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1969-05-17 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa
• • Juey . Ar~e 9 · Hours • I ' •• ' ' ' '·-· -">•4-........... ~ . . . . . . • - DAILY PILOT * * * 10' * * * PortrC.it ~I -Imposter: 2 -Men Nanaed •Brown··~ . . , -' .. , SATURDAY, MAY '17, 1?69 ·VOL Q, No. 11& ., Sl~IONS. .. ..,.Ml& • • on o . I k~r S.t~e ,G,ra,w:.Sr Unio~ Wo;kers.;Noi Happy wit~ 'Deal' A strike by OrMge County hnnber wor-cootlnued today With ~-for an early aetUement glowing dimmer •. Contract , negot;iations b e t.w e en representatives "-management, !«al 2172 of !hi Carpeoters', Mlllmen and Cabinetmakers' Union and Teamsters Local 2S5 are scheduled to resume Tues- day. However, spokesmen for lhe county's 16 major lumber yards Ind the 4IJO. member carpenters' union Indicated they are far from agreement on a new wage and -package. ' Fl'Sday, manqemeot and u n l!l n spottsmen -traded , chartt!s conCernlng who' WU ot WU rKf; willing to talk and wlJeii; P'ederal medllUon was "'f\ltlled .Jack and Robert by lumber managemeot to htip settle the dilpule. The •trik•, which becan. 'fhllr.aay ofter emtlng contracts esplr<d, II the llrst sinct county lumber worken «llllized 12 years ago. It bu forced '*""" of most lumber oullell in Ule COIBlty and pooes • lhrut to -,...,jlcts hampered earlier this year Ii<!' heavy winter raim. The Teamolers Union, which shares a )oilll C1X1ttact . with Onngr County lmnber ...mr.. his not voted to strike, but lli .-. .. rellllinl to """" piciet 11neo. Temmten IJlvoMi# Include • .-111ttuck111111 btlllt -M-ent ,,...ilat<r Jhn ~ ol the ·lllnta Ana Lumller Co. •uld the 2 Named Brown Plp,y Strange Imposter Game * -· • union II IOekiq ·• IO per<ent locrea&e (al><Nt • «nls an hour) In the cumnt $4.25 averaie hourly wage f<r lumber workers. The figures include friqe benefits. Cbarl<s • Tn!nta, chief of the Carpen- ten' Orange· County District • Councll,' obqed tliat management hid ~ one wage and benefit package that wu "so small it would have put Orange Coun· ty lumber yard workers $1 an hour behind comparable wages paid lo workers in the lumber industry in other areas of Southern California." Maynard deni<d 11. He also denied Tl<ota'I --that. ml!llltmtnl Wll atUmptliil t0 gel out from 'und<r lhoo joint TWnrter.c&rpent.r contract. No Decision On 'Doctor' After 9 Hours By TOM BARLEY Of !lilt Dllfr l'llllt It.ff It's IJa4 to the jury room today for lJ ~or Q>oJrt jljlU'I w))o hive been unable In rilne· hours ol dellben- Ucn to rule on the guilt or innocenet ol Robert Ervin --"Sut>«tor Court Ju<Jile Byr0n K. Mc· Millan haJted their deliberations late. Friday nJc111 after det<rmlnlng that • venfict wu not near enough-to justify keeplni the panel 'any later. 'lllere bu been no Indication from the jury on lhe ractors that prevent them from reach- ing a declaion in the "phony Dr. FO... t~" tlial. They spent tile bight In a Santa Ana motel Ind ,...med deliber- ations at I a.m. ·· "The jury, Jell the cotJrtroam wly Frl- doy. to 1111111 -.11-·'l>l .falielY .....-..~lll~oiibiit Ille' IJ.yeoMld· defmdial ·1111« lie -J>Olln& u Dr. Glonn L700 FOoiOr -~ n .. -period at a ·Fullerion clin-ic. ~ , • . • The coafldOnt. qul<t~ electrical ......... lldmllttd .. many ...... during hb trtaJ that he did represent hlntoeU as the brilliant Uni....Uy ol Alablm1 medlcaf -Cll'dlolalllt But, he In-' slsted, be ..... banned any ol the '1113' patients he eumined nor would he have ·--u to -i.'IUCh. otqe. It wos clearly evident Frtdoy that Depoly Puilllc Defender Llwrence Back· ley looted on the Jury'• Jeoclh1 dtlbo eratlcm a o..happr ...,.. b: bis .om. JIPlld. -•client. II WU (See 'Dll. BR~, Pap I) (SEE BELOW) .. , .. ,. ,,_ , _ _,.._..., .. ._ .... • • • ,l ' ' . I I • ~ . j ~ I . \ HOWARD McVICK&R READIES HQMEMADE SALMON BOAT · Rein In J1nuory ind A BohlmOlh In the Driveway -.lJp~~•ed No,ah.? ' I I' - I . .r • FlrSt Threat 'CAPE KENNEDY· CUPI) -~. fGund . an COl'nl:IM a anWI leak ·ID • apaclCl'alt p-~ . early · ..: day iO JOlve the. lint pot-I tltfOot tP ·~, plana to Hiid Al!OUo 10 .,_,the mooo. ' A llelium pressure drop In the Apollo 10 _.. .... module tlilit .... nported: Fer completa tet.vhien cover ... 1 of Ille, Apolle II mlallon, lncludl.,.. s...t.y'1 -· -p-7 "' i... d1<(,1 DAILY PILOT TV-.. . . ~ lft6 I p.m. PlYJ' P'rida1 wu tilCld about four hotira later tG a 'Jome --In the sblp. belq -pared lo lattnc:b Tbomaa P. staf!anJ;; o!o1tn W. Young• and Eugei>e A. ceinan, on a flijbt •around the moon: . ' The devk!e was UJhtened and the le&t- "!u ·stopped. I 1be countdown for the start al. tho' eigbt.Qy mission continued wltbout in- terruption and aimed towvd In .,. time blastoff at 1:49 a.m. PDT Suaday. The difficlllty lnvol...S a llJaht bul oteady drop lD -lD the helium IJU ay1leln -to ~ fuel In the rocat syllllil that ..m -the lblj> .... Jts 111¢!1 ..... bock ·lnto ear1h'1 ::::.r-•Ito~ -• -• Ute moan. ' . ' Weatli- u the ~ Cou1 II lucky, there might be • toucb ol the ..., -aftboo&h u·n be buy ~ durln& • the afJ<mooa todoy••nd ....... .. but ~.11'•-the ..... aid story: Im cloudl and Joeal 10(, with~ about the ..... ~ INSDB TPD-'Y l ,..,. 0.. C1olrla .Ridll<r Ii~· tJt11tor 'of•U.. llkhtrr Scili) i ~ ...,...., CallJorolo - ' qllbkrl, F""'U• )Vrcklr. · . Complete Ust,of acla<dultd TV cin>eroge o/ varlotir p&alcl of the Apollo 10 IJ'OC• 1llot, TV WEIK. , ~ J=-. l! """ *""' . t1 11 C*tMIW 'lit 1a ._,.. '4-tt ........... .., lt """"" • I •v P11.0T s . Coast Youth ·Cap~e42 Fair Wins .,..,,_ -!nm tho ~ CW'--~·~~ ~ -Fllr -"111 be. .-OYV the aes'•M · ~ 'Die wlnn1ga af!Uiltl were 1el ! ct.cl ,,... inn --by,...... lllil> and ldCh scbool otudeols from thro!llbo<!I the county. · There was one sweepstakes wimer from the Orange Cout art.a -lf.yu.r· cld Loo llbuclt lnm UDcoln Intermediate -. ~ de! Mor, foe hla lilllllOmatlCIL _..,la-. Pint p1-wl-. from the coutol ,a199 ·were Pbllip Graebl, U, R.icbard up., 11, and Brim Thom-.II, of Hunlflwlon Beach; Gr<~ Bum, J4, 9' Colla Mesa, and Deiiny Cllne;11, llld P-~ens, 11, ol Newport-· ' All the esblbits msy be seen In the Sao, la Ana College !lY111118"iUm• 1530 W. 1711> St., Santa Ana. from 0000 to 5 p. m.today and from I p.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday. Tbe Complete lilt of .,.. -llJld title ol their Wllbit: -f'tllU• GrMt!!, 1,, tlf 1'212 Mtrder L_, HI.I,,. tlistlll hlch: Nrlnl \II-klwoli llnt PIK• _....,, ..._,.. loltldlv" In fllll." -DtlllM S..•~· f .. ol ~Do!Mld Circle, !1!.'!': =· "l,.Wl~M':r:n, ... ~ _, ........ .,"'"'"''' ... -#Mr<: Hl,.1w, 14' .. lU Via ~L* l•ltl £1'1l1111 Sdlool/ "°"°" ... """"... . "tllt -4-~· fni111:,ht~~•\li,'':;"'\"~1'irn1f:v~J 1-i~ Nrwr.f! -..mi I!=~ Sctwoh 1'aaMld '"" 11Kfroftlcs. 'JM rim~, 1-.dMllflt llll'Mmlll." -K911 lrown. 1), of 2001 W. Ocuft II".., 911bN1 Ent"" lktlotll iNrd ~ 1ltclnlnla. '1-doe$ t1>1 ~~ 13. ol 1225 Bollnll' 000n Ter., Tlaefl'U Fandango UC Irvme students Bruce Richards and Lilia Serio are ready with pina.tas minority race youngsters will break o~n Sunday ~uring Fandango carnival to raise money for summer Un1camp and Bia!ran rejief. Tb_e carnival, with game booths, rides, muslc and refresh- menta, will begin at 11 a.m. on the UCI green. ' • ~ole He·aded DuDle . ~ . . . . ~ Finger Yictini Making GOod R ecovery Sqy Docwrs , lchollralllp· fund total llU\ll1d 1100 thUI far,wilh-,...._...i. . ........... ·~ ID ilber -~ in Newport a.eh.'' M Aid,!' aow we're wa!Ung ,.., lbeol t. lli'!lt . commilments, '°°".., ' . ~ ~;lb!i i;..,._Qm,, beuid, Jllpl • · -""'iilii for the .J!Jlllli'• ..,... -.,... other Pll>o ' baV&" i ...... lunctlioo. ~ Sw.,,.. Wf menibfJ's will cheOll -tbe club'• pcii! office box illfly I~ 1119'e doniU-. P......, wllhlnl '-to cclillrlbute c~ _.,. dimallom lo P. 0. Boll ~--• Ciil4i wbo .. ., with guar- dilnl til 1lllbOo, pi.. ID muni home - Sunday or lojooday and reaume studies lo end the -~"!'-Dr. Challis , the boy's ""1.JI. ~:;::~. , 11 reoo...-ina ...., 141.W:\jllt ..,W,11 IWV'two or lllftf wotlli:iW ·colt~ .,juries lo heal "'"I' pletolJ, 111tn tht boy will begin rehablut.,. lloG lo llalp blm deYalop •IAD&lh in what ........ of bfl handa. ·Bui' Cole 'alreldy has llllrt<d bis OWll brand o1 rduobilitaUon. i•He'a brushing hil teeth. reading the paper and doing a heck of a lat even with his bandages still on," said his 23-year· old brother, Fronk. ~uams1D;~n Use;:Teari~as, At Jun<h Friday Cole lold 1 viJillnJ reporter : "I can get the fork wc:irk down pa~ but il'll llke i lillle Ume to (<I lo the cutting job." An aide cut hla turkey slices. • He led hlmll!f. ' ·' . . . . ,..._ P •ge J .Ouhs, on State C~p~ses 'DR. BROWN' .•. By Ulfted P-hletullma1 Disruptions at Calllomla unl•enltla cootlnued Friday u ltate and local po- lice, augmented st -point by Natiooal ~ used loaf gas, clubs aDd llJed baJbne11 to breal: up student dem- onstratlona. More than 1,000 students retreated before advancing police outside the UC- LA Faculty Club in Los Angeles. They ch~::& oft c&rripus'', and SC?"eftll· ed a as tfley mOved away equally 9bvious. Iha! Cbiel Deputy Dil- lard llol•enll)' prolell«J• who ~_up trlot .Allorney Jlllltt EIJriiht'• urlier llaJlllq -lo blGCk nJll>bOar confldeliCe bad beeo ·somewhit lapped lrafllc --ihe 'bay -s.. Fnn--by the prolaoged huddle. clKO '11te students pr.otesU.nc: war ~ Sources close to the jury believe that -~--..."s.."'at ttw. 11 ~ IChool the Panel is 'trytng to rtach agr~ot ~l -,-.. • · ' • ~ on whtthtr Brown should be convict-- &rtated to. open fields ne•by and police ed at felony or misdemeanor level. Con- duclced hurled rocka 15 they c1-ed ~ vlction, in the light of .the Birmingham lest<n three-quart.en: of 1 mile. ioan's self-lncriminatif13 tesllmolly, • peraoes Wt~ ~ted ii the would appear to b!;,a formality. .... ·'" ~ # •• ~ But some urors may be prepared to ew .. ~;~le"='~ .. '\: .. f•Hlftll .. -Alen wu~kns.· rm """'°"' am...--~"""' ~lcfle9ll lfllnl "llM I ol ' ' -Gf"hlt, lJ. ol t:I It~ Drlw, Huft. ti ludll Ma!"IN lt'W I fwr1ll "*' '"-hlll'I Nii. l'IClt uncMr dlttfftillf con- F rom P qe I . mm lhe building where>.& meeting of the b6lrd of regents wu tn progress. California Gov. Rooald Reagan auenct- ed the meeting at the 29,00l'.Hitudeot nal Guardsmen wllh filfd bayo-accept Bucll~y's final argument that nets diverted aevenl thoo•s~nd shoutlni Brown had not banned any..,. by his ~ mmddnl .. Berllalef's awlacioul prlClice. And tt may-well be ~hall, ~ar the 27,00ktudent Univer-that thef are prepared to go·aloiig Wllh ally of Calilonda campus. a misdemeanor sentence that would The 19ldiers and police herded 'the bring Brown six months in jail on each demonstrators six block! b4ck to t,he of the counts on which he is convicted. ' . -Suttan. I .. of 1~ Mao' .. llCI WW• folft'Mrt Mltn "Scftaoll ._.~ "*""'" ""'"k;:t. ,. IMPOSTERS .•. . , .... lUll =-= (ftlt. .~~~... / nm -. both impoders with a basic emotional _ 1s. °' 1,,, Aituni oriva. eo.t1 MeH1 makeup. l l uQOnCI plaQ -•I ~. "•rt If. 1111_ D*• 0ni':ir"'1 1t'~'YU'.u~~· c1~, ....,,.. What ls this makeup? :=, =· ~.~i.,ny::,~btiwe:'·tw.'=: "This kind or fellow fit.s into the an- ·~ Gltmor•. 1s. ot 1100 on.. Pi.c., eom.. tisocial personality pattern," Uplaios a 1111i'ki'l1M9!n Sctioo11 i--t111e mt11lion ,_..,, Newport Beach .pl)'chiatrist, who prefer-"'!"VIM~~ ~ ., 10t=ni1111111rv 1.-. Hu,.. • red not to ~ ideaUfied when questioned t1""911 I IM :+:!:i: 11 NnOI"-"""' fr M ll'IJMfl• WI) Id . " florl • • ~n "' "'*""' o1 about imposter motlvaUon. -'J .llt.ot 1112 • ... .,. .. ...,. "He g•~ally has an arrested I 1.,lll'lallllt-. flllrd Pllce • '18ftlnl -._, _ ... F~. 12, o1 191, c.1i. A,...1uc1 •• ..., psychological development and Us emo- c i.1 Fon'9r SCN1o11 feurlh PIKt bot•"'"· tionally immature. Comcience is the "cl!rllf;t!QMI lntllnd GI' • "*"'·" J • h 'hol .. It which -Dtllr• Dunn. 13, o1 310 R1m1111 Pi.ct. cut• m~n daec:t· -it as es m , ~:...!~~~' 11anarM11e """'11°" bot1r1Y, tends to make him react Impulsively ,.,;~~1~.-!, 1~~~a~ ~ wilbou1 consideration for other&." ~¥.=i..::i-w111 f1M1 tffed 91""111 ...a vio19111e The analyst st.reased that he was :=:".ii-:-1~~..!t~rf',.!:w~~~l:t~ speaking in 1eneral profe$1lonal terms, • _ tM ~~~ml l'Cw".t.r ~. ~c-. not.from cue hiatories or knowledge of llfl MM1 rre'.if'"""~ l.:-'!i"' ~ "• any a1ngle lndl.vldual. lince men differ. ~ Cl\n, 14 o1 iii:" J"" st ... "--' ~· hr.polter often hu Md very hip '= r.w-i ~Hiet11 !hi ~ .. GOmflVler5t i ,from· cbl\dhood into adnll ~?,r.1~1.~.,~~7~, . on t :rt"tboot the capacity to "~"'11~~"°1':;;:~Tl":'I::';,. .,.....,,.. ' ~ 5 A l '' be continued. Clll'1 ~~'" " u ,,,_., i' dPI hive p;an&.. ~." " ,.=,M . SA .... ilt-• "IO!t be doesn't -N -' -~~· ,bf~ ~ Bl a bf( if 11 lift- -I T;i';;:'~ lzt'l W....,, . •-ma "'"" ... ~ltll ldtra. l •• ;,:·-~~ ~I HIM ~ ifAJ"'"'.,aking the ~ W&y to get thef'e ' • • ·~::.. """"'W' ~ ,.. c-11 ,..;.,.,, the ·baclrpmd ml contzibutlng lactm .Mo.':'""'E ..... · ·: ' ~ ... tMftil..t ..,. vary." ~=-, iJ. ol 1511 IUl"lllnt T....... Whatever ltlmull lft the put Clued w•"rn1 .::,_v.,,. 1kttooA1 =-~~~.,. wt11 them to enm the Achlvement Gap, con-~~= ~~i;;=:"'.:l."J• .:t:;:· nine. lora\nl ml IOlklng up expertise ~ =~~I~~ lib mmt&l lpODlts, both Browni ltartl• "'*"::"""'11 ~· "r•h llWl"""l~r~ ed IOclety. ~ 'T ... 'tl ~:~•~"'~\:: ,':.r.;1 Spectoc:ular u the more recent Bnnr,n -..:'\~"~ ~lft· °' t9Gl "• v11,1 cm., cue may be, the older Brown 1 c-_11 __ c11a Mw1 1M10111 .!!!.'..~ ..,.,. .... ~ achJevementa -which Jed to prllOll four =~· "111t "-..:1"' °" .......... times -would warm the heart or "-"'l·u~ s1;1~ 1~ eu~~· ~~· .. ~ Ftrdlnand DeMara, the Great Imposter ~.·= .. ~.~in• lvttollwold· flu111 .. 1n o( movie fame. Y.~r~ .. ~ tiDnor•te rntlltlon ""'"'""'' He WU JS and afraid of flying, but !!~~~~~ ~.~"l.~1';"""~::-;~ learned on a dare by a ICboolmate and by ~ ~ .,_ ~ ~. lflttt II, be wu a major in the Texaa Air Na--~u'i:l•"'f:..!.i:... • 1t11 Hltll'lllM Drl.,.., tional Guard and one o( the hottest jet -~ •ir~' !!"'" ,._ plloll outside the Air For<e. 1~ ~1.. ~~· m: True to hi.I evolving atyle -on a ~ ui. c1rt1e. Halloween weekend -Jack Brown ~"•llldr • c11 "'.l'!'.:,":!f"'" fublon,d an Air Force ldenWlcation .,..!.,. if~:2•1~,i!:"~~ card.from a magazine photo of the nal .. ==:rtf~: m:n~ Item, HWed 65 ~ti' worth of aervice • 1.,. • H•~ 1".!"'~ ,fN_., patcher on his turuc and reported for du-., .. • ............ ......, _.. ty. _ alcu!'!t:'.'.,_ 11. °' .. N.m-A..... Muterfully forging hia way U:rougb an C-f'i6"M HI ,qr Hlth1 fGUrllt lolKe od•Ou -~~ '! -~~--he -~ia. ~111 111Hm1t11 "' sntwM ...y """""'K'l'eJ ...... ~ .... e, roee over ~IYll~ 11. °' 1.su 1r1¥11 LAN. N.._., the )'Uri in rank and good uaJ.inmentl "='i!7:1ilii~t:~,._. H1tn1 ttCOlld •1tA l'hntu. between stretches behind bars for im· -'M.!"111'1 \e:11.,.,, 11, o1 uu Llncoln L•111• pen;onation of a m.1lih1rv officer !i!!J!!f ~J N""""" .._rlllr Mltlli tNni Jllu . . ~I. ' ~· .. 1r11 .,... ot ~ '"" ....iurn. °" ..,, Civilian Brown was acting as a full col· -J..,.; ~s'H"' ct.,u"""I "·M!"!!'f.~ one! at Williams AFB, Ariz., just In· !l""=' ~~1vr..:.i ':1" l t':s o • 'rlf. iUating a magnificent scheme for pro- m ~1"" 1 • motion to brigadier general and assign· 01\ILY PllOT ............. ........ ..... ----·--CAUPO•NtA OltAHO• CO.UT l'Otllltt!NG COMPANY l9"rt N. W•M J .. l a. e .. ,tty \Hee p,...,. ... o-r .. ""-"' n.tiin K•t¥11 ..... T~•• A. M11r~l119 -·-- ment as deputy director of all USAF operationa in Japan when the FBI caught up again. Sentenced to five more ~ears· at Leavenworth, Brown was hit wilh another rive Y.NJ:I, after red-faced in- vestigaton stlll 1'i'otJ1nJ' h!a Wlbelievoble masquerade learned of Col. Brown's earlier vacation. He rpent t)vo weeks act.in1 as liaison officer with a British RAF unit In Bermuda, all on forged documents clw'a:terl.stic oC his cunnina:, smooth and sometimes brazen technique. - Rel~aaed after completing sla: yean of the two sentences, be aUempted to re- enter the service ln typical style, but pro- cedures and traiilUons hatl changed in his ablence and he slipped up. Back le Leavenworth, Brown spent 781 days for psrole >lolaUon before being -lo vanish lnlo free IOdety' qam IA 1115 ml find a new ldellllty. , ' .. , hsd • 'lot of time to lhlnk thlnp ovtr," he oace said durlnf; an lotervitw. "fl WU Uule lo ¢ lnlo a diflertnt line of -k. Afttt all, I'm approacldna middle qe." He. like lhe Brown made f1moua In re- cent wtekl, cJxa mtdicine. Supervisors at pt..,..,-Hoopilll In Downey finally c11ied In 1peclalilt&-the badl....,rrylnc brand -alter 1 strange Job 1ppllcat;oo by mikl-manner..t Dr. Jack. K. ·J!rown. The resume lnclUded a document with the wel~forged .i,naturo of Michtel R. buu>', extcuUve aecretary of the State Boan! of Nun!J\a EdUcaUon and n- Rqi11rt11e11 llld e1eaittd with Brown'• lllUa1 Olfr. To whomever It might concern, the - puuling note explained that Dr. Bmrn must practJce without his: routine RN certilicate for five 1ear1, due to his re- cent mtdercover aalgnment for the CIA in Vietnam. Investigators probed further into the strange life of Or. Brown and found he had worked at two oUle.r area bolpit.&11. acting as chief RN at one, prelCrlb!Dg medication and even devising a system lo streamline nursing staff efficiency. On Jan. 16, 1968, Los Cenitos Municipal Court Judge Roberta Butibach scanned over an FBI record with entries dating back 11 years and obeerved that tmpenonailon had become Brown'• way of life. She aave him his new identity for one ~-No. 13Mlt, LI" Al\lelet County JIU.'' ,,. '.1 ;. I' . l1lere ia no lftlter nobody, however, than an· oukf...,crk impoltar wlUt anlJ a number instead of a name and 1 roll id life. Today, Jack Kenneth BtoWll, No. 116- 111, ii aomewbei'e Clb the ouWdl apln, while R®at Enin Bmm, No. 91HOO, wilts at Onnp County Jail lo be paallh- ed for Uvlng another D'lll1'1 life fraudulently. Bued on tht l)IJchlllrlll's panoullty profile and Joel: ~Kenneth Brown'• own history, It la oot unreuonabl• to ...... No. 13Mll ls qatn W<ridnC hard to make somebody ol bhmelf. ' campus. · 'lbe pol~ awept the atreet clear of .,..._. alter Chancell« Cmiel E. Young was drowned out by jeers when he asked the at.Udents to disperse. Police used tear gas to rout 700 Slan- Saddlehack Sets Festival of Arts Saddleback COiiege will be where things -are happening Sunday during an aftemocm FestlvaJ o( AN. Going oo at the same time will be orcbettral and choral music, drama. poetry and prOR interpretations, original oratory and debate. It all gets underway at 2 p.m. on the campua: just IOOth of Mission Viejo near the Siil DI.ego Freeway. Partlcipanta will be Saddleback students and students from the five high ICbools within the Sad- dleMct z:,istrict. 1 ·• ,1 1 •··" Compresaed Into.a couple of.boun will be these happenlnp: . -Music by the Saddlebact College Community Orchestra. -Three short di'ama perlormances. -lnterprellllont ol prooe. drama and poetry. -Original oratory. -A debate. And, choral mualc by the Saddleback Concert OM>lr, San Clemente Madrigal Singers and Tustin and Foolblll concert choirs. Betting on Volcanoes Beach Geologist Probes Origin of Moon Cr ate rs By llUDI NIEl)ZIELSIU ot tM D11tr 'I"' Sfeff Scientists have solved the green cheese probl~m. But how about those craters on the moon? Were they formed through the im· pact of huge meteorite! or are they manifestalions of past volcanic activity? The resolution of this question n1ay determine if man can live on the moon. There Is a geologist al Huntington Beach'• McDorme'll Doualas Advanced Research Laboratories who is willing to "bet anyone a beer" that the 50 pounds of rock which are~eduled to be brought back from ~ A lio f~ mission nt1t Ju. ly will prove to o~ v~l anlc origin. And if they arep't, pr~cts that the chances for survlva or our future aslronauta on the lun r surface will be "trivial." Dr. Jack Green, who has studied volcanic area! In all corners of the globe fo r many years, believes that much of the moon·! topography has been shaped bv volcanic events. EXPERIMENTING The implications of hla hypotheall are far rucbing, il be 1' correct In bis tblnl;- lna. "Volcantc dust, lor eumple, la very valuable," aaya Dr. Grten. 01l ta Vflt'/ rich and can be uaed as soil lo "°" food, provided you have •al.er. "It alao provides uc<ll<nl protedlon ~t rtdlat!on or tnmta.uon ·•&ainlt tieat or cold.'" • G,...., who bas been conductlftl ... perlmtllll In hla labontory wllh volcanic rockl col~ on earth, uy1 about one gallon or water can be Ut.racted from a cubic foot of volcanic rock, polntln& the W&'J to lunar farms whlcb could autll.in life ror extended period! of Ume. "Volcanic clay doe.I even bctttr than lhll," be continued. "And I think 1"•'11 be ule to distill ibout two 11llonl per cubic foot from thll materlll," he lldded: "Problj>ly th< easielt w11 we could coiled w1w fNlfn the rock• would be by lw'filng I.he sun's rays ~galnst them I '' through use or. parabolic reilector. . "Th~n. when we have the capability of putting a nuclear reactor up there we could use the heat furnished by it lo disti ll the water. Just the waste heat alOl"le of the rtact.or would be sufficient lo get lhe water out of the rock." Sulfur. an abundant mineral in voleanic n1alerial. b.as been On Green's mind l~le ly too. He has alreaily figured out several uses for it. "Sulfur usually forms In the subsurface of vok:anic materials. We can melt It ind use It as a JubriClnt, JUCh as In turbines . In a liqWd. at.ate we etklkt uae it u a coolant for atomic reactors, or u a dreulng fluid for minerals to separate them." Sulfur alao has tremendous possibilitle9 as 1 cement, according to Green. who says that it could be used u a bonding agent for volcanic pumice blocks that could be used to construct shelters. Liva tubes, created in the lunar topography by former la\1a stream111, could make e.xcellent shelters as well, and could be sealed with sulfur, he says. NO PICNlC '"11lne tubtt are plentiful on earth," ha added 11and I think it "ould make an excellent lunar aercile to try sealing one wtth ail.fur and aee if tt could servt as a shetter." Even H man can Uvt on the moon, Green cauUn, llfe on the: lunar surf ace would be no bed or rosta. In fact, he 11y1, It will lie about like livlna In the middle of a dtsert. '4lt'l1 be no plcni, l ISl'UJ'e you. There's noU\lng on the moon tbat 'a going to make anythlnJ euler. Unless It'• moving heavy tractors around. "l also doubt that we will find 1ny precious metals or tn1nml1 on the moon," he contb'lotd. "You woa'l find ~ U e:JClti"I IS dilmol1dl, lllVfl' or said up there. And even lf you dkl, the economlel ol br1ogln1 it b1<t ID earth -Id be lmpoalblt. Durina the four ,..,, the 42-ycar old f campus. 'nlere were occul.onal scuf-Cod\rict.lon at the relony level me~ fies but no serious violence. a state prison term of one to 10 yeart ... The protesters including Berkeley Court observers believe thal lhe testi· 8ludenls . and .. st;e« people" from !Jic m~'?if ~r. a Los Angel~ hear~ specialist in city's hippie colony, were protesting th1?"Clos1f!g s~es of'the lnal may have Thursday's four-hour battle in which cal}H'd some Juror~ lo v-ct~ from wh~t at least 13& persons were injured, many wouJd have been, 1n tl)e hghl of test1+ by birdshot fired by police. · mtlll~ to that point, Ii very unders tand· able .guiJty verdict: • · , Beach 'Knights' Collect Oothes For Viet Orphans Clothing to be sent to children in three Vietnam orphanage§ Is being ga\}lere<I by the Holy spirit 'Coudcil' of th~· i(n!ghts ot Columbus in Hunlin~lon Beach. The organization is suppor~ing a ~lea by ltre Rev . Father 'Bti.lla, U~'S. Army Chaplail) assigned to the Isl Infantry Division in the war zone. Father Brula said the children's clothing was "badly needed" so th~ Knights of ·Columbus are urging the peo- ple or Huntington Beach and nearby com· munlUes to aid in reaching a goal by May 30 of t ,000 pounds of clothing. Gannmti may be taken to any Hun- tin.gtml Beach Fire SU.Um where it will be pickeil up by the Knights. The U.S. Navy at Lo.s Alamitos Air Station will ship the t1othel!J to Vietnam. BETTING ON VOLCANOES Moon GMlotlst GrMn lunar 1eoloitst has betn·wotklnt for the · Advsnced-"kesearch 'I;aboratory, he has tra veled lo major volcanic craten ill O\'er the world to collec~ .fact,s •bout volcanoes' wllich would balll possible a~ plicatlon.9 on the moon. · G..en win °" bt boe o1 the fortlin1te few sclentifs t~ ieceive 11.Q'Ples brou&ht back "" A'"1io U. . • . . His eo11U*1>el.' Dn. N. N. Greenman and H. G. Cr ... ; will at! --ol "1e -mi be asy• lie will a<l bis bands on It aooner «., liter. Tbe two IClenllltl, wbo belie•• lhal lbe cralen Jn the moc. Jtave l*ft caUJed \y the bornbudment of, meleoritet. ·are among uef sd<!nUsis ia•,.ven c:ountriel scheduled to r:ecelve 11mplts. "I .)ult knOw they're 10in1 1o find chloride depoilla In ~-rocb, which would tend to lndlc:ato that tlley are of vokania orlCln-· "It'll be. nf pknlc, I aasur.'J'OU-'lbefe'a. If 11>1 craters 'did not 'tum out lo be ol -fllllln, tht pooslhlllty " Wiler belna within Ibo roelll would be about oil, 5&YI Grain.-> Survival without water? Good lucid \ Dr: Marv in Goldfarb, a noted card!· ologist, agreed with Buckley that Brown's diagnoses were "'entirely compatible'' with established medical practice and that the admittedly brilliant layman had adopted diagnostic and clinical pro- cedures whlch "lie· (Goldfarb) would have ~ happy to use himself. It was a s.ignificant and unexpected blow for the Brown case by Bud:Jey and 11 was obvious to all In the ~ room that he bad Im~ tbe Jwy. No less impreased·•w•r'l!il(l'jfiil!f wllo failed to shake Go1dfarb's teSf1tDty &!'1 subsequent questlowt· . ,.'l't ' 11>-Jtiolll!llAil 11>1~ is Wlll1 the i41'l!JlaafToi<.i i!l' l . ~ .. ~ . ~ From Peg• l ' ' BOAT ... my wife went fishing and decided ahe lik· ed it. We need room for the whole family and this b the best way to get it." Fishing is a family business with the McVicken. Son Lisle, 12, helps his father with the nets. But ~ven the girls catch fish. . Said McVlcker's wife: "I'm really look- ing forward to it. I get seasick, but I takli medicine." McVicker had help building thl behemoth in the drivew31. His father, A; L. McVicker, who lives next door, did .. all the running around and the engineer~ Ing," said ·Mrs. McVlcker. And NeWpOrt Beach boat builder Keith Hamilton has been helping since January. McVickel' has also had assists from many friend• and relatives . And, despite all the trouble, the McVickers setm to be enjoying lhe work and the anticipation of a summer's rest. "We named it the Haven because it's a haven for us. Aller a willter of teaching schotil, we're ready," said McVicker. Ftmeral Servites . 'For Col. Baker Slated Monday Funeral &erVlces (or cot. George v. Baker of Huntington Beach will be held 1t I p.m. Monday at Smlthl' Qlapel. Mr. Bailor dledln1ura<ll1...,,;.g·aller 1 lq Illness. He w~s 14. . • . :- E·n tom bDl e a.t ·~1 wilf ·Collow At Westminster Memorial P. a·r k In WeSUnirister. Offld•UI'\& will bre•tbe Rev1 G. Russel Shaw and 1~ Huntingto~ , Beach Masonic l..odge. ·.I\ Flag Will. drape ~he cask~ •. Of 1tht~ vet.pan 0( World War I and II W 1tte Jtorean \\'11r, The Flag will be pre..entea ,. lo his widow, Judge Celia Baker of the West Orange county Municipal Coui;:t. . • Mr .. Baker, who lived at the fanillj 1 borne at J20.1 Park A.ve.'J is aurvlved by ~ his widow and stepd"1gbters c~ Grvver of s.n Ans,elm<\,. and """"'' Peimoo of 5a0to Ani. ' .' Mr1 Biker .. i<r;d-i\.e,',mi\y 1n llti• alJ\l ialer was ~ ioft,,ol(lce~ and saw servl~ ln World'Wlt L lie 'W recalled to duty In llHO •lid l'fm•inod. ' th• w.tce UllYI r<uttin t fl) 1914. ' "• He 1nd Judge Baker· ore marrt.f,,. Janulir. tlM. • " The llmtly hq 'IUgge#td ~h Ir; ·m~ruorlal111 be Mnt 14", Nava6it VI lit, ~;t~;J~·~~~~,·~~ Col. Baker had been sell .. In lhO Hun- llnaton Belch Community Pl1yhwlo American Lfgjon, Ma80DS, Rotary Club, lhe Safety Committee and pther ctvtcz groups. ' •• ra·4...a ~_..·-•-• •••' .i -•1-..a.. .......... ----------------------------------------------- I .. YOI:. '2, NO. II r, 4 SECTIONS, 66 PA6£S + \ . ' • ' • .. t ' Portrait' ~f lfuposters; 2 Men Nalned~ \ 'Brown' ' ' . By Alt'l'lllJa ;\'INllEL Of -Dlllt' Nit ...., Jack and Robert 'Brown have Dever met, but .the two IOftapgken IOUQ\lrnerS with onllnary names ~· --..,., partnen in a struce, ilnpulalve gome. Actors playing -.iwoy, meant for others. 11>e1r -. ... manedly porallel.ud -._..Jl'OI'" baw 11111· :,..""'."! mDllla ... Jell to ur.pvmg Robert Er.Yin -. 33.·,pradlcl!I Apollo ;teak Corrected; Systems 'Go' ' i WE KENNEDY (UPl~-:t""" 1-.. -·ana11 in • 1pocecraft preSlll10 .,.,,. urly ... day to aolve the finl polealill thrut to SUnday's planl lo ,.00 Apollo 10 around the moon. ~ A bellmn PftSIUI" ckop In the Apollo 10 command module that wu rep>rted ' ' For complete ieltvl•IOn cov•r• of tho Apollo ID n\l11lon, Including Sunday's launcli, ,.. P• 7 of to- day's DAILY PILOT TV Gul<lo. lhortly after I p.m. !'Pl" Friday was troced abwt foor boun Jaler tc. a ._ ................ In the lblp being ...... psrod to !llUDCb 'l'bolou ,P. SWlon!, Jahn W. Younc and 1!:1ii-A. Ceman .... • fllchl -·· · .... ~'lbl .=. "U~~ , i t~u., ~ ' . r . . .,,,. ~ 1or the 111rt or the m•-~~· ud -"""" .. ,.,. al t:e Liii. PDT -.,., '!be dllfkultJ tnWivld a alilJrt but llltodJ drop in ... _.. Ill the hollmn IU sylWn used to ...-irtr< loel Iii ihe roc:Ut system that will control the ship on Ila blazing ·dive ba:1t into <artb'• almolpbere oo Its re\urn fnnD U orl>its around the mooo. Blaiherg Said 'Chirpy' ~fter Breathless SCare CAPE TOWN, South Alnca (UPI) - 'Ille 1"ogest surviving beart lrHlpflnt poUent Ill !IP in his holpilal bod ...... inl "very cblrpy'' and ii expected heme for a dinner party Monday, Ills wife Slid. An ambulance took Dr. Philip Blai- berg to Groote Schuur H<11pital on Fri- day, admioisterin& oxygen on the way because be was short of breath. His wi£e said he had been "overdai.Dg lhln,s." The hospital said in a communique that Blalbeq, 59, was admltt.ed "fer' ob- 1ervatlon and Investigation folloWlng hts -... back,'' rtlenin( to &II Ind· dent Mood&J -ln wblcb Blaillq suffer· ed_ .. Mrl, Blalberg visited ber hmband late Frldq and came IOI .._unr: :•11e -.. sllillll up ....... to thl --J aaw him. Be wu fine and very cbir· py.'' Thieu Suggests Nixon Meeting SAIGON (UPI) -Pruident NllQ<ll Van Thieu ol South Vlttnsm Aid today he w-to -J>r...-Nls. .. .... u pouible to -'the .Allla' ..,. ..... both on thl ,... ,_ and at the -table In Parla, 1"lbe looaer the better,'' bt told DID -wlloaskedwheahewlnledthe meeUn(. He odded bl _.Id luft tbe time w plw up to l'n.ldoat in-. 'l'ben -.. -· ftPl7 ..... -ollldals-' !Jbleli'• ~·lo --........ the Viii! Ol_Secnlary ol Slain W!Dlam P. ftosm .tamt -day alter bl ad n_. met pr1va1a17 dilclmlnll South Vieturria re"'IWI to tUe O¥el' more -.. U.S. <111 Cln beClD ...., -. . 'Ibe purpoee '1l the Nllel:i m 11 Slnl, 'llllou laid, -.. to .... ., -mon policy'' at 11111 c:rud&I ,... lo bolhtbe-udilil..-le PW. ....._ -lldol 'lllluldoy hill- cited a•Wlllfnpm,lo ~ -lioi-~· . • • • ' ' T • ' ' abwt bnpooter moUvatloo, }' 1 . "He &~ally bu an ar,,ea.t e d Pfl'dlokilfcal cleve.._t ~ b ..,.. tlooally lmmatuie .. C-1"'°" I ts the . moln deieei -It 1w ·-·'In ·It, - tendl to ""Ike llhn' react tmpulalveJf. without~-lbr othln." Tbe pnallilll -tllal be waa SflNkinj In _.. pn#ealoaal terms. not --histories at -~ of (See IMP08TER8, Pap II * * * No Verditt Yet Will Phony 'Dr. Brown'-Beat the J;l.ap? BJ TOM BARLEY .... .,.., ,. .... ltetf It's blck to the jury room today for U Superior Court I:::; wbo · bav• been unable In nine ol delif>erl. Uoos to rule on the guilt or bmocenc:o of Robert Ervin -. Superior Court Juqe Byron K. Mc- Millan balled their delibenltloos lite Friday night al1'r determining that a verdjct. waa not near enough to justify keeping . the !1lllel. any later. Tbere has been "'·lndicltfon from the l'1'l' on the !acton tllal pre...,t them --in( a ~ hi tlle ·""""1. lit: ,.,_ ter" trial. They spent the nl&hl in a Santa Ana ,,,..., .... -....I' dellb'I'· atiom at I a.m. 'Ille lurY left the CO!lriroom -Fri· diy lo mull over II COW>ts of (alllly practlclng medicine, all' filed qalnlll the 33-ytlNlld defendant alitr he ldmltUld posing as Dr. Glenn Lyoo POiter over a five.week period at a Fullerton. clin- ic. · · The confident, qulet-spoteo electrical Early Strike Seulement · -~i!4:J.. f .,,.K.,...~ *' A"mlD"'r Qhqe ;~:Mnbu 'HOW~ McYl CU lt R~l9,HOM~Plf: ~l,MON·llOA'i' Rain In' J.....,, ailll A lllhemolli tr! IM ·D1lvowoy ......... =:!'to\llJ''!\lh ... lot ill..., __ , .. .,.. ....... . OootraGl ~ -e t w t ,e lt Updated Noah? . ' ·1ePrewidattN Of mn.,.anldit. Loe~ 1111 ·or ttio ·Cupanten', -·and ~· Unlm and Tumlttr1 ·Local 235 ar1•acheduled to -Tues-day. · However, apolE"1tJen for ·the county's 16 major lmnbtlr yards t:qd tJie -40().. member carpenten' unioa iDdicated they are far from agreement on a-new wage No Just a Salmon Fis.hing Trip Ind -patbp, _· By ~ANICE BERMAN ............ "*' tt.fJ Recipe for a boat: Tate ooe 36.foot filMqlaa bull, put a three-by-three clamp piece around the top, .4dd deck -·~dfl!!l!;~~·11!m there ( .. ~ .1. ~ A ~!'i,~.rbln youoU·l)lilJdlng·il'ln· your oon•bacl<yord; Ask ocboo!Ctacher HowS'!f McVU:,ter. .. McVk:br, 1015 1Grove st., Coista Mesa, his wife-Roaemary,. aim· a1ICbaiolt.eKher. and their Chlldren, Lee \Am.-t, Pam, 7, and Lisle, 12, are going to IOUthern ' Alaska Jar a iummer ot salmon fish!ng on tbelr'boat, the Haven. It's no fancy yacht, but a working fiahlng boat, complete wUh a net that's 15 feet wide ud ~-of a mile long, and a ZIQ.bonepoWer clleoe! engine. The aa1moo Will be IOld.1at 'CIMeJ'YS, aod. Mc~ 11)'1, "We i!lpect that ovrr a por1oll ac,..,.., ihe boo! will pay for itlelf.11 ~ I llcYi*s'I ant boat.l>ulli!lnl Ttllture -----.,~ "II ......... w;r., •. ''Illa I.oat &m1.NJ1-111: JlllUll'f .... n 't ball& to'\'a.t ·fnm that llld. I WIS templed t.".drm ·a:1io1e,to .... the ...w out,: bUt I,nnrer dkl." r.--r "New ~ I .havt 'PJ!npg, '' ~e 1tgbed, . ' "It'll probably never get water in It." Frkfay, manqement and ·Un Ion Then there was the problem of out· spokesmen traded charats conceming fitting the boat. A lot of people bulld1their who was or "u not willing to talk •nsl own yachls, but a fiShi.ng boat ill a dlf. w~. F·al·tnflf#latkn wis ·reqllelted ferent, pardon the expression, tetUe of by'-lilinbei' m'.ana&eme11t to' hdp settle fish. "F;v~ has to be marine.Ind the dtspute. lrl!it y.U 'want, Ibey dan't mol<e~~ tbe .... The llrjte'whlch bqan Thursday alter oquljimelii,lor a'commerclal boa( .... l,O '· )elialln( ...,.ell ~.'11' tlle 'flnt be helvter.than equipment for yachtl.~ -alnoe ~l)' lumber wenen:~organized Mc Vicker is ,atiJJ waiting for the flrial 22 yean · q:o. It .Jw forced closure of fit tings the blliiks, carpets and windows. most lumber ouUeta in the county and "They were supposed to be flnisbed UM poses a threat to construction projects week, but they're not," he said1 ~pered e,arl.ler dl1I year bJ heavy . His daughter Pam 7 came into the liv· winter ralnl. · ' • ing room. "Daddy, ,;ui the boat be ready The Telmlters Union, which ahara a tomorrow?" she asked wistfull)FI. joint contract with Orange County "It won't be finished, but we're gotng lumber workers, ba1 not vot:ed to strike., to dump it in the water anyway," said but Its meptbers are refuting to cross Mcvicker. "Why?" she asked. "Because if we put the mast on here, it'll knock down the telephone poles all the way to the water," he answered. The boat bu a 3S-foot mast. "How 800ll ate we goin&?" uked Pam. "Four weeks from today," he answered. "Well." she aaid sternly, "it had betttr be flnllbed." Mcvtcker agreed. Wbat males a.man build• oo.at? "I always &bed alone. Lall 1Ummer, (See BOAT, Pqe I) Funeral Services For C.01. Baker Slated Monda y Funeral ..,...... lor Col Geor&e V. Baker of Huidfncton Beach•will be held at 1 p.m. Mondoy at 8mflhl' Chapel. Mr. Baker dl<d 'l'lmlday evening after a long ilfuess_., He WIS 74. , James Roosevelt Makes ,E n·t o-'m b me ift will follow at Weatmlnster Memorial p Irk In Westmlnater. Officiating wilt be the Rev. G. RusleJ Shaw Ind !be Huntln(too Beach -t.d..:. Swift Stabbing .Recovery GEllEV A, Swllierland (UPI) -Tbe elclo!t soo of former -~ Franlilin D. Roolevek Jnade a ~ IWift recoYery from .: slab -lnOlded by,hll wife .... llid .. ---lbe bolpllll today .. 5w'11o1. . Jama -..it, It, 'ID otabbe!f In the bock by hll third wife, Glacty1, 11 the -..., of !heir .mamiao In v...,,.., an apenaive Mlburb of Geneva, at 11 p.m. ThundaJ. He manapl to rtach cbe boUle ol. l 1ntlpbor1 who called an ........... Tbe ........ C&lllornla --underwent aMl'potJ IUl'pry ~but WU In pd -,.i. lbape lhorlly al1'r Ille Cll><fllloe to call blo lawyen, who i.. '!led ll ""-· JdtatUyfnl Boolevolt's -uhll wKe. She wa tabn to a cllnlo for obser-. - I vaUon. The ' lllWyen Aid Mrs. J\ooi« •el~ 41, recently hid been treated fir sewre deta eaioa. · ' Police Hid the weapon the \lied was a 11J:·incb Marine-klnfe Rooseftlt kept In tbe.lr-\tilla1 IS I IOUvenlr Of World War II. 'ffe wa a brigadier pnerat In the Marine C«J». • Roolevelt said Friday night "I hive been Informed by my doctors that I may lnve the hospital thil -nd. I eipect to relllrn to my duU• this coming -i.," He delc:rlbed his ,,_ as "a mJnor injury." • He Uio thanbd. "our many frieodl !or their uplmi9f11 of '""''"" le this dlUicult ailua.tlon. .. . RooltYelt married hil cumn\ wile, In 1161 &flor two i1wrl.,... that "°'" him lour children ended In divorce. Tllo, c'ouple has one ..., llall Delano, t . A Fiaf will drape the casket or the veteran oi World \Var I Ind n and the Korean War, The Flag will be preoenled lo bla Widolf.,Judp C.lfli Baker of the Weit'Or-Counif.M'unldpOI Court. ·Mr. Bam, wbo' lived al the llmfly home 1t 120S Park. Ave., b survived'~ hls ..-. and lllepd""lbt<n CalO{ Grover' 'of illn Anlelmo . and Linda p-'of a.ma Au. . • ,Mr. eabr ~ tlit ~In 1913 and l&tetTii., -~ .. olllcer, ind .... ""'*It\" "~~~ -recoiled to dutY in lt411 ani\ · in· !be'..,.,,.. ""di -)n 1111: Ile and Judp Baker wore -.led In Januuy' 1161. The family hu .......... tb• l -.;ia be IOnt lo l11qjo VJllaft Governor, P.O. Bo111,.Yulla City, Arla., 11111ked for tho CGllllllllllty llldfdlol Col. -bad --le·tbt- ijDCIGR .-Oom1Dllllfl1 • 'flaJ" -t-· lki1117.~ the Sal"' -and olller cMc lf10UPI. ;, . " p!Wt llnu. TeaJD!lln lo..iv.d lDcWo .-111.ln!U'..i~-' ~rr#r•r ••)~ .,, Alla' taaMr co. Ufil ,a. uflil'J1:1 dine a 10 ~·'*"-' (about • ceots ., bour)J fn the -'4.U averap, hourly w .... lor ·lumber .... nrs. The . n..,.. 1nc1Ude ~ -' . 'Cliar!es Treola, cbltl qi lbe Carpen- ten' 0r._ County -Cqunctl, cbareed that 111...-i! had tendered one wage and benefit paCbp thlt wu "IO omall tt woWd bave put Orlllf' Coun- ty lumber )'llll ~ ll an boor belllnd compuable .,.,.. pile! lo -ten.ln'tbe -~In -artll' of ' Southern Callfcwnla, II . . denied It. Rt. lllo denied . '·~-tbat~t COftR:alUUA , , · wu allelnptln( to itt ouf' ' under tJie joint· THiNter.Carpenllr" c.nthet. ' . '' U.S~ B52s Bomb Red· Sanctuaries In Cambodia- SAIGON (1JPI) -1!.S. Bil bombers for the fJrst . Ume have begun nidl apinlt oelghborin( Cambodia In an el· fort to deprive Communllll ooldierl o1 oaoctuart., wtthln 35 mllef · or SaJpn, 1J .S. military soorcee llid today. Tbe -' al oulPo'ts ...... the Cambodian -weat,ol Salgoii, 111d at leut three 1trolOIGrt .~ bjl, ~ neutral naUon ln the put leVl!l'al 41,ya, alt of them ~ In .iv-. 1n each cue', the ~ Aid, oflkfrt In the U.S. border. camps hid been aleit-- ed thlt the !ml woukj be ~OJJellil lh<ir JO.ton bonib1o111a onto · IUlpod«I eom. munllt posltionl Jiii! """"' tile 1iOi-der In Cambodia. It la from thla pullculsr .ru, west and norlhwesl ol Saigon, th1t the Qom. munilta have spnq their 11\elt· offen- sives. according lo U.S. ,lntelllc...,. olf.loen. ' · Vlei Cong and Noith Vielllant.,.J:i nets durln& the. night lheDed 41 balel and towns, ....tins two roc~ets lnlo the edp of Sallon that ~-woman. Overall datnap· and caSdaltlei ...,. deocrlbed u lflbt In tile llxth day of~!iJ .... . . 4 Yonths ·HUrf . • ' ,. ' I in' C.Otinty Fight . . ' ~ F0or youllll ...,. taken to Weotmln- ot.r Community Hoopltal f<r, - ol .... ll\jDrlll urty .today follo!rlnJ what police called ... rumble:" nwapt, wNdl nporUllT ..._ .• Jacl: -.. a._ bepo al tlio 'raeo Befla --· ---in·G-Grow, .pollco Aid. · Mom 1·• mm wn medt wbUe Gmlln -polke -out -.... ...... ., .. b&I~. A . .......... admilled mony tlmeS GlrlDI bla· trial 'thal be dl~-t hlmiell 'Ii '!be brilllonl Uni tY Cl -· '-11cal.ochool cardiolOlllll. Bui, ..... .sllled, be nmr barmeil lllJ1· of the I' ·pa11ents be namlned nor woWd loo baTo -h!mlell to """" -a ..... It WU clearly -·Friday 1bal Deputy Public ·Delmdtr Lawt-- lq lool:ed "' the 'jury'• lengthy delibo · erl.tlons u a hippy omen for his· com- posed, llOIKOD!inlttaJ client It WU (See 'DR. BROl!N', Pap I) 2 Viet Heroes To Get Hono.r ' ' " -~.\lllnlG10N '(APH'nlldtnl lllnn '*"It-~ .... dallll .• ......,.,.. lier .. ...., Armed PWi-ill)' - I ' ceabOl\f honorfnr !WO henies of Ibo ~ "" and I ,......, of U.S. -power In actJon. A ceremooy on the -Lawn of Ibo White HOUie WU tel up for Ntmn to preoenl Medala of H..,... lo Aniiy Cblel Warrant Officer Froderlct E. F._ and Anny Spec. 4 'l1lomu J. KIDmban. F-. 31, ,.. ol Mr. and Mn..J'red H. Fltpooo ol El C...W, Calif., illn\ed Che Dallon's highest nard l<ir iaUlntr7 on Jan. 31, 11111. While commanding 1 reiuppb' hellcopttl', he flew tbrougb heavy antf.alrcralt, -and mall arms f1re to reecue puaengen, and crew- m«i ol another'bellcoPler --the Communtst.<ontrolled dty of Hue. Kinllnan, Jt, IOll ol. Mr. ~ and ...... 'l1lomu R. Klmman ·ol Onalalta, Wah. then a prtvate,fint cJau, :HTed ll!¥eD · comri•lO• from Injury or death wJ1i1i ho threw hlmaeK on ao enemy grenade during an engagement at · Vl.nb Long en Fllb. I, 1... Klmman suffered .vere head and chest wounds. Sovie t Venus P robe · Sends Back 'Capsule' JODRELL BANK, England (AP) - Vem11 I, the ltCOlld 1llUIWllled Soviet spit< ship to reoch the ..._ In :M houri, ejected an-~ - ... .. toword the -today, the. Jo- drell But -•alolt nporled. , 'Ille ..,-Vainrf Jlicllad up signals from the eapaula five mlniil.s later Ii it ---toward the -bl pmichutt. ' . Oraa,. ........ If the Orange caut la lucky, there mlghl be a touch o1 the liln -allliou"1 K ~ bo' huy -during the_,,_, and -but Othenrile It'• the · same old llOi'y; Lmr ·-and local log, with tempor1-aboul the -. . JNSg B TODAY I<wa Dr. CillrCfl Richltr (in° ... tor o/ Ille l!khllt Scol<J is lolkflt9 a"°"t CaUJondo eorlh· q~1, FomUil Wteklr . ' ComplclC list o/ l<Mdulld TV C01!<1Gfi• o/ ooriou phol11 . of ~~lo 10 IJIOC• 11lol, TV ' ' I .. DAILY !fLOT H . ' Coast Yout~ Uiptµre:·~2 Fair Wins •• tq4,..\ .-!rom the 'Oraqe Clolol'.~ ...... ,.-., wllost Onnse c..ir' -Falt -wlJl be.., yMw Oftl' the weekend. • ' • Cole Beaded .. • • • j :.s-- Finger Victim Makin.1 GQod Recovery S~x TJOdors • -'llfd ...,. ..,........ ~ ICbolarilllp .flmd total mound flOO thus Sunday ,; JllOnday and mume atodleo lo Biie II 1f111to1t lltacb •ts mui., IUOh !tr, with mq more •JEP.OC!ed. end the adl>Ol f!!·~ -... •••on, .. apect him lo ,..tin "We hive made prellriitoary C0111act1 Dr. Charl.,-~~'llip boy's !'hY•~ fionie j>erluopt by Sunday,': to other """Ice clubs In Newport clan, '!l<f the ,boy b rt<DVerlng vtrY "Cole" Hale Iott most ol hil fingers one Beach," ,be aald , •'and now we're waiting well, lrideed." • ~ week •Co In a froak acci*'>l oo the clocU for them to make deflnlte ~nts. .,He ,.Jd.JIJ41 fl,wflf4~wo t~ or lllr.i A ,of~'•'•""h\lmBl!bo'a-tytngup too.• " L•~ .1 ' .._.w ,.oi.1' 1oim1•·1a "'81""°1ri) ~ !1Wlf1'b.!L,'.~," _ __ .lllt Balboa Aqlllla Clull, bo llid, ~ plelely,then the boy will beiln ,..habill,.. 8-lf>en, the Newport.Balboa~ ~ !lshlnf ta9le raffle for the 1">9111'11 Uon to help him develop •trenitb In whit . 'lbe winnlDC edllbitli were se*W· ~ !""" 215 entri<t by jwllor hlP uil --·-from tMlulh<ld the OIUDIJ. qub hit volecf ·unanlmoulty lo' tponf>r' a education IUQd .. Severi! 9lher ~ps O'eiDfltos of bis lpmds. / tcbolaO'lhlp fund drive. !or' ·lhe lpiooolly hay•---llmilar fUnctllol. But Cole a1mdy ha• started lits . ..,. ·N-"""'°' ,ll\lll SChool lfflr ..tod , ·5-· 11111 memben wW-checl: the-~brud el ,.i.tri!llatlon.-~ • clult'.......,,., Aid Frlcl'1 Ille ""1d b club)1 pool olllce boo dally » .... , "tie'• bru1binJ Ilia ....al, readlnt !ht gjolflq ondpmltel ••to mllJ' take oil' clooltl• p._ wtsldic Iii Oontrlbl!te -mid daloi a beck ol j lot even•wltlo 1bere wu one swee~ winner from the Orange CoNt area -tf.year- old Lee Shuck !ram Lincoln Intermediate School, Coram del Mar, for bis mathemlUCll -ptlltt llquqe. Pint plaoe wtnnon from the coutal I area were Phlllp Grlehl. II, Rk.bard • Lqrol. H, ud Brilll ~ 14, ol ~ a..cb; Grq Bum, U, ol Colla Mou, ud lleo1lJ Cline, H, ud Peter Slepbens, 11, ol Newport Buch. AD the <llllhlll m1y be Hell In the Sao· la Ana Qillop 11JM111Um, 1530 W.17\11 St., -Alll, from nooo lo't p;m.todly and from l p.m. to 4 p.m. Sundly. The Complete ll.1t of are.a winners.ind tiUe ol lhe!r uhiblt: DAILY PllOT ....,., ............... ..... --__ . .__ C:AUMHUUA Oll;AMQI (0Ml ~tllSKING CCIMl'AH't R•lltrt N. Wte4 '",......_. ..... l"Wlt.... JMk a. Cvhiy ...... ~-......... ~, f'-iM IC11.il ·-n ... A. M•r~lll• _, .... -Cllf9Mlll1• ........... ......,. .,.....1 nu ..,:9J'1,:~··• ""'9t ..,._I ftl .... ,,, .... , ......... . -. • ,.~u Fandango • UC . lmn~ lludents .Bruce Richards and Lilia Serio are .r~ady with p1natas -mtnortty race youngsters will break open Sunday during Fandango carnival to rmse money for summer Unicamp and Biafran relief. The carnival, with game booths, rides, music and refresh- ments, will begin at 11 a.m. on the UC! green. From P.,e l IMPOSTERS ... any altlgle lndlvldual. •Inoe men dUfer. . "The ln.poc)er olten hi! ~ vory hll!h expecllllci1!; from ', childhood Into adult life but' without the cap'ldty to carry them out,'1 he continued. "He mi&ht ha-Ve .If~ saic!mes," aakt the doctor in a bll of un- dentatemtnt, "but he doesn't coraider taiin& tbe,Jone·haul way to 1et there ... the backgiound and contributing factors yary." Whatever stimuli in the past caused them to erosa the Achivement Gap, con- ning, lorglnf and ooUlnl up ezpertlse like mental·spongea, both Bl"OWn! startl· .. society. Spectacular as the more recent Brown cue JDl1. be, the older Browm'• --Which Jed to prllon loor timd. -·would warm the heart of Ferdinand DeMara, the Greaf Impost.er of movie lame. "II!\"'~ .1~.q l!»-illl of ,llYll!a, but loli'ild.Gi•Wb1 a'ocboolmilt'Dd by lt,·lle wu a !llljor In Ille TuM Air' Na· U...11 Gull'd and Olll " the hotteat jet pilot.. oulllde the Air Force. True to hil evolving atyle -on a Halloweera weekend -Jack Brown fashioned .ll!J Ai~ 'Force ldenUft~Uon card from a magaz.ine photo ol the real Jtem, sewed a cents' worth of service petchef 0. bis tunic ond reported for dli- ty. punlln( JlOle uplalned that Dr. Brown muat .prac:Uce witbout hi1 routine RN cerUficate for five yean, due to hil ~ cent undercover a.sajgnment f<r the CIA in Vietnam. Investlgatoi-s probed further into the 11rlUl(e We of Dr. Brown and lound lie had worked at two other art.a hospitals, acting u chief RN at one, pre5Crlblng medication and even devising a system to slreamline nursing staff efficiency. On Jon. 11, lle8, Los Cerritos Municipal Court Jodge Roberta Butzbach scanned over an FBI record with entries daUng back 11 years and observed that impersonation bad become Brown'• way of life. Sht pvt him bis new identity f<r one ye"; No, 1136-111, toe •••elel County Jail. • . • ..... There u no rreater nobody, however, I.ban an oat.cf.work Imposter with only a number inllead al a 1W11e and ~ role In Wi. Today, JICk Kenneth Brown, No. 136- 111, u -. on lhe oulllde apin, while Robert Ervin Brown, No. OlJ.800, walta at Or111111 Coonty·JliJ to be punltb- ed for livln1 another man's life fraudulently. Based on the Pl)'chiatriat'a personality profile and Jack Kenneth Brown'• own history, i~ is not unreuonable to cuess No. 63HJ1 is again workioa bard to make solllf:body of himaelf. (d'dty IOOb." ·can do ao ~ RndliJI donatloos to P. 0. his bandaa:es still on," said his 13-year'. Fred Swenson, who with fellow Box 286, Balbol laland, Dea. old brother, Frank. Rotarlf!i Rob Hluon, are apearbeading Meanwhile, Co}e, who lives with guar-At lunch Frl!Jay Cole told a visiting tile luaid drlvo, Mid total cllllat!Gai. to lhe diaooi loo -· p!afts lo ,..!Urlr home reporter. "I cap get the !Pri work dowa \ pat, but it1l take a little Ume to get tD • the cutting job." Guar,(lsmen Use Tear Gas, ~~::.eh/:.turt.y•Uces. • -I I Clubs on State Campuses By Ualted Preas laternallGolj DisruptiOM at California univer1lUes cooUnued P'rlday u lllate and local po- lice, augmented at one point by National Guanllmen, uto<1 -pa, cluba .llid llud bayonets to brull: up student cJem. omtratlonl. M0rt than 1,000 students retreated before advaocing Police outside the UC- LA FllCulty Club In Los Angeles. They chanted 0 plp off campus" antf acream- ed oblcenWea u they moved away from the bulJdlnl' wtier. a meeting ol the bom'd of rqrenb WU tn P,rogrea. Calllorpla Gov. llaaald Ruatn' -eel ·the meetJq at the 21.- WllJlUI-The polJce .... pl the ll!r<el clear of prolaten after Chancellor <llarlea E. V-wu dmmod oat by jeers wben be ukod the 1tlldenla lo disperse. Pollct uaed tear 1u to rout 700 Stan· Saddleback Sets Festival of Arts Saddleback College will be where thlnp are hlppening Sunday awing an afternoon F..Uvli ol Am. Gcing m at the aame lime will be orchutral and choral music, drama, poetry and prose lnlerpretatlonl, original orat«y and debate. It all seta underway at 2 p.m.. on the campu1 1\111 llOUth of MiMlon Vlejp near the,lul>lep Fr-ay. Pll'lldpl!li\I wW be Saddleback atodents and ·lludents !ram the n .. bfgb 1Choo1' within the Sad- dllbick Dlllrid. . Comprelled Into a couple of hciJrl will be UJ... hlppenlnp; -Music by the Saddleback College Community Orchestra. -Threa short drama performances. -Interpretations of prose, drama and poetry, -Original oratory. -A debate. And, choral music by the Saddleback Concert Choir, San Cltmente Madrigal Singers and Tustin and Foothlll concen choirs. ford University protestore who set up flaming barricades to block rµah-hour traffic acroA ~ bay from San Fran- claco. Tbe 1tudenls, protea:Ung WU' re- search at the 11,7'00-studmt achool; re- treated to open fie.Ida nearby and police ducked hurled rock1 as they chased pro- teltors three-quarten of 1 mile. · ~l'f"I' -11ere arruted In the proteat. N1tiooal Guardamea with !Ued bayo- n«a dlvertod ... mi u-Dd lhouUng d-al<n nwthlnfr o6 Beraley's city hall, near the 27,000-Student Unl9er· ally ol Calllomla campu1, The aoldierl and police herded the demo-aton tile blocb back lo the campus. There were occasiam! scuf· fies but no aertoua violence. The prote1ter1, lncluc1µlg Berkeley studenls and "street pewle'' from the city's hippie colony, were protestJng Thursday's four·bour battle in which at least 128 persons were injured , many by birdahot fired by police. · Dump Area Loses Irvine Property De_taehment of 1.01s· acres of Irvine Ranch proeprty from 'COuntx-Sanitation DistHet 7 has bttn ;ipproved becallse the acreage is 'tl'lthin the <1 g r i c u I t u r e p~erve approved for µi.., Irvjne .Com· pany, In February by the Board of Supervisors. The deannexalion had previously been approved by the Local Agency f'ormation Commission and was endorsed by the Joint Boarda of the County Sanitation Districts last week. - At lhe same time, annexation of 80 acres of Irvine land to District 7 was ap- proVed. 1'1tls property lies north of th e Marine Corps Air Facility, Santa Ana and is designated as the "Browning Avenue. Santa Fe Spur Annexation." ; 'DR. BROWN' •• ~ eq_..Uy o!>vtous .!bt Chief Deputy !>ta. trlcl AUorney James .Enright's eatlier' confidenc.e had been somewhat sapped by the prolonged hud9Je. SoUrces close to the }l.ll'Y believe that the panel ls trying to reach agrednen~ on whether Brown ~hould · be convic~ eel at felony or misdemeanor level. Con- viction, in the light of the Blrrninghan} man's self-incriminating testimony, would appear to be a formal!ty .• But some jurors may be prepared to accept Buckley's final argument that Brown had not harmed anyone by hi~ audacious }.lractice. And it may weft be that they .are jlref&red ·to 10 al°"' wltli a mi.!demeanor sentence that would bring Brown six monlhs in j&il on each of the counts on which he is e0:0victed; Conviction lit -the felony level i:neln1 a alate prison-tenn of one to 10 years; Court observers believe that the test(.· mony of a Los Angeles heart specialist In lhe ·cloaing . .stage.s of·the trial m111y have caused some U.urtirs to te:er from what would hi~' beet in Uie· light or,· testi· rnoQ1 to Wit :point. a very understand- able ,-guilty' vet.diet. __ . .... De. J\forvln "Gj>ldlar)>, a ~d-cardi· o!Ogtst, agreed with BUckley Chat Brown's diagnoses were "entirely compatible" with established medical practice an4 that the admittedly br_illiant • layman had adopted diagnostic and clinic~ ~ cedures which be (<fOIQfarb) would have beeo happy to qse·hlmseU. . It w~ a .,&gniOcant and unupect.ed · blow for the Brown case by Buckley and 11 was obvious to all In the Court- room that he had impressed the ~·. No less impresstd was ~~fb,t;.'·~ failed to shake Goldfarb's ~ iii subsequent questioning. · '. , .. ~· It may well be ·thet that ts -~ J · • .,<llf': ., -"'I 1 I my wife went fishing and decided she llk1 ~Jtti:e is~ :~ J:~ :e;i~f~, family Fishing is a family business with the McVlcker::. Sein Llsle, lZ, helps his fatbet· witb the nets. But even the glrls citch fish. · Mul¢ully forging bis way thraulh an oddly. counterfd~ WBte.nce, he l'Ole over the )'Oil!, In rant an<( rood. uallnments between alrelclJ., behind ban for lm· penooaUon of a mllltary officer. Qvillan Brown was acting u a full col- ...i al -·AFB, Arb., JUii in-illllin& a mqnlflcml ICbemo lor pro. motion to brigadier general and assign· ment as deputy director of all USAF operations in Japan when the FBI caught up apln. Betting on Volcanoes Said McVicker's wi~: "I'm really look.:' lng forward to it I get' seasick, but I take medicine. .. ' . McVicker had help building tM behemoth In the driveway. His father,~ . L. .McVicker, who lives next door, did "all the runnini around and the engineer., Ing," said Mn. Mcvicker. And Newport Belch boat builder Keith Hamilton hll been helping since January. McVicker, bas also had assists from many friends and relatives. Sentenced to five more year1 at Leavenworth, Brown wu hit wilh another five years, all.er red-faced in- vestigators still probing his unbelievable masquerade learned of Col. Brown's earlier vacaUon. He spent two weeks acting as liaison officer with a British RAF unit in Bermuda, all on forged documents chlra·:terilt!C of his cunnlng, 1m00Ui and aomeUmea brazen technique. Releued after completing 1i1 years of the two 1enttnets1 he attempted to re-enter Uie ..r.Jce In typical style, but pra- cedum ond Inell~ had-91i1iged In his 'aboloce ond be lllppoillip. ' Back IL Leavenworth, Brown spent 711 d111 for parole violaUon before being reJeued to vanlah Into .tree IOdety 11ain In 1966 and find a new k!enUty. "I had a lot ol Ume to think things over," be once aald durin1 an Interview, "ll was time to aet into a dlfferent Une of work. After ·all, I'm approachinl middle •·" He, Uke lbe Brown made famous in re- cent week!, chose medicine, Supervisors aL Pioneer Hospital In Downey flnall3 called In special~ts -the bidpc::IJ'TYl.nc brand -after a slran1e job appllclUon by mild-mannered Dr. JllCk It BroWn. Tbe ruume lncluded a document with the ...U.!orf<C( slgnaturo of Michael R. buuY, executive seeretary of the St.ate Bolrd of Nurstna Education and N11rtt ~on aod eucuted.. with Brown'• 11'1111 flllt. To -'" It might ""'?""'• Uie Beach Man Reported Killed in Viet War A lloDtlnctGo Beach m111 hu b<al ,._ ported killed io action In the Vietnam ..., by lhe Def-Deparlmenl Ind LL 'lbeodon R. Vlvllancqut, ""' al Mn.· MtrY &.oit, llflO C1111tron AYt., wu lllled amoac f7 U.S. aervlce- __ m<n_ knled..11..Lnlllil of boot1le ICtion ldonUfied Friday. I Beach Geologist Probes Origin of Moon Craters By RUDI NIEDZIELSKI 01 11M1 D•llY' '11•1 tl1ff Scientists have solved the green chetse probl ~m. But how about those craters on the moon'? Were they formed through the im- pact of huge meteorites or are !hey manilest.attons of past volcanic activity? The tt.IOluUon of this questfon may determine if man can live on the moon. There Is a geologist at Huntington Beach'• McOonndl DQuaW Advanced Reaeanh Laboratories wbo is willing to "bet anyone a beer" that lhe $0 pounds of rock which are scheduled to be brought bac~ from the Apolkl 11 mis!ion next Ju • ly will prove to be of volcanic origin. And If they artn't, he predicts that the chances for survival of our future astronauts on the lunar surface will be "lrivlal." 1 Dr. Jack Green. who has studied volcanic areas in all corners of the globe for many years, believes that much ot the moon'• topography l!u been shaped by volcanic events. EXPERIMENTING The lmpllcatlona of bis hypothelil 11<1 far ,..acl>lni, II be w correct In bit thlnlt· '"F.· •volcanlc dust, ror example. 11 very valuabh!," ·~ Dr. Green. "I\ fa very rich and cah be U9ld u .IOU to lf'OW food, pr<ivlded you have wa'tct. "It U.O """ides .-llent protection .,linlt rldtatlan or lnouwtloo opJnA Mat ar coid.11 Great, who bu . ._. condu~ ez. rertmenw 1n bit wborttory with TOJcanlc rocb colleeted oo urth, say1 1bout ..,. gallon of wattr ca.o be extracted from a cubic foot al ..ictnle rack, polntfn& the .. ., to luJllr ftrma which, <OUld IUll1ln life for uteoded period• ot time. "Volcanic clq does even bttttr thtn thl~" beconUnued. "And I thfnk we11 be able to distill about two gallont per cubic foot.from that m1terial,!' he lddtd. "Probably the eutffl WIY .. e could <oli.ct waler from the racks WU\ild be bi' turnln1, the su.n's rays agatnst them • • through use of a parabolic reflector. "Th 2n, when we have the capability nr putting a nuclt3.r reactor up there \VC could use the heat furnished by it lo distill the water. Just the waste heat alone of the reactor would be sufficient to get the water out o( the rock." SuUur, an abundant mineral in volcanic material: has bee:n on Gretn's mind late· ly too. He has already figured oufsevual uses for iL "Sulfur usually fonns In the subsurface of volcanic matertal1. We can melt It and use it al a lubricant, such as in turbines. Jn a liquid state we could u.st It u a cool1nt for atomic rtactors. or as a dressing Ould for minerals to separate them." Sulfur also lw tremendous possibilities as a ctment, according lo Green. who says that IL could be UHd as a bonding agent for volc1nJc pumice blocks that could be used to construct shelters. Lava tubes, created In the lunar topography by form er lava streams, could make eictllent shelters as well, and cou1d be sealed with sulfur, he says. NO PICNIC "Thele tubes art plentiful on earth,'' he added "and I think it would make an ezcellent lu.na.r u:erclse to try aealing one with IUlfur llKI see if il could strVe as 1 ahelter." Even If man CID live on the moon. Green cautions, lite on the lunar surface wouk! be no bed of ro&e.1. In fact, he says, It will 0. rllout Un Uvlng In the middle ol a dam. "lt11 be no plaU. I aultt't you. Thtrt'I nothln1 on the moon that'• aolng to make anythinj' easier. Unleu lt's movtn1 huvy tractors around. "l 1lso doubt that we wtll find any precious metals or minerals on the moon." he contlnutd. "You won't ftrwl anythl111 II oclUna: IS diamonds, allvtr or 1okl up there. And evtn tr you did, the _,..,ICI ol brlntJnc It btek lo earth would be Impossible. During the four yem the 42-year old . BETTING ON VOLCANOES Moon, Geologl1t G'"n lunar geo}Qgtst has been-warldnr--for tbe Advanced R~search Laboratory~ he has traveled to major vo lcanic .. craters -.11 over the world lo coiled · fact& about . . volcanou which would hive poulble ap- plications on the moon. Green ~Ill not be one ot., lhe fortunate few sclentllta: to receive aamples brou&bt hick on Ai>ollo D. His colleagues, l>ra. N~ N. Greenman and H. G, -Grau, will I« IOUM bf. the mal<l'la! ond .111 iayt 116 •ID rot bit hands on it IOOMI' or latii'. ~1 ' The two -. """ bolfevt lhoil Ill• crat.tra or. the moon havi~ ~ by the bombanfmtnt ol _,ta, .,.., amcog 110 llt:lenUlll in tewn toUJ11tlta scheci'Jled lo reCelve aamples. "I Just know' they'tt Coln( ,to find chloride depocl~ In 1'-raeu; wblch. would tend to lnd~lle Oiii they m ot. vok:anlc tf'icln. . .t i , "1111 be no picnic, I "!'ft you. 'lbere'1 II the craten did nol tum oat lo be of volcanic qln, the poalblllty ol w1.ter bcJni within the racks would be aboul nil, aa,n Grttn. Survival without wattr? Good luck! And, despite all the trouble, tti.- McVickers seem to be enjoying the wor~ and the anticipation of a summer's rest. "We named it the Haven because il 's a haven for us. After a winter of teaching school, we're ready," said McVlcker. • Beach ,'Knights' Collect Clothes For Viet Orphans Clothing to be sent to children In thl'ff Vietnam orphanages is being galbered b)"-· the Holy Spirit Council of Ute Knights o(. Columbus in Huntington Beach. The organlzatioo ts supporting a plea by u.e ,Rev. Father Brula, u. s. ArmY~• ChaJ>!!Ul a~ lo U. l'I lrilutrJ;r. Divi!liji fii tie' waf ...... . , , • .. .lo! Father Brula said the chlkJron'tj> clot~ing was "badly 1!<C<l!d*\~ ·1111'-Knl..ihlB o! Columbus 1ar1 · UJ1ctni ~ .-:i pie b~1{unUngton Bea:Ch t1nd r.::a.rbj g,rr( .. " ml\91!f<s to aid In reaci\lng a' goal: bvJ.la" l 30 <!' 1,000 p()unds ot cl;thlng. ·-r · If;• ,;.;., ~ . fl Mesa Snrtivor " li ' . .. In Crash · Sues .. · .. A CosUt M'eaa ma 1!bo -..S cUder c:ruh neai: ~ .... ,... . _., II million In a.,.,... !non• pilot who.ton<! bfa *-er.rt.. · . llooald Sanfo<d, 31,\lJ(.Qll A ....... Dale L. O'.Dill.'41.-~~~ wltlrnecJlcence In an,i<UOoi<>n"°6 in &aperior Oourt. ~ ~ai"" thal O ~--·uilty ., "wl«a.~l(!i,.• -uume J11•neuve:t1" ,, ~e (rankfort tlkler hit '"" - ' >Jto named u dtl<!xlonta In the~,.. aro Go<don Jensen, Earl C. M010ley, and Bob T. VMan. A~re lnwlved In the !•wing of the 111 y O'Dell '• Col•lt singlM:ngine airers I, lbe complJfilt alleges. \ . ·-----....,---,----------c-c--------------,-------------..,.-----------...,..-------------.., IC_..\, .. IMltY ,. .. lt.tl'I Molurists alon~ lnterstatt 65 near Co!IJmtius, Ind. were greeted by 21 tons of scantily clad brunettes - all 'on paper. The girls, 65,000 of them: were spread across the high. way when a truck loaded wiQt the centerfolds ·from· a popular mag,a .. zine was rammed by another truck. ·The centerfolds. (eaturing a skimp. ily dressed brµnette in a provoca- tive pose. were destined for Chi· cago and itkiusion in tbe eenter spread of Playboy Magazine. • Zoo officials at Mit1ot, N.D .• ~ are engaged i'ti a tame go_ose: chase. Some 2·1 tame {leese swam away fTO(R the Roosevelt Park too la.st month during the flqod- . ing on th( Souris River. T~t; ·"' geese have their win,{,s . clipped -and can't fly, Zoo officials (J.Te , asking Minot residnits to keep r their eyes open for wan4ering geese now that. the' floodwaters have receded. --,ar- The New Orleans City Council wted unanimously to repeal a 40· year-old city law prohibiting com· mercial-shoe shines on Sundays. ·City historian$ said the law was passed sometime in the 1920s but said there was no record of what prompted it. The law wasn't rigor· ously enforc~. • ,ftfts'. Ridh.ard !tf Ni.ton wa.f fii.tst of honor' at" a 'reception giuen by the T1iter11atio11al Club of \.Vashington. The First Lady, sums to be a bit dis· tracted as· site beQiins tp shake 'hands wit/~ ltfrs. Virl'}ite Octave Tevoedjre,, wife. of the n~i1~ister-counselor at ·the Embassy of DahQ1ney. • In White, S.D.. the lo wn'.s. 400 r esidents are girding for an expect- ed invasion of C9llege students to- day. Students ftom South Dakota S't ate University at· Brookings, a~out 15 miles northeast Jlf White, have brganized a "Whip to \Vbite." A 1spokesman for the students saia plSns are to drink beer, have a bon- fil'e, roast weiners, eat watermel· ori, play a fe\v games and leave. The affair is not being sponsored or p~moted by any official campus organization. Meet tlae People .D.REQc;l.NG •C-QNTINUES ON IR.YINE 'COMPANY PROJECT NEAR BAYSIDE ORlllE · · · · · W•terfront ·Housing DevelOph-tent Will Close' Another .Wln<(ow • ~ Rec Dir~ctot•'s View W at~rfro1itH'Ome To Close Another Windotv on Bay , Controversy Wo11't Harm . Valley Park Ac(p1isitions Ano:hcr window to the bay is being closed. / . The Irvine Company today has · By TERRY COVILLE Of ti. OlllY l"illlt Sl.-ff City p~rks in Fountain_ Va)l~y should emerge unscathed from the curtent con- troversy over Planned developm·eJJts, says S~anley Stdf'fotd, parks and ·r'ecrea· tion director . Fountain Valley , presently procures most of its park la?d' by waving the pla_n- ned development concept in front ctf· a builder in exchange for park ·dedicition in the form of money or land, explains Staf· ford . · · Critics of planned developments have recently called for sharp c;urbs ~n their use. and some have s~ested e~rqtne,lton of the concept in the city. · . . Controversy over Park ' la'Wd Jn the Larwin .Tract.debates helped launch the current recall movement against Mayor Robert sChwerdtfeger and Councilmen Donald Fregeau and ~ph COurff!_BtS.., Stafford says. ~·Ev~ryone w. a n ts parks," and p;Oints out that the Con· troverey iJi • t~e . Larwin deal was not abolit ·m~ktilg ~· p~~k .~rom .. Edison Co. lan,d, l;lut allo'!"~g JhC Urwin Co. t<l1 t4ke ~t fO,( Ja(l.d,i~t~qe~lt OWfl" 1, Piiinni!lg COIJllll!lsioa+r Carroll ·Mohr,. lil a · ~1arch meeting, ,told Planned development opponents that If -41\ey eliniinaled lhat co'ncept, they "'.duld .ef- fectively · eUmi~u1te · parks 1 in . tile .city, becaqse ~re· just wasn't enough_ money, "to buy Rarks land.'' SCHOOL , Pl\OPERTY S~affoid eiplalned ,that re q.u Iring devel'oP.ers to give nioney or 1and .f(N' parkS Will Saye the city about $2 inillkm . That figure iripludes money saved when the Fountain Vi.lley School District also agreeQ to allow the city .to develop parks on school.property where possible . The ·city's master plan of parks calls for 1.4 acres of par& for evS"y 1,000 residents·, 'says Staffor(ti ~· -· Buijdel'S'.'have a cbOlee of pfylng Jot fees Of •~OO per•tot;or jiving a p0rtion of land to tf}e.clty for a p8.rk. -. In the .planned development, I buifder can use tbe land be gives for a--park to averag-e .. the size of his lots to 7,200 squ.ate feet. • Thi.s syst~m allows the bililder to give 1nore, land for a park and still bUild more homes 'OIT his' acreage. ,\ ·recent planning CO!Jlmisslon rtoon1· mendatiorr sets a minimum IOt size of ' Ne1vpor( Beach city approval to move 6,o6o square feet in planned develop· ahead \\'ith a 12-lot waterfront housing ments, thereby limitit1g the number of project a!Ongsidc Bayside Drive in homes possible on a set piece of land. Corona del ?i1ar. Prevl.ou:Sly U-.e'.re waS ilo limit. . The ho1nes, to be built on OO·loot wide "It won't' affect our -park .acquisition," lots. \\'iii front a marina area being says ·Stafford. •iwe still have the planned dredged out between the Bah,ia Corin· dev~lopll}~t CQD~P.t and we can sti]I ask thian and Balboa yacht.clubs. . for the park .landr giving the builder City counciln1en ·cteared the way for SC1nlethlng in' re.tum." . the residential project this week by NO . TAXES rezoning the 12 lots from~ C·l (coin· 'F(>Ulltaio Valley residents enjdy the' en-merciall to R·l. viabf.e position of no~ -haVbig to pay taxes Planning com~issioners earlier had re- or bonds to aCJluire their park land. jected the Irvine Cpmpany's rezoning re- thanks to the park dedication system quest. Planners said the C·I use· would used. Other cities also have park dedica-helter serve the public by providing more tion o'rdinantes, but ~generally must ac-access to the harbor, and there would be · t f::wer traffic proble1ns. · q1un::, li:tnd or larg~r parks. . Councilmen, however. overruled the About $1.5 mliliQn wiU be expendqd by comnliSsion on the grounds that homes at the city over Uie next ten yea rS for park the site would generate less tfaffic, not maintenance. says Staffor.d. Ongin?I more, and that commercial developtnent estimated cost oj .parks 1n Fountain could block the view to a grea~r eJJtent Valley w11.s .H m\lhQn. -.-. -than would residences. About $500,000 was sliced from that The housing developrTient is 'part of the when a proposed te_en c~n.ter was dropped Irvine Company's over-al\ plan for the and the ,ot.h~r $2 million was saved area. It includes:constructfon ·or Scores · or thrqUgli, ~r~iprt.on ·park land wiU1 new boat slips and rearrangement of ex· tp~ $CHOol$ .a9.<r.1n plapne.d deve'IQP.rnents. isting piers. They will be used by the , The debate 1s over, builders and wha\ ypcht clubs on either Side of the dredged land they· can use to their· CTedl\,"'·staf~ area fot(I exJ)lai~. "''not ovef the city ac-Oii~ citizen, D~Je \Vollner 'or 219 '33rd q~~ring parks." . . St.. asked counciln1en riot ·10 ·allow ariy "'.e,ext>t<:t·.~ coottnue with what \\'e building at fhe waterfront site. He· said feel 1s a def1n1te benefit to the people of the city should purchase the land to leave J+'ountai,n ·Valley in ou~ park acquisition the view of the bay.open. · program," he concluded. "How are we going lo get the.money'!'" Entertainers Set for Pageant Program highlights of Saturday night's Mi~ Westminster Beauty Pageant will include the "now sound" of the Open Fist quartet from Westminster High School and a performance by Randy Kemner and The Starltghters. · · Stephen McAndrews, star or the l.(ing Beach Civic Llgnt Opera, will serve as master of ceremonies for the: pageant whi ch begins at 8:30 p.m. on the new Westminster Civic Center Mall. Fifteen young Westminster ladies are imlered In the annual contest. Specia l awards for "Ml.o;s Friendship" and "Miss Pers_onality" will be announced. asked Councilman Howard Rogers .. "It's no problem to get the money here," said Willner. "The people would vote for it." "lf you wrlte out a chec k." said Coun- ciln1an Robert Shelton, "we'll be happy to buy it." "f might take you up on that," said Wollner, returning to his seat. Street Guar~s Sought Short·lerm summer jobs arc available in Fountain Valley as crossing guards at three Fountain· valley elementary schools. . . Work Is available for about t"'o hours ~fonday through Friday from June 23 to July 25. Hourly wage is $1.92 for posillons near Nieblas, Allen an'cl Monroe sChools. Applications are being accepted now in the personnel department at city hall, 10200 Slater Ave, DAILY 'IL~ e1, " .. ,, ·Business "Booms / . . Iii· Harbor , . Area • . • 81,ARTUUR R, VINSEL ; --• l ot1ftll o.IW-...... tt-tr ' .. • Buibiesa II boOmlng in 1Jit·ll&J1iot Area and ol)OOld \XNl~lnue to Inc~,, 1!a! 1>a!ed on ! ' ~ I cornpar1tlve .1~ ,taK figureti CompUt.d . by th• Firlif National Bank o1 ()range .. CWnlY: · .: ' • •\ ;:-. ' ' . , ..Ret.all sa)i;s Shot up .23., percent '9ver the '1967 J¢11brquarter per~jlt' ,Gosti 'M~sa laSt' .year, whJJe NeWport Beach trailed >Alth· a IM;ill-healthy 13.t percent. Sales. tax, fitµr t:i rele~ la.st month by the State Board bf 'E(iu8.1Jiation allow· ed baiilt officia!J to comi)ute '.the' rate of lncre~, ;ann~lic~ed in the institution 's ne-.v ~.arterly Busfues~ Review . 1 Sales , inc re a~ N;Sulttng specifically, from clOthing ,'f# arid'serv\ces pushed the Costa Mesa-New~· Bea<ih sales rates cothi>ldely 'over· the county's 18.~ percent aVerage. "11 • . . ., ~ . "What lllfse figw:es sugg~s~ 'is 'that ., .• J.h<;re.~a.!.been a grf.'~ !mplicl by local merchants tn attractlng'a'larger ·share.of the local a.rl?'a's ov~rall consumer bu.ving pqwer ;" ~nker.s l)Ctect. · • · · \Vhat thls TneanS is tilQt QtlY n1ajor shopping centers developed In the Past two or three years are keepln.x more Green PO\ver in Uie Hlrbor Arc·a. The incr~ased buy ing-at·home :rend should continue, accordjng tn econon1ic an alysts at the First Natio11al Ba:ik uf Orange County, but could chJ11ge. "The factors that are likely to cnuse such are a possible change in con5ur:ier spending patterns. Jncreased mobility of tamilies or a higher local re!itlency tuinoi.:er," they say. The per capita taxable retail sales figure for Costa Mesa 1vas .$~.680. last year. up from $1.175 !n 1!160, while Newport Beach figures for that period Bal Isle Plans Officers Honor are '2.9*1 compared to Sl.830. they said. .Rew_>eetive lncttasea in total fourth q__uan.-taxable re.ta!l sales J:Mt yc.ar. COmft'red _to 1960 were 3~7.~ perceca iB1 Costa Mesa and 198.3 percent in Newport Beach. 1' \ The number of shoPll l!ind stores -hl.IJ nalur~lly growµ 8'I the Harbor Area ha1 expanded, with·J.742 listed in C°"'a ~~t!fa1 la~. year compared to 873 eight yeart earlier. Newport Beach now ll3J J .333 11ur.ll sa les.J)Utlets, compared to 813 .in 1960. ac. cording to the bank's busines.s re;port, which also gives a qua11crly es!ima1ed- Harbor Area populaticin. · . ~ newesl ecUtlon !llailcs Costa ~fesa'• he'adOpunt at 73,750 \X!r'..OOS ,. while Newport Beach has an e:ttinulted 44,20!) residents as of April . Hearing t>ue On Revoki"1g • Sauna License A public hearing Monday nl'ht, wiU glve Huntington Beach resJderi~ a chance to speak out on the possible rev_ocatiOn of the business license of the ExeaaUve Salon Sauna Parlor, 17434· Beach Bl~d.1 where three masseuses were afrestea last nionth on charges o! soliciting lewd acts. . OOuncilmen will he.at arguments J6r and agaJnst the sauna beginning at 7:30 p:m .. dur'ing the regular councfl meeting. The three masseuse.s...were arrested.ear-· Jy on the morning of April 17 -by Hun• tington Beach .detective&. following a two- week undercover investigation of ac· tivities at the sauna: · Schediiled for jury ttlal May 24 in Wat Orange County Municipal Court are• Patricia Mae Shelton, 27, of 7791 Slat·er The 15' Newport Beach policemen who Ave .. and Christine Lois LeMa!ters, 21,· tn the last year have patrolled Balboa of 607 11th St., both of Huntington Bacch i Island will be guests of the colony's and Betty Jean Costello, 19, of Long· citizens at a special luncheon May 28. Beach. · Newport City Manager H.a r v e.y The three women enfered innocent Hurlburt. Police Chief Jim Glavas and pleas in court on May 9, -followini lwn the 15 officers will attend the noon event delays while an unsuccessful demurrer · a( the Village Inn restaurarit on .th~ was. filf!d claiming the charges (If island. sol\CJting lewd acts brought 'aiainst tliem :rhe event is sponiored · by ·Balboa were legally incorrect •.. Island reSidents who want to sh-Ow their \Vhen police raided the sauna par.tor, appreciation for the patrolmen's work v.hera Costello and Shelton were ar· over t.he past year, according .to ~ rest~d1, Jher ,flilso ... ~cate~~~J~aedlf senlat1ve Jack Scudder. ti1 ,1 !1J 1· ~r"C!gi'aphJ~"ll~ature and sOme, closed 1 Amons the organizers or the 1. ·· ~ ~ ... ~ t televuJon equipm~n~. · . are ' S®dder. Village Inn owner See ~ plr~ t,;levilion ~ut~nt Usedom and \Villiam LaP\ante,.pres~., • -. ~ ·. hooked up to ~iri~rrs overl°"'ln,g of the Balboa Island Imptovemenl • · t:1e stalls where maSsages. were a:iven, Association. police ~aid. owners of the earlpr sal,d'the . equipment was merely to k~p an eye on : Valley Library Remains Closed Patrons of the Fountain Valley library wlll have lo wait until May 24 to use the facilities again . The building is currently closed for recarpeting of the old section of the library. Librarian Ron Rice said workmen will be bu,y until May 24 laying new carpet in that part o! the' building. "If we can get the work finished faster, we will re-open sooner," he added. The library closed Tuesday night. The first section of the Fountain Valley library was opened in 1964. It's capacity was recentl y dOub!ed with the addition of more rooms. Books will be stored crated unt'il workmen car.pct proj~ct. in boxes complete and the the glr.Js while they were working. -.. · Police have not flied any. charge! ' aga'iruil the S&Uf\B. parlor b>ncernlng the ~ confiscated matetial, but. 'hiv.e iaktd . state and city authorities to ~ider suspending the parlor's ll~nses. · Mondy night the cOuncil will con!ider appropriate ation on the parJOr's buSine.ss• license following the public hearing. . ' ' ... Dr. Rafferty Aide To Talk ·in La·gun~ Collier McDermon, Southern, California 1, assistant tO Dr. , Max Rafferty ata\e superintendent of schools, will ~k·at 1 1 2 p.m. meeting Monday of the Women's · Republlcan Club, Federated, Laguna Beach. · .Area school admJnistrators and bo4rd members have been invit ed to hear the ' speaker in the Laguna Beach Woinan'1 1 Clubhouse. preletl as a t'eader 11ervice it I pass the lt·ord along today. Nun's Irish: Smiling Is the Hong l(ong needle slinger another impossible dream? Anybody can buy a 899 1uit for S99, el·eu when it's called a $200 suilo lland taiJoring is <Nile an· other mailer. It isn't jwt the difference between stJtChing 90 a &ewing machine and 1ti1ching "·ith a band held nee. By JANICE BERMAN Of "'-011IY ,!IOI St•ff Sister Mary Vianney sat serenely in cne of the" little wooden desks at the county coorthouse Passport a n d . . NaturaHzatiOn Office :ind trief to .c.~· centrate ·Oil c tbe· loog "'hite gownment fom;i she ·was filling out. l Her pnly, ~al oh neryous~ was her hesitation over the space markrd • _ DAILY ,II.OT If~/ l'llltl SISTER MARY VIANNEY BECOMES U.S. CITIZEN A"f LAST Jude• Drelren Doos the Honors In lltl1ted Ceremony I ·' "birthplace. 11 ''You were born in Ireland. remem- ber?" said the Woman sitting next to her. Sister Mary Vianny giggled. T'lle nun, a second grade teocher at St. John the Baptist School, Costa ~fesa, \.\'<JS about to become .an' Americvn citizen . The ceremony came a \\;eek lull?. Sister 1.fary Vianney "'as SU!