HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-05-15 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa.. • s • ' .. ' ' ~~D-A .:D~Iares. ··or~ -Jl~o~~:' Unq~~mied.: No Mat(er Bo~ Intelligent!I. Adaptable · ,. . ' .· .. • Wolfsoli's DAILY PILOT * * * 1oc * * * Nixon P -roposals Give Reds Chance . ' Gift Said · 'Life Deal' THURSDAY-AFTERNOON; MAY·1s, 1969 For Talks,-Lodge WASHINGTON (UPI) -Justice Abe . . . F.ortas resigned from the Supreme Court today, ackoowJedgfng plans tor' a . long- t.enn 1ill3ocial arrangement witb the family foundation of _ financier Louil, WousOn but denying any "defauh" in hi& duties. ' Goodbye ·Blimp 'Gassy' Old Lad y Headed for Scrap· ' A gassy old lady seen by· Soll(hllmilefS 1'11erey.,, Ille llflicm 1J -fl'Ql11· lbe ~ -Bowl in January (o the beaches In Jul)'-... dopoilioi for liu· h<B\ie in "Oliio Slllll' day~ ,.ver again to return. Th< Good~ blimp COiumbia will drooe away from her home baSe beside the San.Diego Freeway in Carson, bound for Akron and the scrap heap. Leak! and too expensive to keep sup- plied with so much frem helium, the fafnous bJimp will be replaced by a newer, bigger Columbia, due back over the Orange Coast in November. "She's just gotten porous· with age," explained a crew member Wednesday. Time alone is appatenUy the victor over the silver lady of the sky, who took to the air again after a spectacular 1966 crash and last year endured a zany sky- jacking attempt by a hippie. One o{ her twin engines failed in the 1966 incident and the gas bag settled painfully down on power lines in WUm· tngton, .~rching atop a PQle· with 'lit~le !lllnijii Ilk• i! ~ !lile. " l!loef' di ber tfl ,3io C::c f~ ol non- llanpnllblrhellimt ......... ""' •. -bide -boilt. for th• blg gal ·Jn Akron and Iii< kept up 6er .beetle pece for lw9 more years. The youth carrylng a black bo:r he said was a bomb tried to force an attendant to fly him to Aspen, Colo. last year, Havana-11tyle, but failed in lilil Mission Impossible. Columbia could never baYe made It to A!pen at her 31 mile-per-hour cruiaing speed and· maxbnum ct,Uing, which is much below Rocky Mountains level Sheriff's deputies called to the scene expected oblivion when _ the sbaggy- haired youth linally actlvated h1' so- called bomb during the -.....iation. but the device waS a tramlstor radio ¥Ki the boom was only rock music. Chief pilot JUchard Widdlcombe, 50, got (See BIJMP, P1ge Zl ·,rw°'_M,e~-:Po..ys .Arrested, ' 1 Ho spitalized for · Fume s WASHINGTON CAP) -Prald«Jt Nix· on's eight-point Vietnam pea c' e offer provides the opportunlty for "solid negotiations , .• if there is a desire on \he Olher side," Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge said today. • · Nixon o<iUiiled ru. propoSal, in11odlhg a plan for a m'!''!al puJ\-O!ll of fn8* 4'r<:es 9ver a l;mq,tll ·~;-bi a ~• dmlW~ l)IFl . 1 Lodse;·•~~I*--af·the Paris ptNle Rriday DMln\ln8,,talke<j with ..,..... In tile Wbite lloOle-rooe ganlen allOr •' jotnt'meelfug with Nison, the Cabinet 'and Ille Nltlonlf Security Council. When he presents the propoaals to the negotiators, ht said, "l will ask them not to make a quiet jud&ment but to think it over." He brushed aside iniUal criticism from represelllallVes ·of ' 1lie · M Corie's "N<i- tional Liberation Front. in Paris. The NLF, in its ini~ react.Jon there, Ad4111tul Pace Storlel,P .... t,ZS said the United States "slin clings to its old formuJa of a mUtual ·withdrawal ol troops, a fonnula which we have repeatedly rejected.'' Buf Lodge commented that "l don't think we take those types of statements at race value." Lodg< said the presidenUal speech is not a "counter PfOPOl•l" to the 10-point offer by &he Viel Cong's Nattonal lJbera- tion Front at the Paris meeting a week ago. But the detailed peace proposition from the Nixon administratiou "does come along at an extremely helpful time" In A 15-year~ldlloy arrested-on suspiciOn of ctrur luSe waS bo&pitalized Wednesday after1'.col}apaibg' at Costa Mtsa police h0adq~.a·.y°'!"il!"Jl01 Wll)''~~- 1 order lo provide a basis fur basic "meat prehended for sniffing potentially deadly and polatoe!I" bargaining with the other aerosol fumes. side, he said. · The older boy was picked up on a As for the merits of the enemy's pn>- ,TesJdeiltial street by .Patrolman Richard posals, which again call for a one-sided Jotno~i'iwho laid Ile Was' ~g-strange U.S. troop wi~wal and replacement • . . or the present Saigon government. Lodge M ette D eek' s and """'ed quite mtozlcated. . said only thal lhe 10 poinls are still under HIJl , . , . ~.... r , . \ •t iH~?!~ ~en:~.~ M~ MerDOnlll . U.S. study. Co. ~d't'"' .,11::_ k ".i~,·;·\~~1';~." J. la·'~Coup!ll ------ .LI I lull ;' \700Q~' 'l:·M " cem.r•· · ler>~ w.· .. · '~ ... I ;;,i .,_ ..,. ,.... l·•~lfeo Mrs .. ~~,!'~~·,Rmii~~ ·~·m .. ·-~~~.~::.\h~J~:HOME SECTIO N socialite who wa' $o\: ·In tit;'~ '" . J ~ •• ;i . . ~-- May' I by an apparently jealous'muiic iw.mia:, '-, near "'"la !d~ P!ff, INSIDE TOD A Y Jto£e$aor, is· continuing her recover;r at, , ·.an.et a ctU¥n s ~t., but anotliiei' . Halm ·Sprirtls 'Desert .Hospital 'afld is ~ JJll!9Cllt esca~; ··; • It's time for new Color -lnalde and 1lst8,Lin "very geod condiUon"! tod31. .~uthorl~es have warned repeated)y out.side. And the mating cry or the steak Shie will prepnably be rel~ to 'tbait .81'tiffang,aerpeol fumes hu killed a and barbecue echoes acrou patios and feturh" to:.her+.Orauge ~st~ ,sopn ,~r ~,~Mers.'J"tCerllly and<auch' refurbbbed gardens. bJt 1medlc.il officials~ did , not ·1nd1cate • li'.·~mpiled c,an:~ I pla!ti~ bag were The DAIL y pn.or today salutes the ~hen that might be. ftiWKI near the park. spring season and fait.._pPr'Nching sum· 1 Mrs. Peek, owner of a Westminst er One snUf may produce a momentary mer with a special It.page "Inside and runeral OOme, was wounded by Dr. high. but m<n lnhalaUon can reault in a Outside Your Home" teCtiorl wb1cb offers Uawrence Peterson. a cal State. Long sudden freezing of Jung ttasue ~ this Ups on everything from Jandacaplng lo Beach teacher, who later committed results. _in death a few secoodl later, new furniture. It'• inltde today. su.icldc. authorities Aid. Nb:on's half-hour telecut -his first fullscale White Houae speech 0<> Vlelnam -won applause f:nm his suppo~ and '!llbdued ·initial comment from war critics. In the speech the President: President. Nixon accep(ed the ~gna.t tion effective immediately. 1 1n·a l!!Uer to ·Chief'Jusl!ce-Earl Wiil'. ren, Fortas conlirmed that he bad·~v; . , Ffrtaa ProWe ' . ' -s-._ •. ~ r '--illnted "'"Jew at forthcoming U.S. troop w~a:.· resanUesa of wlull 11•-111 .. .,.,,. u-11 11>-~ 'liooafii Vletnll!a• -. .- WIR '°" ·-°""' ""'!" of tlle fig!itjng fronlo. -, Mlim ..aimed by Ameiicam," 11t 1ii0ted tl'ie U.S. Com· mander in s&Jp, Gen. Creighton ' ,eel ·IZO,llllD trom tile '-liiNIY 'f~ </I Uie.now-iinPrfson<d W'ollion 4tfd aaid II t lJUT.ICllBD, JURIU aUITS . · w ... to'have Ji!"n 1 ~¢a...,_ -that)l 'that ·lio .... toir<cel .. ·~.oqo . Slipo -Covrt . J~f!ce-Fortff. ~eat for UiO rest of his Ille. Abran\s, • 11yina'. · -Vowed to keep his campaign pledge ';to end thJa:· war In ·a way that woukl in-• • • r.=~.~~ec1':,.;~1~1 ~:l Oil Dispersing to do so, 1 expect the American people to · , . • bold ine llCCOWllablefor ""''failure:· c ·hem;,.,.;l F"u.:.. ·,i -...:PrnmJied u.s. nmmess ·1n trhe b&Sic -··l:J ~ . · v ru:c;..M goal of self-determtnatioo !or South Viet- nam -"we have also ruled out either a one-sided withdrawal from Vietnam, or the aeceptance in Paris ·or terms that would amount to a disgujsed American defeat," he said. -Delivered a veiled warning to .Hanoi agaimt military ofiensives, saying, "l must make clear In all candor that if the needless suffering conUnues, this will af- fect other decisioos." -Appealed to the American people "whatever oor differences ," lo back his peace offer. "N'otl;Jing co u Id have a gr<ater Fi in convincing the enemy that he s kl negotiate in good failh than to s the American people united behind a generou1 and reasonable peace offer," he said. White House llOUl"Ce5 said Nixon timed his offer which had been ready for some weeks, for delivery now because this seems to be the best moment for a U.S. moye to tho11w Ule Paris deadlock. Countian Tells Of Rifle Attack An Anaheim man opened bis apartment door Wednesday nJght In response to a knock and was greeted with si:r rapid fire rUle llhots, he toJc; polite. Robert 0. Bray, 24, of 730 S. Beach Blvd., was not hit by the shots af)d neither were three. other young men who were guests in the apartment. Bray told officers he slinuned the door oo the rifle barrel, but the man firing it pulled ~ free and escaped. The vlci.lm told Police he was unable to explain why .iyone "".OUld want to shoot al him. But Not Tested SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -Standard Oil of New Jersey has developed a chemiCal to disperse oil In. water, but the firm's board chairman says it Was not given ·~ fulj l'5l ~ing the recen( Santa Barbara oil alick•J)roblem. ChatTman Mtcbaet ·L~ Haider discussed the chemic8.I 1ln a"8Wtt to a question Irom u.; floor Wedllead•Y 'at 'the 'COl!l· pany's' f1Ul. annual meelihg of ·s\OC!kholder1. · 'Fhe annu•I ' report mentioned lbe oiJ. di5J¥!11in8 . chemical, and a !ltoekholder . as ked why it was not used at1 Santa Barbara. Hlilder said ' it' must be. used early to be. effective. "And it was.not used in the mlfnner we lhought it should have been~used," he ad- ded. "It is difficult t.O say why. The best·[ can do is say that there was utter con~ fusH>n al the Ume aboul who was in charge." liaider said plenty of the chemical was available ln Santa Barbara at the lime of the oil slick caused by a leaking Union Oil compaoy offshore well. He aaid it had been u.&ed successfully for similar purpoSes elsewhere. Cancer: How Big a Thr~at? It's THE scare word of the 20th a!fl.. tury, but it doesn't-have to be as bad as most persons thJnk. The jUsttCe s&tc'rhe·termiqated·the ar- rancement and returned UHt fitst 1feM fee of Pl,OOO'in !ale 1911. · "But," FO$S wrote, "I' have not Jn.. terceded or taken part in any legal, ad· ITlirllstratlve. oi; judiCial fnatter afiectl.ril' ! Mr~ .. .W~lbi.9n ~-~ ... aaociated with him." -··· -. CONTINUING SERVICES He said the agreement, in December, t~. &001\ ·aeter he joined the court; "contemplated ttiat I would perform COl.1" tlnuing services, and, instead of fixing . variable compensation from lime to time for work done, it proV-ided that 1 JVould receive twenty thousand per year for my life with aITangements for payments to Mrs. Fort.as in the i vent of .my dealh."., Fort.as told W;u-ren his ~esignatioo wa prompted by "the welfare and ma:rtnufin effectiveness of the court lo .perform-Jts critical role in our system ol goverrlo menL" : He sent a Jetter l.a(e Wednesd4Y , tb President Ninn submitting his dSigiia· Uon aod Nixon wrote him an acceptance this morning. Fortas also wrote Warren with an explanation of hls deallnp wllh Wolfson and 9£ hlB decision lo resign. The exchange between Forlas and N~­ on was not immedlaJ.ely disclosed, bijt the court made pub)ic Ute Fortas letter W Warren. WITHOUT HARASSMENT Fortas said he hoped the resignation, "by terminating.J.be pubUc,cootroversy, will pennlt the court. to proceed with ils work without the harassment of debat:f concerning one of its rriembers." ' The Jetter went Into the Wolfson Faml· ly Foundation matter .in detail. It so11KI that since becomlng a member o( the court, Fortas had received materi•l relaUng to Wolfson's "problems" '~ (See FORTAS, Pqe II 1 Oraa11e . ' . Weaaller DA: 'Dr. Brown' Still Unq.ualifi,ed That's tbe ~ge 'from Dr •. Raul Rodriquez, the Loi Angeles .Nrgeon who was feefured ln Mond1y night's Mlon of th• !lealth forU!n aeries ct11'r211tly being staged bY OraflSe Coallt College and the Orange Comity Medlcaf Association. Read detallo of'hls r<!>Orl today' by Jody ·Hunt, DAILY PULOT stiff writer, oft Page 1$. When the IUJ}ilC'Orched clot¥1• Part on .Frid1y, lt!'JI be 1 great day, ·wlfh temperature. puahlng 70 along the Onnge Coast and up to 80 further inland. -•• • f : ' ' I By TO~I BARLEY Wflilli•'(lllft!f ~lltt SI_,, ''Jt doean't' make any diit~~baw: ifttllicent. how adaplable or how ludaciOus Robert Ervin Brown was. He ~as • layman, a man unqualintd in Oledidoe. ·~ "His very presence ln a clinic and a 'i<>'f>llal a.s a IJi,.at to lhe' flv .. Of pa- li<nb who bad a right to consult a qualliied canlloloai!l." 1 This wUI be U.. Iheme ol Chlel Deputy 61stnct Attorney James Enri&ht's final areument today be.tore • Superior Court. Jury, ln the lmpoelot case of ..-Dr.'1 Brown. <Enritl>t told ,the DAILY PILOT tha!J>e will urge the pone! to speedlly>·- "the phmy physician,'" oo lS couall of practicing medicine wllhoul 1 """I"· II Is expeded thal the plOIOCllllon's ~ Will be delivettd lhortlJ lft<r the. noon break in Judft Byron K. Mc'M:IUan 's courlroom. Final rebuttal witnesses were testifying in the closing .._of the trlel at-pttlll Ume lod.ty. "At no time bas Brown or anyone else cltniod that he posed for five weelu aa ' • ' . • • • 'Dr, Glean L. FOita'," Enrill!t said. this man guilty.'' "W•'vehadalolollatlmonydt.\gnedto lleputy Public Defender Lawrence llumpbrey in AAU P show' how pod he was, bow he loved Buckley hu refused to. comment on whit Oledk:ine _.nd bow he dido~ mean lo bis clooing argument •ill be. MINNEAPOLIS (AP l ·-1101)'. harm anyone.'''" \\ ·' ,, .. ,"~._,,.,,,.,I• ,Jl.ebut14l,!"i!,neAel today went back to n:ieqiber ol tbe American AsspclaUon of "But !he polllt is, If be didn't !Wm earllertesl!IY,.Y~'wllCllll ,.;fo>.olll<le<L . Qnjyersity Professors Is Hubert II. anyooe -and ;we'"' not saying that he that the 33.yeaN>ld Birmingham, ALI, HumJittey.-· · ", •• · .. "· :1 ,; , ; 1 didn'I -he.had 1 damn good cllanco ol mu ordered a dang_. dtUC for a The lorm<r -pr<tld..,t I! now doing ... GIY"'1 the choice bitween • del~rolely UJ pali<nt In al !wt 10 um.. t•achln& at Macile.I~ Coll•i• In SI: good layman aod a good, qualified •'the quanUty normally ordei-ed. _ Paul ahd the Univenlty, "-Minnuot. cardiologist. whit ls a perlOl'l wttb a A J'uUertoo nurse testiUeCI lhat the His appllcal.ion for AAUP tnembershtp chrnnlc heart -der going to do?" . volume or the on!er subniiUed by "D•. was ,..t to the organiutlon•1 head- " I trunk \he jury will recognize thJs," Foster" sent her n1nnlng to.a •oman lr>-quarters in WashJnaton and acce:pt.ed Enright Nld,c"I think the jwy wUJ find (See 'DR. BROWN', Pqe I) prome11)1. ' . . . ' INSIDE TOD-''Y ' ' Pre1ident ~Uon. M& a n~tD co:y Uttle office fus& aero.'" the ) J treet, 'buC his Vice prtridtnt ~1 ge&dng kind o/ bumpced orc»t1'd.. 'Page ~. ' \:.11"""' ' ~ • Mt¥ltt .11 + Cl•1Nllttl M·• #tlltlllll fl..... W c..iiln . H ".._.. ...... .._,. c~·· f "' .,... CIM!tr ._ OMfll •tlciM II fftyts ·~ ll 1 ......... ..... 4 ... 1 .. '""' 1t.\J :-.0twt1..._I II, I-'& ~ h.U ~ ,." _.,,...... •tt I '*"-.... = " ,,_I....._ ll . II INtilll~ M 4 .......... l~ ' ""1' ~ .. , I I I • ' ,IWl.t '!01 s l'lllndlr, ..... 15, 1969 • .. PILOT . LOGBOOK 'Barber Poll' Trimmed? Not ill Pollster's View By TOM BARLEY Of .. '*" , ..... .., lt looks as ii they're after Dr. Robert Peterson'• ecalp because he con- ducted a ser educaUon poll under the red and wbtte"pole, but the taker of tonsorial tabulations isn't working up a lather about tt. · True enough, be had a cloae shave the other day when county school board trustees voted 3 to 1 to clamp down on blJ non-office actJvitles, among them poll laking in 20 barber shops. / " Bul ij the school superinlendeol 1'u•singed by lhal bit of vote taking it isn't evident toOay. On the contrary, he plans to keep up his poll taking policies at their present clip and to even expand them to Jnclude "other business establishments." It wasn't a matter of trimming him down to size, be aays, tt was simply lhal "lhe lrUsl<el ha\•en' aeen lhe lull picture." And two of those board members, Peterson add· eel, "are not oriented twarda these 1matten ln the . way that I am." . • ... * . Nor foll that matter, he says, are some of the new. pers who have dwelt at length on Peterson's Gallup-type.gallop (lt'1 known • the Civic Center these days u the Brylcreem Survey) and hll criUclsm. ceriainly includes lhe' DAll.Y PILOT. "What you people didn't take tnto account," says Petenon, "is the fact that my survey ranged over a field a lot wider than sex educaUon. And you don't seem to realiie that my head counting was borne out by later election results." · Like hls summation that M percent of the barbered babblers he talked \() voted "No" on ProposiUon lA, the $70 property tax relief measure. "Fan- tastic, isn't it," says Peterson, 0 thal 54 percent -ol the voters eventually felt that way." ' * ' Then there wa! the verdict from the hair hooses that the Proposition 9 put forward by Los Angeles County Assess<r Pbllip Watson would get a 67 per- a:nt "No" vote, It worked out for "No" with 59 percent of the county voters going that way. · Peterson can explain that. "Between my tour of the barber shops and the November election, more than 'I million wu spent on promoting that measure," he said. "That accounl!I for the eight percent difference." Su education, of coone, wasn't on the ballot. But Peterson predicts that a public vote would justify the barbers' verdict -54 percent were against an expanded program of sex education in public schools. * But why the barber shops? "You might call it country thinking," mhlles Peterson. "But the way I look al it is that a man who sits in the barber's chair cares about his appear- ance and he's a man who cares about hia voUng and what hia cbildnn should not learn." i "You've sat around in barber shops," said Peterson, "and you know )'GU?- self how general conversation carries along and covers just about every com- mtmity topic." Our own tonsorial tiUllator's topt nnae from Brigitte Bardot through Ann-Margret and on to Raquel Welsh and from where we alt we can't help but notice Playboy's Miss July. A litUe further to the left Is Miss April and if we were asked about aex education some 60 seconds after sitting in that chair we'd have to say ' (Editor's Note: You weren't asked. Dr. Peteraon Wtl.!.) Exploring the sex angle a little further and perhaps more openly, the superintendent asked if a J>Olil of beauty parlor! would flt into his novel _ style. "Well, not really," be 'replied. "Our ladles are, perhlps, a little more Isolated and it would be a lltUe dlfOcult to cootact them while they're under the dryer. There we have a delinJte problem in the field of intercommunica- tion ••• " Special Committee Named To Update Air Ordinance A special five-man committee has been named by Orange County Airport Com- mission Chainnan Dennis Carpenter of Newport Beach to revive a proposed new and much debated county alrport ordinance. Cafi>enter named the c o m m I t t e e Wednesday after commission member1 Tuesday night listened to a heated debate involving about 100 opponents of the pro- ~ ordinance as submitteG last month by county Aviation Director Robert J, Bresnahan. Bresnahan termed It "necessary up- dating" o( the present 21-year~ld ordlnance. His proposals were criticized by night tnstrnctor1, flying clubs, and some fixed base lease operators al the airport.. Principal bones of contention are the ' DAILY PILOT ~ ..... " ............... . .......... .. ......... ""*' c ......... CAUPOINIA OllAHOa COA$1 PUaLl$lot!HG COMl"AHY R•btrt N. W11tl P~t W l"llM!Mn J~• R. C~1!1y Yk# ""'~'""'....:I 6-•tl ""'-"'-' TM•1 k11vU .... 1lto111•1 A. M111p~i"' IM-lfll EIJINW -Ut• MIM I lllt W...1 ..... '''"' ........,. -..cA: nn ,,...., .. 11111 ...,...,.,. ....... 9"dl' ut ,_, ·-............ ...,.,.: ., 1111 llrMI O.ILV -~01, w!lll .tlldl 11 Ul'l\MllH ... .._.,.,..., .. """"!"'"' ....... flCW!tl Mo ... 1111 -'-.. " .... "' l-••adlo ,......., a.di. C.la ....... """''"" .... ...... ..... 1'-1•"' Yt lln. ,.,,. wllll , .. nelllowf t'dll...._ Or.... CMlo! l"ulllltll .... c-.,.,.,.._. tlellll ... ti "11 ...... .... •tw.. -.... hftll. -"' w.tl .... ,,,., (Oltl -.. f 1 ;1 II C71 41 641-4121 ct• ftu4 A4h1rtbl I MM671 ~ -.~-..... c... ""'41'1ftllllt e........, ... ... ........ •Mlrl ltMI, HINl191 11\ftw -"""'11..,...,,. ...... Ill -.. .. .. ••Cid ..WW ---"""""' • ~lltlt -... ~ ltc.wi Clan ~ HW 111 ....._. lllKlt ..., C..lt Ml.., CtMfomlll, .,.,__,.... ..., ~lw "-" ..-eMrl .., ,...u ., .. _.,,., lftlN!tn c:ettlMI ..... II.ts -1111•. i 7 fees proposed for both filght clubs and in- structors who use the airport. Bresnahan had suggested a $2,040 annual fee for flying clubs engaged ln selling activities and a $55 permit for flight instructors. Named to the Committee were Rich Eastman, a flying ln!tructor; Robert. Torbert, owner of a fixed base operaUon at the airport; Bill French, of the Orange County Pilots f.sso<:iation; Robert Nut- man of the County Counsel's office, and Bresnahan. No time limit was set for the com- mittee to !llbmit recommendations. Militants Trap Stanford P1·exy In Demonstration STANFORD (UPI) -Mllllanls caused minor damage aL the campus branch facility of the Stanford Research Institute Wednesday night and briefly trapped the institute·s president in h.15 car. About 200 members of the April 3rd Movement hailed tra[fic for about 15 minutes, broke one door and one. window, and sprayed "stop war researth" in three spots in the SRl brand!, which is located In the Stanford Industrial Park. About 50 of the demonstrators trapped SRI President Charles A. Anderson and hls wife in their automobile. They were en route home Crom a dinner when they stopped behind a deliberately stalled vehicle and were recognized. 1be Andersons' vehicle was J'OC'ked. but many demONtraton chanted "Free Charlie" and a path was cleared within a few minutes so that the Andersons could leave. There were no arrests. From Pa9e 1 'DR. BROWN' • • temist to• check the prescription. It was lmmedialely canc<lod. Brown denies that be ordered the drug In the quanUly alleged by Enright He has lnmled througllout lh~ trial 'that he lmew his own !Imitations and thet nothing be did posed 811Y threat to the 103 pa- tients he is alleged to have treated. Refuge Signs Prepared DAILY ,ILOT 51ftf '"°18 . ~ • " Sign maker Earl Secor (left) and Laguna Beach Mayor Glenn E. Vedder inspect some of 20 signs ordered by county to mark new marine lUe pre- serves in Corona del Mar, Laguna and South La· guna. Signs, to be posted &oon, will warn beach· combers that marine life cannot be taken irom refuge areas established under state law authored by Assemblyman Robert E. Badbam (R-Newport ' Beach), TaxRefundinthe Works; Reels Off to Sacramento Two valuable reels of computer tape, providi.lg an $11.9 million tax refund bonanza for 171,322 ofange County ta:z:- payer!, were flown to Sacramento thi! morning by Assistant Chief Deputy Coun- ty Tax Assessor Gary Collrell. The $70 per taxPayer refund , provided for in proposition IA paSsed by the state's votera last November, will be mailed to claimants by Slate, Cont.roller Houston Flournoy on' June lS, tounty Assessor Andrew J. Hinshaw said. Hinshaw said his staff worked until two Utl! morning completing the com- puterized List to be sent to Sacramento by today's deadline. The assessor said his office processed 174,359 claima returned from 244,406 mailed earlier this year to county pro- perty ownen. Some 2,300 claims were rejected primarily because the same . property owners bad applied for veterans property tu exemption also. The duplication b not allowed by ttie law. An add.ilional 71S claims were disallow- ed, Hinshaw said, because the claimants filed on two separate piecea of property, The eligibility rule for the refunds restricted them to the principal place of residence of the taxpayer on March 1, 1968. Hlnshaw emphasized that additional <f unty Firemen Launch Attack On Weed Hazards Fire hazards in the fonn of weeds were being attacked today by crews led by coun ty Fire \Varden Elmer Ostennan. Osl.ennan singled out 6.300 parcels which hi! men posted three weeks ago as potential hazards. If the property owners have not accomplished the neeessary clearing by today his crews will move in, Ostennan told county s u p e r v i s o r 5 Wednesday. The board gave final hearing and passage to ihe weed abatement ordinance with only three mlnor protests. Ostennan said his crews inspected 18.000 parcels of land ln unincorporated areas of the county before posting the 6,300. The program ls now in its 25th year. Property ownen who do not do their own clearing are assessed the costs on their tax bill. Special assessmenl!I last year totalled $6S,OOO. Real 'Hot Car' Burns in Laguna A car which county firemen said was stolen from a Hawthorne man was destroyed by fire Wednesday night in South Laguna. claims may be processed by his otn'ce in aceordance with a bill now on Gov. Reagan's desk exiending the f i Ii n g ,deadl.ine for claims to Friday, May 23. The original deadline was April 15. The assessor urged those who did not file claims earlier to do so now. If they have ~their claim forms, copies may be ob ed from his office, 630 N. Broadw , Sanb Ana. A supplementaJ list will be sept to the state controller after May 23, Hinshaw said. The assessor revealed that the con- troller's office will be able to print the re- fund checks directly from the CGmputer tapes which were flown to Sacramento today. his training during World War II on Navy anti-submarine convoy duty, the primary work of 300 Goodyear bl.imps built in the past 52 years. "Men in their fifties bringing small children come up and saj 'Gee, I remember when I saw my first Good- year blimp. I ran out of school to get a good look," Widdicombe commented. The tire and rubber company now operates onJy two blimps, the Columbia and the Mayflower, an east coast resi· dent who lives in Miami. Before her final deflation Jn JW'lc, Columbia will wallow slowly home lhrough the American skies, stopping Jn Houston, Tex., to help in the dedication of a new airport. The new Columbia replacing her will feature a four-color neon sign capable of flashing ·advertising and public service messages, as well as animated figures:. From Pqe J FORTAS •••. that on se"ver•l occulons WolflOD m• tioned tbe.m to the justice. \ "But 1 have not mlerccde<: ot takirD ~rt in any legal, admlnist.reUve • JUC«cial matter affecting· Mr. Wottlon or anyooe usociated wilb blm," the letll!r &lid. Wot&on is now servillg a ooo-year prison sentence on conviction of charge• fl stock manlpulaUoo Jn violation of lederal securities laws. r .. o.e 11n1 umo publicly,. Fo"41 acknowledged that he received a. $20,000 check fror;n the foundatlon. J1e said th.is was the start of what was to he,•e been a long range association with the foun- daUon. ·Its program Involved improvement of oommwilt¥ rel1tlO;u and the promotion of racial and religious coo~raUon. he ezplained. ~ "The agreement , .. contemplated that I would perfonn continuing 5efV1ces, and, instead of fLxing variable compensation lrom time to tjme for work done, tt Pf<>" vided that I would receive $20,000 per year for my life with arrangement! for payments to Mrs. Fortas in the event of my death," the letter said. Fortas told the chief justice that ln January, 1968, be received the check for $20,000 and began his aasoclation with the foundatioo. "'ln June of that year l altended and participated in a JlleeUng of the trustees of the found ation at Jacksonville, Fla.,'1 he said. "It ls my recollection that Mt. Wolfson did not attend the meeting. I went from Jacbloovllie to his fann at Ocala where I had an overnight visit, as I recall, with him and his family." Later the same month, Fortas related, his concluded that his role with the foWl- dation should (.'Orne tc an end . He cl~· two feaaons _. unexpectedly he·avy woi1c: on the court and inforpi&tion that ihe Securities and Exchange. Com- mission had referred the Wolfson malter to the Justice Department for con4 1lderatJon of criminal prosecution •• "1 therefore wrote a letter to the foun.. dalion, addreaed lo Hs general counsel, dat.i!d June 21, !ill, canceling lhe agree- meol be bad arterod lntiJ, sv~ject 1o -· pleling lhe projecls fo r lhey~. 1,r<ciled as mY rusoo only tile bur\ien of C<IW'I work." .. In the fall of 1966, Wolfson was indicted on charges stemming from stock transac· Uons, "and in December, 1966, l returned to the foundation, in its entirety, the sum of $20,000 previously paid to me," Fortas said. "I concluded that, because of the developments which had taken place, the services which I had performed should - treated as a conlrlbulion to the foWl- dation." , 10 A1·abs Executed DAMASCUS, Syria (AP) -The Iraqi government executed 10 Arabs befor1 daybreak today for spying for Israel, tht United Slates and Iran, tbe official Iraqi news agency reported. The 10 Included nine Iraqis and one Saudi Arabian. a nylon shag that's young • Ill looks, young • Ill price! $8.95 sq. yd. Youni ideas in de&icn- • unique four-color effect from 1pecial dyeini techniqueL And YOUl1I ideu in terlur~ricb. bouney 1h111 thal matcba your own hith spirit&. Ima(ine (ivin1 your fl.lnib the tradition and quality of Kartl.!llan for hilt the price you might upect to pay. Jn 15 color combinaUom. Your fa.ooritt de.signer wilt be Mppv to a.ssue voii ••• Fire.men from lhe South Laguna Coun- ty Fire Station were called lo the scene by Laguna Beach Fire Depanment which had received an anonymous re- port on lhe bluing auto . The vehicle wa.s parked in front of Jl~ Wtst St. Firemen said the blaze wtuch started. in the passenger com- partment did '450 damage to the 1964 model car. 'The \leNClt WU registered. to George Williama of 12100 S. Vennont St., Hawthorne who earlier Wednesday had reported It ·stolen. PROFESSIONAL H ,JI GARRETT f u RN ITU~~ HARBOR BLVD. INTERIOR DESIGNERS Opn Mao. 1'1lws. • frl, r.... COSTA MESA, CALIF. ~ 646°0275 646°0276 ' I I I .•. :I Huntington Beaeh EDITION ... VO~. 62, NO. 116, 4 SECTIONS, <10 . PAGES .. ~ ···-·-ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA ' ... ~ . i' • THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1969 • . - TEN CENTS . Ul S ~our • Threa( to Ute Wolfson's DA Says Brown · Still Unqualified Gift Said 'Life Deal' WASHINGTON (UPI) -Justice Abe Fortas r~igned from the Supreme Court tOday·, acknow\edgin& plans for a long- term financial arrangement with the faniily foundailon of fin~ier Louis Wolfson but denying any 11default'' in hil duties. By TOM BARLEY 01 JM 0-:IY l'l .. t Sti ff "ll doesn't m11ke any differenct how intelligent, how adaptable or how audacious Robert Ervin Brown was. He Nixon Offering Solid Proposal, Lodge Declares WASH INGTON (AP) -President Nix- m's eight-point Vietnam pea c e offer provides the opportunity for "solid Dcgotiations •.. if there is a desire on the Olher aide," Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge said today. Nixon outlined his proposal, including a · plan for a mutual pull-out of major forces over a 12-montb span, in a nationwide ad· ir.,. Wednesday night. Lodge, who will present them at the Paris·peace talks Friday ,morning, ta~ed AddltloulP- . StarieJ, P_aps 4, %5. with ·newsmen m the Wbite~lJbuae rOee gaf'.den after a joint metlinj with Nixon, lhe Cabinet and the National Security CoWlCil. ' When he presents the proposals to the negotiators, he said, "I Will ask them not lo make •a quick judgment but to think it ever." He brushed aside initial criticism from representatives of tJJe Viet Cong's Na- tional Liberation Front in Paris. The NLF, in :ts initial reaction there, Jaid the United Stales "still clings to its tld formula of a mutual withdrawal of troops, a formula which we have repeatedly rejected." But Lodge commented that "I don't think we take those types of statements 1t face value." Lodge said the presidential speech is ~Ot a "counter proposal" to the 10.-point Dffer by the Viet Cong's National Libera· tion Front at the Paris meeting a week 1go. Bllt the detailed peace proposition from the Nixon admini stration "does come 1long at an extreme}y helpful ti.me" in order to provide a basis for basic "meat and potatoes" bargaining with the other 11ide, he said. As for' the merils of the enemy's pro- posals, which again call for a one-sided U.S. troop withdrawal and repla cement of the presen t Saigon government. Lodge 1aid only that the 10 poinls are still under U.S. study. Nixon's half-hour telecast -his first fu1lscale White House speech on Vietnam (Ste NIXON, Page 1) Gambling Suspect Was' Not Manager Of Lon gpre Firm A man arrested April 7 on susp icion of participating in a booJl:making ring was ~rroneously identified in a DAILY PlLOT ·~as the _!Daoager of a Westminste r 111to agency. The bookmaking sUlpect. George W. Elias, 33, Garden Grove, was an employe tr the leasing division •nd not the manager of Bob Longpre Pontiac Inc. Four others were arrested in the sweep Xillowlng Investigation by Westmlmt~r police, district allorney 's investigators and the Los Angeles Sheriffs Office. Neither the Bob Longpre Pontiac a.gen- zy, 13800 Beech Beach 8 I v d . , Westminsloer, .nor itJ owners or managers ttere connected witJJ the arrest or with any of the bookie operaitons. The law agencies said t.bey had no ~vidince of any wrongf\Jl acUvity on the iart of the Bob Lj'lngpre firm . Stork M•rket• NEW YORK !AP ! ni. 11\0Ci 21arket, after two days of advance, clos· !d with a.moderate Ton today u bnSkers :eported sonle investors discouraged by tie. Vlcl. COng's ~crlloo of a mutual roop wllbdrawal ~I p11t lorth by Pre.'lident Nlxon. (Sc!e quotati0fl3, Pages :i.11). was a layman, a man unqualified In medicine. - "His very presence ln a clinJc and a hosp ital was a. thl'tat. to the Uves Of pa.· ticnts who had a right to consult a qualified cardiologist." . This will be the theme of Chief Depuly District Attorney James Enright's final argument today before a Superior Court Jury, in the impostor case of "Dr." Brown. Enright told· the DAILY PILOT that he will urge the panel to speedily convict "the phony physician," on 13 counts oI practicing medicine without a license. It ls expected that the prosecution's argument will be delivered shortly •ft.er the n o o n break in Judge Byron K. McMillan's courtroom . Final rebuttal witnesses wtre testiffi.ng in the closlna: stages of the trial at press lime today_ "At no time has Brown OJ< anyone else · denied ·that he posed for five weieks as Dr. Glenn L. Foster," Enright 'said. "We've bad a k>t of tesUmouy ~ to · lbow how P.>d he was, how.'he loved rn~cide and' now . be didn't mean to bafln ~ ' -.-~ "But the point is,' if he didn't harm anyone -«nd we'·re·oot aaytnl ·that he didn't -he had a damn good chance of doing so. Given the cho.lce between a good layman and a good, -Qualified cardiologist, what is a person with a chronic heart disorder loin& to do?" "I think the jury will reoogniu this," Enright said, "I think the jury will fmd this man guilty." Deputy Public Defender Liwrence Buckley has refused to comment oa what his closing argument will be. Rebuttal wltoesses today wenl.back to earlier testimony ln wtik:h it was alleged that the 33-year-old Binnl.ncham, Ala., man ordered a dangerous drug for a desperately ill patient in at least 10 timet the quantity normally ordered. A Fullerton nurse testified that ~e volume of the order submitted by "Dr. Foster" sent her running to a woman in- ternist to check the prescription. It was immediately canceled. Brown denies that he ordered the drug in the quantity alleged by Enright. He has insisted throughout the trial that he knew his own limitations and that nothing he did posed any threat to the 103 pa· tients be is alleged to have treated. Budget Review Set By Valley Schools • 'Ille Fountain Valley School District governing bolird will review the t.entailve diatrict budget at 7:30 o'clock tooight ot the Curriculum Center, t Lighthoule Laoe. In addiilon the trustees will consider a final report on attendance boundary chaoges,withln the schnol diatrtct. PRIME TARGET.OF RECALL Mayw Sch-rdtfogor LIADSJRECALL f>\0'(£ e_. vanDaak ' Here's Your ScQreb,;ard . . ' . • On Valley·' R~Cfl.fl' Ga'!W I . . Bi '!i:Juty~ ·"'~ t:; ' OJ:.,.............. ./ ._, t ~¥.oo can't 'tell the .~ .without a ~~· goes the okl broaUde. ~Ind · the -'""'" they'.re aPPit..ui ployq In . Filomtaln VaUey coolcl'be ooe ol tile mOot boll)"~ matches of the yea,, They call it "recall" and most of the players nev.er wanted to be involved, bUt Ibey art. Here are aomt of the.key pi.yen: Mayor Rebert Mwead&fepr, 176'2 A1amo.s St. He is p1'ime target, of the recall movement, alq with c:ouncnmen Donald Fregeau and J...,,ti Courreges. Opponenta have aocuaed him of conflict ~of interest conctrnlng the controversial Larwln Tract. He is a real estate broker and servt!d as bn>ker for tho sale of 100 ams. to tlie Larwln ComJ!8t1Y. CrlUca think he shookl have made publk hb: .interest before lbe city counc:il changed the zoning on tl\e property. ) The mayor abltalned (tom voting an the t.one change, declaring his conflict ' after the vote was taken. Schwerdtfeger ftnnly apposes puttingra minlmum size on lots in planned develop- ments. He also refuses to resign undtr criticism, but has stated he dOesn't plan to run for re.election in April, 1970. Eugene VanDa1k, 18528 Santa Cruz Cir- cle. He leads the recall movement and also filed the suit in Orange County Superior Court which brought a decision April 30 halOng CQf'dtructlon of the Larwln lrad. They judge ruled in favor of VanDask, who charged there were ir· regularities in the city's action. granting permissjon for the development. VanDaak is a purcbulng executive with North American R o c k w e 11 Aeroapace Corp. In Et· Squndo. He bas '-1 .ICCUled of bet.. a poflllcal op. porQmiat ·by iome, but has 'mllltently denied any poliUcal ambltiom. DouW P'rqea1, 1710t S.U Lucia Sl.1 is one of,lbe'tbtee councibnm recall su~ -' . FAILS .AS PEACEMAKER P lanner Moh r . porters are seeking to oust. He has been criticized by VanDask and others for what they claim is "his overbearing al· titude: in council meetings." Hi! critics also accuse him or voting, with the may· or and ~reges, in favor of "unlimited planned de~elopmenti." · Fregeau s~s-'he'b cOnfklent Clecisions made ,by the niajorkY. Of' h council are in the· best in&tests of tlle-dty .and 'that this vi~ will prev'ajJ iii ttie '!Ong· r.un. He hdlds' a rial · estate sales'tiian's license, but has not been act.iv~ iJr t~ ixisiMss (See SCOREB0.\1111, Pqe !) • OCJC ,Tat?Boost Forecast Pttaideht Nixon accep<ed the T<llpl· tion· effecti'e lmmediat.ety. In a letter to Chief JusUce Earl War .. ren, Fortas confinned that he had receiv· Forta1 Profile -SeePqe4 ed $20,000 from the family foundation of the now-imprisoned Wolfson ·and said it was to have been a standing arrangement -that is.that he was to receive $20,000 a year fo.r the rest. of. l\is life. The justice said he terrpinated tbe ar· rangemtnt and returned the first year fee f>f po,ooo in late 1961. "But,'~ Fortas wrote,.. "l have not in· terceded or taken part in ·any legal, ad· nUnistrative or judicial matter affecting Mr" ·Woifaon or anyone usocla\ed with him.'' I CONTINUING SERVJ,CES . )IO.·uii·jlie, qreemelit, 111 ·1-alier, ~~~.,~iG~~ tWiliil:.ernc:e•, and, ·~ of' tllto'g vlrii~ 'comiJensa!Joa,froio \UM t. time tor ,wark1 done, it·Prov:kl«l·1bat I would n<elve twenty thousand per I<il' for my llf• 'with 'arrangements for ·payrrlenb io Mra. Fortaa In the event ol my death." Fortas told Warren hit resignation was prompted by "the welfare and maximum effectiveness or the court to perform its critical role in our sy1lem of a:ovem- ment." He &ent a 'letter late Wednelday to President Nixon submftUng his rts1gna. lion and Nixon wrote .him an acceptance th.ls morning. Fortas also wrote Warren with an ezplanatloo of his dealings with Woilson and of his decision to resign. The excba°" between Fortas and Nix .. on was not Jnuiiediat.e.ly dJscloaed, but the ,Court · made public the Fort.as letter ·to Warren. ·-· , wi;Hp!Tf HA~MEf'lr . · Foitas'Sakl he. hOped die resignallon, 0 by terminalil\g· tner public controversy, will penn\t the oourt to proceed with its work without the barllSlltltnl of debate concerning one of its members." , The letter went into the Wolfson Fami· ly Foundation matter in detail. It said that since becoming a member or the court, Fortas had received material r.elating to Wolfaoo's "problems" and that on several occasions Wolfson men- tioned them to the jusUce. "But I have · not inter~ or taken part in any ltgal, administrative or judicial matter affecting Mr. Wolfson or (See FORTAS, Pap 1) Next Door Sound Worth $40,0.00 To .Beach Couple William L. and Joyce E. M~ aren't exactly iaughing about what they claim Is the failure of 'the Villa Pacific houling people to soundproof thelr borne at '1'141 Port Royal Cltde, Huottngton.Beacb. But Still-No Money Avai-fub le for. Te acher.-Raises no:'1nu:r~~:O.,"Z.~ .. 1 • that they're ... unable' to sleep It night" By TOM FOR'l\INE That amount ls lbe equivalent of The pro~em uiere. 1; 'thllt the arid t'hat the noises of neighbors in the ot,......, """ 1.,..-another ll!'Ven centap;ftbe property tax esOmated ~·In tax base {asses/ed six-unit buildint ls aUlina them ''ill It seems taxpayera will have to shell rate. However, tnllMel can't tap lax· valuation) and auite aid (de~-on· health and slckftess." ' • out almost hall again as much to Orange payen'for any men than the a.cent in· What they're setting very clearly, they Coast Junlor College District !)tit year. creui. enrollment) will only yleld about '508,oeo say, ·are "normal so U'n 'd s -Of' t.lkin&, The prospect Is that the property ti• bill Aii but a penny of the :II cents Is 'to In ldd!Uonal locbme 'neEt•y .. ,_ ' couglllnc. walking 1nd IOllnd• of private will -!tom 57 oeota to 13 .,...., mateh ledr:ral and olate• lunda for ..In-01 tliat ._t, about l!00,000 -will and intimate· activity ... wily heard But stll~ othe junior college diltrlct ap. llltuctlon oil the Oralflt<Jout ind Goldtt! have to' go-.,or ''11iarlet for 311 new' thnlup the walll." pears to be 10 broke there 11 no money at Welt C8llUMllel. nm-year. 1 ~c~, nefded _to handle lDcr'eaeedi And they clabn that what Villa Plclflc. all avallablelorteacherpayrabes. (A delealed IJ\llld<-·· . j enro~., brl:~~;.~r. po;~'w11<11,tl\ty .~·t11e hom•'lg "The money just ian~ Ihm," com· would bave-tlle llllt, 'Ill',,.,. . -~· -~·t•,.,...•111 il"!.'bY ·- mealed Supt. Norman W-. ol lia than IOOl!l\I f' . ~ ·~ ~'1Wf\1a,.,'millil'; taUon,.wu •"pooillYl'/~I rot sor.:i 1~1!':u~v:i:r.w!:...s~ i..~~T , .. • ·.; ~·1~'t)il.~1i;i:t'; ~~;11i.li, 'ui.i-....,;~~ nlgjit.Jt wf1.1NtlAncedool;,IJJOcldlnri•a Trutlees on · y I ~~ft.a~ y! ~""'l.id:!,", , 'V \t.,.:,~, atj*; W, ·•~lld"'l\l!Ot OIV' lkent tax hike and by not lnciudlng urlder Jelblltlon l<I H:* Ii#' effect to\:J· COtrellilO T!jljn~,/U..-b04iet•, ..... ~ llll!nr ~'Andill>y •Mniai¥ ol anything for teacher sallty me-. le>y tho t1U1tclllnl Iv ,ta w1t1iout tor.<Sa!H-ls no ~iNO!lon'f'*'~l . the nGt ~· K -. °"' ,lher,:oer. con) lo other words. the budpt ii not fur1ller -ol 1rea r~, They have: lm()fl dl(fulcult bucti"/'10· balaMi'llli 1-l>lnctil lliil"'t11e1:Tiitt.1 !Mn~ at plell)'. balanced, since teacberl prtSUmlblr w.1_11 indicated they will do JO}' ~ eVer fac'k)ed. 1 ' ·• 1.J-. • ~ "--'4 niormllinellili ~ ....-• ' h&1•e to be glV.n aomethlng, even ~·It IJ The :II ""'"' will etlati~~~!)~r 011 a 'He ulcl' relel:v<I tjate ·~.cut,fo:i.r If~ ltdel~ ln·thO totli>n ari'. just o coot ol living-· m,ooo home IIl.25 ovu hlJ la:"';t"' bill! • pen:ent of~ inlllib!I .~1-r"*' · G-1> ~,. ·-· iii ed., ·'llW cont•" c6, Teacher• p<e.ent at the boenf mtttlng ·this yur. • "'""" ' jtha1f tho ~.2 l Ille 'loiftp distlic:r• 'DeaCon :Cltilrlo'.&. ~. ~~ •'ll"ed for much more. They.,. ,..kl.. That will take cs,.~\l!'~lllnict"'!· .hiu been op!rJltlrli wffh 't'1Ji )! ...... ·<1'8 .' · Mm!Ot.f;~,' olin ·p •. an 11 pereent average sal•ry lncreaae needs, but won't help 1ny on .teacher· • "I've ftlt uncomfort1ble even um Courtney, John G. Mor1an and Frank R. that would coot an 1ddltlonal $521,000. aaJartes. (See PLIGHT, P• I) Jacboo. • 1 . ' ' • .. • > I CRITICIZE!>· JURIST' QUITS Supreme Cou'rt Ju1tlc1 f;O(tel Beach Seeki11:g State Funds for City Center Park Members. of the Huntington -Be;adl Parks. and Remol!OO Commlllloll have applied fQr,funds tlirqugl>·the.State Hoos- ing .ud uni-DMl."'"""'1 -to aid in 1Ute conatnn:ti.m -' centn1 city par~ -r application. which hu. been ap- proved by the city coundl, has beeo forwarded to Sacramento, where it will be approved or rejected by the end ol this month. Should it be approved, It means that the city's parb and recreaUon depart. ment could receive f™,4.12 towird the conslrut'tion of new parks. A new revised model of the HunUngton Central Park was also presented IO the commissioners by Carl Heimburger from Long Beach and architects Line!ch and Reynolds., It wlll be displayed In the Huntington Center Mall one week before the park bond electJon scheduled for June 3. 1n ad· dltlon the commissioners were informed that attorTieys from the city and the Hun- tington Harbour Corp. are ~ pro. gress In oegotlaUng a more IOVonlble park site for the proposed two a.Gd a·balf acre Harbor View Patk'. .' . The commission will also lake steps tn acquiring an additidnal t .5 acres Of land for the proposed $un View Park,. to be located on the Shar Lane s o u th 0£ EdJnger A venue. · The purchase of land, )¥hlch would In· crease the park site to a total of 2.4 gres would cost approximately '75,000. AC· cording to Norm Worthy, parts and recreaUon director. HOME SECTION INSIDE l'ODAY lt's tlme for new color -lnskle and outside. And the matine. cry of the steak and barbeCue echdes acrciss patios anli refurblabedigardens.. 1 The DAILY PILOT today salutes the spring seaSQrl and fist-approaching IUl'l)- mer with a special 10.-page '"lnalde and Out&lde Your Home.'' section whic]l offeni Ups on everytlling from landscaping to new furniture. Jt's lnslde tbday. er .... ' Wben,the aun-scorctied clouds part on Friday, It'll he 1 greal day, with temperatures pushing 70 along the Orange Cout and up to 80 further inland. -. INsmE TQD~'\' . Pruick1)t Ni<atl """ -. ...,. \ ""'II ·~1111 offliii'Ji•t:illlr..,,M\I I -strtt:t, bUt IUa \lice pr•ridnt U getting l<il1d o/ bump<d oro1111C1. I Page $. ' .... .. " .. • " ... , . " " w " . -.. .................... --... --" •vl'rill ,._ • ...... --"''' -... ............ ·-.. ·-" -. .... .... 4 .. • I- • .. I UILV P1UIT ll ThundoY, MoY L5, 1969 PILOT • • LOGBOOK 'Barber Poll' Trim.med?· Not in Pollster's View By TOM BAJtLEY Gt .. D'lfr Plllit Slaff It loob as u they.,. alter Dr. Robert· P"'"°n'a acalp -ht - ducted a ta educ:atimi poll under the red and white pole, but the taker ot· tonsorial tabulations Isn't working up a lather about IL True enough, he had a close &have the olher day when county school board trustees voted 3 to 2 to clamp down on his non-office aeUviUt3, among them poll taking in 20 barber shops. But U the acbool superintendent was slnpl by that bit of vote taking it isn't evident today. Or! the , conb'ary, be plans to lreep up his poll taking polld,. al their ...,..t clip and to even expand them to include "other business establishments." • .,_ It wasn't a matter of trimming bhn down to lbe, he says, it wu llimply that "the tntatets hlven't seen tbe full • picture." And two of those board memben:, Petenm add· ed, "are not oriented twards these matters in the w41 that I am.,. * Nor for that matter, he 11)'1, pre llOIQe of the newt- papen: who have dwelt at length cin Peterson's G.allup-type ,.U9p (U'a known in the Civic Center these days u the Brylcreem Survey) and bis criticism certainly Includes the DAILY Pn.m. "What you people didn't take into account," says Pelerlon, '"is the fact that my survey ranged over a field a lot wider than aex education. And you don't seem to reallle that my bud counting wu borne oot by later elecUm results." Like his summa~ tbl.t M p_ercent of the barbered babblers he talked to voted ''No" on Proposition IA, the f10 property tu relief meuure. "Fan- tutJc, isn't it,'' aays Petenan, '"that 54 percent of the voters eventuaUy felt that way." * Then thm wu the vtnllcl ln>m the hair h°""" that the Propoo!Uoo t put forward by Loi Angel• County Aaessor Philip WailOll would sot a 11 per- cent "No'' vote. It worked out for "No" with 51 percent of the county voters sotna: that way. . Peterson can nplaln th.IL "Between my tour or the barber shops and the November electloo, more than $1 mltllon was spent on promoting that measure," he said. "That accowits for the eight percent dUference." ~ education, of course, wun't on the ballot. But Peterson predicts that 1 public vote would justify the barbers' verdict -5t percent were qainat an expanded program of su educallon in public Ddlools. But why the barber shops? * "You might call tt country thinking," smiles Peterson. ••But the way I look at it is that a man who sita in the barber's chair cares about his appear- ance and he's a man who cares about his voting and what his children should not learn." "You've sat around in barber shops," said Peter5<1n, "and you know your- seU how general conversation carries a1on'g and covers just' about every com- munity topic." 1 Our own tonsorial titillator'• top't range from Brigitte Bardo\ through Ann-Margret and on to Raquel Welllh and from where we sit we can't help but notice Playboy's Miss July. A llWe further lo the left ta Mlas April and ii we were asked about an: educaUon 10me. 60 second! after alttJng in that chair we'd bave<&o.•·---~- (Bdltor'a NoU: Ycru wuen't a.tktd. Dr. Ptttrron toa1.) Exploring ,the ses: angle a lltUe further and perhlP.1 more openly, the llllP'rinteridenl asked !f a poll oC beauty parlors would Ht lnto bta novel style. "Well, not really," he replied. "Our ladies art, perhaps, a little more bolated and ,it would be a little dlfficult to rcontact them while they're under the dryer. 'l1lere we have a definite problem in the field of lntm:ommtmlc. tion ..• " ,.....,,. Page J PLIGHT OF OCJC DISTRICT • • • year," he said. "The rule of thwnb is rescnu e;bould be 10 percent of the budl'l" Several teachers reprm!nUng the Council Selects McWhillney Westminster Mayor Derek flfcWhln. ney was ~lected by the City Council Tuesdad night after he briefly resigned llO that the city council could elect a new mayur. The cooncil at the same time named Councilman Philip Anthony who will replace Mrs. Joy Neugebaue:-as vice mayor. The mayor's resignation was ap- parently prompted by an at tempt by Mrs. Neugebauer to have a new mayor elected at the last council meeting. DAILY PllOT ..... rt N. WHi ,,.,Jflftl .... '"~'*' JM~ R, Cltff•y Vlot 'r'"""' -lktllt .. llNMtrr ~-•• K•t•U ..... n.111 .. A. M.,,,.tlfM M41NWl"9 EolitoJr Allt•rf W. l•t11 Wili•• le14 ..... 1... """' ........... lf1mer cur 1!41ilw __ ...... Jot Ith Strtti Maili119 A44rtMI ,,0 , 101 7'0, 92641 --H"'"'1 9-d'I: nu *"' ..... ._...,.,. <nit ,_., la W1t1I 11, llr_. """"""' IM<Jl1 = ,..,... ,._ faculty aenates of the two campuses made presentations to the board. They uked for a four percent cost of living Increase, medical, dental and in- surance fringe benefits, and better pay for part·time and summer &ehool teachers. They also made a strong pitch for salary credit for Coun6 taken prior to earning the mlllter's degree. It was pointed out that the district la one of only nine out of 57 junior college districts in the state that does Mt give such credlL Board member! said they are in sym- pathy with that request of the teachers but wanted to know where they are going to get the mon ey. The$' acolded teacher representaUvu for not working with Dr. WaUon so be. could have prepared firm figures on cost of the teacher salary proposals. Trustees said they want to see those figures when they meet again in two weeks. Abo at that time a survey is to be presented on salary dasslllcatiOl'll for non-teaching employes. Dr. Watson said he doesn't know what the board will be able to do. "It is pretty hard to make cut& elsewhere when 78 percent of the operaUng budget goes for instruction (salaries)," he Aid. He llld district officials are doing everything poalble to get the word to Sacram.nto le!:bJ,ltort ol lh<lr d I r e strafghts but he can't be very opUmiatic from that quart.r. Family Service Center to Open Family Servloe AllOclatlon will open an olfa ln lb< Town llld Country center, 11511 Beach Blvd., H111111a1t<m Beach June 1 to terVe u a local COUQlel- lng lacllliy. CommWlily Qiest, wblcb Is financing lb< olllce, ii -In lb< c:enter, u ta the Clwnhtr ol Conunorce. A lull-Om• coul*lor will pnMde marrlap llld family -1lni u ...U .. ll1lltinl cornmw>lty Ollanf.utloaa In pJMIDC for the needs ol lbe 1""'1111 do ty. An IUXlliUJ ii belnc formed to ~ the wodation wort In llllllltnctoo -with lund ralalnc e&Jcatlonal ....,..,... eo.-imc 1ppolntmenll -be made throu8'I lbe lllOd.IUon'• central o!Dceo to Tullln unUI tbe Hunllngton -ol• flet_J ... I. I ' THIRD TARGET IN RECALL COUN1llman Courr .... OPPOSES RECALL MOVE Councilman J us t CRITICIZED FOR ROLE City Attomay Martin l'l'Olll Page J SCOREBOARD •• recenUy. He b a teacher at Cal State, Long Beach. Carroll Mohr, 9802 Toucan Circle, is a plann ing commissioner who has called for a minimum lot size of 6,000 square feet in planned developm~nl.!. Until recenUy he was not involved in \he recall controversy, bu( hi.s attempted role as a peace.maker bas brought him into the spotllghl Once a frll~nd of the mayor, ?..1ohr now eipruses dissatisfaction with Schwm!Ueger's public actions. Mohr operates a water aoftener business head- quartered in Garden Grove. Cit)' Attoney F.dw!J:I Martin holds a real estate broker's license and has been criticized for his involvement in the sale of land to the Larwtn Company while also working for the city. Edward Ja1t. I&sa9 Santa Clara Circle, one of two city councilmen oppo5ed to unlimited small lots. In the Larwln suit f.iled by VanDask he favored the suit, OJ>' posing Schwerdtfeger, Fregeau, Ccur- reges and the Larwin-Company • Just, an emplcye in the Life Science Division of Autonetics, publicly o~ lhe recall Idea, but has often criticlwd.· the Lhree councilmen the recall attempt ls aimed at. Jolan Harper, 9185 La ColonJa Ave., jc4n.1 with Jult to fonn the minority fac- t.ion on the councll. He alao was in favor of the VanDuk suit and has often OJ>' poled the dedsk>ns of the majority fa c-- tkn. He ls officially, but not actively, op- pooed to re<all. Joeepll C..-reges, 8572 Talbert Ave., is lbe tblnl target ol thole pusblng for recall. He owns ~ near the Larwl.n Trac:! and b3' beon crltlclled for nol m1kln1 that lac:t public bel...., city If> provtl of the Larwm Tract wu granted . Recall bicker! also criUdxe him for ...,gularly ••Una wtth FreJuu incl Schwerdtfeger. eoun.g,. steadfutly maintains bt repreter1ts all the people ol Fc\Dltain Valley, whlcll be helped to Incorporate, not jUat a factkin of the populace. He It a farmer and aloo bolda 1 ~ ,...tl Alemnan 11 Ucen1e. TARG ET IN RECALL EFFORT Councllrnon Fr-u OPPOSES DECISIONS Councilm1n H•rper Hum phrey in AAUP MINNEAPOLIS (AP) - A new member of the American AssoclaUon of University Professors is Hubert H. Humphrey. The former vice president Is now teaching at Macal~ Coll'8• In SL Paul and the Unlvenlty ol Mlnn...ta. His appllcaUon Jor AAUP. memberahlp was sept to tbe organizaUcm'1 head- quarters In Washington and accepkd promptly. From POfe l FORTAS RESIGNS AS JUSTIOO~ ~· • • anyone .-iatid with him," the Letter liAld. Woifson Ir now aervlng a one-year ..... --·--ol dllr ... ol -.......... la vktlltlla of federal aecurillel Jaws. For the first .Ume publlc\y, Fortu ackoowledae<I that he received a ~.OOQ check from the foundation. He said this war the atart of that wis to have been a Jona: ranie association wilh the foun- dation. lts procram involved improvement of community relation1 ~ the ptOlll!>llon ol radii and religiou cooperation, be explained. ""The """"°'"t ... contemplated that I would perform continuing services, and, Instead of fixing variable ·compensation from tlme to time for work done, Jt pro- .Yided lhat [ would receive $20,000 per Fri>m Page .J NIXON .•. -won applall!O from his~ and aubdued lnit.lal comment from war crlUca. · In lhe speech the President: -Hinted anew at forthcoming U.S. troop withdrawals regardless of what happens at Paris. "The lime is ap. proaching when South Vietnamese forces will be able to like over some of the fighting fronts now being manned by Americans," he quoted the U.S. Com- mander in Saigon, Gen. Creighton Abrams, 11 saying. -Vowed to keep bis campatgn pledge "to end Ulla war in a way that would in- creaae our chancei to win true and la.sting peace" and declared that "II J fall to do so, I expect the American people to bold me accountable for that failure ." -P.rornised U.S. firmness in the basic goe.l of self-determination for South Viet. nam -"we have also ruled out either a one-sided withdrawal from Vietnam, or the acceptance in Paris of tenns that woWd amount to a disguised American defeat," be sakl. -Delivered a veiled nming to Hanot against milltary offensives, saying, "I must make clear ln all candor that if the needless suffering continues, lbl.s will al- fect other decisions." -Appealed to the American people "whatever our difference!," to back hls ~ otter. "Nothing could have 1 greater effect in convincing the enemy that he should negotiate in good faith than to see the American people united behind a generous and reaaooable peace offer,'' he said. White House sources said Ntz:m timed hia oiler wll1ch had been ready for ..- w~, for delivery now becauae thll seema to be the best moment rcr a U.S. move to thaw the Paris deadlock.. • • year for my life wilh arrangtrnilntl ror payment.I to Mn. Foriu lo I.be eveat Of my diath, '' lbe letttr said. Fort.u told tbe ,:::!J111tk:e tbtl It, J-r, * ... ... docil ... .... lllll llepll .... -.11aa wltb llii foundation. .. In June of U'lat year J attended and parlidpated In I metflng of the tru>leel of the foundaUon at Jicb:lntll!e, Fla.," he aaJd. "lt ia my-·recollectlon that ·Mr. WoUson did not at.tend tbe tneeting. I went fro~ Jack!K>flville to his fanp •t Ocala where I had an overnl&llt visit. as I recall, with hlm and his family." Lattr the "'°' mOllll>. F<Nll reWed, his concluded that his role with the loun- datioo &bould COIDI tc an md. He ciled two reuom -uoe~ heavy wort on the court ~'inform.atiea. that the SecuriUes and Exchange Qw.. mission had referred the WoUson matter to the Justice Department for coir i;ideratlon of criminal prosecution. "I therefore wrote a letter to lhe foun- dation, addres3ed to its general coumel, dated Juoe !1, 1'55, canceling~ agree. men\ he: had entered into, 1tibject to ccm- pl~ingjhe projecta for the year. I recited a.:s my re&l!iOD. only the burden of c:oart work." • In the fall ol l!IN, Wollaon was lndlcted on dlarg,. lllemmlng from·stoclt tranaao- tions, "and in December, 1966, I µtumed lo the foundation, in its enUrety, the sum of $20,000 previously paid to· me~" Fortaa: said. . "l concluded lhat, becau,,e of the developments which ·had taken place, the services which I had performed should be treated as a contribution to the foun· dation." 2 GWC Students Design Winners First place awards have gone to two Golden West College studeols in the an- nuai arclUtectural design c o n t e s t sponsored by Soulhem Counties and Southern California Gu companies. Judges selected Bill A. Volgarioo1 Westmlnster and Richard G. CraJg, Newport Beach, to receive $100 Savings Bonds and tore p res e n t Golden West among 65 finalists in regional judging MaJ ZO, in Woodland Hllls. siiiOeen architectural dratting studeola of Edward J . Mulder competed . Througbout Southern California aboot 590 Btudents from 27 community and slate colleges are participating. Two winners from each school are named. The. contest winner will receive a $500 savings bond and a $2,000 scholarship deposited in his name with the awards · and scholarship committee of the American lnstJtute of Architects. Judging the Golden West entrit3 were J . Doo Hartlelder and RldwU L. Tom, Huntington Beach lldllteds, and Manuel Mendez, Anaheim. ' Honorable menticm certlfk:ates went to Steve Knapper, William Bray, Ktm Johansen, and Michael Vaughan. a nylon shag that's young • In looks, young • In price! $8.9 5 sq. yd. YOWll ld .. U. detip:- a uniqua f~elac:t """' opocli1 ..,..,,. tachniqa& And J'OQI' ld..ln-_...., ..... _ ... --hialo-ltri.l,W riviDa' JOUr famDt th• tndiiloa •nd qqmlitJ of Kan.tan for half Uiti prioo,... mlah•- to PIJ'· In 15 color -- y .. , fOf!Orlte d<1fgnn !Dill b• 11om to ""'" ~·· ••• H.J .GARRETf fURNITTJRE. PROFESSIONAL 2215 HARIO~ ILVO .. · · INTERIOR DESIGNERS Opeo Moo., non. & Frt. b11o COSTA MESA, CALIF. 646-0275 646-0276 , .---.----------·-·-··~~~~~..,,..,....~~..---:"""'--~~~--------...; . . ........ ~ ....... -.. ............................. ~-,.,..... .. .,..~ ........... . , . . . . • MAR·K.ET BASK.ET SPE'CIALS PORK $119 TENDERLOIN ............ LL . SANDllSIN FARMS FRYER LIVERS 4ac 1~ c.,...................... 7 Market Basket WESTCLIFF PLAZA FOR GOING PLACES •• DOING THINGS JR. EDITIONS PERMANENT PRUS SHORTS "-' J .7 fDAClON·COTIONI $3. & $4. SOLIDS & CHECKS WIDI SILICTION Rob Roy T Shirts, 3.14 • •• l/Ult1V1Y lAJlttV1'Y CHI~ .._, 1051 IRVINE -NEWPORT BEACH ..... k .... • IMpr-• w""' a.,. •. ric. FLUFF & FOLD ONLY MONTGOMERY Chtenen-& Latllldry -I IAT IMP9T SlmC:I - lk ,., ,_.. • • • CWN AND PAW POLD 0,.. Dollr I ...... , p.111..-s.t. I ....... p.m. SPECl:AL KLEENEX FACIAL TISSUE IOX oF 200 -WHITE r. COLORS 4 for $100 BAl(ER'S · 'WlsrCUFF · ' ' ' ~I TOWN I. COUNTllY ...... ... I . . . . . ... . ~ -~ :on•F' ·~op~ing . . at its finest! . . { •' ~ . OPEN ' JHUll;SDAY & MONDA'Y EVENINGS •' . 32 Gil. T rm C1n • 7YMrGu.rentn • locklnv Lid ••• Olive GrHn ::t:. $4,99 RION ·HARDWARE M2·113J wmcu'' P\AZA IS "IN" FOR SPRING CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT TODAY ••• OR STOP. IN AT. YOUR CONVENIENCE. THE NEW -FOR ,THE GRADUATE . ~ ..,. PARTY GOOOS-CON6UTUIJTORY cARDS PAPER UNLIMITED 548·7921 WESTCUFJ' PLAZA ( EHt of Mulcot B•1kotJ · f.1E.N'S FORMAL WEAR SPECIAU~is . da~r~IJ's dedrick TUX SHOP SALES -DELUXE RENTALS ,. FASHION SQUARE Santa An• 547-6141 Lo !'!•bro ~tl.0735 . ~ . WESTCLIFF . LAZA 1130 Irvine Newport Beach ....... , Optometrist Dr. Lou A.oy Elder • qclNTACT 1LENSES e REFRACTING • EYE 'WEAR STYLING • PRESCRIBING WESTCLIFF PLAZA 1124 IRVINE • NEWPORT BEACH • I • • 'r ' . ' • I I I • • • JI IWLY '1LOT N ' 1 Data Finn Seta Irvine.Move N •r1DK and Newmift Ille., Olla Equlpmtnl Division hll c:casolldaled their oper•· tloos Ud doubled the prevlOllS plant sif.e by moving lo ex· PODded llcilltl,. In the ll"flne iftdwrtrl&I Park. the division's manager, 0. N. Keast, an· nounoed. The new 15,000 square root building ls located at 1762 '-.1cGaw Ave., Santi Ana. Previously, the d i v J s I o n operated from two Santa Ana plants and a building In Van NuJ1. PHARMACY TOPICS MARINERS SAVINGS MAKES 3 NEW EXECUTI E APPOINTMENTS Ron•ld Pe1vey Ronald McK t ndry ~ariners .Name8 3 Officers ' ._, Tia HANT, w.,h. Beer drtri._ers have big hMrls, ltt!Qrdln& to an Aus· trallan medlcal survey. ?i1en Y."ho conau.med mott than 40 DI· o(' ~ a day developed cnlll'ltd tWfrts, · • • • Because of Increased u·avcl, lepro&y is flO longer a re- mote heaJth problem. Amer- ican physJflani1 are more likely to ~called to diag-nose and l lt no1v than they "'·ere lo\'{'nly yea.rs 11go. • • • Kldn('y failure kills about 60.000 persons a year in ttitt: United States. • • • What do ¥'omr-n look for most in rt}tn? In a recent 5urvey l'1p follo\\'ing five lra.Hs v>'er(l considcrro the most impqrtant -Oeci!dvl'.'· neu., Pe1'1ie\'{'ranct', Self. Confid('nce'.-. Adventurous-ness, and \?rtcina/ity. • • • For modi>rf! scn·lce \\'lth old- fashioned courtesy. brlnG" your prescriptions to: PAlllK Lf:· ll'HAltMACY JS1 llPltal 111"4 N9Wltfff .. ," M2·1SIO I '.l'l>ret tUCUIJYC ip. polnlmenb have been an. nounced by Mariners Savings and Loan Association, Newport Beach. Patricia A. Bra). or Newport Beach has been promoted lo vice pre.$ident : Ronald Peavey has been appointed vice presi· dent, senior loan officer, and Ronald W. McKendry con· troll er and assistant treasurer. Mrs. Bray Is ln charge of the savings division. She is a charter mamber of American Business \Vomen's Association and was named Woman of the Year by U1e American 111111MM Wlilnfii'• i\Hllllllott ill' tlei. ~!"Y his ~· with M1rl!ltll for liur r!fn. lri· SUMMER JOB WANTED ACCOUNTING MAJOR SAN DllliO STATE UNIYllSITY C11rr1ntly Pr,1id1nl of Sin Oi190 Stele Yo11n9 llepubllc1111 SALARY SICONDAlll EXPERIENCE l'l lMAIY OIJICTIYt AY1il 1bl1 for lnt1r.,i1w F1id1y 1fler11oon1 or S1lurd1y WllTI Oil CALL: JeH lriKM 5505 Monl11um1 Rel., S1 11 i•90 ... r.111 171 4) 216-3170 "' 171 4) 644-1107 It's 1111n, 8ln11 gjtliJ< IJ!p[!!iscr. He previously ht.fd an ~year position in branch m' nage- menl with the consumer inan· ce industry. Prior to joining (litltor'.! Note: !'hi! is the ia1t i na series of special f'epgrts on far·out tnve.st· mntl). · By SYLV, APORTER• Large, lop quality diagionds tnore than doubled In value last year, outrunning jusl about every traditional form of investment. As ofte ii· lustration of the glitterjflg in- crease, a white lour-carft dia· mond soared from a tfealer price or $2,500 per carat flt the end of 1967 to $5,400 a CC\fat at the end of 1968. In view of this trend Ind of the factors I submitted jn my last col umn, would it be wise . for YQP. to ihvest part of your nesl'tfl in diamonds or other gema wh/'ch also have been >11¥1\!<JMI n1 In prl<•? DAILY PILOT IN TllE OP INION . of a cross-section of experts ~n in- -flalion hedges, p r e c I o u s metals and exotic inveslfnent.s of many types-i the answer is a very highly qualified "Yes - butonlyi!' ... " · 2 -for -1 Day OUT AT THE OLD IALL GAME PILOT PETE INVITES EVERYONE TO SEE THE ANGELS PLAY BALTIMORE SUNDAY, JUNE 1, AT HALF PRICE &tf twD 'f'''"'d •••I tir.keh f.,, th• S1111d•y 1ft1rllDDll, June I, A111tl• "'• O riDlt• 'ii'"'' •t Anthtil!I Sltdi11111 for th• 11or111tl prir.• •f t n• tick t l. !Ivy""': th• DAILY PILOT 9iv11 you on•.) 2-$3.50 2-$2.50 TIC1tns •o• TIG.ITl '°' $3.50 $2.50 Y•11 ''" '''''"'' ·~ e11tlr• ••tll•~ *' J1ot twt •••*'• •111 ••t v•w• Jltrt<t +.t•lht, 'now 111~ 1111 il l11 o,, ordtr bltnk btlow with check or '"'"'Y Drdtr !1111 r.11h, pl1••1 l 1ni hvrry. 011dli111 for licktl • n1.,.. ;, ... , 10. Act Now for Best Seats All 2-for-1 Tickets Are Sold 'First-Come, First-Served' r-------- I I I en,.-...ii. wtttr diet):.,'""' .,.Ill', tti: ...... , ......... 0.-,. c.... hlty "'•' C/O-'<-hot· J:.t W • ..., StrHt, CMt• Mn.. C•llf. •1627 -, Before getting to the precise details. let's get i.hese fun· damental points straight. Diamonds are wide!)' con- si dered a hedge againft In· flation and against C'W'rellCY devaluation because: diamond supplies are strictly liptited (DeBeers Consolidated fdines in South Africa contl'QJs an esUJTt•led II pertent bf world production); no government clh ~·effectively control dia· rtl6M ownersllip or djgmond CIPor1.s althbugtt many coun· tries impose controls gn ex- ports of currencies; buying and selling diamonds ca11 be a tax dodger's dream U the transactions are carried out in cash. AT TllE SA~1E TIM£: a key drawback Lo b u_ )' i n g diamonds for profit is Ufe cold fad that the only peoole wo make huge proHts in diatnonW: are dealers in the gen\8 who buy and sell at whOlesale prices. The rest of u s generally must buy at retail and sell at \\'holesale -a diJadvanlaao I n d u d con· siderln1 that. typically, the d.i&rnorid retailer's markup i~ a 1r1bitnn1cn Of 30 percent ana often •• hllh 11 liO Jo 100 p<r- ~enL Still, you. the non-dealer, have a reasonable cha11ce or making su bstantial profits in diamonds or other precious gems such as sa pphires, emeralds and rubies ... -If you are willi,,g and able lo keep the gcn1s for at least live lo 10 ycar1. Blg price fluctuations ocQJr from Luck y Beer ~fakers Get Ne'Lv Narne -'•-' I CPllASl PltlNTI .. ,... .......... .. .......................... .,,.. "'"' .... , .. , ............ . SAN FHANCIS~O - General Brr.u·ing Corpi yians to adopt the name o its popular "Lucky'' beers neie.· montn . ~ ............. . ,.... ......... . l>fl• ••••••• ,, ... _ Thereafter, the "°'""pany , \Viii bt: kno""" as "Lucky Breweries, Inc.'' NSC Buys • N elv Sch:ools ' . "'" -John J, hicNaugtifon, preal- dent of National -Srttems Corp., Newport leach, an- nounced the coinpany has reached an aareement to ac- quirt Atlantic Schools <lf Kansas City, ~lo.; l!artford, Conn.: Los Angeles. and \Vindsor, Onll)rio, <'ffective April 1. ~ transaction was for an undisclosed amount or cash and stock. Atlantic School' is a 20-ycar· old institution7' orr;ring ac- credited corrt11pondcncc and residence training for airline peNOnnel ctretrs. Present tnrollment tKceeds S So o student! residing in ;ill 50 stat<'S end aevcrnl fl1J'eign countries. • NASO l111i"" for W-.....iay, May 14. 1Mf Jack C. Davis ha1 been elected vice president or NnUonal s y s t pn s Corp., Newport BtJCh . lie remains executive vice president or Aqan· tic S c h o o I s. recenUy purchased by NSC. l I I I I t .. Iii a. 4 f. I, 10. . , . reitt"#f'll ntlf., •II •Mltd 1~ .,, II ... J1111t I ~~1. "' O•fo!• , ...... fl AMM""" S1at11um, rtr I.Id! IJiltt' ~. I Wtll 11tt1 .. "" ltlKtlli lffl lrH I~ 1111 DAIL't "ILOT. I ... 111 IJ.1111/91.111 IC,,Clt -l ttrt•lt. ll>clilllotd ~ 1.. ., , I ~14 ... lktttt '"~ • """ 10 .,,. ~, -A I ..,..,.. ~ t•" "* .,. ~ ft I llltr Ot<lft 10 ""'' ... " """"' llC\•h. I I I I I I I I I P•ter N. T. Wlddrlnalon. president, sotd the company•s directors will ask Morehotders to approve the new corporate title, "the:rtby making official the name we h11ve ah•IJls had unorficlally btcausc or our beol-tcllllll pfllllucl! -Lucky Leger ll!ld Lucky Light draft McNauabton i.:aid Atlanlic Schools will 01M:t;1tc ns :i -----------1 L ________ ..._J beer.•• wholly owned subs idiary of NJtignal Sy•tems Co r j, . ftobert ,V, Harriman will con- tinue: as prealde.nt and c:hi<'l executive of Heer or l h e 4oob. Who Can Rea d Juil One 'Peanuts'! ·A· I • • """""'· .. ., 15, 1169 H DA!l Y PILOT JI Thursday's Closing Prices-Complete New York StQCk Exchange Li st I I - •\ ! ' • Thu~, M11 15, lM News of Men \in Ser vice 'Pap erboy Wi"" Set Of Whee ls ~~HD~ • Meets Saturday RETURNS A HER O Spoc/4 Grot0rY H11111lns Mesan Wins I Medal for Viet Valor A Co6ta Mesa High School graduate has retumet! home from Vietnam, where he won the nation's Utird highest award for bravery, for helping ho1d off a h,eavy ground attack with his mOrtar fire. Spec/4 Gregory L. "Skip" Hiiggins, 22, son of Mrs. Helen Huggim, of 482 Shadow Lane, Laguna Beach, Is now · sta· lioned at Fort Hood, Tex., ac· crunpanied by his w l f e Christine. The fonner Balboa Outrig· ger Club member won the Bronze Star m~l wJth V at- tachment for valor during heavy North Vietnamese small anns, mortar and rocket fire Dec. 14, 1968, Army spokesmen said. Despite the hail of ex- plosives, Spec/4 Huggins rush· ed from his company's fire support base to his own in· dividual mortar site and began lobbing UJuminaUng flares and shells into their positions. "His valorous actions were responsible for successfully repelling the aggressor force," noted spokesmen for the Department of ij:Je Anny. The young draftee was a member of Company E, It~ Battalion, 27th lnlantry. 25th Infantry Division during his year's tour in Vietnam. • Four Build . Telescope Alnuo Robert DeCldleDls, son of Mr. and Mn. Wl1llam R. Deeubellls o1 3tl Buclmell Road, Costa Mesa, bu been assigned to Lawry AFB,, Colo. for training in the supply fieJd. Airmu 1.C. Ronald G. Bierman, son of Mr. and Mn. George Bierman ol 6931 Lydi1 Drive, Huntington B e 1 ch , helped launch a U_.S. Air Force M'muteman II intercontinental ballistic missile from Van- denburg AFB. The airman, a missile mechanic, is a graduate of Huntington Beach M a r i n a High School and received his A.A. degree in industrial technology from Orange Coast College. Staff Sgt. Arthur W. Klm· brel Jr,. son of Mn. Muriel·E. Kimbrel of 2008 Fillmore Way, Costa Mesa, has been assigned to Da !"ang AB, Vietnam. The _;iergeant, a crew ctllef. Is a graduate of Costa Mesa High School and attended Orange Coast College bef_ore entering the service. s,t. Robert J. lkrrge.1, son • of Mr. and Mn. Edwin c. Burgess "bf lTIO Missouri St., Co"8 Mesa; bas been assigned to Clark AB, Vietnam. Sgt. BurgeSs, a jet aircraft mechanic is a graduate of Granada Hills High School. Lt. Keaattk D. 0 "ea, USMC, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Owen of 19571 Lexington Lane, Huntington Beach, Is serving with the First Marine Aircraft Wing, Vietnam. Airlnaa l.C. Michael B. Gove. son of Mr. and Mrs. WaJter Gove of 6381 Iroquois Road, Westminster. has ar· rived for duty at Torrejon AB, Spain. • Airman Gove1 a jet engine mechanic, is a graduate of Westminster High S c h o o I , 1966. Two Costa Mesa men, both Navy lieutenants, graduated from the U.S. Naval ~losive Ordnance Disposal sChool at the Naval Ordnance Station, lndian Head, Md. They are Lt. Roaald F. Kirby, son of Mr. ·aru1 Mrs . Joseph F. Kirby of 970 Vic- toria St. and LL Robert P. Len.ant, son « Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lenard of 385 La Canada Way. -- A hydrogen radio telescope Shipfitter 3.C • Joh.I R. which will detect many of the Vario, son of Mr. and Mrs. known important rad i 0 Ralph Vario of 1750 Ocean sources In outer space is being Blvd., Newport Beach, is serv- built by four R I v e r s i d e ing aboard the rescue salvage students. shi p USS Grasp which will Pvt. l.C. Jury L. a.-, USMC, son of Mrs. Eve P. White of 3067 Klllybrooke Lane, Costa Mesa, i! serving with the First Marine Division in Vietnam. Sgt ~ ot.bo, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Otaubo ol 6Ml Pinon Drive, Htllltiqton Beach, bas been assiped to I unit of the Air Force Com· munlcatiom Ser YI c e ·in SOOtbeast Alla. The sergeant, a radi o repairman, is a graduate of Marina High School. Pvt. l.C. BWy E. COiiey Jr., 20, whose parent.. live at 2210 Pomona Ave., Costa Mesa, has been assJgned as a truck driver with the 1st Logistical Command, Vietnam. His wife, Diane, lives at 3082 Samoa Place, Costa Mesa. Airm.aa Lyu W. Wamer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. The students, Bruce Bullock return to its bomeport, Guam of Granada Hills, Mark Morris this month after b e i n g of Sunny v a I e, Dennis deployed in Vietnam . Boardman of Sunland and Jim'_...:._..:_ ________________ ! Sternberg of Reading, Pa., are GRAND OPENING senior physics majors. They plan to mount the hydrogen line interferometer THIS WEEK radio telescope atop the cam- pus Physics Building in early April. The project be&Qn last fall. Dr . S t ephen \Vhite, Professor or Physics and Associate Direclor o( the University's Institute of Geophysics a n d Planetary Physics, serves as adviser to the students. QUICK Shop bar11abu galore in stereo tape and .q,d/RfWlt MEET next world's heavywefght champion 24·year-old JERRY QUARRY Friday, May 16, -4 to II p.m. TapeTown,lnc. C•tch Up quickly on !oc1I •Y•ntt. R11cl yoMr comp1ct, c1mpr1h1"1iw1 hom•lown 1di. tioR of fl11 DAIL 'I' PILOT. 100 S. Manchester, Anaheim (Soutken California'• largut ea.,. t•ntv) ~=====-==--~~~~~- ' . Tiie colorful sound of Orange County Music RADIO KOCM -103.1 FM From Fashion Island, Newport Beach \ . • when you buy one for regular trade-in price i~ertown HT 77 BFGs PREMIUM * 4·PLY NYLON CORD TIRE • HT 770 ha s a wider, deeper tread than even qur new-car tires! • So you get ·even greater mileage. And an extra margi n of safety ~ ALL SIZES ~BLACKWAU & WHITEWALL-ON SALE! Second tir~ $1422 as low as ' ·Ali;L _ SIZES ON The Henry Bo-Soclet1 Chapter of the Amirican, Revo- Jutkm, -ed by the Col. Wi)llam Cabell ~I ol tho DAR, wlzy .-! II Sltur- dq Ip tlle-oi liifa .. 11oes Hem., lli;l ·Creal lew Circle,. Ntwpott .J!eoch.' . SPOT GOLF IYS'nlt'f SALE ••••••••••••••••• * FRE.E * W·HEEL ALIGNMENT BRAKE ·RE.LINE 40,000 MILE GUARANTEE • UP TO 50,; MOR! MILEll • Stn>ng, brui ... mlltlng fibetvJI• belL • • Smooth« rid• from MW --• Bio Wktt tr9.d for blttw hefion Ind btaking, NO MONEY \ DOWN COSTA MESA JONES TIRE SERVICE 2049 HARIOR I LYD. !At lay! PHONE 540-4343 or 646-4421 DAILY 8 am· 6 pm • Sat. Tll 5 pm e EXl'IRT Y(ORKMANSH IP e 9UALITY REPLACEM ENT PARTS e SPECIAL LOW l'llCES WESTMINSTER L. -J. -LITTlE!S-Big-6 Tire 7352 WESTMINSTER . AYE. PHONE 893-5572 DAILY8Glll • 7pm • Sat. Tll Spm e MAST Ell CHARGE e BANKAMERICARD ~.,Min lttdlat"-' tlffflflt TM IVllCMJ'MO•. '""' Olltulh, H. '1.l'.0 .1 Tfl• w.dMldlr Mfl'fft, lllf'l'I Jo ..... J~, Tiii Mod lqv••. •ltd T"-SipamN AIC•Tl' 11'111~ .1 --~------______ ___._____ RF Goodrich Valle1 I VOL 62, NO. 116, 4 SECTIONS, -40 PAG ES ' ' ustice Tlare11t to Lil e DA Says B_rown Still Unqualified By TO)! BARLEY QI IM O.lly Pllott Sl•ll "'as a layman, a man unqualified lo medicine. ORANGE CO~NTY, CALIFORNIA ,, ortas ' . . 'r I Wolfson's Gift Said 'Life Deal' WASHINGTON (UPI) -Justice Abe Fortu resigned from the Supreme Court today, acknowledging plans for a long- term financial arrangement with the family foundation of financ ier Louis ''It doesn't make any difference how Intelligent, how adaptable or ho1v audacious Robert Ervin B!'Own was. He "His very presence in a clinic and a hospital was a threat to the lives of pa- tients who had a ,~ht to consult a qualified cardiologist.' • WoUson but denying any "default" ln bis duties. Nixon Offering Solid Proposal, Lodge Declares WASHINGTON (AP) -President Nix- Hl's eight-point Vietnam peace offer provides the opportunity for "solid ~egbtlations . , . if there .ls a desire on the other side," Ambassador Henry Cabot L.odge said ·today. Ntxon ouUined his proposlil, ln~luding a plan for a mutual pull-0ul of major forces ~ver a 12-month span, in a nationwide ad- iress Wednesday night. Lodge, who will present them at the Paris peace talks Fr~ay morning, talked AddiliooaJ 'Peace · Storiea, Pages 4; Z5 . ,,.ith pewsmen in the White HOuse rose 1ardert after a joint meeUng with Nixon, \he ~t and lhe National Securlly ::ouncil. When he presents the proposals lo the 1egotiators, he said, "I will ask them not lo make a quick judgment but to lhink it tver," He brushed aside initial criticism irom representatives of the Viet Cong's Na- tional Liberation Front in Paris. The NLF, in :ts initial reaction there, 1aid the United Slates "still clings to its ~Id formu la of a mutual withdrawal of troops, a formula which we ha ve repeatedly rejected." But Lodge commented that "I don't think we take those types of statements at fa ce value." Lodge said the pN!siPenlial speech is not a "counter proposal" to the JO.point offer by lhe Viet Cong's National Libera- tion Front at the ·Paris meeting a week ago. But the detailed peace proposition from lhe Nixon administration "does come along at an extremely helpful time" in order to provide a basis for basi c "meat and potatoes" bargaining witlt lite otlter &de, he said. As for the merits of the enemy's pro- posals, which again call for a one-sid ed U.S. troop withdrawal and replacement o( the present Saigon gove rnment, Lodge eaid only t.hat the 10 poinls arc still under U.S. study. Nixon's half-hour telecast -his first fullscalc White House speech on Vietnam (See NIXON, Pa1e %) Gambling Suspect Was Not Manager Of Lo ngpre Firm A man arrested April 7 on suspicion of partidpatins 11 a bookmaking ring was erroneously identitiel;i In a DAILY PlLOT account "5 the mana ger or a Westminster auto agency. The bookmaking suspect, George W. Elias, 33, Garden Grove, wa~ an employe of the leasing dlviskln and not the manager of Bob Longpre Pontiac lnc. Four others were arruted in the sweep following Investigation by Westminster polit:e, district attorney's investigators • an:t1the Los Angeles Sheriff's Office. Neither the Bob l.Nngprt! Pontl ae agen- cy, 13600 Beach Beach BI 'i d .• Weatminster,·nor its 9WneMi or managers were connected with lhe arrest or wilb anyi or lhe bookie operaitons. The law agencies said they had nO e.vidt.nce. oL any_ wrongful acli.v:lty on the part of the Bob Uinspre finn . Stock Mar kel• NEW YORK (AP} . 11le stock market, aner two days of advance, clos- ed with a moderate kiss today as brokers reported une ifi\rtslOn discouraged by the Vtet ~·s rejecUon · o( a mutual troop wlthdtawal proposal pul IO<th . by Presldcnt .. Nixon. (See quot.llUons, Pages Moll ). • • This will be the theme of Chief Deputy District Attorney James Enrlght's final argument today before a Superior Court Jury, in the impostor case of "Dr." Brown. .. Enright told the DAILY Pn.oT that he will urge the panel ·10 speedily convict ''the phony physi cian," on 13 counts of practicing medicine without a license. It is ex:pected that the prosecuUon 's argUmcnt will be delivered shortly after the n o o n break In Judge Byron K. McMillan 's courtroom. Final rebuttal witnesses were testifying in the closing stages ol the trial at press time today. PRIME TARGET OF RECALL M1yor Schwerdtfeger LEADI RECALL MOVE E-V1nDHk Here's. Your Sco·reboard '~ ' I . I . , . On Valley ~Recall' ~~ President Nixon accepted the resign•· tion effecllve immediately. In a letter to Chief Justice Earl Wa~ ren, Fort.as confirmed that he had receiv. Fortu Proflle -Set Pqe 4 ed !20.000 from the family foundallo'n of the now-imprisoned Wolfson and SRld it was to have been a standing arrangement -that Is that he was to receive $20,000 .a )'ear for the rest of his life. The jusUce said he terminated the ar- ranaement. and returned the tint year fee of $20,000 in late 1966. "B1:1t," Forta:s ,wrote, "l have not In. terceded or taken part In any legal, ad- m1hlltraUve or judicial matttr affecting ~fr. Wolfaoo or a.nyone U80Clated with him.': ,, CCINTINlllNG ~VICES "At no lime has Brown or anyone else denied that he posed for five weeks as Dr. Glenn L. Foster," Enright said. !'We've had a lot of Jestlmony de~lgned to show how good he w~. how be loved medicine and how he didn't mean to bariTI ariyone." .sr ,;rlm ~~LPJ , , '!You c:an1 ·leJl•tbe.plq<r1 Wltholtt/ a:; . ~,''. 19'8' lhe.<ilfl ~·~·jj• ' th¢· pme. lhey're a~y . playing ill . . ·llt'ulit the·-~ ln"Decomber, J!f!