Mitchell has suggt!led that patience is somehow ''an aid lo lawlessness," but the only course of action which has successfully quelled a campus disturbance is the pa- tient &eheme worked out here at the University of Chicago. It -:vaa worked out from moment to mo- ment -and all the moments were har- ried. But among colleges across the land it bas taken on an institutional aura, as thoogb devise.d lo committee and adopted at an annual meeting. It is known as the OJic:aio Plan. The Chicago Plan will not please 1'fr. Mitch<ll nor his deputy, Richard KleJn. dienst who hu begun lately to talk about .. de~Uor. camps" and "ideological criminals" as though be were a character in "Darkness at Noon." But it works - or at least It worked once. WHEN S1UDENTS seized a building at the' University of Chicago, Dean Charles D. O'Connell warned them th'at their con- duct was "disruptive." fdemben of the facrilty then entered the building to serve notices upon stbdents to appear before a facuJty discipHnary committee. Some came; othen occupied the building for 16 days. It W¥ an Unexdting occupaUon. Outside, the rest of the students went right on going to classes. Neither students nor faculty di.splayed the kind of anger which might have lent the oc- cupiers tempOl'ary martyrdom. Most im- portant, the police -who could bave " ensured martyrdom -were never called Aller 16 days the occupiera left. DUlllNG THAT TIME and lince, 164 students appeared before the faculty discipl4nary committee. forty-two of them w~ e.zpeutid. Eighty were. Pi8ced oo pr<>baUoo. The rest -!or &ood reasons -were sent back to class. There· are some drawbacks to the Chicago Plan. It cost the univeri:lt)' about $250,000 in lost time, inconvenience and damage. But the virtues outweighed the drawbacks. The university handled its own pi:oblem, reasonably and forcefully. It did not -in the words of one of Us distinguished prq(essors-"die oo,the in- side" as Cornell did two weeks aio. Why then hasn't the Chicago Plan been tried elsewhere? It is not because coDege officials don't know about it. College of- fiCials these days are embattled brothers. much • to ·I.be financial benefit of the tele)ihone componl ... . FIRST, CHlCAGO has a mix of gradua~ and umlergraduate atuclents in close carTipus association. Six thousand of its 8,000 students are graduates. Age, maturity and ~ of JIW'P06e tend to miUgate against far-out demancb and against using demanda to insure violence. Second, democracy ls rigbUy seen as a fonn of government intended to protect the governed from the government. It is not seen as a method of administration during a crisis. Chicago's facuJty senate elects a coun- cil oI 51 memben. Tbt cooncil, in turn, elects a committee of eeven membtr.i. These aeven members then elect a "~man..'' • ~ · ~ -pathetic and fruitless seriel~of.,JOeetilw. which took place at umara uil eomen, and tarller at San Francilco State, did not OCCUt' here. Chicago was not in the posture of conffat\tina aggression with a debating society. FINALLY, CHICAGO has deliberately decided against size as a means of meeUng the student population surge. It does not intend to double its enrollment or even increase it substantially. At Cbica111, Ille &lgument holds that growth destroys cpmmunity and tbat It is better to found iltw universities than that old ones should become noncommunities. A community, by definJtion, is small enough so that its individual members ari tn touch with each other and are able to perform that seeming parado:1 of educa.· lion onceldeflned by Altxandtr Meikle.. john, to earn to reason independently to1etber. . By Fruk MnlH:wks udTom Bridal \\'ASHINGTON -Members of the U.S. Supreme Court should im medialely make "full public disclosure" of all outside in· come and sources. That's the emphatic demand ol Rep. William Scherle, R·Iowa, in a letttr to Chief Jwtice Earl Warren. SCherle also advised him of intention to' j>r1'SS ..for Jegislat.ion barring the payment.of salary or experms to jurists who "fail to file an annual report fully disclosing.out!ide in· come and its sources." Schcrle made no bones about the im·- pelllng reason for his stern action - growing doobts about the honesty and in- tegrity of the judiciary. The outspoken legislator poihtedly.cited tbe ract that members of the tribunal are now being paid $60,000 and the Chief Justice $62,500. In view of that, Scherle declared, "Congress and lhe publk: fmd it difficult to understand why any member of the Supreme Court need seek income from sources other than his salary." Seminar on Loveless Irish ''THERE lS A general feeling that memben of the judicial branch, and particularly of the highest judicial body in the land," continued Scher le, "should be men of impeccable integrity and above reproach In all their activities, and that these judicial officials should be held to the most rigorous ethical and moral slandards." But despite this, l\'idespread doubts have arisen. He specifically cited the sensational discl osures regar(ling Justice Where the lrish are, said Kipling, you will find loving and fighting. Kipling didn't know what he was talking about. I was reminded of Kipling the other night while a lot al us were having a seminar on the loveless Irish at Sean Mooney's Irish Pub on Upper Grant avenue ln San Francl.sco. Nearly all participants wue born in Ireland, lncludinl Mooney. Some were Immigrants of qulte recenl vintage. I figured myself dole, 6.ince J wa& born in America two months alter my parents arrived here. The young girl started it off. "You kDow, the (int time my mother ever kissed me wu the day I got married." AND I BEGAN to remember all the Umes my mother klssed me, that I could remember: When I made my First CommunJon. and wor~ my flrst palr of long pants for the occasion. There were: tears in her eyes. Maybe the long pant.a we.re tome. inllmaUon that I would grow up one·d1y, and move out al Ille house. Or 1111Ybe sbe <Med. .. Wben I was graduated from high . . , .. " ,,. .... ' .. (~. 1. McCabe school, and made a valedictory filled with lots of long words and references to Aristotle and Aquinas. After that buss, my mother said: "You didn 't shine your shoes." And she kissed .... Ille nm nlilrt of my father's wake, when some wag put three bottles of Jameson'• underneath the old man's corpse to keep lbem cold, on ac· count It was a filthy, humid July night in New York. And that was the kluing I got from 11\)' mother, ex~pt maybe aome that hap- pene<I when I was too y~ to remember. AND NOW SEAN MOONEY.wu chlm· ing in. Mooney is a redbeld of ~ a good golfer, and tbe publican In chaift of lht. only pla~ ln town where you·get I.be real Irish melancholf, undUuted . "God," he said in 1 tired vok:t, "Jim sure I never loved a damned soul in my entire life." .... 'Ht ...aed ·•• U he.meant It. Ht did. Ile con~, "My ~ was just ~ wbO tame in . 1.bcf out of the room. gettln( tbe food oo the tible. Ollng up the clothes., won:ylq about the old --~ • , . man. gettin« rody for the. ntrt visit ' -iM 'piiest. Tuesday. May 13, U.. Th< cdltonal pogc of ui. Dollr Pilot 1eekl to htform and •Cimo ulau reockr1 b11 prt1rneifto tAis naoipa.p.r'• opinJou and t'IOlllo '"'"'°'II cm topiu of lntcrcll and ~lfiamu, br providing o forum fur the tzpreuion of OMr rtad#I' opin.i.ont. and bJI pr• ..... '1/14 di..,... ~ polntl of l•f,,,,..d obi'""'" ond lpo/<uTM!\ °" topka of tllf d4 , _v., ---- RObort ·N. W'Hd, Publi•her • '""nle lrilb 1don't C8": about anything. They juol want lo be l.t aloiie to a'"'"'>' tbemsdvt:I in tbtir own wl'y. ·~y say the Irish don't 11<t married at all, or married in tbtlr l11te yurt, becaUM lhie old lady hair psyc:hed them Into cellbocy by tal" about the homn or tbe. oppol(te 1t1. Their own sweet selves t1:clUded. of Cours.e. "Tllll g \ J110STL Y bosi\. There •r< 1 lot of rtaicn for the la&e marrying, and the DOO·mom-tng: but the 1reattst one, In my oplniOn. 11 that the Jrllhman dbes JiOl-tiuy-Oi arut EuroJ)ian JiiSTOn of romanUc Jove. "'His mind hu been 1 ln the mlsls lillld the bOiS too long. He knows reality when he sees it because it shocks him out of his boozy mystical trance. He knows love is nol real, that it is, in fact, for the birds. "I get tired to my teeth when I see some of my transplanted countrymtn tell me how they love this ptrson, and that· person. They do nothing of the sort. The y are playing the enemy game, just like those "'ho go into the real e:slatc business, or sell stocks and bonds. Abe Fortas, and the little-known action of Justice Douglas in flying to Brazil to deliver an address "for a modeSf fee," even though the Supreme Court is in session. "The growing suspicion and questioning in public circles and in Congress of the 111otives o( men of the judicial branch, in- duced to a large extent by increased doubt.s as to the integrity of lhose who aceept income from out.side sources.'' said Scherle, "could be at least partially allayed If the members of the Supreme "I DIDN'T HATE my rriothcr ~ Court were to make fu1I public discklsure rather. I was just indifferent ttf'the.m, of all Income, with details as to the indeed they were to me. When t source of that income. catechism in school told me to love y ' father and mother 1 J said to myself 1 "MEMBERS OF CONG RDS and the coUld ju'st as well )ove a Polish gewal or highest officials of the o:ecutive branch .a ~ussian wolfhound. . are req\llred to make such disclosures, .'we are what we an,-we lrisb. We lose and surely the membefs..~1 the Supreme ourselves when wf: leave that·deaper1te Court at the minimum shoukl comply at island. Nobody is -, so chan~ed·, as a• ~ast with those standards of conduct and Irishman by lmmigration, · b e·c au 1 e requirements for financial dlsc)osure ac- nobody -is so ~trange to Europe1n Jnd ~ ~ed by Congress for Itself and for the ot:her fqreijn noµ~ in.the Ont pl~ executive branch." "Witb .t.i the •bliifhir that goH on 11bbut Chief Justice Warren is bluntly put on love in this~ .. frona ·1he Dower the spot by Scberle on the financial ac- children to thoSe 'Jllklng ~.on counting Issue. Warren is called on to re- thc televlsion, yoo. haVe to bf' 1· strong quire his collugues to ~bmit such man to remember the plain lrulh: .1'be st1tements. Irishman loves ~man. and lhat lpcludes "Submission of such a report." Scberle himself.•• , -, • ..w.£ote, "could help fUrb increasing public ' conce-n over whtther the members of the '"'""'°"-i""'.''."""-----1 Coun do In fact comply with the highest '.Dear ethical standards and are devoid of poss!- . ble contlicts of Interest. They also could Gloomy Gus: Do you kn&# why the Pueblo'• Commander Bucher did not 1et the Congrwlonal Medal ol Hon«? lte dfd not JC"t hlm!Jtlf and %0 or 30 or his crew killed while tryln& lo fight orr a much superior force '>''Ith two p;1pfUns. -JI. D. M. '"'" ,.. • .....,. ,...._._ ~•n' ,.,._ -' ...c:nYl'llY ....,. tt ""' _"'".,..,. ttN -"' -............ , ..... 0.llY ...... htlp reSton confidence ln the integrity or th< Judicial br'nch, ·-, "YOUR COQPEllATION In obWning the infonnation !JOO&ht would be most helpful In re3'orlng and 1treogthealng public trust. and faith in the jUdlcial brart- cb of our govemmenL" JIL'tlce Dooglu bu long dtliv.red ad· dresses for high fees., He allO repartedlf rectlves $12,000 1 year u 1 dlreetor of 1 SO<alled Culfuril foondalion •• He and Fortis are the only Supreme Court jusUces kna,wn to ·a«'!pt 1ncome lrom ouLslde aourcts. By Robert S. Alltn ud Jou A. Gold1mltb ". ' ' • •. 1 • ,, I • • • • . '· t . ' " l ' .. , '" "" ,. ,.. •t ~I I: "" "' • llr• .< ,,, '"• .. . ! . 'JUBtice i8 blind, Mr. Fortas, but rwt that blind!', '· ' ,. The Relativists Vs. Absolutists It's Interesting how people are "r~l.atlvist" about things it suits them to be' rel ativist about, and "absolutist" about other things it suits them iO be absolutist about. A man called me on the phone-to ask about a play I recently reviewed. He wanted to know if it is hmorally of. tensive." All I could reply was that it didn't oifend me, but I couldn't speak for tile party he was planning to take to the '\healeri. , , l· NOW, '.J'HIS MAN would never call me up to ask whether a certain piece of music is "beautiful." He no doubt believes that beaJJty is in the eye {and the ear), of the beholder. If I "iecom· mended a certain poem "he (iidn't like, he would shrug it off with a phrase about "a maUer of taste." People tend to be relativistic at1out their esthetle standards, but absolulist about matters of "sex" and "decency" and "obscenity." They want the right lo judge for themselves whether a painting or a piece of music is beautiful and ap- pealing. but ask for an objective judg- ment on whether a play or a novel is ·"immoral" or "offensive." · BUT IF "BEAUTY" ls in the eye of the beholder; so Is "obscenity." I personally happen to find the col~ec~ works of P.fickey Spillane "obs«ne" in their crude combiflit1i of indiscriminate violence and mindle55 sex -but the public bought ' such books in the millions, while at the same time regarding D. H. Lawrence as "obscene." In my own view, esthetic judgments are much more absolutist than sexual ones .. There is ool a trained musician in the Western world who would not agree that Beethoven wrote greater music than Grieg, or that Schnabel was not a finer pianist than Liberace -no mauer whal the uninstructed in such matters might bt>lieve. BUT THE VERY people who would bellow with outrage if we tried to impost' such ·eslhetic standards upon them r·1 may not know music, but ! know what I like'') are the same ones who demand absolute conformity in sexual matters, and who think that "dirtiness" can be defined by counting noses and acceplint the majority opinion. ·There are certain absolutes for tbt human race -in that the nature of Oii being cannot be violated y,•ith impunity - but sexual customs and practices and at titudes are noi among them. It 's odd thal the people who worry whether certai1 plays are "morally offensive" so rare!) worry about the moral offensiveness-.ol war , poverty and bigotry. Demand Swift Justice To lhe Editor : Thomas B. Riley is certainly entitled to his opinion (Mailbox, May 6, approving jury award of $1,000 to convicted thief because he was shot while trying to escape) about who is a danger to our society: however, 1 and many others con- sider him and his kind by far the greater danger. A few years ago, prior to the many asinine U.S. Supreme Court decisions, a criminal was sentenctd when convicted and the sentence was carried out. People to whom authority was delegated were for the most part respected. TODAY, A LIFE sentence seems to mean something like seven years and the death penalty to mean • long wait while legions of attorneys obtain new trials and appeals. Today, an already handcuffed police force can be publicly denounced for failing to determine the age of some one observed committing a felony . Of course If a police officer were to be killed obtaining tbi1 taformallon it would be sad, but then ·that's one of the risks be accepts when he taket the job. C a n anyone in his right mind think that a pclice officer could enjoy being forced to use a gun ? I AGREE WITH the many so-called libero.ls and paclfisll w.btn they say that ( J"ailbox \ .. ~ " "' •• •u.\ '' ' Letters fTom readers art welcqme Normally writers should convey thli1 message in 300 words or less. 'fltt ri!}ht to condense letters to fit sPact or eliminate libel i.1 reservt:d .. AJ letters must include signature . one mailin g address, bvt names may bf 1oithhtld on request if sufficient tea son i3 oppaTent. \VE CANNOT put up with the anarch3 that is sweeping our nation , yet ccrtalnli no one wants a police state. We dooi need more faw~. there are eneugl a} ready. What we <lo need is stridi en forcement of our existing laws. We nel4 to back up our police departments and el others that we h&vc delegated authmtitJ to. \\'e need to demand swirt and surt juslice. Only then can we stop l.h!:!sc oulrit«" and return to a normal product.lwe 1961• ty. Only then will our children hiv°' cent place to grow up in. lf we don this...iaternal decttiy, we wlll 1t1rtl)' to txlst as a free n1lbl. WAYNE ANDE the death penalty is no deterrent lo .---B G ·-'~'i crlmt. lt'1 to seldom carried out even U ffttWe arte.r sentencing how could It be'! Dear George: Why if crime on the lncnlase? Why are Doe' Slr ·Waller · R1lcl1h police forces .all .cross the nation 1ny other dalm lo fame Ins ridiculed? Why are our cltjes 11nd colJtces ot 1bat sUly 61ory •bout br!J~ijli being burned and looted? Bec1use we colfee beans to the Jndi&n1f stand by while criminals arc either tum· S ed too9e' to strike again or are given D::ar S. A.: amnesty. We have let. them pillage and He invented the fltter·Hp cloa bum al will. We have UsteOOd lo cries o{ ( \\"h&t do you expect, !he klnl 1ncrey for convicted murder.rs. and have letlers. l g~t1 l·tot stidf Kl m•''""" seen loaders of our counlry ahot down like the lady ad't'ice. C10lumntltl btfore our vr.ry f!)'t s. tlow can anyone, writes! You wanl lha t JM>rt ti I Pflr\icularly our youth; respcd. th\! in-nnll" er, go oul and get In trouble.) ~tency' t '----------~.- ----~-----· -~ T ~ -· ---· .... • .. I . • CHECKING . •UP •. " -Twndlf, M11·!3, 1969 • -DAILY· moT l -s tarts ··OiliiNi! --.,. ~· -, ly Phll lnt9floncll Mass .T~x-, . P.rot~st · ' -, · Middle Ctass TTiro ughou,ft U.S. Resisting ' ' i 'If You're .. H~avy· ' ,... '. , 1 By ne A.nocllted Pru• i( tbe leglslature will retwn in face of the t~ilW' ot the ai.te Edwin ~ffield, a Unlonfdft .Another maas ~rotesi 'ts Jn i spec.ill aeaaion and pus:bJs legiallluN 'ito . vlde in-lawyer, says tbtre ar'e program, tncludin& new laJ'I. creales m lttte to kiCal "several thousand members" pr~. Taxpoyera In many stat.< ..iidol dlstridl and wllh in th• group IJe's orga• In T™t protesters ar.e moatly, a~ refUJlng w pas. 1ebool teacberl"' higher Fayette County. , middle-cla.S:S, middlp.income ~-.. · I ..... 1. ~-•-.-:.~. od mlddl ed h ~ .....,, n one w-. --I Af1!I ,the, Jellerson Co\mly ;NobQdy Likes .Ybu' i By t. M. BOYD i.. Bttw~ s ;;,.i 51Jounct! . 1-~l+I : NIGBT CLUB -Not often • • • Q, "HOW )!ANY o! ·do •ttle.Jad)r friend and f·pay Canada'.s people ·, -.-Peak , \'isit t.o emppria wherefonn ·Frencli1'' A. Abc!ut a third ..• ithe clientele gets ~ced Into. • Q, "HOW MUCH OOES Ray- ;the street. We're too tjmld'. mond Burr -TV's Ctuef 1But what happened last -night, Ironside -weight'• A. He , :dear me. A remarkably well· repcrts :SO pounds •.. '& . e ag --l e great Ohioans voted on ll't local In QardcSI Clt on Long TaTrulyers Leanue is see.k1- body .ol. lafPayers. , , scboOl ·ll_I: issues and IJjeCLed Islaod, ·voter&. ected the inj~tiOlll to • lfaU. a ti:~ An Associated Press survey nOl!l'iy iii perW1t of tht!n. a.cl><!ol budgn. !or the . firal million addition IO the Puu· turned up, ht.Btf;~e after stalE?' Some of these pr(!J!98«1 Ume .m bbilory. Only about a suta_wney mgt. School and a :ta:!:e~m~nd.i,ng taxpayer operating levies .faUed for the third fl. the children in Girden U.3-1ril1llon School e1panaion second time. Edu c·a t Ion City a~ public 1Ch9oll. at Brookville. " Example: • leader1 claim inflation has In Great Neck, vot.en re-Su educatioO. and porten· ,Gov. Jla?mond P. Shaler ol wiped' out $100 million ol focal jected a 122.1 million budget ding earthquakes .,. amctilg Pennsylvania stumped across , education. .money in Ule past and ~ ·hro 1 c b o o l elements in the tax batti;, ... of dressed woman complained to ON READING -. Do you ' ·the 1cbromeplated room oJ: her regard ~lf as a ~slow :difficulties in dieting. Said reader? ·Nothing to Worry lshe: "If you're heavy, hardly about, if so. So are most top his stile pleadlllg f o r two veers ._........... mJU••u'-__. om! -. estabJishment of a ·.state in. J, • • ~ .... ~s .,, .. ,. o~ to Calif ans. come tax lo 'hel~ balance 8 Y~gstown, Ohiot closed 1ti. businl Negro . .tudent,s in from Sex educatJon -described proposed $2S2-b)lllon budget. public schools five w~ks last New Yorlt City. A bualng pro-by many advocates ol beJt .. At . 'Williamsport, the s ~ wlnte~ for Jack of m°"'y. But pc)sal Was -defeited In tightening · m&aslll'f#I n a placards were hoisted before . voters there bad a change of February. "frill" that doesn't need Jinan· his eyes: "Governor, You heart May 6. and approved a "ThiS is what W'e expeeted eing -has met with op.- .Hike, We' .strike," .8.nd, "Join levy to permit schools lO open and lhis is what we were posiUon in some districts . -the ':&xp;ay."r RebelllOn. u next fall .. TIM: levy had been arraid of," said M i J, t o n Tfie San Diego Unified Later I in Harrisbilrg, sharer defeated Sl:l times. Kurland., presidenl ot the School District loets its f.int • anybody likes you." At this business meQ. -Approximately 'point, her escort, a ruddy in-153 sucJl. execuliv'es In Detrc:iit :ebriate, said with a touch of submiUed theniselves · to : steel. uNow, honey, nobody reading tests a while~ back.---------------------- could think more of you than I They averaged a mere 272 was presented a Su.it.case filled Cincinnati voters will-cast Nassau-Suffolk School ·Boards hood-election fu-30 years with witb the ~es ot so,ooo ballots May 19 that will de(:.lde Association. "If you can't read the defeat March 13 ol a $91.3-- voters oppostng the~pfoposed £he fate of the city's 81,000. this as a taxpayers revOlt, million measure intended to • cl? -:; and I think you're a fat words per minute. ~ege rp1g. The management tossed seniots generally a v e r a c e him out. \about 350 words per min~te. ~ T~ PLAY the classical Wl;IEN the:-computer· bOys music of most great com· put the a~es of ~nt .brides posers, an orchestra-needs at and grooms through their .least 17 types <>! instruments. machines, they fo_und the How many cal'I you mention'! . gentlemen were 21..i years , •. THAT MASTER of the older than · the ladies, on the j Short story, H. H. Munro, was average .... "YOU'LL FIND ,the fellow who Jirst said, A MAN called Greg," says our :~~J\!.icy t h a n a Name Gam.e !PIYL--5!'1 rarely .goldfish." . . . THE BAY happy unless he's in complete WEAVER BIRD of India nests charge of his household. A -~P tunnels it lights .nightly by· Greg is not too good at taking sticking live fire!lies in the directives from women.". . . · clay walls.. . .. "IN TR'OSE DID I SAY there were three DAYS before milking maybe four times as many machines, a top milker could inurdfrs in the north as in the handle 40 cows per daY," ad-soulh or Europe?: Tb at' s vises Bill Borklll .... OUR wrong. It's vice versa. LOVE AND WAR MAN is of KILROY -Where is Fran· the questionable. opinion that cis J. Kilroy, originally of the fellow who treats his Everett, Mass.? Am advised mother-in-law d e c e n t I y in-by a St. Louis clie{lt that he variably is in love with his was the i~iration · for lhat wif'e. · famour WOrld War II in· SLEEP -Most criminals scription, "Kilroy was here." sleep face down. That's the This correspondent claims a claim of a penologist. He im-friend o( Kilroy, one Sgt. •plies a fellow:s personality can James Ma Ione y of be analyzed by the manner in Philadelphia, was ' fir&t to which he sleeps. Doubt ·that Write the immortal phrase in a personally. This scholar car-pl!blic place. Don't kno1v ·ried on his studies in peniten-where Maloney is now, either. tiB.rieS.-No wonder-the-con--HO\Y-fleeting, -lame! ·victs tend to sleep on their Your questions and com· ·Stomachs. Prison bunks are ments are welcomed and hard. On suCh surfaces, it's will be used wherever pos· ·tasier to doze off face down. sible iii "Checking Up." •CUSTOM E RSERVICE: Address ,mail to L. J.f. •uAU.. RIGHT, I admit it, I Boyd, in care of the DAILY don't know how much a PILOT, Box 1875, Newpor' baseball weighs. How much?" Beach, Calif .. 92663. _,al. u_.d , Wall state income tu. The aeaver pupi~ school system. ·· then yoo have· w '° back to rinanct, amona: other thiflgs, ff·· . ~ Falls News-Tribune had Cincinnati Supt: Paul E. school." . improvement of sch o o I ' • ' printed blanlt p e t i l I o n s . Miller said that if the 5.2 VOTERS TURN OUT buildings declared unsafe fu 4th C H b · readers had signed them and million additional operating Voters turned out in greater the event or an ·eartbquake . . entury ·e rew editor Bill' NOMhruJ> carted levy fails he will close the numbers thin ever before in Los Angeles voters roundly them to the governor. schools1S·days Ulls sprine· and Mahtomedi, Minn., a suburb of. refused to pass three scl:KN)I JN TROUBLE 14 days next fall. st. Paul, to turn down bond propo$it.ioos and Sl.lpt. Jack Wrl't' D' d In Georgia, Gov. Lesler rn New York City's suburbs, issue! for a new senior high Crowther placed the blame on ing s lSCOVere Maddox ran irilO trouble w;th voters have rejected 34 out ol school and swimming pool. It student unrest and taxpayer$' the legislature, which rel4Jed 55 school .budgets so far this was the first time a bond imie d~sire for tax reform. JERUSALEM (UPI) which Israel captured from t.o approve major ta~ hike pro-year. .._ ever was rejected in the com-T~=T recommended to Israeli archeologists today an-posals resulting from Jbe TAXP~YER REVOLT . munity, . the Board of Education a 49- nounced the discovery of an Jordan during the June, 1967, governor's $1.l-billlon budget. Officials see the rejections TWO antitaX leagues 'have 1 ancient Hebrew inscriptlon ._M_l_dd_l_e_E_ast __ w_ar_. ______ M_a_dd_ox_ha_a,_o_ffer_ed_to_r_es_l.:.gn __ as_a_ta_•;,.pa.;y_er_s_'_r_•_vol_t~. ~in_;_th_e_bee __ n_l.'-onn-'_ed:.:..,in_;_P-'."'"'Y'-. .,;..:C.1v_a"'l1.::a;... __ <:.:Se..:•:...:.P::R..:O..:T::Em,=.::..:P..:&1::::.•..:IS::l_ dating back to the Fourth Cen-1- tury scrawled on the Wailing ~-----:.:..----------------------------------------------• \\'all in the old city of r J erusalem. · The ~cription was written ' in Jlehrew characters peculiar to the Talmudic period and is part of a prophecy by the Jewish prophet Isaiah about the return to glory o I Jerusalem. Prof. Benjamin Mazar, who is directing excavation alongside the southern p,art ot the wall, said the inscription was.found on one o( the. giant stones of the w a I , the last remnant of King Herod's temp le and Judaism's holiest place of worship. The. inscription said, "And \\'hen ye see UUs, your heart shall rejoice and your bones shall flourish like an herb." The words are from the last chapter of the book of the P~ phet Isaiah, (Chapter 66: Verse 14) conctrning the new Jerusalem: "And when ye see this, your heart shall rejoice and your bones shall flourish like an . ' " •I • • ·. • .,Military Seeki11g Tests "Of New Weapons Syste1n -herb, and the hand of the Lord shall be known toward his \VASfIINGTON (AP) -The MIRVs would provide an even Joint Chiefs of Staff reported· . greater threat to the world 's .Jy_ are try~g. to ~onvince the nuclear strategic balance than Nixon admm1strtt1on to delay h ABM ·11.S . .soriet arms talks to allow t e · • tesUng this summer of a new As one Safeguard opponent missile weapons system. put it, i( the AB~f as planned The military leaders are is susceptible to being flooded -said to be concerned ttiat by a massive Soviet m}.sSile 'starting the talks earlier. wOuld pre\lent testing the attack, it would be even more Multiple Independently Target susceptible if the missiles Re-entry Vehicles -MIRV's were equipped with MIRVs. -and put the United Slates Secretary of St.ate William behi.nd the Soviets in deploy-P. Rogers' public posjUon on ment of U1e multiwarhead the st.art of anns talks is that system. they will t!ke place probably Suppoi:ters of an early start in the latter half Of June. to the disarmament talks are EARLY TALKS 1 said by government sources to An indication the Soviets , feel that a delay might dim may be interested in early Soviet interest in an arms anns talks waS seen In the an. 1 agreement b e c a u s e of nouncement Thursday by the Moscow's fear of . 1 o s ing oUlcial Soviet news1 agency ground tc.. the United States in Tass that n u c I ea r non- , development of MIRVs. proliferation treaty, ratified . ~(ense experts feel the by the U.S. Senate in March, United Stales is ahead in had been submitted to the 'd~eloping MIRVs al this Soviet parliament. 'lltne. Action is exp&;ed al the ·NEXT STEI) Supreri1e Soviet's next session, 't:Such a weapons sysle1n is probabfy in June: The treaty 'considered the next significant signed last July by the United :step in the anns race. P.fJRVs States, Great Britain and the involve equipping e x i s t i n g Soviet Union does' not .become missiles with several nuclear binding unlit ratified by all · w.arheads that can be fired at three. aNeral t.argets or used as U.S. officials have proposed scatter decoys to confuse that the Soviet Union and 1wiemy radar. United States ratify the treaty ,1 ~ In fact, many of those In· simultaneously, but the State .\i'Olved in t.hc current debate Department said Thursday it tour the Safeguard an-had received no response from . itiballistic missile system feel the Soviets as yet. ,.,.. The tint place the l!nited States plans to put MIRVs ~ in its nuclear submarine fleet, as it switches from tht Polaris missiles to 'the multibtade:d poseidons. ••• ~ .,GRAFRTI ' ~ylNry FIBST VESSEL The first vessel scheduled for conversion, the Andrew Jackson, Is currently at the Naval shipyard at New Lon- don, CoM., _with final testJng ol the Pooeldoo ICheduled this summer. Thus, a tmat delmnlnatkln tliat the -pon ii opertUO!lll could pr«ede the op<ftlng ol mn• !alb U they ar• deleted. As for conversion of M lnutemen lntttt."Ol'ltlntnl baillsUc ml'5lle.s lo muJUple warheads, Secret• ry of Defense Melvin R. Lalrd-8Sk· ed for a slO"-'down In dep\oy. ment this year to pennit lime for an ~ ag~ment. servants ·and his indignation toward his enemies." Mazar said the stone on which the inscription was found was located near the Robinson· Arch, named after the 19th Century archaeologist who uncovered it, which links the upper and lower cities of the biblical dty of Jerusalem,_ Mai.ar said the inscription likely dates from the latter hall of the Fourth Century after Christ during the rule of the Roman Emperor Julian ~·ho unsuccessfully fought to keep the Roman Empire from officially a d o p t I o g Chris- tianity. ~ Julian acli\'.ely t r I e d to revive the worship of the old Roman gdds and financed the restoration of t e m p I e s throughout the eastern hall oI the Roman Empire to the Roman gods. He also granted permission to the Jews to rebuild UJeir temple but the plan never materialized. Mazar said It was . possible the inscription had been carv· rd into the w11:1I by Jew1sh pil,nms during an earlier period in history. 'the \\'ailing Wall is loco11ted in the old sector of JeruSatim Just Min or Little W ree k In Florid a B)IADE~TON. Fla .. (AP) - Po!te&; Mid Monday that J .f'!OOlrd R, Jenkins f e1 ; a.sleep1 loet control or his car, t the car ~struc:k a power 'pole' •nd produced th!J cbalh reac. lion: , -Power was knocked out for l,IJllll " F'lorlda Power' It Lilht ,co. OUllOmen;. . -Linet: were down' for 43 blocks : • -.600 imullloli 1' OT e smashed: -M "!Ir.et' IJshb wm rip. pelf down ; -A Tourbt center root was d"'ted'. -Tl(O tralfic lllhll wtre smashed· • • -. Power wu-tetnpcnfl11 cut all It the cwr1hl>ule 11111 • Jail. A spokesman for the. po\ter cunpany said t)le Impact ol the car hlWng the concrtte ~ Sunday caused a jolt that "rfpped down" ltnes for 21A mUcil and mepped more lllltl at tacb croa ltrtd.,. V1ll1nt·ls small enough to gt .. you th• economy i nd handling you'rw look ing for. Big· enough for com· fort 1nd stability. And for only another $99-more of wh at you want. · · Mclrw int.rior room. Morw luggage space. More horsepower. And fuel economy. Uk•· 23.5 mpg in the '69 Unle1t1/Purw Oii Perforrni nce Trials. · Mora coi)tfort. .,.tier hand ling and ~tability from a longer whulbas~, wider frlo iit t rack,. ~ig91 r tires and .. torslon,bl< front suspension. Morw stoppin9 power from bigger brakes. And ltlnllanf O<!U lpmtnt fi kt all-vinyl inte ri or. lnsld1tdiy/nlght mlrr11r and seat belt retractor. Prov~n rwliabiUty built in by Chrysler.Corporati on onglnH n ng know·how. Al1d Valiant is a proven favorite around the world. In fact !t Is th e largest selling .U.S. na meplate outside tho U: S. and·Can ada . A pretty good endorsement fro m people who need transportation tough enough for ruvged roads and 5tvore weather. . Valia nt.gives you the added assura nce of proven high resift value, and the backing of Chrys ler Corpo- ratlon's 12 month/12,000 mile warranty on the entire vehicle (exclud ing tires) and the five yea r/50,000 mile power train wa rra nty••. So If you'rw lo0klng for a lot morw car for a small difference In price, see yo ur Plymouth·Vallant d11ier. Ho iolfl It l!kl It is. · · . Plymoutla lells lt.Uke It Is. Vall ant Maverick 1. Pasleils•r Capeclty Sile Four 2. Luggqe Space' 14.5 cu.tt. 10.4 cu. ft. 3. ~50 PowerTratn trranty •• · Yos No 4. Rear Seat Hip ftopm 57.i in. 46.Bin, 5. Horsepower 115 105 6. Brake linin1rNe1 153.4 sq. in. 131 sq. in. (Bonded) (Riveted) 1. Wheelbase 108 103 8. Front Tread W\dth 57.4 in. 55.Sln. 9. Front Suspension Torsion Bar Coil 10. Body Protection 7 step d!p a. spray Spray only 11 . Standard Tires ' 6.50. 