>l>iJscd to be sworn in last week in a group naturolizatu:.n ceren1or'1)', but there was a sli;>-up "They had to sen<t n1y fil"gcrprint:> lo Wa!!hin~an. bul they gol all s1nudg~1" she explained. prononnc;113 smudged "smoodged" In her sort Trish brlli;t:Ue. The piece of pa.per ;he IV!lS lilli~ Ol!t \Yas a passport applica!io;1 ror a long· awaited month's vacation in lreland In June. She: said she wanted to g.> ba·ck to see Iler family as an ,\mer.can citizen. because "there al'f! !IO '1lany n1les being made to keep the Irish from leaving the coontry: So few peOpie.are being lllowtd out. I wanted to nµkt .i\U't .l 1i1ot back.·' Sbe said she would have had to wa!I sL..: nlonthS for lhe next grou p of nJtturnlirt'tf cllize,ns to 1 be sworn in. and !Ilea $he wouldn't nave been ~bJe t1> go back to lreland as a citizen. At last. rorm compleit!d. Sister Mnry Vlanney ltld her friends -parent.~ Alid students from St. John'J -wr.nt to the chamhf:rs of Superior Coltrt Jut/go Samuel Drt lzen. AJ lfhe WA1t«t, s"ie ~0:~~1~is:y ::e~~~h:h;a~1~ rescrvt for a child throwlng er:iderl. ~---f _ Some men drean1 about girls, a pe1·fectly beal1l1y pastime. Other meu practice fanta11y in a1tother kind of drean1. l't"11 tbe one ationl holv lo huy a S200 cul!tont lailored t.uit {or C99. ,.elly good ,dleant, eh? \"\7ell, lrait until you 01>cn your eyes. Ute tJ1eu1 to loOk ., the April issue of 'Consumer Bulletin, publiohed by Con· enruers Re1earcb. Page 36 ear- rics an intere11ting warning. When you're offe~I ·• suit n1ade i11 lions Kong, the in1· plication i1 that the fabric ia ohtai~'ed in a f~ port, !O yOu 1lon't ~~,·e lo pay ally d11ty· pn it. The "'ealines1 in lhat.line Of r~:isoning is lhlt~ if ;rou intend 'to -wear. the 1ui1 iii the ti~~., al 1101ul'! point it has to P•&• through U.S. cuol01"'· Rcgardle1~ of what yon ruay l>e tolil. n10.&t of the higher v•·iced l1brica olterell in lloll!I Kont•re made In Japan. This isn't · neces1Arily ·1 crltiel1m. . ----·- The Jj!pa11ue are tuming out dJe. The American or Europe-1 &ouie excellent 1ui1ing fah_rir.9 au tailor sbapee .the cloth by lheee day1. What is ohjecliod-· pre1slng with a hand iron a1 able is claiming that fcl>ri cs he 11i1che1. It'• a taboriou1 are lt'oven i11 England or 11.-ly ' task. He pressee, then ·11itchee. if Ibey aren't. Presses then 1lithltea. A:'nd so The ,idea of a cu11toni . t•i· on. The anit hold1 '"Its tba-pe lored auit tound1 1ppeali11g, for keep1. but lhe term canie1 no wu... There's no auch thing at a ance of quality. ,Uudenbom' completely hand tailored '°"it "can be cn•10u1 tailored. Relu· .today. The labor cost would he geet in Hong Kong can run a prohibitive. What we can· give . sewing machine·. you, at SlSO to S~6S, 11 a TI10 Attorney General of •nit hand tailored 1~ es>entlal New York S1a1e bu reporten poinu of the cbeot, ollouldor an incru1inf number of com· and armhole. ' · ' pWnto, ,especially of non.de-A 1nit 1h1t yo'a e&ll't .bny livery af&er par.ment has been anyw.here in' the wOrlJ!.-f~r ~ made, Perhaps it can be inter· '!baa r,ou can'~uy ft !ro,a "'' ' ,,. t ' ·Jack Bidwell 3467 Vii Udo 11 Ne'wport Blvd., 'In No~ort Ilea h next 10 Richard11 Market and The Lido Theater. Plenty of free p1rki"11 in the rear.. Phone 67$4)il0. Copyrish• 1969, J1ck Bidwell. ·. -~ "" . . . I - ·~ • ..., 11, 1"' X" --·= and Pew · • . ,. ble lea~ to be-blll'd • tbt OW.-C!llli4d ti the &mda)' In 1111 IMllilo --...., of Ille .... will dlurcheo In the.,... spealr II 1'1111 ...... c;111ra , -. tt JP1 'eh YdlJ 8uDdlJ SOuth La1una a-lllOl'Dlnl· ~ GllhlD , Winifred Palmer, wbo wrltea <l>alnnU of Ille chardl boanl underlbanameolWlollred wm -.... 'p.m. 'trlae, wtll .p<ak lo Iba ww1l>ip boor. U • t t a r I e 1 • Uahwlllllt .. ~ <JI Luuno Beall • l'lrl!lloflplCllllnll of-&mdily lllOl1)lnloo-lh<au6ject ..,.._..,...m llnldltll:a . (i ber -"Father Serra aild a.m. service II Poek'a Cllapel, the Blrtll <i Cali!oiola.. 71111 Bola, ,._....... and Tbe meeting win. be be!of al· the 11 a.111. oorvlce al tbe 10:30 a.m. II W Acacia St., ~ ~ llb and Lq\Ula --Tbe ...,...ai -·-~ Bead!. public la IDv!ted. &mda)' The II<•. 'trWla J . Loar will ocbool la held at Ille AIM ~ "II Life Latting Yw bour. Dowll?i" • -1a·~ of -~--J &mdily -wm ........ I .. ~ -•. -~ w at the downlowl! ._.Ion al benefll movie ohowinp at the 1•311 am. SOulb Cout Theater will be 'Eved. -al' Ille - ocreeoed May 27. lncludo· a Taloal -· -.~~-lo the~,!! TbeAllnualP'aoillyPicnic<i The e. ~Andrew ' r 'day, 7 p.m. al Ille Pm,..,._ w11:1 ......,., , ,....,...,._\. .. TempleledlDayldofOl'ange .iv;V. ~~~.~nee-Room aDd mother Clmd · &mdaJ ' wtll . '1e Ille· ~, Ii beb(g.hoilfod by the . Andenoa, pu1or ol ~ ""~ t>Onquet, r r 1da1 .• R<v. We81ey w. llun'bi, wl\9 BrotherlioDdr Bundiy, 10::111 P-~ ~ and 1:10 pm. Tlckela 1o< Ibo ben- has been attending ·the annual a.m. lo !:311 · p.m. at Ille Rooald froa, lay delepte cjuOt mUll be 'reserved by ron.venlionof1bellltemaUonal Ga rden Grove P-a ri , will repraent , thei r con-. Wedne«'1,1.. Chun:h of the F-Westminster Aven .. , Garden grqatlon ·11 lbe Nlnlh Annual Oospel In Moline, lllinola. Tbe Gn>ft. Tbe plcOlc ls open lo Coowmlcn <i the S o u I h Jl<v, Murrin will speak In Ille temple memben and lbeir Paclflc DIJtrlcl ol I h e 11 a.m. and 7 p.m...llUYices. guestr. Feµ: ipform1tloo, phone American Lutheran Church,' Motben will be i-ed u Rod Collen aUIH917, ar Jacl< May 2MI at Ille Disneyland the men ol lhe chun:h prepare Freednian at 01-. Hotel, Anaheim. and aerve a dinner for church memben and gueats Thursday "l\IMUis and lmmorlals" ls Dr. Davld wanac<. II'°' In Ille'· ~/bill Charles' Fin-Ille subject of this week'• Bi· fesaor of Blhllcal theolOIY at e ''A r e Co~ferences Necessary?" b the sermon lo~ this week al ~mally Coqnpllaoal Cllllta, 111 Hellolrope Ave., Corooa del Mar •. Dr. Phlllp G. Murray (See. PllLPIT, Page II • . Rtllltr CW.I Dave Wilkerson, whose youth rallies won the $5,000 community serv- ice award from Disney- land, spoke to nearly 8,000 people at bis 42nd consecutive youth rally at the Anaheim Convan- tion center last Monday. Sile~t Sig~ of Faitfi Serv,ices for Deaf Catching O~ ' Edltor'I Nott -TM11 ar• Ma/ and 1ome crre alao ,MKtt, bMt it dotfft't 1top ~ from ooiKo ~ cA"rch. .lfilllmn ... Ago fo!lf1IGQ< -''pot'try in. acUon" -ot their SKada11 anvicel • LOIJlB\'IJ.U, Ky. (AP~ ' . -Wllh no,.. nytni,, 111e ..... pqallon ..... a fervent •bymo. But not a -11 fiNrd. U· copl Ille lillrt llUlf1lliirlnl <i a few chlldren. , I 'IVbeo tho \nln)lter riles .. lad a prayer, DO ODe bows hiJ head. These wonhlppen can't Sook. dawn bec1111ae lbey must -lo Wldentand. All hut tho mli¥'ler and Children aro deaf BJjd mott ol the deaf also are mute . "I am not sure when I 1et uv Id preac:h no SUnday morn- ings thlt eve'ry one un- dentandJ me," says the Rev. Joe Buckner, who preaches with hil hands every ~ to about 30 deaf personi and their hearing childreO at the Fourth Avenue Baptist chureh. The congregation is one of thnt In Louilville whose meml!en are deal. "One problem " Ille dll· llcully <i working w 1th abstract ldeu, ~· the Rev. Buclmer explalna . ''Tab the doctrlnt. al tbe Jrinity, for ex· ample. Jt ii very hard a\ first tor • deaf person to un-'ilOntand Ille concept o I '.father, Son al Holy Gboll' In lien laquaae ... Al Ille S... Buckner'• "'"""" a mtmhtr of the .,...,..au.. ...Wly leada Ille llng1n& of hymns. • 'S i,g n languap, which ls Ille main ~ay at commmicatlng: for the deaf,· can be as beautiful and poetic u ballet." the minister -.. "Poetry lb ldion'' ls the way Father Gerald Timmel ~ stp, language. He uses it al least once each month to minister to a con- gregation of about 50 du( persons at the Roman Cllhollc Sacred Heart church. Father Tlmmell, who speaks simultaneously with ai . his service (or the bene~ hearing persons, said all of his congregation can read signs "and tome can read lips." He rllrlber described tho sign 1.tftcutae u v e r y "craphlc IDd, earthy ... Al an example, Father Tlln· 10t1 pve the word ·"mllk." It ii made b7 pumping your lilt \ up and down U il mll.tio& I cow. Coffee is a erlndina mo- tion ; tea is shown by dipping an Imaginary bag, and bread1 is repraented by one'• kfr -held as I loof wb!Jt tho right moves as a knife slicing. Some of Ille sI&na dilp1ay a ~le drama. The one for. Chrbt Is a diylhmic but pntle touch of the middle lln(er lo each, palm lo r~ · the ati&mata. Hollil.fl!aynard, pa114>r lo :IS II the Churc)t qi ChriJI lot the Deal, estimates there are about 1,500 algns in the stan- dard American vocabulary. while only about 500 of them . are uaed in oonnal con- 1 veraaUon. Maynard said many, gestures and fa c 11 l ex· preWOWI are """Ual lo the sign vocabulary to. amplify: and vary signs. "And anything we want to (See SILENT, Pqa I) :-,OR.ANG:E COAST CHURCH Dl·RECTORY I -'· ' ,-• • ' ' -• -' ' -. l:l.°pe~ING FOR· MEANING " RELEV A~E? .tAt1tvt&W . BAP11ST CHURCH IA ... C.I [' , Folmow · Rd. At Fair Dr .. Costa -. 'J AM.-Chui'clt School 10 A.Al..,.-Wonhlp ... }· ·~··· .......... , ....... ....., ....... } ,..... ......... Ca 1"11 141-4611 . jtf4UOR TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH ,. ·~ 1111· ................ e.-..... =.,. . .... c..-..... ...... Scllool 1:'5 a.m. Mornln1 Worahlp '11:111 a.m. Tl'alDfq Untnn I p.m. Eventnc oervlce 7 p.m. 1fedllitda1. J11b1a ltlldJ. 4o Prayer ........... 7:111 p.m. ARST SOuTHERN BAPTIST CHURcH 6N HAMILTON. COSTA MIU. < . SuMlay SchM1 •••••• , t :45 Momln9 Worship •• , • 11 :00 ,._ MJ..t111 Tr•h1l11t U11la11 • , •••• ••• 6=00 &a11htt Wo"hip •••••••• 7:00 WM. &.11!119 SoMu •• , , 7:00 --A- . UNIVERSITY BAPTIST a.v+ USJ S. L PAUl~movlefh IUtlDA't K~IA~~.~~~.~.~.-... '1lf1rf!!'A.M. MOlllllH WOltllftP ...... ,............... 11 A.M. IVl!l'IH WOl:IMIP ............................. ••••· J P.M, MRtWillW s•rta. WIDMDOAT ............... , Jill•• ....... AdM. ,.__. ow. ......,,.....,, . FlllT" I , IAPT1ST CHUlCH .. _ . ..., FIRS!,.~RISl;IAN ofll:lRtH Victoria & Placentia Ave. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE C~URCHES IUNCHD Ofl THI MontD CHUICH THI Pim CHUICH Ofl CHlllT, ICllNflP IN IOSTON. MASSACHUS1111 "MORTALS AND IMMORTAU" Subjeci of Lesson -May 18 Costa Mffa -Flrlt Church of Chrlot, Sclenllst , ............... c... .... ~ Sell••• t :1 I .... . a-di Swrlt• 11 .... . --nlO_Y ... ,,.. , Hunttngton Buch-First Church of Christ, Scientist 110 °"" Qwdi I ....., S.•111 t :JO I 11 :00 ........ .._..,. °"" · Laguna Beach -First Church of Chrllt, Sclenllst ,, ...... "· -. a..A • S-..,-S.•111 tsJI I 11:00 ~ ............ tMhmtA.,., , Newport Boach-·flrlt Church of Chrlot, Scientist IJOJ wt. 'Lil. '' · CW-. I,.._,. ichel t :ll I i1 :00 ........... JJ11 'fllo UM ·Newport l!Hch&cond Church of Chrlot, Scientist 1100 P«tfk Ylew Dr., CM'MMI .. ... =l~k...,_, ..... . l..,..._H6J L C.-Hwr. AD are eordtllt:f° Invited to attend the church 1ervlcea and enjoy the privileges of the Reading RoolDI QIN C.. .......... AT AU. SOYICD --· 17411 ••• ,. ... -~· ,f ................ Costa Mesa _L......, •·:.t.~~,. ~~~~~E;~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~ ............................ , l 1Wa.$. I . •Y School , ••• t:l,1 &11 iitt Wo"hlp •• till Ir 11 142·2421 ~~:::;;::::.::~:::; CHURCH OF CHRIST ,...,. · · '·· , •• · · ·• · '·· · · · 1 •~ . 217 W. WILSO!io ST. COSTA MESA Nuraery care Provided ii MMm 141-4M1 llTWllN HAbOI _, PAllYllW 1~:;:;:;;;:;;;::;:;;;::;:;;~~~~· ·~~~~~~~~111 SUNDAY MORN IN& lllLE Jl.UOY • , , •.• , •...• , ,, , t :4S AM f SUNDAY MORNIN& WOllSl;llP I COMMUNION •• 10:41 AM l orlRST CHRl.STIAN . """"' oHh nilly Wonl SU~OAY r,lf~ING WORSHJI' ................... ,,oo '·"· r NEWPORT UNITY ' WEO!"ISDAY tvlttlNG l llLE STUDY •••••••••• ,, • 7iJO PM CHURCH NUISHY CAii rlOYJDID 1 •I ' CHURCH -o 11~ .. ,._ , ... """' 1in &: Ad1m1 Streets II ~ Huntington le1ch .... D. "*-....... "-a• ....... M.......---7--• ' lltfi I lrthto, Nowpoti lt•ch ntl"f Wor1hlp · C5erllllr c:m-lllfln!lll 1:45 A.M. Svl'!d.., School 10:00 A.M. D•.,.otional Sorvlc• OFFIC:l1 JOO W, CO.I Hlthwey, N.I . • ' j • ' • • • • l:JI lr·ll:OIAM • Scheol •• , ••••• t i45 AM th &,.u,1 ••••••• 6:00 PM Ing Wo"hlp • , ••• 7:00 PM ,..., ..... -w,c.-111.-. ca ... ''OYtdlilli .t 1• MN'- : -... .. OC.l D• ltl • llilt511 ""'""' .... 111 CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE • ".....,. hKlt ~QwllllfUll-~ .......... ~ ........ SUMDAV' SIAVIC• -~ •• 11 '-M Mlnlltw , • .,. A!Mrf ................ . alU,,fTN QtA .. IL or.,.. C-1 YMCA. ,_..U!IMWilt)' Or. GO AHEADI SLEEP IN SUNDAY MORNING! :· .............. 1:1 ............... ' CALVARY CHAPEL ' I . --·-NJWPoRT lfARd LUTHEllAN CHUlCH I ... c..erw.........,..,. ..... onei.u...~~ ............... . ~~~~. , ....... ~.,......"' I· I MUJ:d· r ' • 646-9512 . ' . ' ' . --MATTHEW LUTHERAN CHURCH Phone: 541-5711 Day or Night ..... hllblng The Pbn of Cod TM Pe"°" of 0-l'bl: Tho ,_, ol the Holy Sp! Scmdiy School t AM C MomltlJ Wonhlp t ind 10:30 1<J4 EWtll111 SeM'OI 7 PM '""'"4fy 1 11119 S!Wy and ,,.,_ 7 PM ' ~ ct11rtn1 Knica AlulYnotlll'lognm • On. of.,,..... •ncl 231d. SI;~. eo.u Mesa ' ,. P_,, H. L JONI; ~ Mbr. • -Q;.,j,... '• RELIGIOUS SCjl~Cl 420,1ott1 St., Hut1+l11t"ci lo-~ ., fh•no 116·2120; A41I I Yo,!lfti S~l1~ .r . tll 100 A.M-. [ • ·-,.,.,., ... ,-. COMMUNITY .CONGRfGATIONAl • 611 HELIOTROPE , W~10:11A.M. ClilNll l .. 101 lO:OI A.M • ~or,,,....,..,,...,..,,........, Ml9' ... .,.., ,,...,, o.c.a. 673-4000 .S.ffllllloDay jclYellflst Chlfthes ~,t· '. ·-.--m.. , ...... ,. ...... .. . J ... ..._-..... _ . ._. __ _ . .... ....... ~1.. . inf• ...... -........ ....... ..._, • , .. ., ~M AM ~ L R.W.0ti, P•1t.r ~ ............... ,, 11111'.AM _tf Ph-1 4•2·ltJI ~ .............. ,.t ill AM --· ... -> ...... __ .. 1111tAll ' THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Welcomes You. ST. JAMU. 3Jtt Ya. LIJM, N..,_ .._. S..-, s.ntc.-7:JO, ttOO, 11:00 T ...... 10:JO-,...,..., l:ff p.a Hafy l1s• .. l ...... s.nt.rs IMtw, ............... P • ......,. II: Alie., Tle I~. Dnld er..p Phone: 67U210 . . ST. MICHAEL £ ALL ANGELS Pacific View Dr. at Marguerite, Corona del Mar Sundays: 8:00, 9:30 -Child Care at 9:30 Holy Days as announced All 1U w.rc- ltector, 1\e 1 ......... l.,..n DM-,.__ ~J ST. JOHN THE DIVINE, 2043 Orange Ave .. C.M. Sundays 7:30 & 9:30 Church School -9:30 Thursdays: 6:30 & IO a.m.; Holy Days as announced "'-· n.an.,,...w . .,.......,._,. ... 141-1126 EPISCOPAL ST. WILFRID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH ... ''· ., a.ooi .._ -.......... ,,.,. ...... MMH1I -..G.~ "" ""· '-c. Ct)ly, .... Sunday S.rvicn ''" .l.M. M9fY c__... ••• A.JI. P•mlfJ lfr'tkl a OWdl 11• P,M. ._, , ICll091 11• PM. 11~1 . 111• A.Mo Mtntllll W;enfilll , y._ OWdllM9 "'""' care •IWNlf • Flnt Assemblv of God Church 146 E. 22nd St .. Costa Mo.a ~761 M. C. Cronic, Pa1tor Ray Nick11on, Minl1t•t of Youth SCHIDULI OJ SllVICIS S1•1 CHl"Cil kltool ••••••••••••••••••••• , , . t :311 •. -. ,....,., w.._ .......... 11:.11 ..... 1r 1:00 , ... Church Choir -Sh•ril P1ul1•n, Diroctor Yhlton W.tc.IM -N....., A~ STA.Tl UCINSD PU-SCHOOL-Pal WllH--. D!Nctw ... ... : '45·232l HARBOR REFORM TEMPLE m"ting •t a St. Jim .. Epiacop1I Church 3:209 Vi• LN:lo, Newport lM1ch · SABBATH SERVICES -REUGIOUS SCHOOL: 11tA••1 ••M L•IHOW ,011 IN,OAMATION1 CALL Uw+D GLAD TIDIN~S ASSEMBLY OF GOD 15th & Monrovia, Newport Beach I 'Ii 11.U Wnt ef H ... H_,ltml 641·61JO ., l46°7H6 fltlmu .. n"ftl!lltl, '•IW lOM M~lw. Mnkltt IMt9dW ,,45 A.M_......, kkol, •llfMfJ Clh for ftWf tien'k• • 10:11 A.M-""llle T.., .. of ~tio11" 501111011 by P11lor 7:00 P.M-tt..,. D .Aldeftnoll G1te1t S,...., Cklr Sf11t1 ....... S.llffy Serrkn M ... 7:JI P.M-C.tMte ,....... M.tt ........... J760 Wo4. l:JI P.M-M ._ T ...... hneHI Wll 1 •hit Pr..,or M•1tl119, S1turdi1J t :JO A.M HARBOR ASSEMIL Y OF GOD 740 W. Wiison, Costa MoH Y. L HllTWICI, ,._.., CAIL M -. 14M704 MW• tf SUNDAY SERVICES t:41 A.M.-s.Mt" Sc-.. ei-tor.e1"'" \,01H A.M. -"'#ht W• hUne" M .. 4 ': Ser-...,, ...... 'l 1MP.M.-YMtti s.ntc. 7:00 P.M. -"Wntf .. " -.. -COSTA MESA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL ,.,...... -•a..--"'\,........, -c• c.. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH H4t ,...._ A•. "._, I M1111llll. POUWTAIN YA9JY UNIFIED SlltYICE • Su"'•Y School t :JO-WO.ltSHIP • I O Wimltlp I Yo11th &ro11p• • 6:JO p.111. N11rMry !'1'"'119' ot •II 1•r'l'lco1 .. (""""""'""' a-e11 -~ N'I ....,. ........ - • ,.. _ fMif1Hf'I ~I . -.......... UNMRSITY PARK SCHOOL tfft,,.,. .. U111"rtftr ,.,._ PR -.y FOR PEACE to; '"" AM,L ' II.. ....... • .... , ••• - I J l -· Newport Harbor Lutheran Church 2501 CUii Dr. LI M293 ................. ,...., ....... -.. .. ---.... .__ ...... ,,..,, .. ""' ......., ldlMI ...... t:U-11:41 .... .... larvko .... 111•11:• Nursery care -1vailable 1t all services WELCOME Lutheran Church of the Master 2900 Paclllc View Dr. CORONA DEL MAii DR. WILLIAM R. ILLER Phone OR s.5022 1:45 A.M.-f••ily Wonhl, t :41 A.M.-s.M.., Clt•rd ...... 11 100 .A.M.-F•tfl"• WonhT, N__,l'Mltl CHRIST LUTHlllAN CHURCH Missouri Synod 7'8 Vlctort. St., C..t• Mna Lothllr v. Tornow, ,..,.,. 141 ltM ......... ltftolc:in1 1111 & U A.M. ...., ..._, ti• 4& MUn ..... C.-1 t:lll A.Mo CHllmAN IUMINTAIY SCHOOL MUIU PRINCE OF PEACE LUTH!RAN ICHURCH· M•s• V•rd• DrJ.,.o. & lakor Str•ot, Cott• Maw. C:.fff~ ANPllll!W C. AMOllllSOM, ,..... ' Mornlntf~'"' ~ca·l''!~Jl :OI ,..,,...lclloill: t:at":••n• Prl"c• ilf '••c• Lftf,,..n Scflool ·ll.i.. ·Ml1t~hthtit OllGft, PrfricfP•I· Offlco Phono1 54t.Ol21 ' 'School "'01101 S4•.ctl6t" w. 1.n • .,., 111 Yo• ..• UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH 1219 Victoria St., Co•f• Mo1a 646-4652 Slllld1n 10:311 /VA. Attend the church of your choice on Sun.day A Cordial Welcome from THE UNITED MHHODIST CHURCH l•rlio• l1l•ntl Hu11ti119!011 loacft-Hotili COMMUNITY MITHODIST CHURCH 115 At•t. 675-0950 1;15 Informal Worship t :JO Tr1dltion•I Worthip COMMUNITY MnHODIST CHURCH 6662 H•il A.,.,,. .142M61 Wenhlp I Church Sr.h .. I 9 I IO:JO AM I Sund•y School Cott• M•1• FIRST UNITID MITHODIST. CHURCH 19th St I Hatbflf' 11 ... d. lr1111-E1d lluff UNIVERSITY METHODIST CHURCH WorJiip •••• t :JO AM llJ0 12lJ M1•tln9 tempor•rily 111 Wor1hip & Church School •:10 & II AM 541°7127 St. M•rk Pr•1byforl•11 Church E:11tbluff Dr. I J1mb•t•• Rd. Co1ta M11• N1rth l•.,,n• l1•ch MISA YllDI MITHODIST CHURCH LAGUNA liACH MnHODIST CHURCH 21•12 w • .r.., Dt i. Mew Vtrde & l•k•r St, 549°2719 Wouhlp I Churr.h School t100 & 10:10 AM So. l•9un• Worthi p t :lO & 11 AM Church School ·9:10 AM 499.1011 Ho11ti ........ looch H•wpotf lear.lt FIRST UNITED MITHODIST CHURCH 2721 17fli $t ••••• SJ6.J.IJ7 S•rvluo& -t :lO I 11 •.m. N11rsofy thrv 2nd 9rod• • 11, Chlft'dt Scffol -t rlO o.M. CHRIST CHURCH IY THI SIA 1.400 w .•• , .... llff. 6JJ.JID5 Wor1hlp & Ch11rch Scho•I t I IO:JO A.M. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES of the Coastal Areas • Christ Chwcll Pretbvterlu ', lt11J M 1 •• 1 .... .,_, ...i...-.... ... ......... __ _ ....., ......,, till AM a.9 ..._.t 11'4S A.M. .,..._ Ill W It. ,._. t6MMI ~~tC~.~-~cll~ef~the~C~o~ff~nan~~t;--~~ - -isoo, c.;,,, . ...;. l nteo A. ~.m.. Patt°' ...... W....., • a..tl ldeel1 f'IJO -p.i11 MMIN St. A11thw'1 ~ c• ... ..... -----·. CHAll.D " .. " .... ....._ iiiiali .. , • / w-•--:Lt:llf~lfMI': · .• "' .. TI41 ; s O:s ,~ C011111il1111ty ~yterla11 ciliirCl; 411 ...., A._ r• M It.I, W,.. .._. .! DALI.Al TUltNll. PUTOI 'J" • W....., • l t)I & ll:tl A.M-a..ti ...... • t:tt A.M. 4,..,,,, .... ~-. • .. .. . " w -• '* Pulpit I a nil Pew \ ' (Continued from Page C) w\11 preach at 10 a . m . servJces. Olild care a n d church school are also held at 10 a.n1 . Cbarcb of t.bt Crossroads will hold servk:es at Pacl!ic View· Chapel, Newport Beach, Sunday, 10:30 a.m. Dr. Vin· cent 'Gott.uso will preach "Faith Is Not Shrinking Back\" Child care is provlded. Sunjjay school meets 1t 1,45 a.m. Early rooming w ors h I p begins at 8:30 each Sunday at Com ma•lt y PrtsbyWU. Cbllf"dl in Laguna. This week Pastor Dallas R. Turner will speak on "Your First ~femory." His topic al 10 a.m. service will be "Help Heal the Sick." • Costa· ~1esa and Newport Beach Jehovah Wltne11 - overseers have announced Ute JntetnaUonjll Convention of Jehovah 's Wilnesses to be held thil SU{nmet in Los Ang_eles July 14!20. Roy Swanson and Calvin Och$ner will help in the rooming work that will be organized to canvass the area. "Rooms will be needed this summer when thousands or delegates from ,mo,t of. the 1 United Stales .3nd foi"elgn countries.will be streaming in- to Los Angeles," Swanson ex- plained. Communion services are slated at 8 and 9:30 a.m. Sun- day at SL ~fiehatl'1 and All Angels' ~piseopal Cburcb, • 3233 Pacific View Drivt, Corona del Mar. Pastor ·John Rogers Davis will speak on the "Meaning of Ascension." Dur- ing •thel 9;30 .hour the UnUed Thank Offering will be presented and the acolytes in training .wilt . be installed and given crpsses. Addressing the 11 a.in. worship scn'icc, Dr. P. G. Neumann will preach "The Only Sure Thing Today" at First Baptist Church, 301 Magnolia, Costa Mesa . Youth Minister H a r o Id Anderson will speak at the 7 o'clock evening service. Resurrectioa Lu t II e r a n Church,. 9812 Hamilton. Hun· tington Beach, will h o I d wo11hip, acrvicea S.unday at 8 af14 IO;~ a.m. Sunda,y.,&ehool meets al 9 a.m. as does the adult discussion group. Ttiis week Pastor Arthur R. Tingley \viii speak on "A Directive for a Balanced Life," at both worship hours. Lutheran Youth council will hold a picnic at O'Neil Park Sunday, 2.to 8 p.n1 . A spcCial luncheon was held for Pastor Tingley last y,·eck in honor of his 25th an- niversaey of ordination. Pastor Tingley and Jay delegate Dr. James ~1ason \Viii aUend .the Pac l f i c Soulh\vest Synod or t h e Ldtlieran Church convention filay 19-Z2 : Central Bible Church of Costa ~tesa will host the twe.ive-member drama team of Biola College in a presen- tation entitled, ''Revolt at the Portals'' sUnday. 7 p.m. The play y,·ill be presented across the street from Central Bible Church in the multi- purpqsc room of Lindberg School on the corner of 23rd Street and· 01·angc A venue in Costa Mesa. The Rev. G.· Rus~ll Sh aw. pastor of the First United ftieUtodlst Cburcb, 2721 Seven· teenlh St.. Huntington Beach. will begin a series o f BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL GUIDE e . . MATTRESS.ES • MATTRESSES 110.\Ti;I . llCJ'.\ms · TltArt.ERS ll'T"Pf'll•r Sh•~ Qi"t• l\tesa Mattre•• ~. t l&O N~ 81¥d· Liberty 8-1303 messages based • on t h e Sermon on the Mount Sunday. The Sll'tllOll loplc foe '110 two WOfSblp slrviC<!S II 9:30 and 11 a.m. will be ''The Joyous Llfe." ten· two sacred Jau oratorios en Revelalloo and The LOtd's Praye.r, wrote this sacred Easter cecnposltion for F1dlh Lu(heran Church on their celebration of the Resur- rection. tie wilJ accompany the chorus. is entitled "The Meao1,nc or Ille Local Cburch." • •• 'Suo'day ICbool at Ctlvory llllpUsJ Church sla(li it ,1,45 a.m. ly LOUIS C.USELS "the world wW 'malle you oaf. blr1!1. In 'only -cl 111o _, Jesus one< obotrvtd thal "fl fer." 11 aJao le dlrtCtt1 <t1ttrary por1bla<lld fuuo •ialt al a Baptism will b e ad· "Put Out Into the Deep ': ls the subject or the .sermon at Harbor CllrbUu CMrdl, ~ ,_ h d 1 . h 1'erbepo Ille I '1• ate It to tliO teachlri( of J<IUI: He' lnd!Vldual llllol to ·hefl. 4111 11 very ar or a rJC -~an to spiritual danaer o1 PfOl!lperlty warned men re p ea l ~ I y that Individual wu a rk:b 19111 enler the kingdom of Maven.·~ is that it tenrR to harden a1aln1t belna: aeU-rigbteoul, who had no _,mpathy rot • It is clear from the conlext human hearts qaln1l the Jud&nttntal~ UnsttLve.to beQ'1' w.ho 1tarved lo,_-lh minlstertd during both hours. Church school meets al 9:30 a.m. •lib claaea for 1U~afe1. The. 11· Lm. cburcb acbPol ls Umlted to "uniry • llnuah """1dlflde.• Tho Sov. Qr. H e n r y meeitiil! at Harper f:lltJllen- CerJ>ard, · mlnlater of Ute WY School, ta E~lth ~(., !Apu ~ -Cllllreb ol CO.ta M..a. &inda ecbiiol llOll.i..i Sci-, 200U mee at · t :45 a. : Ond t..quna Can,Y"' Road. will worship ii at 10~ f· · Dr. D.t that the remark wa,s not needs of .others. • . , ~ ~ ~ ~ • t_ at ,hii p~e. , • ~t as a Condeinnatlcn of How many tftnes late!Y have•i'~~~~··~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~iiijif rich men. It ., .. a "'m!nCl 'l'oll lloord a person of com-Ii\ " NOWI Tllo n Sllowf The United Melbodlll M<11 wW~ 'lltur9do)' ....tng, T, o'ddck. for dinner.. Nennan Worthy, of the City Parks ,Commlssion, wW -k. pre,ch a ~ "'Ille Way to W. McElroy 1s the r, Freeaam." Su'nday services ·- are he~ at 9 a.m. aftd 11 a.m. "What 'Ha · oed te Saint Burinc ttie 9 o'clock service, Cbristoptler"~ (M sermon bah)' Clift il provided. Junior topic chosen by P a a t o r ASC<l!Siontlde spring ! n • ' eburdl ancf• lite, hip school . Thomas Ray for the It a.m. gathering of the United Tbank-groUp .atao meet at this' hour. wonhlp setvtce =:t at Offering of the ll(amen « the Th tt r 11 d a y lectures are Central ~ I/. church will be pttSenied et sponsored by the chur:ch in Hulinl'ID Bqcll, 7 t tO the 9·30 am family com-L.c..lsure World and are open to Warner Avenue. Pr l m ~ r_y munioli at si. j• CM OMDe lbe •public.. They are held in ~ur~?fia held at 1bis :nme for Ept5COPl;I Cbtttb 2043 Orange Cltlbhouse Two at 10 a.m. kindergartners ~throu&h third. A Costr M ' iradtts a~ nursery care ls ve., esa: nie 51).volce· Prhtee. or Peace provided for infanls during JlJI Classes ro~all ,ages, nursery 'Day School Choir will climax chlirch· services. ~ through _higti school, art held the )'ear's. activitle!I with a Sunday ~h(lol<ts .heJd at 1:45 at~1;'=~ will be or-final concert 'scheduled for a.T. ~lth classes,!~ all ages. _ fered at 7:30 a'.m. Youth of the 1:30 • p.m., Friday In the t Cou~try style or Western church meet at 7 p.m. with church sanctuary, comer of garb. wtll be ~ order of the Col. Ciampa, director. Baker Street and Mesa Verde evening' when the adull1_ of Drive, Costa Mesa. Centfal Baptist get together at that affluence hu enmnous ~!# m..eans expreu the , , · ~ po,wer to--dl.ti"ad .... -.. ...... uilt poOi~people could . s~--~--....... Dk- love ol Cod· and love ol make U toQ, II they'd onlJ Id Ii) ,..,,-V •Clot W- netghbo . · . • off lbtlr lazy bottoms ..ia 10 · 'I , 11 ~: "SAit, WM~ ANYONE WHO doubts the to _k, MESA TttUTRI ' trull} of that statement abouki TO DEPICT poverty aa justl-;;;;;::;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:; take • lood hard ~ at co:n-puCtisbment for shiftleS:Sne!S ls11 tel!lporaty America. a b~ judgment sharply During the put 10 years, ln· contradicted ,by au Utat social comes have aoa,r<d to ille 8Cieqlllls have dllcovtrtd In hi&beSt level In hiatocr. Even recent years 1tbout the han· a middle-income ~ dJcape: which bear upon the family today enjoyJ Jmurie1 poor-from the 'very hour of b.<)'Ond thj> dreams of the Caesars. , ~ pu~ as living.standardi bavt , gQne up, church attendance .. has gone d\Mn. ·P&stor-s -• detect, .espelcally a m; o n,g yOung · people, a · l(OWing dl!Jni'resl' bi rellgtooa C)l!OS- tlonil: -1a "who .needf Go$!?" atUtude. 1• ' •. ,., ' I can wh!p any ap°hls who ever cllmbecl a bUlh HOME-SAFE BURGLAR · ALARM EVERY 9 .ECONDS A BURGLAR STRIKlS: . ' .. -'· ,• .. The Rev. Roger 0 . • ... The choir composed of 3rd the church for M outdoor Betsworth will be preaching al tlirough 6th ~aders from barbecue Friday, 7 p.m. both the 9 and 10:30 Services Prince of Peace ~1 . and - t C .1 v • 1 1 , .1 \oca:J:ubllc schools. will sing a The congregation ·or F I r s I ~ M'IJ'IY raetors doubi-19 ~.re involved \n this lumirlg aWay. But eal,Y-come,_easy.gojnoney certainly II one of them. A mealy bug, I terrorize. ThriPI and ants and scale and ·inalls can't possibly out:. run me. I ruthlessly kJll 'em. 1 U bup are bothering ,you. I ma'am, I'll be your cham-, pion and scuttle 'em for you. I IS YOUR HOME: .. NEXt! ;~ a . ommun1y i"' • 1 __ , t ·nd· Ch {I • v· · !\f Uiodl 1 CbUrcb '66fi.2 llc.11 var1 . Y. o sac1t:1.1, s~u ar a_ ris an Churc .. 1 m 1clona ~ -s . -' h ThC palr1¢1c nu1nbers ·tnclud1ng St., Costa Mesa. will hear ~\e., H~nhngton ~.c ' selections from "Sound of Pastor James E. f>icrcy ~1tlc o! hlS .;ermon is A Bal m Music" and ··carousel." preach ''The Blessings o( the 1n Gilead." Church school . . classes for all ages and Profesa1o~al recordin gs _of Trinity" at 8:30 and 10 :4i ~nl. nursery care for the very th~ repertoire for th': year w11\ \vorship services . Dr. Norman V. Hope,.. pro- ~ssor or church history at Princeton · Theological\ Seminary, Prjnctton, N.J., say.11 that lea.ming how to hlln·' die prosperity has been a dif· ficult task for Cbristlans in every age. lie adds that RdWELL'S . GARDIN PUT t.ONTIOl I bale pelll In Newport Beadi, Cos'8 ~eu, Corvaa del Mir, Lipa• •PllORe :646.()458 young are also available at be on sale th~ ~ve~1ng of the During the 7 p.m. ''espcr both hours. Youth membership concert-. .A?~1ss.1on is fr ee :i-nd hour, Dua ne ~1orris w i 11 classes will be received into the pubhe is 1nv1ted to attend. present a program on Sierra 1he church at the close of the Christian ft1en 's Retr e at problem "hi! never beenn. J~========== more acute than it is iq, first service. The First United l\ltlbodist scheduled for May 28-30. Church, 420 W. 19th St .. The choirs or the fi ve Lutheran Churches of Hun- tington _Beach will combine for a concert on Sunday, 7 p.m, at King of Glory Lutheran Church, 17791 Newland St., Huntington Beach. The 70 ,·oice choir under the direction of Lloyd D'll!lelson w i I 1 present work!'" by Gordon Young, David Williams and others. Featured in the con- cert will be composer Mark Davidson's recent work . "Art Thou A King," based on lhe dialogue between Christ and Pantius Pilate. Davidson, who has also writ- SILENT.~. (Contin utd from Page 4) Costa Mesa, will ho Id ··The Desire for Worship" is duplicate worship services at !he sermon subject slated for 9:30 and 11 a.m. with 1hc Rev. Sunday at Mesa Verde Unlt:;d James Ledgerwood preaching, !\1ethodlst Cbun:h, 1701 B::i.ker ''Keep the Failh, Bab~:· SL. Costa Mesa. The Re v. Nursery and church school .Joseph ~1cShane will preach for all .ages are hcl•I at the · at 9 and 10:30 morning same hour. Youth Fcllo\vs hip M'rviccs. 1nceLs at 6:30 pin. and you11i: adult group conve ne s at 8: I~ p.m. Communion \\·ill be celebrated at both th e 8: 15 and 11 a.m. services Sunday al Christ 'Lutheran Chruch, 760 Vietorii, Costa Mesa. The· Rev. Lothar Tornow preaches "If You Confess Chri st'' al both services. The Rev, Norn1an L. Bro11'n 1vill deli ver an address on ' · St r e n gt h ror Every Emergency '' at P I y mouth Congregational Church of Newport Harbor. 3262 Broad St., Newpprt Beach, Sunday, 10 a.m. Sunday school and babysit- ting services are available at the same time. Spe.iking on the subj~ "A Changed Heart," Dr. William R. Eller wi\I preach at 6:45 <tnd 11 a.11i. servires fnr say UJat has no sign can be Lulbcran . Churc~ of the spelled out in the manual l\1nster. 2900 Pacific Vic1o.· At the 11 a.n1. hour the 1ncmbe'rs of the' clghlh grade graduqling c!a!ls of Chrl!t Lutheran Day School y,·ill be confil'lJled as communica nl men1bcrs of U1e church. . . alphabet," he said. H.ud.Y Atwood, pianisl of the Drive, Corona del Mar. In his sermon each Sunday. Old Fashioned Revival !lour. The church 1\'ill hold a Maynard says he follows will be featured in an evening reception for 1969 confirmants "basic English grammar." of 1nusic at the Calvary Bap· Thursday evening. The adull "But there still is a lot of list Church, 8'l8l Garfield fellowship will consider the acting out and miming. lf l Ave., lluntington Beach, 7:30 topic "Change and Its Effect was to preach on lhe crucifix-p.m. Friday. Upon the Church" at their Fri· ion, ro( instance. I might ii-Sunday the 11 a.n1. worshiJl day night potluck supper. America~ society today." ONE OF the pitfalls <1! af- Ouence, he ' says. is the temptation lo regard your pro- sperity as the well-deserved fruit or your own labor and in- genuity. · Th is atlitude, says Prof. Hope, is wanting in gratitude tt nc1 humility. It rails t01 11ckno1vlcdge the large ·partl lllnycd in any man's success: by h;ippy accidents. by the\ help or others, and above all, by God:given talents and op- portunities. • A VARIATION -equally prideful -is the vieW that wealth is a gift from God in reward for superior virtue. Actually, Christian teaching offers no encouragement for lhc notk>n that goodness leads to prosperit~. ·A blame\eM life of love and service led Jesus through trials arid troubles lo an agqnizing death on the cross. And Jesus plainly \varn- ed his disciRles. at t\is last supper with them, that if they 11•ere really true lo his way, 'Good . News' Rally Slated lustrate Jesus on the cross service will feature a mes.s age Or. Eller and layman Walter with my arms outstretched . by Pastor, James Dolin en· Buchterkirchen will attend the along wittt a painful ex-titled "Preparation for Bat-eighth annual convention or pression on my face,·• thr tle .·· This message is a 1.'Qn-the Pacific Southwest Synod of The Orange Coast Chapt£r pastor said. linuation of the series on the the Lutheran Church in of the Good News Clubs, .a "Facial express ions are a Book of Joshua. The n1css:1ge America in Los Angeles begin-chlldren·s home Bib\Ue 5ludy very important part of co in-in the 6 p.m. evenin g service ning fitonday. · group, will hold a. ra Y· at 10 niunicating with th e deaf,·· he a.m. today at Costa t.1esa added, "because \vhen you Park. 570 W. 18th St. give the sign for 'happy' you H b R £ T } The clubs. part of the really have to look happy and 131• Of' e ·of'f}} efllp e t n te r n a l ion a I Chi Id !or 'sad,' you have to look · . E,.ngelism Feilowsh;p, are sad." non-denominational and meet Grammar. however, Is Pl F• 'S h ' once a week ln the homes of most1y 1ack;n1 1rom ,;1n an s . ll'Sl 3VOUS members. language and the deal person All children an<i th e I r has to fill in the blanks where parents are welcome to attend articles and other words arc The •1arbor Rc!orm Tcinple nf '-fr. and Mrs. Kurt Kup-the rally, which will feature left out. '"ill celebrate its first Shavous fcrsnan is concert mistress of the Open Air Campaigi\ers a'.nd . One advantage to this aspect with Uic confirmation of Newport Harbor •·ligh School various prizes · to Good News of the language, however. is orche stra v.•hcre she is a Clubs. It Is suggested that Karen Kupferman and \V Uey h t b 1 bl k t t 't that sermons usually ru~ , sop omore. gues s r ng an es o s1 on. s hor t er, the Rev. Buckner Greiner on Friday, 8:30 p.m. \\'iley Greiner. eldest so n of For more information, call noted. Sha vous ct1mmcmorates the ~Ir. and ~1rs. Leona rd Greinrr 612-2133. How else does the particular giving of the Ten C-Om-:it tends Costa Mesa ll igh ;:==========::;! language of the deaf afrcct the mandments to the Jewish pcl>-School where he works on the HAPPY · serv ice? pie. Confirmation is t h f.' news paper. Very li ttle. the ministers culmination of the student's f ollow ing the Shavous-Con-H•"• • h • II II Y w,,.w.c1, · i St•rt it by r••clin1 th• WUK· said. Father Timmel says the formal religious training. f rmatlon services the parents ENDElit In th• DAILY ,ILOT only real change for Catholics , _ _::K=":.:':::"::K~u:pf:•:rm::•:"·:d:•:u:g:h':':' =w=ill:h:°':'::•n=O=ne=g=Sh:•:b:b:•':· =======:::::~==='! is in the conlession, which has I to be race to face instead of through lhe customary screen. He added. "When the ~fass was chan1ed from Latin to the ve~cular, special permission was required from Rorpe so that it could be given in sign language -the vernacular for the deaf." Maynard noted that one limitation in preaching .to the deaf Is the fact that "many ol them do not have as much Don't miss our brand new model that'tells it like it is: ,. SPOT GOLF SYsBM We ""•" "T• u,.. for you $49.95 & A SCREWD.RIVER $ All THE GOLF BALLS YOU CAN HIT FOR This Burglar Al•rm System can be Install .. ' throughout your harrM In I••• then an hour ualna ! . . .., an t;)rdinary 1cr,1wdriv1r. · PROTECTS YO~R BO/lfE ~ .. .. Ol'EN DAILY 10 to 10 Evonl"'I• 2 hr Limit DRIFTWOOD Driving Range. lltwMn luch &. O.l1w1r1 en M•m• · ttu;!"!.,fN · 536-9146 ' •. " . ' L , fto ...,., I ...,., ,, ,q; ~ -·. ,.. See Tftlr:•S••tem. Now At . . . ' . Rion WES:rCL!FP f'LAZA · HAR·DWAR~ ' ' . 1024' IRVINE AVE., NEWPORT BEACH . . ,42 '.1133 ··· ' .· WANT .QITIUST ON TOUB BA.Nit . CHECUNG 'ACCOUNT! • YOU CANtT GBT IT BUI' WJTB PACJli'IC'S SWITCH 'N SAVE ACCOUNT . . . You an do alml!ll ••~II ., btpl!'I 1 lot Im llllllJ 11 your all1dcinl 111• • ·1 lot·mo11 in your Pacific &" P " !~~ · Aacount 1nil Nitdli111 .0.V back and for:th 11 oflln • fll la • ' ' I t I I ' I ' ......... ' ' ' ., .. every dollar earn• everr dat It.I• la ' ' J'••r Paollle Aeeoant-nea lor~ .... ¥1· Ill .. \•PI 'lti:Jllls ·-z iJn 't tfslr .C ,,. .... •1111 11 *"""'' •-au • • •n• ma. · · • ..... .,.. ........ , •• 1'1(• ... -" ... ..,,..,.., ................ ., .... ·~ e UPHOLSTERY e religious t r a I n Ing and ;;,._....;;;.....;;.;.. ____ ,I background as h e a r I n g THE TODAY HOME Meu Upholstery Liberty 8-4781 .... _.. ..... persorui ." He said some ex· pre.ssions, therefore, required much lengthier ~planatlon, where normally s y m b o I s 1 menUon of characters and other Biblical references would do. ··avm flemoriol Jlork Th• Soulhland's Most Bea11tiful Mtmori11ls Ao'tA U$Oll UM • CClUMIA~IU."I • c.~nm TREES of the WORLD • • • , with indoor-outdoor enclosed . ~ yatd for the ultimate in comfort arid enjafmelit. ~ Today and every day. @SANDPOINT& Dfr"""O dlrftll-: THI S."41 AM ,rtl•ty \o NtwpOrt l 11dl '""'"' l 11111h Oft Wtw~ lt•ell ,,....., !ti Mac;Artr>ur l l't'lf, •~ft •l'lt tolkiw t l111•,.,, ()I iak1 S.11 Dllto ''"'11"1)' 10 11'1.tof"'l•HI ••LI. 41r" •M '' llOflh tollowkll! ,1,,.., s..wiop01n11 h lli onic.: 1'141 ~11 • •, • , , • -• 1 -.v- • f;oinment Page • • " " ter 100 Days, Qil Continues to Belch Forth I I 'lack Muck StilZ _Laps . • a~ta Barbara's Coost . ;f Sp<dal to th< DAILY .PILOT P'rom th< Sallla11arbara N,,.,.p,,., : b no em In lliC)ll)l;. Santo Barblra baa been oolved. l tit po!Mlon crim bol puied Ila llllllh Even some local sn>UJll 11111 media .v. ' --to ~ the ..... 1on1 -ol • !:rude oil conUn11e1 lo llow Into Ille contaminaUoo from aeaword, or Imply dilnnel waton lrGm -In the ocan -thal puhllcalloo of the lada b a • ._Union OD C..'1 Platform A, ~lo Ille community. miles oil Saala Barl>ara'• -.Moll ol tlle community, "'-vtf· coo- led -. Unueo lo )>e 1nce....i over the pollution ilt started with an oil well blowout. on problem. ~ plaUorm Jan. 21. and all eftorta to 11 started Jan.'28 when an oil well blew _.., the un\Senea eruption have failed oUt on a Union OiJ Co. plalfonn about fi'h 11ritz Sprin&mann, public r<latklM miles ott Sarita Barblra. l!!an"B" foe Ualon Oil, w11o baa ,_tect In 1011 clays, a quarter ol a million cijmpany -to the pres ~-pllom•of-enide-ollapewed Into the c!Ja1> I!!!"' the blowout, &aid: ncl, accordlq to Union Oil Co. eetimalel. ,,,.What can you aay after J.00 days? The other independent 1'lltU'Cben put the iliine thing I &aid 111 c1ay1 qo: I wish the figure al 10 tlmee thal amoanl. thing would al<p. .. ~ A. All..,, ,....rc11 opeci•IDI at ~al ReeelrCh Corp.. wbo has lltimated the rate of. now of oil into the a.-1 by wbal he llYI ore rellable ~ llYI thal about J,2!0,0llO litlJcm o1 crude oil ban ealered Ille ,.. .. ,.,. :O'* 11 ooo-.1lly .a-thin the ....,. __ llprtlllluedal •• aallll by Ualoa Oil Co. and lam by !Ille! u.s. Geor.p.1 llonoy. Biii Alim ~,; ... ~·:::.. .. m::: :di ~Oft arrt puamuent qeney. ':!us ~Tll TBB eurnnt llow Ill lllioul .......... a clOJ « _.. 'IAlllo-..... the dwmel Jul -t ililth -pllolocrapber lllct ~ :.~ pbotol and a -~ ol the"""' around the platform ljd aloag Ibo -· Smith, wllo has ~ -Ille -often, eald: ~t"I _, lullJ-n.s to ... u much '!!I u I -am.ad Ibo olfeJ>ljin( plat· ml the ...... -Santo ml the Rlncoo. Sllcb varying Oiica-lrom a thin film lo heavy --1n-ow1trcmlhe all Ibo way to Goleta ml -ill Ille way down to below Carplnleria liach." 't gJ tn vary!na tbktaw ! I Wll eominC ~ ,_, ol lhe -below Sanla ......,8mllbald.Wcrm. ...... - debrla ml ~ or l\XIJ'hc with -Eu1h moving equ!P' wae _.ttng on several beaches Ga-lolhe-. th said larp pooll of oil and badly sand ...,.. -high above Ille Udo line at Fernald PolDL Stalm ol -..... oC" aD aloag Carpinteria -the standard Oil pier Ill ClrplDl<rla lheft -e booV)' ol c:rocle oil In .... around the THE OFFENDING WEIL WU olauod with cement oo mldnigbt Feb. 17, 'anil!cr four days everyooe thought t h 1 nlctmwe ftl over. But 611.'Feb. U 'the ecean bottom broke _, at ..-al placeo aJoo& llUll Una ml the sea blnled black, linl around Ibo plallorm and jben over an iocreulnilY vast ma. Almolt every part of the l,toO ~--ml Ila beacllel- .-ily got a -al the helvy oil. r.-mld·Febnwy to ear1Y llm<b the oil -.upword lrom the -oil aanda Into the ocean al IO bamla ar .. Rm1a 1 d11, depending on whether one aceepled Ualon 00'•~..Umale or that of Allen, the G<oeral Retearcb otall ........... After· that· it eased back to lea than half that rate -20 or 200 barrell a d1Y, again depending 00 the llOlll'Ce cited. Tbll ts tbe cmrent rate or apill. Allen eetlmales that by today, sv, million gallons ot oil have flowed un- conlrolled into the clwlll<I, and the upword IPlll coalimiee. , His estimates are build'" on a system that be say1 was deviled in the 1tudy or [iftriolll oil ll[llUs. The tblcbess of oil on the wata del,ernlina lll 'color, and by oboet•hll the ........ the col« ol the oil from the, air, the amou;nt of. oil on the -cu be computed "1111 comlderal>ll -. Alie• said. By oboervin( the ~ dllly ;-it can be determined bow uiill"WW Oil enters the waters ln 24 houri, according lo Aile•'• formula. MAli1I'. A'ITEMPTll were made to plui the leakl bul none worked, and elforll to llop the flow fll oil intO the channel were •bondooed -. ago. Uniaa 001now hi confining il.5 efforts lo trapping u much oil u possible in metal hoodl ml plastic CIQOPiel placed over the loots. The oil Is then chanoeled lnlo pipelines for transml.ioo to IUallatioM In Veolllra Coualy. Unloo Oil decllnel to ,J7110M THE RINCON to Sanla oay boJr much oil 11 heq preveatod lrom -·· -aid, • .,,,.. ""'"1111to.the_by __ pela&lc blnll In llCbL No 11111 It !i mo picking up as much oil as the wat.n .-r « olflbor<, pomible lrGm the IU!face with lkimmlng Sloogb bad a coollnl ol oil on equl-l tho wata, the lint obeerved by the How much damqe the oil has done lo NMl'rm sinoe the lint c1aya ol the fish and marine wildlife ii undelennined, oplll." , and boa noted lively d<bole. ~ kinds Roc::U along the Southern Pacific of fish came through well; olhen are u-al Sandyland ,.... belnl delned g-or -y d<pleted. by a cmr wllh ~ -. The deplelloo may bave boeo, at leaat 'J1-rocb are rt&trV01ra for bundredl in part. the result of heavy January iLDJlons of heavy crude oil-from the flood.I wbicb washed much silt, fruh firlNaya ol the spill, Smith Aid. waler ml debril Into the channel. .., "llnta Barbara Harbor 1 o o k • d 'l"boill.IOda of birds died, despite ain- U..Sally dirty1" hi aakl. "Oll ln larp liderable eff<l'tl to clean the oll off them awlm was seen all OYll' the mrface of at 11\'eral staliom ltt up by Union OU wM'· 'and the State Fllh and Ga m e ~ residue Ooated away from the Department. driqeootlaD•-lleoch. Thedredi• 0TBE SURVIVAL RATE appean to be WM pickln& up -land that looll2d IJiiher !ban In pr<ViOUI llmlJor diaaatera, U blact-u tm" -1 wu tpewlng it out in-such as the Torrey Canyon mesa, but at In the °""'" .,_ the -·" be.'11 the birds thal llll'Vlved the cbemlcll RI said that from Santa Barbara to cleanup did not exceed 20 perttnl And Galtota there was little oU on the water. many -perhaps most -of the con· ""' llW a small herd of Celifomia lta tamlnated birds died wit.bout havina been ti~ on --Ille beacbea," be said. · -~ -w brollll>l lo a cleaning centa. •'SenraJ Docks al. birds could be &eeD ta MOit marine bioJogi.!t& are withholding the water. Gulls, loons and srebel were eslime• of dam141:e to marine vegeta -~ renl" "-U~ ml wlldlile, partlculorly reg1rding if i'?VEY of beacbea Ibis -In--tmn efllecla. Several lhldla are in Iba! clllly a llaht -ol oil ~ to del«mlDe what the pollution ... -.. --at CorJ*illlla,...... -will do>-to the li'1n& .. -. with helvter -• few clayl .... • monl. SlllliJOd oil WU lllill ccmlllg -. On the dwmel beac:hee, utending IO .. Miramar -beach, .... dark milel '""" Polnl Cooe<pctoo to Por\ ci<lltil be1n Huenem.._ Unloo Oil baa hundreds of men ol oil ml Ugbl ...,.. 1 at work dally cleaning off the tarry m'"' .., the ......... Ude. ·-~ and -c- ---beadl -WU fromlhll-•~ .. _utbollllll>IMlnmor. Tba helvy crude baa been .........i lloaoll la f-of Ibo liar Monte ln>m the sand eicept for Clll•nlili<s -.,.iie c11ao, wllh Glib' omall covered by oew sand brought In by 1Url ., _......,oil 11KJ91n1 lo wtlh ~:"'~ oll -11111cn dilly -' ' • 7 -bore aloag lhe llllarelllle. , :Ra'l--all-wublac up on And no -bu made MY altemJ>I yet 8llllt. biweva. Lett dirt lo dale up tbe sand and rocb ol '"'· .1~Jfijiin, .............. dirt pablol. ai...a lalmm thal COl!llltui.° ·u:; .. ----lhe lllP ---ol the Santa Barbor• .......... lbol, -movlnC OlallliL ..... '!'I .. ~ oal much of Ibo -of lhe 7111 -In the Santa ......... 1-m, other -• ·11ar11an lladJar etlD await the cleanup " " ...... beach. -11'*111 Oil baa qned lo PIJ' for. 111111 ti 11111 -..., 11111 ..-Mo -111n a~ to remove the bllct a I ' • 1 W -. ml the -oil -1111 bull 111'111 he hon that the ....... ,_ ... -..... "'oil ... ol lt bal --from the ···---... -.......... SOI'!;. .... .:""..::".::..~· SANTA IARl.\MNI, _,,hlle, are 111 Cttl• Beoc11. bu1 hioo...t lbal Interior ~ Wiiia ~-,,_.-·-· ==~~~: --II ..a Into Ila fourth lodenl wattn of tht chlnnol. ....... -..... llnJ that 11 .. ,,,,, ... --lhll • e w. • lllil -~ ordlnd by Rlckol are In· ___ ., ~ --the -~to,_._ that on well drill· ........ _ ........... about tbo Jill" oafo lo Ibo_.,. fault.I botlonl, ............... , .. ,,."I" .. 1"'Jl!lent' "lie Bala--· ( • I DESPITE SCRUBllNGS, ROCKS ALONG SANTA BARBARA COASTLINE SHOW BLACKNISS LEFT BY OIL SEEPAGE MALE WORLD No Campus Sa .fe From Female Invasion By Hl!LEN II. llllAFFER F<Ulortal -..... lleporll One of the last bastions of male n- clusiveness -the private men's college of liberal arts -is succumbing to an in-. flux of female !tudenta. Women's col· leges also are moving toward coeduca- tion. But the trend there is lea signifi- cant than the colla))lle ol the one-.sa ideal in the male enclave. Tbe wcmen's colleges came tnlo u- -In the linl plac:t largely because gtr1J Wtre either refused admi•ion or liftll only grudging """"' to male-~led fa~ ol blgber eclucaUoo. The women's lnltitutiona have never stood 10 firmly u the men'• against coexistence of the sexes on a single cam- pus. Their boepitallty to rnale laculty, lor example, has been in sharp contrast to the minlscule showing of female scholars on men's college faculties . Ma I e presidents of women's colleges are not unusual. A woman beading a men 's col· lege is unthinkable. A CHANGEOVER. to coeducation ap- pears to pruent mere problems of ad· justment at men's than at women's col- leges. On the at.her hand. the latter are leu likely to uperience the avalanche of appllcatioos from the ~le 1ex that deec:ended on leading men 1 collegea after they announced the fateful decision • More than 4,300 girls made formal a~ plication for admission to Yale for Its first year of coeducaUon, to be&ln next September. Some 650 were accepted. Tentative plans call for ultimate enroll· ment of 1,500 women with male enroll· ment remaining at ils present level of around 4,000. BE'J'WEEN THE 1~7 and 19$74 academic yean, 11 all-male and s:i all· female collq:ea m the United States took steps toward integrating the sexes at the Black Language at Work Dauis f3 reading coordinator and Black Hiltory ttachu for Ea.staide Union High School District, San Jene. ThU article is taken from the Cali· /ornia Teachers A&sn. Journal. By LUCIAN DAVIS Jt ls a well established fact that the Black student lives in two worlds. One is tht world of the black environmental ex- perience, either phy&ieal, mental, or both. 'I11e otlH!' iJ the white world that be must normally traverse from day to day. Each or these worlds has its own languaie, semantic coocepts, idioms, and vocabulary. Black language diakds and expresaions result from isolaUon of one form or another. When the dominant culture of a society quaranUnes a minori- ty segment of the society, then a IOCial class dlaJect emerges among the mlnorl· ty in a closed system. This IOclal clasa dialect wD1 constitute a problem in syn- tax and vocabulary when the dominant languace confront& social class dialect. This hu been the cue in urban schools with ever-lncre&sing rapidity. The teacher's firat problem ia to com· munlcate. It is to the teacher's advantage to learn as mucb u poulbJe about the Black student's expressions. It is unac- ceptable for the teacher to say to tliese students, "don't .speak that way," or "it is wrong to say that." Jnstead, the teacher must learn to accept and em· reptelf:Dts their own culture and needs. oral hula to teach the Black student the pathize with the dialect the students bring with them and respect it because it other language opUon -standard The teeeher should move gradually on an Enclilb. Thls wfll give him two language optiona, lta.ndard and nOMtandard. Use of the two wm enhance linguistic nex- ibllity, economic movement, and a number of options in an I to 5 complex industrial society. The following list of "Soul" vocabulary BLACK IDIOMS, VOCABULARY, AND EXPRESSIONS J. Do yea rud me? !. Cu you d-11+t? (from one of Jame. Brow:n'a recerdt:) 3. Bread, dut, eolns, thm, d e a d pruldentl 4. Rap or Rapping 5. Gttulng, cbtw-down 6. Copping some Z'1 '1. Finger popplag a. Give me fl\--e t. Ra1a, t!tread1, fabrica 10. Crib , Pad, Shack, Shln1le1 11. You can d-l·g-1-t 1%. Dode (loal voweJ U) II. A Side, S..Dll, Spin, Soul 14. Lay one oa me IS. Bookln1 11. Soul 17. Down under 11. Uptl)llt fmuUlple meaa.lng-watcb for lhe oral coatert) 11. Sapplll.-. zo. P.llla Ann %1. Fire water, pep juke, IOda pop %%. Git It toge- U. Stomps, KJcU, Cement Prt:1&en U. Got my wl& jammed !5. Lonely looking Hi. Blood, Spllb, Brother, Soul Brother %7. Ketp getting up %1. c.ld Swe1t !9. Funky .(muJLiple meW.C) 31. Hat 1rp and erpresaions was compiled from my conversaUons and afflliaUons with Black high school 1ludent;'; ENGLISll TRANSLATION 1. To ndentad z. To eempnlaeacl; udentud t. Money 4. Talkiq er appro1cb.ln1 a female wltb • u.. I. Eallac 6. To get tome lleep 7. En}oyill&, enjoyable !. Sbate my kind t. Clolhes 10. Home 11. You can under1tand 1%. Reference to a mile U.lte<ert 14. Tell me t0mtthl.n1 or sfve me IODl&- lblng 11. Slndylog 11. Feeling deeply 17. Feelln& bad U. a. A penon er altutlon tbat 11 not for tile commoo load or rlglol b. A good fetUq, elc. 19. Reference ta the Black female %0. Refere.nce lo Ille wblte female ZI. Alcollol ZZ. Work aomethlog out lo completion %3. SIHtel U. Haircut 25. Ugly gl~ H. Refert.ace to a Black male %1. Leave %1. Aaton!Q-~ abnpl nrprl11 It. a. lavolv,_t lo oo...W., b. ll'OOvy, eajoyable, a bappealq: c. 10111eWn1 cUataatefuJ 3t. Te leave ~---------Our Ma• f• s-FraMd.co -----------, --Bread-Givers Go Stale lly HERB cAEN SAN FRANCISCO -The Dlgger1, who ha.vt ·ctone '° much good work in the Huhbur'J for three years, are in flnanctal trouble again. ' ' W e ' r e ouapendtnc -•lions temporarily." •libs Fatbu Leon Harris of AU Saints Eplacopal oo Willer. "The bread jusl leo'I corninl In any longu. and the need has MYtr been greater." DOES DR. HAYAKAWA, a seU-con· ftlttd llbtrll. Uke being described as "The Barry Goldwater of the collegr: pre~dtnt lie!"! The Chicago Dally News IO dubt him. ROWNG 'STO!l!E, The S.F. baaed rock magazine with tht lntemaUonal clrculalloor( was pluggtd blc Jn ncenl " !Ssues of Time and Newsweek. Manag- ing Editor John Burki, glumly, "Where did we go wrong?" THE OWNERS or The Foctory, H'wood's most bustling discotheflue, are still considering a branch on Alcatru, and Rank Grant thinks it'& a great Idea : "Thi• could bring back the Swim." COLUMNIST Bob Coneldine01 ..n. Pt1ike, •nd er-Marin / Co. Supervisor Tom SlOrtt haVti ta~tn over the too. yr-old Nanhall Hotel and Saloon on the Eastern shore oC Tomales BlJ. "At the edF of the San Andreas F1ull," 1ay1 Tom p;.udly. It this the new llatus aymbol! ••. And did you know lhat the bit old Fullon SI. bou>c occupied by tht Jefferson Airplane I• where Enrico Caruso spent Ult night after the earthquake? So cliJms the landlord . N!ver :U'JUe with landlordJ. ELDRIDGE Cl.EAVEk'S picture in the Main LlbrMy came off the wall for the Grand J~'t l'!'Cent tour. Then it went up again: Now It's down again for the Mayor's vt< -and I get the f~ng it could be 1one for good. AB!OµJTELY FINAL ITEM on the enU.. damb 1Ubjoct: Jimmy Prl« met IOme hlppla who told him that "U the oarthquat• -n·t happen J)(tlg ,oon, wa'rt goina up to the Sin Andreas Fault llne with crowbars, stand on the upbll side and lfJI lo pry the downhill sfde into the Pacific ~·· undergraduate 1eveJ. Over the put yell" many others moved In the same dlrtc> tion. Princeton announced in April that It would admit 130 undergraduate women next September, increasing the nwnber each year until the female enrollment reaches 650 in 1973-1974. Other men's col· leges with definite plans to admit women next September include Franklin and Marshall College at Lancaster, Pa., Georgetown University in Waabington, D.C., University of the South at Sewanet, Tenn.. Union College in Schenectady, N.Y.1 and Wesleyan University at Mid- dletown, Conn. In t.ddilion, Dartmouth Colle&!, Colptt University In Hamilton, N.Y., La!'8f.etle College at Eastoo., Pa., Hamilton CoUep at Clinton, N.Y:, Boston College and califomia Institute of T e c h n o I o 11 (Caltech) at Pasadena art movinr toward admission of female students. Among women's colleges, Vuaar, Sarah Lawrence, Bennington, and eon. necticut College have taken definite slept toward coeducation. Student demand• for coeducation at Smith College are backed by results of a faculty poll showing more than half the members prefer teachlng coeducational classes. Student pressure for coeducation is particularly strong at Mount Holyoke. THESE COi.LEG~ have been amona the last holdout& against the pr"""" fOf' coeducation in higher educaUon which have prevailed in recent years. U.S. Of· fice of Educat.on figures show just how far coeducation in higher education bu come since it began with the founding in 1837 of Oberlin College, which had an open-door policy. Out of a total of 21489 institutJons listed, only 214 were for men only and Z48 for women. A cmtury qo, fewer than one-.third of thl'! nation's col· Jeges were coeducational. VesUges of sex segregalion remain within coeducation. A number o f universities officially listed as coeduca- tional maintain separate establisbmentl for female undergraduates, as witneu Columbia's Barnard College, Brown'• Pembroke. Rutgers' Douglas, Tufts' Jackson, Tulane's Newcomb, and Case Western Reserve's Flora Stone Mather. IN THE PAST, the separate women'• college provided the means for main- taining a more restrictive set of rules governing student conduct than prevailed at the men's college. In this permissive age, such differentials art not so readily tolerated. And all campuaes, coeduca· Uonal or not, are under pressure for removal of resU-ictioos on free mingllng of sues outside or the clwroom. Instltutiom going coeducaUanal for tht first time will doubtlesa be laced with demands for coeducati.ooal hoUaing as well as coeducational Instruction. Student pressure for complete merging of Radcliffe College with Harvard Is uaen- lially a demand for coeducational hous- ing. Radclilfe girls for many yean have gone to class with Harvard boys. But the girls feel they are ntiuing the eaenct of a Harvard education by not being allowed to live in a Harvard houle. •• • ----Saturday, May 17, 19811 The Comment Paga of the Daily Pilot seekJ 1" inform and stimulate readers b)' presenUng a variety of COID- mentary on ~pica of Jnter- est and significance from tnfonned observers a a ti spokesmen. Rob"' N. Wffd, ~ t - \ A.,.IAnders Roommaid Picks Continuing Mess DEAR ANN LANDERS: My problem Is my room- ftll!\e. She is the greatest. She also is the alopplest. Wllem sbe lived at home her mother was her maid. H""' !!I 'Scllool I am . . At the ~g of the semester she llsed to aat mt lo fix her bed' when she was late 1°" a cl&JS. I DAILY 10·10 SUNDAY 10·7 S.wrdq, 111111. 196t .. ·COITA M1 1A llOU OllLYI alWl!YS dld It. Then' she , • . . = l:r:r ~~ ~ unm ~.Ope .... slpdllT~§:PE§C§l§:A~L~P~R~IC§ES~· ~FOR~~S~U~NtiD_A_Y_ • ..,M..,A;.;.·Y_· 1;.;;;8.:..; .;;10~A.M~~-•;.;;o_7 _P_.M .... iw~H~ILE~9§U~N~Tl~Tl§E~S~~§$§:T:!:· -~ ... L over the place. When I'd "Sick "su ...i 111qry for git 'mad and chew her Love." Tbe. other Wu from out she'd say, "Be a "Hey You.'' · Iainl>. ''I've gotta get thi s At least a ~' can P8Per iri tnmom>w," or have a cloy <IL Alld ibe can "I've got a groovy date spend her -as lhl anllil'm tate now.'' Or, I . pleases. A wife'bls DO lllCb """9-a toUen headache." privil<p!. Lei'• foce It. -Tliirt girl bad a milllon· men need a wile. And 8'S b u:euaes~ . ooly a small put <I it. A '1naii fW11 ~ago I decided to needs a •~• 1o -hlJ I . ·-ide o! th meals, do bis ltlmdry,.keep ~l'UCll" s e room the bou:Se tn or,ter,.niss h1s uni!! a cleaned II. Ann, H got children, run hlJ errands, pay so terrible I waa ashamed In hlJ bills, enterta!n."hlJ friends haTe 8nybody in. Tile oranso and make a f.>clal life l«blin. ~ the. hall bottles ~ Coke, wqen a man b ,lict bi8 wile ls the Cookies, the underwear. his nurse. eweaten, a b o e s , cigarette • When a woman ls alct she butts., newllJlBpers -it was drags herself U'®D1 Ind · _., So · I c1ean,.i UJ> keeps going until lhl drops. after her, lite I swore 1 never And ah yes -a man needs a ' "1Jtlld. woman In lalll 1o when the TV A mooth ago I signed up 1o breats down. be her lOClllUllale nest year -WOKE UP-TOO LATE becau.se we could stay In the DEAR LATE: Yow letter ii AlflY 'N NICE SANDALS s.1111av o.iv1 ·1· 66 • Cool thla sUmmer with the . "In" ~!Y ...... look. l>Jf. abilll:J and comtort combine In thb vinyl shoe. Bone, Reg. 2.28 white. S..9. ume room and not have the 10 fall of MltDtty ud blt- meas of moving. What can I tuuu it e.-.. me to:I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ do about this miserable situa~ wonder w•y ,_ nmala ader tion? the ame roof wl&i 1 mu for -WETNURSE TO A SLOB whom yw feel. HWng but DEAR WE'!'' ApparenUy contanpt yoa would prefer to Uve iD a H yoa b1vu1& tried coansel- meu nl.De months: oat of Ute Inc, whit or witbeat Jam' •• yeor 111u 10 lo the -hie '!-bud, I arge yw lo de oo. Yon motiq. You mut like tile ml~ lean aomeW111 Ulat 1loll .. mDCb )'Oii ftpre Ute wDl ebnp )'Olll' Hie. Y oar met1 Is ...U. IL So roslp Jim-obriGuly ->'" ~ lo plctln& up ofter Gil -lolallJ. But H Is palllhle .... er Uvtn1 la a jllllk ... , that ,.. laned HIM tlf - became those are y , a r flnt? I doa't bow • aanrer dlolcea. • ud,.. pnibahly ""8'1 either. Bu& I urge ,. .. to try &o fhtd fl DEAR ANN LANDERS: I'd like to Cilmment on two letters .. i~~n~~;:::!.119~-~, to 1w:: f:: hlch · In Ur• ol ~ OAIL YWlo~enclolln1 w appeared in your col-• MIHdclttMed. If•~ .nve•. NOW! TH lfG SMw! Smo Meli>-Aoglo Dkli- ''BULLln'' ·~"'~:.;., .. MESA THEATIE It's , ' -, .... . I' DAILY .. PILOT · 2 -for -1 Day OUT AT THE OLD BALL GAME PILOT PETE INVITES EYERYOt.iE TO SEE ,THE ANGELS PLAY BALTIMORE SUNDAY, JUNE 1, AT HALF PRICE C.t ._.. '"'""'" •••t ticl1h for tho SuM1y •ft.mffttt J11111 I, Al'ltltls vi. Oriol1• 91!'1'11 it Afl1h1l111 StiHliwM few ftto "'"''I prlu ef ono tick1f. l lu'f ono• th1 DAILY 'ILOT t i"s .,.If 111no.I 2-$3.50 2-$2.50 nc1m .... TIClnt .... $3.50 $2.50 .Yew c•• ,...,_ 111 1atir1 1ecti ... 9f liiat...,. ... .._ a.t , .. Y•ur "'"' .,....,._, ,...., •rt4 '"'n I• the ~., M••lr: .,.,_ wltfi. cit.cir: et 111.,... •nlw I 11• ••"i, ,.1, ... 1· •IMf lrl1nv. o.Mriitt hf ficlr:et ertf_.. 11 M•y 20. r -- --,_ - ----, I cu, .n 111.ir. wt" cMclr: ., ,......., .,..., .. 1 I 2.f .... 1 ....... hy I 0..... c.-Dally Plt.t I C/0 P1Wk: s.r-rice hpt. I JJf w . ..., sn..t. c.... M .... c.ilf. fU27 I ll'lLUI l'iTlm.._. I I . . ..... ----------------·········-··-····---I I .... ······-··-······-··--------------! "" _____________ ......... _: ... : ........ _______ I I -____ ......... ------·-·-·-.. ----··--I I _, 2, .. .. .. 10. • • • • • • ' f"tleA'M -"' ... _,.. """"'" I I .-, It h Jllr'4 I ........ 'd. Ot1oM .. IM It ~ .... '-'. flt ~ llclcet ~. I Wiii r.c. ..... 111 M!«tnf -' fnt .,._ fll' DAILY rlLOT, I ~ Q.Jilll$J ... ltll'Ctf _, lldl ..... II~ II I ................ I ~lltflll tlet:.tl ""' ... ""':;.:;,.., -rt. I I unllwDlllll lflW't -M Ill acMnlt I I lttw ,.....,... --· ' -1----' ------ ~ . \ 7-PC. T&LOtr COOKWARE Sunday Onlv! No special utensils ~. ed with super-hard Tef .. lon®I 5-Qt. Dutch even, 1-qf.. 2-Qt. covettd •uce ~ lo" open fry pan. "°""""' C«pota1'on T .M. ... COOlER CHEST 697 32 qt: Insulated chftt k .... lood crisp and ctild. SIPl'llilr To lll111Tr1tion 966 R.,,,. 12.aa 32.Pc. 6WSWARE Reg. 4.81 344 Su11duy Only ••Et Dorado." Avocado or gold. 100 CT PAPER Pl.AW • Sun. Onlv 43~ Rq. 88e 9" Plat.es come in handy fat summer ·picnics and ..,.i,.qu.,. Bl6 20-&AUON 6ALYAlllZfD TRASH CAii • SA YE llOWI J77 ... 4.91 Sturdy oomtnictlonl OIJvan.. bed metal rafbace can hu tl.gbWJtting COWi" and han. dies. WlJ.y not charp l t 1 . Men's Short s1 .. ve Knit Shirts J56 Res. J.97 Knit shirts tn placket, mock and Ltyered look&. In a var- ie~ 01' colon. S.M·L a.&r1e . it i.t K mart! A SWINGlll' YAUJE • Ill 6.E. POCm RADIO Dbeount Prtee Solid State t.:ramJ.ator ra- dio. Automatic volume control; atmpt., direct tunlna A built-in ferrite rod antenna. -. "" JOYS', GIRLS' BIKES! Sua. Only 29~ 20 .. w J th coaster braU, chrome fen- dera. Mallbu handle- bars, polo aaddle. 34.88 . 1.QUART SIZE TllRMOr BOTllE SWMl•IJ Onlvt J47 ~LUMINUM TRASH CART s .. ..-,o.i,r 466 Stunb' l1Uh csrt bolds -:lO-pllon c:ana. Constructed wllb ~~-... .,_ '°" Res. S.97 1. Sunday Only SUll DRESSES n.,,,. 1.11 a1~ s ..... Only Toddlers' cotton duck, 2-4. '), \ 72 CT " •• ,:; ' , " ' CLOTHES : ' 'PINS -..ae I 47t!· s ....... , • I ) , . ' ~.l!e17,1M I ~---~------''-------~----------------------------. - - ... "' •• i~ _, ;;.~I '" " •• " .,~ k; ... "' ,!j ,, •· " '• " 11. b -,i " .. . ;1 ," '" l" .. '• " '• " " l•·· ,'· '• •• '. '" ''• '" "' ''" l .. •• " '" ! ... .. .... " •• " ... r~·. I~! " . •'• " 4l\ •• I'· -~~ ··\~ •• ... •• . '• . ,,, -.. _,,,, -.. -1·~ -'·• -" -'• . " -·· . " -. "' -,,. ... ·\'~ ~},: . \·• '• 1~ ~r· " " .. ·Ii~ " '" . " -·~ ~i -. -1• ~ '• '" -" ... " "• " ,., I'·· '" ~ '" ~ .. ''·• ... "' ' "' ... '" " "' ... ". '" '" ... '" 1''• ... " •• •• "' " '" f" '" ... I'' " " •• •• .. '" '• •• .. ~ "' '" I~ .. "' '" i: l' " '" ,, .. ~ I(! .~ i~ ~ '" ~ '\t . - ..... ...... • •' AMERICAN ·STOCi EXOONGE ---·-j__ ___ ,_ ~--: ____ ------- - 5.ttsnor, Mof 17, lM ' • . W:EEK'S -: AND YEAR:S . IDGH, LOW~ CLOSE " \ -· ................ • ,, 1 1 'i 1 j ~ .• Nll.Y PILOT I I ~Ll:GAL==,.,!IOTICE==.,,·:--1--'"-LEG-AL __ N_O'llCE____ Lr.GAL MmCZ ~ -LIGAL· Ncrr,cs ~ LICAL~~.:.. ;,..lJllJ•'· ·Nq'IVZ HOU• ~ .. ~~ ................... ~ ... ~ .t..' CR"'101"1 -eutl•tu ,..-A 11 ..... VTION CW '91-af"f" cdUef(tL ... TM8 CIT't' ~~fl T.,._·-.: ..... fl(TIT10Cn flWilll CiaT1,-1CAT• Of' ......... ...., Mau. AICllllTA ...... .ut• MT•IMMlllM9 nta •llaV.t.H.*I UT•f "-"" W w.111,. US -I/If ... .SS -71'1/lfl ,,__ A -Jltl•r .,._ .. ""' ............... c.ttlW.......... PICTntOUI ...... cu;~?:vs·.::-...=r,:•.: ... °' .,.. .. " .. NIO,.. TM• coetn•VCT-... ..utllC ... ICJ ... Htllll9Y ,,_. Ali -WI/#. • , ....... Mftllt • ...._ •f fll• °""*9t.. Tiie UflCIH ...... e«tlly lfllV .,. -MIO ~ I• T"• CITY Of" COITA .llllUA. F.--; W9-a ffiA:KW........,."' Mi. .. )11"'1..9 .. ~ !... r, L-. ..,.._.,,. ~ ~Ufllllti' ~1119 1 ..,..,_It llll W, ic.trtM. tft,ln. -~--,,......... _,.,... , WHl•Ps. .. 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II•...,,_: ........ ~ fir ....... .._. _. .. fir tlll ,....., •• II .,.iMk _.. M,_ I' s....-(Alie I' ~...:.-: .. Cttr'•UI ~"-~-.oi,Cill. H~9"d.. 1111 Ji1rtt1 T..,_, 111111 ,.,., ..... llllMlll1ct1• I · . ilMllirTYJll IE..,_. Drtwir -~-··---··--.. ---t: ~~ ~-=-..,.. ~ \ :::;,,,.., 1f. '"" ~,.: if""""' ~ N._..ttt Aw., ~":"C:."*'"*_,. flct!OM .,_. 11 .,.,._,.7!:~ 11oZ. If~:..-:-,:= r=~·o:w:t':: =::"1>11ir'...:W'T,_. .... :::::::.:.:::::::.::::::::::::.:;::.::;:: UJ .............. ,~ .. U.W.. J, ~N MAllO )o1TAIO. 411• ...... LW, ..... ..., ...... .......... 9 .. ~-·~ for ........... --... "' .. """ ...... of OriWr tC ~ Trlldi: of Illa tl\lfll ... ~.. nAftOfCALll"CHUOA t 1..-ANitllJ,-.d o.•i •ll),ltM PWOl!e~tw .. Dllfl'kl1W ·~--....... ,,,, ................... , •• ., ............... AAS ' 1..-..... • COUHl'Y Of' ou.M•E 1 Jt Dmf A.IWll U. IM MefNr.t M. ....,.. WHl'llllAL ...., It 11it .I!""...._ ef' MdW tm .... 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W "" ctty ~ fllf .. Cltr .. 41 "''* w _-._ wtttr 11 ... 1 (SlllJll1_ ,.... ....... Mil ,.~c:--hl ""'ts lit 111 --..._ ""'* ~ ~ M.--111~ Cllll Miit "'*'-.. ...... ,,_.....__l"lta-lf ~ Wl9ll In .. r.t,st a.ff Ul'ilt.,. Cinlblillf'lifrl of V.tilc1'sl .. --··---------f.llS' ....,., w er-!:.....,..... ~ .. ttw wl1Nli .,....,,._, 11111 JWtsrv ~lfWN• M.-""Sidi~ w ..,,. fll ~,..... •.......,. ~ W ......-11 Drlnr of Trudi. l.IQlt P'1r1Md C..iwdr,.: -...... O.I.,. rllilf. "-1 ~'°" · ld!Mw ...... llllt' ~ 1111-. '"rllld'1'11 ornes 11 ,,_u.._ l9fS .. -.i hlftcl9y-.,,.. ~ """""°"' ~ ~ w t"9 ot -.ti 1.1u llWI 1 ..,_, ...... : .. , .................... ~----··· .. •• •.ts ,.....,.... a-. C...t .,... ~ _.111tt COFl"IClAI. $fAll Or.._. ~ -• ........ """"""H .. ,,.., I, I,..,_,... ... .....,.....,...., • tsN II' 11 "'"' •. , ...................... ,_ ..................... ~ .. ~ -1 IM _..., Net_., "1blic.c. ..... 11i. Mwcli 11, tm a.ulll"'tCATMNll IAllC 'f'.TI ,.. 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"•···! ... ~ Trvct: .. .,., 11rm ..,...,. llw4 _, -__ .,. ___ LSI ~ ••• I al ••••• Sr t... "'"'If E ...""""' a•n•tcAT• .. Clll:P'Wntlll ... .. ... Dr'-,..,_ .... ! ....................... _ .. _, ........ '-" r;1# M..., DW. IEllC/~ E ....... • ---... =-.so: .. ~-:...':":.~ TIWIW:TMNI Oii allSHIUS UHU ,,~Dr._. Miii -..._,. II r • L1Tevr-PltJlll. T1rr1 '*--=-~--=11=·\~ ,.;:-; n:•vl.. ..... ~ds\'ofJ....-."" .. ;::rn==eo COllP'OIU.TION ~~.,rt-~..:.~· ..,.~~.:,. ~.:1;"..;..;"W*.'*i' .. 'cf"iiXtY'•·7··"' ;r:.:.~J:-in:=:=.:: -- ..... 1111 .. sfl'ICll ef'..., $dla9I Dldrkf, ......... ,_....,. _.,, _., " • ~ P'OI TH• CCMIWfY DI' OltAMI wtlts!I flltks ,,_. 11 MIY I, ltlH, lf11.-1'11, sN 1'11. .. , , Nnn'"' wk wlltilll 1tis T111Twl«' ., llSf ·~ A-. C..'11 Miu. • M"-....., It DD :w.st c;...r MO. M1-e11S • ts _...,.,... If It natl 1111' lwlur' l4lit .. 1tw ...... ·-l11rladkttDn. ,...,,, .... sf ,_ !~~~~~~~~~~~~~'!! =--,.:.... ~ = ~ Mm win bl ~ • ......,, IMdi, cillflrtll1 -fltOTICI 0, SAL• OP •1a.L AlfO Ill """'"" II' ~ I' IM of 1111 fi"'91 lwMlll 1'19ns, of 111~1 1111 Wfltli P'tflir. AqA,llf YOU KNOW YOll CHILD WILL LEAIN TO SWIM AT BLUE BUOY ......... ~ S-.~T_.. $CHOOL IUS . *' 1111 fktllllllll """ --' C &. I "~ ....... lllTY AT 1'11 .. ATI c.a-t MMoril: ·~ PM 1.W ..,.,_. tai* trllltr ........ --··------~-"'" J..llJ ,., ........... be Ill KCol'lllftct wJll'I INT'!lf!IATtOHAL. INC. •!Id""' Mllll SAL• ..... UIUT I Y AO. ... "" ... w.trl•'-'.· i ..__,,.SS; V•nllon..4. ...._. f"11 Litt on-............. : .................................. ·-~ ·~ ... Slldllull-. flfftl .. __.. .. h IDlllwlM ..._. MINtlTlli.TOll. l"•o•ATI! CODS llC. ,.,._,....,_ ........ mll'S ,C-M•-•t• -.... -"' Fwl Trvct ...................................................... ... .it1Cfi - -Oii flit Iii tt. el'lk:I of 1111 1llM. llilllll,l'l'liiclPll l'llCS of, ... "-a II TIOJll JMJI I 111:1. -111&1 tis -lwed n I fsr•n1111'i l lilf .ti•l1 l'l(Sl'H l'IM!lnt Ind Ullllty' Wlffllne Tf'l,ICti; Drlwr ~ fl/I 1111 SCfWW1 Dbtl'kt " _...,,..: 111 tlw Mltlw II .,. Ell•.. « Ml 19t• ""-" •·• "' i-r more tt11n 1"t hourlY rift of ""' irKIYllne Wll'ldt TrliO. INlt llmlfsd 11g IU7 ,.~~A~ co.ti ,.,,_; esn.r-t~INl!etl'Srllcl I....,_ MAIUOJUE 0. l"OE, ~ tileh91 C.-1 M-tlUSltlclllDl'l -o..., whlcti ill hll ~· fnocb •,iplklbll tt plpslln1 incl wtllllY ~ tlsnll, Inc.. ma W.I C..111 Hltllws,, NOTICE IS H(IE•Y GIVIN lhll J. c. MlltJ. wort, ......... ~ttt t~" Wtd -----------•• u Bid ......... tubnllt• lllld"--11 ~ IMdl, C.lllM!l1 ,._, M Hrilhlfllrltlir If tlw sstets wlltl C-' M_,,. .JO\frne'l'mlll ............ , ....................... WI ., .. C1M'llr DrMr -HllhwlY ........... , ..................... S.JJS lft Ills ....., sf 1 Uf1tllsd er Clll'I"'°' WITillEU lb Miid 11111 Ulli INy If Mir, JM wil' ll'WllQf .. Mcri..ls o ..... CllTlllll ~ (Ml111Ulff -1Mtne1ll• Tirrr•.IO I~ rnullf •• Tr1fllc Colllrsl PllDI Cir MdUO'ltif dMd; .. I Md bMlll -I " U,000.0I or ,.,, ......... •tll)..n'1st .,,..,. .. 1111: .. Ills CDIYll'llltloo!-IEll'W'l'I DtX·~T••l ......... ... .... .... .. .... .. • .... • ll'IO\llfltl .... .,., lqUIJlll'*'ll, permit IOIMb -----------~.lj f1" -Ql'if (,.., If .... -· °' ... cc.,.,,...ts S.11 hltllat •rid ~ ........ ""°"' "" """' ~ ""'°"" l"IDl!lnlt •nd T-111>9 ,, • Truc:t G..-.,,. Tir91'1wn 2J Cll'itl ,... Md. 1ftM11 HYIDll ts"fftt Cll'W"' the ~· Cli-U 1 L1M 11'4 Olllllfl""-......... ,, ..... a M9dtilll (lpor0. ~ ...... _ •• , ............ , ..... ,. .................. ! J.J1 fiour lddil"'"'I wlllil 'lll01'1tlli9 "'tll'f ,._.Mel.I Ul!lfild ldlosl Olllrkt. .. 9ubllcf ... '*"' ..... 111t .. ~ltr Curll llid ftW MKlllne llOI' •l1M 1b0vs 2'°lncfl whHI G'llmtflf) ·-··------...... -J .11 Ht llllddlr' -......,._ 1119 .,., lat 1 H1rry ~ l rnllll Coun, W1t1111t e. tlrnt ....... b,1-llw 11 (ClmsM Oilt'll ............................................... S'.tt ff'\ICk Mellntsd ,._ t.-n ................ -............... .J "-'' l'll'kld If ~ (45) idlYI .rtw the Donttrr Norll ,,,. 1ffks .t -.....,.., • HlillNltl W DIN.,,. llmlllr T.,,. If krlld 1 !'"'It lt1111trnw11 ........................ _______ ... ., .... .l.llS ... -,.. ... -.............. STAT• OI" C.llll'OltNIA) ·-~ ... ..,, ............ .. Ololrltll' .................... ____ ., ....................... , s.a. rwlt ltlPllMnlfl Hflolf" .................... ___ .. ____ ,..I.SIS Tlw ~et IE*lcslllil•.t"" ......... q)UNT'I' Cl-OIUNOE ) U. It ot' -J2nd ................. ..!ct., GfWlllt Mldlllw O(JIWI~ (Ill · T/'1tldl ·--~Wl!Mf' ...................... -------.. nJ M9I U!WIW klWd Dfdrk't -... Oft .... 11111 •I' fll Mly, A.O. 1M, C.Utornr., I ll .. rtllll .... IN.,..,..., ...,,_I · , ......... .-.................. -...... -..... ~ ....... ,.. J.21 W1r~ ~ T•mslw ...................... .--......... ._n rlitllf 11 ...... "" W 111 ...... a Ml 1111 Llri,ia ~ I ~ IN ...... ,,... ........ fJf M.iwte ~ Vlllrl..., IN Sitrlfilf' WI,.,__ • Cllrlt ........................... -.... -....... , ''" _..,Mall h ,i...t ........ ts l'Wlk ltJ; ... fir .... CMitr.,., ...... o, ,... ........ flfl,.,. . ......_ _, lYl'S lcnld °""'"' ............................. -...... ,. S.2'1 W1tsror Tll'ill·fnw Trut:t Drl_.. wslw w ...,._RfY ,• lor•~.....,,. ln ,..1111.,. ftwrlfll. .,.., _ ......... • lllw' 01 ~....,.. ""'-' ~ Sterllil Mlchl!w ~r1tor ...................................... 1· Ull Undlir 150I 91llOM ................. .,_ .................... _-•.ti .l:fll bid fSClt¥sd. --11¥ _ .... L. C-LIN. 1J; Sllllllon to t111f fll .......... et .... ll'Sll °WIH1tff1: Wife<-er Tll'ill·T)'H Trudi; Crlwr o."' ,,.., l7. ""· MlnV DNl-. ""'"' .,.,,. ~ Mir ... nnw st ...,. *""" 111 ..,. ., ht _..1. HMltll 11'111 W•lf•r .. s.•~1 s.» • 1t 16tff1 ,._ton, S.lll; a::n.rn • 111'16'1 v.. 2500 1,11on1 ta .-111klfll • . ••••• ...................... ••• 1.u NEW'P'QltT-MESA UNll'l!O k-Ill tn1 Is h Jl,...ldlr;t, ,_1 lflll -I""""""'""""""' " a!IOll, 1.U. W1t1r or t1l'ill·t'fsw TtVC!f Dfl\ler SCHOOi.. DlnltCT o1 Clwlr111111 o1 IM lcltr• olld Slcrfllrr, ott 11 ~ ...d,:: C-ilt 1111 "-1 fteotvss ""1 !KS """ t.A.S per tiour """' lhln lt!f MIOI •lllDns lftd .,,,... _, ................................... t .I! ~ ~. ca....-..11 r•~ If t111 ""-lflon 'hit -Or-. Stale of Clllftrnll. C-.... ol ,_.,., rite ttt """ hl9llflt ci.s1llk.1llDn cowM wlllc~ "-11'"' WIWft' . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . ... . .... . . . ... . .. S.l lJ IY DOi'l"'*'I' H9"Wlf ICVtw"" Wllfllit'lllllrvrnlnt"' IMlllll .... toQl!wt: Ullf -.cr111sd 'llf'W~loll. W.-,_ or ....,... lr111 Wof1ttro •r1 emplo.,.., '1° Wll'dl Trvc~ Orl_.. 1).h <e11tl ~ IMlur Mdllionel ""'- P"vrd11*¥1 A-1 ~ ~ ~nllKllllO!lltd, """" T1w ~ .-rtv lncludft 111111 Iii ,.i.::iw by tlll Emp~yer 1a le::! IS F«ltlNn. ,,,,_. ,__, _.11ns -r wind!. er slmii.r JPK'-1 ittld'l,,..,,li. ~,. ......www II "" ,.._..,..,, ur.sts. dr-. ,.. ......... .......,., ..... 11111 ... 'lnclud9& '" Wl'tlc:IH lnl !heft six -· l"VblbhM o..Nli C...t 0.llY l'llol, .. tcVISll IPll -*""' ·--· _, ..... .., . ltlll'lfwcq lrsn w-·· .......................................... ID U .11 sva.TUOll i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; .. ~·~·~··~"'~;i'"'i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;'~-~:1 ,,, WI"""" Whlrsol, I"""' Mrsunlo "'' nre'""' .......,. ii .nu.t9cll ., l*' Struclul'tl ..... Wortlll' ...................................... , .•. ,l .... Al lltst•: r¥l't' lllftcll ..,.~td "'i olflclll -11111 ,.,..,_. ~ ~ a..(11, °"""*'''* trsn w.rto.1r .................................... ;. •.1J •.4 Glnlni For..,...., ............................... .. Now! -llG ~·. :rt.::i ,.., I Cir 111ai. ""'""' can1on111, 1$111 .. -· Nfl'IQllW1J ,, __ Er«"' ................................................. '-Ol .... ,._,, ........................................... . t --' lllucrilled • ~ UbOrfrt . t L18dmen Stft9\k91tw A19e 1Mdrle:OD ISEAt.I Lln4I t.ll'idll""' ~*in ::::1:i~..: ::'"':: ..::!:~~=·~; r:s:: .~5~; ~~'=· ~ ............................................ .. ''BULLlft'' "SAMClotWHW~ ~':,; ~lttorn11 ::,. M~~-"'.:. .. ~ • =--.... ts°'""' """*' tl11111t1C1t1'ri -wtiitlt ._Ms ~ "'*"""°' won'" .............. .. ........ 6.JJ LHt,s;1 ~ t~!"-~_,-$Ubl«'I to:_,,.,.,.._., -_,, .. ·-... clfffi""" ! H•llh lrld w1111r1, .n ; l"ensloll Pl..,, ·"; v-1;.., a HDll-"'Y -..... ~·-.__.., ~... · 41.&S clly, AS; ~IP.Tr.1lrtil'it, .92. ·-A 'IHEATIE ,_ • ,,. ........,,.. .... Id.... ,...,,.,....,, i..iwrsr-~.i ... esm1nict1oo1 .............................. . hllilr"INk .... •nd 'lldt""lllt~ .... "" IJ.~ -~· c.o1 Del ... ,.11111 -rlel'ltl. rlaMc; 11 ..,, -·•• Miii -o1 arid: and L.umlw• .. · · .. · ............... · .. · .. " ........ i. •.I.is tMoJllrmok•r Ind 1~ ,_ , •• " ...• Mil,._ 1 lM •Y -11111• ---fll ,_., Ory-Pid!N .. Cofttrtte ., ......................... ,,,.,,..,., .. 1"5 ....... ,.,.,,.,, ...... .. ' ' C.;,, Tiit llrlftl lflll ........ f11 1tis Mii ~.,.-,.,_,.,le &-E.llctflc to!~ Ind llldcltTilftl AM"!, l'lll"l<'Mn ................. , U1 --------------I-: i:.11 In ...... __,. 11 .. UTlltlll T..i .. VltPrttlnll Mlclll.,.. tnd loltsrrrwlllf" llid llldtln.ttfi ................ ........... ..... -..... "AIMr1m. TM CIWJ ""-' .. 11rn11fi' mtellllll~I tool• not ~ Mlcll wo11 ..... .3111 ,...,,.;.., 1"1111, ... , .SS-lll!l•t1 ,_ ______________________________________ , 1111t 1"*"" lllcll • ..... ,...., Ills "'4r MP1r1ts doulllld ll•rtln .......... -............ _,,_ .. ~ .. •.m "-""'lcSlfl'--'°'' "'"""°"' .301 .lS-4/1/ff ' • I ,., ... ., .. , ... ••• Mell the "'"""-.. lwo "1111 "' -CWlcl1llS SI• Mtn. uch,ldlng Tr1ttor 1't~'k'li:'~ F_,,..,._ =""'~ .. :_11 ~ ":.:ic!0 ;!: TYPI ....... ,. ........................................ :: ....... ~·~15 EPnptor mDl"l 1'11111 1""" .... Nol l1r.n "''" S.J7V>,... 111ur-1bo¥e ~ . •1111 l'rs¥11"""'9""' f 11:"""4:,IPI• ............ , ............................... """'l .,.., F la ttll S Nol Its tl'tl t200 ~ = .. fl) "" ""'~ .:::r-:s -~ AspMft Jllttr Ind lr111et ,,., .. ,.,..,.., .. ., ............. ,., .. , •. :ISJ ~II S n l'i'illl "'"' I II • .... 41)' ~~ ft rllsd ,., fl/I "" dlts of Qlliflrrnlfloll Ill Aaplittt Sllowlll' " .... """ .............. """" ............. " 4.I'-' lrk tl1y1r & Stone MUll(I • .. .. • .. .. . ... . .. . .. .. . ... .. . .. .. • a.s..s ::11~1=m1=11111111!' ~!:-=::; ~~=~ 1.,.·1 ·y~,:,j ·~~·iir9f~'"""'"""""'"""""' 4 · 155 ~.;~·A=l~1:hlp~·1::1l.HNllli Ind Wtlt1r1, S.211 V1c11len. POiiey .i.111 bl 11 !ht ••~nH ol It'll rn111,~!':.. •nd ll.lndlll'ID bcl!k ctmmO .............. :::::::::::: ::~~ l •ldttend1n fL1bDrtrsl ....... _._ .............................. M.D """ . Cllut , ....... r .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .... ..... .. .. .. .. HHl11'1 Ind W•lf•rt. $,,,~, 1'1nsilln P'l1n, .:n; VIC-11'°'1. '"· All bws •nd ~ ""'"' bl In ••lllftl Conc:rtlf Curir, lmptrvlo<>I MtmbrlM C1r111t •nd Llnole\lfi'I L1y11 : 2111" With your ~':,.;!~ ~~fwcll .,,:' ':'tfi\111'~ .;! c~ :._or~~~~r · : .. :· ::::.:·::: ·:::::::::::.::::::::::::::::: !:~~ ~~· .;.,1r1o~:;:'.,!~1.:f:' p:!,'!1on~v.~1 'APP.:.'T.:1;;.;;;;g; '.iii"hi u .• LOCAL ~ ... llobll DEALER 1or....,1 1or 11W llhn1nlitntw, •I a_ Cuttlftl T~h Optrtlor t Dtmolltioi.) ..... _... ,,Its YKl!lon, .H ; s.'9-41/lfH. -• ---l2fllll lh'Set, "-' IMdl, ca111or1111. ti Or1tlll', J.OhlrN'nfr, 2·\lt -drlll ~ or 1on,,,, " I.OS Ellcff'lcl•n w1r1m1n: 111161 -'!tnl ''"' tlll tint "'*'1<alllll °' tllll "'"" Grldel'. H19'1WIY ll'id "'"' ..... '"'' Alf'POl11, ltumt•VI ,._._' F ~-.cl befor9 ltto fnlll;lns fl/I ulcll 1111, MW 51mlltr....,,.. HllVY c ... strvctlon '.lil .......... l'ctn'Wn .... ~......... • ................. -....... U.'°' ni SM .. IN s1370 ""rllflt 1s , .. ""°" rtltcr 1n1 "" l'ilsrNtl .......... • ............ ~ 1.s ,..,_ ......................................................... 1AS .... --eta» 11 15 I -··OA~O; ~117, lHt, ~ = g:: :::i: ~=: ..... Ttndtt' ..... · F ..... MM .... ,. !: tt:: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-::::::::::: ~:: J, c. ,.,,. :::-:_ o..-r . .. i.ns C.bl1 Spllelt-For_,, -··--.............................. ,_ 1.u . _.__. ... *"' ,~ _ -· , _ Jour....,....it Wlretnlfi ........... -.... : ........... ------• 1.11 ._....,,.