~' after he joined the COW'l, • 0 ' ~ tAa.t 1 WOukllJlerkmn'cOn. "But the1 point Is, t! be didn't hann anyone -and we're not ~in&. that he dktn't -he had a da"'n good Chance of doing so. Given the Q>oice between a good layman and a· good, qualified cardiologist, what is a person with a chrooit heart disorder lloinc lo do!" "I think the jury will recognise this," Enright said, "J think the jury \'ffll find Lltis man guilty." Deputy Public Defender Lawrence Buckley has refused to conunent on. what his closing argument will be. Rebuttal witnes,w.s today went back lo earlier testimony 1n whi~ It-was alleged that the 33-year~ld Blrmlngbam, Ala., man ordered a dangerout druc for a deseerately iU palie.nt 1n at least JO times the·quanUty nonnally ordered. A Fullerton nurse testifiei:I that ~e volwne of the order submitted by "Dr. Foster" sent her running to a woman In. ternist to check the prescript.ion. It was immediately Cauceled. . ' Brown derues that he ordered the drug in the quantity alleged by Enright. He has insisted throughout the trial that he knew his own llmitatlons and that nothing he dld posed any threat to the 103 pa· tients be is alleged to have treated. Budget Review Se t By Valley Schools The Fountain Valley School District governing board will review the tentaUve dlslrlct budget at 7:!0 o'clock lonlght at lhe Cumculum Cenler, 1 L!lhtboose Lan<. In addition the trustees will consider a final report on al.teoi:M'nce boundary changes within the school district. F~. Valley caWd ~·~•ftl1<'mo0l . hotly contested "latches of ~¥•11'· They call it _.'recall" and most d tbe r players never wanted to be involved, but I ' they are. ~ere are 10tI1e of the key players: M.oyor Rollert Sdlwml.._, JM Alamos St. He is~ s;rime target of the recall movement, along with Councilmen Donald Fregeau and· Joseph Courregu Opponents have accused him of conflict of interest concerning the controversial Larwin Tract. He is a real estate broker and served as broker for tbe sale or 100 acres to the Larwln Company. {;c!tlca lhlnk he should have made public his interest before the city councU chanl'd lhe zoning on lhe property. The mayor abstained from voting on the zone change, ~eclarJng his conflict after the vote was taken. Sc.hwerdUeger flnnlf, opposes putting a minimum size on Iota n planned develop- ments. He J1so refuses to resign under criticism, but has stated he doesn't plan to run for re-election in AprU, 1'10. Eugene VanDUk, 18S26 Santa Cniz: Cir- cle. He leads the recall movement and also filed the suit in Orange County Superior COurt which brought a decision April 30 halting construction of t~ Larwin tract. They judge r\,!led in fav<ll' of VanDask, who charged tHere were ir· regulariUes In the city's action grant~ pennlulon for the devetopment. VanDask la a purchulng execuUvt with North American Ro c t w e I I Aeroepace Corp. in El Segundo. He has been accused of. being a political op. portunist by '°"''· bul has ..a...tenuy denied iaror· polifi~ ambltk>111. ' • DoUIU'l'ei-l'IJIM Santa ~la SI., ii one of;the ~councilmen fteall sup. FA ILS AS PEACEMAKER Planner Mohr • . . porters are seeking to oust. He has been criticized by VanDS~k and others for what they ' clahn· ts "his overbearing at· tiiUde in council meetings." His critics also' aCcuse him of voting, with the may· or and Correges, in f~vor ,of :•unlimited planned developments." Fregeau says he ts confident decisiOns made· by tile majority of the council are in the best interests of tffe city ·and that this view. will prfvall in the long RIJI, He Mid! a r:eat estate aaltstnan•s license, bu\ has not ·lfeeft:, actlve •fn ttie!bu.slnesa · ' (Beo·SOOl!EllirARb, Ptge .J) ' 1· • •• OCJC Tax Boost Forecas·t But Still No Money A'V ailahle for Teaclier Raises By TOM FORTUNE That amount 11 I.be fqUlvalent pf The problem ·there Is tliat 'the °'""..,., """""" another aeven cents on the pn:>per1.y tax e.sl'.lmated lncrease·ln tax base (.:SseSM<I It aeem1 taxpayen: will have, to shell rate. However-, trust.ea can't ~ to:-vatuatloo) and. itat.e'. aid (deP.endent-. on out almost half again a much to Orange paye,a.for any more lllen the JS.Cent tn-enrollment) will ~ly yle.ld a~t .SOO,ooo Coul Junior Colleie ~nm ye1r. creut. The proopect 1J lhli lhe I* operty lox bill AU llllt a penny of llie • cents l1 to In addlUonal Income nexl year· will increue from 57 centa to 13 centa. match tedtra1 and state fundl for con-CM' that amount, about $300,008 will But .uu, the junior coDeot dlllrict ap. otnJcllon on lhe Orange Qoo11 and Golden have • lo go for ..Wies rilr .30 ,_ pears lo be ao broR !bore Ii no wy al Well...,_ nm year. teachm, needed lo handle Iner.- all avalllble fot l<ocber PIY -1 (A deluted bchl 1-last Se!>lember enrollmenl, Dr. Wai.on said. '_Anolher "Tbe money )ult bn'l lle'e," _. would --1111 RBIO illla( al a c<iat 'llO,_lilO wllll>~' for PIY lncreaaes•'l"'l!Jie.' menled Supt. Norman Wataon. ol ... -10 -Ille Ont year but lo-ly diio ~_becau,. lhey_have.ao ack _The_Urat, tentative bud8'l for nert tereR chmps wd hm! nn UR COil lip. dftlOiiil year Of exptrlb\ci!. Ttiat lelJC.11 ' school year wu unveiled Wedne9d•y In the lone nm.) .-.J.:. ~· !'0·009 for all oilier -· • ~{\'!:'I:.~~~~~: u=l~.;;:aiz, :i:.,u~tt.",.;~~ f' · ~~~/lhe bud~ di;;.: at1ylhlng for teacher oalary focreaas. levy Ille ~ .f·• nd tu wllhclil j t!r, .,ui.~11 1no,ljuatlon1 lhlil Is the' In other words. the budPI· IJ hcil • ·-·~af.iMi recil!liJtla.1'ol1<~ .,..rdljfulcull bu(get ,lo balince be bu• balanc<d, since ~ ~bly<wtn lndlcot;.t'llify wm do... e'er liCk!ed. • . • • • have to be gfvon 110melhing, evta-U 11-l> T1le • Ctftlt will ,.,.. tlM' 1ie·lald -.hay.1"°"'.cuMo 2.l ' just a coot of living ...,_, ' 125,000 home •11.U onr bla M ~ of lhb SIG in!Jlloitlbudtft, Joa· Teachert present at the board mffllng thla year. • 1 ' "':. " ' Utan the;4.2'·percmt u,e ;~ cliltrkt" argued for much more. They ore oeeklna That will "'~ ~ of Hio bftn.""°1'illnl·•llh' lllil ,..r. · ail 11 ~percent average salary increase needs, but won't help any i '"l'v' J lelt uncomf~ ~ tJUs . lhal would coll an adclfllonal !Sll,000. ..1arle1. (lee PLIQ1", P.,.•I)' 11 •• t'"'"~ ~·· Iii!' 'jnlletci' Of flllna v~Jo &.npaisa!Q flOm lime ioume 1.r,· Wort< ·doiie; it provided lhal I wOOld re«lve twenty tbouwlcf tlir ;w lat my Ille With arrangements for payments to Mn. Fortaa in the event ol my dutli." '"""' told w.,,... hia ~ was prompted by "the weUare and maximum elfecti~ of the court to perfonn Its critical role in our system of govern- ment." He sent a letter late Wednesday to Presldt!nt' Nixon· submitting his resigns· lion and Nixon wrote him an acceptance this morning. Fortas also wrote WaJTen with an e.rplanation of h.iJ dealings wilb WolfJOn and of bis decision to resign. The exchange between Fortas and Nix· on was not immediately disclosed, but the court made public the Fortas letter to Warren. WITHOUT HARASSMENT Fortas said~ he hoped the resignation, "by termina~g the public controversy, will pennlt the court. to proceed with its work without the harassment of debate concerning one of Its members." The letter went into the WoUsoo Faml· ly FoundaUon matter in dell.ti. It said that since bec«ning a member of the court, Fortas had receive<! material relaUng to WoUson's "prob1etns" and that on several occasions Wolfaon men· tioncd them to the jusUoe. "But I have not inter~ or taken part in any l~gal, administrative or judicial matter affectjng Mr. WoUIOn or (See FORTAS, Pqe II Next Door Sound Worth $40,000 To Beac~ Couple. William L. and Joyce E. Merry aren't exqctly.Jlugh.lng about whit they claim is the fallurt of the ~Illa Pacific housing people to 90Undproof their home at '741 Port Royal Circle, Huntington Beach. .And they're riaaklng $40,000 worth of noise In a. Superior Court action alleging . that lhey're "unable1 to 11~ at night" an'd that the notses of nel(i:hbors in the six-unit buildiri1 ls causing them "ill health and 1lckneas.'' What 'theY'.re getting very clearly, they say •. ate "normal so u1n 'd 1 of talking, coughing, walklq. and -or private and lntlmale. activity .• , eully heard lhroURJ> lhe ••Ila. .. And they claim that Whal VUll Pociflc promUiod' when Ibey bouChl•the hcime~n Odober, 1111, onu; and by docmnen· talion, wu ___.1poe:itive-o;=aoundprooftng for totil prtviey." • · · 4 IBy •Dectmber,J ltll, 'the..,icom~ !ltata, they 0 9"'pededl', •Uilt •they, ,..,....1 1e1unc 11. · Ml'l•1' Fe"""'1' o1 \he. nut year, It goes on, they wtrt! con-9!-lhal lhey' ...... llvlot·••·pntty nortnll nolle ....._, ... ' I .N ..... • del-111 Ille -Jiff <;.D. o. .. '°"""'* Co., IJ'be ColWell Co., -Corp.,'Codrlc II.-. -. B" lll'lpP, '4lllllo 'iXoulllOn; > J;lm P, Coorlney, John Q. ~ aolct ""'1k Iii Jockaon. • Today'• F l•al . N.Y. Stoeks TEN CENTS CRITICIZED ' JURIST QUITS Supreme ~ourt Justlct Fortaa Beacli Seeking Stat e Funds for City Center Par-k Members of tbe, Huntington Beach Parks and RecreaUon Comnllss.i.on have ip.P,lie<ffor funds through the Slate,Hous. ing' s,nd UrbBn ·nevetOpment agency .le> aid in the construcUon of central city park·. '· The application, which has been ap. proved by the city counpl, bas been forwarded lo Sacramento, ~·here it will be approved or rejected by the end ol thi! month. SbouJd it be approved, It means that th~ cily's parks and recreatJon depart- ment could receive $704,412 toward Lite construction of new parks. A new revised model of the HunUngton Central Park was alSo presented' tO the commissioners by Carl Heimburger from J.;ong Beach and architects Linesch and .Reynolds. · · It will be displayed In the Huntington Center Mall one week belore the park bond elecUon scheduled for June 3. In ad· dition the commissioners were informed that attorneys from the city and the Hun- tington Harbour Corp. are making pro- gress in negotiating a more favorable p;:trk sue for the proposed two and a half acre Harbor View Park. The commission will also take steps lh acquiring an additional 1.5 acres of land for the proposed Sun Vle_w Park. to be located on the Shar Lant s o u t b of Edinger Avenue. The purchase of land, which would in- crease the park site to a total of 2.t acres would cost approitimately $'[5,000, aC• cording to Norm Worthy ,. park! and recreation director. HO }IE SECTION I NS IDE TOD AY It's time for neft' color -inside and outside. And lbe mating cry of the steak and barbecue echoes across patios and refurbished gardens. The DAILY PILOT today sah1Les the spring season and· fut-approaching sum.. mer with a "spetjal 10.page "lnslde and Outside Your Home" ·sectlon which offert tips on everything from landscaping to new furniture. It 's inside today. 'weatller . . ·When tbe 1un·acorthed clouds part on Friday, It'll be • great day, with temperatures pushing 70 along the Orange Coast and up to 80 further lnll.nd. INSmE TGDA:l.' . ' Pre.rident Nl%on hat c nct0 COZI/ Uttlt office ;ust GCTO$f the street. bµt hU vice president ii J getti11{1 kind of bumf'Cd •-Cid. j Paoe 5.\. · • -· 1' ! • c1111tn1i. ,_ • _, • ..... .. .. .. • .. 1•1• .. " • .. • • I DAILY PILOT Ii • PILOT ' LOGBOOK • . , 'Bar ber Poll' ·Trimmed? I Not in Pollster's View Jly TOM BARLEY CM ... Dell'r Plllol Sf•H , It loob as lt they're after Dr. Robert Peterson's scalp bec111H be con- ducted a aes:.educatlon poll under lhe red and while pole, but the taker al tonsorial tabulations isn't working up a lather about It. True enough, be had a close shave the other day when county school board trustees voted 3 to 2 lo clamp down on his norH>ffice activJUes, among them poll laking In 20 barber shops. But U the tchool superintendent was singed tiy that bit of vote taking it isn't evident today. On the conlrary, he plans to keep up bis: poll taking polides at their preaent clip and to even expand them to include "other business establishments." It wam't a matter or trimming him down to size, he BaJI, it wu simply that "the trustees haffO't seen the full picture." And two of those bo}lrd members. Peterson adc:f· ed, "are not oriented twanb: these matters in the way that I am." * Nor for that matter, he ,.ys, are IOme of the new• papers who have dwelt at length on Peterson's Gallup-type gallop (It's known in the Civic Center these days u the Brylcreem Survey) and his criticism certainly Includes the DAILY PILOT. "What you people didn 't lake into account," says Peterson, "Is the fact that my survey ranged over a field a lot wider than sex education. And you don't seem lo realize that my head counting waa borne out by later elect.lon results." lJke his aummat.icm that 54 percent of the barbered babblers be taJked to voted "No" on Proposition lA, the f10 .property tax relief meuure. "Fan- tastic, isn't it," sa)'I Peterson, "that M percent of the voters eventually felt that way." * Then there, wu the verdict from the hair houses that the ProposJUon t put forward by Loi Angelea County Assessor Philip Watson would get a 67 per· cent "No'' vote. It worked out for "No" with 59 percent of the county voten going that way. Peterson can explain that. "Between my tour of the barber shops and the November elect.lon, mon than $1 million was spent on promoting that measure," he aald. "That accounts for the eight percent dllference." Sex education, of course, wam't on the ballot. But Peterson predicts that a publlc vote would justify the barbers' verdict -54. percent were again!t an expanded program of sex education in public schoola. BuJ why the barber shops? * "You might call it country thinking," smiles Peterson. "But the way I look at it is that a man who slta In the barber:a chair cares about his appear· ance and he's a man who cares about his voting and what hia child~n should not learn." "You've sat around in barber shops," said Peter~n, "and you know your- self how general conversation carries along and covers just about every com- munity topic." ~Our own tonsorial litillator's topfcs range from Brigitte Bardot through Aru)-Margret and on to Raquel Welsh and !rom where we lit we can't help but notice Playboy's Mlss July. A little further to the left la Ml.ss April and if we w~ uked about sei education some 60 seconds after sitting in that chair we'd ba\re to say ----- (Editor's Hok: You weTn't cslctd. Dr. Peterson 1DC.!.) Exploring ~ sex angle a UtUe further and perhap1 more openly, the ruperintendent asked if 1•poll of beauty parlors would fit Into hLs noveJ atyJe, "Well, not rtally," he replied. "Our ladies are, perhaps, a liWe more isolated and It woUld be a little difficult to contact them while they're under the dryer. There we have a definite problem in the field of lntercommunlca- tion ... " • J'rom Page I PLIGHT OF OCJC DISTRICT ••• year," he said. "The rule of thumb is reserves should be 10 percent of the budget• Several teachers r~presenting the Council Selects McWhinney Westminster ~fayor Oert>k ~1cWhin· ney was h!-e:Jected by the City Council Tuesdad night after he briefly resigned so that the city council could elect a new mayor. The council at' the same time named Councilman Philip Anthony who will replace Mrs. Joy Neugebaue: as vice mayor. The mayor's resignation was ap. parently prompted by an attempt by Mrs. Neugebauer to have it new mayor elected at the last council meeting. DAILY PILOT "•h1rt N. W1•4 P~11ftnl 1N Pvlllllfirr J-.i:t. -· Cwl•y Yk:e Ptlll!Nftl ,,,. ~.i MaNttt l't!0111111 Kt ••il lditw Tflam.i. A. Mwritlil"• MtNtl .... Edifor AJ!Mtt W. l•t11 Wifll1111 lt••4 AU«l .. , H1111llftlteoo h9UI flli.> Cl•r l!dlitw Hlutl ........ omc. JOT Ith Str1 .. Mairl111 A4ir••u ,,o, ... no, •i•-t• --... ....,..,, "9c:fl: UH Wttt ltlDIN lwllvlf• a..i• ,..,_,DI Well 11'1' lftftl ~ a..ui1 tn •ore" •- faculty senates of the two campuses made presentaUons to the board. They ~ked for a four percent cO!l Of living increase, medical, dental and in- surance fringe benefits, and better pay for part-time and · ~mmer school teachers. Thef also ·made a strong pitch for salary credit for courses taken prto"r to earning the master's degree. It wu pointed out that the district is one of only nine out of 67 junior college d)strlcts in the state that does not.give such credit. Board members said they are in sym- pathy with that requeSt: of the teacher1 but wanted to know where they are going lo get the money. They scolded teacher representatives for not wOrking with Dr. WaUon so he could have prepared firm figures on ~t of the teacber salary proposals. Trustees said they want to see those figures when they meet again in two weeks. Also at that Ume a survey is to be J1re'Sented on sala:y clasilllcatiOns for non-teaching emp10yes .. Dr. Watson a.Id be doesn't ·know what the board wlll be able to do.. "It ls pretty . hard to make cuts elsewhere when 78 · percent of tbe operating budijet goes for Instruction (aalarteJ)," he lald. He .said district officials are doing everything possible to get the word to Sacramento lei;islaton of their'" d I r e straights bUt he can'L be very optimistlc from tbat quarter. F am'iJy Service . . . Center · to Open Family Service Asaoclatlon will open an olflc:e ln the Town an<I Country Center. tesa Be.ch Blvd., Jlunttnaton Beach June 1 to serve as a local coumel· iog facility. Cemmunlty a.eat, which Is financing the office. ls located In the center, u Is tbe Chamber of Commerce. A full-time counselor will provide maniago IJld fomlty COUDld!ng u well u assisting community organiu.Uona in p;annJng for the needs Ii tbe 1n11.tq ci- ty. An auxlllaey ii being fonned to support the association wort ln Huntington Buch with fund raising educaUonal programs. Counseling 1ppoint.mf'nt.a may be made through the tSSiOdatlon'• central oUlces ln 1'lltln Wiii! the llW>tlll(ton Beach Of· !ice opens June 1. \ • ----- THIRD TARGET IN RECALL Councilmen Cour,....1 OPPOSES RECALL MOVE Councilmen Just CRITICIZED FOR ROLE City Attorney Mortin J'rom P•e I SCOREBOARD •• recently. He Is a teacher at Cal State, Long Beach. Carroll Mohr, 9802 T!l'lcan Circle, is a p\annh?g commisSioner who has called for a riiinlmum lot size of 6,000 square feet in planned developments. Until recently he was not involved in the recall • controversy, bu' his attempted role as a peacemaker has brought him into the spot.light. Once a friend of the mayor, Mohr now expresses dissatiafaction wlth Schwtirdtfeger's public acUons. Mohr operates a water softener buslne.ss head· quartered in Garden Grove, City Attoniey Edw!A Martin hokls a real estate broker's license and bas been criticized for his involvem~t In the sale of land to tht Larwin Company while also working for the city. Edward J11St, 18889 Santa Clara Circle, one of two city councilmen opposed lo unlimited small lots. In the Larwin suit filed by VanDask he favored the suit, OP" posJng Schwerdtfeger, Fregeau, Cour· rege!S and the Larwin Company. Just, an employe in tbe Llfe Science Division of Autonetics, publicly oppoaes the recall idea, but has often criticized lhe. tliree cotmcilmen the recall attempt Js aimed at. John Harper, 91&5 La Colonia Ave., joins with Just to fonn the minority lac- Uon on the council. He 8190 wu in favor of the VanDaak suit and has often OP" posed the deci!JoM of Ille majority fac- tion. He ls offidally, but not activefy, OJ> posed 10 recall. J.,.pti Colln<pt, 8172 Talbert Ave., ii the thin! target of thoot ~ for recall He owns property near the Larwtn Trac\ IJld lw been crltlclied for not m.akin& that f&d public before city ap- prova1 of the Larwin Tract was granted. Recall bickers also criticiie him for regularly voUng with Fregeau and SdlwerdUtger. Courreges 1teadfasUy malnlalns he r:presents au the people of F'oun taln Valley, which he helped lo Incorporate, not just a faction of the popuJtce. He la a farmer IIld aJao bolds a rtal estate ulesm&n'I lictMe. TARGET IN RECALL EFFORT Councilman Fr11Mu OPPOSES DECISIONS Councilman Harper Humphrey in AAUP MINNEAPOLIS CAP) - A new member of the American A&ociation of University Professors is Hubert H. Humphrey. The former vice president ia now teaching at Macalelter College in SL Paul IIld tbe Unlvenity of Minn<!Ola. Hill application for AAUP memberalllp was sent to the or1anlzation'1 bead- quarten ln Washington and accepted prpmptly. . J'ro• Pqe J ~ ItORTAS .RESIGNS AS J USTICE ! IDJ'OD' UIOcllted With him," 'the lettu year for my nte with arrangemehtt .!«: wld., payment! IO Mrs. ;·ona. In the •v!81 ot Wolltoa "' now ltrViag ,a one-year my death," Ule let.let sald. r .Fllaa ...... Gil 000,Jcilo., of char&ll Fortu iold , the clil•:.J••tice~ ·11.~ maw ... la.-ti · ~.:>'ai.!~!'::"-1':..:,...llli ' federal aecurlU. laws. t foundation . , For the first time publicly, Fortis "Jn June of that year I attend6d and ..,Jmowledged that he received a 11!,IOO participated ln,a m"tjng ol ~ lfi!>taea check from the foundaUon. He uJi ttl1s -ot tbe foundation a.t. Jaeksohviile, Jl'lla..~ 1 he aald. "It ls my rtcollection that !\It. Wolfson did noc. attend the meeting. I went from Jack800vi!le l.o his farm ll:l Ocala where I had an overnight visit, U r recall, wltb him and h1s family ." was the start of what wu to have been a long range association with Ute foun· daUon. ltf Jnllaln -tnv6!ved improvement of conununllJ nlallofJs •n<! tbe promotion of racial and nliglous eooperattoti be ezplained. '"l'he agre<ment ... contemplated that I wouJd perform continuing services, and, Instead of firing variable compensation from Ume to Ume for work done, it ~ \'ided that I would rtetlve $20,CO> per J'rom Page I NIXON ••. -won applause from his 1Upporters ~ subdued 'initial comment from war critics. In the speech the Presidi!nl: -Hinted anew at forthcom.lng U.S. troop wlt.bdrawals regardless of What happens at Paris. "The time Is ap. proaching when South Vietnamese forces will be able to t.ake over some of the fighting fronts now being manned by Americans," he quoted the U.S. Com- mander in Saigon, Gen. Creighton Abrams, u saying. -Vowed to keep his campaign pledge "'to end Utis war in a way that would In- crease our cbanc9 to win true and laating peace" and declared that "U I fail to do so, I expect the American people to hold me accountable for that failure." -Promised U.S. flrmne55 in the basic goal of aeH-determlnaUon for South Viet.. nam -"we have a1so ru1ed out either a one-sided withdrawal from Vietnam, or the acceptance In Parl! of terma that would amount to a disgulaed American defeat," he said. -Delivered a veiled warning to Hanoi against mllitary offensives, saying, "I mu.st make clear in all candor that if the needlus suffering cOnUnues, this will af- fect other decisions." -Appealed to the American people "whatever our differences," to back his peace offer. "Nothing co u Id have a greater effect in convincing the enemy that he should negotiate in good faith than to see the American people united behind a generous and realOnable peace offer," he said. White House sources said Nixon limed his offer which Ud beeit ready fCJr aome weeks, for delivery now because this setms to be the best moment for a U.S. move to thaw the Paris deadlock. J• Later tbe same montb, ;'ol'.\U r:<W.d, hia concluded that his role with the foun- dation should come tc an end. " He cited two reasons -unupecledly heavy wort on the court and Jnfannatioa., that the Seeurities and Exchange C-om- mission bad referred the Wolfson matter to the Justice Department for con- &ideraijon of crimlna.I prosecution. "I therefore wrote a letter to the foun- dation, addressed to it! general C0UJ1RI, dated June 21, 1986, canceling the agree. ment he had entered into, subject to com- pleting the projects ror the year. I recl~d as my reason only the burden ol court work." In the fall of 1966, Wolfson was indicted on Charges stemming from stock traouo- Uons, .. and in Dceember, 1966, I returned to the foundation, in its entirety, the awn of $20,000, previously paid to me," Fortas said. "I concluded that, because of the developments which had taken plJce, the services which I had performed should be treated as a contribution to !he foun- datioo." • 2 GWC Students Design Winn ers First place awards have gone to two Golden West College students in the an- nual architectural desijn c o n t e s t sponsored by Southern Counties and Southern California Gas companies. Judges selected Bill A. Volgarlno, Westminster and RJchard G. Crail, Newport Beach, to receive $100 Savings Bonds and tore p r esent Golden Weat among 65 finalists in regional judgtna: May 20, in Woodland Hills. Slll'treen architectural drafting student& of Edward J. Mulder compete d . Throughout Southern C3lifornla about HO students from 27 community and st.all roll~es are participating. Two winnen from each school are named. 'I'.he cont.est winner will receive a S500 savings bond and a $2,000 scholarship deposited in his name with the award! and scholarship committee of the American Institute of Architecls. Judging the Golden West entries were J. Don Hartfelder and Wchard L. Tom. Huntington Beach architects:, and Manuel Mendez, Anaheim. Honorable mention certlficates went to Steve Knapper, William Bray, Kim Johansen, and Michael Vaughan. a nylon • shag that's young • Ill looks, young • Ill price! $8.95 sq. yd. Yount id., in deaip- •unique foo r-c:ol.or elect from opocial dy.m, techniques. And YOWi& jdeu ia ta:ture-rich,, bouney U.1 that matchel YOl.ll own hi&h spirit&. I.marine sf vitl()'ODr fam.lly th• traditkln and qUlity of Karat.an for hilt tht priee you miibt np.ct to pf;y. ln 15 color comhlutioaa. ' Your favorite de1igntr wlU be h4PP11 1o osmt ~ou •• , -. . ' ~ . , A . •. -~· . ., • Saddle hack . . ED ITIO·N - THURSDAY, MAY 15, '1969 TEN CENTS • Public's Roa·d .Gone ·in:-~10 S·ec.·onds'-Wilcoxen By TOM BARLEY CW .... ~lb' Piiot ll•ff The.re never would have been a Salt Creek Road controversy if Orange County supervisors bad done their duty when the Laguna Niguel Corporation as.ked for aband90ment oft~ rigbklf·way, LaJJUna Beach attorney William Wilcoxen argued today in Superior Court. ln an impassioned argument which was still going on at press time , WilcoJ.en blasted the cowity board for wha~ he tenned "depriving the public, ln t10 more than 10 seconds of dlscussion, ol a pathway that has been In public use for 35 years." Snapping his ringer's bc(ore Judge Claude Owens. the Art Colony lawyer angrily commented "they did it just like thaj without any pretense · of examining · the issues involved in the abandonment of this ·right-Of.way." Thumpirtg the lectern, W i l c o x e n declared , '"It isn't right -It just isn't • right. "It would be hard to conceive of a stronger defense ol the right of the public to use thoroughfar~ like ~t Creek Rof!d than is contalned In our state con- sUtuUon," Wllcbxen declared. ' He quoted at length, ·from article and ctuipter of the Califoi'nia code in ' a discussion that appearti:I to' strengthen liis argument lhal lhe county hod oo iiaht to a~ndon the fo(>t path lo Niguel ~­ poratlt;m. "A'.nd quite ·apart 'from that, \\>e have the addlllOna.l·prot'ecUon afforded by · slate "laws on title lands, 11 Wilcoxen argued. "It is perfectly clear on that score· alone that the c 0 u n ! r acted unlawfulJy when it turned Sal Crtek Road over to priVate interest~.'.' . · WUcoxe{l stated Uiat 4guna Niguel had not opposed h(s argumqit that, tides Washed over SaJt Creek ROad thereby ustice ortas Dowta tlae Mission New Saddlehack Chamber Formed LAGUNA RILl:.s -A new Saddleback Charilber of Commerce has been fonned here to serve Laguna Niguel, Mission Viejo, Capistrano Highlands, El Toro and Laguna Hills. Organizer is Al Blal!, who serves as in- terim manager of the organization form- ed by 18 Saddlcback area business men. Potential area to be served boasts an estimated 30,000 residents and 200 business firms, Blais said. Temporary quarters have b e e n esablished at Niguel Printers, 26075 Getty Drive, Laguna Niguel. Blais, who is assisted by his wire Martlia, said the new Chamber is awaiting an official charter from the Secretary of SI.ate and will hold election of officers later this month. The organizer operates the A and M Public Relations firm and he and his wife have worked toward establishment of a chamber for the past six months, he said. e College Pa11el Set LAGUN A HILLS -A three·member panel of Saddleback Cpllege students will explore "The Generation Gap"' Wed- nesday (or the Laguna Hills Chapter of Uie Constructive Action Council. The cooncil , \vhich concerns itself with 5tudenL prob lems ar.d opinions on today's college campuses. will hear Susan Kiliion, Laguna 11ills; Bob Yount, Tustin; and t.1ike Gallagher, San Clemente. , The ffieeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. in the Royal Savings & Loan building. llarry Alter will moderate. The students will be accompan ied by Or. Doyle McKinney, chairman or the fine arts depanment. e Sex Ed11 rollo11 Film S AN CLE M ENT E -"Pavlov's Children," a movie which takes objection lo sex education, will be presented Mon- day at 7:30 p.m. at the San Clemente High School Cafetorium by the Concerned Parents organization. The 45-minute color motion picture will be followed by a talk given by John Steinbacher, a newspaper columnist who oppcises sex education. Adalts only Will be adnlitted, Mrs. Jerry W a I k er , 1pokesman, said. Cou11tians Due Property Tax Rebate J1me 15 'Doctor' S.till a Threat DA Says It Didn't Matt,er Hoiv Good He ·was. · By TOM BARLEY 01 IM ~ilr ,Ult 11111 •·Jt doesn'( make any difference how intelligent, how adaptable or how audacious Robert Ervin Brown was. He was a layman, a man unqualified in medicine. "His very presence in a clinic and a hospital was a threat to the lives of pa· tients who had a right to consult a qualified cardiologist." This will be the theme of Chief Deputy District Attorney James Enrlght's rinal argument today before a Superior Court . Jury, in the impostor case of "Dr." Brown. Enright told the DAILY PILOT that he will urge the panel to speedily coovict "the phony physician," on 13 counts of pracilcing medicine without a license. lt b expected that. the prosecution's argument will be delivered shortly after the noon break in Jud8:e Byron K. McMillan's courtroom. Final rebuttal witnesses were testifying in the closing sl.ages of the trial at press Ume today. "At no time has Browp or aIJYODe else denied that he posed for five weeks as Dr. Glenn L. Foster," Enright said. "'We've had a lot of testimony designed to show how gpod he was, how he loved nledlclne and bo'w he didn't . mean to hann •anyone." L d S -s l "d H "But the point· is, if he didn't hann 0 ge ees . 0 l . ope anyone_; and we're not saying thal·he . : · didn't ·...: he llail • dainn g<iod chanee of I d . . .. Ji)ltM' the chotOe bOtwOesi I ' A ~"''j'-· · ·. a~' In,. Nixo· n Peace Pro.;?\p:· os'ii:t: chroili• ·::.r.:0m,.IQ•~11i· .... -"IJbtn'i< 'f\IO''Will ~.lhts,• E>tlglit.aa' •"l lblnk lhe.jurrwtlt find lhis man guilty." WASHINGTON {AP) -President Nix- on's eight-point Vietnam peace offer provides the opportunity for· "solid negotiatiON ••• if there is a desire on the <Mer old<," Ambassador Jlenry Cabot Lodge aaid t'<iday .• Nixon outlined his proposal, Including a plan for a mutual pull~ut of major forces AddlUonalPeaee Stories, Pages 4, ZS over a 12·month span, in a nationwide ad- dress Wednesday night. Lodge, who will present them at the Paris peace talks Friday morning, talked \vlth newsmen in the White House rose garden after a joint meeting wUh Nixon, the Cabinet and the National Security Council. • • . When he presents the proposals to the ' negotiators, he said, 111 will ask them not to make a quick judgment but to Uiink..lt over." He brushed aside initial crtllclsm.from repreeentatives of tbe Viet Con1's Na- tional Liberation Front in Parts. , The NLF , in :ts inltial reaction there, saiq the United States "still clings to it.s old formula oI a mutual withdrawal of troops, a formula wtuc:h we · have repeatedly rejected." But Loda:e commented that "l don't think we take thole types of statements at face value." Lodge said the presidenUal speech JS not a "counter jJropouJl' to the JO-point o([e.r by the Viet Cong's National Libera· tion Front at the Paris meeting a week ago. Dewtr. Public Defender Lawt'enee BuCklty his. ref\aied to oommenron what his closing argumtnt will be. Rebuttal witriessel tOOay went· back lo earlier testimhay in· whlch It was alleged that the 33-year..old Blnningham, ·AJa., man \ordered a+ dangerous. drug ·for a disperately Ill patient -in at least 10. &lines the quanUty riorinally'ordered. , A Fullerton nurse ·testified that ~.:he volume o{ the oi'der submitted by "Dr. Foster" sent her running to 'a•woman in- ternist to check the prescription. It was immediately cahceled. .Brown denies that he ordered lbe drug In the quantity alleged by Enrlgh.t. He has insisted throughout the trial that he knew his own limitations and that nothing he did posed any threat to the t.03 pa· tients he is alleged to have Jreated. Two valuable reels of computer tape, providing an $1 1.9 million tax refund bonanza. for 17l,322 Orange County tax· payers, were flown to Sacramento this morning by. Assistant Chief Deputy Coun· - ly Tax Assessor Gary Cottrell. The $70 per taxpayer refund , provided [or In proposition lA passed by the st.ale's voters last November. will be mailed to :laimanls by State Controller Houston •'lournoy on June 15. County As.seiior t.ndrew J. Hinshaw said. Hinshaw said hi~ starr worked until two ~ morning completin1 the com· ~ t>Uterized list to be sent to Sacramento by :odiay's deadline. ~assessor said his ornce processed it4 ,3S9 clalms returned Crom 244.408 Ji!o&iled earlle.r this y ar to county pro- ~ ownen. ' Sign maker Earl Secor (left) nnd Laguna Beach Mayor Glenn E. Vedder Inspect some o! 20 signs ordered by county to mark new marine life pre- serves in Co rona del Mar, Laguna and South La- guna. Slans, to be posted soon, will warn beacb- • oringing it within tidelands jurhdiction. "And that ls evidence. enough that they had no right to try to deprive the public or acces'S ·to the Pacific Ocean," be &aid. Laguna Niguel lawyers had not had the opportwllty to reply to Wilcoxen at press ume. 1 Jt is not expected that Judge Owt?ns will rule today on the Salt Creek iuue. Court sources anticipate that lbe jufist wilt need more time to exami.M t~ Two Laguna Hills . ' Sisrers · Hurt in Auto . Accident . . \ ' . Two Laguna Hills sisif:rS suf{eted ma- jor injuries and another woman minor cuts Wednesday afternoon ln a Newport Beach left-tum accident termed "one ol Uiose m'ystery· crashes" by traffic in- vestigators. The viCUms are Mary Laughlin, 71 . and her sister, Helen, 67, both of 414-C Avenida Castilla, Laguna Hiiis. The dtjv,er ~t~,~r-inJqrieir is Sajty . Jean Edwards, 21, of Tustin. Officer.s said the.crash occurred at 1:35 p.m. at San Joaquin Hills and JambOree Roads marked 'by recently Installed ' signals. Mary Laughlin is urtder tntenslve care at Hoag Memorial Hospital · with frac- tures of bOth cOila:r booes, and her pelv'is along with Internal injuries. Her condttlon is serious. Her sister Is In the hospital's surgery ward in fair condition with a shoulder fracture. The Edwards woman was released after emergency treatment, hospital aides said. ' · Traffic . investigators said one of .the two cars had to run a red light 'to cause the· crash, but the)' doubted whether the blame could be established. The intersection is equipped with left tum arrows, pockets and signals all four ways. The Laughlin car was making the tum dhto San Joaquin when it was hit broadside by the other auto traveling straight on Jamboree! offlctn said. voluminous briefs and petltJom submitted by both ~des. An interested spectator at.today'• hear· ing was Orange County Grand Jury Foreman William Martin. ll ls known that several ,peraOns fn. volved in the current cotD't action - Wilcoxen, directors ol the Capistrano Bay Park and Recreation Dlatrict and Laguna Niguel officials among tbem -have (See SALT CREEi, Pap I) Wolf son's Gift Said 'Life Deal' WASHINGTON (UPI) -JUJtico Abe Fortas resigned from the Supreme Court today, acknowledging plans for a long- term financial arrangement with the family ioundation of financier Louis Wolfson but denying any "default" in bis duties. President Nli:on accepled the resigna- tion effective immediately. In a letter to Chief Justice Earl War- ft!.n, Fortas confirmed that he had receiv· For!ai Proftle -SeePac<I ~ '20,900 from the family foundation of lhe noi!·lmprisoned WoU..On and !'iid it was to have been a staodlng arrangement -that 'Is that he was to receive' #0,000 a year fbr the rest of his Ute. The justice said he terminated the ar· ranaement and rem,rned the first year fee of ao;ooo in late 1966. "But," Fortas wrote, 11J have not In· terced~ or taken part in any legal, ad· minlstrative or judiclal matter affecting Mr. Wolfson or anyone associated with him." I He said the agreement, in December, 1965, soon after he joined the court, "contemplated that I would perform con- tiouing servicts, and, Instead of fixing variable compensation from time to time for work done, il provided that I would reccive twenty tho\isand per year for my life with arrangements for payments to Mrs. For ta& In the event ol my death." Fortas told Warren his resignation was prompted by "the welfare and maximum ef,fectlveness of the court to perform its critical role in our system of govern- ment." He sent a Jetter late Wednesday to President Nixon submitting his reaigna· lion and Nilon wrote him an acceptance this morning. Fortas also wrote Warrtn with an ei:planatlon of his dealings wlth Wolfson and of his decision to resign. The exchange between Fort.as and Nlx4 on was not immediately disclosed, but the court made public the ·Fortas letter to Warren. Stodc Jtlorkets NEW YORK (API -The stock market, after two days of advance, clos. ed. with a moderate loss today as brokers reported some investors discouraged by the Viet Cong's rejection of ·a mutual troop withdrawal propOsal put forth by President Nixon. (See quotations, Pages !S.!9). Or•••e Weather Whe~ lbe sun.scorched clouds part on Friday, it'll be a ereat d&y, wlth temperatures pushing 70 along the Orange Cout and •up to 8Q further inland. llJ~IDE TOD/\ 'l' 1 .~ •• Pfol.ttnt" Nlzon hdf 'a' ~d'w, .. •<...,.. conf,li io -o//ftc .Jllll OCTO$S'!he' 1 , 1lf1:1t, ut hit vace. prt.tkft-nt ii · getUng kind oJ bMf!lPf:d around. ,l'aoe ~. ' CM..,,.._ t Cinllfi.. 1'.)f C.lc• 16 {~ ....... i~ 1:=:...".:' 1: ll'lll8M• 1,.,, -" Nil Willlfln It ,,_., .. frlk:e ,. -" • • I. . - I DAll.Y "10T l _,, May 1', 1'169 LOGBOOK. ·'Barber Poll' Trimmed? ' Not in Pollster's View By TOM BARLEY Of .. o.&rJ Plllft SllH tt looks as lf they're after Dt7'Robert Peterson's scalp because he con·· ducted a sex education pall under the red, white and blue pole but the taker of tonsorial tabulaUou isn't working up a lather about It. ' True enough, he bad a close ·shave the other day when county school board trustees vcted 3 to 2 to clamp down on his non~ffice activities, among them poll ialdng In 20 barber ShoJlO. But if the school superintendent waa tinged by that bit of vote taking it illn't evident today. On the contrary, bt plans lo keep up his poll taklna polleles !t \heir present clip and to even expand them to lnclUde • other business establishments." It waan't a matter of trimming him down to sir.e, he says, it was simply that "the trustees haven't seen the full I plcturt." And two of tb04e board mergbers., ,Peterson tdd· ed, "are nol oriented twards these matters ln the way that I am." • * Nor for that matter, be says, are some of the news- papers wh? have dwelt at length qn Petmon's GalluJ>'lype gallop (it's known 1n the Civic Center these days as the Brylcreem Survey) and his criticism certainly Includes the DAILY PILOT. "What you people didn't take into account," says Peterson, "ia the fact that my IUl'Vey ranged over 1 field a lot wider than sex education And you don't seem to realize that my head counting was borne out by later election results." Like his summation that 54 percent of the barbered babblers he talked to voted "No" on Proposition lA, the fro property tax relief measure. "Fan-- tastic, isn 't it," says Peterson, "that 54 percent of the voters eventually felt that way." * Then there was Ute verdict from the bai,r houses that the Propo1ltion t put forward by Los Angeles County Assessor Phillp Watson wouJd get a 67 per.. cent "No" vote. It worked out for "No" with st percetit oC the county voten going that way. Peterson can explain that "Between my tour of the barber shops and the November election, more than •t million was spent on promoting that measure," he s8:1d. "That accounts for the eight perCent difference," ~x education, ?f ~urse, wasn't~ the ballot. But Peterson predicts that a public vote would JUSlify the barbers' verdict -54 percent were against an expanded program of sex education in public schools. But why the barber shops? * "You might call it country thinking," amllu Petersf>n. "But the way t look at it is that a man v.·ho sits in the barber'• chair cares about bis appear· ance and he's a man who cares about his v<Jtina aM what hia chUdren should not learn." ~ "You've sat around if! barber .shops," said Peterson, "and y<ru know your- self how gent'ral conversation carries along and covers just about every com· ~ munity topic." ~ Our own tonsorial titillator's tofcs range from Brigitte Bardot throuah t Ann·Margret and on to Raquel Welch and from where we alt we can't help but notice Playboy'• MiA July. A little fur!ller lo the left Is Mlaa April and If · we were .asked about !leJ' education some 60 seconds after sitting ln· that chair we'd have to say ----- f·E4itor's Note: You weren't asked. Dr. Ptttpms wa.s.) • _Exploring the ses: angle a little furtbtr and perhapl _inore openly, the superintendent asked If a poll of beauty parlors would fit into his novel style: "Well, not really," he replied. "Our ladles are, perhaps, a Utile more isolated and it would be a Jlttlt difficult to contact them while they're under the dryer. Then we have a delhtlte problem in the field of Intercommunica- tion •.. " !--------------- Laguna Baby Sitter Faces Charges of Child Neglect A case of alleged child neglect durln1 lhe wedding of a detecUve has resulted in criminal charges against a Laguna Beach baby sitter. , Ruth Louise DunLavey, 52, or 790 N. Coast Highway, was arrested at her oorpe Monday afternoon by detectives inned wllh a warrarit. She was released on her own reco~zance by Judge Richard Hamilton oendmg arraignment in municipal court F'riday morning on child neglect charges. Detective Sgt. Vic Sagan said he had 1ust entered the wedding recepUon of ~et. Gene Brooks and l\1rs. Carolyn Howe, 249 Monte Verde, Laguna Niguel, May 2 when he learned Mrs. Howe's son, Javid, 20 months, was reported kid· uiped from the babysitter's. Sagan said he went to the DunLavey Gome wh.ere Officer Neil Purcell was tak· DAILY PILOT ORANC.a <0 ... 51 l"Ull 11.HING COMl'A.HY Rebtll N. W11i ,.tn~lll 11111 hbU..._, J1clt It, C11rl1y Vk• ,.,..ldtnt ,,,. oe,,.ttl .,..,.._., n'""'' K11wa ··~ Tho11'11, A. Murph!"' Mii""!"' f:til<I' ltich 1ti '· Nill L-8fldl Cf,., hller ---222 F1r11t Awe. M1lll11t Ai4reu: P.O. 111 6'6, t261? o,..._ • Ing 1 report. PurceU aUeged Mrs. DunLavey had been drinking. As police were comparing not.ea in the yard, Sagan said, a neighbor woman ask· ed how the child waa dressed and called their attention to a steep incline between the houses. Sagan said police could set small tennia shoes In a bru!h-covered drainage area. He said Utey Wund the boy with bruiaea and a awollen forehead, apparenUy from a fall after he crawled out of the backyard at the DunLavey residence. Sagan said the tot was lying face down on a 30 degree incline and was near a 25- foot drop. The child was picked up by hl1 mother and Brooks and t.aken to the hospital for an examination. f'ro•n P•ge 1 .SALT CREEK •• testified before the panel. It has been reported that supervisor Alton E. Allen of Laguna Beach, a county official who has supported Laguna Niguel at all phases of Uie abarulonment, wilt be asked to testify in the near future. lt has not been possible to obtain confirmaUcn of that Information. Wilcoxen argues that Salt Creek Rood was deeded to the county by the St.ate o( California In 1933 u a public rlght~w California ln 1933 as a pubUc right-of-way and that it! statLll has not and cannot be changed. He c on d e m n 1 pre-abandonment maneuverint o! Laguna Nlfllll Iowan!• acqulslllon of the foot polh a.s highly suspicious and crttlclJes co u o t y superv!Jon for abandonlnt t h e thoroughfare wilhout ta.kin& a vote on the iuue. Festival of Arts Scheduled at Aliso Allao Elementary School In Soolh Laguna wlU •lage Ill sprlna F .. Uval of ArU tonight betlnnlng at 7:30 In the school cafeteria. 'M'le festival fesllvllles are to include a pl8y by lht drama department, musical numbers by the chorus and band and a fashion show of clothing the studtl'lts have made in &ewin& clas.t. • \ ! Yat.tls Place for Ll!l!l!OON who tue theJr fropt yard& !or things other than Jandacaping -like sl<lr· lng campers, trailen and boat. -were warned today by Willlll1l Meyer, bousliit and zoning ,lnapectot, that the~ may be In vlolatloo ol •''" -'•• laws. "Wifb ~1i((t~a.mmer resldenta and •l!ltors to llle cilY during the pMt few weeks, • ¥inile increase in viola· tlona: of this city'• toning regulations has been noted," Meyer aald; "Boats, trailers and campers have been noted parking In the front and aide yard& of the retidentiaJ areas, 11 be said. Meyer quoted loca1 ordinance which says, "front yards Jhall nc.C be used far • . . the storage of trailera, boats, campers or the ltoriP of any materiall, nor shall fiaid yard be used for the regular or constant parking o f automobiles or other wbicles.'' "The only area in the resldentlaJ zones of Laguna Beach where• vehlcle, trailer, boat or camper can be permanently ·parked is in a garage, a car port or within the rear yard." Meyer said. Questioned aboul lhe pooslbility that a resident might use a campered pickup truck on a day-to-day balls, but because of aize be unable to ~t it in hiaj garage. Clyde Springe, Building and planning Department director, aaid such a silua· tioo was unfortunate. Laws governing such vehicles should be looked into prior to purchase, Springe said. "Violators of the code will be informed by letter and If within a reasonable Ume, they have not abated the violation, the matter will be referred to the city •at· tomey for appropriate acUon," Meyer said. Arts Festival ' Giving $1,000 For UCI Grant Fest1va1 of Arla d.l:recton have authorized uu of $1,000 toward a mat. chlng fundJ scholarsh1p at UCI for Orange County art students. DI.rector Helen Keeley told the board Tue9day that the state will match each dollar of the funds wilh 71 .,_, maklnt a $1750 scholarsh1p. Mn. Keeley said Bite loamed while making lnqulri'" that UC! will now ac· cept c:rtclill ,from LltJUll!l Beach School o1 Ari le Deaip l>ecau.. the art tcbool ti accredited. Director Paul Griem said the develop- ment would be a· real ahot!Jn the um for the art school In other business: -Mn. Keeley told the boud the! deck- ing the flood cbannel a"°" from the Festival of Ario to provide additional parkilu< may not be practical· but that the city will secun cost est1mate1. -The board authorized· purchase cl. a $450 :JO.foot spun aluminum flag pole that will l!l•ich the F..Uval llgbl Btandards and1be maln-.Ce free. -The board t~ved $100 to replact a water heater "that gave up the gho,st" in the Festival offlces. -The board adjourned Into secret et• ecutive session which is a usual pr~ cedwe. Real 'Hot Car' Burns in Laguna A car whjch county firemen said wu stolen from 1 Hawthorne man was deltroyed by fire WednO!day night In South Laguna. Firemen from the South Laguna Coun. ty Fire StaUon were called to the scene by Llruna Buch Fire Department .,.,.hich had received an anonymoua re- port on the blazing auto. ' The vehicle was parked tn front of 31&52 West St. Firemen old the blaze which started In the pa11enger com· partment did $450 damate to \he 1114 model car. 'I'be vehicle wu registered to George Williams of moo s. Vermont st., Hawthorne who earlier Wednesday bid reported It ltolen; Literary Prize For Laguna Lad Literary laurels are not too heavy, even fir 1-yeol'Old Chari,. curt1a who _, ,.. cood prize In the nttlonal contest spon- sored by Henry Walck Publlshlnt C.. Tho third grader at El Morro School learned Wednelday that he woo a 110 U.S. Savings Bond for wr!Ung a story which ,..nt alOlll wilh a pictorial bot wardltaa bclok, "Whit Whlaken Did." According to the son of Mr. and Mn. David Curtis, '80 Hlfh ll!1ve, Whll~Q a dof, escaped from hla -and f throucb several adventures b e f·o r e ttturnJoc home.' Young Cllrtia competed wllh 7,000 thlrd·srlde ...wd-be aulhon around lhe nalloo .In the contelt and In addltloo to the bond, urned IO boob for hla tcbool's library. 10 Arabs Executed DAMASCUS, Syria (AP) -Tho traql government executed 10 Arabi before d•ybreak today for spying for Israel. the United States and Iran, lhe official , lraql news aaency rtJ)Ol'ied • . -........ • - •' I LAGUNA TEEN ·CORNER By TOM G0Rt-4AN ' • How many of you out there in Parent Land tum on with your children? Not t.oo many, huh? Maybe that's why there are so many transient youth roam· Ing the countryakre. I'm no\ proposing that you cross your 1eRll Md smoke marijuana. Thett'I lllOll>er kind of trip lhat J heard of Monday nl<ht. I'm meroly pass- ing it aloog aS a public service to )'OU and your clilldren. ,. Villa Pitrk high school senior told lhe Laguna Coordlnating CounCil of her life with drugs. She everitually turned herself in to juvenile hall, and since then she's gone •traleJ>t. - * Before long she had heard of a religious organluttoo that twiu yoong people on to Jesua Chris&. And now she states, "l ride higher with Cbriat than I ever did with drugs." It was quite a switch for her, and now she's giving her tesUmony all over the County. At tbe same meeting, Carol Towers (Carol's Books on Coast Highway) claim· ed she's sold more religious books to "longhairs" this past year than the total sales of ber 22 previous years ln business. "You know," one hippie told her, "these - boob have got me olf martj1,1ana. • .. Ma~be U-Yount people are on to aomethlng. "It llu tlullled lhem-(the yoong people) to bf,ve u aduJt to talk to U>ent in. tellectuaDy about the various rell8io111 " Mn; POW¥ri •. !Sid. :\ ' l'm not tryu:ig to aJve a sales pitch for Jesui ChrlaL I figure he's got. 'enough salesmen on earth already who are more capable than me or dohig that kind o( job. I only have two points to"make. First, I hope that someday people won 't put down everyone lhey see with long hair as being narcotics or marijuana users. A lot have turned <Jn to Someone a lot.more powedul . * Secondly, YMCA Director Roger Carter claimed that one reason for transient youth is a Jack of support and Christian . Jove within the household. Are you afraid your child mlgbt walk out; and not come back, oome day? Then maybe you should take the advice of the . professionals who spoke at the meeting, and turn on to Jove. '"' · * Congratulations are in order for Howard Hills, next student body presi· Old ]unjor High School -' To House Sixth Graders? By JEAN COX Of 1111 Dlllr Plllf $ .. ft Sixth graders from four elementary IChools In Capi.slrano Unllied School , Dbtilct may attend cJa.sses in the old San ·Juan Capiatnno junior high achool next tan: During a study session Wednesday night school trustees lookt.el into the po!Siblllty cl. opening the old school for 12 sixth grade classes from Palisades, Richard Henry Dana, San Juan and Crown Valley elementary schools. "Generally 1 think we have approval of the plan," commented Truman Benedict, assl.stant distrid ,superlntendent, today. He said lhe move-•ould enable the district to keep about eight classrooms in the elementary schools open for an· ticipated growth nest year. In seeking to find .a Jess expenaive way to meet growth demands, the district had eoasi~ both sending students to Marco Ferster Junior Hi&ii School or lea•lng them In the elementazy IChooll. However, after conslde(ing the cost of renting portable classrooms and con- veri.lng cafetorlums for classroom use, it wu decided re<Jpening the old school • woo.ld be the lesst etpensive way, ex- plained Joe Wimer, director <Jf ad- ministrative service. The city baa been considering purchas- ing the old school to uae u a civic cen- ter, and accordiDg to Wimer, the school's U.9e f« classrooms does not rule out this possibility. Wimer said the city wouldn't want the space until 1970 and then perhaps an agreement could be worked out so the !'Choo) could share the space ror a short Ume. The old school, whlch served as a high school anti then later a junior high before closing last year, grew a great deal like Topsy. Its first portion was built in the 1921ls and adilitions were made in the late 1930s. Quonset huts which slt·on the land date from W<Jrld War Il. "It was closed down because lt nad Deen considered to be inadequate from an f;d~tional vjew, however there are cer· tafirp(l'tions which are reasonably new," said J!e!>edict ''The quonset buts," he emphasized, 11are presently not anticipated for u&e. To say they are educationally inadequate i. probably an .-Stement." dent of Lacuiia,~icb· Hlgh 5chOol Some 1°' ~ -J>OlfUI col\tl!llltee members (led by 'Mllie Schwaru) suggesttd that he ~·o • couple ol days off " ••• after a hithly emotional and e·lhausttni cam· paJgn.'' Not Howard. He'o bllsy plannlng Ills program fOf next.year, and will pr....,t it to the .SWdents in a special assembly lat.er this month. · . This Saturday ~ere will be an LBHs first. The advanced drama ·class will present, ,,free of charae. a "dr~alic montage to the cornmui\lty at 7:30. ~sides being free (whicp in itself ls uni- que), the product1<Jn i.s cOmplelely student.directed. Jt'll be one of the mo.st interesting productiona the school has ever put out. Be there. · The jun_ior-senior prom (a bit more et· peQsive, at '3.50 a .~ouple) will be staged at the Balboa Pavilion a week from Fri· .day at. 8:30 p.m. J~nlor class -president Wayne Organ has Ju st about blown his mind <Jrganizing it, but the end result 5hould make it all worthwhile.· , The theme is "Pepperland." fthink it must have something to "tfo with the BeaUes' album "Sgt. Peppi:r." Don't take my word for it; go and experience it. Laguna Sununer Lifeguard Tests Set on Saturday Applicants for summer lifeguard jobs in Laguna Beach will be tested Saturday beginning at 9 a.m. at the Main Beach Uteguard tower. The competition for sis: or seven open· ings will include a 1000.meter rot1gh water swim from the Main Beach to Bird Rock and back. There will be a run·swim·run com· peUllon In which applicants rnn 200 yards on the sand, swim 150 yards and run another 200 yards. The competition will also include a mock rescue to be performed by each of the applicants. Following Lbe competiUon an oral interview will be conducted. Applicants must fill out an appHcation which can be picked up at the Main Beach lifeguard tower. A health certifica· tion from a physician is also required and those under 21 years of age need parental consent. - Starting guards are payed $2.45 hourly. The top competitors chosen· to :fill available openings are given .t w o weekends of tralning in lifeeuard lkills and then are evaluated on duty. a nylon shag that's young • In looks, young • In price! $8.95 sq. yd. YounJidM1lnd.t,n- 1 uniqu• four-eolar tlecl from .pecla1 dyeiq techniques. And yoanr idea io tu lure-rich. bouncY lhar tbat Dll:tdMI your own hi&h spi.rit.a. lmaaiot 1ivincYoW family tha traditioo ud quality of Karul&n for half tha price you mii}lt e:rptCt to PQ". lll 16 color _...._ Your fauorftt dttiQ'Tltr tDiU bt Mm Co aa1lat V011 ~ • • PROFESSIONALH.J.GARRETI fURNITTJ~~ HARBOR BLVO. INTERIOR OESIGNERS Opoo M•, Timi. It fri, 1-. COSTA MESA, CALIF. H6·11l75 6'46·0216 • ., • I • r • · Lag11na B~aeh N.l'. St.Him ! ' ' ' . ORANGE C04tl1'Y,· CA~IFORNIA· voi:. 62, NO. I 16 , 4 SECTIONS. 40 PAGES f'•. THURSDAY, MAY JS, 1969 • TEN CENTS • Public's Road \Gone iB.·'~10-·Secands'-Wilcoxen By TOM BARLEY OI flM D9lff' "lift Iliff There never wouJd have been a Salt Creek Road controversy il Orange County supervisors had done their duly when the Laguna Niguel CorJ)Oralion asked for abandonment of the right-of-way, Laguna Beach, attorney William Wilcoxen argued today in Superior Court. ' In an lrnpass.iooed argument which was st.ill going oo at press time, Wilcoxen blasted lhe county botrd for what he termed "depriving the tubUc, In no more than 10 seconds of ~on. of a pathway ~t .baf been in public use for 35 years." Snapping h.is fingers before Judg_e Glaude Owens, the Art Co16ny lawyer angrily commented "they did it just like 1 that without any pretense · of examining the issues involved in the abandonment of this rigtrt..of.Way." · . Thumpinc the lectern, Wi I co i: en · declared, "It isn't rlCbt -It Just· l!n~ to ab$ndon the fool path to Niguel C.r- rliiit. poratloo. · \'lt would be hard to conctive of a "And quite apart from that, we have ·• de! r••· h ·rib bl theaddili<nll........,oo••,rfo•d·edby stro.aget.. ense o uc rig to e pu le stete laws ~--~lands," 1 w11co,en lo USC thoroughfares like Slit Creek Rold • argued. ''It· is perfectly clear oil that thap is contained in our state con-, score alooe · that ~ co u n t y acted stltution," Wllco1en declared. unlawlully when It • tW'lJed. •Salt Creek 'He' quoted ai ·~ngt.b frpin article &Pd Road cyet to private interest.I.'' chapter of tht Calllor;UJ ·code .. in a Wilcoxen statea thi.t Laguna ' Niguel discussion lhat appeared to .str~ had nof opposed his argurnent"that tides his argument that the county~ no rl&)\t washed ove.r Salt Creek 'Road &hereby · ' . ' ustice Down the Mission Trail New Saddleback Chamber Formed LAGUNA HILl.S -A new Saddleback Chamber of Commerce has been rorm ed here lo serve Laguna Niguel, Mission ~Viejo, Capistrano Highlands, El Toro and Laguna Hills. · Organizer is Al Blais, who serves as in· terim manager or the organization foqn-- ed by 18 Saddleback area business men. Potential area to be served bouts an estimated S0,000 residents and 200 business firms, Blais ~id. Temporary quarters tiave b e e n esablished at Niguel Printers, 26075 Getty Drive, Laguna Niguel. Blais, who is assisted by his wife ~1artha, said the new Chamber is awaiting an official charter {rotri the Secretary of State and will hold election or officers later this month. The organizer operates the A and ~t Public Relations firm and he and his ~·ife have \vorked toward establishment of a chamber for the past six months, he said. e College Panel Set LAGUNA HILLS -A three-member panel of Saddleback Ccl\ege students will ~xp\ore "The Generation Gap" Wed- lleSday for the Laguna Hills Chapter of lhe Constructive Action Council. The council, which concerns itself with 1tudent problems and opinions on today's :ollege campuses, will hear Susan Kiliion, ~guna Hills: Bob Yount, Tustin ; and \like Gallagher. San Clemente. The meeting w\11 be held at 7:30 p.m. in the Royal Savings & Loan building. Harry ~Jter will moderate. The students will be 1c.companied by Dr. Doyle Mc.Kinney, :hairman o( the fine arts depanment. e Sex Educaf.lon Film SAN CLEM ENT E -'·Pavlov's Children.'' a movie which takes objection !o sex education, will be· presented Mon. i!JY al 7:30 p.m. at the San Clemente Engh School Cafetorium by the Concerned Parents organization. The i>minute color motion picture will oe followed by a talk given by John Steinbacher, a newspaper columnist who l>pposes sex education. Adults only will be·· admitted, Mrs. Jerry W a I k e r, spokesman, said. Countians Due Prope11y Tax Rebate June 15 Two valuable reels of computer tape. providing an $11.9 million tax refu nd lOflanza for 171 ,3%2 Orange County ta1· 16yers, were flown to Sacramento this :oorning b)"' Assi3tant Chief Deputy Ccun· IY Tax Assessor Gary Cottrell. The f;O per taxpayer refund, provided m,-in proposition IA passed by lhe slate's 'otcrs last November, will be malled to !laimants by St.ate Controller Houston 'loumoy on June IS. County Assessor lndrew J . Hinshaw said. Hinshaw said his starr worked unW two bis · morning completing the com· M.1terizcd list t.o be sent to Sacramento by OOay's deadline. 'l'he assessor said bis office processed 14.359 claims returned from 244.406 nailed earlier lhiJ year lo county ~ te-rt)' owners. • 'D,octor' Stil-1 ,a Th:r·eat . DA Says It Didn't .Mat"6r .How Good He •.Was By TOM BARLEY Of HM Deltr Pillot SMK ''It doesn't make any difference haw intelligent, how adaptable or how audacious Robert Ervin Brown was. He wu a layman, a man unqualified in medicine. "His very presence in a clinic and a hospital was a threat to the lives of pa· tlents who had a right to consult a qualified cardiologist." This will be the theme of Chier Deputy District Attorney James Enright's fmal argument today before a Superior Court Jury, in the impostor case or "Dr." Brown. Enright told the DAILY PILOT that he will urge the panel to speedily convlc;t "the phony physician, .. On '13 counts of practicing medicine without a license. . It is expected that the prosecu,Uoo's • ' argument will be, delivered shortly after the no o n break in Judge Byron K. McMillan's courtroom. Final rebuttal witnesses were testifying in the closing &tages of the trial at press time today . "At no time has Brown or(anyone elie de:Ued that he pmed1for five •weeks aa Dr., GleJl!I L. Foster;" Enri&ht said. "We've had a lot of te.stimQny"deslgoed lo st)(>w how ·gpod Re ' was, mnw~ lie loved ~ciqe .. 81}~ •how .1he ~'.t mean to Lodi!~. Sees .Solid ·Hap-, e,, ~.' :~~~~·~: ~~~~ t I ~~'j:"'..1'..iGo...('J~' '\ •.. • l;,.'! , J •• ~f\S ·~~~ . ~~=Of • , i • r dflD& 'aft.. yen~ c 1 lfet~eerl fa I N • . ·p JP . ' l' ~JIYp)u ..it.a 1' a gqa9;,. ~ n 'lxon eace = rop· osa ~"=~ ~.:0~.i:i~-:· • · , . ' "I tbihk the jwy Will f<COClllze this • Enrlgltt said, "f think the jwy will w:.i ·this man guilty." WASIUNGroN (AP) -President Nix· on's eight-point Vietnam p e a c e offer provides the opportunity for "solid negotiations ••• if there ts a desire on the <Kher side," Amblsaador ffenl')' .Cabot Lodge said todaf. Nixon outlined his proposal, including a plan for a mutual pull-out of major forcea Addllloaal p._ Stories, Pages 4, !S over a 12-month span, in 1 nationwide ad· dress Wednesday night. Lodge, who will present them at the Paris peace talks Friday morntnc, talked ~·ith newsmen in the White House rose garden after a Wint meeting with Nixon, the Cabinet and the Nltiolial Security Council When he presents the proposals to the negotiators, he said, u1 will a!k them not to make 1 quiet judgment'but to think it over." ' He brusbed aside tniUal criticism from representatives of . the Viet Cone'• Na· Uonal LlberaUon Front in Paris. The NLF, in !ts initial ruction there, said the Uaited States 111lill clings to Its old formula d. a mutual withdrawal of troops, a formula which we have repeatedly reject<d." But Lod&e commented· that ur; don't think we lake those types ol statements at 'face value." ... f • Lodge iald the pruideftUal ~h ~ not a "CQ:Unter ,propoAI" 'to tht" 10-point offer by the Viet tong•s NaUooi! lJbera- tion Front at tbe Paris meeting 1 week ago. Refuge Sig•• Prepared Sign maker Earl Secor (left) and Laguna Beach Mayor Glenn E. Vedder Inspect some of 20 signs ordered by county to mark naw m·artne !Ue ~te­ lierves in Co rona de! A1ar, Laguna and South JA.. guna. Signs, to be posted i~n, wW warn beach· .PJt,ty , PubUc Defender La~rence Bu has refused t.o comment on what .'his cloolog argumeol wlll be. Rebuttal witnes:sel today went back.to e8.rlier ttstlmony in which it was alleged that the 3,1.'.year-old Birmingham, Ala·., man ordered a dangerous drug for a desperately ill patient in at least 10 times the qUIJltity nonnally ordered. A Eullerton nurse testified that ::he volwne of the order submitied by "Dr. Foster" sent her running to a woTn8.J1,in· ternist lo c~k the prescription. It was i.riimediatelY cancel~. " . 'Browh deilies that he ordered the drug In the quantity alleged by Enright. He has imisted throughout the trial that he knew his own limitations and that nothit,lg he did posed any tlireat to the lt.1 pa· tients he iS alleied to have trured. . ' ~ .. · ' .. bringing It within U4elanda jurisdiction. 1'And that is evlde?Ke enocgb lhat they had ho right to lry to deprive the public oC aCcess to the Paciflc Ocean," he said. • Laguna Nlcuel lawyen had not had the opportunity to reply to Wilcqun at press time. It is' not expected that Judge Owens wlil rule today on the Salt Creek iuue. CoWt sources anticipate that the jurut. will ·need more time to ewnine the • 'cRITICIZED JURIST, QUJTI $up'r•m• Court· Juitlc• 'ort11 Two .Laguna Hills Siswrs Hurt in Auto Accident ' Two Laguna Hills sisters suffered ma· jor injuries and anot)ler woman minor culS, jVe<)J)eldsy artet'iil)pa in i Newport Beach llft.'.tUiil aCclde'ftt teMried ,..one of those mystery Crisbeil". by frafftc in· vesQgators. .'l\ie victim& are Macy;Laughlin,.71, and her 'sister •. Helen, C.1; 'both of 414,C A~es\lda Castilla, Laguha Hills. The ativfr\Wlth' minOr injuries is Sally Jean Edwards, 21, ot'Tustln. Officm said-the crash occu!Ted at 1 :35 p.m. at San Joaquin Hills and .Jamboree ROads marked by recently installed signals. Mary Laughlin is under intensive care at Hoag Memorial Hospital with frac- tures of both collar bones, and her pelvis along with internal injuries. Her condition is. serious. Her sister is in the hospital's surgery ward in fair condition with a shoulder fracture. The Edwards woman was released after emergency treatment, hospital aides said. Traffic · investigators said one of the lwo cars had t.o run a red light to cause the cruh, but they doubted whether the blame C<>Uld be established. . Tbe intersection is eq'uipped with left tum arrows, pockets and signals all four wa,ys. The Laughlin car was making the tum on lo ·San Joaquin when It was hit broadside by I.he other aulo traveling straight on Jamboree, officers said. Laguna Annex Plan Continued !!earing. by the couqty'a Cocal Agency Fo/"IPatfon COmmlsston t(LAFC) on the ~ annn:atloo 'of. 441 acres to Ujlria Beach has been continued unttl "'July 9. • .. · .. Al Autry, city planner, aaid the hearing was conUnutd Widnaday in Santa Ana t.o give Ole city Ume t.o pre.pare a precise deocriptloo ol boondariet that relate to "1Cu.eds ana land deocrlptlons. Autry lald' the old \ ~ are "really a ~· f.o work.._wlth. ~Is ol Ibo annexation, oom~ ol tile p..ope\'{y. owners involvtd ind at least .rte \)!her 1'flooe propei:ty II not involved, were ~acly at lbe helfln& to -the IMnaUoo 'Or the JX•Jliirty !hot beglno In the bl& bend .,,. aloill' Lqulla Canyon Road. ' \llher ~ . ...m.ia' In J be 11> nexlUon ore. J1voc .foinfn1 the c· y to receive Cit)' litvloU. • .. voluminous brld• and peUUons submitted by both sides. An interested t1pe<:tator at todaty'a hear- ing was Orange C'.ounty Grand-Jury Foreman William Martin. It is known that several persons In· volved in the current court acUon - Wilcoxen, directors of the Capistrano Bay Park and Recreation Distrlet and Laguna NiRuel officiala among them -have· (S.. SALT CREEK, P ... I) ' Wolfson's Gift Said 'Life Deal' ' . W ASIUNGTON (UPI) -Jll!UCO Abe Fortas resigned from the Supreme Court today, acknowledg}ng plans for a long· term financial arrangement with the family foundation of · financier Louis Wolfson but denying any "default" in his dulies. President Nixon 'aCce~ lbe mlgna. tlon effective immediately. In a letter to Chief J\iltice Eart War· r en, Fortas corifµ'med that-be bad recetv· Fertu PT'ollle -See P•se 4 ed llO.olio from lbe family foundlllcin or the now·impri!oned Wolfaon and laid it was to have been a standing arraagement -that is that he was to receiv~ $30,000 a year for the rest of hiJ life. The justice said he terminated the ar· rangement and returned the first year fee o( $20,000 in late 1986. "But," Fortas wrote, "I have not 1n- tercided or taken part in any legal, ad· minlstrative or judicial matter alfecting Mr. Wolfson or anyone associated with rum." He said the agreement, in Detember, 1965, soon after he joined the court. "'contemplated that I would perform co°'" Unuing servlcts, and, instead of fixing variable compensation from time to time for work done, it provided \bat r would receive twenty thousand per year for my life with arrangements for payments to Mrs. Fortas In the event of my de 2th." Fortas told Warren his resignaUon was prompted by "the welfare and maximum effectiveness of the court to perform its critical role In our system of govern- ment." He sent a letter late Wednesday to Presklent Nixon submitting his resigna. lion and Nii:oo wrote him an acceptanc. this morning. Fortas also wrote Warren wlth an explanation of his dealings with Wolfson and of nis declslon to resign. The exchange between Fortas and Nix· on was not Immediately disclosed, but Ute court made public the Fortas letter t.o Warren. Stock M•rket• NEW YORK (AP) -The stoclt · market, after two days of advance, clos- ed with a moderate ·loss today as brokera reported some Invest.on discouraged by the Viet Ccng 's rejection of a ·mutual troop withdrawal proposal put forth by President Nixon. (See quotations, Pages 18-191. Coaa&·· Weatller \Vben Lhe sun-scorched clouds part on Friday, ·11•11 be a great day, with temperatures puahing 70 along the O.rauge Cout and up to 80 further inland. INSmE TODAY . Preiident Ni:on hat a ""' ·cozv-JittJe offict-just across Che- 1tr1et, but ~oil vice pre1Kie1tt if QttCino kind •'/ bumped around. Pooe s. .. • ..... " " .. • .. '"'' " II • " MW* It>"' ....... , ... 1•~ --.. °"MM c-tr .. . .,.... ,.,,.,. " _,....... ,.,.. .,...,. .,, .. ;.:......---*: -.. -•· ............ ' •• 2 DAll.Y-Pll.OT , _ L Tlwndaf, M11 15, 1'*9 .. ,~ 'PltOT I LOGBOOK · • • :'Harlie~ Poll' Trimilled? Not in Pollster's View ' · By TOM BARLEY • Of .. Dlll't 11'1191 119" tt look! u ~f· lhey're,,after Dr. Robert Peterson's scalp because he cpn- ducted a sex education poll under the red, white and blue pole, but the taker of tonsorlal tabulations isn't working up a lather about it. True enough, be hid a close shave the other day when county school board trustees voted 3 to I to clamp down on his non~ffice act.ivities, among lhem poll taking ill 20 barber shops. But if the school superintendent waa singed by that bl! or v ... laking It llo!Levideut today. On Ille conlr•I")'. he plans to keep up his poll taking polli:les at tbelr present clip and to even expand them to include "other business establishment!:." It wasn't • matter of trimming him.down to si;e, he p.YI. it was almply that "the trusteea haven't seen the full picture." ~ two of those bOard members, Peferaon add· ed, "are not or.iented twards tbtse matters in the way .that l am." * Nor for that matter, be says, are some of the news. papers who have dwelt at length on Peterson's Gallup-type g81lop fit's known in the Civic Center these days as the Brylcreem Survey) and his criticilm certainly Includes tbe DAILY ~!LOT. "What you people didn't take into account," says Peterson, "ii the fact that my survey ranged over a field a lot wider than sex ed~caUon .. And you don't seem to realize that my ~ counting was borne out by later election results." Like his summation! that 54. percent of the barbered babblers he talked lo voted "No" on Proposition IA,. the $'70 property tax relief measure. "Fan· tastic, isn't it," says Peterson, "that 54 percent of the voters eventually felt that way." . * Then there was the verdict from the hair houses that the Pnipoaitlon 9 put forward by Los Angeles County Assessor Philip Watson would_g~ a 87 per- cent "No" vote. lt worked out for "No" with 59 percent of the county voters going that way. Peterson can explain that. ".Be~een my tour of the barber shops and the November election, more thail $1 million wu BPtnt on promoting that measure." he said. "That accounts for the eight percent difference." Sex education. of course, wasn't on the ballot. But Peterson predicts that a public vote would justify the barbers' verdict -M percent were against an expanded program of sex education ln public schools. But why the barber shops? * "You might call it country thinking," smiles Peterson. ''But the way J look at it is that a man who sits in the barber's chair cares about hll appear.. ance and he's a man who cares about his voUng and what hil cbJ.Jdren lhould not learn." l "You've sat around in barber shops,~' said Peterson, "and you tnow your. ' self how general conversaUon carrlea a1ong and covers Just about every com. I i;nunlty topic." · * -Our own tonsorial tftillator's toplcs range from Brigitte Bardot tbrouah I Ann·¥argret and on to Raquel Welch and from where we lit we can't help but notice Playboyl1 Miss July. A lilUe lurtber to tbe left Is Miaa April and ll we wer~1 asliec! .about~ education some 60 ~s after aitUng in that chair we'd have 'to MY -- (Editor's Note : You weren't asked, Dr. Peterson was.) Eiplor.tng the sex angle a little further and perhips more openly, the superintendent asked if a Poll of beauty. parlors would fit into -hi! novel etyfe. • "Well, not really," he repliet;t. "Our ladies are, perhaP,t, a little more ! isolated and it would be a littll dJfficult to contact them while thefre 'under the dryer. There we have a de.finite problem Jn the field of intercommunica· tion •.. " • Laguna Baby Sitter Faces Charges of Child Neglect A case of alleged child neglect during the wedding of a detecUve baa resulted in criminal charges against a Laguna Beach baby sitter. · Ruth Louise DunLavey, 52, of 790 N. Coast. Highway, was arrested at her nome Monday afternoon by detectives inned with a warrant. She was released on her own recognizance by Judge Richard Hamilton oending arraignment in municipal court Friday morning on child neglect charges. Detective Sgt. Vic Sagan said he had 1ust entered the wedding recepUon of !:>et. Gene Brooks and Mrs. ~rolyn Howe, 249 Mo,,te Verde. Laguna Niguel, ~1ay 2 when he learned Mrs. Howe's son, Javid. 20 months, was reported kid· '8ped from the babysitter's. Sagan sa id he went to the DunLavey ftome where Offiecr Neil Purcell was tak· DAILY PllOT Clll4NO! (0451 PUllt~HINO C:OMPAN't ll:o~•rl N. W114 p,...1-.n1 1Plf MllW!tr J11• II:. c •• ,., VI« l'rtlllllnl 111t Otllt,111 Miiie.., llio"''' K11 .. l/ Editor Thom1t A. Murphl111 Ma111•l111 Editor ll:ich1td I'. Nill LIWUM t,c1d'I Cll'I' l!hr ._ -°""" 2U For•.lt A•1. M•ill"t Mdrttt1 P.O. I•• 666, '2•S:r .,_ °""" C.I• Mn.I: JN W .. I I•• SIT"' N--1 lffcll: ttll Wnl .. lbol .......... Hlllll""* "Kii' iOt !tll Strnt 041l.Y Pll.Ol, wlltl ""'id! Is cOll'llllMf ~ H.._,..... II .... 1111-•1HJ t~C"'I S.0... fkr 111 -•tit .. !ilellt ftr l...,... """ ,. •. ......,. .,eQI,. (ft!t Mt... "'"""'-' ... IMdl eftd '-l•lfl Vllltl'. •"°"9 wllll ,._. ntllMI ...,llella. °"""' C"•' P~Ml""llls C-np .,llllllW ........ '" ti :1711 Wt•I ,...., tiw.. k""'"" •e..c~. • ,.,. »I Wetf ••'I' St~, C.111 Mt .. , ........ ,,,., .. , ... , .. ,, ~hpt.642 .. JJ:1 C.,,r~ Ifft, Or_. C...at PuDllPlfftf QmN!IJ. ,,.. llfl'l'I """'"· !~"'""*"' .-.... ......... .. ..... "!Mmlllll "'"111 mlr .. ""'1lfVUf wlll\Ol,ll -111 ....,. .,,,.....,. et C.••19111 ""'""· - 1«W "'9J-•'-" Hlf ti H"' .... I lfl~ • Cet11 -.., C...tlftfllrti. lllOlcrr.uoo .., Cltrlllr •1.11 -"'llVI .,. ""'II QM "'°"llllYI "ITM!ftY •tlMf ... tl,1' IM!llflty, t • Ing a report. Purcell alleged Mrs. DunLavey had been drinking. As police were comparing notes in the yard, Sagan said, a neighbor. woman ask· ed how the child was dressed and called their attention to a steep incline between the houses. Sagan said police could see small t!nnis shoes Jn a brush-covered drainage area. He said· they found the boy with brulses and a swollen forehead, apparently from a fall after he crawled out of the backyard.at the DunLavey residence-. Sagan said the tot was lying face down on a 30 degree incline and was near a 25- foot drop. The child was picked up by his mother and Brooks and taken. to the hospital for an examination. ' From Page I SALT CREEK •• testified before tho panel. It hes been reported tbat Superv;.or /,.\ton E. Allen of Laguna Beach, a county official who has supported Laguna Niguel at au phases of the abandonment, will be asked to testify in the near future. It has not been possible .to obtain confirmaUon of that lnfonnaUon. Wilcoxen argues that Salt Creek Road was deeded to the county by the State of CaUfornla in 1933 as a public rlght-ofw Ca1ilorn1a in 1933 as a public right-of-way and that its status has not and cannot be changed. He c on d e m n 1 pre-abandonment maneuvertns of Laguna Niguel toward• acqulslUon ol tbe foilt i>atb as highly suspicious and crtUclzes co u n t y supervllOrl !or 1bandonlng I h • tboroulfllar• without laking a vote on tbe i!sue. Festival of Arts Scheduled at Aliso Allio Elementary SChoo1 ill Soulh Laguna will stage 111 aprtn1 FestlvaJ of Arta tonight beglnnln1 ot !:SO In tbe school cafeteria . The fest.Iva! fctllvltles art to include a play by the drama depnrtment, moslc•l n1u11bers by the choru1 and band aqd 1 fashion show of clotblnl tbe student• have made In sew1n& elm. • YarthNot •' " Pl.4ce for Lqun1ns who uae !beir front yords for !bills• otber !bu ludlcapJnc -ltka nor- illg campers, trailtn and boats -were warued loday by William 1'feyer, houlin1 and zoning Inspector, tbal Ibey may be ill violation of clty son1nl; Jaws. "With the tnnur of aummer residentl and vlslton to tbe city during tba put few weeks, a definite lDcreaae In viola· tions of this city'a zoning reguJaUons has been noted," MeYer said. 0 Boais, traileri and campers have been noted parking in the front Md lide yards of the resJdentlal arus," be said. Meyer quoted • IOcal <rdtnance which says, "front yards thell not be med le< . , . the storage of trallers, boats, campers or the ltOnle of my materiall, nor aheJJ said yard be med !or tbe regular or constant parking of automobiles or other W!bicles." "The only area in the resldentlal IOJltl · of Laguna Beach where a vehicle, trailer, boat or camper can be permanently parked is in a garace, a car port or within the rea.i: yard." Meyer said. Questioned about Ult possibility that a --l"e3ident might use ·a campered pickup truck on a day-to-day !>ula, but beeauae or aize be unable to ~k it in his garage, Clyde Springe, Bwlding and planninc Department director, said such a situa- Uon was unfortunate. LawS governing such vehicles should be looked into prior to purchase, Springe said. "Violators of the code will be informed by leUer and if within a reasonable time, they have not abated the violation, the matter will be referred to the city at· torney for appropriate actlon," Meyer said. Arts Festival Giving $1,000 For UCI Grant F..Uval of Arts dlrecton hove authorized use of $1,000 toward a mat- ching funds seholanhlp it UCI for o ...... Coonty arl llladenlll. • Director Helen Keeley told tbe boon! Tuesday tbat Ille slate wlll match eoch dollar of the funds with 75 cents, maklni a f1700 scholarship. . Mn. Keeley said she learned while · maklns inqulrlio tbat J)cr will -ac- cept credJta from Lagwia Beach School of Art & Design because tbe arl school ls accredJ~. ~ PIUl .Griem aaid Ille develop- ment would be a real shot in the ann for tbe arl school. Jn other buolness ' -Mn. Keeley told the boord !bat deck. Ing tbe flood clwmel acron !rom tbe Festival of Arb to provide addltlonal J>lrklnl may not be prll!'lloal but tbat tbe city will secure colt tstimatet. -'l'be board autboriaed pun:hele or a 1450 30-!ool lljlUll alwnlnum nag pole tbat will match tbe F..Uval light alalldardl and be maintenance free. -The board approved 1100 to replace a water heater "that gave up the gholt" in the Festival offloe1. -The. board adjourned lntli secrtt ex .. ecuUve session which i1 a usual pro. cedure, Real 'Hot Car' Burns in Laguna A car which county firemen said w11 stolen from a Hawthorne man w11 destroyed by fire Wednesd1y night ill South Laguna. Firemen from the South Laguna Coun- ty Fire Station were called to the scene by Laguna Beach Fire Depanlnent which h&d received an anonymous re- port on the bluing auto. • The Vehlcte was parked lo front of SlSSI West St. FIHmen aaid Ille bllle which started in the puaenger com· partrnent did l!IO dlmage to tbe 1111 model car. The vehicle waa re1lstutd to Georae Williams of UlOO s. Vermont St., Hawtborne who eorller W-•Y bod reported It stolen. Literary Prize For Laguna Lad Lller1f1 l1urela are not too heavy, even · !or 11-year'<Jld Charleo CUrtla who _, se- cond prJJe ill lhe nttlMaJ contest spon- sored by Henry Walc:t Publilhlnl Co. The third grader II El Mono School IW.ed WednellCiay tbat he won I llO U.S. Savillgl Bood !or wriU., a story which went alone will! 1 plclorlal bul wotdJell boot, ''Wba' Wbiaken Did.'' . Aoeonlillg to tbe '°" ol Mr. and Mrs. David' curtls, 290 Hlllb Dr! .. , Whll= • doc. -peel from lila -and fr tbroucb aeveral 1dV9lllurea b e r or e ralurnlnl homt. . Youna curt1s compeled wltb 1,000 Uilrd-crade wwld-be 1utbon around tbe niUoo ill Ille con1tlt and ill tddlUoo to tbe bond, earned IO boob !or hll 1Choo1'1 library. 10 Arabs Exe!!nted DAMASCUS, Syrl1 (AJ') -Tbe Iraqi government executed 10 Arabs before daybre1k today for spyJnc for Israel, Ille Unit<d States IJld Iron, tbe oll1cl1l Iraqi """ a1ene7 ~ ----------------- . ' LAGUNA TEEN CORNER . -. . I q.., lllAl!Y ol you out !bore ill Parent Land h¥'! OO wltb your ~ldrenT Not IOo many, huh? Maybe thtt'1 why there are so many tramient youth rotm· Ing !be counJryside. I'rn not proposlng that you cross your leis and smoke marijuana. Thm1;1 . lllOd!er kind o! trip tblt I heard ol. Mondly night. I'm mettly pall· ing it along as a public service to you and your children. A Villa Pari high school senior told t~e Laguna Coordinating Council or her llfe with drugs. She eventually turned herself in to Juver)ile ball, and slnce then ahe't gone 1tralgbt. * Be!ore .Ions lhe hid heard or a nllglous Ol'pliJIUon tbat tlJl'na )'OUng people on to J~ ChriJt. And now she stattt, "I ride higher with C\U'lll tban I ever did wtth dfulS-" It wu quite a swltclt for her, and now.she'• glvlnJ ber ltltlmony all over the county. At the same meeting, Carol Towers (Carol's Books on Coast Highway) claim· ed she's sold more religious books to "longhairs" this past year than the total sales of htt t2 previous years In business. "You know," One hippie toldM, "these -. books have 'got me, oil m~lJU;J114." MaYbe tbete yolDlC"' people are ~ to sometbfng. "!l"U. im1lled tbem (tbe young people) le have an adult to talk lo them ill-teUfct:ualSJ about the various reUP,>ns1" Mn. Powe.rs sald. I'm not trying:to give a sales pitch ror Jesua Chris~ I figure he'• got enough 1aleemen on earth already who are m'ore capable than me of doing that kind of job. l only have lwo Points to make. First, I hope that someday people won't put down everyone Qley see with long hair u ~g narcotics or marijuana users. A lot have. turned on to Someone a lot more powerful. * Secondly, YMCA Director Roger Carter clalmed tbat one reason for transient youtb ls a lack ol IUJ>POrt and Chriltlsn love wltbill tbe household. , Are yoa afnild your child might walll: out, and not come back, some day? Then maybe you should take the advice of the professionals who spoke at the meeting, and turn on to love. * Congratulations are In order for Howard Hills, next student body presi· Old Junior High School To House Sixth Graders? By JE4N COX Of 1111 Delb' """ ..... Sixth graders from four elementary schools Jn Capistrano Untried School Di.trict may atteod clusea in the old San Juan Capistrano junior high school next fall , During a atudy session Wednesday night sebool trustees looked into tbe poaalblllty ol opeoillg tbe old school !or 1% sixth grade clasaes from Palisades, Richard Henry Dana, San Juan and Crown Valley elementary &ehoola. "Gene.rally I t.hlnk,we have approval of the plan," commented Truman Bef\edlct, assistant dlstrlot auperlntenden~ t0d1y. He said the move would enable the district to keep about eight classrooms in the elementary schools open for an- ticipated growth om yev. In seeking to find a leu expensive way to meet growth demands, the dl!trict had conaldered both sending studtnts to Marco F..