13 6.00 x 13 12. Interior AU Vinyl Vlnyl & Cloth 13. Glo\lt Box y., No 14. Concealed Spara Tire YO$ No 15. Power Brakes Available1 y., No 16. M11HJl1cturer's $2094.00 $1995.00 Suggested Rat.iii! Price• , •11 .... ,.._.....,..._...001.,.a ....... ...,J, lll>t, 11 """"or4f.<JI. Vll!lo1 Y·lllD2·Mr---.rf ..... "l·""'"°"'Mct'llo;J011ff_ll .... ll,,.W-1\o11...., ~-..•11M1tu .. -.,.,...-....,_ ~ .. ..u.w.,.111n"" '"""'-•""""") .......... ~c1o .. ,. f ..,.. ·~r ~-<IOll OPJIM'""ecl.I ii ftlllorilill ... WMllAllllllJ• IJlt lint "lltlt1M -tlllr.' .... 1¥1! •0lll~ II ...... ri'lltol -· ........ '°"' «.., .... i!N ·~.C..1~•!.~•°""*"~"'..-........... .., .... .... •• r1 ..... .., ~""' ~....w.1r ...... 1oo._ ........... ~ ..... ...... -ltl (l• ...... J.•loo..,, ........ jooillo,_ ......... ......,. '°"-""'-loci II lio l .. Vlllooloflr t ""I" SO,QOllMllM-11~""" ltfH -"""" 11.000 ..... ~ -'~·~· ....... ..., '"" .......... io..,,_. ......... ., .... --.....-............ -.... ..-.. -..-........, .......... _ ._ ltlo"-""' ...... l!lllftM ...... 1tt """""' .. ,.._ ........ _, .,,,. ot •.000 .... --•oe.· ............. -_,_ .. i-..._~ o1r1111o1 ... ,, ... _ .. .....,._, ........... -... -....... _ ..................................... ......., .... ""'' -: ... ...,.,. .. .ii .. .......,_"'°"' .......... " ........ ""."" ..... ...., ... -.... --............. t-111,0WJtti;r,..,_., .. .,.. ... ...,1 • ...... --"_,.,_ -• """"" ....,__ ................. it... --.: ,.._ .. _....._ ... ..,.If~.., cw. ..... I~ ol odlo 90t. fte'21M Vll.lllT. 811111 ................. -. r I • ~ ' " -1 • -Plymoulfi ' • ' . . . ,. • •• I • • I I l . '· .. . .... ···--· ' • • oAllY '1LOT T11tsd.1y, Ml)' U, 1 ... ·Budget .to Get Bigger Sirhan To ~eep Attorneys Assembly Group to Set New Record? SACRAMENTO (AP) - : RepubllcanGov.Rea1•n 's ' budget -a record M.t bilUon ~ -wlll be even blgger when It . is apPfOved by the Aa&embly's GOP-domlnated w,ys a n d Means Committee , the chairman aald tod~. ~ budget screening com- mittee argued about the 19"'-- 70 appropriation bill late: into the night Monday Ind finally rabed it by $650,000 to provide enougl> money lo at.ge this year's addition of the state lair in Sacramento. O:Wnnan F r a n le Lan- . terman. CR-La Canada), told a .. rtporter thlt addlt.lonal funds d for educaUon, welfare and : state constroction will boost .• the tOtal evtn more. • • 1'We have to meet the needs .: of people," he said. He declin- , .. eel, however, to estimate the • size Of the total Jncrease. Some 01 the increases will be sugested by the governor and some by co mm i ttee members. • In addition, the Calilornla Statt. Employes Association, repreeentina: aome 1 11 , o O O stale Wjll"ken, la •lklnJ for l40 mlllloo moro In pay than Reopn w111ta le give. Lantennen nld he hopes to Mttle Iii• dlaJlll!.. by the end ol t1111 -1< •njl the beghmlng of next week and send the budget to the Assembly floor. A fisht ovtr the state fair - the flnt budget figtil of the session -was the highlight of Qie.l!Jree.hour meeting. Reapn'~ eoonomy-mlnded finance director, Caspar Weln- ber1er, argued for more mooey for the fair. Without the -tlonal fundJ eliminated by a subcommittee -Weinberger said the ex- position would have to be mothballed. ! 1' ,. LOS ANc;EID (UPI) -8lrbon B. ~ will lllck ll'ilh the a!IQneys wbo hlndl· ~= ttlal fo llPI }'II -. arid dealh ~ lot tl'ie 8llUS!llatloa Of Sen. Roljert F. Kennedy. \~ ~ a .lllatemont y fnim bla Jail cell ~ bla cblef defense at· lonloy, Grut 8. ~t, de-aJllil Iba) Sall Fm>clieo et· ~ Melfln 8eJ11 mlglit take °"' the cue. 1 'C9oper and co -counsel ltuaell E. Parsons met wilh lhe coodemned assassin In hla cell ror more than ari hour Monday. Cooper then read the following statement .1.--1 by Si'rhU>: -...~ "I, Sirhan ·8'. Sirhan, having , full confidence in my present • attorneys, Grant B. Cooper * * * * * * Income Tax Hike Vital Conceding the fair lost heavily when It moved to a new site last year, Weinberger sald U It w~e held this year, private enterprise mJght be persuaded to step In and in- vest. B dle R Y and Russell Pars·ons ra y aps orty . mem!>ers of the Calilornli State Bar, hereby esiaqe · them and none other to handle For Us ;ng 'Red S ' my appeal to the supreme · "' , Care Coun or the Stata o 1 California, and U necessary , to LOS ANGELES (AP ) the Supreme Court of the La ff 0 -was asserti.ng that one o! United States." Yo Ut Candidate Thomas Bradley Bradley's •· Weinberaer w'd the com-~ .. -suppo,t.c:rs was Gus Belli said last F""·y in ~ To Reagan Reform Plan LA Schools SACRAMENTO (AP) - State Finance Director caspar • Weinberger says a proposed ··· income tu hike is "a vital ~ part" of Gov. Reagan's tax · refonn pa~kage. Wetnbergtt made the com- ment Monday afier the head ol. the Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee said the tax proposal wouk1 probably be: dropped from 1 com~ promise tu refonn bW. • Chairman Wil l iam T. • Bigley, (&Sin Amelmo) said • the ooe percent tax on ad- " justed gross Income would hit :low-income families just as hard as rich ones -and would come under strong fire from ot1;anized labor and other 8"'11P~ Police Oust O'Brie n e say.s uU1.t A ...... lte pressure he Hall he d f the Co ·~ mittee bu not yd taken ac--won't rem;;~ a former Com-' a 0 mmunist Tucson, Arii., that be was tion on the go ye r nor• 1 B B munist as an aide in his cam-Party in the United States.· contacted by Sirhan's mother. packa1e, and as. far as he y Oard palgn against Mayor Sam Yor-Then:-was no immediate Mary, and his brother, Adel, knows the tu hike is still ty. reply from Brad1ey or his 30, a.ad, "they want me to do "very much alive. LOS ANGELES (AP) -The Bradley, in a rally at campaign aides. the appeal." "I think it's an offhand possible layoff of teachers and Sylmar High School on fl.Jon: The matter of Rothenberg•s,f----------1 comment and you shouldn't other employes in the Los day, instead defended the fo~er afiilialion was first YOU KNOW take it too seriously," he said. Angeles city school system form er Communist, o 0 n raised by Yorty several weeks "1 think it's quite early to has been ruled out by the Rolheberg, who he s aid ago. Rotheberg then stated YOUR CHILD assume that a vital portion of Board of Education despite broke with the communists in ~e broke with the Communists the program will not be in· the superintendent's recom-1956. in 1956. Bradley at the time eluded." mendation. Bradley, a member of the said he was sa ti s fied WILL LEARN The average: California tu· Supt. Jack Ctowtber aDcS Los Angeles city council, al.to Rothenberg is a "dedicated payer would PIY an additional recommended the board laY criticized the two.term mayor American.'' 50 percent In state incOme tu off the puwoaneJ to' avert a ssz for. rai_sing tbe issue in their· Bradiey expanded h is JO SWIM AT under the Reagan plan.' But mlDioa budlet. deficit fOr the campaip for the May . rt remarks Monday by saying he _ . the inc:reased funds would be 11111-71 .fl.lcal 1?.'"· nMi bOard n1noa election. · .. .was "under a lot of pressure" BLUE BUOY returned to homeowners in the Instructed CroWther to study He'!aid raising the matter ls to remove Rothenberg. "I'm fonn of a 50 percent cut in other ways to balance the $765 "a.n old technique designed to not going to do it," he told his AM So Wiii y01 property tax. million budJ:e:t. raise fears ..• and to divert audience at the high school. ..... _ · .,..,, from the real i--·· f "Th' h Altllhel1111, lalboe 1s1nc1. The object or ~ tu 11 to '~ 'ciloil, disclosed Mon-,,..,.. Q:l~s o is man as made an ef-s.... ..... Tusti• shift much of the co.st of run-day, uves the jobs of 750 this campaign. It's outmoded rort to restructure his life and S4& 1.100 Ding local achools from the employes in health services and il's not going to work." I'm not going to repudiate • property tax to the income who Crowther rea>mmended __ Yo_rl_:Yc,•_me ___ an=•hil:::':::e~M:::ond=a:cy,~h:::i:::m::_.'_' -------~--__:_.:..:_ _____ 1 tax. be dropped. At a hearing on t h e Among the board's sug- governor's plan, Bagley noted gest!Olll are deficit financing that persons earning $3,000 a by overestimating the amount year who are now e.iempt or funds· that will be received from federal income tues from the state; sale of buses would have to pay tbe one per. operatfd by the di.strict ; a SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -· cent levy. He uted We.iJl.. fully-paid teacher retirement . Suspended patrolman Michael berger whether the tu could plan in lieu of salary increases O'Brien, who fatally shot a start at a bigber level next year; a request ,to the with your LOCAL Mobil DEALER ~ Negro truck driver while of£. Weinberger replied: "If you county to provide somt health ~ duty, bas been dropped from do, you'll relieve those at services now provided by the force by unanimous vote of $3,000 incomes of support of schools, ind contracting with the San Francisco Police Com· the school system." He said it private operators for bus mission. would also lead to a reduction service. ~ After hearing M o n d a y • s ·in property tax relier _ even Crowther s a i d last month verdict, O'Brien's attorney, J. for maey persons earning U:iat unless the budget can be .. W. Ehrlich scheduled a press $3,000 a year who own their·. balanced, hi&h school class : conference for today. own borne. schedules might be cut by one A municipal court jury Bagley replied: ''I am of the perl~ per ~ay; interschola!t.lc ~ earlier had acquitted O'Brien, opinion that a man on a athletics might be dropped ; all 28, of manslaughter charges virtual poverty income of bus transportation not man- ns x 14 Mobil M-3 s1310 BLACK NYLON CORD TUBELESS -a rugged worbclq lire. - SET O F 4-•54oo :=s~=::...~r.':.~ See the Mobil .. Cushion", 1'Wide" and "PnHnier"" line o{ tires. Ask your dealer aboul a ''TIRE·IFFIC" BONUS D~! NO-MONEY DOWN -12 MONTHS TO PAY ""'" -" ewrylng ~. Alf Mobil Dealer$ reserve the right to establi$h their own ptlce • . ·stemmlng from the incident $3,000 a year ellber lives in a dat~ by the state might be _ last Sept. 30 in an alley near hovel somewhere or rents a terrrunated, and 3.500 staff =:--:::---~--------------------=:....:==- the Hall of Just.Ice. house trailer." positions might be eliminated. ~~~~~~..:::;::::....::.:::::.:....~~ Need new furniture? use our money! TlllC's-lbriS Pion.._ 1s for. You may -fftll1I $100 ID $5.000, or mer-. for bill ~ h<ine or car rapeln. ICllool or «ation -"fl pid w "-its scheduledlDfit-llAA1 .. W1111_.1,.,., trr1t1 --"""'"' ... dlJ "* 111'1111· No repoymonl for 45 m,s. -,., ..... 121 m • "' ...... -:N :N ll • a.II. lffe .... drwbitity hWWWUU I ff . 9 Morris Plan Newport S..ch -3700 Newport Blvd. -673-3700 I t An imal Trainer Wins Law Snit LOS ANGELES (AP) -A woman animal trainer whose four leopards were killed by overdoses lrom tranquilizer guns has been awarded $45,000 damages. A Superior C o u r t jury ordered the city and four animal regulation officers to pay the damages to Carol Wendell, 25, who said the leopards were killed when the officers fired too large doses into tbc cats. Ho1·net in Port LONG BEACH (UPI) -The USS Hornet returned to her home port Monday following a seven-month tour of duty in the South China Sea and the Sea of Japan. The aircraft carrier was one of the fint American ships to respond after North Korea shot down an unarmed Navy reconnaissance plane ofer the Sea of Japan last month. Nearly Everyone 'Listen s' to Landers LET'S BE fllBIDl Y 1t JOU ban new netabbQrl OC' know of u;an. movtna' to, our UM. pleue WU .,. .. that .,. mu nttad • -.......... and belp °"'" lo -1cquatn1M tn theit new SUJTOUndlnp. So. Coast Visilor • 4'4-0579 lllrhr Visitor 494·9~61 WANT INTEREST ON YOUR BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT? YOU CAN'T GET Ji' BUT WITH PACWJC'S SWITCll 'N SAVE ACCOUNT Yo1 • de 1lmost u Mii by knping 1 let less 111ony in ,_ tNllrh l wt l!ld 1 lot more in your l'lcific &% Pmllook Accoalll •d lwitdi11 money blck and fortli • oftln • 'lH lib. ae.ame everr dol_lar earns eveg daf It Is In ~ Padllc Acco1Ult- even lor tust one daJ'. "'......, ........ lt Accaolnll _,. ... ..,, ... ,,." ... ... II lkM JMr •·11-ntl Ill ClllTlll llllL . llllllp II Jllr _.,II al ~111111'1 11d 1111 fro• tb Ill of ,., ..... ... ....... ., tli• tDtll. I -·-..-.. of our new Hmt-._., H ..... Spa. Public '""'""· "" tom dGlly. A few special charter membenlllps sHI GYollable. • Huhcl Roman Swi mming Poel • Finnish Rock S.un1 Rms. • Roman StNm Rooms • Electronic Mau.gt • FloriU Sun Tan tm1. • WhlrtJ>OO' l1ths • Conclltionlhg Facil . • Nutrition Gulcl1nc1 .. . . . . . . .. -... ·-- *SPECIAL * UMIRD TIME OHL YI •Anyone who purchases their Heolrh Spa Progra m with their BonkAmericord or Master Charge wilt recei11e absolutely fr•• an oddilionol comple te filness program for any imm~iole member of their ~ family. "PAID IN FULL" iiiiii f8EJ bdu1i111 ft~tvr~1 ~r11I Grau~ ~timnaslics ind 5 ;imn•slics 10 music • No t1~ .1i.m1t on your 11rs1ts •No appointmenl~ neces~ary • Separ1!1 fte1 h!1es for men ~ Separale ftcililies for women• • frtt guest prNlleges • Unhmiled hours -unlim1 led days . I HUNTINGTON BlACH > • 81 .,.., .. a• BIA CI-< . . 842.1451 II ANAHEIM '" ~ ~IA{i. !lVD .. . ~ ' . 826-0381 i I • ' ' . • For ·Tlie • r I Recor·d , • " 1 lff~~~i.,,. F01.u\t•l11 Vtli.r EµMP\k 'C:lllb. ''•"' t (.O(t' R•la4'rtnl, 1•111 htdl &Ml .. H\ll'ltl!!'IDll lludl. l :t!'IS '-"'·' Wf!tfl'lllM!ff Krw.nl1 Club, ..,.,__ , IN, 1'°41 lkkl! llVd,. W•lrnlMIW, 1,tll ).m, • • • '1 ""-k .kt!llH'lne L~ No. 1IL ~k. TW.11. ;'tJffi Sir"' ~ SI. .. Al'llll'IWs I"*-, """"'°" ~ 1 •• 111. ' ' (:/vii Alrj l"•lrOI ~'°" n. 20231 Aucit I,, Coll• MitH, 1 •.m. Hu~ hKll ~ L-... ""-IC ... Iii 105 Uke Aft .. HIM-"""°" a..d!, 1:11 11.m. • ~ kKh AIM•IUll L.,IOll, "'1l!lt 2'1, 215 15th SI., H-1 ~ I ·~· lh1'11hb IJf Columllu1 J ubllee COUflCll, No. .,,., St. JoKll!m Hill, UM Ori"" A.,.., eo.t• M~. I P.m. Ori-~ty Sid Club. Elles Club, :MJI Yi.9 o.orto. NCWl'Ort SMdl,. I:» •.m. C-t Slnelts, VMCA, noD Unlven!IY Drl-.., Ne-rt 811odi. f :lO P.m, AK,,.....,. lroc.., Hunllllf~ 8t-cll Mlgll sci-1, II~ Ill. l!'IQ M1tn SI., H!Mllftqlon llMClj, t 1>.m COii• Mftl J11111« C ... l'll~r °' Com-merw, co.11 M.-. Go~ •<Id ca.mt.., Ck.ob, f;JO ,.m. THUllSOAY H..-txll'-l.ltn T ... 1lm;11t.r•1 Cl<lb, Onl•I (1~l1, F11l!~hl111d, NIWPOTI Cfl!ttr, Newparl 11"¥, 1 e.m. !lr"kltsl O!>llml1I ClulJ Qf CMll M1!$1. Cor•I ltNf An t11,,1nt, u.IS H1tbor lllvd •• COlll M_, 7:30 1.m. llOlrd of RMltor1, Newp11rt H1rbor- Costl ~. ll•lt>ol , ll•v Ckib. N-1 llMd'I, • 1.m. Wtttmln1•er Rol•ry Club. Kl"''' T11ti. lltsl1ur1n1. We,tmlnsltr, 12 -IEl{Chante Club al NeWPOrt H1rbor, siun 9\lrt Rftf1ur1nt, N-1 1•.cll. 12 nlon. Klw•nl1 Club ol COlll Mf'S1·Nortll, Corll ltMf Rtsl.IUt.,,!. 2"'5 Hlrtiof' lllvd., COii.i MltMI, U :lO P.m. Ntwporf H1rtlor Klw1n!s Club, Vlli1 M¥!1W1, IOU l lYlldil Dr!Y't, NrwPOrt lle1dl, U 110 P.ff'. Fount1ln V1l11y K1w1nl1 Ch1b, Fr- col1', 11151 llNdl 111"11 •• Hunllnfltorl Beach, U'U p.m. "'-t-lrvln. Rol•rv Club, 01111e!'s. 2131 l rld ol St .• Cotti Mue, 12 .-. °'"'"" Cont (1¥11.., Club, Fttlcl1 ..... / 1617 Weitcllfl Drive. N.-1 Buch, 12:15 11.m. Divorces tNTEllLOCUTOllY J1me5 Yiotenl L-vs Luc\ll.11 (lllvl.11 .__ Silmet" Sl1ln YI M1ry J 1r.t Stein Kar!l lMn Norm• Chalmen YI Jolln Alex CMlmeni Howard w1ur1 W1r -... Lorttt1 E. War Sharon J, Prut1t1 Yll J..-rv Mac Pnielt Clrol Sue Ml!lelt "ff Philip D1te Ml!lt!t •M•rv JoHphlnt Wl1tll -... Tlleodort TDWllRl'ld Wlllll ..-Pe9VY L SaYl11 YI J1mes A. !.eYllr Vll"ftl Mff llfr"lll• vs Donald H. Btr11fr B1r"9ra A. lltl'I Y't llober1 C. Rtt:1 M1ry 81rdeM F1lr YI Wutlam H. Fair "' •••lrla D. M<Callum "' cr,M e . M(Collum r>en1 M. Plncbrd VI Tommie Carr Plnck1rO P1mell Diane CIH!nl"'lllm vs G•ITf l.e1 CUNll,..ham D!xet LH DaFlon VI Wlllitm Df'#l"I' DeFlon Linda Gene T1vlor ..-. llobtrl Ja""5 T1ytor Leoll S. All_. YI Robert P1ul 11.alsor Fr1ulene Ew>lnciu ..-. Ernest C. E,p1.-. Chrlitr,.. c. JllftH ws SlePhlfl 11.ay ,_ S/llroll ltt B•llW YI Prnton Alle-n .. ,.., °"""' Le. Gardner vs ~I-, Al!M Girdner Dian. S. YOUl'lll vs Jahn N. Yount Vlofa Srtvl1 8omtloff YI Theodort E.trl ......,, Martt.. P. .Andet'l<ll'I , n Cliftord M. ,t,nderlOll a-rlY Ni, Caltman YS ~ry E Col11•11n Llndl L. H111ln1 Yi Sl1cv W. Hl11glm; Teri Jtln Holmen "l J1ckt Jo. Holinan Death Notices MACKEL l'f"I k . IM(k1I. 0.19 of OU!h, MIY T. Su!"'llved by 1111111, ~ry and J11nu Macll.•h Gluollfl1', P11Tlcl1 S..:re1t. Prlv1te MNkn were htld, Ao,ad1le Mot1u1ry, Dl~Orl. STEVENS 1-1-J. STeYtnl. •n 1-11111 Drive, L.-llNdl. Piie of dt l!h, MIY 11. SlnvlY9d b't' four 111..-1 In Hllllnd1 sl!.ltf.ln-law, Eftl9 Wll(lfaker. C1rlt- Md; frlft>cf, J1nl"I Stradlln,. et La C.. "'61. RICIUlwn Mast -~ebrlted 11 t •.fl'I· fhlf ,,_nine, TUHlll~, 11 $1. C.IMrlne Sleft1 C1tl>Olk Chul'(!I, Lt· 9\1111. I~· Good ~ Cem- ..iwy Directed b't' 11!11 M<W!u-1ry, 3510 • E. (Nil Hloflwllw, Clll'onl d~ ..... ATTERIDGE • ARBUCKLE & WELSH Weskllff l\lortuary f2'1 E. 17th St.. Cosla Mesa • 6.t&-41!8& r BALTZ !\10RTUARIF.S Corona del Mar OR 3--9450 eostl Mesa l\fl 6-MU ~ ~ BELL BROADWAY • l\10RTUARY 118 Broadway, Cosla 1t1es1 Ll 8-3433 ' ' ' •l < ,d DILDAY BROTHERS Huntington Valley Mortuary 17911 Beach Blvd. HuaUll,tOD Beacll IU-7711 • • • PACIFIC VIEW o l\IEMORIAL PARK Cemetery • Mortuary Cb1pel 35iOI l'ac.Ulc View Drive Newport Bt:ach. Celiloml1 • 144-1'111 • PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL FIJNERAL HOME 1111 Bolla Ave. .. atmltttter m.uzs: -Ell MORTUARY --fN.llJI !ilil'C1eme11e 111-t1• 'I QUIT' -Bright red outtons with the prominent letters "lQ" are being worn by furme~ Smokers throughout the nation. Mrs. Paul R. Holmes, (right) execu- tive committee member of the Orange County Branch of tfl e American Can- cer Society, presented Mr. and Mrs. Andy Devine with the first of the "IQ" buttons. Devine, a New~rt Beach film star, was a four pack a day smoker ~nd has now joined the 'IQ" bandwagon. · OC Goodwill Fund Drive Session Set SANTA ANA -Plans for a $300,000 Goodwill Industries of Orange County building fund drive will be fonnulated at a breakfast meeting May 21, co- chainnan William Aldrich and Robert Welch have announced. Aldrich, pub I i c .relations director for the Irvine Com- pany, and Welch, Orange businessman and member of the Goodwill board of diroc· tars, accepted leadership of the campaign this week. The fund drive, they ex- plained, is part Of . Goodwill plans for expansion of· its rehabilitation program for the handicapped. involving two additions to the Goodwill plant at West 5th and Fairview streets. Santa Ana . Total estimated cost of the two structures is $838,222 of whiCh $476,664 wfll be received in state and federal grants on -a matching fund basis. The !300,000 goal of the drive, which will start June II, will complete the required matching funds, according to Gaylord Hicks, execuUve vice- president of Go odwil l Industries. The first of the t \v o bu ildings, an addition of 12,000 square feet to the existing pro- duction plant, is already under construction and will be. com- pleted in two weeks, accordfng to Hicks. Cost is $105,670, plus $10,000 for equipment. The second structure, for which bids will be asked about June 10, will be an evaluaUon an d rehabilitation facility, compl ete with m e d i c a I services. A two-story concret.e building, it will alto house a cafeteria. chapel and 86- ministration offices, adding nearly 26,000 square feet of floor space. Completion is planned for about Jan. 1, 1'70. Cost is estimated al $555,SS2, with an addi tional $167,000 for equip- ment and furnishings. Coast Man On Boa1·d ' Andy~s Quit I You Can Get Button Too TUSTIN -Newport Beach resident Andy Devine, movie actor and former foor-pack-a- day man, now sports a red badge of courage. Called the IQ button, the pin is available to anyone who quits smoking, as Devine did. It stands for "I quit." Devine, former c r u s a d e chainnan for the American cancer Society' said upon receiving his button at Orange County Cancer Soclety head· quarters here: "I feel the badge signals a personal vcitory over a habit which is dilficult to break. • Eight County Authors Honored at UCI Event I See by Today's Want Ads -------------- ' _r~ __ ._M_01_l_,_, l..,969 _________ DAl_L_Y Pilaf f Airport Problem LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE • Before Planners l LAND SALES At the site and time indicated below WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 19" ' - ,. DAil\" rllOT ·ore Found PHOEN11 t \IP I) ~ Jndulbies, lnc., aays tt bu e.&atillaMd that lhc" .,. 61.4 111111.\oD Ion& tons of _, hll!I grade Iron are in II• ~ven aquatt milt Black: Mountaio d<posit in Pinal Co.mty. AN. The evaluation WU mode by Dewitt Smilb & Co. of Now York:. oceannilraphic iJ8diL A mutual fund liwestlni in the ilmlo!>ment llld '"' or the ocan 1nd Its resources ----------MW,.. Dbft~-. llllC . ......... s .... NN Y""" N,Y, I~ ,......___.pi......,1 0" -~tuotd.lrte.' ! ...... • s Yoar Mon9'• WoriJ; Ju st How Solid . . At·e Gold Lures? IWUTU ( ·. on minimuln i,pm,ts in multiples ooo : . ASSETS OVER $425.000,000.00 INGS • OTHER BRANCH Ol'l'lCES ~ w.t Al"Cldla • Ccwln. f Q ....... I I ' ' • • • • • ' . ·. \ • Monday's Closing Prices-York ' -; Tu..,, M17 1', lM s D.lll Y rtLOT J i Stock Exchange List l I I . ' • • • • J 2 DAILY PILOT T""'1<r, May ll, 1'160 • • For the R·ec.-ord U.S. Scatters B52s Planes Vulnerable to Russian Threat : Meetl,..1 -· ;.._..., Cllil' If .._... ...... ,,...,.. • c-k'I' C--. ..._ I . ,C... Hllflow,lf, C-*l#M",6:••.lfl. T......,...111 Ctut,. 1'1fl'. 10 .. • T ... • ---· W.."""-tw· • -:c:-i1 ,........_, H...-\.IDM • , .. , Mtlll ....... ~ (II.It, '"''-.. &1d l..ftl, ...... ..,. LiM1 Oult. Ylllf MarlM, IM .. ,Ill* OriW. JNw-1 lMcfl, 1 ·~ ~ ~ vt llllt ll, UiM It. 11wWt '" lllclllNi It. "*"' ................ C... Miii aM I .\ .-....... su...o c...."' D9'tW c..... .. • .. w,. tt.. cn.itt, V •. WASHINGTON (AP) -The Thi.a would not be enough tagon l$ making a "Car fet- ""''' ~"' ._. ,..._ ' y.,_.. J, 0.-..."' Jllllll Plllt ..,_ MH,.l,..111IU'r, a.a.-.• at......_ ~-··-to •••""r '~ U to •·~••• !he ' ~ .. Mlltl.-• ~ ~. _ """ ... --.. _ ..--......:-u...:: me r s ....... '6 encrnv•<i. c"·'" sel of asswnptions: -.. .. ...-dll'*M J.-. o ..................... "· ._. , .. "· • • 1..--n ... ~-·~ "-,., ~ ,... 1.., A. ~ ..,. ~ ... ., CMe -. Ul'11 ..... r eet over getting ullC planes off the _ "That the So. viet Union • .., w. ,..,, " P•trtd9 llllll .,.,.. ......,. u...ia °'* .,. """"""' AMOUIOMOMMOfC ,..... , .. • 11 twice the alrfielth now used lo ground and. reaching a safe .._.,"' ""-~ "' ....,.. f': """"" 0-. ,. .. llf'rl "-7 I .... ..... cut the m-~ wiJJ have 8 sustantlal leap Of . L....., C-' .. .c...--'" JM* L K•IW I ,. ......... K.-I .. ''· .. .... • g r 0 w i n I dislancf: from the base beJore ....... L •--.iwo ... """"' '· G.....i. ,._ tuNMwt .,. ~ w. TMM cir-0-,.. "--1 vulntrabllit to a So v I et the ~ear burst. Polaris-type submarines by It~ ·~ COOl(.."f'ENNfJt, ..,.,. a .. &,If 1t1U ~Je ~-[ f f>iwlY• 1. ,,.,,, " l-w "· lll'l'f• C«ol ,.,_.. I(..,. ,... 1.,._ '-'"""""'"' _. ~ 111: .. u. " , vc ense o • The United Stal.es has been 1975, that it would be willing lo ~ '\· ,,..,_~·•ow•. er•· k•"'" ~~~· """'1"' Hl#ltlllltM ciaLs say: 1 keeptng-40 percent of the SAC use them ror an attack on Ulo ~llW'I' lhclMnl "' ,,,.. Jldl :::;-~~ ':.:::" !"* ..= GENTIL&.4loQc. ~ ..._ ., ., Under the new plan, lo be Bomber Foree on a IS.minute United States bomber bases, ... I '"°' T~ Club. 1•1 , &...:ti ......... HOI PKHk c.o.I .,,.... Jw MC:£w•• ... OuoocM s. 1..w111 .... llO. 12t2. "'••••• 0r ...... Let~ announced IOOD, the Air Force alert. status. But 13 minutes is that the U.S. anti.submarine Mc'°"-c. •· .......,.. ... .w.• ......,. =' ..... '="=-:,;.,... M. "' .,.. Yw:'t -...:::..::~·~·~-OJ will ndldribute ltJ $31 851 becoming too loog to wait in. warfare capability i.s so poor a ....c:=-=-'-M;!~~~.'ta:... tb ~~!iii~ ..... MM c-. c.~~ oi-LerMt~ ·~Lt.v......nn.., ,. JMA•a. J-. • ... ,.. ..:~-~~·~ CYI~.. and B58 borntin ove.r some 70 the missile 8..... large neet of hostile sub- rtw:o .. J-,,._ ... ,.,..,, ,,.,., 1-,.eu1 1111 .,. °"' w,,111e 111 -'" 1:.., .... '°'91 i.:, = :iu"!• " A NL.OW Llf.M)f.R ~ American airfielda in _ ....... r to o-marines can come inlo posl· t • Club. .... Ck-........ 14unt.ille• tHdl. 1~» ...... l«i.tt for .. l"nM!'¥.ilool --~· ol .... s... • ~ Slnillnl Ill ....,..,la, C•I• • Mew chHI«. C•lleeil P1rti Sd'!Ool. : 2llO Nol•• O-, C6'11 MeW. 1:'1 ....... •leulll (-t Ad ..... ;it.X CllAI, V!li.M • '""' l:rt Mll•IM. ..... l11tnd. ,,. ·~ 'l .0.0.M. ,,..... .... HM. 05 I!. 171~ • tt .. C.O.U ~ l :U '·"" .o...-c.11 l '..-1 l 'tltll w. U.S... , T-'-~ "1 W, HlmllloA, Celt• Mela. l:lJ ...... . • WaD#•tDAY l l M FloM!w T°"trN1ter1 Club, ,.,._,. Ylfde C-tnr Club. Catll Maa. 1 .. c!t':• ~-(OMI LleM (IW, ~ Odle'a COftM ~ 111 E. ,,,,_ St., COtll .Mesa. 1 1.1n. .. WUlll ..... klll kMji E•chanlot Cklb. ' $1W1• hKll i..... Mlll'llllllloio • kid!, l! -·westmlm."" o,111n1s1 c1u11, Kine'• T1blt llnt-1rtl, WftlmlNtoff. U . -· I Cn141 Mnll o.tlmlll Club, Col!J ~ • GGlt fnd C-1,..., Club, ll'll Golt • eour. oriw. a.ti Mna, u -. ,Cotta ~ ll oll,., (._,., C0tll Mela , Goll 11M1 C-lry (lull. Colli #MU, .,_ WestmU.tw Ea~ Club, .., ... _ • IM. l_..I a..c11 Blvdw WftfrnlllS""• 11-. '"'1rltlflllM kK11 LIMI Club-Nortll. iMfCklWla"' C-ln< Clllll. Hunfln91ot1 • kJldl, n :lS •.m. ~ewooft Hl'fbor .... Gr111.111. VIII• Mlrl,,a. 16'5 B1y1W. Dr!v1, Ni!'WttOrt 11.cll. 12: 15 p.m. · Divorces : DIMla ~ YI lrlM K. SP1111Mr • llobbiol J. /Ntll W A .. rt W. MnM Kwe<1 L, $m1t11 YI S.ndr• L. Sml"' :~= A. ~1 YI IUWrd J. : f ....... I M. Mltdoell YI M ....... tt AM : Mllclltll ~M.-rlelllP MJldltU YI !.•r I . Mlldlell, . Ill . OI~ f . """-VI ~ lilt. ...__, -·'-IMlnteMl!Cf Dwotl'r'ri. Adlltv w ~ W. Alhln •O.Wliol U. hw ,,. lllabltl E. .. ~ •Je-,.,_ NI'" YI °°""1" Ch111 ""' Alie. Ju11 ~ "' lilt_, 1'1111111 ,.._ £,._ Gol\1:11" VI Tl\lllKIDl'I .. flt ........ >ohn 01nll'I Shi.tltr "' Ir-Nina ...... M. M. kacl111 "' C1tr1 Kld!11 Leis T. KllfrNlll n c;.rrlt Johll KUfm_,. J..-tfl Merle J11M1 ¥t HUllh L. • ,_Jr. • .. rti.r1 Mii ...,.,..., w Mldlltl LtrD'I' AtlftrlOll 81111¥ ...... DI-MCV ..... ¥t "-"' McVtltlc SOYUTON-McOIAllMID; •oMl't ... ........ INTERCEPT MISSILES -1...,_ M. 1tOCN1 "' wuu.m ...... .......... "'" 11:~ ,,. J-,,..lldt 11 • ., an w.tw1r .. w • ,... .. M..-•• complicate fJ>e So v J e t The Safeguard system, -lue lions close to U.S. shores ••rt'· Ctrllr'I"' o...,. c, CenlfY ICutOlk,. "· ot an w..m1n1i.r, ..._ er t .. nr_.u.... ro111 .. -¥ wilh l be1·ng ch 11 nged a d 11onnl• •. er.w YI A••n •. Emtt ean.111nu v. ""'"' wttitfleW "' w1r. w.._,.,IMMr. --e--..... P """' to be operational by around 00 a e n JK-uiw Ken,.,_ YI John w. Klfl-ffll Ur..._ w1kef1tld OEDIHGEll-llfflC, 1....v ,.,. 2' • ., Ctlltf ,...,u.LW, O.llfl. OJrrtnUy !he nuclear. 'uip-1975, would intercept some that their navigation and com• ...... ci.~ I!. 01111t"' t\lillc:9 t.uciu. 011111 .,,,.., a.-~. c...-,,.. Mar .,. ""l.MOUtST-"ISWlll. ,...,. H., u. t1 d d t I b·1·u 1.or ......... w11111 ... Dollail u•.., C..•tllne !JI. c1c1c:-. ... •klWll H. vkttN IC.. "' .., m c,,, ... ,, .. .,.. ,_ a.vw, ~ •• Mar •1111 ped bomber squadrons . the eoemy missiles approaching man an con ro ca pa 11 es ~~ •· c-• ... ,..,_ o. Cawlel"4'-...;';;'";;," L1111 u..-t1r: ,.. cu,1tt W:=+-<Ul.Vll•. A..., '·· "· w Jlfilt L. a. "' l01t 1'11.....,. wav. Strate&ic Air Command are airfields, but Pentagon of-is such that they could carry LllllM •~ ,.. llob9'f L. srbl Wrilllf u-1fl 7722 c.v-...,, i....o L. 11," :m c-t• ,,._.. stationed aL3,$ bas$.S~ .. ,1 __ fidals know: that s ome out Sll;Ch an attack.'' o ..... ,..,, .. 111. ,,.. wilkm G ... 1111 ,,,,___ •· wetw"' Merv£. w .. _ c.....,_..,.., Mll:idlfWNl'I ~. aunON-KeLLti"r, 0.¥1<11 c .. 21. °' ~-=:ifs 1 th R din F •A · i.o J-llYft M. WoHI: ¥t '°"" w. w.rlfl Merl""' 0 ............ W•*'4" •• .... WHALEJW.ldMHAN, ........... ». " tm ., Orlw. The dispenal program is a- -wamea WOU d get l"OUgh1o espon g, OrS...:r poio~- •krie..i w. n.-.n vi JIC-h'ft A. Ntrc11a Ge!llllrl "' Htf!Mrllt.., .,n E. .,,,.., st .• i.--..cti· ...... ''' 0 M,.... ""'-11 """ ""' ~--' -·'t of the Sov'-t the; .. ,., ....... ". out that the au•"o" would l.......... GenUlts sa..dr• t! .. u. ~ .. CttllN. LlieUN ,,~ • .:...."· .. Jtn G,... St., .... uua,."' • .,.,.._, le u ..... &!;Yo ... u ... DttllM Miu w 1~ LN Mize DoroHW F. v.i. w JoM·A. v•i. ....._ Union'• stepped up deploy· "What we would like to do," have U.S. subs challenging JKk w. ""°'* w e1111e a, ""°'*-c11r11t1No Merv .,1tr1n "' ••11 M.' wllC~lAL. ,..,..,..11 s .. is; ti Tll'l"ANY-ENGLISH, Rtv...-t: .. .., menl ol Soviet vessels in international ._,. ,.r1krwirlf..,. Doneld "" Prllchard 111fr1n 1.,.. • ...,.., •-· NwYlda ...,. of '"° I . IC•"ti.; Or.,_ ,.... .. "' . submarines which Dr. John S. Fosler Jr., the 5-llY Gore Cr•• w CHtlof<ll •1c111n1 ll:11WMrv J. Tl!RrioM "' 0onew 11:. .,_..,,. c;. u,. ., es L~ Dr'lw. J , ""·"' • °"""""""· lrvlnf. could JaUIJ!;h nucleii'r missiles cbief Pentagon sclenlisl, told waters, a serious matter in Croll Tll1ll4M , .... AUN. WOOOWA•O--lYOfll. L--,.., n. bll -·~ 1·1se1r but I babl l M•rv M. S..tll:Ck"' oe..111 o. ~ •otiert o. McDowell YI ,.....,. L. • ,, ..... 111 t1 • ..,.,,,n...-A ... .,... Oler1lnt w e auurnerged 1,500 miles reporters recently, "is to a so pro Y n· ,..11 ... MfMIMI w •-111 MtnHN Mco.w.11 aEYl!tOl.~AlTON, Hllblr1 ,,.._, 51• • s .. ti. "' 21oa 0.C-0. .... ., ._.. from U.S. -'"--· and 1·1s make -·-••·t a cri·t1·cal num· effective. WltrM •. 811H1t .... ~ L Ju•tttto T. Celetor" G«lrl'f L. (•1111¥ "2Cll a ... A'Vf,. ..... Nuef L , 0. Ill' '1111• tMdl. llllUIQ ,,. ..... Uld •-11 Ctir111w •-,._ w Jamb m c,.., ......., .,... of .....,.!Nfoi: uNDQOllT-M>ON£, Tii9edeA M., n. development of a fractional bcr of BS2s wW be abl8 to take ''lust challcngipg St. v let '41""'"• l . •~rdt w1 Clift: a . EOwtr<ll V-. ennu"'*" tt r ludo ' flf' Jtll •PKfflr. Cetd HW:wft'. ._:. .. I <-ba dm t ff . ti th th . b . ' ' . I I "~,.,. MN••• ll'lllrltw,..ia t1toss-vAN ·A1ee-111, L••rY e-.• 11, llf UtiUrll 8Mdl ~ Melenle A .• 20. ti O•c.uMl WUJ r en S)'l!item o . in me wl eir tar.kers su marines 11n t g01ng o sop J-F. ......,_ ... P.W M. c111r1tn1 1e.., ,.,.., n. )elll: L-reroc• IHI s.. c..st ....,_..,, t...-•etot11 ,.. b•.,,.,.._., 8,... -FOBS. on their way to the Soviet Soviet subr!)arihes from a w:.=:';: l(et'Ct .... Hlf"reld Ot ... ICtnl "'1'.:T11tLOCU1'6IV OIC•t•s ~ta~:· ,... ., JIM ll::llr· .......... MUHOIS-ll:ON£V, Tllonl .. 'W .. "· of curs WARNING. Union." surprise attack QD Ute Unlled ••l'C'l"IOlld H, Thor~ "' euu11e1~ ..., Jo1n,,. •. o.., "' Fred A. Ori F•EYELf-JOHNIOM. llobttt e .. •· '21 r. '""' si .. 1iltliwoM. C•tlt . .,... El'\.-States," Fos'" .. sla~ i-d. T11orn1en Fnonc:11 M1r11rtt strM w hnuier or .,.., IMllMHNI '", """'~ •111 M .. n. o1 21101 c.r1e ~,... w.::r weapon sh a r pl y That exact number is secret. ....., '""' J01-11• w11n1o ..,.. 