-A ,, ... ,._ • ~•'-l"M*ll'l9 ltol S .... lrod P'll'IS ···-··· ••· ·•• J ... --.,, TKM ... '-1-SE''""""'l~JOP 4--··--.'!'!!"~-!'!!-!!'"!.!•!\"-~·c==~~,.. ~w,:.::., ~.n..... ~~~le":=!,,; 'Se.Nf.''J•·;·DA~ •.J~J e~~~-r'::,,;~~-=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::1hi. - .. ., II -'II n·9"! ,,.,., www•--. s ... 1H11W1~.::i'nm_.a .. 111: 1'11'1.,. ~Ti" ....... i;,;..~ ............ 1 ~·:i ~' ,.,,,_,, -··----··-----------.. -...... ..,,. --•• --II 1• -SI-· --ro • k'I .,_ L fQlllO • """-"" lflcll Cl\lll.1119 If tll _,,,...,.k ,. ., .. , • ., .. , Fer-.............. -··------................. ,. .... ,. __ 1AS er• 1w , ,,, ..., .... ace•• zma.s .,,.._...,,..,..... ,.,,...... .... ,Mlm..,,l ........................................ l •.JH ~ ........................................................ , .... ._ -; dt-111111 hrslll 4 IM &I II (N Ttndlr) ........................................ :1:5 Llntonwn OJll,.ltl!O EqvJ,,.....1 ----------------1M .....;,,, llldl. Cl ..... ,.. S ... ,._.., __.. MMt ............................................ Clib .. $pllc1r F•r•l!'lln ................ -.. _ .. ________ 1.n ... 111/H ..,,,, NO .ol&_w DO. wr-11· ~12 MO•& 1 HS TO 'Plli:'f , T• mfl .,.._ ,._ 1nc1 MlrWTMn ....................................... ., .. 1K c.ib .. sp11c ................................... ------··-··'" 1,, L.41• -T .. -.. :..u.i,.,., Or-Coell Diltr ,.11111, Tns Clfmtwr, F1lllf, OWlfi SSW Qlolftlw, P'lttlbv ..... Clil-r 1 lSS Ground,,..n -tlut l'Nr .................. -.................... V• . ....!:::=:-!:=:=:!W=,..==-====·=-===-~· ===-=== .. =-=='"=:IO:!:':'=·=-==-==-==~...!!!'..!!:L~•~·.•_",L_•.•.•.'~".'~~'.'·~·~·~·~, 111111 Sinollfr T.,.. a nuli sttrsdder .. ·.·.·.· .. ·.·. ·.·. ·.· .............. • ,· . .., ~ .,..,. first ""' . .. .. . .. ... . .. ....... ... ............ , .. · ., Wllldi!Ntl H .. ltll 1,,. Wllf1r1 S.H; Ai*rmlkl T•U11 l'und IZl.to -I-ll, It, IM ISUt •HH ~;.;. .. al' ·~1.n1";,;,;,1t,. .. i~"lftd '*"' to i>11nl """'· •r or Slo.oo 1.,,,Htn11U1ny. I.In IUI .,..,,. wr~I• tg fOHOW' ~ 1'11n. Gl•1J1r: .,.,,.,. )I p1M ft ' I Walt. _...,, tm """ ml. -pc6 ........ the aim peop. !n the 'Tiaat .... upoo ..mm the rm! ......, •A "1 ill Mi••Mlll'1y dfvndmt. '11nr 1a+te*"\ '''•'1 ~ had "tftl[]c woli\AI• tie W ... ID a big 1•111:•1111·~-« ......... ··-! ... I --.. ·---- • °'*""""' fftl'I"""' Gi.Jll'f ................ . ............................. S.O ....... M'ld Wellsr1, ..30: PtMIOll. • .ii; V~Hol\Uy l'urwf~... HNllli ll'id W11f1r11, S.U ; l'elltion l'lln, .2t; Y1te1lilft I. Hell· I'~: •~ 11111' q tl'lll'i JS Clf'ltl ""' i.ur _. !I'll d1y, 1%1 AP9<Sl'llklllllp Tri.I'!, S.tn. IMluffl' rll• 111 tt. II~ o,.nttM IE""'""" 1;1Su"keflon Sc1lloldlnll .,,., •th floor, S.15 l'f'r hr. 1bov1 .kM.in'llrnwtn' u......-1111 dlrec:tll<!, uch,;dlftl ..,..,,,!Um "' or dl~lll LMCl,,,__t leu thin s.u DSr hour •bllvt .kM.lrt1tr1110<1. l.llhM: (Orlr>llS ,_.., Arff -Locll ., .. , GRoo7' I .................. J.iil Ll1h•r ................................................. '......... I .II ~~~;;;;;'·;··;·;··;·;··;··;·;·';";';"";';"";";";"';··~·i··~-~-·~··=~~~~!t~~===1 Forln'lln-Not liq tl\lln 10" •bow ""Jour111r-n-. rlfl. PUT WH Ill . YOUR POCKET Sell Wl'WU.ted ttl!m1 \l.itb • DAILY PILOT Cl...ui.d Ad. PHONE 642-5671 LEGAL CE HIOtllli '"' W.lf•rw. S.30; !"-Ion .... ,,. t.S01 V1t;ati.n '"""" I.JO; Trlds Pntm11llon. S.C111 Apprtr;flcllfl. Tr1lnl'll. S.C. P1lnltr.: ,,.,.,.,.~.ll' ·~ Jllurlllyt'nlft '""'· ,.,,... ............................................. _.,,,_,_,,_ .. ,,. lrvsll,, Swl111 St-...................................... -••.• t.# THI COUNTY.Cf OllA ... 7 H•lffl ll'id WS111r1, U 4; '"-llri. 5.251 YK.lftel!. S.1'1 ~ Ne. .... mll'li.tnll .... I.Ml """"""~ l"Ul'lcll. 1.11. Etfsls ol lllENE ~DE HIATH ,. .... Tf'.ldll: °'=• ti HEltfl'l'·&IVlff 11 h '=:-,.:--ltelmfltM' Glnlrlf ...,_~ .,_ """'*""' '"""""' .... ~,..,,... ..,...., l'lllmblr ..., $lslll"lfllttr ,..._,...lt11, ...... &nq ,,_,...,.. !Mt 111 w.. hlvlN Clllml '"liwl ""' """ rile. ,,.... ...... .,. ,_,.,,. • flls lt'wm. ,.lumblr ····--··-----··--··--··-··---·--··"-··-IS-" Wllll""' _,., ¥Mldlrs, Ill h llffkt: li..mtlllw ................ _ ........... -.• -•• -........ ____ •• .1.1' If ... dll'll 11 ............ 111.i awt,. ~ ..,.._ .... ................................................ 1.1' ts erftSllf rtwm. wt• It» _,,, Hlll!ll ""' Wllfsr1 ~ l'I' IRU ptyroSI; "-IM ,,_,. IK Ill VCIUCfwn;, .. ttw undlnillllll 11 1111 lfllc:ii lfllU Plfl'olh ll'Klllon ltid Hotllll.,.. 11"' .. ~ IWP'lll of "" A"-"'". MtC"'1n, Hud:l!MM1r ~lcSllllp 1ftd Joo,omlymln Tr111'1~ 1"' & D'°"' IS'DI M1rN A-, J11tls Nvm-Utlllly Pl111tl!N Fsrlrnln ........................ _ .. ___ ,,., 15.• bit 115. COiie Miii, Cltlfomll ~ Ullltty PIPSlltw ~,, .................... -.............. J.U wtllctl It 1111 ,i.e. .. IMJnno o1 1111 1111-H•ltll lftCI Wtlf1r1, IK1 """'°"' 16'!1:. dtrlllfWd In 111 """"'""""''• • ttw Sprlt*llr J'Jllsl' For1rn1n ................................ U .1J lnclullltl.tt..-ll~=~==========~I"'"" sf Mid dKscfloil, wllllln tour $f>rlntt1wr Frttsr ........................................... 7-'5 tMur y.....,, rnotitl'it 1ttw f!1e fl<1I Mlllclfllll ., this H•llli •rid w1111re, s.Ui hot.kin l'i.n.•.2111 "'-· Tr•lnll'llo "'"' llOllm. l'i.sllrv: l·-------------1 Oiied "-rH 24 lfft, '""""*"· S.ll'rn 1bove JOUrtltYl'Mll ••m HHll'i, t•tculrlll ,.i.stsrer · ....... · • ......... · ........ · ... · · ..... • · · .. · ... ·•• ... • S.IG .. "" Wiii o1 ll'lf H•llfl & W,1f1r1, S.*3; P-looi, Ai VK.ltlofl. .U: Trlclls ,.,... 1bow ""'*" .....,.,,. nw!IOll, .05; Apprsnfk:elhlp, .o.M. ~ M.U-*t Dltll l'lt1ttr T ........................................................... I.OJ Uto ....... .t,-HSll!fl Ind Wllflfl. 1.ts1 l'-lstl. .JOi VKltlon, ,SO. ""' .......... 111. ' It.,,.,: Clll4I ...... (llfWwle ftf'llll ""-.... ----······-··------·---.... -........... J .f' T•1 fJl() .... 1111 a....F...-. ...................... -----------.. •··•·• l .V """""" -.......... ~ .................................... _,, _____ ., __ "" l'Wll"*' °"'""' '-D1!lr ,. • ..,., ,lldi ._..,,.. lflcll Dur"" w~oor 111d a1tw11111o1s Ellll'lllllr. ""'11 it lfll M1W & 11. ,,, IM ....., I'-.... _ .......................... , ........ --......... ,,. S.I'-" ··················---··-····----·· .. --.. -LEGAL llOTJCE ~ -··················--······------· .. ········· EM_..,. ....................................... _ ............. . ... 1111 Sl'ltll Wllflrt. l.27'h; l/Ufff S,Jt; l"SMksll,. t .1D1 lfllfff ClllTIPICATI OP I USIJllTSS ""' Vcte.111111. S.20; Dua Chtct.ott, S.IO; Aw. Trwl, •.• ; l'ICTITIOUS lllAMI Mmlnlltrlllon. s.n. The ulld•nloMd """'Ctrtll't Iii 11 _,. Sllsst AMt91 : •• "" ... , ... doclll'l!ll , bus1MU 1t 1111 Wlllltll• CS31• ShMI .Mll•I Forwn1n I~ •bovf Journe,m1n r1t1 Ma.I, C.ilfomll, UNftr 1111 flC-111..;. flnn 0-11 F_,.,.11 lni. 11/0>t!I J0UrM'(mlft r1tt llllMDIPOll:TION 1'.t.CXFOOOSCO -5fwsl M.,_l WOf'l(fl" ........................................... U .11 11111 Mid firm II_,,-.."' h .au.,, •. HMlll'iilt lnshllltr .................................. -........... _ ,,14 11'11 --. .,.,_ r1111'W In fllM 1nd l'IKI H•llh--" W11f1r1, 1-Jt; ,._!On. .2l; Vlc::1llotl. ti'!' fl/I INM "' '"ktel'ict .. " fol ..... · p1yrsll WALTER M. TALai-ll:T, 611 Cenllr Tflt Slrtw Ill: sr .. Coal1 Miii. Tiit k1t1r F.,_11 In dilf9e .. llsl lllll'i II -. Sl.JO ti" Dlllld MtY 1s. 1• dlY' INI ill dMfVS If II ,,_ .. ......., u.• _. dl1 MO!lE W11tw M. .,,..., THAN ths Tli. Slttsn' ri te. STATE OI" CALll'Oll:N!4 '1'111 Sl'l'ttl" , ,., ........ , .............. · .. • ... • · ........ ·. · .•. • ... 1.11 COUNTY Of' Oii.ANGE I • , T ... ,_ Trull, l.141JJ Cwll!iholll ~ .... Mii ~ Oli M1r1 ll. """ °"""' ~ 1 ~ l ilill, l.251 V-tlM CDtitudsd ,_ .... ) Mii ~ !"Wik 111 ..., fir •Ill """' ,._,,,..,!¥ lfilp, ""' Tl .. ·~tw.. 1.12. _,_ W1ttw M. ._, k-.. Tiii Hsllll" fll1 ll'W ts 1it1 .. --.._ 11ttn1 11 Tiii Slltsr HflPor .. • .. .. .... .. • . • ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. "" IUtllc'l1btd Is h wlltilll """"'*"' 1111 HllllJI 11111 Weltl .... 1.1"'°'1 VICl!llil. .20: """""""' Mi • ldl__,... tw 09WltJ t!ls .-. Dlllobtnty, .II; JOlrrl ...,,...,llcalltp Tn11t, A.SI A.il!'si!Mllt IOl"FICIAL SEAL) Tr;wt, -'"-A ..... lllitl(I KMSOULW ::.:., K. ~I NIHOD 'aJllD tuiT• PrlMl .. I Ofl'lc» "' Thi ,4,l)pl' ... llc• ••II h b, ~'fl "' "" Journrrmen'l "''' ONl'llf! teulih' t•a.FT OITt:•VAU 1st :liMI .)rl 4tll 1111 Mii 7'111 lft tltl ltllil 111- Mp Coinmlslklll lolrn "'°""' n montlll .60 .10 .to .tt Nev, 1•. 1tn k lllfm•-e•• '.-t:ts ·'° .'5 .10 .n .IO ,I.! .K .ts c;.ff7t j lrldt .. y.,s '.._t111 .5'1 .• ~ .10 .ID .90 .U Publi~lleoil Or•-c-1 Cblly l'llo! M•' C1,-,,.n1.... ' rMnlhs ,"6 • .s .10 .15 • 1' ,41 .• , ,17 ·'° '" ,f,\ U, ''· Jl 111d J,_ 1, l"f .. 7.ff CtrMnl M•SOM .I rnontlis .IS .1' ,IJ .17 .ti .'5 1--------~-----IElltlrkllns e "-'"°' .st .60 .aS .J'O .IS ,llO .15 .tt 0 111 .. rs !OOt "'°"'" -~ .cit .10 .JS .IO .11 ... .tJ lnlMtlO!bn ' nwntru .n .11 .tS .tt .•l ,f t ~tl\lfl • "*'"'' IJ ·'° ... ·" .•• .t? LEGAL NOOICE l------::-:-::7:Ci-----·IM•rtlh' MIMM a"*'"'' .llO .U .N .It .ft .M u .. 1 .. t ,.....,._ 1 ,..,,lh• .Ml .63 .10 .11 .IS .tJ 1 ... SUf'alllOl COUR'f Of' T'Mll 1'111~ 3 "*""" ."5 ,$0 STAT• .. CA.Ul"C9•1A Ntt. P111llr1" ' ""'"fl'ls .55 ... ,65 ·" .ao TMa COUffTY ~~· P'lwilllilrl ''""""' ,40 .U M JI ,1• .JI .U ,I, ,'9 .N .... A""" ltlfrieln"'" ,. ,.,,_ .• .d .. JIJ ·"' ·" .n .. .... ·" ·" -:=· .. ~~,~~ =~·'::: :="""'"' : = ~ :: :: ~ ::. :: .nl .. LCTTdS TUT •Y Slltl ,....... • """"" .Al M ,.a .. M .JI .1t Al ,a .. -• ·:i=f-'"""'· --'"'· . -............ ,. ........ ,. :.. o.s..I. Tl!'hm J """ .1' M ,ti NOTKa II "ll 'Clfttll 'TJwt Tilit lstlsf' I,,...,,.. .U M "1 .ti .r1 1.0I ~ ,.,...._ ~Wll""" .... ""':: ?& IT PUllfHl!I •t:IOl..VlD. 1111f • .......,, .............. ,......, ......._. fl Utlsf'I fwllrt@;I•, ti ~ "ASSl!:D ANO AOOf"TlD. ltill U,. ..,. tf fMy, ""-...,.., """""'°' .. ~ i. ~ W A. I.. l'llUCLl'f' """"'° N11'1cl!W'" ...... tfil lfilS tin. tl'ld Attnt· """ II !tit °'1 fll CAlll ._ .i.e. .. """"" .. llftt, 1'111 lilefl 'II . C. IC. I'll If IT fW M#f tf, '-• II t=r· I .WI., Iii 11'11 City Clltil .. flw Qty st Colll M1H ~nr ... 0:1111 -~~ti~STATEOf'CALl,OllHtA I • • COUHfY OI" 0"-'"0f I U of i.nte Ant, tlllflnllli, CITY M COSTA ME.IA I Dltld Ml'r I. IMf • W 11; IT JOH I, C. IC. l'ltllST, Clh' C!trt; flf 11\1 City l'I' C..i1 MMI, llll'llrt .... lf'f' 1t1tf c,;.,,,t., Ci.t, "" •bclvo .............. lltMlullM NI, .... .._. IUl'f lllclf "'l\lllrf'r ...... 1111! MlttJlll!LI. & MAllT \ .......... "' ... (lty CluncH of tho City If CMIS MIM fl lft .. ,_... ""'" "'*"'" st UW ,,_11111 11111 Sii 11'11 ltl!I Hr ot "'-1• IHt. llJ WISf n ltf'lsl:, ...._ IN WITNl!U WHEll1!01", I ...... ,..,_.. '"' "'1 .._. ..W _.,. -... I 111H1 A111, C.~ Ml If !IOI OIY " c .. i. M .. , 11111 1)11;..., tf JMy, lflt, • , .. , (1HI --(. It. ,.ll:IEIT ANWlilrl 11r l"til!IHlt City C!1111 '"' •••ffltll C"'1t .. 1f11 l'UIH!tMf Ori._. c...I ... ,.. P1'91, CltT c:-.11 st 11111 CIJr If C..ts MsM Mw 11. lt. 11. 1• I tiut ,...lhhlf °''""' £Ntt esuv "'"111t. ~'f tr. ,.. -.,. ~ ' ,. r • \ I • ' ' ' . • I • I • ... • • I Q •• • ' • • • --1. ~11 17, lM Beal Builders· Need Wood Substitutes Estate Questions and Commeot By RMltor Rind.I Mctorillo ~ }' . Tbe ~ llllioall de-calllnla, Inc., Y-WU oOl<r rolated orcapizalloas '" luM Ii lmnbor for-.., ....,, U Americans who conduct1ng lludies to find or boullq and Ibo ... ..-vililod Japon Ill Ibo nke Ii cr<ale an adequale wood "P"'I Ii lop lo J-lor ellor1a lo -tbe now al lop suboUtute, 1le Aid. UW -·• boulloc abortqe trom tbe prime N-In monben Ii bouliOI -Sood lo 1ho _.....,... lorab. llartl, Ja-bullden ti· :..~ ::"~~ ~i:=lllba: ~~~~=YU:,':; bWldlal oMff"1e United -bJ lllt perctolln million lllls yar -bul tbe • Do'riol 1C-. -IJ mum. ...,. •-.,.. 1 -slse al tbe IOll and·bomeo can- ed trom I l°'l...et lmpecllon period IJl!I bJ • ~ Ill not be compued, be said. tour al J1siu-mJllo and Japan la jaol ...,. 1 year'• Prime altes .,. -clooe lumber lactlHIH, said tbe period. lo the rallrood line, Younr .,. rec<l'd dlmlnd r or con-Reeelrcb mutt p r o d u c e plained, becaUM molt workers atniotlaa lwmller ..US oonllnue material-lo llUbltltalo lor m-.uee tbe lnln to .-i Would you p!Mso doflno "purchoso -Y' '""' for ~1-·a,.,.... but !bat wood, Y-said, -.,, and .from work .. Yet lhere are dHd for mo? Also, wMI 11 on offHt •1•19"""'? tbe prlco will "peak" « islinc aupplla ind ._.....,, bulldin( allel in Tokyo where F.A., Cett11 Meu perblpt ha 11rtady mched under current iovemment 'land aeul for $25 per aquirc A lhal point. regulallons, win not provide loot, lille some prices for purchue· money trust deed is money loaned b)'. A6 .,.-1 al tbe ~ what is noeded. Wllahire Blvd. ~lei. h e the owner for all or part of the purchase price ol real -~lnd~llll~u'.:y..:A~• ~· o~c~l~•~l:.'.l~o~n~al~_'.Tbe~~i.~,,~ld~inll~lndus~~try~~·'."nd:._!:poin~ted~nu~l'.:.. -----estate. No ddciency judgment may be o&taii>ed oo a purchase money tnm deed. An olfaet statement is a statement by the lender, . the owner ot the lien against the property, setting forth the presem status of liens against said property; u to the unpaid balance, monthly payments, interest rate and all tenns and conditions . 11 It lnle that the U.S. Gowrn-.t OW111 -rly half of CallfOrnla? S..m1 unbollevable. What about etf>.. er 1t•tM; don the U.S. Government own a .. ,.., er smaller percent•ge of them? A.J., Nowport BHch Yes, the U.S. governmOllt alooe OWDI nearly 45 perce nt ot our state. The exad figure according to Gen- eral Se rvices Administration as publisbed In Stewart 1'iUe's Jdealetter i1_;44.S percent of Calilomia ii owned by the Federal government. PERCENTAGE OF LANO OWNED BY U.S. GOVERNMENT Alabama 3.3% Missouri 4.1% Alt• 96.9% Montana I 29.7% Ar .. ona 44.8% Nebraska 1.4% Arkansas 9.4% Nevada 86.4% New Hampshire 12.2% California 44.3% New Jersey 2.2% "~cut 36.4% New Mexico 34.1% 0.3% New York 0.8% Delaware 2.9% North C8.ro1iDa 6.1% Wash., D.C. 28.4% North Dakota 4.7% ,.Florida 9.8% Oblo 0.9'1' Georgia 5.5% Oklahoma 3.2% Haw a.ii 9.7% Oregon 52.2% Idaho 64.2% Penn. 2.0% Illinois 1.4% Rhode Island 1.1% .,Indiana 1.8% South ·Carolina 5.8% ··Iowa 0.6% South Dakota 7:0% Kansas 1.3% Tennessee 6.2% Kentucky 4.7% Texas 1.8% Loulslana 3.6% Utah 66.6% ·Maine 0.6% Vermont 4.3% Maryland 3.0% Virginia &.6% Maas. 1.5% Washington 29.4% Michigan 9.0% West Virginia 6.3% ~ 6.8% WiSC011$111 5.1% Mlsslsalppi 5.2% Wyoming 47.0% lDfTCHI:'$ NOTE: lldlll II. McC•rdle It ., .,,._, atit!JN, ,--.m ef """ llNl t!i.,........ I colllM ...,..t'W, I fir'Kfw el' ft. ~ ~ flt NI Elftt. T...:Mn. ~ flt "R"I E..-11 ta~ ... ..., -~ _f..,. NI commMts 19 11:.-11 R. MeearcllR, cl• "'9 D9lb' PIW, ... l ... CM9 No-. New Homes in Park, Village Progressing developmaa oritnted to 1111 .. -landocaped pori. ' LAKI l'OREST CAMELLIA MODEL STRESSES OUTDOOR LIVING 'The Beach' Accent on Ollering perblpa tbi IDO!t custom roaidence f , e 11 n g , Modernity •trikin& appr'C*b yet lo Deme Lake Forest's Homeowners Brothen' f am. 0 u 1 Garden Customizing Center makes A -modem delip. cancept Garden Homes Model Creates Excitement available a list ol more than created ~-..;...._ Homes livtq, the new .... )'CQll, .. --. Camellia mocle1 at L a t e two dozen optional features, {IJlliliel is featured et 0 "nte Forest has lfnfl'ated much each in a variety of styles. Belch," a new Kaufman and .,_ 1 b palterns, colors, etc. 1be op-exch.icmen among o m e lions rqe .from diffmnt Broad resider!.Ual developmert buyers:, reports W • 1 re n types ot flooring to diffeRnt in H~ Beach. Toman, marketina dirtctor at ceiling aNi roofing: materials, William P. E d w a r d s , Lake FtreSt. from CUil.om entry doon to "When home shoppers walk I I d . Southern California pneral c omp ,ete y e 11gned Into the Cmlellia, they are backyards. manager for the development greeted by a living room and Deane Garden Homes are firm, said that ''The Beach" dining room with 'I story.and· available in both t h r e e • homes are ezpandable - one-half wal1 of glaa that' bedroom and four-bedroom designed so that two or more opem via tine slidin1 glass modell, Priced from $30,1115 lo rooms can be a d d e d doon to a completely fenced •.•. they .iare avaUable ~ and elliJy to and screened back yard," said andtt convenUooal terms. meet a . y'a future needs. Toman. "SQddenly they realize Lake._ Forest, the. 900-acre Conatructian ii Curret'Jtly un· 12 Homes Due Soon At Niguel Late spring compleUon of twelve of the twenty new homes planned at Villa del Nt;uel, prestige community overlookinc El Nipel . Coif course, Is the comtrucllon schedule re ported by builder Robert M. Russell, Laguna Mesa Company. The eight remaining homes are expected to be readied by the J all , Russell aaid. He also pointed out U1lt a npid aellout Is espected, based on the pre- openin( inquiries by pro-. spective buyers. Homesit<s at Villa de! Niguel will overlook th e . beautilul, II · b o lt cham-. ptooahtp El Niguel goli cnuroe. In addition, reaideata ..US be within a few mlnu\f:I fo all the varied recreaUonal facilities of Laguna Niguel, tueb.u the private Monarch Bay and El Niguel Club&, tbe riding club; Dana Point ~artna. t h e county-planqed · park, Orange County Regional CivK Center and the Town Center. Priced from $41,600, the IUJ:.· ury homes will include three to tour bedrooml, ·three baths, family rooms, noob, two and three-car 1arage:1, wet bars and aeparate, fannal dining rooms. Immediate ocCupa.ney upon completion his llltnicted pre- buyen, R u s a e 11 aplalned. 'Ready' features include full carpeting, walled front yards, panel-fe~ side y a rd a landscaping end aprinklen in tbe lr<Xll yard&. • tllher hlg)illghta aro Im- ported tile and brick entries, built-in appliances, with Nll· cleanin1 ove~, forced air heating and tiled 1honr-tub NOWl11to .. _I S...e Mc9'1.. A.;,. Dk•' a1 ''BULLln'' ''.$A~ ~:;,Y" · MESA TH~11E Grand OpeninCJ Celebration Vi1it lliu!Ml...Wr4 Hom11'1 .,,.,.. 4fti U11it, i" D•11• Poi11I. 5 1xclli"' model1 i11 our 11ew m..l•I h•m• . com pie•. FAMIL ~ BAR·B·Q! tW D• 1'_. 11.-laft1•s1nt1 SUNDAY, MAT .1M 12:11 ....... l:tl,... PRIDSI : :,.~, ... DURINO DAY Q f PUN POil THI KIOI Ill TMUMOllllRD'I U LLOMI MAM t.M. ''.,...,.,."'"*'' fw ~ w , ... •lbl · All homes are s:nparea fOt Modlirn GM PetloAl)pilenc:eo . . THUNDERBIRD HOMU Drl111 lh• Se11t• A11e·S•11 Di•t• F,, , w 1 y .. th • Ce,11tre" ''''" turfloff 111d t• 11orth '" P•ciflc Co•1t Hl1ltwrt te 0.1 Obl1!.o. Tur11 •••t on Del Obhbo to St'"' I-fill ~01111 ,114 kll9W 1i9n1. • A mmber of varied floor plans are olferod la '!be Plri and VilJace 'llne homes, which ctllDpile cm d the 1argeo1 C<llllruclic'!' pro;ect.. ever begun «i the m.tGric ran- ch. that this ia the kind of indoor· Orange Counfy commmdty o!-derway on tht eecood and outdoor living that most of ferint: two Jakes and a teal third units ol. dl8 developmen t, lbem have only aeen in home forest, wy be rtlCbed by tat-~ed 3.pp'ox!mltely tbfee magulne feature s lo r i e s ing the Santa Ana or San miles south of the San Diego about expensive c u s t o m Diego Freeway• IOUf.h to El Freeway oo Brooth\Dt Ave. re'.sidences. Toro Roed and following the Five furnilhed models are now walls and celllnp. Jr==================::; Architect for the n e w development is Arthur R. Schiller, A.I.A. Sales agent 1' J, W. Godwin. manqer, Llguna Niguel CorporaUon, · Housing Act Talk Slated How tut year'• mlllive led<nl housing a<I may ln- flu<nce Oalilornia'• ""'1 eolate and mortcaee markets will be outlined al 1 mee~ ci the Southern California Modloee Bankers As9ociation, Wed- nesday, May 21. Featured speaker for the meeting will be Arthur A. Timmel, ..,;,tan( "ii<NI adminiltn.tor, Federal Hous-ing-. s.. Fran- ·-· 'lbe dimer meeting lo a::bedoled fw l :JO p.m., at the Shenlktr-WS Hotel, L o 1 An(eles, acwnlic to Poul J. O'Brien, SCMBA pn.Sdellt. '"lbt Part b om e 1 i~ corporate privacy aod natural light, and the vmace Three homes otftt 11 different ez· terior elevations, providing bomebuyers with a wide seJec.. Lioo al sty!'" lo dloooe," Oloon said. He said '!be l'lrt -· ......,.._ -$11,115 lo $42,985, rqe from ID o- «plioollly W1e t b re e bedroom and family room model to a IUIUl'lcq: flve- bedroom -rib • formal dB*c room and Jors< atrtmri. Village Throe lm>el, rq· ing in lize from • two- bedroom home with • CONl"fJd enlry to. -model with two ~. larft Hv· ing room and family roorn, are b• jliced from.,,. to $39.llCi. • The "'° model -.,.... p1.... located • um .. 111, Part IDOl' be rwlled bf lat· kC .. Smtt. Ana fr••I) to C1iYor -and lallowllc tbe lipll to tile new dlvelut;lwid. "Yet, hue ls a home the signs. open to the pubHc. average family can afford to Unlike the. homes in unit I, buy, onl~. because Deane the dwellings iD ooita II and Brothen are produ ci n g Sales Lecture lll wm be equipped with Garden Homes in !!lufficient modem Gaffer1 and Sattler quanuty lo bring the price Set Wednesday gas appliaocea Inc I u di n.g within reach of m o !!I t • ranges, apace beaq Ind Naturally, homeshoppers who water heelers. 'Ibe rqes will 'VIBla de! Niguel -be reached from the San Dtesc> Freeway, or Pacific Coast Highway, by way of Crown Valley Partway. like the indoor-outdoor living How home salesmen can fea ture seu~~qyens.. concept are quick to sew. the become more effective 00 the FealUrlnc California moo.m Realty Offfice opportuDttJ to buy w h a t mo d e I s i t e of n e w deslp , the Balanced Power -lo I c u • t 0 m developments will be reviewed project offers apacloul two, Set for Park res1deace at vo1umt price." by Lawrence S. H e 1 d • three, four and live-bedroom · In addlUon to the living marketing COllllllltanl to the homes. One Ind twwl<>rY' rocm and dining room, the housing ind~ at the dinner structures are available. Red Hill Realty Ml been Camellia'• kltdltn and muter meeting ol. Sales and The homes will h a v e selected by the I~ C:O: suite allO open to the. rtar MarkeUng Oouncil of the carpelm' g and dra-. All w1·11 pany as the realt>: irmp ~ Al an1 The hrokfast nook Ind Building Industry Association ,,..... located at Univer•tY ar •. ii.. ; .... ,.{i.edroom toot 9111 w-.y, May %1 . tiave l'"1Clocaping. the pr-time tbell' alfice is omo a aide dining patio and nit meet.inc will be at "The Beach" is conveniently being readied for occu~ at the third and rourt:1 bedroom Rodger Young Auditorium at situated cloee to schools and llOll CUiver Drive, ]fYine, sbaro an oncloaed iarden 7:00 p.m.. proceded by a collOf!OS, shopping • ....,.,,. with a projected,-""' dale ·•"• ~ .. ••---~-•-th coctlail hour at 1:00 p.m., a<· employm"1~ . ~ tr.iftJI and ol J'"10 L ...-'"'" wn:i uUllln:J .,. .......o-'-w • Ml~..1....11 r. recreatiool.I facllit.ies. Jw Its .... patio-like planter, ·--w . ~. -· .ir81 Le -will be tho vialbJe tbrGugh tbe -· v!Ce lftlidenl and P"'l'&m Prices ranp fmn -lo .......,. <t tbe new llnl•mi-'"lbm," conch* Toman, cb1irm1n for the council. $21,990.. ty Part brmCb ~· ''virtually eYft1 room -e1-1---;;:::::::::::=:::::::::::::::::::::::::'.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;::::;::;:::;:"--·~ cept I« the abeltered famtly ...... -olflf'I --li'fiDI m 1 m11ntfl~ent ICCJPI." l'urtber pramotlnc I b e Dorttmiss Private Renewal Apartments Rise on Old Trailer Site our brand new model that tells it like it is: THE I ODAY 'HOME with indoor-~enclosed 'yardforthe ultimate in -- cOmrOrt Md enja/menf. 1bday and fNerY day. • • ©SANDPOINI E lllCID CIPISTlllD · Land of the Dons UNSPOILED, SECLUDED l '/, t.o' 3 acre rancho sites amid the great oaks of Cleveland N•tlon•I Forest Doep in the ...., .,... ,..... s.n aemcnu, uc1 Newport of tb• CJn,lud National Beach. Ollly 23 acC:nic milc1 For.it lill • 300cre illmd ol from Saa Juan Capilltrano. ..nm, IDlls, """' nlleyi and Rancho c.p;atruo -... -sflidea-aRancbo prioedlrom$8,IXX!lo Sl&,ml, Cll:Mfl&O.V.-tteKlle:softbe terms 10'1> down , JS ye1r1. P/111111 ;, S&•tlie Dri-.,.: S....AM/Saalliolo,.,_ way 10 bittoric .Saa Ju a a C•pi1tr1ao, tbca cut oa.· Hwy. 74 COrtqa Hwy.) ud foJlow tlle &i1a1. Ft"Ortt PamouOT Ri~tsit#: Drive 10 Co1'011, thea eait oa Hwy. ?I &o Hwy. 74, 9CM11h aod follow O.• c ntraaco ..... N~ Fon:arec:reallcm aru ltreldi 1a C\'Cy directioa, • Oovenment-cnnled buffer opiaatpopd....., omdoom· IDfJl'Cial act<*:ts.ut. Rancho c.p;.u-will bdon& to just 133 owner•, ia f1- 1inepl•. &ch of Che 2 1 tO J •ere .a.. t1 cleared ud •ccealible to utilitiul •od pded read. 'Arimt s,.wa ~,..-.. _ol"IN ~..,..--..,----~ ~it.ss. 'J'W. F•• .. ,,....,.; c .. IQld, cu ..,.r h dapliello4. ' At~C ''•>Jo.11 .,.__,J., ...... --. ... -,o1 _pm..., ... llol- •• 5 H*)M1uswlc:llMle '. lll»ft, ··-.., » ----•CIClllll:llnc:. odoo • iop.. ~ l'Oiol, Wrill for -lrw, 11--17 DID ClrllTlllO <fl;?QC JMOriM.s-iltl,l(wpw, ... <*..., ('714>,.._ ' ~-·~--------t-.---------1 • t' -. -= Srt 'M SSS' 21 S ' a ca madsAt·rr·vta 1tNWPWaa =c a ·n ··nrwrr··· '? \ '' )I DAllV I'll.fl Revolts Popular In Cannes CAllllBll, Franct (Ael """' -Ille ..-... -Ille C......,. Film Felitml'1 balli. 'Mii( yw It hn moved to the fesUv•I llCl'ftll. , Jl?Chiiy: lb. tuiJfWI)' m~rt -todlf. the ·~ ,. 0 v l"&-~ahowcaa bu ..--far ~ man mm. on revOfutkwi than "" •nY -IUbjecl. a.I thole wbo have tried to revive II)' VEllNON SCOTT HOLLYWOOD (UPI) Who'd have thollChl that nice' lltt)e 'Julia Jtan • 'Mildred Frances Turner from Walllce, Idaho, would mo\Pe t o' r: ll '""'I HollYwood" and .,...,.. ~lier lv.;:'21'9 c name to Lana Turner 'Shaw Ortnt Topping Blrktlr May .Eaton nante? • '· Stven bl.Ill.lands migtit be :~ the=lloll)'.'llOOC!..reconl for top -JDOYla .. atan, and at-only age f 411 Lalla may ~tbe champ. '1bt former sweater alrl of . __ Thz::~Umen are, co~on, to ·:-!>< sun"Jlul most-ol·thOJadies with. a pench.anl' for pttacheh btolong lo • pwlJl&!Of•· . Itri --- 'TONITE AT 6:00 & !:SO .......................... Jut 'Jelr't demonstrations, which were calleol In ,._t of the Frend!' student revolt, have IaJted. Mictq Rooney mavies cloesn't slick ta one type. ·Artie Shaw, husband No. 1, played the clarinet; Steve Crane is a Rita Hayworth ts presently restau_rateur; Bob -Topping unmarried. But-she caught the w~ nch; Lex Barker an a~ man')'ing 'bu' r.oung in life tor, Frtd-May a bualnessman. Jnd tluna: to it or more thaa ~ • 1Eaton, too, was In 20 years. Sbe made' her movie butmess. debut in "Dante's Inferno," Today !tuch ycamg one1 as Vanesq Redgrave proudly ad- mit. the, are Uvtng with and/ or bearioj: ll)H:hlid of a man to whom they are not marrieil. They call it the new morality. ,,..... i 0 _,~ ......... ,_ " .............. UM ~ -,Ot. UJ.H 1 ·Ef.1116 . 'PllERliEYi CJWUUJ1 Bo Widerber1, S w e d I 1 h dirtclor of "The A d a I t n Riots,'' marched out of lbe festival hall SUnday when hia technicians in bl11e jeaM were refused entry to a black tie gala. He aiao diticlz.ed police for posting forces around the palace.· DAILY PILOT 11911' ..... Hi! protest moYement was 1 Theresa Smith and David Paul share a tender mo. flop. But inlide the hall, hil ment from "Middle of the Night," Paddy Cbeyef-film on a 9wedl!h worbn' up-rising tn the 1930s was 1 strong sky's romantic 'drama opening next Friday for two success. The festival jury jn-weekends at the cOsta Mesa Civic Playhouse. · timated that it might be--------------------- worthwhlle for Wllderberg and his cast to stay until prize time. Somewhere alo~g ~ !ine the Dante In this case beina no there was a boyfriend named relation to Lana's new hus- JC?hnny Stompanato, but he band. Rip's Dante was a sllffered ·from an e . .a r l Y writer. ', • dem~e. RilO marrled t 'Iman MISS Turner's marriage in was 0 01 Las Vegas last Thursday put Ed Judsod;. actor 0 r a o n manY another ·glamor-girl lo '!elles, . Prmce Aly Khan, shame SJnger Dick Haymes and, pro- Tab Lil Taylor. She's only ~ucer James Hill. A total of been ·married flve times -to five. the late Nicky HiltGa actor Among the much-married Michael Wilding: ~cer ladles there almost inval:i~blY Mike Todd, sinier , Eddie a~ars a singer or mustc.ian, Fisher and currently, actor which . has no apparent ti'· Richard Burton. p\anahon. But Liz b a lass 1n her 30s. Joan Craldor.d. who walked • t ACAilM'.Y WINNU JUNIOR ~TINEI '. ' SAT, 2 ··~· ' ' ......... "FIRST MIN' ON THE MOON;, • • Two other ravorites also cleal with revolt. They are Lindsay Anderson's "If ... ", about public school lire in Bri. tain and a student revott, and "Easy Rlder." the Peter Fon- Le~ Pu~s Spotlight On F~iends, Wishes Judy Garland is also a·ftve--to the altar four times, 1.,. Sii•• tt.m ,:4S time bride; composer David t c .... $1Hey fr•• 2 ,... I .... C.rtlo- ALL SEATS SOc da-Dennil Hopper chronicle of SUN DAY 19): Get basic chore! com- Rose, · director V·l n cent e l"=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:~=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:;111 Minelli, businessman Sid Luft, ';::. two youth s motorcycling ~JAY IS pleted early. Remember across the United States. Both M reso.luUon about health. ex- are upected to !hart in the By SYDNEY OMARR ercise and diet. Give much al· actor Mark Herron, and. cur· rently. discotheque en- trtprtneur Mickey Deans. prizes. . RF..cREA'l10N HINT: M.. tention to your own weliare. A A lout!h film an revolution, will be ••IA>rlag ea-r today; complaining nolativ• ~ merely Bach Concert G e rm a n y • s ' • .M I chltl e.1celleat fer filldq",· ........ making noise. William Hall wi'll -duct Kolhus," 1ot a cooltr Heel>' tn1. ' ' AQOAIUUS (Jan. 20-Fe;b. .. ..... tion;The chief complaint was ARIES (Mardl 21-April 19}: 11): ~cCent on how ypu relate lhe Saint Matthew Pu,sipn liy that the movie-mater 1 Domestic issues are favorably to· children. Be ne••ble and Johann Sebastian Bach' for the belabored the parallel between settled.. A visit to or from creative. DOn't feat change. f~rth annual Sh o I u n d their ltth century horaetrader relative clears the air. State Listen to young person. AVol~ SChoJarshlp Concert at Chap- tumed rebel leader and the your position with claritv.. If any hint pf pomposity , Lcved · man College May 25. , · dist ban • F '· •-h The Bacn choral spring ur ces 1n ranee specific and since~. you will one wants to 11,now t at you and Italy last year. be ha_ppy _especially tonight. care. too. masterpiece will be presented 'A firth film o( :revolution, TAURUS (April 21).May 20): ~ISCES !F:eb. 19-March 20): in the Chapman Co 11 e g c "Z," from France, inspired by You have more to'.be gr'teful Strive· for harmony at home Aucijtorium In two parts, the assasslnlllon Ola member for than might 6e imaiined. and ·With t~oSe . who affect beginning at 4 p.m. and, of the Greek parliament six Before day is over, you realize future se~r1ty. Da y to get foUowing a d J n n e r in- years ago, is to be shown in this. Some changes due. And facts out tn open. Then you termission, resuming at 7:30 th£ aecood half of the festival. there is creative excitement. feel better and so does your,,.:P~·m=. ========;II "hr just won't lM* in GEMINJ (May 21.June 20): family. their bathing suits any more," Cycle high; ·Opp o sit Ion If Today Is You Bir~ay one pbo&ograpber complained. diminishes. S t r i v e for you are al\facled to med1CUJe, ··They nm to wear long hannony especially at home. to aiding those with problems. dreaes and boots ~nd tell the Gracious' g~· on your part Social life has improved - reporters 1Gmethinl mean-cou1d work w6nders. Accent and now financial picture will inlfuL '' on ~tY., appear~ brighten. .,·and iniU&tivt. T• !JM aut ....,, •bout vaurs.M •lld .. LEGAL NOTICE P•l>4W C•"Tll'ICATa 0, •t.1SIMl.ll •tcTITIOUI IU.Ma ~ c• .. t~ 'June·, .~July tllr1t119r,, «clW SrdneJ Qrne.,•a ~ .!'LL~ \!c' • -'"' llillllf'!t• T"' l rvth At.II 22): Stay in background a.s A•lroiow .• lf!rwl .50 <e.ill to om.rr ch 'bl ~"et d ,_ lollilld thl 01'tL'r l"ILOT, Bo.o. :n«I, mu as~ e .. ""°' ay ta Grn cen1ni1 :i.t••loft, i+sw vor11;, H.Y. favored. Answers come from 1000. · within: Spiritual guidance is •-----~---- ' --... ~. Lu1Li1z ~~ HILD OYER Stc•1M~,,. i11 "BULL'ITI" ; ,.,, ,.. NIW SICOMD 1.!AlUll "THE WRli~KING CREW" lKSllll• ........... tm. !!m11Ut fOI! 1WV11t AU01f.ifd5\• AL$0 fOl LAU6HS Clilt W .... A.,t. Didi- EM Sll•w St•f'h 7 p.111. C•llt. s.t fr•111 S 5.,..111., fro111 2 ,.111. ~·---((lfl ........... ...._, ·----------• .~ .. . WEEKNIGHTS l:lS-SAT. &·SUN. FROM 1 p.m. lo-smti• spfrodor_n.. __ ifimit pidun: mr! . OAVIOQSELZNtCKS COSTA---I "'°"' Fo• SOUTH COAST· I GUllll , 1,A'PLAZA THEATRE . CORPORATllN '5•n Diaco FrffWl1 at Bristol • 546-2711 ACRES OF FREE PARKING AND AT 1:00 ONLY ENOS TUESOAY candy ·T•d!nicolw' enc -::::-l!J W•hft M.ttti.. llc .... J.rta 1-A11i1t --'-C.bJ.. M.t•• """'• -..... 5Mr -FRAULEIN DOKTOR with Slll'f' it.IMl•ll -Cop1telM ·~l'!trtRS.....is A OOIOil.S/DSl'!m.tlll ln~'i!lQ!l'li\ii 1(111'}.1 ~'~ ll~lt. RICHARD ANNE CRENNA HEYWOOD FRED ASTAIRE uPodlr1 r,,. 11ncM1nll"'" llloes Ctrill'I' lie 11 c1n· ducUnt • b<QIMU It 2m F11,,,.., O•lw . Cotll Meu, C1llfonil1. "'*' IM fie· tl!lcM llrm n1me ol WAL~CE P•O. CIUCTJ, SltnltY A. W1l11t1, Ind tlll l 11!<1 firm b comPOJed ol IM !011owl"' ""on. wtion r11m1 In lVll tncl 1l1t1 ol r11hMnc1 11 11 fallOWI: cspecia\Jy beneficial. Listen and ab.sorb . , LEO (July 23-Aug. 'l): Spotlight on friends an d wishes. You get lhe backing you need. One in authority PACIFaC ~ wah 01.1n Mtrlin C.-l•••a s..-., i :JI ,.,.!' WE )\,RE PROUD TO PRESENT THE A~ADEMY AWARD WINNER S°ESl FOREIGN FIL:M 'MlllASRUN Sl1nler A, WllllU, ~ltt Ff\NjlY Or., CO'llt Mtu, C1lll. 01llcl ...... ~ i. lff'I Jt1nil't' A. Wtl!.tt SlATE OF CALIFO•NIA I COVHTY 01' OllMIOl I SS. On !Mr 7111. Ifft, bdort rn., 1 Mol•rv Publl< 111 tnd for 11111 stm, --..11y ''""'"" si.1111Y A. w11i.c. ~--"" IO bl IM Mr10n .._ -la 9U9Krlb-'-d to !!It wfflllll IMtfV!Mftl 1!111 ''~"'"""*'" "-ulC\lttd "" -· gets in touch. Day to express love. What you give ls return- ed tworold. VIRGO (Ayg. 23-Sept. 22) :, Stress on how you hand1e yourself durtllg crisi!. Key is lo follow thrOugh on in- ,,.,..., 1er11 ,,.,...'°" tentions. Temptation ls to let ~~!c.~~~ ~·llf•"'11 sleeping dogs lie. Degret: of ISEALI o...,... '-'Y success depen41._, i,.pii your th. C-IMIM l!'J•l•'5 Awt• '· 1m determination. ~~~11,"r ,,,o;:'."';,. ft;'t o.11r =~ LIBRA (Sept. 2M>ct. 22): -----~-o=,---Fine for travel. vacation plan- LEGAL NOTICE ning. Original appr-ls best ...... Cl.•Tl,ICAT& Of' •UllNlll l'ICTITIOUI NAM• ""' Ulldttralt* ... °""" I'll b <• ... tluc:Hnt t bua4MM 11 C.le MllH, Ctlllotnll, ~ 1ht lktltlillll Htm lltll'l<I ol' WON0e9: 1!HHJt1"at1Es .... ltla1 "'Id 11"" II ~ el tM folltW! ... 1er1011. ·wi.-n-111 11111 1NI 111~ o1 rnldenct ,i. H falllfWll •oblrt It "'°" Jr .. 1'3 Dumencl, L"""' kKfl, C.llfllrnlt 011111 .-,,r11 25. '"' Jtoblrt K. Slllrl Jr. STAT! OF tALIFOllNIA,, I O•ANOE COUNTY: , I SJ one. · · Be independent i n tliougbt, action. Know where you are going and why. Then confidence builds. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Trust hunch., I~ fetlings prove reliable guide. Follow thfough, on •desire to gain ad- ........... 6 A«odtlny ,..,,.., oNr llllrltl "DI. ZHIYA•O" -0.vLcl H lwn-Coll'r 123 I • Al.L OltlYl·IH STAltTS AT CIUSk '-a.M...._u..._,_, PACll'IC OIUYI IH THaATllS JPICIAL HOTICI TO OUR Th• pk1Uf9 111~ fn tllll bol ll'l<IV be c°"'klf!rtd lly tolTll 1)1 llt """ult•bi. tor chllllr"" •ncl '°""' PtfpM -incl •IQUI<• !Hf9111tl 11!1crellon. C111h'•rf to •dver!klng btVoM our c a 11 I r o I •"" •P!>l•rlnfl •IMtWhtlr•, yovfto •fl'OPll UNitr 11 4NOT 161 WIH I no! lie tdmlHtd to PACll'IC'I WAR- NER DRIVE IN THEATJll to 1eit the plc1ur1 lb !ld In lh!t llOJC unleH .ccompanlld by p • •'" t •r ..:lull -·•1111: "'LADY IN CIMINT' °" ..,II Ji. ,,.., lll!lil't me, • Noltrv P'ubOc 111 •1'1111 IOI' uld St•lt. MtMMn~ 111>ttred· •obert IC. 11"'1 Jt,. k_... lo me to lie !!'It H l'llPI. _ wt\011 .nt nll! 11 1..-Crlbed to "" w1tlllll l11111Vl'ntnl tncl 1dinow1«lt.:I l>t tl!K l/Md "" u mt. oed 1<now1ec1ge. MUe tnqbiry to key person. Clear away emotionaJ debris:. SAGl'n'ARIUS .• (NoY. ·22-1'=====-;;;;;;;;:;;;;;· Dec. 21): Much of what ap-• """""' !O!fl<lt l ktl ' JCIHllll E, OtYll Jf01 t rv l'Wlk -Ctlllornlt Pr111tl ... I Oltl~ Ill Ort"" Cwnf'r MY c-i1$loll EJt'lrt1 J1,1111 ''· ir11 l ubUihe'd OrtllM CAii 0111~ ...... II 26 1fMI M¥'f 1. , .. 11, '"'' QUEINE peared ~permapenUy attached . .-.._ _ could come apart. Accent is on !Ms.JJIJ· your ability lo adjust to changin1 .situation. Affects mate, partner, legal maneuver. ~\'r... CAPRICOBN (Dec. . --·-........ ... ":· ,,.-,., ..,...., Ill llN4 "61111"1 -att.o•-"HAMNllAL ftOOIS"" ---COi.Oii- '1t loaia like It'• 1<>lnr to be one of lhoee days . , ," .. ,IN DU LUM"' ..................... - - • • For the al>aolute fu n o! it SEE i'.ROOt,i ·SERVl~E" n.. ......... ~-,._. c...4, l :ll ... 111.-Tilll'tl 11., T~11t,.....,...1)6)-1n1 MN ..... •lvd .. C•lt Mu.o SOUTH COAST 1.11"11.TO•Y ClilLlllllH'1 THEATlll "PINOCCHIO" 1•11111'1 II I Ind l ~"'· tllrtl M•1 U NOW-Ends TU:111d•y I ...,.._,,.;;::,:Omar Sharif· catherlile 0eneuve James~ PORT THEATRE-:.Saturday Ntti:t •t 10:30 MAJOR STUOIO PREVIEW FEATURE BIG COMEOY STARRING ALAN ARKIN Com• •t 6:45 See All Thrff; No :A.dv•na Price NOW SHOWING Pnl N-1H11 I• "The Secret War of H•rry Frigg" ... ,• "HanniHI Brooks '' ~~ !!Jo ~IJl'DEIJ.D'I u.,,., .,.,,,, The TWe Part Production of Leo Toktoy'1 -...... _ ... ____ .,_ ....... _ .. _ .. , IREAfH.TAlllNG C:llAND£U• Of TH[ PAUCl l.lll AS THOOSMDS OAJtCtt1 PART I ;::·:~.:i.-:: ::;:,.~. STARJS MAY 14th Tl-jE ENTIRE PRODUCTION OF "WAii. AND PEA.Cf" Wi l l BE SHOWN IN TWO PAllTS. EACH ,Al l Will IE Stt()WN K>R ONE WEEKI PART II ;:::·::.;-;:::;.STARTS MAY 21st SCHEDUW Of' ~ERFORMANClS WtillMICl•r. Mal 14 ... -.. ~ ........... ·--··--"•·M ..... 1:00 p.m. Tf'lt.11'M11y, M•y 5 --··---.. -·" ..................... l :to p.m. 1tfd•y. M1y 16 .. """~ ...... _ .... ·--.. ···. -· ,:31 I 11:GO J.m. S.tutar.--May 11 --..................... __ J:tt-6:M-1t:tt ,.m. Sut'ltl.y, IAay 11 ... -.... -.... ___ 12:3M: ... :IO IM"· M"4!1y. M1y 1t ............. -..... ._ ... , ' '" l :IG ,.m. TWM11y, M1y 1CI .. ,,. .. ,.,_,,.,,._ ...... , ,, ......• 1:00 ,_m . JAMI SCHIDUll POI Jl'td WllX NOW THRU TUESOAY ll~HudSOli Claudia cardiilale l!I A .-me ~,,... 'lllE lliliUS'l'lllQf MIN · RAY BRA~Y'S masl£rplece ol tht SIJ1l'fTI8W<tll! TlCllMICO\O!'m lTlilO!' il!I 1!1111 WIRl.fl llOS.·SIYll llll C 1 Hollo l(aln, boy1 and glrll. , and welcomtUck to another SI~ m<nhll In :Uncle Len,, Corner. - Well, Utis weUend our Apollo 10 -m. .blut off on tltOlr Iut bl( lllglil, boloro the United stata.,..U a man to the moon tioJI -· ANri ·'l'lfAir1 ~-be Jie theme of jnpt Sa~a,Y'• art ~I llio aStiona\Jts will find when they land 00 the · moon. ,Originality c o u n t 1 heavily here, a:: it did In this week 's winning art contest en· t.ry. ., .... {' . . 'Ill (he.~l boys · ·'.Sir be. 1~· to 1read ·, f•~ Ast :{tlitf f<>lumn. Af'lil!J tds w)\JJll!'o,is rio •Ir. M the · moon and why our astronauts will have to wear apace masks when they step . outside the spaceship. '" TH! OLD WOMAN There was an old woman wtio lived In·\.& -.hoe; She hid five thildren, She tmew what _to qO; She toOk Uiem ~ walking, Wi~y tal!ting, The sttenoe.Was'peaceful And the old, woman loo. c-a.. AIM!l:U P".nl, '---· • ' ' v l P,S."tlll\T1S At..L·l: Co ULP 'f"lllAJr. OF! -. ' * PRl~E,, WINNER * This w~k's contest winner is Mike Marquez, 10, 20631 Kelvin Laner. Huntington Beach My child under 12 can enter Uncle Len's Art Contest. Here 's all you do: (I) Draw picture on piece of plain, white paper '5\.li• -incllea· wide and 4 inches deep. Use blick ink and make lhies black. (2} Do not copy or irace picture. It must. be your own wort. (3) Put 1our name, age and addr~ on back. ot draWlllg. Mail it. to Uncie Len's Att Contest~ 1500, DAILY UON_ORABLE m'"1tion win· PILOT, Costa Mesa. Winner.lfiU ,rllteiVe Kennedy balt'dOl14r. . ..• _. . ,.. ' I ( " ) • • •-' ·,· " "I t =In tbla week'a art contest.__ __ _._ ____ , __ ....,. ___ _., ___ .;.' -·'--------"'---'"-'I Peter Plourd, 7, Costa Mesa; Heidi Van Riet, 9, Newport Be a ch ; Cary Costa Mesa; Debbie Utter, Miller,11, HunUngton Beach, Costa Mes{I ; Dougl~s Qtack, B, and Denise Busch, 9, Costa Coat.a &{ua; Caroline Ford, s, Mesa. WINNER . \ ,· Dear-Carol : What contains more feet ill wtnter than in summer? ,. ·llutJ IUJJ•>tS •:>1 uy :Jusuy Mllll ,...._ 1UJI •NUii L-Hilllfilltttll ._,. DEATH , To Ille youthful, he is ".<>!~·· , Al)d {O the young and Gay I •• But td those who're very old H' if more welcome than da:y. , lo He111here at «¥Y :as well as rugh~.,. He'~ nearly everywhere, The(only way .to·icare him; light; The only "(•Y 'IO •stop him: care(.' Somettmes -b.,.ieems g~~qes. • No sickneis, ~ to ch8Jlellge ni&ni ".He',_.&~ for &qpd," say some sages, Ba.<.f: illfl~S he lf as soon as he ~n; Though be always. keeps out of Sigbt And him we cannot see, Witllout him in poor plight All mankind would sure!~,~- D!Mlr .. C~J: Wh,at tias four ex.e~l>IJ.t sjill canJ1.ol ~ .. ~ ~.,.f Ntwl*t •-11. ,... 11-. · : · "'t11t ... ,.,. ..• ~.w , •., ll•Jf''*br -h 1$-::a U, IMJ·\11'-'<(\\ ., . ,:; ;;. ..,. ~'· """ '"'·""" . ,.._.,. .. ..._:;~ .. r see . :i 1•~:~ .... ~ '.,;,.. .1··· 1 ~~~~~~""'.!•:·~·M:•:~:_•'.:·~1111w~111t'.JIP.~.:~·.!.,_:' ____ ~~ '!dd'!lifll!W :JeMsuy II Julie Aftll ICllMI', It. Ctsr• Mell Dear Carol: Ten flies were ill,the kitchen. Which one was the cowboy? • .• ·~au., •lf• "° •uo •t(J. : ... MS!'V .~Ille OtlllM, Ce,... *I Mar · / Crossword Puzzle· ACROSS 1 Former Oredon stnaW 6 ClilOIOlltf.Jll· containing ,, ... 10 Selectton of food 14 In the 1.nt mnner lS H111111tr U Engflsh CGllJIOSer tl Caban 'produot 11 Huy state 20 Hotrtf's . ·~!"'"' n·~ty on th• Hulson: ' ·,tt!loq. tH•••""•'L • 2) Atcertakt . H Crlts of.,\ dellghl 27 Spent mor1 than nKeSSl'f 41 Liquor 50 Out••d m1111wr 52 Unfvtrslty room: Coll .. .: 2 words 56 Anc.itnt Grtek dtlty 57 Amtflcan Air Fotce: Abbr. 51 Make mtrry e.o Retu•Uon ti] F IUl}Sh. :i SOMttillft' lietqN: 3 •ords 6J KIM: of dlscufsloft 66 State: fr. 67 Noun tndlng 61 Swans 69 ~ttlf of tn-1ctloft 70 Na•~ look n SappOes •Ith novrisl'IH!t DOWN JO lu.: Cab. font 1 Astron•t ')l~~~1ttur· Z~l~tf•.., 31 ·mog1.1 · 1n~tdl«its 9 Fully of 41 Y11a -: Asian Slngrt languagu 44 Klnit ofdrut 10 Ont·of the 4'1 Rtlucttnt 12 tribes to chan;t 11 lllss Ryan 4• Feel a.iton-12 Follow lslntlt In order 511111d1t1icar 13 Auditions lemu1 . 19 Preas on 5? E•tlnt 215L LIW1'eru ' !'''" Staway 53 · ts,c.,n&I cargo 1,ort·•· 24 Unusu1ll~ P~I ' qu11lfltd 5• Ktt;,1 _,,! 26 P.G.A. 55 ll,oon'ts- •t111beis bOnl's • 21 Globular ,-.., objects 5_t Pwultll .... ,.. ............ ..,,. &/• 0.-.. c.. .., ....,, ... ',., .. c..... ...... Cellf. Air,, as e ~w, is made of fihny a:ases ·and gases are made ot~tiny, tihy particles. We can see JMJffs of steam and c~· f . But m01l of the air Is invisible. AtoDll · molecules are too amlll or the huma:n eye to ~ 'I'holl that make up'gues are ..,.... .. and far apart. ff they ••e baseballs,. you would ~e to run between tbeol DntD you were out of breath.~ever, during: the frolic would most ijkely get bai& froth all sides. T)lis is~!' g-lOcule• dash -fanlutic lpeods. Whiff '. I they COrDe fi-om • all M' ' . They are always co~g j,th'~ other. Ex- ptrta fl !her mull have milliom c( ,__ .. ~ COllislO .. D! be.at energy for gu molecules on the moon to get up enoua:b speed to escape. So if lhi moon ever did have an at- mosphere, It would soon be lost like steam from a boiling kettle. Its speeding g I I molecules would break free from the moon's weaker gravity and leave home. Scientl.!ts have figured thiJ tug-of.war down to the last delait The spe<d need!d to win against gravity is called escape velocity. And i t depends UPQn the qoota of gravity. GiaDt Jupiter Is far more massive than the earth, so, ill gravity quota is bl(ger. A veklcity of 38 (lli.lp ptr se- cond ii needed· 1o eu:ape Its 1!1fghly pull, Mari Ii ·iw rnaJl!lVe, which ~~ean1 less gt&Vity. lu qcape ·vtloclly is ' 3.l, lilllo per leCOlld. At \JtJs spOed, '> _puff of ·smol<e, a nying-ba'Jr or a plane can broalt I~. STEVE IOl'EI JUDGE l'ARKER MOON MUWNS ~"' '' •• 1 • • I OH, a.I NdW,MISS HAMHOCKER!·,.. WffV WOULQ YOOWAN1710 MARR'f 41NUCKl.Es? MUTT AND JEi:t: • ~ if•t, 3 Verdi op,r1 \ )4 Off'oM11 • Ptgl)' , rocktf Fleming or 21 -Cong lfstcta. 29 l"atron •lrtl •t ~ • a evwy • OeiWl9 ic.,. u...n-. "' n, • L.,.,.,""' R *"~ ~ $ftllll • ~ ....... '° '11>1\ . ·~Ible. Bui "'"'"-"' "" _,,.., GO DO '' '~Clt\lt Pih BUit• •••n" S Poetic th met« contt1cU011 41 ltn -6 An<:lrnt 42 Gl'lf-Asians 43 Shtlttftd ! C1f1 au -promenades Gf,tn lo 45 Skull cavity 11c1s1lvt 47 That ptr!od talk . ' of lilts dtltlnaUon 31 Noftag• , u ·Tht boys' 35 Steers' at Yale 11UlflC' •4 P:renclt t ·words offlctr: 1 '6 Htsiorlc Alltlt. ttckll11 • 65 Pounds )7 •lt 1111r11hs I" cubic 39 11\Jllft. •. r. ' ooF A,tlft. ,. .. mmm , we ar1i'tbiQkb>I of ~'::. lt01 form.Ila from • _wane. i.Q~Wblti rWm or ll11ml!CUjf paftlc~, brimful of Through bllllons of years, pep. ,,,.Y gel ~ir .n.rgy tho •arth has been mlxln1 and &om· heat. The warmer they remixing her minerals to ge~:~aster they go. And • model and remodel her rocks. s,eect 1' ated.to the gravity ln most cases, lhe var~• that ¥1-lo (be aurfa..ce of recipes are ptrfonned with , the . . lpee6 filll -.Blnsl slow, Infinite patience. But gravity la a: tif*war. A when volcanoes erupt with 'lpe<din4':1 ptlllt.aJ'~Y from fiery fury, the job Is don• In a gravity, . it rises ~ As ll dramatic hurry. Ass or l ed !!Ion , U 1--gy minerals are tborouply mix· and tbe forct of Farit;.tugs it ed In molten lava. When e1- dowfl to the ground. If a Dying posed to lite cool air, these ml ' . ..:i~··• J.l'JilM.S..,, t 1MOll6HT YOI Ml6HT H N:r:"EP RJI TIN '° I MAN A llWWW 1M THE ANIN6 IOOM! WOW• U.ntEllNlf' • • ,.:t.' :J;i . CONfiOUNO n; WOMAN! MllY ONE KHOWS YOU'ii! AIXMtS HAP '!'OUR HEART SET ON MARRVIN~ 111M8lEWEEOSl •·"""' '1,LOT J;t ly Job Miles ; ' . ly Hclrolil Le Dou By Tom K. ltyClll " -:>:> ~ ..... _ __ ..,_ .,,~~ ly Ga Arrloltl ball oouJd zoom at seven miles bot rivtrt--el Mien minerals per hour, a plane Or aQJ other IOOl1 cool Into. ooltd loym of object baa etlOUlb onergy. to brand new RICk. eacape liito the vUt rtlches of Tbm .have ¥tn tlma ot ');Ei;'EH;ij~;Q;;~;$;~iY;;;;;-;;;:;::-).7';;AT:;F~\"~~:;";¥f:~;;;;;::;::i=:===::::;::;::;::-1 apaco. . crustal unml when ma11lvo IQM~8CltOOLISAwrlGOOOJOE.t.' llllAT 'IF'X >..:. Think of U-airy 111 loyen of rock W<re 1hillecl tlfn'MU!l 'IOU '/IAl.I' V0UR "°" AROOHO ' FAIL 11£ • " ' .. moleclll&. In our atmoopl1ere, and thtir m-111 cl!antecf Ii> iJ.iS ~ 'liMilE ~ME 1"IS11IUCTllll ~ lll>N\l\SiO>IS •· • • 1.., ol, them ever &el up to dlU.,.nt rocks. Bui ,_ OR0£1ZS WMICH VOU AND VOUl 00~ El<AM 1 ·;?.\ . enoqh 'llpeed to escapo lhe rock·maldna;hu gone~ at 1 • \I~WJre, 'IOU jMO()U) 'Nll.OLL AS ~ •arth's mighty pull. Bui things fairly a!Aatfy j!Oce !IJiet·Ulno " • , $ION )!Is POSStei.£. • • aro dilfettnl on the moon. 111 bqan. ll lt lllll 1olng on, · ,,,_ __ _; __ _ gravit7 ls only one s11th u year our Dooded rtver1 swept ~ ~ -u tho earth's. A speed away coun\loaa tons ol ,..Ut7 of only 5,400 miles per hoUr is 8011. Ill mineral particles. "!Ifft • i _oeeded._to,J 11Lf1'.# front the rprrang!d and d/Opped In J :r-lf-f-+-t-t moon'• weuer sravJty. And river deltu. Ev.entual;J ·~ ; ocordllnf-' IUlllhlne on lite romillod miner ala wlll 'M<Om• ~1-+--t--t-"1 moon IOU h6tter lhan Ill)' d<posita of new ledim<ntary ' eartlJ day. 'l'lt6e 11 enough rocU. '---'2'---' ·, •• ' I . • r· . I ----~ .• L • 1.f DAllV PILOT . 'If I Haye Any Luck at All It'~ Bad'-May GUNS FOR SECOND· JEWEL Traijler Johnny Longden takes Kentucky_ Derby winner· Majestic Prince on a gallop ar~nd Pimlico rec~ cours~. site of today's Preakness. The unbeaten Califorhia colt is favored to \Vin th'e Preakness and add the second jewel in facing 's t_riple crown. ' 8-Horse Field in Preakness .. Maje~tic Prince Big Choice BALTIMORE (AP) -Horseme n hope for a winner in a Triple Crown race. But in the Preakness dreams of seven trainers there is a nightmare -Majes· tic Pci nce "We have hopes of beating ~1ajeslic Prince, but they're slight," Elliott Buch, trainer of Arts and Letters said Friday. And there is general agreement with Burch that the seven 3-year-olds who will oppose Majestic Prince In Satur- day's ~eakness, the second leg OT the Triple Crown,· will have a tough time beatul& Frank McMahon's Kentucky Derby ' winner. Unbeaten Majestic ·Prine<: is the solid favorite to make the Preakne3s his ninth. straight victory .and move a step closer to becoming the ninth Triple Craw£ ord's Late Home1· Gives Dodgers 4-3 Wi11 LOS ANGELES (AP) -Willie Cra'' fof-d smashed a hvo-nin homer in the boltom of the ninth inning Friday night. giving the Los Angeles Dodgers a -4.'.3 comeback victory over the Pittsburgh Pirates. Len Gabrielson·s t:"inch siagle set the stage for Crawford's heroics and wiped oul a three-run Pirate rally that bad Doelger S lnte Mey U -Dlldtt"' v1 l'IU1bu<tlt. 7.15 p.m. l(fl ,..,, IMY 11 -~ "I .. llllbl,lrftl, U;15 t .m. l(f ..... flMY 9 -~ "I Chi<-· 1:$5 P.m. l(FI {IMQI ,,..,. " -DP11oer1 YI (Ille ... l :U p.m. 1(1'1 1..0) ltNy 22 -Dlldttrt "' Ch~. 7:15 11.m. l(Ft 1...01 May 23 -DPdo!n "'(hk:"'°, 1:H 11.m. l(FI l...Ol ltlTTSI VJIOH LOi A"GILIS •lirll.i 1b h~I """· ti ~r.:Jb Kiin!, 11 CIMitntt, rt St1rttl!, 11 Olivlt", lll M•w, c Hrlen11 .... 11 T1y10r. Ph Pa!di, M "Hey, H Mtorr.,.i..J, n &ll>S •• 51111111!1!n. • 0 0 0 Cr"vl~rd, II 1 1 l 0 0 5!11n>0•1, u 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ji i t 01vl•,c! •11 ~ •1 10 Ko°'o,rl •OlO •11 0 A:usstll.•I 0000 J O O O ll•lelr. c O l 1 0 t 0 II P~rk~f, lb Q 0 I 1011 Svcl ... 11.Jb •020 0100 L1:-re,lb 1 000 JllD Popavkll,Jb 0000 4 010 F•lrlW.tll 10 00 ?Qll S..lllln,P JIOO !Oto l •Clfl't-.11 OtO O t1111 l) J 1 1 G•brl11111, on 1 o 1 c T1tal Pfll>O\lrltll ll 4 11 4 Grbl•HL. or O I t O 101 000 OOl -l LO•Anotlts 1001001\J -• E-8r!Wlr. LOl-Plthllv,.n •· LO' ""' ttlol l. 111-~W.Ut., W, Dtvil. HJl-C•tw• ~nl • 5&-"llcw, 5--lth'llvrt, P1rkrr. .... HW1ensttol11 Ktin. L.1•2 ,_ lr.....er W,J.1 IPHltl:1t•1so ...11111 J l·lll 1 I o 11011 0 1-1 J J 1 l 11S •1 I • • • • ' Wlt-SullOl'I. J-7:"1. ,t,-lt.011. Crown winner and the first since Cita- tion took 1he Derby, Preakness and Bel- mont in 1948. Joining i\1ajcstic Prince and Rokeby's Stables' Arts and Letters for the I 3-16 mile classic al Pimlico will be Top Knight , owned by the estate of Ste\'en B. Wilson : Elmendorfs Capt<iin Ac- tion ; Pelican Stables Al flatab : Clai· borue Farm's Jay Ray : Michael Phipps' Greengrass Greene; and Glenn l\1. Banker's Glad 's Flame. Each \\'Ill carry 126 pounds for the race \\1hich will go off at 2:40 p.m. PDT before what Preak;:ess officials lxpect 10 be are.cord crowd. The Preakness attendance mark is 42,370 set in 1946. The 11·cather forecast is clear and sunny. a .. 'l'V Toda" Cl1a1111e l 2, 2 p .111. 'frainer Johnny Longden 'valked ~l.;i· Jcstic !Prince and said, "rve done all I can do. Now it is up to the horse to get the job done. and I thoroughly be· Beve he will.'' Asked about l\1ajestie Prince's blazing \\.'Ork of 45 seconds for a half-mile Thursday, Longden said: 11e's run eight times and each time he's worked fast before lhe race. Good horses \\i>rk. fast.'' Arter v.·alching Arts and Letters, the Derby runner-up and early second bet· !ling choice here. galloped under cxer· cise boy Norman Kerr. Burch .observed : "He sure was run of life out there, but did you notice how he sottled dov;n after he returned to the barn?' He is like a fighter · right on edge.·· Murc er Chills An ge ls in Ninth, 2-1 By GLENN WHITE CH "'9 DallW .. lllt Slaff NEW YORK.-For severtJ moments he stood speechless while a tontlngeot· of sportswriters stood by, w&i,ting to jot ~own hb thought.. . But words don't1 come eaay when yoo've just pitched eight lnnihgj_ or j)M- hit ball, onll to I~ !-fter two-were-out-In An9el Sl•te Ma'I' ,, -Al"lltls ar NIW Ylf'll. 1•~ss 1.m. KMPC: ""' l(t:;f c'/so) Anoit11 I! N!!"I"' 'l'otlo: (f), t :Si a.m, May JO -"'*I' •I halon, 4:H a.m. ICMitC I"'' May JI -""'"' 11 IOllOll, 4:2$ 1'-"1. KMPC Utt ..,,.,. 22 -A"'911 al 8olton. 11:15 a.(n, KMPC: Vitt .. the nlnlh. 1-1, oo a rookie's liloop double. · So It was ln the dressing quarters Of the Callrorftia AIJgels Friday otght as they ope.n~ their current road swing in losing fashion here at Yankee Stadium . Rudy May, the Angel SQUlhpaw who 5t.dfered that shattering loss. was bard- llressed for words. "If J" didn 't have bad · luck, ! wouldn't have any luck al all," he finally said. "I've never had a better curve or con- trol ." · ~le said he u3~ the SIUPe l>it.ch .on Yankee rookie Bobby· '!\furcer lt":at he tried In the llrst inning when Murcer went down on strikes. It was a curve -·one Mui'cer Sai4 ~e. 1 was expecting. ' ' -· . "He broke some of[ on .me that I just <:ouldn 'l believe," said Murcer -a fellow who's been guilty of lS errors lhul far In the season. Angel managu '8,111 Rigney was as stuMed t.Y the IOM as May. He secoDd•guessed himself for a few moment..,munbllng that perhaps he should have had Murcer walked. "But you do !pt attd we lood the bases," the Halo ·~.PP!' telb hlmsell. "And· tMVs laugh. • ¥tRJe.: Rudy's ii<e~ handling P-1urcer 1U n1ght. , · •·1 thought we were fi1}8flY going to beat (Fritz) Pele~. 1 can't tver remember koocking hlm out of. the 001. And I don't think we've ner w<m 1two l-0 games in a row (the :Angeli topped washingtOn. t-0, Wednesday night)." .. P'"eters6n was 11peclacuJar, as was May tOt-\ eight %13 Innings. The · New York lefthandt:r retired the last 19 tiers he faced ·after giving up a"n u. . ed run in the ri.rst Inning and issulnr Jes in each or the first thre.e friimes . He tfiu Improved his lifetime record against the Angels to 8-1 ·and has won his la.st seven with them. ·1n -f3ct. he beat P--1ay, 2·!, 10 days ago on a pair ot unearn- ed runs. The bOttoin or the ainth was SOJneth,ing of a nlghtmare for the cahfQrnians. Bill Robinson got. hold of a· bad {high) pjtch and ~lngl~. But May fanned'Pinch h1fter1 Ro)r White and·got Horace Clatk to hy' out. · -But Ulen Tom Tresh singled, Robinson got to third ahead or the throv.·, then Tresh legaed ll to second to but tht relay from third by a fraction. • Aa Rigney said later, "It was a 11mt of inches.•· That brought up Murc..-er, wilh the lyln& run at third and the winning tally at se- cond. He picked on a t-1 pitcP. hitting a piece of it with the end of his bat. It blooped down the right ' fiekl lint, barely staying in play and bringing In the two rwiners. The stirring duel required only an houl' and 47 minutes. reminding one or the Angels' first game here In 1968 when George: Brunet lost a I..() lilt to tt1el Slot· tlemyre on "'eak-hitting F rank Fernandez' homer . That battle took I: 43. So, the Angels try again today. then come back to Yankee Stadium for a Sun- day doubleheader b e I o r e moving to Boston. CM.l,O•N ... ·~ r ~· M • Alo!Nr 2b 4 G 1 0 Fte?0-11 11 4 0 0 0 Joh"5to~ cl 4 1 o o Johnso~lf 3000 Mort""rf "3 011 O•v•li!1o rt ,O 0 0 f Rcdroc-z kt l 0 0 0 Slllart1b 1110 a.m1ro lb o o o o Evanc lOGO NlW YOJll( • • , a ~ C!•r-r 111 f I 1 t Trel/I SI Jll O M~rctr rf t t I 1 Frrnandr c 3 o a I PtPllO"" lb l 0 0 I CoKllt 1 000 Ce·,.1nll 3 0110 Jllltll'lsncf l !IO Prttron P 2 0 a 0 Whl!t ph I I 0 I Mt~P l~OO l otel lOlll lalll 2t1 4 I C1Hlorn!1 100 0 0·0 ooo -r Ht• York 000 000 011-J E--Cox. Tre1n. OP-Clhtoml• '· Ntw YPtli !. L08--C1lllorni1 J. New Yotli 1. 711-Murctr. ll"NJllJlllJO R. /Mf L.J.-. 1-1/J • 1 2 I P F. ,_..,..,.. W,}·• ' J I 0 I ' e111t-R. M•Y. T-L•1. A-11,.J?f. Shoot for $15,000 Today Laver, Emerson Post Wins NEW YORK (AP) -Newport Beach pros Rod La ver a n d Roy Emerson clinched their respecti ve divisions and set up a confrontation for the $15.000 first prize -largest ever offered in ten- nis -today in the finals of the ~1adison Square Garden Invitational. Laver clinched the title in his four- man round-robin section by defeating Marty Riessen of Evanston. Ill. 8-4 in Friday night 's final match before 4,671 fans. Earlier. the sturdy southpaw down- ed fellow Australian Fred Stolle 8·2, Ai1d re tti Heads Field in Rac e For Ind y Pol e • INDIANAPOLTS (AP) -Italian-born Mario Andrettl, Y.'ho seems to have a private path around the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, will be 9 he avy favorile loday to win lhe pole position for the 53rU 500-mlie Memorial Day auto ra~. The No. I starting position goes to the fastest qualifier on the first day of two ""C<!kcnds of 10-niile lime trials. The qualifications 1vill cut a field or 8~ entries, see-0nd-largest in the history or the race. to 33 starters May 30. Only 72 of the entries were at the track Frida)'. Unusually large but uncounted cro\vd.~ have poured into the 60-year -old speed11·ay the last t\1•0 days to w<1tch practice runs. Saturday's attendance for the opening time trials may push 200.000. Andretli , driving a new four-wheel· drive British Lotus with a turbocharged ford enj;!inc. has been consistently fa ste<Jl in practice with speeds up to 171.789 m.p.11. The one-lap record. set lasl year by Joe Leonard in a Lotus-Prall and Whitney turbine. is 171 ,953. The turbine is incliglble thi s year under new engine lin1itations. Andretti twice has won the ~pole posi Lion. in 1966 and 1967. but \l'as stop· ped by mechenic:d trouble bolh years in the race itself. . A. J. Foyl Jr., shooting for a record fourth win in the race. has been sccond- fastesl in practice at 170.908 in a Coyote. Fon:! of his O\\'n design. H.oger McCluskey, driving another of F'oyfs Coyotes. has been third fastest at 170.7&1, follo,ved by Al Unser al 169.141, Johncock at 167.84!. Bobby Unser, Al's brother and last year's Indianapolis ''inner and U.S. Auto Clu b champion. has been only ninlh fas test in practice at 167.473 in a Lola-Of- fenhauser. Enic rson. who like Laver scored three victQri~ without a loss in his section. stopped-Tony Roche of Australia and Dennis Ralston of Bakersfield, Calif., by identical lh1 scores. In other matches, Riessen defeated South Africa's Ray Moore, 8'"4. and Roche won a 12·point playoff. 7·3. to score an 8-7 victory over Pancho Gon· zalez ol Los Angeles. The winner of the final singles mat.ch Saturday will get the top money v.1hile the loser will recei ve $1.000. La\'er, who's position as the worl d"s S ttorts in Brief greatest tennis player see1ns unassall· able, figures as the ravorlte today. His tra"ck record justifies such favoritism. He was recognized as the w o r I d champiOn in 1968 when he won 77 out of 97 matches (.79-4) and 10 tournaments. He took home $70,359 in prir.e money. He used the shots Friday which have provoked many of his followers to C<>m- pare him to anolher great Australian player, Le\v Hoad. He has the same fluenl. \vristy. 'vindmill shots that char· acterized Road's slashing game. Epstein Rips 31-Iomers; Bruins Maul USC, 9-4 CHlCAGO -~like Epstein hit three into the second-round lead in the $125,000 home runs in 1 high ·po\vcred slugging Colonial Nallo11ai Invitation Go I f duel Friday night. bul the Chicago \lihite To~~~~~n~. one-tune \Vest Point cadet, Sox overcame theni and h\·o other 'Vash· had a 36-hole total ot 136, four under par ington hoJOers to beat the Senators, 7-6, for t"·o tours over the C<>mmanding 7,17> on roookie Carlos ~13y's 10th home run yard par 70 Colonial Country Club course, in the seventh inning. and held a hvo-stroke lead over a pack o( There were seven homers in the game. o[ur locked at 138. including Frank Ho"•ard·s 14th and Brandt Alyea's third for the Senators anti Buddy Bradford 's fifth for the White Sox. Epste in. who hit h,·o of his blasts of[ Sammy Ellis and one off \\'ilbur \\'ood, llO\\' has eight for the season. • LOS ANGELES -UCLA clinched no worse than tie for the Pacific-8 baseball championship Friday by beating defend- ing conference and NC AA champion USC v.·ith a barrage of rtve home runs, 9--4. The Bn1ins li6-4l lead sccond·pl ace Stanford (15-0), a 9-4 1\'in nncr over Cal· ifornia Friday. and can \\'rap up the title today "'ilh another trlunlph over USL.. A Cal \\-'in over Stanford also \VOUld give UCLA the title. • CORV.i\LLIS, Ore. -Powerful South· em Cali~rnia, led by its sprinte rs and ~urdlers, sent 17 men into the finals of lhe Paciflc-8 track and field champ- ionships Friday. But the defen..1ing champions :ace challenges in Saturday's finals lrom Or egon S.ale. \1-•hlch qualified 14. ;:ind UCLA, which had 13 qualifie r!!. • FORT \VORTH -Berl Yancey burst out of a closely bunched field \\"ith a record matching 65 Frid~y and stormed Traci\. Steals TV Spotli ght Ove r Weekend This \\'eekend will be the 11'eekcnd that \vas for track and field follot\'ers. The Pacific-8 track and Held cham- pionship::; hcgi n al 2 p.m. over Channel 11 fro1n Oregon Slate. The announcer - brace yourself --is Bill \Vclsh. The telecast will be preceded by the Big 8 meet from Jo,va State at noon , Channel 11. And Aec·s \Vide \Vor!d of Sports v.·ill feature Jim Ryun's mile al the Big I meet start ing at 5 p.m. ''ia delayed tnpe. On Sunday. it's thr Dr. Martin Luther King International Freedom Games from Villanova on Channel 2 at I :30 p.m. Saturd ay's baseball feature is the Detroit-nt-1\linnesota game starting at 11 :i .m. The ·oakland-Cle\"eland P.ncounter is the rain check game. The Prc'1kness, step two in the triple crmvn. starts at 2 p.m. on Channel 2. .given Pittsburgh th~ lead in the top of th~ ninth. The homer was Crawford's roarth of the seuon. Don Sutton was working on a two·hll lt~ .and leading 1-0 a.!I Pltl&burgh came to bat in the ninth. Willie ?--Horton Suspended S11nday·s 1\ngcl-Yankcc game will be l<'k:vised o\·cr Channel 5 starting al 9:30 a.Ill. Today II a.nt, (fl CL -ISASEBALL -O•l roll •I Ml,.._ n•tolllc C"'' Gow<!~. fonv W:1111e"k mlktll<lt •I ISIDlw>l-lr.tlOO"I. R~lntllcck: Ol'Ct1nd a1 C~!•nf. Jim Sir"ll'Oon\ s....:v l<:c-1l1x ml~~·!dr el CIQ"l.''111. He rttlred the first batter, but Ro- berto Clemente singled and Jim ~r relieved for the Dodgen. Willie Star· gell sln1Jed, mcvinJ Clemente to sec- ond. Then Al Oliver :-apptd 1 hit otf Brew- er's leg and wbtn the pitcher threw •ild.. St1r1tll ind Clemente scored le tie the 11me. Carl T1ylor followed with a single, mating ii H . Willie D1vi!, who made three sparkl- Jni defensive plays In center field . iCOI'· td two J:>odrer runs. He al1Jiled and ...,. •""""' '"' hits by Andj' K- •nd Tam HaJJtr in lht nnt and doubled Ind eventuatJ1 tcorcd on a aquee&e play ln the eiptll. ST. PAUL • MINNEAPOLIS CAP) - Detroit Tigers Manager ~tayo Smith Friday afternoon liideflnitely suspend· cd troubled sJug1er Willie Horton for leaving Thursday night's game In De· troil and failing to show up for the leam·a departure to the Twin Cities. Smkh sakf prior to Ure start Friday "night of a three-game se.rle.s against the Minnesota Twins at Metropolitan Sla· dium lhal the suspen.!llon Is retroa.ct.ive to the se\"tnth infting of Thursday night's game. Smith· sa.id as far as he knew ltorton was sUll ln..De.11'.o ~-"I haven't heard from blip," !\fanager ~ti.YO Smith said in his hotel' room be., fort. IJ!e Tlgen1 were lo leave for the nlght game .at ~1etropGlit11n Stadium. ''I don'I know whelltet ht will be. here or not," said Sf9ith. "I don't k.now yet if he'll play ir he does get here. I'll talk to him lirsl before de · ciding that" Horton left Thursday night's game against the Chicago White Soi In lhe seventh iMlng. after being booed by Detroit fins. Smith seid he dkln't \now v.·hy Hor- ton left and has not. talked to the 2ft. year-old outfielder. · Horton led the Tigers In home runs . 35. and balled .285 as Detroit s\\·ept 10 lht American Lea~e penn;:int a vear :\go. This season. ho"·ever. llorton was hit· ting only .213 with four home nins. He bas ..Jtruck °'-lt,$4 limes. The Tiiers trail Baltimore by '~" gatncs in the league·s East Di vision . Horton reportedly "·as to t.ake a com· mtrclal lllghl here later Friday after· noon but Sniith said he didn't know any thing about it. liorton became the second m a j o r league player to leave his tea1n with out permission this season. Richie Al· Jen of the Philadelphia Phillies also took a leave of absence and ""as fined $1.<KXI by lhc National League club up· on his return. Nathanlel Conyer!!, Horton's attorney, said he spent f"rlda}' afternoon with llorton In Ottroil diS4.'"Usslng !he \\'alk out Conyers said the~ parted: ~·ith the 11ndCr$tt1nW..ng thal Horton would \cart for ~itnneapolls to join lhf' tettm Fri- d11y nl11ht. In t>etr-a"!t. sportscaster Al Acleonan nf W\\IJ-TV said he had learned Hor· t ton left the tc11 m becau!le he. "'ants to be traded. "He's tired of the treatment from the front office;· said Ackerman. who add· eJ that Horton wa!I disappointed in his share of off·ffason banqutt and speak· ing dates and extended contract neg~ Ii a lions. He 's not primarily disappointed in lhc booing by the rans, stated Acker· nian, \vho said he learned of the silua· lion front 11 source "very close to \\111- lie •· He d~llncd to name the source. The Dttro!t manafj"tr said llorlon was j~red \Ycdncsda) night Afte• 1u1 e.rror againsl thf' \\'h\ff' Nix . He nlso wflll booed Thuradly night ·'but th·c crowd ltfso WflS cheering him,'~ SmJlh said. Smith sa»I the. su~1>Cnsion will la!l "unlll he, liorton, decides to rejoin his feammatu.'~ • 1'H (1 ) Cl -TR ... CK ME"ET -IS!9.f lratk alld F~lcl C1t~mpl6n~h•1. G1@nn Cun111,.....m. Ler>re~ 11'-""!h&r. c1111011 FOl'"ttes n~d<\1"-•I •ow• St11e. ht .-.mn. 2 •.m. !:I CL -PJIEAKNESS -Se<IHMI o1 •II(· lnt't Trlpft CrPWn ti'tt!llfi. l1n-wtOll Hall! l r01111, Ed· dit Aturo. Chi~ """'"""' lrK1;110t ai ~ltn11ce Jn 8111i""'" ' p,l'f!. tin CL -TltACI( MEET -ltAC .. TrKk and Atltl Ch~l'L &Ill Wlllflj Chvdl. ltMOiU. H. 0. T!tcn.w 1r1dl:tl4i: at Orft"". l•lt. 4 p.m. ljl CF -GltANO f'JllX -Slalloro l\iJ111 90llOllllCtd ...,,..Mt! n t. 4:)111.m. 111 CF -OUTDOORS -w*'"'" S P.I'\. UJ CT -IOWLIJ:G -Etrl J~, -JP«llh \"\. Tllfl H r-"~ T""""' Ti'"'< , "m. r11 er .. 110E WO-'LO -r11tt a •lodl CM f"lot"' Jin! M<ICtt. °"" fi-.altl lrK111idt at o .. ;1:fl0forl. S.C """: 'tliwld Gold C1111 rDlkf" ••llM <la.ult. lud '•""""""· 01(11 kltWI "'ll!u!Ot I" ''" ~......,, l1t M'"f'~ $.too>-(•1roc11. Allo: Jim llnlfl'• mtJe ifl !ht B!t ·I trtck tllCll ntlll '"'~' •• "'""' la. e r11 ,_,1'111 Ir-~"'•-Slale. M~Di:'i IJ.I! F -FUTBOL -l\.wdl• de IU(W • S:)O ""'-!J) CT -I LLLIAJI05 -Ml-It f'1tl YI.. 0 !<11 M1rt1n.. 10 1,IJI, (lO " -llOXEO -CAtrte * 11 wn.tWi .. Me:olu.• Sunday t ::IO a.m. 0) CL -BASElit.LL -.MMll ti Ntw ~. DTtrt'11fP9. OGn YJ1:i; mll"u°" ;T Yer*" ,,..,,...,.., &~tiff ' •. 10 ··"'· I plft, 11) t:I. -PGA GOl.1' -t125,000 Cole!.'!•! l!'MlfflflfMI, Cllrl' $'1\'fit~ Int '"""'""'' IU. ~ .. -,, llvron lf,l•on l "°' '" ~' wor111 l:lO •·""· !ti CT -JIACllC MEET -cir. M~~ l.•11!W!f 1or1• 1 .. i.ni.u1m11 ''•"""" o-. • WM!akff" trckJ!llt ter lfW no• 1~ 1 11tt!n o1 .,_. at11111,.., ......,..,, ll'9!ft vm ....... 11to1""", Tops Tar . - Nine,6-o · !SAN'J\\ FE SPRINGS -san,1a· Fe High School too< advantage of llS own biting . pro...., and good pitching and coupled those advaritages · to a tired ...Newport Hl.rbor nine to nut the SaU011 s.o fridly afternoon in lhe ~pen' mg ""11\d of CIF AMA base · ball action. Defe1t drops -Newport Har bor oot or tile coveted play ofra which It had gained via a second place finish in Sunstt Leaigue action to champlon Western. 1be Sailon of coach Anoy Smith,"' visibly abowlng the ef cu• luU.A K CHtES Mlllilt•n n , s.i.11 lvtltr1 o South Torr1rq "' Morntn.pldt 1 l"1t.e<IMI 2. GltncMll! o V9'lf11r1 6, A!HNny J S."11111'11 J, Wt"""' I Arudll L W•lenl 5 w1111nu 1, 11111iow.r ' hll!t "' " "--' Htl'tlor 0 El Monl1 5, G"""'"' o C1m1rllle1 1, Hor .. D1mo: o Damlrlll.ltl l, Hv..111mt 2 (fl LI l"IMfllt i, R1mona I Ltkr#od 1 Montebtllo o ,, ... vml.t I. S.1111 Monica 2 feels of two games in the past five days, were no malch for the poised Chiefs. .. d. I ( I ) s •• ~.,, ;r~" 1.p .. Snyder'~ W all~p · Gives CdM Will. • ·Leads Area ' , . . Cindermen Jim Soymoor hopes lo lean lrM a few more hurdles ti:IQbt. and· nm away with a doU61e'vldory In the Southern t;aJ!IGrnl• Jii!Uor Col!lf track ind fitld ,champio po al Eut Los Angele> Stadl1"D. Seymour and hjs .Qolcien WMt College hlall Jublplng . teammate Don Sbftikll'. ate tDe area's prime cOntinderi tor fint place boDori .bl the meet . which will aer uMe. ~ at . 7o31l. ' • "I waan!t leaning into -the '. l'O<IJld ol the CIJ'a -... n pla"61. Sea 'l\lnl !Int bueman Don Seyder looked ll I caDed strike In the lourtb with taam- mate Kim Wllbrecht at '°"""" -and then putad I -to ...,_,_ -~wlJbrecht ~..-lni~-·. Tt.iJatter bad -flnt on a ·Jlnlle and ~ on • bod lnllald throw. •'J'hnle two bue bill were ball ol Corona del-'a allenae ltlf ,IJct.SaJ>. Uqo hurler Burt ~. wbofonnedJO. . Sea Kini pilcher Chr1' Tbomt*>ft alao touod • fflW' bjtter f>!l llnl!:k fl!ll sl1. Conlila de! "It' now dran · Pomona ill round two of '"' playoffl in a 1ame thlt wfD1 be ploytd '.at Pnmona Tuelda1, --... Frldly'• -...,.. lnlo • ~ked ftna1 jn. nlng.,Santlqo had two men tin Newport Harbor's seaso1 was extended into the pas! • DAILY Pl:LOT .......... ""'k with games with West FIRING A SHUTOUT -Chris Thompson Corona de! Mar High CIF'1 baseball pla}'Offs. Corona del ·Mar now. plays Pomona at hurdles· _enough until Wed· ---------nes4aY's preUmiRlrles('''~~·' base when the finll out wa1 mour sald afteti he ~ olf loaaed. Pinch hlUer Harvey aU.teUortin~'hlallatowin .c-1 .. atarted the . hming bia heat and break the Rustler with a atnate. ern and Marina high schools pitcher, bested Santi.ago ~igb's Burt Blyieven Friday tdlemoon the laUer'1 llela Tuesday .tlemoon. TltOmpcon struck out su to ""'"' final league stand-1-0, in a baitie of four-hitters. It wlis a fint..rouDd game in tbO Sanmp hlllen Friday while lllyleveti wlliflod lO Sea King•. ings. -~---,------------------------~~------------------~-The Chiefs left title doubt """"1 for the event. Then Hal Wheolley llruck However, he'll bave his out but 'Don ·Kolltad dnw a banda full tonill>t In ·tile l1nals · walk. P!tdler Bl)'lmn PlllPld of the bJcbs. Ptll..s aplnst out to lint and then Jorry Seymour wW be $hree other Llndsay · ended tlMI' ean• lUIJlll'I wbo clocked IH in ......, by .... ....,. lQto a the Pftlims -Lance llabb of I f..-.1 ol - as to 1beit' readiness, bias"' inl 1even iii.ts in "the first' three _imings to dlapooe of st:artlng pitcher Steve Schoel· u .... IronicaUy, It was a four.run outburst in the third inning that dld ln Newport. Western 5Cored four in the third stanza Monday to deny the Sailors a portion of the Sunset title. Santa Fe had looked impres. sive in tbe ·first two innings bl.It failed to score -then broke loose with foor hits and a .walk in the third for the game-breakers. John Conley's tW<HUD triple was the by hll Later the Chieis put t w o more up in the fifth with two bases-loaded walks by New- port reHef pitching. The Sailors managed only three hits off pitcher Ro n CLv~\ Jtliq was.J,p _comtlele coo,nnan9. -..irif!ig ""l stv'"' in the process of gO ng the route tor the shutout victory. 'Mle Tars were unable to get a runner pallt &eCOlld base but twice bad men on fiiit iind second. ftlWPDll;T H•ll;IOll; Ill H911lt'•" '" Mlollnoff, Ill 5trubll, 2b W1rMr, rl CY<'r'f, cl ~•Hord. If Ml•lln. t Holmft, lb khaett~r. p Bean, p sr.111, ' Tol111 i AHTA Ill l•l DIVkllOll, Q Hkk..,.n, r1 Whitt, C SMP,, lb Conle't', If. Myert, cl Alldrede. :lb Mlr1M11, 211 C!Mk, p To!lb ·-S.llft "' Ill r 11r11 , . . , . . , . . ' . . , . . ' . . , . . , . . ' . . • • • • • • " . . •• t trll l 0 0 0 ' 0 1 0 ' 2 2 0 J 2 1 I 1 I · 2 '2 J .. ' 1 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 2 1 0 • u ' • ' Tar' Netters Blast Bolsa Newport Harbor H i R h School's tennis team swept through th e second round of the CIF playofrs scoring an im pressive 26-2 victory over visiting Bo1sa Grande Friday afternoon. The Tan' next oppment will he Loara , which dispatched Palos Verdel, 18~11~ Fri- day. ,.__, °'' It ......... Up1eil Highlight CIF Meet Wood Stunned in CIF Semis CERRITOS -StWlniiig UP-h~•n I. low CPDmOllll 14.1 2. 1..tmb '· Ch•""'"' (Exc1111or) t :otl.I s. Joh~ · !S.nt• rrbsrtJ U,2 L 0-ldMn 1011 (Wnt Torr1nc1) t ill.I •• Mii .. sets at C-err1tos Colle~ pre-comoton i• • ,, 1 ••••• ;a.j(I "' ,., :..: 1nr1t hMll Fon11t'll , • l1llln r:u.• l . ......,.111,._ vailed Friday night Int e CIF. 0 .1 t. Potv n1 l. Mlrt1141 10,1111\. IP•IM VtNltl t :lr.t. Southern Section track and an, J, •nd 11 v1nt1m11t\11, 1.t~ 4 ,0 Mlle "fl'' -cnttt lll•ll 1. 1"1111' tHCarld l'tlllf 1. HIW!hlml 7 L :ut.I l. WtfTtn J::l2.I J, Wtritml!I fie1d semifinals with Estancia w11.an a.lem'l. ,,_ .a.1 th1n1 J:n.• CMC:OM ,.,..., 1. eoin,t1111 J:1'.J High School's Rich Wood he•ll l, -111 G.l :a. SA Vii-2. Ontwlt J:tt.i L C..1ntr1lll JilJ.2 ~;.a.! 1l1,,:11r!.04J~· c-11a11 IAr· 0111~ ""'' 1. Wllttlltr J:1'.J 1. c-amoog the victims. etdl•l 1:5"1.l i. ~ 1cr,I""' Nmlll a:1t.s :a. •*•If" 1:11.:t. Qualili eturn to •'--1.5"1.1 t. Mlddoll; IW01'11;1nt11J :JSI ...... Vtvlt -Cellllt •llM Smith ten r I.JR: same fll'QlllCI 111111 I. l.tnp!Gll (Miii "'' (lo, TN'f'llftCt!J, Gllltrlctl 1--....1. site a week hence for the CJF 1:57.J L Fr1Mot~a I l:S1J l. K.11'9111• (CUr'llllJ, ~ ,..,,,. finals. MerTIH llllf'Klll J 1:57.7 ,.,,, GfW'f (CknnWl!l c.udl (SCllllll Ulllrd Jltlll I. KMll!lt c io.1 HUt.), .-..,. 1v....d.1 an , .... Wood finlsbed fitlh In his w~ c~~:':l.t.1: .. l. '---(LI ....,., , .... heat ol the 180 low bufdles lo •. J•, -• 'i.~~~:l""',.:"l "' winner Rod McNeal ol Ba1d-~ 1[.._ 1 t\-r-Nttl 1· 1~1 ls'.r'r. ~1· 1='!1 win Part (19.2). v .1 1 '·':a. -.;.,.L1J.!.'l.'Y111~ 1u 1 ~ '"""'*'*' 11.4 1 .... Amoag other upsets was the ::O! r.r-"'t!!J· '~=il:.0c.;: ;'."" ~~ ~~111e~L1~~ failure of Compton to place 111:~ .Wt~ um11 19u • cer..11 u .1 11111"' '-'' 1 .... ..., fn thi·f;;s~hfati'~th.s; .. :re-· J'!Ji!~ ITll ,.._.., •:1,. IW..t T~) 1$.) t. lt:llv IH.ti'IJ r11Y when thi Tilrt1abis tftop." rMC~ ·. K~a11171'.!.:.iln. JY£."-*':~1~~a ·1,.1v1 ped the b!lton on the first ~~~~ Lcfir,':" c~f:i''~~.1~'2i}t1i1.~ 10.i 2· ~ O'arnM'I! 11.1 J. handoff M•ll 1. -tJride...,.,., (So. Torrtf\Q) Mtrnll l"'*'lt'r JH) Jl,1 l!Mlllrld · ':IS.I L s.r.e1111 llliltw'OOtll 4:1U ~J f, 9r1Ckner ILll'NIOCJ 11.t t. Marina High's quartet ot 3. -•-,0.11111111 •·1.11.i • 11'111~• (Mt. Ctt'lntf) 11.t :s. 111ct; • . ... ~118111 .. 1 ~) 1. Clli'-fAnllltillJI) rt.I Cthlrllll IMltJ' \. Jl(Gk ~un Gauihan, Joe and T<Jiy n= II r·~·•l 1.6>\~ l '°"'""".~,II.IL K'llleY jlllr· Ve ntlm.ig.iia" and Dave Lacy 1:..w:i i ,ruJ.., 1~'IV.1 f'lllllllll 1•.1 l.Mnw 1111ltflltr11 11.1. lif •' l T ~ ' , , Uf -lrlrtt '-11 1, 91Cl fll;-qua · ied in the same beat .~ ~11no -"·-;; .. n ... 57 11 • """"I 1111 .. 1. Wlllll c•• DlrMlll with a fine .t~ 0 Wll.., (Pl.t!I sl,l;f,, lhltldt IMen!-l :tt.l J. DtaHn !All.I ~I 1:n.2 -w. • lna1ldl) Vi 1--' '-II J. Ht!-I~ JN) Other Marina athletes to ""' -nt hrt.i1 t. wnnun1 rc1m-, -, 2 """' ,~ •• , , DA , ualif . 1r11Jo) 2. Slll'ICl!liftl CAnltlOM Vfl-:... ' .........,. : ' q y were Lacy 1n the var· tevl ._, 'l. Mltttn CG•,..,j JD.o Deen 1c-t1 MIMI 1 :tU 1•1t1111 111111 sity 100 with a 10.0 good for !.".'M'.4' •'=11r.Ja.tt~rc..,1'i11~~ ~O:~c.~~,~~ t~t second, Gene Taylor i~ the I~ :.1' ~~'"11n"'fl!.iJ.· J1~; cott 11ur111n1i:1 1:u.1. C4ee0 120d IBobow hourd.llels ,w11fhl a "Ao~·· H"!. 'Slt~"i:nv'111~~:!i w~1,!:";..2.=~ 1~:7~1i I . an re1 ng s rs! 1111 P1'1ll ~· Fltlda J:: ~ J. ""'-,.._._., 2"\'J place in Bee shot with a 55-t~11...,, l'·j,.W ,,..o 'f.'"'ltoc*."'" ~W~~~ .. -~ .. ~ ~::: 8Y• pu't 1~""'1 lt.2 L L1mll IS.Ol!tt l1"'9rtl 21·11\.'I 7. ~ lleltlltlt CllYI 21·101'1 • 1•.l l. HIM l l!otoe'fl'OMI l•.J 111\lrd Laguna Beacb·s Dave Hust· i.e111 t, 1..-I"°""""'' it.J t. Don· 1. orew 1s.rr.1 fl.11. wick was first in his Bee 660 i~'::,m'cg:.'1'-;~.,."·1 i. Thom.., ,c!,':,~~1-,~~"~.*j~""';t~l heat with a 1 ·22 S and Costa 1..-lvm• -Ct~llt •u•llffl - 1. l:t.J a. G11trtf1'11 (.l9l"Ulll u., lH«nf • • ' Lyat" 1Ct1tltdf'•U Zl-Gllt '· Jldl-hftl) l, Sl)'lllfl cs.n "",_' ll.t '· r.Jesi's Ralph Dean qualified ll(!Mnfd'I' ••nl tt-11\lo 1 """ 1Mu1r1 ...,..,_ iPoll'l u .J t. Jlebon u•i. ' the sam t Ith 1 ·23 0 tJ.f\lt '-McKt-IH•rfl tJ..JVI J. ,_,, IJA llfllt\I ..... , 1. Hll~ !Nor1tl . Jn e even w a ' ' FIHcl1 rSA V1Uey) :12.J .. TruMll CCfn. RI¥.} 13.1 J. H•.,.. (V .. lul'tl) 112 l. effort. IW1111111 ZN 7. McAM\lt9r (•t1lrl 22·1U T'*"-i~ll 1U. Corona del Mar's Nick Rose '· J.~11\~~11 ~t~'" CL• H1t11 """"' -,......, -.1tf¥1 Mtr(;h. l'as· second In the Bee 1320 Puert .. l n.. 2. ,,.,.,..,..,. 1wi111n1 inm 1c.r. N.9$11), ... ....., 1Kort1i "~•'a 3·0&! --• Hunt••m•n n .1 l. Trwwtll ICtnttnnllll n.1 Ii.<· flfT,J, Oltolt 1c,..11, Doi.1'11111 (Avll-wii.u . • 11.uu &Ufi"" «'II hetll 1, Sims CWMmtrl II.I 2. !Ion), VMOt (~), Kotl• fMll- Beach's Bryan Bayless qu1J. IE,......, cu v111eY1 22.1 a. ...,,. ~. ~,::; _.:1~1~1, iri.ett for the finals 1n the eee ~~rtt;,,n~ ::, ~':'.?9"1111~1· ::i uo -1""' '-'1 1. ~ 1o.tntv1 shot put with a 52.a"h put. Clllltlf hffll I, Wlllll CSA! n .• t , tu'· c-111 (,..,.) 21• :a. 11:,.,,.1 .... ~stancla's Dan Neuman rE1°2' .. ~r;;,1•11 n.I a. "*-~'7'h~.7t.<~ .. ~J..1·C:,'°:.'; q~alitied in the Cee long jump ic'::.in":'tiO: ~~~ ~,Z~~le.~~ , ~ 'Jr:' :=l ~~J.~1"'n.~~. with a 20-3'4 and mate Craig 9rMltY fMulrl, Frld•ld! I~). •1Kk IA~mJ 22.S J. Keiltr llur· Nomura went 13-4 in the Bee Ainlln t•o1.,,, artdl.., tCtm11tooiJ, ll;wu reuol\IJ 22.S. I !GOJ, hllmtn CC•l'llP!aft) Ill •'-ls:IO -(llnl """ 1. TuUl!lf (WM! pole vau t. 1·Mlll' '"''' 11611 I. Wiii!• (El ~ Tlmlnctl 3:111.• J, COllll!n (WOrtlll'llnl Costa Mesa's Jon Marchior· dim11 ''°'·' 1c 1F •IC.Ono 2. Mftld11 l :M.• J. "..., tCdM) :t:Ol.t 1-Dl'ld . . I I li'rt11l1l t :o.i.2 l cri.t11n 1~0IYJ ht•ll 1. Kttltr IL-I J:Of.1 t. 11r-lat1 made it to the f1na s n •:11.1 '· Lant 1•1.r. Monl'ffl'l'I•"' rt '"'''°' V.nNsJ l :1t.1 J. c1,,.111o the Bee high jump V,'lth a 8-0 t :U.• s. Gomtl IOU•ri.J •:to.I {Ml(:· !9!tltlrM*) ,, .. ,, flhltlf !Mill) I. Tvlltl mark. oNI 11e111 1. "ldl••-ClllulanJ t :lll.e IC.1Mr1llCI) i :•A '· (Ollrfl'll' /San G•· Dave Davis of Costa M.?Sa bl'lfll >10t.5 :a. Slit (Upland) 3:10.1. "'°' "" -ftillll -llfY) '· DrtlJ. lftt (,t,\efWI ls.tit 2. Gr•tWI ll'""'I .U.J'll 1. CUfrlM!' (Cl,.,...,) I>* •. ll;1'f !El "911ndel SM I, SM.