-ster Junior High School or lt!avini them in the elementary ICbools. However, alter COllllderlng tbe coll o! renting portable classrooms and con· vtrllng cafet.oriums for classroom use, it wu decided reopening tbe old school woo.Id be the least eipensive way, ex· plained Joe Wimer, director of ad~ rninistrative service. The city has been considering purchas- ing the old school to Ille as a civic cen- ter, and accord1hg to Wimer, the school's we for classrooms does not rule out this possibility. Wimer said the city wouldn't want the space Wltil 1970 and then perh1ps an agreement could be worked out so the 11chool could share the space for a short time. The old school, which served as a high school and then later a junior high before closing last year, grew a great d@ like Topsy. Its first portion was built in the 1920s and radditions were made in the late 1930s. Quonset huts which s.it on the land date from World War II: "It was closed down because it nad neen considered to be inadequate from an educational view, however there are cer· . lain portions: which are reasonably new," said 8e®dicL · 1'The quonset huts," he emphasized, "are p,...ntly_ llOI anllclpated for use. To say they are educationaJly inadequate is probably an undenlatement." dent o!.La&Wll· Bea~hlillh School. S.... .ot ·hi•\'campaljh committee m'embera (led by.Mike Schwarts) suggested-tbat he ' take a couple or days off. " ••• after a hi.ghJy emo~onaL and, eldllusUn1 cam· palgn." . Not . Ho,.-ard. Ht!'• busy plarui!nc ht~ · program for next y~ar, and Will prt&enl it to the StUdenb· iit a special ·as.sembty: later this month. · This Saturday there will be an LBllS first. The advanced drama class Will present, free of cttarg~, a "dramatic montage" to the community at 7:30, l!esidea being !ree (whiob ill itscll ls uni· que), the production is completely •lqden~\ed. it'll be. one of tbe most lntere1unf product.ions the acboOl bu ever put out. Be there~ '!be junior..senl.Or Proo\ (a bl' more e1-penslve, at $3.50 a couple) will be stagedJ at the Balboa P.aviJlon a week from 'Fri- day at 8:30 p.m. Junior class president Wayne Organ has just about blown his mind organizing it, 'but the end result should make it all worthwhile. The theme is "Pepperland. ,,. t think it must have son1etbing to do with the Beatles' album ''Sgt, P~pper. ''. Oon-'t take my word for it; a:o and experience it. Laguna Summer Lifeguard T~sts Set on Saturday Applicants for wmmer lifeguard jobs in Laguna Beach will be tested Saturday beginning at 9 a.m. at the Main Beach Weguard tower. The competition for six or seven open~ ings wilt include a 1000.meter rough water swim from the Main Beach to Bird Rock and back. There will be a run·swim·nm com· petition in which applicants run 200 yards on the sand, swim 150 yards ·and run another 200 yards. The compeiltion will also include a mock rescue to be perfonned by each of the applicants. Following the competition an oral interview will be conducted.· Applicants must fill out an· application which can be picked up at the Main Beach lifeguard tower. A health certifies.. tion from a physician is also required and those under 21 years of age need parental consent. Starting guards are payed $2.U ho\lrly. The top competitors -cho8tn to fill available openJngs are given ·.two weekends of training ill lifeguard skills and then are.evaluated on duty. • a nylon shag that's young • In looks, young • In price! $8.9 5 sq. yd. Younr id1&1 in dlEp- • uniiiu• Cour..color elect from special dyeinf techniques. And younr ideas in tuture-rich, bouncy •bes that match.I YoutOWft hiJhf'Piritt. lmacine 1ivin'1 your family t.h1 tndition and qualitf of Kan:stan for hill the price JOU tni,ht aped to pay. In 16 mlor - Your fawritt delfgnlt' IDfll be hcnt1 to cuiii .,ou • , • P0RO~SSIONAL H.J. GARRflT f u RNll1J ~~HARBOR INTERIOR DESIGNERS 0,.. Moa., ~ & FfJ, I•"- BLVD • COSTA MESA, CALIF. 646·0275 646-0276 • "ti t;"' ..... t\liiifi.,..,.tljf4PP4Pff:J 1~ ~ ,.. ' I I . . . I ' 't . . ortas. U:its . . " -, I TEN CENTS .. . A Survey of Surprises Wolfson's Gift Said Citizens Not for To.u';i$ts, Want Bay .for Wildlife 'Life Deal' • ~ By JEROME F. COLLINS "They take pride' in their environment or""' o.itr "'"Stefl and the heritage of the comrOunity. They Most Newport Beach resident! want don't want to see Newport become just. tttelr town free of oil, airplanes, cheap · another dµ'ome and plastic City." , · housing and tourists. McGrew said some 20 researchers fBll · A big majorit)r of them also believe ned out over the city's 30 voting ttiat: preclnctll. T.en homeowney-s in . each -Commereial enterprises should be Jl!"'tclnct were asked a variety of tightly control-led to preserve the city's ' carefu, lly selected questions. Of the 300 "Image." 1 ' • f1!:spondents, half were women. -Fees should be charged for private The median annual income of 1 those use , meaning-piers, of puplic tidelands. questioned was $17,400, well above the -The Upper Bay should be left national averaa:e, the Opinion Research substantially In its natural state. executive noted. -A cultural center, if built, ihould ·The survey, which McGr~w termed a serve out«-towners' needs, not Just "'scienUic s_ampliqg," could ~l have.a lttose of local cllize~. . heavy Impact on munJclpal governmeot These are among the findings of • re· attitudes, even though Its rinding& may cent public oplnJon survey conducted . not be consideffid--gospet by Newport throughout Newport Beach by Opinion Tomorrow project participants. Research of Callfomia. For.example, the poll may end forever Copief of a· ZOO.page report on the any ~ of oil industry exploitation survey, packed with surprises, were t:J city lands, subrmqed or otherwise. released Wednesday night to members of 1lle overwheiming inajorrity of those Newport Tomqrrow, the joint cilizens.clty poUed aakf they are oppo$l!:d tq it. goals study committee. Two question11 were asked. One was put p.ou. COST _. this way : . P-. . Newport Tomorrow General.Chairman· '"Do you favor or oppose oil drilling In John MacDab• empbaiiaid 1hat the ()pi· the city of Newport Beach as a means o( 1 ruon. Retearch poll, which co&t the city • producing revenue fQI' the city?" . - $9,50(), will terVe only as "one of aeveral · '~;Veiity•nine·pt!rcent of the respondents . -.. .. .. ... n:y"""'--1-, ...... ·. ""' .. . tooll"rto be lll<CLby the 11).memher otudy · Uld ·=-.,,.·~#ft It. , ·~ commiatee in ~ Its c .. 'rt ·p 1., &•ln;l~i~:~ ~, ;~,1 ~ about.wbat's beirt fot•tfie cify. "' . -It ~ I UJ ·' m ,' lite "The --Of .... ._,, ~·~--utiori!,~'lllmr.,<lo subccnunlli,es · ,ml&fil no1 -u, -rou tljlilk lfiol'ali'~ llDlll"ar~ coincide with the mOjorUy ~ oUbe. DOI be.~ l!lllin the;dl;l;' . - 5'lf'VeJ1'" be· told newanen. Tbe "other Nm.tr pWcent Aid "atiould not.•• -··be "'PlllMd -......... Whatlldl·-lsthltlhe'clty·mlpt me<tinp, interview•' and ~ Into as well dllcard iiiy llnierinr nolli>ns what otl1er cltleo have clme I n about t&pptric poosible oil pooll beneath · ..iablllbing IUideltneo far luturi l'OWll>· the abandoned city dump -or anywhere 'Ibe turvf!! t&MK,. canduded on ,a -as a revenue IOW'Ct. It would , be MVcll -end. tndlcoUid· thal most politi<al IUiclde. ....._ want to keep Ibo cber-. of It ailO llldlll that the city· Is M oolld CRITJclZED JURIST ouiTs Supreme Court Juatice F~rtas Nixon Offering Solid Proposal, · Lodge Declares. WASHINGTON' CAP) -President Ni.- on·a··eict\t-polht v1etnabl-peace. ofter -~"" ttie oppnlilll1, ·<fir; 1~. nelO!iail.ona • , • d thete .IJ a dealre cm tbe_......., ... ~~~' -~ Aid loday. • , •.i.:. l'lllon oultllled hJi projail; lncludlifl · • plari for a mutual puUIOul <i m•Jir lot... WASHINGTON !UPI) -l'l'U~ Abe Fortas resigned lrom the Supr-Coqrl today, -acknowledging planl for • lont4, term· nnancial arrangement ·with tbe family foundation of tin.ncler LOUls Wolfson but denying anf "defaulr'·in lPs duties. · • • President Nixon Jeeep(ed tbe resi&M- tion effective immediately. In a letter to Cbid JusUce Earl' War4 ren, Fortas confirmed ti.at he'had reareN· . . Fortu Proflle -Sel.Pqet · ed !20,000 from the family foundation. of Ule now-imprisoned Wolfson and said it was lo have been a standing arrangement -that is that he was to receJVe '20,000 • year for the nst of his life. ' The justice si.ld he temUnated. the ar· rangement and returned.· the finl year fe.e of PJ,000 tn late 1.986. . , "But," Fortu wrote, "I have not tn- ·te1'<!tded or taken part in an'y let;al, ad~ mlnlstrjltive or judicial inatter &ffect1ng Mt". Wolfson or anyone auoclated with him." ' ' ' . l He said the agreement, in Dectmber, HISS, soon after he joined the 'court, "tullemplatei! that 1 'liould pol!onn'coni tinuirtg servfct~, and., lnlkld of -t\xlnf • v1riable com~tion from tline. to time for ·wortnlonei tt· provided 'that I wout4 JKtiv• twenty ~ per Yw: for 1111. ltle •f!ll llTOJ'~ for -,to MrL'Jl'brl&l In tile ni at mfiieolh." • Y_.tokl w ...... bis -t!On was prompted by "the ... tt .... ml - -"the court to~ Ila crillcal role In our oystem al ·.,....... ment." • · over a lZ..month span, in a D1lJonwide ad-He sent a· letter" late ' Wedneldaf te dresa Wednelday nltht. PreakSeilt Niion 11.itmitUiis hll ~ ~. wbo •ii\ ~I t!i<m ,at. the ilon and Nixon wrote blm an ~ ". . TALKING IT OVER -John Macnab, Newport Tonlorrvw chairman; Mayor Doreen.Marsliall; and Don McGrew, vice p,.i~t-o(Oi>inio\l Research (from left), huddle over oopY of $31500 ttudy, @signed to serve as tool !or blue ribbon committee pondenng-city s ~ture, the dly lllbslMllally .,-ii Is now. poUIJcal groun<! with It.a curr.nt vlgot"'\S "Our otudy lhowed that Newport'• peo-efforts to keep !he oil industiy nay from pie loot upon their town as a kind of offshore waters. This is further home out modern day vllllge, 'L said Opinion by r~ to questions concernlng RHurcb vice president Donald McGrew. (Sol OPINION POLL, .Pqe I) p •· I lhli momlna:: Fortas aJiO wrote Wmrm atlo> peace ta ks Friday morning, talked with an explanation of hLa deallnp1 wltb with newsmen in the White Houae roae garden after a joint meet.inir wlth Nis:oo Wolfson and of hi.I decislon to resip; · ,.. · • • The exclWlgt be11n111 Fcrlal lllCI Nix· , the <Abinel and the Nat-I Sec:urlt7 • not I med' '""' dilclooed but the CouneJI · on was m Uhco..,, • When. he presents the proposa~ to Ole court in.ade public tbe Fortu letler to Back Bay Annex Battle Delayed Until June 25 The bat't.le between· Costa 1--tesa and Newport Beach over conflk:ting an- nexation proposals in the Upper Newport Bay area has been postponed to June 25. Local Agency Formation Commission Executive Officer Richard Turner pro- posed the delay, backing a Newport Beach request that all proposals be heard at the same time. The move got reluctant approval from Costa Mesa officials who had·arrfved at Wednesday's LAFC session ~ed by property owners in the area the city pro- poses lo annex. . LAFC Chairman James T. Workman asked that both ci ties "work with our ex· ecutlve oUlcer in the meantime in the hope that a settlement agreeable to both may be reached by June 25." Supervisor Alton E. Allen . a member ot the commission, asked if there was any objection to the delay from either city. Costa Mesa City Manager Arthur R. McKenzie did object and entered a state. ment in the record urging \hat the Costa Mesa annexation matter be heard at that time. . Newport Beach Councilman Paul Gruber stated that his council approvt:s the delay. The move was approved unanimously by the commission. Supezyi..s9r Allen said that a committee ~presenting both cities Is "working to iron out. problems In this county cor. rldor" ·am the delay would be .. better for all concerned." Costa Mesa Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley and McKenzie said after the discussion that they were "hoperul" that the in· tercil)' committee memben , could work out an agreement aooeptablt to. bofJt .. communities ••esmbllsh~ TutUn Aven11t 11s a· Teali.nic boundary hne between the two cities." Serving on the cooun1u.. are Vice. Mayor Robert Wit... and <OUJJdlman Wil lard Jordan or Costa Meu and coun- cilmen Undlley Parsons a n d Robert Shelton <i No.vport ll<o<h. * * * * * * negotlat.Ors, he said, "I wiit uk '°""" not · · Warren. Dream · for '-Tomorrow': BrMge Over Back Bay By JOHN VALTERZA ot tM o.llY ,Jf91 Stiff A bridge across ltle .m.idi:lle of Newport's Upper Bay? That's what Newport Tomorrow's transportation , study group tossed up Wednesday night before the citizen plan- hing project's geoeral meeUng. Later Ute members . learned that the C<IO!niUl)l\y ....., divided down lhe mid- dle on tht idea. · Tiie bridge propooal came amid' ....... ot tentaUve sugatJooa ind e:oell ~og considered liy the aeven Newport TOlllOr'· row lllKly llJ'OUP'· The bay . bridge question appeared among the queries IJOled by Opinion Research of Clrllfornia, the Long Beach firm that surveyed Newport homeowners last March. The suggesliona by 1pokesmen-for the seven groups were a prelude to the fonnal presentation of the results or the public opinion 1urvey. The poll's results showed that lhe Idea for the bridge split the pers>ns in~ terviewed about down the middle. Fony. 1teven percent favored the kin; 4.1 per· ctnt were oppoeeil. Others were non-com· mittill. The concept ol the bridae wu related by Ntwport T<morrow member William Martin, wflo •Id the city needed 1 better eut....e.t" Hnk, Hstnce we're dealir'I here wttb two very diverse areu ol the com· muntty," AJ the question In the ltft"Vey went, the lnl«view<r asked the r..tdent: "It lw be<o propooed that 1111 Wl· west brldee ,be ~ on the Upper Bay, approximatelf halfway between (See lllUDGE, Pqt I) 'Doctor' Still a Special Group Named. -to Revive . Airport6rdinance A special five-man.commiUte has been named by Oran&e ·County Airport Com· mission Chalnnan DeMls Carpenter of Newport Beach to revive a proposed new and much debated county airport' ordinance. Carpenter named the c om m I t t e e Wednesday after commi.sSl.on memben Tuesday night listened to a heated debate lnwtvln1 about 100. oppooenls of the pro- posed ordinance as submllte<! laat month by cou11ty Aviation Director Robert J, Bresnahan. I Bresnahan tenned it "neceS!ary ~ dating" of the present 21-year-<ild ordinance. • His proposals were criticized bj night lmtructora,-flying .clubs. and some filed base leue operators at the airport. Threat DA Says _ It Didn't Matter How Goo(J He Was ' Jly TOM IARLl!V lrpmenl will be cleltnftd abol'll,y alr.r tllfs man•.guUty." °' ... ..., ,... 11et1 1he n • o n break tn .Judie Byron K. Deputy 1 PUbllc Defender J;a~ "It-~ malle 1UY dlfl....,.. -Mdllll1n'1 .,....,_,,, nn.t -I _.,,bOanllu<dtoc:ommentoowh1t lntel!Jcent, -aclaptabl• or -wibieo.,. ,. ... lellilyln( tn the cloolni Ids caq ....., .. twill' be. · · lo l]lake' I quick .judgment but to thlnt It over." . 1 He brushed aside initial crlUcism lt0m !epresentailves of the Vtet Cong'• Na· tlonal Liberation Front In Parts: . The NLF, lri :ts initial reaction tllcre, said tht Unlted.1;1al<tr""llllt dli>p to 'lls · ohl fonnula ol a mutu"l !.-ithdtawal of troops. a formula , , which w~ . have repeatedly rejected.'' · But Lodge Commented ·that "I don't think we take those types of statements al face value." Lodge said the prtsidenti1I •speech i! not a "counter. proposal'" to the ~t().ipolnt offer by the Viet Cong's National Libera· tion Front at u.t Paris meettn,: a weelc ago. Bul the detailed·peace propollUon from the Nixon admlniatraUon• "does come • along at an extremely helpful time" in order lo provide a basis for bB&ic "meat and pOwois'' bli~iw!UI :the ctbir side, he said. As for the merits ot the enemy's pro- posals, whk:h again call for a oncwiided U.S. troop withdraw~ and replJcemept . of the pftaent 'Saigon government, Lodge said onlY,thlt the lG point.a-are sllll-under U.S. study. Nixon's bi.If-hour telecasf - his first fullscale WhiU! House speech on Vletnam -won applatise from his supporten and subdued initlal comment from war critics. 10 Arabs Executed : o~s. Syria (AP) -T6e l,raql government -executed 10 ·Arabs berore dl)'br<!~t lod<Y ror &pyillg·for i.r1el, the 'Qpiled Stal<I and Iran. the O!flciat . Iraqi MW1 qeno;y ~ " ' audacious Robert Ervin Bron wu. He stqa of the trial II pre11 llmo today. Rebuttal· -today went badi to wu 1 layman, 1 me llDqllalillod In "At oo tJme hu Browa ar anyone et.e miler 1e111n..., In which It wn atleaod H. ~M. E .SECTION mecficlne. denied that he P*<f for ftn -U u that Ille •aJ.7UMtd Bmnl,.i.am, Ala., J.I: • "Hll verj' presence in a cllnk: and a Dr. Gleno L. FOltaf,"1 Em1cbt said. ft\811 ordered a ~s drug ,for a • · 1 y' hospital wu a lhrt1t to the u.., <i pa-"We' .. had a lol <ile1d11...,dellpeclto dfleerllety Uijilli«ll la 1tleut 10 llmea l/YSJDE ·TODA tletits who had a right kf ccmu1t a mo. hoW sood be wu. bow .. ).a loved I tlae ~ tMIMllJ;~' • v . ",..~ : ;.\'ft">'"" i·"f -, ' ~ 11 t • l quaUOedcardlologlst." medicino and how he Clida~ mHll lo , .. ,.·~=· · ~'tflit ::twi •Jll1·Uril<\for°"'1';0itot<.-·lhiiidti kii!• 4"1l~~¢~.~-=~~ t b;';~ ~=-~·t., ii ·lie ..... ; -'=~~ .,.;,..~-t~: . ::f.14'~tlla~~~~~l ~...,.. n. s, 1110: o:::i · 'i..--......... no1 ..,..,. 1hll he ttriillt u · :U..'.61W • · .~,• ·' mtl'bllhill' """"'· • , . , .u Jury, In the impootor c 11 e <i"'Dr." didn't -he ~ad 1 -n,IOcP;dllnee of I lmmedlat0ly • It '~' I i :rtie JWl,Y. Rl~'W..r~ IJ\0.1 Brown. doing'°· Given the ]ii'' ,.Bi::::= ... ..ent(I;. < fll'lni~a,.i '!' IUl!t' Enright told the DAiLY PILOT lhat he 1ood layman ucf a -qpluled .~lhe. . ')(I Ila :, -..i!ti ~ =·~.frilM{ .iwi< will urae the panel to apMily caovlct canllolotlilt, )'hat Is a ~., · fliS tlirm#nt ·tl!O~trlafiliit,tit 1 ""'illll"fM:< · '~~""''*' "!lie pl\<lly pbyilcian.'"on II Counls ·ol ch""iclieart-der tt•oiit• I ..... hll; .... 631t'!iWIWMliW ';;ion.~'~ l!olllili+Mi "ll>l> ' Cancer: How Big a Threat? tt's THE scare word of the Ph cm. tury, but it doesn't have to be u bad 11 most Persons think. That's the message from Dr. Raul Rodriquez, the Los Anseles surgeon who was featured in Monday ni1ht's aeulon of the health forum aeries currenUy being staged by Orange Coaat Colle1e and·the Orange County MedicaJ AsaociaUon.., Read details of his report today by Judy Hunt, DAILY PILOT st.art Mi~, on Page 1$. NEW YORK (AP) -The 11ock market, after two daya ol advance, cl°"' ed with a moderate loll today as brobri "l'Orted some Investors dllaluraged by the Viet Cong's r<jectlon ol 1 mulud troop withdrawal propoiat put forth by President NiJ:on. (See quotatienl. 'Pqes II-It). • w-&11er Whtn lb< ......C.rche<I cjoud• part on Friday, It'll be a ·rreat day, With 'temperaturt1 -pua)llng 70 along the Ora 1 ':.f: Cout and up to 80 furlller nd. INSmf~fODA l' practiclni mtdlclne without a llcoae. "I thlnt the jury will roe 'Pl•~·• W # ,...._ ...... ~.,..J'I'?: ~~~irt;t;t;ll't'll't''Jllr~~ ~ " .~· II Is eapeded that the prooecutlon'1 tmilbt Aid, "I tlllnlt 0...-i Qilla:k, ... ~Utr -.; ·, .i ·-\~I.! . Cl ·t 't_,.+ 1 ·1·,! '"'-'-----------' ;..::~ :r .) ... , 1r1 'v.::J."\..~~ .,-, ~ ··~~~11'-'~·f : ~··.-\'f T '"" .... \-..-!' .. , · t.,.,! ._, .... , .. ~•·· >r t:'.~ .... ·1-.·1• ... It">-;. ~-' '' " f ' I . ~ -· . ;J ~ "'t: , '¥ I • ' ~ ... ,; -·, ~· ''t~ ~-" ' -- 1 I' • " J ( I lh cri ba I Co ... U1 ! "' ... Fri I ;':, a .. Ila Ja• llP s eon I ! • : -~ I • • • • 2 DAll.Y Pn.01' • -.... 1',1169 PILOT ' LOGBOOK ,.. 'Barber Poll' Trimm.ed? Not m Pollster's View • • !~Refund OPINION POLL T~~;ORT'S PULSE -." •• ·, Data Sent :.=:;:i:.~·"1nc 1ud1n1 ~ =i.""",:; U:~ · , -. ' !'floety~wo per.-of thole polled whetber tho city tbou1d ft1IUlote and con- ToStaM Two valuable mk or computer, ilpe, providing an $11.1 mlllloo tu rdund bonam.a !or 111,m Orange County tax- payers, were flown to Sacramento thll momin& by Alliatant Cblol Deputy Cow>' ty Tu ~ Gary Coltrr,11. apood thal ..., .-e actloa slJoUld tie ttol tho loco .... ola Md dooip "...,...,, .._.."'..,,. •• ....ii 1n co!!ilnl... ... .i .. n • 1•t¥ • '1111 ..._... · " A ....... ,_ I N'··t •• __ ___...... , ' .......... -...... YU••n•a ....--.u"' Y~ ~-...... ya enlhuaium for. iUlafve trarWarmition 0.0... ltr eivtronment was a1Jo The re>pOl1IOI ploln1y belie the noUM of the Upper Bly\and ....., b01Chfto11t nlloctod In r-In questloaa about thal NOJ<PQl'I Beach resldtnll ~ vutly , b>to boat e1oras, ~.I.! a .,...,.... Orange eouhly Airport. R<opubliCID -are dectrinalre free en-very lr!Ucb 111 line with ~' eoun. Pollsters asked whether the airi>Ort terpri..wn. Laissez faire capitalism isn't cil rtjection of a plan for an o!tlhote should be developed as a major facility wanted in the home town. Not when It marina 1n West Newport, only~lg Jltt• "along the lines o{ the Ontario and could mean an auto junk yard or ctn1 of lhose interviewed fa · Cbn· Burbank airports." Thal drew a 6$ per· billboards on the Jot next door. ttructlm of marinas olf the beacb . l . :;.,me 41 perc(llt said lheY want mor• cent oepUve response. Thls attitude canied. over I n emphaa1a P;bictd oa ~I the By TOM BARLEY Of .... Diii)' l'lllt 51aff tl loob 11 U tl:MIJ'te after Dr. Robert Petnon's scalp blcluse he con. duded a au flducat.Jon poll undft' the red, white and blue pole, but the taker of tomorial tabulations isn't working up a lather about ll True enough, be had a close shave the other day when county school board trustees voled 3 to 2 to clamp down on his non-office actlvitiea among then. poll _toking in 20 barber shope. ' But U the IChooi· sqperlntendenl WN linged by that The 1'19 "" lhpayer nfund. provided · for In ~ IA p-.d by the 1rtate'1 voters last Novefnbtr, will be mailed to _ claimant! by State Controller Houston Flournoy on June 15, Counly Asses3or Andrew J . H.lnsbaw nkl. The llriey al.90-showed -tbat only oqe dllCUllJons inlervlnven conducted on lhe. natur.,J coai:Wne; snottier 3S percent tiaid of out of five residents "strongly &Ubj~ of tidelands developmet. they want more l~plng, parking and disagree" wtth thlJ statement~ Ap>cing .lbe questions wu a key one t'eC'l'UtWtal faclliU.. akq the beach. related to a controversial issue long ""'"' r.,t didn't k h th ·~The citv should i'oin with other public und 1 i •oc: now w at JY want. ~ er c ty study. The respondents were The public accordin t th poll I •--•es •-·-k relocat1'on of •~ k~ he'"· ••-di ' g 0 e • 9 airport.~ .. w -..... w.v a!I ~ w "'""'r ~Y approve or sap-sharply divided on what to do about the prove charging fees for private, including Upper Bay. Forty-eight percent I aid 'llie rest of Ille respondeni.. said they commerctll, use of tidelands. "significant are11" of tbe Upt>U Bay of vo4e llk!ng tt Im' evident lndq. On the contrary, be p1anl to keep up bls poll tUinC pollcles at tbelr .,......t dip and to even expand them to Include "other buaineu establlshment.s." It wasn't 1 matter of ttlmmlnc him down to abe he 11)'11, tt wu almply th.it "the trustees bave:n"t aeea the 'tun ·picture." And two of thole board members. Peteraon add· ed. "art: not oriented twarda 'tbele mau.en ln the way that I am." * ' . , Nqr for that matt.er, be aays, are some of the news-papers ".ho have dwett at l"'l!lh oo Petenon'a Gallup<ype gollop (It'• l<nown 1n the C1~ic Center these days as the Brylcreem SUrvey) and his crJUci!m certalnl.v includes the DAILY PILOT. "What you people didn't take into account," S&)'I Peterson "la the fact that my survey ranged over a field a lot wJder than 1e1 educatlon. And you don't seem to realize that my head countiq wu borne out by later election results." Like bls llUD1m&tlon that st percent of the barberod babblers be talked to voted "No" oo Propo&Uon lA, the f70 property tu relief measure. "Fm- tastic, isn't itt'' aay1 PeterlOll., "that 54 percent ol the votera eventuallJ felt that way." .:-* . Thell there was the verdlct from lbe halr -that Ille Propos1t1on 9 put forward by Los Angeles County ........ P11111p Wall<ll would 1et a 11'1 I*' cent .. No" vote. It worked out for "No" wttb M percent of the county voters going that way. Peteraon can explain that. ''Between 11211 ~ rJ. the barber lhopa and the November election, more than $1 million wu spent on promoting that measure," be aald. 11That accounls for the eJ&ht wcent dlHerence." Sex educaUon, of course, wasn't on the ballot.. ·nut Peterson .prtdlcts that a public vote would jmtify the barbers' verdict -54 perct.Dt were against an upanded program of m: flducaUoo 1n public schools. . * But why the barber shop31 "~~ might i;aJl it COUDtry think.Ing," smiles Peteraon. "But the way I took at 1t 18 that a man who sill in the barber's chair cares about hls appear- ance and he's a llWl .wbo cares about his voting and what his children should not leam.11 "You've sat ammd If! barber shops," sald:Peterlon, "and you know your- self how 1eneral conversation carrlea along and covers just-about every com· numity topic ... Our own tomorial Utillator's tol'cs nnge from Brigitte Bardot through Ann-Margret and on to Raquel We1ch and from where we sit we can't help but notice Playboy'! Mlla Jul1. A little IUJ111er to the tea Is Miss Aprli and if we were uted about sa educaUoa aome 00 seconds alter &illing in that cba1r we'd ba\le to .-y ·· -- (tditora Nott: -You weren't · asktd. DT. Ptterion wa&.) .~ the RI angle a liWe further and perhape more openly, the _.,tenileo\ uked 11 a Poll or beauty parlors would fit In\• hia novel ll)'le. 1 f'Well, not rially," be replied. ··~ ladies are, perhlips, a little more lsolltecl and it would ·be a little ditfleul.t ~ contact them while they're under the dryer. There we have a deflnJte problcftt in tbe field of intercommunica- tloa •• !' Hlmhaw said hll staff WU"ked until two this morning complellng Ille com- puterlud 1\JI to be aent to Sacramento by today's deadline. The -llld bls olflc:o --171,359 clalml 1'lumed from 244,409 mailed earlier this year In C01111i, ~ petty owners. Salr-Creek Road Gone in '10 Seconds' rather liked the idea or at leaA only Fifty-seven percent said they approve:· should be preserved in the natUiil st.ate. 0 t.endfld'' to disagree.. 31 percent said they disapprove; 12 per. FortlHeven percent said the bay stM:iWd Men women than men aaJ,d they favor cent didn't know. be developed for the boating crowd. Five relocaliJlg tho oirport. The conchwon to It would appur from this ...._that peruot couldn't make up tbelr mindl. be drawn Ii obvious: the ladles are -e the city might haft alm1I citizen su~ A algnillcant,cbange ln r<oponae1 to the during the day to hear the jet noise. 11 It chose Io prm fonvard with a plan In eubject took' place, !ntermwen fOUJld In any event, the majority of tn-establish rental fees for the u.se Of when the comervationW: toncept WaS terviewees -a ·whopping 77 percent -tidelands by private pier owner~. It is ii emph~lzed by putting the question in sald there should be strict limitations on point that is not expected to be lost on this manner: any airport expansion. • municipal officials favorln&-the proposal , "Would you approve or disapprOve of The survey found that low~ost housing which has been shelved for two )'.?ars, preserving a significant portloa of the head.I the list of things reaklents believe pending further study. Upper Bay in Its natural state as a ''would compromise Newport's status 11s The poll also found overwhehning op. wildlife sanctuary?" a relatively aIOuent. village-like com· position lo commercial development ad-Seventy-two 'percent said they approve: munity," says the report. Sixty-five per· jacent to the harbor. Eighty percent said 24 percent said they disapprove : and the cent of those polled 1akl they would find they oppose it About an equal percentage "I-Oon'i·knows" dropped to four percent. it '<undesirable." said they prefer rHidential or recrea· "Among no responding groop" Otei Alao high on the li!t of Wldeslrab1es are tional development. report notes, "does the idea of Upper Bay high-rise buildings (47 percent), mobile Marine..8'?Vlce facilities, however, ap. preservation as a wildlife sanctuary fall homes (39) and hotels and motels (23). parently aren't conaldered in the same to w:in approval by a ratio of at least two- The, totals add to more than 100 pereent Jigbt u other busioesles. Sixty-seven ptr· to.one." There never would have been a Salt because each respondent gave u many cs of the respondents said they do not An easy interpretation of this mJght be Creek Road controversy If Orqe County answers as be wl!bed. object to such btyfront installations. that public altitudes on "progress" hive supervisors had done their duty when the A question on tourism was put to the "In tum," HYI tbe Opinion Research shifted con1iderably alnce Orange County Laguna Niguel Corporalioo uked for reepoodenb posiUveJy. And It got e govermn<nt and the 1rv1ne Compan1 !lnt abandonment of the right-of-way, Laguna de<:ldedly negative response. The state-d1ICUSled development of. the Upper BQ" Beach attorney Wllllam Wilconn argued ment wu mlde: "Since lbe economy of Rites Pending sir years qo. It -appean that the today In Superior Court. Newport Beach Js substantially benefited conservatloli1ats are in the saddle, and In an impassioned argwnent which wu by tourism, the city should do everything riding hard. sun going on et press time, Wllcoren possible to develop the !0<1rlst trade.'' For Ex-teacher On the subject or recruUooaJ faclliUes, blasted the county board far what be Sixty-one percent &a.id they didn't the aurvey generated at leut -pne tenned "depriving the public, in no more agree. response that Newport Tomorrow than 10 second!: of dJ1CUS11ion, of a ln bct,.se percent agreed with another Retired lon&·time Harbor Area etemen--General Chairman Macnab found pathway that 1w beeo in public use for statement suggesting that the city llhould ary 1ld!oot -Esdier Lindley died "f81Cinatlng." 35 years." overtly discourage· the further develop-Wednelday at Huntington Inter-Com-The question wa1: Snapping hls fingers before Judj:e ment of tourist attractions. munfty Hospital aft.er a lenathY Ulnes!. "If a eul.tural center that included an Claude Owens, the Art Colony lawyer. The responses to the queries on tourism She wu &a. auditorium, a theater, a muaeum and an angrily commeoted "they did It just like clelrly indicate that Newport resld<nb A teacher In Newport Beach and Coste art glllery we re In be developed in that without ·any pret.entie oI eumining don't conalder their city a tourist town; or Meu achooll a1nce 1934, she had been a Newport Beach, do you think this center the issues involved ln the abandonment of at least don't want others to con.sider It member of the Newpcrt·Mesa Teaoher should be developed primarily for use by this rigbt~f-way." as such. lt i.!i, in their view, a residential AMoc:latlon; NaUonal Education Aallocia· local residents, or be developed u a Thumping the lectern, w i· l c 0 x e n community. And they "ant the Image ti on and American Association of regttmal center, serving adjacent cities? .. declared, "It isn't right -it just i.m'' malnt.alned. Univenlty Women. Twenty-six percent replied It sbould be right. Concern for that Image ta further She wu a graduate or Occldent.al for local residents; 73 percent said it "It would be ·hard to conceive of a dbcloeed by responses to quest.iom about College where abe earned the Phi Beta should be for rui.denta or other cit1e1t stronger defense of the right of the P.Jbllc lqcal businesse11. Researchers asked for Kappa key. · too. On1y one percent were undecided. tousethorouihfar.,likeSaltCr.ekRotd agreement or dislgnement with the 5urv!Yon.biclude her husband, &hert "Tbls; I think," said Macnab, "ii a than ii caotalned in our •late coo. statement: of the home, Ml Frankfort st., HUD:-rather healthy reply. Sorqetimes we'bave .Ututloli," Wilcoren declared. ''It 1' proper that the dty regulate and ~ Beacb: twe -. ltol>ert of San been accused of being rather insular In He 11\'0tecl et length from article and conltol the types of -=-cial en-Jose and Earl of Gardena: a brother, Ibis . di)', you know. Thil lbows we'N chapter' ,of tho California code In a ~so 11 ta pruerve the , Image of Rol1ert Earl or Mll1 Valley and one not." . dlscultdon that appeared 'to strengthen Newport Beach." ~ · He llld II wu e euiprlalng llndfnC:SO, bls ~t that Ille county had no rtsbt · Elghty..tght percent e~. Only eight Fun...t .,,._-.,. Ullder the he agreed, wu mucb else In the Opin1qn In abaniloa tho loot path to Niguel eor. l-'-JIOl'fC:":nt:d~l11:1Jl':eed=.=Tbe=rest=dldn==~=know==· ~-~·~~ol~Sm~j;;th;;'•;;M;;ortuary;;;~·~·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~Jlelearcb;;;;;;;;;;~llUl'V;;;;;~f!'/~· ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;: porallon. . I OCJC Tax Boost Forecast a nylon shag that's young But Still No Money Available for Teacher Rai.ses By TOM FORTUNE ot .. l)allJ 1'16't '"" It seems tupayers will have to shell out almost half agaln as much to Orange Coast Junior College DJ.strict nut year. The prospect Is that lbe property tax bW will increue from 57 cents to 83 cents. But still, the junior college district ap. pears to De so brokt there ls no money at all available for teacher pay raises. "The money just Isn't there ," com· mented St.&pt. Nonnan Walson. The first, tentaUve budget for nen &ebool year was unveiled Wednesday night. It waa balanced only by adding in a 28-cent tu hike and by not including anything for teacher salary Increases. Jn other words, the budget Is not DAii Y Pll OI oaAHt• CO.U' flUlllSHINO COMl"AN't ••it.rt H. W••4 ,.,......,, .... "*ll&lltf J•c• It.. Ciirl1t1 V. "1•*"1 "'9 Otflt<'tit MMIW r11,,,.., K •• .,n •11titr Tlletn•• A. M111•,llln1 ~,,. £111or J1r10111 F. C1IU11t _, ..... City UIW ---l:tl I W1.t lt l~•• •••'•"•'' M•llillt A44ttUI P.O •••• 1171, t2•tJ --°'" MtM: .... , .... '""" ~~~~~=· balanced, since teachers presumably will have to be given aomelhing, even U it is 'just a cost of living increase. Teachers present at the board meeting argued for much rilor!. They are seeking an 11 percent average salary increase. that would cost an addJtional SW,000. niat amount ls the equivalent of anothe.r seven cents on the property tax rate. However, lru5tees can't tap tax· payers for any more than lhe 26-cent in· crease. All but a penny of the 26 cents i.!i to match federal and state funds for con-- structJon on the Orange Coast and Golden West cam puses next year. (A defeated bond iS&Je last September would bave done the same thin& at a cost of less than 10 centa the finlt year but tn. terelt charges would have run the coat up in the long nm.) Trusi..s on Jul11 will have eutbority under legislation to then go into effect to Jevy the matching f u n d tu without further vote of area residents. They have indicated they will do so. The 26 cents will cost the owner of a $25,000 home 111.:IS over bls $35.63 tax bW this year. That will take care of construction needs, but won't help any oo. teacher salaries. · The problem there is that the e.sdrnated increase in tax ba~ (assessed valuation) and state aid (dependent on enrollment) will only yield about $500,000 in additional Income ne1t year. Of that amount, about $300,000 will have to go for salaries for 30 new teachers, needed to handle increued enrollment, Dr. Watson aaid. Another $140,000 wlll be for pay increases routlne-- ly due teachers because they have an Mf.. d!Uonal year of experience. Thal leaves approlimately '60,000 for all olher needs, Wat.son aald. Fre111 Pqe l BRIDGE ACROSS BAY • 1 t ••• Paclfic Coast Highway and Pall1ades Rold. Would you favor,· or oppose con- struct.Ion o{ 1111ch a bridge?'' In interpreting the divided response to the Back Bay bridge question, Opinion Research executive Don McGrew said: "The results here are truly in- conclusive because many of the persons answering, we believe, gave negative answers lince they perhaps worried they would have to p1y for it with their tax- es." The Newport Tomorrow commtttee reports came 1fter months of meettns:s by the groups. They i-cI _ .. of .... "'1)U at the general meeting -aome vague and philosophical; other• technical and spedllc. Among the tdgeUlcant concop!a the committees .uggest.ed were: -Discourq:e:ment of city annexaUon of the Irvine Indllltrlal Comple1 near Orone• County Allport, becluM the Iara:est Iha.re of tu revenue from the area would go to Santa Ana's achoots. not. those in Newport B,.cb (indostrlll com· mill<el. -The city ahould C<lllllnu< 114 "broad· minded lm ..... IJoo U I landlord and ell- t.repreneut"' where it ~d well afford \o do se. (commercial commltt .. ) -ll oranat County Airport II planned for upam1oo to "lnlmllUooal" category, It should be moved, leaving the present site for a role as a "microport, inst ead.'' (industrial committee) -Establishins a new city commiltee with spcciric powers granted by the City Council to assure esthetlc quallty of the city: it would review designs far ~ posed public and private structures; that the community at large determine the rate of Back Bay instead of their political representatives working wllh ~ ln-- terest groups; that a standard structure be desigm!d and built at all entrances to the city. (In-commlttoe) Newport Tomonow Steerinl Com- mtti.e 01airman John MKoab old tho groupe he erpected mulu on a definite Ume IChedule winding up with the com- pleted project sometime In mid.sop. tember. Fr<1?n the Wedneldoy m<etlni· Macnab said the IJl'OUpe wU1 return In -tlnp and review the surYey and then bold tn. dlvldall and joint 1llud)' me<llng1 011 i.n- tatlve goaJa In June. By July I!, he said, he hoped to ,,. the final reports or goals and objectlvu statements: by the steering committee Ju- ly 16, followed by a 1eneral menbenip m .. ting • ~taUoo to the City Coondl. a!oog with COW1d1 dellberotlon and reporll should come durinl Auiuot. be llld. - ' .. , • In looks, young • in price! $8.9 5 sq. yd. Younild.,indelip- a uniquefout-eiolor e!ed from sJ)ICial dyeinr techrUqG& AM youns xt .. ill lerlure-rieh, bou.pcr ahar th.It imtcbn ,aur on. hirh spirit.I. ImqltitsivinaY'OUtfa!U1J th1 tr.dition and quality of Karutan for half th• prictl you misht ape& to Ji'Q'· In 16 color ccmbjuUw. Your favorite designer 1Dlll be MPPll In auilt I/OU • ., PROFESSIONALH.J I GARRfIT fURNfl1J~~ HARBOR BLVD. INTERIOR DESl6NERS 0,. M-n.n. & M. hn. COSTA MESA. CALIF • 646-0175 64~276 I l 1 / I . f • !lie illon llont ""'" ..... hore ...... din· ... 1ore the !laid and tell. • Is 'the 1id ~ay ate. "'1d ,.,. the ""· ••• in of lh• • 1e: the nt. :he •Y ail , .. be VO 1ty rlt : od ... no w .d Jn UI in ,,. 1y • ... "' ii •• I •• n • " • I 1 f I l!osta' Mesa . , . ' . . ' :VOL:. 62, NO. 11:6, 4 SECTIONS, o40 'PAGES • ORANGE COl,INTY'. CALIFORNIA . ' THURSDAY, MAY 15, '1969 ' TEN CEN,TS _ • '• ortas uits ~our • DAU.Y ,ILOT Slaff'"""-.s,....,. ~~~P,,, . . ' It• ""' ' .. . Neighbors were awakened on Center Sfreet' in ·C-osta Mesa ~ednes~ . day night when Jn<>Wrj1t Fr'\111< Beard,, ~1 <eame to a c~lung hajt while dri\'.ing down alley behind their ~"11s. ~ •. 6'4 CaptlOI st, ,.ias treated !Qr severe bead laceratffllls at Hoag Me~rial HO.. plliil ind released today. Paraplegics, A·rea Cage Team to Play for Dimes l~andicapped Harbor Area men -with two good legs but suffering from desk jobs -will likely be the underdogs Fri4 day when they take to the courts to battle • famous wh°eelchair basketball team for the Marett oIDimes. The local educators and clergymen face the Flying Wheels in Costa Mesa's Estancia High School gym at 7:30 p.m., according to Mrs. Dorothy Gerner, who has artanged the event,-for; the second year. Sonora School Principal C h a r 1 e s Catanese will captain the 36-man Harbor Area team in the clash with the cham· pionship paraplegic team which has performed for many heads of state. Donat.ions are $1 for adults and SO cents for studentB and all proceeds will go to Rotarians Plan Sc.holarship for Finger Victim the March or Dimes, aald Mrs. Gerner, who is the Costa Mesa Mother's March chairman. ~y Manager Arthur R. McKenzie, Orange County Chairman for the March of Dimes, will be among civic leaders on hand lo 8)"eel . the l'lyllig Wheels and basketball fans. Otbert Will be Mayor Alvin'L. Pinkley, Pr~Jack Hanunel and -Executive Manager-Hick Zitner of th~ Costa Mesa Chamber ol Commerce, Mrs. Gerner said. Costa Mesa High Sc~ool Principal Frank Lopes will be the announcer and 1. Wmddl Rke, Everett Rea School pfin- cipal, will be timekeeper. Killybrooke School Principal Henry D. Barriat •ill be ICOl'ekeeper and those who saw the wheelchair team in action last year know he'll tie bullJ' taUylng.up thejr points. J'lto Flying Wheefs were· orptlilild u. 1911, ~ have• DJ.win ~loll.record in offic(al Nanon.1 Wbeekhair,Gatnei com· petiUon, ~Mat tally in America. A numbs•of.recent ,retittments led to a majcr reorpniution of the cbam· pionsblp team and tt nOw includei dlsabl- ed Vifinam com.bat· veterans aa well as Victims d illness. Threat to Life • ~A Says , Brown Still Unqualified By TOM BARLEY Of ftlt o.11'1 "li.t St.tt "It doesn't make any difference how intelligent. how adaptable or how audacious Robert Ervto Brown wai He Nixon Offering Solid Proposal, Lodge Declares WASHINGTON (AP) -Preaid<nl NiX• on's eight-point Vietnam p e 1 c e offer provides the opportunity for "solid negotiati~ ••• it' tbere iS 1 desire on the other side," Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge ·saW. today. · Nixon outlined his proposal, including a plan for a mutual pull-out of major fOrces . . . ' . over a 12-month span, in'.a nationwide ad.o . Greis ·wedlleiday nipl. . -.ii Lodge, wbo will prpent them at the Paris peace talks Fri~y morning, talked with newsmen in the White HoUJe rose garden after 1 joint meeting with Nixon, the Cabinet and the National ·Security Council When he Pmertl! the proposals to the negot.iators, be sakl, "l wW ask them not to make a quick judgment but to think it over." 1 He brushed ulde 1niUal critJci1m from representaUves of the Viet Cong's Na- tional Liberation Front in Paris. The NLF, in !ts in.ilia! reaction there, said the United States "still clings to its old formula of a mutual withdrawal of troops, a fonnula ~hich w~ have repeatedly rejected." But Lodie commented. that "I don 't think we lake those types of statements at face value." Lodge saJd the presidential speech Is not a "counter proposal" to the IO.point offer by the Viet Cong's National Libera- tion Front at the Paris meeting a week ago. But the detailed peace propogilion from the Nixon administration "does come along at an extremely help£ul time" in order to provide a basis for basic "mea t and potatoes" bargaining with Ule other side, he said. • As ror the merits ol the enemy's pro- posals, which again call for a one-sided U.S. troop withdrawal and replacement of the present Saigon government, Lodge said only that the 10 polnis are sun under U.S. study. Nixon's halt-hour telecast, -his first Jullsca1e White HOUk Jpeech on Vietnam -won applause from his supporters and subdued initial comment from war critia. I In the speech the President: -Hinted anew at forthcom.lng U.S. \roop withdrawals regardless of what (See NIXON, Page I) was a layman, 1 man unqualified In medicine. "His ve,ry presence In a clinic and a hospital was· a threat to the liVes of pa· Uents who had a right to consu.Jt 1 qualified cardiologist.'' This will be the theme or Chief Deputy District Attorney James Enright's final argument today before a Superior Court Jury, in tile imposlor case of "or:• Brown. Enright told lht!! DAILY PILOT that he will urge the panel to speedily convict ''the phony physician," on 13 counts o( practicing medicine without a license. It is expected that the prosecution's argument will be delivered shortly after the 'n o o n break in Judge ·Byron K. McMillan's cOurtroom, Final rebuttal witnesses were teslifying in the closing stages or the trial at preu time today. "At no tlme h'as Brown Or anyone else denied that he po.w:1 for five ·weeks as Dr.· GleM L: FOsttr." Erirltht aald. ".We'vt had a. lot of teStinJq ~pfd to show how good he was , how ht loved · ~ '..if liow be "'""~ ean to ~nri"any~,., ~ ~ ·Jn' • "But the ]dat ls, U ht dith't hafm anyone -and We're not aa.>111 that he dide't -he bad a damn 9ood ch8nce of doing so. Given the choice between a good layman and· a good, qualified cardiologist, what, U a ,persdn , wtlh 1 chronic heart disorder going to do?" "I think the jury "Ul recognize this," Enright said, "I tliink the jury will find this man guilty." Deputy Pµblt c De(ender Lawrence Buckley has rWlsed 'to comment on what h~s closing argument will be. Rebuttal witnesses today went back to earlier testimony in which It was alleged that the J3..year-old Birmingham, Ala., man ordered a dangerous drug for a desperately ill patient in at least 10 Umes the quantity nonnally ordered. A Fullerton nurse testified that Jie volume of the order submitted by "Dr, Foster" sent her running to a woman In· temist to check the ptl!6Cription. It was immedlately canceled. Brown denies that he ordered the drug In the quantity alleged by Enright. He has l.nslsted throughout the trial that he knew his own limitations and that nothing he did posed any threat to the 103 pa- tients he is alleged to have trea ted . HOME SECTION INSIDE TODAY It's time for new color -inside and outside. And the mating cry of the steak and barbecue echoes acroas patios and refurbished gardens. 'rhe 'DAILY PILOT today salutes the spring season and fast-approaching sum- mer with a special JO-page "Inside and Outside Your Home" section which offers tips on everything from landscaping lo new furniture. It's Inside today. Newport-Balboa Rotary Club member~ Tuesday night voted unanimously to &pMSOr a scholarship fund drive for yoong Colt Hale, the Newport Harbor High School jqpior who Jost . several fingers in a boating accident. OCJC Tax Boost Forecast The Rotarians, some too of them, then agreed to make the iniUal donation , by dipping into the club treasury. The $250 contribution will be followed by personal donations from individual member! aod -It is hoped -·other organltations 1od private cilizens, the RotariaruJ said. But Still No Mone y. Available for Teacher Raises The action was taken after DAIL V PILOT.reporter .JOOn Valteru spoke to the club about the 16-year-old boy, his ••• titude and his nee<b. Valtena interview- ed youhg llale it 'ffoag Memorial Hos- pital earlier in the dly. Rotarlan1 Fred Swen¥On and Ralph Hiuon volunteered to aerve as chairman for the acholarstup dri ve. They said they planned calls to other Harbor Mea servk:t clubs to enlist tbe1r support fot' the campaign. ContrlbuUonr toward 1JJt project will be transferred by lhe club to 1 savings in-- acitution. Dooalioos may be aent to the tlowport.-Balboa Rot1ry Club, PO Box 165. Balboa Island, Calif., 92!C. Cheeks ibould be made out to itbe club with 1 notation on them aa)'ln«. "For Cole Halt Fund." • BJ TOM FORTUNE Oil .. Dllfr ,.., ..... ll Sef.nl! taxpayers will have to\lhell oul ·-ba~ ap1n .. much to Oranr• Coul Jtmlor Collf&e' Dillr1ct -, ,_, '!he .. OlplCj ia that tbe p:uperty llx bill will -from 57 -to a ...,ta. Bui stllt,' the junior co1letle diatrlct IP. i:iean to be ao broke there ii no money at an available for teacher pay ral.sts. "The money jUJt isn't there," com· mmted SUpl N«man Wataon. Tbf: first, ientativa budget for next school yur was ulivtiled Wedneldaf night. 11 wu balanced only by add1q In a lktl>t 111 hlile a..i by t101 UK:Judina •DYtbinl for &eacber salary lncreutt. fn other words, the budget is not balanced. since teachen J11'11'11111•bly •Ill have to be given somethif11, even tf tt ts just a cmt of li\!ing increase . - Teocilen pr""'t at the board meeting arped.for mucJl mort. They are aeeking an lt, perceut average aalarJ lncrealil -titat wOuld -.. addJtlooal IUl,000. . Thlt amount ii the equivalent or •DOlhet teven centt Gii lhe'property tax rate. However, trul&ees oui1t tap tax~ ~en for uy more than the M-cent ~ crease. All but a penny ol the 2S centa Is to match federal and state IUl'ldl for con- .slruction·on the Orange Coast and Golden West campuaes next year. (AldOf .. ted bond illue Jut S<pl<mbet' would bavt done the aame thing at a cost ol less than JO centa the flnl ,.., bul iJI. terelC charges would have run U. OOll up in the Joni run.) _ t Trull.., '"' July t will haft ""111ority mter fogblatktn ta then I" Into dlect to levy the m1ichlng f u n d tu without further vote of area residenta: 'n1ej hive indicated they will do so. The 2' cents will cost the: owner oi a 125,000 borne 111.25 over bb $.15.!j ta1 bill this year. That will take care of eonstruction needa, but won't help any on teach(r aalariea:. The problem there Is that .the est1mated lnC'reaae In taz base {aSIWcd 'valuation) and ata~ aid (dependent en enroUmentl will only yield aboot!I00,000 Jn addiUonal income next year. , . Of that alnowll, about· $!00,000 wm have to eo for Alariel for JO new !each.ra, ....t.d to handle lncr- enroltment, Dr. WallO!l 5'ilf. ~ SllO,IOO w111 be for pay iner,.. .. l'Olltille- ly cNe te1K::ben becaUle they have an ..S.. dlUooal yeir ol experience. n,at leavn (See PLIGHT, Pap II • ' Wolfson's - Gift Said 'Life Deal' WASHINGTON (UPI) -Julllel 'Alie Fortas resigned from tht Sul:" .. ,,.. Court todn, actnowledginc plans for a liDc• ~ fmanclal arrllllfllllenl wUh , llto faqiil\' foundrUon of fin~ J<oula Wolfaoo but denytna any "default!' ta Ml dull ... ~rtllldent Nixon. acce~ the -~•· lion effective immediately. 'in a letter to Chief Juslice Earl'W'lflo ren, Forta.s con.firmecf that.l>fl bad reoeiv· FortM Profile -See .Pllt f CRITICIZED JURIS'!' QUITS Supreme Court Justice · Fort•• Back Bay Annex Battle Delayed Until June 25 sd $20,000 from lh• family tounclatlon ol the now-imprisoned Wolf.90n and said tt "\vas to have.been 1 stmUn& arrangement -that is that be wu to receive $30,000 i 'Ille battle belw~n Costa Meiia , aiid NeWport Beach over confllcting an· ~iUon' proposals in the uppb N.twP,Ort Bay aru has been postponed10 June 25. LoCal Agenc)' FQnpaU~ Corprpiss~on Ez~Uve OfJicer lU.chflrd ,'.J\lme~ ·pt. ·l!olod !be' .ll<lay, ~ 'l't~•""1t Bench request 111•1 'all p~'be ~ 'It the same time. · i;be mOv1 got reluctant approval Jr!1m_ Cost.a Mesa officials who had afrivid at Wedne!ll:lay'a J.,AFC session backed by property owners in the area the city pro- poses to annex. LAFC Olairman Jame! T. Workman asked that both cities "work with our ex- ecutive officer in the ·me11nlime-in the hope that a seUle,miwt ,agreeable' tti bot? may be reached by June 25." Supervisor Alton •E. Allen, a member cl the commission, asked ii there was any objection to the delay ffom either city, Costa Mesa City Manager Arthur R. McKenzie did obied and entered a state- ment i'n the .record.urging that the Costa Mesa annexation matter be heard at that Ume. Newport Beach Councilman PauJ Gruber stated that his council approves the delay. The move was approved unanimously by the commission. Supervisor Allen said that a committee representing both cities Is "working to iron out problems in this county cor· ridor" and the delay would be "better for all concerned." Costa h-fesa Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley and McKenzie said after the discussion that they were "hopefql" that the in- tercity committee members cou]d work out an agreement acceptable to both communities "establishing Tustin Avenue as a realistic boundary line between the two cities.'' Serving on the co~lttee are Vice Mayor Robert Wilson and . councilman Willard JOl'dan flt c.oata: Mesa ~. coun-- cilmen Lind.sleY Parsoos , i n d . Robert- Shelton of Newport Bdcb. . The anliexat~on l)roposfls, by each;c1.ty are: ~ta Mesa for a to-.cre area .. dub- bed Back Bay Np .. I, ~t'lfeen ~tin and Santa Ana avenues . north of La ·Canada Way and nort.h an(I south ~f' bisecting Mesa Drive. -An ove·rlapping:Newport' Beach pro- posal for 23 acres west of Tustin Avenue. between Orchard Drive on the north and 660 feet sooth of University Drtve. Tbis area overlaps the Mesa ~I oo it! easi,m half. -A '9t<.'O!ld l'lewport proJ!OS8l of 118 Acres In an irrtgular &htP,e includina pro- perty from Palisades Road on the north to Qrchard and Mesa drives on the south, between Birch Stiiet'on tne 'eot and Santa Ana Avenue on tne west. 'nlil aru (See BAClt BAY, Pas• ,, -Cancer' How Big a Threat? .. It's TIIE~acare word of lhe IOth ctn• tury, but ii doesn1 have lo be la bed u moll per10lll think. That's the mC'51ge frpm Dr. Raul Rodrique;, the Loi Anctla nrpon who 1 WU featured In Monday, nlgbl'I -d the httilth fOnJm ..na "'"'"Uy bolas •laird by Or•np Coul eou.,a and t)le Oranp Oowtty Medical AaaoclaUon, Read detail• of hit ttporl today by Juc!1 llurat, DAILY. PILOT ataa writer, Oii Page 15. year for the rat of bia Ille. · Tbe justice said.he1termlnated the. ar- rangement and returned tbe fint year fee of $20,000 in late ltel. · · "But," Fortas wrote, "1 ' have not 1n-- ti!rceded or taken part in JnY lqal, rid- ministrative or judicial matter affectin& Mr: WolfaoD ·or anydne au>ciated •iqt blm. ". ' . • I. • Ht sald the •JP'-'111,. in~· l!l&S, soon• after ht joined '""4 "contemplated'1hat J • : .. ~ llnulng $U\O\cel, 'Ind,. o1 fixll!I Ylr~le COfll'IRla&IOa0 •• 'to time for work don•, it ... vlded tbal I Jfoulol receive twen\y lllouo&nd pOr..J..,. for my ·llf• !!Ith ..-....-1s ·for peyineftti lo :acn·rortatm tbe efttlt « .. tllt .. Fortu told Warren his .1tU1 prq:nRted "1 "the welfar' tf/ectl,..... ol the court to its crlUcal role in our system ,, 11!1/b ment." .'.-l, · He Hnt a letter late . widA~1 ta President Niton submitting his ·~ ·uon and Nlton wrote him u · acce~ this monun,. Fortu alao wrote ..,_ with an erplanaUon o{ his dUllii • wftb .Wolfaon and of h.is decision to ·resip. ' The exchanie-bet"een Fortaa and N~ on was not ifnmediately diJclosed, but the court made rpubllc lhe .Fdrtia lefter lo Warren. · Fortas said he hoped the relicnaUon, "by tenninating the public controftfsy, w111 pennlt the court to prO«sd 1'\tli Ill work without the haras.!lmmt of 'debati concerning one of Its metnbers'." The letter went into the WolflOl'I Fmnl· ly FoundaUon .matter in detail.. .Jt picf that since becoming a member of tM court, Fortes had received malez:i1l relating to Wolfsor.'s "prob!~" and that on several occasions Wolfaon-men- tloned them lo the justice. · "But 1 have not lntercedec: or taken pact in any legal, administrative or judicial matter affecting Mr. WolflOf\ or anyone associated with hbn," the letter said. Wolfson Is now serving a On&Y"1' priaOn sentence · on conviction of clmjea (!et FORTAS, Pap II NEW YORK (AP> -' '!he' atoclt maiktl, after two doir 'd iid'iaoce; 'claa- sd with a moderatt'looo today II brd<e!s reported l<in• 1nv<iton dlicouraged ~ the Viet Cong's rejec:tioo of a .mutuil troop wlthdnwal ~ put lo<th by President Nixon •. {See quotations, Pq• 111-19>. ' I Wea4Jier ~ . When the 1un-tcorcbed clouds part on Friday, It'll be a ll'UI day, with temperatures pushing 70 along the Onnge Cout and up to 80 furtltlr !Aland. INSIDE TOD-' Y . . Pretidtnt Ni:lon hat a ~tto cozy littlf office ft&lt crcro11 the 1treet,. but' 1JU, vice prt1fck1U 1i• getting tfnd of bWllped ar0111111. l'ao• s. 1 c.......... • --,., c....... .. .. ,.....,. ,. c.-.. " .......... """ ... Cid • 11 .,.. ~ tt ..... --" """" ,..,., " .......................... , .... ........ I I f , .. :i :::: ..... =: .r:-:.. 1• ~ " ... ,,_ •1" ,...,..... " ............. .._. . ........ II """...... .., ' ' c Thunday, M11 15, lM • PILOT • , LOGBOOK ·· ' , 'Barber Poll' Trimmed? .. Not in Pollster's ·View ,By TOM BARLEY .Df .. hllr t'lltt ,, ... It looks u II lllt)<'re afl<r Dr. Rob<rt Peterson'• scalp boca""' h• con- ducttd a 111 edllcaUCNI poll under the red, while and blue pole, but.the la.Ur of • klblorial tlbnl•Konl lln't wcirklng up a lalber about It. True eoouih. be had a cloae shave the other day when county school board truJtees voted 3 to 2 to clamp down on his non~fflce activities,. among tbem poll taking In :IO barber shopa. . ~ f. \ . But II the achool superintendent w11 llln&ed by that bit cl vole laking It Ion~ evident today. On the eontnry, be pllm to hep up hll poll taking polJd<o at tbelr -t cllp and ln even expud them to lndllde "oth<r ..W- establlabments.'' 1.. ! o;~ r··· ). ' !' ~ It wasn't • matter of trimming him down to alze., he ..,., It was sllllply that "the trustees haven't oeen the full picture." And lwo of tlloH boon! members, Peteraon - ed, "are not ortented towll'dl tbele matter& In the way that I am." ' *-Nor fcir that mitter, be aays, are some of the news- papers who have dwelt at length.on Petenon•a -OalluP,type gallop (lt'a known L'l the Civic Center these days ••. the .Brylcreem Survey) and his criticism certaln1y includes the DAILY Pnm. "What you people didn 't take into account," uya Peterson, "is the fact that my survey ranged over .a field a Jot wider than ltx education. And you don't seem to realize that my head counting wu borne out by later election relUlts." Lil<• ru.. aummaUon that 'st percent cl the herber<d babblers Ile talked to voted "No" on ProposiUon lA, t1'e $70 property tax relief measure. "Fan- tutic, Isn't it," says Petenon, "that M percent of the voten eventuall)' feU &bit way." * Then there waa the verdict from the hair houses that the PropoolUon I put forwml by WI Angela County A-PbUlp Wataon would cet a rt per- cent "No" vote. It w<rked out for "No" wHb Ill perteDt of. the county voterl rolnl that way. . Pelenon can .aplain that. "Between 1111 tour cl the herber abopo end the November elecllon, mnre than fl mlJl!on wu lp<lit an promotln( that measure," he Uid. "That account. for the eight percent dlfference." Sez education, of course, wasn't on the ballot. But Peterson predicts that a public vote would. jUIUfy the barbers' verd!ct -H percent were against an expuded program of ses educaUop In public schools. . * But why the herber sbope? "You. might call it country trunking/' smiles Peterson. "But tbe way I look at it ill that a man wbo 1U1 tn the barber's chair cares about his appear· uoe and he's a man wbo C1?e1 about his voting and what his children should not learn." "You've sat around. In barber shops," said Peter110n, "and you know .your. lelf how general conversaUon carr1ea along and covers just about every com. munlty topic.'1 * Our own tomorlal titillator's topics ranae from Brigitte Bardot through Ann-Margret and on to Raquel Welch and from where we 11lt we can't help but notice Playboy'1·Mlaa JUiy. A litUe fur1ber ln the left Is Miss April and U we were..asked 11¥Jut eex educaUoa 10me ao &eeonds after sitting Jn that cbalr 'tM'• Nott: You wrm.'t asked. Dr. Peterson was.) · we'dtw: , the lf2: migle a lltUe further and perhaps more openly, the .iperintendel!I Wed If a poll of beauty parlors would fit inlo hll novel style. ••wen. not rully," he replied. "Our ladies art, perhaps, a UtUe more llollted and it would be 1 little iWflcult to contact them while they're under the cleytt. There ... have a deflllle problem in the· field or lntercom1mmica- tlan •• .'' Rites Pending For Ex-teacher Retired Jona.time Harbor Area elemen- ary school leacher ESlher Lindley died Wedneaday at HuntJncton Inter.{:om- munity Hospital after a lengthy Ulnels. She WU 58. A leacher In Newport Beach and Coeta M,.. achools llinc• llll, she had been a member of the Newport.Mesa Teacher Asaoc11Uoa; NaUonal F.clucaUon Asaocla· ti.on and American AlloclaUon of University Women. She WU a graduate or Occidental college where she earned the Phi Beta Kappa key. Survivors include her husband, Robert of the home, 841 Frankf'ort . St., Hun· tin&f,on Beach; two sons, Robert of San Jose and Earl of Gardena ; a brother, Robert Earl of Mlll Valley and ooe rrandchild. Funeral arrangemenl.5 are under the direction of Smith's Mortuary. DAILY PILOT OUNO& '°"41 f'UIN.IMOHe COMPAH'f aNert N. We.4 .. ,.~ ...,. "'*'"'* J•c.• .. \Ila,,...., ..... Tlio1111e1 Ke•• l:tlltr The"'e1 A. M11t,h1ne .,...,, E•I• ....,_.._ JJO Wftf ..., Street M1ll'l111'A.W•e11: P..O. tn lf.0, t162'6 --w.-t heal: ttll ....................... L ..... DIJ9CJI; tn F-t A- HWl ..... IMcal .. llll llrllt From Page l NIXON ••. happens at Paris. "'Mle time is ap- proaching when South Vietnamese forces will be able to take over 10J11e of the fighting fronb now being manned by Americans," he quoted the U.S. Com· mander In Saigon, Gen. C'rtlgbton Abrams, as saying. -Vowed to keep h.is campaign pledge ''to end tbl1 war in a way that would in· crease our chances to win true and la.sting peace" and declared that "If I fail to do so, I upect the American people to hold me accountable for thal failure ." -Promised U.S. firmness in the basic goal of self-determination for South Viet- nam -"we have also ruled out either a one-sided withdrawal from Vietnam, or the acceptance in Paris of term! that would amount to • dl!guised American defeat," he said. -Delivered a veiled warning to Hanoi against military offensives, saying, ''I must make clear In all candor that if the needles.! suffering eontlnues, this will af· feel other decisions." -Appealed to the American people "whatever our differences," to back his peace otter. "Nothing co u J d have a greater effect in convindng the enemy that be should negotiote In good faith than to see the American people united behind a generous and reasonable peace offer," be 11ald. White House 50\lJ'ttS said Nlxon Urned his offer which had been rtady for some wee.ks, for delivery now beca~ this seems tb be the best moment for a U.S. move to t.baw the Parts deadlock. '-... Traffic Victim's Kin File Suit Foor d1ughters ol 1 Balboa Island ruteur1teur have sued Orange County and the state of California for Sl million In a complaint that charges the defen-- dants with responsibility for a road ac· ddent that caused his death. Thomu Clifford Archer dlnd as the result of negllgence on the part of state employo Larry C. Pridt, c I a I m Klm- berly Sue Archer, Pamela Ann Inman, est.ale admln1WatrJ1, Suzan Dee La Mont and Debra Kay Haney. Also l~ted u 1 dependent ts Archer'• mother, Alice Morgan. 'Ibe ~aint indicates lhat Pride wu at the wheel of a flrt truck under con· tract lo .the county when the accident oc- curred 1Nt Nov. 21 at Pallsad~ Rold and C&mpua Road. An earlier claim by IW'Vlvlnc mtmbtn or the family wu denied by the cou9ty Jut Feb. ti. The state refll90d to bonor an ldenUc1J claim on Feb. 19. . \ •• • .,,. ...... J PLIGHT .• -' ' -•""'11 MO,Glll IW a!J ethlo ...... w-- - .. R. 'h? ' ·~ t. -~~ ... ·~-=~ Nt¥:nn Can Now ·Nauw Two · New Just~ .. .....,_ • ....,. ~ ... • ., ..,..,.,,. ~ If., • • . ' ... -' ' IM 1M1111t• 1111111 • lo U .' wAJiieNlJTON (VP!) -JusUce AW White and Arlhar J. Goldberg. ' d-pUnf oouthern public achoo! ,..-cl .. ··-....._ S-,_. tMp-pve Pr'"ldent Ni.Ga Now It 11 poMble for tile court. 10111 flCUltles, and wbelber military peraonnel than the U ...-tile con.ti dlotrlcl the _.tuolty to name two n.,. -of "coddllng" r--unist& and wbo commit crimes In the U.S. Clv!Uan bas been operaUng with OU. year. menJ>en to the S1.1pnme Court -a criminals, to move in ."';;~ conaerv• comm\mity 'mUst ·bi 1tilcL J,i 'ctvruan "I've felt uncomfor!Able ev.. this move wblch could aubstanUatly alter the tlve diMctjon. courts . ytar,'' he slid. ""The rule of thumb la trtbunal's comple·xlon and 1ega1 Du.ring hll preaidential campaign, Nix· Fortas's ruignation -,vlll Te quire reserves should be 10 percent ol tbe philosophy. on prom1aed to appoint oalY. "strict con· reorganizing of opinion-Writing and could budget." There was no immediate lndJcaUon u lltuCUcmilt.s" of the Constitution to tbe mean tie votes among the 'eight ·re- Several teachers representing lhe to the President'• cbok:e as Teplactment high · bench. Jn the pobUc mind. this malnina court membeTs. Thus, ~ un· faculty senatel of tbe two campuses for Forias and Qllef Justice Earl War· phrue means giving more power to ltiw detennlned number of cases cou1;t be made prtlMtlliona to,tbe board. ren. enlorcernent agencies and le,, leeway for ria.i-gued 'nHt (Crm wltfi tWo r\ew.ers 'Mley ,uked for. a /o;Jr percent cost of WatTen, '18, ls, retiring from"the court an accused to fight conviction. ·' present. · living incret*, med~!'1J dental and in-when th)., term ends in Jube. He slayed Other members of \he Coort who con-M811y' names have beeo put l~ard surance fringe bmefill( ~nd better pay on an iidtfiUoUf yea; afJer the Senate celytlbly ~Id retire in lhe neir future as · poa.ibilltles for· the Warren tpott.. for part.lime and summer school last summer rejected F'ortas as his sue· au Justices Hugo L. Black, 13; William ~1embtrs of tht Nixon cabinet :_pro. teachers. cessor. 0. Douglas, 70; and John M. Harlan, who minently mentioned are Secretary of They also made a strong pitch for In announcing the President's ac. reaches 70 next week. Any one of them State William P. Rogers and AUy. Gen. salary credit for courses taken prior to ceptance of the Fortas resignation, WbJte could retire at full $60,000 yearly salary. JOhn N. Mitchell. From the judiciary, the earning tbe mu&er'• deeree. It wu Houae press lleCf'ttary Ronald Ziegler 'I11e court has heard arguments in names d. circuit judges· Henry J. P'riend· pointed out that the district is one of only aaid there were oo immediate plans for more than 50 cases this tmn which stJU ly of New York and Warren E. BtO'ger of. nine out of 81 junior (!Ollege districtl ID narnti1g a new chief ;Usuce or asaocl•te are undedded. Even 1f a new ~te the District of. Columbia are most often the state that does not give such cr<dlt. justice. · iuatiee were named lmmedlatelf, be lleud. Board memben said they are in IJ'lll· Fortu has aJMed bimaaij with the War· would not portlclpate In these decllions, From the her, Wa&hlngton alt<ttley pathy with that request of the teachers Ten-led members of the (!Curt who have 11ince he would not hive heard the Charles S. Rhyne, a good friend« Nbon but wanted to know where they are going thrown their Qght strongly in fa.Or of arguments. _. and a seasoned advocate before the to get the money. individual liberties. Thil group came to t1ndfddtd Issues include the "falrnes& Supreme Court, beads the list. Otberlin- They scolded teacher representatives the 'fore With tbe departure of Justices doctrUle" for btOadcutera;the eicluslon elude former Gov. 1boma.s E. Dewey of for not working with . Dr; Watson so he Feth: Frankfurter and Charl~ E. Whit· of Rep. Adam Clayton Powell from the New York and Herbert Brownell, <Who t.'OUld have prepared flnn figures on cost taker and their replacement, by Presi· 90tb Cmgreu, Jmportant pha!ea relating was attorney general in the Eisenhower of the teacher salary proposals. dent John F. KeMedy 1 with Byron R. to capital puniJhment, the mechanics of administration. Trustees !aid they want to see those figures when they meet again in two weeks. Also at that Ume a sµrvey is to be presented on salary classifications for non-teaching employes. Dr. Watson said he doesn't know what the board will be able to do. ''It ls pretty hard to make cuts elsewhere when 78 percent of the operating budget goes for Inst.ruction (salari .. )," he uld. He uld di.trict officials are dolnl everythln1 JlO"lble to get the wont to Sacramento legislators ol their d l r e straights but he can't be very optim!Jtic from that quarter. Special Group Named to Revive Airport Measure A tpedll five-man committee bas been named by Orange County Airport Com· mission Chainnan Dennis Carpenter of Newport Beach to revive a proposed new and much debated county airport ordinanct. Carpenter named the c o m m i t t e e Wednesday after commlsalon members Tu6day nJlbt li•tened to a heated debate involving about.,JOO opponents cf the pr1> posed ordinance 'a:i submlttec: last month by county Aviation Director Robert J, Bresnahan. Bre!nahan termed lt "i'tecwary up- dating" of the present 21-year-old ordinance. His proposals were criticized by flight Instructors, Oyfng clubs, and some fiud baae leue operators at the altport. From Page l BACK BAY •.• borders Costa Mesa's proposed annex on the north but does not overlap it. The scene of battle is not a new one between the two .communities. Most recently they fought over Conflicting merger areas just south of Palisades Road. &th petitions were deiiltd by the LAFC on April JO, 1163. Top prize of the fight is the 238-acrt in- dustrial acreage in the Irvine Industrial Complex just north of Palisades Road and w~st of the Orange County Airport. Both sought to block the other off from this property, then owned by the McOon-- ne\1-Douglas Corp., in the 1968 fight. (Wh@n McDonnell-Douglas did n o t develop the property in a sales agreement-specified period, the Irvine Co. took back the acreage l~t year). Since the early 1968 baUle, Costa Mesa has succeed in annexation of about 40 acres bordering the east side of Newport Boulevard and south of Palisades. The Ir shaped land extends from the Santa Ana Country Club parking Jot on the south ln Santa Ana Avenue on the ea.st. Newport Beach did not oppose these annezatlons. \ Harbor Chamber Hears Carpenter County Airport Commiulon Chairman Dennis Carpente!' wl.11 address members ol the Newport Harbor Chamber of Com· merce ln a Friday morning monthly in· formal "sunrise bull session." The breakfast meeting will start at 7:30 a.m. ln the Balboa Bay Club. Carpenter's topics will -include tht lmpect on sur- rounding cunmu.nities of expansion of Orange County Airport. Ticketa to the montbly event ire available by calling chamber offices at 548·1155; Humphrey in AAUP MINNEAPOLIS (AP) -A new member of the American AssoclaUon of Unlvtr1lty Professors Is Hubert H. Humphrey. , The former vice pn!sldent 11 now teaching at Macalmtr COUege in St. Paul and the Unlvmlly of Mlnnuota. His applicstlon !Qr AAUP membenblp Wal ltnt to the oraanJuUon'a httd- quorters In Wasbm,too and ae<tpted J>fomp\ly. • Two Mesa Boys ~rrested, I Hospitalized tor Fumes A 15-year .. Jd boy arreated on IUlpicion · cl drug u.. was bolpitallaed Wedneoday after collapsing at Costa Mesa police headquarters and a youngerlxly wu ap- prehended fnr lnifflni potentially deadly aerosol fumes. The older boy wis picked up on a reaident.ial street by Patrolman Richard Mesa Thieves. . . . c • Black Out Autos Eight 1969 compact can parked at a Costa Mesa dealership came fully equip- ped -unUI Wednuday. Joseph c. Colaolnnlo, employed by Poole Buick Inc., 234 E. 17th Sl, told poltce that thieves r"1'f0ved e.igbt sets of driving lights worth $320 from the.row of Germ~built cars. Music.ian Gilbert A. Nebon, of l&M Placentia Ave., CoMa Mesa, al.so told police a car burglar stole clothing worth $312, including two,~. uniforms, ,from his auto while it was parked outside • her. J-. ..... aald be was aclini straoce and ~ quite Intoxicated. He wu taken to Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital, trwferred to Orange County Medical Ceriter and later released to a brother. Officer Jolm c. White toot a 14-yw .. ld boy into custody near Co8ta Mesa' Park after a citizen's complaint, but another yooth present escaped. AuthorlUea have warned repeatedly that sniffing aeroeol fumes hai killed 1 number of ~ recently and such a preuuriud ~ pd a plastic bag were found near the .park. • One mJtf inay produce a niomentary high, but more lnhalaUon can tt:SUlt fn a '1ldden fneiln1 or Jung Uuue and this resuhl in death 1 few eecoodi liter, authoritiel uld. 10 Arabs Executed DAMASCUS, Syria (AP) -The Iraq! gova:nment _aecuted 10 Arabi before daybreak tod'7 for 11pylng for Israel, the UnUOd Slate• and Iran, the official Iraqi news agency repon'ed. Fro'" Page l FORTAS ••. ., . of stock manipulation In violation ol federal securities laws. Fpr the first time publicly, Fortas acknowledged that he nceived a ~.ooo check from the foundation. He 111d thi5 wu the ltart of what wu to have been a long nnge UIOciaUon with the foun- dation. Its progr8Jll Involved improvement of community relations and the promot!oft of racial and religious cooperation, hi lained eip,The aireement ... contemplated that I would perform continuing services, and. instead of fii:lng variable compensation from time to time for work done, it pro- vided tbat I would receive $20,000 peT year for my We with arrangements for paymenb to Mrs. Fortas in the event of my death," the Jetter said. Fortu told the chief just!~ that In January, 1966, he Teceived the check fO;f $20,000 and began his as!Odation with the foundation. "ln June of . that year I attended and parllclpated ln s meeting of the. trurtees or the foundation at Jacksonville, FJa.," he said. "ll is my recollection that Mr. Wolfson dld not attend tbe meetJna. I went from Jachtonville to his fami at Ocala where 1 had an overnight visit, as I recall, wlth him and N.s family." Later the same month, Forlu related, ho concluded that his role with the rrm- daUon should (!()me tc an encl. •';,, a nylon shag that's young • Ill looks, young • Ill price! $8.95 sq. yd. Younc ldMI in d•iln- • unique four-color etrect from apec:ial dyein&' techniqU• And )'OUnl id ... in ta:tu1.-rich, boQncy •bar that matcbM your own hiih apirila. '""'""' sMnl-f....tly the tradition ud quality of Kuuta.n for half &ht price )'ou mliht ezpect to pay. fQ 16 oo1or comhlnaU-. Your favorite d<rignn IDiU be Mppv to ouill ~OU • ,. PROFESSIONAL H.J. GARRETI . f u RN ffiJ~~ ~ARIOR BLVD. INTERIOR DESIGNERS 0,.. 11 .... Tloon. i "'1.· a..., COSTA MESA, CALIF. 6~~175 646-0176 I I l ON THE, W,AY -Artist's drawing depicts Apollo 10 spacecraJt and lunar module ~oving away from expended S-JVB stage on way to moon orbit. S-IVB will fire for about live minutes, propelling Apollo -. 10 out of earth parking orbit ~nd into' lunar trajectory at a velocity ol about-24,200 miles per hour. -TOWARD MOON --;\polio command ship (upper Jell), otherwise known as ''Charlie Bro,vn," stands by as lunar module·_("Snoopy") ' descends toward moon's surface in this artist's conception of Apollo 10 mission. "Snoopy" will drop to 50,000 feet above moon for map's closest look at lunar surface and inspection of future landing sile in Sea of Tranquility. Briggs War Over? Judicial Council Advises Cutting Fullerton Court California J udicial Council h as delivered what may be the death blow lo Assemblyman John Briggs' ca1npaign to rota.in tlle one-judge Fullerton division of the Oran ge _Couiity Superior Court ft has ended a prolonged study of the advisability of maintaining lhe norlh county court outlet by advising that it be abandoned as soon as possible. The 21· page report circulatecf late Wednesday suggests that the branch court business should become part of operations at the new $16 million county courthouse in Sair Beach Boys Club Sets Camp Dates Registration Is now being taken by the flllnlington Beach Boy5 Club for a cam· ping ses.~ion from July 7 to July 14 at Camp Norri§ jn the San .Bernardioo Mountains. Cost o( the week.tong camp is $36 plus St.50 in aMual club dues. Those interested in participating in the camping ,session may t\lgn up at Boys• Club Headquarters, 319 Yorktown Ave. or cell 536·9415 (or further Information . Included in the programs to be offered to the YOU!\&Slers are archery, outdoor C'OOklng, Ci.slllng;llorscback flillng and afr riOt shooting. .I ' . la Ana. Court and county executi ves close to the controversy unanimously agreed to- day that !be report will prompt codnty superVisors to take the abandonment ac· lion suggestOO.. And such action 'would seem to spell finis to the Briggs measure recently introduced in Sacrament() - a biU which, if approved, would have bar· red the counly from closing up shop in Fullerton. All Superior Court judges contacted on the subject by the DAILY PILOT have agreed that closing of the Fullerton branch is a sensible and jusWied con-- clusion. · 'P~siding J1.1dge Samuel Drelzen has s(ated on more than one' occasion that all Superior Cl:lurt operalioris in Orange <;aunty should be conducted from t.be new c9\1rthouse. Superior Court adpiioistrator Leslie McCartney also believes that court business should be coDductcd Utrmlgh a "ccnlralized f&ciJity if only ror efficiency ~ economy or <1peration." McCarlney believes that the recent ~losing oC a one judge branch court ln UlE! San Femaodc> Valley by Los Angele. County supervisors will stroogly Jn!luencc Orange County actic>n on the Fullerton issue.. The judicial council report points out that maintenance ot the Fullerton branch woold represent a conveni~ to only 1:1 small group of J~al attorneys and thcir ~.li~nts at UiC expense or overall ef· 11oency. . - --------------------- ellt.Y .Plll!T ;J, 2 Coa~t Firfll.S Linked to ApOllo By RUDI NIEDZIEl:.SKl , Of tM Dali¥' PUii steff . Two Otange Coast •l)a« w..,1r1es;wlll play a leading role , In the Apollo 10 moonshot - a drama that ls expected to be the• final dress rehearsal for man's f~ landing oo the moon this 5tllTlmP', . The two Jndustrles ate McDonnell Dooglas .<stronauUcs. ol HunUog\on , ~h, buil~ers of the Saturn S-IVB third stage, and North Amer:ican Rockwell of, Seal Beach, .suppliers of 1tbe ' command and lunar modules for astronauts Staf- ford, Young and Ceman. , The Saturn third stage is sciltduted to blast the Apollo 10 spacecraft out. of earth orbit and into the course around the moon this $µn~. where two astronauts will descend to within 50,000-.feet of the lunat surface. , Just as in the actual .lunar landirig mission, the S·IVB will ignite about 8 to 9 mJnUtes alter filtoff or the giant Saturn-V r~ket. Its single Rocketdyne J-Z englne, burn-. ing liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen propellant's, will fire initially for ap. pro~JJlately 2\.i: minutes, generating 230,000 poonds ol thrust and Inserting itself, the Apollo spacecraft and the crew into orbit about .115 miles above the earth. After an orbital checkout of the Apollo spacecraft which will last from two to roor hours, the third stage J·2 engine will restart and fire for about five rrllnutes, boosting the Apollo from its parking orbit toward the moon at 24,200 mlle.s per hour. The Apollo command ._and service niodules will separate from the S.IV.B about 30 minutes later and dOck with the lunar module, which ls attached to the · forward portion of the S·IVB. Final separation of , spacecraft and Jun·ar module !rooi the S-Iva will occur about one and .a hal! hours after the docking maneuver. The S.IVB will then skirt the mooo * * * A1>9llo Warning Ligh~, Signals ~Nag' Astronauts A system of caulion and warning lights and signals resembling a nagging housewife will remind Apollc> l O astronauts to check a temperature, push a button, or solve a problem on board the spacecraft. The system gathers informatio11 from about 70 points in the command and service modules and emits1 warbling tones and flashes red lights in case everything is not A-OK. The nerves of the caution and warning system are so precise that during one previous mission the astronauts had to outfox it by prematurely turning on fans t.o lower the heat and pressure in the service module's hydrogen tanks. A sensor, whooc limits had been set too high, had insisted on touching off the 11larm during all hour6~ including those reserved for sleep. Problems within the space capsule touch off tha nagging warning. system and a steady red master alarm ll~t ap.. pears along with the audip tone 1n the astronauts' headsets. An additional panel o{ lights which pin- points the troubled area can then be checked by !Jle. spacemen. If the problem is of sufficient magnitude to endanger a llfo support system, the light will indicate it by glow· ing red . .Jtlhe light is yellow, the problem is. not major. The caution and warning system even monitors i t s e 1 f , according to North American engineers, who designed it. It will confess if it malfunctions -which is more than you expect a nagging housewife to do. * *' * Spacecraft Put In 'Rotisserie' • :for Yitai Tests How do you keep a spaceCTaft from overheating and fl'eezing while ·It ·is eo route to Ute moon and expased to ex- treme tempertaures? Engineers at North. A m e r I c a n Rockwell's Seel Beech Space Divisloo took a lesson from housewives and .ffill put the Apollo 10 craft through a ~ies ol "rotisserie rolls" for cont.'rolled tern• perature. The ·astronauts -Tom stafford, John Young and Gene Ceman -must be pro- tected against temperaturell' ranging from about 280 degree! Fahrenheit on the side facing the sun to 280 degrees below zero on the· duk aide ol the moon. The rolls, meaning about ooe revolution per hour for most of the fllght, will keep ihe men Crom lreezinC or baling. During some test periods the module will be turned ~ree ~vo!uUons per hour. The astronauts start the slow roll by firing r~action control engines on the scrvke module, giving the spacecraft a rolallonal push. Thl1 will be dOl1e about U hours Into 1he ffigbt when Apollo is approximalaiy 69.000 miles froni earth. II lakes about ooe IJOC<ll1d ol lbrual lrom 1he t11~s \o slar\ tile lnllW roll. Then, Jn the vacuum of space. the craft, wUJ continue it.s roll without additional lbrual. be!"" going lnlo Ofblt around 1he aun. The C01IUtW1d ,and oervlce modulea (Charlie Brown) and 1111111' module (Slloopy) u well as the -alage of Ole mlC)>ly Sltwil V rockel ve built by North AmerJcan RocbeU's Sp a c e Dlvlalon In Seal Beacb. A l50COlld docking maneuver will take ' place between Snqopy and Charlie Brown a!Jer Apollo goes Jnlo orbll around tile -'nle lunar module, wftb twt ol 1he three ·crewmen aboard, will separate from the 'coinmand/oervi<!O 11\odule .1 or a fllg)ll tbat will Jake ;110 wllhln JO mJJQ ol lhe moon's surface. u 8-1ben re)Olm Oarlle llroWn In an intricate maneuv• that evemu.o,t brings the two _.n lop1het aboul 69 miles •bov• Jbe ...... Alter lhla liul clocldq, 1he lwuor, module will bt jel~ llJ!d OlarU. Brown, wltb tho tlnO litnloallll, wJU bead !or bome. .. I.ET LOOSE! CO FREE! GO, , , IN OUR NEW IODY-sHAPERS BY WARNEil . J .. t a few onneeo ol'nttde l1l1llOlbo ing and yon can go. F\M u the wind. Looking mano1-1n tht - -faebic:..,, Nyloa DI 1ttaa• opandex~et~ ... pr...hapod In; &c- l&.111. See tlwqli In; &C cupo, ..... 0.