HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-05-19 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa•
' 0 ears.-
Phony D(Jctor Con.,icted:
ii.dge Weighing Sen(~nce
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Con~ietien~ Rules. •s.elf· lneri111ination~ . . ' . . . . '
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Judge Mulls
" . Sentence
Of 'Doctor' .
Of Ille Dal,., Pl.i Slaff
Superior Court J u d g e Byron K.
McMillan has set Julie 5 as the date on
which he will sentence Orlllge County's
medical impostor, Robert Ervin Brown.
He mt11t ·~ide in -die.next two weeks
what form that sentence will take, ·based
on the jury's.verdict that ·Br'Own, 33,-Was
guilty of two felony and Lt mJ.sdemeanor
. coonts. ,One <OWlt of falsely practicing
medicine without a license was rejected
by the panel.
Comparable. Superior Court records ill"
dJcate that Judge McMillan may prefer
to sentpnce Brown on the 11 mi.s<ie-
meanors and suspend sentence on the
felony convictions, each of which carries
a one to' J.O.yeer state prli!IOl'l year. 1
Each mildemeanor calls for a six
month jail term. Brown could be put
behind-~Jor..mott than five_years on
the ~ C!(lmts alone if the fµll temui of
those charges were applied.
But the judge may be content to
"'11enc:e · Brown Oii ·the. felonln< to.,_,.,
coocurrently and sus)>end or dilmlas tbe
mi!demeanor charges. He has given no
indication ol wbicb ....,,. be will toke.
It tool: tbe jury I! hours to reach It.
v~ and Ibey Jiled lnlO court at 5 p,m,
Saturday to rule lbat the bespectacled
~bamian falsely practiced medicine
when he posed as a cardiologbt for five
weeks at i Fullerton clinlc.
Fourteen of the charges placed before
the jury stemmed from hb trutment of
103 potleats at tbe North County facllity.
It n11 been stoled by tbe ~ tbat
five of those patients died while under
Brown's care , although he has not
specifically been acctased of dlrtclly
causing their dealhs.
Brown'• coavk:tioo wouJd ,appear to
cl<!ar the way 'for the lllinf cl a lawsuit
&1alut the FuDe:rton Internal Medicine:
Clinic where· Brown aerved • a member. cl tbe stall dui'iq Jaobar)o and Feliruiry.
oC this year.
Mrs. Peek Relea.00
FroJ!I Springs Hospi.tal
Mn. M.;:..ue Pte11 WIS roied!d' l!tl-'
day lrom Palm Spnap~llMpltal
whm Ibo had been ,..;.,,,.1n1 -•
bullet .......i 1n the·--May~. ,,,.~--and ....,.. of tho !'lei: Colonlal "-al Home'
In WOllminllor waa oliiit two -·oeo-, toclay when on apparmtly OJ1ll'1 llllllle
~ eol<ftel ·her Polm Spi:lnp
apartment; llhol her and then killed
• .... < • ... l -· ..
hcly of Ono Victim (ltfl) Liu on Emba-1 Allor l!elnt Th-..\F ..,,.·•Vohlci. .. ·
~ . ·;~ . . .. . . .
Worst El Morro Curve
Crash Kills Four Persons
. ·.
-"""" "' -coUt Rlllt•ay norlb·ol1-Boadt.
The --boo-' oil·•
guonlrall, hurtled -loor -ol
traffic, caromed off a dirt embuDnent· ·
and altot ,upoide down ltldt Into the ....i,
hlttlni aart's ·car. :
"Then --and ...... ~ Ill yanfit .... the lap ol the dlll;", lllllcl
-llnmaa ..lied lo the aw 1o1>C1P
~ -frn'the tlliCled --I ....... !Ord\. .
Tiie· --lo tht °Cla1'1 -
died -loot* --...,... , .. a._0,,,..11 . .. ..
' . ..
Borman Doe Medal ·
' .
C.Ourt <h:erturns·
Leary Rap on
'Incrimination' """'--The U:S. SU....... Court t O d I y
u-...uly vot.d to -• federal coomdllxl or or. ,,_,, tory 1or
PoV11e11kln ft. mutjUana beclme om-
pU.... with the law wOllfd Uterally
amount to lelf-lncrtmlnatloa. \ .
'Dr. 1-y, 11. I -lnll -fl ,_ "":lo --be 1111 bit lamDy ""1nldlJ fw.lldoll-... ~ -
had --•"*' ll>foor ID• 1""' ID ...-. * .i..,. • ..,,.._ ,,,. .... LIQ-~···-·plllJ ID Londo, Tll., ol flllP!Y
b~=-11111111 •J>IY alfl--b I ....
illllllol -I -· for lite ftrst time -AlinlilO ,,... Alta ,_ ............ -. tho.:--= ::.;:·.:s ...... :z~
pa)'inl tho tq.
Tltt actlcm lodol' otriDo -I -ol U..U.S. N•11U:• lmpartadla ltatute
~ pmklullJ IMde' P"•••111on ot
marijaolll --~that It wu" ll1opUy lmporlod ml tho
pollelfDl'~lt. t.eaey•a appeal ottocltod 11t ... federal
(llM UAllY, Pap II
. . . .
-•• ,..'!1}!;.••·r . . . -
/, .. ' ,-
.. Apollo .IO ·Nearly
Halfway to Moon
.SPACE '~ Houlton (UPI) -
The tbr<e Apollo 10 pilots turned dbc
jockey1 today,, rld.lainc back taped tooes
of "Up, UP and Away" u they bore Clown op the halfway mart· of America's final
P.:'"10~!"1 )IO)'ge for a manned ltmp
~.Iii Jul,, . ,· ' . . .
u1 thouabt: that song Wll IOrt ol
apropos," Aid Eq~ A. Ceman, ~. and
he, Tbomaa P. Stalford; 38, and )ohn W.
Yoqng, ·31,, toared Jnto.th<lr IOOOl1d day
Addi~ ApoBo _, ...... ,
of their cloriri~ elgbt..tay moon orbiting
adventure. •
broodclllt up from the Mlalon Cmfrol
Center and Ihm lUl)lecl the la1>lel and pat
Oii their own o1tow, beamtnJ beck ibe
''Up, Up and .Away" re:ud.ltion i~
bY Andy Wlllial!Js. , -'-· , . . ,, .
"Usfeit, Y• luY•'were ao. eood to·111
with the ..... thia mcniliig ... tlloUcfit
we'd gtvfi )'6u sOme . dilc /ocR, ~ ,
fl'(ID ·here," Ceman tbld around OCJmo
muniCator Charles Dilke. .
"Tbll Is Torri IDll'-Jolin oo 'the" lldttr
and tbe three ol .. .......... COman
quipped. "Wo had a llltlo a'qiltle _..,'
tbe bus drum: aboard bat atberwlitPwe The, astronauts, •lowed by the fading were .OK." pull of""°''' gravity to 3,615 miles ~
hour ln,M ~. er-.! th< 125,H7·mlle
halfway mark to the moon abortly after
noon PDT.
-. "
A few minutes later, a short bunt from
the ship's main rocket ellline ,l!llQ<d
i\pollo 10 ontO'th< prOdM •path ~p01J6 U '
will follow when It hudl toward man'•
first landing on the nioon In July. ' ' CLEAR UNCERTAlll'l1Ell
'Ille goal di Apollo 10-ts :liit,.;ie.r up ·is
many' of tbe mnainlng .....nalntles
about mooo fllgbt• aa• poulble lo j>oft Die
way far the bUlorlc moon Jaiidtog. Apollo
16'1 riVUe5t test OOIDel· 1butldaf wlien
stafford and COrnln Dy -ktnar londei' "Snoopy'' nay from. v~ In tbe ·
command module "Charlie 1Brown" and
swoop only IO,llO feet above the forbid·
ding 1-ourflCt!.
The l!!ll!lplete Ajtollo 10 opacuhlp,
reoomblhlg • bullet with i spider ~ttln1
·"Hey, that WU beauUful/'1 ~
replied "SOmabody'1 voi<e lt·dwtllnl
though, or either you Rowed IOIDllbodJ ..
tl)f,l)'_Up .t.be,re." • • -.
"The VFR (voice fl'eq._y rlJlllnil
makes )'OV -• Ultle ·blcbet, Olarlie,'' P 0.,41 llld. · •
Slafford r.,.tal -lier tbat 1ho
SpacJmlll't.ta.d ''• araf Jlltll&'•· ....
afler, -Mil . -·-,claJ.tllo
!lid "all ol us,.. ti liilMll tldl m:n-· iftg." .. ™ pilO!i,-...... cb'lnl .!lloilr'
!Int sleep per~ lbef'l-loa -(Ille .. ~ .,
Or ... e
on tta nose, wu working IO well that its
pilots hod nolltlng more :i0 worry about
today. than th< bitter Jaste ol their beovi-
ly dilorlnatod water'ond the-aMoylng ' .. · 'lf.~dii!ir ·
thudl ol.coot(ol """* flrlna. " • · ; ' CJoucty, fOQY ~..-.in~·" Ell"'pl for their course a0justment ind I to be 'If!< Ol'det ·di die d"1 ~ · more of the spectacular color telecasts
they staged "1ortly ·oltet iauni:ll SUndai; · tbe cout. wUll Tue!tdll''o .__ •
the veteron -11&1 had •an wr tun;' rll!Cinl ~ *·lot L
;=.~ t1tey !"'alt• Into htnar orbit I IN8pll TIM 'Y ,
'They llltened to Ille ,_.1ng n .. .i I , . W•t<r, ,;,,;i.,. -•+•f>cra -
Raio ii o<il . u.... f1i tM ,,.... --. .. W!:«!.cool; c/cqlt •Iott_ It u.i R
obh Baby Bapt~ . ~ •! .,.. .1111ropo111a11 ,......., n-· Wal<r. l>Ulrlcl. (S.. l'llQ< JIJ). A"oun, i;u. 1unl -Fonner Pnll-0
dent and Mn. Lyndoo J ....... attended """' •, -f .. ~ .... " t.1)9 ~ of tht1r sranddlUCht.er Su.-Clllttl... .._ ....... -W day ;•r the ume church their dl~tert ~ : -... !!!I!!!' ,
,_,bopt!M -.~Ill ,..... .... J ·£~.. 1· = ;,::< .• n. AbOut e penon11 : ~ Ludnde o . , • '""' ;'.;
DellW. Robb'•~' t'hlrlet-.... ,.... • :::..:.:' .1 ,.=-=..,. ""'J
! .
" " . ' . ..
.j . . . • di, ~ f.UC~ ... ~lsm at St.. , ·-... -. • ' 0aV!d'• ~ The .. Rev. CJu116e "" ' 1:. ·"'', , ,:. t_...._ .. ~ J . , . Sumilenbeptllmlht....nUt<>ld~ -.. -,~,, ' ••' ·di.• •' •I --"-·-~~~~~~-'
I :
s ·-·--:c: ~· = -~·
DAn..Y '1&.01' lttfl.....,.
'.-Ajljioil Wlnnar L11ry
From Pqe I
laWI that, while not making pos~ion of
marijUirla illegiil, sWI make supervision
-Ible t1trwgh·tmporl contro)I and tax-
Jusllce John M. ll>rilll'1 opbiloil lo the
IAaq cue t11it· prel1Ul1plla!t ol ·crlmlnal
imolmnent· under ttie Urie laws must
be coosldered irrational aod arbitrary.
''He was confronted with a statute,
w1dcb on ill lace permlttod him lo ao-qm,. 1111' *"II 11t1>117, ptotddod bl.paid
tile fl~ transfer tax ml ,...
tnerlmlnatlng information," Harlan Aid.
IP"'lrtnc for the court. •1 "Aod"·$Jultaneouily," llarl'll -
llnued, ''M was c<!b!nmled onlh ~ ~.
al "8llfaUoas w.blch, •'l'ird!nr to the ... ..-. prohil>lled lllm lro111 , ..
quiring pwjJulJll .~ ~ COlldlli'I"· •.
1be Jurist continued to say that Dr.
Leary had plenty of reason to fear that
the informaUon wou1d be given to local
lawmen if he admitted to the government
that be b't<I obtained unrqlttered pot.
'"lllla woold IUrely prove a 1linlflcaol
link In a chain or evidence teodlng to
establish bis guilt under the state marl·
juana laws," Harlan noted.
The lonner Harvard PIYchOIOllY pn>
leaaor argued aplnat bil 11111 coovicllon
Oii the bull that be could DOI pay the
federal tu: without lncrlmlnatlnc
The original defeme wu baled on tblJ
-..UOO and Iha Supreme Court utd
todaJ that It lhould have been aoceptad
at the lower court level. .....
The eight-man court noted that mmr
ruling Is In line with declstooa al their
last term that 1elf·incrimination b a
complete delonae for failure to pay a
federal gambllru! tax. Susan Leary, f8, was arrested with her
lather In 11111 at the Mexican bor.ier and
plac:ed on probation for her connection
with the marijuana transportation.
Dr. Leary, his wife Rosemary and son
John, 19, are currenUy laclnc charses Of
paaeulon of LSD and marijuana follow· in& thetr arrest late Jut December ln
.....,., ............... " ..... -------CAUH>INIA
RM.rt N. Wu4
~-.....ii .....
JMli"R. C11rt.y
Yb l'mllllnl -CO.nerilll MMI'"
n-•• K•••U .....
TliM•t A. Mr.rrphlR1 ........... ". -C.I• M414: .. w..t llY $1rwl '""'T.'.::"'~1· :'~.!:.t"":!:.._.. i.;
""'"~•"'• •.cll1 • M "'-
.. " to -.Release · ·c ·1 Prisoners
. . ......
On .,S!Jluggling'
. . '
A S..pjeto ...,, allegedly ""uullnl
Matcil ~·h, _!nto California, Wi1
~ earlJ. · tblr inomlng by )!ml
jkplo:s.iicb· pillca nur Talbett A-"·~~· ad Galbird Sawt. . " ,
Rtcblrd SPJ'inl•, •, was arrei<l -at
l :!O a.m. •ben set. David Miller spolted
1\111!:~ tl!elrimk•c!f hil car, ._ .i' :.
.. When t approatbed the car," laid Sgt.
Miller, "I found four Me.x.lcari natkmals
crouched uisJde the triink."
Springer was &rTested and booked Into
H\IDliDiloll Beaoll CilJ.'Jall oo charlu of
aldlftg •liens to enter the country wltbout
proper ldentiDcatioo. PolJoa lo/II Sprln&er
wu alao wanted lo Loi Anctlel •for ao
uoldenUlled pm» .tolalloa.-.
Miller 11id the loor ¥akan natloaall,
all wttboul idenlifkadan, wlllobe bald for immirratli>n .-11ea. .
. "I tblnl: they .mllbl.11ave l!t<n ~I
. f()r the Hoottngton Beach Labor Camp,"
explained Sgt. Miller, who added that
none of the five gave any explanation for
being IJi the area.. · ·.
The labor camp, It 11311' Gothard It.,
serves as ·borne base for migrant farm_
workers, from Mexico who carry lm·
migration permits. It is run by the
Talbert Fli'men' AaoclaUon. , &~• car waa regiltered to a 8ao ,
Diego conlltruction (inn, but Sprlna:er
told police he ·had Juat bought It and.had
not t.ransfe!'.J'ed t.ht ownership papers.
Ai~. alien! to enter the cou~try ll-
legallY, is a-federal offense · apd · federal
-w!l1 be -Ible for brtnl· lnl dwpl .,-Sprlnpr, JioUce aaLI
tllb morning.
Fulhrigh~ Asks.
u.s~ ~r Down,.,
"This pttlod Of Ume Is longer than any
U.S. serviceman was held pr1JOner during
World War U,• be llai.d. •
Lah'C.tokl I DIWI ---1111 P-tacon .. conUnues to hope fOr meantngM-
"'°gress" toward the release ol prisoners
aa part ol the Paris peace talks, bol ho
mfered no ....,.,,..emenf ljlat tbll wOuld
~e 1bout· 'IOCID. • .t
t.alnl demuded that Nilrlll. Vlelllam al laalt adhere to provlllona of the Geneva
convenUon, which it haa algned, which
would allow:
_,Release ol names ol. prisonen held.
-lnunodi4to itlMM ol aid!. aod wounded pfuoneni.
Impartial iMPectlOlll!I of facilitlea for
prisoner• of war.
-Proper lreatment Of all ptlaonets,
aod -aecuw· a.w o1, 111aJJ.
Laird's statement to newsmen wu
followed by a l"'llh)' brlefiog by other
olllciala on the prillOllU 1ltuatlon. They
said the ume lnfonnatlon had been pro.
vldad lo Alnbamdot liellrY Callol Lodi•, the dllel U.S. nego!lator lo
Offida1s uld'Lo(lge, u will u the men
wbO oreoeded him under·tbe Jolmtoo ad-mliil*•tion. 11aa nlaad the 111a11er' o1 ~ ~. but ·l!le North Viet-namese ·respcme ~has been very Umlttd
... ... ." . . ' 'hfll Cwtw ......
· ·Top of S.Concl ,Car ln"Whlch Thrn Dlad Shoorod Off by L .. un.,,'a Hurtling Vohlcla
High Court Backtracks
Over ·Jiiry Trial Ruling
.WA!>lllNGTON (AP) -The Supreme
Court backtracked Monday on Iii recent
~sion of the righ\ of citizens to be·
tried by juries when accused of "serious
A 5-3 ruling in a seemingly routine case
evoked · gloc:iqiy warninga from Chief
Aitkens Heads
Kennedy·, Club
•Wlley Aitklnr • attornar!lrom Placlin·
Justice Earl Warren and 'the court'•
senior associate justice&, Hugo L. Black
and William 0 . Douglas.
The ruling approved a three-year p~
bation sentence given an Oklahoma man
fn a feder&l securities cue.
Broadly, Warren sald, Jt stands "u an
open suggestion to the courts to utilize
oppress.ive practices."
The case involves Ben H. Frank of
Tulsa, who was sentenced lo probation in
1966 for criminal contempt. Frank, now
71, bad been accused of violating a
go~ent order against interstate sales
al oU .ltCllriUea.
From Pqe I
lllllfered when tbe other car caved In Iha
roof of their northbouna auto.
One body wu left mashed against the
bank by the crash, which was not wit·
neaaed by IO)'l>llt at the lnalant It oc>
curred, investlgatora Aid.
Grim-faced rescue workers at the
scene vowed a new campaign to get a
maximum 4S-miles-pe.r-hour speed Jim.it
at the well-known Slaughter Strip of
El Morro Curve hil taken IC«'tl of
Jives over. the years, despite-efforts to
make it safer through reDectors and
other devices as well as warning signs.
. " • .. · tia;' hM ·-tlectad \INi1deiil of' th6 On Home Front newlj orJ~Ktno<dy Clu~ of Qraoge
He uked for a jury trtaJ but. wu turn-
ed down aod Wu tried l>J.a.Judlle •.
Only three yean ago the court held
sentences. e1ceeding a1x months for
criminal contempt may not be .imposed
. by federal courts without a jury trial or a
waiver of the right to It ..
Three Men Roh
Market of $1,085
-' . ' County; . . ' . . . Three men, one of them armed, held up
the Budget Pact Market, at 60& S. Brea
Btvd., Brea, Sunday and escaped with an
estimated $1,095 in cash.
.. WASHINGTON·· (AP) -Seo. 'J .. W .••. Ser:vlnt! wllh him 11 olllan are Chuck
Fulbright said today the United Stal"
must get out of Vietnam even if lt has to
settle for less than a standoff and tum Its
attenDon to domelt1c J)r()blema that have
divided the people and apawned a student
The chairman of the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee called for an
ovmiaul of what he called a foreign
policy of "cbronlc warfare and ln.-
terventl!m" ln lnternaUonal disputes that
be tald la leadiftg thil country toward ao
authorltariaq government.
Fulbrighl told military leaden In a N•·
Uona1 War College speech that bis
criticism was of "militarism" which he
said ii dominating U.S. foreign policy, not
of "the able, energetic men who fill the ..
top rank.I of the armed aervtcea" evea .
though be tald they "have acquired ao In-·
Ouence disproportionate to their numbers
on the nation's security policies."
"The courage and endurance of our
fighting men commaod the respect of all
Americans," Fulbright aald. "The fault ln
our war policy lies not with them but
with the pollUcaJ decisions wblch com-
mlttod them to .. lmpouible task,''
Stanton Child
Injured on Bike
A 10-year~td &anion boy who was
llruck by • car early lhil inornlng wblle
riding a bicycle it In crlUcal condlUoo
wttll .. ven bead Injuries In Gard<o Puk
Lempeais ol. Anaheim, vlce-presldenlj
·David Hernandez of Santa A n a ,
trearurer, and Tom Newman of Garden
Grove, aecretary.
, The club wu created by 1upportera ot
tile late John F. Kemiedy and Robert
Kennedy and it Intended to discuss sod
pursue Iha aoala they mvisloned.
And, a year a10 Tuesday, the court
held the constitutional right to a jury
trial must be available in all "serious"
criminal cases on the atate level.
Nevertheless, a flve-rD.an majority.
headed by Justice Thurgood Marshall
concluded the probation sentence did not
fit in the "serious" category.
Police aald they traced the getaway
car, a pickup truck , to a 1hopplng center
on Imperial Highway where it was abari-
doned shortly after the robbery.
There were about a dozen CU!tomers
and five clerks ln the market when the
robbery occumd: No one wu injured.
lmpo~tan.ce of Apollo 10
Historians May Skip It, But Flight ls Vital Link
Space hiatorlam of the future may men.
tion Apollo 10 only in passing. They may
not mention it at all. ·
But Apollo 10 and the three men flying
It are as much a part of .the first
American moon landlngas the men who
may walk that barren surface July 20.
Without APollo 10 and. Astronauts
Thomas P. Stafford, Eugene A. Cernan
and John W. Young, the moon landing
would be riskier and m.lght not even be
po~ble as soon as planaed.
Apollo tO's misslon, jusi as earlier
Mercury, Gemini and Apollo flights, is to
add to man's knowledge of the moon. And
the spedfic porpose of Apollo 10 Is to
check so,ne problems earlier spacemen
discovered. ~ problems which must be
answered or at least underatood before
Apollo 11 can land safely In the Sea of
Tranquility on the northeast aide of the
moon. '
Today the astronaut.. coasted toward
the moon, ·scheduling only a .brief rocket
firing to put them on the et.act course
Apollo 11 will take when it starts Its
moon-landin,( Journey.
St.afford, Cernan and Youn~ bluted off
from Cape Kennedy Sunday m one of the
almost flawless launches that have bless.
ed the current phases of the Apollo pro-
gr:im .
They followed America's first moon
mission -the Christmas voyage of
Apollo a -and they led the way for
Apollo 11, the ultimate goal of the
mulUbllllon dollar, 10-year program to
land on the moon. •
Apollo I showed the era!( could go to
the mocm. ApollO t, just two montht ago, showed,..~e lunar lander, a fragile,
almost bisect·looklng cralt, worked as
advertised in ff!ace.
Why then, some will uk,.fly another
mission before the landlnl:? Apollo 10 ob-
jectives included :
-Providing additional experience and
confidence in the lunar lander ;
-Testing the Apollo rendezvous radar
-the method the spacecra(t and lunar
module (LM) use to flnd each other -at
its maximum range of about 350 miles;
-Providing additional lnfonnation
about the future American landing aitea
on the mQOO and the moon itself; and
-Duplicating as closely u poufble1 o:
ceot for landing, the APollo 11 mission
scheduled ror July.
Hlllpltal, &iabelm. .
Hoopitai lidet'sald GrelOJ'1 HllllOD'I". ·
heart llopped .... but that li ....
started again He suffered a "cardlac
Police said tile Hanson boy ol llOI Ken-
nelly Lane. wu hit by 1 Cit driven by a
nejghbor, WilUun Bennin1•, 58, of 8861
Kennelly Lue.
Beoolnger !old olil<era he did not oee __
the boy unW hil cu had lllruck blm. The
accident wblcb occurred in Iron! ol the
boy's home II under lnvUllCaUoa.
Israel Attacks
Jordan Valley
By Uollod Prea ~al
laraal jot ftghtero attacked two vtllqea
In the llOUlhern Jonlu Valler today with
rocketa aod macblne 111111. a Jordanlao
mllltal)' opoktllllao· said.
The reported llrtke <llM alter two
lsraell.Jordllllao aun due)I ...... the
ceue-flre Unein the same pneral arta
north al the Dead Sea.
The IPO"-In Amlbon 1ald lout ·
ltntll jets llllot up the vlll1g,.....
JWamah and Kurelmah.• klWn1 ooo
dvtJiu and lfOllJldlng Ove more.
• ' I
· Comm•nd•r Tom St1fford, Crewmen Eutenti Cetn1n •ncl John Young
thu5 far." 1be Ptntagon aaid tbe news eooterenc:e
00 the prbootr Question WU called
-ol COllllillorabll bJl4rul ... u.. part ol the preaa, but o If I c I a l 1
acknowledged that it waa al.lo a wq 1o
get a measa&< acrou lo Nortll Vleloam.
"The other aide .ii nlle ol wllal we
aay" Nlfl P'ilnk -· a llalo Deport.
mont •• ...,,tall .. '"° btlpod -the priloner brleflftg. '
Nixans Plan
. , .
August Visit
To Clemente
Praldenl NIJOn 11id today ho·pluio lo
... In 8ao CIOmeole In Aupll. . ~ ' ' ~ _....t, made to a lfOUP ·•l·
tencUnc an award cti'emony·Jor 00! Mind ·
-In )'{Uhln&fa>, D.C., callia ¢er -111 ol "P"Clll>tlpn en when llle'Ffnl
Family wlU first ""' their -ly-~ ed aununer White HOUll, tM1 ;,.CoUon
Estala. ·
"I'm loing to be out there lo August,''
the President said to a -Los Angeles
member of the group.
Nixon, in effect was confinnlng an
earlier report from Mrs. Nixon that ahe
and the Pmident niilhl be In• 8ao
Clemente in Abgul1. for two web or a
month while Qiqrm 11 in receu.
Completion al the dHI to buy tho
l!lllllion and Dve turrOUl1ding acra of
the once-niraJ raochland ..tale (at
1100,000 down aod the balance <>I t ~ • SM0,000 over ,a five year period wu u-
llOWICed Wt Moodly.
Festival of Arts
Week Under Way
At Golden West •
Events ranging from motion plcturea to
a clothesline art sa1e are being held to-
day through Sunday as Golden W~
College presents its annual Festival ot •
Arb Week. 1
Fret films wW bt &hown in the Com·
munity Center beginning at a p.m. tonight
with "The Fountainhead." Also scheduled
to be shown at the same time and place
, are "Teahouse of the August Moon,"
· Wedoeaday aod "The World, Tbe Fluli
and 1fte DevU,0 Thursday.
"Breakfast at Tiffany's" another
feature film, will be ohowo at I p.m. Fri·
day In the COU.,e Forum,
!!lzhlblts o1 . student advert~tnr 4'1.
graphic prints and drawings will be held
daily. A clothe!line a.it sale will be held
in the College C~n~r from IO 11.m, to a
p.m. Thursday and Friday.
Musical events Include perfonnances
by two jazz groups, a noon concert on lhe
lawn Friday by the Golden West Band
and. a 3 p.m. conetrl Sunday Jn the Com·
munlly Center by the A Capella Choir
and Madrigals.
The drama d~partment will present one
act plays in the A~tor'a Playbox begin·
oing at 8 p.m. Friday and Saturllay.
Rogers Declares
No Basic Shift
In Asia Policy
BANGKOK (UPI) -Secretary of Stale
William P. Rogers a.Id today there has
been no baaic shift in U.S. policy toward
Aala by the Nlxon 1dmirUstralon, only 1
change of tone.
President Nllon "Is not going to baclt
away fr'om our responsibilities in Asia.
He ls not going to quit," Rogers told a
group of a~t 200 American diplomat.
and lhelr wives on the lawn of the
residence of U.S. Ambassador Leonard
Rogen' remarks to the embauy ltaff
were in the same veln as hJs arrival
speech, In which he called the Somhe111I
Asia Tr .. ty OrganizaUcm (SEATO) "an
esaenUal element ln the peace of
Soutbeut As11," and tald tbil area al the
world IJ second to none In lmporiaoce lo
the U.S. government.
Fl'tttlt Pqe I
APOLLO 10. ••
machine by 1 °kind of boom·rum-rum·
rum-rum" produced by the regular
bur1ts of their small JOI-pound attitude
rockets, which c:Omrot the tp1cec:raft'1
poo!Uon In space.
"Every Ume the enaJne liret It Waktl
you up," Stifford reported. He Aid the
"whole thing shakes" durtnc the oper ..
lion, but when ground controllers told
\hem it was nothing to worry about, the
astronauts went blC:k to sleep.
The pllota betan their -day aloft with lt.and.ard space fare -fnUt cocktail,
aupr cootad com flake1 and irapelrult
drink. Thal'• when they · complolned
about tbelr water. Their regular or-
Julce WU aimoal pure -"Thil JDOnllng everyone took a drlnt
and It •u fine, aod thell I took a drlnlt
aod It WU abloiut<IJ horrible," Staffard
lald. '1 °""'«lit I'd get tt .. record ...
TbeJt nine Apollo predecettor1 had !hi
· wne problem and In 1U c... con.
trollen radioed up lntlructlona to make
the woter 1110re palatable before mlJlni
with !rult coooentrates. -.. ... -~---·--~ .. --------·--------· -·-·-··---..
• "
' !
1· ,j
. '
• .• ---~--
• •
• • -
Buniinglon Bea~h ·
, ' I •
YOC. 62, NO. 11 .9, 3 SECTIONS, i2 PJ,.GES
• • ORANGE COUNTY,; . ,.
. • • .~ i. o . ·o, .. . . . e. · a" · -r ·s· '.~ · -:
\ . , : . ~ r • • ~~ ~~ •• .... , ,
Brown Convicted
·-·~bony' Doctor's
Se~~encing ·set.
OI '!II' O.lly f'llDf Slllf
Superior Court Judge .Byron~ K.
McMillan has set Jurie .5 as the date on
which he will sentence Orance Coilnty's
medical impostor, Robert Ervin Brown.
He must decide in the nett two weeks
what ·form that sentence will take, based
on the jury's verdict that Brown, 33, was
guilty of two felony and 11 misdemeanor
counts. One count of falsely practicing
medicine without a license waa rejected
by the panel.
Comparable Superior Comt records in-
dicate that Judge McMillan may prefer
to sentence Brown on the 11 misde-
meanors and suspend sentence on the
B.each Police
Holding Man
ln~.~d~ap '[ry ., ·. A 27-year.,old San·Gabriel man awaited
arraignment ~Y f9Uowin1 • hb arrest
Saturday by.~ lleltli poli<e who
jailed him on suspicion cl at~ IJd. ~pping and assualt with a ~ ~.e a c£1 y
Arr~ was David V. LorJwi. who,
according to police accounts, grabbed
ancl tbrf!atened Glenda A. Swearingen,
20, of 614 14th St., Huntington Beach,
Satur.day afternoon as she was walking
near the intersection of ,Orange Avenue
and 7th Street in downtown Huntington
Beach. .
Police said the woman broke from. the
grasp of the suspect,-who allegedly
threatened her with ~e. and sprinted
to police headquarters a short distance
away. ·
felony convictions, each of which ·carries
a one µ, '11>-year.atate pri.Jon.year.
Eich misdemeanor calls for a six
month jail term. Brown could be put
bettind bars for more than five year:s on
tbe lesser counts 810nt if the full terms of
those Charges were applied.
But · the judge maY be ~ntenl to ,
s~tenc~ BroW?. go, ~ .Jelom~,; ~o run :
concurrenUy arid ·suspena or ·d1SDU1B~U>e.1
misdemeanor charges. He has given no
indication of which course he will take.
It took the jury 23 hours to reach its
verdict and they filed into court at 5 p.m.
Saturday to rule that the bespectacled
Al.ibamian falsely pracUced medicine
when he posed a.s a cardiologist .for five
weeks at a Fullerton cu.rue.
Fourteen of the charges placed before ·
the jury stemmed from his treatment o{
103 patiepts a,t the North County facility.
It has been stated by the prosecution that
five of those patients died while under
Brown's care , although he bas not
specifically -been accused of directly
causing their deaths.
Brown's conviction would · ,appear to·
clear the way for the filing of a lawsuit
agallist the Fullert.On lntem3.I Medicine
Clinic where Brawn served as a.~ember
cl .u;e l!iO!f duriN .i~ iald FebnJiit
c1 this ear:· S~ ol patlonts wlio .died llbile •--111e~electi1caJ ~·· catt mJde ~~ d 1111 fact that Jjls 'conviction ~Mil fa . ibW flliog'OI an action
a&iillll' t!ie clinic. · 'it i!, ·underlt.Ood that an '11.tlomey has
1ieeo ritalned and th.at preparaUon of the
lawsuit is in i4 final stage5! . ·
Kids' Baseball
Set .for )Y eekend -.,............--
Hosme.r Asking
Less Jet N9ise .
Ovet Hafhhur~ ·
~ '·-... ' .... -._.. .. '
R!p. Craig ·1-;~Lonl'\ ~)
has asked · tbj .,, A·v r I tJlo n ,
A•ml•;.h-atliol to 'atfof"1!Pll= ·""~"\,\''~ 1-' .~ .. b' ........ '. pallei)lS . to _ r . . ,..,.... -·
Airport to bel,P ,.a..c, _ '"""' •.•er
the ijunt.ini!ffi .~.Seof· 11¥d> llld East Long seaa. ._..! ;
In a letter to FM·AdmlniStrator lillin
. H. Shaffer,· Holi:ntt recommended in-
crea.\ing the lnstrbment Iilnd1ng System
guide slope uSed by ci>mil)er'ci&I alri:rall
making apJ)roacties to tbe·airJiort. ·
.He .said !U~ a move would raise. the
altitude of aircraft1 u a•i n g the airport,
and would proviae a safer.departure cor-
t'iaor for aJrerlft fruin Los Alamitos
Nav8.t. Air Station. ' '
Hosmer· said.he wrote the letter to the
FAA in resPonse to complaints from
residents-that-planes comiug from "the
direction of Newport Beach fly · oVef tliff
area at low altitudes, creating _an ex-
cessively high noise level.
,. . .
~ •
' . -. ,, 'i
' • '"'Yr
~ . .
. ' '
· ·w·a" ;+./' :;. .
~ 'I \.;
' ·-.. '! . ~~-· " -·~
'~. -" .. ~ ....... :
~lay. Music ; ..
Over ·Radio . . . .
SpACE'.CEN'l'ER, Ho~) -
The ~ Apollo'10' pilots ·turned dise
jockeya today, radioing· back taped -
of 11up:Up and Away"'as they boie'ilOwn
o~ ~e ha!fway ID4fk. of ~erica'a flnl1
pathfinding ·voy!l&e !or a ~J~
. ~inl in July. • 1-
01. thought that song . was . Sort -er
apropos;" aa.ld Eugene A. ·Cerna,n.,~, '"'1
he, Tlion1as P. Staffor~, 38, and J~.W~
Young, 38,. soared' futo their aeoood daY,
Adllltfoaal• Apollo
Stories, Pq:e · &.
cl their daring eight..iaf moon .orbiting
Laird .Asks N oi:th Viets
The astronauts, slowed by the fading
pull of earlh'• l!l'•vity to 3,615 .mlltll 1•er
hour in 24 hours, crossed the 125,tt.7-mi.l•
halfway mark to the moon shortly after
noon PDT. .
To ReletiSe-P~isoners
A few minutes later, a short burst from
the ship'• main rocket engine nudged
Apollo 10 Mio the precise path Apollo ·ll
will follow when tt heads toward man'•
fits! liiiiillng on the nioon in Jaly. ' . .
• :. ..; t ..:..x:. .
. WASHINGTON, (AP) -· ~, ~· De(~!-1 Me!Vln ·R~1' Laird,' .. , ~ .............. ·1· t n1Mll(;oc .~ • ~~m:oJ!1iolill~
Vletnalileie prison camps. . .
Faill!il this, liird'satd·Q..~Vi!!i·"
several bundred .. AmericaDs ... currently
locked "1' Jn Norljl.~flo!'l~'.
"·The North Vietnamese _have clalmcil
that they are tnatlng .our.men humane-
ly," ·· the defense 'Chief ·Uitf. "I ¥tt
distressed by the fact that there i! clear
evidence that this is not qie case."
Laird said that 6y nett month more
than 200 AmerJ.can serv~cemeri will haYe
been listed either. ..u prlsMers of war or
as misSi.ng in action for more than 311.i
....!.'This ~ <!{ lime ia longer than any
U.S. serviceman .,a:s.litla priaoner during
World War ll,'"he stated.
Laird told a neWs conffu-ence the .Pen-
_.::_""'-~' ci.EAR UNCERTAINTIES "':'~ ~Late release of sick and : -~-g~ of ApOllb 10,is to clear up as
:siii: I. rs. . . many of the ,re~ uncertainUes
I ~·.of~aCllltlel ~' ai>ollt moon fllgbt,ai,poaible to JllLVI tho
· :i!"'" ~ii(.Ptm· ..,. .~'f? ~l:i;~~ wp.111rihe:~-1W1nc . .,.11o
. .. ~-..,,a '!"' ., r....--i · 10'• rishiest lest...,.. Tbund&y when
and• , · • , ; " -· , StafJord-and Cernan· fly their lunar
-"Regular ,flow of Jll.lil. . , • loo!!erJ-py" away from Young in tile
Lilrd.'1 .a:tatemenl ·(o 1~1 WU ~·module ''Charlie Brown" an;d
followed ,by a lengthy brtefingil. ·by G!l!OI' """'ll!• llllY IG,111111 feet aboVe the · forbid· ollldall cm the Pri,lcmtr ~. on. They dlogrlimar oUrface .
said th!: sapie l nfonnatton had been ·prt;>-• Thfl complete .Apollo 10 spaceshlp,
vlded to Amba~or Henry , Cabot resembllng a bullet with a spliler sitting
Lodge, the chief U.S. negotiator m ~ its nose, was working so well that its
Paris. pilots ohad nothing mo~ to worry about
Officials said Lodie, u , well aa the men today 'than the bitter taste of their ~vf..
who pr~.him under the J.obnl!>n ad-ly cJllorinaled·•w~r and the aniioyinc
mll)lotr)lUon, 1w raised the matter :of. thudS cl control rocket' flringJ.
prisoner reJeases, but the North Viet· Except for their course adjustment and
namese response "has been very limited more of the spectacular color telecasts
thus !~." .. · i,.. • they staged shortly after launch Sunday,
The Pentagon said the· news Conference the veteran spacemen bad ·in euy
on the, pNoner qUeslion was calle4 sChedule unW tbey'biate into lunaJl orbit
beeiuse ct-considerable-interest on-the-Wednesday. -
part of the press, but o f f i c i a I s 'I1ley listened to the morning new s Lomas wa.s arrested a short time later
when police 1topped his vehicle near
Warner Avenue and Pacific Coast
A double header wetkend has been
scbeduied by the S e a l Beach Kids'
Baseball Association wiih presentations
and an ice cream locial May 23 and a
parade thrmigh· Seal Beach·«ity streets
May 24.
The ice cream feed will be held from 6
p.m. to 8 p.m. at 1.oete'r School, located
at the intersection of Coast Highway and
12th Street.
Stanton Cliild
Injured on Bike
. . tqon "conUnue,s to hope for, meaningful
progress" .to\vard the roluae of prj8opers
aa port of the Parts peace• talks, but · he
of!ered.no encoura8ement lhat this would
come about soon.
acknaw~ged that it waa,alto 1 way •to ~oadcast up ' from the Miaaion Control
get a message acr:ou to North Vietnam. Center and then t~ tbe· tlbleis and put
."~tothe:ta¥e ·ia,aware of.what we on tlJeir own ·ahow, beaming back the
say" uid Frank .Slevett.s, a.Stale Depart-''Up, Up and' Away" rencUUon -recorded
ment represeqfatfve who helped conduct by Andy Williams. · '
the prllooer briefing. "Llsten, you guys wen 90 •good to us Mrs. Peek· Released
From Springs Hospital
Mn. Marnette Peek was released Fri-
day frOm Palm Springs Desert Hospital
where she had been recovering from a
bullet wound i,n. the abdomen since May S.
The Huntington Beach socialite and
owner of the Peek Colonial Funeral Home
jn Westminster was shot two weeks ago
today when an apparenUy angry music
professor entered h er Palm Springs
apartment, shot her and then killed rum..u.
Dooatlops oollect'ed from the open to
the public event will be used to support
eight baseball teams sponsored by
various Seal Beach civic organizations.
The parade begins at 10 a.m. Saturday
In the municipal parking lot at 8th Street
and central Ave and will include mos( of
the downlown business district. All Seal
Beach youth organitations have been in·
vlted to participate.
A IO.year-old Stanton boy who was
struck by a car early this morning while
riding a bicycle is in critical 'condiUdn
with severe head in;jurles in Garden'P~i
Hospital, Anaheim. '
Hospital aides, said .. Gregory Hanson's
heart stopped once but . that it was '
started again. He suffered a "cardiac
Police said the Hanson boy of 8902 Ken·
nelly Lane, ·was hit by a car drivan ,by a
neighbor, William Be!minger, 18, of'.88&1
KeMelly Lane.
lolly af OM Victim (left) Llo1., EmiNnJm-1 Allot lohltl Thrown I'.-Vthlilo .
'~l '· ~. ' . . . , .
Laird demanded that North Vietnam at
least adhere to provisi~ns of the Geneva
convention, which. it bas signe<j, which
would. allow: · ·
-Release ol names of prisoner& heJc:t.
Stork Jlf~l'keu
NEW ,YORK (AP) ~ l'be.StoCk market
closed with a sbatp"loss tOdar,,.as brokers
repon'ed profit taking weiiliing it 00\tn.
(See quotaUons, Pages 10.ll).
Trading slowed .near the close. 'The
Dow Jones industrial aveta&e at 1:30
'P·m· wu off 7.50 at 959.80.
Huntington Beacl},
Slates Realtor Week
Realtor Week .in Huntlngtorl'Beach wql
be" observed Wedneaday, by the Hun-
Ungtoo . Beach Foontaih lValley l!Oard'of
Realtors with a luncbeon at tbe ·Sheraton
Beach lrurc2lll2 Pacific Coul Highway.
Mayor Jack Green •and~ many, city of.
ficitl& .will be guests of the roaltori al the
noon. meetiftg. Reservations may be
made by calling· 847-03.
Worst ~-z Morro Curve
I • . , .
Crash Kills Four Pet,Sons . .
• •
with" the news this nwrnill't we thought
weld give you some ,disc jockc:y· wort·
from here," Ceman told ground com-
municator Charles Duke.
"This Is Tom and ·John on the guitar
and the three of -us siriging,". eem&n
quipped. "We had a little trouble otowlng
the .bus drum aboard but otberWiJe. we were OK." .
"Ref, that was beauUfiit,11 Duke
replied "Sqmebody's vorce · (s changing
' (See APOLLO 10, Pqo l)
Blaiberg Much Better
CAPE TOWN, South Africa (UPI) -
The oondit!On d Dr; Phllip. ll!Aiherg, the
world's lonif* tl;D'V1vtng hem. transplant
patient, was mUch improved today, a
JDedical bulletin1Aid,
The bulleUri iss~, by the• Groote
Schuur Hospital at noon liid Blalberg
was "alert_ after a ~.night and is
eaUng vrell."itai'Jler -----~ pkt he was making 'good ~.?
0r .. ,.
• •
• x • • • = =
'11141 ···••do•'
Can~t Top Der ..•
Court Won't Hear Dancer AppeCJ.1
Court reluled today to revt.w the ICI ol
toplell !!II~ Kelley r..r w!vJoe dond:ti rlloed the eyebrOWI ol local police Wied to impml tbe Calllomil
lluprome Court u anythlns mo!9 thin a
lonn of espieatoa prollCled by tbe U.S. Qmtltutloa. '
Ilia loOr -.u .n..ted lour Ytl!I .,.
ofter ··Jlll'fermiiw I danco oho Cotted "'Walkfnc the ~" In a Sa Pablo..Callf: ntpfdub ..... _ '!1'11111 °of.~ .. :
"°"*"and -and --In· publtc.
But the Calllonill •·-· Ccllrt 1-.. ulde the ....ldtom-~ lhl · Mi
-and her boa. lnMit J. Gill> ninl, holding lhll toplea donclaf -.u·
proteded eoprealoa under Ibo Finl -
A.$1dng the high court to overrule tht
California Supr!me Court. and affirm the
eonvictioM qaln!t Miss i...r and Gian-
nini, the state declared:
"It is one thlns to portray naaity ind
smial misconduct • • • In boob,
magu!Ms, photocroplls and motion pic-
tures, but quit. lllOther to demOllllrote
such conduct an ltlCfl and ll•e." · ·
Miss lier, omwering the state'• ippeal
petition, -her perfmnm:e u "an art f o r ril : . . l1led far· the Com-
muldcattoo of ideas" and thlt there WU
no run1 to distiDgu.lsh between "live
and llud ..-COlllDlllDlcatlaa of ldei:i."· ~ . . ' . . ..,
J..Uce John Mmhalt Harlin voted to
bur the · .,_, but the appell · Ill~
--the coment of 1t least lour JuotlceiJ WU requlrecl.
For Smuggling Mexicans
A Son Diqo man, 1lie(edly 1muaJlnl
Mezlcon Dltlcmla Into Clll!omlo, WU
orreated early t1iJ. mon>in1 by Hun-
tington Beach police near Talbert Avenue
and Gothard Street.
Richard Springer, 35, WU arrested at
l :IO 1.m. when Sal Dovld Miller lpottod
him cloatng the trunk ol hll cor.
"When I approached the car," aaJd Sgt.
Miller,. 111 found four Mulcan naUonall
crouched lnslde the· trunk."
Sprlngu -.u arreltod and booked Into
H1lllllnilon Beach City Jill oo dw-gel of
lldlng llien1 to enter the country -.tlhout
propu ldelltificaUon. Pollet al1d Sprmg.r
wu also wanted ln Los An&eles for an
unldentifled parolf violation.
Miller ukt the four Muicm naUmall,
U~ll! PllOI
l.Mtf N. WM4 . .....,..,.. ...........
.... 1 .. C-ln "'°' ~ .... a-J ---n-., K....n ·-n .... A. M11r.t.l11• """"'*"' l!ilillw .......,. W. let.t WI";•• l"4 A...CI... Hvllf.......... fCft •«• Cl"' l!•Hw
.............. Ofllt9
Jett M Strc ..
Mlllll119 AUt+t.1 •.O .... 1t0, t1'41 ..... _
......,. Medi: ml W.I ..... ............ °"' M991 .. """" .... , ...... .
"""""' ....... in ...... ·-
all -ldellliflcoUon, will be held for
immllraUon autborlUet.
"I tlllnk they milbt hovo been looking
for the H1D1tlqton B<ach Llbor Camp "
exp1oined Sgt. Miller, who ldded ~t
none of the five gave any nplanation for
being 1n the area.
The labor camp, at 18351 Gothard st.,
serve• u home base for migrant farin
workers from Mexico who carry Jm-
mlgraUon permlll. It II run by the
Talbert Farmera' Aaaoclatlon.
SJlrinitr'• car wu rtglstered to a San
Diego C<l<lMcUon firm, but Springer
told pellce be had JuJt bought It and had
not transferred the ownership papen.
Aidllll lllens to eni.r the country U-
leg1Uy is a federal offenae and federal
autborttlel will be NlpOnllib)e for brina:-
ing chlr1" ogainlt Springer, peUce lllil
tllil morolng.
Aitkens Heads
Kennedy Club .
Wiley Aitkin, an attcrney from Placen-
li1, bu been elect..i president of the
newly' organi!ed Kannedy Club of Orange Coonty. .
Serving wl\b hltn u olfictr1 are Chuck
L«n.peals of Anaheim, vlct·prealdent i
David Hernandez of Santa A n a ,
treuurer, and Tom Newman of Garden
Grove, stcretary .
The club was crtated by 1upporter1 of
the Iott John F. Kennedy Ind Robert
KeMedy and is intended to dlacuu and
puraue the coals they tnvllloned.
Seal Beach Meet Set
A lonf and mixed topic qendl flCff
COUDCilmen In SW Beach bqlJ>nJnc 1t I
o'cloek tontpt In council cbomben of Cl-
17 Hill. It coocludol COOllderlUon of 1
policy .. -stations, llreworkl stands Ind I joint firt disoolching IJ'l-
ltm with HUnllnaton B<ac\ and Wett-
22,300 Facing Draft
WASHINGTON (AP) -The Penta1on
called today for the dra!Un1 o1 IUOO .
men In July. It will be tflt lowtst draft
call this yur, down from June'• 2:5,900
and the 1968 high ol 3.1,700 In Febnlory.
A!>pNI Wl-r LNry ·
Nix0ns Pl.an
A ~gust Visit
To · C"31nente
Presldenl Nixon llld l<><lly he plllUI to
be In Son Clemente In Aupt.
His comment, mode to I group II•
tending an award ceremony for two blind
students in Wublngton, D.C.1 came after
weeks of rpeculaUon on when the Finl
Family -.tll llm use their newly-purchu-
ed !ummer White House, the Cotton
"I'in golng·to be out there in August,"
the Prtsldent said to a Los Angeles
member of the group.
Nixon, in effect was conflnning an
earlier report 'from Mrs. Nixon that she
and the Pre!ident might be in Sin
Clemente in August for two weeb or a
month whlle Corlgresl ll in receu.
OJmpleUon ol the deal to buy the
mansion and five surrounding acres of
tbt: once-rural ~ est.ate for
$100,tltltl c19Wn and the bllance of t h e
$UO,OOO over a five year pulod wu &Ir
nounc:ed. lut M9Qday_.
Festival of Arts
Week Under Way
At Golden West
Events ranging from motion picture& to
a clothesline art sale are being held to-
day through Sunday u Golden Wert
College preamls its IMUAl FestlvaJ of
Arts Wetk.
Free films will be shown In the Com-
munity Center beglnnlilg at 8 p.m. tonight
with ''The Fount.alnhead." Aho scheduled
to be shown at the same time and place
are "Teahouse of the August Moon."
Wednesday and "The World, The Flesh
and The Devil," Thursday.
"Breakfast at Tiffany's" another
feature film, will be ahown at 8 p.m. Fri-
day in the College Forum.
Exhibits of student advertialng art,
graphJc. prinU: and drawing& will be held
daily. A clothesline art sale wi11 be held
in the College Center from 10 a.m. tb S
p.m. Thursday and Friday. ,.
Musical eventa include performances
by two jazz groups, a noon concert on the
lawn Friday by the Golden West Band
and a 3 p.m. concert Sunday in the COm-
murUty Center by the A Capella Choir
and MadrigalJ.
The drama department will preSflnt one
act plays in tbe Actor'• Playtm begin·
nlnl at a p.m. Friday and Saturday.
Stanford Chases 200
demonattaton, some wearing I a u z e
masks and helmets. were chased away
from the Stanford Research Institute to-
d1Y hy squid• of Police who rush<d to the
ecane In buJies.
Ap~llo 10 Vit41l · Shot
Mia~n lmpqrfn:nt to ~oon . ~arn;Ling Try
·,•MS CSNIZli:· HOUl!oo (IJPI) -
llpom ~ GI tflt Muro may m.,._
tlon Apollo 10 only In puaing. They moy
not menUon lt at •aD.
Bui Apel!O 10 and the three men Dying
Jt are _u much a part of the first
American moon landingu the men wbo
may w:alk that barren surface July WI.
Wllhout Apollo 10 and ~, ,,_.,, P. Sjlllord, i'A1lene A. Cernaa
and Jobn W. YOUfti, Ibo ~ ilDding
wwld be r!lkler and mJPt not mo be
~ u -""planed. Apollo 10'1 mialoo, JuJI as earlier
Merairy, Gemlnl and Apello IDghis, Is to
~ to man'• knowledge of the moon. AJld
the opoc11ie ~ of. Apollo 10 is to
-mne j>roblemo eorlior _..
--pnibl11n1 wllicb DIUll be wwered or ·at 1eut undentood before •
Apollo II <Ill lud llfelJ lo Ibo. Sea ol
TronqulUtj .. the norlbWt side " the moon. •
Toda!' the -· c;outed ~ Iha.moon, ochedullna oaly a brief roWt
!Irina to put them ... tflt euct c:ouna
Ape!lo 11 "1ll 'tab when U llorU !ta moon-londing Journey. .
Slllford, Oernon and Young bl;.ted off
from Cape'ltennedf 8undly lo oae of the
llmOll llo-.i. l1Wldlol lhlt hive bless-
ed the -)lbuM ol the Apollo pro-gram. . .
They followed -··· .lint ,,_ mlulc.Di -the Quistmas • voyage. of
Apello I -and they led the. way for
Apollo 11, the • ul!lmlte IOll .of the . .
F __ P .. e l
* * * APOLW 10. • •
thoucb, or either you llowed 0>mebody
away up there.:•
"'Ibe VFR (voice frequency ranging)
makea your voice a little higher,
Charlle," Stafford 48k1.
Stafford rep;orted earlier that the
spacemen had .... great nigl\_t's aleepu
arter ttielr actJon·fllled launch day. He
aald "all of us feel tremendous thil morn-
ing." •
The pilot& were awakened' during their
first aleep periocf aboard the 47-ton apace
machlne by a "kind of boom-rum-rum-
rum·rum" produced by the regular
bunts of theli nnall 100-pound 1!Utude
rocteta, which control the apacecraft's
pos!Uoo In spat¥. .
"Every 11me the engine lirea It wakes
you up," Stalford ~Ht llld the ·
11wbole thing shakes" dwing the~ Oper•
tlon, hut when ground controllers told
them tt -.u nothing to worry .ix..~ the
utronauta went hick to sleep.
Tbe pjlota began thelr leCOnd day al¢t
with standard apace fare -fruit cocktail,
sugar coated com flaku and grapel'.ru.lt
drink. That's when they complained
about theJr water. Their regular orange
juice wu almost pure chlorine.
•'This mornint everyone took a drink
and It wu fine, and then I toot a drink
and It wu ablolutely horrible," Stafford
said. "I thought I'd get It on record."
Their nine Apollo predecessors bad tlie
aame problem and in all cases, con-
trollen radioed up 1nstrucUona to make
the water more palatable before mixing
with fruit concentrates.
Rogers Declares
No Basic Shift
In Asia Policy
BANGKOK (UPI) -Secretary of Stele
William P. Rogers said today there bu
been no basic sbHt ln U.S. policy toward
Asia by the NlJ:on administralon, only a
change of tone.
President NlJ:on "ia Mt going to back
away . from our responslbllltles in Alia.
He Js not going to quit," Rogers told a
group of about 2:00 American diplomats
and their wiYea on the lawn of the
residena! of U.S. Ambassador Leonard
Rogers' remarks to the embassy staff
were in the same vein u bis arrival
speecb,.ln which he colled the Southeast
Alla Truly OrpnlAUon (SEATO) "on
euentllf llemenl . In the peace ol
-Alie," and llld tllil .... of the
world Is oeeond to none In lmporllnce to
the U.S. aovmimenl.
mu!Ublllion dollot •10-year program to
land on the mOOI. •
Apollo 8 showod the croft. could 10 Jo
the moon. Apello t, juat two moothl 1go,
shtw{ed the lunar lander 1 a fragile,
ahnost tnsect-IOoklni craft, worked u
advertised lo opoce.
Why 1ben, -will uk, fly another-mlsalon be1«e tho ilndtng! Apollo 10 oJ>.
jectiVN bidudocl: • -PrOvldlnc adillHooll uperieDce ud ..
coolldence In 1111 bmar lander;
-Testing the Apollo rencteiv"" rad>r
-lhe method . th~ spacecfaft ~ bmar: module (LM) use to find each, r -at
its muimum range of about 350 milts;
-Providing additionll jnfonnation
about the future American landlng situ
on the moon and the mooo Itself; and
-OupUcating as c\o.sety as poulble, e1
cept for landlng. ihe Apqilo 11 mlulon
ad>edaled k< Julf.
High Court Backtracks
Over Jury Trial Ruling
WASHING TON (AP) -The Supreme
Court backtracked, Monday on Jt1 recent
expanlioo of the richt of citizens to be
tried by juries when accuaed of "terioua
A 5-3 ruling in a teemingly routine case
evoked gloqply warninea from Chief
Justice Ead Warren and tbe court'•
senior asJOClate JU,ttca, Hugo L. Btacll:
and W,ijiiarn · O. Douglu.
nMf\ullng approved a three.year pro-
bation .sentence given an Oklahoma man
in a feOeral securJUea case.
Broadlyo Warren said, It st.Jnds "a.a an
open augea:Uc:n to the courts to utilize
oppreJSJve practices."
The case involves Ben H. Frank of
Tulsa, who was sentenced to probaUon in
1966 for criminal contempt Frank, nOw
'18, had been accused of violaUng a
government order against interstate aalea
of oU securities .
He asked for a jury trial but wu turn-
ed down and was tried by a judge.
Only three yeara ago the court held
sentences exceeding alx months for
criminal contempt may not be imposed
by federal courts without a jury trial or a
waiver of the right to It.
And , a year ago Tuesday, the court
held the constitutional right to a jury
trial must be avaJlable In all "serious"
crimlnat' caaes on the state level.
Fulbright Asks
U.S. Bear Down
On Home Front
·1 ..;
Fulbright Jlld tod1y the United Sllloa
must get out of Vietnam even lf l\. hal to
seUle for less than a standof( and turn lta
attention to domestic problems that baH
divided the people and spawned a student
rebellion. . .
The chairrrian or the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee called for an
overhaul of what he. called a foreign
policy of "chronic warfare and in-
tervention'' in international disputes that
he aaid is leading thi.s country toward an
authoritarian government.
Fulbright told military leaders in a Na·
tional War College speech that his
criUcism wu of 11mllitarism" which he
said is dominating U.S. foreign policy, not
of "tile able, energeUc men who fill the
top ranks of the armed services" even
though he aald they 0 have acquired an irJ..
fluence disproporUonate to their numbers
on the nation's securlly.policie1."
"The courage' and endurance or our
fighting men command the re.spect of all
Amelicans," Fulbright aaid. "The fault in
our war policy lies not with them but
with the political decls.ions which com·
milted them to an lmpoaslble task." '
Three Men Roh
Market of $1,085
Three men, one of them anned, held up
the Budget Pack Market, at fiOS S. Brea
Blvd., Brea, Sunday and t5elped with an
estimated Sl ,095 in cub.
Police said they traced the getaway
car, 1 pl<lrup truck, to 1 shopping cent.r
on Imperial JDghway where it was aban-
doned shortly l1i.r the robbery.
There were about • dozen cuatomera
and five clerks tn the market when the
robber)' """"""1 No one -.a Injured.
Nevertheless, a five-man majority
beaded by Justice Thurgood Manhall
concluded the probation 1entence did not
fit in the "serious" category.
CdM'a Mra. MildrM Love
Governor Love
-Of Colorado
Mother Succumbs
Mrs. Mildred Shaver L<lve, mother of
Colorado Governor John L<lve and a re1l-
dent of Corona del Mar for the paat 11
years, died Sat~day at the age of Bl.
Graveside serviCes will be conducted
Tuesday in Colorado Springs.
Mrs. L<lve died at lhe home of her
daughter, Mrs. Virginia MorreJI, 315
Orchid Ave., after a lengthy illnwi. A
native of Indiana, she moved to Corona
de! Mar following the death of her hus-
Besides Governor L<lve and her
daughter, M~. Love ls survived by
another son, Richard of Colorado and aiJ:
grandchildren. '
The famil y has suggested that friends
wishing to do so may make memorial
Contributions to the American Cancer
Council to Hear
Development Law
An ordinance to govern construction of
planned developments in Huntington
Beach comes before the C t t y Council tonight .
Councilmen meet in council chambers
of Memorial Hall, 5th Street and Ptesn
Avenue, at 4:30 p.m. and again at 7:30 p.m.
The planned development ordinance
has been before the council before, but
was sent back to the Planning Com·
mission for changes alter Councllman GeoJ:g~ McCracken objected to the
possibility of residential lots being lus
than 5,000 square feet ln are.a.
From P .. e l
suffered when tht other car caved ln the
roof or their northbound auto .
One body was left mashed against the
bank by the crash. which wu not wit·
nessed by ~ at the tnstent It oc-
CU!Ted, lnv..U,1tors llld.
Grim-faced rescue workers at the
tcene vowed a new campatp to pt a
mulmum 4$-mileo-per-hour lpeed llmlt '
II tbe ...U-known Slaqbter Strip of l'Oldway.
El Momi CU..e bu Qkeu _... of
lives over the JWI, despit. eflorll to
.mm It Iller through ttDecton ,_
other dntca u ...n as wam1o1 aipe.
Top Cartoonist Dies
ST. LOUIS, Mo. (AP) -Donlol R.
. 1-CarfWP~
Fltip,trlct, 71. who won two Pulitzer
prizes foi editorial cartoons durl~ hlt 45
years with tb6 SL Loula Post-Dl!pe.t.ch
died S1Jnc1111 night. '
Top of s....nd Cor In Which Th,.. Dlocl SMo ..... Off by L•llU•""'' Hvrtllng Vohlcl1 --
·t ·
=+• ... -.... ..... ........ _ .... ,. ........ t• ......... _,. , ..... _ .. , .......... ·,......,.--;-~-.---~-··~~"'"~-~-~~-~-
, .
'· •
Airport T~lks Asked
I .
I P.M. Friday
Tax -Refund Deadline Set
Capo Ready to Discuss Lewing Costs SANTA ~A -Warning be In his olllce at !_» N. some 171.000 Or-Cfunly
al .. Dli., ~.... '""
m!Mle 11due t.o the serious
shortage of avi1Uon-oriented
facilities In southern orange
allow !or our probably adding that this Is ·the "!lrull, final Broadway, Sama Ana, before claims vllued al flU milJlon.
moro property to the airport deadline," County A.uessor 5 P,m-. Friday, ~. '13, .~e It is expected that Ibo -
complex. The county woukl Andrew J, Hin.sha• confirmed county useuor.1~ A re-owners repretented 1.n ~
sUll get lta 17 perctnt of lhe FriaY that appllcations for cent rulina by' the Lla\Slature claims wlll get tbe1r '71 re-
g..-... the flO homeowne.r's property has enabled him lo iltend the fuod checks ln mld·June. * • .,_ tax refund 11nd the 1750
CAPISTRANO -A fl er th~ years of negotiation the
San Juan Capistrano Airport
problem is right back where it
sLarted -on ·dead center. But
-there,ls ono.ray_o(.bopc,
Winton replied last May 13
that he could not allor<l the
rental propoted, but only
about one.al.xlh of the amount.
He noted Uiat the City of San
Juan Capistrano was ready to
nqotllte with the county ac-
quire the properly. This Is the
ray of hope.
"-4. The county seemingly homeowner's exemption will fUing pe~lod to th1t ~te. Still unresolved, Hinshaw
Ignores the fact tQat <luring be accepted next week. eonlplet\ori of the 'forins will said Friday, is the status of
the three years o{ pre9eJJt -But those •pplicatioM must er11ble t.omeowners· .,,00 h1Ye Leisure World residents who
Wlu «:-tv Post
James Freda, 37, La
Habra, bas been named
dil'Ol'lor of the Orange
County Schools Office's
Supplementary Educa·
tion Center. The ap-
poinbnent by c o u n t y
Superintendent of School
Robert Peterson is ef·
feclive July I. Starting
salary for the job is
$16,500 annuaUy.
...... r1on F111ny Fry. 190 W. 1~ St,.
H-"1 BHch. 0.Je of dNlt!. MIY 17. '41rvlV'tlll by tlulbtnd. Robwt M..
Fry, ~ ........ MfY'icltl. 91111 MOrtu1ry,
17~1 Su"'"°', Cotlt Mew, Dlrte1cn.
At issue is S.44 acres <1f
Flood Control Dtstrict-<wned
laod upon wblcb resi. half the
nmiray of the prtvato ailport.
T b e operators, Capistrano
Airport aod lndustdal Park,
Lid. (Bruce Winton, prioclpal
owner) have leased the pro-
perty for the past Ihm yun
from the di!Uict for a nominal
Winton wants to purcllast:
the property but says he can-
not afford the minimum
$87,000 price tag put on it by
the county.
On April 8, .the supervisors
approved a lease proposal
worked out by Department of
Real Property Services Dlrec·
tor stanley Krause and other
Krause 'laid the terms
represent.ed "only about a two
percent return to the county
on the fair market value of the
land." He said the offer was
Wlntm rejected Ult county's
propooed Jeue !or theae
reasons : -
"-1.,Tht: renta1percentage
of 17 percent (of lncom< fn>m
airport facilities ; is unrealistic
because it is baaed upon land
area instead of land cost and
development ~t. Based on
costs, the percentage should
be 2.8 percent, since the coun-
ty acreage cost under 17 ,500
for the .95 acre of mcome pro-
ducing property and our ~ts
for five acres, including im·
" -2. The lease does not toe lnto consideration large
additional sums we will have
to inYest in airport im·
11-3. The lease does not--
lease, we and our fixed bue not already 1 applied ~ claim ue b l d d l n I for Y.Wt •~•a•·· have lost over •~ooo the f10 rtfwwl on property tu homeowner'• e 1: em pt 1 on ~ -~ p p K authoriJed I<>< the 1111 !is<ol lfanted wben Pr<Jpoottlon !A
with addilloiW larae ..... arsons, orter eep year by the Leaiaialure. That w .. appn>ved by ...... Jut
stiU needed for repairs ID same docwnenl· ellfb!n the November. • ,
runway and tuiwa.y.'' homeowner to apply for the "We will cont1nue to accept .
1ben winstoo lhn>WI 1n the Sanitation Positions = :u::~u:':'s:%: ~= .:.i~nt cliDcher. ''We have deeded period. Leilure World communlUes •
over five acrea of our acreqe HomeowQl!TS who owned or until tbe Kay 2S deadline •1iut · SANTA ANA Two Orange Of. Donald Shipley, Hun--41u to the city of San J uan -occupied oo March 11 1968 the we'll be unlble to ~ ""l any.
Capistrano ior as long as the Coast men have been ~ tington Beach councilman, has dwelling listed by them as of their c.laima lo the ~.:
airport is in operation." elected to chairmanships of been elected chainnan of Uieir prlnclpal residence are C o n tr o 11 er udil the
Winston concludes his let-the county Sanitation Districts District Eleven. He sucteeds eligible for the tax refund and Legisla~ 1~t1 , '' ~;
ter: ''We thank you for the repr~g their areas, and Councilman Jerry A. Matney the upcooling lax r 'e 11 e f . assessor sald. , ·
time you have given us over a third new chairman named. in the l>O$t. Terms of_ the Forms can be obtained from The n1ture of Lelsure World .
the past. three years, and ConUnuini; as chairman of chainnaitsliips are one year . Hinshaw's office at 630 N. homeowners' 1ntertlt .tn their.·
sincerely hope that you will District Five is Newport Parsol&S was additionally re-Broadway-or they can be . re-propertj. is a factor that '*-
work faYorably with the clty Beach Councilman Lindsley elected as vice chairman of quested by callln((that ofJice dela)'ed outrllhl approvll '.ot:
to aUow this vitally netded Parsons, and as bead of the Joint Boards of the at 834-2736. their claims f~ the Jll'OPll'1.1
facility to remain in .ex· District Six, Ellis N. Porter, of districts. Clifton Miller, of Hinshaw has -placed in the tu beDetlts en~~ nur:l1,.
istence." Costa Mesa. ~Tustin, was named chalnna.n. hands • of the state controller all other countY homeOw .... • '
In a letter to I h •·------------------------'----------,-~· '--~-'.:":-'·
supervisors, dated last May .. ...
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • SA Damages Denied
But Flood Aid Asked
14, San Juan Capistrano City
Administrator Ernest A •
Thompson, outlines the city
purchase proposal.
He calls the $87 ,000 price tag
for the 5.44 acres "somewhat
unrealistic in that the per acre
rate is extttme based upon
the fact that the property is
totally landlocked and also
possesses a poor geological
at El Rancho: -~ . ~ the supermarket
•• . ·-••
SANTA ANA -Althoul!)l the
Orange C o u n t y Sanitation
Districts direct.on have denied
a claim of the contractor on
the $9 million Santa Ana River
ouUall sewer line for extra
compensation because o f
damage from the January and
February floods, they have a~
plied for $300,000 in federal
ass"tstance money to com-
pensate for the "disaster."
In a communication to the
districts, C. Arthur Nisson, at-
torney for the boar~, s~d the
claim of Peter K.iewtt and
Sons' Co. of Omaha, Neb.,
could be legally denied but the
damage· was eligible for 50
percent f e d e r a l assistance
~money .
If granted, this estimated
$300,000 would be turned over characterisUc for stability ...
to the contractor, the district.Ii :!°J::u~te~a~ in
Voted. 'Ibompson. SU g g e I t I I
Nlsson wrote the district.!, "recoos1derailon should be • ~,,~ll\~ where the price is right! • "the outfall construction is an made either within your own
eligible project because it is a ~vl,ro;' ;• :_
discharge lihe which con· dependent qualified appraiser e
stitutes an Integral part of the that would be mutually ap-
sewage treatment plant and proved . by the county anil ci· •
construction was in process at ty." ,
the time of the disaster." He adds that if a price can
Nisson said of the legal be agreed upon the city would • want a long term (IS.year)
denial of additional com· tease with no hterest charges. •
pensation, "the reason uir 1be latter as an "extended
derlying this opinion is that contribuUon and participation •
llthoogb the lilting ha! caused by the county to usllt the ·~ naJ {··• of ilt and providing of airport facilities an adun10 14. a:\, s for the area of Southern e sou to be d~te'd on--ure -··orange·-coo.nry-:i1··-.,. ··-
~ ..
•F I i1:_ ··: "' .... .. . . -: •: ·-...
" . surface of uJ ocean as it ex· The city council of San Juan fl * {i l!ted prior lo the floods, this Capistrano approved the ap-• situation does not prohibit the proach outlined on last May
LONG S • • contractor from constructing 12 .n.e next move ii up to the e
Elme!' Cll'fftlrl ~. Aee ''· of SD5 amtabon the project. Board of SUpervisors. They S. ~n. S.11!1 AN. D.r•• ol ilJ di U Tu da
• • • ••
o..111, ~Y 11• Sl.ln'lvtd by wirt, Edne "It merely adds to the en-w SCUii n on es y .
~·rs.L~ ::;,, tr.:'~~,:T..,~·; B dge• Up tractor;a ' expense. Essentially,
Mn. o.i1 Kl"91 1nc1 11 trtndcl'llldrtn, U _ '. t _ . ' . this ls one of the risk! that the
CMH1 H'(Vl(es 1 ;JO '·"'·• WednttdlY. d'J•J--uJred the con W•tmlf"lilll'r Memarltl Ptrk Mor'IUll'Y -<' ' • ' ~1.1-:11,;i.a ""''1 •
c111"'· '11'-M-cCL" •°"'N'E""· Httir•••; N·.-.. 0 .• ~~rr:· ,_·a· X''"'·· _ tractor to take In making the lo'.:! ~J.= '""°" . conttiact," Nisson concluded.
• • :• • v,.,... M. McC.l111e. 10811 s11nfo••-, .-'7 'l11e attorney followed with
Ave., Gt..,... Grovr. Sur"llved by SANTA ANA _ An 1ft.. his opln lon that the "disaster" •
bf'orlllr, Johll A. McCllntl four 11.. .. ' • • u 'bl r· f d I •~. ''" ,.. ..,.,.~, M.,;"~' -""ased joinl 0li~ outlay wai. • g1 e or e e r a
Book Due / "SNOOPY" Wll
3·TO 6 P.M.
• • E~ Mc:Shl,... _.,..,;L11111n l(,q~r. -,. . " assistance and "that if sue-OR A NGE -"Saddleback R~. tanltflt, MDnc11oy, 1 •·"'·· Peet. ..,..but_. need for I money cessfuJ, the fu nds will be paid Ancestors," a new book cover-e
F'°'"lty Colanlll Funenol Hom., II.. in •• 1~•'7g f' W Is directly to ••· distri'~• and of the S d-'iltlem ~ T~•Y· ' 1.m.. SI. ""-'e ...... y i.iuc; .... ,., ing the history I
• •• SO DllS LOOY!
co1umt11n Wholle O>urdl. G • 'd ,,. shoWn in the proP:(>sed budgeta the dlsb1cts in turn will pay dlebact region from 1781 to
GniY•. r-...,.ol the Orang! cOunty Sanila-them to the contractor." 1869, will be published July l •
THOMAS lion Districts whicll d ll be up The fl m1JUon project, es-by the Orange C o u n t y
MAY 19, 20, 21
°°" £. Tllorna. 16372 wu ..... Ltne,! for adoption on June 11 lending· five miles into the r----i...n-1 ~._... u part • H"'"'1~ leld\. S...r1lwd bY Mfr. , · " ~--~1 ~1 twci °'""""ten, DI"-The proposed schedule of ocean is schedu1ed for com· of the Call!omia Biet:nteMill :'~~att1J:1T~·1~-C:iflftY1 •ic". $16.3 million for jO~ ~per,. pletion in· late 1970. nie 00-celebraUon.
w11i... s.rv1ca. Wedr!ftdly, 1 ,.m.. tion.s and construct1on lB up inch dlameter outfall line will Tbe boot will cost $3.00 untll
,..,. f'°'"41Y '0""'1•• FUNril Home. • $1.3 million over the curnnt handle 480 million gallons of July 1, when the price chan&es
DIEHM year, district G ener~l treated sewage a day, ac--to $3.50.
11-111 01e11m. ios Ctt1nne St .• L1-Manager Fred Harper s8ld, cording to the dist r I ct • s To order, write the Society, = r;:-t;rv~ "~ d!~1t."H::!.~ but tbe districts need to raise General 1utanager Fred Box 1587, Or8J11e, Calif. or
two o.u91111", Mrs. Linda K1Y ,~~-on1y $5,599,170 in taxes as Harper. phone S33-J575. llM Mid Miu D«;ortll Lynn D""'"'' ed to $5 667 3'/1 col , ____________________ ;;;;/
brO"-· Gort!•""' 11111r, ""''· DoMa compar , , · Yohn, Jr.1 H ren11. Mr. 1nd Mn. Ir• lected tlli5 fiscal year.
01ttim1 llld llw'e. truld<lllklren. ,.,,.. A reductro· n in tax rate will VIie Mrvkfl, 5~ffl' LHUN 9te<fl
Mortu•rt ClllPSI, w~nH111y, 2 it.m. not necessarily appear on all
Wettcliff Mortuary
U7 E. 17\h S&., Costa Mesi -BALTZ MORTUARIES
C..... del Mar OR s.Mlt
Collo Mesa m I-MU
111 Broa4wa1, Collo Men
RaatlnllO• Vlile7
11911 Be1cb Blvd.
BuaUnctoD Beatb
t",emetrry • Mertury
Cbpel '
Slit Padlle View Dr!"
Newport-. CaUt..ia -PEEi. rAMJLY
7111 llolsa An .
wn1m1 .. ter -
tax bills, Harper cautioned,
because several of the eeven
districts have big coMtruction
programs planned.
The tax reduction program
wilJ continue for several
years, Harper said, because of
a federal grant of $3.3 million
for the $9 million c:>ci!an ouUall
being constructed at the
mouth of the Santa Ana River.
· lndlvidual district budgets
will be considered in August,
the general manager said.
* * * .Mesa Road
Pact Okayed
SANTA ANA-An a"""1led
contract price of '3f,965 for
the construction of th e
Smalley Road sub-trunk sewer
line in north Cost.a Mesa hu
been appro\led by the Orange
County Sanitation Districts.
The job was completed on
last April 21 after a time ex-
We do have the largest
stock of SHAG CARPET
at the lowest prices!
12 11Mb Nd ef ...... S.--1
J_~ "Prepan for
Sdiool of Basiness s~
the tutvrr .•.
e $ecr.t1ri•I e MecUc1I
•••••••• ,1119
e D1nt1I
• A11!1tifi1
tension of 118 calendar days 111 w. 5th Phone
was lfanted to Scott Brothen Santa Ana 543-1753 or 54U721
CooslructlOn ol Santa Ana duel~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~J to the heavy.rains tn January I!
and February M¥ert""-t
Accotdlng to the dlslrlcll'
Cblel Eoi\neU Paul G .
Brown, the districts ..... "not
Inconvenienced by the delat •
lhe .ewer wu constructtcf to
serve a new subdlvllion at
Sunflower Avenue •nd Smalley
Road in Costa Mesa whlch
WIS also deJayed due to the.
storms.'' SHDFEll MORTUA RY
Lapa• -~ .,...~ liiiiiiiii Su Cleratnte ttwl lt HAL UlllCHfl
m Mato SI.
Bud•l\ID Buell
Ctt•lolft A11r•I Ait!•llfic1tf111 lltO UL.nM•M
Qnlll ----. \ .... 671..JllJ
c "
Delicio us cream.filled finger l~es ••• 3 kid pleasing flavo rs •.. chocolate, vanilla, plain. Stock upl
Toastems HaPl>i Time Shakes ........... 3. 25• ·
Frozen treat.a! Chocolate, vanilla, strawberry! 12 oz.
............................. 39'
Touter pastry in tempting flavors! ••• 11 oz..
Sugar Frosted Chex ................ 29'
Save lOc on pre-sweetened cere.al ! 7 oz. pkg.
Fruit Drinks ......... ~ ........ 12. '1
All flavors ..•. M.C.P .••• 6 oz. cans go ao fa.fl
Fiddle Faddle ....................... 3 '" $1 Welch's Grape Jellj................. 4,..
The snack treat everybody enjoys! No\v 3 kinds! Or Grapelade ••• 2 pound jar at this low price!
Menu-makers for first of the week meals! ••• Meat Loaf ....... ~.~.~~!.~A! ....... 69~~·
Finest meata •• preciaion grounc:I • , • perfectJy aeaaoned and blended ••. made with freah whole eaal
Ham Loaf ........ ~. ~. ~! ~~! ....... 89i
E l Rancho'& own ham ... carefully trimmed ..• expertly seasoned ••• ready !or you to shape and bt.'kel
Beef Stew Meat .................... 89'·
Trimmed to win whole-hearted approval I
Garden Fresh!
Cbiquiw .•• the finest Central
America bas to offer I 10~
Priu1 ift t.ffect Mcm., ·Tuu., Wtd.,
Ma.r 19, t.O, :1. No IGlu to d.eoltrt.
Beef Shanks ........................... ·4r •.
Center cut f.or" meaty goodneaa: t
Deli Delight
£~~ Chooo1&te Chip ..... a1mw]9c~ ·
ilice and bake ... 16 O&. pq.
) s..-" All-unroa Water Co. have a~
powed a plln eolabllsl1Jnl I
..., hcildlric -PlllY, Plcl!lc
Roldlog Corp,, wtilch will
IJoloo W1tor Co.
,Under lhe tenns ol the
Jteorganization, water com· fZ'!: stock wlll be exchongtd
·~ Wttl ol the holding com·
The compuy Is no • looctt
>!\'&lied in water dlstrlbutioll. ·roe ma!or' uset ts 2,,00 ICl'<S
<of Land in Orange a D d
_... OOWltia.
Corvair: From ·Succe ss· to -A· --c.-
• ~~~:~ Jn ta ID f' , iU :~: ,
l ____________ ,f!,~111 J/.ll ,, lfft; l lflll t ~ C~l'"1:: 4 ~ • -\o
Com bination of F-actors Defeat.e. d Great Experiment .".:w,~•t-1£:!:='~.:::"':~ !~~~~ ~ f ~ ff.~ ...
_,__ Clle flW: J0t J03 11'-~ I; -~'
I)' CARL CAJlST!NSIN Corvail' Wll uperiencln1 blidy akin& the linel ol unve.llfJd for \he first lJme al •and locate llUle UKd parta, ~iiib 4'.ia 4~i 1" ~ ~'i =1~ ~$_t1~P~ : ff lli: ct; J.'" ~1" . °' .. DM1Y ,... ...,. mechanic»l · .dlffJcultlff \hi~ Pwl!Cbe to lit 00 the Moaa the thiril aMual Imported the depot will handle about AS!'" 'rt\~ 1 111; i"m = '" c=~ ~j lt 'll >"• 3.1 r, -~
Befort the lut RJ.il it: drlvtn .eemed to cost • fortune for cbaslll. Just,wbat would hive AUIO and Sports Car Show at ll0,000 differtnt parb for A,cfM • f: .. I ~I '™11 ~ ! ~:/!,I pf,rrl' A ii: a: ~': = a
Into the <Offln of the late happened U they bad done Chryalet buUt vehicles. ~~·\} 1JI ~ l , l~"rl. ·• " ,,. !"" ,,. -ll Q\eYrolet COrvalr It would owntn to repair. Thlnp like somethlno a little diffmntt lhe Loe _Aoaelu Sports Arena "The facility also Includes a m:~1 i 40 » a !t •5 :'.\'I ~~i~:1~ ti: ~ ~~ ll~ U:": = \'
..... ..... 1.. fitti.... th a\ leaky oU pans that threw out nere~1.sn·t any queatlon from June· ' to 15. Mond•y t--off.let bull d ID g :r;:~~ er.:· m .._ l'J!Ji i~ +1!! 1::Cllll~K ljg " M"il &~ $S'4 -l'I _.., -.. ••-ugh Friday the show will .. V""ll'_., Ar.,..., •Jllo a'«-" e11o1nts1 1to 120 ""' 1 1~ "II<-~' eometbing good should be aald black sludge ur over the back about the engine or Its lf'in-•u•v abared by the parts divislon, A r t111n • I -j ~ ~ + ~ " tlld Jot ,.. 5fh 1.4 sm -"" 1
aout the country's only efiort end, noiay valves that required clple. The Corvair engine Ls in be open from 3:30 p.m. unUI Dodge and Qiry1ler·Plymouth ~"fliS • l ~ f' ~Vi :"'".;,.; ~i1 ·~AA.15 ~ I u \'t i =1: ~S:~cl:. aft.cooled ttar =~:i: .!~~bl~;:! ~~vi~~~::-°'~ ~~~30frc:· I~~~.·~~:~ :~~00·.:dm= tr:e~~ :;c&.·'~ I~ ~ "~! a:t,1:~=~~· ·'rl * Rtt I !fl;~
After all, , boots have bten bl ems and doubtful auspensJon buggy oll·road racing. As for It 8 always an blteresling Corp :I 'ti i ~~ 1~ ! ~ €:!i, l:: p. in~ ~ in\ ~ 1t
wrtUen, t.'OUl't battles :ind all became serillJS headacties its principle. I Understand show as the leading producers when Brown as asked 1he i HI 2fj ."' 111 ~ ~'~ {::w~d'1:l: J l~ ~m ~~ +·.-
aenate hearings rec9fded •nd tor owners Ind dealers alike. Ulere'1 a ct.rta1n European from ~urope, Japan '-8d the . reaaon for selecting Orange~ ~ j , • tt "" v. com E p11 n ss "Ji Im mt .. ·
I'• -·"· settled over the It &eeDl! then that the tJn.......t that hasn 't done too U.S. d11play their sporty new County for the hnae new -., !'.',: J • •1, =Ill ccimw oo :.. ln :..-. ~ tt; =li.. .. aw.,. ,..... mocllalthfirsttl -"'1~1.o•-'-CDf'l'lp$d .f29,. .. ~,.."'~ diminutive Chevrolet. To handwriUng was on the wall ~~~\rimodth1!:'. air cooled rear e or e me. Jayout,hesaid,"Jtwuchosen~t ~II 1Js t\j, I r1:zz:wk11h ! s lfl.!o ,,1, lf\-•t1~
someone coming on the 9etoe and it WU uncertain hoW lOflg -oe-•~ Q * 1r • because We feel in I Very (ew ~ICM Pf.~ l~ ¥1 1'~ _\,1i z:~: \-= ::: nw ~ fi111 1 ~· -~•y, ,..,. i...ncaJ _ _...._ lhe car coukl survive. First reaction is how come CHR. YSLER OPENS NEW yean Orange County will be ........ ,,~ ~... "' l2\.li :12"' • "" canEdis Pi• ' 111Ko 10t•.:. iooi~ -~. 1 _..au """' "'&' '!.-• AMI 1 71\lo 2At. -~ CanEdl$ 1111 J 1 1S'h 7S JS -\t
would be _ Wbv? Wby, m this Then came the book they can dO lt and we cui't? COUNTY· PARTS DEPOT tbe hub of almost all phases of Anlll' 1 .111 H "9\'t al'I -~ cw Ptc•.u 1100 614" """ "'" + 1• ~ A-El D12M ~ ~ §11"'1 §0!"1-1"" Cllll f-.h: I R •7 4611 ~
1-when there."""" to be, a "Unsafe At Any Speed .. by Speaking fi!'lt hand about the A new Chrysler Corp. parts Soothern California bUsiness "~.o1 ,., 1n 1 111'" 111\0 -"''4 canFd ""-» 2 110 no na t •• •• ~~ to rt!' Ra! h N d ho .,. f CorvaJ I dro d 1.---=· MlrFlllr 1 " 32"-32\'i -:it. CanFrli9ht 1 oil J31't lN 33\'o \• market for just about any .. '""' au c 1c p a er w . mer11<> o r, ve one epot u.o just been completed -and we need to be as close as ....,.. A1ru11 'f 't! .,. ~111 ll111 -l'.: C(lllN.iG i.1• HN lt'• 2"t _m: . .._
otvehicle manufactured would definitely was a contributing off the line at Chevroltt in in Fulle(ton anOLS designed to possible to the centu of t.bi.s ~--!..~1'"'1.40 ,t :"' il~ J~~-: .. ?:;~pf~~ ~ ~ ~'• 1oh::. ~.
a ear made by Chevfoitt suf-fact.or in but not the reason for 1961 and 8Iter I lid of new serve deal en in Southern area." -~~ f:ft 11 51111 ~j.., 51,,. • ., c&nPw pf(.$0 ooo ro 6~'• ~ + \'I
fer such a complete collapee lhe demise of the Cor.vair. tires, 1 brake reline,. l bat-Califonia, Arizona and parts of • • • ~£:"1.# ~ t'!~ ll~ US~ h ~:iJ~~~"'!~ ~ u~ ~i.: ~~ + ~
and, fade into the ........ It was a number of ulings teries, 3 tune.ups, a new set of Nevada AWARD WINNER ~'*'' '° ll'" !"' tl.., 23 -)% f!..1't""" ':>o •., 1511o 1~ 14"' :__" ..-· • . ACrc;s1111 f"° J~l !i. ~ !!~ ="' CT Cot> p11 :2s dO 17"t 17~~ "!• .... O>evrold abo wondered including unimaginative brass ,$hocks, anc! only ri11 nor The lnstallaUQn, with 229,000 Peter Peleuses, salesman ~m t~1111 ·7/ ;e1~ n•• ~i.;, can1 c11i , eo .,. 5ah 50'"' lll.!_ ··· ·
why prodµce a vehicle · thlt at Chevrolet who apparently .maintenance it ha11 given us 8 square feet of floor space on a for Johnson and Son, Newport :~1v~1:n: l l!"' J;~ l!1; i :~El~: :;:PJ ;/! ~~ M~ ~ .. ~ i~
tw aold only 3,000 durtnc ~ saw no reason to deviate from years of wife-driving and 28.5 acre site, is serviced by a Beach, has won Lincoln-~~1'";.';. 'i' ,~ fi"" 31ll a.:it :1i: ~~~' 1:1~ 1; :::: ~:; :!:': ...:-;:
current model year. The quea-their standard operating pro. children-hauling. We have railroad and numero~ truck Mercury's Inner Circle Award. :::: ,:•.::i 2l!.l ,~"n lf:U.~ lf:!~ ~::~ ~\' ~i~ 12i~ U" I\"" R"" ":":1 ••
lion .. as ... "• , .. -ered and cedure and come up with taken its 1 .......... mive good docks The awanl went to the -...: nc1 ''"' 110 15"' 1 \'I 1514 -v. c°"1 s11 1 10 ,.. ~ * + ~ "'I '"''" ' ~.... ' A " I I 10 U 1''"' 111'1 II'~ -\It (Ofll T•I ,ti 1$.l 25'1 2S\ti 1~ -..,, lfter struggling with the, something different f<?t .Ole service for granted. I bate to Roy J. Brown, Chrysler leading 15 Lincoln-Mercury ... ~~ l.d '~ '°,.. stfi 601'\-i )1 cootro1 o.i.. 14J u:i:i. 1so11o ill~·+'.' •~ that •·• •··· ·'bl ft A H~.!'I tO f!'h tG .. canwCICI 1 llOa I 36'~ 361.r! ,. ,1 ~ Corvak for the past "'"-car ,..., ucu• respona.i e see go. Parts Division genera I Division salesmen in the Los "'"iiiY'ir . £1'o ft\' ~\\ v. co<Jk unu ·.so :io •2"-mi. il"" -"'
Yean they 1.nded its exlsleoce. for record ~Jes only a couple TlllRD ANNUAL manager, said, "With the aid Angeles sales district .. Each ::;:J;Fl,y. 1
1'Jl lat f.ly, ~~ fl -~ ~=1"T~·'~ x~11 lJ~ 1\ :u = :,.:
ls '"' ••" of ll AUTO EXPO COMING f l to ~ · · of .1._ ...,..,,, er '° ~ s. SJ~ 1111 -~ COllt'land 1111 is 4 • '~ "'"" -~~ Car mode go .. , wic; years ear er. o a compu er 1.,,., .... pnr reCJp1ent u.n:: award and his Am Me11c1r• 1~ 11!11 1 ..... co1>1>R;e .sOb 50 s1v. jO ~ -1v.
wayside yearly but this .orie What if 'they had come out New modeil and exclusi·.-e cessing of orders and invoices, wife will get a four-day trip to :;~·~ t4~ fl~ ~ ;':'. ~::1~~~Y \~ ~; ~~ J~ ~-+ 11;
was different. It came into with a racy, sleek fiber·11ass prototype. cars will a.gain be maintain inventory control La11 Vegas. :::i-e, ·t°" 111ll\l 1H! ~ 1~ corGw 2.Joa • 21'~ 21sv. 21~ -'A -.,,.; !hTtf ·'° ,J 2,..., • ._., 1.111:1 +·"cor-11n·.22 "l04i :io »111 ...• being aa something ~ and A 5.'!11 1~ 15i JI\\ ~~ ll~ + "' cowla .JO 11 1s"' ~ ·
e1ciUng and competitive ~ :::::11: i' 1J H~ !i ~~ ='~ l';:c&ffli' 1fo 11: ~~ ~1 ... l\. ..:,:" ,...,
was an instant suceess. 'l'lie U , A }' Jtf ' W Ja •~mssr..Rl~·ll J: 1~'"" 1y~ 1 !J~ :.:.1~ g:,:p~~tob.ao 2! mt tr' , ::. ..;
960 '~ Co ••• ts Aotlar -eg <> ort • /I .Ml XI :IO\li 2''11 .., + •.4 trouwHi11 lb • 1911 29"'1 2911 + ~-... , first year, I ' UR; rv_. mon c ,.... ...... ~ ~ ,1! ' ~ 10~~ ,· .... -· CrowCol 1.Sll 17 )It 3!1I;, )I--11 nd -~an -...., .-611 Si~ 1 -"'1 Cr<>Wn Cork 10 16"t I.Sil 16 . came as a coupe a ~ • Am tiOK 2 ns r. 11 • -1 crCIWlll• 2.211 10 6tl.o ""' w.i. -·~
the .me ,._ La'ewood sla· AmWWk1 .5' » 'Al 1:p., u1~ ..... crn z pl4.XI 1150 10'11 ltl~ 70V. +1,,,.
tionn :agoru:.~ Monz: series and Halt Sales Why Those Ends w ' M ~=lf:f llf ~us ~fit i.~ ;~:~ ::.:: ZJ.f.h\or~o..IQ 2~ J:l': ~;~ n,~ = t: On t eet Am l ire 1 21 1611 16'1 -'II CUOlrot Dfl JS ' 2•\~ :ll\li 2•1< .. Greenbrier vans. They wei:e A1n11tk " lt"' :ioVi :JO!? -+•'• cum"" .:ii Ht 2,i.. ,,..,, uv. + \~
Id · ~~lf(lllC .~ ld ~ 60 60'9 Cumml11 IOtl 1 .CO'.• l'I'~ :19'4 -1'1 riding high and in 1961 SO .....,11; Co -ls 33'~ 32"'1 JJ ' ···;~ CunnOrui .JO 66 JI lnli 3~ :WO ~ .. 'ls 0 £ G AMP Inc d "'.,, ·~ •l . ._ w Curtis' wrt 1 1~ 2l rn'o :nto -~ weJI OVer 300,()00 uni . ' rapes AmD41-.: tcio 1 'l!o 4JllJ ·~ + 1' Curl Wf A l 1 lP' lS lS -1\~ ~--!-" U e! took "'"'red 2..IQ l~ ;!~ 1;~ 1;);'! -~ Cutlet H 1.2G '3 Ml 1'"-Jtl'i + i~ ...ui;¥lV ~ esecu v Bv SYLVIA PORTER 'th ..... d t Amtel .xi, §II 24 .. ., ., = "'C1clclps 1.14 s .i:i. •1 •1 -·~ credit where credit was due as ~ year man Wt a ..-v.;: an wo := 1·60 ~ n ,1 ,, .... t'14 c1POJSM i..., :u. ~11;, s2 "\II -"'
the little car just about TORONTO (AP) -Officials If you are married al)d have teen-agers at home. Sa.Y that Al!Cfltleldl ;.., l ~ .#~ .#~ .,~ O• RI 1 20 -0-
marketed itself. Everyone was of Dominion ·Stores, Ltd., two children, you must earn you have a good job, a house ~,A::?°~,, ',"~•Jo }l !i,,. !/: !/~ =• ~ o!"..a ,; 1:25 1~ Ilh n1' ~. -_+ ~~ Then lltll canada's lirgelfl {ood chain, $14,446 in 1969 to buy what in the suburbs and this year A~~~ i2~ •r¥o ~114 o111\'t -1~ 01rr '""' .XII> 110 si •t1' .... -
talking about it, e Iii 81 d union 'p·r•e S 5 Ure $5,000 of ltn'OWV •income bou""t you're earning $4,500 more ti! J-:,< .:~ rs 1~\! l~ ·~~ =1~ B:r~~ r'.J :r: !!'" .M~ !;V. +1~ things began to happen. tu last . th 1_. to •·-"' th th M 500 t hich Ari ~llSvc 1 27 2v.;, 25.,.. Ul'i _"" 011co pf~." t !O 102•1. 1021Jo 1021~ -• Jn ,63 and ,64 litUe option over .. ~ six mon s 1:U a man in precisely your posi· an ~ ,,, , a w you ...,~111 os '/: s. 36 lMi 36 + '"' 01vtnPL '·'° 11 Ja'• ~ :JG>.; -19
"goodies" were added such as the chaln11 decision to stop lion in 1939. You must, in blunt started m 1958. =5~n 3·w1 ~ ~ ~ ~ = ~ =t~0 1~ill 1~ ili! ~;~ u~ ~·= the Monza Spyder which were selling Calif~· grapes. summary, earn 188.8 percent But do you have $4,500 more .vmou';ii '·~ 121,;sJ11.61n ,,~.~. &:11~11,e .~0 59 3,.~ 361, :1o1"' _ !.\
supposed to justify a $3500 Joseph Voight, Vief, presf.. more today just to be standing to spend on your family and ~Si\:ic~1/:~ '! ~t~ !l ~\"' :-.~ &"e::~(MJ;' .60 l{ ~~ ~~ ~f.1! = :.~
Th didn't nd dent In-charge of merchan-even wilh your counterpart of home than 10 years ago? Of Atm PlJ.1'5 11» ,,..., 60'l'I 621'.i +2 OennMflt pr, ' •21i. '1 •7 t '"
prief, tag. ey · a dislng, deoled ·earlier rtports ·30 years ago today, course not! As the Tax Foun· "'"' c't:p 1::3 : :~ :~ :t:: -=-~ ~":1~~'i.A: ~~ ~f" ~~~ ~l'! -~! sales began to decline. th t ---• hi . d t. f' .t h '.ttin Ind 1 20 :tm ~ :12:i. + ~ °""RGr 1.io ' n:i. 211~ 1,,~ -'" Chevrolet's marketing im-a ql,IUl.QI m as saying This is the extent to which a ion 1gures 1 , you ave a Asti1d 011 1.20 1n 50~• -"v1 •''" -1 ~rwJ 1>111 ' ~'• ~ .. , 1J1i + ""
harA---=.A ... ""' "union goons" m II~· I ft f th t ., 500 Aud Brew 16' 1.-.. u~ l~ -~i OeSQ101nc .90 l •O·~ •O'" .0•1 -"Ii aginaUon seemed to be leaning ~nai~ 111 your dollar has been eroded by ere .-..on e o a ,..., Aud oo 1.20 ., •• •71'1 ~• ...•• ~tEdls 1.~o •s 2Y1 '~"' 2S\• -''
Whil th W<0 I-' ' 'I food buggies m· the 1 1 rts . •-of rai·ses A9dS1>1 1 20b • 31 31 l7 ... ~• Ed 1>1s.50 1 961'.i ~·.\ "'"' -"'" the wrong way. e ey 11 "'~ IW re ent ess: e m tue cost · "'ldTr• · ..o » 11 1.-. i"" -,,., 0.1 s1ee1 .60 " '"~ t"'lo 1ru -v.
were .trying to figure out how the ~~·and e Ip Io de d of living and in both federal More specifically, the rise in ~ef 1:~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ +·~ RT:1'~fn1f .so "1 ;~,.. ti~~ ~1~ -:1"' f the conteW-lilled balloons over income taxes and s 0 c i 1 I your federal, state and local -.11 RICI! 1.10 soi. 1nu 1211 no -iv. gl•mlntt i .1111 113 lll'" sn; s~i -'i ·to get more money or , _.;.._ f ~ th ••• nd Soc'al •·-· .1 •i•"th p11.1s z.$CI st\:I 5'\lo Sfl'i -~ 11s1t1m 1.40 6J 21-. 21,,. ,,..,. -'"'
Corv•••, Ford came out with grape ...,....,Kl,., 01 ... "t:U e Security tales during this wu.es a your 1 ~"\In y -. ~1<h "' l 11 2111 2C1.1 m -5 iaSh ,, c2 t6 )'/'~ J.! :.1'.; + ·~ .... deci!:ion. iaxes has erased $2,055 of your :: Re~~·'? 1:f Il'~ ~ .... ~ ='~ g:~.,:~1:~ .; ~~; ~ ~~ _ ~• aometbing new called the period cf wars -grtat and 1 hikes the T F At Carp .m 1 •u '"" -,,., Oifbo1d . .ib u1 si•o s~ S6"• -u. Mustang. Corvair sales began ln ID interview he said small, bot and cold. J1'0me I a1 oun-Aurie p11, l~ ~r.l w· W' : ~ 8lff1~rg 1 r, ~~ ~,. :l~ ::: ~:
to take it 00 the chin, just lite pre!SUre started six months AND MIND YOU, I am not datioo estimates. The rise in ~1~ fl!: 171 lih. lSl'o is'" -1.,, ornM pf A 1 • "'1'• " '" -~•
other lines ·•hich felt tbe tm-.ago when sympathetic union adding the "bite" in your Social Security tales -are your cost of living has wiped:~ ~:i 1~ 1~ Y~ Y Y:Z = i:: 81~1:'1" .~ ~~ ~ ~r'~ ~!~ =;;
pact of the Mustang. worken, fnCluding Dominion dollar taken by soaring state actually 3/10 of 1 percent out another $489 of your after· :..co ';:J·'°:12 It l:'.Z ~ t:.~: +1: 8!::':.e~70 .~: ~l" ;?'" rl'.1 + ~
•:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;._o___________ employes, and a ciUzem' com· and local •--me laxes, p--LOWER than at this tun' e m· tu increase. Your net in---~~Jnc :.io ld 1.:w. 11"-11 .. -1• Dts~a tnl.10 A 16"• 4 '\ "l''l UK.V ,.,.. AYllll d I IO 1l 15'"'1 1510,., lS<l\lo -J\I. OrP-r .lO 13 ~1'~ ,S•\1 5l'' -~ • • • • • • •• •• • • • • m!U.ee, "approached all the -rty laxes sales laxes com 1968 crease is not $4,.500 but only · B-oom~M1n .IO 61 ia"" 17i, 1111 +n1
Leases Bough t
,.... ' ' • · II n.c:A -OomF-d 1.019 11 IJ>1 u·~ 13;.1 + '• chains, including ours." muter taxes, etc., etc. If this AND IF YOU had put SHIO in ·""""· lllbd< w 1 " '° ,,... ~]~ ~,,.. + "' °""""11!':'!' .60 1as ~" •o ·~ -'•
Dominion has 1placed signs "gobble" were included, you'd cash in your safe deposit boi EVEN ASSUMING we soon 11:~i;fttT ,_;; ~ S: :M•• ~~~ ;:1..,, ~~ ~~"~6. l& !f:i :r~ ~!"" =1:.:
-reading "Sorry. Due to unset-have to be running even faster in 1939 to have handy "just in st~lto sdlow down this price ::!:P~fA·.~ tl~ ""-~:.: .;: +lu. ~..JC': ~::g l~\ ~~'.~ ~! ~t? ::1~
Ued condiUons Jn California to stand still. ,, d k . sp1ra an assum ing we even· 111111P "'' 2 1 u \1 4J Jl _,,,., oren1n<1 1 . .io s2 31·1 lS\~ .s11 . case an you ta e 1t out now, II · 11antP p11.1s ' ?!, .. ,ll,., :is +1 ornsr pf2.20 15 •l"' n •l"' + i' yineyards, this store Is not If we are married and have thi s sum will buy you only $38 tua y return to an acceptable 111nk Tr '·" ~ n.: •w ~ ~~ = ~ p;~~~seJ ~b :J ~~ ~:? ~: = :z
Selling California grapes," in two children, you must earn of goods, shelter and clothing a,"!'ulial pace of rise in the cost 1=~~iR1·~n JI n~ t~i~ ;;a:: !l 8';'!~:,,w c:~··o ~ ~!! ~~ g~ :..:·~' Me~tan Toronto stores. "" th' t b h t ' o ·ving -which I will •,',,."" 1~t. ... rf ,'I" 1~~ 111;, -v. duPan1 i11s.i 121 u6v. 1~·~ l•sv, -•· $6,.-lS year o uy w a in 1969. If you had put the $100 th 1 11 111 1,.,1t ~11;1o 611., _ ..,, ""'P°"' P •.sa 11 1•''11 n•n 7l'lt -v. The ns will be placed in all $5,000 bought a man in your away as recently as l95&-'59 assume - e ong-tenn trend 11:115e:hLti ... r,,s ~.•1:1 ,,,,, 69 +.., ""''ant yrJ.sa i s11. i''' 57'4 + "'
stores in the province even-position as recently as 10 and you need it now, it'll buy cf livin gcosts is up and the l~''~itr: ·~ 111 ::I'll ~T" ~.,.. -~ ~L~1 .o~ 1 J~ ~\; J'~ ~l? :. ~
tually, he said. years ago. You must earn you only $79 of the essentials long-term trend of the dollar's 11c1~1nv1 1 • 0 ¥1 ~·~ j'~ =·~ 8:m!·~~'~s1~ tl}~ n;! ~"'" rs""=~!
S,_:..:1.-rg's, Ltd., supported th T b11vina power is down. This Is !!!~!:i .'... ~ Jli.t ~ Y '< .. °"111 •m . .io •2 211'" 29 2G -49 ~ 26.64 percent more, e aa: or life. ...,Hoe 8'dt11ct: :;,. ,. ""' '" o1tt1i +\\I -E-F-the gn.pe boycott by display-F o u n d a t i o n has just What I'm trying to say here the history of industrial na· L~ Al• ·~ ill :C"' li~ ~v. =1~ Ea.i!ePth ·'° inf sips Jut November ask· calculated, just to stand even is far m1>re than 1 single lions and paper currencies. Cid'H:: :to 11 'ffill 111 ,~ + "° l1'co ~o .t0
ing Cllstomers not to buy wilh where you were only a -•taJ of the impact of a con-If you will just recognize tU r::.C,: ~ P,.,. {~ {~ = ~ ::k.i r i.'~1 · Calif mi tab! ·~ h t · the dilf 1 c 1 • l711o 36\~ 1r-;, +1 ·~1 urn '·"° 0 1 e grapes. decade ago. tinuing and recent I y ac· ow grea 18 erence t!:111 ie1.o " " •1·~ ,....., -"' ~.1:'~~ i~
If You •-a typ1·cal factory I tin ·nn ti What f between $1 gross and $1 net .,_,1: .;. J l n:w. 1111o 11~• .... 1an e1n it ''" ce era g l a on. . 'd f th fA-'-B-'Fln '·'° " .,,_ '71~ 4V. . . . .co 1nci 2 worker with three dependents, am trying lo explain to you is .mcome an ace e ii\:.,. BetlflF prs.50 1 '",,. "'"' 10~ -'• hllnM1 .n about what your real eamjna• 88"".,,',', ",.J.·! r20 " u ~ + '4 erdDo .21 any pay hike you've received why you feel so squeezed these ._. "' ~ r'w. ~"" J:,, .:.:. .., '
ived in the ..... ..+ 11 months has days, why you find it 90 hard are, you will have made a = ..... 5'1f2~ 2'1 ""' ,. •• 1~"' -"" ,,..,. · t ste f rd F th 11-uel In S22 22'lolo l11't 11u, ... 1 '"·09Q .NEW YORI( (UPIJ been more than wiped out by to make ends meet even gian P orwa · or en ll•rkl"!Wi .11' 110 u\11 ,.~ ''"' -\lo E11ct .1..s-.
Westram Petroleurit, lnc .. has the slump in the buying power f .ough you're earning the youh 'U be r~dy1to leabrn how to !{i11T:n.cri: ~ ~I\ Us, ~U: = ~ i/W~N~~fl
bctJ&ht 16,000 acres of oil and of your dollar plus the in· highest pay in your life. s 0 P w 1 s e Y • 0 r r 0 w 8 "" •M ... i · l\ ~ ~..., If.! t ~ ~11r!~o 1.211
f · · ~-ere••• 1·0 Y""" ftderal lllCO' me Wh 1 · h economicaUy and invest in· I r'O':" 1::C t 6~ '' 62 -1~ ~-· Elec 1 gas eases m s11 We:i..::m ...,.. ....... at am trying to smas aih L 1 10 ~~ 21•11 '*"ll + " ~mEt pl e.'°
states from Strock Leasing and Social Security taies home to YoU via these telligently. ari.8;1'1·~.1$ ~ 1W' 11i" l;r ti"-E~~~1l.4:
C nl Ca W • f ( . th t"" .... in-dr . 1· the Bobbho II•~ 11 70 ,,.. 2G •• Emco111 160 orp, sper, yo., or again, no o er -amallc 1gures are ~~ 1 2G 212 fl.'11 6 • .., •Jl'i _.,., ~nc1JC11111 .n ..
cash notes and warrants to eluded.) Your "rtal spendable realities of inflation ar,d ta1es ;;i;e•• '.2St1 '~ ~"" ~\'t ~v. =Jiit ~::::~~ :~
* HALLI DAY'S * buy stock in Westrans' parent earnings" -your earnings -for only when you face Tanker Pact Js,ri:~ ' ,, wi. "ri"" -... t:rs'G1" ~·20
f I W l Tr . I alter adju~-ent for pn'-m' • th 1·u 'II st Bordtn '·"' 51 »'Iii Jl'tii 1.., =1 ewu1r~ .xi20 rm, es em ansnuss on ~1.111 """ ese rea 1 ·es w1 you op 11ortW•r t.n 1a :n•.1o JI\~ 111i1 -:w. E•.edf'I 1 20 Corp.~ creases, federal income and kidding yourself and "'ill you GLASGOW (UPI)-Lllhgow ::?.,7!' ,:: :; ~ Jll'I !J"':...,,, ell~~! ~ft.J2
• • •
Ate they correct? Are they neaUy narrowed
in tbe leg? Arr they the proper lengUi?
They are neally narrowed -Thty are the
proper length -And they will Enhance your
Oacron•/\Vool Trousers $27.50
HE-WPORT llACH ""· ''S·07t2
• •
I ,i;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;il Sh rd Inc ha nh'ft;.,....a &Clu•ns Inc 36 2S>4i 2•"-?~ +1"'-urC>fnd 20a 11 start adopting lhe money ipya , ., I ~ a 11r1n11A1r .50 1u l~ U\11 ""' -\Ii urold f.i.10q
management poJicfes Which contract to build a 250,000 ton tl:r.J~ t: J; ::!'o 1ll\ u: t :; E~=~arii60P1
Cordiall y Invites You
To Attend A Se minar
Conce rning
wtll help protect your family. deadweight tanker fr o m t~;r1:' ~ ~ ~ ;1;;? :i•.1. _ ~ ~:i,~•:z .1.1~
Zapata·Nomess. Inc.. 0 f 11wvH1 .. , A2 J ti ""' •jlft -'"' F1trchc r"' , ewvH pfAwl I av; ~ ..ni. -11.11 Fa1rch H llff LET'S LOOK at this another Houston to be delivered m 8k1'nUG i.12 11 J1"11 l0r1 31:w. +1v. F1 rmant 1 8 CCI ll JS\11 UV. lS\loi + 'Ill F11rmnl ~f 1 way. Say you're a $12,000 a 1972. 11~= co pf i "'" ,,.,.. '"" -..,, Fat11a11 • .oo -_.;___.:...'-~-------------------JllWll Sh11rp 1 11 11'111 21'.t 21\'4._. V. Fam Fl~ l.XI
You 11111 1et 1 kicl1 out of~
for Cl1' 1r1CI lrveks • , • 'icli;ill(
tirts, sl1mmln1 dclors, hqtllnf
ovtr voh1mt discounts. 811t II can:
bt 1wfu!1y erpensive "11111"!
Cti111Cts 11e 11's 1 "pro" 11 tlTt
other tlld ot tllt dt1I , •• s11
you'd better hM 1 "pr11" wot'lllnt
J'Ollf tlld, too. Thlt's tthtrt wt
ceft.e 111, Wt'rt profrslfonal
........ "1ile ..... 111,. ...
1s ow bmlnlu. Wt 111J 110t
hnt ts modi ful as ,,.,. "-"
but .. sure an llVt ,. .,.,-
"'~ "'flftt italol pta lry u. (Me.-n., 1111., CG1111
111 for a ron of • frll •U. -·-J ·o..,.11on.Mtvw ---. -. -
Mac HowaRb
124 No. Harbor at flj>lsa. • Santa Ana
Telephone (7!4) 531-0607
11wn5hol 1.5& 15 ti\41 '''!• u•~ -1 F1n1!ffl Inc Bn.I Mr OS. •71 2S loll,I 2Hll -r,. Far West Fin Bua~t 1:2'0 2~ Jll~ 3"' 21"" -\~ FlrlhMI .IOb Blldd Ce1 .ID n JJ!'o 23vt ~ + ,... Fedder• -'9
BOidt F 11160 ! ~ •10 tloi -'4 ~~ W•
lludttt In '." J1 211~ 20Vt 21t~ -\~ F~:' t·1~ lllltl For• 1 » ll 3' 36"'1 + t,;, F, 10•• Bu!Qlll .Ill U 51\li Slllo SIU -Yt FotJtiii~ 'j'
But* lt1mt 20!' IJl.t l J IJ -"' F""Sion5 60
llullktt llfl.§11 1 ollllo'I -ICI '° -1 l"MDSlr !' lkft'I Ind 1 . .0 7~ .ct'lli .(It.Ii ~ -'I F"" MtCI ' nv llurndV ,11 JI li'i :IP.I ~ -\~ Fnnt CP 1 ..:I .....,......... 111 Ill,.. l:!ni 12'~ -1 ... Flllrfbr(t 1o
ihitlJnV 1.211 1 16\'I 25'"• 2'1'1 . Fi91«1M I.Cl aun1n5ll .eo lo :wv. 31\li 1f -1~ Fi11To1 1 ,. Fin Fedff•ln
--Fires!~ 1,60 1' :ash lS » -"' FslClwt 1.691 111 n~ IN n u. --\\ FslNC'I l.10a
ln1 :n.. l2 Xll'I +111. 1•tNStr .so.. »lii J5 JS + \ti lK~, \ . .cl :0 321'1 J:l\'t-1'1 h r1•• ... .. .. -1 llllet' . " j\'141 ~ H + 14 f 1""11M .lll 11\'t 17VJ -IV. f lln!llgte l ,~"" ll" :: " f11~i ::;ifl !l~ H.' = !? F ,nl' t'o.,f "1\!t ~\°;-\ F l ~AD
"' ~111 + °" Fll_l'(IOI' 1,5j
SHli 14 -i\li ~LIPw\.1 l.M lo\ • • • hKrl;p 2.03!
I 1• jg~ f:,;ii ~~~!l:I .If ,., J61~ " ~Z.c ~.u'o
" ~':? u '"'""' -~ • I~ -<\I Foore Cll .IO ~ 2'"' + 'Iii F<IOI~ Min uff = ~ ~:!.'M:1l'!o
\Ii .. .,_. ForMcK -~7S 'I' -~ ft,\t~ V11.IO H'h + \• FCJSIWhl Mb "I"' .. "' FCI!! WI'\ Ill' 1 2 -. ..... Fe1.t1aro .60 ~ ... .,. Fr ... Sir .a:!
«l.i +11i ~=~ l~ ~ ···" FUQ\11 Ind 1~~ ·~ 1"" ~m~:1.t-~ -... s '""° +~ w-.u -lV. ~ 1.-
-: ioca .. +: "' i:f" c_u. h'UI -" l!IY l.l!Oll ""' -~ Arr:1 Miii ~~.:.:.._ tr~.a, ., .. -.. a.llC: 3'
"'"' +"' Giei11 I" •• ,,., -114 '11 Cit ·'° ,. GftOevll .»! u ... t t• Gell,_ ,
"a -·· ~,,.'!! }:: ~ -It, Fd'; 1.0 , ... ~ "°''. .,... -... . ll'!M J.tl •,1. 1-1~ tnlmto •I J "' f'-;<II.Ii g~ • . Milli .IO t;f f!~( fl., ~ f" Mll!,1"'~~
::: 11~ n .... •I~ =:l .~
'! ''" " .. -~ '""" ,1 ;m '°"" °"" 1 "' Ubw1 I I 11: t 1~" 11: +1"" '" llt ,
' j
l ' J ' ' ' ' ' '
-Monday's Closing Pri~---Complete
St.ale Controller HoustoO 1.
Flournoy wW be the leatUttd
IJ>OUtr 11 the annual bankers
night dinner Tuesday, May 20,
" the 01<1 Ranch Country Club
In Seal Beacl) given by the
Long Beach • Oranp County
Chapter of tile California
Soclet1 of CPA'o.
Floum())' was chalrman of
Gov. Reagan'• advisory com·
mlslion oa tn rtform. His
topic wtn be "Tu Rercinn"
ond be It eipocted to com·
ment on the commission's
UYltlf's and ill report to the
New York
-"· ..., lt, 1 ... H •
Stock Exchange I.Ji st
•• •
• •
• .
)I DAllV l•ILOT "°"""· .... 19, 1969
• ' , • • For The Record
> ) m.,erce•;
' I
' I I
t I
t I
I I l
I t
--·.I' ·-' . ....
"" • ••
No othor now1pop•r tel11 VOii
rnoro, ,.,,..., .d•Y· 1boot whet'•
9oin9 on i11 t'lio Gr11t1r 0.1119•
Co11t tt.011 1'11 DAILY PILOT.
2 -for -1 Day
Got two ,,,,...,,cl 111t tickoh for tho Sundoy 1ft1rnoon, Juno T.
A1191l1 "'· Oriol11 91m1 •t A111h1im St1diurn for tho 11or1'11tl
prico of on1 ticket. ll11y on1: th1 DAILY PILOT 9iv11 you 0110.IJ
You c111 rtt•r"' 111 ontir1 1oc:tio11 or 1111! two 1tth. lut t•f yolll'
19orly to91tl.1r 11ow ond moil 111 tt.1 orolor bl•nl ~olow witfl chocli
or ll'loooy ortl" I 111 c:11h, plo111 I 011d h11rry. D11~Ui111 for ticlot
oNon i1 Moy 20.
Cl~ ........ wftti clleck M ....., .,.,., te: 1 · J·fw·1 ....... hr I
C/0 hWk Sef.&ee De,t.
lJt W . ..., StrMt. CMN "-.. Cellf. t26J7
l'LIASI 'llNTI •
··-_ ................ _................................................ I
···"·············-······-~--············-······---·-Cll't' ....................... ,_,,,., ............... io, ..•• --··----
,.._ ...................... -........ -.......... Dlitol, ... ____ .. _
sale of Ma.ybrool<e '
two-pant tropical suits
For one week only_you Of1 rnjoy special iavSngs 1on
lightweighr, comrortable 2..pant suits of cool Dacroo!9
polyester and long-wearing wool. Handso~uon
styling with side vents. A"ailable io .i rich ;choice o(
brighter·bfu";brown orgreypla:tds ilit"SOlidS~~ now!
regularlyBS.00 77~QQ
~ .
m•y co south co11I plaz•, 110 Gi&go fwy 11 !;r1sto1, cosla mtA; 546-9321
• I
new colla rs, new colors
in spec ial no-i ro n sh irts
Your choice of th! full continental spread collar or the
regular spread collar in these cool, no-wrinkle deep~
color' shirts of polyester and cotton broadcloth. Pick
several now for Dad in vigorous French blue, green,
gold, tan, grey or classic while. In sizes 14& to 17.
comp. value 5.00 2.99
mdY co men's fumishi~g 6
\ ..
s!iJ>p mood•y lhroug~ i.lurilay I 0 am lo 9:30 ,pm MA.Yeo
, . ,
.. -~ ·v.11ey ,.
-N.Y. Steek•.
' l YOt 62, NO. 119, 3 SECTIONS, 3.2 PAGES
. ,
• •
Broum Convicted
Phony Doctor's'..
Sentencing ~·et.
1l!r TOM llARtEY
-.. ..,,,.. .....
Superior Court J u d g e B)'l'UI K.
McMlllan ,bas' set June 5 u the date an
whicjl he will sentence tlronle County's
medical pnpos!O<, Robert Ervin Brown.'
He must decide iii) the next two weeks
what form that sentence wW take,. based
oo the jury'• vercUcf. that Brown, 33, was
guilty of two reioDy and 11 misdemeanor
CDW1ls. One count of falsely practicing
~icine wi~ a licmst was rejected
by lhe panel.
Comparable Superior Court ~ In-dicate that Judge .)(cMlllan may prefer
to eentmce Brown on the 11 misOe-
muaon ,alld, auspend sentence on the
Beach Police
Holding Man
In!';;i:tJ~p '_f~y
A 27.,..Ji. ~ Ga~J maii ~Waited
Saturday'bj'lllilillill1 ~ jiolice who
jailed hlm ... ouspicion <i allempled tlij.
nepplnc and asua1t with 1 de a.d I y weaPoa.
Arrested was David V. Lomas, who,
accordlng to police aecounts, grabbed
and t6,..lenl>d GJenda· A, Swearingen.
20. of aa Hlh st., Huntlngloo Beach,
Saturday 1aftemoon as. she was walking
near the intersection of Orange Avenue
and 7th Street in downtown Hwi~
Polii:e Wd lhe woman broke from the
gr8$p <i lhe suspect, who alleged!Y.
threatened ber with aknile. and sprinted tO pplice headquarters a short distance
. Lomu was arrested a short lime later
when police stopped his vehicle near
Warner Avenue and Pacific Coast
Mrs. Peek Released
From Springs Hospital
Mi"s •• Mametle Peek WU rtleued Fri·
day from Palm Springs besert Hospital
where she had been recovering from a
bullet wound in the abdomen since May ~-
The Huntington Beach socialite and
owner of the Peek Colonial Funeral Homt:
in W'5tmimter W8S shot two Wt:eb: ago
today when an apparenUy angry music
professor entered h e r Palm Springs
apartment, shot her and then kilkd
\. --
ft:lony convictions, each of which canie5
a one to: lO:year lta1e prilon year.
Each miademeanor ·calls for I ' six
month ' jail term. Brown could ht pi.it
behind bars for more than five years on
lhe lesaer counts alone if the lull lerQJJ of
tbo&e cbargt!I were applied.
But the judge may be content to
sentence Brown on the ife&onies, to run
coocurrenUy and suspend or dismiss ·lhe
mildartWQ" char&e&. Jle bu gi.Vf;11 •JIO
indication ol which eauta be wlll, tate.. ~
It took ·lhe jury :IS ~ to -·its verdict and Ibey filed intocourt .i 5"p.m.
Sabirday to rule lhat the .... ~cled
Alalwmiln falsely praCtlced medicine
when he poSed as a card.ioJoeist f~ five
weeks at a ~ c11nic.
Fourteen'<i llit ebarf<S'placed before
the jury stem""' lrom' bit treatme¢:. of
103 paU..11 1l 1111 North County foclllly.
IL bas been slaled i., lhe prosecution lhat
five of those potieoll died "•bile under
Brawn's care •>thot,lgb be bu mt
specifically beeb acCmed of· directly
causing their deaths.