-CL• •") »• 6. "'1'111 IGlll'lll) 11-t'<ll 1. 0.'1\111 (C..-r111tl S'M I. ~ (A,. ....,. ~I .n-1~ ,... Vault leltfll .....Clftl Nomur1 (ElllMtllll, ti...i. (Cini Mn9J, T,.,..,... (Aw.i,.)1 ·"""""" Ult'J'lll), Pltrat lkllt1 .. nMrtl. DM IGllll- Mlt) Tuchr (0.""9\e}, Wtlli., le.it> i-11111. 1111,.., -ll1l1Y -tflrW Mtll 1 •• .....,., l :Jll.S 2. Ktll ...... 1:>1.2 J, ~ 1:al.2 ,_.. ""'l 1. LMnlllC l:ll.J: 2. I"'""""" 1:>1.1 :a. CtnltM .. I 1::12.1 Clfllrf .._.) 1. ,,..., l :a.t !. Dtrl'lln-"* J:Jl.1 :a. ... ,.. 1:'1.S. c .. 1• -cum ""'"'' w.ltY !El ,,.. ti-) J:lt.• L lllv• !KIMMY, ltr.I :t:1u :a. .,..., 11...a--1 a:u.a l.c· ctnll t.I) 1. '"°"*" .. (T«n!ICll 1:11.I I. LI-(ll;llllJIMll :t:12.J L Mlnd-.t CLIUwoodl J:IU (tl!Jrtl Mii) I, HtmtMel (H¥1-) .'!fin .• 2. Oevh IP• ........ ) J:ll.I :a. hllly 1.v..r-v.,,..,1 . J:tt.t. t• -lflrtf fMlltl I . ......,.·ICOm- ,1911) 11.J J. WaihlM'l!WI (o.nardl 11.l 1 tqlly (Miff) 11.J 1--9 IMIO :t. ~ CM\llrl ll.4 1"""9 "-11 l, Tl'llmlt 1ecn-.tonl 11.J I, T-CPh• XI IOA L Heltlt (l!ltilMoWfrl IOA lllllt IWI -(tltM Wlllf'll I, f'liltttrv CCr9'Pll •1"' 1c11• ~I J. Mtr iCmP1) ff.M CCII' ~llllJ L Mtrtl!t (Llll8wdl J4.1\lo I. kY• f~ ton '-dll '2....., 4, ~ IL• 1"11tnttl a .. J. c ..... 1"-'1 .fl .. •· 9l'OWll (Llw'IU) •11" 1. a.'"'911 IMIJ. llklnl ... ,, I. C.11 {M9'tfllt) #41¥1. !"$ YIM -lt)flll -CllYI I, l'.u c........,. vi.111 1w 2. C.ntr 1c .... 11 1M L Gotll'llll IAnllltlml lJ.o 4. WoWrlte (CIM'Clll) lM 4. llrd\11 ISO Ml5'1111) lM 6. '-'Oi (lndlel 1:U 1. PltOttr tll;tlllll9 .. J IM I. 941!9itr (t~•ltwalfl ,, ... Ml -Cnrrt htft) I. l'wriaMn (Cll•-11 1 :21.J 2. Atver• (l<•n. Nilly) I :l,,I. a, Jt.nt ISM ~I I :24.J CM(.OftCI JINtl I • ._.. lo.tftl l :U.1 2. Mtl<IY COtnllntWll l:ISA J, l"trnll IH.twtllDnwl l:ZSA lfMnl ,_tl 1. Grtham fCrtnlltl l ::U,f 2. .. ltrlll IGtlv) 1:24.1 L Mllllr 1111.-..lllbl 1:21., 12t Ltt -lllrst i.111 l, l~ IOJUMlrlllll 11..1 2. Stk1nwi., (,,__I) 11.t L T"flor l""'rlne) 14.1 (Maflllll ti.ti) I. ·~ (AIMhtlml IU: 2. S..-Vll fc.rlMI 14.1 L Gludt IL• Ml,_I 14.1 (lhlrlll JINtJ 1. C. ~ ltl9" Vt llft') IJ.J: I. Ir.Ir I~ ¥1-l 1L7 J. Saftdllll'll (CWIM) IJ.7. 1• -Cflrll Jltlll J, Wtlf!llll1-'1 1011· ~•rill) 11.J 2. T"'"-Ccc.rr.tronl 11.• J. Kubo lAl!lltMr•I 11.S IMaM lltittl 1. hPPlrl IC°""'9nl 11.1 2. St;vtly IN.n) 11.S l . W .. flrooklturO JHl 11.1 {!hi•• ""!) '· '*"" 111....._.,, II.• 2. f0flll11 1,klt ll{J It.I J, hb!•no CIG M1nltrlJ 11.•. also qualified in the Bee vaultt to give Mesa three qualifiers. Whittier's Bill Slms was ••••imal, wiMing his heats In the 220 (II.I) and the ~ Major League Standings AMIJUCAN Ll!AGUll --WLPd. GB (41.1) and then capped the N meet will 1 aeD11doi>ai 4U 6TIONAL LEAGUE anchor 00 Wblttier'a winning Eaa1 Dlvtaloo Drag Field · Increased By OCIR I ' ~ Tonliht's lot>• fuel .Pl"i'•m at °"'We' Coun\y · Jntetna- lional Raceway has been in- creMet! from eliJit to II cara by trOck general manager Mike J-: . He esp1alnod that there are so many top fuelers capable o( """""' in the llx- Le. Aqe.les, Dave Md•ie11 Of Santiqo allo . threatened Ventura and TQm RI• of CdM'11klnny leid In the mtll. Palomar. Mark Hawll: walked 'and tOok Seymour, however, is a big second on. a ,pt..181td ball arid chOice to run way with «O in-the1) Heirele walkect .. But a termadlate.. Ries b ·hb stif-.thlrd-to,llral.l"JUO(lerby(lary fest chaUenger, but his best Henion eftded that. ~. is nearly two seconds slower COrtln&·.flel Mar bad mtn on than ~·a IU. . base In fwr lnhlnp. Snydlr'a Abo In the~ hurdle field Is ltrit bll WU I alailte 'up llie Orqe Coast., 1 Mike ·~die in tba·41h! ~be w~ Pomeroy. left ·llr-"'.J.iiri:1 Beri1 QnJy ., area , entry is walked 'fo kid elf the tblrd Golden Wat'• 4tl relay team blit was-sh'nUlrly d.med. of Douc Jobnaon, D a n COllOtlA oaL MU fll Xnudeon Phil A-and Don •• ' • ,.. • .~ ~1t11Mr', " l • • • Harris. Wlllndll, d ' 1 1 • D. SllrOitr, lb l I t 1 "· """*'· • l ••• bracket thlt quallfyinc for an aoLoaM WnT wi..,.. ,,,. W11d, lb 1 I I I Ktlll!,, c; 1 I I I eighkar field bu become ti:· ..,. lntet11•ll•ltll -Jim~. cepUonally difficult. ~~ = ~~e,':':;-. .. ,., rt 1 I I I T,_..,., ' Z I I I T"'911 JI I • 1 'Jbe reaJh. be 11)'11 b that 0:.: J:::....-Styo:.;~"11. Phll At•, many 1 ot. .~ · atarters • art • ·~i.r -~ .tr( ~· .... _._ ... elim!Ntl(lllS with all· ~ ... ., -M•rrk. A.H. °kl'IUdMll. IAJITIAH II) ----· •••, over-tazed -•l.ne!. 1 ' r 1 "t "111v -Ktrr!t, a,., " r 11 "' .... -... Knlld .... Mlrtl M<Ml!*i.,__ l llldl..,., 2t1 • I I t Sa~:!'!f.. :l"'~ f ~.! DIJl~MllJ -; TCi ,,_,., H1wk. rl 1' .... -r1 ~ r-vw .. ~ ~ r, OOllll ~C~IJltn l , '~=~ ~ ~ .: ~: Larr1 DlJO , North ~ ;11._,:::_1_co..,c:: ,_,..,_ ;:.i:i;.,1~ : ~·::: Hollywood'; Toni Allen, San ""''if!:_'\,!,:'~. LtrN11tn. JD 1 1 1 1 Diego; Gary Cochran, Fouo-.wo "'"~ -(A11tr ... 11c1 •ntrv1. ec1 H. w11o111eY." 1 • • o lain Valley; Leland Kolb, ~..,, ,.,.,,.....,., Jfff ••ltr, Mlk• ~111~· ct : : : : Cypreaa· Jim Dunn L 1 "'ilf.:-11;11ty-IJJ'"'' 1,,,,. kllmltt, 11v11....,,, ,. 1 1 1 1 Mir·•·· Stan -·-ma Los *•!•net MM -s ', • h •", , ~s • • • • • :8.,. '"""'"'' lk•r. TOllll -· . OlWV • ll'lltl. Mlonl'I' lktNt .... .., ....... Angeles, and Kelly, Brown 1aoin.a1ACK s1nt1... •• ._. • • l_iortb Hollywood, drivln1 Loui-p;;;'~J~--·~wii;iciini;i.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ii"i;'-;~";'~"";;i;';;.,iii;"'iii;'~-;';;;i';';, Baney'• (Fountain Valley)ll Ford. Quallfytn1 begins at I p.m. with ellms •tarting a\ 7:30 p.m. On Sunday, dune boules will \lckJe OCIR's 1.~mlle dirt off-road race courae. Practice starts at I a.m. with cnmpelitlon aet for ~:31) p.m, ' I See By Today's Want Ads: THAT ws DU« A Ull DAYlll ...... ""'tlHHJ -· M, ... , M. Otllt HH ) WM Mo M , .. t. .... mile r<tay quartet. CHICAGO r L Pd. GB El Modeoa'a !Jove White PITrSBURGH 1: :: :l: I a« a CIF MCOrd In the tw ... NEW YORK BALTIMORE BOSTON DETROIT WASHINGTON NEW YORK CLEVELAND 2S u .m 20 12 .as ~·,1 tS II .tM 7 17 II .t'll 711 14 21 .400 10 1969 EXECunYE AIRCRAFT FOi SALE Pt..., INHl ......._ lrock C HJ loll 2.f, -M. w. w. ...... CUMlfttl\,l,_Hwt fHHI -H •.. , 6·2. w. Ch1rtn-•.-1N (NM) _, 1.J. M. .. 1 ..... I 23 .IO'I IS mile with a t :m.I to noce out PHILADELPHIA JI 11 .C'J'l 74 Artella's Jolm M-(l o OU) ST LOUIS H 17 .452 I iri chalking up the best mark · H II .424 O of the night. MONTREAL II 20 .3.15 11 Qualifiers: Wu& Dl\tlal11 I""'" ATLANTA 13 10 .697 Wett Dtvltln ' .. ,~, "~'7 .• .«•m,,,r.t:n .J,· ~ff= LOS ANGELES It 13 .594 3~~ ~r 14.• \"1'0llllllon ... , I '"f SAN ~CISCO II 14 .571 4 AREA CREWS ll'.l'r :~ '.i::=r'~·!'l':"", .. CINCIN1'~1' I~ II .(55 ,l ~ C11MrlUo lt u · I,_ s'AN DIJOOO 16 21 .431 9 DON'T PLACE 1 __ L_EG_AL_N_on_c,_,E __ 1HousroN 11 u .35112 Mlll·16') .. ,..,... ,_. SAN DIEGO -Crews from sur11to1t cou•T .., -r•• ~~i.,~~ , UC Ir . --· Or Cout ST.I.Tl Ofl CAllli'OllllA Hft u. ~· ... ,......,,... J Vine Al.A.I Ullt Tll• '*'"TY OP OIWlel Mii .._ t, ti, LIWI 1 1 College failed to qualify Fri-llOTtC• OP .. 'ta~ ... AMlllHO ""=~ ........ Cit .... , day for today•• finals in the """'°" ... PlllOMTll -WILL ..... t. "" ,,...... I W-~--I ·-,......... a-AllO flCMl unm ~Alf' ,...,.,. .... ' ~la II n111:rco~ --at••" lEOIA EDITK WALLING, ""' , ........ "'"' N .. """""""" .... ing championships being held •• lW9 1. ••• ... L. a. wt111111i • .. ,, """"· on Misston Bay. ~i 1s ttE1tE1'. •IVEfll """ u..,.....J~ ,....,.., ,., et OMlllMll M9.., ._J~ the junior ~~ ... corn-.of ~ ... ~ .. ~.:.c:": ~ JMIM W •......_WI._ J.4 ~w.Uon. the U,.,.,.,, -v ,,,..... 11 Wiii 111111 tw .._ II '--' P~ lllle ,_. .i lae ~ 011e111 '"" Wuhlngton defuted dtfen-:S .:-:=-.:...::: ::,'.::::,."';.= .,~. U111t c.,,... ,.. ., a. oi.e ICtnr ,..., d10' .. 1 ~~~UOrCl•nie Costthl!>J ::. JMti:-.:._m. .:-9 ~":.;' :.-:. -:. "ir~-.... ... II """"""' ;,...,., 1.1, OAKLAND MINNESOTA OHJCIGO • KANSAS CITY SEA'M'LE CALIFORNIA . 21 II .651 ;· 19 .JI ' .133 I 14 13 .Sii c~ + 16 17 •• Ill II II .(It 7 JI 11 .3e7 ' • IK:\.vnus. was ..... •:• '·""· 111 "" ltlllll!1'-"' °"""' 11111111. BoLh area achOoll ai.o failed """' ""' s " 11" '""· 11 • •· «)fMll 1r----•-------~""'""'""'""'~--ll:I._ ________ _. t II,_ In ·-• ha $frlff1 Ml fllt Cltr If S..lt """'II • 0 qua •;1 llC\,'lJllU-C nee ~11. • "1 ~IZID heat. in lhe afternoon. ~ MM •. lHf """',""" Orange CO.it'• treshman ~ 'l~"· PU\.L SlllVICE AND PAll'Q PDll ALL IMl'OllTID AUTOMOllLIS CIW •u Coartb ln.U. mornlnl MICMAIL •••n1a .. ..., heot and th.., mlaold making =~;;:.: .. ,,... llM WBT COAST H-AY -MIWPOIT llAql__ 'the finals by t"o second• with Ttt: m•1.....,.. " Alfl:ll J4t;:17M I third I flnl·• rn .............. -bl..,.,,. M• • •usnM,.teV"' -·P ace ox1 · ufl:'. ....... ,..,.. 0r-ce... o.1,., t'het. "" """ .._' second-cNnce round'. Mn -. 1L t1, 1M• """ AAlrMt I PlllAll Delllw, .._ A s..lce I. • 51885 r AtlTHllve l'lnoncl"I ond Loulnt I 1-'61 C1t1111 Sliyl111•. f.ti11i,,ff w/J 1111' 111t• ,11,t, '"'"'· • lot1ll11r, tr1n1i1l1t ADF. Stnl 2-'6J ,ip1t Tw111 Ctll'lt nc.ht . A '200 MPH 11,,1,,.. 1t1111,,H wt •w•I •11111i_.l•t1/i11r, ADF, l lit. 1111rker, DMI. 3 •1111 ttt• 1 pllot , SJJ,IM J..:_'tf Ceun• $,ylo1wk. '40 t•t1I tiMt . l•111tJf11lly tl1111 1H ch••it· Only ••.250 4-'66 Ct•111• 411. A "l111111ry hrh1'". 261 M,M til( N•t •lr,t•1t1 wltl !.1r 11114 Ntf f1cllltl11, Cff'litltlt f,lt tMI• 1"4 ,u .. w/ c111,l1rt ...... 1-'U C...•• C.t4loi1I. A lteo11tihl 111.4.,,. 4 ,, ... .hi, ,._ .,14 wlftt 1 Ill HP L.,_•h•t· FvNy ...i,,..i •Ml e11Jy 110 h111n TT, II~ 6-'M C.u11e TM• lJ7 SQMttkt. A 6 tMt 1lt,loH th1t 11 ltk1 NW llJI k11n nJ~ Fvlly e411i,,.., ..it11l, t ll41 tl.IM; ADF. l ·ltk lllMktt. ....... 7-'6' C.u111 C1ttll111I.;..,, ... 11;,.. 111H11t11 4 .. ,, 1lt,t1111 thtt wlll 1• 110 MPH. H•t 110 ti' ly1•1111i.,. F..11, 1t1•i,,.,. ttl.IM WB OOH'T ••Oltl'I .i.lll;PWIS AAO WI OWlf WHAT WI ADVllTIM. Wt ~VI AlfCTNlll • IH JTOCK IN AftOTHIJI lOCAT'°" TO ..... lllHIW ~ Alt,.,_ '""°' mf CalorWrll9Mn lal!er, 714/6714440 lox 273, c.,... de! Mar, c.llf. - I - I . I I ' ' I , .If DAll.V PUT , s.iu.i.,, Ill) 17, ltH ' -Meetings. on tile Orange COas&. I . ARBUCKLE & WEUlH Westclllf Mortuary U7 E. 170. SL, Cotta 1\fen -BALTZ "MORTUARIES Corona del Mar OR J.NSI Costa M,.. Ml f.IGf BELL BROADWAY MORTIJARY 111 Broaldway, Colt.I Mesa u~ DILDAY BROTHERS Ha1Ungton Valley 1\.1ortu1ry • J71lJ Beacb Blvd. HuoUngt.oa Beach 84%-7771 PACIFIC VIEW ·MEMORIAL P<l.RK Cemeterj • _,, ' CUpel i!llP~Vl..,,Drtw . N--.caw~ I if«.ml - ' , ' , PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL FUNERAL , • HO!IE . 7111 Belia AYt. w--IN.,1W llllTll'S .MOll'l'V4llY lnMololL ~-· 'LB,...U. - . • JOlllllOll'S ~'fledge" "$PUYWAX lqtlar 11 L-• i 1•~ 99c $In"" • FEET HURT? .f9 . :?'fH4#t-tblitll:. • Corne I~ aM see u _., line of Dr. Scholl's foot COlllflrts tor alJ types ,, COllllllOll foot bUle. : ... . U.ri ... tlio --· FOOT ClllllJ 1111111 ...,,,,. .... _,,,.. .Foat •r r~ ..a· . ...., "'lfot. ti1'I, 43c -~f<lt ... soolles 11111. ·• r lu. SPRAY-Gii Foot Powder -!Iii IJ!ficl '""' f.-""" 1 09 · Uy~-are -lfllisepUc • . ! cie*Tlllllf. • Foot Spray · Soo!bint, cooling, refrtsllinr 1 39 relief fOf' tired, terxler, achin1 feet and legs. • · · · · "Z1'no-n...i.." · F"" ~ f•r CDIKS, CIUllSISl-... sott, 43c ....., KirWx to ""' .. & .,. , tect selSitive ns..111 tr ht IL · "Sol ex" Y flf·Attleb's fMI · - QoiU & elfectife, -ijlliq"f..,; .. a. tact Stops painful itdlillf, promotes llealiDg sn.u POW1111 INlflllOIT 1.39· 8&c l.09 "A' P'll " . Ir-I 0 1m1es Soft, -le latn foon po-4f vides a soft. resiJitnt, cusllioninr. bed for tired, achi~g fRL rt. "Air-Pillo" 3, Malf llllln ,for big!! heeltd fashion slloes. PR. . ~t~~-~:, "Klippies" ~~' ·.: Pai 11 Sil 3k Carls .•• single and; . 0.ho ~"I IJpes ;, 1 29 . • ass't sizes for pin cui;Js f . ~ \ • : & rollers. 1.P en • ••• •,. .. ] "Nutri~Tonic'.' CllMI SHAMPOO Washes shint into hair -lle)'el' dulls -.... ricl, """" -mr: ~ in ~ard or soft water. 1.511 la. llr Coffee Mugs Whitt ~eramlc4 ' 1 00 mugs 'follt ass't o. cotorfijl desilftS. ·1 • ' DELIGIIT!illL !NT!MATE DINING OSTER 'Clipper' SET Cornpltf! pet 1rC0111er kit witll a4o just.ille trll'Mler flllll .. co.se" 11 . "file''. UltJS· "'"' ....... tioa-. .49 ''Vano'' • • SPIAY STAIGI 12&111 2:aac "S1p1ri1r" -Chrcme plated witll r®nd-aac ed ..... keeps · pet well groond. "Raw-Bone" "Long-lastlaL. large site cllew-treatw1th 7ac real beef ttMrl · ' RUB8EI Dog . Dish"' . •. "'S&cbl" Bru~ .0 .. , .... Roimd,., ...... ': . --.-cloOmlrit--· ~ nc I Deli OI bind. ·.•· ·. ::.. 1.,-~-1.19 "UXIT" Self Water ·eocktlir Collars ~nu":~ 1~·::;..• .. , ' ''Bluettes" '= : Housohold Glov11 ·.' .. Comfortable; neoprene ~led knit cotton &10ves pmide '"''~"' h .. "'"1 39 tectiOQ indoors & tx1l S·lll-l • • SAV·ON Shave Cream will 1111Ht _SM, lltllr , . ; [""""Ille tougll-5f est heard. Regalar ar M!fltMI. 1l1n IL CH "Beauty Salon" for HAIR & IODY I ' 1.59 2.79 WIS TD lllTCll •• 7k . Ci1cU tit tklats If In ilM• ir111 i1 .... 115-51! femlron is tbe 100% iroa bblet Ullt 1ives )'Oii irun, all Uvo. to maintain the ~"' oeol to pmllll ... sho1Jgt. .11'1 1.79 llfs 3.19 llEW! far ill S1_. Gilddess .. Tinted Dusting Powder __ : •• :· Houbi1ant's alter b3th er shower lin:· . . ery ••• 1ilded silk ia 2 Stllllit shade,, to blelld 3 00 wiQ your deptti D!' tan! #·IL • f.i '~.,,..,. \:. ·, '. ' ··~"if', ~-· 22 IL 1.39 1 hlitll 4~69: ~ Tried&Tne w/C.111-... -.. "age ......... tind""'1ol witll f111f11( Ion. 22 IL Sii ., .. C11t:ntr1t1-for aH tnes tf ... lu•e.s hair dean, age . soft 32 ll. Bath Gel 1.1 IL ... llillliq. 3 00 5 00 •i~!Zifttl . 4 or. , • ~ Eau de Cologne ••• coolinf, exhililltin&I 3 00 '11. • ... Clillt\Wr • i. • for age· ..,, lriltle, ""' It ..... •arr. 32 IL 1111---------------1!'11 · "Vivarin" Sti-!Tllls • •• fledic:allf ., .... """"""' , .. fast ........ ift .... I'll"", ..... , "' .,, 1.88 -3.49 DRUG S:rORE$ ;;· OP .. fAMlellPM-7~YSAwmt .. .._. NEWPORT BEACH . ' 1 IH llYIJfl IN wntCU" ft.AZ.A HUNTINGTON IU.CH AU.Ml a •OOIMUDT, HU.NTINGTON llACH, SfllMeDAW 1-pnteo ' . -. llllAMfOO.a ---C.11' ... Hair • Ass'! loltf2 M ft ~ .•. -w ~· Lifll! C.lepe Mist fOlll' fabled ,,,. I 1ra11c1s, eac~ willl I hint of slfin1. .... 1.75 . 1.11 hL lilt 7gc . • FINE 0WINE & SPIRITS • SOON IN . CO ONA DEL MARJ '. . . fRUGS . & SUNDRIES~ "SWllla" "C1llli1" C..lts ~';8(1• ... SAY• BrWld. . . . in 1 39 1Jt 1ie's • ..... "Vlsi_.' EJt ll!ops Cleor -... tl .. 1.29 "Chux". DISPOSAILE Dia,m -oo plastic pa11tr 1 09 needed, extra absl:rbent filJ. in(. Infants' sizes. lu • IUlllllWD Ice Cube Trays "T~st-jllp" trays maie 11 ggc· lcecubese"'1. •.er. 7k 11. Pat et t PLANTEl'S "Cocktail" PIANUTS ollMI Dl1,.•1er Three cans of 6V-? or. .. Cocktail" pea!Ms, pills 2 4 styrene dispenser ifl as- sorte11 colors. 111' ftr • IAl'IX • "Switchables" ~ CU.ge Imes ta -·~., '"'"''"""· -·"" 3 95 ~ 4 pair of lenses i~ JS-......, sorted t111m. • FOSTEI GIANT ... "Clip-ans" · Wi~ ff11 filter 1 49 factor teM! Meth • • ; • • I l I ' l I • •• Avall•bl•·Through C•llf. Funclint on AppNvod C~it '66 S"EUY CORIA 0T"l50 FASTIACK V-1. ' ap99d, •Ir mndttlonlf'ISI, rMlo, hefw. ChrtMt -"-$1:895 '6S GALAX!~ 500 2 DOOi HAI DTOP Y.f.. t vt.IMtlc, f~IWJ '"' """"" ,...... ,..,., Mater, ····~'··~1095_, ·. : • '65 M-1'<16" . t. t ·DOOI HAIDTOP ~~!,,o95 ·-- ' . : '64 FALCON -c0Nvun1La ... ,~.---...... -........ (~WJ ll'll - -,:-995 -,. ' --;-------=-,,...,.,.-----_......_~.~~---·----------------------~-~ --. --. ---~------------------------~......_....-=~----~ ............ . . '66 PONTIAC '\.E'MANs:21>1:~ HMD'roP V4 .. 1temetlc, fKlo<y •Ir, ~ 1tttrlng,.fllflo, .._... "'".'"'$1895 '61. CA.~RO . SUIO .HAIDTO,. V'I. 150. AutorNtlc, P'Klory .•:1r CAlnd., i-tw.r SIHrlng, •:'"" w'2'295 . " . . '65 FAIRLANE '500 . .' IPOITj;oun . M ' II uwnc. .....,. ·~ ,..... tltNll, H•l1r 8wktfS.la Ull"L 1•1 $.l-'295 ,. • MAVERICK TRADE-INS . '66· VQLQWAGEN DILUXE 2°DOOR 4 sp•ed, h•afer, etc. RYN 1•?6 $995 '67 RENAULT 2 DpC)l _ · '4 speed trans •• red10: he•ter. TSM l 77 I . AMIGOS y YECINOS I Le. 1rwifoff • fll V• ........ • DUNTON FOlllD, !Mf•·Cl ¥•'h•t•it•I• •i!H ~· ti• 1¥ Yi~•· l ••111•1 precloso1 .. •jo1 y !!'c•l9't• fff1'fcl• fft:,11 .. ti• 111 ""*•~ Ert•111., lflllll P•r• 1~rl•1. -' ~ SU SEl.VIOOI. JACK liOlN •• . . - ~65 MUSTANG V.a; • apHd', ndkt. l'IHltr, (OLW S311 $1395 '66 MUSTANG 2 DOOi., ~IDTOP . '"'~'" 7 1 '()95 "" '69' PORD L1'D ' 4 DOOR llDAN V.f, •vlomltlc ~llflon, fK!orY •1r eond!tlolllttto, pO-. ti-Ing, ~ llr•k ... radio', llHlll', Wl'llft w611 ll~IXNK$3595 .. 'iS. THUNDERllRD ·:., ~ . . ' HAllnO' ' • V.f, wlOl!lltk. ~~ •II' """· ,_.,. ,,..,.,_,. __.. ........ llOWtf ~. ''""· .... , .... IOVK an • I '66 CORJINA G.T. ·-' Spd., ll:ldi., HM!tl', (SSK 7'0. '67 MUSTAN'i 2 DOOi HAIDTOP v .. , 1utorNtlc. riower '~ rlodlo, '*lw• .,1ny1 to.. CTUI!. OTO.I '67-MUSTAJIG I '+ J .fAITUCI v.a, "10nlllllc. fK1ory .,1r, -u .. r,,.,,. rMle, .,.... \lffl~. Ul'F 111). " $1995 t-·: :· . I • HOUSIS.FOR SALE HOURS FOR SALE HOUSES FOR IALI HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSU FOii SALi HOUSIS FOR SALE ~~i:i1~~~'ii.i:iiiiiii~l~IOIG~,..~-~,...~·~liiiiiiiiiiii~l .. ~'~G~•;•~1r~ol~iiiiiiii~f~ .. ~O.~..,~rol~iiiiiiiiiiii~lG~·~& Glnor~ laao -.i FINER 'l(O ~/'~: ·. ·~ IN " * . BEST BUYS * u:::J~~~· , DOVE~ ~ORES a:~ji t.»'i· cos' TA MES A' Fabulous Designed For,_ Sl:t_~~J::IJ" Owner says, "sell", this beauUM Dover · l"l 5 bdrm ..,..,..., home. • bdrm lla,ytteot home ~ ~;·w1":."' ..,:;.ii:; Shores 5 bedroom home with pier & floaL Now under construction Loft1¥ muter .Wte. De-with famU~ room and tor-. •t.r. s IP9dom bedtouma, 2 Formal dining room, .Wge breakfut .. area;. • 11an:s fot ~ f:amDy. A ma.l dfnm& TOOl1\, l...arp . be.tbs! WALL TO' WALL excepUonally spacious wilfel'fnlllt ~ SEVEN CUSTOM HOMES :::;, '°"will ....,d to ,.u. with ...,.kiln• pool. CARPETS THROUGHOUT! $125,000. Call for appointment ~· Reductd for quick II.le. co a: y F.lreplace HARD. . LINDA ISLE'' . from $28,575 luflders Look! WOOD FLOORS! }'ark lib Approxlmately 1 a cre. laycrest lanJGift rear )'atd wltb BUILT IN New 2-sty. bayfront home with Ige. pier & WITH SUCH FEATURES AS: Close 1n Newport Beach Jo-Attractive 5 bdrm., 3~ BBQ on patio surrounded slip. 4 Bdrms., dining rm., beautifully decor-cation. Can be-divided Into t..th home. Beamed ce.nr.... by klwly, PY ftise prden? ated. $135,000. Call for appoinb:nent. e Fireplaces uveral building sites. lea\I· ...... BLOCK WALL FENCING! ing good 3 bdrm home on ln Uvinc room. HUIT)' fOl' Spri'nklen front A rear! 2" 101 LINDA ISLE • .S Bedrooms. pier 4 slip. • 4 Large Bedrooms one. this one. CAR GARAGE! VA Terms. Asking $125,000. Open daijy. ' e VA & FHA Financing WANT TG BUILD? Several good lols available; NO DOWN or FIW Mu.I be ' ' • \Vood Roofs. sold!! · ' •• · Fabulous wbi~~~~ ~~~~tvate ent~~ e 20 Ye..-Guarantee Dishwashers JERRY · FREUD· CHARLES A.RNOU> E~~,ii~~ ·:,~~is to beach; 4 bdnns., 3~ baths, 1oi'mal dinlhg • Oversized Lots 388 E . .17th Street, c.M. w rm. Teakwood paneling, pool ••.... $157,000. • Roman Tubs & Showers Realtors ,, 646-7755 ._ alker l Lee Open Sat. & Sun. 4M5 Perbatp e In Prime Area HIGH LIVING. LOW INTEREST • e PLU~ .MUCH MORE A••ume present 6.6% loan & enjoy high liv· SELECT YOUR~ NOW & CHOOSE ing in this spacious home on comer lot. 4 YOUR COLORS & STYL•S Bed.rooms, 3 baths, plus family room &: for- mal dining room ; 2 fireplaces; a new , custom home at 1018 Nottingham. $72,500. Open Sat· Yes, we have t1 lride-in progr1m llll!l!!!!lll!i!i' '!!!!!' .. ~-•I l'llO ~ ........ MEREDmt: GARDENSt, 4 O tll 9 loaa VALUE.PACKED OPEN HOUSES SAT & SUN l ·S P.M. bedroom spilt le\lel, 3 ha.tbs, =-=:::pe;;;;•~·::;,::.,P'.:M~--1 famll)r room, 3 ca:r,1arage. 67'0 Gl ASSUME. 4 bedroom, Move right in with 10~ family room. 2 baths, $223 down. Boggs RJtr. 962-fi637 Pt't mo. pays all. Boggs Ritt. 96l-QiJ7 -DON1 MISS ... JHIS ) RANCHO LA CUISTA U )'Oll've ;ru.sed tho doaeout of RANCHO LA CUESTA'S S other uoitJ • ; •• DON'T MISS THISll 1 j Each succeed.lng unit costs more, IO take· advantage of these prices. Come IJ see our modea on Brootturat at Atlallta in HunUogton Beach. There are 1 & % slories-, 3 & 4 bedroom homu wi~ ·2 or a bfths, M!Jsloo We or shake roof, fire. place1,• c.op.crete 'driveways, heavy tough cut beaml, built-ins, family · rooms Ao dining rooms. Close to HuoUogton State Beach. 'n1ele beautiful homes are priced from '24,1115 to '3{,200 .with VA or Con- ventional fJnancio( as tow as 10% Clown. No 2nd 1'Ds at 7.2% interest. call 1168-2929 or visit any day 10 AM to 7 PM. ·• ------ urday& Sunday DOVER SHORES ESTATE Ultimate in gracious family living & enter- taining in tbIS 5 bedroom home with large living room, richly paneled famil y room with brick fireplace. View from all rqoms. $144,500 Open Saturday & Sunday. 15.16 Galaxy Dr. for information c:all COATS & WAUACE llW.TORS /Ca.. 1491 '::'c.R .STRll:r ABOVE AVERAGE 3 Bdrm. General IOOOGentr•I 1000 Gener•I 1000 Gener•I 1• home, Crisp color scheme r====================:.===============11 th.Nout. Exterior ln:!shJy painted. A littll! gem at '31,500. · 29lJ PAPER LANE • ~ , .. :141 .. COSTA~ CALIF. 65' FEET Sancy Bl.ylront, . ·WESTCLIFF "'L ~ . .. .. baitor entluce view, near Bl.lboa Yacht Qub. &am ceillna;s. parqilet fa rn ll y Lovely 3 bedroom home with den ; newly painted iriside & out. New draperies, new electric oven, new disposal, new water heat.- er. Near Westclifl shopping & schools. Ask· ing $42,500. cau !or appointment --------~-· ' iohn macnab . RElt.L TY COMPANY • 901 1Dover Dr., Su ite 120 642-1235 General lOGG ~ol · I ;;.;=.;;,;,. ____ _ 1000 room, nonpua mm w/wet bar. $25,to'.l DoWn will ban. VIEW-VIEW "''· 1915 BA YS1DE DR. OPEN Raum Oce!UI view -pool, CdM. ' e i;1'9,950. ilOl Bqonla, SUrl. 1.S COUNTRY FRENOI with country size, rooms: 3 &: 4 BR. -pool, Co11ta Mesa 431 famtly, mature landscaping . E, 201.h St. Sal/Sun 12-5 Vacant for immediate pos. Homr & Income: $36.500 428 On."hid, CdM Sun. 1-5 &e611. $4200 Down. 1831 TRADE'WINDS • . *SUNDAY ONLY* Ships &: sails &: ocean &. bay & li&hls &: pavilion I: CalL Una Island &: Palos Verdes, too: you can see them all from this Broadmoor llarbot View former model ho~. 4 BR. 6: family room with \\'Ct bar, interoom. 211'1 baGll. Profcuionally decorated &: landsc:aped, and a fabulous bay view to boot! $65,000. l,;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;1-------~~I Open hoWJC Sun. 1-5. 1245 IAYCREST wnH surn"" Way, O>rona de! Bayfront: 2600 Covt, Otlna FOUR BRIGHT, airy bed· Co\le, CdM. Sal/Sun. l.S room~ on Irvine Terrace CORllN·MARTIN comer 1o1. 1..arge 1amily first Time Offered 5 BEDROOMS 1 year old l\la.n Wells' C\lltm1 built homt fn Dover Shoml. s bdnns, 3 bath!!, farnil)' room, bright lrih::hen with eating an?a. Professiolt. ally landscaped. Shelttred pooL Unobstructed Bay view on elepnt Galaxy Drk--e. $B7,500 incl. eafptta le dra~ s. SJS,000 will handle. Weslclilf POOL "U~usuAL DESIGN 38X10 POOL AND LARGE On -· _,. oceanfnm~ PATIO adjactnt to family di&ftnt I: channing 3 J'OOm JJ'lake ttUs Ba,ycrest bdnn oJder home on wXte, home icltaJ for enlertainiJlC. Newport oceanfront beach. 4 spacious b@d~ lovely Home has vaulted ceilinp modein kitchefl. d I n I n c thnlout & a mezzanine bdrm. room. Priced at only $55,900. Large brick f:rplc. qpen ~ven~ Open Sun. l·S • ~ 7008 W. Oceanfront, N.B. CHESHIRE REAL ESTATE iTh-2503 Moming & E\'CS. 646-2629 ANYTIP.IE TICKLED PINK REAL TORS room. Room for pool. A per. 3036 E. C~st Hwy ,CdM feet entertainer tor $44.950. 67S.l6'2 1301 BONNIE DOO!jE • -----~-FRESm.Y PAINTED blutt $151 PER MONTH top home .,,._. ""'· Includes all on this J bed· rooms, 4 bath5, pool-sfze room charmer, located on fenced yard. View Abalone "qulet tree sM.ded slrl'f"L Ex· Pl to PaJos Verdes. Anx- c:ellent opportunity to l'l!t in-ious owner will a~pt $5500. lo )IOU!' ·fl nit home with pay. down. menta no more than rent. 700 KINGS RD. \Von't la1t k>1lg" al the ex- c:t'ptionaJ price or o n I y $18.450. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Ht1I Pinchln Walker & Lee . '645.0303 WW be tho gal who P'"ld· our own tropical paradise iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiii,_I es over this all elcc:tric to shopS &: schools. 3 kitchen 1vlth pink built-ins, & ... I fll ma, 2 ba"". boa"'UWJy 2 STORY 2 patios, bri<ok fueptace, ,.,....;,~ by 8tt!Ol'l lc wtll S BR 3 b&tha, cpta/~ dee-kinplled muter bedroom pt by proud owntr. Call tric built • ins. abaU root suite, double aange, and 3900 1'.:. Coast Hwy. :«3 Westclilf Dr. 67Mm Anytime Ol" appointment today. Near AU. achonls. $36.150. much more -4 bedroom Roy J . Word Co. OPEN SUNDAY l·S '""'' II 124,500 FHA-VA &16-'7711 """ ,,,.., BA YCREST LOT· ~.;; !~ ~~~HSoulh $2,000 Recluc:tion · (&yc:rest 00ict1 1032 PRESIDIO terms. or Balboa BiVd % bik from Don't mil1 the opportunily to oceall. Priced ·a, 3 ~a.In buil~, :your dream mansion GI Galaxy Drive 646-1550 , .. ~~~~~~~~I Witlls.McC•rdle, Rltrs. price of only $24,500. amona the most expensJ\le PANORAMIC 1810 Newpbrt Blvd., NB * * * * homes in Newport Btach. -Farr,...;,- VIEW . 54<-1729 ..,.u... O~NGE COUNTY'S COUNTY R-4 RamhliN"' two''""'· Pool i:::====:::z==::i:: LARGEST 83'x435' • \Vithout varianct", sii.e with unlimited garden I Catal;.. San a•m•nt and i ·-a '°' O"td-,ntortaln. M ... , " " "'---H -3 E 17~ St 1. .. 1. ......... zoned for 12 units -a•·-. -· • ~ t Hawaii, it's spec:tacu. ....,_., OUM '7 ' m ~· _._ , .... ., Jhg on thl1 large, large prop. r and only fau.r'yeat"!I old, 1847 TAHITI DRJVE 3 BR. 2 Bath hoUSc plus 2 e ... ". Will delight """r lam. ~ · 5 bdrm Br. 1 bath house. Perteet 'v 01--n immaculatt 4 bedroom Huge ...... Ionia.I. \vilh ily and friends. Owner is me in a real prestige pool. family room, dining 1518 Dolphin Terr ~~ ~meb~r: 1~ W:~ oUerlni: this ont ot a kind, . l \'s a "must SN!" al room. Nearly 2900 SQ fl, quiet and ..... rgeoug locallon cl I M V _. "'-·· 1and to expand. For full de-•-137,500, OSI' 0 esa I!'"" ........,n. M•y 17th & 11th 1-S tails call . on land you CWN tor only try Club. Spolleu 2 BR, 2~1 ba, den, Robinett Rltr. 64S.0121 $23,950. 54,·SllO elec kitchen, PLUS huge WE SELL A HOME (11Ntcinent'8tlt). ~boAt-port;min.land-''Paradise'' $ll,500 EVERY 31 MINUTES O··NGE COUNTY'S LLEGE REALTY ,.,.,. malol<nan<e, Pool-FomHy Rm. Walker & Lee """ ISOOMMsstH11bor,CM. Slosh-' In $-•-LARGEST .u J 7 ,i1VU Family fun ~ cntcrtaini1lg". E. 17th St. ~.?4 -<iPEN-SAt:-. SUN.-CURT DOSH, Realtor 4 ""'""''"'· ""'~ boamed '°'' wea1c1;tt o,. celling, built-in bar. Brick 6.t6-TI11 Open Evt1. OPEN SUN 12:5-,S30l BRUCE 1130 11'. C:O...l tt~hway patio w;th BBQ, "'""'•11· BALBOA BAY PROP. CRESCENT ..... .~ " hsh pond So!t l•nh••~" . 2I03 Europ• Dr .• MV BR 2 ba, Crplc, cptlldrps tr. &u-9730 Eves. 548--0T.!O e KENllmY ral LIDO SANDS &42-64,.. E\les. ,.,.34 ,tropic:al p~L\('. 5-l(i.li20 Nteds salespeo~le; all tt- 3 BR. 2 Ba.· S27.000 GLEN MAR. 3 BF.ORO<''' " 1'ARBELL 2955 Harbor ~~~~ l'Onlklential. Please George Willi•mson bath covered patio, o\\'ncr . . , ART GIOVINE'lTI 613-7420 REALTOR \\'ill finance .... 1th $2500. ls Your Ad in our class1fteds · 103 Mc.F dden Pl N t Bch 673-4.150 673:-1564 EVes. Boggs. Ritt. ~7 Someone will be iooking for a ·• P · · White elephants! Dime-a-line Dial 64.2-5618 Jor RESULTS it. Dial 64U£7B Dial 642-5678 fo1' RESULTS lOGGGoneral 1oaa General 1000Gener11 1000-r•I Not every pianist • • • .1s a mus1c1an 1 • I '. ' " Those two fingen, non-melodies don't ex•ctly fill • hom• with the sound of music! Ye•rs of f•ithful pr•ctice ind study are behind every r•al musicien's seemingly effortless •bility to produce the sounds we 111 enjoy. And just •s every pi•nist is not • musici•n, neither is every reel est1te broker 1 Realtor@. A Reeltor is the .. pro" of his profession ••• schooled, t reined and ex- perienced ... he must qualify before he is permitted to use the word Realtor. Once qu alified, he is pledged to • strict Codi of Ethics which dem1nds of him the highest prof1ssionel stendards. Buying •nd selling ra•I p·roparty is not• job for other then •real r,rof•ss ion•I. For fast, afficienf and completely s•tisfying re•I estate assist•nce, et• R•eltor serve your every hom• buying or selling n•ed. Look for the Realtor emblem. REALTOR WEEK -MAY 18 TO 24 NEWPORT HARBOR· COSTA MESA BOARD of REALTORS 1000Gener•I l• Gonorol laao NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY .. HUNTINGTON BEACH OFFICE 842-4455 7611 E41otor I ' COS-TA MESA OFFICE 545-9491 27'0 HAUOll ILYD. Opon lw•lttp 'ti 9 P.M. ASSUME 51/• Ii.I. LOAN-ONLY $11' I'll MONTH Less than rtnt and look what It has! LARGE FAMILY ROOJ\t or maul\le bed· room. PLUS 2 more BEDROOMS! STONE FIREPLACE. Carpets and drapes! Glee.ml.ng HARDWOOD FLOORS! Fenced 130 toot ~p lot In nice •~• on auiet tov.·ertng &hi.de trff.lined atntL Takt over loan or NO DOWN VETS or $1,100 to &ll others. · • r , ' " " ----------------·---------"'---------------------..&.!.- ' '' .. '' ----···----·----..... -·--------------·---·--·-· .. --·---·----~---··--·------·-----------,--,--,,.. HOUSES FQK :il<Lc t-tOUSli5 FOR SALii -el 1•-al '' IOot ·IMMACUiATI' single . slory . go\£ 'course home at 3036 Java Road. 4 big bdrms, for· ma! dining, family-den & all wUh dr@lllalic ... view of the course. Assumable &K % loan. Asking '66.950 , FIVE BEDROOMS pool home IIi lines_! Mesa Verde local. Shag carpets throughout, great 2 slory floor plan, plus play yard & room for boaVtrailer. See it. at 2899 Clu.bbpuse Road. Listed at $47,950. STONE COTTAGE. Unique exterior of stone & heavy .shaje shingles, inside there's 4 bd.rms, 3 baths. formal dining & a pi.neUed family room. Open Sal & Sun. 2033 Balearic Drive. Offered at $41,950. · LARGE SINGLE STORY over 4000 sq ft on one level. Classic home in gOlf course ar.ea 'vitb 4 bdrms, huge game· room, sunny kitch- en & the fine.st appointments throughout. View today at 1816 Jamaica Road. Price: r,16 ,500. "mua\ir6e'1eaf~ 2850 Mesa Verde Dr. e Phone 546-5990 _G._n_•_,._~:-____ .;,1000::.o General 1000 HAWAII HO.TEL STEPS TO BEACH 8ayvk!:1v. Ideal tor lll·Rlse A-Frame fiver-upper: priced has bar/n!sl. $600 tl1, Sl5()i\t at $28,liO(l, Bring off"•""' dn. Liaison C.o. 64&-0T.!2 Caywood Rlty 541-12'0 DAILY PILOT \VANT ADS! S06 \\r. Coas1 llw~" 1'7-: Open Houses THIS WEEKEND ~ (2 BedroomJ 318 °1." Street Balboa Point 64!>-2000 ' (Daily 1-5) 219 62nd ' St.; Newport Beach 642-3365 . (SUn 10-5) 2014 Vista Cajon (The Blufis) NB 67!>-600 · (Sun 1-5) 428 Orchid Corona de! Mar 6'15-1662' ,;-. -· (Sun 1-5) 2600 Cove, (China Cove) Cdl't'I 675'1662 (Sat & Sun 1-5) (2 Bedroom & Family or Den) 1518 r;>olpbin Terrace (Irvine Teri"') Cdi\1 642-6472 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 620 Jas!'J1ine, Corona del l\{ar 673-8;50 (Sun 1-5) (3 Bedroom) 3100 Samoa Place (r...fesa Verde) CM 5l9-4225 {Sat &.Sun 1->l 2141 Vista Entrada (The Bhills) NB 644-2370 r Sat & Sun 1-5) *1101 Etibtide Corona del J\<lar 67!>-2000 . (Open t-;) 7008 \V. Oceanfront, Newport Beach 646-2629 rsun l,5l 464 Serra Dr <Corona 1-lil'(hlands} Cd~1 646-3255 or 673-4098 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 5301 Bn1ce Crescent (Lido Sands) NB 673-4350 r Sat & Sun l 511 Santa Ana .<\ve. (Ne,vport Heights) NB 673-6210 rSat & Su~ 11·5) 2245 Republic, Costa ~lesa 546-2.113 (S\Ul 1-5) 252 Sierkes. Costa l\1esa 546-2313 (Sun 1-5) 521 lrvirie, Ne\rport Beach 546-2313 (Sun 1-5) (3 Bedr~om & Family or Den) 1300 Dover Dr. (WestcliU\ NB 67!>-2101: 548-4166 (Sat .. Sun. 12-5) 2034 Baltr~ Pl. (Mesa Verde) CM 546-0353 IOpen Sat & Sun 1-5)- 618 Kings Place (Cliff Haven) NB 642-5749 (Sun 1·5> *1701 Galatea Terrace (Irvine Terr) Cdf\'f 67!>-3000 (Sat & su n 1-5) 1014 Santiago Drive (Dover Shores) NB 642-823.1 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 301 Evening Star (Do\'er Shores) NB 67!>-2000 (Sun 1-5) 1147 Gleneagle. Costa 1\tesa 54().1720 (Sun 1·5) *2510 East 23rd St., Newport Beach 646-3255 rSat & Sun 1-5\ *1701 Galatea Terr. (Irvine Terr .. ) Cdl\t ~75.JOOO; Eve: 543-7962 (Sat &..SW1 1·5) 2607 Ocean BIV'd.. Corona del ~tar 67!>-300 ; .Eves: 543-8868 (Sun 1·5) 1959 Vista Caudal. Newport Beach 675-5930 rsat & Sun 1-Sl *4621 Fairfield rCmneo Sboru) CdM 67!>-3331 (Sun 1-5) 2301 Heather Lane, Ne'''JtOrl Beach 67!>-4130 (SIU1 1-5) 3220 Iowa St. (Mesa Verdel CM 642-1111 rsat & Sun 1-5) 2837 Tabago rMesa Verdel CM 546-2313 (Sal & Sun 1-5) 2828 Drake (Mesa del Mar) NB 546-2313 (Sun 1-ji) 341 Westbrook. College Park 546-2313 (_Sun 1-5) 2640 Norse, Costa li-1csa 546-2313 C Sun 1-5) 2046 Aliso. Costa Mesa 646-717t (Sat & Sun 1·5) I!::;;;;; > ,,.. . H0USU POR SAL! HOUSES fOR SALE HOUSES FOii SAL E HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR sili: >IOI/Iii f.OR SALi . -....,.. 1000-..1 • -lllllo, ~.. '. j ... _... 'iliii General • 1!11f0...rel l•Go-1.I ' '1 Ra·-AJ, 'SSTA:l dd . {' ' -1 PETE BARRETT pr•HlllS ' 546-2313 1* 646"7171 ·"'' , · WATER FRONT' • i Attractive 3 Bedroom 2 bath with "pitr 411~ J ' room for 40 ft. boat-Ideal for a boat ownini1 family-only $69,500. . '- N ~W BAY.CREST LISTING. This home has ', everything for family enjoyment. 4 bdrms .. lamur room, formal dining room, den and' , 16x36 Anthony pool. rn,ooo. . ' LIDO -PRICE REDUCT ION ! $3000 ou·· ma~es this charming home on large corner-•. Jot a very good buy -Sunny patio, maxi· · mum P,rivacy. 3 barms., dining room, 3 C~.>.' gaPagei Call to see. • ; I .~ NEED A LARGE HOM E with a small pr.ice? 5 bdrms., 4 baLbs, plus den & family:" room, Baycrest area for $47 ,850. -l: CHOICE PENINSULA BAYFRONT' -Year round lease pier and slip. 5 bdrnU., 31h baths + mafd's quarters. Contact Bill Bents. SUMMER SEASON -Lovely Baylronl renCal in prime area~ Excellent beach and. pier. 4 bdrms, 3 baths. $5000 for the season. OFFICE OPEN Sit. I. Sun. ~j . .. PETE SARRETI REALTY 1605 Weatcli•f Di: .. 642-5200 N.B. ------------------ Sales through the Multiple' Li~ting Service of the Newport Harbor- Costa Mesa Bo ard of Rea ltors totaled $14,679,050 for the first 4 mont hs of 1969. Th is represe nts 470 unit sales. List your property with a Realtor toda y. (4 BedroomJ *:iol5 Galatea Terrace (lrvhie Ttrr\ °CdM 67!>-3000 (Sat & Sun 1-5) .THE CHOICE OF ' NEWPORT 1 •• Jn dellghl!ul Harbor Highlands 4 Bedroom,• 3 bath with extra large lamilyj room wll~" . fire_elace . So· clean it sparkles.-OWner Jl! le~v!;J· for NeW York a.pd will give quiet'\ pPSfWipn-$5'(,500 ' EASTSIDE 3 + GUEST HOME ,';- Not the ordinary but a. custol'q 1. J>edcoo1~ t with lal'ge li,vin~ room .and ·kitcheit · witg , · built-ins. All this 1n addition to an attractivq·' 3 bedroom 2 ba~h main house· just a few ; j steps fron1 shopping and sch09ls.-$31,959 • _ $1995 DOWN .. I 159.6:' per month pays all on this clean 3 bed: room home on lovely tree lined street-T~ . lot ;.; extra large-better see this now- 3 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE '1 As low as $600 Do\vn, FHA.'4or this 5 bed· room. 2 bath. dining room fireplace toWir, house.Swim, pJay tennis and BBQ . The !uU price is only $18,950 . THE WORLD OF BRICK So tastefully done ·iii this attractive! 3 Bdrm- Ne,vport H~ights hon1e \vith new shag c41.r-. pets.'.-Delightful covered outdoor entertain- me1it area \vifh gas Barbecue.-There's room !or 2 boats. 2 ca1npers in additio n to a big dQuble garage.-Every inch in sparkl- ing condition $33,500 with 10% do,vn.-· 546-2313 -646-7171 OPEN AU DAY SUNDAY 1148 Santiago (Dover Shores) NB 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) /General 1000 Gener•I /.=:;;;;B;;;A;;;Y;;;S;;;H;;;O R;;;E;;;S;;;;;;, 10001 . I *431 E. 20th St .. Costa Mesa 67!>-1662 (Sat & Sun 12-5) *401 Begonia, Corona del Mar 67!>-1662 (Sun 1-5) (4 Bedroom & Fa mily or D•n) 12"5 Surru.rie Way. Corona de! Mar ti':'f>.2503 A}.1 & Eve. (Sun 1-5) 1101 \\'hite Salls, Corona de! l\-lar .· 67!>-1000 (Sun 1-6) l :J.3fl Santiago Drive (Weslcliff) NB 642-8235 (Sun 1-5) 2341 Irvine (Back Bay) NB -1720 (Daily 1-5) 1518 .. \ntigua \Vay, Newport Beach 646-3255 (Sun 1-5) 1430 Galaxy J>r (Dov~l' Shores) NB 6'6-1£!1".. · . ' \~ Daily\ *2015 Galatea 'Perr. (frvine Terr l CdM 6i!>-3000: Eves: 543-7962 (Sat & Sun 1-51 * 1233 Highland Drive f\Vestcliff\ NB 642-8235 (Sun 1-5) *9631 El Portal (Stral!ord Homes\ FY 847-8611 (Sun 1:30-5 :30) 363 Vista Baya. Newport Beach - 6]!>-4130 · (Sun 1-5) 20~ B~l'learic Drive (f\fesa Verde) CriI !;46-5990 1sat & Sun 12-5) ltl6 J nmi:tica Road (Mesa Verde) CM . 046-5990 (Sat 12-5) 1907 Lee,vard Lane (Baycfest) NB 540-1720 rsun 1-5 ) 3036 Java Road (J\ofesa Verde) CM 516-5990 (Sat 12-5) 3067 Trinity Drive, Costa Mesa 642-1771 (Sa t & Sun 1-5) 1315 Antigua. <Baycrest) NB 646-7711 (Sal & Sun) (5 Bedroom) 2038 Calvert Ave (Mesa Verde).C1i.1 , .5-10-0556 , ropeu Sun. 1-5) 103i·Presidio (i\lesa de! h·Iar) C~t 548-7729 (Sun 1·5l *1536 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB 642-8233 ISat & Sun 1-5! iAITRACTJVJ:: .'.l lidnn. 3 OOlh I fw·n. huge n1as1 .. 1· lxlrn1 1v/ 1 dresslnJ: rnl. ~lidifll.i gl1.1si; do-Jrs 10 p1111o ·-S·l7.500. NEWPORT HEIGHTS en'ific FIXER-UPP~H . 3 bd1ins. 1 ~:1 bAths, lb1'. Iii'. rm, fircpll1l·r. lge. p11tio _ A REAL BliY 111 $77.000. NEWPORT . BEACH Open Sat. & Sun. 1-S •IID FRANCISCO _ choi<.'t" area • Vacant • 4 bdm11. 2 ba ths, sunken hv. mt. N'n. 11"3.I \"3CUUm !iyste:m, HI-Fi • NJCE S5t50ll I "C" THOMAS -' REALTOR 22{ \V. Coast lhvy 5,IS-J..'127 N<"1vpo1'1 Beach, Evf'. 54;>.5643 5--- BAYFRONT LIVING Al ·~ lh<' cmit of e Lido hon1e. This J Bedroom "Chl·n Your 0\\•11" apl. has magnificcn! vif'w of Harbor & l.ido Isle • Boa( slip -S\l•immlng pool • La111e lanai fleck • fircpla~ • <'lcctrlc ki1chen -2 car gar. age an delcvalor • )'<'8, all the requisites for grateful Jiving, Priced ;.t only SG:i.OOll Call: l..ce Schonek Realtor. f'IO\I'. 673-3585 --- S'ii% FHA LOAN ~ Can be assu1ned on 1his l\lc&n Verde 3 bdlTU & f&n\ily hon1c. You "·on•t find anolh- r1· as lmmttculatc, 1~ith 1~1v c1.1rpcling. large, lush lan<JJ scaping & even has a hobb)- room built in garage. A stea11 a! only ' $26,950 DELUX DUl'LEJI ON THE BEACH On I hi' sand al Newport Beai:h is todays best lrwesl- ment buy. Upper unit has 4 BR'a:, hug!! living rool)11 balcon)' and un1~.Strictep view of ocean. Lo11't'r unit has 2 BR 's, huge livihg room. Monthly gross USO. Priced at only S~3.5CO. Call 645$1 !ORI \J I. Ol\O\ ... f ~ ( • ' 645-0303 Gener•I 1000 Gener•I 1000, Coldwell, Banker . ·' • ·Our . 24th ' Year ' .. j• TOWIRIN~ l'INU . . In your own yard. Tine : BR home I: tamlly roo1n '" :~o·L ,,.,., Uona l~• bath ., ' rang vice pore '.>Om, .,,..,,,., lpel". N~ar sh:lpplnc, O n I y $25.~ -V.\/fl-1.A finan- cing. 546--MfO · NiAR WUTCLlff CINTIR-NIWPORT Beautiful J RR hon1t' 1vith hard\''ood floors. \\'alk tu school &:. shopping. 2 bathll. spacious 111· l n g roon1. fh'<'plac.-. 1-'t'nrrd rt"ar ~·arrl ,,·ith lovely <'O\'errd r:tlio. Lo\\cst priced t-"ml" ·in Harbor 11ir·h1:mt1~ -Cn1y s:zs.500. Call ror sho11i ng. 5f6..M40 WfSTCLIFF LOCATION Custont designed 3 BR and Famlly Room . lm- n1acul~I<' condition lhru out. Trn·ific kllchcn 11·lth •Valls of cebinetll, blt-ln ovl"n I.: range and di8h\\'as.her. Rear large lil•lng room \\ith sliding jl'.iass door, opening oul to outstanding lirhtcd rear· yard \\•ilh 30 foot custom pool healed &: lighted. \\/ell de,;ignl'd landscaped yard In.lb· a lil'lt' home at $4<1.950. l::Z Trrms. 541).~,M) THOUGHTFULLY DESIGNED Thi! unu.~ual J BR &: ln.rge Jo"a1nily Room hon1e in COlita J\t~. so "·arm -frit>ndty 11nd Informal . A , Jare-e trnUlr free Ji1•i11J rooni. \\'Ith quality wlw . cpts & • Qplpes a n d llreplace. \Vil" will 10\·e thbi bright kftchen with bit-ins • 1~ bath.~ -stall sho-A'cr -many extra fcAture1 -Only $30.!!50 - Call for tho1vlng. 546-5440 . 2 ,CHOICE LOTS In hl"autlful L Wun a Niguf!I -Fully 1"1proved n!ady to bUild 70 x l2f with vl~w • olltstandlnc IOcaUon in ,.x pand Ing area. Jll.000 each -$nlO do\\·n 546-5440 ' . ~L YARIUNGTQI'! HO DOWN PAYMENT To 011·11 this vaca.nt 1794 sq. ft. homf'. 2 years old, 2 story, 4 BR. honlt' plus fan1 ily room. Interior aU llC\\'ly repainted. Lovely tc1T"oced kitchen with bll· ln l!\ec:trlc eye lC\•el. Ranse and double 01·cn. plus dish\\'a.sher. Separale liviJJ: roon1, frplc. l.argt' master bedroom Jtil th privnh' bath, t'~tnl""large \Yardrobto close1$. Buy on no do11'1l VA tennf. , Lo1v do,1·n rnA on 105'\do\\n f'.o"v~ntlonqJ, A s k I n r $29,100. ~Jake otrer. ,.._...., IRIN!i YOUR CHECK ·IOOK Op•n Sun. 12·5 Ut larbados l'l You 11111 t_.11 In Jo1·e •1•11h lhis first lime oUcnod 3 BR hlcsa Verde· homt' Iha.I 01vn'e"r1 ha\•e decorated in bl'ight happy lone colon thruout. Tm- maculalf! coi.iltlon -11 ~ balh .. ~ sparkling buil1-in kitct¥:1)-spacious ,1ivi1111; mom. 11•/u: c:pl"I & drapc~ Beaulilnlly landscal)('d front & TTar & look at prier nnly $24,950 f'H.-\ term~ OK'D. \iurry. it "''on't las( 546-54.JO STll' TO THE . OCEAN i::rmch N ~ r n;t .11 n·Q ·I e f'ton: .. ~ 4~i .-1-m· "Young . 23!KJ· .,, fl. or qu&Jlty. j...arge•Jivlng roc>m 1vlth marble fireplace l hearth. 15 ft: ~pf.rat!! dl~ing r'O!>f11. 1D e I· u x e ltjlljhen with all built Ins &: ~rkbl. area.. 4 spacious bdnns. 3 bltths, 1(¥1.ds ol rJo~l,. \V/\V ca.rpetl~ dra-oes. 0 11'fler 1>11ys i;ell NOW • $43,000 ; X1nt terms! 546-5:t40 START PACKIN~ hfO\'f!' tode.y • inlo this 1,potles1 . n~w.ly ·redeoorat~ lnalde· & out l BR home in Ha.letn!sl - 15 x 25 lt\ring room -stone .fU"eplace-. w/w cpl5 &: drapt!:a -atf!p saver bll-in ki f & dlsbwuht'r:-lovtly hdw. floora -only $23,450. Call no1\f 546-M40 ' .. • Results thru ·. ' ' ... "Service • M"t AL YARRING- TON' our. top ••le .. man for th. month of April. Al turned In an outstanding u ... P9rform•nce to l•ecl the office in total urn int•· 3 IDRM. l'LUS, HEATED POOL JUST USTE~ln l\fesa Verde. Owner transfer· 1·ed and \\·ants a quick sale. Ne,vly painted In- terior, all elKlric built. in kitchen \\'Ith dlsh- \\'aJ!her. I" baths -atall shower. 14 x20' llvl~ room \\1th tlreplace. l..oW" maintenance yard. Terri.Cle c u a lo m pool \\'ilh automatic 11\'et!P- er. Price only $27,500 E."<Celif!nl financing. ,. ...... NUD ILIOW lOOM7 This la.rte 4 BR 2 alory home v.'ith ran1ily room is .your ill'IS\\'er fOr that large family. Ch·er 1900 1q ti of li\>ing area 22' living room • •1·ith \'olc.:inlc rock stone cll.l"J) ~ann style s k dis.hi rea- 7 b.1 • lOrs, ""'IS~'L"DI w/w tr.rri ered. • patio. Near Schools. Only ,· $29,950 811,)•f!r can take • over la rte ~_.. ':1o loan at' nO c.'OSt-no ~Hying·, pymnts S201/mo. l1'1C"lude! a.IL 546--MtO CUT $1,000 7 story contemporary 3 BR-dining room &: den ~ and tamlly room It CUlitom he:t.tf'd pool -21~ , bath.! -marble pullmans _,. • enclosed front patio -, terrazzo entry -beam l ceillQGs -all eJectric kllchen with Bit-I~. Ideal - homl! for entertalnlng- drtl'sing room, I o v f! I y yard -llghls -now only $36,500. F.x c~l lent , terms. 546-5440 * EYI Al'PUJ. ,, * PUllSE APPEAL Beautiful quality 3 BR i: I family room home 1vith great functional 11 o o r } I ~ ISReal~)L' ~~ 1 lixtf Inc • room cpts 1 f .~ dr new 1 40• . ""' 11'ater softener. Oulatan- ding yard wiel-. patio-E.~ , - terior newly P•lnted. Priced al only $26, ~ 10% d0\1'11, 54&-5440 10l l,inda Isle, Newport Beach 642-8235 (Sat & Sun 1-5) *1520 Ruth Lane (\Vestcliff) N_B 67!>-2000 (Sun 12.ji) OFFERS: OPEN HOUSE SUN. 1 • 5 Ele9ant Wat•rfront Home . ' •1 "'!0~,~.~N .. H~O'!!'U~S~E~s•. ' ....... -.• -1"'2-,3·0·.-o·s·,-3-0 .. f: *2899 Clubhouse Road (Mesa Ve rde) C~f 546-5990 (Sat 12-5) (5 Bedroom A Family or Den) 1350 E. Oceanfront, Balboa Peninsula 64!>-2000 ' (Daily 1-5) 18893 San FeHpe. Fountain Valley -1720 (Sun 1-5) *™ . 21&1 St.. Newport Beach 646-7711 (Sat & Sun) DUPLEXES FOR SALE (2 BedroomJ 4-018 & 4018 'h: Channel Place. Ne\vport Island, 646-2000 rSat & Sun 1-5) (I & 2 Bedroo m) 14-07 IV. Bay, Balboa 675-6000 ISIU1 1·5) · (2 Bedroom) 706 Acacia, Corona del Mar 673-8550 (Sat 12-5) 4-l'LEX FOR SALE 717 F'emleaf, Corona del ?.-tar 67!>-5830 (Sal & Sun 1-5) CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE (l Bedroom) 2141 Vista Entrada (The BluUs) NB 644-2370 (Sat le Sun 1-5) (2 Bedroomj *1509 Cornwall Lane (\Vestclill) NB 548-4806, 4~1806 (Sat & Sun 1·6) ..... . . .. , .. _,., ........ ' -• 301 EVENING STAR, DOVER SHORES. 3 BR's .. paneled den w/lrplc., & wine ccl· Jar. Pier & float for large boat .... $155,000 ~1rs. Raulston Ol'EN SAT. & SUN. 1 ·6 41; BAYSIDE DRIVE. N.B. BeautituJ bay-' front 4 BR . 4 Baths, with private dock for SV lt"'l. boat. Immediate possession. '" .. " """ """" """ .. $110,000 Walter Haase OPEN SUNDAY 12·6 $57 ,500 1520 RUTH LANE. WESTCLlf'F, N.B. 5 Bedrooms, 31h balhs. 18:.:38 Pool. Mrs. Marion OPEN SUNDAY 1·6 1101 WHITE SAILS. CdM, TerrUic view from this lovely 4 BR . hor;ne with family rm., din. r1n., powder room. Don't miss this al . _ ............... , .........• $53,500 Chuck Place HARBOR VIEW -Ol'EN 1 ·5 Hi•h on the hilltop! Visit 1101 EBOTIDE. Cd!\·[., & you'IJ never want to leave. Pool, patio. lanai & extra lra:. fam . nn. w/fire- place in separate \Ving. Mrs. Harvey COLDWELL, IANKER & CO. 2200 E. COAST HIGHWAY NEWPOR T BliACH Kl 9-3351 1530 ANITA LANI \\'eslcllff -Ne,vport - ideal 4 BR -7 full baths .l " . truly ootstandinr kitchen all bJt-iha -ro1vs of cupboards. Separate 5ervlce' roon1 • separate family nn. v.'/w cpta: 4 drapes -a!klng $03.950. ~ this for sure -San- tiago Dr. to Estelle Lane. 17211 OPEN SAT./SUN. 1ua con1.a MeM Vtnle 1628 Come&, J\l«a Vt!:rdf!. 3 BR/Fm. 2 baths -love- ly Anµiony hf!aled pool with automa!k: nupn-- lotA of dt!elrlng. Electric blt·lt oven ' rarce. Wf!•I 2 blks lo Anita ~ SANTA IARIARA Jo'ountaln Valley J u s I listed 4 BR home on nice stretl. 2 batM -spacious re3.r living room \vith Midi~ glass doora open to covered patio -lireplaef!. \y f \V cpts .~ drapes • fann alze kitchen with bl~loa :-plu~ huge bonus room over '8J'8it, can be rlnilhed Jar idi!aJ. n.tnipus mom. Prke on1; m.:~ - m.A tttml!! ' . 54'"6440 . ~uhf!!', only m.~ -• EZ tenns 54&.:s+IO ' • I CONDOMl-NIUMS I 4 IR~Va IATHS $29,750 Just listed Is thia lo\·cly ro,V11house with many ex- 1 -tras-OnlY 2!1 years .YOO"i-excellent, con- \'enif!nf lo ca tion in Unlver1lly Park- 11paclowi living room, lrplc. q u a I t t)' ·,,:/w carpets " dral>ff-"'1ill-in kllchf!n, rt<! filed roof. Low lu.ehnld of SIM )'Ht• 0-'nCI' anxklu1 for qllkk ale. ~ SPANISH TOUCH Lovely red tl!ed • roof , S BR + de:n In Ncnvporl Siu.Us-Hu beaullful treen belt vi(M'-pool~ puttJ~ grftrd, park &: ahOpPln& ttntt:r cl08t by. 2~-j balhs, la.rze livine room wUb fireplace. built.Jn own I rarce. Ttnnla mmi,tienruP in- clttded In price-Only $30.,rioti. Call now!Sot6-&4i'.I OWNU$ HADY &-c~llenl 3 bdrm • In choice priv'te, ~tsldf! neighborhood -Lovely pool Ii anrutfve club house for summer f!nte-t- la/nlng. AR ekcbic bit-In oven ,. ranee. dbbwaah.. er. 3 larg~ m bedroorn.9, 2 batha. Maintenance f1ff gro(lnds. Live h up heft. Pritt only $25.950-moo do\\'11. ~ , PAUL· WHITE· CARNAHAN ..... ,,. c •. 1ot3 IAKIR ·STREET, COSTA MESA . ' • • • 'I ., ••• lbll7,j ~SI• !JOit~! HOUSll '0,Rf:\~!., H~~!,!!Ri"""-!;i ' H SES FOR $AL!! HOUSIS ,OltffLI • HOUSIS ,OR~· HOUSIS 'Olt·SA~L 1000 Chnoral l•-lil IOOll I :lhMnl;;· ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;\ ;;;;;;l;;OOO;Gol;;•;:;"';.;;;;;;~'~1;laot;; -0i ~ , lfll ...... ""' llOI -..... . • ••• , •••••••••••••••• 1. n LA BORDE~ Realtor ,Here Is a du:' iitp::-:~rt Heights 5 bdrm 2 ba!~~: ~ occ. Vac111t • ' $2, 1 ua"=:ti'.: POOL' sif!7' s'~11~ -r.: 3;i1iiij· .. '0 DONT READ THIS YOU_.,. llLIEV! IT . Mak• us prove It. EASTSIDE COSTA MESA • Three Bed· • rooms, Dining room plus 20xM .ncreatum ''room witb Benjamin Franklin fireplace. wm easily aocommodata pool table • Slldiitg glass doors to patio and ~ge ._, yud .. · Two separate single llU8llt(. l'ULL .PltrcE ON~ Y m.soo · Act Now"llitor; -.! belle\ler _ beall you to itH . ACRE· UPPER1 QY -NEWPORT BEACH. Two bedrooms, I 'I< 1 ; . bath plus guest room !'·offering couDQ): at- mosphere and a home for your horse. Owner. -has architectural plllll!' to .ren>odel anti en· i · large into a rambling ranch home. Why light the crowds • Ch~~ UU. property's numerous I possibilities. Priced u n d e r-surrounding '.homes at· only $71,000 • SHOWN BY AP· ·POINTMENT, TRAILER -TRADE Gu3ranteed Sale o! your ?J)obtli h'ome. Ex· change and move up to NIWPORT BIACH:0 ~Fine adult living -entCrtain your friends'(in -the neighborhood pool· BE FREE OF YARD ·WORK while you tra,Vel! Sound great! Watch ,: your wife's eyes light up wtien slie discovers .-·the HUGE MASTER BEOROOM SUITE, '>! , and ·bath wjth "'man-sized" ceramic show- " er!! Top value for $30,950. Come light your '-fire !!! > ' ' · .. F:H.A. -NPT. HEIGHTS : " PRICE REDUCED $1:0001 Your family will . be thrilled with this three bedroom, two , "bath. HARDWOOD FLOOR home in this I fine NEWPORT BEACH NEIGHBORHOOD! _Br~ away from the .crpwd and appreciate i from your living room, the serene view of . ·fruit trees. A great space for cpi.ldrtl:D; sepa- l ~rate hobby room for all in oversiZed gcirage; alley access. for your boctt. ~ us first for a ,. family fun ! $26,600 LOAN AVAILABLE. MESA V~RDE FOUR LARGE COMFORTABLE BED· ·~ROOMS, 1~ baths. Conveniently arranged ~ electric built-in kitchen and large Family Room. Roomy living room with fireplace. Spacious \Veil landscaped front & rear yards. o 1; FULL PRIC ONLY $26,500. F.H.A. will loan , $23,900 • 7'12% • 30 YRS. • ISALESME~ NEEDED! ) 646-0555 area, for ollly f~,500 tha\ tbe owner. Is will· clean. No dOJ'D to Vets • min. dn. FHA. Ing to tin1J<9. ,:;pacious and clean one bed· . ,nu 1"111 . ._ -::;:i .,,Ill< ~ an s~ • 1111 ._., ASK FOR DAN LEE to -'eel.la. M<do;Iow mu1oot 1:'ach ~= = >'O'I thll ~ Costa vaJ11e. Dy owner. ~ milW' ~ -S br, % bftb * room aftita with there own private yardS. $~2 500 For a Starter or for a retired couple interest-~ I 'M ... Condolmtnlwn lh.tur. l -room. 2 lovtlY 'l'U°'. 1'1C to'tp bdrml, buJtl.!Jw, MoH Verde 110 lrilc:Jleol wllh builtilJ! loci p!U!h carpe~ A 4n.pe1. S BR Tri-1evd1 21, 1q ft. brand ,,ew d!shwaihtt. All ed in !ow paymenis this Is it. Who NHds It Probably you coukf"use an extra 16x24 It. WQl'k shop, ,.studio. office or guest apart- 1nent.f This room would be perfect for an ac- countant: ndio ham, IDlodel builder, sew- ing room, or music Classes. Super sharp r.on- ditlon throughout with 3 moNter bedrooms, all built-in kitchen, heavy shake roof1 and situated on a ch o { c e, tree lined eastside street. Out o! sight •.alue at $34,500. · FOR A WISE BUY Colesworthy & Co. 542-7777 Ff .. lldtlM ........... L..w.-k .... ,,..~w,a... 1 ..... ...-~~c.rt.1 C•ll't... i.t..i.w. •••••••••••••••••••• Gene rel BUllD OUT lhc balance of this huge R-2 lot, 310' deep. Live in the existing homr., 3 BR 2% baths & consfJ1lct 5 more income producing homes. Call now'for particulars. $28,950 F/P (TRY 10% DOWN) Newport •t .vic!ori• 646-8811 Open Hou_se 233 ROBINHOOD PL.ACE EasWde location jll!t oU Santa Ana AVt'. betwl!l!n 20th & 21st St. Extra sharp 3 &: family roor'n wi1h ''Pad~k'' pool, "ultra private'' enclos- ed yard. lo«! DOVO SHORES Open House Sunday 1-5 1518 ANTIQUA Prestige View l{ome for the !amily wbo enjoys living wilh pl<!nty of room for the eeneration gap. JEAN SMITH, ,. . Realtor • • 646--3255 400 E. 17th, Coa'ta Mesa $20,950 • WOWI .. ''-"PPle Pie .. order. King m. ed bedroorm, ~dftam kitch- en, built .. in appliances. Jlandaome s na e k bar. SPrlnklers, boat gate. .... 1720 TARBELL 2955 Harbor NEWPORT HEIGHTS 3 BR 2 balh, den, 2 frplcs. cpts/drps, blt·ins, alley ac· cess for boat & trallt'r. DAVIDSON Rulty 546-5460 Eves. 548-8584 Lovelr 3 bdrm home in Mesa Del Mar with a Owner ottetfiw: Just $1400 M~ Vffde J'ftC'setter. for i,32,soo, Owner on prem- sparklillg pool for famUy fun. Many plua • down payJl\Ohl l!t1 P<' a... to llcb; II ml '° ~ ileo Sun. "'"" 18, -Io ·feature$ -excel. terms. month lncludff ever)'thina. COIU'9l!I Has all extras! Fa-5 pm. MOl Bruce ~scent ~ 51l-1.Ul Hedt111t ftrll bu1oua inc1acpe, 0099 to all or Call 0r Wrilt awrier, Dick CALL MR. NELSON M().1151 (open eves) ,El!< {fj , o<hl• •. ooll'fl", trwJ•. Sun O>Wn, P.O. !)ox 7Ci, Palm , Horii ... RHI E11m· TRl PLEX (AM) ""1<11L Sun 1 .. , 0-rt, CallJ, ll~· l!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:!!i!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!i:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~. S BR 2 •tort Wilh fireplace. ~~Calvert. Ave. ~ -~ -=-=<=--- --=::."::lc...-. __ _;1~0-.;..;oo General _ 1000 'Alootwo2at._ .... ., ~ OH'.l'Ht.'LAKE -unJt.. ~·~ built. A pict~ vb ol CberT)' 2 l\Mll Uftllftr Olli lni, , top loeaUOo. lipmt , Lake ttom" "thb; "'lflllt..&eve\ Vl'IJI nvwu RIGHT PIKE ~ ~ .. !'°' mo>J\h:, CUt """ 01c. &3Mll• • s.1. home; tun '°"'lion for..,,,,._ GALAt EA TERRACE CA;1 • .:. 'p' au . . ----·o°'io""·:E~1'1~orA~l~L=y--1 ~;11°':."'."ra!t:"·,,J, IRVINE TERRACE 11UZ111: IUD\ ' •-illllll·Q 111.a.· 3062 .Coylon Road ,!pl. &p. _.,. .,.. • all Sat. & Sun. 1-5 pm T!!!T1 Liiht &: Airy - 3 BR, 2 BA b1jn, kitcll!n,. 1...oan usum.. Try a aood 2nd TD &: IOmt home near Cbuntry Oub. ablf'l. $52.500. 14'-C !ti 1701 GALATEA ""'to' tbe do""..,,,..,, '"'0ND0ulNIUM Paneled liv nn •• .,., Im PROPERTIES WEST A custom built 3 Bedroom Exctllent gold shag CJrPeL ,,.. -'"" nn. both w/ fl'plcs, l& entry, 1028 Bayside Drive\ 31,ii &th + Family Room Ing & a real Jlne family ADUJ..T SECTIOti 2 BR. dm. walled )'ard, attrac lndacpg. Newport Beach home with Bay &: Ocean home on cul-<fe..aac street. lngroom-liki:,ped,condltlon. Owner ~5-11155 5-4l30 vi.w + 11 .. 1«1 • ru1. Pool F II p I $25 9·50 · Exe<11en1 """'" • a11 bllllI-=BiliiGj'"'I·~· ,,.-:V,O!e.j,.,.._6~7~~~· .,;·..,.I U f (8 f ins, Best~ lthe money @ *BAJ\GAIN! Mesa Verde, WI.500. . m.soo, C4L1i54().ll5l Copon c1>o~_1oc. 3 ll!', 111ea.1m-CUSTOf!l,!.~~D.,..,. (2) 2015 GALATEA eveS)LIIert'tage Rei'.t ·Estate ma ........ te! Leaving U.S.-~EWPORl'':muRut H Now.port, . ~114t ~U. ,Buy direct. from Near ne.W borne · with 3 BR, Mqnlficent Ocean, arbor Costa Mesa. llOO· owner now. & u.~ .$. ·ptus 11u,s 1a.mily nn. Xtnt. View. Prestige Ctistom 4 ··it ';;:;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;; I 54$.3008 11·•· • oond. ~ pa.do. Mini • Bedroom home with HUI. & · • Filtered Pool. Sll!i.IXIO -... n_._ __ ,a • Jllrte/f••/Pool 4 BR PAC~ETTER on lrg, mum m&lnt~ •. 3 min-•KJVn ..,. quiet earner lot. Rm for utes walk to btacb. Near lay & Beach '46.ett'l: boat. trlr, etc. Lots of Palos shopping. Private swimming Realty Which means we are offerini: Verde ltorle. Must see! i-tennU club. Sale by own. 675-3000 ' ·· .1 ·., ~-a lovely 3 BR, 1% bath $l5,900 * 54~ er. Priced at $25,!XXJ. 219 home with fam rm. and a 3' BR. ti Ba, din rm, new 62nd0pe ~ or · ~nd ~ awimmlng pool at a price shag crpt, beaut lllnd&cap. ,", .. n10 ;;;to 5 p•RJ ay 2407 E. Coaat Hwy., CdM TIRED OF TRA~TS TRY THIS FOR EFFECT Open beam ei!llingr., brick fireplace, hardwood noon, art studio or guest room added to the &araa:e. Alley acce•, ivy entwined ·patio ·-It's a one-<>f·a·kind in ever)' way with &I) uaum. able 6% GI loan, low down ~~ -R~ don't walk to &et it. • ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St., 646-4494 DUPLEX East Costa Me&a. 2 Bdrms. ·each apt. G.J.'s no ca&h down. FHA rerms. Would ex.. chance for Fullerton. · 'THE"BLUFFS Single 11or)' Condominium Professionally decorated. Ololce ~n.bC!lt location you will hardly beliflve. lqj:, By owner. VA ac-_..., :.P•· cau U1 To Set: ceptable. 549-4225 NEWPOR.T TGWE.RS 2 Bedrooms. 2 bath&, Enclosed lanai Eloquent &: worry-tree may lease with option BURR WHITE, Rltr. OWNER_ -4 BR home Mesa Landmark of the. NeWJ>Ort 2901 Newport Blvd., N.B. Verde View of ·goll coui-se Skyline, 8, 1torles or ~rell;th.. 675-4630 Eves, 673-0859 $27,500. Principals 0 n 1 y . taking ~ & ocean v1ewiJli' 546--0761 from luxurious 2 BR, 2 BA, $42,9511 { Call: Jim Cobb • ' RH. 673-1"4 -·--- JUST REDUCED! 5 BR., 21,j: ha.-; beaut carpet. ing & drapes; lovely 'f•mll;y nn. Close to all scbools, plus bonus! "A lovely heated &: filtered pool." $37,950, 100.C PROPER't:IES WEST 1m8 Bayside Drive Newport 'Beach 675-4130 4 BR A rumpus room. Large corner lot, elect. bll·ins &: Buy Of 'The Year! maoy oxttas. IV•i•rlro~t •. v~w of Cal•· Open Sal. /Sun. 1 ·5 Una & Bay, 2 BR, 2 ba ctwme1 Reel 'ow". ''"' 3067 Trinity Dr. own' PenthoUSe Apt, with Perron RU!ty • st2-tm Ftplc, $61;500. v• FHA Ask for: ~ • all elec apts, 2 Higbspeed Neweert Beech 1200 elevators, subterraneaq & top deck p;µicing. Thera~u. WEST.CLIFF BEAU1Y tlo pool & boat doclm. Ope" S BR. &·fain .. nn. In mint daily. Sale or lease. 3121 W. cond. Beaut. landscaped. CDast tfixhway, TI4: 6~2-2202 Major appliances incl. OCEAN FRONT LOW, LOW, LOW at JC,500. • HOME Open home Sat, Sun., noon Co ·'·~ ti! 5. 1300 Dover Dr. West. mer, )'Oung age,. ov .. nu~- c:liU ' ed dbl. garage & patio. Room · SEMPLE &: zonin;i: for additional apt. REAL ES"l'ATE Oioic:e West N~vport Joca. 2515 East Coast Hiway, C'.dM tion. Sacri1ice $57,500. .-r.;.2101 548-<166 BROSE REAt. TY 4500 W. Coast Hwy., N.B. Management Trainee.a e 673-3012 • 1'1EED ,18 MEN -OCUNATllE- IMMEDIATELY DUeLEX Part Or full tlme 8j:e ~ 4 BR. le 2 BR. apts, Ahvays ~6·5180 fneartJn.,,.~~ LLEGE REA~1 T ISOOAOtms•-.CM. FORTIN CO~ l701·A We1tclif! Dr., NB 642-S<Xll CHARGE your want ad now. -------- Dial 642,.5678 for RESULTS Dial 642-Q678 for RESULTS $3 ao H·ouR ='~::~'·:: e Asking $39,500." Must see to appreciate. o>o,.Ior ~b"cy, Rllr. $2' o· 950 315 Ma.Ji~ ~ .I -=-· :o..~= ""'- 220 E. Snentffltfti St. General 1000 Generel JOOOGenerel 1000 Open HouM • · IE. 17th St. Slloppltot Ctr.1'1.;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;==;;;;,1 2134 PRESIDENT PL. POOL • 3 Bdrm -Fam rm. $130/mo P8YJ all -5%% Int. Rand RHlly 61S.2:MO MR HAWK 547-7lj2 BROSE REAL TY N H ~ W. Coast Hwy, N.B. ·=· ' • 2IOLllO II~ Take over 6% Gr loan of COSTA MESA THREE BEST . VALUES ~!i~~~· :::~:~.: t rou'I/ like . our friendly service Open 1949 Arnold Ave B Y OWNER. Newly IJecerated. 4 BR. 2 BA. Dou- ble garage. Wired 2'JO, .fenc- ed n!ar yard. Close to schools and shopp.ing . PRICED RIGHT! 837-1962 ew ome BY °"""'; • 8'. Jul• redecorated home, in lchoioe Newport Heights loc."-M..m-Private cul-de-sac streel 4 bedrooms l bath, 'l5x12S lot forever view of B&ck Bay. Delta Real Estate 646-4-414 moth front yard, open ~am ccillhp, new .. carpet.s, palnt & drapes. Ind. matched Evenings 646-1050 or 545-8723 • · ton1ra1 I 1000 General 1000 RAMBUN's -2-6-,5-0_0_·_1 o-·-v.-D-n-.11 ROSE r>~ home i. ""u"" ""'°"' . i spacious bedrooms, twin baths and anyone can as- sume the low interest loan 1 ) t 5% % total payments in. duding ta."<es of $134.00. Bet. 1 •ter than new condition, new arpets, just painted,. remod- 'eled baths and alley access. • 'All for $27,500. ' ' b ' ORANGE COUNTY'S I ·• LARGEST , , 293 E. 17th St. 646-44,M_ pen House 12·5 Beautitul pool, 3 large bed· .~ rooms, ti.replace, larg" ]iv. ing room. AU lhls for $31,500. 2005 Valley Rd., off Victoni tr. 642-9730 Eves. 548-0720 ' e KENNEDY ·''I--------- , Wblte elephants! Dlme...a-!ine other b;eautU~J.~es "!Ith ·a· 5% % nIA. JOID, payments $159 jiays all. :i'BR .1% baµis locat1'd 'eUt of .'Nitin -Ave. """'UviDg + !ainJ!y fuom. ~with :~ gJass. door to a Jge cov·patio, Quiet street. 1860 Newport Blvd., CM Rltr. 64&3928 Eve. 644-..1655 *UCHENMYER ofG SUN. '1 ·5 ~1) fAIRF,IJal.~ Cam60 ShOres, CdM 3 BR., Poo1, Vit'\V 182.00ll· WM. W.IN7QN, R!lf. 2'29 Marl~, Balboa Is. 675-3331·· Opon 'Iii 9 pin $1',500 . J bedroom. 2 baths, fireplace. AU electric buUl·i~ k:itche~. FILlnOy room. Pi.rJc -like grourids .. TARBELL 846 0604 General 1000 General 1000 1'1 n , I • 3 Bdrm In nice Newpo1·t Hgb.ls. lotatlon. 1-Iandy for shopping &: schools. Cozy Jiving rm., adjoin- ing den. Easy yard mainlen~. Honestly priced at $4:\.500. Ltat- 1n(lll very scarce In this area. VA OR FHA FINANCING -$30,iOO ••• Seldom can you buy a large 4 BEDROOM/ 1800 sq._ft. home .in this price range, on these terms ... No down payment VI\ or $1800 .down FHA/ VA. This is a Jarge be1utifuHy.l1ndsc1ped home with an excel- lent floor plan. h1aster.i bdrm is on one side of home, separated for privacy. Plan makes for family activity away from the formal living room. Conveniently located for the whole family -the children can walk to school -kindergarten thru college ... Someone l$ ·~~ing to get a wonderful home this weekend, call n2w & let 2t.;!if you. FORMAL blNfNG ROOM-38' POOL-1800 Sq. Ft. of "LIVING'" Located·. iii• Mesa Verde's finest section. This immaculate 3 bed· roorri home is better than new. Brand new LUSH CARP..ETING. All repalnlecMnside & out. HUGE FAMILY ROOM with fireplace. ANl> a 381 POQ~ you can really swim in. Only hall block to PARK & SCHOOLS &·near to" golf course. Wilh the· Library, shopping conveniently nearby, everything just fits r ight ror living enjoy· ment. · TiMU UP ..• MAKE OFFER •.• Huge trees & beautiful land· scaping outside, immaculate inside with highly polished floors, all•refled the care & excellent condition of this home. You'll like the· ttOor plap. with the isolated living room, family room & big bedrooms. 'LoCated in MESA VERDE on a nice quiet street with schools near by. Escrow is closing soon on new home so owner says BRING AN OFFER. Call right awa y & you'll be able to make a big savings. Listed at $26,800. But ? '? ? $©11.~1A.-l&£2f'S• Solue • Simpl• Scmnbled Word Puzzle fora Cht1ekle o ~:,"°=mb~::: low to form four Slmpirl wotds. ~ l'SUMMUE I 1· LOOKI ONEON . 111 r r. . I fVININIO CANYON I ROGMO I 4 BR. 4 Bath~; beauti· 1--~1 ~1~, ..,. 1 ~1~ fully styled, less than 7 SCOTT INGIRSOLL yn;, old. Every quaUty ._ ..... _._.._..__. futurt', lnc:luding under. ,_..-..• ----., WE ALWAYS ground utilities. View IH EL E W I Smart farm boy: Ha left NDD UNTAU from 2nd floor. You own . J'· le ~ h · OUr well staffed, {ooc ~he l~. S62.500. Should I' I I rHll' rm ~use e was 1ure of tbe best. 111 the rntir<' sl'll ou1ckly. . . . . the man wlth the hoe doesn't Jlubor ari.), separat<! ~.,nitarly as far. as the mal\ ~.."l;.3r=~~i ---DO-YOU-Pillllll -1M---I~ E Y L 1,W I with -5 ·It -~":dodai~.:::~k TWO STO•Y, . 1 1 1• 1 r !e.i!::.~5 (Ot' yout The mnaJ1 ootn· Th"n M:<! thla -4 Bdrm.. 1 mtalon l!aVt'S all thr 3 Bath + ~·der l'fh,, '. PllNT NUMUlt£0 un£RS IN I' r I' I' r WOfTY and work ll.nd wr 2 !ir<'plaCOK, tormeJ.dln-. -;;;:;:;' ';";!S;:!;S\l\J~=Aa~I;$;:;:~:;:;=~·;::;-=:·;::~·=~-~· have many ellcnlJI v.-aH · Ins room. o..,cr 2800 !l11. -::i ~u rTntaJ d:p1. ~~al~S:b ~ ~. C) ~~'G~iN~~f LETTERS I I I I I J .,Hr:lt!n." ..,$colt,• ·~ !ilMt deslrable lQlil9lkm d i.'" or ''Eve" wDI be Dovtr Shor:es arM}. Un· ~ad to help and advbe dtr $80.000. Sfo:ltc.Uvt e_,.. __ ,,,.,......,._ 01'.I JllUnlJ '\)N)Cl'!durc:11. b\J.)'fll'S. thl1 la for you. • SCRAM-LETS ANSwERS ON PAGE 00 I.ALU o.,l:' AIJ llWfEI RENTAL ~ll'T. 67MCllll -R E A ~ T ·Y 671oH6J 2021 w . ..-.uoA II.VD. l!EWPOlT HACH -. "" + ae .., ... ,. .. • l-;a;4; • ncr ~ ~ 1'!r boU,...traUer etc. Li.sting is $22,650, but make ofier! Owner Oregon. bound! OPEN SUND A Y-1 to s stove le refrig. Needs only 107 Edgewater St., on the simple exttrior pa'lntlng. BAY at beautiful Newport. X\nt Investment at $26,900. l MMAC. 5 Bdrm. fem rm, A chOic:e dup lex in R-l 1.one.J_.....,.,-="""=· ~~==-I finlihed garage rumpwi rm, Baytront beac.h, wonderful · CUFF HAVEN S46·SUO (near dnemt thelirtl LLEGE REALTY 1500 '*"'at KWlr,CM. stone frplc, nicely lndsc:pd. swnmer &: wmttt rentals. Assume 6~~% loan or rclin. $95,000. Greeil M a n s I 0 n 3 BR ho~e. l.rg s~en fam to wll $29,900. 540-3647 Realty . FullertOn. 87S--2200 rm w/ lfanihome tirepl.ace I: PENINS.tiLA PT. ' rock wall,· panelled din rm BESI' VAL'uE! Don't miss TWO STORY :.!000 sq ft. 5 BEAUTIFUL home in .the w/ beamed ceilings. Li.tie ,seeing this 3.Br. ll;oJne, New. beiirooms " 5"' ';;{, loan .. ex· Bluffs. Outstanding Bay well landscaped lot on qUiet Jy painted in & out. 50 x . istingJoan $0 218/mo11th view. 3Br. 3 Ba. By owner. 'liitreet. $34,000. 642-5749 JOO' Lot. Huge patlo for .sun total· Full price $36.950. 6#-0778 OPEN HOUSE SUN l.S & fun! Xlnt Joe. CALL 540-1161 (open eves) BAYFRONT 3 Br beach JO \VEBB, Realtor HerltageRi;al ~tale , t19u~, pvt !>each, Bayshore DOVER VIU..AGE, 2 11tory Be Ibo• Rul Estate Co. MONTICELLO-Balcony BR. Park, lea5ehold $13,500. C.Ondo $29,51)J. Own lmfd. 700 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa l'Ai ba, custom drp11/cptd, 548-1391 Adult&. $195 mo. incl. taxea. 673-4140 blf·lns, dbl gar. Excel cond. OPEN DAILY 2d"~rs. 211,i bal, b>Mau.t.J pa•t.:' "'OOD\VARD, Realtor lDAM to 2PM .,.. gar., poo . am . .-.. 3 BR 2 bath home, cOrner 962-3343 Owner Bkr. 646-1948 3 bedroom. dining room lot 130x180 .. add 5 more BY Owner. Hl\lecresl 3 BR. Built-ins, large lot units. Drive by 1545 Santa 1'~ BA. Patio. fireplace. $28,90o. 629 SL James Rd. Bl UFFS, fabulous F·plan on Ana Ave. then call 4~'J% Int.~ 3091 Murray Amald & Frew:l, Realtors green b«:Jt w/bay view. '"'ani"a w •alf!J Lane~ KI 5-911'7 -----~--cl Many CU!l feature:11. 3 Br. 3 '.U • s; \V EST C L I F F C 0 N· Ba. $42,500. 6444265 642-6560 OWNER·3 Br, 2 ha, quiet E-DOMINIUM 2 BR, 21h BA. ===========I side. Lg yrd w/ fi'uit trees. 1 rw... s t & $12,950--4 B'EDRM flowers-nice "lrrl1cp'g. J-I\V ~in; :n·6 "''P~. 8 1509 Newport Hei9ht1 1210 All the "Trimmings". 2' . nrs. $23.90J.lo dn. Kt 9--0535 Cornwall LaM. 5'18--4806 or baths, family room. Dt>light· .J BR, 2 &. Pacesetter. 111'.'"" 499-1806 2·STORY CAP! COD ful covt;red patio. La.rge ly decorated ins.ide. By THE BLUF _F_S __ Oelwce 5 Br., 3 Ba. _home-oo ~~ide concrete. dnve. owne 68 ,, 1 prin. only. $33,750. . R·2 Joi, mom for VM!W will. TARBELL 2955 Harbor _S<_M ___ ~~-~ Overlooking Back Bay; 1 yr. Beautiful bargain $39.~. BY O\VNER 3 BR Homes. 2-old condo.; 3 Br, 2~ Ba., p~':;!'!;,si.4~ ~::~h ;d~~:;..t~·1:!·s~ez~~ n~"·~:;:;l~N'o~w:.~138~·.~~By' A~ .• ~, ,llfC.Y Include& everything. 4 beJ. cN.::"""=.::"":::'h.::·..:"".c...1.cll59___ '-" ,_,,., ~ ,..., 7: ~ ,. rooms, 2 baths. electric . Br., J Ba, lam. din, N NB' p I 6r 616-2414 built-in kitchen. Pretty shut. NO matter what it is, you util/!aun rm. Toi.al 2400 gq. ear o.~ · c. - ll'fll. can sell ·it' with a D/\JLY It. 325 Vis~ Ba.ya. Owner· Sih'°i. TARBELL 142-6691 PIWT Class1ned ad. eve" 64&-1542 Loan lrarWcrreble. lmmac. 1000 3 BR. 2 Ba., 2 frplc. home: 1.::::.::::.:.:.. ____ .:==::::::::;~:-:!==c:'.'=========== \\'ide street. aose lo 3 schools & shopping center. COLDWELL, BANKER & COMPANY REALTORS ANNOUNCES ·THE RELOCATION OF ITS NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE On Satu.rday, May 17, 1969 ----.,.0 ·550 NEWPORT CENTER· o·RIVE (on the parking lot side..of the Irvine Tower) NEWPORT IEACH, C:AUFORNIA 92660 • t T•i.phone 17141 833.0700 and 17141 644·2430 = . ), .. -.. - $29.~ Full price'. JONES REAL T-Y 2001 \V. Balboa: .NB 673-6210 Newport Shores 1220 4 BR,· 21ii ba, nu decor,' !·1 cond, nr bdl·"-clubs, sln!et trt~ ~.~ Ow~· Westcllff 1230 HQME • R·2 loL Deel • Wl'ltskle. 3 BR 214 ba. room for 4 or 5 unlta. 5l<J..1623 ..... lrvlne 12JI ,MAONlFICENT Vu Gn ~·' ac, 3 hiln/UCJ. 4 Br, ram rm. 1<9.lOO by'"'""· 133-261• EHtbluff 1242 NEW BLUFFS . ' 2 8Jl, 2 BA. Split level, ~1&rofUdom ftetllf9; i..U tleC.. etc. L!ni.ut :nalnt. l leue-1 bold. BY O~ER. Cali D!Ck O)'fr m-4456 e.Xt «if • or . r.36-3S32. ntE BLUFFS • F'Uhlonabhl condo. 2 story, 4 BDRM, 2 b<ft>: !lilly cvpei<d ' -ed. Fmlc. Pool. P1Ho, bltm. ~.ooo. can aft s pin " "'1tnd•. SU-Obli . . -· - ·-', .. ··-····· --·-~-..... ~~----. ~------. -. --------------·- -f • S.turday, M1117, 1969 HOUSll l'Olt ML..!_ !f09HS l'"l:llt W:I HOUSll ·Ji'OI SAi.a , utl,TAl.'S ~INTA,S ' RINTf.LS RENTALS . 1taNTA ' r founloln Vllloy 1410 .. 111n11 l'IN'nl~ • Houw Un;ur~llhod , Aiilo. furn-~ llllfurnl1hotl Ap1L Unfurn-lntloluff ' -1.242 !ldo '!!! , ·~-1 tto'iiOOM :i: POOL '""'"''" ..nt.i., '2910 LotU•• llwh 3705 Nowpett ....,. 4300 C111o -.$100, ~rt lllch 52GO Huntlntfon ..,.::h::..:;;:i: ILUFfS . LDVILY llAYFl!!ONT -8ElT llUTS-.f BR -~ IOUtbam ,.. 2t9 l" fl, 3 11111 batbi. 'l,\r&c LIDO ISLE Hlll ptuo 1111d/. Viok>r Huao LtJlMllOllS 5th lliiar l Br • llNT • ll!lodl!:RH 2 ~l BA. lrplc. ••• -· - til,trt. 1oJ11111 ,.,...,. liv. Belt boyfront ..,.u;,,(...,., -.-JllO -~·-APrOlll!lldJ!l 'bay. l ,r be . dtlh-ntr\(. "'"° lo ~ !i111diftins"'-~ -~ ·2i8R. + deA homt; p1t'r A' * -~ * req'd. $«18 .... UtQ. 1-1. Adults. J Reem1~PW'ftlture ba,y I. oct&I\. Ye&riy, $25(1, ~· .,.. -· "'1-7 slip. ~ I 1o Aua. !lit. . no -'*1Cll " :llltrR $20. $25 & UP m.1t00 m , 111-<220 llSOJMo. ms u '""' I PopoJar Esl.t:tJita7 3 huie l'Oflltt, Pier ' '1ip Jor JP '\ BR. 211 ha,: ~. maoy :::.... ';~call':~";°"' OXUu, 2IQ) ... ,., lo I 'Yll· W lk It"'-6 • ..... uable Joe. overloOJcinc pro. • er '!J 7~ 'po5'!d' mat1ria. This prop. ls =. ~!°. ~~~ _pt'i_Yjl[" $!.Ot!O. ~r can be~» L ..... 1 N~' 3707 T-<132. ' • . .;.ci..-~.-•-•·•· 2 1 " POOL, cplldrpo, .Kleis _ ...,. • -.. ~ tended ~ -lllHlllW-•..---• ..,...._ DELUXE 3 BR ba, ·ltpl,., Delawfh Sludio Apta, di.Hoa lhoMr, private a1nks Brokfr . 6TWfn> f!XEC rt • 3 Bt. 2 1 ~ 2.BJWtldlelo\".ApU. ~ SELECtlON Near Hoo.a lloa;p. Ii P&n: 2620 Otlaw~ Ji 8 each. Het>ed J<md poOI, Bf.., bltns~ 4 1 b w ht , Kit.-TV-Pool.Jbld Ser. Appllancet A TV01 avail. lJdo Bldg .. Adults. $210/rno. ~ anytime' 5.1f, '5.(XIO under m•rk~t at lalbN lallnd 138,500. 1355 $42,SOO tul1 P<l<t ploa '"'°' PRIVATE 81ACH "1'V;ltp. .... , '1ow SJOO, THE MESA No -De'°'lt Mer.""' llU"li< Way, NB CHEZ ORO AP Ing pOOl loan. 8oCb twjpl &: boat. Larp 2 83$-S1'50, 5«2-1215 415 N, Nwpt Blvd ~ •lFRC 1\1.rnitun Rentals 1 &. 2 BDRM apb! unfut'n, yr-8234 AJlanta Cannellta, very llvable 4 Br. 3 Ba . Blu(fs lal'a:est livini rm., pQOlside Joe, Dewralor ~xtns. 1950 $Ci. l't, Unde:r ...... ,.,.,_1 7 ·EASTIWFF REALJY 2(1 f Vil[ta Del Ol'G NEWPORT BEACH: 644-Ull 644-261.6 Eves. ''Pick Of the Litter'' , $27,500 Owner. offtta choice mutf.11 Plaut l·story 3 BR, 2 ba. -dbl patio, best Joe, lowest maintenance fee & teue-bold aYail, Call 644.ffiOS Q'>''n/bkr. -·---~ '~ -''L.IVIN' IS -EASY'' The .beaut, BIUUs; 3 Br. pltJS. den, S51,000. OPEN Sal, Sun., 1·~; 1959 YISTA CAU. PAL. BOYO RJ:AL TY 3629 E. Co:"l~t /li\vay, CdM 675-5930 Corona del Mar• 1250 GENE'S GEMS orange Coast Property G"ne Norvell, Realtor "/f * • * ~ * GOING SHOPPING? See these Open Houses * 706 ACACIA, Sal. 12-5 * 620 JASMINE, Sun. 1·5 •. • * * * OTHERS available * Owners \vill finance • no loan costs· ("Points") * Ocean view lo~..$37,500 * Home on Big J:orona de! Mar Bea,_ch, $75,000. * H~me on Oc1Uln Blv., jetty view, $75,000. * Rusli" duplex $47,500. ~~~ 332 f.Jpl'Jnl!.'";'"· CdM 67~550 --BEST-BUY-- IRVINE TERRACE Immac. 2 & den or 3 Bdrm., 2~ ba's., just. redLJCed to • 139,500 Delancy Real Estate 2828 E. Clast Hwy, CdM Jm.3170 -.o•.-.-,-l~n-A Lifetime Complel,ely furn. 4-Plex 1or a duplex price; $57,500. OPEN Sat./Sun. 1·5 717 FERl'lLEAl'' BOYD REALTY 3629 E. Co<><;l llhvay, Cdf.1 6?5-5930 . OPEN HOUSE 2 • 5 DAILY LUXUltY · . • Bii, big patio, -re" ' f AVAILABLE J""' lat, .~ .• SIT W, 19tb, Cll 543-MBI '" •-aJ ha hoi--I ,_ J"'" A ~ AL) ....,. '"14 1563 w 1 ..... 71 2800 v . """' 90 ve. c """ New 14 Bedrooma . I'll ~':'.il. =~~ 'WJiHllt ~. IJ&'USI, 646-2571 or • Apta.,PumaahN ::1tore~'a!.~~Ba, ~ AVAtU';L~n1~; 22-;=.r~n~.rtlfred L. • ~':::k yrs. new, Xlnt 1wiimer rent-~ -~ §~ ~ations .now. o.Mral 4000 DECORAro~s P,AD. 1 ·Br. 2 hed!_'OOm .!1th carport $1.10. 2 BR u,pr. duplx, l'Ulle, re!. J>ooi.Wphers-.Dr)ien 8l. Euy Terms.)._ . apt fl5. up. ' ·, · Stereo, C. TN, nr hly. Avail Dl3pOW, water Jl&id. Near $115. yrly, cpts. Avail 6/1. Private Garages CA!'91( REµ.TY '15-3581 Go-0-1475 .-....... l to JO. 315 E. llJO. l ·Bll. W/W, ..... clolo 7/1. Loe. m--ICboob. 3119;1-36tb-St.-2Ll' --1 iQ~!-!!~!!!'~zf!!!!i!'!!!!J!!!' IBY awn..: • 3 Br, tj( ba, Bll"'":,!1'2,":· to ........ ---. 2191 "e'' Placentia Ave I 811, 4 bl .... !!> l>lh-H:~......:.. ":·~· 1400 ~• pollo ~ d" 11•• mo -.--$00.1 BR upper,-Avail . ..,w, COr<lftl dll Mor 4250 • 636-4120 • . EHi lhlff. ·5242 ~'!°'1:f.· .C~d1?.'!· IS; .... -"·.,.·-· -~ ;;'con~rnl..Gi' ok. RENTALS Otil.palcl.·lln>lm"z-• ..,, .. -~· LIST your p...,.rty 893-4058 HoU1e1 UnfumlahM AVAIL now. Lt& 2 Br, 1 8a 2 BO:RM, deluxe aplll, lge e NEW DELUXE e A'ITRAGTIVE 2 Br. crp!a A with confMMnce --C.t Mell flOO lrg priv wfldeck. Pool. rooms, elec bltina, divided 3 Br. 216: ba apt. for lease drps. ).1432 ~ Ln-~~ SELL · with Prot.1--L.,.unli tilits · ,1700 O.nt,..I 3000 a • Close to bcb A: ahp'g. Beaut pullman bath. Infant or lttn Incl. ~pa.c. mstr. 11uite, dltl 962-nOll, SU5 mo. ,. = •'-·I iklll ,,~ 3. BR 1 __ ...._.. NEW SPANISH loc; gar. $3:» ~ ~ lse. ok. Best Eaat C.M. ·area. rm. le dbl. 1araae:. auto. i= •--~ : . ._... AlR-Cond, 5 BR. plus bonus_..,. pus conmcu:u vr· LAGE APTS Atlullli only. V<il""l••ll or &73-M37evuorwl«!J¥is. door opener avail Pool' "'~na ~n THROUGH nn. $.14,500; or llletopOan. ~al r,aae, h pool, B wk/w, l • a'imRM. , .. _ .: "" s:n.-01nor644-"346'1 2 BR 1\1 ba, cp""~. bit-rec. area. Nr. ~t.bpllc: FOR·-··~· 1 , YOUR Bkr 615-6591· 4!M-TI61 "' s \\'.as er. ro er. '"' "'" "" . ..... ... .,.. Church & school Ir C.orOna ~. ,PC!al' ocean.;, · • eve 53+6980 Jum. Ait-cond, d!hwhn, self H I ..; __ ........ -ins. Pool use. '$162/hlo. No. d \ M 1!'-h BR, v\ew, ~e; charmifls REALTOR MEMBER 1705 VERY nice 3 BR 2 baths, clean'g Owns, patio, bre11.k· unt ngtGft _....... --CM. Bkr 54&-5f60 Eve. e ;r oNi:i boo e ait. ainale pe,.,n only. r Huntlntton leach/ Liguna 8Nch . .........i • .,.,,. fast bars, private fundecks., QUIET a BEAUTIFUL 549-1058 _1_._ W unhlrn, available fur • F • V 1•-~~.,are,. a .. .,,, mo. Agt. lrg storq:e closets. Heated 337..rn A .. "'6..,.. ay, N.B. Referencta. 494-8392 ounta1n a .. y THE ,,.,,...._,, 1 .. A_ h.. Adults only; 2 Br .. utiJ. paid. QUIET, deluxe 3 Sr. 1tudio Lisling Service =========I poo · saunas. ......-""'ue5. Pool $200. 847-2125 w/sundeck, pool ; n r. • l AL ESTATE 8. SEA ~HANTY Co1t1 Me.. ' 3100 : •. p~~~lls~arw~ ... ~. 17676 Ca.muon. Hunt. &h.' ahop'g, Adults only; no pets. Corona del Mar 5UO Gentirat • OICJC BERG. TltAOE WlNDS ,AND SEA • uf ..vva~ .,.......~ BEAUTIFUL 2 Bdrm. $135 11'11 Santa Ana Ave:. 646-0042 -------'/-,!•! REALTY BREEZES, wilt be Yo"' tint RlEE RENTAL Ad ~.,::;,:;:. 2n1 mo. ldults; 508 Huntington 3 BR, 3 BA. patio end gar. · .:; RonlllJ Wonlld lmpreuion.whtn you lee this SERVIC·E 1 Ave .. H.B .. 536--1865 bit-ins, crpts, drp11, cau ~ 19951 Brookhurst St. onlque beach •tvled coll .. •. $27 .SO. wk. up 541)..1374 Sat -Sun. ~. ·~· IJCI H I 'h Ornate exterior. of WOOD for elW'9Ple.. S ~DJS 2 , G _, G "IO MODERN STUDENTS" FACUL ~ .!162-2121 ' . mo e Studio A'Bacii.. Apt!. Albert Pl. $150 mo util incl. ON TEN ACRES ,.,,. ·•-~ .. ,. w, ·-unt ngton Beac STRIPS 8 A M B 0 0 & bathl $22$ 00 eel'. Call • Day; ~. lnonlli. erven rove -• 2 br unrurn. 135 are faced again with a~ \VROUGHT IRON GRILLS. UtiJS srNGLE Yoiin& ~II Lux-N • ts 6421127 54&-1968 ........... ... ... $20,iJS'OFULl-PRICE-LGE. SUN DECK OF RED-e Incl & Phone seiv. uey garden apts wtth coun-0 pe ' 1 t 2 BR. Fam 6 Untum the community to Hat _ ~ Bedrooms, 2 full baths. WOOD PLANK WIBILT-IN e Mfl.Jd Service. TV avail. cl .. ~-nd EX. lge ttudio, 2~~ ba., new Frplet1 I priv. patiOl/Poola. available rentals, wmm,, " • New Cate It-Bar try ub atmosl:"'""'"" a & d hotilt. Plush carpets & dra p es BENCHES, J-IAS A VIE \V ORANGE COU,NTY'S 2J7G Ne .......... rt Bl·~. 0 ,0 91= complete privacy. SOUTH crpls rps. $180. Also TeMis • Contnt1 Bktsl, put-or year round, with tbe lhroughoul. Double Garage. OF THE OCEAN. LARGEST ........ YU ....... ,,., BAY CLUB APTS. lllOO bach. 2885 Mendoza 54l»421 . una ~n. ing o.tfice. Please c,• •• Cul-de-sat; street. \Valk to ArtillticaUy designed !iv. I'll\.. 293 E~ 17th St • ._,.. 11.,94 MOD attractive upp er CHAPMAN Ave., Garden 2 BR dlx, cpts, drps, b!Uis, 900 Sf.a Lane, 001 64+26ll 833-6811 for a listine JorTnJ. schools. GI no· cash needed. has ,.,.alls of yello1vcd PINE .,..... spacious 2 SR. new \V/w, Grove (TI4) 636-3030 garage. $155 . .A.du1ts. 3005 IMaeArtbur nr.Coasl Hwy) QUIET ENGLISH FAMILY. $100 !)(>posit retundablt" or PANELLlNG, OPEN SEArtt 2 Br. $145 . J Br. $115---:-New drps, adults. $121.50. Also 2 C.OOli<ice 546-4021, 549-0433 two children. -requ1re -. take over 5!4 % FHA loan CEILINGS. FISH NETS cpts, drps, paint, gar. 2 Br <1111trs $124.50. 54g..3643 $l50-2 BR. 2 Ba. Studio. 1 BR, It; llv nn. frplc, dbl furnished hOilse i\lll· ~. ,vith payment of $124 per DRAPE THE WALL. all Chldrn OK No pe!s; 1st & or 646-5961. J<ey; 2260 L1guna 8Hch 470S Carpets .. di·apes. garage. gar, Y.'f\v c11>ts. Yr lse, U85 yearly lease. Lido ~· month. blended together ln tropical last p]W1 deposit. Inquire ~1aple Apt E. 1 Adults. Owner. 213: S92-5227 n\o. Adullll, rel. 646-4095 pre.fen"ed. Good Io c I WE SELL A HOME ;,1,nd ~'""'· COZY LOG 1100 Nowport. J udy s ... k. HOLIDAY PLAZA Oceanfront Apt "'""'""· ,,...,,., + EVERY 31 MINUTES BURNING FIREPLACE OF 2 BR; garage, patio; cpts, DELUXE,, spacious l·Bdnn. 1 ~~~e~lybd;e:, pooba 1!0~~: Hu.ntington Beach 5400 UNFURNISHED 1 BR • Wai Iker & Lee RED BRICK WITH \V()QO. dfpS. stove, refrig. Tropical Furn. apt. $ll'j Plus util. Small collage studio, $160 $210 Lease. Call 54&-3710 with stove It re~. EN MANTLE. seJtin& for adulb. 1 Blk to Heated pool. Ample parking month 11'cludes utilities &. LIVE RIGHT Up lo $ll5 w/util, 22D2f11i; long, talley type kitchen shops. $1.lo. M4-f780 · . No children -No pets f\ll1lished, {>erfect for slnrle 2 BDR., elec bit-in$, ll,1, Ba, s. ~lain, Torrance--- 7682 Edinger• 842-44.55, or 540-51.W Open Eves. $15,500 3 BR,1% baths, 60xl00' fenc. ed lot, electric built-in range &c oven, W/\v carpets, drap. es, FA ~at, double garage. $158 per month incl. taxes with $1600 do11'n. with range & refrfge~tor in-3 BR ckn ·2 BA. CrPts .:i~ 1965 Pomona, CM adults or elderly couple. near OCC. $145 ·ON THE BEACH eluded, opens to service bat 1 ' ' ' .... .,,., 1· 4M-394.9 or 67540'70 546-6079 Aft. 5 ISH SURF' sWI & . steps ao1vn to SUNKEN bltns, frple. Lease $275. * VII • Pomona Apts. Stukrt &: Robbins Realtors FURN • unf · ......., • F ' ' M PATIO \V / Jo'LAGSTONE '!Ws· 642:--7061 Colts .Mesa's new~st-&: most ai: um 1 uurm, Un. Jn your own fronl ;yard DECKS & LUSH TROPICAL 2 BR ho\ae. in· court. Crpts, .laxunous •. ~ I & 2 BR. LEASE only, 2 BR Ocean furn 2 bdrm1 Mesa del Mar PLANTINGS. This unique drps, prv patio. 976 w. 11th apt!, Adu1t~ only. _No peta. front apt. All electric. Also Aplll. ~ EI C&mino Dr. 