-. lei• penb";Pdle; S*L.11·• Foundalilial, ' Newport Centei tl Fa51!lcn Island • 644-2200 • Moo., Thurs., fri.10:00 till 9:30 Oiiier days 10:00 Ull 5:311 I .. . -., ' - -· • ., 15, 1969 Communists Cool to Nixon's Proposal Cong Spurn Prov~wm, Avoid Outri ght Rejec~~; Hanoi Sikm ./ By THE MliOCIATED PRESS OllkW r<1clloo In the Communist w or Id to President N\ion's Vietnam peace packqe proposal w .. pnldictably cool today. . The Natlooal Liberation Front, political arm of the embatUtd Viet Cong, spumed the es.sentla.I provisions of the Nl:ion pro- ~ but appeared ta avoid c=lully rejection of it as a whole. At the same time, the So~lh Vlet· namese allies of tbe United SlateJ. though they appannUy had endoned Ibo plan in advance, might have serious ob- jediom to some aspecta: or iL . There was no .lmmedlala comment from the Vlei °"'11'1 alllel,. tho North Vielnamele. But I Jlpuele DeWI qency dispatch !rom Hanoi ezpressed doubt that North Vietnam woold reject ii In its en- tirety. In Moscow. the oUJclal Soviet news agency, Tass, said Nixon had admitted lb.al the war was a .. dlWcult and urgent" problem but 1hat the .... <Ji Ilia Wed- oesdlll' nlJbl speecb had "bolled down to a juaUflcatlon of aggresalon.'' Tbe blpiy critical TUI report !rom Wlllhinitoo s al d the Presidmt "at- templed" ta put the aggressor and the vlc- tlm on the same level," and implied that • MOIOOW declined to view the plan u a new lnJttaUve. The Nlllonal Llheratloa Fnlrlt deJeca- tton to the Pull peace talU WU quiet to denounce the pllJ1 u an aU<mpt ta "give an appearance of lood wW'' to offset the hnpact of a 10-polnt NLF propooal pretel'lted at last weet'1 ~ talks ..Won. "lo !act," the NLF delegation sald, "the United Slates sllU clings to Ila old unjust and unreaaonable formula for a . . inutual wlthdraWal of troops, now aub- miUed" ln a new form which places the .,,..._ and the r<Slstlng vidlms o! Iii· grt8lion oo'lbe same focih>g -a pro- The California Departmenl of Unemployment was picketed on behalf of the 40 saints removed from the official calendar of the R<>man catholic Church. Tweniy· five young people who &aid they were members of the Committee for the Nonsuppression of the 40 Demoted Saints wore long robes and sang "When the Saints Go Marching Jn." Their placards read: "How secure is your saint?" And "Tis CbriJ;tmas Nut?" They also filled out applications fur un- employment benefits for the aainll. *** *** *** Gls Capture R'ed Stronghold. • ••• 8,000-man Task For ce S~ikes in Huge Chopp~r Raid SAIGON (UPI) -A WI< force <Ji l ,lllO. U.S. and South Vietnamese troops otruc:k f r o m the skies into the Commwililt A Shau Valley strongOOld in ooe of the bJg. gest helicopter combat operations « the war to cut Communist communicltions lines from Laos, it was discloaed tocta7. Lamb said all 1,000 Allied troops were In position In and aroWld A Shau Valley wilhln four hours. T.wo U.S."' Marine bottalloos moved in to fiuahl the moun- tain passes and cut off possible escape routes for the Communists. U.S. officials said the A Shau operation "The place is ours now, the enemy u a second rate resident," said Maj. Gen. Melvin 1.a.il, commander of the U.S. IOlrt Airborne Division troops who spearhead- ed the drive, code-oamed Apacbe Snow, four day• ago. A~ Sn o w'wu put of lhe Allied drive to "shut off Conriunist supply lines feeding I h e Viet Cong and North Vle}- namese &helling offensive which began Sunday and continued overnight with 32 attacks into cities and bases. It brought to at least 314 the total of salvos fired in- to such targets since what Hanoi describ- ed as a "general offensive" was launched lour days ago. UPI C°A:NTespondent David L a m b , n:oortln& from the A Shau Valley, sald 70 btlJcopten, supported by 80 tactical aircraft. ferried in the task force. The strike apparenUy caught the Communists by lm'prile, he said. Not a single man or bellcopter was lost to enemy fire during the Llndlngs. · plus battles near Saigon Wednesday had puslled the Cammunm dealh toll for the offensive past 2,000, with 200 Americans reported killed. . Military spokesman in Saigon said Zais' troops and their South Vietnamese allies bad kllled 127 North Vlelnamese in the oPentiom tbm far. GI losses were put at 35 killed and 128 wounded. Apollo-JO command<r Tlw1n<u Stal· ford pose1 with "Snoow," cartoon character who U: mascot of the,ApoUo 111stem.1 sajtty program. in front of ci wall map of the l11nar surface. TM lunar landing module has also been nicknamed for tile adventurous pooch. TM command module which wUl stay in radio contact with the landing ship hcu been dubbed-what etse? -"Charlit Brown!' Independent Thinker Controversy Overtook • San Francisco -City Health Of. ficials rounded up 200 white mice in Clarence J . Gonyou's apartment this week. "I bought a male and a Female in February," Gonyou ex- plained, "and they just sort of got away from me." Fortas'· Work as Justice • Laltrt ploy in th• game of oneupmanship pla11ed by ,,,,,. fct stations during tM. C:UrTcmt Los Angelei gas war: A Bign on a San Pedro· station saying, loftily, "Petro! Feud." .. • Public relations consultant Lew Bryer, announcing a '4-million ex· pansion program for the Cudah Meat-Packing firm, delivered live piglets to newspapers and televi- sion stations in Milwaukee, Wis. IOI got quite a reaction," Bryer said. 0 Tbe pigs aren't housebroken you know." • II sales of the Great Lakes Pilot, "bible" of the inland mariner, are any key to boating safety, the lakes area is a good place to stay on land. The Lake District survey announced that there are 2 million boaters on the lakes, but only 700 copies of the Pilot have been sold -about one copy for each 2,900 boaters. • The oldest woman in London complained about the hustle and bustle of modem life. 11PeopJe nev- er seem to take it easy nowadays," said Eli1aiMth Nichol, who spent her IOBlb birthday resting. WASHINGTON CAP) -The lnlense cootroversy tbat swirled about J ustice Abe Fortas ln the past year overshadow- ed big work u a member of. the U.S. Supreme Court. Many. legal ~ers pronounced him one of the court's most independent thinkers who, but for his extracurricular actlvtues, was on his way to leaving an indelible mark on the course ol the na- tion's law. He sat on the court only 43 _months after President Lyndon B. Johnson talked becune ambassador to the United Na- tions and replaei! him with bis old friend, Arthur J. Goldberg dl the b e n c h to Fortas. Fortas remained the Pre.sldent's friend and adviler -one ol the facets of his career that helped launch the con- gressional campaign against his 1961 nomination to be cltief justi~. From that point on, his outside activities came under close scrutiny that tended to blilr h'-' ieagl creetivily. Fortas quickly became one of the cwrl's mOlt ~ spokesmen for the rights of minority groups, for tbe im· poverished criminal suspect enmeshed in the coils of law and for the long-ignored juvenile. Observers classified Fortu as a true blue and predictable liberal, but this complicated mind ""'1d not be cast In an easy mold. · For instance, he was at lhe very con· serva.tive end of the court m the Vietnam war, objecting to attempts to have the justices pus on the legality of lhis coun· try's heavy involvement in a major con- flict without a declaration of war frqm Congress. Jn lhe areas of anlllrusl and libel law Fortas early parted company Crom the old liberal position that corporate bigness at least Implied some badness. And, while the court was making im- portant advances in the area of the Cree press Fortaa reflected a deep suspicion of the med.la. A vote that now takes on ad- ded interest was blJ dissent from a ruling clearing Life Magazine of privacy viola- tions in Its treaJ;mtnt of the family whose experiences were the basil o( the play, "The Desperate Hours ." It was a later Life arllcle that led to his resignation from the court. · Perbape h Is most memorable con-- tribution to the court.'1 hist«)' will be re- corded as the 1167 Gatdt Decbiioo, which altered the structure of the nation's juvenile courts. Fortas' opinion extended to children some of the major rights adult defendanll hive enjoyed under the Constitution. Demonstrating a gift for . a catch phrase, Fortas. declared: ''Under our Constitution, the condition ol being a boy does not justify a kangaroo court." Fortas Is only 58, comparaUvely young as justices go these days, and bad been fully u.pected to build hia early years on the bene;h into a decade or two of legal servict. Before going to the court Fort.a!, in partnership· with two other old New Dealers, Thurmond Arnold and Paul Porter, fonned a highly energetic law finn that became one of-the lhree or lour major finns ln the capital. Hi& private income was .said to ap- proach $150,000 a year, and his wife, Carolyn Agger, a ta1: specialist with the firm, was believed to have earned more than half of that annually. They bought a quarter-million dollar home In Georgetown, and painted it mustard yellow. They also own a silver Rolls Royce. U.S. High of 99 at Blythe Warm Plains Winds Spread Over Mu ch of Eas t " -~ ..... a.lkitllly ............ fo!IMY, •"" ..,.Idly left nltltrt 8flll """ ,., "*"""" ... dol.llb ....... -.rftt. -~ "' ,.,. <Wit. 111 ............ -"' \lklllitY, It _. .... .-Wll!I ted..,., .. ~ "'"' .... , .,,, ..... ....,._ -w.i.-...... ,...... "' n. ,.. ..... """ -'" "" l. •• ....,...... ... "' ''"'· l«Or•llfll to ~ Alf' "ol!vtklll c;.oim.i Olltfkt. 11 -OMf1' 8t ... ~ \lftfll "'~.~ ..... --~ _,. """ ,_,,.. flf 4,t.7'. W•tw -.. 111 WW *-ti " -~ •1111 1'11'111 '" 1M ...-.r .... urn -• •llll-lOOllttht __ w,..., Ti. INIUnlllifll _.. 11,111111'1 wttll l'IJtihl -" ..... A'IOrtl. w~ hNttt •1111 ,,,...,., _. •ldMI ttlfl'll "' ~ SGuthtrll c.n. ,.,,... .... ,, .. ~: ~ ._.., D.11 •... _ """" 6'-7', ""'' Mllflk • 61.C. •v,.,.,.. HollOr, Ml. Wll-.,._ n. ,. • .,...1a IW1, •~ n.ft. "'"' lltrlflft ft.Hr.I, s.t'"'Jslll .. U. 11111 Dt.to ,..,., $.erlt• ••rti.r• ,,_ ... loot AHOlt.IES AHO V"°INITV -.,...,.. ..... tlllptty .. .,_ ,,..,,, ..... ,.... !Ill.. Hitfl 'nM1' "' (;OA$1"AL A.NO IHTt!llMl:DIATI VAU.IYI -5-Y ellCI 1li.trlt" .. ,_ '' , ........ C.-.... , • II J5. Hltlll ,,...,, ,, "' .. MOUNTAIN A•eAS -""'-eNf ~..,,.,,.... ... T.lltolt AJllO OEll!"T llEOIDHS -......, .,.., .,.....,.. --,,...,, ............... _ ........... .... .,. .....,. ........... """' ,,.,.,,. p tt • ...... _,.,.. Mt " '-IOI -- """*'-doudt ..,.... .. ........ """"'""""""""~·--... --tcdtl'. Wi..11 .... "*""-""'1'1'· II • 11 t ... T•1"1 Iii..._# f9 .,._ "..,.......... ~ ,_. t""" , Mttt °' -.. .. • ... • s1. ,,.. ..,..~,,_ __ nto1&. Tl'le •W .,._.,""9 -11.J ... ~ Swtt, Ill-, Tl4es -S.C.... ft ... . .,., t:I• P.,,., t .. *"""" llltft •• .. 1:31 ··""· .. , -'l"I 10w ,,.,,, •• ,.,.,. 11#•..m.0.7 ,.,,.., Mftl •••••• ....... lt;tl •·"'· 1.6 s.tono -. ............ 11~ 1.m.. 1.r ~ 1'11911 •.•.••••.•• t;OI '·"'-J.t ,._ JJtt '""' _. r:• •·"'· ,...,l ............. 7:#1.ll'l. l'ht &. l'"lrll Ull'f 0. MtY 16 ,,,_, M IN~ SI J""' 1 r-peratures Niii! L .. "!'ft. A~,.,,.. IO 5J T ~. 57 «I ""•"'• n u 1.11 llkf'lillrld IO '' 11'1Mrtk 9! ,, 1e1~ n •• .t1J IO$IOll 5' ft .IJ Cl!l<.190 51 :!O ClnclM11!1 n 51 Cltveltnd ~· lt °"'~ JI JI De$ Moir.el IS 55 c.lr<>n 6S 11 E~19.• ;I.I " For! Worlll 11 62 .7" ,.,.... 7t $1 ~ U•fT Hoololvlu •• 11 MovJton Ii " l(•nJa1 City IJ SI l n V"11 fO '1 LOI A"911n Ji 57 Mi.lml IMC~ -•" 11 1.11 MU•tlllM IS .U f•llnrte•110fl1 II 61 H .. °'1Mlll II St H'°"'Y~ l'O ft Norlll '"°ltt II 51 o.i.,,.. " l• o.n.r.. .,. l• P•to Itel!'" 1' •J Pll!!Helitll~ ti ... ~\I H " Pllft,b\I""' 67 l6 """'-1111 aS " .p ltHM Cltr tJ 4 It~ '""' 11 .1J It-l'O 3'I &«r•"""'* ,. " ''· t.ovlt 11 '' i.nno1 " It ~!I t.~ Clty U JO .o.> $ ... o-. 1J ,, S.11 ,,.lldtu ., .., ...." a.rtr.r• H Jt '"""' .. 4 ,....... .. " 1 W!ll.. ,. .. The u ·.s_ command reported today that 184 Americans were killed in combat bst wee~, the lowest seven-day toll since \he week of Aprll 26. Another 1,225 Wert wounded, "the lowest number since last week. Communist losses were estimated at · 3,038, al s o slightly off from the week before. Military spokesmen said u.s. deaths In Vietnam lince Jan. 1, 1961, totaled 34,835. The Viet Cong and North Vietnamese have lost a tOtal of 494,766 killed, ac- cording to U.S. figures. Antismut Bill Reaches Floor Of Assembly SACRAMENTO (AP) A n t I • port_..,ti~ !orces claimed their biggest victory in ~-gbt yean today after Gov. Reagan's &¥ismut bills broke through a previously impassable committee barrier and reached the Assembly Door. Chances for their passage appeared the brightest since the current law was pass.. ed in 1961. 'lbat was only the first change jn the orlglnal obscenity_ Jaw passed in 1879. If the legislation is enacted, law eri- forcement agencies expect It to be easier to prosecute and convict smut peddlers - especially those wbo concentrate on children. The Senate already has approved the legislation, as it had for the first two years of Reagan's administration. But each year, as wu the case since 1961, the measures Vr'ete bottled up in the Assembly Criminal Procedun com· mittee. It has been either divided evenly between I.be two parties or dominated by Democrats. But when Republicans gained a numerical majority of the lower house this year, new speaker Robert T. Monagan, &-Tracy, gave the committee a 5-4 GOP majority. Thal paid off Wednesday as the five Republlcans voled for the legislation while the Democrats either voted no or didn't show up. It was regarded a crucial victory for Atty. Gen. Thomas C. Lynch and various law enforement agencies, which backed the bill.<!:, and a setback for such groups as the Americitn Civil Uberties Union, which opposed them. The measure seeking to protect children from dirty books, nudie movies and so on Is c:onsidered to be almoot Cer· · tain ol enacbnent. since it has 52 assemblymen of both parties as sponsors in the 80-.seat house. The two bills by Sen. Robert J. Lagomarsino. (R-Ojai), would : -Set up a double standard for judging obscenlly, with a new classilicaUon cA. "harmful matter" for those under lit lts sponsors expect 1he new legal language would make it easier to crack down on those who aim their salacious materiaJ at youngsters. -Erpand !he slale's currem obscenity law·applying to all case,,, inserting new language inspired by a U.S. Supreme Coort.nlling -.1tlch backers agaID.feel will break down some <Ji !he legal barriers against obococlty prooeculloM. . Youth Pursuing 'Housew ife Killed VAN NUYS (AP) -Police sbol to dealh Arthur Let Quiet as the 17·year-old youth chased a housewife down a redden- lial street, wounding her wtth rtpeated pl.rtol !lbot,.,, r:v.tyn !Uienon, 25, told tnv..U11tors later th1t young Quick 111tuacked her when she .spurned his ot:fen al love. Police '8id Qui<~ firod al least lhree shots at ~1ra.. Menon, and \hen shot twice at Patrolman George McO:lnna<:k. Tlif""woman·was b!t Uvec times, wound~ &trlously in the back, right ann and hmt. e11.....:n.... '!lie J·--added, bow•-· tbal the NFL waild r.rmaIJy repeal Ill IQ.point J>'Oll'llD II tho Friday l£llfol> of Ibo talU Jn.Parts. Tbere, the -of !he Huol delepllOo WU COllOldend l)lce- ly to be aloofl the same -u thal ot the NLF. n.e._~·1 "'fortlan mbllater," Tran Buu Klem, anil Hanoi'• Ambulldor Xuan Thuy, wru be the flnt speakera •t lhe-klyltSsloft. ~_m.F'a 11).pci!nl progr&I!' de~ I CQBii>leil>. and Ol1Hided U.S. lrOop Withdrawal, a coallt;lon government in Saigon and neutr•"iatkn of South Vlei- nam. Folksiager Ustens Joan Baez (lefl) listens as her ~usband David Har ris urges non- violence .by protesters. Each spoke for about 30 minutes before 2,500 students at a San Fraqcisco state College rally organized by tile Resistance, an antidraft group. Harris, whose conviction for refusing induction into the service is under appeal, called for dismantling the 11milltary's £unction." Rocky's Honduras Visit Triggers Shooting Death TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras (UPI) - Gov. Nelson A. RockefeUer's Latin American tour triggered st u d e n t demonstrations that led to shooting and deat.b in Tegucigalpa Wednesday. Police charged into an unruly crowd protesting the governor's visit and during the skirmish one youth was shot and kill- ed. Poli ce said an officer's gun had been dropped and accident.ally discharged. The incident occurred outside: the presidential palace where Rockeffllcr \Vas conferring with Hooduran President Osvaldo Lopez Arellano over lunch. After that meeting, Rockefeller strode out into the crowds wailing to see him, shook hands and kissed women spec· tator.;. He did not comment on the clash, which involved aboul 5iOO students who had met fur what was to have been a non violent "repudiation" oC the: governor's tour. Pollce Chief Luis Aguilar said the Weather Looking Clear for Sunday Apollo .Launching CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP) - Weathermen today predicted favorable conditions for a Sunday lauocbing of the three Apollo 10 astronauts, as th8 Spteemen began a relued sdM!duJe to rest up !or their odV<lllurous arouncl- moon voyage. '"There la now no reasoo to believe that weather will lmerfere with an on-time launch," the National AerooauUcs and Space AdmlnilttaUoo aaid. Forecasters predlcttd clouds al l,000 feet with light surface winds when Apollo IO Is scheduled to blut oft at 12:49 p.m. EDT for an eight.<lay flight !hat «uld clear tbe w1y for a lunar landing by Apollo It In July . Tlie Apollo 10 pilol< -Alr Force Cot Thomas P. S\a!!ord and Navy Cmdrs. John W. Young and Eugene A. Ceman - began a reined ltheduled to kttp In peak pllyslcal condition. Acllviti,. today included dl9CUSslng wllh experts what lunar 1 .. 1""'-111ey should hliii!!or and photograph, and 11pendlng time in tralntr •pacecralt to sharpen lhclr flying skill" shooting victim, 22-yesr-<>ld Car 1 o s Virgilio Zuniga, "was not a Communist. nor even parlicipeting in the anti- Rockefelle.r demonstrations. He was just another youngster who wanted to see the famous governor .•. " U.S. Ambassador Joseph Juova, who tnfonned Rockefeller of the incident. sa:id, "This shooting is just one of those unfortunate things." Rockefeller, on a fact-finding mission for President Nixon, fs finding his itinerary rough along the way. Scattered demoo.rtratioos had broken out when the mission visited San Salvador, El Salvador, on Tuesday. Cla shes Continue At CCNY, But ·Quiet Elsewhere ., Unn.9 ,.,_. '""""""""'' White radical students, supporting dissident black and Puerto Rican militants rampaged through the bulldings of City College of New York Wednesday ending their de:mon.straUons only when rebuffed by city police guarding the troubled campus. At other colleges across the nation rt:laUve ·quiet prevailed although some campuses resembled armed camps and classroom boycotl.1 tontlnued to plague others . J,..ph J . Copeland, adlng president of CCNY told some 300 students he has been waiting for black and Puerto Rican students to re!Ume negotiations con- cunlng their demands for open enrol).. ment for minorities and the estaibUsh- ment of black studies courses. His speech failed to appell!e lbe radic1I group which roved through cam~ buildings, smashing windows, settln1 o(( fire alarms unlll lhey"'"' broogbl under control foUowing a brief &CW!fie' wftft policf:. Later the faculty tenate at CCNY en- dorsed a plan calllnt for • separate black and Puerta Rican Sludles program and 1 new admls.Wns policy for minorftlet, both of which mus\ be approved by tho board of hl1h!:r educallon. · I_. • I r r r • l • I QUEENIE lly Phil lnterlancll , "Sort of takes tho charm out ot it all, ®-'t It r, Nixon Gets New, C.asual ,Quarters Across Street · WASHINGTON (AP) with tall granite columns. • ~ ... l!,1969 • • FULL 8 FT; • OVERSIZED QUILTED SOFA'. :1'4.00 monthly only 249.95 .• stunning pie<:e to aeslgn • room •round in outline quiltocl flore: print with choice of controsting velvet welts or self we!ts. Select etteched section beck or ·loose pillow beck, both witli polyfoem cushions, Kodel* poly.ester wropped. Plees. ellow 6 weeks 'delive,Y. time for ·choici!.of color. Furniture, 38 President Nixon can walk across the streel now, mount a flight of stairs, and go into a new casual office in the old ornate ei.ecuUve of f i c e Cemeot tubs with red and · wNte geraniums stand onl.,..,. ... ,..,.,,...,,.....,.,,, ......... ,...,3"KlllCS,,.,..,IEl,..,..,.,.. .. ..,,..,,.,. ..... ..,"'"'_,,,..., ... .,.,.. .. ,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,...,ll!,...,,.. .. ,.. .. building. • Almost from th~ d~y he took office, the President talked about having another working quarters beside the oval presidential office in the White House proper. He wanted a place to go where be could get out ~ yellow pad and jot down ideas or work closely with his stall in a little more seclusion than he would have otherwise. FAMILIAR THINGS The new quarters have touches of old, familiar things -. treasures and trophies, such as a collection of elephants and another of gavels, plus gifts received on world travels. And there is an old presiden- t !al desk which seems to be in line for getting a n o t h e r presidential signature in the middle drawer. Already there are ctbe signatures of Dwight D. .Eisenltower, Harry S. Truman and Lyodon B . Johnson -under a glass cover. Mrs. Nixon worked with Mrs. Sm-ah Jackson Boyle, a New York designer and decorator. in furnishing the place. Some of the things came from the l'tew York. apartment the Nilon.5 gave up, including the gifts, elephants, and gavels. CLOSED OFF either side at the top of the stairs, arid . evergreeM about !!ight feet tall are at either end of the porch. Ju!lt inside from the portico ts a small reception room. Beyond that is the office. Two doors to a COlTidor were cloe- ed off and turned into book cabinets with glass doors. On one wall is a paneled map of the World. ~neath it is an oval table about 50 inches long surrounded by four small annchairs upholstered in red with gold stripes. On the wall are two sconces that used to be in the presidential oval of- fice when the late President Eisenhower used il COVERED SOFAS ._ There is a sofa covered with 1ampas, a heavy cloth, in red and gold. Draperles at the windows match the sofa. Sand- colored carpeting matches the walls. A couch is flanked by two barrel chairs in dull gold. Near · the window ls a big clubchair 1n· the· same color with an ottoman. Beside the IOfa are two deep red painted wood uril lamps. And beside the clubcbair U an old bras.t candlest!ck con- verted into a lamp. On the desk is a bouilotte lamp -a mulli-<:andlest.ick lamp with a small shade. A door from the office leads to a baJcony that can be used as an outside lounge. Looking out onto the White House, it has an oU·whlte wrought·iron table, f o u r chairs, two larger chairs with ottomans upholstered i n REPEAT OF A SELLOUT,. SIMMONS QUILT TOP SET 69.95 -99.95 From tne femous meker of Beeutyrest41, three equolly impressive •leep sell wit~ the finest quolity construction designo<:i. for tho ultimoto in sleeping comfort1 Rog. 89.95 lmperiel twin size, 69.95: Reg •. 99.95 Posture Jone twin, 79.95; full 89.95,. '. Reg. :109.95 GOrrect Posture, cfioic• of lirmneul twin, 89.95; fuU, ~.95. . • SleeP. Slioii, 6~ • The office i! directly o~ posite the west wing of the White House. But the steps Ieadfng up to it have been closed off for years. Now they lead up openly to a portico yellow vinyl 'Ille table top, o11.,..,...,. • ...,..,...,,..., ... ...,!llil .. ::::ll!Jll""'""'llil ... llllDm..,.min .. m• .. ...,...,CD""':m:,..,.,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,...,..,._ cast lron, looks like slate. 1· * * * * No Real Loss But Agnew' sMoving Over Seniority Case WASHINGTON (AP)-Vice President Spiro T. Agnew was moved -0ut of his Senate office suite Friday in the midst of a game of musical chairs in which senior senators take over more desirable quarters. Aides of some senators who also are being moved said the Republican vice president had been bumped from his suite by a senior Democrat, but Senate officials spid this isn't so. They said Agnew is headed for what was originally in- tended to· be the vice presiden- tial suite when the New Senate Office B.uilding was opened in 1958. \Vhen Agnew was sworn In M vice president. last Jan. 20, he moved into the offices being vacated by former Vice President Hubert 1l Hum- phrey. Humphrey had used this suite when he was a senator from Minne&ota, and had not bothered to move to the vice pre.sidtntial suite when he took that title in 1965. But a few changes are being made first. The vke pmidenlial suite, occupying a lhird·Ooor comer overlooking the Capltol. b now oceupied by Sen. Howard JI. Baker Jr., (~Tenn.). To get thert, Agnew •• furniture and staff will follow this route : The vke preJldenUal party wru move ttmporarUy Into rooms on the first noor now occupied by s.n. Chari" ff. Percy, (R-!ll.). Albert Gore, (0-Tenn.). Officials in the S e n a t e superintendent's office could not say immediately where Gore is going. Meanwhile, Sen. Jenning& Randolph, (D-W.Va.), 39tb in Senate seniority, will move up from the secood floor into Agnew 's suite. Baker will move downstaln: into Randolph's old office. Then Agnew will be able to move into the vice presidential quarters. Official! said the moving will not stop then. "We've got about 1 8 senators to move and il will take us most of the swrurier," me official said. "And that's not counUng &he 15 or so new senators," he said. All ol the freshman legislators are occupying tem- porary quarters and, because of the seniority system, will sooner or later be bumped by a senior senator looking for bigger and better quartera. While the moving goes on, Agnew Is not eucU, al a loK for office space. In addltioo to bia suite In the Senate office buildin& he alto has quarttrs in the Capttol, the White House and the Ex· ecutive Office Bulldlnt -1 Iola! ol loor places to baJ11 h1o hal and sign his papen. Nearly Everyone 'Listens' to Landers P~y 1s moving Into the "11te down the hall -h<ld by Sen. Hiram L. Fong, (R· Hawaii).-Fopg will move to 1he first flobr su,ll• of Seo. ________ _ ANAHEIM 4+4 N. Eucnd 636-1121 Monday thru S•turday I 0 a.m. to 9:10 p.m. l . .--.cl l c __ NEWPORT •7 FHhlon l~alid 644·1212 Monday thru fTlday 10 a.m. to t ilO p.m. S1turd1y I 0 1.m. to 6 p.m. I RICHLY CARVEi) MEDITERRANEAN GAME SET - • '.I 6.00 monthly 5 pc. 299.95 Grecefully cerved pedestel boss end ~8-inch octegonel teble ellow. extra seeting space when needed ona ricn oek finish Novo-mer® top goo~ from serVing to 9emes without e feer: of scretches. Four choirs ero uphol· stered in block vinyl with deep diomond tufting styled with cooClineted cervod leg, smooth rolling cesters. Fumiture, 9Z HUl'{TIN40TOH HACH 7777 P.'l"t." A... HJ.JU I MOftdoy thrv s.tvr<l•y 10 1:m. to 9:JO P.·"'· • • ( • L......:. I pi&D·Y PILOT pl'l'ORIA.L PAGE 1-, I ' Patt~rn: 3-1, 3-1, 3-1 Y..-n4 UH ol llCbool' usually ccmn Up at ~ ci ldlool bond electlocll. An olten-h-IUPIQ'• -CM>pl~IM l.a.lhey are·)>eing ... ed to buy more tx· ,_.. .-sc;bool buildfltgs .wben IJ>o<e they have lie ldll ~ IDOlllh• each summer. - PrlDclpel Bill Allen of El Morro School In Laguna 8-i. µ talking year-eround-scb09l in' \U]Other conlexl. He doem'I want to do away with the th1"'0 months of veCatim. Ralber, be would spread ti around the year. wltla VIC8tlonl falling In the mO!llhs ol. December, April 11111 AUllllt and, school in session the three-m011th porlod1 fn between. · · Allen'• purpose I.a not to save money but to try 10111ell!lft1 to improve education. He would make three weiib .,.,.ier use of the school plant by iDcorponiling two-weelt Cluistmu and one-week Easter vacatiow In Ille December and AJ>!i! months. Qff. 'l'h!il VIO!!ld extend tho adlool year eila cast.m6"!'m'~er ialiui .. ,. not ..VIJ ~ey. " . ... , • ·• ADe 8J'(UF' tha1 .. bis,.plfll..wOll)d~·lhe back· slide or education dofdrums of a student d.uring the long a:ummer vaca~on. and save time now ~s~OD review and"lost!ng. He also says'lt wOUld Bi•• the stuilents and , tead;lenJ an enthusiastic new. beginning every four · -· . Fin~ and jlandy. Anii we can 9D1y' h!IP< it works, But based oo the expetience 'Cf other ocl!OOl districts t!. Jia.v• tried year-around-school, the cliances do l'!"k : For one thlbg, it is hard to shake habit. Summer ..CS~:--eveii in ~yeaMunny ~;.are tradi· 1 ~ Also, many famill~s have ~~rs. ~ sisters tn other schools '-other schools on·1unlor high or high traclltlonal schedules. Teachers, too, would have problems. They'd have to find a way to get in education courses many must take to keep credentials in order. IDgb school district officials in. Huntington Beach recmtly pondered year-around-school and. conclud.ed that !he best practical step is a beefed-up summer pro- gram. Since summer school · is voluntary, this side- steps many of the problemi. More than balf of the Huntington IDgb Dlslrict 1tu- deots now lake summer scbool courses and Ollrollment ls growing rapidly In juat about every other Orange Coast school district aa well. What it all boils down to is, our present society is geared to .tile September-June school year and &IVO!un- tary swnmer session. Chances for lasting change would be better iI started on a grander scale than one school. But Principal Allen surely deeerves every encour. agement to give it a try at El Morro. And we hope be su~s. ' Two Centuries of Growth I ~ -, ' , #' • Two· hundred )'Hrs ago today, on ;Mii)' 15,-b69, Father ~unlpero .~ the Spjinisb . Franc~u ·.uil~·--,· S1onary m Norlh·lunert .. , left MeDco. GitY-fw Ah.a California with the upedJUon commaiid8d '.by Gaspar · de P~ .. • ·~1 , . WJjen Father Serra founcled Mission.Saii,-DJego that Jame' year be..:became .·the 'l'eligious foUnder--of Califor: nia. De Porto!a:bnlllgh.t .the sword o«i:pv.enpnent. Mov· ing n611lniard. over th~ treil' which beCaine El Camino Real, Father Se11'8 established nipe Qf,)lle chain of mis- sions between San Diego aod MOnteft)'.. , Orange County'.s own Mission San 1Juan1 Capistrano was founded in 1776, the year of the 1'eclarat1on of In· dependence. · ..: ,,~, .. From· then until 1846, wheri Gen . .JOOn. C. Fremont set up the Ca!ilornia Republic under !he ~r Fiag at Sonoma, and Commodore John D. Sloat captured Mon· terey, the Mexican capital, and clainled California for the United States, the in-migration w.as mosUy Mexi· can. Thereafter came the rest 6f us. Looking back at those two centuries, Californians doff their·oombreros at the brave father for making it all possible -water problems1 smog,. traffic and ger· aniwns included. · • Why W ~~en Live 'Portnoy's Complaint' ls Controversial· Nuclear Balance .Bas Shifted to Russia . . LQnger Than Men Siiiy lhe thlnp people are pniud 0t J!-.tly. I bad· a medical eUallnalion fer 110rDe eJtra life lnsurance. and in discuaing my .helllh ._,t, I told the. doctor I ·have ....md ::is yeirs af W same place without ever missing a day's ....... Thll Is . the ldnd ti pride that goeth belore a fall, ud I tn<JW it. I have beard .._ men boast that they baveo't had a vacaUm hr seven years. and on · the eigblll lhey crumple up with a heart al· toct. The post Is not too pr<dietlve of the · luture, but it ii wy to gel ilmug abciul llUCb matters. A PERBON IB LIKE a tree, In lhal a tree that woo't bend la more likely to break than one that sways.with the heavy Winds. People who ,tr.lulge themselves a liWe, who coddle themae)ves a bit when feeling fragile, probably live a lot longer than the Spartlln types who grilnlj' plough down to the office no matter bow wretched they happen to feel. Of coone, there are sk:kly people, and healthy ones: yet it is IUlpri.sing bow many or the sickly ones outlive the others. Perhaps because they pay more attenlloo to warning tigm, and have learned to give in to Nature's tubtle nudges, or at least to cooperate with the ebb and now of phylicaJ resistance. rr IS NO ACCIDENT, I think, lhal women generally live kJnier than men, by a span of aeveral yean:; «that.we have an excess d IOme eight million .. .. Widows over wkiowen:1n this counlry. Women tend to be siC:l!: more often than . ~ aDd suffer mcire from chronic ailments. But, becauR they are sO et· qu.illtely. aware of changes in their . bodies, ... filtlmately . connect<d to Jhe hmleoltstic tialances ti their being, they are continually adjusting the tempo and patterns of their actlvWes to the realities of their daily needs. ' ' Golsip column: Not being a t!evotee o! Johnny Canon's "Tonight" show I was unaw~:~l'.fnlml!n q.J!Ole, author of the literary misauoo of 1966, "In Cold B1ood," had analyied the critical recep- tion of this 8eaSOO's· literary sensation,, Philip Roth's "Portooy's Complaint," on lhal TV persoolllty parade. The Uterary Guild N.....ietl«. lleldl Ulpl f brief· , , tramcrfpt ol. the affair, in¢'ative o( the eye-scratching perloi niancel bot U11usual at the white-bot center of the New York ~ literary scene. l Capote is a master oC lhe artisUc put. MEN, ON THE other hand, afe only grossly aware of their. bodie!:. A man .will even take a perverse masculine pride in abusing his energies, as though it were proof <it,vis;lity of ·some 80rt.! ll is. con;.-- sidered a shameful shOw of weakness to pay· attenUoo to waI"Jtlng slgna before they £ell him with a mighty blow. ff' down, but he is also aware of maneuver- ings in the hlgh]y compeUUve areas of writing • agenting -publishing • criticism. Carson asked him how two distinguished critics could read "Portnoy" and draw completely opposite viey,·s. Capote's fascinating canticle: It is this male arrOgance, I am coo- vinced, rather than any 1 n h e r e n t biological weakness, that drops men out of the race years before their wives or widows fade from the scene. And it may be an emotional k.lxury our society can no longer afford -as niedical ·science in· creases oUr longevity,. those millions or widows merely have'· more years of aimless solitude to look forward to, miss- ing those huJbands who never miased a day's work. ·._ .. ,I !.,. " A Pattern of Disaster "IT DEPENDS UPON whether they'r~ friends of Philip Roth or not," Capote said. "I'll eiplain ••. Roth is a friend of mine. and [ think he is very, very talented and, really one of America's rriost gifted writers. But there's this -whOle thing in ' New York. Jt's'·callcd the Jewish. Literary Mafia. It st.arts at Columbia University and goes through all the little magazines and whatnot • • , They promote each other conUnuously. And they ·promote this little clique of writers, of which Philip Roth is the youngest and, in many ways, the most brilliant. 1"lbe planet aod mankind are In grave danger ti tnevenlble catastrophe" wxler the. wvrld poUUcal structure now prevail- ing. ''We live in a high-risk environment, and the trmda: that aeate the present Je.vel of risk. continue to increase the dang..-, and to reduce the possibility of <rullvely c:ootrolli"l IL" Thll Is the view ol l'r91. Richard ·A. Falt. a dlltincu1lhed lawyer of Princeton Untvssl\1, now at stanford University diroatlnl a pro~ d<voted..to .the world on!..-ti' the 1990o. The project is un· derwriUea by a foundation in New York. Profe.wcr Falk's unQerlying thesis - the lnadequaey of sovereign na~ to """""' Iha alfaln ol mankind in UU. ceab.u1 -1s c:urrenUy in high-level -In -kl Intellectual centers, but be has -d!nalell the various parts of the overall p-oblem. HE SAID, "There are four m. lei"r.~ threats to the planet -w., al maa deetzuctloo, overpopulaUon, ~ and depletion ol .........,.., A ~ tn oae area makes lt mcn.dif .. bcult to oolve the problems In any other area." Eodl ol the four aul>ilroblems pooe the obvlouL A!Mrater pollution, and depl .. lion of ffJIOUfces, are thought by many to be 11 -loc future human weJ. ,_ ., tho llllClear po1.,,ua1. Populatloa .----·· Ge.,..e--... growth, particularly Jn un<lt;rdeveloped lands, and its handmaiden, socl<>-politl· cal instability, command widespread. attention. The sub-problems are under continuous . ad hoc attack, and Falk.cites ,• regional- . example. the oil slick o£f Santa Barbara. He believes such dislocations will recur more frequenUy and more dramatically in the years to come. "They started the drum going for this book a good year and a hall ago, so It was inevitable that It would turn Into ,,hat it has, because they were really pushing for it. It depends upon whether er not the reviewer was a friend or Roth. fl.fostly they all wert. See, that sort of ttµng ,works in the literary warld in New Y'brk. A writer can line up his reviews among his friends. t don 't say that Roth was 5igning people for 'this thi111, but don't blame him if he did. As for the book Itself, ifs standard nigbt club routine. Much too Jong, and not enUrely m. telliglble, lf you don't read Yiddish .•• BUT 11IEY 'W1lJ.. not be met until they are tmderstood, not as: ' ' i 1 o 1 a t e d disorders," but as "threads in a pattern of disaster." Th . BRITISH CRITICS have begtm to e present ineffective weapon against review "Portnoy's Complaint," and all the over-all problem, Professor Falk calls seems to be con£usion over there. "A "parochial con.sclousness," pertaining to Jndividuals, lnst.ltuUom, national and sickroom document disguised as a comic even regional seU~nterest, all dedicated novel," the London Times Saturday to piecemeal &0luUons. Review sajd. Anthony Burgess, Sunday But he aven this ls not the answer. Times Weekly Review: "This book is What Is needed he calls ••tram-national more than a novel: it Is a genuine piece consclousnesS," lnvolvlng.t ''hew rOrmuta of .~temporary folklore. No. wU~ersaJ.. for relaUn1 man to ,his environment " ' · This does not look easy, for the Graham Lord, The Sunday Express : ". ••parocbiaJ" will rtlbt the new "trans-na-• · It looks as though this revolUng novel Uonal" consciousness which will be will swetp this country al we.IL That so capable ot defining community tnttrem, many people should rush to rud this and ~tmpos!.n(' them cm a global buis. catalogue ol obllcene degradaUon is a Thll ~ appoar to .nqu1re ..tabUsh-sorry rellt<tion on the r•adlng tastes of ment Ot a world state, UlCJUCh Professor the British public ••• The ruder fiods Deir Gecqet Falk decline& to !pltt'Ulalt en tht form hiJ himself turned in to a voyeur of a Ale ,.. lbe -.nIJt who hlr 1101Ution would !Ake. particularly d!sl8!ttlul ldnd .•• " the adYlco m '-to <1erclse lllJ' IN ANY CASE It ool b< achlevl!d, John Moynihan, Tbe Sunday T•ltgnph: pectcrall? wi~ tmdue ~ J the world'• .. Roth 's novel ls es.w.ntJally a dlitlngulsh- V. t. ~ are ready to tnv'otve themlelves ed piece« lltenture, finelJ written, Uve- Dolr Y. L: to Jiii f their """'1cttonl ~ ly and often funny , •• The W<IUl1Cled howl 1tt, l -'t llllt oohl1111'1!, bot = ~ :...iva1 Is I llst ' w.ler the blankets -becoOJO a tr111t r ..,,_ -., ttll4tDOIMeOle n · F I aal 'u· muffled and 'fepetttlve as Roth'• book ordoo -.be"°" tor,,...,!*'. • Prof-.• k ~ no alimlf ve to •pn>tl:llael, bu\ Jt<ievct _,.. an Ir· 1ara11. T• t111m oat In the~ ·~ .altlck. "Ibo Cllit'-",,f ,lhll. · ntallng'Whllla." -· · ,• _ . _ tor Tll!llo ,,;-· • IUct aad Jet • ' ~u ... will shape Ill< futun· ti Cl]IOle'r •uPlsh cant notwlU1S!andlng. them ~ IL . planetsry h!Jtory -In fact. dtlennlne II the 9lanel ii to have at , ure tn biitory." Wlllt.m Rosu • • Ahle Men Support the ABM . . . WASHINGTON -Jt ls puuling why · Congress and the ~untry li5Y!n to nuclear non-experts like Senator Edward M. Kennedy and Hubert H. Humphrey on the ABM issue and pay no attention to a very·su~stanUal body .of. expert scientific oplnion on the other side. By all indicators the country is quite exercised on this issue, equaling. the ABM •With the Vietnam War as a dis-- graceful mantle.station ol Amefican mill· tarism which is outraging world opinion and robbing the natioo of desfred social gains. Therefore it lhould do no harm to know lh.at ther~ 8fe , very able men, equally as "involved" as Senator Ken- nedy's team of aCientists, who flTtllly state views exactly opposite and vigor· ously support deploment of the Safe-- guard iystem. One of them la a Nobel Prize winner and the only physicist to-have been awarded the highest four honors a physt .. clst can receive: the Nobel Prize f9.I'_ plly-si~. :\~ NatIOnaf MMil Of'Sei'eftee, ·th'e Fermi Award , and the Atoms for..Peace Award. He is Prof. Eugene Wigner of Princeton University. RECENTLY IN Washington Or. Wigner engaged in a debate with Prof. Hans A. Bethe, Nobel laureate of C o r n e 11 Unive rsity, and Prof. George Rathjens, fonner director of the Weapons System Evaluation Division, Institute for Defense Analysis, Massachu.sel.ts Institute or Technology. Dr. Donald Brennan of the Hudson Institute· also took part in the symposium oo the same side al the issue as Dr. Wigner. Dr. Wigner devoted part"of his presen- tation. to demolishing · Dr~ Bethe's :-;t,'!i~ !:¥(. J"d,,.~~~''?["$!~-,.. ~# .. ~l~ t·l;•u..,;; ·. 1 .,,~~, .1 R~ch(lfil wn~Ql,l t 1 1· ·n"·"i~~~><';~at&W Robert S. McNamara and Clark M. CJlf. ford. Russia is moving into that range of nuclear capability whlch cou1d cause it! more extr~me leaders to thi11,.k that they could win in an all-out nuclear con- frontation with the United States. This condition is brought a OOut in large p~ by its own nuclear defenSe, not alone it..·~ ABM deployment but its ertensive and ~ massive plans and training in civil : defense which extend down tQ lhe lowest.: levels in the public stjlool system and which are unknown in this country. arguments al scientifically erroneous, which saddened him because or his regard for Dr. Bethe. Dr. Wigner also recalled another painful incident some years ago · ln which the distinguished scientist; Nils Bobr, bad convinced most 9l his audience that a:nuclear chain i:eac- Uon could not be ,..bibbed and •had: · very sound reuona for this vi~ •b _ • · have otCOUf'W .betri proved entirely er· -SECO~D, THE ~mptton that the~ ron~. · . de~loyment of a defensive system by lhc l Dr Wlgner mlgbt have nottd also, ~but Unit~ Slat~-w~d s~e ~ ~ PJ"Oo : dKI not, that ao. Robert Oppenheimer, vocation to the So\llet UM>D ls 11log1cal to•· the "father" of the atomic bomb, did not a ~9:0g~ .degree and contrary to the believe in the feasibility ol t he o£f1c1al position ·?f the Ru_sslan gO'Vem-. thermonuclear reacUon ot the hydrogen ment that de£eiw.ve measures do not ac-: bomb largely because In rus heart he ce.1.erate the arms rac~-. " . ' hoped it could not be made to work One could almost clatm, said Dr.1 . · Wigner, "that the 'absence of true defense · -• .111E PRINCETON PHYSICIST could is .considered proVocative by the USSR.: have recalled also, but he did not, that a Doing nothing in the face or the by-no-: large part of. the scien~ific COmJ1t~ity alanning USSR military buildup would . saw no sense 1n ~ Russian deve~opment give the impression that ·the leadership of: of the fantastically destructive 50 the country does not .consider defense to! megaton warhead. But lhe u~ty .of that be important." ! warhead is n~ seen in its capability of We have become accustomed in thi~1 de_stroying il": Amei:ican hard e n e d country to think of ourselves as having! Prfmuteman trussile sites. nuclear superioriW ever the Russians.: Dr. Wigner 's arguments were profound Th.is is thought or as our ultimate pro-\ and well beyond the comprehension of the tection. All that has changed during the; average layman or the average con-period since Stalin's death when everyt gres.sman. But be ma_de two very strong American president, dating back to 1953,: points whJch can readily be understood. has sought a new era in Russian rela·· First, the Soviet Union is overtaking us . lions. The nuclear balance 'has shifted : in. gene~al nuclear .capability, not toward the Russliln skie during this ' with.st.anding the soporific statements or period and now we are faced by neW' and ' two Democratic secretaries ol defense, ominous conditions. I 'Prepare to Give Your All': (Herewitll fs another un1Dritten chapter fronl that unpublished work, "A Hi1tory of the World. 1950 to 1999." Its title: "The Right Wing's Dirty Crusade." J By the late 1960s in the United States it became clear that the Right Wing was losi1J8 &r.0.W\<I lo,~ W.l Wing in lhe bat- -tie for the niinds of the Nation's ·YoUng people. In keeping with ii! philosophy, the Right Wing took a fearless and courageous stand on such issues u patriotism, Ayn Rand, the he enterpri9e system, Ronald Reagan and herd work. It wa1 for them. Unfortunately, the rugbt Wing also took a fearless and courageous stlnd on se1 . It was against it. l\.1ost Right Wingers viewed sex, at worst, as a Communist plot and, at best, as a Left Wing tool for 11ppln1 the moral fiber of the young. DECENCY RALLIES were beld atT'OSI~ Dear Gloomy Gus: Two months qo a red tomcat climbed the roof of my howe and romanced 11\1' p-ey lepiale ClL On MO\'>er'• D11 abe .... birth to five caUeoo:coloret" cats. There ougltta be • law. . -R..J. 8. """ ,. .. .,,.. ~ .......,,. ...... -lle<tU•rl" IMM flf tllt ~ ... WW. JM ... , "' ,. .. " ............ DI!" pb9f, Art Hopp~· ' -~:.... ,, ,.,.. . the country, at which young Right 'fingers waved flags and vowed to be de- cent forev er. But, oiidly enough, their numbers dwindled. In keeping with its ptlllosophy, the Lert Wing held indecent lie--ins both oo and off campus at which it demonstrated its stand on such issues as free housing, free beer, free medical care,.free pot and free love. It was for lhem. But, oddly ·enough. its numbers swelled. It was Grandview Grommet Ill, chapter president of the Young Americans for Freedom at Skarewe Unlvenlty. who diagnO&ed the problem and provided the amwer. AFTER A PARTICULARLY stimuli~ chapter meeting, during which Tbe Complete Worts of Adam Smith were read aloud, young Grommet took the rostrum and grimly 1.t•essed • the throng of aeven members : "The time bu come to fl&ht dirty," he said. "We must 8'ht.lhe tnemy with bis own we11pon, (he gulped) aex !" Once G-had can'1nced the membm that um wu tbe only way to 11ve America, they turned to with en- Urusla.sm. Miss Daphne lloo(oodc, herseU, let· len>d the plocanls · advm!slng the up. eomlng "YAF Patriotic Rally & Ser Orpe." ("lJ that the way you 5peli It?" rile Olked airiou&IY.) Grommet and Mlss Dongoode took the stage '\Ml set the proper mood of debauchery" -he casually attired (no vestJ and she wearing a low-cut American flag. With an effort. Grommet removed hl9 hand from his heart. began untying his tie and said, "Miss Ooogoode. prepare to gjve your all £or your country." "Oh .. I'd love to," sald ~1 iss Doogoode ferventl y, "but what's an an?" ·THIS SET THE mood for the evening. Aftttward, the Rlghl Wing renounced su forever. Jn a single gerreraUon It in-o evitably vanished from the Americart scene. • In his childless old age, G r o m m e '1 blamed its demise on good breeding. "W8 were so much more well bred than thos0 scru!fy Left Winger.11," he would say sad~ ly. : "But in politics, unrortunately, it im't, how well you breed, tt's how often." • -··illlllWWW- Thursday, May IS, 1969 The edftoriol page 'ot tht Dailv Pilot sttka to h1/qrm and sttm- ulaU rtadtf'I by j)TISl!'ntlng thil nttolJ)Qper'1 opinions and com- mtntarv on topks of interesl and significa11ct, by protrlding o forum /of.-·t.'lie ezpre1.rion of our reWf1' opi,UOru, and bv presenting the diverse view- pofntl of f"1ormed observers ond spokesmtn on topkJ of Ui. day. Robert N. Weed, Publisher JACK ARMllTllONG offered his .. ..,. ·!Ut G111 Lomhanlo rt<Onlo." And Crom. met mixed the punch (Coco.COia lac<d with uplrln). Al last, the historic evening an'lved. f'------------' ' - [ ! of its iley !Oil• •at\: il5"! and~ lvil ; 1est: and . ' !I'll-' ac-, • 'Dr '. •• nse· SR.: lOW: ould' p or: ~ to: ' . thi!I* ing! ms.: lt'O-! the' ! erJ'1; 953,. eia..: fted : thi•i and1 . ' lhe or' (no <ut' ode Ing • ... ill' caJI ' •* w •• "'" 1ad) m't • ' • I - J Costs a • Your questions and com- ments are welcomed and will be used wherever pos- sible in "Checking Up." Address mail to L. M. Boyd, in care of the DAILY PILOT, Box 1875, Newport Beach, Calif., 92663. It's DAILY PILOT 2 -for -1 Day OUT AT TRE OLD BALL GAME PILOT PETE INVITES EVERYONE TO SEE THE ANGELS PLAY BALTIMORE SUNDAY, JUNE 1, AT HALF PRICE Get tw• r•t•rv•~ 11•t tick1h for th• Sund•y aft1rnoe11, J un• I, .A119el1 "'· Oriole1 t•m• •f Aneh1ill'I Stedi11ll'I for th• 11•r1t11I pric• of one tick•t. lluy •111: tli• DAILY PILOT t iTu yo, •M.> 2-$3.50 2-$2.50 TIClm FOO TIClm FOO $3.50 $2.50 'reu c•n r•M'rv• '" enti,. 1ecti•}I e r Jud tw• •••ft, l11t .... ye11r p1rty fotetHer MW 11..d 111•111111 the erd•r ltl111fr Mfow wltll di.cir 9r men•Y er4er CH c••li. ple111•I eM hurry. 0.1dli1111 for tick•f erd•rs It M•y 20. Act Now for Best Seats AH 2-for-1 Tickets Are .Sold 'First-Come, First-Served' r------- I c11,•..i1,wlfti0Ht.,.....,...,., .. : ,,...., ...,.. ... . , JJI W • .., ltrwt. c..N ~ c.tff. n•J7 IP\IASI PllNTI -, I i' I 1\ I I I I I I I "'"" _ ............. --.............. -................... --··-I , ....... ······-······-··-····------------------ City ..................... ,,._, .... ,_., ......... .a.. ... -... _ .. _ .. .................................................... ll»tt ...• __ ..... _ • ! I I I .._ _________ J ..i . -ClllAfPITI • 2666 HARBOR BLVD. 546·7080 COSTA MESA wEEIDAYS 9 to 9 SAiuRDAY 9 to 5Zlo .SUIDAY 1t·to ·5ioo TOGGLi !)0. ~i~~!~ '"''· • 0 •11 vo• .. ~., •.• ,.~itr. •"' ,e,, c1ll '" •'•ctrici•11 • -. CARPENTER'S APRON . D It'• • M•ltY ,.,1i:.ted 1pl1nclor~ with hemrner loep, ·Q De1i9n•d l,y the Hou11 of Ot11e1 e1p•ci1lly.fo r . thh •• 1.. . 'GLIDDEN SPUD HOUSE : PAINT :i.t.i .O 'lde1l for weed, liricli, \¥~ 1tucc•, -C•llcr•t• 11nd ti primotd 1111t1I. ·~ 0 Elirni111t•• •r111-tiri119 irt'J, brv1h p11ll with it• I/ 1mooth flow' •lld ... ,., · 1pre1d. 679 -•AL .. ., STUCCO ROLLER sn . ' with 4' handle 0 Do ~. lteu1• er ••lliftf witti•uf, f••teri"f ell •• • l•ddtr, ·O Thirsty ttuc"' ~~ll•r c•A i.. _. ......... , •• enf. 0 AM If yft p11l11t 'II•• Me, ve11'll,&• 11tf11t If e'l•t • ·"' eT•r. r 129 • GUDDIN ENDURAIKI ' HOUR PAINT 0 T Htll ell kte ,.Slit thet'll "-_tr..., ._. t1.ns11., -.., '""" D OH ceet """"....., ...,.,. .... •irrf••n. O ·DriM+. .. 11~ .. 1 .. --. ff..i.i.. ,,,~ ----• " . I . I . THERE'S GO.tD IN THEM:TH: '~R TEETH ( • t " I " ' ' lEr, I mean hlls) .y • ~OLD VEINED MIRROR TILE ,O ct.ttiul,lllke ,..,.etfiiitt •111t •f H•u•• le1uti lul, . ~ ' . D 'E•tily-lMf•llM iainer til• '''' M•11ty •114 'ftlue t• .,..., "-•·' • . I . I ' , a u,..f ...... ~~"!'Y,;,. •\i'w1ll.~•v-r ,,,. .. t1 ••• , ,,,, ... , e .. ,_., W. ffi:~ ~t •P'!W ''": : .. , ; I ·c ' ' ' 10" x 10." 9:d CARPl1 TIW, - • :!flll.''~[J !N ... M•~i nt :;1tuic1+i,. 1 0 So l11f· t'-"t• wh•p *"• 0 The ltlNltffl ~11fc\ wey f• •• ,,.. ~ ..... itltct.. .. 4 ... .,..,,.~ ... , , ·D txtMlu-.,..__ ... .., •p•11, ... , w~ll;h : ''""· ' ' 'IA, ' .. 2x4 FOOT PIG•OAJlD " ... -· --~-o n.· .~ly tl!i*' th•• we1t't ~·l'lf ye11 11; •11 •••• ,. • • .. ,. thi1 i1 t+i. 1111•11 price, • • • • • • .. ,. • • • 0 H , ' , • • • • • '" '" "' • • • • : : '"•V JlitthNr• • o 0 ~• • • : : : : : : : : i111f•ll1 4'Ulc•ly efl • • • \\~ ••••• ,. • •, w.•11, in1ill1 cle1et • • • \\': • • • • • • •. • or c11fi11et. • • '" • • • • • • • • 0 ' . 0 If 11e1t11111 i1 yeur . . . . . 1•tch 1I Ill•• 1'111 tired ef ..... -"'· ,.t. 111•11 of ti\•"'· 39' 0 ;Tili ., .... fhlldt' a.-1 e114 . heM, twfftf·•w•v -••r. 0 Ad jvtfebl• t rill •"'' 1plf, towel h1..dl1. .0 4Quj1f.lft•t•r c•P •••Y. ~ wllil• yeu •.••• • .. .,.. • .... : I ' . 1TRIMMIR T ,., ,EDGER . ' 0 ~I twic• th11 werk •f tl!e b1rt•l11 li•ltln , . wi$i•ut e whimper, 0 flnJ•rfip contrel, ••f•ty 'cl11tch 11114 e11y 1t•rler. • .CJ.,U.. II fr iln1Mr'.•11d ·1' , "'i•r, ,flit• fe ·elly llllfl .. ~ •l tt-• • r • -"'""' "••it-4. .. . .. , .. ,.... ... ,.., • .. .. flH"'.1. ... , D 0.•M>fNfil I 4M•r•t•r ·: •• , ....... tw •• hi ... ,.,. ., til• ........ ''"' ,. : ' "'i''!i"C~ ' ,. " KIDDli'S ' FUN sllowia ... a full uftit •tf•C)i ... ,. the h ..... •itilte' lielih fin11~ "' th• ,,~untl •. O Gre.t-y1te ceel •ff the y•u1tt•ttr1, ,they h•"• • lt1tl t ••• 0 Why it it •• '""' •• , •• ' th-iltt.'tlte ... tti ...... . •••Y te ftf Hie"' l11te wet., euhld•1 ·59c D C•n"•"lrit ch1Trtl4• h•ltht,-wip•t cl••• In e jiffy, . 0 S.frllii., whit• K11lphrrH 1 .. , fOld fer .ter•1•· I Witt. 11•1h•;. lite tll•t, t'-•v 1h•uhf 4o • lll111a.t ,._, ~. . . . R• POWD -MOWIR . -. 0 A• M'at.rl~llMJ'"fillifll 1111 k\ Yf"' ......... , ........ h1...t.,. , • ' 0 l•ty 1pi11-r...il .tert..-, 4 cycl•, J ... ,. ....... 0 s.if:p19,.H.4. c.+t 11 IMll ,.tti Jirt .... ,.._ • • I - • ,• ' •' I • I • D&ILY l'UI' 1'11ondo7, 11., U. 1M None Too Soon ~ Lm~ Corvirir 'Upstaged' Eµiergency · Called in Malaysia • ~Mrs. Diilles at 77 . ~Dies ~ ~ WASHINGTON {AP ) ~rs. John Foster Dulles, rWidow o C Eisenhower-era :.stcretary of State John Foster · :OUUes, died here Wednesday ~~r 1 brief Dlness. . :-,~Mn. DuDee:'wli n: r• She was taken to ;ilashingtoo Hospital Center 4unday. Three days earlier ~· Dulles had attended a · ~ honoring two ~iates :ot" her Jate husband, rellred ~ Arlelgb Burlie and -r~ur Radlont. .~ .~~reels King • • • ... ~~US.SELS (AP) -John S. ; ~nhower, the oew U.S. am· 1'Nsador to Belgium, bas , ~ed h ; s credentials to r ~ Baudouin . • WESTEllN STAft UNIVIRSITT COLLEGE OF LAW In Orange Covnty MW Meepllltg lfteft and W0'"9ft ---. _,, ... ,,_..., .... .... , ... . •-:as .... -.. ....... .,.._. ......... ~ ............ ...... It• ..... I I ...... ,. Al'l'LY NOW FOR SIPTIMm 15111 DAY OR MNING CLASSES • ---.. ···. -- 1717. S. lraa'W•, An ..... '35-3454 n. .. -., u.a. -1.0, ............. -.... ..... ..... ... , __ M l"9 0o1 .... llf l .... , ---•• __.., ........ i.11w1 .... -a,..., ........ ef c..l'I,,_,., ~ -..... .. -... ~-"'"'-.. 1.a-1---. M'MOWI ... YnllMI • • ,) • "Artistry in Moving~· for the .• EST MOVE ' ' • • , . of YOUR LIFE Call: 494-'1025 ... , .. ...i-w-• MR.MUM Senators Disclose Fees Paid " . . ()! ~ACAllON iw>\WIJST16111' AllD WA1l'll ~ FL'¥Ml~~s COMING SOON CORONA DEL MAR W.\NT INTEREST ON YOUR BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT! · YOU CA.Jn' GBT IT , . BUT WITH PACD'IC'S S'_,W,...ITCB 'N SAVE ACCOUNT . ' Yo1 • do 1lmast a Mii by beping 1 lat Im ••llY in Jiii' 111111' I Kc Lj 1t llld a lat miln in yaur PICillc &" P•llHok .Amlllt •d 1111iding many blck 111d forth a..._• ,.a Iii. Became effl'J dollar e~s eveg daf It Is la J'0111' Padllo Acooaat- 8"a·tortast·•• ..,.J•· n-..nr • ...... 1tAccm11 _,. ... dlilf ..s 11•" .... ..... II •w ,_ ···-· 119 .. ,... lDL llnllp 11 Jiii' IHI .. 11 ...,W1 ID 1111 flt• 01111 1f llf Wiii .._ n11h .. ., th 100. The Italians have done it agajn! Here a're the very newest styles from the world's most famous shoe designers and bootmakers ••• and they're all at S&A 1or much less than elsewhere. The mod look for the mod man-who also appreciates quality and comfort. Wide, t1djustable instep strap. In handsome two-tone combination of cordov• and tan. The newest! In olive tan with tarnished bniss [).ring chain. Uncluttered slip·on with the squ.11re mod knob that's not for squares. These bold continental shoes are tho lialian ~~~...!cobbler's pride! SOft. very soft fine grained leather reflecting the great contlnental styling of Jtallan craftsman . featuring the thin, wide buckled stn11p, In tan, navy, ,oldonrod, black and white. From the country that's shaped like a boot ••• 'this big boot triumph in handsome antiqued golden tan with criss and cross adjustable instep strap. Zippered on the side. All calf upper. 464 S. MAIN ST., ORANGE 333 E. 17TH ST., COSTA MESA O™ER S" A SHOE STORES IN: LOS ANGELES, 4012 W. SANTA BARBARA BEVERLY HILLS, 9830.W. P1(;9 BLVD. WESTC:HESTER, 8915' S. SEPULVEDA BLVD. SANTA MONICA, 1000 WILSHIRE BLVD. N. HOLLYWOOD; 6512 1,AUREL·CANYON BLVD • SHERMAN OAKS, 14645 VENTURA BLVD. CANOGA PARK, 8393 TOPANGA CANYON BLVD. VENTUl!A, 2280 EAST MAIN STREIT LAN'cASTER, 701 W. LANCASTER BLVD. SHOP ~AILJ 9:30·9:00/SHOP SUNDAYS 10·5 • I ' • . • . • ' . ! • • • • , ' .. • 1 ' • .• . . ' ' L ' ' .: .. • ' • , . ·' • < ~ -· ~ ! • ' • ' . • ' ' ' .. Uitde~ Fire OAll. y I'll.Of I Nogucbi's Threats ' . ·Retold at Hearing 1 LOS ANGELES (UPI) -people In office and pl '!lie coilfldeJltlll -.lary for ... ...,. on Lindon S. Ho~ ~ coroner 'l'bomas T. and certain, b o or d ., c Jiocuch) Aid be --Uirukn-... ~ ~ ... Mra. eel t.o 11us8"'Nte etrlaln ~ Fie1d test1fted. tie In office," 11111 added The tiny, dart· ha I re d ~y, "U I di•, you have aecretary said she peroooallf i. die loo." ' heard Noguclil say be hoped ""Mrt. Ethel T. Field teatifled Sen. ROOert F. Keonedy would wedneldly before a Civil die after be wu shot lljlt June ACLU FiJ 5erv1ce eommWlon be..-in1 . 5. She quoted NA:guchl .. \ · . es that Noauchl made tbe tbreais saying' ( sborUy after be was appointed "It's a matter·ot U before i 'F , d B , { Los AD11eles County coroner· he dies. The 1u19P11 will make neD n· e medlca1 examiner early in me well known." 1111. Deputy" county co u nae 1 "H• Aid il he bad to go Martin Weeifea Aid In 1111 clown, be'd take ~ people openlni statement Monday with him," aid Mr>. Field. that NollJCbl danced In hb o/- who like Noguchi ii ol fice in glee in anticipaUon of Japanese descent. She said performing the autopsy on Noiucbl once tcild her, "Mn. ~y. Field, lf I die, you'll die with '!be senator died a day later me ." · · _ and Noguchi headed the team Noguchi was fired last al pathologists t h a t did the March 11 after county r· cl.-post-mortem. mlalstraUve officer Lindon S. Another ·-· Mlcbael Hollinger prepared a '11).page Wood, a staff Wist.Int in tbe letter detailing reports of tbe coroner'• olllce, teotlfled that corone<'s bizarre behavior. Noguchi e~ • hope that "He kept aaying he was major air d.illsten would oc- 1olog to assassinate certain cur .. For Sirhan LOS ANGELES (UPI) - 'Ille AmerlCan Civil Liberties Union bas cball.enged the con- stitutlooality o/ the death penalty Jn an effort to aave Sirhan B. Skhan lrom the 1u chamber. Youth Kilu Self; -Munition& Car Unlwoket;l. PALllDALE, caut (AP) --ol the bladnc -.,. oo a..ri. II. llullnp adpd ·-wljh -... ·could 9 Hostages Unhurt ""'anl a bolcar nl aplodlq · ~~ ' -lrom the LOI ANGELES (AP) -A manltlon ~ .........,. HMlinp llli! "I -when yuini -belcl two nlflcer1, a -munl-can !O I'd .-c1aoe -.,II." fomll7 nl llx and bit own =-..-::..be pulled IW~ by jlft°:"!ttt: .:::u cm Cl~ t.r~f:':!lkJll~ a; "I -~ -lQ)' Um< to lido w .. -wlUI liquid ua," tben IUnlecl the 11m on be lfnld," uld llullnal. 47, oulphur and flammoble liquid himall Wben ""1'0Undacl by a veleraa lloutbtn l'dlc propone. pollce, toad f<nmln who octed '!be fire burned itaelf out In '!be' --.U eac1ped Wednelday nl&bl all« the four boun, but the lleel bole· uri>urt. f1<i1bt cor CUT11PI '1 -nl car still llllOldered Into the Tbe )<llltb, Phillp Ge!Tlnier, ammuallloG CIUlll11re IDd '6 1·mornlng, w!!h expioo,ct and II, died -boun alter a , mm ll>elll bepa Nuttnc nlf live ahelll llmm over llbout · linp .bot wu beard lnlide a atUte11ooed'inter\'all. an 8Cre r1. tbe rockf, dtle.rt • bulld!D,g whkb 41 pwe of. Al the exp1o1ion1 bold 0... land In the Antelope Volley llcorl, 1o1>bin1 In 1ear 1u f111Urs and milllar)"onlnlnce ;o m!loo north nl Lao Anftlel. .,...._.,hod ........ooed. espertl 1 mile aw.,., HMtt• "You coU:t. bear' wh1atles Tbe lncldent tqan Wed-- drove bll lnU lo Ille tnln 111 lll<e lllrapnel Oylng through neoday ~ Sberlff'a Sgt. a 11.dlna. the air," Aid Sheriff's Oeputy Dewey HawldM, 4.l, IDd a He· uncoupled both ..ia ol Don Bemer. "You could bur lrlend llOI comected with the the lkar tnln to wltbin cJ&ht obelll uploclin& all OV<r." cue, private clelecllve Andy • Raff, ST, hid pne to Ger· 80 Campus Disorder Bills -Pared to Nine Dilturbancel reduced some 80 legillattv. bllls .., coll•ie. unlvenlty and public school dlsnlpliom to nine meaauru of Its own. rincer's apartment b o u s e . Hawklnl carried a bench war- nnl clmgin& the youth with jumping b;.all on a relatively minor auto theft cue. AJ the youth WU being led away, Hnkinl ald, be ran .1way, then in a scutne monqed to get bold nl Ralf's &1:1n -lddtng it at Raff's held 11111 beginning I oerlel of boclagHaJdni. . The youth led Raff and poUcemen IDd • ablrlll'• deputlta ... .-111e aport- ment tJaUdl., locMed in the Loo A,.i.. barbor aru. Hawklnl uld the youth then qreec! to let the flllllty and tho -.. !roe. Later the lwo men IDd Ille lkl friend eocaped tbroulb the d o o r wben lhe f1nl tear , .. s-ades -ll!,roqb the 1ront window. ·i - 1-than •·minute paosed bolore the lingje obot r1111 out. Olllcerl loaod the yooth unccmcloaa wltb · a bullet 'llOW1d In bla heod. He died tllree houri' later II a boepllal. "I still don't UDderatand why he ran, 11 Bl.kl Deputy Hawtms. "It WU jUlt a bench 'fln'IDt, charging bW with boil jump. ping beCause he'd filled to ap- pear for ~lal in Superior Court m an auto theft chlrge. "It W8$n't worth all that. Jt wasn't worth .tlftatenini .peo- ple. It wasn't worth dylnc for, It jwt wun't worth It ..... JoYey Gift Shop. -rat:lng now! I ltG llACJS DAILY Tl*. Thru Sit.. Fnl '809-Wtekdlyt 1 :a, -·-·=·· _IHIOli .. icn . Gt.nclltwlt1 .711 ClubhouM 83.00 R•a Wei S... 11.IO ...... ~, ..... Hcilfywoa4 Plst. ..., .... c.ntury ltwl •• f'r*tt HOLLYWOOD PARK RllCING ' -JOSEF'S- D1x11LaND BAND 'lbe Southern CaWomla branch nl tbe ACLU filed 1 frltnd of the court brl~C Wedneaday with Super Io r Court Judge Herbert V • Walter, who will he• r argmnem.s oo a motion for a new trial May 21. '!be ACLU Slid neither the condemned assusin ol Sat. ROOert'F. Kennedy nor his 1t- tomeyl asked the organizlUon to enter the case. SACRAMENTO (AP) - llemovll nl atate aid lrom atudents CODvletecl In campus dilc:rdera and a ICl1ed-down. vmioa ol. Gov. Re&Jan's pro- -ls on lludent and foculty ...-..... -... day by a -ill Alltmbly committee. One proposal would permit campus administrator• t o remove potential ln>ublemalten during llltea of emergency. Hawklfla. whom he a ls o "" ,._ • """""' ._. d.Laarmed, beet to Gerrtnaer's~~~';'"';;'"'~M;·';;"";i'~' ~~~========:: a.,UU-t bulldblCo ,There he r- told apartment m a n a I e r Gerald Hurt, II, to drive the EVOY FRIDAY AmRNOON FROM 5:00 re 7:00 P.M. TID ROI DUO ••• 9 P'"'· re Cloolot e LUNCHEON e DINNER e LATE ~UPPER e SUNDAY IRUNCH e 2121 E •. COAST HIGHWAY AT THE JAMAICA INN 673-lllO , · · eetheC11tt DIAMOND RINGS N0111& LrtCE A D&AMONOTO TUM HER ONI Would You Believe only $19.~5 Or Even $29.95 Genuine Diamonds lrflOK SolldGold y OU !S!!Q!! One Diamond Says Men ThlnA Thousand WOrds ••• ' MUNTINCITON C•NTalt · HUMTIN•TON 8U.Cfll RIPUILIC "GEMINI" 20 Gal. ~1.11 · 30 Gil. $44.11 40 611. $49.18 50 Gal. $64.11 INSTAUATION AYAIU.AI -· - "Our p:-etent appearance," the brief stated, "is prompted not out of concern for the llfe, as such, ct thil parUcular defendant: it ii a concan for life it.aelf.'• The ACLU challenged the death penalty on t b r e e gounds: -That H constltutes cruel and anusuat punishment. -That the jury decisions recommending the d e 1 t b sentence are a violation of the constilutional rltbt of due pn>o ceu became they art not con- fnlled by any atandardJ. -That the uclusion of jurors who art conscientiously oppooed to capital punlshment bavlolatlonolduepn>eeSS. The flnt two arguments were rejected by t h e california SUpr<me Court and now.)are on appeal to the U.S. Supreme Courl W a I t e r ·previOlllly upheld the death penalty wben the A C L U challenged tt in tbe 1187 kid- nap-rape conviction of Robert Emmett Thornton. The ACLU aai<I tbe tblrd issue -escluai-Oa of jonn ~ poled to c1pilll pmlsbment - baa llOI been decided by any court, and "both the SUJ>relllf: court of the ltlte and the Urited Slates Supmne Court have clearly stated t h e judicial roed)s. open" to bear arguments on such grounds. AWOL Recruit Back to Base BARSTOW (UPI) -John Krenn.Ina, th e 19-year-old Marine rtcl'Uit who sneaked away from the San Diego Marine Recnllt Center last week charging he was beaten by drill instructors, Wed· ne.tay wu awaiting transfer back to San Dtqo from tbe Boratow Morine Corps IUJIPIY depot. The Marine Corps said Krenning had been lalton lrom the Needles HOlpilol to the bue boopltal 'l'llelday nlghl O!flclalo Slid Krtnninl WU "found phylllcally DI for lronlfer back to hil commond In San Diep." The 17t.pqe nport (Jf the Select Committee on CfllllPIL' March Faces 'Scorched Earth' Plan NILAND, Cslll. (UPI) - -stonMepetl ptocUced a "acorcbed earth" )ll)licY Wednesday u memben nl the United Fann Worker• Organh!Dll Committee march· ed thmlgh tbe calilornla desert In au)l!JOlt nl tbe c.1-.ta !Ible grape boycott. Temperatures IOlf8d a J high u 120 de.,_ on the deserU during \be d a Y WedDesclay. Stora al<Jni the ""'te clooed u tbe -opproached .. they ,.... anabl• to buy cold drinks or fc>c4 1be marchers had to rely / on provllkm IJrouibl In by UFWOC sup- ~SS DI the.....- reacbed Niland Wedoelda)' on the fourth day nl their 100 mUe march to the Malc1n ---at calexlco, Cslll. However. their ranb were nearly doubled . at tlr:oes as other fannwortm jolned the mlJ'Ch for a fnt'· houri. The marcben hope to ru<h catulco by Sunday whm tbey will -with Mexicon naUonall wbo bold ''lrtell canl" pennltl allowlq thom to wri In the United States. 'Ille UFWOC baa cbarpd tbe greencanl-"mbavebeen used .. lllrlbbreaten and It 1-to pl them to IUllPOft the union. UFWOC ldder Ce 1 a r Chavez, wbo baa been In -bealtb, Wll expected to ride alq with the marcben for the lait few mllea Sunday. There alJo we(< reportl that Southem Cbrlsltao LelWlhli> Coolerence leacler Rolph . Abernathy and Union leacler Willer-Reuther would be on band for the end nl tho lllln:b. . Tbe lllln:b bepa lut - day in llldlo. Csllf, .• --- . HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE BUYS • OAIBAGE DISPOSAU • IN·SINK-DAIOI llOllL IM>. UJ, s·31ts . .._Sit.fl OUI PllCI •••• , •• •••• •• ,, • MMll JJJ-1 Tr. lau•w . MOllLUI ~· ... "'·" OUI PlfCI •.•••.••••••••••• .....,U.._,Tr,lea•w 51.~ ~: ............ ~5495 ....., ,,_.Tr. 8us•s . INSTALLATION AYAILAILI .. The committee'• Republican chlfnnan uplatned !Is •p- pl'OICh 11 "a nonemotional retpOnR to a ditncult aitua· tion." But one committee member rtluaed 'to •1«n the report and others Aid Ibey bad ruervations. group In his cor. 'Ille auto .... ________________ , wouldn't atart and the four 'l1le grwp belded b y Assemblyman Victor V • Vey~y of Brawley accepted Rea&an'a propouJ to make it a crime for 1u1pended studenl.a to return to cam- puses wilhwt perm1uion and to Umlt uae nl laudBpeaters. went iMJde to Burt's apart- meri. where lhe youth beld everyone at gunpoint, in- cludiol HlB't's wile, her aunt and his -chlldttn. The youth's lkl friend, Carmen McCullum, 22, lived in the apartment hlKl.e and tried lo talk him Into gMll( up, Bui he beld her with the nll and told her, "No, rm•l(Oing to kill all of us. I'm not aoinl back to jail acatn." --Sfll!IDIOO!d. by ne!lhbon, 20 - Labor Chief Hits Reform Bui the committee -Req111'1 plan lo IUlp<Od or dillnlu studeols or faculty convicted In campus . dlmlp- tions. Instead, the campmes would be urged to bold prompt he&rtnp and aui,n "ap-propriate penalllu" In 1UCb SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - ca&el. Gov. Rae~a ~avipropoo1 als Veyoey alld the lelllolature would ~..... -Y on recognbu public concern "for .rerters thi-ougbout tbe state, octlon to Item tbe tldt (Jf Clll)-c~ 'l11onw Loi. Pit tlsh ' PU1 lawl-. sectetary.ftaum . e •'At the aame time we · Califontia Labor Federation. reallle that e i: c e s s Iv' e 1 y Pkt. iakt Wednelday the punitive measures only play Republican l(\'lvemor's plan into the band.I al the mllftants, "would mean an income tu portlcularly -who wont h)ke nl llOI or Ill percent for an oveM'elCl!on that would • rental flllllly nl four eamlng ruin our acbooll,'1 be uid. $10,000 a year .•. " Tbe wlde-rongtnc report, '!be lsbcr lead•,. Slid pro- !nnkly 1vo!dlng "many ol the periy tu .. would be alllhed re 1 ct Jon.type bills," but rtntera would be left with nevertbelesl provoked atn>ng only the Income tu hltt. crtt1ci1m !run Aslemblyman In a-al, the p..-baa WWle L Brown Jr. (IJ.&>n propoaed aluhlng property Fronclaco), who rtluaed to taxes IO p<mnt and bolstlnl stcn it u a committee Income taxes the 1 a m e _member. pm:entqe. ' llT£1£ST DAY-1111 IAY-llT Ill IAll CAI llAJr.1 m , . "·SA•s ·.i LDAI ASSIL'IAtm CAI.Ulm •• ASIEISOVER sUs,000,000.0o • MUTUAL SAVINGS A . N D L. O ,A H A • e 0 C f 4 T t 0 N CORONA DEi. MAR -l'lllC..HW-..-Dol Mlr,Qll.-···-'1N010 --IULC....llWll. , 7 4~m.· ' "'=="" ---- \ "" . __ ,_,_,__.,.,.. MA• Ja4 ......... •412t~•U.&.C. c...,;qsp ................................. . .................... c.nt.o ........ Qtr ... .,.... D9!A5!11" ; 1P , HI l11IP-L8H ......... ...... bold sahib ... aase th/...hrmt-hm crmzes &thawajsSafari CtJlkction b a11 bog "-Sofari fashiono oi SO.SO potyener and muon without firing a shot. For stalld'ng lcno or Other fair game. don this bush Jadcet with zipper.front and in- wrted bod: pleat. While or jung)e gold 11.11. Maldiing ponts with side-tab .0. justn-and 3 pockets; one a bellows lo keepyourj>owderqiy.11.00.No!"-n 1111ldllng shortsll.SO. Sholl.._ shirt and --cotton, 21'<)dcets and fln- hhed boaiaoo fotir>«-oul!r-.Colfee/ whlw, blllO/white d!ecb or oolid blue or und.U.00 . • • -J \ I ) • J DAll.Y PILOT Tlt11rsday, r.,a, 15, 1%9 " Oops ••.• Wrniig ·Wall ' li&genwm GroundEreakbig. Backfires ' . • ,.. ...... .;v ............ 'fttln'• 1llfblnc lib • bl\ •f '1Jft~ wbe.n y o u 1 r e launchlDa a' ·new venture, )lb llreaJdnt • ' -ol builtily ever the bowi:.. or cll,WJng a tone while ribbon. So thought &he dlgnitaties delegated to honor t h e -rea!Ung Wednesday pl fbe ~loo of Orange Qour\- ty Cllildrenl Home Sotlety. bwlding on.Sycamore Street in Santa Ana. And they came up With the idea of wall breaking, 1 dllUnct and novel ~witCh from the old spade in the dirt \il ' Heading the hammer Migade were Mrs. William C. Meetings THURSDAY ~ H1111tl"*'°" IHdl """ C I u II. H1111-~ Sl«lflf Cail!ltr\I <;lull. JllDO P•lm Or"4 Hu11t1no~ · k&dl. •;JO •.m. . ft1rbor A'" TontmHttr'!, Club l!Ml, MIMI Vtrclt QM!trJ 1.ktb, Cotti ~., •. m. u.s. . • .....i 'Se. C:-,0 Ccarn. 2JU ..,!WIQ 111°"-S...Y An&, 7._...m. Or-C..,tv Credit Unlari 1..1111..w, $&dlll~ l1111o s.nr1· AM, 7:]0 \'-"'• ,~k lodeil, IOOF H a I I, \II"""'"'"'" Ave-•I OHYt SlrN1. w..tm!Mtw, 7:30 P.m. Hlintl'*""' a..dl Jllflklr C~mbfr of Co!Nnwm. Slwrl'klfl lleldl lllfto H...,. ti119lun llffdl, ....... ~ H&rtlor EID Club, Elks l!ICllle. 3"56 Vil Ollm'IO. Nl!'llllPOrt 8NCll, I P.m. A11'1tf1Un l"loll Post •5S, Amer;a.n L"lon H111, 5'S w. urn sr., COST• MeU. I p,m. $1:1. 51,.._ Mid Jud!ll: Ml<l"l Ck!b, 1'1rt~ H1tr, :r.n lOlll SI., H""llnvloft 1111c11. I 11.m. FRIDAY .u~~t~~~i.i °"':~'. Wlllon. COiii Mesi, I &."'- Death Notices BERKE 'A11a1IMl1 · • el!fli,, 1562 Go!de11 Rain, L.--. seal Bud!. O.!e OI dN!h, M•v 1•. Sl.irvl-br ttutb&lld. Artrn;r M. "Bel'tt, ktl llff<lll san, Ro!Hlr1 H. ; lef"U, !1<111ot11 bi'olherl, Leo J, •"d Joh<! P. Ne.rttle, 8•1111'1. RONr,, t=rl· d•v, I 11.ro.1 Requiem Mui. 5.llllritav, 10 a.m., boltr 11 t-kll1 Farnllv c1111oi11; 'Clll>rc.h. Lelsu,.. World, 5"1 INC~. Dlrtetl'll by 0!149~ aro1Mr1 Mortu1rv. 1u.n11. LINDKE M¥ion A. l llldft. '72 'Mlu lon. Drl~, -API. l. Ctllll& Melil. Diii ol' OHlll, . ,..,..., 11 SUrvhed 1W IMbllnd, filn'terJ two dautllt.rt. Mn. P1lrkil Moolefl, ol' SePlllvtdl1 Ml.. 8t1tl llftdke, of -llclmel two -. ftllbwl LlridlW. u.s. ,..,.""' CorP11 &NII q.rm t.1nc1- ke. of !hot "°'"'1 brolhtr, HoWarit V.n v.n lllll>er, New Yen: >two 11$11~. MllN D'Amin. t:toll\'WOCld. Ind Mii"" MC:La.,.,.tln, ~ Yorir.; .1nd h¥D 1ralld- dllklren. s.Nlc:lt. Frld1y, 11 1.m .. 8*~ 11..-.1 Cl\lllel. ,.;111 litev. L. v. T-ol'tkillfl.... DlrKled by kif lrold,.•v ~ry •• IM lf'NdW11. Cosl1 Miii. - ETHERIDGE AdamJ; of Newport Beach, You gutSSfd It. Wrong wall . past president or the society's ~iurmurs of delight changed Newport Harbor cbapter and io inoans of anguish as Allen Robert S. Barnes, chalrman of the cpunly district board, ~1rs. polnh .. 'd out the second floor . Adams, despite the fact that wall that had been earm~rked she's a fotmcr· physical educ1:1-for hammering. But Barnes tao'n teacher, gracCfl.illy passed I breathed freely 1 again when on ~ the hammering duties to \ Allen explained that it didn't Barnes. 1natler 1 one little b!t. the wall In no time at all Barnes, hc"d Pi\rllY demohshed would urged on by a deadline-con-have ruid to go pretty soon . sclous photographer, bad a The Work lhat B a r n e s lovely hole and pile of bricks started will result ir. a 1,860- to show (or his energetic ef-square-foot expansion of the fort.ii. · children's home. It will cost Then along came arc.bittcl the sociely $39,000. - Ralph Allen, a little late for Barnes is very happir: today the ceremony .and also a little that hi.s bit of hammer swing. late with some information for ing isn't going to eoit him a Barnes. dollar or 1wo. .Loop Road Petition Denied by Planners SANT A ANA-County Plan- ning Commission members in a split 3-2 vote Wednesday. after almost five months of de- liberation, -denied a petition for elimination of a proposed Orange County Airport loop road and passed the cootrover· s1al subje<-t on to the Board of Supervisors. County Avi ation Director Robert Bresnahan lost his bat· tle to have the f04dway. which would connect Red Hill Road and MacArthur Boulevard at the nor..h -end .of the airport, eliminated · frtim the couotv Master Plaii of Art e ria·I Highways. County Road Cotnmissione r Al Koch, who insisted Lhal th o connector link \vas •·essential to ultimate traffic circul ation" al the airport , \\1as the winner. Koch quoted a lell cr h(• had received from th<' Fedefal A v i a I i o n Ad1n inistration qooting FAA Huie 77 which he said indicates thal t h c Ne1v Narn c N ow Legal TUSTIN -After a prrvious abortiye try, the CO!lnly Board of Su_pervisors has approved the renaming of 4th Strel't in roadway would "not be a hazard to aviation at the fHcility." Bresnahan has contended that the loop road would be a "hazard to planes and a detri- ment to· a future all-weather airport landing system" to be installed next year. He also argued that the road would eliminate 30 "badly needed" tie-down spaces at th e northeast corner of 1 h e airport. * * * Rutten Air Board Pick SANTA ANA-County Super- visors \Vednesd"'y recomtnend· cd to Gov. H.onald Reagan that Ccn.c Rutten, chairman of the Riverside Count~ A i r p o r t Cotnmission . be appo inted to an exjsling Vacancy on the Stale: Aeron aut ics eom- mission. Supervisor \Vi 11 i a n1 J, Phillips. who Urged the recom- mendation, pointed out that Rutten had served on the Riverside County commission for rJghl years and was "very acti\'e in SCACf work . ' ' !Southern €alifornia Aviatio~ Cooncit Inc.) Afro ~rts F ete· Slated At (:hapman ORANGE -Ch a pm.an CoUege's A~American Arts Festival, running t h r o u g h Saturday, is the prodUct of-a joint effort by black and white studenls. • ' t, Sponsore<j: by the1Bla~ Stu- dent Union and United Student Action, ,th" Festival w i I I feature a convocaU~ address at ll a.m. Friday in'the Chap- man Auditorium by the Rev. Andrew J . Young, national ex· ecutive vice president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. The lecture is free, and open to the public. Afr0:American arts will be on display all week in the col- lege library. Other· events will include a student musical, "Rhythm, Soul : The Year of Aquarius," at 8 p.m. Friday in the auditorium; and a fashion show, "Afro-American Fashion Flair," at 2:30 p.m. Sc.l.Utday in the Little Theater. ounty OKs Dana f oint Apartment By !ACK BROBACJC.. bac:qround. • similar variances alld most vacant and. I feel lhat'1 the I °'... 11•· ''t'!' If Meiaeobekter't proper.\)' ls 1 live above the property. Most way the people there want to DANA POINT -Lloyd E ... -kildnc lot fronting on the -;;;o~r;i;lhe;;il!'i;itJllOi;. ;i;rt;:yi;;i;D!ti;;i5e;i;v;i;ill;i;e0iiiis0iiikmcep;;i;;;;;ll;;;"Oiii0iii0iiiOiiiOiiiOiii. Mei&en.relder wants to build a Street fJI the Ruby Lantemu 1hrettm11 apartment house on anc1 erteo<Ung lhrougb .to t See by Today's a IQI he bwos here, and he has 5e.vllle Place, 350 feet north of the county' soar d of Paclfic Coast Highway," Recd Want Ads Supervisors l;tles8ing toUowtng &:tated. , a public bearing Wednesday. ''The prOperty ls zoned for ·1 Accoailng: to Supervisor apartments. In !acl, he could Alton Allen in. whose Filth b~ five units under lbe zone. District the property i s M t ot the opyosiilon comes located, tbe matter was "en-fro residents in Iii single .tirely proppr to bring belore fa ·1y borne. area to the the ~rd due to numerous wes , 11 Reed Continued. protests."' 'lbe apPeaJ was "Me.isenheld er needs a heard on Allen's motion. variance beca~· his gprage Only t~~~--a.ppeared will be within Ove feet...llf the to p r o t ea t Meisenhelder's property line and because he variance permil. and after 20-wiU build in three stories. minute d i s c u 6 a i o n the ... aUQwed on the sloping lot. supervisors denied the appeal ''The structure proposed will oO Allen 's motloo and ~ 4-0 be only 20.S feet above thel vote. sLreet level on Seville Place Orange County Zoning and the code allows 35 feet.'' Administrator Rayffiood Reed, Tile zoning adminislralor who had granted tJ;le permit on continued: "Many of U1e March 12, explained l h e residenlli protesting h a ,. c 1Whetmbre S°"i1n Pool • Bill Okaved in Senate • S..OCRAMENTO -T h e Senate approved 29--0 today and sent to the Assembly a bill by Sen. James E. · Whetmore {R·La Habra) designed to . head off potential abuses in the sale and construction of swlmfl}ing pools b y con- tractors. Whetmore said the measure resfllted. from compl~ints filed by Southern Californians who claimed they were taken ad- vantage of by pool builders. The bill provides that a con- ,• tract must specify a pool coin· pletion da~e and that any ad- ditional work musl hove the homeowoer's prior writte n CQnsent. Additionally, each contract must be in wriling and include the contractor's name and license number, A copy of the contract must be given to Uie purchaser at the time of signing under the bill . It would apply only to single family pools not built all the same time as the dwelling. ' , e ]tam Sl;t.c~ Roll around In thlil KlP11 size bed, and get better· sleep, A great bargain. , .' quilted, eornplell', never ILSC'd •••• $98. e Hetracllon Altm C'l!on: RetraclaQlc clothes llne.,1 used tor a very short time, Sl5. • • .bls:1utlfy yoor- bttck;yard \\'hen not In use.1 • Pnwcr Bug: \\!ell, !his OT){''s a t'amper1 •• , ,'f>,S V\\/, With ]5()() e"" i:llle .• , .pxl for t~ long hauls, New paint, ii r'l(ttUent condition. , , .._ SS'~! • Raft' Classic: A 1956 Mark II COlllinentaJ Classic .• , .in A·l condi- tion, E1nprcss 11 hilt'. Hard To lind luxury, S.l-195. DENTAL PLATES REPAIRS .l RELINES WH ILE-U-WAIT WY. COMPLETE ALWAYS , CREDIT DENTAL SERVICE LOW TERMS IN OUR OFFICE PRICES PENTOTH~I"" (For Sleep) For Exlractions and Fillings e DtfFlCULT CASES WELCOMED , Special Vote ,.Slated For F ou1·t1i Districl LET'S BE FRIENDLY U you have ne\v neighbors or know of anyone movin&: to our area. please tell WI so that we may extend a WELCOME UNIO'N DENTAL PATIENTS e PENSIONERS WELCOME e NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY " e 31> MOS. TO PAY .e OP EN EVES. &,SAT. e SE HABLA PHONE· 842-6625 SANTA ANA -Voters in the F our I h Supervisorial District of Orange County will cast their ballots in a special election Aug. 26, to fill a vacancr on the county Board Of Education. The Board of Supervisors Wednesday called the election lo fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Lyle ~1 . Guipre. Voting is conUned In the Fourth Dislrict. Board of Education · districts i n d supervisorial ·districts 1 r c friendly welcome and huJp identical. them to become acquainted ESPANOL M11tercht1"91 Candidat~ for the post hav e in their new surround.Inga. from May 19 lo Jllhe 13 to file s ( I v· ., nomination pa pers with the ' O. Oas ISi or ·oR TARR . ijUNllNGroN e1•cH • CRIDIT :OINllST County Cl"k. 494.0579 _._ 16 123 BEACH BLVD., lo!UNTINGTON BEA CH The Fourth District is the NEAR EDINGER -GROUND FLOOR -MOD ERN largesl but most sparsely set-Harbor Visitor AIR CONDITIONED OFFIC E tied of the county's five supe.rvisoria l districts. 494·9368 MEMBER AMERICAN ACADEMY OF DENT1ST- lt covers all of the mountaln /~~~~~~~~~~~~;:;;iii;iii;iii~A~M~E~Rl~C~A~"~· C~R~E~O~IT~OE~N~T~IS~T~A~5iiiSN. areas of the county southeast Ji or the Santa Ana River and in- cludt!S the cities of Tustin. Villa Park. part of Orange. <ind the northern half of the f.ti s:-ion Viejo and El Toro arl'as. LEARN TO SWIM Af YOUR ORANGE COAST YMCA ~42-9990 the Tustin .irca tu Irvine .A. ~t-..A. ~111.,ard. '"' " "" Food Career UC J-Ph vs icist G.rv La E~. 5'0 M...,illol\,./1, Calla-,,,,_,. Dl!e of delllh, May 11, surv!Yed by wife, Oonlth1'1 • "renf1, w . ind Mn. 11111'/' Et!!erlltte; brllltwt", tu·~ Elllef'IOle, Servlo,.., Frkt9J, 2 p.m., Bell lroadw•V ~t lfi~ """"'· Pacific v • 1 w MHnOri.r P•ril. Olre~e<I 01' ltll Broad""' Maf't111rJ, 110 lr~Y. Cm!a MeU. RIJOOLPH The board pre\•i11usly harl (:oLtU l y's Air approved the nan1e chan gt' ci s D suggested .by lhe· Tustin Cily ]). llC" Boo"Lecl ay Pla1med • Sets UFO Talk •' ·l MULLEN &,BLUETT Df', Mani A. Rlldol!>fl. 1890 Glefl<levre. L•911Nr 11ao:ti. Dl1• af oe..rn, Mev 7. SC'""'"' S.t11rd&J,.. ) p.m.. P1cltlc •• vi.w C"-1. 1n1emoent. P1cn1c vie .. Meinot\11 ... rlt. Dir~ bt l'Kll!C view Morld1rv. Council, bul had neglected lo "' "°' hold a public hearing on the ANAHEJM -A F n 0 d subjecl as required by la"'· SANTA ANA -Increase iTJ Service and H 0 s pit a Ii t y IRVINE -''UFO's l HavC A hearing W c d n es day l)r:i nge County·s due s to the Industry career day to ac-Loved and Lost" will be th e broughi forth no objccrions Soulhl.!rn Caliiornia Aviation quaint all interested students topic of a tnlk by University of NEVILLE and the change is now lt~gal. Coun('il Inc. (SCACIJ from and school counselors with op-Colorado physicist E. U. Con· 1Nr1 Frtnc:ios NnlLlf.. A~ •S. 01 7l ] Aff d · $2 500 II I 13 750 h d · E. Piimr••· 0.-11"191!. r.urv!Wi!<I bt ecte IS n on c -tn i I e · annua Y o • a:-portunities in the field will be on at 9 <i.m. Friday in """""' Ja111>1 1i,te-r, c..~rlrle w-. stretch of the street bcty,·cen been approved by the Board held at 'the Disneyland Hotel Science Lecture Ha ll at UC bo1ll of ,..,.1WC1W1ellu """"' ... c.-11e p d N r s · 1 · waoc21. Or8'!911i niea. ,..,.rv ~·. rospecl an 1 e w Jl o r t o • upervtsors. from 9 a.m. to noon Saturdav. rv1nc. F_,11111 v111ev. RowN. •=~ p.m .. '"' Avenues and a quarter-mile Supervisor \Vi 11ia1n J. Sponsored by Orange CoaSt Condon was director of the 11111M. Tlwndtlv. R-.ii.«> ,..,.,!' Frl-itn., 1.m .. balfl ,, HGIY F1m•1v c1-segment to the y,·est between Phillips \Vednesday rccom-College, the_free program will U.S. Air Force sponsored ltldlc: 0wrct1. or-. '"'ltfmll'l1• Holv the Newport Frecy,·ay and n1ended the approval "because feature experts from the in· study of UnidentiHed Flying suutdlef' c-......,. o 1 ... tec1 bt y ba S sml!M Mof1"""· or trcet. The one-mile SCACI needs the nioney in dushj as \Veil as the college Objects. The~ will be no·ad· LINDLEY stretch is bordered by the City connection \\•ilh a 10-counly and infonnation will be on mission charge. ll"i s ap- of Tustin on the south and st udy of aviation now under . h. and for counselors to use in pea rana is spon-rcd by the E•ht lilMttn'. AM .Y • .al Ml Fr1n1<-j - t.ir1 st.. N1r11tlfl9ton Beach. !>e•v·~• -::cou=n=y:_te_rr_i_lo-'ry'--on_1h_en_:o_rlh::_. _w_:::'Y:;·_" --,.------_:lheir;::.:.;·:::w.::o::rk:_· •:t:.:scb=oo=::I'::.· ___ _:U:::C::l .:P.::h::ys'.'.ics:::_:De~p:"'::lm::::•::.nt::.. _· , pending 1t SmUll1 ~rv. _ , ABBUCKLE & WELSH • ,W"""1U Mortuary ;fr!'J E. ITU! SL, Cotta Mesa "'"'"' BALTZ MORTUAIUl!.5 ·Corona del Mar OR 3-9450 ; Cotbl Mesa Ml &-Wt BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY 111 Broadway, Costa l\lesa LI ~ ' " ·~ ' . ,. '~ I • DILDAY BROTHERS Hutingt.oD ValleJ Mortuary t'1t11 Beach Blvd. Htullinetoo Beaeh ui.mt PAClFlC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK CemeCt:ry • ~tortuary Ch•pd UM P•cltic View Ori\•e Newport Beacb, California , ........ ' ' ' PEEK FAMILY COWNIAL FUNERAL HOME Tltl Bol1a At1t:. West.mhllter ISS-3.m , SHEFFER MORTUo\JIY 1-Beadt 4N-113S , ... Clemente 4ft..llot \ IMITll'8 MOl\TUAllY a'IMalotk. Ruan,,.. Beadt u:..-' ( ' . I GROD:IN S Pre-Season Summer Suit Spectacular! • s110 Two Trouser YOUSAVS $27.50 You would miually have to wait for August Clearances to pick up a . ' • great tropical suit buy like this. Only M&B (;oon to be Grodins) offers you a big $27.50 saving now, before the hot weather sets in. Your choice of two most• asked-for summer fabrics: Dacron polyester and worsted or Dacron, worsled and mohair. Today's leading two bullon slyle in cool solid co lors, stripes, checks, plaids, twills and random weaves. Best of all-the el'tra pair of trousers gives you extra wear, extra neat appearance all day, all summer long. Got ready tor the ho! weather l ' now-and SAVEi • r the• to - " ,. • ... • '• .... e. ~l .. .. in " Ji. "' • . : .. • • • • , l . 11 I ' ' ' - l'ACll'IC Oltt\la IN THliATRE5 SPtCIAL ttOTICE TO OUR • l"ATltON5 ~do 1nw•o1r 1u.c11 -.. ..,. ..... _ I• 11~~··~ lU• "'--01. WIM he olclur1 lllltd "' 11111 bu ,....y i:,. I slderlld by -to btl ...... ull•Dl1 r l;llllClr.,. Ind 'l'OUrlll ~· -Ind ulr1 par"111t dlterlllon. I i -Al10-tr1rv 10 .clwrllt.!no beyond ""' on tr o I Ind IPPl!l•lllQ e\s9Wl\1ro, uno ptOpll lllldtf" II INQT 16) ... 111 I btl •dmltl9d to PACIFIC'S WAR· ER ORlVE IN THEATRE lo SH • plc•ur1 llaltd In 11111 bOX un!fls c;companied by p I r In I Of' adult u-rdlan: I Sllh&e,ybtder -r.r.,11;41 -bk... G .J!'f _ .. ;,.;,~"'""'"''~I ~~~ No IMll vndltl' JI MrnlttM u,.. ltu 1crompa~IM ~y ,._,.,., 1r itdlllt tu•nll•~: LH Mar'llll "HELL IN THE PACIFIC" Frlllll SiMlrl "LADY IN CIMINT' Eve Show srom 6:45 Co1tt. S.WMioy fr•• J p.111. For the absolute fun of it SEE "ROOM SERVICE" 11te hllerloa A111.,k.a11 Force CoM.dy •1:M1 p.m.-Tllll"f Sl9jJ Tll111r......._llU-llJ1 Newport Blvd .• C..tll MtM SOUTH COAST REPERTORY CHILDREN'S THE.I.TRI "PINOCCHIO" SWl!NyJ 11 I 1"4 J '·"'· H!rv M1y 1J NOW-Ends Tuesday ....,........,....:-:; Omar Sharif ·Catherine Deneuw JamesMason PORT THEATRE-Saturday Night al lD :icl MAJOR STUDIO PREVIEW FEATURE BIG COMEDY STARRING ALAN ARKIN Come at 6:45 S.. All Thru; No Advance 'Prke NOW SHOWING r.ut N•wlllaJI fl ''The Secr•t W•r of Harry Frisrg'' -· ''Hannibal Brooks" OUWlt-MICIHllJ.POU.tM "HAMMllAL IROOICS. A Mid\ael Wimer F<m ~ """ """"" U1111• Art1111 Orange Coast £ollege • 'Peer Gynt' Vnco 'nvincing.,Fantasy By JANICE BERMAN ... DllW ........ '1\en'1 a tired old IOU that came to mind WI Dilhl u I watdwd Orqe C o 11 t CoUeae'• product.km of "Peer G)'nl." Queslloo: Do )'Oii lib Jblea? Answer: I doa't know, I never 1beed. I 1 hive lbled bet~, and mtlnorably. Bui not lul'lllahl. II WU dllllcull to delelailne where ' tbe problem was L ln the production, or ln the play llseU, or in both. Henrik Ibsen's "Peer Cynt" Is a morality play, wlt)l large doses of fantasy and the doc- trine or seU-will. Peer's 60 years ol life are fraught with constant oonflicts, as he strug- gles for self-accepta.ace and acceptance by others. Pett 11 a searching youth was played by Roberto Marcarelll, whose excessive w~ging of hands and striking of poses, coupled with a voice that often reached an ex· ~ up<rallnc moan·groan level, central m._e In the play made one wl!h lhlt Peer which carries p o t e n t t a l would .. , kllocl<ed off his • overtooa ol-tragedy llld ol l1IOUDlaln by a larg.. hair)' ~w-ucb In the troll. m,,.,,__ .. , m man. Ills mother Aa.se, played by ner of 11Hedd:' Gabler." Barbin Smi!h, alternated The 0CC '""1P cannot be from piercinl sweetness to 'faulted for tbelr llahtina and somethlng out of Ponnov'a set design, under the t.edinlcal Complaint via Ma m Hi y direcUoa ol Peter Sc~llo. Yokum. The liihllnc oflen succeeded Peer Cynt as an old man in conveying moOds where tbe was played by Lucian Scott. actors filled. wbo gave a performance that Several amalL rale.t were a.lmOlsi -but not qulte -sue-noteworthy, ~ them ceeded in rescuing the play. Angela Collini u 691velg, Slnc.e be was also lhe director, Michael' Gerner u the Button It does not seem unfair to · Molder and Jamila Mynderse wonder \\•hy he did not devote P the Woman to Green. as much Ume to polishi.Qg the Possibly the greatest pro- other performances as he did blem io the play, however, is his own. the progression from one act Dach 'Magnificat' Fine But Short Choral Work Under ~ finn guiding hand, to the next; the motivation of the play ·coc:d have emerged characters. Solveig 1 h u n 1 with more cohesiveness, less Peer; then, suddenly, she hysterical beaUng of breasts, throws herself lnto bia anns. and some sense or purpose. Why? He didn't do anything T h re e .acts o{ thrashing but sigh to • friend of hers about failed to produce any that he wanted her. What girl would change her mind Jor lhat? H. • It would be convenient to be untmgton able'io cast the enUre blame By DOROTHY BARLEY We could not help reflecting as the Irvine Community ChoruJ gave us the lut glorious bars of B a c h ' a "Magnificat" Sunday night that it was a pily that lhe composer limited his memorable work to an of- fering of such short duration. clear soprano also caught our upon Henrik Ibsen, but, un- ea.r, Parttcu!arly when her Pl h fortunate ly, OCC chose the ..... , voice hao ""backing bf ay ouse play, and should bave ... an oboe obbllga~nd tenor Uctpated the problems of Paul Mayo showed great shaping a rambling epic into a strength and clarity tn his con-Comedy Set significant statement or two. trlbulion to the concert. "Peer Gynt" co n t I n u ea The rousing final chorus or tonight through Saturday with th. k h" ''Breath of Spring," a coin. an &·.IS p.m. curtain at th e 1s wor was net 1ng short of _.. r 1 I d' · o::uY o arcenous a 1cs 1n occ auditorium. magnificent. Replete w i t h retirement, will close out the -----------11 melismlc phrasing and almost season for the Huntington Handellan in its breadth and Beach Playhouse, o p e n i n g It seemed to us, as It bu seemed before, that the chorus is really only just into its stride when it reaches the COflo clusion ol the 35-minute work. Nonetheless, it was a short but sweet rendition before a delighted and near capacity audience in the University of calilornia at I r v I n e ' s Crs.wford Hall. texture, it cannot fail to im· Memorial Day for a five- press the listener with its weekend run. vivid tonal color and its rich, Ruth Dorward, who st'aged full phrasing. "Bom Y :i s t e r d a y • ' and On to Stravinsky's Sym· "Champagne Complex"/ for phony of Psalms, in which the the playhouse, is directing the choir had the splendid ac-Peter Cokes play. Ron companiment provided b y Lambert is in charge of p~ pianists Kate Whitney and duction. Laurence Cordon. There can Playing the principal roles THE WEIGHT WATCHERS ST.OR~ This limitatior. d o e s • perhaps, most affect lhe soloists since I• givu them lit- tle opportWliiy and scope to capitalize on some notable arias. It was a handicap that was suceessfully overcilme, ·however, and we were particularly impressed. by the very effective mezzo-soprano work of Claudine Carlson - hers was a smooth, confident rendering of S<me key uias in which she seemed to be com- pletely at ease. sure1y be no more demanding are Nancy Wells and Did{y /!a• At'. lb.. piano score and Mrs. Whitney Lammers as the e I d e r I y •I' ~llf llllt-... and her partner were more Engllsh women and Ralph tg0~"" than equal to its tremendous Quick as the brigadier geperal '!( demands. assisting them in t b e i r ~ This work is so truly scheme. / ,~ Ac4n~'\ Stravinsky, with Its blurred Completing the cast are Pat r:suTlr:J~~ hannonies and bleak dissonan-Mullins, Lana Campbell, Ann ces, a claS&ic example of con· Walker, Martin Fuch!I and l.trar£ temporary music with a George Ralph. Performances .,...,,,, liturgical text. It was in sharp will be given at the "Barn," contrast to the earlier Bach 2110 Main St., Huntln~n a.au ONNIN .. llOWI but was, nonethel ess, a pleas-Beach, with advance reserva- ing choral work a n d lions now being taken al SJ&. CALL (71•) At-ISOJ Soprano Darrellyn Melilli's demonstrative of the choir'slf~886~1~.~~~~~~~;.~~~~;~~~~~~/I adaptability. n there was any rauJt to F-- find. it could perhaps have ~ o• SOUTH COAST 'Unexpected' HOLLYWOOD (UPI) Frederick Brisson will pro- duce "The Unexpected Mrs. Polllfax" at Warner Bros. starring his wile, Rosalind Russell . been noted in the string sec--PLAZA TH .. i W tion of the ensemble which , San Ditto,,....,. at lriltGI • 546-2711 from time to lime, definltely ACRES OF FREE PARKING needed a llttle h e I p . ~~:ic~ull ATi~ks ~ir: WE ARE PROUD TO PRESENT Irvine Community Chorus for THE ACADEMY AWARD WINNER ~~~,i;\g and well received BEST FOREIGN FILM Crossword Puzzle 511 l!:tservt officer l Connlcts candidate: 5 Stupid Abbr. 10 W. Gtrmsn 52 Pitch lnter-rlvtr val In 111uslc 14 Count1n1nc1 54 Cotten fabric by ald 58 Slew dcwn: 15 · • • · ltlla 2 words 16 Hindu 59 The 1re1t1st llre gcd poss bte 17 l ie at 60 Pleaslngly anchor neat ACROSS The Two Pm'f Production of Lto Tohtoy'1 ~w~ PEACE _ .. ,.._. ____ . __ ,....;.._~ .. 18 Famed 62 Shew t McGiii ~ connection proltSIOf bttWtfn 19 Asian prlnc1 65 Tvry 511~/69 20 Bulter 67 First nam e 7 Contents 19 Pro11ctlt111 constituent In U.S. of Pandora's par of a 22 Untmancl· poli tics eox building p1ted person 69 Ptrllcular I Golf club 41 Pay clos• 24 Electrically 70 Small group of cld attention charged 71 Gounod optra 9 .South 4) Black marks 1tom 71 Handcart Aftlcan 46 Kind ZS Arl1tot11'1 73 Sting In plateau 48 Ctremcnlal fotlt by "IY of 10 U.S. act 27 Narcotic· tttum patriotic 51 Kind of containing 74 -KtfSUYer groUJI: Abbf. battle s.ed: 2 words 75 Ft11lntn 1 11 Onc:e mort ,, Tiny Tl11's 29 N1wcom1r · n1111e 12 Qutbfc l1 vcrllt to collage comraunlly flowers Jl Certal DOWN 13 Gay 54 Moisten grass Zl e·xcl1111tlon1 food while 33 Rowboat l Distort ofdlagust cooking 1cc11scl)' 2 Broadway 23 Dtctptlon 55 Th• "U" or 34 TIUt role of 26 Chu1ch "UHF" 36 Holy city !ht '20s decree 56 -drt lun1 40 flor11on1 l Urgent 28 Chemical 57 Ltgtndary 42 Stlowtd · •lanns: suffix king cf l1tuou1 2 words 29 Frclh Phrygla afftctlon 4 Offlct 30 Nation 61 Scirfelt 44 Soft wiud worktrs: 31 lnftrinal 63 Cltave 4511oltl•d Informal rtcords 64 Ftm ln lne hill• 5 Do11bl1 )5 Be fe stive name 47 Not In crosud: 37 llissenet · 66 Thither tht l1ut 2 words . ~pera 68 Enzymt 49 Yttch 6 Otrns )I ttrt1f surflr ._ ·ii•ANO AJIMr Of' NAflOUOfll. aJIUfH.TAllllC' Cl.uohl '11 m: --'9DON£D IY ITS [W(JOJlt PAI.AC( IAU. Al TIIOUSMDS OMCq, "' ' --· PART I ;::;~:.-:::::..:.STARTS MAY 14th THE ENTIRE PRODUCTION O~ "WAit AND PEA.CE" WILL IE SHOWN IN TWO ,ARTS. EACH •ART WILL ll SHOWN FOR ONE WEEKI • -' • COAST HWY. AT MACARTHUR BLVD. NEWPORT BEACH • 644·0760 Exclu1lw Seuthtm Oranp County Run leek Mn• . a,..., CU4•ult .A l'llle Pafr A~ c:..-Filrnf. NMionlll °"*II Prod!.dian II• ··--·--···-...l.·-----IGREGOilY • EVA MARIE PECK SAINT 'THE STA1.KING MOON' !!Jo----· STARTS WEDNESDAY-MAY 2111 Ill Rlllll.111111 llllM i1 RN~ mastaim d the suPmi!U'81! 1111 lllllRlllllD MIN ... __ ,ii-_Pllllisir rn.-llllS.m!llllS. ~. ALSO good grief itS candy I MAJOR STUDIO PREVIEW FRIDAY-9:00 P.M. WlllC Nl•HTS: DOO•S OPIN 6:41 SHORT IULllCT 7:10 C.ONI WITH WIND 1:00 P.M. CONTINUOUS U.T. • SUN. ••oM 1 P.M. CLARK GABLE VIVIEN LEIGH LF.SLIE HOWARD . OLIVIAdeHAVILLAND ANDY HAS ANSWERS Winneri al Tm A"""1 ~ Tlttr•'• Mly .,.. ,1.,. yo• c•11 fl11ct 111ort •11fWttt lh111 four c~llcirt1' k•"• ~lll•1tl9411. Chtc\ ttlt A1k Aftdy ft•Ntt t¥tl"J' Stf. lll'4•y ),. tk DAILY PILOT, Yn'll lik1 It -•lltl 10 will yo11t c11tlo1lty·flllo4 1••111•'•"- .. ' • -._ .. \ ' ' l: . I • I • ' I ' ' . . . • • • • . .. .. You Can't .Do Better Than Sears! Sears ~~~"-~~-~~iii AU.STATE Passenger Tire Guarantee Tread Lire Gua.ranttt 0--atefid Apblat : All failures of th11 tire ruultlng from DOTm.aJ road tiaz&rd• or defecta in material or workmanship. For How LoftJ: F or the life of the original tread. Wllat Seu-. WUI Do: Repair nail puncturea at no ch11rge. Jn the CR.Ml of failure, In excb11.nge for the Ure, replace It. charglUK only the proportion of current regular selling price pluS Federal Excl..M Tu that represen~Sll tread used. Tread Wear-Out Guarantee ~ Guruted AgAlMt; Tread wear-out For How Lonr: The number of monlha Epecitled. Wba&. S-.-. WUI Do: In exchange for the Ure, replace It, charging the current 11elling price plus Fed. Exe. Tax lesa the following allov.-ance: Month." Guaranteed 12 to 2~ S~le Ends MaY. 17th! Saturday, 27 to 39 !. hl~11led S&Cetr Should~•• ... ,;,~ aurer •IP<!rlnlf and ••or11>'rln1: ron!rnl tor ••f~r rLd!nc on all road~. I SA~ '$1orl Regular $169.95 159~! 5711 Aak Alleut. &!u'9 Con,·Mlfent Cnrd.lt PIM1 • Fa1lel" cool-down time for . "rirht·now'' com/art. h i r h C.F.F. tor gTM.ter air clrcu· laUon • SlM.k, cle&11 deatrner 1t}'linr ded bezel for a amart look, l&!ety pad· • Mot1nt1 nstly under the duh Expert Installation • .\vailable Buy First Tire at Regular Low Trade-In Price of $23.95 6.50"13 Tu~ Bladcnll At 50o/0 Off Get Second Tire for OnlY, Plus $1.79 F.E.T, Ea<:h And 2 Old TirM Sears Silent Guard II is Loaded With Features: • 44% Stronger • 14 'fo Wider • 15% Heavier • 15 % Deeper Than Most New Car Tires • Has"Brawny, Tougn, Road-Gripping Tread SIZE n;:;.'• 0. i.• ~·· B;!'.t-1--1-.. -I I• Tlr• Tt•• -Ttt-.. SIZE ~ , •..• ~ ., n-:: ... , ... £.~. ,..... °" '""" l'rtr1! .... I• Tin Tire -,,,,. Tubelell1 B kwall Tubo ....... a.sous I 2S.915 I ll91 lllr 1.\-'19'~ U1I11 I 16.95 I U.48 I 1M1 ·1:95x.14 I ..... I UAI IU7 I~-11.texU I. zus 1l:ii I J4Ai 4. E.dr• Lo• Pro-file &pf'ed fl"rlotm• ance and Rl•blllty u1~er any road condition. 7.15114 I !6.N ..... '1.'1.Sxl4 I ..... I ..... ..... 115.98 8.Zl5xl4 '1.'15~i.s ! !8..915 I 14.fl . ;.F;;:i ~~- •. BrafM Brttlro .. , eu~tilou I mpa r t 11 roteela &¥•hut bT"Uilln& and blow· ouh. 11.4'1 I .., lf.4'1 -I z.io iS:97 ·~!.38 14.4'1 1u1 t . .MYt•n D.-· •c:~ ... Re~I• moi~lUNI !roni ... 111. ot 8no•. 1&fe· iruata.. )'<:>Ur I I r • cord. U511f. ... ls.91 11. 7:s&xl.4. ~u "" 1.715%14 "' • ,~ .. ... U6xtc I S..Mxl4 I ., ... 1.'1.Sx15 ..... UW5 ........ , Get Your Car Ready for All-Road, All-Weather Safe Vacation Driving ••. Sears Will Safety Check Your Car FREE ... and Point Out Your Needs. Ask About Sears Convenient Credit Plan. l'~ls 970/o or All 12-volt Amtrican Cars )ftt Battery lnst.aJlation 36 Month Guarantee SAVE S6! Sears 12 Volt High Voltage Batteries Regular Trade- ln Price St9.99 1399 "'itti Tradt·b x ... •-"· •t·l1·1S.lt• ...... "" ... , 1 ,---------------------------------________________ , llUIHA •Nit. TA 8-4400, 521-4530 lt MONTE GI 3-3911 LONG BEACH HE 5-0121 l'tCO WE 8-4262 I CANOGA PARK 340;()661 GUNDAlf Of 5-1004, 0 4-4611 OlYMl'tC. SOTO AN 8-5211 l'OMONA ED 2-1145, NA 9-5161 , YU 6-6751 I COMPTON NE 6-2581, Nf 2-5761 HOlLYWOOO HO 9-5941 OllANGI 637-2100 SANTA ANA Kl 7-3371 COVINA 966-0611 INGl!WOOO ()« 8-2521 PASAOENA MU 1-3211, El 5·42 l 1 SANTA f1' ~ 944-8011 UPIAHD 915-1927 SANTA MONICA EX 4·6711 YAW'/ PO 3-8461, 98'-2220 SOUT1i COAST 1'WA 540-3333 VllMON7 Pl 9·1,911 TOlllANCI' 542°1511 • I I , ______________________ _ St'<:lrs _ ____________________ , "_) . "Satisfadion Guaranteed or Your MoneyBaclc" Shop 6 fUghll MMLday th<ovgh Saturday 9-.30 A.M. to 9,30 P.M. ' ' ~l ~"-~~::...:.;....~.-~~-____::_--~----------T • : ... 't_· .; ~. ,IMI llrtM • --.-. Monte. Carlo ' • T ra ,n___sported Big winners of Sout)lern Orange County Kappa Kappa !Cappa's benefit will be students, for tho<e s_elect- ed as deserving ones· will ~ awarded the profits tn the form of scholarships. · Siiannmg !lie Atlantic for a theme, the spoosoring group will transform Bullock's Fashion Square into a Monte Carlo scene fur their al fresco party Saturday, 'May24. , ' , Elach ticket, at $7.50 each, en1itles partygoers to the following attractions at no additional cost: a buffet dinner from 8:30 to 10:30 p.m.; a parade of men's and women'! ~shioos, d~ to the music of, Ed Jtans4 ford's Coml>o and gammg tables. Free scrip will be given for the grunes, Cocktails, at D().ho~ bars, may ·f>e purchased during the eve,ning. This is the loth year that Kappas have presented a schol81'$1lip> benefit. Tbroogh past efforts 36 students have·-receved a total of'$17,200. Mrs. J·alnes P. Casey of Corona del Mar is in charge of the gala. • · Serving on her comniittee are the Mmes. Robert T. • • ; ' • I • Nichols e<rcbairman;· Frank Fiorentino, invitations de-. sigper; '· J'.ofµi Nettle,. invitations mailing; Ronald L. Brown, tickets; Clifford Ehrler, programs; Harold T. Devick prizes· Micltael Slater, hostesses ; Duane L. Hillyard, entertaimnenl,'and Gerald F. Doan, publicity, BANKING ON SUPPORT -Soothern Orange County Kappa Kappa Kappas ai;e .banking on financial support from tb<ir mends when they present a schdlars1!;ip benefi~ Saturday, May 24, at Bullock's Fashion Square. Hopmg to· deposit several bags of money, which late~ will be distributed to students, are Mrs. Ken- neth i;. Slough. (\eft), incoming, president and . Mrs. Richard N. 'Wageoseller. treasurer. 1 IN TRAINING -Putting Town Sq'uare,through bis paces is Dee Dee BeauChamp, who is preparing to e'1ter the sixth annual Peacock Hill Horse Show sponsored by the Orange County Gulld.of the .loon 11'"\'Y Clinic .. Admiring the beautiful animal and its -&killed ynung-..rider are Mrs. Rictial'il Marvin Jr, (left) and Mn. William W. Hill, guild members. Peacock . Hills Show I . . ' Rolling lawns lined with tall eucalyptus trees and bright goldein Cali£omia poppies WUI -welcome spectators and ,exhibitors to the sixth .annual Peacock ~II National Horse Show. The show, .sponsored by the .Orange County Guild or. the John Tracy Clinic, wilt tak~ place· Saturday and Sunday. May 31 and June 1. at the Peacock H111 Riding Club, North Tustin. Guild members planted the state flower especially in keeping with California's bi· centennial celebration for this year's show~ voted the Best Small Horse Show by readers or Horse,Magazine. . ' Frank Jordano Jr. of Santa Barbara again will manage the show, ciassed'B by the Pa~ic Coast Hunter, Jwnper and Stock Horse Association: Eight perpetual trophies, silver trophies and ribbons in all classes will be awarded in addition to $2700 in prizes. TICKETS AVAILABLE Serving as ctKbairmen of the annual event are Mrs. John Vogelzang and Walter J, Willis Jr. Ticket chairman Mrs. J. H. Friedman, assisted by M?s. Leland 'SWeetser 8nd Mrs. Kenneth Kraus, will staff the, ticket office beginning Monday, ~y 19. Tlc~et.s may be obtained at Tustin Travel, 1501 N, Tustin Ave., 835- 3321. Additional information may be ob-'taihed by calling the club, 544-2650. Also serving as chainnen a~ the 'Mnies. Jolin Stanley allll R(ch_ard Marvin, •program ·book j i>OOglas Moran, ad- vertising; Carl Robbie, concessions: William Hawley, grounds; Jack Snllth, souvenirs.; Dou Kienke , ring crew;. Keith 4a;uer, rentals ; Luther Roselana Jr., , prizes; Robert Kelly , treasurer, and Sumner Mann, publicity. Leonard :Miner is in charge or personal programming and William Hawley, parkjng. Proceeds from the' show will be used. for the clinic, celebraUng .its · 25th an. niversary this year: Founded. by Mrs. Spence:r Trjicy, the Clinic haS adv~d the educatim of preschool deaf children and their parents all over the wt1rld. All services are provided to parenl! without charge and include consulation service, classes for adults, a demonstra- tion home and nursery school, weekly clinic days and a correspondence course. To dale the Guild has contributed near- ly $50,000 to the clinic, all raised from the past five ho~ shows. Seen during the two-day event will be classes iriCluding Barbara Worth good seat and hands model class, working. hunters, stock, saddle and hunter seai equitation, Champ Hough good hands and seat model class, Tennessee walking horses, Shetland and Hackney ponies, jumpers, three-gaited and five-gaited -saddle horses, we s t e r n pleasure and trail horses, flne harness horses and confonnation hunters. HONORED Harold Collin.son, hornb1ower a t llollywood Park and Santa Anita Raro Track, again will open the morntng and afternoon shows on SUnday, and1highllgbt of the afternoon Will be the introduCtlon of Mrs. Tracy and Mr.'and.Mrs •. Charles Swanner, honorary shoW chainnen. 1'he traditional exhibitor's party on Ute ftont lawn of the ranch house will COD· elude the festivities. Joining competitors will be Mrs. And Mrs. Roy Register, Mr. and, Mrs. Don Sb:anahan and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Nordstrom . The Sh'nanhans make available their.-ranch faCilities for the horse show. Mrs. Robert Todd, assisted by Mrs. Earl Claytoo, are serv· ing .. party chainnen. Mrs. E. H. Riley, trophf Chairman, and Mrs. 1'Jicimel Jones, her assistant, hav.e announced that perpetual trophies to be. awarded winners include the Jack R. Shelton Me'ffiorial, J. Howland Paddock. • Robert Guggenheim Jr .. O. W. Richard, Newport Balboa Savings and Loan, Monroe B. Lukather. Peacock llill and the Ora~gt?_ Cou nty guild's. PURSE5- Sponsorins: purses are the Messrs. and ti.tmes. William Thompson, B a l b o a Island ; L.A. Turner, Corona del Mar; T, Buchanan Blakiston, West Los Angeles ; Alwyn Cloud, Lido Isle, and James B. Harris, Tarzan.i. Also contrlbuling are the Mmes. Tracy, \Villiam Rains, Hovey Rowan, Roscoe Moss and Jt~rank R. Hildltch, and ROS5 J\.tcCUnlock, Thomas C. Deane, A. E. Weidman, G. E. P.1aybee, George Hamilton Jones and Charles H. Sapia Smith. Olher sPonsors are Dr. ilnd Mrs. Carl K. Pearlman and Dr. and Mrs. Robert Hubbert. Sponsor chairman is Mrs. Edwin C. Lovret. The Golden HorSesboe circle includes Mr. and Mrs .. 1hompspn; Mrs, Paddoc~ Mt'Clintock, Mr. ®cf>Mrs. Shanahan, Mr, and Mrs. Pat Garter, Mr •. and Mrs. Turner and Disney StuqJOs; Angel patrons are· thei Messrs. and Mmes. Qiarles Swann'er, F.rank C. Ken:. Dana La,lham. ffarold Ca ward, ArthW' tc Beau, J, W. Longprt, and the Mmes. George G, Hoag IIl, C. f:I. Hoiles, Pad· dock, JoSeph \V._tlarper,, JuJe C, Ai:elson, G. C. Gaudin, 'Belly !·fall, W, 8. He!Us. Harry J. March, Altre'd B. Payne, Frank H. Simmons and Bertine Treat. Olher1 are Guggenht:im, tawrence Lydich. Mrs, Constan~allas apd Mrs. Stephen 1'Tyer wel!"'patron chairmen. Oldsters Aren't Dregs: Men, Lik~ Wi.ne,. lmpr6ve ,With Age · DEAR ANN LANDERS' I'm· boiling mad al that widow who criticized women who drag their "hwbands away a~ narUe~. She aa'id, "Mo,,t ot the old 'goats have hearing aids, ~mphysema and liver spots. Who'd_want them anyway?" _ It 8o haj,pens that I'm a widow wOO is setlng i man who wears a hearing aid, has emphysema and liver spots. ~ pray every tUght that he wW ssk me to marry him.' My gentleman friend's hearing aid ls conceated Jn his glasses. Nobody knows he wears one. His emphysema at.tacks oceur infrequently and they ire mild. His liver spot& are attractive. They give him character. So please tell that smart· mouth lady ·tbat she is speaking only for ANN LANDERS herseU.-WJSH!NG WELL DEAR WEliL: She ttr&atlly wuJ I've received doaeu of &tld.moellk for Maf. inc aids, emP'yaema and liver .,.u. 8ltt ,,.... wa Ille beol, Detrle. '111-for wrtlllg. .. ·DEAi\ ANN LANDERS : Here Is some advice for wive! of men who are left alone white tbe.ir husbands are doing their bit In Vietnam. KEEP BUSY. l ""'w when nl)' husba-Od went overseas that l would be on my own for- 13 montlui. I decided to make. the best or it, and J have. Please, girls, listen to me. l1111ead of sitllni around,l~liU.orry/for yourselves, get involved. Get yow: teeth tlxed. Have that operation YoU°Ve been puUing oft. Go on a diet. Get !ha1 superfJuous haJr removed permanently. Learn to knit or tat or crochet. Hook a rug. do needlepoint. Make tinfoil flowers. Catch up on your visiting .. Call-on '1ut- lns. Offer your services to a chiJdreo's ho§pltal. And for heaven's sake, write to yo\ir husband at lNst once a dar.. Il you can't think of any news, ae!KI him cl!'p- pings from the newspapers or 11\agazlnes. He'U be borne before you kno\lJ it. -T. w. DEAR T.W.: Bert's your lettfr, and t bope tbe lonely plo ltllow 111,..Jb. • DEAi\ ANN LANDERS : Some of my buddies are taking steroids to gain weight 110 they·can make the football team next fall. "nley also ·m: taki1'I male hormones, a 1ynthtUc androgen. Most doctor• refuse to prescribe steroids or androgen unless there is a medical reason, 10 the kld.s gel the slulf lrom a druggill friend. We've been hearing scary repOrts about side effects. P1eaee check and tell me if Utete drugs are dangerous. -ED- MONTON, ALBERTA r DEAR ED: A aonual, you1 male does not 9'td 1app)eme1ita~ dotes of steroldl or-ndroae.1. Tiie bocly muulac· -· I .. ttfcltll quatlly. ~I these felltwt add &f\••tare'1·1appl7 tbey are lleQll( for lnMlble, Some of tfle aide ef- fects are llfgb blood Pf'tlllart, diabetes and other dlst•se:t, depeDClllig oa the 111~ dMd .. 1'1 pttdbposiUoa ud lallllly hlilor)'. I It Is alwoy1~riplat altays, daagtjws to · aJe 1 1 drug · w!tkh bas not beto p.,. soribed by a pliy>l~lan. 'l11e dnqglit "lritncl" wlio· WOOld sell dnap to kl4t without • prescrlpu".; ts oo rrte~ Au'I if he 11 coui:h\ be won't be 1 hl&ilt (qt Jong eiUter. , 1 ' : When romantic glu~ tum to w.ara\ embraces Is it love or chemistry'? SeQ11 for the booklet "Love or Sex and How to Tell the DiUE:rence," by Ann Landtts. Enclose a long, stamped, sclI..addfe&sed envelope and 35 cents ff\ coin with your request. Ann Landers wll be glad to help )'01 wllh your .P.!:Oblem _S•n<I t~m to he<..ll _ care of \h,e DAILY PlLOT, enclosln1 • 5tamJ)ed, se_lf.addresseQ e9veJoPe. ~--y-""'*· 111r 15, lM -.-oroacope Taurus: Money :~ Matte~ Settled FRIDAY .,....,.._.,Balld•llilld . --:7 MAY 16 lllOanD (Od. :is.No>. Ill: ASllUlLOGICAL COO&ING ~ -l'OU lllrt. ..._. ----Do,-' p 'l'ONKlJrr: - -~-and, ........ : .'lillt o--w, w •Ilic • .. ";;.: 0ne no ..q wt111 '"l -a. ,._., Calk fw or for I:': prilnm special -~ .. e ............ _ ~ ............ ~ ....... -,. ,... ., .... -wanwu.-~. n. ·:".',-•*JI'-Dec. II): Aec!lllcmmanlqe. NEW MOON S D Ea a y -iilllp, joillt e If or h. Tm ...,.._ view. Avoid .~: t JIOUDd crmmd ntte•c one who bas aided ;-. beef. Add small. dqiped yau in Piil-Adaere to pm.. {-GOioo, dove GI d"l'!'"d pllic, dples GI Pim rule. ; 'ii tr lliOOa of dry mustard. l4 C&PalOOltH (Dee. .D.Ju ~ l••l(Olll powdam dons. l 11): Gd ~ witls ..... ! .,,'l"OOll Accmt. ~ cup lber-.....W• I f eoapenlift. ~it~w and Iha. pe Into lbere are c:ooslnd;,e --_ .... __ ~ Thoa )'OU wlll be c:ooklng ·--'--~ _ _,_ _, ~rib..._.__ -------' -_,., -...._ Youg<l.lbiopcloae. l . AQIJAJUUS (J... -· i'. A11i!!1 (March II-May 11): II): Exrtting time ...... ._ I lmporlabl to be receptive. yw are ....i;.. aod yw pi. f.-Maity are willinc to &bare , •n • ........_ .I.' e o p I e ap-t Ideas. If IOdable, you pin. pnoc:ilOe -}'Oil uy aod do ~ Otbenr1le. IOD>eOOe may be t od ay. Yw are apeeially ~ ollmdod. Control t..dalcJ to flOl'U)or rib -and Ibo ; ad CD impala Steady, friend. oppc!llle IS. : ly aJ¥OllCb ii best. PllCEll (Fell. IS-limb•>: ~ ... -Give etteotim to basic illlJeS : t.!:1:!1~ !;:: 211~ bw:hwJlnc -and family.,: ; """"""-Give lull play to lJ>. WrL Be spocilic and c:are!u1 ~ lellecfnal mriolity. ll_)'OU uL with details. Take time to be : q-amwen COD be ob-"tborwp. Thoa )'OU can rdu r t.lirled. 11aney ....u.r b Jet. toaiPI- : I.led In your '--· IF '!ODAY IS YOVR r GEIONI (May 11..JIDlt ll): lllJUBDAY you lend to be lJ>. ~Cycle moves blgh. You Id ~e, to have few : brub. YOW' efforts obtain frtmds. but loyal CUI., YOU r aolid raults. Good to take in-are ...... affrdion·~ but • ----Ex· you do -;;t' lbower peop1e rib ! .... --'!be -back !aloe llall«y. New start will ;. your mmtiom. prove •ICCtldul. . • CAlllCElt (June %1..July Z2): J Excellent evening for al." ~ -.. theater, participating r In dab or ln1'nlal activity. ~ who ii buic:ally shy ap-.• Proocbes you. Be receptive. study Arks .......,.. ·;.,.~ (July 23-Aug. Z2): 711 uooa lunar aspect today coin- cides with lnteosified llOcial adlvlly. A bunion appean to be lifted. You caa have fun and ..ia.. Some of your hopes, wishes are fu lfilled VIBGO (Aug. ~-22): Be perceptive. All is not what appean OCI surface. Rea.li2e lhil and dig deep for added in- forma:Uon. Go all.tt what is required. Don't be stalled by self ·doubt.. LIBJtA (Sep L 2S-Od. Z2): Journey may be In offing. Plan ahead. Cbedt budaet and basic goal c.prlcor. ... dividual ... aid. strengtbeo penoaaf philoqby. Be ....... Heart Sampler * * 7226 * * ~: tqA<k B ... "' ..,~.i-e a Moy -or Mie or any-monlb bab7 wllb llis dW'lnlnl sampler • .. Wlo ·mom and babf1 bean. Vllb beOrt aampler story. ..i:mbroider tuy daisy n...... in mdtk:olors: Pattern 7211: -tramfer 11 x l5", 60 Olmel. FlFTY CENTS (coins) fer each pattern -add l~ cenll for each MUe.rn for fist-clau mailing and special handlln1 ; otherwise thlrck:laSl!I delivery will take three weeks or more. Send to Allee BniW, the DAI· LY PILOT, IOI Nefdltcraft Dept., Box 163, Old Chetaea Station. New York, N.Y. 10011. Prial Name, Addreu., Zip, Pat&en Nunbtr. Giant, new Ult -..11 Cotatos -¥ • del1gns to .-, 3 .,. ...,.. printed inside. Send IO cenil DOW. NEW! "M INSTANT OIJTS" -lllliukius 1-. IO)'I, decoral« -· Matt u today, llv• h lomor· rowt Ideal for alT occuiOlll. 50 $tlllJ. "'II Jiiiy !lop" to knit, ~ wttVt, ... book. so --ti I.I Prbe Al,.... 50 -t Qolll .... lbotl. lit= patt<ms. IO conll. ' .. Area Club Will Vie San Clemellle Toutm'istl"esa Club nvmbera. who will have a regular meeting Monday, May 19, are planning to participate in an IDtercocmcil si-11 c.ntest Speak..U 1n the Mission BowL Oceanside at JO:~ am. nut Saturday. Mrs. c. w. Stoney, who .... bonon fer her dUb In the ....-""1DCil -wltl CGlllpe!e for the rigbl to speak In the -C<llllest In Cleveland. '!be rquiar meding, lo take ~ al ' a.m. In San Clomeute Municipal Goll Club wilt" be led 117 Mrs. Barbara Wbltmcre. otben partlcipodna-wlll Jn. elude Ibo Mmes. James Crum, lnvocatlao; Ltll1u Kutliowlkl, ta ble t op ics; H a ro l d Markham, porllamentary pro- c:edur< eurcile, aod Fnnca Jrvlng, toutmislli!a. Speakm will Include the Mmes. Betty Chapin, Olive Barnes and R aym ond LoustaJet who will give ice bttaker WU. Aiao takq port wlll be the Mmes. c. w. Stoney, timer; c. L. Burgess, e valuator; Edward H' Ard wbo will give the closing though~ a n d lddfay Sc:bomaker a n d Gonion Fle<oer, bosteslles. j Invitation Extended to Tea Maj. Gen. Donn J. Robenton, base commander of Camp Pencllelnn, accepts an invitation lo the Red,_ Wbile and Bl ue Fashion Tea plaaned for Wednesday, May 28, from 1 lo 3 p.m. m the Monareb Bay Club, Laguna Niguel, as a fund rais- ing evemt f<>< tbe Sen Clemente Inlerfaitll Se<vicemen's Center. Issuing the invitation lo the event which will llelut.e the Marine Corps, is Mrs. William D. Plowden Ill, assistant chairman. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Moms and Daughters Guests for Banquet Partners Called . Chkllm aod )lard cider will be ltmld II I p.m. - Solurdly to begin the IJll1Ull e... i-. "' ar.ace CoOll Cbapler, Parents Without Plllnon. '!be Costa Mesa Golr" aod Country Club wW be transformed riato • cauntry settilJ& for the occuion, which will 1eature music by the Harmonius at t p.m.. Guests art i.nvtted and UcUts will be 'available at the doocf~SUO. The t1ance will cooclude a series of monthly d.aoce! which tool:J!lace.iA.lhe Legioo Hall. 'lbe IJOUP wlll m<el In the Costa Mesa Golf and Coun- try Club beginning Friday, Jlllle 13. Anyone wishing information may call George Hau:lworth. ,adult social committee chairman, 534-1329. Bus iness Concluded Activities for the year will be wrapped up when UCI Town and Gown members gather for a membership meeting Monday, ~fay 19, in ~fesa Commons. r A cofiee hour at IO a.m. will be followed by a musical Jl"O- gram pres<,.>(ed by students from the UCI Department of 1.tusic, and election of officers. 1 P.lrs. Eloise Kloke, outgoing - president. will preside during !o:: ....... the business meeting and Mrs. J a ck .Sklanslr;y, nominating committee chairman, w i 11 present a slate of officers. What Shall I Wear? Concluding the meetipg will be nd -· b A brown cotton J·acket \vorn \vilh a pleated amel CriJp dllcien d I n n e r s , the noon luncheon. year~ re)'Y•.., Y com-mittee chainneu and leaders dress and printed scarf is the perlect answer to mnsQI entertainment and a 'Ibe circles continue plan-• t ma! t" " h t ball I ar " of interest groups. • woman s e e ques 100, \\' a s "'.e , magician will be offered ning and makY1& gifts for an A free, student.guided tour especially when traveling. Ensembles for island mothers and daugbten: of the etrlY Christmas bazaar in the of the campus by double-deck hopping will be featured in an International Island Women'• Society of Christian fall. Booths with merchandise bus will be offered at noon for Cruise Saturday, May 24, at 1 p.m. on Fashion S ervic e , First Umtedf ~~or_ev..:...:.""'~"""~-wrn-· _be::....:Gf~fered::....:~·~~any::.::ooe:.:....int..:...:.er<sf<!d..:...:.:.:....·~~~-~l~s~lan::....:d'~s~mac:::.ll~.~~~~~~~~~~~~­Metbodist Church, Cost a - Mesa. The amual banquet will take place at 1:30 p.m. tomor- row, in the ,church ball --Mn. Haro'kl Cooper will of. fer vocaJ selections and Ken- neth George will mystify with ma&i< tric:b. Beauty Salons LESLIE PICKREL August Bride Betrothal Disclosed Dr. and Mrs. Evan W. Tick.ell will be $1.50 for adults and $1 for child= under 10, and making the di)" more festive for the feminine memben will be lle!'Ving and clean-up chores bandied by the da<b. Reservations may be made by calling the church office, ~mi. The · next bufilness meeting ol. the society will take place at 10 a.m. Wednesday, May 21 , WE FLATTER YOUR COLORFUL SIDE Pickrel of Costa Mesa have announced the engagement of their daughter, Leslie Pickrel to Chuck W. Kessel, son of Mrs. Genevieve Kessel of Huntington Beach. when new officers will be We shape your elected and a pledge service is planned. hair in the new soft-curl look. The future bride, a graduate of Estanda High Sc:boo~ at- lenda: Orange Coast College and is a past honored queen of Job's Daughters Bethel 313, Newport Beach. In the cootinuing study of the Now Prophets, the day's subject will be Uodf:l'ltan!ilng We color your hair Modern Y-. A motion pic- ture, "Could You Answer My Question,'' will be shown. Mra. Jane Englar is program dWrman, and Mn. Wesley with Fanci-tone for beauty and lustre. We color· Her fianct is a graduate of Marina High School and al· tends Golden West College. Greenhalge is program :Jlyle for your chainnan. The coup!e will eichange VOWI in August. Rachel Circle, Mrs. Vem Mollen, dll.innan, will serve Dt•mcmd, in the careful craftsnianshlp Of the rich settlnJ, &lid your lllllectlon 11 badald by !he $-425 bdlegri\J' Of most flattering look. For Fanci- tone coven all lhe gray, high- lights natural color, makel!I even dull hair look \•ibraot and healthy. Special colon to tone bleached hair, too- or to giveyoor hair an ultra-high-fashion hue., Come aee them! caEA M HAIR TINT. SHAMl'OO AND SET $5.75 .. /uuftime -Molt CUes • I( OVENS ~ COlf1 Mou, C11lf. -ll'J ~. ,,., .., .. -"""'" --Cotto Mou, C11if. ,..~ ....... K-M4in "Ian --Costa Mesa, Calll. "' w. lfttl ..... -- JllJ lrl•tol Str .. t, COSTA MESA Phone li4M5 I 0 South Co.st Plaza Arlell1, Callf. 1121J ,.._ Orange, C1tlf, IC. W. CN-._ .... ,.. Fountain Valley, C11tf. I ml M9tl!Ollt Santa Ana, Calif. t$ He ..... ,,., ... Ftltv'-(MIW .......... ,. YMlfl• cet!ltr """"' tflWIOl ,llWP\.t ...... c:...... --· , < ~» .. ~ .. ! !;f \ \ '. . . • ·-Disease Shows No Favorites • Can .. Control . Can~er ' By JUDY HURST from breul -ewtty than 4.00t ......... --ID Ulla COUllry, " "" ---JOU. Allout 111.• --vlctlml Of Ibo omoldnc IF YOll DoN'T DIOltE Cancer Ira "°""""Y how ......,, ud cb1ldrta with . habll 'Iba old llJlnl, "Juot u CI GA R !! TT!! I , DON'T that one~ striket fear Into •-will Ito uvod 11111,.r, the twt,, Is beat, U., -·• In-STAR'/:'. -~ mtn ud women olike , ud 11,11111 _. COULD be clined, ts •pedilly lntt JJI' YOO DO SllOU, STOP. . iawo1 If tho -_.. bm. ' JJI' YOU CAN'T ITOP, CllT Some people are ao ,afraid Of doloctM' early. liurpry, X· A decade qo, roupiy two DOWll. cancer that lhey doll t lllce to raya and ndlwn cure muy out Of u.r.. docton llllObd Nut ll<IDdl,J al 7:111 p.m. \n thinkabout1t. •. aomelimes .....n. · ., ""'°time dUrtnc their ZMncll Jlllli llcbool tlie not even IOll( tQOIAlb lo IWo -I0,000 _.. will lllellme. Today, bolt Of tho Hoollh r.um w111 -a fe" simple !acb which do'9IOp allla .,....-ddo JOU• .1Jb111ciam who ban ...,. ·Dr. 'Genld lin1ldi! wlllli Will mflht some day aavo their And DeUV 'l,llO -1111 IUllllJed have \quit, and ._ -Drue U•' 8nd Alimo bves. All they know lo< ~· -w111 dlt Of Wa Iona, oftc than • percent -amOlit. 1114 oa liq • Dr. Jolii. lain Is the cruel killer thal 1t needle•ly. Sidi! ._. It tho Docton -that lllllUli lmlc ,_ Jltllar'a aubjoct wlU •, Tfinllr, .... 15, lM The Tee Tattler Is. I --'-··---·-in WJCer death ·-.,. 10 11e y-11u1t1t 1114 11ow to It's a .,..... usoctated hnuM. It ta Ille maot limes I& biP &11111111 rqular·-.iltiiieop~D.;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iii:iii;;;iiiii:iii;;;iiiii;i;;iii;;iijiii;;;;iiiiiii;iii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;mjj ,.;th the 20th Century. ClllOble if -"" and llltoltera u &11111111 .-w1to11 Encouragiq words wen of· tml«I' ID time. Ji Is; of ...., 8lllObcL MRS. CHARLES L. TANNER Morning Nuptials Grace T r'ujillo Weds In NB Catholic Church and. she carried a bouquet or daisies. · fer.cf by Dr. Raul Rodrique., ...,.. ..-by ......ive • Dr.Roclrlquos,apduataol aUencliDC surgeon at Loll An· ~ to Ille am. tho Uni...it1 Of Soutben pies HooplW llnco Jiii anll Thi oeat6d type Of ....,... callforitia uiJI aa lnilNcl« aurpoa on the medical lllall al ..,. can pmont iJt lune there, conthMtK "Cneo ,.. ,Hoq . M.em«W Hoapltal, cancer. _..., bu -uld have atoppod amatln& J11Ur Presbytarian. He -a ' by tho~ . media on pnioped Of Uvlac ...... II> l"UP attending tho -.I Of acu-lmOl<!nc. Bat _.. -. Each yur - a !oor part """° ~~ facts ud lij[uno may make ci&llrtltel, death rat.. fall W> by Orange Coist Evemng one stop to think. til in It yean your odds IN ~datett Will, Give Your Shoe~. • • College JD.d the ~8!'1e Coon-Cigarette 1 m o k 1 n I Ls almost u cood u thole· of Qare :Jke flew ofootf ty Medical Association. dirictJy r!sponsible ·for lbe man who never amoted. 'Once "SQme cancers can be premature dea1b of more than you've ltopped most of the prevented ••. many can be 125 ooo Americans each year • · dam.ap doal by •mok:in.s II cured. It i! not contagious. Dis~ases of the hurt and repaired by 'the body itself." There is little to do to avoid blood vessels alto have been Accordlnt to Dr. Luther L. contracting the d I• ea!! e. related to the babll The adult Terry, former U.S. Surpoo Cancer may be contained if amoker hu a !'lllPOMlbillty to General. there are about detected ear 1 Y. Tbettf~, bis children. Eacb day more 11,000,000 es· c i 1 are t t e Visit ·Any '5' Anthony Shops And Our Staff Will Advise . . • bave regular checkups with your physician." The attending surgeon at Orange County Medical Center for seven years stressed precautionary measures, but first offend startUna statistics associated with cancer. All WORK DONE PERSONALLY. Corona del Mer I CONYINllllT SHOPS e J401 E. COASTrtWY. c...,.. ~ol Mor ••• 67J-4MO a J4U VIA LIDO Collegiate, Alumnae Chapters Circle Date Nowpo<t IHch ••• 67J.1620 Los Anew. will bo pot e 74 FASHION ISLAND Col.leclatt and a I u m n a e members ol Delta Gamma will Sather in the Blind Children's C e n t er , Los Angeles, for the Province: XVU cooference nut Sabir· cily. ..,.wr ud co1 du ct Now,..+ looch ••• 644-7551 orb1top1 a 1101 IRVINE AVE. w Scboo1o ~ltb active cbajMn We1fclill PieH ,. .. .,..led will be t be Nowpo.+ IHch •• , 541~051 17!fl • ),.,lllt -111.:t ,. Ktnlkk' 'rllll Ollct.111 Univmlty • Of Sou I be r n e ROllNSON'S Calllmtla, UCLA, tho Uni... Fo1hloo hlond CHOOSE ' FROM ALC THE LA~sr smes Re1tyle your old 1hoe1 to the new ro111•f look. lri"t us your pNblem lftcl we'll tive your 1hoe1 a new Ioele. Our Lady or Ait. Carmel Catholic Church in Newport Beach was tbe aeUing for the double ring cel"elmfly linking in marriage Grace Trujillo o[ Newport Beach and Charles L. Tanper of Rowland Heights. Attending as best man and matron of honor were Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hernandez of Riverside. She donned a blue gown with matching brim hat and carried daisies. One fourth of lbe population has a chance of 1etUna: cancer. One out of 1:very 1ix deaths is attributed to it. Ap- proximately 1,000 die a day from cancer. More . than 1 ~ million have been c:und (pass· eel the five-year mart). One out of three having cancer is alive after the five-year "cure" mart. About one half of the cancer dt!aths are to those over 65 years of qe. Men are more 1U5CepUble to A-Inc will be a dele1a- tioo from tha Santa Ana• Newport Harbor A I Um. D I e Cbapttt, includiu tha Mmeo. Dooa1d M. Sutberfarut Of COiia Mesa, preddent; N o rm an Canfield. TulUn, inai-· eleet; Clark Whltoomb, COiia Mesa, province coordinating c o m m i t t e e corrupooding aecretuy; John E .,. ere t t , <>ranee, C01Tl!llp0Ddaac ~ tary-eleet; G-. w. J- Jr., Santa Ana, ud Robert W. Scholler, Corona del Mar. ity Of Cal~omla at SJmta Now__. 1o .. h ·• Barbara ud California Slale'I~~~~,...~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!! Collep'al 1---r: teen alumnae cbap!en plu to The Rev. Francis Kelly perfonned the morning nup- tials tor the daughter of Mr. and f.trs. C. F. Trujillo of Riverside and the steJ>"son and IOD of Mr. and Mrs. c. H. Langford or Riverside. The receplion took place in the bride's honle and her parents hooted a dinner party during the evening. Mrs. John Keyes \ViUiams as'isted at the cake and Miss Gloria Largo circulated the guest book. cancer. The figures cooUnue. More children under 15 die of cancer than any other aina:te dileut:. ~tore I.hall 29,000 women die ·~·San ta Ana·Newpart!e ~.t,e. n~·/6'S• I ~6..~ r'l't·J~31 /~ stt-M~ Harbor Cbapler will meet ... Tueoday, May ZO, al I p.m. ID • tha ear.oa del Mar -Of - The bride, given in marriage by her father, eelected a aown of taffeta wi1h 1 bouffant floor length &kirt trirnpled in lace. Her illusion veiling was caught Co a pe•I trimmed lace crown Century Club Twentieth Century Club of Huntington Beach gathers at 7:311,p.m. the third Tuesday In Lake Park Clubhcme. 1"e new Mrs. Tanner Js a graduate of Riverside City College's School oC Nursing and w a ., a nurse in the in- Ornaments 'Pin' Pointed t.enllive c a r e unit at Hoag The fitted jacket over a Presbyterian. Her husband is simple A.flared: dress typifies a graduate of Rubidoux High today's cla.ssicilm Jn clot.bu. Sdlool. · 'Ille whole effeet Is bri(bten- The newlyweds will reside in ed by an uncommon pin -A1 Rowland Heigbta following llleolHhaped er d<Jl-tbapod, a their honeymoon trip to an companion. bracelet, necklace undisclooed destination. . lllld earrinp. IT!S GRADUATION GIFT TIME •• ' Give a famous name watch from Weisfield's o.CaraoetW 7-iewol tadY'•--full numeraf dlalandcordband. . b. W•llNM Lady's J7.Jewel-c1n1Hh matching fashion bind. Fine gift! e.Cara'fffte: 11.fewtt, self-winding watcft. calendMUte. LHther band. f.Croton 17-fewel day a nd date cal· encsarwatch. Water•., shock PfOtected. c.B I i• The LldJ F, • JJ.tewlll• ,.__1<11.~I d. lo-iol _,,. 11~ sk- waSc.b.. Watft°4-y snoct pll)tected. g, Bulova TM new Oce1nooraphtlr', wa1er resistant to 33:Y. Leather band. h. Accutron Man's tlectronlc w•k:h with 1.smart stainllSssteel easel Frat.rnlty vice pratdent Mrs. Robert Leonard Jr. ol Mn. James Tyler to He 1 movie titled Portrait of a DeltaGaimna. Hooteo ... will be tha Mmao. Ralph Butcher, lblJoy -ud ~ Filher. ~ wilhin1 infonnaUoa mar call Mrs. ~Jer, 17W280, for in- fannauon. , Toastmistresses Talking Mrs. lloUo WOil, Lu Olu Toa1tml1tre11 Club, Hunllagloo lleoch, --place winner In tho amtuol ape<ch COll!eot ol QlunciJ Six, Goldt:n West Region of Jn- t.rnational Tllll5lmlltreos Clubs. . Winner, Mn. Ken Burnap Of .Eulalie Club, Gardin Grovt, wfl1 defllld her inlor<oundl U· lie during -pltitioo besln· nine at 10 a.m. saturdo1, Ma7 17, In Ocunslde. u .... _.d be unable lo att<nd, Mn. Wall will .....-111 Oauncll Slz. Mra. Calvin OICGlt, Hun· tingloo Beaeb, prulded at her firot clinner meetin( Of tha couacll ID tha Gnoobrler lmt. Jolla R. Murn7, Padlk: Teiepblmo ~ -taUn, inaeated a preciun .. -In Sound, 1114 Mrs.-wu-.....-tarlu, conducted a ~ HB Auxiliary and ...,.er ....ion on parliamentary law. American Let:~Allliltary;i;;;.;;:;;:;o:;:::::::;:;;;;:;;:;;;:;;:;;;:;;:;::::;:;J of 11unung1on pthen LOC 1n the AmttiW1 Le · Hall AL at 1:30 p.m. the fll'St ~y Ne _..., ._..,.,., .. 111 7'• ot each maoth. On the third • .,.. 9YWf """· •"-' ....... "nlunday members may call • •I• t •• i• tft• .,...... Mrs •-·J ·--f Or•1tt• C.a1t th111 tit. DAILY • n.11n:: ensen, -.&ffl, or l'ILOT. location. Large Size• ...... ...... -_., .... -... . , ... ...,. ,...,.,.,.. IWf-1· --· to-11..i- tn. $17.00 I & I ~~era, e:t.J;;,t~·. ~ l»3 BRISTOL AT THE SAN DIEGO FREEWAY SOUTH COAST PLAZA Nor'sHALF-SIZE SHOP · 1 IOS Newport llYi, Cosll MtSI II CU~' Mi ll Au.ti frffll W••'••rttl'1I "l/t .,_. _. fll IM ..._.,.. • .. .. I COSTA MESA • 540 • 7117 • HOUU: t :JO te s:ao, u .. w~.....,..1....,,...ctte'"' .. "kA""'k•r41ttM11twcM,,• 'rl4ay te f:OO tJ! ,,/.J J.A l ,._1.J' :11. I ,,.A61-.1~//t1.°L:> .,,J,.1)_ __ -~ 1 _ __,: _____ .__ ____________ __. L _ _.:.-~Dl~O~rr~•1:!:•Mi~-~~ll.~.,~1w:..:_• ...::=:_j,lA:!Uf .. ..-·~ ,,,. ,.,.;/ ~ -rn·•;rr f<i·CMM:r~·•"- • ·I I t t ' •t NEW TIME ·AHD DAY_,,_ lsl.'l'om.J~blll bem moved to a 1leW t.imtllaud day to ·bii ~to-: night oo Channel 7·at.9 p.m. llclneo, al>ove, iliu!s·a duet with Sbanl Wallis dm'lq('ttie moi':" ~ is • produced in England. otller g.-Include Fran Jeffries, Pat ~u!seq. guilarllC;,",Manils De Plata, and singer, Mireille· Madifeu:' . ~ . . TELEVJSION VIEWS Antbologie8 Back on TV By RICK 'DU 'BRoW • ~ . HOU.YWOOD (UPI) .,. If ~·bad1o oingle oat one new television series<-_,,..a sure.fire rat- ing• failure next season -m -·how goocHt iJ1 -ft would have to be ABC'1 "Love -American Style." . And yet one can only praise ABC for trying to bring 600le long-missing and 1--needed romantic '. Stories to the home screen, 8lld bope that the net- , wort can triumph over the very heavy odds againot t.he sen.es. TO BEGIN WITH, 11Love -American Style,1 ' which will be a collecUO!l of ~ l)llll8litio talee focusing co the yoong0 will be up against' two fonnlclable series: The Cerol Burnett show aad'the Monday night movies. . JU.DGE PARKER Furthermore, since the stories of the hour.iiong. weekly ••Love -American Syle' •are unrelated, that meam the series will be, ln tiffect, an l!DIJ>9logy. : And an anthology is usually coosidered a'dead-letter ....,. --- item on the networl<s nowadays because it. has·t,w " fU '!lllS or m rmm!ng c:llara<ten 'for Ule ~udi~ to ideotify '"'5Qli'llt't1> with oo e steady b&is. . . .. IU/tSlt • Tbe only shows to do·well 1>11 television wi1ho¢. running cbBrecters in recent years have been the various movies)eron.< -bUt cbiefly becaUJe they have !lie name• value, stars, high production gloos and glamor -video cannot match. SO, IN EFFECT, the movies have become the anthologitis of television, killing off most original &eries a~ of this kind by the networl<s. ABC-TV itself had a sad experience along these lines !hi! past season, what it tried anOlber long- ·shot entbotogy series, "Journey to the Unknown/' produced in England. Although the ooe-hour pro- gram& were often ootstanding, the show sitnp!Y got no nltings ,and was canceled at midseason. The virtual deatll of original anthologies oo tele- vision is really an unfortunate fact of life, because some of the best video P"'ll!ram• in memory •)>; peared oo excellent series Of thl! kind that just didn't last. THERE WAS, for instance the Richard Boone <IDlholOI)' theatre, canceled alter fine notices. And there - a llgbtly-rsted but unifo~ outstsnding · series of abows under the title 11Esponage," also prod!lced ln 'England, and also canceled, killed off, as I recall, by the b!Jed-<>n compe-of "Ben c.ey• and 11The Beverty Hillbillies." 11>ere Wa5 a time, of course, when antbologie$ ho!aA!cl by Dick Powell and Bob Hope -as well as the Du· Pont ''Show of the Week'' -gave.network televlmon &01I1e good small dramas, at least origiDal. But that was before the overwhelming influx of movies -which may not be as generally popular . as ·in }>revious seasons, but wbicb are still fonnJ~ dable entries. • ABC~TV, in fac4 is a1 so trying a sort of cross between en al1thology and the movies next •eason in anodler series. Th.is one is called ''MO'Yie of the Week," end will offer !I(). minute originals made especlally for televisioo. , • And It Will be interesting to see bow this '""" makes out u well, for not·ooly is It opposite sueh tough foes as Red Skelton 1llld "Julia," but al50 the establlshed Tueoday night movieo. In short, tele- \lisloo movies -whiCh cannot be as highly-financed ai most major !Urns -will be going up against genulne moti"" pictures. \ • • ,_ - i i I • - TUMBLEWEEDS MUTI AND JEFF - BARBIE'. I'M Bl¥lKE ,IGA\N! u~~ iiAiJ.RViilis WEEKI · MISS PEACH I j I I · • --r . '• • . . •• ~ ' -· By Harold Le Do1x • NO, \l6r m nee :niroe's WIFE! TM IS TIME TO TJ.IE .3\IPflE'S '.f.EaET~~ •• NAW! niAr FAT ,,.~···· By Tom K. Ryon rvE GOTTifE ~ OF THE PEACE ON A ·RETAINER FEE! By Al Smltti By Mel • • • '0',Cl.OCI( ~ * "SOlil£ CAll.E Rlll(,lllHG" Pott. I. DON l\IAllT1lll .,. ...,. __ 1!1-·--.... , ( ... )' ~-~ ~ IW.llM. D t· !W tc\" (II) . ' . ' . .... -..,.(30) ·-(C)(30) llll iJJ .,;, ..... (C) e-""'""-co.. ..;,,:. =-.. .:: -::.=. ': _,_ ... -....... ... Ill "!Ill .... (C) (= . l:Jt.... .. :•lli·fCJ <601 ........... (30) l!';?,'TIO)" .. -..... Q,)(j)R f;lri1M; (C) ...... ,_ -(30) ..... clmiftf ~" Twe ~ , ·-.... "'""'to ... ~JIBIDril8•-fCJ'Clll ,., Ill ,.rdullnc .,.ifi.-. ., the ·~ M.._..u. .. M*f _, hoM. Mlrion Mirlllll ill .._ g_.,._ -' .... ,_.. .... lllHIJ••-<CI =:~ .. -:;r;.K .............. (C) the ....... "... ..... (R) • 7;tD8CIS --(C) (30) • -!Cl (30) "" ..... mlllllllD• -••·• Cl Wlllf• ll!J U.? (C) (lO) 111-•.m <30) @oo """'.,. <CJ ................. 130t .;S111r,s, . Flits, lllrs alld Seal&" lntrodut· lftr a. "1Ml1 toM" ind "h1U --111~-... er ........ fC) -·-ICl··--..... ·-·lrl.ao -... ""'-·-.. its ..... ilt.n. ...... ti .. lrC111t fw • li:llill9 -lJlii' ·-·'--*'"' ll1n, t.. ~ Jedlfl ......_, Witt Minni ........ W ?' ..... Dr. R1lpll 1-=ht -C ...... wiH l(ltlk. , .......... fC) t .... !Ill ril ·--, . IQ tl0)-0.W• .,.. ....... - ·-I -.,., -llill lllrt" ....... ) '41--W111i1iw ...... a.rt 1'"!'0'· ID fnlll • C 11 e a 111 fC) f30) 111 ..... -(IO) .... Pw191lst ~ I ·-... --~­di1es•h• ti.-..... .... the Mid ••mwltJ. ea c... •I ruts hllf·Lyndt, ~ .... .. loll lkWlurt. (R) ' ··-IQ (tOt ·--··Ill! ·--(IOI . P.,<Jl'-111 ........ ""' ·-""<IOI ....... ··~ .. -- u:ooe•••••-IQ ·--.. ""' CloO lCI 'C:.::. = Ct='J) 11'Hll Ill <JJlll<ll-ill 11_ l<I _ ..... "'*""' (ltdnllbtt) '42-0.:4 ltllllMR', .ltd: *"'· D \Ill Cll 11 Joor -. tel 111-"-ICI U:IO ..... -...... -· et!) • ._,_IMM ...... ..., flk· -12:31·-··--•41_....,.. ...... _ .... DAmME MCMlS Y--·llr -<-· ""'l'Sl--.... 1<>.,., -(-) ... _ -(-... '56--Awfll .... Jftff CM!d«. _...,, Citwwt.· . ~ ........... ( .... ) ··~·-, ............... -........ ... ...... =-""' -.. -· - ' DIQ.,.,.., ..... <_l ,, •• IQ...,_<_·~ 'SIOtn'1 n..... ,_,. lM. W H.._ ,_.._, • JOI PRINTING • PUIUCATIONS • NEWSPAPERS Qu11lty Prl•ti"t 1H D•,."4tlil• S•,..lc• hf ..,. ...... Ott ... <tf • c. .... .,.. U1T Wll'f 941 •A aa. \ • • • • • • • .. • . . ,• .. . r. ----·-c---:--------....,.....;------:-..,..,....,...,..,....,...,;--------------------. ---;-,...... MA·RKET l 'ASKET SPECIALS. t I ' ' :poaK $419· TENDIRLOIN . .. .. .. .. .. . LL 'SANDfts.,. FA.IMS ' , .~.!.!!.:.~~~.~~ ....... 49~. . Market Basket .. . . WESTCUFF PLAZA . FOR GOING . , I ' . . P~CES •• DOING . . THINGS .JR..-EDITIONS ·ruMANINT PIUS SHORTS ~ 1·7 . IOACION.COnoNJ $3 •. & $4. SOUDS I. CHICKS WIDI SIUCTION Rob Roy T Shirts, 3· 14 ., lll»4P1Y ~. -~:--· 1051 IRl(INE -NEWPORT .BEACH . . ' ........ ·---• w ............ .. FWFF &·FOLD ONLY MONTGOMERY Cleaners Ir Lawidry - ' "'' ....,.., llmCI -lk ,_ P-.( • .,. CUAll AND PAN POLD 0,.. Dolly 1,..._~ ~.I!!!· I -..6 ....... . '· • 1 • . . ' . . SPE:CIAL . KtEENEX FACl~L TISSUE IOX OF 200 -WHITE I. COtORS 4 for $100 • • THE WORLD'S BEST S~UNG 35MM FINE CAMERA SJSTEM . P.ENTAX ., with Thrwth tM &... ~ CefttNI ••• A GorMt c.,_,.. ••• I .. It T ... •YI BAKER:S . WE$TCLIFF CAMERAS .WES.T,CUFF ;p~ . . , 41, TOWN • COUNTIT , -· ' --- 'one..stop• 8h0pi:iing .1 • l . a.t its :r~nestl :oP.EN ,THURSDAY & .~ONl;>AY EVENINGS . . 32 · Gil. Trash C1n • 7 Viar Guar•ntH . • Lock_inv Lief,.• .• on~ Green 11.11 . s4,99 YA.LUI RION· HARDWARE M2·11JJ WDTCUff PUZA THE BOB IS "IN" FOR SPRING . . CALL FOR AN .APPOINTMENt TODAY ••• OR STOP. IN AT .• · ' YOUR CONVENIENCE. · ,. lf1I -·.··~ PHONE NOW 541 0460 FOR THE GRADUATE ~· PARTY ·GOOOS~COl6RATUIATORY' cARDS PAPER UNLIMITED 548-7921 . WESTCUFF PLAZA (EHi of Mortctt 8Hkot) • ' I • M,EN',S FORMAL WEAR SPECIALISTS' darrell's dedrick TUX SHOP SAill -DELUXE RENTALS FASHIQN !IW" SQUARE ~le': WESTCLIFF Santa Ana PLAZA 547-6341 la H,br• Hl-07]5 1110 Irvine N•wport laach 646-1191 · ' , I · Optometrist · I -Dr. Lou Roy Eld•r ·• CONTACT 'LENSES • REFRACTING • EYE WEAR STYLING • PRESCRIBING WESTCLIFF PLAZA I 1124 IRV1N£ NEWPORT BEACH M2.ono' · (" - ' , ·' ·~1 : I 1 ·' \ ii I f ~ • ~ . " -.· .. -.. ~ .. - . - -. ·~ .. ~· .. .. • . .. -· -. - ::3 ·-:-j .::1 ~~ c=; I J· ~I ! """ ' ; ~ ~ ·~ • • J I I JI Ull.Y Pll.Ol S Data Firm Sets Irvine Move 8*-lndNe..,... lie., llOla IOqlais-d Dlriml )lat -dal<d their oper'O· u-Ind doubled the previous plat ..,. by ~ "' ... ..-facilltl<I In I.be Irvine lndu1111al Park) the division'•' maDl&C"• D. N. Kt&st., ap. nounctd. The new 1s,ooo square fool buildin& is local<d ol 11'1 McGaw Ave.. Satlla Ana. PrevioUSly, the division operated from two Santa Ana plub .net a building in Van ljUyl. ' OVER THE COUNTER NASO Llotlnto Jor WodMldey, Moy 14, 1Mt ' """S:::-..!'".,· ...... ,, ...................... 'A.Mo ~ we. .. ....,. ,...It,.-_,.... ...,.., w c•1•1t1tr P~ltMACY "'PICS MARINERS SAVINGS MAKES 3 NEW EXECUTIVE APPOINTMENTS .., Tl '1 GllAHT, R.l'h. !lee• 11"1 have bl&' heart... · Ing to an Aus- tralian cal survey. lflen who eons more than 40 oz. or · a day developed .-!'"""· • • Becaus.e Qf Increased traveJ, leirogy i(' no longer a re- mote h~P'obl<m. Amer-ican ' ·ans are mor-9 likely to ' caJled to dii.g- nose and at it now than they wett v.'cnty years ago. • • Kidney failurt! kills about 60,000 persons a year in ~ United States. • • • What do }"'Oml'n look for most in {J."? In a rf'Ct'..nt aurvey t follov.•ing fiv'e trails we · <:onsldered the most im t -Dec:isivc-ness, P veranCC', SeJf. Confide~ Ad\·enturous- n55, and prlR;inality. • • • For moderq service with old- fashioned courte~y. brina your prt~ptions to: PAIK LI PHAAMACY UI lt•I ..... NNe.,wn..,•rtrt ch 642-1.511 Mrs. Patricia Bray pommiitsi IJ.~~" 1 U.§ it nounced by Mariners Savings and Loan Association, Newport Beach. Patricia A. Bray of Newport Beach has been promoted to vice president; Ro.nald Peavey has been appointed vice presi- dent, senior Joan olficer, aDd Ronald W. McKendry con· t.roller and assistant treasurer. Mrs. Bray is in charge of the savings division. She ls a charter member of American Business Women'S Association and was named Woman of lhe )'.ear by the American 8llillieti W~'I ~IHI in 1966. . .. f.HX~¥ ••a~ ,_n ., II h Mirml .!fl~ 19!!f 'f~,fli Iii! SUMMER JOB WANTED ACCOUNT! ... MA.IOI SAN DllGO STATE UNIYIRSITY' Currently P•1&id111t of 5111 Oi190 Stet• You'"il l1publir.e111 SAU.RY SECONDARY EXPERIENCE PRIMARY OIJICTIYI Aw1il•bl• foll lnt•rwiew Fridev 1ff1r110011'1 or S1t11rd•"t WllTI OR CAU: Joh lrltcN 5505 Monte1ume Rd., Sen Di190 or r.all 1714) 21•·1170 or 171 4) 644-1107 It's DAILY PILOT 2 -for -1 Day OUT AT THE OLD l•LL GAME PILOT PETE INVITES EVERYONE TO . SEE 1t4E ·ANGELS PLAY BALTIMORE SUNIAY, JUNE J,. AT HALF PRICE Gel two ,.,,, .. ,d '''' tidt•h for th • Surid•v ,11ft.r110011, Jun• I, A1t11l1 "•· Oriol11 9•m1 •t An1h•im Sl•dium for th, 11orm1I 1trice •f ~II· tick,1. I Buy one; th, DAILY PILOT 9i11,, you 0111.I i-$3.50 2-$2.50 TIClln FOR $3.50 $2.50 Y•u c•11 •ttMYt '" f'!ti!t 1tt:l!t~ •t lint twf tte#· It~ t•• •111r ~rty fot•th•r "'.., inti 111 1il lri th1 t11il•r h1111k h1low with ch•cl1 w M•11•y tNe• l 11e c•1h. pl••••I •11d hurry. 01adliF11 for lic~1 t •"''" 1. ••'t 20. Att Now'for Best Seats All l·for· 1 Tickets Are Sold 1 'First-Come, First-Served' • r------- 1 ,.,, eM ....u, '"" ... k ... ......,. ........ , 2-fw.1 ,AlifM ... I 0....-c.. ...,, "''' C/0 PWHe: S..-.ke ~· J JJf W. '9J SM-et, C"t' MIN. C•tlf. 9J,27 I l'LlASI P~INtl "''-........................................... ,_ .......... -····-! ........................................... __ , ....... -............... . I CltT .................. , ......................... t i., •• _,, •• _ .. _ I ......... -.................................... Oalt .............. _ I I L --~ -, I I I I I I I I I Ronald Ptavty Wl'~rlW/~§ 11':~:;; position In branch ~ge­ ment with the consumer' finan- ce industry. Prior .to jOining Miriners, Ronald McKend ry Money's .Worth Profit in Diampnds? Yes, B;it Take Care .\uto 'd ·~ .\VM C11 AllK Oft 81btllll 81lrd Al Bakitr M Bil Pal111 8PU11I WI BtF'fl'lck 8••111 p B•~leu (Eililoi's lllo!i: -/'~is Is !ht! 1jf!~ i na series of specia.l f:f~!1' on /ar--0ui i'nuest· mmt&J. By SYLVl APORTE~ Large. top quality dl"11onds more than doubled i1' va]ue last year, outrun~ just about every traditionaJ fonn of investment. As c;pe il- Justra tion of the glitteqttg in· crease, a white four-cacat dia- mond soared from a ·dealer price of $2,500 per carat at the end of 1967 to $5,400 a cfrat at I.he ead of 1968. In view of this trend ahd of the !actors I su bmitted 'in my last cnlurrm, would i! "' wise lOf"yS!i'tO"liiVe!f 'jiari ft your n~:,gg i!1 diamonds or other get}l.S .'!!If~ _also. ha,ve been .1J!iid!!lll 1R en~, -·fN mE OPOOON of a cross-section of experts on in-- flaUon hedges. pre c I o u s metaJs at1-d e.z:otic inved]nents of many types, the answtr is a very highly qualified "Yes - but only il. .. " Before getting to the JVtti.se details, let's get these fun-- damentaJ points straighf. Diamonds are widei' con- sidered a hedge ag~ in- flation and aga.insl cufttncy devaluation because: ~ supplies are strictly ltmited (Delleers Coru;olidal<d Mlnes in So.nh_ Africa cont.rq]s an <!Uffililta is pereentor world R~on); no government Ei\ll e,ffectlvely control dia- m~_B!f~ll i!llie er -.~j!mond exporr.:s although many COUil· tries impose controls 9n ex- ports or currencies: euying and selling diamonds ~ be a tax dodger 's dream If the transactions are carried out in cash. llHd!em yeat to year and if you are ::= 11~ forced to resgJ" your diamond l:~11_/t after a year·~· two, you easily 111~~·~ can take a Ii on the deal · al rd Son ' 81r1dlr ~ personal opi· nion. If you c:an follo\v the above rules er the gaine, diamonds coul~ be the ideal far-0t1l Uivestrqtmt for you. THIS IS the last of four in- stallments in this second series on far4 investments. I'll be back witJI anothc1· batch in a month or to. Replica of Golden Hind LONDON (AP) -A San Francisco businessman ar· AT mE SAME TIAjE. a key drawback to b u v i n g diamonds for profit is ill! cold fact that the only peoijle wo make huge profits in diamonds are dealers in lhe gerris who buy and sell at wh{llesale prices. The rest of u s generally must buy at retail and sell at wholesale -a di....,~ 11ndetd coo-sictei·' that, typically, the dillJJ. ~tajler's markup Js -------------~--~---- a "]I l{lti,pf 30 percent and Ufl•n ·., ftllii ·;, ill la 11111 per· cent. Still, you. lhr norwjcaler, have a reasonable chapce or making substantial profits in diamonds or other p~iou3 gems such as saPghires, emeralds and rubies ... -1£ you are vdllinl and able lo keep the gems 'for at least five lo 10 ycari. Big price fluctuation~ occur from Lucky Beer Makers Get N e'tv Name . SAN FRANCISCO - General Brt\\'ing Corp. plans lo ndopt the naine Of 11.s popular "Lucky" beefl next 1nonlh. Thereafter, 01e cOlflpany will be kllO\\'n as ••µic ky Breweries, tnc.'' Peter N. T. Widdrif'laton. prt'sldcnt, said 1hc com.any's directors will ask shareijo)ders to approve lhe new corttorate title, "thereby making l(ficlal the name we have 3lwlb1d unofficilllly because our ll@ol.t!IPllll '"""""' "' ckl' Lager 1n<J Lucky Ught Hraft beer." NSC Buys Ne~trool John J. McNeu1~lll1'· prul· dent of Nali!l!ll!' f!¥!ltm! Corp.. Newport Beach, an- nounced the (:()mpany has reached an agreement to ac- quire Atlantic Schools of Kansas City, Mo.; Hartrord, Conn.; Los Angeles. and Windsor, Ontgrio, effective April I. The transaction was for an undisclosed aipount or cash and stock. AUantk Schapls is 111 20-ycar· old.... inslijul.jQ.n; offering ac· credited COrntfpondcnce and residence lrall\lng for airline Jack C. Davis bas been elected vice president pe.rsonneJ ear"-rs. Present of National Sy s t e m s f!:rirollment e"ettds ~ $ 0 O Corp .. Newport Beach. students rtsidlrig in all 50 1-Ie remains executive states and s1veral foreign vice president ot Atlan- countries. tic Sc b o o I s. recenUy McNaughton said Atlantic purchased by NSC. Schools wlll epcratc as a -----------1 whoUy owned subsidiary ur National Sys~ms C o r p . Robert W. H1rplm1n will coo. tin"" as pmiiltnl •1111 Gb~f executive orncer of t h 11 ~hools. Who •can Read" Just _On• 'P••null'I • ·A· I ' .. -'""*'· • ., U.1"9, : s DAILY Pl10r Jf Wedn~sday's Closing . l • -~o;:.---------------------------~--•'-"-------------'"''"'-"----"-----...'.:C..:_,_----.__..__ ..... __ ~_ --•-"-·------------------- I j I I l j I • ' 1 -.... 15,lM }.. .... f News · of I )' ·-' -Men in Sel'\iee BaperbOy Ca~ DAR RETURNS A HERO Spoc/4 Grevory Hunln• Mesan Wins Medal for Viet Valor A Costa Mesa High Scllool graduate has returned home from Vietnam, where he woo the natlon11 third highest award for bravery, for helping hold off a heavy ground attack wl~ his mortar fire.' Spec/4 Gregor}' L. "Skip'' Hugiins. 22, 900 of Mrs. Helen Huggins. or ;a Shadow, Lano, ~guna Be4Ch, is now sta· lioned at Fort Hood, Tex., ac- companied by his w I f e Christine. The former Balboa Outrig- ger CJub member won the ·Brome Star medal with V at- tachment for valor during heavy North Vletnamese small arms, mortar and rocket fire Dec. 14, 1968, Army spokesmen said. Despite the hail of e•- plQ.'lives, ~4 Huggins rush· ed from his company's fire support base lo his own in- dividua1 mortar site and began lobbing illuminating flares and shells into their positions. "Hls valorous actions were responsible for sut"Ci!ssfully repelling the aggressor force," noted spokesmen for the Department of the Anny. The young draftee was a member of Company E, I~~ Battalion, 27th Infantry, 25th Infantry Division during his year's tour In Vietnam. Four Build Telescope A hydrogen radio telescope which will detect many or the known important r a d i o sources In outer space is being built by four Riverside students. The students, Bruce Bullock of Granada Hills, Mark Morris of Su nn yvale , Dennis Boardman of Sunland and Jim Sternberg of Reading; Pa., are senior physics 'majors. They plan to mount the hydrogen line interferometer radio telescope atop the cam· pus Physics Building in early April. The project began last fall . Dr. Ste phen While, Professor of Physics and Associate Director ol the University's Institute o f Geophysics a n d Planetary Physics. serves as adviser lo the students. QUICK C••ch up quickly Oft loc•I •••"*'· R••d your cornp1ct, cernpr•hlftll•• horn1towft •di· tie" of th1 DAILY PILOT. A1rmaa 1.c. __ G. Btermu, 1!011 of Mr. •and Join.\ \leorg< Bierman of 1131 ljydla Drive, HuOOngton Be. 1 .c b , helped Iauncb 1 U.S. Aii' Force Minlltemao U intercontinmlal ballistic missile from Yen. denburg AFB. The airman, a missile mecbanlc.. is a graduate of Huntingtoo Beach M I r i D I High School and received his A.A. degree ;,, iodmtJ:ia1 technology from Orange Coast College. . Stall SI!. ~ W. Kim· brtl Jr., son of Mrs. Mwiel E. KimbreJ of 2008 Fillm~ W1y1 Costa Mesa, has been·m!gned to Da Nang AB, Vidnani. The sergeant, a crew chief, is a graduate ol Costa Mesa A1rmu Stnt11. E. ftomu, son oi Mr. and Mrs. Warren Thomas, am lroquais Road, Westmlnsler, has been Ullgn- ed to Travis AFB , for 'duty ln the Military Airlift CominfDd. The 1lrman is a graduate of Westminster High School. High School and ·-~e Coast CoUege before entenng the service. • · Sp. Onrll G. Coffelt Jr., . whose ~ live at 933 · Sgl. Rebert J, Bfi1eU, aoo , Joanp· lit.; 0orta Mesa, ))as of Mr •. and Mrs., Edwin ·c. .been usign«!· to 'Clark"AFB, llwl!m or 1110 . Mlaiourl St., , ·Pliilipplhes. ~~: eo.ta"Mesa,hasbeen',asslpad lie graduated· .rrom .~~ to Clark ,\B, \Tietun). I loleaa · l!illh School anc!• It· Sgt Burgess, ·• jel airoralt !<oded orange C0ut Collece mechanic is a graituate ol before entering the service.' • Granada Hills High SdloOI. Lt. Keane.. D. 0 we•, .USMC, SOD of Mr. and. Mn. Dean Owen of. 195TI LG:ingtan Lane, Hlllllinlton Beo<;b, is serving with die Finl 'Marine Airen11t Wing, Vietnam. Airman l.C. -'MleUOi B. °""' !Ol'I o1 Mr. and~ Mn. Walt.eT Gov! ol 6:181 Iroquois Road, Westminster, has ar· rived for duty at Torrejon AB, Spain. Airman Gove, a jet engine mechanic, is a graduate of Westminster High S c h o o I , 1966. • Pvt. 1.C. Jerry L. ClutoD, USMC, son of Mrs. Eve P. White of 3067 Killybrooke Lane, Cosla Mesa, is serving with the First Marine DivisiOll in Vietnam. Two Costa Mesa men, both Navy Heutenarts, graduated Sgt. Leo Otlubo, son of Mr. from the U.S. Naval Explosive and ~rs. George Ot.subo of Ordnance Disposal School at 5841 Pmon Drive. J!untlnP,:m the Naval Ordnance Station, Beach, has bee_n aS.!1gned to a Indian Head. Md. . unit of the Air Force ~· The)' are u. Rolla.Id F. munications Se r v i c e 1r1 Kirby, son of Mr. and Mrs. Southeast Asia. . Joseph F. Kirby of 970 Vic-~ serg:ant, a , ra d 1 o toria St. and Lt.· Rtbert P. repatnnan, ts a graduate of Ltua~ soo of Mr. and Mrs. Marina High Schoof. Robert Lenard of 38S La , Canada Way. Pvt. l~C. BWy E. CoYey Jr., 20, whose partnts live at 2210 Sbipfittt:r 3.C ·• Joha R. Pomona Ave., Costa Mesa, Vario, son ·of Mr. and Mrs. has been assigned as·a truct Ralph Vario of 1750 Ocean driver with the 1st Logistical Blvd., Newport Beach, is serv-Command, Vietnam. ing aboard the rescue salvage · His wife, Diane, lives at 3082 ship USS Grasp . which will Samoa Place, Costa Mesa. return to its homeport. Guam this month after b ei ng Alnnu L)'llll W. Waner, deployed in Vietnam . son of Mr. and Mr1. Walter W. GRAND OPENING THIS WEEK S hop bargabg l/tliore in stereo tapo and equipnunt MEET next world's heavyweight champion 24-year-old JERRY QUARRY Friday, May 16, 4 to 8 p.m. TapeTown,lnc. 100 S. Mancheater, Anaheim (South«rn Cali/ont.'4'• la.rgut tape cntC«T) STEREO SENSATION! Tiie co'lorf111 •••d or el...... Orange. County M•lc --~ RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM From Fashion Island, Newport Beach • ' • ::t Wins Set when you buy one for regular irade-in price . . ilvertown HT 7 BFGs PREMIUM * 4·PLY NYLON CORD TIRE • HT 770 has a wider, deeper tread than even our new-car tires! • So you get even greater mileage. And an extra margin of safetyL . ALL SIZES-BLACKWALL & WHITEWALL·ON SALE.I ALL SIZES ON . Meets .. Satrirday ' '"" Henr7 -SOC1et1 ~or u.e Am<iicU fte9o. Mlon, sponooied by Ille Col. William Cabell cMpl« ol Ibo DAR, will meet .at,_ Sllur> dAJ' In the home " .Mn. Root lldlin, 11151 Crfsl'lielr ctn:!<. Newport Beach.' . SPOT GOLF SYsftM We ewn "'TM up" fM' '" All THE $ GOLF · BAILS YOU CAN HIT FOR S. ALE " ' ' ~ ~ . ' ' : .. ••••• •,•1• .•·• •••••••. * FR~E.E * ' . W·HEEL ALIGNMENT Wiit! tM p11"C~ ef e9J 1 tfrn. Second tire $1422 as low as l l11;blllll, ...... S..J.f».ll l'lo1 , ... ta. .. E&y lxldget terms! llSl.M ... _......._...._....,, ..... . •Tlllft " ,.. XU..; Wnlly-~ "'""" I• 11'61• ML Tiil ofsitu-~,,_,." .,..,.. ""' 11 ""' a"'-f1 " 111t l.r .... icll r,.. c-,.,. UMflBJ TIME OFFER! • UP TO~ MO"E MILEll ·• Strong, brube·mistina fibtrg ... belt. • Smoother ride from "'"" pol.,...er-C'Ofd. • Big wide tr11d fOI' bett11 uactio" '"d br1ltiltfl, NO MONEY 1 DOWN COSTA .MESA . BRAKE RELINE 40,000 MILE GUARANTEE e l!XPUT WOlKMAHSHll' e 9UALITY UPLACIMENT PARTS e ,srtiCill.L LOW PllCIS . c:= ..................... ,..,.. .... • ,,.. ............... Ill_ -~ ......... .... ftll •-Ill ... ,.,1M, ..,,.._ .. _ 11........... Hlllllj• ..... .............. 2l19~$ •OR MOIT CAlltS WEffMINSTER . JONES TIRE SERVICE L. J. LITTLE'S ·Big 0 Tire 2049 HARBOR It.VD. !At Bayl 7352 WESTMINSTER _AVE. PHONE 540-4343 or 646-4421 PHONE 893-5572 DAILY 8 a111. 6 pm • Sat. Td 5 pm DAILY 8 am· 7 pm • Sat. Tl\ 5 pm • MAST ER CHARGE .. BANKAMEIUCARO Sit t4ttt b11111Af9 ,,.._TM....., ...... , fMOUICMt&. frt, Y.1".0 .. TM w.ctft"'*1 Mo.It, Tom,._, ~.1'M ~ Sq9", •11111 Thi Sll!pfl9ft All<:·T'i' thlt ...,.._ ' ! -----·-····---~~.....-,-~~--~~--....,..~--................... .,.. ... _____ _, ....... --... -----------.---,--..,...--.... .,, ·-"t' I • .. , 1'londlf. Mor 1,, lM • • DAILY mar 11 I I •• Williams • No Longer Sends Writers .Scurrying'. • "/ Senlitors' Manager Mellows in N~·Role I 111 E.W. GUll'UY • -·-= :;:-•t4 -,_ \ I Unlil a~";,';";;::,.,~ ~Nr:"i-.. I M,;._ bad, .., lllere w.,. mon ~ 111\ precoacelved ldeM about II -I .._ Anaheim Stadkon thin r .... Bill Rlpo1 tbolqihl I WU loin( .. be a -.... took noto of tbe 7$ ct .. wrllen ........ . di WI jGb WU olltnd. • around the w~· dapt Ud 1 4-WW kl.a ti a r;rtr ''1 • )'tll cracked: "Where wse .U ,.. PJ1 Ille 1rJ ........ ,. wtlli -"'-tf the ball larlbtt -lo Ill lleldl -t!\ID be much DI a !odor. anyone I ever llW. If be letl I up la tb!e Q-WUt'r 111..,1•ed " t111e wp. aJr, 1t•1 pae ._ ltuc! I lvtflpl llllUtr? ' You tnow,•11Jaee tokl ***'there's A.-Weu; here's bow I look at ll. HitUne two llltl<n !'d noQy l1M lo bolp~ John a baseball la the -diHlcutt tblng lo Ro11baro lild rrulr 11ow..,i. ·I -spcrt1 -it roqulret mor. phyaical \at· -.1 -tb1a Job 111e1 ,.. JUI' trlbotoa than IUl}'lhlns me -eyeo11h~ Frut "a:t S nib, '° rlti,bl ,away 1"" ~ ~. timln( tnd oo' oo. So ll lt'a the -i. • ......... al ~ In bardest thing 1o do Ulen d bkea more U'IT ......... Andy Granateili's turbine entry in last year's Indianapolis 500 coo- tinues to have an impact on auto racing. Here are four entries for this year's race with the turbine--inspired "wedge" design. From top to bottom: Denis Hulme's Ford·Eagle, Arnie Knepper's turbcr charged Fon!, Gary Be-usen's turbocharged Fon! and Mario Andretti's Lotus-Ford which also has front wings to hold down the !ront·end. year 1 broke in a a manlltf!", A-I &QUI do a eoa )O;b wttb tbim. I'm R;gnoy ........... lie -"""u. -with -.... Ibey -that magnet wu. It wa • .,,. Sfl-4' , New 1 tell tbeln wt.at· I tblnt. r. ~Al I_, """'-. be llbould pl practice, right! . Spliriter," ''The Kid,"·u the)' clJIM blm blllete.ewiry pla)'ft" can tmprme; I don't in 1931. c .... ~ be"1 Mantle, 11«)'1. Aan>o 'or who ...:'/::. '.:"':" J:! = ~ ,.= ·well, I don't think piayen -k at tt ao be'• doinc tblt betW than be WU. • bard IS theY,US:td to. lt'• lbe .same with Ted Williains, at IO, Im' I apllm. be la, tbore'1 llw1ya -WI!' be cmi be anymore. The walslllne bu upandod bul a better bell PlaYer. Q-,.\1 • -·...-, ..w .. ,.. tldak kidl -thtte 1 Jult more pin on now. I .._....-.... _a _pme• -. know when I waa a fifth grader in San the baJr ii llW bladi· The ,_ ... llDod . Q-1'1111'•' ... ......... --out so be ... loopr bu tho podakl:y .. a ...... _.... .......... la ... A-Wtu., I probably •·t think of , Diego, it woWd1ve been lmpouible to ...... lbinp. Beiol I former blttor, I beve played more baaeball than I did. profile. · ·, .t! · Apd tbe ~ly ~ o o A-NI!. ... ·ve ciooe OK with tlJe, plt- f tad mJll}f' th1ntlQg ol pltcheHdtter Md there's a kit ~ emphull oo altuaticw wben I ahould be• thinkh'8 of educaUon now; a kid pta older and .....mb!ance , lo the ooe IW,GOOO -chjp. Tbe berdeat thing I've IQll!ld la Boaton writers llCllMYb!l lw .-. Al .. ......... tbe lineup wound to Ill:• """ interview, Wllliamt ~ melldftd to the . vitntaie ol 1 gtvee situation. I'm not 1ood point where he coald DOW be caDed a at that. yet,•but I will be. . eomeUUng elle. But. I'm new at tbia. I education is a very important thlng - know~ I hlive no experience and I'll cet more SCI than when I •u ti or 20-yea~ bettf!r'. , I Okt. ~ tlle ................. male a Q-lt It lhastratlq Mlq a ma.nqer? piece ol cake. • • A-11'1111 .r. ,.. llllali ot rrut · He's a man who loyoe lo talk baaebell BoWanr! dHl'ereM!I wlll U. lllaen! A--Oh. Iont yes. We've '°8t 16 pmes and bere'1 bow tt went: At-I'll talk. all you want about him. Q-An Y• ·llodblc·•au .... 111 • ,Fr¥!< lfooford bu mon. power and blla A-Ob. J• doo't Udnk JO. When you get and do1,you know we could hive won 12 of ~ right down' to It, all they did .,u lower them just ai easy as )'OCJ pleiie. Twelve . tho tll1ns five lac:hN. Thot's not going lo DI tbem ••• . . ·~1 .,', "I '.1, U'ITf ...... SAFE BY A HAIR -Los Anl!ele;·Doc14lor pltCtt~· Bili Singer belly Pili! Gagliano. :linger had wallfi;d an~ then hol·footed it to third on a slides safely into third base just ilh....i .Of .ffie'ta• •in.de by' St. Louis'. wild pitch to·set. up the Dodgers'. onlr run in a 2-1 loss. ~~-~~~--~~-~-~~.~.~-~~~""'-'~~~-~----~~~~ Cardinals Never Lose On Payday I ~ll N.ever Fight Again-Clay DETROIT (UPl) • -Former world "'nle only w1y black people in America while we 're in need, heavyweight dlupJion Cassius C!ay aaid arr: 1oio& to become tree is to unite Wldnelday be ~ 1aever fight ~aiil, behu.r one man," AJi~llid, appareotly · ~ 5:· , opreaaed desire to . ~ lo Elijah M..bammaa. payoll it ... '' . ST. LOUIS (AP) -1be St. Louis. •. '.'I'm· -. : fiallbed witb .~t'b01-. All . allo MnS . a 930g called "It's. All Cardinals had something going for them I inl1 and ~" be. 'told Way:ne· state Over Now, ~ Whitey," which ·he But it's all over now, Mighty WJXtey."' Ali . stns&c!d the need for · black economic deveklpment but advised blacks to! 'jthrow a rock'.' '1 whi~ men who come to 'tbe JnriOr city to look for black prostitutes. agalnst the LasAll(eles Oodgers·Wednea-· . lhllwrlitr iluilmti. · · said will be released ooon. day night. It wu payday, tnd \be c,.ro. Elijah iillilllrnmad,.111ler of the Black Ila first vene went: Clay, 27, who looked no more than 19 pounds over his fighting weight, waa heckled a few times by persons in the .air dieqce, mostly liy Negr~. have .not lost a game on payday itilce late Mbslhns hlCl·etpelled Clay -known also~ ''We see ,.YOU lookin' cruel with your tn the 1987 sea~. by hll .Mwdiln name Muhammad Ali -cold blue eyes, Actually, it wasn't ·payday . Today is from the N4tion of Islam for one year You think we're just fools and you're payday, but because It is in open da te, afta-be hinted lit April be migtit fi&ht all·wlse, Ali called one heckler an "Uncle Tom;" and said, "If I had a lower IQ, I could en- joy your conversation." paychecks were distributed Wedneiday. Thlt wn good enough. The Cards beat the Dodgers 2·1 on a walk. a disputed safe bunt that abnost. didn't w o r k out, a bloop .single and a sacrifice fly. They managed only two bit.a to the Dodgers' five. Joe! Hoerner pulled the Redbird fat out o! the fire in the last two and two-thirds innings. T1te Cardinal clubhouse was a bit noisy after the game. It was the first time the Oards have woo two in a row a( home tbis year. The Dodgers, meanwhile, were idle to- day, nrtumtng h<me to open a aeries with Pittsburgh. Curt Flood's bunt ln the fourth inning was the pivotaJ point. Julllln Javier bad walked. Joe Torre followed Fh>od and blooped to right field. LOS AHGilLIS -t .. JM Cr•wford, If J I 1 llr«.k, If IT. L.OUll •rllrtll ' • 0 • 2 I t t 3 I I t J • I I 2 • t I • • • • t • • • J.Mltleo". II I I J1~ler, 211 ·Stitn'!IH't ,11 4f F~d w.o.~11. cf • o H•11.,.,c 40 ~.-4• F1lrf\o, Ill J I l( ... yw, Ill> I f G•llrlebon, rl t I Ktlco, pll 0 • .,_,p '' Ltf..,.,,.., pll I O ,._let!, 2b J • SlllfW. JO I 1 ltllUell. rl 1 • TOf1l1 J2 1 1..0I ,.,...In S!. l..oult l.01 -Lot Moelll (rJWfWCI, 5f -fllnlo!I. Torr•, c ·-rl """' rl Gf01lal'lll, 3b H ...... 111 Hlll'ln, •~ lrlles. • --·· l • 0 • ] . . . t • • • I t I t Tollll. ll I I I IOOOOlD-1 .. 100 -~-t '· st. LW11 t. JI - again. We see you wallowin' in your &reed 'Baffling Knuckler Vp , Down, In , Out, It Even Fools Hoyt Seymour Tops . Ru stler Mark In SoCal T.tJSt EAST LOS ANGELES -Hurdler ' Jim Seymour ol Golden Well College ltd a Who la the most effective late-iMing 1 "Wel1, we're starting to acore now -small band of four l.ndlviduaJs and ooe pitcher In baleball? how many· did we get tonight, eight? relay team fro~ the Orange ~ ar~a Bill Rigney woultl give you a stong Nine? through the Southern California jtml~r arginnent today for Hoyt Wilhelm, the 46-· coll!(l:r: track and field preliminaries he'e year~ master of the knuckleball who, "Hoyt's an amatiog old man, isn't he? Tue9clay alternoon and into Saturday Jn hi• M8th major league game Wed-An amazlng fellqw ••. " night's championship competition. neaday night, locked up h1! se\'enth save And for a change, he had some nic~ Seymour was the ar~a's only double In 12 appearance• as the Angels beat thinga to say about. his young catcher, qualifier , Winning his heat of the 120 wa1hington, 1-0. highs-and the 440 Intermediates, settillg Wilhelm, Rigney and the rest ol the Angel Slate one school J'eC()rd in tht process. a .. -ls flew to New York this afternoon .uo 111:111y -Hf•t 1 -1, &•k1ran1111 ..a.z z. Goldtn ~ .. -N •rt 11 -Anctlbt "' Wnh1111110n, 7:" D.m. KMPC W•I (I~ 3. Sat1I~ "'"' '2.1. H,11 ' -I. Sift to open a n~game trip through ew "JX.,. 1' -""'"" .. N•• Y•tti, 4:SI •. fl'I. KMPC llt'fUlf'~!IV) 1112.?J. Certl'r. G.S '· H•rbot 4-"-HML I York, Bolton and Detroit.. It atart.s Fri-11101 -Jj~~":, ,G.;! 7i. ri:Ji:airu.1·1;.111.2 t. 11. day night at Yankee Stadium. M» 11 -Ant•I• '' N.w Yor'k. 10:!.J 1.m, KMf'C G.roe if"' 11'111 c111um (P11l ·~ ~ """'.;' Loo .... u ·•ways _ 11 if he were ".ll!! 11 -"""11 11 ,.._ vwti 121, ':" '·"'· ~.~ 1~1·~11~?'1. l,.-;, 1ts:l'*1:'t.J" ~::l~'1· .... .. KMP 1ne1 •:n.s. Htt.i ' -. w~ vr •·H s '· 111e11 F t'-'-batt'"" prlCtice-Wilhtlm was •:21.1 ~,.~Nl'lt 1•11111 4:211 4. Mfndtl 1illM1 '''A • •• vnu• .... UCI ,... -Hut -I. 5'YIMlll' !GWCJ 14.• L called upon tn the aeventh inning Wedne1· Tom Egan, who made • tremendous play ~,:is.~rl .. ~'·:~ \f111="11~',J~~ ::::: l = :1• day night after starter Jim McGlothlln ln the 1Wh inning. a.btl 1occ1 1•.• 1. 11.i. IP•U 11.• 1. Amar "'"" was pulled for plnch·hllter Bill Voa in With one out and Frank Howaitf al "~ _ He•t 1 _ '·£€14'1d9e c•i "·• t. Twc1r: .. c1vJ the atxth. tblrd, he took an outfield throw from "':! L Nldl .. -tL c1 "·' ""'' 2 -i,. T~ -" !t...tc1·~-~ -B'r"'...!f .~.rJ:.~;~.?.;11 'iso~ The Senators practically swooned ' Bubba Morton and stood his ground lDQ _ H••• _ 1 lOll(l(!n r;cci '·' t 11,,_,. j...,.,. .. to cha!e the d,.,...;n., knuckler. He against Howard, who was coming at him l"'"I t.1 l. l:,t'"'' '·' •I' -1. ~"f .,... --· ""'' '·t '· "' "'"'"' · """• 1 I·· threw two to Ed· Brinkman in the ninth like a Panzer . tank. ""' ' -. Moor• 1 '' 2 A1nM111er 1£u. that dropped a foot right over the plate The two crubed, Egan with!tood the 1F'91:'ifr1~ 11".-. vJ,U.¥._.l4,vl~ for 1 ~of.called strikes. shock and tau~ him, then fiftJd to third = \If:.\ :!HJ ft., 3 _'-';" J:.~1 ='1.!Ji: The ti.tlrd pitch broke a foot away from to get~ AJtr:n for a double play. \:tt,-J.'· Mart11111-lEu.1 1:JJ.J 3. si.-\'ECf the Nat ........... .-and hr: misaed it. "That Wit a,_ .. play," RI" a--'. . .. ~ -..... I - ,, S1<¥mc111r CGWCI SI.I 2 .... --.... wy 51-~ • &'........ ~~ IS.0~ M.6 3. 1m .. (LAC£.l. si.r,.HMI ' -1. TuU"gli Task at lnay "I never know which way that t.hinc'• a:_:~~vehlatoldwor~ J..bihandve t""he ~plaints !· 1~,< 1~\1uJ.l·,~~tl'fir'ls.r·~·. H~~ loin& torbteak;'!-\he balding 'Wilhelm toJd UIN a t.1!1'. ---l"!'·~~<l!L.-DCCI.JS, wrttefl afterward. · knowt ·be hu \o start hitting." ; 13.f"ll". ''' f-'-i!WJ!-~~! JI~ l ==~ .•11t UMaj1y goe1 down but SODM!tirna He Mnt O-lor-3, Wednesday, lowering ~~~121~\·\ lor.::'cl~c,1 fi/l.'t~nls~~~mi Turbine Battles to Qu;alify INDIANAPOLIS (AP ) -The jet 1lream or cont.roveny that followed turbine can lo the lndienepolis lOO tbe last two )'e#'I has died to barfly a wisp for this year'• race . The ttalOl'I ls simple~ Hardly anyone thlnkJ the lone turbine eotry has a chance. / Unless there's a major surprise, the """ for the pole pooitioo "' the opming dax DI qual~y>ig Saturday ngures lo he \ he!~een turi>ocharged Ford a n·d \turbochar1cd Offenhauseteualnes.1 - \ Through Wedne!dafs jll"actice, ·!he Fords and Of!ys had five spots e.ach in the list of the 10 !asteat cart. Pl1ario Andret.Hi In his And)' Granalelll STP Sped.al with a lUrl»Ford engine, pushed the lop bp speed lo 171.157 mi~ .. hour Wodoadoy. Jack Adams of. MrmP.his, Tenn., owner ol ibe ~ly -lmOng the M mlries, said Wedne.Jay af\tr the car turned ii.I f-lop ol t!R"year, al 157 m.p.h. "I think we can get about five mUtt>-an hour tn0r< out DI it and quallly." Granak!U, whose turblne can came cl<J6e to wlnning the last twe yean, cam-- mentea on Adams' optimism by aa\lng, "Haw"! ·•u &ha car can reach IG.' tt-wtn bt a great lribuie lo J a c k Adema ~ h I 1 ere•," Granalelll said. "But, In all due tttpreel, 1 think it'• lmpC>Sllble." U.S. Auto Cluti rules for thlt j'eflr's race made lbe sooond cutbed . bl two years on tbe air mtatt area of tUrblne """"'· nie .... naie, in elrect, ollllind turbioes at ~Ill,~ II.ill. "Is it lair lo -a rule tbll 11vu·• cor 1 dlaoce DI 001y barely C(l!llJfyinct" , he Aid. Al MUler, a ~y<ar-o!d -.an!""" -.,lllt, Mich., ii drlvJnc the Adllllll turbine. Aoothtt c., wttb • turbochart· ed °""'-qlne, also 11 avalllbfe tor-.uner. -·•But I hopt·I can mike the lhow In lbe turbine." aao., .md wedtleld.,. Re U!illb Ula ...... bu a ~ chlnct lo 10 I ht -· d<spito the lllllure DI GraniteW'1-car. · - It'll jump aw1y from the bitter -[never hJI• 1Vera1e to ."120. 2':MJ1e -r•1 1 -1. Midi' llt'U ''1.:·1 2· > E "·If 'SA! t~.e . ·~1 t•;o 4. )~ 1 1 koow. I'll My t:bla, , don'l'thlnk.l've ever l!O_IMi-lpent a.1 ... -hour at lhe Bia A · 1f.1: •::w~ i. Wi~ tOl'I ~~I ~,:rlt'f. r,.~~1~ hid a better knuck:Jer than I bid toalgllt. WeCSneaday afte'rnoon at a special batthig ~',\-,J,,:~~.it. '._'t';;.,i·iv~J~> And I wu ..utn1 tt over the plate, too." ~ aeulpn and picked up 10me Upa if R•i.v -· H:~l i -1. L"" tHd! 1t11•.3 2. a•-J deU .. W-.>I -..1•1.. bis I Ted WIDl 3:11 s j· E•e L• """~ 1::io.1 He•t -i. •....