01nr:11 A11111 e-slfOIM •!Nd! Mill Mdlt s .. ·..;: " 221 w, s... Jutn C~tr-. reduces the amount of wa-bu! Fosler ···1d· "We plan to The report a'lso suggested W1111ll Allin L, G1llflfltlt ¥1 Melh' C. Gtvntlett "'-""St., Or-.. •UDD-O~•U, 1-C-21, flf ,.,... ,,... ' MlrM 1. •1111: w G._ c~ •rNi OONNE1t-tto111NE1. Alw•n J .• n. flf 1»2 °',. c1rck .,.... JMr:ntltt' £.. ing time which U~S. bQmbers have many !O's of airfields. more bombers could be kept Ma"' """ ,,_..., "' .._.,..., w. Mnlll!• 111 Hflkrftt, L-.11111 aod: *"' h••· 21 " 11n K• ........ belle .. w....... could get cturi. ... ab attack and and the idea u· to make su.... airborne as a --couater to lhe T ........ 1 W. Crc.ar.r, vt Allfl Mlf"l1 ''' ol lOl Uf:lllil! st .. Siii ,_.,_,_ 1"'9tol: Bffdl. "'6 '"' ,,.,..., O'HEtl\..-CURK. J-T-,..," 130 raises tbe_ possibility that an several IO's of a Ir fi e Ids Soviet submarine threat, but Neurotics Group Meets ~~~-..,.. •-111•W Wllf...s g,-of '"-: ~= ... WEI~ Pilot 1'irit.GrS unacce~e number could be survive." Foster termed it impraclieal. Llnd• sw wi11i.mt "' '"" T"'"'' c~••f'IO aeM:ll, , lost on lhe ground to nuclear The ABP.t reports recently It might cost hundreds of WllA..... W.FT-.SCHULTHEISS. JOIHlll "·· 21 •• TOCITa .,. COlldlldH MllMlln Ind bu " d ed b ·11· rd II •11t11 •· w11tm111 "' ICl!lf!tll: J. 01 3'01 S..lll«• Ori~• -ceratvn ,,_.n '°' llChool ctM.-of ot11: rs • ist.ribut y Sen. Edward M. m1 ions o o ars a year. Wntmln F., 21, ot llGH'> SNll!e•• o rt ...... bet!! ,,.... ..,,.,, n lbG¥I IN" -"-or· The 'Nixon administration's Kennedy, (D-Mass.). played "I · don 't believe tha! the •11 ,,,,_ Wlllllll ..,.. ll:O'lt 0.. Wllitrl ol N""-1 at1Cll. i1nl&1lloM flt' 81 •t Nt ..... ..,. Mw1"11 Dee ,.,1m1r ..,.. Alblrl Arth"" BATEM.lH-<O\.LINS, o .... ,, &., ~. t1 flf 1,.,.,...1c111 •-rNv uH Mr Safeguard-anUballlstt~ile down the threat. to American presence. of Soviet missile--"•IMe• 1nv. • .,.,., A\11., .... Ctltltrl'4t M.. ...: ... ,_ . p-gram p . ; •• f ' d bo be b . N I b r Neurotics Aoonymous, a wu111n1 ''""' .,. Linda •••• 1,. of 11, °"''· w.it11 of 9,.,.. tsWMI. ._,..... •ldl. ~. 1:11t. in. •v rovi~ or seawar m r ases. saying avy aunching su marines of our that helps ionall JU~M•lfTt 1C"'NHOW!R-«1Mf, ....... G .• :w." -and southwanl ._ looking submarines should be able to coast year after year should group emot Y MOftrY" Murr*IV .,, ""'" n.11, Mur•"' 1121 woei.illM "'"'"' uncnvni., .------------~ d .~ upset persons to recover from 11MU1mtntJ ,,,,. ... c-~ _. Mirr s .. n ot 2'ICI ra ar to wa~'U for subm'aJ'ine.. t.andle So v i et Polaris-type requi_.re us to put our bomben he. .11 ts 1 30 .. ... "''" ~ c-<H, Sou1t1 LllUMI. launched missi1-and · the vessels approach1·ng U . S . on · borne alert f th1· k t 1r 1 neaes, mee at : G•UNov-ouf"F, Mkhltl J., 1t , o1 e1NGENHEIMF•-MEU•E•. Jofwl J., BOAT BUFFS ~ air • • • n p.m. each Sunday al Q09 11311 ,.,.., LI.Id• •NI c .. n11:11 •·· :io, n. o1 11110 c1me1t11 "'"·· F1111111111 depressed-trajectory warheads shores. that Is not an -acceptable shor 01 111n Sltlt• •"•· bo111 Ill' '111"'•"" v1•1r1 ..,.. Jnu L., 21. fll 1°" Al111e11 l-.:k•L-11 th• -1, of the FOBS S""'tem beina The report said the Pen-al'·rnal1·ve." Sea e Drive. New po r l v111ev. .t.r:e1er l 111e. HU!llll'l9tor: eHdl. _,. .... JM .. .., :.c Beach. HEIL-HILL VE•. M1rt. "·· 10. ol UJ RUSS£Ll-GEMMl!l, MCCllln, '°·of fwll-tlM i.fftl11t • .ia., tested by the Soviets. 1 --liliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ E. 1111 St., COlll ,,._ •NI Jl/lln •·· 1111 Vltf• Het1r, N-J'llft ... di •NI werlrt..., e11 ,., 111w'''"'' B I th da · t -·"" Styled aloag lhe lines of the 1t , .,, lll O.klllld """'-"' o.tllnd. e11?1bet11 A., "' °' 711 HeUOT,._, ,._ u e ra r 1!11 no e'4"'"ti" Al-•·u • _ c1111. COl'atll t1t1 M•r. hi ...,.,..,... c....+y. Hh ••· of countenneasu~. officials '-""JU cs nuunymous pro-UMSCHEIO-HAU.NER, lllllMv c .•. CONllATH-!HtillMAH. """"' ,,. .,., c:l•tM c ... ,.,, ef k•t· gram, Neurotics Anonymous n. 111 JI• E. ••v, ••lllOI l4ld SUtift o1 1:1M. Ofel Mo T1 O•lve 11111 o... 111, ,114 yi cllff"t 14_, 11 • say. Too many SAC bases are hou. "·-·-·· he L .• 20. 111 '" E. Flower. Cott• Mini. o .. ,2, et 1>N1 o.1 N:lrl'-°''""· i.o.. •• ,~ •••h" ,1 ,., o•!LY located near coa-"-es w"'-na group ~UNlOll w re SH£l TO,......,IT?GEltAl0, "-" .... of SMI -..ch. " ,.. l!UIIJ iic ... ~ ~• not 2A • ., u1 u..rlmlf". ""'' ,..... .,,.. ,,,..,L " PILOT. they could get at best two or rnem"'"'rs ell-·nan1e es on ,.,,_, "· e1 m1 w. lnl 11 .. s...t1 GOULD-WHEELER. MUl6" w., .u, " their illness. ""'· "" "'~' Orlv•. HllfCllnetan '------------J three minutes warning of an 1be Newport Beach group lsl-w:::•u.=:>-<:::"='="='~T="="~· ~-==·~·~•:-:..::":.......:..,=:"'::..:':"':..:"'::::-::_~•·~· ~·~··-="~"~"~----::-:_::._.:_::.::.::.::._~a~p~proa~:chln~·~g!...'.m~~~si~l'.e~.---~--~!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!~~~~~~~~~~~~ for people under the age of 40, I but olher gTOUJll throughout Orange Coun!y feature pr<> gr&mJ for all ages. For more infonnatioo on the groups, call 14U459. It's DAILY PILOT 2 -for -1 Day OUT AT THE OLD BALL GAME • ~ .. .,.. . , . .. • • I ' PILOT. PETE INVITES MRYONE TO SEE.: TME ANGELS PLAY IALTIMORE .. . " SUNDAY, JUNE 1, AT HALF PRICE Set tw• r•••"'-' ce•t tick•li fer lk• Suftlil•y 1ft1r1101n, Jwft• t, ARt1l1 "'· o ,;,1,, 1•111• 11 An1h1in1 St1di11111 fer th1 "'''"'' ,ric1 •f e111 tic•11. l lwr •111; tk1 DAILY PILOT t i"'' yo11 ofte.1 2-$3.50 2-$2.50 11c111m FOi 11c1ns ,.,. $3.50 $2.50 y,, c•11 r11eno1 •11 entire •1cti1• e r !ult twt •••h, l~t t•I yewr ,,,..., t•t•tktr ••• 1JMI n11il i11 lh1 .,4,, .. ,.". "•'••with chec• •r "'•".., er41r l11e •11h, l"l•11tl •111111 hurry, D11dlin1 for liC••t erlll•rt 11 M.., 20. E•rf1 Blrtl BeRQ 0111• te .-~1111t1rt w, te 16 T''" el4, l~cllllile witti, t11••t .;..,.,. • lt\+lllltlll .f 100 w1r41 1r.l1u: "My f•¥crift Aflt•l I~' lt•c•e••: • • ·" E11trl•1 "4Wd It. r111!~ .. , . ee•~ •II M1Y 11. TH.--.illfl•n war ..... 1.,+14 kr ,, •• ,.Ill. ••r-et1i11. ,-------- - I I I I I I I .I I Cit, ........ wMi ..... 9f"'"" .,..., M l a.t-1 • ..., .., o...,.c ... ..., ... •to--..... JJt W • .., "'-"· C... ...... Cefff. tJ617 cnu.u NINll .. _ ··············-··-··············-···························· .. .................................... -··--··················· .. ····· °' ··-···········-··········-·· .. ·········· ..... llf,,.,,, ..•.•.•.• ,_ ~ ........ -............ -.......................... ,. ___ ,,, .... I ... lo 4 4 " ft, ••• • ' • • ,..,.,.. ..... •JI --"'9fl.. •• • .. Ntt I ...... "'·~ 9'fM It~ $1111 ...... '• _. _... "'°d UIL I wYI,........ • MlticW _. .,_ ,,_ 111t w.A.Y "MT. I .... All/llA C~ _, -..... hdlM:ll 11 ... __ ........ • I s <11aa1/lll *"""' wtl .. ""' tit -....... 11. I ...,. _" "'..,..,.. ..... ~ .. ~ -- , I I I I I I I I I L----~---_J 0 • • ' Nothing. If there's ever anything wrong with y<?Ur telephone, just call Repair Serv- ice. 'The_ number is in the front pages of your phone book. And there's never an extra charge for. lj\ telephone repairs. ~ Pacific Telephone We're here to help • I • ~ t .. " " '1 ·~ ..... ~· ,,,.._ ........ ,,..,._,,.. ~.. .. ... .-..,,...... • . • . ' • ,_ •• 6Cl<IJ JODEAN HASTINGS, .6'2-4321 ,,....,, Mir 1a. tNt ·• ,.,.. ,, -.. Show ·"Pace P·i.cks · .. Up The bP.st horses · in the· Southland are beiri'g currletl and combed, their riders are polisbiilg ~s and brush .. ing off habits, in preparation for the nmth annual Spring Horse Show beginning Friday, May 23, al·LosAlamit<>S Race Course. Proud, prancing Tennessee Walkers, western ple{ls .. ure horses, Shetlal}d pol)ies, hqnt-'rs and jumpers 'Will go through their paces' during the three--day event spon- sored by Long Beach Community Hospital Auxiliary. Pt'Oeeeds from this year's event, one of the Outstand- .ing displays of horsemahShiP in the State, will beDefit the cardiac care 'Unit now undei construction at 'the hospital. The famed Long Beilch Mpun~ Police will open 'the first evening performance in a 'blaze of pomp and color Satuiday, May 24. • I:'rice of admission will be $1 for adults and 50 cents for children under 12. 'They now are·on sale and may be purcb7ased from any auxiliary member or at the gate during the show. · ·Riders will compete for first place ttopbies and ribbons in all classes plus c~sh prjzes in stake classes. EQuestrians from many areas will display their talents to accumulate points fOJ" a yearly total. ' . TENDER LOVING CARE -Pampering Chris Fisher's mount, Blacky, in preparation for the ninth annual Sprtng Horse Show are Mrs. Harold Uttley (left) and Mrs. C. L. Hill, members of .!:he sponsoring Long Beach Commllllity Hospital Auxiliary. The three- day benefit·show will begin Friday, May 23, at Los Alamitos Race Course, and wfilr.attract some of the Southland's finest horses and Harold Dakan· is managing the show, a'Dd alll'.il· iarians assisting include the Mmes. F. B. Mostier, chair· J'Qatl; Byron Brown, William Howell, Carleton Peters, Richmond Barker, Harold .Kaiser, Bernie Heim, ~d J'aszewski, Alden Carder, Stephanie Swanson, Leor\ar.d Hayn .. , John Coffee, Harold Uttley, Albert Derian, Robert Nichols, l\rthur Doherty, Frank Dutcher and Bryant Armstrong: , riders. ~ .,. '· "·' " .t. i ... '... . f' • New ·Officers .'A'CJd Their 'John ._ . . . . ~ r . . Hcinco~lc' fo Chotte; I 1 It's.olficial! FowUin ·'l(auey's· Beta Gamma , ChaP.(er, 'Ej>sil"!l . I Sigma •Alpl\ai ha~.a:new stster chapter;.Delta'Iota}Sijri!Dg'·the · : charter·are preeid<tlts. (lelt· to rili!ll), Mrs: L. A. Smith, Data t Iota and William Gulhrit,Beta Gamina;and vice·presidents,1Mrs. I ' , -.... .. ' $ • ' . I .. ' ' ' • RoiWd~bo and. Af Hackmeister. The new group received' its charter and officers · were installed during a dinner ineeting in . ' Francois restaUT1ant~ State officers Mrs. Everett Gill~spie and Mrs. Otis Bry coodlicied ,the.installa~on. · ' ' t'' ,,; . _} .... Activitif;ls Representati~e i:• ~~ ~ ~ ~··,_ New Duties Outl:i.ned For Mrs. C. A. Bauer Mrs. Charles A. Bauer o( Huntington Beach has been elected a ·trustee to the board of directors of Children's Hosp~tal of Orange County. Her board assignment will be guild activities represen- tative and she will provide direct communication between -~;.... the hospital's 14 county guilds and the board. A charter member of Little Mermaid Guild, she has serv-, ed as president, co-chairman "' .1,. ·. ' ' '"""" .... ,; ......... of the first Mermaid Ball and , ' r fashion show chairman. She served on the membership committee for four years and in 1965 helped organize the first CHOCette group or teenage girls. Mrs. Bauer was county guild treasurer, co-chairman and general chairman of the patron's committee for the an- nual spring fashion show in 1967, and s:zas advisor for three years. · Jo additi to her efforts in behalf of the hospital, Mrs. Bauer is a member of I.be l\Ssistance League,· Lawyer's Wives of Orange County, 20th · ·~twiy Club, Cltlren's Ad- viSory Board of Huntington Be'ch and the Women's Oivis'ion;' Chamber of Com· rberct yi'here she serves as tieautitiCation chairman. ' I NEW CHOC TRUSTEE Mrs. Ch•rl .. A. Bauer Is No ~ Joke , . . . • Ba·k,ersfield Teens Point Out ... Tha·t ___ Srnoking l)EAR ANN LANDERS: Thls leller lbould be of interest· to HSmokehouse ~tary" and other wbo resent being gassed by inconsiderate slobs who smoke and think everyone else should put up with il-Help Is on the way!! ANN LANDERS ·-Oroak." H~'• Oni of OUr J:l(itO com-out here In Bakersfield and we hope It merclals: "Worried about. the populltlon spreads to other communities. - eaploofon! Have a cigarette." Another: GLORIA ZINGER, PROJECT COORDI· "Don1t smoke in bed. You might burn a NATOR · hole In your lungs." , DEAR GLORIA: So do I. As a One or our TV coqynercials shows arr-aonsmoker who ha.1 croaked and choked elegantly gowned woman -smoking. A on o&ber pt0pfe'1 cigart&&e sm~e for too wlte to. "Smoke out, P. o. &oi · 4, DaJtenflelcl',-;CalUonlla, tS." And now, yet)' rf:aden out taere wl)t ue 1Llder tllf• lnipres!ton tbat o6; ~' teeutm 1 d.ifklJ their ttbie!t>etwkn ,emotJt(c Nrt: 1J~IJ-;-rWnlng ·lfa,lflll. aid' c.lmiWDf mayb<m ;oa tbe clly's $0elo1 pit ... rud UU1.111lit. .:-.... ~ • , '1 . i ' DEAR ANll :~Oµr GI son IJ bripgtli( home an Orleatal bride. Httfathet and I, his sisl.ers and their J;iutbands have talk- ed it over and &gree to make her feel welcome.. • • we1e11me in their homfs either. tbat? 'Siy •DOWll& aDd let your '°" "' 09t' two•daughte.rs rR&rrled out o[ their the family 1'hen ht. rehlntt. noee. 4li {aJ\h. ·Jt waa •a blow k> us but we have IOt wltb to ~·Wm will tell ldm 11, saa, grOwn to know and love both young men wt ol IL • and they art woode<ful bU1bandt and \ fathers. ,\Ceeptlng a daughl>r·ll>ln of. Another rao& 11 more difficull, but we are H~ far ahoo1'f • teenqe couple to! pre~ to do whatev.er we cu to make-Can necking be sale? When .doea II the llfl'l fe<l loved and.want.<!. be<om• too hot lo handlol "Sead 10< Am ·.• --bl · What · · do boot Laliloto' booklet. """"•~and ftlu·· u.; ·;;;:~"!r the·~~ :.. ha:. let ;-Whai A're the ..tt.;;;,'.'"Mall fwr: us know tl\AL they do not apprOve Of this quest tp .. Ann Linden: in ca,e ot. Odl marrtat:e7 Our son is unaware ot their . .:.. "'-_,__; ~ feelings. Shall we tell him? -N.H .. • n.wapope• mOilng IO...,.. !n.coln 11111 \ Slzty.fotir teenager> In Bakersfield are toDducilng an advertlslng 'campaign which We created ourselves. Our aim is lo ""ke smoking look dumb and rdlculcios Ins~ ol g)amorout. We <all the': project "SfiiOie OUL" Here11-iit:hat ~ •rt doing. We have launched a iull«ale advertising campaign -mostly radio and TV. We_ got slarted with the help of the Kern County . JnterAgency CouncU on Smoking and Health. We have butt.oM, book covers and bu~ per auekm wlllcb say ._.Smoke.Chok• I \ . voice 11ays, "She Smokes." Then there's a many yttn, t· Jm dellgbted wltlt yo1tr shot or burning trlsh. Another voice says, projeet. • "So does lhe city dump." l urae tetugen I.a other clUet wbo • Our project is a trtmendous success .-ani tnlonnatioo on bow to aet started &o Some of the aunts and uncles are up1et- about-the-marri111~and-~ave let wi ltno that they .have no JntenUon ot aoceptJng her. Thb means our son will not be a long, stamped, tell•e•Md eomop..~ DEAR N.J. Tell ~m· wbat! That -. Aon Landers will be glad lo be! '"" o1..1111 .... 1aU•euloo,Lw!P..to..-t:-IW'-wlth-~probleml. -~nr~~:-i:--.....;~ wUc? • cart ol ffiO DAILY' PILOT, -loalos a Wby be the tr•rtr ol sucb oewi ·u sell·addreS90d, llamped ei>velopt. ! • . . • 1 ... . .... .... -· . .. . . ... .. ... . . ... . . . . ; .-.---. _-;-~ -~.-:-.. ~. -.-.-:: .. -:,-. --. -.~. ::_:-_ -,...---------------.,----------,-----~K:ll . JC DAl\.Y PllOT Wic.kett-Brewster Riles St. Andrew's Selected For 1 1 Nuptial Setting EacotUd to Ille altar by her David J""""°"' allter ol Ille lltber, Jame.I R. Btow!W of bridegroom,. Mn. RI c b 1 rd Newport ~I). T......, Ann FemU, Ille bride 's god- Brewoter became the brldt of ~. and Mlal DerI Leong. Geofrey Balfoor Wickett ol Marauerlte dolsia ...,.. In Balboa laland In late afternoon their bouqutb. nu~ soiemniud by the Jennifer. Jam<1011 niece of R<v. Dr; ~Jes Dlereolielil. , the b r 14 e,~wu nfter g1r1; St. Andrew'• Presby1etl.an wearing a yellow or g a 11 z a Cburch,waa the setting for the dress, and ber nephew, Peter double rlng ri&es whjch .were Jamesont btd charge of the followed by a roceptioD in the wedding rinp. ·. . Balboa Bay Club. The briilegroom asked his Prize-winning Posters Tell Party N~ws The bri<!<, allo Ille daughter brolher, Charles Wickell Jr. of vi Mrs. Brewster, dloee an Loi Angeles 'to be best man, ~ organz.a over taffeta venise and aervlng as ushers were lace gown detlgned with abort Jameeon, Larry Brewster,~ sleeves and a cameo neckline. brotl)er ~ I.be bride, Robert Seed pearl! and lace appliques Joiu-'tild David Gash. dec0rated the lle!'kline and Sprinc Dowen graced the hem of the g<ilio. Her thr... Balboa Bay Club f<>< the Ueted elbow iength veil was receptlon and were placed caught to a· lace trimmed atop Biid arotlod .the wedding pillbox, and her .bridal bouquet cake. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce WU ID arrangement of but-rollette of ~ assisted dur- terfly orchid!~ stephanotis, lily l.Dg the reception. of the valley and Duffy ruffle Special guests at the we<l- fern. ding were Mrs. G e o r g e :,Posters made by students at Our Lady Queen of the Angels School announced the church's annual parish .. dinner dance next Friday in the Balboa Bay Club. ·Sponsored by the school auxiliary, the evening will feature music by Mike Esposito and his orchestra Morgan-Hough Troth ·Fall Rites ~ An early fall wedding is :being p!an'ned by Christi ne ' ' •CHRISTINE HOUGH .: To Say Vows • • ' Planned Elizabeth Hough of Newport Beach.and Girard Er i c Morgan of Whittier. The couple's betrothal has been announced by Mrs. Elizabeth Gregg Hough of Newport Beach and Peyton Royce Hough· of Los Angeles, parents of the future bride. Miss Hough, a graduate of Whittier ffigh School, is a senior in the College of Nun- ing, University of Utah. The future bridegroom, son of Jay Willard Morgan of Long Beach and the late Mrs. Morgan. also is a graduate of WHS. He recently returned from 22 montns service in Vietnam where he recei ved a Bronze Star. St. MatthtBs Epi s copal Church, Whittier, will be Ule setting for the rites. iEmancipation Ahead Males ., ~For American • NEW YORK (UPI\ -To seam is to join. says one of Webstef's definitions. So it is only appropriate that a new organization aimed at erasing the <lmatriarcbal" .society In the United States ihouid call ilseU SEAM. ·Restoring the naUon to a pairiarchy, giving the poor benighted male his due once again as head of lhe family - these are Us goal!. because "we've become a lit· Uc too materialistic," said Samra. ''The wife works so the family can have more things. Mom, the wage earner too, became& the 'take.dlarge' type. She aets the pattern for ~ kid.I. The result -anarchy in the home." The solution, Samra sug· gesta, is to "stop collaboration with the worldly and to start collaborating with the homey ones." In patriarchal countries lik e Italy, Greece, Japan or India, there is no such high incidence 0 r "psychiatric' disorders, alcoholism, drug addict.ion. divorce, desert.ions, idenUty We.aring yellow organza Houston Of · Upland, over taffeta gowns trimmed grandmother Qf the bride, and and a lesson on mod dancing by Mrs. Dorothy Jo Swanson . Shown with their winning po&ters are (left to rigbt) Teri Rhinehart, third place; Heather Harris, second place, and Barbara Rakel and Meghan McGonigle, first place. with daisy lace were Miss her husband. Kathy Brewster. sister cl the Alter honeymooning in MRS. GEOFREY WICKETT bride, who was maid of honor, Hawail, the couple w i JI ______ H_•w_11_11_n_H_OMY_;;_m_oon ______ _ and the bridesmalds, Mrs. establish a Balboa Island home. Unused Objects Go to Work - A roomful of bargains have been collected for the rummage sale plaMed. by the Women 's Fellowship of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church for next Thurs· day and Friday, in th e church fellowship hall. Hours \Viii be 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Thursday and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday. Church missions will benefit from the sale of hou sehold items, costumes, antiques, books and other items. Unpack· ing .. treasures'' for the sale are Mrs. John Wyman and l\.1rs. Joh• K. Hamel, ccrchainnen. The new Mrs. Wickett is a graduate of Corona del Mar High School and an area business college. Her husband, · a graduate of Fullerton Union High ScOOol, a t tended Fullerton Junior College and served in the U.S. Navy. Officers Accept Positions ' Mrs. Rex McDonald assum- •ed the duties of president of Gamma Alpha Nu chapter, Beta Sigma Phi, durin g an jn. stallation dinnei; in Francois restaurant, Huntingtori Beach. Miss Oorotby Dunn, chapter advisor, also ins~lled the Mmes. Ross Cooper, vice president; Walter Davidson, .. recording secretary; I go r Sedor, corres ponding secretary; John B ow er , trea&urer; Harold Schubert, council representative; Joel · Pooley, etteaaion officer, and William Okey, civil defense: Mrs. Robert Ross received the pledge ·ritual and Mrs. ·non.aid Watson and Mrs. Richard Bylund, transferees, received the welcome ritual. .Mrs. Harold Norman, the ·chapter's sponsor, was .guest during the dinner installation. OC Single Bees The second and fourth Frl· ·day of the ·month Orange C.ounty Single Bees ·gather in Doig School. Garden Grove. Activities begin at 8 pm .. Harbor TOPS Preschoolers Invited 1To Play for a Day' P a r e n t s , preschoolers, friends and neighbors are in· vited to visit Happy Valley Preschool during its four-day open·house beginning Monday, May 19, between 9 and 11.:30 a.m. at 17791 Newland Ave., Huntington Beach. Purpose of the open house ii to offer area younP.ters an opportunity to participate in the program for a day, and to acquaint prMpective members with the facilities and teacher. Ch ildren will be able to paint a picture, create a craft, listen to records, play a musical in- slnunent, climb or swing on outdoor equipment, build with blocks, or simply observe. A hostess will be present to answer questions, pr o v i d e registration forms, and ex· plain the philosophy behind parent participation preschools. There is no ad· mission charge, and refresh· ments will be served. Mrs. Thomas BliM is presi· dent or lhe organization, and Mrs. Robert W. Appleton is press chairman for the group. Focus Put on Color Color and Your Personality will be explored fox: ,members oi Ute South Orange Coast Chapter of Z«a Tau Alpha na· tlooal sorority by Mrs. Claire Pike of Long Beach next Thursday at MO p.m . Mrs. Pike, past district and naUonal . president of the sorority, will discuss the ef. fects of color on behavior and happiness. Mrs. Jerry Nash of Hun· tington Beach will host the 7:30 p.m. meeting which will . include inslallaUon of new of- fi rers. Mrs. Patrick McDonald will r0celve the ·prt!5ident'1 gavel and filling other om.e. will be the Mmes. Nub, vice prest • dent; Winpm Warner, COl'• responding secretary, a n d Graham Gibboru<, reconllng secretary:. Zetas in the South cout area are welcome to attend and may call Mrs. Burton S. Grant, 673-6981, for further • formation. "It was just coincidence, though, that the initials work- ed out so appropriately," said One of the founders of the Society for the Emancipation Of the American Male. "We're trying to reestablish the man in the role which it. naturally ;s, that of taking charge, trying to harmonize male-- female relationships, preserve the family itseU." crises, homosexuality •.. ------------------------------ Harper School in Costa Mesa is the location where members of TOPS Harbor Lighters gather each Monday evenina; et 7:30. Speaking was Kahlil Samra fthe origin of the name is Lebanese), who writes under the name of Carlton M. Brown. Samra, 381 married and the father of an infant son , is a fbrmer ftewsp.aperman and currently ls pmident and executive director ot a nation:il organization do1ng research in ,psychiatric problems. wife-murdering, child·be.aUng, violence and juvenile delln· quency," said Samra. Neither of the wives or SEAM's founders wo r ks outside the home. And both support SEAM's premise that the family i.s worth preserv· Ing. I asked Samra who's boss in his home. "l am," he said. And that was that. Greeks Hear AFS Students American Field Service ex· He IOd llol>ert Beauchlmp, 31, an 1nltnnce uecutlve and laUt@r' of fOUJ', are co-fOUDders cf SEAM , which has its head· quarters in Ann ArOOr, Mich., where both men Jive. change students living and al· : Samra (or Brown) said the tending high school in Laguna tdea for SEAM. which will Beach this year will share ex- llave a small membe rship fee perience.s with Laguna Beach tor men or any women \vho Panhellcnic members tomor-want to become auxiliary members, grew from hi s row 1n the home of Mrs. assort.cd clippings and Qlber Mildred Siilsttop. ftports on ''the .decline of I.ht: Jn addition lo talks by Di&na :&znerican male. I was going to Barall from Ca r a ca s, write a book on the subject." Venezuela and Nick Enright "Thls iJ a serious problem ," ite said in a telephone In-from East M a i l l a n d , ~iew from Ann AJ'bor. ''And Australia, Mrs. M a r s h a 11 lVe're deadly serious about lhe Houts, prcs kStnt of the Laguna orcanizaUon." Beach Chapter of AFS, will "Men abdicate their roles give a brief explanation of the (II bead of the family) group's cumnt status. ""'"" they Just gel tired of iJe3sert will be """ed 1t I lloltilng. Thm are _...,.. p.m • .hy Mrs, C. ,Stuart Lewis, 111 the cllict and then Iha · dlalnnan. She will be aii!Sled .,......._ at home. Tile male by Ille .Mme1. F. J.14cManus, a.er becomes pasaive and ·Marshall D. Patton. Roy "&-1. Stockings Shadow Shoulders A variety ot stockings that so calf-high, knee-high, thigh· hlgh or walst·higb h a.v e become a familiar part or every woman 's a cc ell s or y wardrobe. Now, the newest addition to the stocking wardrobe extends leg fashion coverage even fu rther • -clea r to the shoulder. Belle-Sharmeer knlts this new shoulder-high bodice stocking of opaque stretch nylon to cover up what fashion Js leaving newly uncovered. In a blushing beige skintone. l hi s see mingly uninhi bited cover up is the latest ac· cessory to wear under new see.through fashions. For less adventuresome fashion ad· vocates, it is ideal with new city pants, jumpsuit! and al· home clothes. 11le "itocklng0 helps crtatt • sleek. "'!lhlsticated lock fn>m tce-tt>llioulder. CM Auxiliary r-. he throws up hls Thoroughman and N e 11 "9ds and deserts, or he turns Parkslnson. The tint Thursday of the Horoscope Capricorn: Face Facts WEDNESDAY MAY I~ ARIES (March 21·Aprl119): Sludy g e n e r a I indicatioQS. especially financial reference. Be aware of budget and possessions. Day to tighten reins on expenditures. Avoid any tendency to be ex· travagant. . TAURUS (April 20-May 211): One in authority demonstrates faith in your abili ty. Accept added responsibility. Project may appear large, but you are more than cap.able or handling IL GEMINI (May 21-Junt 20): Events. persons of past de· m • n d attention. Financial commitment should be met; don 't be evasive. Frank al· tltude wins the day. Set fine example . CANCER (J1111e 21.Juiy 22)' Some friends may appear moro~. Your task Is to do some chererl.ng. Some of your hopes, wishes are aubject to revisioo. Necessary to be more e-•ctical, realistic. Then YQU Baln. than speed. q ·u 1 remenl8. Behind-scenes VIRGO (Aug. U.Sept. 22 ): maneuver plays do m In 1 n t Travel connected with duty, role. ' · job is indicated. Neces.sary to PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) complete assignment. Take Avoid Unnecessary journey, special car e w i t h com-R In -munications, written word. UM g a.w4y from problem You are held to promises. is opposite from constructive. ' Some of your id~as today are LIBRA (Sept 23-0ct. 22): not based on facts. Money or close -associ8te~--=;;iliiiiiiiil;;;:---'--l lJ becomes your concern. Key isl to aim for secu rity. Ooll't do anything ·to upset domestic situation. Change of residence comes up for discussion. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-~cv. 21), Someone you count oo may be indisposed. Know thls and be prepared. Draw upon past ex· periencc. Take special care in any legal matter. SAGITTARIUS (N<iv, 22· Dec. 21): Slow pace. There is pressure but you can 11uceeed. ilnportant to come to agree- ment \Vith associate. co- v.·orker. Don't be rushed Into any foolish action. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22.Jan. 19): Face facts concerning "children, aUalr of the heart. U realistic. you g&ln. Otherwise, ~ ~Al.ai.A ~8 you could be leaving yourself CHMUS H. BARR cordlngty. ~u open for punishment. Act ac-~ AQUARIUS (JB.n. 20-Feb. w.orilll'lu• "sporue · shortie" pantie brief . Ug1rt, cool co;rtrol under swimwear and shorts The one and only St1y There•· active knit ... In 1 brl1f p1ntf1 with just the right amoun t of lilht contiol for sportswear. It's cool, porous, quick.cfrylng ••• hls •livin1, brt1thln11tretch thtt holds you In. never holds you back I Ask for Style S·2. whit• S-M -L, 4.00 Use your-BenkAm•ricerd, Mt1t•r Cherge, Oin·ers , Cart• Blanche Ct•dit Cerd1 IN COSTA MISA IM • akoh<ll. They'~ being Future activilies for the n10nth members of I he ____ _,.•Jv...away..J> women..mak· Laguna jlc~itm!J!: include --.N!!erlcan fA;glon Auxl!!!.rf. t'lil• home life wretched.'' an instailatlon nnd lune eon In Costa Mesa Onlt 455. gather.In . Wilt to<alled matriarchal Irvine Coast Country Club tht American Legion Hall, at I LEO <July 23-Aug. 221 ' Don't neglect duUe.s. Basic issues ma y be at slake. Check detall . Bf obir;erv nt. A parent m nor matter could be more Important than yoo Im- agine. teady pace Is betttt J8):_J!om~, PUIP!.!t!Y. CQm.e.J.nt.o Air-"""~~ spGUight of atlcntion. Fresh .~~.,_,. DlftA .. TMIHT 8TO"S=- 1116 NEWPORT IOULIYARD PARK CONYEl'llENTLY'JUST-A STEP FROM OUR EAST ENTRANCE ••• Optn Dtily 9:30 •• , Fri. tU 9 f!•ly ho ....,.led partij'. Saturday, Jun< I. P;f· viewpoint proves bcnefidal.J_~~~~-~~~~~J t)e IWllre Of StCUrity re- ' .. First Families All Together Tricia Nixon , President Nixon's oldest daughter, gave a masquerade dance at the White House Sat- urday and among the guests were former President Johnson's daughters and their husbands. Posing for photographers are (left to right): Mr. and Mrs. Pat , Nugent; Mr. and Mrs. David EisQ'lhower (she is Tricia's sister); Tricia and her escort Rep. Barry Goldwater Jr.; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robb. Knowledge at Stake Continued From Page 7 PROTESTS Ti ght Mo1iey Cris is Hits Librarie s cent tax ,boost coupled with the severest school cutbacks in the city•1' history -in- cluding elimination of athletic NEW YORK (AP) to "cut back app~eciably" in middle-aged house\vife \\1ho programs, bus service. classes Scholars and students are hours and workers at a new Ji ves in a !Ower East Side in journalism, drama, music among the 8,000 who each day inner-city librarY and reduce neighborhood which has one of and art and trimming about visit. the terraced F i f l h book purchases throughout the 3 500 staff pos1·t1"ons the libraries that may be clos-· · Avenue research library, the system. d A Milwaukee group, termed grandaddy of this city's 19'2 "This is not as dramatic as e · "a unique uprising" by its free public libraries. closing down entirely but we Miss Riss a Korsun, who founder, . is borrowing pages Now it and the others are in are unable to keep up with the often gives poetry readings in from tlu! campus disuptors' serious financial trouble. price of books and volume or neighborhood libraries labels textbooks. The money-squeeze may new books. This is a kind of it "a form or c u I l u r a 1 "The middle class for years force a drastic curtailment in invisible closing," Bloss said. genocide." has been afraid to rock the operations. closure of 36 Tucson, Ariz., recently open-She ad ds: ·:our children boat." said James P. Behling branches and termination of ed a branch and has another don 't have enough reading a resident of the North Shore 500 jobs if budget-makers in under construction, but the Ci~ abilities as is. How can they suburb of Whitefisll Bay and the city, state and Washingtoa ty Council imposed severe Open thei r minds and their co(nunder of Citizens for Tax get their way. budget cuts fot new books in hearts? You understand it's Reform. And elsewhere in the nation, 1968 and has not restored not as though we're asking for "But college studenLs and libraries are facing similar them. something that isn't ours. We minority groups have shown problems as wage scales in-Phoenix Librarian Winston fought for culture in the us that confrontation is crease in the face of mounting Henderson says tne city pro-neigh b 0 r h 0 0 d, and we necessary if you're going to reluctance by local and stale vides enough funds for opera-shouldn't have 10 give' it up." get results," added Behling, go"Ve'rnmi?nts to approve fatter tions, but he adds, "We don't whO said some 300 persons, all budgets. have the staff, books and In Queens, angry residents earning between $7,000 and Further complicating the funds that could be used to :taged t!st"sad-tuindlast ~ee~end $25,000 a year, are paid picture is a plan by the Nixo n good advantage in serving lhe .;h P~ d a lrr tay ckostmtghs. members of his organir.allon . .administration ·to trim $88 public." 