'Private clubbouse, hea ted little home, (near the bt"aehl st., CM. 5«8-2839 1760 Pomona Ave., Just soulb Studio. No pets. 492-1845 C.M. S4S-0451 pool, saunas, private gate 0, 18th $' wllh 24-hour securily guaro. is BEING SOLD FURNISH-HtQ,. OLDER-1 BR. patio· , ' . •~ 1---------Dina Point. 4740 N rt •-h 5200 Mediterranean adult living. ED. It's a real charmer !or drps, range, a<lu1ts. no pets. CUTE l bdrn1, JX'rfect for ewpo ~•c 1 only Refer. ~1098or64S.l804 couple. Stove, refrig, bar. CHARl\fING. Spacious 2 Br. NEW SPANISH 2 Bedrooms, 2 Saths $23,900 FULL PRICE $114.50. 549--3643 or 646-596.l, turn Apt. Aduit'I only. From $250 SEE TODAY! ~~~port a..ch 3200 Key: 2260 Maple, Apt. E. •496-J670* VILLAGE APTS. GONE TOMORROW! LARGE 2 Br., \V/W, bllns, & 2 BDRM. Furn or un. INCLUDES W!W shag car-ft\ISSIO~ REAL TY 8/1· b.td. pool. Adullio· no pets. RENTALS furn. Alr-cond, dshwhn:, sell peting, G.E. built-Im, \Vilh 985 So. Coast Hwy., Lagona $14a ~lo. plus uli l. 2272 Apts. Unfurnished clean'g ovens, patio, break. refrigerator & dishwa9her. OPEN HOUSE--Phone (714) 4'4-0731 TOW.NHOUSE Maple. 540-50Ei6; 642-4807 fa.st ban, private lundecks, SAT. 1-5 LOVELY 811, ""·" SPLIT·l.EVEL 3 Bdrm l 11= CLEAN Fu 1 BR, t"· Gener1I 5000 lrg storage closets. Heated Huntington Pacific 1% uiuy furn. . • ,,., rn u ..., pool, saunas, bar-b-ques. Ap,tirtment1 20121 Marina u.ne So. Laguna-Ocean vu , bath Urn~ .. F~•. P 0 0 I, incl. Bachelor only, no pets. $165. 2 BR, 2 be., 4-plex, bit· Sound proof walls, waJk \n 1ll Ocean Ave. (3 Blks. W, S22.750 V Frplc, secluded pa t io , carpets, t!rape_s, finplace,, ~"-="'="'"'"'"------~ ins, dishwuher, w I w, closets, covered car ports. of Huntinaton Beach Pier) WANT TO BU'l/lt& Eut Bluff only. 4 or 5 home. July lit· :::::r 213/474--0197. UNFURN houso c.,ta M.pa or Ne\wport area. 3 BDRtf. Must haV<e fenced ydL s=s. 646:1420 I WANT 2 br, unfurn or ~ furn. Costa Mesa area~ or lell.'I. Lady le one et4f. 646-4063 -~ e LANDLORDS e ,,L. FREE.RENTAL SERVI'"f Broker :~ I GARAGE wa nted storage, Newport-CM call collect (213) 331-4105 F.H.A. • .A.or sundeck. Walk to bch &. el~ bit.ins, $263/mo. 1N1CE lge. 1 bdrm, pri yard, patio, children 0.1(, Bkr. Adults, no peti;. PHONE: Cn4) ~-1487 Auwne· txCellt'nL 6% VA sho~. Wood paneling-beam 2 BDRM, 2 baths new car· panelling. 12l9'l Edinger, nr 534-6980 Phone 546:-2727 2 BEDR.OOAf, 2 b a t h, ONE BDRM Unfurn ApL Joan. 3 bedroom. Carpetini ~~:.ooo. can collect pets, newly painted, adults Harbor. ~5326. '135. 2 BR, bl~ .. W/\!J, I ,..,..,....,;i.ii;ii.ii;;;...,.. carpets, drapes, hlt-lns. 1 ;~:;~~ &t~ up • throughout. · . oncy. $225/mo. 1 BR, util paid, heated pool. pool, tots 0.K. Broker 2• ~RMS. 2 Baths, lrplc., blk to 5 Pts., .stores. OY.'l'll'r I =========l=i -Cl-'TY'-,8-8-1-GG-ESl'--LOT--CONTEMPORARY ~ Bdrm, Plea,&e call Mrs. Fay No children or pets. 1801 53f.-6980 D/W, ref.rig.; ne'v carpets, 645--0151 or key al 7701 Ellis 2 Ba, convt den,~ cond, . Ba & Beach WhitUer. 646-6222 dl·apes. Steps to beach. S2'15 Apl . D. Room1 for Rent 5 "'Sgi.all Forest cf Trtts beaut gan.1en, pa ho.· One of · Y NEWLY ~-t-• Bach l ~ Cost1 ;Meu 5100 Mo. Adulll only, no pets. I ~""'~==---= 1.:.:;;_;c:;;:..;.;;.c.,.:::;.;;........;.=, Room for BoaUTra..iler Monarch Bay'i finest. Save Re1ilty, Inc. ~ra ""' . ... I jjii!;;liii!i!iiiiiijjjiiiiiiiiiiiii I BURR WHITE, Realtor CONOOMINnJM Ap!, 3 BR, 2 L 0 V E L Y room•, Fine landscaping, 4 BR Sol thousands bu)' direct 1rom 901 Dover .Dr .. NB Suite 126 BR apts.. all ubt. furn. I 'HAIB.OR ' 2901 Newport Blvd., N.B. ,Wtns, ·inc,l \Vjl.Shcr. dryer & Gentleman. Ent ra n ~ t, V~ta, near Brcwhvay, owner at $65.000. 499.-2349 645-2QOO Eves. 548-6966 64U400 Eves, 548-0797 675-4630 M2-225.1 refrlg. Crpts, drps. Avail re1rlg. Beach, pool, le~. S21,900 -any terms. SUPERB view. newer cust. 3 " ~IDE: Quiet. 2 Bdrm. ~~~~~~;;;~~~J~u~nc~l<~t.;11g111~"~"~·,;540:::g;~=~·~ 536-8518 ~ Rex L ... ~7~~,-es Rlty Br. Sale or excb.ange. 3 BR. duplex; .. bu,, bltns, Elec. blbJ.'I, patio, Adu!~ GREENS H l Sleeping Bedroom wlb "" -.. $l5,000 equit;lr. 6 7 5• 6 5 91 ; dshw~br., new paint, cpts. & only. 361-8 Ogle. 6(2-1298 untington Beach S4j)O Huntingt~_INch 54:00 private bath &. en~ FORECLOSURE 4M-TI61 ""'· • drPI Nr. beam. ¥•or be. 2 BR Trliler 112; + util. N;o.. ~ $2311 5fG.'l573 M 'ed. BACHELOR UNFURN. VIE\V Monarch Bay home, 4 · . · . :i am .cpl. 30 or older. _ fro $l l O BEAUT. rm. (or gentJe~· ; BR, 2 BA, dinin& rm. family 3. BR 2 bath, cpts, drpS, .bit-132 W. Wilson, C.M. MS-9577 m garage, patio. col. TV' rm. Owner 4~ ins. Near beach No pets. AL.SO AVAILABLE tele. $60 Month. 646--0361' $50 total to GI buyer or sell 413 Acacia, CdM ' FHA & seller pays an clos.. 3 BR 2 bath, 2 story, fenced Ing costs. 3 BR 1%: bathA, ya.rd & fruit trees. 2lxl6' family room. NEED Owner 67:S.9221 QUICK ACTION! $35.lm D~ 2 and 1 UiO yrly lease 642--3196 Newport INch 4200 l • 2 l 3 BDRµ. W Heated Pools, Cbild"Care SHORECLIFF' 3 BR, 2 BA. BRASHEAR REAL TY Quiet tree lined area by the 847-8531 Eves. 431-3769 Bii. view, just """"""'1, Newport Heights 3210 NE SPANISH Ceoter, Adj. to Shopp! .. - pvt. wild kitchens! 494-9748 • VILLAGE APTS. No pets allowed N'PT: Hghts., 2 Bdrm., cpt., 1 & 2 BDRM. Furn or un-27~ Peteraon Way, at Har- Apartments new paint, cust. drps. nice turn. Air-cond, dshwhn;, self bor .l Adanu:, Costa Mesa .... F" •lmple. A""" 1o 2 CUSTOM HOME beaches. Undf'r $50,000, By o·Nntt. 673-3681 4 BR 2 bath. $22,500, All $55.000 • ro~/o 'DOwn. si,~% large. rooms, beautitu1 cor- Jnterest 2 HC\!Ses, R-2 So. ner fireplace,. On lar;:e: lot. of }Ughway. 675-6044 Bkr. Better see this one! GI or _;F_o_r....:.S•..;lo-'-----1-'9.0IOO\ garden. $180. Ad u I t ' . clean'g ovens, patio, break-lMS-0370 548-9536 fut bars, private fundecks, I !!!!!!~!!\!!ii!~~!!!!!!!!!! CHARMNIG Duplex en dbl lot, So. of l-l'll'Y· Owner. $58,500. 673-4169 OWNER-Open house. Beaut. 2 BR, 2 BA + den. Will finance. 535 Hazel, CdM. B1lbol Penintula 1300 .OCEAN FRONT 2 Br. Triple gar. R-4 lot, room to add 2 beach front rental units. $59,500 . e -9w~"" IE ALTY Near NB Po~t be... 616-2414 LARGE LOT, PENTN PT. Three .t family room 2 BA, 2 fireplaces. $59.SOO. Immediate occupancy BETTY OAVTSON Shore Properties 613-9060 615-3658 Lido 1110 1351 ~NEW usnNGI Modern 6 year ola 4 BR. convert I den, sewing rm. Newly carpeled. Beautifully tiled entry I: dining rm. $76,600. Cal\ for Appl. . Wolkor Rlty '7.S.267' ---=----- 6 UNIT apt house, 2 mo old. lrg storage closets, Heated I' NEW SPANISH Gross $900 per month. Cor; • . tact Dave at 645-1251 Nt~port Sfiores 3220 pool, saunas. bar-t:Mp.tes, VILLAGE APTS. Sound proof walls, walk in 1 le 2 BDRM. Fum or un- 3 BDRM, 2 Bath, sundeck closets, covered car ports. film. Air-L'Ond . dshwhrs, sl'l! FHA terms. MUTUAL R11lty 842-1418 anytime RENTALS Walk to beach. Pools. $275 • Adults, 00 pet~. clean'g ovens, patio, break- HouMI Furnithed I~. Av.11il immed. 962-Il76 ~=P=h_on,,_::o_5c_;4j.:;6c:2ccn:::7 __ \ fast bars, private fundecks. -c;.;.""c:...c.:.;""-;o;,:;;::.._10r968~00( :. General 2000. =========ISINGLE Young /,Julls Lxu-lrg storage closc!s. Heated On Huntington StrHt" ury garden a.pb with coun-pool, saunas, bar-b-ques. GI RESALE $3000 cub down to exUting $310. 2 ~R. den, l~ ba, 3 mo. W .. tcllff 3230 try club atmosphere and Sound proof walls, walk in GI loan 1168 -r includ Id NI 1 •--'Id ,._ complete privacy. SOUTII closets, covered car ports, es all. j BR}% 1:fu.. bit: o . ce y '"'"· '-Ill ren '"' LEASE W/ option t BR, :l* BAY CLUB APTS. Irvine at Adults, no pets. ins & Jarre lot. pets ~lcome. Bkz'.. SW-1980 be.the. Pool. Ref.II. 16th Newport Beach. Phone 546-2727 TRADEWINDS RL TY $300. 3 BR, 211 ha, Condo. . * m.9417 * !Tiii 645-0550 ' Frplc, children l pets O.K,l~========-1---'....:;...:..:=:.:....-- 847-8511 Broker 534-6980 Unlftf'1ity P1rk 3237 YEARLY renta.1 . Oceanfront, GLENMAR home, 2 story, 3 " BR, fam rm. 2 bath POOL. NEW Condo in Village Ill J newly tumished 2 B·r • Frplc, patio~ new paint in-Rental1 te Shire 2005 BR. 2% Ba, 1rg detacfied wtau.ndeck, .married couple ·.·wMe. $33;950,_ 9§1.-~ .~ 6 $15-tUtlonal Roomet. game l'?'!!.!~~Pool prift. ~::0~ ~~:~ no pets; Hi Rent? Share! 6n.tt66 "$315: Mo. 66-299S. OPEN HOOSE Sat&: Sun 1,,;~~~~~~~~,1;~:=::=.~===:=.:: --==~---- 2 Story, 4 BDRht, 2 bath, cul· Newport leach 2200 Eut lfuff 3242 SOCK IT TO 'EM! UNFURN-immac ,2 Br. apt, enclosed giu·. Orps. crpt'd thru.oot Adults. Contact owner. 3008 Apl A, Royal Palm Dr., CM E clean_;_ b<lr:m i:ctrig. range.· New 'paint &. crpts. Mature adults, no pets. noo. 352 Victoria. St. 548-2407 de·sac. By nwner. Slfrl.965 8031 Ebbtide, HB. OCEAN FRONT ~~UTIF~ 4,!~lh ..... :. RENTALS RJ;NTALS OlVNER'S 3 BR 2 bath. Nice 4 BR, tpt., {iaUo, lawn, pr, Jiine 15 &f4.-0783 Aptt.. Furni1hed Apts. Furnl1hed clean home. A.!sumt 5"' 90 1% BA. J\IDI! 15 to Aug 14 Cotta Melli rn• toon. 122.soo. 198112 $250. wk. Abo wmttt $250 ~·~rono:;:;·;,dl~l~Mo~r;_-,:3~25~0~~;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;51;;00;;;C;oot;;;:•;~;A;";';;;;;;;;;S;100=;J J Isthmua I.n., HB l&cB w ~--~-N nlO. ' vu::auu-v<•t, . CHAR¥1NG :I BR . . SA LE ot Least; By owner, 3 B. 613-231)[; ,._ nm. ~. '3 .. !:Pi:t BR. 2 BA, trplc, new cpta I: OOVER Shona b f ... ..., • _,. • uy .. int, p:X1l 1lted lot. Walk to • '1 r 0 n t )'l'lf lie. Murltd cple. $215. home. 6 Br. 4 Ba, l&rp f73.1.2667 ="""==bea=ch=·=ll6H6ll=·===•I patio, 70· . private doclt.J-"..;..;u;:;ot;,,.um"'""•'""BR,~,~ .. ,--·11 H " $1500. ,.,,. be. 213fl80.5013 . ·~ un ntton or 213/~. _..,. ~rbour l405 f BR 3 bOlll, cpts(drpo, bi. °'""""""•Bi.,. m..- WATERFRONT· by owner· 4 int. • 2 BA., dock, 56' on water enclosed patio $74,500. Also 60' on inal n channd laaa-e 3 Br. 3 Ba .. dock, $110,000. Consider lrue/CPo- l1on. 592-5998 im, frplc., 2 car pra.ge. 1 block to ocean. 642--32f.2 Huntlneton ... ch 340!0 Ceroni dot Mo; 2250 CUSTOM HOME • 2 Lute BR's & den, wt rumpus rm OOR()NA del MAR, China In aanat. vn %. acre. Cove, Pvt.,bch, magnificent ACJ"085 from Meadow Lark view ol ba,y. Furn 3 BR, 2 ao!f' course. Lease, w/ op. CONSTRUCTION JUST COMPLETING HARBOR HEIGHTS -:l-aur ~UXURIOUS 2 & 3 BEOROOM APTS. • ~irep}a.cC11 • Dishwasher • ~1ammoth muter beOrooma • Specl'ous cablnfll! e Gaf!ers: .l Sattlers au bu0t.-h11 i'1a4'y for lm'"tdi•t• tcc11pa1u.y '. .. ·2, ), " btd10011n with bit 91r19t, will to wt jl ~•rp.1t, tb11"4t11t •t•r•9•. ''""dprMf, b11ilt·i11 kllcht" • , . 1v•11 flr•pltc•I S111•1t Mecl1to1r111•111 1t.,ll119, P1h•1to ,.1io1. Wtl.1119 4'itttiic• to ,ri•ato ptr~, pool. t•ctttlion1/ '''' for tlll wHt •nd f•11tillt•. lf't Or•nt• Co1111ty;t 11!c11t •P•tl111t11t ••~•lop ·- 111111f •••• NICE room tD '1:! employed man. Nr 19!fl Harbor. $12 per wk. PRIVATE entry, men ~ , !:'. month. 548-3696 ~ 4 ROOM for rent for workif1 lady, kitcb. privl. 1 cbld OK. E-CM Call 6f6.988.t' i G_.Homos RA VE A VACANCY for la~y ' or man in nice, ple~t home. C.M. area. Lic'H. ~1206 '; Mite. Rent1ls 5"' GARAGES for rent. c;;;i; Mesa. Near OCc. S20 *' mo. 9l)2..5050 I GARAGES fer rent 1D x-,JO, $20 mo. Smaller $15 mo. llr Palisades Rd. 54-60M ' I . Choica E'sldl ~p Near 17th Street. J • 2 , 'R 1 ba. le 1-3 BR 2 bath th fireplace. All Wtits bulll·lns. cpWdrps, patios, a.a.rages, $55,500 $32,GOO Trljllu Month near Harbor Ce 2 BR 1 ba, blt.lns, 2 pvtl tios, 3 a:ar. Call qulcltl)o:' Ibis! Bob Ohort Rltr. NICE 3 bdrm, l~ ba,1 2 bdnn units. All On satne. Owner win. di!.,i or trade~ v11eant jlropeMy. 1 tits : ~)5. 714, 521""3811 l 4 UNIT apt. 3 bloclli beach. 1 BR, larp ~ l)('\\'IY decorated. 1000 aq.jh. per 11n11. rncome. $400 ~ mo. 403-7th St, H.B •• 2570 l\geril ~I BA. Avail. lttne ht to Oct. lion. er aale. SU.TI.87. EXTRA'SHAlllP'I • ,fount11n .V1tloy 1410 1't.·ll500 . ..0. f1W 1.,._ Sbown Sat. 16551 Graham, • 2 Ba I ';;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I or m .11 ~ BB. • 2 Ba.tht'oolru: f •Central forced a.fr heaUnc e BalanceCI poWer llvliig • Encl.....! parldo1 •car,..u•-• -$199 verv a.ttr. 3 .Br, •--__ , · 1-• ='"==--=,-~-• home on 1tn:et•to4tttflt lot.-~ f -2 BR., . ._ >ailr1 :Z:BbRM; coovm. •n. 2 'bra, -&e!JD c:dt't.,_!t!P. dln..are&i. """'I l'IWn S250 Mo. Nfw Cai'pttt. Sarden to0m, elec ldicn. etc. 514 Femle&L 675-IOM Blier. waw lottener, ..,.,. dr LIDO 1t:'.L~. INC. COlTA~ I.hie lolo . 2'51 -·-. JIG.m6 . HARIOR HB6H1S . c::'1. ·....:I-our 340o :via Lido m!i30 $14;000 FOil..,. • 2M zv;,; Lido Soni• Ano MIO AN AllOLUTE Older , BR wltb vlluahle Noni. ll500 mo. ....,. Diii<!(: 8 Br., 2 Ba. XIm ·,.I STEAL 100· frontlCt in cen.t1r er ·~ $2XIO. Phone 2'13: nela'bborhood. I'll'. s .'c . boomlnc uet.. (Pliet 11> l~l;W;."";"~"'~..om;;· ~l_;«;;,om<>I~~· i'I ~Plaia.~~~Ll<=::-:::•~a~t. 3117·A Clnntmon Av1., CNta Meta ; 1 Cbatmlns 2 Bd .• 1tJ1t. lot. Joi) IU-9667 ... -~l :.~~~~ :,~ii~ c1Klfeli1 Realty ~':;' 2 ':;h_21: s.n11 Ano ""'"" N30 2 bloc~:::: :;:~:~~~~'°ru:,.,.", N~~ :.I! : R. C. OR~ lteaJ,Y &ach Blvd .at \YAmer, I-CB. Wl octan view, l230"")ier"Wfo, 3 BR, crpi;°drps, 2 car pr; ----ftME -. -i 3M5 ViA Udo 61J.83fA)-141•1 940 ~emple Hills Dr,, Days $163 mo-l,at A lut tp0'1, Stt lttt M•4t ll T••• Wtr11tr A••· l••t w.,t tf &11cl1-I-rvft DON'T JUST WlSH 1'>r l(lmle. • 541H8ll, evu ~ r@nl 548-136'2 Phone ,546.ltJ.4 ._ J111t l-••f •f lr•o•tr1•1• 1"4 411•• tlrlt11 ffl• Gr••11 v.u • ., • QUICK CASH thil'll llO. f\amiah your hOme DIAL din!lei-142-51111 Oiuaie NO matter wtllJ, it -ta. )'OU DIAL direct MW811:, Chari• i:~~l· L••• 4 1111lot '''"'' Mv11tifttif•11 191di Sit••• THI OU AH A f I ·I ••• 11"4 ..... bllys m O> iwt ..i;-~ Iii -"W c&11 "II II wlil1-a"Jl,W; -ail, .... -111 baek llttl Coll 962.0519 dlY'• Oalllll<d """ i!s1on ID a..-rinf! Pnm WAM ADii _,. ~-~· !lo:_!lba~p1~ .. ~·~r1qi~1 _.1i.._,.. _____ .., ____ .... '--------------"' __ D_A..;.;IL;.,Y_;.PIL.;;;.0;..;.T,....,_~ " I • -~----------------!_.( _ • .4...,,, .. _ •"-• I•' -" "' •• •• "•' •o •• ••• ._ "' •• ......... .. . . .. . . . .. . ...... " • S1twrday, Mq 17, lt6• ' .... .. -··-· .. ' .... .. ............ . .......... , -- llEAL IS·~•s ..._ s_!RVIC! DIRICTORY JOU & EMPl.OYMEH't JOU & EM,LQYMIHT , JOIS & EMPLOY~T ANNOUNC:IMIMT1 - _._ ... _N_O_T_1c_1~•-_,._ Gordonl119 • -~1. """' . 703l * * * * General " _...._-';.....•_I•---· ---"' ANTHONY'S -... Allen Jlyland .....,,, Help w1n1td, Mtn -noo H1lp W•ntoc1. Min ~ I au.>ll 1 ......... 1 ... ,., iOt6 .. . 'fl ·ftllf " IUILDIN<; ' FOR SAU • < on lWE 1100 Newport Blvd. CAU. sru.. SCOTr OR ' .KERM1T RJGGS -1~ ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 193 E. 17th~ 646-4494 ~lneu lent .. 1 ~J SQ FT. M-1 space with llicet. New bldi:'.. Jm- 1cdlate occupancy. Lopn \'e. Costa Mesa. 546-65.11J e LAGl!NA OFF1CE • A1~tlve modern bldg, cen-~ loc, air col'ld, '95' mo. bri lse. 4942466 : store or ollice, 1974 ~· ft. aood location. 311 E. J '1th St. C.M. 96U559 ODERN 3 rm off.ice. Newly ~td, drps le crpts. 1.111. Mo. N.B. 646-1724 'U'l I A ANA 5,0CQ gq ft, A·l IQcation. ample parking. m mo. 547-2412 Of' 646-7512 ... Loh 6100 FEE Simple, le~l lot with permaMllt vlew of Catalina. Room for pool. T'8-<; \VES'1'CLIFF lol, exqu.lalte area, fee ground. Barca.in at $24,950. 751...C PROPERTIES WESf 1028 Bayside Dr, NB 6'l'5-4:ll'.l UOUNA woodsy view lots. u~ utillUea. pvt. SS1Wl ' p,250. 494-9148 J ADJ. lot.a; room fOf' 11 uni.ts. 333 E. 2ht Sl, Costa Mesa. Owner 494--5072 ~. ~· ...._ Wh1ddy1 Want? Whtddy1 Got? SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR NATYRAL IORN SWAf!PEllS Spocl1i Rite · · S Lin" -5 timet -.5 bucb llUlU -AO MVST INC\.VDe 1-WflM ,... ~ .. tnol, ......... '1119 WHt ....... I-YOUR .,_ •f'>dl• ........ ..... a ... .r ~-I-NOTHING FOR IAL• -lllADIEI ~L YI "HONE· 642-5671 To Pl•<• Your Tr9Cler'1 Paradl .. Ad Want Travel Trailer for eq. Trade mWc stole tot C.B. R c ... 6150 ·on 3 BR + bonus room radio equipment with an- ::;";";";-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;; home ln excd, cond, w/ tenna or !? • iantaaUc landscaping. Bkr. ~ Ul 493.-46'T1 * NORTHERN 54-0-USl Heritage R.E. TOWNHOUSE 3 B•. 21<> ha. CALIF. RAN.CH '68 MuJJtang, low mileaae, Beaut. appt'd. Priv. patio, air, R/H, washers, auto l , ... v 1 .,. ~ S,_.. h , .. ,, to··-• 'th poo ; nr, .,_,, a. -·""""• ,..,.,. ranc .,,.,y '"-""' Wl lrall!I, \Viti exchange equity "" · ...... 100 --r for T.D., car, campn or .. approx1ma......,. -... .. s o ror ttp'!odeling or ca.rpetiflj'. ()\\·ner 646--~ permaoe.ht pasture, ·Has an M,7-0859 days, 546-2176 eves_ FREE! Gordon Sorvlct -P.,.. Foo 64ft1!1f 10&-B E. 16lll, SA W,«1911 Basic ... ti-c1 ..... ~ nit bat, ot11r. b6 morel awme llw-lna. Qieerfui ... · MonlhlY KalDten&act P'mna.Dent. ~ OUered to the public Buda•• Landacapil)< rar Eut .A&<ncy ~ by lbe Balboa Pow-E>p, HortJcultwi" er Squadron slarllng 1--~----- 7 P.M. Monday June 2, Newf)Ort Harb o r Yacbl Club, 720 West Bay Ave., Newport Beach. Enroll at class. For additional AWN BROS. Gtrdonort Students worlcq Wf.Y thN eollt'ge, Exp, Lie. Reul Terms Phone 646-4203 or ~2531 information -p b o n e 1 -.~-EXP==El=R--J-,-P-.-.-.-.. 67~7 or 673-1'55. ~ .(lomploto """'°· Our watmfft sympathy Free ntlmate. Call M0-1!32 and sincere condolences 10 cot Is F.dae LaWb RICHARD N. BJLLINGS · Malnten&J"a, ~led on the occaPon ot h1s trom hi! )'Ollntgr triendJ 54MDl/66-2310 aft • ?CTII BIRTIIDA y JAPANESE Gardener, ;;ofii;. Help. W1nttd, Min 1200 JAlllTOR VARlAN DATA MAClJINES. UX!ATEO IN•1'1fi! IR\l)NE lNDUSTltl:o\L COMPLEX, baa an, lmmedia!e, puman. ent position 1or a janitor to perlonn lite janftorlal dtrtiet on our lll"lt lhlft, from ?:00 AM to 5:30 PM. You will not have to operate all)' power equipment. trom his younger lriendf pldli yard servl~. tree Good slartfng rale plus 1 -:--~LLIKC~EfiN~SfiE!!D~~-i-~-~~..,_~..,_~1'32~==;1 Uberat ...,wt •rognm, tn. s lri ..... R -..a1 ad_,_ · ~· duding 12 days vaeat:ioTI !i a1i'ma:te-;&.'Y'c1 s. ";] H1ulin9 6730 durln&: tint yur ot rmp1oy. Camino Real, San Oemente GENERAL HAULING ment. <92-SL1i. 10 ,AM-IO PM & CLEANUP SPECIAL $2 READING $12 per load. EDUCATOR (AB, Ll.B) will 962-6846 alt. 3 & wkends. alt~nd lo real ~statr, etc. HA ULING, General. Top, while you ya.cation 1n ex-trim, remove tree11 &: chanae for use of beach•pro. hedges. Big John 642-4030 varian data machines excellent J b1rm home, hay Xlnt opportunity _ take over Laguna Beach, cleat apt storage barn a~ barn lor bldg. Will t&ke modest YARD/pr. clnup. Remove registered cattle. Total or dean Beauty Salon, Udo home Palm Sprinp area Attractrve Expert trees. ivy, dirt, tractor back perty. wt-Eim A VARIAN SUBSIDIARY 2n2 Michel.oh Drive !Adi. Orengo Co. llD acres located 9 miles arelio a, ~~-es, labtlo •• 6 •ta· or Vista in exchance. Bro-YOUNG' WOMAN hoe, gradin&'. 96J....8745 north of Madera near Coa-ns. ··-or t or au~ ker • 494-13.30 dancer will teach YQU all Cl U nd H I' chella. Full prl~ $132,000. mil. Owner/broker. 54&-ml lateSt ateps. Call Ardeu ean P a au l"I For more inlonnation please Ake Armwhead waterfront Beaclt home, •tone'• throw I=;""~' ;'911!1~"533~21:;!-IO~P~M~J ,='=1'=""=1ood;,:o;;· =""=""'== call Glenn Thompson with free &: clr, SS0,000 val. Pa. to ocean. Exctiarwe for off & A I · I P-"--.. small house in Coeta Mesa COUPLES, singlet; lonely! HouteelMnlnt 6735 Eckh stoe., nc. !II c <IUallUes ocean vu Jot, or San Diego. New in area'!' Join the swin&: 181S W. Qlllpmon. Ave. lree &: clr, SZl,500 vaJ. to fun • plo·-·-CARPETS w1~-•-A FORTIN CXl. M2-51KK1 .._...,. • •-.rw.,, •ll"ll. n rqual opportunity Orange, CalU. Want: lnoome. Bkr. 548-mt • 635-8291 • etc. ~s or Come'!. Xlnt eniployer ?.i·F Airpor.t) I rvint, Calif. 92664 (No phone calla please) 541-2621, Eves-wknds 5.18-6121 Wanted: GlMs boat up to Der Wienerschnlll!:l, 1951 ·;;;-:~l~ii~~~Y''*'l~"""'~~Re~as~! ~-~-;54~8-4lli~~=1----'-""-'--'-'-'---,.._.,I R I I 6070 Hao·'-,, CM. ,_.,, • bld.g. *** W *** 1un1ce en a :ZO'; llave cholee 2..0 ac par. uu ............. eels w/fantastic view o! Income S500 mo. net. $45,000 Balboa Pavillk>n J1nitorial 6790 ORDER C' tnK I LAGUNA BEACH Aero-6200 -uily '" 1o1s, Book o:... -=~Fr~m;;;•;;:>~•~Sa;;;;turo~ay~=i~;;:;;:,;;-;~;::::=;--;= I Wl I --Pauma Valley in N. San ~... L>A3 ::: ,•' Air Conditioned R<. <"ACRES, 198 ft ~-1 _o_i .. ,,_o_Cn_t-'-y'-. _642-_35_73___ 61>6130 T I 643 SPARKLE Janitorial Serv. H 1 k k' , '-ON FORES'/ AVENUE n , .. _.~ .. uu • ...-•.;..••;_•..;•.:_ ____ ,.;;..;.;;5 \Vindows, ~id., c 0 m c I, eavy p 1one ~r , ta ing O.k aflable 1n tage on Main .... .._.. lJ)l)e, 100 ACRES, clear. SJS.OOJ 12 M·l shoptl in 2 tilt-up -, const cleanu .Free l orders, translating orde!'!i ...,.., ·~:._ ·-a: terms, or duplex as part Equity. want income prop.. bldgs on Placentia, C.M. W~ED: Rider to help oos...2iist p. es into our production tennln. • location In downtown payment. Boggs RI tr. erty, Please submit oUeni, ValUe $150,000. Trade part drive to Dallas. Ca.II Mn. . ology and assisting cusio- BelCh.. Air condJ. 962-6637 Art Giovinetti. Realtor for property, Bala'nce ! Stephens, 897-Zl.54. COUPLE. Offi~ cleaning. & mers in preparing orders. -..... carpeted. beautifuJ ii-rt· P-rty 6205 ~7t20 Call S.U.l54.2 SERVICE DIRECTORY maint~nance. Farnlly man Excellent opportunity for ,..-..-·-.....-& wife. Wk or month. right man.·Call or apply ' BUfftlll'S NEWPORT ~ow Interviewing SPORTSMAN"' SHOP SALES f'ull lln'M!. ~ .. ludents. Pe1manen! position "'')th ex1.'t11ent opportunlly lo~ the quaHfylng indlv1dual who has a reaJ lntue1t am well rounded knowl· eda'e. of ~. ~udin& snow llkiinr, wattt g)d.. 1nr. golf. tennit, eampq and fishln&. COOK Summer ttlle:f far Vaca.· lion, beginning in June for approximately lour montha. Execllent hours. Apply in per.ion only fntervie)ll's between 2-5 PJl.I # l 1').\St{ION .ISL.AND • PRODUtTION • SCtlDULER Good opPortunity fOl' HS grad, w/l yn. e1q1erj.. ence in material or p~ duction control. Good lrin&c benefits, p r o t l t sharing plan. MASTER SPECIALTIES CO. 1640 Monrovia Ave. Costa Mesa 642-2427 •MA11RIA1• PlAIE SR. Good op~unlty for man \\'ll.h two )'ears exptri· ence ln prodUcilon or ma. trriaJ: control and some oolk'gr. backfrowxl. smne data proceuifli experi- mc, helpful. MASTBI SPfOALTIES CO. 1640 Monrovl1 Av._. Col't1 Men 641-2427 An equal opportunity emplcyer AUTO MECHANIC IJeavy lineman, must have own tool1, dealer&hip exper- ience preferTed: busy mod. em shop, Benefits, xblt d.aY plan, tree hospitalization. . CONTAC'l': Ser vice M•nagtr m-6651 BOB LONGPRE PONTIAC 13600 Buch Blvd. w est minster Temporary Employment URGBm Y NEEDfD • Spray Painter Job shop & mil spec o:p. pardtiollln&. T w a 30' O\VENS twin 225 HP, 200 Scenic acreR north of •-pllen .. · RlflOI-549--0530 . .. -. -uauunTH MT. lo4bl••'-•ker,radoo· .'·pt• San~--'---WIU trade ...,. •• =~~,,....,-~---~! A 1 Interviewing 1i·"'":'-· -'""'""1V ,, ..,.....bal, ·--•· ""' ,.. ,.,-~"'""-"'· Perts 6510 COUPLE Specializing in of C n equal opportun ty l\1on thni Fri 8-5 PM A't'e., ftlr leada to CONDO FOR SALE ••nc:ler, I uu111: low houri; clear far cl.ear. or submit · LA-VAL CO, employer INTER .. IM · ' p&I ptrldnc iota. 150 • . F'or aailboat to 36 Ft. or Jo. up. EqUlty $100,000. Owner fices & apartments. day or incmtb kr SI**' Dair; Luxurious 2nd home. profit/ :al property. Owner 6'75-439'l anx.lous. Se1ch t94-8563 Sl'PREME Applianoe Re-night 494-2561 17th & Placentia --------Per10nnel Service chairs anilallle tor $5 /pleasure invesbnent, Spilt-HAVE: 24' Cabin Cruiier, rrade SSOOJ. equity in t ::.·T~~~7~·1--------Costa Mtsa Electronic Pro1·ect 445 E. 17th, C?tt 642-'1523 iidne.-boan uiwe@!i level 2 Br. with quality p h I lem.ce avall&ble (or SUI. craftsmanship, aleepR 8. A-1 cond. 13.5 hp grey ma· Jnit apt Cotta Mesa, ifl. aper •ng nt 548-2201 CAREER All u!llJtfeo .... "'""'' Yeoc round management, nne '"" $3000 val"" Tra"' :om, 1600. with good net Ba __ b"'y"'•l...;tt.o.1"9_,,_ __ ...;6.;;5;;..;50 P1lntin9 6850 Engineers Wanted OPPORTUNITY! lalooh.ne. I'C'(!l"('ational complex-sauna. for property or ? ? ? ! ! . 1pendable, for late car &: An equal opportunity . r .. -~-0An.Y PILOT whirlpoo~ swimming pool. 1 ___ CaJ_l_6_7~_1_900___ 'railer. 54846CM eves. INDIVIDUAL, imaginative PAINTING Itrt &: Ext l.<l\vesl employer Jotn todays fastest growtna :122 FOREST AVENUE rec. hall. Ck>se lo lilts. OV-Whal do-· ha·-to -do! ~t 4 BR, den, din nn, c,_hildnsedoarekbly dexperi~~ contracted prices. Fully ins. \\'e are a small com"""Y 1400 profession-Mutual Fund u.la RLOO NGPOOL.S2995() ~~ •c. .,11 Sho . ant ice n erg .... ,en Satisfaction guar. Free e!lt.jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiiiiiii ..-· No experi~necet.s&l'J'" "" LAGUNA BEACH E Kl ,,... C i . List lt here -in Orange in town. wp1ece Yti w/ teacher. No infanls. 494-5498. Jim Weeka.673-llfi6 people I, located in Orange We tra•'n . full or··-~ - 111 tM-9116 Also for rent. Cui· I clever patios. ligh ng &: CountynearNe\vportBcach. -..o• ,, ONLY -•/MO PROPERTIES ~EST ~u~~~s-la~s~= ld9Cping. $39.950. Want: CHil..D & Infant care my PAINTING-o:>mmrrcial & UNUSUAL Our electronic "Project t:n. Mutu•f Fund Advbon, .,~ lO'lS Bayikte Dnve amallt'r home. Ag!. 546-5580 home, nr Beach & Edinger. residential. 23 yr exp. gir.eers are gh•en full re. Inc. For top floor ce11traJ loca. Neivport Beach Day, night, week,.. n d s . Average exterior stucco & sponsibility and support. We Npt B. lfi03 Westcllfl ~ tion, 3 rooms &: Iaqe pvl 675-4130 .. * . * * * * 847-3868 trim 3 Br.~. Joe 54.1-1027 Qp·pOrtUOl'ty have mnny challenging pro. S.A. 1212 N. Broa<fwaJ' l>alcony, w/w pIUsh crptg: J ~~~~~~~~:o" .!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IJ!!!!i Will bab~slt by the week. PAINTING, Papering 16 yn grams that must be started 547-8331 lhroout. walnut paneling, BUSINE_S_S and AN~OUNCEMENTS You furnish transportation. tn Harbor area. Lie le bond-. immediately. Should have at M 1 R ·•-T d-• v•·-" wind-·'ldo'ng p 6208 eau 64"1••7 ed.•-•-furn.""~ The lnde-ndonl o~., ot e er •-r r"-•r • .... .. .... , ... Out of St1te rop. FINANCIAL end NOTICES ,,,. ..., """.,, V'OV~ ,... '".. least 3 yrs. experience ln $Sn h flus dn, pvt exit. oU street J;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. J---------CHILD Care in my home. vicl'NEA~-'T-'. "'-'.,,"._=-,P::a"'in",.",-. -no-I Foresters have opened a designing logic and control M .ed d~nf .,. ~lli. cleanin&: ~rvi~ Bus. Opportunltt. "'1 ,.. Found (free Ads) 6400 Be ch Blvd w HB new ofiice in Orange Coun.. circuits or audio reco...i:.... am ' ,..,t uemt'' =ed. •--0, month'"· Central ....._,_n 850 acre ir. -a le a.mer, · drinking. College 1tudent. ty Requ'-,·nle"'·e 1 ·-"'"' 13 ''·""'5v Xl t ••7 3431 · ue ~ n man and pl•yback circuits. JO-LEN applicant'! ttply rigated 'ranch. 565 acres GULF OIL BLACK & while M • n x n care~.,.. -Low prices! Steve 548-4549 25 • 59. College not nee· Sor appt to: OFFICE, Box deeded, 285 acres long term temale cat about 2 mo ago. BABYSl'M'lNG 1 or 2 my PAINTING 1r; maint.eDB.DCe, essatY.,.S bo u l d have ex,. Phorie Ern~ Fleclcy, Pe.non-Personnel Agency 1Tlt, Nwpt Bch., lease with option. Can run Servtce Statlonfor leue r· Have to tind owner or borne. Day&. night, 6 day .intf'rim' & ext e i lor . perience in meeting public-nel Manager for detall'i. 625 S. V.uclid 1-~--------1 1000 yrly •provide full feed, Free~ Location arzyone c:;lse who wants her. Wft!k. C.M. 64&-2101 Reasonable rat.es. ~185 Dignified life time position. 0 A y S: 1n 4) G42-242?. Anaheim 635-51M2 ' I PllYAH OFFJ(E or grow spttialty crop. ThiR Paid Dealer Training &lS-339'1' PAINTING interior, exterior. Earning commences immed. NIGi-ITS: (tt4) 542-1304. * SECURITY * Is a show place ranch with Insurance plans available BLACK male poodle, may be Brick, Mltonry, etc. Work cuaranlttd. Free est ialely. Should be in ex~ss I Ji;jiii;ii;jjii;jjiiiiiii J OFFICER "----•-..l·• . _, reali5tic real estate potent. Contact Ron Hampton . 6560 H &'•~ ,,.,.., of $250 weekly. ! 1 ~ ......... service .... r con-ill~ Id 547~<1 -.,,.,.,,., bhnd in left eye, limps. Vic erman. <>Vr'\11.Mo RETIRED ,..N For Patrol Duly didonina:, & parkine, ~ri::~le 'A' ra;h ~wri~~ W ~~: :~.:::7:"quor Maa:~ • W 8 r n e r · BUILD, Remodel, Repair Painting &: Electrlcal Telephone between 10 am • 2 needed as part tim~anarer $100. A WHk + ~ County Bank Bid&. Personal situations make 11 531Mil.44 Brick. block, co n c re t e , Licensed &: Insured M th 1 · 1 o! n1ost deluxti sell-service Over 40 ..-. Perm. Rodlo , 230 E. 17th Street ceNC, Orange County. , P,m. on. ra· n .: O am. ~·· sale in whole or part uraenl __ _;CaU=: _64Z-8139 SHAGGY Black I e. ma I c crpntry, no job too 1mall. * 642-0427 * J. pm Saturday· for appoint'. laundry in Calif. (carpeted, car provided. :"Jon smoker, <l>lta Mesa M2-l4.85 Nice home le out-bldga, For -Cock-a-poo type. No tags. Lie Contr, 962-6945 • INT • EXT. ANY. SIZE menL color TV, etc) He will work drinker. Unllorm aJl'nce. OFFICE SPACE WANTED. m~ information·call Erne.st Bus. W .. nted 6305 Vic. Victoria. 1' Nal ional, JOB. Xlnt \Wrk, refs, tree 4.!lZ-3700 ·~4-1701 from \Ved. noon thru Sat Apply: <I PM • 5 PM, Rm. ,Alea rep. builclin& producb Eckhoff. CJ\.1 645-2503 Business Service 6562 !:~t. J™ &t2-4669, 546-3749 evening only each week. He 405, 325 N. Broadway, Santa Co needs 250 to 300 sq ft. nr Eckhoff & Assoc., Inc. HAVE W,000 to invest in ac-CANARY Yellow with black J:::::::::======~ J• ... ~!!!!!!"'"""'"'""""'" J musl be sober • reliable • Ana. On.np Co. A Ir port 1818 W. Chapman Avt:. =me: \Bona:~.~. C . &: brown streaks do\vn back. Stcy·Typi"I S.rvict Pl . R . 6 80 TECHNICIAN 'R likeable, have experience in oASSl=~sr=ANT=~---- 1¥lpbone answcrini: & Ora.nee, Calif. · ...,.....,....... In Found vicinity Mesa Verde, t.tY HOME. 968-1123 altering. ep..t1r 8 J • n1ceLing the public &: liv!: *""'etarlal sezviCf! availi!.ble. S4l•26'l1, Eves-wkndR 63¥974. teach\ni, e I e c t ro n I c 1 CM 545-26S? close to the store. Very, very Part Time Eves. -= D. Moffat 213: 866-~. management I; salet. Write 1 _=c:;;;;c.::::.:_____ C I I 6590 •PATCH PLA.STERING. All modest .sal~ ...... •--the •lo-Must be dependable, 19-25, :: n.n.~ PU •~ SMALL 1· ht In...... arpen er "I type•. ~-••tim•te. CaU ... J .,.,-e '" .i.n-· mind • i V ..... ..., ot Box M ,,_,. Ii 00 "'"" pup, "'"""' R.tcD. four years semi-befot'f: calling at M@sa Nartb ....... 11 m "'ap~, ' NEWPORT BL D. Ex.cha ...... I. I. 6230 WANTED: 195S-62 l~whttl mixed breed, vie. of 19th & CARPENTRY 1,054IJ.<l825=::;======'1 conductor and IC circuH, shopping center, Baker at area re&ident Ii mo's., have =:ul:!:~cal~Ol' De';:>~ dump truck in good con-Placentia, CM. 6 7 5-7 t 6 f MINOR REPAIRS N J bl· breadboardin&" and trou-Fa\Jvicw, CM. Then call auto, and money motivated ., crpts. elevator Selling Yw.r Heme?? dition, pmerably with job. 1 .,:•.,:":::".,:5.,:P:..;M~~---Too Small. Cab~t t! a.°r.1.P_l_um_b_l"9..=.., ____ 61_90 bleRhooting. SY stem John Briscoe b!:N.ttn 5 & $3.50 PER HR. I 35c PER SQ .F"f. l, We have ovtr 300 Salff. • 837-1'15.1 * CRIPPLED J.' em a I e lgt!I & o ther cabin!ts. PLUMBING REPAIR chcrkout experience de· 5:30 pm, 6#-130'1. Call pen, Mpl 547.1782 5 pm 1 -:541.5032 OR 67>24&4 people, Dactisund Vic. or Victoria &: 545-8175, H no answer leave No job 100 Rmall sirablc. tog pm, Mon. thru Fri. 2. We are the Jaraest in Qr. Investment Oppor. 6310 Meyer 646-3797 mq at 646-2372. ff. O. * 642-312ll • TRUCK DRIVER s & MEN to wnric full ti-In ~SQ It, or will splil to 500 angn County. ~UNO \'~·1 I St Anderson M "TER llELPERS 0 dr' 'th -~ lfll·ft each. 50' from Pacific .. MOTEL across from .. v : ... ,ie, mac a,.. PLUMBING REPAIR Al · ne iver W1 rental yard. Must be neat (:d&st Hwy. Perfect for beer 3· We can GUARANTEE to D i sney 1 and, near dard Poodle. Hntg Belt tap. J\.iASTER carpenter, S4 per DRAIN CLEANING clas.s I license & diesel exp. in appearance, no Jong hair, kr, antique shop, art 5tudio. sell your home. Melodyland, 4.1 units. euy Call to identify 962-{JOS(l hour. Remodeling-Repairs. 546-2387 or !;40..7217 SPECIALJIU CO, \\'c would prefer some con-Md have neat handwrifin&:, ood foot traffic. f2Q Ocean, f. \Ve sell a home every 31 temu aJter agreeable down FOUND All white 1 yr old _64U409=="o"'-536-~~==== I'=='======= I U struction experience, or will 21 SS w·u tra' Some minutes. .. train. Contact Mr. McU"~··, · yrs. 1 in. I . ~2579. payment, or owner will Poodle. Red collar. Very RiJ>AIRS. ALTERATIONS Roofing 6950 1343 , -an Av., ,_a ,,·~ meehanical k n ow I e d &e u Walker & Le·e tradt: " finance bala~. friendl y. 542-8021 CABINETS, Any &iu job. 1---"-----1640 Monrovia Ave. 54!}.:iaif ....,,,, ........ preferred. $475 mo. 6 d&l'*. 1 ~'(!;·u 1air~i. 03~C:i: . Call for appt. to discu.'\11. 1''0UND. Parrot <>l4) 2'7th -""'"'""'.,· e,x~"'"'',..·=--543<7LI-,,--, LICENSED Rooting Contr. Cost• M•sa Apply 1930 Newport, C:OSta L"-' --Edi Boggs Rltr. 96l--863.7 N ., . . "'ill trade roofing work for 642 2427 M.,. PIU '':g, utll It maint. 1·1160 •l;llW nger St. ewport Beach REPAIR. Partitions. Small boat auto or • 642--0510 • DISHWASHER -~fl. 1-smllr. 3.5c sq. ft. 8424455 or ~140 Monty to Loan 6320 ----'-'73-35'-""-"=----Remodel, etc. Nite ar day, ' · **'COOKS ** 'IO'l o-n Eves. -R ' Call V''N "" -· An ('QI.la] opportunity !====~===== ---------eas. n.:. ~· XI.NT penn oppor. -. top hi &: 2nd loanl fix quick LMI 640l ---------Sew c;_.;.i.;.•.:1 ____ _;6-'960-'-' employer 4:30.1 Ail'! shill. Good pay ~-s. N·~ 2nd. b-"-r. J1.'8.STUDIO.Spaclo u 1, REW .~ 6240 _ ...... ~ .,.,.. ,......, paneled wl lav tac. • , an,_ cash. Borrow on )'OUl' pro-C C 6600 • ~--~-A!l-·liom'--,===~==-and working conditions. saute, pantry, relief It -.. eq without dlsturll. .,.,.nt oncrete '"''"'""" ......... • .... _ 1" MOTOR HOME MANNINGS INC subl~ mo k> mo. HAVE CUh down ~t .,...'J 111i PART Schnauzer puppy • Custom De.signs , • trainees.Putdraftage.See 7 fo1 Triplex or mare in ycur low lntettlt 1.rt TDs. w/hair cut. 9 mo old male. • NO job too &mall. I do •646-M46• • ASSEMBLERS ElToro Rd. (Leisure World) Chef Ernie Brock, Sw"f & l:LUXE oHlce in COAta Orange Co. Pyramid Ex-~11~~2:lwJCo~~~-Vic Seashore ,&,. 48th, N.B. them all! Si de w a I k s, Alttrations--642-5145 l.Aguna Hills 837-lfil4 Sand Hotel, Lag. Bch. ~. 1500 sq n. Air cond. cbangors 646-2629 Serving llarbor Area 20 yrs Little girl In hospital very drvwyl, cone saw etc. N f cu ale 20 Y p • BUILOERt STOCK CLERKS 4~7f t:n>ts A: drpa. 548-6761 =B"'u°'S~l'o-N~E"S~S~ond~---1 336 E. 17t1. SL . anxious. Re"'ard. &U-007'1 642-8J14 ea. ac r , rs. ex . J S-150. per month to start. No Ucenaed R.eaJ Estate Sales- .) 'B. 500 Sq. ft. w/pri. FINANCIAL 642-2171 515--0611 af: :l:30 e CONCRETE rk an experience needed. Monday man needed for immediate lied Hi Jtk50 d =-=~ FEt.1ALE Cocker-poodle, mix typt"s. Pool det.:ks :'°custom. Upholstery 6990 Immediate openings for men thru Friday. Chance to ad. employment New unit now ~ av~. ~~ fi42-~ aua.-·opjiOrfU'nttiM 6300 ·~GE~~ T~A~!ii ~~; l~t t-.tay 3, Lag. e. Black Call 548-1324 CZYROSlO'S CU.St. Uphol with cxperit"nce in plumb. vance. \Vrite: Box M-506 The selling in "RE 0 HOT -FRIGIDAIRE w/white, tan chest & paws. ""'co="c"'RETE=,,--,--,--,.., ing, electrical, walls, cabin. Daily Pilot. TRACT". l ·JOO Sq. Ft. Office Ruoned 2nds. "Yoly''. Wearing expired * N "'Ol'k. bonded Eu.ropean Craftsmanship eta and finish -or "·e will BOYS 10-14 Four S.atons Homt1 rt.crl'A MESA 646-2130 JET ACTION 54U311 Bkr. Sacramento tars . A tic. Co~e sawina;. lOOr-" fin! 64J.l4S4 traln you. t-lust have aome Frigklaire II min. cy~ fs REWARD . 621_1734 Phllllps Cement. 5"8-63!!0 1881 Newport Bl ., C.M. hand tooli. Sec Rick, Zl3S carrier ~~lei Open Huntlntfon Beach ~~ot;m;m;'°;rc;;;;;l•;;l;;.;;;;;;;;;60l5;;;;I the fu1e1t In the lndu&try. Mortgages, T.0.'t 6345 e CUSI'OM PATIOS • JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Canyon Drive, Costa Mesa 1 ~"wia Beach, So. t ~-·"A t""4500 ' 30 Fria:idalres do tbe "·ork Wlll. PAY TOP 1 tor LOST: Black Miniature Poo-concrete sawing&: removal Eif2..9758 -. ._. ... _ DRILJ.. PRESS OPERATOR. or 40, 30 mhi. washer&. Find TRUST DEEDS. Ille, "G\Ri". N.B. lie t.V. State ·Llc.•SU.1010 Job Wanted, Men 70001-~-------DAILY Pn.DT Ute, close tolerance work. FOR LEASE out bow euy It ii to O'\'n •64J • .'1'S98* Vic Redland11 & Oill, NB. * 6f2.4.l2l Small, clean shop. • 1q tt ga.rqe Bld&:. oo a ~ laundey. Reward! Pleatt contut ---------!EXPERIENCED DECK COOKS TRAINEES. Full or pert DISC INSTRUMENTS nfC µ'barBlvd. t double~. Carden Grove, Santa Ana. Motwy Wanted 6350 548-5064 _c_ .. _,;_r_act"'"-°"c:--_:;66.;;20;;.:1 HAND needs job '\ttftkcnds time. OJOR. FOUNTAIN ~ 2701. s.. H.allada,y JIOO Ptr Month. Broker Tustin, On.nae. Anlhelm BLACK Ptraian Cat with ADDmONS-REPAIRS ~~mer. Newport 'f213l lMMEDIATE OPENING DISH MACHINE. THE ,s&nta Ana SG-0345 6'1'5-«581 49'--n61 eves. C • 0 Mat• MD and partner. rlM'd short yellow eyes, via AJ Surfside REl\10DELtNG ZOO. \V. Coast Rwy &: EXPER. Service Station At· II Offt• • IC lf.'11n $37.000 lst"rrust Deed Colony S7:i rewlll'CI. 2L1: Designing & Plannina Large hotel restaurant f P..facArthur, N.B. te:ndanl, part-time. Han')'&: Equipment, Inc. on 8 acrt!l close Io 592-{1)60 RHchellB·BAltu. !:le. Job w .. nted, L1dy 7020 coffee i hop t'xperience S WANT colle&"C boy 0 r Pal's T~xaco c 0 r n er ulttlal Rental 6090 23.l4%: W. Valencll\ downlh111<n Big &ar \l-'Ufth 1.:.::.,==------necessary. ,_ r 1 '•h B I LO!rr Whltr female-cat. Lic'd tt Bonded. Free eil rr You need a sharp EX· JlCD!huncr or mole n.,. t rookhunit &: G11:rfl!: d,; IP. Rent l ,OOJ 511 II Fullerton n4: 525-7'833 ~ell~:· 64~;l!'; ME~~ Lighl blue ~YCR, red collar. A & B CONSTRUCTION EClJTIVE SECRE'TAttY to Apply ln pcnion nnly ~7~ exchan&e for apt. ~Fountain Valley. jarehoute JPllOI! tn INil'll' ESTABWSHI:.1.J Decorator 548-l43!J Near HI&' llarbor. Re1\'ard, 1122 Paularino, CM auu~ lull ljme responsl. THE YOUNG MAN' intemted in du.trlal c omp\ex Y.1lnU lo aPMd lo :,,=~~~~~=~ °'""'7ll 527......., •Sf5..t9fl• · billty P'"T TIME EXCELL-to do ~-•-•· M ha ~ $46-5294 Newport/Bllbolt aree. \Viii ATT'Y. Hu. 3. Sl5,cro 1s1 s~~L ~~:.~ bl'•ck head, :::========I buia. ~ "fl NEWPORTER INN finish yar:ht·:~ clodc ;d..,-·;;r •. ~~-pay us~ be~ 1rain female partner with TDs. \\'ant to t>omnv s10.cro D ft" ~-~•-........ -maintellMCe Call !KS-2211 s•-•.. p1m1 ·--SPACES 1'iOo 2500. 5000 tundi It dln;st activi~s to i~•~l~lO~"=··~c7.h". ",.-~!-93=!9=,-yeUc;l\v chelt, (Tftn winp. ra "'I _..",_ . ~, OOMPANJO~ l"or elder, or 11o;, Jam.ha~ Road ext. 239 · ,_...,. em . .,_...,.., It. ~ bldg. lAe Mt fl. $CCUl'(I inveitrntnt. 63>7470 v61~ !!.1?.' ' Balboa.. Reward. DESIGN Dnlfttng, electro will cook dinnen. Rt:fe~nces ewport ix:ach "".,...;-"-~-----Hixmn fltetal Finishl.na ~te in June. Loj:a.n SI, & t.loblle ~ ANNOUNCEMENTS -·~ mech P/C layout It detail-ut:hanged. f9l.1&45 PART TIME HELP. 3 nilcs : MAN. ltffdy, pe.rt--ttme Job Service Station Mgr ' M. 616-4681 --0-ES!-G-NEIW!--U-ILD~ER-I ~..;•.;..nd_N,,,0,_T_l_C_E,_S._,.....,.,~ BLACK It white manx cat. in¥· Ktn Sr. 675--1191 PRACTICAL NURSE. F'ft le. Sat 6-12, Sun 3-12. HI !;me~r:tf' ~n ~ lfntc Beach ~ SUbstan. ltut new indU51ria.1 OPERATION wa-a found (frM Ack) 6400 male. Vic Baker It Avail. day or nlle. Time Dell, MS-9314. 495 E. •r-Hll salary + prof1t I~ 2 SC, 0 lq, fl. 1839 1 eQU!pnwnt VERY Tame sreY bird wtth Fairview, Ot Rew Ir d . Q.arMnlnt 66IQ Local rd. ~ 17th SL, C.M .. ae Terry. del Mar. Top pay. ~ ·Ing~. =Call~;-;:;,;::·...,,,~.,- CltL Eiit-90ll C. FA Soule m.-white J)lltchel on wings. '541)..S54l DAY work. rtnen.l deaning. EXP'D Servicr Station man. * KNOWLEDGABLE pcnon E XPER!mCED ft~ YoV"Want ad where 327 Marlne Avt. Some color palchtl on (8ce. GERMAN Police, 11 wtm old MOW ' Weed. Labor by Moolri:kt-eper -LI v 1 ·In . Jloorty v.,.ge + commi55ion. in HI-Fi oompontnts. Sales bondtts A boat cupenteri ~ are look:il1C -DAILY IWboa laland Ple•ae IUentUy. Found by pUp. t.1051ly black. Vk 7th'-capable Collete Students. Rdlable. 541-9116.l OVtrllmf' pay after 40 ht. ==·2.4~~~· Van Islander Yachll, 17th & LOT clualtkd! 6U.ai78 BOAT BUILDER, 1'IO invnl Ortngc County A Ir p o r t . Olive. H.B. 962-7220 Reas, Call 65.7785, ~ PM. 990 E. O>a!t llwy, NB. · -=::::.::_::_::._:;:::_:;:::;___ Plat!entla, Oma flfe19.. ... Da\b' "Pilot: Wa.nt Adi l'l'!'(uired. nt'ed exp. rtus Aller 6:311 call 646-4923 FEMALE Siamese cal-1 nr. A.L'S Gardt-nlna Se r v I ct Domttfic Hetp 7035 K I TC H E N A E L r _ • AsMmblert S E RV 1 CE ~ T A TT O ,N DY.I &(2..d buildrt to ~ffs: Ii~ of smtll f'OVNO, Vic. En.'ltgn Jr. \\'arner & Bf'ach Blvd., HB Lawn ma.int~. garden-• CO~fPANION • C".ood Dishwasher. 6 <byl, 7 am.$ e N ight Shift Foremen SAI.WIAN. Apply; 3100 E. fQifi:y PU.OT DDfE-A· Dll)'JUlilct11. \Vrlt• D a 11 y H.S. on QIU Dr .. NB . P:ar1 RL-ward. 317-~ IQ...430T l,.: I: dean upa. st&-3629. Cook. Drive pm. Ill Time Deli ;,.18..9314, ____ 64Ui&l0_____ eot.~1 flll')'. Conma dcl MU, !N£s.. Yau can tue Chtm Pilot Bo~ ~1-lfl O(aglr, doe amall, malr. no a.&AN·UP Spedllisl! Mow-• HOUSEKEEPER Live in, 49.j E. 17th St.. C.1'1. SH GARDENER-ttANDY t-L\N. C..lff fmt' pmftiel ....-••1. DiaJ BEAUTY Shop. 1~ .ith 18'1 1>131. ~2'192 an J p 640• I~. edf\ng. odd job 1 . 5 or g da)'!l-T ·_:•:::lTY:.:,,,· ~-----once a week. Balbot' t~and. --.-Atsembltr"S m op!Jon lo buy. 1'"ully equJp-P)"f • · ersonal.s'.J l ~ ~ ReM>nabl~. ~ • PRACTICAL NUf\SE • 0.E.ANUP PitAN. oYtr ll.1..::6f>.i888:.;;.,=------e Nlfht Shift ForeJM!i JUGI" WMt •d WflC!re peel. f bedroom houlc, 2 FOUND Ladies prescription ALCOHOUc.5 S ~ous JAPANt!f prdcnc!r Co1n(ll Live in, 1hor1 or tong ~ St&11 6 AM. No C'(p. WW YMCA buildtnt cu.lodian, l6 ~---M"'330:.::.::::.... ___ . 1 .,.~~ -DAILY ba\bl, like new. 8 k r . awi a:lulel. Ne.f beach in Phone SU.1217 or "'1• to 11trv. Exper, dopendahle, Apply train. THE ZOO. E. Cout hr wk, ).1:30 am. Emplo)'H - d 'flld I04f7I, 6&).(115 tA.cuna. '94--3008 '.:P::/J::·::llcx:::.;1223=c:O=*::':.::M:: ... ::::..· _;:~;:;.."::· ::'-.:6U-<31\9=--=---llOMEMAKERS M7.-i Hwy ' Mac:ArUrur N.a btftlfl&a,. ~ DAILY PlWr WAHT AD!! -·~--- I ..... •. ------~----- ""'----------------,,. .... ~"""'-==""'~=-=·"·""'""'"'"''""""'-"''""··'-~~=-"'-"" ... _"'~"--...,.,.., ... "'"''"'"·--"··---..... + .. ~.......,~~-~~ ......................... ~ ---·~~,·~···~···--·····~· ... ·~·~-...,.. .. -• • SalllWJ, 111117, lM DAILY "LOT JOIS a IMP\.OYMINT JOIS a IMPLOYMINT JOll & IMPLOYMINT Miii & IMl'LOYMINT JOIS & IMPLo ...... NT JOU & IMl'LOYMINT JOll & IMPLOY !!:!~~~~~~!:!~~~ . = Hoitt w....-. Molt 7200 ;" w-.-n:....,; 7100 "".J.:.......,., 7400 ""'-· _w_.:_~_n ___ 1_400_ "":.!:"94 74111 "":.::..,. 1, If Has Juat moved !~ ~ ;;;;. 1ocau~t • MACHINIST BKllOllCS -DI C89. * "JnElYP. ::::~ vw~::~ SKlfl~~ . Irvine lndustrlal Part Ind hat MIND& INTllYl-MG NEiil$ 1 OPE-J""OI l'!lCPEIUEliCI: LOCATED IN mE mvna: Typo IO wpm, •l'ior11W>d to. I ,.-...,. ~ rl , INDVSTRIAL COMPLEX. 100 wpm. Five )'Mii OJlirl.. t OPENINGS FOR OPllATOI SI. * ILICTlllCIMI • .... .............. -...... lncludlrc IWO ...... --.... ii-...m. SAT ... MON. *MR.L.MIN OP·,!~TOll"• ..... _. ............... -n• ........... In .. • Ch .. m.11• t , _,. m. oo.-.. and * c:.t.1tnNT91tl ,... ,...,. -~..... ---.,...,. ...rinr ••nn\noloo. u -....... 10 AM l PM * CMINIT MAXlltl _ .. II•• -· • llocfte111ist • ... . • • * WIL.DlltS . ::et li:uam ""! • M" roblolo4)1st DRILL PUSS * o•N•~L. HILi' ''" ..... UNITID CAL.ll'OltNIA IANK We requtn a mature, llbarp rtrt with ..,.ct ..........., and typlnc' 1kl11a, and a 11able work hiltor)'. Thia is a buJy job with a h!avy phone load. REPRO TYPIST • T ich I i OP'ERATOI SR. 9.c. ENGR·SUPR t ~~'::1'T :.i:.•N COLLINS ec _n c ans BA ~ ·-.. -·· M111t ha~ five )'fftl exper. ......,._. -.. ,........ "'"· I D Shift ...,.,. In t.ll ...., ot ...., + 4 ,.,. .., Q.C. ~•rt mo • ay 3919 Hart.or llv4. CattaMata 546-ltn BS or MS exper ience In bl!>clteml~ tach- ntques Ability to handle small laboralory anima!J. Lab technician experience in small animal care taking and basic lab procedures. Lab instrument lechnlcian uj,erienee in operating nuclear magnetic resonance apec· trometer UV & m instrumentation. C•ll for appoinlmant (714) 833-2500 International Chemical . . & Nuclea.r Corp. 2727 Campus Dr., lrvina, Calif. 92664 Help Wanted, -7200 rlolo w.-. Man noo STOCK MAN FULL TIME • 40 HR. \VK. 8 TO 5, 5 DAYS Exuillent Employee Benefits APPLY Peraonnel Office Third Floor THE BROADWAY NEWPORT BEACH 47 Courts of Fashion FASlflO!i L'il.AND Newport Beach An Equal Opporluni!y Employer CONSTRUCTION Receiving Clerk (Newport Beach) lndividual to receive, count & issue lumber &: material lo construction framers l keep accurate records, Some experience necessary. CONTACT MIKE McCALL R. &: D Constnlctioft Cb. 11570 West Olympic. LA Or C.all CoUect 213 418-1021, Ext 301 . HUGHES NEWPORT BEACH has established a new Pl.u. tics P.foldln&' Department. Immediate openlnp a r e available for eXJ>erienced personnel ll•ith thermo.set ttan&fer mold e..'("perience. We need: e SUPflYISORS e SETUP MEN e MAINTEIWKE MEN e OPWTORS Openings att on all shifts. Apply in penon or eend resume to: HUGHES NEWPORT BEACH 500 Superior Avenue Newport ll&aeh, Calif, _, EqaaJ _.,....,. ...;loy.r -M&F ----- F.qual Opportunity ~pl.oyer * * Apprentice Linotype Machinist The DAll.Y PILOT has an opening for a younr man with mechanical background. 1wfuat be willing to work nights. 35 hour week, exceL lent company benefib auch J. c. Penney Co. Fuhlon Island Newport Beach NEEDS CAMERA SALESMEN ......... drllll•c....... lyrQ.C. Supr RADIO co. · Excellent fr In I e benefits. menl. life~ )aid holldlyt, ,.,, lmt Jo--· ADVSltTlllNO APPLY IN PEJ!OON No..,..i leach Secretary/ . , • INSP'ECTOR 9.C. HONE OPWTOR 2,... ..n..-.-. M:~ have experience on C'-equil. 2 yn exp ail .......... llW. -_ .. --1-c~. oot~•C,!M~"!!;.!!·.!C:~a!'!lif~. -1-~AiJiii!ffiiii;;(i. ;"'""" I kk Swme:r Hone. on ~ . cLAWi.=:it.:LIS. 00 eeper Catllllac Cantrel• Division of Ex-Cello Corp. 1166 Whittler A ... Costa Mes• '46'24tl An equal opportunity 'mployer PLASTICS LEAD .. aN Electr *Busboy lmlMdl&•-·-.,,. . .._ .... '"" ..,,.. ...,.. • In our-~ch oil· ........ fw oh&IJI, tai.. TeoU., • Plod. toe tor ...,....,.., ale>t .... ,.. tlrl. -"- • "'' .i.c ... exp. 1 yr Apply In P'arMn oaJes........ wllh -axMllant aldll1 Incl e.lectr. kadman up, per1onaU1)' for in!lkle ti; out lheifhanll • henclte let. 2 )'l"I coUere electr. REUBEN'S •!de alea. ~tilt have ne1v1-bkkpt1 rtilll"f. UIMltr · or l!qUil. • = o::_ ~~~ :a Call a.rlNrii. (114) • XI.NT WORK COND. COCO'S with aUuy + COIDmilliio!' '41-Jt1t. •GOOD sENEnrs state Wuluce •. pUt wea----------' lion. A!N:ondltiomd ~-'EXPEJm:Ncm IS" W. Mamo All .._,.. bwl!la. Call Coot• -~ -u-tor a;op'L ~~t~th~ c:hldirtl 12 dQ'I vacatioo dur.. inl' tint )'tar or employ.. meot. EVE. INTERVIEWS •IAY ' BE AM.ANGE» YlrND dill 'llllChlaes A VARIAN SUBSIDIARY 2m Mkhelaon Drive !Mj. Ora ... Co. Alrpertl lrvlnt, CalH. t2"4 No phOne call!! pleue, MOLDING MACHINE OPERATORS Perm. potlUon. XI 11 t work1ns cond'•. Overtime 1: an f1')nce benefit.. Im· mediate op!fl:in&s on 2nd f: ltd shift!!, Experience.t preferr'@d. No phone calls alter a P~I. !MI Div ct Bectcn Dickinson 4321 Blrdo St, NB ........ '"s'"1'"11"'v'"1c"'1~sT"A"T"'1;;0N:u-I OIWIGE co. ·EVl!!NlllO ATTINDANT NEWs.INDEPBNOENI' For cut rate .erv. 1tL 01der1-=,,..,,,,"'=·"10====- TILLIR An equal_....., UNITID CA~ll'DltNIA1._ .. ·.-__ .. _._,, __ IANK 1· muo ,..,, ....... M\'lt ., IOOUEDING bondable. -job ...... riaht man. Apply In -MACHINE Equal opportunHnmph-MIF morninp ooly, OP'EIATOR SAV-1.lOR srAnON * * 628 Ocean Ave., Hunt. Sch. , _ . 1 'rl t .......kins or a 1hal'[:I 6l o Equal opportunity employer ORDER PROCESSING operate BUrTOUJhl EllO key. CALIFORNIA lnjaclion Meldi"' 200 Brigs Ave. CLERK Help W1nte4 punch, 10 key adder, type • Some oUict experience Wemen 7400 60 Wpm. Experience on Bur. Costa Meta 54M460 An equal opportunity employer preferred. Ml< be l'(IOd. fOUlhs ' bypunch a neces- lypisl hrm. position in aity. C.U Mr. Larcome srowirW 1tfts, co. Xlnt. IEYPlllOI 51>-nt'I. e ISCllOW e SICltlTAltY Pleaae Call l•o r An Appointment. bwlill. ad.....,..,... op. l-;c'"A'°l''"l,.T'-1•1t°'IA""H'"l"L;;;l'- Kennel mu. °'"' 3'; • ...., __..,.. Oontael lfu. OPtU-Put -....t: a..-Jn UNITID CAL.ll'OltNIA li•• In Loauna lleaeh. -w-11111 llNIK -Jn penoa, SPCA, :ml2 t. DISC INSTlllllfDITS INC. ---... " ..... runa ea.,.. &Id. 2701 s. Hallady St. u. ,,_ ....-.. te -:" ~6'!:; . . .i. Ex<ellont _....... -"°"" to ,.,. io HolP' Wa-. Man 7200Hai,. W1-, Molt 7200 Call or applJ" 2,30 PM, s da,I pu -· CalJ Mr. Lado 54o.5m Ext 1141 •• C..ot Hwy c-•IMer 67J.'24t -lorC-Gldl GOW. Cbut lttry., N. B. 8,y •PPOlnt. 846-3939 ClA·YAl CO. 62, bet 12:30 It 3 PM fw' Equ•I opportunity employer lnttrvlew. H~PlTALrI'Y HOSTESS is ~ for mature v.'Omen 17th & Placonlla Cotta M91a 541-2211 . Hos1ess- CASHIER Full Ch'_o_r-1o'"'l"'k'"p,--p--r.- Do payroU laxes, fin. 1tat" menti: l bal. ahfft, Some cost acci,. Beach &rea. To $600. Fee paid, Alsa Lee jobs can Dorb, 541-779&. AltOUS AGINCllS Ull c -Blvd., C.lf. SAlWI COVENTl\Y ... •nlno for fllll ,. put -...... -... 11. P1euuit. work. no 1B'ltlt. no dllivwie&. Far h41ii ..... · · T.L Newport Beach !If&:. to welcome nev.·comen to ' has immediate openilq: the con\munlty. MU&t have 1 1 Executive seeftt:ary-of. typewriter, car, and be bond. 1l~ manaser. • Applicant able. Apply 285 E . Main, mu1t have broad Suite 7, Tustin, Calif , back&round In aecretarial A ~ seneral olfice procedures. I--------- Some experience in boot- -dem.d. Fornrd ftlWTle IO: 1&I W. lkh It .. N..,..t Btacll ... call --·- GENERAL PRODUCTION Apply ln pel'llOn 1917 Placentia Aw. Costa Mesa -llhilt --... can _,., ..,...,., • WAITRESS • __,,., Apply in penon, 111.-lnJaellon Meltll .. Ml OR LYN Apply 1n penon Oporoton. Tral-• THE 1111 • pm .. mldnlchl """' • ApPb' To DoGnl Ehle ! (71.) 546-lmO Ext. ill ~ • 3333 Harbor Blvd. - a.ta Mesa, 92521 v ' , I I 1 ~tlSSlLE SYSTUfS • I DIVISION " AllAlrlC RESEAICJI: '! ., I CORPORATlON ,::{ 1 A Dlvblon of the SU1quehanna Corp. , ; An e4l\l•I oppottuntty J l employer -' ' Male or FemaJe ·m.ay afllfi.1 t COMMISSl.ON_ -· - SALESWOMEN e Wanted by electronl " manufacturtr. We are ae.rospace oompll\y and have dewloped a home burtlar a I a r-m Ryatem. • Jn advance to a TJ&tional marketln&: proiram we ue interested In tesearehinc ,~ coMwner reaction to product, In Sou the r ·• Calltomla. Sale• rartp from door ·-door thru ntall oulleta. -y-;;;;;,.., an: dependent ""'9 younelt .>!b For ~ lnta'View, c.11. MJ', QID1han (213) -- Gener1I Office ,, ' Bookkeeping exp, 1ood ~ l,f, 1ood handwritlna:. Per. sonable • well IJ'OOZMd..:I days week, 1-5. Pre.fer auto. matlve exp., but w/ train rl&ht 1al. Clll 540-5630 Uk for ~11"1. Brant. " Johnson & Son i: Uncoln·Mer"'arv '·' --.. , 262' Herber Blvd._.,,1 C"t• Mes• ' " .. SYSTE S CAPABlllTY FOR ALL ENVIRONMENTS llElllBI f llf Apply in pereon NEWPORTER INN Excellent ..w,.. houn • KW , Oraar• Coast Plutk• ,..,. top "'Ina T•m~ 'l' UOT Jam-. It.Old frinc1 We.~~ ~·.!~ 15(1 W, Jlth St., C.M. Posi~ see Jane _,~ Ne.,ort Beach, Calif. ce, ... ......_er, ........ """· .151 I. Pacific Cit Hwy MedicalAalstant in our 1emporary Divilk& 1---------1 Decker, m.1321 N1-rt IMch M tu p d 1 t 1 hW Dover Dr, N.I. SECRETARY For •·--· Gii"LFIUDAY ,,:r1e':;. ,.!J...:...'r~nt'~ 642-3170 . 54f.Z74';1'. j P'ROOF OPERATOR .._..... b<lck office. Send resume: " u paid vacations, sick leave, paid C'f'OUP insurance, credit union, etc. Recent 1Ucceulul. experience In retail sales prelerred. .ruD time emp)oym•nt, excellent pay atnn&mtent. outMtand- in&: benefits. Oll.nce to par. ticipate in IT'OWttl of this new, expandirw line. Atle1iti& "••••••h I• 111 •rttl1111ri11t • .,...,.,., Cllll,lllY ill¥t1"4 i11 r1 .. 11try 1yritf111, 111• ¥ir•lllfltllitl -'•t• 1.,.111111, fetf ·~•ti111• '"'''" 1114 fl'ltrl111 1yit11111. w, •r• •ut· r1Rtly t11ki11t lll4i¥iCu1l1 ill • llVl'R .. l t ef 1t11itie111 t• ,.,,,,,. •vr ATHENA "H'", S1• .. l111r, liu11r1111111r, Al.All •1111 tlh1r f11HM ,,.,,, ... ,, Unlloll CallfwnlO lank !W:..'::,, ~·. ~~ ~ t);::· r,.:::, ::! ;~ '"' '° Dally Pllo• SEAMSTIESSIS '7, I ............. not -· Stady. ()pportunlt)o ...... Good lkWI, alary cam-vancement. CornPM1 bem. MEDICAL ASSISTANT Exp'd power machinl ..-tJ I menwn.te with abWt;y, qe fits includbW blalth 1J11U11. (Back oftlce), able to type, at.an: to .w naucah1dl boat 25 to «I. Telepbone &'JO.WO ance, paid vaca&m. etc. pleaJant penomlit:y I: Mil.t cwhion.1 I: C&DVU1 ~ 330 W. Bay St., C.M. 642-4.121, ext 310. Larry ?.tiller, 1 AM·3 PM POSITIONS AVAILABLE DRAFTSMAN SENIOR INTERMEDIATE DRAFTSMAN ' (All pot.itio11$ in Corona del Mar office) Send resume or call collect David N. Leslie \Villiam L. Pereil'a ' ...,.ar 5657 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, Calif. 00036 213: 933-8341 •-.~oE=L~l~VERY MAN··· $300. to $330. * Apply in person 10 A.M. to 9 P .111. Monday thru Friday J. C. PENllEY CO. 24 Fashion Island An equal opportunity employer Atrro TRANSMISSION Rebuilden-Inatallen • FOUNTAIN VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT ReqUitts valid Califor- nia operators license. For an appointment, c.all Mn . Baxter Top \\!age • tuur Benetitl 142-6651 SECURITY G~U~A~R~D~ 40 hour Wttk. Call 548-27U Balboa Boy Club QIARGE your want ad now. BRING JU:iULTS! AMCO l3990 Doheny Parle. Rd. Capistrano Beach 496-1211 YOUNG man, prtferably col- lert irad to work put.timt with pouiblllty of f\all time In YMCA. Must meet and wrirk with people euUy and have aome bu1lnea1 ........... Wo drift.OX· empt. OC-N3l MACHINIST Experimental Mith ,,hool 1d11c1fi•11 ,lvt • Y••n '"'' 1•p•,;111c1 111 lft11111f1cl11rl11t ''••itiot '''*' 1M loolt or c•111,11tl•11 •f r•••t• ,.j11C 1ppr11ttlt•thi,. Wiii 1Nf'f•r111 hlthly tkill.4 1111chi11lf111 w•rk fro111 hl111,ri11h, 1~1tcll11 1!1d writt111 •r •rt! l11tttlfll;- •M 1,.cificetf•11" °'4•,h tM I~~°"'" 1iM,l1 I• "'"''''t.l'f' •••'•• t••li11t •"' flrlv••t to '"'''''' lll'lttW111l11t •114 /ff 1•,1rl111111tol Mtehl11IJ1f t1tlt.....,_• c.11 ... ~ .. ,... ....... ,,,., ... ...,. JlJJ H..W ...... C.... ...... C4illf~ MIMlla Syotamo DMalon " ATLANTIC mua COAPORATlON A Division or lh• -.lD Suaquahanna~rp. ~ • ENGINEERING The poritions listed bcloui require a tcch'nical degree and appropriate ex· pcrience. Theu.are onlt1 a fttD oJ our engimering openings. a ., IYIT&MI DlllON With emp. huis on military communicatio111 and teltmetry. e CllCUIT DlllON of 1ophiaticattd 1yatenu unJng "S'' s-rameUr ttth- niquez. e CONCIPTUAL & DITA.IL DllleN of mlulle handlinr and launch ll'•· ·-• A IR 0 DYNAMICS evaluation of fUlht vehicles and detmnlnation of aerodYnlmtc ehaneterlltia. e MARINI SMALL CIA" STITIM& DlllOH includlnc prelimlnl:I')' 4e- 1isn studies. ACCOUNTING Positions 1tqtdrt degree m1d appro- priate rzptrifnct. e llll.. COIT ACCOUNTANT to peJ""' form contract eo.t anat,sts and pre- pare job eo1t nport1. e S•. IUDOIT AfilALYIT to develop, complll! and pruent co1t data and budget npor1-:. a COIT PROPOSAL ADMINllTU. roa to bandJe e<impl.te eo.t Pl'O" poall tw mtJcs' nctat~ cbul'!f and ntw buatnea. MANUFACTURING • IR. llTIMATOa to prepare eo1t .. Uma ... e Slit. PLANNltt to dttennlne tlt1lf1\ f,.tihlUly. e MANUPACTUllNO IN e 1N111 with e•rlence In elth'r electronic or mechanical manut.l.cturlna meth- ods. e MATlllAL •IOUlllMINTI ANA· L YIT to lntupnt matforlal and pro--•-d-e uN•• M IMT AL MACHINllTI with -in m&nufacturlnc pndslnn puU and loola. Centact Empioymont Offtct (114) ll4t-80lo :im HuborBml., Cotta MM:A Equal_... .. -- KEYPUNCH OP'EIATOR lor •PPL Write Box P-415 Ody Piiot, appearance m::n lmportt.ilt ducts, Top wares. pd I • NEED ! u t 1-t I me a Newport Beach. than uperitnce. Write OU. da)'B, vacations. Ins. ""''"' put-time exp er I enc e d e TRAINEES • Jy PUot Box 11 412. 'l\.'Orkinc condition.. APPlri cuh1er a: t&lesladlff far WAI1'JtESU:S OJt MALLll'S Jack O>le Co., 1713 Pla.,...f lfOO'VY Lquna Beach ltore:. CAR HOSTESIES Wis I: Btauly Salon hu op-tla Ave., CM, MWC51 sec ?i.1rs. Thorpe, 2 21 MUAt M neat. attractive and entnp for Jttanicurllt It/or LVN _ Experienced, am. Broadway have happy dilpolttion. 1'll1 Ptdlcurlst, suarantee &/or valescent ffotplt&L Conti " e WAITRESSES or part time. TIIE zoo, comm.I.non. stl-M46 Ptiesa. Excellent worktnc WANTID • Cout Hwy a MacArthur, SECRETARY: Part time for conditions. S-U pm lhitt. EXPERIENCED N.B. consultina: anainHr. Exp. in Call 64Ul3l7 f o r a _ Experienc!d In mM ~. Q,ntact Mr or Mn Zimmer GIRLS, lJ.25, tn wart in boat &!'f'OIPl.C. de1. Salary com-t ~'°-'"~'""-"-'-----'" 8urTouchl E4m and varied l'lyk.t avtitr upholitery lhop. WW train. menwn.te with exp • TYPIST • GenenJ omce) dvtlft in account.Ins otftce. &TJ.«ln AJll)ly in pen. loharmn 1; SCl-&37 Learn 1witchboud. Sa • Houn 10 AM to I:» .PM. Chrtltenltn, .. W. Hta St .. BABYSITl'ER tot 3 children Sun only. MN& VB'de c.a1l Mr. l.&roome, 56-'1117, N.B. Comer ot Monrovia I: 4 A fi mo' .. 10 am to I pm. try Qub, ~. no WOMAN aerX I IO 1% DEllJAI. ASSISJANJ 16th. Uve In .., oul. "5 wk. denb, -5 day week lncludlnc * WAITltlSSIS * M5-0'l!O lft 1 pm or bet 9,30 AD=UL=T-...,..=--.,..,-_...,k,...... Saf'llrdQ or SunU.y. Ac-Excellent positkln, Mlllt haw Must he 21. Apply am. cuhler-dtrk In K....tndi 1 curate, ~. Jlll'*)no fJiont dttk npe_r»nce, In penon D E s p E R It. T E n • e d Fril!!d Oilclrn. lt.ppl;r - a!M. P!<aaaal work. -Call l4U611 IAL.10.<I P'AVILION .........ie 11 .. r. y our E. Caul H..,, OD<. •• -... p._ 4M4'il> tor DINTAL. ASSISTANT ""lfaln, llalhoa home. Notth llde H"I'. CdM COUNTER GIRL wit ~d ~~I~~ NIWPOl't Bet.Cb ""601 WOMAN to care tar polio only. ~'1316 alteration aperimc9 119 : l!eocll. pAJtr ma: General O/iki!. lady. No -· Ulo MR DONUT ...... ....,.. -Inc......,., 18313 • -;;~-::-=~-:---! "··• wi .._,_.__ho. Man thru ._, 25-45, m exp nee. Nl&hts. Chin. H.B. i: ' 1-.. •-y-•.., ..... ~ ...• ~ .. .1.1.~r.!.~· ·-.. -~ '" •·pi In '"'E.171h 88rv-~--...,..WllDU nm-••~ 7 am to 3:30 pm. $250 mo. nv Y penon ...w • PART time RMI Eltatie :I DJ h Glrf H.B. 90-4997 aft. 10 AM C.M. Sale1, new hiAnea. Mat .__ 1 spate BAllYSITTER Waaled my HOUSEKEEPER, live _ ;n; 'WORKING mother neod1 i;.,,nsed. "7-:561, ~ I borne, Mon thru Fri, Hnta mothttlhs nome, beach child care, live-in or out, 3 HB. • 25 or over. Mut know local Bel.ch aru. ~ aru. 2 teenqe chldm. chUdren !\ton thru Fri. BAR MA.ID, weelcendl. attrlf: 1 area. Apply IQ pmon, a rot1NTER GIRL. DAYS. Woman w/ l small cl\Bd $80/mo. 546-8390 rnl.n.l ak!rt. QP11 Jn Pllf!.· YELLOW CAI CO. MR BES!' CL!!ANER8, CdM OK....., u/16. SC.'1111 Neod a a;z;i;m._, -Eoeapade -, ~ 115 E. Uth St. l'f5.-390S PBX Anrftrlrw .,;ce, ap J'ind tt wttb a want ad! Newport BMI., Ollta a...; Colla -CQU..l!lCIE ... fh1. -,..i. mull bo able lo ....t: -PLAY Job w/,oul>le • ehtld --Ana. J>. an lllilte. Sl<a41 woriL lfel:..::ntff Holp Wantff 7_ j ad••-lllr lnapmi-'..,_ f.I~ llD wir. --Wa 7400 W-- Ottftluy IO -llul MOTEL ilWDS. NI • .... E lCPERliNCED -iiii~·iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ii WU-, GI llh a'"-" l.v, Umo. Appq la -Dr! •-• ·~-~ -•' · ~P'~~y.~ '!:8i :=.,~~~·.JN.~~~~-; EQUIP~ENT .f * ~m WOMAN• SPECroR, ... 3Slo'5day 0 CLERK I ~~:·c":i~ '"'niab'"'"'· ... ~ a:.:::.. ~,:a..: CONTI L I Brode. Surf • Sand HoteJ. p~ ~ * h am. '411-3112 : 1 •• I LQ. Bch. -• • cw. ·~ · To bt respomible for the recording GfNtRlL ............. m. --........... , of data, rllatinc to Iha ablpplnf ~ ~~•-'-.,. •-• O!'mA'J'ORS tooo clerl& • ,......, and -lpt of materl&J and --'-' ;m;,_ 'CM:"'~ .;..;;:; SPEC. MAO!. -· Top """· 8'ellrily l'Ulfic ••-..,-..- pntmod. A""' In -· 1>01· armt .~· ao-i-Nallwl Ila'*, W&m meat. Requlrts numerical apli· 21.ll~llr.Clf: LT.o6:.-10n.wlllor. IALEsW 011.o1.·N • l:>t> tule, Ille t~ ability and In I TEibiiOlii: lellclloroal $!. °"" ....,. -!•Ila -In -·to -,..n olftce eiperlence. 1 , 1 amc.. u, 5 481 ,, JM..-.na. 6 41111uw .. Pitt amt. .... wwtth'f afttlftlent .... full ~ ............ $t hoar1,.1rANffD, Patt Tim• Celt&-.-ra-ff....,,...., ,..111 .... Illa. , lWMl!T -· lor aiol liar. • iXPillillOi;i) ,... llnie in I pl l itlUTr OPllll410R Call -.. .....,, -fllll -· fl'ol' lntarvlew appe Iman , oue , ..,.....,,,......._CaJJ.,..6ENTAL AiusTANT. ·eo.n call:. · ,,... -· ,._dcl. N. B . Ell-ll01Ju:xnPDt • Goad QJ.1• • Pl\ES.U1t. • Silk . or plritnCe ithirid. NO II cook. 'All ~ta. -_ ...,,. -·-.U ·-· MR llESI', c d M. l1l>J38& uCENiffi -..... Prma: m~. • . .,. ..ir. EXPERIENCED..-Top pay. N ....... Mapo AW:/ la -221 5 •--.--. ana.MM851 lllrborAl~CM. -·; hlll-tlll-6 IW.CSUD\'.loL-.ii/Jo, ..., !O, ...,.,.... XEROX MACHINE CONDmONING CENTElt lltVINI l.iDllSTlllAL COMl'Ll!X . 1Nt1 JAMIOltll lt0.<10 lllVINI GQU. TildOY, blllinr, lyplrc. •-· av.. 31 ,_,. ...... I du/wil, Lac 9cll .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-L•• ,.,.,..,,., .... .._.. --.,p."·"'·~ Cll W& •ht .... Wtiht .....,.,..., Duhl ea. ...,.... ,.,._ Di::z 1 iiie - \ .- ------ ~ ..... , . --··.-.-.-.-.---.---.-.. -------~~ -... --.-.-. -,_--.... ...;_;;;;.;:;;;;;;;:::;:::_ ... __ ...,.._ ... , DAILY PlLOT s.owdlJ1 V., 11, lM ~ • 1 ~ , "I ~ ~~·~~!!!~T'~~~:s1i~f'i~~ANDlll·!fl0a MlllCHANDIA .ell ~ Mii~ llOlt MU~ 1'1111 MHCH..-.i--.MUCHANDlll POR _ . ..=F:r:R-:E"'.'E'":T'."::O~Y::OU'!':-: .. i lj;. wonte4• 7400 ;;,~;,,,,~SA~l~~:~A~N~D~T~R~~~:~~~F~u-~SA~L~~~AND~~TRADl~1~l~Dl~'Cl~,~~·S-..~IA~.L~~l ~Al~HD~T~l~]'M~, l~S~AIL=liAl~ND~iT~R.~~~:/~~l~M.:l~Al~ND~TRADl~~~~·~l~AL~l~ANO~~T~I~> NOO~IDl~lh~·~:~M~:~,~~'~' ~T;IADl~NOO~~I . 3 l'r"9'1indlioll ~~._w_._,._,._• _____ ; w.. Geed a bomt, OW' mom F-Employ.n<nl SAVE ,lll's OF ilSSSSS IT u R E. s~= 7 .. J: y llB>fD " T .._ Dow •--IWW.' I l1&fr ltrijJed, budlolm,eo.. lefts 01: .,. n --?' My l1n1o siltn la """' i4a ! Ewrylhlne M111t ~IYE,N ~ ~ 1 , -· Ille_, ald!Y '""· Typists THE BUILDING .... ""'h . Of 11 WlUIY,., , • .,. * c T I 0 N ~ :.."':~":~· R-fl,-'m ,_for our NEW STORJ!ll " -al ·-MD -.. ·-,,.. • • Splililll & .......,...,filllillie A I Secntarlet (Controctor Wonts to lkllW 1miriodiotoly ) · AIL IUND -" , • · SPRING. w ,....., •od ob • K he 1.-u " -...~ RANEAN . . :i-f-, KENT Drwr}li J>ue, 11'18.1"· my rattert fnbltd terrltr ',:ru;:.n~ 5'~"s1;!".~; cL:!~!NcE''· :~i~~-i:.~:lr~~-~:,"&ii ~::"'~~~ ,S·ATURDAY NIGHT-~ •.. ::x:..~.::ks0~.: ~-Aslembj;l'5 e Game se':..· e Dining rm set. e Bedroom ,, 'i_~"itii·:.tt.':~:::::::::::~ 1311-lJw = bld~~tt"""~ I sets e Living room sets e · Comer units ;:; __ ••1. ~ hoo·,., ..;;::;d;::;f • 3 ';; BASSOUCoaLer'l~J; ~ -6•30" P.M SHARPll PUP, 7 "'°' old white [Work whtn & .,,..,,. · • 'l'abtes-W tamps• ~cliner chairs 9, Dec-" oecorl ory !" ...,... se· 00 tsp ay -~ _ lemato. Movlnl Ui apt -Olio : you wontl orative -Spanisb,.chairs • Bullet w/chioa rooms of gorgeous Spanish 'IOrnitvre (was• DRUll!S,-BI"'· Sllnl-~ • •• mw;t llnd iOOil ••111•- •. ltmRIM PfRSOllNR SfRVICf • I 445 E. 17th St. ~ Costa Mew, Calif. 641-7521 . lntervit winv Mon. thru F ri. ' ·1 . 5 , •.m. to p.m. · Equal opportunity employer I lfGAL TWIEE ~prk at Newport Center, 'tart $400/mo. Requires ltlC. f'!tarlal experience. Type f_~M, Ille shorthand. Al· ~ RDl.and s. Barcwne ~OUSTRIAL Sewin1; temp. ~. high pay. 867 \V. 18th ~t .. Costa ?itesa. &f2.-354j , FUU.ERE'M'ES, P a r I me. avg, S2.50 per hour lo liU"l. Over 21. Cali f>46.574S Friday, lrnmed open- • Variety, exp necessary. * 642-6242 * , Wom. 7500 :PrOduction helpers to work In m•nu- f •ctur ing dep•rt .. I merit, ,,.,._n .... tronlc a11ambly. l . EVIOUS ASSE1'1BLY OR ERING EXPERIENCE t PREFERRED • MACHINISTS REQUIRED General M.chini1t Chucker Oper•tor Mill Oporelo• be ui;e ti., clase toler- stainles.1 steel cellent fritwe benelits. . ' CAIL ·fi.n.2400 , ' ask lor Jim Hyams, Servonic. Dlvtsion or GULTON INDUSTRIES •• INCORPORATED · 1644 Whittier Ave. Costa Mesa, Calif. '"'>Ill opportunity empleyer *COOKS* EXPERfENCED and • ·NOif.EXPERIENCED positions open Apply In po"on ' .REUBEN'S . COCO'S • 1555 W. Ad•m• Costa Mes• l-1-=N~URSBS AIDES . And , . ORDERLIES rienced or Trainees 7 to 3:30 PM and U:OO f 14 to i : 30 AM. · PARK LIDO Convalescent Cenler . 466 Flaphlp, .N.B. . -· tlrop0.01, Mediterranean • Pictures • _wrought '""· $l 29S.O() ,. _, fda\"L~ 8'7-1673bilr'\Oa.m.er1:30 ., *'•me* lllSp,Kt -~RL Y •= s119 • Jhii ~ .. F .... Stock ... H...i Only SACRIFICE . ~ .. I AOOORDIAN, l2IJ ...... .... -THESE .4Rl:. SPilffiL~ ' 1000 • • •:• ·~· • ~ to11o. 9 mo 0"'· 1a1it ~s We SeU "'UICKLY! Ki"'"'' 2 black wtth .tht> "° -~v ow. ltffl.Mae -"'!' ~v. ~ Clf"' f'~ o/paymentl ~ • T' white boob and bl.bf faceL lllm rruRE Call tor• evea or~. -o RJftN . · '1•!!!! f 9!Jano -1130 AO. K -Comm. ission GaU,ery •~ABLE kltt•m. 2 ,::::._ GULBRANSEN ...,,. malH, Ca11oo ........ 1844 •ewp ·rt ·Blvd (ot -ORGANS tin GARDEN GROVE BOULEVARD . ..., lemalos •• -old. IJ 0 , • .,...... lhd.) WUllLITZER 1 Block W~at.of Beach Blvd., off G.G. Frwy. ,,..._ 5l2ll . ·Costa NesJ.oaly , · ~~ ~~!:!! .1. r EV.ERYTHING IN MUSIC Mitc1:ll1ntioul ----.APRICOT Ir Banana trees, ' )'00 dil and baW.. l600 3JI Coita Mea St., C.M. "" 1....,...,..'ll•-Wo4.,Sot.&S... '116' • TEACllERs. sma•i · UOUID•TORS . Beach Music Center :':"cJ~;,..~9.: ~~::'1'.C..""'~ Private Jr Hlgh-High Sehl. / Fumlture IODO Gar.,. ·S.le I022 l!u»P _$7. Folding ~mp tabJe wuber 1i: dryer, larse Furniture Joti.-.ltlon; W-. 7500 SIAMESE Ca.t, Male, 1 Yr. Old. . Youn 'he to &ood ~~l Stl.l!I~;; Older teacfte~ p{eferml, FOR BANKS-FINANCE CO'& J ----''-----':;; •. . • Factory Sale1 le Service $3. lMF for TV· $10. Reel Cotdspot re fr i a: er at 0 r Box M 558 Daily Pilot ESTAT~EL 110ME$ I.ftG 1· Pc ~ foe.m SAT •• • San., 27C Camdlla Daily 13 ·Dolon 'tll 9, Sat 9-5 pwr mower $2?• .Chaise & '46-3303 . Agencl~ & Qu1llty Furnltur• white .nylon' xnlt C'Ond $195. t.D..'."C.V:t Port:'Zetdth TV 174<K~Beach Blvd., (Hwy 39) pad Jt. Pair new candolabn 1-~COMPLE'IE:.:· :..::=--~,..-1-m;ue--.~ .. -..,~k~ WOOD Pallets. YOu pick 1g1. Wofnen 7550 . ,hnlu-C•n1t. Triple dresier w/mirror, Ir IWld· OOl«l•K:rq rme· 1~ mi. So. San Diego Fwy, light tlxtures ·Pl. Bronze beds. &irli 20,. bike lm8ll ~ Laney_ or Maittn;--Sa;to Deposit Furn. 'vhite $35. ~2771 357 ma".e. 'revolver; lefi Hwrtillgton ~ch 847-8536 Prelidential ~ lt!l $10. titki: with tn.Wng 'wbed, urda)' at ~ Pilot otnce. POS1TIO.N 1$ The y Dama nd CH hl '"' . • • .... handed 15 lb. Kodla• -• ,. RENT-NEW Wblte '':""' ..... -12 Ille cabinot Good CObd. C.M.. sm ~ R di Of L I Offlct •vmltvre H l0 &l'l'OW; fiatiinl tackle, misc. SPINE:I' PIANOS $15. Men• lfC4f cluba Ir: cart ~ .. FLUFFY p/Pusian kittens, EYERTIHIN G • efi!•r ffl . oss bousemld i t e bl 1 , AU fro $10 th $40. GoU 1boes 9~tw, $5. 2 7 wlU okl, 1 blk malt, l wbt IN UFE I SfMn1sh-MK1terr•ne•n INS. Group~ q_f: steel reasonable! m · per ::::i Redwood gates 10 x 6. Or NEW Cf.l'PelS, Dupont Fl~ female. AU b' Bill)'. • · Mapk-Mahopny·Modern deskl/ cbalr:s, tablei, files, '==''=="'==~~~~-! ~ ~* make oiler on a Dy item. I, for sale cbMp . ar Will 6tl-O'l39 5117 WHY NOT Brand name bedrooms & shelving, loCken & draftllJi: GARAGE SALE • Goodies! _1 SALE USED 833-2317 trade (or elec refrigttator. king or any lizc box •Pl°inl5 room furniture. ~~ ~= HAMMoND ORGANS MOVING SALE-Set & Sun Aft 6• GQ.-7034. • 3 ki~G4 ~ ~ = BETTER YOURS? Ir: mattress, CWllom made t.lcMahan'1 722--8450 man tools, chil}a, elaas •New euarantee Bell I Howell projecior & a 90 SQ Yds nylon carpeting. with short tail. Good ~ FEMALE 50fall & Jove seats, exquisite ~ .. ~·;,..:.Anahe(-1~,~-vd.,S.Aln. ware, cothlng, camp equip, • Liberal terms slide tra.ya $40. Twin beige .tro&ted ct!CO!• new, not cut. duction record, &42..f.14S 5/J1 Secretary, F.rigr or contracts dining rooms 4: hutches. niMaa::.... _,,,.,....., · btitt's easel, bbokil, misc. B-3'1, C2, A-100'1, M·lOO's, naugahydc bead.boards Sl2 ~ $&$. n-4 -m-ms SMALL. ., __ ,_ = do&. U I'"-1 Guaranteed fros~ re!rlx· Frway at Katel;lal ,...__ 1 r ,_ SS. eYefUD&I -....... UJA1111 Good 1ki s. u.e prop e, 430 E. %1.st St., NB. Sat-Sun L-100'• from •..••••• • • $695 ea. "-'..,8 o ~:a wen had all shots, fi mo. old . YOL1111 Jee •pd., ••••·• to $525 ~~to~ r~~:: ~ e l.AR.GE . heavy Steelcue 1-5 P.IJl,: , , HAMMOND Maple .de.sk ~ chr $15. Pr. *POOL ~ABLES * Good home with children. Jr. ,Secretary, lite S/H wor'k &II on sale al sacritlee prlc. ofc desk "-chair $65. Lge MOVING) lliaat tell; Sal I. in CORONA DEL MAR occ chairs S20 . ea. Wht Cu!tom -antique -~~ 646-<li36 or 6f6..9563 5l2J ~:e~~ .. :.~~.~$433~ eL ~., i :t . .a'; ~it=wrir: SUn.lD~flatbo~285f.E.CoutH~ 6TJ.8930 ~$5().ooa~n:;:~ ·~)~r::· 4KITIENs.2 oran&e,l hli. Clerk typist, handle; phones, BUY ANY fIECE ~nµn: Adder ~ Near tom <~1 $911; <'npengive WE RE back .in our new boob. lamPI many other benhi in 1 1triped. Trained. waned, lyP< 60+ Feo Pd, to $476.67 OR HO\lSEFUL new· 0oua:hboy Pool CiJ,ttr. brown 'q A 'Cue ~; ~. Bia: Celebtation • Bic item.. 3.11~ J.. m e t h y 1 t .BARGAIN! ' Mero . P 1 wka. U j..J.m 5119 W eho Sil Call 892-.1 power moweJ' $25; 1JeW JO' Sale.• ' Newport Beacb Tenrua Qub. ' • Secretiµ-y, reaJ. estate or con· If USe A 681 nose ..;der .-:.:.-...,. _ _. -... Q.DSEOUT of OOlllOle Pian-Balboa 1-land: fi75--f021 $700 you pa;y transfer Jee. KITI'ENS, 6 wttka, weaned '""ctto" baokgrowxt 10 S52S " . "' ·~· ..... " ""' * AUcno· N * and box trainod. 1 eatk:o. 1 Ollice Manaacr. l 1i'rl off!Ce, Store Equipment 8012 clothing & \'nLSc. 195 Monte °' at qvinp to •. , ··• ,$400 ~7 tit 3, pm. hit t black-Gt&-7a J396 mature woman. \vith good AOK. Vista, CM ~ ~UT .oJ Baldwin .over-u you will sen or buy 'POOL Dome, complete dinet· ~. C.M. · · k,11 , S530 7722 G•rden Grove "'" T Dell-Dairy case. · USED • Furniture. stoYes, ace R.ianot .~ ~y.ln&:• to~ · a:tve WiDdy a tr.· tc set, surlhoard, misc. :iat~tl~~··t~~i~i • .'·i;,:~· 60 + \Vcatmlnster (',~ BlocJt Weal $100. 301 Main St., Balboa retrlp,' dreucra, tables I. ctpSEOV"t,of 1968 Organs Auctiolls Friday 7:30.')p.m. 847-3868 2 YR. old ft~ BIW !roni corner ol Beach Blvd. * 673-2040 * chrl. Liv. rm Ir: beds. at 1avbws·~O •4 1; ...... $236 w· J • )i.• • B Samo~. spayed, all thoti, & do ~me inventory control, near G.G. Freeway) Open Co u c bes• o/s· chrl, No down oac,,5 Yfl to pay. 1nay s uc:t1on arn ~sc. Wanted 16.10 ~ children. 646-4326 aft. ;/Tlm~~~~:.; ... t~to:: 11)..9, Sunday, l~. Gar•ge S•le 8022 bookcase bar itools cap-WARD'S BALDWIN.STUDIO Behind Tony's Bid&. Ml.t1. 5/19 . . SPANfSH ._,,._....,, --ta ins cra'.s. Din. set.. Misc. 1819 N~wport. CM·. 6U-M8f 20'/~ Newpoprt, CM 646-8686 w A N T E D BLACK Femal. e poodle •. with the S/H and do accnt s. rec. nc .... ~ u ...... PATIO SALE of many ~. The G 1550 SPEC! 4 aid 5 .... .-: ........... to S2.50 p.hour Model Hotne'S on ta.le at barg . Sal, 1.lay 17 9 nlc-nacs. &rage. • AL.PURCHASE • 50CC HONDA, dirt or street papen. yrs. · ~ .. . MALE : le~ than wholeirale! Group a.m.~:S p.m., at !IOa Park Superior, CM. 646--9188 wu~~!R' ~NOS SUIO -or best ofler. 1961 We need quality (DG junk To aood home,~ 5/J1I Draflsman, arch. 6 months :ii:es aof:Ca:ttt;!. ~~~ 1~~·~ .. ~tem0 t'o cr!-~':...e-zro.mp. GARAGE SALE ~Walnot~~s 1 ~~an~;:o:rbei;:: ~~se,,)·s=.UU:pJ~~: 5~~~~~~ exp. Fee Pd .•... to $1,000 -,. w•u~w .,,,,.,... S t J.7 Cost E!limator, exp, in con. 3 Spanish oak decorakr ment, including Hylalld • • p.m.; now •••••••• ._ .......... $699 fer.Kenmore1asrange$10. tooh.and ottioe eqWpment 6'6-5473 5117 nectar field. Fee Pd ... $780 Utblea, IW8I or ta.hilt lampii, strobe, S45: SW.er camera Sun. 10.7 p.m. pbzs bench " Formica top table I: 4 TOP CASH IN 30 Minuttal FAT Ir Friendly, choic9 of Cu!tomer Service SUpv., wall placque, Jdn&', queen, SJ.(I; ·.4 x.5 negative sUde& $2 3067 Trinity Dr., CM S'l95 Spimts, .U chain $10 •. Youth bed, com-5.ll-1212 * 893.c:lim 1oag or abart·b&t:'ed ltlttens. manage order processl_ng, :m';:i'!:Z-md ~.,:: e,~:.~.linaantl~.J"'ta'bletyp~. 1!:~.~.':".tAC ~md~ booka, ·=-~ lrom ~to S519 ~~.!i~·~1614 w .• Bo1 $ WE . BUY •$ 5-9 wks. old. 546-9963 $117 Fee Pd ................. 15K ttreu. line I: boudoi'r .... ... .. ~ .... ... T Like Be t MIN. she p/Poo~ Admlns. TraiM', degrtt, ma . "!I --'-maple bed ·lnroe S». Qa' S I mns 11 • "' VERONA Artiste beginrier's $; FURNITURE '$ Male, 2 ,,.... ck!. BDrlWl\l. ,. ... Fee Pd, ...... $650 lampt, --• pc ... ,,. -·.minor flS: rage a e· Gould Music c.mpony· ........... alot """" "'°· APPi.IMIC8 • 836-4493 'Silo Production, materia.l l"Ontrol. dlniDc .et 1ii\ced efltwtieN bat Pl; ·two bar Stools $3 · ~ N.-Main, SA 547-<1881 paid SS00..:2 arm chairs~.no .I •-'~•M 00 ALL 2··· c ... ·s '"--'-'---· c.1 ... TV'-"•no·-s•.ri•'• 3 C1JI'E Part Peraiall kittens 6 wits. old. 1"'92 SI.ban Lane, HB. 897-6931 5/151 ''""'"·····, •• , •••• •QM ........... ,......_. ea·,blender tt.:fullwig &: -Olt•ITilllt• t. u .. ,. ...... QND .a-*--tv~,e&.'~comeipcA " _.., FOR ONLY S399. $20 d ..-DIMUW. .,.....,.,....., .. 'I Plec• ., HHM kR • AU job6 att ,in bea<:h area owa, cue ,'$3); televllkm $25; (Ht• Mes• maha .. new l.1191!d piaBoS table.s:tS. lltauUer table $20. CASH IN JO MINUTES' ~=feejobs)-1:-manymore !4~~ ~itee~i :1 ~ ~fd~~s ~~~~~ Sat .& Sun 1-lt ~-~~t8:.~ln ~=-d~s:'.s&?'~ec e 541·4531 • MERCHANTS ....,. .. ""quick aalo. 20th """""'""" ....... b' • A II 1100 . SOlM1llT !'uslc co., riJ4 . M"""''"" "'"""'' WANTED.""" 6' to 8'. w DARLING Calico kitttn, 7 weeks old, bouletwokefl. 838-7650 5117 Century Fundture. 9 7 7 2 sprt:ad and other items. pP e~cet l90'J N, ~Main;" i.eqhlp 6 mo'• old $1100, for ho~. 675-1345 eves & PERSONNEL =:: . c':: o!~'v it: 00 ADM1RAL. Au~matlc . Ice ~ AJl!l Shap-(ln air chlsle &r: l~Ct wkends. ADORABLE Kittens to lov· · AGENC"' Sal '"• •··-••• Com NEIGHBORH 0 maker refripcator. ( 3) e PJA?'/O RENTALS e wrench $235, Compl. Jet I ~::.::::=----1-box-int home. 8 wka. old, hou8t! · ,-in itr ;·,no~ e GA~GE SALE from model homei. Sa~ SUMMER sPECIALS aif'-COnd:'lng equip & stDck WANTED: 2 whee broken. 548-8782 Newport Be~h ~ FllD'ltutic Barpi!UI! No Junk $100, D u n l a P ' I ' 1815 • * Low u $7.95 per mo. $150. -0~ miscell. Call ,rt ~~8 bed, licensed. 18,..:;.ASSO~~R~TED=~Ki~-~tt-,os-. "Freo,- SC5-li685 645-.rno RETURNED frqni· model Everytbin& JmaginabJe, Newport, t:.M. 548-7788 Rental apPliee to Purc;baae , 5 ;F'M 897-t837 t·or Good Ho m••· 'Hair Sfylisl =m di:~ n1;:~s~: SAT MAY 17th. l-'> p.m. Nl:W Frletdaire Gould M~sfc Comp.1ny p~·s Hickory chips far PETS •nd LIVESTOCK 64fr2lli9 S/19 With followtne needed by Complete house:fub of ,quali· :~~ ~y~~~~·~ dWlwasben, •pecial tract 20t5 N, Main, SA 547-0081 smoking & B-8-Que, 3 lrg-3 Catt 1'20 LIVELY ·& yr Cocker, needs Busy Newport Shop, enlarg. ty furnlbn1 ~ sh:e (Harbor View Home-llUl'plus, $1411. De I i v e r ed NEAR new 1plnet piano, :xlnt lb ~ $2, Includes partial . . _ home. Fine watchdof. Leav· ing &: completely redecorat-bedrooms. full or twin. Mac Arthur at Ford Rd) w/servioe or awapped out tone Ir: cond. $350. 675-6591; deliVJ!l'Y. ~ KcbecJ.w;r *~ Swneae kit· ing, can't ta}ce. 968-1801 lni· custoM qUllted aotas I: Jove Sl73. Aft 5 pm 6:46-1588 494-n61 evn. :.o. ,]0 c:i:to 0~ tano' te~~l .. -.ti-.... FREE kittena, f v.ftka old. Phone 646-1345 seats lamps, t.abJe1, SHOP macbiDery; '49 Ford, G~N·ERAL Electric SQUARE Grand Plan o , ~cat. 917tn n, n ; ... Y ... '""• Toilet trained. LookiD&' fer beautttul dining sete China free; '57 Nub $75; li' curv· automatic wasfler, 11 o or l'OfJewood. Very Sood tone BurmeM Kfttens $50 a home. SC8-M2'l 5117 Schoolt-lnstractJon 7600 & &·chairs, auto mat I c ige 90ta $75; model, Sl59.88. Dunlap'1, 673-1913 • GEIGER Counter, Oarinet, ~lo or 962-2633 relrigeratorw. Will teparale. comer mapl tble-. $25; an-1815 Newport, C.M. 548-7788 H~OND ORGAN Tea'~ing machlnl! w It h =====:=:=== ~~: wi::'~~= ~ The Newport School ' of Business FEATURES: • Electric Typewriters • Dlctattn1 eqU.ipm£>nt • Brush up Grege Sh. • Modern Qfftce procedure • Leitu writing skills Your goals can be achiev-- ed in a minimum of 3 week•. maximum · S "'eeb. Ask for Nona lloftman at 642-3870 Jor full partlcttlars. Terms. All fior a k>w SS89 tlques, etc. n. only; 2327 17 ft c t ci... Spanish COlll'ae, Projector n...-1125 co m pl e t e . A O K 2f___, 0 ~Per 0 n e ..,inet model. $62'.i. stand wilh plug In, other=~==------=" good, holne'. 642--0896 5/20 \VAR EH OU SE, T 7 2 2 ~Ave., oU 23td, N.B. Reu-~nltor Frttu!r. $lOO. 96U618 (H.B.) small Items. 549-0530 or 2546 GERMAN Shepherd puppies, 2 CUDDLY KJttens, I Wks. GARDEN GROVE BLVD,, Xlnt Cond. SJ6..9!l64 elt 6 WANTED** Good Used Greenbrier (College Park) AKC, Imported sire, sc~ old. Hsbrkn. Black and G,G., 1,~ block West from F1URNITUREh. ,Jan> tlqal'!,'!h• "'tank,,,. pm. CONSOLE PIANO C.M. eotllically raised, large bon-Blk/Wht. ~76f7 5/20 tho corr<, r of Beach Blvd.. ne mac 1ne, I ...., SEARS deluxe elrc. waaher e ~7316 e ed. 496-. 2184 <0mplet• wl stand, lots 01 A dcyu s ,.. old llOOd KNlmD FABRICS '----"-''------KITTEN, g<ay/wht. long. NEAR G.G. Frwy. bric a brae from 2sc up. • ' IAbDWIN 25 pedaJ rnahog 8 MOS old Jemale German halted, Male & wk1. old. Open lD to 9 Sun. llMi ".,~·~~ cond. Term•· Ctu. new, make oUer. 1GOO Shep h erd , attectionate, 546-4409 5/20 AISG patio furn It u re . ,,.._ "FOR SALE RETURNED FROM Everything must go. 212) · Whittler Ave No. 9, C.M. beaut. ma:rkb'lp. AKC re&· MODEL HOME l\alq&:h\CM. i G.~. washer It dr)'er, small STEINWAY Spinet Piano & Reinnants, samples & Mill 1 ~83::1:..-8238=:.... _____ _ SOLID Mabopny an d plywood ICraP& B8f w. 18th C.M, $120 SA VE $225 _ Spanish Din's GAR'.Adi' 1 Sale May JS, ·ii: tetlee, elec b 1 • n k e t • bench mahog perfect cond ' endJJ: Sat. Only 8 a.m. b> 2 RETRIEVER. Puppie1, Lab Rm: octa&on tbl, f ·1\de chrs -. •"'1 .. ~f!· Make o If• r • Prl pl). $900. 6"-a;1 .' p.in. 929 Baker, Co.oil.a Men. le Weliuaner S15 Ir S20. +· '2 hOst c~, buffet lz 17, 18 Kit raJl&'e, di.shes, ...._.... SfEiuNG iilver. service * 847-9911 * FREE ~na:. verY Cute. china $493. SAVE SlOO.Kinc ~=~s~:.= . GAS STOVE, double·ovtn T•,-R9Corders ·mo :forU tnclud; ~tea spoons. WELSH Terrier Pa P P ie s. S3l-l5r.2 alter &JOO pm. 5117 sll:e B{t. Incl tri»le dreuer, Cor LUe· &. Ac a c 1 a elec rotluerle, very oocktall forks, individual Al(('._ . t red Cham . BLK Male puppy to kMna: mlrrot, bdboard, 2 oommod-{downtown), Hunt Bdi. clean! f75, fi45-086l I TAPE Recorder, new butter spreaders. 24 teu-mid. ~i:c • picm home. C&ll 642-tl856 ·aft f:30. . b -l ' f ' es, mattress, box springs 1. SMAU. Mo.Ytaa c he 1 t Wollensalc. 311, cusette, poons. 12 scrvine pieces. 1.:::.::::..:::.=.::.._____ FREE Top Soll. _ Will help I~ Q J J t eS frame $295, SAVE $100-Sofa, ~ck YudOcJPatio Sele freezer, In rooll runnln& with all attachments, $fll $3'15. G'ffi..23&1 WE~tMARANERks Pu !',Pies. dig Ii: load. 842-4825. 