Brown's .ccmvk:tion ·would -appear to
clear lho.>ilay for lhe fllln& of a,lawsuit
against .lhe Fullerl<xl Internal MedlclJ>e
•Qlni<: Wilm J1rown aerved .......... her
of'""-lluriu('' -·,~, of~ii.'· ~"'-: "\:: ·l'l :... -~:n~,,. ......?::,., .....,.. ..mO died . '!hile ~iilt~q-1.-0,~
........ "·"" lao!l lhal'1ds ~ iitiuld JOoi· te 'lbelr lllltfi-ti a don qailiil lhe Cliolc. '.
IL is understoocl<'lbat an allomey has
been retained and lhai prejiaration of tlie
law.Wt Is In Its final llqes.
Kids' Baseball
Set for Weekend
A doublt: header weekend ~ been
sdieduled by the Seal Beach Kich'
Baseball Asaociatioo with pruenlltiooJ
and an ice cream social • May t3 aDd a
parade tbrougb Seal Beach city s~
May 24. .
The ice cream feed will be held from &
p.m. to I p.m. at Zoeter School, loca1ed
at the intersection of Coat Highway and
12th Street
Oooalliins aiileded from the open to
!he public event will be used to support ·
eight baseball teams sponsored by
variouii Seal Beach civic organiza.Uoos.
The parade begins At 10 a.m. Saturday
In the municipal parking lot at 8lh S*t
and CentiaI A •e and 1'ill include most of
the downtown businesl dlslricl. All Sf.a!
-youlh ... ,an11atioos -been In·
viled to participate.
•• •
• • -
• ;' . .
l . ,
Play Mu~jc ·
Over RadiQ;
SPACE.. CENTER, Hoastoft (~
The . thtee Apollo 10 pllols turn'!i I
jookeJs today, radlolnll boclt topod·-
ol "Up, Up and Away" u they bcft *"'9
on the halfway mark of.America'• flnl1 . . ' palhflnding voyq:e for a minoed, "8mr.
iandin& ill July.
"i' lhougbt lhat aong waa ·-Gf-
apropoa," said· Eugene A. Ceman,~ .i
he, Thomas P. Slallord, 11, and fobn W.
Young, 31,, ao1;red into their leci>od_ day
. . . Adolllllul A~ -. ...... APOLLO 10.AST~UTS ENJOYING 'L.EISURELY.Rjl;!E TOWARDS THl!-f!\OON •
· Com1Mndor Tom Stoffonl, CrowlftOo I ...... Cor..,. ood John Y!IUllll • ol their dorlng •ilbl-<111 -Grbitinc adventure.
Hosmer A,sltjljg
. .
~Jet Noise
Over Harboµr
. .
Laird Asks North Viets I
To ·Release PriSoners
• ' J, ...
The astronauts, slowed by lhe fadlnC
pu11 o1 earlh'I sr•xlty to 1,m miloS per
hour In U hours; cl'oaed lhe 12S,t17-mlle
halfway mark to tht moon abortl7 after
noon PDT: .
A few mlnn Iater, a ohort bonl lnm
the ship's nialn rocket engine nudpd
Apoi1o 10 °""'lhe pr<elae polb Apollo II
will follow -it heeds la.nr!I ......
!Int \pdinl .. lbe -In Jaly. •
. CLEAR UNCERTAINTIES ;w.Nil!!NGTON,,c~) ,-~tarj>· 61 -Imrnediale relWe ol sick and Tho goal <i ,Apollo 10 ii io cleor up u Der~ '.Jl;el\?11 ,R. J..alnl , calloCI : UJIQll wounde<! pnsooers. . , . ~ of the ~ ...__
lian0t'<t<f4a)' f~ lJroiDpt n!le~ of'aU 1'!1Jl1'T\la~1insJ>e!:I-•of liclJil~ ,for . •i!M l\IOOll flillit aa, -ib~ le pove tho• ~~':~in·~ ~~~-~~~·-'; ;"J:J«lj!e ~rlc mooa lan41a&, Apollo
' • • . ;i• ,.. ;. ·~· ii ~ ,. ' ' .. :'!" "''~-.... -~ -'ll'Mlhiii, --~ lllQ .,. ..,.. . I:, ' ... .t . .. l _.1 ' ) ~ord and ·Ceman Oy their ~ -"~--: ,pr.. . ~ .r;..... ! . • . lap!!et"i!q>opy"•wlj·fnim~lntho ' ~= trUlmCDI f<O' • ihe l:aJr<I I -Mil\'. t0 , ...... _ • ..... --."aorflo "1JWn" iill
Stanton Child
Injured on Bike
A IO.year-old Stanton boy who was strocr by a car earty-ttm morning while
riding a bicycle II in critical condition
with severt bead injuriea in Garden Psrk
Hooplta~ Anaheim.
HOl!lpital aides uid Gregory Hanion's
heart stopped onc.e but that it was
started a&ain. Ht l\lffered a "cardiac
Police sakl the Hanson boy ol Im Ken·
nelly LIDe, wu bit by a.car1drtven by a
'!ielgbbor, William Bemlnger, 51, of •l
Kennelly Line.
. I ,
.I ' L -' t 'C
1twnJ .. buacired ,Al1iericn curr<olly fojlowed i., • ~ brteflnl IIJ.-._ Olj!J • .,_ left aboft lbe lorlicl-
locl:ed 1iJ! In Nortll -•-· ollldala on lhe ~ ~ Tliey d1"' m-llUl'face. , "The Ncirth Vlelnarne&e ha -!aimed •~kl lhe aame lnfolinallco bad. beeo Jl'l>' The CGDpleie Apollo 10 l]llC<illilp
that they are tiieitlng our me': ~ane-vided' to Am~assador ~ ~t ~bliftl a bullet with a spider ~
l " the def ' chief said "I , Lodge, the chief U.S. negotiator m oi:1 its nose, was working so well that Its ~· . . eme . • . am Parl.s. _ p11oCS lwd nothing more to worry about d~ by the fact that ~ ~ clear Offtcial.s said Lodge, u well 1111 lhe men today than the bitter taste of their heali .. ~ lhat lhip ii not,lhe.case., who preceded \UP> Wl!ler lhe Johnac!o »· i,. cblorinalech water l!ld •the llllD<i!'lnf
. LBlrd said lhfl ~y netl. l1)0l1l!I more ml~Uoo, lias rl)..,/ the Jl!llt<r of lbuda ol eOOlnil ricw llrlnp. •
than 21111 .Am~ ..me.~ will have prl~, bul the North Vie~ Except for their course adjustment and ~-~ti~ u pr~,o{ war or namese response "has been very limited more of the spectacu.Jar color telecutl
;'..,.'"'.""" In action for more than Ill thus far." . .. lhey•ataged shortly alter launch Sundoy,
·''This period of lime 18 '-• lhan The.Pentagoo llicf.lhe·n<ws conferonce lhe· veteran lpOCelnm bid -, "11 ~er _ "f'Y on~be, , : question was called achedu!e until Ibey braU into luilar ,..bit U.S .. -1ceman.wu held Jl'll9l'U dlirjlig bee of considerable inteml on !he we11n~-· · Workf..War lf'"be atated. .,_,, Llird tokl • coot~ the Pen pa of the press, but off t c i • I s 'Ibey JL!tened to tht morning n e w 1
' ... ~ . >~De"1· ci;aa.ii::• r . • ac~lecf&td tbatit ;w~,allo a ,w1y,to ~ l,lp from 0. Ml"'al Qe:dro9 lag~ ':!'1'1•ues to hope for_ .mea'nln,&lul get a message &er"ll_ ~ North \'.letnam. Ce\lter And !hen turned lhe tablea ud put
progress toWahi~rel~aseOf,~ "TM,other,aide ls.aware~ wblit we on their own~sbow, beaminr back the ... J>Fl.pf lhe .Pans peace talks,· but.be !!l'Y"'aaid'J~'i:ank Sioyena,.a-Slato Depart. "Up, Up and-J,way!' -..0.Uli<i!.reconled-olf\!ttll oo •n••••'>•gemeat lhal !his would rnent ~V.·who helped conm.;t by Andy Williams.
come aboot soon.. the prboner ........ '" ·~--ood ~. Laird demall!ied Iha! North Vielnom at -KUNO· , ~~" yoo guys were IO I w us
least adher< to provtStooa' of lhe Geneva wit/' lhe news !his mqmlng. ,.. tboulbl COll··-~•on which tt •-· •'--' which we d.11ve you some ~ ~)' ~k •=u • . · -.... ~. Huntington Beac_h from bm," Ceman 1old ground com-w.ou.Jd.allow. -· municator'Charles Duke
-Releaaeof..-olprirooersheld. Slates Realtor Week .:.ion: is~:" ~Jct~.~~
Stoefc Merfceu Roaltor Week ii\ Huntingtoo lltlch will quipped. "We had a little lmlble stowfn&.
NEW YORK (AP) -'!be siock market
clORd with a shit;> loss today" as brokt.rs
roponed profit taking weighing It down.
(See quotaUons, Pages llJ.11 ).
Tnding slowed near the close. The
Dow Jones industrial average at 1:30
p.m. waa off 7.$0 at 951.fl.
he observed wodnesday by lhe Hun-the bass drum aboard but olherwiae·.,..
t\ngton. ~cb Fountain Valley Boar<! JOI W'f' OK." .
Realtors with a luncheon at' the Sberaloo "Hey, tbi.t was beautiful,.. DUte'
Beach Inn, IUU.Paclfic C-ffIPway . replied "Somebody's voice is cbanglnJ
Mayor Jack ~ and IDIDY city ol· (Seo APOLLO It, Pqe I)
liciaia will he ....., o1 the realm .i lhe , •
,_ meetb)g. --·-lllll' he made by cal1lng M?.«Jll3. Bl~rg Moch Better
Worst El Morro Clirve
CAPE TOWN, South Africa CUP!) -
'!be condition ol Dr. PllUlp Blaiberg; lhe
workl's lonpot iurvhlml -lranaplant
patleot, WU much lmJ:l'OVed today, I
medieal bulletin said. • ...
·crash Kills Fo11Ir__Persons
The bulletin issued by the Groote
SCbuur lloopifal It riociii Aki_ Blaiberg
was "alert alter a good iiiifit and Is
eating ~11." Ear~ docton ~ said be
was maldng "good procresa." · .•
c.uc . .
, . -" • • .
" •• 11 • ' ·=· . . re' • , . . 7 J ....... ff-V ' -~-
I -
-~~~~--~----.0 . ----~-~--.,...--~~--~---..... -----------------------------.----~
-I Ull.'.f'l!ll.GT· " .....,., M11 19, lM
'lta!1'l111l•••lelt' ' . •
. I
f;an~i Top Her
. Court Won't Hear Dancer . Appeal
WASHINGTON (AP) -The Supreme
!Joun nlulod today·to -the ICI of
topleoo .111terlalner Kelley Iser -.....,., nlled the eyebrows cl local Pollcel>ut filled to Imp .... the Calllornia
Sujnmo !Joun U llJ1lhtnl.DIOl'I tqn I
''"" of upraaioo proto<;ted by 1be U.S. C<1a1Wut!on. . .
ll1lo lier WU lt1'0llod four )'WI 110
"""' porformtnc I dUce llhe Wied "WllJdnC Ibo Ddi" ID I SU Plblo, Cllll., ·~--IUlllJ .. ._ ... -_..dd llWtl IDlf .niloolull ....i.ct ID ..-.
Bui 11>1 Callloml1 8uprane c.un Ill
uldl lhe -Nlloll .lhe !!!" lerldllr ml 'lier llooo, Albert J. GI&
111111;. boldfng lbil b>p!IU dlnclDJ . WU
proloOlld upreaioa Wider lhe Finl -1111:·
ASking the high court to overruJe the
California Supreme Court and af!inn the
cmvictions against Miss Iser and GJan -
n!nt, the state declared:
"lt is ooe thln1 to portray nudity and
sei:ua1 misconduct . . . in books
magu.ine5, photographs and motion pie:
tures, but quite another to demonstrate
tuch conduct on stage and live."
Mias lier, luwerin,g the state'• •ppeal pet!Uon, defended her performance u
"an Mt form . , • used for the• com-
muntcaUoa. d 'idell"' ·and that there wu
no reaaon to distln&uJah between "live
and fixed Dledll communlcaUon of ldtu.";~ · , .
Jii.tlce Johll M'an11a11 Harl .. voted to
bear the caoe, but the 1ppeal failed
becluae the con1ent of at leut four
Justices . wu required.
For Smuggling l\fexicans
A 11111 Diel• mu, allqedly 111111111&1
Malclll llllll«WI Into Clllfomll, WU
onulld earb' thlx momlftl by Run-
Unatoo Beach police near Talbert Avenue
ml Golhlrd SlreeL
JUcbard Sprtqer, 15, WU IJTated at
1:11 LDI. wbln s,t. David Mlllor spott.d
him clol1n( the mmk cl hll Cll'.
"When I approached the car," Akt s,t.
MW«, 11J found four Mexican naUonall
croucbld lnaldt the trunk."
Sprlnl<f WU arrested Ind booted Into
Huntlqtoa Buch City Jill ·on charpl of
aidlnc alien• to enter tht country wtthout ·
-ldmtlllClllon. Pollce said Springer
was also wanted ln lm Anaelea for an
unklentlfied parolt' violation.
Jl(llJor said the lour Mea!Clll 1111Uonall,
OltANH (0'41 l'V"'ltttllrtl COMMff'I'
Ifft.rt N. W••• ~-'* ...... J.i. .. c.,..,
VIClt ,,....... -o.-.r.....,
"'-•• Ket.U ·-n-.. A. Mlrf•l•• IMllM!rl9 1.irw
A .. rt w. ltt•• WI.it"' ltM
.._,... HVllt"""'" ~
•1111111' Cltr l ....
............ OM.
lOt fth Sttttt
Ma1n111 A4""6t '.0· ... no, tlMI
--....... e..dt; n11 w111911-. ..,__.. o. ""-: m w,.1 ..., .,,., u.. hWli m ,...... • ......,.
,.. __ _ ------
Ill wltholll ldenU!Jc1Uon, will be beld for
imml&radon aatboritle1.
"I thfilk they mJcht hove been Iook!ni
for the Htmtlnllon Beech Labor Camp,"
uplalned Sgt, Miller, who added !hit
none of the five gave any aplanatlon for
being in the area.
The labor camp, at 1U51 Gcthard St.,
RrVeJ u bomt base for rru,rant farm
workers from Mexico who Cll1'Y im-
mlgr1lion permlla. It II run by the
Talbert Fannera' Aaocl1Uon.
Springer'• car wu reglatered to a San
Diego carutructlon firm, but Springer
told pollce be had Juat bouiht lt Ind had no.t tranafmed the QJmershlp paper1.
AldJna a.llens to enter the country 11-
JeaaJly 11 a federal offense and 'federal
aullillfltlet will be "'"J>Ollllble for brlnl·
Inf dwps •1a1nst Springer, police wd thla morning,
Aitkens Heads
·Kennedy Club
,Wllty Aitkin, an attorney from Placen-u-_, bu ~ elected president of the
newly org~ed Kehntdy Club of Orange
Serving Wilh tJm aa officers are Chuck
Lempeals of Anlbelm, vice-president;
David -Hernlndea of Santa A n a ,
treulirer, ahd Tom Newman of Garden
Grove, aec:rei.ary •
'Ille dub wu cruu.d by 1upporten of
the late John F. Kennedy Ind Robert
KeMedy Ind ls Intended to dlxeu11 and
pursue the 100Is they envisioned.
Seal Beach Meet Set
A l""I llld mixed topic qend1 fices
councilmen In Seal Belch bqlnnln( It I
o'cloet tonl(bt In CGUDCll chlmben of Ci-
ty Hill. It coocludol conalderallon of 1
pollcy Oil --· llmrorb Nnds and 1l)olnl nre dbpotchlng ., ..
!em with l!IJ\>dniton Beach Ind Wts~ -· .
22,300 Facing Draft .
WASHINGTON (AP) -The Pentlgon
cllled today for tht drlfUn1 of '2,:lllO
men In July. It wlll be the lowest dr11t
csll tbls year, down from June'• 25,900
and lbe 190/l high ol 33,100 In February.
DAl\.Y Pf&.Ofttillf .....
. "-I Wl1m1r Lll!ry
Nixons Plan .
August Visit
To Clemente ~ ..
President Nixon said today be 'plana to
be In Sul Clem'"te ID AUIUJL
H11 comment, made to a group l!t.
tending an award ceremony for two blind
students in Washington, D.C., came after
weeks of apeculaUon an when the First
F)mlly wlll l!ist uae their lieWIY-purch ...
ed summer White House, flte Cotton
."I'm going to be out there in August,''
the Preaideot aa!d to a Los Angeles
member of the group. '
Nb:on, in effect wu conflnnlng an
earlier rePort from Mrs. Nixon that she
and the President might be in San
Clemente in August for two weeks or a
month while Congress is in recess.
Completion of the deal to buy the
mansion and five sunounding acre.s ol
tht once-rural rancblaDd estate for
$100,000 dowo Ind the balece of th e
$340,000 over a five year period wu an-
nounced lut Monday.
FeSlival of Arts
Week Under Way
At Golden West
Eventl ranging from motion pictures to
a clotheallne art sale are being held to-
day through Sunday u Golden West
College preaents ita annual Festival of
Arts Week.
Free films will be shown in the Com·
munlty Center beginning at a p.m. tonight
with "The Fountainbeld." Also scheduled
to be shown al the aame time and place
are "Teahouse of the August Moon,"
\Vednesday and "The World, The Flesh
and The Devil," Thursday.
"Breakfast at Tiffany's" another
feature film. will be shown at a p.m. Fri-
day In the College Forwn.
Exhibit! or student adverU1lng art,
graphic prints and drawings will be held
dally. A clothesline art aale will be hfld
in the College .Center from 10 1.m. to S
p.m. Thursday and Friday.
Musical event! include perfonnances
by two jazz groups, a noon concert on tl1e
lawn Friday by the Golden West Band
and a 3 p.m. concert Sunday In the Com-
munity Center by the A Capella Choir
and Madrigals.
The drama department will present one
act plays in the Actor's Playboz: begin-
ning at 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday,
Stanford Chases 200
STANFORD (AP) -About 200
demonatraton, some weartna I a u 1 e
masks and helmets, were chased away
from the Stanford Re.warch Institute to-
day by squads of police wbo rushe<I to the
ICent iii buses.
Apollo 10 Vital Shot
Mi$swn Important to ~QOn Landing Try
8PACZ C1:NftR, ll°"'too (UPI) -
Space hlstortw et the future may men-
Ucm Apollo 10 only In pwtng. They moy
not" menUon It at all.
But Apollo 10 and the three men l1ylng
it are as much 1 part of the firtt
American moon landlna:as the· men wbo
11111' walk tharbamn surface July 10.
Without A~lo JO ml Allnlalull 'lbomas P. Eltpne A. CAn>lll
ad John W. ...,, !hi m-Iiodlns
"""Id be rlalder and ml&llt oot mm be poaible as aooa a planned.
Apollo 10'1 mlulon,, jU5t as earlier
_Mercury, Gemini and Apollo fiights, ls to
add to man's knowledge of the moon. And
the spedlic: P11J>OM of Apollo IO ii to
check nne probleml earlier IPflCl8IDID.
dlscovencl -prob!..,. wblcll mmt bt
.....-ot 1t -ondn1Iuod ...,_
Apollo 11 ... llDd lllelf ID 'tho Sol'"'
Tronqulllly .. the -llde "' lhe moon. '
Todly the -II couled tonnl
the moon, lchedul1ng only a brief ~
llrlnl to put them oa the euet couna
Apollo 11 ..Ul talle wh!il ll -Ill moon·lanc:ll.r1'1: journey. . '
Stalford, Ceman and Young blllled off
from Cape Kennedy SUnday In -ol the
almOlt fi1wlea launchel !hit hive ~
ed the c:umnl pb.-of the ApoUO pro-
They followed Amertca•1 ~ moon
mlsslon -the Cbrimnu voyqe of
Apollo I -llld Ibey led the w., for
Apollo 11, the ultlmlle Coll ol Ibo
Frot11 P .. e J
* * * APOLW 10. • •
though, or either you stowed eomebody
away up there."
"The VFR (voice tnquency ranging)
makes your volct a little higher,
Charlie/' Stafford S&Jd.
Stalford reported earller !hit thl
spacemen had 11a sreat night'• sleep"
after their acUon-twed launch day. He
said "all of ua feel tremendous this morn-
The pilota were awakened during their
first sleef.1 period aboard t.he 47-ton space
machine by a "kind of boom-rurn-rwn-
rum-rum" produced by the regular
burst,, of their 1mall l~pound attitude
rocket3, whlcb cootrol the spacecraft'•
posltlon ln apace.
"Every time the engine lirel It wlkel
you up," Stafford reported. He did the
"yrbol< thin( lhak .... during the oper•
tlon, Dul when ground contr.Den told
them It wu. nothln( to worry lhoul, the
astronauts went back to sleeJ!.
'Ille pllotl begon their .ecOiid doy aloft
with ltandml space fare -fruit cocktail,
&ugar coated com flakes and arapefruit
drink. That'• when they complained
about thelr water. Thtlr regular orange
juice wu alm<>1t pure chlorine.
"nlll morning everyone took 1 drink
and it WU fine, and then I tooi I drlnk
and It wu aboolutely ho!Tlble," Stalford
said. "I thought I'd get it on record."
Their nine Apollo prede..-1 had the
1ame problem and 1n all cues, con-
trollen rad.JOfld up lmtrueUona to make
the w1ter more palltable before mJ>lng
wllh fruit concentr1tes.
Rogers Declares
No Basic Shift
In Asia Policy
BANGKOK (UPI) -Secretary of Slate
Wllllam P. Rogen said today there has
been no basic ahllt in U.S. policy toward
Aala by the NlJ:on admlnistraton, only a
change of tone.
President Nix"on "la not going to back
away from our risponslbllitles In Alla.
He Is not going to quit," Rogers told a
group of about 200 American diplomata
and their wives on the lawn or the
residence of U.S. Ambawdor Leonard
Rogers' remarks to the embuly staff
were in the lllll• vt1n u bis arrival
speech, In which be ollled the SOUtheut
Alli Truly Orpnlsolloo (SEATO) "'" essenUal element In the peoce ol
Southeut Alla," and Aid thil area of the
world ls second to none In bnporlanco to
the U.S. 1Uvemmen1. · .
muitiblllloa dolllr, 10.year prosmn lo
land on the moon.
.\polio I ohowed the craft collld I<! to
the moon. Apollo 9, juat two lllOllthl 40,
showed the lunar lander, a trq11e,
almOlt tn.t..looklnc cran; worUd u
Why Ulen, ·-. ..UI uk, n~ onotber -beln tho landlnl? Apollo 10 ob-
jectjv. lodadlcl: ~ -.1 ..,.._ llld ,
confidence ln tblJu.nar lander; -T~ the APollo rendezvous radat
-the method the spocecra(t Ind Iun.ar modult (LM! uie fo find eoch otlier.-ol
ltl matmum range or about 3'0" mJles ~
-Providing additional toformatlon
about the future American landing 11te1
oo the moon Md the moon ii.sell: and
-Dllplioaunc u ..t!<>sely u poulb1'. ex
apt fer llndlng, the Ai>ollo 11 lllliilon
~lorJuly. .
High Court Backtracks
Over Jury Trial Ruling
WASHINGTON (AP) -The Suprome
Coor! baclllracbd Monday on Ila recent
expansion of the rlcht of dtlma to be
tried by juries when 1c:c111ed ol "oerlowi
A 5-3 ruling in a seemingly routine case
evoked gk>omy warnlni:s from Chief
Justice Earl Warren Md the court'•
senior: a&soclate JllltiCtf, HUJO L. Black
and William 0. ilo!Jllu,
The ruling approved a thr•yur ~
batlon eentence 1lven an Oklahoma man
in a federal leCUl'itiea caae.
Broad.17, Warren aald. lt stanaa "u an
opeo suggestion to the courtl to utUbe
oppressive practica. n
The cue involves Ben H. Frank or
Tulsa, who WU l&nteneed to probaUon In
11166 for crimlnal contempt. Frank, now
71, had been lc:c111ed al vtol.IUng I
government ordtr aaainst intentlte aales
of oil aecuritlea .
He uked for a jury trial but wu turn-
ed down and wu tried by a judge.
Only threo rear• ego the court beld
sentencu ezceedlng ab: months for
criminal CG11tempt may not be impoeed
by leder1l courtl without 1 jury trill or 1
waiver of the r1tht to It.
And, a year •CO Tueadly, the court
held the constitutional right to 1 jury
trial must be available ln all "serious"
crlmlnal cuea on the atate level
Fulbright Asks
U.S. Bear Down
On Home Front
Fulbrlpt sald ,todoy the United -DWI! get QUI ol Vietnam eveo tt !t·hu to
seWe for less: than a standoff and tum tta
attemlon to domestic problems that have
divided Ihe people Ind spowned 1 studeot
The chairman of the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee called for an
overhaul of what he called a foreign
policy of "chronic warfare and in-
tervention'' In internaUonal disputes that
he said i1 leading this country toward an
authoritarian government.
Fulbright told mllltary leadera 1n a Na-
tional War College speech that his
crltlclsrn wu of "mllitartsm" whJch be
said is domlnaUn& U .S: foreign Polley, not or "tne able, ener1eUc men who rm the
top ranks of the armed service.a" even
though he aa!d they "have acquired an in·
fiuence disproportionate to their numben:
on the naUon'11ecurity policies."
"'Ibe courage and endurance of our
fighting men cOmmand the respect of all
Americans," Fulbright said. "Tbe fault in
our war policy lies not with them but
With the pollUcal decis1ons which com-
mitted them to an lmporalbl< test."
Three Men Rob
Market of $1,085
Three men, one of them armed, held up
the Budget Pack Markel, at 806 S. Brea
Blvd., Brea, Sunday and escaped With an
estimated ,1 ,095 in cash.
Police Aid they traced the 1etaway
cu, 1 pickup truclt, to 1 lboppln( c:enter
.. Imperial ffllhwlY where If WU' lban-
doned shortly -the robbery. 'lbere were about a dozen customen
and five cJerb In the nW"ket when the
fobb<ry eccumd. No -Wll lnJured,
Neverthele.ss. a five-man majority
beaded by Justice Thurjood Manha!!
concluded the probation sentence did not
fit in the "1erious" category.
CdM'1 Mr1. Mildred Love
Governor love
Of Colorado
Mother Succumbs
Mr1. Mildred Shaver Love, mother of
Colorado Governor John Love and a resi-
dent of Corona del Mar for the pa1t U
yem, died Saturday at the age of 81.
Graveaide aervices will be conducted
Tuesday 1n Colorado Springs.
Mn. Love died at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Virginia Morrell, 315
Orchid Ave., after a lengthy illness. A.
native d Indiana, she moved to Corona
del Mar foUowing the death of her hw-
&.!Ides Governor Love and her
daughter, Mrs. Love Is survived by
another son, Richard of Colorado and 1iz grandchildren. '
.Th~ family has suggested that friends
WJShing to do so may make memorial
contributions to the American Caneer Society.
Council to Hear
Development Law
An ordintnce to govern construction or
planned developments In Huntington
Beach comes before the C I t y Council tonight
Councilmen meet In council chambers
of Memorial Hall, 5th Street and Pecan
Avenue, at 4:30 p.m. and again at 7:30
The planned development ordinance
bu been before the councll before, but
wu sent back to the Planning Com-
mlsaioa--tor changes after Councllman
Gecqe McCracken objected to the
poqlblJlty ol resJdential Jots beinr less
. thu 5,000 squan feet In orea.
From P .. e J
mdfertd when the other car caved 1n the
~ root of their northbound auto.
"--~ bodY wu left mashed against the
IMO& by the cruh, which was not wit-
-.! by ln)'one I I the inJlanl lt OC·
curred, lnmt!j1tors Bild.
Grim-faced rescue worke11 at the
~ VOftd a new campaign to get R
muimum 45-mlles-pel'llour speed lim it
•t the ftll·lmowu Sl1ughler Strip of l'Oldny.
El Mom curve hu telten """" of Uva om 1be yun. despite elforis to mote It Iller th""'l)J rtllectors u1
Giber devices u ftll .. ••ming 1lpa.
Tof> (:artoonist Dies
ST. LOUIS, Mo. (AP) -Daniel R.
Top of S-nd Cori n WlilCll-111rH Dlll'ShffrMI Off by L-n'1 H..illnt V"'1tcl1
Fttipatrlck1 78, who won two Pulltu:r
prb.ea for tdltorlal cartoons dur!ng hl!I 45
years with the St. Loub Post-Dispatch dled Stmdoy night ' ..._ ___ -
• \
• • . . •
• • • t
MONDAY, MAl( 19, 196' .. -• • -Laguna· ~H-air -list ~He .Id ' In~_Rohbery ;
. '
By AllTHIJR It VINBEL .......... ....,
A I.ocuna Beoch hair llyllll !raffling
with a poir ol hb lather's -pod prilaoi
buddi;s ii btld !OdAy, lollawillC a fij,GOO
bank rabbery and dramatic -with
lawmen In Bay\orard Friday. . ,
• Oemis M. Moran, IS. lormertY of the
u.i.i Del Camino, 1219s.Gout111(11wey,
WU! .Cbeduled for arraignment ;today '· before 1 u.s: ConimisPprwt'r on tbe
Down .:th e
' Trail
. .
Viejo . Library,
center· PJanned
MISSION VIEJO -A -acre J!llCd ,
o! land given lo oraoge Coonty by the
Mission Viejo CompOny ·will ·aoon beeo'!"'
tbe sit. ol a p.• branch libr117 mid
regional ,9_,, center·ber<. ·
The,ltlll lo localed cm Qiri11ant& Drive
,O'Oll -'Ille Moon! of ou ...
Lu~~ jlll '..ill of LO .Pu
llOad. cOnslructloo ii i>lgied lo start)n
1'70 ai!d·llioold be amiplll<d In tm. '
eBraUlau t. Visit
LAGUNA HU.LS -Sevfll'!. Braiilians.
all ~t -business and professional
m!ll. will be villiiog the Lilguna Hills and
Laguna Be.adt atta Friday a11 guests of
She Lqun& Hilb Rotary Club.
1'be men will stay in the Southern
CallltTnia -until May 30 studying
ICbools, coUq:es, industrial p 1 a n t 1 ,
boapit.111. and recreation areas under i......
study jirogr~ sponsored by the Rotary,
e 4%5 to GrlUluate
SAN CLEMJlli'l'E -Abciu\ 425 black·
robed students ot San Clem<n\e l!ilh
School will be graduated June 12 in
ceremonies at 7· p.m. at fhe • sctiOol
athletic field.
Valedictorian is Miss Linda Banks who
maintained a 3.97 grade average through
high school. Salutatorian is Tom Tullius.
Grad night party will be held at the
Monarch Bay clubbc>ISe from 10,30 p.m.
until 4 a.m.
e Pie r Cost Mounts
SAN CLEMENTE -Repair of the
lime-worn ·San Clemente Municipal pier
pilings Will cost about $20,000, or about
twice as much as originally estimated.
City co\DlCiJrnen Wednesday may decide
to spend the additional money.
Los than half the 49 pilings have bee'n
sttengtbened during repair work halted in
April when Ille budget.d amount of 19,896
was used, up.
e s.i.,.. r.i1cs S et
employes of Capistrano Unified School
District will present their salary pro-
posail for the 1919-ro llCbool year tonight
at the a o'clock meeting of the district --: Qt.her items laefore the school board In-
.. ,
federal <harps. .
!Ill traVeliq componiow -who ar·
rived on the Oranp C9all In Mardi alter
~Item prioon CU11A>d7 al Prt .. ~ ., wbtft lber .,. .. _.,, 45
~ ~ ~-:-... ""'.' bejdln
Gary L. Etherlcfae, 21, and J.lelvln D.
Walker, 30, Wijl be charged With two
specific bank boldtips. assault with intent
to" commit murder, auto , theff and kid-
Hlj'ward Police Ll. Georit K;Uy laid
today that lbelr youthful PoJ'tim may
have saved the life of a woman boltqe
by ~ oo lop of her Friday u lawman
riddled the getaway car with slugs.
"That's one thing in the kicf• favor.1'
he commented. ,
Miu Loretta Greenwalt, 26, was not in-
jured in the gun b&tUe with Haywi.rd
police. CHP officers and Alameda County
sheriff'• deputies alt.r being taken
hostqe Friday.
"Monn 11111 .. 11e 11uow &or 1o t11t blmd a•w ..... 1me11y· wltb a •
floor· and IOI on lop when 1111 abootlo( automati<;·cubloe. .
started and-tbat11 ber story too," Capt. He.· Etberldp and Moran 'ftN fh.
KeUy1salcl in an interview today. divldually anned wltll .II caliber
He Slid' lhe~waa taken is~a 'prisOner rriolvm' and are lllo ~ ln lHe
when police arrived 'al Ille Crocller Mar 1. rabbery ol a. lllln~ ol . America
Cttiuno B4nk in Southlaod_ ~Ing . b~in Hayward, the ~Ptalii pld. .
Center Friday after the robbery alann Moran told police a strange tale of
was trtgger<d. , , . coming home one nighl in March anc[ fin·
Police cJiased !lie lhree wpeded bank din& Ille pair -whom he had' _..11y
banclUI ~·live miles aci.a th< dty, 111'!,1 wbu. ?jsllln1 blaJatbet)ln ~ -
Capt. Kelly said,. lljdlilg lllil Walker wllli"I for blin. ·
Capl. 'KtlJri iald Mpan ..i1W!PI
they -· doint qui ·ol prloon ... -repor1edty Joki not lo worry, bul jd i.
forget about It.
The FBI hi.I • b1etrl seekllig \"them en
fugitive wan:ania aiace f they• eKafld
from federal marshals 'at Prince'8n1 Ky ..
while being transferred from oae •prilou
. t• another in,ilitullon. ,
Capt.. Kelly ,aald l!theridg< --•
lo 45 years ih. December, ~ for ,twak
•(tee ~1'p,'P ... l_I , .
·orro· ......... ras
Court Ovetturiis
. Lear y Rap'~ on_
'lncriniinatio1;1~-, ' . . -
Frein Win Services
The 11.S. Supreme CWrt today
unanimOusly voted to C\Vertum a federar
conviction ol Dr. Timothy Leary . for
possession of marijuana because1 ,pmt·
pliance · with the law wouldi li&er.ally
amount lo self·incrlmination.
Or. Leary, 47, a sometime resident of
Laguna Beach -where be and his family
currenuy·fac;e ~tfonaJ dro.g charges -
had been sentenced 14 four to 30 years in
prison and given a 540.000 fine. ·
The noted UiD experimenter was foond
guilty in Laredo, r.... of lllqally
transporting marijuana aod falling lo pay
a $100.per-ounce federal transfer tu.
Laguna Man,
Youths Die;
One Critical
A hi1h speed, headon collision ID which
one air~ car took tht roof off another
auto like a can opener killed four men
early Sunday in the worst accident in the . ' history of treacherous El Mom curve
near Laguna Beach.
The -~de a Laguna man riding
alone and three Loi Angeles youthS
JIU • Ceuly Ttalftc . 1111
'l'l , Dee.. Ttll 'It
whOoe car WU clipped a the GI\'<' buril·
ed •• , /I lil!lldii .don. 1 ' .
;tie, •icUms were idw!lllllld ,by· Ibo 'C-aDfjiniia,JllP.llq Patrol; .... :
•-. J, .... •, of 3111 Locllal
-'Rldor( c. ~ IZ. of'Clly ol Jn.
dustry. •
-Alu Hel~aber, Jt, of Van Ntoys.
-Mark Prettyma; IS. of Hollywood.
A fourth youth riding in the northbounil
car driven by cime, Sam PiielO, ~ Of
Los Angeles, is In O'(tical cor.dllloa today
al South Cout Community Hosplsil with
severe head injuries.
Investigators said ,the 12:10 a.m. crash
may have-been cauaed by Oiebm'1 falling
asleep at the wheel on the treicherotls
seaside curve of Pacific Coast Hi&hway
north of Laguna Belch.
'l'he southbound vehicle bounced off a
guardrail, hurtled across four lanes of
traUic, caromed off a dirt embankment
and shot upside down back inlo the road,
hitting Clark's car.
, "There was-blood and brains spattered
500 yards up lo the lop of the clilf," said
one fireman called to the scene to help cUt tiodles from the tangled steel with a
welding torch.
· The three victims In the Clarke car
died almost instantly from head injuries
(See EL MORRO, P11e %)
:Laguna High's
.Grad Party Sets
Tuienti.es Theme
~ aown 1 O:edslon for the first
time slnce Aa.soci~ Juitiee Abe Fon,.s
resi(ned !ail wee~ ·the lq ll),.urt S\li•
gested that •Dr. LWy wOiilil. bave ailJ>.
jec\ed hlmself lo lelf.JncriminaUoo by .. The "Really Roaring 'llls o I
payln( 1be tu. Hollywood" is coming Jo Laguna Beach.
The action today strikes down a section That'• the theme of um year '• Sukir
of tpe U.S. Narcotics linportalion Statute Class All·oighl party Jo be helil. June 13
which pmtiously ' mide possession or following graduation ceremonies .•
marijuana suffiCient (Qr assurnptlon that The party will "premiere." the Laguna
it was tllegally imwrted and the Beach graduates wllb a 1920s-tyPe movie
possessor knows it. premiere ~ with epot llghtl. red
Leary'i appeal attacked lhi<e federal carpet ahd i sidewall; inlenteW<i .
laws tha~ while not making J>ODt!Sloi' of Alter tbe reception, the graduat.s will
'' .. I ' . ,. ' ·T-~.-. I j • ·· ' " ~· I' " ~ • • ~ • ' ' • 1 ( • • j • ~~iM t(IAFflC OFFICERS $UltVl,Y S!ZENE',Ofi GR_(St Y EL MORRO, CRA°SH . .
1' Body of OM , l(lcilm• (left! LIH on Embonhmont Altar Belnt Th....., Fi'Om' Vtl\lcle , . · '
' .
Ii's';'Up, Up and Away'
For Apollo AstronalftS
' ... •, .
SPACE . CWrE)I., lloua,!Qn (Ulll) -
'!'be lhree /\polio 10 pilots tll'!led disc
jockeys tcidly, radi~ng back taped tones
of "Up, Up 8nd1Aw'aY."·as {bey boll! down
on the halfwciy nlari of Anierica's final
pathfinding voyaa:e for • manned lunar
landing in July .
·•1 thought' .that l:CJll& was sort of
aproPos," said Eugene A. Cems.n, 35, and
he, Thomas P. Stafford, 38, and John W.
Ywng, 3',,·soared in~ their ifcond day
Addltlo111I Apollo
Sloriel, P~e I,
ol Uieir dariog 'elglil-day DIOOO orbiting
adventure. , ,
The astronauts, &lowed by the fading
pull of earth's .iraVJty to 3,175 rollt!I per
hour In 2' lMkn, Croaed the t}s,M?-mlle
hellwlj' mark to the moon shortly alter
noon PDT.
A few mlnates.laler, a short bunt from
tlM! 1hlp'1 main rocket engine llU!lged
Asiollo 10 oolo the preciae ·path Apbllo II
will follcrw when Jt htldl~toWanl ·run'•
first landing on the moon Jn.July;
The goal ol Apollo 10 ia (o clOar up· as
many . Of ; the reinafnfng ~ties
about moon fUght as ~ble to' plve the
w~y for the historic mOIXI landing, Al>ollo
10'1 rill<iest test """"' Tbunday wben
Stafford aod Ceman fly their lunar
lander "Snoopy" awity from Young In the
·command module "Charlie Bi-own" and
'swoop only 50,000 feet above t he forbid·
ding lunar .surface.
~ complete Apollo 10 ljilctlhjp,
~ a bullet with a,lj)lder 11lllng
on 'Jts nooe, WU working IO well ttiat'lts
pilot& had noll!lng more lo worry about
todiy than the bitter taste of their heavi ..
ly chl6rln'at.d wa~ llod the aJ!i10Ylili
Ilium pt cantrel nteiet llrlnp. ' . , ,
ElceP.J fot their'~ ed)Qstmellt and
more of the 1peNcblai ·color i.secuts
they staged lbortly -launch Suodly, the veteran rpecemen bad an · easy
flee APOUAI It , Pip I I
Knox Crow Station Wins
Funeral .Setviee ·
' ' '
For El Morro ,'
Victim Scheduled
Private t.unefit service ,wm be:~•beld
W."9nesday for LqµNil\ Ronald' Dlebni; kill~ in an e·arJy morning"' trM¥ ac.
cident Sunday on Pacific c.oast ~ ·
.•t El Mor'ro. The accident. Cltimecl fWr
Mr. Di-. a resident of La!1Jila<irlicti . . for 15 years,. lived at 1475 Catalina Sited
with his wile, Norma and daughter,.
Deborah Ly.on, He w~ 39. ·Another
daughter; Linda Kay ls the wife ol :wtllim
Haneline, """ of Laguno Beech hGtelmae
Loren Haneline. • ·
Deatll 'was the mull ol head aod.s,,;
'temal • injilries, Ille Oraog• CountY,
Coroner's office said.
Mr. Diehm wu a former manqer of..a
Tic Toe Market in' h1'1ne. •
Mr. Ditlun ii aumrid by hb ·wilt,
Norina: dautbt.n, l)ebo<alh Lfftll, aid
Mn:. Linda Kay ffar\el~; brothef,
Cortland Diebm of' Maryland· Ullet ·
Donna Yohn, Jr., of Pemisflv.;..ia; aDd
Utrte grandchildren. / 1
Sheffer Laguna Beach • Mortuary ii
directing arrangemenll. ' I
er .. ,, clude actioo on two school plans, one for
Sl.nclilfJ Junior High SCbool in Sao
CJemeole and Ille olher ·for Del Obi>po
Elementary School in San J u • a
marijuana illteal, still, make su:pUvwon pa.a into the party au and a rep:educ-' A d
possible Jhrouih bnporl controls and tu-tlon ol the ~nut c..... • ·Laguna !B·eauty. . war aUen. There Will be 1 buffet dinDer and dan·
. c-a j
' .
e C..uh l•j•rv l'•t•I
• LAGUNA HILLS -Miss Mary M.
Laughlin, ro, of 414-C Avenlda Castilla,
died Saturday night in Hoag Memorial
Hoopltll Jrom injuries suflmod lut
wedne!day afternoon in a two-car crash
at Jamboree and San Joaqulfl roads 1n
the Newport Beach area, lhe Orange
CountJ .......... olfice reported
Laguna Mayor Name<!
.A.rt-~ard-Dirl(c;lot: . .
WC-BMCb Mayor Glenn E. Vedd<r
1W been Jll"Claimed an ex.oflklo
m<mber of the LqWa 8uclt Ari
-Board o! Dlreclor• by llclloa
of the board. I
The an -latioli Ibo welcomed Mn .
Munt Boyle of Soulh Laguno as a ·new
board member.
Justice John M. Har1an's opinion In th~ cing. · •
Leary ca,. that presumption of criminal Aalrolos!er Prlncas Aatra will aPJ1W' · '
involvement under the three laws must at UJe party to &1vt horwcope rudinp Knoi ennr Mobll station at 10C N. bt considered irratioilal aod arbitrary. · tor She graduates.
"He was confronttd With a statute, Tbe elaborate props used to turn the Cout HigtnJay, wu·nmned winner ol the
wbicll on Its lace pennitled blm lo ab Laglaia BeadlC Hl(ll SCbool patio aod ,_jabs award In the Third Annual
qtilre Ille dntg legally. J>rGVlded bO paid grounds lnlo the daullng llollywood Mermajds BeaullllcaUoo Awards lun-
lbe 1100.peMlWlce transfer Ju and gave seene have been rent.d from a mo~!< cheon loday Sn11-Beach.
incriminating information/' Harlan said, ·studJo supplier. In all, 19 ·aw:mU were handed qut by
speaiq for tbe coort. Headlng' tbe aeliior party are Mrl. ,the w-'• Dt ...... -.of the Q1amber o1 "Aod slmuf-y," Hatlan CGn-Patrick Cory and Mn . .James BOit.. ·-·-linued, "he WU conlrooted with 1 lfllem ~ ... by MrL Robort 'Mc~ C:0..-dlriDI cerea-al Hatel
ol replalloos which.•~ .U.O nell aod Mn. Jama Scbmltz. Mri. La~ -Good ii~, ~:.~ lD1 ~u.:.; -=..ard J~ua btada. the" (ood, ~ ~·-1t1, /O>i\e~, ~
. 'The Jurillt '"'11lnued. lo "'1 that l>r. •. .., ' ~ ~· 'f'liil
·LaarY bad pltn!y ol ~"'-='. ' , . Stoek Jl'4l'fll~~· · lS~.a.t~' , .. 'lllilt o1. :~=:-i:::.....: . .. ' : . ... :::::· --~
llwil bO bad.-........... JIOI. , NEW YOR!t W'l-'!llO ""*--'. ~ ..... -llbor'ttolta•:::r~
''11111 -id '""'1 ,,..... a slplllcaat c!Oled wilb a'iliup ,_ today,.u ~ =."!!" _, ·~ _!._._ .-..· -~ IJnk"Jn I chain ol -....... Jo ,_ad~ -aJPhil.j! .....,,, u-. ~I ~ ,_ .. _ -
establi!h hit 1Uilt -the atate mart. (See qU<~ 1'-lll .••• ~ ; ~~ -!'!!..·~~ .. ..'.' juana lllws," Ha~ notod. T!adlng" 'I'll' the~· 'no.. •-"'!"*le'!.-wa-0 -'""
The former Harvard ·l")'dloloQ pre-·o... J-' io! mt~· Ill ,utt Jdjltell ;llnllt. ~ S. llit
(lee L&\llY, P ... I) p.m. WU Gltf_.IJI ...... • .c · '~loo ,_ .CAllt•:O. I ~Ir '. . ....
• . ...:
I '
• --
·' ••
,..~ ....
Tep of Seond Car In Whldl th~ Died ShMrld Off by L .. .....,., Hurtllnt Vohlcle
Fre• .... e J.
suffered when the other car caved in the
roof of their northbound auto.
One body was left mashed against the
bank by the crash, w,blcb was not wii·
nessed. .by anyone at the inst.ant it oo-
cumd, Investigators Mid.
SecondGraduati"lg Class
At Viejo Awaits June 12
G'iiin-taced rescue worten: at the
scene vowed a new campaign to get a
maximum 4.5-mlles-per·hour speed limit
at the wtll·known Slaughter Strip of
!Oldway. El Mom cum bu tlltm scores ol
llv• over the y..n, despite efforll lo
mab It Aler througl! reflecto" and
-clevlea u well u warning llgns.
The .......i graduatJnc clua.of oenfors
will march down the aillel of Mlalion
Viejo High School amphitheater 231
strong on June 12.
'Ibeme cf the commencement whlch
will begin al e p.m. te "Growing Up''.
Honor l!Udenla Include Debbie Brouih
who bad the blll>eol grades of lhe
graduating daso. Second booon go lo
Palrfda Barber.
J't'Otll P-.e l
-Bay. "A complete 1111d well Mn. Zacbary T. Mlllby ol ~11 Linden
1bouf11>1 out plan fir !mpnwement of ez. Slreot; Ml\ and Mn. A. E. Worthlnllon ·~~ d-'-and·--·--····. UK ol co~ ol ill My.Uc Way; and Mr. and Mra. -~ ,..... ~...... WUllam T. Whit< ill of 2865 Riviera
or And materiall effective and notable.'' Drive, Irvine Cove.
Fred LIDll wu Jandrape architect. llemodeling and· lendJcaping awarda
-Commerclal Building ~ew, t be went to Iii winners. They are Dr. Art-drew Reil of 425 Graceland Drive; Lucian Tcnrm -Surf and Sand. 1555 S. Cont Horton, of 124& Temple Terrace; Mr. and
Hlgbway, Merrill Job!llon, president ol Mr~ Artlnr E. Dwecberry ol 27' Ruby
Golden Stal< Properties Inc. "A 1pec:-st.; Mr. and Mrs. Dae Schryver ol 714
toculJr.'coolribuUoo lo Lquna, not only Emerald Bay; and Mr. and Mrs. Boyd L.
In beouly and Importance but In quality Jefferies of IS Llgunlta.
ud ~ u Bea:utificatioo judges Wert M r I ,
-Walftr, chaJruwl of the Orqe <J«><! .-llelghhor awanla wue glvm lo o1unty Blcenlenlel Beautlllcalloo Com·
Mn. Barbora Pqe ol ID Bn>ok st., for nilllet; Foral D!Olwon, dlndor ol the
i,./ bea\iluul pi\lin arid Mr. ml llrs. chnce CGqnly Plom>lnl C-."*"'-;•
Leooanl· N. Jobnaon o1 oi Alta v';'.."1-l!anY BabblU, manager of the Newport "'{, • :t'mnls Club and Mra. Valle)' KnudKc. =~ ~tnctl"" '"""'4 oi-thett f.,_,. ~ "'~1 or, Loa,ADJl<i~ • . • . BeauWuL . A~Uon 1wards g l v e n In BeauUficaUon cbairman wu Mrs.
''r<cOflllltlon of 8UJlalned effort In maJn. Robert Peacock.
talnlng 1 aense of beauty and order over
1 Ioni period of time" wen t to four
Owners are Mr. and Mrs. WlWam
Jobmon, 428 Mountain Road; Mr. Ronald
Welton or 563 Cress St.; Mrs. Roslyn B.
McKinnie ol. 570 Cress St., and Mr. and
Mrs. Nalhan Quon ol 4S5 Loo Robles.
Commercial awards for "good design
and corffiation in commen:lal buildings,
new and remodeled during 1961" were
given to ten concerns.
They are: James Cahill Antiques, 1175
S. Coast lUghway ; William W. Leak,
Custom Finishing, flOO Broadway; African
Art Center oC Califomla, 50I Forest Ave.;
Foest Market, D> Forest Ave.;
Oh LI LI, 278 S. Coa.st Highway; The
Rtoef Continental, 910 Glenneyre St.; La·
mont Lanportby-Tom Lyster, 374 Ocean
Ave.; Kno:r Crow Mobil SlaUon, UM N.
Coe.st HJgbway; Gasparlan Studio, 12$4 S.
Cout Highway; and ChrisUan Able AIA ,
llSO Glenneyn"
New Commercial Buildings awards
went to four buJlm!sses, Christian Science
Reading Room, 284 Forest Ave.; Copy
Cate Bluepr1n~ 333 Thlr<I St.; Dr. Jee
Bray Medical Bullding, 3232Z Coast
Highway, Soulh Laguna ; and the Towers-
Surf and Slllld, 1555 S. Coast Highway.
Residential awards went to Dr. and
Ofl.fJtGI CQiU1 P'Ull llHIMO COM,.AH'f'
••Hrf N. W••' Pmkllrlf wlll ,....,....,
. J•c• R. C•tJrr
Vim ~n..._,. -Gtftlfll ~-
TJ.019111 k••Yil ••w
no11111 A. Mu,,.ki~o
M9 ... 1111t f;tllltr
•ick1r4 P. N1fl
LlitUrle lteell
(lly lllllW ---211 f•,.1t A'•·
M•ll lRt Atll4ttlll P.O •••• '''· tZ•IZ
o .... -..
(111 .. ~I Jll Wnl .. , lltMf """"'9 a..ui: "II WHI t.albN .... ._, HUM••wlM IMUI: JOtl 1111 l"'"1
'New Neighbor'
Changes Quiet
Clemente Duty
Alter a year of lonely duty on the
island of. Saipan, Chief Electronics
Technician Delbert Shearer asked to be
assigned to Ute Coast Guard Loran sta-
tion at San Clemente.
He got it. But It isn't turning out the
way he planned, what with his new
1be neighbor, who e:rpect.s to move in
for a 1pell in August, is the President of
the United States.
The Loran (long-range ald lo naviga-
tion) staUon that Shearer runs is
&f!parated only by a concrete block wall
from a 10-room Spanish house that Pres!·
dent Nilan is buying for f,340,000 as a
vacation home.
The si.J.-year~ld rtatton, where the
President'• helicopter will land, is being
translonned from a sleepy lltUe post lo
an official showplace.
The 11 men U:pect to 1et a tractor soon
lo cope wilh wee:ts and arus on the 1ta·
tion plot. The bueball diamond, which
will probably be !he hellpcrt, will get a
c:oatof aspha]L 1be.staUon It.sell, already
spotless, i.! Polished mart frequently than
Shearer, the officer in char1e of the
station, had cbosen the aulgnment with
visions of comrortable duty near golf
courses, be'achel)lllgllt spoti and recna-
Uonal fadliU.,, Since then be bu !old his
crew that while Ule 1Ull may be" 1ood in
San' Clemente, they will be expected to
perform e:rceplionally well.
"It's going to be pretty· rough," said
Seaman Bob Jordan. Then he milled
broadly, "J'm ltavtn, tn a week."
PT A Executives
Luncheon Slated
A potluck lunch for all o:ecuUve
memben ol Lquna Beach Pl'A hoard!,
holh 1ncomlnl and oulloln( officers, will
be beld Tuoaday fnim 10 a.m. lo 11:30
p.m. al the home ol Mrs. Bno:o Clark,
411 Le Droll -· At the luocbeon. memben will discuss
lhe r<e<nt Calllornla COogress Parenl·
~r Coma!Uon lll1d will meet for
evaluation, lde1-e:r:cbance and 1tneral
braln-atormlna, Mn. Lien Scott of lhe
Pl'A councfl aald.
GoW at the potlucl< will Include Dr.
WUllam Ullom, auperlnl<ndent o I
schooll; Owen Tai~ mlltant ouperln·
tendon~ and an LaclN Bead\ Schcolt'
prlndpols. '
,Student !lpeakers are Rick Chaves,
Whooe topic wllJ be "Happlneaa 11" and
Maureen can-, .. Loot Up, Look Out."
Robert Dahlberg, district superin-
tendent, will present the board and
acknowledge the honor studenta:. He and
trimee Chet Briner will p r e 1 e n t
Principal Jay qaD will ptta0nl the
clus. A aenlor vocal group will ling
"TUm Around" from "Sound of Mu.ale".
Following ·grachiatlon, the oenlon will
be buaed lo Dimeylai!d 1" celebrale.
llacoalalJroote will be btld In the
amphitheater lllo. It will begin at I p.m.
on J1111e •· The addresa will be &Im by
R<v. F.A. Wlll<JI, pulor ol the Aaem)lly
of God Cburcli, El Tero.
An award! blnquet to bestow awards
lo ""'1on and other bona< roll atudmt.s
WW be btld at 7:30 p.m. on May II.
Visiting Hours
At South Comt
Hospital Cut
Vllltln( bouri -at Soulh <MA Com·
mlltllly lloopttaJ for medlcal ml aurJlcal
• areas Will tie.,..._ throe bouri In Ibo
momlng begfnntnc JU;M 1.
. N~." yla/~ ~ will be from I p.m.
until e p.m. cially. Vla!lfnc .houri In lhe
ma~rnlty . .1!8fd ~ the lutensive care
unit are unchanged.
Present visiting houn az:e from 10 a.m.
to 8 p.m. Crowded conditions .at the
hospllal make the reduction rnandatory,
said Stanley W. Volga, hospital ad-
"It bu been our Policy lo be u liberal
as posaibte in according v I 1 I t i n 1
privileges -much more ao thlJ1 many
other hospitals -In recognition of the
morale-building value of frequent bedJide
visits," Volga said.
"However, owing to the preaenct of
visitors in the bu!y morning hours when
patients are being treat-ed and prepared
for the day, our nurses an e:rpertencing
more and more difficulty In completing
their routines, and the paUtnfa"' Jnterest
must come first." be said.
Doctor Imposter
Guilty; Sentence
Due on June 5
Of ,,_ 0.llY PIM! Slltl
Superior Court J u d 1 e Byron K.
McMUlan ba.s Id June 5 u tht date on
which he will sentence Orange County'•
medical imp>stor, Robert Ervin Bn>wn.
He must decide In the next two weeb
wblt form that sentence will take, hued
on the Jury's verdict that Brown, 33, was
guilty o( two felony and 11 mlsdemeanor
count&. One count of falsely practlcinc
medicine without a license wu rejected
by the ponel.
Comparable Superior Cow t r6COtd1 in-
dicate that Judge McMillan may prefer
to senteoct Brown on the ll ~e
meanon and IUlpend sentence on the
felony eonvictJons, each of wblcb cania
a oqe to 10.year state prl10n year.
Each misdemeanor calls for a six
month Jail term. Brown could be put
behind ban for more than five years on
lh• ,...., COWJla a1 .... ll the full termJ ol
UJOSe char1es wen applied.
But the ~ may be content to
seritence Brown on U>e (eloola, to run
l.'Ollc:urrontly lll1d lll!paid or dlamlas the
miademeanor cbar&es. He bu liven no
Indication of wblcb -tool'M be will take.
It took the jury 23 hcurs lo reach Ila
nnlict and they fn.d Into court at 5 p.m.
Salllnlay lo tvle that the besJ>tctacfed
Alabaml1111 fllltty practiced medicine
wbo!I be posed u a carc11oloPt fc>< ave
weeks at a Fullerton clinic.
Fourteen oi the chargea placed belcn
!he J\ll1 Altmmad fnim hfa -lmeot<I
10! pallecte al the North County fadlity.
It hu been stated by the proaeculloo Iha! n .. of • patiecla died whlle under
Brown'• w. allhough be hu nol
1pec!Ocally bttl1 •ccuaed of dlrtct.ly cauafnc their dealba.
... •• p ... J
APOLLO 10. • •
' Q.i'841)11. llrlk• Into lunar nit ;::z lilt .. It P.!_e mornjng n e W a
q t..°'t&.-..:ie:=
--· lllcltlllo ~Up m ~· m>dlUco ,_..... llrAad1W1lllaiill. ••lJlt.en, you l'U1I wen eo eood &o ua
wttb the ..... lllla .monlng .. theu&l>t
wa'd !11.vt you aome dllc jockty -t fnm httt," etrnan (old ground com--
munlcator Charles Duke.
"Thia II TGm and Joba oo the IUl!ar
...... the -"' ............ cam.. ~ "We bad a llltlo·tiolD!o atowtng
• tlie" &a.a cUum •hoard bit --we
Wert OK." •
.. Hey, that wu beautifuL" Dute
replied "Somebody'• vobl ls cbanglnc
thco&b. or -you llowed MMbody
IWlf up there ...
'"111e VFR (voloe l1'CluencY ,.,,..,.)
make1 your voice a· littie blgher,
OwUe," Stafford said. •
Slatton! reported wller that the
spacemen hid "a great nlPt'• lletp"'
altar their actlon·fllled launclt day. He
said "all of 111 leel -thla...,..
• The pllota Wert awakened darinC their
flnt aleep period aboard the 4'1·1on apaoe
machine by a "kind of boom-rum-rum-
rum-run1" produced by the regular
bursts of their 11mall 100..pound atUtude
rockei.3, which ~trol the 1pacecraft11
Posillnn In apace.
"Every Umo th<. englrit flrel tt -
you up," 51alfon1 1'ported. He aald the
"whole thing lhabl" during the _..
Uon, Dut wheln ground controllen told
them It was nothing to worry about, the
.utronautl went back to sleep.
The pllnte began their IOCO!Ml day alolt
with standard apace fare -lruil cocktall,
au11r C011ted com flakes and crapefruft
drink. Thal'• wbo!I they complained
about their water. Their regular orange
juice was almM putt chlorine.
"This morning everyone took a drink
and 11 WU fine, and Ihm I .lock a drink
and it WU ablolutely horrible," stafford
Wd. "l thought I'd get It on record."
Their nine Apollo predece.ucra had the
Ame problem and In all eases, con-
trollers radioed up lnatnlctlona lo mallo
the water more palatable before m1En1
with fruit concentrates.
From P-.e J
robbery and conspiracy to murder an
FBl infonmnt -w11 abot down a be
tried to flee the get.away car Friday.
"But he'• all right, just a wound in the
hand': be said, addlnr that Walker a1,.
auffered a minor abolpn pellet -in
a fln&a", while Mm-an wai not hurt dur·
Ina the exchange of two dozen ahola.
Coata Mesa Police LI. G-Walter
aald today that Moran It known lo local
lawmen and wu arrested me year ago
tllla Friday for a lflhllnl ihOp burglary.
Hayward police were: not certain e:r·
actly wben the. trio captured after. the
Friday holdup arrived in the Bay Area,
but 1a1d Moran wu in the SouUlland as
lite aa the last of March.
Capt. Kelly said Ethertdp and Walker
have been linked to H'm'al Southland
drug store hcldupo and • Harbor City
bank robbery, u well u another conr
milled rictotly In Colorado.
Nixon Planning
San Oemente
Trip in August
President Nixon laid today he plana to
be In 81111 Clemente In Aul'Jll.
HLs comment, made to a group at-
tending an award ceremony for two blind
students In Washington, D.C., came after
week:1 of speeulaUon on when the First
Family will fiist. use their newly-purchas.
ed 1ummer White Howe, the CottOn
"I'm going to be out lhere In August,"
the President Aid to a Los Angeles
member of the group.
Nil:on, in eflect was confinni.ng an
earlier report from. Mrs. Nil:on that abt
and the President might be in S.n
Clemente In Auiust for two weeka er a
month while Congress ii In recess.
Completion of the deal to buy the
mansion and five aumxmding acres of
UM: once-rural ranchland estate for
1100,000 down lll1d the balance ol t h e
SS«l,000 over a five year period wu an-
l!OWICed Wt Mocday.
Parrot, Turtle
Stolen in Laguna
A mulU-colored talkitla parrot WU
1n1tched from hl1 Laguna ~ perch
Saturday In a cue !hat Ille Included
' Police LI. Robert McMurray aaid the
130 bird and ,• IS gopher turtle were
stolen rrom the home of Mlch1el T.
Adana, 1304 Morniocskfe Drive. •
However. the \blef declined to tan a
pet SoPher Wke. The dayUcbl entry -
pined br brutlnc a alldlnr a1aa door,
McMumy ..id.
1n a commercial burstery cllacoYered
Friday al Ma1n1J Trouaen, 111 N. <MA
Hl<way, women'• clolhlq wwth '411
WU taao, aaJd the ofllclr. The Joa In
clud~ a 1100 faalhend not.
McMumy aa1d the tblal bad pried a
Iron! door hup open lo pin llllly. Tho
lou wu reported by owner, Jerry
Beavmr, 3M ,._ SL
DAILY PILOT Sttft ""9!0
Pltchtr JMM Rlcldle1 C•tc~er Glenn Vedder Do Honors
Late Jack Norworth Wrott Banball'1 Theme Song
• League ID Swing
Laguna 'Little Guys' Open Season
A thrilling extra inning battle between
Rotary and VFW opened Laguna Beach
LitUe League Saturday with the NaUonal
League VFW downln1 thei r opponents 12
to 11 .
In the first Ught contest of the double
header, the Elks edged the Pottery Shack
3 to 2 in the American Leaaue.
VFW wlnnlng pitcher Steve Brooks
Fandslammed a home run with bases
loaded during the game which was tied
four limes and went Into an u:tra inning.
He al.to clouted in another homer . Gene
Ober, starting pitcher for Rotary, abo
Chris While handled •ll"nlng pitching
chores for the winning Elka team and
Jim Am>ltroog pllched for lhe Potlery
Jesse RiddJe, fonner Laguna· Beach
mayor, stepped to the mound and pitched
the fint ball to Mayor Glenn Vedder to
open the game. Vedder deftly caQ8ht It
without mi.ship.
Riddle, for whom the field b named.
told the playen in opening rtm1rb to
respect the umpires and ofOclals:
"Don'! feel badly ll you strike oul. Big·
ger fellows than you strike out every
day ..
Complimentary Cncketjacks w e re
ouaed out lo the playen and aowd
Robb Baby Bapti.ied
AUSTIN, Tu. (111'1) -Fonner l'resl·
deal and Mn. L,.-.J-atlaftdtd
lho baptlam ol lhe1r cranddauatiler Sun-
day •l the aamo clluttb their daual!i.rs
wen bopllaed more lhan 30 yura 110.
Aboul U poraon1, lncludln( Luch1d1
Delba llobb'a parentai C1wle1 and Lyn.
da, attendtd Luclndl'a l>aptWn at St.
Davld't chuttb. The Rev. Charles
Sumntrt baptized the 6-monl.!Hld Lucin-
' -
which sang, 1'Take A1e Out to the Ball
Game,'' wriUen by Laguna's late Jack
The perpetual trophy was accepted by
Don Cooley, who last year managed the
winning Optimists which are now the
PoUery Shackers. Officials said food
sales were so brisk during the double
header that they had lo ~stock the 111p.
From P-.e l
fe&or argued against hl5 1966 convictJon
on the buis that he could not pay the
federal ta:r without lnCrlminatln1
The original defense was based on thli
ct1nt.ention and the Supreme Court uld
today that it should have been accepted
at the lower court level.
The eight-rpan court noted that their
ruling Is In line with dedstons of their
last term that self·incrimination 11 a
complete defense for failure to pay a
federal gambling 18.1.
Susan Leary, 18, was arrested with her
father in 1916 at the Mexkan border and
placed on probation for her connection
With the marijuana transportation.
Dr. Leary, his wile Rosemary and aon
John, 19, are c:urreclly laclng chargea of
posstssion of LSD and marlJuana follow-
iq ·their arT'esi l1le last December la
Laguna Beach.
Leary 's teen.aged 10n was also 1r·
rested earlier tn 1'88 on suspicion of
being lnloxicated in public, after •
housewife complalnfld ol a iuaplCl<lll
peraon on her front Porch.
J'hal cue wu later distnl&Sed on
grOunds that• front porch ii private pro-
perly, not a publlc place.
Laguna BeQeh . Teillly'• ......
'. ~OL:,,42, NO. 119, 3 SECTIONS: ~ ."A&lS McDNo,t. Y, MAY 'If, '1'6f.. • ORANGE cou,.nir;CACIFORNIA '·
' • ' I I ;
una -llair-~~t HC fa •. : n at ohhery·
~ ,• ... ... . s
By Alfl'llUa I\. VINSEL ledml _dilrga. • ' Hayward Police Lt. Georg. Kelly A>1 "Mana teila 111•be '111rew her 111 tho bllaC --""'llJ • 'wiflt ~· • Copl.l_JleQJ ~ * .. ·--., .. _.,.._ Bia ira..ui,, ~P'"""" -wbo ar-today that lbelr youthful P8rt!Jer may o-. ...i IOI on top -'tho_.. ...,..... ........ 1hoy _...,_-.,.al l!'D .,jwu
;\i:q;;iil'"'l!Ollili=""lil!i>='"'ify=u.:.1·'-'a"' .. "''"'""'·~ftfl!llt11 tb<"Oi*"1• CUal b1-·after-""" 11...i lhe lile ~!a womae ~~--lhaCs ber ~ • e>pl , , Ro,1 lljl¥'~ ...r .llloran '""' •• ,._tedly told DOI. lo_..,, blll ·joll lo · al his f !her' · ' .... .,.._ ~ from prlooo ~ at Prin-by lying·on top of ber·Friday u lawman Kelly -In an Interview today. cl!vIOOaDY armed Wlth JI ~ lorl'!. about 1t.
with a pair a 1 eaea,.... .,--.. celoa, Ky., where Ibey•...,. ........ 4S riddled the getaway car with sJ1111. He .aid she wu lakon as.a priooaer · 1'When and ""' silo •'-15 iD:lliO ,. The . FBI ,bas, been aeeking tlleJn on
::"' ~ andloda~'\17~{~': years fer bent robbery-.. -·held In "Thal'• ooe thing In tho kid'• favor,'' when Police arrived at the ' Ctoc;k>r ' Moy .I l!lbl>erY o1 a ·Banlt .. ol ~-luaUiye· ~ • .-Ibey ~
., S1n-<l1!111llll. he commeoted. Cltbens Danit In Soulhland' 'Sboppifig ' bnndJ l!l'Hattrard, tlie capQjn 11111. ' 'from lederai-lnarsiia&·at Pr-. Ky.
la_ In Hayward.Friday. .Go!J L. Elherldp,21,.'.'..,i M~.vlll D. Miss Loretta Greenwalt, 28, was not in-Cent.r Friday alter the ~ alarm• Moran·told--Pollce a •trance:-lale ol while ~g lranafemod from one~
Dlllllll M. Moran, II, lomier'1 ol the Walker, 311, will be clwpf' with two jUJ'Od In lhe gun batile with Hayward was triggered. · .,,..q hOme one nlgbt In Mardi M4 fin-lo lllOlher i-.itlon. ,
HoWDetCamlno, 1211 S. Coast llJllJway, specille•bent holdups. 1111ult with Intent police. CllP ollkers and Alameda: County Police cb84ed the three !IJSPOded bent ' dfnc• the P"V'-whom ~hod~ Capt. Kellyollid Etlleridce-!"J.len<oil w11 'aCbeduled for arr~. today to commit murder , auto theft and kid· sheriff's deputies afler being taUn bandlta about flve'miJOs acroa the dly, mat wblfe ~.1111 fllber,tirprt.m·-to Iii years In Decealber, 1917 !qr.bank
befon a U.S. Cammlq...,. Cll the napin&. · .. hostage Friday. Capl. Kelly said, adding that WllMr· wilHll>C' lor him. ' (~ llANDlTS, Pap,I)
' . ors orro ......... ras
Viejo Library,
<:enter Plannoo
MISSION · VIEJO -A fooe-acre parcel
of Jaiid liven to Orange County by the
Miision Viejo Campony will anon bec<>me
the site ol • SIZl,000 branch library and
r~ nier&* oen\Or·~·
The -II ._ted on Qniltanta Drive "°""' flom_ .tho Moon! ol Oliyae
Lulbftr rJiiirm i•l"··m'lli ol La-·°"~"""' -. ~,..,,.....,wt.rt In .
1970 ""' *"!Id be complelod Ill 1971,
;e B..CUlau te Visit
LA~A JllLLS -SeY<ll Brazilians,
all Jlr0!1l)nellt business and professional
' •
men, wilLbe villQng the Laguna Hills and -DAIL y ,PH.QT .... .!'!'!'9
Laguna Beodl 11rea Friday .. guests of • jjfQUEjflOl'I OF TAXATION
the Lquna 1118' Rotary Club. ,.._, w•---L · ~, ~ will' ·stay in the Southern .:.:,! "..!. • ~".'' Hey . CaJlb'nia ... lll!lil May llO studying. . • -•
ochoott, <Olleps, iqdultrlal p I a n t s , -,0. •
h<wrpllafl,, .... rematloa areas under a ~Urt . vert~ study prvgiam _,ored,by the Rotary. _ , _ •
•as•• Gr ... _.., ~,..-.._.Ra ·Qn ·
, SAN a.EMEJffE -About 42$ blacll:· ~ _f y _;.. p ..
-llodents of San Clernente llllh 1 '1ii .:-., ··-• ' Sd>ool will be graduated June 12 In cr1m·1napon ·certmODies-at 7 p.m. at tbe ld'aool-,. ,;..,, " --.. .-\ t.i~ ..... .t.
' athletic field. -~ " • Fnm Wire. Senioel.
Valedidorlln ls Mias Linda Banks who · ·
maintained a 3.97 grade average through ~· 1:1.S. 8¥Preme Court t o d a Y
high School SaJutatorian is Tom Tullius. unammously· voted to overturn a federal
Grad trlght party will be he1d at the couvictipn. of Dr. Timothy Leary ~or
M~ Bay clubhouse from 10:30 p.m. possessioD af mar,ijuana bec11use COT?J·
unUl ·4 a.m. pliance with the liw would . literally
" amount'to self-tncriminatkm. ' e Pie r Cart llfauntr Dr. Leary, f'I, a sometime resident of
SAN CLEMENTE -Repair of the Laguna ~a~ -where be and his fanµly
time-worn san Clemente Municipal pier eurrenUy face a4d1Uonal drug charges -
f,ilincs will cost about $20,000, 0~ about had beeJI, sentenced to four to 30 years· in
wice as much u originally estimated. prison and given a Sto,000 fine. The ooted UD expei1menter WU fiMKI Qty cotmcilmen Wednesday may decide guilty in IJaredo, TU., of illegally
to spend lhe additional money. •-·--'"'• ariju nd 'I "'·•to Less than ball the 49 plllngs have been --~·-. m 8DI a •-.. P'Y 1•-~......., during repair work halted in 3 $1oo.ptr-ounceJe:deraJ transfer ta:s:.
.. g'6 .. ~ .,. -Handing aown a aec::llJon for the .first
Laguna Man,.
Youths Die;
One Critical
A high speed, headon collision bl whlch
one airborne car took the roof off another
auto like a can opener tilled four men
early Sunday in the went •ccidl!l'.lt in the
history of treatherous El Morro curve
near Laguna Beach.
The 4ead include a tqwJa man rldiag
alone and three Los ~es yc:ulbs
Ila Coanty·Tnlllc JMI
Ded"'~1 71
whofe, oar WIMllppod ·~ '--burtl-
ed ·ov• it upsld6 down. o '
Tbe victims were Identified· by the ~·llltlnray PJU<i as: --·.& ~ •. of 36!i LocUll
A .... LaguiiiBMdJ.
--c. a.rt, 12, of City of In-dustry. '
-Alu· Hel-. It, of Van Nuys.
. -Mark ~u,;nu, 18, of Holl,ywoocl.
A fourth youth riding iii the northbound
car driv~n by Clarke, $am Prieto, 24, of
Los Angeles, is in critical cor.dltion 'today
at South Coast Communily Hospital with
1evere bead injuries.
Investigaton said the 12:10 ,a.m. cralh
may bave .been ca~11y Diohm's !ailing
asleep at .the wl)eel a1 Uwi treacherous
seaside curve of Pacific Coast Highway
north of Laguna Beach.
The llOUthboond~vetucle ~ oU· a
guardraD, hurUed across foUr lanes of
traffic, canmed off a dirt ernbaDtmeD&
and sixrt upside down back Into tho road,
hitting Clark's car.
"There was blood and brains spattertd
500 yards up to the top of the clifi," said
ooe fireman called to· the 1Ce:ne to help
alt boclies from. the, tangled 1\ed with a
welding torch.
The µtree victims in the Clarke-car
died almost instantly from head lnjufies
(See EL MORRO, Pqe I)'
Lagu,na High 's
Grad Party Sets
April•wben lhe budgeted amount of ,.,_ time since 'AaOclOto· JUl!ico . Abe F-.
WU used up. resigned lltt ~ Ibo· bigh court Ill(• T wenties Theme
• .,_,.:._ T.i•--S -t gested that. Dr. Leary would bave 11Jb.. ~· • '"" ~ jeded bimseJI ·to 1ett-1ncrimin1U<ln "1 paying the tu. The "a.any Roaring '20s o I
The action today atrlltes down a Hdion Hollywood" ii coming to Laguna Beach.
• ' I
. ,.. .... . -'"""""""'~
llCl!fY·<lf '0...'Vlttlm: (loft) Lfn 'on l!m!¥nk,,;..,t After ·-.1.., 1'.llroirri, From ,Vahlclo
lt"~.~Up, Up and Away'·
~, . .
F.or AJ??.Z.~i! A_s~rona~~-
. . ., .• ;,~i.... }.· ; j • ' p
SPA'Cf! CJilrn;R, lfll!!'(!"\ (jli'Jf .-l'ill'follow when ·H;he,ad11 lotrarii man's
The· -Apollo' Ml' pilots tU!;JM·ili!C. flnl. J4ndtng on the moqn ln~uly. .
Jockeyrt..ray, tllillolng bactdl!Ped-. The &oil of AJIOllo ·10 iJ io cJelrw ae of"Uy,'-tlpand~~"·ullt<yhOridown m>ny of the ··~ uncertalnU..
on the halfway mill41:: of•Ainerica'!I flbal: about mooa ntpt 11;.poeaiblt to'pal'e1tbe
pathfindlng voyaae for a manned lunar way ·for the historic moon 1aQdinc; Ap::ltb'
landing In July. . 10.'•! tiakieit' teat:c:.un. n uarMlf when
"I th<Nghl that aong• was, •llOrl of Stallord1 and Ceman fly tlJelr-~
apr<>t>01," 1aJ~ Eugene-A. Cetnant 3S, and Jender"'Sdc:>opy" away frOm Youoa: iD tll8
he, Thomas P. Si.afford, 38, and .J~ohn .W. cofnmand\module1 0 CharUe lhw.n.1.1 land
Young, 38,, sOarod ~to tbeir·leCOnd day awbop •onl y.50,800 f~.al:iove tbl 1 for~
. Add!Uoul ApMlo ding ~ surface. . .
Stories, Page f ' The oomplele APollo JO .spac81iip,.
rmmbllng a bullet with a spider ·sitting
of thelr •dlrlng eight-di)' moon orbiting on ib DOie. wu working so well<tts&t·its
.adventure. pilots-had nothing more to worry about
The astronauts, slowed 'by the ·fading loday·tban •lbe biller Iulo of their hea•i-
pull o( earth's gravity to 3,875 mila per ly ·.chlorinated water ad the annoyinc
hour In 24 houri, cr-.1 lhe>~,917-mlle lhuds.al 'coatrol rocilat llrlnp. ·
ballway mart;1o the moon lhortly alter ll>cept for lbelr coone adi"'1mtnl and·
noon PDT. more of tho spedaculat mlrr teler:aab
A few minutel la!eJ', a short bunt from they llaged llhortl!' aller lama Somay,
the llPP'• mai'1 · rqctet .ename nudied tbe veteran 1p1eemen had an easy
Funeral Service
' ..
For El Morro
' Victim Scheduled ' ' . -~ 1'.i•ili< 1.:merar -~ ·-Ji.•¥if wednesd.1 ror. Lagunan .RoaaJd D1e1mJ,
killed; in ·an early· morning.: tf.me1 *"'
cid<rit Sunday Oil Pllcilic .Coast ~ ·
at El Morro. 'nle accident ,<!aimed. f"!t
fives, ' •· ... \ . ' ~ . Mr-Diehm, a reslden~of·~
for 15 years, lived at 1475 Cal&JJna;h'tiet·
w'ith 1\is trile, N.rnia "1<f ~!er,
Deborall Lyoo. He was 19. An&tJior
daughter. Liqda Kay (I tjl~ wife ol'y."lllhn
Haneline,,.,.. of Laguna ---
Loren Hanelioe. ~ ""' the result o( heed and) ..
lemal Injuries, the Oranao County
Coroner'• office said •
Mr. Diehm was a former manager of a
Tic Toe Market in Irvine, I
Mr. Di-ii "'"lved 11)'. his wife,
l';Ol'l)lll ; danpten, Deborah Lym ,and.
Mn: Linda: Kay Hariellne; brother.
Cortland Diehm ol ' Maryland; ailto<, CAPISTRANO BEACH -Non-teaching
employes of Capistrano Unified School
lliltrlct wlll present their salary prOI
posals for 'lhe l•'IO school year tooight
at the I o'clock meetln& ol the district
achool trustees.
of 111e·u.s.. Nararllcs Im-'•Uon Slatuto Thal'• the Iheme of this year's Senior .-·-Ciua All·aighl party lo be held June 13 which previously ~n.te pca~111kln of following gradoatlon certmolllea.
Apollo 10 onto Ibo procile jllth,Apollo 11 • ·(lee APOLW u,.Pqe II Donna Yohn; Jr., of Pmnl)'1vani1; mil. , ..
three grandchildren. .
Other Item!! before the IChool board in-
clude actioo on two school plans, one for
Shore<lllfs Junior High School In San
Clemente and lhe other for Del ObilPo
Elementary School in San Ju a a
e Vr .. la l a jurw Fatal
LAGUNA Hl1LS -Mias Mary M.
Laughlin, 'IO, of 41«: Avenida Castilla,
cfied Satllrday night In Hoag Memorial
doopital _from Injuries suffered Jut ~-aftml&n in a tw(j;.car crash
at Jamboree and San Joequln roods In
U>e Newport Beach area, the Orange
Ooullty -·· offloe r<ported.
marijuana suflk:ient for QllUl1lflllon that The par!J will "preml.re" the Laguna Kn Cr s • w • .
It WIS illegally imported and ' the Beach gradualea with a l9IOs-lype movie o' x . ow talion· , ms pos1<,slOI' bows it. · premiere mmpl~te with spot Ughts, red . · • , ' .
Leary's appeal a!ta<ked three federal carpet and a sldewallt tntorvtewer.
laws that, while not makln&·poaesslon of After the reception, the graduates wiJI
rparijuana .. illegal, sUII mib supervillion pasa into lbe party ma. and a repraduc· Lagull' 'B. . ' A. d
poaibte lhnJugb imPorl controls and tu· tlon ol lhe CoOoanut Grove. , a . e'nu:ty: ·: :w· ·.ar" r : ,· ation, 'Mtere Wfll be a buffet dlnaer ·ind din-A _ JultiCe John M. Harlan'• opinion tn lhe cing. 1
Leatnvotylvecuement~t.i~reswnlhe ~~ olfawcrlms ml~ Astrologer Princess Aatra will appear •\,.•~•Maier , ' . , : ~~· uum -· at the party lo gin horoccope readings Knox crow Mobil SllUon at · 104 'N. dramallcally una.adln& a vital C<ll'll<T"in be "1llSidered irrational and arbill'lry. for the graduotes. . • the~ ~a" 111 tlie judpo, , Cloud)', IOQY mom1op ccmtlnue
"He was confronted with a statute, The elaborate props used to tum the Coast lllllnray, was.named winner,ol lhe The Judiies noted the "CU11idento ll)d to· be lbe oni... ol · the do)' along
which on Ill face pennlttod hbn to ..,_ Laauna Beach llich School patio and a_. award In .the Third Annual attracllve uae ti vlnerr and iJptbra Is ,.. the -· with '.l'am'1's tempera· !E'"11~perdrug tegatranslly, pn>videdf , __ • .!'.!' pold grounds into the dmllng Hollywood Mermaida Bu~atloa Awards lift. emplil(Jcndtbequalltyallftakrilli.'' turea rariclnl !rom 17to11.
w.:: _.. ~ -er ...... ~ gave. scene have been rented from a movie cbeon \odly ln"Laguna Beach. , filf -«non wu prelented the Laruni
incrlminllting Information," Harlan aald, studio aupplier. In all ,'11 a•ards wm handed ou1.by ~-al ,Sweopllaka.-Aww bf Loma INSIDB TODA.Y
speaking f,.. the court. Heading the aeniGr party are Mn. the Womet1's Division.of lbe.<llamber. of ~ The award II P,.,. for, • "And limwim-!y," Harlan con-Palrick Cory and Mrs Jama Bolte. Commerce ......... ..,emoa1 •. .at Hole~ .. coatribulloo !Otbi beulJ of, Wo!Or, loot<T ...,.,..llf<•,,
tinued, "he .... coofronted with a l)'1Um DecoraUom ll't by Mrs. Robert McDon· --...... ·-· HOIO lt o'rts lh<T• il& tM pre-
ol regulatlom wblch, ac<ordlng to. the nell ml Mn. James Schmllz. Mn. 1-Laauna Beach Iha! -• -~ • _., • f<rr<d cool, c"°" -ll Ifie
Sheffer Lapoa lleectl .. MOrtUary ·II
dirocting arr~ts, . • . . .
LagunaMayorNamed g.....-,,prohibitedblmt--;; Richard Jahr--~-· "!·included·,Good ,Ne!P~ ~~1·~ •' ·••·. ,..~of llte lk~ . • cjiilrlngmarijuaaaunderan,;condflioao. mt~. , · •. ~-Ctilr!s,z;;r .• iii.;..,~"' 1~ f , • -~•~"'il1!( • Wat,er,-~trifW,S<ctNt,.29)• •••
Art Bo . d Dt" ector Tbe~jurist continued to Dy that Dr. • '..... "' ~ ~ 4 I ,,f .·,, ,~·· ·r ... t".~·' ~ . " "' ~ t '
Ill'. I" ~mo-,11'-to.·'!lll"llili<"-. ', .. -~-~) ...,.., .. ;;J. ... Jli ... jlliil Mr \' -·· ·---••• ' ' '•) ' th6..: .,_ WNtrb•iivta!JQ \or.il l -:°' , t .si...-I':•' ; • .... ~~.ti(; ~ • .li.1f • ~ .. · = .l =.. ..... ~
Laguna Beach May,.. 01tm1 t.\\d~ 1iwme0if he dnlttedto 111e ..,._ : • • beiill 1oct~1n Lqlloa llai!l>.'11!!!!( •!f!l'{iwr ,,,.b~1anc1 JanclWNI>> -. ~ - -•
hu been p:oclalmed ,e 8.:i,..U~ lhali>ehadobtaloedunrecbWedpot. NEW,YORK(AP)'-,.tlock~ Inc ·-·~~:::~~ tji"'~ ·.nan*':"~~\ "'" '•:-'; =·= ..:: member of the Laguna "Thil...uldturelyprovealignlficallt clnsedwllhalbarl>loa~ 111":f. and~.1Qll--• .,.,...,....,..., Jilllildi. 11'< . 1,""t =:: " -:=
Ap>datloaBoardofDiredDnbyactlon link In 1 cb.liD of evideoce leodlntl •to reoone<tprolil!akingftlahl/.itt . *'41 ~.-~q. ~ntllnl '=£•~·"" •-•·'.'::' ,,:• ~-!!
of the board. eslllblilh his guilt _, the llato mart-(ileo quotaUons, Pages 11'.IO;: bol ...... .,S ,.,..-; ( : ~Inf .u.iri." ··' ;:;:.. "'~ ;;;;;;;,-';
'!loe·art.-latloaallowelcomedMn., juanalaws,"llarlannoted. Trading 1i<Jwed ... r ti. cl•. ed'llllloilWIO'-~ .-~at 11111,~,1 '::-._ • n --'aa =t.=.~~ Swth Laguna 11 a .tw nw, 'is: =~P':~·pro-~ ;:'s":i,~Ji.;-••>1 : ~ ~~~n~, ~~l .... ~~'tl'~~·1~~ , · ~ ·
' ---.~ ' ~ i ..... . ( I
-. ' t • • • ... • '~ n.e.rtw ...... SOUTHBOUND DIEHM AUTO (FOltlGltOUND) LIES UPSIDE DOWN AFTER l'ATAL CRASH
Top of -5-nd tar (n WhlC!i '"'~ 101~ si,..rod Off by Logunan'1 Hurtllnt Vohl~I·
,.,,.... .... fl l
' .
suffered when tbe other car caved bt the
roof of their northbound auto.
One body was left mashod .•aalmt the
bank by the crash, which was not wit. .-/rt uyone 11 llie Instant It oc, cumdi lnvesllgators aald.
SecomlGraduating Clms
At fiejo Awaits June 12 ..
Grim-faced rescue workers at the
scene vowed a new campalgn to get a
m-axlmum ~iles.per.-hour speed Um.it
at the well-known Slaughter Strip of
roadway. El Mam Ouv• bu taken _ .. o!
lives. iMr the yean, delpllo efforll to
mab -It aafer throllgb ""1ecton and
-ilmca u well u warntni sllflll.
1lll -araduallllg clua o! tenlors wW 'march dowo Ille .W.. of MlJalon
Viejo High School amphitheater 231
strong on June 12. Theme of the commencement which
will beafn at·t p.m .. 11 "Growiq Up".
--lnchide Debbie Brough wbo hid the biahPt arodea o! the
groduallllg clala. -booon ll'I to .,.trtcla Barber. \
. l'roM P .. e l
-Bay. "A complete ud well Mn. z.charir i .' Mat.by o! 5ii ~en
• ~ .... , out plan for lmproYemenl o! u· ·Sine!; Mr. ud Mn. A. E. •wortjllnsion .......... o! llO .M)'ltlc Way; and Mr. and Mn.
terlordal111andlandac1P'n1.u .. o1co~ William T. White_ Ill o! ile6 Jllvlera
dr ud ~ala effeCuve and notable." Drive, IrYlne Cov~. ; .
Fm.Lind wu landlCajlO architecL Jlemodellnr and land>captn;''awirda
-Commercial B\llldlnr New, I he weal to ala wtnnen. They "" Df. An.
Towers _ sun and Sand, 1565 s. Cnut clmr Rdl of G5 Graceland Drtv~; Lucllfl
· _, J HGrton, o! 12te Temple Terr .... Mr .. ud llllbw11. MerrW Johmon, presld= ~ . Mn. Arthur E. Duaenberry o!.m lluby
Golden St.to Propertl• Inc. "A opec-SI. · Mr. and Mn. Dan Schryver of 714
tacu1ar coolributloo to Laguna, not '"'1 E.fterald Bay; and Mr. end Mra. Boyd I;. .
In becmly .and lmportuce but In quality Jefferlea of 23 LalllJlllla.
and mlrllnt." · Belulllicatioo Judltl were M ra •
Wesloo WalHri chalrmln o! the Oranp , Good Neipbor awardl were liven .to Count)' Blcenleolel Beaulll.il:l:f Ji.;
Mn. Barbara P.,. o! 1111 Bn>ok SI., for m!U..; ,_ Dlcblocl. " .
bar -prdm end Mr. end Mn. lnal• COUnfy l'llnntnr ~;
Leonard N. JOO..... o! 411 Alto V1ata Harry Babblll, ~er of the Newport _...,of..... Tenn!& '<h\b and Mn. Valley Knudaen, Way, for the attractive .. -·-. ~ !i>mder ·.00 pretldenl o! i;oa Alirdea
bJllalde. fNopo.1y. • Beelitilut.. . ·. ·, '
AJllir1Clatron awards 1 l v en ln-Be&utlfic1Uon chairman wu Mr1.
·~ of llUllolnod effort In main-Robert Peacock.
taJnlng a ilense.· of beauty and order over
a Jong period ol time" w en t to four
Owners are Mr. and Mrs. William
Johnson, 428 Mountain Road; Mr. Ronald
Welton of 563 Cress St.; Mrs. Roslyn B.
McKinnle ot ~10 Cress St., and Mr. and
Mrs. Nathan Quon of 455 Los Robles.
Commercial awards for "good design
and correlation in commerda1 buildings,
new and remodeled durlng 1958" were
given to ten coocems.
They are: James Cahill Anllques, 1175
S. Coast fOghway ; William W. Leak,
Custom Finishing, 500 Broadway; African
Art Center of California, 50S Forest Ave.;
Foest Market, 2.10 Forest Ave.;
Oh La La, 278 S. Caul Highway; The
Red C«!Unental, 910 Glenneyre St.; La-
moot Langworthy-Tom Lyster, 374 Ocean
Ave.; Knox Crow Mobil StaUon, 104 N.
Coast Highway; Casparian Studio, 12M S.
Cout Highway; and Chrinian Able AlA,
ISO Glenneyre.
New Commercial Buildings awards
went to four businesses, Christian Science
Reeding Room, 284 Forest Ave.; COpy
Cats Bluoprint, 333 Third SI.; Dr. Joe
Bray Medical Building, m23 Coast
Highway, Sooth Laguna ; and Oie Trrert-
Sulf and Sand, 1565 s. Caul Highway.
Residential awards went to l>r. and
lebert N. Wee4 .. _...., .... '""""'-'
. J1ck •. c.,1.,.
Via ,.,._._ eM ~ .. Miiii"'
TlleM•1 x ••• n
TllOIOlll A. M11·~hl11•
~''"' l•ller
kich114 '· Nill .__,_
CllY ••ttor ---JtJ Feiett A••·
M•IR11t A441eu1 P.O. 111 666, 91612 --c-i. -.., ,. ....... , '" '""'' .......,., itMJU m I Wnl ..... ....,......,..
~ IMal: Jlf Jltl SINet
'New Neighbor'
Changes Quiet
' Clemente Duty ·
After a year of lonely duty on the
island o! Saipan, Chief Eleclrudca
Technician Delbert Shearer asked to be
assigned to the Coast Guard Loran sta-
tion at San Clemente.
He got it. But It isn't turning out the
way he planned, what with his new
The neighbor, who expecll to move ln
for a spell in August, is the Preatdent of
the Unit..i Sta ....
The Loran (long-range aJd to navit;a·
lion) station that Shearer run1 la
separated only by a concrete block wall
from a l~room Spanish house that Prell·
dent Ni.Ion la buying for '340,000 as a
vacation home.
The ail-year-old 1latkln, where the
President'• helicopter will land, 11 being
transformed from a sleepy little post \()
an official showplace.
The 11 men expect to get • tractor soon
to cope wHh weeds and gra11 on the sta-
tion plot. Tbe butball dlamood, which
will probably be the heliport, wlli gel a
cotl m upbalL Tbe station ltoeU, .U.ody
spotless, i.s polished more frequenUy than
Shearer, the olflcer in char£e of the
station, bad cho&en the assignment with
visions or comfortable duty near golf
coorses, be:~1, niCht spots and recrea-
tional laclliU... Since then be bu told hl1
crew that while life still may be rood tn
San Clemente, they will be expected to
perform e:rceptlona1ly well.
"ll'a goln1 to be pretty rough," Aid
Seaman Bob JCJ1'11an. Then be amllod
broadly, .. I'm leaving in a week."
PT A Executives
Luncheon Slated
A potluck lunch for all uecuUve
membera o! Laguna Be1ch PTA bomla,
both lncomlnr end outcolng ofllc:<n, will
be held 'l\Jesday from 10 1.m. to 11:111
p.m ... the homo ol Mra. Bruce Clark,
Ct Le Dron St...t.
At the I~, memben will di!C'USS
the r!CfJlt Californll Congmo \'arenl·
Teacher ConvtnUon ind will meet for
evaluation, klea-achange and 1ener1I
bra&Htormtnr, Mn. IJen Scoll o! the
PTA council llld.
Gu..to al the polluclc will include Dr.
WilUam Ullom. auper!nt<nd<nt o I
1 11Chooll:i Owen Tait, 1utstant tuperln-
tendent, and aD Lquna Buch Sclioola' p<1ncipab. . -
8'udenl speakers are Rick Chaves,
whole topic will 'be "Happiness Is" and
Maureen Carr, "Look Up, Look Out."
Robert Dahlberg, di&trict superin-
tendent, will present the b o a r d and
acinowledll' the honor aludento. He and
trustee Chet Briner will p r e 1 e: n t
Prlnctpt] Jay lngall wW pneenl the
cluo. A aen1or vocal croup wW ling
.. TUm Around" from "Sound of MUll.c".
Followlnc ,nduallon. the aenlon wUI
be buled to Dtane:y!aod tO celebratie.
B-will be held In I be
mnpbllhoater alao. 11 will begin 111 p.m.
on JW!e I . The lddrea wW be liven by
Rev. F.A.-Wllaon, pulor of the Aaemhly
of God Cllureb, El Toro •
An awardl banquet to bellow awards
to aealOfl an_d other honor roll lladenll
wUI be held 1117:111 p.m. Cl! May D.
Visiting Hours
·At South Coast
Hospital Cut
Vlaltllw boun 11 SOUth Cnut C«n-lllWlll1 HOlpltal for -.al and aurlflcat
l1'UI wW ~ abortmed lbne bitn In the
morning belflnnlnc June !.
Naw vlslllllg boun wW be !nm I p.m.
until I p.m.,daliy. Vlalllni bcicin In the
maternity ·ward and ~ lntemlve: care
unit are unc:hanced.
Present visiting hours are from 10 a.m.
to a p·.m. Crowded conditions at t h e
hospital make the reduction mandatory,
said Stanley W. Volga, hospital ad·
"lt hu been our polley to be u liberal
as pc>Mlble in accordin& v I 1 i ti n I
privileges -much more so than many
other hospitals -in recognition of the
morale-building value ot frequen t bedaide
visitl," Voi,a aaid.
"However, owing to the presence of
visitors in the busy morning hours when
patients are bein& treated and prepared
for the day, our nurses are experitodng
more and more difficulty in completing
. their routines, and the paUents' int<rest mun come first," be M.
Doctor Imposter
Guilty; Sentence
Due on June 5
Cit "'9 Delfr r111t SI ...
Superior Court J u d g e Byron K.
McMillan hu set June 5 a the date on
which he will sentence Orange County'•
medical Impostor, Robert Ervin Brown.
He must decide ln the nut two weeks
what form that sentence will take, based
on Utt! jury's verdict that Brown, 33, was
gultty of two felony and ll misdemeanor
counts. One count of falaely pract.icin&
medldne without a license wu rejected
by the panel.
Comparable Superior Cou1t records In-
dicate that Judge McMillan may prefer
to se:nteoce Brown on the 11 misde-
munora and 1uspend sentence on the
felony convictions, each of which carries:
a one to l~year.state prison year.
Eacb misdemeanor calls for a 1l:r
month iall term. Brown could be put
behind ban for more than five years on
the lt11er COW>ll alon< H the lull terrna of
thoee charges were applied.
But the jud&'l may be content to
unte:nce Brown on the felonJes; to run
c:oncumntly end IU!pOlld or dllmlaa the
mitdemeanor charges. He has given no
indlcaliOft o! which course be will toke.
It took the jury 23 houn to read Ill
verdld IJ1d they mod into court al 5 p.m. Saturday to rule that the belpe<tacled
Alablmlan l•laeiy practiced medicine
when be poMd u a canllologlst for ftve
weeU at a Fullerton clinJc.
F-o! the charges placed btlore
the JW7 ll<mmed from bla tnatment o!
IOI palienll al lht North County facility. ,
II hu been at.led by the prosecution that
ffve of thole paUento dlod while andlr
Brown 11 care ~lthouih he bu not
1pecl!IC11ly bee1o accused of directly ctllllnl their cltalhs.
1'1111 P.,e I
:A:POU.O 10 . • •
....... -tltl; llrak• Into lllllll' orbit .......,, . ; !lit' ~ lo the momlnc ft e W I ··-.. er. &bt....,.. Coatrtl c-.•--·-......... Pll • - - -beaming bad: Ille ·~ U. .. Mnri1• rendltioo recordoil -., Nr41 wma.m.. ' S I
"Utten, JOG lllY• wve 10 tood to us
with the newa thla morninr we lhoulht
W<'d liV. }'OU iome d!IC jockey w<irk
from hut," Ceman iold ground co~
munic1tor Cbarlea Duke.
"Thia la Tom and JohD on the guitar
and the three of 111 stncma." Ceman
qulppod. "Wa bod a little trouble llowlng
the baaa drum aboard but otherwiee we
Wert OK."
"Hey, that wu beautiful," Duke
replied "Somebody'• Toke ii cb&n&in1
lhouih. « either you llowod IO!ll<body
away up there."
"Tbe VFR (voice "'°!lle!IC)' ranlflnll
maket your vok:e a little hltber •
OW-lie," SWfml ~
Staffon! reported earlier lhal the
.-pacemtn hid "a creat nlght'i sleep"
after their tcUon-Ollod launch dly. He
aald "all o! UI feef lremendoua fhla man>
The pilots were awakened during· their
first sleep period aboard the 47-ton sp1ce
machine by a "kind of boom-rum-rum-
rum-rum" produced by the ngutar
bl11'8ts of their small 100.pound attitude
rockei:.s, which control the 1pacecraft'1
pooltioo bl apace.
"Every time the eogine !Im It wakea
you up," SlalfCJ1'11 r<p0rled. He llld Qio
"whole thing lbakea" durtnr the opera.
lion, Out when ground cont.rollers told
them It was nothing to worry about, the
astronauts went back to sJeep.
The plloto bepn their aecond day aloft
with standard 1pace fare -fruit cockta.ll,
aupr coat..i com llakea and arapelruil
drink. That's when they complained
about their water. Their regular orange
juice was almOlt pure cblorine .
'"11lll m«nlng every-look a drink
and it wu fine. and then I took a drink
and It wu abaolutely horrible:/' Staffori:I
aaid. "I thought I'd get it on record."
Their rllne Apollo predecessors had the
same problem and in ·all cues, con-
trollen ndtoed up lnltruction1 to make
the water more palatable before mi:rJng
with fruit concentratu.
From Pci,,e l
robbery and conspiracy to murder an
P'Bl inlonnant -was shot down as be
lriod to nee th> get.way c11·1'rtday.
"But he's all right, just a wound in the
hand'' he aakl, addinc that Walker also
auffered I minor lbotcW\ pellet wound in
a finger, whlit' Moran wU not hurt dtu'-
tn1 ·the exclwl(e o! two dozeJi alloll.
Corta Meaa Police LL Glenn Walker
Slid today that Moran la lcMwn to local
lawmen and wu arrested one year ago
thla Friday for a lighting shop burglary.
Hayward police were not certain ex·
actly when the ti'to capttftd after.the
Friday holdup arrived in the Bay Area,
bul aald Moran wu in the Southland u
late a.s the last of Much.
Capt. Kelly llld Elhertdge and Walker
hive been linked to several Southland
drug ~ boldupe and a Harbor City
bank robbery, 11 well u another com-
mJt~ recenUy in Colorado.
Nixon Planning
San Oemente
Trip in Aµgust
Preaidenl NU.on Aid today be plana to
be in San Clemente in August.
H11 comment, made to a lf'OUP at.
tending an award ceremony far two blind
students in Washington, D.C., came after
weeks of speculaUon on when the First
Family will first use their newly-purchas-
ed summer White House, the Cotton
"I'm going to be out there in August,"
the President said to a Los Angeles
member of the group. .
Nixon, in effect was confirming an
earlier report from Mrs. Nixon that she
and the President might be In San
Clemente in Augult for two weeks or a
month wlllle Concress is ln rece:u.
Completion o! the deal to buy the
mansion and five IWTOUnding acres of
~ once-rural ranchland estate for
lt00,000 down and the balance o! I b e
SM0,000 over a five yur perlod~na an-
oounced lut Monday.
Parrot, Turtle
Stolen in Laguna
A mulU-colored lalklni parrot WU
snatched from his LalUJ'la Beach perch
Saturday in· a cue that al.lo included
turtle:napplni .
Police LL Robert McMurray aald the
l30 bird and a IS aopber turtle were
sto)en from the home ot Mlcb.ael T.
Adams, ll04 Momlnpid• ~ve.
However1 the thitf declined to tUe a
pet l"Pber analce. The dayllcht entry WU
laJnld by breaktnr I llldlnl glul door,
McMWTay aald.
In 1 <ornmen:lal burrlary dlocovered
Friday 11 Mainly Troulen, 111 N. CCI.II
llill>"ay, women'• clothli1fl ww1h 1411
WU taken, llld lht o!ftcer. The Iola In
eluded a 1100 flllherod verl. •
McMutr1y llld Uil lhlel bod pried 1
flonl door bup -to Clin entry. The
kJu WU l'Oporled by owner, Jerry
Beaver•, 305 Alter St. ...
... _-; -.-
Pitcher Jun RldclS., Catcher Glenn Vedder Do Honors
Late Jeck Norworth Wrote Be11bell11 Theme Song
• League ID Swing
Laguna 'Little Guys' Open Season
A tl\rtlllng extra inning batUe between
Rotary and VFW opened Laguna Beach
LltUe League Saturday with the NaUonal
League VFW downing their opponents 12:
to 11.
In the first tight contest of the double
header, the Elks edged the Pottery Shack
3 to 2 in the Amtrican League.
VFW winnin& pitcher Steve Brooks
grandsl~mmed a home run with bases
loaded during the game whlch was tied
four limes and went into an extra lnning .
He also clouted in another homer. Gene
Ober, startlng pitcher for Rotary, also
Chris White handled opening pitching
chores for the wlnnlng Elks team and
Jim Annstrong pitched for the Pottery
Jesse Riddle, fonner Laguna Beach
mayor, stepped to the mound and pitched
the first ball to Mayor GleM Vedder to
open the game. Vedder deftly caught it
without mishap. 1
Riddle, for whom the field b named,
.. told the playen itl opening remarks to
respect the umpires and oUlclals :
"Don't feel badly U you strike ouL Bis·
gtt fellows than )'llU strike out every
Complimentary Crackerjacks " e r e
oaaed out to the playm and crowd
Robb Baby Baptized
AUSTIN, Tez. !UPll -Former Preti·
dent and Mra. Lyndon Johnlon attended
the baptlom o! their arandd1ugbl<r -day at the same church thtir daughten
were baptJted more than 20 years ago.
About 45 perlOns, lnclud!na: Lucinda
Deab1 Robb"• pare•'-'· Charin and Lyn.
d•, attended Luclnd8'1 b1ptla:m 1t SL
David'• church. The Rev. Charles
Sumner• baptlted the I-month-old Lucln·
da .
which sang, "Take Me Out to the Ball
Game," written by Laguna's late Jack
The perpetual trophy was accepted by
Don Cooley, who last year managed the
winning Optimists which are now the
Pottery Sbackers. Officials 1aid food
sales were so brisk during the double
header that they had to re-stock the sup-
Fro'" Pag" l
fessor argued arainst his 1968 conviction
on the basis that he could not pay the
federal tax wlU1oot inc rJ m In a tine
The original defense w1s based on lhls
contention and the Supreme Court said
today that it should have been accepted
at the lower court level.
The eight-man court noted that their
nillng i.s in line with deciilom of their
Jut term that self-incr imination Is a
cqmpiete deftMe for fa.llure to pay a
federal gambling tax.
Susan Leary, 18, was arrested with her
father in 1966 at the Mexican border and
plactd on probation tor htr connection
with ~ marijuana transportation.
Dr. Leary, his wife Rolemary and aon
John. 19, are curn.ntly facing charges or
posses.sion oI I.SO and marijuana follow-
ing their arrest late list Dectmber ua
Laguna Beach;
Leary's teen .. ged tOn was alao ir·
mted earUe.r In 1968 on 1usplclon of
being lntorlcatfd in publlc:, arter 1 housewife ,complatned of a $Uspld<NJ
person on her front porth.
That case was later dlsmlmd on
grnur.ds that a front porch Is private p~
perty. 'Mt a public place.
I ,,
...................... ~~----~,,,_--.......
....... ~ 'I. ,. .....
' ..
·Th• .Laguna line . • •
Women Close Sea-s.on . . .
·With Burst of ::Activities·
Flnal burila of ~tlvitles : .ri l!<iPi' emilted by orea
women's 41"0Ups before sub-
mergiq for the summer
• mantha to store up ....rgy for
the fall awon.
4 'IW wam ~lone offers
-· ·-lncludinf tht 1-a,Bacb Phllharmaoie (lcwmq-·· bmcbeon booted
tQiuor1ow al 11:30 a.m. by MJ'i: James B. Keyes ol
Emerald Bly.
'JU8T A few other hap-
penlnp comln1 up tht next
aevm daJ• include a luncheon.
. !« tht ~ of Hearta GuUd, OlUdi'en'• Hospital of Orange
,County at noon nen Wed-
,ntld&y in Ben ,Brown' t
A TASTE of Everything
Porty ii planned by tht
Servlco Leque, Sl Mary's
. EidJ!:opal Cburcb of Laguna .llOocb• nest 'lbunday, from
_I :Otito 4 p.m. In the cbutth.
111:-1 ll II: ND JI. V !M1
i ,
·No WaviJr .. I •
Of Baton
. • c;eorae cwlnlnciwn wm
«>bllno>oJo lead 1-a.~ . . o, ....... 111. CGa1:er1 Alloii!a·
tlon'1 ,e!lorl& to brin& 'Koii!l •
111111ic to Jbe Ari COiony, Ii
wu decided during a .-
ammal boord of directon
He will be ulilted by three m .,..mOats. or. anc1 1o1n.
Lawnoce F. While and COL
W111om H. Roley. Col. Rolt7
il·ln d>arp_ of memhonhlpi;
and Mn. While ii pabliclty
· Other executives are Mrs.
Arthur S. WUey, secretary and
Mrl. Amy G'od1haw ,
treuurer. M I s s Frances Ghri-and Mn. John c.
Lilotcari• ..... oltded to tht
Despite inflation. members
Of 'the auoclaUon will continue
to mjoy .four outllandlng
miioic:ll eventa In Laguna
Beech. Hilb School's
auditarium for $1, the same
price.paid In pnviOUI years.
The 1•10 ttllOD wilt open
wilt the New York Lyric
~Nov. 2. It wUl loclude
the Dol~
11'4'Mrnble, Duo-p I an I• ts
! ..... and Howard and will
c loae .. with Shl1emi
-· Son Francl!co Opera C0.'1 femed I y r I c -· ruiuior lnlonnatlon may be
obblaod by c:alUng the preei·
Ant, •toa « Mn. WUey, tM•.
' .
WILL offer
several inter-
23, ·will be an important date
for First Ni&hters who will
toast the end of an era 'at their
Opening Night Dinner_ j'W_
before the Prenilere o f·
"Dylan" which closes their
1968-U season.
When the fall season be~
the n e w Laguna-Moultoo
PlayhOU!e will be openlng, and'
the auxiliary ai:ain will be
serving the playhouse.
Hostin1 the. party in Victor
Hugo Inn will be Mrs. Harriet,
McConnell, president, i. n d .ON. WEDNESp~y,-May 21, board members-the Mmes.
it will be difficult to decide Violet .Adaim; Colin Timmom.,
just·What to. do. There~ be Mary de Bus, Dorothy Daven-
two fashion sbon.orrthil busy port, GlaclV Tb om pa on,
day. (,Joe, a-Red;·Wblte-.and WUliam BM!lll<, EI 1 a
Blue Fashion. Sliow· Is ~ Mcl:.eod. ~ Mllaby and
presented --1-to-3,p.m, In Donald v-.i. ' . '
.1UN cox esting ·distrac-
tions including the Laguna
Beach Assistance League's
final lecture in ils Town Hall
Series MoodaY t May 28,tat' 11
a.m. ·when famed •0 Mu·sic
Mati" Meredith Willson 1akea
tht stag<. . In South Cout
FINI MUSIC AWAITED ~ Leaders ol LaJUDa Buch Community
tOJ1cert Association anticipate lhe rour C9f!Cerls ~ will bring
to the· Art Colony next season. "!'hey are (left to ilgbl) George
Cunningbam1 presidenti Mrs. Lawrence. F. White, third vice presi·
' . I
Tog Seniors WeiQhed
' . . •' llejJii· good student,s will pro ye profttable' forrgr>du-
aUn·g ~seniors of Laguna Beach High School, ~clud(ng •ix Ebell ·Club scholarship "!i)m,rs, ·each of
whom _will walk away froin an1A.V1anlJ •A!Jembly
June 4 with $500. Members Of tho, i:.agujuv~ach .
club carefully weighing qualificatiOns of 'scbolal'Ship a~ts are {left to right) ·the Mmes. Jaine~ A,f.·
~ .
l .
. ..
new, Jody Upham and William Longfield. The six
Ebell awards are among many scholarships pre-
sented at the assembly where last year the aggre-
gate value represented about $32,000. Pins, plaques
and certificates also will be given at the event in
the boys' gymnasium.
If \' J
Brunch Hosted
For Assisteens
, Assisleens . about to graduate from high
schoo~ were presented medallions y~terday
dufin·g a brunch given in ·honor of the coeds
and their coordinator, Mrs . Robert L. Marvin,
by Laguna Beach; Assistance League .
Mrs. John Solomon and Mrs. William
Foz , co-chairmen greeted and congratulated
· the 13 Assisteen members and their mothers
at the ,annual !'presentation in the League
Med~ion presenlees were the Mi~se1
Diane Judy, Joan McMahon, Patty Houts,
Janet Harvey, Betsey LeBold. Sharman
Fatnes, Edith Roesen, Margot Cather, An n
Barr, Gina Reay, Wendy Tay!Or, Kalie Healy
and Nadene Jones. ..
Mothers of the coeds invited to attend
included the Mmes. Thomas Judy, Marie
McMahon , Marshall Houts, William H. Har·
vey, Quinn Farnes, William F. Roesen , W. S.
Cather, George Barr. George W. Reay, Theo--
dore Taylor, Evan. Healy, Mogens Abel ~ong
with Miss LeBold's grandmother, Mrs. B. W.
Van Pelt
1'1rs. Solomon and Mrs. Fox were assist· -
ed by Mrs . Thomas Jones, league president,
along wjth the Mmes. Williston. Bradway,
RoUo Thorsdale. Nicholas Malouf and An-
drew Morthland.
den&; Dr. W)lltl>, flnt vice president; and Col. William H. Roley. ;~ W,., prertdeill. Meinbersbip is '8 and entiUes participants to a11 fear ooncm1. . •
Floral acrangements were made by Mr.
and Mrs . Kenneth Colburn.
Favoring the ~arpet Lands.Her ·stra,ight • the Dog Mouse
DEAR ANN LANDERS: Your Mlvice to
Sad Eyee made mr 1•rear<>kl r:ry. How
caald you be • htertlai .. to ~
-"SWeelle," a •rear<>ld dot who bid
- a 11111111 pot ...,. pupjlyhood, be &f ... •WI)'. Jmt beii •• I dot nlbw a·
""' eerpell Is .. -to ~ a
child'• --And .... ,... --tliia. -Id do lo -l 'llO-.ld llllrely dle
el 1onellnea. Pit.-cheace your, a.trice
before JOU arti dthrctd with lftteft ttom ·-'< who -wiH lake iour lildt off. •
DEAR WY: 11'1 lao late. n. delqe
lw -· Aool lllo .-n 1ro 1p1u1 .. 1 ... 1 ...... 1
DEAR ANN: Your ldvlce lhat an in-.
r I
doOr-dat be g1 ... to a lanner jl IJplcal
of the dumb thJnp city people ..... up
wtth. F1rmrn alrtldy are overrun with
c1og ........ who don't blow tht nn1 thlni about ilnflnols.
I d!Jagree lhal a •year .. ld dog cannot
be h<iuoebroken. PerhaJl'I. not In his
cwtomory IUITOIJlldlnp, l!ot I 'II bel If
they build a dol .bouM and enforce iome
new lulu, Sweetie coold be la~. to
mind hil mamen. J
. -MRS. G. ff. G.
DEAR ANN LAND!llS: I am II reers
okl. I b•t I .... WMe M wttl • my
mllilllr1 ..,et I toe .-. peper Wwtls
... Wt& tt wp. I •ae m1 foot, Tticn I P"r
wllllt vletpr ee lllo tpol. It 1lltt
. -000 LOYER
OUr famlly ,refuaes to
belit~e that you consider wall·to-wall
carpeUng more important. than a child's
love fer bis dot-W~heve antique crienlal
n1p In our home and.the opoll made by
our "'"""' Uttle poodle and our Luy
goldell -er hove ldded character to
tbeee prk<las floor eoverlop, Shem• oo
you, Ann.
DEAR AN)I: Yoor ,.,....... tliot •
dlf .... -I ...... pet I .. ,•II!'
)'tin be stven to I (inntr Wll Ht I
• barnue fl!l•doo. T'o ask aa t(ed do1 lo
ldJ•lt ·to .,.. people •od a new en·
vlroamtnl 11 ,.artlffn•ble. ll woald be
medl llllter !tr t.. dOJ U !My put lllm
tt sleep.
-Pit. Y. OF WILUAMSPORT ... over and d9e nut t1me J &et 1 leUtr an.
• DEAR ANN LANDERS : An you oo Jng lor advice -'1 Mc !'• p1q la
vac1tionT Please come back. t can~t coalUlt ~ 0., Uve dep. Rap I
believe you 1ave lhat stupid answer. So· • bow MmetWq 1Mt bot I'm "
the dog did 1 few thlnp on the rug. So aelllortly ee dop ..i "1 1uwer ,......
what! The notion lhat I' Is perfectly OK IL
to gel rid of anything that pr ... ni.. a
challenge is exactly whit's wrong with
society todoY. II you don't llke school you
drop oul If you don 't like marriage you
bust lt up. II you don't like 1 job you quit.
And now Ann Landers comes along and
says U you can'&. homebreak your mutt
give him to a farmer. Think It over,
I! llcobollsm 1 dllwe! How cen tM
alcoholic be trcattdT ta there a an?
Read the bookJet "Alcoholism -'.Hopt
and Help," by Ann Landen. Encloee SI
cents in coin with your request , and a
long, stomped, oell·-•velope.
Ann Landers will bl! glad to help YOG
with Ywr problems. send them lo tier in 1
care of tho DAILY Pllm, tnclollna I
stamped, .. v-......
. I
I # ' •
High .School Seniors,
i.ontians Select
Gi rls-9f-"1onth
'Ille: Zoal.l Club ot N~ year'• .1-ecomlng pr1-a,
Hll't>« eldl IDOIJlb bonon one cornmilUoner of aUain and
Hlllor pr1.•!roln ~ ol lbe 'wellan, llOnlor c1 .. , secretary
Newport..,_ lll&h ICbooll as lftd c_.i choir member.
the Zonia Glrkll-4he'inootb. Named foor yean to the
'!be oelect!Oo II ,,_ upcN1 -• roll, Miss Gollin hu
1-p, c H hen 1 b Ip , rectlved the Rotary Glrk>I·
ICbollnblp and seivice to ber ~JUl' award, E " t a n c J 1
llChool. At the end ol the Jewtled E and I. E. Moore
IChool year, the 7.onla 1lrll awsnl. oelecl the one they lael the ~ ._,,..,,_ r Mr Larry
molt qualified to be nmbed-''1111 -,....~r 0 '·
the Zoata Glrk>l-Jhe.year !or SberUer of Costa Mesa hu
their ICbool and the recipient been actlve as Juruor class
of 1 11Q savlnp bond. vice preildent, a cheerl<ader, · vice president of t b e
NEWPORT JIAIUIOR sophomore class and vice
Debbie M1rgenth11ler
Ginger Albff
· Problems
Newest topping for rtl)J1a?
· lengill stockings: the loop-th ..
loop. Thia all-.oew design Is the
flnt that mates with every
type of f~ndation garment
without 1atters. The feature
of thla stocking : knitting of
specl•I Ioops into the top and
the replacement o f con-
ventional garte.rs with a flat
The development s o ·1 v e 1
the nagging problem of the loo
short -stocking, garter bump
and garter gaps. The new
sloclrint comes in 14 CoJors.
Gloomy Gus Tells ii
As You See ii
.t.,·tHfS IS se·OUTlilO '-Getting better acquainted with Girl S<:ouUng an (left .~! lo right) Mn. Sophie Gendel of Fullerton and Mr. and Mrs. John B. Parker of :l~ Cororia .del Mar, members of Los Compadres, committee of 11rodparents'' to
·I· Girl Scout Council ol Orange County. Committee lilembers and Scouts dined to-
1 + gether in $anta Ana's Saddleback Inn.
• Mlsa ~le lfU1eolbaler. P"lldeot of the Pep Club.
daqbler Of Mn.. Leo Goprty other activities included the
·of NtwpOrl Beach, cumnU,, Is lresbrnan class council, Glrb
esecuUve council offl&r, ltu· Athletic Aasociation and vlr-
dent congress rtpreeentaUve slty swinl'team.
and a tutor at Franklin School Thi coed will attend the
in Sanla Ana. · Unlveralty of Cali£ornia, Santa
mafAe~ ! > { . Los Compadres
' • ! • • • : Members Committee
Last year she was Spanish Barbara and study sociolol)'.
Club president, Girls' League CORONA DEL MAR historian, American F I e l d ,. . Service member and 8 can· The fourth winner o! tht
dystrlper at Hoag Memorial Zoall award, MW Amy Dye
Hospital Preibyterian allo planl to enter the elemen.
The iitb lfader plW to at· lary . education field . Aft~r
tend California Stlte College • Oranle Coast ~liege she wtll at Long Beach and become an enroll at San Diego State Col·
elementary school t9Cher. lep or UCSB. The daughter of M r s .
fo r
by the area's
COSTA MESA Vlrgtnla Dye of Corona del
AllOthl.nkingofanelemen-Mar 11 a cheerleader , ESTANCIA CDM HIGH
tary teachtn1-career ls Miss yearbook etaff member and ___ .:L.:°"::"::l:...G::•::•::ll::":_ _____ :_A::.:mC-'yC..::D.:.Y.:.•---I(
: • ! • Learn · About Scouting
I ' I
! l
July Nuptl1l1 I • • ... Arrowhead
• l
.... 4· . ,.
r :· ~ r-. ' t For Rites t Lake Arrowhead in July will
t-\ be tile ..wna for lbe ...wllng
~ of Caroline Abbott of Manhat·
t Jan Beach and Richard c .
~ ~ David of Nfllport ~ch.
t 'Their .... -..... ... t nounced by Mn. Helen Gerow I · of Paaaclena and C. B. Abbott ~ ; of Paudenl, parents of the
I-• lulure bride. Mr, lftd !fr1. E.
~ W. Hostetter of Newport i • Beach are stepfather and t mother of the brid..,..m-~ :.eiect. f' . Mlsa Abbott attended lbe
I Unlvtnlty ol Arizona where
· the major«! In line arts lftd 11
• a graduate of Yuma Hllh l · School. Her fiance was a P'h.i f Delta, Theta at bis alma
, mal<I', UolA, · and studied
r poyctiolOJIY. ·~ Prtlmtly he is &D aviaUoo
I · olticer candidate underaotng f' ~ NIT)' pilot training at
t Pensacol1.
• • r '" GOP Gala :.:r..:~ ••• r"' .a. {:' Ticketed ·-~ •.. ~':".._. Challenge Year 1970 will
.•:. theme the a11111al 1ala fund·
~ raili.nc dinner. of the Orange
~,. Counij Republican Central ~. CommlUee .'l'bunday, M01 22.
tn the Anaheim Convention Cen!U ..