1.be emonsthra or~-·~p F ~ Behling and others marched to million in aid to libraries and SCHOOL TAXES dl rary. open ouguuul ri-the federal building i n l"b h I ay rught and Saturday· A Milwaukee April 12 in a quiet 1 rary programs. T e pub ic library system in spokesman said the . tactic FACE ECONOMIES Kansas City, Mo., depends on would continue until the city protest. They taped their list At Sat Paul Minn the school taxes for its revenue. h f ·li of demands to a glass door at . , ., f gave assur~es t e ac1 ty the lnte•nal "-venue Service main library and n I n e Voters de eated a budget pro-would rem n ope • = I ai n. off1"ce. branches close Saturdays and posal ast month. Should it be NEW YORK HOPEFUL PROPOSED TAX stay open now only two ni ghts defeated again, a spokesman N y k h f 1 a week, to affect eeonomies. predicts some cutback in ew or ers are ope u Honolulu Mayor Frank Fasi, -t h . l"br however, that budget culs calling Hawailans "pea!ants In Detroit, higher wages for services 11 t e main 1 ary totaling $4 3 million may be l"b · t · t t. and 124. branches beginning · in paradise," proposed a 1 rar1ans cu in o opera ing July I. restored by City Council ac-tourist tax which hi! said costs and the main library lion. But the directors who would "ease the burden on 8 looes som · d The Ne\l<ark, N.J., City t . · 1 now c e mornings an Council voted to shut down the ope ra e the three mun1c1pa community which i5 already Sunday nighLs during the sum-1.b systems warn it would not be stagger;"g under 1·1s taxl••d." th It f I 1 rary system and museum h d •• -mer mon s. ormer y was April 1 because of lack of t e en of the crisis. Said Fasi: "I believe in the open every day and most funds. The threat touched off The Fifth Avenue research preservation of the aloha ~vAeru1·ngs. h' a wave of prolest within the library, supportCd by private spirit but we must face .. t anta, w 1ch operates a f d h "--· · I community, forcing the coun· un s, • as ut:t:n running a economic reality." main ibrary and 19 branches, .1 deficit of over $1 million for And a Connect· 1·cut spinster -already bas a tight budget and ct to reverse ilself and raise t 1 d the budge t an addili"onal $2 wo years. n c r e a s e says present lax setups make .are cutting back. h"I th h h lped ta million. P 1 an · ropy as e s ve economic reality a harsh fact C.arlton Rochell, director of ff h d b J •i.. ti rb Among the protesters was o a s ut own. ut Pans lo faced by the unmarried. ,.,,e A anta 1 rary, says any h Ph"!" curtail scheduled hours and Vivi"en Kellems, 72. declared 'drop in federal funds would aut or I ip Roth, a Newark . b h "--h d certainly result in s 0 me native, who denounced the JO s ave not u=n c ange · in a letter to Treasury Secre- ..curtailment. move as just another "book Beginn ing May 12, that tary David J\1. Kennedy that ' Under the proposed federal burning.'' library will be closed evenings she would not only refuse to cuts, Atlanta woold lose more Jn Detroit, citizen groups and on Saturd ay, Sunday and pay taxes this yea r but also 1Jlan $42.000 for 8 p e c i a I were formed to protes t holidays. wanted a refund for havin g .iservices and the city would curtailment in service, and "It's an awful co1nmentary . been "overtaxed" because ol rhave to junk plans for a new loud criticism has been raised on our time," says Gilbert W. __ h_er-::'spc_;_ns_t•,.r_hood_,_· -,--- 'ilibrary, partly financed by by New Ynrkers. Chapman. president of the f I W kl lfoderal iunds. HIT HARD New York system. "We've ami Y ee Y , Utah Library Com.mission "They've reallly hit ttie rieo-hung on as long as we could Now 1-0 Our fami'ly·. tl>irector Russell D 8 v i s _.;_P_le_w_h_er_e_it_hwts_.;..'_' _•_a_id_a_a_n_d_n_o_w_th_ec._cc._h_ipc_s_a_r_•_:_d_ow_n_._" _________ __:__ predicts that any cut in tederal funds would mean that alometbing would have to be !curt.ailed. He says the pr°' posed cutback will be the most Jressing point discussed at a 'commission meeting t h i s 'weekend. Davis says, "A cut i~ funds would put u s ackwards." 0 PROBLEM Los Angeles foresees no pro- lem in maintaining i l s resent 61-branch system . owever, it has been unable to ~panel since 1964 when funds om a 1957 bond issue ran l. A bond is.sue two years go was defeated by the oters. ! For lhe most part, libraries · Indiana and Ohio are free of ble. l But in Cuyahoga County, hio, the deputy library diree· 1 Alice Aiello, says the library Is facing a hnancial 'sis." Mrs. Aiello report! Mat two new branches have only 20 percent capacity of &oks on the shelves. l • The Connecticut s t a t a librarian, Walter Brahm, says at only two or three edlum-sued libraries will be rctd to close during six sum- er weeks to slay within the dget. But he I-' concerned boiit the cutback in federi:il ants. ''If this sticks, the ants to Connecticut libraries Ill cease," l)e said. -BCE CUT-BACK STEREO SENSATION! The colorful sound of Orange County Music RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM .... 1-c--,' -,,-.";'""•"~~".'"t"''7""·"''"-· .,,~;•'"; "; ·} .... r' .... -·~···-· ,,,;IC'•'<"' Tutsd01, M01 U , 1969 O/JLY l'JLOT Jf, ·F·lood Loss $100 Million_-~ ' . • . But Experts Feel It Could !Jave Been ,Worse WASHINGTON (\AP) -The guordsmen turned out to fight overall "'°trol d the entire early, that the $110W 'would spring Hood• in the Mldweat the Ooods: shoulder to shoulder Midwest fklod ~ pro. cause severe flood.mg 0 d~ $100 millioo damage, kJ.llt.d with townspeoplt.J , ject. Slid the 1.mprecendented Thr bureau beg~n fk>od eight, and pushed 2S,OOO out ol More than five million advance preparalioofJ were . their bome6. But it could have bushels of grain were bustled tailored to prevent as much Sltua~ ~or~ from Min.. been a lot worse. the experts out cl fklod zOnes tJ1der the econOmic , frACture at polli· neapalis1 111 mi<t..Japuary. k say. superviti.00• of the Interstate ble." weekJy .. flood ootlook'' pro. Advance planning and ac-Commerce commission. 'Ille George Lincoln, head d gram started In Kal"l8M Olt)' curate forecasting averted R.ed Crc6s ~ $1 million on. OEP, talked wKJ\ President Feb. 11, aod daily, point by certain disa6ler in the opinion among other things, 250,000 Ni100 about the crisis in late point flood ·crest figures were of federal, i>tate and local meals served by 5 , 0 0 0 February, At that time, many started March 13. These authorlUes. A preliminary volimteers. local governmeot.s co u Id pre<l 1 'on.i. were reporfed as 1estimate is that some $250 But, ..mile the crisis is over, foresee· an imptnding l'ragedy. being phenomenally accurate m 111 ion damage wa s says Maj. Gen. Fredes-lck J, but Were short ot mooey to do in many ~· ~revt~. ~arke, tbe new Otief of Army anytbin_c about . it. They'd . lo spite ol the early warn .. A big picture 'ls emerging as Engineers_, tbe hurriedly built spent ff. on eoorrnot!S snow mgs, five states -Mimesota, tu the scale ol the fight that dikes are not gGOd enough fur remove) programs required North a~South Dakota, low~ ~k place aloog Midwe6tetn the future, and a~Joog range throughout the winter, he said. aod. Wiscoolin -we r Ill river banks. plan for the Midwest river Seven major (ecleral agen-designated d4east.er ~ •l:iit The Army Corps 0 f basin is ur'gently needed. cles, plus the Ar,nerican Red_ authorities there !till cou'nt .Engineers says that it pro-Clark had told a House and CroJs, beeSl";e involved in them,.elves fortuoote. '!: vidtd 10 million sand bags, Senate Public Works Ap. "qpe:raUon ·Foresight" which built 200 miles or dikes and aJ>" propriatioos subcomlltittee in began March I. prov~ emerge n ~ y con-!\pril the naUoo's amual flood Ample-~ of. a record struction cootracts 1n some losses are liable to triple over Mow-melt in the Dakoflls and 400 communities. the next 50 years if action isn't Minnesicta was provXfed by Jovey Gift Shop DISTINCTIYI Gtm The corps fielded 1.000 taken. ' the U.S. Weather Bureau. A eog~rs while anoth~r 2,100 The Office ol ~mergency Washington spokemian gays, servicemen and n a t 1 on a I Preparedness, which h a d "it was quite evident, very ( NOW. GAS OVENS CLEAN THEMSELVES AND 00 IT AUTOMATICA LLY ( • sa goodbYQ to toi and trouble with Calorics new seH-cleaningoven ! @&@ SeU·Clean Oven ... and Broiler!· Costs less than 3c a cleaning! ~ ~?(~: OVen ~ broiler rr•. spatftnfy ' ~-. clean In two hou rs ~\I ft,;.~:{ Requires only two simple step& t1 ....:-~ operate -~ ~I!\ f' fuss, mess and effort ate aliminattd ~'if..:;.:-Plus all the other areit Caloric features ••. Ultra-Ray® infra·red broiler .•• Thermo-Set" bur11r• wilh·a·brain ••• automatic meat probe ••• n>tinerie ••• eook and keep-warm oven •.. and many morel NOW-NO DOWN PAYMENT- AS LOW AS ••• NOSCOORING NO SCRU881N& • CALORIC SELF-CLEANING GAS OVENS ••• PRICES ST ART AS LOW AS • • • • • • .5269'5 ASK ABOUT CALORlC'S OUTSTANDING 3 YEAR PARTS WARRANTY! • SINCE 1947 • 411 E. 17th St. ' Costa Mesa • • N.ew 11aven Lib r a r ian th Blos! says lhe IO!s Telephotle 646 • 1614 -From Fashion Island, Newport Beach DAILY 9 • 9, SAT. 9. 6 would force thecicy-~....,~~~~~~~~~~--r~~~~~~~~~~.,-~~-1..,.., .. .,.,..,111111.,.,.,.,., .. .,.,.,., .. ..,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.., ................... . ' . _______ ....,:. ____________________________________________ _. I ..... ----;-:-.~-.. -.. -.-.~.~.-.. ~.-.~--o .. -.~.~.-.-.-.. -.-.. ~.~.~.~~~.~.~.~-.-.~.~.~.~ .. ~.~.~-~.--:.~.--:.-:-.~.-:-.~.--:.~.:-:.~.:-:.~~.;---:-:--:"":"-:--~~""li J8 IWLY PILOT Tlltld.,, u., l.l, 1969 r · All Eyes · at Indy -Focu·s ) INDJANAPOLIS, Ind. -No en~ea lot turbocharged Olleollauser e,,.tne. ' dlilu..t enst-"made the Gumey on Gurney'·~ Eagles . • the 5Srd SOG-mlle auto race Ml)'. 30 are .. Glll'JlCll hlrqself. wu runnerup In I/I' ch'91ls··k>ok )9lty superior. beinl waldiod mbrt clooe!J' In j>rac:Uce Eqle Willi acmodWed 'Ford otock block Carrol Slielb'y, aflOUllr JIOted 'race than the 1-.r -Eo&lei built by dliver· ongifte, ' ·' ' drtvOl" llld deslper, Ind Gumet formed englaeer Dan Gurney of Colla Men. Denis Hulme, New Zealander who was AIJ.Amerlcan Racen of Santa Ana In Aller all ihe publldty for Lotus turbine 1917 world Champion llld No. 3 In-tlll6. Gurney llnoe bas become oole j,,o- qn last year, the race ended wilh tematlonally lul year, took IOW'tll place prtd« bf the -· Gurney Ea&les In tbrH of the first four . for tbe ·.second straight year, driving an All~AmerlCanRacers ,bullt. foUr new Jn. ,.a.cea. Eagle· with a OOftlUpetCharged Ford rac-dlanipolla cirs for this year and tbtte 1 Bobby U~Albuquerque, N.M., won ing engine. may be seven or eiJht older Eaglea in the ·w!tb· an E le pawered with 11 That kiod of a performance with three field. . I . J~hnstone's Roasting Spurs Halos By EARL GUSTKEY Of .. Dlllt' .... , Sl•tf A pre-game chewing out by manager Bill Rigney may have made a new man out ol Jay Johnstone. :-At least that was the impression Rig gave writers late Monday night, alter the Angels spoiled Ted WiUiams' Orange County debut by beating the Senators, 3- 2. Johnstone, after commilting two errors In centerfield Sunday afternoon and look- ing haH asleep at the plate, was sum- moned by Rig hours before Monday's game. Johnstone walked into the skipper's of· flee and Rig locked the door. "I told him I ·Was verY unhappy about dJe way be was playing,".Rigney related. "1 told him he has the ability to play etnterfielC: here for 10 years but he'd bet- ter learn every blade of grass out there or else. That kid should be a helluva luMleball player but he's not." The therapy worked. Johnstone cracked tWo doub:es, sacrificed a run home in the first and perfonned flawlessly afield. :' 1'He looked more aggressive at the plate tonight," Rigney said. "That's the Pd of hitter he 's supposed to be up ~e -aggressive. Sunday he looked like be was swinging half-hearte(jly." Now that Rigney has at least tem- pof.arily breathed some life Into his ~terfiekler, he must turn his attention \o 'bis walking wounded. ' . '·Lou Johnson had to be taken out o[ the game when he wrenched his back in a sU~e at second, Jim McGlothlin was hit i'.rl the bead before the game by a thrown ball, Rick Reichardt was taken out with a ~ff shoulder, Tom Satriano dislocated a &ger Sunday and when you add Phil Orfega out for six weeks after being' • lkl len up at an Anaheim restaurant Sun· dly morning you have what could ~ call- ed an injury-ri ddled ball club. Ortega, whose jaw was broken Satur- day night in a fight , awaits plastic Surgery al an Anaheim hospital. 1 The former Washington hurler's jaw wa s set Monday by his doctor. He's ex- pected to be out of action for six weeks. He also suffered a bone break over his right eye. .. One bright spot glimmering through the gloom is an encou raging report from tbe bullpen. "My bullpen people tell me my fat pitcher (George Brunet) is throwing the blankety-blank out of the ball and that l won't be able lo keep him out there much longer .. They say he 's been throw- ing peas the last two days." Applyiiig the Out Tag Steve Hanley (32) o! Ne,vport Harbor High, puts the tag to Western High's Al Peters as he latter attempts to steal second base durillg Two -Eqlol wtll be drlVa 111' Gurney llld Hulme U I team, --In '-ve. Tiie foat1fl WU ooJd lO Smoby Y\lnlck of Doylooa lleacb, Fla., I DOied alOCk car ~-upert, wbt ·bu Joe i-anl ol Sia 1-In the c:ockt>fL "9onlrd WU ~ Jut ye..11 IOO 1n anJ'l'.P'Lotul-Turblne wit!) O!>lY I lips IO 10 -I fUel pump lhafl broke. lie bu made I quiet adaptation Jo the -£a,se aod pl ti ap lO I~, IM.IM mlla per boor In the lint week It pncllc•. • "' boldl tbe tract quallfylnlJ -It 17Llllt In tile turbine, -outlond by -eac1ne-Ganlef fl lllll u1ppoan;lla•"'""'oll""lll 'lrilb 1111 new Cll'l ID tbe weet bet.-tiil. May lf llarl it -lrlall lor the v-tai Day dalllc. \ . "We'rt trYln& throe dlflereal lallo ..r several na.e.111 Gurney aid. •"f11ere la DAIL y , .... or ll"J!Mt "' lllcllll'f ~ Monday's Sunset League championship showdown at Newport. West· ern blanked the Sailors, 4-0. Game story is on Page 17. Williams finds himself in a pick.le with hil Senators. He's had to ·use 16 pitchers in the last three gam es. He used five Monday but once again the Angels had their hitting boots on and they stroked eJ&ht hils, including an infield hit by Newport Beach's Bill Voss in the fifth that scored a run. Andretti Hits Trade With Philadelpliia The Angels will try again tonight against the skidding Washingtons, who have lost six straight Rigney sends Apcty Messersmith (0-2) against Barry Moore (2-1 ). WAS'41MOTOM U.Llll"OltMIA ~ •llr~lll Hr••1 ~er .:f 4t2tL '~rfl010 """'-n _, 4 O I t 1>11111!11!0 rf J 2 I O II'\ .._.rd 11 J I I t Fr""'/ '' 4 0 I 0 Etlllftl lb • 0 l I ~teM c:f J I 7 I H Al• rf 4 I I I RMf11rdl If I I 0 0 MCM.il11 Jb l f lt 'Wlltll 1 011 8All•n 7b JlllR_.lb 31 10 ~c JlllWl!Mtmp tltt ._.., ltllARod,,.e1lll lll l C.. p I I I I E .... c 1 ·1 I I HMrnall lli> 1 01 1 Af'NrD7b 1 000 l(reufJ~P IOOOM11rlll>YP JOOO HlflllhtnP 110 0 Knoop1b 1000 ,,.....,_ ,,.. ' • • 1 llflli"I p 0 I I I T11t1I t lltSlT01.i JOJ I J wilfilf'IQ"IOll t 0 0 0 I I I 0 11--1 c.tll"'"''-I I t 0 I 0 0 I •-J .,......-Wliti.lln. W~urplty 2. ,._,, .. A-1,61t. ' -; ' UCLA , l}SC POST TWIN BILL SWEEPS Southern catifori:iia pul on a spec. tablar olfentive di.spla,y ?i1onday lo sWetp a doubleheader from Washington ~ Lbe Trojan! are still in second place In,the PldlJe.I Conference baseball stan- cllap. . • ll'he "ho)ani. Who have a JW mark, Wiiled teVeb pltcben for JS hit. to poet tA ind 11·7 vfc:loriel ""'' the Huaklel. cal Meir, tbe ludinc Gira bue bitter In · Ilia <"Olllmnce, led the nplolion willi Ii"° "II' Ind lour llBb In the olgblcap. OC!A Ind Stanford r e m 1 I n • d <4dl0Cktd for Ille ~ """ with t 4-4 rebds 111 tallinc IWIMlll~ The Bndnl ddelled W ......... Slelc, '4-~ Ind ,.,, and Slon!Ord. behind lhe pllpllll aod bl!Jln& of Bob -, tqok °'""" lllalt, 44 ... IJ.2. " . . 170 mph Mark R · ams 111 Indy Test Get Problem Child • INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (AP) .:_ Mario Andretti broke the 170 mile per hour bar- ri er Monday and turned in the best prac- tice speed of the year at the lndlanapolis P.totor Speedway. Andretti, driviog a four-wheel~rivc Lotus with a turbo-charged Ford Englne, hit 170.197 m.p.h. just 10 n1li'tutes before the track closed. The prev'ious best speed in pracUce for the Memorial :qay SOO.mile race was A. J . Foyt's 189.237. · Andretti, former national champion from Natareth, Pa., has never won at 111· dy. Foyl is a three"-tlme 500-mJle victor. Last year's winner, Bobby, Unser, of Albuquerque, N.M., turned In the second best time Monday al 157 .286. Andretli was drlvlng one of 11 entrie.!I of Sl'P Corp., Des Plaines, 111. ' Andy GranalelJI, ~TP . prtSidt.nt, said Mondq lhlt only f«ar of hls entrlt:s were .al tbO speedway. Wllh the ·quallllcaUon runs beglnnina Sal~, the i<matnder ci the can ·are still being -plei.d either In CIWornli or the Lotus sbopo In Englllld, be said. Bobby Johns, a veteran stock car rarer from MiamJ , Md Cy Fairchild, • rookie from Saainaw, 't.flch., escaped cnjury Monday when their cars v.·cnt out of con- trol. ' Bot.h cars spun to a slop without bllllnc the cotktett r~talnlng w~I, • PHILADELPHIA (AP) -Bob Brown now is ~ happy man, which means there'll be plenty of unhappiness for the Los Ange1es Rams' opposition. "I'm .so ecstati~ I c a n ~ardly find words to describe my feelings . . . I just feel great," the 27-year-<>ld All-National Foot · ball LeagUe offensive lack1e said Monda y afler the Philadelphia Eagles traded him lo the Ra.ms in a five-player deal. AJ.ona: with the 6-foot--4, 295-pound lineman, often called Uie best in the business, the Eagles sent comerback Jim Nettles to the Rams in return few tackle Joe Carollo, guard Don Chuy and defensive back Irv Cross. The Eagles reacted quickly after Brown told them Monday morning he wanted to be traded. He had given General M!lnager Pele Relz1alf a tr8de. mc-or~lse u!Umatum. Brown said hiJ refusal to play a sixth season wl tfl the Eagles was "personal", bul he wouldn't elaborate. "I have no Intention of airing my grievance;," Brown tokl newsmen after talking to Retzlaff, 1 former teammale. Cardinal A~e Tough Gibson Does in Dodgers ST. LOUIS (UPI )._ Even pitcher Bob Gibson had to agree he turned in a ..11 . .iactory performance for th< St. Loul1 Clnllnall qalnll th.1 Loo Angtles Dodgm. The pllching star ol the Cardinals swung tht big bat t.1onday night In a 6·2 St. Louit victory. He had three hits in thtte trips lo the plale. drove In two runa, scoret1 ooe and even .stole a l>Ne. "I Ille to win ~ l think a pitcher • should do everything he can lo help his team win," Gibson said. "I was ihrowlng hard and had pret\y good control but my sllder was oU, so l threw more curvts." Gibson struck wt the olde In the seventh lnning on nine pitches to equal 1 retord held by six National League and five A~lcan Leacue pltchm. The men he put down in order on three pltt:hes each were Len Gabrielson, Paul Popovich and plnt:h-hiller John Miller. Gibson 's bases-loaded single in the fourth inning drove In two runs and pull· ed the Cards out In front. 3-0, giving the big rlghthander all tht ryns he needed for the \•lctory. • • "I want to Jeave without recriminations, just as quieUy u pogajblt. ·• Relllaff 1 11 d he wu 0 very pleased with the trade ... and I guea Bob is.'' In Los Angeles, coach George Allen of the Rams expressed complete utlsfac. lion in the deal. "Bob Brown i.!1 the finest oUensive lineman t~ pro football and with Brown and Charlie Cowan, the Rams will have the finest aet of offenalve tackles in the game," he exuded. Brown WU the Eagles' No. 1 draft cboic< In 19&1. He llped for a r<parled $100,000 bonus out ol Nebraska, where be was an All-AmerlclO. He WI! the NFL'• RookJe of the Year in 1964, was All·NF'L to 1915 IDd llM Ind played In the Pro -~In 11116 llld 1917. In Can>llo Ind Chay, the Eagles get 1 palr or sturdy veterans. Croq 11 an ex· Eagle being coftlidered fot an assistant coaching job with the team. Carollo, 2', 6-foot-2 and 225 pounds, came to the Rams as a second draft cho~ from Notre Dame in 195%. He has not miMed a game in seven yeara at Loa Angeles. Oiuy, 27, &-1,.and ·225. rrom Cltm10n. also lo In blJ ellhtlJ NFL ytar. He wu hamf)'!red by lnjuriet In I~. Nettltl, from Clemson. 5·10, 177, bat been IQ: 1he NFL four years. He played out h~ opt.ion last tc•ton with the Eagles. Of Carollo, A.Hen said: "He 11 a aood an1lytlcaf player on and oil th< field. Between Carollo and Chuy. Philadelphia will IC~ two rtgUl.rt ." • Emile, Nino TaJ~ngUp Fourth Bout NEW YORK (AP) -"Good fllbl, Emile," said middleweight clll!nplcu Nino BevenuU of I~. , "You11 fight me, 'Nino!" asked Emile Griflllli. "Sure," replied Benvenuti. So It looks hke a fourth mlddle'ftl&ht title fight ii in the worb between the two arc!Hival!, probably for Sept<mber iD New York although nothing is on paper today. GriffiUt earned the shot by coming from behind to beat cul1"00" Stu "Kit• ten" Hayward of Phlladtlpbla ca a decisive, unanlmous 12-round decision at Madison Square Garden Monday night. But it took a cut over Hayward's left eye in the fiftb round to open the 1ate1 for the 3-1 favored Griffith'• victory. Hayward, who had outpointed Griffith in Philadelphia last Ocl 29, had rocked the former welterweight and mid· dleweight champion with a atunning ri&ht to the jaw in the fourth round and wu outbo:ling the grim New Yorker at tbil stage. But when the wide cut on the Kitten's left eyebrow waa opened In the llflli llld blood streamed from the gub, Griffith took charge and dominated the fight from then on. Referee Arthur MerCllllte Ind Judie Tony Castellano each had Grllfith tbe winner in rounds M while judge Johnny Dran had it ~ fer Griffith. The Associated Press t:ard had Griffith in front &-4. "It was Griffith all the way ," said Ben· venutl, who took the Litle from Emile a second time here 14 months ago. "He would have won even if Hayward wu not cut. Griffith looked tlower but atronaer since l fought him." Griffith bond lo to wort ovet Hayward's body and to ~nt him from getting too much punchinc room. "l couldn't get Rt for more than one punch the way he worked," Aid Hayward. "Then when I wu cut, I couldn't see out of the eye for ltvel'll rounds. I think I'll have an operatloa to get the scar tissue removed.." Santa Ana Batters Boes In Finale, 11-3 By JOEL SCHWARZ Of tk Diil¥' ,lllt ..... It was billed as a makeup llme, but the terminology was a little l»t off. Wipeout would be more deteriptive and technically correct. A hardened surfer would hive cringtd at the way Orange Coast Collq:e'1 baseball team closed out its 19U seuon, absorbing an 11-3 drubbJng Monday after.. noon on the Pirate diamond from Santa Ana College. By losing, the Pirates squandered a chance to hold on to undisputed fdlli place in the Eastern Qmference at.m- dings and wind up circuit play at the .5(11) mark. Instead, Orange Coast wound up with II. 9-11 record and shared filth wtlh Santa· 1 aAITaRW <OHll"aRaMCI Ml. SAC It t 1 CIMfffl U S 1 t #uH..-10n li 1 • ..... Go._, W•I II t I t \11 O••nve C.11 t II I It~ ~ S•"'• AM t II I 101'.1 R lo HO!'ldlO I II t 11 Rlwrslde 7 n I 11 s." 111rner61tto 1 n 1 n Cllrw 6 II • IW, ' C'/'ll<"flS IUltJ MMIU)"I SC... Sin!• ,.,.. ti, o,,,._ c-.. I Ana, a team that whipped the Bua: twice in the last week. ApparenUy, OrAll(< Coul jult wun~ destined to beat the Dont thil ~ lf dropped a M decision lall to Santa Aila on • dropped fly ball lo th< nlnlli lnnlni that's the only edge they enjoyed. to score. Things weren't much better Moridly. 1 The Buc1 out.bit Santa Ana 12-11, but. Iha! 'sl be only edge they enjoyed. Four Oronge Coul pll<hen oerved up seven walks. wild-pitched home two l'VM llld had another problem with a fly ball started the Dolls oo their ll·run al· t>moon. * * * MMfA """' nu .. '""' "-" .. ,. tnl'lr. 711 • 1 • • Rn1-t.d •Jtl l•tr•._c 1121 H-.ftrl,111 Ji i t c-. If I 1 I I fllfNVf'U, W I t 1 t SIMJt, lb I I 1 t l!Mttl, rt I 1 1 1 Wtl~. • I I I I Ttl•ll »" 11 II J OUJMa COAn (Q .,.,.. Jtl'lltlM... s •.•• LMd\. iti 4 I ~ t .'""" • J • • t ···""'· " .. I . P'•lrllw. c I 1 I '""" Ill I • e ..._,,,,, .. ,, Whlitltr, ti • I t o cm.. ' ' • • • lw•IM. • • ••• ll"llllw. ' J 1 1 t l(lfll, "' 1 ••• Dt>ll~, t t t t t Ttt•lt a I IJ I ....... _ 111111 All• I ~C-' ••• IU M •)-1111 1 001 Ill II._ J If 1..j l I I ' , j u ... u t I, .. le II •• ~ " g I• a 11 l • h d I- I • I ' I 1 1 ' • I ' I t Seorehoard Tells It BARGAIN DAY -Angel fans can get two tickets .., for the price of one in the DAILY_ PILOT's s p~c~al promotion for the June 1 game with Eastern D1v1s- " ion leader Baltimore. You can order as many t tickets as you want in the $2.50 or $3.50 price range and for each one you purchase, you get another free. Send your check or money order to "2-for-l Angel Day," Orange Coast Daily Pilot. c/o Service Dept., P.O. Box 1560 Costa Mesa , 92627. Could be Rw1a,va y ' • Red S ox L ooking Like Sure-fire P ennant Bet You've got-to like !he pennant chances of the Boston Red Sox. They·rc a te am of ioise, class and ability and they kno1v ho1v to 1vin in the late innings. '\Ve're not suggesting they should be dassified as pennant contenders because they took the likes of the Angels three straight, but those wi ns were their sixth, seventh and eighth In a row. Carl Yaslrzemski, after a slow start. is hitting a ton and so is the comeback kid, Tony Conigliaro. And with Rico Petrocelli among the league leaders and Reggie .. ' ***********"***• EARL GUSTl(EY **************• Sinith conlributing a homer here and t!jtre, Boston will be restrained only but it~ pitching. If the Red Sox pitli!ers come lhroui::h, ll might be a ru nawa}'I' by AugusL '\iill Rigney sums it up lx-.st \\'ith what \V,l_S inte nded as an understatement: "'}'nose guys have got sonic thunder in Ui!!,~ lineup, don't they'..'" * * * LAKER DEPT. How bi g art the '4ke.r& in Southern Calirornia ? The DAI· Lt PILOT S\\'itcb.board received at lea st 50 calls the day of lhe last game from people ~·anting to know if they could ste the NBA 's seventh playoff game on TV in San Diego. As near as can be determined, the only 5ports event which by that standard seemed t.o surpass that Laker-Celtic ' G:hamps P ace All-Garden Gro ve 11 .... , Champion Garden Grove High Schoo. led the official All-Garden Grove League baseball selections with four players as seJecled by the Orange C o u n t y S~wrilers Association. Playe r of the year. however. wss Tom Sitlidl of Pacifica High. Phil Winkler of Garden Grove was nahfcil coach of the year. " Cl1i1 "••· lt•c•'11 ~-c ·"° $0"" !II ·'* Sr. 111 .a10 Sr. 38 .Jl2 Sr. SS • .QI Sr. OF .'90 $!", Oil' .)411 Sr, OF .llS Sr, Ullli"' .US S•. P 1·1 "'· ,. 1-t " ' Jr 111 Jr 'n J• 111 Sr. SS so. 01' S• 0" Sr OF Jr, Ut!UIY ... ' Jr. ,. .... "" ••• ,Jn ... .110 ,.. .111 ... •-1 'i " ~ame \\'as the first Super Bo\\·l game, played at the Coliseum. * * * GIVE t-.1E A BREAK DEPT. -\\Thy do Orange Coast area golf clubs insist on conducting "celebrity '' tournaments \\'hen nobody ever heard of the celebrities'! * * * FOOTBALL DEPT. -Reports out of San Jose indicate new San Jose Slate football coach Joe i\1erttullen has been highly pleased wilh ex-J\.1arina High and Orange Coast College back Frank Weiralh in spring drills. * * * FACES IN THE CRO\VD DEPT. -Our New York sources tell us Laguna J{igh football coac h Hal Akins "'as seen at the •·21" for lunch al the same table with Earl Wilson, Henry 11organ and Don Kingman. * * * DAVIS DEPT. San Diego State basketball followers will be delighted lo see the crop of junior college stars ex- UCl coach Dick Davis will bring with him for his first season at the Aztec helm next fall . lie l:as no less than seven oulstanding Callfornla Jaycee stars lined up and is now zeroing ln on Huntington Beach's l\lik e Conlrt ras. * * * BLOOPER DEPT. ABA com- missioner George i\1ikan didn't make any friend s in Oakland last week "'hen he ad- dressed the cro\',rd be fore the rinal ga1ne. "It's great to be here in Oklahoma," he said. * * * THO~lPSON DEPT. Farm tr ~ewport Harbor High and Angel system pitcher Terry Thompson i1 working with llarbor Area Youth Baseball Progran1 commissioner Rod l't1acl\.1Ulan this sum· mer. Thompson, cut by the Angels last moolh, hopes to plt.cb bis arm back lo 5hape with semi·pro teams this summer and sign "'ilh another club. * * * RECRUIT ING DEPT. UC I'' baseball roach . Gary Adams. sa ys he's locked up Northern California's t>est junior college pitcher. Dennis Nicholson o( College of the Sequoias. He also says We!tcrn shor tstop Dan tlanscn will enroll at Irvine unless he signs a pro conlract. The same Is true of Marina catcher Vince Moll, but he's al so being courted by USC In addition lo the pros. Girl Wins Letter NEW ORLEANS (AP) -Linda Tucro, ai1 18-year-old freshman, was B\\'arded a Tulane varsity ;il11tetic letter Monday night -the flrsl coed in the school's hiRtory to win the T. The slender brunctle, r~nked eighth ns· tionally In ·women'a tennis, l5 a me'l'bcr of the Tulane tennis team. HURRY UP KID S, DEA DLINE NEA RS Time is running out. Less than two days remain for boys and girls to get in their entry for the DAILY PlLOT's Early Bird special offer, which is a special bonus to purchasers of the 2-for-1 ducats to the Angels-Baltimore game on June I. The Early Bird contest, designed for youngsters up to 16 years old, will gh•e the first three finishers a chance to meet their favorite Angel player. ha ving their picture taken with him plus getting a ball autographed by so1ne of the team members. The contest is simple ... the entrant writes a slalemcnt of 100 words or less completing the thought: "My favorite Angel is because . . • " and encloses it with his ticket order. Entry deadline is noon Thursday. Just address your envelope to: 2-tor-1 Angel Da y, Orange Coast Daily Pilot, c/o Public Service Dept., P.O. Box 1560. Cos~ la Mesa 92627. The two-for-one bargain entities the purchaser to one free ticket for each regular seat bought and are priced al $2.50 and $3.50 apiece~ CdM to Host Santiago; Tars At Santa Fe Corona del Mar, Newport Harbor's Sailors and possibly Marina wilt enter the CIF high school baseball playoffs Friday represent ing the Orange Coast area. Corona del Mar, by virtue or placing second in the Irvine League will play host lo Santiago, the number two team from the garden Grove League in AAA action. And Newport Harbor is slated lo meet Santa Fe High School at the latter'11: field. Sunset champ Western hosts Arcadia. Santa Fe is the number two team from the San Gabriel ValleY. League. ~1arina, if it can tum the tables on Newport Harbor Wednesday afternoon, will gain a share of ~ place with Newport and Santa Anal and would also be placed in the elimina Ions. Moore League champion Long Beach ""'fl.filllkan drew the top seed while Ken- nedy, kingpin of the Freeway League, is second-seeded. M!lll-•n bVt Mornlno11cle " SOultl T!"••>Kt Oltl'ldor• If P1.Nclt'I'• VH1h1r• Ot' H-•I Al.