5119 ,i:Jnlimif e :.\. Educational Vacation "4th Jove 5e&t, chair, hex com-tutt a: d1 & Ends of condition. $35.,548-9741. (original cost $130). 83().-0791 READ skis, aid boots. ski • 6 Wft! , femaies. sso. LARGE lomon -~ ~ THE NEWPORT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS 833 oOver Dr., Newport Bch. , u graders sr Citizens Chil mod · d all kinds. 1829 Iowa. corner 1 -====:...,:,.-,.-,=~~ ~168 after 6 p.m. ... ... i 09enc v •.. . e, sq. c omm o e. ( Callforn. It 1 BEAtnll'UL Ptnk Whlripool S I ~--, 8500 clothes, No. 2 Spaldlng trees. You dig. 646-6Cl9T 9 u coat 10 leuon typing Sehl. match'g coffee tbl $298. 0 ia owa, Mesa '--n·a1 ......... h..... .. .... port ng vvuvs \\'Ood, t.1arlin Bari t 0 a e ADORABLE Dachs h u.n d 1 ==~--~--~ n..-•· n-1Uo l Trial Leuon 173 De1 1'lar R. E FURN,_"' ... -N Verde .... ~ .. -..... -·-blacl< • tan ARC. FREE 2 klvable kittens need ..,. .. iu1ty .. ..,,. l\i lK' , ••vn.~....., . dr)'er,S50each.fi75..5Tn U GAUGE automatic Ukelel~, dishes. antiq ue. :F.897-7297 • ' f .:_ QualE. 1111;.-lh SIA.p•pSUwc_i:~1!,4 CM. Sf.8:.2859 ~!llllln, S.A.· 0 p e n SUn. 4:8 _:1~alley. SaAt".·• ~.".B.n. G.E. Automafu! \\'asher, xlnt \Yinchester, model 59, prime ~ric-a·brac, many o t be r a good home-. 839-3391'. t-""" "" VOie£ preparation f o r °""""' • ""' ..., condition •.111, a>ndilioa, $1.30. call Dan itepll. S4&-S395 . LAB· Pupi1, $45! Black, AKC. SWEET kit le I'll. m I x • d . Cilta Mesa GG-1470 popular or classical sirvUW. 0.skseDeskseO.sks May 17th fl 19th. Bilby tum. 84~1 ,.,.,,, .~,,,, 15(8 .... ~ ... ,., cement tiniaber male. 963-5737 Sun., eve., or Lagum. ne.acb 4!M-3901 5119 on-* DRIVERS* Boglnnot fh•u ad•ancod Fill"ll""binot~of.fla:ohaln. twin .bed>, .U...O•....... * ....; * SURFBO~ ••n >la · model ';;.,"j;;;,'. Soon air com-.......,.,.. TRANSPORTATION tralnlJW'. &rJ..5512, 494-9340 Mue:t sell all at aacrltice! ml.sci clothea. &U-3235. * ~L automatic ~. w l>tt 6 4 ft wheels SABLE Collie, AKc, u I--'""'-'-""------"No Experience PIANO LeNons:. 'Iba very AOK WAREHOUSE, TT2'l MANY Barp1m lncludiq' ~~r~ late model, xlnt ·:rikl~r;:.-. ~::t = H: Cu:~ S140: months leinale, abots. m, loets I Vechts 9000 NKeua,ry! best in Instructions. Call Garden Gl'DY'e Blvd ., G.G. BL&ldpidary. Ma)' 11 ~ 18th. <NUUo ....... M7-m15 . wkndl, $45.. ""..... 1626 Newpcirt Blvd. SJ*ll! 96847&1 a· OQUS Qaft, JIB. bait 644-2iJ9 % blck We1t from the comer • on entln! atock Friday. FRIGIDAIRE ltefri&. Cl'QIS N.~.12. c.~· Mml•'•'•Sll T--'-.,.,....,... ... _ .. __ ... , -"-, ,,. ~ have clean rC&lUom1a HA E ot BEA.QI BLVD .. ~ .. n 1589 San Bernardino pt top trttzer S100 -· · · • ~ a-~-icc ...... .--... .., ~ _,, ~ .... 41'mr..cortl. AJPlY MERC NDIS FOR • "~ O>cta M .... 54<-3993 • MlocellOft-NGO I CRPTS. -· dbl ""'·· Show quail()'. 11 wfis. °">'· llOOd cond. l3COJ EL~DW CAB CO. SALi ANO.'TllAOE GG FrNy. OP<• Jo to 9· * S4o-<m * a.at beadbnl.. lampa, c:ur-*IM-1111• m-ms J.86 E. l&UI st. ( SUnda,y 10.6.. FINAL garaee aale! Leaving LARGE Re!rlrerator, dollble LIKE New, Famous talns, drpg, other household z• BERTRAM •65 Hard tap Cm!te, Mct1. fumftvre.' IOOO RATI'AN f' urn 11 u re & State. Im W. Hall, S.A. door bottom frffter '65-"Stroll--O-Olair" out flt Items. JOc to '$15.. Adami 1; FREE TO _YQ(J twin Mere 12) JO. Clttl'1 l:i"";c-:===-:-::.,-,-'~l --J.-. Garage SaJc; Davt"nport May 17th k 18th. 12 noon. Works £0od. 548-4213 complete. 2 yrs old. Pa1d Brookburst an!a'. Eves "''I·------'----1 ED am.billout l·r a In e e 2 MA1UW'ip Barrel chairs, &d, Easy Chalrt; & Ol· Elec s&\v, iylle\\Ttr ol tnisd. GENi."RAL Electrlc I>ryer '"'22 new, Sfll for $1'5 wknila. 5f0-'7653 · FREE Adorable Orange Kit· bllgi!, costly o:tru, Make pie, 113e1 45 to 56, who l"tWC 1~~. ,do'Nn cush!Ons. tomam. 3-Pc. Sectional, FROt.t an Estate, furniture; Door model, S99.88. Dunlap·~ FIIUI. 64&-2!80 FURNITURE • All newly 1tens 6 Wks. old, weaned & Oller. 714 : 548-5979 like _1' to lcam lo Exct cona. SlOO Pr· Tables. "'· Klngai•A n-d, d'·"· 1· h' 1 l · DIAMOND ~·1 t 2 fa hi".:. -....,... ''""'~ s 2IJ 25' GO'llllC ~ • ftal t Al !rl9-42S8 .., °"' ~..,s, 11 mg cqu p, yoU 815 Nev:port. CMtj·!W3-77SS w<:\.1\1 ng se uphblslered. So s. ""'"'"' Trained. :ior4"111>J • I • ust mrh.v!11 1ns~Pa1ntl~ Q"allly "'n& •-• .. quilted. Gnod\Yall .!'.!~ .. ~arxe. Sa·, .. ~~. vnamc 11P· 1"'-e ~-it! 24U Whirlpool G•t Dryer. ACts. T.~~rtcct. lla1w6 1 5•", · ~' chaJn, )aye: seall.1an-FREE Kittens, blk male • ~take':~!~~~ .. .... uni 1ci1. ,. ..... ..., ... .......,. 1.11Ur ac;e • ....,,. .... Mesa. ..... .... "''""' ·-ppr ~· u.c • t:iquet. cfYline ta b e . ~~. r .. 1100 f e bl a le • 1 ~~==~~-~_,,_ • SuWnit resunw tl complt'te, tlfl\Ulled $98: W'Ol'ttl· Sunday 115 Diamond, Ba1. GARAGE Sale 3 .JO.'amtll• _, '" .._._., 613--3600 Polaroid camtn. ~7. 646-0623.~ ·!S:/Z 'M~ FORD. 2 Or. HT. Pia. I rences. Bos P G6 oill)t $250. An$~ wtplds. 8474I06' Jsle · ~c -:L'.-·"":"".'"s BEAt:mrot. llaht Sola t:thn 3281 ()OloradO Lo, CM. · tri.kes. RIH. Xlnt ~ 1.116 ~I. 8LOND SW,OITV combo Fine Mabopny Dini1W rM.:U: ~~rt=~ A~tiques lllO Med. dlnhw met w/6 chra. WU.SON·BillY Maxwell Golf_ KITI'ENS. 10 eoo4 bomea. ti &M-l43'7 1 ~UPla • .uarn abllut uni.. SlOO. 9' 'qUilltd tllOlfa '4:0. Tallie Ir QaQ V1'ta..Sat-Sun 1M. SM aa ~Red ._cart, old Ex. cond. '51 Fonl wagon. Quhl S4I). Ca"-corner -t. .~~ coltCn I: ~ :U' FBGLS hrin hull, 2-21 hp ~ w~"°'~ 1 fiit.r a * 568194 * SU.1679 GARAGE Sale -FumltJlf"I!, Enl:l\lb ~. 3. tier l'OCld motor $50 CN. 5tUC'l red q_ ~ 93 .. Brn. waol ~-. -mtn. bdJ' !ttr'J. w/.... J Ume -:;;d"'in11l'.U.: SGFA A QOOlr, -"""' r SOFA A .,.,ch ... dlalr, buUl-in ru ...0 • at1ot. ....,.,...... au-(panel '< l~P. CRArl'SIWI c:oodl ISO. '.lflUrll, QlM Sat •~n ftully -.., .... $800. 54M8l'l I ' • UIOCL Half' oatr. 5'Mi025 eood o:a'ld.IUCln. S50. Sal. May 1110 a.m..S pa. imall tef'Hft w/tvory •~ ALMOSI' NEW • 10-5 ~-f:'!'f1~ ~ ';h: TAKE °"" bat. S3J92. 'zr \ . or ""'1fl59.,,.. oo1y. !J60.lfl5t 2314 n.dlanda Dr., NJI. ptlquos. Laub XV 1 tin-e M8<l64.1 ·e UPllOL.<l'ERER'S S-: ••-· L&-<inlUT>'. SIS ra. 1-.. SALESPERSO]i; u.. OflLD'8 mapie 6eak. chair " PlECE n.«an ~. 2 GARAGE am: 915 w. ..... chtlt . (Scnonitt) •• F.arb' n. •• 111y \ri-~ -.II._. .,,. m. CQstorft strreo I ADORAm..E kittens, want dio )QfS ol e:xtru. ~ toolldentlal V"1/ ~w -n 5 ......... Chmy ~ -• -•----.... -5.16-mS 5/2l --,,;-' -..,--.-,.,---,0.-'--,.'"'-"1 fW area, bl comm~ ~-US. 2 Birch bl.r stools mi tables SlSO. .Aft• 5:30 St., C.M. Sa:t a: Sun. liq wood cheat. See at ·~ eomplete, \lftURd $98: worth c:Ulntt . SlZ w/ ........ . . WMhd: UMCI ••Mt. CNJn. Phone now Pl each. 644-lOJJ ~ S4S..e982 17th le 18th. U MIS. Jumln. c .D.M. $250. Afl 5 • wloxtl U7.Qt06 f1&:4119 ~v:;: =~~ Mt-2474 f1'wllln). 1 2 GOLD 1extured nauphyde UN IQUE RCA Conaol 1V 21" CARA.GE SALE Sat A &la LARGE shipment! Roll top RELAXICJZOR -Like new, N.L TENNIS <LU.I • 1'1' GLASSP-AR RunahlRll, GER dbl C.O.ta dlvanK. lift new, S3S fl&ch. $50. 4 pog1er db bed "''/matt Blcyclts, clothlna it misc. dt!!lts. nid oak tables. EUr all belts. $150. • Membtrshlp for sale. $600. USED ~ not wot11:i., extra equipment. Uke newt NA C 0 ~ P j f' at• main· Olli· 962--tD!ll l aprp. s;;cJ. 9-$ 64&-1036 .J7082 Rotterdam., 11.B. hutchn. Inf.~ 1 e t 1 *6'15:-0:GS* Regular $~. 6U-057 eYeL )'O'.I pick UR:....M7-M90 5/20 $25i0. '*«i86 an 4 PM ntieA.palntl11J. B£1G E ProVlnc l al ELEGANT tormti dlnbig GAR.AGE SALE pre.a..btct (haln. Iron •'TIS 'n'oJMCllJ Fish e CO cart $125. Surfboard 9' TREE klt~DI, P I mamc. ·~TROJAN 30' T.S. Xlnt, Call.lol11kl ?IJ~nt. n.up.11,Y:de h~·bed.SlOO. t:r1bl~ p\m! Italian fl'iJi.rbJe. ruN'K TO ~QV&' --p],anten. rd lop ~ka A Opening 1bout May 15th 6'' $00. Drum met $60. 2527 ~ 5/70 CoOO. All xtre1. moo . ..,._ i (%131 774-4180 ~ cond. Silf-1950 LIJ<e nei:. $000. &f6.-0'1S2 33G A. VictorW, CM in rear 1nach. much mo"! L&ny l'ou.ntain Valley S.i2,..G30 Vassar Pl., C.?>.I. KJ'ITENS Beal Selection In 615-084! w ~710 ~ 1'1J'J'UR. fOf' I yr TWO.New vtl\'tl Hilton 8'J'lo )~0 R Sale : Pt a no , GARAGE ~e. 003 C.rnatton ~kqan_. tn~~4 2ll2 Pl\101.f Formal1, ai.te 7. $15 OLUIONO Sollt1Jt° ":eddln1 Town. 136-483 • 5m 17' Ot.n'BOAJU> bolt, tnsts. ., boy, °"· •• modern rel· dlain; C:O.l $420. •Sat;! d~. TV. hair pteeu Ave,;. Corona dtJ Mar. Mq ewpo.,. e•Ch: un .... 2:tt2 •t. have ~ ~ ttll LONG HAIRiD S'IlJlmY 50bp, e\ec ~tarter. T tnDlr .0.ctt--P!5· ll5-16;13l".:, ,. , l -!Umlun. 611 llSZ 171h until told. • SOCK ITTO 'Ell1 ' -·'I!~ Vei<lr., C¥-p!i wl>. f1li,-llll , Kiii-11M111 ~ Silt lflS. -- • • • --- t t " FOUi co~ OfflCIS TO SDYI YOU tt.N'• How J• c .. "" 0. f9ttr Dlme·A·U.. . - e lllWPOIT llACH ~ 2Z11 ...,.. .... e CoSTA M11A _: .-· r Qt W• ..,, e HU~TOll llACH ~ lff l'Hlll - .......... " ........... _ ... .. ...... 4 llfi81 ..... IB , I ..................... ' . e LAHllA llACH \ m ~ .\-.,.; .... __ .. ,...... .... .., __ '21-" .~II _ _._,__ mo~ carpet and pad M USED bltck '°" ,.. r.-.. ' ---. IJO, JJ foot -~· 2 ..,., baud &2SO 0.Jck.u.botor MAPLE TV 121. -TWO """" ... tab! ... 2 1 PIECE 5'. r. 1 -5'. ~ ........... PLYWOOD -" • r, BUI?: .... $3MI» IP!:ID ...... $3MI» baci>&td-toy, 11~ S.by $1.50 1.alhe .. _ 2,. llJI :::....~ ... ~ i:"s!!i~ ·~ .:iom~79malcb ,PG !'._J..--Ollldoc!r Spu\11> ....... $211. -ll" and li"'llO Pi! 11.1111) lT' l'ORT.UUZ T.V: $25. G ATION ..... ·w .. t clothes ~ • Zic. Car bed $l. Garden Iola: ~ ~ bea~ .., es • ' .......... ~ SlO taclL 2 1 Pleclif. lfET AL llOol \QX wit& wbee1a Vkkrla. C.k, ~ New pitu' ti.id .. Stale lf'lde llOy, Mod bPt, t TV Stand $1. "*'2< . 12 Flttplace -~ $3. ) =-~ -111..235 DOUBLE bed ....,board. Sunoontt. •-UO • Ill. ~ SURnlOAJU>' 9'6" U 5' •-r $20. Porta b I• 31, waUl 32· -.. Xii, 2ENDtab&es,1coDeetable ~ wood Pl. 548-1950 bookcuetype.$1513lM388 Amber ... ,... lamp 15. . , Budcet -ts· $15 e&eh. wuhlrw maels·I•• $7. dark tan Jacket. I 2 lamJllt ~ wUh tbf ~ CAMPtii thl!U i frame m IJUNK W bed tramn oompW:te Rnqr $3.SO.. Wd'• luther =ta~ "~ta:~ ~ ~ ~~ T)'pnrtWJ' $lO. 54f.48'nl Dl-7•79 a1acb. fevenlbie v e • t , ~ollourp~ 1!o!de~1~·$2 i>tm>c~ : a:"k_""*.,.:.:=: :.a!iiaf ~:;.= &la»""'iz_~u;'. val,., "'"' 1IRd u. BEAUTIFUL chnlme-21"?.V.$5. ___ ::·:-~JB. 1111$1~ at = per aectiOn. S6 Jumper chair $1 Men's $25. Maple end tablli its near ntW $3 rio. J"Y/pbono rt and rDatchirw 'Ncord ea..MSS ' couch, bttvy na~ wbeel• $3. · <.'brvy-~ '*" · ' " Very pod con d l l Ion. shirts 15~ SOc. Pool with Pair Mlp&e: tampi $25. $2S. Rocftr ~ .nc cablnd $10. Taflle lamps $2 OFFICE detk •qd cbair CU1biooa. lime arten. me $5. Mebomme 11 ftnlult.1,,.,•~"3118"°"·~· ,,...~--..,_-I 546-7'07 Jilter tyatem $25 Sunbunt Distreaed Maple coffee .,.d 155-•Hatr dryer $5.~th and $1 lllack end table i3,. nwda mtnilhlrc ~Men·~ fOll patio, den« otlSce $25. ,.nt all tor $10. U'' ~CAR If!.! SI. Tou.t,.at 1111' lS'' 'IV Poftabie. $15. clock$1BabybJl.IY$5Suit-end tablet $25 each. Floor ruaset$4.Patr ... iimd •~ x ,l•;.-.,_and brown J.up,dftf~diawer..11>1kl Matchlnc cubloned datr ~ blodta 5De ~ traialnl ~HIP cbt.ir a DWun"'"' "" Web ..... i.Jl mat.mil)' clothef ..... 112-M-nck, d"'P" 14. NljJflt ''""' ~ ........ $5. lolant -· """' ---121. po.----. 3 21 T.v. -pd, -PIO¥ ... $1 RGl!or rhifl Reoord Player $10. 2 )\CA $5 Check J>rO~lor S~ Maple $15.. S1ngJe bed, com-'Bttadbox $3. t heaters, $1.50. TftiainC •ct.lr·SL~ M~ W 1able $2. ill~ft+u·:J14.: 10la tlaner .dmler 'Jl.0.1 c:-ca .. ~ lkalel ~cue .. lliMel record ~n $4 • $1! 2 Typewriter $3 Rfftaurant plete $25. Maple nlcbt stt,nd tooU.U atioe. able 8,. pale Mesh porK~b $f. Hi-Shelf...,,..ea'-taC!k ·$3. Amp Miffe, radio ·~ 1"&W, 8'7;1017 l $10. ~·.,.. lf7..... 1 l'tnocrccm s; -11. Floot ~ ...... 12 Coln .,. .... 12 115. Maple """''' table lamp .... 12. Pol!y ehalr, --~ '5'5JMI, 2n $IS. -1314 ....... be...., --·'""I>!'•,.,.... 'DOUBLE .. _,. ... p. WATER .... f!Jt. ·iii polt&her S6. Coffee ·table tt.~ r:Mllet with stand stats I, $25. 4 metal .pa& baby0blankel,child'arockfr, Tu.Jant..C.M,' ' atZl31'1~UAve.S..... lolls' WP.~ open~ Newbe.tlrqolft·1lntr:-P.,Pt.i 'Surftloud $35. ..... !UOe l2"x36" $7. T'x'l' ?\II &lid --vansurenAw.C.M. chairs $7 each. Matching ironint Ol.ddy, C•·rpet BABY furnitutt: Porta crib taAm.He1ahts. $25..~ Wooden'blll)' h1ati Wei diQ!lr $2.jO. Gceue wen .... ~'* I pad $8. Sunbeam hair dryer 545-5t65 table $12. '3-825 x 1•. nylon 11wteper, kitchen 1iool, end $8. P~penr.nd pid i;;; Car BABY crib, and ~ $5. chf.lr $10.'-~ alt 5 PJI: 1111'.\ like ptw s; C. ..i,.. COl'M:llUo, $25.. Rattan chab t $8. 2 R~ clock n.dios $8. CROCHErED . rua &tarted. super wide near new titts table, shoe ~. c:arnp&i&:n bed $3. 546-6all . BabJ t..tb 1L Taflo'n f quart -..~:.pt-. 311\la. ~ dow "°°""· «!C 7.25 x' 14 clair, rattan «nd tabM • 1 Small radios $8 • $8. 39101Ai· ~. atnOW\t ol new $15 each. 21" Motorola TV, ebalr'mftt, pnnent bq. pui with r:oYer: ooct ss,;iO, ll'etahti • 'l ~ ' ,whitl;n.U.Jlrql'$µ0. Dee-9092 it&hlibd Dr. H.B. Channel Place, NB. 673-16(13, balled material left. $5 remote control $25. Double each iL Bed rail ~· ':u~rG, .::' !t;1:ne~~ 1\Jt1' MW'$%. ~ atAiRs $9 • lZ'i· L&mpa $5 ~ trlc Wall '"-ltt $L ..,.., SHOULDQt kncth 11 l'i t EXCEU.ENT used carpeta takes all. 191• Federal Ave. bed. complete .}25. ~t70 a h o e 1 h l n e box 50C. ~A TV eood eonctiUon ii; PRAPES 33 .. bw 112 .. wide ~· Ca r .p·e t 1 n C 125.. hJ&lqt U. Ort.pet IU5. baonde Wt, 100% human I 16x21, 9x12, 1Qx14, lOc C.M. FIREPLACE leeftn $10. ID-wastebasket Zic. • 1.n , .• I! Walnut drop .teat diruni I beige. Incb.1die1 bra. rods. Paperback books 5c and ldc. Oothe1 lOc to ~ m Vic-hatr all haDd tied, ~ ~ aquare foot. Col.fee table $.5. AIR mattl'esl $2 Stove S2S frared'lamp f1.50. Magazine bedspreads SOc., ChristJn¥ table s*·$25. Small buflel i rlnp and tnckell:, ~ .Tabln $15 • S25. ~18 toria. Apt. E. 66--Dtl d!Uon ued ln style Pon 30" inattresa $3. ~ Knox Movie camera $10 _Large tacit $10 •. Mahogany frame tree ttand %5c. Wall ihoe $25. Small tea bed trunk $lb. Jtowx1 nevamar top p e d HIDE-A-BED ~ DouW. LADI~ and bay's dothfna: $25. lJP..t lllonde eatcadi St. CM 6 to 7 ewrunp. nki 425 Diahcl 111c Gl.aSSf!S couch, m.akft into 2 beds. no rack 50e. Toys le • $1. 150& Mille &lul 1am119 $1 .. $3.. tab&t, pme « dinlnl table bed, like new $20. Larp 5(lc.'5-Bar noola S5. Jli..ft tun ountt-1 of hatr~ Ult% ~ • ·so RENAULT $25. Good 10c .1:-&mP' $1. $2. $3. cushions S25:, Man's sports 'Vivian Lan!. N.B., 548--3281. De:s1r: lamp $3. Doer mil'ror $25. 540-8631 desk IU.50. lleb:i&etator $25. Card table and ct.Jn human hatr, ncellent cap-· motor needs transmiasioll. Artificial 1lowets 5c eacb Jacket. Mldl ff.SO, Box enEAKFAST Mt S18. t..wn $.1. Walnut chest drawera OW rocker nJlb t $25. $12.50, allJrt $2.5G uch. SS. 4139 Hilarll. Way, l1e8' diUon, wl~ acyle .tor ~ S7J-.267s , Electric broom S12 T.V, $25. 8Prlnr $10. 'Wicker chair mower: 'l to chooee trom SS drNirw tabla $25.. Q:dlee TrHdJe S~ J; S12 61>7574 &., Hospital. IG-8550 « SU. ---1Tl91 , 4 TIRESi T.35x.t4 $3 each, 2973 Redwood, C.M. &4()..-3633 ~.50. NorelCC? shaver . $5. to $25. Patio~. metal $1. ta»e $10. wt.mot 2 .t.1YM ~ '-'· ~ F*-i USED 3 ,,.,_ wt.rdoW far 5f9.3446, Sat.sun. Lane, HA. ' IOOd condition. Screen....dool. C~AR cheat with drawer, firm_~ ~ .. S25..;._~ Ftreplace screen. 'bra as for wall SJ. 2 bedspreads. Ave. CM door, 6 tt,x-3 ft C·tncbu '6-Electrlc.ldtcben 11oYa $25 + S DRAWER. ~ "°' $3. 613-21J3 Or i'lS-0349 10ck---im>ktrt12-sunbeam ~rnA-~ ............ -c-' >:!ll -·. . tJAQ. C&rd letter fill,. full she '5 each. Copper 673.1502 '67 Camero whee.ls •rid tiru jacbts. • u 1 ta b l • · deep.fry s2 Old inted bard rock 1.laple 4 poater cahlnets. meW S'2. 5 0 . hanclna lamp $3'· Pk:turel 1 UPHO~ llv:irw $12 ch. StaUon to waiters, ~ '[ttai~!til 3°'x30"x60" mON b o u n d ~it ote~wus $2 pa.Satur-hl!4Ktbo&rd1 $25 eacb. 310 Barbecue& $3.50 to $7. $1 • $2, 1.&rse rocidne chair, room chain. Excellent con-MOVING: 5 P~ dinette, carr1e:r. $10. 12 ~J $3 each, 4 oU.J.lm~ 2 ~ hatch • board•., make day ooly. 646-6248 Femi.eat, CdM. OR s-t668. J pat n Iterator gart.ge 111.ugah,yd( S2S. Drapes, pair dition S3I e.ch. 2179 Ralel&h e¥ln. leaf, beite chalrl. chain$( and SS each. Dia-sreen hobnail m fl 111 I• f beau~ tables. etc. only P&rfc Jn alley. dispou.l. works '8. El Paipo beige $1 each panel. Rue 12 Aw. CM. mocha tr Im' mo ch• mond weddinl at $25. ~·it ff.cfl, 4 wrtlQlht ; S~O. % AC Plywood $13. WESI'INGHOUSE la~ _M.APLE bookcue headboard surfboard( 5 tt. $ 15. x 21 $15. Ru1 10 x ll, creen MAHOGANY mquinl! rack marproot table top, aood Enlarpr $25. CP.1.nter SU. lroo lhel1 brackets1 • .; Lite jacktta (new) $3 each. mat $2S Front loader, and frame $10. Maple desk Bookcase $10. "Travelln1 $10. 2163 Placentia near Vic-$20. 2 small Maple pedeatal coDdlUon $2S. ~ Je.te Foldlna: cot and mattreu ueed $6. 1 sQld leaf picture • 150 ~ Torque wrencb \vashes clean. ~ $25. Map.le chest $2.). Step wardrobe $8.50. Electric tarla, 60-1969 tables $12.50. 2 new mirror model Sunbeam lia:htwel&ht $10. Mornina: 546--7131. ~ve• frame $1. 1 31'~ tcreen door ' : $ZS. fM..e550 'VO\V! dinette set. micrallte table $15. Hind. painted broiler $8. Dectric fan and BIRDS • Zebra 1incbea $1 medicine cabinet. $10 each. ~-di VKWM '12 • 5 O ' m..2714. ' needs repair $2. 2 ~ : PACKARD BELL. s ma 1 J top. thtte chairs, asking $20 Early American pole lamp heater, new, cost $26. now each M8-l49f 6"-1119 BAB wood .ttvinc ua,. ~ ' console, stereo, AM/FM CoUee and two end tables $12, Standard colored dla· J.10: :r.tetal suit case $1.50. ' WARING one ipeed blender New and used pb'wood y aupplita, all like new: tops Sl eaih. 2 vw to ~ $25. Fllter for 15· Doughboy, with never-mar tops, aakina: mo~ a:tau :fftlnt door $25. Chinese ru&" ~'10" x 8~0'', BABY.te.nda.with 2 chain ,P. $8. Metal lel'Ying cart Sl. ~. fir, teak. mahop.ey, :i':ixe ~":t~~ ~ whttl-adapten SS. Skit $la.' ( used 4 months $20. Shoppina: $:11 ·25:44 cnz.:e, (houx D) Antique pitcbtt bowl lamp good $10. Metal pipe, % inch Del.tml auto ... t $S. ~ &bf wa1lttt fl Trainine alto. aolld lumber lOe .. '2. ciar IN.t "' Hlrh ehair $1'). Knlttin&, machin9 Qt. . ,.! cart fl, Single headboard 548-19f6 $10. Blue ~ quilted lOc ft. Bamboo furnib.Jre $5 S75 dress, $25, OR, ~4 .eat '1. Pin-tip • lamp $2. Pii;nlc table and benches New bottle ataillaet $2. 4 volume Audubon nature , t and frame on ca.sters $5. CAGES. Wire 2' x 1%' x 8', 1 bedspread, d6itble $4. Pie-to $12. End tabl~ 2 mµ..YBO"ARb, Ciudi. Dint, Auort.ed white dralJes and $12. 646-2371' m.wer baby : dftuer 5 cyclopedia. $10. Single box spring $5. Small x 2·· mnh wire, 3 com-turea $1..$2.50. Maple shelves dr;i.v.'ers.ss ~acb. Plywood,4 Ppd cofdttliqa $ll. '6:Zll55 cottage eurtama J1 pe.1r. VW puts ~'68: Enatne lid n.. ..... ...i---" ~ mots S1 Dbhn ••d desk, 48."x19"x27", fonnlca pertinents '2JiO.. ·541----, $;1..$1.50. Dishe• 25o-$1.50. "8. % inch s;.,so. Woman I Mekendi • • 548-2515 . $5. Rimi $3. Carburetor "· M:.-t·&eu ... ..,. -l'lauware 5c toll but~ top, cute f.!O. Bowling balls 54S-Om-Newpcx"l Helchta. ~ &kales 6:1 white '2?· 19 PLY ·1\YIOG tn.ila tlra Front fender •· VW radio, · $3 new.· SC.'1110. 11192 Oat i1• 13.50 • $4.50. Doub 1 e PRUM flmnal, yellow, sm 9, RAMS : Structural alumlmun Bicycles, girl a -and boy I TOO x lf. i.t JWW $15 bCh. GENERAL E1ec:tric wuher, complt!le '25. Titt1' '4. PJ'OllPll camp stove m. Lane, ll.B. bedspread, olive, washed v.·om once, cost U> now $12. antenna tawtt' 18' tan base SlO and $12. Venetian bllnda Mounted cm six-lui w*1I eood cGndition $25. ~ 545-.5134 Vacuum $15. Shoe skates $3. PERSIAN Frend!. ' d ' once $6. Glassware, dishes, 549--7646 30.. T : 1, ' 3 x 4 and 5 x 4, boxes· in. lncludtd SM-.tlJ.O ELECTRIC broiler own with ExecuUvt IW'iwl cbalr $12. • a• • household; 5c • $3. Metal GRADUATION suit, black, sq. op 15 aq. $20. eluded $3 each. Drapes to flt • rotlaerie and _top grill $10. FOR Sale: Cbeap: Couch Small drop leaf tablti $8. Oriental "rop 2X4 13. f5, ; 5tudtnl dtak and c.hair su. like new, coat alze 40, panta S48-0l92 ~. Boat compaM $W. USED bulldlns 1 u PP 11 e .• : Ou t do o r ;:l1u front Hkle-&·bed S20. Teak cot.he ~ to ad. M&-6.126 3X5 SU. IC-1880. l'flJS ~ j Hand tools. miac. auto, lOc • 31·29 $25. 549-:1646 \VHITE porcelain sink 54 x Speakers $1.00 to $3Ji0. 2 louvre window 2/S w 316 h barbecue with t l e c tr i c table SlO. Cheat $15. B&tJee.. 1957 CHRYSLER encine runs Lant. H.B. 1 ~ $5. \Veldti:'s gloves $3. Twin SINGLE day bed, clean $8. 24 with nice fau~ta $15. cha:Jn, •traia:ht ~ck $5 $1. Window 4' h g· w $15. rotlaerie attachment SS. Tenda $U. SC..1798 $35. Other pets ~l and $10. White pe.ad Ill~ aaare ~' slereo cab!Mtl!i, 2 spe~ 546-8693 540-5589 each. Twin bed and frame Window 2' h 8' w no. 4-door" New small port ab I e NEW Pool equipment: Hoee, Swimmlnc pool pump '12. drum US. ~· &ncl stull in each SlO each. Large PUREBRED ... ,_____ . G.E. JM)l1able Am·Fm radio Siil. Rug shamp6o Bilse.I $3. i~~ng it:'" 1 J~ ~~ barbecue '2. 4 'vinyl arm vacuum, brUBh. aldnunen, Melodlca. sell tor $10 COit for same $15. Trumprrt ts· 36"x28" mirror ss. LaWn ~......,, kit· $20. Royal typev.>rjter $25. 2~b&r tops, tonnica 00 lC 60 x x chain. 2 orance, 2 turqllOIM toy ~$2.5. BBQ $15. Glider $15. $22. 541-SOM. 1060 vktmia cellent told finish 125, Cut. hose $1. Speakus to 10" $1. tens. Frisky, v.-eaned ol Accessories $15. Wicker $5 eacli.·V~ .bub 5/~x6/lxl3/8$12.548-9700 $5 each. Vinyl padded ann Blade \lflr $10. Vinyl tub CM ' mouthpllJct ahd · · ,1 SIO. 3 booTi:ea&et,. Mediter-housebroken $2.5. ~2444 dttuing table S15. Car bed caps, new SlS' each. Alley, ~ divirw regulatora SUI chaJr, persimmon $1.0. ~ chain $15 each. Haaoc:k '5. ' . p). Vrwy eld ()net,' a · ranean $25. Walnut $15. EXERCYCLE, Wee n e w , $13. Guitar $Z. American ttar. 310 Gol&mrod,. CclM. and $25 7.16 _G.e r rn • n tric beater $1. Blue OrleittaJ King 1itt spreads $5 ~b. 4 OK VW tires and rim.I 121. i:tilent ·sz. Cue a n'd l 1r1aple $10. Walnut corner rowing action bandlet.n Tourlester 2 llllter $25. Sat.sun I: Mon. I M.uuer rifle $25 Hunlin& at:Yle bird caa:e with stand Eledrtc blanket $10. 21" GE 2 ·rear uln $10. Jack S25. mot1tbptece $10. R • n a t ' table $8. Extra large comet no. Saturday .. 548-3930 Men'1 howling ball and bag, suNnA y <inly, not ~ Sat bow $10. Mi-4331 $5. Large fkior 1tyle (lectric WJJ:xlow fan $10. Lamps $5. : ·~· ls:!cebt.t:z wood elutne~ ~nt $25.. I table, 44.''x39" $15. Patio shoes $25. Ski boots $12. HO Two 2l·inch TV, one maple, An 15, Pair lute lieige &!Id CIOcks SL Fireplace k>s set ~from 1958-1.969 CUe tpOUthplece and ,_. : table $l:i. 10" table saw $20. SCRAM-LETS Dual JIOtm' pack $12.50. one dark wood floor DANISH cba1r and couch $25 brown. table lamPlt l n.Y $25. Twin •~ads $3. Hair '10. M t ll Sundl.y cmJ cieuor\es '20. T t \imp t t. , Lhest $15. Drapes, 84 .. x 100 548-4595 cabinets. as ii 'ru each. Contemponry Couch $25. rwttch. plua ~ $6. Ex-dryer 15. Fllb pumps ~· ~ ~ ~· lood ~ eondiHon 120. , \vide $12. Clpthiaa 25c -$3. •'1ACOBSEN! 11!.' R e e I Lar;:e storage cabinet. like . Matchlnc dWr $3) Col.fee ercycle bike Slll. 5t&oCll6S ~ tables SS pair. Dllheil NB (~} • Cue, niQCithpjecl amt ,.,,,. Books lOe • 50c. Car-coolq ,A NSWER ~ "Powt:rlawnmow•l\'t U-~new ·"Sl4' VM ·mcm-tape and ;~ ta~ p,o Mattrwa 21" RCA. T.V. 4:MJrb ·iiiod 1Qc _• $3. Tableclofbe1 SL. -• Filcbtr'' al'!" ~ ~ $4. Vacuums, need at· ti tTf cenentmndltiob$Z.t-place Hc!A'dtr aist S200: tell Jor and aptqs. tMD :no Dill PS. w~ router 1o¥s and lfJDU !5Qc. ,Elec>-REHUGFJU.TOR, l ate cem:iesUO. CU!Filc:tJh' ; tachmentsS3~;t. Shampoo Overdo -Ratify -Valise -gun rack and.dn.Wtt with=.. Yad.t and '~ world ~~$5~potl!O ovenwUbe&Mnetltand$2S. ~-!!;~~f': ~-,sz.-~bot toom alto~ vet'I amd. '25. ~ buffer far Kirby $5. Regina Deface_ ca.lloo _ Frozen _ lock $5. 2.-.38 cal 3" mlCarlnes Sc each. RCA 45 .., •ouum ~ btoil rotlwtie $25. anu ....,.._ 1 '"'ll' au ,_ a --mut. Gooeenedc A moutbplfa ' e J e c t r i c broom $10. FEEL SORRY Revolven $10 and $25 l~ 22 phonograph $3. 36 foot TV Bedspread $5 Ctoct, 111 ls SA Both like new ~4 and lf-18 50c .. '5. ~ new $21). Sabot All '21J. $25, ca. and aec-mn ' Typewriter, portable $10. From a rich bw:band's LR revolver $25. N19. mut ff. New tlm.e-clock for Skis $2S Poln ff Guitu $5. fe . . 1D153 Edye Drive, Hun-S&bot daatt boU'd 15. $20, 5.)8.3541 , ; 15432 Duke Circle, HB. will He bequet.USed every. lights SU Eioo 'VToM, like Jm Londondmy L'a.n • • 8;= I =:. ~r: tincton Be.a.ch (Suburbia} Sabot rudder $10. Lido 14 VACUUM c:Jeum ·'10, Pcr- 892.-9576 -tbirig he owned to hb wife, JAPANESE r I f I e and new $3>. Paper and brau Costa Mesa. 545-4ll65 of nttn.' Adorable and Jone. CUS'l'OM·FIT mattre11 for whla~ poW' ~~ RWln& table T.V. $10, UIOrted ... provided she married with-bayonet $Z5. Thorens turn 11.enctls of letters and 4 HEAVY duty acrew jaek!I. ty •A bt.rlain at SUI '00:.'64 Ford-Mercury wqon mac a S 2 5 travet'le rods S2$o$5 · ,_ BABY thii:igs: Excellent con-in six month.<! after his death. table $2.j. Room cooler $12. nu.mbera 11 .a set. New JO ~-tor Mobile ·home or-543..&12 « 548-0072 • $15. 2453 None. 5'8""240 each. Wcodtn desk $15. et, Cambe llned) floor io- dition, quality c I o t be • , He wanted aome otber i'O' Electric fumigator $20. Afil-pllon hot water tank $25. heavy loadt. ~ $25. HIDE-A.BED oaucb b RABBITS, -6 weeks old $2.50 = ~=t 1~~:_,271 Ing $2~ cat lcratchlnc ' blankets 2Sc -$1. Cosco in-to FEEL OORRY he died. FM tuner and amp no. VW pa tank $2. car or 1158 E. 15th st CK. . .. , . '. rown each. 545-4389 ve., -..iu floor to ceilirW; '15. ~ lant seat $3.50. Scale $2. Car 1 ,,0~~,,.C.'-~=-==--Henke ski boots size 9 $2CI. 2 truck powtt brake $5. ,Fire · $10. 24 boy 1 ~e SL 15" fan P,. 15" tire and r;im senen 40". ~ !S " .... bed $2.50. Be.thinette fl. 2 NEW Uniroyal tires, 1·'1:t0-1ehool desks $5 Trunk SS ~ '5 Nt'W anti! M.\PLE l;le:ne;b S1I llap1e: CbBd'1 deatr S10. White 11.ca 1!169 S Proof sets Sll. Some U. 'SO Ford tail pipe $1. SlO Call anJtl,me 147.- Must see to appreciate the&e J4, 1-8.SS.14 $10 each. VW Electric try pan ·$3. New la~ aiplion . aink fa~t $15. beokcue $15 Walnut abeU dreu, size S, $20. 644-2586 frosted. 191iS S Mint sealed Potty chair, to~ eeat,.1:--'==,.;,---,~.,;....f hlrpb-. tM-«i61 luggage rack no. 3 new brau $5. Koh1er lauMry $Jlabilb fireplace Irons ~ • group SlS Lamp $12 1 pr WESTINGHOUSE: automatic Mtll $3. '75-6258 crepe papeT' f Io we r • 2 FEMALE r a b b It• • ' PorsChe hul>capa, emblei:n ft:. • H ad .., I·-blue lamp, (UO shades) $25 --~---. o~~·v -~ 'drl • children'• pets. Hutch pi I FULL sit.e mattre111 and box "$:;each. JE tn)' ....,. OWn lint !!!nee 6 $10. e rut -......... White l ther bench S6 ma ...... ~ -· 1194 £><Wt•nn Sbet"'-"' pup. 4 veway waW!' sweeper 50c food lntluded p. 8"' t 1JJT •p"'n-··-' ftalne, -...A • .,., type l-<&15 and .C' 50c lll'leal tt. pie $5. Jrill for stove or barbecue Braa -·~~ ce~ lllht 'l\aatin Aw. C.M. LI 8--3619 months. Female, black and each. ~ l()c.Mc, Ltnied Alabama H B. ~ • --t1.uu •-_. These BUNNIES • jult too Li&:ht ftxture 1 SS. Patnttrw SlO. Universal bdmper type .............. tan. Quiet and pod natured. room darltenins drapes C'' • ·Dining table" with extension cute to give away. Will sell $5. Leaded glasa window. tr\lh!r"hltch $3. 2 new tires, 1J.5. 2983 C!eylon Dr. 54Q..33l2 LOUVERED door, a:implete $20. U s..3lS9 $1.50. Diahes, children and HOME-MADE ~ '5. leaf $2J B matchinr chairs, for jua:t_ $1 each. 6f5.2445 no pair. A.uorted poll!. le to ·n4; 125. A1tplane buckeJ ~~ 10 finish ; drawer =ne ~O:ed ::'j 19 ORIGINAL Oil palntlnp maternity cloCh1na Ze • 50c. =~=~wt= all rood $20 Twin ma.~ I ~VAGON Wheel&, rqdy to lOc. Jack Sl. ~ 1L 1&I seat $3. One man lHe raft S · 5t6-M3 25c • $1.50. 2 x .C louwTed SS .. $25. 10 Seucapea, 4 548--0030 T.V. tor Puts S3.. Porta~ ~11~ sptinp· $ .SO. roll SlS each. 2317 Corbell Mexican .tile 12 x12' 50c SW. Jet airplane tires 13.. TAHU: lamp S1 Pole lamp 'N1ndow $4.75. Lawn motor landscapes. 2 still Jlfn. 3 MOVING: Westincboale record pll,Jft' tor JU1a SI: Dr. CM. 546-2573 each. Hike+pooge S 5 . Vendln& m •ch 1 n e $2. 12 Wall lamp 50e. Exerclzn $? 50. Bath bu' pl t S\lrftallst. s1tta &x10 kl portable 'IV, workl aood Full a. box sprinp &.Qd f 4 WHITE fiberslus chatrs \\'.al nut wine rack $ S • Wooden lien letters SS. 50c Black ladie1 kip coat. Sl 19i,o, PltchmJ ~~'.50~ $4.~~ 2ix:48. Phone Saturday or $20. Baby chilfarobe, needs ma~ SS. t ........_ dren ' S15 Double sink like new STOVE $20. lO speed bike Pillows $1. SUnbeam floor Camp cot $3. Ant fann $3. 2 lampahadea 50c Fl'ee 1 ••--· Sunday after 11 a m n .. i"t job ·u. Pkture1 50c u f"?'.~·' $2i> """"e board Ueg ex· $12. 3 speed bike SlO. Girl's pol isher SlO n...., nail cli lC E 2bt Costa Mesa. h nd 1 _.__._ in fair numir:: or·cn air condlUoner • • .,..... and coat antemble, roll ..,;.... Schwinn junior bike $12 • .....,. P-• ' • couc a ,., .... -$22.50. Desk lamp $2 ud 531--3793 ff.Cb.. Boy'1 baby dothl:1 5c brocade size 14 $10. lllaclc ercise) $8 2 dumbbells S lb. · pers St. Yellow Wund~ Sunday only. condition. 2199 Pomon9 Ave. i.so. Trttted ~ roou M"A'M'ELS X·l5 $'1. Trike $3. .. $1. Nice ckithlnc 25c -$5, stretch pants alu 14 S1. 2 each $5 Electric Football Bike parts, 2 old bikes Sl ~ea1w carpet lb:ll' ~" VLF radio recetver $5. Apt C, C.M. SUnday only. 25c. 75c. Eledrlc" iron., ct1 s1-Moonwa ... -Fl&hti-altt 8-12. Eltctric coffee pot piece ba• .. 1-suit aim game $3 Badminton rt.c-each.· Lawnmo~ a n .d .. ,ee cable $5 Toaster S3 Powtr pile ,,_ '6 ..... .... 'l5c Othe Us 5c ..... ,. · queta 4 $2 Splce rack S2 ed&;er $4. Sectttarial chair Bissell sbamp0oer $4. sup s $5. Auto 3 HP B Ir S rotary mower each. FiJb tftl $4.'15. Jeep men set $1.50. ConstrucWll · r utena • 50c. $1.SO. Twist alld tum a- ' • ' $5. BBQ 50c. Gar~ Retrta:a-a":r no, u HF radios n: Short_ wave :con-$25. Wi-1775 Pl can $3.25. E&tclricaJ $2. Super City u. Crayon '117 w. 18th. Apt B.. Cotta ettjaer $1.50. ....... :;.~re:~~ disposal $6. Rota.tine dilplay antenm. $5. 2-7• shutttts S5 verter $5 •. RadJO cabmets 3 HP BRIGGS arid Stratton ~ 5c • 35c. 7 11 factory $1.50. Tum Pike set Mesa. 6464723 Sat t-3 8un DOUBLE bed fn. OU pa&& 101ll Valley Fofge. 962-4503 sta~ $4. End tab!~ $1. each. Plastic m a t tr e a a Sl.50. Rae:: parts SOc-$2. e~ Pl. 546-1115 Mirpmte, CdM. SOc. Flacher-Price ride toy after 1. tine $5425. .Motor U. Dlmt,· Huntington Beach Chair $1. Stool 50c. K1tteM covers $1. 302 Irl• Aw., 2273 <'4&a after .noon. 2 TELEVi.sJONS $10 and $15 CARPETING, J2 x 13'6", $1.50. Other ~Prlcie ROTARY lawn mawr SS. te aet $12' Bralded'rua: iu. Uc l e or ·talk Us down. 8'3 w. Corona del Mar. Saturda)t KROEHLER four piece sec· Cottee table $S Danish chair JO'&" x 13'6", u· x 14' red 'toys 35c:. $L ~ 25c Compreuor ~.50. I.up Chain. '1. x... sz. T:V. I S:,, ~!i~nt ~::ation 15th St. NB LI 8-2462 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. tlonal $15 each. ~2240 $8 Antiqued Coy trunk SS nylon '1 yd. Turquolee 23 each. Pun.let 15c each. fibtta:lau tnjr $3. Beach $18. Statues '2o Mqnavox S25 All kind• <ii washer and FANTAS"I'IC bargains: 2 VW radio $12 842-8363 2 CHERRY Maple end tab&ea AM-FM ~ plQft' yards Sl yud. ProfessklnaJ Saturday only. 2453 None wnlftlla $2. Kttcben tabl.e radio il1'ld ~ .$14. bJack Bentwood chairs, cane . . .S15 eacb. Osterizer bl.enders S1S AJ\tlque Jatnp 110 Good hair dryer, Helene CID1ia Ave. CM. 548-6240 al)d t cba1n '7. Woodirn eu1tom made mUd .tm ~ =~ ";t _ bu~O ~ seats, new $15 e a c h , i DINJNG chain, load ~ $3.59 and $5.50. Toys 50c. latilea hall! $1.50 each. 3017 $15. lronrite msnale QI. FOR •Sale: C'Jothel· she I •t. chi.tr S1. Old tuhlontd nl&ht rtandt with dra,.mi ~ Playpen, \\-ell built, $10. Ex· ditlon S2 each. 847-2224 Boy's bike SS. Never 1Jaed C.eylon Rd. Costa Mesa. Double bedspread, quilted, Drapes $4. Couch. makH in. 81•r tewina: machine $20, S2S cost $1JJ, 11@ Jl!.W. l:f!S =mo~~ k each~ terior houfiellght. Spanish TWQ wheeled utility trail~ double fiink. S7.50. Double Saturdq • 9'iftdQ ~ and oranre floral $5. to bid ns. Folding bed $5. Bult.Un board $1.2S. S'rJWI Tustin Aw., Calta Mtsa. MT-8ll5 design $10. Ladies clothln&, 00, $25. 5a6-8774 after 5 hibachi $3.50. Lirp child'• TIRES _ Thret:. 135 x l4, ooe. All tn IOOd con c1 It lo n . 9' Rattan t&ctional $18 splonlna: wheel 'l5e 861 Weal f\m toM-box for electrk size ~12 $1 • $10. While p.m. blackl>orard $2. S.t ol Sun &.: new 895 x 14• s11 tot $1&. 54Ml29l each. Dllhea 15c. Bowline 17th SL Unit "N", Costa guitar distortion eftects Sil. POWER skil _sa.w $20 Bunk crepe formal wom twice O'KEEF,E and Merritt 3S'' S. ~1~~ 223 ~St., NH larre wrouaht iron MAC 8 t,naine $25. 3"' HP ball and ba& $15. New Meu. . Mini steno-amp 10c. :rJec.. ~l:~~f~ J15 o!~~! $15. Many other house.hold CU ~. good condition, Ne~ Shores. chain awq: lanql $lf. KI Brlas p;i. 2~ HP BrilP ahowu curtainl and window ANTIQUE mhTor S 2 5. trodc PfOjscts ~ J:lle. U --i .. Jtlt Items, baby llems, kit· very clean $25. 53&--3828 GOOD portablr Kitchen aid 5-«ilXi $15. lfS...4644 · curtain '3-'311 Irvine, Glauwve 12 • SS. Twin bed tronle Pe.rts. tubes. Ull -- drawers S7 P .. C . .,.,, .. , r chenwatt. C:Orpe and look. CRIB dlah her 125. Good GE. ELECTRIC I 66-2'773 · SJ5. Full ~ i.dl'oom 1tl: transi81on 1~ Allt part• Zc each CUt iron !TI~ Port Sbe,(lield Place, ~7ry aood condition ft. ..:.:: S2S. Bar bells .·,"· ONE day only, Sund&)' 12;5-._... --..~ Ill tar S 2 O • l2 VOL.T radio $15. Football bed, mattnu $15. Head· John .KranMt ~Tl.. ' bathb.Jb $5 Tra.iJtr hitch S3 NB <Harbor 1Jew Hornn) Reconl..i ... -SS ~ua-Funkyclothnfromthe.Jls, ._........ · lboee M and •1. C.U board VS. Pftwn $15 Hlahl1od 1" Nawport ! 1" x 5" _used lumber 3c per MacArthur and Ford &.d. T.V. MAGNAVOX 1mp con-ro..,-o;• ' $1 ~ $5. Black V~ cc.-"f'J_EW Plnlll 3.2& x 11 tin a--tln each. Ooffte tabh, mt Be~h. ., . root. 2'l'3 E. 19th St. Costa 6f4.-t314 sole sood 112.50. Metal UTlLlTY trailer fa5, 172 hime, small, 110 (cost $30 Jn SU. Veloettte .00 cc motor ' , ' tables 15 ..a. KJtehen set, ,_.....,. Mna , lOSPEEDbillenmlismaD clolks line poies S4 pair. RTillPtJutoft.Oradp England).Blacll:tatf•t a $25.J50ec'15.f'ronttorb PIGEONS -wtil~. !W9• t ctWrs, tarmtca 1up pj. MOVIE p·r 0 j e e t o r $24 . $3J PortabM Ir 'IV for PJrQ S2. .Dectric w. in ea.a.. Mas. Ma..6lm ~ andqµe coat $10. Man-s». 1951 Sportlttr tnme brown. a;peclded, Sl •a.ch. An;,ttme -.:rfllrnd. 462 E. Portable mov1e .. ~n 112 ::r'tioner: 2 voJ.~ S~ ' floor moMI ironer load DRAPES SI. T)operwritrr ne(juin tn ~ ~ $10. and l'lV wbNI SZ. 54&-029 -.st.CM 11th St. Olmt •· .....,.,._ CarTylne cue "' D~llght Upholstetec\ rocker, IOUnd, lhapt '5-T29 Lab• SL, H.B. 115. Wip \10. ~ •be AJ'ltiqGe --:no ~ DIM projectar .$10. rum RENAULT $25. Polarotd t:T· 0&4 hxlb, racordt 25c w:h. vlewerf Sl-$18 Aluminum needs cownnc ST. Portable Apt. C. 5.\6-0t03 •tG--U. 80Y• blU $'1.50. -~IJO.SS ;,.~ 11....._ edtlor, ""'Stt 8Ude.edl1ae RdripralOr W ~2905 CDRNER• .aee, •t. bladl: extruPona. 2'' X 1·1&" X 6 ft dlshwuher po. Lawnmower WONDER bota ~ 8 mm Games ol jewelry $541D. 351 """ ....... ~ ·""'......, 114. Eleclnl llide c~ UNIQUE hanlknade-"Sn· nanaab1de, 2 bid Cloucbet 75c· Travene rods $2 . .fU. $5. Power mower $2S. projector $20. 3 spee<I bike A. Avocado SL, C.M. bard b a•C k k $ ~~ '10. Pull mo... $5. Stet lift" tablet 120 • S25. True $15 uch. Corner table SS. New carrylna or wnple Bissell sweeper $2. Stove A·1 $1T. Sifwer POl'tlble $ti. FIBER drums for truh or ~ Anfque n d 1llkleT U. 1J:Urh dmlr $$. convenaUon plcn. Must .ee Rotary lawn mawtr p), cue $6. 64z.6935 $15. Kingslze H<iJlyv.'OOd bed MT~'l509 · packtnc $1 each. Crate ~ca~er hunks fy 50 0:-, PftMure c!Ooket, cal'lnlnr to appreda~. For more m. Speedte-adder $1. 0 Id • ' BRASS tea cart fUI Canary frame $4. Gaf'blge dispoaaJ WFSl'INGHOUSE oven and notebook tape n.c:.u:dtr wttll ~ Goodwill) Wooc1 tlble ST. Cirt'1 riftlr -~ size 7, forp>atlon. call 546-3149 cwch $5. p:>mer •~P llblc and' caae $8 Night 1t&nd $10 $7. 15U Ontwe Av.. ~ SS. Serv:lrw cart rxtra ~·"mike S2S. $7.50 FoJdinl. IO'ftb ,10 ..... $8. ~ Hl-FI con-GREEN ...... Juncheon •ts. 13. S'6e er cocktail table $3. F\ah, me. St6--0469 &U..fi666 $4. AJumlnum. 4, ~tep la<lder Kina able m.cir. ~ OU · ehah'-15• Colorful & lole '25. T.V. C101110ie $25. wrvb tor 30, $14. Servk:e 2 W·W tifts, 125 x 14 $2 CARPETtNG, O)'lttr co~ CX>FFEE table, w a 1 ~ u t . S4. 22 ~. ICOJ)e 117.!IO. rotislftie: °""" S25. 50-fi621. shldel ~ Nexico (utfany Wutiinc machine. Nedi fer 4, $2.1'$. Shop vacuurn each. &d Mme $2. ~ Non TltE nylon, u.ed, sood conditlof\. glus top. Beautiful. $8. Toof110c .. '2.50. D1lbes and FEMALE rabbit n. 6*a'f. ihapt) ~ , .,tel, $5 = :.t c::.m. w:' f cleantt With extn. at· . :tchtn tcM n. aothq, · ~ :'~.;:r;~J~"si~~ =RD tilanlc lD ·tlet.· ~ ,.,:.0o ioc''.·s~ ·~:,:.~ ~= ~D(:= •Guftdtl.c.N.w-P• e:~only tew ~-:a. m:,: ~ TIME FOi ,. Smollcr ·-'2·UO . -125-IMedlctnc --fl.IO. -lOc. 11, lllU Vldoria St, l>0'1m1111 '3. (_,. ..... Wl1'ER1'011E • ..._...., ~: °'"· *ltby, ::..~~ M5 Vic> 54MIB2 ca•tnel 32'/~" altdllw mtr-......, l\U':&Qao 1'ltb C.M: • ' ..-iel. S!rl"-oh I rt -(IOOd, bWll·ln l1L mtxol"""" medhmuloed, • . ""'MUSTANG .-ml·•'" ron. IJIN ocw 11L ..,.._ -ao; --, """' ,,..... $3. ~ Rollowar bed 311", U. ..,.tit lntaUi..at ,......, 5 BICYa.D th .... OlildidOO UICI Clll drive tball: lfl5 2 twin ·tim: 3 Pt:roE Al"'-ta bk, Rats $3.. Lourw-chair and ot-Al1J'OMA11C K •nm or• Urien brldp clodil ,.m IDtlllf RWN~ J 9'mlles s5 taeh. $1 .. $25. lindDdl• .... 11". Q I -and ,._. l10 lO-ll m.-.:... .,.lion toman 115. -......,. ...-121, °"' -Ill nepli!N, U. -p\c> X 1NCB i& ,.tftl . -515-11132 a " and 3 .... Ii loo . and SB ~ • small stcOons S1 nich. 6 ffll, Walnut cun hCk $4. In pod ecnlition ~mT tum $1!0. fas;n hair tie ..._ U0:. Metq .....r 3 BABY bM 1 dot l chalft 1iDlst $25. I 1'ard 15" ' :l BRONiE PmJdentill 'coln ehlJn S4 each. Firftcreen .New 81wll •W'MPlr K.BABYLiifE crlb.whlte,Slm-packacn ?(Jc. ach. 1'ft $10......,. budc$l:Cb.g~.1biefcJe ear rlmlJ-s; ••ch. THIOUBll I ' .et '8·50 2 twlvtl bar stools. $6. Gu )(lga and pte $1. }'1oor pollshtt p. Crutchn mona -ttrtu. bumper pad .tarten 50e. Brand....,_ SlNCU: mattnu S 15 ST.SO 5 pllon cement mlxtt 540-ae'l, KiD1broob t alum1 bl $6. S lk.Ua $l. ~ rnm Bell • Howt:ll $25.. Net car bed and pad UpaUclc !50c l9cb. R.nolvt~ ....., · with · motel' $1T .SO Lane · tnM $3.50 ~•ch ~ 'Vot1t ta e now pro}eci« '2$. Scret:n n.so. $2.50. ~ desk $-2 o . music.I .,.., e ••die \ new., DOUBLE bid (Bea ty Rest) DAILY PILOT Otristlnal trttl with --$10. Othtr Items. 64).T34T Girl's biC)'de $5. Radio Bathlnelte $4. Nice ad. holdtr1 13 ead\. Owiltma LONq' bmal. Iba 10, wtltl 51M'i38 m Slncle nm~ and ;:'~ i and 1 n. M • P~ 2 RED Bird caaes, la.tie lw.11 S1Ji0. Pe~lvanla lawn justab~. ~ torm. alie a, CM'd• !value• ta fl.Sil •$3 matchlrc shots. "-7li, 3 SPEED nd,. btke tn p:id .irw $1), i..~ 'S. type "SlO ~ach. Stands ~ moWU" $25. t'Ml1-American butt 36 • o $3. Blobrl wtc. per. tJcgc, oblons •ntl~ bol.h ''Orn onc;e m, (i111t1, qm4ltbt SlJ. Meaa Htrh Dlnl!w chain I •t .SS°' WANT~• 11JUS:-New 700.J4 W.W. tach. l larp a-v I a r y lamps Pl. *lilil tablta anci IOOj QI. Bar rt~rator, ma.ntJi~ •. ST. f l . $10. Ktatane cabinet, "lU. !Auerman'1 swe.aler $9. tor an. Ooctstonat dll1r :..," C'.ooc!7nl' m Good mt• lttdtrs. 11.aa f r o n t • , bookcue SIUiC1 etch. Desk uctlltnt condluon s 2 5. Conftdm,tt ~. St. MW $5. Trawr.. rodt $2 56-1614 Eltctric .bta-.n. 2. . ifo' J'bttklflrt SS.Good Motorola painttd $2 and $3. Alto wtl h tamo Sl& 8ookl tOc . SlmwtletorUe polnt kitten, Pop •Pl'ON' p. J'nnch ftC'll. MW19) AUTOMATIC wuhef, J..1 Dlctlic i.a no. ~La..,; car r.tlo. I wl. U1 other small Cf.Pl S1 and up. 20c. Telhtf baJi Mt fl. ~ f • m • J •, 5 m .o n t b '• berttl $1. 300 Cedar It,. SIAMESE llltttlll. f weeb Cl:lf1dttlcm as, Llwn moww mowtr S5J ke cb1iat. fladc' U• ~ 114M1• ~ KaJWtutDr....HJl.81:1-llSI.. --·IJO.-Ne--..... U.1'11§W.110tac.v. U.114M112 ft£"'WI W • . ..=.;;.:;;..;;:;;;.,.. ___ , 1 D!YLV 'ILGT s.-. ..., 17, 1"9 TA TA'TIOM TATICll&-. TllANSPOITATIOlt TIWCSPOITATIOiil ,!'!P!' • ....,_•_Y_odt_l• __ fOllO_ -c.,....,., 9*Mlnt 1911\00 ms c.,,,.., """'"" ';122 ,...,,,,... -HOO lmf!l'IM -HOO FIEE' MUST S.U :16 _, '-l TAOO --.-1 --'9 ~~ , •• _ .... • -"""--...... -· lli)L ••••• -··-~ •' • .... .. Prfy rtJ' 60-4SM ~ Sac::rillL, .... ' I 'I ' ' Now -. "tr J ... lie ......... CIM-21. CABIN CniJou, ~I dill•~ ' :. "=7 M."t., It-;;;(,.. W Qo. St~:"t. ""-:;: OUved to ~~le dl!Jon. lll'bo f1f!Y ....W.1;;_:_; .• .. ,_· -~· .... --175-lUJ-at. "1 the Balboa ~ .. ,.,,, ..... m-!IQ8 ' < , J!!: . 1 0..... .. loo "21 ... -· I 2W11W!o5 Squadnln llartinf • I d ~ -.., 'M HONDA • ' !!·.::;; , ~ ••="•""":;;=J;;=l""'=I P.M. 'Moftdq 'JUMP" -• "llO •• p ..... ;· .,..i -'lli llpi -~ -~.ewt --TOY01A 2. Newport Harbor 1,. <;UJl'Oll -. 15 l.:p. ttloo. 'fll ,.. ~ .,.._ • aU --"' to 1a _., ~ .... ,.. Yacht Club, 'I'll) West .,.....,. • :J>oikr. n..1 o1. 0'11 ..... <:30 ,.. · 'xJnt """"· 'Bodi ,.._, ... _ MG -.... '17 TOYOTA BayAvo .• ~ewpoit ..,.,.....,.. • -~NMlSl'.,-i=~~--~ -:= ---ceroo..•Doer B<acll: Eorol~·•lDUNE .._ """" FIAT clus. For additional -Mot-..e. 9033~'!1~-~ "80. '""'""'~~ , · 01o1coo1'!i.ci:':1<1malie. information p bone MARINE JI 11: 1n1 en an c e conetr, fully 9"td. II: lS'' trwlllXel $150. ....,. 67 Flat ISO Ceupe TRJOlT. 675.o467 or 673-1855 woodwol1ci ~t 4 vatnisll· wbla,, botb mlot coad. '89 540-1481l . . Black exterior I: illterior. 4 21' ChrJiCavalier quail!)' ·weft. reu. ra~. Llc'1,' Firm 5e-Zl35 * VW D.UNE BljGGY '* , ~ dlr, prullp 1'-1 '65 Twin 195·~ 60 hrs. ~ '69 l8lcc UODAKA dirt bU1e, Mo.vi1'1 .. Must ~U! whedl. Pire11' titts. SIM Briatol °'""'""" SlOO ========I ~ ...,,., -"""'' llf)O-* ~ , ~ dda .. .-....... WW to<low book. u;,....,1 ftlorlne lqul,., 9035 c:IO, .~ In 'Xlat cond. MODEL A Dune u._ !or &'ll fi'i:r ~.;.!:" ~,?e: JOHN V BARR • f9ft'7324 ~ 6 pm ..ie or trade. . • __ ,,.or.,_.._ Marine 0Q11tre MERCURY Propg. ~ HP to HONDA 350 OIOPPm *-f46.3ll88 ""* '61 ~ 8'0 SPIDER Oceanside H • Cal 12D Jn_>. Filhlnl: .eatl and LOTS OF OIROKE l1l.A, E. 211t· St. 11<; ~ •. ::W°".''~U:::...~~ · 1395. ......,., 51).,1488 !~• Aul• · · 'NOCI Oleta -. CoUL 1-------1 ... -1 td 1 .., ... YAMAHA lll'Dlrl B1lm -... .... ROMEO JAGU $139,, TOYOTA DAVID L. ·l'RASER driw tnNm'·-OP ID 1flfl .,..,, ....... extru. Sl'IS or,_......., __ .. _""-';,,;,.;;=;.._ ·~-~ .. __ A.._R __ 27' Khw enn,;, Sloop HP. Alrplde lnstrllmenta, -o11 .... '9<-5'1S2. , . '. $ SA YE $ .. lmmac~:·=tlon! ~ wheel a and '61 HONO~ Ito. Ownll9d ~~A~o-am-JAGUAR Ea:ecvtlw Cir Sale Can: Oluck Awry ~blln. con tr o l 1 4: Uret. Muctt chrome! Xtrii :;,in-'31.' $1515. ~ dlr.,. Hurry Whtie Thty L1ttt ""VIa ()pan•. Newport :,. Pum~ ~ _,.,L:wo-14110ona .., ALFA -"Print XKE's "'. l 613-5252 • 4M.391& Evts. acelorie. Ai1 new: S.crltice. 1968 SUZUKI 120 CC ic:o.tpt, new valves, bf'llka, ..... a...:' I lll!!!'l!~~~""!!!!!""!!!! I 5&os.1o • Bearcat. 2,UXI miles. Ex-J'ted, Xlnt. ms. l'l'3:3US •• 67 2 + 2. 4 speed chrome t4llt. UlllO 30' QIRIS Cran, ll.pelntke, '57 EVINRUDE l'i hp . ~nt.CX>M. ~. 536-1816 . . . wheels, AM-FM radio, spot. ~-~ •• ,,· ... Qy.:...~~~ ~nlly cvemauJect. Good 67 Rtvtl'Ude Motorcycle: A••nN i~ , IHPOOTS -·~ -"-~ ... ~, rond 50 CC. X!nl eond. Only $8ll. , .... • · • TOYOTA·YOLYO Grut Marlin fi&hlng boat . '* 96Z-3831 * M2--1!125 AUS'IJN eooPef S, 'jm ce,' '66 Racin11lRed . Llkt new. 1966 Harbar, C.M, &t6-93Q.1 S<.uthwlnd Marina de BILL M XEY Tmninll bland, No. G 32. OUTBOARD Motor, San '68 Honda DI, 1iloe "'"• ....,, an, gioo, FiralDm -, • . A 213: ffira...3434 E1P 2 HP, Less than 50 900 mila. make ofter! !1'1ttl. 499-«IOB '65 .llorlz:on blue. AD extru. 23' c.c. Good bull, -hrs_ Top Q>nd. $40. 61541119 *Call 96>.11Jl * 'AUsnN HEAUY .. o·or o·ATSUN IT~~ITIAI .....,.,, Nol -tna """' NEW PERKINS DIESEL. .. Mato..--93JO · · ' '!' • • -· """'-Hd ~ bait tank. Good 1D7. :i..1 w...,... ' 1• a r. • 'f1 HEALEY Cl !u1J . · 1... I ILVD. &bing boat. First $300 Crated. $1700. 114: 8i"9-S044 RABBrr sem. S co c te r . 'equip pvt "pucy a.n. 211 ~ lA15 Beac:b Bhd. H""t. leech. 147 ... 5SJ takes. m...zm f)ftway approved. Jl'l:illy I ~ Dr NB.· sa..t43& Hun~n Be&ch 3 mt. N. or o..t RW)'. on Bcb Bolf.. ;r ICht .automatic. Petfect cond. dt 6 pm ' . Ml-Tm 5«J.OfC2 Sollbooll 9010 Charle,. 90H -· 1"" N•wport BMI, · YELLOW .,. Jq_ >.i 8 VOLKSWAGEN s..,. No.12, C.M. BMW b 'W I iv PS PB ·1' 1965 WESJWINO Sl N NEWPORT HARBOR c rm • • '65 VW CAMP 13. 18' all fibergbw.°:fi ne~ CRUISE Auto Services owner. Sil50. ~t cond. ER 16 0 0 fittings ' lines. 247 sq. fl In your own yacht, 6 pag & P1rh 9400 '68 BMW 1600. AM/FM ;,543-0360==-;=c----=-En;lnr, v::n1 u.11 arr.a! 300 lb. mun-Lic'd/fm'd, res 64&9Cnl ~ tape. SUnl"oof. Xlnt JAGUAR XKE coupe '6S, ="""=-=°'-"'"="-~ tttboard.Jcttl, inc I u des BLUEWATER CHARTERS 396 CHEVY CORE cond. 6fS.3334 white, 31,00 ml, wire wbll, 1964 VW Convertible. Eng. • ._ 673-"*.,.. n!Cently overhauled. $795. ll'aile•, all sail&. 11> HP n• Tn>Jan, Power Bnt oflu. 642.<oll CITROEN -· ·-546-1969 aluminum outboard le run-26' Thunderbird, Sall -="°"=-~-=-°""' !ighlL -,,. 2. Bii S!dppu avail-646-0000 Troller, Tro~ 9425 MERCEDES BINZ 1965 VW Conwroble. enough to eo to cataUna -195.1 Citroen 1n tood Xlnt coodition. Orig. owner. Small enou;ab to afford! Da,y CAL 24 fer CHARTER LUXURY ' :I>' Trawl trlr. nmninc eondltiGD *9'&-251'7* 835-8Sl)Night642-229fi. $25 ::&-~.wk. E.qulp 'd w/ evaytbinc. e sc.-O'J83 e Located in Newprt Beach. Mu.tt 8!e to apprecla~. ____ _ smi. 0cean Rad>• ...,.-CORnNA VW Bui:, "'!'·, en&ibe, new tires I: bl.ttery, Need1 body work £: paint $595. 645-anO TllANSPOltTATIOM TllANSPOllTATION FIE SELEalON • ' OP P EVIOUSLY OWNED ~ UTOMOBILES 'II ELDORADO '68 CADILLAC CALAIS coun Full powor, foct. •ir, I 11111•&, lilo blMo w/d,,t i11t. No. G&llJ110 54725 '66 CADILLAC SIDAN 01 YILLI Full powor, foct or,, 1111rt•o11 w/iil1ck •i11yl top. ltSI( ''' s3399 '67 LINCOLN COUPI • F11ll .,,.,.,, f•ct olr, lo•tli•r f11t, YiftYt ftip, "''fl ..... /toil i11t. TPXlls3297 . '66 OLDSMQllLE CUTWI $upt•lll• t-lolid1v Cpo. 6r1011 ...,fblock "'ilY,I lop, foct 1lr. SYN 160 $2146 '67 MERCURY CAPll ? Doo,, whlt1 w/bloct •i11yl top. u•• 11owl One ow11•r. n•w cor wo,,onty. UJC IS& $1705 . ALLEN OLDSMOBILE -CADILLAC 1150 SOUTH COAST HIGHWAY1 LAGUNA BEACH • 494-1084 547-3103 IOI MOllOW • •21 Yrs. Auto l•pe1 ..... • LIYsll In Haf'W ArM • for 9 Ynrt. a •May Is The• : Month Fdr: • Traclingl : •we •e offerlttt bola •allowances OR c1 ... • oiltOd• • 1 .. durl09 ,,.... ·'-.,.,.. . • BEFORE YOU • • • l!UY • Clleck Our : : Savings • • YOU 'CAN'T • • BEAT THEM 1 : ANYWHERE : . . : • OUR O~EL PRICES• • START AT • ~ s1777: • ORDll YOUIS • [.•---T~O~D~A~Y~I __ ,. SAILORS' DELIGHT '1oat Stor? 9048 '69 PROWLER. IB'. Fully -----~--~· FIBERGLAS SLOOP BOAT STORAGE sell-cont Xblt cond. $2300 161 ,ORO CORTINA GT $ttfJ11 4, run plley, ideal Sail or pawn up to 20' Fenc-6t6-23Cfi .f speed, pogitivdy like brand '65 vw Poncbe chrome wheels $l(OJ •. "6-"196 ------- lniporlod A-9600 VOLKSWAGEN lmpon.d Autos • 9600 • llAND NEW '69 IUICK $2444 . • • • • for local ooean sailing, auto ed yud. Newport Bayfnmt. new. (BEEM!> $1395 full pilct, many custom featur-Monthly rate11 include •. , Trucks 9500 prict. Bank .financing. Con. ea. See this attractive sail Use of Hoist ncU Oievrolet 2821 Harbor boat DOW! Pricrd to seO Launchlng WANTED: ~2 lG-wheel Blvd .. Costa Mesa, 5t&l.203 ~-Call Anthony'& ddi~tlomp tzuck1 ·.··, _,lth jo'°b"' Ardell Yacht Brokr:Mi 839-~l n. pre era Y w • DATSUN 2101 W. Coast Npt 642.S735 * 837 .. ]753 * l-::c-:--~.,.-i,.,-,-.,-,..,--I Al.cr1ft 9100 '6lOIEVY % Ton Pano!,.,. DATSUN Price Cut $10,000 ER~ .. -TA.. ..L """"·· ""',,.,,,,,... • SUP ~-~. ,_ -1695. 543-367'1 '61 PICKUP $1615 cover, comple~ en1tne•1,.:;;;:~~;,;:.,==-~ 4 •Pffd Lie# VWV561 OCEAN RACER 39'~ns Wheel, A/pUo~ 10 ...,, ePAQFIC YACHT SALESe 3'46 Vla Oporto, N.....,. 213: 597.-114: mrnu CORONADO 23 IS HERE! $3195 NOW ON DISPLAY New Sabota rtarttrw at S26S 2912 W, Coat Highway Newport Beach 645-000 15.5' COLUMBIA 1S clus fbll• center board sloop. Saila I: trlr. Lapworth design; tll!:ak brightwork. Must adl t;ll&l 646-4732. LIDO 14 Trlr, COVll!:r, 2 sett aaill * ""' * TOMCAT BOATS 2614 Npt BJvd, NB 675-2400 WINDMD.J. class sloop with trailer. xlnt oondlUon. $450 or belt olfn'. Zimmer m<l9TI "' 540-3tl'lO ""'"'8ul. C-"3tr P. Ca ''1 FORD I> IDn Picl< Up-'67 SEDAN $1:195 .:u;,;tnde;:::· O'J3.4!l11;;=:==='f !Gond!!:!~ro~nd~·~N~e~w~lhort~~-!!'!.-·I Near ~. Uc ~ -_ $499. 545-1959 or st0-1088 "" " " .,,.. u-"le H-.. 00 ,61 RANCllERO '664WdrAAIJGON ~~5 -==~c.-=·-·----•'--• Au tom at l c trammialon, · ex ...... -Uc # SQV55.1 MOBILE HOME radio ......... 5'0-l05! '65 PICKUP $1195 . '66 EL Camtm-w/Gem top. Llttle woridlane. $10,000 ~= ~~~ p/1 . IJc # NMW452 1956 CHEV. Sli!p Vim $650. I .-! • .-OR-675-3529. :m Iris, CdM Lra1U $35,000 JMps 9510 TOTOT ... YCXYO 'llOUSEI '65 JEEP '· C.M. ....9303 , '69 DATSUN C:Ome in today and aee lwt· J.300 Pick-Up. 6 ~ 3 ipctd. Bi& sedan, 96 llp, overhead ury Uvina at down to earth Runs: good • drives like • cam enc., dlr, t spd, ndiQ, prlcts. Especially now dur-truck. R2865T heater, wsw tirll!:a, Joe.ded1 ina: cur clearance &ale on $695 DX1 Miles, under fa.dory on display moc1e1.t-1bey're JOHNSON & SON """""'· "" "fine. 11715. prletd to Rll lmmedil.tel.y. . Take f1S cash deb, or older Parkl available 1n all attu Linooln-Mercwy ear. LB YNW 087, Call BW B•y Hirbor 1941 Harbor IDvd, 6t2-'mi0 ~9773 er 545-0634 Mobile Home 511•• WILLY 'S waaon. 4 w/d, 6 '68 DATSUN lliOO Fairlady 1425 Baker St. cyl, wn hubs, 42M mllea. Spart. 10,UXI miles. Orii % blcck East nt Harb!r mvd. Trlr hitch $1095. 60-M32. ·owner. Bronze, blk interior. MGB _l ~rlllP lll I )I 11111,11 , ., 3100 W. Cout Hwy, N.B. sc.90i 5'0-1'7M Authorized MG Dealtr ·m MGB, BRG ext. B1k Int. wire whal, o/drtw, RJH. Orii ownr nlilXI. 543--1590 OPEL on Baker Sl, 150. Contact 6'1l>-3.104 aft 5 Costa Mesa cn4) 54GS470 Recre•t'n V1hiCI• 9515 PM '66 OPEL VENTURE 17 Nrt,y new, all ertru $17!15 TOlitCAT BOATS 2'14 Npt Blvd, NB 675-2400 1968 13 ' SA ILBOA T w/trailer. Like new, bl!lll offtt. -DRIFTWOOD H.B. TRAVCO Stetion W•gon Fadng goU '°""'· 3 bed· Fam;ly Wogons . EN GUSH FORD Loaded, 4 •pd, dk, d1o< roof room, bath, built-ins, tarwe A CAMPERS DElJGHT I-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. rack, blue exterior & inter- patio &. garage. Owner Jl.tov. Rent by the di.)' week, orl• iot. ti15 Dela • take pymnts ed: Jl.iust sell! Will carry month, ttltlJOf'.ll.b~ rates. ORANGE COUNTY'S ti36.86 mo., UlSMG 416· can balance aftt'r down payment S•ddl11Mck Dodv• VOLUME ENCLISH Bill f9.S-.9173 or 54&-063-t 548~ or 6~'1342 'I 1401 N. Tustin Ave. FORD DEALER •213 • 597--3.500• '68 • 12 x 60, 2 BR, 111 BA, 547-9311 SALES. SERVICE appliant"es, carpets &: ========I '69 MOQELS PORSCHE KITE Ne. 651 1969 Model ti825 • 636-4100 * drapes. awn i n R' 1 & C•mpert 9520 lmmediate delh,.l'J' s k Ir ts. HuntiT11lon-by-the.J ;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 LARGE SELECJ'ION 'SS SPEEDSTER 1S0 0 . Pttf.ect overall cond. $1500 or best after. 54J-..5.569. PORSCHE • 'li6 !112, 5 ...... Xl111 condition. Extru! Sea. Adult section. 549-0067 I• Theodore WANTEDo Mobile homo lo CAMPER ROBINS FORD 26' SLOOP Ptlrpoiae. Slpa 4. X!nt cond. ~nt with cption to buy, 51111 • Rtnftll Have own lurnlture. Beach Authorized Dealer 2060 1-larbor mvd. '"""" area prefe~. 2 2 O 2 4 % Ddnradc • Four Winds SUBARU IJOO 14, ~ sall1 :I isel.!!, s. Jl,faln, Ton-ance. Scotmlan . Barracuda 962-4i26 aft 6 pm. Cell& r.tesa 642-0010 ="".;,.;~;· X!nt rood. MOBILE hom• l0x50, ..... ,. Cabov,;;, Low A• '67 CORTINA Slibarv of CoRf. cond. Xlnt k>ca.tion, adu1ta 1600 • 4 speed • ndio. Low HOURLY RENTAL.S only. 2 1torage Medi & 1'.fodel # 600 mileqe. The de lux model lnc .--Rttall Div. * Rhodes 19'1 * · av.'lrlnp. 842-8147 Theodore v.i lh bucket" l'C&ts. WF\1196 $1297 POE Fuo Zono Boot Co •. Bl!boa VERY Cl•an 10, 50 Skylin< ROBINS FORD . $1350 Opt oquip l.10, "";chi 114.50 M"1'CALY, no . 65. X!nt '°"' •ilh lutl• c•bona. Compl 2060 .ltarllor Blvd. JOHNSON & SON llandllnc 149, Del, l1390.50 dltion. $400. ' Call ews or wilh 1klrlina £: carport &. Cblta Mesa • 642-0010 . + Tu and License ~ 67}-0644 patio awninp. Call ~2081 Uncotn-Mercury ltXXI W, Cs! Hi~. N.B. APACHE SABOT $12S = DBL. Ex ••• d.. DAILY RENTAL ~l:"94l"'H"'arbo""';' lll="'=· ='6Q.""'7ll50;;;;==-====*=M<>ml;;:;;~= OtlJ ~ or wkndg 67J.OOl4 redecorated, new .¥ water * Lllll or Rent* Jm--...a Autos -CAT ~ deoan tank, dra.,_ &lJ' cooler. v ·-~·-Al::::'....,:::::'.':::::'.-:::::'.~"·:::::'.--'"-'===...:.:=:_-'c::;;;. • • ......,, • "'-,..., .-fl!IO-. W m• NB ans, camper1, Ph.a"I"" J1)womAa vel Extru. s:&roJ ._.ce ...._ · ""'"" cory crul8el'll motor homs 991. ac .._ 11(1!93..lOlt I ' x 36' Mobile Home. Slde 1na, walk Um.ts, lhelll. 2'' AUX S1oop. Top cond. Spotleu. Fuml•bed. Adu1ts, available at reduced pricea. Dael. Ne1¥POl't 1llp avail. no pets. Opp. P I a 1 a . Alk about cur family J*Y· Call ~ 536-1674 ment plan. 'LASTREND SOLING JOx<G I BDRM, xlot oond. S•ddlo Bock Dedt• Available 6 v.·eck.~ Crpll, drp1. l'ltJm flWJlk, 1401 N, Tu~tin Aw.. SCHOCK. Newport 673-2050 JG60 Whitti"r /\\~ No. 9, 547·9311 C.M. Rtnt_A_c.-m-... -,--HOBIE CAT -xlnt P¥Jd· Rtd ~. bl11e MU~aikr sum. 673-4984' 77' X 8' MAYFLOWER. '55 * CORY CRUISERS * model ·&. av.•nlng. S700. Rent by the da,y, wttk, er ~=~·~...._"'",;;;;.'-*~~~I month, Rffson.able ntes. '64, llblSfl. 2 BR I<> .,..,.. 1dull Saddloback Dootto park, oopts, drps, arui-turn, 1401 N. TuJllh A\~. $31!i). -""-547-9311 Mini llktl 9275 <XlAOI • TRAILEI\ RENTALS It'• none too urty to mall:t S Nu Dae. + 115 l'f) ~ PRICED to ..u• s hp 1963 ..-atlona tar ~ Hi>L . $4Z50. "°"" De"'1 · Tl'all bike !di»! -Yadot 211: 597-5568 112:>. $ ho lll68 ...... u WEEK-END....:i ftEKLY _. CABIN' . twin l>f-atrt 'Jl"alJ bike, SUO, ===.,,..==o--'""" Grl)'fl 2 ~ dkl 675--0625 IDEAL tar ~-1oo pldQ,p, I f1 ' -~755 camper, slttps 4, '69S ind .• bl\!I ~1 -· '6' BONANZA l!odaka 100 butane tank A: camper • INBf«rfboal'\S 17' Joh/'111. cc:. In WIJTallty, w/Qtrb. jlckl. &»-1949 SEASPORT l.J) hp. roP or Xl11t cond. Alk'I $2SO. WW I ' CABOVER. C&lif CamPtt ' .,..._ tradl' ror tarser b I k e . f'Ull1 tqWPPf!d. SD. SOCK 11'1'0 W I Ml-65tl ewt. • eo.n• .... 1 TOY OTA' WE ARE ONLY #2 'SO WE TRY HARDIR FOR YOUll ''69 TOYOTA f, • .,; $1770 4Yz% BAllK flWClllG VflTH 15% DOWN 0.Af•••• .... C... 48 MO. IANK FINA,NCING AVAILAILE WI NllD YOUll TllADI INI LIASIQ ATAILAIU DEAN LEWIS • IHPORTS6'6·9303 ~ TOYOTA-VOLVO 1961 HARIOR, C.M. VOLKSWAGEN WHEN YOU SEE THESE 75 BEAUTIFUL a ·uGs Chick l'IWHft canMt Mii tlrM ~UIL Hz 11 authorlzsll not to. Mattsr of fact ha chM:kl •M rechac:kt hi• u...i ors. hncl1 t'*" threugh .vthorlud clinic where tht:y tt't th•t f1movt 16 i*nt chM:k.up •rMI any rzP11lr1 nssds4. Thzn ha chsckl -"" rM:hsckl ttt.m •pin •IMI th9" tu.II wh.at? Hz put them In ths ,...,1 ( P.J. If t lvt If '" tlrsiil N malr.1 you hippy,,. Hz 1•ts soJtl te anetftsr doalzr) '66 GHIA c..,. Yoll1w with atloc• l11tor. lor. Showt •xHll•nt c•ro. So 11it• 011 fhe r••d. lo- tlio I ho•fer, lie, No. YPSl?l. $1699 '68 VW ..... 11111 with off.wlllto 1l111- 11l•tod \'illyl roof. ll:o4io a ho•t.r. y~, ow" 4;,. ti11•ti•o Uttlo cir. l ie. N•-VZT022. $1899 '62 PORSCHE ''" c..,. This cor 1howt p•n•n•I· i1.d (ltO. W1 fo•I lh•f it wilt t i•• t r••! own•r ••l- i1foct:o11. Hurry/ l ie. No. IPV2•7. $2899 '68 vw .......... l•d with black int•rior. lco11o"'ic:1I 111mm•r fun c•r. lt1iio a h1otor. E ... tro roo111 fot t id41•• a p1t1. l ie. No. VTUS44. $2299 '66 vw 1Us ' Sull'lll•• fun for fho 011- tiro foll'l ily, C•rnpl•t1ly oq11lppod. lodio a hoot- or. Drl•11 ft••'· lie. No. AVl 172. $1899 '68 vw D1 .. 1.,.,. l uilt fro111 •II n•w ''I m1cho11lc•I p1rh. l11gi111, tro111miu lo1t, 1l•ori11f, OJll , otc. All llOW CO'"· P6flo11h wh111 0110fllblo4. 11'1 c11l1. l ie. N•. WCY 970. $2399 '66 PORSCHE 912 c..,. l1h•111• vollow w I th bl1c• inlorior. Chroltl• who1!1 -XTRAS -low onilo1g•. R1dio I-h••l•r. 6·~ ll'lil•1t1 ii f'•Of Oii thi1 mod.I. lie No. SIA 125. $4399 '67-vw ..... Gro111 witll confr•tl•nq i11t.rl1r, rotlio a h1otor. l1011tifvl ori9inol c•r. Como in ind f•d ~ltl•o this c•r. Uc. No. UJHIM. $1699 '66 vw _._, lo!91, Ilic• ifll•rior. Th:1 h tt!o Top of Ou• l ino. Ori••• II•• a 4ro•"'· ~ •• dis . ,,.4 h•olor. l ie. No. SQL 22' $1699 . 445 E. Coast Highway At Bayside Drive, Newport leach 549-3037 °" 673.()900 ' Q0 ~~!!!!!!1.1!~~~~~'.:':~~:.·o._-.. -------. .. .. --~ ·-_ _,_::.: ~~~-=-~· =~$~--'-· ---~,----------------:: . ----------- • • • ORDER YOURS TODAY I POOLE'S FINE USED CARS '66 DODIH '66 IUICK • • • • • •w.ldcot 4 door. Foc+.ryl l•ir, •uto., pow•r 1to1ri11f,8 .RlH. ISVX 0861 I • $2395.· • • '66 TEMPEST • ' •c111tom cp•. R&H, •wt. .. • I P.S., foctory oir condtti.fi·I 1 tag. ISTDl77) W • $1595 • • '61 CADILLAC • •s.d. o.vn1 •. Full p•w•r.,1 afoct. oi•. IHXS 7421 • $095 •--'=-----.. 1 • '66 THUNDERllRD • Focfory 1ir coni. F1111 pow· •1r, •i~vl top. XLV 491 I : $2795 • • • '65 SKYLARK • 1 4 ci r. A11!0111atic, powo'll tl1•riftq, r1dio, h11t.r . l l RGV4141' • : $1395 • I '61 MUSTANG 1 •Radio, l>•ol•r, l 1pood.1 l !WTAOl ll • $1995 • •--""-----• '65 CHRYSLH I 1 N,w Yorlr•r Cp•. Full p-.1 F1cfory oir cent!. MHA 114 : $1795 • • • • f/>-00& BUICK •T M( IU IC ~ co~ ... IR I COSTA MESA • " • • • • • • i •• •. • • • • • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I' • • • .. -........ .--. ••... '&< ":' .. • .•.. , .: .... ~. t; ·' •a ,\ J<tc 1-..• ·' •~• .eew •H s•v 01 •• •>> = 1•11ee ;;: ~' '* ; P .. ., •• e ::we . -------I ~NSPOllTATION TRA __ NS_l'O_ll_T_A_T-'ION'"--TllANSPOllTATION TllANSl'OllTATION •me .... ""'" -,.,, ...... ....._ -~ c.,. "'° .._ w-'700 A~ L~ ~-W!SWAGIN vouccw.AGIH ''2 ALPINE, -.... -n PAY . -. """"TDIE! ,, c;._ 'I' -.,,.._ -"· v CAS.H '-·-.. ··-, .. YW'a --QI -' • -____ ._ 0 1-n~ -vw.c1un ....... H1 . Cal Jlr. ,.._ ....... l ......... ""'-but bu,_.. -Anll .... C'-Mii -Dolall - .. U llOWM-wodL s. .. 1«11, J>rioo. l'IZ5. roRD uoo -~ ... --6 -""' tlMlllO "'MLCIS * • nlOI, Call Wrl.225. , Rwt tr. body, Nbl~ ca0 • t:ir ht ___. " J'ont AlllllartlM -111na1....,.,.. . 6ROIH OIVIOIET ...... - title, N 2 )'I', ~<Q;I 'IS vw rm Sedan~ Red. ,,"°°=,.,-==.;===I Th11•1r1 111 ...,....r · Avon oo1y •• SfA!<I """"'°'· New 1.00 .... c.ra. RMs "20 ..... ,.. Sala ... ..._ ROllNS FORD· & M MOTORS -""la; -· belia, • 11111 ---. -~~ --Ouden ~·Blvd. Low mllet. Xlnt o>nd. M"" ·~_,Wl'NY 2 Dr. 311 cu in K--• M lWW -· -at -DUO& ..U 1995 _... '°'' Oller. u... . .,.., n ..., MaJmr --,,;·c..cKl;;...:..Nm:;;""---O.t& M• ......,.0 OPEN l!UNi>AY -.... Sic -euii, 1rt • · " LIASI " . ... GHIA. -... W/ • '58 vw Bua ...... , c • 0 ..... ..,.., WE PAY CASlf "''cad OIV, ~ .... air, wbt liitJ.. a.rm whll, le.ta> aOod: condition, new ttrn Saerifkt':_,'6511~ IO-lOM. ~Aft • ·15,500 ml. $139 per mo. mt "'""""""' Mm .... , 642-6832 3 pm <All MMDl8........ FOR YOUR w· 'II Oldt Delta ...,,, .. _. dr,' Muet Sell $1150 f irm Johnny. HT; air, $122 per mo. Stl ....... at CdM m:wJ VOLVO '41 FORD ""'"" 371 Olds CONN"'' '61 ro..s LTD,' dr, lIT, 'fi \fW l 'Bug" Lt blue-grey Hooker headen:. 6 -t w o ~ air, $69.5e ptt mo. Int. Many Ex.;.., MW.I VOLVO ''""'· $l00. """ '6-""5 CHEVROLET SOUTH COAST CAlt LEASING SIU! f75..2ThT alt 6. Ask for 2821 Harbor Blvd . ~. ~-ta ~-aM! ~-300 W. Cit Hwy, NB 645-2182 ~-NEW IM Autoo W1ntad 9700 ~ --- '65 VW Perfect cood. Oean, & WIO •- '"""1, '""" •Pkn. AMI NEW llOO ~~ ~.. _, Utad C1rs_ FM ndio SUOO, 673-4615 eves ..,,.,,.v ~.uomu -------1 2!'1d1Dohrdluetaoincmfw NOW ON DISPLAY TOP 11 BUYER Yoar Volkswqa • Pancbt '56 GMC P/U, '63 Ford 1ta 1967 vw 150e eng. AM/FM " L BILL MAXEY TOYotA • PQ top dollara. Paid tor wag, S3l'.IO ea. Both cood radio. \Yht w/ blk deluxe eGlt l.llJiA a.·S:: a.di i:v:7-e or not.67].)j9Q ~~in& cond. 559 Hamilton, int. $1650. Xlnt c o n d . 61W26l IMPORTS BUSIESI' mari<etpl&c< In -. ,68 VW SUNROOF • town. The DAJL X PILOT IS YOUR AD IN Q.ASSI. 90% restored. call after 6, TOYOTA·YOL'fO Qassifted section. Save FIED'! Someone will .be (TI4) m.:265.1 rh. WW $1695 aft s ~984 1966 Harbor, ·CM. 6't6-9303 money, time ·11 effort. Look looking fr It. Dia.I 642-$711 ...;.c.;;_c;-'------1 White elephants! Dime;a.Jine DAILY Pll.OI' WANT ADS! now!!! ' White Elephants? Ntw C1n . 9100 New C1rs 9100New C1fs 9100New C1n 9800 New C1r1 THEY'RE ROLLIN Ci • FORD OUT THEY GO! IMMEDIATE DELIVERY SPRING DEMONSTRATOR SALE! 1969 MUSTANGS e 1969 WAGONS 1969 THUNDERBIROS e 1969 LTDs 1969 FAIRLANE.S It ;, our poli cy to ch•n9s oYr 1t•ff ci r• •'Ary 6 fl'lllllth1 Cor 6,000 fl'lils1l in otd1r to pft1 Ort cls11t frHh Clrt t. •ur cu1tomsr1 st I • ' -, BONAFIDE SAVINGS Off9f ll r .,ftcl ,._ c.,. ff HM! FULL YA.LUI fOl YOUl Tl.ADI-I .. ! _ ll You Haven't Been Alale To Rncl The Color, Etc. That You Want On Your NEW MAVERICK •• ~ ' ALL ltEMAINING 1961 SHELBY GT1 NOW AT ACTUAL FACTORY INVOICE . TR.Y US! TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS N•w ....... 11 c.,. ptt __. tftet ... M Ntelled .t wltoleMI• .. tk-p11rt- 1k. hat "9 4"1.n •• "'-old.,. cert. SAVE!! 1966 BUICK LE SABRE Full pow1r, f1ctorv sir. 2 Dr. H.T. ( RPMl!)Ol ~O % down or tr•ds. $1595 PULL ' $56 '" lO PllCI Mo1tfts 1968 CHEVROLET MALIBU- 2 or. H.T. VI, sulo., PS., R&H IWPCIJ ll 20 % down or tr•.11. $2195 ~~tt. $59 ':..:! 1967 MUST.llNG HARE>TOP- Cp •. Full¥ squipp:.i, 1uloM1lic. CTXU 1511 20 % down or !r1d1. $1595 ~~r't, $46 Per Jl 114.,.tt;s ---~~==-· ---1962 CHEVROLET Va-TON Pick11,. 6, 1ts111l1td lr1r1•., squippod. CJl•· 411 I 20% doWfl or tr1d1. $695 PULL Pl lCI $29 ~.:.: Al most • dozen 1968 Ford Cu>- tom Costa Mesa Patrol cars to choose from at· fantastic s1vin9s. Interce ptor performa nce ! 1968 FORD V-1 4 dr., 11110., powsr 1tseri119, retl!o & he•'•'· !En9. No. 8JSl2141670l. $1795 ~~~~. $49 :.-...: 1966 DODGE ,CHARGER VI, sut0Jr11iic, P.S .. losdscl. IXUMJJ41 201. down or tr1ds. $1695 ~~~. $58 ~..:.: 1967 CHEVROLET HAROTOP lmp1!s. 4 01. VI , ulo., PS., ,;,, RI H. IUKU 157 1 20 '1. downor trM1. $1795 ~.'2. $49 '::'..! 1964 FORD GALAXIE 500 Sid. Vt, sulo .. R&H, P.S~ •Ir cencl. COMM 3391 20% dowr1 or +rstls. $696 ~.'t, $31 ~ 1964 CONTINENTAL TAX ltEFUNO DUE? Full powsr, sit, low 111ils1. l l1ck s1t1rior. WHY WAIT? !ULF7791 20% dowr1 or trsd1. BUY NOW -PAY LATER $1595 ~~~~I $55 ~-;..:: I.UY PINANCtN• AYAILAILI USl!D C.Al i ALI PIUCIS t:FPICTIYI 41 HOUIS UNLUS PllYIOUSLY SOLD .All P.AY MINTS FIGUl lD OM AmOYID llDIT PLUS TAX I UCIMH "o=~ OPEN SUNDAYS "o-~ _ _,,_ 1IUCK • CAMPER SUP£t • CBITER PICKUPS TO HEAVY DUTY TRUCK SPECIAL NEW 1969 F·I 00 PICKUP Fl srs1!ds. I fl" W.I .. J 1,4. rtrtcr•. tr1111. 1015 f..1prin91, 195 ll·1prl1191 ,stc. $2099 ORDElt TODAY I • CAMPER SPECIAL! BRAND NEW 1969! F-iso PICKUP '"' BARRACUDA CAMPER -::4 s3495 lsrrsc__.s. CSJrlpor ;, co111plst.ly f11nil1hsd with ie• N:., 1t•ve. otc. s1 •• ,. 4. F-210 pickup hs1 JOO •ltf·• smp & •II t •vt••• 1150. I~ rssr 1pri1'191 151 1.00lll,.1 1-ply tub.ls•• tlrs1, .ilx. h••ftr s"4 tl•frHfsr, etc. M111y fe • cltoo1• frofl'I st thl1 pricsl 5,.,, Ort / Elclorsclo, Fo11rwlnd1, Golcll!11s lsrrscucf1. 01f•r ]0 lf lriscl noor pl1111 Ori .li1pl1y •114 rotd\' for lmmotllsts tlsll.,.,.,.1 I •·"'-.. t P·"" M_;.Jft e Sit I •·"'-.. ' p,ft'I. PAllTS & SIRVICI ltOUllS PARTS ONLY ....... ', .•. •S.t . S.1 10 •·* ••• ,,II\. 1 '·"'· t• t ~"'· M9'11 . 1 •""-t. 6 , . ..i. TN...M Satr.wdly, May 17, 1969 -Con' ! ~~~ '1!!li! • EJ · i II . - :c } ' ---------'--------------~~ ------~-~~----·-~-----------~="'--'~--'-==----- "' . ' ' .. • • \ ·1 ! l . ; j ' I l l 1 l I ' l ' t-~ I ·I I•" •,:"'r ' ,,;: , U IWlY l'ILOT s.~. "" 11, 1969 • • ~ fRA NSJIOliTATION ritANSPC;>ilf ATK>N 'tRANSllQITA TIOIJI, T~TATIOlll TllANSl'OllTATION -ea.. ,. Thi Honest Corn pact .• t • • ~ 1' '68 .P'LYMOUTH 'FURY Ill 4 DR HARDTOP V.t , tUfOJlltfis, feslory .1;, Ji:OWtf 1ltttin9 , pow,, ~r•lu. r•dio, Ma!..-,.: ... 1ia ..... 11 •. voP 011. '67 • DATSUN -· ' ' SEDAN • ~ 1petd. F11tl fectory tquipped. TUP ,45.' '68 MERCURY COUGAR XR7 COUPE V-1,. 11.1torlltlic, f1clory 1ir, pow1r 1l11ri119, power br1~11, t-.d io, lrie1l1r. . ' ' I . CON'l'INENTA~ 4 DOOR V.I, aufOfllafis, f•ttiiry •ir, ·powtr 1lt1rin9, powt r br••ts, powtr wi11- t:lowr,-powtr 1t1b, tedio, l!taltr, w1w, vinyl fop, tlnltd 9!111. [oadtd with •~tra1 I •-lrt"ltly cl11n, TGZ 751, '64 · MERCURY COMET CALIENTE Y-1, 4 IPttcf, power llttri119, r1dio, lrii1ter, whHt :...1111. OOL 1•6, '66 PLYMOUTH BARRACUDA • v.1, 1uto1'111iic, r1dio, "'······ bc1!- l1nl condition. low l"lil11. ITIZ 5•61 " • '64 fORD FALCON WAGON '66 CHEVROLET .. CHEVElLE WAGON Aulornatlc lr1n1miuion. r1dio I h11+· 1r, whllt 1idt "''II lir11. fSTT 1021 '65 CHRYSLER SEDAN Auto1111tit, radlb, he1t1r, pow1r 1t.1rw in9, powar braliet, 1ir conditionin9. IPKA 6141' . . $.1-195 • '66 CHRYSLER NEW Y.01\KER 2 Door h1rdlop. Y-1. tulorn1lic, lrit•t- ''• powtr llttrin'll, powtr br••H, ftc• lory t ir. lo1dtcl. !VZT 6461 '64 PLYMOUTH FURY WAGON Y-1, aulorn1tic h-1n1mi11ion, r1cli1 I h1 1t1r. IOOT •211 '67 PLYMOUTH VALIANT SEDAN Eq~ipptd with tHio, h11t1r ancl f~ll f•ttwy 1quip111t11f, l TXR 1171 The examples abOVe are but ~ small pait of our huge selection of top quality-trouble free used Cars- All advertised cars carry a free 5 day._ free trial exchange privilege. I I • , f ' . Al t PRICES PLUS TAJ(& LICENSE PRICES 600D TIL 10,00 P.t-4 ., SUNDAY, MAY 18th . . OPEN DAIL)' 8c SUNDA)' tit 1op ~ ·111. ~ ~~==========o:-===c=======:""===--======-o==========i==========~==========c:==.========..=========='";'===========1 ~ Usoc1 Can ~ Usod Cari . 9900 U,..i ea,. 9900 UMd Can 9900 Usod Can 9900i!.od ___ C_a_"-~--9900-Osod Cars 9900 Usod Cars ~ ·~~'~::!' ~. "{;i. ~ ~:: __ C_A_D_l_L_LA_C_ CHEVROLET CHEVROLET COUGAR FORD, fORD p 2 dr., $32.50 mo., stock No. p 151. '61 T-Qird $37. mo., ,. Stock No. 142. • G-MAC MOTORS ,,. J630 lY, 1st St. Sanla AM 531-9183 ~ =:=;;;;:~;;:~== ,. ~ BUICK ~1 ---------~ 'fi6 BUICK Riviera. Like ~ new! Air-mnd, fully equi~ ~ ped. $2350. * 644-2448 •' '60 OPEL f!. 2 door. station wagon 0: U'15 • 642-21.32 :: '6.1 BUICK Electra. 1 owner. ~ Full power & air. Only ~~ 53,000 mi. $795. 673-5640 CADIUAC :- ; ... '&I CAD Convertible El ~ Dorado. Xlnt cond. Prv pr· :: ty. M&-4967 eves 5:30-7:30 t TllE QUlCKElt YOU CALL, ~ THE QIDCKER YOU SEIL 1965 CAD Coupe de Vi lle. Full power, air cond. Acee.'!. & xlnt cond. Ei.ta!e sale, l owoer~$2600. SJ6-2651 196.1 CADill.AC Sedan de VUlc. Air cond, power. 54&.J595 eves. 1956 CADll.LAC engi~ good, needs other minor repain, $75. 847-IJ22.i CAMARO 068 Camero SS, ps, auto, V..S, vinyl top, wsw, • ft $2295. 546-2774* CHEVROLET '6~ CHEVY Super Sport. 327 eng. Mags. Stereo tape. * 8424664 * '55 CH.EV. Sta Wag, Gd V8 eng, bad trans. itoo. or of· lcr 963-4356 aft 3 p.m. DAILY Pll.QT WANT ADS! 9600 TOYOTA BUYERS ATTENTION!! TWICE A .YUR SALE ON ALL '69 EXEC.· DEMONSTRATORS • . 8 CARS TO CHOOSE FROM 2 CORONA 4 Dr'a • ALITOMATIC'S 4 COROtfA 2 Dr'a • 4 SPEEDS 1 COROLLA 2 Dr • AIR COND. I COROLLA .WAG. • VINYL TOPS LOW IANK FINANCING AVAILABLE. LOWIST PRICES IN ORANGE COUNTY OH THI AIOVE MENTIONED CARS. BILL MAXEY -TOYOJA 11111 IEACH ILVD., H""'lnglop Beach 147-1555 1..i._11_C..t"!f . .,-11n. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DENNIS '00 MALIBU 2 iJ>r .. 0 flT: 'V-8 'fit COUGAR XR 7. "Fully , '68 FORD WAGON 11tlck, blk budtet &eats. 1 equip, air. Clian -llke'new! Country· Sedan . ..-V8, la-c!ory owner. must sell leav'g $2450. 67>6354 an;yt1mf! air. power steering, radio. country. $1493. «M-2730 alt heater, automatic, like new 5. DODGE oonclltio"-<VLT8'11J $7195 '68 CHEVY Caprice. AU pwr, full price. Bank financing. A~1-FM radio, at r-con d . '65 DODGE Dart V.S eng. 2 Connell Chevrolet, 2828 Har- Vlnyl top. Prv prty, 642--3000 Dr. Pis. auto, wht. w/ ttd bor Blvd., Costa Mesa. Int. 1 o-...·ner. Xlnt cond. 546-1203 CHRYSLER 545-3767 ··7 .. ~cu~sro=,-,,~1,-m-u~ .. -.-1ac~ -,64-C_H_R,YSLER ·loo-air. R&.H. xlnt coitd. ,Make FALCON 01i.,• 838-7650 Hardtop. Factory air, po1ver r;teering, automatic, radio, ,62 FALCON. Musl sell. '67 FORD Galaxie 500, 2 dr, heater. Beautiful condition. Leaving country. Gd cond. HT, dlr, full pwr, fact air. (XEV911l $1395 full price. New motor w/lS,lXXI n\i's. TSV 363, $1999. 893-5038 Bank financing. Connell gllll on gua.r. R&.H. $375. '63 FORD Wagon Pis. brkii; Chevrolet 2828 Jlarbor Blvd. Call 673.-4310 4-l't!ar '1'fldw, top carrier. '6.1 FORD Station \Vagon. V8~ automil.- Uc transmisslon, p o we r steering, po-...·er brakes, :C:tra nice. Reduced to $699. Terms. S!k #6. Newporter Motor5 2036 Harbor Blvd. ,.._.,.. ...... u 1955 FORD Wagon. Rurus __ nso. 64)-<121. aft 6 pm. '63 RANOIERO • Good oonditlon. 559.'\ 642-0419 or ~g.2330 '49 FORD engine &. body parts. Sl25 or make offer. 548-2011 Costa Mesa. 546-1203 =========== \ Good cond. $675. 545-7863 ==========:.=========== 19SS CHRYSLER ·Ne w Yorker, Town & Country. FORD lmportod Autos 96001mportod Au!Os 9600 Complete in every dela.il.1--------- Xlnt cond. Will ronsider of. '66 FORD fer. 548-1451 C Sq • '67 CHEVllQLET 1966 OIRYSLER Town • ountry . u1re IMPALA Country. Teacher Selijng Wagon Sport Sedan. Automatic, pow. Loxury Wagon. Every ex· With dual laci ng rear acala. er steering, radki. heater, tra . $2200/oUer. 6'1S-Z9l Equip!, with fact atr;-P.S., like brand new, ITQSJ8S) P.8., power window1, etc. · 116$ ton •""'· Bank f:tn. CONTINENTAL svxrro ancing. Con neU Chevrolet. $1895 2828 Harbor Blvd., Costa A RARE Find! G~b this "'"· >16-12m 1966 Marl< 11 Con!,,,.,ntal JOHNSON & SON '65 IMPALA Cl1sslc. A-1 condition, Em-Lincoln-Mercury pres!'> while. $3495 ?i.1akea you 1941 Ha1·bor Blvd. 642-7050 .Sport Q>upe. VB, stick shift. a one in a million ov.>ner. .66 FORD WAGON #51499 Call 673-588'2 afl 6 PM. g Ct Sq · A I S975. pass ry. UU'e. u o., '66 MALIBU '66 CONTINENTAL Coupe. Power steer & Brakes. Sl795. Fully loaded + stereo tape RPL 237 "396" Super Sport dod<. Sllll under wamonty. 4 mpeed. sbarp Uc SKV2'J2 Make offer or trade for late . L~ .E~~~. ':·,::: lull pwr. Priv. party, S1795. HPORTS 673-88>1; .....,,,., """'· OT4-YOLYO 1----. • .,c;-. •ro=•oh'-- 1966 Harbor, C.1\1. 616-9303 CORY AIR -4 door custom 500. Automa· '65 CHEV CUSTO_M_ tic tran11mission, air condl-. • ·62 CORVAl'R Slation wagon tioned new rubber clean EL ~AMl~O extra c-lean. ru1:1. New redu~ to s~. stk0 #6. . VS, aulomabc, radJO, beater, firt':i, l\Totor A-1 S: 3 9 5 . Newparter Motors very clean. (R3~l $1395 54&-2855 2036 Harbor BIY<I. ~~=l,F~~:-1962 OORVAlR. Good mech ~ •· ~ bor Blvd.. Costa Me~ cond. New tires. clean ln I: '65 FORD Country Sq. 10 546-1201 out. Priced to ee.1.1! Phone pou waa, dlr, fuJJ pwr, fact ~7200 ~ves &: wlmdl alt. SlfllS. 8!J3...503S. ·~ 2 DR. Impala hdtp, 327 vs, aulo tran5., PIS. P/a '65 o.vm 3 spd, 1' I: h 'f7 1ttERC SEDAN. Origina1. •·•1o I I I N ._ beige, one owner. ~aut $DI. 317 Irvine, N.B. Atter ™""' , ac a r. e\v wake ha Prl _ -· llnil1& sm. Good cond. 396 K pe! y prty 01..-11v.1 5 PM. E. 2:111, C.M. '64 CORVAIR MonJa, R/H, 1:19!0='""'ro"'R"'o"""eo=nwn.-:-"v"" ... '6' Chevel~ 327 4 Spd. must aee, excellent euto, • J.arnUy 'moviJv, must Air. new rubber & brakes. condition A care. 536-2221 tell. Make otter.' ~1964. Below book ... 6-"59' COU ... AR '115 FORD LTD. Loadod, :ie-1438 .., fMl. 1lr, !!Kl ena. New rnR Sale -'58 Chevy. Good ---------1 painL $1500, ~ rondlllon, S2Jl, '67 COUGAR ·:.; >'ORD COUEE Ca1J alt 6. 968o3l23 Owned by little ole banlccr 283 ENGINE $375 ====~,...,..,.....,,..~I from San Juan. Canaey )'ti-e S&WlTl e 1962 CHEV Bel Air.f dr. v~. low Dlt>Ror, rlUsh blaclkl~i,.,.,-==-,,.,.--,..--., pwr llb'g, nt>w braktf' I ltrior. fact air. pwr •tra. 64 FORD. xlnt cond. a1.110. tlret. $454), 548-1..S.)'J dlr, SUS ca.sh dell or take Repo 11ale. SSOO. Private. '''63'""'CH=fNY=,-,t"'m-pola.,..,...,,N"'ew" 1 fort.I.an trade. \Vil] llnc pM 540-7828 .. mob' mq -.Mell. $800. prty, YHE 743. Call Ken. n1E QUICKER YOU CALL, * 549-0618 * 494.fTl3 or ~ ntE QUICKER YOU SELL ELMORE Lal'Cjest -Exdusive Toyota Dealer Anywhere ! ! ! ! Largest Service Facilities Largest Selecffon . NICUJ VS_!D C~!! IM .!iANe~. COllM" 1 • All c ..... -· All M-e . ~ ..... ;i -.. ..,,p.i .. _ • ""'•ooo 15300 BEACH BOU~EVARD WESTMINSTER Telephone: (M:1m ---------- 0 9900 Uted C•rs 9900 fORD FORD '68 SHLEBY GT 500 '64 FORD XL. Conv. PS, fire engine red/ HT, fact air, xlnt co~iti black lop, O~ of a kind! inside " out, S75 Cash dels. VXY797 $2599 dlr' lake low pymnts. w· ' line priv prty. OBM ·395. Ill• [a,,,;.', oall Bill, 4,,._9773 <r :- WIL UUIO LINCOLN • IMPORTS TOTOTA·YOLYO '63 LINCOLN ' 1966 """"'· CM, 616-""' CONTINENTAL '6G FORD Cnu.ntry S4J\lire, 4 dr. Sedan. Full fact. eq'lllp, li•hitc, 10 pass, ps, pb, 300 Leather int. Stk. GKZTIS. ~"l:2204Great car!' $2295. ract. air$ 1295 j '66 >'ORD Galoxy 500, 4 d" JOHNSON & SO V-8. auto, R&H, air, xlnt cond. lo miles. P1:i ply. Lincoln-Mercury l 893-5528 1941 Harbor Blvd. 6G7lliOI White Elephants? DAU.Y PILOT WANT ADS! _Used C•rs 9900 Used C•rs Shop from Our l it lnv.ntory of More Then ~211 Ute MOllllol "OK" UHd Can. All Makn & M .. elS.: '63 MONZA CORYAIR COUI'£ $5. 9-9 \Vhlte wllh all vinyle Inter., buckl'l Sl'&l'I, 4 1pd., R&H. Good cconoml· cal transportation. A good Value Full Prk:• 'IMnclnt no pr .. lern h•r• -SSO Dn. & SH IM. for 24 Months. "O K" '66 FORD COUNTRY 59UIRE $1 599 Station Wagon. FUily equii11ied in· eluding air condition. Lie. SCZ 296. A ,..1 INlrpln at Full Prlc• -A Good Valve Cit flnanc.lnt no"'°''°"' hero '64 CHM IEL·AIR STA. W&N. $999 V..S, A.T .• P,S, A real good value here. 1t1any yearg of fun and b'arflt· J)ortaUon left in this ont. VfK tilS. 'ull Prln Wiii FIMnc• All or Any Part. '61 CHM 2 DR. SEDAN V-8, auto .. radio, he&tl'r, fully 1oqpt. Many to choose from in this ill.ml' $499 price mnge. $27 Dn. I $27 Mo. for '"II Price 24 .,..., FINIMlftl ,,. ,,.tilem hor9-A .-....... ''5 OLDSMOllLI DELTA II $1099 Sport Coupe:. Red w/black fnterlor. You will really· enjoy t.akina your In this amootb rtding car. Uc. YRV 692 '"" Price 'IWClftl ,.. _,.......,.. ._. -All er any (Nrt - A .... ••lwar '66 CAPRICE SPORT COU1'£ $1799 VlnYl root, air cobd., P.S., P.B. and •uto. tn.ns. GK in evefJ way, Guaranteed in wriUn& 24 m09 Stk. PuH' Pr"-i No. P76. A t'MI '""'-Cltr-f'ln.ncl .. no prilllfll ..... ''5 CHEV. hi-Alt STA. WGN. '1299 V-8, 'Rl:ii. All the (oodles. \Yhite , wlttintor inter. "OK" in cwry "''">'· 24 month! guarantee ln -...Tlting. , ,ull Price Uc. NGN 667. F.Jaanc.iftt M ,,_lent hen. ..- GROTH CHEVROLEI 11211 Beach Blvd • ..,41unt. Beack I Hwy. 3'1 7 Da ~Tll t P.M.-7""3f • • I 00 - • rlp. j ~ IO • 5"' ..,, lllr l1, I~ DMl.'I' l'UT • TUNIPOITATION' __ n+ffV!il!!aN. fk4!!9!!1A!'!'_ 1 --~ --Cln ,...,.c:.. I ' ,. ' , ' ' CADIELAC: . -· i --·- • pi l ' .. • • • • I . . • .. ,, ;_ NINETEEN SIXT.Y~NINE ... ON DISPLAY AND READY FOR DELIVERt· TODAY! . ' ·, ' r ; • +. , .... WllDC---·--,---SALE $2777 . Sedan DeVUle. Shimmering sllVtt with &liver cloth and leather Interior, full power, factory air conditioning, AM·FM .radio, cruiR control, pwr. vent windows, pwr. door Jocks. (RRN297} 1967 CPE •. DE VILLE "° Olymplc bronze tlrttnkt with uMle leather uphols1a7, Full _..., faClm7 air condltion- tna:, tilt wheel.· dOor locka. etc. Drive tt -and JOU will buy It CULC32l.) ' ' 1966 CADILLAC Coupe Ol!VJlle. ~t beige w/saddle )l!afhtr lnte'tior. Full Cadillac pgwer equipment plus factory air conditioning. (YWR383) 1965 CADILLAC Sedan DeVWe. Grecian rold with matchtnr cloth and lMlher inte"rlor. Full j>owtt, Cactory atr cmditlonin&". 1lcnal seeking radio, etc. IYJ'.S1'1l 1963 CADILLAC Coupe DtVJlle. Blue eXlmOI' With matchln& blue cloth and ltather,lnterior. Hu full pow• er equipml!Tlt plus Ca4wac factory air con• dltionifl.&.~(RDYa09)~ ' · _ -·~ --,. 1965 CADILLAC Coupe DeVille. Royal blue ~xterior with mat- ching cloth and leather Interior. Full power, factory &Ir, tilt and telescopic 1teerin1, 1how1 exoepttonal low mlleaie. {PGN663> PRICE SALE $.3777 PRICE •SALE $2777 PRICE · SALE $1999 • · PRICE • SALE $1 .. 1·11 .,u.J~E 77· . ' SALE $2111 PRICE .. OVER 80 QUALITY AUTOMOBILES . . TO SELECT FROM t • NABERS CADILLAC, Ylbere Used Cars Are. More ._"' •. Tb.J•.:Tr,ansp,rtatioit .::. " . · . ~ . THEY'RE A .,,_ GOOD :.·- INVESTMENT! 19:67 oiJP.IMHILI Custom Delta 4 Door Hardtop. spwr blue with dark blue vinyl top and dVk Mue doth and vinyl lnttrtor. Strato bendl 11&t. poM"r 1teertn1, power drakes, J)O\Wl' wtnclowl, fac· -air ....u.,,... (1Yt"l•tl .• °;."" ~-"' ,· 1966 :ro.-.~ Olatom. ............. jlllll -...... cloth ...i .-In-. ful,.,._., ,.....,.air .... ell..-, 1111.-.mo ~ ·1mi ... ... ' ~. i'N7'1L DORADO P1nilhtd ln'....,,tom .....,~th n cloth and leather li1tutor, J'ulb' with ....,,. er 11.etrtnr. power !lise ~ ... t. power wtndowa, tilt and i.~ dteftnc whttl, WOnderber radio tadOry aft OOltl!UtloJt· tnr plus ma~ Men cadi1$at oJrtioNJ f•tuna. 1967 ••Vim ............ ~ ,.it!>; -~ .•. tmor,.JIU fldl -,q,o ............ ·'*- air candltlolda&,·Ult lteet1qs 'Wheel. ·iTILl'!l . 1961 IL pctRADO · Btaulll\JI Cbootnut -wtlll W.. ;...,.11114 belp cloth and lee.tber blWlof. ·)'\Ill ~ an4 r.etory air -ltono AM•l'M. tilt A. .ttlescoplc •~rine wMe1, P-door lotks,, f etc. Love}¥ car. LOcal oa ...,_, ,(lJNMM) ' . ' -. . ' . 1965 Mercetl•• .. u 220 S Sedan. AutornaUe trlJWfnJNiGn, radJo i.nd heater. power 1teertn1. air condltlonlq. Snow wh!te exterior with blac:k Yll)¥l lrattrtor. Thbl one hu wry low mti. and ii bl out. 1tandlna: condition. (()'J'\i'IM) . .. • • • I SALi $2444 PRICI ' SALi ' , $2222 PRICI SALi $4666 PRICE SALi ( $3·222 .~ PRICI . ' ·SALi $588·8 __ : ' ' PlllCI SALE $2999 PlllCI ~~~~~~~~~~-SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN~~~~~~~~~~- sALE PRICES EFFECTIVE'THROUGH TUESDAY, MAY· 20, 19'9 8:30 AM to 9:00 PM MONDAY thru FRIDAY -9:00 AM to 6:00 PM SATURDAY and SUNDAY Your Factory Authorized Cadillac Dealer Serving The Orange Coast Ha1bor Ana NABERS 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa ·540-9100 ,_ .. -HOO u .... Can '9111 Uiiad Can '9111 U.... ca,. 1j~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ u_llld.._ . ....,.ca.,.!l._.,.... ___ 1 -'------·--i-------! MEET THE MDCURY MUSTANG MUSTANG ! AMBASSADOR --------1 OLDSMOBILE OLDSMOllLI '.1 .1 PONTIAC' IA .. LIR ' I FROM AMERICAN MOTORS WEIKEND SPECIAL ~ 4j;$3286 Fully 9e1uippM iflcl11cll119 •Ir coll4., v.1, •ut.. tr111•j II 10210 llAND NIW '6t UMILll $1998 ..... , NOt4-,. "'· Ill DI-ts On 27 lfanol -AMX • JAVILINS • lllllLS • RM\ILlllS The Adlon s .... l'or 0.Wl91 Snt,.. llD CUPl1' SUYICI -YDUR CAI HOLIDA.Y AllmCAll- SlllS ' Senkt ~-?Mn • ....... , ... _,OVll_I,_ f969 Hnor, COS,11 MISI, UZ"'8ll -- • . '65 Ml!RCURY '16 MUSTANG V~ irr. P/1, '66 Mustang Ha...._ '68 OLDS 9111 -·HT. !uU, -~·-• .. ..,. ""'•· 1e,ooo 1111. 