GoV. Ronald Reac'an w1U ad-
dreSI tha group durin« the
1100 per ·Plato affair .. hlch ts
being planned by M r s .
It • Barbara Bunker ol Co6la
M .... irealdeut ol Federal<!d
Repubtlcan Women of Orange
~ County. Mn. G«wae Delaban-
.. _ ty ot Fullerton and a com-
~ mittee Of Republican women.
t .. •
Designer Due
Appeariilg in Robinson's,
Fashion I 1 l a n d , Thursday,
May 22, will be Sergio, make· "'........,.for Eve al Rom•. The nol<!d designer has
designed make-up for movie
st.an, haute couture models
and tubion maa:uines in
Rome1 Hollywood and New
Members ol Los Compadres,
advllory committee to the Girl
Scoot Council of Orang• Coun-
ty, went out to dinner with
their "charges'.' in Santa
Ana's Saddiebacl: Inn Ind
found out ·what Girl ScouUng
Is all aboot.
After Maurice Gladman, Los
Compadres ch at rm an, in-
troduced the group's newly
formed e:a:eaiUye committee,
the Girl Scouts toot over and
presented a program cf scn,i,
dance and mime .
Orange Coast residents
serving on the committee are
UCI Cbancellcr Danlel G .
Aldrich J r . , Assemblyman
Robert Badham, John Lawson,
John McLeod, 0 . W. Richard,
Howard K. Smith, Mrs .
Nonnan Watson and Robert
N. Weed of Newport Beach:
Joseph J. Courreges, Fountain
Valley ; Selim S. Franklin,
Costa Meu, amt Mr. and Mrs.
John B. Parker, Corona del
Mar. Mrs. Watson serves on
the e:icecutive ~ttee.
Mrs. T. E. Hunter, Costa
Future Bride
News Told
.At Party
' After celebrating the birth-
day cC Wanda Jean Anderson
of Cost.a Mesa, close family
members gathered in the
home of her parents, the Addis
B. · Andersons or Costa Mesa,
learned of her engage-
ment to Dennis E d w a r d
Walson of Santa Ana .
Mlss Anderton is a
graduate of Estancia High
School and attends Orange
Coast College.
Her naoce, aon of Mr. and
Pilrs. Frank E. Watson cf San·
ta Ana, is a graduate ol Santa
Ana Valley Hjp School and is
9tudeol at Santa Ana Colleae.
The couple have aeleded 1
December weddln( date.
l'thme SH·YAL 847-1678
Mesa, nel&hborhood chal.nnan,
and !frl. Henry Manz, troop
leader, of Newport Beach,
talked about the dedicaUon to
community service and 1ood
citizenship char1cterlstlcs of
Girl Scouts and the program
• was concluded with 1 progreu
report on the Girl Scout cam·
pin1 pl'Olfam.
Ginger Albee, • dauahl<!r or president of the Pep Squad.
Mn-. John Nuzum of <;osta She f o r m e r 1 y was 1
Meu. sona:Ietder, drill team and
'nle former v o 1 u n teer AFS member.
worker at Fairview State 'nle prea.ldent of Lauriers,
H09pltal ls senior ·clan vice auxllllry to the J u n I o r
prtlident ,and wu junior clus Women'• Club of Costa Mesa,
secretary. In the future she ii in the senior honor society.
plans to travel; wu named Most Spirited
:ESTANCIA Senior Gi~I and Girl-0f.UJe.
Miu LoMI GOiiin Is this quarter. •
Sa gittari us:
League Charts Monthly Trek
La111na Btac!l is putting the
wheels In moUon for another
monthly bus trip -this time
lo Ojai Valley -Wednesday,
Luncheon, shopping a n d
sightseeing are all included In
the itinerary, according to
Mrs. Williston Bradway, pro-
jects chairman. She is ·assisted
by Mrs. C.'R. Beck Jr.
The bus trips are one of the
league 's projects which fall
under Its Operation
Friendliness . program. :_::_ ___ I I
Be Per ~eptiv e . ~~~LR L:1~:
TUESDAY Greater recognition of efforts SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): · past. Much accompllshed to--
MAY 20 due. You are rewarded in Good lu~r aspect tod_ay coin-diy U you keep ~D even keel. TO SWIM AT solid, material sense. Put cldes with romlDlic and ·. .
By SYDNEY OMARR finishing touches on imPortant creative lnteresta. You .find Stick to ttlf; tried.and-true. UE BUO Y
· project. Buy some clothes. outlet for talents. Give <If • PISCES (Fe~ J9-March 20): BL
ARIES (March 2l·April 19): Dress for the part o( success. yourself. Then you al r0 Favorable lunar \Lspect-today.
Accent on how\:, prepare, on LEO (July 23-Aug.. 22): recelve~ve. Key JI to. breat coinddei with treater 'ibanct AM h WHI '" ~r, for 1= t'Ula. ~!~~~: Much that Wll hidden mnu down burien of~. for creaUve expi-!ii1:'an1 Fine Andrl-. ..... ...-.
rues. Spotllt!ht on domestic into open. Ile lronk, lorthrl&ht llAGl1TARIUI (Nov .• IS-for puWnc Idea to work. You - -,,...
Issues, family affairs. Get tuf• IOd tndependent. One behind Dec. It): Ytm11 tr..actioft 1-can write, tnDaa<:t ' bcisiness 548 ·1 •
250·D l•t 17th Sttfft
COSTA MISA rlclent rest. the 1CtM1 chlJllel 'attitude -~.lf J:t rttd'bltw~ and dell succetlfully with top • Jn your favor. Know this and 1ue ~ E flne print. peopJe •
TAURVS (April 20-May 20): be confident. Don't sJci\ IWO)' aomelhlni for:!_!~'.'.::.,· ---,.~-_:''..___::;::===;::===~~~~~~~~~~
Stras on separatlng facts ~ (Aug. zs.&pt. 22): nothmg. U perceptive, a ,con·
Crom fancy. Many ideu t.odty Friend provldel Information of 9tructive chan&e brlabtena
may not be practical. Short value. Spot.light on trimfonn· money picture.
trip could be on agenda . Keep il'll drUzns to re a 1I1le1. CAPRICORN (Dec, D-Jan.
appointments, catch up on lei· Soclalb:e. Look and listen -19): Gain coopsation ~Qm
ter writing. Relative needs en· then you also learn. Accept family. Without that, value of
couragement. unique Invitation. ' efforts ts dlm.Wlhed. Know
GEMINI (May 2l..June 20): LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): this and act accordl.ngly. Mar·
You can add to pouessioru: Special empha1i.s1 today on rlage dlacuulon appears htah throu&h genuine bar I a In . career, ambitions, pretlige. oo agenda.
Older Individual ut.illus e1-Key is versatility. You p-pand AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
perience to aid. Be a Hood OPfJ'ltlons. Find ways of lS): Practical appro1ch is bet·
listener, shrewd observer. Day stnanilinln& methods, pro-ter than any get-rich-quiet
features gain. , cedures. You can add to In· scheme. Rely upoo peraons
CANCER (June 21..July 22): come. who proved dependable Jn
11 Feshlon l1l1ncf
Ntwport Beech -644.1 llO
Ye11' CJt1 r9e Act e1111t W1lto'"-l1nl11n1rlc1rd, Miller Chtrt•• te1.
Ope11 Me!Ml1y, Frld1y 1111111 t:lO p:111.
" ,.ERM., 0 1"°01' 8LIS5f'ULL.V 81WSHA:9LE lrAUTY, PlftMt
~T 115.00: NO-S£T CUT, !5.00. a!AUTV SALONS;
. I
• <" . . . ,, ~ I .. O' ' < .. ;... '-1'".j e 'C ' ' 1, "• \jA,Ml:"';CJl'qt!. ' . --
• . . '
• .. • ' •• • •
• ....... ,.,.._
N.Y. SatdrJ
• :vor. 62, NO. 119, 3 SECTIONS, 32' PAGES . ORANGE COUNf'I'., CAUl:ORNI~ • MONDAY, MAY 19, 1969
; .
Board Action
. Of Ille O.ltr '"'* Slliff
On the\·~ of a pqoslble deellloo !>Y
Orange \County 10penison, · the blltlle
over eventual location of a Harbor Arta
municipal courthouse complex wu more
confuse<!, than ever today. , '.
~e Orqe County FaircA?U11ds ~n. ' ol directors bu ,... to thal bY lhilrply
revising an offer~ to the county for a
r.egional court site at the fairgrounds'"in
' ' •
• The dliclooure elated Newport Beach land outright to the COW1ty or toJ~' It.
city offld·a&s, wbo'Want the develqpment -"Q~rj.f'ied" ita position on· another
at Newport Ceet.er, llllCI li upoel Cotta • eight acm for building purposes;
M.,. authorttlea, who ...-ted to tlie Fairlf1l'!Jlds directon, aald Lutjeans.
county the fairgrounds IOcltion _proposal. prefer to lease the land, ·rither than sell
Allred LutjeMS, fairgrounds general it tel the county over a 10 to l>year
manager, said this m~ his h9ard period, as previousJy-and, he lnc!lcated,
has: 1 + · erroneously -understood.
-WWtdi'awn ail offer tO provide free .to Lutjeans insisted that the b&ard's
the county an easement for a five.a.ere present views Oil the means of county le.
parking site to serve the court complex. qulsltlon of the eight-acre building lite do
1be· board -·waDll eitilel'. to aeU the not repment any backtracking.
Mooll Dead Ahead
Apollo Astronauts Get Good 'View
Alter 26 hours m fligl1t, the Apollo 10
astrorm.uts aaw ~ moon for the first
time today and happily reported .... the
earth gets· smaller, it sure ia nice to .ee where you are going ....
The rpac<Ohip i:arrylnfl Air Foree Col.
1bornu P. Stafford 1n11 Na'J Cmdrs.
Eugene Cemln llllCI Join YOUll( was
about 90 minutes .sllOl't of the halfway
point when Stafford yelled out :
"Hev, we finally got a good view Ii the moon.it
The ground, referring to the fact that
the moon is only a sliver, replied "Roger,
Supreme Court
Eases Stock
Fraud · Lawsuits .-
WASHINGTON (AP) -; '!be ~
Court ~ lt wler today r 0 t ' . ltockholdors to. me ~ awls agalnlt
corporalion olficlals charging fraud.
The way wu cleared when the court
refused to review a libel:al·interp'eta~n
oC'antifraud provisions given last October bf the feCleral appeals cOurt in New·Yort
City: ' .
1be ruling waa that corpontl«i of.
!idols WO ftled false or misleading
statements INIY be liable for damqea,.
even:i wlie;n tbete is no evidence the state'meritS were made tO ~affect trliding
on the market.
Tbe 1-1 decllloo, an Gii,n.wth, o! 'tlie
Texas Gulf Sulphur "insider" cue, bared
the Applied Devices Corp., former\y
Belock 1nstrum,,,,L Ccfy., to damage suit.
by stockholders.
Tbe stockholders, Charles Heil, Helen
Howard and Betty Volk, had made their
purehases in 1965, at .the time or before
newspapers carried a statement by the
New York compaily tha( its auditors bad
''conflrmed the existence of ir·
The suits claim Belock's annual· report
to stockholders. contained f a I s e ,
(See Bl'OCKS, Page I)
Nixon Plani;aing
San Clemente
Trip in August
·Preaiilent Nixon aald today be plam to
be tn San Clemente in August.
His comment, made to a groUp .at.
~nd)ng an award ctremony for two blind
sluderits ln Wuhlngton, D.C., came alter
W..O of speculatloo oo when the !\in\ ·
F;upily will first use their newly·purdlu-
ed -SUIIUnU White House, the Cotton
' that wuing crottnt'a not vtry .mucll but ·
gild you see it."
"Yeah," said Stafford, "we can 1ee the
sunlight and also we actually can see the.
iddt1i.ur,Apolio /
~tril, ~·· other part of the _mocm in earth shine."
Earth shine Is • 1"llediOll of the ear1li .,
light on the dart side of the moon.
Ceman's happiness at seeing their
destination <Was understandable. The
Apollo 8 crew in Its Yuletide trip did not
see the moon until the ahip Was orbiting
the• lunar surface. ·
C!IM'• Mra. Mli;iod Lova
G.ov.ernor Love's
M:other Dks ' '
Mn. Mildred Sbaver Love, mother ol
Colorado Governor John Love and a resi·
dent of · Corona del Mar for the past 12
yeara, died Salurd•Y at the age of IL
Graveside Services will be conducted
Tuesday in Colorado Springs.
Mrs. Love . died ab the home of her
daughter, Mrs. V-1rgioia Momll, 315
Orcltld Ave., after a ·1erfgthy illness. A
Jlitive ol Indiana, she moved to Corona
del Mar followln11he death of her hus-
Beltdea Go+ea iiur L6ve and her
daughter, Mn. Love is 111rvived by
another IOP,..Richard of Colorado, and six
The family bu auggelled that lriends
wlahlnt lo do IO may iilQe · m<lnOria1
-to the ~ cancer Sode17. ,
" Not long all« their report, the Apollo
10 Cf'eW WU to perform the firsl mid·
Spa<e firing of their "1Cket eogine -a
seven second burst that' was tofi:ncrea.se
their spO.ed by 32 miles an hour. '11le burn
was to eoable them to m:.s tfle lunar
equator on the same tnck that~ Apollo
11 astronauts must follow to land on tbe
mOon ln JUiy. . ~
Apollo 10 is a dress rebewsaJ ror that
fllgh~ lacking ooly the actual landing of
the spidery lunar lander.
The crew oomplained earlier !)at dull
thud1 interrupted their night's sleep and
(See APOLLO 10, Pa1e J)
Laird Urges
Early. Release
Of Pri8on~rs ..
WASRlllGTON !;(APl -Secr~y of ,
Delenae • JI. !.a1rd c.n.I up6n
Hanot todloy for prompt releaae of all
American servicemen now held in North
Vietnamese Prison e&mJ>ll.
Falling lhiJ, Laird aald the North Vie~
namese govern.mm should at leut ·pro-
vide ·for ' hum'ant '~treatment fol" tlie . ' several hundred Americans . curre.ntl1.:
locked up,in'Narlh ~ Climpo.
''TM N-\lleinameae have claimed
tl~t. they are treiting our men hµmane.
Jy," the defense chief said. "I am
distreaaed by the !ict that there b eiear
evide.nce that this ls not the cue."
Laird aa)d tbat by nm month -. ·
than 200 American servicemen will have
been listed eltOO: u prisonqa of war or
as missing in action for more than 3¥.
y.ears. ,
"This period of time ls longer than any • U.S. serviceman wu held pri!loner dwing
World War Il," be stated.
Laird told a newa conference the Pen·
tq:on "ccintinut! tO hope for meaningflil
progress" toward the release of. priaoners
as part of the Paris peact. talks, but he
offered no encouragemect that this would
come about soon.
Lair4 demanded that North Vielnam at
least adhere to proviaions of the Geneva
convenUon, which it has 1iped, which
would allow :
-Rele11t of names of prisoners held.
-lmmflcliate release oC s:k:k and
Impartial lnsPectlons ol facilities for priaontrs of war. ..
-Proper treatment of all pri!onm, • .a
-Regular llow of mall
IAird's statement to newamen. •as
followed bY a lengthy briefing by other
~lals on the prisoner situation. They
the -lltformallan tild been pro-• \I~ to . Amb•r 4or ffm'J Cltiot =· the ,cblef U.S. ....,ttalc\r . ln
• "We just clarilled the record," be aal~.
nae b9ard, which met on the issue late
last 1buraday nlgh~.agreed unanimously
that it never had favored acqui.\ition ol
the land by lhe county throug'b a leas-e-
option -of long-term purchase -ar-
rangement. 'I1te minutes of a Jan , 16
mee..ting bore this out, Lutjean said.
At the January fairgrounds board
session, accohliig' to Lutjeans, directors
declareli that the "distilct prefers a leaae
to an outrilht sale,, but acknowledges that
' .
• . .
the ~ doolm to -titie' to the
land lhroulb a 10 to !&-yea~ ieu,· oP-
.. II uon.
~What we provided the. county, In~.
words." slid1Lutj'eaM, "WU a C··llf
altemiUV'es. Our 'propoSal ' ' WU nOt .
llinited tO a lease option. But Uiaf bad'
~n lost sight of, "the board Tburaday
night restated its preferenpe for a ltaae
agreernen\.'' -
Action by the board oo that lssUe mt
.the five-acre parking easement -ln d·
feet a llft of laii<f to the c:aunty·,-•aa
unalllmous Thuraday night. •
Lutjeans explained the board '.:. '!rUI· •
l:IMljed" stand ~y !"".!tin& out lhlt.a.lolia·
tem\.lease Ii lhe buildlni die -IGpro-vklt the falrgrOwida with a cORUOYous
sotitce of revenue tor rtialht~
land$Caplnc and ~furbisltjqg ~·
On the other tiand, If Ute lanitiWt!l"O.."ld. ewer • period of -w or 1'· ~ u.e. f~ could not tap Ille Amd;m.ut.
(See COUBT srrE, Pas<:I -, . --= l
I= • ' .) ~ ' lliilks~ C(!1trt .. ~verturns ~. ~~nt' ~· M~~o
. · ' . . . . . .. Clash Kills ·Four;
L , 'P , c·. . i· r .• I.. . . , eary s· .. 'Ot .. ' :o~VW Wfl:-: . La'gllhari Victim
• ':'I .. ·. .. .
' . ~ . ' . .
. A.hfgh ~ bUdon eon&ion ln.wbldi
one ~rne cir toot tbO roof off llllllher "-'WireSenkea •
The U.S. .. Supreme Court ~o d a·1·
u~ voted to O\'ittuni. a federal
con.ite!ion'. of' Dr. Tiinplhj 'Leary for ·
ppssessiaD of· marijUna becauee . com-
pllance with ·the lilw 'Would literally
amount to aelf-lncrbnlnatloO."
Dr~.1.eary, 47, a -aometime relwtent of
Laguna Beach·-wbere he llllCI bla ,1am11y
currenUy fll~ additional drug charges -
had been .sentenced to four .to.XI )'!Ill in
pfison llllCI given. •• lfD.000. llne. , •
• The noted j.sD UWtmen!I'~ "'."' lountl , guilty in Laredo, Tex., of Wegatly
transporting marijuana lnll 'Wlliig td pay '
a •t<JO.m"-ounce •federal transfer tax.
H~ fOwn a aedJtoa.1!1" lhe.fint.
, '""' ,,..,. Assoclata J..~'~be Fortaa ~ tpi Wo . ".till1t!COUrt 1µ1-
gfsted that Dr. Leary would have sub.
jectOd lrlmsell to aeif·lncrlmlnatlon by
paying the tax.
• The action. today· ltrlkaa ~ uectlon
of the U.S. Narcqtics lmpo,tatloJI Stallllf.
whlQ.t previously made poaesslon of
mitrljuana sufficient for assumption that
it. was • ll~egally -imPoried · and , the
~sSor krlows tt. · '
·Leary's appeal attacked; three· !Odenil
laws tha~ while nol making~·"
marijuaaa.Jllep], still Dfllo'sipervlsloo
poealble lhrouih Import· coalJoll llllCI tar•
. .Justice ;John M. Harlin'• opinkJn in lhe,
Leaey'<llle that preaumption of crlmlnal
inVolvement under the, three lawa, m111t
be conaldered trntlona1 llllCI art>ttruy.
.. He was confronted -.fth1--a Ntnte,.
which on U, f~ permitted ·hlm to ao-
(See LEA&Y, hp I} I
' ' ' . ' . a(o\o Ill!• a can ·opener till'!I ,!au mi;n
ear!Y SUQday In the ·worst acctilenl In the history ill treacbinius "El· Morro corve nm Laguna Beach. ·
, The dead lnclude a Lagullf man riil1'>c
alOl)I! llllCI U.,• Loa . Aqelea Y)llltha
1111 Coaly1 Tnffk: ·11·
71 OeaUi ToU 'It
whole car was clij>ped as the otbet hurtJ;.
eel over it upside ·dowri .. • · •· • 1
,'lht. vicUms ! wetei identmed •by ·tie
California HJgbway Patrol as:
. -llould E. D~, 391 of 3'. Loa.lit
Ave., Ldgup1I' Beach. · 1
-Rlcfuif c. Clarlr, 22,' of City ·of;fn.
~ry.· '! (
.-Alap Hel141lltlber, It, of.Van N~, -~ Preltymu, 11,.m Hollyw
.A fourth )1llllh rldlngir) lhe~
car driven by Clarke,·Saro Prie&o, lf',,O(
Los Angeles, Is fu crittoal ~·tod&Jr ~· South ~ Canmunily' 1!.fllll\!!1 iii!b severe head injuries.
1 Investigators Aid tbe lJ:lO a.m. cruti
'l"'Y have been callled by·Q!elim's fal)blc' &1leep at the _, on lhe ·tr.a~'
aeasldo. curve ol Paclllc Coul Hl""l'n nortli of Laguna Beach'. ' 1 :~ -.,.
The aouthbdun•f .etircie bounced oft a
guardrail, hurtled· ....,. """ 1an1a ·or
traffic, carom• oil a dirt, embanRneal,
lnll ahot·u)lllde down·bod< lolo-11\a -....i,;
h'ltting Clark's .car. · ". ·
1 ":rtiere wu Hloolf and br'alno ~
Illee Eli MOIWl. P• I) • .
"I'm going to be oal there in AuguJt. ''
the. President said to a Los Angeles
member of the &roUJ>· -
Nmin, in effect wu cOrifirmJng an
earlier report from Mrs. Nixon that she
and the President migtit be in Sin
CJeme11tt ln Aqusl for two· -ar •
nloath '"bile C:.OC-· ii in ,..,.... iCeo>pldioo " the deal to buy the nwWoo and five sumundUI& act't8 of
Attorney ~o .Talk
On taw and Order
' ~n.;.ctor's'-Fate Weighed . • ' n Wea ... r . ,
t ......,.a1 rancbland estate for =.: down aQd the balance ol th •
O¥er a five year _perlod wu • niiunce<f Jut l(oodey. . . '
Cloody, logrmomlnp -· to be the onltr " the day .....
the "'!O't, wlth 1,._.y'a tempera.
turts ranglnc lnlm 17 lo 71. ·
, , . Comm•nclor T~ Stoffo>~, Cl'ftlM!I E-Ctrn•n •nd John Young ..
Newport Stamp· High Co~rt Backtracks
Thief Mak«(S O J T . l R 1. $2~,IOO i,aW ver ury rza u 1ng
WASHINGTON (AP) -1be Supreme And, a year ago Tueaday, the court
Court backtracked ~Monday on Its recent held tile comtltutional right to a jury
es~on of the right of citlum: to be trl&I must be available In all "seriom"
tried by juries when accwied of "aerlous criminal cases on the state level.
crbnea... Nevertheless, a flv~man majority
A W ruling In a aeemlngly routine cue beaded by Justice 1burrood Manball
evol<ed aloomY wamlnp from Chief concluded the probation eentence did not
.Justk:e Earl~ Wlrien and the court'• fit in the "ltrioua" c:atesory.
Rlllor 1110Cllte juaUces, Hugo L. Blaclc
and WllUam o. Douglaa.
~1ruuac approved a three-year II*
· batkla tentence elven an Oklahoma man
1n a federal Mcurlttea cue,
Broldly, Warren aid, it ttandl "u an -· ...,,..u .. to the courts to ut!UH GpP.l'eUlve practJCes."
The cue lnvolv~ Ben H. Frank of
Tulae, who wu sentenced to probation In
1918 for criminal contempt. Frank, ,.ow
71, had beea accuaed of vlollttnr a
go\rmment order against inter.state aalea
of oU iecuridea.
He asked !oi' 1 )ury trial but WU turn-
ed down and WU tried by I jud&e.
Only tbreo· yan qo th• court held
eenteocu exceeding all monlhl for
a1mfnal <Olllempl IDiy not be tmpoled
by federal courts wllbout a jury trial or 1
waiver Cll the r!pl lo IL
From P .. e I
mlaleodln& "" Inaccurate statements, artillclally Inflating the market price of
Belock '1 common ltock and debenturts
and tllat ofHctala abould have known or
knew about the allepd overstatements.
Belock, Its directors, occoulllant and In-
vestment banker were named defendants.
TbeJr attorneys, appeallng to the
Supreme Court, challenged the broaden·
Ing of what is kno1n1 u Rule !OM of the
Secur!Uee and Eschange Commtlal<>n-
1be rule malrel It unla1iful to commit
lraQd "In c:oonectton with the purcbaa or
Ale ot any leCUrity."
LEARY· ~ ·.· ;.
From Pclfe I
"With the modem, publicly held cor·
Poration, which II -1antly, and of
necmlty, publllhlng reporta and flnan.
clal statements, It Is possible In vtriUally
every, c;:u~ of 1corporate rGlsconduct to
point to lome docum1ent J&sued by the
corporation which waa in a c c u r a t e
misleading or which c on t a I n e d quire the ~& legally, provided be Pf.id
tile ==· tr••"et laJ •"" pve • ', ' . , r-;,, :i•-·a.Jd,. inerlmllla lnlormaU.. '"Harlin .. , .
apeakllig !or the cooit. ·
"And aimultaneously111• ·Harlan eon-.
lillued, "he wu confrooled with a ey8lem
ol regulatiom which, according to the
(OV"111Dea~ prohibited hJm from ...
qulrlng marijUana undtr any condltiom."
1be jurist continued to '3Y tllat Dr.
Leary had plenty GI ,..uon to fear tllat
the lnfonnat1on woWd be given to local
lawmen if be admitted to the government
tllat be had obtained unrqilt<red pot.
"'Ibis would surely prove a aignificant
lint tn a chain of evidence tendlng to
e.<tabllsb his gullt under tile state mari·
juana laws," Harlan noted.
The fonner Hll1'\lard psychology pro-
feuor argued against his 19M conviction
on the basis that he could not pay the
federal tu without incrimlnattnc
Stanford Chases 200
STANFORD (AP) -About 200
demonstrators, some weartng g au z e
mull and helmet!, were chased away
from the Stanford Reselll'Ch Institute to.
day by squads of police who rushed to the
tcene in buses.
R•Nrt N. Wet-1
................. ~lblltr
J•cli R. c;.,1..,
vi. "-""" tlMI o.itrel """""'
Th-•• tc._.n ·-n ...... A. M•rJ1hll1•
IMllMI'"' 1111"' J,, ..... F. e.u;.,
,._, ··-~"" l!llltw ---2J 11 W•tf l•ll1e• lowlt•11tl
Mai1l111 Mtlr•H1 P.v . •o• 1111, tl,,l --
• ·nio qri(lnal .r .... was baltd m this
contention and the Supreme Court said
today ~ lt "1ooJd haV< beea acceptd
at the lower court level.
·-The eight-man court noted that their
nJling is in line wilh decisions o{ their
last term that aelf-incrimination is a
complete -defer-for failure to PIY a
federal gambling tu.
SUsan Leary, 18, was arrested with her
father in 196S at the Mexican border and
placed on probation for her connection
witb the marijuana transportation.
Dr. Leary, his wife Rosemary and eon
John, 11, are currenUy facing charges of
possession of LSD and marijuana follow·
Ing · their •mat l•te last December In
Laguna Beach. '
Leary's teen.aged son was also ar-
rested earlier ln 1968 on suspicion of
being lljtozlcaled In public, alter a
housewife complained of a suaplcious
person on her front porch.
That case was lster dismissed on ·
groundJ tllat a front porch Is private pro-
perty, not 1 public place.
om1'sions,~• they aaicL ;
"To hold that Ulla fad, rt.andin1 alone,
makes the mllcooduct one 0 in connection
with the purcbue or sale ol any teeurity,
would tum every action for corporate
misconduct into a federal securities fraud case."
The Court made no ccxnment in
declining to hear the cw.
Pops Concert Set
Outdoors at CdM
Corooa de! Mar High 8cbool wtU
present an outdoor Pope Concert In Ill•
high school Quad at 7:30 p.m. 1bunday.
Refrestunenta will be served while
selectlonl from Brl1adoon1 West Side
Story, and other favorites are sung by the
choral groups. Jazz arrangements by
Count ilW• ~ Buddy. Rlch. will be
perlormed by the Star• Bincl. • -
Th• concert II open to the ·public.
Ttctats cost fl.00.
Woman Dies of Injuries
From Newport Accident
Mary M. Laughlin, 70, a Leilure World·
Laguna Hills resident severely lnjurtd
Jut Wedoesd1y In a Newport Beach Ira!·
fie cruh, died Saturday night In Hoag
Memorial H°'pllal.
Mrs. Laugh!fP.n, ~ address wa.s 414C
A vehida CUtilla Laguna Hills, tr a s
hurt aloog with sister, Helen, 57, of
the same ad , when their car and
another contded at San Joaquin IUlls Md
Jamboree roads.
Mrs. Mary La!Jlhlln bad fractures of
the pelvis and coJtar bones, along with in·
ternal injurie.s. She had been under in·
tensive care at lhe hospital since the
afternoon crash.
Her alster is recovering from a
shoulder fracture, hospital aides Ald.
The driver of the other car, sally Jean
Edwards, 21, of Santa Ana, had only
' minor injuries and wu relea,,ed after
Mrs. Peek Released
FromSprings Hospital
Mra. Marnette Pffk WI• released Fri-
day •from Palm Sprinp llfsert Hospital
where &he had been recoverill& from a
bullet wound In the abdomen s1nce May 5.
ll)vtllljalon Raid the craab "wu on•
of thole myatery lalt·tumJ lltuattona
where eomfOne ran throuCh a red lf&bt,
and It wtll be dlfltcuK to determine which
driver actually did il"
1be lnier-tloo ta oqulpPod with left
turn 1lpts and tnf!1c pocbll.
: Apollo 10 Vit111, Shot .. • • MiN.~Jt Important to Moon L';JM,ing Tr:Ji .
·•tof . ' '· mul!Jbllllon ~. 10.YM' ~)o ~lnthelunarlandor; -
SPACE',,_ H ton (UPI) :. land on the mom. -:resttn& tilt lpotlo mld<ivoua rl<llr
• .,.. .. ~ .., AP@Do • 1borid 'the crali could go to -the meihod' !hi 11>1oe<taft llld Juliar ~pace blstorians of _the fulll,.. may m'°" the moon. Aj>Ollo I, Juat two month! qo, madult (LM) Ull to find each .Otller -II
tioo Apollo !ti ooly m paastng. 1bey moy showed the 1..., lander 1 1ragtte, Ill mntmum raqo of about 31hnllee:"
ftC!l mention It at all. almost inlec\-looktng era!~ worPd 'U -~ldln( addltlcioal, lnfonhltloll
But Apollo 10 and the tllr<e men Dying -In -· ·-the future Amertcmi ilndtD( 11111
It m u much a part of the tint Wll1 then, ..... will -. Dy another on tl!t moon and tbe -itHll: a)lcl
American moon laadtngu the ,,,.. wbo mlaton before tbe landlll! Ap4llo 10 ob-~ u doMIJ at ~. d
may wait tbatli>rniii iiUrface ,JUiy io. jtctlvea lnduclad: , ~ fill tmlln(, the Apollo ll·mlal•
Wltilout ApoDo 1' and "Aatronauts -'fro'l\dllll M<JIHO!lo\l -llDcl iiliaduJld lor JUiy. , •
'l'tlomM P. Stafford, Eu-A. Oeniln '
and John W. Young, the moon ~
would be mkler and might not evea be
possible as aoon as planned.
Apollo 1011 miulon, just u earlier
Mercury, Gemlnl and ApOllo (ll&bts, II to
add to man11 knowledge of tbtDlOOll. AQd
the speclflc -of Apollo 10 Jg to check come problems earlier spacemen
discovered -problems which must be
anawered or at Jeut understood before
Att0llo 11 can land ufely in the SN ol
Truqulllty on the nortbeaat aldcl .. ol.,the
Today the utromuls coaated loW1rd
tile moon, echedultng only a brief roctal
firing to put tllem on the euct coune
Apollo 11 will take when It starta lta
moon-landing journey.
Stafford, Ceman and Young blasted off
from Cape Kennedy SUnday in one of the
almOlt flawless launches that have ~
ed the cumnt phaaes of the · Apollo P!O-
They followed America's flrrt moon
mis!ion -the Christmas voyage of
~~::~ 811~ :d, ~~.~ ~ ·: :
Saspeetli Quizzed
I I I .
CoJJtplnint,s· AgaiMt 11
In Narco Raid.Sought
Quelltontng fll llll)>OCU lmll.ecl In I
fl5,000 d1'u4 and lllolen&Ooda raid al I
Hesaian motorcycle club ...,.,... tn
Colla M..a Jut Tbunday coot!m* fo.
d•y, while pollco eeet complalnll qatnal
11 l*'SOGI-~ ~ ' '
Several <!( tile eeven """ and four
womerrarrifted at"2t53 Santa Ana A•e., ·
where LSD, inariju.ana1 co u n t er ft i t
travelen ctM.cb and othtt tttn'ul wtre
-have beea freid. on ball.
deadly--and 1111Picim of 11urs1&17.
An meoat Of abot&Una "" -at the rambling old houae, home f..-a
handfUI of the am.mtt, their can,
motorcyclel and an U1¢ment Cll,dop.
Ont of Iba IUIPIJ'IO, Gr<( E. ~
18, II dw1ed with aeaault with 1 itoadly w-alter aHegedly leveUna 1 lhcqun at lnmen who entered bis room.·
1be complete ...,...! roster following 1
Ol'lt*monlh probe of activities at thit ad·
drea lncludea -people:
Fr-P .. e I
"We've come up wi~ • stolen Corvette
MW too that we'rt checking out-;n· aajd
Sgt. Jack Calnon, of the Colla Mesa
poilce ~ and tntelllgenct detail.
Th• raid occurred on the apur..C·tbe-
moment Tbu!'lday afternoon wben ltate
uncler<over nan:ottca qen1a were 11-
temf'll!ll 1 fl,000 UJD purcbue.
Gary A. Runger.13, Ray w. Brown, 25,
Grog E. El.!hirt, 23, Shorry L. Rodweller, -
21, Vicki D. Ralnio, II, and Kathryn E.
MUMICk, IO, according to llata agents.
APOLLO 10 •••
!hat chlorii>e In the nler wu ,,,_,_
tbeir mouths. · --•
1be aatronauts, slowed by the fading
pull o{ earth's gravity to 3,675 miles per
hour In 24 hours, crosaed the 125,917-mlle
halfway mark to the moon shortly after
noon PDT.
A few minutes later, a lhort burst from
the ship'li main rocket engine nudged
Apollo 10 onto the precise path Apollo 11
will follow when ft heads-toward man's
first landing on the moon in July.
The goal ol. Apollo 10 la t:o clear up as
many of the remaining uncertainties
about moon fDlhl aa poalbll to ~ the
way tor the historic moon landing. ApoDo
lO's riskiest test comt1 Thursday when
StaUord and Cernan Dy their lunar
lander 11Sno0py't away from YOQfll In th9
((Imm.and module "Charlie Brown" and .
swoop only 50,000 feet above the forbkf.
ding lunar surface.
The complefe Apollo IO sp.celhlp,
resembling a bullet with a spidlr sitting
on its nose, was working to well that U.s
pilots bod nothing men to WGITy abool
today lhan the bitter ta.le of tbelr beavt.
ly chlorinated water and the anooytnc
thudJ of control rocket flrtno,
Ezetpt for their .couree adjustmeot and
more of the 1pectacular color te1ocasta
tlley staged eborily alter launch Sunday,
the veteran !p&Cemen had an UIJ'
schedule unW they brake Into lunar orbit
1bey Uatened to the morning n e w a
broadcut up from the Mlsalon Control
Center and theo turned !ht table> and put
on their own show, beaming bac~ the
"Up, Up and Away" rendition recorded
by Andy Wllllams.
"Listen, you guys were IO good to us
with the news this mornin1 we thought
we'd give you some disc jockey work
ftom here," Ceman t:old ground com·
municator Charles Duke.
"This Is Tom and John on tile guitar
and lhe three of us singing," Ceman
quipped. "We bad a Utile trouble atQwtng
tile bus dnm\ aboard but otherwl!ie we
were OK."
"Hey, thlt WU beautiful," Duke
replied "Somebody'• voice is cha,nstn&
tllough, or either you stowed eomebody
away up there."
"lbe VFR (voice frequency rtnlln1l
makes your voice a little hJ&htr,
Charlie," Stafford said.
' Stafford repOrted earlier that the
spacemen had "• great night'• sleep''
.after their .act.ion.filled launch d~. He
said "all of us feel tremendous thla morn-
ing. ti
The pUol.I were awakened durinl their
first slee(I period aboard the 47·ton l])let
machine by a "kind of boom-rum-rum-
rum-rum" produced by the nrular
bursts of their amall 100.pound attl-
rockets, which comro1 tbe 1pacecraft'1
pooition In space.
Oiarges -1o·amotoc1 there and one man: taken into custody at anolber
addreu nnre from pcitaelllon of
dang'10QI drup !0< sale, ueault with a
Otban arrested include 'l'bomu R.
Nlei>ur, 12, of 19 Walnut St., Newport
Beach, Wllltam E. Rodweller, 12, Cll D1i
Caotm Drive, C<!lta M-. Lindo S.
Markham, 12; of l3ll Elden Ave., Cootsi
Meu, PhlUp Aliano, 13, of llOl l!eubirt
Drive, Newport Beaclt and Michael D.
Van Noonlen, II, of San Dimu.
Frot11 Pqge I
the county bad olllained UUe "in a doca4e
or so."
Oulriiht (>Urclwe "' the proper l;J. of courae, II a pcoatb!Uty. But the coQnty la
not bellmid to have the' needed-.
Luljoan tm1bet noted thal • npci't ...
counly aiupervllon from· counl;J: -
r.-Jy lndkilect fllrlroundl' --"grfleted witb.~~·.a propolll 1o
give tile -Y the fiv....,,.. pm1dnc
ealement:. 0 That," Aid Lutjean.s, • ._..
simply an lncomct evaluation. We're not Int~ In doln( that." • . •
'l'lll ·~;.,he a&td, muat 'by ,llw
do eyerythlng J! can fa.gel the l1lOll vilue
-hence r<Vtnue -from Its boldlnp.
1bere would be no advantqe to the
fairgrounds In a1lowtng the COll!lly to
build courthouee parting f,.utttel on the
ftvHCre site, even U the falr.....,.ia bod
the rtcJil to lhart II.
"II would be too far -from 111011 Cll
our acttvtttea to do 111111\Y (OOd," be llld.
1be pn>poeed falrgrounda court afte II
on.Fair DrM jull eoutb Cll Colla M-Hl&h ·8cbool Drtv• and near the Colla
M.,. Civic Center. It ts one of two Illa
being conalderad by the COW1ly.
1be other lite, offered by the city of
Newport Beach, LI located at Newport Center. .
Development there woWd be 1n c«\-
juncUon with a Newport civic center
complex. Parking, landscaping and
maintenance facllltieo would be alwad.
Newport officials say became of the
shared racllities, the cotmty would need
to purchase Jeu than five acrv for a lJ..
court developmeot. Coat of the land,
however; woukl ~ about double whit the
fairgrounds afte would be per acn. lrVlne
Company officials eaUmats the Newport
site cOClt at about '90,000 an acre. 'nle fa~groundl property baa beea tentatively
appraised at 14(1,000 an acr<.
County eupervil«I wtU take up the
courthouee Ille queeilon Tueeday. The
"clarlflcation" -or revlsion -of the
ratrgrounda'. board'• offer conaiderably
briptsnJ Newport's hopa, accordln( to
Mayor Dol'ftn Marabalf. "It certalnly would appear tllat ,...,.
In a better poo!Uon to man the P'-11
available to the county and can do IO lzn..
mtdiltely ~ It our COit,"' lbe Aid.
She Slid it LI unlikely tile C0<111ty would
choose to spend money buildin& •
couribouH comples al the falrgrouncll on ,
a IJ'(IUnd Jeue bull.
Colla Meea P1lnning Dir.ctqr William
Dunn aaid ho WU c:Gllfuled over tho
fairgrounds' board poaftiOll. ' ' LI I I
February," be said, ''they proposed by
reoolution to offer tile coanty the land ..,
a le~Crt bub."
He 11k1·11 far u he is concerned. the
1atttt development in the complicated ·
ialue "meana 1fe've jult got to back to
wort and find out ju!I what the
fairgrounds board does mean." ·
He 1dded, however :
"W• can't keep delaying this thing
!......,., A declalon baa to be made
IOOner or later." ..
1be 1"'Hiit lbroo<:ourt facility i1
cramped -a........,. e11e near 11th Strtet and Newport Boulevard. There LI
no roam 1..-neaded apenafon. N~chChoice
Offered in occ
Student Election
The nwnber Cll candldatsa tn a atudent
govmmut election-11 at an all·tbne low
at Oranp Coat College.
F-canclldata m running tor IS
poata to be dect4ad In voting W""*da,y
and 1bundaf, -
1be ooly thing to be decided LI Whether
Vic Adams, IO, or Howard Wood, 23, will
be student body prtttdeot -fall.
RwuUng without oppoottion and ww.c!
al electlon are 12 others.
By contra.at, UC Irvine student.I had to
decide bttween M canclldata tn a •ludent election last week.
With a dlcl&ton ltill to be made at the
top, the reat of the student 1ovtrnment
lino® II 0CC neat ,..,. _,...uy will
loot lite this:
-Totn Hubble, vlct prtaldent.
-Beryl Kater, wod.ltad mon'1 prat.
-BarMra Bym, wod.ltad -'• prooldat.
-ltuden! -Sam Warren, La ltltbenkf, Jim Snadabr, Wamn Conole
D. M. ""..-., Alan Young, Rlchard -. TCJll1 Tllmor and Lan Warnate.
f'ro111 P .. e I
IGO Jardl up to tile top of lhCI clifl," Aid
-fireman called to lhCI -... htlp
eut bodlta fmn the ilnCl«l -with I ..._ tordl.
Tho -vtcttma In the Clalb car
clltd -fnalantl1 from head lnJuria IUfltrtd w11en tbe other car cancl.1a Iba roof of their ftOrthbocmd auto.
One body wu left mashed 111alllll tile
bent by the crash, which wu not wt~
...,..i, hMatla•ton said. Grim~aced ,,_. workers at tile
11Ctat f'OWtd a new campaJcn to ret a
mlllmllm 41-mlla·per.fiour speed limit
et tile weU.lmown llaugbter Strip or rvadWaJ>.
The Huntington Buch eociallt• and
owner of the Peet Coronlll Funeral Holll<! Jn We.s:lmlnstu was shot two weeta 110
today when an apparently angry mUAlc
prof....,. entered h e r Palm S]lrinp
apartment, &hot • ...,. and tlltn killed
* • • ,.....,,,_
II Morro CUna bu taken ....., of
1lns .... the Jtlrt, daplto l!lorll to mm It .i.r lhl'Olllb refleeton and
other -.. wtfl .. wamfna ...... Top of hHo?d C..r In \Vhlch Tbrw Dlod 5hMrod Off l>y L .. unon'a Hurtllftl Vlhlclo •
' I ,
~ ... ~~---, ....--.---v;:,,<-,.-;:=:-•~.~ ... ~·~.·~•'°'•WW.~K~.>~IP?"~''""'~""""''w:;""'a:;,_.,..,.~~.-~•~-~·,--,_,,_,~..,,.'.l:l'~'-'~1 '~•~·~•~n~•-·~~~~--.,-.~~~~~-,-~~~~~c.-~~~/~~~-
/ .
.-., <:-.-l'f?" :~ i ~
~·Mn 1r, ltff M ..._.II
Together for the first lime as 19611 National Charity
League debutantes are 10 young women who, be-
cause of past service and accomplishments have
been selected by the Newport Chapter for this honor.
Introduced during the traditional announcement tea
are (above , left to right) the Misses Barbara Louise
Woolsey, Kristine Laun, Emmylou Duyan, Carol
Jean Rosenast and Robynn Alberta Newton who
eagerly anticipate the social whirl which will pre--
cede their fotmal presentation to society Nov. 29 in
the Newporter'Inn. Leeming about appropri{lte ball
gowns and bow to execute a St. James bow are (al
right, left to right) the Misses Diane Frizzelle, Janis
Linden Caldwell· and Susan Bameson. Demonstrat·
ing the bow are post debutantes, Miss Sharon Has·
kel! (left) and Miu Kathleen Anne Smith. Debu·
!antes recetved the instruction and the customary
medalilons during the tea yesterday in the Irvine
Terrat!e bome of Mi's. Edmund Colliver Pratt.
_,,,_.,.._,~4.-'111' I .ic . .
Selec fs Debutantes
National ClwllY Loag'ue, Newpor\ Chapter revealed ,
the namee of debutanteo Hlected for 1960 and honored
the y<iung women darlna Ille traditional announcement
tea yesterday· in the Irvine Terrace home of Mrs. Ed·
round Colliver Pratt.
'Presen~, who will make their form~l bow ' lo
society Nov. 29 in the Newporter Inn. and their parenl.s
are Miss Susan Barneson, Mrs. John Max Rau and
Robert Leslie Barieson; Miss Janis Linden Caldwell,
Mr. and Mrs . Jack Linden Caldwell ; Miss steplia~·
Cutler, Mr. and Mrs. 'Ma,IPolm Cutleri Miss ~mmrl u ·
-1l!Jyan;Mr~and Mrs'-.PeterDuyan Jr;;-and MISS' Dia
Frizzelle, .Dr. and Mrs. Nolan Frl22elle.
Others are Miss Kristine Laun, Mr. and. Mi-s. John
Leon Laun Jr.; Miss Robynn ~Iberia Newton, Mr. ahd
Mrs. George E. Newton ; Miss .Garol Jean Rosenast, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert S. Rosenast ;' Miss Rhonda Dianne
Vogel, Mr. and Mrs. Haiis W. Vogel. and Miss Barbara
Louise Woolsey, Mr. and Mrs. Roy B. \Voolsey.
A highlight of the afternoon was the ceremony in1 which each debutante received a pearl .and gold medal·
lion from her mother in recognition of her first six year.s
of philanthropic achievement in the Ticktocker orgaru·
zation. ,
The ball is a milestone for these young women who
will continue in the group througb college a,n,d may then
become members of the National Chanty League
· The league supports the John' Tracy C,linic and
maintains the John Tracy Clinic Demonstration Hom~
and Nursery School in Costa Mesa. Ticktqckers are
active in many programs such as Candystripers arid
Head Slart. • ·
ln the receiving line Were the Mmes. Earl S. Olrich,
immediate past president of the chapter ; Edwar~ L.
Corlett, newly installed president ; Caldwell, ball dire~·
tor, and Lynn-William Kloepfer, national board pres1·
During Uie afternoon, post debul.an,tes modeled th.eir
gowns showing appropriate attite and, they d,ern~nstrat·
ed the St. James bow which 1969 debutantes will exc-.
cute when they are presented to society. .
Serving on Mrs. Caldwell~s committee are the
~1Ines. Herbert John Meany, James·Richard White, E.
Terrance Moran, Richard Walter .. Smith, John Hallam
Hiestand, Paul Williams, Russell Reed Langenbeck,
?ifelvin Daniel Kilmer III, Lisso Stewart Mim s, Richard
Curtis Rawlings, Lee Paxton Jordan Jr., Wah lers Olan·,
der, Donald Eugene Neptune , J?an Eugene Bayless. Jack
Keith Samuels and Duyan .
Between the announcen1ent tea and the ball . debu·
tantes and their parents will be involved in numerous
fun ction s. ·
,\ Already Cirded on ihe calendar are the dates of
May 28 when ail orientation s·upper will be given in the
Moran home ; Oct. 8, mothers' coffee in the home of
•1 Mrs. Kilmer III ; Nov. 9, parents' party in the home of
"Mrs. Smith, and Nov, 28, debutanle preball party.
Private parties also wlli dot the calendar as debu·
·,tantes' parents pttpare to entertain in honor of their
'daughters. ,
' ,,. I(' •• -,,,._. ' ·I .l'V
_-Favoring the Carpet Lan·ds Her Straight • the Dog House
' , • t DEAR ANN LANDERS: Your advlco to
eklEyes made JD1 IO-year<1ld c:ry. How
you be '° bdrtlea ., to 1Uual
'~ •"SwteUe." a •year-Gld .dog who had
been • f1mDy pd sJnct puppyhood'. lie
pven away. Just ~use a d9I ruins a
"" .carpeta ii no _... to break a (blld's heart. And do you know what this
troukl do to Sweetie?· He. would surely die
if 1ont1lness. Please' change. your advice
hf.ore you are delug~ with le.ttera from
jleop)e w11o will take your hide orr.
DEAR WY1 ll'1 i.o lite. ne 41e1qe
11a1-.Aa11ia.nadenu.....,,_ ................ : ' .
DEAll ANN: YOID' lldvlce that ao h>-
door doJ be given to • ranner ls typical
ol the dumb things city people come up
with. Farmers already are overrun with
clog owners w)lo don't know the liut thing
about animal!.
t diaagr:ee that a 9-year.-old dog cannot
be houlebroken. Perhaps not ·In hi•
cu.stomary -""'1Wftdlnp, but I'll hel if
they bulk! a dog houle Ind em<lce aome
,_ rulel, S-iie·could he taught to
mJnd biJ manners.
-MRS. G. H. G.
DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am tt years
old. I Uv~ I dog. Wltea-N-wtrOIFlD
motlter'1 carpet J take IOIM. peper iowels
and hloi It gp. J ue m7 foot. TMn I pour
-vblepr '" tloe spot. It ffxes
e..,.,U.tas. -• -boo LOYER
DEAR ANN : OUr lamily ref.,.. to
. I
believe that 100 C0111ider wall.to-wall -M. Y.,OF WILUAMSPORT
eirpetlnf more'important tban ,a child's DEAR ANN LANDERS: Are 100 on
love for his dog. We haveianUque orient!_I vacation ? l'lease come back.-l can't
ruP in. our "91fteJllt)d the Qptl made ~ be~ve .. yau gave that stupid answer. So
, our ntrYOUS little poodle ud our lazy Ute dog dkl a fQW things oo lhe rug. So
,a:olden ritnevei have a~ character to what? 1be· notion that t~ls perfecUy OK
these-priceless f19or ~inp. Shame on to get rid of a nything that present! a
you, Ann. , challenge ls exactly what's wrong with
-PITTSBURGH !!OClely today. If you don'\ like school you
DEAR ANN: Your •anU.. tUt a drOp out. lf you don't like 11l¥'i:riage you
dog .... W beta a UGH pet for nine bust 1t up. lf you don't like a job you quit.
yeen: be Ciffll to a firmer w11 not 1 • And now AOn Landers comes along and
humane tol..ute. To alk an aged dog te says iC you can't housebreak Your mutt •dJa.st to new people aJMI. a new en· give b!Jn to a farm er. Think it over,
vlrOnmr.nt la li1ttuoe1btt.. It wOllld be. Toot.a. .,.
muc~ il<tt<r filr tloe dOJ H 1'ey put klm -WINNIPEG
to 1Jeea. DEAR WINNIJ:1 I RAVE ...... It
• ·-------------~-----
over ud tM eut tlme I &et a JeUer -.
lnJ hr ad.teo ·-a .... l'>t ... 11
. ..-................... Rap.
kllOW tome .. l:ac •bol~ bat I'm ..
a1kley • docl •Id 119J answer ,,.,...
it. ~-;
ts alcoholism a disease? How can tl9e
alcoholic be treated? Is lbe~ a cure?
Read' the-booklet ('Alcoholism -Hope
and H.o!p,'.' J;y Ano Landen-Eqclooo.11
cents in coin with your ~--and a
long, stamped, M:lf-addre ;1 t envelope..
Ann Landers wJU be Jllad to heio YllU
with your pro~Jems. Senti tblim to &.i Iii
care ol the DAILY PIWI' ........ a illml*f, .. u.--...........
' '
I ' ~1
' f
" t.
j, r ' r
• •
~ ~ .. '· ,.
i: . '· •' " • ;· • .. !•
~ ..
' ) .. •• ~ ~· -·. ..
'· .. :;· ... .. •, e. ... ,. ;:. ..
" .. . .. .. -. .. .. ..
• . . ,. . . . .. .. . " . . • • . .
THIS IS SCOUTING -Getting belier acq\Ulinted with Girl Scouting are (Jell
to right) Mrs. Sophie Gendel of Fullerton and Mr. and Mrs. John B. Parker ol
~Corona del Mar, members of Los Cotnpadres, committee of "godparents" to
Girl Scout Council ol Orange County. Commiltee members and Scouts dined te>-
gether in Santa Ana's Saddleback Inn. ·
Los ·Compadres
Committee Members
Learn About Scouting
July Nuplltls .
Members of Los Com.padres,
advisory committee to the Girl
Scout Council of Orange Coun-
ty, went out to dinner w:iih
their "charges" in Santa
Ana's Saddleback Inn and
found out what Girl Scouting
is all about .
After:Maurice Gladman, Los
Compadracbairman, in-
troduced the group's newly
for1ned executive committee,
the Girt Scouta took over and
presented a program or song,
dance and mime •
Mesa, neighborhood chairman,
and Mrs. Henry Manz, troop
leader, of Newport Beach,
talked about the dedication to
community service ·and good
citizenship characteristics of
Girl Scouts and the program
was. concluded with a progress
report on the Girl Scout cam-
ping program.
. I
High · Scficio1 Sehiors
.:zontians Select
Tbt -Clllb ot ~owpori ------pr! fnllll each of the
Newport--. ~ schools aJ
the -dlrkl{lle-rnontb.
Tbt oelectioo II ba!ed upon
-Jeadmblp, c I t I ze~n I h I p ,
·ICbolanbip and sen.tee to her
ICbooJ. At the end ol the
achool year, the Zonia girls oelecl the ooe they fed the
moot qualJIJed to be oarned
the 1.onta GlrJ..ot-tbe-year for
lllelr ICbooJ and the recipient
·al a ISO savtnp bond.
Miis Debbie Merg..,thaler,
daupter of Mri.. Leo Gorerty
of Newport Beach, currently is
executive council ofl\ce.r, stu·
dent congress _representative
and a tutor at Franklin School
in Santa Ana.
Last year ,she was Spanish
Club president, G~is' Learue
historian, American F i e I d
Service member and a Can-
dystrlper at Hoag Memorial
Hoop!Jlll, Presbyterian •
The 12th grader plam to at-
tend CalifonM state College
at Long Beach and become an
elementary School teacher.
AUG thinking of an elemen-
tary teaching career ls Miss
Ginger Albee, daughter of
Mrs. John Nuzum of Costa
The former vo lun teer
worker at Filrvlew State
Hospital is senior class vice
pr!!ident and wu junior.class
secretary. In the future she
plans to tra\tel.
Mias Lonni Goslin ls this
year 's homecoming princess,
commlss!ooer of affairs and
welfare, senior class secretary
and concert choir member.
Named four years to the
honor roll, Miss Goslln has
reffived the Rotary Girl-of·
the-year award, E s t a n c I a
Jeweled E and I. E. Moore
'Ibe daughter of Mrs. Larry
Shertzer of Costa Mesa has
been acUve as junior class
vice president, a cheerleader,
vice praldent of t h e
sophomore class and vice
presidept of the Pep · Club. ,
0th~ acUvlUes included the
freshman clasa council, Girls
AthleUc Aslociallon and Var-
sity swim team. •
The coed will attend the
University of California, Santa
Barbara and study sociology.
The fourth winner . or the
Zonta award, Miss Amy Dye
also plans to enter the elemen-
tary edUcation field. After Oranf e Cout College she will
enrol at San Dlegti State Col·
iege or UCSB.
The daughter or M r s .
Debbie Mersienthaler
Virginia Dye of Corona del
Mar is a cheer I ea de i , ESTANCIA COM HIGH
yearbook staff member and Lonni Goslin Amy Dye president of the Pep Squad.-------------~---'---'----[\
She formerly was a
songleader, drill team and
AFS member.
The president ol Lauriers,
auriliary to the J u n i o r
Women's Club of Costa Mesa,
is in the senior honor society,
was named Most Spirited
Senior Girl and Girl-0[-the-
League Charts Monthly Trek
' Laguna Beach is putting the
wheels in motion for another
monthly bus trip -this time
to O)ai Valley -Wednesday, May 28. •
Luncheon, shopping a n d
. 'Sightseeing are all Included in
the Itinerary, according to
Mrs. Wllllston Bradway, p~
jects cbalnnan. She is assisted
by Mrs. C. R. Beck Jr.
The bus trips are one o! the
league's projects which fall
under its Operation
Friendliness program .
Neweot topplnc fa< ttsuJar
Jenath ltocklnp: tho ~
Joo.&. -dealp ~ tho first !bat mates wlth evory
type al fCIUlldallon pnnenl
without 1arters. Tbt future
ol lhll otocldnr: knlttin& of
aoeclll loops into the top and
th& repl,acement o ~' con-v~Uo.nal priers with "1 Oat claap.
'lbt development s'o,l v es
the naain& ~i..n of the too
short otoci$1, rarter bump
and carter · ppa. The ,,...
stock1rw comes in 1c coJors.
Gloomy Gus Tells it
As You See ii
by the area's
' ~-' Arrowhead
For Rites
Orange Coast residents
serving on the committee are
UCI Chancellor Daniel G.
Aldrich J r • , Assemblyman
Robert Badbam, John Lawson,
John McLeod, 0 . W. Richard,
Howard K. Smith, M rs .
Norman Watson and Robert
Sa g ittar iu s: Be Perc ep ti ve
' • ,, • ' . .
' .
. •
. ..
. . ' . .. ·'
" ..
. ' ..
. ..
. . .
·: .
Ltl<e Arrowhead In July' will
be Ibo -.. r.. the ....icJinc
al CarollDe Abbott al Mmihat-
tu -and Ricbml c. David of Newport Boocb.
Tllelrena~ -an-
--1 l>J --al PUtdena Ille! C. B. Abbott
al.Pastdena, -al the
future bride. ltr. ud Mn. E •
W. Hostetter al Nowpcrl
Buch are lteplalller and
mother of the br:ldtlf'OOID-
MiJI Abbott •ttended the I
University of Arbon.a where
sbe majored In line arll and b
· a graduate of Yuma Blah
School Her flance WU a Plii
Delta Theta at bb alma
mater, UolA, and studied
Presently he l1 ~ aviation
alllcer candklale underaollll
Na>y pilot traJnin( a I
Pensacola .
GOP Gala
Challenge Year 1970 will
theme the amw&l sala fund·
nlsing dinner al the Oranae
County Republican cepttal
Committee 'lbunday, May 22. ·
in the Anaheim Conventlon
Gov:Ronald Reqaa w'lll ad·
elms the l1""P duiiQl the
$100 per pllte affair wtiich is
being planned by M r I ,
Barbara Bunker of Coria
Mesa, presideDt of. Federa~
Republican Women of Orange
County, Mn. G<orp Delahan·
t1 of Fullerton and • com-
~ or Republican ~·
15esigner Due
Appearing in Robinson's,
Fuhion l 1 l a n d , Thursday,
May 2Z, will be Sergio, make-
up designer for Eve of Roma .
1be noted designer has
designed make-up for movie
at.in, haute couture models
and fashion maguines in
Rome. Hollywood and New
MAY 20
N, Weed of Newport Buch; By SYDNEY OMARR
J~ J, Courre(el, Fquntain
Valley ; Selim S. Franklin, ARIES (March 2l·April 19):
Colla Mesa, amt Mr. and Mn. Accent on bow you prepare, on
John B. Parker, COrma del research and kmwledge. No
Mar. Mrs. Watsm serves on ~y for short cut.s. Stick to the
the executive ccmmittee. nJ\el!I. Spotlight on domesUc
Mn. T. E. Hunter, Costa '!Et~ !:t.ly affairs. Get suf-
(Aprll 20-May Ill):
n separating facts
f.ron\fan . Many Ideas today
._ __
Future Brlde
News Told
At Party
Alter celebrating the birth-
day of Wanda Jean Anderson
of Costa Mesa, close family
members gathered in the
home of her pa.rents, the Addis
B. Andersorls of Costa Mesa,
learned of her engage-
ment to Dtnni.s E d w a r d
\Vatson of Santa Ana.
Mlss Ander s on is a
graduate of Estancia High
School and attends Orange
Coast College.
Her fiance, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank E. Watson o! San·
ta Ana, is a graduate of Santa
Ana VaJ ley High School and is
student at Santa Ana C<llle1e .
The couple have selected a
December wedding date.
may llOI practical. Short
lrlp ~ on agenda. Keep a~ ~h up on Jet·
tef writb1c. Rllatlve needs en·
COlU'afement. •
GEMINI (May 21.June 20):
You can add to po1sesaiora
through genuine b a r g a I n .
Older individual utilizes ex:·
P.erience to aid. Be a good
U!lener, shrewd observer. Day
features gain.
CANCER (June UJuly 22):
for lmER CARl'm"
Phone ~H-YAL 847-1678
Greater recognition of efforts
due. You are rewarded in
solid, materlal sense. Put
flllilbJnr -00 importanl project. Buy some clothes.
Dress for the part of success.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22):
Much that was hidden comes
int.o open. Be frank, forthright
and incJeRendeDI. One behind
the scenes changes aUitude -
in your favor. Know this-and
be confident.
VIRGO (AU(. 23-Sept. 22):
Friend provides information of
value. SpoUight on transform-
ing dreams to realitjes.
Socialize. Look and listen -
then you also learn. Accept
unique invitation.
!JBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22):
Special emphasls today on
career, ambiUons. presti1e.
Key is versatility. You expand
operations. Find ways of
streamlining methods, pro-
cedures. You can add lo In·
11 F•s"ion l1lend
Newport Bee.c~6~~-1310
SCORPIO (Oct. 23--Nov. 21): past. Much accomplished to-::! lu~ ~=? ~:; day if you keep on even keel. TO SWIM AT m GA.
creative lnterett.s. You find S~ck to the tried-and-true. lli 1
ouUet for talf:ota. Give ol PISC&'l (Feb.Jll-Marcblll): BLUE BUOY WIG &aaE!~:V yourself. 'Iben you a 1 s o Favorable lunar aspect today.
receive love. Key is to break coincides with greater chance AINI S. Win Ye11 SALON
down ba?Tiers of restriction. for creative eipression. Fine • .....,,.., hike hlelld, 548.3446
SAGITl'ARIUS (l'fov.~ Z2· (or putting ideas to'wmk. You ,_.,. AM. Tntl• 210oD hit t7rti Str.t
Dec. 21): M<mey traosaction ls can Write, transact business 546 1800 HILLGAEN sQUAAE
succeutul H JOU rod between and deal successfully with top • COSTA MW
t11e u .... C11ect rm. pr1n1 • .,~peo~p~'·:·~~~~~~-==================.!~~~~~~~~~ Don't sip away oorndhin( for [·
nothin(. U perceptive, a c:on,
structive chana:e brightens
money picture.
CAPRICORN (Dec. :J2.Jan.
19): Gain cooperation from
famHy. Without that, value of
efforts is diminished. Know
this and act accordingly. Mar·
riage discussion appears high
on agenda.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 2Jl.Feb.
18): Practical approach is bet·
ler than any get-rich-quick
scheme. Rely upon persons
who proved dependable In
AT 1 ?5 .00; NO-SET CUT , 5 .00. BEAUTY SALONS.
Yeut Cht'f' Accownl W1lcern._l•11••111•ric•rd, M11!1r Ch1r91, +01.
Op111 M1 M11.,, Ff;d,., u"tll t 1JO P•""·
I .
Cos l Mesa
J • , ..
Y9C. 62, NO. 119, 3 SECTIONS, 32 PA6ES
..J ' .. 1
TtMlay'• ...... -·
Fair B6 itrd,.Acti0n Co~plicates · ·court· Pietllr~
·~ ~ .j. .. • ' • • .. . . ., '
' < • By JEROME F. COUJNS 'llle·-N ·~·Netn>orl Bea<h ·
~ .. o.11r 1tt• ~. city olQdab, w}\o wapt the development
On ti1iev ol •. Poui~le •""''...,,.bf I 11! Ne!fP!I'! ~· · aod ii upoel Coita
Orange . r 'Mo<vllors. the Nltle ~~ wllo pno;lilocl lo lbe
over locallon of a Harbor Area • COUnty the f~·tocallon proposal.
municipal courthouse complex was more AJfred LutjeanS, fairgrounds general
conluaed than ev~ today. ~· said this morning his b!>atd
The orflll• County FairJr<>Ullds board ,iw;, ,. , .,_ .
of di~ bu seerl to that by sharply 1L~wrl a 'Offer to pt'Qvide 1ftee to
revising' an offer to 'the county for a -.-the 11 y'an~~·for a 'five.acre
rtgiooa1 court site 'at the fairgrounds in pu-kfpg site to-arve·~ court complex.
Costa Mesa. The bDird now:. w.aii.Lt:eitber to .sell the
f' ~ I • ' ,' ' ; '
j • -
land outright l~the comity or lo leue I~
;"C\frifitld" its ilion on pqther
eia;ht acres for • ~ding pUqiOaes.
F•lrgrounds directOn, said, Luljeans,
prefer to lease 'the land, rather than sell
il 'to the cwhty aver ' a 10 rto 11-Year
period, as pre\tiously ~ and, be indJ~ted;
eri-oQeousJy -understood. .,
Lutje"1l5 insisted lhat fhe -1board's
present views on,~ me~ of .county ac~
qWsiUon of the eight-acre bulletin& site do
ncil represent ai>y i>Jcl<lracDog: · . . • , , r . "'
Moon D·~tld · A·head
• .
Apollo A~tronauts 'Get Good -i:iew
SPACE CENTER. Houston (AP) -
Aittr IS hounl " ll!ght, the Apollo 10
astronauts saw the moon for the first
tiine today and happily reported "as tbe
earth gets smaller, it sure Is nice to see
where you are going."
The spaceship carrying Air Force Col.
'Ibomas P. Stalford and Navy Cmdrs.
. Eugene Cernan and JOOn Young was
about 90 minutes short of the halfway
point when Stafford yelled oul:
"'Hey, we HDl.ily got a good view of the
The groudd , referring to the fad that
the moon l! only a sliver, replied ''Roger,
'Hot' Council
Meet Forecast
Bv .St. Clair .. •
M_,. matten --16cally, op;
pointment of a city treMurer and re-hir·
iDg (!f auditors •rviag ;Uae city for the
pul•U fwl -wlll be 6cuaed tonight
by the Costa M.,. City Council.
· "It's gOM11 be a hOt oi<," CO\mdfiDan
Wllllim L. St. Clail eonlme~ted Friday, ·
indicating he will be right in the middle
of the debate. , ' ~ .
St. Ctatr challenges~ another ttirtt-jear
contract approffd May 12, to llire a Whit· t!et'audl~i company which has handled
city nnanCes since the community was
i~~rwra~. ' H~ will mate· a motlon for'creatlbn of a
committee ,to 11tudy offers by' alldltlng
compaiµes,, be~o,re .hiri,ni the same firm,
Pyle, Lance, &ihllnger & Soll agam.
"The comnllll>e "' tllen lo nepllate the service and cost with one finn
selected from among the five'TespOnding
to our request," Councilman St. Oair es-
p lams.
Before hiring the same finn again, city
official! malled requests to etgbt firms to
sabl'nit auditing prices, wtlh only sil
Two supplied prices -one of them the
Whittier firm -and the«hers indicated
they would like to sit down and dl.lcuss
accounting costs with city officla1s. St.
Clair says.
"The couilcil actually voted to continue
its audit service for apother three years
with the same firm, without the benefit of
investigation and ezplotaUon with any of
the other five," St.. CIAir continues.
The vole was 3 to 2, With Councilman
George A. Tucker.joining him.
If approved, the St. Clair audjting mo-
Uon could also establish an autmnalio
rotation system every four years for
a~ of the cit.Y's books.
6:1md.lmen ' are 1lao scheduled to
choose a new city treasurer tonight from
an;iaiig five applicants for the job of the
late w. c. ''Cy" Ries. .
A policy statement on Uris Matter will
be delivered by St Clair also, urging ei:·
ploraUon1of the trtuurer'a duties and e1.-
p>nsioll of the• to a full-time poll.
Under statelfaw, the•city treasurer is
paid ,100 per month for about m hours of
work, but St. Clair suggests beefing up
the job to ~eep pace with the city's size
and economy,
One result, he says, citing newspa~r
and magazine riports1,eould be lncreued
city revenae through investment of kUe ,
budget money where tt would do the most ·
aood. . U S M . ···• ·He quotes the magaune . . wua.,..
Newa .., aayin« the city of Memphia,.
Tem., acqulred 1121.llOl this way last
year and St. Lewis officials picked up $1.3
SI. Clair also quotes Hunllogton S.ach
City T,.......r Warren G. Hall u aaylng
the beach town loot $1111.1100 tut y .. r
bec:a,.. ii did DOI lake advantqe " such
Stoc!k M•rlceU
1 ~BW YORK.(APJ -Tbe llock market
Cl(led wlth a lharp loss today, u 'broton
rej.orad prollt laking weighing it down.
(See qOOlaUons, Pag., 10.U).
Tradilll slowed near the clooe. Tbe
Dow Jonea Industrial a\.wa1i at 1:30
p.m. WU off 'I.DO II tll.IJO.
th:af l"llini cre~t'a ~dt very much but
gla4 ,you' s,e-e it."
'"Ygah," said SLafford, "we can see the s~t and alao we actually can see the
Addltiooal ApoUo
Stories, Page '
oUier part of the moon in earth shi~. •1
Earth shine is a rtflection o( the e~'s•
lighl101 the dlrk'sUle of tbe moon.
Cern&n's happiness at seeing their
d~ljon · was undmtandable. The •
Apollo 8 crew in its Yuletide trip did not ,
see the moon unUl.lhe ship was orbiting
the lunar surface. ·
A COsta Mesa bank waii reportedly held
up a few mi.nut.es before 1 p.m. today, but
police at the scerie hid Jio details to offer
at pre.itime. · .
m>o.cue· 1nvo1ved'the UDlled·California· lllllill 3111i· 11a>11or ·lltyd., tiut ~ ..... ~--,-..Ille ···~ fol>. ' bely 'methciil; a-.iJog ti> Sst. Gary -.. . I -:r·.--.., .•
' , . .. . ) CtifC to DISCtiss . ' I~d~stry Laws
,CurrenUy .~ed iGallforrUa.>laws lrr-
vol'viJ:ig industrial reJa~ ,will ~
d~•for the Costa.Mesa Chamber of
Commerce. Thur&day by labor lobbyisl
Grant :KeQYPn.
T)le .lndyslrjlll aqd legislatjve ·COm-
m.ittes' joint meeting w'in be a noon
lund!eon at the Costa M ... Goll aod Coun!IJ .Club, according to chairmen Vl(aghn Redding aod Clifl,Wesdorf.
Kenyon is dirttjor of government rfla-
tians f O r Jbe Merchants and Manufac-tuling Aaociation. Los· Angf:Ies, and is a
close observer of labor legislation in
He will be introduced by Larry
Gadaire, Oranae County ,manager f<lr the
orpnizaUori, according to Chamber or
Commerce ,Executive Secretary Nick Ziener. ·
" Nol looj al(er theh report, the Apollo
10 crew was to perform the first mid·
space firing of their rocket engine~ -a
seven"secmd. burst that was to increase
their speed by 32 miles an hour. Tbe bum
was to enable them to cross the lunar
equator on the same track that the Apollo
11 astronauts must follow to land on ·the
moon in July •
Apollo 10 is a dress-rehearsal for that
flight, lacking only the actual landing of
the spidery lunar lander.
The crew complained earlier tbat dull
Uiods interrupted their night's sleep and
(See APOU.O D, Pa1< Z)
Judge Weigh s
Sentence_.f or
P~ony . Ot:,ctor . ' .
Of ,.,. • DfltlJ l'li.t st.tr .
Superior . C<>uJ:! J q d 1 e Byron K.
McMiilan bas set :June 5 as the date on
which be wm aentence Orange COunty'I
medical .iaipo&tor, Robert -Ervin Brown.
He must. decidejn ,the next two weeks
what !ona tbat sentence·wUI take, baaed
on the jury'• verdict that Brown, 33, wu
guilty of two felony aod· ll misdemeanor
counts. One. count of falaely pracUcing
medicine without a license wu rejected by the panel. . .
Comparable Superior Gourt record& trr-
dicate that Judge McMillan may prefer
to sentence Brown on the 11 misde-
meanors and suspend sentence on U)e
felony convictions, each of which carries
a. one to JG-year state pr.ison year,
Each misdeme--ctflOr calls for a six
month jail term. Brown could be put
behind bars !or more than Live years en
the lesser .counts alone if'tbe full terms of
those charges were applied.
But the judge may be content to
sentence Brown on the felonies, to run
concurrently and suspend or dismiss the
(See 'DOCI'OR,' Page t) . " '
~ .................
l'ltlSH START -Slluur Richard Ramlra (center) of-co.ta Meaa
Golt and ~ Club, aclleduleo round at IOlf fOt Cbamber al °""1-
merce President Jack Hammett (lefl) and hank Zrebiec, chainnan
of nl!w' ~batnbec committee helping disabled Vletnem vels lilld jobs.
Ramlrtt, wbo lost le& in combat, ls l!rsl vet placed by chaml>er croup.
"We Just clarified Iha·..-.!," htsakf.
The .boam, which met "' the lime !ale
1.,1 'll>unday•nlgbt, agreed -y
that it never had favored acquisition of
tbe !ind by the county lhrou(lh a ieu<-
opUon -or 1001-tenn purcbue -ar~
rangement. The minutes of -._Jan. rll
meeUng boro this oo~ Lutjean·saJd. ·
At the January fairgrounds board
session, according to Lutjeans, directors
declared that the."dlslrlct prefers a leue
to an outrlghl sale, buf aCtnowledgeS that
LY: Et MoRRO GR'ASH t _,_ F'-Vtlilcle . ' I ' •
,-;~ ..... -; '1 1j•. Ji.l r"'li .~ ',~· .,~. 'l ! •• ''I'
l ' ' 1 ' '
'. · ~ 1•J •~1"1 ...
Su8Jl!!°t! .quizzed • ..... •. 11.J--/ W PI'st EI· Morro
Co mphiinf;S Against 1.1 . . .
' In N~t.cQ Ralll, So11:ght
Questioning ol ~,P..ls ·•rresf.O In ·•
$15,000 drug and stolengoods . raid · at a
Hes&ian motorcytje club conimune in
Costa Mesa last Thursday cohtinue1 to-
day, wbile police seek complaint& aa~.t
11 peraons. .
Several of the seven men and four
women arrested at 2653 Santa Ana Ave.,
wheft LSD, marijuan.a,.c o u n t er f e I t
travelers c~b ahd other" 1lenis. were '
conllsCated ~~· ~ ~ Oo. bail. . "We'v:e ~ lg>1wtf~ a' ~len ,C!Qrvette .
now too that 1Wt're .checkihg-out/' said ·
Sgt. Jack Calpon, " the· O>Bla Mesa .
police vice and intelligence detail.
Tbe raid. oceurred en ,I.be s~r~f·the
momerit Tburiday afternoon when "1tate
undercover ,parco_tlcJ agebts were at.
lempling,a•fl,000 .LSD ~·.
Charges against IO arrested there and
one man takeil .into cu&tOdy at another
address · raitge from poasession of
dangerous druga for sale, aaault with a
deadly weapon aod ~"' " 1'irg1ary.
An arsenal " abolpll was oelud al
the rambllng ·old -· liomo I« a
blndljll of tlie --. lbalr c~ aioloreycJes aod an iulorlment " dop.
One ol, the mpects, Gr.1 E. Elliilre,
21, \I chargochrilh assault with a diadrY
we&J>Oll after aBececlly levellnl a.ihcqun
al la'flD<Cl orbo ealered hla room. ·
Thi conipleto armt nlller followl!!I ~
ooe-mqntll probe ol actl-it that.ad-
dress. &.,luclet -people:-·
_ G,llfY A. Runge•, IS,. Hor W:· Brown, 15, .
G1J1,E . .Elilrire, JI, ShelTJ !;i.Jlodweller, :iz; \!ldcJ D.• Rolnlo, II, and,~ E.
MUlllCk,' 20, acaritna: .io . ....te:Q~ta.
0tbera arr~ ·include Thomas R.
Niebur, 12, "'Ml· Wab!ut Sl\,-N"ew~
Beach, Wllliani E. Roi:lweller, ,22, .of 2205
Canyon Drive, Costa Mesa, Linda s ..
Markham, 22, of UH Elden Ave.1 Costa
Mesi, Philip Affano, 231 Of 4503 stashOi'e
Drive, Newport S.ach and Mlcbael o .
~an Noorden, 21, of San Dtmu.
Vets Find Jobs
Mesa Chamber Helps Returnees
Under the lead<nhip " commlUee
chairmM F.rank Zrebiec:,•Vlct Prealdent
aod manarr.er ~ the Cool,t -branch.
of the U.S. Natlooal Bank, 2!i Jeadlnl
chamber membefa ..,;, bol~ ~
·-who return to eo.;a Meaa to·
fjnd jobe, ..
"It •Peean Ult Jobi will be available,''
said• Hm'lmett. 11We've juai got to 'ret 1
fool In the door' ..
,fl will be. eaojer, he lhJillcs', becaU&e,
"We aren't wor~ tltnlotlli -c\el ol·
11cee, but throogh,oomf'Ol17 """"""''
who .. lll<IDben· " the -" oornrnttt:t."
Thi chamber hop<s to make all'
fll!'lk:lpaUnc compoOJe. "'""' ol the,
Hllll " the ' dlaablod ·-lhroulh, reaumes trill wlU be dupUcaled aad Miii,
tp Ill the comP11J:let It lhe 11J1W1 time. •
Any --""' "_,...,.. In llndlnc a Job Jn lhe Hanot Anl --contact !he Co11J M• (lbombor o1. Com-: i\ierce, Ill W. 1111> SL, Colla Mtlil,
le~-· ·. Tiie Cllllnber wlll hllp him write a
reowne, and wlll dlltrl-the rtlUDll ''"
all buolMJ e.-llvea wt».•• ilm>Jved 1ii the prOsrani: • ' ' ' ,.. .. • · 1 • ••
·•• • ---, ,.. • ,._ J
erash Kills Fout;
Lagun~n · · Victllii
. A high ~ .. be8d0. c:OUisJOn Jn wtikli
cne airborbe car t6ok the roof olf IDiJtlier
8uto' like • can opener· killed four mm
earlY. Sunday in the worst 'acCidmt kl.. the
histoi-y of treacherous El Morro .a.n. near Laguna Beach. · • • . ni< dead include a Laguna man ri4liil
alone u d three Los Angeles • ~
· !Mi C.Uty Trallle i• i7 -DMlli TOI! • · 71 •
whole car-was ·cllpped,u the .other UU.
ed. over it upside down. .
'I'he viclims ...,. . idelllllled · by Ibo
Califamis. Highw11 Patrol,·u : ~ .-
-Rould E. DiUm, 31, of ·385 l.oc:t8*
Ave., Leguoa'se,cb. · '· • , .
-Rlcbard C. Clart, 22.; ·"• Cil)'l oli I!>
c1us1ry, . •
-.Alan•Hdsdmbitr,•19, o£ Van·NQI~
~ark 1Pretj)'mill1 11, o(,ffollywood:
. A fourth ~ooth rtdiog in lbe•northboopld
car driven by Clarke, Sim-' Prieto, 1M; ·ot
Los Angeles, ts Jn crltlcll coodilloll ~Y
at South CoUt Comnnmlty• Hoapltal.-willl
severe head injuries. ~ ~
JnvetUgatofs liki lhe-12:111 a.m. ens~
may have been cauaed by Oi'elun'1Jalllu
asleep at the wheel on the treacherous
siaslde curve ·" ·Padllc Coolt llighwax DCrth of Laguna Qelch. I
The southbound vehicle bounced oil~ a
guanfrall, hurtled ~ lour-1-ol
ltalllc, caromed"" •·dirt-IOd abot upside down back into the road,
hllllog Clark's car. .
'"Ibero was biooci' Ud' btaina ~ttmd
(See EL MOIU\O, Pap/If
I I , i . . • J ••. ,. '.
Wea~ 1
' 'cloudy, foay mclrntop c:ontlhcle-
lo be 'the ord<r' ol the day 'alone
,the coast. with Tuei!day'1 temper._
tures ranging from r7 to 71.
INSmB TGDA 'l' . ' WaUr, water ntflltDhbe -n... it gets lilcr• 1~ 11oe· ~ fmtd cool. Cfc"" atalf lr fAC
/11ftCfion o/ tllt Almopollfa!I
Water Diolricf. (See Poof MJ. .............. '.
CIMw* • ...... -" c ........ ,..... ........... ..
C»Mld ..... ..., ' c.-. ............... ,.
:::: ....... 1~ =~ = ....... .... . ,.::.:::··..., ........... ... . ..
...... 4 tt-1t .,...... ..
-..... 14 • --• '1 -. ......... u..,. ...... ~ . •
,1 • '
-lollLY I'll.OT e
. .
Can~t Top Her F,.....r,,...J
APOLLO 10. ••
Court Won't 'Hear Dancer Appeal that Chlorine In lbe waler was bllnilnc
their mouths.
The utronauti. •lowed by lbe fadJni
pull of earth'• gavity to i.m mllaa per
hour In 24 hours, croaoed lbe lJll,147-mile
halfway ml?k to lbe moon lllorlly aftor
nooe PDT.
WABillNG'l'ON (AP) -The SUpmne
c.art -today to -the act of topJeu . eniertainer Kelley lier wboSe
-.. niaed the eyebrows of local
pollee'baliailecl"to bllJ>IWU the California
Supnsne c.art u aoythJng more lhan a
fonn of espressioo prof«led by the U.S.
lllla lier WIS me&led foor Je&1' qo
-. penOiinlng a -. oh> called .. Walking the' Doc" In a Sin Pablo, Calif., nlCMclub and found auJlt7 ol Indecent ·ex-
J>OICllO and lewd and dlaolule concb:I In pcibllc. .
llqt the California Supreme C«at 1et
ulde the convidtolll agalnat lbe ....
ter11iDer and her boa, Albert J. Gllu>
nlnl, boiding that lopJeu dlnclng WU
prdeCled expreosicm under lbe 'Finl A-
Asking lbe high court to overrule lbe
California Supreme Court and affirm lbe
ccnvictions qaiJllt MW Iser and Gian-
nini, ,the stale declared:
"It is one thing to Portray nudity and
....,a1 misconduct . . • In boob,
magazinel, photographs and motion plo.
iw,s, but qui\e another to -onstrale
llUClr conc:luct on stage and live."
Mias ·1aer, allswtring the state's appeal
peUtlon, defended her performance as
"an art fo r m •• , • used for tbe com·
munlcitioo of ideas" and that there wu nO reaion 'to distlnguish between "liv~
and fixed media communication ol
Justice John ManlW.l ·Harlan voted to
• bear the case, but the appeal-·failed
becaule the consent of at least folir
jusllces was required.
A few mlnuleo Iller, a abort bunt from
the llblp's main rocket enllne nudpd
Apollo 10 ooto lbe preclae path Apollo II
will follow when It beada toward man'•
first Jandlng on lbe moon In inly.
The goal of AJ>llllo 10 is to cloar up as
many of the remaining unctrt.mttea
about moon fllghl aa poalble to pave Iba
way frlr the bist:oric mocm landJ.nc. Apollo
!O's riskiest le!! comes Thursday when
SWford and Ceman fly their lunar
lander "~" away from Youn& In the
command iooduJe "Cbarlle Brown." and
noop on1J I0,000 feet ibove the forbld-
diJig· lunar surface. ,
Highest Court Overtur~
Le.ary's 'Pot' Convict~n
The complale APollol O opac:ollblp,
. mamhlJn&.a -with • aplder altllng
on its noee. wu workhlg '° Well that its pUotl had -i more to worry abctclt
today tban the bltt<r tule of thelr.beavi·
Jy· cjllorlnaled waler and the annoying
lll•da of eootroJ· rocket flrlnp, Exe.¢ 'for their coune adjuatmenl and
more of the spectacular ooJOr leleWb
they illaged shortly after Ja1D1Cb Sunday,
the ~eteran apacemen bad an euy
sclledule until Ibey broke Into Jµnar orbit
WednNday. ·Fnlil Wln lleriket
1be U.S. SUprtme Court today
unanimously voted to O'Vertum a federal
conviction of Dr. Timothy Le4fY for
possession of marijuana because com-
pliance with the law w~d literally
amount to 1ell-incrlmination.
Dr. Leary, n, a sometime· nsldent of
Lquiia Btid! "'"here be .na ·111s flilrilly
currenUy face additional drug charges ....:.
had been .. ntcincedto four to 30 years·m.
prlsob'W g!Vett'a MO;OOO fine. ' ....
The noted 1..50 experimenter was found
guilty In Laredo, Tex., of illegally
tl'8llSJ>Ol'lil> marijuana and faillng to pay
a $100-per-ounce federal transfer tu.
Handiug cown a CedsloB for the first
time since Associate Justice Abe Fortas
resigned last week, Ille high court "'8·
gested that Dr. Lary would have sub-
jected hlmseU to self.tncrunlnation by
paying the tax.
The action today strikes down a section
of the U.S. Narcotics Importation Statute
which previously made possesslon of
mcarijuana sufficient for assumption that
it was illegally imported and the
poueaor knows it
Leary's appeal attacked three fedtral
laws that, while not making PoS!Oslotl of
marijuana illegal, still make suptrvilion
)l()SSible through bnport controls and tax·
aUon. ·
Justice John M. Harlan's opinion In the
Leary ,cue that presumption of criminal
involvement under the three Jaws must
be comidered irraUonal and arbitrary.
"He was confronted with a statute,
wbicb on tts face permitted blm to ac·
quire the drug legally, provided he paid
the SlOO-per-ounce transfer tu and gave
Incriminating lnlormation," Harlan said,
speaking for the-court.
"And sim~tantously," Harlan con-
OllANG• CO.Ul .. UtlllHING <~Alfi
«•lMrt N. W••'
"'"'""' .. ""*'llMr
J•ck It. C11 rl..,
Viol l"Nt!MM -0.-11 MD11twr
Ttl•111•1 K•••1l E•111<
Ttl•111n A. MwtplM11•
~"'f;lll1"t ---,,. Wed t.y Street
M1ill"• A!Ntt1t1 P.O. f•• I l60, t26?' --..........., tMdl: ttll ._., .. lbN '°""--LMllN 11Mc111 m "'-' ,,...,.. H\lllt_. .. .,.,, _, Slh Stitt
DAILY .. ILOT II•" .......
Appe.11 Winner Leary
llnued, "he was confronted with a sYstem
of regulations which, according to the
government, prohibited him from ac-
quiring marijuana under any conditions."
The jurist continued to say that Dr.
Leary had plenty of reason to fear that
the information would be given to local
lawmen if he admitted to the government
that be had obtained unregistered pot.
Chamber to Hear
Saddleback JC
Football Coach
A lop Southland coach who turned down
a pro football career to leach the sport
blmaelf will speak In a Friday luncheon
meeting of the Costa Mesa Chamber of
'Ibey listened to the momlng n e w s
broldcast up from the Mission Control
center and lbeO 111n1ed the tables and put
on their own show, beaming back the
''Up, Up Md Away" rendition recorded
by Andy Williams.
"Li!t.en, you guys were to good to us
with the nen this morfilnc.~•e thougl)t we'd· ,gtve youi IOme· dlte jockey work
from here," cernan told ground com-
municator Charles Duke.
"Thia iJ Tom-and John on the guitar
and the three of us alnging," Ceman
quipped . "We bad a lltUe trouble stowing
the bass drum aboard but otherwise we
were OK."
"Hey, that was be1uUful,'' ))Jke
replied. "Som'ebody's voice ls changing
though, or either you stowed &0mebody
awsy up there."
"The VFR (voice frequency ranging)
makes y9ur voice a little higher,
Charlie," Stafford aaid.
StaHord reported · earlier that· the
spacemen had "• great night's sleep"
after their action-filled launch day. He
said "all of us feel tremendous thia morn-
The pjlota were awakentd during their
first sleep period aboard lbe 4Mon apace
machine by a "kind of boom·rum·rum-rum·rum" produced by the regular
bursts of their nnaJJ JOO.pound alUtude
rockets, whlcb control the spacecraft's
poslUon in space.
Grape Strikers End
March to Mexico
CALEXICO (UPI ) -A caravan of
striking grape pick.en ended their elgbt-
day, 100.mlle march to Ibo Moxlcan
border Sunday night by cheering Sen.
Edward M. KeMedy and rarm labor
Jelder Cea&r Chavez IJ!S they Spoke from
the back ol a flatbed truck.
'Ille trek thrOugh the de9ert where
daytime temperatures climbed past the
loo-degree mark wu slfi&.11f lo ciil.I at· t<»don to lbe _boycott of omla !able
graP<S and the strike agalnat growm.
Saddl<back Junior College hMd coach Georae Htrtman wtll di.sews his footb.U.-..
philCllOllhY before the chamber'• Red O.ts AWarcb c.ommittee and Offidal
Greeters Commltlee. at Mr. Steak res·
Al.blttes ol the month awards wW also
be IJ"'sei!led to oeven high rchool and
c:olltge stan'"durlng the J<>ln l commltlee m..un,. Hartman was named Pioneer Lttgue
Coocl> of the Yw In the early Sixtln for
guJdlnc El S.l\lll'»RJcl> School lo a tM
win·iosa record in two IWOOI and ·hU
coached at several other schools.
.Fr~e -Gls, · Red·s ... ~sked
~ ' .1~' ,1 '
LaiTd Protats TreatlfU!ni of Priaoners · ' ... . ... ~ . ..
. ·~ (41') -'8ecfttary "'
, Ile!-Melvin R. 4Jr4 called upoil
llanol lodl)I ·for prompt nlea1e of all
American oervlcemen -held In Norih
Vietnamese prison camps.
Faillng Ibis, llolrd Wd the North Viel·
nameee aovernment lbould al JWI. pro.
' vide for humane treatnwpt for the
aeveral -hundred Americ1111 currently
locked up in North Vietnameae cimJll.
''the North Vietnamue have claimed
that Ibey art lreallnl our men -
Jy .'' the defense chief aald. 0 1 am .
cllstrwecl by the fact that there Ii' clear
evidence that Ul1s is not the Cue."
Laird said tbat by nell montll m'I')'
than 200 American servlctmi!n will have
been llsted elUler u priaoner1 of war or
as. mtulng In action for more than a~
"Thia period of time ll lon1~ than lft.J
U.S. 1ervtce.man wu.be!d pr-. dlll'lnl
World War Il," he stated.
L&1rd told a news conference the Pen-
tagon "continues to hope fQr meaningful
progreM" toward the releaae.of prlsanen
• as part of the Paris puce talkl, wt be
offertd no encouragement that W. would
CdM's Mrs. Miidred Lova
Governor Love's
Mother D~s
Mr1. Mildred Shaver Love, mother of
Colorado Governor John Love and a resi-
dent of Corona del Mar for the put 12
yeara, died Saturday at the age of 11.
Graveside services will be conducted
Tuesday in Colorado. Sprinp.
Mn. Love died at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Virginia Morrell; !IS
Orchid Ave.. after a lengthy illnea. A
native of Indiana, she moved to Corona
del Mar following the deatll of her hua-
band. '
Besides Governor Love and her
daughter, Mrs. Love is llll'Vived by
another son, Richard of Cotorado1 ml ab:
The family has suggested that friends
wlahlng to do so may make memorial
C1lnt:ibutionl to the AmerlCln Cancer
Frono P .. e 1
'DOCTOR' ...
mlademeanor charps. He has l!ven no
Indication ol which couroo be will take.
It took the jury l3 hours lo reach Ila
venltct and Ibey flled Into court at I p.m.
Saturilay to rule that the beapectacltd
Alabamian falaely practiced medicine
when he pooed u a cardlologlsl for Qvo
weekl at a Fullerton clinic.
Fourteen of lbe char&es placed before
the jury etemmed froJ!I' bis trutment of
103 paUenta at the North County factllty.
It has been staled by the prooecul1<n that
live of llloae paUenta died while under
Brown's can aJflloucb be has not
speclflcalty bedt accuoed · of dlrectly
caUllnJ their deatha.
COQie 1b0ut soon.. .. '
Laird -.ded that North Vietnam et
lwt adhere to proviaions GI the Oi:ifeva cooVflllfloo. w!lich k bas ~. wbltb
wonlo iDoW : • • -ilflease of names ol prlaor*9 held.
-lmmidlale ftllUe ol alelt tnd w~ of facDIU.i rer •
prlaoiiera of war~ .
Girl's faee Cat
-Proper trelllotnt of .n pr! ......
end ' ~ flow of mall. . ' ' t.alrd-,, lltltement to newamei wu
r-... by a Jongtby brlalllif1>t olllOt
offldala on the prisoner sllualion. The1
iiJd the rame inlormatioo ·had bffn pro-
vlaod lo Am-11111!1 cabol ~ 11ie chit! U.S. ·ntptlator Iii
In Costa Mesa Crashes
Two young women, incllidtna d'le whole went out of <Xlltrol cin tne curve.
faee waa smaliled tbrouih the wlndthiekl Kathleen L. Kisller, u , of 1362 Apache
in a headon collision at a Qucberous IJOad, WeStml.Mf4r, suffered ltsS serious
curve were.injured and one man was jalJ.. injuries when a ear in which the wia
ed Saturday aa a .JUU!t of two cOoli' riding collided witll another durln& a Jail
Mesa traffic 1ccldalta: tum. · ' ' · carol A. T~. l3, ol Arleala, " lriveatigatpn aaid Ibo WU ridln( with
listed to good ooodltlon today at eo.ta . Cynthia .F. O'Neal, 17, ol 8095 IOtb ·SI ..
Mesa Memorial lloapltal, wttil deep facial Westmlllller, who turned lefl from
lacerations and 1 broken right wrist. PaularlnO Road into the PauK> Prive-in.
Shewasa~erinacar_drtvenby Motorist E_ugene Vera, 37, of Jtll
Roger J. Juill, 24, of 11121 W"1mlnllter Teiuila Lane, Newport B<ach, told
Ave., WestmJnster, when it collided wtth police be could not avoid ltrik1ng the ctr
ooe driven by Bruce E. Whalen, 20, of driven by Mias O'Neal, who was not in·
llJO Gleneaglea Terrace, Costa Mesa. jured.
Whalen was arrested on surpk:im of Miss KisUer takl .she wooJd get treat-
felooy drunk driving alter the co1lislon on men! 'from her family phy11clan at the
V~a Sitt<! at Valley ROad, ca\lled, UCLA-O>unly Medical center In Loo
police said, wtieo bi3 westbound vehicle AD1ele1.
From Page 1
lbe county bad obtained Utie "In a decade
or so."
Outright purchate of Ille property, of
tourse, is a possibility, But the county ii
not believed to have the needed fund1.
lA.itjean fllliher noted that a rtport to
county superviaors from county aides
recently indicated fairgrounds' directors
"greeted wltb enthusium" a proJJOllJ to
give the county the five-acre parking
eaaement. "That/' said Lutjeana:, "wu
slmp)y au incorrect eVlluaUon. We're not
interested in doing that"
The fairgrounds, he said, must by Jaw
do everything it can to get the most v.aJue
-hence revenue -from ita holdfnp.
There would be no advantage to the
fairgrounds In aJJOwlng the county to
bulld courlhou1e pa,rldn1 faclllUes on lhc!'
five-acre lit.e, even.Uthe fairgrounds l!'d·
the rig'.Jt to share it.
"It would be too far away from moet of·
our actlviUes to do us any eood," be aaid .
The propooed fairgrounds court olte is
on Fair Drive just oocrth of Com Mesa
High SChool Drive and near the Cotta
Mesa Civic Center. It ts one of two litea
being conaldered by lbe county.
The other site, offered by the city of
Nawport Beach, is localed at Newport
Development thert wouJd be In con-
junction with a Newport civic et:nter
complex. Parking, landscaping and
maintenance facillUes would be shared.
Newport officials say because of the
shared facilities, the county would need
to purchase leu than five acres for a ti.
court development. Co!t of the land ,
however, would be about ®'Ible what the
fairgroqnds aite would.be ptr acre. Irvine
Company offldal1 e-ale the Newpcrl
site cost at about $90,000 an acre. The
fairgrounjfs property has betn tentaUvely
appraised at '40,000 an acre.
County 111~ will take up the
COW'lbouJe Ille queollon Tuelldaj'. The
"cllrUlcaUon" -or revision -Of. the
falrgminda' board's offer considerably
brightana Newpcrt'• hopea, a~ lo
Mayor nor.en Marahall.
ult .certainly would appear thlt we're
in a better po<ion to make thl pr~
available to the county and can do IO lm-
medlately, at our colt," abe uld.
She aaJd It b unllke1y the county would
ch-lo spend ._, bulJd1n( a
courlhouM complex at the fair~ on
a ground -balls •. eo.ta Meta Planning Dtrec1or William
Dunn aaid be waa conli&aed over Iba
fairgrounds' board position. • • L 11 ·t
February," he uid, "they proposed by;
retolution to offer the county the land on
a leut-oplttln baals." .,
He Said as far u he ii concerned, the
latest development in the complicated
issue "means we've just got to back to
work and find out just what ~
fairgrounds board does mean."
He added, however:
"We can't keep delaying this thing
forever. A decision ha.1 to be made
aoooer or later."
The present thrfe.court facility Is
cramped onto a onwcre &ite near 11th
Street and Newport Boulevard. Thtte ii
no room for needed expwlon.
Not Much Choice
Oifered in OCC
Student . Election
The number of candidalea Jn a lludant
government elecUon ls at an all-time low.
at Crane• Coaat College.
Fourleen candidalea m runnlq for 13
Poais to be decided in voting Wedneaday
and Thuraday. .
The oaJy thing to be decided Is whetller
Vic Adama, IO, C< Boward Wood, 28, will
be student body president -fall. Running without opposition and wured
of election are 12 others.
By contrut, UC Irvine atudents had to
decide between 54 candidates Jn a student
election lut week. '
With 1 decision aUU to be made at the
top, the mt of the •tudent government
ltnoup at OOC next Yetr aJ>Pl""'Uy will
look like UliJ: ..
-Tom Hubble, vioe preaident
-Beryl Kuer, uaociated men's preaJ.
-Barbar• Byers, associated women's
-Student tenatora Sam Warren, Lts
Kubenld, Jbn Snedaker, Warren Conde,
D. M. Dabnders, Alan Youq , Richard
Mu.., Tony Turner and Lon Warneke.
Burglar Uses Key
To Tap Station Till
A bur&lar wbo obtained a duplictle,key
left -Uy In the Jock looted a Com
Meaa l«Vice atatton ol 117 overnishl, the owner told police Sundoy.
James ft. Reomt, proprlel« ol Jerry's
Enco Service, 1111 B•hr St .. found the
evtdtnct when be arrived to open up ud
turned lbe h,y over to ln...Uptor1.
From P .. e J
IOt Jarell up to the top of tht cllf!," aaJd
ona fireman called to Ille ICtM to help
Clll bodla fnlm Ibo tangled 11111 wttb a
weldtnf tordl.\
Tht lhrte v1Ctlm1 In the Clarke e1r died ahnoot _, fnlm bead lnjurlu
llUlltred when lbe otber car cmd In tht
roof of their -..... Ont bodY wu left malhtd •s•lnlt the
bank b)' the crul>, WhJth WU not wit·
-b)' -at Ibo 1nrtant It ... I curnid, .....uptort aald.
Grln!.i.c.d relCIM -'ten at Ille
.._ -a -ctmpalan lo cet f · -_............, apeed lbt . II Iba well·lmown llllUlhter Slrlp ... (
roadwOJ. · He was nomlnaltd for Little AD·
America bonort while playing for Eaot
Texas State Unlvtrslty, wheie he met
and married hfs wtre Mary LyM, fonner.
ly of Ille DAILY PILOT stall.
..., __
Top of heoncl Car In Which ThrH Died ShNred Off by Lapan'• Hurfllnt Vahlcle ·
El Mono Cunt has tak<n 1COrU of Uva ...,. the )'tan. deoplte efforts to
make It Iller thnluBh l'lflecton a1l4
other -u well u "aminr 11pJ. ---. -. . . ....... . -~.
I •' " •
UPIT ........
Alter tlae Twister
The best thing Raymond. Fellows could say Sunday about his two-
month-old auto was that he wasn't in it when tornado hit his barn and
uprooted trees at his Sinclairville, N.Y. home Saturday. Volunteer
cleanup workers inspect da111age to barn and demolished auto. No
lives were lost, but twister damage in Sinclairvill~ was estimated at
Slated . in_ Fountain Valley
An· absolute minimum lot size of. 6,000
square feet in Fountain Valley planned
developments is sche(tuled for public
hearing before the City Council at 8 p.m.,
On May 7 the Fountain Valley Planning
Commission held a 'similar public hearing
to Rt a standard minimilm size for plan-
ned developments i.00 arrived ~t the.(.
000 squlJ:'t foot mtnimwlt on a '4 iO 1
vote. -·. . .. 1 On1y Commissioner·.,Tiines Dick ()J>-
posed. the minimum, stating a desire ·to
leave the city with more fl:ex:ible, stan-
dard• in working with p I an n e,d
developments. .
Tuesday night the council will be acting
on the planning commission recom-
The 6,000 square foot minimum is one
of the points requested by oppooenis ()f
the controversial Larwin Tract, whk:h
had planned some lots in its 500 home
developmept; as smal! as 5,000 IQual'f
feet. • f .,•
Fount.aiq Valley has a standard lot size .
for i i n.g 1 e-family residence of 7,200 square feet, but can vary that size in a
planned development where land donat~
to the city for parks is used to average
the tot siies to a higher figure.
Vpper rB9 A~
Irvine Tax Halt ~ --~ Cl~sh· Expecte~·
~Andrew J':HlDsbaw and °"!P-
ly Counael ·Adrian KlJ¥per are beaded lar
a duh belore lbe or..,.. Counly -
al Supervilora Toeaday over ~·tu
canceJlatlon al 457 "'"'· ol Irvine c.m-
fll:!'Y fl<!'per1y 1n the upper N•"11911 11:&r
area whicb tbe. . .._"l' bod doldld ·.Ii>"
the <OWi!).
KUyper, In a leller to the boord, llaleo ll~at dee!ls !or tbe . '1>!"""11 m .-.
veyed to .~ COUD~ on lul Feb. •.u ·
Utt Claims SF
Preempts State
I ' ' I ' ~al .. -=~--u... ..... puy and county Ille oulcomO'ol
Ille ...,_ 1-lt over le1lllh7 al-Ille
U-Bay ·land swap. '
· Hltllhaw objecU -Y·cootendlnl
that "the ~ ...... uatlOn o1 -.. =-becalllO Ille lrvlDe CGmpoaJ IUD bu • ..-ble intenll.".. --' '
Tbe --UJW Ille deedl ··do .. "convey ablolute title to the laad."
·HinabaW'I poeitloo hu-.ecmilleni
·-Jan. 30, t• when be l!1'Gle Ille 111pervilon thal the ....... tu .....
cellttion WU "improper", 4
The board gi ve final ,"PIJl'OYal to the
land swap agr<emnienl NOT. U. t•
after the Irvine Company -lo
cucel lbe land --Ille.., -were removed 'from the tu roies.
''The ~ty bu not adllllly taken
_.....,al the land and , K bu not .
ncelve<j fee lllmple ablolule lille, wbfch
.. neceoaary to permll lhe .._n-al
·tuea," Hlnabaw contends.
Tbe •-uys the Ullo to the land wW revert blct to the company if~tbe
trade II njeded by tbe c:ourll, tbirefore area Is and hlfs betn prwmplb!c '111 there are "81rlng1 atlachOd to the cleaL"
million 111111ually .of a natural -··:' Part al tbe -1 betw..,. ~
"which .bel-Ongs to all of the people 1>I -and the oupervilora when Uie
Coosreeman Jam..· B. uu (R-Tllltln)
hu charged that the San 1"ralll;llco Bay
California " _,. wu onlmld taken oil.Ille.tu llat
· . provldea· thal lhe company WiiJ pay all
UU wu referring to tbe inJmo al ·a i:wbldt woolcf ·flavo -Jeriod
great pen:entage· 61 the natural 1.um, the land wblle It II In lhe -u U
water in Northern California Into the San trade ii rejodod. ·
Francisco.Bay-Delta Estuarine System to lllnlbaw says be -not believe· be
· . can remove lhe -Ina lhe tu serve u a fttabwater barrier and diJu-llsta unW criered" to ·do ., by a court.
tant of pW]utanta dumped Into tbe bay. Tana al abwt JIJD,GOl lar 111e-i.70
Utt made bis remakra In a leUer to lllCal year are involnd, 3inlllAW Aid,
Congresmwi J.....;;, Waldie (D<iootra He ..,,.led tbe 467 """" al $1-11,llillllon
Costa County), who made aspe«h 1n San . 1u1 year and Ul'• Ibey .... worth ..... now. Francisco recenily Aying ·"tbse ii no
place to .. to pt a reucNbty lair bear-
ing on matltra allecting Ille allacatlon al
water resources."
Waldie alJo oppooed the Calllornla
Water Project wbich is now under can-
strudlon and by um will clallver uceu
water Ui \be Southq California area.
Hiring Minorities
Wor~hop Slated
UC Irvine will conduct a Minority
EmployrD;ent WorbbOp fi:om t a.m. to
4,30 p.m. 'lburaday In M ... Commons.
C..spomcred by the University Ex-
teoslon and Orange COunty unita of lix
nalional .· profe!1ime,J . 10Cietit11, t Ire·
workshop is open to the public. Enroll-
ment fee is $15.00. ·
Topics covered will Include recruit·
ment, interviewing, testirlg, training, ac.
ceptance by fellow worten, supervision,
turnover and promotions.
Rescuers Near
Plane Crash Site
Hiking rescue ,....lltn IOday -•ac1·
their way tbrouP heavy brulb ~ Bli
Bear Like en route to the acme ti a
Saturday plane crub which tilled three
pel'IOlll lrom Cypress.
Edward B. Elita, 44, the pilot, and Mr.
and Mra. Roy Turner ...,. on 1 llPt-
ing trip out al a Vlcto"1lle dud< raDcb
when the Ceuna 172 ftllt down, in-
v..upton Aid. .
A reacue bellcopllr frun ~·AFB
localed lhe wreckap Sonday In the nlg-
ged Hone Canyon aru and medical. perlOlllMll--al the tcbfiibl uio; vlctlma dead.
Civil Air Patrol authoriU• Mid Elitl·
rented the aln:rall at Ille Appia Valley .
Airport ano. a aurch w11 initiated after
tbe Ught plane !ailed to relurn 0.
, .
'.llears in Vietnam ;.; ' .
Vielllimese moth•~ holds her crying •iJr..:aij;~-~.
througJi village of An Hoa where tber. ~ ~ c.q:,... 1
pects .. Marines of 2nd Battalion, 5th .~ ·wete f!P.IU•illll _. ·•
base camp about 12 mlles-northwestrof"'"°:' Nana. -.... ~ ·. 1
• I
Church CompleteSip/hns·
I . . ~ .
Of Melodylan4 Purc•i
'!be Anaheim Chriallan Center Cburch Wllkenon lllld. "We d uWlie i'8 II•
congregaUcin Sunday voled unMlmoully fiC.., diealnc rvoms, louqe aDd aGlll:
to buy Melodyland theater' and -Ibo • all-areas !or oor churcb lchooll.
joining· C.lelirlly Room restaurant · !or Tbe ~b !ail mon.tb purclwad an_ 11-fU mllUon. . , ,
Tbe Re ,, .... w1•~--putor I acre lite at Jefferaon· and La _P~·-v, ·-.-· ~g-·· 0 ...:. ~· the cburch riow located at· UtO candle-avenua and ordered planl drawn for •-
wood St., said, "we lnt...i to place fl20,-5,ooo.aeat cburch building •.
000 in eacrow today and bope. the Ille 11 "We will . ..,. bold • U-. plans In '
oompleted .aoon.·',I'be l>alance of the price . abeyance," the pastor ·saJd; "unut IOlne't
wlll be ready at tbe 'cloee ·ol eacrow:we indefinite fUturt date."' He aald bll nine r havf: a Joan comnUUed for the amount." ~ Mr. Wilkerson 'Aid the $l .J mi1Uon arid a.half y~ar okf c~ bu doallled
mee11 111e pr\i:e a<t by Leo Freedman, · 1~.membenbip In .tbe put two ~. 1
owner of the theater in-the-round and the · BuicalJy, qur ~ attention ii on 1
accompanying nine acres of'Pl'OPUlY. ) youth .and that ii another reaaon we lk•-<
Tbe pu\or Aid tbe cliurch hoped tool>-the tbeater ln-tbe-round idea," the putor
1a1n ~··1n ,tfiD~·io..cxlr.mwu. · aald."Hall o1 .... ·_...u..·1a . .....,~
faith &lobal Chlrllmatlc: c;tlnfc 'in lnld-· Zl-yoarul ago and '" "'"·\idd _,tbly AIJIUSI-" · . yeutb raUiel In tbe theater and ·la Ille •
· He aaid his coqree•tiap.~ nuinben . Analtelm Convention Ceritei'." · , '!
3,QOCI perlOlll and tbe ..... ~'lie-• !.\'!V, Y(ilUpfqo qi<!, ·JJ.lana , lqcludt '
ci>mmodald bu! •-.~lour. Son-. boil'ti18 l/i> fhe final M' yoaro ol'.a·:io.,_. \
day inornlnt C;bUr<b .' ' • · '· I..,. '"""'1 by Dinny Dore and Sammy "'!be tbeaW' ·will be • . 1 lar Lewjl, co-produc:On. ol oboWo a I° I uncluary,... to -t S,jall,:' lbe 'Rev, Molodyland linl'e !ta open!Jii.. . !
' ..
' ' I . ' '
May 19th through May 31st
I This ia your c~ance to save on panties of eoft, comfatable
; Pechglo, a lighlweight blend oC nylon and rayon. Pamper .)'out
akin, and yrur p:>eketlx>ok, by making yom aeJecUon from IJlY
of the&e assorted styles in pink er white:
Briefs. in aizes 4-7, reg. 1.50 pr ••••••••••••••••• 1/1.M
~ief1, in 1ir.e 81 reg.1.75 JI'· ••••••••••••••••• l /f.11
Bikinia, in 1ir.e14--7, reg.1.50 pr •••••••••••••••• 1/1.• • 1Nnk pantie•, in 1ize1 5-7, rec. 2.00 pr. • • -••••••••• l /LZI
TNbk pantie1,in &izea 8-9, rec. 2.25 pr •••••••••••• l lL•
Medium Tite pmtiea, in 1i11e1 S..7, reg. 2.25 pr ••••••• 1/1.• . " . Medium Tite pantie& in sizes S.9, reg. 2.50 fir, ••.••.•• • 1/1,M
Aloo, In tihi~"only:
Veet, in ~ize1 34-42, 'fl· 2.50 each • : ••••• · •••••• I/I.II
Olemise,,in aize13~ ref. 4.00 each •• · ••• •• ••••• 1/11,M
Lingerie, t
lewport Cmter 11 Fashlm lsiand • 644-2200 •
' ...._.,,.
~ ,
' I
• •
. '
. .
J '
' ~Hamburger .Hill' T,rQops Reillforced . ' '
Red Defen&rs Wai.t i'n ~tro~g« Bunkers as 600 New Men Join Ba~tle
SAIGON (UPI) -A holfoopler-l>om
f-ol 11111· -AJlled i._ todlfy ..won.t Ammcan p1ratroopen ht the
baWe at ••Hamburger HW" wberi North
Vietnl-ddtoderl ,,_ ID 1tm1i
-w., -,... ..., -:-U.S. nil1fW:y -In llllpl,,...... r ' f'Nd TIM R-did a naU&blY · ~· dllc-,lhlt -·"!"'bat
thing to AdNla Mo ....... c.u..... ~~-1111-. thellht
MY during filmlnl ,ol a movie lD -ol what they lald WU the Com
London. Seven-fool Frad, talented lllWlllt -o11""1ve.
enough to knot hlJ OWll tie, WU. Clpturtd Viet Cana"""' ...... aid ...
supposad to have clutchad Miis
Courtenay about 111• neck. But oae
rj Fnd'• bands droPl>ad indelicate-
ly. It clamped agafiist the 41 pert
of Miis Courtenay's 41-28-39 fiJUle.
''Fred wu quite the most frighten-
ing lblng I've ever been attached
to.· 11 gave the crew a good ~b
but I fol!Dd those . artJ1Jl y alarmlnl, '' the actreu said. · ••
A luckleu pede'strian in Oshkosh,
Wisc. trits futilely to wave away the
sta.1on'1 fir1t major hatch of lakeflies
ntar LaM Winnebago. Walking ts all
right if you ktep 11our eyes, 110$e,
mouth and ears cowred -otMnoise
tlaq'U drive 1/01' buggy. • Florence Eliza Frost, 91, of Mal·
doc, England, &aid her bobby is
keeping young and ID prove it she
entend a local beauty contest.
• •
* * * Bombs Used
To Clear Way
For Copters
SAIGON (UPI) -The United States
has started using for the first time tn the
war mammoth 15,000.pound bombs to
clear helicopter landing IOnel, reliable
U.S. military llOW'C<!S llld today.
The bombs, biggest ever 'made on a
production line basls, are capable of
blasting out a clearing the size of a foot-
ball field in heavy jungle, they said.
J!eoearch and production of the f\<W
DOmb was prompteC by the fav«able
reaetion by field commanders of the
10,00G-pound bombs first used late last
Such explO«iiioDS rtpraebt Ii quick and
Jnupenstve method ol clOll"lng jungle so
that U.S. air cavalrymen can be
heliooptered into dangerous areas.
Before their introduction, the land-
clearing ·preparatioa for IUCb an assault ,
could take up to an hour of intensive
artillery barrages and hesvy air strikes.
Occasionally this has caused U.S.
casualties by telescoping American plans
and giving lhe Cormnunilts time lo sero
in on the area with mortars and ground
'l1>e new, bigger bclnbo are dealgned <lo
level enough jungle to perm I t 10
helicoptm to land minutes alter the
blast. The 10,000.pmmd bomb made a
clearing large enough to handle aix
helicoptm lo ligl\t forests and two chop-
pers lo hesvy jun1le.
Both -bs sre dropped by p1rachute
and are fused lo produce an enonnooa
explosion above ground. "nlis aerial
detonation prodaces a blast which
uproot& trees and brmh without creating
of the prlumy objectlva ol tlW In·
1""1fl<d 'l"'ltlou WU lo toflkt the
be<vtest Americlll COIUlllJol pcilllbie'io
preuure U.S. conces•10N· at tbe peace
talkll In Paria.
Mor< than SO Am<rloiD lind .ZllO Com-
munlat i._ llrel<b' hive died ao er
near Ille mouatlll11lnce Mir II. •
-plfllroopon hid """'11 their way to wtthln so yonll ol lhe Norill
-posltioM 11op the a,eoo.toot. high hill In the A Shau Vllley, near tho-.
honler with Looi, on Sundly, bat -.
lon:ed lo pull back after I 1J.bour battle.
UPI .,..,__I Dovld L I m b ,
a tnwiblnnme crater. ,. ~..:: r; !!y~ 1:l:' J:. Baek ~-Top
,.porting from the A Shau V llley ba~
tl<Dtld, Aid lhlt 11111 ~. in-
ctudtng 11111 from I Soutb ~ b>
lintry ltlbnenl,' ..... ~ In today
by heltcoptu to ..u.i-. the -ol •!>out llO AmericlD pu.-., ..
Unµt hlll<d by dartneu, ,'Limb lllld
ti!< Allied i,_ Inched !IP· U>e JllOWJtain
In a (roatal "fSlull ~ ol a
World Wu JI ~l
Some young paralroojlers of .the !Olst
Airborne Divialon '"""bled w b en
O('dered back up '1Hamburger Hill"
where ...... thin so · -alreldy hive died fighting Nri Vtetiwneoe
A motorirl caught apndlllg in lladuon. NJ., u challenging hu
ticket on ground! the poHce ck·
portmenl u illegclly op<n!Ollfl
itl radar tquipment without a li·
etn1t. Jan Jubon, 22, a tele·
plwne l4boratorv uchnician, pr•·
unkd hU ipteding case in, ..
municipal court with document-
ed papers from the Federal Com-
muni.catiom' Commission (FCC)
that the department's license tX·
pired two years ago.
cleariJ>e. landing :rones ln uninhabited
jungle, the IOlD'tel aald, l;MJwever, the -bs could be used effectively 1galnat
bombs could be used effecUv!!y against
concentrated Communist. bunker com·
plexes with different fuses .
Naval 1alv.age crew1 refloat the nuclear Submarine USS Guittaro
Sunday after it sank in five minutes at dockside three days earlier
while ~ndergoing final fittings. A spokesman said damage could not
be estunated until a careful examination of the sub is made in dry·
dock .
... . ~--· • A Messerschmidt fighter plane,
Marshall Moves
Up One Notch
As Court Meets
""" I
Having Baby.,
painted in camouflage and decor·
ated with swastikas, stormed the
University of Missouri campus at
Rolla, laying down a barrage of
blank cannon fire and smoke. Po-
lice suspected the pilot was the
same one who staged an air show
in nearby Willow Springs, Mo., ear·
lier in the day.
Trip Excites Astronauts' Wives
• • A team of firemen responding to
what sound& like screaming chi!·
dren fought their Wa} through a
wall of. fire in an abandoned pump-
bouse in Fremont, Calif. The)
reached the source 01 the screams
just in time to rescue a litter of
seven kittens from the infernt
which leveled the old wooden store..
Court convened in publlc session today
for the first time since the resignation of
Abe Fort.as, with a move by Justice
Thurgood Marshall and an empty seat
symbolizing the sudden development.
Marshall switched from a place on the
extreme left of Chief Justice Earl War-
ren to Fortas' old position fourth from
Warren 's right, signaling the fact
Marshall is now the elghth·ranklng
member of Uie court instead of ninth.
A leather judge's chair llood empty
where Marshall prevloualy aat. It will not
be filled Willi Fortas' aucceuor is chosen
by President Nixon.
SPACE CENTER, Houstoo (AP) -
"It's like having a baby," sa)'! Barbara
Young. "You know what to expect, but
you never get used to iL"
"They get' harder every· time," aays
Faye Ste!ford ..
"Most of all I'm a proud American,"
says Barbara Ceman.
That's what the astronaut wives had to
say after watching their husbands
rocketed toward the moon Sunday in
Apollo ID.
rlte wi~es and families have eil!ht anx-
ious days of waiting before the men of
the house rehan to Urll planet.
Bloode 'Mn. Stafford's bus&nd, Air
W·ide U.S. Shower System
-Carolina Tornado Flatre ns Cowpens Supermarket
" M ....
Force Col. Thoma! P. Stalford, is on his
ihtrd space ride.
When be radioed back that hurtling
through space again was ''just like old
times," she smiles and said "I'm 11tad
be1s enjoying it."
Barbara Ceman, another veteran of the
Jong wait, said it was all worth it -"I
wouldn't trade places with anyone." Her
husband, Navy Cmdr. Eugene Ceman,
piloted Gemini 9 in 1966.
With their hu sbands in space, the wives
kept their ears cocked to loudspeakers
for space conversations piped into their
homes Crom mission control.
Their children at their sides, tht wives
watched closely the launch that will car·
ry Stafford , Navy Cmdr. John W. Young
and Cernan into orbit around tht moon.
Mrs. Ceman fiew to Cape KeMedy
Fla., to witness the launch. Later I-year:
old Tracey Ceman, who WI! not qWte
clear about Jt all, asked : "Mommy, is
daddy on the moon yet?"
Mrs. Stafford remarked that "tht moon
ls an exc.ilini; place" but said it would be
nice if her husband had a "9 to 5 job."
"The whole thing seemed to ao
beautifully." &aid Mn. Young, whose
husband went aloft in Gemini 3 In 1915.
She said the color transmissions from ---·-Aflant•
.. u " .
TI "
•1' space were "magnificent - I couldn't
.11 believe It."
Yn»fdlr'• ,.,.,,.,,,""'-r1"9t4
lrOlll I II .. Iii .. to I low rl II. I,,.
11/>d '"""_........ rt-Wll 74 It .M. Tiit ••ttr ,..,,.._111.1ru -1t.s •
''""'' Sn-. Moon, '.l'ide• -· k'eOl'ld ................. ,,. '·"'· fij
JKtnd llltill ... • •• 11:01 It.I'll. J.I ·-· jlJn! few ............ •iM 1.111. t,I 'Ir" !llfll ..... •. •• •..• ,.,, ,,,,., J .. ~!OW ,. .......... J 1SJ1>.111,J,O
1«0tW 111111 .. .. •. .• ll!O '·"'· •.t
._ r1M1 t:tl '""· .,.,. llilt '·"'' ,... ,. ,: .. •·"'· ..... ,:,. •-"'· ,.,,. .. hll .... , .. .....
. .,, ,. INf'I' " ·"'"" • ,_ , •
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!'Wllllfl IDdlv -""" 1 weell;llf'llll lrt Wllldl
,, ~ tlM,JCl'tH ~ Oii •lift
l'CJWI "" ~'"'· TM 1-Mll ·1wt1r•11 1lrvcl 1011111
C..r'llfltli "'"""°' 1119111.