-rn1n1 Cllafln or ll:amGlll IW• 11Y-•I Witrrl!'fl A1qdl1 11 We:tltrn Wl\lltlff •1 8et11-,. teen""" M N--t M.rbor 1! S.nl1 F1 OIPnd1le 1i El Monie Notre O•me 11 c-••lllo Oor!ll-l ~ Cl!llfte1 or 11:._ 11 l.1 ,.11t11l1 LM""""" •I Ment~llil S•nl1 MQtlk1 11 P1Jes Yerdei ... • D.t.ILY ~l[Of 12; ._ Fountain Valley Trio Heads All-Irvine Leag~ Picks Three Fountain Valle)) preps bead the Orange Coas~ area contingent on the of- Ucial AU-Irvine League baseball team IS picked by the Orange C o u n t y ·Sportswriters Association. • Leading the trio of Baron!! is ' Duane Diffie in the outfield with a .349 average along -Nitb lnfiekien Tom Boyle and Mike Roberts. corona del Mar, second place finisher in tbe league •nd headed for the AAA CIF playoffs Friday, is represented by Rex Sn_vder at uUlity. Snyder led his Sea King mates at 110- Newport Loss Give s Marina Playoff Shot By ROGER CARLSON ot tM O•llY Plitt $11M For Newport Harbor High School's virsity baseball team, Wednesday's journey to Marina for a 3:15 makeup game is striCtly for prestige on1,y. But for Marina and onlooker Santa Ana, it means the difference between playing and being spectators in the CIF AAAA baseball playoffs, That's the situallon in the Sunset W~tftn ' Htw1>01I M1 rbor t.lnll Alll M1rl111 ........ HunllntlOn INC~ Westmlns~r s ... 11 Ar.a Vl lle'I' w l. T •• ·11 l • I S 1 2\'I I 6 I l 1 6 I l'°' 7 7 • • 5 ' • • ' ' . . 'It I 1 MlllllfY'• ~ We1ter11 4 M-rt H1rbor t _ w.-. ... ,. ....... N-"' M1ttlor •' Mtrln1 League after Western High's Pioneers took Newport apart Monday afternoon, 4-- 0. to claim the league championship. The two teams tiad tied earlier in the season, l-3, and the replay of that game gave the Pioneers the liUe. Despite losln&, Newport Harbor has made the CIF playoffs by virtue of clinching no worse than a tie for second place. ' By winning Wednesday the Tars would deny Marina and Santa Ana entry into the playoffs. All second place teams will play Jn the eliminations, accord.lng to ClF com· missioner Ken Fagans. Newport's try for first place never got ofr 1;1e ground Monday afternoon I! the invaders from Anaheim broke tbt game wide open with four runs in the third in- ning to salt it away for pitcher Ktvin Fox. Fox breezed, allowing only three hit! while striking out seven Tar! en route lo his shutout. A st.anding-room-only crowd saw the Pioneers leave five runners stranded in the first two innJngs before breaking out en masse in the fourth frame. In the decisive fourth, the league champs loaded the bases with no outs but it seemed Sailor pitching would get out of trouble again after hurler Steve Schoel· Iler struck out the next two batters. But two clean singles scored three tallies and the Pioneers added another on an error. Newport's only threat came in the final frame. when Rich Warner led oft with a single and went to second on a two-oul safety. NEW,.OlllT ttl 1tr1!'9I t-11nlt\'. ,. J t I t Mt llnoff, lb l 0 0 t Struble. :lb l 0 0 0 W•tn~r, rt l 0 I t Curry, cl J OOt Fl@ml,,., If l 0 0 0 Mertln,c 2000 F0•1tr I 0 0 t Molmos 2 o o o ll~1n.~ 0000 ~l'IM!ll•r. p I O 0 o llltnton, , 1 O I 0 5!1tfforlf, 1111 I o 1 o Tol1l1 N 0 l o Wnk rn N~M1rbor W•St•ltH 14) " ' " .... M1d<, 2b H1nllft'I, u PtoVtllfh), ~ w11 ...... lb Ptltrs, rl N~1e1'11, lb AllOI, cl l®er, If Fo•, p Tot111 J t I I ' 0 l 0 J I 'I 0 l I t o l I 2 f ' 0 I 0 2 • 0 0 l I I 2 l t 1 I 21 410 3 . " . ll04 000 0--4 11 t llOO 000 ....... s I cond bu< and pl IC her. Bill Po\v•ll .(.319) ol Est&nc!a and Dan Cilrk (.341) ol Costa Met.i nltllld out the .area players on the ttarQ. Loar•'• Keith Man.hill WIS named • player ol lhe yur and Floyd Chlndler ol champion Loara was voted coach ol tile year. Aru honorabie menUon wtnt to BtD Ward ol Corona del Mar, Chuck Loselll of Eltlncia and Dave Clark.son of Fouotatn Valley. * * * * All-Irvine League Pl•yer School Cl111 . Pot, R._.i $-3' 7. .333 .262 .3'.0. .319' .349 .475 .3811 .349 .233 Richard Vince Loara Jr. P Doug Omer MaJnOlla Sr. P Rudy Sgonlz Loara Jr. C Tom Boyle Folllltaln Valley Sr. 1B ·Mike Roberts FowtWn Valley Jr.· 2B Bill Pvwell Estancia Sr. 3B Dan Clark Costa Mesa Sr. SS Keith Marshall Loara Sr. OF Gary Wolverton Loara Jr. OF Duane Dlflie Fowttaln Valley Sr.. OF Rex Snyder Corona de\ Mar Sr. Utility Player of the Year -Marshall, I.oara Coach of the Year -Fl. Challdler, Loara Honorable Mention: Bill Wan! (Corona de! Mar), Chuck Loaeth, (Estancia), Dave Clarkson (Folllltain Valley). Wednesday at East LA Top Jaycee Spike Stars To Vie in SoCal Prelims The fine.st junior college track and field stars from Bakmfield to the Mexican border will gather at East Loa Angeles CoUege Wednesday morning and af· temoon for Southern California track and fie ld championship preliminaries. Action Is slated to get under way at 10:30 with quarter linal heats in the sprints and hurdles. Competition will resume at 1 p.m. to qualify for Sa'turday's finals. _ The battle for team honors is seen as a mulU·school a!fair with Loi An&ele.s City College, Baker!field, Ce.rritos,.Santa Ana, Fullerton and San Diego Mesa expected to le.ad the field. 'lbe. Orange Coast area will be repreaerited by 11 athlete& and twt> relay teams from Orange Coast, Golden We.st and Saddleback. Heading the local contingent will be the Golden West duo of high jumper Don Shield! and hurdler Jim Seymour. Golden West coa~h Tom Noon expects big things from Seymour in the SoCal meet . "He's really due to cut I006e in the high hurdles and bring his time down. I think the defeat he suffered over the weekend BRUINS SELLING SEASON TICKETS Season tickel.S for UCLA'! five-game home football sctiedule thl.! fall, including the contest with cros!·town rival USC, are now available. The Bruin home schedule features Pac· a gatnt:S with Oregon State (Sept. 13), California (Oct. 11). Washington (Nov. I) and USC (Nov. 22). Rounding out Uie home slate is a Sept. 20 battle with Pitt. UCLA offers three typea of seaaon Ucket.s in the Coliseum -public season on the south side be.low the press box, alumni season on the north side adjacent to Ult rooting sect.ion and a special fami· ly season section on the north side. The first two are priced at $31 while family season tickets are $16. Applications for season tickets are available by writing to the. UCLA Athletic Ticket Office, P.O. Box 24607, Los Angeles, tooi4. or by dialing 113-UCLA· JOI. ln Fresno In the intermediates wu psychologically good. He's a fierc:ie com· petitor and bates to lose." Noon llf', Seymour finJshed third in the In· termediates at Fresno in 53.5 after lllf• fering a blackout in the starting blocks. Seymour is the Eastern Conlerence champ in both hunlle races and is favored in the intermediates. However, he 'll have lo slice his 14.7 erron in the highs by several tenths to be a serious contender for the SoCal title. Lance Babb of LACC, who has run 14.1, is the' favorite. Shields will be out to avenge a West Coast Relays losl! to Steve Lange of East Los Angeles. Both men cleared ~. but Lange wa! the winner on the basis .ot fewer misses. Scratched from the meel because ot in· juries are Orange Coast's 440 relay team and Golden West two-mil er Rick DeNuc .. cio. OCC sprinter ~ike Ogden injured a. knee in Fresno, shelving the Pirate 440 quartet • for the year. Orange CoasC doesn't have a swift replacement for Ogden and already bad lost dash ace· Ralph Kelly with a leg Injury. DeNucclo quit Golden West's track team last week after winning the East.em Conference two-mile crown because of an achilles tendon Injury. 09IAN8 • COAIT Alt l A I NRllS 1111 -Oon H1rr!s lGSkl. ~•o -Jltfl llek" 1oc Ml~ -Fr.cl Sklrdt i Cl. 7-MJlt -O•n Moon9r tOCCI ,drc,."H -Jim SotVrnour !Gwc1, Mlk• p_..,. 440 IM -Sermour IOWC!, Pomtrov (OCC), "40 11.fl•Y -Ooldtll Wtll, M.rle Ael•r -Golden W1!31. Orellte Cots!. 1 SP -L•nu Pt!trMn (t>WCJ. T J -P1u1 Cu \'" J•renn -Ca• ( ). PV -l~ 111'nd IOCCl. , HJ -Don $lll11d1 IGWC), lll(:k MvlJCllltt' IOWC), Kings Get Shacli INGLEWOOD (UPI) -Eddie Sbacl<, one of the best known players in the Na· tional Hockey League, bas been acquired ' by the Lo! Angeles King! from the Boston Bruins. The Kings obtained Shack and Rolls Loosberry, a promlsing rookit, fc:r minor league forward Ken Turlik and two future amateur draft pick1. Major League Standings ~ NATIONAL LEAGUE East Dtvlslo. CHICAGO Pl'M'SBURGH NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA ST. LOUIS MONTREAL W L 21 11 17 13 14 16 II 15 13 11 11 17 Wed IMvtao. Pct GB "' ·--.567 3 .467 , I .444 ' &JI.a .419 ,,,, .313 • ATLANTA 20 t .690 LOS ANGELES II II .600 !'~ SAN FRANCISCO 17 13 .567 7 CINCINNATI 13 16 .441 7 SAN DIEGO 15 19 .441 71\ HOUSTON 11 13 .324 II '.I. 11\MOtlr'f R:tMlb ClllcllO '· Sift D1H• e PlllllNl'ffl ol, S-'I PP•llCIKll I St. LOUii 6. l•t A~ltf , On11 ""'"' Kllftlulrd. , .. .,., .. ""' S•n oi-lltt ll•r I·!) " Cll~" fktm1 t-JI .\11"'" (llffd ).1) II N-Ytrk tOtnlrr 1>11, ""'" Hwthlin CGrH'flft 1·1> •I Monil'HI (W-1·11, n'9M IM AIMtn CSI""" J.1) It $1. ""'-llrlla 1..,.), nlollt ClftC.il'IMll (Mt_, Ml. It P~I (JIM. toll )>SJ, llltl!t Sift ir~ (ltHtttl9ft HI It PlthlM'lf (Metta ).11, lllollt AMElµCAN LEAGUE Eal DMtl• w L Pel Gii BALTIMORE 22 II .6&7 BOSTON 19 10 .ISS I WASHINGTON 16 17 .485 • DETROIT 13 1' .IM II\ NEW YORK II 20 .115 I ll CLEVELAN D 4 II .110 14 . Wat Ofvl1I• MINNESOrA II t .6&7 OAKLANb 19 10 .ISS CHICAGO 12 11 .522 4 KANSAS CITY 15 14 .517 4 SEATTLE 12 17 .414 7 CALIFORNIA 10 17 .370 I Me!Mll)"t ltttwl'lt C1tlleN1!a J, W•lfllM1'ell I S.1tlle I, JrttW Y.ni 4 On1~ ·-""""''"· ,....,...._ lotkin (Htl'I' 1 .. 1 ft Otk""" 0~1111 S.I), fllthf Rew Y.,.._ (Sfefflefll.,re .,, ff .. ttllt lhll 14), """' Chia.. 1"9"9ft J.11 It o.trelt (l.Mldl a.t), """' Wetll!Mfollt (.v.o.r. M) et C.llfllnlle 1-.-~fll .. ,,. "'""' CllwlaM (11"-"t .. IJ tt ~ Cltll (--., w •11. l'llll'lt hltll'Nre IC"IW NI It ......._.. (a.w.11 ' w ..... r .' . ' . 1969 •vNbl •w11ta ~885 eotD llAL UllD CA1S PINIST l&IC1IOll Of' USID -T CAii r---------:~~~==---------'l l IN ~II CMl'OltlllA AUTIIOR IZI D FULL SERVICE AND PARTS P:Olt ALL IMPOR TE D AUTOMOBILES J~1tt1111111 ii I:! [ 11' ! I , 31 00 WIST CO.UT Hl•HWAT -NIWPOIT llACH '4a-Hos. '41-17'4 . AollNobM M• e AUSTIN-HU.LIT - A11Wr111• lllUAll '-'tr• s.111 a S.ulce ' • • OCC Opens 'Peer' Roberto Maracerelli as "Peer Gynt" comforts his dying mother, played by Barbara Smith, in ~hj s scene from the ,Orange Coast College production, opening a foor-daY run \Vednesday everung. Strike Up Band Pilot Honoring Mus icians Go to the sound of mu sic ;1nywhere in our Orange Coast and it's a safe bet that you 'll find staff writer Tom Barley there, savoring and analyzing the concert for retelling in the DAILY PILOT. And he makes no secret of ~e fact that the cause of music is in good hands. Time and again in this fast closing season he has spoken of the tremendous improvement in the caliber of community orchestras and the herculean endeavors of those vo'ho are determined to bring good music to the Orange Coast public. Behind the scenes, he has urged that some s m a 11 recognition be given through the DAILY PILOT to those men and women and organiza- tions who have. in his opinion. done more than most to serve the cause o( music. Si milar contributions to the theater already are recognized with the DAILY PILOT 's Di stinguished Performance Awards. NO\v Barlev has his wish In the form of What he calls th e "Euterpe'' trophies. Euterpe, he explains. was one o( the nine Greek Muses and her special branch of the arts was music. Her name has been given to four trophies and they will be awarded in these categories: The best concert organiza- tion of the se ason : the bes t single evening's performance of that season; service to the cause of music by a male performer and the s,ame service by a female performer. Barley is now looking back over what he says has been '·a glorious season·• to make what are sure to be his eagerly a11,·aited seleetions. It is, he adds. "the most difficult task I've ever been given." Look for the winne rs of the "Euterpe Awards." They will be listed soon in the DAlLY PILOT. Crossword Puzzle ACROSS 1 Jot Loui s opponl!l'l l o!l 'J37 5 lnd11ftrent 10 "-·New World": 2 words 14 Marint1's '" 115 Eu;opran cap Ital :J.ii Far from opu1t11t 117 Africnn srapo1t 19 Comb. form ol a con tinl!l'lt 120 Musr of comedy '21 Con tl111!11 I: Abb r. ~ Collegr spor t 23 Htallng apparatu s 25 Machine parl Zit U.S. pubtishrr 130 Before Jl tntersrcting lint 34 Ctrlaln Norwrgi.n kings 3b Anci ent prit sl pl Britain • 111 Fi fty two 39 Th1tltl"I ord1ri ; t words · 43 Amtrican Indian 44 lnttnslly 4& Gavollt, t .g. ~7 Rubbtd out 4' Army Hurst Corps: Abb r. 51 Illus triou s "' 52 Play about robots 53 Ltga ! phrase: 2 words SS Fac ial ftalurr 57 Wlltlfbttsl 58 Conspi cuous &3 Grasped t.4 Harshn tss, wtalhtr· wist fib Ftm lnin t name b7 Htld in high t slttm t.8 "Encore!" 69 Rtirovt harshly 70 Ea sily 11rmoyed 71 Snow t1rt 'taturt DOWN J Rrality 2 Exelam~t lon of lr1um ph ) Monte·-·: Alp!nr prak 4 Formrr coin of Scotland 5 Rt'mov• b Trac i or 7 ~r:!:1~~-~-: 2 words 8 At a gi11t n signal: 2 words ' An t molion 10 Purg;ili~e drug 11 Gem mineral 12 Qui te disp!r11sed: Inform al 13 Lined op 18 Twice - 2 ~ "And lh,~l's an -···1 ?S Rrlin11J1!J1ed 2& Fas t's. com panion 27 P~t. to ~n ~1m bone 28 6Jrk of W Indian shrub 29 Nrwt Jl Til le 32 Ont 5113 /b'\I 33 Bushed 35 Morr srcurr 37 Affect radically 40 Ot!Hed ~rrson 42 'A1t you . .. !'' 45 Crrlaln NorU1 Americ an$ 48 24-hour p!riolf 50 ···of rrror s SJ Ca1toon charatttf 54 tJalr ani mal 55 RtSliill !alll VIP 1 Sb Hi!lh w;itrr's rr i~ilve I 57 Gold i11 color 59 Gtrrnan rlv,r !iO HnH hit ch. for onr fil Color b2 lmpa1trd color ,-;o,~.-;;;c"c==·.-,,:;c-;c-~,~-~~~...., ~-.. ,.~, •'• ~ • ••• ~ , .. ,.. •• • ' ''• '•• I • '•• • • • 2 Coast Theaters Winners A pair of Orange Coast com· m.uni ty theater groups reaped •• Individual a n d production hpnors over the "'eekend at the _ JOth annual Southern Ca lifornia Tou rnament of One- r r , Act Plays In Ri\•erside. ·i' C "Trines," p"sented by the·-. mt oncert Rancho Community Players, was voted best drama of the festival,.. while the Laguna Playhouse prOOuclion of "The Maids" earned two acting trophies and a spe<:ial award. Of Season The winning Rancho play Announced '~sk Any Girl' Santa Ana Show Short But -Sweet By TOM TITUS Of fht n.11y PUol llllf shOrt, •weet and dellgbUully runny are tbe words for "Ask Any Girl," the la tat pro- ductloo of the Santa Aiia Com- munity Playen. In this Uplwelght and ll&J:lthearted.1 account of a smalt town · girl's adventures ,by Ron Flban who seems unhamperf4, by some lm· probable dialogue. Helene Ash brightenl the set aS· the would-be actresa, while Bafbata Paragoy, Valeree How and Cheryada Loadbolti come through nicely u the bored-stiff tenants of. a girls' in the Big City are two ---~.~.~,.~.-.~v-.~,~,.~.~--11 primary lngffllients for su~ difect~ F~w °'~::t" 1~1 cessful comedy -smooth pac. dlre<tor L" .._,,,.fOrl, -1111 w Ing d I Ibo r · -1•1 ~ b\I Jo1111 Thomff, an a p e ra o corruc u1tinN b\I o\ll(l w11t1r, ..,._i.d b¥ cameos to lift the burden of ~~"'~ tw_r11~~~ ~~-;: over·famlllarity from the prin· 11 m• "'•"ers TN111.,, 1020 w. 1111 st., cipal players. Stlltl ""•· TMI <AST Director Fran,k Rugell has =r:.~ ... '.':::::::.LH ~:,~11::: I I Ev111 Dcu9hl(lll •.... , .. , , llOOI Fii .., taken an a p p a r e n t y n-uw ...................... H111111 A.ti IALIOA 673-4048 T+t~MA6VS . .... "TOUCHAllU$" -Color STAITS WIDNISDAY .... -.. Om«Shartf Cathert1e Oeneuve MllDfl ACRES OF FRH PARKING "'as directed by ~1ikki Pen· The ~ason's final concert or nington, her first directorial the Symphony Orchestra of assignment for the group. Orange COW1ty, Daniel Lewis Members of the cast were conducting, · will be given George Shultz, Carol Stanfield, Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sunday Ross Stanfield, Gloria Newton al J p.m. at lhe Chapman anH Michael Craig. College Audltoriunr.-333 N. .Jacquie Moffett and Joan Glassel!, Orange. Con•-uentlal little comedy A<1• ·•····••·•••···· 'll•rtiar• H•r"°" 1~a .................. L_.....e · ..... "'! R11bv ,,.,,.,,,,,,,,. V11trN How r.JClll~l'1UUC'l"""'l"\AKIU\.i II~~~~~~~~~~~~ and given u11 a bright, en· M•1<11 ............ cri.rv1c11 LoNl!ottl Gene p tertalning production which Je111n11 .................. c:~1~1t!~ vieve age abounds in ens em b I e ~r~~~ ·::::::::::::::::::::::.\11J:Bv io:J AndA""'Al,...~Elzlbtth i=i workmanship. What this show .1.ivin ..... ........... rr, Gr•l!d ,•uue9Ulftn L:!I Mrs. Wlletltr .......... NI.,. r~11J..1111 ,.,...._.,_,~. QI WiJlfsohn won two or the The soloist will be James tournament's three best ac· Tippey, baritone, renowned tress awards for the Laguna guest artist, who will sing Playhouse, w h 1 1 e "Maids" ' · Kinder toCenlieder" by director Marthella Randall Mahler. was presented a special award Other compositions by the for outstanding achievement. 0 r c he s t r a w i 11 be lacks in belly laughs, it com-~:n1~~r~"~.:::::::::::~'l:"11~•tt,so~ "INTE"LUDE"-Color Elle11 ................... A11th Trimble pe nsates for in consistent -~·~·"~'~'~·'":'~' =··~··~·~··~··:··~··~·'~'""~' ~"~"~"~".liii~~·;~~~;~~,!I chuckles. Jane ...•.............. J1r1tl Alex•llller . Its heroine, a statistic· spouting, marriage . minded hotel. Sandie Clark and Susan country g Ir I reminiscent of Stone are equally Impressive Julie from "The Tender in more clearly defined roles. Trap,'' is played with a CQm· Buddy Fort is sharp and binatlorl of wide-eyed in· believable as the overag· nocence a n d cool calculation gressive stock boy ala Bud by Ann Filian, who gives h e r Frump from "How to Sue· character its much-needed ceed." But Ted Grand pro- credibDity. vides the real comic gem a.s Al.9o competing among the Tachaikowsky's "Romeo and 10 entries in the Riverside Juliet". "Fantasy ·Overture'' tou rnament were three otb~r and Copland's "Suite from Orange County groups, Sim'& Billy·the Kid.'' Theater Workshop and the For tickets and information Guild Players, both of Santa write or call the Symphony Ana and the Shaw Players of Association office. 1n South Ora~ge County. Main St., Orange, 547-6165 . • STEPPING TOWARO CONCERT CAREER Lido Isle Pianist Curt Swidler Lido Pianist Swidler . . Lee Howington takes a Fort's inferior superior who businesslike approach to the finally comes from behind to role of her crisp, no-nonsense win the day. boss and turns in a fine The play's only w e a k performance. His p I a y bo y moments are the scenes in· brother is enacted effortlessly volving the ::;irl 's family (Nina 'Americans' Unoscared Brazleton, Gary Walbridge, Ruby Hasson and L i n d a Haskell) whose collective lapses of timing slow an otherwise ~teady pace. Technically, the show is first rate. with some line sound and lighting effects contributed by HOLL't\VOOD {UPI) -The J ohn Thomas and Ho•,,:ington, Motion Picture Academy has who al so designed the al· reVoked an Oscar award for tractive set. the first time. voiding the "Ask Any Girl" is as bright "Young Ameri cans'' as winner as it is brief (90 minutes) and of best documentary feature of it provides a pleasant evening. 1968. It cont inues for two more Gregory Peck'. presid~nt of weekends at the Players the Academy ol ~fotion Pie· Theater, l02Q W. 8lh St., Santa lure Arts and Sciences, a.n· Ana . nounced that the film was in-1,-=;-~:--~~~;;~~~~~~111 eligible. ll "It has been learned that 'Young Americaris' produced by Robert Cohn and Alex Grassho!(.. was reltased in the western and southern United States in October, 1967, and therefore was not eligible for W • 'T l t s h' coMlderation as a 1968 l ns a en ear C achie,.ment." Peck said. NfWl'Oll l lACH -1t ti.. 1ou10<• •• l1lool1~• lido 1111 -o•. 1·13SO FOR LAUGHS James Garner and ~~~~~~~~- Curt S1vidlcr's burning am· and Santa Ana His rendition -pc ~ONlllD P _,.,._..,. & YTll rT bition is to be a concert pianist of Franz LI s z t' s and the Lido Isle youth look a '"Liebestraum'' got him the j big step towards making that judges' nod in Manhattan C..i•1110• r.rt-uce Beach. M9tl-tockrt l S11111Hr l :lO ·dream reality last wee kend in Manhattan Beach. "It's all part or Curt'• pro-WALT DISNEY~ aram towards a career as a & &LENN FORD Curl. 17, too k the e.· h ., concert pianist," says t e sweepsta kes award in the delighted !\1rs. Swidlcr. "He . J 1 t)..::A1 • finals of "Sea rch for Talent" has studied piano since he was J, :!,. I LI• . .-. contest. And his top spot will · Id and we feel that ~ six years o •l.Ulhlt.._,~ IRllt 11• send him to Sacramento in he might well be on the brink . •• .. J une to compete in state finals ot a great career:' as the Newpo rt II a r bor So do those ~tanhattan represen tative. Beach judges. The Newport Harbor high -----"-------11 school student , son of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Swidler, 206' Via Dijon, Lido Isle. ha s won first prizes in Exchange Program contests in Newport Beach Gloomy Gus Tells it As You See it Walter Brannan in w COLOl i,, Deluxe U1ut1ll Al'f1111 AIH LEE MARVllll TDSHIAO l\WlN EXCLUSIVE AREA SHOWING Sllow Tlines: GORDON LIGHTFOOT at UC I "GIGI" -•:lO a. 10:55 ''MAYERLING" -st j ;J5 Mayerltng s- JSiTiesR~·GenevievePage =-~-AndAslhetn.ir-.,...AvaGa~l&I' ALSO PLAYING-WINNEa OF ' ACADEMY AWARDS Thursday, May 15, 8:30 PM CRAWFORD HALL Tickets:. $2.50-$3.50-$4.50 Information: 833·6875 '""'"' FiixsouTH COAST O:NIR~ P'LAZA THIEATRI!: CORPOllAHllN San Ditto ftffWly 1t Bristol • 546-2711 ACRES OF FREE PAl:!KING WE ARE PROUD TO PRESENT THE ACADEMY AWARD WINNER ENOS TONIGHT CLIFF ROBERTSON IN "CHARLY" SIDNEY POITER IN "FOR LOVE OF IVY" STARTS WE.~D~.-- ll<>le<llVll U.franl< lliJllill. ALSO ANOTHER ATTRACTION BARGAIN MATINEE WED . 1 P.M. Free Refreshments Matinee Admission $1 .00 N THI!: Wl!:STMINSTl!R CENnP' ·-·-·----a (ii .... l•!od ,,. '"CH"-•' ... ~'111<e1, 1"1111 Clint Wolker 111 "SAM WHISKEY'' Starts Wednesday candy Te(hnicolor~cAC .::; ,(ID ••• . . . .. ... . . • COAfl ~ilY .• , M•CA•rlt\I• l lYD, • lltfll'Ol'I NACll • 1144.(1714 ,,. Positively Ends Tues. STO'I:: -r .1 MCOUl::l::N ,. AS . PAlflVISIONJ> • f(CHNICOlO~t CAC @) Plus Comedy James Garner "Support Your, Loc•I Shenff"· (OlOe ~ Dolvo• --...... ~ Starts Wednesday "EiULLITT' Starts Wednesday ' Rock Hudson I Claudia Cardinalt l!!I A Fine Pair o .. I 41 PfOvlnclel VIP b' melting of tilt fami ly b5 Obstruction l'=======================~\I BEST FOREIGN FILM Now thru. Tutsday SIDNEY POITIER "TO Siii, WITll ~[JI .. -+++++++++-++-+·+++++++·+·+-; + + '"-'t--Hf-+-:1 1 + -L + " + .,.. +' : (.Vi) : t DANCING at the VIW FONTANA ! The Two Part Production of Leo Toktoy't WAR and PEACE ~reMlllH 'r T ... Wtltlf' 111:.nt 0'11~1Ulilft .... S•"I e I~ C11tr e fl•lfttH i1'Y ClflllHflfa+ PART I ;::·::::::::::: .. ~.STARTS MAY 14th THE ENTIRE PRODUCTION Of "WAa AND PEACf'' Will If SHOWN 1N TWO l"All:TS. EACH PART W1l l If SHOWN FOR ONE WEEKI + "21 Town & Country~ A<roa from fashion Squate + + BEGINNING WED. MAY 14rh + PART II ;:;';:'.:,,:;';:::,:.,STARTS MAY 21st + + + The Win~jammero + SCHEDULES OF l'IRFORMANCES + (formerly ~t Newport Be11ch l + Wecln••d•y, M•y 14 ... -........ -........... ... ... , 1100 p.m. it AN EXCIT ING DUO FEATURING CURRENT + Thurld•y. M•y 15 ..... _ ............ -......... .. 1:00 p.m. ...& _.. 'OPULAR TUN!S FOR YOUR DANCING 'LIASUH + '''""· M•' 16 ····················•········ ''" & '°''° p.m. ,. i GREGORY ' EVA MARIE ... ......... M•, 17 ·····"············-···--,, ... ., ..... ,.. ...... CIARKGABLE .i:. PECI( SAINT + DANCING WED. THOU SAT. + •• , •• ,. ,,,, II ···---····O.·-·-,,,,._.,, ... , .. p,m. \l\""'N LI',!"', r ~ ··---· _.. + Mo"'''· M•' 1t ......... · • l tOO p.m, l U 1" THE STALKING MOOM • ,.~ 8:30 iiM. 'Ti! Clos in g • Phon• 547-0911 •••ill•'· M•' 20 .. . ,,,. ""'· J.ESLm llO\\;\Rl) • + ~~ + i AME SCHEDULE FOO 11 WEE••" OLIVli\d I T!C-COO.OR'. ·-~-·Gil < .+.+.++ +++++++.,..,._+++_+++_",l'============='L __ c_h_w1_LIAll'\D_· _J:,t...:@::'.c: :....o:__ ___ ...J - " • " • I I . " n I I ([ " " '·' I • , ' ' .. .,,....,~~·,~•~·•~·~-~-~···· ~·~--4 '""''""'""''~"",.,....., .... ..,,.. ___ _,T.,.._....--~~~-·..,..-~ TUF5DAY llAY 1J 1:00 . e TOM REDDIN N.EWSI * Nows thlt IS New1! m1i-u.,(30J m ,.,. • u. a.a. " "' ... (C) (60) GD hldlal a Y• QIW (lO) "Ul'ldmttlldln1 Ntw En&lllh." An uplanatlon of tbt tltmenta of the new En1tllh ttlcl'lin1 S)'ltem, •n4 points for Ptrtrrb to know In h1lp--ln1 their children. 10:00 II QI (I) SO Minus. (C) (60) aJ Llf'I M• I hi! (C) 7,60 IJ CU ""'" "'"' (C) (J~ W1tttr Cron•1t1. D WW't .., U~•? (t) (30) m-lCll>~ ffi"J RtuDner, Mike W1ll1ct. 8 TOM REDDIN NEWS! * News that IS News! em-lCl (!OJ DIUlmm,,..., u. lCl l60J "Sex 1nOt111 Married Man." Goldlt HIWll, of "Uutb•ln," JV'* 11 I _, ,.IO illlcer tlld lobby's hr· -· PEANUTS • .~ .. JUDGE PARKER It l TM.IC WITW THE JUDGE AJ5C)UT rr, 5M\, AWP GfVE YOU A "LL! ,I'U. IE Mi&ESIB> tN MB.RIN6 WMAT' ME HM TO SAY, UIKE! TMA.NkS! @IM-Opet HolM (30) "Mr Son, tlM Mist." RlllMIJ c:onnor dis. CUMI tilt P1lntln1 lfHI ttchinp ol J1me1 McNefll Whbtler. Connor loob 1t •••I Whidltr· palntln11 In th• Boston Museum al Fi11t Arts. Jrttr lirtfrW. Diel Sh... and II~~~ -""""' ... .-(R) C'J -.,,. (>l) .-. v m ............. (C> m--(CJ 7:30 IJ 9 Ci1 lumr (C) (60) MUI· doch fhifs en old rom1nce rt- 1nktnln1 when lie meets attractivl widow M1rcy llt• In S.n fnncii· IO lfttr I 20.,.., lbJlllCt. (R) Im UIC MlllC ftllfll (60) ''Wood· • • -f Wflld Chl!nW MUlit." John Crawn. --·- ch1lrm111 of th• USC SdlOOI ol MOON Music's piaoo d.partmtnt, lloltJ tilt pro1r1m, Sllediont 1r1 "S.tour," by Pou!t11t; "Dlwirtlmtllto," br R1mlro tort.; ''Woodwind Qulnttt," by L..rle Blllltt; tlld "Octet'' fOf Wind ln:drumtflb by H.,dn. ., .... O@rillllll""' lM CC) (60) l~»C'J_, CC) ..,,,. ,...,. (l<t· La•it, ni"t Otmorid Brothm and ror) 'U-&rl1 Klr1off, Jtck Nlchol· C.ry lewis •fld Thi PllJbop ere eon. tonlatit's avnta. Ill Mlic Snice/"'-(C) 1!1Lat•-(C)(60) "'"""- D IHl CI> ID"" -lCl l60J "Yl)llC.n'I Tell ttie Pl17t1s Wltholrt U:118DllCINM (t) • P101J1mm«." Pltl, Linc end JuUe ltlrn al • blac&mlil oPlr•· e AlrM no.cl tlan throulh • ldlool frllnd ol tD U... a. (C) MUWNS Pet.'1. The frltnd, lou"9 Strrrflt. tr1t1 to drown henlllr tftll' l>eina shown dlmtrlfll pllatol of he1 mothtt, Sam1nth1, with • JOUfll tilOlo n1med Roy Tll.:111. Julie Adams 1Utsls as-S.m1ntti1 Semple .. --.... (""""') ... ~n .tip, Joh11 C.rrldln•. ., __ ... _ TUMBLEWEEDS end Mut Godd1rd es Roy Tl!IOn.11 :150 !DlIJ8"NM (C) (R) G MIRIH $ Mcwit: (C) "'-fl• 11:301J Morie: ''Clull llJ NIPt" (111,. nlld ..,.. (CO!MdJ) '61 -Jerry m1) '52-aarbtrt Stl!IWJ(:k, Robert Ll'#ls, 8rl1n 0on1....,. Ryln. m lrdl ., ~-(C) (30) !-. i-=ld'fto~rt~~~-rr= m ""7 .._ (60) M1rch. fl!! Tllo •-""" (30) (RJ D IUl CI> l!l JMJ _, (Cl "°" m ..... (C) (JO) ED W1rW ,,_ CC) (60) fl)~ I 5o-Co m_...._lCl 12:05 0 Mwit: "FX·ll, ....,,.. (ll!Y*· ltfY) '65-R~IMlrd Wrler, 11111 Cll/r. -~ ... (60) 12:10 al Actltl n.h:: "M11rdtr ff1 R• ,,,.u .,,~ -lCl -·" Shakespe1rN1n letof M111rk:1 Enns p11p a tutor wtto trin to telch punchJ fl&Mar Caul'"°"" McPuu (SklftOll) to play tlll Yloll~th till lfMI on--tplnat tilt wllha of McPva's 1111n1pr lollvtr Shir· n1str (SUiton). Shirt., B1sse1 d 1t10 f"turld. (R) o ID rn m ''" lCl (3~ .. ,,,, Cllii!Q(t Is. IO Dlwnp." Ju lll is uritd to compel:• on 1 TV thnw to win 1 dtlt for 111 ewnln1 on the 1,009-.;,, ·-.... (C) fJ-(C) m ,,.. 111 r..w. o.t (C) 1:15 IJ MM: "aide 'Em, '"""1" (ocimtd)o) '41-Abbott Ir Costello. o•m (C) town with I bOldlll titleholder. Ron J :JO m n S.lllill .. Rich p11ya chimp lob IJf»oll ror. met m1jof lfflllt outfllldlr JJ111~ Pltr11ll IPl*rl 1s "WI" 1 0111 Z:IO m M-Nipt IM: "Thi lont .mc.e Chkt Shleklt. ~tll'IOl'J" ind "l lttle MlnJsttr." 'l-l'FD~~lC..Oft.' DAmME MOVIES 12*'8........,. " , ...... l•OM- tutt) '4Q..-Jrtl MldllrflJ, Albtrt ...... ll:JO ID "'fMlrt'" <comelfJ> '52-111111 Pltfkt. "D'q M Pr f 11111• (-) ........ """"'· e JOB PRINTING • PUBLICATIONS • NEWSPAPERS Q,111fty • 'ri11tl119 •"' De,•11411.t. Servlc• f•r ,..,.~ fl\111 I Qli1tflt ef t C.1th1ry. PILOT PRINTING t m1 WltT llALIOA an. MIWPOn RACH ! . Mun AND JEFF YEH, I GO FOR Ol.tJ CARS! WMERE'sTl\E· SALESMAN? By Cliarles M. Scliub By Harold_ Le_ Doux Mli. ~rur I HAY! A UKM&Otl M'POINf· PMONl!P m SEE-MIVT, MAl6Mfr! l'Bl:tW'5 rP IJ: VOi WBE IETTH CAU. KATM51nNE! Ate! R:ll: LUNCM! MA~AM..IF I COOLPSEE 1 l'itU.119E INSIDE, A9RFAST ')llE e'AA, PfRLJSIN' TOXICAl(f 1.ABEl.S, OR.15ERENELY CONTEMPl.ATIN'1\lE IRIDESCENT HUES IN THE LIMPID PEPTllS 'FA 9fAl<ER O' BARLEYC®l'S 965' 91..END.! ... NOT roHN HERE, CQNSORflN' WITH '™E 'i!LJ:}N 1ME +lo~! +IE'l.L COME OUT! INSt;CRs! By Ferd Johnsan .. -· lllay u . 1'169 MAOICIAN'S ASSISTANT ..:!'Jocelyn J.,ane, above, assl!ts Alexander Mundy tooight, on ChBMel 7 at 8:30 J>.m. in 11Jt Takes a Thief," when be poses as a magician In order to steal some rigged phctograpba. The segment is titled "Tbe Bill ls in Committee.'' 'TELEVISION VIEWS Doctors Make TV Return By RICK DU BROW HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -Doctors, once a .very hot entry on network televis ion, will be making a retum to the borne screen next seas® in a big way. the ~Or:s~; ~~ ~~:.1e more, things change, The video territory once staked out by the likes of "Ben Casey" and "Dr. Kildare" will be claim_ed. in the fall by three new shows -one on each maior commercial network. On CBS-TV, viewers will find an hoµr s~es which wlll be tiUed. either "Medical Center or "UMC" (University Medical Center). ON ABC. TV, the freobman show will be called "Marcus Welby, :M.O.," and will star Robert younc as on oldtime doctor with a brash young assu1tant. This program is also an hour in length. NBC-TV meanwhile, has a weekly hour series tiUed ••nie Boid Ones ,'' which acjually w;U1 be three alternating 1hows -one of them focusing on per- sons involved with 11the new medicine." It ls very clear the recent real dramas concern-- Ing transplants have helped give a new We to the glamor of the medical profession. and will pJ'llb. ably be used plentllully on television come fall. De.ri.vationa of other past successful series can be found on the new fall vldeo schedules. • WITH THE demise of "Peyton Place," for In· stance, ABC·TV baa come up with HThe Survivon,'', and NBC-TV with "Bracken's World," ~ hour programs. "The Survivors," which will star Lana Turner and George Hamilton, is already regarded as a sort of je~set "Peyton Place." And "Bracken's World," about the behind·tbe-- scenes activities in a movie studio, is expected to - have much of. the same serial flavor. If it has been compared already to "Peyton Place," it bas also been likened to other sources of fiction. with one wag titling It "Valley of the Starlet.." TEACHERS, once lionized In the old "Mr. Novak" series, will be represented on the home screen again -but this time both shows about them will star Negroes : Lloyd Hanes as a high school history teacher in ABC-TV's "Room 222," and Bill Cosby as a high school physical education instructor in a program bearing his own name. Oil NBC-TV. "Room 222" more,llkely will be the show to take on some contemporary social issues, as "Mr. Novak" did. Anotller old series, "Route 86;• •PRarenUy has a derivative on NBC.TV next season: 'Then Came Bronson." IN "ROUTE 66,'' two young men roamed the country in their sports car, gelling Involved with people and situations along the way. In 11Tben Came Bronson," one young man 1'08JnS the coun· try on his motorcycle, doing the aame. Like bis predecessors, Bronsoo will be 1earch- ing for meaning 1n llfe. If the ratings are good, he may have a cllance to find it. 'ffl, MQl1 ~ I)\ !MR 11!1¥ IN ... $1¥U.5.' J ---_;_ • 'I I • .. . ~ ......... • DAILY PILOT WANl \ IO Olli. UP ON • ClEAll OUTI FOR FASII FASII Am ON I CALL · DAILY PILOT CLASS- IFIED DEPT. D. I A L D I R E c T 6 4 2 • s 6 • • • DAll~Y PILCtT WANT ADS. , 'l'he B!ne•t s1.,9le Merlcetplaee -The Ortuofe C~t • P.0-8424878 I HOUSIS FOR SAl.l I HOUSES FOR SALE Gener•I IOOOGeMnl !000 IN COSTA MESA' Now under construction 'SEVEN CUSTOM HOMES from $28,575 WITH SUCH FEATURES AS : • 4 Large Bedrooms e VA & FHA Financing • Wood Roofs e 20 Year Guarantee Dish~ashers • Oversized Lots e Roman Tubs & Showers • In Prime Area e PLUS MUCH MORE SELECT YOURS NOW & CHOOSE YOUR COLORS & STYLES for information coll COATS & WALLACE REALTORS 1491 BAKER STREET 546-4141 ~ COSTA MESA, CALIF. CHOICE BACK BAY LOCATION rmm~iate occupancy oQ this lovely large custom built home."Spaclous"family room plus dining roo1n. Huge bed- rooms, 3 queen-size bath11, Owner anxiou.s. Will sell "NO DOWN" G.l, at $32,500. SUbmlt your smaller home on our guarantee sale plan. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 20-13 \Veslclifl Dr. 6,\S.. 7Til Open Eve~. SIA% FHA LOAN Car. be 11.SSun1ed on this TRAILER -TRAM Guaranll.'ed sale ol your m(). bile home. Exchange and move up to NEWPORT BEACH. f'ine adult living · entertain yoUt friends in the neighborhood pool -BE FREE OF YARD WORK while you travel!! Sound grear? Watch your wife's eyes light up when ll~ dis- coveni the HUGE MASTER BEDROOM SUITE, and bath with ''man.sized" ceramic sho~r! ! Top valUe for $30,. 950. Come light your fire!!? At~sa Verde 3 bdrm & farn· J::venings Call 673-0116 ily homl':. You \\Un't find I •iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiO anotht'r as immaculate. with ocw carpeting, large ·ulih landscaping & el'en has a hobby room built In ga· ~· A steal at only $26,'150 College Park Corner FANTASTIC Medit9rraneon . ' 6 Bedroom,... 4~ baUls, lgr. dinfiig room. • Gourmt't kitchen·lamily ,m. • J fireplaces-game roon1 2 stairways • 3~~ Car garai::-e. 3 patios. dog run. ~·ee. land l\1ary Lou l\tarion ...,... Coldwell, Banker & Co. Plenty of roon1 for boat & n 110 !. c-t HI.,._., ••m""'" + a ,,......, double Hew-' ... ,11, C•lll•m•• ,_ 1•~• ~ .. ~ kl f.USl o• J.100I detached garage. 5%% in. I,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,.,,.., !crest availabll': to anyone. No quaJifyi.ng. Payments $158/mo includes e\·er"S'lhing. Call now to see. $26,995 N<wport Barrell Realty Terrific View! 1t AN ELEGANT 110?.fE! Herbor View Hil15 Spectacular view fro1n ch is modern 'home with 3 vie\\' bedrooms incl. LU)(Uri()us master suite, Gcparafl' fam- ily room adjoins ctwerful, all eleclric kitchen. I lo1nc built around lovely 5'''im· ming pool. Priced lo sell at 169.<iOO. Call: Kent Kingsley RES. 540-l812 Do not m~ seeing this 4 bdrm, bt'autiful!y dee· orat<!d adult occupit'd home in exclusive Dover Shores. 1605 WestcliU Dr. NB 6-12-5200 Pool in Exclusive Newport Beach LocatNI near upper Nc1\•port Buy. This luxuriou.'i execu. live hon1c features a spark- lirlJt JS" S"'lmming pool, large patio, huge living rooni, panellt'Cl family room 1vl!h wood burning fireple.ct. 4 spacious bedrooms and 3 baths. For appointn1ent call FOREST E. OLSON 645-0303 COMl"ANY w ANTED REAL TORS R. E. Saleswoman 673•4400 Wr have lhe advnnln~r of \ht' I'!!!!!!!!~!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cxt·lu~ivl' agl'ncy for Ivan I' Wells' new· Dover Shon!!! l S D Ot'\•elopm~n1 . . " captive LIVI * Slmpty * Dellghllul GlaanUc jatd to store kid~. pfllJ, pools, lnlilert-6: boats • Surplus !K'hools. parkl '" audience for l't'Aale!!. Offict In new e.'«'"lling. furnish~ n1odel at 1·130 Galaxy Dr. Roy J, Ward Co. Ask for M. Pinover 646-1550 . Gononl 1aoo,1cH;.;.OU=S;.;;:f.;.;;:S..;.F..;;OR=SA=L:::.E_;..,!J,OUS=;;.;E;;.;S..;F..;O;.;.R""SA~L.;;l_I p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, -•I 1000 Genonl 1000 Or-County'• ... L11'.9 .. t m E. 17th St. '46-44'4 EASTSIDE TRIPLEX . WITH POOL Excellent condition, ex· cellent return. Room to build another t b re e unit&. Asking $49,950- 10-'Ao down. SEA BREEZE \Valking dis tance to bench, you can assume lha existing low interest loan with po.yments of $195 including taxes and lruW1Ulce. ~1eUculously cared tor 3 bedroom home with Isolated fam· Uy room and its own fireplace, built-in kitch· en and separate dining room. Can now, asking $30,900. PANORAMIC VIEW of catalina, San Cle- mente and almost Ha- waii, its 11pcctacular and only fou.· years old, an Immaculate 4 bedroon1 home in a real prestl- age area. It's a "must see" at on1y $37,500. HOME+ INCOME + VAC. LOT CHAR~1ER! Cozy 2 bed- room cottage with love- ly brarden setting. Bach- elor apt. In rear has new sh6wet'--p8.rtly 1umish- ed-ready for the ten- ant of your choice. All thls plus vac. )()t to de· velop. Act quick1y on this one. RAMBLIN' ROSE 5 spacious bedrooms, twin baths and anyone can assuftle the low in- terest loan at 5~'!. total payments Includ- ing taxes of S134.00. Bet· ter than new condition, new carpets, just paint- C'd, remodeled baths and alley access. All for $27,500. INVESTORS- INVEST In I.his J bedroom home on choice C·2 loL It "'ill carry itselr until you're ready 'to · develop. Lo- cated just orr 17th and Newport-East.side. Ask· ing $32.~. ASSUME' 51/4 °/o $176.00 mo. 4 Bedroom. College Pk. Beautiful honie in ex· cellent area, all elcc. kit- chen, brand new carJ)l't- lng and nc"•\y painted', Double fil;eplacc. rump- us room for a tot.at of 1700 sq. ft. FARROW REAL TY SALUTE~ THE MOTHERS OF THE WORLD-FOR A JOB WELL DONEi WE HOPE' YOU ENJOY YOUR DAY 4 bedrm & pool DON'T MISS THIS RANCHO LA CUESTA missed the closeout of CUESTA'S 3 other units MISS THISll -U you've RANCHO LA • DON'T Each succeeding Wlit costs mort}, so take advantage of these prices. Come & see our models on Brookhurst at Atlanta in Huriti.n gto.n Beach. There are 1 & 2 stories, 3 & 4 bedroom homes with 2 or 3 baths, Mission tile or shake roof, fire- places, concrete driveways, heavy rough cut beamsJ built-ins, family rooms & dining rooms. Close to l:luqtington State Beach. These beautiful homes are priced from $24,995 to $34 ,200 with VA or C-On- ventional financing as low as 10% down. No 2nd TDs at 7.2% interest. Call !J68.2929 or visit any day 10 AM to 7 PM. OCEAN FRONT SHANGRl·LA Nestled in the Seashore Col. ony ls the "Gem of the Ocean" front. 1be inviting sandy beach meets the roll. Ing surf. Attractive. 1nod- ernized 2 bdrm. home <.'Om. plt'lely ·furnished: bit-Ins, color TV, AJ.so furnished guest apt. Single car 1:ar. plus ramp st()rage f()r car or boat. This property is in immaculate condition. Pri- ced at only $59,50() \\i lh ex- cellent terms qualified buy. "'" "C" THOMAS, REALTOR 224 W. Coast H1vy · ~8-5527 Newport Beach, Eve, 545-5643 Help Carry the Load Deluxe triplex includes 3 BR ·2 story, 1%: baths, fireplacl': for owner Ii: 2 - 2 BR money. maker unil.a. Good location. Just listed. S44,000. Spanish 4 BR + Pool Large entry, sepa1-ale for- n1al clining room, oversized separale family room ,vith wet bar, dov.·nstairs bed- roont with garden indoor outdoor bath. 3 car garage. 3 BR up with his & her bath including \val\ safe, sundeck. Upgraded shag cpt/ drps, large heated riltcred pool. block wall Jeoce. Just brautiful! S47.500 5 MINUTES TO BEACH-$19,950 Here Is an excellent oppor. tunily for °* newly y,•eds or the relired folks to gt't a lo1v price home in an ideal location. Large lot wi!h ac. Ct'SS fof boat or tr;i.ller on Just Perfect - 63/• •/o Financing Here l<~ a duplex in the New. pon lfeights area for onl): $23,500 that the owner is \\'llling to finaDCe for the new buyer. SpacioUs and clean OTK' bedroom unils1 \\'llh their own private yards. For a starter in real, estate inve:slmcnts or for a retired coup!(' interested in low peymnts lhi.s ls it. "For A \Vise Buy" Colesworthy & Co. &1z..m1 -6"°'B*E=DROOMS - 3 BATHS COSTA MESA PRIME AREA Neu: public ~ pe.roehial schools & lihOpP,ing~ The most with Its beautiluJ rear garden area & sweeping pa. tlo and lush front land5eap. ing! This 2 story, 2,fiOO sq. foot dream home has lovely deep pile carpets & gleam- ing HARDWOOD FLOORS. SUndrenched RANCH SIZED KITCl·IEN! In1mense FOR· t.fAL D1NING ROOilof! CorL. vertible DEN or sewing room. Fabulous. 18 i..: 18 mas.. !er bedroom! Submit only SJ.600 Do\\·n t() attractive financinr.. WE SELL A HOME 1 EVERY 31 MINUll'ES • Walker & Lee qulet cul de sac strecl. Se-2i90 Harbor Blvd. at AdamJ eluded counlry atmosphere. yet you can \\"alk to shop. 545-9491 J ping or be on the beach in Open 'ti! 9 PM j minute~. Should sell fast at I miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~I th;, low •"""· """ todoy. OPEN DAIL y 1.5' WE SELL A HOME 301 EVENING STAR , ·EVERY 31 MINUTES DOVER SHORES Wa Iker & Lee Elog'"I '"""""'"' homo. 3 BR 's., panell<!d den w/fpl. 21};3 \Vestclifl Dr. 646-7711 Open Eves. FAMILY LIVING This beautiful 4 BP. + rurnpus room Pacesel· !er provides o\·er 2000 sq fl of living space, Lush landscaping sets it oCf In delightlul Mesa Verde. Hurry! S38,500 is the price. J15i... COATS ~ WA~LACE REALTORS -546-4141- (0pen Evenings) \Vine cellar; bayside terJ race, pier & float for larrd boul. • ••• ' .......... $155,<XJQ l\trs. Raulsl()n J ~ Coldwell, S.nker & CoJ not E. Co..1 ~t ... , ... _, BNd!, (alilornill IU t-JJ51 Olt J.,.. BA YFRONT APT. Vista Del Lido. Pier & sltp available. Enclosed garage.I m.r.oo. I George Williemson Realtor Eves. 673-l~f Income Property_:: BUY of the WEEK Duplex So. i.a.gun,"I $31,500. EASTSJDE -WIUSually sharp mo. income $310, eq $11,200. Padd~k pool home 1\•ith 8' 3 BR home, San Clcml':ntc high fencing for ultra pri. $25.000. Scli or lradc I~ vacy. J\linlmum care yard, vacant land. ~ ~ 1 "Ukl" house, quiet cul-de-Stul\rt " Robbins Rea1tont sac t'lc. $3.'i,750. Would You Believe?- 1<6-IUO 4 BDRM· $12,500 ~ ntar cMna theatre) Briek patio with gas fired LEGE REALTY I BBQ. 2 balllo. a .. , Uvlhg 151X1Mln at "'"°'·CM. room, family room, built·ln kllchen. :>40-J'no ~$2~6~.s!:"'o~o~.~1!!!!0!!!!•;.'!".!!!!D""n".1 TARBELL 29S~ H••'!y 6% FHA· churches plus 3f home · I ~j:;:ii 514 ';{. FHA • big Joan. 11 616-7171 54(i.Z}J3 iohn Buy lhl.s bee.l.ltifuJ 3 BR 11' bath home. Located East of $1M.OO INC. TAXES No quali.t)'l(),Q'. anyone cun assume !l& % loanl Of $500.00 totAf to vrt~. Hurry on this one. 'O THEREAL ·~ ESTATE~S ''A'' Frame LINDA ISLE T\111tln Ave. Large living Nt!w 2-sty. Myrronr Mme + famUy room with l'n-3 BR honie 00 lac !01 wttll ""th tgo. pltr & slip. 4 Bd· tnlnce to covettd J>Atio. tota11 paymtnts or $131hno. nnt.. dining rm., beaullfully Qulcl 1treel DAVIDSON Realty da-oraled. $13S.OOO, Call for 1860 Newport 81\.'d .. Of 546-M60 l."Vet, ••• - app·1. Rltr. $46..3928 Evt. 644-1~ ~ un;quo ' bdnn horn• "'"' 1714 1 642.ai3s * LACHENMYER 31' Pool · Masa v,rs Mim~ring pool A pll'nty 901 Dovrr D1i \'t'. Suit(' 170 3 Bedrooms QI 1~e lot badmlnron court NewpM1 lkecll llUGE FAllll.Y ROOtd, or g11rden. Vnc11n1 &. n-1td)' i •!lllllill~~~-1111!!•! brinf1 ¢aunty's BALBOA POINT FORMAL DINCNG ROOM r()r Ytl\I. $19,500 l•rgest N~wl.)' painted 3 Br, h0n1<'. NF.\\.. CARPETINC: Amold & Freud 3 bl"druom. :i bath .... th'l'pla;1" Lie. ,patio tor sun & fun. J . K. Nichols, Ritt; .. Bo!il oc. A hU,y! ,42.500 t•.I.. I 388 B. 11111 St .. C~I All '"'IBdrlc hulll·'U1 kitchen. 293 E. J7tti-St. Balboa Rta l Estit. Co. -s11 Eve. '*'463 Rtaltors &f6.7r:.i.i ~·i1 mily ruom. f'1t rk • llkr '46-44M 700 r.. &lbol Bled .. B!llboR NO~r what 1t t1, .~ I .. ~'"'! .... ...,,..,..,.._ l J!rotuvfll. 673-4 can 1tll II whh a DA(i-Y DAILY PILOT WANT AD" TARBELL 84f>.11604 •,__ ... _____ .... ..,...,..,'...,1't ... ...,...,~· P1LOTWANTAD!l 612!9 ~----·- c HOU SIS !'OR SALi :G:;ene;;;";;';;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;lD~OO ,i~H~OU::S:;IE~S.:.F;;.O::::R"'S::::A::;L~!'iiii Gtntrel 1000 lo Gtntrtl 1000 -e Verde HOUSES F9R $,#.LI HOUSES ,OR SALE T~,, M~·U,,1969 , . l HOUSE.I FOR $ALE RENTALS o(c1._1AL~ i<c1,.1 AL:a 17051-'-'-="'-'F..;u;;.rn:;.;f•;;;htd~=--....;:.A;:;cph.:.:o..;_,U:.;'11;_1shtd,;;;_;"'"--l-'A"'P!'==..;;U.;.;nfv=rn"'I•;;;'"";;;"""' 1250 Laguna Beach DOYER SHORES! WOULDN'T YOU REALLY RATHER LJVE·IN DOVER SHOR.ES! Well why not •hen you can pt a value Jlke thlt.. lmmac. al.ate 4 Bdrm., rambllair: style. HI. beamed celltng t... R., formal O. R., wodt- 1 easy ~l!chen. All on deep lo!. Expan&.ive view. Prlci:d well lielow area prices, See & compare at $79,500. lN· SPECNON !NVITEI). CALL NOW! REALTY :?025 W. Balboa Blvd., N.B. 67~ ASSUME sv.-1. G.1. LOAN Total payments of $98.00. A real sharp 3 bedroom doll house. Lots ol room to grow. Carpets & dra~s are new and beauWul. Modem space. saver kitchen for Mom. Any- one quatl.ties. Submit your down payinent on $21,500 sales price. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee t YOUR HOME IS HERE -~*--'-' .. Pliane Anytime 546-2313 • 646-7171 MESA VERDE Poular model Wftll extra large family room A: sep- arate living room. Car- peu and drapes and de- luxe covered patio - Great location for kids and pets -$26.950 - You set the terms. 'NEWPORT HEIGHTS ~ Story located on a well landscaped corner lol Large roorns ·are a feat~. carpeted and draped throughout - ne\v condition $38,000. R·2+HOME 7682 Edinger Sl 8 000 8424450 ., ""5140 • n....n Eves. For real bargain hui;it--..,.,=.v""'~::...;'==:;.,=c-· 11 en. This is a choliw MESA VERDE Eutsid• location. Big R-2 lot 'vith clean 2 4 BEDROOM Bdnn homo at "" ol lot -at this price the OVERSIZED YARD wHll home is practically free. separate area for boat, trailer, 1arden. Large dog or what have you! New cpls in all bedrooms-Beau- ty-Pleat drapes, elcc B/I & D/W. Available for posses. sion after 6-1-69. Call now 646-nn for appt. to see - $35.956 FHA-or VA no down. 646-11 n 546-2313 \o THEREAL ''.". ESTATERS 6 BEDROOMS Would You Believe • , • 6 Bedrooms, 3 baths, a fam.. Uy room plus a dining area, with fresh paint, and all the advantages of a Harbor Highlands location for $42,500 Lawson 3416 Via Udo, NB 6T;>-4562 Bu~ Of The Year! Waterfront • View of Cata- lina & Bay, 2 BR, 2 ba Channel Reel 'own your own' PenthoUSe Apt. with Frplc, $62.500. Ask for: Chester Salliibury, Rltr. 315 Marine 613-6900 WANTED Experienced and creative Salesperson with good work- in& knowledge of Harbor area property. bowonlli lowson jJ.t.. sreolCon M16-UOO •-..-. .,,.,..,., $55,950 GOOD TERMS 6 Units Close In Rltr. 642-9730 Eves. 548-0720 e KENNEDY 3 BR 2 bath home, comer lot 130x180 • add 5 mort! units. Drive by 1545 Santa Ana Ave . then call llattia lttalty ..,....., .. MOST WANTED ••• Features -Bay & Ocean View, pool (20 x 40), 4 Bdrm lovely Irvine Terrace. eLancy Rea l-E state .. 2828 E. Coast Hwy, CdM I , 673-3770 ' -120 ,50·-, --•' sv .. o;. 0:1. LOAN King size bedroonu, pJmh deep pile' carpetlng. All ~ectric push bullon built- .fb kitchen. TARBELL _,, ' 2 STORY 5'flR-3 baths. cpt.s/drps, elec- tiic built-Im, shake roor. Near ALL !Choob. $36,150. Wtll..McCardlt, Rltrs. "1810 Newport"B!vd., C.M. -.... ,.,,._ -----£ __ _ .ri POOL • $26,500 ~ root, plaster walls. Jw'dwood Ooort, covered paoo. Healed Ir tittered p . $2600 down. 540.1720 TARBELL 2955 Harbor WJSIDE 2 IR OONDOM:INIUM 1% batM. nt.400, )Oon 6~~ ava.llable-. c.il Oscar 642-1 m eves. lMS-6927 Owner/ Alt. X oLDERHOME trll h huge Dvhw nn, fpJc, ............ .... ..... 00 ' .... rr-Low down pmt. FORTIN CO. 11'111·A We1\t.llU Dr., NB fl· ..,....,. ri'Your Ad in our claaiftcdsf ~ w111 bo kioklflC ror f !?t>lal 6GM1I MESA DEL MAR 5 BEDROOMS The cleanest, neatest home In this top area. All tile kitchen with cleetTic built-ins. Room for boat or tralJer. Look- ing for 2300 sq. ft. lhllt sparkles? -This is It! NEWPORT SHORES Lovely community area with pool, tennis courls and recreation center - 3 Bdrm. 2 bath, 5 yrs. young. A real buy at $26,900 -Can be seen today. A TOUCH OF SALT The landscaping, color scheme and architecture of tWs 3 BR. fam onn., 2 bath home has e hint of tile beach. A 20x20 rumpus room. A city park in the bacli: yard. Slow traffic sl'reel. No dov.1n V .A.. low down FHA. $26,950. Ca.ndominlum 3 Bdnns + Din. Delightful 3 bedroom & dining room. 2 nice baths, refrigerator and all built. ins included. \Vork free in every \\•ay. $18,950 -$900 down FHA terms. Ll1t Your Home W ith Us When We Take Hold Your House Is Said. WANTED LARGE FAMILY Have you wanted a SeP- arate wing for teen- agers? -5 big bed· roomB -Dining room or den • This tu~ctional de- sign, rear entrance to Baycrcst. will fill your desi?'C!! -$41,500 sr,ems i;o little for .so much. Phone now for showing. DOLL HOUSE Sparklini clean 3 bed- room or 2 and den tiome In dandy East&lde loca- tion. JUl!it a few stei- from schools and sho~ ping. $24,500 -Let'a talk terms. $21,500 FHA ar YA The talk ot the town, 3 bedro9ms. 2 beths, btg 2 car garage, new c:ar. pet.a. Quiet no traffic stl'ect. -No down VA or FHA krn\I available. 20NALOT Home and lneom~ toot 2 Bedroom complcttfly remodclN + 1 bedroom rental furnished. Large lot -New drt~-ay. Newport Heights aru. 27'0 Harbor Blvd. 546-2313 1780 Newport Blvd. et 1711i St. 646-7171 ' ~ TH!.: REAi , \1'\ LSTAT!.:R~: 4100 C01l1 _, S!OI • BARGA1N1 .,... v.ro.. IUSn~ DOPW Income Uni•• UPPD UY Huntington llffch 2400 Coote Mela 1 ~~~.:..-_;_~11-~~~~~1 :;,1oci..!v~· .:!0~; 2 Bdrm. homo bull•.....,. a Hendy,,.en $ptclel1 • 1 BR C.11dom!nlum. Nl~y $27.50 · wli;. up Old-3 BR tamn •• home 'A'ilh must &d!. Save brokr's fee, .u. ..._ a.~. t Lor. on Oceanskle. of JIW)'. lum. Encloled pa&. • n... k lh -.y sunny pa-i: • a cw=,,. • U· 150 ·"'• from 8Mch. " l&e $150 * 1162-9568 ,,_,,,·wee , mon . larre P&tt.>' )'U'd • located on 1.,,ca11==ow=''°'=· 545-3008===== dio epl. w/dtck. $4T.500 Apt, ,-:Wti, needl .... t.=t " • Studio ' Bach. Apts. e ONT e 3 Rooms l'urnltu,. 1 beaut!M Ba)' View StreeL Ora,.. C""ll Properly -S • I 2'lO e b>el UOU. • Pholle -· Owner ---4 .... F.ut & wW Newport &Nch 1200 ;._._.J,.. aood ~ral.. clea.n\IP. f'O. ummer "•nta I e Makf Service. TV avatt. Hoot~'fll:.Montb Rental.I -eeU VA";"F'HA f.i.n.ndrw, -..::.:=-=..;:;:;;.;;:.;.._.:;,;;:; "2 t.Ja .. ..o-.te ti~ TE'.l'WIAL INC 0 ME EX. e N Bar WU>E SELECTION $20·$25 .& UP V• L "==:i:lli::s=::z::::;1r j CF.EOINCtlO.fXIOANNUAL. PRIVATE! BEACH ew care A Appllances •TV'• ava.Q. ~ll,500 1ew of • SOUTH OF HWY. LY. ,,_ 181,900. BoOh """'"" boat. l.aoi!j 2 2376 Newport Blvd. 54&""6 No Secwill' O.poalt l Sp&~ 3 Bf Dinirw and J.flSSION REALTY ~ BR, bi&: patio, Bayshorts. HOUOAY PLAZA HFRC Furniture Rentalt: . Htwpert famUy On 2 ~r1iic Jots, 985 SG. Coast, Laa;una July Ir AUiuat. 640:251'1 br DELUXE, '_!d~ 1-Ddrm. 517 w. 00, a.t 54W48l with new 4 •bedroom 3 bath ., .. iced it land value•. 2 BR. conv. den. !rlp, ....._ 834-585-1. Furn. apt $13S Pl1111 utll. 1568 w. Lncln, l\nhm '774'2800 at + room ftir 'teMl1 court, ... ....,..., Heated pool. Ample patk.lne l~===""~,.,_,~-"~1 pool, bo&i, 6 trJllet. .H•I Plndtln & Assoc. drape5, buittins, vie\\', near RENTALS No children~ NQ pell 2 BEDROOM 1% batltt, car: Vic:totia De.lta Real F.state 64Mfl.4 .-..,,.E!!!. C...!!!!!'!!!l!!!H!!wy!!!!!!'!!s!!.....m..,,. 1 beach It schools. SJt.~. Housn Unfurnl1htd J.96.j Pomona, CM pell, drapes, bulll·inl. Pool 4~ Bia uw. $162/month, North Clot. 646.tlll THE BLUFFS SHORECLIFF 3 BR, 2 BA. l35.iii6 DUPLEX. 2 and 1 0....al 3000 * VIiie Pomona Apia. ta Me ... 0..-.. Back""'' 1 >"· Qulot ,_lined""" b)I !be BR, vi•w. i"'t nomodelod. . Bf!AOON BAY "°'" M.,.., ,.....,t 6 """1 DAYll)SON R....a... GUEST A-. old condo.; 3 Br. 21,ii Ba., &1::a. Fee almple. Acceu to 2 pvt, wild ldlcben:s! 494-974& 3 B<lnns, communlr.y beach lwrurlous, tum. 1 &e 2 BR. Rltr 2150 8-rbor ;-'"~ r I cusL dTP1. & carpets. 8.y beaches. Under $50,000. By E T I te . S450/ ' apts, Adulta only. No pW. · 5'1 • . PerfeCt ln·law IN!t up, Kit-owner $5.3.!IOO. 644-2310 owner. OB-36111 IC. N ALS Per; nnis court, mo. 1760 P9mona Ave., just south 54&. 60 Eves. 549-lllil . c!Je>l, bath, 1i,,p1ace, .... ---.. 138.750 ====-====I HouHI Furnlahtd iohn mac:nab o! 180h so. N 5200 elled'ltving room + 3 BR 4 Br, l Ba, fan\. din, utiV Lido Isle 1351 Gtft9ral 2000 REALTY COMPANY CHATEAU La POINTE ewport IMch home with 1% bath. Near laun nn. Total 2400 sq. fl ;;;;;p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;j 642-1235 Lovely 2 Br. turn. apt. Pool, ;;;~clill.. $31.950. ~5440 325 Vista Ba.ya. Owner-eves LO\#ELY BAYFRONT ROs.sMOOR -Los Alamltot:. Sl50; 2 BR. w I w, stove, carport; adults, o;i ,pe.ts. %D~~~2• °!:S·-~b: 646-1542 4 BR + malda, llOUthern ex-3 BR. 2'n BA. furni&bed or dlP$ Avail now Broker $150 t.fo. plus utilltics · ·• ...--SACRIFICE.I 3 BR Waterfront No. 62 posutt, pier &: al!p J°' lge unrurn. Pool. Elec pr dr .. ,,,..._~~· ~~~~· ~~~l;-.;il94.~1-',PO;"ii><;:O.:.:N::A;;, C::;·..:'.;:l.;;;;:-I drapes. Steps to beacfl. $275 s:iz;.;1euc. 644--0.117 · ~ h1o. Adults only, no pet&. Clean 3 BR, l'Ai. Ba, near Balboa OW6. $ 6 0 , 0 0 0 . boat. 2-!tory w/vlew froo1 U9S; 4 BR, 2 ba. Fncd yd. LAROE 2 Br., w/w, bltn.'I, BURR WHITE, Realtoe So, Coast Plaza. Assume Prefer trade for &en!8.P or rnaSter BR. call for appt. UOO: l BR. fmt duplex. rpl; RIO, w/w. Children & hid; pool, Adults, nq pets. 290l Newport Blvd., N.B; 1..; .. ~ will conalder other. 548-1771 Walker Riiy 67~5200 Garage avail now. Broker Pet OK. Bkr. 534-6980 Sl.<la ftto. plus util. 2272 6~ ,630 ... -· $20.000 FHA S~S%. As..;.,.. 53'.6980 M I 54" "-"''"' &tZ-4807 ,....., · ~ $26,CKKI _ ~ down. Bl UFFS, fabulous F-plan on ape. .........,.,; Petitte Realtor 54t-0522 green belt w/'oay view. Costa ""'-3100 DELUXE Apt. Spacious 1 Many cust. 'futur;es. 3 &. 3 $44,500 Buyl Rentals to Sl)are 2005 • BR ~I. kleal for bache_Jor. Ea1t Bluff 5242 2 Story ''Colonial'' Ba. Best offer! 644-4265 18:·~ !:°e:a;!:::!: MALE or lemale to share FREE RENTAL $120/mo. 1993 Church, • NEW DELUl(E e Family Rm + 6 Br BEAtmFUL home ln the mer. Only Sl0,000 Dn. w/couple lo\'e1.y 3 br home, SERVICE !">48-963.1 3 Br. 2~ ba apt, rar leue 3 balm, bi& family room Bluffs. OUtslabdirl& Bay LIDO REALTY INC m. Or board &: laundry NICE-2 BR. $140 Incl, :spae, rnstr. suite, din decorator touch wallpaper, view. J &. l Ba. By owner. · ' ' SlOO. llMO Pomona Aw., lor e~le, 3 bedl.'ooms 2 1613, Santa Ana Ave. rm. le .dbl. garaae; auto. S .. cious landscaped yant. 644--0778 3400 Via Lido 67J.88.10 ho B c M 64" •157 baths -·oo per mo. Call S4J..8572 eves :_::\ use . · · ~ · door opener avail Pool It Fn.ut & citrus trees. 540-11l0 · RBELL 2955 H bo ht 1210 SPECIAL QUALITIES WANTED: Female avu 21 1 BR, utll paid, heated pool. rec, area. Nr. CatboUC TA •r r ;N;;;e;w;;;"'°;;";;H;;;e;;i;g;;;•;;;::;;;;;, lo ·•·-3 ~•-m opt. 1801 Whittler. Show ))('fore Olurch iL school I: Co:vna Large corner lot w/beaut. ... .... "' ....,..,_....., ,. .;C;;Olt;;;;;•;;Mt;;;;;•;;•;;::;;;;;;;;l;l;;;OO pool/~a;io. 5 80·· ~t :;r ;ii~ a1~7: & i r 11 • ORANGE COUNTY'S l. ~ det ~ 0~~ S260 e Sparldlnci View pareo ....... r. """ . LARGEST Newport Beach 4200 837-871 .Amlgoa Way, NJ!. Ocetln·&: Bay view from this BIG&: handsome. $125,000 WORKING girl to share fum. 293 E . IJth St. 646-44'4 Three/Fam/Pool Which nteans we are oUering a lovely l BR, 1% bath home with fam nn, and a swimming pool at a price you will llardly believe,' Call U1 To See: BURR WHITE, Rllr. 2901 Newport IDvd., N.B. 675-4630 Evt1. 6734859 Ho Down GI $24,950 deluxe home. l Br., 2 Ba., R. C. GREER, Realty University Park home with SINGLE Young Adult5 Lux· Corona de! Mtr 5250 3355 Via Lido 673-9300 .. amo. ""~•·.' "'~"!Ml eve LOVELY 3 BR 2 ba home · &: KUest room . $59,900 ,,.. .........,.,..., -... ury garden apta with ooun-J iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii \\'ORKING Girl to share 2 with dble garage Ir. \V/w try club atmosphere and lt G> ~ Huntington lkach 1400 Bdrm Apt. C:L.'\f. Pool, Ten. carpets, $175 per mo. Agt. complete privacy, SOUTI-l ..,y ..... FIXER-UPPER "~· ........ beJ. 11 olt. 3 546-4141 . BAY CLUB APT$. !Moe " ~ It E A L 17 LSE OPTION. 5 Room home, 16th Newport Be·ach. ft.: •rt• 4 Be•oom Costa Men 2100 rm for 2 units. S2'25 mo. ITI4) M5--0550 Near NB Post Ofe. 646-2414 Many fruit trees. 646-2105 YEA.RLY rental, ~anfronl, ON TEN ACRES $25,000 FASHIONABLE EASl'SIOE m .,,d, 3 h<Wiy Jumbhed 2 B'. l • 2 BR. Fum • Unfllm Wtstcllff 1230 HOME • R-2 lot. Excel Wt'!!ta.lde. l BR 214 ba, room for 4 or 5 units. 549-1623 eves. 2 BR., 2% BA Condomhdum Open House Dall.y 1-4 1072 Buckingham Lane.Dover Don't bring money, Just a EAST SIDE Bedroom, 2 Bath, n?S mo. w/sundeck, married couple Frplcs / priv. patJoe;/Poois, bn1Sh & paint. Only 6 years COSTA MESA * 5-i&-1059 * only. No children, no pets. Tennis . Contnt1 Bkfrt. put. old . .<I bedrooms, 3 balhs, CUSTOM $225 mo. 675-1824 alt 6 pm. ting ~n. ~ family room, fireplace, Honie wltll HARDWOOD ~!.."!f"°rt Beach 3200 900 Sta Lane, CdM Mf..2£11 shake roof. No down to G.I. FLOORS & lath & plaster ~;;;.;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;.1coron• d•I Mar 4250 ftdacArthur nr O>ut Hwy)• Bu.yen llurry. conslnlction ! Gorgeous 3 I / B FOREST E. OLSON hedmom, 2 bath wlOh '°"" AV!JL """· l'1< 2 Br, 1 Bo S. OF HWY. Nice 2 BR "" silk THICK SHAG carpel.I & TOWNHOUSE lrg prlv sundeck. Pool. re 1 p on1 i b I e &: dis- -·----- 645-030] custom drapes! Two fire-SPLIT-LEVEL 3 Bdrm, 2 CIOlle to bch & shp'g. ~aut. criminatirlg adults. New places with orie in Cozy bath Unit. SpacioU!I pool, loc; gar. $:axl mo. yrs lse. carpelliig & paint. Drapes: FAMILY R00?>.1? All built carpets, drapes, fireplace, Adulta only. 675-7970 or lrplc, swxleck, bltn-ln oven 3 BR 2 baths, wtth ocean view Village. Broker 57S-l66'2 Blue Ribbon Special Rand Realty 645-2340 Eastbluff 1242 J.nviting 15x30' pool, loads of EASTSIDE-cute little ranch I ·iiij----j;iii;jjiiij;;iij;;i~ I decking, encl. patio, 2 Story Muse on IA. acre. Loads of I 1 4 BR, pre:sttge area, Blt·ins, "'"°oali11. '"'" 1 0 ' ATTENTION PLEASE "'"1d"'· 1tilly landsc . .._ retired couple. Could add sume 5%.% GI Joan -owner several unit&, Unbelievable will help fin. $35,500. at $17,500. ·cALL 540-1151 At tong last \VC can present Paul Jones Realty (open eves) Heritage Real our llnest. Angellta Plan, 847-1.2ti6 Eve. 968-3167 Estate single level, extremely spac-GI RESALE in large kitchen! 16 x 24 elee blt,lns, S265/mo, 833--0lTI or 644-3461 & stove. Private & quiet. SEPARATE WORK SllOP LGE single apt. i90 per mo, Upstairs over pra.ges on or OUice for Dad! PLUS 2 BDRM, 2.. baths, new car-yearly. UtU pd! 671-1855 aft rear % of lot. 67S-063.l 14 x 24 SEPARATE GUEST pets, newly painted, adults l;'=o=',;w=k="'=""=·=====I ROOM hide-away! Nine' only $225/mo. ... 00 Huntington BNch 540d years young on quiet cuJ-dc. Please call Mrs. Fay Balboa - '"' ''""'" Yo,·u be pro"d Bay & Beac:h B ~A;;;CH=. c.A-pt-.,-,-w-.-.. -,d-'1..:.,,-.1 LIVE RIGHT to call this immaculately Realty, Inc. l\1onth. El P.tar P.fotel, 310 ON THE BEACH T\VO STORY 2fiOO sq fl. 5 ~~ ~v:·d~o~~~~~~ bedrooms • 5'4 % loan -a -ments _ choicest Greenbelt isling loan S 2 1 8 I m o n t h frontage _ Don't blame us total-Full ,Price $3&,!m. u :;Ou miss this one. $42,950. gracious home your own. 901 Davt:r Dr., NB Suite 221 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa FISH. SURF. ~-· OUered at a LO\Y. LOW ""J..111, On Huntington Strut $34,SOO for IMMEDIATE 645-2tXXI Eve.11. 548-6966 In YQ'\l' own front yard $3lm cash down lo existing SAU:! ONLY $3,500 Down, I~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: Huntington la.ach 4400 CALL &m-1151 {open eves) Heritage Real Estate 3 BDRM·$19,950 Assume 51.4 % FHA loan, Sill mo. pays all. Lra fncd yard, newly redecor. Owner 548-5227 or 540. 7562 BY OWNER 3 BR Homes. 2- E. side, 2-W. aide. Very lrg transferable l08JlS 5%-6%%. Need cash. ~1059 HOUSE & Guest House on R- 3 lot. Ea.stslde CM. Ch\'ner. 642-2983. $21,900. Mts• Del M•r 1105 EXCLUSIVE wrnt &stf~ 2414 Vista Del Oro Newp::irt Beach 644-1133 GI loan. $168 per mo. inchJd-A HOME NEAR new 2 story, 3 bed-Private clubhouse heated es an. 3 BR 1% bnths, bit· WE-SELL . S room 2 baths. Double gar-QUIET & BEAUTIFUL pool saunas ·prt~te aate ins & large lot. EVERY 31 MINUTE age. 1i,s blocks from beach. Adults only; 2 Br .. uW. paid. with• 24_hour Rcurity ruard. TRAOEWINDS RL TY Wa'lker & . Lee c. .... o"ly. $300 '"mo. Pool $200. 347.2125 Modllem..e .. adtJJI llvinc· 842-5011 1860 Newport Blvd., CM 17676 Cameron, Hunt. Sch. , , -~-.C.:CC:..::::C,..-~-1 ,,, Ad Rllr, 64G-3928 Eve. 644-1655 2 "·' 2 Ba'"· Shake Raol Ruatic ""' Harbo~949i 0 ' oms * LACHENMYER Garden oro.. 4610 -;::;:i"° -~ Very clean 3 BR & den 2 baths, hardwood floors, large Open 'lil 9 PM yard with 2 patios, excellent location. Owner Is anxious 1 0C;;;";.'°;;;"'~.;:de.;.l;..Mt __ r __ 2_2_so & price ls rl&ht affl,1,500. MUTUAL Realty 842-1418 anytime DIVORCE 2 BR. 2 Ba .. 2-Story $250 Mo. New '<:arpe111. 514 Fernlear. GTa-«144 Bkr. 2300 3 BR. duplex; 2 bas., bltns, SINGLE Young Ad~lts Lux-INCLUDES W/W shq: dsbwshr., new paint, cpts. &: W'Y garden a~ls with coun-petl G E. built Ins ~ drps. Nr. beach. Year lse. try club a~osphereSOUToodH relr:!;-t~r & diahwUher $230 540-?57J complele pnvacy. 'ti~" _ • . BAY CLUB APl'S. 13100 Huntington Pacific Newport ShorM 3220 OL\PMAN Ave., Garden Apar tments -~-----~-Grove (71~) 636-3030 m Ocean Ave. (3 Blks. \Y. 3 BDRM, 2 Bath, sundeek RENTALS ol Huntington Beach Pier) NEW BLUFFS Take over 6% loan no quali-\Vallt to beach. Pools. $275 -A-. Unfurnished PHONE: (TI4) ~1487 lse. Avail inuned. 962-7176 ~"•:;;;·-:...::"'-'~=:;::::_ ., -General • 5000 2 BDRMS •• 2 BATH 2 BR, 2 BA. Split level. Many lying or sell on new VA or custom features; all elec., FHA. 4 BR l"-ba, llke new etc. Lowest maint. & lease-cpls, lg cul-de-sac lot, walk 2 SJ'ORY S BDRt.T. 3 Batlls. lo """"""· Quick """c". I I bl hold. BY OWNER. Call Dick ,,_....,. Water so tener, e ee tna, BRASHEAR REAL TY 4 BR, 2 BA, beach, view. May 2J..Jun 28, $185 mo. Jun 28-JuJ 12 $185 wk. 675-0660 Corona dtl Mar 3250 $110; 1 BR. closedpd garage, $150/Mo, $125 it sta.y 1 yr.; Lido Isle 2351 I ;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;::;;;::;;;;;;~j ~0•. util · Broker POOL, cpt/drps, Kids OK :::::=...=:.....-----Be•utiful 3 BR Delaware Stiidlo Apti. t FOR rent • 224 Via Lido 2 ba, carpels, draJl('s, Fplc, $135: l BR fourplex, stove., 2620 Delaware, H.B . covered patio. Walk lo all Dyer 533-4456 ext 401 or 2442 !lchls. Priced below market 536-3532. 847-8531 Eves. 541· value. By owner. 546-5492 I .i""'iiii'-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim I ARTIST °"-'IM!d & decorated "Pick of the litter" 3 bdrm .• 2 ba., Dutch Haven Nord. $1500 mo. except bit-ins. Oilldren over 12 OK, w/w, children &: Pet OK. 642-2221 anytime 53&-1816 Augu1I $2000. Phone ·n 3: $275 on lease. Broker 534-6980 ~~7.' ORO APARTMENTS MeN Verde 1110 $27 ,500 Co. Club, on cul-de-sac Owner oilers choice BluUs featured 1 n Southerland 4 BR PACESETTER on lrg, Plaza. 1-story 3 BR, 2 ba, Magazine-. $29,900, 6'k loan. quiet comer lot. Rm for dbl patio, best Joe, lowesl Owner S!YT-6460 or 893-7237. boat, trlr, etc. Lots ol Palos maintenance fff &: leaae hold No Agents. !Webster 4-0020) or 2?Q..<1547 Co1·bin-Martln, Realtors -.,.-8234 Atlanta 3036 E, Coast Hwy, CdM Cost• Mal 5100 New 1-2 Bedrooms. Pa,p ~· Verde stone. :r.1ust see! l ,.•,.va!!;!!1.!!cau!!!!!!!644-0505!!!!!!!!!!-!!'!!""!!!!!'·...,, IG cc.LEN~°'"!AR~-.. ~m-,-, ~,-story--.~, $35,900 * 546-0.lSJ BR, lam nn. 2 bath POOL. THE BLUFFS -Fuhionable Frv!c, patio, new paint in. condo. 2 story, 4 BDru.1', 2 eide. $33,950. 962-7008 aft 6 bath; fully ~led &: drap. PM Huntlnqton Beach 2400 $20,950 FULL PRICE 4 bedrooms, 2 full baths. Plush carpels &. drapes lhroughout. Double Garage. Cul-d<!-sac street. Walk to schools. Gt no ca.sh needed. SlOO Deposit refundable or lake over 51.4 % FHA loan "'Ith payments of Sl24 per mon1h. Read The c L A s s ed. Frplc. Pool, patio, bJtns. PRESTIGE home by owner: $33,000, Call aft 6 pm & l 4 B 3 Bo FHA 2500 sq. I., r. . wlmds. 644--0816 61,.S %: under a ppr a I 1 e d CorOM dtl Mar 1150 ~va~1"':·:119;;·750=·;842-=:794='= I ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;; I Huntington COLONIAL MANSION Harbour 1405 Near beach. 4 BR., 41A ba., badminton Ct.: shown by WATERFRONT · by owner · epp't, o:'lly. $119,000. 4 BR. • 2 BA., dock, SS'.,,e_n Delancy Real Est•f• water enclorrd patio f14 ........... 2828 E. Coast Hwy., CdM Also 60' on main channel 67J.3170 large l Br. 3 Ba.. dock, I !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!~I suo.ooo. C.On:skler lea.se/o~ $55,000 -10% Down, 6i,s% Jon. 592-S998 Interest. 2 Houses, Jt..2 So. For Dail.)' Pilot Want Ad1 or Highway. ~ Bk:r. Dial 642·!i678 for RESULTS WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 7682 Edinger 842-445.5 or 54()..5140 Open Eves. DON'T JUST MSH for llOme- thing to fW'l1ish your home , • , find great buys in Ii> da,y's Cauitied Ada. CHARGE :rour want ad now. 3000 S~\\~}fl-"t.~s· Solve a Simple Scmmbled Word l'uzil< fOT a Chuckle I I I ICOLFA I II I I I' A btuvado; A guy who11 . _ _ _ _ go fnto a morgue and offer .--------.--ony man In the houN. ' LU CATA I S·ll ..._ ..... 1 ......... r,......1 ..... 1--..1-1 ! a~z:r..;~ 67"~1662 electric onlY Unfum 2 BR. 2 ba HARBOR i:i-3:7~~ ; $250. Private Garqes 1 Clevidenee, Bkr. 6?.HiOM GREENS 2 BEDROOM. 