1 u , "~•• 4 ·~ H T R/11. Auto. --• Navy FACTORY AIR CON!>. Auto -17 an 7 -• .... ne ur. • • Blue. Wire wheels. tinted tnn1 on the floor. 289-V&!--.;=;-:--''-.:-'"=- V-I, ·~ r.s;o P.B. and llUI, dual 90 tires. Stallion Vlnyl roof. New premium '55 Oldll, auto, P.S., ~ air. Turqaoile blue w/ horn. Orie owner. $1815. tires. Delwct interior. Entire dlr, PLP 123, $99. tnaicbinl lntulor. C'Gmplete.. 544--0985 ear in mint condition. *l!Ll-5038* 11 --PllGM3 "5 MUSTANG 6, "'°" cond. $1595 · $1450 Orii """""· 4'000 ml. $995. Holldq .1969·-Blvd. D~1::~=!AJ)S JOHNSON & SON """4l9"' 543-:WO Cott& Mosa 6'7.Qll3 Lincoln-"Men:ury 00 -Blw. w.1000 19116 MERCtJRY Colony Park Station Waion, 9 pa.gs. Fu111 >qulpd. 6'6-3,413 MUSTANG ' , • " l • • YOUIME SEWllG ,MIAllS YOWMI SAYINGS p ... ,. a ~ : a .. . 0 0 . , ,,,r.-• I ' ·CHRYSLER P.LYMOUT H ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST .~ V ·o '· ·'t·". ·u·.. M. ·E·'. .. DE' "A, L .. -ER" . Yts, due to our low, low prices ind our hug• dilcounll we •rt· ... i119 mew, new Chryllarr, Plymouths, lloldfunnerr Ind UlllJ· ~ __ biles thin ~"' other Chrysllf.Plymouth Daiier. • . ~U-.• DISCOUlfTSre VOLUME SEllCTION e VOLUME •SAVlllllS ................. _____ . ·----~-. . . NEW '6' P ... YM:OUTH ~. .ROAD RUNtfER.· . 'NEW '69 CHRYSLl1t·· • FUR'f' ·Ill l . ' 1969 USED 2,-DOOR . " . 4 DOOR HARDTOP. fully NEWPORT cus'r"M ' • l'ul'liJrtac:'~~ v-1. ,..,. 11e1n. :=: "Jf. Mfel'I' ~.,...11 '**· eqpt. incl. p. steering, p. . · ~- ' ' ' 2 DOOR HARDTOP. fully' aquipl., $300 =~· i:l>·v>t'l"'..=i:,~..:t;: .lb. -.;.,"'i.,~,.j, .,:;:,;t·ie brakes, air cond., radio,-1tOOlJ .....-.-,P.-•te;er1og,._tiitted_glns,.: rai:ho,_ _ _ _ _ _ -Tmt--1'--lfl-~ Y....i-•-""-.....-~ _._,'41Js,_t.oct.ois.t~"-inyLroof. ' . . ' · _ incl .1lr.cond;,~uefli't tr.an?·• • • 'fl"'' v 17 '" ...£... ~1 r. . , to utfli1e trans., white- 'vi!T roof, deluxe"Nf!fil eovtfl, ._..'t · hwn • • ... ..,., ' -eccent stripe, clock, 3 sod. r whitlWllls plus many ivxury l>e· ' ~' ..,_, • ,.. ,.... ,..., wiP:ers, Ji,ght grp., plus . · troL ,Sr, No. PM23'f9!!;130380.. DISC UNY .u.i-,a-;~r.J!! ~ .. "l 1'!~.=+,.,~~·GO,:: I:, mariy'md .. lu1Wry '1xtras. DISCOUNT · ·J I . , . .,~· ,.,...._., . cr. Mil'NQT ONa'li_l:MNV.MOl{E. • ·Sr •. ~o. CLA3:G9C·23979.4. . • . • ' . ""'' f.ct. --~~· a Uhtrt. F ll • ... _ . ...-i• . '82 v.w . 'IT DATSUN '&& v.w. ... 1•·im""b: ..... ' Dow Sedttl. ll.Olo. .... ,.,, 4 ~crri21~~ ........... ...,.. lllMd. UOI" t9I. ' $377 Full 5877 Full . $677 Pull ' Price Price Price ' $13 '* $13 ' $29 * $29 $23 * $23 DN •. MO. DN. MO; DN. MO. 68 v.w. . '83 V.W. 2-Dr. '84 v.w . ~ -d. R&H. OJI' 122. Y•rl•nl UID W"°" s577 '"-" . • ....i. ""'•· osu m $']77 Full Price $19 * $19 ' Price $26 . * $26 . . DN. MO. DN. ~o. '83 DODGE '83 .CHRYSLER '83 ·DOD8£ D•rt. A.T., #:I.I-I. P,.r rtw . ttmo.T ' Drt.i_.T. , Dart •:Y. t door.,_,..._ AllN. 1sa no. • ·t,uto .. , .. '°(' ~'!'.s.' .,_ '~f'J7 "Fun s277 Full '$ "''''· a Pric• 377 ~';. Price _$10_* $JO $13_*_$13 $10 * $10 D_H. MO. PN. MO. DN. MO. '.KFORD '83'•PALA '116 PLYIOm ~St~· Dtl. fi!!:OAN ~$~,,,~~ ~ l!'\~Jp·~ ~ T'j '~[U i,.;~'°" H .. 1'1r U I -p. 11.l'lt .... ' s477 '"" , Irle. ""'" . Price ·. $i3 * $13 $16 "ji· $16 $16 * $16 DN. MO. DN. MO. DN. MO; ANT USED CAI W1Tlt GOLD SW .... ... ... s1611 ss9 * $59 MOHAQ) • ,.ASlll!NaEL MillMtle. Dll. MO 100°/o GUARANTEE Ml -· ftdol'Y •1r. -TllD 1110. FUIJ. PllCI • ' ' I • <MM!_._ ....... .__ AJllllOl.rtlfll'.......,.._ .................. ..... 1 , ML ADVY. ,.lt~tlOOO ~ ?1 ,.M.. MAY lint. • ' GOOO FOl 100 DAYS OJ 4000 MlllS WHICl!IYU CllMU llUT .... "t::,r.'l-.. , 1,,.., __ ,.,,. " --°" ·ft'lltlf ........... :... ,..~ tM. ™-•1 "''" "' wrlll_~ ~.-N -11'9'~ !al~•IMtlll', !r"I~ Md"-: ""3 3'11'11. l .. lftM __...,,., lOl lll•n Of .... •-_ _.flfW; ...,.._ ,, I , I . ' • \ • l -T DAILY PILOT ~ MAY 18, 1969 -ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA MAY 17, 1969 Ask Them Yourself FOR ~EN. HENRY J.4CKSON '\ • of r(U/ain1ton > }tul IDMI C•n be done •f,oul prolectin1 our .cenit: public land.?- Mr•. Clarence llo"'alh, Sea1lle, Fala. • r..., now are in effect regarding air and waler pollution, and there is pro· posed legislation to control surface min· ing and to reclaim surface-mined lands. Private citizens can form groups lO ob .. tain facts. make specific proposals to either their Senators or Congre&nlen, or act on a state or local level. Direct dealing with the threatened despoiJ~rs o{ an area sometimes brings results. Best of all is an alert, interested. and informed ·public which will present specific facts and recommendations to legislators. -FOR DR. EDMVND KLEIN, Jumatol.06i-1t I• ~re any lcno1n1 c.re /or a diin duenu called dermaliiu herpeii/ormu? -John C. Snner, Oak ffil4 Jf'. J'a. • No, but there are drugs available that putialJy or completely control it-treat- ment ... with sulfanomides, particularly sulfa pyridine and sulfonts. Both drugs. which must be given daily. can produce side effects. Discontinuation of either re· sults in rapid return of the distase. FOR HELEN ROSE, Oscar·111innin1 desiKru•r I Jrno1C1 you deli1ned Groee KeUr• 1oeddi"' dre.,. JJ'hre;. U?-Jnn• Ru11idich, NeMJ York, N.Y. • It is on display in the Philadelphia MuselM. and I am told ir anracts more attention than any other display. FOR BILLY CR.411.4M DJ You once Mid ilan1 Y'* aoere 1oing to iry lo reach feen-agera inaiead o/ adulu. "fl'hy did you any dauP-Sandy Pauly, IF na· co, Cali/. • This is not really correct. J have in· ti:mated that I have more hope for the young than for the elder people. Statistics show dhat the young respond to the chat. lenge of Cbri.st and the appeal of the gospel more than thot1e who are older. I am also aware that the older genera· lion is not passing on to youth a good moral. and spiritual image of our pres· ent-day culture and acbievt'ments. Tims. I am more hopeful for the youth who are determin~ to build a bettt'r world. FOR JJ'IUl.4/tl CVTTENBERC, I ,,,.uident. Bo~ Elt'ctl'U: M/1. Co., P•urson, NJ. Flaen do you llaiAJ, .1b•er· ico M1ill ha11e an electric car atHrilabk al a COM• pelili11e prit:eP-N. D.,Lonc11aktr, Pa. • Electric vehicles will be fairly preva· lent on the streets by 1972-mostly small delivery vehicles for stores and services and "plaything'' type cars. Discovery of a new lightweight, economical power source (battery) could change all this. FOR Dli. HVGRES DAY-, BeU.any Hospital, KllnMU Cily, KanU1s Jwi IJO'NI and eoMn did you ori«ina~ ~ fona U... len•i11e coronary-care urait1--Mra. Frn~ Fenlo11, Co- l.Ml>Mi, /tlo. • In 1961 a coronary-care unit was con· ceived, where cardiac patients could re- ceive intensive and special medical and nursing care using electronic techniques. The John A. Hartford Foundation, New York City, provided funds for the first coronary unit. It was opened at Bethany Hospital in 1962. As a result, the mor· tality rate has dropped. FOR MONTY HALL I of ABC's "Ld1 Mnl•t',, Dt!ol" la dae money alwacin on your profrnna real?- Claruiine LyH«sale~ Tre• Ion, N.J. • The money is real. and ii is also well lguardt'd always by an armed guard. FOR JACK M..4RKS, dirt'ctor, Ponlond. Ore., :wo You lurve laad •etHtn el. plus,.,, born ila yottr 900, I• there a 1rea1 fh•nrul /or soo-born baby ele- pluan111-Mr•. LaMrn HUI, Hum- boldt, Saale., Canada • If one wanted to sell a new·born ele- phant, the markt't is there, but wt'! do not separate mother and baby until the mother indicates she wishes to wean the calf. There always seems to be a markt't for elephant calves, whether zoo.born or imported. of "Thi! Mod Squad" Flty did you b«comf! a 11e1ettrrion?-Diane KaalMr, Roclaeater, /V.Y. • Aher 1 eliminated mt'at, I found 1 felt physically and mentally better. Walll te _.a I.-....... a ..-U-f Y-eaa ........... eel-. ... -'11 pt .... -,,_ ... -----· ,._ )'-.............. ,._..., lftf-W1 -• .... •f'll. .. Aell 'n.-Y-V, l'-'17 Weeki,, Ml i..x....,.. A,.., Plcw Y~ N.Y. l•U. w. ~ .._..,. .............. ts ........ , _ _. -..... WHAT fiiE WORLD! Half..lakecl Man Capt. Grant 0. Collin, a research physicist at Wright· PotterM>n Air Force Bose, Ohio, hos a job that runs hot and cold. For 16 yean he has personally tested what temperatures the human body can Capt. Grant 0. Callin withstand. From these tests have come new developments in Arctic gear and iet·pilot pressure suits. He has under· gone tests as low as minus 80f. and as high as .406F. Once his backside was subjected to intense cold, his front- side intense heat-his body compen· sated so that he feh perfectfy comfort· able. Oh, yes, technicians occasionally bake cookies while he is "working" in the research oven. Beauty Is Pocketbook Deep Amer- can men and women spend $5 billion a year on beauty aids, according to Drug Trad• News, from $217 million on lipsticks to $1 .5 billion on oral. hygiene products and shaving gear. What does $5 billion mean? Well, in 1966 the Office of Economic Oppor- tunity spent less thon $1 .5 billion; Housing and • Urban Development, about $n2 million. Merry Movi119 Month Moy is one of the more popular months to move. By now, most of the uprooted are still un- packing, trying to settle in-and worry- ing about the pass•ble ill effects of relocation on their families. The Men- ninger F2u!'dat~n's eight-year study finds adults resilient-but unhappy at first about. new surroundings. While children make new friends more readily than adults, they tend to miss the old neighborhood with its familiar sur- roundings. A good way to help chil- dren adjust is to let them participate in moving chores and not jU9f "keep them out of the way." Church o~ the Future? With church building at a new low, an "air cathe- dral" may be the answer, at least temporarily. The Firestone people have 8alloon church made a 60x200 foot Inflatable "church'' of nylon:orelnforced vinyl, complete with gold-and-white plastic "stained gloss windows." Weighing 17,000 paunds, it takes three pieces of equipment to in- flate it. The cathedral boosts an air· lock revolving door, which will admit 3,500 people-oll of whom no doubt wont to sit in the back. Walk-on Part John Beradino, who gave up baseball (highly paid former second base· man for the Cleveland Indians) for acting (Dr. Steve Hardy in ABC-tv's "General HO$pital"), still likes to talk baseball. "They didn't hove Little league when I was a kid. Today, with so few playgrounds, it's the only woy most boys can ·get to play. But why don't more little lecguen go up to the majors? Because they are not taught. There are too many base on balls-they don't get any hitsl'' So what? They don't in the mojon, either. John Beradino Family~, .. Ne ... ...,...., .. May 18, 1989 LIONAID I. DAVIDOW ~ MOITON flAMt P~ llOUIY R'fZOlllON U..........CAMJ uac IYAH ·~ B"'4w MARIUS N. TllNQUI A rt Dfr.c:f.H MllANll DI PIOfT '"' UiMir You ert lflrittct to mlil 1QUf quntlons 0t CCIMIMnts lbM _, lfttcle 0t ldwtrtiMmlflt tt1at lllP'lf1 In f1111lty Wttlly. Your letter Will recelft 1 Pf011111t -..r. Write to SerYlce Editor, F•llJ Wtelity, 641 Lt1u.ton Ave1111, New Yott, N. Y. 10022. Strawberries are back in season. Give them the welcome they deserve. Top them with a tempting mound of rich, creamy CoOI Whiff. The delicious non.dairy topping that comes already Whipped and ready to serve. Save 7e at your grocer's. Give hlm this coupon when you buy either size Cool Whip. Or save 50< tiy mail. Send this coupon with your name and address and 3 side a.beh fNrn 9-oL Cool Whip bowl or 6 side labels from 4~z. bowl. Send to: Birch Eye P.O. lox 2002, Kanlcakee, Ill. 60901 . We11 maH you 50e. '°' • .._ .ffet ....... Avtwt Jf, tNt. Only -r~tl«I per fo.,.lly -4 ,_~.~_,we + y ,.....,,,Vold wi-. proMblt-4, ....,.__, ~ tu-4. We -•,_,,.,_ dp ~to flll reqwlt. -------------------, ITOUCOUPON I ·1 I I ~ ii I I I I T AST AUGUST my wife and I LJ were traveling through the lovely dairy country of southern Vermont, I at the wheel,.and she looking at the scenery, when suddenly she exclaimed, "Look at that mag- nificent old elm." ''Where?" "Over there," she said, "to star- board." · '"Over there to starboard? What kind of nonae111e ia tlla.t in the land- locked state of Vermont?" It's not 80 landlocked, thourh; in fact, we were just then in the procen of ftoatf.ag put ita weet coast in a boet on our way from New York to Canada. Our hirhway was a twisting stretch of one of the country's least.- appreciated road systems: the inland waterways. While we Americana tour the motor highways by the tena of millions ev- ery summer, only a retative handful of ua know that the United States posseseea a network of rivers and • canals, whose wonderful beauty is unsurpaaeed and wboae extent is un- matched by any other waierway sys- tem in the world. Thoueh It is actually a commer- cial system, built and maintained for barree and tankers, anyone with a boat. can use it. And, thanb to a new kind of cruiai~ vehicle, the house- boat. the trip can now be made in the kind of comfort that's usually usociated with renting a cottage by a lake. Ten years ago a houseboat was es- sentially nothing more than • house with a buoyant buement with which one tied it to a dock. But in the early 1960s a group of smart boat builde.rs bepn to redesirn the craft. and to- day the hou.ee part sits on a runedly designed bull of steel, aluminum, or fiber glaas that's often seaworthy enourh for ocean trips and fut enough to tow water skiers. Basically, though, it's not an ocean boat; the houaeboat ia to the con- ventional cruiser what the station wagon iB to the sporta car, and for ocean-iroinr and ftabing you can't beat the crulaer. It i8 in the inland waterways that the houaeboet bu no peen. The reuon la thia: ly sacrlftdng the conventional ; cruiser's racy lines and its open eit- tinr area astern, de.aimers have crammed two to three timea aa much livinr space into a given length of hull. They've widened the hull a few feet and used almost it:a entire length u a platform for an bones~to-good ness, square-8haped h<>tUe-equipped with such blatantly houselike appur- tenances as ecreen doors, picture win- dows, stall showers. and "queen-aized" studio beds. The result is that many of the craft look, inside and out, u if they'd been ripped looee from a Holiday Inn. The house illusion is ao strong that one night a departing guest on our boat opened the front door, turned to wave good-by to ue, and walked into the river I A acene I saw through the picture window of a 32-f oot houseboat at a marina one rainy day lut summer sums up the trans! ormation. Spread out on the wall-~wall carpeting of the living-room ftoor at the bow were three children playing a game. and ' We Cruised This family learned that inland traffic-free and leading to new down three stepa behind them in the kitchenette amidships waa their mother, cooking on a gu stove. I didn't see the father, but I lite to think he waa asleep in one of the beds f artber aft. Houseboat •lea and rentals are now the f astea~growinr segment of the booming pleasure-boat industry, and it will eoon be u easy to rent a houseboat u a car. My 'boat, for instance, came from a national ser- vice called Ren~A-Cruiee of America (Florence, Ala.) that works much like Herb or Avis. It bu about 500 boats at more than 800 location.a around the country. Tbe company provides everything you need, from charta to linens and kitchenware, so that all you have to bring aboard ia your clothee. We could have gone to a local boat- yard or marina, many of which keep a few houeeboate strictly for rental purpoees. In fact, .theee places are multiplyiq so rapidly all over the country that Ftimilv H""41boati"'1 magazine, which tries to keep track of them, has to publish a new list every six months or eo. In twms of peraon-per~y coeta, a rented-houseboat vacation isn't a.s expensive as you might think. My 82-footer cost $325 a week (or slight- ly less in certain areas of the South, where the aeaaon iJl longer). If you fill up all a boat's beds and eat all your meals aboard, it will cost about the 8ame per person u a sleeping- in-moteb and eating-in-reatauranta car trip. Baviq rented the boat, the next problem wu, where to go 1 The choices are many. From my home town of Croton-on-Budeon, N.Y .• if ~u sail upstream to just put Albany, you will come to a aip ato-a branch· in the rivet. One arrow points to the left: "Erie Canal, Syraewie.and Buf- falo. Speed Limit 10 mph." Take this fork and ~u will wind up on Lake Erie. From there ~u can continue on to Chicago, and via the Illinois River to the MiaeiBBippi. Then ~u can travel for 12,000 miles on a vast ~ystem of locb and channels from Minneapolis, Minn., to Brownsville, Texae-all without stepping . on dry land once. But lasteacl, my wife and I took: the right fork that led by canal, river, and Lake Champlain to the St. Law-• rence-from which additional end- less maus of Canadian waterways were available to us. So huge is the whole interlocking system-more than 80,000 miles-that if we were to spend the rest of our summer• cruiai~ it we would never have to paBB the same point twice. Once Wl\terbome, we quickly dis- covered what is probably the most compelling single fact about water- way touring: for lonr stretches, the America one sees tends. even today, to be an America untouched by the 20th century. For our civilization haa developed mainly along the highways and railroads and has left the river- sides to the farmer and the rich man's great mansion. It's true that we sailed through some hideouely diacoJored water reek- ing of pollution and that sections at the shore line matched in industrial ugliness anything alonr the roads. But for hour after hour on the Hud- son. we sailed past the old Dutch patroon country with stately chiteaux presiding over baronial river viewa ; put Jong, narrow stret.cbea where the river ia more like a creek and ita banks are hidden by marshes full of red-wi~ blackbirds; past milea of rolling cow putul'e8 with weath- ered-red barna and white siioe. The poce of river life, too, seems a throwback to a pa.st century. Cruis- ing at eight miles per hour (some boata cruise at more than SO mph), we didn't pure our prorreas in terms of miles per day but rather in hours traveled, ecenery seen, sun bathed in, or tlsh caught. Of ten the aeenery was 80 overpow- --------- _ Family~/Mo.1118, 1969 America by Houseboat waterways are among worlds of discovery our most beautiful highways-almost By JAMES NA 11IAN MIU.ER. ering that we elowed to little more than a drift, and once a dog who had a stick be wanted ua to throw for him followed us along the side of a canal for 20 minutes before turn- ing back. Even the volume of traftk was about what it must have been in the pre-20th century. In fact, one of the best things about river sailing is how few people seem to know about it. For while boating is a fast-1Towing industry, most of the sailing is con- centrated around a few bigh--Oenaity points, and on the long reeches of river between citiea we often found ourselves alone. The magnjftcent Champlain canal system in upstate New York, aa beautiful a waterway u can be found and one that's cloae to the country's dense.1t population area, is travereed by only about 2,000 pleasure boats in a year. Often on this canal, we were the only boat in a lock. Which bri1191 us to a fty ·in the ointment of this idyllic life that you should know about: the proceM known as "locking through." which on some waterways can be required every few miles as the .canal goes up or down a hiJL Locking through can be a pleasant break in the routine, but the procedure iii miserable if you get mixed up With commercial traffic, for pleasure boats on the inland wa- tenvaya are at the bottom of every lock-keeper's priority · uat. Freight &'oe8 t\rat, aa we discovered one day when we waited two boura for three turtle-slow petroleum and pulp-paper barges to go through, even though we had arrived ftrst. But m0&tly the life of the water- way tourist ia lovely. Can CJ"¥ land- lubber just walk in-off the street and rent a boat to enjoy it1 Legally, yes. To pilot a boat of up to 65 feet, there ie no age requirement, no driv- er's teat, no licenae. When I left the dnck with my new command, I had never before sailed a powerboat, and my total traininl' consisted of a hatf- bour cruiee around the bay under the tutelage of the man who bad rented it to me. But I called the bead of the local Cout Guard Auxiliary squadron and aeked him bow a landlubber like me could prepare for a boueeboat trip. He told me about the free boat-ban- dling .courses offered every spring by the <Jout Goard Auxili&l"Y and the U.S. Power Squadrop. I waa already too late for that, but I wu told about a book called "Pilot- ing, Seamanstiip and Small Boat Hal\dlinr'' by Charles F. Chapman (Motor Boating Pub. Co.). This won- derful bible of the small-boat han- dler told me everything I needed to know, from how to make fut to a dock to what ftag to fly when the Sec- retary of State comei aboard. · Learninl' chart ~in&' and the meanin.p of various buoys wu a matter of a couple of even.m.a• atudy. (By memorizinl' · the phrase "red- right-returning"-alwaya keep red buoya on the ril'ht when going up- stream-I bad It half-made.) Theim: portant rulee of the road are few and easy-the main one being to pass to the right of approaching boats, juet as in a car. Thinp like how to get the anchor to nab bot- tom and what kind of weather to be leery of turned out to be mainly matters of common eeue. There is no dearth, we found, of marinas where, for • cbarp of 10 or 16 cents per-foot of boat length, we could tie up for the night. Some are little more than a pa tan~ 1'ater boee~ and an electricity aopply that - .. blows ita fuae u llOOn u more than a couple of boats plug in. Others are elaborate, with swimming poola, ban, restaurants, ahowara, and even coin ' laundries. But in .a houaebo&t you don't have to depend on marinu, for you carry most of their f acilitiea with you and you can anchor wherever you want for the nil' ht. (The waterwaya are all l'OVernment-owned, so no one will tell you you're on private property.) For instance, one e~eninr we tied up to a tree in· a lovely deserted cove on Lake Champlain, miles from the nearest marina, with our bow in the wooda and our roof-eundeck com- manding a aweeping view of the Green Mountains. We bad fresh- caught perch for dinner, and after dinner we sat on the sundeck and watched the atan come out. And that ia wht we found best about this busi"eu of ftoatlng acroas the land.acape iq a houeeboat: You do it In your own way, at your own pace, unhurri~ and unpreaaured. Whether you chooee the s~ying-at marin.u way or the tyi nl'-to-a-tree way, whether you prefer to catch ftah or watch bfrda, whether you like champagne for breakfast or ham and ecsa, if my experience is any l'Uide you'll ftnd that there la no va- cation llke it on land or on eea. • l'••U. w.-i.. Jl•r 11, 1111 • !!£& Ends women's II th ... once-a-n1on odor .,. problem ..... ., ..... _ I bur ... ... Womm haw a ..,.aa1 odol-... Ima camed by body wretiom and by penpUation. J'ortun.Wy ,.,. can dettroy tbeM embarruaiq oc1on now with .-y-to-wa Quur Deodorant for JOOIMft. (1) Qu•n helpa keep your 1 wlaok body odor-free. So aafe It can be uaed without initati.ns ... .... in the moat intimate.,... (2) Qnn balpa p .... t odor Oil JOU dothea M DD ordiDUJ' deo- dorant can-under bru, panty- boee, llfdl•-eHll OD aan.it&J7 napkim. Worb rilht wlMn ml• bunlllins odor Unpn &onp.t, 'ny Qua1' tocky. Jra ~ll*Ml deodorantforyouand you.rclot-. too. QuuT Deodonai. END DENTURE MISERY mm ..... IUITllU.Y BACKACHE Aching Muscles You Iona to ••M thOM pelns, even temoorMU~ unUI the r..,.. Is ct .. red up. For paHleMli.-Or tentpof"ary, peln , .. ._.try O.Wltrs Piiis. femous f« owr 60 yeen DeWitt'• Ptll1eontaln an •n•l.-lc to ~ucie pain end • ~ mild ~ll'etlc to help eUmlnet• ret•lned flulda thus flushlnc out lrrltatlna ,...., ceuslna bledd« wut-. DeWttt'a Ptlts often succeed ..._. ~ felt If pain .,.,.tats .... ,_ ... ~doc:t«. lnlfst on DeWitt's Pills llail In• F• family 1.-1, ............... ,_...., .... ...,. "" ... " ,.._ .. ,.,...... .....-. Tl• .._ ... ""' -dlldtl .. rtll· .MfllJ .. ,...., WM!J. t... " ,..,,. ., ...................... -.... : s.n.. .,.,....., , ... ., w.atr. e.41 ~ ,,,,._, ... Yert, lt.Y. 10GZ2.'-... Rans• War Tlteil' latest famllr quarrel .. wm take 80IDe time to petcb up-- She epent aU dar in the kitchen: Be conred her eftort with ketebapl --SusanM Do"6la•• \ QUIPS · AND QUOTES - Budget: G gadget wit id cau1u married couplu not to apeak to eaclt ot'llef'. -F. G. Kernan A youngster wu having. trouble with a telephone call, and the opera- tor waa trying to help him. "What number are you calling from, honey?" brought no answer. She encouraged him, "It's right there on your dial." There was a moment of silence. Th~ he replied: "1-2-3-4-6-6-7-8-91" -Dorotltv B. Benutt A woman with a reputation for ag- gressiveneae stopped a doctor on the street and said : "Doctor, I'll bet you're getting a good fee for treating that rich boy down the street." "Suppose I am?" snapped the doc- tor indignantly. "What poeeible busi- ness could that be of yours?" "Well," replied the woman, "I hope you won't forget it wae my little Robert who threw the rock that hit him." -A. T. °"igg Th.e moat Mted DUfl i" mav Miglt- borhood ia the DUV who painta hia houae wit.eta '°""' uedl it 111orae. • -BiU C~ttd After the boss had been watching the new employee for a few days, he said, "Now that I know your work- inr habit.I, don't be afraid to ask dumb questiona." -Bob Brown fTHINt< I Station to St.tlon When drivlng along And the gu pb low, The etatione we .,. .. All row upon row Are never oUJ" brand; But ln a ely way Our fr.hid· ii alway• Acroee the highway. --Beuy l•lf!r l tc.EE P SMIUH6 J "I limpl11 can't tliink and u~ smiling." antto esure Youryoungsterwi ave for co ege? ItS as simple as ... .---\ The time bt!tween baby block" and collcgl.! books w ill lly by faster than you think. That's whv it's never too early to start planning. And that's where \VI.! rnme in. Witb,nsurance from New York Life. Insurance that can hdp cover college co~t (And they can run as high as S15.000uver a four-year period.} Insurance that means the money will be there. Even if you 're not. Making s ure college funds are available is something we know a lot about..Our experience dates back to the class of '45-18451 Our dividend payments to policyowners go back a long ways, too. Well over a century. Right now they're at an all-time high, bringing the cost of life insurance for millions of our policyowners to an all-time low. Talk with your New York Life Agent. Pu t him to the test. We think you'll find he s tands at the head of his class. N.:w York Life lnsuranc~ Company 51 Madison Avenue. New York, N.Y. 10010 Lif.:, Group anti Health Insurance, Annuities, Pension Plans. 11 Our 125th year FASHIONS • BVIVa By ROSALYN ABREVAYA WITH the popularity that blouses and shirt tops have enjoyed recently, it's no wonder de- signers are beginning to elaborate on a good theme; they've simply elongated the shirt into a dress! It's a revival. of course. But today's shirtdress looks very contemporary in crisp fabrics fashioned into high-necked ruffle fronts. easy open-at-the-throat designs, even a shirtdress that di vides into pants. The over-alJ effect is to render the female soft and pretty, rescuing her from recent primeval fashions that have been spinning off so many drawing boards. + Aileen divides a packable cotton- knit shirtdress into pa.nts! $!0. Bag by Do/an; sunglasaes, Riviera. A cr&.p, cool, clum shirldrus i.s fashioned by Russ in. Avril-cot- t<ni. S!J. Sandal.& are GranMrppers P'hotogr°'"'9d °" !tie S. S. Uni'-<# Stoi.. by Hol Otivn At the ltelm i.3 an eye-catchi1tg duo: n.t/Ud rarn-liua drua retaila /or 19. Windowpa.n.e-check in pol~eder cottOft 'i 110. Botlt fr<>m Sltip'n Sltor~ Coiftvte1i Mortin Downey for Helene Clltfla Hotwe IMfMI Hoiopiecft; J.~: Mol9oft de fov co-· d .... by Shlp'11 ~ Fa.Milli W.-...,. ltett JI, 1111 7 ______ ) -Dr. -Joyce Brothers Heads Team of Experts \\ho Offer r~fanl _Beaufv·~! Dr .. Joyce, Bro6en, well lulowa p11~, '"'" ..... lldvb " MW to AICCleed ... ·-" II« owm TV sllow ud dally .,..uc.ted cohuu • Let Dr. Joyce Brothen and three le1dln1 beauty ex.perts show you bow to make yourself '111t1111tl)l IHt1J4Jl}ul -both Uuidc and out. Tbis ._volume, 10fl· cover library provides you with a complete auldc to alowinJ aood looks from A 10 Z -from pickina Upsiicks to choosina the riahl cloches. Most important, you are shown how to achieve that "inner beauty" which is the most precious lhina a woman can have. Library includes ... "WOMAN"' "1 Dr. Joytt lrodlen "The truth is rhat no woman, beauty or Just averaee alrl, can over be secure unles& she de· veloPI ID ianer quality, an b• aunanc:o that ia independent of -r outer appearance. Tbis is the beauty that is important ..... Dr. Joyce Brothen, wdl·k.nown TV_ peraonallty, 1lvo1 you llrailhtfo,...anl common 1eOtC .clvico OD bow to de~ this "inner ,beauty" IO cherished by WOIMD cvet)'W'bete. You discover bow co become'° radiant from "within" that you automatically achieve your boart'• deWe -whether It be hair problems; IPPIYina make- up for both day and evenlna ... You also discover secre11 of a perfect flaure; tips on countina calories; up.to-date information on beautiful ~ds and feet; 1un1annina; eye aluses; contact looses· cosmetic: SW'ltl'Y; ad MUCHMORE! .. MOTHER. l'D RA TRER BUY IT MYSELF' .,, ~· Fruk CGm,ade GUle to Wluil'1 ....... p ..... _.,_ YOU-ICJ'W to FltY .... n.e., Nee4t ....... Wh1t'1 th e aecret of buyina dothea that enhaDce JOU¥ face, flsure and compleiuon? How am JOU be suie you are alwa,ya in fuhion, and not taken in by IOIDC sbort~wd f.ad? Here are the teereo of bupna clothe$ wi9ely -and aiettml tbc best value and most .. dsfaction for y<>Ur money ... You1J leam bow • to orp.niz:e your wanlrobe and plan fluare puldt11e1 to flt your overall IChcme; Im• to mue one oulftt do the work of uw.y· how to perk U(I . I favorite old drc:ss; and MUCH MORE! .. FROM TEEN TO TWENTY, SltAUl'Y IS l(NOWING HOW" byM.teP..,_ Don't you wish you could we.to up some momina aMI find you're beautlfuJT . 1 • This boot lhows you euctly now to mate the most of your fresh IOOd looks now, aod ~anntco 10Uf future beauty with day-by.ay ca.re. It reveab "instant" waya to cover up akin blem.lsbea o r hide ftpre faulu. Dernonsttltet bow you can eYf'tl ~ tbe contoura of your face with the riabt DlJlkeUp and a flaUcriq hairdo. Here are all the short· cuts to cmmUabt INUnt beauty ... And. best of all, book al.es you daHy beauty rouUno to mate that overnl1ht m11ic permanent. Doll't Loee o.tt Clallll ...... NOW! Oaim your 4 IOft~ ~ umot, your 752-pqe INSTANT Bl!AUT-Y LIBRARY -wltll1 - thly ""11 CUp No-Rist, PREE Trial Coupon bctow and mall NOW/ ~0,111b9.vt:~J:n ~i: r - - -Ell)or 10 Days at 0.. Risk! - - -1 ltcepin1 romanot, too. ii INSTANT BEAUTY LIBRARY, Dept. YWS-18 I "l'BE A.cs OP BEAUl'V" Bos. 71'7, Gn8lll C.... 8tlldoll, New Ycd. N. Y. IMl7 "1 ...._. Mseo I' Pte-"""' • my Ma u~ INSTANT IEAUlY uuuv. I Ac ....... G4IMe. Glow-I "'* up of .. eof&.eoftr ~ thet Pf'OVlde "" A to z = for I ::.,c-1 ~ ._.... =~.:o=· ~~ ~· r:.;1:et'::n ~~ ~ ~M fw O*' JI nhiri 10 dl1a -4 reaelft rau llnnled!atc refund. I Book abows you bow to loot J 1 "-I rour bur Ml IM ti-. It reveals I A..,_ _________________ _ Ill nowat ideM about carina I I for 70Ur putk:ular type of skin; a.r .... •--- banillll.lna blemllha; manllial •L ._ - - - - - - - - - - - - ---.J mi ..................... .-... 0 ................. _.. ______________ ~ ~n ______ .. • Eight delicious !iee mixes, handsomely bound in rich cardboard. Fascinating flavors, suitable for all ages. Each box contains a flavor packet of original spices and enough rioe for five healthy helpings. You can enjoy the spicy East Indies, tomat.oey New Orleans, seasoned White and Wild Pioe, cheesey Italian, rich Beef, Chinese Fried rice, fine Herb and Butter, a delightful Chicken and rice. . An international feast that's easy to cook, quick to make and a revelation to eat. Read and enjoy MJB rice mixes, they do wonders for the dinner .conversation. e. ~ I ' I ' .1 I 1 I 1 i t . Stomach upset's had It, by gum! Ye.I 8illioao ...,...c f« "f>Phal!C'e repolit yearly ... Ill' )'OW' 5harc. m ... 111 inln you ... home ;., .,..re 1~ &Ill wWle )'OU team ... pnct;cal. ie..ra.try-doin& medlod aiw:s )'OU ..,..._. ~ (all! Don'I quit )'OW'~ job ... llaYC 1 iftcom5 ..• .,.,,.,_ IO f\111 time ~ ol your own ... be your -n &ku.,....to ... end ~ ........ ....,. t!Meter, the MOit ,__, IMen-M ~the Oadri-ul trouble 11tootor ... Just chew It away- with Chooz, chewing JUm antacid. Relief in a twinkle for stomach upset, gas, heartburn due to acid indigestion. Big plus: Chooz gum is not only a superb antacid .•. it's also delightfully ref reshing in its own right. Right! Chooz. The only chewing gum antacid. PIUORMS A FAMILY AFFAIR Fidnti11s, lo. of .seep and a torment-inc ltch are often telltale lligns or Pin-W0111l8 ... usly paraait.ee that medical experts say Infest 1 out of every8penion.1examined. Entire fam- ilies may be victlme and not know It. To pt rid o( Pln-W orma. they must be kiUed i11 tbe larse int.estine where they live and multiply. Tbat'eeu.ctly what Jayne's P-W tablet.a do ... and here's bow they do it: First-a 11Cientlllc coating carries the tablets into tbe bo-la before they diaeolve. Then-Jayne'• mod- em, medJcallY-approved ln&ftdient goes right to work-ldlla Pin-Wonua quickly. easily. Ad 110au plwrmae/al. Don't take chaneee with dan,er- 01111. highly contacioua J>in,.Worma which infect entire families. Get gen- uine Jayne's P-W Vermlfuse . . . am.an, euy-to-take tablets ..• special ai~ for children and adult.a. Now Ma•y Wear FALSE TEETH With More Comfort To overcome dtacomfort when dentu~ slip. slide or looeen. Ju.at sprinkle a Utt.le PASTDTH on your plateis. FAB'IDIH boldl' dent.urM flrmer. You eat better, feel more comfort.able. PABTDTH la alkaline -won'tsour.Helpecbeck plateoclor. Oenturee t.b&t tit are -nua1 to health. See your dent.lat tteularlJ. <ht P'ASTDTH at all druc counters. with thOM kit. ,OU will t-----;::---=:---;:::;----'-11 ,_ Md a.rt ...... Ins fest. Mf'ICWID l'OI ,.AIHIHG llN08 GJ. llU •••••••••••••••••••••••••• · , ~ .... i.nmn o.. .s11i: 115 Ent R-r-lo. AnpiM 90059 • : Rlllll me 1111 r/ICf P'AOI<. ~ me how I can : • ...... -_,, In [leclrtc.I AIJpkanc• lltipeir lleld • • • • • :,_. : • • ·~--------~· • When Dentures Don't Perform As Well As Natural Teeth, Do This • •• For the fint time science now of-I holds dentures firmer ... it holds fen a unique plastic cream that j' them mort' com/oriab/.v. too! holds /alu teeth almost like Na-FrxoDENT is so elastic it ab- ture henelf holds natural teeth. I aorbs shock -lets you bite harder It forma an elastic membrane that I without poitt. Helpa you enjoy holds both "uppers and lowers" u 1 steak, apples. corn.on-the-rob. never before. Just one applieation may last It'• called FlXODENT-the revo-1 'round-the-clock. Even resists hot lutionary diecovery for daily home coffee. Dentures that fit are t'S· use. FIXODl:NT i~ so amazingly !M'ntial to health. See your dentist different ifs protected by U.S. re~ularly. Get F I XODENT at all Patent #3,003,988. It not only drugrounten. Mystics-foresee and scientis ts predict a deep rumble, the terrifying sway of buildings, then mass d Will EARTHQUAKES] By llOB GAINES I N GEOLOGY laboratories through- out California, engineers, geo- physicists, and seismologists are calmly working out a scenario for the next big quake to bit the state. It could well happen like this: A QiAiet, warm '1411, perM.ps sometime in th.e I.ate ttpf'ing or nutul'ler of thil wear. Suddenl11, up a.nd down th.e atete, fo.mily doga come to their feet, ea.ra al.Mt. Thet1 whimper nert1oual11, a.lread11 catching a.n almost iuudible rumble in the ground. Tll.e rumble geta louder, hou.au begin. to 1M.ke. Pipea a.nd electric lineJJ map, plaater a?Ul wall. collapse. T1u great, roarif&g q"""6 pounda cit California. for intermiMbl~ sec0fld8. H ills crumble into VcUU'JIB, the freewa11s bend like rubber ba,"48, the Got.deft Gate and Oakland Bo.w bridges twt GM pit.ch. T h.e qua.Ice eaau, M1t1 a cloud of du.at and smoke 650 miles lO'llg bilb:nos the l~gth of thr state. In the d1ut11 murk, the cities a.re exploding. From So.n Diego to San Fra.fl.- cilco they a.re fier7I e%J)losi0ffl8 that light ttp the haze Like a. .,,a.riding Fourth of lult1 ap~tacle. If this sound& like the conclusion of an old Cecil B. DeMille extravaganza, don't be deceived. Currently a rumor is raging througb the state that a quake as big as the one that wrecked San Franci&eo in 1906 wlll bit this year. As a result, several small Pentecoetal congregations have eold their homes and moved away. Seers like Jeane Dixon and Maurice Woodruff are prognosticating earth tremors for 1969. And Hollywood agents say many of their stars have sud- denly asked for foreign ftlm assignments which will take them out of the state an this summer . M08t California geologists admit there is a chance of a major quake hitting the state sometime soon. "The problem is that these scare predic- tions obscure the real dangers of earth- quakes," complaim Jamee Brune, a geo- physicist with the Calif ornfa Institute of Technology. "A date p&88es and people aay, 'Forret about quakes.' But we'r e long overdue for a big one." Cal Tech geologist Dr. Charles Richter, dean of this countey's earthquake watch- ers, agTees: "It is inevitable that there will be a major quake in California. It could happen tomorrow. No plAce is exempt from the danger." The focus of most of this anxiety is a deep crack into the crust of the earth called the San Andreas Fault. More than 660 miles long, it emerges from the Gulf of California below San Diego and even- tually disappears back into the ocean north of the San Francisco area. It is part of a zone of restless, constantly shitting rock that extends up through ~-- The San. Andrecs fault a.t Carrizo Pla.im appears 43 if tt4lttre ripped tlte earth apart. What to Do in an Earthquake Hent 11 Dr. Charles Richter's advice about what to do if you get cough! in o quake: • Don't panic, don't run wildly. Avoid damaged localitle1, broken wires. • At the fint gentle rumble, if possible, seek out a safe place to stand outside the house, otherwise, stay under o load-bearing doorway. If not possible, get under o near table. Avoid walls. • If driving, pull over and drop to the floor. • When the quake is over, check your home for fires and gas leaks. If you smell gos, tum off the main valve. Don't waste water (your lines may be broken). If your house is safe, stoy there. Don't travel until you ore certain .YOU won't hamper clean-up crews and reKue wot"ken. 1le, !SS s ~_:~._._ ... _ .... __ ... _ .... _______ .;..., __ ... ., ---------. ~-~_-_~-:_-_..::-___.:__.._ --.. truction on a not-too-distant day- ock California? laska, out along the Aleutians t.o Japan, hen back through the Pacific via New Zea· nd, and up along the western coast of outh America. Geologiata call the San Andreas a strike=.slip" fault. There are two large and m&88e8 literally rubbing each other he wrong way. For millions of years, the west side has een moving northwest at a rate of one o two inches a year. Certain areas, how· ver, do n-0t seem t.o be moving. According geologists, these "locked" sections are uilding up presaure much like a spring under tension. Eventually the spring h88 ~nap. When it does, California will have a mammoth quak!. The force released will. be mi11ions of times greater than that re- leased by a nuclear weapon. A $220 million Government program has Cit11 of!icial l:eapa acroaa OftB of m4"1' /fa· surea which aplit a aecti-01l of Loa A1'gelea. been recommended t.o study earthquakes further. Scientist.a w~nt t.o team what cauae.e earthquakea-and, equally impor· tant, how t.o control them. Here are eome techniques bei~ teated : "\ fluld lniectlons ScientMa believe they could drill holes int.o danger areas and pump a l4rge quantity of 1Mter into them. This conceivably would "looeen" the tense sections, producilll' some mini-quakes but no serious major ones. The Wandering Pole.a ~phy~ici8t8 have noticed that the North and South Pole.e of the earth occasionally ahift a few feet, and whenever one of these unexplain· able polar shifts takes place, earthquakes follow. Scientista suggest a more careful tracking of this polar wobble. CrMp-watchlngs Reeearchers are pres- ently developing a variety of new, ultra· sensitive instruments for measuring earth movements. Scientiata have already reached the point where they can now predict with some degree of reliability where the next tremora in the rock will take place. "But the problem ia that we stiU can't predict the violence of the movements," says Dr. Richter. While the ecientista are b~y learning to predict quakes, California's politicians are equally busy trying t.o soft-pedal the danger of earthquakes. "We've lived with quakes all our lives," San Francisco's Two liMB on 4 1DiMf'y fl.o<>r '"°"' diata.Jtee aectiom ha.1Je ahif ted i" m011emnt of ea.rtl&. Mayor Joseph Aliota says fretfully. "San Francit1eans know what t.o do if and when they do occur." And what does the average Calif omian have t.o Hy about all this earthquake furor? Moat of them seem fatalistic. Typical ie the comment of a Loa Angeles builder. "The small ones can't hurt You," he says, staring up at the steep, brush-cov- ered slope that looms over his home in the Hollywood Hills. "Aa for the big one.e," he shrugs, "I gueu you never think that a big one is going to bit." • Familw WHklw, 11-r 11, 1111 11 "Popaic:I•" "fudgalc:le" "Creamsic:le" '"Oreamsic:le" "SO.SO" and "Slc:I•" are re9i1...,.ci rrademarls of Joe low• Company, E119l•Wfod. N.J. 07631 It's not Summer without it. ~uy 'hem one •t a ti me, or by the bor · at your F•vorite supermarket. 4 • ·1 I I I l 1 l l M.iinv people over -40 need m.tgnific.ii1ion lo read sm.iill print & do fine det.iiil work. These milgnifying glasses do the job! They h.iive fine qu.iili1v opticilllV ground & polished lenses. Comfort.iible, bl.tclc stvlish frames ue slurdv. lightweight; fit anv he.iid size. urrv ase incl. Power of leftH'I fot various •se poup1 tu....-ed at followt: -...1; 4a-S4; SS-65; 6'-71; over 71. Specify a1e poup. (Not for diseued or utigm.iitic eves.) 0 Regular Ma1nlfyln1 Gl4itlff .................................................... $2.M 52129 Men's; SllJ1 Women'• 0 Half Specs .................................................................... $2.91 SJ6l1 Men's; s•1 Women's Clip-on m .. gnifiers slip risht over prescription glilsses. Let you stt fine print, do detail work without changing to a second p.iiir. 0 SSIJS dip-Oft Ma,snifien ...................................................... $2.91 Sony, no onlen accepted for defivery In MalMchusetts. Instantly! No pute or tabs! lift transparent film cover, place photo in, put cover badc- that's all. It cling.s to mount and protect phbtos. Remove, rearrange them! l~ther-like covers. Regular Album: 16 pages, 91/t" x S'/,"; Deluxe: 20 pages, 111/t" x 91/2". For extra space, order 10 page Refill Pack. Mount lbe1f Album: 10610 Regular ...................... :$1.98; Delu11e ....................... $1.91 Refill radc: 25114 Regubr ....................... $1.00; Oelu11e ....................... $1 .'8 '""Cllt 81"1,AJ.u .,.neer ...... AtlHtiC CltJ, H.J. 09404 I enclose l ) check °' ( (' money o-rder for --•• (SOITY Ne C.O.D.'1) Pl .... rufh me the follow na. lteplar Malftitr1n1 81HMI --#52829 Men's '-$2.98 plus 50¢ postaae and handhn&. --#53231 Women I • $2.98 plus 50¢ POSta~· •nd U fldhng. Half Specs --#53637 Men's f. $2.98 plus 50e_posta1e •nd handling. ----153801 Women s e $2.98 plus 50¢ post•&• and handllna. ----153835 Clip-On tMcnlfl9rs 4!t $2.98 plus 50e postace and handhna. Meunt ltMlf A,.um --#20610 R .. ular Mount ltMlf Album @ ,l.98 plus 5oe postaae and h•ndling, --#25114 Rqular Album Refill PacJt ~,1.00 plus 2S¢ postap and h•ndllna. -#34546 OeJu.,. Mount lttelf Album $3.98 plus 7~ postap and h•ndlina. --#25122 Deluxe Album Refill Pack @ 1.98 plus 2S¢ postap and hllndlina. Na>nte----------------------------~ ta1e Zip ..:, ~ NSldents ,,._le add ,,, Ulel tax. •------ IATIIPACTHNll •UUAMftlD Ga 110..EY lll.fUNDlD • 1M•. IPINCB 01m. INC... AfV.HTIC on ..... , • ..-L --~--~-~----------------------J =-FAMILY WllKLY COOKBOOK Chilled l\rtichokes fur Patio Parties MELANIE DE PROn' Food Editor Special pdte dip add.8 extra flai•or to tltese elegant rhiUed artirhokes. • Chilled artiebokee, richly aaaeed and eerved with an aNOr1· meat of dbtinctive roU., are M- pedally •uitable for your patio entertaining. Artichokes with Pite Dip 6 cooked and <'hilled artid•okH (aee Row to Prepare and Cook Artichokes, FAMILY W&U.LY April 20, 1969) Vi cup canaed liverwurst apread 1 up aayoaaaiae Yi C11P dairy eour crHm 2 Ua&poou prepared muatard 1 tablespooa cltopped chin• Accent %4 cooked ahriMp, chilled 1% cherry tomatoea, chilleod t. Blend liverwurst spread, may- onnaise, sour cream, mustard, and chives. Chm thoroughly. 2. Cut artichokes lengthwise into halves and sprinkle with Accent. Place 2 shrimp and a cherry to- mato in center of each. Set on a serving tray. Serve liver pat~ as a dip for artichokes, shrimp, and tomatoes. 6 1ervinga Basket o' Rolls Double Onion Biscuits Slightly flatten packaged refrig- erated biscuit&. Spread half of the rolls generously with a mix-' 12 Familr Weekl11 , Jla.w J8, JH9 ture of 'A cup butter or marga· rlne, softened, 2 tablespoons snipped .parsley, and l 'h table- spoons onion ealad-dreseing mix. Top with remaining rolls. Cut center from each double roll with a doughnut cutter, Gently stretch and twist each ring into a figure eight ahd put onto a baking sheet. Bake at 126°F . 10 min. (Bake centers fot· nibblers.) Spinach Crescents Divide packaged refrigerate< crescent roll dough into triangles cut each lengthwise in half. Brust dough with Italian salad dresstn~ (bottled or prepared from a mix) Sprinkle with grated Parmesan· Romano cheeee. Mix 1 cup fine!) snipped spinach with 5 table spoons prepared bacon-like piecet (a soy protein product); presi into dough. Roll up and place on i baking sheet. Bake at 376 ° F . 1 ( to 15 min. Commeal-Kist Biscuits Separate packaKed refricerated flaky biscuits and coat each with cornmeal. Place on an ungreased baking s heet about 2 in. apart Bake at 400°F."'l0 to 12 min. or until golden brown. 111arga· spoons table- tits (A~O -~~'fJ~.1~ .h. ,,,t.N_, d.-t ~?I ./ ~ /.$--Pre~~ ...... Dear Ruth McCarthy: You don't know me, but I've been reading your stories about people who've lost weight and I'd like to tell you my tale. I was a junior in high school. A fat, date- less teenager who spent her lonely evenings at the refrigerator. Either at my house or baby-sitting at someone else's. The bad thing about baby-sitting was that there was always food in the house, which turned into fat on my hips. Whenever I got a chance to dance (usually in the arms of my father at a family wedding), I looked like a bowl of jelly, jig- gling across the floor. Sounds funny, doesn't it? But it wasn't. Particularly not when you had a slim sister, who dated regularly. She and her boyfriend tried to fix me up with fellows, but who wanted to do the 'IWist with 150 pounds of fat: I kept telling myself that I'd outgrow it. I didn't. And you sfon't when you eat like I did. My· mother is Maltese and my father Czech- oslovakian. When he married my mother, he insisted that she learn how to bake all those fancy Czech pastries. Of course, she had a few Maltese specialties of her own. And me, I just lapped them up. By the time I'd become a junior in high school, however, I began to think more about boys than baked goods. Not too far from where I lived, in Flushing, New York, there's a very nice place that has dances for teen· agers on Friday evenings. I used to go some- times, but nothing ever came of it. I always wound up a wallflower. Summers were hard, too. B~thing-suit time. Mine would always be one-piece. And black. I'd stay in the water, up to my neck, as much as possible. On the sand, I'd wrap myself in a robe and watch the others have fun. I'm sure they thought I was shy, but I was really ashamed. After unhappy times like these, I'd try to I'd prob~b[y never be_ married now, if I hadn't lost 49 pounds "starve" myself. I'd lose a couple of pounds, but at the end of the week, I'd go on a binge flnd gain it all back. Then one day I read an ad about a reduc- ing-plan candy, called Ayds . And the word "candy" got me. This sounded like the an- swer to my problem. After all, I thought, it wouldn't be like tak- ing a reducing pill. And it wasn't, once I tried Ayds. One thing I liked, this candy contained no harmful drugs. And it was sweet enough to satisfy my sweet tooth, so I didn't feel I was denying myself at all. I just took one or two before meals as directed, with a hot drink. And it helped me control my appetite. Really. It was as pleasant as could be. I lost 25 pounds in three months. That's when my friends began to notice my looks. I even be- gan to like the way I looked myself. In fact, I began to think about getting contact lenses. "Might as well go all the way," I thought. When I reached 125 pounds, one of the girls got me a date for Rye Beach. It was great. And it was only the beginning. There were dates and more dates. Every pound I lost motivated me to lose another. By the time I graduated, I had dropped to 115 pounds. And it wasn't long before I lost more. The· only reason I took baby-sitting jobs from then on was to make money. Not fill up my evening. After years of being wrapped in J 50 pounds of fat, I was slim-and free. I'm 5'21h " tall and today, I weigh 101 pounds, down from 150. In the measure- ments department, I've gone from 40" to 33~" In the bust; from 29" to 23•h" In the waist; from 40'' to 34'' In the hips; and from a size 16 lh to a size 5 clreu. Jsn't that wonderful? And what really makes me feel good is knowing that I haven't gained any of the weight back in six years. And I haven't even had to continue usingAyds to stay slim. On the Ayds Plan, I had trained myself to eat less. And like it. And the habit has lasted. In January, I was married to a wonderful man, who found it hard to believe I was ever heavy. During our engagement, I showed him the enclosed pictures of myself. I suppose it wasn't the brightest thing to do, but, thank goodness, it dide't scare him off. He did say though: "If I'd seen you when you Wt!re that big, I'd never have asked you out." And I'm sure that, without Ayds, I'd never have this wedding band on my finger today. ~~~<1-- ·~~!;r:.'fQ. ----------~~---------~-- I CAmRAllT lnetidns your,. st rol of 1261 C LOR Rl:M . WITH DEVELOPING & 12 JUMBO COLOR PRINTS AT NO EXTRA com MAIL THIS 9PfCW. OllD(.R COUPON TOMY 10 OSTAIN YOUR IMITMT LQM) CMIERA KIT -... 1 ....................... l ___ ......... 1 ........... 1 .. 11111n11111•---.. -· ... ·-·--········ .. -• • • • : ACE fflM ClU8 i P.O. IOX 1191, Dlpt. fW ; LONG ISUHO CITY, N.Y. 11101 • • ; • : Pl.EASE SE.ND Ml INSTANT lOM CAMERA KITS •.• COMPlET£ WITH Fl.ASH ! ::"~":.:~~ n: ~ ·~::~~ :.:6i~:.:. : COLOR PltlNTS. I MUST IE SAT1Sf'IED OR MY MONEY WILL IE R£FUNOED. • 5 £HClOS(D IS O CHECK OR O MON£Y ORD[R FOR S ----------1 (Pl.EASE AOO SAL.ES TAX IF APPUCABLE} i Add~ poslat• Ind hendline for 8ICh kit ordered. I Rtplar $14.91 nly .95 •NoGimmicb •NoEdras • No f"llm to Buy • TM is 10U' totlll price lndudin& frM Dau •:c4Mnc and 12 Color Prints YOUI INSTANT LOAD CllllA m llCWDIS: llSTAlll LOAD u.ma . . . 4-Rm cm . . . . . . . 2 UllEdS . . • • IOU Of 126 llSTW11C IODMDlOI flM -=:r $7.95 .75 .40 1.40 DMlOPlli 11m 12 Juuo mu• P11m 4.41 PUICHASID WAIATB Y YOU WOUlD PAY • • $14. 91 TM! N#NffW Of ACf f1UI a.ua PllOCllllllQ NEVER BUY FILM AGAIN! ... -·-~ ... -......... --l&l·-... --l&l·-... UK lltll COUPON fOR NOClll 18 .... OM.Y: I ILLLLL ILLLll IDBI I LT 1111 I Lb llllLILI •••WE• M:E f1UI a.ua, P.O. IOl 1111, LGll8 mNeD an, fU. llltl : ..... ,,............... : ... ,..... ............................ ~ . .. ··' ~ __________ ..... _ ..... ____________ ~ :r-!=.;:-~· ffAft 5 ..... __. 1 e cm. . STATE ZIP ____ I......... 0 PUAS( ..... A .._., Fall lllM.DI ·········-·--· .. ----...... --·••111111-•1••··-·······--·-··••1••·····-··-····-·--·····-•1111 ____ , • i • • • • • • i • • : • • = I 1• ,4/VDf CALBIVDAR-Smo.ll thl11 caleftclar attached o your watcll. band tell.8 tAe te anytime. Start tOith ny momh. ChampagM- olot· metal, fits any band. et of 1! calendars, 11.50. ! sets, II!. Haftd.11 Caleft.- r, Dept. FW-5, Hand11 ldg., Scott Cit11. Kama"8, 7871. COLORIVL '1LM OFPER- K oda.color film developed aftd ;umbo priflU are onlr 11-'8 if 11ou send tAu edt.. torial along with rowr tum. A•t1 8 or 1! ~avre East- '""" Kodak Film. Fail"'ru crediUd. Limit 1 roll. Oler ~iru JtJJr 1, 1970. Sknul- laftd Photo, Dept. FW-6, Lau qen.eva, Wis. 681" 1. eekend Shopper BY SUSAN PAINE . SEE BIG with these new-style baU- frame glasses! Precision-ground lenses Jet you see big and clear with ~ \ ~ -magnified vis1on. Ideal for fine print ---~ and detail work. "Topless'' frame for nobstructed distant viewing. For folks over 40 without stigmatism or eye disease. State age. ,5.SO. Nel-King, WK-69RD, 811 Wyandotte, Kansas City, Mo. 64105. ARD'S Formula is a treatment for the scalp at may help you find relief from dandruff nd a dry, itchy scalp. The people who off er is formula say that a few treatments help ntrol a falling hair problem from common alp infection. Regular size, '2; triple, $6 ppd. H. H. ard, Dept. FW-1, 19 W. 44th St., New York, N. Y. 10036. LEARN TO Pl.A Y the guitar in one week. No tedious practice or exer- cises. You get 320 songs, guitar tuner, complete instructions with chord se- lector. Pictures and words guide fin- gers. Fun for the whole family! $3.98 pd. Terry Elliott, Dept. FW-7, Box 1918, Grand Central tation, New York, N. Y. 10017. R-LOKS keep your eyegl888es from an- ying slipping and sliding. Elastic tabs over the ends of ear pieces. No more ush-in-place," tabs fit all frames. Com- rtable. Invisible. Eliminate cold-day or t-day slipping as well. 59'; 2 pairs, ppd. Donsay, Dept. FW-5, 200 West 57th Street, York, N. Y. 10019. THE nRST LINCOLN PENNY! De- signed to commemorate the lOOth anniversary. of Lincoln's birth - 1909-VDB (designer's initiala) -the only year and coin of its kind! Con- dition: good, $2.98; fine, $4 .98 ; gen- De uncireulated, $9.98. 16-page illustrated catalog in- ded free. Add 26¢ l10Stage, handling. Matt Numiss, pt. F-418, Box 321, Great Neck, N. Y .. 11022. IF eM.11' Slto,.,,er iwm• •re NOT .tHrtWn •• If JWotl•m •I.own •re ..oc ...Uflble., uora. Of'4• /ro• ~ ,,....~ SWEDEN'S , MIRACLE FORMULA THAT MAKES SKIN l LOOK YOUNG AGAIN Cllllcal tests ., ........... ldlerttils "'" 1Ut .. $ ............ wttll ......... ll&M'l•b .... Ml Ille..,...._ tf lllln, wrtMlta, ... ....,, *111111-ACTUAllY llAIES YOUl SUI l.Oll UP Tl 1$ YEAIS YO-fl! AT lM LAST .•. SCEICl PEIOUTU llATlll .. fllMl.Y MNllS All 1 W ~ Aa· "8Ul•~ 1. U...S•llM~ 2. Unes II IM COfMr of tlll tYet l. Lilla llldef tilt tYet 4. u......iu.-. 5. Ulla ... tD...,. 6. u.s ... Ille .... 7. u.. .. .-. .. c11111 A ltCYll mum .. . n.. .... , lnulolWMMe ,.. ...... -I».. • .._ to _, -Ike • alneM l9 ......... eyee, r.. It la re.Jly 8 1i91p)e, -....a ,.._ MH.i Oil .... ,_ edelllilb .... 11.d ... Mn i-. ~ ...... ....,. ,. c-"1 r.... ~1 ,,_,,....Lee -...W.: "Y--·at•• ... .-ae. .......... -.... -eka •lart •• thriRk iii ••. , ........ , ... ,,.s.:,,. .... t.-(lib ill eldl ...... I -llieJ. p-Mlt n4 l • , .... Mrt t• .-oU..,... Ae die, ffll..--.. U.wa, I.._ •M wm.k&. , __ ,_ •• ·-ha ...... .., __ -,.. ..... pl.pH witli ~ ..o.ai. "--............. ...... _,. 19• ,..... .. , .. .,.,w, •~ca-CW. &'9 "'"-ff0.,...? -NOT • lack el _..._ u 1-,. .tr ... lin. ..._ W .. Miine; ._._ lf oal7 -•-. -~ )' .. eowJ• ,._.1 "'-Nd 11M .... y-. 91 y .. )t Aly -ty WMltlaf J•W '-wkli _, _. we11r. rt. -it le ... ..-..-. ................. ~ .....,. ., -................. ,_ .... , .. _...._ ...... _..., .. dloe ,._ ., ,_ e1i1 .... ~ _., ,_ ..., u.-u,. -"" ,_r ......... ... Y-. t. J.di dWnl -4..........., , ....... ,,._ ... pewnf.J r~l ff-FM• el tlW Swe4W. •oMu fer- •m -.,aw Mredly a. die .. k welll te wwk t. • ....... y .._. ...... ..,, ~-... YiUI '"...._, •• dwll, 1'"4 ..... ,.._ ,..... y...Wwl ..... y ... ... help ................ ;g; -el u-. wrilllr.I .. ... n-ow'e feet ONCE A~D ALLI .. ~ .. " 11 YU111-.Wlll IPWMJITl .-R llEATmf ,... -ol tWt ..... ..., ..... .-JM.Jal '"' -trete la NUTRJV£NA BIS ....... 8"ft' Wett .... wieMe ~ .w. t• -...-a. ti. .-u., tte.tJ• 1111 .• an-1 -IWewry ... ,...,... Y-. whelhH 1•• ue MIJ 1 wo-ol JO wh 11 int ... ni.1 le dl-t-the int 1.1 .. ,.,,. ... .t •'-...... nm • an.......,., who M•n IM-lie"41 1•• ....icl ..... JIWlll ....... INn II tlM •IFMlc t ... ..4en ttletw-e_ ..... , ... If '" •• m y-thlniM ,.. will -di t..._ •P.I den. . .t..U.a. wrinlilee _. '""'• '8et .. rt t• •...-ALMOST IMMEDIATELY. If 11• ue I• yewr fMtlft .•• , .. will -..... .., ........... --.... du. ud .-fl •rt le .,..., _....., frelMr. tialiter ud .. .._ Ill • -n•r el •1•. AM -U ,. .. -SS. w 641 er n• '5 ,...,. •lei ••• fH 'Will -11M hrrW .,U.1 •Ide ef ........ wclT ,._ .. Ille -... _ ................ , •.. N&r~ MONTHS -BllT ll'C JUST I TO S WFZIU ...... r-'D ._. 11to11ltilM.i to ... ,,. .-,le •tu ,_ - Kt..U,. 1S r•n ,...... •. If )'H weeld 1111• I• &ry NUTRJVENA B2S -• ee...,aete _,.. 1rW ........ lo -,~ , • .-•• i..w h ..... ..,, , .. f'lftltll ...... lS ,.... .. ,... yeetli ........ u Y" .... .. : .. ll mtmlll.LWIY .. lllCIWIY WITMl1' 1111111 A ..U PmlY SS.ply 611 ... die -1-4 ~U... prierity _..... 11te11 .ttMr -· U.00 .,. pwy ,__ JS.It ,.t• C.O.D. ,...... .. .m .. 1. TW. _, le ~ .. ,_. II ... ........ die ..... die ~.,... ,.W .... ., ... , .. , ... k ........ , .... w... J ,_'"' , .... When Jew NUTIUVEIU 825 .rrt.• •mpl1 ..,,1, • dlneted •• ,_ ·-... 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" ...nc.1-ec;.-,,.. le ,.. .... •ldl 1 ....,1y ._.ftf'ff 1"4 fo....Ja '" e..i• NOW -Uy tllaltlWi a.a.. nftSia1 d.m ef tltk ..-. ,__. ••• _.....,,... ........ , .... ~ •• ,._.._,,..If ...lat wieM.e ............. , ........... ........... -.__, _......,.. wltli ...... 1"4 ...,......._ r~·~•-.-.•wn•~-------.---1 ........... C"',IU,_, ,,_ .... -~ ... ~ .,_...., ............ ..,"'"" el *'TllMM l2S"' wllldt I !llltllM _.. _.., .._ • _, fli*i, ............ ., ........................... _, Wlf I w111 ,...._ e fllll =--' ..,-. .............. MITIMJIA 121 ............ ........., , .. cewi• lld..Uy ~ ... _.,...a.a....,..,_. el , ..... -......... y ••• MtMlly ...... ..., ... _,.., ...... ••-..__ t.Mt fer y.wn .. ,.. llHtt ..-. ...... ,._ ., ,.. ....... ff..,lniee •.. Ktully ,. rilalU. ............. , .. ...., el ,_ ..... t.Mt .n t'-'U... ............................ i.n .... .,. ......tme. ....... ..._&M lu -M, 1111119 Cl:r, IJ, 11111 I I I cu, ..... .. I a .,. • ..,..,o.wr••...,••·•..,,.....,tt ....... _,.......,_, a c.o.o . ....,. ---. .._..,, • • ,_. .__.. ..... I M ., .......... C:.0.0 .......... _,... I L~~~~~~~~~---------j ' Would you invest $1,350~ in a bilsiness of , your own if you could expect to make $2,000 or more in profits every month? Would you be interested in such a business right now, if you could be certain of success before resigning your present position or giving up your present pay check7 If your answer is "yes" send your name today for complete details, mailed free to your home. By Jerome S. Shaw, Cltuirma11 of rlre Board. Though less than five years old, our company already has started more than 400 men or women or man-and- wif e teams in one of the most rapidly growing private businesses of the decade. It is a business which you can completely own and control, yet have the training. the financing, and the continuing help of the parent com- pany. It is a business in which you make profits not only on your own efforts, but many times more from the work of others whom you supervise. It is such a business that we invite ambitious men to consider. With a spectacular record of response in many areas of the United States, our corporation is now ready tq appoint Pathway Plan Sales Coordinators in a limited number of additional marketing areas. Our success and the success of our coordinators has been built on two things-Product and Plan. Both are unique. In describing just one of our products, a highly regarded marketing consultant said: ''Seldom have ( had a product submitted which so completely meets the requirc:ments for instant public acceptance; for tremendous volume; for substantial profit margin; and for sustained and growing repeat business. The fact that $3 worth of Haste~ gives the housewife the equivalent of about $JO worth of products she now buys from the supermarket, mukes her an eager and steady customer. The fact that all your products are used up and bought over and over gives your franchised Sales Coordinators a growth ' and profit potential found in very f cw other non- food products ... All the Pathway Products are the result of modern technological advances in the research laboratory. Based on Space-age knowledge, they were designed primarily to make household chores easier for the housewife; secondly to make demonstrations so dra- matic that the housewife who witnesses their action cannot resist buying. The second factor which makes possible a profit potential of $2,000 a month or more is the Pathway Plan. No Pathway Product is to be found in any retail store. As Sales Coordinator in your area you may have from five to 30 people acting as your distributors. Since they must get their products from you as.Coordinator, you make a profit on everything they sell. If you have the desire, and if you can qualify for one of the areas now to be opened, you will r~ive com- plete training in all face ts of the operation of your business. You will be shown now to hire and train· others, how to keep records, how to build for steady growth. Experienced members of the headquarters staff will work with you in making a successful start and then will be available for help and guidance in promoting the rapid expansion of your business. The Pathway Plan gives you many of the advantages usually found only in a costly franchise. Yet there is no "franchise fee" and no continuing royalty to pay. Your initial investment quickly co~ back in cash as your staff sells the starting supply of products. Your total investment ts $3,950.00, but for responsibl~ men or women our Corporation will arrange financing for % of the cost so that your initial investment need not be more than $1,350.00. The Pathway Plan is not one for dreamers or for those who expect success without effort. If you have the determination to be master of your own destiny; the determination to become personally and financially independent in a business of your own you may qual- ify. To learn more, rncrely send your name. We will be glad to mail complete information free and with no obUgation. Read the facts int-he privacy of PATHWAY PRODUCTS CORPORATION PATHWAY 60 Pompton Ave., Dept. 9·815 Verona, N.J. 07044 your home. Discuss the opportunity with other mem- bers of your family. Then, if you are interested in learning more about one of the areas now available, we will arrange for a personal interview during which we will reveal every detail of the Pathway Plan and ac- quaint you with every unique Product in the Pathway Line. Based on what you learn, you can then decide whether you wish to apply for appointment as a Sales Coordinator. Asking for this information does not obligate you in any way. Merely mail the "Request fo r Information" printed below. But do not delay as the areas which are now open for new Coordinators may be closed within the next few weeks. Delay of even a few days might deprive you of this opportunity. PATHWAY PRODUCTS CORPORATION, Dept. 9·815, 60 Pompton Ave .• Verona, H.J. 07044 Gentlemen: I am inter.:sted in reccivina more information on the Pathway Plan and Products. Please Mail oomplcte dcl<lils without obliaotion. No salesman Is to call on me, but after reading. I will let you know if I wish to discuss the potential in my area with a company executive. If I do decide to apply for appointment as Sales Coordinator, I cah roalte an lnvesrmmt of SI ,3SO.OO. If I do apply I will want to be oonsidcrcd for ... (NJn..., ''' Townl ____________ _ N.111ic _______________ _ AJdr«ss ______________ _ t.11) _______________ _ '•·•IC A li11 _____________ _ L -----------------~-~ NEWPORT BEACH LAGUNA BEACH FOUNTAIN VALLEY IRVINE WEEK OF MAY 17 • MAY 23 DICK WILSON'S WILSON FORD SALES ORD : ~--·-1 18255 BEACH ILVD., HUNTINGTON BEACH ... DICK WILSON --__J MEET A"J 1960 · PllCIS . 9RAND NEW 1969 THUNDERBIRD $3888 - $121.75 J6 MOL IT'S A LITTLE GAS -Mevef'~. prk ed lo rivet tlle lrnpor'ls, gl..,.. you I better, mon prectlul u r. Many people -·• put en extra c:en( Into ~•verldl because It's Ill-there. A •bffk Meverldl I• more thin • bHlc car, ••••••••••••••••• B,RAND NIW 1969 MUST ANG HARDTOP $71.30 36 mo. -........................................... ,.. •Ir ........ ..,......,, .................... llSi '.,.. ~ ............................ .. ~-t ........ .: $99 Totel Required Down PeYJMftt On Any NIWCAR·or Niw·TRUCK • .,,, •• credit 9t W1LSON FORD ............ .., ............. ,......,., ...... .,~ ...... lilt" 9'" A ...... U~ c.lf; .... -'wf ... .., c.,, ..... ,... .. ,...,., . .,,.,,.. s YEAR or 50,000 MILE WARRANTY hlll FORD ~842-6611 , II.AND NIW 1tlt FAIR LANE NAfllD NIW.1t6f FALCON $99 Down $70.95 36 mo. Plus TH l License oft •PP· bHlt cre41it. s221a s2088 .,, Down $64.•5 36 ~ Pio.• T •• I Lice"se 011 •PP· bHlt cre41t. ........ ~.,.,..,. ~ .... , ....... roi"1'N c;· . G. T. s2588 ,~.~::~ea .. ~-::. b~lt =;+. -V• ............ SIYte WllMtL ................. wi.e .. ,, ffHI .. NeiH_,_., lllM ~ s,t. e .T. ....... •111 liM. P'Nlll w lleeier A ............ Mdl ... .._ 1M CMll1wy ....... Al *rt .,_ .,... ~ ........... ·~ ......... ·~ .... 2.,.. ...... . llAltl NIW 1tlt $2298 $99 Down 70.95 36 ;,... IANCHERO Pickup Plus TH I Lice11H •11 ,,,. li1111t er~. biftMt ....... c ................. ......,, Nell ....... awtely ........ -111 ........... ""'* .,.,,., '*!Ir• ,..... «9eiNt _.... "*'-• Wtlllt ......... • ._. ce.-, villyt tfiM. C'9:W Ir..,.. fllllf' ....... . IRAND NIW CORTINA SALB DIPr. ' ..... to 10 , .•. 7 Deya s19as ' llftlCI OPIN TRI. tllnl M., I •·•· to 5 P·•· M!:t., I•·•· tot P·•· $99 Down $62.20 36 mo. Plu• TalC & Lk ense on lpprowct blnk c:tldlf 592-5511 I B .. .. own 36 mo. .... llldvy .. , ........ ........ -~ 'M. w .. it. M. 1re4H. I. e .T. .,.. •• :r.dlt rv !PORT! Hlt1Hllt1HT! lb'': SUNDAY, MAY 18 10:00 AM U Angels B11Seball (C) Angels vs. Yankees at N.V. 1:00 U @ (]) Colonl•I lnvitatlonail Golf (C) Final round of tourna· ment, live from the Colonial Country Club in Fort Worth, Texas. Billy Casper is defending champ. 1:30 tJ Qj (j) AAU lnternatlon•I Track •nd Field Meet (C) Begin· ning an 18-week series of Amateur Athletic Union Champion· ship Track and Field Meets is the live coverage of the Martin Luther King International Freedom Gal'hes at Villanova Uni· versity Stadium, Villanova, Pa. MONDAY, MAY 19 10:00 fJ Boxing (C) Tape delay of an earlier double event, featuring Ed "Boss Man" Jones vs. Roger Rouse of Los Angeles in a lightweight bout; and former heavyweight champ Sonny Liston vs. Scrap Iron Johnson In a heavyweight elimination from Las Vegas Convention Center. FRIDAY, MAY 23 6:00 O Angels Baseball (C) Angels vs. Tigers at Detroit. SATURDAY, MAY 24 12:00 NOON fJ Atlant• Golf Clusic (C) The first day's action of the $115,000 tournament, telecast live from the Atlanta Country Club in Georgia. Defending champ Bob Lunn is among the field of top golfers vying for the winning $25,000. Final round is aired tomorrow at 1:00 PM. 1:00 PM CJ M•ior Le•gue BHeball (C) Pittsburgh Pirates vs. S.F. Giants at San Francisco. 9 Cl) Ma;or League Bueball (C) Los Angeles vs. St. Louis. 5:00 U (ft)(]) ABC's Wide Wor1d of Sports (C) Champion Bob Fos· ter, Fighter of the Year for 1968, defends his wolrd light· heavyweight title against top·ranked contender Andy Kendall in a 15·round bout from ringside at the Eastern States Coli· seum in West Springfield, Mass. Howard Cosell commentates. ki!J Maries ol tile Week [ SUNDAY, MAY 18 9:00 U (ft) (]) "Alv•rez Kelly." William Holden, Richard Widmark, Janice Rule, and Patrick O'Neal star in this adventure film based on an incident that actually happened in the Civil War. MONDAY, MAY 19 9:00 D @ 00 "Come Back, Little Sheba." Shirley Booth, Burt Lan· caster, Terry Moore and Richard Jaeckel star in the 1952 award- winning film. · TUESDAY, MAY 20 9:00 D Q)@ "Esupe to Mlnd•nao." George Maharis, Willi Koop· man, Nehemiah Persoff and James Shigeta star in the 1968 "World Premiere" film from Universal. WEDNESDAY, MAY 21 8:30 U (ft) (}) "The King •nd I." Deborah Kerr, Yul Brynner and Rita Moreno star in the 1956 musical based on "Anna and the King of Siam." THURSDAY, MAY 22 9:00 tJ 9 (j) "In the Cool of the O.y." Peter Finch, Jane Fonda, I Angela Lansbury star in the 1963 drama. FRIDAY, MAY 23 9:00 tJ ~ (j) "Ensign Putver." Robert Walker, Burl Ives and Walter Matthau star in the 1964 comedy about the ensign from j "Mister Roberts." SATURDAY, MAY 24 9:00 CJ @ "The Miracle Woft(er." Patty Duke, Anne Bancroft. Victor Jory, Inga Swenson and ~ndrew Prine star in this 1962 award-winning film about the hfe of Helen Keller. TRUE COMPANIONSHIP ... bringing people who feel alike ond think alike together: that's what computer selection is all a bout. Nor is it just for young people. It works for men and women of all ages who are looking for mature, lasting relationships with members of the opposite sex. It is not a sub- stitute for the human mind or emotions. You truly make the selection because of the values you ·place 9" o lasting relationship. The computer merely helps us find like-minded componions foster. It hos ..wor~~d for thousands; it will work for you. I .Pw M ... ,.....,.... .. c.n r1141 141.1M1 ... Fm o.t eo.,... NAME STREET ....... ., .... CITY • . .. .• .• . .. .STATE ...... ,. ... ZI P •.. , .... .. I PHONE . • ... , •••.... RACE ..•..•.••.••.•.. SEX ..•.•.•..••. AGE ....... .. OCCUPATION .................. ( I SINGLE < I OIVOltCED ( I WIDOWED COMPRAMA TICS 3333 WEST COAST HIGHWAY NEWPORT BEACH, CALIF. 92660 (714) 547-5645 -(213) 860-2714 11AMto10 PM -- Page 3 1000 BEAUTIFUL STICK-ON LABELS $1.00 .......... May be used on envelopes as return address labels. Also very handy os identification labels for marking personal items such as books, records, photos, etc. Labels st id on glass ond may be used for mark ing home canned food items. All labels ore printed with stylish Vogue type on fine qua lity white gummed paper and pocked in reusable magic seal top con toiner. Mn. Oristine Brown 969 Post Ro.d Coste Mese, C.Gf. 92.626 r------------, I I I I I I I I FIU 111 this cHpon, cllp end mell wit+i $1.00 to: I Pilot Prl11hn9,Lebel Div., loa 1175, N•wpert leach, Calif. '266l· I I I I I I I le ..,,. to .... your Zip Code , __ _ PILOT PRINTING ----' L Page 4 -----------FREE BONUS WITH EACH ORDER OF LABELS WE WILL INCLUDE FIB SET OF PACKAGE MAILING LABELS. ,. ............ 0--1 .. 11 -' SATURDAY MAY 17 EVFN I NG ii) Nodlt ... &t""' l:JOIBfE ;~:::~~~~ .... _JC) (30) 0 @@ al TIM Llwrtnce W• SJiOW (C) (60) The Champatne Mu· sic Makers salute Armed Forces ~· W luck Owens (C) (30) 5:001 TIM •ic """ <C> (fiO) t:00 a. ~ ~""'• tte ... cc> <30> . ID 00 m HuntitJ-lrinkl" (C) 0 ID 6 m NIC s.tvrdly .... ( ) vie: (C) ~" (western) 0 Porter Waaoner (C) (30) Roy '66--Mar1on Br1ndo, John S.xon, Orusty guests. Anjanette Comer. fJ loss CitJ (C) (60) Sam Riddle Ii) lill AnderlOll (C) (30) hosts. fil) Critique (C) (60) Two members Ii) The lnvlden (C) (60) of the New York Rock and Roll 5:3011 News Conftrence (C) (30) Ensembl~oted for it1 fndlvidual· MelodJ Randi (C) (60) James istlc muslc "mix"-.re Interviewed Drury guests. by critic Richard Goldstein. 0 ROMY Grier (C) (30) Peter 9:30 ft ~ Cl) Petticoat Jundlon (C) Breck guests. (JO) Or. Janet Crafg, a city doctor, 11 Love Lucy (30) comes to Hootervllle to assist the P11Jin1 the Guitar (30) (R) community's loveable general prac- Entertalnrnent Spedals (C) titloner. (R) Sim flrrar (C) 0 li1J CI) al HollJwood Palace (C) \60) Rowan & Martin host. 7:00 ft <29l Ci) CBS Saturday News (C) Guests are Gaylord & Holiday, BettJ (30) Roger Mudd. Walker, Gene Sheldon, Slmmy Bow, !g~:~:~:~ ~~m:3:) (: ~k:~ay::) a::o;~:~· ~=~· Al Hamel hosts. {ll; The Stoneman FamllJ (C) (30) fJ ~ath Vall~ Dap (C) (30) 9·55 1J Wonderlul Wol1cl of Sport (C) "Lucia: The Darling of Death Valley • . Days." Lucia identifies the town's 10:0011 ~Ci) Mannix (C) (60) After deputy sheriff as the culprit who l~e police ru)e the death of beau· robbed the stagecoach on which she tlful ~rol Wilson t~ be accl.denta!, arrived and loses her Job. Ma~nrx launches his own 1nvesh· m Metromedia News Special (C) gallon. (R) (60) "Anything Goes." A program I The . hfendtn (60) dealing with the permissive new • Twilt&lrt Zone (30) morality in movies. books and tele-News (C) (30) vision, and how ditterent. segmen~s . Ernest Tubb (C) (30). of the nation are reacting to tt. • NET Playtlouse (2 hr) 'The Star Rolland Smith is anchorman. Wagon.'' (R) Ii) Wonder of the World (C) (30) @!) Box de Me.xic:o "Gibraltar." The Linkers travel 10:301 THE Cat (C) (30) across the straits of Gibraltar from • Whafs My Lint? (C) (30) north Africa and explore the famed Mauri'9 Wood!:Uff Predicts (C) rock. ( ) ' ~ . fl1) NET Joumal (C) (60) "Human Ii) SWinrin' Gospel (C) (60) Cargo." (R) G) Hollywood and the Stars m Eiitomttro 11:00 I 0 u m m News (C) 7:30 11 ~ (j) Jldit Gleason (C) (60) One step Beyond Ralph Kramden treats Ed Norton • Movie: (C) "The Eddie Cantor to .a night at the movies in cele· Story" (drama) '54-Keefe Bras· bration of his buddy's birthday, but selle, Marilyn Erskine. the kindly gesture leads the two to 11:15 11 fabulous 52 Movie: (C) "o.t court. {fil_ at the Top of Ute Stairs" (comedy· 0 @ 00 a;, Adant-12 (C) (30) drama) '60-Robert Preston Doro· 0 Movie: "Tipr lay" (drama) '60 th McGuire ' -Horst Buccl!otz. Hayley Mills. Q Saturd•J Nicht Movie: "&pr• 0 @ C'3) aJ The Dltift& Game so Bonp" (drama) '60-laurence ~) (30flim Lange hosts. Harvey Sylvia Sims. fJ .. Million $ Movlt:' (C) ''DynHlite 11:30 II m Tonigtit Show (C) Joe (adventure) 67-Rick Van Movie: "lefs Face 1r (com· Nutter. Helena Zalewska. .. . edy) '43-Bob Hope, Betty Hutton. Ii) World of Women (C) (30) Fllr· I lnsi&frt (C) talion in Finland." Ann Andersen The Empress (C) takes viewers. to her native Finland. 11:45 Movie: "A Bullet for '"(' el Los Caudtllo.s (mystery) '55-Georae Raft, Edward 8:00 0 m Get Smart (C) (30) "Dia· G. Robinson. monds Are a Spy's Best Friend." 12:00 m 77 Sunset Strip Max gets a real buy on a diamond 12;30 0 Movie: (C) "Old Dart Hout" ring worth $275,000-only to dis· (comedy) '63-Tom Poston, Janette cover he has walked into a KAOS Scott. smutgling operation. Smart and 99 1:00 II Movie: (C) "Youn& Mr. Pitt" end up in a bowling alley where (drama) '42-Robert Donat. Phyllis the balls become weapons. (R) Calvert. 0 @ CI) a) The Newlywed Game m All·Nlpt Show: "My Dartlna (&) (30) Bob Eubanks hosts. Clementine," "They Made Me a m Movie: ''One Minute to Z.o" Crirnlnal" and "Smuuter's Gold." (drama) '52-Ann Blyth, Robert 1:15 R News (C) Mitchum. 1:30 Movie: "The Ghost lreal'9n" Ii) The Americin Wut (C) (30) (comedy) '40-Paulette Goddard, EI1) NET f estJval (60) "The World Bob Hope of Hart Crane." (R) U Advtntures of the Staspflf (C) I) L ' ,. IS I) ).. •) "· rs 111 I· td => r, te C· :e :t. ty "· n. )) :) er U· 11, ;j. Jlr S· rt 'J· 0· n- n. ,,. rd ... te r is II a " (' d, REGULAR DAYTIME PROGRAMS MONDAY thru FRIDAY m r ... tilt , ... o.t (C) ~, ..... (C) rtct ...,..... · 1..., ... r., ... <C> m.., ..,. ,. "" , ....., ... tc> Cll .. .._ (C) ll:001if~~~.;_((C) P.D.Q. ~nls Jama bostl. ())...,,_Pim PlltJ (C) An Prt&J•••r MR ii..... ~~ -~ ~m~ ....... (C) ., .. Tiii (C) tD cbanat tills ...... tD .... Gr1h1m Kerr. (C) • ~I~ Dlytime ,...... . m ....... Apollo 10 ftlak Clteck ,.. Ila! I SMtfff JoM (C) om F111ndsen holtl. HO D W ll••-••-11""MI .. (C) ltltions for tH Apollo ....._ .. ...,., IM• (C) I l. ..::.:' ~ -~ 8 TOM REDDIN NEWSI 6:00 II S.nriu Setlestal (C) 11:15 Q """ (C) Oou1 Dudley. :':\:' Dllln ...... * News that IS News! 6:3010dJmJ (C) 11:25!!sCIJCIS ..... (C) Dolllln l:JO LllClJ ~ (C)Wl::, Ednnll BT• .......... (C) £dllcatioll E:lcMn19 (C) E 1 . holts. 8 Tiie ,,_,, ... (C) Robert Ttldler ln.S.rvicl 11:30. 9 Cl)~ ftr T...,,,.. (t) D lllU .,....... (C) Van Johnaon Yr. Morpn holtl. E.dacatlonal Flm ~ t1J@ ID EJe ,_ (C) 8111 CO·holts. llJ Tiie MMal ,.., 7:00 11 :-".:.~Joseph Senti. . ;.:~ !~ '-(C) "' I ~a.=,. u.. (C) I~ :"l.r n:-(C) ... ct> ru'aP~ns~C:. Todly Slew (C) fJTt•po (C) Roy Elwell and Bob :.0 w, (C) (C) 1::a: ._...Alt (C) 1--"""' (C) Doman"°"· 4:IO llr. Ell; -Sot DQtlme " 7 :301§!!_"':' 11~i=7: ::~"w:: 1'6~:-(C) wos,~;:::(C):: • hlJlio• Film 4:30 lllwll: See DQtlme Mow!& Tl• TWllf&M 1-• n. Fliltlttna (C) lltlr lllllftl (C); .._ (C) Tiie M•1f1!1*"' (C) ..... (C) anlJ. 1:--(C) l:OO 9 CIJ C.ptaia K•PIM (C) 12.:00 fl IOltiqltt (C) Wbltnty Blau ind D ..._ (C) 8111 Bond&. nil _, 1• (C) With Bob Keeshen. Steve Dunne CO·host. I m PUTNAM-MILLER-KELLY "'-!-f?._ (C) Molda ' Abbott I Costtllo Cartoons (C) 19@@DlllddeftFtca(C) '*AND "MISS RONA" only .., ......,. 