Ollf fl•ttwnllll • IUl'lnrletbl •II f
W!Mt'MI M-11 "°"'" !ft c-r.,
tllt Gt on """""'" uPMt vie!.,. Ill !tit llwoMi..t"' Wer. Tflt ollltt' ton.
1111 ~ tfWI -~villa. Hit ~ lw•ltl nn -ltd. Tiit INlt llf tut,.,. 1/lewtn tll'O~
1111 !r.m ""' Mldli.t11 to M O I 11 • .,_.. 19 ~ l l'llf' MIMI»-'• Aj.
-1 twt lrtdlol ttll Ill Cltvtl1t111 11'111 ,"' mc:n. ...,..,. l lt"'lfttlt•"'·
Al'IO'ltltt lifloi Gt '""""''• l'O..cMll fl"Ofl'I H"'nkl •nd 11'1t Oill:G!n to ~
l'Klllc HOrTll-1,
t iff• 11!,IH 11~ trom !"-lie-
"'" M.lotltiil!lfll VellW It flilt lo\t1tlenl l'!.1N ond .. ttrma 1'111 4ol.ftll-I.
l•IOll .,,_
CIMIJW .......
On MO!""'
Fart WOl111
·~~ -M ·-· "°"'"Git K•-C!1v
l19 V-1
L" Anllllft
Mlf"'I M.flW~ Ml-'" _ .......
-y"" Her'lfl Plftft' ""' ... ....... l'_lt...._
Pltt.Durttl .......
!Wolf c.11\o
Rfld ll\ltf ·-S.Ct-lo
St. low1'
'"'"' kll l.t:I (ll'f' S.11 Ole9o
$1n "'r1nd1U
$11111 l,lttNt•
Sllell111t -W1111lfltto111 ,
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''' n . • .. .tt
The moon-orbital flight is "far more
exciting" than her husband's Gemini 3
adventure, she said, "because we're
11oing to the moon, and that's what we all
came here for."
BERKELEY (UPI) -Natlon11
Guardsmen patron~ dty streets were
under orders today to ~are of young
lovelies bearing LSD-•p!Ied """-IJld
cookies. "'
The .. 1d1en ...... ordered to ICCOpl ..
gills -edible Cl< othenrbe -lfter I
c!Ozen guordsmen "wlued oul" on dnlp
Saturday. Authorities &aid the 11
recovered and are DO'f back an dllty with
no 1ppir<nt In eflect.t.
Guard officers sakt the ~D apparently
was In oranges and cookies given to the
weary soldiers by seemingly sympalhttlc
ft\1, Jr., 50. fl Pemblnl, N.D., with the
lOltl Alrbome DMlloa. •
·-·-ha -up IJld loughl IJld refuled lo -~·bl llld.
Doag Ap Bja Moontaln wu dubb«I
"HambUrp Hill" by tbe ~
-ol IJle, bloody 'llnlUle. JI has -u.. .. focal point •r Qper•tinn
Apocbe Snow -a 10.-drive Into
the A Sl>IU Vllley to cut CGmmw>)a IUP-
ply IJld lnflltrlllloa roulll lo HUe lad Da
'l1>e bill u.. jllll ... mile -ol the LloliaD bonler In the vllley 175 miles
View.• Breatlatakiag
COior TV -Given Boost -.
By Space Photograph~rs
The Apollo 10 uU<>oluls Sunday did !or
color· tel<vll!On wl!lt Raquel Welch did
for sweat.en:.
Mllllons of color television ownen
around tbe world were held spellbound by
the breathtaking vte'wi from space.
Owner• of black and white sets, liltening
as commentators described the spec-
tacular telecutl, grew envious.
In three telecuta totaling 72 minutes, _
the three a.stronautl showed and describ-
ed the brtgbt blue and white bill ol earth
from thouaands of miles lo space. They
also zeroed in on interior or the
spacecraft to picture John W. Young
doing a wtlghtless flip, but that wasn't
sbown to the viewing public.
Mor& televtaion was planned today.
~er Tbomaa P. Stalford, who
fought for the color televis.lon camera,
has hinted there would be unscheduled
progrommlng. The scheduled telecast
wu vtewa of the earth and moon about l
p.m. PDT.
'l1te brilliant earth, superimposed
against a solid black background, ap-
pesred cleorly u whit the Apollo I
* * *· Moscow Chides
In Apollo Ship
day hailed the courace of tht U.S. Apollo
10 astronauts and wished lhtm wen but
said they were risking their lives because
of imperlection! of the Apollo .systems.
"They substitute their own courage for
the imperfectiorui of their craft," Moscow
radio .said.
It was the first Soviet comment on
America's second manned journey
around the moon. At the same time, the
Russians continued to praise Uieir twin
Venus probes which reached the
mysterious planet on the eve of the
Apollo lauaching and radioed Wormation
that Venua "is not fit for·man'1 llfe."
"There ia: a chance (the Apollo 10) may
crash land on the moon or not be able to
return to the eanh," the radio said.
Pravda, the Communist p a r t y
newspaper, 11ave a lenl!thy account of the
scheduled circumlunar trip without any
commenU:. It tmphaslzed the fact that
the mis&lon would be practically Uie first
case when. two ships would be "on their
own" while in lunar obit.
The official news agency Tass also
distrubuted lengthy reports . about the
Apollo 10 mlaslon without comment.
utronauls 1ut Decomber deacrlbed u
an .. oasis" in the void d space.
1'Just for the record U loob to me. like
a pretty nice place lo live," said Apollo 10
crewman Eugene A. cernan.
The astronauts, explaining that most of
the North American continent wu
covered by clouds, picked out the :Rocky
Mountaimi, Southern California and Mex·
ico. "RJgbt in the center you can lff
Meiico and the clouds over the RockJes.
You can almost see the freeways in LA,"
said ' capsule communicator Charles
In the first telecas~ the astronauts
showed the lunar module.
In the second telecast, the crew focused
on the eut.h and zoomed in for IOllll
closeups over the soulhwest.
"This bas got to be the greaten sight
ever," Duke said.
"You ought to see .if from here," aak1
The third telecast, a 14-minute show
not relayed live to home viewers, &bowed
the interior of the spacecraft and
astronauts Young and Stafford.
Even though the spacecraft is also
equJpped with a black and whlte camera,
plans call for the color camera to be used
almost exclusively.
While mO&t viewers we.rt held rooted to
their IOls during the telec.st., ABC. TV
•aid l<llJle -called In IJld said the pictures Dlllll hive beto "pbony"
because they were 10 clear.
*·* * Astronauts Spot
LA Landmark;
Fog or Smog?
LOS ANGELES (UPI) -The APollo 10
astronauts, passing o v e r Southern
California from 25,000 miles out, reported
Sunday: "We can see lhe smog over LA."
Mayor Sam Yorty, informed of the'
remark, shot back, "They must have not
been looking at Los Angeles because we
didn't ha ve any smog today."
Both the mayor and the ailronauts
were partially correct, said the Los
Angeles Air Pollution Control Center.
"I believe they are seeing fog, not
smog," the control officer said. "It
depends on where you are. There is &0me
slight smog at Pomona , Azusa and San
Gabriel. They are probably telling the
"When we get rid of the automotive ex-
haust, we may have the answer."
Gov. Ronald Reagan had this response
to the astronauts:
"Tell them it is only a smoke signal we
are sending up for their safe return."
UPIT .......
Break From f:ombat
Spec/I John Sorlch ol Riverside enjoys cooling dip with "Arthur" his pet spider monkey and mascot of A Ttoop of 11th Cavalry Regiment
1n South Vietnam. Jt was refreshing for these two spend much of their
time in an armored assault vehicle with three other soldiers.
Kill 14; 4
Planes Lost
SAIGON (UPI) -F....-
U.S. alnnen were llsted dead·
or mlaslng today and four
planes 1'orth mllllom o I
dollan dellroyod In two· ...
eldentl In lllshl oot.ldo eom bat. .
In the lint ol 1wo misl!lpo' ·
Sunday, a aupenonle Fl Pbao
lnm jet -,_.., .....
I K.C190 tanker plane that WU refi\dlni tWo·olher Pbant«n1
ovei the SOutb Cl1na Sea, ntar
the U.S. Marine ~ 1t Pbu
Bal. The eolildlnJ Pbaotom
and the tanker uploded and
pl111111od Into the .... taking
ellbl ertwm<mben and .,,. ol
the refuellntJ jell wffh them.
The two .......... ol the rd.uellni jet panehutod ,,..
and were picked up, military
spokameo llld.
The la.I million Phantoms,
all U.S. Marine planes In this
lnstance~ are silver 1n color.
There was unorflclal specula-
tion that wn &Iare contributed
to the crash, whl~ occurred '
about 1:30 p.m. Sunday.
llaoidll, M" 1•, 1M
Choosing Sides
Churches React
To Black Order
.. ,... ,MllCll ... ,,..,.
Churchmen, under pr•ure
from block mlUtanto to pro.
vldo llOO million In repera-
In AtlllU, tl1ne Ne-""
temipled auvieeo at tho l'inl
PrllbYl«'ion Church. 'l'bty
were alklwed to ttad tbe
tloal lo blacks, are d1ooolnC maalleolo. They Jell alter 10
llldtl lo 1lle ooolrovenlal 1o1ue . m~ •)'ins they UJ)<dod
In...,_, and........... -within a -k.
_,l'UT $
Ollldala ol lho Ullltod ID <Jllelto, tho Rev. Jomes -----=====~ ~ Church aUed Ill B. CUzm1ni1>am o1 st. MtrY'•
&tDUal _.bl)' Sunday to ~. a Roman Catbollc
approve a plan to raise $50 Church, •u presented with
m1WcG for the poor. lD New t be manifesto. He 1 a Id be Or-. 10 Negro elergymm would write a letter
Clllod .. Black Mtlllfeoto on ae-lodtllnl the ehurdt'1
repar4Uons "r a c 11 m in ree:pomlbllity.
Fights Erup.t
reverse" and urged all Oiri.s-J ' -I " n -Mi<.,, the Rev. GLASSBORO, N.J. (UPI) -
llano to reject it. Robert H. Iles ol SI. Jolm's PoJlee llhot£Uno llrod Into ~
The mamfesto, dtlWD up at Robert H. n .. ol SI. JotZ'1 air t.oke up lllreet flghtlnl
a Dlllroit meeting ol the Ne-Eplleopal Church uJd, "lho that eruptod sUncJay nJgbl
ti.onal Black E c on o m I c · demands are modest and .... --. ol N 6-Deve)Opment Corlerence, says reaamable. The meana ol. ""' ... ....._. PDP egro -r<IJalou• lnotituliool are part aehloving them are not." white Jeeo.qeni througllout
of the system tUt ' NI In a sennoo, the Re\", Mr. thil town •where Preaidellt
rtpreued black people and Iles said, ''The power ttruc-: L1ndm B. Johnlall and SoY.ift ~. pay reper.U.... ture ol the Unltod Statei doei Promler Aleul Kooyfln he!!! 11.S. military spokesmen
reported today th a t another
air crash killed all six men
aboard a U.S. Air F~ cargo
plane near Saigon Sunday
Spokesmen said the CW
Provider plummeted about
""9tl1 Flight Landmark Scuttlod for Sok• of ProgAI• Jn LH A."llOlff
J am es F o r m an , a . owe reparationl, aDd chllrcbm t be ir b~c· swnm11; COit
apotesman for the cooference, are part of that ~er ~ fertnee in 1867. t
appeared at the U n i t e d lure . . . 'Ibey have been Nearly 45 youna pencm, la·
~ytertan C<Jll!mnce In r-ble for tho ~· cludiiia llllerll N-glrk,
San' J.nt9oio, Tex., Tburlday and they owe reparatkn.' w~ ~. . l_ ' to 'aH for luOOI. U. aakod lho But ~ .. deeriod the manlleoto Pollet lllld pnp oottlt!I
'c:llureh to turn idle diurch--k -the in-. ~ 1rtth !OCD. -·
eeven miles northeast of Bien F • ·
Hoa Alrbua u it .,.. ... • ... ht t<mpliDC to return to the base e Grounded
with one engine afire.
Cause of the engine nre 8JKI
the lou ol control by the piloL
were unknown, spokesmen
Aid. 'lbe dead were listed u
three. crew members and
three passengers.
Crowd Keeps
Guards Busy
At Berkeley
crowd of 2,000 demonstrators
engaged police and NaUonal
Guardsmen Sunday in a &eries
of chess-like moves through
the troubled street. of this
university city.
There wu little violence and
oaly throe lrresll In the " ...
area, ... --than 100
per9)DI have been arrested
and at leut 121 Injured llneo
the closing of a "people's
park" by the UnlVtnlty of
Ca!Uornll touched oU 1 bloody
battle Thursday.
S u n day ' 1 demon.Wators
meandered aiJ: miles through
the city'• llreets, but carefully
avoided violence ln a series of
confrontation s with
Their strategy apparently
was to avoid violence and ar
rest -but at the same time
make the praeoce of police
and Nation1I Guardsmen an
ezpensive necessity.
The demonstraton assembl·
ed at Herrick Hoe:pital to hold
a "siLenC vigil" for supporters
hospitalized during Thursday's
battles between rock·throwing
dissidents and po1\ce, who us-
ed tear gu and riot guns.
However. authorltiea sealed
off -the block around the
hoepital and kept the crowd
moving. After about 3 o
minutes ol milling around. the
demonstraton marched to a
vacant lot and began work on
a new park with picks and
Roosevelt Nea1
Full Recovery
F. Roc:.velt, son of Pmiident
Franklln Delaoo Roostvtlt,
WU reported near f u 11
recovery from stab wounds
and planned to leave the
holpilal today or Tuesday.
-..it lllld hll wife, under
obl«vltton in B e J • A I r
Psychiatric Clinic, lnllleted
the &lib woulds Thursday.
Slice of LA' s Life Gone
didn't really go anywhere, but
the spunky 315-foot railroad in
the heart of downtown had a
certain class.
Before workers b e g a n
carting it away to storage in
pieces today, Angels Flight
was proof positive that Los
Angeles had a past -that the
city wasn't born wttb smog
and clogged freeways.
For 68 years the bright
orange-and-black twi(l . cars
clattered up and down the SJ.
degree steep Bunker Hill -
each at opposite ends of a
cable wrapped around a
motorized pully at .the top -
moving like the weights of a
tittless grandlather clock.
Once Los Ang~ .. • top.
drawer social set lived in
maoaions atop that hill, but
the homes gradually
deteriorated and gave way t.6
rooming houses. •
In tim·e the city declared the
hilltop a slum area, and laid
plans tor a $600-mllllon urban
renewal project. Now the
hillside will have big buildings
and apartment houses -like
tho rest ol Loo Angel ...
Even through Friday, the ci-
ty operated the ant I q u e
railway at antique prices -a
ride one way cost a nickel
and six rides went for a
quarter. Free rides marked
!..be final weeknd.
Angels Flight was bu,ilt in
1901 by Col. J. W. Eddy, a
s ch oolteacher~ngineer-state
legislator who told friends be
didn't like to watch the ritzy
residents of Bunker HlU trek
up the filllslde from the city's
budding financial district.
Of late, the railway has led
to nowhere -with a trip up
simply a prelude lo a trip
Although aged and inclined
to creak, engineers s a l d
Angels Flight was fit. Local
statisticians figure the railway
served as many·as 100 mllliniiJ
people In Us time and tnv.Jod
an equivalent of 15.I million
miles. • At· aped.al ·ceremonies over
the weekend, city ofHcials pro-
mised Angels Flight would
return when the carefully
disassembled parts are taken
out of storage and put
t<1gether again after t h e
Bunker Hlll Redevelopment
Project ~ whipped Into shape
-perhaps In as lltUe as two
years' time.
Rockefeller Hears
Panama Control Bid
PANAf.tA (AP) -Gov.
Nelson Rockefeller, making
the seventh and last stop ol. his
fact·finding mission to Central
America, has heard Panama
ask for a greater role ln the
operation of the Panama
The New York governor,
who is touring the hemisphere
on a special assignment for
President Nixon, arrived here
Sunday and met with a
P a n a m ania.n government
team headed by Foriegn
P.1inister Nander Pi tty,
lnfonnants said Pitty made
no reference lo currenUy
stalemated neg o ti at Ions
between the United States and
Panima «i a new treaty to
re~te the canal. But he ask-
ed for a more effective role in
its operation.
'lbt soUrces said Pitly a!St
poi.n1'd Out' that there b sUJI
fr lcUon between the United
St>tes and Panama althooj)
the two countries have agreed
to seek ways of improving
their rel atons.
RockefeJle r d i r e c l e d a
pointed comment at Panama's
military regime In h I s
remarks on his arrival.
"Under the £inn promise of
your govemment lo return to
the blessing of democracy,"
he said. "I am sure that
Panama will progress even
more swiftly and surely In the
future ."
He also said ruture relations
between the United States and
Panama w 111 "depend Im·
portantly on the successful
resolution of pending issues
regarding the canal."
The United States built the
Panama Canal and b a s
operated It for 55 years.
Washington Is reluctant to
negOtlate a new canal 1grte-
ment with the mllitary regime
fo1 fear it may be annulled
when a democratic 1ovem-
ment comes to power.
C'.arge of £ourage
111 Survive B.oat Blaze
(UPI) -John Billlrls dldn'I
know he had a cargo or
........ -the "Mlsl Go
Go Girl" when ho cast off fOI
a dq ol GaU Clllll cruiaq.
11 loOli bJm only mlnutto to
find oul after lho Moot ...
-boll IMIPlod Into flamel <llhl ~ from -.
~· Somdlow, all Ill petlON
-~ lnfla7 In tho rallnlholoelllll.
Soni• Ill "' Ibo _, .... ,.... )'OUi'c boy• ae-
eom)ml)'lnr ll1elr latben and
adUJt aupervleon on a
Mormon Church ouUng. Their
conduct In uvl111 themselves
and 91befs won tho pralu or rescuen and crewmen.
"I thirik: everyone said a
silent• praytr to hinuelf when
we were picked up," said Ken-
neth Ally, II, ol 7ompa, Fla.
"It was hard to btlleve. lt
really btppened."
Flnt Mate Charles Crou,
only a year older than Km-
neth, wu cteditfd with ex-
traordinary heroism ln saving
many or lho boy~
Cron batlled the engine
room blaze with a fire ex-
tJngulsher. He emptied two ex.
llril!lllaher• and -his finger on a third when tbe u-
llngul!ller blew up·and knock-
ed him off hll letL
Then he began getting out
the llie JacieU;.
Ctoa. Billlrls and Gilley
Mate Pat Flynn,. the only
woman aboard , stripped life-
J•ekels on the boys. They
were aided by 90Jl'le of the
older youths and adults.
Kennedy said there WU
10me conc:em aboot gttt!nl
the younger boys Into the
rafts, "But the captain and tht
first mate were making sure
e•eryone hid llfej&Cketa."
There was no pardc. The
younpten coolly respondod to
commando and begon leaping
Into the w1ter where they
swam Lo life raft.II or
m1neuvered away from the
burning ship ., belt they
coo Id. "
-llndo in the South and "J)r<Oiur< by whatever mta1111 • and Iii porklnC lols
Southweit to blackll nl Met· neoe_ y .. and "we are hot and an stftieta f6r ·about t w·o
ican-Americam. oppoeed to vioience." hours.
.. ,
These Realtors may be holding yoUr future:'.
a piece of California.
1 .. p.o a czowd cl 850 people.
'Iba!'• bow 111a11J new Calilomialll lhac
arc every day1 on the ~ge.
. !mt ..... crowd cl 6,000 people.
That'• how maay new midellll die 11are
adds ....,., weelt. All Jookiq lot a plKe in
our IUIL
Yet tho mpply cl Jaodcoa't mer-.
So what can Caliloniia propaty do but
IO'upaad up?
The Rool10r r" ..U. ii can ldJ you
.._ --
uperieat:c.He'D.i-,..· I --· and provide-......
Oneaood-IDdoll: ..... ,
Natiooal Realtor Weet, Ma, 11-24.
Scalrily T'ile -°" I 11 Ii ~~~
lnil.nnC:e COl11>811Y •&.'-.__. o-....i ....... ........ , ................. • -.
' :
' ·! • I
' .
Courageous Journali sm
a.-Callrt Jwtlce Abe Fortoa bu bowed ·bf. ton u oulnled public opinion' and stepped down.
and ev01y man able to Hell, Ill II ale."
Lile bu pertonned brUlluUy at the nallonal l...i the role every newspaper worthy ol the name pedomu
routinely, day by day, u the -11'• watchdog of gov-
ernment at local, county 8Dd' 11"te levels. '
Tiie UMltioa that the $21},000 fO<l from stock mani-
nolotor Louil Wolfson'• Family Foundation was just fiit Up al the Iceberg" proved true when it was re-
·...i.l"lle wU to receive $20,000 a year from the four...
dllllm .., Ille reot of bis life -and bis wile afterward
U Ille 1untved blm. '
'l'llere could be more, still unrevealed, tor It Is ahundalltlY, dear that Folta&, brilliant. Jaw 1Cbolar that
IM ls, hal'liad a blind spot in the area of judicial elblcs.
The Amerlcall syatem calll for Ill public olfld•lt
lo operate O)lllllT, In a go!dll•b bowl, for Ill to see and
Judge performance. A great~ el.ecled offlclal1 don't. llk<i this. 'Ibey wOuld prefer to see the wat<:hdoc press just go away, so they can "do what's best for the public"
-In private. And the public be damneil .
FortunaU!y. tor the nation, thj}I ·country does have
a fr,e and ~ent press, for Ibo most part unafraid
to expose offictal wroiig doing at any level 'of govern. ment.
·I!~ peat·cour8lle -.11¥>r• lh/>ll ,Co¥JI:"' bl!J
sboWn _,lot a membet of the Fourtli Est'a1e, · ~·
z!ne ·to ezPo<i• ,Fortas' bUnd Jpol And lri the ilotng, to serVe tile American people well at the highest level of
gowmmenl Why courage? Because 'nme, Inc., corporate owner
of Ule bas caoes in the .courts which •COlll<I reach the
United 'Slateo Supreme Court 111"1. be afff!Cled adversely.
aa a result of Its magad.Des' actipns wh~ihe court is
Ule Magazine's admirable performance In the For-
tu case is another proud entry-In the continuing record
of courageous public ,Jervice by Ille free pms, defendtr
and watchdog ol the demOcratic process-
Nevertheless We assigned competent investiga-
tive reporters tO the Fortas case.' They struck "pay
dJ.rt" when they were able to connect a member of the
nation's highest court financially with a corpcrale
riider and stock manipulator of Wolfson's reputation.
One M_an, One Bond? '
The Fortas case thus becomes a greet object lesson
In the vital imll01'lance of a tolally free pre•~. to th~
Alllericant>eoPfe. It underscores the fact that even the most powerful
court in the land must be accountable to the people -
the people whose lives its decisions influence in. Pro-
California's requirement of a tw<>-tblrds vote to
carry bond Issues has long bO<ln a source of fru1lratton
tor supporten -of the public school system. In 1~7.
for example, bond ·tuues for school districts were re-
l~ jn 96 elec;tlons because ~ the tw<>-thirds requir.,.
metli. ~ piooe 96, only 14 nu11ed winning ma)Orily
appzvvai. -,
touna ways. .
It Underscores also the wisdom of Thomas Jetter·
IOI! when be declared, ''Were ii left to me to d""1de w~ether we should have governxliOnt without new•-
_.. or newspapers without ga,viinuijent, l should not
heoltate to prefer the latter • _ •• When the' press Is frO<l '
, Idaho haalUle same rule. Now an Idaho court has
ruled it unconstihrtional under the · Supreme Court's
historic one man, one vote concept. The ruling seems
certain to be appealed to the United stales Supreme
Court. ~f upbel~. it would apply to all liond issues, slate
or !real.
'You can almo<t bear the school people cheering on
the sid•lines for affirmative action by the blgb court.
Denouaeed as 'Notoriously Biased' Tribulations.
Justi~e .Jlo1.1g!as Under Fi~e o~.a Col~ge
WASHINGTON -A·nother con-tnmriW member of , the Suprtme
court II comlq unde.r r._ed Ira!< fire.
Justice William 0. IJoUllas, long an
openly avowed ''peacintt," is being
caustically denoo-1 as ootoriOU&ly
-and !ftjudiced .,-the Viel· Warren, who II rellrlnc nert rilonlh at
nam war, and bhmUy preaed to the close of the 1c!umat term. Also, there
withdraw from liltlDI Clll a laMUCblng will be otbet cbang.., clue to the ralg-
caoe tmolvlng the c:mllllutlonsli of a nalloo .of Jllllice Abe Fortu and the in-
against a favorable decision (for the
"JUlllce Douglas bas publicly com·
milted hlmself in opposition to the war irt
Vietnam," continued the o n e -t t m e
outatanding New Orleans newsman. ''and
ha1 long .sought opportunity to take
'legal' action which would cripple the
ability of the military to continue our
operaU~ in Vietnan."
t.y pruTlllon of the dtal\.law. cressing hfiillk-of Justice John Har-
Tbi& ertraurdimoy dempd II belog Ian. A111;'!!!f_~~E of this, Hebert ciled
made by Rep. F. F.dnrd Bebert,'D-La., . In)luntly cballenllil>C Jllllice Douglas' two .........,, acts•
cbairman of the -Armed &nlces f"-to act on the_ draft caee, Rep. (I) A di....tiag opinion by Douglas last
w-nmiu.e& oo Nl1laoal Guord-and llelJert -bll prevbm ettacb on year demmling the Supreme Court rule -.Oaflaln andtilldrall. the New·~ jurilt'a manilelt'blu and Clll "whethor-ptlon ls permlllible
"'Ille pemial ..-a belnc ..,._ pn!Judloi.iplmt the --In In the ·~If.• -ot wir";
by Jullico Ilouglao apllml the war In ~ad "mllltaNm" In geoeraL (I) a aeries ii ~ llfOllled by Douglas
Vietnam," decllnd ~ ""tit Iii! led in lhil ...._ Hebert ... ,. blockiac the ~ ol , u,ops to Viet-
-hbn tncapaMe'el . ' two 1"ftif1 • in ,_ -·-;nam. '-"" . jectl9t juclgment 01flllil dlie. n.'llioalil 'Ode! 1lliike wane -iilntl ,...,las' · "Ilia delormlilalkll to emuculat. the
tberefono """'"be" bll lftlUdlcos and "'ll\llliopli" grulin( o1 11oy1 and draft law -!J'ldenced by the stays he
puocblal iDter<st and withdraw "-8 ~ ~I the Supreme c.art upien Its granted In cw Involving reservists who
ectlve part In the~ oo tills cue.. niJel of pn>eedure to PfOCluile ·"arbitnry had been o~ lo ~to Vietnam,"
and capricioua"actionl by tts n\lmbers. sal~ Hebert. 'These stay orders pro-
TBE CRUCIAL CASE revolves around Unlell the t:rilNnll lbelf lnltltat• such hib1ted the movement of ~ reservists
the recent rullq of Fedel-al Dtttrtct ccrreCtive me a 1 a r e 1 Hebert 'wimied, aod, for pradlcal ~. all. olher
Judge Clmles Wymnski. ·Bostoo, lbat a l"li&llllon Imposing -will lie lllmllarly oitualed, to any baSe outsJde lhe provmm of the Seledlve Service Act enacted. · United State"
relating to CO!llcienUous object.on ls in-, ~ , "'Mwise stay orders were issued by
valid. He held ti dlacrimlneW "agaim!' • ON THE ~ -· Hebert Julllce Douglu ~ bll colleagues, in-
atbelsts and agnollics and men whq.' ·"llleJ1ed that unllil tevened h could eluding the Chlef.Justloe, bid speclfica.lly
whether Ibey be relJiious or not, are "aeriou&ly ............ the ablllly of our rWlsed to ilsue such II'!' orders, and
motivated In their objection to the draft armed ,.,.... to efleolively engage lo prompted a spat. of legal ections which,
by profound moral beUefa: which con-combat opentiool." for a short time, aerloualy inhibited the
IJljtute the central convict.Ion of their .. Tbt tbecry of 'lltlective objectkm"' to a ~ of the Army'1•abllity to ~
being.'' part1cular W1r la one ol the moJa< ll&uea perly Ule manpower _.,,_ All these
On that basis, W)'ZllllUi maint..ip.t, in this ..cue.," ,declu'ed Hebert. "'11te Alyl were llUbeeque:nUJ vacated by the
the pvY!sloa violates the Finl AmeDd· ,._,,,,, ol lbls laue lllO)'...., mlfde SOpnrne, 0ogrt, . bal not unUI in-
ment that "Congress llhall make no law the abilil)' of the SelecllYe ·-_ ca\CUWlle lllid ~ mischief had
mpectlq an estsblislun<nl of reUgioo or Sy.tem tO meet fUtur< mWtary ...,,. been -. "
problbitmg the free exerdae tbereor." power requirements. •••• n.e oukome of nouaJa!, 7i and prom of his prowess as
'Ille Supreme Court has qmd to con-tills cue II tberef°"' ol i_... Im-a blt<r ml ~ bu never serv-
lider tbil sweeping jadgment in the ne:1t portance. lo our national IMIC.1lrity!', ed. in;tbe'lrmtd fqrce;s. However, he has
tum that begins In October. Ii Douglas la·to tab Plrl in )IOlilng on bee! married ''"" -lib last two
. . this .crucial iaue, Betiert ~. "It wtYel blve been in their early twenties.
BY THEN THERE will be a new chief would a~ that the tcardl• in the ' If Rebert S. Allen
justice -In place of incumbent Earl Supreme "ColJrt are an.dy stacked ~ Jeb A. Goldsmith
One of Tightest Secrets
Ono (If the ..,,_ -Oil the
.....-...... (ond )JIOOabiy iD -,...., _)II the deveioomeat and
tmtalfve use in chemlcal-blologieal
The ince-, which employs several llP-in lhe armed lervicts, ls
-Ill "'<rt ....... (If uplonllon. n. wx 1•pen can't 1et the fada:, nor
... lie Qqreos, wlllch appropriates Ille
--._arch, -and pn>d1lction. 'Ille --typos -command 1t tbe
--te.el are afraid to peep. 'nU beclmt evidfd: 1 few years ago ln
Ulm -9000 llheep 30 miles from a
cllemlcal -....,.. dHtroyed. 'l1>ouch
tbe .....,._ littered a bi. gruiog
...ney, -offloers flatly denied it ....
Mr --k. Only politive ]lf'OOI
-liter pi;ed from them a lalterq
acka.owledcm•nt ol possible
'""''"' DilJ'.
Tiii! IEVEllAL-dMmlcal tett aites in
the UrMed states on -.. What goes oo belmd the borbal wire Is not known.
Tho mnJ8l -is cmnoulloged in tbe Doi-blldgot, ., uoolllclal estlm11A! Is
13141 million. Recently a new phole ol the
cte..lopment .... brought out b y Ooocr•man ll I>. McCarthy of New
)fork. -
By diQii>g, he disoovered Def<lllt ha•
procurod Ill million fur "riot control
mtl\WoN.'' a mask in lta}f, ftlr k refers
to our vmltl old friend. tear gas, and cithtT "incapacitating gases. 1•
lt doesn't mean the army ts about to
lhfiltrate l'h e c:allq:e campuses to sup-
preM dJsorden. which half a mitllon
dollars would cover. It meam this stu({
ls for use in warfart, specifically Vlet-
llEllB McCARTHY makes a starWng
lnttrpretatlon. ThouCh we hav. denied
dJ<mical-bioiocJcal· warfare since the
K°"an days, McCarthy avers the
tecbnk:al way the 11ever1I tear and othtr
1nitant gases are now be:lns UHd Iii a
IMtled form o f i:hemlcal-l>lo1oglcal
1be use <J non-let.Ml 1ase1 tn Vlf!tnam
hu been publicized for 1ever1I yun.
While pubUc attention w• ftx«t on
napalm, tile Penlagon piously uhibtted
its gas ae a "humane" weapon, and the
people fell for IL
Not IO, uys McCarthy. lt t s
systemat.ically used ln tbe jungle to nush
the enemy from fortified positions,
coordlmted with aerial bombing and
artillery blrrages, 1bus the incapacitated
are easy Wgets for ccnventional attack.
It ill .., deldly a the deadly gases, says
McCarthy, and the Pentagon escapes
HE ALSO SA VS the use o{ chemical
defoliates to clear the jungles for a field
d fire, Ind as an anti.food weapon, is
another form ol chemical-biological
Defense deigned to aMWer McCarthy
witlf an eight-page disclaimer which
McCarthy said is fuR of contradlcUons.
Cemented in classifloaUon r u 11 n g !i ,
Deleme is not tl'lduly disturbed by attack
-so far.
Now lhal Pmidenl Nt.on haa
"worked up" a llUle capital and
purclwed a proper estate, 1 do
hope he gets P•t something to re-
,plact her cloth coal
Remarks that make a college president
wish be were nmning a nursery school:
"They've got the dean of men locked in
the men's washroom and thrown away
the key."
"Gue.as what the latest student demand
is, 11ir. They demand parking facilities
equal to -~led lo the f1cW9. Now they're really going too far!"~,· · · .
.. Fifty;-perceilt ol ~ facU!ty -lo go on atrike fhemaelv"'1u!leifa,you take a
firmer hand wllh the stiidems, And Ill
perooit voted to go on strike il you do."
"Do you think It wou'1. be of any help if
we simply called in -the student leaders
and asked' them to engage in a mean-
ingful dialogue?'' '
"EXCEPT FO R the fact the Veterinary
Building is sf.UJ on rtre, sir, the rest of the
campu11 is relatively quiet."
"You may think you're having your
troubles running the university, Dr.
Rutherford Romulus Frothingham, but
let me tell yoo_ as your wife I'm having
trouble running your home, too. Our part.
time maid has just quit and is carrying a
picket sign outside our house. She 5ays
5he's ln sympathy with your student
"Well, whatever we do, we have to do
it soon. The legislature meets next
week-and you know what lhe4:_ attitude
is toward ~tudent revolt.
"We ju.st got a telegram from Harvard,
sir, cancelling your visiting lectureship
on 'The Purpose and Function of a
Progressive University in a Changing
World.' They feel the subject is in-
appropriate at the present time."
"AS A LOYAL alumoos(lf Popinjay U.,
I find your inacllon in the present crisis
deeply disturbing. Therefore, I am drop-
ping my p J a n s to contribute $100,000
toward a new student dormitory.
However, J'll contribute $200,000 if you'll
use it to build a student jaU."
"You've tried pampering them. Why
not call in the National Guard now ' a.nd
try clubbing some sen!ie into their
"In essence, sir, the Negro student_,
want a new Center for Al~Amerkan
Studies, the Jewish studenta want a
Hebraic Center, the lrl!h students want.a
new Institute ol Gaelic Culturt, the
Italian studenb want an tta~American
Department and our Jone student from
Egypt l!i demanding a coorse on the
history of the Arab Leagu~ be taught
in Arabic."
"HERE'S A telegram from the.
chairman of the university's board of
trustees, sir. He's just found out that his
son i! one of the student strikers and
asks that you do everything possible to
talk some sense into the boy. He says be
<'an't do a thing with him himself."
It seems I gave you a bit of misin·
formation earlier. sir. It now turns out
that they've got tht dean of. mtn b::ked
in the women '11 washroom, not the men's
washroom. tr this gets out, PoplnjQ'
University will be the laughing stock of
the nation."
"Another l1ash, alr-4bey'V< jUai bomb-
ed the chapel. They must be nmnina oul
of tbe matm•le they stole l1orn the chemlcsl laboratory."
appartntly don't · cart a whoop either
way, They don't care whether school keeps or not.,,
"The football coach ii on the phone •ir-
He say1 he hat.ea lo bolbet you at a time
like thll, but unless ho 1<11 sn advll!CO
Sl5ifJOO In 'xpenses to recruit some iv:w
players we1J all be ln worse trouble nut
fall when the &e.UOn lt&rts."
Latent Paranoia
Of Human Race
Whal is distressing about the human
race is not the way a smal1 number of
people act, but the way a larger number
of people react. It Is our reactions rather
than our acUODS that condemn us to
perpetual barbarism.
In Swit:.erland, not loog ago, siJ:
members of a tiny "religious" sect were
tried on charges of flogging to death a 17·
year~ld girl while trying to "exorcise the
devil" from her bodY.
WHEN THE STORY or this fatal
flagellation was published, according to
:-Time magazine, the people of Zwicb
·reacted with "a primitive moral fury"
;that was terrifying. Police cars taking the
.·accused to and from the court needed U·
tra protection from masses of lynchers.
The court was swamped with threate~
jng letters, and proposals for the most
frightful tortures were made by letter
and phone. Newspapers "received hun-
dreds of suggesti~ for punishment no
less demonic than poor Bernadette's ex-
orcism," including one writer who
wanted lo seal the de!endanls int.o a bar·
rel fuU of spikes and set It afire.
And Switzerland, be it remembered, long
ago abolished the m:ath penalty for
murder. This is one o( Europe's most
"civilized" nations.
human race, aod the raging aggression
that lurks beneath the surface at all
times, can be vividly seen in this reaction
of the goodL respectable, law-abiding and
peace-loving ZUrichers. What t h e y
waoted to do was far wone than the
crime they were "punishing." This crime
was obviously psychopathic, committed
by religious fanatics in the grip ot
hysteria. People can scarcely get soy
sicker than th.is, and society should put
them away in order to study them u we
study cmiers of all malignant aod fatal
diseases. This is a job for the trab>ed
clinician, not the executioner.
BUT THE DEPRA vrrv of lhelr crime
released all the commensurate feelings
of the populace -for all of us are poten-
tially homicidal (if we don't know that,
we have learned nothing from the Bible
or from Freud); and under the guise of
"retribution," the respectable members
of society feel free to act out their own
murderous fantasies.
It is not frightening that a few
psychotics beat a girl to death. But Jt ii
frightening that the mass of people
regard this violation as an excuse to
unleash their own repressed aggressiont
-and in so doing, beoome worse than
the offenders they are chastising. No
criminal has ever wounded society as
severely as society woundJ itself.
Writing About Music
To the Editor :
I have just rea d "Strike Up Band" in
the DAILY PILOT of May 13, and am
dismayed lo learn that Tom Barley,
representing your newspaper, will pass
judgment on the musical activities of the
Orange Coast and on the basis thereof,
"Euterpe" trophles are t.o be awarded for
best concert organizaUon, best single
evening's perfonnance, and for service to
the cause of music by maJe and female
THE ONLY VALID wriUng thal has
ever been dooe on the subject of musk:
has been by musicians such as BerliM,
Schumann, Stravinsky Ind Schoenberg.
The reason there i! ao little good wrlUng
about music 111 that Lhe only ones
quallfied to do oo are too busy making
music . Musical crificimi in o u r
newspapers ls a disgrace. Mr. Barley's
efforts are consistently Incompetent
musically, and sophomortc journa]istical·
Sa11s the DAJLY PILOT'S Barlty:
"It would b< most difficult to find
a musician who would care to judge
publicl¥ or criticitt o ftUmD m'&Ui-
cian'• •!forts. A properlv Q11Gllfi<d
journaiilt ii better equipptd /01' the
job." Barle11's credential$ include a
muric degree from Leeds Uniotrrity
ond 20 vears of reuietoi11g for such
papers 411 the London Ntws Chronfclt,
Londo!\ Dail11 Mail, London Daily Er·
press -and the DAILY PILOT. Ri.s
wife, a /,onner concert pianist for the
Yorksh re S.,mphon11 Orchesta, is on
honor graduat1 from the Ro~ Col·
kae of Music in London.
f'•rl1 Abo•t Greece
To lhe Editor:
Anyone who has Idly wond,red what
their portion of oor tu~J>!lars (40 million
.per year, live or ti:ll'TTi'f! mUUon!) IJ
doing for llule Greece shotild reld •bat
Chrlatopher Wttn, senior editor of Look
Maguine, has &o 111 ln the M~ 27 issue
l•ITirr"t fl"Om ntdtrl 1rw -· Non'Nilly tm19n lhould CllllWY thllr .,_,,.,.,. In M _,.. or llA.
Thi rhlht to ~ i.ti.r. .., fit -~ If •llmto "'19 U~I b ~. All lltlln ll'llllt Inell*
ll1Mtvr1 end mamnt lddms. -.ut """11 1fttY ..,.
•!""'-Id °" ,._, If lllffkllllt -.. _...._
of that magazine. It's called "Greece:
Government by Torture."
Our government has been "looking the
other way" regarding the grisJy ftcl& Mr.
Wren has discovered -ln the interests of
diplomacy no doubt.
rr CERTAINLY can 'l be that wllh our
all-eocompuslng world·wlde spy system
our government could be unaware of the
And yet we wonder that our young have
turned away in total revu lsion from the
snake-pit which their elders c a 11
"diplomacy" and "defense of the national
interest," and other eupi!emisRll! aervtng
as a front ror our ambit!Ous 1enerals and
thriving arms industry. · ·
·---B11 Geor9e --~
Dear George :
You tell the lecherous man who
complained about girls wearln1
, mini skirts around the office that
inStead fi paying ao much 1ttebtion
to how glr~ drtll he would be ad·
vised to go home al'ld take a cokf
shower Ind chop oome wood. Thal
will take bll mind off mini nirllt
Well, he tried it, he aaJd, Hfi•a
choppl'd a half-<lOfd of firewood and
fJUtd up the showt.r sta.11 and
bathtub but be said It seems
scnselw to bJ.m_ Every U... he ~
goes back to the ol!lct the mini
okirts are sUll there,
CHECKING . • .UP • /
A Robot Bartender • •
Goes -0n tile Market •
' By L. Mc BOYD ,°'!"" occasions wound up call-
U QUOR 1!USINEll8. ing for lllree s~. The
Understand an ouUit t n one I wrote, the one 1 botched up at the podium, and the one
Balllmore ~.J>i* together a l.;,deli•ered so magnificenUy
robot bartender. The tlilna tan on the w8y home in the car: . .
mix any one ot.1,100 dri!W in . Q. "WllA1'8 THE DIF-
four seconds. Don't know the FERENCE between a hobo, a
sale price of this alcoholic tramp, and a bum?" A. A
computer, but It fnay knock a , hobo is.a wanderer who·•wks,
few mtnlogilts out o f a tramp is I wand~r who
businiesS, that's possible, Still, doeSn't work. And a .bum, he's
whether a bartender is g&xi a panhandler who nei~r
doesn't depend on his savvy wanders nor works, but 1ust
with drinks, but on his firm stands around with watery
and friendly manner with the eyes. So says our Language
lonely. c l ientele. The man .
aforementioned machine is not SALES MINDS -Sales
programmed to grin wlnk or managers. please post the:
laugh at slj' anecd~. 'I1le following in a prominent
best bartenders are so pro-place: A shoe m.an~tµrer,
grainmed_. hired two qien to carry his
TYPICAL TIP to t h e line into Africa. Three months
hatcheCt girl in the Sov'iet later, one wrote back: "Am
Union now is reported to be IO returning immediately. No cems worth of ko~. . . . market here. Everyl::iody goes
WAS RECENTLY isied the barefoot." The other wrote
plura1 of~~phinx. Didn't know back: "En~!~,· IOS orders.
oUhand. There's only qne isn't Market unlimited. Everybody
there? Why do we ~ a here goes barefoot." .
plura1? Anyhow, our Language EQU~ -Our Chief
man says it's Sphinges. . . . Prognostic.a~ expects m~n
HA VE a feminine reader in shortly Wlll mvade women s
Davis, Cal.,. whose first name be~uty shops. To ge~ fancier
is Neverra. Ever met one of harr-dos. The opposite hap.
those before? I have not. . . . pened once. For a while in
IT WAS THAT GREAT. Love 1925, the record shows, men's
and War man Houelle of Fran= barbers were trimming almost
· ce who so correctly -noted, as . many women ~ men.
"There are beautiful flowers Bebeve that came about
that are scentless an d because the women then were
beautiful women · who are still on an equality campaign.
unlovable." . . • DEAN Now it is our C. P. 's con-MAR~ is my lady friend's tention the men soon can .be
favorite singer. He's good. But expect~d to go on ~n equality
I like Glenn y arbrough better. ca~pa1gn. too, a sign thereof
Maybe I'm jealous. being. mass .male attendance
CHARM -lt is not what a at harr dressing salons.
woman looks like that gives RAPID REPLY: Yes, Mrs.
her charm. lt's bow she af-T., a storm i~ worse than a
feet! the people near her. That gale. Sto~m winds go from SS
has Jong been the opinion of to 63 rrules per hour, gale
our Love and WIJJ' man. Or as winds from 39 to 46 miles per
old John Mason Brown so hour·
wisely put it: "Chann is a Your questions and co?!l·
glow within a woman that ments are welcome and ~ill
casts a most becoming light be 11.sed wl~erever possible
on others." in "Checki11g Up." Address
CUSTOMER SERVICE: Q. rnait ot L. M. Boyd, in care
"DO you ever make talks lo of DAILY PILOT, Box 1875.
luncheon clubs?" A. Not Newpor t Beach, Calif .
anymore. Used to, but each of 92663. ..
R~sons Unknown
Less Grad Students.
Now Being Drafted
number o! college graduate
students being drafted this
year is running far below
estimates, even · t h o u g h
deferments for d i p I o m a
tiolders were a boll.shed more
than, a year ago.
At the same time. graduate
schools report a big slow-<iown
in enrollment. Nobody knows
whether the missing students
were drafted, went to industry
for occiipational deferments.
or stayed home to wait for
The National Security Coun-
cil recommended. 1 i f t i n g
deferments in ·February 1968
for all graduate study except
medicine and the ministry.
.. Critics of the m o v e
predicted a draft of 450,000
college graduates including
175,000 grad students. The
more conservative Pentagon
estimates were for a draft of
1,000 college graduates, in-
cluding 58,000 would-be grad
students in fiscal 1969.
When Iha fiscal year ends In
June the total will probably
8dditional delay.
Experts also believe -many
students have obtained oc-
cupAtional deferments
either as teaching assistants
in the schools. wb_ere they
study, or by quitting school for
private industry,
The U.S. Office of Education
reports that enrollments in
graduate schools it surveyed
·rose only one percent last. fall,
compared with an average 12
percent in previous years.
That would mean an ap-
parent loss of up lo 20,000
graduate students. But the Of-
fice of Education can only
guess, like everyone else,
where they are.
The National Security Coun·
cil, which advised Hershey un-
der provisions of the draft law
to r emove graduate
deferments, has made no at.
tempt to !ind out the effect of
its action.
"We had a study of changes
in the gracillate structure,"
said a spokesman for lhe
Health, Education and Welfare
.Department, referring to an
enrollm~t survey, "but we
reach no more than 35,000. . • didn't attribute any reason to
How many of these soldier-it.
scbola~• were or would ha~e · "I guess nobody is keeping
been m graduate school ts track, in terms of what the
unknown. ~sked the number .0f draft is actually doing l<. it,"
draftees with graduate cr~1ts he added.
a Pentagon spokesman rep~ed A National Security Council
"That would be a m~1or staff member pointed out that
research project. We JUSt President Nixon included in 'td fl" ' can o. . . his draft-revision plan last The elimination of graduate Tuesday, a "lhorough review
deferments wa! ,J?'eant ~ .stoP, o( cur guidelines, standards
students ~ pyranuding and procedure!! for deferments
one deferment oo ~p of and exemptions."
anolber CIUl:u.!~.slaymg out -"This," said the staffer,
of the drJ!t pooTiOdefrnltely · "would certainly be one of the
something apparently has thing11 the council would want
not gone ~g lo pl~n. to repart on." ~ esperta both inside ;;:;:;;;;=======;I
aod -.......,,..,t sug-gest 'iartoul e>planjUons.
All -that •• imPortant fldor was draft director
Lewis B. Hershey's instruct!•
to allow pootponements of in-
duction until the end of a
prlllt boards could havt
been lnordlnately 1low tO
reclassify student!:. and many
students may have appealed
Cringe Coast's
Most Compl.to
the recluslficaUons, creating '----------''
• .
• lllondq, MIJ lt,'1'69-'· • ··· . ~ .... .• • ~Y1'UI' z
• •
·Start yoor summer sewing
:With -fabulous fabric sf)eci(ll$·.
Fabulous selection of dress
and s~rtswear fa,brics now!
69C yd. . '
Buy up yards and yards ·of this very special group of
better· cotton fabrics that are simply perfect fo r stitching
up the best looking dres"'s and sportswear in tho very
latest fash ion$ in a wide color Mlection l
• . '''I ,
• •
l .
Fashion happens w~en, you
sew with textured cottons :
' .
• . . •• . . . . .,
There 's no end to all the, terrific outfits you'll make from
this group Of b;tter.colton yarn dyed fabric$ !lnd·f.,y. ' . . .. . weaves in ·a marve lous selection ·of colors. Hurry in to
b\iY SOYi(l\'!S:.by the y~rcj while ~km! ! ' -.
• ...
Hawaiian type gold prints· In exotic patterns to
stitch up attractive ~port1wear-. •• h0stess gowns •• ' '
. ' -look at tl)e price for theM ciUthentic cotton prints! Make thifts,.bathing suits •••.
just Qbooit ..,,ytllingl Sanforized-, maChine washaj>le, 36".
• • • " ' ------. ,
-_______ t_
. .
" . l
: ;
• f ,, ,
' . ' ' • . I
• !.
• •
J llM. y '8.llT
ey "'" '"'•r1ciiid1 . 1•QU Proceeds
For Yorty
.At Issue
.Tbou<ands ol dollan in pro-
ceeds !mm a number " $100.
a·plate Sam Yorty·~.Umonlal
and "birthday" dinners has
·emerged u the latest issue in
,the turbulent campaign for
: Cily CounclJman Thomas
.Bradley, Mlyor Yorty• I
challenger In the May 17 elic-.
1ion: told a Sin Pedro rally ·
o&Jnday that "there has never
been a public accounlln(' ol.
~-whtre up to $700,000 in pro-
'ceeds went.
"Did the mayor poCket the (2;2!!f!~~~~-~..,~·~·::-::.·!:•~-=::.~ ... ::.:-:·;.:•::..w~-::.:-=·"':J '"mey,'' B aryldles."hdfknaee
money," Bradley asked. "If he
"did. did he pay i~e taxes ___ _:"Wb~~·~t~in~b~ea::ftll::::c:'•:.:•::ame=:::.:did::';:.,,_YO:.u::.::as::k:cf=o:.r:.?'_' __
on it?"
· If it was used for campaign
i>w-poses, "was it reported to
•"the city clerk's office?" he
' Yorty Jeter said on a radio
talk show that the money was
admi.nlstered by a rommitlee
·which pul out citizen-education
material such as a brochure
Berkeley Police Foil
2nd People's Park Try
on "police protection and the BERKELEY ( A P ) this university city.
necessity of supporting the Dissideols staging a plant-in "Street people," who lnclude
p@ice." 00 rapid transit district pr~ University of Ca 11 r or n I a A Yorty spoeksman added student.II and other youths,
that "the figure of $700.IXM> perty were drjven away by made their move 10 blocks
certainly sounds wrong" but po Ii c e a o d Nat Ion 1 l north or the university-owned
did not offer an estimate. Guardsmen, foilin& the young lot from which they were
-M e a n w h i I e . Y o r t Y people's second attempt to driven Thursday when police
characterized Brad1ey a s establish 8 "People's Park." c1lled the guardsmen and "•ell-meaning, a n a i v e fired birdshot and rock salt in person, surrounded by other There were 22 arrest.I in the a bloody confrontation.
forces or associates." latest incident Sunday on On Sunday, guardsmen with
1f Bradley becomes mayor, charges including t.respuajng flzed bayonets surrounded a
the incumbent said, he will be and rock throwing, raising the group of some 800 pe:rsoDs on ·~red and he1pless to "four-day arrut total to 127 In land '.owned by the Bay Area
govern properly beca~ of Rapid Transit District. The
outside associations." · land covers recent subway
A!!. an example, the mayor N Re ords construction.
sift&led out Don Rothenberg, a 0 C After police announced the
Bradley campaign worker, as 1 demonstration wa s i 11 e g a I
being • ronn., eommun1s1 Set by Fro,us, guardsmen , • r,. d the Party member. 0 demonstrators off the land and
Rothenberg bas admitted his up.rooted plants and abrubl
past association, -be loft ANGEUl CAMP '(AP) -the youths had planted.
the party in 1956. Bfadley Nys The jumping frogs o f 'lbe c r o w d, nearly 2,000
he feels Rothenberg la n.o w Calavt:ru ewnty didn't set strong, then marched into the
W.. dedicated American." any recordl U!JI yar, bat a Berkeley Hills and back
"A candidate who ii aur-record crowd turned out to tOward the campus, running
rounded by such pencq mutt watch them. part or the wa y.
be naive," Yorty told• "Yorty Winner of the tn~tional Most dispersed as they ap-
Nationalities Ra 11 )'," mn-Gtand Finlll Sundly was a proached lhe campus, but 200
posed largely of per.:w Jec-spnddler named Rinso, remained to face a roadblock
originaDy from Eatem Euro-entered by the perennially vie-ol 7 Alameda County sheriff's ~n countries. tcdoul. training• taildem of deputies and h i I h w a y
'"''I just can't WJdentaDd bow 1..-d Hall and BUI Proctor. patrolmen at the south edge of
anyone would want to try to LafoJlllo, caut,, · the eompoL 'lllen tl10J left
fu:n • city, like tho dl1 ol IM In ,. the llall-Proctor· -'
Angeles, with -kind al., lnl 111 ~ warld ..-d al 19 'Ille ~ did not
,people advisinc: blm,~ Yorty ~ Rt ...._ ftelr eptry follow tbt "street people" on
told a later garden part7 of.., ailo'1ftlll 1Mt Jell'. , their three-mile march but
supporters. JUni1>'1 dlltuce Sund1y ns kept 1UtVelllance from three
-11 leol; I~ lncbes. helicopters.
-Scouts Losf
1n Storm ~
'A I :=•il""6M11 ..
_ 'n'JPI) -The bodies of fOlP'
young Explorer Scouts and
·their adult leader, who disap-· ~ared nearly three months
ago during a mountain
~J.Lefl .. ..:·~-
r-r-.ME TRUE •
· blizzard, have been found in a
snow-filled gorge.
The grou p apparently
became 1061 on a cross coun-
try skiing hike when the storm
suddenly struck and they
tumbled off the edge of a trail
inlo the canyon where they
froze to death.
A search involving hundreds
of men at the 7 ,000-foot level
in the San Bernardino Moun-
tains in Southern California
revealed no trace of the mJss.
ing party until the spring
thaw. They were found willtin
21,l; miles of their destination.
A search party ol five bead-
ed by sheriff's Lt. Ernie De
Lauri disCQvered the lint
body Saturday night. The re-
ma1ns had been attacked by
wild animals. Fifty men were
sent Into the area at daybreak
StVldaJ and by 11 a.m. the
other four victims had been
found .
13% of Britons
OK · Marijuana
tiomride "morality" survey
show• 13 percent of Britons
believe marijuana should be
legalized, the poll organitaUon
Mass-Observation Ltd. an-
nounced today.
for tlioW
0 0
FI1E fJJUIR FINE CUT The SUTVey alto showed 20
percent approve of nud1ty on
the llage and couples living
together before man'i>ge. Fil-l PERFECTION ty-one percent eodoned mercy
' _:ki::·n::inl:=-~u;;; .• ;;;,,,;;,;;.;;,~---11 SCOPE
FALSE TEETH · sru;~s
n111 Loose• FINE ClAllI1'Y 1 EXACT' l:ARAT WEIGHT
Need Not E•lltlria11
Doo'\ bft ta ,.., c6 ~ ..... ~wobbbml'••ss1? ,.,_. ., U..wn:1119:um&.k....._ __ -
aod lllfft com.tort. JM illlltHle a
nN1 JrNrutr Pl'AlllMINT
ll&Uc PA8TSrflJ oa JO\lr plcl-.
PAl't'Dnf llol• fa*~ ~. ,UU.lON MUNTllt8TOff l •AOt fll•Wf'OltT &IAGM
Nit.ttt-.Ua&-"". lfo ,..tr~ •-., -" M.i""4\I '""''-' • 'm""' 1111n• ......._ Jkl111 ctHea .. dt11.lun tanaUl • '
Dcsltint uv.t. flt Aft ..... u.1 .. °""'ftfW Ct"'" ldlflttr tf hll 0"" l"•f.MK•1111Wf' •I I'-. '"· tfWI'· bMIUL.~1!1'111 ••lllll ""\ll•l'I,. "--------------------'' Gd l'AnWSI'Jl Uall *111 WU&llft'I. '"
• ---------------------
• Navy Refloals
Nuclear Suh
• •
• •
Orwnge County ,.,.. ore higher now uoopt on PM.
Thal'a becaUM wo don1 fly from there. Conllder lnstaod
. L AAlln Franclaco for '13.50 plus tex
..... way. 9f)f) fttghtl ··-All Joto.' Loweal air lam. Call your trawl agent _
end -a tl!Uo aomethlng. • ·
PSA gft-es you a lift.
Give your garage
back to your car ...
Attractive steel
storage building 7 ft. x 6 ft.
Here's your chance lo malte room In yC<Jr garage for your
car and givo your gardon equl-' and toob a home of
their own. Attractivo side gable design 7 It. by 6 It. b'llJd-
ing ftalvres tough plmtlc finish onr alHI panels. plywood
floor, sliding doors with -40" opening. Avocado green,
white trim.
50 ft. nylon
vinyl hose
ii" 'dio!Mt9r, .50 ~
garden hose
reinforced With
nylon trvdt ti ... awd.
5 foot
sf•p ladder
indud. adratw.
Hf'OoJ.'"'"top,. fvft 3tndl--... pi.-..i
6 ff. 1lumlnum
.,., ladder
' I
' I
" •• IAILV I'll.IT f
Ai~port Talks Asked 5 P.M. Friday , •
• •
Tax :Refund DeaJ,line Set
Wim Co1111t9 Post
James Freda, 37, La
Habra, bas been named
director of Ute Orange
County Schools Office's
Supplementary Educa-
tion Center. The ap.
pointment by c o u n t y
Superintendent of School
Robert Peterson is ef-
fective July I. Starting
salary for the ;ob is
$16,500 annually.
HunllntlDfl Bf~ Klw1111l1 Club, Hu,._ tl1111ton Seecllfl C1111ntrv Club, lOOG P11lm Ave., Hu11t1119ton Bffd'I, U:U 11.m. Nl"*JOrl Harbot ~lml.t Club, VIII• M••lna, 10~ 11ev1lde Drive. Nl!W1'0rt BMd'I, 12:1S 1>.m.
CO•lll Mesa IC.lw11nl1 Club, Cost11 Mfta Goll al'ld Country Club, Coo!• Me.a, 11:15 p,m . 11:0111,..,. Club of (O;llll MH11-Nor11!. Cost1 MH1 Goll and Countrv Club.
1701 Golf Couri.e Drlw, Costa Me•••
12:10 "·'"· Corona del ~· E•1;t1•noe Civil, JOHl's ll:HflUrlll\I, 1111 E, Coal! HitihWll'f,
Corona del M..r. U ,_ · H1mlffl!Jt., &ll'Cfl Nortll Lions Club,
Me..towtarll Countrf Club. 161A Gral'l&m, Hu11tl119I011 B111ch. 12 _,_
MM"lon Fannv Fry. 19CI W, Bth SI.,
Newport ~ad!. O.te ol ~11lh, M•'f
17. SUrvl°'"' bV husband. Robert M.
il'rv. Prfv•ll! i.ervic~. hlh: Mortu•nr. 11•1 54.opeorlot, c .. 1. ~. Olrecton.
\l'l'mo M. McCl•nt. !11111 S1111lord
......... Garden Gro..... S11rvlved b'I'
broltwf'", J"'111 A. .W:Clenti tour 11 ..
tt'fl, c.tlot ~ Ml1'99rel MQl:l1nt; E~ ~ 11111 Llll1111 ICeult'f.
R...,..., tonlllfit, Molll:f9v, t p,m., Pffli:
Ftonll\I' Colonlsl fUnt1111 Home. R• •11lefrl MKs, T....,.y, t •.m., St.
QolurnbHI c.thollc Cllurch, G • rd In .......
Capo Re~dy to Discuss 'Leasing Costs 5,\NTA AflA -Warnlhg be In 1111 ollke at 11311 N ...... 171,000 or-~.
allow for oor pnihahly adding lhal thll le tho "final, floal Broa4Way, Santa Au, belo" clAlml valued' at '11.1 mll1loa. By JACK BROBACK
ol .. O.llr "'-' Si.tt
made "dot to the aerious
sbortqe of aviation-oriented
facilities in southern Orange
County." .
more property to tho aJri>ort deadline,'' County .......,. 5 p.m., Friday, May 13, the It b t_...i lhll the -.
complex. Tbe county would Andrew J, HiAlba'P t'OQfumed couaty ••rs.Gr.. .dded. A re--ownen r..-nte<t tn thale CAPISTRANO -A f t e r
three years of negotiation the
San Juan Capistrano Airport
problem iJ right back where it
f.larled -on dead center. But
there is one ray of hope.
At issue is 5.44 acres of
Flood Control District-owned
land upon which rests half the
runway of the private airport.
T h e operators. Capistrano
Airport and lndustrial Park,
Ltd. (Bruce Winton, principal
owner) have leased the pro-
perty for the past three years
from the district for a nominal
fee .
Winton wants to purchase
the property but says be can-
not afford the • minimum
$87 ,000 price tag put on it by
the county.
On April 8, the supervisors
approved a • lease proposal
worked out by Department of·
Real Property Services Dll'tt·
tor Stanley Krause and other
Krause <iaid the terms '
represented "only about a two
percent return to the county
on the fair market value of the
land." He said the offer was
Wlntoo r<plled last May 13
lhlt be could nol afford the
1'111111 propooed, but only
about one..&th of the amount.
He iloted thal Ule city·« 8an
Juan Capistraoo was ready to
negotiate 1'tth the county ·ac-
quire the property. 'Ibis is the
ray of hope.
Winton iejected tbt county's
proposed lease for these
reasons :
"-l. The rental percentage
of 11 percent (Of lncome·from
airport facilltlea; is unttaliatlc
because· it ls baled upon land
area instead of land cost and
development cost. Based on costs, the percentage should
be 1.8 percent, since the coon-
ly 11cn!lge cost under fl ,500
for the .~.acre of income pro-
ducing property and our costs
for five acres, including lm-
"-2. 1be lease does not
take into consideration large
additional sums we will have
to invest In airport im·
"-3. The lease does not
SA Damages Denied
But Flood A id Asked
SANT A ANA -Allhough the
Orange C o u n t y Sanitation
Districts directors have denied
a claim of the contractor on
the $9 million Santa Ana River
ootfall sewer line for extra
compensation because o f
damage from the January and
February floods, they have ap-
plied for $300.000 in federal
assistance money to com-
pensate for the "disaster."
In a communication to the
districts. C. Arthur Nissan, al·
tomey for the boards, said the
claim o( Peter Kiewit and
Sons' Co. of Omaha, Neb.,
could be legally denied but lhe
damage was eligible for · 50
percent f e d e r a I assistance
If granted, this estimated
$300,000 .would be turned over
to the contractor, the districts
Ni.sson wrote the districts,
"the outfall construction is an
eligible project because it i! a
discharge line which con-
stitutes an btegral part ol the
sewage treabnent plant and
construction was in process at
the time of the disaster."
Nisson said ol the legal
denial of additional com-
pensation, "the reuon un-
derlying this opinion is that
aJthough the ruling has caused
an additional 14 feet ol silt and
soil. to be deposited on the
surface or the ocean as it es:·
isted prior to the floods, this
situation does not. prohibit the
contractor from constructing
the project.
''Jt m""'1 adds to the cn-
tricton• Ope.rile: Essentially,
t.bb ts aoerof the risks that the
dl!tricts required the con·
tractor to take jn making the
contract," Nisson concluded.
the. attorney followed with
SANTA ANA An in· his opinion that the "disaster"
still gel ib 17 perctol Of ,.. Friday lhal app\iclllooa for ceol ruiiac·bJ lhe IA&blalure claims w111 tel dW 1'19 ...,
,. the "" -·· property gross. tax rtfund and the l750 bu eaahlod lllm to tltMd the fUnd cbodt in michlune. .
"-4. '!be county seemJnaly h~'• exemption will lll!q {IOl'lod IO lhlt date.. Stlll u.-lved, lfl-
lgnoru .U.. fact that llUrlng be ac:cejMd nm week. Complelloa i>f the IOnna wlU sald Friday, b the 91aWa ,Of
the thne ,..,. Of praeot Bui -applications must enable -..ri wbO hove !.<!lure World -i. wlili
lease, we and ""' find bale not already applied to claim are b t d d I n g for , llio
the f10 refund "' property tu homeowner' 1 e 1 e m p t I o rt
operator have lost over $38,000 p p K •lllhorir.ed for the Jiii fl.Jcal cratUd whtn · Propoeitioo 1A
with additional lar1e llUJDS arsons, orter eep year by the Leglil!lw;t. Thal WU app-oved by VOlen loal
still needed 'for repairs to e:ame documellt en&Jlles the November.
runway and taxiway." hon\eowncr to ' ~ply for the "We will CGOtUwe to ~.
Then Wlntton throws In the sam· ... 1.·on Pos1·11·ons 1750 ·-P"i!n. -to, opflllcllllona 1-both ... clincher. "We have deeded I.a lake effect Iii, Ibo 11111 fiscal Seal Beacb and Lagwio lfllla: period. Lti.ur. World COllUllllllllla
over five acre1 ot our acreate Homeowner• who owned llr until tht May .U deMHne bat: to the city fl San Juan SANTA ANA -T'Wo Oranie Dr. Donald Shipley,· Hurt-occupied OD March 1, ltss the we'll be uaable to ctrttfy any.
Capistrano ior as Ion' as tbe Coast men have been rt-tington Beach councihnan, bas dwelling llated by them as d their claima to the StN
airport i! in operation. • elected to chainn.anships of been e.lected chainnan of their principal raldence are Cont r-o 11 e. r wKil &be'
Winston concludes bis let~ the county Sanitation Dlstrlcts District Eleven. He succeeds eligible for Lbe tax refund and Legislature a c 1-1 , ' 1 \bl
ter: "We thank you for the represeniing their areas, and Councilman .JeM)' A. Matney the upeoming tax re 1 I e f . apeuor aald, .. ,
time you have given us over a third new chairman named. in the post. Terms ofP"lhe Forms can be obtained from ·The nature of Le1sure Werld-
lhe past three years, and Contlnuini:;: as chairman of chairmanships m one year. filnsbaw's office at d't N. hoowwwners' in\erelt. ID tbl¥"
sincerely hope that you will ·District Five is Newport Parsons was addition.ally rt· Broadway or they can be re-11vpatJ ii a factor that bill
work favorably wllh the ~ty Beach Councilman Lindsley elected u vice chairmtn of quested by calllni lhlt olHce delayed outrlPt 1ppro¥1l~o(
to allow this vitally netijed Parson.!, and as head or the Joint Boards of the at 834-2736. tbtir claiml for tbe propertft·
facility to remain in es.-District Sl1, Ellia N. Port.er, of districts. Clifton Miller, ol Hinshaw has placed 1n the tu bl!nefftl enjoyed by~
lstenee." Costa Mesa. Tustin, was named chairman. hands of the state co~ler all otbel't county bomeOtmn. In a letter to t h'e,------------------~----------'-------------..
supervisors, dated last May
14, San Juan Capistrano City
Administrator Ernest A .
Thompson, ouUlnes the city
purehase proposal.
He Calli the 187,000 price tag
for the 5.44 acres "somewhat
unrealisUc in that the per acre
rate is estreme baaed upon
the fact that the property is
totally landlocked and also
possesses a poor geological
cbaractetjstic for stability • 1 •
compared to other acreage. in
the immediate area."
'lbompson 1ug1e1t1 a
''recooslderallon lbould be
made either witblo your own
depar'tmerUl procesa or, as
an .uematlve, by an in-
depeodent qualified apprai><r e
that would be mutually ap-
proved by the COUDty and ci-•
He adds that U a price can
be agrffd upon the city would e
want a k>nl term (!$-year)
leaae with DO !merest char.... •
The latter as an "estended
contrib!IUon and partlclpatioa e
by the county to uslll !he
providing of airport faciliUes
for the area of Southern e
Orange Coonty."
The city council o( San Juan •
Capistrano approved the ap-
proach outlined on last M1y
12.The -move i. up to the e Board. (>{ Superv!Jon. They
will dlscua It on Tuesday.
Book Due
• • • •
'EM .
• • • • • • • • • • ••• • • •
at El Rancho: .
the supermarket
where the price is .right!
... -·
•• I. ". •r
•i .. ,
•I •· ~.
, " • • • . • • •• ..
• • • creased i·oint Ol)erating,ootlay wU eligible for fed er a I aaSktance and "that If sue-0 R A NG E -"Saddlebact
but a need for less tax money cessful, the funds will be paid Anceston," a new book cover-e
In the 1969-70 fiscal year is dinctl to the districts and Ing the htatory C>f the Sod·
shown ln the propoeed budgets the. ~ids in tum will piy dleback region from 1'16t to •
• •
MAY 19, 20, 21 •
~ ol the Orange County Sanita· them to the contractor." tau, wi1J, be published July 1
THOMAS tion Dbtrlcta Which v:ill be up The $1 milllon project, es-by the Orange C o u .n t y ~1~ ~ '':2...,1:;w;,. t:ii;:: for adoption oD June 11. tending five miles into the Ge.nee.logical Socie(y as part e •• ...wrn,.11 two dluttlt..s. o.riMe Tile proposed1 sC:hedule of ocean Is scheduled for com-of the Callfornil Bicentennial w"'" •!Id "-lhleen K. P~i1 1 w 0 $16 3 million lor joint opera· pletion ·in late 1970. The 120-celebration. orl<'llkftl!OAl'I. Don T. •lld Ginny K. ' • cit ·
wrn1. Senke&. WOldnMdr&.,., 1 •·""·• , tjons and conatril on 1S up inch diameter ootfall line will The book will COit $3.00 until
Pffli: p:.,..i1.,. eo1ot11a• F~l H..,., '' $1.3 million over the current handle ai million gallons or July 1, when the price changes
DIEHM year, district Gener~ I treated sewage a day, ac-to $3.50.
' ~" ..
R-ld D!*n. 1475 c.1111111 st .. u.,. Manager Fred Harper aaJd, cording to the dist r I ct' s To order,· write the Society, ..
:;: ~rv1":. "t!, 6!~."' =; but the districts ~ to raise General Manager Fred Bos: 1587, Orange, Calif. or
two • .,.,.,._ Mn. Lindi K•v H•,,. only $5,599,170 m \8Je3 as Harper. phone 633-1575.
11,.,. ...cl Mitt DltlOr.tl t.vnn Oktlmi ed to *" 667 371 col ··----------;;;;;i---------;;;1 broThw eort .. n111 ''''"' Mrs. ~ compar ..,, • • r YaM, Jr.1 ,.,..,.,., Mr.' 11\d Mrt. ••• Jected this fiscal year.
Dlftlm1 ....i l!ltff or•!ldetilklr.n. Prl--A reduction in tax rate will .,.,. ..mC!95. SMtfff L.,Ul'lll &Md! ,
MOl'tlH>l'Y c:i-t1. WtdrMd•r. 2 •·""· not necessarily appear on all
tas: bills, Harper cautioDed.
because several of the seven
districts have big construction
programs planned.
WestcUfl MorlDU1
U'1 E. l'lUI St., Costa Mesa -BALTZ MORTUARIES
Corona del Mar OR M45t
Costa Meu Ml Uut
llt Broadway, C.1&11 Me•
LI s'.3433
HanliaCIOD Valley
17911 Be1cb BmL
BunUagtoa Btacb
'Ille ta1 reduction program
will continue for several
years, Harper said, because. of
a federal grant of $3.3 mllhon
for the $9 million ocean ouUall
being constructed at the
mouth of the Santa Ana River,
Individual district budgets
will be considered in August.
the general manager said.
* * * Mesa Road
Pact Okayed
SANTA ANA-An amended
contract price or $39,965 for
the construction of t h e
Smalley Road su~trunk sewer
line In north Co6ta Mesa has
been approved by the Orange
County Sanitation Districts.
We do have the largest
stock of SHAG CARPET
at the lowest prices!
12 llHb N•rtll fll ...._ ..... }
Scllool 1f Business
e Stu•f•rltl e MNlictl
'"""'"(' • ···••••pil19
e D111tal
..... htiflt
Cemetery e Mtrtul'l'
The job was completed .on
last April 21 after a time U·
tension of 118 calendar days lll w. 5th Phone
wu granted to Scott Brothen •·nta •-· u•17•• ue •-1
3SOI Padftc View Drtve
Newport Beacb, c.ltlonla
7801 Sola A•e.
We1tmh11ter S9S4StS
ConstructiOn of Santa Ana duel ~~~~-~~-~~~~~~~-~.,~~~~·~~~I lo the heavy rains in January!~
and February. Mvtrt1..,,...11t
According to tbe districts'
Chief Engineer Paul 0 .
Brown, the districts were "not
tnconvenieooed by Lbe delay ;is
the sewer was constructed to
serve 1 new subdivision at
Sunnower Avenue and SmaOey
Road ln Cost.a Mesa whlcb
was also delayed due to the
stonns." SUEf f Eft MORTUARY
1-·-IM-1111 ~jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Sa Qem 1 -.ettl MAL AlllSCHra
Pll'l'B'I MORT\J.\lll C..twl A111•I Amoliflt•tl .. • 11'7 ..... St.'-•O SALl.IM•-
BUDtln.tO.D 8ea9 1409 I. COAST HWT. fl• -c.-· ... ,,,.... LE M5SI t71..JUJ
Delicious eream-filled finger lunch c.akea ••• 8 kid pleasing flavors •• -chocolate, vanilla. plain. Stock upl ·
Tout.er pastry in tempting flavon!, •• 11 o:r..
Happi Time Shakes ........... 3 ... 25~" ...
Frozen treats! Chocolate, vanilla, atrawberry! 12 oz.
Fruit Drinks ..... -.. ~ ........ 12 ... '1 ·
All flavors ••• M.C.P •••• 6 oz. cans go ao far~:
Sugar Frosted Chex ................ 29¢
Save lOe on pre-.sweet.ened cereal 17 oz. pkr.
Fiddle Faddle .......... ·-···-···· 3 ... '1 Welch's Grape Jelly ................. 49<'."
The snack tre&t ev~rybody enjoys! Now 3 kinds! Or Grapelade , • , 2 pound jar at this low prieel
Menu-makers for first of the week meals! -Meat Loaf ....... ~.~.~!.~A! ....... 69~~:
Finest meats •. precision ground ••• perfectly ~oned and blended ••• made with freah whole egpl
Ham Loaf ........ ~.~.~!~~! .. ~ .... 89~"
El Rancho's own ham ... carefully trimmed .• , expertly eeaooned ••• ready for you to llhape and bokel
Beef Stew Meat .................... 89'·
Trimmed to win whole.hearted approval I
Garden Fresh!
Beef Shams . : .. : .......... ··--· ·-.. 4t· . ...... Cent.rcutformeatr~I .. -Deli Delight ..
Chiqultaa ... the line!!! Central
America hllito off or I 10~ Cookies 39cj : Pilbbury'a Chocolate O\lp ••• lllmply •
11ice 1111d bake ••• 16 oL.l)kr. · ·
Prill! ia effect AIO'l., Tuu., Wed..,
~·v u , to, 11. No ..i.. I<> tltdkn.
oJ 8 DAii. Y 1'1\.DT
: ewHo1mng ---OrVair:
From:· ·success Flop ·-o1-!IJ.... Water Co. have ap-Combinatwri1of Factors Defeated Gret;it E~pe~iment
:J-td • p1ao ~-~
.,... holdfnl -...rlY:. Padfic
!ltoldfn1 eor,.., • whl<b llill
~e lhe owner ol Anaheim :IJ•l«t Water Oo. 2 Uoder the ten:ns or I.he
)'eorganlialion, water COUl
atock will be txch""ied
shares ol the holding com
1be company 1S no .anger
qed in water distribution.'
, major asset ls t,SOO acres
tof land In Orange a I\ d
~versicle countlea.
l cw .. °""' "" ..... lldort tbe lastlllil II driven
into the cofftn oI the late
Ch<vr<lel C:O.Vak It would
seem only !lllintl I h a l
--1 good ahoUld·be aald
aout the coontr)'1S only effort
to produce an air-cooled rear
engine vehicle.
After aU, ~ have. been
written, coort battles and.
...,. .. hearlnP ~ and
1aiw suits settled over the
dlniinutive Chevrolet. To
someone caning on the scene
recently, the logical ~
would be -Why! Why, ln this
age when tbere'seeml to ~a
market for just about Ill)' kind
of vehicle manu!actuted would
a car made by Chevrolet 8111-
fer such a complete collapse
and fade Into !be past.
Chevrolet alao wondered -Why produce a vehicle that
has &Old only 3,DDl during·tbe
current model year. The cps-
tion was easily answered and
after struggling 'with the
Corvair for the put thrte
years they 1.bded Its existence.
Car models go by Ute
wayside yearly but this .one
was different. It came mto
being as 10metbing new and . ,. •• and -peUlive Md -~~ --was an instant success. me
first year, 1980. the Corvair
came as a coupe and sedan,
then came the Lakewood sta-
tion wagons, Monza series ud
Greenbrier vans. They w~e
riding high and in 1961 sold
well over 300,00> units.
Chevrolet · executives took
credit where credit was"noe u
yie little car just ab!>Ut
, ma"eted itseU. Everyone was
talking about it. Then !ltUe
' t.hings"bejan to haPpen.
In '63 and '64 little option
"goodies" were added such •!Ji
the Monza Spyder which were
supposed to iustil1.. a l35DD
price tag. They didn't and
salea began to declint.
Chevrolet's marketing im-
agination seemed to be leanlilg
the wrong way. While they
were trying to fl81ire ool hojl
to get more ,money for the
Corvair, Ford came out with
...,.thing new called !be
MuJtang. Corvair sales began
to take it on the chin, just like
other lines ·.rhich felt the im-
pact of !be MullaDg.
* HALLI DAY'S * • .
. ,
Are they correct? •Are they neatlt ~ • • •
ltl the leg? Are they the proper length ?
They are nea(fy ·narrowfd '_:·Ttieyr are~
proper length -And they will Enhance )'OW'
Oacrooti/Wool Trousers $21.SO
17fti 'lltVINl .AYE. -WlSTCLI FF ,l.AL\
NEW'<>ltT llA,CH ,H, "41.07tt
' CGnalr -\vu · uperteoeinc· body alooc the ltnea ol unveiled lo< Ille !1l1I -at
-' ~flita ' that ,Pol'l<lio to fit pa the -Ille lhll\t -; l>Oporied aeemad iO cost a !Mtune !or -. ·Just what woold ha,.• Alll'o and Sports c.r 8baw at loappeoed u Ibey bad dooe
• ....,. lo .. pair. ThfnBa like .... tthfnB • lftU• dllleront• the Loa Anlelel Sporta -
loakY oil pana that threw out Thero ilD't ani< ~' I'°"' ~une I to IL Monday
black sludge up over the blek about tbe qine cw its ll"in-hrough Frlday the sho!f will
end, noisy valvea that ftQuired clple. 'fbe Qrvlir qine 1a In be open f~J.~ p.m. unm
grindtn1 before they should, bla -lo< aome (){ Ille IQ :30 p.m . .,,....,_y •n<I s ...
compfafnll on l(eerfn.a I""" toughall drivlol l!>dlJ -dwie day lrom 11 a.m. to 11 p.m.
bleJN and doubtful ~ buQ)' oll·road ra~. Al for lt'.1 alwaya.< 'Ml'. fnter..unt
.all .llecaint oeric>ls bead... ' Its ·l!'lnciple. I ''Jll'lerNnd ,al¥>w as-tbe ""lllntf produoors
for owner. and dealers atRe. thel't s · a certain ~ from ·Europe, Japan and. the
It _.a tben that !be knport that 1wni done tOC> U.S. dlsplay tbefr ~y new
handwriting was on the, wall badly With the lir ~ rear models for the f4'1t Ume.
aJ)d ft wu uncertain how long engine model. * * •
the car couJd survive. First reactioo ts how come CHRYSLER OPEN'S NEW
Tben came lhe book they can do ii and we can't! COUNTY PARTS p!POT
"Umale' At Any. Speed" by Speaking first band about !be A new Chrysler eor,.. por11 ~to critic ·Ralph Jiadtr who merits ol Corvair, I drove. one depot hu just been completed
. delfltl\tly; was • eontrlbuling off the lfne at . Cievrolet In In Fu1luton ond 11 designed to
factor ia but not the reason for 1961 aod after 1 ad of new aerve dealen in Southern
the demise of the Corvair. tires, 1 brake reline, Z bat-Califonla, Arizooa and part1 of
It was 1 number of thing.s teries, 3 tllllHlpa, a new set of Nevada.
including unimaginative brass shocks, an<! only m I n o r The installation. with zzt,000
at O\evrolet who apparently maintenance it .has given us I 1quare feet o1 ·0oor, space an 1
saw no reuon to deviate from years of wife-driving and 28.5 acre lite, .bl aerricecf~ •
their 1tandaid 1operaij,ng pro-children-hauling. We b 1 v e rallrOad and nuzDeroua trUck ceddro' and come up with ta.ten jts inexpensive good ~ks. ·
something diffetent for lhe service for granteit I bate to Roy J. Brown, Chrysler
car that had been resPonsible see it go. Parts r;>ivi1lo9 ~ en er a i
for record sales only a couple THIRD ANNUAL manager, said, "WJth the aid
of years earlier. AUTO EXPO COMING of a computer to speed pro.
What if they had come out New models and e:a:clusive cesaing of orders and lnvoicel,
with 1 racy, sleek Ciber·glass prototype cars will again be maintain inventory control
Your Money's Worth
and loc:ate little uaed pula.
Ille depot !WU! handle about
ID,DDl -porli !or Chr)'ller llullt ve!Ucta.
"The faclllty aJao lncludel a
tW!>Olory office b u II d f n g
lhared by !be porll dfvlllon .
Dode• ond Cheyil<r-Plymoutt -. • _,., ..... tralllfn&
,C911er ond Qiryllllr llollty
'~ • Wben Brown' u wed !be
reuon !0< aelectfng Ora,,.;
COunty !or the buge ....
1-yout, be llid.1 "It WU cbmen
becaUM we feel in 1 ~ few
years Orange COOnty will bt
!be bub ol almaol all pbaMI ol
Soutbern Calilomia buafntaa
and ft need to be II ckJR, U
poalblt to !be Ctlller ol lhia
area." • • • ·AW.lftD WJNNER ·
Peter Ptltuats, aaleaman
f0r J-&nd·Soo, Newport
. Btacb, • bas ..... LlncGln-
Mercury'1 lnner Circle A'Ward.
The award went to the
leading_ 15 Unco!J>.Mercury
Division aat...... ln !be Loa
Anltl,. aalea dbtrlct. Eoch
rec1pieftt of the· award Ind his
wife wW get a four-day trip to
Las \repa.
Union Acts
Halt Sales
Of G~apes
WhyThose ·Ends Won't Meet
.. ·· (' ~ ..
TORONTO (AP) -Officials
or Dominion Stores, Ltd.,
Canada's largest food chain,
s aid union \pres s ure
ewer the last six months led to
'the chain's decision to stop
seltinl CaJµornia grapes.
Joaeph Voight, vi~e presi·
dent in cblrge of merchan-
dising, denied earlier reports
that qlJC\l<d ltlm as aayfnB
harassment by 0 union &OOOI"
JINbo lefl 'full !ciod buggies In
the 1to~"'":M' e 1 plod e d confeW·~ balloons over
grape counlers, forced !be
decision. •
In an interview be said
pressure started six months
ago when sympathetic union
workers, iDClu~ Dominion
employes, and 1 Citizem' com-
mittee, "IJIP'oad'ted all the
chains ~ ours."
Dom1inion • hU ptll'ed sips
1'adfnB "Sorry-· Due lo unset·
Ued coodidons In Ca!Uornla
vlneyards, ~s store is not
.selling California grapes," in
Metropolitan Toronto stores.
The signs will be placed in all
stores In the province even-
tually, be said.
St.lnberB'i. Lt!!.. supported
the crape bo)"tott by display-
ing algns Jut November ask·
ing cu'st.omen not to buy
Calilornia table grapes.
Leases Bought
Westi'am PetroJeum, Inc., bas
bouib' N,000 ICra of oil and
gu leases in six western
states from Strock Leasing
Corp, of Casper, Wyo., for
cash notes and warrants to
buy stock in Westrans' parent
f l r m, Western Trtwmission
If you are married and have
two ~1 YCMl muat e.aru
$lf,4lil -In · 19" to b\IY what
15,DDl ol fP'OU in<ome bought '
a man in .precisely your poaj-
tion in 1939. You must, in blunt
summary, earn 181.8 perceat
.more today just to be standing
even with your counterpart ol
30 years ago today.
This. ill the extent to which
your dollar has been eroded by
the relentless rise in the cost
of living and in both federal
income taxes and S o c l 1 I
Security taxes during this
period of wars -great and
small , hot and cold.
AND MIND YOU, 1 am not
adding the "bite" in your
dollar laken by soaring state
atKI local income tu.es, pro-
perly taxes, sales taxes, com-
muter taxes, etc., etc. If this
"gobble" were included, you'd
have to be running even (_aster
to Stand still.
lf we are married and have
two children, you must earn
$6,332 this year to buy what
$$,000 bought a man in your
position as recently u 10
years ago. You must earn
26.64 percent more, the Tax
Foun(lation has just
calculated, just to stand even
with where you were only a
decade ago.
If you are a typical factory
worlw with three dependents,
any pay hike you've received
ived in the past 12 months bas
been more. than wiped out by
the slump in the buying power
of your ·dollar plus the ln-
creue in your federal income
and Social Security Illes
(again, no other taxes in-
cluded.) Your "real spendable
earnings" -your ear:nings
after adjustment for price in-
creases, federal income and
Cordially Invites You
To Attend A Seminar
. Concerning
Social Security taxes -are
actually 3/10 of 1 percent
LOWER than at this time in
AND IF YOU had put $100 in
cash In your safe deposit box
in ·1939 to have handy "just in
case" and you take it out now,
this sum wW buy you only 131
of goods, shelter and clothing
in 1969. If you had put the $100
away as recently as 1956-'59
and you need it now, it'll buy
you only $79 · of· the ·essenUals
of life.
· What I'm 1,Ylng to say here
is far more than a single
recital of the impact of a con-
tinuing and recently ac-
celerating infiatlon. What I
am trying to explain to you is
why you feel so squeezed theae
days, why yoo find It so hard
to make ends meet even
t:.ough you 're eamin( the
highest pay in your life.
What t am trying to snwh
home to you via these
dramatic figures are the
realilies of inf}etion and tuts
-for only when you face
these realities will you stop kiddlnl yourself and will you
start adopting lhe money
man~gement policies which
will help protect your family.
l,.E'l"S LOOK at this another
way. SaY. you're a $12,000 a
year man wttb a wife and two
teen-agers at home. Say that
you have a good job, a houJe
in the suburbs and thl.s year
you 're earning $4,500 , more
than the $7,500 at which you
slarted In 1951.
But do yOu have $4,500 more
to llpend cm your family ond
home than 10 years ago? Of
COW'SG not! As the Tu Foun-
dation figures it, you have a
mere $1,tsf left of that $41600
of raises.
Mort specifically, the rise in
your federal, slate and local
Illes and your Soci>f Security
taxes has erased $2,055 of your
income hikes, the Tax Foun-
dation estimates. The rise in
your cost of living bas wiped
out another $489 or your after·
tu ·increase, Your net in-
crease is not f.f,500 but only
$1 ,95!.
EVEN ~UMlNG we soon
start to slow down this price
spiral and auuming we even-
tually return to an acctptable
aMual pace: of rise in the cost
of livfnB -whlch I wilf
assume -the Jong-term trend
of livin gcosts ii up and the
Jong.term trend of the dollar's
· buying power is down. This ls
. the 'histOry of industrial na-
tions and paper currencies. •
If you wiff just r<eognbe
how great ill the difference
between $1 gross and •t net
income and face the facts:
about what your real earnings
are, you will have made a
giant step forward. For then
you'll be ready to learn how to
s hop wisely, borrow
ecooomically and invest fn..
Tanker Pact
Shipyard, Inc., hu obtained 1
contract to build a 250,000 ton
deadweight tanker f r o m
Zapata-Nomes.s, Inc., o f
Houston to be deUvered in 1m.
1.et us do
far you. We're
"-1 'm... .f:t-~ ~· .... _o ______ .._,~~·.
\~ You m•Y 1et 1 kick out of,._. ' ._.:_..
tor urs and trucks ., , kidli•
tires, sltrnmin( doors, hlQlill(
over \'Olume discounts. But It un
be .wfullr txPtllsi'ta ''11111'1
C/\tncu 1r1 it's '"pm" 1l tht
oll'llr end of tl!t. de•I, ... so
JO\l'd better hm 1 "pro" 'llOMn1
your end, too. T!Mt's Wf11tt 1'I
come In. We'r1 PfOfesiionll
fll&lltrL Buyina; lftd 1tllin1 t"1
is our bwintsL Wt""' not
hlvt H llllCPI lun IS JOU would,
but n sure ctn SM JOI.I "'°"''
with DI.I' fledl ltnlrt pf•.
Try us. IMemwtlllt, ull or come
in I• a copr or oor frn .-t101to-
lftd.111s'lll'lf folder.I
o,,.,, Mon. ,,,,.. Sil.
.. ----
124 No. Harbor aJ Bolsa •Santa Ana
Telephone (714) 531-0607
Who Reads the Star•
For. the Star1?
It's Sydney Omarr
And now this articulate writer who hes
been ce lled the ''ostrolO<Jer's estrolO<Jer''
reeds the sters for you. Sydney Omorr,
longtime personal astrologer to many
of Hollywood's end the literory
wo~d's mostfomous sto,., is a.DAILY
PILOT columnist.
Omerr' s record for accuracy of
predictions based on astrological analysis
is amez in_g. Whether you reed
estrol09icel forecasts for fun or as a
serious student of star-qozing, you 'll
en joy Sydney Omorr's doily column
in the
. .
i • i .. • t ! • • • 1
• • ' l • • • • 1 • • j • • • • • • • • • •
' ' • • •
' l • ' • • ; . • • ' ' ' . . '. • • ' .
• l
• • •
' '
. ' '
. ,
' / , . ,
' •
\. I
• • •
• . '
For •••
MAY 30t
FLAG DAY • • •
" •
Help Yourself Help T ·he. Boys!' CI ohs.
Fly a new flag a{ your home or office during this patriotic season. Here's · an offer that lets y~u save mon,y and help
your Boys' Club, tOo. Participating in th is public ser¥ice offer are the Boys' Club of the Harbor Area, Boys' CI u b of
Huntington Beach and Laguna Beach Boys' Club. Here's how you can help them and help ·yourself. Just order this
beautiful deluxe flag kit, at a fraction of its retail value, and get as a bonus a . California ' st.ate flag T all deliver-
ed to your door by Boys' Club representatives or mailed directly to your home in time for h~liday use. (
Order Now At Any of Four Boys' Club Headquarters
594 Ctftttr StrHt
Cosio M.,., CaiJI.
...... 541°'317
21J1 T111tl1 Aw•••
Cotto M ... ,c:.a1.
Phooo MZ-lln
H .. 11.., .. '-lo, CGlll.
Phooo 536-9411
175 Nort!o C-Hl1hwoy Lot-loach, c:.111.
Use mail order coupon below «lid send it directly to club headquarters nearest you. Your flag kit and bonus slate flag wiR
be de livered or moiled directly lo your homo or office. Or you can pick them up in person al the Boys' Club h11dqu1rl1rs
in your 1rea.
Pick Up Your Own Flag Kit and Get This Free Gift
~ ...... ,_,.,,,, ... ""
Uoot .wf, Mlyari, •UI MC*Aliq: !Ina·
It .. '"""'· •• di la. hcft'J ar.lboenf ..er.-.ar1o1.
Holid•Y, Bonus: Hi9h• Quality 12
· by I 8~nch C•lilorn ia Stele Flag
,..------------~--. I
Just clip out th is mail order coupo" end fill it out. Send, along with
check or money order, to the Boys' Club heedquerters, neerest you.
Meke checks peyeble to "Boys' Club."
--... ····-··-······--·-AMorl-flot kits .. $3.tl "" hit. I .....,._ I win rocolYO as • llolldoy boous • Colll0<ole state flot
.... -kit.
I Neme ............................................................. -.......................................... .
I Street Addreu,, ____________________ , ______ : _______________ ,, ____ ..
I Cily.---·-·-···----·····---·-··-···----··-···-···Zip ....... -··········--··-
I · I Phone_ .. Enclosed is $ ... ·--·-··-··--·--··-·-··-·
II Thl1 specie! holidey offer is a public service of the DAILY' PILOT end the Boys' I
' Club1 of the Herbor Aree, Huntln9ton leech tnd Legunt lfech. · ~ c-·-1 · , • • ~-----~-------~~.
Free Decal
While they le1t, the loys' Clubs offer you this 1p1ci1l, free t ift
•.• a decel of the Amerlctn Fl•t llkt those you ••• everywhtr•
on ctr windsh ields, homt end office Wll'ld•wt, or even on iht
family bott, Vl1{.t the Boys' Club n•trttt yoU (,horit for hours of
' 'o'Perition). luy t flat klt; t•t the decal fr••· Supply of dtctl1
ts limiftd. Hurry. • " ' ' . . , .
. •
.. ,
. ' '
. '
: l
r • •
• -
• •
For The Record
No otll1r "'""•P•P•• tell• 'yo11
more, 1vary doy, obout what'1
toin9 011 i11 tho Groot1r Or1P191
Co11t th111 tho DAILY 'ILOT.
2 -for -1 Day
61t two r11orv1d 1111 tic.k1t1 fo r tllo S11r11:l 1v 1ft1r110011, Juno f,
An91l1 ¥t. Oriol11 91rnt at A111h1irn St1di11rn for th1 11orm1I
price of 0111 ticket. fl uv 0111 1 tho DAILY PILOT 9iv11 vo11 0111.IJ
Yo11 c111 r11on1 '" 111tir1 11c:lio11 or \111t two 111h. l 11t got Y•ut
111rt, to9ottt1r now 11!d moil i11 tho ordor blink b11ow wilh chic•
or rnon1y order 1110 c11h, pl1t11I ind hurry. D11dlin1 for ticket
ordort i1 Moy 20.
r - - ----.-~ -..,
e11, -4 ..n. wkfri; clleck.,...., et4et, .. :
J.,.,.1 ..... hy
Or-. C...t Mir rtt...
C/O r.Mk Senk. hpt.
JJI W. hy Str.lt, C.... M-. c.Af, tUfJ
f PlU$l rRINTI
··~ ••••••••••••----···•••••••-••••••••••oo••oo•.,., •• ,_.,.,,. ..... ······-··-······ .. ····-------· .. ······ .. ··-····-....
Cirf •····••·······•····················•··••••••••1'1•· ...... -...... ..,. ...... . ........................................ , ........ __ ,,,_ .. _ .. ,_
, _, i.,.. ,,a.,.,,, .. ,,._.... _..,.n_,.. .....
"· ., "" ,,_ I ""9ell ..... o..-i. .. me ., ~ilft SIMlvfl\. ~ot'
MClll lie* .. ,..,,-eMMllll, I 'ilffll rtc.•h"' 911 ..,.,...,. ... I frft fT'Om """
QA.I\.'!' "IL0f. I ..... u ... 112.111 Ccirele _, tk1oets. ElocloHd "
S .......... , .. , I ....,.,.....,.,... tick ... wlM Ille ~ .. "" 11¥ m.11. I
.,.,._,..,.. ll'l9f9 a11 DI 1111 ~ II I .... fKi.t. 19 Pll'tltaH
-. tldulfl.
s,.M '1IMll ••k• '•lt1n. Cell 642:1•~· f_ft' lltl, wltll •it l1to
_,....;.., ..,.._fin, DAILY PILOT 01,,. ..... L•n• •'·
' •
• ,
sale of Maybrooke ,
two'-PahttroJ)ical ·saitS
• • ••
for one week only you can enjoy SJ>e(lal savings on
Jightw.!igh1, combtlble 2-pant suits.ol' cool Dacron®
pol)'<Ster •nd !ooB·-ririg wool. HandiOme 2-buUOll .
5tyling with side wnts. Available 'in·a rich choic-e of
l>rilihter ~. brown°' grey pla id• aiii..oi1il .. saV. no"1t.
't, ..
regularly 85.00 77.00
mav-c()-rnen's !lftts 21
new collars, new colors
in special no-iron shirts
Your choice of the full continental spread colld r or the
regular ~pread collar in these cool, no·wrinkle dee~
color shi rts of polyester and cotton brOJdcloth. Pick
severaf now for 0<1d in \'igorous French blue, green,
gold, tan, grey or classic white. In sizes 14& to 17.
comp. value 5.00 2.99
may co men's furni shirg 6
may co soutlt ~st plu1, "" diego lwy 11 liristol. cosl1 mos•; 5-41>-9321 Jiop mondey through Hlur<ley 10 •m !o-9:30 pm
-. . f)
• __ -=.::...:-======----
~-.,,I .,
-= ...=:-=--.:::::. ~ -_.:: ---=-:::::::-- --~---
For New Field •
~Uxilla r:y
Goes to B·at
Turning thoughts to summer and vacations are members of th~
Sea View Little League Auxiliary.
The group will sponsor its first major fund-raisi~g event when
It stages a Fashion Fiesta Wednesday, May 21, in the Newporter .Inn.
I Proc.eeds from the luncheon and fashion show will be used ·tc>
develop a playing field for the leagui;, now in its second year:
Lime and gold will provide the decor for the luncheon and .cen~ .
tering the tables will be fresh floral arrangements dooated bY area
mere:hants. Mrs. Thomas Peacock is in charge of programs and dee·
orations. . l
. Others who are comblninJ their talents for ihe show are the
M~'I Berlon Grant, James Frisbie, Allen Chirqu~i.n, Keith Ludwig,
Ed Kar,ilJs, Qno M. Mccallen and Charles l;llanchard.
Modeling around-the-clock fashions from Ann Folger, F8sbion
Island\ will be the Mmes. Roger Anderson, Walter. Davenport, George
De ti.I 01 Ronald Garner, Boyd Hachten, Peter Parkovich and Wllliaril
Wilkins. · ·
Furs from Mr. Jacques also will be disp'Jayed, and there will
be many prizes donated by merchants to be given away during the
... _. -
FI ESTA OF FASH ION -In their first· major fund·
raising-project, members of the Sea View Little
League Auxiliary will welcome guests at a luncheon
aild fashion show in the Newporter Inn Wednesday,
May 21. Displaying some of the new styl'es they will
. be modeling are (left to right) Mrs. William Wil·
kins, Mrs. George De Lillo and Mrs. Ronald Garner.
Tickets for the luncheon and show will be $4.50 each.
The new league, formed to encourage·sportsmanship, patriotism
and physical coordination in area yo uth, is boqnded by Beach Boule-
vard, Adams Avenue , Pacific Coast Highway and the Santa Ana River.
Services Reworded
Tea Charms
. Ticktockers
' The gutter of gold will reward TiCktockers ~I the
National -Ch~rity League, South Coast Chapt~r( when
'they attend (he .annual Awards Tea at 2 p.m. Safurday,
May 24, in the Old Ranch Country Club , Seal Be'-<:h.
-Receiving g<>ld charms, signifying many corqpieted
hours of communif3 service, will be the Misses Betsy
Grether, Suzanne Parker, Juli Sorensen, Debi Harbe-
son, Susan ~elchior, Diane Parker, Carla Sue Atter·
berry1 ~eila Haug, Mary Linn Hughes, Jane Kasabali
and Vick)' Ridenour. , · ~ honored at the lea will be new Ticktockers and
theif mothers including the Misses Heidi Hughes,
Tracey Tomb, Susan and Kimberly Haney and Denise
Kenworthy, daughters of the, Mmes. Allen Hughes,
Richard Tomb, Nonnan Haney and Glenn Kenworthy.
During the monthly meeting of t.he adult league
m'embers, Mrs. George A. Crum was installed as presi·
dent for the new club year beginning June 1.
_ Serving with Mrs. Crum will be the Mmes. Vance
Shepherd, first vice president; Bruce Murphy, second
vice president; Clemens Fromlath, third vice president,.
and Lloyd Garner, fourth vice presi'dent.
Also serving will . be the Mmes. Hughes, recording
secretary; \Villiarr McKee, corresponding secretary;
Carl Atterberry, treasurer: James Eriser, parliamen·
tarian, and William Maxey, thrift shop director
Corrunittee chairmen will include the Mmes. Rich·
ard Frandsen, time and awards; John Paralieu, hos-
pitality; Chester Haug, prOvisionals; Harvey Hartzel,
bridge chairman; Lewis Webb, devotionaJ ; Charles
Allen, publicity, and Dick Win g-Hartlein, year book.
Following the installation a musical program and
luncheon concluded the meeting
Adult provisionals who have completed their year's
training period and will be introduced during the te~
are Mmes. Hughes, ·Haug Thomas ..Xasabali, Charle!
Melchior and James Ridenour. ·
MrS. Atterberry is in charge of tea arrangements
. . .
HOUR S COU.NTED -Recognition !or !'O"'Ploled hours ol com-
munity service WiJJ,CO<De in the form of gold charms when Tick-
tockers of the National Charity Leagu~, South Coal! Chapjer, meel
Saturday, May 24, in the Old Ranch Country Club. ·Admiring the
attractive charms are (left to right) Mrs. Charles Melchior, Susan
MelcbiQr, Heidi Hughes and Su"'!nne Park.er.
Favoring the Carpet Lands Her Stra·ight • the Dog House •,
DEAR ANN LANDERS : Your advice to
Sad Eyes nlade my IO.year-old cry. How
could ycu be so heartless as to suggest
tbal "Sweetie," a 9-year-old dog who had
been a fmnlly pet since puppyhoocl, be
given away. Just becaUle a dog ruins a
few carpets is no ucuse to break a
dllld'I hwt. And do Y<JU know What this ,
would do tO Sweetie? -He would surely die
of loneUnas. Please change your advice.
beflft yoo are deluged with lettm fl'<lm
~ who will take yoor hide on.
DEAR WY: lt'1 IGO late. The delup
bu -· Aad Ille ruderl m agalDJt
me 1• '""-· -"" DEAR ANN: Yoor advice that an in-
door dog be given lo a farmer Is typlcal
of the dumb things city people come up
with. Farmers already are overrun wilh
dog owners wbo doo'l lmow the lint thing about anima1s. ~
. l disagree lhat a 9-year~ld dog cannot
be housebroken. Perhaps not in his
cu~omary surroundings. but I'll bel if
they build a dog houoe and enfon:e ...,.
new 1'Uk!, Sweetie could be tauabl lo
mind his manners.
-MRS. G. IL G.
old. l ilaYe a .... ftH lie wdl • my
molber'• earpe~ I tlke some p1per towels
and blot It ap. I •se my ftot. nee 1 pov
white vinegar on Ute .,ot. It OJ:et
DEAJI ANN: OUr lamily reluas lo •
be~Ye that you cooaider wall-to-wall
carpetlng more impcirllnt Ulan 1 child'•
kwe ftlr Illa dof. we ba ... antique oriental
nip ln'aur llome ml the tpOtl made by
our _.., -lltlle_ poodle and OUr !Illy
golden retriever !tin ldded diaraci<r 10
,_ prlceleoa floor co..,qa. Shame on
)'ou, Ann.
DE.All ANN: Yw -aeuct. .....
............ _._pelltraloe
yean M Pwt1 to a firmer wu atl a
.. _ .. -· ,.. ult ...... dog ..
ldjul .. -........... ..,. ...
Yinamol II Utt-Wt. II -bO
mad! belier for 'lk dog U lllq f11 ldm .. ....,. __ _
--.\!. Y. OF WILLIAMSPORT • over a.ad I.be DtJt Umt 1 set • kUtr ....
hll ftr advkt abiol a dos ha ...., lo _,.... u .. <lep. Rap I
bC1w ........ •beet bat ttm ..
llldlltrlty • tlop ud my auw.r pn...i
It. . -·
vacation! Please.. come back. t can't
believe you gave that stupid answer. So
'the dot did a lew things on the rug. So
whal! '.l1le aoUon thal i: Is per!ecUy OK
lo pl rid of .an,ylhlng t6at pr .... i. •
cballetlle Is exacUy whal's Wl'O!J& with It alcobollm 1 disust! How caa die
llOclety today. If yoo don'l like 1<bool yoo , alcohoUc be ooled! la there 1 C1ft!
drop out. If you don't like l11ll'l'iqe you Rud the booklet "Alcoholilln -Hope
bust 11 up.-lf you.don't like a Job.Y<JU quit. ml Help," by Alln Linders. Enclooe l$
Aad now Ann Landen comet iJGng and -...... ill -~th your 1"qllelt, ml a says If you can't hous~k YW!' mutt Jong, stamped, teU4ddri 111e~ env~
give him to. a farmer. Think it -over, AM Landen wW be &lid \o help JOfl .T....,. with your problemi. Send them lo hor In
-WlNNIPEG care of Ule DAILY PILOT, e<1oa1ni Jl
DEAR WINNIE! I HAVE """'Lil stamped, aeU-eo..iope. ~
·--------'-~-----· ----------------
, .
• '!".._.. -. --••• •• •• •I .,.,. ' • . ....... -~-... ..
fligh Schoo~ Sentorr -·-.-,:......-.....,.-,--Problems
Newest '°PPlDc for regul~ I tencth otocklnll;· the 1oop-lli ..
Zontians Select
Girl s-of-m·onth·. • loop. ' 'Dlil all-new dellgn is the
f1nt that mates with ever1
type of fou.ndatlon garment
without prtera. The feature
ol lhll stockJni: l<nittlng of
spedal loops Into the top and
the ~lacemtnt o f con·
ventlonal prters with a flat t
The Zonia Club OI -,.it• year'• botnl<oaWoc Jlrlnioa.
.Harbor each montli boaln -......-of allaln and ~ girl trOm ·each II tbe weUare, -claa'·..cr.tary
Newport-Mesa high -_.. and -choir member.
the Zonia Glri:ot-lhe-...mh. , N~ four yeah to tbe
The aelectloo Is buod -honor roll, Miu Goalln bu
leadership, citizen 1i: J p , ·reteived the Rotary Girl-of·
scholarship and service to her 'th&-yW awvd, ·E 1 t a n c l a
scbool. At the end II tbe .Jewelad E and r. E. Moore
1 clap.~ 1
1. I school year, the Zonta tlfla ~award.. .. ,.
:~t q~alif~: ~ekf~. ·'I"! daupter of Mn. Larry
D:ebble Mt....,1N1er
Gl,...r AlbN
Tho development s o I v e s
Ille oqgfui pt!Jblem of the -loo
short stocldni, garter bump
and earte.r 1aps •• The new
&UICldn& comet in 14 colors.
I :
the Zonia Girl-of-tlie-year far Shertur ol Colla Mao bu
their school and the . reclplent beeq active u junior clul
of a $50 savings bond. vlee pt'JSldent, • cbeerluder, vice president of t..h e
NEWPORT HARBOR sophomore clUI IJld vice
Gloomy Gus Tells ii
As You See ii 1: M~s Debbie Mergenlhaler, preo)denl of the ·Pep ·Club.
daughter of Mr .. Leo Ooprty OtllOr .actMU.. ~ the
of Newport Beach, Clln'IOl!y Is freo!uiian elm COU!ICll, Glrll
executive councU. offiCll'1 llu· Athletic 1.uociatlon and var-
dent congress ~ve sit)' swim teatn.
I.~ I~· HIS IS SCOUTING -Getting !!otter acquainted witlt Girl Scouting are. 01'!!
:' to rig!lt) Mrs. Sophie Gendel of Fullerton and Mr. and Mrs. John B. Patker of 1·· Corona del Mar, members of t;oe: Compadres, committee of~ullOC!Pierel)tS'.' to
" THE N·E· W
1 Girl Scout Council of Orange eounty, Committee members and Scouts dined 1 .. l get.her in Santa Ana 's Saddleback lnn.
and a tutor at Franklin ~1 Tbe coed. .will attebd the'
In Santa Ana. . Uolvenlly a(.cailfornia, Santa
Last year sbe was Spanllb Barbara Uld lludY sociology.
: .
I i • '
' !
I I j
• l
July Nupti1l1
For Rites
Lake Arrowhead In July will
be the atting for the wedding
of Caroline Abbott _of Manbal·
tan Beach IJld Riehm! c ..
David of Newport Beach.
Their en&qWnenl WU An·
nounced by Mn: Helen Gerow
~ oi Pasadena aDd C. B. Abbott j or Pasadena, ,pirenla of the
, future bride. Mr. and Mrs. E. ' W. Hostetter of Newport ~ Beach art stepfather and
mot.her of the brideafoOm·
~ ~lect. .
Miss Abbott atteftded the I University of Arlmlll! '-wbere ~ she majored tn fine arts and ii
• a graduate of Yuma Hilb ~ School. Her fiance Wll I Pbl
; Delta Theta at his alma " "' mater, UolA, and studitd
l psychology. • PresenUy he is an aviaUon
;. , ol!.1icer candidate uJ!<iergoina
Navy pilot tralnin1 a t
· Pensacola. -1 GOP Gala
• Ticketed
-.. Challenge Year 1970 will
;-~theme the annual 1a!a fund·
.. aising dinner of the Orange
., Counly &publican Central
t~Committee Thursday, May 22.
I~ in the Anaheim convention L Center. I Gov. Ronald Reagan will ad-
i dress the group during the J $100 per plate affair which is
4 being planned by M r s .
I Barbara -ol Colla Mesa, presMteat ot Federated I Republican Women of .Orange
: Coonty, Mn. George llelahan·
l· ty of Fullerton and a com·
' .mittee of Republican women.
1 • • '
Designer Due
:. AppearJng in Robinson's,
f Fashion Isl and, Thursday.
~ May 22, will be Setglo. make·
up delianer for J:ve ct Roma.
The noted designer has
designed mak~p for movie
stars, haut.e couture models
' .. and fashion magazines in
Romt, Hollywood and New
• Y..-k.
Los Compadres
Committee Members
~earn About Scouting
Mernb<µ's o{ Los Compadus, Mesa, neighborhood chairman,
advl!ory committee to the Girl IJld Mn1. Henry Manz, troop
Scoot CouncU of Orange Couri~ leader, of Newport Beach,
ty, went out to dinner with talked about the dedication to
their "charges" in Santa community service and eood
Ana's Saddleback Inn and citizenship characteristics of
found out what Girl Scouting Girl Scouts and the program
is all about. was concluded with a progreu .
After Maurice Gladman, Los repqrt on the Girl Scout cam-
Compadtts c ha i rm an , in-ping program.
troduced the group's newly
fonned executive C1Jmmittee,
the Girl Scouts toot over and
Club , president, Girls' Leaaue historian, American P 1 e l d CORONA DEL MAR
Service member and a can. ~ fourth winner of the ;
dystriper at Hoag Memorial 7.oota tward, Miu Amy Dye
Hospital, Presbyterian. ' alto plans to enter the elemen-
The 12th grader plans to at. tary . ~atlon field. Aller •
tend California state Collete OraDp Cout·CoJlep she will'
at Long Beach and beeorile an enrol[ ~ San Diep state Col·
elementary school teacher. lege. or VCSB •
The daughter of M rs .
COSTA MESA Virginia !>yo ol Corona de! · Also thinking of an elemen· Maril a cheerleader ESTANCIA. CDM HIGH
tary teaching career ll Miss yearbbot ltaff member and Lonni Gosrln Amy Dv•.
Ginger Albee, daughter of pralc!ent of the Pep Squad. ------"----------'--'-'----ll
Mrs. John Nuzum of Costa Sbe f o rm e r I y wu a
Mesa. IOll(leader, drill team and
The former v o I u n teer AFS member.
worker at Fairview State · 'lbe preSl.Clent oi Lapriers
Hospital is senior clau vice auxiliary to. the J u n I o ;
president and was junior class Wom.e:n's Club of Costa Mesa,
secretary. In the future she is in the senior honor society,
plans. to travel. wu named Most Spirited
EST ANClA Senior Girl and Girl.of-the-
Miss Lonni Goslin b this quarter.
. League Charts Monthly Trek
La1111na Beach Is [llllllng the
wheels in motlon for another
monthly bus trip -thig lime
to Ojai Valley -Wednesday,
Ma)' 28.
Luncheon, shopping a n d
sightseeing are all Included in
the itinerary, according to
Mrs. Williston Bradway, pr<r
jects chainnan. She is assisted
by Mrs. C.R. Beck Jr.
The bus trips are one of the
league's projects which fall
under its .. Op.eration
Friendliness prog ram. ·
P""'•led a prngr1m or IOll(, YOU KNOW dance and mime. ' • .
t~:~~~:~~~:£~·-~: Sagittarius: Be Perceptive YOUR CHILD
Aldrich Jr .• Assemblyman . Will LEARN Robert Badham, John Lawson,
John McLeod, 0. W. Richard, TUESDAY Greater reC1Jgnition of efforts .SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21 ): past. Much accomplished to·
Howard K. Smith, M r s. due. You are rewarded in Good lunar aspect today coin· d TO SWIM AT Norman Watson and Robert MAY 20 solid, matertail sense: Put cides with romantic and ;i.y if y~u, keep op even keel.
N. Weed of Newport Beach; By SYDNEY OMARR finishing touches on important creative interests. You find Stick to the tried-and-true.
Joseph J. Courreges, Fountain project. Buy some clothes. ouUet for talents. Give of PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20 ): BLUE BUOY
Valley; Sellin S. Franklin, ARJg (March 2l-April lt): Dress for'the part ol. su~. yourself. Then you a Is o Favorable lunar aspect today.
Costa Mesa, and Mr. and Mrs. Accent 00 how you prepare, on LE..0 (July ~ 23-A\ll. .22 ): receive love .. Key is to break coincides · with greater chance A.ltd s. Will Yo•
Jaba B~ Parker, Corona del research and mowidae. No Much that WM bidden c:emea ·down bm1erl of restriction. for creative expression. Fine AMl1ehw, lolboa lst-4,
Mar. Mrs. Watlon .erves on · day far lhart cUtl. Suet to the into ope:n._.Be tnnt:f~~. IA"'"'AIUUI'", (~Ov, .22-for putting ideas to work. You s..t. Ancr, Twthi
the .. ecuttvecommlllee. ::.~~:...~.=--·-~one-~ -oe..~>~-~-li\l!idiollil ... write, lransact 'bUsiness 54& 1aoo Mrs. T. E. Hunter, Costa the 'tceDel c:hanltl ~ -auOceiilful I JOu'nld ·bmreeD and deal successfully with top "
, m~tAe~
by the area's
250·D East 17tti Street
ficlent rest. r> ·in· your favor.'ltnoW this and "the llnel. ai.ct noe prlnt. people. .
TAUl\Ull (April JO.May IOI : be cinl!den!. · Don't illJI away aomelbing for)"· ~~~-------==========-~~~~~'.'."'.'~~~~
Sir ... on seporal!Jll facts VIRGO (Aq. ~pl. 12): -.. U perc<pllv{, a con-
from fancy. Mani kle• today Friend prov\del lnlonnallon ol alrudlve change brighten>
may not . be prl<tical. Shor! vallie. Sf!OWi111 on lr8111form· money picture. .
Fuf.ure Bride
News Told
At Party
After celebrating the birth-
day of Wanda Jean Andenon
of Costl Mesa, close family
memben gathered in the
home of her p&renta, the Addis
B. Andersons of Costa Mesa,
l ear ned of her engage-
ment to DeMis Edward
\Vataon of_ Santa Ana.
Miss Anderson is a
gr~duate of Estancia High
School and attends Orange
Coast College.
Her fiance, ton of Mr. and
Mrs . Frank E. Walson of San·
ta Ana, is a graduate of Santa
AM Valley High School and is
student at Santa Ana College.
The couple have selected a
Deeember wedding date .
trip could be on ....,.ia. Keep inC "droaml 1q re aJ 11 1 ea. CAPRICOliN, (Dec. 22-Jan.
appointmeNa, catch up on let-• SOcl1ll•, Look and listen -19):~ Gain · cooperation from -
ler wri!lD(. Relative needa en· lheq you llao team, Accepl fimlly. Without Iha~ -value of '
couragement. unlQue tnvitaUon. effort.I is dimlnllhed. Kno"
GEMINI '(May JI.June lO): LIBRA . (Sept 23-0ct. ZI): this Uld act acoordlngly. Mar·
Y~ can add to poueaaionl Special emphasis today on rlqe discussion appears high
lbrougb l~uine b a r I a I n . career, ambitions, pr~tige. on agenda.
Older lnd1vidual utilizes ex-Key is versatility. You expand AQUARIUS {Jan. »Feb.
perifnce to aid. Be a . &ood operlUons. Find way1 of 18): Practical approach ill bet-
llltener, ~wd observer, Day streamlining ,methods, pro-ter than any eet-ric~ulct
features g11n. cedures. You can add to In· scheme. Rely upon perlOnl
CANCER (June 21.July ZI): come. wbo proved dependable' In
lot IETTER CARl'm"
AT 1 !5 .00: NO-SET CUT, 5 .00. 8EAUTY SAJ..ON&.
Pflcwte SH0 VAL 847-1678 11 F•shlcH\ lsl•nd
N1wport 811ch -6.C.C-1380
'f•vr Clt•tt• Att•11 11• W•lt•1'l.-lt n~1111•1l,,,d, M11ltr C~•rt•• tee.
0,.1 M•l'Mley, Fridt¥ 11~111 t i10 p,111. .ROBINSON'S NEVvPuRT • FAS~ ISLAND • 644·2800
-----.. ----· ~ .... .... .... -.-...... ~ • ........... -·----·--..-·---~-·~·-·,.··------·-,.•·----·-~----••·>'<•~.-.-----·~~-·-----v·•--·----··-·-----"""'"" ____ _ •
• rMoldar1 Mq 19., 1969
"Nassau an cl Jamqica Vi site.cl ·
e ouple on Ho ~~ymoon
lloneymoonlng 1n N e w The Rev. Roberl Loring
Orlean.t and' Miami and then Voun& .. p e.r f o rme d the
in N.saau and Jamaica .we~ candlellght nuptials for the
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas James daughter of Mr. and Mrs .
Shryack who excllan~ed wed-WlllWn L. Sedlak ,of·Newport
ding vows and rmgs in • 8eidi and the aon of Mr: and
Wayfarers Chapel, PorlUguese Mrs. ~lea ,L. . Shry act of
Bend. . Lc\8 Angeles. .
Candlelight Service · · '
Kathleen Taylor Now
Mrs. James ·Misner
Dana Point is the new home
bf James Michael Misner and
his new b r i d e, the Conner
Kathleen Taylor, who were
married in Commun ity
Presbyterian Church, Palm
Springs, during a ceremony
performed by Ille Rev, Dr.
James IL Blackstone.
'lbe bride Is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Samue1 E.
Taylor of Rancho Mirage, and
h e r husband is the s o n of
Mrs. Louise Misner of Laguna
Beach and the late Mr.
For the wedding the new
Mrs. Misner wae gowned in a
wltile silk orgam,a. A--line, and
a Juliette ~p topped her
three-tiered iiJJuskm veil.
The lonner Barbira Jlllen
Sedlak of La Habra 'oelecled •
floor length, (OW1I of ""Ile lilk
organaa with 4llllea ot while
vl!l1iae lace coverlilg the bod-
ice 11'oevea and .oklrl. 'lier cha-
pel train ol •ilk --and lace was atlllcbed to the mid-
back by a .wbilo velvet bow,
and , '"" boull~ . ..l~der leoglh~ of in\punoo pure
silk Wuai.on was caqght to a
band ol pearl-oentered ven!Je-
lace d>lsies.
The new Mrs. Sbryact car·
ried a cascade cl white and pole pinir. ...... wbeJi &he ....
~ to tbe altar on the
arm oC her father.
Asked to atand .as matron of
honor was Mrs. Leslie Walker.
She daoned a soft pink French
crepe floor length g.,.n trim·
med with venise lace daisies
around the neckline a n d
sleeves. T b e honor attendant
wore a m.atdling bat of pink
voile with lace daisies and car-
ried a colonial bollquet of pink
sweetheart roses, .carnations
and pompons.
-William Fisher was best
nfan wliile William Lee Sed1ak
Jr ., the bride's brother and
WlllWn Scott Shryack, the
bridegroom's brother seated
Adorning tbe church Were
candl<s and baskets of· pink
c8rnations, white chrysan-
themums and gladioli.
The C.alley West on Palos
Verdes Peninsula was the set-
ting for the reception. Mrs
Timothy Condon of La Habra
was at the guest book.
The bride ls a graduate of
Glendale High School, Orange
Coast College where she is a
life member of Alpha Gamma
Sigma and UCLA where she
affiliated with Alpha Deka Pi.
Her husband a tte nd ed
Hamilton· High School, Los
Angeles ; Citrus Co 1 I e' g e ,
Azusa, and California State
College at Long Beach.