2 ~a.t h,' carpets, drapes, blt-U1S, Ji BACHELOR UNFURN. blk to 5 Pts., stores, owner Huntington Beach 3400 4 BR 2 ba, w/w cpls, fncd from $11 Q fi45.0151 or key at 1'101 Ellis. yard, lg ram i;tyle din & kit. ALSO AVAILABLE Apt, D. • combo., lg liv rm w/irplc. 1 _ 2 & 3 BDRM. NE.W 2 Br duplex: stove, Btwn 2 shop ce nters , lfeated Pools, Child care dshwhr, crpt/drps. $15(). '250/mo lse. 968-4541 aft 6 Cente.. AdJ. to Sbopplna _ !~.,u1~ .... only. 1508 Olive} 2 BDRM, convert den, 2 ba, No pets allowed ~ garden room, elec kitch. 2700 Peterson We.y, at Har-l.ARGE 2 Br.; 1 or i Water softener, garage dr bor & Adams, Costa Mesa Children OK, pet OK; cpts.' opener, frplc. 962-2716 546-0070 drps, range, 962-763'7 3 BDRM, 2 ha, new crpta, $1,00.2 BR. 2 Ba.. S~ adults preferTed. No pets, OCEAN BREEZE. A P. T • Carpets,. drapes, pnp: $225. mo. 962--7lll Large 3 BR l * ba, blt·l115, AduJts. Owner. 213: 592-6227 ========I"" / drp .• $150/mo._ 2216 REAL ESTATE L NI I 3707 Canyon Dr. No pets, 545-3215 :.'ll~Uc,n;;;ec..:.;c:gut=.c..-.;;;...:...1 aft 4:3Q or weekends or _G:,e;;n:;:1t;;r.;;e:;.I ____ _ EXEC residence • 3 Br. 2 Ml 2.2222 or see Apt, 1. Rentals Want.. 5990 Ba.. bltns, d I h w hr • SPACIOUS, clean 2 Br.1.:.::;;.;.:-"'..;..;;;.;:.;;:,.....;::;;,; crpt/drp. Beaut .view $300. studio: new w/w ctps, drps, WANTED lmmed~ 1 Br. Ivie 8Yr57SO, 542-1215 elec. bltn:s; quiet area; or apt; CM or NB area. 0 adulta, no pets. 549-{)ID Unfum, have am pe:t. ~1 S.n Cl.ment1 371 eve/wknd Ing to paint, cleaJHJp etc. J BR, 2 BA. Sea-Vlew. Avail MODERN 2 BR unlum apt ~ .rv: re~a.~ ~:: June 1. $260 mo. f03 E. San 135 Albert Pl. Sl50 mo utll JWtn. 544--094 lncl. No a>ets. 675-6727, 642-8181. Att ~ ~ ~"':===;:;=;;;=:;;:;L~,.._~1968~-~~-~..,: QUIET lad.Y dee.ires untum Dup!.xts Unfum. 3975 2 BR. nr. 1hopping; elf!C, apt., non smo1dnC ftlll"lle w/ bltna, drps, w/w cpt;g. Gar. nk:e: car. WW SPACIOUS 2 bdr dplx, Blt· Adults. no pe111. $ t 2 5 • share, noo or lea. P.O. Boll( Ins. carpet, 1ara.ae. Fenced. 54S-&157 2261, N.B, $125. 545-l506. EASTSIDE - 2 BR duplex. l;W;';ANT~i;2'i1r=,-:wt=o:-=-:,..::"::::;d f'CcNTAL~ New carpeting_ att garage. tum. Oleta Mesa un. Aptt. Furnished 2 children OK. No dogs $125. w lea. Lad)' .\ oM chUd. 646-8362; 6U-O'f91 ,_64_6-406.1 ____ ~--· I General 4000 2 BDRM., waaber/d r ye r. e LANDLORDS • , $110. 1 BR, close to beach. Blliui, (no retrtg.); Crpta/ FREE RENTAL sr::RVlCE pool, w/w, avail. 5123. drapes. Adu 111, no pets. 8robr 5U-tll82 ,Bn>Jw' ~ 646-4389. ONE BDRM Ut11llm Apl. $15.5; 2 BR. IOurplex, pn.gt, 2 BDR. elec blt·lns, 1% Ba, employed lady \Ip t w/w. AvaJl 'now. near OCC. Adults. no peta. SUO/mo. 6'2-00M ~ 5tlhS0'79. Alt.~ WANTED: 3 bdrm homt, 2 BDRM unturn. c:rpta, new Nv'Pt Hits vie. YrlJ lour1. Coste Meta 4100 dtpl, prage. Adults only. Untu:rn. 60-6ml 1 BDRM c ompletely $150. St8-37'76 I p ·..a... ~ """""'"'"" 11l5. M•. See ifEWIUXlll'l' .. ls.; 1A2BR. _,_,. - Mir at 2131 Elden, C. M. AdultJ. No peta. 3 7 8 4 UNTT apt, 3 bkidCI bwn EAS1'SIDE: Quiet 2 Bdrm. Avocado fl3.Cl: ~ beach. 1 OR. '-rse deft, Ele;.:. bllnt, J».tJo. Adulll CLEAN A: attr. 2 Br.. ocw newl.y decorated. Jin) IQ'. n.. \ • I F I E D ~ ~ ~ Pl~~s~!~~s Lmf•S IN I' r I' . I' I' r t G g'(fCt~~ ~ lQ..1-.1 • I I 1-1 • nnt.y . 361·8 Oate. 642--1298 cpla, <trps: bll.M: carport. per unit. Income $400 per 2--iJR.~ner ti~l + UI ~No--pe~t.~769 ~ mo.-----t03-2ULSt_U.Bi-l.sJl-- Manit:d cpl.. 00 or aldel'. 01.ARCE )'OUr .,..,,t ad now. ;25:..70,:..;.;Ale~•,,,l ===,_,.,,,:,-1 l.12 w. wu.on. l!.M. $4$.BSn Dial -"" RESUl(TS DAILY PILOT Wl!Nf AIMii "' ....... ,. I ) i J • . . ...-:.•.,,.,._ ... ., .. " . ' -. si. .... '· ; . T-. May l), lM REAL ST TE 111151 iSS - Goowll 0-<11 "NANCIAL I ff DAILY PILOT ~*~-~*~--~;~-~4~-~;r--~;:1!S!Ell~V~IC~!~Dl!!!U:!_C~T~O~R!_Y JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Joas a l!MPlOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Go-Int '6lo Help W•nlod, Mon 7200 Help Want.ti,,,_,. 7200 rlolp Wonted, Mon 720f 1~ '"~'"" 6000 1nc1uo1m.1 11 ... 101 6090 Buo. ~t'tunlll• 6300 ~ l'oltle ~lex IOlll SQ n' """ bldg, "' FRANClllSE ; Neu 17&.b Street. l ~ 2 BJt Baker A •tarbor. Abo SOOJ ror a modellt $14,500. )'OU cazi. ~ 1 be A l.S Bit 2 ~ w1lb sq ft N' Brl.stol I: BUtr. acquire an v:cluatvo ~ ftreplate. All units bavt ~ Chile from: bollt...... cpt&id,.., pvt. AN THONY MASTER potloo,-. 1>'.:!0ll Lot• 6100 RE MODILl!RS , $'2,000 Triplex $340 1W 'LEVEL lot Cd!>! wtth SYSTIM ; Month near Ratbor Center. new ove.1"$Zd dble garaae and become an lnatant tlne.n· : t Jm 1 ba, blt-inl .. lpvt pa· 1tresf;tl for apt1. By owner. dal 11.1cce11. No Umlt 11 In t dot, 3 pr, OUl 'quickly on $36,000 cuh. 613..J084 sl.ght for the boomlnc home ALLEN IROS. ANTHONY'S ' Gtrden Service 646-IMI COMPUltR lfCHlllCIAN Varian Dal& Mach.lne1, local· ed ln tht Irvine Industrial Complex or Ora.nae County, ha, 111Weral dlfllal oriented <."Omputer ttthnlclan posl.. tlorw available. BLUEPRINT CLERK !Second Shift) Knowleda:e of blueprin11 Ii nnnc procedure• and know. ledre of how to open.le Brwtnini machine. Mu1t pe dependaWe. Apply j thlal , _,. LAGUNA woodsy view lots. remodelng bull.oeu. Antbo-l Bob 01IOn &tr. 546.s580 ~ utllltJes, pvt. ny'a outllandlns name 4 , $6,950 & $9,250. 494-9748 prown formula auure1 }Ong ~ Bualneu R1ht1I 606o s ADJ. lots; room far 11 term security. No pnviou.1 ; &TORES IOr lede Vffiage :. ~ ~·~ mnttruc~~~tV: Whodtly1 Wini? Wliadcly1 Got? SP&CIAL CLASllPICATION fOR NATUllAL IORH SWAPPI RS Spocl1 I Rite S lf---.:, 5 lfmM -5 bucb WANTE D, SALESMEN 1r you are • good salesman. and rt:lll,y • trul.Y like peo. pie, lhll roeeUn& may be worth $500. to Sl,Ottl, to you. It U\81 completely change your Ute, even to I.he disma,y ol )'OW' wile lwbo may "prG- fer !lectlrity" lO a mink L"CNl0, We deat In belplfll other pcoj,le. This ls not pots & pans. We insurance, encyclopedias or door-to. door Wes of any kiud. A proaentatlon-will be held F'riday nlorning P.tay 161h 1\1 lD:OS-aud araio Friday af. temoon at 4:35 in the San Juan Rm.. Sheraton Beach ROY AL INDUSTRIES 2040 E. Dyer Rd. Santa Ana 541>3210 l Shopplna' Oenter, cor. of E1 180 hrs of intemtve da.51- 1, Cimino A Mendou.. CM. ACf'\Mfll' 6200 room and on the job trainin& IUl.Q -AD MUil INCLUOI EquaJ opportunity employer ,._..,,.., reu ....,.. "' .,.._ 1-fi'M! .,.. Wint 11 ,,... ~YOU• ,,..... ellfltf ...,_ ..... ~ ef .._._ • EXPER. Jr pa De• e Good 1tuttrw: u1ar)' and a Inn, 2lll2 Ocean Ave., HUl'lt- Gudener Complete ttenrice. liberal employee benefit pro. inrton Beach. Attend el\Mr, Free estimate. Call 54G-l332 iram. incl~ tweJve days Bring yaur wile it )'OU ,.,tsh. , SUltable Dell., 1V, variety, by Ahthany'1 ·experts. Tbe · Hobby, etc. See Liquor •tore elCtmnely lucrativf' Orange ~HING l"O• U.LI -flllAOll OHi.Yi ' 0r ..,. ·COUNTRY eo. • '-&aeh-South s., PHONE 642·S671 MESSOIGER ~ Al waper m: 981-&51.o LIVING temtorie• ~ •till avallable. To Place Yovr Tr..,.., P1rlcff• ~ · Cltti Edie Lawn va<atkm durinR tint ,..., MECHANIC ' STREET FRONTAGE Earnlnp In'""'" ot l.lS,000 On Beach BJ.Yd. 1480 Sq. ft 30 Acres in Coro~ with beau-the ls! year are rudil)' at- ' Model hpme ideal for lmur.. utul 3 bdrm. home, pool. etc. talnable. With Anthony's 100 BeautifW.Actta nr P Sprinp. Disaaz'eeing part. nen eaaer to trade. Thia prlme land can only m. creue ln value. Bkr 646-8226 'Ritr., etc. (Bet. ~tella and !t~n= ':i~ ::;wn, 5 support, ~ming:s should in. Cerriloll SI r n l. lndlCPd., ~ Cf1!ase each year. For Wot- , $250 mo. 10050 Beach Blvd. years. Full price $350,000. matlon contact; 1 e 63Ml20 e For more tnformaUon pteuc UNIVERSAL Older 7 nn Hollywood home ' -•1 K W Small with (clear) + !!, for beach c-.. • . FRANO!JSE EXC0 "'GE '. m> SQ F .T. M-1 space wtth E •~off & a. I """, area itloome proi)erty. Prln- • --1. New '"·· Im-CIUl ..u50C., nc. 1617 Westclitf Dr, SUite 210 --w Cha A clples •onty, 548-8952 or t mediate occupancy. J..opn 1818 . pman ve. Newport Beach, Cal. 642-2713 213/HO 5-5646. ' •-~ M .. ~,, ,,,...,. Orange, CalU. Aw.. URllB esa. _,....,._, kn"· 538-fl971 BEA\1I'Y Shop. Lease with ., 'FOR LEASE. Beauty Parlor 541-2621, Evu-w ,,... o~ion to buy, Fully equip. ~ )'Oll want more Income. I II B • •-•--'-·--2 Will trade $26,000 equ.lty, 7 1 p ace . · • . a re a • . uewvuiu •NlPC, E-sl.d unlta / $370 ' Immediate occupancy $165. Resort Property 6205 batm like new. Bk r e · . w mo. : 536--2691 :;;;;;;;;;~~-;;;~;;;;; 642-8iis ' spendable moome, for )'O\lr • hollJ,e equity, Bkr, 646-3750, e LAGUNA OFF! MAMMOTH MT, At ti modern bldg Well secUttd 2nd T.D. Bal. · trac ve · · CONDO. FOR SALE $2,750 at m .50 mo. 7.2% • !ntl loc::, air oond, S95 mo. Luxurious 2nd home, profit/ 1---------due 5 years; Trade fDr late ·1 on he. 49'2466 pl•·-investment. Split-HAVE $10,000 to actively In-___ t In O C ~.-· Wrl mo:Wl car and ! ? ? Call: 1 LEASE: •tore or oUice, 1.974 level 2 Br. w:lth quality ve. · · uu.tnell. le 673-0l.T3 : aq. fl eood loc:atlon. 333 E. cre,ftunanship, aleeps 8, I =Da"il"'y"Pll=ot=Box===M=.J2f=== ,,,--------17th st., C.M. 96U5S9 Year round management, Xlrit opportunity . take o~ ttl!T'l!:ational complex-u.una, Money to LOln Q20 clean Beauty Salon, Lkio 6070 whirlpool. swimmlne pool, .... •-..,_.., •-·-· •--·'ck area, long ettabl., 6 atatioM rec, hall. 'Close to lilts, OV-.,., • .wu IUILIJ9 ... .-""' Trade for lot or tubnUt. LAGUNA BEACH 29 950 <alb. llom>w "" your P?O-0wne /brok ••0 ERLOOKING POOL. S , . .., ........ 1 •. hn'b1.._ r er. _.mt Air Conditioned 127" per~ "' """-q "• Alao fot' rent, l ..... ) YoW' tow lntettlt 1st TOI. Want Motor Home, Trade ON FOR.a'/ AVENUE PROPERTIES WEST Also buyers Jor 2nd TDI. '64 Olds 98, loaded ,vith full ' om -e• 1vailabW 1n . 1028 Bay U-lJn"-Sa.oot! ... Sattler Mo ... -.... Co. Inc. pwr, fact air, pha 18' tra\'el ' UWtll omce bu!IM ... al N -~rt 0 -ch ··---e .. .,.. ooea Servi .... Harbor Area 20 yn. trailer, sell contained & I" prime location bl downton 67' •130 "• • Lquq Beach. Air cond1-~ 336 E. 17U. SI. acre, Palm Spra:s. 536-1131 timed. carpeted. bemltffUJ 6d-21n 5t5-06ll HAVE: 6 Unit lot near llvL Wanted 6305 ' Office Rental paneled partSdoaln&. Tw o It. E. W•nted 6240 "NEW 2nd LOANS AR-shopping, $10,000 c I ear. entrueel: J'tust&p a1 RANGED" Top cash for WANT: Houae or Duplex J'orest AYe., rear lea.di to Stlllng Your Home?? seasoned 2nd1. Newport Beach area. Mundp&l pu1dna: Iota. $50 1. We have over 300 Sales-543"-Ull Bkr. ~ Matcham Really, 646-4837 ps manna tor mpace. Desk people. --0=-c-=~N~T~5--1 * * Maintenance, t,lcenrcd of employment, and a stock -W&.nt clear loll °" land for 54S-4808/6«5.23lO &ft 4 purchue pl'O&J'Ull., \\'e netd 2 men with exper. $35,500 equity, lovely 4 BR AL'S c-~-•-S I in fleet truck repair, gas home Lu Palm.as area ... 'U ... _ er v c • j d & die5"1. DrESEL A MUST. Palm Sprlnp or submit Lawn maintt:blJ>Oe, p.rden-Ylr ID all f\tust have own hand tools, Owner ' 673-TOn lnl II clean ups. 646--3629. 10 yrs e;11:perienre, willing to HAVE ID2 Lot N rt CLEAN·UP Spedallltl Mow· l'ftlChin.tS work any 1hltt. Reference1 II •-117 UW'I ·•-' ~ANT· ~. edglng, odd J o b a. required. $135. Week to start, g: .. , ,'1\N """'at• ' .., ___ ,.ftble <'O -Call "-' ---· «<m7 Duplex or Triplex, Cot6na .........,,_ ' ~ A VARIAN SUBSWIARY "''-' ............. ,. ' ,,,...,. de! Mar or Npt Bch, Match. JAPANESE Garder!er, com- am Realty. &46-4837 plete yard aervk:e, free =-...,---;c.,-.-,-,-,,-,=I utlmates. 540-1332 Trade mink stole .. ~ c.e. =='""'='-""--i~-~ I radio equipment with an· MOW l Weed. Labat by tenna or ?? capable C.Ollege Students. * (1) 493-4677 * Reas. Daya, 87f>.m5 The Rigger 2722 Michelson Drive (Ad j. Oront• Co. Airport) # 16 FASHION ISLAND Irvine, C•llf. 92664 NE\VPORT BEACH NEEDS A An ~ual opportunity FULL TIME employer M&F TOWNHOUSE 3 Br. 2\1 ha."H~•.;.;ul-"ln;.:!ll:..,_ __ ..;6.;.730;;.;; ----'~----I DISHWASHER Beouc appt'd. Prtv. patio.' --El f ' Pr • I ·==-,,......,.-~~ pool ; nr. bay, Val. $32,:!0ll, GENERAL HAUL ING et IOftlC 0Jet WANTED ' S.rvi« Sta. Att. for T.D .. car. camper or ! ! & CLEANUP Local references & local 0wner.....,. 112 per !old. Engineers Wanted "''''''" 0 "'" " 0 ' '"" " 0 1 a"''"a Beach, cleu apt 962-6846 aft. 3 6: wkends. 11 shltts cpen. Must hr neat ._ ... _ and bondable . App: blc!a. Will take modest HAULING, GeneraJ, Top, a ... ,..L--R' ht"-·· lOO w home Palm Sprlll&'s area trim, remove trees & We are a small company (400 ......, .. nun.-ic lei · or Villa tn exchan&e. Bro-hedtt•· Bia: John 6t2-4030 peoplel, located In Ora.nee Coast Hwy, N.B. ktt • 4%1330 HA u LING, pain t in I County near Newport Beach. BOYS 10 • 14 hou5ecl anJii odd · bs. OUr electronic project en. Carrier Routes Open Beach home, stone's throw e ~· JO . 1 gir.eers are given full re-for lo octan. Exchange for You. n&me It • we do lt. aponalbilll)' aod support. We Lquna Beach, So. t.a1una -small house in Olllta ?tiesa1,,,~=,.,---,.-,--,,.--have many challengi111 pro. DAILY PILOT or San Dteeo. YARD/pr. clnup. Remove arams that must be started 642-4321 FORTIN (l), 642-5000 trees, ivy, dirt, tra.ctor back immediately, Should. have at GENERAL Jl.fACHINIST -w-.-.t-Trn--,.-l -TnU-.1-.. -, .. -.,.-.jl-=hoo=, =IUOdln=;· ="·;962-81==';'== le~t ~ yrs. experience: in ctua A, jobbin& machine on 3 BR + bonus room Housecleanin9 6735 ~na: loiic ~ cont;roJ 1hop. Cape Engineering, Home in excel. cond. w/ -----~---circuit& or audl.o ~rdlllg 27694 Camino Capistrano, Di1p1tc h 0.pt. Youn(: man, driven lie., lhroua:h with military obli· iationa. ~ for adv&nce. ment in newspaper bu1iness. Good startlna: aaWy, com- pany benefits, etc. See tJr. Rich, Mon. lhtu Wed. ~· lime. · D•ILY PllOT 330 West Bay, C.M. BASTANCHUllY BOTTLE WATER CO. Established franchise routes available in Lona: Beach & Orange C.o. Beach Area. Short paid trainlnc period: 2-6 wks. Guaranteed min. montbly e~ $700., a!L route a&slinmenL X I n I rrowth assi&'.nment. Cood credit. Valid drive~ license. Aae 21-38. Prefer 1aml1y men. FOR INTERVIEW Call 525-ll6l JONE'S TIRE SERVICE Is expanding and ~ires EXPERIENCED * Retail Salesmen * Tire Servicemen * Front End and * Brake Mecbanlca fantutlc land5caplna. Bkr. CARPETS, Windows, nn:, and playback circuits. Laguna NiiUel. 831-1164 Salary plus bonus and com· Phone Emle Fleck)' Person-MAN, steady, part time job pany paid benefits. Op- nel Manaaer for' details. fo.r reliable adult. Xlnt LA portunlty for Advancement. o A y S: CTI4) 642·2427, Times route open Corona Apply! 2049 Harbor Blvd., 540.Wl lopen eves.) Herl-etc. Rn or Comc'I. Xlnt tage RE. work Reas! Ref&, 548-4lll * * * J1nltorlol 6790 NIGHTS: rn41 5'2-130t. del Mar. Top pay. 96z-4G33 C.M. and chain aYailable for $5. 2. We are the largest in Qr. ANN UN tME B-hours ....,orlnt •"<• County. end NOTICES MVice 1va11Wile tor $10. 3. We can GUARANTEE to Found (frH Ads) 6400 --------·-----SERVICE DIRECTORY SPARKLE Jarutorlal Sttv. Mortuary & Cemetery FRY roC>K: Graveyard * SECURITY * All atDtUel paid except eeU your home, A"NOUNCEMENTS ind NOTICES Wlndowa. reald., c o m c I, Serv. Carttr shift. Start $100 ""eek. 2 OFFICER WESTMINSTER yean exper. nee. Apply In For Patrol Duty -·· WESELLAHOME FOUND younr boy'o -P'OD~!.,. PnmA • ..,......... EVERY 31 MINUTES prcscriplion gluRtl. Costa --· •~w~ w lk & L l\fe&a Park. SUn. May 4th. Appliance Rep.1lrs conn. cleanup. Free est. Lost 6401 Pim 6510 968-2691 --------________ 1co'=uP=LE=~s,...pecializ!nr-· "·~· -ln,.......,ot. MEMORIAL PARK ""°" "2 W. l9th, C.M. $100. A WHk + TO QUALIFY: Aa:e over 35, PAINT MAN Over 40 >n· Perm. Radio LAGi:t.:.EACll a er ee 64&-U<9 UJST, -· & whl•• ... ..,,. ~ SMALL child's pre&eription mbi:ed breed male dog: lt. , WANTED TO LEASE •\>Clo6 Edingei gluse!, erey frames. Found brn. back, white chest & RA!tlted lawyer y,'OU]d like to 842-4455 or Sf0.5140 on N!e;htlngale Street, Fol.m. fttt: about 16" tall; named ' leue apace In some Open Eves. taln Valley, 962·5216 Bru~; Iott vie. Santa Ana, e5tabllshed law firm in LOOKING 1or a home in h'di""' lor. Newport. Ne........,rt Beach or Colla u-.,. ve~e. p ....... ~ .. tter .f SET of ke)ll, 17th & Orana:c -·• ~r-n,,_,, ,_lo P>C •'U --5/17. 642-1781 Eves: Reward. 548·4269 or MeA area. & ... _. .. Br., slngl.c 11tory: . need 548-JSTI 642-8235 have some plaoe to put my poMeU. 1-4 Month!. Prin· feet on the dak. Have the cipals only. Box M-484, Dal-FOUND Ladles 'Pf'Cscrlption FOUND: Glules in brown t>llowlng library: Complete ly ~t 11<.1n 1tas1es. Near beach tn case: Patk.lnr lot Manny's Pacific Reporter, U.S. Codes B;;U;..,;,S~IN~E=s=s~.-nd~--Laguna. 494-3!03 Collce Shop. HUl'ltington "--ta•~ Ne Callfom,.· =~==--:---:--Beach, 4-31)..69; Hawthorne ~UN -~ w N'UCIAL PARAKEE"I' • turquolM! • n 1ge 1 t, miscellaneous Fl ~ Optician'' name inside case. Caltfomia Codes, form ll O I I 6300 vie. Hoag Hospital May ll, 892-7988afler6P.M. books, etc., plwi too much us. pportun f" 1969. can ~17 5/1511969=-.~P~RO~M~-,~ln~-,~r-o-m furniture. M, A. Stur&es, 414 FRIGIDAIRE FOUND blk kitten, while Ne~rt Harbor H.i. Found 1 32nd St., N.B. 675-0016 paws vie Collins & Park, in park ~n CdM. 673-5189 ONLY $225/MO JET ACTION tB"1~boa~l~-~·oxt~675-4898~~· =,1 :=:=::.:===~;;;; -Frlgida1re 18 min. cycle 11 I: Poro•nol ""5 For top floor central Ioca. the fastest in the industry. Lost 6401 -1 "1'9U tlon, 3 rooms & lara:e pvt 30 Frigiaaires do the work I -""'------...;..;,;. FREEi balcon)', w/w plush crytc of 40, 30 min, ......Shen, Find $100 • thruout, walnut paneling, out how easy It Is to own • drps, view windowl, sliding 8 paying laundry B11ic Bolting Cla1se1 11an dra. pvt exit, off ·~et Carden Grove, ~ta Ana, REWARD Ofiered to the public parking, cle&nln1 service Tustin Orange Anaheim Lost-Black Poodle by the Balboa Pow-provlded, lse or monthly. ' ' M d · Quallllod ai>Pli<:ants ..,p1y ColnoOoMatlc lniat"" """""'1 -blsck er Squa ron starling I CE, poodle \\•lib disUnauishable 7 p .~I. :r.1onday June !or app to: OPTI Box EqulpnMnt, Inc. '"'' *""l oI ".:. on back 177• Nwpt Bcb ...... A,, w ·v·•-· u..-''¥' 2, Newport Harbor "'• • __,.,.,., • iuc:DCJa between ahoulden:. 7 )'lli. PRIVATE Offl(E Fullertoo '"' 525-1833 old, woighs about 8 Ibo . .,,~ Yacht Club, 720 West Secretarial service, air con. di-.·-· I Onnp Cou•IY Bank Bldg. 23:) E. 17th Strttt Costa Meta 642-1485 OFFICE SPACE WANTED, sales rep. building product• CANDY supply route, put or wen to name of "f\fark>''. Bay Ave., Newport tun. time, d3J11/evet. Rdlll Ura:ent~og requires special Beach. E n r o 11 a t & collect money from coin diet to ailing cond. Last seen class. For additional oper. Dilpenaers in Costa in Newport Bch, We1tclW information p h on e Mesa & vie. No .c.Ulng. Area on Anlla Ln. on Sat. 675-0467 or 673-1855. $1650 Total cub req. Send M11y 10th AM . No qucsUons e INTERVIEW e name, addren &. phone to: will be uked. Pleue call n-·•-~ t po Bo oo•s TV, COMMERC., MOVIBS nuvw uo:p , . , x JO'O , any hour. ~26 or 673-100:0 All N Anaheim 92803 ages. No training req, o LOST "Henry", Terrier & exper. neceas. For app'l. RETIRING-Beauty Salon Shellie dog, Black w/b!m'il. Call: Rich-Art Productio111 co needs 250 to 300 sq ft. nr I ;,====_,,.-.,--c- Oranp Co. Airport w/phonc anP"ering & mecretvlaI 1erv:ice available, Call D. Mottat 213: 866-3122. Sale. Been in t1ame loc for Vic. 16th 51. C.M. May 6th. e (1) 826-3460 e 13 yrs, good cllentele. Ada 642-4816. 1t1arie's Beauty Salon, Tues· LOSf: "Sylvester," blk. & LICENSED Sat noon, 2482 Newport Spiritual Readinga, advice CHERRY AiN»nd ollices. Blvd, CM. 548-1828 or eves white ma1e cat. black col-, on all matters, lCll S, El Mat% sound-proof wallli, &. Mon 5411--1740 lar: vie. LlndA Isle, NB. Camino Real, San Clemente acoustlc ceilings. e I e v, ESTABLISHED Decorator 1 ~R~ew~'~"'=· ~613-3008~~·-~-492-9136. 10 AM-)0 PM. balcony. From $65. Medical wantt to expand t 0 FEMALE Sealpoint Siamese. SPECIAL $2 READING suites $85. t88 E. 17lh SL, at Ne<Wport/BaJboa area. \Vill Tq w/ owner's name & hp. Attractive E xpert I~. CM. Owner. 673-6574 train femaJe ~ with Vlc \Valnut St., C l\1 . YOUNG WOMAN 3345 NEWPORT BLVD. funds & direet activHleg to I =Rew="-anl~ . ..:6ITT49=='~~-dancer v.ill teach you all Office1 1uitable for Com· secure lnve1trnent. 635-7470 GOLD Grandmother's charm latut steps. call Ardell men::1al, MedlcaJ, Dental. a: Mobile 835-6261 bracelet with 6 charms. 213: 591-4538 1-10 PM Air.cond., -... elevator I===~~=~~--* "" -* -.. BEAUTY SALON, Lido area, '"'*""""' COUPLES. alngles; lonely'!' 35c PER SQ .FT. long established. ).fust sell· l YR old Bluepoint female New in area'!' Join the swing 5f1-!i032 OR 675-2-164 beat offer. Owner/broker. Siamese. Vic l.att Park, to fun&: pJeasure DELUXE oWce In Costa 548-77ll Hntg Beach. Call 536-84st e 635-9291 e : ~~;:: ~~ oond. l-=w~ANTEO==-, -o=u...i--,-."'H-quo_r_ $75 RE\VARD, Irish Setter ALCOHOLICS Ano1l)'m0US Ucense, Orange C.ounty. puppy, Delaware 6: Hunt. Phone 542-7217 Ol' 1'Tlte lo · N. B. 560 Sq. ft. w/pri. ' panelled oil.ice. 30x50 )11 apace avail. Owmr 642--280'.J , :IOll Sq. Ft, Office 1 006I'A MESA 646-2130 ' ' C-rclal 6085 FOR LEASE SJ.OD ., ft pn.ge Bldr. Oll -Blwl. 'double ....... -· 11$«181 $7161 f!Vn. CXllOIERCIAL Lot • ll!il tfme. oftm!d. 7Q5 E. Ba.lboll. Bl~ CNW: to Balboa ,,,...,,.,) Call -= Industrial ltonlol 6090 Cati: 64Ul.39 Or. H.B. 536-6472 or 5J6..n'4. P.O. Box 1223 ())Jl:a MM&. suPRE.'\tE Appliance Re-fices « apartments, day or pair. Refri&', 'VUhen, dry. nl1ht. 494-2551 not over 60. Experienced preferred, Kenn car provided. ~on amoker, crs. Tom. 546-1363. 547-6691 p •-. 1pern11ng1ng Baby•lttlng 6550 Pointing 1--~---- 6150 TEMPERAMENT: A real de-Rima Hardware: C'.ontact drinker. Unifonn all'llCC!. sire to be of servlce to Dick Wolrlelt. 546-7080 Apply: 4 P!'lf. 5 PM, Rm. people. PLUMBER: Capable, ag-4ffi, 325 N. Broadway, Santa HABITS: Good rteady work greuive, plum b I n I lr _A~na_. -~~--,--I habits, sober & reliable. heating repair. Comm. & Service St•tlon Mgr INDIVIDUAL, ftnaainative PAINTING mt·&: Ext Lowest Thia la a Ulctime Cattfl' benetlta, 4~7525 Hntg Beach area. Substan- child care by experienced con~cted prices. Fully ins. opportunity with salary & • BUS BOYS e tlal salary + protlt shar· licensed k I n d e r g art en 5?-tiatactlon guar. Free• esl fringe benefits Ben Brown's Restaurant Ing. Call 842-4906. teacher. No infan!s. 4~. Jim \Veeks 673-USS APPLY lN PERSON 3ll06 S. Coast, S. Laguna Kennet man, over 35. Must "MR F1X-IT" · 9 am only RESPONSIBLE High School to Mr JEWELL ENTERPRISING Y o u n I live in Laguna Beach. Apply girl \11anl1 8 ab y s It t l n g Paint, Elect. Carpt'y, Haul l480l Beach. Blvd. wiimnstr man, part time $2 per hr. In person, SPCA, 20612 La- Newport Hei&hts area . • 642--0427 • 1------·~---I * 5<15-1686 * gUM. canyon Road. 642--0022 AINTING, Papering 16 )'t'l CAREER Will babysit by the week. in Harbor area. Lie & bond-Help W•nted, Men 7200Help W•nted, Men 7200 You turnl•h tra,,porlatlon. 1~ed=. ""="~'~""'-· ..,._=_· __ 1 OPPORTUNITY! Call 6«2-1407 PAINTING I. maintenance, Join todlYI tastelt IJ't"rinl MATURE lady will sit da~ .intirrior k ext er Io r . profession-Mutual Fund Wet eves & wknds. Prefer NB 0; Reasonable ntea. 646-3185 No e:xperlence neceua.J')'" Ci\f area. Refs. 646--7803 PAINTING interior, exterior, We train · full or pa.rt ti.me CHILD Care Vic Paularino Work ruaranteed. ~e est. Mutu1I Fund Advisors, Sehl. Day or night Top Herman. 642--0132 Inc, supervlaKln. 549-1928 e INT • EXT, ANY SIZE Npt B. tfi03 WHtcllU 6CU422 JOB. Xlnt work, refs, free S.A. 1212 N. Broad.WA)' Brick, Masonry, etc. est. JI~f 642-4669. 546-3749 S.1-8331 6$60 -------..:,;.-! Plastering, Repair 6880 BUILD, Remodel, Repair Brlck, block, c enc re t e , e PATCH PLASTERING. crpntry, no job too small. All types, Free estimate. Llc C'.onlr. 962-6945 call 540-6825 Carpentering 6590 Plumbing 6890 CARPENTRY PLUMBING REPAlR MINOR REPAIRS. No Job No job too small Too Small. Cabinet In aar-* 642.JJZ • ages & other cabinet&. PLUMBING REPAffi 545-8175, It no answer leave DRAIN CLEANING msg at &16-23T.!. J-1. 0 . 546-2381 or 540-1217 Andl!l'llOn ?.fASTER carpenter, u per Sewing 6960 hour. Remodeling-Repairs. e Dre,makllli. AltematSon1 ~2-6409 or 5J6-3900 CUstom Destgm REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS *646-&WG* CABINETS, Any size job. 25 yrs. cxper. 548-67l3 Al .. r at lon s-642·5145 R Neat, accurate, 20 yrs. exp. EPAIR. PartlUons. Smalllo;;o======== Remodel, etc. Nlle or day, Upholitery 6990 Reu! Call Kk.'N M0-4679 1-'--~~---- czyKOSKl'S CUst. Uphol. Ceme nt, Concrete 6600 European Craftsmanship . 100% !ln~ 00-lOI e NO )Ob too small, I do 1881 Newport Bl., C.M. them all1 Sidewalks.I==~~=~=== dl'VW)'I, cone &a\v etc. JOBS & EMPLOYMENT * HOTEL DOORMAN Experienet: neceu.ary APPLY IN PERSON THE NEWPORTER INN 1107 Jamboree Road Newport Beach, Calif. Temporary Employment URGENRY NEEDED • LABORERS Interviewing tllon lhru Fri., 8-5 P.~f. INTERIM P erson nel Service 445 E. 17th, CM 612-7523 ASSEMBLERS Motor Homea-ckle panels $2 Start PANELCRAFT 4(0) C8mpUI Dr., NB '42-851< Job Wonted, Lody 7020 1 ,_._._=._._._ .... I e CONCRETE work all ----'---'--I' l)'pe,&., Pool dt(.:kl It cuslom, EXPERIENCED Bookkeeper Call .5'8-1324 desires '"'Ork to do in her Cement \Vork--an ktnds home. \Vill pick up and Free E1Umatr · de 11 v er, Payroll, Acct's * 63&--0JT4 * R&P .. etc. 540-19!14 * CONCRETE work, bonded PRACTICAL NURSE. &. Ile. Concrete sawlne:. Avail. day or nlle. Phillips Cement. 548-6380 Local ~r. 8J6.8028 • CUSTOM PATIOS • Domettlc He lp concrete uwtlll[ Ir n!m<rv&I =='="="'=Ll"c=·*=M=l-=l"Ol;O==i· COJl.1PANION Cook. Drive 7035 Good Contracten 6620 e HOUSEh.'EEPER • Live "----"-----~ m,5or 6days ADDmONS.REPAJRS e PRACTICAL NURSE • RE?atODELING l.i\le ln, short or long lerm Deal&:nllll' & Planning Apply J(itchens-Batha. cite. HOJl.tEP.tAKERS 541-6681 Uc'd &: Bonded. Free est A It B CONSTRUCTION Ccorae Allen Byland Agency 1122 Paularino. Of Empo)'er Pays Fee •St5--t9"11 * 10&-B E. l6lh, SA 547..o,:m Fiberglass Molders Experienced only, 1011 pay, large cuslom "·ork. Willard Boat Works 1295 Baker St., 0.1 ARC WELDERS We need 2 au position wcld- <'rl!i. Must have 1troclural &: fabric ~perlenet and know low hyd~n ftldlng. Start $142, ""le. Call Mr. l..aJ'co~. 545-ill,7 *SAL ESMEN * !Part Timi'.' I \Vilh car. Leads rumistM!d. \Vork &nY four hours and averagl"'' SUI(), per wttk & up, CaJI alt. $ PP.f Jot int, ..._ DRILL PRESS OPERATOR. Ute, close taiennce 'ft'Oi'k. Smell, cl.,an sq, DISC INS'I'RllMENTS INC 2701 s. HalladR.Y Santa Ana 549-0345 MECHANICS.OUtbo.ord Call 644-615 btwn » OF'FSET PRINTER F\.111 or. part tbne. Call Tl4: 2-4567 While •I ph&n Dune-a-One • SENIOR COST ACCOUNTANT Perform contract cost analysis and pre-- pare specia l job cost reports, assist in preparati9n of monthly operating state.. ments, maintain cost records on construe· tion in progress jobs for capitalization upon completion and prepare overhead analysis for use in overhead rate negotia- tions with government auditors. WU1 also do special analyses as required by man- agement. Degree in accounting and sev· eral years experience as a cost account- ant \vitb knowledge of government con· tracts. e COST PROPOSAL ADMINISTRATOR \Viii be responsible for the operation of complete cost proposals for major engi· neering changes and new business from historical data or drawings including statement of work and cost narratives. ?tfust be experienced in all phases of cost proposal preparation from receipt of RFQ to contracts award. College degree and several years experience · required. e SENIOR BUDGET ANALYST Will be responsible for developing, com· piling and presenting cost data and budg- et reports. Position also entails man· power and material projection and their relationship plus funding requirements and tat~ analysis. Should be familiar ~li~T cost me\Jlod!, computer tech- niques and office machines. SEND RES UME INCL UD ING SALARY HISTORY OR Call LH Kelley 33l3 Harbor Blvd., Coste M111 '262' (714) 5'MG30 Mlssne Syslems DMelon ATLANTIC RESEARal COfl>ORATION A Division ol lho L]) _ _,,uequlli1nn1 corp:-~ 0.ssl'lwlftJI 1.....,. "''' • \ ·- ' _ , Tuttday, May U, 196' DAll.Y Pll.OT l.'I JOIS" EMPLOYMENT JOBS" EMPLOYMINT JOBS" IMPLOYMINT JOBS" ·~PLOYMINTJOBS & EMPLOYMINT _Joas.~ IMPLOYMINTJOBS & EMPLOYMl\!:!!!fNTPJi£!u1»~!J&c~m1P~·~~~J~!!'!·!!l~~!!!!J Help W1nted, Mon 7200 Help Wanted, Men 7200 Htlp Wanted, Mon 7200 Hel~Wonted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Halp Wanted Htlp Wonted Women 7400 Women 7400 Women 7400 Wonwn 7400 Women 7400 Women 7400 I FIREMAN DISNEYLAND STOCK CIBIK .. \Ve have an Immediate need for a bright ambltlowi stock clerk with a minimum of 1 year responsible stockroom experience. Knwledge of electronic component parts ii esaential and a H I a: h School degree ia p~ferred. Must ba,ve lho ability to set along with people. KEYPUNCH OPERATORS DISNEYLAND PERSONNEL CLERK DISNEYLAND . STENO DISNEYLAND SEASONAL OPENING WITH POSSIBILITY OF PART TIME PERMANENCY. EXPERIENCE WITH CITY OR COMPANY FIRE DEPARTMENT ESSENTIAL. GOOD T~~ING SKILLS AND PUBLIC CONTACT, AVAILABLE FOR SATURDAY Wl)RK. GOOD TYPING AND SHORTHAND, BUSY OFFICE EXPERIENCE ESSINTIAL. C~L 10 AM to '4 PM on y thru Friday EXPERIENCED WITH 029 AND 059 ESSENTIAL. CALL 10 AM to 4 PM Monday thru Friday 17141 533-4456 Ext. 678 CALL ,10 AM to 4 PM Monday thru Friday 17141 533-4456 Ext. 678 .CALL 10 AM to 4 PM Monday thru Friday 171 33-4456 Ext. 678 The main responsibility will be ·to store, maintain and issue our electronic 1tod ' room supplies. 1714) 533-4456 Ext. 679 An iequal opportunity employer. An equal opportunity employer. An equal opportunity employer. Help W1ntecl 1 ~!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!'!!!'!!!~'!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!'!!!!!!~! _ 1 An •quail opportunity employer. 1 ~ Good starting' rate p ws ex.. Help W1nted, Men 7200J Help W•nted. Men 7200 eell~nt company bencUts in-I"!!!!'!!'!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!~'!!!~~~~~'!!!'!!:!! Help Wanted ' Help Wanted Help WaintMI w ...... 7400 Women 7400 -'----'----I eluding 12 days vacation Women 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. BOOKKEEPER • cos T du.ring first year of employ. Help W•nted, Mtn 7200 Help Wanted * CLERK. Experienced, for men!. Women Women 7400 OU Ice · Secretaries * J, C. Penney Co. Fashion Island Newport ~ach Has opCrlin& for AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE MAN Recent experience in muf. flers, sbocks, tire balancing. lube and oil change. Excellent working rondilions, competitive \vagcs, out. standing bene!il.s including hogpltalization a n d profit sharing. Apply in person 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. Monday Utru Saturday J. C. PENNEY CO. expanding plastic rnanufac-\VANT ED: Marine I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;! turea·. Dutieii include: labor Yarl'an data c 11 r p enters, assemblers I• ASSEMBLERS *SECRETARY distribution & cost analysis, rollers, bonders, e n g i n e some J>OS!ing, no tax work, · men. 547--0UL 12.32 E. tlu'u tcial bata""'-M.,. machines Pomona, S. A. train for Purchasing assls-WANTED 1 gas station tant. Growth p ori t ion. A VARIAN SUBSIDIARY mechanic. day shin. Salary Prefer energetic, ambitious 2722 Michelson Drive plus comm. l!KXI Newport =~:n~r~~~Y :~ (Adj . Orange Co. Blvd, C.h1. person, 1916 Placentia Ave., Airpor') EXP'D Service Station man. Costa ?>1esa. Irvine, C1llf. 92664 llourly 'vage +commission. BUSBOYS An equal opportunity Overthne pay alter 40 hr. eznployer M&F 9!lO E. Coast Hwy, NB. Days & Nights APPLY IN PERSON REUBBI E. LEE EXPLORER MOTORHOME CORP. NEEDS 151 E. Pacifi c Cst Hwy * ELECTRICIANS Newport BHch *MILL MEN -~2'~=~--* CARPENTERS .-telD Wanted, Women 7400 Temporary Employment URGEHTL Y HEEDfD •• • Sr. Typists ASSEMBLER TRAINEES ~:r ha:i!