1 = = ~ (C) [ii. ~°:.:!:,m• M....._ NEWS AT 4:30 PM. "55 8 ~ -(C) .,,...., 1111 1:1s m Video Dtaat <C> <C> m...,.. ,..... ..... <" PropolitionT' 1:25 ti'•••ltJ hllttln INnl (C) ef tile ,,_dllt 1:30 Stlnl!'IJ (C); Fublra (C) Cl) 1W1eUer S11ow (C) T rsdly only. I ! ,_,.,. Cartoons (C) 12:15 m Strllldl ..t S-(C) Wed. only. m:~ Wlllfolt (C) 12:30,if~.;,t,. w.: c:au: 9:00 1i"e t..q Sltow (C) Y.c'ii'nald Clray stirs. 9 @ &n It Tak• Tw (C) @ CJ) FllMJ YM SIMM!ld A.- Vin Scully hosts. Marty lnaels. M11'k OOydThuton holts. Slade end J1ck Clrter, 1lonf wttti ..-.: See Deytime McMes. their wives, are this week's ruest Hunter hosts. celebrities. m .... , .... .... (C) Al1n B Jofumy Srant SM (C) SlOene hosts. Morie: See Deytifne Movies. fJ) Tedlnicll Center j Jackie Joseph ts hostess. 12:55 D (HJ CJ) Cllldren'1 Oeder (C) I Diel Tracy C..-. (C) Tues.~urs.. Lendon H. Smith, M.D. @ (]) J.m La Lune (C) 1• R flt (I) Lift I• a llMy _..., fickj 11141 His Frteft41 (C) difednili1 JC) Ci) Andy arlffltll <C>: .... c11t. I a@ m Tlt .,... <C> r ._ (C) Friday only. ll7J (])Dru• Hou. (C) Mike t:30 I ft Cl) 8-1J HllMill (C) Dlrow hon ~@&nCNwwballN (C) f1JC.9tdlty/StDdl R.,..u IEd ct'.=!: h::-.Deytlme Movies. l:lOlgf· (i)Tlt S1Wiq upt (C) Dennis tilt Meuce ~ @8' AMtlll' w..w (C) - ..,. (C); E.duatloMI FU-. A ;-slit'~ ......... ies~rtff.,d_., ...,,...., (C) Monty Hall holtl. 10:00 Aidy Crfffftl (C) JNll llwa .... (C) a Cl) • "'1MIAtJ (C) Holt 2:00 I ~Cl) llcnt .... (C) lany Bljdtn wetcomes aulltl Join (]) e Y• DWt lllJ (C) Rivlrs, Georp Jmtl end J1cquellne om nnecty holtL Susann es they discuss the Inner II Lift Tllt ... ; c.till ......, personalities of Robert V1uatin iii Wet1cl (Cl Wed. only. .. •~ ~ ~• Tl'f • ta~ £1 .. llll!i.~ Phyllis Diller, Ross Mutln, Sal~ 0 (flj(J)aJNwbw ••• (C) ~r••~ .,.,-.;.,,~~ ~ .. ..,rr Ann Howes end Phil Silvers. Bob Tubenks hosts. 3:30-SPM · WEEKDAYS IN COLOR ITl'Vtll tr Coeltqutnces (C) Q) lhwie: SM Daytime Movtu. Thle week't co-hoet: Van Jot.neon Ci) S.ny Tq (C) 2!30. if }IJ Tiie £.4&e tf Jlllllt (C) = la.~--.~ ~day. =-~= :=.:-..: ID IWIJa •• ... 8IOWll and Ml MortnO • WI ost tr M111hall wlc:omll WMl'I suut capt.Ina. 111ests Shir11y Jones, Jack Caaldy, 8 Slr1 Tllt_(C) I Gypsy Rose l ee, Jan Mul'Tly 1nd !Tl} CJ) aJ Dltia& c... (C) Key Medford. Jim Ilnae hosts. ---------------------- .·.1 0 f' N I ·~ {, I J,~ .. ·,.. . .'/ If•' . \,'· • '' .,... 1,• . ~. ~ -'°~·.ti ;.~ ~· '°' • " .•. -. . , . •·c ., .... -···-~·-t11~ ., . . • • ; ,, ' ' ' • • ' •.. l f' '' '\ T ) ,l f.I I \~·~~'t:.~· • · . ·, '"!. •1:. "" ,l .~ J' ~ • · • . • 1 .-• ~\. • : '!i-.&i'ili..t!t.:. !i.t\L_1, -l .• · .. ; . · - on at of pe ar ,, c 1 s· f .. c ,. I f ~ J . I I A Little Child Talked ... and A Big Producer Listened Out of the mouths of babes some times comes wisdom. And from one 7-year-old boy came the idea for a television special. The show is The Pogo Special Birthday Special (airing Sunday at 8:30 PM on NBC). And the child is 7-year-old Todd Kausen of Newport Beach, California whose grandfather fortuitously hap- pens to be Chuck Jones. head of the MG M's animation and visual arts division. THE BIRTHDAY BOYS-Co-p10ducer-director Chuck hnes, his 7-year-old grandson Todd Kausen and world-famous cartoonist Walt Kelly confer on Todd's idea of the Family Birthday. Chuc k had mentio ned to his daughter, Linda (Todd's mother) that he was at work on a new television show based on Walt Kelly's comic strip. Pogo. And Linda. in turn. was telling her children, Todd, Craig, S. and Valerie, 3 that Pogo was going to be on a 1V show and in the show he would give a surprise birthday party for Porky Pine. He'd never had a birthday party because he was a "norphan." That's when Todd talked himself into being perhaps the youngest consultant to a 1V special in all history. "When is our FAMILY birthday?" he asked his mother, who in turn looked perplexed. The child pursued: "You have a birthday. and I do, we all do. But when is our FAMILY birthday?"" As is normal in democratic families, the clan gathered when father Robert. a chemical engineer, got home from work a nd arbitrarily decided on their Family Birthday. It turned out to be June 10. their parents' anniversary which grandfather Chuck sur- mises was picked only because it was far away from everyone else's natal day in the family. Delighted with the concept. Jones told his co-producer, Walt Kell y about his bright grandson and the two decided to incorporate the Family Birthday into The Pogo Special Birthday Special show. And what of Todd, now that he came up with his idea of the year? is he lionized at school? besieged for autographs from his peers? ready to become a dropout and go into showbiz fulltime? Don't you believe it! No one would accept his story until his mother brought him up to Hollywood to pose for pictures with his grandfather and Walt Kelly at work at their drawing boards. And only grudgingly did the neighborhood kids then st~p challenging the idea that a 7-year-old could actually say something that some grownups would take seriously. . Could be that Family Birthdays might become the next darling of the merchants after Mother's and Father's Days. Beats Arbor Day all hollow-unless you"re a dog. That's for sure. Apollo 10 Mission: 'Dress Rehearsal' for Moon Landing Television Is planning total coverage of the Apollo 10 lunar mission including the first color television pictures to be transmitted from space. Apollo 10 is scheduled to lift off from Cape Kennedy Sunday, May 18, and splash down in the Pacific Ocean Monday, May 26. If the mission goes as scheduled, the three astronauts aboard-Air Force Col. Thomas P. Stafford and Navy Cmdrs. John W. Young and Eugene A. Cernan--will have set the stage for the greatest space adventure, the landing of a man on the moon. • Following is the tentative schedule for coverage of the Apollo 10 mission. Regular programming will be pre-empted for this coverage. SUNDAY, May 18 9:00 AM-Launch (set for 9:49 AM). 12:30-f\irst color television pictures. MONDAY, MAY 19 Second live color pictures . WEDNESDAY, MAY 21 Live color pictures from 60 miles above the moon. THURSDAY, MAY 22 8:45 AM-Transfer of two astronauts from command module to lunar module. 11:30 AM-Separation burn. 1:30 AM-Descent of lunar module. 4 :30 AM-Coverage of command and lunar modules. 7:00 AM-Rendezvous and docking. 10:00 AM-Jettison of lunar module. FRIDAY, MAY 23 3:00 PM-Spacecraft on first third of return trip. SATURDAY, MAY 24 3:30 PM-Black and white pictures of homeward journey. MONDAY, MAY 26 9:00 AM-Splashdown. • Please consult daily log listings for exact schedule of each network. SAVE MONEY & TEMPER l Year Service Contrac t on your TV, regardless of agC' but it must be in working order. COLOR ..................... $45 BLACK & WHITE ...... $35 Contract lnc:lud<'s all parts and lnbo1 fur nished at one It your TV Is not in work- cost only, $12,50 1><'r call ing order you may still (including picture tube. purchase the service con- etc. l If no parts arc in-tract and we will put stall<'d, service call is frN'. your set in good working No limit on number or order tor list price of s<.'rvlcc c~lls during con-parts I no labor charge). tract period. Hones t & reliable repair service backed up by 31 years expen ence ANTENNA SPECIAL UHF-VHF COLOR ANTENNA $23.25 including installation Unstalled Saturdays only) MADISON ELECTRONICS INSURERS 8732 WESTMINSTER BOULEVARD, SUITE 1 WESTMINSTER 897-7090 ,... 1 MORE BOYS & GIRLS NEEDED FOR NEW TV COMMERCIALS This is th• 1.t .. t word from th• major •ganh end produee'1 '" Hollywood. T eltvi\lon comme rcials ore big butineu, It 11 • buaineu tha t employ• a lerqt "umbtr of childrt11 and pays thtm large sol· eriH. lut wh"e did theH kids come frote, and how did thty get there 7 Well, would you belie ... they're found In such for out pieces u Full.,ton, S1nt1 An•, or the outer reqiona of Long Buch or Pomona? Som• of thHe young· 1ter1 may i:.,,. ri9ht n•xt doorl lut who find1 the" talented boys end 9irl1 to flll the production nHdt 1 The studio• end •9•nh don't h•o;1 tim•, 10 u • r11ult, th"• it a lerg• demand, end to fill this d•m•nd, • Public: Rel•- tlon1 Company c:olltd TAKE I PRODUCTIONS. INC. hH turntd its entr9iu 1 nd r11ourc:e1 to flll- i"9 this nHd. TAKE I PODUC· TIONS mokH profeuionel contacts in Hollywood for nt wcomert, ... SINDY ENNEN l ocal school girl's eQrnings reach $10,000 in TV ccm- mercials .a f e:w months after b e i n g signed by Take I ft'oductions. IF YOU ARE IETWEft" THE AGES Of l AND 19, AND WouLO LIKE A CHANCE TO DO COMMER· CIALS ANO T .V, 547-6251 T•iw 1 Produdlons, Inc. ORANGE CO. OFFICE ...... SUNDAY MAY 18 '.i () f? '-. I "-t I, All stations reserve the rf~ht to chance proeram- m1n1 without advance no- tice. Tiie .... 10 Pf'ted. a.. lalt ftl&M In tile Apello llftes bet.,. • ... n wndte1 .n.s full·tule •• ,. ... .,.., of all but Utt to«ddon i.nc1m1 on a.. 11001t (to bt ICCO........ bJ tilt not fllaltt), .,..,... wttll lift-oft 1t 9:49 tit& 1Mf111nr. Ce•ln1 tbt ... r. 9Ke Ktiwftiea lrt •• ,., CfOft- k"' (CIS); Clltt Hunttty, Dntd lrtnklty Ind Frank MclM (NIC); ... r ..... k • .,...... •lld ... hrp1n (ABC). Alt PfOsrata•lq llstlcl bllow la aubfed to "-n11. IO tll1t Ill networb can llfOMcut c:ot11lltl ,.,..a on tM ftl&M. 1:15 ni. cint.,hm 1:30 Tiit lilllt ....... 6:55 Clft Us TIHI 0., (C) 7:00 T .. alld Jeny (C) s.dlJ fmttlill (C) 7:30 Aq...,n (C) llhn9oa T1btmadt C... (C) 7:45 Tiit ctlriatlplMr'a (C) 1:00 fB Ci) Ll•p Unto MJ felt (C) A 1roup of WC>fts by Gerard Manty Hopkins, Victorian er1 Enalish poet, Is presented. (R) o m ni. c11riltop11n cc> UTHE CATHEDRAL OF * TOMORROW-IN COLOR! Rex Humbard, Maude Aimee & musical staff I C1ttledral of Toniorrow (C) D1y of Di1cMrJ (C) Wondtra111• (C) Allen Revival Hour (C) @ ;ect la tM AMWer (C) 8:30 B Look Up ind Lift (C) Results ciran experiment in which two f•m· Illes and aever1I residents of a home for the ired went without television for one week ire pre- sented. I Ur\ln £Jehcl&1 (C) Rebels Witt! I C.ae (C) Movie~ (C) "CuMMb In T11e- eon" (western) '58-Mark Ste'lens. I Kltllryn ll•llhHn (C) Dmy Incl ColUitb (C) Full Coapel Revlvll I!) 111 IMEX (C} mn.. Anlftr (C) t:00 B c.""" nw. (C) D My F.vorite Senaon (C) Dr. Robert Pratt First B1ptlst Church, Ventura 1uests. O.y of DbcowtfJ (C) CIUlltnps Compel Music (C) ~A. A. Alita (C) Apollo 10 Con~· (C) T•• 11d Jeny (C) Nueva Citl • New T .... •tnt ind Min • Acrtcelturll Report (C) 9:30 R NEMIERf M .... Malle, lit• IJC (C) A 16-week series of h11f- hour v1riety programs futunna THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK. MA'v 17, 1969 profeuioMI ind non-professionll n llowie: .. Hold lldl tllt DIWI" Uilent repreaentin11 musical fields (drama) '41-Char1es Boyer, P1ul- r1nfin1 from concert to country ette Goddard. and western music. Today's pro-a 1V W-lo of tho Wttt (C) 1111m f11tures a .Oixlel1nd group (I) Color ta .. ,. Show (C) directed by Joe Sati.Uno. Ollie Ray-Quest for Advelrtwt (C) mond serves as host. 1:00 I FIC9 tilt ,..tion (C) D &o.o•lca for All Apa (C) m Mitt tM "• (C) D From YANKEE STADIUM @(j)&)c.Hlf lnitltltul * ANGELS v YANKEES' co" Town.,.ttrt <C> Bllty C.sper ct. s. · fends his title in the $125,000 I~ ~n:!J.~ltl .... (C) tournament from the Coloni1I Coun· u 'J ''l.J wr .. _..., 5"'• t~ Club in fort Worth, Tex1s. Cllria II) f_:.:-:-.. <L... Schenkel, Bill flemmini. Bud Pllm· m Tiiis Is tllt Lift (C) er and Byron Nelson commentate. 10:00 Ir...,.. Rlllaltn (C) I Chriill Qu • Alricuthlrt USA (C) Co•Mt Ana• 11...,.11 (C) California Rmvil Fires (C) An1els vs. New Yort Yankees at 00 The lttlonl (C) Yankee Stadium. 1:30 IJ 9 Ci) AAU hitem.U0..11 Trlcl A Ci7J (1) El) Linus (C) and FltlT Miit (C) Live cover•rt D MOvii: '-S.f1 It Hot11" (drama) of the Martin Luther Kini Intern.· '62-Mickey Mantle. Roglf Maris. tional freedom Games at Vill1nov1 m Orel Roberts (C) University St1dlum, Vill1nova. Pa. @I) J'iilutt Cor11on Voice of Cllv1ry (C) at' (I) Town Hill Mtttln1 (C) I Youttt 1nd tt.1 Police (C) m Wlllp to Adv•turt (C) U.S. Navy (C) 10:30 a S1w to Ll1rnln1 (C) 2:00 I m Censrtlliotul Rll*t (C) D m'"'Miclellnt (C) ''love In Mod· Roller Dtrt.y (C) em Society." Third of five discus-@ I ltlltwt ill Mll'ldts (C) slon programs illustratin1 the Cath· • EJ CUMto MMdH1iente ollc Chun:h's concern for the mod-2:30 IJ Cem•ltmtftt (C) ern·dl'I wor1d. D On C.•pvs (C) "Choose Lift." r.ltll fOf Tod., (C) values in Marshell McLuhan's well I Ci7l (}) al lifts llH1 (C) A thouihtful review of spiritual Ci) Future (C) puYicized urb1n comp'.ex-"where 11:00 1J IETURN flrolect H•d Sllrt (C) is God In the city?" Felice Mooney M'adda, former pub· 0 Millioa $ Movie: "O.rby'a ..... lie xhool instructor, hosts this se-1rs" (adventure) '58 -James Ger· rles desi11ned to reach culturally ner, Jack Warden, Edward Byrnes. dlsadv1nta111d pre-school children. @ 00 Oral Roberts (C) I Tltla Is tbt Life (C) tNI 00 fUJafl (jjJ rn m 1a1tw111k1e <C> m tteliday <c> Movie: "Hla Kind tf Won11n" 3:00 1J NEW SEASON Di1I 'M' for Mtt· (dr1ma) '51-Robert Mitchum, Jane lie (C) "Fantasy and Improvise· Russell . tions" (Blue fantasy) for symphony» I Qurcll ift tllt Hotn1 (C) orchestra, piano, Ian bass ind (j) Wrestllnr (C) drums, an orl11inal composition by COmpas (C) famed pianist Peter Nero, is prt 11:301J PREMIERE Tell It Like It Wu sented. (~ A series presentinr stories and D Movie: ''Suns of Darkn111" son1 based on Nerro history. The (drama) '62 -David Niven, Leslie focus is on the ancient kin1dom of Caron. Africa in tod1y's pro1ram. Daffie Is I T•ia of tM Colden West series hostess. @ (]) m Directions (C) D Crttn I.laves (C) "Plant Breed· Outer U11lta Ina." A look at the new camellias Htllldlld (C) and hibiscus being developed at ; w Ffl•rst•tu!e•tist Qlurcl the Arboretum. '' aJ. 1 u cm (}) m Discovery (C) "The ..... & lttt Ce~fw Gr1ndCanyon." (R) 3:30IJ lnlidtf/OttbWtr (C) fie out· 0 Movie: (C) .. Mptilfloas lst•nd" look in education by botll white (sci-fl) '61-Joen Greenwood, Gary and black students Is discussed. Merrill, Micheel Craif. Truman Jacques, member of the m AccMt Oft Adioa (C} Manaiement Council for Merit ArTf RNOON 1Z.1IO B CtlMraltiona Wldl 1 Paydlt. trllt (C) "Violent Behavior.'' B leld Ript (C) Movie: ~ of Outlawa" (western) '52-Macdoneld Carey. I lntelll11nt ,..,.nt ~ Underway for hlCI (C) F11turt I no en Su Call Profllta of Prisms (C) Anntd Fore.a Hiplltflts (C) 12!30 IJ Public Service (C) D CMraders In Ult Arts (C) "The Unsuni Hero." P1rt II. With the C.I State Los An1eles Symphony Or· chestr1 under the direction of G1y- lord Brown. Or. Stern performs the Ravel "Concerto for the Left Hand Alone." Training and Research, hosts the two-part ....e_ro1!_am. D @ lV m laues l AnPltn (Cj ! H•ve 81111, Will Trntl UD Review (R) Ci) Dalt Clrnt</CrHt Mualc tC\ m The R.t P•trol (C) 4:00 1J Yitwpolt1t (C) U fJr'llS Cenferenct (C) Incumbent Paul H. Lamport and his formlf' field deputy, Robert J. Stevenson- the two c1ndldates for the 13th District Los An1eles Councllm1nlc seat-iuest. I Min Fro• UNCU (C) lfonco m ~':J:n.i We llvt ht (C) F.a Ille Nation (C) 1nta11 Sob,. loa Hiies r I • m Elltilll O'T"" (l)Sc9pe (C) 4:JO 11.....,.IMn (C) Councilman Tom Bradley guests. II Mondo (C) • News (C) (I) future : lllllterocers' Nel~ (C) m ro1u Patlde (C) Mtllla 1 P1lalwn . 1\e ou.tas lnlilbt (C) 4:55 Wtndttful World et $pert (C) 5:00 Ntw1 (C) Clele Roberts. m (C) Bill Leyden. Armed forCll 0., Par ( ) m Frandsen commenu on the parade that has General Omar Bradley aa Grand Marshal and Revlewinr Officer. 0 Movie: (C) "We're No Anllft" (d rama) '55 -Humphrey Bo11rt, Aldo Ray. fJ Sldppy (C) "Empty Chair." 011 prospectors threaten to destroy Waratah Park. m llt rv Criffln (C) fl'l Homestead (C) (11) CI) Sewn Arts Tllutre (C) "Up· stairs and Downstairs." Gospef ol CMst : WMt's New? (R) ·Tom Run for Your Life (C) 5:30 ~~Amateur Hour (C) @ 6 m fnnk McStt (C) Polb arlde (C) f Troop (C) Tht New Sound (C) International Playhouse : Sptdru• (C) (R) EVENING 5:0011 ®}Cf) Titt 21st Century (C) (30) "The Food Revolution." A look at latest methods of food produc- tion to meet the needs of the wC'rld's popullltion crisis. CR) o QJ oo m eou.,. 1ow1 <e> I ) Cid t C (30) I $J~1.Jd Universal City (C) (60) Bill Burrud's cameras take a behind:fhe·scenes look at this world of motion picture and television production. ff) William Tell F' 8ooll Bnt (C) (30) (R) · 'hn from UNa.£ (C) 5:30 l .talph Story (C) (30) b Q) 00 m Wild Kln(dom (C) (30) "Bundu Rescue." Marlin Per- kins and naturalist Jim ~ler ac- company Rhodesian game officials on a journey into the bundu. (R) IJ John G1ry (C) (90) Gisele Mac· Kenzie. Sugar Ray Robinson. Judy Carne. Robert Clary, Greg Morris. Leonard Barr and Hedge & Donna guest. 11 Spy (C) (60) I Low l~cy (30) M1rqu1t 22 Tiie frtndl Chef (30) Julia Child demonstrates how to prepare i,, etit fours." Cl) SkipPJ (C) 7:00 9 (j) Lassit (C) (30) An ex· p sian aboard an Alaskan patrol boat forces Lassie Into Icy ctacial waters as the valiant collie and the U.S. Coast Guard combine t f· forts to bring about a dramatic and dangerous su rescue. (R) 0 9 @ m Huell Finn (C) (30) •'fhe Jun11e Adventure." Tom is poisoned by a plant and Huck and Beckm re ceetured by slave trade11. D (I) al land of Ille Ii.ts (~ ( ) "Terror-Go·Round." Steve, Mark end the boy Barry try to save their friends from beina displayed in a ci rcus sideshow. (R) m Spotllcttt Witll l ill Daaa (C) {NJ) Vikki Carr and Frankie Vaughn guest. I Pltll*l to Tmef (C) (30) s,eculation (60) (R) Do-R•MI 7:30 II ~ (j) Cutie lea (C) (30) Comedian Jerry Lester, guestln1 as a friend of Tom Wedloe, ls tiken on a frshing tour of the Everalades by youn1 Mark. and their boat cap- sizes in alllt!tor·fllled waters. (R) 0 QJ @ ml Watt Dlmey (C) (60) "Kiiroy.'' Part II. A reparter (Philip Abbot) begins an investigation when townspeople s.uspect Kilroy of uag· gerating his war experiences. (R) B Miiiion $ Movie: (C) "loJ on 1 Dolpllin" (adventure) '57-Sophla Loren, Alan Ladd, Clifton Webb. m Tiit Challtnein1 Sea (C) (30) 'The Electric Ocean.'' A visit to the New York Coast Guard Head· quarters, where all sea incidents are carefully plotted on a wall map. fE 111 Pictun @!I Los Caudillos 1:00 6 a Ci) £.d Sullivan (C) (60) The Fifth Dimension, Bill Dana. Mike Douglas. Liza Minnelli. and George Carlin auest. 0 ROLLER GAMES·LIVE! (C) * T-BIRDS vs. DETROIT 0 Roller Ga1tt1 (C) (2 hr) T·Birds vs. Detroit Devils. Dick Lane re- parts.. APOLLO 10 MISS/ON-A stronaut Thomas P. Stafford. Command Pilot of the upcoming Apollo JO mission. discusses a.vpects of th e flight with CBS N ews Correspondent Walter Cronkite. Stafford holds a replica of the Lunar Mod11/e that will carry him and LM Pilot Eugene A Ct'rnan within eight miles of the moon's sur/ace during a fo11r-orbit. eight- hour flight that is rlre highlight of the mission. Cronkite will anchor CBS News' coverage of the lift--off of A pollo JO, scheduled for Sunday morning at the John F. Kennedy Space Center, in the first o/ a series of CBS News Special Reports to be broadcast live and in color on CBS. IJ FORD PRESENTS AN * FBI CLASSIC IJ ~""' ~ The Fii (C) (60) ID The Sid Show (C) (30) (60) "Molly." A slmple arson ln- 1.W ~ ~ fE The World ToMOrrow vestiaation develops Into a case rA "The Phone Call." Inspector Erskine t :OO II .liWil r.n Smottleri Bmhm (C) homicide. Molly Picon guests. and Aaent Colby search for an ~)iel U!J I m Ntn (C) (30) anonymous telephone caller whose ~ '6' n;-Bona".. (C) (60) • SJitrtoct Holmes (90) merciless harassment caused the ..,. ~ 1:1:.1 ,_ Labo R rt (C) (30 death of Army Sat. Paul Devlin's "Different Pines, Same Wind." little ' tpo ) wife. (R) Joe's attempt to stop timber profl-Manion forum m Movie: "One Minute to Z•o" teers is frustrated by a stubborn . Novela (adventure) '52-Ann Blyth, Robert mountain woman. Guests are Irene 10:30 I World TolftOfrow (C) (30) Mitchum. Tedrow and John Randolph. (R) Joe Pyne (C) (2 hr) Ii) Wandtrtust (C) (30) "F~m 0 @ (I) aJ AIC Sunday Movie: Wild Adventure (C) (30) ''Pn· Pines to Pineapples." Bill Burrud (C) 'Alvarez Kelly" (drama) '66 -mies and Poacher&." BUI Burrud visits two of the lesser known Pa· William Holden, Richard Widmartl. travels through Kenya with • group cific island$--New Caledonia and Janice Rule, Patrick O'Neal. Based of friendly pyamles. Fiji. with brief stopavers in Tahiti on a true incident of the Civil War, 11:001 O News (C) and Hawaii. • Confederate guerrilla leader tries Catlledral of Tomorrow (C) fE Tiit flsltlf Fa .. 11y to steal cattle being driven to the Tiie E111preu (C) fD PBL (C) (90) "Multiply and Union Army In order to feed the 00 QI Ci) Nna (C) Subdue the Earth." An incisive in· starving of Richmond, and he kid· 11:15 D (i7J Cl) (D Newa (C) diclment of the lack of environmen· naps Alva!"Z Kelly, a renegade ad-m M°*: "All l)rHp tlte Nilld" tal plannina by shlftinr Americans. ve~turer in charae of the cattle (mystery) '42-Humphrey Boaart. [colog'sts d geolog·.... evplain dnve, to per!uade him to teach th . how ~nd ;;Y Amer~~~ ar; de-cavalry "cowboy techniqu8$'' prior 11:30 II Mom: , (C) "The ,hflffJ GMd- stroying their land, and what Im· to their seizure of the herd. (R) man Story' (drama) 56 -Steve mediate step.s should be taken to m Honiestead/Nna (C) Allen, Donna Reed. rectify the situation. Special atten· Pilar Gunn 8 Loh1n1n ' BIRJey (C) tion to Los Angeles area suburbs Domlnaos Herda Movlt:, "Sbille Up Ute Bud" and recent Santa Monica Mountains 9:30 I News (C) (30) Larry Burrell. ~~~!~C:I) 4l-Mlckey Rooney, Judy mudslides hi&hll&hl the program. lly Motlier, the Car (30) 0 William f . BuclJty (C) ''Tiit (R) "·rro·--' u 1.i....no . DRoc:~ !!~!!'nd (C) (2 h .... "SI ABM Conflict." Senator Albert Go11 e>--"' ..,.... · IV .-.-'!, x (Tenn.), opponent of the propc>Md 1:30 0 @ (i) m Ii sflCfALln Pop's People Who Hate New York and ABM system and James Burnham Birthday T artyC} (30) animat-"Broadway Hu Turned On-'Halr' whom Buclciey calls one of ~ ed show based on Wall Kelly's and 'Boys in the Band.'" two or three most influential anti· comic strip character Pogo (a pos· 10:00 II tii Ci) Mission: l•poulblt (C) communist thinkers In the country, sum) and his Okefenokee Swamp (60) The IMF must end the mur• guest. pals, Po~ Pine, Miss Mam'selle derous career of a bacteriologist @ 00 lnalpt (C) Hepzlbah, Basil and the others. working for the enemy, wtio h11 12.1>0 g hblk SeMcl (C) Poao and his friends decide that succeeded in developing a . mutant l2.:30 ID N 11_. ,...., fNerf day should be a .holiday and strain of a deadly bacteria ttiat a -""V proceed to throw a surprise birth· could be used as a practical battle· 1:00 II MoVft: "111• l.Jind U......- day party for Porky Pine. Music by fleld we~n. (R) (horror) '57-Wllliam Reynolds. Norman Monath and Walt Kelly. D u C.tJ m MJ friend Tony (C) D ..... (C) THE DAILY PILOT. TV WEEI<, MAY 17. 1969 Alan King on the Subject of Censorship ··1 elrv1'1''"·" '"Y~ C\'111\\ .. '\linn A Inn King. "Jocs NOT cater to an llUJl\'OC~· \\ hll\C ll\Crll~C mcnt nlil)• 1'1 purported 10 be that of 3 12- )'COf·\lld. N,1r h.1 w I. m 1111 n\y yc11r:. us 11n entertainer. ever thought ''' 1lrc:,e111m" 1111 than~ of an 1nfnnt ih: nature H' :1ny nuJience l'vc ('\Cr lctl:t'\.I " P.41Rl.'4RCll 41 1''4RLl·.l·-...cldn kin.._~ 1lrftl and Budd) 11.t. A.rtt '"'''•"' "' 1• 11M-111,,('rs 1l1St·m.w •g thr .\'"'If''" t>f toda.v MONDAY MAY 19 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta· tions reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES t:oO 0 {C) "Tor Tilt"' (comedy) '56- Jefl Chandler. Laraine Day. t:JO D "OM Nlllrt In Lisbon" (sus- pense) '41 -Madeleine Carroll, Fred MacMurray. a ...... v., • ..,.. (roman~) '42 -8ette Davis. Claude Rains. U:OO D ....... of Rid Gep" (com· edy) '35-Chartes Laughton, Charles Ru.ales.. l?:JO ID --s.., Wltltr" (mystery) '41 8111 ""'~· \\h\' '"'" m the T1n'IC \. Six-c1al ... Alan ,-\nJ Has Budd\... -Oana Andrews. "Tok in lnc»- \\lth h1' 'l"-'-=l:tl -an,t~'"" ~"e't i-1:\r. BuJJ H3d.ett t .im~ M o nda) dliu" (1dventure) '52-John Arch· ,,,, Ntlt.' :ti S 1'\n .m.11111.110' th:u the 1~-~t'ar~"llJ mentaht). "hich 1 :;.~..!'!!,. ~ dv t ) ,48 h..'U'<' 1~cll m 1~· ~\J' ,,1 .m a1.lult. 1 h.mi 31 "''rl. 10 ~rin~ lelc--?:00 ~~M'll _Jah enf ure l")\\" I I I -_ _,ne 1 er. tv• ur ranz. ',,._,n " '' h\ ''' l'l.1Mh.'\I 3r l'\t' . 1.• 0 ('C) "'A liss ltfert Dyill(' (dra· "l '''" nw.:h co"'' tx-ms ""'n'""c.'r$ul:· he SJ\ .:3nJtdl~. "But ma) '56 -Robert warner Joanne 11 then-" ,,,)(' th1n,s I ,hm't t'OJ'''" tt"!' hcing. misunJcrslOC'd. h Woodward. ' h.trt'Ci~t h' n'I<' ,,o "" la'' Time\. SJ'<'·1.il .. ~ B ('C) "'1lll llKl h iitrf' (adven· ""'J: h.nL.C'n' ~,,·i. ,,, ·' ,i.1t h<' ('<'f1'.'\ft\l<'J ~"('nth '"'" T\ "htch ~) '54-Alan Ladd, Patricia Me· h,11J h \ ,,,, \\ tth th<' 1 ('O (. \\OlOl.lndlll('nt dtM. "\h \\\k II\{ 0111.'ft \\ ;\\ 11.' -.h,,\\ h,.\\\ 1~ f('n<'~. Jodt.:~t<"J t'' thc pt-11\'h'""\' ,,, """'<'~I <..i,,'1, """-1tJ iK~ ha'~ "'~ '"''' llemg t,,\a, 1n thc ''"lll'l"·~tt'\t 2~ ''"<''!'<' .. ·u~nlh <'-'nff\'ntt'J "1th Jwt 1~10<' 11 \h\"" h~'"t ''"')C J'"' n lrWll the n'k'Ul\ls1n s nJ tneJ t•' ~t thc l<'~r....~f\\f'S ''' ~" .A la~ ~umn~ ~~ t,:1 ·H \'n...'r th~ t 2 t hcf .-"'-' m .. '\h<-1 · • "\\ant t,, ""''"''hat "'''uM harrcn"'" ~·~ (''lnt(J out ,,n ~ 11tf "Tlx k~"latN' "'\\1l..I h:tw a~<'J. '\\'ha t J..' ~''U "'ant~''' 1-k'\. I..~ lhc ltttU$(' \ 'te"" llw: <'~ t't',.ult ,,, "'~, J<"'ttc' ''' maL.c a rekunt. nmch and "-'f'h1'tl\:' .. tN r-~nt t\trtX"d •'lit ''' ~ ~t~) uis~ )(-ft('~ m:im ~'rk ~ti...' a..: :\&"l'\1 thc f'('r&,\l'm('t ,,, ~ 2nn-tt'4~~ ··t am n..'t "' an~ "•'· ~ •'l t<"'1'n. snt~ll:P'~ -!-a\'$ ~~ "\\"-at .... tn"'"" n~ n'k"l!>t '('"<'"'t'h an ~nm~ th cs 1~nt 'Ill as lhe ''mf'k' ta..•1 n\\ l'u,i.: i'''"' h.a..t n.'thrT\..t l..' ~' ~tth tt'l~"''" I ~as M<"tC'I\ ft\al1~ ~n h' ~ ~ ('<'~1'$ all ,,t JS h.a\-c alk,~'t\1 t~ "'' 1 ,,, N\."\~ ""' .. ,u 1tl'(\j \a. rttl n..~~rul f'k"'Cl..)fl!. that ~ a ~ h..' .. "'t .. ·,· n<'\J~ t.' ~'\~"'11:-C •hat ~ unl'"C.~I G,,"1. \\ 'h..'k-- ""' l mt h1 anJ R·~ t . . lt th<' k-n<-"' f't' '·' ~ ... "'""11.it-'"C'J at ta...~ v~l~. ~' •'CT(' dc--- man..111'\t 1 n.~ ..... •1\.t th.at 1' ·~ qa, a•a' rr,""7\ tk ~1'>~'1 be ha-1 t,,..:M.• , '~ ,,t at k-~ thr ~"'.., f TH'-"\\..(.>HT ~ h.J ~ ).~~ .. ~ ·\\ at ,,~, "'""~ ,.,..ii-a_"-"'°"~ a~-.;.• ~ k-ttr'T' ""~ Sll:'\:" th..1 ' f1'l<\.1 '·' (\t'C''i'nl enc. ,-.; "'"'' , : ('":ll(':ta~ 1,'I: th.al m.ncr. tN "1"°'"' •,·~ '\ a'L.11'\t 'f'C''J'\<' h ... •'t~ U'l" ~.,.. ~.a~ 1,.., •1uit it U'-t .tn.' \. , rN..1'-Ul(' 1 "'Jl• 1\_t Z~ l,"' \..'-~ ~'4'lJ\d tbMT- ,'l'il'ft, 1 'i ~ .i,'").4 th<-_,.···-J.a,..f.._'-..ia\ ~:'°t'IJ.:~~ l II.ti asi..snt .tN a l'<'°" k '•' c -• "''""' k' }\a'i:-s ~ 1'-.t •'hall ,.; .j.\ .. ,,,., N"-T1"ic-\,,N, ., t~t l'<''\""'k ~ tw l."'-'\L. ha....~ ~ l• t\71'~ "'tU.1 t ~ -.~N nu I ,,'\M(' tr .. ...-r. ~~~ .. '7'S.. ...')l SJb~ .JJ ~ t ~If : hJ.,~ Nol'U'T • ~'-'-1 tb<r.-•'"'t':"af ;\."\Jn: '°'; \'K"Vo 8 .Jt 1 "'-' ) Tht-' .:-.s.l'l"lc u ·,'Vn ~'t'-C • '-' ~al-Ji: a ~ u\d ~ •t i "' le"t 1'l"IC""\ti.."'I" , • ~c-h._~i....,,_ ... -t f\. ... hlk~ .. -c L."'W ~ ~-.:-. ., 'I.: tht-' a.:".~• ,_, N'• • tto.."\.~1"~ ').; -a-t.1...-.dai: , ....... , S-"C' ",'-"la1(' \Ml('" ... -.: ?\-... "lb: -qv~. J;.~ ~1 ~.ad ' ~ l "'' 1'' "''· l• ~~n v......_. ~ J...-rnt '""',-"' r-·' ,.. •! ·'11 ;-,.~ "'~ '~!("."' f\fNl~G Gregory Peck Ava Gardner Susan Ha~ard The Snows of Kilimanjaro In Color on The Six O'Clock Movie Monday, Part I. ~ Tuesday, Part IL \U .--.. ~ c •ti di to di Li CM t 1969 e dern ex· the ren· ) A at· CUS· iced j by her her it a In (30) bout nnie ulo· (C) ed.'' med 1b a aers an spoof with music. Linda Lavin D leefJI ....,., .... Colle lllit and Karen Morrow also appear as Ls <C> (60) Martha R•r• is rout· Kinr 1nd Hadlett IP"' everything ed by Marty AUen, Dick Patterson, from wives to circuses, hippies to Dave Bany, LM Tully, Billy Daniela, aristocracy. Morrana Kine. Melody Condos. ind '8 Hazel (C) (30) host Geo.lit Jessel. m • m.ca.u Elzabetll Sdlwlrz. o !l! w .m n..,... <C> <60) Mpf (60) The celebrated soprano •'1file Understancllni." In Mellco, pefforms a recital of 1ria1 and Ear1 Corey and Jemal David are llfl· ion1s with the noted British pianist tenctd to be executed for 1un- Gerald Moor as eccompanlst. runnin1. (R) ti) C..icol J CandoMI fm NET Jowaal (60) "The Last 30 II,.... Ci) Hn L (C) (30) Clmpal1n of Robert Kennedy." A • ia> 1 llCJ French documentary follows the late Willy Cox fuab as Rockey Barnett, Senator Robt .. F. "-n-_,,y alo"• -.. an ex-con safecracbr who wants .. ""' '""" ... to IO strallht. and Lucy "stretches the campairn trail In California. the truth" on his application to 1et I Cl) Man Fro11 UNCt.£ (C) hi Job (R) LI lruja M11dlta m a · 9:30 fa11lly Affair (C) (30) Cissy ti , ;-a-~ (~ (C) falls In love with sophisticated M>~even queries Marsha about youn1 Karl Krus (Mark De Vries) Fred's past; Betty eccuses Noonan from Vienna and wants to flt of shlrklna rtsponsibllity; Lew and married, but tlncle Bill refu•s to Jeff reach a truce; Carolyn tells r~e her his permission. (R) Marsha she will stand by her and I "IWI (C) (30i Ted Meyers. Dr. Rossi; Dr. Miles refuses Lew's 12 O'Clocl H~ (60) offer to talk. Rewtltl Mmkal I M.v 5riff1n (C) (90) 10:00 f3 CJ) Carol Burnett (C) (60) Ra for YHr Life (C) (60) Ethel Merman and Tim Conway 1Y 11.-i--1 "--rt 1uest. (R) --e TOM REDDIN NEWS! ~· .... , ~ . ·~· ': .... , ...... . , .. . * News that IS News! I '8 NIWI (C) (60) (ll) Cl)&) The I la Valley (C) ( ) "The Jonah." Marty Allen 1uests as a Barkley harvest wort· er who Is habitually dogged by hard luck. (R) D Bolln1 (C) (90) Tape delay ot double event featuring Ed "Boss Man" Jones vs. Roger Rouse In a light heavyweiaht bout, and Sonny Liston vs. Sa'ap Iron Johnson in a heavyweight elimination bout from las Vegas. IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING-Wan, Cox pat lt8n u u es-coa lollls _......,, no adopta ..,._..... at- th Wtdi Ladlk ....... IUmlpt to ... die ... wlao committed • Cllldt be II accmecl of, o. Heft'• Lacy, MoecillJ aC l:Jt PM, m color oa CllS. fD TM Crett War (30) "The End." The time is Auaust 8 to November, 1918. Sir Michael Red1rave nar· rates film footaae of Germany's In· Marlana i ten:a:. collapse that ended World 10:30 News (C) (30) Bill Johns. Pll (C) (90) "The Whole World Is Watch1n1." A study of alleged bias in TV news reporting. (R) I fallada Cor1ZOtt 11:00 DUIDIEOJ'News <C) Alfred Hlfdlccd m LAUREL & HARDY FILM * FESTIVAL-11:00 P.M. '8 Launt I HardJ Fil• Fatlval: "Way Out West" (19ln and "Bo· hemian Gir1" (1936). II) Movie: "hft et Heir' (adven· ,. ;e~woon5:W'N... (C) 11:3011 Movie: "MllilOn Owtr Korea .. i enture) '53-John Hodiak. , 9 00 i?:' Toniellt .. (C) ~~ ;J Movie: "Blau of Neon" (west· · ' ern) '47-Willlam Holden. (R) :tef· i1tt, " "' -u cm rn m.., ,...., <C> --------------1 D Movie: ~nsw by MJ Sid•" t:OO fJ Maybeny RFD (C) (30) Millie's irama) '61-Anthooy Oliver. (30) His .ned iedl· liiCqround as a clforus 1tr1 coma NIWI (t) (30) Bill Johns. to lllht when she arrees to take 12:30 Actien Tlleatr1: "Mutiny of the over dlrectioo of the annual church sinore." play. (R) 12:45 D Movie: "Kid CalaUd'' (drama) 0 9 00 i?:' NIC llHdaJ Movie: 'J&-aette Davis. Edward G. Robin· ''Co9e lacl, UUS. Slllba" (drama) son, Humphrey Borart. '52-Shir1ey Booth, Burt Lancaster. 1:001 Spu.in1 FrMly CC) Teny M00te, Richard Jaeckel. A C-11111titJ Bulletin Board (C) midddle·aged, middle-class couple NIWI (C) finds their routine existence bright· 1:15 Movie: "leyond a Renonabl1 ened when a student boarder rents Dollbr (mystery) '55 -Dana An· a room In their home. (R) drews. 11b1N11cl• Thi H•llkll ··aa1111-11k1" ••• Thi 111-1111• Trlll .lld lllW llkl $212" , •• ., fr•"' Hie e119ine It tre111ferre4 by ch1h1 t• thia II x 1.10 tvbeleu fl .. tette11•tyflle ti,., TII• r•111lt la hlth tteltlllty 1114 feMerhltle trectl•11 .i.4er el1tt••t •11y .. rfece co11• 4llitlo11. \.THE BIGGEST WHEEL IN TRAIL BIKES GIVES SURE POSITIVE ALL-SURFACE TRACTION S11e, 011 the o,t10111I alil ecce11.,., H4 the bih it rH4'y t. NII OYOr ..rf 1114' wot,.,.,, H well !• tH"t'. Th ce1ttbl11atlH of the &T·lt'• I H' 011· t lH, 2·•p••' tra11•• 11tlu lo11 en4 9~11t rHr tire tive It ru1erlieble troction, 0¥•11 up rie•p hlll• e114' patha. 1411HI fw hv11ten, fi1her1M11, er J111t plel11 fun. No 11H4' to ,ut th• &T·ll •w•y . fer th• winter . . . l111t 1ttou11t the opti9ftel Ui Acunoty. · ._..,, 011 In ••conch without u•· , int tool•. UH it for winter hunt· .... fi1hi119, .. wl119 .1i1.,.· ... , teb099e11era. I FREE 'Send for Our Huge Cet•lot ,,., "'" .. y .. ,_ ............ I HEATHKIT® .....-.ccana. .. -~ ~ ·:.: -• J ' ' To rHch HHtt.lilt ElectH11ic C•11t•r teh Hemr 11¥4. t. tell A••· •••t 011 lell • f•w ahert bloclrt •• no le .. tell or t•lie S111t1 A11e F-t .. w•y to Heritor 11¥4'., Hefber ltv4'. to loll, • f•w ~ ltlocli1 e114 yeu'r• here UUS I PAITS_ HIATHllT 776-t4Jt Ut IAIT IAU. ANAHllM SllYICl 776-"21 ..... 11 TUESDAY MAY 20 For morning and afternoon listings, plea1e see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta· tions reserve the right to change programming with- out advance notice. DAYTIM E MOVIES ~ @ A..tfical (C) Blake is riven by Prof. Jacob Bro-fm Museu• Op en Hon• (30) nowskl, author of "William Blake "African Art -Focus and Radius." end the Aie of Revolutlon.'' 5:00 Russell Connor analyzes African art @I) Claudlt Avlllanet (C) 9 TOM REDDIN NEWS! at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, 9:30 1J Qj (j) Doris Day (C) (30) Doris * News that IS News! and looks at African masks and an· Martin's sons set out to fln.d a new 6:00 fJ The Ii& Mt; (C) (60) Jerry cestor figures from the Peabody husband for their mother and brina Dunl!!!l. Museum. home a brawny depu~ sheriff D m Hudey·l ri11"'1 (C) (30) I Cl) Tbt Cood ,.,,. (C) (NOlm Pltllk) who makes himself D .._ Ahn Sllew (C) (90) Scoey lllanda in die Slln (C) most unwelcome. (R) Mitch Ill, Paul Gilbert. Georp Lind· Drea• House (C) 0 (jj) (]) &> N 't PD ( C ) ( 3 0) sey and The Peppermint Rainbow 7:30 IJ ~ (j) Lancer (C) (60) Johnny, "Three·Fltty-Two.'' Oet. Jeff Ward ruest. taken by a slippery horse tradlf' In loses his run and shield durlnr 1 U Six O'Clodl Mtww. (C) "11111 a deal for a bum horse. deter· holdup and the squad ~oes into Sllows .r u .... ._... Part II (ad· mines to get even, but instead action to apprehend the hoodlums venture) '53-GrelOIJ Peet, Susan winds up as custodian of the con and retrilff the police property. (R) Hayward, Ava Gardner. man's eight.year-old niece. (R) I""' (C} (30) Ted Meyers. Pr/ Clrds (C) (30) Totie Fields and Paul Lynde guest. HOJ rvr N 1 ~•c. 11 S.., (C} (60) 0 9 @ m Jerty Lewis (C) (60) 12 O'Cloct "'-(60) ...... (C} (30) (fil 10:00 IJ Qi()) ,......... Apart (C) 9:00 0 ,__ of Ult Ton" (west· (]) Merv Criffia (C) 1J Billy Grabata's Australian Cru· (60) "A Question of Values." a em) '43 -Claire Trevof, Albert ftlt's ""'1 (30) "Macically Side _iC) (60J . study of the ways younr PI091e Dekker. You11 ... A look at IQl'cery and "'ailc a @ CV m Mod Squad (C) (60) look at each other and rt Society 9:30 B ..,,.,...,, lfnrt" (comedy) from the earty days of Er.yptian "A Time To Lov~ Time To Cry." in general, is presented as the first •3!-ffarold Lloyd. priests and African witch doctors to Robert Lansinr guests as Dave of three scheduled broadcasts In fJ "Colden Qlrf' (musical) •51_ the present level of stage magic. Emmons, a probation officer bent CBS News's major investigative • Mitzi Gaynor, Dille Roberbon. I Un ~ hra &ti PW on findinr and clearing I younr ries. John Laurence reports as the IU'l.M News (C} homicide suspect who has been on show examines the dimensions of JZ.-00 g "Ride a Croobd Miii" {west· 6:30 MIC Ne ... fke (C) (60) "acid." what has come to be known popu. em) '38 -Akfm Tamlroff, Leif I LM Liq (30) fJ Miiiion $ Movie: (C) "Diary of larly as the "reneration gap." Erickson. Yopp to tile Iota of UM • .Madman" (scl·fi) '63 -Vincent g TOM REDDIN NEWS! Sia .iC> (60) Pnce, Nancy Kovack. • lZ:lO m "'Tiit Sarf" (mystery) '51 -@ 00 HunU.,·lrinllef (C) m Trvti. or ton.quencn (C) (30) * News that ~ News! .iOfin Ireland. ''Co, Man, Co!" (dra· EJl) Rudia1 Wta Your Qlkl (30) m Perry Muon (60) 'GJ Ntw1 (C) (60) ma} '54--Sidney Poitier. "The Triangle -Parents. Child, fI!.) The French CIMf (30) (R) @ (I) GiPWs lit. (C) (60) 2:00 ID "Arwft for Hirt" (mystery) '59 Teachers." L.A. City Schools teach· @I) El Cu1rto M1nd1mitftto " hat's He Got That I Haven't?'' -Steve Brodie, Lyn Thomas. ers talk with Marion Marshall about 1:00 m Hazel (C) (30) The sudden appnrance of Gloria's 3:00 0 (C) .,,._ at Sea" (comedy) future goals in settJnf up reading fm Wortd Press (C) (60) old boyfriend maku Bobby ex· ·~1rtt Bogerde, Briritte llantnt. programs in scflool and at home. el) H1ppenina 1 C--'o tremely jealous. Guests are Dou& ,--· I Ci) Ill m ...., (C) • McClure and Totie Fields. (R) 4:00 ti (C) "Ro...tf and Jallet" {ro-7:00 Cis Eve11i111 Ntws (C) (30) 1:30 1J ~ 00 Red Slelton (C) (60) fJ Ma!Mal Dillon (30) • mance) '61:._peter Ustinov, Sandri Wlaafs MJ Liu? (C) (30) Jackie Coogan, Su~ Raney guest. EJl) USC Music festival (60) John Dee, John Gavin. Paawonl (C) (30) p ~@ m Ju I 11 (C) (3tµ Crown hosts a music program tea· ------------------------~hos a. Freud of Ginger Wolfe. turina cellist Gabor Rejto and pi· ,- America's .,., ·"·. Original _,_. A '/ ,,"; Hotel/Motel ,l' '/• ,, ,, r---. F". ,-..... Schools ,·; 'I I ' I 'I ,I TRAIN MEit WOMEll, COUPLES FOR NEW CAREERS AS HOTEL/MOTEL MANAGERS • and 55 other jobs in the booming hospitality business! • Executive housekeepers, social directors, hostesses, apartment managers, etc. • Openings all over continental U.S., Hawaii • Age no barrier • No previous experience required • Good pay; some jobs include apartments • learn at home or attend classes in Los Angeles • Free book tells how lewis has been training and placing men and women for hotel, motel, "partment. re5ort jobs for 53 years! Phone (213) 749-1438 or send a postcard giving your name. age, phone and address to: Lewis Hotel I Motel Schools 7080 Hollywood BIVd., Suite l -1927 Los Angeles, California 90028 Approved for Veterans' Training Paa• 12 Julta pamcs ~hen son Corey comes anist Alice Rejto of the USC School h?me from his first day at school of Music. Selections include "Sonata with .drawlnp colored only black. in A major, Op. 69," by Beethoven: Cynthia Pepper plays the teacher. "Sonata. Op. 4," by Kodaly; and (R) "So t . A j " b 8 h ' I O Jimmie Roclrers Show (C) (30) • na a 1n m1 or, y occ enn . Roger Smith, Orriel Smith and Dale 10 30! ~~·( ,. __ Monroe are featured : u _,.,.; C) "Captain From __.. 0 (i7) (}) (B It Takes a Thief (C) tile" (adventure) '47 -Tyrone (C) {60) "The Thingamabob Heist." Power. Jean Peters, Cesar Romero. Ricardo Montalban g. uests as Nlch· 0> Public SeRlce/Ntw1 (C) olas Grobo, an international fence @E Faltane CcwazOtl who is about to sell a stolen sam· 11 :0010 0 @I) m &) Ntws (C) pie of paleum, a revolutionary jet Afff8CI Hltckocl fuel, to fOl'eirn aaents. Biii Russell, m LAUREL & HARDY FILM player-coach of the Boston Celtics * FESTIVAL OO p M basketball team. plays the butler. -11: · · CR) . m laurel & Hardy film Festival: m MllY Crfffln (C) (90) "Our Relations" (1936) and "Blodt· m Run for Yo• Lift (C) (60) . heads" (1938). 9:00 D @ (i) m " I c T u •• d I, m ~cm.: "Miii .. Conflict'' (dra· Movie: (Cl "Escape to Mindanao" ma) 53-Edward Arnold, John A&ar. (drema) '68-George Maharis, Willl @ (3) @ (i) 9 Ci) Ntws (C) Koopman. Nehemiah Persotf. James EJll Reapn lclws CcMiftrenc:t Shigeta. Filmed in the Philippines, 11:30 IJ Mevie: <C> .... ..,_. of llalt· story about two American pri.soners us" (western) '5&-Georre Mont· of war who escape their Japanese imery, Nancy Gates. captors to deliver a decoder to · @ @ m Toel&lrt Sllow (C) their own forces. (R) Movie: Ufiit C..al Died at 0 SPRING IS BUSTIN' D1wn" (drama) '36--Gary Cooper. * OUT AT CLAREMONT' 0 (il) oo.m..., 8illlop (C) DOODLETOWN PIPERS! 12:30 m Action Theatn: "Sofia." IJ Showcase 5 (C) (60) "S · I l.OOI 0 News (C) Bustin' Out." The Doodletow~r~i:.r! Co•!"unitJ •ulletia Board (C! and Professor Norm Crosby guest 1:05 fJ MON: "life In tile ~alance CB> · (drama) '55 -Let Marvin. Anne EJl) NET festival (C) (60) 'The Bancroft, Ricardo Montalban. Wor1d of Wiiiiam Blake." A drama· 1:15 IJ Movie: "East Side, West Side" tized essay on the life of POlt. (drama) '4~James Mason, Bar· painter, engraver and mystic William bera Stanwycll. Blake (1757-1827), filmed on loca· l:30mA11-N1pt SMw: "The Magni· tion in England. A prologue and In· flCent Brute." "Mr. Unlvme'' and sifht into the ''visionary" WOf'k of "Flame of Stamboul." ,. - BrG- lake loris new 1rin1 •riff ,self 3 0) Va rd 11. into urns (R) .. (C) • oplt :iely fll1t 1 In .. the ' of DpU· (60) l'tr· fia's U· >oua John fee · Pi· hool nata ven; and rini. ea .. rone 1ro. lM I. iwal: ock· drl· .aar. (111- ont· :) •• per. ' (C) Kt" ~ne Ida'" Bar- 1111· ~•nd 'The Bill Dana Hour' of her Latin-American ancestry, in a Mexican version of "Somethin' Stupid," the Spanish accent3 fty around like snow in January. One of the most talented and competent figures in show busi- ness today, Jose Jimenez--or Bill Dana as he is otherwise known-- headlines an hour-long color Spotlight musical-variety special Sun- day at 7 PM on KTTV. Channel 11 . Co-starring singers Vikki Carr and Frankie Vaughan, The Bill Dana Hour also features the Lionel Blair Dancers and the Michael Sammes Singers, plus Jack Parnell and his Orchestra. Bill isn't, in fact, Mexican, but when be joins Vikki, who is proud And somewhere along the line the host joins Vikki and Frankie in a sketch, "Everybody Ought To Hav .. a Maid," where he tries his hand at an English accent Peter Haigh is also seen with Bill, in a vain attempt to interview that famous soccer player, Jose Jimenez, who has changed teams so many times he never gets off the train. Bill, Vikki and Frankie also share the spotlight in "All Around the Town," in which they team up London landmarks and famous songs. Pert Vikki also gets a chance to solo with "Bluesctte," "Where Are You," "Some of These Days" and "After You've Gone," while Frankie goes it alone with "You're Nobody Till Somebody Loves You," "Give Me the Moonlight," "Up a Lazy River" and "Cabaret." Numbering among his past and present activities--writer, pre>- ducer, actor-comedian. composer, recording star, television host. and night-club ;lnd concert performer-Bill Dan1l is a personal friend of Americas Astronauts, with his Hollywood home known as "NASA West" whenever they are in town.· In turn, Bill is the guest of the astronauts whenever he visits Houston o r Cape Kennedy. This mutual "love affair" began with his ''The Astronaut" and "Jose in Orbit" albums. And while he has a repertoire of astro- naut stories which would fill a book, Bill refuses to capitalize on his friendship with these amazing men. Born in Quincy, Mass., Bill Szarthmary raises the question of his changed name in his official biography. "People may wonder why somebody with a perfectly good name like 'Szarthmary' would want to change it," says Bill . "These people should be looked into!" Produced by Jon Scoffield, 'The Bill Dana Hour" was written 1 by Howard Leeds and Bernard Rothman. It's No Easy Living for 'Jody Lee' Jn New York. even after a young actor has graduated from a dramatic school, 95 per cent of the time be cannot find work in his highly competitive profession for a minimum of one to two years. He will usually undertake odd Jobs (hotel clerk, waiter. elevator operator) to support him- self during these lean periods. C. C. Courtney, who studied more than nine hours a day for two years at the Neigh- borhood Playhouse in New York. is one of the few exceptions. He landed the regularly featured role of Jody Lee Bronson on NBC's The Doctors (Monday through Friday at I PM) the week he graduated last June. C. C. (stands for Charles Cane), when asked why he quit a lucrative disk jockey jo'b in his native New Orleans, that netted him an average of $500 a week, to come to New York. simply said, "I felt that if I could make it locally, why not try na- tionally?" He also disputes the sometimes claim that acting on a daytime serial is an easy living : · "I like working on The Doctors for just the opposite reason. It's a rigorous schedule which is great discipline for a young actor (he's 25). The rehearsals start at 8 AM and go till 3 PM when the show completes taping. If I have a show the next day I rehearse for that one until 5: 30." The multi-talented, engaging, 6-foot actor has unlimited energy and a strong drive for success-not necessarily for the reasons one might think! "I have a lot of ideas and success, to me, means that you have more freedom to do what you want." One of C.C.'s ideas that materiaJized re- cently was the opening of "Salvation," billed by C .C. as "a new rock 'concerpt'." "Salva- tion," which just opened to critical acclaim Off-Broadway in New York, was conceived, composed and written by C.C. and his part- ner (in their Big Sandy €o.) Pete Link. He also produced and stars in the show. Pete directed it. C.C. says, "'Salvation' is unique. It begins at 11 :30 PM, which is after alt the other shows on and off Broadway have ended, so it's the only place around for this sort of entertainment (it's 99 per cent music) at that time. "Four of the cast members are in Broad- way shows too (two from "Hair," one each from "Fiddler" and "Dolly") and the musi- cians, who play a bout 20 different instru- ments, also perform as actors on-stage." (Four of the five musicians are approaching graduation from the famed Juilliard School of Music.) "And,'" C.C. emphasized, "the tickets onl y cost three dollar~which is rare these days." Broadway producer David Black is so in- terested in "Salvation" that he's now making arrangements to bring it to Broadway. Also, a leading record company has made a bid to do the cast album. Just to make sure he's into enough things, MIXED BAGS-C.C. Courtney, the youn1 octor who play1 Jody !Ae Bror&10n on NBC'1 ""1- tlmt serial, Tiu Doctor#, II also tht talented author, producer/c star of a new Off ·Broadway h/1 in Nn1 Yor colltd "SolvaJlon." C.C. bas also written a play called "Hardly Anybody Lives in Murphy's Canyon," which is slated to be produced otf-Broadwar. this season. Things arc happening so fast, if this busy actor, producer, playwright, singer, lyri- cist doesn't watch out, he may just make it internationally before he hitJ the ripe old age --of 26? THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, MAY 17, 1969 , WEDNESDAY rvrNINC ...... All types concrete work for the home. Patios. driveways, pool decks. jt'l:wing, etc. Licensed • Bonded Exoert work. Reasonable. PHILLIPS CEMENT 548-6380 llST IN CONCRETE Walks pool decks. floors. patios Concrete Saw Cutting Any size job, work guaranlet'd Reasonable! Scrvins Harbor Area 642-1514 (after 4 p.m.> CEMENT WORK -.ALL KINDS - Free Estimate 25 Years Experience * 636·0074 * CARPETS • VINYLS · TU.ES Late6t Styles and Colors Commercial & Residential Expert Installation BLANKINSHIP FLOORS 642-1403 -540-7262 CARPETING Use Remnants for Extra Rooms and SAVE 50% ! J . J. KNICKEltlOCKER <Town & Country) H.B. 18582 Beach Blvd., 962-3351 Qu•llty ~TAN PlumlU1't ell ~__.aal/ReldW!tMll ltlr Plumw,, Inc. 271 lucknell C•t• Mesa 541-7501 A&e DISCOUNT PLUMBING S(>f'cializing in Rcµair and Service. Reasonable Prices! Complete Line of Plumbing Fixtures. 724 W. ltth St., Cost• M ... 642-1680 Plumbing Repair Drain Cleaning -Free Estimates - SPEEDY PLUMllNG 24 Hrs. Ir Weekend Work 546-2387 or 540-7217 YOUR HOME SERVICE GUIDE REPAIR REMODELe REDECORATE CRYSTAL JANITORIAL & WINDOW CLEANING Complete Janjtorial service. Business, residential and construction cleanup. Free estimate. 541--1737 House Cleaning Quality Work Call Us! BROOKS CLEANING SEltV. 1110 Cl•Y St., Newport BHch 642-2112 •nytlme ADVANCED CARPET CLIANERS Work Guaranteed, Fast Ser vice Very Reasonable Rat<.'s, Licensed · Insured 531-9332 or 539-6801 CARPET & FURNITURE CLEANING For 1 Day Service and Quality Work . . . CALL STERLING FOR BRIGHTNESS! 642-1520 SPARKLF. JANITORIAL Windows Out Specialt)' "r" C\llll'lllfl C.ml'Mf'Clll, •esJHitllal 961-26'1 C9ll1trvc:llH CIHIMIP e HOUSE CLEANING Excellent Work $2.50 Hour Call 546-5995 Hau\ing GENERAL HAULING AND CLEANUP $12.00 Per Load 962-6846 call After 3 p.m. and Weekends HAULING PAINTING, HOUSI CLEANING ODD JOIS You Name It , .. We Do It! 642-3398 VIT'S IONDID PAJNTING Free estimates, licensed, insured. Small jobs welcome. 642-0427 Remodeling· Repair ROOM ADDITIONS FrM LH v..-s V.c•tlon wltl'l Ever~ Estimate! :3 C.iys, 2 Night~ Hacienda • Thunderbird Trans. & Ml'als Not Incl. E~pert Plannin~ -Free Est. E1.-K CONSTRUCTION 11431 Westminster Blvd. Garden Grov~ 1-638-9831; ( 15 y ftrs E'xperience r WOODY CONSTRUCTION Com.,.ny of Fount•ln V•lley Licensed contractor. Build. remodel, repair. Brick, block, concrete carpentry No job too small. M2-6M5 Repairs-Alterations-Cabinets Any size job 25 years experience. Work guaranteed. c•ll BOI HEISEY 541-6713 ROOM ADDITIONS Licensed Contractors LAUTER BACH & Assocl•tn 114 E. 16th St., Cost• Meu 646-1797 ADD-A-ROOM Apts, Units, CUst. Homes Free Layout Design 20 Years Experience PACIFIC COAST ILDltS. 2435 E COAST HWY., C411 M 675-7191 Weekdays · Sat. It Sun. at Your Servlc~ ALUMlNUM AWNINGS PATIO COVlltS 8xlS-$139 ... 10x20-$16~ 12x20-$199 Window Awnings, Screens Sheds, Skirting NM SALIS 536-2182 -541-3147 101'5 YARD MAINTENANCF. Light Haulin~. Odd Job~ CIC'anu~Reliable, l<<'asonabl<' No Extra Charge for Weekend Work ... CALL 548-6995 or 1-496-~ HUNTINGTON BEACH TREE SERVICE Tre<' Trimming. Extrac ting Rnd Ornamental Pruning. Olive Tree Specialists Expert! Reasonable! 146-0779 J & J POOL SIRVICI •nd REPAIR 10 Years Experience Radio Dispatched Licensed ~ Insured 546-8748 1845 Anaheim Cost.a Mesa RAINIOW TV No Service Charge! Expert Work Color, Black & White 01 Stereos '62-5303 anytime HART TV -15 Years in Area - Servicinj{ All Brands! Your DuMont, Curtis Mathes Dealer for the Harbor area. 1921 ADAMS N•t le • ..,,_,, Huntt,_.ton leach ff2-"'4 WILLIAMS CLEANING SERVICE Cleaning & Repairing Your Furniture Can Be New Again! 642-1164 IURGER QUALITY UPHOLSTEltY Over 20 Years Experience Satisfaction & Workmanship Guaranteed. 959 W. 17th, Cott• Mesa 541.1953 CZYKOSKl'S Custom Upholstery & R•~lr Eurooean Craftsmanshio 100% Financing-Continuous Do-It-Yourself Uphol. Claues Largest Selection of Fabrics 1131 Newport II., Cott• M ... 642·1454 ..... 15 9aif :J.~~er ':late~ ...a ofook al Super~lardom. ··Every actress. regardless of her talent, her figure. her degree of obscurity, her color or her acting experience. inwardly looks to someday be- coming a superstar." says Gail Fisher, whose cur- rent rung on the ladder of film ~uccess dis.plays her sktlls as Mike Connors' secretary in the CBS dramatic series, Mannix, Saturdays. t 0 PM. "This particular drive inhabits the heart of every performer. whether they work here in Holly- wood or are struggling on some legitimate stage production ten miles from nowhere. I think every actress who's truly dedicated to a rewarding career must give completely of herself in every perform- ance. But at 1he same time. she's pursued by a devil who forces her to look behind every corner and behind every situation. fo r that elusive tum of fate that might ulimately bring her stardom." Miss Fisher's partic ul ar turn of fate seemed just around the corner when Mannix executive produc- er Bruce Geller and producers Iva n Goff and Ben Robens submitted an episode which spot- lighted Gail's abilitl~s to the TV Academy-a move designed to see her nominated for Best Supporting Actress in a Continuing Role for a dramatic series in this year's "Emmy" competi- tion. Her episode. entitled "Last Rites for Miss Emma," was chosen by the producers to screen for a blue-ribbon panel of academy judges. But fate is a fickle lady. and Gail was nudged out by Mission : lmpossible's Barbara Bain. Agnes Moorehead of Bewitched and Susan St. James of Name of the Game. "Even though I didn't receive.the nomination." s.ays Gail. 'Tm delighted with the way the busi- ness of selected 'Emmy' nominees is handled." Says Gail: "In the final decision, only actors and actresses can vote for the various acting awards, so in a sense it is a perfect way of learn- ing what the members of your own craft really think of your work. "l wish this sort of competition were held at least twice a year so an actress could get more periodic. more objective indications of her acting progress. Ever try to get objective criticism from a friend?" asks Gail. " 'You were great, baby; or 'Hey, I loved that show you did' really doesn't tell you all that much. What I'd like to know is. ..... 16 did I carry that love scene, or did I rush my lines too much ahead of my exit early in the picture. Actors and actreSses voting for 'Emmy' contenders see all that and take note. That type of scrutiny is worth its weight in gold as far as I'm con- cerned." Talking in another vein, Gail feels both actors and producers are under a great deal of pressure to generate new superstars for the years ahead. More pictures require more "names" to carry them. Por the performings, their task is to exercise their own abilities to the fullest. "An actress is operating under a delusion if she sits around and waits for someone to trans- form her into a superstar. She herself must arrive at that crucial juncture of her career almost en- tirely on her own power." . For Gail. her own desire is to become the first black female superstar, a task which she feels has been hampered not from the standpoint of color but from the fact that HolJywood, down through the years. has been a male-oriented film citadel. "The men are cast first," she is wont to admit. "There will be many more black male superstars before a female enters that particular elevated status." Miss Fisher is quick to point out that the need for superstars in the future will be so great that people will only respond to whether the individual on the screen is "A groovy human being. Period." Miss Fisher, a graduate of the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts and a member of The Actor's Srudio. can't fully define the specific magic that carries actors to fame and beyond. But- "ln my own experience," she says, "I know the various career-moves that benefited me the most came from unexpected quarters at times when I least expected them. The breaks. if you want to call them that, don't really come from close friends. Nobody simply 'puts you into a picture.'" For her role in Mannix, in which she replaced a bank of computers and man in the series' format-the producers had her read ft ve times for the part. "I had never met either Bruce Geller, Ivan Goff or Ben Roberts before that first interview. I came to California originally hoping my break might come from people I had known and worked with back in New York. ··success in 1his business," she says. "is a funny kind of will-0-the-wisp. You can work yourself just so far. and from that point on, your fate really rests in the hands of unexpected and un-met friends. And, in this town, they're all over," says Gail. looking back over her recent and successful two years in Holl ywood. • I .ea re. oy >rs are ld. m. .ise if ns- ive .rst 138 Jor 1gh lei. 1it. ars ted !ed hat .ual d ." my >r's hat the 10Sl n I lO ose . , ,. ced ies' nes iotf 1me ght 1ith nny self ally met .ays sful THURSDAY MAY 22 For morning and afternbon listings, please see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAmME MOVIES 9:00 0 (C) "11le ""'1»1e Ma*" (ad· venture) '55 -Tony Curtis, Gene Barry. 9:30 D "Out of Tiils World" (comedy) '45-Eddle Bracken, Veronica Lake. 0 ''Whi.Ue at Eaton Falls" (dra· ma) '51-Emest Borgnlne., Dorothy Gish. 12.-00 0 "ladies From Ke•tuckf' (dra· ma) '39--0eorge Raft. 12:30 m "War Painf' (western) '53 - Robert Stack. "Penonal Affair" (mystery) '54--Gene Tlemey. 2!00 I!) "Stranp Holiday" (fantasy) '45 -Claude Rains, Gloria Holden. 3:00 0 ''ToiettMr A,alnn (comedy) '44 -Irene Dunne, Charles Boyer. 4:30 f) "The last AnOY Man" (drama) '59-Paul Muni, David Wayne. ' EVENING 5:00 0 TOM REDDIN NEWS! * News that IS News! 6:00 II The Bis News (C) (60) Jerry Dun~. 0 @?:} Hantley-Brinktty (C) (30) 0 Stn1 Allen Sllow (C) (90) Tom Reddin, Dick Clair & Jenna McMa· hon, Paul Winchell, The Alppina Foals, end Joanne Vent guest. 0 Sbt O'Clock Movie: (C) "Chief Crazy Horse'' (western) '55-VictOf Mature, Susan Ball. Pay Cards (C) (30) Batman (C) (30) CI) Merv Crittln (C) 11 SC1J (C) (60) Whars New? (30) "The Paper Pigeon." A Bulgarian non-dialogue film showing youngsters making paper pigeons In the same way American chlldren make paper air· planes. El) Un Color Para &ta Piel a) KPLM News (C) 6:30 0 KNBC Newstmc:e (C) (60) m I Love Lucy (30) I!) Voyaee to the Bot1om of ttlt Sea (C) (60) ~ @ Huntley-Brinkley (C) Eil) More for Your MontY (30) "Your Shopping Cart.'' Marie Harrington brings a shoppina cart into the stu- dio to illustrate arocery store pur· chases that may not go onfo the table. ~@ EllmNlft (C) 7:00 II CBS Evenma ,..., (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. D Whars My Line? (C) (30) m PUSWOl'd (C) (30) @ @ Hlsfl and Wiid (C) m Allen Ltldden's CalllfJ (C) (90) 10:30 0 Ma•t Dllloft (30) fE Playin1 the Cuibir (30) "ll11do A snuk preview of the new show llJ News (C) (30) 8111 Johns. Technique." Followlna a review of to air on KTTV. Sue Raney, Jackle (jj) (1) 1\at Qlrt (C) the first position notes. Frederick Vernon and Dtis Youna auest. fJD lf Yea Wen Praidetlt (C) (30) Noad demonstrates the }olnina 0t m Ihm for Yoar lift (C) (60) "Would You Try To Relax Tlaht "slurring" of two or more notes to @I) Maka y Estreltas Money7" Paul Samuelson and Steven produce a smooth musical effect. Mare1an guest Qj (j) Mcffall's Navy 9:00 II~ ({) CBS Tllundaf Movie: ill Fallutt Cocuon m True Adventure (C) (C) "In lie Coel of Ute Day" (dra· ft\ Twili.w Zoftl ma) '63-Peter Finch, Jane Fonda, ~ •""• aJ o .... ,. Ho111t (C) Anfela Lansbury, Arthur Hill. Based 11:001J 0 0 Cl) ma) News (C') 7:30 on the novel by Susan Ertz and D Alfrtd Hltdlcoct 11 ANIMAL WORLD filmed In London, Paris and Greece, o Movie: "The &ff lJti' (horror) * .. Sharks" this film tell~ the story of three '64-John Saxon, Letitia Roman. pe~ns lmpn~ned by emotion, m LAUREL & HARDY FILM Kai Kan Pet Foods seektng an eluStYe lcwe. (R) FESTIVAL 11 ·00 p M 11 9 (j) Anlm1l Werld (C) (30) D Ci71 (I) Q) This la Tom Jones * -· · · Sailors hunt one of nature's most <f> (60) John Oavld90n, Sally Ann m UUl'lf 6 HardJ Al11 F..UWat: eHicient killers-the blue shark-Howes and George Bums auesl "SOns of the Desert" (1931) ind off the coast or Southern California. Ell E Mundo Ettl loco "Pack Up Your Troubles" (1~32). Bill Burrud hosts.. Ii) M..W. "Caq1rt" (mystery) ''9 0 @ m Daniel Boone (C) 9:30 0 ~@ @m Draanet C) (30) -James Mason, Barbara Bel Geddes. (60) "The Bail" Lois Nettleton "Juvenil&--OR-19." Friday and Gan· @@Qj 00 ~ (j) News (C) guests as a pretty schoolteacher ~~~sein(1Qtleate a case of child 11:30 II Movie: "My Slx Convict•" (dra· wtio reveals h~r true character .when m lt O'Clock HI..., (60)\ ma) '52-Millard Mitchell, Giibert she robs Daniel Boone and others •" Roland. at gunpoint (R) Eil) Wasltlnfton In Review (30) O @@m Tonltlrt Sltow (C) ~ @ (I) Billy Graham's Aatra· 10:00 0 @ @ m Dean Martin (C) 0 Movie: "Man on die Flyln1 T,._ la.n .Cruadt (C) (60) (60) Deans auests are Lena Home, peze" (comedy) '35-W. C. Fieldi. 0 tiD The flylna Nun (C) (30) George GobeJ Skiles & Henderaon 0 @ @ aJ Joey BllMp (C) ''Two Bad fas.'' Sister Bertrllle d Th Gold·d. (R) ' hides two Illegal baby hawks from an 8 iuers.. 12:30 I!) Action TbMtn: "Code of SI· Captain Fomento. (R) 0 TOM REDDIN NEWS! lence." 0 Colpta The1tre: (C) "The Mar· * News that IS News! 12:50 O Community Bulletin loanl (C) nificent Seven" (adventure) '60--m ..... (C) (60) D Movie: "Scotland Yard VL Dr. Yul Brynner. Steve McQueen, James -M ... _& ( )-8 'tis Coburn, Robert Vauahn, Eli Wei-U Suspense Tlleltre (C) (60) a-n mystery n h cast lach, Char1es Bronson. American 0 News (C) (30) 1:00 0 U News (C) gunfighters are hired to protect a @ (}) flyine Nun (C) 1:1511 Movie: "Stromboli" (drama) '51 small Mexican town from outlaws.. fii) Tlleatn But (30) -Ingrid Bergmen. m Truth or Consequences (C) (30) ill Mariana l:30 m All·Nipt Show: "Les Mlsera· I!) Perry Mason (60) aJ Passport to Travel (C) bles," "Volcano.'' EE Black Pmpedift (30) -el El CuartD M1nct1milnto 8:00 II ~ Ci) Jonathan Wintars (C) (60) Comedy and music by The Smothers Brothers, Marvin Gaye, The Mickie Finn Show, and Paul Lynde are highlights of tonight's show. (R) 0 a) That Girl (C) (30) "The Face in the Shower Room Door.'' A charmina and amorous cont.iMn- tal restaurateur finds temporary landlady Ann Marie Intriguing. much to Don Hollinger's dlspleasur&. Ce· sare Oanova guests. (R) m Hazel (C) (30) Eil) NET P11ybouse (C) (90) "let Me Hear You Whisper." Ruth White stars in a comedy, written by Paul Zindel, about a scrubwom· an in a research laboratory who makes friends with an ifl.feted dol- phin. Scrubwoman Helen cannot un· derstand the cold, Intellectual at--------------------------- mosphere of a research laboratory, so she makes friends with the dol· phin, who refuses to talk to anyone but her. (R) el fllidano! (C) 8:30 0 @ @ m lron1ld1 (C) (60) "Price Tag: Death." A former police- man vows to bring a murderer to justice. Ralph Meeker and Clu Gula- ger guest. (R) 0 Bollna (C) (90) Tom Harmon and Mickey Davies are rineside. 0 @ CV a> 8ewitdted (C) (30) "I Don't Want To Be a Toad, I Want To Be a Butter11y." Sam and Darrin fear the consequences when Tabatha enters nursery school at Grandmother Stephens' Insistence. (R) A NEWSPAPER REPORTER COVERS THE DOWN-AND- OUT BEAT. Montgomery Clift and Dolores Hart are young lovers in "Lone/yhearts," Frandsen's Feature for Friday. Tom Frandsen is KHJ's host Monday-Friday, 3-5 PM, for a week- ly parade of feature films. FRI DAV MAY 23 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta· tions reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 0 (C) "Meet Me Afttf tfle SMw" (musical} '51-Betty Grable, Mac· donald Carey. 9:30 0 ''Rulers of ltle Su" (adventure) '39-Douglas Fairbanks Jr. B (C) "Coney Island" (musical} •n-;..aetty Grable, Cesar Romero. 12:00 0 "l11t Train f'rom Madrid" (dra· ma) '37 -Lew Ayres, Dorothy La· mour. 12:30 m (C) "M.M.M. 83" (drama} '65 -Pier Angeli. ''Too Youne To Know" (drama) '46-Joan Leslie. 2:00 ID ''The Sainfs 'irt Friday" (dra- ma) '54 -Louis Hayward, Naomi Chance. 3:00 O "lonely Hearts" (drama) 'SS-- Myrna Loy, Montgomery Clift. 4:30 6 "Tarzan Triu1nphs" (adventure) '43 -Johnny Weissmuller, Frances Gifford. rvrN I NG 0 CALIFORNIA ANGELS * VS. DETROIT TIGERSI 6:00 B The II& News (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. R m HunUey·Brinklty (C) (30) An&els Baseball (C) (2'h hr) California Angels vs. the Detroit Tigers. O Six O'Clod Movie: "lM Me Tender" (drama) '56-Elvis Presley, Richard Egan, Debra Paget. 11 Spy (C) (60) Pay Cards (C) (30} Batmen (C) (30} (3) Merv Griffin (C) iiars New! (C) (30) "Behind the Scenes.'' A visit to a HoUywood film set. We see how to use mab- up, how to construct sets, how to perform special effects and how to do complicated and dangerous stunts. @!) Un Color Para Est11 Pill al KPLM News (C) 6:30 I MIC NewtefVlce (C) (60) I love Lucy (30) Voyaae to the 8ottD111 of tht Se• ~) (60) ~ (6J Huntley-Brinkley (C) ED Cllalleneu (30) "ESEA Enrich- ment, Part I." Teacher John Hatem I guides children from Belvedere and City Terrace schools in the com· pletion of individual research pro)- ects. ~ oo m m News <C> 7:00 8 cas Evenin& News (C) (30) I Walter Cronkite. I Train for an exciting, rewarding career as a • MEDICAL ASSISTANT e DENTAL ASSISTANT New, Exclusive Classroom, Home Study Courses! Career Academy graduates enjoy good-paying, rewarding positions {full and part·time) in these prestige fields. You can train to become a Medical Assistant or Dental Assistant. Unique. nationally-recognized courses are supervised by physicians and dentists 1n a beautiful. modern laboratory school ..• located right here in L.A " Nationwide Plae1m1nt Alli1tanca At No Extra Con TultlOI'} Aulstence Avt lleble. Accredited Mtmb9r- National AllOCl•tlon Of Trade and Technlcal Schools. .. and the National Home-Study Council Retvrn Coupon ... or CALL 464-9291 Pee• 1a I '*-'CAREER ACADEMY I 7080 Hollywood Blvd. Dept. 6153 T Loi Angel••. Cellfotnle 90028 I Please send my free book;'Spotll1h1 On You''. I I ress 1 ~~~~~~~~-- ~=·~st~' Line? (C) (30) Wally ~ ~~~~ ~:"Gra:f~~ oi~. ~: m Password (C) (30) Allen Ludden Harrison, Sydney Omarr, Bias & hosts. Shaw, Brendon Hanlon and Everett ~ 00 Cinema Showcase (C) "Ride Greenbaum guest. the High Wind." Darren McGavin D @® al lefs Make 1 Dul stars. (C) (30) Monty Hall hosts. ED I s!tCIA&. i Junior Colle&e Trus-a1 Estel1rts 34 tees Candidltes (90) The fourteen 9:30 0 (fl) Ci) G} The 'uni of Wiii candidates for seven Junior Col· Sonnett (C) (30} "The Straw Man." lege Trustee seats present state-Will and Jeff arrive in a town where ments of platform and answer James Sonnett has .been hung in questions from the studio audience. effigy. (R) Mrs. Connie Friend, president of I News (C) (30) Ted Meyers. the League of Women Voters, is 12 O'Clock High (60) moderator. Festival en Madrid I fi) Ma1'efty RFD (C) 10:00 0 I shctAl I f'rve Cities (C) (60) American West (C) The chasm between the "total city" Orum House (t) concept of city planners and the 7:30 B Cii (j) The Wild, Wild West "limited" conce.pt of most citizens (C) {60) James West tangles again Is revealed in this program. It shows with the fiendishly clever Or. Mi· why cities are changing, why change guelito Loveless whose amnal of is resisted, and outlines new urban weapons Includes such Inventive forms. ft reflects the entire range instruments as a giant-sized robot of human problems that affect the and a li1e·like ventriloquist's dum· quality of urban life in five major my that resembles its owner. Ml· U.S. cities. chael Dunn guests. (R) 0 m News (C) (60) 0 m Hi&h Chap1rr1I (t) (60) f) @ @ al Judd for the Defen~ "Ten Little Indians.'' John Cannon (C) (60) "Visitation." Judd attacks is threatened with an Indian at-questionable divorce practices when tack when he feeds hungry Apache an unfair settlement leads to mur- orphans. (R) der. (R) O al I Sf1c1AL I The Sineers -0 Marshal Dillon (30) Two Profiles (C) (60) The story of ~ 00 The S11int (C) (60) ''The two dynamic lemale vocalists and Helpful Pirate." An old confidence their work is told in this ABC game places a scientist and his documentary. The program spot-beautiful daughter in danger of be- lights Aretha Franklin, the renowned ing deported to Russia. soul singer, and Gloria Loring, a EID R&D Review (60) "What Next young star whose life and way In Biology?'' A Caltech biologist with a song. d,iffer dramatically from tells of some upcoming break- Miss ~r~nkhn s. (R). .. • throughs in his field. 0 Mtlhon $ Movie: (C) April @D Mariani L~e" (musical) '57 -Pat Boone, m The Dikotas (60) Shirley Jones. O -M • uy· F th 8 'd " ! Truth or Consequences (C) (30) 10:3 .:. ov1e: 1ew rom e n i• Perry Mason (60) (drama) '62-Raf Vallone, Maureen @ Billy Graham's Austr11i1n Stepleton. Crusade (C) IE News (C) (30) Bill Johns. g) El Cu1rto M1nd1mien10 m flllaste Corazon 8:00 m Hazel (C) (30) 11:001J 0 0 ~ m al News (C) g) Lutecita (C) 0 Alfred Hitchcock 8:308®(J)Gomer Pyle CC) (30) m LAUREL & HARDY FILM s.erg~antCarter and his g~up a.r-* FESTIVAL-11:00 P.M. nve 1n Hollywood to. participate in . m Laurel & Hardy Film Festival: a ~arlne Cor~s movie. and Carter "P d u .. (1931) and "Chump quickly moves 1n when Gomer meets ar on .. s a pretty stunt girl (Judy Brown) at Oxlor.d (193~). . ,. who hopes to become an actress. IE "!ov1,e: (C) Destin1tion Moon (R) (sci·f1) 50 -John Archer. Warner 0 @ (6) m Name of the '•me Anderson. (C) (90) ''The Protector." A bigoted @@~@~Ci) News (C) millionaire sets out to deal with 11 :30 B Movie: ''Any Number Can Play'' the nation's racial problems with (drama) '49 -Clark Gable, Alexis his own private army. Cliff Potter Smith. and Robert Young guest. (R) H ~ 00 m Tonlpt Stlow (C) §Across Ute Seven Seu (C) (30) Movie: (C) "Desert Fury" (ad- @@ al The Gentration Gip venture) '47-lizabeth Scott, Burt ( ) (30) Jack Barry hosts. Peggy Lancaster. cass guests. 0 (fl) CI) al Joey Bishop (C) The m Allen l udden's Gallery (C) (90) presentation of the 47th annual Gerri Grc:nger. Jack Deleon and Photoplay Magazine Gold Medal Roger Smith guest. Awards takes place on tonight's IE Run tor Your life (C) (60) show. ED New Theatre for Now (C) (90) Qi ® Frid1y Show KCfT presents five plays performed 12:15 D Movie: "Operation Secret" (dra· by the Center Theatre Group of the ma) '52-<:omel Wilde, Karl Malden. Mark Taper Forun:i: "The Golden 12:30 ~Action Theatre: "Cat and Fleece," "Wandering," "Chuck," ~u " "Thoughts on the Instant of Greet· M se. ing a Friend on the Street," and 1:00 0 0 News (C~ "Camera Obscura:· (R) 0 Country Music (C) @m Nochts T1p1tlas 1:15 I) Mevit: "TIM Real 'ioJ1" (ad· 9:00 8 ~ (i) C8S Frid1y Movie: (C) venture) '39-tary Cooper. "Ensign Pulver" (comedy) '64 -1:30 m All-Ni&ht Show: ''The Dark Robert Walker. Burl Ives. Walter Comer," "Top Banana," and ''The Matthau. (R) Big Punch." .. , 'ill " rt in D) , .. 18 ~s WS 18 '" te 18 or 1e :e is rt ;t I· .. n SATURDAY 9:301 ii~ ~-t!:' !pl~ (C) ~ ~ &) f1ntlttlc V.,.. (C) AM Tlleltr1 (C) "Simson Ind the MAY 24 Seven Miracles of the WOf'ld" and "Target: Sea of China." MOf~NING m lilultarras 10;00 IJ~ (j) Thi Arcbit S11ow (C) 0 1 CV a> Journey to till c.,t- 1:00 BID Cl) 8' ..,._ Sq91m tef tllt E.11111 (C) (~ Peter Marshall hosts. fJ Movie: "MISllCrl Rive(' (west-m Mr ......... (C} ern) '4~uy M1dison, 7:25 IJ lilivt Us 'Bil Day (C) EE> P1ttlrn for llvln1 7:301 Su11rise St1Hster (C) @m Lis &trellu y Ustect QI @ m Unta111d World (C) 10:301 ~Cl) Batn11n/SUpena1n (C) P ii Carey hosts. • @ @ m Underdo& (C) Cl1tpa Ditest Movie: "Souls 1t Sea" (drama) · Cl11Pft Pttfflt '37-Ge~e Raft. Gary Cooper. • ....., tllt Most of Maturit1 I @ lV m Fantastic four (C) 7:45 Saa9CI Htert (C) 1\t Bible Answers 1:00 9 i Ce-lo Cop!Mn (C) • Cintlandla Q) 6 i'm Suptr Sil (C) 11:00 0 Saturday tbtinff: "No Love for Cun Music (C) Johnnie.'' @ m Cl1ptr (C) D @ 00 .al liltor&e of the Juna1t Abbott &--co.t.ilo Cartoons (C) (~ Tiles of Wells farp ID Award Theatre: "Alimony." Satunlly TMatrt: "Man·Eater of g;, Sports in Action (C ) the Kumaon" and "The Enchanted 11:301QjCl)1\t Htmlloidl (C} Valle£' @ (]) &) Allttrian Bandstlncl 1:30 IJ ~Cl) Bup Bunnr /Rold Run· ( ) Dick Claril hosts. ner (9 fJ Westem Star Theatre 0 ~ @ m Cool McCool (C) m See the USA (C} fJ MOYlt: "Eyes of the Sahara" (adventure) '53-Curt Jurgens. AFTERNOON l =lMEX (C) 9:00 Q) (!) m .Ain1nones· (C) 12:00 !Qj Ci) Sllamn! (C) Mtwit: 'ilipt in New Orltant" • AUantl liloH Clusic (C) Another (mystery) '42-Preston Rister. major golf tournament is tale· I @ Cil .al Sttldtmlan (C) cast live from Atlanta, Ga. Jack La Lannt (C) 61) lilren Teatro Saturd1y M1tlnH m Bil Picture (C) Estudlo de Pidro Varras 12:30 1J ®) Ci) Jonny Quest (C) 8 Mtiwit: "Pldflc la.cu.t" (dr•· ml) '42-Robert Preston, Eva GI· bor. fJ <HJ CJ) al ...,,...In& (C) Paul Reme and ·Marl! llnday host The Raiders art futurtd. m Evans-thwak Report (C) I!) II• Ribboft Tlltltn: "Never look Back." m Tmtl till Wofid (C} 1:00 8 Cit Cl) MMJ Dick (C) · m llijor Lupe l..WI (C) Jim Simpson cells the action be- tween the Pittsburgh Pirates and the San Francisco Giants, at San Fran· cisco. O Movit: "Min of Conquest" (ad· venture) '39--Richard Dix, Gail Pat- rick. fJ Movie: "Don't Botlltf Tt Knock" (dr1ma) '52-Marilyn Monroe, Rich· ard Widmark. m Mowlt: "A Walk In Utt SUn" (drama) '46-0ana Andrews, Rich· ard Conte. • @I) Mariana al AnDtd Forces Hl&hlipts (C) 1:30 II a Ci) 1\t lont Ranier (C) Z:OO I The .... Society (C) Movie: "My Son, My Son" (drl'- ma) '4-0--Madeleine Carroll. ID Coronet Tlltltrt: "Riot In Juv· enlle Prison." al Quest tor Adventure (C) Z:301 Dill 'M' for Music (C) · lltut Cry · Stt tbt USA (C) 3:00 1J Drtssi11 by Dtslp (C) O Movi&: (C} ''Thunder in tht Vil· lay" (drama) '47-lon MacAlllster, Edmund Gwenn. mc11mer @I) Un Color Par• Estl Piel Backstage activity among the 51 beauties is a show of its own as they gather in the Miami Beach (Fla.) Auditorium for the annual "Miss USA Beauty Pag- eant.'' live and in color Saturday at 10 PM on CBS. Jitters Are Normal at No matter how outwardly calm and poised she may ap- pear, each of the Sl beauties ~ experiencing a strong case of jitters-and undentandably so. Miss USA Beau!Y Pageant El) ltalnbow Tllte1rt (C) l:JO IJ Mtwlt; (C} ... ""' ... .. filllit......,... (hom>t) '6S-MI· ml• Van Doren, Bobby V1t1. ID Color TllMtrt (C) "Scudcl1·Hool Scudd1-H1y!" I Qllllt fw Advtntur• (C) 4:00 Flltln Wepn Train (C) Silwr Winp (C) Stt till USA (C) 4:301 TIM Otlfdoonman (C) o• U11its • Bronco Rainbow Tlleltre (C) 5:00 tJ All·Allltricln Colltp Sllow (C) Dennis James hosts. 0 It's Acldtelc (C) Culver City, James Monroe (in Sepulveda) ind Woodrow Wilson high xhools com- pete. U Cbainpionship lewfi111 (C) Bm Fazio and Fred Lemln1 vs. Ray Bluth and Don Glover. o @rnm ABC'• w1c1e WCNtd ot Sports {C) Howard Cosell com- ments on the 15·round light-heavy- weight title bout between ch1mpion Bob Foster and Andy Kendall, from West Springfield, Mus. I HollltStud {C) lnnov1tions (R) Futbol·Soccer 5:301 R1lpll Story (C) (R) • KNBC Newserva (C) ~ llUlards (C) Allen & Rossi pest. (R) I TwiHpt Z.... Man fro• Uftdt ~) The Ntw S.ulld ( Rllnbtw Quest: ett Seer• slnrs songs by Woody Guthrie. a;, feature es ao through it every time they open in a new Broadway play. Even Helen Hayes is known to have frankly admitted that lbe'a nervous every time she appean in a new prod~ction.'• After a week of strenuous re- beanala for the bis niabt+ every one of the beauties baa a minor complaint-usually imqinary. A nune cin:ulata amona them, sprayina a sootblna lotion on the tired feet. Solicitous chaperones (one for every two airls) bever over their ctiaraa. Meanwhile, the anxiety of the coatenden it manifested in a multitude Of waya. Some of thli:ace back and f onh. Some Ii e for DO apparent ~sen. en keep tuging at their dreaa or nerv- oualy pat their hair. Some even try to relieve tbe tension by hummin1 a tune. Tbere are tboee who suddenly dilcover they have lost pan of their prope and ICUI'· ry a&out frantically. One or two <>f the ,iris stand in a corner nyina last minute prayen. Then Jbe curtain goes up, and the afrl• walk out lookln• cool, calm and bautifully polled. "You get out there backstage waiting to go on to be intro- duced to a live audience of thou· sands and a television audience of millions," ellplains Didi An- stett of Washington, last year's winner. "While you're waiting, you look around aOd see 'all those gorgeous looking girls who are competing apinst you, aod you suddenly say to yourself, 'What -am I doing here?' You get an instant complex. You're sure you don't stand a chance. and your ftrst impulse is to make a mad dub for the doon and bop tbe-.. plane beck home. .. M_i ~ aplwtioll.f IUCb a reaction ii openin1-niabt jit- ters. rve heard that a great many veteran acton and acuess- R.E_GN/NG BEAUTY--Dotol"1 Colli~~ Alllt~ll, ,.; '!~~~ ~M'i!' u~ve .:':; ing Miu SA, onfiiiiwfTiJaown M1 .uCCU$<>r di tM c"""" -Paacant~ rany-tnow-the tlMky of tlu 90-mlnute 1ptdol brootlcost o/ tht "Mw USA Btauty feelinl that precedes the 90-DU. Pageant." ult bioadcalt. ,... ,. Sherwood 125 Watt AM-FM• Altec-Lansing • Dual 1019 • Shure --=-.... _ '**(.. Voice of Theatre M 91 E The 760()..A SHERWOOD'S N.west 125-watt Stereo Receiver. Receiver with lll·slllcon circuit, FET front-end, and new Micro • Circuits for superb sterto FM, exulli!nl AM. Automatic FM stweo-mono switching. tuning meter. .,._ t-.. l•fi<M't muling, ••~ monitor. Mein, remote 1~slr.· er switch. Sterto lludphone l•ck. u c 2$ u. Reg. Price $359.50 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SONY 666D ·~ • e Prol•nlonal a 1 r a c k • deck has full sollnold op-• ere lion. e Records. plays • : · Sfef'tO or mono ·-E.S.P ..• reverses I 1 p e wllhout • H nslno l•PH or pulses e • Aulomillc s h u I o If e • Scrape flutter litter e : Tllr.o molora, Including • hysteresis • synchronous, • cepslen drlvo e Record • level mt1ers, lnstent stop, : l•PC ccxinler e Vertlctl • or horbonl11. • Add SS7S lo system prlc1t. • • • Fo,..Hs "Tlae Voice of tlte n..otre"® • Spealaer Syatffl -A7·500 11 ... ! A grut velv-; for audlophlles Who wish : to enfoy ill su~~rb sc:und E11trcme1v • w:dc frequency range •nd lerge , Ntr· • handling ce~clly. Uses ~!lee's .02-1) • high-frequency drlve1 wolll large, Cl>!· : •luminum Sll·B sec1ortl horn 10 smoolh· • IV dislrlbutc frequencies above .500 Ht • over • W:de englt. Alltc's ~1'·A 15" low • ~:iu:n~·k:~Po=~led llO:::i ~~::: : tellllfullv reproduces Ille lo-I orclltsl· • rel frequencies. Reo. $6M.OO • • e Automsllc lurnteble lies every deluxe fu. lure for superlallve performenct e Dyna· mlcelly btllnced erm with tdluslablt coun· terwelgh. e muslvt 7'h-lb. pltrtf!r e Pre· clso cuing. e 6"'t. verl· pllcl1 range. Reg, $1<19.95 Nl!WEST 'HI-TRACI(' elllptlctl tHY • mcxinr, with Bl·rldlal .~· by .0007 d iamond llY· lus. 'II:. to )\') grem tracking force range, 20·20,000 Ht Reg. Price S'9.9S • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ( OMPLETE 5 PIECES : I I SHERWOOD -SHURE AL TEC -LANSING -DUAL HG. PRICE ............ $1256.90 SALE PRIC.: •••.•••••••••• 997.52 SAVE $259.38 SONY of the WEEK! SPECIAL SALE ON THIS ·AUTO-CARTRIDGE RECORDER THE TC-8 •12 9so SONTMATIC TC-I STDIO SOUi ITATI .. TIACI CAITllMI 11cona Now wt111 IM new and exclllno Sony TC:.t, You ctn srlect and record your own library of sterto, l·treck cartridges for l!u1omobllfl or llOme enlovment. UH eny scwno &OUrce -home tape reconi.r, pl\of)o or FM Mulllplex -Sony's fabulous recording fidelity Is lmmedla1e1y evident. Sony-metlc' Recording Control makes recording level decision aulomellelllly -Per· feclly; •rd an lr.dlcalor light Identifies Ille tracks being recordrd. Instantly coonecls 10 your llOme svsltm for recording or playback. Cartridges usrd are Ille slendard used in a.track IUIO '"''° units.