Following their Caritibean
wedding trip the newlyweds
will make their home in
MRS. ROBERT C. PE~KINS JR. -Sen Fr•ncisco Honeymoon
Perkins-Geesey Vows
Exchanged 1n Ch~pel
Early evening rites solem-Con train. While carnations
nized in Peek Family Colonial were in her bouquet.
Wedding Ot.apel united in -.. Glenn Palmer o! Santa Ana marri~e Carolyri ettsey of assumed the duties of best
CMma: del Mar and Robert c. man . and guests . were seated
Pe ki J J "~·Mesa by Mike VaMegrift of Orange. r ns r · w. ,,,,,_ • After honeymooning in San
E~ to the altar b~ her Francisco, the newlyweds will
brother-in-law, Alfred Kirsch establish their first home in
of Co6ta M~, ~e ~e Costa Mesa.
selected. a white fitted sahn 'Mte bride, daughter of Mr.
g<>!"n with loog steeves. Her and Mrs. Julius Geesey of
ved was caught to a pearl and Ocala Fla is a graduate of
jewel crown, and she CBl'Tied a Middktown"' Township High
~quet ~ Mephanotis and School, Middletown, N.J.
white orctuds. Her husband, soo of Mrs.
Mrs. Kirsch attended her Lloyd Franklin of Costa Mesa
sister a!!I mat:nxl of honor and and Robert Perkins, is a grad-
her gown was ,a mhlt green uate of Colton Union High
satin sheath with a long chll· School. •
MAY 19
SAT., MAY 24
, , N-/. 9" Frlrit Pie
• Bi gr il•W 9'1 siae. Y"OUr c~Clilce of ch•rry, •pp!., (
boytenb•rry, bly•berry," p•ech,l--or-•pric:ot.
' ' I ( ' ~ ' 1,45 '
·Fresh .scr-berr" Cake
Filled end topped wJth the fin•st str•wberries
i nd whipped ~r••t"I• Mr. Richer.d's f•vorittp.
' ·1.89
If yo ur birthday it in June, July or Au(Just stop
in and fill out en entry , •• • dt coreted 2-ley,r
ceke to 5 luc:ky people eech month!
3433 VIA LID O !NEWPORT BEACH 673.(,360
!\1rs. John Stevenson, the
bride's sister from Fullerton,
was matron of honor and Miss
Susan Miller of Laguna ~~ · was~a bridesmaid., 'Mte;Ooweif, '
girl was Heattier Stevenson,
the bride's niece.
~Mrs.· Robert J. Hitt
To Dine
Special guests arri ving from
Ushers · included R o b e r t
Taylor, the bride's brodler of
Newport Beach and -David
Stratton, Chip Harrell and
Mark Bollas of Laguna Beach.
James Fanelli, also of Laguna,
was best man.
A chanipagne reception far
125 guests in the ·Taylors'
home followecltbe ceremony.
Bolh Mr. and Mrs. Misner
a r ~ gradua"tes of Laguna·
Beach High School. She attend-
ed the College of the Desert
and Woodbury College and he
was a student at Orange Coast
College. He also served the
U.S. Air Foroe in Germany
and Vietnam.
l!m1CLUZ I W t MID
Washington, D.C. for Chap-·--------• man Town and Gown couples
'dinner will "be Ass i s tant
·~ of Heal\b, Educa-WINNING TOP awards in
... tion:-aild Wellare, Mrs. Robert the student division contest of
. J..,.Hitt and her husband. the California Spring Beauty
~ Mrs~ HittJw been president Show in the Ambassador
of ·the Women's ctiltural sup-Hotel, Hollywood, we r e
1 P.Ort group for Chapman students from Gira1'4's Co_llege
College sioce its organiJ.a Uon or Beauty .. Costa Mesa.
-""'bl the fall of 1967. r Ben Stiles won first place ln ~ dinner will take place in the senior division, Shelbi
J!Ollioa,Bay Club nest Wednes-Smilh took fourth place •ftd da Wend y Nielson took fifth lPeaker will be Robert place. Junior division winners
Manry, former copy editor of were George McKinney, se-
the Cleveland Plain Dealer, cond place, a?Kt L u r e 11 a
who sailed across the AUantic Wygard, third place.
alone in his 13\\-fool sloop,lp;;--..:-----;,,I
TinkerbeUe. The ? 8 • d a y PllCI YOUI OWN
journey is described in his CUSTOM '"" DllSS •••
book, 11TinkerbeUe's Run to :;.,:.::*,.."' C:.T :::.w.-Glory." cwatMll lollt frtM. ••
'r.ni IAJ1111'9X.I ............. ~ .. .._ ..
Embl em Cl ub
Gathering for business ses-
sions and programs are mtm-
bers of Newport u.-Em·
blem Club the second Tues-
day at I p.m. In tho Elks
Lodge, N_,i 11 .. di.
K11ltillf (U .• fft IMc•I """ ntM Flllllllllllll IA,.....11.I ........... m.•
TOTAL •.• $65.00
l owo r M.11 Aero.ti from
l rl1tol ot th1 $011 Ditto Frwy',
' '
Fl9ST 10 VISITS TO •••
'LVM-w.J.!Jl~ ~
Based on m;ir actual-records~ •• our average patron loses 10 inches
wit.bin the first 10 visits from hips, waist, 'thighs, tummy and anns.
This-sWI$1er be your own 'beauti!ul' self .... you can be •• , and it takes so little time as you pamper yourself at Gloria Marsliall's •••
wat.ehing the pounds and inches "fade away" through the µse of the
modern methods and machines that have.made Gloria Marshall
theworld'.-Jargest owned and operat.ed figure control
system (26 locationa in California alonl!).
No ,stzenuous exercise ••• we are not a ·gym.
No starvation diets ••• no drugs or pi!IS,
At G!oria Marshall's you'll lose-more inches and .pounds·for less money,
much leu, t.l!an you·would pay· for .any>0ther,pr0gram any,v:here.
-• j •
Call us now for a free sample Visit during which you \vjJI actually use
all of the specialized·maehilies for rediJdng;&o\Jr pest too for elec.'
tronic facial contouring •. No charge,· no ,obligati1111. :c8l( .todily.
Como iii eomfortable,
ca.tual clotMr,
undrurint ..,,,,__,,,
Cliild .,.,., fot JlolMr
Dlill> ,_, chil4rm; Tlw _,-/,f, leadin1 {igurw tontrol.ytllm
-TeJi us the dreso size you want to wear, and
we'll tell you how many visits it will take and
guarantee in writing -that YOUo wil l reach your
· goal. In fact, so a~lutely pooitive are we:lhat
you will obtain your objective, that as staled
in our guilrantee, we will even " let yoll. have
FREE OF CHARGE, any aild· all' fUrther
visits, until you reach your goal. It's positive
8SllUJ'llJlCe that ..... back up our guiirantee ioor .. ......_
' I '
lllJ N,llt. N • l llll'lllalcar• m llllttr C'-11 W1h111
NEWPORT BEACH-430 Pacific Coast HhJhway ( :,::..,-~)
· SANTA ANA-1840 We st 17th Street-543-9457
642-3630 -
S1lon1 Also lo: Aoohllm, Beverly Hiiis, Covlo1, Crwnohlw, Do-. Gleodofo, Lo!<wood, Long .luch! No~·Beoch, North Hollywood,
Ontario, Pa11cltn1, Sin Diego, S1nt1 Ao1, Santa llrbtr1, Suril1nd, T1run1,___Torr1nce, W.ntchelteir. Whtt.titl' •• ._._A!IO F~ Sin JIM
S1cr1men .. , Sunnyvale ind Welnut Creik, C11iforni1. ' (c) Copyright 1969.G lorio Marshall-,Mot. Co., Inc. --
• ' .. --.... .... ......... . . •
In Occldento/ Chapel ...,..,. ... ra
Minister-bthlete lauds· l' ••••• " ••• ·~ I
. \ • Wedding Vows ~Recited Program on Fitness P 1 t .t Ure:
BJ G.\Y PAULEY much "rtrulJr-under p e e ks :
Cooking Pays Off .
One ot 20 finali sts in a ccok-<>ff Is Mn. Wllbolmtne
Redm••n of Newport Beach who will compete nut
: T1111nday fur the top prize of $500. Eech conteatant
-•II a Southern California organization and
the Harbor Area cocik Is a member ol Harbor Se.;iOr
: Citlun'• Club. The entrant l• preparing Com Beel
and o.bbaSo Salad for Richard N. Frank, pre•I-
, dent ot t.Wry11, sponsor of the' contest.
White Buffalo Nation
Installs Indian Chief
• •
•. . ..
• .
' •
6 txciting pique WHVOI
In 4 p11+.l1 end whl+. •
mini-care lini1h, cr1110
mhl1nt for dreH or 1porta.
SAVE $3 .00 A YARD
It's tM f1brio of the century
ind w1 h1v1 It In 6 exciting
+.ature1, In 20 colon
lncludl119 aummer white!
it's 111y cart, m1chin1 washable,
dr111 ln 1 wink, never needs ironing,
wm peck end 90 1nywhere.
easy to sew -nMds no lining -
perfect for 1nythin9 from
city penta to dress up 1uils
1116"/60" wide!
R~. $6.'l YARD
M1clilne W1ilt1blo
0 lronln9
p1i•ley1, florals,
ml"i dt1ii9ns r1nd
novt~ies for summer.
1hHr, coQf, colorfull
REG. $1. 91 yd. SAVE 99c yd . REG. $1 .19 yd. SAVE 4fe yd •
36" Wide 99~ 44/45" Wide
Washable ---....
IAllTA AHA ....... , .. , l4J.tlt6 lt1-IOI J • ''---------------------------~
-proper modlcll IUpervlllon NIW YOllJt (UPI) -To I cu do to •Ml) a -aop •
,_.. allllole, wbea we .. t DI for llft," ~ M.wp1 • • • • .. :'.!t.1llclllJI • '" alao IOlteo lllchardl end bll wil•, U, and i plrilul(y. MarJ, 111.. IWO ..0.. boll! If JOU will t&kl I llOOd looll al
Ana the perallel ll>Plies followiq In dad'• IOOllllpo In the Mt11 llllnjUIO JOU will
-"111 to Ibo nidon'• alblatlcs, and a matrled ootlce that Balllll and ........ _ 1"11111 DOODie-"lbey have '° da.,.irtu __ , :'!'1 ~.!'.~. dayt," aays Both ;... are' inmlaini are both pmenl. These two ac· Bob RJ~~ 1,aultln. ,,. .. oldtr', M Um moviM are boUi ncos;n..
lllchardl, a mlniltar u W<ll ~,........ 11 111, SU mended !or mort al the ll<Nlt or
u l'Ceol'd-breakinl aUllete, J1m1or Colleao bu turt and -•· bellevel that ntneu mull onct1 bion menlloud by ;poa11 ma JOlllll 1'111 .....
1111in become "Ibo AIWI= ot I th way·ol IUe." It 11 !or him and wrilln u 1 -or 1 BIJunT II Sieve M~ I
hll family, ht llYI· Tblft with ~ ...!':; O\ymplc SID Francllco daloctlv1, wbo
• laugh M lddl, "l Wint to _ ........... 1 .. In -·· --"~ bu been uatcned ~ ptOt.tct • live to bl 100 and bl lhot by 1 rold -,.... ·-· joalOUJ buJhlod." RI WU I u.-liml U. -In I Mure crlmo lloar-
"I .., 1 comlatlon between cllcalblon -cfurlnc . hll lol. 81ftc, the wl-11 rubbed-
pli)'llc'll -and 1o1tnesa ictlft -'" carter. ·He QI> oull Tllll II.vii one ol the most ~ ·•·"-'-," n•-•·~-llld. Wrtd 11 national lllla and ~-•·---•• ~,, •• w ---~~ wu named the Hebnl Hall o1-·•-u•, --. man "And, • rtlatlon between Fame.---... wlnner ln l•l u huntl the ICl'tel1 hu ever
flt-and toupnen ol our • ....., ·~-In N~• -'"· TbOlo wbo b u 11 t oulllaDdlnl •th~w w •• portrayld.
-., were phy1lc1lly and "':":in ordained mJniJler B'" • -'· a -·l "~"-and meotall1 llrong. Tbe1 had ,., ~ .. -• ol the Brethr ·-.. g ·-••--on p at r I o 111 m • ~J'" ...;;~ u dlloclor ::l jull wilt µnW JOU partaD In the
Democrocy la an acllvllt the Wbeatlea Sporle Fodera· mad, mad 1utomobll1 cbuo In,
thoory ol llvlng. lion. up and down and around the
"I'd like thl• trU to help For thole to whom be will c-ded' 11r~· ol Ban Fra-sive back our 1enae of •v" --~ , .... lou""·•·•," be oald. Rlclw'dl •peak on hll tbreHnolllb tour, cilco.JacquaUno Bluol la tbe ""-... Richardt wW preach fttneu -referrtd to a threo m011u~ ~ lit ibould not be 1 lemme lat.lie and Rob or I
joaln1 and. cyclln1 trip he II)'• the 1111!1 who Vallihn lbowo u .1 key 1111!1 In war make coot 1o cou1 to mil dramatize the need (DI' ftloell. '""' .. •Ix "' on I the lnvOl!liaUon.
"' -t Ricbardl' 0 cruade" "111 b1cycle MCh day.
bollln In Loo ~ele1 Juno I, SAM WllllUY la a -·
Mra. Stephen C. Iverson
Doultlt Rln9 Ctrtmony
Weehapeyour Urhwned halr lnl.olovely curls.
with the IS-Y•F-Old athloto HB "otheri wllh loecla ol -In 1111m crossln& throu&b dewta, over JY1 about crllne and Federal m en mounlalnl aoa alont: aecon-dary roacla oome S,300 mil• HuntiJlllon Baa<h Blue St.Ir durlol a Ume rlcbt alter the
before reach ln1 !\ew York In Motbert, Cbeptor 2, olac< Civil Wu. •
earl1 Au1111t. . meetln(I Illa -d Moodayl Rlchardl, who realdu ta 1t 1:30 p.m. ln Lake Part
Lavune, HY• hll· por\lclpa.:1-Cl=u=bboulo::==.· ______ I
Uon 1n atbleUCI I i D c •
childhood ha1 llupt him how
CWf Robert.Ion conUnUts lo
attract appreciati ve auditncu
at the Udo. HiJ Ooc1r-winlling
perlonnanet In the Ulle role of
CllarlJ dlma111 an ou-g
lctlnC Cll'llf. Rem 1 m be r
11Autumn Luvu", "Picnic" and
t1p,T, JOI?"
CIWILY ii tha llory ot a JOUl'I
man who la phyalcallf II~ bot ts
mllllllly rot.ordld. Clalrl Bloom
pily1 the poycholoeill who
lodeavon lo holp blm ucape I""" thlt world ol rtllrlcWon.
1'hll ....... ol the lrllltments
lllcla lo turther CftPllcaUons
lnvoll'lna the doctor and padent.
Hlrtla Ila an entirt new world
and all ol lll 11r•-to both
the man and lhl women.
Playlnc alooalld• Cbarly at
the Udo I.I For fte Love Of Ivy.
Sidney Poitier assumes the role
of. a debonair man-about.town.
He pily1 1 kay rolo In a frlendly
plot to keep Abbey Uncoln on
her present job. lt's 1 ligbj..
hearted comedy movie that co-
·-~ stars Beau Bridges and Laurl
Wt eart11 the cu ria with "Nice Chanre" -110 pero%idt.
ln ju1t 10 nUnulcs your ne\v blonde curls take on
whilper-<o!t color-I.one thal la1t.l through several
ah&mpoos. With no rub.oft', no rtl.o uch problem: wa Just
renew the color whenever you wiah 1
tlAll COloa LOnoN
MliiA MAT!Ng!:S are the
inner for U10M who Ukt to en·
Joy tin• 1111111 lo lht middle ol ihe wetk on 1 111)' af\c'nOon.
Got the jump on your !11end9
and 1ee t6e best of them w1y ln
the week. The programs atart
promptly at I o'clock, opening
with free refrtsbmenta:.
FJ\&E PASSES to Ula Mesa or
the Lido will bl malltd toda1 to I. & -. Ill lllll Sl,
Newport ltadl, 8. M. l.ong,2112
PLUS SHAAll'OO $2 25 ANO ser <Mon. thrv Thurs.) •
IL..111 >{fir &Jr•I'
Affor I p.m .. $2.50
Friday, Saturd1y, Su1J111y .. , • , • $3.00
COlll Mtta, C.111. Ceoto MIN, Calif.
l'IOO Httbar ....... ,.. W, 1~ &llWI I(~''-'' , ......... _....,.
Coral .... ,~" 8el lllo. "'-Acklin, 1111 Or .... COiia M ... and J.11. on-, !of Pomleaf,
Corona dal Mor.
,,_ ... 11111 -·· """" Artitla,-C.111. Orawb~:!!!· Pounlirn V1l11y, Calif. Saot1 Ana, Calif. F111nt1ln vaiiay, C.llf, al "Ploturt Plob"r hrt!W-to , .. ,, .......... ,.. •• 1"'31 IN"""t• ntt No. t'llNIM ~" M IN enjoy I movie at the Lklo or the, C".t.: <-~"""" w ;:: •= ~ ~ ~ Mea. Wt .. that JOUI' ume ________________________________ jjwlll bl .... rul-.,
I ' -
Batile on Safeguard OCC Lists
' . Klein Directs Administration Efforts
The only medication that
Now! Most complete 3-way relief!
Tlll1 lmpot'tlnt development In htmomold treetm•nt com'n to you
after flvt y11ra ol tcltntlllo tnd cllnlcal t111ln1. Not only do"
Counltmold' worl< by l"'"nlns peln lnt,J!ls!.b)l.coatln1, IOO!hlns,
and prollcttn1 lnJurtd tluue ••. but unllkl IYlry other hemorrhoid
product Counttmold alio works a third way.
Thinks .to an exc1.,.1ve formula with oss,.., only Counternold
pta to a major cauH of htmorrhold11 pelnlul hard constlpetlon.
Without 1rr11111ns twttw tllect. Ht1W'1 tiowi In holpltaJ x.,.ay tttll
doCIOrl have dtmonttmld that lht ....,arlcablt Counttmcld lormu.
latlon wtlfl DSS .. ptntt.-In mlnutft to lht top of tile rectal area to'°""" Ille llOOl and-lht bowel movtmtnt.
It It 11111 unlque action that dotl ao much to make natural healin1
So, II you llvt wltH tht peln and ftlr of racum"9 ml~ hfm.
orrhold troubl .. , a•t tamporary rtlltl with medlcally.tttttd
Actually, Ultd ndlracttd, Counttmold offers tho most complatt
3.way relit! you can"' without a preacrlptlon or without sur1ery.
In stalnlna c191m or 111rppoeltorltt.
At all drug "?unter'!. Fort trl1l suppJy, clip this coupon .
r------------------i I Mall to CouMlmoldt J)ec)t, A ur ~ I~
... IJll,IUlty,N.J.07110 I I I "" lntltlltld In ntw 3-wey Counternold and would llkt to f'IClfw I
I 1 trl1I l\OPl>ll of both su-lto<lts end ""'"'' I tncloM 25' In coin I 10-melll .. ondhondllftl. I N . 1-
1 A!bt .I
I '"y flt!! ZIR Ctd! I L~-----------------J
IJf;l~s Biggest' Yet
' ~ .
' ' ~pe~ry · <;Ou Mad . W.4h ~Madwoman'
.._ .. UC lnl1M'1 ~ ~ 1 . 'Constant achievement.
,.,. Dy complQ)' wwelll M1al Bedeo" 11 one of two
~ Mldwomaa: ti a.lllol'' members of lhe repertory
,,,_.,Y nlPt a~ l!e. In company who has beet> a
words ol !ti dJrectar, "the member of the company for
grandest produdJoo all three years of its history.
three-year hlltory ol lhe In the three years ohe has
Irvine Repertory 'lbtaWJ' ••worked up" through a varltr-
Robe:r~ Cohen, director ot ty or ~er roies to that of
the compln)' and of Jts final Countess A u r e I I a , the
•production for the aeason, hes Mad~oman of Chai~ot.
enlarged the IRT ensemble b)' • "This is the p r I m a r y
•ddin& 15 new members fo.1 ~ pur~ of repe.nOry thea.t(r," "Madwoman." . says the company's business
, "It will be a taooiOus ex-manager, Douglas·Olh1er, "to
ploitaUon of every talent we give actors ezperJence in a
~ve learned ln three years of wide variety of roles and
repertory," Cohen pred~ts. backstage a s s i g n m e n ts
From time lo time, the pro-withl;>ut regard to establishing
•duction features singing, jug a heirarchy of stars."
.a;ling, the "!flBddesl te~ party ~ Many other UCI repertory
aince Lewis Carroll and actors will be spotlighted in
"True Love." Yet. the play is 'BIGGEST YET' "Chai.llot "which for most will one of deep llramatJc int.erest. be their '1ast performance as
In Cohen's words, "It speaks Director' Cohen lrvine undergraduates. Among
of 1 country 's determlnat.ion Cohen's retiring "lettermen"
to find its destiny in the values wiU be Betty TeSRUln the
of honesty, simplicity, and Giraud~. as Cohen, whose other three.year m~ of
ty . -rather than in book, G1raud~ux: Th r ee the company, who played the
mechani~, technological con-• Faces oC Destmy," has just t.attoed Ja'cty in "The Ticklish
fusion. lt is a joyous play. one been published by t b e Acrobat'' and now plays one of
which demonstrates that joy is University of Chicago Press. the madwomen and Kathy ~ pr
l;me ingredient of civilized . T~ckling. the bril~iant but Donovan, the h~roinE: of last
life. d1ff1cult title role 1s Susan season's "The Good Woman Of
Few people are as qualified ~sow, whose career at S e t i u a n , '/ who plays
to discuss the plays of Jea n Irvine has been marked by Constance, the Madwoman o(
l Crossword Puzzle
ACROSS 49 Pass ts Saturday's Puzzl t 5olvtd:
1 ··-· button 4 Ctnlral
10 Bodily
14 "RMMbtr
15 Ran~t stcllon ]' EnttftllMrs' Wllon: Ater. 11 Statt of
11 CJ tY.c1f En11· land or Ntw
20 Prophtl
21 ltapon
22. Sh1d light
12) Statt
·25 Clan chit!·
· tains
2' Cantrlvtd
29 Frtt from
31 Namt for
I pln'Ol
3Z Marktd
by «ivy
31 Mint: Fr.
SO Ont wltlt
!ht powtr
to act
51 Kind of
Sl Stupor
57 Ctrtain cut-
ting too ls:
2 WOl'dS '
59 Enttr!Jl ln tr
60 Woman's
"'"" •1 Somtllting '"'' obscures
62. Llftltss
63 ••lght 64 Strata:gtlll
65 Europt1ns
19 Co lorltss
21 Conctaled
24 Exclamation
of surprise
25 Th1tt-spot zi, Kind of nail
Z7 La1gt
l Frltnds vo lum t
2 "I cannot Z8 "Think s
ltll • ···": ~ -·!":
Z wads 2 words
) Appef11t1on 29 Tlllt
.4 Complfcattd JO Ult imate situation p111chastr
5 Biii 's 32 Flxtd eartner courst of
6 olumt with proctOJrt
44 Ctltbrity: lnlct111al
4S Conttst
411 Llth.t
47 -••
Big t asinoo:
Z wads
48 Not
as of gems
49 Powdery
51 Glidt
52. A.ppf OJi· mattly:
Other graduating seniors in
elude Mic h a e I VanLan
dingham, as the president, An·
ne Pearson as Irma, Sydney
Cook as·\ he lifeguard, John
Haggard as the prospector,
Aslrid Amendt as the street
singer, Charles Hutchins as
the liUle man, and Toni Alex·
ander as the flower girl.
Among them, these students
have played more than !JO
roles in Irvine repertory pro-
ductiOns. ,.
Other IRT members in the
cast includt! C. Stephen Nisbet,
Dena Brown, Bruce Bouchard,
Mark Erickson and Larry
For the first time in UCI
history the sets and costumes
are being designed by a stu-
dent, Don Karwelis, and the
lighUng also is designed by a
student, Cam Harvey. Original
music has been composed for
the production by Fine Arts
faculty member Ian Bernard
(also Music Director o'f
"Rowan and Martin's Laugh-
SCR Plaru
Opera' Play
South Coest Repertory wilt
present its flnt full scale
ml.ISicaJ producUon n e x t
month with the stagttc of
llertoll Brecht and Kurt
Weill's "The Threepenny
James DePriest is•directing
the show, which opens June 27
for an indefinite run at SCR's
Third Slep Theater in Costa
Mesa. Musical director will be
Bill E&ds. •
,\• ...
Televiswn's f ogo, a .. iaily
"Pogo," the precious UWe
of lite comlc ltrlp, -led l~e 8tJn.
• letevlston tpedal
fealutlll( the lnhabltonll ol
the Okefenokee twamp.
lttutlon shattering thoqll it
may be, the ptjbllc II entitled
to know that the wtce of J>"8o
belongs to Junii FOiay, 1--wlce
speclalllt wlio has . provided
vocal chords for vlrtually
tltouaandlt of animated cartoon
charactm Ill well If live· ac-
A tiny· woman wi\h huge
eyes, · Mis$ Foray•S rvoict
ranges· from bass to 90SX".ano,
She provides ~ voice for
Rocky and Natasha • in the
"Bullwinkle" show; Jerry . in
"1'om and Jerry" and .Alvin
the chipmunk. Her versatile
epiglottis also ,gives voice to
asSorted woodpeckers, bears,
pigs, dogs, cats, chickens and
skunks. '
Give June an animal and
she will give it a voice.
"When I was hired lo play
Pogo, the dir'ector said he
wanted a straight yt>uhg
oouthen! boy voice about 11 are lbout 100 p<ople In the
yean old ," June said, civing • butloea, but only Ill or seven
brief sample of PotO'• drawl. of ..,,;,n ....,iarty."
"We de:clded aplnst a • 1bq .,, ctara l.n thelr·own
hokey cartoon character for ~ but onJy people who
him." · .._ lllehlnd the scenes in u-~ltnowthem. Titl«I "Pogo' Special ffirth.,....c'""":.:...;:c;..:.~:.:..:=:...:::=--·11
day Spe<:ial," the redundantly
narried show wiU be beamed
May ti vie Nee-TV. llltt II b
'!91. Poco'• birthday. It Is
Pony Pine's birthday.
And how does that grab
. In addition to doing Pogo's
vo1ct,~June will speak for m
other characters in the show,
including Mis$ M a m s e 11 e
HepAzibah, a skunk with a
French accent
"l can do every accent and
dialect Lt the workf." June
sajd without fear ol con-
What aboul upp·er
"Well, I haven't heard that
dialect;" she responded. "But
let me hear it for two minutes
and I'll be able \0 do a
Mongolian bit."
a.us 01'111-llOWI
c...J (714) 115.1505
"It's a very spec~ta~lized=·~il~~~~~~~~i~all Ueld," June concludedi "There PlaYhl& the ceotral role ol
Mack the Knile wllt be Peter
Jason ...,.. forinerly Pete OstJq
ol Newport Beach -who ba6 PORT THEAT~E--'Seturdey Night at 10:30 :=: irt ~~i:.ge ·~ 8~c°~~~"v°~~::;,~i:~&~A!~~~N
Hollywood. Before becoming· a Come at 6:45 S.. All Th~H ; No Adv•nce Price
professiooal actor, Jason ap-· 't" peared with SCR in "Playboy I,_ _______________ _
of Uie Western Workl" and "A
Moon for the-MSbegotten."
1be roles d Mack's female
oooquests will be . taken by
Elaine Bankston , TonJ
Douglass and Sandy Marino.
Other major assignments will
be filled by James Baxes,
Oarol Kretz.er and Heath
Completing the repertory
cast '.Vilt be Michael Douglass,
Paul AbOOtt, Bob Giles, Larry
Harbison, Brad FitzGerald,
Paul Ge r s owitz.Martha
McFarland, Karen Bertagna,
Carol Arnone and M a r k
Erickson, who sings the ballad
ol Y.ack the Knife.
Pr,oduction d a t e s are
Thui'sdays through Sur>days at
the Thinl Step, 1827 Newport
Blvd .. Coota Mesa, with an
engagement ol at least eight
weekends planned.
............ -111
''The Secret W•r
of Herry Frin"' ..
''Hanni.b•I Brooks"
OIMR .. MICll"A.LPOU.,..
Midlael Winner
u •• , .. ~"''''' 38 -Island
39 Cootff Just s llghtty
40 E1plosiv t
"' 41: Flag
11r11t pages 31 City of 7 Not qultt Manitoba
4 round 34 Dint 1 g Coln 35 Extrt a
9 Busin ess driving
Z wcrds
§4 ~1g11
55 Stttlon of
swa111py 1
ground 5~ Cots Eastwood: a Portrait~~~;;;.~· ~· ~~~ill ~Fo"""'~sOUTHCOAST off!ttr's
4J.f lnishtd ...... ,..du<t
45 Compltlt In
1bbrtvl1tion ' lore•
10 Turkish 16 Unpltasant
lltlt loot
11 River In 38 Hollow Jn
Bumi pot111 !ht ta1th
SOfll ttfl Ing
51 E•p,tfol':. 'A~b1. 59 Scotland
Of ~ ..... z.~ Gentle Tough Guy ACRi';~·::-::A=N~ 2111
.. '
t t
12 Miss Castlt 41 Dlrtct lon
13 Nostrils 42 lnstct Abbr .
' J • '
COCOYOC, Mexico (UPI) -
Clint Eastwood l'las to be the
gentlest, quietest and coolest
"tough guy" In the movie
On screen, he comes off like
the toughest guy in an Ivy
League fraternity house, or a
quiet young biologist with a
black belt in karate.
With his trademark, a stub-
by black cigarillo, tucked in a
comer of his mouth, Eastwood
parlayed this air of innocent
menace into a fortune with
three Italian "spaghetti-oater"
Westerns, and jumped from
Telative obscurity to one of the
world's top movie box office
Eating lunch with him it's
hard to hear his voice across
the table.
"I guess I'm just kind of a
quiet guy," he mused during a
break from filming "Two
Mules for Sister Sara" on a
Mexican hillside.
"I guess I bring a lot or
myself to these roles, though I
Tiie co1orru1 S01111d or -
Or•ft9• County Music ee
From Fashion Island. Newport Beach
study the characters and try
to figure them out. Some ac-
tors think a tough guy has to
be played loud, or hard. I just
do it my way, that's all."
Eastwood's not mtich for the
Hollywood scene. "Heck, I
don 't even live there. I live in
a house near the ocean up in
Cannel. My wite and I don't
do much socializing. We pro-
bably go to one Hollywood
party a year. That's about
·enough. One of those parties
lasts me a long time."
Like most "'overnight" suc-
cesses. Eastwood spent a cou-
ple or struggling decades.
''I always played the pro-fessor's assistant or
something. '"There were a lot
or lean years until 1 landed
'Rawhide.' Th at television
series kept me employed , for
eight years. and then the
Italian offer came along.''
Eastwood almost didn't ac-
cept the job that made him a
"My agent told me it was a
Cennan and Italian pro-
doclion to shoot a \Yestcrn in
Spain with a script based on a
Japanese Samurai story. I told
him to forget it.
."I changed my mind when l
read the script. II was
something different. It was an
original style then. There are
a Jot of lousy copies out now."
7tt I . a.Utu6:4S
.. lltoai Pttdns.t.
Now -End1 Tuesdey
Omtr Shtrlf
Ct lh1rin• D•n•11"• "MA.VERLING"
-a a.~., w.,.,,
e !lotk in Color e
J Ac....., A-4 FlllR5
The Two Port Production of LN Toktoy'1
-"' ""''°' ... r Of "'°''°' llll'ATil·f"IWO. "'""""' Of Tiit l .,_.,.NDOfllED IY ITS Dl'£ROltl PAI.AC£ IAll ~~ -~~
PART I ;:·:-:.:::: :::::.:. ST ARTS MAY 1 "h
PART II ;:':'!:...:':::.:.STARTS MAY 21st
WMMM•y, Mlly 14 ·-.. -····-·-·-·--········ .. ···-l :OI p.m.
Thu"4f•y, M•y 15 ···---·-.. -· .. ··-.. -·-·· 1:11 ,_...._
Frld•y, Miiz.. 11 " ...... ·-·-····-·-.. -· .. ·-· 1:20 & 10:H p.M.
S•tvrd•y, •Y 17 --··--·-·-.. ···--S:OIM:S0.10:00 IL"'·
lutttl•y1 llo'\IJ 11 ·--··--··--···-·--12:SM:JO-l :to p.m.
Monday, Mar 19 ······-" ............ -··-· .• .. ... 1:00 p.rn. T11ffday, Mlly 20 .......... _, __ ,_,,.,_,,_ .. . ..... l :OI ""''
$A.Ml SCH.IDULI FOi 1114 Wiii
nmmr .. -.-..snoam· ~iUiiiiJTtO IOii MAf\h 1>uc!!@).
AUO FOi LAU•HS cu .. w ..... ..... _
1 .. setew SNrtl: 7 P·•·
Swffy '""' J , .•.
W"f!M"""' ....... -1 .. A•H•-J-~ ............. _ ......... ..
.... Gf"ltO'Y P.U Iii
RAY BAAllBURYo mastBf1iece
of lite SUjlematurai!
8 1£CltllCOl01' mll!S19I•
--• llOS.·S!lll llTS ...
R.1d1rtkip p • 111 pro"•
"P111111h" i1 on• of fh1 WOflcl'1
rno1t pop11l1t comic 1frip1. 11:114
if cl1ily i11 th1 DAILY PILOT •
. ·~ ' -. ---....... ~~---.............. .
4:M ·, ·-
,,00 • 'lt "' -IC) (60) '"" ~,.
··-·-(C) (3G) ~-.... -IC) (90) Col tr, John lrm. Bilf Dlllf, Al rw and fillk1 811! aunt.
D 6 O'CLOCK MOVIE-CLR * "Snows cit Kilimanjaro"
• Port I. GREGORY PECK! . .
d Ill G'Cald MowM: '(C) "1'11
..... .M.lllblujln".P1rtl (.d·
vtnturt) '53-G1tgory Ptck, SU$ill HIJ'Wtrd, Ava Gardner. •
fJI ... IC) (OI) • or,., Cardi (C} (30) At! J1mes
Ill "'"" (C) (3,, . , , .
IHJ ill Mm G'1ifi (C) •
In WNtt 1..:? {30) "Rltdio, Rt· 4le." A 'ljinillyl'llm w1ttlol:lt •111•·
llfJ• tilt tollois tM eve.tum· or
a ~ In llrctioll, ""° Wanb 1G Me, his ..., rllllo !or hlmeelf, .rttn
lholllh hi• fritilidf llm ottMf id•'
• U1 CIM' Piia EM Pit!
11 ll'lll -(C)
: 5:30" .. ""Wfkt (C) (60) ··~
811 LM ..... (3~
• ~ " tlll lotH ti tllt 9:30. F•• Alf8' (C) (JO) CIPJ Sit y;t (~ rilit In 1a.... with tophlstlctllll
a (J) llillllt,......., (C) youn1 Kerl Kru1 (Mtrt De Vrlu) • frcm Vltnna •lld w1nt1 tu pt e C.•1H11~ (~ ''Etmenlaf)r mer1ied, but Unclt Biii 11fuu1 to
~net." W11lil111 W~SOll tnd Siu· 11ive her ll!S p..-ml$$ion. (R)
ffnb ll'Tllll South Ptrk Sdlool in· \'lttlplt tht lndlMd pl1nt. GI NIW& (C) (JO) Ttd Mf1trl.
lllClllllm-ICl ·mu o._ "'Ill 1601
. IEl-M-,
: 1:008t11 "lWM111 ,._ (C) <30l l~·eo ae mc...i l1nttt <C> (60)
IJ Wllll't Mr Lillie? (C) (30) Host Eili1f Mim•n 'Ind Tim · Co"""
WitllJ l1u11er welcomtS p.111tlbb 1uest (R) • ArllM Fnftdl. PhJ111t Ntwm1n, • · Gm! Grtiftpr 111d Dtnyl Hltkmen. 9 m Nawa (C) (60)
m = (C) (30) ,.., Whtto D IHI Ill !111 T>o 111 ¥•11" ICl iii Griutr4 stmt. (lf!) "PoTni tnd Countwpoint." (Rt·
• (I)......, .... (Cl "The 3Chtd11!1d)
lOllllft Hundred Miln." Doul M'° fJ luiq (C) (90) T1111 dtlllY ti
CIUN tfld Ket111ri111 Jtou liar, double Mnt l11turl111 Ed ~eou
M•!J" Joim ws. Roan Rouu in • II"*" ...._ ,,.. ....,. llfht huV)'Weithl boUt, tllll Sonny flt (30) "Duth.~ Al•n Witts U:· Litton VI, $chp Iron JohMOll In I •""* tht "BUd611bt idM of lltt h••Y)'Wll&ht ellmln•tlon bout from
\lfllll ti "•"' 11 thi lfllt rtn· lu V1g1s. -· Ill m ,...,. ''''' (Ci EE Tiit Gtlll W• (JO) ''Tiit Endt w Th• time i1 Auaust I to NMmbtr, -~· w.w (C) 1918. Sir Mlch1el RtdlJIYI flll• 9fll' riles film !09ta11 at G1nn1n(.1 Jn· ..... Jltmt (C) ternal colltJM that tftdtd W..-ld
,. · Wtr I .
. ]:JO._Cll(() .... (C) (60) A G,'IM1rilq : : /='t:::'~":;:rc! .; ~~ .
' · i... . .,.., ~Ill his Mrpricld 10:• II) JIM· (C) (30) 8111 Johns. I
""" ill Dqdct Cit)', II rtlCUfd bJ fJl) Pll (C) (90) "The Whale World
• f11'111widlw~t1M11Myton111111 11 W1tcllln1-" A llludy of 1n111d
hlrid fltncl, pl11111l111 to IWUMllt hef bin 111 TV newt rtfl(ll1in1. CR)·
out of hlr prup«ty. 0. Ch1Jllln 8' '"""' c.r... .... Sladrt Smith ...,.. (R) -
II II I -~ -(C) (30) 11:0011811111111111-(C) ''RM YO\! HMr4 !tie One Abollt · tM. u..,i C.r S.lelmtnt' JMnn!1 8 Ahl ..,._.
bimNI the" vlctilll If ·111 I UIO• .
...... -(C) (60) * F~STIVAL-11:00 P.M.
DID mm Tti• Aw~~ •• ,. cc.~ "llurtl ' ~ ~ f..U.11 · <ia> '1iiiy Kll!I ti:1111111 S1nd. ,, "··t w , .. c1•1n ...... : Joint Shed 1pp111ntly h11 tumid •Y ""' .. " ''"' trtltor ind It plannlll( to bomb 1 fl1mill11 Girl (1936).
llllC• conflnnet Jiiii Tht Awnpts m lhwlt: """" ti Htll" (ldvtl·
llM Mm nllpld to proltct. <Rl ture) '54-W•rnl Motrll.
a-$ """' ""'r" ..... IHl m CD Cil 111 w Nm cC> llftr" (dr•M•) '60-Jtflr11 Hul'llw. '
D.tvld )aMMn, Vit Olmont. 11:30 IJ Mtftl: "Millilll OW. 11en1•
ID TnO • C.M1~111c11 .(C) (30) ("ii!w.nhlr1) '53-John lfodltt..
ill""' ,._ CIOl D QJ@ ilil:"''PI -ICl
• .......... (30) "Ntw G111 fiC:Moloo." Or.' Rkhlrd Brtrm·
lllM .... , l\*t dtmollllntl ""' ""'"--... ~ID t11e .,._Ilda of lf*I tr1'o'tl.
ea .... •""'•"""
• ,. ......... " Nttft'" (Wtll· •n) '47-WHll•m Molden.
a IHI m II "" ..... (C)
Cl~ "'h"lll' '1 My Sidt"
(drama) '&14ntllony Olivu.
ID JIM (C) (30) 'Bill Johns.
''" D """" '""' CCI g_,;.111 -..... !Cl
\12.111111-1 Cloolol M ... ( ... • iii) :• -Akim Ttrnlroft. Leif ·-· U:IO m""" -{-~1 -JOii• lrllencl. ""' .... .,,.. <••· 11\1) '$4-SldMJ Poitier. ,
01tJHy Prlt1th19 11141 p.~M11ill1 S•"l••
f., MM .,.,, • Qvtr._.. 1f • ·C111t.fy,
1 ReLA'1'1ot1s
't foP.llM ... iiiilllltl!iiiii~l!-1 M6ctS j HEK ·
I ---·------··--"-----------
• •
. ' .J . ~
•. wtl.A'1'1>*'1ili'
iWrf t'Oltt l.o9IP ·~ Y«J l(p.loW vspry
\111111.L vrl!AT tMIU
Do Hlic'Tt
PIS.T\lllEO 11 lUQI~
l)IE JUP61\ ~ TllES TO
WHAT n> 00!
----· ~-·-··-.
' .
.ay Harold Le Dou •
l'IDW5 l IMOll.OM'T .,,y Mmt!N6
10 THI: JllP6e ••• 11tot1 THI arwa HMI~ Ml !IMOIL.P II TOU AIOIT
· ly F,rd JohnlOll
IHll'f SJl<XM>ll'T ·
J· ASI< FOR ,4
RAIS•'!' J 00 ,4 .
ly Torn K. Ryan
51)( otLOCK,
ly Al Smith
ly Gm Arriola
M...,, Mar 19, 1'69
Pushed Ahead
HOLLYWOOD (UPI)-"Bracken's World." a
new aeries scheduled for NBC.TV in the fall; II
about the behind-the-scenes activities at a movie
studio. Bui to the television industry, the b.ehind·lll&-
scenes story of the history of the series may be
more fascinating then the sboW itseU.
' Part of 'this hisiory wa s outlined the other day
by NBC-TV president Don purgin in an address at
the Los Angeles convention of tile network 's a!fili·
ates. Herewith his remarks:
"IN JUNE, 1963, 20th Cenutry-Fox presented to
the ABC television network the following projecll:.
'Peyton Place,' 'Tweleve O'Clock High,' 'Voyage lo
the Bottom of the Sea,' 'Valentine's Day' and a uni·.
que idea about HollY,.ood entitled 'Bracken'•
World.' OnJy 'Bracken's Worl.d" was rejected. , --
.. Bracken is the bead of a major motion picture
studio. He was to be the central character and the
star of the series.
"Undaunted, in 1965, 20th Century.Fox present-
ed 'Bracken's World' to CBS along with the writing
team of the Ravetches. The Ravetches wrote ;Hud,'
'Hombre' and· many other big pictu·res, and •arack-
' en 's World' was the only television project they were·
interest~ In developing. The story and script ,they
wrote became too much of an 'Executive Suite and
CBS did not go forward to pilot.
"UNDAUNTED, in 1966, Fox presented 'Brack-
en's World' to NBC; with the possibility of James
Poe, Academy Award winner, writing the pilot
script, and Spencer Tracy appea.ring as the bead of l
the ¥udi"f
"~wrote an excellent script and Tracy bad
several meetings with Fox representatives. The
project nearly.blew up when Herb Schlosser (NBC'• A
Wost Coast production boss) got caught in a tnttic ''
Jam at the World Serie~ and was an hour lalt for l a meeting with Mr. Tracy and Katharine Hepburn'.,
After Miss Hepburn put him in his place with a very
cool welcome, everytblng warm!'<! up and a very 1
successful meeting took place. l
"TRACY ADVISED us that he bad lo do a ptc-'~
lure celled 'Guess Who's Comint lo Dinner,' but ht ~
was interested in 1Bracken's World.' Unfortuna.tf!!.y, ~
Tracy's· death canceled .the project and it was fi!t .1 that the Poe script would no longer work. 1
"Undaunted, in 1967, NBC and. Fox once. again l
Cook the plunge and ordered a new iltript by J, P.
· Mlller, the distinguished writer ot 'Days of Wine
and Roses.' The Miller script wy excellent but by :
this time both NBC and Fox had decided on an en-
tirely new approach to 'Bracken 's World;' an ap-
proach. which would stress the young people o,f Ho\.
lywood and try to convey the motion p!Cture world -
as It is today, not es most people remember It from
the golden era.
"ONCE AGAIN 'Bracken's World ' was post·
"In °1968, 1Ugbl!y daunted, NBC and Fox com-
nd11foned a new · sc;Ipt"by Dorothy Kingsley, the
noted Hollywood writer. &1ld a •new producer, Stan-
ley Rubin, and 'Bracken's World' once aciln took
shape. 1
Denni• tlae M~ ___ ...__....,._.
• •
, '
M D,111. V I'll.GT •
-'*gatec' -OmapllSM
Nixon Aures Hit
Graduatinn .Trail
N9. A-'7'1'
l<IOTICI! Orf HE.1.lllHO 01" PUITIOH
WITH l'HE '#t\.L AHHl'JCl!O
E1tahl of Eltlel E, 81111.emore, Decffs-•d. NOTICE IS 'MEREllY GIVl!H 'TM!
'11111111'111 a. Jcifll\IDll iflll . tllfd 11tt'tln , PCtltlon for ....... o1.w1n •IOCI far l.eHe'1
el Ad#llnlshlloll-w l.t-h-i_he-wlli..,...11.0, rderenq to whlCll 1t nl.oe far lvrlller
1Nrflc11i.~. •nd 111•1 1M .lime ,,.., pl111:1
t!I IM8rlt11 ttle ..,me i..1• blien ut tor ~v '19, el t·:m 1.m., 1~ ttll a1Urtrwm of
Dfffrt.......I No. ] vi' Nkl court ••• , Wnt Ei.t'llh Slret"t, In !!'It Cfl'I' of Sent.
Ana. c1111or1111. Diiied IMY f, lNt. w. E. ST JOHM"COl.ontr ci.r11.. Tllom-& Mlll9r 1• M•• Owrk1l. 7624 f0.11(11111' ...... _.
Wllllli.r, C1Hfoml1
'r1I: UlJI 6fWN5 {tUJ 7'>11111 AllOt'll"I for Pllll1-•
P11bllshe(I Or~ntl C011t 01fly ""11at. Mlv 12. 13. It , !tilt tlMt
SUl"l!lllOll COUllT 01' TM•
M. Kenn(!dy will ~ddress his
alma mater, Weber State
College in Ogden, Utah, ..lune
7; and pick up <an honorary
law degree from Northwestern
University in Evanston, Ill.,
June 14.
T r ansportalion Secretary
J ohn A. Volpe .will· deliver the
commencement address at
:Butler Untversfty t n ln-
dianapolis June 1; and address
graduates of the U.S. Coast
Guard Academy at New Lon-
don, Corot, June 4.
Liibor secretary George P.
Shultz will receive a n
honorary degree at Notre
Dame in South Bend, Ind ..
June 1, and will appear at
Lake Fores\ (Ill:) College
June 14.
lnterlor Sen:etary Walter J.
Hicke1 ' Will 1deliver the com·
· menee:q~!Jt i d' d r e s s at
GonzagJ um.Vii'sity, Spokane,
W85h.~ Ma~ 2.S.
FBI Builds
Da.llas . Set:· .
For Trainin·g
• ....... . The ·-~1 ·~· . NOTICI! 01' Hl!..,,RIHC 01' ,lTITIOtl -~I; "1'C.-wice I 8
P:Oll P'llOL\TI! 01' WILL AND CODICIL • building ·a Hollywood-type set
LITT!llS "":.:T0~1!NTA1l't to belp train its a&ents. The
<•OHO WAIV I DI 'scene~ looks not ;uDlike the ~~''"11 °'"•...._.Hen ••iw,.t. o-. pta~·hf Pa11as whert John F.
J~1~~~~. ~ • .J!!~E~ ·flC::..E,!.~~ .., JS.ennetfyTh . twash'~ssilihl heated. d
r.elltkll'I tor Pnlbiltt o1 w111 and Codldl e se , w R."'ll w use .. 1111 tor ......,~ o1 ln11rs r"'.,,_,,.,,. c.... motorcade · t. r'a I n i n g • to p,111i-11Sor10 w11wcll, ,~,. ~ ,v, , • > •
Wltldl 11 mec1e tor lurtfler p1rf11;11i.r.. .nc1 bull~ a ~g""roadway
"'" m. ''""' llf>d 1118Q! ot tw1r1t11 ""' and _ ., ......... *" ~ an eery -Ila ..... "' for Mn ~. tM, .. ---·~. •:» •.in.. 1n ,,.,. mur'I.--.. o1 0e ... r1. '""l'eCrea-. of !lleatey Pim.a
'""'' ,,.., ' o1 i11c1 c""''· 11 100 w .. 1 """:....-.. f ll ._.. ' El9hltl lfrff!, In ll'le Clh' o1 &&n11 AM, where-Ke, .. ,~ e 'Vh:i.un to a
C1llfonlla. ., .. ;n.r, D•k!d MllY t. Ifft ""'r-W. s. sr JOHN. cau~iy cim,. Tbe set will be used to help
:ir:.,ca=.1r a ''"'"' tr.Un agent.I lo p rot e c t
"'""""' hMllF c..-1......i. molorcadC's, according to a ~~~ :::n-Treasury Department aide
l'l,lblltllfd 1 0r'"" C•st t1.i1¥ f011o1. who reportd. on the project to ~ 12. µ. ~,. ,,. ,,,..,
Hodge Wins
Vet Post
Golden West College Student
Bod)' ~· ,Verne M.
Hod1<. of GardoD 'Grove. lw
been eled.ed vice.president of
lbe Calll<l<tlia Federation of
Vetttans Clubio. ·
The atar.-wtde otp!li.atlon
represe:oil ti clubs at two--
year community co 11e1e1,
1ta.te colleges and univtnities.
Hodge, 25, is a 11161 graduate
ol Lynwood High School and
&er'V'eft·i n tAe Air Force as a
fligh t and ;et '"'hie meehanic
Crom 196UG •
.. ,
What!ls the Bid?
GOP Auctions · Odd lte~
DAR. Y 10 IO 10
SUN. 10 to 7
Offw ..
WED. 5/21/69
.. -..... ....-............. ,.._,.. • ,,..1, ....... ....... ·--.......
.... , .... ~
..,..,,. ~ ..... 11, ...... ,.
AUTO MIRROR ,;!S~l'CH!.!$~ ..,..,. 139~.~~-::::27,:.437 SHOCK ABSORBER
• T11oln Squirrtl..Cqe B~wcn: a41W U at 'JftY .. MUI 511 -• l6ff Air YVotume Con1ro1 No htiln to.driJl,r!pnllns o( • Famout or1t COl!JPl'C!50r • .. _ 1~ • _,. • • Aulomalic clalcli pro¥idH lo•; ""'~hOft "' Y'M' ~l ... •• F F lowco~I mtion ·mimW'! 37·'.!ftl:t
ur-1i (I.lit ...... ,
. . ~ \
I Jl. ............ ,
,_ UI_. .::".s.• ...,. -"· ,. ..
.. ...... ........
'l.tJ.14. Ul-11 ~1!1) ~.SJ.14, 1.ss-11 ~I
UI ............... ~ ..... u.•_ ..... T-WUilA I
21-IOSI a1• ... 31•
86~ .....
222 -
15440 IEACH K.VD. 5885 LINCOLN AVL 5301 IEACH K.YI>. 2200 HAlllOI a.YD. 1400 ED1t•a
At Mdeddea •
N Velty V1ow
• At Lultwt• •
• N-
,pa Firm
Set in '70 •
poliuciaJ public relations !inn
that guided Rooald Reagan
from acWr to governor kl 196'
.Is . going to -hls ...
JlllCted . ,...,ledloo cemp&lgn m;xt yeer, Republican aourees
reported today.
• It's I.he finn of Spencer
Roberts and Aseociates, • Los
AbgeleS based org~tlon
that won wtde acclaim with
Reagan's victoey, then bl
with Thomas H. Kuchel in the
1963 Republican U.S. Senate
primary. .
'111< ReJlllblicao governor Is
eipecteC:I to deJay his an-
nouncement that be will run
for a second term until early
in l!rn>, the sources said. But.
meanwhile, pl"q>al'ations for
tfle campaign againot the
Democrats are ·now undet
The governor's most pro-
bable opponent, according to
the Reagan camp, is ~mbly
Democratic leader Jesse M.
Unruh, who has ell but an-n<Mttced his candidacy for the
Democratic oominet.ion, may
have to face San Francisco
Mayor J'osepb Alioto in the
June primary.
Reagan, leading both Unruh
and Alioto in cun-ent public
opinion polls, is not expected
to have '!¥1jor opposi.tioo in
the· Republican primary.
GO!;' leaders, who declined
the tie of. their names, gave
this Qalline : of the cumnt
Reagan political effort:
-~ in September,
\Vil.Jiam·lloberts and Stu Spen-
cer, J>:3rtnds fn the S~er Roberts. firµt, will· begin mail·
ing mate.ri&r to voters telling
of Reagan 's. record. It will go
out un~ the ldterhead o( a
Reagan_ Jor govemor ccm-
itl ' m ~. . . , Meanwhile, 1'hom'5 Reed,
Republican 1' a t I o 11 a 1 com~
mitteeman,. 1$. busy lining up
Galifomia speaking dates for
the governor, at party ·fund
rai9ers1 ·
Reagan, party officials said1 is all~ 20. per cent of the
rec@ · · (:roui every fund
railer, "rib the money going
intO a ~ · bank account
that · _,linlDces bis _ political
travei. ·The fur.I is under .the
conlnll ' ·ol. the Republioar.
_.,. _ _,, _ _,.,.._ ____ r ____ ,..,......__,_~-~------.-.....-------------.........
J • •
\ ... •
' . '
. .
. .
Edison's Old Poles
Will Not Fade.A.way
JllENTONE (AP) ·-Old
• ulllil)I poles don't die. Neither
do they fade away. Not li
J. W. McAndrew bas anything
to uy about it. •
And he does. McAndrewJw
I coatracl with Southern
Callfom11 Edbon Co. to buy
Paleo the !Inn dllcaTib u it
puts power fac:ilitie1 ·uo-
Slid. "We .... mole -
...... llld -materW lei retaining wallt, but U-.,.
more for l1ndw"1pic. ''
Most poles are well«••"'
roc1 cedar from • r-. at
Northern Callfonda llld -aplil llld rellnbbed they lollil
bnnd D!W,
"Tbls wood ... ~
. bettor than any -malerial What does 8 man do with 1 i n c I u d t n r -Redwood.'!.
uoed utllll)I pole! McAndmf uld. "SOJomon.
McAodrew keeps I Iv e ' bullt· hit ftnl tanp~ oUt ot.
workers busy cutting and cedar, hiltorians 11y, and
chopping them into post! llld some people eveG tbtol< that'
beams and other useful items. Noah bWlt bis ark out of. Jt."
"We saw and split ttiem into Be that u it DllJ, the poles
JumberJor farm fenca, bone when split have I Nd:;~
0< cattle COITlll. barns llld lry look thal ....,. to -'
Navy, Air
School Exam
Being Held
Young men living In the
. :J2nd Congressional lllslrict
who are 'interested In an , a~
poinbnent to the Naval, Air
Force and Mllltary Academies
in· 1970 have been' advised .to
write to Congressman Craig
• Those intemted In COOi·
, . peting in I Civil Service U·
aminatioo for academy vacan.
cia ea.i write to Hosmer at
Room 2217, Rayburn Bldg.,
Wuhhlgtoo D.C. 20515. All re-
~ for the eumination
muit be received by June 1.
The 3 2 D d Congressional
District includes all of Seal
Beacb, llolsmoor, Huntington
Harbour, Leisure W b r I d ,
Surfside and Sunset Beach,
half ol Hunlington Beach and
parts of Long B each,
Lakewood and Bellfiower.
Reed New Head
Of Safety Board
Former Gov. John H. Reed of
Maine has been named bead of
the . National Transportation
Safety Board lo succeed
Joseph H. O'Connell Jr. Reed,
48, has been a board member
since 1967. O'Connell. whose
term continued until January,
.said be would resign effective
J\N 11 •
to-. bone ........ llld
the like. But they're i:atdlilj!
.. with cll)I lolb, lod.
McAndrew 11y1 •
restaurm cllain It Ullng Ids
poles to mount signs, llld be'•
getting onlen from operoton
ol mablle home parb.
'1A,mow-maklng machlne It
ML Baldy Is mounted on pola '
from my yard," be said, "ud
we are now preparing a bi&
load to be Jent to a new ~
ject near Santa Ana, for a
bam and stables, 1 I
'M·cAn d rew w11 •~
nurseryman ln Chino before
starting hit busln<11 here hro·
years ago.
San Benwdlno c 0 u ll t ,
Supervisor Dcmald C. Beclmnl,
said recenui of M~:,'
"ff more people would -the Ingenuity you have, oul
county would be ha much bW-
ter economic condiUoo. '"
2 Honors
For Youth
Dick Howland, a Newpor.l
Harbor High School stll<)enli,
was the only double winner CUI ,
of 700 entrants In recenf:,
University of Sou t be r'
California Journalism Da~·
Howland, sports editor .. '
-Rarbor. Hlgh's student
new1J>8per The Beacon, WOIJ
an hooorable mel)lion for hi•
story of Harbor Higb's CJFi
water polo victory.
in·· addition to being sport!!
editor he is head photographer i
for The Beacon. And he wqn ! 1
ctrtificate of eicellence for. .
his plebp'e of a water potd
goalie blocking 1 penalty shot
.. . . ears.:~ ,, .
'• .,
•' .. .. .. • • ••
,., .. •: ,,
~-------... ·--"II!'-,•---~.---------·----·--.-----.------------.. I . _,., ... _,21-•-,Gl~ll ,__,,._ .. 121.. ""'WE'M262 .. ..... ... _....,,, _ .... ,,,, I
CAMD04' .. MO.OMI CUHQiiQ:ctf 54004, Cl '-U11 ~ onwtc'I '°'°AN a.n11 l'CIMONA m 2·11.U, H4 N1,,, l'U W.S1 MNl'A JM)t«A EC 4.ti1l1 YMUT PO ,..,..,. ,...,. I ~ .. 6-lS, .. 2#41 HOUlWOOO HO f-.59.f~ ou.HG!637·2100 MNl'AAHA ·~ 7-UIJ ' 30UfM(QUTf'WA Nl).2333 ....,....,.. f.1'11 I
CC¥K\ "'4611 HUWooo ot,&.2521 · PASADl:N4MJ 14211, n f...htt l09AHa' SG1J11 , , ~-----~------~------~-------~-----~------------' ~llMGI• ru ••-Moneyllacl"' ___ ,. Slrop6Nfl)llli Mu J ,.....,_..,_AM.to tilOP.M.
• •
.......,, Mor 19; U•t
Rig Puts Shoe Through TV
. '
as Halos
·~ . '
11ft ·...,. ! -ID every mon'll Wt Angell n11rstnc i HI !<ad· TbtO a bloke Friday the -""" lltil loll, 11-1.' -•
W -. DO -how bad lblnp . olfl!<d Jot Pepltaoe ailloaded a tm.o-"'° • day tlley !ell, H. ADii ...., -.....
-ID Ila ....... !or blm .......,. elJe is homer iu the WI ol the &eventh to give. 'two-timed, •111111 r,.e. la Ill a., -
., _.. abape. ~ ' the Yanks an eventual H victory. loor runt ID Iba 1111 o11.-. ·
Tab, for 1n11ance, Angel manager Bill '11,.y also woo the ....ad contest, HI, "lt'11 -. ...... -JOO&' I""' I ~· on a Pepitone round-tripper In the ninth. are out cl Iba·-u""'" • 1!111 l!ft
He wu lllted Out in• bis New Yor1t Bui by then Rig bad long since spll~ up h!o ...., ... ha laid ttia prom -
bolel ._ Sunday _.;, alter an ·~ tered· his televlsloo set with the ·-· lator. . , 11e1: cl poiritll, ~ walddne tel<"llion. lo>golle• bow miserable he fol~ bci "Wa cui a<t a hiL liot with mia •
alo , akfpper bad been grabbed a cab !or the House That Ruth -or "!1 Ci1lar llp>e. "for ,bls~y. Butun· Built. . "J'.• neid ._ nms--... lo
-to pass the al· The ftlldins Angel boss bol·footed it ia-flit .uh 1p. MQlle a apt ID 111a·1ocar
•1111 'pillcbless baJeball to the lelt field ble.cben and, pnice•• ....,._ hafp. -
-,,..,.., Ille YWtt4 't Yllllliee to cl)e<k out first band the fourth air.,.. "Somebody Ila m ..I tit 1111 b!*n
·-• • • • ' displ>,y ol an incredible lack ol bitllill \y U they -the l!ildllDs"""""' lllW4ad',
It -~ ID the llts(•game l\'llh the bis fOt«S. -m ... , .. be idded. 1 u....pl WI 'Mii
... J
.. .
And Iha Angel ..... alto plelaad wtlh,
the fieldin& and alkound opail< -b1,
Sandy Alomar. jual acqulrad from the
While Soi.
Otherwilil, bowever, the cumnl rood
swiog is ralalng havoc with Ric'•
As he told 'the prON, "the -utad
me U I WU worldng uoder 1111)' WlliOn. I
told blm, 'ReU110, I've -ftolllnl ID the
Todoy they're re.1t1nc ID-.
awoiUnc to open a -...., -
here ~ illgilt.
Ghost of ,Citation
,,.. r •' • :;,-• \
. u,,.,......
·Majestic Prince Goes Home
-·· -bad. OOlblDI to do -hil •anttilc to ablp to hil firm al
Rlvenkle, c.w., aod ntun Majettle
Prlilce to the rua ID llto ,_ or
loll. Tllm be said:
"I've cbeclted back and I can't Ond
aey hone thal bad • tou&b ..... In the
Derby or!'...-that ..,. out of the
Belmont and .......ied to a dmnn. I
mean they -nm back to lhelr top
"Count Fleel WU one of them. He WU
oound when he went Into the Belmont, He
never raced again after the Belmont."
Count Fleet, who won the Trjple Crown
In 1943, was ridden by Jolmoy I_.ien.
No previous winner of the Derby and
Preakness has ever withheld voluntariIJ
from the Belmont, In whtcb Ju.st ei&Jll
(.'()Its have clincbed the Triple Crown -
&he last one Citation in 1948. ·
SAFE BUT OUT -New York's John Ellis slides
homi ahead ol the tag against the Angels Sunday
but be was called out for leaving third base too soon
on a sacrifice fly. The catcher here is the Angels'
Tom Satrlano while Yankee batter Jerry Kenney
looks on. The throw was from centerflel4er Jay Johnstone.. · ·
Van Breda KolH Quits
Laker Coach Detroit Bound Dodgers Stun
Pirates Again;
Take Day Off
LOS ANGELES -BiU van Breda Kolfr fie said he has not spoken wilh Laker•
re&igned a,, coach of the Los Angfiles La· owner Jack Kent Cooke and "we have no ~ii .'I\ ~'If.Ii~~ lartftll ... Ml." . ~ ...,...., dul'tn!I bis '-II e 1 r · Von Broia )loll! baa:..,. ,year re-
Ml'llWI-• maining on a Une-7Mr CDOU1ct with the
V•·ilfeda Kollf had one year left on Lakers. whom~ cOlcbed io the finala.of ~~ three-year pact v.ith the Lak-the NBA ptayciffs Jn -~ of h1I twO
· ~ .Altgeles General Manager F r'e d seasons. · • &=blul aid, "BUI van Breda Kolff h a s The Free PfelS said 'be became con-
4'fVNI' a de!ire-lo move from the vinced he never could reach a "meeUng ~ Tb~ organization will not stand of the minds" with Llkets star center
in 1111 ,.,y. We wish him continued good \Vilt Chamberlain. _
f«tua.Jj There have-bffn. n;tirrieroU1 publlabecf
T1ll -Proo ._ loid lhe 41-ropo<U ol bltt.Jr word• be-n lhe two y-V• ~· Koll! "84. been ' the ,_, aftd alier lht final
............ 11111 "°' ·~ -~ pme, wlllch Loo AlltlJel ... lo
and W '*' Wid ,.,.... . Row.Ver, ci.i,blrllln ncoall1 "-:' .. • ~ . 1
, • • • • • w
Uue•R~-~-· . ..
l;larity ot All Rarities-
Rqi~, ,~t _tJie _il,f·ic.kyard
I INDIANAPOLIS (A)!) -Thi ,,..i.,.rt ' q111UllitiUiio1, \lnotr tnd Jonn '""' fD111J baa c:miPt lip "•IUI tlle In ~,gin( about the muddy Infield on
~ -~, • ~ mo~""' and Uftler wound up uftder r Far 19111, ll!r ~ l,.,,w.,•4;. ,bil '"°"'"°"'" with' a corilPouftd frac· t:vltlel ~ W~itlr rain~. 1 tur• ot Iha felt leg.
Sdladl ... ..,.~~Inc !f1!11 lot Tltf 1111101 the fi !l!I naw i,.. !Ive d•r•
l1rd ..... 111<',.,JO ,. .. roift to. try i..ottch uP wllh M11i9 AncirtlU ol I' ~ -• . h ;t CJUI 1111in1J over!\'<.....-, '~ 7 c. NUll'O\ll• .<~.,who hU·dominalad ptlC·
; Tllol llad ...... ~ bllltrt. 1 ~ lice ~ with speeds ol m01< than
.iainout nl even the first qualfhlfi\l '41¥-~l~l!lllN 110f hour.
i;.roi ooc:urred -lllSS; • , Speed f"'5 being among the most ·
! '1111top..i,.,l'J"ll'llf4'f, wl\ll:h II • \WIOM<d In sporu, 1111 llllm1le!I @rvwd
ijood /16 111111., l "9 li"'Jllon "1d 1110UI , • ~r ·ll!ljOQll lasl SaturH)' l!fll"'lllr. ll'UI llf
~· '-~.now won't lie bock 11111 Sal\!!day. 'l'ller Kavt la aplaoa ~ -~ Satufday. invested ln raln checks.
denied he hid oerlous dil!erenceo witll
Van Breda Ko}ff~
,\lted ll he would be back with the
Lattr1 nut season, Vu Brodi Koll! Aid
Sunday, "A! far as I •••. ytS, I guesi
Ed c o i I , fl"1<rll manqer ol t b e
P!ltonl, said, "There ii nothin& final on It
yet. We hope this thine can be reaolve(I
by ,the middle ol the week."
Cooke loid he bu oot met with the
coach, but be would prob1bly "" blm to-
day or TuelClay, "because b1a office Is
ri&hl daWn the hall from mine."
' •• lqmour, who toot over the
DeWGI!'......., duUes WI December,
bal llkt be waoll to llep down IO be cao
d!Yolt "'"'" Ume to hla family aod bis ~ oelerprtoel lo Syracuoe, N. Y.
, One~ Wd Seymour bid been
Slvoe IM'authorlll' to pick hla -· !eymoor 11 ape<ted to remlln with Iha
Pl.stono lo a lal t1me-<oo1wn1nc copact-
· ly' jlt<>bably u coordloator ol penoooeL
Angel Box
Mr .. rlll "'""" AIOrntr, 2b I t t t Cl•r'kt, 2'b I I I I
FrtOOll• a a t I 0 Trnll. 11 S 0 0 t
JOll!nl'clrM. cf • I I I MICNt l, u t I 0 0 JltkM!Wt, H • I t I M11rc1r, rf J o I t • .,..,,-•t10~1-.111 a1s 1 .1~rf "•••cu.• soot 11.tlll"llllild. ill I 0 t t W,JIClblnten. cl S t I O
Efftl,c t ttlC...-n,tt 1011 Vou,ph ttt••llli.t 11 01 &: t I I I trt~r;.: • 1 : : :
~,!(, J 111 Tott~ • '. '
,,._ "" wMrl Wlrln\oli Ml '""""· C1tlfofflll ..... 000 -t
H• Yor11 llOf .. •1 -1
l -~ .. 11. DP -C.Vftnllt t. 1..08 -C1I\.
lorftll 1. Pftw YOflt 6. Hit -'"""-'-111). SI -, .. ,.. t. . "t••it.••so
i,.Hl ~ ~t -.,_t .: ; /l l'tt•S ~ lW11•1J fl l. I t I I """''· , ~ -, ... -,, ... Atltndfl!Ct -. U,1Q.I, •
LOS ANGELES (AP) -Forpt the
name Kiddle Korpo becou .. the ~
are ror,ldlr carvinc a new !map !or
thellllt vu.
'11,.y're becornlnc known u the Come·
back Kldl, ·
The llodpro toot the day nll today,
11111 1avortnc lhelr 2111 vlctoi'y ol the
year, a M conqRA ol the lhefl.thDcted
Pltllbur&b Plrmo SUocla7 llflemonn. Aod
lo -If pmes, the Dodprl hue
come from ~ to pill It out cm 12 oo-
culClll -lour tlmel ID the nlnth Inning.
They uaed the ..... lltlered ICl'ipt
Sunday. TroiUq Mu they came to bit
In the ninth, the llodpro pullld evt11 on
Lon Gabrlellon's pinch hll home run •ftd
completed 1 threo-pme .,,..P ol the
Pir1tu when Wu Parter drilled a buet-
loaded two-out •Incle to rllhl field, the
ball bvely eludlnc • despei1Uon dlvt by
BUI M...,..ld .
Puter, the team's ludllle biller with
a .311 averq:e, had only one word to
delcrlbe Sunday'1 traMplrlnp.
"Fantutlc," be Aid:
l'JTTllUlllM l.OS ""NL.II ffrl"11 Mrll""
M.AIDll,d !1Jt'9;111ff1L rf 4010 H*Mr,• St l t Crtwfit,_, ... 1 I I 0
SlltWtfl, If S 1 J 1 Slit'"'"° u $ I t t
c1-i..'' '''' tN¥1s.d •11 1 A.OllWr,U' 'J 1 I t ICnc.," J t 0 1 S.fll\l111M. c ' t t I P'trk..,., lb 4 1 I 1 .... ...,. .. ' • 1 1 5'1ift~lt, • J 1 1 •
,IM1el'Otllt, :i. 4 I I I Ltf ....... 2to ' I 1 I v .. i.,, lll lTwlllt'f,c Jtll
Htrttr111'lfl. 11 I t I I Hlll9r, pll 1 I I t PNlft, Jlfl I t I I SJriter, P J I I I
flt"°'"' ' I t I t ,,._.., 11 t t • I '°"""( 11 I I t I Gtllrll'-o llfl l 1 I I
T ... 1' " J 14 S T ... 111 » • 11 t
·TWO Mtll ""'*" w!Mlril NI tc9Nlll.
THE CHAMP GOit HOti\11 -Kentucky Derby and Proaknffl ~
ner Maj..Uc Prince wtl!l'I win the 1969 Triple Crown. Trainer JO!i!lllf
Lon&den 11id SunOy -• was taking the Calilornia colt ho!IMi, s.ic
Longden : "I never 11aw A horse that was worth a damn alt"-...
in the Belmont." , . · '\~
BOgan'• Bl.ts. Delp ... . -
Dickinson Finally Wins
. '
Colonial on 15th Try ... ,
· II ~ ~ IW'!ini field Is nor filled
lo t11J lo.mile trlsla out Satunjp and itundlfi Ihm will be utn seSilon•. •The ·Memorial Day race proper has
been 4elayed by rain only onct. It was
f»'ll'1''"'1 !nm Saturday to Monday in
ltli. Jt· wu 1Jowtid, and atlortened a few
llmM al1tr thal but was not j)OStpDned «sa.Jq Ultlil 1917, when Jt was rained out
after 11 laps and started again the next
Laver's Nearly, Superhuman· in NY
• t
·The aomplet.e rainout al the weekend
triall Wll 1 break for Grand Prb: drivers Gr-Hill of England. DenlJ Hulme of
Ne. ... laod and Jack Brabham of
'l1ley Kipped the opening lndlan•Poli• llloll to ,...,pm In tho Monaco Grind
1')'11, which Hill, dMeftdinc -Id cbam·
""" -Now U.., will be able to llort
---the rest of the fndlani1'>11s
fllld """ --· 'J1m9 --Juel<, howtVtr, fot •Al
U-4( 11111-Ntw Mexico ~:!"l_n& bmi!r tiiill Ml ..-...,..,, PamelO Jott1!1
ol ~ t..-500 winn<r. Tn the )~ after Sabliday'1 rairred out
Of ""' i;i.I" Plitt Iliff
. NE\V YORK -It Y.'88 moments after
Jtodncy "The Rocket" Laver had won the
richest first place payorf In tennis
The scene was a ~lng room at
Madison Square Garden. where Laver~
the touring pro of Newport Beach Te:Mls
Club, was surrounded b1 reporters ....
A few feet 1w1y stood Newport Bf.lc'h•s-
Roy Emerson -the man who Llvtr
deleated In lhrtoe aela. 6-2, U . 6-1 for the
115,000 check.
Emerson , 1 native Au•b'llltn, like hit
conqueror, was chatting with a couple
mr,mbel's or the pres!!, trying to. •MeSS
what had just lrsnspirtd on the court of
play Saturday nlghl.
' At lbat mom<nt an old --', .. ally didn't tlomloale anylhlnc. lk wu 111,000 •• 0. the line -tha 11!1" wu,
came into.~ l~ker roe>nl .~ addr ... ld blttin1 the b&ll all over the court. Ht bid to pt • '!i7I0° •
tho loser. 11 s lmpoulilla,. aplalnod ,.,.... aod control and bis tdllml ,,.. · Tbell LaV1f•lhowlll -h11 111111. lie woo
the fellow. "He'1 ouperh1.,.n.", : li>w _. led." the._. .... _ at lovt to~ 1-1
Emerson countered,· "~o be Ila~ -I ..., Ill& leld1· Tbe fourth pm.t wu • · bl\..
woo a .. 1." ' Li,., 1!l>o 11 due lo Elllfaod lodlJ for tit. Iii ftully plnod actnmqo, , loot
t:m...... had pllyed ~. Yel "'"' 111 Wllll!>la7 W-111 nl&hl. tt • I dat!illa blltt ..
he was devoured by the red.f>airod oplnas tbal ht II playlnc -now tliaD IAokinc dilguetld over the 111-V,
Coron• de! Mu mldent lo the finl and ht wu a ye. .,. "-11111 10U'll ....U ht pallMd' !or 1 -to rtPl!I ,-
third sell. lhll ID 1111 ht w• the top ranted P1uor contraU... Then a lao yelled, '"l\al'1 OK
Liver admitted 1fterward that he had Ill the -Id and -the Wimbledon Rod, lt'1 Clllf1 IDOltey."
a fairly good touch. And he addtd, "I . -· After Iba~ the llocht turoad Ill the
1Urprlaed myoell lhe list .. ~ I wu chip. Iiis victory •I the a,,.. -wltnes...r power and copturod the noxt two '°!!Iii'
pins so well.,. by • turnout ol UllO -WU ...... t IHI ol the .. ~ IUbmerglnc hla rival wtlla •
He also Hid he ilowed the le(nPo In the cl hll lllent and competlvenas. Ude of IOOlmparable talent.
third set aft.er let.tine Emert0n make the Emenon bd just won the llCOOd Ml Emerson is in Lexington, Ky.. for 8
pace In the second set ~ aDd wu playin& brllllanll)'. Tuesday lourney, then goes to Europe.
Said Emerson, "I lbougilt I was playing And he bagged the first Point oC the He WW join Liver In Amsterdam later In
quite well -yet he waa pll,yJzic iO wtU, 1 ftcisive lhird set. lbe week. · ·
- -.--• •-r•-• • _________ ,. • ...,_.,.,.,.,......,_,, __ ~.-·---._._...._-._ _____________ ~"---------~-... ... 1'10i •• "'-....... ~-~040 •O 0<p,_O_.,,.~ • .,OOO•WWW<Ono-•~·~···~· ,.,.,,.._,.,.. __ \<.,O"Ji ..... • .. ,~,Jl';-... -""" .....
Red Devils
Next Foe
Corona del Mar High School's surprts-Jng bueblll team moves Into the
quarterfinall of the AAA CIF pl_~yoffs
Tues<tay with 1 date wllb Pomoot Hlgl:l's
Red Devi~ al Ralph Welch Par~ In
Pomona. •
Game Ume '" 3 p.m. ' . ,. The Sea .Kinas. under coach ·Tom
Trq:er, comp1«"1 the regular seuon
with an overall batUng 1Verage of . IM
and a share of aecond place ln the Irvine
League behind champion Loara.
Magnolia, the team Ued with Corona
for second, fell In flnrt round hostilities,
U, to Neff, but the Sea Kings came
through with a 1--0 decision over Santiago
on the strength of pitcher Chris
Thompson's fine four-hiUer .
Now it's Pomona the Sea Kings are
faced with, and the Red Devils present a
somewhat balanced hitting atlack.wilhoirt
the big averages and shiny pitching
credentials that Santiago poesessed.
Leading the San 'Antonio Lague
representatives is pitcher Dan HoU-
ingsworth with a .300 battinj; average and
a 6-3 mark chalked up in tbe pitching
department. His ERA is 2.5.
[f he should falter, coach Gordon
Taylor can be expected to bring tn Dennis
Bowen, another righthander with a 2.8
ERA and a 3-2 won-loss record.
The Red Devils finished 10-4 in league
play and they were 12-8 on the aeuon.
By comparison, Corona del Mar flJlish..
ed its regular campaign with a 12-7·2
Included in lhlt record were eight one-
run deci!ions.
Leading power-bittlng threats for
Pomona are third baaeman Dan Bright,
·first baseman Jerry Larkin and out.-
fielder St.eve Lehman. -
Hollingsworth, Bright and ouUielder
Phil Smith are considered all-league
material by their coach.
Coach Tom Trager of Corona del Mar
says · he hopes to oome back with
Thompson on the mound again on Tues-
day but isn't sure he 'll be able to.
Thompeon didn 't start· two games in a
row during the regular seaaon and if bis
arm does not respond quick enough
Trager will probably start his All-Irvine
League utility player ~x Snyder.
Cl~ ... Mir
Tllon'li:-i P
Kelley c
D. Snyder 11
Jt. Snyder 21
Wini ll
Win• SS
"''""' U' WUbred'lf Cl' • .,. ltl'
.. _
HollklO•-!h C1mPillll
fl rlOhr
'"' ... ,.
'""""' Llhmln
AREA'S BEST -Newport Harbor fligb School pitcher Sieve
Schoettler has been named player of the year on the AU-Orange
Coast Area baseball team selected by the DAILY PILOT. Schoettler
recorded a 9-2 recotd during the season and led his club into the CIF
AAAA playoffs.
R~rs Finish· Sixth
Sevmour Wins • Ill
01 t11t 01llW Pllll Iliff
E~ LOS ANGELES -Tom Noon's
race .wu C9Veted by a broad grin and he
could hardly contain bis enthusiasm.
"l can't wait ti! we get home so I can
call our alhletic director and tell him we
need seven round-trip tickets up north ·
next week," said the happy Golden West
Col lege track coach.
Noon bad plenty to be enthusiastic
about Saturday at lhe Southern California
junior oollege trac:k and field cham-
pionships held in East Los Angeles
Stadtum on a balmy night.
All siJ. of his G<>Jden West entrants
qualified ror U1ls Saturday's state meel
in Modesto, they broke two school
records and equaled a third, set one
SoCal record, equaled the nation 's best
time in one event and finished sixlh in
the team standings, higher than any
other Eastern Conference school.
Los Angeles. City College, with a flock
of talented sprinters walked away with
the team till-e by scoring 69 points -SI
of which came in the 100, 220, ffO relay
Sports in Brief
and 120 high hurdles. San Diego Mesa
was a distant second with 45.
Golden .West scored 28 paints for its
six'th place finish, edgliig another EC
school. San Bemard.ino by two points.
Eastern Conference champion Santa Ana
was ninth with 22.
Sixteen of Golden West's points were
recorded by talented hurdler Jim
Seymour who_ breezed to a 52-flat victory
in the 440 intennediales and was third in
a fiercely contested 120 high race.
5eymour's 52-n'at effort equaled the na-
liooal jaycee best this year for the one-
lap event, broke the four-day old So Cal
record of 53.9 established in the prelims
Wednesday aod lowered his own GWC
record by tw<rlenths.
In the highs, Seymour got a miserable
start, but closed fast over the last three
barriers, only to stumble coming of the
last stick as he was making his bid for
In the frantic finish one runner fell and
severaJ others appeared to bump each
LACC's Lance Babb was the winner in
Liston on TV Tonight;
Hill Wins Monte Carlo
LAS VEGAS -Formtr hffvyweight
champioh Sonny Liston continues a oom~
back campaign tonight againsl o n e
George "Scrap Iron" Johnson of Loa
Angeles in the Las Ve11s Convention
A companlon JO-rounder features light
heavyweight Roger Rouse of Anaconda,
A1onl., and Eddie Jonu of Los Angeles.
The Liston-Johnson match Is booked in-
to home teJevislon and will be shown oo
Channel 9 at 10 p.m.
Johns.on bu one claim lo fame. He Is
one ol. only two righters lO remain upri&ht
for 10 rounds against Joe Frazier. He did
it in Los AntelH on May 4, 1957.
MONTE CARLO -U looked for a
"bi I e like favored Jaclde Stewart o(
Scotland mi&ht deprive Britain's Graham
HUI of Ills fdlll Mont. Carlo Grand Prii,
bUt Hill WU never worried.
''We (igu.red Stewart would burn
himself out and that's Just what he dkl,"
nidJlill. who finished the 11)..ltp test Sun-
day Tn one boor. 56 minutes, 59.4 JteCOnds
-an 1vttage of 71.42 miles per hour.
Stewart, driving 1l blue ~fatra Ford. led
lhe first 22 laps, breaking the_ track
record five times, bul was forced out on
the 23rd lap with broken rear shaft. He
was · one of eight In the field ol JS who
didn't complete tbe tortuou'! 105.96-milc
STANFORD -UCLA Is the new cham-
pion of Pacific-I tennis thanks to Roy
Barth's stunning upset of Bob Lutz that
keyed the Bruins' ~ triumph over
/avored Southern Callfomla.
After losing the first eel 3-4 Saturday,
Barth came back to win the second set
12·10. then took the match with a M.
PHIL.ADELPH IA -San Jose State's
John Carlos Isn't superhuman aftet all.
After rwmin& a 9. t 100 at Fresno a
week ago, Carloa can a 10.1100 meters at
lbe Dr. Martin Llllher King FrtOOom
Gamu: here Sonday and was beaten by a
nose by OIB.rley Green,
Nevertheless, Carlos was named the
meet's outstanding compet.ltm-. He won
the 200 in 20.3.
Wiiiie Davenport ran 13.3 in the hurdle•
and Bob Seagren vaulted 17·7.
14.3, the same time given to Venlura's
Paul McLucas, who was second. Seymour
was third in 14.4, equaling his own
Rustl er mark .
"I ran my best race or the year in the
intermediates," Seymour said 13ler. "I
felt real strong and the highs didn 't tire
me out.
';The highs have become my race in
the last week, but my start is something
else. What start? I looked at everybody
go and then 1 went.
"I was a little anxi ous at lhe end of the
race and leaned into the last hurdle too
soon and stumbled when I came do\vn.
Babb said he hit me but I hit someone
"I think I could have caught him if I
hadn't of stumbled. I'm reaUy looking
forward to the state meet -the com-
petition shOuld be great in the highs."
Seymour wasn't the who I e story for
Cr0ldcn West.
High jumper Don Shields fin ished SC·
cond in the hi gh jump with a 6-8 mark.
East Los Angeles' Sleve Lang beat
Shields with a great come through effort.
Lang had two misses at 6-4. and I-ti, but
v.·ent on to clear S.:10 for the victory.
The RUstlcrs' 440 relay te.am of Don
Knudson. Dan Johnson Phil Age and Don
Harris also qualified for the state meet
with a fourth place finish. Their 0-nat
clocking broke the Golden West recofd or
42.2 set earlier this sea.son.
~ 1t.i.,-1. LI'S ""9111oii •l.l: :l. Saft fler1Mnllll0
'1.f / J. lekertf11kl ILfl 4. Goldtn Wnl '1.t1 S. c.,. rilOI 4.5: 6. HI .. 4-5.
.....i11 _ •. w·~•rn •:•1-' 1.v.nt '~· Oki"""' 1: •. 4. E C..,..nG. 1"211 J. ,,_, (Viii 4!tl.6: 1. SIT"Odle I ) •:10.J; •. Hll'll;)t IM Cl
•:IL•; S. 5W8fl ISWl .•:U.J1 6. lllQ (Fl '="·'· 120+4H-1. lebl:I !l.ACCI U.I: 2. Mc:L-tYtnl
14.J; 1. Sermou• IGWCI U.../ .t. Jdl11 (MC) 11.11 ~ ~= ~vri,.::,Ll:. "rJl!..em:. .• ~l UQ -cL•cc1 All.,, 1. Thorn .. "ir111 ... ~1 •. Fenn.rn ,mMJ .... Ji 5. s~ ll.ACCI 4'.S: •• Tucker OVI •.s. 100-1. B•llMI (Cen.) t.61 l. LO!ldO!I fLACCI t.7: :l. ~(El.Al f.11 4. Oedt•l'd ILACCI t .71 5. $1-nl
(SAi t.t1 '· 8 rN11 rCC! t .t. MO -!. e 11t1 Y•~ 1!52.t; 1. Efll"lqutr (Piii l:U.t 1 j• DlmOnO f M 1:51.ti· 4. Sv11191"1tllCI (PJ11 :ill1 . M1rtlMr { L ) l:ll. I 6. Vlndellburl IF l:U,J.
+40 IH -I S.Vmour fGWC\ $2.0 '"'"' rKorcl Old m1rk. Sl.!, illltt. P•b'll•r, tff N"""' GCI~ W•1! •~~ord, 1C1 m•rfl: U.2. kr""°'lrl; 1, $111""' (11•1 n .•1 J, 11.m•· tlOMI Sl-41 4.. llln (Piii ».t1 '· VII fCh1ll S..lf"" TOD!n (LI) Sl.J.
-1. ::r:; 1 LAI 21,h '· o.ckard ILACCI 21.•: I. JOllll 1 LAC 11.4? 4, Li®" fL.t.CC) )LSI!. L"'"°" !Gron 21.41 .. S•1r~ SA 21A; 2 Miio! -I. Hlld\codl; Jllir. I : Al 2. 111 MUll'i lU.J ind llosner 1P11) •~• .t r • ~!n tl"l) t:Cd.h . Jtodrl-.i. tlelr t :11o1.•i 6. "l"tAltl IMoor\ J:U.I. Miii Jt1WIY -. Slfl Olfto Mft1 J: J.t l 1. Le& Anffltt l :lf.J1 ChlflW 1;11,0: '· l'1tom:r ,;11,I; I. V•IM l ;lU1 .6. East wt; Anftlll Jill • w~~ 1l1~':l 1~!,~~~~1~f
'-41 6. AllclftMlft ~I M. "''r -1. _., ISAI :ia._2J 1. ,_, $::! IMMC 1'•·1 r 'Wlltr IMiAl::l ,,,. .. ,, .. F "'
Gf1Q 1n.t~i l, -'-ISOMI In. h .... -CSDMI lf+4~
.. -,.1. Su11W111 ltG!l"IPl i}.s"'!\111 1. C..~ JChlfl I J. ""-9rcr IP• Vt1 4. l.elt'fOUt'I I
Jt-:re.1 • ( ........... t,1 • ~; '· J-cc-.... ......
• RGllllMOll ISOMI 1,..1/ ?, D!ff~ ($11 11••5'411 • l"'-"l 1•.J: • . .,....,_ $1) 2>11~1 s. Nwrrli "-' ,.,.., ... -... ""'' ,,. .•. ~ O'SUl!tMI! COeimciol 1'1-t; -2. 0. SC"'fli
!MSACJ ltM1 l. l(Yftlc tHerl 11M11 4 i\rl ttM:-1 '~1.fl ~ Miiier IMSACI !Jf-71 '· HDW.ni llDMl 1J6.
o~J!,J. k,,:_?i J.,~J. ='1le1~~1'Wi"'1.1=
"' d ·!0\.'11 .. ".,.,,,,,. (i"l "tH ... -l, Ol•t llU 1«11 1. ll:ld\M\h fo\IWI IHI '· f,!lfll IU.l IH~ 4; 1.-.11 !PU 1U1 S, Sml""' ILi! ,..lt,J1=1~•l 1 ~·1. i.. ~· cn1 2. ~ Olno Mee IU l. •atenl~IG 4. lit\ E1~I .. i\nMM Incl V1 lw !Cl 6. " 1111 t. lltr~l~lllO 116! l. Plude"9 U• f, 'f'lll"""" l 10. I!• tornfl!Qll, IU¥trtldt incl Ml. IA.C 110! U. !"
Cll•ltfY "nd P.llom~• (161 l5. L~ ''"'°' I"\ .. Ctrrf.if'!: Ill) 17. Fuli.rlon Ill/ II. VJ"l\r'I 10 ,, l>I ,,, COll1 •Ml Jlt,rc1 I I JI. H11"1111r 111
OA!l y I'll.OT R
New.port's Schoettler Top
All-Orarige Coast Area Clu~ ~
' Steve Schoettler of NewPQrt Harbor
High S c h o o I has been pamed baseball
player or the year for the Orange Coast
area by the DAlLY PILOT.
SclloelUer, an ootslalJl!ing rlght-llandtd
plt.cher, hurled ~ N"'pOrt Harilor
males inlo lhe CIF AAAA baseball
playoffs_and wu aelected'.as a first~
pit.cher on the All-Or_ange COUnty team .
by the Orange Cowlly Spanswrilers
His overall mark was 9-2.
Corona de! Mar High School's Tom
Trager was named coach of the year
after guiding his Sea ·Kings to a share ol
lt<Ol1d place and a ~ In the CIF A'AA
Corona, w'.~ a team batting average of
.186, was the surprile of tbe year with ila
high finish in Irvine. Leacue ~lay.
All conslderallona for the All-Orange
CQrast Area ~ were based on overall
peHonnance fer·~ entire season.
Two other Newport Harbor players
made the firs( team -infielders Howard
Struble and Jell Malinofi.
Struble led the Sailors with a .363
average and 23 RBis while Malinoff
Collett Sparks
Bruin Spikers
To ·Pac-8 Title
CORVALLIS (AP) -Wayne Collett of
UCLA holds the Pai:ific-8 record In the
444 and he Was ,favored to win the event
at t.he conference track and field cham·
pionships. •
He didn't.
But what he did do won the team title
for UCLA,
Collett pullfld a muacle·when he ran the
anchor lip of lhe 44017laJ. his first oom-
petiUoli of the day Saturdlly.
Despite the pulled mUJCle, Collett plac-
l!:d third in the 220, secood in the 440 to
teammate Len Van HoCwegen, and ran in
the numbe.r two spot on UCLA's winning
rela:y team.
"lf there is a hero .it has lo be Wayne
Collett," s a l d UCLA coach Jim Bush.
"What a man. All be said was 'have faith
in me coach, I'll run as fast as I have to '
and he did ."
UCLA needed every poinJ. Collett oon-
tributed ;~use its total of 91 was just
two ihare than' surprising Oregon.
Washington State was third, while defen-
ding champion Wld pre-meet fa vorite
Southern California finished fourth.
UCLA picked up 2f points in its 1-2-3
finish in the 440, 16 pbint.s in the pole
vault and IS points in the shot put. Vic-
tories in the mile relay and the triple
jump were the other big point producers
for the champiOfl!. '
Dic k Railsback of UCLA thrilled the
overflow crowd of 1,772 when he made
three attemptJ at the height or 18 feet.
Railsback won the event at a height of
17-61/t, while USC'1 Bob Seagren was se·
cond at 17 feet UCLA 's Jon Vaughn was
third at 16-8.
While USC faltered in its attempt to
win • a seventh conftrence title in 10
years, sprintei lemox Miller y.·on the
100 and DO dashe.! for the third consecu·
live year.
Miller set 1 meet. record in the 220 with
a time of 20.5. MiUe.r held the old mark of
20.6. His Ume ln tht 100 waa a wind-aided
Oregon, u expected, 1ot the bulk of its
pointa In the distance event s, plus vic-
torleJ In the lligh jµmp and the «O in-
tennediate hurdles.
Washington's.only individual champion
was Johji Hul:S~ll, who had a shot put of
62-lll/4 Friday, which also stood up
through t~ Cinals. Defending champion
Steve Marcus of UCLA was second at 60-
10 ~.
playod a very iarp pan In the Sailors'
&ue<:ess wllll Umely hltlinl (.294) and
outNndlng dtferulve play.
Wesbninster's oDe-two punch of Phil
and Will McCariney made the first team
111 lhe ouUJeld willl .317 ond .31l batting
Mill!r Det 'also 11""*1 r..o-ptayors on
lhe lint leam. ,
' Adrian Witt, whO wu UM !or the year
and M !or the An&eius League campaip
ln pltchlng declsk>da WU ae)eded II~
wllll tl!I Mooarcbs' b e a v y • h I t ti n I
shortslop Dan Mey<r.
Another infielder wllh a .373 record
was Estancia High'1 Bill Powell and he
w a s accorded the third baae position
while Mission Vie:jo's Mike Gray WU
selected u tbe,catcber on lhe flnt team.
Fountain VaUey's Duane Dlffie (.S57)
~ out 1tbe oulfldd and Mail?a'1
Dave Klungrese~r: w~ named as ulillty
player. •
~ter was instrumental In · tbe
Viltings' hlghly-aucceiSful season In
Sunset League action with his pltchln;
and batting.
CdM11 Tom Tra .. r
-tr-tr I **"*
All-Orange Coast Area
Fir1t Team
Player School Class Poi
Steve SchoelUer Newport Harbor Sr. p
Adrian Witt Mater Dei Sr. p
Milte Gray Mission Viejo Jr. c
J eff MalinoU Newport Harbor Jr. 18
Howard Struble NewJM>rl Harbor Sr. 28
Bili Powell Estancia Sr. 3B
Dan Meyer Mater Dei Sr. SS
Phil McCartney Westminster Sr. OF
Will McCartney Westminster Sr. OF
Duane Diffie Fountain Valley Sr.. OF
Dave KJungreseter Martna Jr. Ulil.
Player of the Year -Schoettler, Newport Harbor
Coach of the Year -Torn Trager, Corona'del Mar
Chuck Loselh
Ed Bane
Second Team
Mission Viejo
Fountain Valley
Cl1ss " Pos
Sr. p
Jr. p
Sr, C
Jr. lB
Jr. 2B
So. 3B
Sr. SS
Sr. OF
Sr. OF
., '
-~ .373
.311 ,.,
•' , .319
Vince Moll
Steve Hazan
Mike Roberts
Tony Creci
Dan Cl ark
Rich Warner
Blair Bollas
Dave Clarkson
Rex Snyder
Costa Me sa
Newport Harbor
Laguna Beach
Fountain ·Valley
Corona del Mar
Sr. OF
Sr. Util
.217 ..
Brown Beats Cqehran
FV Dragsters Shine
Founlain Valley-based dragsters are
rapidly making a name for themselves in
C-alifornla drag racing circles.
Two of them survived a 16-car elimJna-
tion field Saturday al Orange County
·International Raceway and met in the
final round for a fl,000 tOp prize.
Kelly Brown, driving Lou Baney's Ford
Special, met Gary Cochran in the
deciding match and it was Brown who
emerged the winner with the quickest
time of the day -6.88 aeconds. His speed
measured 226.13 mph.
A record field or to n les tant!l
participated in the track's fourth o!f-the-
road racing event at the dune buggy
course. Steve RlemlUl of Costa Mesa
drove his Rieman SpeclaJ to a 3:49 time
for the quickest lime over the 1.5-mile
Next up at OCJR are supercharged gas
coupes and sedans and Injected gas funny
cars which invade the track Saturday
The supercharged cars will begin elims
at 8 p.m . The four quickest funnies to
emerge from a one attempt, sJde-by·sldi '
qualifying session at 8:1$ p.m. will race,.,
two additional rounds tournament style to
determine their finiab.ing J)Ollitions. '
Reserved seats are on tale now at the~
track for the May 31 second annual $8,00I)~
Funny Car soo.t:arly entries for the.
event include John Mazmlllian (Whit.
tier), Gas Ronda (Alll!a ). Randy Wall-
(San Diego), Ron Leslie (Denver), Larry
Reyes (Memphis} and Frank Pisano
(Long Beach),
Bue Rowers Win
SAN DIEGO -Orange Coast College's
freshman four-man crew won it.s division
at the' Western Sprints Saturday 1t
Mission Bay,
The JV eight-man crew lost to Ca l In
the petite lfnals but the frosh eight won
its petite !inal -a race for non-finals
UCl's varsity shell was fourth In the
finals and the JV crew third.
Major League Standings
Eut Dtri!llff Eut D6vlsloe
• w L Pct • GB W L Pct. GB
CHICAGO 24 13 .649 BALTIMORE 27 12 .892 ...,.
NEW YORK 17 18 .48' 6 BOSTON 21 13 .618 31\
PITl'SBURGH 17 18 .48' 6 DETROIT 17 16 .515 7
ST. LOUIS 18 " .457 7 WASJUNGTON 19 20 .487 8
PHILADELP.HIA 15 " .4;; 7 NEW YORK 17 21 .447 9'>
MONTREAL ll 21 .344 1011, CLEVELAND 7 23 .233 15~~
Weet DlvlsJoa Weit Dlvlsloa ATLANTA 24 IO .706 OAKLAND 21 12 .8.16 LOS ANGELES 21 13 .618 3 MINNESIYl'A 19 13 .5114 m .SAN FRANCISCO 20 l5 .57l 4\1
CINCINNATI 15 19 .ffl 9 CHICAGO 15 l5 .500 H>
SAN DIEGO 16 23 ,flO JO',~ KANSAS CITY . 16 19 .fS7 ' HOUSTON 15 14 .385 11 l'J SE A'l'l'LE 15 11 !Ml 81\
"""""" ltnttlll CALIFORNfA ll 22 .333 10
HIW '"'"' 11 Cllltlr'llMll, '''" kMrr'• lt-4t• Pllllalltlfll'lll '· "" ll'r1ncllco 1 H""' 'l'orfl: ).!, C.lift'11 .. 1-0 llitllftl• ..... ,,...., J &t111mer9 5, K-... (Uy f 14owltll .. Clllaloo s °"'911 I, M'"'-11 I l!. LOllll 6. kft ~ Walll11'1910111 ·~ Qlluft l>l •La Mt11t1 6. 'Plltl I O.•Wlnll ~ ~ ,.Ill , ... ,.. .. _ se.11i. ,, ....... AllMlll IN'-i,. .. fl It Monlru! (Gr•flf J..,i) ,...,,. .. ,.,.. °'""' ... -l(~ltcl No ta-ICl'lllluNlll, ,...,.'Ct.._ ,......,.,.._
'111 ........ 19 •t (Ill( 11. ftlf!hl o.troll 11 Ollcitfl, llflflt
11\onlrMI •I .... """'' ~ City 11 (11¥t1Mrij, 11lol'll "llltlM'tfl •I Uft OI-. ftltflt s.lltje ....... =... Ntht CMc-.. It 1M ...,...1 ... 1111111 M~ 11 .. l1 ftlfll SI. ~ It Sfl'I l'rtl!Cllca. ftltM o.ltllllcl II NIW Ytf'k. "lfihi °"'' fMllol ~ .... C.lltotrtle ,, ... fltelll
~885 1
Avatl1ble w/Automattc Transmlulon I
l r-::-::-:--::-:-:--::::'.'.'"'C'.".''.'.".:"'-i l ) aOLD SIAL US1D CAU ~
(~rtllp111 I
11111 jl 111 I 'I
'4&-'401 M0-17'4
A-laortl Me e AUSTIN·HIALIT DMlw
A-laortl l'llltAll D-. Wea A Ser.fee
Indy fas
i!<DIA.1W"OUI. I& fAPl ---· .... a J ' JllW IJ l 'Wj -·--_ .. ___ _
-. ... 1t.1tM
Ma!j '..ul
Coleman Heads Invitational High Hurdle Field ·
i.-OMm-.. ....._. .., .. ..,._, ,,_. r ''"· eie .._.Air -.1filleD1tenpcr-.the 5&ridenmllMl'td&c.oat
W..,!lC..tllttM<-__ _...,._.llllilil ------· ~ <* r ' , 1w • CIUblt .. kflltDS .. aMwlll
.... -11 • tn& -.., .. • ,•.,....., -llr 6o -<» 11 ,.... --· but be'• lot lho OhUdrtn1 Holpilal o1 Or•n ltJ County, -tlle.Jill« ...---.11o....,.ilio N ' ti; T • la -tr7lll '° -• ol IL And. Tl<kell, orlctd ot IU O nd .......... -.. •--•tllellb--lllloSbWtn; ... s..y, loo'll '9Jtra about lJ1o M fot lldulll ""II for lhe°'-~ -fit' -_..,..,. -.,._llC.u,.__. --llo ..-to """" ;'hlldron under II,.,. -"'
Jw M. It El Ne'•• ..... ~on.. .... WC; B ria • P''# ™. •Ormeec.mtJ"ao be a n MJltilthft Ci11Udren1li.otpltal, a ss 1tqw111., 0
, •ii • ....-S-"tftim; o.. taa '11111 Sid GWmao. the 11oe w, tatVi11 oranae, •nd !loo•••r-l mpr ••h1 -,_,. .. _,_,.., -.~-.no.. .-S fl tllo SU Dleao 1UMutualTlck1l Aatnclu.
,....._ ... ftuj ........ d.2ftlllrJtilme~nm-• x.m -ta Pldlit c..t aa ......
11 e.. CIJmllie Gool8 •-· ., -" ,. a 1
-<»: aa1 c.r., -a1111e Do• , rt -c1raftcd bi c:. , .. , .. ,. .. c...,1
'a ' ',.U: .Moaf ' S ....... -··~-·fl __ ., .. ,... .... loo Qty ... fall, .... almdy -.. Josi ..... "" .. !Ibid&:>. Ille a..,. -be wanU to ..... w ... , ....
.cfiDdleda.-•U..iatlle yes ........... , JS ' Al.Gfle edl .. ~nm lipwllbdmD.butbfbuhldlh Mlf.C:01011 ... 11 .. h~111 ... 1
J'kriia _. ~ W.Jlmt...llf"' ,,_. a.fmll• 1•• c ldllr: b t' • k•liDC wl PllM• 211i~11.0741 •
3 t--· ~ >'t't:.:~~4.":.~~ ~-fillolail '-ald"ll'a .::-...:: ::i;~ =-. "i: WI llom< tn Baton .~!!(! ~~.:..
' -ire. -Ilia -~ ~ • ti.. .... ••, --......... Md """ -.. sponsored by toU --1 .-•-•_:'~~~~~~~~'*"'-'_lillf..:.,_loe~---~-""~-Pat~---~-·--~"~"'...:.>~lltipa...:...._1Mt_,~lhe~S~1'~1~~~·~li~l~o~r n~l~1~!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!~~~ l 1Jt _____ _ .. ___ __
l b 0 ±dlal:I:• .... .,._ * °"'"""' , r-,._
'lllere'• ....... • ... ... a...Meuc.M9rJ ..... _ .... -
<8 f p ...... tire ..
...... • .... c1 -. .,.. -......... "'t't s ..-. -.. Mr prr, ,. la _. ~ die
ctl1Uf*'1'• decal om bis ear for
lhe ...... aliq -'""'"" • .-ioi..lheocmpaay
we bil namt.-far ~·' -
3 .Banquets
Set Tonight
Spriog _.. ....... -Q111i1 arc m tap um efminC r..-ar..,. ~ ....
-Dd lligb'• ......i
i_... booarmc lhe --ball, l>ostholl ad Ind< ......
will be beld 11 tho Gorda!
.&. Ottritt*"-_.,..
Charity Net Winners
1be -...... al Randy Claw ml Cal Cobail. aal Peg-
'1 GrzldilDow and Lf1"1
Raile:ltr' WDO tht Jn Tmnaa.
perpo!ml ...............
-~Goild-nil ~ al lhr Balioa
Bay cu.
The trophy is a• arded ~
m:Wty to ~ daut*!s-• iwww:!i '
-~ ..... 1111. c.._~ ...... -SJwl!W ...................... t.
~ -....... IMm -.... ~™ ........... ..,,: ..
1 ... L -Go pt •' -a.a-Y._; ........ -. Gnm m. Club•"'"· in lbe--cnnpiticign Tbt Gracmbl•·
~ ... ··--· -....... -..... , ....... • Estancia lligb School will 8-teamdefealed~
Smlfh ml 8""y young. Claw
ad CalWl ltCll'l)Oll Bnlc< Sny-
der ml Blaine Boyer.
·-~ ... "'~·· .. ,_,,.., .. __ _ . -.. Mmmillc ad Ind< ............ and 6eld athletts :al 1:31 in -~ ... _.,..DtwJ ....... l. -lhe -calaeria ud Coala
-Hlgb will lwJld • similar
, i_... "" 111 ""1mmillg
.. tan11 iD the Mela cafeteria at
Ult same Wm.
--°"'. ......... -~J+aell .. ,. .. 1
.,... ........ ...,_ !Ullifw......., ..
L •l.
.. -~..,... ...,_..._l H. ..
~l\nne111 AUTi)CENTER
i I ,
I !
Is that
tl1der the hood
the generator?
Maybe it is..
Maybe it isn't
. And maybe it's kind of foolish
to let the local garage spend a lot of time
(and a lot of your money), trying to find out.
Drive into Penneys Auto Diagnostic Testing Center.
In ,_than one hour, wa put your car through
a aeries of aclentiflc tests (212 of them, to be exact) that
pinpoint any existing problems -and warn of potential
ones. Steering. Engine. Brakes. Transmission.
Electrical and cooling and fuel and exhaust systems.
Expert analysis of everything from headlights to tailpipe.
You watch the results come out on an
electronic typewriter.
A skilled diagnostician goes over !"':~~
the report with you. If you wish, he'll
give you an estimate of any necessary
repairs. You'll be able to take care of small problems
now; before they develop into big problems costing big
And, If you wish, Penneys will make the rapalra-
qulckly, accurately, economically. Repairs that could
prevent a needless highway breakdown.
If you prefer, you can take the report anywhere
YoU Ilka.
The cost? Only 9.88.
Pretty reasonable for an analyst, thaa days.
I aierve 111 ....
II ..... """
11 "'!: .. :.:.:.-
,,,, ........
i•o• ,,,.., ... ,.._.,,..QQ
Hultllneton lch. .,.,,, __
GOl~NG ••• GOING •••
Guarantee. acainst trud wemut
II ~ tire wean Ol.t dLWin& the first half
of tt. ~ period. retwn it with
your ~ c.-tifi c:aU and Penney's
will rep!Ke JOU' tirw: with a "" ti~
cha!Iine )"OU ~ less than the current
sellitW price incluclirc federal Ucise
Tax:-if )'OUt tirw wun out durina the
&ea>nd ha lf, )OU Pll'I 2S~ kSS than the
c~ •llirw prim inciudinc federal
U:eise Tar.
Gu1nnte1 apinst f1ilur1
If we repl1ee the t ir• durinc the. i'r.
rep~ period, tlwe i• no dlllr&e;
if we ftPl•C:.t the tire after the tiff.
replacement pe&d, you pay ~ ot
25% ~· ttwn the current .ellina price
of the tire includina Fedmt Excise Tix.
tommtrcill Un
This iuarante. i• void where passena:tr
tires are used on tnJcU. used fol' busi· ness. or driven G;'lel" 30,000 miles in one ,..,.
HeN'• Mw your gl.Nlrantff
. ..-illlf failur11 works: f,.,,,. guororttflo ,...kid .••.• 10 ~
Fr-. r•JMoc11t11nt period .•• t. \! wrN
~ off psriod .• , • , , , •• 16-23 _,tht,
2!% off period ••••••••• 2"-JO~
FREE tiro rolation .,.,..., 5,000 milesl
FRIE punmn repair for lifo of lr9adf
FRIE tire mounli"lll
' $
pM hd. ... ...., old .... -6Sll-13
lllcrck tube'-
Orig. .........
17.95 1.79
19.95 1.94
19.95 1.96
p1 .. hd. ... and old fi,.
735-14 ns.14 ns.1s
llack tvb1lm
Orit. ,..._tax
21 .95 2.07
23.95 2.20
23.95 2.21
p1 .......... ond old ~ ..
855-1 4
lllcrck tubel-Orit. feel. tax
25.95 2.36
27.95 2 . .57
25.95 2.38
27 .95 :l..57
""" .... ,.., .... .w ,;,.
Sin CWW1....i11 Orif. ~ hcl. ta ~ts ... .,, :ii.ts '2' 2.11
Did you know Jhat improper VthHI ~li~nmenl
..,. con cut t~• life of your tires in half? let our
·, expert service special ists odd life to your tirell
. ··;, snv1a INCLUDES: Export whHI •fig,,.
, . ~ mont, 4 wheels ~l1ncod, 5 whHls n>tahd,
~.-..;:; ~ _ ~xpert ~ako od1ustmen1, complolt pit boss ~~~~-.. ~-' 1nspect1on.
DAILY l'tLll'
~ 9 Wind1 Whips Rock Racers . ~
•AP .... O
IN•URANCE Harbor Boats Battered Aft,er Calm Weatlier Start
for 5peciol
yotlr Fomily
Auto lrisurance
" Bob Paley
ond Aaoclolol
474 E. 17th St.
. If y .. •,. • dt•rl' tr141r, •••
Dl!MoA-U111 cl1111fJM 141 ·
Sahnlrtt. MeR 1 t..tt.f .. ,.1, ••• wti.tller .,...,. llwl111 .I
!h1 DAILY PILOTS ~•-111 .. 111.,.
Save s 40! ·Sears
Get Ready For A Hot Summer Ahead!
Regular $249.95
209 8~
Ali< ahoal s....
°""mien! Credit PllM
• Rully C<11Dp1Ct ••• 2'4·in, leas
in depth than aiiy other Sears
• Fits anualy under ·d 11 h for smart oppearance ond ,,..ter
lei' .room
• Cluoie block cros•·i>odded, iii• cut bezel·
• Fully receand contrail for ad· '
ded aafety
• 3 four~way adju1tabl1 louvers
and 2 revolvinr aide louven for
wider ranr• of air dilltribution
throurhout the car
• Hirh capacity unit for quick
• 3-lpeed control aut.matie ther-
moalat, dual blow.,, wh,.la for
muimum efficiency
Expert IM1allatloe A nillble
Heavy Duty
VYC Race
Races Set
Padllc Southweat Cham·
plonablpa for the Columbl.eo
c:Joa will be lllled June 7.S
with Del Rey Yacht Club, IS
Uf'fT .....
Sailing on Frisco Bay
Bris~ wir}.ds , Itloderate swells and ~ Francisco's famed FeITY Building fram-
ed between taught sails fonn the ingredielltl of a =! picture as Jaclc
Cryer's Helen Too sails pest the San Francisco wate in Oakland Yacllt
Club's opening day regatta.
Boat Gets
New Skipper
Reagan's Plan Perils
Boating in California
In Victory Gov. llooald Reagan's ·wbenboat1qtnColll01111a-wu
Reorganiu.tlon Plan No. 2, of of aecoodary concern at beat. Ken Cniaa of Uis Angeles • Yacht Club is new to the Cal-1989 -recenUy submitted to The pernor'1 plan II to
40 roster, but~ boat be was the · Calltomla Legislature, transfe.r boat re&l*atlon to
salling Saturday and SUnday is threatens a serious setback for the Department ot' Mot.or
a veteran. pleasure boating in the state. Vehicles and give the barlM:ll
New skipper Croan and The plan calla for converting of riluge procram to a new.
veteran Cal-40 Holiday Too the Department of Harbors agency.
Sunday won the national and Watercraft, the stale Who would be responsible
championship of the class In a boating qency, into a Deparl· for bolling Nfety 11 the slate
rugged three-race rqatta In ment o1 Navlplion and Ocean level ii not speJled oul.
Los Angelea Harbor. Croan Development where pr1mory Also Ignored are the .II!'
sailed Holiday Too to 1 2· 1-3 emphulJ would be o n terests of 1nland boltln&p
rocord for 51'< points, beating oceanolll'aphic activlU... evidenced by the fact tba•
A 'total, of three nces are
scheduled -the flrst · · on
Salurday'witb starting guns at
noon -and . two on SUnday
. startlnC at 11 a.m.
·.13 rtvala for the Utle. Au th or 1 t y a n d membenhlp on the Naviption
Holiday Too was fonnerly r~b1lltlu for boating and Ocean Development Com-
champion of the fleet wben lt now larply consolidated in mlaslon would be detennm.i
wu OW1led by Robert. M. Allan oi\e department would be primlrlly by IOOl!l'lphic loili-divtded between varloul state UM and expert-related-lo Jr. ol Newport ·Buch. ageoclu with other lblnp to major oceonognphic octlV!·
A skippers moetlnf will be
held 5a1urday momln& 119:30
a.m. atUie DRYC dubbouoe.
Secood In tbla yeor',1 dwn-do -I lllrowbocl: to the time tiea ~Olllbip ~~ WU Harry-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Molosbco'a Gypay fnlm Loq ol
A Dell DIDlberin& 'IS to IO
boats ii espected. Race
cbolrman ii Dove F-.
Ocean Racmg
Yachts to Sail
Beocb 'Y'!"hl Club, and third
wu ,the defender, Art
Walker'• Tetua, Cab r 111 o
Beach ¥ acbt Club.
The oceon Rocinc Cillo To Receive ·
(CCA handlclP) ii ICbedli1ed . '
~-~S!mda~·~ New Names Newport Harhor Yacl!t Club'• •
Opening Day roce. · : MIAMI (UPI) -·,The U.S.
Other clauu, •tarilnl . at ·weather Bureau. ls 1o1nK. to
five-minute intmall ·will 'be live hurricane biltorl1111 a
the Pacific Hindlcap RacJnc 6reak and stOp dupllcallq
Fleet and the M&daet Ocean names · of klller stomui like llaclni Fleet'in Uiai"order. Cleo, Betsy and Donoa tbla
The II.I mlil roce will end hurricane awon. •
11 the Newport Plef. Hurr!Cane speclllilt Nell
The race ii open to all Frank ;'at· the National Hur.
yachts whole ownen are af. rlcane Center says the idea to
fillated with club.41 of· the set up a new roster of names
Southern Calilornia Yachting when the storm season starts
Association, and which have June 1 "is partly psychologicaJ
valid ·handicap certlflcates. and partly to ellminate con-
Entries (or the race must be fusl~."
filed at NHYC by 5 p.m. Fri· Whole . the 11169 rooter of di names 1s now new, Frank
Y • noted none of. them ever bad
Lehman Sailors
Begm Season
become storm centers before.
The storms ot the 1989
season will be named, Anna,
Blanche, Carol, Debbie, Eve,
Francelia, Gerda, Holly, Inea,
Jenny, Kara, Laurie, Martha
Lehman-12 diJ>ihy aldppers Netty, Orva. Pew, Rhoda.
will belfn their aeuon of com· Sadie, Tanya, VIJ'IY and w ...
petltlon Sonday with their an· dy • null team race out of Newport---------
llorbor 'l'acbt Club. Nearly Everyone
The Lehman-12 ii one ol the
~Idell racln1 diqby cluoes In
Nowport Harbor, attracting
101D1 al the top aklppera ot
2 -for -1 Day
8•t two r•••"-' •••t tlck•h for the SuMl•v •fMrMM, J111t 1,
Aftt•I•. vi. Ori•le1 t•m•. 1t A11tft.lin StMl•M hr tM MtM•f
·;rlc• •f •"•ticket, lluy e11e; '-DAILY PILOT t lw.t .,., •~( . .
• •' • ..,... nclnl and Jorier one·
to Landers . . . ' . ' Ye1 CCIII 'Mllt'l'C Cll •lltlr• t•Ctitfl er fulf twe t•th. ... fef.,..,
l ·oaa
• Exlnl B~ • DoUlo U,...
• Wllllper-Qtdet
• ilpta Riot • J'all. ......
or ~Ul' Money Back Sears Shop louay tU. ~---9:30 A.JJ. to 9:30 P.I.
DAU, IODl7Clt A11D CO.
Jl•riV +.f•th•r 11•• •Ml t111il 111 thf enl•i' til111k Ml_,-wltli •M•lr
., ..,...., enl..-lfle ctlh. Jll••J•) 1"4 '"'""' D1tcHl11e f.t ff•ht
, .nier. 11 M1y 20.
I cu,.w .... : .... ~._,...., ... , I ._,_..,
I --~.... I ·c;o,__..,..
I Ill ....... -• .i::-M--· t2W I
.I 1 ........ """' I ....... -·········· .... -.................................................. -
1. ,,,... .............................. -----------............. I I CllY .................................. :.-.......................... _. I
I ......................................... ~ .............. -.......... I
I ,Wlllt ........ , ......... ,........ ................. I ........ """l Mlelll .... cir.. ................... -.,,.,
Mell t~lt IVl'dlltM. .I wlfl ~ lfl .. 1 ........ '""""' .. DAILY l"ILOt. I Mnf ... /It.A IC~-1 ......_ ......... •
I ................ I""'"" .. ,....,. wlll .. -.. """ ..... I I Vllftnlltlf tlltN C... M M WCMllll If I lt!W ._. fl ,.,..... "'*'• tltkc!-. /
L -- ---...... ---_I
·-·-·--- -----___._ --·---------, -.
: I
I ,
· l
-----, -
-.. '!a 19, 1 ...
, .
Coal Makes It Cool, Clear ·
A __ •:e&rJ ct.a1 traveler· would raw water caa J''J>er'c.Ulte"'~ tbe
haft -Ubly been disappolnled bid coal bed much ~ rljlldly tlliD w•
Iii -w-In thooe barr<n waste&. possible lhroogh• ll>e beds compoood u·
• • 6 .. • .. • • -._.., .
t--:-1:2-•·-1rWoold1>aV<1>e.,nnythln(,--cl05!••1r•tu111hnd .,...i. -·---R~~,:..Oli'
!!"'cool ad cllor. The same lilln!llaa -wmJ>e us-
-Is Ille ,,.lore of water -easily ed al the Balbol ~ Pllol now.
p+•wl, Oo.....r 'by its env-1 -bein( buJlt In the S.. Femmdo Valley.
1111& u -Ulllaliy be "cl<aned" by m&n This plul wlD -·-from WWt H 11.-1. Nortl>ern Call/Grlila , wbldt will be
TO -..iy filter waler from the disQibuled lo MWD -~ ~Rh>~. the Meln>polilu Water sladin( In Im.
DWrtd la now U!lllling a ' substance Diltrid eqirwn art al!ID·•••kl«'lnl
_...,, 1ililllu>s of yean old -..,. of alterillg MWD's F. E. w.,-i.
the botl ...,al filtering substances Memorial Softeninr and•Flltnlion PW,t
L---.A .... ~ .. _ ,A~A-at La Verne to accommodate .the;coal ~· w --· * ~-filtratlOll lecbnique ~Before..~•~ nows from m;w !ilte.r "n>e .~: granu)aied coal ar-l<do ol'Mwll s !l-.,B.,Dlem<t' Filtra-rived in Y-Lin d a from
tion:.'Ptant near Yorba Linda, much of" It Pennsylvania's coal!.flcb mlDes In 34
pulllfS ~ a thick bed of gravel, heavily·Jaden railroad. can. District
llDd and anthracite coal, an extremely workers-then,.tranlff.rred the 1,211-toii
~ form of coal that is nearly pure load to the Diemer facility via -dump
carbon. • trucks.
Filtration is the last st.ep in the treat-
ment proCe8s which removes dirt and
6ttier sllspended matter, resulting In a
clei.r, clean supply of water.
Since the hard granules are literally
'~-free, no discoloration of UJe water
lMl:aHation. ol the coal into the new
filter beds at the Diemer plant signalled
the wdficia.l compleUon of the district's
$11 mil.lion · erpansion program at that
ftcllity and marks the first time the
granulated anthracite has been used to
fther "dlstrict 'COiorado River water.
' It is.antidpated that the addition ol the
ant.lracite·coal to the·filter beds, will in-...,... lbe filtering . capaehy of Ille
Ili<mor ·facilily from ~ million' galloN
ti waler •·day (mgd) 14 nearly llOO mdg.
This, aaya A. E. "Gene" Bowers,
superintendent o( t h e plant, is because
! 1 • •
Once at the. site, ~ ,coal ~as duqlp\Jd
al the base of a hydraulic pwnp, 14 which
a five:.iilch hOse" Wp attached. 1'he coal
coursed through the hose, over filter
beds and through an enclosed mainte-
nance facility.
From , there. h spewed into the· waler-
f illed bed 14 aiol: and S<ltle on the existing
blanket of gravel and sand. Natural
water movement. distributed it evenly
lhroogbout the beds.
Two to four bow"s were requfred to fill
each of 411 filter beds at the plant.