-.1 WU ua count &''......, -.rn.u ront-lmJ, r• J:~ lo!:.,IO!Nt"1:!~·~t M!J:C 1:2'). =..-.~ ~.bew::S ::::. .. ~.s !~~i:t.~tf.n':; r1_ ;, :~~¥.!:;; 'da!'"dfMIWintbelulthrff-" 1~·~~1 !:lf~ '• ,,:;..l"1~1"14J11;1. ,!. * . * * RAMS SW Ap tJFF .~~ CT::1~; !Et:·~\ 'E T . ~ RESEH.'E .,,.RAMER . ~~J~l tt-SllllWI IOWCI ""'" ..... --: '..... "'"'-::',."' • ' '~ RI ~ml w:i:." 'fir !ELA• ... ,_ IVVI Uflllf, cf f t I t DlvJ#llt. rl 4 t • t i,ij ~-I ·~~ms; ....... ti .._ t 't t .. ,.... .. M I I • t • &i.. • '\n oi fU . IE,_...._ 1~ I • •I 4 ,JOl!Mtltll. ff 4 t 4 J t toS "'-.GELES (AP) -'lbe, Loa, ~ ~~.~IE 1 J>~, ,~ ,_.,.._, , • • • • ..,J, " t • • ., AftCt1a Rmril traded rwrve light IDd H'i t ~:::';.."·' : : : =itu:"• 1 : I ; Kent KrlllMI' to tbe Mtnoeeota Vittnp atiT' -~!J= .. ,~·~._~• ttt. ... .'~J.,,r-1.1 1"1 ..,~ •111-. ,,. • • • willlflnl. ,. 1 • • • w~ In uchana:e f o r an ~ clllfilll. a • • • ,,.,., c a • • • disc-.._.. ...1..-1-h, 1 , .... "' O" ~-a 4 I I ~-9 4 t I t -~-I"'--• ~. f.]i11'f I ISW 6. ._.... .,.,."""' "· 4 l • ~"''' " ,-• • • ltrliner ~Jed for the Unlverdty cf ~~.WI t ~!·~· ... @ • f : : :::!' " _ • ~ ' MlnnelOla and wae the nlnlb round drift it: 1c 1 ~ ,, m:-1.1 ,.i; c:7° ' f : : --cholCe Of the San Francl.ICO em ol ~ 'f::t*,,.. . '11 , ' -._. -• " l • • N--.r Loque in !Ml. it.ir.i."""'•!#,l'.L"'ift ~. 'r;. •m• 'l"ct.11 • • • Ttt111 n t i 1 u ... ~ -t~ -in 1-New . ..'!;~.c11 1tt .. v11iv. •. W•sllfnltWI 000 oot 000 -t ,.. '~ ~ • "'9, J!.!• I• • 11! ct11frlm!4 • •• IOll -' • Orlual ..., ad wu wlth the Rama' .... 1,,11r.\~· n ~il"~/•1 ,,,1 ~ 'f"' a -,,.,..1. t:llllftlll. .AtN"" Of' -Wt ;tt9 •li ''1t1,'V°JCI; y 1n ·111. ;: ~ '!_~0: ~=Jett t'. C.tffofM nlll'ft--llqtlad--Jn-1_ .. _. _______ lf : =.-11:1 Vil. (II, ~.rii .Ii ' I " I I I ' I I . \ All-Sunset Squad Dominated by Area 1 .. . ... . : FIRING FOR TWO -'Newport Ha<bor jli&h School IN!<:imd·bue- man Howard Struble unl<Jods a throw .•Iii first base l<l .colliplele double play ~ beoting Marina'• Mll<e Willick l<I the ke~ne sack. Newport trimmed tbe Vikings, 4-3, to clincl! undlsJi•tad 1 DAIL'l"PILOT ....... kt·~ IC.....- 'seCood plice Wedlie!.iay in the final Sunset League standings and spoiled Mlriqa's chances of grabbing a berth in the CIF AAAA playoffs: . Newport Harbor, Marini and Weslmlnsler hlih ochoola p~ two,players each on tlje ~ All.S-t League bueball twn selected by Iha Oraoge County Sportnri1'rs AsaodaUon. Leading Newport fl..W's delogation Is pitcher Steve Schoettltr, wbo flnlsbed: te- cood in the balloting !oc player or the year to West<m lll&b School shortstop Dam Hanstn. Scbot:tt1er led bis team- mates into the CIF playoffs with a 7-2 mark. HQWard struble was named as first team second baseman on the strength al a good glove and .SJ6 batting average in his 14 league games. All bcltting recoids for in- dividuals were· based on com· plete games with tie games deleted. Westminslet's o n e -t w o ptJl)Ch of Phil and Wiii MCtartney took two of the first team ootfield easts. Phil also doubled up with carried a .351 mark. Phil also odubled up with pitching chores for Westminster, a team that eame on extremely well at the close of the season, knocking ' Tars Crush Vike YIKES HONOR SWIM PAIR , Scribe Times Baseball Action, Playoff Chances Finds Ball • Play 9 Minutes In (1 1:... BJ ROGER CARLSON ~ OI' ... CMlh' Plllr SUff counted for the third run and Mallijo!f doubled home the fourth in the second frame . ' Don Lippoldt and Keith DonaldlOn were indlvldualJy ·honored Tuesday night al Marina High School 's awards banquet for the varsity swimming team at the Villa Sweden Restaurant in Huntington Beach. Vanity -Captain: Keith Donaldson; Most Inspira· Uona1 : Donaldson; Most Valuable: Don Lippoldt: One of the most persistent criticisms of baseball is that the game is simply too slow and there isl't enoush action . 1be alleged nalion&l past time looks slow, agooi.r.iDgly so, particularly when the baseball and basketball seesoru overlap. After the re- cent frantic pace oi the NBA series between the Lai.en and Celticl, baseball looks like a sport for lleepwalkers. The average football play, from the time the ball is snapped until the whistle blows, rum just five secmds and there are about 110 plays run off in the average game. That works out to about 9;10 seconds oi ac- tion, slightly less time than is consumed in a low scoring baseball game. After that iJ •as strictly catch up for Marina. Most Improved : Lippoldt. r Area Gals But is the game really that slow? During last Friday afternoon's Eastern C<derence game betwem Orange Coast and Golden West College, th.is writer used a stopwatch to clock But gave or take a few seconds •of action, there's JJ'IOl'e excitement and drama watching a Deacon Jones smearing a quarterback or a Lance Alworth running a pa& pattern for a toodxlown than there is in seeing Bob Gibson throw a shutout or Frank Howard hitting a home run. o!I N•wport Harbor twice and Marina In llJ last th ... camea .. ahead of Newport .... Harbor's Bob Leavy. Mafl.n.a•s Dave Klungreseler and Tony Creci made the first team. ~ • Klu.ngre!eter, who twirled 35 straight tnninp or shutout ball at one point in the league campaign, made the team as ulility player. Leavy had an Imposing .500 battJng average, bu! was Umtted In effectiveness after mis,,ing the second hair or the season to a broken ankle. He bati.d .2811 and plafed first base in addition to pit· chlng. Second team choices went tG Westminster's • pitcher E d Bane, Marina's Vlnce P.1olt and Buddy Moen a n d NewpM's Jeff Malino!f, Rich Warner and Leavy. Coach of the year is Bill MclnUre of c ham p i o n Western. Ctecl, a sophmwre, w a s named as lhlrd baseman All-Sunset League • • Player Steve Schoettler Kevin Fox Steve Provengh.i Bill Sterling HO\Vlrd Struble Tony Creel Dan Hansen Tim Sepulveda Will McCartney Phil McCartney D. Klungreseter First. Team School Class Pos Newport Harbor Sr. P Western Sr. P Western Sr. C Anahein1 Jr. lB Newport Harbor Sr. 28 Marina So. 38 Western Sr. SS Santa Ana Sr. OF We6tminster Sr. OF \Vestminster Sr. OF Pi-farina ~Jr. Util. Record 7. 2 6-2 .256 .407 .316 .270 .431 .335 .351 .366 .280 Player of the Year -Hansen. Western. Coach of the Year -Bill P.1clntire, \Vestern. Player Mike Ballantine F.d Bane Vince Moll Jell Mallnoff Gary Mack BobUavy Buddy Moen Rich Warner Jim McCulley Al Barnes Dennis Root Second Tean1 School Anaheim Westminster Marina Newport Harbor Western Newport Harbor Marina · Newport Hatbor Anaheim Class Pos Sr. P J,, p Sr. C Jr. lB Sr. 28 s,. 3B Sr. SS Sr. OF .Ir. OF Sr. OF Sr. Util. Santa Ana Valcy Western Record 7 .4 3-8 .227 .26! .408 .500 .239 .238 .370 .270 .290 Dean Lauded at Costa Mesa Ralph Dean was accorded proved : Steve Lefever and honors as captain and most Brad Borden. . Newport Harbor High Schoof : :dealt Marina a 4"3 deathblow • Wednesday afternoon to end : ·Vlktnl hopes or a C)F AAAA ; baseball playoff berth OD the : IOIS"'s diamond in the final ; Sumet League game of the : year. • Marina. needing • victory to ! finish in a tie for 9eCODd and a : dwlce to meet secoocHeeded ; Kennedy H1il> Fridlj' in tbe : pla,.ns, flgiired io be tight -: and the V!Rs ,..,., Tht "V'ites •refused to quit; came up with thrtt runs ln the third and threatened to pu11 it out in the seventh, but fell short. Coach Ray Allen'; outfit loided tM. b&9e!. with no oub in the third and Pat Curran seal the first run 8Cl'UIS with a sacrifice ny .. Contend valuable performer for Costa Bee Captain : J o n Mesa High School's varsity Marchiorlatli: MV: D ave track and field team Tuesday Crook; Most Improved: Steve night at the school's awards Dendinger. * f:r "fl banquet for the track team. Cee -Captain : Pat Ken-~-. ___ ,the beat: Varsity -Captain: Ralph nedy : MV : Kennedy ; Most vaa.: aivwiu Dean ,· MY : Dean·, Most Im· lmp,oved D Splelhe Golden West outfielder Gary Mari! cer· •-------------'---' -'-"....: __ ''::.'_'_· OEL tainly opened and closed the Eamrn Con-"""""" """" "***"* • Newport Harbor, oo the : other band. with • berth in the : playoffs . auured. played it ; -. and euy. and took ••• ; vantage of erTaUc Marina ; fielding to hand pitcher Dave : K!ungmele< the lou. • The Sailors jumped on } Klungreseter for two runs in : the tint inning and came right -: back in the second with two : more to give starter Andy : Blantm a four-run cushion. : Ttiree Marina e r r o r s : sandwiched around J e f f i Mallnofi's single accounted for : the first palr of runs for ·Newport. ; Steve Ranley's fiy ball aC· Mike Wlttick lashed a single to score two more and Marina was back in the game. tn the final 'Stanza lhe Vikes put runners on second and third after two outs and coach Andy Smith was forced to bring In hb ace hurler Steve Schoettler to put out the fire. Schoettler retired M a r k Crene to end the game. The Vik.es threatened in the fifth, sixth and seventh. Curran was out at the plate on a strong throw and good tag by catcher Bob CUrry in the fitfb. In the sixth, the Vikes put a runner on but then ran into a bang-bang double play. Dave Campbell f o l l o w e d with a harmless single. A KOOi Lanes waitress and J ferenct tmeball season with a bang. He • Fountain Valley bowie' are SCHW •.RZ blasted a home nm in his first corierence •J> conteoom, for d i v i s i o n a I ft pearanct at the plate and ended the season in champiomhips at the gian.t 8 simiku' fashion with a game-winning blast Women'• Bowling Association *'' • •• •******"*'* in bis lest at bat. i tournament. &1emben of Onnce Coast Colle1e's 1tate Over 10,000 women bowlers champion water polo team are LI hot demod Crom throughout California the actual amount or time the ball wa~ in around the Southland. Dan Oristy 11 beaded are competing in the three· play. for UCI wblle Cal State (LOllg Beach) llu month event at Costa Mesa's The watch started when a pHcher began his landed Dou& Redwine. Paal Hugbe1, Mike Kona Lanes, which winds up windup and clicked to a slop when the catcher Wllaoa and Mike Cwmingbam are bowld for July !3. caught the ball or wbetl 1 fool ball was ob-UC Santa Barban. The Kona employ@ who is viously out ol play or~ defensive player had Saddleback Coll~'s baseball team may not putting up a strong showing is a shot ai. it. have set the world Cll fire , but Golden \Yest Terry Chandler. who is cur-08 balls tut in fair territory, the watch stop-coadi Fred Hoover says the Gaucllos' cat· renUy in second place in all r Id cher, Don Sweetland, is the best juNor college events in the E division with a ped •·hfll a runner was ttu-own out, a te er receiver his team faced all senon. 120. ·average and 1,422 total caught a fly or when the ball was returned to Orange Coast's clrll doubles &eam of Na-the mound on a ~ hit. • .. _ omo1 ti pins. Jn singles, she stands se· It took 2 hours and 16 minutes to play the cy Staub and Cherie Kay WOii ..-c a OD cond with a 17S average. ,.._ ,... __ _. ll:Ue at lite a111111al Soutberl Callfonia nine-inning 2-1 decision won by v• ange ......,_ •. -la t IL Betty Lekawa, Fount a In Of tbose 136 minutes, the ball was in pl.ay for womea 'I jaycee tournament 1 wee Valley, stands in third place in g;IS.6, or just enough tim e for 8 good high Speaking oi the distaf( side, gals from 13 the Cee singles division, com-school trackman to run two mile!!I. junior colleges will compete for the state peting against 3,700 women. The remaindtr cl the afternoon was taken jun>or college track championehip Friday at Mt. San Antonio eou.,. .. Betty Ann Freedman, an up by the rituals oi the game-jogging on and San Jote State Collere's 1priD1 football < Hand.ballers j Eye Tourney Orange school teacher. is first off the field , batten knocking dirt out of their I c1o•·• 1~ r pl 1 New,.o•T 10 · n.. 1 off lgn f h f roster s ..,.. w... ormer area ayen.. • 1, r 11 •l>I in 1.ue c ass.ic divis ion doubles spikes, pitchers shaking a s rom t e addition to Frank . Welrath, the Eu&era Z.~W:.!n."t~ ; ~ ! ! play with her teammate, Joan catcher, the umpire dusting off hom e plate, a Collference player of the year iD lM7 from s1tublt, lb l 1 0 0 Bruno of Los Angeles. Mrs. coach naming agm to the batter and °'ba6e Orange Coast, lbe Spartans ai.o hive in w1mer, ,, 4 ' 1 o Freedman stands second in all runner and all those other traditional little : A statewide 5in11les handball s11tton:1. 11 • o o G · • camp offensive guard Don McMahoa from .... all currv, c • e 1 o events 1n the classic division t~ that sometimes seem to drag a game 0 ~ •• 1 d JI F U :tournament ror three-w , F1em1..,, ct 1 1 o e with 1,791 pjns. out forever. range .....,., an m erryman, a De· :outdoor players will be held :tf,'=. !b-<1 ~ ~ f : An Orange County dou bles Strangely enough those nine-plus minutes or backer from Co.ta Mesa HJg.b. ·June 7-8 at Santa Ana College f'•rk1n5, d 1 o o o team, Ann Leming and Rita action stack up favor ably with football which Two ex-Fullerton JC players also are Weat· :and Foothill High In Tustin. ~\~;, ~b ~ : : : Matthews, sland third in Cee is now consi4ered to be the CQuntry's most ing San Jose togs-end Mark Woods and ( Spon30red by the Californ ia Sttootttlt r. 1 o o o o division play with 1 , 0 4 2 . popular sport. linebacker Jim Vernes. -Outdoor Handball Association , Tot•• .w.••NA u1 1t ' 5 1 ..::.:.:::::._.:_::,_:::::,_:~::,:_.,!'.:~::'.'._~:::_-------------;-•••••••••---. :the tournament is open to any Moit. c 111 4 •1 11 1 ""~ :in\.ert.Sted player. Entry fee is crtt1. » 1 1 o o :$5 and the deadline il May 31. ="~• ! : ~ ! A limit of II entries for A, B er-. c1 1 • o o "'and C pl1y has been e51ablish· ~:,~tor,, l : : : .... C1~11.111 J O i t Major League Standings ' Fllml'lt• 111 1 I It 0 . Entries should be sent to Murtli.. ,~ 1 o • , NATIONAL LEAGUE ,tournament committee Nt~~~~~· ,~ ; ~ ~ member Frank Scotti, IUI E. san '1 1..,.1flt1 East Division :Avalon, Santa Ana. H i s NNMrt Hirt.or m -a!. ~ ~ t~ number is ~-3711. ,,.,i... DO.J ooo o-3 J s CHICAGO W L Ptt. GB 2.1 11 .676 SOFT SELL SAM By Marrin Myen ~~~g~11 17 IS .$31 IS 17 .469 ' , n · J.\IW~A !.?Q0~~0'f l19~@: / ~ifl:JgbtPmA l.':> LJ\l \7'il 11\'.J If · MONTREAL 14 18 .438 12 17 .414 8~i 11 19 .367 10 8 ~J ~ fr / / / /I] I ' West Dh-'lslon ATLANTA SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES CINCINNATI SAN DIEGO HOUSTON 21 19 18 '" " IO 13 13 16 21 .677 .594 2'': . Slit l .411 6 .117 81'> ' , ·~ ~! 13 23 NMlltM1 ... 1 •-1t1 Cllk"° l. .... Olteo J Clrle!M911 •· "'HM..,,i. t S.." FttMllQ $, "IUsllUf"lh $ fttw Y.,11 f, At11111l1 J Heus• 2, ~11 St. Leul1 I, L.11 """II I T ... r"t 01,.... • 361 1oi.:i All.nit IJlrtll 1-ll 11 N.,., Yer\ (Cl l"lhotll l·SI (lrtc"'°"'I IC ... ,... 1-IJ 11 Pltll.clt""" fW!i.. WI. ft\eM • OrllY ·-tdledulN A~tERICAN LEAGUE East Dlvlsloa W L 23 12 20 11 17 18 14 16 13 21 6 21 Pct. GB BALTIMORE BOSTON WASHINGTON DETROIT NEW YORI< CLEVEL_AND West DIVl!IOn MINNESOTA 19 OAKLAND 20 CHICAGO 13 KANSAS CITY IS SEA TILE 13 CALIFORNIA II IO 11 12 16 18 t8 .6S7 .645 .486 .467 .382 .Zl! .655 .645 .520 .46< .419 .379 W~1ll...itl Citvellnoll a. 1(-CllY 1. II 1Ni~1 C~lc-.o 11. DITl'Dlt t l1llln'IDl't t. Ml1,.,.W1 t .... 1, Oaltl«ld I New V-S. S.1!11t J C1ll,.,. 1, W15'll"'to11 f , .... .,.. ..... " I • ••; 9'' 13 • ' 7 • C ..... le<'Wt lfllnl M l 11 Kar.wt Cltf (..._.Jvo>d l-11. fll91rT • l11tl,,..,. IMCJMIJt M l 11 111-..-11 (CllMQ J.• (I~ ,.,,.., l-11, lllfl'll CtllC-l..llfWI UI 11 OttraH !M<ll t" ~JI. ,,19111 Orwll """"' ~ .... 1969 ~America Aqllabl~ w/Aulomatlc Transmission ~D SEAL USED CARS FINEST SILICTION OF USID SPOIT CARS -~=-tr t' ~RY~ lllAT TABLf IS J>fSIGNfD FOR i ~LL· BALANCED FAMILIES ONLY.I' \ \.----------------------.. LIN SOUTHERN CALIPOINIA AUTHORIZEO AND PARTS FOR ALL IMPORTED AUTOMOBILES JlOO WIST COAST HllOHWAT -NlWPOlT llACH MJ.'405 540-1764 Allliooliff MIO e AUSTIH0HIALIT - Aollioo .... RltltAll D-. Solos & Sonl<a ~ You did. You did. The Pussycat is a delicbtful new orange-.weel sour lhat .mixet up about .u quick a1 a cat. This nation.al prize winning drink is made with a.,.cketof "lratant PuuycatMi.;' wafer and Early Times. Have iome fun with The Pu11ycaL It's playful. Toplaaetof 4-lOH oi. Pu.urcat1l•UHanclC padi:etaf!f In.tut ~Mix;Mnd$2..95to: &Aall' nMCS PUSSYCAT C.U..SSU P.O. IOX m , MAPL.lftAIN, MIM4UOTA USU The Daily Pllof Covers Boating Best In The West • . ' • , 0 -............... , '· ----'"=•l::::__ _ __:_ ___ _..:_~-----------'--'"-------r "'='--- • CIF Revamps Playo.ff~, No Byes Will Be Given 11 ooochel lnv<>lwd in the mad &cn1111ble r... CD' AMA baoeball plaY'if benho are feeling the aeed now for a glaas d milk to settle their badly damaged ulcers, wait'U nei:t year. Some obelervera have been under lhe ....unplioo !hat «>ly championo would be ad· ,mitted to the playoffs with second place Um:U.ed lo two teems . · However, as it's turned out. three second place nioell have been admitted lo the coveted playoffs in AAAA play from the Channel League and another three almost made it ,,,,,.,,.,,,,,. ROGER CARLSON ................. from the aunset loop -Newport Harbor, Marina and Santa Ana since the openings were there. According to the CIF office, next yeer's playUf format for basketball and ~II m the AAAA, AAA, AA and A, will have no bye daesforanyooe. All spots will be filled by champions, run· nerup twm and even third place finishers if necessary to fill the draw sheets. A special committee will meet to decide ju.st who will be invited to parUcipate from the third place teams am some second place ou!lits. For instance, there is oo.ly one first round game in AA aqUon this year, the other seve n teams drawjng' byes. What this will mean is contenders lo second and lhltd place ln thtlr respective Ju.guts will have a great deal more molivaUon when the finl.liweek ol regular season play arrive3. Last $NSOl'l'I basketball playoffa had spot& open. That woo't happen oext Wnt around. ln AAAA competilion, .Notre Dame had I bye and in AAA battle there were five teams wll!bout a first-round oppooeri.. Tbe fact that these teams that come in at lhe end will be up agam the powers o! Ille playoffs in opening round action doesn't hurt a tllloi. The pmnt is they will mate it -so king u space provides. It will abo tum a lot ol tlllllkieg aroud ID terms of tactk:s. Rad Newpen Harbor coach Aldy SmJtb bowll IUs ttam woald make the playoffs "·betber they ded for leCCJl'.ld or grUbed lt- cood outright, he'd. uDdoubtedly swted llil ace piidter ralhu lllaa gamble like be did with a second pU.cher and Steve ScbottUtr iii relief agallst eventual cluimploa Weater1 Monday aflemoon. * * * Seems about time Neport Harbor scheduled Grossmont High in the San Diego area for a terum match. • . The Hillers have won 128 straight league matches without a m . They've woo their league champj.onship nine straight years. ClF commissioner Ken Fag11t1 baa bttn named CommilsiOoer of tbe new P1clflc Coast Athletic Association. Members of the newly formtd group an: Cal State (Loni Beach), Cal State., (LA), Fresno Slate, San Diego Stile, Saa Jose Statt, UC Santa Barbara and Unlver:11ty of PICiltc. Brea Stars Dominate Orange League Stars Coaches Tab • Th.ur141)', Mat 15, lM Tars Duel Santa Fe In Playoffs • For Newport Harbor lll&b School, CIF basebalf ployolf competition ls not what Sallor supporters would c o n s I d e r commonplace. ln fact, ~hen ccacb AndJ;. Smith's 1969 outftt travel to Santa Fe Springs Friday afternoon lo battle Santa Fe High School at 3 it w i 11 mark ooly the second time the Tars will be in playoff hostilities lhe past t e n seasons. Since Smith has tutored the Tars they have reached the playoffs only once -that coming In 1965 wben Terry , Thompson carried the Sailors to the Freeway League cham· pionship. They were beaten in the first round by Long Beach Wilson. AlfMl.ti P~ GOLF -- IUll.D TOURSnf A STIIONG lEfT SIDE One principle of &olf lowllich I certainly st1bscribe ;, that wh;ch st1t,s, "Keep :rour .. ft arm straight.'' Tho '°"°' in lllu.trotion I 1 h~s ._t his ~ft. arm cottapse. Note tbe bend at the elbow: This weakn.Ss WI his left arm i$ also tndicated b1 the cott-- c.ave ~ at tbe bKk ot hi1 · left Wrist. f f'Om this position ot tho "'9. it io YW'/ clilft<ult "°' lo srico. Ito I.ct, I IMI that mo6l golfers who stice coukl !JOl¥e their ·problems if Utey woukt strengthen theM' teft s~es. I a"-:ote that ..;ddle and hich handicap aoHers regular· ty practice s-'nging wttill: hold- ing -Ille club -"""1 tM loft ""'· Sltess """°"' tho The Sailors are In the playOfts again, b u t withoot ' some of Ille prunary people ·r I \ \ I responsible for past victories. I I l\\ Gone Is Bob Leavy, the Tars' out:;~g t h i r d I . baseman with a .@l batting ""\.. f average. ~ • arm strlicht tt.1:0Wg1tout the bad<swin&-HOid tlM elub at tho k>p of the swing-with no bend at the back of the wrist-for a fe w seconds ttnt~ the lfm col· lapses. He·s been out for the season ~ with a broken ankle since the ~· end o! the first round of ~ league games. '-. •• ""' Mt\, ......... Such a driR w~I greatly Jn. crease y~r t;lub control .~Ad wiU put you into proper poMtiOn at tho top ol JO"" ....... -New ccmplications h a ve arisen for Smith and his crew with the realization t b a t catcher Ron Martin broke his thumb in the 4-0 loss to Western Monday. Golf Roundup Whe ther Marti n can con- tinue at the catcher 's spot, or elsewhere in the outfield, is · doubtful. Off the Greens "ll•slo1• Viejo McDonald were second at '132. CIF Pla11off• S~a Kings, Cavs In Friday . Clash ce ... a· d<l Mar lllgh School enten Ille Cll" AAA baseball p1'.Yolf• for Ille first time In JCboo1 blstorY. but for coach Tom ;..._ !l's geUlng io be •. ~tbobl~ Trapr, -ls In his first Y• 1s coach of the Sea Klnp~ l"U head coach of "" -, __ • li11e¥tn k'11c1 ' Htlrlt ··-" ·-11.Sr!J*r ,. ""-w ... " Ll "'*lef w•w " H. Whtllit't . Pat..-r " k~lt!IY W<-" J.-HtY ·-· " ·-Azusa High for three years and entered the playoUo twict. His 1968 team lost to Notre Dame In the first round. 5-4, and in 1966 his Sierra Le.ague champions beat West Covina, 1-0, before falling t.o Loyola. Now Trager relllTM at th~ helm of a sccond-plact Irvine League club With an overall batting average for the season r18Jilhan<lcr agatnst lnv"'1ln1 Santiago Friday alt<mocn at 3. Chris Thoolpson, ~ senior with a 3-2. league mark, a:ets Ille nod . Santiago was runnerup in the Garden Grove League to Garden Grove.\ Trager says 'his squ.ad ·can win its first-round test if the Sea King.a are able to gtt on top of Santiago's pitcher Bert Blyleven by a couple runs in the early going. .. ,I haven't personally seen him, but from what the Garden Grove coach (Phil Winkler) has told me, he's defi nitely a .major league pro-' spect," says the CdM boss. Rex Snyder at secorid base and Steve Leech will be ready to come in for pitchi{lg ·chores should Thompson fa1Jer. UM Of J87. 4 ~t:i~MIOtl Trager will go with his best ~,2 M111Jon v1110 ' • l SOCAL WINS TWO TITLES S o u t h e r n California Col- lege's spring sports teams have won two Golden State Conference championships and are still in the running fo~a Ntw/:'1 Htrbar i 1:1.: 2 F11Un1tln V1Uev I Co,15 Mtu o M-llt • E•llnclt i ~:'ni1111 Vt!ler J (Olli MPlt I ~11no1:1 ~ L=~lt t f.ovnteln VtlltY 6 COl11 MIW 4 Ma~no!I• • es11nc:11 Prep Golf • ' I • • ! • • I third. vanlt'f' SoCal's tennis team won ils c1111 M ..... 1ui il4l "· v11111 ltouutr (CM) Iott to lttnkln. 11·1'. first-ever loop title by going R1nc1111 ICM def. west, 11.c1. Ol,1111'1 tCM) IDlt lo Hevftrnlcr, 76-n, through si.J' straight league M•v 1ci.t1 c1e1.1t11100t1, IO-ll. • Outfielder Ted Bolton ()f Brea was selected player of the year in the offiCiat All· Orange League baseball team as picked by the Orange Coun- ty Sportswriters Association. the league wilh first team pie.ks with four picks. A.Ll.Oll:A."01! Ll!AOUI: All-league In Baseball Two players rrom Mission Viejo and one from Laguna Beach made the first team or the Crestview League as selected by the ci r c u i t's coaches. And, prior to the final makeup game with Marina, the Tars had lost four of their last five starts. There's little doubt the Newport crew has b e e n hurting In the hitting and pitching department. The second annua1 Anttaler tournament is scheduled Fri- day and will benefit the UC Irvine a t h I e l i c scholarship program. Third plaCf: went to Joe and Lila Yurka aod Barney and Edith Robin.son al 133. matches undefeated and r:.:~·1ti{')'1~·,J~1l1~~~f1. unscored upon . lliirir.i'rnTr.iii~p:;;~iiiijii Coach Bob Reid's trackl l'lnl TNm NCAA Bid team picked off th e second GSC crown by winning the conference m~t by 20 points. The college's baseball team ls still a contender in the WESTERN TELEVISION IND . INC Color TV Bolton Jed Brea with a .395 batting average. Coach of the y~ h'bnors went' to Don Terranove of Brea, who coo.ched his team to third plact in the Orange League after losing its first 10 games in a row, including the first four in league action. Pos.. l'ttttr. SdlHI Aw1. Clt11 C Jeff Tlanl/r1t. LOS Alt •. l.l9 Jr, 11 Jeff Oul!Cllbou~, Bret .?50 Jr. n lob Koel'ller, lffll .m S•. ~ JCll'tn H1mll!on, Loa Ai. •. 41' Jt. 38 Hoel S-. IC1h!H1 .JU Sr. OF Dool! Ktr.fltw, Loo Alt .. J11 Jr. OF O.n C11tler, Std<llet>t~ .Jlf Jt. OF Trd Botton, ll'N .m Sr. P lob HCl'oftlll. te.teU1 .S.O Sr. P Mike Gt"lmwood, Los Alt. 7·1 Jr. UHi Pt ut Llef&r..,.11, Keltllol .l&! Sr. Mission Viejo's Steve Hazan made it al first base.and Mike Gray at catcher while Blair Bollas, of Laguna , was named to an outrield berth. Steve Schoettler has been the ace in the pitching picture but was not impressive against Western in a relief stint. Smith says, however, that if he's able to rest his No. I hurler while playing Marina Wednesday that the team should be in good shape Backed by the Big Boosters' club, there will be pitching, putting, longest drive and closest to lht pin contests in addition to the 18·hole tournament. S.ile, & SPrvice To Chapman,~1ea~guiiiieiiiiraiiiiceiiii. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Brea reversed the trend with eight straight wins in league play. Champion Los · ~amitos led S..:-Tttm ' C HllClll!"', Sonllr1 18 Mdolllltn, Ktttll1 11 Cltrl<, 5on0,, SS .l.lltrt911. Ket!tll 31 L. Sltv11. Stddlebtck OF Slltt", LO!I A.ltmilos Of" A .... o..t, 8ru OF W1ll11111, Vtltnc:!1 P ltrntl. El DortOo P Atll<I. Los A.l1mitv1 Ulll KtU, '-dcllelllek .1111 Sr. ,).«) Sr. .J.jl Sr. .:lGS Jr. .250 Jr. .Jn Jr. .213 Jr. .ltS Jr. •·1 Jr. ~ So. .Jt.S Sr. pitching-wise. The Tars did not have to win against Marina to reach the playoffs. Defending champion Chap- man College of Orange , Sacramenlo Stale and Florida Harold Bell, 71, of Leisure Southern have been selected to WorJd, scored a hole in one on compete in the 1969 NCAA lhe 145-yard 11th hole. College D i vi s i o o baseball He finished the la.hole round playoffs, !t was reported with a gross !!core of 82. Wednesday. "leadowlark Marina H\gh School a« Bob Chapman, boasting a 29-lS ': ~=l•M1 M•r s Abbey chalked up ·six birdies season record and champion "EWl'OltT Baseball's Top 10 Second team honors went to Dave McDonnell, Doug Schmitz and Steve Shapard of Laguna Beach, Tom Berce or Mission Viejo and E r i c Christensen of San Clemente. 1o Fullerton : en route to a 69 at the of the Southern California ~ ~:~T~.Oel : Meadowlark course recently. Athletic Conference, and O Wnltrn • S h · J sA v11'" • Mesa l' erde Sacramento tale, c amp1on ALL·tltl!ST\'IEW LIAOUI ; i~~ 4'l~1mlkl1 : of the Far Western Conference •.Ul!IALL'S TO" Tl!H B.tMd on 50 at I ii• AMl!lllCAN Ll!:A.GUI! "",er (lull 0 .... " " 1'1:1. Ct<9W. Min 2, Ill! 1' II .l9(I fl.trocetU, 1bt1 31 106 21 ll ..Ml I'. llcml"Mll'lo ltl lS Ul ll •4 .l36 S..tr!1no. Ctl 11 SI l 19 .311 O!iv1, Min ?t ll• 19 31 .322 NwJrOlr, NF :U l:U 'l1 U .:n1 lltlr, &II :U 1"4 XI 14 .Jl9 Ne11111, Min 27 51 11 11 ,J16 Ctl!I" O.k JI 12' 11 :?II ,lU c....iN11. Mln 29 11a u ~ .JOt tfornt lllM • F. HOW9rcl, Wnfll~. ll1 F. lto»- Jn&on, ltttlmor.. 111 R:. Jldl;i.on, O.k· Jtnd, 111 PtlrvieeHI, ft,oslon, IOr Mur· aer, N..., Yort;, 10. llMlll ••tteill IR Mun:er, New York, :>61 F. Hcw1rd, Wtt-lllllVOll, :J01 I'. Rat1ln1on. ll1~lmo••· n 1 A. Cankrlll r'O, 8o1ton, 24. Mon. dt1, Ollllt llcl. J•; klllellrew. Mlr1n11<> 11, H. Pll<fll~ i Otcl11Cll't1 MtN•U'f, lltlllmorc • .\-4. 1.0001 Pl!«· Flr11 THm 1~ ~~=~ l Dave Rosenthal and Ted with a 23-20 record, were nam- bu1. 1111im0<e. 4.0. 1.0001 Lv1t. ,,.. NtlM Sdl"" c11u ..... 11:.. J, •,M,,!","",m ,• Foth teamed up for a low ed to the Pacific Coast TOii. :J..O, 1.0001 JDlln. C~!c.teO. J-0. ,, .__ 1.000; D. Cl\e..C., Miflllftolt, J.O, 1.000. Htltll, MisllOtl Vl!fo, .Jr. 11 .1•1 , Wt$1mln•ter ~ score or 57 In Saturday's regional tournament to UC NATIONAL LEAGUE s.i111100. or1nw So. 21 .ln ~ Z,~~l~':ton f men's partners best ball played at Sacramento May 20-~~·i:,, pc:.· ~) ·:) ~ ~ ~::. King, VIHt Ptrk Sr. 31 .~· ~ ~~sY:,1~1 5 event 23 , , NY -'" ,, ,, -1 11:usw1t, vmt Pt•~ sr. SS .~ • ''"'' '"' ' · • I So h 2" H~ A'::;, A!I ;; 101 21 " :iSo Ctm, O•tll90 sr. OF .l.l1 ' A.n11>erm 1 Second place went to Les F orida ut cm, 'r"'I, was M. Jo"''' MH :io 11a 16 •1 .3n a1.a1111 .... Foo1hln Jr. OF .m ~ l'.:'~I~~·· f Dahnes and Glenn H. Jones named to the field for the Mm. SF 11 100 u is ·"° aouu. L111UM Be•~fl sr. OF .31J with a 60. Atlantic Coast regional to be M . .1.1o11. Plllt » 1:111 11 11 .346 Gr•~· Minion vr.1o Jr. c .Jli t Fort s111911il1tn. P~ it 56 1 ,, .m W•nn. Ol'".rilll! sr. P s.J Sunday's Jack and Jill played May 29.JI a ~~M,f"r ~ ,~ ~! f, :~~ ~=, ~\::::::;:: ~~·. : :: Prep TennI•S tourney was won by Mike and Eustis, Va. Menk1. Hin » i11 16 "° .»r Hoyr. Foorri!ll sr. u rn •. m Bobbie WaSC1l and Al and Jean Thirteen other learns are lo c~t<141, Ar~.=. ~u":.-,, Clnc:l11--SKoM TNm Tobey with a IZ9. be named within a week to natl. 1; Wynn, HOV'lton, 11 Mttov1~. 101or1111oer, El MoMnt So. 11 .1w Juni... Vt l'S•tr Bob and Marc ie Buckenhizer complete the four regional s.n Fr""::. ·~;,t:' 1:1111 7• :~n!~.1'~011111 aetc11 ~: ~: :: F• 11111 •1R V•'"11:i.~1 n l'll "11 •"' 1 ' and Keith and My rt I e tournament f I e Id s. •• ~,. ''<·-. ''' S•nlo. Chi~. Jtdlscn. Footl'IUI Jr. SS .2111 Perllltl (FVI def. Lltvwlllle IEI 6·1'1;======================== ''"" "' ~ ltu5S!ll (E! 6--3. Holm1l1ed IE) 6-l, JI; Toten. Clllcl11..,.11. 271 C~, Al· Schmitz, Lt•u"' ltaCfl Sr. OF .Ul M~llOll IE/ 6·1. _ i.nt1, 76; M. J Otltl, MonlrNI. ''' PO<!l lo. Vlllt Ptrk S,. OF .79) Torr I V ) 1ltl LllVW!'lll! (£1 .. P~. Cinr;lJ'l<ll~it<.~~' !':;~~. ~ll~~lo ~:: o: -~~ ~~::: {~Ell ..t.'· Holm11ttd (E), 6-1, ~ j l tlt<;ll!-Mt. TOPllO!n CFV) de1. Ll!vwl'lile (E) , ·• Grew. N~ Yo1'k. :M. l .OCl91 Sta·"'· Mye~ El~... Jr. C .31' A.l'-'t (f!) ~-Lllt'Vw~llt IE) 1""4. . >,.~!' .. ~ . .I~, , A.llMl!it. 6-0, J,llOQ; Mtlollty, C1M111--Ctristemen. Stn Cltmenl• Sr. Utll .• )!G RU1.lf!ll IE/ 6-3. Mtl:Mlll !El 1·1; !ltd : •· •· · • " • • ,. r • Senior Men Await Meet Re11t 11. C1>lc.1111o. .H, l.GOGi MC· ~::,~· LT1~1~~n1 Be.ell s>:." : ;! t°i1s'!::·~~\ ~~1~ 6·), Honul1MI !El 6-1. I~·' "'I .-~ RzAL ,~.~itJdi · n1t1 . .:i.o. 1.0001 &.ldlolwll. Stn D~ Most v 11u.1D11 Pl•Y•' -R11ue11, v11. Hamiriac1 El 6ifoub111 ~.'."'.~:.:\· ,~11::::\ tlARRY'~t.i:;yt1,NTE ... RS · 111\·:~~·.;,. · r_ .... __ .... _. ________ 1p;'··-·-·~-----------""~""'ii;;~--'~-i;iii,';;i'~"~'-'~·;;'·;';;";;";;";;'"ill "_..-..,..-·.··. -~-.... ~· <" .. ,. , , , .. ~ I.\ • ·• I··;·: .... • .. :·~~;_;.;;:• 1·., • ,_,(, ,',",,.',;.--;.._ .•. ~ ·. "'• -~·.;~·-1 ~;' .. \ ,,,,,,.,,_., .... :.i. ,.:\i~~ Orange Coast College will be the site of the first district level track and field meet for veteran age group competitors ~1ay 31-under the auspices of the SPAAAU. Previously. compclition in the veterans group, 40 yea rs and older, was restricted lo the national level. The meet at Orange Coast is being co-sponsored by the Costa ~iesa Recreation Department and the Senior Track Club. To be eligible for the meet, men must be at least 40 years of age and be a member of the AAU. AAU cards may be o)>- tained for $2. Events on the program In- clude the long jump, high jump, discus, shot .put and running events: ranging from the 100.yard dash to a kn.ile run. BasebaH-· "'"1&1' LllMi\11. tl'IMlll W Lll• II ~ -. . ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' ' . ' .. ' .. ' ,. 7 CORONA DEL MAR TENNIS CLUB Invites You To Join This Friendly, Private Club .•. JOIN THE FUN SPECIAL , •• CUP THIS AD! GOOD l'Ol $10.DD ON ONE NEW lllMIEISHIP or.., ~ .... J"'' 1, '"' Slftl .. Dull9 Slt M11nth f•mlty °"911 $15 t• $20 Mentt. JOIN AND QUOT: lrW ... ''"""' p'eof, TV. Ch .... l..lflM 0.ya, lnfllf'· clult rftlltCMt. menthly hlum1rn.rtt~ PLUS .,. for only $5.00 you 9•1 $17 worth of it11m1 •nd sttvices in our n11w un iqu• 9u11st coupon book. COMl'l.ITILT STOCKED no SHOP LESSONS FIOM TWO 1'105 t,ank*M•kll~m 1'-"fM °"'8~1ter Chlrtt -uo1 __ c.._Hwy. --u - Ttltp••••: 67).1711 • ... ~-,\ ... ·.v,. ...... ' .. "·~" ~ • ····~ ... .:::~~:;~"7'i:::::~·:::: .. -. ;; . , ! , .. -;:'.. :·-: •• ~ 1~:.,.":';-;.:,.,7 •. --t ·'' .,~ .... ,t ........ -·--:-:··· .......... -· • , I ,. ,, .. ""' . ..., ····.-: .. ----~~ • • •, 1 '{"'1. ... 1_.. .• •'"" .,.,,,_.._,,. ..• .-• ( f .. · ..: • ~·· ~; .. ~.-·::..·-;:;:............... ~1 ~~ . ,· · ... c··;· ~-.-.... ;.=..·.~-• '··.~: . . ·~ ,.. ...... ~" ···~ ... ··~· .~• ... -. .. o •>1,Y«;:,.,~·1 f 1'·..,,~•j•' 11 •\I ' .... •'.· ' ·, .. ;.;, ' .. ~ .. ,·£~;:~.:· '-,. ~' ·' '! r.-·;.-j·: ...... •·:~ \' . ·~ ..... -. ..-...... , .~ •.:.• lt"1•; r=·"':"~(~· . . ' ;. ·;. ;-:, ...... ~ . ~ ·~',. ... f,.) .. ·I···'· . I ...... ,.. .... < .-; ~"· •I I;,.•• . .._. f" • : . I . .. r ::.: -1. , 1-, I <.1 ,t I' •I • .... .. ./I'''·.< J "",......;-·~·~-CJ''"":..< TOP PRODUCER Harry H. Winters III was named top producer for the first quarter by Terry Mccardle, Manager o! THE REAL ESTATERS, Harbor & Adams·ofiice. Let's take a quick look at Harry's background. Afl4!r studying Mortgage Banking at Stan!ord University, Harry worked as Operations OWcer (or First Western Bank : Orange County Manager for a subsidiary of Western Mutual Esc~w Corp- oration, and Business Development Officer (or Stewart Tille co. He was Branch Manager for T. J . Bettes Co., malting FHA and VA loans; and vice-- president-owner of callfornia Tax Agency, Inc., a Real Estate tax firm. Harry's activities involved him In the presidency of baseball's Pony League. vice president of Serto- mo Club charter member of toastmasters, mem· ber Junior Chamber, Cha lnnan project pipe line knowledge : member of Cortac and member Or- ange COunty Chamber of COmmerce. Harry. his lovely wife Jeanie, and their two ~hlldren Gina and Janue llve in Nowport Beach. With this background, can Harry help you wit~ you r Real Estate needs? You bet~ can! But mate him prove-It. Call Harry, 546-2311, yod'U be Jlad ~~-. - ----------- It's DA ILY PILOT 2 -for -1 Day OU T AT THE OLD BALL GAME PILOT PETE INVITES EVERYONE TO SEE THE ANGELS PLAY BALTIMORE . SUNDAY, JUNE 1, AT HALF PRICE 61t two r•••rt0.4 111t tick1h fo• tha Su!M1y tfttrnoon, Ju.,1 I, A1191l1 v1, Oriol11 91111• •t Art t h•il'll St1dium for th1 norm•I pric;1 of on• tic;k,t, ll uy on1: th1 DAILY PILOT,;.,.,, y1u •1'11.I 2-$3.50 2-$2.50 TIC Km FOR TIC Km FOR $3.50 $2.50 You c;en r11•rv1 1n ontir1 11ction 11 full two 111ts. lut ,.t your 111rty to9•th1r l'tOW end ll'tti1 111 th• ord1r liltnli: liolow with chock Of l!IOPllY erd•r (110 Ctlh, p1ttll) tnd hurry, c.1Jl/n1 fer fickl'f ordtr1 is May 20. Act Now for Best Seats All 2-for· 1 Tickets Are Sold 'First-Come, Flrst~Served' r---------., I I I I I I I I I I I en, ..,, HI. win ,._. .., ......, -"-· '9: J.t.r-1 ....... .., o,.... c.... Deify ,.... c;o,_-....,.. IJt W. hy Stt.et, ~--M .... Cefif. tJ•J1 f PLIAll PllNTl I I I I NftfM ···•·•••••·•• .. ·•••·······•·•1•••••·•·•·•••••••••••••·-----·-1 lltftt ······~······ .. ·-···············-··--········--···· .. •• .. ··- CllY ............................................. Zito ••••• , _____ _ P'~ ........................ ,.-•.••........... EMii., •• _ ••• '. __ _ 1 .............. I 1111111.-aMftif ~ wm ... Mfll IO IN llt' fl'Mll, I ll!ldlt•lttld fiM'rt c:an t11 1111 t•dlt/WI " I l•ltt" oteklt It ~ _ ...... ' I I I '--------' .. ' ' , I 1 ---------------·------~-·-----~----- • 11111. V JOILOT • Did Army Repeat LBqAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE SU'••toa cou•t °" TM• NOTIC• 011 IA.LI tTATI °" CAL.ll'CNINl4 ,.. 1,. t<Uf"llolollUI wllfl"" .... v111M1 .,,,.. .v,1••• cov•T ., TMI ) T..t\W TKI COUNTY o• OllAN•I C•Ufot"11i. Utllfof"ll'I eon-tci.1 c... •TA.Tl °" CALl'IHINIA ,o. 10, ..... COUllT Of' TKtl ..... A"*f 1t1ttt --M W ,,_.hi 1tv ... tw TMa COUNTY 0, oa.tr.N•I STAT• 011 CAUNNINIA POii Mistake on Ta.nk? NOTICa 011 NIAii,._ ... l'fl"lTtoN "°"IUI Do!! M.fllll ~ & SMf-lft. A..-rJ TMI COUNTY Of' ....... ,Oil '•OIAT• ., Wl\;L 4'110 f'Oll • l:fllllNod ... I~ •1 w.,.....,..._ ... NOTIC"I °'" Mll.U:IMO 01' PtTITION .... A....., LITTllll Tlt1'A.MINTAllY Ifie tooct1 11itrlllMnlot llncttbtd •NI -PO«. llHliTI Of' Wk.L AN• t'Oll NOTICI Of' NIAlllNO OJI 'ITITIOJI f"•lt of AL•lllT llllTTINGHAM. notkt r.evll!s bttfl t l¥tll t9 Nr11•11;_,, LITTl•t TllTAMINTAllY .... PllOMTa Of' WIU. MO POil Jlt .. D«MMd. _ to ti.Im •11 h1,.,ttt ""'1•1ft eNI Ille 11,.,_ t.Mrt 11 £\.WOOO •AfOfLL, Llnl•I Tlt1'AMINT,UY NOTICI IS MlllllY OlVfN T~I IH<lf!M 111 WCI! ncilkt fro!' t•HMllf of DKuMI!. Elle,_ °' LILLIAN ll. ,AODOCI(, •• WASHINGTON \AP) -A confidentia l & o v e r n m e n I report la)'li lbe ¥my push ed Its probR!m·ridden ~erlden tank JntO produCUon \o. avoid cr itlclsni and poS&lbl.c b1,1dget cutb:lcb, lhcn repeated the m istake with a r efilled version of the M60 tank. A.LllltT A. lltlTTINOHAM lltJ llltd ~udl ll•vl"' t•JOl•td. ncirlct i. lllrt°" NOT ICI! 11 Hlltl•Y 01\lt"N T"'1 ~-ti LILLIAN ltOSf f'AO OOC:I(. Pltttlfl I Mtllltn lot" tr•lt of Wiii '"" flWll ""' 11\eM to0R WIM 1111 .. Id 11 Jtc-lll'le Mot-hi fllM l'tfrtlll I -°'<tft9d, th She "•• j M J"".I klr ktllMClt of Lttltl1 TsltlMll!el'Y It llUOlk. •IKI'°" 11 Wl!Wr't AudllHI .. fllo tttloll tw llftfMt. ol wlll .eiw fot ~ NOTICE IS Mfllfl Y GIVEN Ttltl If. e rw.11 n ay -TIM MllllDnlr, """lit•,. Wl'lkll la ~ 307JVI N-1 ~ ..... (I" of , .. ,. of Lett..-. TMltJNINory .. fl'etm-.-Marlwt. TY• llu ntW ...... II • Ml~ .. ltho •• ti I kit ,..,, • .,., NrllwlM&. .,.. ""' lht lltnt """" ,....,,.., of o...,,... Sltte "' "'"""" " wtlkfl I ~ " ~ ,,, ..... h ., WIN .,.. ... ~ ,,,, a u.,, no conven on.a am-_, .i., • ., hw•lr.e "" ...,,.. ,.., llffn ce1111>n11e, on "" Uro Mr " Mar, ,.,.,, ""1c"1e"' 11111 ltlat 'ttw 11 ~ Jtc. LtHtni T1ttef'l'tfl11rr " 111t "'1flenlr, munition had been developed Mt"" J1111t '· 1"'· '' •:• 1,m .. "" ""'' ''"' O'clDdl II.lo\ "i-r1t1t ll'tf-"' .,.:a ... ,,,',.....,,_....._. " W111c11 r. _. 1w f¥l'ttltl' .. COUftr-. " 0..•flflllftf No. I "' MIO Tiie IOllCIWlnt Utt k • IN'i.f deKrltllOll ,. lNt I t '° • Nrlkultn, •NI tl'llt fflt '""" 1"411 "Iii.cm for t.ht weapcn, the report ~1. e1 * w .. 1 1r.1111111 srfMI, 1 .. "" llf ,,.. ..,...,.., to 111 tow: 0.;...~ ~ 'i"'tt 1" ::' *rr-r~., "-""" "" -"•• *" NI ..,. Mn '.YI cnr of ""'' Alla, C•lll ..... 1,. LClt Numblll': .oc. H'IM " 0Wl'ltr! W"t Ii! ... ~. ··-· ' u.,. ,-,-•. • .. ' "· 1Ht. •I '''° '''"" Ill "" <94111-"' ' °"'"' Mllr U .. Ifft, Y"llMI $CMekM-r1 A"ICll#lt lhotr N1.... ..,, • 11 " 11 1 0..trlmtllf Mt. S el Nl<il (lollr1, •I 1llt "T est tt:potls had s hown a W, e. 1T JOHN Oeled ,, ,.,.,. MM•, C.llfor11J1, MIY s. Mr:~:.·i::-:1:· '"' w .. 1 Eitlllfl Srr.tt. \ti "" CltJ' "' .. 11ta C1111nly Cltrk lflf, ' ,t,M, C1llttr11l4o. COtltinOOUS problem With the DUlllYIA.. CAlllPI MTlll t, •AftNtS Wlnd"f't Aud\Cln air" r· li!f, 'J .. J~HN D•lacl: Mty 7, lfff. -ventional ......... unltlon Jn.."' o.v., Orlye Pu~llslled Or•n" c.-11 Dtll'r Piiot, ,LYNN i':'o 11Al1111l•Y w. e. ST IOHN. ~UH .......... .. ,......,. .. KJll. C•llfw111• Mty .. I,, ,,., ffl .. , . ' C-t'r Cltrt. c I u ding residues m isfires A"-'1'1 .., hnlltll.,. :_: :""'-'"' c~ '"'-""'"' ALLIN KLINGl,..Ml'TM • ' T11t MJ."" LEGAL NOTICE ' ' 1m1 •tfdl ~ prematures. s moke oblcura-P11b1i.titc1 °''"" c .. ,. 0,1.., Plkl!. ,,1, 4tnJ t1NoW .... Kat ... lleMfl.. c.w. Lion and lhe lnabJlily Of the Mir 1~' "· 22• Ifft • ''2 .. t ,N)4ff ~-0r'::~cr.ut O..!IY Plitt, :=..!!~4>..,.~IMtr As a result of rushing pro-cartridge .:ase to withstand LEc •• NOTICE ct•T1ff1CAT1 of' •us1N1s1 May 1, ,, 11. tNt "°"' f'llbtl•'*' Or-• C...st D•llr P11t1. U be{ lh bu J. l'U.I l'JCTITIOUI KAMI fN1 1, t IS lNt "'-" due on ore e gs were humidity, tbe GAO says. Ttte urlder•ltnH 0ot1 c•rttfY 11e 11 CCII'> LEG., NCYrICE ' ' • · ed l th G I A NOTICa TO ClllOITO.I duel~ 1 busJMU •I nt-L wnt ltth n.&.. iron OU , e enera c-LEGAL NOTICE 1UP11tto1t cov•t OP TMI street, co.11 Met.• .. c.utomta. 11.....,. 1,,.l------,,=,,------I LEGAL NcrrICE -·nUng Office Sa"S, man" of STATI 01' C4Lll'OllNIA POiit nctlllClu• firm -"'"MOUSE OF IAT· 114M11 ._...., / .1 THI' COUNTY Oft OllANOI T£11:1f$" 11111 !Mt ... kl firm 11 ~tld ClllTll'ICATI Oii IUS!HISI ._.. the tanks have been stored to 11-mlt Mt, A..UU fJf the fotlewlnt ...--. ~ "'nit. In l'tCTl'TtoUI NAMI Cl•Tll'ICAT• Oii eUllNllt ber SUPEll:IOll (:>UllT OF TMI! o!'''~ of GflTll:UOf s. Tlllflt, h..U "'°•lice"' rttldtncoo 1, •• '°'"""= Tiit ll'llMriltrlH dCI ttrtlfv 11\ev .,. f'ITTITtoUI NA.Ml. await modifications ' ore ITATI! 011 ULll'OINIA ,01 ,..&~ici It HE1f8Y GIVEN .. Ille GltM w. L Ulk, I02l DDllnrllrooil OMllUdlre • bull11H$ .. ,... ll•rldoi..ri Tiit .....w.i.Md'"' ctrtffv hit"~ ... they can become operational. THI' '0i:.11.,.%,0 •ANGE cm 1.,, ., ,... •tev• "',,,... oeuo.trt ~·:. ~" 1~ C•ll!Cltnl•. s1 ... C•t• Mew, C.IHoml-. 11...,. "" 11<-"""11,. • ""'''""" et ,.,, Pllctnttt. c ... The G AO. audjtjna arm o( NOTICE Off NIUINO OJO l"l!TITlON 111.t 1M --Nlv"'9 clalrnto aQtlMI tl\f 1 Git ' W L ~ llllllUI fir"" NI,... of PACIFIC YACKTI 11 Meu, C•rlfot"~lto, Wiider IM fktl"-"e 1'01 fl'•OIATI 01" WIL.L AND l'Oll MIO ~ml ,,.. rMUlfH M Ill• them. 1,1, r • U • MFG. CO. t lllll lt!el Mid fir"' It~ tlmi n1ma of lfE LINI! l!NCO Congress, comes down hard on LITTlltl TISTAMINTAltY wllfl "" riff_,., _,,., .. , In 1ht oflk.! $ °" :!.;·,~:·. =: ~°"."~·Nolll'Y :!,r1e.,::r~ "?~~=. "~":":1 !': ~E~IC~1.:::,,.t11e::.: ,,:::. '::':": th. Arm". E1t11t "" STANLEY L MKMILLAN, "' tllit cltf'll "' II..-•bClvt tlllltled ~. fl( Publjc: In •Ad ltr 11W S!•I• .. ""°"'Ill' Jtlfts• •·ti 1111 I "' tll0et1Ct i. It fe llllWt .. J • . 0ec .. .-.c1. to J•eMnl ltllm, wltll .... MCUSll'Y ·-'" Glel'lfl w LUii! knClwol -me IO k . "" I .... I , •<• ' . The Anny purch ased ma-NOTICE IS HEll:E8Y GIVfN Tt11! YWCl!lri, fll !tit ul'l6toltned ''· """ oftlu be Ille HnOfl ......:. "'"" II IUMullMcl tot w.: ........ "9,, ~~~.'"'M,~ c:i=~ M~~rlO: Gomet. 71' w. Wllstll. '"111 jor. weapons and Lraincrs ~~\:~ "· 1~C:!:~e ":: '~'!':: ~;111 ,; :irt:f. ~=---~~n!n1~0:o:,' = "'-w1tt1~11 !1<S1rvm1n1 •no •tkllCIW~td 1t911tr? J. wu1r.,., nt wu,,,., No. i, o.teoi A••ll 30, 1u•. \Vhich Will require substantial ~·i: er f'f \tillers ~~t•~"'bf"r to r ~ !!': =~;!°~~:~lie 111e~';:,1~~ ~F•:r~r ... t' s~U""· ~,: ;:.-;•, ~:..1119"'11' STATE ";~'klA~iNIA Still Going Strong modifications before they will :~ ~~1c~;!~' •IKI ~~''\,.. «.:: .: .e1d dee-tent. 11W1t11111 ,_ ,,....!hi t1ltf . = ~~1~~.utoml• H • ..,•••ld ·,.._ w•,i.n!•""' couHTY ol" OltANGE l "·.,, r lly •t bl f I u I htl ! '"' hU Dietl I ... ftf.t •WNc.tloll Clf "''' llOflct. r ,.., • .. °" ,t,erll ... IHI. befor• mt. • .,.,. be U SUI a e Or Opera-o' Cl 'j" ~~11 '' D•IH April 11, 1t6f Pr nclol l Offlct In S"t. sf C1lllor,.i.,, Or•nte Counl~i P11bllc 111 .,Id ~ uld Sflh, --lh' · I lot Ml~ ;>t, fft, •I f .:IO t .m .. In ll\e Miry Ellulllllll McM1Hloll Orenee Counll' Oo! INY I , Ifft, belor• "'*• • Mott l'Y ••"''" ,.trkll G-1 k,_,. .. 11'11 be ltona use. , toY•'"""" of O.Nrtf'llllnt M11. 3 ol ·~Id • E•eW!rlx of ,,,_ wm of Mv COl'lll'ftli11on E11,1,..1 P11D1lc "' •rid ~ 11ld 11.t., ""°"'11'1' be th• 1><1•i.on wllDI• 111r111 11 1Ullecrlhd !\1rs. Mary Guess, who wa~ born four years ,befoi:e the start ol the Civil War, cuts cake on her 115th birthday this week. Born in Yazoo City, Miss., She still does sewing, washing, ironing and keeps her room clean at VinceMes Manor nursing home in Chicago. She says she remembers when 11 years old hearing the news of Lincoln's assassination in 11165. "Apprciable q u a n l I t 1 e s cau•I. 11 100 West Eltllth si .• '" "'' C•tv "" •l!Clve "1"'*' dtudent Ju .... tl, JtJO .. Ht rH H•rold A. Wllllams •11111 lototrt "'.,.. w1111111 INIMN11t ""' Kk~ . • of Santa Ant , C"llornl•. Ml!'NL.l'n I . cox Publl'91td Qt"*' (NII 01llY 1"11111, J. w1111:i. 11:_,, to me to be tt" "'-lie eDcuted "" lfl!\9. were authorized for production 0.191;1 ~., 11. *"~ Nt ~..,., 11,..., M•r 1. u, 21. n. 1m HUt w11ou ,.."'" ,,, 11111Kr1btd 1o"" w11111ft lOFFrctAL SEAL! despite known development ~ e,~ 1c1;~HN, 1n11t......, c1111tr1111 mn LEO., NCYrlCE 1 ... tn1111ent e1\d •cknowleflH 11111'1' r•· Mllrv K. Htnl'Y · • • M • O •5o'OEN & A°oKIHSON Ttl: U1U 'l'MUt nu •C\lltd "'• .. mot. NlllltY Pu~Uc • C11llornl• deflc1enc1es. A WO o, Ati.r111r -El!Klllrhl: !OFFICIAL SEAL) Prl"C!NI Offk• I" Ht N ........ I Clnltr Dr. Pit-HU'.! P·llMI Miry K. Htnrv Ort-Ceuntv ~llf ""rll)~J Kto c 1 Pu~llllltd Or•llff COii! 01!1~ Pllol. CEll"111'1CATt: 01' COll:JOllATIOM "Oil N11l•tv lluhllc-C1Ufor"l1 M'/ Cornrnlultll IEx•!rll twl'O t ' • . Mir I, IS, 22. 1'. "" .. ,.., Tlt4N$ACTION 01' IUltHllS UNO•• Prlncloll Offlct 1" NOY '" ltn "As a r esult many of the Al~-:b':T:11::· 1:·~:~.:: .. Cotti 01!ty Pl lot, l'ICTITIOUI NAMI Or111ut Countv ,UDlllhH . Or•111• CO.II D•11'1' lll!llf. · LEGAL NOTICE Tht l,/llll•til9nH C11rPOt1H011 *' M'/ C11r11mk1lo~ l!x11lr11 M•r 1, 1, I!, 22, lflt lli-£t weapons were put into storage M•r H, 15. •"If '1• 1"' "1-'' her~ cerfltv ttitt tt 15 tonchidlfl• 1 Nw, ''· 1,n rather than issued ' to opera-LEGAL NCYrlCE '"'"" i>er!Mil sel'Ylc• bu51nes' ,, Ha. 34 JOllu Puti u1hed Of•111• co1s1 0111Y Pitcit, · • h el d 'd So111rr. Oo:.nge, C1lllllf'nl1 11nc11r IM flco Mir I, 1s..:n. 7t, lt~t l&Ut Llonal units and l er ore I CllTl,ICATI 01' •USINEjS lltlo\ls llrni Mmr Cl! POO •NI ""t ••kli"::...::....::o;::,c::c..:::...,.,,=,,,.--=:.::1-------;-;:;;;------- f lllCTITIOUI MAMI ' I is LEGAL NOTICE p.JtJll nol add lo the combat e. SUPERIOll·~~~~~ 0, TME Tiie 11ndtr,1u-;i Oo •'''llf'I Ille'/ •re ~":t1C111, '°':eecl ~rt!:T~.~1'°:~:, Cllf'ei Cl'llTlfflCATE. O" IUllMIU PUT IN STORAGE LEtlAL NOTJCE Nixon Eying Change In Planning for SST fecliveness of the Army as ST.t.TE OF CAL.IFOltNIA l'Olt COndllCll':"I • but•lltU I '°'' CUff o~ .• buslllell" IS fflllo .. • P·lWS fflCTITtoUI NAMI J ed " th l TME COUNTY 01' ORAHQE Ntwoorl BNdl. Ct l[for11l1, llfldtr 11\t foe· Hime frf CorPol1il011' POO tHC CttltTl .. l(ATI Off IUjlNISS ~~tl::r;-!~iw!' ,c:7:Z w":J 1::i:' p ann ' e repor says. H•. A-.tmJ 11110"" firm "'"" of 0 .. s l;W· PrlnclHI l'IKe "' iin~I: Ni, ,),j fflCTITIOUs NAME A COpy Or 'he 10.g·awailed NOTICE OF HfAlllNO FOi A'· TElllllltlSEi •1111 tl'lll Nld llnn ls com-Pl.lzi S.111re "''"'"' C•lllofnl• Slrtel, Cosl• ~N. C•Utornlt . llll'Mf , ... • l'OM<I of tM klllowlnt .eri.ont. wtlclse ' -1 • The Ulllkril1n«1 do ClfllfY" ltiev lrt 11dttt.ln ti"" ...,... '11 MAll:IUNG SUI'· document dated February ;~~s~~~NT OF 5 u • 5 T 1 T u T E "'m" 1n fun '"" .i.cn llf rnl<lenct i re 1.p":111"'~~~5 1" "•rid1 1111' ""' ~'1 "' c111111uc11111 • bllslnes• •• COit• M~. PL y coMl'AHY •rid 11111 ukl llrm 15 !l69 · bl · ed b 0 l5tcllM nu. Ctlll ,,0_.11 c•I •• lo\IDws: ' po() INC C1!11«"i., urldtt 11\1 lkt!lloll9 flmi compo•ed of the fClllowl~ ,.,_, wllosl 1 , \VaS 0 atn Y Eil•le al AlFREO M. COKER, H1nild a. O•wson. 1001 Clitl Orlvt . Roo~ I . McErllnt. llll'l'>f OI IHTEll:HATIOHAL PROPERTY n•mes In fllll 1lld Jl•cn le retldtnee •rt reporter OeceaM<I Mr-' 801dl. CIUI. PrnkHnl MAltKfT ancl ltit l Hid firm i., ~ 11 tollllws: · ' . · y G '" .. ~ Wlll1'm 8 . $Plfletr, 20Cll (llH Dr., ' ' 1 ' --of tht follewifttl -111111&. .,.,_ Jolln W He11ll l M., :m l!•tt 6'1h Th report Cr''t1'c1zes 'h e NOTICE IS HEREI_ IV '"" I NtWPOrl BtKll CtMI .... 1 M. zurn '· .. ' •.• "' -.. I-..... • •• --~ c 111«11!• e ~••In• fot 1t1e •-t111,,,.n1 OI TH E • · • SKretary n1,....1 • 11 "' • ' re1 "•"• .. Diii t.....-•. • · Ito Arm" for "the use 0 f 8ANK OF CALIFORNIA, N 1 11 0 n' I Oltoed AP •ll •• 1"' STATE OF CALIFOllHIAI dence ••• •s follows: . Fr1ncl11a M. Hlrllt, 151 E•rl ., J ' . Auod•llon •• , SU8STITUT£ TR USTEE Httold 8· 0·-COUNTY OF ORANGE l n Slllrlt'I' M.. JackSOll. 2511 VI.Ill Dr., W•v, LOfl!I •••di. c.u1or11l1. \VASHINGTON {AP ) Th by a technical engineering budgetary cons1derat1on as a Ol lt\e Trusts creeled under 11\e 1.111 w111 STATE OFw~~7'FJR~l'.:"'i'' on 11'1.ls mh d•v OI Apru," ,,.,, llllfore ,..._, lt•cll •. C11!1ornta. O•leol Aor!l 15, lH•. -~ -e ma). Of factor in approving pro-1nd Ttsltmtnl of lht decedent, Ms Ileen COUkTY OF ORANGE ) SS. f'ne. E. G-Crel11. • NolltY J ulol!c Jn ll C1r11I K. S91tt1111h&r,C ~~1CornmoOor John :. '!r'~' ~;; \\'hite Clouse reportedly is s lu· group • . • 1et to• Frloa~, J11ne 6, ltff, •t '''° 1.m. 0 1 N •nd tor wld C0\11\h-.,,.. S!•lt . ,.1klf"ll 11·• Ne-.t ••< ' • '""" •· Frill< 1 • • duclio~ ~uthor1~tlons ' for the in ti.e toY•lrODtr1 of oe11111mont Ho. l o1 P~lcA~~ 11~ 1~:· 1~;:,0•;,,';~· :e,,;!:~1~ niereftl, e1u1Y c111nm11110110o 1nd 1wofn, O•ttd s~ir~~ 1Ii.1~k'°" S~ t~:1~~~.oi:=-! ~· Net•ry ~ying a pla n lo revamp the Volpe. chainnan of the $1.3 billion Sher idan program ~Id court,'' 1(IQ w. Elo111n sirer1. In tne •-••ed H•ro1c1 a . 01,,,,10" ,•nd Wlllitm "'"""""' ""'"'''" ttooer 8. McEr!IM Ctf'lll K. Sh .. •••• Plltllk In '"" tar .. Id 51,11, ,..r1.111at1Y . . • Clly ol Stnla AM. Colltcimll. •. SHnetr, know n 111 mt to lie Ille 11111 Ron.111<11 M. lrllmll• kllOW" lo mt fll be STATE OF CALIFORNIA I rid JOHN W MARTIG, Jll t M f(>nlroversial s u per s On i c re V i e w committee, wa s and the M60 mochhcat1ons. O•red Mllv '· lfft. • H•IOlll wnase' ..,1'"'' are tub:lcrilllld ,0 1ne Prei1oen1 ""d Secrr!trv 01 ttl• cof· l!lllAHGE cO\J NTY I ss }':°r,.CIMA M HAii.Tio knCIWll te "'' k> I th r th M60 th W. E. ST JOHN, Counh' Clt•t 111 wltf\!n Instr mtr1t •nd t tlniowltdlltd "r1tl1111 lhat exttll!H I~ wl"11" I,.. • · bKrlt 1.ransport -SST -program unable to resolve s harply n e case o e , e 1o•E1TsON, MOW5EI & GAILANO 11' 11 "•vment on behall of tne t<On•o•tt!Ofl On Aprll n. lN,, betere me.• Noi.r, 1111 Ille peuons,wtlose 111m•1 ''' su • t Lhe Arm y •>4• Ctmt11:11 Orlve, 1 tV txecu!ed the simt. 1 1h"eln "'"""'· •rid acknciwledeed to ,...,, J ubllc In lt'ld for" .. lei SI•!•, Jtf'WNlllY ed fll "1t wllllll'I 11\JlfUl'flllllf •nd in a n effort to open n ew divergent opinions of its m em-repor says, . Ntwttrl 111e11 C•litorn11 ,,.., R~rt 8· ltublns!o " 11111 wc11 cor1><1••ll"" ••rcvlftl 1111 11me •PPe••ed s111r1tv. M. J1ckM1t1 ,,,. <•rot K. 1tkMwledted lll•Y u rtulld "'' N,,,.. • hesitated to hold up produchon Ttl: UH) ~11os4M ~11:•rr ~u~;f • f •lllornli WITH£1S m1 ti•nd •nd 0111c111 1e11. • Shtucier kno'M! to m• to be !ht pers011J !OFFICIAL SEALl , means o( financing and ease be.rs, and submitted to the • " fl At11tN1t'/1 • nc •• « " coFFICIAL SEAL! wri111e ""'"" •r• 1ubsulbed 1o "'' w1111111 MH1n M, oos111 because this would r e ect a Published O••n~• Ccias! O•llv l'llol, Or1119e ,corntv 1 E Gene c,.;,, 1,.11rinri1nt •nd •tkllOWIHtld thno ex-Hol•l'Y lllltltlc • C•l!hl•nl• fears about sonic booms. White House a sec rel report lack o f confidence in the M•¥ u. "· 11. 196' •:i.6t ~~. c:,'"1';';110" E~P '~ N~1.,., P11bl1c • c..111ornl• ~~::C:c'i":L •;i;lli ~;:,':"t:!: 111 The proposal would put the expressing all the points of syste m which could generale a LEGAL NOTICE Pubtlihe<1 O•anee Cot11 0111>,o P\101, ~~~::•b,~~~! In Mi rv 8 ,111 Mci""" MY COl'flmlnlon E~Jlru view. . . b th B Ml'/' I , 15, tt, ,,, lNt 19649 M ' . •• ' Na.l•l'Y ,ubll<·C•lllor111• Apfll :u. 1t10 program directly under the re~xam1nation Y e urea u .... :.u ri"~;~~"'" u l•e• Prlncl p11 0111u tn Miit!! M. °""''" Allw""' sec-•·-of transporta"on. Nixon is expecled soon of the Budget and the Depart-P·llJt' LEGAL NOTICE W•ll•c•, 1,1_· ,114 Cr1lft, o r'"'' c ountv s111i. 421 u1111t1 a11111 •-•rt ___ , " poss1'bly th1"s eek ' k CEITIFICATE OF IUSINESS Atltr .,. ,, L M'/ Cornl!llHlon E•Flrt1 °''"''' C•llf9'111• ""' \\' -0 ma e lTient of Defense and could FICTITIOUS NA~E NOTtCE TO ClllOITOll Ill c:_.,., Ori¥~~· AJtl1 '· 1t11 Tilt 1710 hS-2924 The project to develop a 300· known the SST fu.nding pro-possibi" result in cancelling tne 11ndersk1neC1 dolt cert<!¥ ht r, c11n· Nt, ,1,.nus N-.efl Ifft.~. ciHltr11ll nu• llubll.r1n Or•~e C011t 0111r ,.11o1, P11blllllld 0r1nee Co•sl Otlll' 'llol, l """ '\ h I I be b ·u d t h ~ .. du-tll"IJ •. butlnen ti 151 GoYl•"llt. Co111 SVJElllOll COUil OF TME Tt l; Cll4) '4WU7 Aarll IC~"",,,., 1, •• IS. 1Ht ' ......,, MIY 1, '-1!. 2L lNt hMI passenger, ,!NU'"'ml e.-;an-our posa o su mi e o t e part or all of the program. Mew. c11.1orn\1, 11ndrr 1M 11c11uo11s rirm srATI OI' c.t.L1Fo•N1A FOii Publlsl>ed 0,,~, Cotit 0 ,11, ,.11111 )·c t airline has been run since Congress for the next fisc~I name 01 PHILLIPS c.EMENT COMPANY TME couNTY OF OIANGE AAIY 1. 1, 15, 21, 1N, 1~1.,, LEGAL NOTJCE LEGAL NOTICE P USHED AllEAD '"" 11111 ""'ld llrm '' coml>O'ed ol Int El!•lt of ELEANOR GODWIN,l----,c=,,,.cc-c=c=c=,,.---;-----------------,-="°"'°,.-c=C-----ils 1963 inception by the year. rou,,...i"" ,,..rwi, wtlo•~ ""me 1" lull •rid Oece•~. LEGAL NOTICE ,..-,111v11w THlllAPIUTK llOOL voLUNTlalls, IMC. Program leaders have in-Similarly the Army pushed Pl:lce 01 ·~ldtr\ce 11 '' to11ows: Nollte 11 h~rebv virtn tD c•Nl!kl•• ANO F c de r a I Av i a ti 0 n d' ed h . 1' h Sh "d ' (Mt•"' E. PhilliPJ. 113 w. Wlhon. N11. h•vlng cltltn1 1g1lntl the tlkl dtcMtnt FAlll:Vl•W STATI HOSPITAL 1cat t at m ore than $200 ahead wit 1 t e e n an o o , c111i. Mt5'1. camornl:I. 10 111t ••Id cl•ims In the ,,i1kr ,,i •"1J Adm i n is lration, a n in· million will be needed for the avoid "both adverse political O•lod Mey I~, 1969· • »11 Clert of lf\r •10•t1•id (<>Uri, a• HOTICI! TO l"EllSONS NOTIC• TO Co+fTRACTOllS Cl\llrlts E. P~llh•• to OftHnl tntm to lt\t unde,..Jgnea INTlllESTl!O IN llVIEW STATE HOSPITAL t3Q1 dependent regulatory agency year to cootinue development and budgetary impacts," the STATE OF CALIFORNIA , u ..... ollice "' Cll•rll:• M.. Arak, THE ESTATE OF fUHne A. H'rrit SEALfO PROPOSAi.i will H fKtlvtd II Ille ,Al "" ~· ad m ' . n 1· S te r e d by the { fl G 0 h ' h A f COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS. 6tt South Hiii Street, '" tht Cll• ot tls.o known ts E. A, H•rrl1. Oete11td. Harber 11¥'11, Cos~ Mes•. C11lfornll V':'fll 10 Of 1.m • Thu""l y, M•r 79, • ' o t\\·o ying lest models with A quotes a JG rmy o • °" M•v u. INt, i:i..io•e "'"' 1 Hci••rv Loi All9rl!'i. C•lll. fDOU, wllldl ••"t r Hotke r. l\eroby •lvrn: wnlch "'"' •nd PIK• ttwcY wm '" Plolbhdy cipenecl •nd ft•d fw !ht Jl\Jlllltl'°" e Transportalion Department. an aim of m a king the plane ficial as saying Public Jn tnd to• 111d s1111. oorson111v oince 11 111t Pltce 111 1>uslnrs1 ot 111t To 111 Pt<sans r"~•t!IH, w~tlhe< 1! ""sw1"""1n1 _,"th• F•INlt_w Ttier•Pl\fllc Pool Vol11<1IHr1, \toe. h h n, · · I bl · 11>~••e<I Charles E. Phllll1>$ known to me und•••igned !n all r111rter1 otrl•lnl~ creCl!tors, ll!lrt, ~alOfl, or dev!lefl, 1n 111 gent<"al. ltlil prolto:I (Ott•lsl• ol: T c res uf mg. in addition avai a e !or commercial use The tanks share a common 111 t>t tt>t Hnon wtto1e n11ne 11 1u111cr1i.. 10 ••ld est<1•e. such c1a1m1, w:tti the 111e es1~1t 111 Euoene A. H1rr!1 1110 known The con11ructlllft 111 • JJ' x st' swlmmrr111 pool; concrttt dt(k ,,,. to s i m p I i f yin g and by about 1977. weapons system designed to rd 111 ""' w11111n 1r.s1r"""'n' •nd ntcei11•Y vouc.11tr1, mu•t 1>t 111oc1 o• •• e. A. Harris. dece1se<1, wtio.t 1111 tel· wa11u: 24' ~ 24' concfet• block .e<:1ul11ment "'1ll01ng .... 1111 Pllt'ftll· lllh!r, . . . . •cknciwlNlged tit t•eculod t~ .. ,,,.,. pre1enlNI •1 1tort11I~, wllf\in f<>Ut d•f•I was ISi Groveluld Place, Sin ne~ltf. •nd ceftll" on.er e<IU•Prntnl; tlto:trlt•I strvlc• •11111 otti1r streamlining administration of Flight testing o f two foreign fire both the !'ih1\le\agh m1ss1le COFFIClAL SEALl mon11os ener the tir1t Publlctllon ot Antcl"io. Texas Jlj°'r 1r.t 1enm u111111e•: •nd v•riou, tttllr 1p~m"'nces. lh . t Id r lh SST th So . ' TUl44 d d ' I 152 . Marv K. Hff'f'/ thl• lll>llct. lestam•n!1t1 o• or ldmln11tr1llon "'"' ll ld• '"""'be submitted tor Ille mtl .. work d111crlbed 1111re1 ... Olvllllonl , ... "' fllt n1 e projeC • WOU rec C S -e Vie .'Ul an conven iona mm am Notano ,..,b1lc·C•111arni1 De!td Mltrch u. 196' ~"" issuNI 10 PM1¥ R. Ke11y, bv Pnibi"' •nd 11>t.:lflc111ons will not bt c-id•recl 1M wlll H c•us• ttr rtltdloll of 1l!d1. FAA to concentrate · on the Franco-British Goncorde munition. Prlncl1>al Ol'llce In Ch••"s M . ..,,,x Ccurt. •t•a• cou"h-, • court or com-Tftt o-er rnerves tt11 rlV'!I to r1 iect •n'r or •11 111<1$. . . h • d I d h A I d . Orlll'lt County And Ger1ld J. Mille•, Pttf"! l~rlsdic!i.,,. Clf IM 5!11• er TIXIJ. '" •cco•d•nCt wllh lllt •nivlllonJ of Section 177) ~ "'' L1bClr Codi, "" o-•r modern1z.tng t e a irways <in -a rea Y as started. go·a iea was give n fflr M~ commi11ion E•Pitn E•tcuro .. o1 t~e whl ,~ii the 11111ow1ng PtriO!I 11 1nc1e~ted to his ••ctrl•lntd tti•t 1111 venertllr prev11tlnt r111 of w111n al)ltlk:•Dlt 10 Ill• wert. a ir traffic conlrol, 'r===========================,! Nov. ?•, 1'n 01 •~id deci!'dtnt or holding H•sol\ll l>'OPe•tv 111 tM 11ld 10 111 done 11 1s 1911"ws: MAIN PURPOSE The main purpose or the plan would be to open up possible alternate means of fina ncing the coslly SST development program. There has been strong criticism in Congress of the current plan- ning which calls for the government to contribute 90 percent of the estimated SI.I billion cost of building two prototype airplanes for flight testing. The manufacturers, Boeing Co. and General Elec- tric. would put up 10 percent. B ackers of this a pproach say the government \\'ill recover ilS investment through royalties by the time 300 SSTs have been sold. Strong su pport has developed for establishment of a bus iness-government type agency u nder w hich funding would come from the sale t o the public of government· guaranteed sha res. Such an agency could n ot convenien tly be a part of the FAA. EASE FEARS Widespread fears a bout sonic booms might be eased by p u t t I n g Transporta tion Secretary John A. Volpe d irectly in charge of the SST program. He has said several times the SSTs "'ill be r estricted to subsonic speeds while over and until engiDeers find some way of eliminating the explosive blast 0 r !Upersonic flight. The FAA. on the other hand, · ..,.ill be responsible for en- forcement of a Tit i-no lse restrictions. Some c r i t i c s doubted the FAA w o u Id strongly e n r o r c e such measures against a plane it d eveloped and \\1as eager to promote. FAA Adminlstrator John 11. Shl!er has deellned to com- ment on the transfer propo'ial, but some or h is friends say ht wouJd approve. Wormed sources said the pn>po51I has been under dtKUS!kMI for :tbo\ll two rnMths. ORDEREO REVIEW Prttktent ·Nixon ordto,red a comprehenslvt review of Lhc p~ra.m by a committee of JUbCabinet-Jevel official5, :1nd !I Publlslletl Or•nve C"'1tl 0t111 Piiot. (HAILES M. AlilAK o~,tden!: Crall tr TY!ll M•r 1s. 2i. n •nd June 5. lH• f)S.lf 'tt Soutft Niii Str"t 1. Horne S••ln•s and LDln Anoc:l1· "' w1r11m1e Coming May 17 Family »eek.{y We Cruised America By Houseboat You can share an adventu re with a family who traveled this country's incred ibl e inl and water- ways and found the experience a reword ing vacation for all. ALSO e THE SHIRTDRESS, AGAIN -Story of the s hirt tbat became a d r;"ess and ho\v it'~ making a comeback. e El\RTHQUAKES Dr. C~arlcs Richter (ol Richter Scale fame) tells \Vbat to do If Califor-- nia actuaUy does have a 1najor quake. e NEXT SCHEME ? -Beth Brickell (of TV"s ''Gentle Ben "} Is unconcerned about her com- ing unemployinc.nt. She tells about some or the money.making schemes in which she 's been in· valved. All Coming Saturday in the I DAILY PILOT I 11--'-------~=c-,,,,---L.M A"flllt, C11ilornl• tH!I lion. 161 South a roacw•v, Loi it.nttle1, (l•No!Jtrt: I LEGAL NOTICE Attorney lot ExKvltn C1llr. 90011 In Los An~e~ CounlY Ct rpen!tr l'lt·2~G'~ 7. ~eWl>Clrl B•ltio. $1vl11111 •nd L11111 Slolngl•r I CEITIFIC.-.TE Of' I UllHl!SS Pub!ls~f'd 0•3"!1t C"'°''' O~ltr Pll(I!, As!.O(lllion, 13" Vlt Lido, MIWPON T•blt Jower S•w Ootrllor FICTITIOUS N.-.ME. .-.otl1 1o1, •nd M1¥ I, I, U, 1N9 516-6t 8t1ch, C•llf. tlUl 111 Ortnge CounlY C•Mlllf Mlltnl' T~e undersl,ntd dots cerlltv nt ls con· • Thtl ltot undtrsfgMd dnltn 111 rtct!vt c ....... 1 Mis~ J1urn1ym111 1auctill9 • bu1lness •t 470 P1clllC Coan LEGAL NOTICE lht said Pl!rSOllll oroperty 11' colltcl Ille ''"""' Ml tOfl FIOllillll & Trt wt llnt IHlghwt v. Hunl!neton 8e•ch, C•llf11r11I•, '111m• Ind to remove 1"-'1 to!lec!H or M1chl11t Opt•tlo• •·••• 1~. tktlllciin firm n•mt of ~·3ll4I recoived !tom tnt Stale or C1Hklr"I• lo 1...., Wlrti;lfl! • '"'" ' !lot ••Id stale Whtrt !titer! test1me1111rv !SERENE SCENE CLOTl-<ING and ltllt CEll Tll'ICATE 01' 8VllNESS or or admln!oJ!ra!lcll hive bttn IHllH ftelnforc!"ll Jro" Wllrktr i .. d firm I• <DmPMe<I cit the to11ow1..,. l"ICTITIOUS NAME AH Ott~ havlne cl1lmt ... ins1' !ht Str11<lur•I '""' Wllrker l""'SOll• WtloH n1mt In !ull 1nd Pl1ce ot Tht ulllleril9ned <lo corlil• lhey lrt dectdtnf or '" lnlertil Ill ••Id ntel• 11111 L.1.,.tffS: rtslCence i• 11 followi: tc"aucllnt • bu1lnt11 el 7!l f . 811boa wlsM"' to Obiec• to iuch remov•I musl Ltborer -Gtne .. 1 cir CollilrllC!i•n Joe C:t•d• Avll1, ~JOI W B1lbCl1 Blvd .• Balbot, C•li~;,, undtr ll1e lfc. give W<lllell 11<1tlct ot lllCh obltcllon lo Operator ol ,.notumltlc & •le<l•k 8 1vd., Newoorl Boac.lt, C1illornll. lltlous tltm n1m• ol THE SUN SIGN •nd lh• person or oersons lncltbltd lo or 1<>0l1, vlbr•llflt m•dllnei &-1llf!lllr OtlH May n. IHI. 1n11 11\d tirm 11 com1><1sed ot tl>e tollow-lloldln, .er1M1l or1111ertv ot, the .kt• ..,""'"kt l 1oo11 1111 ''"''hlr Joe .-.vila ln9 Pt•10"1. wl>ost Nmt1 In t11!1 Ind den• S11Ch notice mll:lll be f lYtn f11 the clt\1111111 Mr•lll ••• ••• 1 ••• J.H •.l1 ••• 1.1.u Sla1t Of C1lttornla, Orlntt Countv: ollo(tl ol rt11dtnct ••t 11 tallow" persOn lloldi~ Ille oerson•I •rtoirtv or (Oflcrtlt 11w m1", ••dudlnf o,. M•Y 1], lfflt, btlor• mr, I No1try 8urt1111 W. Morst, 2141 Sevlllt St., •••ir.st """'°'" Ille Cl•lm 11 made •I the "''"'• jypt 4.lil l'uhllt In and !or wkl Sl•lt , oerso111llv t<ltwoorl 801cll. i<ldreu •s llil!d illov• wtltil"' 30 O.t.YS L•rlflll of •II no.,.tneRlllc l)lpe kicluding e0Pt1red J111 Ctrdt Avi1' known fll mt lo Judith A. Mtfl!n, lUI W. l•!bcll 1ttt:r IJril publlca!ICll! ot lhlt "lliJce. sewer pipe, drtlll pipe & ' bt IM ~•SOii wftose n•mo 11 subscribed 81vd, Hewoort llt1cn. OATEO: Aprll n. \Hf. u'\d.,t•ound ti" lo the wU~I" lnslrumtnl 11\d 1ck1111wlH1· O•led April )I), INf. l'<1!sr Iii. Kt!IY Making & c•ulll:lnl ell llOll"meti llk ed h! ext<uled thr s1mt. BurlOfl W. Mor" As Admln11t,.lr!x 111 tn• pipe jolnt1 (OFFICIAL SEP.Ll Juo:Uth A. Mtrljn Esl•!t o1 £ugtne A. H•rrb, W11tnm•n Jtan L. Jobi! Sl1le 111 Ctll!ornl•. 0""9t Countv: O•co1M"d O .... lll"f li"tlitMt'n• Ncl•l"Y Publlc.C1 1ltor11l1 0" ... or!I )I), 1'0, 1>tlort ml!. 1 N11t1rv Publlsl>e<j Or1n9t Co•ll D•llY Pllo' Group J· • PrlntlP•1 Office In P11bllc In '"" for ltld Sltlf, .MrSOll•llv fhy I. 15. 11. 1969 UM; Air tClm Of•1111• (<>U .. IY -IPNlrtcl 811!'10fl W, Mo•M •rid Judllti ' presior, 1111m• •• Mv Commisslllft E1111lr~1 ..,, M•rll" ~nown to me to be !ht .er-LEGAL NOTICE Gro~!n~.etor •lt•Uor March 1. 1t7l $On~ wflolt n1""'1 ••t subocribed to lht 5k lpl~er wtiHI 1 F&rd Publlli'NI Or•119e Co11I D1ilv Plltll , wlll'tin ln!lr11mtnl i nd Kkl>Cwlt<l!M'd lntv SU,llllOll COURT Off THI Ftr{lll!.O,;-Jeep 11r"~Ut fy >• MiY U, 21, tt •nd Junt S, lfft f'6·1f flltCUltd lh• 11m1. STATE Off (.1.L.ll'OllNIA y.,d Of Ins {without d•:I 1;':t ' '·"' "'" '"' ~.u (OFFICIAL SEAll FOR THE (OUNT'I' 01' OltANOI ttt1tll""'nltl Miry K. Henry NO. ,. .. lllff Grwp l: J, 16 No.tiry Public· C1lilor~l1 NOTICE 0, SALE 011 I EAL ANO ll•rd FltlUtOfl ar til'llU1r !)'ti twilh LEGAL NOTICE 8Alt•l .. J Pr,nclPel O!llce In l'IEISONAL l'IDPlllTY AT 1111\'AT• lfrll ll'fo' •tlldll'Ml!b ) SVl"EltlOR COU IT 01' TMI! Ora"9t C11unlv . SAL.E AS A UNIT I y AO. f'ow.H-COl'l<:"rt~ ....... •tttt lOr STATE OF c.-.L.IFOI NIA FOR My CommlHlon E~porn MINISTRATOI. ,ltO•ATI. coos llC· Rodm.11 •lid Cll•lnl'!lln THf COUNTY OF OIANGI tiov. i•. 1tn TION IU j Gre11p •• Ho. A·62t42 Pu~ll5hed O•anoe Co11t Otllv Pllo!, In Ille M,i!er OI !ht Etl•ll of 1 .. 1tru•;ltllll'l\lll NOTICE OF HEAlillNG ON ,.ETITIOH M~· '· 1· B. l), lt6' lll·t' MARJORIE 0 POE OotetlNI Trtnclllr111 l'lllc.ltl"f oiier•l•r (uJ 1• FOii: PROBATE OF WILL ANO FOi LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE 1s HEREb•Y GIVE~ !hM J. e, 6-foot d11>lh c•,..clly, mlt r'1, L.ITTl!llS TESTAMENTAI'/ Pot, 11 •dmlnlslr•klr of 1r. ftlllt with rllll\I) Ett.ie 11! HAHS A. RUDOLPH. Otttll· t~~ will •nnt~ed ol Mlrlorlt 0. Joe, Ci~ J: ed. NOTICI TO ClllEO!TOIS dtce&•C'd. Wiil sell at Prlv•l• .. 1,, "' !hi M .. vy dUfY ,.,.lrl'lllft NOT ICE IS HERf8Y GIVEN ll'tal SUJlltOll COUllT 01' THE tllohesl •nd ""'' bidder, undtt tne krml T••eto.r ·-•lw-4r•t "'" ~ ... ElillC LIOOW h11 II~ nereln • Pt !lllon ST.t.TIE OJ CAL.IFOIHtA 1'01 •NI co"dU;ons l'ttrtl"'"'' m11nllol>ed, and 1l11lkle.r.1r, lll'rllltr, 1cr•J>er •M !or Pr~tt: ot Wiit tnd for lu~tncr 11! THI COVNTY 01' 01.t.NC& 1 bl' ! ! f II b ~-S O llllih lr•,·lw ,. Lellt rt T~1•mtnl••Y 10 Pe!lllane' ,.. A-'lSSI u c o, con "ml en 'I ''"" 11,,..r r G~ 4, rtfertr1c1 lo whlctl 11 '"-lor turtnt; E\1a1, 01 BERNICE FALLS lllOWN, f~'t01~~nfn 'r"' ~1"'1 1jllow:::, "J1 l•w.:.: Ctm111ii.11M 11 .. v~ iu!y r..-lrfNll J.U J1•l1C1.11'n, 111111 11111 lhf Ume 11111 •l~<f Orco1M"<1 t 11 Ul'W r, """ 1 • •Ml W'lkltr of Marlrtt lht 'tmt h11 bten set lbf June NOTICE 1$ HEREIY GIVEN IO 1..., ~''";;• l llorntn for .. w tdml~l$lrtlor c.ncrtft ""llli<t l'lllXlr •Otrtlor '' Ifft, II •:lO 1.m., ln ""' c<>11rtroom of crtdllot1 111 tni •bov• "''"""' dt<l!!dl:lll ~ • -l?ftd S•-t, H1wPOrl 8ttcll, $.lditiloffir whl'll "11'1 l\t i O~••tmenl Ho. l ol uld court. 11 11111 W. 11111 •II lltrsCllJ lltvlnt cl•lmi ,qahul the C~lllotnl8, 1!1 Ille rlthl, Hiii •l'l<I lnlereit TTKll!r ~•lllr wllh ::::;,, 'fl t 1 Eighth Strtt/, In , ... Clh' ef S1nl1 An1, 1•ld c!t("6enl •rt re<:11ilrt'd tt fl~ lhem Ind t•I•~ 11111 Ille 11l1lt DI MKlorlt "tlcl\tntfttt C•Hlor"lt . • ... 1111 tM ~nll!rY YOUd\ers, Ill Ille Ollie; o . Pot. drce1Mld. h11, b¥ .. er .. llln of l°rmd\11111 dll te ( Da!H ~Y I], l•6r of lhr cltr\ ot rne itoove tflllllt'd c<>11rt or law Ill' Dlherwllf, K<!ufrH ollltt 11'11" or 1 . ~ ,,. ._..,, r •vv t- W. f . ST JO..iN, COU"IV Cit•~ IG ore1e .. 1 lhPm. with Int "KtU. .... i~ •Cdillet1 lo lh•I "' ""' <hcedt"' If "" unr!'.:.n~=· .~~ r~:t::,' t T. 0. O.t.LTON, IEst. vaucMrJ, lo 1f1t "'""9 .. toMd II lhe Lew l•me OI her detth, In 111111 le ltl1I ctrl•lll Mell hot d .. Ill! II Mil '' ""'°"' " Uw OfHct ... G1lvln II Kee.... AtlllfOWV II r~.i '"" Pf~I PfOH11Y, tlfl.tatoed 111 lht • r t, c "" .. UJ SI. SH'l"t Street, L•w •u Horth · Ne.._'1 aou1tvinl CllV of HunllllClloro 801cll, CO\l!llv If ""'kll• l!t<"ficl: lllfl!I, Cf'•ftlll, Ill,. L.M A11t•IK. CtlllW,.I• ... lJ Ht~rl 8t tch, Clllfotnlt t2UO. Wl'llcfl b Ot•M!lr. Start tl C.lilornl•, 111111 1!8Ulbed T .. 11'1 dr ..... r IMI l'llUC~ll'ft ~lr.-1 Ttl: UUI MA ~Jllll The Pllc1 01 butlne•i of 11'1• underJltntd In 15 fot-t l ll'lnl P11bli~ Or1ncie COlll 01lty Pltol, •U ml"t'I OOfltl"l"I 10 tl'lf ttlttt ~ s•ld ~ Pl!,......11 D•OPl!rl'I Inc Mitts °'; Vtr !!. d~t ~· Mtv \S, U, 22. lNt tSl.tf dtctdtr1I, with in ._ mortllll •tltr IM ur11tt1, d•fPts. retrlott1f(lr, w•Wr, .. 111 .... 11 ~ r•·-W1'9r ltv•I lt----,.-,,.,--,--~,.,,cc"'°--· lnrs1 1111bH(•lllll'I ., 11111 nollc!. drvt'r. dl._.1 tnd • dlYkler. • r•nll but leu ,,,.,. I t1nl1 L EGAL NOTICE 01t1d .-,pr11 19. Ifft. Tht t!•I •n:IJ>f:rtv b 111u11N 11 1t1.i1 -ttr i.v11 .. , •. u H, Fio'IO srown '"" lverneu Ll"r• Hunllntlon llt1dl, I Wl'dl blll 1111 tti1n 11 Y•"'• JClll" L Hrvl~, co-raec1itori CaHlom11, '"" tl mort •••llt~larlr w•1-lt¥9I •.tl IAll·ltH o• ,,,.. Wiii ol '"' l boYt dncrfbe<I IS follows: DrlVff llf trvck tte•I N rlMlll ,.,.city: P-~ ""'ntd otceden! Lot 300. TtaCT 4'1' I t Oft 11'11' LHI lhlll ' IOnl l,C CEllTtFICATI! 01' IUSINESS Gt lvl• Iii K-rtcordrd In 8-05, l'tlU d , 4t ..... 6 ""I I• 11 1on1 4.u FICT ITIOUS l'llM NAME AHt rMy ·., L•w 50 of M!1c1ll:lfttllYI M••s. lecordt Cit Driver •• tr•ntll·Mls truct: T~r llndtttltf>td do f\trtb• U'11f't 1 .... 1 •14 Ntrt~ NtWlll'I •1t111evinl 0raJ1Vt County, C1tllllrnlo. UNllr J r •nl' 11\tY a•t conducl!llfl • Lfmlt~O P1rl»ertMo "'"""" llt•c~. Ci Mtor"lt UUI S'Jbltct lo: t~rrtn! l••t1. coven1nl1, l v1rd• tr ,,,.r, rt~I e5l11e ln"9J!monl llll•lnen (fs Co· Ttlffh-c l/UI lti-111l condlllon1, rtfltlctlom. re1t•vlllO"I V/1!1r.,. ftnk4VH lrlltk •rlvori P1rlntro) 11 15CJ fl•! 1Jlh Strfel, Sall!8 Allpr11ty r.r CH•tc~r.,.1 rlonl,, rlthl• ol w•v. tat.1:mt11h and t• Uildff t500 fl!lena ANO, Calllor"lf, 11ndt• I~• fk!lll<>U\ lfrm l'ubllJhe<:I Orange c1111t 0111, PllQI, lslh19 encumbrances ot t!c11rd ?$00 i •llM! "' 4000 ••!*" namt al w. p .. .t.SSOC1.-.TES, LTD. •nd Mil,, •• 1S." \Ht 141 ... TM '-''"' ... d COlldlllCltu ct Ille Nit , .... L II DrMr ltlllt Miki firm !1 «NTll>OSH ot !ht lollow· are: c•1h 111 l•wtul manor ot 111e Vnll"" ,.,...,, ..... Int oerscns, wtloH nemes I" tllll 11111 LEGAL NOTICE Slllet of Amerlcl. Ttn (10'01 perctnl ol ltrlCklt'tClr I. S!tntn\IHf\ pl:lcet OI rnkHn« •r• 11 1011C1Wt. to-wll• tilt •mount bid lo •ctllfroll111v ltit oll!!r arkkttnd.,. 1,. • .,.1 Gtnertl P1dner1: Pllllle o, WNtt""· ''"' lilt bal•nct " be ••Id en ~ 11eo:111c11,. Wl'Mlt~ Jwmer rNn $11S Clllb V)ew D'lve. VortNI Lindi, P·>l7'1 tlrmallon of .. It It¥ !lot Coufl. T•1tt&. Lllfl.tr C1Ulor"lt 1 11. L. P¥1e, 22il0 Ltnll1 Lfl'lf. CllltTl,IC.t.TI Of 01iCONTINU.t.MCIE rents, ""!'ft1iflt 1NI 1Nl"lt11anc• t•· ,..""""' '9nl1 Ane, Ctlllor,.le, Oft USE 1Jt0/0ll AIANOOHMl:MT pe""'' tnd •~1\lmt 1111 lllSlll"lllC't •c-8rvlll Llfrollld P1tlr'ltr: CMu~tV c Hub> 0' ~l(TITIOVS NAMI. Ct•l•ble " "" ""'™"' Ill.Ill ... -.._ twlrd, UO. ,.,.,..1' A.,._, WlllHltr, Tl'!!; UNOEltSIGN£0 dOft Mf'"fbV rtlfd It tl ltlf elite 9' C(lftflfT!,.f!M-of l'INll lllf•Y 4,f1 "" ...,. ... '·" 1.0S .. ~ .J.•• $ ••• C•llroml•. A<"l ltv ""'· r•tt{1lv1 Aorll 11, lfff tit .. re fl'lf 1•am1,.111on of 11n., recordl!!t Plri=1 Oa!NI APt!I 30, 1.... a•Sld !O do bvtl...n -r '"' lkllllaui cl C'Clfl\ft'(WICI llld ...... llllt lnlllr•n<e 1.1• llhllllo D. Whll!ntr Firm n1mt ~ MARICING SUPllLY CQM. ... rocv tl'Mlll bt •I Int t~Pl'nH llf Ille •-~!!:'~ltN1 !, I W It. L. Pvlt llANY ,, Ill WHI ltlh Slrlfl, Cott• nt•~. .. .... tf.. ,.."1 "" Jllmlt'/'!Nfl s.n C,,l\lftaV c.. H..-r11 MH•· Ct ltfrornl•. .mlcll IMIMIJ .... All lllclJ ...... oflt•t """'' 1111 In ""ltlnt ,IMl9rtr J.J.d STATE OF CALIFOftNIA. lomltr!v c...-eG GI '"' tollowlft9 •lld Wiii bo tH;1t\<td •I "'' offlt• ol FIMl!lf ,.,,..., J.os • COUNTY OF ORANGE I n _.., wt.on rwnt loo t11U tNI Jl•c• o1 """"'tt, Hurwltr 11111 •-•. tt• lflcaf lfttl1t wr-w '·1• I On April '9. Ifft. betoor<o m•. I Holtrv ""IOtflo::' k 1-1 1111--., 111-...it: ICltnevs 11)1" 11IO •dml11ltlr•lo<, fl 4f -Tiit Htltf" , S.Jf ~IC ... •1'111 for Hid Covnlv •NI Slate;, Hitl!Clltl c. Cr111'111loll. '" Wtt! 1'ttl n1111 Slrttl. Hew...,-i ltKll. C•lllttfllt, .. Tiit '""'" ... , .. , • ~.u """""'"' _.,.., '"lit. D. WI!!~. llrH<. Coil• Mn•. C1ff1ot .. 11. anv!I"" lflt, "" 11,.1 Mlk.UI-. of "''' ,,.,.,, C,.Hllk•I~ •ml""f ltttllill -... , ltu tlltn ••• ·" •• •• 10•1 11•1, '"'"• .u ·" ~ ••• ·" .. ·" "' .M ·" lt'~ '" "" ·" • , ... .. .. "' -~ ·" ,, ... "' ""' .d .. .n .u ,. .... It. L Py.. 1M CllWllCtY '-H<Mlrd. C•rtlflC•tt flt lrtnuc:llol'I 9' butlrteli mtl(1 tnCI btltr• 1111 m•klllt ef .. kl Siii. OVeniMI -NI IHJ lhtn -•1'1111 -lllM 11'--W llt'l'ltl 11\t 1111 ... •lttl, t-hi ~ kl 1111 II>! '""-~ ...otr ltlt •beoot lkll!IOw ,.._, 11\111 If· Ttlt rl911t II rt$tt'\>M " 'llld 1111 Ind .....,. ltlll ........... -flll llotJ """ -*'-lllt '""' rftlll•r ti,.,_ ...... TM """"' ''' tutlK•iMd I'll Ille wltn.111 h'I-n .. vll " •llflJ!cftiClll llltretlf, •rt llft flfot IR tlld1 lwllWe'/'I Will'! """lcll l<ltCll rlltf: -'lltl bit peW fl\111 llt t ll "'""''' flalf\11111 11 !.,,,_I, .... Kftntwlllont It "If lrlfl 111 11\ot oltlce llf tt't• (°"ntr (lo!r~ of CA TlD: .Ufll IJ, !Mt. lt!I COlltct .... be ... •ll'llllf .. re-I •lllllk•&ll !O ltlt ,..'1lc111tr C••ll, Clffllfllio tr.v eYKVlied 1111 N"'' Ora~e C.Ollflty, """"' 1111 11rovt11o11S Of J, C. "« llon .,. l'fllt ., ...,._ tfl'tlli<IYll! ll'I 11\1 iwelect. Wl1111» mv tilnll '"" -l SttllOlo '<Iii GI Ille Ch-II COdl., Admlnlth•tor af Nt .W wm W ~lltwilld -H ls "'"' en • 1111111 fllflll .,..,.,,kM!I .., 11'11 (OFFICIAL SEA.LI 'l\'ITNISS ftlV ... 1'111 !Ille lf!ll div ti ll'lt ESl•ll Wiii\ 1111 WI" 0-.. 11'1111 II !Niie In t«•tdlfl<t Wiii\ lflt llrlJ\litleM ell 1tit IN'-1 rto11I,... ltk:lltl'f A, "'"''" A.,11, It .. , Annt!leor:f .. Mtr""' 11:1 ..... \ """" 1NI nncl!tlons It! flrlll tnftr l1lt ll*lllct t...,, (ld'I tleelcrr 11'1\JU .. Hol1ry P'llOllc-C•lllorl\I• Hlchot•• c. C•-•1111 Ot<ettM lie.,,.. Md •IM .,....,..,",.. .. ....,+r..i by ltw, "•Int/NI Olflct In Miii n M. Ot11t~ MVftWITI. MUIW1Tr""' ••Mii l'AlltVIEW THEIAP£UTIC fl'OO\. Y01.V"1Tll!tllt. OflllfC! C-lv lllltt1M• " LIW l •I JtlMl a., "'9tDIMtW INC, t llf MY c"""''"loll En•lr" Un .... ••11t .... ,.., """""'' IJt """'"'l""'ltt" .,AlltVllW STATE MOSlllfAL I flprll l. lt11 tllllt Nwmltr 411. ''" -J;JM l .. ttt tlOI Harber 89111•"""' ••t1r1r & S!IYttf'. "'"'· -Sllll~ Mllfl Sll'ffl, NtwMrl hffll, C•W.WI• nw C~M 111 ..... Ct ll1"'111t ltlt N. M1l11 lltffl, l~llt Jll Ott..,•. Clll'•-i,. null T-41 11141 '1>.mt 9y Stllle ...... (1tlt.,nl• ,,,., T•h 17141 IU·t•h "uloll'MIH ar..,., Co•~t Ol ltr "'Hot. l'ltAN!l:t lH I), "'Y'"' I •utill)f!HI Ollftf't C11,t DtllY •11o1.1 Pu~f.Jr.t<t Oc ., .. , CGl•I Dally "!ti. Mt~ J, J. J, f, 1. I, t, lt, It, U. 1 .. \I. ll, Cl¥ll l119l11Ht !'01tl ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~J Ml'r ,,, tt." '"' Junt j, Ifft •ottoet Mlt I, •• u. ,,, '"" '"""' ,,_It, 1'tt ISMti P\ll>t<thtlll o ... "llt Ctf.H Otlll' Piiot Mtv u 11'111 n . .JJ,. • , -~~--~-----------------------~-------~~---~~-~---"'--~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:I.'.-. ~-................ ~~~~~~~~-~-~-~~--~------~~ ... ' I I. --------------J DAii. Y '1L01' llE Nixon t Cong Vietitam Peace Plans Compar~d WASHINGTON' IAP) Prealdent'• J<POl'I lo the Qll· tion on Vietnam, includlnc hit own formula for reachi~ peace came six days after the Viet Cong presented a 10-point pJan for setUement or the war. Here is a summary corn-- poriaoo of Ibo two proposals. Point I of Ibo Viet Cong ask· ed respect for ril!llts of In- dependence, sovereignty, unity and lerritorlal integrity as repotnized by lhe-1954 Geneva agreemenU on Vietnam. Nix· on said a ~ce . agrteµlent would have all parties agree to ob:serve lhose accords: Point 2 called for un-- cooditional withdrawal o f AmericlD ln>opl and ....... fn>m South Vietnam. Nli:on proposed simultaneous withdrawal by both sides with complete disengagemen~ from combat by foreign !orces In II mon!M. He said, "We have also ruled out either • one·1lded withdrawal from Vietnam, or the acceptance in Paris or terms lhat would amount to a disgui!ed American defeat." In their third point, the Viet ,Cong said it is the· right of Vietnam_eae people to continue 'to fight if they choose for tbeil fatherland. Jn propc>Sing the ti-month pullout Nixon said foreign ln>opl would lben. no lonpr eogiage Jn combat operations; saying notbJng about requiring a halt. He suggested, however. tbe intem1tional supervisory group watctµng withdrawal of troo,PS also could seek cease firta:. Point 4 ol lbe Viet Cong said South Vietnamese p e o p I e would 41deelde themselves the politicaJ regbne of South Viet· nam through free a n d democratic general c.leetions • . • "including a coalition government. Nixon said: "\Ve ar e prepared to accept a n y government in South Vietnam that results lro;n the free choice or Ibo South Vie~ name:se people themselves." The firth point of 'the Viet OOng says pollllcaJ forc:et representing au soclaJ strata and every sh41dt of political tendency in South VletDAm would set up an iri.terlm government forlbe coufttry to restore nomral t'tlndltions and hold elections set forth in Point 4.. Nixon said : ;'We believe there shollld be an opportunity ror run participation in the poJitic:al life of South Vietnam by all pollUcaJ ~lements that are prepared lo do so without the use of force or ln- limJdation." PRESIDENT NIXON TELLS NATION PLANS FOR VIET PEACE Highlights of WASHINGTON (UPI) -participation in the political Highlights of President Nil· life of South Vietnam" pro- on•• ipeecb on Vietnam: . vided it is pttpared to forego Peace Plan -Be proposed "the use .or force or in· simultaneous withdrawal of timidation'1 as a political U.S. and North Vietnamese troops, by agreed.upon stages, over the next 12 months with. an end lo all combat at the end of that period. An in- ternational body acceptable to both sides would verify the withdrawals, arrange f o r supervised ceasefires, a n d m a k e arrangements for free elections in which the people of South Vietnam c o u 1 d choose, without coercion, what kind of government they want and whelher to reunite with North Vietnam. Promise -TheUnited States is "prepared to accept any government jn South Viet· nam that results from the choice of the South Viel· namese people themselves." It has "no objections t o reunification" of North and South Vietnam if that is what the people want. It seeks no ·bases and no mi l itary alliances with Vietnam, and is willing to agree to neutraliza tion of the country. It believes the National Liberation Front should be assured ' ' f u 1 I weapon. W a ra I .n g -Although he ·wants to end lhe war, and has · set forth "generous a n d reasonable tenns" for doing so, Nixon said the Communists will make a great mistake if they cooclude that war-weary Americans are ready to aban· don South Vietnam. He has "ruled out either a one-sided withdrawal from Vietnam or the acceptance in Paris or terms that would amount lo a disguised d e r e a t . • ' For America to pull out without a fair peace settlement would expose millions of South Viet- namese to the danger <1f "massacre" and w o u I d threaten long-term hopes for peace by destroying other nations' conf idence in America's reliability. It also would encourag~ the forces within Communist countries to argue for aggressive "con· rrontation" instead or peace· Cul coexistence. Fles:lbUlty -The U.S. peace propasa]s "are not offered on Nixo11 a take-it-or-leave-it basis." This country stands ready to "consider other approaches'' provided they lnclud~ the basic principles of mutual withdrawal and free choice by the South Vietnamese people of their own future. · New Offensive -The recent stepup in enemy attacks is not the way to get peace. Nii:on added, cryptically, that "if the needless suffering conUnues, this will affect other decisions • . • nobody has anylhiog to gain by delay." Salute To Troops -"This Is the most dif!icult war in America's history, Io ugh t against a ruthless enemy. I am proud of our men who h a v e CaITied th e terrible burden of th is war with digni- ty and courage, despite t h e division and opposition to the war in the United Slates. History will reco~c;I that never have America's fighting men fought more bravely for more unselfish goals than our men in Vietnam." War Critics At Home -"We can have honest debate about whether we should have en· Talk l!!red the war .•. but the urgent question today is What to do now that we are there .•• I do not criticize those who disagree with me on the con· duct of our peace negotiaUons. I do not ask unlimited pa- tience lrom a people whose hopes for peace have too often been raised and cruelly dashed over the past four years ••. . all I ast is that you consider these facts and, whatever our differences, that you support a program which can lead to a peace we can live with and a peace we can be proud o(. Nothing could have a greater effect in convincing the enemy that he should negotiate in good will than ·to see the American people united behind a generous and reasonable peace offer." Political Reaponsiblllly - "In my campaign for the presidency, I pledged to end the war in a way that w6uld increase our chances to win true and lasting peace in Viet· nam , in the Pacific and in the world. I am determined to keep that pledge. If I fail to do so, I expect the American peo- ple to hold me accountable for that future." Thin Hanoi Majority Hopes For Victory on Battlefield WASHlN'GTON (APJ Some top U.S. officials believe a thin majorjty <li the North Vietrwmese leadership favors a batUefield decision rather than a J>egWaled "'Uemenl of the Vietnam war. G<st. Vo Nguyetl Giap, North v~·s defense minister and victor over the Fre.ncb at Dien Bien Phu, is said to be Ibo leoder of a bardline group that rejects the idea ol. peace · 'throogh Ibo Paris talks. Giap thinks the war can be won by N'ortb Vleb>am oo Ibo battlefields ol South Vietnam, analyD .. y. 'Ibis leads """" admlWtration def ense of~ ridals to be pesstmlsllc aboul the Paris neg<f.JaUons. The lllalr.ols' O!Jlnlon that hardllner.s are on top in Hanoi seems to cWh "\"ffth a state- tn111i by Pr'ffident Nixon dur· Ing his Vietnam report to Ibo -last nl&flt. "Repott5 from Hanof in· dieate that the enemy ha.1: cl"" up hopa for a mlUtsry victory in South Vietnam but is coootJog on a col1-ol American will in the United States," Nixon aaid. The President did n o l elaborate. The new burst of. enemy ac· tivity, together with Nor1b Vietnam'• 1 e em Io a: stub- bornness in Paris. .make. remote two of the Uree con- ditions the Nixon Administration has laid down as prerequisites -either I~ or sint!fy -for flllY U.S. troop withdrawal f'l'll' Vi«nam. These two coodil.icns, as staled recently by Secretary of Def"'8e ll(elvln R. Loirtl, t n v o I v e mutu1! troop roctu«ton in enemy acttvky in South Vlelnam. The North VJetnarnese have Insisted on 1 \Ullllteral U.S. wttbdrawal. 'Ibis leave. the third c:m- dillon -and here U.S. authoritie:!I see marked pro-- grm -•pedfylng lbere must be a .. rt1c1 .. 1 UJ>ll)'ldiic llld moderriiatiion ol the South Vietnamese forces liO they can take <1ver more ol the war responsibilities. , This. in the view ol top &.'.!