~fum'!:~~~~ wltb a maximum o( 1 year experience. Minlmun1 t\vo yea1'8 ex· perienct, prefer in a c:on- tracts department. Re. quires good typing and shorthand skills. Salary tor SUBMINIATURE ASSEMBLY OPERATIONS You must be willing to work. commensurate with back· On the 1st ahllt from '1:30 a:round. Apply f.1ust have good eyesight and finger dexterity, possess a valid CalifOJ'nia drivers II· cense and be able to pa&s; a. a.m. to 4 p.m. or the 2nd • shift from 4:15 to 12:45 a.m. Knowledge ct color code, romponent parts & soldering ROY AL INDUSTRIES ls n1andatory. rigid physical exam. Good starting rate + excel· IC>nt benefits including 12 Please'apply in person to days vacation during the 1st year of employment. HUGHES NEWPORT BEACH 500 Superior Avenue Ne"'POrt Beach, Calif, Varian Data Mathines 2040 E. Dyer Rd. Santa Ana 540.3210 Equal opportunity employer NURSE AIDE If you are interested in: TY,pists AL~ OFFICE SKILLS EARN MORE \VITH US Champagne Temporary Help ANAHEIM 775 W. La Palma NEWPORT B&ACH 3'49 Bi rch Strfft SANTA ANA 1616-F, E. Fourth 540-7345 MOTOR HOf:IE *CABINET MAKERS 24 Fashion Island Asse~blers~Bu1lders * WELDERS I\ An equal opportunity Im.mediate ~pe~s for men * GENERAL HELP Work when & where you w1nt l Equal oppcu·tun!ty employer M&F A \I AR IAN SUBSIDIARY 2722 Michelson·Drive (AdJ . Orange Co. • Progresslw: patient care * Service education * Excell. 'vorking rond's. Cali Orang" Counties Jafiest extended care hogpital, An Equal Opportunity Employer employer with experience 1n plumb. * * ing, electrical, walls, cabin. * LINOLEUM MEN INTERIM PERSONNEL SERVICE I~ ets and finish • or we will * CARPET MEN Airport) Irvine, Calif. 92664 An equal opportunity emplO)'E'r M-F 546-6450 FASTIDIOUS SEAMSTRESS CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 1-train you, Must have some hand tools. See Rick, 21J5 Overtime -Day Shift PROOF OPERATOR UNUSUAL Canyon Drive. Costa Mesa 642-9758 Excellent f r i n g e benefits, 445 E. 17th St. Costa Me sa, Calif. 642·7523 * MAIDS Sought by young ptogrellllive sailmaker in N. B. area. Top wages paid for speed & eccw-acy, P r evo u s ex· per!cncc prcfem!d. Apply Rick Taylor, Coast Catamaran Salls. 817 \V. 17th St., C.f.1. &15-0260 STENO CLERK 11 (Legall ASSJS'TANT life insurance, paid holidays, Opportunity Part Tim• Eves. '"· Must be dependable, 19.25, APPLY IN PERSON EA"PERIENCED United Californ11 Bank Night shift Experience necessary $486 • $591 poc Month. ($510.$620 recommend.cl July I, 1969} The Jndepenq~nt Order o( Foresters have opened a new ollice in Orange Coun. ty, Require intelligent man 25 • 59. College not nec- essary. Should have ex- pl'!rience In meeting public. Dignified life time position. Earning commences immed. lately. Should be in execess of $250 weekly. Telephone betweC'n to am • 2 pm, Mon. thru fri.: 10 am • 1 pm Saturday for appoint. men!. 492-8700 534-1701 Clerk Typist Able to type 60+ and handle phones. Like people and this job is youn.. Salary to $.176.61. Employer will pay fee. Beach area. + many more jobs. Also lee jobs. Open on Saturday 9 to 12:30 MERCHANTS PERSONNEL Agency 2043 Westcliff Drive Corner 17th & Irvine &1~2no -54~5685 Ancient Mariner Now Hiring NIGHT DISHWASHER Call 646-0201 Accountants Credit Managers Administrative Trnttl LOCAL JOBS CALL BOB. 548-7796 ARGUS AGE NCI ES 1869 C Newport Blvd., C.M. \Vhite Elephants? sharp in mind & appearance, d at-ea resident 6 mo's., have 3021 Newport Blv • auto, and money motivated. Costa Mesa, Calif. $3.50 PER HR. Call pers. dept. 547·7782 5 pm to 8 pm, ?lfon. thru Fri. _ OCA r.IBN to work full time in ·Large nation&,! CQmpany rental yard. Must be neat expanding to Orange County in appearance, no long halr, and have neat handwrtting. 21-55 yrs. Will train. Some PART TIME Interviewing Mon. thru Fri. I 1.m. to 5 p.m. Equal opportunity employer EXPERIENCED TELLER UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK meche.nical knowl 'edge HELP WANTED prefetted. $475 mo. 6 days. #6 Monarch Bay Plaza Apply 19311 Newport, Costa WORK EVES. 6:30 TO 10:30 South Laguna Mesa. PM. WE NEED 25 MEN TO 496-1273 2 Dishwashers START woRK IMMEDI- Agll!! over 18, nights. Apply in person a.ft. J p.m. ATELY. NO EXPERIENCE Equal opportunity employer FIVE CROWNS RESTAURANTS 3801 E. Pacific Coast 1-lwy. NECESSARY AS \\'E TRAIN YOU. TOP STARTING PAY. Corona del Mar No Phone Calls Please For lntervie1v call Monday ~===,.--,,-,---""",-I and Tuesday, Ask_ for Mr. FRY COOK · relief shift, James. newport . personnel agency For top paying Temporary 18 or ovC>r, experienced. Start $2.00 hr. No phone please. Apply in person. Cottage Coffee Shop. 562 w. 19th St. Costa ?ttesa 774-7251 Positions see Jane Cargill 1--*~sN=A-C"K~B"A~R~--lin our Temporary Division. SMALL fRIENDLY COM· PANY, YOUNG MAN, light mfg, $2.10 &tart, reg. in· creases. medical &, other benefit plans. KI S-'1101 JANITOR & W I NDOW CLEANER. Experiencf'd. MANAGER 833 Dover Dr, N.8. 642-3170 549-2743 Over 21. experienced, Benefits. Salary open APPLY 9 to 5 P.M. EXPERIENCED STENO UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK Permanent position. call 30'l9 liarbor Blvd. 548-8737 Country Club C.Osta Mesa 54&.2D.33 HUNTINGTON SEA CLIFF EXPERIENCED tiberglas 3000 Palm Ave., H.B. Equal opportunity employer bonders & boat carpenters. I __::=:__:__:::::::_:::_:~_:_::_:::_I ·--:RO--,d~"-'----:T:::el-:--'-----h::--'-----'--- ldandec Yaclits, 17th & a 10• ep One PJaoenH•. ""' .. M"'" * Busboy Dlspatc:h Girl 4325 ?i.IacArthur Blvd. 51(}.4424 Equal opportunity employer EXPERIENCED e ESCROW e SECRETARY Apply in person la r..umi K rng THE NEWPORTER INN 1107 Jambol't'e Road Newpo11 Beach, Calif. Prestige Co. Needs SECRETARY \Vith Escrow background. UNITED CALIFORNIA Typing 65, shrtbd 80. Must BANK be: able to work on own &: 3141 E. Coast Hwy Coron.ii del Mar 673-9240 be a self starter. Xlnt bene. fits, $575. Co pays fee. Also lee jobs. MISS EXEC AGENCY 4JO \V. Coasl High,1·ay Newport Beach 646-3939 Equ"I opportunity employer I--'------- * HOTEL INSPECTRESS (Experience necessary) Apply in person to Mimi King •WAITRESS • Apply In person REUBEN E. LEE SECRETARY - Right band to President cf ne1v Scientific Service Co. Diversified duties: Recpt, lyping, li1e bkkpg etc:. Part Time S300 mo. Must be able to asswne resPonslbillty, Prefer expd applicants. Call Dr. Hodgkin 540-8494. Th• Pirates' Inn Needs attractive girl. mus! be 21, Experience not neces- sary. Apply in person alter 5 PM. *WAITRESS* 675-2ffil XLNT POSITION F/C Bookeeper, fl't! paid. Niguel Personnel • Agency, 26081 Gclly Road, Laguna Niguel 831-1477, 9 to 6 STENO CLERK I (Personnel Office $452 • $5'19 Per Month. ($510.$620 recommended July I, 1969 Both positions require li.S. grad, 2 yrs. of sten- ographic and general clerical experience, 100 w.p.m. shortl1and, 50 w.p.m. typing, Apply be· fore 5 p.m. May 16, 1969 to the Personnel Ottlce, 3300 Newport Blvd ., New· po11 Beach • 673-6633. Sf.1ALL Newport Beach l\Ug. Corp has Immediate opening for E.'ll:ecutive secretary-of· lice manager. Applicant m u st have broad background In secretarial & general oUice prcicedures. Some experience In book· * SPARE TIME keep ing desired. Forward Need 2 ladies for special resume to: 866 W. 16th St., work. 12 Hours weekly. $55, Newiiort Beac:h or call per wk. Call Mrs. Nelson 540--0161 for appointment. THE at 642-8560 between 2 and 4 * Sect'y Jr. to $450 * for personal interview, Employer pays fee. 151 E. Pacific Ctt Hwy Newport Be1ch NEWPORTER INN Typing, filing, good phone GENL OFC BKKPR TRNEE 1·2 year exp ok. Wk for ll0'7 Jamboree Road voice. Good wlth figures. Plll!lh new oUlee. dynamic Adm. Mgr In new mlg plant Sleady. Opportunity tor ad· growing co. Beuc:h area. adj to Cosla Mesa. S/H 80, --=N~•,.•~·po_rt~B~""~'h~;_Cal_if ___ I van~ment. Company bcne. Call Ede, 546-5410. Jason Type 50/!>5. Xlnt benefit&! The Rl'gger fits including health insur. Best Employment Agency, Fee jobs ~so ance, pa!d vacations, etc. 2120 So. Main, Santa Ana J. R. Pie.t9? Aa!IOC. Agency # 16 Fashion Island Write Box P-485 Daily Pilot, JAMAICA INN H 0 TEL 1885 NCW,Ort, C.M. &12-€720 Newport Beach Neivport Beach. needs 2 more maids, full or Brid1I Consult•nt Needs an • Seamstress needed to $CW part time. Age 25 or over. Attractive woman. ambit. Experienced, full time in cheerful surroundings In Apply in person 2101 E. ious, good personality, use * WAITRfSS Laguna Beach. Must be last Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar of car, over 21. Some eves • DISHWASHER · KITOIEN HELPER. Full timC' days, 7-5. See Terry 495 E. 17th. C.M. 548-9314 Apply in Person * and ar.curate and age 18 to EXPER. telephone· solicitors preferred. Average part 2!:.:!. o~';plyMi~s~':,~. local --~R~N~O~R~l~VN=--IS~~;~~ST Xlnt Newport ~al~r~e~7.msl~re~e~~~fi:;! =~~:e;~~m~~ YELLOW CAB CO. Beach Co., pleasant working able to call beach areu toll sary. For Interview call Mr. 186E,16thSt. E lJ h cond. S450. Call Ede, b'er!.842-8402,10.2only.No 1 _Wh_;""~Y_544-<550~~--~--C.osta Mesa xce ent salary, ours & 546-&410 Jason Best calls Saturday. Exec Secretary DAD..Y PILOT WANT ADS • Dial 642.5678 tl•lp Wanted, Men 7200 Hein Want•~. Men 7200 REUBEN'S COCO'S l<Oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii [ fringe benefits. Doctor's off. Employ;nent Agency, 2120 I'" lr.e, Westminster. Call P.tn. So. Main. Santa Ana ACCTG ASST, Xlnt growing $500 • $700 Decker, 893-1321 C.M. company. Pleasant Flourishing local Co. Our I-! 0 U S E KEEPER! com· "-"Orking rond. $450 Call &&ency fee reimbun:ed. See Bet!)' Bruce ar IEC ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN For our OceanicS Division. ' Ch1ll1nglng a11ignment for S C U BP, ~ trained electr'onic tfchnlclan to perform meintenance and operation of spt"cialiud telemetry equipment on fie1d locatlon In 1555 W. Adams m fl -~-~~=~=~-• panion. Share lovely home Ecle, ~&-.">410 Jason Best Superior Agency Costa Mesa i6,j Lxec • WAITRESSES w/employed lady. Room & Employment Agency, mo Established 1946 01. • 0 _AA n-t WANTED • board In exchange for Ute So. Main, Santa Ana 1857 Harbor Bl, Cotta l4Ka iver s I...,.,,t °"'"' Aift'IC)' for Catter Girla EXPERIENCED bousekeepinl?. 54.o--0142 Will be hiring well groomed 410 W. Colst Hwy .. N. e. Co 1 1 l\l Jl.1 z · MALLIE'S can first 642-7141 personnel, over 21. F\tll a By appiohit 646-3939 n ac r, or n:. immer Bakery sales, older woman Wig & Beauty Salon ha& op-e TRAINEES e part time. Apply 2-5. AJso Flying Butler preferred. See Mr. Rich· er:aings for Manicurist &/or WAIT1tF.S$ES OR will be int.er v I e w l n 1 * SEC!BOOKKEEPER • 673--0977 ardson, Trotter' a Bake.ry, P edicurist, guarantee &/or CAR HOSTESSES manager trainees. 2114 W. Part time 11ecretary to INCOME t;upplement t or ~ Forest Ave .. Lag. Bch. eommi11sk>n. 548-3446 Must be neat. allractiVf! and Oceanfront. NB. presidC>nt ~l new company. older . lady w Ire f ' 11 · BABYSlTTER/Hskpr live in HOUSEKEEPER. llve • In: havi! happy disposition. Full -STOCK-CLERKS Responsible, top level posi. Su?f!rvJ.Se 2 JR. H 1 · Child 9&12, working mother. motherless home, beach or part timt'. THE ZOO, S4SO ........ month to start. No tion for qual, ""rl. Muat children, my home 1~3:30, 644-4807 or 962-1381 area. 2 teenage chldrn. Coast Hwy " MacArthur, ,..... a• Jl.1on-Fri. f.Ici1a del P.larl;:,===""°----.,.,== NB experfence needtd. Monday have exce!L s1dlla ind. typ. tract area. 54&-?783 after 6 BEAUTICIAN w/cllentele, Woman wt 1' srfiall c:hild · · lhru Friday. Chance to ad. lng & bkkpg. Ph. Mr. Pf.t very good !cation & shop in OK. Pref u/45. 542-7223 GIRLS. 19-25, to wort< in boat vance-, Write: Box M-506 The Davies, Educational Data Laguna Beach. 494-9975 DENTAL Aa!l, part time. uphOlatery ahop. WW train. Daily Pilot. Systems. 642-9054 COMBINATION, Sharp Bar •1AIDS n. B . M tor Ex,..,,. ch side. Wed Aftnoon, Apply in pttJ. Johansen a =""'=------• ""'==='""~~--1 Maids a Go Go Darleen " · ;po:-n rown 5 0 .,...... .....__,_ 898 \"' I"" SL SERVlCE man, delivery, SECRETARY For Laguna Top wages $3.()0.$3.SO i.; Hotel, full tlmP., good pay. Eve & Sat. 613-9169 alter 6 .... u-ur.ten~n. ,,-, uw • $UO bue salary, averqe Hills law ottice. Corp::nte start. Ph far int 545-99S3 31106 s. Coast, s. Laguna p.m. N.B. Corner of Monrovia It S132 alter traininc rieriod at or probtate ex Perie n ce SASSY LJ.ssv 290i Hubor EXPERIENCED IM!amslrcas BABYSITTER 7:30 1m..f:30 1-16~1•---~===~~ $110. Hard "mt. ~ft, pretttttd but not required. c.M. ' ' & cutter'a auiltant needed. pm, 5 days my home c.M. * WAITRESSES * 506 31st SL, Newport Beach, Good skills. salary com-n-• F hlo •= "161 I P"·""hler. "-~" -~lust be n. Apply 11"==~""~"--'-'"'"'~I mensuratll!! with ability, ..... VN • Experk!ncul, ConvaJea.1:;;'~=•,:•;•;,a.<;:..;."';·="-•~=="-"===-==~==~== In ~n YOUNG l.fAN interested tn :;: ' r~·- * * J . c. PenneyCo. Fuhion Island Newport~ Hu openin&• tor ' PART TIME PBX/RECEPTIONIST Some expe:rlenee on a llnlle position 5s:> Cord preferred. M o r n l n a: and attemoon schedulea. Excellent workil'JI c:ondUioM, competitive wq:es. outltand· Ing beMt1tl includlnc b» pltalbation and protit lhlr--..,. Appb' in ptl'IOn lOAMto9PM Monday thrU Saturda)' J. c. PBlftY co. * 24 Fashion Island An equal opportunity employer * NEW ACCOUNTS · OFFICER Savings and Lo&n e:xperlera preferred. Contact Mrs. Bray for aPPOlntmtnl MARINER SAVINGS AND LOAN 642- SEAMSTRESSES , Exp·d power machine Opft'- aton to sew naua:ah:Yde boa~ c:ushlons I: c:anvus pro. duel$, Top wages, pj holJ: days. vacations, int. Xlnt workini condition1. Apply Jack Cole C.o., 1763 Placen- tia Ave:. CM. 64£.2451 Pleue Call For An Appolntment. *SALESLADIES I Full &rnr' part time po1ltioll1 avaUable for ~Jl!rlenced calesladlea to work in LARZ. NE W FASlUON ISLAND SI'ORE, OPENING JUN~ 1SI". Call collect (213) 934-'1325 or &end resume tO 6150 Wilahire Blvd., Loa An. geles, ca111. 90048 ' ' ORDER TAKERS, WOl'IW~ girb over 19, ~s or even- ings, part or full time~ PlellsaJlt work. no ex· perience neceuuy. ~ $1.65 per hour. Call Kt 7-1323 before 4 pm. : $ \VOMEN·LADIES $ Parenti Inatitute hu open-l Ina'• kit 3. No exp nee. Worl 5 da)'S 9:30 to 1:30. MUI~ have car It p1ea1anl personality. 54(M654 6 pm, to 8 pm only. ' Medical Auiatant Mature-Ped l·a t r.t c ex.; perience prdmed. Front a; back office: Send ret1Ume~ qe, exp, etc to Dally PDot Box p.325 WAITRESSES Wanted aD 1hifta:. Experience · not neces1ary . Apply a{ Bellamy'• llataunu1t, l«J Paclfic Coe.st H I 1 b way l , N.8. MEDICAL ASSISTANT (Bed< ,_), -...... / pl<uant _I.,, 6 -· appearance more lmpcwtanl than experience. Wrlte Da.I· lY Pllot Bole M '12- ii. Haiwa ii. "' Requires experience in the 1bove are.ii, 1nd accredited electronics education ·and/ ~ or milltairy training in electronics leaming trade. Muat have 25 to 40· Telephone 830-01'° ce.nt Hospital. Costa Mesa. H J W led Help Wanted BALBOA PAVILION Cd .... _ for appl. Excellent w o r k I n g con· e P en 7 ._ 400 "ai·• Bal~-ri~a:r·:~p~t.~~ui:n'a *BARMAIDS*~ ·~'""~--0387~·~··~r~o~~1~:~.;~L:__·_·_·_··__:Cal:_l 1.:' ;;;W;;o;;m;;;•;;";;;;;;;;;;;;7;;400;;;;;;W;;o;;m;;;•;;";;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;l'P"A"R"T=-°"t1"mM-.-''--,11e=a1'"-_,,Eo,.,ta=1e -- 11 __ 1_1""°=~"~"~"~at=Ftrtiah=· ='-"""-No exp. tM.lc. Ne-coslume =. ... Sa.lea, new home11. Must be l-:Exc-pe~rf,.,.-nced-,-,-fns-tal'""t~me~nt..,...1 DRILL PRESS teq'd. Tp $3. per. hr. Pb: DREAMJob ·Keepyourlm· GROUP INSURANCE llt.-eM«I. 847 .. 2361. 968-MSf, ~clerk.lpla!Jonn ~ APPLY ' ' ,, 708 £. Vermont, Anaheim, Cailif. OR CALL ( 213) MA 6·9422 (714) 722-2811 S ~9217 or 544-0327 portanl job a• wile & HB sw,no. SecuritJ Pacftlo OPERATOR Apply mo1her & earn a wkly · ~fe<"h, I el<!etronlc aasembltt HONEYCOMB p 111 ¥ c: h t c k . 5 4 • • 3 854. c LE R K BAR MAID, Wffkend•, altrac National Banlt. 53M3'l1 tralntta. Pll: 64&S6ll U25 E Cha 636-3497, 531·1000, 542-1891 mint lltirt, apply in per-S A LES W 0 MAN -Q.. y ARD Salesman • ~ ~. MEDiill ::: .. ~e. SPEC I A L Jrf AC H I N E aon. Elc.apade: Room, 1864 perienetd in rea<ly to ""' de,ys J>tt week. ~·E-Ro-per in ~-~bw· Steady. Garment Mf1r. HOUSEKEEPER, Uve-ln 5 Costa MMe. 5fl.JC· ' some mecharUcat exp. 5 thaltoolo;tst,-::..,7;'~ :: OPERATOR -Top pay. DISNEYLAND Newport mvd .• Colt& Me• A sprtaw.r. Part timt. tats 2tST Harbor, CM. etc.' Pref1il" over ii>:~ =64,,2-=:>Jti6====--=-,-.,,-I daya, prtvatt room, t.v. 2 EXPERIENCED put time INTERSTATE * KNOWLEDGABLE paw:m EXPERIENCED Oialrslde children. N.B. tc-.3S40 makls: P*lblt ND bme.. In 1-ti·f'i eom~ntl. Sa1ea S H Ip p ING/INVENTORY· assislant tor genen.I pnc-COUNT&R CtRL w 1th I fi!42.;1611)5~ift'fi'"ij;j0jjjii;j~ trat.,.. Call Mr. Vea ISO. wk. Ste<ldy, N.B. Car-Uceoutoe, t..iun&Bw:h,! ACCURATE TYPING, ABLE TO PROCESS alteration lll<plrloJiae loriSECRE!'AkY I ~ ELECTRONICS betwn. 2-4, 64&.889'1 ment Mfgr. 60-2&16 days/wk. f94..9'137 AND PAY CLAIMS, cleaning qency. 15363 Bol&I. exp'd, bnnwdltte CJPtalns, '~ ; AU.EN BROs. DENTMtASSISTANT BABYS!T!'ER. Tv,.day CALL 10 AM 4 PM Chla, 11-B. .;,-:,:,·:;;;,~-~--r :~ CORPORATION GARD!:R£RS SJ'UbENTS Newport Beaeh 646-54lJ through Satufday. t ::l).10:30 to . Pn'lf.fE maid, 5 day1 wk. WAITRESS: Apply ln pmon .. ~kin& -· u,,. ""'!•-· MAID __ ---30,_ --·-•! PM. One ohUd,,' ·•az:..•ld. Monday thru Friday ··~"' In ..,..,.. 2 2 0 ' r.1--LAN £,S. t!OI -1~~~-A"SUBSIDl'O'RY OF-1 ~~p. Lic.'~u!GlM:m •• part Um<, g -;.cy;;~k. 4117-1801 -17141 533 A 456 Ext 678 Harbor Blvd. CM. S\l1"rforAve.. C..ta-. ".t•Automaitic" Sprinkler Corp. of Americ• \VANTED: Sa.Jeimon end fl,75 hour. Gl-8521 e-SA-r.F.S=-P-art--Ti-...,-.-12-.00-1 ., • Secretafl'/BookkNper HOUSEKEEPER _ Go•d AN EQUAL. OPPORTUNITY E,J,lOYE• MtthAnle&. ApplJ':. l t 2 5 !My an! 1ooiw. -DAU.Ytl per hour to •tart Over 21. • An 1qu1l opportunity 1mployJ J:xp'd. 1mmedl•te optnhlt cook. All adulta. , jl,,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,;,.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"'-1 su.,mor, Cost. Me~ ~ classl:tled, 60-Sr.a ~C~al~I ~~~-~1~1:'._5 ____ J~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I ___ •_64_2-_2050'--*---'----*-!l.16.:_:m:r __ + __ - I • ~4 DAJlY PIL.OT Tuesday, M J l,, l~tt @!!:!J~P~~!!!Tf:J!~C!"~E ~P~~M!fit JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS " EMPLOYMENT JOBS" EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT M~~~:~~s~:t~ Mi!~~A:..ci:s~~'li~ Jobs Man. Wom. 7.50< 1 .:::~::'h::eo:=f::•·;:l":::':;':;'":;':::'i;:•:::":7:600::::=Sc:::h:oo=l':·:l":':''=":':';=o="=7=600==5=c=hoo=l=,.:l="':':'="'='=lo:n=7:600::.:":":h:oo=l .. =l:"'=''=":':tl:o=n=7=600==S=c:hoo::::l:,.:ln:'::':'":':':'•=n=7600=::::S:ch:oo=l:s-:ln=1=lru=ct=io:n:7:600=:.,Jl-_.:::!:::..;:::.::::...:..;:;:;:::..::......;;;="'-----:l600::::- • ~ 11:Miiiiil1<~o~l~l•~n~o~ou~•iiiiiiiiii~l600~~M;:~~<~•l~l•~n~M~um1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. I F U R N I T U R E .'\ AUCTION TUESDAY NIGHT ·· 7 P .M. SHARP!! P,emier -· PEUONNIL AGENCY 4'5 I.. 17th St. Coit• MUI '4MS31 , 1104 I . 17th St, Sant• AM J47·t721 FEMALE Counselor, Pmonn•I Needed, to join prgfessionaJ employment a g e n c y . Ag. ~uive, good on pho~. Sales background helpful but not l!C<lessary Gen Ofc Trnae $325 up Type a'ccurale, .speed not im-~=~::· :p:~:~p i 2 )'rs exi)er on teletype, many company bencfil5. Underwriter $600 1 year exper as insurance undeN'riler or 2 yrs fire & casualty, File Clerk $315 Expcr, sharp. Excellent op- portunity 10 advanet>. A/R & A/P Clerk $375 2 yrs expcr on Burroughs ma.eh. Some> cashi('rin; & ex· tending, filing, b a I an c e checks. F/C lkkpr $500 Esc1'0\v background, 1st & 2ncl Tntst Dcros. Should know COMtruetion fornis, statement of accrual. Clerk Typl•t $438 Ca II now for • . • Sum.mer Program • Grades 9·12 • Small Classes e Immediate Attention e Close Personal Supervision e Academics required for College Entrance e Reading Cl inic, S.R.A. (all ages) e Special Summer Language Program (3 wks. in Mexico) Supervised by College Professor BRICKER-WARD ,a218a~ 88 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa Phone 54~20 or 548-3515 eves. SCHOOLS and INSTRUCTIONS • This \'ariety of fine schools could.inti·oduce you to a new ton1orrow. MEN WANTED NOW T·O TRAIN AS CLAIMS ADJUSTERS In surance investigators are b a d l y needed due to the tremendous increase in claims re· suiting from auto accidents, fires, flood s. riots. storms and industrial accidents th at occur daily. Insurance Adjusters Schools of 1901 N.W. 7 Street. !\1iami , F1a .. can train yo u to earn top money in this fast moving, excil· ing, action-packed field . full time or part time. Work at your present job and study at home, then attend res ident training for tvro \veeks at MIAT\-11 BEACH. Florida. or LAS VEGAS. Nevada. Excellent employment as· sistance. For details fill out coupon and mail today. No Obligation? Approved for Vc>terl!.ns under New G.I. Bill! For rromrit rc>11ly write> 10: INSURANCE ADJUSTEr:S SCHOOLS Dept. 1203 P.O. Box 476 El Toro, Calif. 92630 Nan1c. _,_ ............... Age> ........ . Addrc>ss ............... . City .................... Statc ......... -. Zi11. .... -....... Phonr For furthtr lnformttion regtrdln9 th• Otify Pilo t Schools & ln1truction Directory CALL. 642-5678, EXT. 325 LAGUNA BEACH SCHOOL OF ART & DESIGN SUMMER PROGRAM Poul Dorrow k1111•tt lrodbury Dovld Sch1101MI Jo• Stokntlory lt°'er ArlMfToitt ltic:hord Hoh1n ltobert From• Do11110 Shork•'I' R11ttl 0 19ood roul Thoryk • TWO.WEEK WORKSHOPS SIX AND NINE-WEE;K COURSES Painting, Printmaking, Ceramics, Life Drawing, Sea & Landscape, Rendering, Children's Art \Vritc or call for free Brochure 630 Laguna Canyon Road 494-1520 ' Inspect EARLY As We Sell QUICKLY! AOK Commission Gallery 7722 GARDEN GROVE BOULEVARD 1 Block West of Beach Blvd., off G.G. Frwy . 1130 8000 Pianos & Organs . ·---Furniture 11--------E'URNITURE • All nc"·Jy upholstered. Sofas, hidc>-a· beds, chairs, love scats, an- tiques, dinini: t a b I e . Polaroid C'dn1era. !'>16--095l 3281 Colorado Ln, Cl\!. COt.1PLETE living roon1 set; t'oueh. coffee t~hle, chair, c>nd tables &: \\·aJ.uut desk. 54S--2070 Office Equipment 8011 CASH REGISTER National. 8 dept's, good Cond. 847-8536. Af<.f's 536-4868 AODRESSOGRAPH f<.lod. 200, grarhotype l\Jod. :ri0. Frames & cab. 77<1-5200 HAl\fl\10ND • Steinway ,.~. n1aha • nc1: & used planm: of all makes, Best beys in So. calif. right here. SCHJ\1TOT MUSIC CO., 1907 N. Main, Santa Ana Radio 8200 SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS Bisect -Quack -FocaJ -Actunl -TO LICK A bravado: A guy \vho'll go into a n1orguc> and ofier TO LICK any man iri the housC'. Garage Sale 8022 Television -~-----1205 ALL Household 1'Urnishings Tools, car parts. glasi;wal"'C', Type 50 aecuratc>ly, 'viii be !yping number!'; ln!o a con1· putc>r. Typists, Several $146 ":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::S~I Christmas tree. 1018 \\'. Vic>· r 1oria, Ci\! l '\'r. servic>e contract on your color TV. reganiless ol age bul must be in Y.'Orking orrler. , , .~. Black & \Vhitc .. , , S35. Contract •in- cludes free adjustmc>nt -ii parls are insta lled , {including picture tube etc), )'OU only pay Oat charge of $12.50 for call. Spc>cial - UHF VHF color antenna $23.25 including installation. ~~ .. J::.:.:;::;:,. 9e 1!t~ .@.,~~©~ Help "'ilh sn1a.U key S\\'ltch. board, kiln\\' rn e d i ca I ter111s. filing, good phone' voice & pc>rsonalily. Typing, TIO shorthand. Receptionist $400 Front o if i c C' appearance', handle 4 incon1ing lines. Typ- ing & filing. Tech Publications Typist Trainee ta $500 lf you are a fasl typist coni· P8n:v \viii 11·:.in ro lY!X' !eehnical manuals. l::xccllcnr opportunity to ge1 in10 ~ good raying fi1·lcL E•ec Secty to $600 Tup notch gal, 2 yrs ex per. Good typing & shorthand skills, altractivr. Anna's Pre-School -ht Grade ANNOUNCES F1cilities for Enlarged Enrollment Register your little ones for: e A Full (fun) Learning Program e Music e Art • Dancing e Creative Activities e Hot Lunches & Snacks • Ages 2 through 1 ~I grade Recpt /Sec:ty $3'8.67 secrttary to' Vice President. Requires typing & shorthanrl, ans~·er phonc>s, OJ'IC'n mail etc. Will take young lady just out of school. 2110 Thurin Ave., Costil Mesa Joyce Lee Beaver 380 E. 18th Street Costa Mesa, California April 30. 1969 Chilcoat Typing School 173 Del l\•lar Avenue Costa l\lesa. Ca lifornia Dear Miss Chilcoat: I a1n 14 years old.• I have 'vanted to type since I \Vas fairly young. Youc systen1 is n1uch easier than that of \Vhat I have heard of l·ligh School typing. And I have proof of lhat. I used to think I \vould never learn to type. but \vhen I found you r method I no'v hope lo make a career out of it. I tvis h tbe 11igt\ Sc hools \Vo u Id use your method lo have the chance I did to learn to type. I have enjoyed every minute I spent \Vith yQu during the ten lessons. ~1y sincere thank s, Joyce Lee Beaver MC : jb Enc. 7. COP RE' bes ide the blue wa ters of the Pacific Don't Garrible with Your Child's Future COPRE' SCHOOL Located on the Balboa Peninsula beside the blue \l'a lers of the Pacifit Ocea n. Coeduca- tional college prcparaotry. Bal anced progran1 of cultural and acacle1nic excellence. Limited number of openings 1969-70 school year in grad'es resident and day stu clenls. avallable for 7-12 for both The future of our country is dependent upon the merit of the education of our youth. 710 East Ocean Front Balboa, Calif .. 92661 ph. 673.8610 LIV. R~1. set. <lining rm. SC'!, l'Olla\vay bed. 570 Joann St .. Ap!. A .. Costa Me53 I Appliances 8100 17 CU FT Coppcrtone I Re£rigerator ,.~l'C'C'zcr. S\00. Xlnt c:ond. a36--99!H aft 6 pn1 . G.E. Aulon1atie washer. xlnl condition $<10. * 847-8U5 * Sewing Machines 8120 l!lG9 SINGER \Vith zig·1.ag & 11'alnu1 console. Makes but- ton hole~. dc>sii:;ns c>l c .. S:-1.2.i rno. or $36.00 cash. 5~16 !Musical Inst. 8l25 Guitar Headquarters e NE\\' and USED e Fender • Vo!( e Slan1te l e GIBSON e ~lARTIN e \VU.SON e YMlAHA Drum He1dquarters e NE\V and USED e LUD\VIG, ROGERS. ASTRO L.'lrgC' sc!ectlon \Vilh ne\Y ~ pc. sets 'vith cymbals start- ing at S99.50. PC'Clals. hi-hats nnd sets n!paired. All small parts . aec>ssot•ics & cymbals in stock. EVERYTillNG IN MUSIC MALE Counselor, Personnel .....,,...........,..,... .............. -....... __ ..._.....__.,1Beach Music Cenler Cart Boy $1 .75 hr. F'le:dble hours, <10 hour "·t'ek. Run price check& & returning carts to SIOT't'. J. C. PENNEY CO. Hair Stylisl Molot S&R $520 Need dependable man for lite plant maintenance capable or h.lnd)ing ll'llpp\ng &_ ro<:elV• 1 ... 24 Fashion Island An equal opportunity f!n1ployer \\'ith tollo\\'h1g ncroc1t by * * Bugy Nc,vport Shop. t'nlarg • ._,._,.._;,,,.,.,._..,,.._,.,,_,..,2±2!!!..,.., ing & ron1pletely 1'CdC'COrat- NU RSES AIDES . ing. ShlpplO<J & lK•I• $390 + overtiml". Mr-gt he ~hn.rp, clean cut, kno\\'IC'd~e of S&R. E.~Jlenl opportunity 10 11d- A"<I OROERLIES l':xpcrit-n<.'t'd or T1·a1nccs 7 i\)I 10 3:3() P~f llUd 11 :00 Now 'S THE PM ""30 AM, PARK LIOO C••nvalclit'<'n! Ccnk'r Secwlty Ofcn s2.2s hr TIME FOR <6G n6ac1,~~r,· N.n. No 't!xpe.r nece&Mry. \\"ill . """" tnJn. uniforms furn, oldfr =~ ""''""" 40 hour QUICK CASH * DRIVERS * No Experience r.., Aid & Necessary! DleflwuM $550 THROUGH A f<.lu11t havt' cll"an Californha Jll IChl snd l )"!ats t?'l)er driving n'f'Otrl, Apply draulrc. YELLOW CAB co. DAILY PILOT . 1~.:;; 1~;~.:· ,_,.,. .... w.nen -..... lo $3.50 "' TJtJ'UO cboiyK'r gun. ... c:-... lo $J.50 "' ElcpiilO-· --,ec-7.JIAIR.~\'t.JST-.-- WA NT AD l\JTll rOLLOl\ING UDO AREA OR l-0030 642.5678 HAIR STYLIST 11fth IQll'l(I luU011 lflf.:. HU;h romm. Ca.II flton thru \\'4'. 671-6961 l....:!i-------~.4J--~~~· -------~ I Phone 646-1345 ·--Schools-Instruction 7600 The Newport School of Business 1'"f·:A1'Ul:ES: • l·:lr1•111C' Typc>11 r11<'1~ • Diclatlng c>qul1Jn1t'n1 e Bt'Wih 1111 Grewg !'h. • f<.locll"rn Offtc•ti 11!'0Cf'<lure • l.t"l1er 1vritinr skill~ YQu1· goall ran be achicv- cd In 11 minimum of 3 -11· e e k -. nlA."lmu111 6 \l'~'Ck~. A.c;k for Nona lloffn111n atl &12-3870 for full pn1·1ir11lal'll. TllE NF:\\'ll(}flT ~rJJOOL. Of Bl.i.0::11\1~.f:S Sl3 Do~'f'r Dr .. Nc11·1xir1 fll"h. PIANO Lessoni;: Tiie trst In IMU'Utl k.lru;. 644-26.19 Furniture 1't'tu1·nc>c1 fl'om dls- plt1.y !.lWios, n1ndcl hon1cs, 1lccorators ca11Cellallon Ir~ lhan \\'hllll"sale! Group I Sp:1nis h & r..tl'Cl lt~rrancan elc includes bC'autiful 9 6'' RD ~RNITURE riui1tcd ~ca t:. Jo\'c sent. 1844 N•wport Blvd., CM 3 Spanish oak dC'COrator C'Vl!t)' nis:ht Iii 9 lr bic>s, sW8.J: or table lamps, \Ved .. Sat. & Sun 'Ill 6 \\'3ll placquc, Iring, qUc>en, nr full size bedroom suite i\n!l11ue Mk dininJ: 1ablc, cul rompl(l!e Incl bJx: springs, do\vn. Solid 1nap1e dining mattft'SS, llnens 1r boudolr t11bll' w/4 lt-8\'('11, Bro1,n lamps. Spanish oak 6 pc n11.U11:ahytif' ('(luch. \\'hitt' ovill dining set prlctd el!teWhere 1vickt-r pedestal luble & tit af)pro•. S1195.00 ALL <'ha.tr. frcnch Prov!oC'htl F'OR ONLY S399. $20 down, douhll' bed, ~96·22iJ S1.99 per .. Pf!k out ol llA \'I·: lO~tl1t1~ -or phoor atate eredlt OK. \Vt 11 df'.c;k~ 1\ilh th:1h'!t. S10. In· fll'plll'ale lor quick Mil". 3>th 1•llnl<"' de-sit I.: rhnir. Bar «: r cn!ury f''Umlture. 9? 7 2 4 !!IOO!s SIO ~ rt~k $JO. Gn.rden Gro\'C BI v d ., ~ll)....lti.:)I Cardel'I Cro"e D1tlly 10.9. ~q,-,.-1-,,-,-,-1.,,,-,,..,--, -0-,1-11-m-.-1 Sat J0-6, Sun t~ Come romplet(', unu~ S!IS : \\'Orlh In or r.1111 (714} ~"i2-10 ri:io. Aft 5 or 1\'knds, Sfl'-0100 Our ~pair man has 31 years experience. ?.1ADJSON ELECTRONICS INSURERS 8132 \Vestminster , Suite 1 \Vestminstcr 897-7090 Sporting Goods 8500 GOLF Culbs -n1atehcd set H & B Grand Slan1. Extra length 11 inch longer than regular! ~ 1\'oods, s1a.inless steel irons $7J. &4:..-0906 12 GAUGE a 11 to n1 a t I c \Vinchcstcr, n1ndel 59, prime condH1on, $130. call Dan 616-lj()9 Miscellaneous 1600 6x9 OVAL rug, hvin bed fran1e, Ca I i f o r n i a Pop- pytrail & Bltic Danube dishes, thro\v pillO\\'S, twin si1.e bC'd spread. plastic c>haisc lounge>, b-b-que, um- brella table, picnic table, of- fice desk. 4 din rn1 chairs & uphol~tcrl'<I chair. 8 6 5 Sandcastle Dr.. C d ~I . 644..00il i •• " ·' .. -,,_ ----~------------..-----~--------·---~---•• --v -- '14 T·BlllD Good oondlllon. $lt.2S Call after 5. 6'13-9168 . ----------------~-~ .... -~-~--------'----------~--...... ------·-'-----....... --------'------------------------------ W LY l"ILOT_J.'( l'WANSliOiTATiOlf""' l -c... tioo POOLE'S FINE USED CARS • • • • 1 I I I I L ' ' . ,. ,. , . U DAl\.Y Pilot 1 " l . .. I ' - , ,· -' !:AS,TERN"QUAL1'rY, WESlERN F~'IOR "ECONOMY PACK• SLIC:ED . ' . ·p·o11 · LOIN . ' I ' ' FALRIMl.tJOKHN • s~1N~'.~u.Na . ,...,~~ SAUSAGE f.Lt. PACKAGE FAD . SLICED BACO 1 .La. MC KA PE . .. . ' FARMER JOHN SLICED BACON TWISTBOA«DS THE IUM NEW EXl'l!CISE FOR , THE WHOLE FAMILY. MADE •• Of•HIGH TEMPER STEEL SAU BEARINGS-WILL NOT TIP- WILl SUPPORT UP TO 400 LBS. FAST PAIN R£l,1EF e 36..COUNT e tff. lk EXCEDRIN REGULAR $4.95 VALUE .. 211 iliiCiiM Qtrntttu ita!fnrh.a4itt WORLD FAMOUS FIHI JONI CHINA 'HOSlUS MUGS UG IN 11 AUTHl!NTIC ANTIQUI! AUTOMOBILI ~ATTIE1'N& DAIMUI M EACH AUTHENTIC AN-TIQUE AUT<> fltEPRODUCTlON IN THE SET OF' 12 1$ A COl..1..ECTOR'S ITEM/ EACH MUG 59~ ACCURATEL.Y AND 9EAUTll"ULL)' OtP.ICTI ONE 01'" T HI! ' ••tH WORLD'S GREAT AUTOS. CHOOSE FROM ELl!.VEN OTHER ~ MUOS AT n~ Ell.CH, INTRODUCTORY DAIMLER MUG lie EA. HOSTESS TR ... Vt AR£ 17c EACH. \ 66~ 76' l ;~ J •. • l ...... '! .. ·-. . ','.·=-~~ .' -. . .. . ' • ·-... ~ .. _ .. _ . ' •• • • ' I ·· -.· .PRIC,S " , . .. . '., ' ·'"'.r . '.~. , • • , .. , . >EfF,EcTIVE . ~ : · ~~o·v· It$ I> A, -w1 . . . T~ru ·TU~AY. ClffJJCE -, . .' : .. ., ... ', 1 : • ·~.v r .. Th_ru . • .• ; :ca•RI .. . ... ~y 20 . . . '• . -' ' ' : .. STOii HQUIS · ) . · ·, ' .. ' ·, .. -·-· ·-.· .··=t:1:~~.' . u.,s~D.A. ~ ... ICE .•••. , Ch!.·:,,' •· ~ ....... ,~ .,,. ·fAD!t o.• ~'fl"'~ERFUt~·:'. ..... ' , .• I ' ! I ' , ' , t •' , --GUAUNnlD :~ AND FULL Ot:'Pl.AVOL . ' . . . . ., ' " . . . ··, , . ; ' ... Ol.iJrll(E PACKAGE: •·SAVE 2c ROYAL·~vot\S :pUDDftlGS, I ' ' ' ' ' r K!lttirS •;12:0UNCE'CAN ·;.1iOMATO . JUICE ~vE Hl-j: e.-'l\'°UNCE CAN o SAVE 6c ' ' ' . FRUIT . FLA':}bRs 12·0UNCE l'ACICAGt: e ALL.MEAT ) (·' . =~ 49•· DRINKS =18'.· .. iit:f!~49C ' 1 '• , 1 , , • ' , I , , -~ 1·0UNCI! 'ACICNSE ' ' 1 aa••o·UD 4~• 'lllf~SAWll 0-- 1q,ri.n:m e.: u.Y.~n. . , .. JO,lf ·;2· ·5· 99' CAY. .... ' ... . ·.iiiiiiL,rACK sAVE 31: . TISSUE . · ~ · . . ; I ~ · : ._ • · • • • • · , , • , I " ;i.oiittC!B~~E' .•.. · ~,_, 00 VEGnABLES . 1t . . ' ' . . • ' '~Ht:~-~ 4:r: ' I I J t • 1 . ' ., : ( • • 1