The coal·filtered water, upon its release
from the Diemer plant, is then
diltribuled in Orqe CoUnty · ahd
ooulhem-.Los ,Angeles County ·lo MWD 'mimber ageocies served ·by lbe facilily
-cool, clear and lpOrkling pure, iull as
the sunburned 90ngstu must bavl! en-
visioned. ·
CHECKERllOARD·EFFECT -~ent Bowers .of the Jlob.irt
B. Diemer Filtration Plant strides O.er the filter beds. Installation of
HERE'S HOW IT'S DONE -Truckload of anthracite coal (photo I ) is
dum~.for dispersal by hydranlic pump al Robert B. Diemer Filtra-
tion Plant. Worker pushes this granulated coal into pump with aid of
fire· hose (photo 2). The coal then courses through hose from pump to
filter bed were workman guides its p,rogress (photo 3J. When the
coel broiigbt. the plant filtration capacity to 600 million galjons of water
!""' day. More than 2,200 tons of cOOI were used to fill 43 filter beds.
rock·hard substance reaches its final destination, it is "shot" into the
waiting water to settle in an even layer (photo 4) as Superintendent
Bowers watches. When settled, lhe pools at the plant (photo' 5) look
cool, clear and glassy and the plant is ready to effectiveJy filterWJLter
from the Colorado River -more than 600 million gallons per dia):.
. .
. ' ' f
HOUllS l'Olt SALi HOUSES FOil SALE ' . HOUSiS POil SALE , HOUSES FOil SALE HOUSIS FOR SALE . HOUSIS POil SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES POil SALi =;=:::.:.;:::;..::::.::;:.._.:.::::::.:::~==:::.::::.:_ HOUSES FOR SALE
,;o;;"';;..,;"';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1"°;; Gonorol 1llO 0.-al
IL..I......... ....... Who N ... It _ ..... , •• 111 ,.,...""' "" cwld -.. TIMFS UP
Ma~e Offer
1ooea..,..1 1llO Gonora1 1000 G.norol 1111-ol 1000 ti•I 10lf
DELUX DUPLEX ~~-~~~~-iiiiii~l ;~===PRICE=~~
$26,fSO .
,1 • ••••.•• , ••
* 60-lm Anytime*
Barrett Really . l
.present1 I
OF' BA Y-Oiffhaven.
Sheltered patio & en-
closed garden. 2 b(f.
tm• & den. Wel l
16'6 Westclill Qr,1NB 642-5200
--1"'4 It, -..... studio, omce or aueat apart..
ment. Thia room would be
perfect ,~ an accountant.
radio ~ model hullder,
tewinC roam, or mu.~ ~·•
ea. SUpet aharp cou.lition
l:broushout wltb 3 monater b<drooma, ., bWlt-in kltch.
en,., heavy ahakt root and
situated on a cboiCe, UM
lined eastalde ahftl Out ol 1Pt value a~ $34.500.
"For A Wille Buy"
Colesworlhy & Co.
$100 Tot•I Down Vetsl
· EA'STSIDE 4 Bedrooms 2 Baths
On be au t If ul Robinhood Jt'a hard to belk!ve, bUt th1a
PLM:e, a quiet · ·cuJ.<te-sac. SUPER SHARP 4 bedroom
Uniqo& A striking adult~ home is. • .ON CDRNER
cupied ·Paddock pool b:lme; LOT with room for boat or
$3.S. 750. trailer! 01zy U8ed brick
H ... -. ,,_beoutll\ll land· ....... '&-.-.. .._ with hllhl>' polished
Now· under construcUon
~.~theofc:: SEVEN CUSTOM HOMES home. You'll like lbe 1loor ·
•Ian. W)tb the.Isolated livllW from $28,575
....... tamll,y """" .. bla bdlms, Located ln MESA
VERDE on a. nice quiet
street with 1Cboo11 near by,
Eacrmv ill cloainc eoon on
new home so owner says
rlj:bt a~ le yau'll be able
to make a bl& savings. I..J.st.
~ed at $28.800, But '!'? '!'
Will be the pl who preskl-
es over this all electm kitchen with pink built.ms,
2 patios, brick lin!place,
kin&slzed muter bedroom
suite, double prage, and
much mpre -4 bedroom
priced at $24,500 FHA.VA
• Fireplaces
• 4 Large Bedrooms e VA & FHA Financing
•Wood Roofs
• 20 'Year Guarantee DishwasJ!ers
• Oversized Lots
• Roman T.ubs & Showen
•-In Prime Area e PLUS MUCH MORE
Yes, we hlYe 1 trlde·in program
for information call
1491 BAKElt STREET 546-4141
~~he,~~~.~= DON'T MISS THIS c:: PARK ment buy. Uppe't un1to,hu ~
1"' • &ood 2nd TD " """ •
cub tor the --~
Ex....U..tP! ..... = IOJ' It a rMl tine
4 BR'a, huac IMl'lfi roOrn,
balcony and unreatricted
Ww of ocean, Lower uhit
has 2 BR's, huae llvifW
room, P.fonthly ll'Olt ~ ..
Prlctd at only $f3,~-Call
the balance or thia huge M
lot. 310' deep, Live in the
ex1stin& home, 3 aR 2*
baths &: construct 5 m0tt
income producJnc-homes.
Call now for parUculars.
$28,950 F/P
(TRY 10"/o DOWN)
•• Victoria
missed the closeout ol RANCHO LA
CUESTA'S 3 other units , .•• DON'T
E~ succeeding unit COits more, so
talte advantage ol these prices. Come &
see our models on Brootburst at Atlanta
In Huntington Beach. There are 1 & 2
stories, 3 & 4 bedroom home• with 2 or
3 baths, Mission tile or shake roof. fire-
places, concrete driveways, heavy rough
cut beains. built-ins, lamlly rooms .I<
d)nlng room.<. Close lo Huntington state
Beach. Tbese beautiful hqmes are priced
from $24,995 to '34,200 with VA or Con-
ventional financing as low as 10% down.
No 2nd TDI at 7.2% Interest. Call
1168-2929 or visit any day 10 AM to 7 ~M.
borne on cul.,._c atrfft.
Full Price $25, 9~
.. }
. " -64<>111111
,... .. Bay. 2 BR, 'bi Cbannel Reef •own
attrf :Penthouse Apt.
Frplc, $02,500. 1
Ask for:
Chester Saliabury, Rltr. fl
$26,500.1001o Dn. TIREO OF TRACTS 315 -~
This home Is nnded unong TRY THIS DUPLEX·
other beautiful homes with FOR EFFECT Eut Colta flesa, 2 Bdrm.le
a 5% % FHA loan, P83'J1'lenta Open beam ceilin&:s, brick each ap~ C'i.I.'s no cul
1159 P•>,.11.3 BR lli·b&"" firepW)e, hardwood !loon, down. FHA tenm, Wcold eiJ
locl.ted •eut ot Tutin Ave. art studio or pest room ch&bce for l'UDerton.
l.al'ff living + tamDy room. added to the &an.re. ~ FORTIN a>. ,
with lllding . gla.a door to accellS, ivy entwined pa~o 17Ul-A Westcl.itf Dr., NB J FIREPLACE! Oob' 6 )'Sn &SC1·5llO old! ALL BUILT IN KrrOl. ~E Rl~ EN! 2 Car Garage! PWSH
, ..... ,QI. CARPETS & completely
a lee cov patio. Quiet street. -It's a o~l-a·kind m oo.am i ORANGE COUNTY'S ''A" F 1860 Newport Wvd., CM evuy way with an U5Um-
LARGESTrame Rltr. 64&J928 Evt, 644-l&;S able 6% GI b.n, low down Costa MIN 11 ..
293 E. )7th St., 646"'494 PARTY .POQL RAMBUN' u.;.,., 3 bdrm home with * LACHENMYER paymont • Run doo't walk --·-----~ -========I draped! Rear yard with Ii large patio area and extra HOUSE ROSE •hlmmorlng pool " plenty . to ,.. It. EASTSIDE-Cute little nndi
IT'S SUNSHINE !IME' Fantastic home.with IOl'R":· 5 apacioa,g bed1'JOlnl twin ofspaceforbadmlntoncourt s rm 2 ha.th home corner hou9e on 1'. acre. Loadl oC Blg.Fomlly "-
Just listed • 5 bdnu, 2900
sharp front landscapina!
$1100 down to an othen. 0r
aawne ~ FHA loan al
only $lil per month total
It's· Outdoors Tene ous pool a.nc1. patio area for baths and ari)'Olle, ~ u.. or prden. Vacant a: ready Jot ·J.30d80. add 's ·more pen:Nllty. ldtal fof
It's Buying Time the summertime parties. sume tbt low inWest loan for you. wdtl. Driw by 1545 Santa retired couple. ~
"" ft ~ "'!h -pool. Near Mesa Verde
Cl>ontry Qub, Owner ,,..,,._
femd • best otter.
Time to oeJeet .... ""' ABOOWl'ELY lmmuulo.lo .. si.% !Dial ......... ... Amolcl & Freud Ana Ave. -""' n•NG COUNTY'S .... .., units. u
d...., home NOW when ,.. In ... ..,, cletell. HUge wm. cl-tues of $134.00 lie• 388 E 17th st. CM ,.. I ll al"• O..,. E • at llT,500. CALL ..,.UD lectiom aft: in wide choice, dows ovel'-looking entertain. ttt than new cooditlcn.' new Realton: ' ' MS-'7155 • •atl a e ~ LARGEST (open eves} Hmtap: Red'
Walker & Lee with prices, temu A: fl119J1C. ment area. King-size muter CVJ>@ta, Just painted, remod-· 642-6560 m E. 17th St., 646-4494 Eatate ~
Ing in .the buyer's favor. room and bath with a "Jto. eled baths and alley accea
_ 000
zrnO Harbor Blvd. at Adams
" b Be iful 1 AD fo• ~.~. ~---ral 111110ft---r•I -Gener1I 1000General 1_ llllNlll• man tu . aut oca-"6' JUU --~ Hon. Room for boat or trail.
R E A L T y er i~ oveMized yard._ A must
20:25 W Balboa Blvd Balboe. a@e, $34,950. Submit )'Out · 675-6000 ·• .smaller home on our gUar· Open 'til 9 PM
$55,950 antee aale plan.
joh!I macnab 1--2·s11T•o·R·Y-·I WE SELL· A HOME
HIGH LIVING 6 Units Cl-In 5 BR 3 .. .,,, cyts/drpo, eloc-
Low in1.,...1: """'"• ,, .... ru1r • ..._Eves. 548-0120 Irie •uu1.1ns • ...i.. mot. Walker & Lee
ent 6.6% loan A: enjoy high .• Klr:lllllmy Near ALLCschools. $36,750, livin& in this spacious home innw Wells-Mc •rdle, Rltrs. 2043 westclitt Dr.
on comer -iat. 4 Bedrooms, I-~= 1810 Newport Blvd., C.M.. 646-1111 Open Eves.
3 -.. plus tamll,y room "' f BljO=RM,,,.$22~--""'=950~ I ~;;m""'zTl29=:;:anyt:;:lme==zl DON1 RfAD THIS formal·dinin:g room. 2 fue.. l' U.~ :ramnY 1·roo~ Cav-1 i
places. A new, custom home. . erect patio. Large yard. PENINSULA 'PT. YOU WON'T BELIEVE IT •
fl21'00. Wide concrete drive. Excel-Best value! 3 Br. home on Make Ull prove it EAST-
lent area. 546-1720 ~· lot Enjoy beach liv. SIDE CbsrA MF.SA. 1bret
(714) '42-123.1 TARBELL 295S Harbor '""· $42,r.oo Bed.......,, Dinlnr room plus
901 T'e:&;te 120 STEPS TO BEACH-B•lboa Re•I Est•t• Co. 20l24 recreation room with
_ A-Frame fiver-qpper; priced 700 E. BaJboa Blvd., Balboa Benjamin Franklin fireplace.
HAWAII HqTEL at $28,600. Bring offers! G73-4l40 Will ea1lly aecomooate pool
Bay view, ld.eal, for ffj..Rile. C•ywood Rlty 548-1290 s T p c table -slkiine elass doors 6306 w. eoa.t Hwy, NB TAR A KING k>patloandter&erearyard, hu bu/rest. $tiOO M, $1SOM TOD Two ,.--te ~-•--· dn. Liai9Dft Co, &IS-0132 otARGE your want ad now. MOVE AY, New redecor _.. -.---_;;=:;;:;;:==;;,;:===.:::======= Jn "' out, 3 BR 1Woc:r..t. ..... FUlL PRICE ONLY 15 x 25' liv rm. stone 1rplc, $22,500 • ·Aet Now before a
w/w cpts, drps, all bit-Ins, ~ beata you ID It!!
293 E. 17"' St. 646 14M
iRViNE cdvi -·-· lBedrnonual\la.tbo,
Den & formal c1inJJW: roam.
Expe~Yely d""""tod ....
in exclusive Intne oow; "
Just a few feet from
private community bee.ch. ,
... _, ,..... .. pool
Call: John Abell
Res, 67l-7385
NO MATTER hdwd ftrs. $23.-450.
PWC 546-5440
• $19,500
WHAT By Ivan Wells'. Unique 4 Move into thiJ large family
bdrms, 3 baths & family home t.oday! Close to shop.
room. Supero view. S77,450 2llL'-. ._ Plnir, achools and churches.
Roy J. W•rd Co. .,. This one won't last! $153
(Baycrest OUice) Evenings Call 568823 per month il>ClUiln taxn
1'30 Galaxy.. 646-l550 PANORAMIC and lnsurancel ONLY !700
IT IS e e e
Toi.al cash ~Ired. 4 BR 2 BATHS VIEW WE SELL A HOME
Family Room 21xll' of Catalina, San Clem<nt and EVERY 31 MINUTES
Ca<peh, d"'"'· •uu1.1ns. olmoot Hawau.ir ....... ,.. Wa Iker & Lee VA-FHA tenns available. lat and on1y four yean old,
DAVIDSON Realty :m~~ = 2043 WH!clllf Dr.
546-5460 Eves. 545-4941 area. It's a "must see" at 646-mt Open Ews.
NEW LISTING only $3T,r.oo.
Comna Highland" °"'8n FANTASTIC
view; 3 BR. 2 Ba. You own Mediterranean
the land. Full Price $44,000. • .,. ............ _ 4,t ..._ ... _ 1_
Corbll>Marlln, Rnltora • ~"• n ~••· ~··
Coast ORANGE COUNTY'S dining """"· ILO 3006 W. Hwy., CdM e Gourmet kitchen-family DAILY P J i~~n~~6?.>'-1662c~olon~I 1~ 293 E.L~!Gs~~~ rm. 6 -rm. • • 3 firepla.ces-pme room
For Fast Service &
Expert Assisl1nce
Garden puad.ise. Macrrlfl-. 2 1tailwaya
cent laDdscapltc. Firepll· • 31Ai Car prase, 3 patios,
BBQ. 3 baths. Family room, dog nm. Fee land
fonnal dinina room. All el~ Mary Lou Marlon
tric kitchen. 540-172o .......
TARBELL 2tS5 Harbor 3 bdrm.~.!'. Cotm-
BALBOA BAY PROP. "'" neor·..,u .....,,
Needs ............ , oll ,._ F1oo< plan bas ...... , .l.L .. ell •--L & (o
I. !Id t'-' Pl tr II Qul' ' """"' ' -· ' p ies con en ...... ease mas . 1u e. e., or-550 Newftftft Center Dr.
call: derly neighborhood. llS2 ,.._..
ART CJOVINETTI 673-742tl Madeira. $29,950 Ntwport ~!ch, C~llf.
lCll McFadden Pl .. Npt. Bch, ,.~
4 BEDR-US.SOO 17141 , 13U7'0 17141 644.WO
0wner transCerftd. 2 bl.tha.1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!II. i '""'"'~liif":'ijij~,..11 Red brick11rep1ace. -·1• $211,tsO. wow~
:t!;,'" r.!''=:·.: &:a~ UDO SANDS "Aooio Pie" -·· xi..~
540-1720 S BdnnL 2 Bal'bl ed bedrooms, mam. ldtch-
TARIELL 2955 H•rbor Community Pool. $21,000 :nd:::e • ~nn .~; 0..,. Wiiiiam-· • DIAL dftct 10-6r71.. Cmse REALTOR . Sprtnk)en, boat iate.
,.... ad, -"" bock and 613-43511 m."64 Eveo. 5«).ln! llften 1<> tho,-M>w! · TARBELL 2955 Harbo<
1000 -···
1000 -·I 1000GoMral
-• Not every pa11nter
·is :cin · artist. ,
Tho1• deli9htful and iotally uninhibit•d kind•r9erf•n pa inting$ thrill •ny p11r9tlt,
)-et th•y'r• 1dmltt•dly a fir cry frOm.,the work of a cli1ciplin•d1 11cllled artist.
And just 11 •v9ry painter i1 not an •rlist, n•ith•r i1 ev•ry real ••tat• brolc•r
e-R .. ltor®. A R•altor i1 th• "pro" of his prof .. 1iot1 •.• schooled, traln•d encl 'ell"•
perienced .•• he must qu1lify b•for• h• Is_ permittacl to u1~ th• word Rea~ ..
One• qualified, h• is plad9.d to • strict Cod• of Ethic1~wk.ich d1mancl1 of hii;n .
th• hi9h•1t profe11ional 1tandard1. , ,
Buyin9 and selling re1I propert~ 11 nOt 1 job for other then a rail r.rof•ss(onal..
For f11t, •fficitnt and compl.ttly 1ati1fyin9 rtal t1f1ie a11istenca, •ta R•1ltor
1erv• your •v•ry hom• l>uyi119 Or ••Kint need. look for the Rea ftor •mblom.
REALTOR WEEK -MAY 18 TO 24 • • . ' • + • •
lOIO --r•I llllo.n.ral
t'" • ' .,
_,It's R.ea.lto·r Week r , •• a time ••* e1id• •ach Y•" to focus 1tt•ntion on th• prof111ionelly qualifl•d'
p1nplfl wit. litt, 1all, rent, men19• aM •ppreis• ,.., property ••• the ftNl+or.
Wli•n you'buy or t•ll r•al pre.perty, you wlll 1lwe:r de bott•r by dolnt bu111'1tlt ..
with en· operiottetcl end qu•ftfitcl--m,•mh•r of yolW" Newport Herbof .. Co1t1 M•s•
...... .i llH!ten .
.. . ,,, ( . ....... .. '/ . -(. .
~loll" t ' • .. . ,
""'• .. " ...
• • • ·.
• • •
. \ -y-....,.,, 111J It, 1"9
Are You Letting Cash
Slip Through Your Fingers
See If You llave Any
Of These Things A
1. Stove
2. Gult1r
3. Biby ~rib
4. Eloctrlc SIW
s. C•mer•
7, Outt.o...! Motor
'· C-h, 10. Cl1rlnet
11. llefrftonhr
12. Pickup Trude
13. Sewlnt Mldllne
14. Surllloml
IS. Mldllne Toole
16. Dlohw1ohor
17. Puppy
IL C1bln CrulMr
19. Goll Carl
20. llromehlr
21. St.,., Colloctlon
22. Dinette Sot
23. Play .....
24. Bowling B•ll
25. W1te< Skl1
26. F ...... r
27. Sultc-
2L Clock
Will Sell Fast!
29. Blcyclo
30. Ty_,ite..
31. Bar Sl9ol1
32. Encyclopodl1
33. Vacvvm Cle1ner
34. Tropical Pl1h
35. Hot Rod Equlpm'I
36. Fiia Cabinet
37. Goll Clubo
31. Shrllng Sliver
39. Vlclorl1n Mirror
40. Bedroom Sot
41. Sllcla Prollclor
42. Lown Me)nr ·
43. Pool T1blo
44. Tlr•
45. Plano
46. Fur Coit
47. DrapOI
41. LI...,
49. Hor.,
50. Alrpl1no
SI. Organ
52. Ex1rcycf1
53. R1ro Boob
54. Ski Booto
55. High Chair
56. Coln1
57. Electric Tr1ln
51. Kiiton
59. CIOlllc Aul9
60. CoffM T1blo
61 , Molorcrclo
62. Acconllon
63. Skl1
64. TV Sot .
65. Workllonch
66. Diamond Watch
67. G .. Ki rl
61. Ironer
69. C1mplnt Trtllor
70. Antique l'urnltvro
71. Topo lloconlor
72. Sollbolt
73. Sporfl Car.
74. Matt-. Bn Spp
75. lnboml '""""°" 76. Shotgun n. Saddle .
71. Dari Gomo
79. Punchlnt Bog
IO. Baby Corri ...
11 . Drumo
12. Rlflo
13. D•k ·
U . SCUBA Goar
These or any other extra things around the house lllCIJ
be tumid Into cash wlttl a
so ...
Don't Just Sit There!
Get In On ihe Adion T oclay!
I .
.. •
HOUSIS FOii SALi l;IOUSES FOil SALi. HOUSIS POl SALi ti~ Unlumllhool ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_j ;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;';;;';;'°;I ;;••;'bl;;ul;;f;;;;.;;;;;12;4~2 I Huntl.,... _., 1400 ~---1100 -' ,-;;;:;:;'::.' =;;:... __ _
lllr11/f111/Pool "Pick el tho LI-" Ll~..,"'':,,C.rty FREI llNTAL
Phono Anytimo
546-2313 • "46-7171
Popular model with ex. tra large family room
& separate living room.
Carpets • dr&pea • de-
luxe covere4 pa t:lo -Great 1ocation for kids
and pets -$26,950 -
You set the terms.
For r eal bargain · huttt-
ers. This is a choie. East.side locauon. Bll'
R-2 lot with clean ~
Bdrm home at rear of Jot -at this priCfl the
home Js practically free.
Wllld\_,...,.ottertor Owner.::-:... 111.n. SELL with P,.,_ SaYICE
• -3 BR, ~" ....... -l•loly 3 BB: 2 .... 1lon1I aklll !or ....,.p1a. a --' holne wl1h tam ma, and 1 dbl patio, bast loc. Jow.•t THROUGH b&lhJ 1225.00 per mo. Cll ~ P90I 11 • prloo ma!ntenance1e<a1euehold YOUR
you wW -balleV<. avail. Coll -own/bkr. REALTOR MEMBER
IURc:i ~'fT;'Rltr .mE BLUFFS • Fuh-bl< Huntlnefon Baach(
290J. Newport wvd .. N.B. condo. ~ 111.ory, .. BDllM, 2 Fount•ln v.1 .. y
67.._ lvu, 6~ b&th; Ml> cupei.d I< drag. Llatlng Sorvlco
• tAROl!ST , :m E. 17th Sf.'.646 l4M
~ $33,000. Call aft 6 pm I< BRADY 2 BR: g.,..., patio: <t>ll: ..,..,..~!!"!!~!!!!0.,..,. I "'· l'lple Pool, patio, .,.,,, 8
VA . FHA '-=wlmd=='·=-;;,;::""====' I REAL TORS mp,, •taw, ,.rr;g. n.plcal $20 950 1 • settl.na: tor &4ulta. 1 Rik to
I Corona del Mir 1250 15970 Sprlngd•lo St. shops. $160. 514-mO
1 Huntington Beach 3 BR. den, 2 BA. Crpts, drp1,
POOL - 3 lldrm ! Fam rm. D'UPLEX 19J.8533 blw, frplo. ,...,. w.;. __ ,_ 'Rets. 642-1061 •
$130/mo , ~ an -Y.4 % Int Conveniently located: 2 BR. GLENMAR home, 2 atory, 3 I
Rond Ro~lty '45-2340 home, lrpl., t.m. ""' klld>. BR. r.m nn. 2 balh l'OOL.1.N;;•;w;:po;;rl:;Bl;;;•;•h;;;;;;;32;;;00;;, I TWO STO~Y :l!OQ tit" ft. 5 plus a fully tum. l Br. apt. Frplc. patio, new paint ln-111-
bedroom11 -5% % IO&n -ex-145,900. aid~. $33,950. 962.-2008 aft 6 I
lstlng loan $218/montb Orantt c .. 11 Proporly PM B/B I
total-NI . prke. 136,950. 332 Ma111Uen1o m8S50 TOWNHOUSE
CALL 540--1151 (open eves) Huntlnlfeln SPL.rl'·LEVEL 3 Bdrm, 2
llerltage Real Eatate BEfi BUY Harbour 1405 bath Unit. Faces p.o 9 I,
BY Owner. Halecrest 3 BR, . IRVINE TERRACE WATERFRONT_ by owner. 1.-arpets, drapes, f1ttplact,
1% BA. Patio, firtoplace. Irnmac. 2 &: den or 3 Bdrm., 4 BR. • 2 BA .• dock, 55, on elec bit-ins, $265/mo. 4~% Int. 3001 Murray 2~ be.'1., just reduced to -
Lane I<! • ~· S39 500 water enclosed patio $74,500. . · ...... u7 , Also 60, on main channel 2 BDRM, 2 badu!i, new ca.r-
OWNER-3·Br, 2 b&..quiet E-DeLency Real Estate. •-·· 3 Br 3 Ba -'--k peta, newly painted, adulta
side. Li yrd w/ truit trees, 2828 E, Coast HW)', CdM., iii .. fooo. ~er 1~a:op. ,onlyPle$::S:~-~~ ••-. ~ .. flowen.nlce · lndacp'g, HW 6'1}37'l0 · ~ ~ -.... "'"" .. u-. ,. ~
"''"· -' Bay & IHch f.ln. $2.1,900-lo dn. Kl 9-0535 ·SHORECUFF 3 BR, 2 BA.
3 BR. 2 Ba. Pacesetter, new-Quiet tree lined area by the Garden Grove 1475 R lty I -11 2 u,nc. ly deeorated inlide. By sea. " -11 mp e. AooeJI to 901 Do D NB Sull 126 owner, prin only, $33,750. b@acbes. Under $50,000. By BY Owner -3 Br, 1% ha, ver r., e
54G-46Sl • owner. 673-3681 irpl, patio. sax>o dn, $157 mo 645-2IXXI Ews, ~
;iBC;;Y'-;o"WNER""°"'"'•=aa"""Ho"'m-es-. ,,,_·I ;;155.'10oooiii'":.:-i<ro;<"<:", >0oo;;;;;wn:-,--..61>:ui% ~tract. FHA-GI ok. 3 BR. duplex; 2 bu., bltm,
E. side, 2-W. side. Very 1rg Interest 2 Houses, R...2 So. dshwshr., new paint, cpbl. il
tranaterable loans 5%-6~%. cl Highway. 675-6044 Bkr. H I 1700 drps. Nr. beach. Year be. L•gun• i 11 Need cash. 548-mi9 CHARMNIG Duplex en dbl 1--=--------$230. 540-7573 MESA DEL MAR 11 ::::::::::::::::=::::;::::== tot, So. ol Hwy. Owner. AIR-O>nd. s BR. pluo bo..,\=======I 5 BEDROOMS Mou dol M1r 1105 158•500• 673-4169 nn. $34,500; "' he/option. Newport Holght1 3210 Bkr. 675-6591; 494-1161 eve I...,-'---"-'---' ~e 'i!:an:t· to:e:=~ 2 S'IORY 5 BDRM, 3.Bath!. B.•lboa Penln1ur1 1300 . N'Pl'. Hghts., 2 Bdrm., cpt.,
All tl1e kitchen with W4tar sottel)el', elec bltna, \ ;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.\ :L;:::;;:::-;Bu;::~h;:---;1;700<5 new p&int. cusl drpt. nice
elttlric built-Ina. Room oovered patio. Walk to all INVESTMENT WISE •run• c garden. $180. Adu Ir•.
for boat or. trailer. Look~ schls. Priced below market We have 4 cboiee duplexes Income Unit1 548-9536
Ing for 2300 sq. ft. that value. By owner. 546-5492 from $2.1,000 ta $56,900 fur a H d S i I l========.-1 sparkles? -Thia is it &ood Investment and tax ad. an ym•n pee 1 1 Newport Shor• 3220 at $37,950, try 10% Meta Van:t. , lllO Loe. on Oceanaide .of Hwy, ====="-.....;.= down. van•. Oill us. 150 yds from Beach. 4 Jge 3 BDRM, 2 Bath, sundeek
·Artistic brick work
makes thls 3 bdrm., 2
bath the most attrac-
tive home in the area. Must see outdoor cover-
ed entertainment area
with gas BBQ. Room for
boats or campers + 2 cer aaraae $33,950 -
10% down.
The landlcaplng, color
scheme and architecture
of this 3 BR. fam rm.,
2 bath home bu a hint ot the beach. A 20x20
rumpu1 room. A city
par~ in the back YIU'd
Stow traffic street. No
down V.A., low down
FHA. $26,950.
3 Bdrms + Din.
Dell&btful 3 bedroom A
dlnlni room. 2 rdce
batht, refrigerator and &ll built· ina included.
Work free in every way.
$18,950 -$900 down
FHA tenns.
: DOWN •
ts1s9.62 per mo n th pays all on this clean
3 Bdrm. home on tree
lined street. -The
ot is extra large. -
Better see it now. .................
Have you wanted a sep-
arate ..ving for teen-
agers? -5 big bed-
room• • Dining room or
dl.'n • Thill functional de-
sign, rear entnl.n~ to
Baycrcst, \Yill fill your
desires -$41,:500 geems
so little for so much.
Phone now for showing.
Sparkling clean 3 bed-
room or 2 and den home
In dandy Eastside loca-tion. Just a few steps
from schools and sholl"
plna:. $24.500 -Let's
talk term•.
The talk or the town. 3
bedrooms, 2 bft.ths, big
2 car garage, new car-
pets. Qulet no traffic
street. -No down VA
or FHA terms avaUable.
Home and income too I
2 Bedroom completely
remodeled + 1 bedroom rmtal furnished. Large
lot -New drl~'9.Y. Newport Heights area.
$29,950, try 10% down.
2790 Harbor Blvd.
1700 Nowport Blvd.
II 17th St .
646-7171 °"" lnttlnt• 'tll f p.nt.
. .
*BARGAIN! Mesa Verde,
choice Joe. 3 Br, llh Ba. Im·
maculate! Leaving U.S.-
must sell. Buy direct from
own.er new & · save $. 545-3008 .
4 BR PAC~E:ITER on lrg,
quiet oorner lot. Rm for
boat, trlr, etc. Lota ct Palos
Verde stone. Mwit 1ee!
$35,900 * 546-0353
Nowporl Boach 1200
Manqement Trainees
Part or full time, age 19.35
$3.30 ·HOUR
MR HAWK 547-77112
And oot all HERS! 21 Ft.
of walk-in wardrobe leaves
spa~ for Dad H you can
tear him away from the·wet
bar in the oversize den; even
HIS & HERS bdrm1. it the
kids are grown. Deluxe
appt'.i. thruout. A buy at
:~/4_, good ~neral cleanup. J>O.. lse. Avail immed. SC-.ll16 ~ Apt. units, needs paint & Walk fl:I beacb. Pooll. $21S •
--·............. TENTIAL INCOME EX.. or 96MOOf
Near NB Pest Ole. 646-2414 LY. Price ;69,950. W.:.:Ol::;t:.:c::;ll;.:ff ___ .....;.3::;2::;30;I MISSION REALTY 494-0T.ll -
LARGE LOT, PENIN PI'. !85 So. Coast, Laguna LEASE w/ option f BR. 2"
Three & family room LOVELY l 'ii BR, fully furn. baths. Pool. Refs.
2 BA. 2 fireplacrs. So. Laguna-Ocean v u , * 548-!MTI *
$59,500. Frplt, aecluded p a t I o ' E11t Bluff 3242 Immediate occupancy sundeck. Walk to bch & -------"'--I
BETIT DAVISON ahops. Wood paneling-beam BEAUTIFUL 4 BR, tam nn,
Shore Properties celllngs. $23,900. Call collect lease. S385 month. Avail
673-9060 675-3658 213: 254-2394 June 15 6"-0783 ~'
OONTEMPORARY 2 Bdnn, 0 Lido l1le 1351 2 Ba, convt den, excel cond, Corona del Mar
Very attt·. 3 Br. & 2 Ba.
home on street-t<Mtreet lot.
Beam cell's., sep, din. area,
3400 Via Lido 673-8830
4 BR + maids, southern ex.
posure, pier & &lip for lge
boat. Z.story w/view b'om
masttt BR. Call for appt.
Walker Rlty 675-5200
beaut prden, patio. One of
Monarch Ba,y's finest. Save CHARMING :<! ~R. crpl!i,
thoU!.CU'lds buy direct from drps, stove, refr1g. July 1st
owner at $65 000. 499-2349 yrly lse. Married cple. $215. • 673-2667 SUPERB view, newer l"l.l!lt. 3 -"°"-,--,=,...,.,---I Br. Sale or exchange, Unfurn 2 BR, 2 ht
$15,000 equity. 6 7 5-6 5 91; $250.
494-7161 Res. Clevidence, Bkr. 675-«lf4
VIEW M......, Bay home, < H I IN h ••-BR,· 2 BA, ifullna: rm, family unt ngton c . -
rm. Owner, 499-3411 2 BDRM, convert den. 2 ba,
$35,CXXJ DUPLEX, 2 and J garden room, ~Jee kltch.
BR, view, just remodeled, Water softentt, garage dr
pvt, wild kltcll_ena! 494-97"8 opener. frplc. 962--m&
Apartments Sant• AM , 3610
For Sile 1980 IMMAC 3 Br., 1 Ba. Xlnt H•I Plnchin & A11oc. 3900 E, Coast Hwy. 675-4392 Huntington Buch 1400 6 UNIT apt house, 2 mo old. neighborhood, nr. S. C .
Gron $900 per month. Con-Plaza.i L!e $250, A I t . NEWPDRT TOWERS $20,950 FULL PRICE tact Dave at 64.>1251.. 1,-:=,;0067=======! Landmark of the Newport 4 Bedrooms, 2 full baths.
Skyline, 8 1tnries Ot breath. PIU5h carpets & d r a p e a RENTAL$ L•gune Nlguel 3707
taking bay & ocean viewing throughout. Double Garage, Hou111 Furnished
from luxurtom 2 BR, 2 BA, CuI-de·sac street. Walk to --------EXEC residence • 3 Br. 2
all dee apu, 2 High.speed gchooJs, GI oo cash needed. Gener1I 2000 Ba.. bltns, d • h w hr ,
elevators, 1ubterrancan & $100 Deposit refundable or • crpt/drp. Beaut view $300.
top deck parking. Thcrapeu. take over 514% FHA loan $310. 2 BR, den, 1%. ba, 3 mo. 836-5750, 542-1215
tic pool & boat docks. Open with payment of $124 per old. Nicely furn. Children &:
daily. Sa.le or lease. 3121 w. monlh. pets welcome. Bkr. 5.34-6980 ~ENTALS
Coast Highway, TI4: 642·2202 WE SELL A HOME $300. 3 BR, 2\i ba. Condo. Apt1. Fumlthed
BY Owner; 4 Br., jw;t EVERY 31 MINUTES ~~~r c~~~d~ & petl 0.K. General 4000
redecorated home. in choice w I k & L ~ Newport Height• toe. Mam· a er ee HOLIDAY P!.AZA
moth front yard, open beam Rentals to Sha re 2005 DELUXE, spacious !-Bdrm.
ceilings, new carpets, paint 7682 Edinger MALE 19-25 ted t ha Furn. apt. $135 Plus util.
& drapes. Incl. matched 842.4455 er 540-5140 . \van ° 1 re Heated pool, Ample parking
stove & refrig. Needs only ___ o~"'~"-E~v~'~'·--nice house CdM for Suni-No children -No pets
simple exterior painting. $14,000 mer. Ca.II tiT:>--l 77l 1965 Pomona, crvr
Xlnt lnvelltment at $26,90J. Lovely 2 BR honie, electric $1~ Nat~onal Roomate $110. 1 BR, w/w, pool close
64&-0789 built-In range, oven, C.Over. Hi Rent' Share! 67J.ll6S to beach. Broker 534-6980
V·1ew Lot ed patio with BBQ. com-Newport Beach 2200 $130. 1 BR upper, Avail. now. plelely fenced & land.!lcap. i ---------Util. paid. Broker 53'-6980
ed. double garage & boat DOVER Shot:es b a y r r 0 n t
door, quiet Street. Carpe!~ home. 6 Br, 4 Ba. la""c ~C;;.••o.:l.::.•.:.M;.;-=---'4;..:1::;0001 "'ilh new 4 bedroom 3 bath •-d 11·-d t ·• "" rapes. -......., n. pymn patio, 70' private dock. + room for tennls court, to $139 per month incl. tax· $1500. mo. on yrly lse, $27 .50 wk. Up
pool, boats & trailer. es. 213/780-5013 or 213/785-&33. • D k th Delta Real Estate 646-4414 ay, wee , mon .
l 4 BR 3 bath •pt•/d-bit e Studio Ii: Bach. Apts.
VACANCY PROOF J lf_.i.fiil., mg ins, trplc., 2 ~ar ~. j e Incl Utila & Phcne serv,
DUPLEX • cloae to ocean, T'!!imnl block to ocean. 642-3242 • Maid Service. 'IV avail.
shopping, 2 bdmu. each, _"'=""""'=-~~--=====-""-""==-! e New Cafe & Bar
xlnt cond. Patio, sundedt, AU The Extras Coron• del M.r 2250 237' Newport Blvd. 5Cl-9755
oversize gar. S40,!Kll Furn. Fine · Fi""' Poln'-1-•Uon. ?tlOD ttracti R. c. GREER. Realty .... ~ ........ 2 BR. 2 Ba. 2-Story a ve u Pee r
3355 Via Lido "~"" Lots of added -·-te M spacious 2 BR, ..,. w/w, ti73-~ ......... ,., • •·-$250 Mo. New Carpel.I, d du!._ .. ,...., ~ _.,_
gantJc covered patio, Gar. 514 Fttnleaf. 675-0044 Bkr. rps. 8 ""' .............. ,,..,,.. 2
BEAUTIFUL home in the d!l'n tool house. ALL for ,::=:=.=======I Br dnatn $124.50. S&-3643
Bluffs. _ OUt.standina Bay S23,9i>O. L. d I I 2351 or 646-5961. Key: 226ll
view. 3 Br. 3 Ba. By owner. Rex. L. Hodges Rlty 1 0 1 e f.1aple Apt E.
BA YFRONT 3 Br beach
house, pvt bel\ch, Bay&hoN!
Park. leasehold $13,500.
lOAM to 2PM
3 bedroo1n. dlning room
Built-Ins, large lot
$28.900. 629 St. James Rd.
Arnold & Freud, Realtors
847-2325 FOR rent • ZJ4 Via Lido * Villa Pomon• Apt1. FORECLOSURE Nor<!. $1500 mo. CXO<lpt Cost& M'""'' neweat A """t August $2000. Phone 213: luxurlollS. furn. 1 It 2 BR.
$50 total to GI buyer or sell 1\Vebster f.0920) or 270.4547 apts, Adults <1nly. No pets.
FHA & seller paya all dos-1760 Pomona Ave., just south
lng costs:. 3 BR 1'4 baths, Lagun• Beach 2705 of 18th St
21xl6' family room. NEED "-=-'-==--"-'"' l;;;i""',:=;-,--~~-QUJCK ACI'ION! ~ 2 BR modern hse CUTE 1 bdrm. perfect for
BRASHEAR R.EAt. TY w/ocean view, $250 per rno. couple. Sttwe, retrig, har.
847-8531 EV!!ll. 431-3769 940 1e~ple Hills Dr., ~ $U4.50. 549-J643 or~ ~ eves 494--04(M ~: 2260 MAple, Apt E. CUSTOM HOME I ,;;;;~~~~=· limij(CE~i..;.:. f1 bdrm~~. pn;;f.-;;yan1.~
Reduced S200l').Now $38.T50 4 4 BR 2 bath. $22,500, All Summer Rent•l1 2910 )l&1!elllng. 121S2 Edinger, nr
Jarre rooms, beautifuJ L'Ol'o Harbor. 839-.5326. Br.. 3 Ba, tam. din, ,,_ 1 On •·-lot SVMME'R ~9t.rvations now I;-;';;:.;.;:,;::.::..::;::;:...,...,-.,. I uW/laun rn1. Tulal 2400 .eq. ner UJ~P ace, """"•" Clean beach apt. $"1'5. ~ 1 BR, u.til paid, heated pool
ft. 32S Vista Baya. O\\'rlCJ'-Better see this 0~1 Gt or Sleep& from 2 to lO: 315 E. No children or pet.I. l80l
eves 646-1542 1'"HA temtS. Balboa Blvd, Balboa. Whlttltr. 646-6222
Bl UFFS, fabulous r~-plan on MUTUAL Re•lty • * 673-!IMS * EASTSIDE: Quiet 2 Bdrm.
842·1418 anytime Elci.:. hltns, patio. Adu!~ grttn bclt \Y/be.)' vie\V, --=~=""'=-y
Many rust."'•'"""· 3 Br. 3 GI RESALE RENTALS ooly. 361·8 Ogl•. 6'>-1298 '
Ba. 142.500. ~ On Huntln ...... StrOll Hou-Unfurnl1hocl N •·-· --------owport ~ 4200 WOl!clllf 1230 l300l caah· dOMI 10 "'"""' Gonoral 3000 I Gllaan. $168 par mo. lndUdo 1--------1 A 2 B!Wlochelor Apts.
HOME .. M lot. E:aceJ ei1: .n. S 15R 1" hiths. bJt· $251). 3 BR, pJ111 mnverted Klt·TV·Pool·Maid Su.
Wrstlkh. 3 BR 2"4 ba. niom ins A l&J'le lot c • r •..t t , pool, wtw, THE MEsA , ror-• °" s urifta:" 56-162.'l 1 TRAD!WINDS RL TY d t • h w a ah er. Broker. '15 N. Nwpt Blvd fi.f6--96ll
847-&-U • 5U.$98'J ' LUXURIOUS 5th Door 1 Br .....
Irvine 1238 0\VNER'S 3 BR 2 hath. Nice VER-Y nice 3 BR 2 b&tbs, Apt olloolring" bay. 1 yr JM'
clean Mme. A~ume 5%~ good area $220 mo. Art. l"l':q'd. $o150, UtJI locl. AdultJ,
MAGNIFICENT Vu on ~· •c. 1'1-IA lo11n. $'22,500. l980t 546-'11<11 nn J'<'I&. 673.-1478 or 213/TR
3 min/UCl. 4 Br. f11m rm. "1"""hm_..,.,.,°'1
7",., .. 7H78=.,,-c;;:, CHARGE YoW' want ad MW. 1-4332,
$49,500 by ownr. S.U.2616 White elephanb! OlmHl-line Dial 642.$'i8 for RESUL TS'1 °'D7AIL""'Y~P~nm=~w~ANT--AD-S-, 1
lllNTALI llM'tALS ..... ,_..,... ...... """'"""'"'
Now,.,. ...... dGO c..ta -SlDO
• RENT • ) R0om1 PumlhlN
$20·$25 & UP
Month-To.MGntb Rentals
UNTALS UAL mATI Afl!I. u......,._ ....., ..
Huntlntton IMch 5400 lwlMM '"fl 1rty
ln )'Qla" own fruit yud
* * 1E WIU1.E
llAL mATI BUSINlst' ... -al P INANCIAL 6050 ~m~-i'IOt~-l;;t--;i-illfO-. J..,·-',..;.. ;.:W;.:•,;;;•~lotl;c;;:.._6305_
AJpUuces 6 TV'• avail. Prtvate clubhoule. ~ted No Sec::urib' Depoalt pool. •unu, private pte lots 6100 MOTEL acro11 from ~ IMch +t00 Hf'RC F\lrnUtn ~ntala with ff.hour lltCUrib' panl. OR D I 1 n e y I and , near
51T W. 19th. Of 54l.J4l1 Med.lterrarwu adWt Uvlqi. LEASE., .
LAGUNA "'OOdliY ylew Iota, Melodyland, 43 units. f-ISY
1!168 w. Locltl, Anhm n4.i!OO ~'left a~. pvt. terms alter agrl!'l!:able don
....,, • ., 1', lt6t
Adultl onJJ; 2 Br., Ut\L pald,
17'19 Culleron, Hunt. BdL
AVAILAILE MAY 22 2 B<drooms. 2 Balhl 1100 Nowport BIW. ~.-' ~·-· ~·41 ..,.,,.,,,, or owner will
2 -"1 1rotn IZO CALL BILL SCOTT 3 ADJ. lOb; room fM1i trad• l !lnance -.,.. Whod:tt Wont? W~1 Got?
D•-ul . th ..,_paid :;10. OR upllL S33 E. Zht St.,°'"" Call for appt. to dllcuaa. SPECIA C' ••s1F1~• -.,... • water • ear INCLUDES W/W aha&: ea.r-KERMIT RIGGS M-.. Owntt4M-ameve. Boas Rltr. 96:M63'T ..,_ -Tl N POR
Gardon o,.... 4610 "'hool~ '. • -•-GE. b NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS SIN==G::LE:;;..Y;;:...,.~c:-;.._,.-"1.uxo:.. 2™ ;c~iiOue A~. ~ra~ 4 ~~b'!'~:~ inort Property 6205 Money to L0tn a20 Spec:lel ..,.
... prden .... wllh ...... ==~::;..:::;;..:::._~ Huntlnvton P•clflc ..... ~TH MT. lot & 2nd '""" for quick 5 LI--5 ""'"' -s bucb try Ch.lb atmolpht'l'e and FURN I: Wtfurn 1 bdrm. Un. Apartm t ---sh. Barro ._ ltUlb -AD MUIT tttc:LUOI
comliiett privacy. soum furn 2 bdrm. MHB del Mar ru Ocean Ave.~ :lki. w. ORANGE cout(i'y15 CONDO. FOR SAL~ =rtv eq wl~~ ~rur:: a.-.~:.111:i:.:"':J:.,"::,...., ~ .:'. :"' ..:..":
BAY OJ.JD AM'S. 13100 Apt.I. 998 El Camino Dr. o! Huntiaa;ton Beach Pier) LARGEST Uo:urlous 2ndbomt, protiV )'t>l.ll' kiw lntettrt 1st TOI. t-HOT111NO POlt u.t..• -TltAO!I ONLYI
CHAPMAN Aw.,~ Carden C.M. 546-0til PHONE: 1n4) •lUT 293 E. 17th St. ~94 1Meuure tnve1tment.. Split· Also buyers for 2nd TOI. PHONE 642.5671
Grove cn4J 6J6.ll30 QUIET, deluxe 3 Br. studk> ~I I Br. with quality Snltler Mortea&e Co Inc. To Piece Your T,...,..1 Parfldl• Ad
Palntlnt •
naldeotlll, 23 7'
.1. ......... ---3Br.125tl.loo51!'
PAINTING, Paperlmcll
"' Haibor ..... Uc " ... Reh !Um. 642-235<
l1aun1 INth 470S
w/.......ieck, poiol; nr, 2 BDRMS, • 2 B'JH BuoiMJ1 Ronl•I ••~ -... deep• 8. Servlrw lWbor Aroa ':ii -'68 'f •••• I . mil
ho • • ...:...... • A vuuv Year :round .... ,,•-men! ,,._ 0 us ... ,., '1W eait', II p (, ,_.. .. only, no pet.II, , ••--~ ' S36 E. 17tt. St. ir RfH rm Santa Ana, Ave. 646-5542 Sl50/Mo. Sl25 u •ta,y 1 yr. 400J SQ r .T. M·l tPaCe witb recn!alional com.plex-saUM,, &tZ-21n 5'$-0611 ~ wui ~· auto
EX. lge studio, 2'1' ba, new POOL, cpVdrps, Kids OK ~~· New bldi. Im-:::::: ~ ~ "6 2rxl LOANS A&. for reinodel:c or ca~'i:.
Beach home, 1tone'1 throw ::==~=====
to cceu. Excbalwe for Plumbfnt
• amall ~in,Ccata Mesa ;;.;.:::-'~"-----_;::::.~ Oce1nfront Apt crpts • drps. Sl80. Also DW,y.·are Studio Aptl. te occupancy. Lopn ERi.ooKING POOL. $29,950. RANGED" Top cub for 547..(1859 days, 546-2176 eves.
Small cottaae studio, $160 bach. 2885 Mendoza 54&5421. 2620.Dt:laftft, H.B. Ave. Costa Mesa. 546-6530 AllO •·r ""'· t•"'...., seuonect 2'nd5. • UN 0 w u•-....1 Xlnt opportunity _ take over
month includes utilities It. 2 BR dlx, cpts, drp!;, bltnt, 642-2221. anytime 536-1816 ~G A FFlCE e PROPERTIES WEST SQ..8381 Bkr. clean Beauty Sa.1011. Udo
1urniahed. Perfect for alnrJe garage. S155. Adults. 3005 CHEZ ORO APARTMENTS Attractive modeftt bldg~ ~ 1028 a ...... ut. Drive
adults or ~Ide-'~ -·-,e. . t:..t" --· '.:raJ loc air c6nd ~ mo ......,._ .... _...__ TD• ..... _.. area, Jong establ., 6 ata.-~Y ......... .,. Coolidae ..._..._..... 549-0433 -Atlanta ' ' _. • Newport Beach mv. •.-.-. • • t _.... tlom, Tracie for lot ot su~ 4~ or 675-4070 $J50.2 BR. 2 Ba. Studio. New 1·2 Bedrooml . Pa,y 1 on l.se. 4942466 675i4130 S for mlt. Ow!ier/broker. MS-ml =10
6 r:::. ~::. Carpeta, drapes, garage. ~~ ~ Q ~:,:re ~i::~:m ~ ~~srP~i'EDrP :.ate Armwhead waterfront
utll pd, caJ1K)rt, $150 lse. Adults. Owner. 2l3: ~227 PooJ-Wubert-Oryen " 17th St, C.M. 962:8559 Out of St1te Prop. 6208 *64J....1898* tree I: cir, $50,000 val. Pa-p~ •• ·• Priv w !ific Palisades ocea.n vu lot, .380.;:..;:.:.~= .... ~;;:.;.·7 .... •::.:m;;;·c__ "Newport Buch 5200 ate Garaaes MODERN 3 mt·emoe. Newly Money W1nted 6350 ,__ -1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I d td ..:i-.,_ &: elr, m.soo val. CONDOMINIUM Apt. 3 BR, erorae • ..... ..., & crpt&. Central Oregon 850 acre Ir. Nant: Income. Bkr. MS-Till
RENTALS bltnll, incl washer, dryer&. $100. Mo, N.B. 646-1724 rlgated ranch. 565 acres MD and partner neei1 11lut Apta. Unfurnfshecl 2 BDRMS. 2 BatM, frplc., refria'. Crpta, drps. Avail SANTA ANA 5,000 sq ft, A-1 deeded 285 acrea I011g term tcnn $37,IXXI l!t Trust Deed Wanted.: G)us boat up to
D/W, refril.; new ~ts. June ht. $170 mo. 540-2285 location. ample parking. least'! .;...ith option Can run on 8 acrea cloee t o 20'; Have eholee 2..fi ac par.
General 5000 draM "'d'ulSbtepsnlto beach.IL$275 1 DD 4 b"-to heh. ..,.__, UlO mo. 547_2412 or 646-?SU 1000 yr1y I: p~ tuJl feed downtown Bi&: Bear worth eels w/fantastlc view ot o. A a y, no pe ....... UUl £ •11.'U or grew specialty crop, Thi~ over SS0,000. can Mt. P~wna Valley In N. San
$165. 2 BR, 2 ba, f..plex, bit· =:,.~~vd~~ ~t~~~· $95 mo. ht Office Rent1I 6070 Is a. show place ranch with Bartelt Da.ys 642-1515 Eve Diego Cncy. "2-3,;73
ins. dishwasher, w I w • 6754630 .. ...,.~ 642-22S3 realistic real estate potent. ~1439 100 ACRES, clear, $35,IXXl
~children O.K. Bkr. ATI'R.ACTIVE 2 Br. crpta Ii LAGUNA BEACH lal that will be mid aa a ATI'Y. Has 3, $15,IXXI 1st Equity. Want income prop.
l=~~=o-=--~ MODERN 2_BR. 2 BA, frplc, ~21~~1:= Ln. No. l Air Conditioned profitable ranch businesa. TDs. Want to bomiw $10,000 er1y. Please submit often.
$135. 2 BR, bltins, w/w, d~, retrig, steps to i---------I ON rollJf/.AVENUE Penollal situations make at 10% each. 541-8319 Art Glovinettt, Realtor
pool. tats O.K. Broker bay &: ocean. Yearly. $250. REAL ESTATE Desk space. available te "'1e ln whole oc part Uf'lent 67l-7420 '=-========I 673-1990 213: 111""'220 Generil oew!lll Clftlct ba.iktlnc at Nice heme .t: out.bldj:s. For ANNOUN~EMENTS lO' OWENS twin 225 HP, I· prime loeadae"tn Pntow?I ~information eall Ernest ind NOTICES louble-planker, radio, dep~
1C.iioofiii!ii•ii-!iiiiiiiiiiiiii5iil00iii I E11t Blvff 5242 Ront•I• W•ntocl 5990 Laauna Beadl. Ali'C!lld> Ecl\hott. · llnder, balt tank; low houn; I~ timed. cupeted, be&utitul Eckhoff I Auoc., Inc. Found (frH Ads) 6400 ror uilboat to 36 Ft. or kl.
HARBOR e NEW DELUXE e UNFURNISHED t BR apt paneled partltlon1nr:. Tw o 1818 W. Chapman Ave. BLACK 1: white Manx :alproperty,Owner675-t392
3 Br. 2'1' ha apt. for lease with 11tove &: refrigerator. entrances:.., Frontap ca ()rana'.e, Calif. female cat about 2 me ago. llAVE: 24' Cabin Cruiser,
Incl. spae. mstr. suite, din Up to S1l5 w/util. %m41A. ~~~~-... rear ~a_dal50to 50·2821, Eves-wknds 63U974 Have to find cwner or A·l cond. 135 hp rrey ma-
GREENS nn. & dbl. garage, auto. S. Main, TorTance ........ _. --.. anyone else who wants her. rtne en.r, S3000 value. Trade
door 0-••r a·-" Pool &: .._. mmtb fer ---. Desk <>'><>. ~.,,,7 1 rec. ~a. N;:" catholic WANT TO BUY/RENT ;;;d chain a~ tor S5. Exchlno-, R. E. 6230 ~ or propert,y or T! !1?.
01urch Ir. school & Corona East Blutt only, 4 or 5 bdrm Buainell bW1'I U1Werine FOUND near Ensign Jr. Hi. c.all. 675.l!lm
FORTIN 00. 64~ No job-4oo small
Der \VlenerschnitzeJ, 1951 * ~ •
llarbor, CM. Land I: bldi. PLUMBING REPAIR
Income S50J mo. net $45,000 DRAIN CLEANING
equity for lot3, &clc Bay. ~2381' er 5t0-tt17
ti'l>til30 i========I
12 M-1 shops in 2 tilt·Up
bldg11 on Placentia. C.M.
Value $150,000, Trade part
for property. Balance!
Call MS-1542
What do )'OU have to trade!
, Lilt it here -in Qranre
County's largest read trad·
lna peat -aM make a d~
Pool Service 691
• 1ST Mo. Free! Expel', ll
reliable! Tony TQlor
Service. 96&-4818
from Sl 10
1.2 &:3BDRM.
del Mar Rlih· · home. J uly Isl pcsse11lon. ael"Vice awn.hie Jor $10. Selling Your Home?? Part Beagle small male dog .& * *
• ONLY $260 • 213/474-0197. All utiliU. paid except 1. We have over 3IXI Sales· ~B~l>~ck~&~tan~. :!no~ta&=•·_,..11 J,.!l!l!!!!!!!!lm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!"'!!!l!!*li!!!!!!!!!!!!!*l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I*! J ·'."C"-cc;.;..c=:....o~=:;;.;: I
837-871 -Way, N.B. e LANDLORDS e te-. . :°"'· the 1 ~ "8-0483 alt'''°· Job W1nf'!'I, -
n:tVC' RENTAL SERVICE DAU.Y Pll..OT •· e are -arrest Jn v,~ BLACK male poodle be • •. ,.... m FOIU'SI' AVENIJJ: anae Couiity. bl.,., : m"" . ~NNOUNCtMENTS SERVICE DIRECTORY EXPERIENCED Heated Pools, Cilld Cat't'
Cent.!:r, Adj. to Sbopplna:: -
No pebi allowed
2100 Peteraon Way, at Hu-
bor l Adam•, Colt& Mela
Coron• del Mar 5250 ;,:;;;-;8;o"""'""'""SU<!ll2:;.:.=:...,.~I LAGUNA BEAC:l 3. We can GUAYUNTEE to 1 ~ left eye,Umps. Vic •nd Nt>TICES HAND lM!eds job ...,...;.;;J ~iiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiii ONE BDRM Unfum Apt. 1or 491-M sell. your borne. ~~18 Ir. Warne r • Drifting Service 6637 &: Summer. Newport (21.1
• employed lady up ta 4. We lell a mme every 31 """"'::.:..,=-=....,..-Personils 6405 DE.SIGN ,_,.,,.._, ··~ fl!3..6188 ... -$110/mo. 642-0086 ONLY $225/MO mlnutea. SM.ALL light colored pup, ............ '6 ~ .... = ... v J..:::.:::::; _____ ...ll
"' Fer top floor central loca.. w I k & L muted breed. vie. cl 19th & Attr1ctlve Expert me<:h P/C layout & detail--:-"""'."------..;I ~ Of'C• --------1 lion, 3 ''"""' 6 Wg• pvt a er ee Placeotl" CM. 6 7 S. 7 4 6 4 YOUNG WOMAN I ... Ken Sr.''7>-1191 Job Wantocl, Lady
UNFURN·bnmac 2 Br. apt, Rooms for Rent 5995 balcony, w/w plush crpta , ,,,''~''~'='-P~M=----dancer will leach you all enclcRd pr. Drps, crpt'd ON TEN ACRES t.hruout. walnut paneling, 7681 Ecllncer •rouND: White, male Stan. latest steps, Call ArdeU G•rd1ning 6680 IF You need a abarp ZX:
thru-cut Adults. Ccntact l l 2 BR. Fam A Unfum 2 L 0 VE LY r a om 1 . drpa view windows sliding 842-4455 or 54().5140 dard Poodle. Hntg Bch tags. -==71J=' ="=l-4538==l·l=O=Pb~f = ·--------ECU'I'IVE SECREI'ARY ti
owner. 3008 Apt A. Royal Gentleman, Ent ra n c ~, g~ drs, pvt exit,~ strett Open Eves. Call to identify 962-5050 · -auume full ~ ftlponal!
Palm Dr., CM Frplcs I priv. patios/Po:ila. retrtg. Beach, pool., tennis. parlrln&, cleatting: aerviee . . Tr1vel 6435 ANTHONY'S bllity on a PART TUaJ
, 1,LG'=E~cle~an-'-~2 ~-~m,---~~18·, I Tennla • Contnt1 8kfst. put. 5J6.&51B provided, 1se or monthly. R. E. W1ntiit 62 FOlJNt>_Ladlt.a._prnaiption .. ·-· 10 Li·,--·---------··-"-""""'~· ~,,,-,,,. ;,,;:~~--~-,,-..,,~IJ ·----l.· th.-creen. 1 Sleepin& Bedroom with Qualified applica.nti rePlY s-..m glasses, Near beach in ~kier ne I . PRACTICAL NURSE. ~=~\,!'ts.~ 800 Ste. Lane. OW: ~El private bath&: entranc:e for &11Pt to: OFFICE. Box HAVE Cash down pa.yme~ Laguna. 494-3908 / drift to Dalla.a. Call Mn. ""'1941 Avail. day ar ftl.tt. . (MacArthur. ar •. eo.M BwJ) Ntet. 673-0946 1n4, Nwpt Bch.. fCI: • Triplex Ol' mole Stepheoa, 897-2154. The &st, costs no more! I
t 352 Victorta St. 548-240T ~:;.,,,.--,_-::::.~:1c:o:.:,..;:=:..:::=----l Oranp Co. Pyramld Ex· Lost 6401 Experle~ Maintenance I ;,,=Loal=,_m.__._83MO>l.,...,,...~i,I
2 BDR., me blt-lno, 1\1 Ba, l BR, lrg liv rm, !rplc, dbl BEAllT. rm. for ""ti""'"; PRIVATE. OFflCE clwl-64&-3'19 SERVICE DIRECTORY B"""t Lamcoplng DAY"'°"""""'" cl....mrl
near OCC. S145 gar, w/w erpts. Yr ~· $185 garare, patio, m l. TV Ii PART Schnauzer P u P Py Graduate Horticulturist HCU9ekeeper -Lt v e - t n ,
546-5079 Aft. 5 mo. Adults, rel !546-4095 tele. $8l Month. 646-0361 BUSINESS •nd w/hair cut. 9 roo old ma!e. Appliance Rep1in Reliable. 541-9863 !""========--========= NICE room to study for Secretarial service, air co~ FINANCIAL Vic Seashore &: 48th, N.B. Pirta 6510 ANTHONY'S
C I -5100C Moo 5100 dl-,A-. 1-;°';;;•;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;""';;•;;;;;;•;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. emplayed man. Nr 19th & Orange C.ouncy-Bank Bid&-But. OpportunltlM 6300 Lil~e girl in hospital very * TflE COIN OfEST * G1rden Service II Harbor. $12 per wk. 548-S261 230 E. 11th Strttt amuous. Reward. 642-007'1 Ra.re ccins, aets, mall auc. 646-1941
PRIVATE entry, men cnly, Costa Mesa 642-1485 FRIGIDAIRE l=af::-':c3'c.'°'::--,,-,----tion, etc. 741 S. Coast, La. The best, ccsts no moret
Georgi Allen Byland Age~
Ernpoyer Paya Fee ,
106-B E. 16th, SA 547..o395;
Chinese u~u.. Cheerful '
• Fireplace•
• Dishwuher
• Mammcth master
• 2 Bathrooms e Central forced
air heating
e Spacious cabinets
•Gaffers & Sattlers
gas built-ins
• Balanced power living
•Enclosed parking •carpets I: drapes
RenW Manager-Mn. Christiensen
3117-A Clnn1mon Ave., Cost1 M111
(1 block west of Harbor Blvd.
2 bl!j)Cka aouth ot the San Diego Freeway)
~· month. 543-3696 a.tter 4 OFFICE SPACE WANTED, JET ACTION FEMALE Cocker-poodle mix guna Bch. 494.5685. Monthly Maintenance
P · sales rep. building products Frigidaire 18 min, cycle ill lost May 3, Lag. B. mack 1s '"u"P=REM==E'-'Ac.p.:.:pl.:.;lan;;.oe __ Rc._ Budget Landscaplnr
G t Homes
m. needs 2.50 to 300 aq ft. nr the fastest ln the Industry. w/whlte, tan chest A paws. pair, Retrig, washers, dry. __ .,,._,•c.·.i;l':;;•rtl=oul=turta::::•'--
UM Oranae Co. A i rport 30 Fri&:lclalre1 do lhl work "Yoly". Wearifli' expired era. Tom. 54&1363, 547-6691
HAVE A VACANCY for lady w/pbone answerin&: & ol 40, 30 min. washers. Find Sa c ram en to t a g s •
Far Eut Aseney 6D-810S
or man tn ni~. pleasant secretarial servie@ available, out how euy It Ja to own REW ARD. 621-1734 cB-'1"-byo=lll;;;l;:;•~p--_;65=SO
home. C.M. area. Lie'd. Call D. Moffat 213: 866-3122. a pay1nr laundry. LOST: Black Miniature Poo-
Garden1r1 Studentt
working \vay thru college.
Exp. Lie. Reu1 Tenns
H•lp W•nlotl, Mon 7200
~T206 3345 NEWPORT BLVD. ~ti~ ~ ~~L~na, die, "Gigi'". N.B. lie tags. = ,! =ti: c;; ... ~r:. · Office• suitable for Com· ................. ,.e, ........ ll:'im Vic Redlands & Qiff, NB. .. ..
Misc. Rental• 5999 mercial, Medical. Dental. Coin-0-Matic Reward! Please contact ~ibt. weekend 11 •
GARAGES for rent. Colt.a Air-cond .• crpta,, elevator Equipment, Inc. 54s-5064 CHILD ··-, f·~ ·-~. J ;;;;;;;-;-.=,-,,-..,.-~ 4:JO.l .AM lhift. Good PQ' asc PER SQ FT =-::-::'::::--::-:----........ "'"' .,..... li-10W &: Weed. Labor by and working conditions. Mesa. N~ OCC. $31 per ' ' 2334!4 W, Valencia SIA?.fESE SIP female a~ lunches. Vic Warner ._ capable O:>l.I Stud •· MAN mo. 962-0000 Mt-5032 OR 675.-246-t Fullerton 114: 525-7833 sw<'rs T'-lost 5114 v 1 c. Sprindale, IW °'" ~••. "" ege en.,., NINOS, INC. •"• . ............,,. Reu, Call 6'15-T18S, M PM. ElToro Rd. (Lell~ World)
GARAGES for rent 10 x 30, 1000 SQ ft, or will split ta 500 MAN OR WOMAN Paularino Sehl. Reward. ,;i;;;-;:'";:":ii'';;"'--;;,;:::::.~. J ~;,;;;r,,::;:':;;:::-';;:,.c.:.c;..:::: S20 mo. Smaller..," mo. Nr sq It each. 50' from Pacific Rellable Person from this ~7437• Will babysit by the1 week. AL'S Gardenlna: Servlee Laguna Hills 8l7·10'l.4 •~ "···t H ~J 11 ~-c..::,..,::.:...,-,---..,.---1 Yau furnish transportat.icn. Lawn maintenance --'en-STDCK CLER S Pallaa.de1 Rd. MPrS044 ........., wy . ..-o:.-.ec or""'°"' .~• to service and oollect e'-LACK p,-•·· Cat with Call •••1·-' •""" K .,::=:==::=:==::=:I bar, antique shop, art studio. from aut.;imatic dispensers. yellow eyts7c' A9 Surlslde ~ w• lng &: clean ups. ~3629• $450. per month tc start. No
Income Property 6000 Good root traffic. 420 Ocean, No expenence needed , • , Cclonv -= reward ... ~ BABYSITTING 1 or 2 my CLEAN-UP Speclalisl! Mow-experience needed, MOllday
H.B. 536-2579. v."C establillh acccunts for S92-500o . ..., · ~= home. Day &: night, 6 day In", edging, odd job 1, thru Friday, OW>ce ta -s,.
BEAUT. air-cond. cHices.. you. Car, references and week. C.M. ~2101 Re~nabJe. 548-6955 • vance. Write: Box M-&16 Thit
Wa l n u t panel'g, ample $985 to $1,785 cuh capital LOST \Vttite female eat. JAPANESE gardener Coro.pl Daily Pilot.
• parir'g, util a: malnt 1-1160 necessary. 4 to 12 holll'!I Light blue eyes, mt collar. Brick, Masonry, etc. serv. Exper, dependable, -~B"'O~Y~S~l~O-. ~ .. ~-·1
Opporfun1fy aq. ft. l ·amllr. 3Sc sq. ft. weekly nets ex c e 11 en t Near Ht°g Harbor. Reward. 6560 tree est. 642-4389 Carrier Rcuta Open
673-2102 monthlyFln~me°i ~ull Ume 842-8178. 527-2297 BUILD, Remodel, Repair Cut&EdgeLawn fer'
Triplex. Easy maintenance, ~ B. STUDIO. Sp a c I 0 u s, more. or oca ntervlew SMALL Parrot, black head, Brlck, block, c 0 n e re t e , Maintenance,· Licensed LaKUfll, Beach, So. Lquna
good capitalization. 10'.l!! , 'tum, paneled wl lav fac. Ylrite, include t" 1 e Ph 0 n e yellow chest, green wings. crpntry, no JOb too small. 548-4808/645-2310 a.It 4 DAILY PILOT
down er cash out. Will .,•blet mo to mo. number lo EAGLE IN· Vie 47th &. Balboa. Reward. Lie "·ntr, = ~· e •-••~ •• DUSTRIES. INC 4725 """" ....., ~ EXPER JI' pane a e, ;;===--=~·---I JEAN SMITH. 642-9657 ., ~· •.....n '-=======cl G " celsior Blvd ., St. Lou!s,1 ~~:co.-~----1 • ardener Complete service. TRAINEES. Full or part Realtor Dt;LUXE olfice in Costa Park, Minn. 55416 BLACK & white manx cat, C•rpenterlng 6590 Free estimate. Call 540-1332 time. COOK • FOUNTAIN _
?>.lesa. 1500., fl Air oond. male. Vic Baker &. JAP'~~ G--" DlSH MACHINE. T H r ,., -•s GULF OIL CARPENTRY ~·-~uer.or, com· L ~~ c,p1s & drp•. """'761 F&irvlew, CM. R • w u d . pl f& yard rvl ZOO, W. eoa.t H~ • 0~954 MINOR REPAIRS. No Job e ae ce, tree -,
NICE 3 bdrm, 1% ba, 2 two N. s. 560 Sq. ft. w/pri. Service StaOon for le~ 1 =~=:;.:' ~-----atlmatet. ~1332 MacArthur, N.B.
bdrm unlh. All en 111.me lot. panel!~ office. 30x50 yd Freeway Location FEMALE' Siamese cat, nr. Too Small Cablnet in rat-"P7AR"'T"°"TIME="""HELP=~.~3~n~ltn-,1
Owner will deal or trade fm' apace avail. Owner 642-2809 Paid Dealer Trainln& Warner & Bea.ch Blvd., HB ages "-0 1 he r cabineta. Hauling 6730 Fri & Sat 6-12, Sun 3-12. HJ
vacant property. 21 S: 300 Sq Ft Off" Insurance plans available Reward. 847-263l. 8C-430'1 545-8175, H no answer leave Time I>fil, 5C8-8314, 495 J;'. 86S--59l5, '114: 521-3871. • • ice Contact Ron Hampton ma:g at 646-23TZ. H. 0. GENERAL HAULING 17lh st., C.M., aee TnTy.
Phone 646-4203 or 546-2531 DISHWASHER
OOSTA MESA fi4&.2l30 547-6Ul °' 1191-2656 And""°" & CLEANUP
G.ner1I .SOOOGeneral 5000 Gener1I 5000 Perso I 6405 MASTER EXP'D Service Station man. 1.::==----,;._--'-----...:c:.;:.;:_.:;::;::.:;_ ___ _:::,:: 1:c~°'~"';"';'";r~d~al~;;;;;;;;;;~60l~5: j NEW TO WESI' <X>AS"I' n• •:,_ __ ..:;:= hour. Re:Zi1~~':'"·n!4-~r 96U846 $12 per&ft k*l3 •• _........_~. Hourb' wage + commiakJll. Automatic CAR WASH brush FR EE! . .,. _.... w..,,._. Ovtrttme pay after Cl br.
Ir. Jll'HI. lnvelll. re:t. 40 to 642-6t09 or 536-3900 HAULING, General, Top 990 E. Coast Hwy, NB.
C.l'l\'O. ,,&).,. '·-f) 'C ~Q.• . FOR LEASE SO%. n1. '" """'' till. .... REPAIRS. ALTERAnoNs I -· """"" ....., AK ;;'1'"r"c"a'°E'°'No-°"H'°E'°'L"P"°"''"·' p~ . 1-'oU ~ J,: 'fl p (/"' v 1100 aq tt pnp B1dg. on tlon ba.Y• a: small bklp. No B•sic BM ting c1..... CABINETS, Any me job. I hedges. Big John 6t2-tCm Dishwasher. 6 d:l.yl. 7 a~
Harbor Blvd. 4 double doors. labor. Will wuh & wax in Offered to the public 25 )Tl. exper, 54U'lU YARD/pr. clnup. Remove pm. HI Time Dell, 54Pr9l1.t.
• - ...... """' " tho ,_.,.....,.._.,bo-
low to fomri fOVf ....,.. word&.
I I r I
•"nm~sllTT!IS.. 11 r I' r r I
·~~iumu I I I I IRI
$600 Per Month. Broker 90 lee. 6'1S-4158 a.ft 6 pm. by the Balboa. Pow· REPAIR. Partitions. SmaD tree!, tvy, dirt, tractor back 495 E. l'tlh St, C.M; s.e
6'1S-ffJEI! 494-1161 ""·, ESI'ABl.JSHElJ Decorator er Squadron starting Remodel, etc. Nile er ~. hoe, grading. 962-8745 Teny . 1~~~~~!!?~~~1 wants to expand. to 7 P .M. Monday June Reas! Call Kt:N S4Q..4679 CINn Up fnd H•uling
lndustrf1I it1nti l 6090 Ne"WPOrt!Balboa ara. Will 2, Newport H a r b o r $10 per load. ~
CLEANUP MAN, over 11.
·Start g AM. No up. Will
tra.ln. mE ZOO. E. C.0..t I"::.:;;:.=.;:;.;.='-.;;:;;..: I train female partner with Yacht Club, 720 West Cement, Concrete 6600
FOR Rent i.ooo sq tt :Cne:e 'in~~~e~~u~;4~ Ball y Ave., Newport HouM cleanln9 6735 Hwy & ~hur N.B.
v.·archoWlfl IP8C! in Irvine I: Mobile 835-626l ~ch. En r o l l a ·t ~~~ t~ o m P I e x DESI~BUILDER class. For additional
e NO Job too lmlll, I do
them all! Sidewalk•,
drv'lyya, cone saw etc.
CARPETs, -· dn. WANT -boy or etc. Res or· C.omc'J. Xlnl pensioner for mo~! nleht
wcrk Reul Rcls. 548-llll ~~ exchanp tor a,t. M-1 SPACES 1250, 2500, 500) OPERATION bu1!Mu A ~nformation p h 0 n e
1q ft, new bldg. lOc sq ft. ~pment 75-0467 or 673-1855. • CONau:rE work all
complete ln June. Logan St, C. F.d Soule 613-5500 Ow' \Clarme1I 1ympa.tby ~~eckl I: aatcm. J1nltoriel 6790 ~~ --~ '°._~
c M ,,,_~,,_ -321 Marine Ave. aod ti~re condolcnc:ea ta 1 ,_,===,.-...,..~-· ;:,;;;=~"---....;::..:.:: ,_ ~ . . '""""""""' Balboa ll1and RIOIARD N. BILLINGS * alNCRETE WOTk, bonded SPARKLE JanJtclill Serv. maintenance. Call ~
FOR ll:ue, new iodustrial BOAT BU!UlER! en the occulcn of ru. A: lie. Conc:Tele sawt-. wtndowa, reckl., co m cl , ext. 23.9
bl.da; .. 2500 IQ, II. 1£39 required need 1;; ';:! 50TH BIRTHDAY Pllilllpa Cement. 5t8-63al ... col\lf, cleanup. l'ree eaL ~*"'K11=0'-wi"'".rnr.= .. "=m".E=-p<1-.. -,1
Monrovia, CM. m-9017 builder ~ Mfa: line~( cnall from his ~ fricndl • CUSTOM PATIOS • !163-3191 In m.n romponenta. Salle
llayaai!m. Write Dally LICENSED .......,..,....,mnoval ~ .. ,~.!!!'· Van WANT AD
Pltol -11.fil Splrlblal Rad""" advice Slate Lie. *'l~IOID P.,.rhaotl.. ~'"" ~ -· BEAUTY Stoop. c. .. with on all matlm, 1.-" El I======== I :P.;;•;:;l•.;;l;;;lnt::_ ___ ::.61=50 --..,..AJ7-,_-..-w.,.0-,.--1
oPllon to boy. Ni>' equip-c.tnlno Ra~ Sao Oem<11ta Contnctoro 6620 Palnthw t. Electrita1 e Nlthf Shift Fw-.
ped. 4 bedroons t.a.,. 2 CD-all&. lD AM.J.O PM ADDmoNs.R.tPAIJtS IJcemed • me.er tcUIDO
hltbl, like new. 8 k r . SfEClAL S2 READING REMODELING * &a.0'21 * CARDENER.&\NOY, MAN,
&U-6US OOUPLES. ~-; _.,., DOa!inU. •_pionnlnl e INT • EXT, ANY SIZE -a -Bolbo<.laloal.
WANTED: on....le liquor New ln art1r Join the &wina: • Kitchens-Baths, etc. JOB. Xlnt work, re.ts, tree ~ ~
lloense:, Orinp County. to fwi & pleuun:i ' Ue'd 1: Bonded. Free eat. est. JtM &42A61119. 5*3T.4:9 YMCA bulkHna: custodiln, •
C.ll: so.ml • 635-ml • A "' ft CON!TIUJCTION JS YOUR Al> IN a.A88J. !Ir Wk. u ,30 am. Em1'i0>..i'
PU.a: YoW' WMt ad Where ALCOJfOUCS Anonymous 1122 Paulartno, CM nEO? SOmeont wliJ. be ~ts. ..,_.. ~ .. looklnc -DAn.Y Phooe ~mT .......... to •SIMM!• """"" tr IL Dial 60-567! I c..-ra."'-""-... --~,~· ~ M2.s11 P.,O. Bol lm eo-. Mtsa. White tlaptiil.n~J ~ WIUte E1fl!bant.1 f ' 1 Flnd lt wUa a want .tt
1, ..
• ,.,. .. ..,..,~--.... -._..;;. . -..
l ,
' 1
lllP., .. ""l,-il~!"'":.~~,--..,. • .,.. _____ ~----------~--..,.----~--~--,---..~-·-·---·-~-~~~--~~~-.--,....~~~-.,,.. __ .,..,~...,..~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~-·~
I l
l/l I • j
YPuT , -.,,llflr19, IM '
.. .. IMflLOYMaNT ~OIS a IMl'LOYMINT ' JOIS a IMl'LOYMINT JOIS a ~LOYMINT JOIS a '""LOYMINT JOIS a IMPLOYMENT JOIS a IMPl,lr,IMINt 1 w....-"'"" noo ltoltt w-. Mon noD Holp W1~;"Mon 7200Holp Wont.I, Mon 7200 Holp w-. -noD Holp W•n,..., -noo, Ho1p w;;J, M.., 7200 Hol; W-. Mon 7200 Holp W•-
W 7400 JAllllOI MftltS ,* -·* ' 1 , 91.~~c:N~~J~ON :::ERTISll!G · -' ' I ( N 'BKJIOllKS ' MACHINIST For cllt..,. -·'"'Older CLASSIFIED SALIS
JJt(AN Q,\TA MACHINES. Mft,.,,.I , 1 1 ' • man ~k~ MUlf~ be tmmedlate poeU'b. avalla~ LOCATED IN m:& IRVINE Has Just moved into lls new location at · bondabl.s. S&Mdy .)ob for the in our Hunttnalon Stach on-;:!'~~~~':,".:;:: Now lnterviewin9 Irvine lodUJllial Part and has INTERVIEWING . GRINDER. ~.;:';,.1;_* 1n "'""" ~..:;_~~".,.!,';; ~·" pooillqn foe • Jonltor "' SPORTSMAN OPENINGS FOR . A 1
' Ol'ERA TOR ·SR. 620 ~~~~~!:,~ 8ch. =!' ~~~ ';..~
;..,dpnn ,;,. Janl!Orill duu.t SHOP S •LES • Chemist · SAT. & MON. ""'' """" ""•""" ,...,;. ===:.:::.;=~ <on our flrtt lhil't; !tom 1:00 "" paper (lulifled Sales exprr· !AM to $:30 p~ You wUJ MCI ln m . 00. surface ud Hefp Wanted iencc. Lucrative ltrritory E' .... ., ....... ~ ""' PUil tim.. No """'"''· • •L..hemist 10 AM. • 3 l'M. «n1rrl ... l<ind..,. -w-7400 with ......,. + commiulon.•
pov.?r equlpmtnl. Pt.rmantnt position wilb .....,.. s St.ate ln.suranct, paid vaca-
"'"Uent ..,.,rtunt.,. i... • Mlcrobiolo"'llst , DRILL l'RESS . lfEYPIJll. CH i1on.· AIN:ondltloned omce. ~ •ta•'ll"' ralo plu• ' '"" uoli(y"'< lndlvid I .., ft C ENGR SUPR "' All oompany bonelilS. Call 11~':.~ "';1'~~-~u';:; ~.!'! ~':!',, ~!."!.. ~~;,_, e T echnlcla_ns ~ .;..... Ercr :, .,WI. _ , Ol'ERA TOR Sit. . . . . . Eom..'!N~':~. ·~;~G
.,,... "" ,.,...,...,.. IUtuW , + Must have five yean txper. QPEIUJOR £PENDENT fdurinr tint year o1 ,employ. e<11e of spotti. lncludinJ BS or ?.-IS experience ln biochemical tectr ' ;yrs exp Q.c, ' tence ln an types of em . LIUl NEWS.IND
!men.I. sno'v aldlnc. water gkt. niques 1 yr Q.C.· Supr s 1 ~er&OC"e dil' 111 ln1 equip. Some "Q>tr1enc'1 11 requ!r--='°"="'"'·,,15,.,1•=~"=--I I lrir. 1011, tennla, campirli; ment. _;o '°'--"·nl ~rt ... ;~ BOOKKEEl'ING Y~n'1n .l-'I ond O."-. AbUity to handle small laborato~ animals. ~. ~~=-~~ -·v·
• HI ... 16 • ,, INSl!ECTOR "" C eau or apply: MACHINE
Lab technician experience' in small animal , · .,.... • , . ltlldlines care laking anc1 basic lab procedures. , 2,,... °"""' ''"'"· HONE Ol'ERATOR ClA·VAl CO. . OPERATOR
; 2722 Michelson Drivt
' IAdl . O•onge Co. f Airport I
J Irvine, Calif. '2664
' (No phcme call.s please)
An equal opportunity
employer M·F
Jieavy pt>ont work, takirti
ordtrs. tran.Yatin&: ordtrs
lnlo our production tl!'nnin.
ology and assisting custo.-
mtrs in preparing • orders.
Excelltnt opportUrtity for
np1 man. Call or appU>
17th & Placentia
Costa Mesa
Ari r:quaJ opportunity
COOK • Lab inst11ument tec~n . experience in or equll. 2 yb.exJi Muat havt experience on
operating nuclear magnetic resonance spec. ... ner one. · on electl' units . E Sbn H
Summtr ttlJtf .for vaca,..
!Ion, Mginning Jn June
for approximaltly lour
months. Execllent houn.
Apply in ~non only
Interviews betv.-een 2-5 PM
Good opportunity for man
\vilh '"''O ytars experi<
cin in produclion or ma.
tcriaJ control and some
coUea:e bacqround. SO~
data pm::essin&: experi·
tnct bclplul.
1640 Monrovia Ave.
Costa M1s1
An equal opportunity
trometer UV.'& IJt lnstrum"entation . , ·
C1H for 1ppoiotment' · LEADMAN ' Elecfl. ' C•dUloc Controls
(714) 933.2500 TesUnl &, P')>d, Dion~on ol Ex-Odlo Corp.
International Chemical
& Nuclear Corp.
2727 Campus Dr., Irvine, Calif. 92664
A• 14'HI o,,_n..lty l ... eyer ,
53 MEN
!\rust be able to start immed-
"""' ELEC-TRO-
\vith a lt}inlmum ol one
yl'!ar of cadmium plat-
ing txperitnce.
Please apply In person. •
6 yrs eltctr. exp. 1 yr M' 1166 Whittler Ave.
eleetr. teadm1n exp, Costa M.11 \
2 yn collqe eleetr. '46-2ft1
or equil. An r:qua.l opj>ortunily
Oranae Cnty's futtst
arowinz elec:tr, Medical
Instrument Mf&.
Div of Becton Dickinson
-4321 Bi!cll St., NB ,...,.,
Equal opportwtlty emplr M/F
* ·• *
. "UG·tl .ES
. E
Perm. posilion. X I n t.
\\'Orking cond's. Overtime
& a.II Crina:e benefits. Im-
mediate openings on 2nd
~ 3rd Shilts. ExperieDCtd
preftn'ed. No phone calls
after 5 PM .
Injection Moktln9
200 Brlbs Ave.
Costa h1tsa. 5415-4460
An equal oppol'tunity
employe.r -
EXPER. _liquor store salts
clerk, Oexible hours, salary
I-open, bondable. 11H3 N. Cout
Hwy, Laauna Beach.
17111 & Ploctntl•
Co1t1 ~••
An eqUal oppor:tunily
t'or Cofiee Shop
Morning !hltt. Experitnce
neccaS1ry, Appl.)I in pe1'5Qll.
1107 Jamborte Road
Newport Stach. Ca.lit.
United C1llfornla
4m Pt1acArthur mvd. . .....,.
Equal opj)ortunLty employtt UNUSUAL
Apprentice 500 Superior Avenue
ha.is established a· new Plas.
tics Moldlns: ~enl.
Immed.la.tt openinis art
available for uperienced
peraonnel with thermoset
lral\!lftr mo!~ experience.
We need: e SUPfRVI~ ·s Holp Wonted ,Men 7200H•lp W_onted, Men 7200
Tht Indf:pendenf Ordtr of
Forestel'l!I haye opentd a
new oHic;.e in Orange Coun.
ty. Require inttlligent man
25 • a9. Colleat not lll!C·
easary, S b o u Id hlvt ex-
perlenct in meeting public.
DiJnllied lill!' timt position.
F.&rnlng commenct:a lmn~-
Heavy lineman, m~st have Linotype Machinist Newport Stach, Calll.
own 100!1. dealership exper-. Equ.al opportunity
lenct preltrred; busy mod. The DAILY PILOT haa an employer -M & F
em &hop~ Benclib:, xint pay opening for a Young man !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""
plan, ~ bospitalization. \\<Ith mechanical background.
ll'J'ust be willing to \\'Ork
nights. 35 hour week. excel-
lent company bcne(ils such
as paid vacations, sick leave,
Service Mena91r
iaWY.. Should "" in "'"'"'' BOB LN1r..p11ot:
paid group insurance, credit
union, etc. t"ULL TlME • 40 HR. \VK
8 TO 5, S DAYS
~. ..
Looking for a gharp chi to
optrale BWTOiq:hs EfOO key.
punch, 10 kty adder. type
60 wpm. Experience on Bur.
roughs &: keypunch a ntce~
sity. Call Mr. L.arcomt
56-nt7. CAFE.~T=E=R~IA~H~E~LP~1
Part time work available in
modern convenie~ . style
cafleria in Co!la M~sa.
?.tea.ls, unllorms &: other
btnefill, l{ours 10 AM to
2:30 PM, S day1 per wet:k.
Call Mr.. Lado 541).5432 Ext
.62. bet 12:30 & J PM lor
Experienced In IBP.t 0268,
Burroughl E400 aad varied
duties in accounting ottlceo.
·Hours 10 AM to 6:30 PM.
Call Mr. Larcome, 545-nl7.
Dispatch Girt
25 or~over. Must know local
area. Apply in person.
186 E. 16th Si .
Costa Mesa
Full Chuge Bkppr.
Do ~ taxea, fin. state.
mtnl& &: bal. sheet. Some
cost acctg. Beach area. To
$600. Fee paid. Also fee jobs
Call Doris, 54&.TT96 ..
1869 C Newport Blvd., C.M.
openings for fu.11 or part «mt sales. Min. ~ 13.
Pleasant \11ork. no invest. no
deliveries. For interview
call 54C).-0614/ 837-4749/
847--8950 of $250 wetld~. .vnu Kl l+--1>-'-··-·-·-··· -· • ··--·--· ---·-····-· .. --··•·-~-
330 \V. Bay St .. C.llf.
... ~-;4,12l, ~?tt.l!.O.~
Larry Miller, 7 AM·J PM
Openings are on all ahltts.
E·xc.llent--&mpl•yH-·--App1y ·1n~person-or ~-·
Positions are av.ail·
able in the entry level
classifica tion of Dis·
assembler. These jobs
lead" .. to later 0:ppor..-
tunities in machine
building~ inspection,
or material control.
Previous mechanical
or electrical assemb-
SF.cRETARY .. For· r:aguna: .
Hills law office. Corpon.te
or probate tx pt.rJt"lfce
pref~ but not requiredi
Good . skills. salary COJnt
mensurate with ability, agp
25 to 40. Telephont m.mse
for appt.
fTeJephone between 10 am . 2
pm, .Mon. U\ru fri: 10 am •
1 pm Saturday for appoint..
, R.6.D, four years semi-
conductor and JC cii:cuit,
brcadboardint and trou.
ble.shootlng. · s ya t t m
cbtekout experience d~
1640 Monrovie Ave.
Coste Me11
An equal opportunity
lmmediatc openings for men
\vith l'!xpr:rience in plumb.
in.g, elr:ctrical, walls, cabin.
eta and finish • or \\'t wiU
train you. Must havt aomt
hanct tools. Stt Rick. 2135
Canyon Driw, Costa ~fe.u
13600 Buch Blvd.
Good oppcn1unity for JIS
grad, w/2 yrs. exptri·
ence In material or PJ'Oo
ductlon rontroL Good
frinre bencfil.5, p r a f I t
aharina; plan.
1640 Monrovie Ave.
Costa Mesa
An equal opportunity
!All posltio~ in Corona dcl
Mar office)
Send resuine or call collect
. David N. Leslie
\Villiam L. Pereira & Assoc:.
0057 Wllshl:·e Blvd.
Lo5 Angeles, Calif. 90CL16
213: 933-8341
J oin todays faatest crowinl
proftssion-ll!utual Fund gaits
No txperience necusa.ry.
We train • full or part time
Mutu1I Fund Advlson,
Npt B. 1603 \Vestelif! 642-6422
S.A. 1212 N. Bro1dway
Meter Reader Trnff
$577 month
h1arried, draft extmpt
·-dod rt ti Personnel Agency '""' as pa m.e manager ~ . of most deluxe ae'lf-serviee . 625 S. ~uchd
laundry In C&.lif. (carpeltd, Anahe1n1 635-5042
color TV, ttc> lie will work * SECURITY *
Crom Wed. noon thru Sat OFFICER
cveninc only each "'eek. lie For Petrol Duty
must bt sobl'!r • reliablt • $100 A WHk +
likeable, hive experience in Over 40 • Pe Rad"
meetina the · public & livl'! car pl'O\l~~ ''1 rm. k '°
clOflt lo the itorc. Very, very drinker I Uni1oi: s:Ji~O:·
n1odest Klary. See I.he store Apply:·~ PM • 5 PM, Rm: befo~ calling at Ml!'sa North 400 325 N B d\ Santa shopping center, Baktr at A ' · roa vay, F~rview, CM. Then c~J "'•~m~.=-c~~~~~~
John Bri.scoe betwtt 5 I.: ASSISTANT
IMMEDIATE OPENING 5:30 pm, 644-1307. Part Tltne Eves.
~t hotel rutaiurant or Must be dependable, 19-25.
Apply In pe~ only
rof1ee ahop vcpericnee is htANAGE~ sharp In mind &: appear.nee:,
neceuuy. TRAINEE ~a resident 6 n10·s .• have
WE DON'l HANT YOU auto, and money n10tiva1tc1.
. THE """" ,..., ... "'"" ''" '" $3.50 PER HR. 1nonlha ractory apOnsottd Call pen. dept. 547·7782 5 pm
Proei:am, and be able to live to 8 pm, ll1on. thru Fri. NEWPORTER INN on $512. pe1 monlh duri~ 1,-,=c,..c,......c....c:.:..:.;.;:._
1101 .Jamboree ROad 1111" training period. Also you MEN to work full time In
Nl!WpOl"t Beach .. rnust be ablt to &tart·wurk rental yard. ~fust be nl!'at ,
STEA. DY JOB imn1ediattly. can lralnillg In appears.~. no k>ng ~ir, I
• director for ptt'1ona.I inter-and~ ha ff neat handwritina;. !
• · --view. 21·55 yrs. \VIII train. Sotne I lA.rte Otana:e U>unty con-call Mon & Tu••· 8 .. ~2 pm methan\cal k no w I e d g e
'0ttm hao optni""• 1or fivt _. 1-.1 ed"" .. __ 54).'215 Prt': ..,,~.,_.,,, ..,,., mo. 6 d~s.,
;'°""" aareutve men. ,,.---Apply l!nl Nl'!"'POrt. Costa
Mmt ha\le a car and be Tl'!mportl')' Emp)oyment h1tli&.
oble ro ,..,, _. '"'"'''" UllGBfTLY NEEDED l;u-C"':""':""':::;-,R"'•'°'al--:E,-s"1a1:-,~s.~.,-•~'
•telY. No opcrie~ necu. man ~ for lmmechate I arr. We_ will tnJn. lo .-. ...... · Cll11Monl:Tl1f!•.1:31).2 pm e Spray .._1.~, emp yme11o:-1""w~1t now 1 •~• _.r ..--.. nts sr:lllng In "RE 0 llOT
_.,..., Job ahop 1: mil spec r:.-:p, TRACT". 1""'S"'E"'CU"°'R~GUARD Four S.•-• Hom11 ·40 hour W'ttk. lntervltwing Huntington hach
Call 54$.22.lJ Ji1on thru f"rL, 8-5 P.M. ""'4500
.. 1 .... •r Club INTERIM Personnel S.rvic EXPER. Service StatiOn Al· T~ Rt VER S l 445 E. tTth, CM S-:1523 "'°"!"''· port·llme. H•cy • OM driwr w1th Pal 1 Toaco Co r n e r
c: ~ I dk:ltl exp. E XPERlENCED fiberglu BrookhW'll I G ' r f I t I d
Sft{f'T tomt con. bondel'l!I ii: boat carpenters. J.'ountaJn ValJtoy. '
exprrfence, or will blander Yacht., 17th A-lc.:==-,,=..,.,~~~ ntn Cbmact. Mr MdCai Pllcentia Cotta NH& YOUNG fl.fAN fnttrn:tt>d In • · 'Y· ' · • l<'amlnc trl&dc!. Mu~t have
=an Av .. Colt. M-.. s ER. v I c E s TAT I 0 N gd. ~r •. C'-'!. pf..V • ben's
~ _ _ SALESMAN. Applr: 3100 E. Steady emplml. 646-7721 e At1em9'leri Coa.at Hwy. Corot"lll dtl Mar. llbc11an Metal Finish\~
• ~ lhfft 'enm•n Ct.IU. TirE QUICKER YOU CALL.
• •
Benefits send resume to: ·
PersonMI Office
Thl•d Floor'
500 Superior Avenue
Newport Beech, CeUf.
47 Courts of Feshion
Newport Beech
Equal opportunity tmployr:r ly experience
-M~F l =·===~·==~11•d.
An Equal Opportunity
Larae national company
txpanding lo Oni.nge County
\VORK EVES. 6: JO TO 10: 30
YOU. '
For inlervltw call
and Tuesday_ Ask
for Mr.
Apply In Person
1555 W. Adems
Costa Mese
J . C. Pennr:y Co.
Fashion Island
NC\\'J>Ort Beach
Recent sucee~Sful txpericn~
in rctaU sales prcfetted. FuU
lime employrill'!nt, execllent
pay arrangement, outstand-
111& benefits. Chance lo par.
tlcipate In growth of this
nef\•, expandlrw line.
Apply in person •
10 A.lit. lo 9 P.i\I.
l\Ionday thru Friday
24 Fashion lsl•nd
An equal opportunity
Some olfice experltnce
p1't'fe.rrtd. Must be good
t,ypl~!. Pl'!rm. position in
gro-.ving hffg. co. Xlnt.
bellf'fits, advancement op..
portunlty. Contact hf rs .
2101 S. Hallady SI. S.,\. , MACHINIST
High 1cliool ecl~c11lo11 plu1 I "'''" 1l.1~
·~p•ri1nc1 in 1'11111uf1cturh19 prt c.i1l•11
p1rh 11111 tool1 11 co,.,pl1tio11 of t•COI•
1111•11 •ppre11tice1hlp. Will petfor1'11 l.igl.ly
1~ill1J m1chi11in9 work fro1'11 hlu1pti11h,
1~1tch11 •rtd writl1~ or or1I in1t,ucti1111
111.I 'p1c.lflc1tion•. Ad1ph i nd lm,r••i111
,;,.,p1, lo mod•r•f•!y c1,.,pl•-. teollnt 1114
t.rturei to to1'0!pl1t1 "'1chi11i"t. 1ntl/1t
... ,,,1,.,,11111 m1chi11i119 1nl911111111h.
C911 er .,,.., t• Pet9 Heffritlll
1714-1 '46-leJO
J)J) Hllfht ltW .. CMhl M ... , C..W.
Co·mpan y" paid
be n e f 11 U; including
profit shlring, com·
pre hens Ive medical
and hospitaJization
coverage for employ-
ees and dependents.
9 A.M.-12 NOON
Atl111tlc R•1•••ch i1 111 1n9i111•rin9 1y1!1"'1
c1mp1ny i11,.ol,.1d in r•·•nhy 1yd1,.,1, ,,..
"iron:"r11nl1I d1t1 1yil1m1, 1111 op1r1tion1
1upport 111d "'1ri111 1yd1m1. w. ••• cu,..
r1nll'f' 111ki119 i..Oi .. idu1l1 ia 1 numb•• of
po1ition1 to 1upporl our ATHENA "H'',
S11bl ii11•. Gu11ru11111r, ALARR 1..<!I other
fund1d pro9r1m1.
Tile positions listed below require c
technical degree and appropriate t..x-
perie-nce. They are only a few of our
engineering openings.
e ll, SYSTEMS DESIGN "'ith emp-
hasis on military communications
and telemetry, e CllCUIT DESIGN of sophisticated
systems uning "S" parameter tech-
nlq\ll'S. e CONCEPTUAL & DETAIL DlllGN or missile hlll\dling and launch sys-
tems. e Al R 0 DYNAMICS evaluation of
flight vchlcll'!S and determination ot
aerodynamic chart1cterlsLics. e MARINE SMALL CRA,T SYSTEMS
DESIGN including preliminary de·
sign studies.
Positiona require degree and appro-
priate e:rperience.
e Sit. COST ACCOUNT ANT to pt>r•
form .contract cost analysis and pre-pare job cost report..'!. e Sit. l\JOGET ANALYST to develop,
-:ompile and present ~t data and budget rt'ports. e COST PROPOSAL ADMINISTllA·
TOR to ·haTidle com11lete CO!lf pro-
posals for ~or englneerini: eh11.nges
11.nd hf'\\' husinr>SS.
e Sil. llTIMATptt to pre~~ cc.t
<'stlmatCfl e Sit. PLAHNllt to detennlnc-d6ign
fcasibllit.i. e MAN\.IPACTUll:ING IN 0 IN 11 ft
\\'1th expeTiene\" 1n tither electronic
or mceh&nieal manufacturb}s meth-
ods. e MATlllfAl lllQUllllMINTI ANA·
LYIT t.o lntl'!rprC't material knd pro-
~!I st>tttftcation~ e IXPllll MINT AL MACHINISTS
'''1th eXperif'nl'!f' In manufacturing
prttlslon f>l\J'ts •nd tools.
.Contact Employment Office
(714) 546-6030
3333 Harbor ·Blvd., Costa Me,.
Missile Systems Division
i~ii; ;;EARCll Equa~~:~o::nlty ~ RESEARClf
CORPORATION ~· M & f A Division ol the LD
A Division of lhe · • Susquehanna Corp. I'(!". 1
Susquehanna Corp. Alt ..-t .,,.,.Wllty .,.,,.,...
I U.I. CltinMhl11 r....,lrM ~
!!!!!! .. !!·!!-· °'''""""" '"""!!"'!!!"'!!,!!!!!!!!!!~~ -~ ....................... ..1 · --=~~· ~~~~~·~~ -~~ .. ~~~~~:-
Contact Mr. or hf.rs. Zimmer
Flying Butler
GENERAL offiee·IYPing, fil.
ing, bookkeeping. tic. 2-gal
office 0.1. Older woman
preferTed. Apply in penon,
2113 Ca.n)'On Dr .• CM.
PBX Ans\\'l'!ring service. exp
pref, must bt able to \\'Ork
all shifts. Steady work. =· E XPERIENCED chairsidt
dental assistant for gencraJ
practice office, L a g u n a
Beach. :'I day/wk. 494-9737
perienced in r!:ady to \\'ear
& sporls\\-ear. Part time.
Costa llfesa.. a4f>.2462
ed, apply in person. Call for
appt. 545--0200
GJRL Friday, l;lilling, tYPlna,
It. hkkping.. ans. phont.
Call \Ved . or Fri 540-S990
PART TlPtf E Genera.I Office.
Good with f i gu rt's .
$horthand helpful. 675-5333
hom<', hlon lhru !-'ri, Hnlg
Stach area. 968-5256
COLI.EGE age girl, hsl'!work
& child care until Aug., 15
4'boys 7-14. $60 \Vk. &Ji.656J
time. {\pply in person. 192'1
Newport Blvd., CM.
SPECl'OR. Agt' 35 10 45 day
or nighl Mif!. * &1~+
Part lin1c. Car \\•ash.
CALL 64a-202';
SPEC. l\fACH. Steady. Top
pay. Gr'mt Mfgr. 642-2666
LT. otc. cleaning 4 hrs. wkly.
$7. Chvn trans. Housewife
! pfd. 546-7131
I \VANTED: Part T i m c
&nnald tor nl~ har.
Call 6C2-4882.
I ~nia;. N . B . Ex·
pcriencc desired. No n
' ~nlOkcr. 644-0611
LICENSE.1:> Shan1poo girl,
Top pay. N t!l\'JXH1 Beach
' Rte,\, 642"-Q.'i7
I SALESUDY for je~lry
''""8. C>vr:r 31 .vcan. -EXP!:RJENCED part Umt
rn111d<1; _.llOOlble full time. &12-~
cook. All 11dul t•.
• ~->l +
PITU.IE maid. 5 days wk.
AJtPtv In penion. : 2 o 5
•larbor Blvd, 01 .
-----------------------:-;:-r;:.;;;--.----.. "'!
••ri•n dal1 ' mldllnes
2722 Mlcholaon Ori ..
(Ad). Oro ... Co.
Irvine, allf. 92664·
No phone calls please,
An equal opporlunll>
employer MA:F
3029 Harbor Blvd.
Cost• Mesi
A Divis~ of .the
Sulquobanna Chrp.
An equal opportunity
emploYer -
Male or Female may apply
Gener1I Offtce
Booltlteep ... exp, .........
.... good bandwrlllttr, ,..,..
sonable &: weU groomed. 5
days week, Mi. Prefer auto-
mative exp., but w/ train
.-4'hl pl Call -ult
"" -Brant.
Johnson & Son
2626 Horbtw Blvd.
Coste M1s1
Executive Secretary .. S6tlO
Secty/EICl'OW •••••••••• $575
otc Mcr/lkW1 ........ $530
Secrelary/Lepl .. -..... $525
S.Cty/Cuntncta ...... $500
Secfttary/s.Jea , , • , •• to $500
Secreta.ry/Enil' •••... $500
Secreta.ry/R.E ......... $500
Exec Secretary ...... $5t!Oup
S.Cl> /Mrktc . • .. .. .. $5t!Oup
BooJUtffper/P.A. •.•••• $475
Girl Friday •.••..•• to S450
secty/llte lhlhd ...... 1433
Recepttonilt ••• , , •• •• • $425
Clerk TY.Plat ••• , •••••• S400
NN-Aoetl/SlL ••••• , $400
Genl Ofc/Recpt • • • . • • $400
Order Deak . • • • • • .. • to $350
Escrow TraJnee ••••. , $350
~fedical Secretary ......... ,
P.T. Gr~ Ott1ce •••• $2.50br
"''°"'* ,,.._
OF 11 WXlllY APAlTMllm
Speilhh &·Ma•IWr-hlollwt'
-~-~~!:II-~-:~~-:-:-~ -............ ,.lilliM' .... Ji:::::::::::: ....
A decorator dream. house Of1 _,displ'f ~ 3
rooms of gorgeous Spenlsh furniture (was
reg. $1295.00 •
SACRIFICE • • • • • • $398
1844 flewport Blvd ... :.-.>
omi.t. ---!:-!lumper -!IOBZlt.
8he cHdil't know her bul.
bf.rid dank unttl lhe •• blm SOllER. • 1.,. .... , ....
-I TAPE-· -Wolle-ir, 311, ....ill.
with all ~ 1111
s,ei•ni 00-1l Uoo
lJ GAUGE au.t0111.&tlc
Wlnch&tdm-, t.-i Ill. -
oondltlolt, -Call Dart .... -
Droltsmon/1iotlgnor Costa. Mesa only * AUCTION *
Archltectvral Help Wint.cl Jobe' Mon, Wom. 7so0 hot'(Mlght1at-WOtl .. _Slt.& .... 'TIU Uyouwllloellorbuy
.. w 1·-.... W1ntlr • ..,. Corona del mar art&. omen "NV • . .4llctionl hldaJ 1•30 J&
Soleom1n to "'8 il Pracluctlon holpon JOIS & IMPLOYMENT Aee!l•nc• , 1100 Wi d , A _.,_,: I n""""'rt k I • , -1n y s ""'"'~ -1rn Must have aell'ff. .. •• ,. ... • to wor n man"'" Jobs 'Men, worn. 7500 NEW Frl1ldalr• BebiDd~'llDIY•as..r M&t1.
Admlnlsirtiil,;. patsonnal focturlng deport• · --dlahwuben. •oeetal troctu21m11~~N~•·~-~~~CM!!_!l•!!:!!ll!!!ll~f Trafneeto$IOO mtnt, small tlec· • TEACHERS Small surplu1,$148.Dellveredl.:
?tfust have de ......... , agency tronlc 'a1Minbfy. , PriVate Jr High-Hfah Sehl. w/servtce « anpped out SOC'ClllO l!ON0.4, dirt or *"l .,. ~-Older teachers · Pfttened, Sl'l3. >,ft 5 pm -..1511 · ~ belt offer. llll
Field Service WNEWPODOVERRT BDERJVEAC!I l'UVIOUS AsSEMBLY'OR lkm M ""Doily Pilot BEAUTIFUL~-·~~-· ~ van;-...... ~ ""' GER· dlx ,.__ ' ..... .,_._,. ftp&tr $1S> u ii.or belt 4 Rtp. to $600 642.s870 SOLDERING EXPERIENCE -~A • • apt., ....... ta Imperial wubet' · le CU "1 Kenmore '10.
2 ye&n lnaural)ct'! experl· PRE'FERRED Mea Comp I e I e main-dryer, $50 each. 675--SnT F~ top '':a:w'a: ~
enoe. car, furnished. Order Dtak MACHINISTS te;!i:-~na~ement G.E. ~~tomatlc washer •. xlnt chain Sl.O. Youth bed, com.
Solosmln $600 IO $500 EPF* -<2l3l '1'14-6160 conditio~ !40-ptete $ID. Mlle. ru·w. llo)I
Pluo Commlulon Must have 0.0. experience, RElj)UIRED 1i &<1-&15 * st, C.Jf.-.ZW.
Potential 112 to $2Q,OOO. &CCUn.te b'Jiliw, work witb Aatncl .. , Men & . ruu. ~ tum-Qp
Slonl Mon ... r . = .::r4 .....,, <La-0 Gonor1I Mochlniot -w-7550 Antlquoa -,1110 =..: .rmo-.S:.:
Trolnoo._ lllllntClkto$47SAPF e Chuckor()porator CHINESE lt.d i.a cvt, old ""'""' '235. OmtpL Jot Mu1t be married. some Tl'P' 50 ....,. a=ii-ately + 0 M111 Oporotor Hair Styllsl Engl~h -..od/brua 3 Iler ..._..,,.. oqu1o • -f:::~. eX?erience pre· 10.key, Billing el<PCr rw. With follO\vinl" needed by wuh •land. ChtMte C panel $150. Otblr.mllctll. CID aft. Genl Ofc to $400 APF Must be use f.l, close toter-Busy Newport Shop, enlq. 1mall tcreen w/ivory ap. 5 PM 897-4837 ,
Auto MKh1nic Int~•tifli varied 1eneral anee 1talnles5 1teel. ill& & completely redecorat-pliques. Louis XV 7 drawer OZARK'S Hidcorj cbllll tr
To $1IO WHk of.f1ce dutJes .. + public con-Excellent frlnre benefits, lJ!i. cbe1t <Somonitr). Early amokinr 6 ~a ·
4lD W. Cout Hi&bwlY COflta J.tesa area. tact 1'yPe 6(1 wpm. CALL 6U-2400 -==P=hon=-=•=64=6 ::;'345==~ I American 5 drawer chmy lb bap '$2. Ine!adet putial
Equal oppomuiil> empl.,.. Eltp'd ...,.,. machine OP"'-Newport llHch "6-39.19 Auto Rontol Lot•I Socty to $550 'ut< l<lr Jim lfyaml, • ....,.. ebtot See at 32211 deliVVY,o" -. -~ or atDnto.ew~~boat M1Mtfr Tr1lnoo EPI' 1/z, CRF ~ Servonlc Div111on ot School•lrttfrvctl0tt 7600 Jumln, C.D.M. M.O. •to ~ Km"tlehw, 1~====~--1 CUlhionl Is eanYUI ~ lf6 L Tlll a: 1&t De Califonllatxptrreq: Sh90+, GULTON INDUSJ'RlES ' 219 W. eirhon, Ontu1o1 ADYIRTISINO ductl. Top ....,,, pt1 boll· A nuallg; Muoi · bondablo. twlnl 60+. Good <0mpany INCORPORATED Educational Vac•tlo• 4th Sowl"t MlchlnM 1120 Cal.111'1 •
Se t I days, !f.C&tkm&, tn.. Xlnt Br1nch M1n• .. r benetihl. 1644 Whittler Ave. rraders · • · Sr Cltlllens QUl.. 1969 SINGER with 1• GEIGER O:lunfllr, 8*riftlil ere ary -condl1-Am Work at Ne_.t Center, Ill -1 5 ._... coat 10 leuon typmr Sehl. ·~-• __ .,_ ...-wllb Jack c.oie Co., l'l'3 Placm. Tr1lnn $450 lniu• ecty to ..,_, Co5ta Mesa, Calif. Trla1 Lesson 173 Del Mar walnut cotl*lle. ~ but· ~· ~
B kk ti& A CM ~ •tart $400/mo. ~.equirq .ec. Excellent opportunity! EPF Y.a, CRF Y.a Yrn"'1 opportunity em~loytr C.M. 548-2859 ton holes, dea)anf etc., $$.25 •--.a wf•~: In, -.
00 eeper ve., · rel4rlal """'-· Type S•••!Jh~·-u h f port ~.:;_,;;.;;:.:;::.:...___ mo. or $36.00 caoh. !IM6l8 •-w ,.... SECRETARY IAYely 60WPM.llteahortband,At.-ChemicelTr1lnff _., '6000
• s or ex VOICE· preparation tor smallllenu.~otM
Reiponslble, top level spacious office, Live J y toniey Rol&nd S. Barcume $2.55 hour ~~!t 1~°st.~1~~nge Coun-* COOK. S * popular or claulcal slnflnl. Musical Inst. 1125 Greenbfter cCoUep P1 r k)
position for shirp, t•k• trlendly YoUnr ooworitera. 6"-0023. Orange County Airport Mk! S to auot EPF Be1lnner th r u advanced C.M .. locatedN--rtft-b, •uvi. area .I K ,.._ tral"'1"''". "'A11 "'..,"· 494-9340 FENDER B111manl=-="'°"•~"'G""-·"'"-----:-" ch.,.. girl: Must hive ~-.... -c _,.., · "1--•--i; .... 1 Sal bt--A ....... VM"W.... .,~......._.. -·-'•-~ k"ll I I ~· Co pays UI )'OUl' fee, I I ·~,::::•, ._, •h." +•60"+-EXPERIENCED and GUITAR LESSONS in "Our amplifier ciph@r Gultar. for 12 lnclud. lee -nocw. exce _..., I I S "!= • . AlllO ftt jo•·. Call ~·-. "'-n .. or to iUM App ianca nstelltr .,... ...--. .._., NON-~-~"CED • nAat oiler' Will trade tor __..._.. """"'· 1.....__ .. 1 -L-~--' h ndl )a... ..... ~ ,... .-... $2. hou h-t-. Excellent Co!ta Mesa c.A&"J:.on..a.i;..i• Home. $2.00 a Lenon. call U'I<'. • ~---.. """,...,_ MlVrTIM1nuJ • • 11• ~lit, Jason &st r .,,.,... ..,ttlons open Bobat~a.tt6PM. small motorcycle 5'5o--:0906 butter ·~ 24 -.. llldcpg; llllllnt• Under Employment Agency 2120 . PLUS CAR Santa Ana area. firm . ptecn.
-~~-hrboro-.-17141 Soo _____ .-'. ___ ~:e~f!•;;; TrucliDilwT $2:-11r · c!:'-:!~~ =· ~ Apply In person p:,:;;oln~:=..;::. ~ ~tor::."""..;.:::=: =,=~=-,,.m--,,
i; .. ;;.;.. ______ 1ACCTG. AiiST. Xlnt Co.ta lint, Excellent opportunttyt Experienced, re.ponsiblc cool RCl'9tarY 1or two youna: 8U-XJ9 stand. ~ · repn. $100. WHITMAN cement ~
¥esa Co. Stable, no layoffs. AAILITJES F T •--· ~--le m .. •""". tin, ~ti'eeu. REUBEN'' -"-"''----~-I s.10-u» new sm. Sean air ecn-. -!hentlly ·--~' • llN£11iiiTmAGENcY -ictory ·~~ "~ · ... _.,. _ -->ii MIRCHANDISE FOR ' DRVMS,Spa11deBltte,8""'--•-•eu.tt.en-11. :s:sn~. :.0
0enma:i:st' 488 E._ l'lth St, Suite 2'l.f Good op'!~u~~; for ad· S.cty $SDO''EPF }'a COCO'S SALi AND TR.ADI erland. O:lmplete. Hoitt, cum. pafllct Uto • ~--1a Miia "'14-R•ol Estate or <0n-·etton * M&-l.33i * 109 Newport Blvd. 1pac:e Employment .& .. erv, 2120 "-"-, · '"' •v vanc~ent. "uu • ltv IOOO N 12 CM TELLER
--.-1 .. ,.. bkimd + .iood Mills. , · . r-urn re ACCORD1AN. lit bul con-·1=0=·=·=· =·..,.....,,,..--.-1
UNITID CALIFORNIA So.IMnJ~~lonSan':_~dlng *,.~NV1 Y+J.ESCEN'rd·~·--~--F/C Bkkpr to $600 APP' 1555 W, Adom1 SPANlSll It.tumid n.m teno. 9 mo otd, tott. J'URNn'llllE ; All 'ttl'tl!f BANK _,, ,._ lady durlnc r .... ._.. FEMALE Dble e:ntry + billing on Cotti Mesi Modtl Homa on Ill• at o/pa.ymenta 642-0052 upbol.ttertd, ,aair.s.. bldH·
Operlfort. Tr1i""s tion. Live in S da)'a. To PIO NCR. Excellent oUice I: NURSES AIDIS Seu thu wbOlelllel Group . bedJ. chain, loft leatl. D
#6 MoMrch hy PIH• South Laguna
_4pmto-lllhilt .mo. btnelits. btcl-boa•llful 91 ,. Pl1n11&0rpa1_11 1130 -· dlttlnc hblo . -0:~" *P=N~":e~11~ Socrot1ry$JJO Ropr•Tr,:latto$500 ORDEARt11S qullled IOla A !ovo ••~ OULBRAHSIN rt'.lt>loNdo'°"i:'~-"° W •M• st '•• 'Llw In. Iona or lhorl term Beautiful ofllca near I I' ~ Experlebced or Ttalnees ' 3 Spalllah oolr docorator OlltOANS I K N I' • • ....,'" • \-1'1, • Orange Count.y Airport. 1YPe tecfulical m.anualB, __ ... tAhln. IW&I Cl' tab19 lamP1, ~LITZER L E •" • •••• 1
Meclical Aubtant Apply , ad k fo ri t AM to 3:30 PM aiN U :OO wall placque ki?W "' "8troll-O-Qair'' Olt·t·t t
EqualapportunityemployerMature-Pedlatri·cex-HOMEMAKERS S47-al. Glrl ·Frl;to$500 +i~~ rpn'r PMto1:30AM. orfullllze·~~~ PIAN, &ORGANS complete.iynold.Patd
per1.ence prefm'td. Front a S.Craterl11 to $5JO No ahorthand. Newport Clerk Tofpht $M0 PARK LIDO complet• tncl Im aprtnp, Piano. A: Orsana Rented $322 new, ltll fur SITB
EXPERllNCID back ott1ce. Send resume: Sevenlopenines ln the 8ftch .Beach a.tta. EPF 'Ya, CRF tiJ Convalescent Center mattreu, linens Ir boudoir EVERYTHING lN' MUSIC FIRM. M8-21J)
aa:e, exp, etc to Daily Pilot area. Company pays our Ofc, M1r/Secty $530 For a bright youftc atrl with 466 Fl=4 N.B. ltmpa. SpanW. of.k 6 pc MUST 11811 new oorivert!ble
SECRETARY -P"'5 !•~ Allo , .. )obi. Muoi have aood okillo-IOme -rat oln"' e ... rl. ------,-----dlttlnc IOI-priced ·-Belch Music Center -.. --~ -.,,,.c:;_ -. ·--
MEDICAL ASSlSTANT JO-LEN N•wporl Beach areL once +. 50 wpm aeeurai. * DRIVERS * at apprmi. llllll-00 ALL ~ • -.. <Back ottfce), ablt to 't;ype, Peraonnel Atency Sec t $5DO typing. FOR ONLY $399. ~down. Factory Salis" Service Coldlpot re'frl1.1rator
UNITED CALIFORNIA pl•uant penonalil> I neat 6:15 S. Euclid Ora-ng· '"c-~nryty A'-rt No E ...... fonco IUll "'· ~,.; ' .. , of n .... u nooti 'tll f. 'S.t ~ ,.,.,646-3303===="""==
BANK ---· Anabtim 635-'°'2 ...... ---~ 'IP.F,ompltl'for ...... ... .. crodit OK. Will ii.iiB<ocbmvd.,(H..,,39)°LAWNl>lOWER'l51'iiible
J141 E. c .. st Hwy
Corono dtl Mor •n.mo
than --Writ. Dal-LYN -Experienoed, CtJn. poya he Nocouaryl, .. ,_ .. ""l(Ulck ·-m l\! ml So-Son Di.,. ,...,,_ d--115• • Ill. b' Pllot Box M 412. valncent ffolplt&l. o.ta Secty/Purch $475 ~ API', •pplkint MU1t have clean CaWornla Century Fun:ilture, 9 TT 2 Huntiniton Beach 847-8538 Power mowr A!5 Girl'• * WAITRISSIS * Me•. Ea<:eliont workloc Or1nac County Airport poy1 fH drlvlnc recortl-.,~pply =: G= o:!i: '1~0: -I RENT NEW bUte $10 -· Must be 21. Apply condition•· 3-ll, pm •hill. .,... • CRP', comp1ny YELLOW "Al CO. Sat ~. Sun 12-5 Come SPINl!:T PIANOS UPllOLBl'ERER'S ilpldol:
In pel'901l Call 6fU387 f 0 r •P. L191I Secty $4SO reimburses fM 186 E. l6th St. In or call (n4) 53.).6240 m:im SlO per month Sola fl'5: OatDm llteno Etl1W ....,.-t1lllli1 ~ BALBOA PAVILION po-ent • 35 hour week. Colla Meia Pw-chale Optional ct!blnet ll"5 '!I llPltn-
400 Main. Balboa COUNTER GIRL with WANTEI>: TUTOR JDr 9 yr C PIECE rattan sectional. 2 ***** M6--4619 , , '
SECRETARY: Part time for alteration experientt for Keypunch Oper to $433 old boy, the new modern end tables $150, Aft 5:30 ./ SALE USED * POOL TABLES *
• WAITRESS. -1Uttre-.Exp.lt> -apncy.18363Bolaa Requtres6mos.cxpcr. TELETYPE malhmelhod.6*-0603 wltdays5'M982 HAMMONOORGANS Cuatimi---.._._,.-,,
aeroepaoe des. Salary com-Chica. H.B. Escrow Stcty $400 * UNIQtJE ·RCA Cond TV 21" e New auarantee • u.cJ. SP9J'T.l 't'JD"· . ~:"!'~te wtth exp. PART time Real Eetate No 1Plorthe.nd. Apncltl, Men I SSQ. ~ PCll!!!' ~ 1:..7:-tt e lJberal tmn.1 (nC> ~ lJ.i 111D
iPIO"""OO.l• SalH, new hornea. Must be Olrl Fri. to $400 OPERATOR Women 7550 A 1111111 . ..,.... B-3's. C2, A·l00'1, M.tOO'a, BAR.GAIN! Membmhtp 111
BlBYSITTER tor 2 dtndretl u,,. __ 8'1--2561. --;i, • POSITION IS ELEGANT fotmol dini"" L-IOO's from .......... 1195 N•wport -Tmm Qab.
REUBEN E I IE 4 6 4 mo'a. 10 am to 1 pm. JtB. Lairun.a Bcae area. ttble pure Italian marble. HAMMOND $100 )'Oii PIY tl'lmfft tel
' i.u; IJ"' tn er out ll5 wk. INDUSTIUAL Sewliw: ternp. Loon E•cr-Typist -Twu yean .xperl•nce, EVERYTHING Like new. 1600. ~ In OORONA DEL MAR NW411tit3 pm. • .. :
151 E. Poclflc Cat Hwy 6'5-tl'l30 att 1 pm or bef9'30 work. high pay . ..., W. Uth $400 prlvate II n • tel•typo. IN UFEI LRG 3 Pc Hctional, loom '8St E. °""' H..,, 613-mO DIAMOND •adtlltw •I i Ne___. a..ch &m. St., Costa Mesa. 642-3SCS Corona d'l .. Mar area. Knowledp ot PBX mul· whit!'! J'Qllon xnlt cond 1195. WE'RE Nck 1n our new ets:. T.W:, perfect, fla,;s.a. ' '"'"'"'_w.,...-... ·.,....,-IMR DONUT---...• FIJLLERll7lTES. Port ttple board,. lo •-m. It> WHY NOT Triple dre"'r w/mlm>r. otore,Bl(Celebntlotl•Bta Appr "3l10. A.ti USO .