· ministration authorities, is the key condition dlat must be reached before U.S. troops can start lo teave. Administration $0Utces said it would be quite possible to start pulling out American tr.oops, even with the enemy mounting attacks in South Vietnam in recent days, pro- vided the South Vfetoame.sc could take on the North V$et. .....,. aod Viet Cong with dimlniehlng U.S. help. Amerlcoo miliWy a n d civilian analysts ate not yet certaln wbeeber the t1tw rise in enemy 1ttacb rtpmefiJ th< -*" ol the aummer ol· feasive forec:a!lt in captured documents. They noted major ....,,y fOf'C.ef were never cammitt.ed during Cbe nine --r· IPfine offensive w h I c h featured m o s t 1 y shelling.s, rockeUngs and mortar attacks with a minimum of ground ac· lion. That phase ended in late April . This week's a c tivity, however. has involved more ground act.loo than the winter sprirw offensive, but has been mainly in the field rather than in Population ctnters. Geo. Crel.gttton W. Abrams, U.S. commander in "'t'ieft\alli," reportedly received no in- slructims from President Nix· on or Laird ror any changes In tactics. Some criUcs have been pressing ror less aggressive U.S. palro~ and 11 e Id opuaUoos, believing t h I s would open the way !or enemy de-<scalattoo. But Pe:Uagoo olficials are known to ttel that a signili- Clflt ttduotion ,in such U.S. ..,.ratlollll would lurn Ibo ad- vantage to the enent.Y to reduce Ibo United S(ates lo 1 form of enclave &tance. Point I on the Viel Cong 11!1 would have the country establish • policy of peace and neutrality, including by name good relations with Cambodii. Lloa under the 1962 Geneva •areement on Laos, and diplomatic rtlaUons with all countries including the United States. Nixon said: "We are willing to agree to neutrality for South Vietnam if that is what the South Vietnamese people freely choose . . . All parties wQU}d «gree to observe the Geneva Accord.9 of 1 t 5 4 regarding South Vietnam and Cambodia, and the Laos Ac· cords ol 1962. •• The Viet Cong's seventh point was a call for reunlllCJ· lion of North and South Viti· nam. negotiated between tbe two zones without recognilion of the 17th Parallel as a political or terTitorial boun· dary. Nii.on said, "We have no ob- jection to reanilJcation. it that turns out to be what the peo. pie of North Vietnam and the People of South Vlttnam want ; we ask only that the decision reOect the free choice of the people coocemed." POlnl I on the Vlei Cong Ust was a ban against military alliances by North or South and would forbtd de f e n .s e ' trtatles, bases or troops on lhelr toll. Nixon's statement : 1,' We teek no bales in Vietnam. We seeic 'no military Ues.'1 The .nloth Viet Cong pro- J>O$l ~ested negotiations tor fe.least of military men captured 1n the. war and said the llnitfit States "must bear full respomlbllity for Ibo losses and~devutations It bas caused to the Vietnam people in both Ull'leS ... Ni.Ion said arrangement' tor prisoner release would be made at the earliest possil>le time. And he said the United States has been seoerous lo those II hU fougbl. "We llavo l\elped ow\former foes 11 ... u as our lri!nds in the task ,f ireconetruct~O. We are-proud of lhJs re«ltd, and we brin& tbe same attitude in ~ search for a settlement1 tn Vietnam," The 10tb point w a • supervision by meemeot of Witlidrawal fram "Vlelnam ~of troops and war supplies of the U,S, and Jts allies. Nii.on said '° ·international supervisory body accepttbl~ to both 3icfes -1"0Qld v,erify • withdrawals which he Insisted would involve North Vietnam a. w'!ll as the U.S. Viets Hear President A ware Rogers on Nixon Talk Of Prohlem°S in Plan · SAIGON' (UPI) -Secretary of State William P. Rogers conferred tod ay with high South Vietnamese officla1s on President Nixon 's eight-point peace plan. U.S. authorities said President Nguyen Van Thieu endorsed it "100 per- cent." The secretary first called on Foreign Minister Tran Chanh Thanh and then went lo talk with Premier Ttan Van Huong. These were billed as "protocol calls." U.S. oUicials said the new Nixon sug. gestions for ending the conflict were discussed in some detail. Rogers scheduled a visit to the free world forces head· quarters, the post for ad- ministrative coordination of the allied forces aiding South Vietnam in the war. AIDES GRATIFIED The secretary and other U.S. officials here w e r e described as ' • h i g h l y gratified" at the favorable reception Nixon's new plan for ending the conflict appeared to be receiving from mo.st South Vietnamese. They recognized, however, that South Vietnamese pJeasure over the Nii.on ad· dress was greater than it might otherwise have been becauM of a growing fear here in recent weeks that the U'llited States might b e preparing to abandon the struggle. This fear was Jaid to rest. ror lhe time being at least, by Nixon's pledge that there could be no ''one-sided withdrawal from Vietnam, or acceplaD<:e in Paris of terms that wouJd amount to a disguised defeat.'' ENDS AMBIGUITY Sources close to Rogers pointed out that the new Nixon plan eliminates what the secretary had Jong co_n_tended was an "ambiguity" in the Johnson administration's policy on mutual f o r c e withdrawals. The 11166 M a n i I a com- munique promised withdrawal or forces within six. months after righting stopped and "the Jevel of violence subsides." Rogers has said this was not sufficiently precise. The new Nixon formula was designed to lry to end the "ambiguity." Rogers, who is paying his in· itlal vi!il to Vietnam, will meet Friday for his first formal conference with Thieu. By DONALD B. M•Y WASHINGTON (UPI) -In proposing his Vietnam peace plan, President Nix.on did nol. ignore the many problems which must be solved in order to achieve il. Problem No. 1 could be how to nesotiate mutual troop withdrawal with North Viet- nam in view of the fact Hanoi doesn't admit it has troops in South Vietnam. Nixon offered to let Hanoi maintain lhis fiction so long ,s its forces "cease to be there, and that we . have reliable assurances that they will not return." (On television, Nixon did not read this passage of his official text, but the While House said he stood by it.) Problem No. 2 could be whether Hanoi also will agree to withdraw its forces from Laos and Cambodia, a point on which Nii.on insisted, noUng !hat Cambodia is on1y 35 miles from Saigon. Problem No. 3 could be how to devi se ''r•liable assurances" none of the forces could return. U.S. officials estimate there are 100,000 North Vietnamese army troops in the south - 85,000 of them ln North Viet· namese units atid 15;000 acUng as ''fillers" jn Viet Cong units. Another 30,000 to 40,000 North Vietnamese troops are NEWS AN Al YSIS considered by U.S. officials to be part o( Hanoi's immediate combat force, although lhey are now in Cambodia, Laos and North Vietnam, mostly just across the border. \Vhite House sources in- dicated they would not hope to insure the withdrawal of every last North Vietnamese soldier - a good percentage would serve lhe purpose. They said' indigenous Viet Cong forces would not have to withdraw. Th~e was, however, still a big gulf between Nixon's pro- posal and the Viet Cong's lfl. point proposal put forlh in Paris May 8. The Viet Cong demanded the United States and other toreign allies of South Vietnam w i th d r a VI "without posing any conditions whatsoever." The closest the Viel Con1 statement came to admitting presence of North Vietnamese troops was a statement that: "That question of the Viet· namese armed forces in ~h Vietnam shall be resolv by the Vietnamese partiea am g themselves," Anolher problem is bow .to devise an international body.to verily withdrawals and ~r­ range cease-fires. 1bt Indi&n. Canadian-Polish international control commission had little• success in this in Laos. Another is how to achieve the "guarantee" Nixon said he wanted that the process by which South Vietnam ~ it.! future government will be a fair one. Nixon did not attempt to answer these quesUons at this time. Indeed, he left many things open to give his negotiators a freer hand. Peace in Vietnam, he said, cannot be achieved "at a sinsle stroke." Viets Praise Nixon Gls Favorable, But Slww 'Skepticism SAIGON. (UPI) -'-South Vietnamese officials today praised President Nixon's new peace formula as reassuring and finn but the government withheld immediate comment. Some expressed apprehension about postwar elections. "It was very reassuring and pretty much in line with previou s government statements,' 'one-government' official said. "It was a !eiteta· tion of the position so rar taken by the allied side ·and was quite firm." ' President Nguyen V a n Thieu's press secretary, C::ol. Tran Van Lam s&id there would be no comment forthcoming from the President's office. "I don't think it is necessary," he ad· ded. The South V·ietnam-ese foreign ministry said it would have to study the text before commenting officially. ln private, most officials r e a c t e d overwhelmingly favorably . "It was a good speech - very understanding of both the South Vietnamese and the Communists," said one of· !icial. ' ' N i x o n understands that if you give the Com- munists two, they ask for four. And there was a warning to the Communists that was subtle but firm." Some offic,ia l s were reassured slmply because Nix. on's peace formula tlppeared in line with previous allied ap- proaches to a solution to the war. · .Others r a is e d questions about Nixon's provision for an intema.lional CQnunittee to supervise ~lectiofis after any cease.fire. "Mr. Nixon was vague on !his pqint," said o_ae official. "We would like to know what he has in mind. Would the ~lectioril be envisages take place within the framework of our constitution'! What kind of elections does he want?" South Vletnsmeae lelll!olon and pollticl•n·a w~ particularly anxious • b .o u t that. Some said tbey would strongly oppose any election organized by anyone but lbe Saigon government. In the field, U.S. troops ap. peared to welcome Nixon'• remarks but many said they doubted the North Vietnamese would agree to them or abide by them. "~1utual withdrawal sounds pretty good," said WO Joh11 Riley, 21, o( Findlay, Ohio. "But I don't know how the.Y could regulate iL'' Riley is atl helicopter pilot with the 2Mb.il Infantry Division. "Mutual withdrawal would never work," said SP. 4 John Larson, 22, of Aluandria, Minn. "As soon as lhe U.S. ie gone they would come back in and take over." 1st U. Frank Tufariello, 25. of New York City, supported the withdrawal idea and aaid the South Vletoame9e lhould take over more of the fighting. ..... ,,,......, SECRETARY OF STATE MEETS WITH SOUTI4 Vll~'FICIALS R0ttn (...,l•rl With Preml.,.·Ven Muont (left) Amb111edor Bunker \ • I 'T"~'.'":'.":":"-:, -:.::-:'. .. :-:,::-. -:.r:. _:::,':'". -:.::-. _::,::: .. ::.-:.7' .. :-:,::.~ •• :"..~--;-.. ::.-:.:: .. ~ .. -:.:". 7"'.:-:77:.":.':'". -::-:-:-:-.-:.~. :: .. -:.:------:-. -:.:-.. ~. -~-'-' .. -...,.. :: .. -:::-•·"·"· ':" •• :-;.-:-. 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Choice green-belt location 2 Bedrooms, 2 baths, Enclosed lanai EloqUCnt & \vorry-.flft may lease \vith option $42,950 Call: Jim Cobb Res. 673-1164 5 bdrm 2 bath home near OCC. Vacant • clean. No down to Vets .. min, dn. FHA • $32,500 tOvely 3 bdrm home in Mesa Del ~1ar with a sparkling pool for family fun. Many plus features -excel. terms. SHANGRI LA lmmac! Lu.ving country, bath: twly carpeted~ drap. • mlllt ,.11. Sa"" brola's !£<, od, Frplc. Pool, poJ;,, bltno. Nestled in the Seashore Col. call owner. 56-.3008 $33,tn>. Call aft i pm &. ony is the "Gem of tht 4 BR PACESEiTER on lrg, wknds. 644--0816 Ocean'' front. The inv:IUn1 quiet corner lot. Rm tar sandy beach meelll the roll.. boat, trlr. etc. Lots of Palos Corona del Mar 12.50 Inc aurf. Atb'at:ti~. mod-Verde stone. P.1ust see! ernlzed 2 bdnn. home com. ,1,to1y ruml.Wd: •11·""· l-"'135"',oooo="'*"'54&-(JJ53===='l $75,000 BUYS ••• color TV, Aho fumisM<l B h 1200 A new hO'me on Ocean Blvd.; sue.st •Pl. Sirvle car gar. Newport eac A home on Bia: Corona Beach CALL it·n. NELSON 540-1151 (open eves) plus ramp storage for car OR a beauWul home with Heril1 .. RH I E1t1to or boaL Thltt propol'ty lo In HAPPINESS IS •.• on lnrom• unit! "'!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'\'!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I lmmaculate condition, Prl-$p<,i-at t ha Beach Orange C~•st P roperty -= ced at only $5.9,500 with ex.-.,... • 332 Marguente tin-8550 General 1000 ~ral · 1000 aeBtnL..:terms to qualified Udo Sanda • Block from ""-~"'------"'-Beach • Community Swim-ITT CHARM . (OMUlllJ You'I Never "'r."'c"• THOMAS, m"°" Pool. 3 b,, 2 bath plus SHORECLI F IVJl bunk room . 2 lovely pal.io8 . FEE LAN~ Grow Old . REAL TOR kitch•• •<lh bullttns ;nc1 Old« 2.sty. co1oma1 • B•. YAWE EnJoyinc yoor own pool. and 224 W Caul Hwy o:•• 1:0:..., brand new dishwasher. All Ocean view from upper ·1· cooJe th.an "'--1 ..... 1 • ...._....., lot $32,500. Owner on prem-story, $$,IXXJ . All wrapped up tn l:his ~ pin Buy oHcrlni;: Fresh paint in and out, Jo'ully carpeted and draped. Thrtt bedrooms, two baths. 15'x26' Livinr room with F.P. Dining room and Bkflt. room BIN kitchen, stalnleq 1ink. 12'x.18' Den ell covered patio, Large patio with bar-8-que, Loads of built-In cloleta, cup. board1, cases. and ahelveL Corner Lot -DoubLe Ganp. Near Cost& Meu Parle, Girll Oub, Boys Oub, Priced lo It'll 1090 Down Owner 1vill C&.ITY lat T.D. !or qualified buyer, ACT NOW!! Eves. Call ~ TIME'S UP Make Offer ~~ ~tors 4 ~ Newport Beach, Eve, 545-$43 lses Sun. May lB, noon 10 Delancy Re•I E1t•ft home ta value packed with SEA BREW 5 pm. 5401 Bruce 'Crescent ~'E. Coast l!wy,-O:Utl top quality carpets and drap. or Call or Write owner, Djck 673-3710 es throu&:hout, Shake roof Walklng distance to beach, Collin, P .O. Box 745, Palm SHORECLl1''1'' 3 BR, 3 BA. Chann, quiet area, owner you can aaaume the exl.ltln& Desert, Calif. 714/346-6525. Quiet tree lined atta by the ~ant.a tut action. $35,000 low interest loan ~th pay. sell. Fee shnple. Acceu to 2 ments oI $1$ includifl5t tax.. -WANDERLUST? beaches. Under $50,000. 13)' "For A Wise: Buy" Colesworlhy & Co. es and inaura.nce, Metlcul-Yoo can travel without fear cwner. 67J.-3681 ous)y cared Ior 3 bedroom or fret on a mcment's ~ $55,000 • 1070 , Down. 6~% bOme with Isolated family Uce from 1967 Vista Del 0~. Interest. 2 ilouseJJ, R-2 Sc. room and ita own fireplace, Comp. maintenance provkl. or High,vay. ti7S-fiQ44 Bkr. bullt·in kitchen and sep&r. ed. just pack, lock & go, 31,C:~;,;,-o:-..c..:....o.....~~ ate diniQr room. Call now, BR 2 Ba. End unit privacy OWNER..Qpen house. Beaut. a.akin& $30.900. for ·$29,000 with $5.tlXI down. 2. BR, 2 BA + den, Will H•I Pinchin It Assoc. finance. 5.15 Hazel. CdM. -rarr.,.W- ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 BUllD OUT 3900 E. Coaat Hwy 675-4392 Lido Isle 135 I BY Owner; 4 Br., just redecorated home, in choice Newport Heights loc. Mam-LOVELY BAYFRONT moth front yard, open beam ( BR + maldl, sou.them ex. ceilings, new carpets, paint pos;ure, pier &: slip for J.&e &: drapes. Incl. matched boat. Z.story w/view from stove & retrig. Needs only master BR. Call for appt. simple e"terior pain~ng. Walker Rlty 67.S.5200 Xlnt investment at $26,900. 648-0']89 • I iiliiOliiOliiOliiOliiOiiiiiiiiiiOO I the balance cf this hui;:e R-2 RIGHT PRKE lot, 31• doep. Li"< In the existing home, 3 BR 2~ COWGE PARK baths & ·cOt111tr'\lcl 5 more ;ncom• pnxloclog home.. Try a rood 2nd TD & some cub for the down payment. Excellent gold shag carpet.. Ing & a re.11.1 fine family home on eul-de-sac slrttt Call now for particulars, $28,950 F/P (TRY 10% DOWNI $44,500 Buy I CLIFF HAVEN 3 BR. 2 ha Lldo Beach Home.. 3 BR home, Irr sunken fam Buy now, and enjoy all wum- rm w/ handsome Iiteplace & mer. Only $10,000 On. tock wall, pa.nclled din nn LIDO REALTY INC. \v/ beamed ceilings, Large 3400 Via Lido '673-8830 'vcll landsc:aped lot on quiet I ''""'!. 13<.too. 642-5749 TERRIF IC LISTING fi OPEN llOUSE SUN 1-5 Spacious, clean, fairly prie·1 .. ~~=== FANTASTIC CHESHIRE REAi; ES1' ATE 51r>-2503 Morning &: Eves. ......,. ANYTIME $22,500 Newport lle.ights with the eod. ~ breeu is when: thi& beautiful custom 4 ~. room Newport home is locat. ~. Your wife will Jove the Ume saven wttti 3 baths for the kiddies, handy service area oH the very best plan- ned kitchen. Top grade wood paneling thnl~ut. 2,20o gq. feet of quality workmans:hip and design as only builder Jack McLean is capable of. The alley accesz makes a perfect spot to house yoUl' boat or trailer, since the <..'Ol'ICttte alab and double gates are ready for use. ()bJy such ~ in the atta. S48,5Cll sumntt )'OQI' smaller home on our pa.ra.nl_et tl&le plan. Huge trees &. beautiful land- !IC.ll.Ping oulllide, immaculate inside with highly polished floon:, 11.ll reOec:t the care • tx~ent condition of this hom". You ·n llke the floor plan with the isolated livi"E room, family room 4': big bdnns. Located in M.E.SA. Full Price $25, 950 Newport al Victori1 DOVER VILLAGE, 2 stocy C.Ondo $29,500. Own land. Adulls. $195 mo. incl. taxes. 2 bdrs, 2\i ba. beaut. patio, 1ibl gar .. pool. f.taint. $25. ()lvncr Bkr. 646-1948 ed, prime location, i;:martly decorated 3 Bel. plua, 4.J' Lol $65,000 R. C. GREER, n.eall;y 1 ) I l OCEAN VIEW Sit in 32 ft, Jiving room and See all the W-:J to Catalina. A baolutely J>"-rled condition throughout with attractive mac carpets and dtton.lor drapes. Owner Is workine out of area and o Uera •l $38,500. 516-2313 64&-1171 O THE REAL "\.. l:STAT}~RS john macnab OOVER SHORES This delighUul, large 3 BR. home witb family rm. 1-!Uge, luxurious mstr. suite; park- like llCtful& with plenl;y of room for pool Indoor-00tdoor lanai, mature citrus tree:s I: ~ gardt<n. $U5.IXXJ. (714) 642~35 901 Dover Drive, SUite 120 Newport Beach N9wport Island Right oH the boat; Just list. ed, a •'Topper". 2 Btlnn., zhowa well. On R-2 lot. Gar. qe stressed for additional building, Cozy patio, Doesn'I $41,SC)J sound interesting? First call 1nay takl' it. BARCAlN & QUALITY Owner leaviQg area. 3 }Ufl' bdnns, hardwood noon, huge 20K24' family room with :ffrepla~. built.ins, 2 sinaJrr garages Ir. Jots ol room tor boat 4 trailer, Beautiful Eastsl.de tret-1.ined ~t.. e 143 Bn».dway 645-0181 Eves. 646-4579 5 BEDROOM TWO STORY WE SEll A HOME EVERY JI MINUTES Walker .& lee 200 WestcWJ Dr. ~71ll Open Eves. FANTASTIC. Mediterranean g Bedroom, 41.11 b9ths, Tee. dining room. •Gourmet kltchim·lamily rm. Located in loveJy Mesa Ver- de. with 2% baths, brirht, shiny kitchen with all built- ins. Ideal home for large family-Priced below mar- ket at $33,950. 546-2.'lll e 3 fireplaces-same room 2 stairways 64&-1171 O THI: REAL "\.. ESTATERS • 3~ Car garare. 1. patios, dot; nm. Fee land-- Mary Lou Marion AmNTION ......... YACHT OWNERS Coltlw,11 a..k1r & Co. 40' Private dock adjoins prnp. • ~ c... "..._, crty, Cape Cod style home "W'::.n~ca~ has huge living room over· ''"""""~~~~!!!!!!!!~ looking water. Cozy den with I · $55 950 used brick fireplace and 4 large bedrooms. For appoint. f men t call GOOD TERtilS 6 Units Close In Rltr. 642-9730 Eve11. 54&.0720 Abselulelr Beautiiul ckiicribes this adult oc:t:upied 3 bdrm rustic home located on cul-de-u.c & close to e~. Mmt see to ap. preciate, \Von't last Jong a l this price of $26,f50 ~ PERRON -· ' .... * 642-1771 Anytime* Pool in Exclusive Newpolt Beach Located near upper NeWJ>Ort Bay. This luxuriow execu. tiv" home features a spark- ling 38' s1vimming: pool, Jure patio, huge living room, panelled family room \\•ith wood burning fireplace. 4 spacious bedrooms and 3 bath!. For appoinbnent call I Olll \I I Ill \II\ ' ' I' I > ' Newport I I 61.Ulll 3355 Via Lido 673-9300 , Bai lboe l1l1nd 1355 ·VERDE on a nice quiet Victoria Big Family Home st.reel ,vith schools near by. 646-ll Just listed • 5 bch;rns 2900 NEW ·VIEW FIXER-UPPER EXTRAORDINARE Escrow is cktsing soon on . 11 9Q ft O>tciniat with Arlthony new home so 01vner aa.y11 pool, Near Mes.ii. Verd8 . . Corner Jot duplex at li.!ld BRING AN OFFER., ean I !!!!!!!!!J!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!~I Country Cub. Owner trans- riaht away k youil.I be able RAMBUN' ferred ·best oiler. Beautiful v.ie\v during the cost! $43,500 day, breathtaking at ni&.ht BOYD REAL TY to make a bis' savings. List-ROSE ~ 5~'·5810 t>d at $26,800. But'!'?? . . (ntatCll'lell'rill~ J K N'.J.&I Rll 5 spac10us bedrooms, hv1n . OLLEGE REALTY , , l~llV S, r, bath.< ond anyone '"' .,. l5al-•H• .... Cll + new 4 bedrQOm & 3 ha.th. 3629 E. c.oast Hiway, O:L'\f Delta Real Estate 6'16-4414 675-5930 'OPEN DAILY JOAM to 2PM 3 bedroom, dining room Built-ins. large lot $28,000. 629 St. James Rd. Arnold It Jo"reud, Realtors Huntington &.iich 1400. ~9521 540-6631 1ume the lo1v interest loan ' at 5\i% total payment-; in-l'i=======z: I :==s======== I eluding taxes cir S134.00. Bet. I• '' ter than new condition, new 2 STORY FIXER-UPPER 4 Bedroom $25,000 Buy Of The Year! Waterfront • Vie\v of Cata· lina & Bay. 2 BR, 2 ha Channel Reef 'own your own' Penthouse: Apt. with Frptc, $62,500. Ask for: ~let Saliabwy, Rltr. 315 Marine 673-6900 DUPLEX East Costa. A1esa. '/. Bdrn1s. each apt. G.l.'s no cash down. FIIA tcnn1. Would ex. chance for Fullet1on. FORTIN CO, l70l·A \VeslcliU Dr., NB ' 6tl·5000· EASTSID£ 2 BR carpets, just painted, remod-5 BR 3 baths, cpts/drps, elec- eled baths and alley access. tric built-ins shake: 1'0(1(. All for $27,500. 1"/ear ALL schools. S36.7ri0. -F"arr.,.W- THE BLUFFS Overlooking Back Bay: l yr. Don't bring money, Jusl a old condo.: 3 Br. 2~~ Ba., b11.1sh & paint. 011J1 6 ~an; cust. drpi;, & ca.rpets, By old. 4 bedrooms, J baths, o\vncr $a.'l,900. 644-2370 family roorn, fireplace, Blur.rs, fabulous F-plan on shake roof. No down to G.I. Wall"'McCatdlet Rltrs. 1810 Newport Blvd., C.P.I. 548-7729 anytime I~~~!!!!!!!!~~ green belt \V/bay view. Buyers hllIT)'. ORANGE COUNTY'S I; l\fnny cu.st. features. l Br. 3 LARGEST Coif• Mes• 1100 Ba. w .soo. 64.4-4265 2t3 E. 17th St. 64M4M I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ~, ..;B°'R~=w~.,~,~-~n,~N-o-. -.,~ Balboa Coves. $60 ,000. Prefer trade for acreage or wlll comider other. 548-7Tl1 IOHl\J I OJ\11\ ,.;> ( ,< • • ~ Three/Fam/Pool Barrett Realty . \Vhkh m""' we.,.., 011";"• a lovely 3 BR, l~t, bath BEAlITlFUL home in the 645·0303 presents -f\ ...-home with fam rm, and a Bluffs. Outstanding Bay'"""""-=~-~~~ 1'.~ 'IWimming pool at a price view. J Br. J Ba. By owner. B lue. R ibbon Special Terrific View! you will hardly bP.lievc. 6#-0m Inviting 15x30' pool, loads of A I I h I Call U" To Sec: BA YFRONT ~ Br beach decking, end, patio, 2 Story n • egan ome · 4 BR. prestige an?a. Blt-ins. Do not m iss tee ing BURR WHITE, Rltr. house, pvt beach, Bayi.hore cpts/drps, fully lond11C. A•· h. 4 bd L-~l Newport Bl d NB I ·r!: l~ru;chold $1J'5 0 0. t 11 rm, 11eau~ v ·· · · sume 5~1. ',~ GI loan • owner I • f 11 d d 675-4630 EvH . 673-0l59 548-1391 CONOOMJNIUM ]I,. blllhs. I u y ecorate \Viii h!!lp fin. $35,:KXI. $14,400, Joan s~c; ... available. • d u I t occupied fl! Paul J ones R ealty h · I · A/VA NO 00\VN -Nowpo'I Heights 1210 °AJ.t26' E"•. =03167 IOHl\I 1111\ll\ . 64 ~303 Call Oscar 642-lm ,eves. ome 1n exc u11ve Sl90/nionth includl'1' p & I. '" .... ""°" REDDGBf 01-v· 646-6921 ChvnP.r/Agt. Dov•r Shores. fo~anlaslic 3 bedroom home FORECLOSURE --,~B~R--POOl~~~-r '" ... u kept "'""'' 101. 2 St""' Cape Cod e KENNEDY R E A L T Y 3 BR 2 bath ho $19,500 180,; \Vestcli!l Dr, NB 6"2·5200 , _ __, & ncl _.. -·' $50 total lo GT buyer or sell me, comer ..... rge cove...... f': 05.,., Dclu.xe 5 bedrooms. :l baths FHA & ••JI•• -y• all clo· 2a25 W Balboa Blvd NB 64r "303 I t ,.~••• ·•• 5 3 bt'droom, 2 balhJ, lin!platt. 1· k JI J .... '"' 1~ "' • ., · · rv 0 ~ • .... more -~--pa JO -sun en v ng room Beautiful bargain $39,500. ina costs. 3 BR J 3,,' balh!I, 675-6000 units, Drive by 1545 Sant& BACK BAY LOCATION All d~tric built-in kitchen. fully carpeted, sparklina ·-e =~=~~==1 $26,500· 100/0 Dn. AnaAve.the.ncAll Quiet cul.-de-sac. l~amil.Y room. Park -like WANTED built-in kitchen & in im· ,,0, ~~~~18;~0~m. NEED B ·L·~· POINT This home is nettOed""""" '""--'• ... -..... An ideal family home. ground• R. E,Sales.woma. n maculale '°"'Htion. pr;.,.. .• ·-BRASHEAR REAL TY "' -.__ ......... ____ . ,...,..,, •~a&•.u DAVIDSON Realty TARBELL 146 0604 1erm tor immediate ulc. • ......_ Newb' painted 3 Br. home, other . ._.ul.11. ......... ~ with 64U560 5t&-S460 Eves. r,G.100.S DAil.Y Pll..OT \VANT ADS We have the advantage of the CALL 54G-ll51 ropen eves) • l A L T y 347-8531 Eve!I. 4.31-3763 1 --& 1Dr aun & fun. aS4~ntA.Joan.~ts1~~=="'°'"""'=~=-1!.xclusive .......... for Ivan H · •·at N NB p Of 6462 "4 B:;ti;: A~! SG,!IOO Sl59 ~all, 3 BR 1 .. baths =DAlL==Y=P=ll.oT==W=ANT==ADS==':..::D:AIL==Y=P=fLOT==W=ANT==ADS=='::.!;==BRJN==G=R=ES=U=L=T=S=!=::-I WeUs' new ~i);,~r Shores eritage .,,., Eslate ear 0111 c:. · ~· DIVORCE S..lboa RHf Ettm Co. localed eut at TUstin Att. Development , , I\ captive VA . FHA Take over 6'7o loan no quaJi. 100 E, Balboa Blvd., Balboa w!W,,the ,!!~ +_,~;~ily-room. General 1000 General lOOO~ral 1000 audience for reslles, OUice $20 950w --,-,c-1-'11 _____ 1_2_3_0 I f)'lng or sell on new VA gr 673-411) ~ •-to in new exciting. furnished I -""e==' ,;....----'"-' FHA. 4 BR 1% ba, like rM>\\' -=========:1 a larp covered patio, Quiet sfi'Q~~ ~"B!}'s· model at 1431 Galaxy Dr. HOME • R-2 lot. Ettel cpts, lg cul-<lc-sac lot, wall. Iii street. \!:I" -Roy J . Ward Co, Ask for i\1. Wt•stslde. 3 BR 2%. ba. room '0 school~. Quick J>mi~. EASnlDE 1860 Newpon.mvd., CM . Pinover 6-16-15.)(}. POOL-3 Bdrni • Fnni nn. for 4 or s units. 549-1623 BRASHEAR REALTY ~~ :·~.::,1 = ru;LACHENMYER .s.1 .. aSfoapieS.....~lld Wordl'uzzllforeC/tuckl• "'"""""p"o""o"L""""""l ~~~d' .r.:;,~" · ~;2~ ""· ,.,...,1 E'"· 541.im Unique • lftrildlW 9dulklc. 0 ....... ...... w .. ~-.......... --...,..-..... TWO STORY 4'600 sq ft. 5 2 B~\I ~ O>~.~~~m Horses Penni HR atpied PaddockJIOOJ home. $21,950 With POOl -~,.:·J:r~wor': 4 BEDROOMS ~~:n·ss~1~i ,~1no·n~xh io12Bu~k1r:':m~.0over ~~'~·or.~ =-f:nd $35.'M. ASK FOR DAN LEE to show IA TON UM I Fam/Dining Room 101a1. Full priei! S36,950. Village. Broker 675-1002 INCOtt1E POTENTIAL &Ul-·511-0 ) you this tantutlc Colla , . I'. I , 1 If 1 \\'htre cl~ can YoU buy Lhis CAl:.L 540-lT51 (open eves/ ---------! $39.99:1 . O\\'neJ' cart•lr~ Joan Meu Colldominium featur. in BAYCREST for $45.500'!' r ~H~cn~·'=""':o-,="",-';,.l.:Eo~ta,..'--~ Irvine 1238 Rex L. Hodge s Rlty, -GE~"l 1nr 1arie bdnn~ 1tu11•m.. JEAN SMITH, 3 BDRM $19 950 ------811""' ,_ plush Cl.JP'!tinc A: drapn. R lfor • ' MAGNIFICENT Vu on ,, ac, ARTIST Owned & decorated Owner olferiJ:v just fl400 , .. UYTI . I ea Auwne51.4%FHA loan,$1ll l ·mln/UCI. 4 Br, tam rrt\. Jbdm1 .. 2ba.,DutchRawei TRANSFIRIED down pa)'Me'ftt $181 per I I ' I r 714/M6-3255 mo. pays all. Lrr fncd yard, $49,500 by ownr. S.U.2616 Co. Oub, on cul-.de-&ac lmmac, a BR Mcw. Vpfte month incfudel ewrythinc. • • • -400 E. 17th Costa tifesa newly redecor. featured l n Southerland ti om~ ~ )"II. Owner 5ti-5227 or 54().7562 Ea1tbluff 1242 Magazine. $29,!m, 6~ JOM. ·~ ldld!, blt ·1"" CAU.!!40-tmHeri1'"<Rul I U I "A" Frame MONTlCEU.O.BatronyBR.l ;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,lo""""JJS1-<46Jlorl!J.l.1231. t'ock waled Imc:e. lttml Estate. .L 1"',~ .,. I •1~~-~.~'!. ~fl~~of: Unique 3 bdrm home with 1% be.. custom drps/eptd, ''P ick of the Litter" Principals on!f. Joe. Onb' $25.950 .. ntA $20,'50 • WOWI ..... _ MTSW lTI9 ...... _ shimmering pool A: plenty blt·lns. dbl gar. Excel ccnd, $lJ,SOO GLENMAR horn<', 2 story, J 1enDll. "Apple PW'' U'dtt. Kine alz. ";::;:::=:=:::::=::....., o Wgman'a low until I Jtorted of JJpact for badminton court \\1'000\\' ARD, Realtor Owner oaera choier Blufls BR. t&m r.m. 2 bath POOL. pwc WWW ed. bedroom&. dft-am ldt~ 1 r pay·"" • • t or garden. Vacant & ~ad.y 962-334.'\ ..,___ l·•l-3 BR. , ~ Ftp!. c. pat10, new pa.int in-... -;. ·-"·-.,IOYM·1 I .... -. .. I., f BYOWNER3 R ,_ -·· ~ $22..,._.. BEDRM • __.......... . ~ or you. B Homes. 2. dbl patio. br!t loc. kl'lrr1!st akle. $33,$0. 962-Dl!I alt f AD the ""rrimmi•"· 2 ~ b~ca:.! bar., I I I' j I G ~f::: ~ .... ~ qualrld Arnold & Freud E. tiide, 2-W. Pde. Very Ire malntcrwttfel'&Jeaaehold 1 =P~M==-----bt.e.. famll7 ruom. Dell1tu... ;:;)j,Ti)-. . ' you ... ,re:.=,~=: 3$8 E. 11th Sl., Q.t transfenble Joans 5"--'~%. avail. Call 644-0500 PRFZI'IGE homl! by l)WfWI "" covmd ,. .... i..,.. T•RBELL -· H ~-8 • "''""'" .... mo N...i '""'· 548-1169 , ..,~~~~~~""·I """ ... ti..'"'·' BL,,,. yutl.Wllleconcrtte ~. ~ £~-... _ :~~~Fusr r r r 1· r I' I 1105 1: NEW BLUFFS--~~:undera ppr•i1ed !!40-112ll BA YFIONT Al'T. ----. -. . 1$11,200. 5~~. loan MIN del Mar 2 BR. 2 BA. Spm IO'cl, Mony val"" 139,150. S12-11>!1 TARBELL 2tS5 H•rbor Vim. Del Udo. Pitt a: aUp • UNSCIAMILE umas TO I I I I I I I I P•vm ent• $137 Month 2 STORY 5 BDRM, 3 Baths. custom f~atures; all tlec .• SALE or Lea11e; By OWnl'r, I PJ..MX )lout wint ad wbf!re 1.va.llabte. £ncb«1 prqe, GU ANSWJ! lncludts evtrythlng. 4 i,m. Waler aoftener, clcc bltnl, etc, Lowest mainl & lease-BR, 2 BA, frplc, new cpts • ~ ar., lookloe _ DAILY $28.500. rooms, 2 bathll, electric oovered patk>. \\'alk to All 'bold, BV OWNER.. Ca!t Dick paint, pool a;lzed k>t. Walk ti PILOT claa'ltledf 6G:iS'll G..,._ Wllll•mNn '·------......-.-. built-in kitchen. Pretti shut. seh\4. Priced below muket Dytr 5J3M56 cid 401 or xchl/bcach. 962-fi61l For Dilly Pilot Want Ads JtuJIGr krs. value. By owner.~ 5J&..3Sl2.' NHd a G1rd<:n11IM(llef " Dial oc.5611 6t!-<150 Ew1. 813·1564 SCRAM·LETS ANSWER IN CLASSIFICATION 9300 TARBELL 142-1 SOCK IT TO 'EM! Wltllo elephonts! OU.w·llm find It with• want e<ll ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-'-- , I I I • Thurs¢;', row U. 1'69 D.lllY. "1.0f, HOl/f.ES F2~ SALE REN'fALS -~EN;r:ALS, R!NT(<LS REA l!STATI RW BfiTi UAL mm Huntln~ llN<h 1400 Ho-Unlvrnlthod 'A;i.. Furnhhod Aph. Unfvrnltliod l-'-'"'G""k..;11.;..roo;t_~--O-rit -·• CuSToM HOME-;9-norol 30QO Co0t1 -• .§111.! Cotll,Jl!o!f~ SJOO lt1nt11t W1ntod 59.90 luolq-111111•1 6060 R~ '150 .. BR 2 bath. 122~. All ,133. ~ .. ~iba. 1 -: S27.SO: ...... ...;., HAllol . WANTl'!I> Im~; l.:Dr:"bit l.1'.ltt, -or o111 ... ltH NOITHDN larse 'l'OODM, beautifuJ ear-Town~ IW. RIO, • Day week monlh _,.. , or apt: CM or 'Nil ma. r;t;·ft: IDPd ~. 1.\1 E. ·~· lil'I'~·"'· Oo 1.,.. lol. <1>1!4<eP . 0.K -Bro~ .. e s•.ii.1.-&cbiApi.. Unturn ........ l"t.,w111. l11tbSC.,C.M.-CAU· •& .. CH . Better $et! thls one! GI or .~ · -• n*1lJtUa a PbonC atrv QREE·NS bJa: 10 <PJlnt. • cletn-uf etc. MODERN 3 ~ omoe N 1 r. ~ ! , FHA terms: • e M Id S. · TV il ' ~l Pl)' i0 ';!~ l<CI' mtf. •-•td, '::'-A crp ... ,1 Sllow ranch llllly -wldl • • MUTUAL 'Realty Costa 3100 • N:w eai";':·Bu ava • Yin clw rtts . ..:all bt~ s:1 ii'&i"Mo N 8~124 appi'OXfmately 100 aern al o. HOUSE$ FOlt ,SALE ~t&J~~.,=~'tioriiTi··: .. :~= 84Z-14lB anytime 2376 ?:lewport Blvd. S4S.'7il.5 BAQIELOlt UNFURN. 642--8181. Aft 5 5ts...so25 :A • . . • ~t puture, ,Hu ao ~ • ••••. ··• '"' , ..... , .... , ................. -GI RESALE HOlJD•Y p from $110 QUIET l·'· dosirc• untum ~;,_ANA 5:.~ '"JNU1dtlc11• •·1 '""'llenl S Wrm bome, Ill> : ; ......... ~""\"......... . 1NOu1ta1a1. ••wt•• -I ~ L.AZA ,Wo.Y ~-am,..., -•·--~ ~~ lor Cot'fA Ml-"'! ................ 11 .. 1-0TI -•......... :-.. ::::::::u.. . ALSO AVAJLABLE apt non imoktnc nune w/ • • e ~ ..... _.. .. MllA Pll. MAit .} ............ 1111 llANCHU AIM On Muntlngton 'st t -DELUXE. ·spa.dous 1.Bd:rm. nlc~· c&r. Will • considtt $D1 mo. 541-SCUor -.'1'5JJ reaist~ cattle. ToW of MILA VltDI .............. ••111' CITlllS oit'OVQ"''"-'"""' •111 'l r~ for example l ~--s 2 · f'utn. apt, n35 Plus utll l • 2 A 3 BDRM, -"--. ~-•• •-· P.O. e •• Off{e41 -I 00 UOrthacreol 1~located 9 mlletc.o, • c:ouioE P:4.1tW: .............. 1111 ,CltlAOI "":"•''"' $3000 cuh down to existing ..... -Oii· ,..._.'l""'...::u H ~ I •-•1 · ' Htaled Pools Chlkl """-'"''""""' ....., .... ..,_ -£Al0 NIWl'OJllT IPCJI ............ tztt U.lta 1u1M0iii'""""'0 ••............ GI IOo 1168 • __ ,.... Ulll ~-.pet mo. ~ tat<:\! poo ...... Ul' e Park.iii& . • """'"' """'' ... B ... near MIW.O•T MllGHTS .......... tttt t.EtoltT P1toP'lliY""'• .. ···.., rt. per mo, 1,.,.,....... No children. No pets · Ceoter .. ,AdJ to. $hopph1;1 -... .-., "'· • .. • " -· -.. _.,_ ..,:,,;, .. wi· • l• IAIJOA cov11 ............... t:tls OlANo• co.,ll'ltOf"la'yy''"'""'••> es all 3 BR l~ baths, bit· l~• ~--CM ~. pe•· all-·~ UN-~·· ~ ' •GUNA BEACH Cn1:u11. rwi ~·ce U3.2.000. 1 MIWl"OltT IHOllll •.•.••.•••. 1m OUT 0,. ltATI l"ltOft ·····a. . &: I lot """'c:uuwpa, ., oP Y"'""' r UN, hOuae ....... ta Mesa -For more fnfom\adon pleaae ' •.1.YC•IST .................... uu MOUNTAIN 6 01·1 ,~ ••··•·•· •• , tns arge . VIII P 2700 Peli!!taoft W•u, at Har-or N...-area 3 BDRM: Air "--..11.&t--....1 -~11 c•--1 u.n~•u ................... tm su•otvtttONl.Mlo•T .• ., ........ TRADEWINDS Rf TY * • omona'Apt1. 1; "V ' """.-• • • -Pll•r....-"""' ..,nn -n \'Jlh oov•a sHOltl!S ............... tnr lltl!AL ESTATE 111tYiC'i .... ·:::: 1-ORANGE iCOUNTV'S Costa ~lesa's newest •-m-l bor Ir. Adama, Costa U1esa Mnat ha~ .. 1fenoed yard. QN FORIS'l Avn«TC ' E.l!'LL..Jt & .... ~., Inc. WISTCLI,.. .. .............. tut 'I EX(HANOll ""'n l• 84 •Oi.lll ., "" 546-0370 S250-U15 vw-q> ow ll)ach' av.Jlablt bl ..,"''""'' ~ ~~~:::s1~~G~~~~ .• :::·::·.::~m t'. E. WAN'f,;o ..... :::·"'" 62* OWNER'S 3 BR 2 bath, Nice 293 E.~!GS~.sy., ••94 luxui-fous, furn, 1 le: 2·BR. WANT 2 ~. W'f\ll'll~ partly oewelt cWct bulJdills •t 1818 ~p~ Ave. 11.YINE ...................... 1"' BUSINESS ind dean home. Asi;unle 5%% --ap~. Adults only. No pets.' • RENT• • furn. Coflta Mesa &rea. SUO Prime k>c•tloD ID downtown ., ... ....,..., .,..._ __ t., lmd ·.,~ .. -,, •A<K IAY ............. , ....... 1241 rFINANCIAL F1IA t•••, ~ ~. 1_ 2 "·. ll'". 3 Br. Ii=_ New 1760 Pomona Ave., j\1111 south r ,._,,.a a-.,... • ._ ___., ..ru.·"'~"• 1:.~w s v.»>01~t 1.1.sTM.l.ll'fl ................... 1242 ' ,,..., .. -~ """" .u1· ..., '" f 18lh St 3 R--F llu or lcu. Udy A one child. -..-..-.;:--li.VUll" • ' ••VINI Tl•IA<• ............ tiu •UEINISS Ot'l"OaTUNITllS .. mt Isthmus J..n .. HB cpts drp paint 2 ° . _... urn re 646-4063 timed. Clt'Pltel be&u!Sful i.!:"'_,,.,_ ... ~!!!!!!!!!!I~. !!!!!!!'!I coa.ONA DIL MA• ........... 1 111s1N11s WANT10· ........... utJ Chld' 0 s, •gar, S13Q CLEAN Furn 1 BR. utils $20 •.$"5 &·. UP --1~ ·---Two -rt Property 620S IALSOlt. t'lfrl!INSULA ......... 1. INVlSTMlln' °"*""'"'-... '311 rn K No pets; lst & ., \VAlt.ITEJ) t)nfUm 3-4 BR ,_...~ -vuu ;;;;;;;;;i;;;i;;;;i;ii;i;;;i;i;;;;;;i;;;ii;I llACON IA'I' ................. 1 VESTMINT WANT•• ...... UIS Hun"tin..ton la.st plus deposit. lnqtilre incl. Bachelor Only, no pct!. hionth-To.Monlh R~tala . <;'-'' : • entrucel: Frontq8 on .. •Av 1su.NOS ................. 1H• MONlY To LOAN ............. •3241 •• 1100 Newpo•t. J·~· ........ S48--()f)22 houee, a pt or oondm. BluUs, ~"'"' •••·· -or •-da 10 MAMMOTH MT. LIOO 111.• ..................... 1~1 ••itoNSAL LOANS ............ ms Herbour 1405 • .....;r ~ \VIDE SELECTION Ea.st Blulf.s, lrvi~ Ten-ace. '"' .-. •ALIOA ISLAND .............. 1HI J£WllliLtY LOANS ............. •m LOVELY 3 BR 2 ....... ,. BACH. A .. t., •-1., b"'m cell, Appliances & TV's avail. Mu.nclpal pa.rklna Iota. $50 CONDO. FOR SALE MUNl'IM•TON •fACH .... -.•. 1411 COLLA'tt:llAL LOAfrff ......... .w ··v TERFRONT ..... .... ...., Up to $350. 675--7854 th I ... L"·-·~-2nd ·---ti HUNTINGTON MA••OUlll ... ,.ldrS ltUI. UTAT• UM.NI ........ 6MO ' A • ~y O\\'De.r. \\'jtb dble garage ii: \V/\V cpts, prlv. patio. l Adult, no No 5ecurity Deposit pr mon Of QI(* De11A WIW"IUU. u•.•UR:, prof! FOUNTAIN VALLIT' .......... 1•1• MORTeMU. T,.. o..-.... 6MS 4 BR .• 2 BA., dock, 55' on pets' $95 Yrl 613--IIFRC Fumttu1~ Rent-'s e LANDLORDS e ud dlair• &Ydable tor $5. ple~ Investment. Split. 11.1.L 11.1.c:M ................. 1ut MONIY w.t.Nfeo..,. ·~ ... Wt carpets. $175 per mo. Aat. · Y •w,,, ., FRE SER Butneu boon 1uN1eT •EACH ........•...... t4U ANNOUNCEMENTS water enclOlled patio $74,500. 546-4141 1 BDl\M c 0 mp 1, 1, t y 517 \V. 19th, CM 548-3481 E RENTAL VICE M&Werb:ir: level 2 Br. with quality GAROEN o•ovs .............. 141' d NOTIC Also 60' on maJn channel 1568 w. Lncin, Anhm 774-2800 Broker'~, aerrice availi.ble for SlO. craltam&nBhip, sleePf I. LONG •UCH ........ -........ lJOI an &$ 3 B 3 2 BR; garage, ·poi.Uo; cpts, .redecorated $125. Mo. See AU utilltlOI paid ............ Yu.r rouncl ......... -t. i.AKSWOOD .................... lill FOUND (I",_ Ml) .......... , '4M Jru.•ge r. :pa., cloc:k, drps, stove, refrig, .,.__!cal Mgr at 213.1.Elden, C. M. 2 BEDROOM l~ll bath&, car. ONE BDRM Unfurn Ap t. for _,_'""', ··~-v .. _ .. ,It.I.NO• ooUNTYv ............. 1 .. LOST ........................... '4t1 $ll0,000. Consider lease/op-.... ., 1 d b U . •mployed lady up to telept.aoe. l'ecreationaJ eompleic-:sauna, OUT OI" COUNT ............. 1"s l"EltSON.l.LS ................... '411 •. ; ....... cM =-.;oao settingJor adults. I Blk to NICE. ·2 BR. $140 pe !, rapes, u t·1ns, Pool DAILY PILOT \Yltlrlpool, -·"--'--•. OUT GI" STAT• ............ -.. ! ... ANNOUNCIMINTS 6411 ......... ~-ho .... 1162/month, NO"'""-~ $110/mo, 611~ •Wlllllj.IJ ... -JTANTON .... : ................. 1•11 •••TttJ ............ '.:~:::::::::6411 s J>S. S160. 544-4780 1613 Santa Ana Ave. '"' """... 2Z2 FORFSr AVENUE rec. hall. Cose to Wb!. ov. wEsTMINST•• ................ 1.i1 FIJN!ltAU .................... 6411 Fo~ntoi'n Valley · l.~lO 3 BR, den. 2 B". ~·-. •-.. MJ..8572 eves. ta ?.lesa. , WANTED: 3 bdrm borne, LAGUNA BEA.QI ERLOOKING POOL.·~.-. MIDWAY CITY ................. 1,16 l"AID O•ITU.1.lV .............. 6411 ,.. ............... ,, DAVIDSON R ... #O -SANTA ANA .................... t•H FUNlltAL DlltlCTOltS ....... '414 bllns r-lc • -....... 1-NEWLY~-t·• n . h •· t ealty N\\'Pt,Hgta Vic. Yr.., lease. ~ Also .for rrnt. (l27•C) SANTA ANA HGTS ............. tut FLOIUSTS ........... , ....... .,6411 ' ul' • .._..,....,.-"'"· . """-vra o;:1,1 otaC a: Unfurn 6(2..6601 OMMGI ...................... 1m c.1.1to o" THANKS ........... ,64u BE IMPRESSED Rcf.s. 642--7061 BR apt&., a1.' util. f\lm, Rltr, 2750 Harbor 18, CM • . ONLY $225/MO PR OPE ft Tl ES WEST TUSTIN .... , ................... l'4I IN Mt:MD•IAM ................ 6411 \Ve just lisred the mOBt fan. 64~ Eves. 548--079'7 546-5-160 Eves. 549-1058 Roo-for Roni 5995 For lop lloor -n~· '-·a. 1028 °~·-lde Drlvt N01tTH 111sr1N ............... 1'4s c•M1:T11tv LOTS ............. Mlt N Bo 28R.'Oi::--.;;;;i;;;i;;;~Ci;;c I!~~ .. ~··~:!:_~~-!'!'.!; ........... IV\: ~" ANAHEIM ...................... 16$1 t':lMJTE•Y CRYPTS '41t tastic 4 ' BR---3--tath .......... ewport •ch 3200 EASTSIDE ~.~, • 2 BR ho pl . ·~-. --· " ·-pvt Ne ......... rt Beach llL\lt:WADO CANYON •• ,., .... 1'5S (•Mi:teaY CaTPTS :::::::::IMll t""" · : .... ._. • Bdrm. · nr. S P ng ; eiec, uun ,.,...., ..... ., .. .,,, LAGUNA HILLS ................ 11tll CltlMATO•lES ................ '42• honle. Just 1 bJi party ho\!¥' ·--Elec. bltns, patio. Adulb bltns, drps, W/W cptg. Gar. PLEASANT' -Room in pri balcony, W/\Y plush crptg 67Ml30 LAOllNA ••ACM .............. 1715 MEMOltlAL l'Alll:S '4tl -pool tableroom,barroom, B/B o·"· 36180 ,_ •••1298 Ad·"~ m I 1 125 ho. kttch pn'v Pho . th-"'Ut, w-•~ut .......... 1;ng, ~~~~~=:::~~~1 · LAGUNA NIOUEL ••. : ........ 1111 '-UCTIONS ............. ,. '"'J• . • , .... ~ . w..,., .• ':'I" pe S, • m • • ne In ,..., 11111 .......... .. l~: f~::g~~STliAMi:>"'.:::::~~ .&v1ATIOH siiiiViCe";:::::::::WJ ~~~.1~~Y r!~v~kii;::~ TOWNHOUSE 2 BR Trailer $125 + util. 5481357 room. ~1393 drps, vi~ windows, slldlng R.· !, WantH 6240 l C.1.t'llTU.No SIACH ......... 11u l~~e.'iNSP09',TAl "M ':::::::::: SPLIT-LEVEL J ,,,_.._ 2 Married cpl. 30 or older. I -Sleeping Bedroom with glass drs, pvt exit, oU atreet • , ; oANA POINT .................. ine .1.uTo TllAHIPORT.'f10N ....s combination. $80,000 pack-QUlui, 132 w Wllao C.M .,... -r1 te bath &:: tra Parkin&. cleaning service Selling Vour HomoH · c.1.1tu1.1.o ..................... 1141 Ll!OAL NOTIC•s ......... :::::.u. age FOR' ONLY $45,000. ~t bath Unit, Faces pool, • n, • .,.....95,, Newport 8e1ch 5200 P. va en nee prov'lded, lse or ·monthly. 1 OCUN1IO• ...... : ............ 17'1 Ola.MAN & 'fUTO•INO ............ can't be beat. ' C'"'""ls, dra. pe• "-pis-, . Nice. 673-0946 Q -•rn-· II 1,, l. We have over 300 Sales-': ""1 r.:t:=~~:: C'OiiMTY ':::::::::\: SERVICE DIRECTORY eJ;c°"'bit-ins, $i5tm":~ .... 2 .BDRMS. 2 Batlis ,_1 1l00rt1 for rent for working 10~111ap;: t!~PO~~ reli~ people. ; I HOUSllS TO•&. MOVID .... ,.1900 ACCOUNTING .................. 6JM ~ ~· I! Newport ... ch 4200 ' .. .,.c., lady kltcb p•vl l child 2. \Ve are the lari;est in .Qr..·,· CONDOMINIUM , ............... lf.H ANSW••INCI Sl lt\11(1! ....... 6JOll ~-·. ;· p· D/\V relrig. new ts • . .. . 1714, Nwpt Bch. DUl'LIX•s Fott.SALE _,.., ... ins Al"t'LIANCE a1rA11ts, t'ert1 .. '511 ---___ 2 BOR~1. 2 baths, new car-SINGLE Yotiilg Adults Lxu-drape' s. Step~ 10 bcacc~I....,; OK. £.CM Call 646-9884. ange County. ' At'Alt'fM•NTS l"Ol SALE .... lHI ASPHALT,°'" : ................ •sn Is ,.. . t-• du! •• ~ m PRIVAn: Offl(f 3. We can GUARANTEE to RENTALS • !~~~. ~=A~~~'Tt.;l;'Eif;'~"! pe , new~· pain_'""• a ts ury ...,..,en a.pta with coun-Mo. AdWts only, no pcls. , I&; scU your home. HouHS Furn11hed a.1.•vsrn1No ................. us• L H'I'-1700 onl~l$2'l5/m~ M try 1ub atmo6pbere ... and BURR \VHJTE. Realtor ~· Pf'oPerty 6000. WE SELL A HOMI! aENIRAL .................... , ... ::~,~J~~NC• ........ !:" aguna,. 1 ~ ease c rs. Fay compete privacy. SOUTH 2001 Nev.'P!rl Blvd., N.B. Choice E'iida 4-Plex· Secretarial service, air con· EVERV 31 MINUTES 1t1MTALS To sHA1.1 .•••...•. 200J •usiNl!ss st:avic'i~!':'.:::::;·.,.'; . Bay & Beach BAY CLUB API'S. Irvine at 675-4630 00.2253 Near llth St-•. 3 • 2 BR ditionlnc, & parking. COSTA MIS.I. ........ ._ ......... 1\0I •u L • $ AIR-Cond. 5 BR. plus bonus -16th Ne"""'rt Beach. .~.. 0 "· ~ "·-" w lk & ' l . :g~ ~=~D':i~ ............... ilU u.·:e::1:0 .. '5jS"''"··········'571 nn. $34,500: or .l&e/option. Realty, Inc. (·ru} 645-<XlSO l ha & 1.J BR 2 bath with ~ E.ur1Ui S~tBlcJ&. a er ee ': COLLEGE t'ARlt .............. 211s CAllNl!TM.l.KIN• ............. 6511 Bkr. 675-6591; 494;7161 eve 901_ Dover ,pr .. NB Suite 126 LUXURIOUS Sth • DELUXE 3 BR 2 ba. frplc. fireplace. All units have ' N•Wl'OltT llACN ............ :noe c.&•PENTEltlNO .............. •m 1 8 'Near Hoag Hos'p, le Park Costa Mesa 642-1485 7682 Edlng" • Nt:Wt'OltT HOTS ............... nll CIMl!NT', c.nc ... i. ............ '4.. 64a-2000 Eves 548-fillGG oor r buUt·ll\!I, cpts/drps, pvt, :::.':oitr:~~.~~.::::::::'.·: .. ~: ~:=~'gl'~"'o=~:~.:::::::::: Lagun1 Beech 1705 NEAR ne\v 2 sto'""·. 3 bed. :~d~,~~~tl~;.1::ul~~~ ~~. !~f·H1l~~:·:a;~1;:· patioJ, ~arages; $55,500 O![e~C~p~~~n:=~ 8~no~~140 PO\IElt SHO•ES ............... m 7 ~!t.!'l!T J:v1Ne & ai:r.i.iit '~'!' . ., 00 pets~ 613-.1418 or '""/T" -::""'======"=;; CO. ~, 250 lo 300 .. ft. nr ;c:=,-,""'~,,----~I w11sTcL1FF .................. lm 1 . Income Units room 2 baths Doublt gar •.w n. • $32 000 Triplex $340 'i=>.I HAVE Cash down pa~ont uN1vE•s1TY PAll:K ........... 12n oul'sR Es .................. un · ' • · 7-4332. New rt Sho .. 5220 • o eo A · ., ••• ••VINE ........................ mt g~:~1·~~o~•i:ViCii'""" .. '"":ffi H1ndym1n Specials age. l~ii blocks from beach. po r Mont h near J-iarbor Center. ran(:e · irport fol' Triplex or more in r::;rN:LTv::1.,\C'£"".'.'.'.'.".'.'.'.'.","'= t:Ll!CT•ICAL ........ ::::::::::"441 Loe. on Oceanside of Hv.y. Lease only, S300 per mo. 1 &: 2 BR--88.chelor Apts. 1 BR, lrg liv rm frplc dbl 2 BR 1 ba, bit-ins, 2 pvt pa· w/phone answerlnJ: Ii: Orange Co. Pyramid Ex· COJtONA DSL MAit ........ ~.:we IOUll'MINT alNTALS ....... Wt 150 •...15 from Beach, • lge 1860 Newnnrt Blvd., CM Ki\.·TV-Pool·M.aid S:r. ' I Uos 3 '" cau quici.1 •. 'n secretarial.service available. changors 1)46.2629 . IALIOA ,,, ............ : ....... UOI l't:NCINO .......................... 3" R .::.~.-y gar, l\'/W crpts. Yr lse. $185 ' . ....,. Call D. Moffat 213: 86&3122. LIDO ISLE ..................... 2n1 l'LOORS ........................ "'6 Apt. units, needs paint & ltr. 646-3928 Eve. 644-1655 · THE MESA mo. Adults, ref. 64&-4095 this! BUSINESS and •Av ISLANDS · .... -· ........... we l"URNACI! 1tl!'A111t. l!tc. .; ... w• good general cleanup. PO-* 1,ACHENMYER 41S N. Nwpt Blvd 64~9681 Bob Olson Rltr. 54&-5580 3345 NEWPORT BLVD. FINANCIAL •At.IOA nu.ND .............. lllS l'Ut.NITUltE ltftTOll:tNO TENTIAL INCOME EX-DECORA Offices aultable for Com. EAST tLUFI' .................. :nu ••l!FINIS"tMG ws 3 BR d 1 2 T.OR'S PAD. 1 Br. Eist Bluff 5242 NICE 3 bdrm, 1\1' ba, 2 two IACK •AY .............••..•. ,.2248 OA•Dl"ING .......... ········"" CEEDING $10,000 ANNUAL, . up t.X; i;ias., bltns, Stereo,,C. TV, nr ha)'. Avail bdrm units. All on same lot. merc~al. Medical, Dental. a.&Clt IAY .................... =.tt GaNEML SERVICES. ......... "'2 LY. Price $69,'50. dshwshr., ne\Y paint, epts. & ?n. '-·, -•••o Air-cond., crpts, elevator HUNTIN•TON •EACH ......... tlOI GllAOIHG, DISCING ........... Mts d N be h ......, o:i1~ e NEW DELUXE e Owner will dt.al or trade Jor · FOUNTAIN VALLIY .......... 2•11 GLASS .T ......................... '"' MISSION REALTY 494-0731 rP15. r. ac . Year ISt.. 3 B 2" ba ' ' rt 213 35c PER SQ .FT. SEAL •EACH ................. 20• Gl.E EH HUM• ............... 6JM $2.10. 540-7573 r. 7"f apt, or lease vacan prope y. : 5U 5032 OR 67&-2464 LONG 1l.&CH .................. me GVH SHOP ..................... 6111 985 So. Coast, Laguna Corona •I Mir 4250 IncL spac. mstr. suite, din ~5915, 714: 521...JSTI • ORANGI! COUNTY• ............. ma HEAL TN CLU•S .............. •nt J BR 2 _bath, cpts, drps, bit· CHEERY Air • cond oUices. •.•,N.!AM,•NNS•T, ..................... 2,,':', =~~i~~tEANiNG' .............. :~; SUPERB view, newer cust. 3 ins. Near beach No pets. AVAIL now, Lrg 2 Br, 1 Ba drm. & dbl. gar~e. auto. 4 UNIT apt, 3 blocks from ~· ................ ............. Br. Sale or exchange, oar.opener avail. Pool & .. -ach. 1 BR. t•-• den, Mahg sound-proof \\<llls, M10WAY CITY ................. 2,16 •INTE••OR OECORATIN$ ..... 6JJJ $240 yrly lease 642-3Ui6 lrg priv sundeck. Pool. ...... ~e acoustic ceiling•. e: I e v. • • • DAILY . PILOT I CLA$Sl•llD INDIX . . .. , ,.,. Put. IS.,.,ke tml 11,.,. MA1tMn , DIA£ DIRECT 842-5878 .. Bua. OpportunltlH 630o SANT.I. ANA Hl!IGMTS ........ 1'34 INCOME TAX ................... ,.. $15,000 equity. 6 7 5-6 5 9 1 ; Close to heh & shp'g, Beaut. rec:. area. Nr •. Catholic newly d&'Ot'ated.1000 sq. ft. COASTAL ...................... 11M lltON, orum1n11r. Elc. ........ 67H 494-7161 Res. Church. & school k Coro.na pe" untl. In-me •AM ~ balcony. From $65. Mediea.l LAGUNA BEACH .......... ,. .. ~., 111:0N1NG ..................... :•1ss Newport Shores 3220 loc; gar. $200 mo. yr's lse. • ...., ..,.... ,.... "t •<>" 488 E 17th St t UGUNA NIOUEL ............. 7717 IMS\ILAT ... G .................. 61'0 $35,000 OUPLE."X, 2 and 1 AduJts only. 675-7970 or del Mar J-ligh. mo. 403-7lh St., lL B. $ SUI e ........ . .• a !AN CLEMENTE .............. 111• INSUll.l.NCE -................... 110 .•.• ON• v $260 • 2570 Agcnl Irvine, CM. Owner. 673-0574 FRl~IDAIRE JET ACTION Frigidaire 18 min. cycle is the faste st in the industry. JO Frigidaire& do the work ol 40, 30 min, \vashers. Find ·: • ' out how easy it la tO own ·• SAN JUAN cAPISTllAND ...... 21u INVEST IGATING, Defttllvt ... 6111 BR, vle\v, just ttmodeled, 3 BDR?.1, 2 Bath. sundeck 833--0171 or 644-3461 ~.._ . C.1.P .. T•ANO •EACH ···-·•"'2730 JANITOltlAL _,, ................ ,l'ff pvl, wild kitchens! 494-9748 \\/-"·lo ~.ch. Pcols .• ,,,-. :"~'~~1l~A~m~;·~'~'~W~ay~,~N~.~B~.~·1 ;,:;;::;;;;,;~~7,;;.; BEAUT. air-cond. ol!ices. CAN.I. t'OIHT .................. 2141 JIEWEL•Y •Et'Allt, Ilk ....... 6111 Ill" ""' ., 1.1v1:•s1011 cooNTY ........ uoe LANosc.&l"tNG ................. 111 lse. Avail immed. 962-7176 Balboa 4300 Business Property 6050 W a 1n u 1 J>Mel'g, ample VACATION 1tRHTALS ......... ,,.. LOCKSMITH ................... ma Apanmonto or 9684 M. ----------' Coron• del Mar 5250 ------'--'---park'g, util &. main!. l-1160 SllMM'l!R llllNTALS , .•....•• :2tlt MASONRY, •ttlCK ......•...•. "30 """ CONDOMINIUM ................ 2tse MOVING• no•.1.oe ......... iWI For S•le 1980 BACHELOR APT iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii/ * * .. sq. ft. 1-smllr. 35c sq. ft. oU,.LEXEI Fllll:N ............. 2ns PAINTING. "-"'11tnih11 ...... .aso _.;..:;_;:...;.;_ ___ c.:.:;: Westcliff -323o $120 m<r-util included TE W·IHKLE 673-2102 RENTALS ' l'AINTlfilP. SitlRI ......... ,,~1 ..... H --'--'""---.,.-;.,.....;:::.: -PATIOS # ........................... 6 UNIT apt house, 2 mo old. . . 5J6.3101, 673-5342 ~ .. .., DELUXE office in Costa Houses Unfurnished l"HOTOGll:At'NY , ...... ·-· .. "11 Gross $900 ~r montb. Con-LEASE w/ optton -tiBI( ?~t. BACH. Apl., util .• ., .• 175. ' " · Mesa, 1500 sq ft. Air cond. GIMtl.AL · · · ........... llltll :u.n::ING. t'•tcll. llu•Tr .. "'8 ta t D t 64"1251 baths Pool Ref fl,. •rt• BUILDING COSTA MESA . : .............. SIM .. i1?Mco~C:M1N'o"" .............. = c ave a .,.... . . !!. ?.1onth. El Mar l\lotel, JlO Crpts le drp~. 543-6761 ==~:-~:iD':"" .. ::::::;:::::::~1~ POOL SEltVICE ............... 6nt aENTAL$ * 548-9477 * E. Balboa B.lvd .• Balboa FOR' SALE N. B. 560 Sq: ff. ,V/pri. coLLlGE l'A•K ............. 3111 ",~w.:•,,••~v•,•,•,•No ........... "n"• Housos Furn1'shod ON TEN ACRES '"""'ited olli-. 30x50 ·• Nl!Wt'O•T IE.I.CM n• .. . .............. 6 1 • 2 BR. F • u-... ·-,...... .... ;ru ............ 1.00F1No ...... : ............ .,,,,. c d I M 3250 B1lbo1 lslanct 4355 • um • •u"4u space avail. Owncr.64Z-2809 NN'ow"'•'•"•TT ,",'•"•'•'·, ............ tt,,,.11 11:.&010, •-1,,, 11r ........... 6m General 20001,;;;0;;;';;0;";;':;;';;;;;:a;;r==;;;;J Frplcs I prlv. patios/Pools. OR .......... REMOD"ELING .. ll:Et'All 6f40 300 Sq F Olli IA.YSHOlllES ................ l125 llMOOliLING, ICITCHt:NS .... IMS "''"'-;..;..-----"'-'-' Ll'ITLE Isle. Attrac. 3 rop1n Tennts • Contnt'I BJdst. put. lfASE . t.. C• DOVER SH01tEs ............... :m:J sc15so•s sHAll:l'IN .......... 1m RO,SSMOOR . Los Al 6 "'ilos. Beauto'ful 3 BR pper A .,·1 M 21 l "·· -• COSTA MESA "A"2130 Wt:STCllFF ,. ................. :iut SEWINO ................... , ... IH• ... ,. U . V . ay O ..,,. ---, ~ a paying laundry •. Garden Grove, Santa Ana, Tustin, Orange, Auahcim Coin·O·Matic Equipment, Inc. 2334~ W, Valencia .. .. ~ •• .. • Fullerton n4: 525-'f833 ~ ! CANDY supply route, part or UNl\lt:aStTV t'AltK ........... 3U7 SEWINQ MACH!NI! Jtt:t'AIRS ''"' 3 BR, 21,i BA, furnished or 2 ba, carpets, drapes, Fplc, June 21. $50 wk. 675-0338 900 sPa Lane, Cdl\1 6#26ll lt\llNE .................. -.. nll SE!'TIC TANKS. Smr11. Ek ... 6KJ uni"-. Pool. Eltt. gar ctr. bit' Child . -· . ••V•Nl TlltllACI!' .... -...... tt4S TAILORING ,.... ..... -ins. ren over 12 OK, (f.fa.cA.-uiur nr. Cotst H\Vy) co•oNA DEL MA• ........... me TEI.MITE cONTi:Oi.""''"·"··6,.,, $32>lease. 6#-0ll7 S275 on lease. Huntfn..+.u. Beach 4400, •ALIOA ....................... »tt TILE ce ... mk: .......... ,'14 ,..,_ b" ,. .. _ .... , !:::" . S. OF. HWY. Nice 2 aR for res pon 1ibl e &: dis- criminating &,dulls. N e \V carpetin: & paint. Drape~. frplc, aundeck, blllt-in oven ' &. glove. Private & quiet. Upstairs over garages on rear ~i. of lot. 675-0633 1800 Newport Blvd. CALL BILL SCO'M' OR KERMrr RIGGS full time, daya/eves. Rt!fW ,, & C'Olleet money from coin .. ~ opcr. Dispensers in Colla · .. • lifeaa •~ vie. No ll!lllna. · ~ t $1650 Total cash req. Sebd ' : name, addresi A: phoDe to: t Route Dept:, P.O. Box 3848, .: a~ c·;°"'=m;;;;•rc=la;l;;;;=;;·;·60l;;;;;;5; ,_ ... '"'""';.'m;;•=-;i;i;=-=""~ • r • NEW TO WEST' COAST ; Auto CAR w ASH-'brush I. ~ •AV ISL.I.NOS ................. ,1H TILE: Llt1oi.1tm a ·;..:ir.i9·::::::.ns FURNISHED, pvt, cottage. 1 ..... r 1n.u.uu·Un, Realtors QUIET & BEAUTIFUL LIDO ISLE .... -............... »SI Tltal! Sl!•VICl ,,.. I & bath tio 3036 E. Coast Hwy, 001 IALIO.I. ISLAND .............. :nss TELt!VISION, 11:1;9iii,"i'k'."".' .. 6"5 gc. room • • pa . 675-1662 Adult Jy 2 B til aid :~::1'..~\J:.'~~..:cH·:::::::::~~ Ul"ttOLSTE•Y ········· ...... ''" 548-3206 au. 4:30 PM. son ; r .. u . p . HUNTINOTOH HARIOUJt ..... J.ctl WELDtNG .... iffS Pool, $200, 847.2125 l"OUNTA1H VALLEY .......... 141• JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Cost• Mesi 2100 CHARMING l BR, 'd'pls, 17616 Cameron, Hunt. Ech. SEAL lllA(N .................. >Ut JO• WANTllD; Mlfl ............ 1tM dn>s. ~toVe, relrig. July 1st . -~, G.&•o•N Gt.OVE .............. loJ Joe WANTED, w.m.11 ........ 1m 1 1 c nd t 1 M "ed · G rd G 4610 LONO al!ACH ................. JSOI J08 WANTED, FURN. 2 Br., 1, ba. 0 0. yr y se. arti epic. $2J5. • en rove ORANGE COUNTY ............. 3'11 MEN & WOMl!N ............... ,.,. Pool. Adults. 1st & lut Mo's 673-2667 SANTA ANA .................... :Wit DOMESTIC Hl!Lt' .............. 1135 "........ "'"'-'~=""="""~--SINGJ¥ Young Adults LUX· WESTM!?STl!l ................ 1612 AOENCIES, Mtll ............... 11• rent. 4SSO Month 54::>""\JIUU Unfurn 2 BR. 2 ba d MlDWA CITY ................. 311, Ht:l.P W.l.NTID, Mlln .......... 7211 ury gar en apts with coun-IANTA AN.\ HEIGHTS ......... )QI AOINCll!S. Wl1Mn ........... 1* dot u. 2250 $250. try club atnt0$phere llnd COASTAL ...................... J111 HELi' WANTED, Wlf!Mlt ...... 1•00 Coron• m.r CJevidence, Bkr. 675-6044 I LAGUNA llACH .............. ms JO•S--M111 & WlmMI .......... n• com p ete privacy. SOUTH L.l.OUNA NIOUl!L ......... ,, .. 3717 AGENClll!. M9n a W-11 .... 11'1 2 Bil 2 Ba. 2-StO"" BAY CLUB APJ'S. 11100 SAN CL.IMIN,Tl ......... ., •. .#It SCHOOLS & INST•UCTION .... 1•01 "" tAl"ISTaANO ................. t7H Joa P•El'AltATION .......... 1100 S250 Mo. Ne\v Carpets. Huntinnton Beich 3400 CHAPMAN Ave., Garden CAt'ISTll:ANO •rACff .... -... »• THEATlllCAL ............ 7ftl 51< F•rnie·•. 675 =-+4 Bier. • Grove 1n4)'636-3030 OANA ,.OINT .... -............ 3741 MERCHANDISE FOR ... .,....,,.,... !========:; CONDOMINIUM ............. JUt CUSTO~f HOME p 2 Large OUl"Ll!XIS UN .. Ull:I>/, ......... 1'1S SALE AND TRADE 2351 BR' L B h suMMl!lt 11:1NTALS ......... nu FVll:N TU•• MOt Lido Isle s & den, \\'/ rumpus rm 1qun1 ••c R.ENTAL?I Ol"Flie 1"u1tN i'tUR't:".':.'.":::;·..,, in garage, on ~~ acre. Apts. furnished OFFICE 1au11'MINT ......... hl1 FOR rent • 224 Via Lido AcroEs Crom J\ofeadoiv Lark STORE EOUlt'MllNT ....... ,,,OllJ Nord $1500 mo ex•-pl II ' - 4705 Oceanfront Apl GENlllAL .................. ,4Mll CAFE. RliSTAUltANT ......... eou ' . .... go course . ....,ase. \V/ op. COSTA MSSA .................. uat SAit EOU!t'MEHT ............... u Augnst S2000. Phone 213: lion, or sale __ . !'i24-TI87. Smalt cotla<e stud'••. 1·~ MES.I. \ll!ltDE ................ •lit HOUSE+IOLO 00001 .......... I02t (W b •~31)) 27"'"17 = NEWl'ORT 1EACH ............ •200 GAl AGI! s.1.La ................ ton e ster ......, or .,...J' Shoivn Sat. 16&51 Graham, month includes utilities & Nl!Wl"OltT HEIGHTS .......... •Ut FURNITURE AUCT ION ........ ltU --HB NSWt'OltT SHOllES ........... •m a.l"l'LtANCES ............... 1100 Sum-r Rentals 2910 · · furnished. Perteet for single WESTCLIFI" ·-·· ii:'"""··· ,,,,. 1.NTIQUES .... .. ........ ,,. ..... 4 BR 2 ba, iV/\V cpts, fnctl adults or elderly couple:. UNIVl!RSITT ,... .. ......... 4n7 SEWING MA(HINI! ........... no d IA<K '" v ..................... 4241 MUSICAL INST•UMEHT .. : ... nu LIDO ISLE yar , Jg fam style: clin & kit. 49-1-3949 or 67$4070 EAST aLUFI" ............. 4141 r1.&NOS • OlOAHS ............ •na c:onlbo .. Jg liv nn .w/frplc. Stuart &, Robbins Realtors co1.0N.1. OfL MA• ........... ~m •AO•O ......................... 1200 Best bayfronl location. Furn. 8 IAL•OA ... _ .................. •Ht rl!LEVISION ................... nu 2 BR.+ den home: pier & hvn 2 shop ce nte r s. RENTALS tf:O ',~'t.NDt· 4 ••··············:: HI-Fl a STE1tE01,.1 ... ., ......... 121•' .... J 1 1 A "t 1 :2501mo Jse. 968-4541 aft 6 A h U f 1 hod .. .............. ,,.,.. 1t1coRD .......... 12 ::>tip. une o ug, .1 s. p • n Lltn s IALIOA ISL.I.NO · ·· ........... 4U5 CAMllAS a, !OUlt'MINT .... POO be 2 µDRM rt d 2 be. ;g~~{~~J0: .. ~~=~H .:::::::::!:: H5,•0•,•:,Nsg":;J~~ ,.,_ .. ,. ..... :;:: S4.DOO. Occupancy can ex-garden' r':':n~ eleecn, kltcn'. Gener1I 5000 ll!AL ••ACH , ................. 4'.st ••NOCULAltS, sco;£s:·::::::::we tended. ~ONO IE.I.CH ................. .., .. MISCliLLANIOUI ................. Broker 675-2000 \Valer softener .. garage dr )llANGR COllNTY .................. MISC. WAHTliO ................ Ult ==;_ ____ ...:...:...:.~ Opel}er. frplc. 962-2718 $175. 3 BR t t!i ba. studio. a.&11oeH GllOVI .............. oM1.; MACJllN&ltV, 1K. ............. 11• RENTALS · Garage, pallo, A. C ,., w1sTM1NsT11t .................. 1 LUM•e• ....................... •1se Santa Ana 3610 children " pel o.K. Bier. ~~~ .. ~NC,:~~ .. :::::".:::::::::::~ ~i~~~rNEo M:.:+•it·~·Ai.'i·::::::·:~!: Houses Unfurnished 534-69SO SANTA AHA tfl510NTI .......... ,. IWAl'S ..... ,. . .... 1191 3000 lMMAe 3 Br 2 Ba XI ti"""""""-,""...,.-~~ TgsTiN ... · ................ -r' PETS and LIVESTOCK O.ner1I . hborhood ., · n $110. 2 Br, l1Ar ba, studio. c AITAL . ...................... L -nc1g . nr. s.c. RIO AC \V/lV p u· LAGUNA •t:ACH .............. ots l"&'TS .•l!Nl llA .............. N BA PW. ""' l":A ' •. " • a o. LA.GUN.I. NtOU EL ............. 4711 CATS .......................... ttll BEACO y 962-9667. ~. Ag t. Avail 6/1, Bkr. 53.4-6980 SAM tLIMliNT I .............. "11• OOGS ........................ 1ns J Bdrms communitu beach DANA l'OIHT ................ ,.,741 HO•SES ............ , .......... MM , • . '" • • TRIPLIJX, ttc ............... """ L1v1sT0<1C _,,, ............ pier, tennia court, S~/mo, Costa Mesa 5100 coNooMoNovM ............... .,. CALIFORNIA LIVING . • h C b Laguno Nlguol 3707 RENTALS Nu•sl!R11s ................... .,,. 10 n ma na AVAILABLE MAY 22 Aptl. Unfurnished ~'Zi'i:'~~ .. ~~~.~.:;:::~::::::~ REALTY COMPANY EXEC ttsidence • 3 Br. 2 GINlllAL ................ : .... Slit AWNINGS ...................... ..,. 6424235 Ba,, 'bltns. dshwhr , 20~~!11 with ca1'J)Ot'I $110. (OITA Mii.i. .................. 11111 VACATIONS ................. tm crpt/drp. Beaut view '$300. ISJ)OlHl-I, water paid, Neat• Mt:S.I. \ll!'aDI ................. 111• TRANSPORTATION $89, 1 BR, garage, w/w, fen.. .,.,.. ~!50. •••1'""' school!. NlWf'O•T •IACH ............ SHI __.. ...a Chdd 0 K Brok l~~:::.:..:.::::..~~::..:=•=..w __ _ NIWl'O•T HlllOHTS .......... su• •OATS .. YACHTI ................ .._..,... Y8.n.1. . . er 2194 "C" Placentl11 Ave. NEWt'Ol.T SHO•ES ........... Snt SAILlOJloTS .. , ................. ttll 534-6980 · • 63' •120 • WISTCLll"I" .................. SIM l'OWlll. ClllUISl•S ............ ..., • .=.:...:;:.::~~-~~~-RENTALS -U1t1v1:•11TY t'All:IC ........... 121r sP110-sK1 10.1.T ........... mt $L'i0. 3 BR, fenced yd. Stove, A ·ts. F • h d 3 BR 3 BA IACKIAT ..................... si~• •OAT TRAILE•S ............ ttn 1 p urn1s • • • patio end gft.I', I AST 11.U"' . ., ........... 5141 •OAT MAINTENANCI _ ...... ttlJ children ~come. Broker bit-ins. crpt~. dl'ps, Ca.II COi.ON.i. DIEL MA• ........... 52.H •OAT LAUHCMINO ........... ~ 534-6980 Gener1I 4000 510-3374 Sat -Suo . IALlOA ,, ................... UOI MAltlN& t:OUI~. ·····••··•·• .tell 1.1.T' ISL.ANOS -................ 'SUI lOAT SLI .. , MOOalNG ........ KU LIDO llLI: .• ., ...... , ..... , ,SUI IOAT 51:.VICIS .............. Hl7 a.&LlOA ISlAHO _ ............ JUI IOA.T al!NTAU' .......... ,., •. tllll HUNTINGTON •tACH ...... ,,.J.tll lOA'T CMAltTltt .............. ,ttJf l"OUNTAIN V.1.LLIY •• ,. •.• .,.Jolll l=ISM INO ao.t.TS ............... .... ll AL l l A.CN ..... , ............ MJlt IOAT MOVIN8 ,. ..... , ........ fMI LONO II.ACM ....................... ao-.T STOtlM• .............. ..... Olt.ANtl COUNT'( .....•••.•••. WOI •OAT't ,WANTID •••···••••·•··"· OA•DIM •ROVI .............. &&It AltClt.At'T , ............. .,,.t\M WISTM1Mn11• ,,.,, .. ,_, .... Mii ,L.YINO LaSIOHS •••••....•..•. tlH MIOWAY CITY ................. 561' MOllLS tfOMllS ............... '111 SANT.I. ANA ..................... MOT.Oil HOf-'IS ............... nn IAMTA ANA ICllOMTS ........ ,,._ l lC'rCLll ................ ,fm fl.'ITI" ... . ,, .............. 5'41 ELl!CT•tc CAllS .............. tue COASTAL , ............... 1'91 MINI llK•• ., ...... .,,.,,,,,, ftlS L.l.GllNA a I.I.CH .............. 11'. MOTO•CTCL•S .............. tlOI t.AOUNA NIOUl!"L. , .. , ...... .,Jrtr MOTOJISCOOTl•I , ........... tJlt lAN CLt:MINTI ".l.~,. ......... Pll AUTO SllllVICU & l'o\lllTS .... '411 SAN JliAN CAt'llTllAJIO .,,..,!1lf AUTO TOOU.a 18U!t'· ....... Mll DAN.I. H INT .. • ........ IHt r•AllA•, TltAV•L ........... MU REAL ESTATE TltA IL.t:lti, Ulflll¥ ............. t4st I C.1.Ml"I•• ..................... nae Gen1r1l Tauc•s ......... , .. _, ........ .... t•IPLIX. tk, ,, ............ , •• J ... ~"'l1it•J.iiffA&.1 .......... ,.= CONDOMUUUM· ........................ oe:'e .u .. 11i -,.,,- RINT.l.U WANTID ,. ......... ,,,. -···· AVTOt .... ROOMS ,Ott It INT , • " .... "·""" " •••• " ••". ROOM & toAJtD ffM; St'OlllT CAltl •• , ............. tllt 't'IOTf"LS. 'fllAILl!if(Qijiifs""'7 AllTIOUC&. CLAlttCI ...... , .. 9'11 OU£$f HOMES "" a.u:• u.••· aoos ........... ~ MISC. ll:&:!rtALS s"' avTo IYINTI ................ rm INCOMI l"RO,la,.., ,. ......... AUTOS WAN'TfO .............. 'f"IM lllSlHl!SS t'11:0..£1tT'f #)..'f NIW CAltS ................. ,... 'll'•ll.Clt t'A .. ICS H:I 'UTO L.IAllM ............. tl1t lllllNUI ltlfn'AL "'""' -•JSID CA•& ............... ... NOW'S THE . TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT -. WANT AD 642-5678 ' . DELUXE Apt. SpaclouA 1 BR pool, fdt.a l tar "4cM1or. NEW IWl\U")' apt.s.: l & 2 Bil. n20/mo. 199.1 Ch are h, Adult& No pots. 3 7 8 543-96.11 A'-'OcadG 673--0823; 615-625l -Farr"" W- ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 Huntiniltan Be1ch 5400 Buslnen Rant•I 6060 FOR LEASE 3100 sq ft rarage Bldg. on Harbor Blvd, 4 double doors. $600 Per Month. Broker 675-6591 494-7161 eves. COMMERCIAL !At • l!t time oUered. 705 E. Balboa Blvd. (Ne~t to · Palboa Thea,ter,) Call 642-220.l press. High invest. rrt.' Ml to • 50% Fits in most fill. lta· tion bays &: small bldgs. No ! lalxir. Will \vash &: wax in r 90 aec. 675-4158 aft 6 pm. ESTABLISHED Decori.tor '" ~ wants to expand to , 1 Newport/Balboa area. Will " I frain female partner witb ' } 1 fun~s A dittct activities to : LIVE RIGHT ON THE BEACH S'l'OR.ES for lease Village' lndustrfaf Rant1I 6090 Shopping Ccnl.;r, .cor. of El ;o;:::.::00.:.::..:.:=:.:.:;_:::.:;.: seeure investment. 635--7f'l0 · , 1 & Mobile 8354l~l ' ' DESIGNER-BtJILDER FJS!f, SURF, SWIM In your own front yard Camino & Mendosa, Of. Suitable Deli., TV, variety, Hobby, etc. SC!e Liquor store Private clubhouse, healed for key. pool, saunas, private gate AI Wagner 213: 981-6510 \vith 24-hour security i;uard. Balboa Island ?.Iediten"B.nean adult Uvina:. Store or oUlce. 1627 sq fl 2 Bedroonis: 2 Baths with w/,y carpets, 3600 pr, From $250 mo. or \Ylll divide. Bkr. I , 1 • 64Z.9:i5a r..:..:==------INcr..uoEs \V/\'V shag car-4000, SQ F.T. M·l space 'vlth peting, G.E. built-ins with ofhce11. Ne1v bldg. Im· refri&erator & diahw~sher. mediate occupancy. Logan Huntington .Pacific Ave:. Costa MeM. 546-6530 Apartm•nt• • L.AGUNA OFFICE • 711 Ocean Ave, (3 Blks. \V, ~Hractive modern bldg, cen· ot Huntington Beach Pk'rl ral loc, nir oond, $95 mo. PHONE: Cnf) 5.16-1487 on lse. 4942.466· 2 BDRMS. • 2 BATH DAILY PILOT On.1E·A· l.JNE$. l;ou can use them fo1· just pennies a day. Dial 6tl,5618 FOR •lease Laguna Niguel, oU San Diego Fwy at Crown Valley, new oommcrclal &: industrial units. Delta El~· trlc. Days • 831·1400. Eves .• 49\r4198. M·l SPACES 1250, 2500, 5000 gq fJ. ne'v bldg. lOc e:q ft, 'COmplete In J une. Logan SI, C. M. 646-0681 OPF:RATION busiN1!U ' l equipment. C. Ed Soule 6n.&500 321 Marine Ave. Balboa Ialand BEAUTY Shop. Lease with option lo bey. Fully equip- ped. 4 bedroom house, 2 balhs, like new. Bk r , 4000 SQ F,. new bldg, nr 642-6115 Baker &' Haibor.· Also' 5000 "s"E"A"UT=Y"'s"ALO°'"'"N~. "u" .. -..... -·1 sq ft nr Brl5tol 4' Baker.t long established .• Must sell· 540-4429 best offer. Owner/broker. FOR. lease. new industrial bldg., 2 5 0 0 flq. fl. 16.19 Monrovia, CM.•673-0017 548-77ll WANTED: oil-sale liquor l!cenat.. Orange County, Call :. 642-8139 L =o::l:::• ____ .....c6;.:l.:::OO Bus. Wantod 6305 LAGUNA 'voodsy vitw IDta, underground utillUea. pvt. $6,950 & $9.250. 494-9748 ... .. •' • I . l . ,- --~---~~--~~~--~---~~--~~--~---~~~~------~---'--'....!'---------~ ·-----------'--~---------~--• ·' """ ......... 1. . FREE! B.iolc -tint Cl111os ofiered to tho public by tho lWboa Po•·· er S<tuadnlll starting 7 .P.M. Monday June 2. NewportH arbor ' * ILICTRICIANS * MILL,MIN * CARl'I NTI RS * C~INIJJ,MAICIRS * W ECDE ltS * CAMERA, SALESMEN * STOCK MAii 1'ULI. TIME • 40 HR. WK. I TO 51 5 DAYS Excollont Employoo Bonoflfl ASSEMBUR TRAINEES for SUBMINIAT URE ASSEMBLY OPERATIONS Whlddy1 W1nt1 Whoddyo Got? Sl'ECIAL CL.ASSIFICA TION f OR Yacbt Club, 7:110 West Houll"I '730 Bay Ave., Newport G INIRAL HA,~· l l NG Beach. Enroll at class. For additional & CLEAN p *·O I NI RAL HELP Recent """'"'Ill .. _..,. * LINOLliU" M E N 1" ""'" uleo .,.i.n.o. FUii APP LY P ertonn1I Office Third '1oor f.fWJt have good eyesight and flnru dexterity, pogsess • val'4 California driven U· cenae and be able to pus a rilkl...pbyllcal exam. NATURAL lioRN SWAPPllU Spoclol 111,. s u--s 11--s bucb ll!AQ -111' MUST PtCLUOll'. h 112 per Jood, Information p o n e ~ art. s • wktnd& 675--0467 or e'IS-1855. ..:::..:c.:;:_.,.:.:_;;,.:.==.;_. j HAULING, Gemnl, 'hp, LICI NSED trim, ...,_• -A .., time· empklyment, exct!llent * CARPET MI N pay......,_,, ouu,.... ins bentfltB.. Ow>ce to pu- ticlpole In ....... ol ..... new, expandlna HM. Tll BROADWAY Please appl,y ln pet'SOll to ....,.. .,.. .... .. ...... t-Wll.t ,.... ......... .,... a..youa --~ ..,__ ..._, IMI « ..._.. .... Spb'ftual ~ advice ' ,;-~;:;:,;;l!Jr~.J::Gbo::..:llMO:IO:,;;· ;.;;::;:...1 Excellent tr t n I ' btOd!tl, on in n\atttrs. i~ S. El I : Camino Re,., San <lemtnll ff A U L I N G , .p a I n· t I n 1 Phone Ernie Fleclcy, Pm.on-life inlurance, p.id bolida)-1, NEWPORT BEAQI 47 Court• of Folhlofl FASHION ISLAND Newport Beach HUGHES NEWPORT BEACH 11-ffOTHING R>ll &All -11lADU OfrilL'rl -houlecleaninc. odd jobs. nel Manepr tor details. etc. • Apply ln person 10 A.1.f. to t P.M. Monday th<u Friday PHONE 642·5671 492-S136, 10 AM·lO·PM You naine it • ...,. do it! DA Y·S:' (nf) '42•207. To Pl-Your Troclor'o P 1rorllM Ad SPECIAL S2 READING 6C-J.191 NIGHTS: tn4) SU-130t, APPLY tN PERSON SOD Superior Avenue- Newport Beach, Calif. Do·,.,u wn~ income? Will tnde $25.000 e:quily. 7 E-aide units w I $310 mo. apema~ income, for your home equity, Bia. 646-3150. Well 9ecured 2nd T.D. Bat $2.750 at $17.50 mo. 7.2.,. doe 5 years. Trade frz late model car and !?? Call: 613-<111' >.'Int cpp01 lwlity . take over clean Beauty ~ Lido area. lone e1tabl., 6 stationl Trade for lot or aubmlt. Owner/broker. 5477ll Want Motor Home, Trade •&i Olda 98, loaded with full pwr. fact air, plus 11' travel trailer. ad1' contained & 1% ~. Palm Sprp, 536-ll.ll HA VE: 6 Unit lot near lhoppina, $10,000 c I ear. WANT: House or Duplex Newport B e a c h area. Matcham Realty. 646-4837 Want Trawl Tra.iler for eq. on 3 BR + bonus room home in excel cond. w I tanllll.lc lab:lacapinc:. Bkr, 540-llSl Heritage R.E. '68 Mustang, low mileage, air, R/H, wuherz, auto trans, Will exchange: equity for re:rnodelin& or carpeting. :.47.Q859 days, 546-2176 eves. Xlnt opportunity -take -dN.n Beauty Salon, Lido area, kq eatabJ., 6 Sia· lions. Trade fOf' Jot or .sub- mit. Owner/broker. 54S.mt :Ake .ArTOwhead waterfront free le cir, $50,000 val. Pa. :ific Palisades ocean vu lot, free &, cir, $21,500 val. Nant! Income. Bkr. 548-m.t tvanted: Glass boat up t11 20'; Have cholee 2-i ac.par. · eds w/f.antutic view of Pauma ValieY in N. San ~ Coty, 60-351' * * Attroctlvo Export YARD/pr,,,..,.,. ~ WANTED, SA:LESMEN 3021 Nowpot"t Bl~d. Want dN.t JolJ «land 1or YOUNG WOMAN trtt Ivy dirt;tra~ back CN ta MeN , Ct lff. $35,500 equl!y, lovely 4 BR dancer will teach you Ill a, • U YoU are • eood-salesman, 1 ,.&iii;iiiO;;;;ioii&iii0..•1 J.C. PENNEY CO. home Lu Palmu uu )&test 1tepe, Call Ardell hoe, ~dlnz. 90-87f5 and rtal'.iy ii: tnll¥ like pco-I 1 Palm Sprina•, or submit, 213: 591-4531 LlO PM Clean Up •nd· Ht\fll,. ple, th1I meeting may be ~4 Fu hlon llland Owner 67J.7tl'11 =;:;:=::;::.:;:::,.::.::o..;.:~ $10 per bd. MS-2521 warth $500. to $1,000, t(! )'VU. OOUPLES, linzln; Sone]yt It 11\Q' completely chance HA VE R-2 Lot, Newport New 1n area? Jolp ~ &win&H ·::OUMC::::=:IM=•:.:lftt:::i:,..._6725::.::: )'OIU llll, even to the diaDllJ' ~ $17,500 clear. WANT: to fun A plea.sift · -ot ywr.w\fe (who may "pre. Duplex or Triplex. Corona __ ...,:•_~:::..:929:::.1.:•:___ ~ Wibdows,, firs, fer 9f!Ctlrity'' to a mink de! Pil&rorNptBch. Malm. ***VI WINTERS*** etc. Rei: or Comc'L X1nt coat), We deal in belpillc am Realty. '46-48.n BaJboe; Pavillion work ~ul itefl. StMµ1 othfr .J>eOJlle. Thia ia not ' C.B Fl;iday • Saturday potl· " .pan&. lite inlul'al:xlt, Trade mink trtole Ol' • -~=~:..:;==--I Jonltorlol 6790 --~·-· d to. radio tquipment with an-ALCOHOLlO AQgeymoua e.~ or oor- tenna or ?? Phone 5'2-7217 or ,mi. to SPARKLE Jaaitorial , Sav, door Illes ol any ~ A 1 49.l-4617 ~ .O. Box 1223 a.ta Mesa. t>I"Mtnta.tion will be held tr l J * Windows. ftlid.,, ~ o rn c I , Friday mornlnl May 16th at TOWNHOUSE 3 Br, 2% ha. Trivet 6435 canst. clep11p. Free al 10:1& and again Friday at. Beaul appt'd, Priv. patio_ =-~"'='~=~-~'--temoon .at 4:35 ill the San pool; nr. ba.Y. Val $32,500, FREE Ride. Help drive u CX>UPLE. Ott:lce deanlna: .I: Juan Jtm., Sheraton Buch for T.D., car, camper or 1? far a• Midland, Te:xaa, Julle maintenance. Family nuin lnn, 21112 Ocun Ave., HWlt. Owner ~ ht. Driver'• lie, ~. Ret I: v.ife. Wk or mcmth. in.ton Buch. Attend •lthtt. ==-=='----1 ex-. Lady. 6U-5m ~ Brlno your ..U. il yoU WI\ LagUl'la Beach, dear apt ;;;,;:;::;::;,..,,.~~~~~ bid<. Will tako modest SERVICE DIRECTORY COUPLE Spoelallilno In ol- home Palm Sprinp area 11cea I: apartmenta, day or RETIRED MAN or Vista in exchange. ~ AppH1nce Rep.In i .;"":=ht;:. ,;:494-=:;.256:=1==== I needed u put time ?TlfJll&9t ker • 494-1330 Parts 6510 of most .deluxe ldf«rVlce An equU opportunit,y UNUSUAL . *-employer * Opportunity Apprent ic e The Independent Order of Linotype Machinist Fore:st•n have ope~ a n,_ DAILY Pn.or hu an new office in Ora.nae Coun. openlnz for a Younr man ty: Requtn lnteW&ent mu with mechanical background. 25 -59. College not nee-Muat be wfilinr to work es.sar:Y. Sho u ld have ex· nlahts. 35 hour wttk, ucet. perience ln meetiflc publlc. lent compaey benefits •uch Dlcnlfied We time position.. as paicl vacations, sick ktve, EarnJng tommefteff imrned. paid poup insurance, credit iatel,y. Should be in execeu union, etc. of $250 Mekly. 330 w. Bay St., C.M. Telephone between 10 am • 2 pm, 1.fon, thru fri.: lO am • 1 pm Saturday for appoint. menL .... 100 Gf.2.mI. ext 310, Larry Mllle:r, 7 AM-3 PM Poporhontfnt laundry In call!. (earpet.d, Beach home, stone'• throw SUPREME Appliance Re. Pilntlnt 6150 color TV, etc) He will work I '"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"'I to ocean. Exchan&e for pair. Re.fria. wasben. ,dry. from \Ved. noon tbru Sat TOOL & DIE MAKERS Excellent workin, condi· tloos, overtime and fringe benefits. small house in Costa Meu en. Tom. 546.1363, 54.7-6691 EX-PAINTER now teachtt, evenfna: only each week. He or San Diego, quality · paintinz wkendl, must be IOber • rdiable • .FO_:::R::T.:1Nc:..,:C0::::,. _ _:642-5'XXI:::.:::.: I S.byslttlng '550 vacation. Frtt e a t i mat• likeable, have experience in -64fi..4.5l9 er 540-0062 mtttins the public &: JM! Der Wienenchnitzel, 1951 INDIVIDUAL, imailnative I ,;::;=:;,;;~::;:;;::~-~ *Busboy APPLY JN PERSON THE HARTlfY co: PLASTICS MOLDING MACHINE OPERATORS Penn. position. X I n t. WOrkina corxl'I. Overtime I: all frinee bme.fita:. Jm. mediate openlrla;1 ori 2nd I. 3rd lhltts. Experienced preferred. No phone calls alter 5 PM. Equa.I op.(IOl'tunity employer M•F l'ROOF Ol'ERATOR EXPERIENCED United C11ilornl1 Bink CALIFORNIA -1523 MacArthur Blvd. lnjoctlon Moldlnt ~ 200 Brigs Ave. . Coeta Mesa 546-44.60 Equal opportunlty employft • ~ equal opportunity employer FRY COOK • nlid •hilt. 18 or over, experienced. Start $2.00 hr. No pbone please. Apply in person . Cottlge Coffee Shop. 562 W. 19th St. Co.sta Mesa. SMAIL FRIENDLY COM· PANY, YOUNG MAN, light mfg, $2.10 atart, reg. U.. creases, mtdical & other benefit plans. KI ~n01 EXPERIENCED e ESCROW e SECRETARY UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK 3141 E. Coest Hwy Cor ona de l M.-r 673-9240 Harbor, CM. Land a: bldz. child cart by experienced PAINTING Int I: Drt ~U clol!lt to the store. Very, wry IncomeS500mo.nel$4S.OOO lictnaed kin d er1u1en COll~prioea.FullJ·im. ~-~·SeeMtheN: REUBEN'S Ul87Placentio,C.N:. equity for Jots. Back Bay. teacher. No inf.an"'. 494-5493. Sat:i&factiM par. Free e&t. ~ore.__.., at ea A Div. of Even.harp Schick RELIEF BARTENDER Equ>l --HunUn&tcin Harbour Beach Apply In Por lOll 6'/'M130 Will J>abysit by the week. 1 .,;Jc:lm::.:,,W~"::.:,,"';.."=3-.:ill6::.:.___ ~. ce~~· : ~ JONE'S TIRE SERVICE Qub rut Warner Ave., HB ----~----* 12 M-1 ahopl in 2 tilt-up You furnish transportation. PAINTING<Ommercial Ir: John Briacoe between 5 .1: COCO'S Is expanding and require• Pia "-c M. Call 642-1407 residentral, 23 yr exp. • 30 ...... .,,,,, EXPERIENCED bl.dp: on een .... , . --:-:;:.;,:;:.:::::.....,....,~.1 Ave--e-•"·r ...... :._ • ~·!!' !!1!!'~"'~·!!=!!!!!!!~'11•·!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Val ... $150 -,....d part ,,. 2 SM hid ·n1an1 ·-~ "' , .. u ••u .... ..., 1555 W. Adom• * Retail Salesmen ""' ,OMJ. e or c rn or 1 • trim 3 er. $250. Joe SU-1071 * Titt Servicemen Halp Wanted, Women 7400 for pro~~! :O~e~r~~15CM area. my pAfN.rrnd, Papaina" lS yn CAREER -~°'C~•;:•;:l•~M::U;:;•'=---1 * Front End and • CX>J\BIJS.SION -------1 •-u-~ LI • ~~ Ol'l'OITUNITY' *SNACK BAR * Bruo Mecham"' SALESWOMEN e zoo ~ acres north of CHILO Care in my home, vie ed..,. ~:.-.. ~a; ... ~~ • MANAGER Salary plu.s bonus and com-Wanted by •I e "Ctr on l ca San Franciaco. Will trade Beach Blvd I: Warner, HB. I ,.:'.~~;;::~:..::·~::::~c.:-;;::::~=.__ Join todly1 fastest srowinl -pany p&id benefits. Op. manufacturer. We are an clear for clear, or IU.bmit Xlnt care:, 8f7'"3C31 NEAT, exp. Painter, no profnlkm.Mutul Fund aale1 Over 2l, experienced. portunlty for advanceme:nt. aerospace company and Eq ·•· 1100 in> Owner =========·I drinking. Collell! student. No expulmce neeeuuy. · Apply: 21M9 Harbor Blvd., have deve"'--' a unique up, UhJO ' , • I k u •• _ of Low prl-•. St•v• ,,.,, "'"9 . Benefits. Salary open "'""" HOTE~ INSPECTRESS Apply in pe:r30n to Mimi Kine anxiolll. Sea.ch 4M-8563 ur C , -nry, C. .. ..,. _,...,,,. We train -fllll or part time C.!\1. home burglar a I arm ~"e ••-. equi'"'· in 4 6560 PAINTING il maintenance, M\ftual Fund Advlson, APPLY g to 5 P.M. * SECURITY * system. 1107 Jamboree Jtoad ''.... """"" '"3 .interior Ir: ex t e r i or • In c. In advance to a national Newport Beach, Calif. <ltlit apt Costa MeN.. U.. BUILD, Remodel, Repair J\eeonable rates. 646-3185 N a 1603 W liff 60-6422 OFFICER ti THE NEWPORTER INN :ome $000. with eood net Brkk, block, cone r '• te:, pt eatc . HUNTINGTON For Patrol Duty !'"arke ng .program w~ are Secret•ry $550 -Mabl I Ja•· " -·" PAINTING i .. ttrior, exterior, S.A. 1212 N. Bl'Olldway interested 1n rese_ arching a o--e County A•-rt •--. ,,.,...... e, or uc' car crpntry, no job too .u.r&11.. .... SE C F $100 A Wook + ·-~ -~ ~ .__,, Work cuarantHd, Free esl 547-1331 A Llf • consumer .reachon to our Excellent skills. u·iwer. 548-400I eves. Lie Contr, fl62-69.t5 Herman. 64J.Ol32 Over 4-0 yrs. Penn. Radio product, ·m Southern Abil"tl 30' OWENS twin 225 HP; * Country CJul:) car provided. :"Jon amoker, California 1 e s --· radk>, depth-Corpontorlnt , 6590 • INT • EXT, ANY SIZE HOTEL DOORMAN drlhker. Uniform all'""'· Sale• ~. Iron door to Unlimited Agency !'ind.er, ha.it tallk; krw houn; CARPENTRY JOB. Xlnt wark, m s. fret Experience neeeuary 3000 P•lm _Ave., H.B. Apply: 4 PM • 5 PM, Rm. door thnl ret.11 outlet&. No 488 E, 17th St, Suitt 224 ~or sailboat to 36 Ft. or lo. MINOR REPAIRS. No Job est. JIM 642-46fe, MS-3749 SERVICE STATION 4C6, 325 N. Broadway, Santa gimhticks. Your earnings Costa Mesa 642-1410 :a.I property, Owner 6T:>4.'m Too Small. cabinet 1n pr-APPLY IN PERSON ATTENDANT Ana.. are dependent upon SARAH COVENTRY bu * * * ap:s I: 0 th er cabinets. Pl•sterl"" Repelr 6llO 1''or cut rate auv, 1ta. Older ASSISTANT younelf. openings for ruu or part 568175, u no answer leave ePATOI PLASTERING. All THE man prefemd .. Must be Part T ime Eves. For personal intervlew, Call lime sales. Min. age lJ. ---· ·----· ---------msa: at 646-2372. H. o. type1. Free estimi.te. Call ~bl.e:, Steady~ for the Must be dependable, D-25, Mr. cailahan (213) 598-4997 Pleasant l\'ork, no invest, no BUSINESS and ANNOUNCEMENTS .,._ndenon ~ -NEWPORTER ·INN Hrht man. Apply in person sharp in mind 1; appeararice, deliveries. For interview ,INANCIAL ind NOTICES MASTER ... 1101 Jambiorett Road mom1nrs/only, . area resident 6 mo's., have EXPERIENGE-0 call 540---06141 837-47491 1-,;...;;.;;..;;c.;;.;.;=----I carpenter, .,.. per Plumltlnt 6890 Newport"Beach, Calit. SAV·liJOR S"l'ATION auto, and money motivated. 1;:";;',;-'9SO;:::c,,..-~~--Bu•. Wonted 6305 Found (Frao Adi) MOO boor. Remodel"'<-llepaln. Tem.....,. Employment 620 °""" Ave., Hunt. Beh. $3 50 l'ER HR TEUER PART tim• omee rirl, 1=;;....;==---1 -.. """""' PLUMBING REPAIR G Dl'UWASHER • • "''"""'P"'• exp. " .... WANTED: lB-Q l()..wheel VERY Tame lft'Y bird with REPAIRS. ALTERATIONS No job too sm.all UR EllTLY llEDm mn Call pen. dept. 547·7782 s pm per Wttk. Knowledge o! real dump truck in sood con-~~: CC:,.tchepa~-.. ~ on"'::: CABINETS, Any me job. * MJ..31211 e to 8 pm, Mon. thru Fri. UNITED CALIFORNIA estate a: bldg ro u 11 11 e dltion, preferably with job. u.:lJC1I 25 yrs. exper. 543-6713 PLUMBING REPAIR e LABORERS 4:3o.1 AM shift, Good pay MEN to v.·ork full time in BANK . preferred hut not nee. Con. * 837 1153 * Pleue identify, Found by __ .... .....a.l-__ _,1tions. ' -REPAIR, n......,.v.-Small DRAIN CLEANING ., .... "'v"'-"'5 "vo"' · rental yard. Must be nee.I tractor. Houn 9 to 5. Can On.nee Count;y Air Port. c~u ....... .., MANNINGS INC 6 Mon h B Pl After 6:30 call 646-4923 Remodel, etc. Nite or day, ==;5*-;;,;2311=="'=:540-=:121=1== Interv:lewi..., ~"'--Rd , _ • •Id in appearance, no long hair, :# •re •Y t :U work into tuU time job. 6320 Money te LNn Reas! Call KEN 5ll--t6'l'9 .. _.., r..a1u1v • (....,!sure Wor ) and have neat handwriti1lC;. South L1gun1 l-"536-::..:25::"19::,., ______ 1 "' • 2nd loans for qulek FOUND' G..._ In brown Rooflnt 6950 M'" tmu Frt., "P.M. Loguna Hills 837-1M4 21-55 yn. Will tnln. Some 496-1273 RN OR LYN cuh. Borrow on )'001 pro-CU!; partdfll lot Manny's Cement, Concrete 6600 .::::::::::.:!:._ ___ ..::;:..:: INTERIM Account1nt1 mecllanicaJ know l edae petty eq without disturbin& CoHee Shop, Huntington L!CENSED Jtoofina: Contr. Per1:onnel Service Credit MIN~ers ~ferred. $475 mo, 6 days. _w low tntereat lat TDs. Beach, f...30.-69: Hawthorne e NO job too amall, I do will trade: rootinz work for ·445 E. 17th, CM 642-7523 Admlnl•l ratl... rnHs Apply 1930 Newport, Cogta .1--Optlclan'a name inside case. th all' s · d J k •1 Aleo buyers for 2nd TDs. 892-7988 after 6 P.M. em · 1 e w a 1 ' boat, •uto or? 6U-0510 MECHANIC LOCAL JOBS ' 1-".c':::":::·------- Sattler Mortgqe Co. Inc. drvwys. cone saw etc. CALL BOB, 548-7796 * * COOKS * * Equal opportunity t':mployer EXPERIENCED Ex~Dent &alar,y, hours I: hin1e benelit1, Doctor's ott. lee, Westminster, Call Mn. • Decker, 893-1321 Servin& Harbor Area 31 yn. FOUND, Vic. Ensign • Jr. "64'"'5:.:..=.1',;,.,,,==-~--Sewln9 6960 We need 2 men with exper. ARGUS AGENCIES >..1..N'r penn oppor. -top P •rt Tim• 336 E. 170:. st. H.S, on Oiff Dr., NB, Part e CONCRETE Work an I:;:.:;::.:._'-.----'= in neet truck repair, gas l.869 C Newport Blvd., C-M. wages. NHd 2nd, ~iler. TELLE R 60-2171 545-tl6ll &aale, dog small, male, no types. Pool declm •custom. e Dnmnakina. Alte.rnaQons &: diesel. DIESEL A MUsr. saute, pantry, rehel It e WAITRESSES "NEW 2nd LOANS AR-tags;P'I (5-13), 673-2792 aft 5 Call 548-1324 Custom De:algns Mu.st have own hand tools, STOCK CLERKS trainees. Pa.st dra.tt age. St@ WANTED e " "·m••t ,._.._ ... ,....... *&46-G446* 10 yn experience, wlllinc: to $t50. per month to start. No Chef Ernie Brock, Surf A UNITED CALIFORNIA EXPERIENCEO RANGED" Top cash for SHAGGY Black fem a I e """ •• u•r. .,. ...,,... wof1c any shift, References experience nttded. J.fonday Sand Hotel Laa: Bch BANK .euoned 2nds. Cock-a·poo type. No taga. Free Estimate Alter•tiona-642·5&45 required. $135. \Veek to •tart. thru Friday. Ov.nce to ad. 494-6574 • · • Contact hfr. or ltfNi. Zimmer 543-8311 Bkr. Vic. Victoria 1; National, * 636--m4 * Neat, accma.te, 20 yn. exp. Call Mr. Larcome, 54.>n17 vance. Write: Box M.s<g The Licensed Real Estate Sales-222 Oce•n Ave. Flyl~t:;:tl•r Mo T D , 63-45 J~C=M=M='-;"°':::::::====== * CONCRETE ~ bonded TRUCK 0 R I V ER S & Daily Pilot. man needed for immedla.te L•gun• Beach rtgtges, 0 01 ~ull~~ c;<;:~.~~wina· Upholttery 6990 HELPERS One drlw-r with KITCHEN HELP -employment. New unit .now 494-6546 SECRrl'ARY For Laguna WUL PAY TOP S for Lost 6401 .:.:; __ __: _____ I cla&s l li~nse &: diest"l .-xp. Dishwasher. 6 days, 7 am-5 selling in "RE o HOT H.Uls law oHice. Corporate TRUSI' DEEDS. ---------• CUSI'OM PATIOS • CZYKOSKl'S Clllt. Uphol \Ve would pre:fer IOtne con-pm. Hi Time Deli, 548-9314, TRACT'·. Equal opportunity emplo}'l'!r or probate ex Perie n c e l ===*=M='-=';"'=*===ILOST: Brn. &: white sham', concrete sawing&: removal European Craflmlanshlp •!ruction experience, or will 495 E, 17th st., C.M. See Four Seasons Hom•• preferred but not required. mixed lfted male ......... ; u. stat• Llc.•SU-101D 100% ftnt W-1454 T Radio -Telephone Good &kills. salary com· ....... 1881 Newport Bl., C.M. train. Contact Atr. McKay, e:rey. Huntington Be•ch mensurate with ability, qe: Money W1ntecl 6350 brn. back, white chest I: c-~-"20 1343 Logan.Av., Costa Mesa.. WANTED 1 gas station 9~SOC Dispatch Girt "" to ... T•t•p~-·~ ··~ ;.c:."-"c...;.;,;._;.:.... ____ I Jeet; about 16" lall; named -.;;=:c-=-:.:.."--.:-= JOBS &. EMPLOYMENT St9-3025 meehanlc, day shift. Salary ,~ 1 ·~·-~ MD and partner need short Brute; lost vie. Santa Ana, -plus comm. l!Ol Newport *SALESMEN* 1..;c'::',o•:::Pc.P,:.·------term $37,IXXI ht Trust Deed b'ding for Newport. ADDmONS.REPAIRS Job W1nted, lHy 7020 BOY S 10 • 14 Blvd, C.M. CPart Time) 2S or over. M_w;t know local e NEED 1u11-Ii me a: on I aCftS cloaie t O Reward. 5 4 8 ~ 4 2 6 9 or REMODELING Carrier Routes Open \Vith cir, Leads furnished. area. Apply m ~rwn. part-time t x p e ii enc e d downtown Big Bear worth 642--82.15 Deslcning A Plum~ lF You need a 1harp EX-for B:OX BOY, wnk~y morn· \Vork any four hour& and YELLOW CAB CO. cashier .t salesladies fur over $80,0Cll. Call Mr• PART Schnaiµer puppy with Kitchens-Balba. etc. ECUTIVE SECRETARY lo Lquna Beach, So. l.quna mgs. up .to 40 hn:. G?