1• -.. N•-~ Tim M ~ •--to Typist $400 white 135. 54Q.m1 Sal•-• --· "' exp nee. ••Y-'· avs. N·w .. r ·-60 NI I S 6'30 p.m. IETTIR YOURS? ~ nSEO•-f -·-•· --T '
W J ,\pply It> -l.l5 E. 11th. start. o..r 21. Call 5'1<-S?45 San~~•-" 0 "· • Qua!JI> klnr bid. quilted, """.1 .~:..! ,.-':":!!: Qua!ll> klnr '-', qulltld, ·
-.,.-• C.M. GIRL Friday, lmmotl _.. COLLINS 'FIMALI contJ>lete, UllU"" 198; """" oa a •··•• ...... -oompllto, ..,..M llt1 -
.J:: WORKING mother needs tna. Variety, exP neceuuy. Purch Clerk $400 Secr,tary, Ensr or contpctl $250. Aft 5 or wkndt. N1-00i ~=a~ =to~ $250. Alt'$ or tJ'lsndl wr.oeot ,
_., cblld care, Uw-tn or out, s * 60ot242 * Good typist, Oran re Good 8ldll•,' like JJmlle, SOFA A Ol&Jr, new, MWI' CLOSEOUT of 19U OrslN e 'TIS~ rw. e ~ ..... a..._n Mon .~. ....... CountyAtrportarea. RADIO co )'OU!'Cfeepd ....... tti$52$ .~ ~-~ o"-~ ..,.. n....-t-"'-"'u"""•-.,. ffl":u . -~-= """ .... MAID, .... 30, perm/par1 Jr, ·~--. Hie 8/11 -k "".:!.'. =--:.:.. •I ....... to .......... -v ....... ---:., ~ · • &7f ..t= l60/mo. MM* -· 6 ° daalwlc. .... kh Olrl P'rl. to $400 • for -s.-;-~PromOtlott Gr& °' -•-~~· No down -. S-"' lo p0y. l'ouolaltt V.U.,. -,,,,_. IJ aL\RGE )'001' want ad now. motel, $1.15 hr. ~-_ Con1true\to1' ftrm in CO.· WARD'S BALDWIN' mJDIO 2 PROM .._ .. i .... i-T ilJ
la 1'1""· 11700 Jomboroo Rood 6:rl. Pd:i. bt,.'-~~.:_;;:· .~. Gar .. o Salo I022 18lt _Ne_.t, C.M, &4U48' each: ltb•-;;...._.-2t'rl Pltue Call For Help Wanted ' He:1J: Wentec:I Newpot't ... h ·--I'""'""' .. A.a---..1 -v~ c An Appolnlment. W-n 7400 -n 1•-'II• Clerk $* c typo 60 Foe Pd, ~ "'6-'1 USED Fumlture. SIOYe e SPECIAL PURCHAAHSEOe ~~. -· .M. l l~~ifiifii~F~11~iiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiii~iiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiii~-iiii l Secretary, real tll:ateor eon. retri1s, ctreuen, tablri a. WURLITZ!R ".'I S DIAMOND So.1.1.tatre ~ 1 I , R1cortls Clerk $JOO Eqqal opportunity 1:mplo)Jtt •tracdon blcklround to $525 chn. Liv. rm A bedt. Whlle they Wt! •t. haw .,...t $775. Mil GIRL FRIDAY . •-OfllooManaaor,lPtottlce, couc heo , o/s cbrl, $945WalnutCOlllOI" lllO•ouh.l?Ml11 •,
TypJtW, tllq, good phone EQUIPMENT .. omstra11 to $3.25 hr STORE ma-......., with good bookca ... bar ,....., cap. new ................... !891 POOJ.Domo.-plete ditto~.
voice. Good with ll(um. Trlmmor/Holpor MANAGIR •kill• .................. l530 t•ins chr.t. Din. "'· Mloc. ~ bltnch -• -te "'· -mlto. l
S'-· ()pportwtff1 tor od-CONTROL CLERK to tJ:U h Sl&tlltloal '>Pit' typo 60+ nic-na'1. Th& G.,.... 15!fO "~Sp 11111, --tut-aa • va.ncement. O:impany ben. . '· lxperltMtcl Only A. do 10me,·tnYtntoQ' control, Superior, CM. l46-eUI finl1htl ••• fhm1 SSO to '$519 . · •· j
fill Incl-health "-. '•r Now l'llm-fetl ...... ., sm Pl bl plue blnch -"' w-~ 1610 • anct, Dl!d -=atsoas, etc. PIT Gal Friday, b'PI 40+' GARAGE SALE; um nc. ' Tenna Like Rent • """' ....... • (
Wlite Bex P-48ti DatJy Pllo' To be respoMible for Ute recordlnc LANZ Ill< S/H abd do aeenll roe mining '°°''· bolll, •tove• Oould Music Com~ny w A N l E D l I .1-ta .... , .... ,_, to th hi I .., .,, · '"· dressers. tirn, tubff I ·~-i-· · \ N....,.. Bel<h. o '"' • ,,,..... e s pp bl LADIES .... .. . .. . .. •• -p.botlr i ' m Colla M sf ll>ll N. ~ SA Miil ' . HOSPITALITY HOSl'ESS 11 and re~el(ll of ma!CW and equip. APPAREL ' MALlt °2:-,,. "llAllllOND_'lllalt>way •. ., . ' ! too..,. tor .,. _ _,,., ment. Requlrts numerical apti· STORE Draltomon, orch. i monthl · · moba • now • -...., wi .,.ci q111l11> (Jto llln1I !
to ... _ tte-m•ts 1o tude, Ute typing abDlty and two · ""~ r., Pd, ... -. to IUOO GARAGE SALE et an -.-Best ...,. bl ~>-""""""' • 010 ' I
the community. Must have years office experience. t Colt Ea:Ul1ll.tor, up. In con. JUNK TO AN'MQUE So. caur. rlltlt hlnl. TV " ~ -.ppUanma. tYPf\1111 &nd be bond. JN nector field, '" Pd ••• S7'0 3.16 A. Vidortai CM In rear ICHMIDT MUSIC 0)., = and oUiae equilDlftt. 1
able. A':i, catoSs E. Main, Good working condltlona and full . !=alr=r:2:r.--::132! Oistomer Strvl.. S.PY .. GARAGE Sele, !03 Cam311on lSOI N. 11a1D. ~ 1: ~teal •
Suite T. T'ultin. Calif. r•ftle of comP1rty p1kf benefits. ,,,;,~;;:;c:,,.=;..::c;.;.:;::..1 man11,re brder P~'!!'. A\'e., Corona de1 Mar. Ml¥ Santa Ana , • I
-WOMAN fo~ll .. hsllpslnH!I F.,Pd._ .... , ........... "I' 11thuntillOld. e PIANOREliTALS e $ WI IUY $ \ WOMAN t... pu11o For ·fntervlaw appointment, pluae b "lf . B<acb. IJve ou~ own traM. Adtnlno. Tralneo. -· llUMla:I\ llPECIALS . I
lody. N': =.i.,.. Lit. call: a ·1 ties owr ~. nonamo1cor. mo ,.., .. r .. Pd, ...... seo ~ef!!!!n<M · 1100 •Low u .,_...,.,.. $ FUitNITU_RE $ ,
houatltoeplttt 11oo a.r. Fri. UJ.lllO anlfmite() mo. A&mO. Production, mallflal conllol, WllUUJ'OOL IOD!allc Rantol •ppllot IO l'uldtlOI A'PIJANC:ES' I
'am "1'30 """ 1251 """ XI R 0 X agen_cv Jobe Mon, wom. 7500 k~ "'t,;'i.;'i,:,;;d; !: *w .... r. 1ai. ...:1. xtnt Chuhl Moille Coonpony c.t-; l;,-"=·r-s-i' H.a. sa-aT att. 10 AM • • , , '! , <11a> tee Jobi> + many mart c:ond. sso. N?..SUS "* N. Main. SA Nr..U ~,, ., ,.,. ,
l!:Pl!:R, !lvo -In; l'll!:l!:o am.blll6tts tr .1 •• .-Jobi. • -FRIGIDAIJIE lte01f, --.NJ:Alt--....... lihll IN It Ml I ~
,.._., ...... belch MACHINE CONDmONING CENTER 4111. 17th ltrtot ::'., r"' 4lf to ~ ""° MIRCHANTS . 1op '"""' $100-tone • oond. lllO. 81Mllil: • 141-4631 e :
.,.._ 2 ... _ chldm. IRYINI INDUSTRIAL COMPL!X d Ute It> leam to • -* M-nll...,. ~)Ji/ ii) J ' -'
Wocnan w/ 1 ....U dllld '116'1 JAMIOlltlE ROAD llltYINI SVlta 214 bl"°'"" .. , men. Mon PIRSONNIL 1 LARGE Reii'liliiltor, douhla HAMMOND 6RGAN ~ ~'I W nm::: i °"-Pm 014 512-m3 C•t• Mou '42·1470 :C~' ~~.,i\n•f: .. :~ntl': AGINC:Y ' door '°'""' 0.10r lllll. ltplMt modeL 1111. •~ ' : qlNTAL ASSISTANT i,,.1 o,,."'".; 1.,.i.,.. M•& • ,.1o,,_. l!oir p 416 Doll> Nlwporl Bloc!I Worl<I --6'M211· 162411, <H.8.1 nu: QltAiE('lOO cxa; :
ff-' Beadl ---------• • .:.~:o-:::·...L•~·--· ----llW!nl . W)!llt-~T DAILY PIL!ll'W.lll'r'll5ii 'lltS QUICimt YOU lll!ll !-
Apply In penon
• .. -·-------...:""' .... _,...;~ -
• 'l
' • 1
...,,M.,19, lM ·r to Prisoner·s,
! ~ \
'll'AWl_,..Oll (AP) -Secrtlary ol '"Ille North V-bm claimed
-...... ,i. Laird ~ upon tbtt they ore lroltlnj oor meo twma-
Hanal· lilft i. ~ nleue ol ill q:• the dol-chief uld. "I Im
AWi I *i 111111 lllld In Nartll ,..,, .. ,,Ir~ J11C1 t11a1 -II c1e1r
Vht II l'Jf ..... 0 1Ylfaloalbll'lllttlllllll-." . ,..._..., Laild •1-11aiai VIII-Lllnl .rt!""tiit ~; !1111 mlinih mmt
.... ,.,. IM!ddJI W"""' -JOI Alitrbn -wtll llave -.... _.,.,..for ~., _..,.lltharupr-.tlworor •ln'-'.1.oaW:= ~ ...._In actiGD for"'*" lhlll'llt h1'u'•••t11Vfii;'._ Cllllfi. ·-~ . .. "'1( ~~ ... • ..... '?;
~~ltPoJi '
., • •I ' ; . .
=-Mte8t Man .. ......
On 'S~uggling'
A ·S. pio1o -· allegedly amualiDI ,11~ ~··· .Into Callfomla. -..... ~'1 .... morning by,~
~-]JC!ll\llnear Talbm A-Gd,;....... -: ·.,, . • ~u~.\. -,-
''This period ol time la Jooa" than any
U.S. serviceman was held prfloner durlnc
World ·w.-II," be stated. -1·
Lalr4 told a mw1 com-.lba Piii' lleon "'cottUnues to hope for mtanfngtul
IW'OJl'es8" toward the re1eaae of prisoners
a part ol !he Pull peace tall<J, bul be
ollerad ................. f Iba! lhll wOo1d
come about' 1DC1L • • : •
LairU demanded that N;rt( Vletum at llut adbmi to provialllftll of the~Geneva
conV<ntton, which fl haa ll&ned, which
would allow:
-itelease ol nam<S ol prlaorien held.
-!~lo .. -ol lldt .... wounded prlsciner1.
Impartial inaPecf.lom of faclllUes for
pzUoners of war.
-Proper treatment ti all prilooen,
ud -RecuW· flow ol, mall.
Laird's statel)\ent to newsmen was
followed by I i.ncthY brlefm& by other
officials on the prboner altuatton. Thay
said the same in/ormaUoo had been prO-
vldad lo Aalbtetclor "-J, CMol
Lodge, the chief U.S. negoilator lo
Paril .
otlidals said Lo\!&<. u •ell I! the men
wbO pr«eded him under Iha J-ad-mllllllraUao, bat nllad tha tnallei ol
• prligjlor ~ bal thp North Vlel-
name•e'reJJIOlll" 'haf be<n very llmitad •
•• •
'Nixons Plan
. I " ~
August Visit
To Clemente
Prolldenl J'ls!m lllid foday lla:l'lanl lo
be In San qemente .. Aupl
ffll. comment, made to 'I ~ 0 lt-
tendlnll an aw1td cerOmClll)' for two '1ind
-In WUhl,..., D.C.i ..... 41hr
-ol apeculatloo on wbln tba Fini Rlchlrd Sprina:•, •,was arreittill•at
Soll a.m. •hen SCI-David Miller opoltod
.l!lm:cl\>l.lnl tl!e ijlmk•ol ~ear, .. _; :_
'1Wben I approaChed the car," aaid Sgt.
Jl'lrnily will f1nl "" their -11~ ed IUIDiner Wbite HOUll,. ~ ,Cc$ect
•f !alale. .
DAILY l"tLOT ltlfl' .......
·'-Ajljlool Wlnnor Leery
f'reta P~e I
laws that, while not making posSession of mariJU4ria illegal, still make supervision
-™e thr•u&lrbnport controls and tu-
Justice Johll M. Bar'lan'• opbilon Iii the
Leary case !hit pfelamJ>tloll of crimlnal
llm>t....ent under tlie thiff laws mus\
be r:omi<ler<d imltional and arbitrary.
1'He was conlrooted with a statute,
~ on its .face permitted him to 8C4 ~ ........ loplly ..... ldld ........
the IUIO·pll'<IUllCO trmsler lu ml pve
Incriminating information." Harlan said.
speaking for the court. , •
"And c .almultaneouily," llar1'11 . cod-
tinued. ''M was cobfrOnted wtth a~
of regu/aUOOI W.hld!, ~rdJni to the
pa.-; prohibited him from ·~· qutrq l!l"IJll~ ... '"1 coodl~'llS· •.
The jurist continued to say that Dr.
LeaJy bad plenty ol reason to !ear that
the infonnaUon would be given to locaJ
lawmen if be admitted to tht: government
thlt be bad obtained ..,,...i.tered pol
'"11111 would IUl'lly prove 1 llgnllle111t
link In • dlaln of evidence tending to
establish his guilt under the state mari-
juana Jaws," Harlan noted.
The lonner Harvard poycholOIY PfOo
f-. qu<d qatnst ~ 1eea conviction
on tlie bull that he coold not pay the
federal tu without lncrlmlnatln&
The original defense wu hued on thlJ
coatentloo and the Supreme Court aaid
todly that It obould have be<n ac<eptod
at the lower court level.
The ·eight.man court noted that their
ruling ii In line with decl!lon1 ol their
Jut term that aelf·incriminatlon ii a
complele defonle for failure to pay •
federll pmb!lna tu.
Susan l.eary, ii, was arrested w:lth her
lither In !Bea at the Mellcan border and
placed on proboUon for her connection
with the marijuana tramport.aUon.
Dr. Leary, his wife Rosemary and son
John, 19, are currently f1clng chart., of
c111don of LSD and marijuana follow-
tllelr ormt late WI December In
Lapna Beach.
DAILY PllOT ............................ ..__ --c-.-
A.wt N. W..4
~-"'111111 ....
JK• It. C11rhy
Yiu ,,.._.,, -Gftltr .. MINI ..
n-.. 11: •• .,a .....
n-•• A. M11rphi~• lliMrllllrlt •lllW -C.'9 M91: • W..1 ,.., ll"'I'! ........,.~.!.::~ =-~::..-:.::. ... i.. ............... , .. .......
Miller, "I · found four Mexlcari nationala
crouched inside the ~·" .
Springer was arrested and booked into
HllDllngtoo BeaGll c;;o'Jell oo chariu of
aidJ.nc •lien1 to entC' the country wttbout
proper Identification. Poll<e m¥d Springer
wu l1lo wanted In 1"" Anlala ·lor an
.. ,...c ......
unidentified poroli Ylol.ition. -. · ·Top of S-111 Cu lo"Whlch ThrH Dlacl Shtarod Off by L19unan'a Hvrtilnt Vehicle
. .. Mlllir Nld the four r.jellClll .-,,
all wlthoal ldenllflcatlaa, wtll·be bold for
lnunlgnt!Oo outbortU... •
"I think they Jlll#;hi,. l!e<ii ~g
for the Huntington Beach Labor Camp,"
ezplained Sgt. Miller, who added that
none of the five gave any explanation for
being iii the area.. · . .. .
The labor camp, i.t 11311' Gothard Sl,
serves as ·home base for migrant farm
workers from Me:i:ico who carry im·
migration ponnila. It ii run by the
High Court Backtracks
Ove f ·Jury Trial Ruling
Front Pcge I
auHei:ed when Iha other car cavecl In tha
roof of their northbound auto.
One body was left mashed agaimt the
Talbert Farmera' Alaoclatiotl. .
S""-1• car WU reglltmd to • San
Diego conMruction firm , but Springer
told police he·had j\111 bought It and had
not transferred the ownership papers.
Aiding aliens ~o enter the COU!ltry il-
legally is a feder al offense · and f~eral
1utirlllel wll"1M tMpolllible for brln&-~ =golmt Springer, police Sl1'!
WAl!lllNGTON (AP) -'l)le Supreme
Court backtracked Monday on lb recent
~an&ion or the right of citizens to be·
tried by juriea when accus¢ of "serious
A 5-3 ruling in a seemingly routine cue
evot9d · 1~ll\Y warnlnp from Chlif
Aitkens Heads
Fulhrigh' Asks Kennedy Club
l).S,t Bear Do~. ,Wllfy Allklnr • 111omoy . .-. Placen-
, .. · · · · · ' tilf "hM ·beeft lllctld \ntklent ot the On Home Front new!Y ora!""«fKenneily Clu~ of Qrange
. . ' ; . ' Courity:
• WAS!llNGTON'(AP) -s.....·J. :w, .•. Ser.vlng11ilhhlmuoUJ....,.,eChuck
Fulbright said today the United Slates Lempeaia of AnlheJm vice-president·
must get out of Vietnam even lf lt has .to . David Hernandez of• Santa An 1 '
seWe for less than a standoff and tum Jts ' attendon to domelUc problema that have treuurtr' and Tom Newman of Garden
divided the people and spawned a student Grove, secretary. rebellion. The club wu created by aupportera o1
The cbalnnan of the Senate Foreign the late John F. K~y and Robert
ltelaUons Commitlee called for an Kemiedy and 11 Intended to dlscusa and
overhaul of what he called a foreign pW'aue the lo.ls they enViaioned.
bank by ~e crash, which was not wit·
Jull!lce Earl Warren IJld 'the court'• nesaed by 111yooe at Iha lmlant It oo-
senlor associate justlcu,1l'ugo L. Black CWTed, investJgaton aald.
and William 0. Douglas. Grim-faced rescue workers at the
The ruling approved a three-year pro-scene vowed a new campaign to 1et a
bation sentence given an Oklahoma man maximum 4S..miles·per-hour speed limit
in a feder&~ securities case. 1 at the well-known Slaughter Strip of
Broadly, Warren sa'ld, It stand.I "1.1 an roadway. open suggestion to the courts to utilize El Morro Curve has taken scora of
oppressive practices." lives over the years, despite efforts to
The case involves Ben H. Frank of make it safer throu1h reflectors and
Tulsa, who was sentenced lo probation in other devices as well as warning signs.
1966 for criminal contempt. Frank, now
'II, bod been lcouoed of violating I
government order against. interstate salta
ol oll oocuritl ...
He uiled for a jury lj1oJ bo\ wu turn-
ed down and WU trted ·by·a·judge.
Only three years ago Iha coort held
sentences ezceedlng 1iJ: montbl for
criminal contempt may not be imposed
. by federal courts without a jury trial or a
waiver of the right to It. .
And, a .year a10 Tuesday, the court
held the comtitutlonal right to a Jury
trial mU1t be available ln all "1erlous"
crimlnal cases on the state level.
NeY!rthe:less, a five-man majority
heeded by Ju!llce Thurgood Marshall
concluded the probation sentence did not
flt in the "serious" category.
Three Men Roh
Market of $1,085 ' .
Three men, one of them armed, held up
the Budget Pack Market, at 808 S. Brea
Btvd., Brea, Sunday and escaped with an
estimated $1,096 in cash.
Police said they traced \he 1etaway
car, a pickup truck, to a 1hopplng cenler
on Imperial lilgbway where it was aban-
doned shortly alter the robbery.
There were about a dozen Cllltomers
and five clerks ln the market when the
robbery occurred. No one wu Injured.
policy " "chronic warfare and ln-
tervenllcm" In lntern•tional dllputea that
he Aid 11 ieadln& thil country toward an
authorltarlar\ 1overnment.
Fulbright told mllltary leadera In a Na-
tional War College speech that his
criticism was of "militarlsm" which he
said ii domlnatlng U.S. foreign policy, not
of "the able, ener-1etic men who fill the ..
top ranks of the armed aervices" even ,
thoqb ho l&id they "have o<qulred 111 In-·
nuence disproportionate to their numbers
on the natJon'1 aecurity policies."
Importance of Apollo 10
Historians May Skip It, But Flight ls Vital Link
"The coura1e and endurance of our
fighting men command the respect of all
Americans," Fulbright said. "The fault ln
our war policy lies not with them but
with the l>Olltlcal decisions which com-
rnllted them to Ill lmposalble tuL"
Stanton Child
Injured on Bike
A 10-year-otd Stant.cm boy who WIS
struck by a car early tbll morning While rldina a bicycle 11 in. critical condition
with "'"' held Injuries In Gardeo Pork
llolpltal, Anaheim.
Hoopltal lides'sald Gre1ory Hwoa'I'
hoart llopped once but · that tt wu
siarted &&•ln He suffered a "cardiac arrut." .
Pollce Wd llie Hanson boy ol 8803 K~
uelly Line, w11 hit by a car driven by a
ne.lgbbor, William Bennin1er, 58, of ~l861
Kennolly Line.
Space historians of the future may men-
tion Apollo 10 only in pmln1. They may
not mention it at all. ·
But Apollo JO and the thnie men fiying
it are as much a part of the first
American moon landlngas the men who
may walk that barren surface July 20.
Wtthout Apollo 10 and. Astronauts
Thomas P. Stalford, Eugene A. Ce.man
and John W. Young, the moon landing
would be riskier and might not even be
pos4ible as soon as planned.
Apollo lO's mission;.. just as earlier
Mercury, Gemini and Apollo nights, Ls to
add to man's,knowledge of the moon. And
the sped.fie purpose of Apollo 10 Is to
cheek some problems earlier spacemen
discovered -problen'lS which must be
--told olllcers he dld ·nc>t ... --Iha boy 1D1W his car bad llrucl< him. The
accident which occumd In ...,,! ol the
boy'• home II under lnvtllll•tloo.
Israel Attacks
answered or at least unden:tood before
Apollo 11 can land safely tn the Sea of
Tranqulllty oo the oorlheut aide of the
Today the astronauts coasted toward
the moon, ·lclledullng only a brief rocket
flrin1 to put them on the exact course
Apollo 11 will take when it starts its
moon-landlnK journey.
stafford, Cernan and Y~ blasted off from Cape Kennedy Sunday m one of the
almost flawless launches that have bless-
ed the current phases of the Apollo pro-
They followed America's first moon
mission -the Christmas voyage of
Apollo 8 -and they led the way for
Apollo 11, the 'U!Umate IO&I of the
mulliblllion dollar, IO.year pro1ram to
land on the moon.
Apollo 8 showed the eta!( coold go to
the moon. Apolld t, just two month! 110,
1howed,. 'lhe lunar lander, a fragile,
almost lrisect-lootlng aaft. worked as
advertised in space.
Why then, IOme will ask, ny another
mission before the landing? Apollo 10 ob-
jectives included : ·
-Pr<>vldlng addlUonol experience ond
confidence in the lunar lander;
-Testing the Apollo rendezvous radar
-the method the spacecrart and lunar
module (LM) uae to find each t'lther -at
Its maximum range of about 350 miles;
-Providing additional infonnation
about the future American landing &ii.et
on the moon and the moon iLae.lf; and
-DuplicaUn1 as closely u pcmible, a;
cept for landing, the Apollo 11 mission
scheduled for July.
''I'm loing to be out there to AUgult, '1
the President said to a Los Ansele:t
member of the group.
NiJ:on, in effect was confirming an
earlier report from Mrs. Nixon that she
and the Prealdent milht · be In· San
Clemente In AiilUat for two WMka or a
month whHe Coacrea ii In receoo.
Completion ol the deli to lolj' U.. mamJoa and Ove IUn'lllllKlin( ..,. of
the oace-nii'll r111Chland lllalo fl"
1100,000 dowu ud the balanoi <JI t ti 1
P40,000 ovu ~five year period wu ID· llOUllCOd lut Moadtf. . '
Festival of Arts
Week Under Way
At Golden West
Events rancing from motion pictures to
a clothesline art sale are being held to-
day through Sunday as Golden W~
College presents Jts annual Featival Of •
Arla Week ..
Free fllml will be 1bown in the Com-
munity Center beginning at I p.m. toniaht
with ''The Fountainhead." Also scheduled
to be shown at the same time and place
are "Teahouse of the August Moon,"
Wedneaclay IJld "The World,. Tiit J'ltali
and Tile Devll," Thursday,···
''Break{~ at Tilfany'1" another
feature rum, will be llbown 111 p.m. Fri,
day In the College Forum. •
Ezhlblil of lll>dent advertiltO( art,
graphic prints: and drawlnp will be beld'
dally. A clotbealine aft sale will be Jietd'
in the College center from IO a.r11r to I
p.m. Thursday aDd Friday. · ~
Musical events include perlormancet
by two jazz groupl'I, a noon concert on tbe
lawn Friday by the Golden Well Band
and a 3 p.m. concert Sunday in the eom..
munlty Center by the A Capella Chi>lr
and Madrigals.
The drama department will present one
a~t play1 in the Ai;tor's flayboz belin·
rung at 8 p.m. Friday and Salurday.
Rogers Declares
No Basic Shift
In Asia Policy
BANGKOK (UPI) -5<cretary of Slate
William P. Ro1er1 uJd today there has
been no bulc ahlft In U.S. policy towmf
Alla by the NiJ:on admlnistraloo, only a
chan1e of tone.
PresJdent NiJ:on "11 not gol111 to baclt
away from our responslbillUn In Asia.
He Is not 1olng to quit," Rogers told a
group of about iOO American dJploDllll
and their wives on the lawn of the
realdence of U.S. Ambassador Leonlrd
Roaen' remarkl to the embauy staff
wen ln the aame vein as hla arrival
speech, In which he called the Southeul
Asia Treaty Org1niz1Uon (SEATO) "an ..... ua1 element In !he peaoe o1 Southem Alf•." and wd thll ore• of the
world la second to nooe In Importance to
the U.S. aovernment.
f'rot11 P.,e I
APOLW 10. • •
mochlne by 1 "kind of boonwum-nnn-
rum-rum" produced by the resular
bunta of their amlil lfll.pound 1ttltude
rocltei.. which coolnll the -111·1
poo!Uoo In spece .
"Every time the qlne flrea tt wu ..
you up," Stafford reported. He Aki tht
"whole thing !hakes" during the opera-
tion. Out when ground controllers told
them tt was nothing to worry about. the
astronaut.a wt:Dt back to 1leep.
The pfloU bepn their -d11 lloft
with standard 1price fart -fruJt cocktail,
augor COiied t11m Dua and srtpofrutt
drlnt. Thal'• when they compllilled
•bout their w1tei. Their rqular or-
juice wu llmoll pare c:hloriJlo.
' . '
''Tbll mornbla ...,... took a drink
and H WU lint, llld t{lm I took I drink
and It WU ablo1ute'1 horrible," Stafford
l&ld. "I thoulht I'd 1et It on ncai<f."
.• ~. --' • , ·-~ .!(!~.... ' Their nine Apolle prodecatorl had Iha • ' -' ..... prolllen ud In ell wa. -
Commander Tom Sl•fford, Crtwlntn Eutana Coman ond Joho Y"""tl with !rult coacenlr1tes. ---·--------· --·-· -----. ' . . .
' t
• •
BantingioD Beaeh --
~O~ .. 62, NO. 119, 3 SECTIONS, l2 Pl,IGES ' ORANGE cou~.;.
. . ear ... • • • ~ . . ' \ . . . .
I • ~ •• ~ . .· . -S .:":/·
. . ' Brown Convieted
Phony' D.octor's
Sel\~encing ·set
Of ft!!' Dllh' Pl9'1 Slaff
Superior Court J u d g e Byron .. K.
McMillan has set Jwie _S as the date oo
which he -will sentence Orange Cotinty's
medical impostor, Robert Ervin BroWn.
felony convictions, each of which ·carries
a one to ·10-year state prilo_n year.
Each misdemeanor calls for a six '
month jail term. Br_own could be put
betl1nd bars for [QOl'e thaq five y.ears on
the lesser counts ilOot if' the .full le'rms of
those cbarges were app)ied.
But the judge ~ be content : to, sentence Brown ·on: tb.,JeJonies,.to run .
concurrintly and;~ ai ·dis1nlli1tte.;
misdemeanor charges. He bas given no
indication ol which course he will take.
. . "
• . " • • , MONDAY, MAY 019,..'1969
. I s ,.
,_. ·,a· . " ... • .. . -_ ... ... ~ rr
--. ar . -
Astronll:µtS _
1:11ay. M~sic ~
· · Over ·Radio
' . '
SPA~E· ,CENTE;R, HOlll!On (iipi) -
The ~ Apollo tO· pilots ·tumoc1 dilt
jocke}'ll today, radioing-back lapod tcinel •
of"UP?'Up and Away" 'as they bofeCJotrn
oq.the·.~way mark. of AJnerica't flMl
Jll!thfJ.nding •voyage for a lllllllllOd,c)upF
lajldin& in July.
"I . thOught that song was · sort er
apropos," said Eqgene A. Cernan,,35, and
ht, Tliomas P, SW!ord, 38, and Jolm,JV:,
Young, 38,: soared fnto their eecond daY,
A<Wllloul Apollo
He must decide in tbe next two weeks
what ·form that sentence will take, based
on the jury's verdict lhat Brown, 33, was
guilty of two felony and 11 misdemeanor
cwnts. One count of falsely practicing
medicine without a license was njected
by the panel. ll took the jury 23 hours to reach its
verdict and they filed Into coUrt at 5 p.m.
Saturilay to rule that the bes~cled
Al.!.bainian falsely practiced medicine
when he posed as a cardiologist for five
weeks at a Fullerton clinic.
·-.Comrm~•r Tom St.afford, Crew"'_en EUl"'J Cirn1n_1nd John Young ·
~ . , storlet, P•e. t
ci their daring eigbl-da§ 1110011.orbitlng.
adventure. • . · Comparable Superior Court recorcts in-
dicate that Judge McMillan ma)' prefer
to 1t11tence Brown on the 11 misde-
meanors and suspend sentence on the
B.each Police
11.olding Man
In Kidnap '[ry
A 21:ye"&r~ S8n Ga,brlel ni3n awaited
·~---arraignment toc!JY followingi 1'il arrest
Saturday by ~ BelCli police who
Jailed him on suspicion ci attemJ>liji Jk!.
nappjng and assuaJt with a de a cfl y weapon. · ~
~ted was David Y •. Lomas, who,
acc«ding to police account!, grabbed
and threatened Glenda A. ·Swearingen,
20, of 614 14th St., Huntington Beach,
Satur:day afternoon as she was Walking
near the intersection of Orange Avenue
and 7th Street in downtown Huntington
Beach. ,
Police said the woman broke from the
grasp of the suspect, who allegedly
threatened her with ~e. and sprinted
to police headquarters a short distance
Lomas was arrested a short time later
when. police 1topped his vehicle near
Warner Avenue snd Pacific Coast
Mrs. Peek · Released
From Springs Hospital
Mn. Marnette Peek was relealted Fri-
day from Palm Springs Desert Hospital
where she had been r~vering from a
bullet wound 1.n. the abdomen since May 5.
The Huntington Beach socialite and
owner ()r the Peek Colonial Funeral Home
in Westminster was shot two weeks ago
today when an apparently angry music
profe:Sjl()r entered her Palm Springs
apartment, shot her and then killed
Fourteel} of the charges placed before
the jury stempled from his t.re•tment o(
103 patients at the North County facility.
lt has betn stated by the prosecution that
five of those patients died while under
Brown's care , although be baa not
specifically " been accused ' of directly
causing their deaths.
Brown's conviction would appear · to
clear the way for the filing of a lawsuit
against the Fullerton Internal Medicine
Clinic where Brown served u a member
of.lliO -~ J~-.i Februaiy ci tlils year. .
.......,,,., of. patleny who .dl"!J . \fbile ..;i;.·a;.-,;r.ctlli:al ~:· ~ mOde
ilO'M'iGI lhe•foCI thal.ljts Cll!Victl<>n
, woo!ldl l.'ilil t0 llllii' fllini' " an action
• a1ns1· tlH. clinie • · ... . . . . u· is, uilderst!l<'I !hat an :a.ttorney ha• lletii' rilalned and that preparaUon of the
lawsuit is in its final stages!. . ·
Kids' Baseh~ll
Set for Weekend
A do\ible header weekend has been
scbedllled by the S e a I Beach Kid.<'
Baseball Association with presentations
and an Ice cream iocW May 23 and a
parade through Seal Beach,«:ity streets
f\.1ay 24. •
The ice cream feed will be held from 6
p.m. to 8 p.m. at Zoete'r School, located
at the intersection of Coast Highway and
12th Street.
Donatiops colleded from the open to
the public event will be used to support
eight baseball teams sponsored by
various Seal Beach civic organizaUons.
The parade begins at 10 a.m. Saturday
in the municipal parking Jot at 8tb Street
and Central Ave and will include most of
the downtown business district. All Seal
Beach youth organizations have been in-
vited to participate.
HQsmer Asking
Less Jet ~ise . _ --.
Over · Har~ur~ . ~.
Rep. Cr~ ·~Lon..(~)
has asked·~~ _ A•vl'a"l·J'ont
A•mlnlohoa!Ji!ot m"llfel''i!liht ~ ·~~bilo· .,., '~1 iJ"-•b· pa . _!j!_ . • I"!"?, '
Ab:porl to h\Yp "'"'91 ""'fdJlobi "'". t11e,1juntlng\Qp ~,sut.llydl 111111
East Long _. • .-.· • '
In a letter toTM·'MminiStralor JOiin
H. Shatter,• Hoelher . recommended in~
· the lnstrinnent l\indhig Syojeln
=pe Wed , by ~III lircraft
· making approaches to the·atrport.· ·
He.said su¢h a. move would raise. the
altitude of aircraft u S'i n g the airport,
and would provide a wer·departure cor-
ridor for aircraft from Los Alamitos
Nav81 Air Station. ·
Hosmer · said he wrote tbe letter to the
FAA In respoose . to complaintl: from
residents that planes coming from 'the
direction of Newport Beach Oy ·over·tbe
area at low altitudes,. creaUng_an .. e1-
cessively lUgh noise level.
Stanton Child
Injured on Bike
A tl).year-old Stanton boy who was
struck by a car early this morning while
riding a bicycle is in criUcafTCoriditi6n
with severe head in'juriea tn G~eo·P~t ·
Hospital, Anaheim. '
Hospital aides said~ Gregory Hanson's
heart stopped once but . that it was •
started again. He suffered a "cardiac
Police said the Hanson boy of 8902 Ken-
nelly Lane, wu hit by1a car driV9D ·by a
neighbor, William Benninger, 58, of 8961
Kennelly Lane.
. '
' ).-'
.. ..
Laird .Asks N ott·h Viets
The astronauts, slow~ by the fading
pull of earth's gravity to 3,675 ~ l'tl'
hour In 21 hours,. Crossed the 115,917-nll)o
halfway mark to the moon shortly a{ter
noon PDT.
A few minutes lat.er, a abort burst from
+ the 1hip's main rocket engine nudged
To R'ele~ .. ·o:n-· --. :n;.:.·Q 0~ ners ApoUo 10 onto the precise path Api>Uo·ll ~Cf~ r.-llO will fOUow when It heads toward man'•
1 ~ ~ 1 • • • • • first land~g on the moon in JUiy.
, ~ .. ..--:,_..c --. · ci.EAR UNCERTAINTIES "!AS~G1'5)N , (~} -: ~ ._ -lf-,;f W 'iate release. of sick and , Tbe-&Oll·of ApollO.'lOiis W clear up as
Del!'lF' Melvin It'· Laird ~;!(OJ! __..., . 1. . >.: many of the remaining · uncertainties =•Y'lir ~pt ,~-~-lln :~looa ••.• ·""': •""'."!Jl!Olllli(blaa•possibletopavelho . _ ~l!ilno l!litlilll ' .. ,,. , .liflPO'· · ", ,;~ .,/~-µ,.h;.tor!CmoaoloMmf.Ap0119 VielnalJie;e prisoll cam.:. -'. · ' . ~~·<>I·. . . · IO's rilhiest 1es1· . ....., '11lll'ldlJ when Foilh!IUU.;Llitd1 sald.ij,.,~,Vi!!I·,· ·ojld·' '• • · · · · 7,i<, .:i·. · SW!ord-and Cernan l1y their illnor
nmn41e ~.~Ill Jeoil ..,,. -~,flow of mail. ~ ~ t'l!ll>oPI'" •WJlr flvm Younc·ln Ille
vide !Or hwiuuie trUtmeftt for th9 Lalril'1 llitement fo uewamen' lwU CWftlDIDd·; bW:ldUle "Charlie Brown!' and 1
i b dred A i currently !9U.....S by a tengbiy brieDn1·bf elber ..... ..,iy IO,llllO Jeet above .lhe·lorbid-1::~ up::' Nortb v:;'~ps. o!!iclais ~ ~ i>fi.ao!!er ~ ~ dinllrlimr surface.
"IJ'be NOrtb Vletriamese .hAVe clairried said the alple informaHon ~ bet;n ·PJ"O-The cempiete ApolJo 10 rpaceship,
that they are -treating our men humane-vided ~to Am~~or ·HentY; .~t resembllng a bullet with a spl(ler aittJng
ly,"' the defense ·thief n\d., .. 1 ·am ~e, the chief U.S. negotiator m on iLI nose, was working so well that its Pans: . _ pilots (tad nothing more to worry about
distressed by the fact that there is clear Off1ctals. said Lod&e,,aa well.as the men today 'tban the bUter 'taste of their heavJ.
evidence that this is Mt !)le caae." who pr~ him undet ·u. .tc>bne9n a<f: ly ...,.......,1tec:1· water and the .. _,;."""' .. Laird said Wt by, nett month more ·_1_._ u has ailed the atter ' f lh di':l-:-' ...,..,.,. than 200 Amq'iCan· servicemen' will have mi,i.wi .. ~•· 00• r -~ m. ·0 u of·cmtiol rocket' firings. beeh~IWed eilher: _u pr~ of. war ar prisoner releases, blit the North Viet-Except for their course adjustment and namese response "has been very limited more of the spectacular coklr telecasts
as misSing in actldn for more than 311.i: thus f~." .. , , , i_.-• they staged lhoftly after• lluncb SundB:Y•
Y.e,~i period of Ume is Jonler than,any The Peo~oo said the news cotif~rence , the veterm> ~J:tlen <bad ·an easy.
U.S. aerviceman was.held p· riaoner dW:1.... on the ,praoner QUellion .... wu called &Chedu&e unW tbey brate into l!J!W. orbit' ..,. because of coosiderable interett on the Wednesday.
Workl War II,'' bO stated. part of the press, but off i c i a Is They listened to the morning new 1 laird told a~neWa conference the .Pen· acknow~ged ·that it·.waa alao 1rw1y •to lxoedcut up ' from the Millioll~Control
. !;lion "continues to hope lor.meaninflul 1et a message acrou to Nor!b· Vietnam. Center and then lurti'!f U..tobla and pul :.~sa~~i:~arir,e~~ "The .'OUJerilide..iifJ aware of w~t,we on tQeir own abow, beaznN .baCt1the
offere<i _iio encouraaement that this would aay"' &aid Frank S1evetta, a State Depart,.. .zup, Up and' Awaf" ·~ recorded...... -ment rep~nfative who helped condUct by Andy Willliims. • co~~~::!d that North Vietnam at the 'prlsoner briefing. '!Listen, you guys were ao ·good· to us
least adhere to provisions of the Geneva with' the news this m.mDg we· thought
convenUon, which it baa signed, which we'd give you some disc jockey• work'
Wou.ld.allow: · · . Huntington Beach. from h<re," Cernan told growxl com-municator Charles Duke.
-Release <i namu <i prisonen held. Slates RealtQr Week "This is Tom and John on the guitar
and the three of · us singing,'" Cei'nan
quipped. "We had a little lnioble stowln&
the bass· drum aboard but otherwise, we Stoek llf•rketll ,_,
NEW YORK !APi ~ :t'he,Stotk market
closed with a sbaip'loss tOdar,,.as brokers
reporWd profit taking weigiilng it dO\vn.
(See quqtatlons, Page! 10.ll).
Trading slowed near the close. The
Dow Jones lndustiiai avetage at 1:30
•p.m. was off 7.50 at 959.80 .
. .
Realiot Week .In Huntlnfloo Beach win
be' observed Wedneaday· by the llw\-
tlngtob Beach•Fodnlaiit V a1JeY -'o(
Realtors with a lu~at the·Sheraloit
Beach IM;·21112 P · ·Coast HighWay.
Mayor Jack Green ' many-city of~
ficitl&.will be guests o! the mltoro •I the
noon meeting. ReterVations may be
made by calling 847-6093.
were OK.!' . •
"Hey, that was beauUfuJ'." DUke
replied "Somebody's voice Is cJlan&ing
' (See APOLLO IO, Pllt S)
Blaiherg Much Better
CAPE TOWN, South Africa (UPI) -
The condition ci Dr. Pbillp-lllliberg, the
world's lo...--.!•lnc.lieOI! transplant
patient, was much improved tooay, a
medical IJulleUnJllid. " I
The buHetiJI iasqed , ~1 the· Groote
Si:huur Hospital at noon Aid Blalberg
was "a].ert. arter a aood Dlgbt and is
eaUng '!ell." Earlier cloCtoro 1illl said he
was maldn& "IQOCI P".11!!*.!''
Oloady, f"ld morninp_COblimie
to ba-lhe1 arder-1af the ·c1ay aloog
the coast, witb:.'Juesday's temper.a·
tum ranatn1.fioom 11 ~ 1'.
INSIQ8c. 'l'QD.\ 'l' ;
" • Watu, •Ca tHrylahere ~
H010 ll Dfll t,,.,.e in the ~,.
filTf(I coql. cleQn otote ii
1 f~l)Clloa of I/I• Mrtropoij • 1 '!'fki: D!'lrifl1 (See Pllgr ~l· -· .. -.. _..,. • c ............. ' -" =:-. .... --..
" --. ,_
" SJMI "'9t1W ia,1t --• _........ 1• -" ----• .......... ~, • a 11:1: : 1nt .. -. -1 .. 11 -• ......... ... ="-• --.. . .. -• • • . r -~ '
' •
" • DAILY IUT .......... 19, IM
52¢1!' ••
'llUJ 1111 l••"-' • ' _Counf Leary p -
• r. • -l '
~:-P~ liy ·Court
Can~t Top Der
Court Won't Hear Dancer Appeal
Court -ladly to -the ocl of lop!-. ~ Kelley Iser .-
dlnctq -the eyel>roWI of local
pallce llul lalJed to lmprea the Calllomla
&lpnme Court u ..,uung ..... than a
lonrf of .......... prolacted by Ille ll:S.
14milutlon. .
Killbtr .... armtedlourJUll ... alter 'pei!ormlq a duce ..,. caDod
"'Walklnc Ille poc" Ill a San Pllllo, Cllll., ...,._ ......... ptltyd-<1·
But the Calttqrl!la S1!J>r1m<i c:Odrt ~
-Iha coovictlom uatalt ilie .... 1erta111or ml ber boa, Albert J. Gian-·
nini, boldlllg that topleu dandq wu·
..-ezpraolal under Iha Finl
AsJdng the high court to overrule the
California Supreme Caurt and affirm tfle
coovlctions agaln!t Miu her and Gian·
nint, the state dedmd:
"It is ooe thlq to por1ra)' noillty and
......i misconduct • • • In bool<i,
magulnes, phalocraphs and motloe p1c.
lures, but quite another to .i.m-.te
soch condDct on atqe and llTe... ·
Miss '-· ..... en., the lllli'l'ippoll
petition, defended ber perfwmanl:e u
"an ll't for nl ;· •• med far 'tbe tom·
munlcatim al Ideas" and that there wq
DO fU90n to dfsUncuilh between ''live.-
=...~ ~ .mnmua1~~ .,of
Jaollca Jolm MmbaII Harlan YOled to
hear· the«-. but the appeal failed
-the -of al leul lour j-.... requlnd.
For Smuggling Mexi,cans
A San Dle(o man, aUeaedl7 lllNllllnl
Mezlcan natlcmll Into Callfornla, WU
armted early 11111 morninl by HW>
tington Buch police OW" Talbert Aveilue
ud Gothanl Stnel.
Ricbud Sprtna:er, ~. wu llTeated at
5:'9 LID. when Sal. David Miiier opoltod
him clool!ll the ~ of his car.
.. When I approached the car," uJd Sat.
Miller, ••1 found four Mulcan natkmlll
aoucbed inside ~ trunk."
Sprlqa WU arrested 111111 booked Into
Huzlllngt"'1 Beach City Jail on c1waa of
afdln( aliens to enter the oountry witllout
proper ldenllllcatlon. Polloe aald Sprinpr
wu abo wanted in Los Angeles for an
unic!enWled puolt violation.
Mlller Aid the lour Mui<an nallooall,
UldlV Pl\01
l ... rt N. W-4 "-*"' ... ,,_....,.
J•ii L C-lrr "'°',.,... ... ._,,; .....
n-.a KM'ff1 ·-n .... A.M:CIN
-.. -· Aili«t W. lit.a WiWl1• .... ........ """"'"""' .... •lflW Clflt .....
.............. °"'99 , ..... s.. ...
Mti1ft111 A~m .. , ,.o . kt no, tl'4t --......... e.dl:1"1_1 ..... ........
......... l ..... ...,, ....
'---t.c:Jlil m ,,_.. .,_.
·--·-. ·-------
all -ldeotlllcatlon, will he beld for munt,aUon author1Ut1.
"I lblnk they mllf\t hava been looking
for the Homllngton Beach Labor Camp,"
elJllalned Sgt, Miller, wbo added that
none of the five gave any aplan1tion for
being tn the area.
The labor camp, at 113$1 Gothanl st.,
serves u home base for mJ&ra,at farin
workers from MaJco wbo carry im-
mJgraUon permlll. It II run by · the
Talbert Fannen• AuociaUon.
Springer'a car wu registered tio a San
Diego comt.ructlon firm, but Spril1ller
told police he had just bougtot 11 and had
ool translem!d the ownenhlp papers.
Aiding allen1 to enter the country u.
legally la: a federal offenae and federal
autllortties will he ,._,.u,i. for brlni·
inlC charges qalml Sprinler, police Aid thit morning,
Aitkens Heads
Kennedy Club
Wiley Aitkin, 1n attorney from Placeo-
tia, bu beea electod pmldent of the
newly organized Kennedy Club of 0r..,..
Serving With hlm u olficen are Chuck
Lempals of Anlhelm, vtc:o-pftl!dent;
David Hernandez or Santa A n I •
treasurer, and Tom Ne1'm&ft of Garden
Grove, aettetary .
The club wu crtaled by 1Upporten of
the late Jolm F. Ktnnedy and .Roher!
Kennedy and Is Intended to dlacula and
pursue the 1oals they onvlltooed.
Seal Beach Meet Set
A loll( and mind topic agenda faces cooncl!men ln Seal Beacb bef:1nn1nc al I
o'clock ~ In .,..,,,.u chamhen of ct.
t1 Hall. II concludlo -.Otlon of a
policy ... -statloos, flmoorlao itands ind a joint r .. dilpatdoinc sy ..
tern with llwxlngton Beaclo and W,... -·
22,300 Facing Draft
WASffilltTON. (AP) -The Penta...,
coiled today for the ctraftlnf of ~
m"" In July. It will he die low<st draft
call this year, ~ frem June'• 15,toO
and tbe 11168 hirh of 33,700 Ill February .. ----~1 -
...... ,. ~ """ A QUESTION OF TAXATION
.-_1 Wl-" LMry'
Nixrins Plan
August Visit·
To Cl.emente
Pt-Nlxoo Nld l<!dl7 be plan! to
be In Sim.~ In Aupl.
Hll eomrnent, made to a group at-
tending an award ceremony for two blind
students 1n Wublngton, D.C., came after
weeks of speculaUon on when the Fint
Family wtlfllist UJe their -ly·purdlaa.
ed summer White House, the Cotton
~~·~· gohig to be out there in August,"
the Prealdent aald to 1 Los Angclea
memller of 11>< group.
Nlxon, ·in effect was confirming an
earlier report ·rrom Mn. Nixon that she
and the PreSident might be in San
Clemente in August for• two wee.ks or a
month wblle Coagre11 ii in l'tCf.Sll.
Completlon of the deal to buy the
mansioft and five surrounding acres of
U. once-rural rancJllanl:I estate for
$100,000 down and the balanc:e of th e f.J40,000 oVef' 9. five year period WU In-
....... lul.Ml'"ilY.·
Festival of Arts
Week Under Way
At Golden West
Evenll ranging from motion pictures to ·
a clotheallne art aale are being held to-
day through Swlday u Golden Wut
College presents Its annual Festival of
Arts Week.
Free fi..llM will be shown in the Com·
muntty Ceoter beglnnlilg at a p.m. tonight
with '"The Fountainhead . ., Also scheduled
to be shown at the saint: time and place
are "Teahouse of the August -"Moon,"
Wednesday and "The World, The P'1esll
and The Devil," Thursday.
"Breakfast at Tiffany's" another
feature film, will be shown at I p.m. Fri-
day ln the College Fonun.
Edtlblta of student advertising art,
graphle prints and drawlngl will be held
dally. A clo\Msllne art sale will be held
In the College Center from 10 a.m. to S
p.m. Thursday and Friday.
Musical events include perfonnancea
by two jazz groups, 1 noon concert on the
lawn Friday by the Golden West Band
and 1 S p.m. concert Sunday in the Com-
munity Center by the A Capella Choir
and Madrlgala.
The drama department will present one
act plays in the Actor's Playbox begin-
ninl at a p.m. Friday and Saturday.
Stanford Chases 200
STANFORD (AP) -About 200
demonstrators., some wearing g a u z e
masks and helmets, were chased away
from lht Stanford Research Institute to-
day by squads Of police who rushed to the
ecme Jn bides.
A~}}o 10 . Vit~l Shot
Mi:A~n lmpor~nt to Moon . ~nmng Try
,,..itdence In t111 tunar lander;
··~ CINMC Houlloo (llPI) ---ldoiartw d Ille Mure may .,....
llaD Apollo IO olli7 In pwlq. 'llley may
Doi menllon tt al•all.
Bui Apollo II and the three meo Dying
it an as much a part of the first
American moori Jandingu the men who
DllY walk thal bamn IUrlaoe July 10.
Without Apoito 11 ad -.011
1looma P. Slallord, Ea1ei1t A. ClrMD'
and John W.' YCIUll&, Ilia ,._ laadiq
...Wd ... rialder ud mlPI Doi .... be
poalble u ....... ~.
Apollo !O's mlasloa, Jui! u earlier
Memory, Gemini and Apollo lllghll, la to
add to man's knowledge ti the moon. And
the tPOdlic ...,,... of, Apollo 10 " to --~-dllo:Ooared -pnobleml wllkb mull ba
~ or It leut uMintood before
Apollo 11 ... laad aalel)' In Iha. Sea • "
Tranqufllty .. Ilia aortheUI llldl "' Ille mooa. • . 1
~the-.-the • .-, ~ ... ~ iocket
firlnl to put lllem .. the -OlUrll
Apollo 11 will -whm H starb 111 rn .... lancllnc jouniey. · ·
Slallord, <lemln and YCIUll& b~ off ,_ Cape lCealledy SUDday In ... of Iha
almoal nawte. lallDlboa thal -bles-
ed the ~ pbuOa "' Iha Apollo .... gram.
'l'beJ follOwt<l America's llnl moon --the~-·! Apollo I -111111 they Jed the' way tor
Apollo 11, the • ul!lnWe pll .d the
F,... P .. e l
* * * APOLW 10. • •
thoqgb. or either you stowed 10mebody
away up~.::'
''The V1"R (voice lr<quency ranglnt)
makes your voice a litUe higher.
Charlie," Stafford ~-
Stafford reported earlier that the
spacemen had "a great ni&)lt'1 aleep"
alter their actlon·filled launch day. He
said "all of us feel tremendous this morn-
ing. ,,
The pit~ were awakened ~uring their
first sleep period aboard tbe 47-ton space
machine by a "kind of boom..rum-rum-
rum-rum" Pf!lduced by the ttgular
bursll of their amall IIJO.poond altitude
rockell, whlcl1 cootrol the apacecraft's
pos!Uon In spd
"Every lime Iha airlne firea ll wakes you up," Stalford reported. He aald the
"whole thing lbates" during the opera-
tion, but when ground controllers told
them tt WU notblntto worry about, the
utronaull went back to deep.
The pilota begao their -nd day aloft
with slaadanl space fare-fruit coci:lail.
sugar coated com flakea and arapefruit
drink. That'• wben they complained
about the.lr water. 1belr rqu1at orange
juice waa almort pure chlorine.
"Thia mornfnl everyone took a drink
111111 It WU fine, ud then I took a drink
111111 II wu abaolutely borrtblo," Stalford
nld. "I thought I'd 1et It on record."
Their nine Apollo ·predec"'°" had the
same problem and in all cases, con-
trollen radioed up lmtrudkms to make
the water more palatable before mixing
with fruit coocentrates.
Rogers Declares
No Basic Shift
In Asia Policy
BANGKOK (l!Pll -Secretary of Slate
William P. Rogers said today there hu
been no basic shift in U.S. policy toward
Asia by the Nixon adrnlnlstraion, only a
change of tone.
President Nixcn 11ia not going to bact
away . from our responsibilities in Ae:ia.
He la not going to quit," Rogm told a
group of about 200 American diplomats
and their wiYa on tbe lawn of the
residence of U.S. Ambassador Leonard
Rogen' remarb to the embassy staff
wtre lo the a.me ftin u his arrival
SJJt<Ch. In whicl1 he caDed the Soutbea3t Alia 'l\ttty Orpnlaatlon (SEATO) "ao
euentlal element In the peace of
Southeast Aall.'' and aid this area al. the
wm'ld la -to .... In lmporllnce to
the U.S. pva::umat.
mu!Ublllloo dol~ 10-yw program to
land on the inooL · ~polio a showed the craf( COUid ID to
the moon. Apollo I, jout two -ago.
ll1<11fed the luoar lander, a lrqlle,
almost Insect-looking craft, worked u
advertlaed In .......
Wily then, -will uk, fly -mlsa1oo be!Gn Iha landing! Apollo 10 GI>
jectlv• fnchNlod:
,;-Pmldlac addlllooal --ud
-Teatln( . the' Apollo rendezvOlll rlldol'
-the method the !pOce<l'tft and ilula~
moduli (l.M) U.. to find Heh Oilier -al
tt.s mulmum range of about 3$0 milts;
-Providing additional lnfonnatJon
about tbt future American landtns 1lte1
GD the moon and the moon ltselr; aad
-DuplJcating as closely 11 poulble, u
,.,,i tor l!ndlng, the A1'9llO 11 mlaai<>G
edoedaled for July.
High Court Backtracks
Over Jury Trial Ruling
WASIUNGTON (AP) -The Supreme
Court backtracted Monday oo its recent
ezpansloo of the rieht of cltluns to be
tried by juriu when accuaed of "aerlout
A 5-3 ruling in a seemingly rouUne case
evoked gloomy wamlnp from Chlef
Justice Ead Warren ml tbe eourt'1
senior asaoclate ju.ticel, Hqo L Blact
and ~liam•O. lllllglaa. '!'hi\wtng approved a thr ... year pro-
bation sentence given an Oklahoml man
in a ft(JeraJ aecuriUea cm.
Broadly. Warren ukl, it stands "u an
open auggestim to the courts to utlllze
oppressive practices."
The cue involves ·Ben H. Frank of
Tulsa, who was sentenctd to probaUon In
1966 for criminal contempt. Frank, now
'18, had been accuaed of violating a
government order against interstate aales
of oil eecuritiea: .
He uked for a jury trial but wu tuJ'n..
ed dowo and wu tried by a judge. OniJ' three yean qo the court beld
sentences exceeding Ill months for
criminal omtempt may not be imPoHd
by federal courts without a jury trial or a
waiver of the rlght to It.
And, a year ago Tuesday, the court
held the constitutional right to a jury
trial must be available Jn all "serious"
criminal cases on the state level.
Fulbright Asks
U.S. Bear Down
On Home Front
' ' WASHINGTON (AP) -Sen. J. W.
Fulbright Aid today the United Slafos
must get out of Viel!Wll tven tt. ll 11111 to
settle for Jw than a standoff and turn Its
attemlan to domestic problems that have
divided lhe people and spawned a ltudent
rebellion. .
The chairman or the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee . called for an
overhaul of whal be called a foreign
policy of "chronic warfare and in-
tervention" in international disputes that
he !!laid is l~g thiJ couatry toward an
authorltarian government.
Fulbright told military leaders in a Na-
tional War College speech that his
criticism was ol. "milltariml" which he
said ls dominating U.S. foffign policy, not
of "tile able, energetic men who fill the
top ranks of the armed StTVices" even
though he said they "have acquired an ~
nuence dlsproportlonate·to their numbers
on the nation's securlty_policie11.'•
"The courage and endurance of our
fighting men command the mpect of all
Americans," Fulbright aaid. "'lbt fault in
our war policy Iles not with them but
with the political declaions which com·
mitted them to an bnpoaslble tut."
Three ·Men Rob
Market of $1,085
Three men, one of them urned, held up
the Budget Pack Market, at D S. Brta
Blvd., Brea, Sunday and escaped with an
estimated $1,095 Jn cash.
Police l&ld they traced the get.away
car, a plcloup trucl:, to a U-lng center
Oil Imperial lilghway when If wu aban-
dooed sbortly after the robbery.
1btre were about a dozen customers
and five clerks tn the market when the
robherJ occurred. No one "" Injured.
Nevertheless, a fiv~man majority
beaded by Justic. 1boagood i.Ianhall
concluded the probation eentence did not-
fit in the "serious" category.
CdM'1 Mrs. Mildred Love
Governor Love
Of Colorado
Mother Succumbs
Mrs. Mlldr!d Shaver Love, mother of
Colorado Governor John Love and 1 rE·
dent of Corona del Mar for the pa1t U
years, d.l!d Saturday at the age of 81.
Graveside seivices will be conducted
Tuesday in Colorado Springs.
Mrs. Love died at the home of her
daughter, Mn. Virginia Morrell, 315
Orchid Ave., after a lengthy illness. A
native IX Indiana, she moved to Corona
del Mar foU owing the death of her bus.
Besides Governo:.->Love and her
daughter, Mrs. Love is survived by
another son, Richard of Colorado and lb:
grandchildren. '
The family ha s suggested that friends
wishing to do so may make memorial
ContributJons to the American Cancer
Council to Hear
Development Law
An ordinance to govern construction of
planned development! In Huntington
Beach come! before the C I t y Council tonight
Councilmen meet in council chamber1
of Memorial Hall. 5th Street and Pecan
Avenue, at 4:30 p.m. and again at 7:30 p.m.
The planned development ordinance
hu been before the council before, but
was sent back to the Planntnc Com-
mJssion for changes after CounclJm1n
Georg~ McCracken objected lo the
possibility or residential lob: being less
than 5,000 square feet in area.
From P_,e l
• tuffered when the other car caved ln lhe
roof of their northbound IUto,
One body •as left mashed 1111r11t the
bul: by the crub, which wu not wl~
~ by lnJone at the inllanl 11 ..,.
curred, lnvtStlptors said.
Grim-flCed rttcue worbn at the
ICtl'lt vowed a new campaJan to pt a
mull!WID 4knit.s.per./lour apoed llmJt
II the well·known Slauit>ter Stnp of roadway.
El Mom Olm hu ltl<eo 1CC1tta of
Um ovu tbt 7aan, daplte ellorla' to
mm It safer Uuwgti ttlloclofl ,,,;
other -u well u""'""' ..
Top Cartoonist Dies
ST. LOIJIS, Mo. (AP) -Daniel R.
Top of Socooocl Cor In Which ThrH Dlad Sheared Off by L1gun1n'a Hurtling Vlhlcl1
Fitzpatrick, 78, wbo won two Pulitzer
prlies ror edltorl•I cartoons durl11J h~ 41
yean with the SL Loula Post·Dispa tch,
oiled Sunday niCbL .. . -·r
Airport Talks A~ked 5 P.M. Friday • •
Ta~ ·Refund Deadline Set
'Wlu c-tir Po•t
James Freda, 37, La
Habra, bas been named
director of the Orange
County Schools Office's
Supplementary Educa-
tion Center. The ap.
poinbnent by c o u n t y
Superintendent of~ • Robert Peterson l s -
fective July L S ing
salary for the job is
$161500 annually.
Capo Ready to Discuss Leasing Costs SANTA A'NA -Worntng be In hil olDce It l.30 N, tome 171,0llll Or-~.
Of .. DaMf,... .....
three years of negdtlatlon the
San Juan Capistrano Aji:port
problem is rigbt back where it
atarted -on ·dead center. But
there ls one' ray of hope.
At issue Ls, 5M acres ol
Flood Control Dlstrict-Owned
laod upoo wblcll ...,.ts half tho
nmway of the private airport.
Th e aperators, Capistrano
Airport aod Industrial Park,
Ltd. (Bruce Winton, prluclpal
owner) have leased the pnt-
perly for tbe past tbne yurt
from the district for a nominal
Winton wants to parcb.ue
the property but says be can-
not afford the minimum
'87 ,IXM> price tag put on it by
the county,
mlldt "due W the IE'ious
shortage ol 1vt.tloo-orleni.d
facilities In aouthern Orange
Wlntoa replied lesl May 13
thlt he could not afford the
reotal fll'OPOled, bul only
about one-ab:th of the amount.
He noted that the city of San
Juan Capistrano was nady io
negotiate with the county ac·
quire tbe property. This is tbe
ray ol hope,
Wlntoo 1ej<cled the county's
propooed 1.... for these
0 -1. 'lbe rental pen:tn~ge
ol 17 pen:ent (ol lncome'lrom
aJrpor1 !aciliU..; ii UllrUllsUc
because it is based UP90 laod
area irdtead of land cost aod
development cost. Based on
costs, the percentage should
be 2.8 percent, s1oce the coun-
ty acreage cost under fl,500
for the .,Sacre of ~me pro-
ducing property aod our coots
lot five acres, including im-
allow !or our Jll')bably lddlng that this la the "final , flnol BroadwoY, Slntl Ana, hetore claims v1lued II. llU mlllloa.
more property to tho airport deadline," Coonty ......,.r $ 11m., Friday, ~"IS, ,the It iJ eiq>eded that the-.
complei:. 'lbe , county woWd Andmr J: HlmhP' confirmed county us0s.or lda+a. A re-owner1 repre1tnted in ~
sWI get Its 17 perceot of the Friday that awticatiom fOt' cent ruU111 by lht-lAlbl•ture claims wlll aet Lhdr '70 r• tbe. $70 homeowner'• property · •"A -'--*'--J gross. tu refund ltJld the f150 has enabled blm to elttnd '"o fund cuecu ln mid-une. •
"-4. The county seemingly homeowoer's exemption will filing J>UiOd \o thai date. Still unresolved. Hinshaw
Ignores the fact that durlng be accepted next wedt. CQmpletlonof 'lho'!onns will said Friday, Is lbe status of
the three· years of pruent But those a_.eplication.s must enable homtownerso who hav~ Leisure World reaidents who
lease, we Ind our filed hue nof alr<~y 11pplled iq clalln_ are ~ t d d I n I !or !lie
the f10 refund on proput,y tn homeowner'• e x e m p t I o n
operator have lost over '31,000 p p K authorbid hir uae 1• f.llCll granted •hen Proposition .. lA
with addltJooal larl' IUDIJ arsons, orter eep year by tho Lelfl.lillutt. 'Jbat WU approved by v-. Jul
still l-1ed !or repain to same docwnmil-' .o.Dfbles tbe November. • ,
runway and taxiway." homeowner to apply !or Uv: "We will CGllllnue to ""'"Pl .
'lben Wlnsloo -In tbe s am·ta11·on Pos1·ti·on s 1750 exemption lcl>eduled to ~ '""" bolll 11!1 ta·-err~ In the ·-fiscal ·--· n--~ -~ . ·-··· llllla'. clillcber. "We have deeded perlod, -· -i'.:i:.r";W;rd' --==--
over live acres of our acreage Homeowners who owned or 'WllU tbe May 1S deadline . t ' SANTA ANA Two Orange Or. Donald Shipley, Hun-tbe ~ to the city of San Juan -occupltd on March I, 1968 we'll be unable to..._ .... , any--
Capistrano ior as long as the Coast men have been ,e-tington Beach councilman, has dwelling ·listed by them a.S ol their claims to the &a.t.t:
airport is in operation." elected to chairmanships of been elected chalnnan of their principal residence are C o n tr o i I e r ~ ·the
On April 8, tbe supervlson
approved a lease .proposal
worked out by Department of
Real Property Services Direc-
tor Stanley Krause and other
Krause <Wd the terms
represented. "ooly about a two
percent return to tbe county
on the fair market value of the
land." He said the offer was
"-2. The lease does not
take into consideration large
additional sums we will have
to invest .,ln Airport im·
Winston concludes his let-the county Sanitation Diatricts District Eleven. He succeeds digible for the tax refund and Legislab&tt act 1,' ' -~~
ter : ''We thank you for the representing their areas, and Councilman Jerry A. Matney the upcoming \ax "re 1 i e f . assessor said. · ·
time you have given· us Over a third oow chairman named. in the post. Tenns of the Forms can be obtained from The nature of Lei.sure Wcrld .
the past three years, and Continuin& as chairman of chairmanships are one year. H.inshaw'a off\ce at 630 N. ~· lnterelt ln thelt.·
sincerely hope that you will District Five is Ne..,...,.,... Parsoas was additionally re-Broadway or they can be.re-propertj,ls,a f4ctor tblt IM·
work favorably with the city &>.ach Councilman ~Y elected as vke cttairman of quested by calling that office ~ed oUtfiabt appnwa1'".of~
to allow this vitally needed ?arsons, and as bead of the Joint Boards of the at 834-2736. tbelf clairm for the .....-rt1
fac!Uty to remain in .ex-District Six, Ellis N. Porter, of distriet.!. Clifton Miller, of -~H~lns~ha~w~haa~~pl;aced~~l~n~tbe~Jtu~bellellls~. ;· r;~~·~~l>Y~·~-~1~11· _. bte.nce." Costa Mesa . Tustin, was named chairman. hands of the atate controller all 9'her ~ .' • In a letter to t he,--------------------
superviaors, dated last May
Ml.WO F1mv Fry. 1911 W. 1Jlti St .. N~ &Heh. o.i. <ii dfflh, /Ny
17. s.un1wd bY hu ... nd. Roblrl M.
Fry, ~rt-ti llf'\'kft. ll•llI Mltr'lulry,
17•1 S<!Plf'lor, COii• Mell, Olt'IC'lon.
"-3. 111e lease does oot
SA Damages Denied
But Flood Aid A sked
SANTA ANA -Although tbe
Orange Co u n t y Sanitation
Districts directors have denied
a claim of the contractor on
the $9 million Santa Ana River
outfall sewer line for utra
compensation because o f
damage from the January and
February floods, they have ap-
plied for $300,000 in federal
assistance money to com-
pensate for the "disaster."
$300,000 would be turned over
to the contractor, the districts
Nisson wrote lhe districts,
"the outfall CODl5truction is an
eligible project because it is a
discharge line which con-
stitutes an integral part o( the
sewage treatment plant and
construction was in process at
the time of the disaster.''
Ni.sson said of the legal
deniaJ ()f additional com-
In a communication to the
districts, C. Arthur Nisson, at-
torney for the boar~, s~d the
claim of Peter Kiewit and
Omah N b pensation, "the reason un-Sons' Co. of a, e .•
could be legally denied but the derlying this oplnlon is that
damage was eligible for 50 allhoogb the filling has caused
percent f e d e r a I assistance an additional 14 feel of sUt and
money. so'1l Io be d-1•-..1 on the
IC gr _ _._..i this estimated ~r-KU
iUJU;U• surface of the ocean as it ex--{;( * * isted prior to tbe floods, thi! situation does not prohibit tbe
Elrntr (~ytai If!? Me "· vi 505 Sanitation ~~~.from constructing
s. ~•n. s.nt• .-..... o.-°' 1 I d ct.lfl, ~Y 11. SUrvlwd t>v w1i.. Ecl1111 ' It mere y a ds to the cn-
!·,,_L=• ::., =--~~,:T..,'-;,,'; Bu4ge•--Up, tractor:i' e%ptn!t. Essentially, ~. 0.le l(/ngj l mf 11 1r1rwkhlldrtn, 'It -this b one of lbe risks that the
CMot1 ~Ices 1::JO p.m .. w.., ... ..,,v, districts '""'""ulred the con-W•imlnstft' MemOr'lll P1rk Mortulrv -"· •' , "~, c11o1"9f. lnttm1enr, 0m1ti.. Ntt>r1i.k•; N. ~ ~· • tractor to take in making the
McCLANE .. ,-()l:( 'J;8 XCS-co~cl," Nisson ccncluded.
v-M. Mec11ne. 10t11 s11nllll'( · The attorney followed with
14., San Juan capistrano Clty
Administrator Ernest A .
Thompson, outlines the city
purchase proposal.
He calls the $87 ,000 price tag
for the 5.44 acres "somewhat
unrealistic in that the per acre
rate is extreme based upon
the fact that tbe property is
totally landlocked and also
possesses a poor geological
characteristic for stability •••
ccmoared to other ocreage In
the &nmediate area.''
'lbompson aug g e1t1 a
''reconsideraUon lhould be
made either within your own
~I process or, as
an alternative, by an in-
dependent qualified 1ppra!Jer
th at would be mutually, ap-
proved , by the county and ci-
He adds that lf a price can
be agreed upon the city would
want a long term (15-year)
Jease·wilh no Interest charges.
'The latter as an "extended
contribution ,aod portlclpaUon
by tbe county to usilt tbe
pro~iding of airport lacllities
for the area of Southern
Orange County."
The city councll o! San Juan
Capiltra.M approved the ap-
. proach outlined on last May
12 .The next move is up to the
Board of Supervisors. They
will diSCUIS it on Tuesday.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • •
at El Rancho: -~ ~-the supermarket
• ~"~ll\~ where the price is right! • • • • • • • • • • • •
~ /
. ' ,
•i~ I i 1: ··: " i '.
-. : ~· •: ·-·--.. -• • • .. • :• < Ave .. GlrOtn Grove. surv!Yed by SANTA ANA _ An lri-his opinlon that the "disaster" ~C,1~°"".r!· :::C-~':t1 k.~11~··~. • ~ ed ~; .... Opera Ung outlav was 'eligible f°!' f e d. e r a 1 •
EJ,,MOOr McSl!en. 1nc1 LUii.., ic.u1e•.,...,,.'~ I""';". I' ~~ assl.st.l.nc!: and 'that d SUC• OR AN G·E-"Saddleback
Book Due / "SNOOPY" Will
l:TO 6 P.M.
11:-v, ton111t11, Mondll~. • p.m .• PM>· tiUt .a need fpr ess tax money -cessfUI the funds will be paid Ancestors," a new book cover-e FamllY Colarlt.1 FurM1l Home. Re-• • I II ' <Nlem Mau. T..-S1v. t 1.rn.. s1. in .the 1169-70 fLSCa year directly to the districts and ing the b1story of the Sad· SO DCIS LUCY! ' • co1unan Clllhollc Oovn:h, G • rd• n sbOWn in the propOsed Wdgetl the dlstl1cts in turn will pay die back region from 171t lo
G!'tM'. fl!..., o( the Orange County-Sanibe'ta-th'em to the contractor." 1869, will be published July I •
THOMAS tioo Districts which l.ill up 'nle $9 million project. ex-by the Orange C o u n t y
MAY 19; 20, 21
=.,~ ~ 1':i,71rv1~":., ~;· fqr adoption on J~ 11. 1 of tending five miles into the Geneelogica1 Soclefy as part •
Mtt'llWeti two ._"""''"'· o.,,_ The propoted lchedU e ocean is scheduled for com~ of the California Bicentennial ~:=..!,'"'o':"T~·.!i-~il'W!Yt •~ $16.3 million for joint ~-pletion in late 1970. The 120-celebration. .
w111a. Sen-las. wec1n1.o.v. 1 •·"'·• tions and comtructlon ll up indl diameter ouUall line will The book will cost $3.00 u.ntll
PtPk F.m11, coklnlll F-•1 Home.. · $1.S million over the CWTtnt hindle 48o million gallons of July 1, when the price chatlles
DIEHM year, district . Gener a I treated sewage a day, ac-to '3.50.
11:-ld 01etm. 10s c.1111111 s1 .. L~ Manager Fred Harper a11ld, cording to lhe dist r I ct• s To order, Mile the Society, = :~,..~ "i:., d!~.llfH=; but the districts~ to raise General Mana ger Fred Box 1587, Orange, Calif. or
1wo dlvwhten, Mr1. L1nd• K1r Hu,... only $5,599,170 m tax.es as Harper . phone 633-J57S. l!M l>nd M~I Dltlofll'I LYnn Olel'lm; compared to II:. 667 371 col-__ ;;;;; ________ ;;i; ___ i;;;; _____ ;;I
bf'Ofher, Cort11nd1 1l1ter, Mrs. OonlM ""' ' W
""""' J r.1 P1r""11, Mr. 1.w:t M"-Ir• Jected this fiscal year.
o1et1m1 l>nd ~ ,r1nddllld,en. Pr\. A -~~ i'n •--rate will ., ... ,.....vkH. Slllflft' L1P11111 e..m ..-uun l4A
Mor1111rv 011Pel, wednn<11v, 2 '·'"· not ~arily appear on all
tax bill!, Harper cautioned,
because several of the seven
districts have big construcUon
programs planned.
Westcliff Mortuary
4%i E. 17tll St.. Costa Mesa -BAL1-i MORTUARIES
Conu dtf Mar OR M45I
COl&a Mesa ~n f.UUi
Ill -111· Colll 11 ...
Raa\11111 .. Valley
1'1911 Beacll Blvd.
Butlactoa Beacb
The tax: reduction program
will continue for aeveral
years, Harper said, bec:auae of
a federal grant of $3.3 mUlion
for the $9 million ocean outfall
being constructed at the
mouth of the Santa Ana Rlver.
Individual district budgets
will be considered in AuguJt,
the general manager said.
* * * Mesa Road
Pact Okayed
SANTA ANA-An .....nded
contract prlco of ~.116 lot
the ct1nstruct:ion of th e
Smalley Road sub-trunk sewer
line in north Cost.a Mesa has
been approved by the Orange
County Sanitation Districts.
We do have the largest
stock of SHAG CARPET
at the lowest prices!
12 ltecb Nd _, ........ S.--1
•p,~ for
Ille tutu ... -..
Todarf' -'~ Sdtool of Basiaess $~
e S.cr.t1,l1I
8 MM1lc1I
ln1ur•11t1 e look•t•plrit
e Dont•l
At•htln1 •
The job was. completed on
last April 21 after a time ex-
tension of 111 calendar da)'I 111 w. Sth Phone
WU lfanted to Scotl Brothen Son!I An1 $43-1753 or 543.1721
Consl1uctlon of Sanla Ana due1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 to the heavy rains in Jan.aary
and February """• r1N1••t
Delicious cream-filled finger lunch cake.! ••• 3 kid pleasing flavors ... Chocolate, vanilla, plain. Stock upl
Toastems Happi Time Shakes ........... 3 .. 25•,
r-rozen treatB! Chocolit.e, Vanilla, strawberry! 12 oz. Touter pastry in tempting flavor!! ••. 1-1 ot.
Sugar Frosted Chex ................ 29¢
Save l Oc on pre-s'1eetened c.ere.al ! 7 oz. pkg.
Fruit Drinks ......... ~ ........ 12 .. 'l ,
All flavors •.•. M.C.P .••. 6 oz. cans go ao fai1
Fiddle Faddle ....................... 3 ,,, '1 Welch's Grape Jelly ................. ..,.,.
The snack treat everybod y ·enjoys! Now 3 kinds! Or Grapelade ••• 2 pound jar at this low pricel
Me nu -ma ke rs for fi rs t of the week meals! •••
Meat Loaf ....... ~ ~ ~!.~'! ....... 69 ;:·
Fine5t meata , • precision grouDd ••• perfec:Uy seasoned and blended • , • made with freah whole ea:pl
Ham Loaf ........ ~.~. ~! .D~! ....... '891
El Rancho's own ham •.• c:p.refully trimmed ..• expertly seasoned ... ready for you 1.o shape and bakel
Beef Stew Meat '.: ............ , ... .. Beef Shanks : .......................... 49'•,
Trimmed to win whole-hearted approval I
Garden Fresh!
Chiquita. ••• the fine!t C.Utral
America baa I<> oU~r I 10t
Center cut for~meaty aobdneaat
•• Deli Deligh t
. ~~ Chocolat:e Chlp •• "'limpl;r39 ~ .: ilice and bake •.. 16 GLJ>kr._
PED f' AlllL Y
Accordin( to the dlltrictl'
Chi<! EDgtnetr Poul G .
Brown. the districts wen "not
--by tho dolly .. the ltWef WU constructel to I -Prie;t• W. etftel ·M.,.,, TMU, Wtc!.,
Mar 19, !O, 11 . N·o Hkl to~.
.... -·
7!U 8ola Aff-
Wnlndllltr -
SMl'l11'S MORn!ARY
117 M1!1 SL
Bude .... Beldl
ltTVe a new subdivision at
SunOowtr A venue and Smalley
Road In Costa Meu which
W.. al!<> delayed ·duo to tho
C•ttom Aur1I Am,llflc1tl-NO f.Al.ftlllillM
Mot I. COAST HWY. ........ _ ... tfl.JUJ
Scilll .. " ... Dr.ti l..:lllc...t
3211 .. CGbllo ....
Fremon! Ind Huntlnaton Dr.
HllllTUl&TOM 1£AC8:
Warner 11111 ~ (loaJll!k Ctnllll,
2727 "~ 111111..,, 2555 f.ll1lillrlf Dr.,...._ ...
New Holding
. €.ompany Set . ' -"'~ Uftlon W1ter Co'l ~ve ap-
-od • p1lo etlabll!hlnc a
new boldlftc company, PacWc
Roldlol Corp., whlcb wUI
-the -ol Anahe1lll Un1oo Wai.to CO.
, ,Under the tenns of the
!1Wt'ganiiaUon, water com·
PJnY atoct "111 be exch&nced
IOi Sliam ol the \ioldlng com·
The company ls no IPftltr
~q:ed in water distribuUoo.
'.Ille major ..... b 1,500 -•ol land ln Oran,e a n d Rlverside counUes. ,.
Corvair: From ~Success· to
.,.... . ..
U*o) M1l9I Uw a...°""
-A· ~~.i..1 tt; "'-It·"' 1----------1~~~:.t.~ ~I tfa ~~ ~ i·~
Combination o Factor.a efeat,ed Great Experiment ." .,.,,: w .. , ... ~!"i~ .r, f ¥.~ !·~·~ . f D . J!l!W,..~1tf~"i · MoftOtY'• ~ i\;li:r'~ ~ ~ l'.tt nr =le '
• . ·-··ri.. n_, ...... !.'i II; ... u· = -JI By CARL CAllSTl:NSBN CorvaJr wu .,perltncfng bod1 aloog the lines ol unveliod fO< the flnl time at and locote little used parts,~· ;'\'." " I r.• ~ ='~ [iil '~" ;.'I ti !!!! ~~ L"' ! ll ·l °' .,.. ...., "" ..., mechanicll • ,dit&vltiel ~~ ~ to fit on tbe Mooza the third armual Imported the depot wW handle about ~ .;:: 1 ~ !;: _ = ~ c~ " ..,1 l, 1P, F S4 r, ::! ~ · •
Before the last nall ll drivtn eeemed lO C08t a fortune ror chluil. .Just, what woWd hive Auio and Sports Car Show at 61),000 different part& for Ac'3, ,f: , " ~11~ ~ = 1: ~~'~, t .. ~~ 't ~Tiit ?r\'I a"" = ! •·
Into the coffin ol the late ···•· -•·-,.. happened It they bid -Chl')'aler built vehicles. !il:M '" 'J ~· II,. • •!•!In 'rlo • "" ml ll~ -~ Chevrolet Corvair it wOWd owners to r.,..... ......... uae IOmeth1ng a UtUe different ? the Loo Angeles Sports Arma "The facility also includes 1 =~ 1 1 ltt 111ot f& =1:: ~:fir>~ 1:20 ~ I~ ljll= s•"' = ~
8etm onb' fi~ t b.' leaky oil pans tbat ~· out There • iln't any questloo from June s to 15. Monday tWHtory office bu 11 d ID a ~r.i:~' ~s: ~ ~Ir. +1~ \1\:t':ot l;I ~ mt " 1\ll = ~
something good sh6ukl be Ai4 black slud1e u~ over the back, about the eQ8ioe or ill prin--through Frida,y the show will. shared by the parts division, ~l~l".fm :r:= I ~ ~ ~l'i + ~ i:11~ '·'° 131 ll~ 't 1}.'2 = ~
aout the counti)t 's only efrort end, noisy valves that required ciple. 'Mac Coivair eo&tne b In be open from 3:30 p.m. untll Dodge and Chrysler-Plymouth~{. 1lr.r'(" ' Jiii> 1:14 lj111 :-:. \1t '1.$:.fjt J ! l'i .. =1"' _ to producrln a.IJ'oCOOled rear grinding before they ai>uld, btc dtmaod for · mme ~.the 10:30 p.m. Saturday and Sun· _div.Won..a..mec.hanica-tr:aining "i= \~-.11 "" ~ ~--V. Eal "'1 -~ -~-L.=2'4_ enginei'~ehlcte. compliffiti iteertng pro. -toUibMt'iliiVtnj: £0diy -dune dly-tronrlt-a:m:-t1r 1. p.m:-center and Chry11ler Realty ~ 1:: '' ·11z l~ i • & t. ~r fi '2 ~ f~ ~ .. -· .. ---,_a ___ ..... --·~,.·-.,...., -I", ""''"· •~ ~1·~+5 -Written, COW1. battltt .ind au became aerbu headaches its principle. I understand •bow 81 the leading produoen When Brown as asked the ~ ... w al 2H \? e ti :..:1i.6 1om=-pf:; 1f f~ '*i ~ :-'
1tnatt hearings recorded and· fot' owners and dea$ers alike. there's a certain European from ~rope. J~pan aqd the reason for selecting Orange ~ ~ j 'S 1~ U1o1o .::·\ii ::iEd ';;r "' • 41 I ~ ~
law sutb settled over tM It Menu then that the tmport that~ bun1t done too U.S. dl.SJ)lay their sporty oew Counly for the huge new ~I ~1: • ~ • ~ .,"' = ~ J~ :ll £1 im =l"
diminuti ve Chevrolet. To. handwrilinC WU on the Wall badly with the lir cooled rear models for the first Ume. layout, he said, "It was cholen ~11 !•l;_ 1ll 1~ !m t ti' Mllll 1 ~ n"' t:~ ,,: 't~
someone coming on the JCtne and It.was uncertain bow long engine modei * * • tiecatise. we feel in a very (ew ~ICM f..r ,n 'l'I fi: _1~ rifr:,:: i! ~ ~ ~\lo +1:
recently, the logical queltkin the car could survive. First react.ion ls how come CHRYSLER OPENS NEW years Orange County will be ~1h0 J,.M ,J \lo ffr: Bf: + = EonEdll pf' 'loo:I' 11'll 1001) -"
would be -Why! Wby, in this Then came the -b 0 0 k . they can do it and we cali't! COUNTY PARTS DEPOT the bub of almost all phases of z:.:rt'i ~l ~ ""~ 211'1 =.~ E=~:i.u5 JlOO 1 JJ."'~ a .. + h
ege whieri thert seems to be a "Unsafe At Any Speed" by Speaking first hand about the A new Chrysler Corp. parts Southern California bUslness ~4 1~ 1 ~ 11tt 1Di =..~ c:F: pf~.,, 3i 1% 110" 1r-t ,;r
market for just.about any kind auto critic Ralph Nader who. Dl6iU of Corvair, I drove one depoi has just been completed and we need lo be as close as M:rA1f ·f 1u ~ »111 = l: ~:S,:a1.1, 1~ ~ Jf4 fin .... ··
otv.ebicle manufactuttdWOOJd definitely wu a confributing off the lioe at Chevrolet in in FuUerton and is designed to possible to tbe_center ot this ~9!..~1"1.-M :\\ t.0i ~>ft:: ... ~;s,::r-,.,.~ ~ 1L't gl\ mt =~ ...
a car made by Chevrolet suf-factor in but not the rea90n for 1961 and after 1 5et Of new serve dealers in Southen) area." ~-.i~ f:ft fl J;~ ff::' ff:: + ~ ~:::'.:'1r1."4.f ~ n .. t'~ nli :!: ~~
fer such a complete i:ollapae the demlae Of the Cor-vair, tires, l brake reline, 2 bat-CalUonia, Arizona and parts of • • • ~J::"'1J tt 1j~ 31it ~ = ~ con1 c1n 1.20 .. 11,._ ~"" ~---+ ~
and fade into the past. It was a number of uiinp teries, 3 lune-up$, a new set of Nevada. AWARD WINNER ~~1 1.:z 11 l" 2l . U ... = t? ~~~~0:'-U 1# :J" 1•~ 1•111 ..:..:·~ ..
Chevrolet al!!lo woncJered Including unimaginative brass .:Wocks, a.oe only ml n 0 r The lnstallaUon, with 229,000 Peter Peleuses, salesman ~~~M~111f2f ,}1 ~i~ I& rm::.~ E~Ollctl:i :: ~."'. ~: ii~:::·: .;
why produce a ~ tl>at at Chevrolet wbo apparenUy ,rna.Jntenance it bas given us 8 square feet of floor spa ct O(l a for Johnson and Son, Newport "i :iv'11,-~': 2Ti1 U"' l~ l!111 I ~ l/ 2: rJ:rJ :I! ~,,., ~ ~,. .:: ~ ..
has tokl only 3,000 during ~ saw no reason to deyiate from years of wJf~ving and 28.S acn site, i:!I serviced by a' Beach, has won Lincoln-~ Pw ~'i' 'U n ":Z !~ -1~ l:r~. 1:J~ l; ~ n;: n::--t
curr.nl model year. 11'1e m-.. their standard operating pro-chUdren-hauling. We h a v e railroad and nume""''" truck Mercn....,•s Inner Circle Award. Am f::t rt 2:1t1 1~ 31..JZ n-1.u cont ou 11j(I 1~1 lt'ii •v. •v. -1 •·
._..._ • .,_, _,, Am EllP Ind •o •I n· ii.,.-\Ir Cont OI! p 1 1 S6 m: " ····· '"I tioo was easi1 .. answered and cedure and come up with tak'tn lts inexpensive good docll:s. 'The award went t0 the Ai<xrnd DfM ,,o 15111 1 h 1 .... -l'l coni \n 1 10 ~ ~ iJu + ~
UJ u.. ----'"'-.auf nt f ... j ...,.._., · . . · A"\.,liolll 111 U 111!. I \~ I ~ -\Ir Con! ti .6' 183 1$$1o i!"" 2 -..-.1 afttr struggling with .. .., awui::uuug uu ere or wic serv ce for grau~. I hate to Roy J . Brown, Chrysler leading 15 Lincoln-Mercury A ..ic°"" 1.,1 ~11 r 59~ !.\-~ ~ontro1 0111 l•l 1"'*-13611o 1 -1,. "
Corvair for the past three car that had been res_P$111ible see it go. Parts Division g e n e r a I DivWon salesmen in the Los ~ ~ito";.21 1~ ~"" ff~ 7\.11 i ~ c:kw~n111.~ ~ _tt.i;.,..,;z ~v. ± ~ ..
Years they Lnded JU exlslJl!IJCe. for record ,~les only a couple TIURD ANNUAL managir, said, "With the a.id Angeles sales district. Each =Jjy .~ 109 2011 :u• ~"--~ l:'"r~ ·1 •j/ Rrt ?r"' 21 = V:
Car models go by the of years earlier. AUTO EXPO COMING of a computer to speed pro-recipient of the award and his ~M~1or~90 12': ft11o ti!\ lf .. -::.:7 ~=~;: ~ ~ ff111 M .. :0: =1 ~ ••
wayside yearly but this _orie What if •'they bad come out New modell and exclusive cessing Of orders and invoices, wife will get a four-day trip to ::::=~·.w 1iU t; n~ ~~:t ~ ~ ~:1~i~Y li~ ~t 1t~ ?~ w: + "'4
was different. It came into with a racy, sleek: fiber-glass prototype cars will again be maintain inventory control Las Vegas. ~~·!!i, ;oa i: ''tiJ~ 1ff~ 1ffU ~ cotGW 2:SO. 1 11•11o 2js11t 21~ -,_. ••• "" ~ r. •\Ii 2•V. J.1\lr + \I, CotOMtlll .22 25 JIM lO »Vt .•. ·• being as something .new .,.... " 5~ f I.to 1 t• 38"" 31,,. + "" cow1n .so 11 in-. 1sv. 1w. .•.• "U •NI Am tr J'n I v, 51 S11'1 -1\la Ca:dldCU .50 t 47'4 •1 41!/o · •· •1 exciting and compeu ve ::'\"" Am ~Id 1· ut • l't •J •l _ v. cPC 1~11 1.111 llt :11\ii l 7'11i :JI -..
Was an •-~··t ..., . ....-. """'-AmStd pl •. 1J 16 'i""° 111'h 117"4 .. ., S~•M ,1.6Gb_ >'> ... ,,,, ., .. , ""• -1 ~ u•-• ,_,_ ,,.. u • A }' M ' w '" Am S!trll .4 .,., 'h tl'h nv. -h• ..,omp 11 .... II -•• f•rst (91() '~ '•rvair·· mon cts ...... r -... ,, "' or ~~!r 1.60 )(I Ii :i;.,, "" +\lo CrwstHln ID • 1th 1fl'i 1f~• + ~,' I year, ' .... ., ""' .,.. ...~ -• ~/f2# t ~ !!~ ., "! ::."i6 E;::;Ol,!{ll rl ~ ~ ='Iii ::-.•
came ar a coupe and sedan, I Am 1°o1w'J 'U w~ Jr -· _, CrOW!'lll 2.20 10 6flft "~ "" -....
then came the Lakewood sti· Halt Sales Wh Th E d w ' M :cJ''"~,k/ i:1s 1uo 1~ l~ lJU ::::: ~'r"s ~o::··~ 1'~ ~'tl ~~ ~'a !.1
\'; tion wagons, Monza series and , t t 1.w •.1r.1 l.o '35f '""' 1•1, ,.,,, .•... cu111hy co 2i ~ 19t; 1m -\'-
Greenbrier vans. They were ;. y 0Se ll S 0ll ee ::.itnc ll 111o ll'i.? 1.1~=~E:il~"'.1;l5 11: f!}l ?111r f:v.+~
Ml Id AmlKI~ .M j . 60 ·'°""' +11'1 cummJn .IOb 1 "°\II ,,tlo 39'4 -"'9 ~.u .. ,. high and in lll'U SO .I.MK o .30 JI '• :121'1 n ... ,, cunnDruD 1& " ll J1W. l7h 'Iii i.. ·" ·-.. · 0£ G AMP nc ... so"'" .U\• o ~'"curflss Wr1·1 HM 11 ni. :tt%.-~ Weft OVer 300,000 uruts. rapes "'-• COl"l) lff •J.!~ '3V. •l:W. + Vt cwt Wr A l 1 Js:w. lS l5 -!'.~ •: •-'-"1mll' l . .0 10 ""~' U!o'i """" -'!;. Cuti. H 1 20 '3 .0 ,,\la )f\.11 + '-Chevrolet eiecuuves ._,. B SYLVIA PORTE . Amit .l2 ll .n,,., :n:w. ~ -~ CYcloo5 1 .a 5 •I'!;. •1 •1 _ 11i credit where credit wu due 11 Y R year man with a wife and two=:::: t~ 2!! ~ :r :r,,., +1:z CYPIV>M ·1.40 2' 511'1-s2 1211o -v.
the little car just about TORONTO (AP) -Officials If you are marrled ll)Cf have teen-agers at home. Say that AMll+lodt ·w1 5 *"" ... v. *"" +1 -0-mark·~ 1··-". Ev•rvooe wa1 of Domlnioo Stores, Ltd., two children, you must earn you have a good job, a M.m ~i:.,sy1.io 1~ ~ riU; ~~ :.:.:"" &:" ... ~1,v J:n 1~ L Jl"' r.}1"' + ~ .,,...... 1.-:K:U ... J c da' ,,;....._. lood ch • ,.~ b AllQllOH l.Q 7t ~ •t~ •l~ -1 51 "~ ... tal~-about it. 1ben !ittle ana 1 ~•"'P am, $14,440 in 1969 to buy what in .. "' su urbs and thia year ,,_ .<:him 12• .n .. 40'4 40111 -i v. &::I\:= ~ 1~ s.•1< .S.l'i .,.. =nw th~began lo happe.D. 8 8 i" Union .~ p 1 e SS Ur e $5,000 Of gross income bought you're earning ${,500 morr: ~~~ 1:: n l~~ l~ I~~ =1~ &:~Piil~~ • "" 4 1'1 + 'Jt
In '113 and >l• little option over tht fast i lx months 1ed lo a man in precisely your post.. than the $7,500 at Which )'OU Z~ D:e:g' ~ ~~ m\ uw. + '1? D•rlnPI. i.60 1lf igi~ !~ l!J~~ =\ .. ,'"
V'I .... _ "..:'-' dee'····· ~ stop t• . 1939 y ust . bl t -, ••••• ·m !""'• An'n(OSI ) to ...... " 66 -Vt Of'e~ Co 2 1711 "~' 661'• :tr,;; t ~ I "goodies" were added such as un:: Cuwu I ~ l1J IOll lll . ou m , m un wu""'"' 11il0. Arll'ICD 511 1 ~ 33 33 _ v. Dt1PwL1 1.01 5 2lV. 2lv. tl\li ..
b. b sellina-CaliJomil grapes. . summary, earn 188.8 n..rcent But do you have ... 500 more AmKlllr 1.olCI 21 ""' n ~ ... Del Mnle l.lO ~: ~'"" n:z n~: =it the Monza Spyder w JC were _ • .;..i:. oigh 1 1 r-pend • AttN "' •.1s 1 67 61 '1 .... geua.t.rr . .i) 31 20i.t. !t "" 19,, _ \'e supposed to justify a $3500 JUIKl~ V · t. v ce pres · more today just to be standing to s on your family and t=f~k'·:i 21 ~~ !\ ~\v. -:.".". 0::,1~M~'.6G 13 52 •. ~ !Ill" 51v; _"'
price tag. They didn't ._net dent ill' ~. of merchan-even with your counterpart of home tha~ lAO yehars agoF? Of t~~b llfl·~ 11'2 ~li°l = ~n :!:''"" R:;:~d:, ".'o.l 7~ ~~~ n,,_ ~r. t ~?
Sales began to d-llne. di.sing, :cSeole:ci ·earlier reports ·30 years ago today. course not. st e Tax oun-"'"corp :'° , 21:v. 2~ 21,,.. -111 ~:.s,•0• •,·"',, 19 !6 ssVJ \1"' -:1 " th t ......,_. hlin · d " fi •t h Af"I" Ind 1 2'11 ~ 3~ ~ + l'I .,..., r . 9 21'111 211 .. 1 'Al -.. Chevrolet's m .. arkeH'"' im· a 11~ as saying This is the extent to which auon 1gures 1 • you ave a Aihld 011 i.2'11 211 ~ f'l.S ..i111 -1 °*rtco pl 11 ' 6-111 ~'~ ''~~ + 111. -.. h ' DI tiy "uni " 11 ~· I ft f th t •• 500 A$ad llA"' 16' ''" .,,.. 15'"' -q ots.o10111<: ·'° l ""''h .o•~ .o•\ -~ ••'nation seemed to be leaning ar~ on goons. your dollar has been eroded by mere .U'I e o a .... Aiw DG 1.20 •1 .. •1¥1 •• ..... 0e1e1111 1.o10 •5 1st• 2.H) 1S~. -i• ~ Who f~ <.if food ~··••'es 10 of rai·ses A..SSP9 I 20t1 ' J1 31 37 . . . . Dtl Ed PU.SO . 1 961/J f~I,~ td\'i -'4 the wrong way. While they 'l'Jt £~ uuM' the relentless rise in the cost · ,....,Tr•n · ·"° JO 11 l~ ''"' -'""oet s1tt1 .60 " ""' l!V. 19'., -"' were trying to figure out bow the ~~·ind e s: P Io d e d of living and in both federal More specifically, the rise in ~~ri l:~ ~ ~it m; Ult + ·,. 8T:1~fna·~ .50 "l ;r• tl~ t:,,., -:3~
to get more money for the confetU.~~ balloons over income taxes and s 0 c i a 1 your federal, state and local ~'llR~1c11 "'l·n ~ 'P.h '1' ... 1~ ... =2~ 81:= l::& 1n r,~ U'~ W! = ::
Corvalr' Ford C·-out w1·.th grape. . COllllten, , forced the "-·~i·ty taxes durm· g •"•-taxea and your Social Security •\Rici! p( 1 211 201 203 203 -5 D•aSll pl c1 16 39<• ~ :.11.~ + v. ...... """"141 .. u.:i · b "' Rcri "'1111 1" n•• n 16\!o -1\!it Dias Pl Dl.:ID t 11'/o l'i-lli ;ra .
.... a11.: .... ..---11...a the decision.. '"' .... n·od of wars -...... at and ~es aserased$2,0:5Sofyour 1.11n c11tn1 ·1 "11.,. 1011r 30'4 -~ oktaPllOn . .a ., "1\ 21111o n"'-'" .., .. u.'6 .,.... i;:ctU""" In · In'· · he ·d ,.,,. a•~ 1....._ h.k th T .,. " 111 Cgr~ m 1 ~ 6'11 -... Dlebolcl .•b ll7 57•11 i~ s.sv. -· '4 M .......... ..._ . ..,n. sa'--..... an 1.erv1ew sat ---all, hot and cold . llll..vaue l es, e ax TOUn-Autor• Piii 50 lt'lli 1m 1avo + ~ DIG~lo .ID 60 .a•, "° 401~ + .... ............,;. """"...... ~ .,..&-', s1x th _,. d ., "--t The · I 1.111sp1c1r -. lM 11 \lt '20 2G -'"' 0 1111nellm .llo 11 26\IJ l.5'0 "'"+\Ii to •·•e ~ -•"-.. l.: .. 1·ust lib pressure started mon s AND MIND YOU 1 am not auon eswu.a es. nse n Alllom•n ind 111 lM\ uv. lS'4 -l'rio 0111ne Pl" 2 • <K" ..,. .o -""
.... ••"" 1.1n:: ..,....,, • ..__ ... _t. union ' your cost of f;vlng has wl......i 1.111m •rid w1 16 ''" 11 1111o -v. ouio..c:°' .s. ' 16 1:.i.i. n•~ -v. other lines ·.vhlcb felt the im-ago •1111::11 symll'.81.Uf;: IC . . adding the "bite'' in yoor Social Security lues -are ~ 1.Vc:e c,_ 1..211 1u :n"' :n :n•.r. -11o 0101ersc1 .soo 20 l5 1•~\ 21'.'i--,,.,
pact of the Must&n worte~. Incl~ ~uoon dollar taken by soaring state actually 3110 of 1 percent out a~ $489 of your aft~· :~ ~·~32 It ~ tl"" t!~ +1~ 8Js'r::""20 x1: ;l.,. If"' Ir'+ 'Ml ..::==========::....:... ______ g~·---cmployes, and a citizens com-and local income taxes pro-LOWER than at this time in tax mcrease. Your net 1n-AYnat h'IC ·'° 16' 1M11 11" i1>1t ->.:; D1lSt1 1n1.20 • oa..., 4 '\ •·~ ... mlt•A-" ___ .__..1 II ·~ • . ot ,. 500 b t ly A-Po I.ID · n 1wv. 1n1ot l!t-1\lo -3'4 D•P-.10 13 111,. St!' '1'' -~
• • • • • • • •• • • • =. , app •. vtn;.1...,,. ,a, u~ ~rty taxes. sales taxes, com-1968 crease ts n ,..., u on 111 DomeMln .ID 61 "'"' 11.-. 11110 +1•-. • • ch I din ~ . I ~· · -D-Qon\Fd 1.111, 21 1J{• n•1 nto + t't . ~. ~ u & ours. . muter taxes, etc., etc. If this AND IF YOU had put $IOO in l,""'"· ' '' l*t w 1.J11 60 11~ ll'~ ~·"" +"" oonne:i~ .60 1a5 .1~"1\ •n •J -\ ..
·eTAB h ... '-' .. ..,.,. ---· · 1.0.._..c....,.
.. •
* HALLI DAY'S * •.
Art they correcl? Are they neatly narrowed r
in the leg? Are they the proj>er lenflb?
They are neatly narrowed -They are the
proper length -And they will Enhance your
Dacron•/Wool Trousers $27.50
11tt. & 111'.V:INE Avt. r-WUTCUFF PlAlA
••"--_,.EWf'O.T l l ACH PH, '41-tftJ
~~~n baa •placed signs "gobble" were included, you'd .cash in your safe deposit box EVEN ASSUMING we soon 11:~C?~1r,_~ ~ ro.? ~~ ~~ .:..:,,.. ~.~~~~ II !U"t :r~ ~\"' =1~
reading ~rry • ?ue ~ ;unse.t· have to be running even faster in 1939 to have handy "just in start lo slow down this price R:~P~~,··1S 11~ ~ ~~ ~ ~111' ~~':: l.:S 'H ~~ ~j ~~ ::1.,, tied conditions tn ..ciliforrua to stand s11·11. d k spiral and ass11mina we even-8.111t1P a1 ~ 1 •.1~1 43 .u -'1'1 Dr.ul!>d 1,40 52 u :·. l5W ::p, . . case" an you ta e It out now , --·· 81~ 1111 1s 1 J5 l5 J5 +1 orn" i:i12.~ 'l •:i'. .o •JIMo + "'' vineyards, this store is not II we are marro·ed and have thi·s sum wi·ii ""y you only t!'Jo tually return to an acceptable 111 Tr 1:u ,. 1111'1 10 111 -"" R!'~l'. ,01 s ll'rll ll:i-. J1:i-. -v. ~ ~ I f . . he 81r II 1.JSf 55 t?V. 11-... i1~ -~ .,.e .. us 0 l ~ u•.\ ..... ••lo -'4 selling California grapes," in two children. you must earn of goods, shelter and clothing aMua pace o rise 1n t cost sird CR .1s 51 ~· .,., •t\• -" Duke, ••,1.10 ll!' ll~ J.1~ . " .
e tan oronto s .ores. 16,332 this year to buy what ,.. 1969. If you had put th'e 1100 o vmg -w 1 w1 1111" M,,· 11 llfo 13~• ,1,.., _ v. dYPon1 1.:isa 111 1 u\~ 1..i1~ 1.s•~ -"" M ~I T t f• ti · h.ch J ·11 8111< Inc ID 10 11\~ U\" 111;, -\io Dull 1n ~ ""'·" ,.... .. _ .,.-
-·~11 be I d II th I I d 11 th Ind .s. H i1v. 6l*'f 11o o~Pont 01 ... so j 1•'·'1 11""' nVJ -"' iue !18 "' p .a~ in a $5,000 bought a man in yoor away as recently as 1956-'59 assume-e ong-erm tN!n 8:inc~LD • 15 M'4 6'"' 69 . + \~ dUPont ft:i.511 sn·, ~ '~ ~,.,. t :% stores Jn the ptoVtn~ even-pos·ltl•on as recently 8S 10 Of liVin gCOSls is Up and the .81•lrl~b )I lS '9\lr ~ •81't -411 ~111 .tp"66\ 2 l~ Jt"• r,m n~ -~ and you need it now, it'll t>uy BtVukc1, 50 •! u u ,. . . 1So1 11 1210 29•· "" 11t "" tually., he sa, id. years ago. You must earn 1 -f th · •-tong-tenn trend of the dollar's se.,1ne1 i ' o:i.r. •l'4 0•1o -l'I mO 1n .5'1 is m! s = ~" \ you on y ••• o e essentia.., . . . a,., Fds 1 :11 :19 l8"" 31~1 -v. 111 Am .oo n 2011r 20 20 "" ·Steinberg s, Ltd., supported 2&.64: percent more. the Tax of life. btheuylnh~ topower i"inddowustrin. _Th11s IS ~~~ -~ i; ~ ~ ~ ..:·\'i · -E·F--~ grape boycott by display· F o'u n d at ion has just What I'm trying to say here ti andlS ry 0 ~ na-L-?:f~ ·U 1U ll"' J:~ i:v. =,::t ~.aleP~ .• "',', ,•.~ "''·~ 19•1, -141
mg alps last November ask· calculat.d, 1·ust ·to stand even Is far more than 8 •'•gle ems paper currencies. !le1c1Hem :'° 11 .,.,. 'M 16'ilo + ~ ~·'foA'r~ ~ '" Y" ... 16!!' "v.• + ,.• Ing tom t t b -Jf Ill · sl I llell Kow 60 u n 1~ 16llo -~ is r .,.. tt,. 1j + cus ers no 0 uy with where you were only a recital of the impact of a con-you w JU recogn JC eeH 1111etc'on 11 Ulll i1\.<.i 11''* -'-~"~ 1;15~ ~i 26~ it"' 1 -iv.
· California table grapes. decade ago. tirruing and re c ent I y ac-hbeowtweegreao 1t1 ~eaddiffe1rtencet R::':i t'°~ ~ H: ff~ [i .!\,, E:~onY• t~ 1U ~lt ~ fl~~~
If you are a typical factory celerating inflation. What I . e·~ n ne =~'" 1.M1 ,. .ii'lli •11,, •'1< _·::: ~~~:!;1'2 ,
: llo" H~ ~=1:t
worker with three dependents, am trying to explain to you is mboucomt ewhaot d face Ith:.!~ l:ll~ :a:jg zJ ltl" i:r" i:zi:. + ~ l~':do ·~ M~ ~~ ~~1; :..: ~ any pay bike you've received why you feel so ~uA-_.. ~"--a a your rea e ... , ... ~ a1nt1F PU.JI! s ID "' " ... EdliQllllros 1 1 •111 .u.,;, :1i11.;, _ v,
"'I ~UR::~ • ...:n h de 8tt1F' Jllf2.S0 'l90 l6~ Y,V, lP~ -"lo E'G&G .10 3' ll .... Jiii-. 'I'• -"-Leases Bought
.Ved ,.· the past 12 months has days, why yoo f'•d 1·t so h_......, are, you "w ave ma a a-.... 1 ,., ?Sv. '"''' ,,VJ -"" e1M1tS1c ·°"' 21, Alo 1v. .,, ..... .... aru aiant step forward For then 8"'91/d 1n 511 H:U. 21'-"> 21v, ... F1Mu1 1n.09q • 1 1 1 ., • ., .NEW Yo~~ (UPI) been more than ..,·-..1 out by to make ends meet even ~ · e.,r11;,-ho .1n 1110 n111 ,.,. ,.,. -u. E1«1 Assoc 1:a 11" l!:l 21'1i ...... = ""' you'll be ready to learn bow to 8fffl"'ec '°"' ~ 1' is 1'1.S -.. e.1ec1 Soec u n• 1n, + ,. W-~--Petroleum loc has the ·'ump in the 1... .. n .... power t' .ough you're earru·ng the . ..-lir 1.111 ·~· :1i1v. 351\ lPli -v. E1C11nN11 ind u 11•1 •'• ~','" _ .. ,,· cau·Ulll • ., ~ lllAZ""6 sh 0 p w Is e I y b 0 r r. w •u'M Ind ..i . 31 11 7'6'-"> 11"11 + ~ EIPasoNG I •11• ?l'lll bou&ht 96,000 acres O[ Oil and Of your dollar pJUS the in· highest pay in your life. . ' . • I Th<H .6G n C]\.'J •l . •l\lo + \~ Eltrt Co I.~ 1'1 r;: tJI(, ,.:f! = ~
I · · --o • your federal income Wh t [ t · h ecooom1caUy and Invest Ul-8 Dk 1.'20 t 61~ 61 61 -"" ~:::,'fi1 El~ 90 n ...,,. gas eases In SIX w~~em. crease m "-·..! ta a am ry1ng to smas telligently. RL:~~'i.s& ~ iJ= It:: l~ + ~ IE=z, 1 r.t:mi 1~ Jlli"' n i: .... t ~ states from Strock Leasing and Social ~ .... ty s:es home to you via these Ilk.IS.I i:iu.15 2 110 '" l:JG ... 1 _0 •. , · 1• '"' .a\~ N'l -" th t · l!lobtlfo ll<t 17 70 19'11 )(I ··-~ J llJl 11;.'", J ,',. = !',• Corp, of Casper, Wyo.,· r or (again, no o er axes in-dramatic figures are the 11otW.: 1.20' 212 ~ .u•1o •51~.::..., :=f~" .l~ v;:: H ... -.
cash notes and warranu lo eluded.) Your "real spendable realities or inflation ar.d taaes !lo!IC•1 .2~ '11 7'V. 15"' 761!1 _,,,., Ennl11!11tS ... 1r,. ~,.•., n',~ it'" l 5
buy Stock in Weslrans' parent earnings" -yoor earrungs -for only When YOU face 3 er 3C Bond Sin 1 6 1f 2tll 29'1. -!lo SB Inc 1io 1 Ht.Oi t~ -t.t, . T nk p t !lo!NC pl Cid 2' " " 96 -5 iqutG'1 l 20 17 • ... -
al Aiustm t f rJ . 8ordtt1 1.:IG SI lPi ll'ilo 21 .. -1 1<1Ulr1 JO 6 21io 11, 1 y. -1 flrm,.WesternTransmisslon tera..,. en orp ce1n-these realities will you slop 11ar1w1r1 ,2s ,,, :12'" l1\lo 11111-'lli 1wx1n1 ·1.10 '' 35~. fi"" 35 _,,
Corp. creases, federal income and kidding yourself and will you GLASGOW (UPl)-Litbgow l:'Wii~~· 2:tl :; ~ low. ~"" .::·,,., ~l~~I ~~.«i72 't 1:111 ,. Hi•+~ I ~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ii;;ii~ii.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;11 t rt ad t• '""' Sh. yard Inc has obtained a aourn1 inc 3' 2Pll 1011 25'4 +1'ilo rofnd .20o u ~\.., v. 11\!i ..... ]I Sa Op Ing .. r'" money . Ip , ., 8r1"UA1r .50 101 I~ 16\!i 16\!i -It. ur~ ln.lOQ 11 u:~ J .. >Ofll!.:..: ;..:
management pcUci~ which contract to build a 250,000 ton R~l:1~~ l:~ JI l:r. W" ~: t :: ~~trierC.61»1 ., ,,14 n°'; lf\li -~\ SBEARSON, HAMMILL A: CO., Iae. will help protect your family. deadweight tanker from t~MJ,i:'~ '! ~ ~~ ~v. _ ~ ll:it~~ -~ ~~ Lil ~~1"' ~t; :':.~
Zapata-Norness Inc o I !IWYH• pf 1.1 •! ••'"' ••"" -14 Falrc:11c . .so.. i11 !r. ij ,.,., -2~ ' ., llWYH p!,\wl 1 43>i' O'l4 43""' -1\.'a Fl rdl Hllltt ~ 1 114 -;-. Mamb1r1 af tha N•w Yer~ Stock E11:cht111t• LET'S LOOK at this another Houston to be delive red in B-IYnUG 1.11 11 3114 3il'lo 31:W. +ll!i ~· '~' 1 1 l~ 1 'l!i \lo l!" -v.
Sa • 11• 000 1'"""' 8,·,::~ e: "' 1l Ult I~ l~:: ~ F:1{~n ~ J n~ l~ .it =1:-t way. y you re a "• a "''"· awn sri.rp 1 11 ?l'lli 21•.i. 1J11o ._ l'o F1m Fin 1.10 ll j"' I" ~.,,, -\·•
Cordially Invites You
To Attend A Seminar
"let 115 do
ycu haggling
for you. We're
.... n
You may .1et 1 llick «1t of shoppifC
tor c1r1 ind trucks , •• klcktnc
tir1s, sl1mmlfta doofs, haaunr
over \'Olurrtt discounts. Bui It can
be aWfutly e1pensivt "ft111"J
Ctiancrs i re it's 1 "pro" •l ttlt
otb1t end l)f ttia de1I ••• so
JOI.I'd better h1w 1 "1»0" wor\inr
JOUF tfld, loo. That's Whttl wt
~ k W1'r1 proraslof\at
Nul1rs. Buyifw llld seiunc en
Is "" busWss. We IMY IOt
hM ts~ fill a )VI ......
but lit SU'T9 Clft 1M J(IU _,.
.. ~ ... It.ft ltallll 1>1&
111 IL fMl•llt. t11 9t ...
5ft for I C., af Q hi qtUlltiol-
lllHISWlf fDIWJ -O,,.,. Afoo, .. N Sal.
---. -·-MacHowaRb
124 No. Harbor at Bolsa •Santa Ana
Telephone (714) 531-0607 ..
11-St>o. l so 15 dlt. ... " .t.jl.(I _, FtnslHt Inc l1 1'·• '"" ,, ... + ,,.. llr11n•wll; .list ~11 25 2•\.11 ~ -... F•• We•I Fin JI :llR-. Ito O\o -""" flUCYEr 1.2G 2• 71>1 n-. 21'1. -l,, F1r111Mf .IDD 11 UJ:? Jllo -V.
!1\ldc:I Co ,ID 22 2:1'.il 23V. :U'lil + ~ ~= :f 50! »'I ~ t~ : ~
Slld• I= r>f.60 1 ._, t"h 1'111 -\.;, ftdMoo 1 ID 1 :1311> ll" ~ !IUftel In .M J7 21\'• '20>:"' ll v.i -·~ FtdPac e"1ec 21 2t .., 2 ~..:.. °"
&yt1For,.1 llo rT :11i :1i1v.+~~'K f"r ,~ ·~·· • !IU!Qvl .to 1! 52'"' Sl>(o 51"6 -V, ~"-O · "' .... -• 811'* lttma 209 1~ 13 ll -V. F:J51;;. 60 ff ll"' ~Iii ... = t;
!1"'*11: 11!1.50 1 40.,, .io IO -1 l'f'i!D~tr r·s 2'4 j~~ 115 111. + :i,. 8'.>i-flnd l.olO 1• .Oldt .0\~ ·~ -'II F'P(f Mio •"~ ll !Tllo .. 1 -Ito !lurnch" ,10 JI llili lf't lm -I,, Fttro Cp I.• 2 S1'!6 ti ' ·1 + ~~ llutl'outhl 111 lJl" 11':W. ll't:U. -l~t FlbreDrd 111 151 .n lll I " -... !lil#IUllV 1.111 2 'H\.;, 7S>'o 2n • .• F'lelOCtM I .oo 100 3f'' 81/tlar~ .ID 10 ltV. )IY, lt -V. Fittrol l 20 • ~ •1 •1 _: \~ -C Fin Ftc1er1ln 11' :D 31!• -·~ -"~n11 1.60 S"1 Mr.to 6 < 6JlllO -'• M ,:im U :l$ -.,. F5 1.611 IJ• 4'1\1\o • \/lo 41'"' -IW. 111 ,_ nlll 1?1' -'!'I F1ttj~ 1.10.. II mt. 1 ilk 11"'
31f :a111o ll H'lo t1~ if~f:o 'Y n.. ~ 1 =~ :t: r =Vt lr' =1"" '=:;kt ~ 11:1! e~ >!; :::::
lt• 111o111 11 ... "" 1~:..ro ~ iru · "' ... 14 2J ft 111 'i{"' +1~ Uni olA•.50 r l'h ~lv. ~IYI ±1 t fi11o l'i 6\li -l!n1 ofB2.1S •l\t 4llii •l'I& -Vt
i ~ • l!" -• I'"\! I:\' 'il t U ~~ t" C:'~ '..., .~ r.~ =1~ 1: i::. .Ji' ~ ~~ !l .• ll~.:..: 'it i.t ?!\: + :z ,::Pwl., Iii " 1:p,, 1?:u. 11">-+ •• ,, i ~ :av.-:: ... ~M:,12.~ 3?1 ~-~ 46 461\ + ~ n ~~ ~~ t". i' FMC CP U 1J ri'!t ti'~ lt~ ::_ \,;
·i ., "'41 t "" FMC: pf,.,, 21~ ~~ n\lt n"" :1l\ ': ll\ u. 1.-. l"IY lt1tr ".10 tl 1.f\lo il"i· 2S _,,.,
~ .. il ,~ _ :: t::i:~a .. : )f 1.m ~"' 1•'~ _ "' ll~ '• ""' .+ ~ Foo!t Min l !tl'o ,,., ltV. + 1to
Iii "' 6t -t.Oi Foote 012.20 ' :m~ YI lll\• + "' ~ ~ 60 -!o'i F«dMot 1.olO U7 ~"'-,U.l~ 51'• _,..
ffii ~ :'. •;4 ~~~I{ o1l~ I~ ~·~ ml fl"" t ~ l.'! lfil ~~ tttt t ~ ,:r:~ ~I l 1 fl~ l~\! l~"' + ~ m I• -"21~····1i'lll'~0 .6(1 :JG).jV,~lt "
ti ~ I :.;. ._ t~!:r 11: .~: ::: »~ 1
: _ ~ ._.\4 M + ~ Fr\18F1Cp 1.11 M ~ ~ -1-.
' ~ • :~·ii ;;f;"~~ ~; .,.:.:
1l -$ ~!~ "" .• 1~ ifl ill: ii:= ..
__ :::,.5·: ::._~.~if ~ ll l! .. !!-=~
.U 1; '1 41 .... .IU~ t l't !, ~I.. 65 ~ r ~ ! ~ --.. ' ~ ll" ll"." + U ri:,. c.u. ~ ,r~ y" ir" ::· : ~ 0 \l :: .... ==\It Am&"i ~ !Eru. 1.: ~ =:: "N l, ... ~1~ ... Trlfl fM 1 lf'!ll fto+t<t.
J ~ :J\t ,5 ; = ~n 1'l.,~~ 1 i~"° ·~ :: "' lt ~ .,'.(: 41\6-1\lt ~ ,,, ~Ir Jut g :+&
1 ~ ~~· ~n· ! ~ 'f;·~.: ~ ill! !full~ ~~ .:;~ lb. ' !o'i. :1.~ ~r¥tff :i,:: 1ii ..... 11 (~ + ·,,. ~ n V. ? 4 ~ t11 Hiosl ff IJ" 1' i. -~ ~ -· 111$1 .)ti 1~ ~ ,,~ ~"' _ .. I< Q•i .,.,., .. ll enl:i" .i ) 3 1-S"' l5* ;1" \to ~1 ?. ~: :m; ! ~~JA:1·J! jf fi" ri~ 1'1-~~· ''" •" y 11 _, Mot ~ s 13 " + \ "~ J ri llil ::·a ~'"'¥t·11 "" l" , -;~ ;;-:: • ""'~. • 11 lm r.: · h ~ 1; l lilt I~ +1 $111 ,it I M"i 14o """' + ..
H !WLV PILOT )'J~• .
Monday's Closing Prices-Comp1ete New York
' ~I DAILY PILOT -... "'" l'I. 1'6'
' I • f • I • I
• • ' ' • • ,
., ..
.. t ::"' ' ,. • • •
•• !'
For The Record
No eth•r n•w1p•p•r tell• you
mort, '"''Y city, 1bo11t wltel'•
9.1119 on in th• Gr••+tr Or1n9•
Coit! the11 th• DAILY PILOT,
2 -for -1 Day
&1! two rttt !'Ytcl •••I tick1h for !ht Sund1 y •fl1rnoon, June ·r,
An9111 "''· Oriol11 t•lfl• ti An1heim Stediurr. for the flOrmel.
pritt of one t id1tl. [l uy 0111: !he DAILY PILOT 9ivt1 you 011e.t)
You ttll '''''"' '" 111!lrt 1tclio11 or jiu! two 1t1h. 111! 9tl your
ptrl'f to9etll1r now end m1il In tli1 11rdtr blink below with check
or mo111y on:ler !no c11h, plf11tl end h111Ty. Dttdlin1 for ticket
ordtri i1 May 20.