· ra.tes avera&e $100. per week It. 186 E. 16th St. groovy La1t1na Beach •lore. Bartelt Days 642-l515 Eve Llc'd .t Bonded. he@ t-sl. 1 um mer f u 11 time DAILY PILOT A: benefit&. R!c~ s Lido up, CID aft. 5 PM for inl Costa Meu Se.e Mn. Thorpe, 2 21 548-l43!t hair cut., 9 mos. old, male. A &: B CONSTRUCTION rnponsibUlty on a PART M:U321 Market 3433 Via Lido, N.B. 544-re94 Broadway 1.:~:::::_ __ =~~-1 Vic. Seashore&: 48th, N.B. 1122 Paulartno. CM 1.::=::,;:..::,,=-----I ATT'Y. Hu 3, $15,000 l st Little girl in hosplW very *545-4941• T1ME buls. 6444994 'l'RAINEES. Full or part YARD Salesma~ • Over 21, DRILL PRESS OPERATOR. DENTAL AJSISJANJ * PANTRY WOMAN* TDs. Want to bcn'ow $10,00'.l anxious! Reward. 642-0077 ========= OlMPANION For elder, or time. CX>OK · FOUNTAIN • 10me: mttharucal exp. 5 Lite, close-tolerance \I-Wk. , XLNT penn opp.-top "'aies. at 10% each. 547..s379 aft 3:30 D Ill S I .,.7 will cook dinnen. References DISH 1.fACHlNE. THE da,yi per week. Red-E-Ren-Small, clean shop. Ex ll t .t. M t "· Houn 7-3. stt Chef Em)e: ANNOUNCt MENTS FEMALE Cocker--poodle mix ri "1 •rv ce -exetwwed. 49'J-1845 zoo, W. Cout Hwy 1 tal3 2167 Harbor, CM, DISC INSTRtn.tENTS INC · ce en posi ion. us u.ve Brock • SW1 a: Sand H. t I aNI NOTICES lost Mq 3, Lag. B. Black DESIGN Dndtq, e.ledro PRACTICAL NURSE. MacArthur, N.B.· * KNOWLEDGABLE person 2701 S. Halladay front ~~•1j .:r:i~· Lq. Bch. 494-6574 ° t!' w/white, tan chest I: paW1. mech P/C la)-out .1: detail· Avall. daf or nlte. GENERAL MAOilNIST in Hi·FI compone:nts. Sale:& Santa Ana 54~ PLAY Job w I p 0 s 1 t b I e: Feuncl (fi:w A•> 6400 '1Yoly". we~ expftd tnc. Ken Sr. 675-ll91 Local nt l3S-I02I Clan A, jobblng machine trainee. Call Mr. Van S. · St ti M ~VN. Experienced, Convaks. adventure for inexperienced Sac r •men to ta 11. .-:-..:-IADY will do bou8ecleani.na = ~lno E~~· bel\\TI. 2-4, St6-8897 Hnt:v~th !re.~ Su~~n-cent Hospital. Costa Mna. 11ecretary to writer Earl ARY Yellow with blade REWARD. 621~113"4 Gardlnfftl --s hn per clay. Good re.t I; , "-·na Nl-•al .• ..,. •• "'::.-e A1nmblera tial lalazy + profit •bar-Excellent w or It In r con-\Vilson, 421 8th I: Pecan A• A: brown 1treab down bl.clt. GERMAN Shepherd. blaclr: il ----"-----dependable:. 548--()396 --.u ~"" .....,. .._. e N ight Shift Forem1n iJ!i. Call 842-4900. ditions. J.U pm •hill Call Colonial Inn Hotel, RS: Found vicinity Mesa Verde, while, female. Left Jowe,r J ==========I WANT oolle:p: boy or 64~-&30 E XPERJENCED fiberglu 642-038'1 tor appt. App, 7 days• wk, CM 545-2687 tu.iih ~n. Scar on aide. ALLEN IROS. p.mmlc Help 703$ pensioner for motel ni&ht • DISHWASHER. KITCHEN bonden le boat carperitcrs. BABYSITTER. Tue 1 day Exp ER J EN c E o CRIPPLE 0 Female Anawen to Daffy. Lk No. Gardener s Students ~~: •xchanp for apl HELPER. Full time days, Islander Yf\chts, 17th A through Se.turda,y. l ::JG.10:30 SEAMSI'RESS~ Part or Decllwnd Vk. of Victoria. .I: 9617, 546-0957 or 6C-58T6 wcrkinJ wa'y thru collei;e. Geora't Allen Byland A,pney 1,;:::;=:::::._~----7-5. See Terry 495 E. 17th. Placentia, om.a P.fesa. PM. One ctiild, 1 year old. full or eves in )'OUl' home. Mf')lft' 6t6-J791 NEW Green Schwinn Exp. Llc. RfUO(».ble! EmPoYtt Pays l'te MAN, 1te:ady, part time job C.M. SU.9314 SERVICE STATION 497-1801 Call for appo i ntment. FOUND .., -~'la 1 Id ·•-· t w·-a-1: ... ----. ___ ,,.,. _.... -~"'_..I 11J6..B E. 11th, SA Sf?..(1395 for ttllable adult. Xlnt LA MEDICAi. -•·-· op. M2-<915 ,..,.. ~w ft 0 ,....~..., a "•'"'-'" .---. .-~ ~ ... ~ PART TIME HELP, 3 nltn; SALESMAN. Appl)r: SlflO E. ...._.,,._JO, 1,;;;;::::;;;,=~~--- Poodle:. ~ collar. Very Reward. No questions uk· Chinese llw-im. Oieerfl.11 Times route open Corona Fri A Sat 6-12, Sun 3-12. HI Coast Hwy. Corona de! Mar, thalmoJori•t. requittl U • TELEPHONE Solicitor<M friendly, :;a.«1%1 ed. ~2.115 ANTHONY'S Pftmantnl Eqmjented dtl P.lar. Top l*l'· 962-4633 T\me Dell, 54W314. ftii E. Calif. S-· in irwnnnce:, blllirw offlct. 4-9, S d a 7 1 , FOUND La.cHa Pft1CripUon BLACK ~ Cat with Garden 5ervlce Far !:ut Acmc;y 64U7Q3 FRY COOK: G r a v • 1 a rd 17th St., C.M., aee Te:rry. etc. Prefer owr 30. 645--0t60 permanent, $1 h 0 u r I y , AD staues. Near beach ln )lfllo1' e)lff. vk: A! Surfl.ide ~1'41 ahlft. start $10D •'ftk. 2 Kennel man. o\itr 35· Must SH 1 pp ING/INVENTORY· 5'5-0137 ...... 49f..3!a Co&ony $25 ftWU'd. 2U: The but. COltl no more! I 'Ho:;l;p;W;;•n;tod:;•;M;'°";;;;72;200;;: )'t'an exper. nee. Apply in Au.EN BROS. live in Lqtma Beach! Apply $80. wk. Stead.J. N.B. Gar-18;.E;:A,:;UTY;;:;,~O~P~ERA~~TO~R~--. PAR.AKEET • turquoise • 592.-6060 Monthl.J Maintenance Ii "pe::::;rm::::,;11;;!62:;,:W;,:·~1:;91:;:"-;.C;:·::M::._.l~~~.;8 ::. ~~fo~d~ ~ men! ltffgr, Mi--2666 ed, apply In pe:l'!On. Call for .... a ... -Ital"'"" IL BOXER -ma!< .... Vic Bud(et Landocaptna Fiberalm Molders PAINT MAN Exp. Lie ..... , 546-4203 YOUNG MAN lnter .. ted In DE NTAL ASSISTANT appt. 545-02()9 Ult. CaU 60-(iiSlT 5/15 Fairview le Baktt, CM Ru• Exp. Hordcullllrlat Experienced preft'.rred, ~nn VILLA ROMA Restaura.nt le.rnina: trade. Mu.t have Newport Beach M6-S4ll e PRESSER e Silk 0 r "' Ian oolor. 1 i .... 8ch lie. e EXPER , Rlma Hardware: Contact · ... "'·-• e SAi.ES comb. Guarani-.. ··• 10UMD a rtf'3 ~ male v ._.'6 " ,. Pa n e • e Expe:rienced only, top Pll'· DI k Wollf It ••• _,, P (time dishwuher wanttd, &d-refs. Gd. pay • u= I Part Time. $2.00 ~ .... ary. ca&. pleue pick ~ uj,, I .!Re:','.wnl:'.:: • ..:545-=:::::mt:.::,~~-~ Gardener CompJl!te MMe.. Lt.rte custom work. c e • _.n~v evenings. Call Ml 6-4929 Steady emplml ~rm ptt hour M start. Oftr 21. MR BEST, Cd l.t, ~ Olli ~ GERMAN PoJJce. 6 wlu old 1'fte e1t:hnate. caD S«l-1332 W illa rd lo.tt Wwks CX>NCRETE or block muon. antt 2 pm. HWon AtetaJ nNahblc Call 546-$745 BABYSJ'n'ER!Hskpr llw tn -PROM pill 1 r om pup. M~ black....:..,.Vlc Tth le C\l:t le F.dp r...wn m:; Baker SI., Ot Dcla-p ~:-!r.;,., Aho up'd EXP'D Servia! Station man. CLEAN1JP MAN, OYtt U. PART nME: Cenenl Office. Child 9112, ~ moU.. Ncwpon fflr1lior HL Found 1,:00::'.U:;"::.· ;;11::.:·B.:;_:962-:::;•=::-~-Maintenance'. 1.ieenad r. -•u•. lloutb' M1t + commiQ;on. Start I AM. No ~ Wm Good with f I r u r .-s . 644-4807 or 90-1381 .,._In om. m.mt GOLD G..mmolhtt'1 chum -1""2SIO alt 4 ARC WELDERS M E CHANICSOOUtlloord O..rtlme pay atttt 40 "'· train. 11tE zoo, E. Coast Shorthand helptul. "5-5333 EXPERIENCED ,.,,.,.._ IJU..'S Or ......a't watch. bracelet wlttl ti charms. JAPANESE G4)deaer, com-We nttd 2 &JI poaltion wtkl-Call "4-454.$ btwn 1-5 990 E. Coast Hwy, NB. lfwy i MacArthur N.B. BABYSfITER Wanted my I cutttt'1 a111lltant ntfded. 1-.d Nclltdq ~ 11. * &&U067 * pltte yard lltT'Ykle. fne en,, Must have stnlctur.1 .1: OFTSET PRINTER HARDWARE Man tor ntlaU F'LOORMAN, 2nd & 3rd lhtl homt-, P.1on thru Fl'i, Hntg Rt!V11 '1 fuhtons. 6'7>5Uil Coat& Mn& Perie. &O-En J YR old Bluepoint ffmale estimltea. M'>-lll2 ftbrtc ~xptorlenct and know Full or put tbne. u.les. Rkm Hard"lll'llt, 1024 SP.1ALL PARTS lNC. Be11.ch s.rea. 963-6156 Grru. Friday, bWlJig, typtna, 0 1"ta_.4 lt"1 dOg. Slameae. Vlt Lake Park. NO rn.atter what It is, )'OU low h)'droren ..,eldlna:. Start Call T14: 642-4567 trvlne, NeWJ'IOl1 B t a ch • 1:'.46 LOGAN AVE. C.l.t. e COUNTER CIRL.. DA \'S. II. bkkplnc., an1. phone. Vlic Ward A Edi:nor. J'.Y. Hntc Beach. c..11 S36-M61 I can tell It with a · DAILY $.142. ••k. THE QUTCKER YOU CALL, 6@-US3 uk for PhD. Need a GardenatA.ntle! MR BEST O.EANERS. O:tM Call \Vtd. or f'ri 540-5990 107f.\ Mm'rdftl G1or7, 1'.V. Dlal 642-5671 f<lr llESULTS PILOT WAJIT AD•f 5G<i67I .:Cal=.l_;M_;,r;:·_:La:::.rc:;~:::m;:••,_ • .:JMS.;;"_;Tll.=.;1 l.:.'l'H!l:::....:QU::;:;l:;:a<ER::=:.:..Y:.O::U:....:SEl==.t • Whit• f!~phantst Dlme-1.Une Find It with a want 1d! 675-.1306 CHARGE n'! . . .-..-- -. J08S·& EMPLOYMINT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JO.IS & I MPLOY,MINT :fOIS &'llMPLOYMINT 14illtct1Al'IDISI l'Ollt MlltCHANDISI POiit' Help Wen!M Help Wentld Help We-• Jolll . Moot. W-. 7900 SALi .AHii tllADI SALi AND TllADI Tl\O"dlY. 11'1 15. i~ DAll.Y rrLOJ MlltCHANDISI Ml MiillCHANOI SALl AND TllAD• SALi AND TltADI . SALi AND TllADI w-7400 Women 7400 W-' 74111 · Pu...... 100D fumitvro IOOD MllHllM1-~II-l600 Stonge 1775 i ·EXPERIENCED e TELLER. e Eh'PE!UENCEO e PROOF OP.ER.ATOR e UNITEO CALl.FORNIA BANK ' 3029 Herbor Blvd. Co1t1 Mt1• 54'-2033 Equal opportunity employer Tempor..., Employment * CONVALESCENT AIDE. Aasi&t lad,Y dllrl'>l --· URGENTL y llHDED .. :~ LIV< IA $ ~ To $lGO • Clerks • Typlats • Repro Typists • Secretaries • Keypunchers •_PBX Opers. • Assemblers 445 E. 17th St. Costa Mesa, Calif. 642·7~23 * HOUS!:KEEl'ER • COM· PANION far older ~ • IJve in, lone or lbort term. Jd'~ 541-811 See Beu1 Br'lk'lf at \ mid4. Gxt1c Ageney !2<-~G!rl! 410 W. O:Mlst HW)'i. N. B. By appoint. &ts.3939 *COOKS* ~, .. ,,Mon a Wiimen 7SSO I S39'1 ,.,. $59.ts 0"-of Our M1nr llrt11lnsl MIDITERRANEAN SPANISH New ·Showroom Samples ,. $20 MO, tt,p P &¥a,p:, COi'. • ' 23rd .. Oraue c.M. FURN IT U.R E~~;;·~·Ll~EST~· AU C·y 1•0-· !,N., ~":n.1ct ... ~~I • mo~ <:ft~. eOlo.red '1 )>a..,00 ""'" -IZ. ' • , 644-0l3J. eves. THURSDAY NIGHT 7 P.M. SHARP!! l~pect EARLY . As We Sell QUICKLY! ' 8125 : • GERMAN Shephefd pl,lpplel, Al(C, lmported_..J:ire, eci· • entlflcalJy rai5cd, large bon· : ed. 496-2184 \VEIMARANER Pup p i e 1 , AKC. 6 weeks, females. $50. 847-0168 after 6 pm , GREAT DANE PUPS, AKC. , lJ wteks Old. / * 893-695.1 * ~ wm s.o Any Piece lndlvlduolly AOK Commission Gallery · 8' Wood caned arm divan, lg. man's chair or · 7722 GAROEN GROVE BOULEVARD AJ{C Toy Poodle Puppies, 10 weeks, trained. I * 893-3783 * FEl\W.E love Hll 5 Pc Octagon dark oak din set w/ 1 Block West of Beach Blvd., off G.G. Frwy . Need• attractive &irl, musl Sec. """'· flee pd.)' .. IMO black or no<edo f"lmed chairs; 8 pc BR set. .;'!!!![!l!!!![!l!l-..'.F~R;;E:;E~T;O~~Y~OSU~ Inter.viewing be 21. Experience nof neces-Sec, P,urchuinc t!ee pd) $52(1 9-d Mr. le Mrs. dresser, lg mirror, 2 com-::: SM:ALL Newport Beach Mfg, Corp has immediate opening -ior Executive secretnry-ol- lice manager. Applicant n1u s t h av e b r o a d background In secretarial & general oUlcc proccdui-es. Some experience in book- . ~ping deslrtd. Forward resume to: 866 \V. 16th St., Newport Beach or call 540-0161 for appointment. Mon. thru Fri. 8al')'. Apply ln penon after Otttce M&T. •••••••••••• S530 modes, decorative beaclJ>Oard tn Spant.h oak P.ci:::e;:_•os:::..&=-:O;;;r_.i:::e"'=-''"'~30 Mltcellaneous 8600 3 Frito Bandldosl 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. s PM. Jar.,.. SecTyp. «!st,. (pdf .) .:,;·, .. .,·. ~ ~design with matching bOz.aprings, mattresa & \Ve need a home, our mom. 1 Equal opportunity employer * WAITRESS * ee to""· • or-frame. \VE'RE back ln our new has had it w/ wi! We &re 3 • WAITRESS • Apply ln person REUBEN E. LEE 1S1 E. P~ific Cst Hwy Newport Beach -GIRL FRIDAY Typipg,. filing, good phone voice. Good \Vith figurcfi. Steady, Opportunity fol' ad- vancement, Company be ne- fits including health insur- at'IC'!. paid vacations, etc:. \Vrite Box P-485 Daily Pilot, Newport Beach. Typist $400 Must have gQOd skills, 67&.20M MALE' ONLY $"29 95 store. 81& Celebration • s · long . hair kittens. I'm the • ADVERTISING Drafumen .......... to $800 -~ • Sal * AUmOH * ·boss; male, grey & white i CLASSIFIED SALES JAMAICA INN l!OTEL eo.t'Ett '!lee pd.) .... S110 1$1095.95 Value) CLO~EOUT of '°"'o" Plan-ttg"'"''"'" hand"'"'·''" , lntmediate position available needs 2 more maids full or Customer Service Su_perv, M J'tU · ter · &. ln our Huntinoton Beach off. ruu•t um· •• Age ~ ~r --,, If ) T1•u• I .. ,. Wook Ol'l at savings to ...... $400 FRIDAY. 7:30 P.M. y I e SIS UI grey t . .,.. _. .... "' te pd, ............ it5K or rv9N II W 81 ..-..-CLOSEOUT ol Baldwin over. MAY 16TH \vhite, the other ttuffy char. ice for aggressive, alert Appl~ ln penon 2101 E-Admin. Trainee (f@e' pd) ~ UM eur 1tore charge plan or blnk financing age pianos ·at savings 10 $349 BAN~u~ES •. REPOS. coa.J gtt~ w/ black trostlnc. 1 sales11.'0rnan wi th pleasing Cos.at Hwy .. Corona del Mar Several Good •·•--~Uono = n~ • Call r nytlm a!te 5 j>cr.;ooality '" ioskle • ouL MALLIE'$ A•~!'l!.:, FEE-J·OBS~ -Approved Furn1'ture CLOSEOUT .of 1968 Orga"' SESSION'S, 'Coloo TV'"'· t ~: a • Sl'J2 : sida saleS. Must have"news-~ at savings to .......... $236 Bedroom sets Llvil:)g room 8 · · paper O assified Sales exper-Wig & Beauty Salon ha& c~ MANY MANY .RE 0 No down Oac, 5 yrs to pay. sets, dressers.' cotteC tables, TORTOISE Shell mother cal • ielice. Lucrative territory enings for Manicurist &/or M 'ERCHMAONTSJ BS (Ne Fancy Front -BUT Quallty V1lue1 ln1ide} WARD'S BALDWIN STUDIO <.'Ommodes, dinettes, sewing & cute 7-wk. old kittem '. with sai&ry +commission, Pedicurist,__£uarant~ &/or 2159 Harbor llvd., Cotti Met. 54a.9660 1819 Newport, C.M. M2-8484 machines, TV, lamps, mir-need good home. 3094 - State insurance, paid vaca-1..c"°::."':::;:"""::;:,',0°'°""·~548..144!>""°c.=:'-~-PERSONNEL Open 9-9 Deity-Sunday 11-5 rors, mattresses, refrigera. Mo Io k a I P I . Me s a : tion. Air-conditioned of!.ice. HOUSEKEEPER, live • in; 12 y I I Televl1lon 1205 tors, stoves, \\'ashers, com-Verde 5/15 : All ""mpaoy '-ne!its. Call motherless home, beach Aa.ncy · ein Mme OClt Ort-$1me 0Wner1 mercial beer dispenser, pe~ ADORABLE calico kitten : o.v ""'" '7-1 Yr. service contract on Bemie Uzzardo for app't. area. 2 teenage chldrn. 200 Westclitt Drive your color TV, regardless of sl cooler, bar sink, cash reg. free to good home, weaned • ORANGE CO. EVENING \Voman \V/ 1 small child 645-2110 -545-5615 is1er, 14 bar stools &' MUCH & trained. call eve 1 . ' NEWS.INDEPENDENT OK. Pref u/ts, 542Jl2'l3 _ _;c::_:.;_;;:__:_:::.:::.:__ Fumfture IOOO Am.Hane" '8100 age but mW1t be in working MORE! 546-9138 5115 ; Hait Slyllsl ~ order. • • .$45. Black &: COME BROWSE AROUND • 537-7510 BABYSITTER for 2 children RETURNED F.ROM ADMIRAL. Automatic ice white, ••• $3.5. Contract in-"WALDO " oeedr;: a good ' * 4 & 4 mo'B. 10 am fu 6 pm. With folkrwtnc lleeded by MODEL HOME maker Tefr!Jerator. ( 3) cludet ftte adjustment -if WINDY'S AUCTION home. 6 mo. old, part Doxie. ,, MAIDS Live in or out. $25 'l'-'k. 9,,.., ~ n--, e"''"'-SAVE $225 •· 5Panllh Din'a; from model homes. Save parts ~ inst a I I e d • Very aUect. HI b r kn -645-0730 alt 7 pm or bef 9:30 --1 ·-.. .-• .....,., ....... ., bl $100 Dun 1 • 1815 ·(including picture tube etc), 2075~ Newprt Blvd. 546-3360 5115 N'ight shift am. ing: &: completely redecarat.. Rm; octacon t , I •ide chn · a P s · you <>nl fl t harg 1 c:i b j Li ties ExJ)eri ence necessary 1 .;:;Seam~-,-0,c-..,cc,.,-.,,.....,-.ed,..,.,..to.,ae.,-w m,. + 2 hol't chnl, buffet &: Newparl, C.M. 54&-.7788 $12.50 ~o~ call~ ~peeu::. <>_ Be~r:.1~:s !ld~s. FE. Ger. Shep. about 6 mos. I in cheerful .surioundings in Phone.'46-1345 china $495. SAVE $100.-Kina: NEW Frigidaire UHF VHF color antenna OPEN DAILY 9 to 4 ~~!d.~mla~le~~ A~~ [J rl Li mite() Apply in person to size BR. Incl triple dtts.wr, diabWUher's, special tract $23.25 including installation, l.!!!!'!':'~::'!"~~~~ ... I !:'~------~~I Mimi King Laguna Beach, Must be fast School•lnttructlon 7600 mirror, bdboud, 2 oommod-surplus, $148. De Ii v ere d Our repair man. has NB 5115 agency and accurate and age 18 to · et, mattresa, box 1prinp A w/aerviee m swapPf!d out 31 years experience. RUMMAGE SAlf WOOD Pallels. You pick up. 488 E. 11th SL, Suite 224 THE 35. 494-8779 !tame $296. SA·VE SlOO&da. $173. Aft S pm 646--1588 MADISON ELECTRONICS See Laney or Martin. Sat. : Costa Mesa 642-1470 MR DONUT needs · women love .eat, cb&ir, hex conr AMANA c 0 m b 1nat 1 en INSURERS l\1ay 15th, 10 to 9_ urd~y at Daily Piklt <>ffice, : e TRAINEES • NEWPORTER INN 23-45, no exp nee. Nights. The Newport mode, aq. c 0 zn m 0 de, refrigerator • freezer. 8732 \Vettminster, Sul le 1 May 16th, 10 to s. C.M, 5(17 WAITRESSES DR 1107 JamOOree Road Apply in penon 135 E. l ?tb. School of lutJnns match': coUtt tbl. $299. Frost-free Good cond $85 WeslmiMter 891-7090 St Andrews Presbyterian 3 DAkLING black & white I CAR HOSTESSES Newport Beach, Calif. C.M. FEATt.JJl.ES: R Ir E roRNlTUR.E, 208 N. 548--0867 at:t 6 , , Olurch, cor St Andrews Rd kittens & 4 yr. old Mom ; l\tust be neat, attractive and WORKING mother nttds •Electric TypeWriters Main, S.A: 0 Pen Sun. HI-Fl & Storoo e2IO & 15th St. N.B. with short tail. Good pro-11 il e o•~·•·· -nt 835-1311 G.E. Washer, fine condilion, have happy disposition. Fu newpOrf . child care, live-in or out. 3 e B~ G Sh. ="°"'=,-;--,--.,.-°"'" $50. G.E. Electric dryer, FUU. Marquette tu ne-up duclion record . 642-4148 5/17 , <>r part tiri'le. THE ZOO, -children Mon thru Fri.. uP ftU OUR Soa'g bet:n transferred· needs thermoatat $ 10, COMBINATION phooo-radio. equip 6 mo's old SllOO, "DUCHESS" Lab. Retrlevu Coast Hwy & MacArthur, personnel $80/mo. 54&-9390 •Modern Otfice procedure must sen hi. nearly new ll!AA A"""· Good condltion. t:-Jlce small s ... -, al' hi 1 & 1 1 9 M Old 81 k F v • Letter wrtttnc 1killA M 4! cllttrranean furniture· ,:~~,,-~~~=-~~ -..--v c s e mpac o. ac em. eey , N.B. agency DENTAL A S SISTANT • Your eoal.I can be &£hlev-includes 8' sofa, lo~ .,.; G EJ.N ER AL EI e ctr i c '-="'=b_,t"'=t.=$40=·=548-<333==== wrench $235, Comp!. Jet Lovable, w/dog house -. ' Purchasing Clerk $400 Pedodonics, N · B • Ex· ed tn m1nlnf f 3 . .,. ., automatic wuher, JI 0 0 r 1 alr-cond'in.g eqilip & stock 962-0756 _-5/16 Orange County Ail1'Qrt Area. perience de1ired. Non week~ rnax::'W: 6 :i;t ~ =~·~ ~ ~ model, $1S9.B8. Dunlap's, Sporting Gooda 8500 $150. Other miscell. Cjtll alt. 1 DARK Manx kitten left, · Some Typing. For top paying Temporary smoker. 644-06ll weeks. Alk far Nona tbles. lam.pa, dinette & 1815 Newport, C.M. 548-7788 12 GAUGE au t 0 matt c 5 PM 897-4837 wailing for good home. Abilities Positions sec Jane Cargill LICENSED Shampoo rirl. Hottman at 642-3870 for 'Medil chain. (1) 826-9416 GENERAL Electric Dryer, Winchester, model 59. prime OZARK'S HJckory1 chips Jor ~1909 aft 4 wkdays, all . Unlimited Agency in our T\!mporary Division. Top p11v, 1'?ewport Beach full particularg, Door model, $9S.l!ll. Dunlap's condition, .$130. Call Dan smoking & S.8-QUe, 3 lrg-3 day Sat & Sun 5/18 ) ·488 E. 17th St, Suite 224 833 Dover Dr, N.8 . area. 64z.,.Q57 . ·• THE NEWPORT FURNITURE • All newly lW Newport, CM ~1788 646-1500 lb ~gs $2. Includes partial WHITE Kittens. 6 Wks. Old Costa Mesa 642-1470 642-3870 S49-2743 SCHOOL OF BUSINESS upbolstered. ~tu. hide-a-delivery,· Send check or "'-'""d, we.,,.., 1 u i r y . • ' 'L 13.1 Dover Dr Nwrt Bch beds, chairs. IOve ttalf, an-' M 0 t H A Ko I I '' "''" GJRLS.~25.towork in boat Jdb-~uon, Worn. 75oo ·• ¥--,...,, • -· .n .. 1-table . Antiques 1110 Mltcelllneout 8600 · · 0 · -mua~, 5'16-1570 5/16 . SEA STRESSES ~ --::::.::.:::i::;::_ ___ ..:;:.:.: 200, ,w. Carlton, OntarlO, .:::..=C:·'-----~-""' upho1'iecy shop. Will trai~ M . :c-====-· ~-,-I -......,., 51M!l5T. 6'9 OVAL rug, twin bod caJ. 91761 CUTE kit""" moaUy wbiY, Api)ly ln ·pers. Johansen & 2 ACCREDITED 1wim in-mt. Q:i1crMo Ln CM. S T·E IN WAY P t an o, *-C I l f 1 Po I ~"""=""'~---~ ma 1 e, 1011 g hat r , ( Christensen, 898 W. 16th St., 1tnacton 1'fill teach leaona ' Rotewood, Sj:Juare. St 111 ...... me, a 0 r n a P-GEIGER Coun1er, Clarinet, S42-21.?6 -5116 • • N.B. Corner of Monrovia & Exp'd power machine oper-Production helpers for 5 yr olds I: up s:tarttna 6 PC Walnut BR 1el$85. Occ Playable $500 er Otter. pytraU · 6: Blue Danube Teaching machine w i th · ; 16th. ators lo sew naUgahyde boat to work in man.,.. May 19th at Palisades Ten-chair $15. Couch $Z. 10'4'' 673-7431. dlabel, throw ·pillowa, twin Spanish course, Projector S\VEET 5 YI': old fem. dog tD \ cushions & canvass pro-• d nls Club. Call _5f6...1626 er couch $195. 'JO!' coHtt table ;;;;;;,;;====== size bed spread, plastic stand with plug In. other cilder <>r tttired person. Xfllt • TYPIST • General office. ducts, Top \vages, pd holi-facturing ep•rt-6f6...1222. $40. CoUee table $10. 2 lawn Sewing Michinea 8l20 chaise lounge, b-l>que, um-small Items, 549-0530 or 2546 watchdog. ~ 5115 ~ , Learn switchboard. Sa.V days, vacations, ins. Xlnt tnent, 1"1111 tlec--,;:=-==-----~I chain $4 ea. Birch' din's rm '----=---'=="--'--brella. table, picnic table, of-Greenbrier (College park) LOUIE Needs a borne. 9 \ Sun only. Mesa Verde Coun-v.'Orking conditions. Apply tronic 111embly. &:lucational Vacatioa 4th set, $.150. 64~1819 19119 SINGER with ilg·zai & fice desk, 4 din rm chaii's It. C.M. weeks <>Id, puppy, small &: J .ti-y Oub, 549-0377, no s\u. J ack Cole Co., 1163' Placen. sra,ders ·•·Sr Citiz'tm: 0UL HAVE lD study <>r phone Mln\lt con&0le. Makel but-upbolslere<I chair. 8 6 5 fluffy. S4G--0718 sns 1.::;d':::":.:~::·---~~--1 tia Ave., Cl\1. 64&.2451 PREVIOUS ASSDIBLY OR coat 10 leuon typln& Sehl. deskl with chain; $10. in· ton holes, deslgna etc., SS.25 SandC8.!1Ue Dr., Cd M. KNITIED fABRKS . ··'* WAITRESSES * I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.; !SOLDERING EXPERIENCE Trial Lftson, 173 Del Mar cludei desk A chi.Ir. Bar It. mo. ar 136.00 cash. 526-6616 644-QOM DARLING Calico kitten, 1 Must be 21. Apply •PREFERRED C.M. 5e-~ 4 ltooll '40. Lie delk $30. KENMORESewlnamachine, -EX-Q~U-lS-lT-E-.-C-a-ppa--S-be-ll ""FOR SALE ;;~650 old, hou.se~~-j in person T .. 11< J VOI~M P~~~ . ~~r 540-4654 cabinet; extras $50. 847-5990 bl!droom set, $150. Couch Remnants, sample' & Mill ADORABLE Kitte"' to lov- " BALBOA PAVILION _ ·..-_ MACHINISTS '!'."~ °'~•-ad""'""· 3 pc Soctlonof .. ,-120. Pool tablo ., " 15. mxl• Sat. Ooly 8 o.m. to i . ho 8 ,_ Id •-·-,00 M . Balboa uc:gi.nner th r u vanced ~ M. I I I I 1125 El -i·-• '-·-' "int 929 Bak "--1a M ing me. WK>1. <> ' uuw.c ain, T ~ REQUIRED training. 642-6512, 6'-SMO Call "6-71m after 5. UI c• nl • ec. ... UC\,!., ,.. ~ er, UJll esa, broken. 548-8782 ' ADULT \\>-Oman to 1v<n•k as ~ cond, $100. !Cost $500. nt"V.) C '.cashier-clerk in Kentucky uz REJNDEAS , ,,,..,.._, "•~-PIANO Lneom: The ~Office fumlture IOlO STEINWAY Spinet Piano & Desk, chest of drawers, 4 RPTS, bookcase, dbl bed, P/DOXIE Terrier, male, 3 · l''ricd Chicken. Apply 2929 'jllfl c-Dr .• N"''°" 1,.;;: • General Machinist best In instruetlons. CallJ:C"'-'::...;""-=~-'--"= bench. mMoe, perfect oond. frplc set. water skis, g8s dlau.al hdeadbrd,._!8~~s, curhold-mos, 'blk & wh t. Also 4 kit-' E. "·--t H•'. CdM. ,..,...,,, ,_ 0 Nll(• C•~ ,u,,.,, • Chucker n.....r1tor 644-2'19 INS. c---· ot: iteel Pri pty $900. 644-2681 rang~. U!Ol'ted baby equip. ins. rps, ot. ... r nuuse tens p/perslan. 836-4493 \ """""" J PhoM J46-2111 -.-•v,...,. Pl 1~ 600 SL items. 10<: to $15. Adams & , PART time Real Estate e Mill Oper•tor MERCHANDISI POR deakl, chain!, tablet, files, DRUMS, Sparkle mue, SI.Ina;-ayhouse_ Li.I· t:JrookhW'lt area, Eves & 4 Cl1I'E playf,ul: klttens, 1 •-'•'· new homes. Must be Please Call For SALE AND TltADI •helvinJ, k>cken I: draftl.na: erlml. Complete-, Andrem· Road, N.B. wknds. 54(}.-7653. wks. <>Id, blk/silver .tabby, , iic'enscd. 847-2561, 968-3454. l~~An~'"A'"ppo~in'"bn~eo~t~. ~'"'I r.tust be use ti close toler· . room furniture. * 548-1334 * VEVEJROiiO!N;;iA\iArtlUii•OtteOlbegl;;;gi·;;,,,.,;;;;:,.;;, I ~~~~~~~-~ males. 548--0179 5115 ance sl'Ainless steel. Furniture 100Q McMahan'1 772'-MSO accord!an, xlnt cond $150, FURNITURE • All newly needs , HB. S S ADIES Excellent fringe benefits. U30 S. Anaheim Blvd., In Plinos & Or9ins 1130' paid $300. 2 arm chairs, $10 upholstered. Sofas. hide-a· LIVELY 8 yr Cocker, { BAR MAlD, weekends, attra.c * ALE L · SPANISH Returned from Anaheim Calonesidt! S.A. ea. Sectional corner pc & beds chairs love seals, an· home. F ine watchdog. Leav- mini skirt, apply in per-Full and part time positions CALL &12-2400 Model Homn on tale at Frway at Kattlla) table s15. StauUer table $20. tlque's: di~ng t a b I e . ing, can't take. 968-lBOl • 'son, Escapade Room . 1664 :~~~fa~fes !~rwo~~~nri~~~ ask for Jim Hyam~. less than wh<>lesalet Group,!==='======= GULBRANSEN 4 uphols bar stools $20. Elec Po 28 laroid camera. 546-0957. 3 FLUFFY ldtte!15, 1b 6 lack,1 ' Ne1vport Blvd ., Costa Mesa NE \V FASHION ISLAND Servonie Division of ~Judea btautlful 98 '' Store Ef!UiptMftt 8012 ORGANS clothes dryer $30. 642~ 3 1 Colorado Ln, Cf.of. gry 1v/blk stripes. wks. EXPERIENCED chairside STORE, OPENING JUNE GULTON INDUSTRIES quilted IOla A love teat.l"'C::..'-':.>.;==o:....;:= WURLITZER 1956 CADILLAC • Tow it SURFBOARD 10', holds 200 <>ld. 646-4629 5/16 dental assistant for general 15T. can c 0 I I e c t (213) INOORPORATED 3 Spanjsh oak decorator -PIANOS & ORGANS away! Was in running con-lbs, xlnt cond $60. Crib & MALE Al askan Husky, 6 mo. practi~ offict', L a g u n a m 7325 or send resume to 1644 \Vhittier Ave, tl>.ble1, swq or table lamps. 1100 T' ~~t ~ Pianos i Organa Rented diUon but needs aome work, mattress xlnt cond SW. old ready to train, tree to \ 0 -aoi>. 5 d-y/wk. 494-9737 Costa Mesa, Calif. wall placque. Jdns, queen. • ·• EVERYTHING IN MUSIC Porta crib & mattreu, good good. home. &118-6757 5/17 ' oc 0 6150 Wilshire Blvd., Los An. * 673-3MO * New Battery, $14.95. 2«51 COUNTER GIRL W ' . 1 b F,...1"'1 opportunity employer or fuU size bedroom suite • cond $15. Sat aft 10:30, 16551 FREE k>.tt··-. 7 weeks old. geles. cant. 90048 complete 1ncl box iprtnp, Beach M , ( I Corta Cre1ta Dr., El Toro. Graham HB "'"' Loo"'•· 1 alteration experience for Girl Fri/Retail $500 NURSES AIDES mattrea., tinens • boudoir Gar ... Sile 8022 USIC en er 837-4239 • . Toilet tra.ined. n.M'6 <>r ' cleaning agency. 16363 Bolsa Attractive, able to meet pub-And lam ~ oak 6 COUCH $15, table • 4 chn N.B. TENNIS CLUB a home. 548-8422 5/17 l ~C::h':::"'::·..:'.::L::B:_. ----~ lie. Newport Beach firm. ORDERLIES ~ t pnCed I ~NEW tape ttc<>rdef, tolld Factory Sales & Service $25. TV set $10. 1 Double Membe.rship for sale. $600. s KJ'ITENS, fluJJy & cute. 6 ' 1 WOMAN ~. E · ·-d ~ •---7 .e ~sew •t&te ntord pll,yer, acc. r...n •. 12 -· 'lll 9 •-t 9 • •-d I". 11·, •--1•-• $5. Re-·1ar $1MO. 642-4157 eves. w-ka. •-•-d •---·•box. S·A LE S • "'"-Age 25 to 40. xper1e,.,.,... or ••'<lu~s at approx. $1195.0D ALL .tablet, pole lamp, carpet, ........, .......... , .,. oJ "" .w """' ...,..,. 5 "" = u........ w ~""' perienced in rt!ady to \Vear ABILITIES AJ\I to 3:30 PM and 11:00 FOR ONLY $399. $20 down, Thlll(·Maker w/ IOOP & 1740. Beach Blvd., (Hwy 39) Ironing board $1.· Hi-Chair 01'~FlCE Safe 40x'17" $25, 600 646-54 73 ,5/17 & sports;wcar. Part lilne. UNLit.llTED AGENCY PM to 7:30 AM. $4.99 per ·,.,eek ,. out cf molds, HO rtelfte lll!t. Boy's 1~ ml, So. San Dlea:o Fwy, $10. Baby'1 scale SOc. St Andre ws Road, N.B FAT & Frlendly, cholO'J or Costa ~lesa. ~J46..2462 488 E. l71h St, Suite 224 PARK LIDO 1tate credit OK. Wt 11 I-women's, clothes, u g.16. Huntin&ton . Beach 847-8536 968-5679 646-TI47 Jong or ihort·haired kittens. E>..'PERIENCED part time Costa Mesa 642-1470 Convalescent Center separate fot qWdt sale. 20th Ml i e ch al r 1 I 716 I RENT NEW -">"'lo.:.v;.lng'-.,~trl+ng~---,r.IX!=.-4 'TIS Troplcal Fish e :t-9 wks. old. 546-9963 5n1 n1a ids: possible full lime. ORDER TAKERS. wonicn-466 Flagship, N.B. Century Furtdtare, 91' 7 2 w· t · •-A ',..,.. SPINET PIANOS Hibachi. $20. W<>llensak tape Opeotng 'bout May 15Lh LONG l·IAffiED S7URDY "'-8tll4 G-~-n G-·e B I "'d • , es minsucr ve., ..,..,.._ f-110 -· mooth 642-2670 girls over 19, days or even-...,....,. ~.... " GAR G 1 R "'"' ...-• re:corder. $1!50. Encylopedias Fountain VRIJcy 342-4530 KITIENS 673--0119 5111 Ry I Bookk in'"', ....... or full lime. * DRIVERS * Garden Cl'O'Ve Dally lM, A E ummaie Sale-Putchu:e Optional $25. Desk--$30. CoUee table EW . SECREI'A eeper, .. ~ t-"• ... _, .,""~ n.-... ._ ,. __ , ML'il'.l,dishes.furnl ture , ****.* •~. FuU length m•-·. N Singer portable sewing FREE kittens, very cute. rxp·d, imn1ediate opening. Pleasant "-'Ork, nb ex-No ExnerJence ; or ;D' mu~ u.ow bookli. tools, ant I q \I e I. I SALE US.ED ~76 ....... machine, ffiUllt sell-best Of· 531-l57'l alter 6:00 pm, 5/17 6'12-2050 ri.:nc:erne:~cJ1a17£ r-plants Fri • Sat, 10 am to 5 HAMMOND O ANS ler. 642-3192 Chris. 4 LOVABLE ktttens to good \\'AITRESS: Apply in person Necessary! Furniture retllrnid from dis-.pm. 40s HolmwOod, Ntwp0rt RG flEAD skhi, a.kl boots. ski FULL men1ben;hlp Newport ho-·•· 64•1835 5115 ,' 3 7-1323 before 4 pm. p'"" t••--''-mode! homes •• All b • New cuarantee clothes, No. 2 Spalding ,._ ~ l\1ESA L ANES , 170 I ,,;==,-...,.~.,,.,.,...~ Must have cleu <:&lifomia ~ -. ' nel_ghts. ey et ween e Liberal tenns Beach Tennis Clnb. $~50 + 5 LONG-Haired kl""'"'· 6 Superior Ave., Costa Mesa. INCOME supplement ' t o r drivi~ record. Ap..i., decorators ciDcellatkm. Catalina l Hot m w o <> d , . ,mod, Martin Bar It<> n e transfer free 673-70l9 .. ~ ... <>Ider lady w 4 r c I · s. u 'l!. ,,..., Spaniah fl JdedlterraDlan etc 646-7370. ~·t, C2, A-lOO's, M-lOO't, Ukelele, dishes, anti q u ~ ' 1veeks old, Call 548"63.57'5/15 H~k~~f;:U:. -Good SupervL~ 2 J R. Hl . YE~~0:.'1f:~t CO. RD FURNnuRE .GARAGE Sale Atay 15, 16, L-lOO'a . ':~rN'ONO'"'' $695 =--~~many oth e r l''"~~~°i:'~sso. BASE drum .. goOd !-'f)ncl.: * 53&-3555 * children, my home 10-3:30, Costa 11-Tesa 1144 Newport IMI., CM 17, 13 Kit. range, dlshe1, In CORONA DEL MAR * 660941 * 540-$996. 5116 Mon.Fri. Mesa del ~far LI K E N e w Famou1 P /t'Th1E maid, 5 days 1vk. lract area. 546-7783 alter 6 NEED ambltk>us tr a In e e.. W::.:et'Y ~t _!! t ___..____ ~~ds~th~~ .2854 E.-Coast...Hwx.-673:89.JQ. __.,StroU-0-ebalf" _0 u-t-l-I t COMBO reftls:/freettr. Xlnt FREE Kittena to good home. -Apply in person: 2 2 0 5 PM couple. ages il5 to SS, who '• Bl.C-6 8lii "til g • cy et, o er ms. a SPECIAL PURCHASE e complete. 2 yrs <>Id. Paid Cond. New-24" fiarbeque. 962-122'.l --$/l6 t-lnrbor Blvd, CM. 1 --1~w~o~M~E=N~-LAD-=rgs=71-v.'Ould like to learn to 2 MATCHING Barttl c~in, V:wn~) :unt~l~c l a WURLITZER PIANOS $322 new. sd1 for $175 * 673-7452 * BEAUTIFtn.., FIUUy ma.IC secretary/Bookkeeper Parents Institute has open-become apt mgn. Man rose velvet, down cusluons. · ' ' WhUe thl'y last! FIRM. 64s..2180 OIAJ.IOND Solilalre wedding kiltens. 962-4633 5/16 Exp'd. lmniediale opt"ning. ings for J.-No ~p nee. "'ork mWII have lnskle painting Excel cond. UOO Pr • MANY Bara'tlnl includin& $943 \Valnvt consoles EWPOR Be b T I set, have ap-1 STi'S, sell BU< f.1ale puppy to loving ' exp. Submit .... IUme •-SG-4288 Lapidary. May 17 A. Ulh. • .a .... N T ac enn • , .. * 642--2050 * 5 days 9:30 lo 1;30. Mus! '"" .,.. now ••• _,, 0 b M ~-"'p •---• $250 CMh. 6'1S-tlll home. Call 642-<l!;56 art 4:30. rcre-rences. Box p 486 Daily Quality im. bed. quilted. Bld1 on entire stock Friday. rtua ~~~h··· ·· ••••· u em..,, IN., nn _.e. ~:~~~~ 60~~1~k. ~I~ ::~:icy. &54~~a ~a P~ ~P;,,';:;''::;'·==-',,...-.,...·~.,. complete, unuted $98; worth :'ta ~esa =no Pl, $795 Spinets, all :.~er.~~~ rry Misc. W1n'-<I 8610 TRANSPORTATION !motel, $1.75 hr. 494-8521 to 8 pm only, P.iANAGER: dlK. apt., Colla $250. A.ft 5 « wXnds. Sf7.o406 ' tlnilbt1 •• , 1rom $Mt lO $579 *POOL T~ * BOits I Yach'1 ,. 1 D'F.:NTAL Asst, part time. Medical AS&.istanl Mesa. Com P 1 et e ma!~ NAUGAHYDE Lounrt $40. 2 GARAGE IALE • plUI bench Custom U -modem w A N T E D nr-r ch side. Wed Aftnoon, Mah1re-Pl' d i at r i e t'X· tctllllTIC'e I: paintin1, Lounp .c.:.tr:A!!5.· $«1. ...,J~. V'R;:'ria ANTI• CM't,,lf!_.,. Temi1 l.tke Re nt a·Ulfd. • an ~RTs ."JOO". ~~·l TROJAN_. ~· r-peMcncc prefei'J"l'd, Front &:. Califomla Management ......--. -n "" • ., Gould Mu.le ComjNny (7lll ~.,._, •• pm need uaUt ( Ju.nk .. ~..,u1e er. equip o r Eve & Sat. 673-9169 alter 6 82$-9940 (213) 114-6180 BLO 2045 N. Maln, SA 547-0681 ----~~-·----.o--\Ve q y no fishln&. S1pe 6. XJnt cond p,m. IMck oHia-. Sond re1ume: NO stenonv oombo ._Hincw llci'Q ••. BAR.GAIN! Mtmbmthlp 111 pl~). Funrlture, ~<>Io r $8500. 3412 Marcus. NB. BABYSITTER 7:30 am..f:JO age, exp, elc to Daily Pilol ePrl TEAJ~ ,., S m .. ~11 $100, 9' quilted llOfa, $«1. ;;:a:; • HAMMOND.-Stt!nwq, t-Newport Beach Ttnrtlt Cub'. TV s, stereos. appliances, 67S-0842. 534-3nO r S M Box P-325 vate r ''-'6''-o.igh ~. * 5tS-f1H * 11' cu ft Ceppert<>ne maha • l'IO\t .t !lied plallal S'IOO you pay transfer fee-. tools and ofllce equipment. .:..;;_;.___.;_c.c. _____ , pm, days my home C. . 1 --MED=-1c~AL--AS~S~'lS7=AN=r-Qlder teacben Pftfared-1WO Nf1' vtl~' Hilton_ Bar-~-f'r'mlu. SlOO. of all malttol, Bat ~ 1n 642-Mt? aft 3 pm. TOP CJ.SH IN 30 Minutes! 23' C.C. GOO!il h~I~ glab 1 pre-schler. 54&-0981 fBa'CR""bUicel, able co type, Box M 558 Dall,y Pilot rel chdrt. Colt SGO. Sac! :pnt cond. S35-896t aft· t ' So. Callf. rll;ht ~. 531-1212 * 893-«iSiS ovcrpl,y. Not nmnttll need$ * CASHIER * pleasant penorut.lit)' .t neat MANAGER e ma I u re, ~ ~1ft• nn pm. SSllMJPJ')dUSlC CO., DIAMOND ~ng set 2 $ WE BUY $ work. lfd &: bait~· Good Part time. car wash. appearance more important reliable cpte. toi 17 dlx. '"''~ GE -·~ ··--•-xl 1 UOf N. Mafn. eta. T.W •• pedect; Oawleu. , fishing bOat._ t PX! " CALL 645-2Dz: than experience. \Vrite Dal· apts. C.M. 2 Sr. 2 Ba. free FdOR S ale : Plano, ~~·~"'-JO"". nt ' Sant8 Ana Appr $2350, sac t'IS O. $ F\JRNITURE $ take.s. 67>-22}S • L A D y wa n l ed I o r ly Pilot B<>x M 4-12. to mgr, 64M6.;t .t "='~~ ~ 11 847:_n5 * e PIANO RENTALS e ;.6,.:,'1$-3'00;;,;;~--~~~ APPLIANCES ·59 FORD, 2 Or. HT. P/1, ~ haui>ework; l or 2 dity 'l\ttk. SANDER, part lfme. ex· COUPLES . not pt rich plan •WHIRLPOOL Batb .t:2~ SUl\(MER sPECIALS PRESTO Alr eooltr m. 9xl2 brakes. Jt/H. Xll'lt tnnf, fm ~n tran.o;. Rets. 673-4828 perh?nced. Ntwporl Bf'ach but tomellme siueb' A Jn-2 ~ ~ Nupl\yde -...!=•= 81 nd tit ~ * LoW u ST.93 per ma.. couon Wundl Weve nli $1S-c.1., lV'1-"11110"..-St11••'• 64f..1431 J t ~SPECTOR. •CC 3S to 45' attA. -itbtive equals money & ~~ riiW. S35 each, i:Sl 00 ~ e~~fuc Rcnt.J appllt1 1.6 Purchate c67$-.,o.-7536.,;..~,_,.._,,_~~-c~:~'TN''1~0~j~~~s 14' t~l.S twln ~ull, l-15 bp ': d"1 or nigh.,lrift. 6'6-3882 teeurity. 644.-. 1 · ' • Gould Muelc Compony QuaUty kina bed, q\>Uled, • 541 _4 S.l I • :"..;;'.· ,..!"!!~. '"' C. w/b'lr. ~ : * M.Ui83fi * Expcrtenc«t Installment COUNTER HELP perm. 36 SOFA A ciiail', new. nt\ltl' Hamilton Oa:Jry1r 200 N. M&ln, SA !W7~' com,PJ.e1e, uwad $98: worth "'1'N .,._,,,,.,, · OPERATORS loan cl~rk I plattonn hr "-'It. Daya. ApP1y TAC'O u.1. Mm offer. 5fl.«dS '25. ~ ~ HAMMOND ORGAN 1 $t')O. Alf'S Ot'wknds 847.oaofl WANTED. used 6' ta 3' bar 12' GREGOR Bolt 15 Teell)I ! sPEC. · MAOf. SteaclY. Top sleno. Sec:tnity Pactllc BOX, 2853 Harbor, C.M. or tc405I av. enl7. 1U ...,._ Weaher $2.S. ~model.. J62S.· lbc!y m lookln.f -D*lLY for home. 675--1345 eves I: trailer. u.sed. '3 boUrs. Sac! < rm,y! (k•mt Mtgr. 64J..J;&6: National &nk. !36-!lln 9:30-1:30 PM D.W.Y PJLOT·wANT ADS! 6r I pm, m.al7g m.a6U (H;_B.) PILOT dmUied. 6C2"561I wkends. 615o-m " I I I , , I 1 -.• DAll.Y I'll.OT Power CruiHrs 9020 30' Monterey 3 Nu Daes + 115 hp Otrys $4250. PacUlc Yacht 213: 597..5568 411' CABIN cruiser, twin Grays, 2 bunks, head, radio & bait tank. $1950. 546--S'lSS MUSI' Se.II 36 power boat Excellent live aboard. Reas. Prlv Ply 642-4004 8.S '51 EVINRUDE 35 Recel:llly owrhaukd. ...... • ... • 9fii.3831 * NEW PERKINS DCESEL. f. 10'7, ).I Warner g ea r . O'ac.d. $11"1. 714, m.r.ou • • PLYMOUTH • s17 -77: ORDER YOUltl TODA YI • • • 1962 CORV AIR. Good mech • cond. New Litts, clean in & '53 Plymouth $125. POOLE'S FINE USED CARS out Priced to aell! Phone Ask for Pa u I. ll8 Topaz • '67 MUSTANG 548-73XI ews & w~ Balboa Island. • '66 MONZA, &d. cond., new '63 PLY. V~t station • tires, shocks, mufflen. Ask· wagon; new tires; clean. 1 1ng $100). ~2485 $400. 548-1066 After 5 PM Am,,. ft~t. air, RIH. • IVJD 3611 • $2195 ti •1--=--~~--..1 '64 CORVAIR Mo.,., R/H, PONTIAC • '65 OLDSMOllLI .f Spd. mwit see, excellent 1 4 door H.T. F•c+ory •ir,~ condition • care. 536-2221 ,65 GTO C rt'bl pow•r st •• ,ing , ti,.1c., .• onYe 1 e ...... ·~ov '"' • COUCiAR Full ""'· xmt "'""'tion. '°' :-$1395 • ~67 COUGAR like new, dlr, f75 Cash dels • '67 IUICK Owned by little 'ole banker or take foreign car in trade, from San Juan. Canary yeJ. NRC 208, Cali Ken 494.9773 •Ri-iert. F1etory air Cond. low exterior, plush black In-or 54>0634. •F11tl power, tiucl<tf •••h. -f .TOY 199 • tenor, act ai,t. pwr strg, '65 Gro, all power, fac air, • $3695 • dlr, $125 cash' deli or take AM/FM vibrasonic air lift foreign trade. Will fine prVt · shocks. 0Many ex~!. Auto. • PIV. VHE 743, Call Ken. Must sell i1700 or oHer. 494-9773 or ~-646-3708 "66 IUICI I Wild~at 4 claor. f•ct.ry• ••ir, auto., ptw1r 1t11riftf, .R&H. ISVX 016J '61 ' OJUGAR XR 1. Fully '69 Pontiac Grand Prix, equip, air. Clean • lilce new! loaded with extras, must "'50. 675-635C anytime Sacrifice! 847-6193 • • $2395 • • '65 SKYLARK •4 cir. Aulom1tic, powar• 1t1arinq, r1clio, ha•tar• •!RGV414 1' I • $1395 • , I " ' ' ' I f. ' • ,.;, ' '1• ;\. ,• " . •' , ' :i. . • !f,. . . " ---- -----.---~ --------··--~-... ~~-·~-------------·-,-~----.-~· ·------.. --~----· ---. -·~ -- -------··-. -. -. -·--' . ~ • . . ._. ; +'\ ' ll~~ l '• ' . " Ille In your lawn; your . garden and i1 .. le oa!slde 111pear1nce. of your home! Then, wllen .. ,...,. lrHgla • • • lllle ii easy! ·• • • How ~~ lillil 1 ce•ll or gas wllll IM! I•· Dyl Dae pages en llelp JOI plln yw Ill-IP ...... ,_ ,,. U.I \ ; • . . . . " .. , __ , .- ' " ' .. . ''• .. • ._, ~ l Now's fhe time to. _fix ~P. • • • .clean up yoin:. hOi'f . : . ' ~ ' ' ' . l I • ' " '\ "-· . ' ' : • Buy · 111at n e e -e d 1 toudi ·and chair; the new : • . . bedroom you've ia.nted;-.replace ·tbose faded drapes, that clallerina r.elrioef1for -1Dd the l~aky washer. SlleCllOns we're -. never more complete " • • . lenns never more liberal. ' • ! I ' : .... , '• ~ • " {. '.; • ' ... . . . - . .-. ··: ' . " " ' .. . ' " ' ' ·-r • [:)('"I J- ! t'J \ '.l ' ll ...... ~~.,~; ' ' ' , " , .. • • "· .,\ " r • ,. fj ' ' ., I ,, -I I I I "' ' I I . - PRETTY AT POOLSIDE -This ls Tamiami one of the most popular lines ol. outdoor furnftitre" 1'11}- duce<I by Brown.Jonlan Co. of El Monte.-'!'anuaJttl line features aluminum frames , vinyl lacing !Jld ffhigb fashion" colors. Jt offers 11 different tables, m. !it different clialrs, (our designs in cbai<es1 pl us l,lt>•• -, b4T ~ ,..i ,arving oarts-Cli ate at nonle 1iio<ind the jiOol or on th e = z.~ is llV!lilab~ al J. H. Biii~r in &top Summer :Doldrum: Have l<ids' Paint-in The warm-weather fTIOnUts can be the point of no return for busy moms with a vaca- tioning brood or Ii st I es s yoongsters. ). "What can we do now, :Mom?'" ls the all too frequent question put to the woman of the house. •• Be ready for that query ' when it comes. Suggest a 1!11 Paint-Jn! Provide the kids !J.. with one or two galvanized steel garbage pails, a can o( any uterior cement base er late.I paint. and decals 1ten- d ls and design cutouts in con- trasting colcrs. Then tum your budding artist IOQS4 Io decorate the trash pails. Chances are you'll have the most imaginative "decorator cans'' in the neighborhood. Challenge ~ kids, by offering pr1-for the most elaborate, tf'""'""" most original, most 4'iforf\ll , •• or have Qtllelttie9 such al geometrics and car- ·toon characters and turn the -tl'Faint-In into an a 11 • .,.neipbo<hood project, . ). . •• ·' r- t j• '· -. .. =· - .. ---------· ~·------,...._.,~_._....-_,...., -. --- TllE CANl!IDATE Bia ocreen color portable hn vN!d, tru8'1o-lile Now Ylllo pie• hn'e, Sportabout Chauls with,_ Solid Stati Components, J>OIHIP handle. £1A42 • 180 1q. rn. picture JlllW COLOR PORTABLES for people on the GO! ROii • Pri~ : $27995 SHlrt at ••• " . , • PRICES INCLUDE 2 YEAR tlJAIANTI( ON PICTURE TUIE • 1 YEAR ON AU PARTS • 6 MONTHS IN HOME FREE SERVICE RCA Vleter S•I• & 5.,.,,, KIRKPATRICK'S Servlnt H•rllor Ar .. Since 1 t46 2760 EAST COAST HIGHWAY • 67 3·26SO • CORONA DEL MAR ·' .. Lightin·g Helps Dec~~ AnyWhete ' . SWIM WEA!t SWIM FINS -MASKS -5NORKLES · DUCK FEET FINI I LEMISH ........ $6, 95 U IOUU.R ........ $8,95 SKIMBOARDS • • • • 5.9S & 10.95 FULL FOO: "$ii $5.95-$6.9 . 1.•1 . NYLON SWIM & SUll!I' 111UMKi $4. 95-$5. ts-$6 ••• SPEEDO I OCIAN e !lAM,.ON UCING SUITS & TRUNKS •••• 3.50lo11.95 TENNIS RACKETS WILSON-BANCROFT -DAVIS DUNLOP-CRAGIN -SIMPLEX CONV ERSE TENNIS SHOES •. Mens 7J5 Ladies 7.25 JACK PURCELL " . $8 95 TEN NIS SHOES.····•·•·····•••••••••••••·••··• • PENNSYLYAfflA IXTRA1DUTY ' TfNNIS BALLS • • • • • • Doz. l1SO MENS TENNIS SHDRTS • • 4.95 lo 13.95 MENS TENNIS SHIRTS • • • 5.00 & 6.00 TENNIS DRESSES • • • • 9.00 lo f , .• 95 . .. . . •. -' Whatever tbe liglaJiw need mey be, elaboralo ~ l'Ul'<IY IUJJCUmal lor oaiety, the dec- trical capaclly to do so is one Bows-Arrows-Q•ivers Target -Gloves -Al'llM)uards Ping . Pong Paddles -,Balls -Nets Darts & Dart Boards Boomerangs & Belly Boards lla;leball Mitts-Shoes-Balls - · Bats-Warmup Jackets Batting Helmets -Chest Protectors Caps -Colored Sleeve Undershirts TI me rs WHITE STAG WARMUP SUITS 100.,. ACRYLIC NAVY ONlY • • • • .12.95 & 19.95 100% ACl YLIC SWEAT SHIRTS • • • • . . • 3.95 I ODEL I wrtON SWEAT SHIRTS • • • • • . • 2.95 conoN SWEAT SHIRTS • • 2.50 & 2.95 COTTOll SWEAT PANTS • • . • • 3.25 ACRYLIC SWIAT SWEAT ~AIOS • • , 5.95 6.95 10.95 STRIPB> t SlflRTS • • • • , • 1 JS RALEIGH BIKES PARTS -TIRIS -tUBES ONE ~N'S <;:UT~· IS THIS Aol'~l!-'SICOND HOME' IN MOU~TAINS Slmplo Doo!lln, U~lfmltell ,·0-..otor Po11lbllltlo1 · ~ppo•I to Do.lt-youroolfort .· Plan Recreatio.n Area ·'Second Homes ' Now ·· Nearing 3 Mi//jon Into Home Addition If your house doesn't have a recreation room, chances art yoo'n: planning one soon. Surveys show that recrea- tion rooms are among the first · addiUons to be made in a house. The.._ extra facllities are geneNlly necessitated by a grCwing family. Bot~ parents and children soon see the need for 1 room where youngsters can play' and entertain their friends". wilhout interrupting the rest of the family. Attu chlJC!ren ~8 hours, the rec rtiQm is -~ an ideaJ plaCe for in- formal · adult entertainment. Alm9St by definition, a recrtaUon .room has certain requlrement.s. Jt sbOIJl<I be at. tractive, large ,enough for aizablt gatherings, and easy to· maintain. Fibri_cs and" wall HAPPY H•Yt • h • p p y w••••nd. St1rt it by retd'it19 the WEEK· ENDEl in tht DAJLY PILOT BLOOM GLOW .. ,,........ .... ,.,.. Perlect for woodwork, trim, kitchens and battis -where\191 a scrubbabl• finish I• required. Bn.athes on amoothly, ' Regular $8.95 · ~~~ $7.45 The new frooUer .. for many roundings. In this "A" frame and floor coverings should be Amerfcan families is located design by Marllte Paneun·r . sturdy and washable. ·· · · Facilities for food p..-iantion Just off tbe roa~. that lea«!! to casu:aJ livin& is enhanced.by · -,. their new vacation home. Na· expo.sed beam ceilings and and .serving are also a rood tiOQal building statistics reveal random scored woodgrain idea. that the number of second, or planlting. Take advantage of the at· Jeiiure, b9mts in the p.S. will Marlite's new 18" :r: I' tes_. t r a c tive, low-maintenance approach the 3 milliOn mark lured oak planks are featured building materials now on the by ·1978, and thlt represents a horizontally and vertically in market. For e 1 am PI e • SO·wcent increase In Ule past contraaUng ctiling and · wall hardboau bird wall .dpaneling , lsf 10. yea,..~ .~ • applications. The random-el- ava a e in a WI e range. 0 Popular with second home r e c t , t on gue-and-grooved beautiful finishes including bUUders are new "A" frame planks are designed• for quick ricb'.looking w 0 0 d gr a ID 1 • des I g,n s that b I end -i.n!tallation oVer old ot' new ~rator colors, varied pat. dramalkally with natural sur· walls (SQlid or furred) tems, and unusual textures -::::;:::;==============;:_I such as cane, burlap, basket weave and leatber, ' The panels are easllY.. ap- plied with DliJS· or easy-to.use adhe$ve to wool furring strips attached to the exlsUn& wan: They resist dent&. man and scuffs, and can br. spon(' ed clean. Resilient floor tiles or ~veo· carpet tiles are ideal for "rec" TOom use. Some. ol these t'looririgs a1ao provide I D)e&!IW"e of sound cootrol. use easy-to-clean draperies and. (urniture slip ·covers. VINYL MIST One coat Covers most colors. Qr.. fast 10 a hard, washiible flnlah. Bruahn and rollers come clean Jn soap and w1ter. Regularly OE"IS NOW ONC.Y 09•9$ ~ ,._. •loo• e-.ow ·-----· LATEX 'DON'T ·'BUY A POOL ·UNTIL ••• You know as much cibeillt th pool you intend to balld as the man who is contractit14J for you 7 -., . 'I MiSSION POOLS FIRML y IE~IEVES ·THAT ~·1 YOU ARE ENTITLED TO A COMPLETE ESTI· · MATION AND SU.MM AT I 0 N OF ALL ~ COSf S . BASED ON THE P 0 0 L DESIGN, LOCATION AND DETAILED EQUIPMENT • ' • SIZING. • ' FOR EXAMPLE: KNOWING THE ANSWER TO THESE QUESTIONS . CAN SAYI TOU F«OM $150.00 TO $500.00 IN "'HIDDEN COSTS" AT THE: TIME OF CONTRACTING YOUR POOLI 1. WHAT DOES ""IUCTllCAL HOOK· UP INCLUDED" MEAN -7 2. WHAT DOIS "'FW HU. na IN· CLUDID-INSTAl.LATIOM mu• REALLY MllAN7 3. WHAT DOES "DIWXI FILHI AND PUMP MEAN? 4. WHAT DOIS "POOL AllA"'· MEAN.? . < • . ' 5 HOW CAN YOU INSURI TOUR· e · SILf lHAT 1111" I U IL D 11 WILL HONOI A "JI DAY COMIUTIOlf' CLAUSI? • · SEMI-GLOSS The protecVon of enanitL The conv.nl!lnoe of latu. • Dries la1t. Very low 'odor. • C9Weri1 in 11CO.L 8""'* wish c1e1n In ~; •• .. . . Regularly $8.,5 ' ~~~ $7.45 I RION • • HARDWARE 1WESTClllff,: l!LAZA 1024 IRVINE AVE., NEWPORT ·aEACtf ' \ 642-<1133 • THESE AND MANY OTHER S I M I LA R 'QUESTIONS REGARDING POOL ADS AND . CONTRACTUAL TERMS ARE CLEAR'LY DE· ::ii~~~~ ~~~OSSAIY OF CALL OI wam -YOUI COPY TODAY' • • • lll'Oll IUYIN•· HOM ANYONll Mt98ion Poole 441 sou'rH "0" smn TUSTIN; CAUF. ('u,.taln In the ..,..,.... Plua) TIUl'HONI: IJl.0111 ' ---~-- • •• Enjoy a beautiful summer . ' Visit · ou·r Garden Shop Nowl Newport 'Bea~h . - ,_ PLANT BEGONIAS: and pelargon· eums NOW! each 44~ Eosy·t0o9row •nd colorful ••• •ncl jusf lool: d tho smol prico! Groon foli•g• •I yt1r, •nd lovoly poriodic blboms for a more attrec:tive ig1rden! . Dwarf . .Meyer Lemon in l gallQn size each Grow your own lemons and have an of. tractive dworf sizo troo with 9louy, gr- INvos ••• 9rOW1 in tub or yord, ' . Visit our Garde Shop and - these other attractfve pfalltl! --·--····,... 33' , ................. ..,....... 6lM , ...... _,,............. 7 .... --.,......... ...44· .. _............... . 8' x 7' side IJClble st.eel storage bulding ••• great! 99.95 Attroctive sido gablo design. struclurallj: deop ribbed stoel ponok, stool cornt~ f>racet, 91lv~niiecl found1tion1 and frames. ' . 'r a, . ...,.,. !kt..., ... , ................ 89.95 169.95 Whfflbcir.row or lawn cart for happier 9arclening ! Your choice 6.98 Each tt.m· is 3 cu. ft. si.,.. Whoelborrol!! hos soa"1ltss stoel tr•Y· Have both! More great 1 •~rclenlng aids ! 16" spreader 5.H Stainlesi steel short handle tools · $I SO' ft. garden hosos • .. Nyion vinyl hose 4,44 Super Flox hose-6.9' Vinyl plastic hose I." ' Fashion Island • ...... --.. -·---·------~,--------------------------------------------- . ' f • •4 ll1a1 I-1..t Outdoor living -lhursd1y, Moy 1 S, 1969 Turn , Dull 1 Chdres Into Needed Exercise . Dull hoa1 ?work cu be Wm. ,. -""""""'"· ii 11111 IO,.. ........, -dies lo keep ,.. ..... trim llld ... lly. ,S..'a.botr: .muscles. Then when )'OU have lo lake a G ~ru Hi&b C you wW have tr$ed for it., So miny "hidden virtues'' in home lmprovln&I ' -When ..you reach up to dull 1 hflb tbelf or wub the ·-.. k. -""toes .oo Fix Gas·ket ! -body upwll'Cb. Thia ls . • """' for lllkles. Jep, pooture. ' ~~°:'.;;,~With Sealer ~back.stomach , A 'cracked or spilt waistline. _ _ . refrigerator ' gasket citn ~ -W-asbirig dishes f1nns permanently repaired t n arms and upper back. minutes, and at quite a sav- -When sweeping, pun your ings by using clear •silicone stomach in, hold Your rubber sealant The' sea1ant ~elm: back. Swing broom made by Dow Comin_g, can ~ with long, free movements so squeezed into the g~t and you can feel the pull at your then molded to the contours or waistline. the door . The refrigerator -Grab handle of broom at door shou ld then be shut to each end; stand -with · feet allow .the rubber to dry; apart, taise broom high and usually about one ho u r . stretch up. 'lben lower broom R e f rigerator temperatures and repeat this over and over. will have no effect on silicone Add ia few stretches e{lch day. rubber sealant which can When you can do it IS times, stand temper~ture~~Var~s you'll be in the wbmel''s cirde. from -70 degrees1 up to,;608 .·r ' J3oric I Acid Is Beit CAu.' 532.19_92 We Mia ,,. Yw Y•nl _.....,_y .. MotwyO.-·To , t.c.t. Yeur Peel c ... ,... ft.: I•' I 21 A;.i INSl!>E WA TEI uNE to¥ASUREMENT 15'x30' PRf;.SEASQN · · .- ;:EY -SALE,· • NO~ rio¥(tct Beat TI..· SumiMr Rush!~ · SAVI MONIYf lUT-• ' • u you <aft u aspii'jni degrees. • 7* ~, r, singer, vocalize while you are 1be silicone rubber sealaril . vacuuming under the bed, or is also effectivt: fur sealing LEATHER LOOK Th' fib 1 labl · dd' · · · oTHasms 0t SHAl'ES AVAILULE · over in some other leaking plqmbing fixtures or · . -is erg ass etop 1s latest a ition to wrought iron ard",posltioa: Not easy, ~uto .. windshields. It can 1Je furruture• line by Lee L. Woodard$xls, Inc,, and is designed to give fj>pear-~idortid est1dle; bu8dl ~ued' at most hari:hrate ,atiCl' Of hand-carved leatb·er. But" it will take weather better than leather ever DON'T impartant aLaphrQyq.I stOre's. .. A ,, did.-•. t.. • GREATEST LIT T.LE f . • HOME I , . IMPROVER' OF. THEM '·7100(05.DO . . --ColorTV s3599s ' ' ' All! Mod•I No. EL 441W LOW, LOW -PRICE FOR BIG · SCREEN PORTABLE COLOR. llG NIW SClllEN SID FOR PORTABLE COLOR TY. POWllFUL 21,500 ·VOLT CHASSIS WITH SOLID STATE DEVICES IN SEVERAL KEY CIRCUITS. FAMOUS 19W.-f1STA4'' PICTURE 9UALITY, . .t ' • . . •SAW STAR TV I • ~ '~ j e SERVICE 275 IAST 17TH STUil' COSTA MESA 642°9742 ' '. FOR YOUR HOME Rugged 6.JighJ dc.1ign tluu I capluns tM f'0'"4nlic ffaw:w of Spain. TM nii1ur1.d ~ of t. Jl't'U'int tJll/Ufwd fruilwood 1 e~d by.o hlmd-rubMd finisli. Iron JCt'Olls hand forged ond shaped into a bold pallern of graceful curves. The inlricaie pa.Jkrtt of 1/lis rustic ~f'O!U btau1i/uU1 with ,,.._, itdomttd .fie/tings, .ruch as Early~ aM Mediterranean. 1 , ADD A GRACIOUS 'NEW LO OK . TO YOUR ,, . DINING ROOM. SEE OUR SELECTION Of ORIGINAL IMPORTED CHANDELIERS. (Acro11 F.-n Grwnhovon Nur&ory) ELECTRIC & LIGHTING 222 VICTORIA st COSTA MESA 646~3737 SEE THE STARS let the t f.1r1 guid• you. Sydnty Om•rr, on e of th• world'1 f~r•­ mo1! t•lro1091r1, wril11 th• daily horo1~op1 cohlmft f11ilrf'•d in th• DAILY PILOT. Savings of 30°/o to SOo/o on Fabrics. -Quality Carpets, Bed Spreads · and Custom Draperies. I DECORATOR FABRICS I e I 00 "/. durable cottons e Fine decorative Jacquards • Colorful Heavywei9ht setins e Textured cottons-rayon blends e Sun-proof self.lined fabrics Ngular to J.95 yd:. Special "Opening" prices on re9ul1r stock drap1ry fabrics -hundreds of fashion-wise colo" -•II t1xtur1s and weaves -Prices are limited to Udoff's Home Furnishing Sale! Quantities a re un limited! I DECORATOR BOUCLE I e Newest heavy opaque textures e ~olorful open weave looks • .Textured Jacquard we&¥es • Des igner fash ion Anti~ueS regular to 6.30 yd. L ·•ll••-Wtdv-Luy L SE CARD POOL J2J 'So. Mt.In St. IUY A POOl UNTIL YOU Clll SECARD'S llAIT I &130 POOL RICTANGULAI I TO I FT. OIANOI °""Sl 369 DEIP-COMPLITllY INSTAUID , I a hdc1 a.. 9'f Ch•~m•1t 532-1992 100•,I, ,.INANCINQ Peol, ,.11-.r. a1111t.1!1 Aul•·l klm1Mr. aettilfll INCLUDES: D ... lft, ltlllft'-..... LddW. AN 1111.Ull ... CUSTOM MADE DRAPERIES e Any siz• wi~dow or wall e Lined or Unli ned e Brin9 your me•1urements e Udoff's Home Furnishin g Safe Only O!Jr V$WllY lln• 'WllllV wo'11.manah1p ~ Into 1119 19bor'. Stmt nwtlculou1 tlf«ltlon •• lllirHY.. All campl.r91y Mlom made wlttl ~" dou!:ll9 ~ •nd bo1'lomt -hbllld lo or>ia<t 19nolll -pleahd Of' 1111'""' to fllKt wld!MI regular '2.75 ea, width II'-~. $Mm ""lgh!l'd tnd l>olllld •l'ld rHdy for '$ IU'IL'llf'lous ll•Hllllnl In ,._. "°'"'91 ROds •nd \ ' : ..... • ,....,.. 1nua11a11on ,,,.ri.tii. at •lf9ht adclltional ~'· beau-fifu} Our fantastic new ca~et by Calla~ay goes anywhere your heart desires! 'EVEJlWHE~ Ups~;! dOwnstairs. kitchen. l.>aUl, patio, balcony, even your boat! Wherever .yOu want the beauty of real carpet you can put revolution· ary EVER-WHER. That sturdy. resU1ent pUe is 100% Acril~ acrylic, the new Acrilan with color born-an4-bred in the fiber so it thrives in sunlight or ·rain (it's used Cor boat covers and awnings, too ). Jt Vacuums and spot cleans easily (you can even use strong d&- te.rgenls). And it's double-backed with man·made material, so It stays in shape (it's been underwaler·lesle<j_) and is jree from mildew. • 7 STRIKING WEAVES 100 NEW FASHION COLORS SHAGS PATIERNS LOOPS ' VALUES TO 9.95 99 Sq. Yd. VALUES TO 10.95 99 Sq. Yd. VALUES TO 12.95 99 ~·Yd. Ud f~!t AR6E e TIME PLAN .J. , E3 IUDQET TERMS e lil\NK CREDIT QI~JtirHAir~· (1 So. Coast Plaza, ~sta Mesa [ '"P'Ho tlE''J ~ WI~ ~ i-M.il--w--546-6812 · -ottlteS.Dl ... Pr-· o,.. ...... -...._ S...,..., ,II t 1• l".M. fn Y• C......IM« , • \ I ANTIQUE LOOK EASILY ACHIEVED kitcfMn,Clay Frames Variety Unltm lt.J Picture Frame Made From 'Kitchen' Clay Pictures for your very first home shoold be the subject of a patient search for just the rigtlt ones, not a quick purchase for the sake ci filling bare walls. In the interim here's an idea wortti trying. Since it costs practically nothing, you have nothing to lose when the right picture does come along. Many oC today's greeting cards or boxed assortments of notepaper feature reproduc- tions of paintings. Some of the miniatures are well worth framing. Bllt instead oC in- vesting in store-bought frames, you can custom-make them ,m the kitchen out of a ~ concocted oC baking soda cxrn st.arch. , F.irst you make the clay by C{)rt\blnlng in a saucepan 2 cups baking. soda and one cup corn starch. Add 1 Vt cups cold' Call A Pro lf you are contemplating bujliig or ·selling·ti home, it is a good idea lo obtain 1he ad- vi~ of a professional on ap- praising Its value. water. Mix ur¢il smooth. Bring lo a boil over medium hea t, stirring coostanUy. Boil a minute longer or until mi:i- ture resembles moist mashed potatoes. Transfer promptly to a plate and cover with a damp towel. When cool, knead as you would dough, and store all but a handful of clay in a clos- ed plastic bag until ready to use. Use paper plates as moulds ••• the nine-inch size, six-inch size, round ones, square ones, the greater the variety the more effective your wall arrangement! will be. Press the handful ol clay evenly into a plate, smoothing it over with a rollli;lg pin. Trim excess clay from around edge with knife. Turn clay.filled plate over and gently lift off plate. Cllt a circle out of center of clay with a coffee can or some other wide- mouthed cootainer and there you have it, a neatly fluted fr~e. When thoroughJy dry, which will take a night and a day, gild or paint, mount piC:. ' ture Qn backside of frame, with white glue and stick oo · hanger. NOW, BOTTLED WATER WITHOUT THE BOTILE A ar:w liacbe9i •ppliulee th11 (:Oll!.Decb i. """" h 0 ••• b 0 I d waf« .Upplf DOW malret it JIO'- aihlfl te make your o.,. high. quality nter. h n-. direct!, lrom the •PPIW-fa~ A lae"ll' ll*e-a&• proeeta., WW ~ ~ ~ n:mDTet eommcim ..... _,.,,., ... ,, N. eJedriul eoaao::U.... se re· quired. The Culligu '"Aqu1 I w.tu Pmr)ef," • dfl't'ice th• ti:llS of I RD.Ill breadboI. -':t 09 llOftDal waler ~re 'alone. n.. pre:Mure forces lh• ••tCf duoagh. • ooique ldlli·~ able membrane.. Thit rtalO"C. • bot.a di-1-t •nd undillol•td .mew. utd orpriie U.,.uidet ud pennlu oaly purified ••lcr t.o et1kt 1 hollt·ia 3 pll1m «9er• 90lr. ?be U}11lal-eleat'•11et ;. iin(Jf'Oted Mil on1,. lot drinL'hii. but for mdiq eof(el!, tea, -P'o J•ke5. aad h1br'• foni· •I.. It it Ill.to beuct" for .__ ,Huta. .team inml. ............ baitcri""' h~ .,...., •l'!dpho1.o~ 1'bere ii .., lonlfll' ..., .em b R (1mlJy 10 118(l Wllef lh.t ii DO( eGmplett!y uU.fyin1 --ier lluit lalltel °'" -n. b.d ... ii cloadr -••!,.,. lb.at it IDJ' way u .. ppeillp&,. The Aqaa I it tb. fim • 11 e r eonditioner th.at aeed1 DO rechugin g. M11n1f"° 10ttd bJ 'Cullip• Joe., North. brook. Illinoi9. the wvrld'1 le1d- ln1 prodaeer of waler nindition. ing ~iptnel'!t, if it •"•ilahJe for oolri&ht pu~btte Ot' Ml a rental bui. ---.. Fudtn-d et1il1 ind t. 11.mple houle t1f Cllili1t• PllJi. flf:d Watn mar be ebt.11ined bp N:rioa, "H~ Cttlli-.;u M..11• l •l.fll DJf f""' bottle! llett41 phone 53-1-2233 Of 111 a i I l1t• ""IJOL • '• r.-----------~---~-----1 '°' c .. .._, ............ w.. ............ ,.._ ,,...,,,,. I I~~...,· . I I ...... t.lllt'9 _ .. I ... ., ... "'"' .. <.-.. ,...,.. ............... I I I " • SAVE $261 on.wrought iron fu'rniture set Fm..-1 wrought 1ton fumltun has ,........., while, baked ... , enamel finbh, pholphaM protection to weather btavtifvlly. 11tklr, lhr9dded pofyvrtthane foam seat evthlons hov• colorful, wip9 dean Potrida vinyl print covtn. lndudna Lo.,. Nat, 2 club choitl, 2 end tables, ond 1 coffH tabl .. 6 PIECE SET $13 3 Reg. $159 •••••••• NOW • Pay as r111le as $7 per month IF PURCHASED SEPARATELY Club chair ·--·-· Reg. $34 ···-··· NOW $28 Love seat ········-·· Reg. $45 ···-'·· NOW $37 Coffee table ...... Reg. $16 ··-··NOW $14 End table ·--·--Reg. $15 ·--NOW $13 SAYE 4.10! On o•r handsomer floral print terrace ciad patio· •mbrella Railes ond lowers at tha turn of a crank,. hos Touch-A-Matlr: 5 po1f· uon tilt. Reg. 32.98 NOW 28.88 Poy H little as $5 per month 42" .,......i finish umbnlll t ...................... 14.91 -------- Tlw .... oy, Moy U , 196t -Heme ,.,__ ood ~ Lft.ill1 S \ \ ! i :i --r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--:;;;;;;;;;;iiiii.-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-·· ;l AVE 7.39! on our vinyl tube outdoor furniture Wosn.deon vinyl tub. MOie ond bacb, Mt r9dstant aluminum frames. •If-In.ling front leg1 to keep you steady. AVO«Klo. 3 PC. SET Re:o"!94 42e64 P•y as little as $5 per month CANOGA PARK FULLERTON IF PURCHASED SEPAIATILY Folding ch1ir Reg. 11.98 NOW 10.81 Folding racbr .... 17.98 NOW 13.81 Folding choiM Reg. 19.98 NOW 17.88 Foremost® bikes • to thrill every kid in the family ~ ....... 11 I •' ' " 1 1.1 I '· ' REDUCED THRU SATURDAY SAVE 6.98 on Foremost® ',, nl1 ·n ;.j" ,. I 3 speed swinger bike ~hi"9 a girt ar boy CDUld want Jn one beoutfful p•J 91. Shimano stkl# ...._ \.plated hl-.i. hcnidlibara and ...,..cyc1o flono hodon, •llpot' hand brobo fnnt ...i r.ar. Bo)"' ltilce hot • c!Moter 1lkk reor radnt tire. Glrk' bike hos whit. wall h, bos .. ff. " ' ... 'I Reg. 54.98 ••••••••••••••• NOW $ 48 littl $5 '""""' ... ( Payas·eas per ·,, SAVE 4.98 on our great Foremost® sidewalk bike 20" biM COi•"''• hm boys' to ,w ....,.1. c-b<ako, '"'-plated hancUthar1, ftncf.,1, rims. T,.1nln9 ..-. R99. 34.98 '30 NOW Pay as httlo as $5 per .-th . I ' .r SAVE 4.98 Girls'/boys' 3 mHCf stand1rd bike n..~..-~l ... f_J_. hub -...... canttel, Wont ........ { coffporhoM-. I . R•t· 42.98 '38 I' NOW , Pay os little os $5 ptr """"" HUNTINGTON BEACH LAKEWOOD " NE.WPORT BEACH ·V ENTURA , I • r •"!'!'!"'!'~--·------· ..... . .. . .:;-----~-·· ;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;-.;;.;---, '• ~. ... .. . ..-:==+.;.~-. -.. ~.:--:;;=;:;;:;;;;:===:::-:-. ;:, -:"'..~.~. :"..-:'. -:.-: .. =:-.:-:,,...-""..-: .. -:-::-. • ..,,-:,--:'. ~.....,,..,....,,,_,.,,.,., .,.-,~~----------. CONVERSION KJT,MAKES 'SPRINKLERS AUTOMATIC Hom.ow~ -c~·ri. lnstiiU It Hi.mself, Stop Watchint Clock Instant Sprinkle:· A.uroin.arion A .,~.it..yoursel!'' con-The Rain Clox can be set 60 minutes -at any time and on versioo kit for making ur>-(by _adjusting the dial face) to any day or days d the .week dergrouOd sprinkler systems q:ierate each valve from 5 lo \"ratering 1s preferred. cmnpletely mioolatic without. -.i;;;;;;;===============;;I removal of pem1anert: fixtures• ha,, -introducod by Rain I Bird Sprinkler Manufacturing ec.,i. I 'Ihe kit allows homeowne to program their sprinkling I ~ "° they will turn ai ( ant off automatically at , specified ttmes: watering can be done at night or whenever ! the bomeoMier prefers. even ! When he's away oo vacation. A typical, 3-valve residential sprimler system can be verte.d with the kit in I~ than two hours. .according to the manufacturer. No special t:oob or 1abcr are required~ and any ~ system can be coo- verlled without repla ci n g va1ve:s1 pipe, or l'!lprinkler I beads. I · Key to the simplicity ol the kh ~s a new electric valve con- verter developed by Rain Bird which is merely inserted itn the ex.ist.ing valve to convert ii to 'automatic operatioo. IF MUSIC IS yOUR WAY OF LIFE ••• ();her conversioo tedmiques, the company painted Ott, re- quire breaking mto the system Md replacing 4he e n t i r e matBU valve with an elec- 't.rically operated valve, a JTMre expensive, difficult, and ~ing -process. You'll love SONY'S FM Stereo/FM'-AM Tuner, plus Dual Auto/Manual Turntable with Stereo C•rtridge. In & Output for tape recorder & t•pe dee~. SONY'S system is finiihed in oiled walnut with aluminum trim. Each kit contains lhree ' valve converters; a new, 3- etafbi electric cortrollcr call- ed "Rain Clox 3:" and a 24- volt tramforme.r. The k)t retails for $119.80; the only other item that needs to be purchased is addit.ional wiring, the manufacturer said . The MADRID CHAIR Ele9•ntly st.yled in otd world fini,h. ' luxurious fabric selection ~DAVIS -BROWN 411 f. 17th Slllffi -COSTA MESA Doily 9· 9, Sot. 9 ·6-646-1684 Ju,t $99. 19322 BEACH BOULEVARD; HUNTINGTON BE.A:CH STORE HOURS: J ' • SUNDAY -11-S '40N I FRI 10-9 'WEUDAYS 10·5:10 962-6631 \ . ' . .,i '· . '" • • OUTDOOR FURNITURE .... bY. ~:~~wo · J9f dan ~ '.-. :_'. ~~ !. ' t;.:-- ' ' . ' ., J ' ' ' SUN COT ............................................ 65.00 ARM CHAIR, TALL BACK • .,;. ................. 42.00 ARM CHAIR, CURVED BACK ................ 32.00 RECTANGULAR TABLE, 35'' x 61" ...... 91.00 SON CHAIR .......................................... 29.00 Biggars features the popul~r Brown Jordan outdoor fur· niture wh ich has proven so ideally suited to Southern California living. Sturdily constructed of tubular aluminum-rust free- yet light and easy to move. The chairs and chaises are laced with durable vinyl and the table tops are of rough· ' smooth tempered glass. All are designed for easy mainte· 1 nance-just hose off and allow to drip dry. Color combinations include bright new jonquil yellow frames with white lacing in addition to the popular brush with lava, honey.with honey and sage with sage . Now you have four color combinations from which to choose, at the special featured prices. Come in now and see Biggars wide selection of this per· '. feet answer to .your patio or pool·side furniture needs. Biggars carries a large stock of Brown Jordan, ready for immediate delivery. DINING TABLE AND 4 CHAIRS SETS: ROUNIJ, 42" .: ................................ 199.00 ROUND, 4B" . .': .............................. 219.00 RECTANGULAR, 35" x 61" .......... 219.00 UMBRELLA, WITH STAND .............. 89.00 SERVING CART ................................ 69.00 LOUNGE CHAIR ........... _ .. _,_, .... , 39.00 OTTOMAN ........................... ---·-· 27.00 CHAISE LOUNGE, WITH ARMS ~ 95.00 CHAISE LOUNGE, ARMtESS .... --85.00 .... SANTA ~:Main at Eleventh PA~DENA; Co~.t:f:™o)ino POMONA: Holt, east of Garey FINE HOME FURNISHINGS • JNTERIOR DESI~ ' ' ' : l • . . . . . • Cl ' I ' TILE STYLE -Spanish tile motif is carried ac'ross this floor and right out the door in a way not possible before indoor-out.door carpet. The tufted Spanish tile. pattern is called "Mission Impossible" and it's made of Herculon <Wefin .fiber by Jorges Carpet Mills, Inc. The rattan furniShings are. from Vreeland Trad· ing Corp. New Toy Exten.ds Play~ime Summer will be full· o[ new toy excitements for youngsters of all agei. Play hours will extend into dusk and evening with a new Fire Ball, reports an exeeutive. of a toys and novelties firm. This unusual ball is f.flled with non toxic fluorescent fluid and is made of tough see-through plastic. Toss the Fire Ball, roll it, pitch it. or kick it. Glow Toss and Glow Catch should be favorite sports for all the · family this smnmer. ' Most unusual addition to summer play is Water-Go- Round, a turbine operated unit, powered by the garden hose, which will whirl Junior and his siter around' in a cloud of spray (with a sprink1er at· tachment) or give them a more sedate dry ride. When resting from the sun and on rainy days, Spirotot and Spirograpb provide hours of enthralling fun f or youngsters. Any one who can bold a pen can instantly achieve colorful i n t r i c a t e designs of extraordinary beau- ty with these creative art sets. "Parents will be grateful for these fun-timers when school's out and youngsters will be seeking things to do", says Robert L. Steiner, vice presi- dent of Kenne r Products Co., the manufacturer. LOCAL No oth•r 11•w1p•p•r 1•111 you mor•, •v•ry cl•y, •bout wh•t'1 90!119 on In tht t•••f•t Or•nt• Co•1t tf.111 t\o DAILY PILOt. FOR ONE-OF-A-KIND FIXTURES OR A COMPLETE SELECTION OF ALL TYPES. VISIT OUR COMPLETE LIGHTING SHOWROOM e HOME CONSULTATION e m .. Jo~n CuJtom Jlg~ting. 1610 WEST COAST HWY., NEWPORT HACH 642-5510 FASHIONED IN ALUMINUM Htr• i1 th• ultim1to in c•1u1I ,,,cl pool1icl• furnilur•, F•1hion..cl irt all 1luminum -1d1d to th• moil •••cl· in9 1t•11d1rd1. Your ll'hoiee of fr1m• 1rtd 1h1p color• to 1t11!ch 111y, d•cor. Not for Years, Not for Life ••• BUT FOREVER ADJUSTABLE CHAISE LOUN~E With Wh••'•: Ltch19. Gu1r1nltM 191i111t ftcli119, SAVI $64'5 $lr.'OO -· ·42" 5 Pl~CI SET T tmpor.d 9t111-fop Ttbl1 t!MI 4 ch1 ir.. SAYI Sll.H $14995 c-In and ~ our lar99 selection of: e Wll\BER & STRUCTO BBQ e LEE WOODARD e SAM~ONITE e HOMECREST e CAROLINA FORGE e MALLIN e CALIFORNIA SUNSET e THINLINE ALSO SEE OUR RATIAN •nd BAR STOOL SELECTION TOWN & COUNTRY PATIO SHOPS 2 GIANT "dftANGE COUNTY LOCATIONS COSTA MfSA 1706 NEWPORT Bl YD. ' 645-2400 HOURS : DAILY 9:30 to FRIDAY 9:30 to 9 SUNDAY 10 :00 to 5:00 Fr11 D•li¥ory 111 011n91 Co, SANTA ANA 1725 It. MAIN 543-8213 r ,_ . --Thu ..... y,May 1S.1Mt.-.Ho~.1,;,pr __ , 1n4 Ou!Jl!1P.Lh41ot 7', Studi~~ ·indicate Many~Uses .·fo~~·Trees · · . . . . . . . ' '' 111£ ONCE A 'YEAR EXTRAVAGANZA • • WORLD'S FINEST FISH FERTILZER ' .... ,. GET BUY r GALlON· ·' 2 GALLONS SPRING c:OLOR S .. P~E·(.~A.L I. DWARF DAHLIAS Out Blooms All Others I All Summer Long Mixed Colors Dozen R•al Niee Plants $119 Regular 79e Dozen DID YOU-KNOW THAT YOO CAN I CHARGE ON YOUR BAl!WlRKA!IO OR. MASTER CHARGE ON· Tllf TWPllOME! -~· I , C!I!!ZZIJ I , -----_J ' Phone· ¥S Jor lree ·delivery . ol , -· fl~ers,, pJanls or lertilizers cbarge. h. on your credit card Wltito • lluo • Pl~ls. ·-Rid" . OLIVE STOP DON'T DELAY! ilYDWAKGEAS · Hugo flowor cl111fffi" 0111 b1•11fif11I~ , , 1h1pW 1hruD. rl1nt hi P•rt • ' sh.cit. bcotl111t · pl1nft, · kicl yo1,1r y•rd •' ,, ...... ,t;:"· $' 169 E1ty, c.onv•1111nt. I 01. E11ou9h for· I Cl • ,,, ... of 1pr•Y• .. ' . ' ' . :STRAWBERRY PLANTS . Lassen Type Grow Your .Owitl!. Largest Juiciest Berry Of All!! HUSKY PLANTS! 6 FOR 79¢ Flower Shop SpeJjal .. · Cheerful, Brightly ' Colored SWEET PEAS FreshlJ cul lo last through the · weekend I LARGE BUll(H -MtYEl-LE..._, Pollclou1 Fruit Tho Yoor.....,.. HUSKY PLAtirTSI 1-&AllOll ·93c REG. $t7S HOURS:· MON, THRU<SAT.~t A.I.I. TO 6·P.M. SUNDAYS 10 A.M. TO I P.M. S~ocial l'ricoo 6ood thni s...lay, M•y I Ith 2141 ,H1rbor Blvd •. COSJA -MUA CALL 541-5525 • • .. ' f ~ -• .,.,."'"'-• .--~~.~·~, 7. •• ~~'h· ... "' -•. .. • • . . . I "°"'" · i..-1 wl OUtdoor Livi,,. -Thurwcley, Mey 15, 1969 Silver 'Look' on Budget To give a new look for both parties and ·family pleasures, rely on the quick-change lllilst, the dining room table. No other piece of fumjture cbninates a rocm as well, while being venatile enough to lend ibelf to many different decorating treabnents .•• and for relatively little cost. One tablesetting, created by Ille Design Sludios of Oneida Silversmiths, celebrates the return of elegant but relaxed sltdown dinners. Best secret on the table is the flatware, a new light traditional pattern from Oneida called "Dover." Jt is ooe of the company's new Matchmaken pattmis. As a revolutionary hostess help, the Matchmakers are of- fered in both sterling and In quality-crafted atalnless. One great advantage of the system ia that the pieces that may not ftt the budget in sterling are Ul!iUally well within reach in stainless. Having individual cocktail forks !or each place leUing spells elegaoce personified •.• and with the lderltical crafting in stainless who can tell where the St'er· ling end.5? Another hostess ltlni is to use as many pieces cf silver er sUverplated holloware· as possible, by giving them 18lUSUal .jobs to do. In one set· ting, stlverplated place plates are used for bread and butters and an ice bucket on the sideboard boils a Dower ar· rangemeot. An ele,ant formal cloth ~ be a budget-breaker, or, as in one case, it can be the result of a JitUe time and a knack with a needJe and thread. Upholsterer's damask 1 n wann gold and white is the cloth, trimmed and bordered With upholsterer's trim. While damask napkins give the flaishing touch and are placed CG each place plate as an open --llon·t.·r..!u.-llKl·eujoy .. sradOllS meal. letNr Terms On Loans for Improvements Home improvement loan terms have been liberalized in the new housing law. The ·limit on such Joans insured by the J'ederal Hou si ng Ad- mini5l.ralion ( F H A } has been raised from $3,!iOO to ti.• bec•nllfl of increased --ement com, and tbtWiflllwn repayment period llOI 1-1 extended from I f:"'"~w!r..t ceilinp llow b1ea rolled sllghUy to ln- dDc9 lmden: to make mort .... of this type. The IOlllS .., be ol>tlinocl I« cealral ...,,._.. balll·ln .... pllancel, .... landlcopln(, .. well .s 1truclur1J lm· l E s Petroleum Jelly: It's a Household Wonder MUST SELL $100,000 OF CARPET THIS MONTH ••• SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY! WE WILL SAVE YOU FROM 40% TO 70% NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED • Roll1 In 1tock • No woiting • No down poyment • 24.hovr ltulo !lotion • Satisfadion guarontMc:I • In the center of frffways •lank term1 -• Master Charge. · TO SHOP AT HOME JUST PHONE-----------. he carpet 1ample1 in the convenience of your home where tD~l"I may be car.fully coorcU .. ncrted. We ~II take mHSUl'9ments and give you an .. t1mate at no obligation, Houn: D1ilr 9-8:30 Sat. 9-& Sui. 12-6 2406 SOUTH MAIN, SANT A ANA 1 llOCK SOUTll OF WARND Phone 549-3349 prvventnUMad~d®!. 'L.-.-.-.-.---.--,----------~----------'!"'"--------..,.-----------'I""~ , . HAS THE NEW RUGIDAIRE FLIP TOP ' DISHWASHER! ' SlentH tlelit11 le_,. { front for eo1ior loedln9. O.pend on D1vi1olrown Joclc·ln·the-boir: reckt rho ttnfly to moot you. In Our 22nd Year ' Evon tho bottom rock riw1. Yo9 loed fo1tor, bond •nd •trofcll 1111. WE SERVICE 'WHAT WE SELL! Hort's tlio 1trlkin9 Flipto,. Di1hmobllo ••forior do1i9n by Gonerel Motors 1tylith. Mi;iO.I OW<CITP, 2'1.N 10 FRIGIQAIRE QISHWASHER MOQELS TO CHOOSE FROM- Priced As Low Al ••• EASY TERMS UNDER.COUNTER MODELS-LOW AS $14888 W•1ho1 r11lly cloon with multi- jot Super-Sur90 We1hin9. Etty front loedin9 with Roll-To-You R•ck1. EXCLUSIVE FIVE·YEAR WARRANTY by Frigidaire II gOOd wherw ever you Hue or moue In tM U.S.A. Backed by General Motori. too. D-,iend On: DAVIS BROWN • 411 E. 17th St. Cosl1 Meu-646-1614 Deily f.9; Sot. 94 I t ' -, . • • s • ;. ' ' .. r Electric Clothes Dryers keep the W rinkles Out The flameless e I e c t r I c clolbel dry<r la the great relner: it reJaxes the -In pennan<11t p .... -and helps its happy owner to relax, too. And Ml.at homem aker wouldn't be more relaxed? With the oombinotion o f ta:ll)''• f1Mn*8s e I e ctr I c clolhoe clry<rs and today's mtracub.13 durable pre 1 s fabrics, clothes come out d. the dryer ready to wear to sdKlol. work or play. And clean, wrinkle-free Jiennanent prem sheets and pillow cases can be back on the beds they were stripped from in a mat. ter of momenta. Flameless electric cJcyers have many other c:arefreo qualitJes, too, according to the Live B et t e r Electrically J>rosram. They cost leiD to buy (up to !40.00 less) and because they have fewer mov. ing parts, maintenance cOsta are less. And odd to Ulls the fact that an electric dryer tu no flame, pilot Ugbt or nuei aod yoo have mariy d. the reaaooe wby f1ameJess electric clothes dryers are the 2 to I choice in 'Ame<ican households. PHONE : 541-2253 FREE DELIVERY POI OUJDOOI _LIYIN• e SUN TAN. LOTIONS e SUN BURN OINTMENTS e BATHING CAPS • ~-----~c....:;;.;;..;'--'. ;,... . GLARE-FREE WOODEN DECKING EXPANDS AREA WHERE FAMILY .CAN COOL IT Poolside Deck Even Can Include Bullt-ln 'Campfire' Ring, ~ . -:to:.~~~;.,~,,,,; ~ri: .I M,d!-. lel.l•.m... .... ~~ ·~tisctli;Oii J.11A~lllAn' ll04 NEWPORT BLVD. e .COSTA MESA QUICK C.tcli •P q11lc~ly on Ioctl •"'"''· R11d your cornpoct, coirlprohonsl¥1 holl'ltt-n 1di· lion of +flt DAILY PILOT. Pools: Good Kid Keeper \ PAllUNG I" THI ltl'.tJll • ANNIVERSARY SALE ~548-5511 Dolly 11-5,so s .... 1-5 Moe. & Frt. "ti 9 • One of t.lie Uupal Selectiom of Contemporary 'Furniture in Or'arige Cowa.ty ••• UNIQUE DESIGNS OUTDOOR Let's face It, swimming pools cost more than a song. But many famili es with teen and pre-teen children consider them an excellent investment. When the pool is designed as part of an overall activity area, it quickly becomes a gathering spot for youngsters. And, these days, it's a mighty delighted -if somewhat frazz1ed -parent who .-et1n keep the kids at home and happy. Definitely, the pool area should be a multi-purpose place to which young'sters gravitate naturall y at all hours. B e s i d e s swimming, they'll want to dance there, sing, and discuss the plJibl ol the_ WGrld. Perhaps the neighbofbood combo will even want to hold practice sessions at poolside ~ perish the thought. Creating such an area isn't bard: A wood deck can be the l:;Mlsis, built 'io surround the pool. With Iha~ plan high walls where windscreens are needed and include benches plus lightweight chairs and tables"" the type that doo 't mind wet bathing suits. Electrical ouUets and out· cloo< i'lgbts also are needed. and )"OU might consider sink~ • .. LI y ING II A WAT.~ ••• Ill OIWIGI COUllTYl --.... •• , ...i S..t1 Aoll TIM ...i Awniog hot tlit New Leok for '69 ••• t¥1rythlng to make Mtdoor rtlau- llol 1 flllllly puHme. • TOP QUAUYY ALUMINUM SCREEN PATIOS ova WINDOW AND DOOR AWNINGS llATlll I.I mmllll DICCllATOI COlOIS MR YOUI llUCllOIL llllGHT, YIUAHT, MOOWI, llUl/mll. ••• so mlllf 1ty1ts for so """1 ...a. Planned for either large or small homes ••• ~::;:.:;=-:=!•~~~=:; mobile hom·e~ too l Durable,. long lasting all ~ -Q-.,~ .,.•..:.•:.1.:" _. ".....,,.. aluminum construction, large doors • , • com- ' =:.--.· o;;•;;;;~.':'!"..-;.mo;';:; ::.a-~'r • pletely bug proof. " THI NIW LOOK FOR '69. I ·CANVAS AWNINGS• VALANCES• CURTAINS Nothing Decorates Uko Canvas. Beautiful New Colors & Now Fabrics. For homes •• , for businessl MANUFACJUUD • INSTALUD fAcr0a1' SHOWllOOM 2202 S. MAIN ST. SANTA ANA • M• ..... I • 1UNCH OnlCS Ol•I COlllTY lWlllllG CO. ___ ......, Phone• 179-67-32 After 6: 633-6714 See our ........ Moor-'OVfdoor .......... Dlsp!O'f • 4 . I --·. t Ing a fireplt in the deck. Firepits work a special magic, like a campfire, drawing peo- ple togelher like a magnet. Wood decks make good pool patios for several reasons. They're glare-free and less slippery than regular paving through much smoother than pebbled paving. And they're cool underfoot--particularly if 2x4s are turned on edge so nails are below the actual walking surface. Kids seem to dig decks, too, especially if they want to <lance outdoors, an activity that today requires a mighty resilient surface instead of the glii.e~-smooth floor of times past. ~talntenance-wise, y o u ' 11 · want to hose oil the deck once in a while, but that's about all. Douglu fir deck boards .,. ·spaced apart slightly, so pool wat.r drains through <IUlckly to keep the IUl'face dry. Dust and debris are swished through or oU with a garden bose. Painting or staining the deck is not recommended. It's best to let the wood weather to a ~very gray , a a>lor that's easy on the eyes and highly complimentary to t he sur- rounding garden. 1£ possible, use pressure-treated 2x4s or mop on a clear water repellent since treated wood seems to weather more rapidly and evenly,. House Come Colors Now by .Thousands How do yoa want the outside of your house 'painted -in gray, dead white; or white? An d· the interior? Wllf it be .white, brown, blue, or green? That was 30 years ago when Jiouse paints were required in only a limited number ol stan- dard a>lors and when a house painter prepared hi! own palnts on the job, m.iJ:ing linseed oil with lead or zinc and adding earth pigments. from Germany. ' "It's changed now," says Robert L. Smith, prominent West Coast paintlng con- tractor. "Today, house paints come in a thousand difierent shades, finishes, t.xtures and qualiUes: some fast-drying, some self-sealing with oil, rub- ber, plasUc or a synthetic chemical base. There are paints for undercoats, for trtms, for metal, wood, stucco, pfaster, concrete, brick, or what-have-you," says Smith. ... According to Smith, a house painter today must be a com- blnaUon cllemlst and interior ferent kinds and sizes of brushes, rollers, and even spray guns. Smith is a past.president of the Los Angeles Home Show due May 1~25 at Pan-Pacific Auditorium. He ' pointed out that this year's Home Show will feature over a acore of displays devoted to house paints and their application. · Smith advises ·homeowners to have their residenc es painted at least once every two years and emphasizes the necessity for cbooaing the right paint for the rJcht job in- side and outside the house. "When one realizes that a coat of paint is usually less than 3,000th of in inch in thicknesll and must protect the h<lme from the ravages of all ele ments, rain beat, molsture, etc., o n e un- derstands why a home m11st be painled from top to bottom, inside and out. at regular in- tervals," he explained . designer and possessed or the Block Barbecue skil ls of a portrait painter in mixing paints. He must know For a barbecue shellacs, varnishes, lacquers, plement a colonial enamels and must be pro-American home, rugged-tex- flclent in handling 500 dif-1 tured spilt block is suggested. Your Friendly Store OFFERS BARGAINS IN QUALITY p;;;;;;;;;;;iiiii oniy 28"widel ---.... -....... ...,,.., ..a·cldob,- :r.ro.w.TA..12SD Low, low Cost $16"8 2-Do.or convenience· ..• low cost!· 'Two Door 12' 1111 cu. tt. • Modd 'BllSD Only 28" wide!• ~fremr holds up to 91 lbe.! • A"'-8fic c1efraot, refrigerator section! •Bugeverelablehin $189" hOOls 9/W !nil. • "'INSTA·VIEVr picture CUDl!l8 on quiokly whm the &et ii tm:ned 00.. • Wabnltsram.d llniah °" durable polyatyrene cabinet. BIG SCREEN .. "'llodol llD'DID It-ID All'-l!c DISbwlllm: :1-1-1 Thoro-Wuh WllbSoft Food Dlo-Elimio&tes hand-riu- lng or scraping -just tjJt..olf luge ... bard food - ODJy· $14"8 WE DO • OUR OWN FINANCING • OUR OWN SERVICING • OUR OWN INSTAWNG NO MONEY DOWN e 3' MONTHS TO PAY . SALIS end SIRVICI! 1815 NEWPORT BLVD. COSTA MESA • 541o77tl I• •. • ' I '·. ' ' - 10 · :nl ; ; 1.;,,.-....,. ~ O..ldoor u.1,.. Thun.i.y, MO., u, 1969 ' " . 11'• • llllUI -·Cor • thouplful ........ I). • """" to biclude • food -. .._,. -11'• time iO r--1111·- _...... vi ·bow larae or • amalf tlll-faml4', .... - ...,... ... .,,.. (and -... bet:: cw) meat food ,ICfaps -i!tth. 1!lndlllll 'and gS-llaii rjd. vi ~ I! not I houaewlfe'1maolpl.-t 11. >In einpty -uck lllls-. ·ancf1t•1 ilme far anolbir trlp . cM.sldt to the !rub-. How .mUch easier t o ellm1-all the food ICnlJ!I before they become prbafe by kiting a waste dlspooer wash them down the drain! The ..... two basic 1ype1 o1 ~ to choooe from. Molt popular, accordinl to M>Ylq Comilmer lnlonna- tkll center, is the continuous-: feed type, which you atart or stop by flipping a awllcb and into wblcb you <¥ feed food . -continuouoly. With thia model, a rubber b a ff I e parti.ally coven the drain , _.mg oo -that wute and water do not spluh back out. · The other type ls a balcb feed dilpooer into wblch you acid • quantity ol food -at ooe time. and thea drop tbe cover Into place to 11111 lhi gr!nd!ngacticn . It ls ....ntlal that cold water be nm throuab ..._, wbile it II openllaii. Cold water 10lldlfiea fatty materials, facilitating tbelr puup througb the· ~ and down the drain. tho -• bined action ol the · • cold ·-and the pul food waste belpo bep the drain clear. And '~ poee DO pro-. blem wbal uaed with a 1eptic tanlc, proYided the tank ls In good .-king order and sized fa< your family plus ane ad- ditional person. Of ,...,.., ~ will want ·i d~ tbal proridal quiet; -dependable apera\ICio Ind tbal ......., all typm ol food · -·not jull the~ --Here are features to look for when abopplng for a di&Jl(llOJ': -A_ pmuve jA"tllUl'I 1e11 eapeclally designed to pment . water Jeab to the ........... ... ol the . bligat lingle · CIU!ltS of clspom failure. -'Since .. dlspooer 11-tt· paood to water, food -and ehemlcal1, the grinding c:hamber and drain chamber lhould be -d non-CDTClllve maWtall, IUCh ., polyure.tbane and cut polyester -fiber ,iau. The grindUlr chamber should be designed to aboorll vlbrallon and reduce noiae, a common complaint of early dlspooer . model&. -The components for fine gr1ndlng d food ··-· aucll .. the llhroddtr ring, Impeller disc and """'· should be of • hlglHtrenglb material that is a1ao resistant to corrosion. , ~winl·mounted biipeller tftDI that make the unit virtually jam-free; a rind poaltlooer that provento Items CICldl u grapefruij from just bocmclng around, and two !llnlHrute cutter blades t,hlt tackle even "problem" fooda like celery. Patios Add . to Appeal Probably no homt·lm- promnent prospecl haa IUCh wide appeal as lnttalUnc: an nut.door patio. It CID add mocb to family (and 1ut1t1'} pleaaure during the pleuant ouldoonJ' months. Tiie baneyman householder or prol""°'1al haa the chcike ol-bulJdlng maf«lall.. --patio block II anllable In lilel and colon tllat lend themlelva to many pa11em comblnatlonl. A mis· Un al ailtl acble.ve a n..i--. wilile units In ..._ cGlon crute a ... _ ...... + .. __ d pattern. la lllllalllng a patio, Its bt-....... are..m.rked oU Md Iha aoll II ,.,.,...i.d to a ~:~u:: CWllle laid CID~- Wllll patlill abutting the ......, a llape of -I Inch . 'per If foot will _,. proper .... -. -lllllallers "" -.., ..... ..-the pllla -before lnel· Int oll till aand and laylnc Ille l>lcicb Jo • .........., ~ . i.n. llirllng lniia --· Whim ""1"'""--aand II .,.1olllocl .... the -.. -the <rC!!il. Gloomy Gus Tells It · As You See II .. .. .save ·· on wrought i'ron cushioned coordinates ' Wl;lite 1C111purodw!OUFt iron with plump~ cushlons-\cOYfted Iii turqu'olse floral print ~· 1 ·-~84.99Jwopossenge<glider 69.99 b. llgularly39.99cushloned ""'"""""';, :14,glg ~Rii1Utar1Y 18.99.0l!ei\able.'rneoh liip ' \6.;9 1 d. Regularly 16.99 ....01opecicf t>ble .• 1s.1'1 16.:·~: 15 .. 99 to .69. 9·9 . • " .. :f. • • , ·~ . .. .. .· ' ... ~ f • • • • ' , • ' ' I save on our 6 piece · w~ought . iron gFoup . • The°. pejfect answes; for any. patio •• , ~ ' wrwaht . iron seating . grpUp ~ Coordinated ta~ Finished in' antique!. :avocado.. T ~bles haw durable pe!J!>le·gloss tops. The group Includes a l piece section.~ Prus comfortable loonge emir, end l>ble and cor"" l•ble. Buy now and ......... ... - ( -~279.00 199.00 mey co south coast plaza , sen f'iego ~wy et l>rlstol, coste mesa; 546. 93211 shop mondey: through 11turdey: 10 e.m. to· 9:30 p.m _ ............ 146. • . ·' . : •• ' ' .. , .. MAVCO • . (