CHp 9N ...n, wltti cMc• er~ orMt, t.:
2.fM·l ..... Dey
0,.... c: .. hny '" ..
C/0 hblk Senlce Dept.
JJI W. ky SttMt, CNhl M ... , Cetlf. 92627
~··············-.. ····················· .. ·············· .. ·-··-
ltrMt ··················-·······------····················· .. --
City •••••••••••••• ~ ..... ,, ... ,.,, ••••••••• ,,,.,,,IJtl,,,.-.......... _
,.. . ........................................... o.r.. ···-~ ...... ...
I Wtrrt t, 4, 6, &. lt, , , .••.• ~ ... ti. •II IMttd lllftlll-
1 "'' ti lrlf J-1 ......... vs, Orlolft Ottnt ti Arleftelnl SINlurn, Fw
ffdl 11etr;e1 ~. I .. 01 rKtl¥e t11 .. I.e..! IMt Jrw '""" tht DAILY l'ILOT. I ..,., u•1u ... tdrtlo _, tldi;.is. l:!W. .....
I I.,.,,. .... , I -*"' .... fkk"' wlit ... tent lo lftt by Pfllll. I • """"'"ttnlf ltlef't Clfl M M U(Nflle If I .. fw Mellie .. ~ ,,.,.. rlctot.
' .
sale of Maybl'OO~e " .._
two-panttropical suitS
for one week onry,you can·enjQy special .Yviogs ··on
.lightweight, romfortable 2-pant suits of cool Dacron•
polyester and long-wearing wool. Handsome" 2-buuon
•tyHng wittl side vents. Available 'in a rich choice o(
bdgtlter blue, bfown or greypla.ids ind~lids.~ now!
regu larly85.00 77~ OQ
• •
ne w collars, new col ors
in spec ial no-iron shirts
Your choice of tfM! full continental spread cOUar or the
regular spread collar in 1hese cool, n<J.wrinkle deep·
color shins·of polyester and cotton broadcloth. Pick
several:,how for Dad in vigorous French blue, green,
gold, tan •. grey or classic white. In sizes 14& to 17.
comp. value 5.00 2.99
may co men's fum ishir.g 6
may co south coast plata, 11n 'diego fwy at l>ridol, cost• m•,.; 546-932 1 shop monday through .. turd1y I 0 •m to 9:3 0 ·pm MA.VCO
• i
.j * •••
' . .
iain • ' -N.Y.-8t1 dr•
-" ' ' -. ~Ot:. -62, NO. I 19, 3 SWTIONS, 32 PAwES ,MONDAX, MAY_'.1 9,_ (969 TEN_ CENTS
.. ,
• ' •• !
' ' .
. '
Brown Conv icted'
' . .,
. : .
·l• ': I.
-e-·a-·:·---r· _,·s ·--. . ' .· ~ ·-. .. .. ~
~ .. :-
• · .
' ' -' . :!~ ... '· :;..t ,.
\ I ~ • . .
Phony Doctor's_
Sentencing ~e-t
Play Mus~c
Over Radi.();
5,l'ACE, CENj.'ER, HOUltori l\ri'D .-·
The lbroe Apollo. 10 plloll tutQell dJll1
joc:Qys today, rldloin( blcl: taped·-
of "Up,'Up &Dli Away" 11 tbty1• d0Jrn
on t¥ balfl'ay mart of1 Amerlca'1 Ollll
palhliodb\g VOJlll" for a manoo4 l\lalr
)Ir '.J'OM BARLEY . .. .,..., ""' ..., __
Superior Court J u d g e Byron K.
Mc/ollJlan.-bas-Mt JUD0-5.....ihe dlte..Qll
which be will sentence Orange County's
medicil impostor, Robert Ervin Brown.·
He mik decide lo tbe nut two weeks
what form that Sf!l)ience will take, based
oo the jury's ~ that Brown, 33, was
guilty of two felony and 11 misdemeanor
counts. one count of falsely practicing
medicine without a license was rejected by the panel. --·
Comparable Superior Court reconls In-dicate that Jucip lilcMiUan may prefer
to tenteoce Biown on the 11 mi.sde-
~ &Ad suspend sentence on the
Beath Police
Holding Man
ln,K,!~~P. '!ry
A.21.,.,r-oilf ~ Gabrlel man awaited
Jalled him on IUlplci<n of-a~ klc!-
napplng ud ...ualt Wb a d e 1-d I y
Arrested was David V. Lomas, who,
accwding to poUce accounts, grabbed
and threa~ Glenda· A. Swearingen,
~. of 614· 14th St., Huntington Beach,
Saturday afternoon as she was walking
near the intersection of Orange AvenUe
and 7th Street in downtown Huntlngton '
Bea,<h •.
P9lipe said the woman broke from the
grasp of the suspect, who allegedly
ttireatened her with aknile. and sprinted
to P!)lice headquarters a short distance
away .
Lomas. was arrested a short time Jater
when police stopped his vehicle neir
Warner Avenue and Paci.fie Coast
Mrs. f eek Released
From Spr ings Hospital
felony convictiom, each of which carries
a 'One to' 10:.year state prllon year •
Each. misdemeanor calls lor a· six
monilLJaiLtwn. Brown coul~ be put
behind ban for more than five yem on
tbe lesser counts alone if tbe full terms of
landlill1i1July. ----;-7
lhoae charges were-applied. t "I thoqbt that IOlll wu •IOfl of
apropos," sai~·Eugene A. Ceman, 35. md
he. Thomas P. Stalfoni, 311, and J~ W.
Young, 311,, soared into their se<oocLda~
But the Judie may be content to •
sentence llroWnU and on thepen;fdeloniar d-~~--ruthen 4> , '-1.j ' , .
coocurren Y "" -·1 • • .,.. • :"-''" '-1;-.: .,. -• • ' mild~ charge& He bu li,ven ·no '°' "(,.. ~ t .. ·~ ~··~'ll. , . ) '-
indicatiaD of wbicblttm:ll!be W41ljake,, _. ~ ...... ';.'"'7, .. : ~-t!:'j.· .. ~· _ bo&):., ·-;. ~ . • , . · ., . ~ ~ lliJ Addttlonal Apollo .i
'It tool:,••-•--boan •·. --• ·.-Slilrkl, Pop ' :. -•-• N ~ ~· ·-APOLLO 10-AST-ROHAUTS ENJOY.ING "LEISURELY RIDE TOWARDS ,THI! MDON •
voql!ct and Ibey filed into C:0urt at~ p.m. Ccim,.,.ndor T9m Stoffonl, Crewmen E-Cer'non ond John Y9un9 • •f tlteir daring <i&ht<loy moon oi-bJtJnr Saturday to rul< that U,>e bespectacled adventure. •
Ala!>omian falsely practiced medlctne The astronauts, slowed by the · I~
when he posed u 1 canliololiat for five pull i>f earth'a grayllY to 3,1'11 mJla per
weeksiat afullertoncllnic. H A u:...: L . d A ks N th v· ts hourin24hours,chmed.the125,M7-mlll ·Fourteen1 of 1111 ~ placed before 0Sfiler ' .. ~n.wg air ' _ . .s or . · ie. hallway mork to the moon shoctly liter the jury. -Crom his treatwnt. of , noon POO'.
103 patients at tlol Narth County lacll~. T -_ --Jet Noi ""' ' . . . I ' A few minutes later: a sbort bunt from Ith'-' be<n.staied bythe prosecution that ~ _.,.,._. the .-~· maJ kt · ,_. five of those plt.ients cUed 'while under "'"I' s n roe e · engine nu....,..
Brown's care ' olthouib be bu not To Re· '·-as· a . Pris' oners l\po!lo 10 onto the pr<etle path /\pollo-11
specifically --of dlrectly Over Harho:ur . I te v:' -~:i:/::,, ~ o! = .. to;:~ ......
causing their death!:. -.. 1 , "
Brown'• -""'vlction "woold ·appu< to .Rep, ·<Alf JIOsli><i", (R·i4>tl Beoch) CLEAR UNCERTAINTIES
cl"!' tlio,,..y for the flllnC of °'law1nit has -·•ed ... F~-i --A-f ·a.t 10,_ , ,)VASlmli;TQN_,,(AP) .,-~ of -lmmedlale release of sick and The pal of Apollo 1~ is lo cJeor up u against the FUllertoa Internal Medlcine -~ -· • '" Doledse ',JCelvln a:: µw· cal1ea ' upon wounded prisoners. many of the remaining_ uncertainUel
-<;nn;ool-: ~ Brown temid ~o."'"'1lb0r Ad~a1)qn\ Ii>)~ 1~,'~"""'"C}> Haobl -~y I~ :-pron)~ ~ ~'all )'1lp8rtjal 'ln!ll'j'ljons ·of lllcllllits fot about mooo flighl 8'.~ to peve u.. of-~.' '°l::::., illlri!ll'_ ::: ~~::;")~. , ~-i-~~~;~. ~jpal '.: -~-":° R~GIJ4'bll . ' :. , : , ~-. , w;,,&r the il!*'ric'lnocia 1anc11'>1 .Apollo
,...,..,., --.i~dled,._,,U. ~':!~ .... --->...'.~~~-·~"..~'Vm.,~~..,.·-~'-' _ ~:.::·,:_~-~ll ii~"'·~".!"!-~~~:":l.i*.C::-o~=. •l'-•carelllodo the..,...._-,_,....-.~...,..... llld ~,..,,,.-,_ • ·' ~,;r, ., • · lander"l!~1oopy'' .. wa1tnm"-ln''-t& lod 1i!as"lllo ~ East Lo!ll lllldl -.-1 • • n ~·"""°' ~ -' Ill"" 1Jalri1•1 -t -tal ..... ..,,ju ' ..._;,.,j inidoii. .,,...:_,.,. -.·•"iiiii :.;:":/to lhdr !Ubil <l a JlctJta '' :iJi .a·•.\Ol'AA ·Mmlmstt-_,~ =.i. ~~t ~; lo)loftd by a 1tngl!IY li'l.on, llJ ei1iior ._ q.1J·10,01111·1.-.i:.. u. larllid-as~ the clinic. • H: Sllalf.;., -~ Hcc.nmel.red IJn. Jocked al! In North Wtc..-,campo: oflldall on the prisoner Bi~ fbeY dlpg lun&r !Rl!fact.
It is u¢erstood<'lh1't oq attorney has ~-t1ie ·i~t ~g. S~ile\n "The North Vietnam.,. have claimed said the same lnforynatloll !lad ·tiee!i F1>-The 'Ciimp1ete Apollo 10' JJ*9bip,
been reialned and that ·~atlon of the guide slOpe us«t by c:ominerclat 'aircraft that they are treaUng our_ men human_ e· vided' to Am~assador ~~ ~t resembling a &ullel with a spider attUng
lawsuit is in .Its final ~ltS· · making' approadies to die ~ ' ly,". the defeme thief said. ..1 em Lodge, the cfuef U.S. negotlatOr m on its nose, wu working so well that il.!I
He .said .SIJCb·il"move would niae ~the d1str····• by the !act that 1....,re is clear Paris. . pilotS hid nothing more to worry abotlt
alt"ude 'of =-·u· s•l n g th.'"r,.1~.u ~ .. ~ Offlclal!i said Lod1e, u well as the men today than the bitter taste of their heavi· ·~ ' ~.,. .... ~~. evidence that this is not the.case.1,• ondwolild . lde a ,salerdept!rture_o:or-, , who.preqededhim.....,the J~ad--· ly-cblorillaied wjlls ond •tlle;lnnoylnr rtOor ·tar airci'a'ft· froin1 'U>s ~t9s .i.ird said tblt ~Y ~it. ll)Dllth more miaji,lN!tion, t\as rlJled ·Ute rqat&er .er tbadl of. .emtrol focket flrinls,
Naya,1 Ait'·'St@tiOn. . than 200 Amertcrn aervlcerri«:n will have prisoner re(eues, but the North Viet-Except for their course ad"ju!Unent and
Hosmer said be ·wrote ·the 1ette:r·to the been listed eithe'r u prisorleia.of war or namese response 1'hlls been very limited more of the spectacular color telecasts
FAA in 1'eSpbose 'to ·'COm"Plalntl! from as' mi&sllig. in action for mOre than 31h thus far." they·stagtd shortly after laYnCh Sunday-
residents that ·P:anes 1cmidng from the Y.ears. · The.Pentagon sald .UJe.news C<J!lference the• yeteran apacemeu bid_, ~
. A double •--•_--w .. kend bu be<n dlndliin'of ·N=· -' Beaclt Dy ·oV<r>tlle "Tlµs. pert¢ of time is longer than '!f'Y on the , prlioner question was called schedule until they brake-info hDiar orbit ~ J aJti -~· • U.S. -lceman,wu held~ dlirjhg •--f Id bl int·-# on the Wedn-•-· -~~-·~ b the S 1 ... ___ 1.. Kids' area at crw ·· , .. ~~ ... ,g ..an ·el:· w·or'"Wor U,'n·1....: "'"led. ., uco.;ause o cons era e """"'~ _,., ~~ Y e 1 ~· ~"1vely "·• --'--level IQ.( i i-= ~,,. part of. the press, but o f f i c i a I 1 They J'#ened to the morrun· g n e w s Baseball Association with pruenlltlOM· ~ ""6'' nu-= . ·1Airc4tokfla,news·coofei;e!ice.tbe Pep· acknowledpd t&at it wu, allo a wa1 to broadcaai~up ·from tl1' M1aAon Control
and an ice creem social • May 1' and a tq:on "conth\ues to hope for meininglul get"'a message acrou to North Vietnam. Genter and then Uirned the Lablea and p&·
parade through Seal Beach city streets s c1: 'Jd progress" toW&rci.tbereJea!e Of prisoners "The.,otber1side Is aWaft pf what we on their own show, beapllnc bact the
May 21_ tan ton JJJ ... p,rt.ot the J>ariscpeace talb, b¢.be !!l'Y'"S!lid'Frank Sleverts,a State Depart-"Up, -Up,and2Away" -rtrid!Uon -reoorcled
offered no encourall'IIIOllt that this would ment represenlat!V. who he_lped conduct by l\ndy Williams,
The ice cream feed will be he.Id from s • Bik come 'ibout soon. the pri!ooer blitflng. "Listen, you guys were IO good to us
p.m. to a p.m. at 7.oeter School, located ln1' ured Oll ' e Laird demanded thal North Vietnam at with the news this morning ,... thought
at the intersection of Cont Highway and leut adhere to pn>vtliona' of 'the Geneva we'd giye you some diac joc¥y work
JZth Street A 10:yeor-old 'Stanton •boy who was =~:.,which It.has signed, w_hlcb Huntington Beach from here," Ceman lold ground com-
DonatiOm collec'led from the open to struck by a car early this morning while -Release of name.s olpriloners held. munic~~·Charlea Duke.
the public event will be used to support , rldlni a bicycle· is ·tn crillcal condition Slates Realtor Week ·"Thl9 is Tom and John on the guttat with severe bead injuries in Garden Parle , and lhe three of us lln&iqg," Ceman
Kids' Baseball ' . Set for Weekend
Mi-s . ..Marnette Peek was released Fri·
day from Palm Springs besert. Hospital ·
where she had been recovering from a
eight basehall teams spomored by -~H~oo~p~lt~a:I~, rAn~ao*beil~m.iJdGregoryJiiaii~i""---===S=='"=Jtl=•=r=Je=e=ts===-~Realtor Week to HunUngton Beach will quipped. "We had I little trouble liowtn& vari~ Seal Beach _pnizaUooa: osp li1 aldeS ·Sild Gregory Hanion's oti"WVtd-W.edn:esday-by-the-Hun--tbe bus drum-aboard-but-atberwile-we----1
e parade· begins at 10 a.m. Satwday heart stopped once but that it wu NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market tlngton Beach Founlain Valley Board of w~e OK.''
The Huntington Beach socialite and
owner of the Peek Colonial Funeral Home
in Westminster was shot two weeks ago
today· when an apparently angry music
professor entered h e r Palm Springs
apartment, shot her and then k~
in the municipal parking lot at 8th "Street started again. He suffered a "cardiac clOled with a sharp Joss today~ as brokers IieaJ~ora with a luncheon at the Sheraton ' Hey, that was beautiful,'' Duke
and ~al Ave and will include most of arre.!t." repon'ed profit taking weighing It down. Beach, IM, 21,112.Paf:Hic,eout Higbw1y. replied "Somebody's voice is changlnr
tbe downtown business district. All Seal Police said the Hanson boy of 9902 Ken-(See quotations, Pages tG-11). Mayor ,Jack Green and many city of-(See APOLLO 11, Pa1e 1)
neUy Lane, waS hit by a car«lriven by a Trading stowed near the close. The ficiall wlltbe cuests of the realtors at the
Beach YoUth organlutiam have been in-'helghbor, William Benninger, 58, of 1181 ~ Jones inC:lustrial average· at I :30 ~oon nteettng •. Reservations may b.e
vited to participate. Kennelly Lane. p.m. wu off uo at 919-80-made by calling M!-8093. Bl~!_herg Much Better
Worst El Morro Clirve
Crash Kills Fout Pe l sons
~de curve of PacUfc: C:O..t Higllny
nbrtb of Li\guna Beach.
'The aouth~ vehlcle 1bouiiced off a
guardrail, hurUed across four ...,,,. ol
tWllc, ' canmed ·of( 'a dirt l emtiotment
and ihot ~de ~ baCk into the n>ad,
hitUD; ctali•i 'c~.
"There' Wll bJOOd and bralna spetleted
500 yardl Up to the top of. the cliff," .. td
Q'!O ~ c&niiI to tlle ..... to·bejp
cut bodies from the t ,,,.,, 11111 wUb 1
•elctihc 'tordl. • ' ' ' • •
1l!e 'lhioe flctlms In IM Clarb cat" c\led;llmqoi lnJtabtJy Inn i..(Jnluria
• '(loo'p:L 1'0fll0, Pop I>' .
• ' , ' •f I t 1
Borina~ P.'iie · Medtd -
CAPE TOWN, Soulh l\frica (UPI) -
'!be condition of Dr .• ~.:!'1berg, the
world's lonptl survtrinc transplant
patient, was much improved today, i.
medieal bulleUn said. ,
The bolleUn issued by the Groote
Schuur H01pifal It riocin oalcf Blalberg
was "alert alter a good n!lht and is
ea Ung ~-" Earlier doctorl l?acl said he
was making "l'QO<I procreas.'' '
. Cou &
Cloudy, four -P conUnue
to be the order of. .Iha dO)' along
the coast, with Tueiday's tempera-
turt1 rangin( !rem 17 to 71.
Woti-r, -WOl<r ..,,,,..h<T< -
I/ow ii gets ,,.,,.-in Ille pr••
' ftmd cool, ·~ '"'" " Ill• f¥ncli6n of Ille lftlropolll<m
j \\'.afn --rs •• PoQ<naf }. 10 ; • • ....... •1'; .__,..,_ I t
~ ·--11 c......., .w. ~ ..... "" c--. ,, Or9lll CWllf1 •
(._-, II ...... :it .,_ ........ '... ..... ~ t1 ....... ...... ~ 4 S'9dl MlfMta M--11
' ...........
PRAG~ (AP) -:. The ~lo'lat
AclldemJ. of ~-uld • to d a y
astronaut Frank Borman wJU II\ awMded
its• gold !l*ial I« Wieptlooll ,w0<t JGr
octence: ad morttorlouJ .... let • to
-~:..-. amv• bn"liaday ... • ~·r.·•Ja1t. ,
...... llif ti ~ "• ,....... • .. ll ,_ ..
=·~ :: =--.: Olllftl TllAl'FIC Ol'l'ICEllS su11vir v ic1111·.l?.'T GJllSL y l!L, ~Rllc)~A!IN.-·r. ;:, '\•
lody ·of One Victim (loft) LIH °" ~mlNin-,.,,., ..... Thrown l'Nlft iV'.MCI~ • ... • f--·-•
I ' " • I • ,
. .
' I
H --·--~J ' •• " .
I .
-~eary -~
~ -'
=, ,-...,,,. 1sJt b)r ~f)Urf
Can~t Top Der
Court Won't Hear Dancer . Appeal
A>)QJig the high court to overrule the
Ca1ifomia Supreme Court and affinn the
convictions against Misa Iser and Glan-
nini, the state declared:
"It Lo one thing to portray nudity 1nd
... ua1 misconduct • • • In books,
magazines, photographs and motfOn pic-
tures, but quite another to demonstrate
IUCh cOndUct on stage lnd live."
Miu lier, innerina: the state'• appeal
petition, defended her p!fformanco u
"• art form ••• used for the• com-muntcattoa ol. ldea'' and that ttiere wu
no reaaon to distilJ.lui.ab between "llve
and med media communlcaUon of
ldeu:" ~ · ..
Ja.tlco John M'lrlhall Harlan voted to
bear the case, but the appeal failed
because the content of at leut four
jusllca WU required.
For Smuggling Mexicans
A San Dlqo m111, allepdly amuullnr
Makin naUoaala into CIUfornia, WU
amattd WV thll momln& by Hun-
tington Beach police near Talbert Avenue
and Gollwd SlloeL
Rlcbanf Sprinpr, Ji, WU arrated at
i :IO Lm. -Sit-David Miller lj10Ued
him c!ollnl the lnmlt of hll car.
.. When I approached Ule car," llid s,t.
Mill«, "I found lour Mnlcan nallona!J
aoucbld lnald• the trunk."
Sprtncer w11 l!Ttsted and booked tnto
H1111Unctoa Beach City Jall oo chlf1U of
aldJnc allena to enter the COUllU, without
..-1c1ent111cat1on. Pollco Aid Springer
wu al10 wanted in Los An1ele1 for an
unlllenlllled parolr violation.
Miller aid the lour Mnlcan nallonab,
ll AH V PllOJ
1.Mrt N. W..4 ,.,....,. .... l'llMlltlw
J.it It. c.i.:r Yb..,...,,. ... 0-~
,._,, k •• ..n ·-n-.. A. M•r•I•• ' ---.111e 1..W
/Jhrt W. l1t1• Wi.li111t tt1 ...
~ ""'"......,. .... altlw CPr l!tlll# .................
Jot Ith Sh'•et
Mlirli.t AiirM..i P.O. In 1'0, '2'41 --........... dH ttll Wflll ................
Clllll ... ! Ill W•I ..,. &4'91
"-----.i di ................
...... .....,. ..... ia .. t .......... 1 a a 1w:. " .....,.. ... w ,_.c.tl't ..., ~ • --..,.,.. .. l.--lledl. --"'" __ _ ....... ,..._., Yal\tr, ...... WM*-
,_.. --.,....... CtRt ............ <..-.......... ,_ .. ,,,, .....
---.~~ .... --.., .... r.l•Mne.
f ·11: r m4J Ml ... JJ1 ,... , a a , 1 w .... ,m a a 1 .....,..... Mt·MN
OU; -,_ .... c.Mt "*""-' C..... ,. -tit• It• • ...., ..... ·£·ii! ...... ,,,......... ,.,. _, ...._...._w .. 11• • .. -· ...., __ _..II ........ .... ... ~ -. ,....,.., ...... , ... _,,.,, •.JI ......,, ... !NII st• ~t ...... •.n--.
lo--• ---.... --... -·
all without ldenllllcaUon, will be beld for
immigration authorities.
"I think they mlibl have be<n looking
far the Huntington Beach Labor Camp "
e:rplalned Sgt. Miller, who added th~t
none of the five gave any explanation for
being in the area.
The labor camp, at 18351 Gothard st.,
serves u home base for ml&rant farm
workers from Muico wbo carry im,
mi1111t!on permlll. It II run by the
Talbert Farmers' AuoclaUon.
Sprln1er'a car wu ttglltertd to 1 San
Diego construction finn, but Springer
told poll"' he hid JUJI houpl II and had
not transferred the ownership papers.
Aldlng allen1 to enter tha country U-
leaaJJy ll a federal offenae and 'federal
au1horlU.S will be '"'JIO!lllble la.-brlni· h.'f d!ups agalnlt Sprlqer, police safd thLo morning.
Aitkens Heads
·Kennedy Club
Wdey Aitkin, an attorney from Placen-
tia_, bu • eltctld president of tbt
newly or1anl.zed Kennedy Club of Orange
servtna: with tJm aa offlcera are Chuck ~pals of Anabtlm, vice-pruldent;
David -Hernlndea of Santi A n a ,
treudrer, lhd Tom Newman of Garden Gro.., ...,.1ary_
Tbe club wu cruled by suppor1m of
the lite John F. Kennedy and Robert
Kennedy and Is Intended to dl1cuu and
pUl'S11< Ille pis they envlalooed.
Seal Beach Meet Set
22,300 Facing Draft
WASIUNGTON (AP) -Tiie Penlog<>n
called today for the dTafUnf ol :11,300
men In July. II will bo Ill< low<st dran
e1n ~year, dOWn from June'• ts;t00·
and lbe 1908 high of 33,700 In February.
--; ----
DU.Y PILOT )laff ......
,._1 W!nnor LNry
Nixons Plan .
August V iSit·
• To Clemente
President Nixon Nie! today be plarur to
be In San C1ameo1e In Auausl
Hi.a comment, made to 1 group at~
lending an award certlllOllY for two blind
students in Waahington,.D.C., came after
weeks of apecalaUon on when the Fint
Family wflJ llisl UJe thelr-lY·put<:itas'
ed summer Wh!te House, the Cotton
"I'm going lo be out there in August,"
the Pruldenl Aid to a Los Angeles
member of the group.
Nixon, in effect was conflnnln1 an
earlier report from Mrs. Nixon that she
and the President might be in San
Clemente in August for two weeks or a
month wblle Congresa is in recess.
Completion ol the deal to buy the
mansion and five surrounding acres of
tht: once-rural ranchland estate for
$100,000 down and the baJanoe of I he
$340,000 over a five yw period waa an-
nounced laJI Mooday.
FeStival of Arts
Week Under Way
At Golden West
Eventa ranging from motion plcturea to
a clothelllne art Ala are being held to-
day through Sunday as Golden West
College presents lta annual Featlval of
Arts Week.
Free films will be lh<nrn In the Com-
munity Center beglnnlng It a p.m. tonight
with "The Fountalnbead." AIJo scheduled
to be sbown 1t the same time and place
are "Teahouse of the A It Moon,"
Wednesday and "The World, 'MM! Flesh ·
and The Devil," Thursday.
"Breakfast at Tiffany'a' another
feature film , will be shown at p.m. Fri-
day in the College Forum.
Exhibits of student advertlaln1 art,
graphic prints and drawings will be held
dally. A clothesline art sale will be held
in the College Center from 10 1.m. to S
p.m. Thursday and Friday.
Musical events include perfonnances
by two jazz groupa, a noon concert on the
lawn Friday by the Golden West Band
and a 3 p.m. concert Sunday in the Com·
munity Center by the A Capella Choir
and Madrigals. The drama deparbnent will pre1ent one
act plays in the Actor's Playbox begln-
ninl at I p.m, Friday aod Saturday.
Stanford Chases 200
demcmtrators, some weartn1 g 1 u 1 e
masks and httmets, were chased away
from the Stanlord Research lnsUtute to-
day by squads of police who rushed to the
.cene in buses.
Apollo 10 · Vit~l · Shot
M~ion lmporta!'t to MQOn _Landing Try
SP.ICE C&NftJ\, Houmo (UPI\ -
Space hlltorllna el the future m1y mm-
llon Apollo 10 ooly In pauln& Tbq IDIY
not m"'llon II 11 all.
But Apollo 10 and the three "''" flyln(
t -&re-&1-mucb •-part ..oL the fird
American moon landingas the men who
may walk that bamn surface July 20.
Without AJIO!Jo . JG and -ula Thomas P. Slafl<rd, ~ A. c,n.a.
Md John W. Y-. the m-1llldlnC waild be n.tler and mJshl not cveo be
pouible a1 aooa u planned.
Apollo 1011 m.lulon.. just u earlier
Mercury, Gemini and Apollo flJghls, Is In
add to man's knowledge of the moqn. And
the apedllc P111J>OA of Apollo 10 Is to
chedl ...,. prolllalll earlier -
---P<Oblalll --be anawared or al leut undentoocl ·btfon
Apollo 11 can land aalely In "the ~ al
Tranqulllty Oil Ille -11<11 al lbt mooo. Toda1 the utrooauts couled loward
the moon, llCbedullng only a hrlel ,..
firing lo put them Oil the encl """"'
Apollo 11 will. lab wholi II -tla, moon.landlnlil: Journey. . .
Stalford, C<rnan and Y-.b!alted off
from Cape ~y SW!daY ill -of the
almost flawteu launches thlt ban bl ...
ed Ille current plwei cl the Apollo in-
They followed America'• ftnt moon
milatoo -tha Cbrlatmu .,.Yap of
Apollo I -and theY led Ibo' way for
Apollo U-, the llltlmm pal cl the
,.,... p ... J
* * * APOLW 10. .. • • •
though, or either you stawed aomebody
away up there."
"Tbe VFR (voice frequency ranging)
makea your voice 1 little higher,
Charlie," Stafford said.
Stafford reported earlier that the
spacemen bad "• great night'• sleep"
alter their acUon,filled launch day. He
saJd "all of us feel trtmendoUI thia mom--
The pilots were awakened during their
first slee!J period aboard the 47-ton apace
machine by 1 "kind of boom·rum-rum·
rum-rum" produced by the regular
bursts of their mall 100-pound attitude
rocke'8, which control the spacecraft'• ·
poalt!on In apace.
"Every time the engine fires II wakes
you up," Stafford rtpcried. Ht aa1d tht
"irhole thing ahatea" durin& the opera-
tion, Out when ground controll<n told
them II WU nothlnf to WOl'l'l' about, the
astronauts went back to ~·
The pllnll bqan their oOcond di)' aloft
with standard apace Iara -lrull cocttall,
a:111ar coated corn flaku and crapefruit
drink. Thal'• when they complained
about their water. Their regular orange
juice wu almost pure chlorine.
"Th.I.a morning everyone toot a drink
and II Wll fine, and then I toot a drtnlc
and II wu abaolulely horrible," Stalford
said. "I thought I'd get it on record."
Their nine Apollo predecesaon had Ille.
same problem and in all euee:, con-
trollen radJoed up ina:trucUona to make
the water more palatable before mlzinl
with fruit concentralel.
Rogers Declares
No Basic Shift
In Asia Policy
BANGKOK (UPI) -Secretary ol Slala
Wllllam P. Rogera Aid today Ihm hu
been no basic shlft In U.S. poUcy toward
Aa:la by the Nlxon admtnistraJon, only a
chan1e of tone.
President Nlxon ••1s not going to bacll:
away from our r~sponslbllitles In A!l1.
He ls not going to quit," Rogers told a
group of about 200 American diplomats
and their wives on the llwn of tbe
resldtnct of U.S. Ambassador Leonard
Rogers' remarks to the anbuQ' stalf
were ln the aam.1 vein u his arrival
speech, In which he called tha Soulheul
AJla Truty OrganllaUoo (SEATO) "an
euenUal element In the · peace of
Southtut Alia,'' and aa1d thll aru of Olt
world 11 lltCond to none In lmporlallce to
'the U.S. ROYmlllltDL .
multihllUoo dolllr, 10-year pnlll'llJI to
land on the moon.
Apollo I ahow<d the craf'I could 1~ to
the moon. Apollo 9, jual two lllOllll)l qo,
showed the lunar lander, 1 fra1Ue,
alnlilll ~!~ crift, worked as
~~l!!,.!Pa<:e-:'wor .. 1-n· ·another n IJ,J -• ,I jClll}I ~• y
-en tha landln&? Apollo 10 ob-
jedivw ~ -~ addWoaal exporleocl illld J
canlldence Ill tboJunar lander;
-Ttolinl tha Apollo rendr.vous radar
-tha method tha opacecrall and lqn,or
moduli (LM) uie fo find eaC:h 9'lier.-ii
Ila maximUm range ol aholll !IO mt!es;
-Provldlng addUlonal -inlormot!on
ahoul the fllture Amerlcah lindln& allea m 111e-m0on and the mooo JI.sell; and
-DuplicallnC 11 closely 11 poulble, ••
coipl for laDd!ng, Ille Apollo 11 .,......
aclledl!le<l'for Ju11. . .. •
High Court .Backtr~ks
Over Jury Trial .Ruling
W ASID!iGTON (AP) -The Suprtme
Coort backlnck!d Monday on Ill recent
expanlllon of the rtchl cl dlluno to he
tried by jurlea when accuaed ot ""rlous
A 5-3 ruling In a aeemingly routine case
evoked gloomy warnincs from Chief
Justice Earl Warren aOd the coort'1
senior a&soclate JUlticts, Hugo L. BlKt
and William 0. Doualaa.
The ruling 1pproved 1 three-year ~
baUon 1entence given an Oklahoma man
In a federal aecuriUes case.
Broadl)', Warren aald, it Ila.nils "U ID
open IUgaaUoo to the cpurla lo utilize
oppressive practJcea." .
The caaa Involves Ben H. Frank of
Tutu, who wu 11ntenced to probation In
19M ror crimlnal contempt. Frank, now
78, hid been 1ccuaed. al violatln1 a
g~ernment order •la.inst lntent.lte Ala
of oll -aecuri.ties.
He asked for I jury trial but WU turn-
ed down and Wll tried by I Judie.
-Only thrM ,.ara •RO the court bald
sentences ezceedin1 Iii months for
criminal ...,tempi may not be impooed
by federal courtl without a jury trial or a
waiver of the rlahl to ft
And, 1 year ago Tuesday, the court
held Ille cooatllullonal right to a Jury
trial must be available in all "terloua"
crlmlnal ca.sea on the 1tate level.
Fulbright Asks
U.S. Bear Down
On Home Front
Fulhrlglit Aid today the United Slalel
1'111111 gel QUI ol Vltlnam even U 11 hu to
aellle lor Im than • atandoll and tum Ila
1ttention to domestic problems that have
dl\!kfed the people and spawned a student
The chairman of the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee called for an
ov~haul of whit he c1Ued a fon.lgn
policy of 0 chronlc warfare and in-
tervention" In intemaUonal disputes that
he aaid is leading thll country toward ID
authoritari.tt eovemment.
Fillbrl&hl told military leaden In a Na-
tiona.I War College aptteh that his
criticism WU of "mllltarism" wh!ch he
said Is domlnaUng U.S. foreign pollcy, not
of "toe 1ble, eneraetlc men wbo fill the
top rank1 of the armed aervlcea" even
thougb he lald they "have acquired an In-
fluence disproportionate to their numben
on the nation's security pollcie11."
"The courage and endurance of our
fightin1 men command the nspec:t of all
Americana:," Fulbri1ht said. "The f1Wt In
our war policy Ues not with them but
with the pollUcal decisions which com-
mitted !ham to an impoqlble taat.''
Three Men Roh
Market of $1,085
Three men, one of them armed, held up
the Budget Pack Market, at IOI S. Brea
Bl vd., Brta, Sunday and escaped wit.ban
estimated $1,095 in cash.
PoU.. Aid they traced the l'laway
car, a pickup trucl:, to a lhoppiq cent«
on lmPerlal H1a!nraY wbere Ii wu ahal>-
doned sborl1Y alter the robbery.
There ..... about I doaen cualomert
and flva clera In the market irben the
rohller)' oocunod. No -wa Injured.
Nevertheless. 1 five-man m.Qority
beaded by Jullliee Thurj<Od Mulhall
concluded the probation aontence did not
ftt In the "~ous" c&tqory.
.,,;,, i
CdM '• Mrs. Mildred Love
Governor · tove
Of f.olorado
Mother Succumhe
Mn. Mildred Shaver Love, mother of
Colorado Governor John Love and a resi-
dent of Corona det Mar for tM past 12
yeara, died" Saturday at the age of 81.
Graveside eervlces will be conducted
Tueaday In Colorado Springs.
Mrs. Love died at the home Of her
daughter, Mn. Virginia Morrell, 31S
Orchkl Ave., after a Jenathy Ulneu. A
native. of Indiana, ahe moved to Corona
deJ Mar following the death of her ftus.
Besides Governor Love and her
daughter, Mr!. Love Is IW'Vived by
another son, Richard of Colorado, and al.x:
The family has suggested that friends
wishing to do so may make memorial
contributiona to the American Cancer
f.ouncil to Hear
. Development Law
An ordinance to 1overn construcUon of
pllMed developments in Huntington
Beach ...,,. before the C 11 y Council
Councilmen meet In coun cil chambers
of Memorial Hall, Sth Street and Pecan
Avenue, 1t 4:30 p.m. and again al 7:30
The pllllMd development ordlnan01!
hu bttn before the councll before, but
Wll Hiii beck to the Planning Com-
mlaalon for changes 1fter Councllman
Geor(e McCracten objected to the
polalbfllty of resfdenlial Iola being !e.s
than 1,000 square feet In area.
Fro11t P .. e J
IUft'tnd when the other car caved in the
ftJOI of their northbound auto.
· One body was Wt mashed 1galnst the
bani< by the crllh. which waa not wU-
llOlled by anyone al the Instant 11 oc-
curred, lmestlpton Aid.
Grtm,faced rescue workers at the
IOIDI VOftd a new campaip to ret a
maximum 46-milt>-per-llour lpeed limit
It the ...U-tnown Slaupter Strip of ........ .,.
El Mom Qne hu tat.n ....., of
-.... the JUn. draplte ellorta to IDlb II aaler thrO\lfh "'1ecton ut
Olher devJca a well U WamJna alpo.
Top Cartoonist Dies
ST. LOUIS, Mo. (AP) -Daniel R.
Fitzpatrick, 78, who won two Pull1"r
prltes for editorial cartoon., durln1 his 45
year1 wfl.h t.he SL LouLI Post-Dispatch
died Slllld17 nlpt. ' Top o1 5-nd-Cor In Which ThrH Dlod Sliearod Off by L-n'• 11\wtll~ Voltlclt • •
' -,
I •
EDlt:jON "N.Y.
.voe. 62, NO. 119, 3 SECTIONS, J2 PA6ES
87 AllTlltJR It VlN8BL ..... ~ ..........
A LICuna ll<ach hair llyU.l ,tr...iln&
With a polr ol bb lather's ..,.pec1 prilQn
buddlis la held iod,ay, following a $15,000
blnlt-ry and dramatic -t with
I...,.. In Jlo1ward Friday. . . . . Demlis M. Moran, 18, lo~ 61 the
Hotel Del C&mino, 1219 S. Caul Hl11>W9, was. ICbeduled for arraqpnp.mt ·todily "
bel<re a U.S. Commissioner OD tbe
Jedml dmps. •
1111 tratellnl componlons -who It•
rivod oo the Oranae Coul In Mlldl after esc.api°(y fnm prlilon ~ •t Prin-oetot>. . , wljero Ille;. were llOrVi!ll 4S
,..... far bank robberJ -are now held in San Quentin. . .
Gill' L. Ethetidp, :zi, and ~ D.
Walker, 30, will be chtrged with two
specific bank boldups,.USault with intent
to' commit munler, oulo ,theft' and kid·
naplilt!. . .
';, Q I " ... ' . ..
Viejo Library~
center Planned L
MISSION VIEJO -A one-acre (!O?Cd
ol land given Jo Or&ll(e Coonty b1 the
Mission Viejo_ C<>mplny wllhoon l>ecome
the sit< ol a JZIS•• ~ librA?J and
reg\oall 1M~-.center ·bere.
'111e.1-lla.loaled.., Quiatanta Drive
,crooi -C1lle ·14oon1 oi Ollves
Lutht!ral! ~ • lllJlll of La .Pu JjOod. ~is Jllped to stari,in
111' ·aid lliaald be _,plel<d In lt7L
·• •rull..... ta Visit
LAGU1'fA Hll.lS -Seven Brazilians,
all promintnt business and profes&onal
men, will be visiting the Laguna mus and ~ Beach area Friday 1111 guesta of
the Lipl>a. Hilla Rotary Club.
The men will stay in the Southern
Callf«nla orea uolil May 30 studying
ICbools, colleges, industrial p 1 an t 1 1-.
hOIPltll•: and rec:reatioo areas under a;
atudy jirocram sponsored by the Rotary.
e 4%5 to Grd,..te
SAN CLllMQ'l'E -About 42S bla<:k·
robed students ol San Cl<menle High
School will be graduated June 12_ in
ceremonies at-7"·p.m. at the ·sdlOol
athletic field.
Valedictorian is Miss Linda Banks who
maintained a 3.97 grade average through.
high school. Salutatorian is Tom Tullius.
Grad night party wiU be held at tbe
Mooarch Bay clubbQu.se from 10:30 p.m.
until f a.ri:I.
e Pier Cost Mounts
SAN CLEMENTE -Repair of the
Ume-wom San Clemente Municipal pier
pilings will cost abou~ ~,000, o~ about
twice as much as ·ongmally estimated.
City councilmtu Wednesday may decide
to spend the additiooal money.
Leas than baH the 49 pilings have been
atrengtheoed during repair work halted in
Aprll wl>eo the budgeted amoonl of 19,196
WU used.up.
.e s.ra,.. Talk• set
employes of Capistrano Unified School
District will present their salary pro-
pouls fol' the 1989-76 school year tonight
•I the 1 o'clock meeting ol the d~trict
school trustees.
Qther ttems before the school board in-
clude act1on <11 two school plans, one for
Sbcnclltfs Jtillior High Scbool in San
Clemente and tbe olber'for Del o~
Elementary School ln San J u a n
Capistrano ..
e Crur. l11f11r" Fatal
LAGUNA HIWI -Miss Mill' M.
Lauehlln. io; of 414-C Avenlda Castilla,
died Saturday nigbt in Hoag Memorial
HooplW 1rwn injurle> IUflered last
Wednemay af\ernoOn In a two-car crash
at Jamboree and San Joaquin roeds ln
\he Ne!rpOl'I 8eadl area, the Orange
County o:aoner's office reported
Laguna Mayor Named . .
Art. Board-Dilyetor; .
LafN -~Glenn £,.yedder !W ..... prodaimed .. tr..mdo
member of the Lquna Beach Ari
AllOClatlon Board of Direct«• bJ -ol the boord. .
'lbonirt .-talion alao we!COl»ed Mrs.
Mural Bgy)e ol_South Laguna u a new
boltd member.
Court Oveitutiis
Leary Rap: o~.
'lnC?~iniin.~'ic;»l;l~ .. , .
From Wlft Services
The U.S. Supreme crurt today
unanimOO!ly voled to overturn a federal"
conviction cf Dr. Timothy Leary . for
possession rof marijuana because .com-
pliance 'f(ltb the law would' l~ally
amount to self-int:rimlnation.
Or. Leary, 47, 1 sometime resident cf
Laguna Beach -where be and his famil y
currently'fa~ a~dltfOnal dnlg charges~
had been sentenced to tour to 30 years m
prison and given a M0,000 firie. ·
The noted LSD upertmeoter was found
guilty In Laredo, Tea., of illegally
transporting marijuana aJld failing 10 pay
a $100.per-ouoce federal transfer tu.
Handing aown 1 aedslOn for the first
time since Aasodate Justke Abe F~
resigned 1ait ~ ·the· bigil;eow-1 .....
gested Iha! Dr. Leary wOiild have 1111>'
jected himself to iell-lncrllninatioll by
paying the tax.
· The 'action today atrtkes down a secUon
of the U.S. Nm:olics Iinp0rtalion Slslute which previously · made-poaesaion of
marijuanl suffiCient fOr assumption that
it was iJleraUy bnported -and the
possessorlmowsil ·
Leary'i appeal attacked thr<e federal
laws Iha~ while not making flOO!O?l'"' ol
marijuana illt.gal, stll11 ~ supervia:ioo
poaible throuib bnport controla and tax·
Juslice John M. Har1an11 opinion In th~
Leary case that presumption of ctlminal
involvement under the three laws must
be oonsldered lrrlUonal and orbltrary. .
"He wa.s confrooted wtth a statute,
which on tts face permitted blm to •C·
quire the drug Jeginy, pruVided be pold
the 1100-per.....,. tnnsler tu and pve i.ocrim1naUna information," Harlan said,
speailn( for the <Wt!.
"And aimultaneouily," Harlan ·ton-
linued, 0be WI! confronted wttb I syBtem
ol regitlallom whl_ch, ~ to 4lie ~ prohibited blin -... qUJriJog mari1-Wider any cmdltioos."
The Jurill --to ..; Iha~ i>r. Leary had plenty ol .-. "'"-•that . -~-"'""" .... ltcal 1...mm lf M wbWto u.. ... ecmnra
that he bad -tned unr.pjmd 'pol.
''Tbb wvuld sureq pr9" a sfpi!l<ant
Unit In a chain ol "1dence JendloC to
--his cun1 -the 111111.t mut-Juana laws,'' Harlan noted_
The former Harvard paytholOQ in-cs.. LEAllY, ..... I)
ORANGE COUNrr, CALIFORNlk, MONoAY, MAV ' 19, 1969 ..
' -,
Stylist._: He.Id In
Hayword Police Lt. Cleora• Kolly -today that lbeir youthfal pmtner may
have AVed the life o{ a 'Vomaft. boltqe
by lying on lop of her ~day 11 lawman
fiddled the getaway car with alugs.
"That's one thing in the kid's favor, 1'
he cOmmented. ,
Miss Lo~ Greenwalt, 26, wa.s not ln-
jured In the gwi bfllle with Uaywiard
police. CUP officers and Alameda County
sh<rilrs deputies a!Jer being laken
hostage Friday.
Laguna Man,
Youths Die;
·One Critical
A hia:h speed, headon collision In which
one ai~ car took tbt nd. off another
auto like a can ~er killed four mm ' early Sunday 111 the wont ac;c:id!mt In tbe
history cf treacherous El Morro curve
near La&una Beech.
The dead illelude a Laguna man riding
alone and thtte Los Angeles youths
,.. ~ Tra!llc !Ml
71 , llealll Toll 11
........ tal1a us be -lier .. Che -a-ccmll11111Jy with a •
Door and ..... lop -111e.-.,. ~-· started ..a ·t!>at'1 her story loo," C&pt. He, Etherldgo and Moran '""' fl>.
KeJJy.-ln,on lnJervtew today. • dlvtdually armed .wlll! .31 callber
He &Jct ahe :wb taken Q .a -pri.sOner re+olv~rt'and are 8lao aµspecu ·1n tHe
wben poll..-arrived ' ll tlii Grocl<er. May 1. -I')' ol a. Bank. ol.America
Clliz<ns J!Mlt in Southland ~ br&!'Ch, In Hayword, the captain said: .
Center Friday after the robbery alann Moran told police a strange tale of
was triggered. , . coining home. one night In March encl fin.
Police cjwed Ike three 1111~ bani{ din& the pair -whom be bad.-enUy ha~_,(~ miles -the city, -.. wblle $ltiDi bls:fother-ln prllon -capt. Ktll)i said, ad~ lhJi' Walker waUlnl for blin.
whOse car WU cllflP"ll II tbe oil'~ buril· I
ed .... 11....-....·dOft,' I . • ~~"P~ lrJ die
__._~,.-. ••• of• Loalal
·Ave., 1.quM-,_
-c. <:Slrt, 22, ol' City ol !J>-
dustry. '
" • I.. s .. ::! . . '
' . ---..
' ' ~ -
-.\fan He~•Mr,.,.19, of Vm Nuys .. . • I ' • .._, ' • ,.,..\.....,.,_ '\ , ., I # • 1• .. • ~ , • • :J '1 • ~ -'-'{ , -• J
-Marli Preltymu." 11, of Hoil)'Wood.
A fourth youth rldii!g In the northbounll
car driven•by·c\arte,.Sam Ptteto, 2', df
Los Angeles, ill In. OJlµca1 cor.d!Uon today
at South Coast Community Hosp!Jal with
severe head injuries.
Investigaton said the 12:10 a.m. crash
may have been eauaed by Diehm'• failing
asleep at the wheel on the treacheroUs
seaside curve of Pacific Coast Highway
north of Laguoa Beach.
The southbound vehicle bounced ofr a
guardrail, hurtled across four lanes of
trafiic, caro~ed off a dirt embankment
and shot upside down back into the road,
hitting Clark's car.
. "There was blood and brains spattered
SOO yards up lo the top of the cllli," -
one fireman called tc the scene to help
ait tiodles from the tangled 11teel with a
welding torch.
· The three victims in the Clarke car
died almost ift!ltantJy from head injuries
(Set EL MORRO, Paie I)
'Laguna High's
.Grad Party Sets
Twenties Theme
lo 'IM t RAFFIC OFFICERS SUll.VllY SCENE'M GRISLY EL MORRO· CRASH . ''liii!¥ Of one. ViC/101,(i.ftl Lin on Emllenkmont .After Being Throwil f"""' Vaf\lc)a , . · ·
-' 1 • • • . ( " lt'~i'.'Vp, Up ·and-Away'
I ' • - ' ' -··:
SP.ACE CiNrE.R. l)Ol!llQ• •. (Ulll) -
The three, Apollo JO pllola turned disc
jockeys today, radioing bad< lsfl!'! tooes
of "Up, Up~A~aYi" U·~Y,~~
en tbe hallway mart of Amenca's final
paUilinding voyage for a manned lunar
landing in July.
"I thought .that "°"g was IOl'I of
apropos," said Eugene A. Cernan, 35, and ~
he, Thomaa P. Stafford, 38, and JoM w ..
Youog. 3J .. ""red Into thelr'.ieoopd d1y
Addltloa1l ApoOO
• ~Jorln, P~ I
of their darinl elght-<llly mooO orbiling
'l1le astrooaula, l1oWed bJ the lading
pull of earth's aravlty to 3,175_ miles per
hour .In 2' hoiln; ..-.1 the 125,91'1-mlle
baftay mark to the moon shortly after
noon PDT. '
A few minute! later, a short burst from
the 1hlp'1 main rocket engine nudged
APollo 10 onto the ·precise path Apollo 11
will follow ·when· It htadl•toward ~m111·1
first landfng on the moon 1n-July:
The goa1 ol Apollo 10 b 1G cltar up as
many Of the reinaining ~ties
about moon flight a1 poestble to pive !he
way for the. historic moon landing, Ap011o
lO's rtikleol test cunes 'lllunday ·when
"Stafford ind Cernu fly their hmar
Jaiider "Snoopy" away from Young ln the
'command module "Chai-lie Bi-own" 111d
'swoop only 50,000 feet above the forbid·
ding lunar aurface.
The complete · t>pollo 10 ll)\acfliltip,
r_,,bling a bullet with a tpldei' !llUnc
()ft its nose, WU worting e0 ftll that 'its
plloU had nothing .,,... to worry oboul
lodl)' than the bitter WI< of their beavl·
ly • chlorlnilJed ... lef aild . ihe agnOymg
llluds fJI control niciet ftrinp. ' • ~ for their ...,_ ad"jUSln>OQt;ml
more Of the · tpoctitjdar ·color telecuts
lheJ llaged ~ alter launch Sunday,
the veteran SP:lcemen had an · wy
Clot APOU.O If, pq. I)
Laguna 'Beauty.~ Award·
• •
' • I
Funeral Service ·
J • I '
For El .Morro · . . .
Victim Schedw~
Private funer8i" service •riif be-·MM
Wednesday for Lagunan 'n.Mld·Dle!M;, . ' . ' ~ I ' killed in an early ~ornlnJ~ tnnJC ae.
cident ~Y on Pacific ¥ ~
,at El MOfTO-' Tbe accident) claimed {par'
ll veS. .
Mr. Diehm, a resident of LaguilarBiecb
for 15 years,. lived at 1475 Catallila stieei
with his wile, Norma and daughter,,
Deborah Ly_on,. He WfS 39, ~
daughter; Linda Kay la the wife m YIUlim
Hane.line, IOfl ef Laguna Beedl ttitelmln
Loren Haneline. •
Deatti 'was the result of head arMf,Jn-
lernal • lnjlll'ies, the Orange Coualy,
Carwei"a office said.
Mr. Diehm waa a farmer maoaeer of.a
Tic Toe Market in' lntne.
Mr. Dlibm Is -bJ bb ..ue, Noqna; daughters, l)eborali ,L,.., mjd .
Mn. Linda· Kay H3!1eljqe; brothel',
Coriland Diehm tJ( Mlfl'land; sialOf. ·
Donna Yohn , Jr., of Penns)rlvania; aDd
three grandchildren. ·
sh.lier f.liuna Beach Milrlulfl' ts
dlrecting orrangemenls. ' I
c:.an l
. I • ;
· •WeadleP"'
.. ·-
• I
. l
. , . ..-.eerw,...
T•· of S101ncl Cor In Which Th-Dltd ShfOrM Off by Lagu1M1n'1 Hurlllnt Vahlcle
FN• ~l
' ' EL ·MORRO • ~ •
suffered when the other car caved In the
roof of their northbound auto.
One body wu left mashed qainst the
bank by the crash, wJUcb was not wit·
nessed .by anyone at the inlltant it oc-
curred, lnvestigalorl aald.
SecondGraduating Clnss
At Viejo Awaits June 12
GrbD-laced retcUe workers at the
scene vowed a new campaign to get a
maxitnwn 45-miles.per-hour speed limit
at the well-known Slaughter Strip of
roadway. .
El Mono Curye bu tal:en 1COr01 of n ... ov.r tile ,..n. delp!te effort. to
make U aler th'!'IP reflectors and
oUler devlc<a u ...ti u wlltlllllg sips.
The aecoad sr•dualln& clus ,of oenlors
will march down tbl &Wei ot Mialon
Viejo !ll'11 School ampllilhealer %31
strong on June 12. _
Theme of the commencement which
will begin at I p.m. la "Growinfl Up".
Honor llud<nla Include Debbie Brough
who bad the hlPeat srades of the
graduating claaa. 5ecu>d hooon go to
Patricia Barber.
F ..... P .. e i ·
~ Bay, "A complete and .,.u Mn. Zachary T. Malaby ol 111 Linden
tbclt&ht out plan !er lmprov"""'1 of ex· Slreet; Mr. and Mn. A. E. Worthington ·-~~.._._and landlcaplng. u .. J col-ol lllO Myotlc Way; and Mr. and ·Mrs.
--......-"' Wllllam T. White m ol ms Riviera ot ind meterlals effective and notable." Dr! ·~--Cov ve, uvu11:1 e.
Fred i.ud wu llndlcape architect. jlemcdellng and· IAndJcaplng awarda
-Commercial Building l'!'ew, the went to alJ winners. They are Dr. A!t-
Cout drew Belt of 425 Graceland Drive; Lucian T...m -Surf and Sand, lr.56 s. Horton, ol 1246 Temple Tmace; Mr. and
fflcbway, Merrlll Jollllson, pr..Jdent of Mrs. Arthir E. Du!enberry of 271 Ruby
Galilee state Properilea Inc. "A spec-st.; Mr. and Mrs. Van Schly,.r ol 711
1ocu1ar,"c;ootrtbulloo to Laguna, not ooJy Emerald Bay; and Mr. and Mrs. BOyd L.
In 'beouly and Im~ but lo quality Jefferies of 21 Lagunlla.
mgd restnlnt." BeautificaUon judges were M r 1 •
~ Wilker, chairman of the Oranae Good .Jlo!ghbor awarda were Jllven to Oiunty Blcentenlel Buutlllcalloo Com-
Mn< Barbara Paae ol 1111 Brook st., !or 11itU.O; FOr<ll Vlckuon, director o1 the btJI beiuflllll pri!tn'an.t Mr. ilnd Mra~1 O'ona• C-ly ,p.....,,. ~·
Leooard. II. Jolmacn o1 418 Alta V -Qany Babbitt, manager ol the llawporl
I .-. -~ -"'• J "·'" ~!famla ,Club and Mrs. Valley Knudaen, Way, or ~ a1~~v• -:--:-.. ~· ~~~ IOOjllder and P!'~dent it Loa ,\ngelea ~~· .,.; • I BeauWul"'." • ~ •;, ~I '
AjiphiC!alloo awarda g I v e n lo Buutilicallon chairman wu Mr~
"reci111i1Ucn ol omtalned effort In main-Robert Peacocli.
tainlng a 1en1e of beauty and order over
a Jong period of time" w e n t to four
Owners are -Mr. and Mn. WUllam
Johnnl, 428 Mountain Road; Mr. Ronald
Welton of 563 Cress SL; Mrs. Roslyn B.
McKinnie ol 570 er... St., and Mr. and
Mrs. Nathan Quon ol 155 Loo Robles.
Commercial awards for "good design
and comlaUon in commercial buildings,
new and remodeled during 1968" were
given to ten concerns.
They are: James CahJll AnUques, 1175
S. Coaat Highway; William W. Leak,
Custom Finish.Ing, 500 Broadway; African
Art Center of California, 506 Forest Ave.;
Foeet Market, 230 Forest Ave.;
Oh La La, 271 S. Coast Highway; The
Reef Continental, 910 Glenneyre St.: La-
moot Langworthy-Tom Lyster, 374 ~an
Ave.; Knox Crow Mobil StaUon, 104 N.
Coast Highway; Casparian Studio, la54 S.
Coeat Highway; and Christian Able AIA ,
l!O Gleuneyre.
New Commercial Bulldings awards
went to four btislnesses, Christian Science
Re9d1ng Room, 284 Forest Ave.; Copy
Cata Blueprint, 333 Third St; vr. Jee
Bray Medical Building, 32321 Coast
Highway, South Laguna ; and the Tower.s-
Surf and Sand, lr.56 S. Coast Highway.
ResidentiaJ awards went to Dr. and
R•~rf N, w,, ..
P .... 1119!11 .... PY114ttllw
. J•clt R. C•rlty
Vice ,.._lfilftl W 9tflet'tl "-11r
Th•1111•1 k•••JI ....
n•1111•1 A. M•rphi~• Mtfte1ln1 E•lftr
Jtich•rd '· Ntlt ..........
Cit)< •o1rw ---212 f,,.,t A••·
M•ilfflf Ailklr"'1 P.O. I •• M6, tZ6Sl --" C.tt ,.,,.., JIO Wnl· ... •tr.t ......,. INUI: nu wnt ... ...., .... ,... ·--41• IMoi: -Jell "'"'
'New Neighbor'
Changes Quiet
Clemente Duty
After a year of lonely duty on the
island oC Sa.ipan, Chiel Electronics
Technician Delbert Shearer asked to be
~igned to the Coast Guard Loran sla·
lion at San Clemente.
He got it. But it isn't turning out the
way he planned, what with his new
The neighbor, who expects to move in
!or a spell lo Augua~ ii the President ol
the United Stai.a.
The Loran (long-range aid to navi,ga-
tioa) ataUon that Shearer runs ia
separated only by a concrete block wall
from a 10-room Spani&h house that Pres!~
dent Nixon is buyinJ: for $340,000 as a
vacation home.
The six-year-old station, where the
Pre&dent'a helicopter will land, la belng
transformed from a sleepy little post to
an of!lcial showplace.
The 11 men ix:pect to get a tractor soon
to cope with weeds and grass on the lta·
tim plot. 1be bueball diamond, whk:h
will probably be the heliport, will get a
coat of asphalt. The.stauon It.sell, already
spotless, is poll&hed more fttquenUy than
Shearer, the officer in charge of the
station, had chosen the assignment with
visions of comlortable duty near goU
courses, be~ night spots and recrea-
tional facllJUes. Since then be has told hla
crew that whl.le We still may be~ 1ood in
San Clemente, they will be expected to
perform exceptionally well.
"It's going to be pretty rough," &aid
Seaman Bob Jonlac. Then he am1led
broadly, "I'm leavtn,: In a week."
PTA Executives
Luncheon Slated
A pclluclt lunch f0< all uecutlvo
members ol Laguna Beach PTA hoards,
both Incoming and °""°'"' .me.rs, wm be held Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 12:!0
p.m. at lhe home ol Mn. Bruce Clait,
421 Le Vroil Simi.
At the hmcheoo, nlf!llbe" wlll discuss
the ......,, CalUomla ' Congress P1m1t-
Teacher Convention and will meet for
evaluatioo. lde1-achl.np: and general
bniln-ctormJnc, 'Mn. Lien Scott ol lhe
PT A cooncll oald.
Guesia at the pctluclt will 1nclud~ vr.
WUUam Ullom, 1Uperintendent o I
llChoola; Owen Tai~ willant auperin·
''"den~ and an Lquna :S.ach School•'
Student apeaiera are Rick Chives,
wi... topic will be "Happlneu IJ" and
Maureen Carr, 041.ook Up, Look Out!'
Robert Vahlberg, district ouperln-
tendent, will present the b o a r d and
acknowledpt the honor student&. He and
t:Ustee Chet Briner wU1 p r e 1 e n i
Principal Jay lngall will preltlll the
ctau. A RJUor vocal grcup will 1lng
"Tum Around" lrom "Sound of Music".
Following graduatim, the 11enlon will
be buaed to Diane)'land to_celtbraie.
Bac:calaureote will be held In the
amphltbealer alae. It will begin at a p.m.
m June I. The adclr ... will be &l\>en by
Rev. F.A. Wllace, putor ol tbe Aaaemhly
o! God CllUrch, El Tore. .
An award& banquet to bellow awards
to ""1on and otber -roll lludenla
wW be held at 7:30 p.m. cm M1y 29.
Visiting Hours
At South Coast
Hospital Cut
Vlalllnc hours at South Coat Com·
l!lunllJ Hoop!lal !or medlcal and lltrJllcal '. . ~ ' . • areu will be ~-three houn In the
morning begiMing June 1.
New vlallln&, houri will i, Jnim I p.m. .inw' I p.in." clany. vlsiuq,hours In the
maternity. !'an! and the -· care
wllt are W!Chanced.
Present visiting houn ar:e from 10 a.m.
to a p.m. Crowded conditions at t h e
hospital mate the reduction mandatory,
said StanJey W. Volga, hospital ad-
"It has been our policy to be u liberal
as possible in according v l 1 I ti n g
privileges -much .more so than many
other hospitals -tn reeogniilon of the
morale-building value of f~ueol bedside
visit!," Volga Wd.
"However, owing lo the presenct of
visitors in the bu')' monWi& hours when
patients are being trtated and prepared
for the day, our nunt1 are uperitncing
more and more difficulty in completing
thelt routines, and the pallenJ.s' Interest
must come first," be said.
Doctor Imposter
Guilty; Sentence
Due on June 5
Of ""' o.i .. , .. ,, ...
Superior Court J u d I • Byron K. McMillan bu set June 5 u the date on
which he will sentence Orange County's
medical impostor, Robert Ervin Brown.
He must deckle in the next two weeb
wtiat form that aenten.ce will take, baled
on the Jury'• verdict that Brown, 33, was
guilty ol two felony and 11 misdemeanor
counts. One count of falsely pract!cirlg
medicine wltbout a llcr:nse was rejected
by the panel.
Comparable Superior Cow t records in-
dicate that Judge McMillan may prefer
to 1enttnce Brown oo the ll miade-
_, and 8"lpelld oentence en the
felOr\f epavicUons, each of whJch carrlea
a one to IO-year state prison year.
Each lttlldemeanor calls for a six
month Jail term. Brown could be put
behind ban for more than five years on
tbt Je11tr cou.nta alont If the full terma of
thOlle cbar1a were applied.
But the Ju<ll' may be content to
sentence Brown on the fetorua, to run
eorrcm1ent11 and smpend or dllmlu the
ntiademeanor cllariea. He bu &l•en no
Indication ol which COW'le he will lake.
It took the Jury Z3 hours to read> Ill
nrdiet and they fllad Into court II 5 p.m.
Satunlay to ru1a that the beopectoclad
Alahainian lalatly prlCtlctd medicine
wli<n be poaed u o ~ !or avo
week• at 1 rullertoa cllnJc. tcurteen ct the-Cbtr&<s pil<td bef<n
the jury otommad from bla trulmllll .ct
IOI paUt11la at the North Coon\)' lacilHy.
It bu been llated by tht prooeculloo that
five ol U-paUentl dlad while under
Brown'• care altllouP be bu not
1jieclllcally be<ro accuaed ol dlrf<tly
caualn( tbefr deatha.
.... p ... J
APOU.O 10. • •
-~· .... .., llrU• Into lllllar «hit -y. .
'1lle,k\illeel II the morning n e W I
11111 t "' ...... Ills ~· c..ltol ............. _. ......... . '~ -........... 'llact lht -11;. Up .. a:;. "'1dlllen _.,.. .., AMJ wuum_"':!
11Lllten, you CUYI were IO Cood to ua
wllll the -thla ............ thought we'd &Ive ycu oome dlac jccltey -k
from here,'' Ceman (Old grouDd com-
municator Charles Dute.
''Thia II Tom aoc1 Jobll en the guitar
and the tfD:'ele of U1 -.inc," c.man
-"Wt bad 1 llttla troahle lllowlng u.·t.u drum aboard but otbenrile "' were Olt."
"Hey, that was beautiful," Duke
replled 11Somebody'1 voice ia chang!na thoulh. or tither you -..I _hod,
aw1y Up there ."
"1lle VP'll (voice friquency rlllllncl
m1kes your vokt a little hlabtr,
Olarlle," Stafford said.
Stafford Nported earlier that the
IPlctmeR hid "a srtlt nJcht't lletp''
.olttr tbefr aetlon.flllecl launcll day. He
oald "all ol 111 leel tr.........., llllo ...,..
'l1le p-were awakened durinfl tbefr
first sleep period aboard the 4'7-ton tp1ee
machine by a "kind of boom-nun-nun-
rum-rum" produced by the regular
burats of their small l~pound atUtude
rockei;.3, which control the 1pacecraft'1
position In opace.
"Enry Uma tbe ...... fires n wW.
you up," Staffon! nportad, He aa1d the
"wboJe thlng lhakel" during the opera-
tion, Out when ground controOen told
them It ,... nothing to worry about, the
a,rtronauts went back to sleep.
The plloil began tbefr llOCODd day alolt
with standard space fare -fruit cocktail.
sugar coated CW11 llak<a and sropefrutt
drink. '!bat'• whee they complained
about their water. Their regular orange
juice wu almost pure chlorine.
"Thi!. momlng everyone took a drink
and It WU fine, and then I .look I drink
and It WIS abeolutely hon1ble," Slaflonl
said. "I thought I'd get It on record."
Their nine Apcllo precteetSIOrll bad the
11me problem and in &11 cues, con-
trollm radload up illltructlona to mote
the water more palatable before mlzina:
with fru.Jt concentrates.
From P.,.e l
robbery and conspirlC)' to murder an
FBI informant -wu abat down al he
tried to flee the aet.away car Friday.
"But ht'1 all right, just a '""""' lo the
hand" he aatd,-.addinc that Walter also
suffered a minor lhotgun pellet wound In
a finger, while Moran wu not hurt dur·
inl: the exchange of two dozen lhotL
Coeta M ... Pollee Lt Glenn Wallcer
laid today thal Moran la known to local
lawmen and wu arftsted me year q:o
thl1 Friday !or 1 lighlln& '1IOp burgluy .
Hayward police 1"ft' not certain ex-
actly when the trio eopltrad aUer the
Friday holdup arrived in' the Bay Area,
but said Moran wu in, the Southland as
late u the 1aot ol Mon:h.
Capt. Kelly oa1d El1ltrldp and Walker
have been linked to · ln'eral Southland
drug store boldupa and a llerbor City
bank robbery, u well u IOOtber com-
mitted recently In Colorado.
Nixon Planning
San Oemente
Trip in August
President Naoo oald todoy he plans to
be In San Clemente lo Augull.
Hll comment, made to a iroup at-
tending an award ctremony for two blind
otudenla In Washington, V.C., came alter
weeb of apeculaUon on when the nm
Family will nnt use tMir newly-purchas-
ed summer White House, the Cotton
"I'm 1olng to be out the.re ln August,"
the President said to a Los Angeles
member of \he group.
Nixon, in effect wu confirming an
earlier report fnm Mrs. Nixon that she
and \he President might be In San
Clemente In Auguat for two weeks or a
month whJle Congresa ii in recesa.
Completlon ol the deal to buy ·th•
mansion and five IUJ'TOUDd.lng acrea of
Ult: p once-rural rancbland estate for
1100,000 down and the ballllCe ol t h e Pf0,000 over a five year period wa1 an.
nounced 1aot Moodoy •.
Parrot, Turtle
Stolen in Laguna
A mulU-colorad ialkinl parTOt WU
11111tched ll'Om his Laguna -h pm:h
Saturday lo a cue 11\11 olao tnch><!ed
turtleooppln1 .
' Pollet Lt Jtobert McMurTay oa1d the
l30 bltd and 1 IS JoplMr turtle were
stolen from the heme ol Michael T.
Adams, 130I Momlnplde llrive. •
However, the thief decllnad to take •
pet gopher ...W. The daJlipt .. try WU
·-b7 hrealdnf • llldlq ·--· .. McMumy uld.
1n a commercial burlilrY dlacoVll'ad
Friday at Mainly ,.,.._., W N. Coast
Highway, womeo'1 clolhJnc worth 1411
WU taktn, u1d the olllclr, Tht lou lo
eluded a 1100 l<ltbered -·
McMUrTay oa1d tho thief had prtad 1
front -hup open to 111n entry. 'l1le
Jou WU ,.ported by owner, Jell"f
Beaven, llll5 "*r SL
Pitcher J11u Rlddl11 Catcher Glenn Vedder Do Honors
Late Jeck Norworth Wrote B1Hb1ll'1 Theme Song
( League 10 Swing
Laguna 'Littl.e Guys' Open Season
A thrilling extra inning battle between
Rotary and VFW opened Laguna Beach
Little League Saturday with the NaUonal
League VFW downing their opponent! 12
to 11.
In the first tlght contest 'of the double
lleader, the Elks edged the Pottery Shack
3 to 2 In the American League.
VFW winning pitcher Steve Brooks
crandslammed a home nm with bases
loaded during the game which was tied
four times and went Into an extra Inning.
He also ckluted fn another llomer. Gene
Ober, st1rtirlg pitcher for Rotary,4 abo
Chris White handled opening pitchina
chores for the winning Elks team and
Jim Armotrong pltcbed for the Pottery
Jesse Riddle, fonner Laguna-Beach
mayor, stepped to the mound acd pitched
the' first ball to Mayor Glenn Vedd<r to
open the 1ame. Vedder deftly cau&ht it
wtthout mlah1p.
Riddle, for wilom the fltld ~ earned,
told the pl,yen In opening mnarkl to
respect the umpires and officials:
"lloo't !eel badly U you strike cul. Blf· ~.'!ellowt than you strike out every
Complimentary Cncke'.rjacks w e r e oNltd out to the playera and crowd
Robb Baby Baptized
AUSTiii, Tu. (UPI) -Former Pmi·
dent aod Mn. Lyndoo JohlllOll ottandtd
the baptlom ol their sranddaugh1"' Sun-
day ot the same cllurch their daughtm
wm baptized morer than JO years aao.
About ts ptrtons, lncludlq Luclnd1 Deaba l\obb1s parents, Charles and Lyn-
da, attended Luclnda'a baptism at SL
David'• church. The Rev. Charles
Sumners baptized the 6-mootlwld Locio-
. ..
which sang, 0 Take ~fe Out to the Ball
Game," writ.ten by Laguna's late Jack
The perpetual trophy was accepted by
Don Cooley, who last year managed the
winning ()ptlmiBts which are now the
Pottery Shackers. Officials said food
sales were so brisk during the double
header that they had to re-stock the sup-
From Poge l
fes.wr argued against hls 1066 conviction
on the baals that he could not pay the
federal tar without lnC'rlm i n a tln1 himself.
The original defense was based on this
contention and the Supreme Court said
today that it should have been accepted
at the lower court level.
The eight-man court noted that thelr
ruling Is ln line with dedslons of their
last te.nn that sell-incrimination b a
cornpltte defense for failure to pay a
federal gambling Ju.
Susan Leary, 181 was arrested wlth her
father In 1986 at the Mexican border and
placed on probation for her connection
wtµi the marijuana transportaUon.
vr. Leary, bla wUe llostmary and son
John, 19, are currently lletng ctia11,. ol
possession of LSD and mar1Juana follow4
Ing their amst late loll lltcember ia Laguna Beach.
Leary's teen-aged 10n was also 1r~
rested earlier In IMS on ausplclon of
being lnto:l\cated in public, after a
housewife complained of a susplcloua:
pf:raon on htr front porch.
That cue wu later d.ismiued on
1l"OWlds that• front porch la private pro-
perty, not a ptlbllc place.
. '
1 • J
• l
r • •
d •
•• •
• >
l " I 1
Laguna '·ueQ,h
~· ..... ' .
YOL:.,62, NO. 11 9, 3 SECTIONS, lt P'A6ES ORANGE COUNT'f, CA(IFORNIA . " MONDAY, MAY 'It, '196t , .. • JEN CENTS •
. . • -• ,, ' • ·ta·gun·a Hai.r
Hera ,
' ' .
By All'l1IUll R. VINSEL or 111t Mitr ... ~ ,..,
A I-.na Beach halr-styu.t travelinJ
with a polr ol his lather's t1Caped prlaon
buddlea 1siie1a ll:lday, 1o11owiD(. 11s,ooo
baak robbery and cir-tic -with
la_ in HaywardJ'rldly.
Dmn11 111. 'Moran. a. lomierJ: o1 the
HoWDel'Camino. 1281 S. Coast Hlchway.
WU acbelMed fOI' arraignment today
before a U.S. Cmvnlqlooer oa the
. . •
·-cllarJa· • His traveling ""'1Jlllliom -who ar-
rived an lbe Or:qe Cout ln..Mifcb after
esqping from prison cuatody •al Prlil·
cotoa, Ky., whero tllOy ·w~ '""1n1 45
y<an lor bank robbery -are -held In San~. >
Gary L. Etberidgo"29, ""1,Melvin D.
Walker, "'-will ~ charged ,wjth1 two
specific bank holdups, asaault witlr intent
to mnmit murder, auto" thtft aod kid·
napina. ..
Hayward Police Lt. Goorge Kelly lllid
today that thetr youthful per!J!U may
have saved the life ol a woman hostage
by lying on lnp al ber•Friday 11 lawmail
riddled thi getaway car with slu-gs.
"That's one thing in the kid's fi'Yor ,"
~e commented.
Miss Loretta Greenwalt, ze, was not ln-
jlftd in the gun battle 'with Hayward
police. aJP officers and Alamod• County
sheriff's deputies after being takeol
hostage Friday.
• •'
' -ors orro ..__...ras 1.·
Down the
Viejo Library,
Center Planned .
MISSION·VIEJO - A ...... .,,. par<el
ol mid 11ven ln Onnge County by the
Milioioo Viejo Compony will !OOll become
the site of • $2!5,000 branch library and
regiooll rol......,. cen(er.~.
'Tiie l•t-1• localed '"' Cllrlstanta Drlva
acrou rr.m __ tlle.,_ ol Olly•
Lulblim ~ j ... = ol La..P.az,_ --~--... wt.rt in l~ ..i lhould be compt...a ID !flL.
:• •rUme.. to Vbit
LAGUNA HIL!.'i -Seven Brazilian., an prominent buiiness aod professional
!Den. will.be vilitjng the Lquna lllllJ and
LaguJ\& lleadl area Friday as guests al
the .LOiuiia lllllS Hotary Club.
'lbe men wiD' "sta...Y in the Southern
c~ area 1mtil May :JO studyiD(. =.,colleges, industrial p I an t • , -a · recreaUon areas under a
1111dy 'proinm llpcl!l!IOr<d by the ilofuy • , . • as to Gru .. te
SAN 'CLEMENTE -About 42$ black-i<Jbed lludenlil Of San C1-Jrte Hi«h
School will be graduated ;June 12 in
· ceremonies. at -7 p.m. at tbe' achoot.
athletic field. ..:. ·
Valedictorian is Mm Linda Banks who
maintained a 3.97 grade average through
high school. Salutatorian is Tom Tulliu.5.
Grad night party will be held at the
Monarch Bay clubhouse rrom 10 :30 p.m.
until f a.m.
e Pier Cost /llo""ts
SAN CLEMENTE -Repair al the
time-wom·Sae Cltmente Municipal pier
pilings will cost about $1.0,000, or about
!wice .. much .. ot·iglnaily estimated.
Qty councilmen Wednesday may decide tO spend the odditiooal money.
Less than haU the 49 pilings have been
1tmigthened during ropalr work baited In
April when the budgeted amoulll of 19,1191
WU med.up.
' e Stdertf Tallcs Set
employ" ol Capimano Unified School
Diltrict will present their salary ~
·poats lor•tbe.lllt-'IO llCbool yew tonight
at the 1 o'clock meeting ol tbe district
adlool trustees. ·
Other Items before the llChool board In·
clude action oo two school plans, one for
SbtncliHs Junior High SdM»l in San
c:iem..te and the other for Del Obispo
Elementary SchooJ in San J U ID
Capistrano. . e Cruh l11j"r1t Fatal
Lauplln. 'IO, of 41~ Avonida Castills,
died Sablrdl!1 night in Hoag Momorlal
ilolloltal lnim injurt.. llUff.,.ed last
Wednesday afternoon in a tin>-Car cruh
at Jambor« and San Joaquin r1l8dl In
I.be Newport Beach area, the Orange
Qounty ......,., o1r ... reported.
Laguna Mayor Named
Art Board Director . ., . ' .\
Lq\1111 e.tch Mayor meml t . ™d<r '
h&. -pn>elalmed an .... mclo
member al the La))\111> lleach Art
Aaloclatloo Board al Dlr<cton by action
of the board • 1be·.t auodttion alao welcomed Mn.
Murat BoYle of South La&\fil& 11 • new boan! ... ber.
r.--.;. -~ -' ~y'ilj.p :QD .. , ------.. 1"'1-......
'fucrimj ii aJj,on' ·· v-t' ... ._, I.. ' ~\~
' . • From. W1a;o Servlooa.
The U.S. SUpreme -Court ~ o d.a y
unanimous1r,voied to overium a·, federal
convicti9'n· of Dr. Timothy Leary· for
possession <1[· marijuana ~use' coit)~
pUance • wl\11 ttie ir.. woold • !i!eially
amount to 1eU-incriminaUOO. i
Or. Lelry, rt, a sOmetime resident ol
Laguna Beach-,-wher< ht and bis lamiJY
currently face a~ditiooal drug cbarge1·-
had beeJi,aentenced to four to ao years·tn
priJon and given a $40,000 fine.
The notaf LID upeilm<nler waa lowid
guilty in Lai<do, ·Tet., of • illqally
tra._.tiag marijuana and'faillOg to pay
a $10&-per.ounce· federal transfer tu.
Handing aown a aecllJon for the .first
time since 'MsOcbita,Jo•tlce Abe r0rti11
resigned' lilt Weil;/ Ibo bich court aug-·
gest<d that. Dr; Lory 'llOUld have 1111>-·
Laguna Man,.
Youths Die;
One Critical
A high speed, headon collision iD which
one airborne car toot the root all another
auto I.Ike a can opener killed four men
early Sunday in the went acci~t in tht
histury of treatherous El Morro curve
riear Laguna Beach.
The <\<ad ~de a Lagwia man riding
alone and three Los Angel., ycMhs
!Kt Coanty •Tnfllc 1111
'l7 Deolll T111 • 7t
,;' '
wh.,.., car ~ia el!fped 1111 Ille· ol11F buitl·
eel °""' it tlplldi down. . ' .... • • .
The "VJctims -were ideotified· by the
~•·lll&bwar Ppln>I u:
-llould E. ~ 30, of 365 Locllll
A ..... Laguu.8-fL .
-IUcMrd c. an. n, o1 City o1 i..
-Alu B~, ft, of Van Nliys.
-Mark ~ttymu, II, al Hollywood.
A fourth youth riding in the northbound
car driven by Clarke, ~ Prieto, 24, of
Los Angeles, Is in critical cor.ditioo today
at South Coast Community Hoopital with
~vere head injuries.
Investigators said the 12:.10 ,a.m. crash
may bave,beon call!'ed by li!ehm:s Wlin1
asleep at .the wheel OB the treacberoul
seaside· curve of Pacific Coast IHghway
north or Lqwta Beach. '
The southbOOnd vehicle bo.inced 0U1 a
guardrail, hurtled across four lanes of
traffic, ·caromed off a dirt emb~
and shot upside down bad< inln'the road,
hitting Clark's car.
''There wu blood .and brains spattered
500 yards up to the tOp of the cliff," said
one fireman cailed to the scene to hefp
cot bodies from the tan)llOd llleel with a
welding lnrcb.
'ij!e three victims in the Clarke car
died almost instanUy from h,.d Injuries
(See EL MORRO, Pap J).
Laguna High's
Grad Party Sets
Twenties Theme
ject.d himlle1I ·to '11elf-lncrlminatlcin lly 'Ille "Really Roaring '20s • o f pa~!:..,~ strikes do"'<! a aecUm Hollywood" ii coming ln Laguoa Beach.
of the u.•.· Narentlc!l Impoitatlon Statute That'• the theme ol this Y...,.'s .Senlor ,. Clau All-nJcbl porty ln be held Juoe U which• ~ly .. mede po11eakn of following graduation cemhoDles.
marijuanl dflcient for Ullmipt.ion that The .... ..ho Will "n....rni-" the i.~·na it WU ll'-•''" im-'..O and the ,_..,. ~~·~• -.• posae)lor ~it. ~· "'-:" . Beach graduates with a 19SIJl.type movie Lea~I , ........ 1 attacked three federal premiere complete wtlh 90t ligbta, red
• 3 · i.,-.. carpet and a sidewalk interviewer.
laws tbat, while not mU:ma poaessibn of After the reception, the graduates will
rparijuana.IUega], still mah supervision pass into the party area and 1 rtproduc..
posaible tluvuP import COlllnJil and tu-lion ol the Cocoanut Grove.
ation. There Will be i buffet dinner· and dan· ' JuaUCe John M. Harlan's opinion in the ·
' ; ' T..,hfW',... ..
. iJRIM TR'A1'~1c;;0Ji:FJC&Rs sut VEY 'li;.ENE .OF iHffSLY'Eli •MOR'Ro 'cl!AsH ..
le!fy oftOno•Vleflm, (loft) Llo1 'On lmbonkmlnt Allor lolftfl Thrown, Fr""' ,Vohlclo . .
' l(~:~.Up, Up an4 Away'-'· . .
. .
Knox ·Crow Stati~:n· Wms , ..
~a ~B-eauty' A~al;'d .'
Funeral 'Service
For El 'Morro
Victim Scheduled ' . . . . . ' .. ' ~~Priv~ fU!iiraJ ·aer.vree ;·wm. tie 'bjJd
Wednesday for. Lagunan Ronald Di<im1,.
tilled; in ..an early· morning: tra!ffic' *"
ciderit. Sunday o•rPacilic P>a\ ll!clini
at, El Morro. 'Ille accl~t clalmlCI: 111¢
~Ve5.;· • • "1.
. Mr. Diehm; 11 resident-of·~
for 15 years, lived at 1475 Catalina>Shet·
With liis · w.iie, Norlria ~ ~bier,
Debora,h Lyoo . He was 39. .AnOthef
daughter,-LinCla Kay is .thf: wife o(,wlllim . . ' . . ' ~ . Haneline: IOll al Laguna lleadl<llotelmm
Loron Haneline.
fl,ealh WU the "'1111 of. hee!Llft4:io-
iernai lnjurie!I, the Orange County
Coroner's oUice said.
Mr. Dietm was a former manager of'
Tic Toe Market In Ininei t
Mr. Dlellm ii lllll'Viv94 by hls wile.
Nonpa ;. d11UPten, De-Lym .ail\! Mrs.' Linda . Ka)' • H8riellne; brother:•
Cortland Diehm ol• Maryland; aiJter,
Donna Yohn; Jr.,·of ·Pmneylvania; and
three grandchildren .. '
Sheller Laguna -lleacb MOrtUary ii
1$ro<:tinc &!T"!l<me!ll.>,
Lory ,,_ that pmumptlon of crlmlJial cmg.
Involvement under the three laws must Astrologer Princess Astra will appear • , '\ .. • \•Ndler
be OOllSidei<d irrational ""1 arbitrary. ;.;. i:;: 1;~" horoecope roadings Knox Crow. Mobil Statl'"' at · 104 'li.. dr-= UW.adil!l,a vital CW!llf•in Cl-.._ I ' ;:..;.,...,_ -·~·-
''He WU confronted ' With a statute, The ~la Coast H1gtiway, was named Winner o( tbe the lf"ell.t ~j die Judglf, • .,....,, .OUY ·~ ....... \,'\UWQll'll
which on 1111 1 ... peimllted hhn to ac-Lacunae = JfT ~=l lnpa~ 1~ s.....,.iakas award in the Third Annual ~udP.t noted the "conaldera!e and 1 to be the omr . llJ" day along
qui,. the •-·· ,_ally -•cfed hi paid ,..,, M _,._ Be .~•· Uon Aw..mi ~ aura,~•• Ole ol vtnea and ·llclillnl la es· the cout. wllh ,._,,., ten\pera• -.. ... • ,.... grounds inln the daull111 Hollywood erm-a"'!'!"a -,--en)piaryll!'ltllequalllfoll!UI'-''°"'"' the llOl).per-OllllC< transfer tu and gave scene have been ronted from a movie cheon.lndor in'Laguna lleadl. file ltatloo · led u;r-Laguna iu... r~ -17 ln 71·
Jncrlmlnating information," HarlaJl laid, studio aoppller. _ 1n all.'29 a,;ani. wero banded out..py federal ~lfll. bJ LGma IN8mll TeDA.'Y ~for the court. " Headlll8 the ...,... party are Mn. the Women's Divjalon ol the.Chamber· ol Mw~ 'lbe 'awatd la Slftll for ' And !lfmuHa-..ly, ~arlan coo-l!atrtck Cory and Mn. J..,.. Bolte •·-'·· l!ll1lllli lflM1 .. • ' · • • Wot<r 10lll<r <Vf1'V"'hf(• -Unuod, "be was coolronted with a aystem DecoraUoOI aro by Mn. Robert McDon: Commer« ..:..-'*• •a . ~ lnlhli ~of, H..0 It 'art. tlitre fit the "''" ;~ =i.d'°ll."'"1 ln· the neU and Mn. James Schmitt. Mn. ir· " jnci!lilad• lloodS' !<tguila 8i;'!~tbat1>a'!lf" hem 1<1' '"',a, j f,md eoql, ol<on llate ii the, ' ·
q." .... •marijuanaunderany-~~ Rimi~ Jahraus -·~-' : ~~1;;,Y7 ' • " ' .into1..?..1.:...:: fti""tlot\ ·of Ille Mtlropolitmr -·· ~ -· . ,..,,., =~""""£' , ' . . ,...-=-i-n I W• .. ~ ~-·.aa1 · .. The jurist contlnued to lay 1bat Or. . ..... ·~ • .,,. ..,'. ,. '.i"l ·f • r.,r-7" ...... t~·"' ... 1'" """:~ , • .... ~ 1 ;
i..,. bad pljlntf!o(1 ~ io:,fftr tliir-1 ' :s ~· ~ ' '-~•ti"' " ==--~ ·~-r· ' att~ \li(r,.-,.. ... 1-' • • • 11 • to , • • ·tl!Olnf°""-·.i.wa::bl'~YfalJo \ocil :t · ;•.St~lbifli~ti·,1 :-~.:........,, . 1'Jlllolli~·-~· ~~· . ~llO~~,, I =• ...:""$',;_ t
lawmd il he admitted ln the 1ovemment . -. , ' ....-. ~ 1-'ffill: .oib~/and 1,o11i i¥1o iili)I; -. • • " --1 ~hehailobtalnedunrqi!ltmld~~ NEWYORK(AP)-11iaJ.cklllli:pt .in<luilOand ,1~~!1."~ t9~ '. ,_,i_;:~~ .. &_.~1 , ::],,!':,., ': == ,.: "n;Uswwldsuretyproveaaigni(icant closedwttha lharp)oailllll•y -~ .. l'l -~~ ~ ~~· ~ ~r-i _~ tt ...,.. ~
link ln I chain ol evidenc< •-"-lo -~'t '•"•• ~ it -• -!II>'!. ,_.,..._ ._ Ilia JciwlJ;rwiiJta., \\a --' - -•n
establiah his au111 un11er the .;;;-.:.ri. <iree quot~u-;.,T.;. tt.fu .'-· ~""" """"11-r ! ·T~ ifftili• -=," 1
' , .. ~ ;:-;
juana l•w~" Harlan noted. Trading sto,red near the. dole. • ld_1talkm~~~ .. .,_ . -. ~Llod~1 zd,rAn :; :=-,.... ..
The 1onn.r• Harvard l>llYcholoCY ~ Dow JMff lndustrlal ·~-·• ·l : -'1ollt ..., ~""' a-,. -lt{r, """•'·*"' ~.• ~--I • • ' (See LEARY, Pap l) p.m. Wll oll 7.llO at 1611... 'of wt .com-M!Jl 1 r~J,,, · lliii , ..... l) • I •:U---· _______ ..... _,
.·1. }
• ' • • • ~ f • • •
-~, ... ... ,, .. ..
• . , .4 ........... , ........... ..
• -
• I
• Tep·.,. Soc;:ond cer In Whli:li Th~ 'ol!'I Sl)N•ocl Off by Lagunan'• Hurtlln1 Vlhlclt
F1'0lit ~~· J . .
suffered when the other car cavtd tn the
roof of their northbound auto.
One body ..... loft mashed . egalnst the
bank by the craab, which wu not wt~
neooed ~ llJIYOllll ~I Ille lllltanl U ""' cumdl lnvesllgalOra said.
Grtm.ftced rescue worken at the
s...~ne vowed a new campaign to get a
maximum 45-miles-pet-hour speed limit
at the well-known Slaughter Strip of
El Mono Cone bu IUen _... ol
lives. over the yean, delplte efforts lo mm 11 lllfer through rollecton and
olber ilevtces u well u wtrnlng slim·
SecondGi:aduating Class
At Viejo Awaits June 12 . .
The oecond IP'adu•tl!li c:lua ol llOlllors
wtll march down lbe Wies ol Mllalon
Viejo High School amphitheater 231
s~ on June 12.
Theme of the commencement which
wtll bectn 1rl p.m. la "Growing Up".
H-llludenll Include Debbie Brough
whe hid Ibo bllhl!lt IP'ada <II the
IP'adulllng c:lua .. 8ecood booon I" IO
Palrlcla Barber.
S~ent speakus are Rick Chaves,
whole topic wW "be "Happiness Is" and
Maureen Carr, "Look Up, Look Oul."
Robert Dahlberg, district superin-
tendent, will present the b <1 a r d and
acknowledge I.be h:m<1r ltudenta. He and
trustee Chet Briner will p' r e 1 e n t
Principe! Jay lngall will ir-nl the
clua. A aenlor vocal IP'OllP will ling
••TUm Around" from "Sound ol Music".
• ,.,..... P .. e l Followlnc IP'adutllOn, the llOlllon will
be buoed IO lllane)1and lo. celebralo.
Bac:cataur.ele will be held In I h e
amphilbe1ter allo. II will be-1n 111 p.m.
on JWte I. The addreu wtll be l!yen by
Rev. F.A.·Wllaon. pulOr ol the Auembly
ol God CburdJ, El Toro.
• I
Emenld BaJ, "A complete and well
thqbl out plan la< bnprovemenl <II ...
terlo< dlllp and landocoplng. Ute <II co~
« ahd me,&.trlall dfeottve and ~ble. ••
PJ'ld. Lud WU !1nrhtrape archllect.
-Commer<lal Bµ!ldlng New, the
Towen -Surf and Sand, 1515 S. Coul
Hllbway, Merrlll Jolmon, president <II
Goldlll l;!ate Propertleo Inc. "A _.
-1ar conlrlbuUon lo Laguna, nol only
In beluly .And bnportance but Jn quality
and restraint. ••
, Gooci Nei,bbor awards were -1ven .to
Mn. Barbara Pap <11181 Bronk St., for
her' -al pn!Oll.and Mr. and Mrs.
i:.onard N. Jolmacm of '38 Alla VIiia way; fci1lli altncUve groomJnc ol lhelr
hlllllde. property.
Ai>ilr'!Clttfon "'ardl 1 'tv en In
·~ of IUllllned effort In main-
taining a Bense· of beauty and order <1ver
a Jong period CIC time" we n t to f'our
Owners are Mr. and Mrs. William
J<>hnson, 428 Mountain R<1ad; Mr. Ronald
Welton of 563 Cress St.; Mrs. Roslyn B.
McKinnle of 570 Cress St., and Mr. and
Mrs. Nathan Quoo of 455 Los R<lbles.
Commercial awards for "g()()d design
and correlation in e<>mmerclal buildings,
new and rem<>deled during 1968" were
given to ten concerns.
They are: James Cahill Antiques, 1175
S. Coaal IIlghway; William W. Leak,
Custom Finishing, 500 Broadway; African
Art Center of California, 50ll F<1rest Ave.;
Foeet Market. 230 Forest Ave.;
Oh La La, m s. Coast IIlghway; The
Reef Continental, 910 Glenneyre SL; La-
moot Langworthy-Tom Lyster, 37f Ocean
Ave.; Kno:r Crow Mobil Station, 10f N.
Coast Highway; Gasparian Studio, 1254 S.
Cou& Highway; and Chrlsttan Able AIA,
850 Glenneyre.
New Commercial BW!dings awards
went to four businesses., Christian Science
Re.dlng Room, 284 Forest Ave.; Copy
Cata Blueprint, 333 Third St.; Dr. Joe
Bray Medical Building, 32SZ2 Coast
Highway, South Laguna ; and the T9ftl'S-
Surf Ind Sand, 155$ S. Coast IIlghway.
Residential awards ~t t<1 Dr. and
DAllY Pll OI
ottAHGI!. C(),t,ST l"VIL IJHINO ccw.l'AHY
Jtobtri N, Woo•
PrnlM!t onill l'lllilllller
. J1c• Jt. c.,1..,
~ ~ .... .,,. o.ntrel ~-
111 ..... , kH•ll
'"* n • .., •• A. MY,jllllln•
ll'otftnifll Et/ ....
~ir.ll1rli '· Nill ....... ._.
City 1£111., ---JJJ f•••1• "''•· M1lU111t A44,ot11 P.O. I•• 666, fJ61J
°""'"'"'" C.t. MtN i DI Wnl llY Strofil .........., ... <•i 11'11 Wnl .. ._. loulrlm
........... kldl! -Ml '"'"'
Mn. z.charr T. Mallby ol 5!!,~
Street; Mr. and Mn. A. E. WU<VUnll""'
ol 580 My.Uc Way; and Mr. and Mrl.
Wlllllm T. White. m <II i885 Riviera
Drtve.i Jnilne C<lve. _ •
.Remodeling and landlcaplng a.win!s weat to all wtnnen. They are Dr. Alt-
-· l!<ll of 126 Graceland Drive; ~ucl· HarlGn, <111146 Temple Terrace;. Mr .. and
· Mn. Arthur E. llulenberry <11.m Ruby
St.: Mr. and Mrl. Dan Schryver <II 714
Emerald Bay; Ind Mr. and Mrs. Boyd L ..
Jellerlea. of 23 Lagunlta. .
Beaullficatl.on judges were M r 1 •
W-Wllker1 cbalnnan of Ille Orange
Coonty Blcenlenlel Beo~ ~ mlllae; Forest DlcWoa. ,. .
°""II• Coonly Planning Co\JlnlllllOll; lllrTJ Bahbllt,' manqor of Ille Newport
Tam(I Club and. Mrt, Valley Knudaenc
!Wilder 'aiid pmldenl <II ll>l ADP! .. BeoUtlfut • . . '
Beautification chairman wu Mr1.
Robert P .. cock.
'New Neighbor'
Changes Quiet
Clemente Duty
After a year of lonely duty on the
island of Saipan, Chief Electronics
Technician Delbert0Shearer asked to be
assigned to lhe Coast Guard Loran sta-
tion at San Clemente.
He got It. But It isn't turning out the
way he planned, what with h1s new
The neighbor, who expects to move ln
for a spell tn Auguat, ls the President of
the United Slatea.
The Loran (k>ng-range aid to miVil•-
tion) station that Sbeartt nma is
separated only by a concrete bl<ICk wall
from a 10-room Spanish h<luse that Prest·
dent Ni.Jon JJ buying for $340,000 as a
vacation h<lme.
The lix-year-0ld station, where the
Prealdent'1 heUc<1pter will land, 11 being
trarusfonned from a aleepy litUe post tp
an olflclal showplace.
The 11 men expect to gel a tractor soon
to cope with wetdl and IJJ'8ll M the Ila·
tion plot. The buebaU diamond, which
wtll probably be the heliport, will gel a
coal of upbaJt. The alalloo llleU, atr.ldy
spotleaa, 11 pollahed more frequenUy IJlan
Shearer, the <1fflcer ln charge <1f the
station, had chosen the assignment with
vi!l<1µ5 of e<>mlortable duty near golf
coorse1, be~•. n11;bt Sl)()t.s and recrea.
lion.al facllltles. Slnct then he has told his
aew that 'ffhlle life still may be good ln
San Clemente, they will be expected to
perform e:rcepUonally well.
"It's g<1lng tc> be pretty rough," said
seaman Bob JO<dan. Then be smiled
broadly, "I'm leavtng in a week."
PT A Executives
Lunclrooll ·Slated·
A poUuck lunch lot ell .. ecuuve
membera <II Lqwll Beach PTA board!,
both Incoming and outcolnl offlcera, will
be held Tuesday from 10 1.m. IO 11:!0
p.m. at the home. <II Mrs. Bruce Clark,
411 Lo Droll Street.
Al the lundlP>, membera will dllcuM
the .-nl catttomla Coi)lml Parent·
Teach<r Convention and 11111 meet !or
evaluation, idea-n:dlanp and general
hraln-atormlng, Mn. Lien Scott of the
Gueots at the .potluck will Include Dr.
Wlnlam Ullom. 111perlnlenden1 o I
scboo!1; Owen Tait, 1ulst.a.nt auperin·
tendent, Ind all Lapn~ Buell Schoola'
An awards banquet to bestow awards
lo 110111of1 and ctber honor roll -enll
will be held al 7:!0 p.m. cm May ll.
Vi.siting Hours
·At South Coast
Hospital Cut
Vlllllnl hllurl at South Coal Qm. IDllJ!llr ,Hclspllal for medical and aurpcal
areas 11111 ti,· -lhne boun In the
mO<nlng beginning Juno I.
Ne" Vlllllng houn will be from I p.m.
unll! I p.m. dtny. Vlllllni hciurs In the
mitemUy · w~ and tbe lntemlve care
unll aie unchanged.
Present visiting hours are from 10 1.m.
to 8 p:m. Crowded conditions: at t h e
h<1spltal make the reductk>n mandatory,
11ld Stanley W. Volga, hospital ad·
"It hu been oor l)()licy to be as liberal
as possible in ICCOrdfn& v I 1 I t in I
privileges -much more BO than many
<1lher hospitals -tn recognition <1f lhe
morale-building value of frequent bedaide
visits," Volga laid.
"However, owing to the presence of
visitors in lhe busy m<1rning hours when
patient. are being treated and prepared
for the day, OJl' nuraes are aperieoclng
more and more dlfHculty In completing
. thelr routlnea, Ind the paUenll' Interest
must come first," he amd.
Doctor lmposter
Guilty; Sentence
Due on June 5
Superior Court J u d g e Byron K.
McMillan hh 1et June a .. the date on
which he will sentence Oranae County'•
medical lmp:istor, Robert Ervin Brown.
Re must deckle in the nut tw<1 weeks
w.hat f<lml that sentence will take, based
on th! jury's verdict that Brown, 33, was
guilty <If two felony and ll mildemeanor
count&. One e<>unt of fallely pradldnc:
medicine 'fflthout a llcenae 'ffU rejected
by the panel.
Comparable Superlerr Cow t records In-
dicate that Judge McMillan miy pre.fer
to sentence Brown on the 11 D'tisde-
meanon and sU;ll)end sentence <111 the
felony convlcUonS, each <1f which carrlu
a one to IO-year ,state prison year.
Each misdemeanor calls for a si.
month Jail term. Brown could be pul
behind ban for more than five years <1n
the leaer coonll alon.11 the full term! ol
thClle charges were applied.
But the Juda' may be conltnt to
sentence Brown <1n the felooJes,' t<1 run
concurrenUy and l!UJpOnd or dlllnlla the
mlsdaneanor cbarga. He bu givtn ho
indJcaU<lft of which eount be wlU take.
It look the jury I.! heun to reach Ill
vmllct and they IUed 111to court at 5 p.m.
Saturday to nJle thal the belpectaclod
Alabamian falaely pracUced medicine
when be poeed u 1 cardlololltt for ftve ween 11 a Fullerton cllnlc. F-of the charaa plactd befm
the jury atemmed from bla lraatmenl of
IOI paUenta 1t the North Counly facility.
It hu been 1tated by the prnaecullon that
five or lhele paUenla died whlle under
Brown'• care although he ha1 not
1peclfically bffi1 accuaod of directly
coualng their dellha.
Fi!lll P.,e J
APOLLO io . • •
I!..__ 1111111 "'-' llral<e Into lunar orbit ~-' .. ""l ~1... .. the .,..,,in, ~ • w • =:.~-== Ill - -~I beaming hlcl: tho "1IJ, µp ... _,• rend!Uoo ~.....:.by Alllt/ WITll-. ·---r.
''Litten. JOG 1\1)'1 were IO aood to us
with the """ lhla mornln& wt thqbl
we'd ov. You iome dllc Jockey work
from here," Coman lold ~ com-
municator ebtrla Duke .
"Thil ii TGll\ and John on the pltar
IDlt the threl (If. \II aJncina," Ceman
qalpped. •we bad a Uttte trouble stowll1g
the -dntnl 1boanl bul otberwtle .... were OK."
,;Hey, that wu beautiful," Duke
replted "Somebody'• voice ii chanpo&
though, or either you llowed llOIDOhedY
away up \here."
"The vnt (voice freciuency rqtng)
makes YQUt vok:e a little bf&ber,
Charlie," Staff<ll'd Aid.
Staff<lld reported · earlier that the
IJla«meD bad "a creat nlibt'• aleep''
after lhelr actlon·Dlled launc:ll day. He
said "all <ii U1 feel lremendoul fllla .......
The pilot.s were awakened during their
flrll sleep perl<>d aboard the 47-ton &pace
machine by a "kind <If boc:>m·rum-nun-
rum-nun" produced by the regular
bursts <If their small 100-pound attitude ,
rockets, which control the apacecraft'1
poollloo In _..
~'Evtry time the engine ftrts tt wakea
you up," StaffO<d reported. He aald Ilia
"whole thing llhal<es" during the opera.
lion, but when ground controlltra: told
them it was nothing to w~ about, the
astronauts went back tc> sJeep.
The plioll bepn thelr aecond day aloft
with standard space fare-fruit cocktail,
lllflll coated corn flal<ea and ppefrull
drink. Tbal'a when they complained
ab<>ut their water. 1beir regular orange
juice waa almost pure chlorine.
"Thil mO<nlng every-took a drlnt
Ind It wu fine, and then I took a drlnt
and it wa.s absoiutely h<>nible," St.afford
said. "I thc>ught l'd get it on record."
Their nine Apallo predecessors had the
1ame problem and in ·a11 cases, con-
trollen radioed up lnltructlotw to mau
the water more palatatiie before mixlng
with fruit e<>ncentrates:
Front PGfe J
robbery and conspiracy to murder an
FBI lnlomant -Wll abol down al he
tried to nee ure g,tawa:y car Friday.
"But he's .all right. just a wound in the
hand'' he said, adding that Walker allo
suffered a minor ~pellet wound in
a finger, whlW1 MoraD•Wii not hurt dur-
tng·the exchaJ'lge of \wo Ooten abota.
Costa Mesa Police LL Glenn Walker
sald today lhll Monn ii !:Mn lo local
lawmen._@>d wu Bl'!ested ooe ~ qo
lhls Friday for 1 UghllJll llbop burglary.
Hayward pc1lice were mt certaln ex·
actly when the li'lo captured after the
Friday holdup arrived 111 the Bsy Area,
but aa1d Moran wu in the Southland u
late u the Jut of March.
Capt. Kelly llBld Etheridge Ind Walker
have been linked to aeveral Southland
drug atore holdupo and a Harbor City
bank robbery, u well u another com-
mitted recenUy in C<1lorado.
Nixon Planning
San Oemente
Trip in August
Pre11dent Nixon llBld today be plw to
be In San Clemente 111 August.
H11 comment. made to a group at.
tending an award cettm()ny for two blind
ltudenb ln Washington, D.C., came after
weeks of speculation on when the First
Family win first use their newly-purchas-
ed summer White House, the Cotton
"I'm going to be out there In Augun,"
the President said to a Los Angeles
member of the group. .
Nixon, in effect wu conflrmin1 an earner re-port from Mn. NiJ()ll that she
and the President might be in San
Clemente in Auaust for two weeks or a
month wbUe Congress Is in recesa.
CompleUon <II the d<al to buy the
mansion and nve surroundilll acres <1f
th11 once-rural ranchJand estate for
1100,000 down and the balance of' I h e
$S40,000 over a five year period wu an-
nounced last Monday.
Parrot, Turtle
Stolen in Laguna
A mulli-colored talltlng parrot WU
matched from hll Laiun• Beoc!> pm:h
Saturday in a cue that a1Jo included
turtlenappln1 .
Police LL Robert McMurrl)' llBld the
lilO bird and a IS l"Pber turtle """
•tolen from the heme of Michael T.
Adama, !IOI Morningside Drive.
H<IW'ever, the thief declined t<I take a
pel aopber anake. The dayillbl enlr)' wu
gained by breaking 1 1lldln1 IWS -·
McMurray llBld.
In a ......... 111 burllary dla<mtred
Friday al Mainly Troun, Ill N. COul
HJpay, -·· <tollllnB worth 1411 wu lal<en, llBld the <llflcer. The 1oN 111
elude<! a 1100 futhertd VOii.
McMurray aald the tlllel hid pried a
front door hup -IO &aln enlr)'. The
Jou was reported by <IWMI', J eny
Beavers, 30$ A.Iler St.
Pitcher J1111 Riddle, Catcher Glenn Vedder Do Honors
Late Jack Norwortti Wrote Baseball'• Theme Sona
• League ID
Laguna 'Little Guys' Open Season
A llirilling extra lnnlng battle between
Rotary and VFW opened Laguna Beach
Little League·saturday with the Natl<1nal
League VFW downing their opJ>()nents 12
to ll.
In the flnl Ught contest of the double
header, the Elks edged the Pottery Shack
~ to 2 in lhe American League.
VFW winning pitcher Steve Brooks
grand.slammed a home run with ~
loaded during lhe game which was tied
four tlmes and went Into an extr• inning.
He also clouted In an<1ther homer. Gene
Ober, sllrllng pitcher for Rotary, abo
Chris White bandied opening pitching
chores for the wlnning Elks team and
Jim Annstrong pltched for the Pottery
Shackers. ....
Jesse Riddle, fonner Laauna Beach
mayor, stepped t<1 the m<1und and pitched
the flrst ball to Mayor Glenn Vedder to
open the game. Vedder defUy caught It
wtihout mishap.
Riddle, for wh<lm tbe field ii named,
t<1ld the players ln apening remarks to
nspect the umpires and oU!ctals:
"Don't !eel badly U you lllr1ke ouL Big·
gtt fellows than you strike M every
·Complimentary Crackerjacks w e r e
ONHd out to the playen and crowd
Robb Baby Baptized
AUSTIN, Tet. (UPI) -Fa<mer Pr61·
dent and Mrs. Lynd<1n J<1hnlon atttoded
the blpt.11111 of their 1P"andd1u1hter SU..
day at the same church their daughtul
-wtre baptized more thin m years ago.
About '5 persona, Including Lnclnda
Desha Robb'• parents, Charlet aOd Lyn·
da, attended Lucinda '• baptlam at St.
Oavld'1 church. The Rev. Charles
SumDCrs blptlied the &·month-old Lucln·
' which sang, "Take hie Out to the Ball
Game," written by Laguna's lale Jack
The perpetual trophy was accepted by
Don Cooley, who last year managed the
winning Opllmisl1 which are now the
Pottery Shackers. Officials 11ald food
sales wtre so brisk during the double
header that they bad to rwtoci: the aup.
l'rolft PGfe J
lessor arrued against his 1968 convlctlon
on the basis that he could not pay tbe
federal tax without Inc rt m In attn c
The original defense wu based on this
contention and the Supreme Court aald
today that it should have been accepted
at the lower court level. \
The eight-man court oottd that their
ruling la In line with decl~ona of lhelr
Jut tenn that self·iDCl'iminlUon Is a
C001plete defense for f1Uure t<I Pl1 a
federal gambling tax.
Susan 1.eary. 18, was arrested "Ith her
father In 1916 at the Mexican border and
placed on probation for her cotinection
with the marijuana traNpOrtal.ion.
Dr. Lenry, his wife Rosemary and aon
John, 19, are currently facina ch1ries or
J>()SleSSlon (If, LSD and marijuana foUC)W·
Ing their arrell late lut December la
Lnguna Beach.
Leary's teen-aged aon-was also ar.
rested ear!Jer in JM& <1n susplcloo of
being lntollcated In public, alter a
houaewlfe complained of a suaplclouJ
peraon <1n her front porth.
That cue wa1 later dlmtllltd l'JJl
grounds that • front porth Is private pro-
perty. not a public place.
' l
' • l
d •
~ ..
• ,.;.* ....... r.i:;xii:;;""~""';;;;i..,;;:;;l;:;:::;;;::;:;:ci:;a:;;.:;:c::ic;oi:;;;r;::;:'ll;g-..... -=-.. --------------------==~·. .. .. .. ... .. . .. p-.~--'-.""
~ -~·
JUN COX.. 494-Mll ,...,__. .... L ,,_ ..
"Th.e logu,l)a Line ' .
Women " ·clo5e ·Sea-Son ..
: With Blirst of .. :Acf'i·vitie·s
• · B7·JIWl.COX· ..;., .. ,.... ..........
Filla! ~ ol acllvitl .. ,. ' . are ttetDa emitted by an:a
wcmen'1 group5 before sub-
, rn:,rginc for the summer
' IDClll.tha to store up energy for
the ·fall ...,,,., .
• TRIB 'llEEI alone oilers
apenl. ·-tncludinc the Lqana-·Boacb Philharmook
enmmtttee'• lqncbeon boated
t.Oiaarrow . at ll:30 a.m. by
Mn. · James B. Keyes ol
-~Bay. ,, .
'JUST A few othtr hap-penmp coming op the next
aevtn days include a luncheon
. Im: the Queen of Hearts Guild, Odldren'• HoepitaJ of Orange
C<lunty ol noon next Wed-
Dlldl,y in Ben , B r o w n • 1
A TASTE of. Everything
Porty ii planned by the
Servi<e Lea'goo, SL Mary's
E~I Cburcll ol Laguna l!Oaclb -lint 'lllllnday, from
• t :>ii to t p.m. In th• chutth.
' I ·Wl:l:SEND !:·VENTS •
I > .o Waver .
Of Baton · .
• • ,._.. ewUungl>am Wm'
COlllfDuo"4 leod Lqana )11\odi
·' owon1anity,. Coneert' AD:dl~
tion'a elfm:ts to brins ·goGii
llllllic to Ii'" Art CoJooY, If
. aoooal boorcl ol dincton
He will b,e.uailled by tl)tte
vi<e.~,Dr. and Mn.
La""""° F. While and Col.
W111om H. Roley. Col. ROiey
ll·ln c:horfe.of ~
and Mn. While ls pobllclly
· Other uecutives are Mrs.
Aribor S. Wlley, llOO'eUry ond
Mra. Amy Godahaw.
treasurer. M I s s Frances •Chriatnoo and Mn. John c.
L<locarlc ,.... eleded to the
Despite lnf1aUon. members
fl the aaoclatim will continue
to enjoy foor oatllaodlng
miaical emrts in Laguna
.8eKb Hip School's
auditorium ror $1. the same f price ,peid In previous years.
The lMt-'10· aeuon will open
with the New Yort Lyric Quartet Nov. I. 11 will Include
I h e D o J:melld>&hoenlofd
JbaMmble, Du O:Pi In I at s
llodfml 11111 Howord and will clo1e·· with Sbl1emi
Y,•punoto, Su P'rancl!co
<1pera Co. '1 lamed ' f 1 r I c ......
-lnlonnallon may be
-"' coJllnC the preoi· chnt. •toa or Mn. Wiiey, tN-.
• ' • I
inclullec·a ~ SiCJ>1 F-MaMrcb·'llay' Beach 'CM> lo sitow,~-;if~Sa~. ~I :ll!e; San ci.m..i1e ~tl'.tl:,~~~m ..... Rmfe ~~:se•r,v·lcemen.•s.
J!Oule.•Tiistia. Dy Saddlebock, Center., ,The _, 11· being ~·:Facwi,. ~ '""· """'"led by the Rlvten: Club ~,,_ apOdally :f<ir Mlsljon •• In N...,poit Beach Tennis
· • . · ·v.@o .,.. .,.. Club. In .alfditioo the day will
men .given.by find Lag\ma !l<•clhEbell Club,
. taguha Beach membe~· and frl~ going to .
.eranc~, Amer-Hollywood Park for their an-
ican Associa-· nual Day at the Races.
Uoh of Unlv~
sjty Woinen
next 'Sunday.
WILL offer
several lnter-
JhN cox esting ·distrac-
tions inc.luditig the Laguna
Beach Assistance League's
final lecture in its Towu .Hall
Series ·Monda)', Miy 21,•:it ti
a.m. .when famed ""Music
t:n"J:;4:;" =r =
21, Will be an important date
for Fint Nighters who will
toast the end of an era at their
Opening Night Dinner PVty
before the · Preniiue o f·
"Dylan" which closes their'
196M9 season.
When the-fall season beclni:
the n e·w Laguna-Moulton•
PlayhouJe will be opening, and'
the auxiliary a£ain will be serving tl\e playhouse.
Hosting the party In Victor
Hugo Inn will be Mn. Harriet
McConnell, president, a n d
ON .WEDN1!8!>A)', May 21, boord JlH'Dlben-the Mm...
it will be di!ficutt to decide Violet Adams, Colin Timmonsr
just:Wbat to do.~ wW be Mary de ~,,Dorothy Daven-
lwo fashion sbowiilli thll busy port, Gla<l)i) If ho mp a on•
day. One, •· Rel[llWhlle ,and William Bl'1Jigre, El 11
moe Fublm SliOlf• II bolnl Mc1eoc1,;ZlcblrY Malaby llld
praenled !run t..to .3.p.m. In Donald V-lt. ' ( . ' " :, l I " . '. I
' ; ' • •
FINI! MUSIC AWAITED -Leade'5 of Laguna Beaeb'Comrpunity
C011Cert Association anticipate the .four concerts tlley will bring
'to Ille· Art Colony ne xt season. They are (left to ril!lit) George
Cunmngbam, president ; Mrs. Lawrence.F. White, third vice presi·
~" .
I oR Seniors W~ighed
• ' .... i
Bijiig' good stud~ will prove proftlable fo~"gr~du·
allrig .seniors of Laguna 'Beach High School, includ·
ij!g six Ebell Club scholarship vAAPen, 'each of
'"'whom .will walk aw.aY from ahf A:wardsr1isiembly
June 4 with $500. Members of th""1'8gµha•ill'lich ,
club carefully weighing qualifications of sch9L1rsbip
•JIPl;icanls are (left to right) the Mmes. Jam~'\'·
new, Jody "Upham and William Longfield . The six
Ebell awards are among many scholarships pre-
sented at tlie assembly where last year the aggre-
gate value represented about $32,000. Pins, plaques
and certificates also will be given at the event in
the boys' gymnasium.
Brunch Hosted
For Assisfeens
. Assisteens . about lo graduate from high
School were presentea: medallions yesterday· -
· dur'i~g a brunch giVen in honor of the coeds
and their coordinator, Mrs. Robert L. Marvin,
by Laguna Beach. Assistance League.
Mrs. John Solomon and Mrs. William
Fox, co-chairmen greeted and congratulated
the 13 Assisteen members and their mothers
at the annual presentation in the Leaglte
House .
Med~on presentees were the Misses
Diane Judy, Joan McMahon . Patty Houts,
L Janet Harvey. Betsey LeBold , Sharman
Farnes, Edith Roesen, Margot Cather, Ann
Barr, Gina Reay , Wendy TayJOr, Katie Healy
and Nadene Jones.
Mot.hers of the coeds invited to attend
included the Mmes. Thomas Judy, Marie
h1cMahon , Marshall Houts , William H. Har·
vey, Quinn Farnes, William F. Roesen, W. S .
Cather, George Barr. George W. Reay, Theo-
dore Taylor, Evan Healy, Mogens Abel along
with Miss LeBold's grandmother, Mrs. B. W.
Van Pelt-.
Mrs. Solomon and Mrs. Fox were assist•
ed by A1rs . Thomas Jones, league president,
aiong with the Afmes. Willis!On Bradway,
Rollo Thorsdale. Nicholas Malouf and An-
drew Morthland.
denl1 Dr. White, first vice president; and Col. William H. Roley,
!ieCoiMl W. president. Melt\bershlp is '8 and 'enliUes participants n .. a111e1u .concerts. •
Floral arrangements were made by 1.-tr.
and Mrs. Kenneth Colburn .
Favoring the Carpet Lands Her ··Stra.ight • the Dog House
DEAR ANN LANDERS: Your lllvtc. to
!,ad Eya mocfo l!l1 ll-y .. r .. ld cry. How
could you be .. boortle8 ., lo ii!IWI
that "SWeelle." a 1-yeat-old dot who bod
-a-lmftJ pet llln<e P"PPY-r be -
ah.a. ••17· Jmt ti«' -• ~··· • tew cupU is no aeu11 to a
dlffd'I beoft.,'And do-you -tt\fs door dot be aiV<n to a farmer la IJPcal
wsld c1o to -.n1o -1d aun1J die of Iha -lhlnp c11y _.. -.,.
of Jonell-. p-cllange yoor .idvice with. Farmers alnocty are overrun with
be!on you '"' c!elnlod wffh lell.n from dog ownen wilo don't know the·flnl thing
people who !rill Ide your bide off, . about onlmals.
_ -WYOMING f dilagree lhal 1 t-year-old dog cannot
DEAR WY• 11'1 lol lot .. 'no dehlp he houlebroken. Ptrhapo not in his
m -· .41111 tM ..-.. .,. aplut Cllllomary lllm>Ulldlnp, but I'll bet If
-I• to L ~ '°' they build 'dog house and •of-IOIDe DEAR ANN: Your ldYlce that an In: ~-rula, Sweetie coolil be Ul~I to . ...;
-MRS. G. H. G.
DEAR. ANN LANDEU1 I aa It )'tart
aN. 1 un a .... WM lie -• •Y ......_,, carpet 1 wa """ ..,. tewt11
1ad Wet. It sp. I '" 1111 foot. 1'ea I p11.r
-~ .. .... .,... fl 11 ... • ...,w.s. .
DEAR ANN: OIJr famll)I , rd-lo
believe that you consider wall·lo-wall
<arpellnJ mot• Important than a child's
love for hfl doc~ We have antique oriental
n1g1 In our home and the l(JOU made by
Oill' ....... llUI• poodle ud ,... lazy
goldeo ~-have added character to u-prlcelaa floot covortnp. Shame oo
you, Ann.
DEAR ANN• Voor --tflal a dtgwlle ... _1-petfwalno
yean: k CIVU to I ftnner Wll itt I
Inna•• Ml•U•. 'fo 11k 111 aged doS to
adji: .. t to ltW people •Id 1 tew tn•
vtrotune•l 11 nreatcmable. It woold be
macll ilollcr for Ille do1 U ~Y pot blm
tolleep. J
Vacation? Pleue come back. I can't
believe you gave that stupid answer. So
the dog did 1 few thlnga oo the rug . So
whit! The notion lhal I: iJ perfectly bK
lo 11'1 rid ol anylhJnl that pr_,11 1
chaUenge ls tx.actly what's wrong with
society today. If )'Otl don't like school you
drop out. lf you don't like marriage. you
bull ii. up. If you don't Ilk• a job you quit.
And now Ann Lander• comes along af)d
says if you can't. housebreak your mutt
give him lo a fanner. Thir).k iL over,
over and the nut Ume 1 ~t 1 letter ask·
Jng fW .odvfee -'a .. f'm piq la L
coalllll ,...,. .... uvo dop. n.11 I
bow aomeWq" •boltl but l'n£ "
.. .....,, .. dep .... .., ........ ,.....,
II alcoholism ll"ilioWO ! -can Ille alcoholic be trealed? la there a ctn?
Read the booklet "Alcol1ollsm -Hope incl Help," by Ann Landera. Enc1QM SS
~ts In coin wllh your requal, and •
long, stamped, sell·addnued eovtlopO.
Ann Landers will be glad to help YOll
wllh your problems. Send them to her in
care ol lhe DAILY PILOT, toclooint I
otamped, .. u.--......
High .Sch°11 Seniors.
Iontiahs Select •
Tiit Zollla 'Club .. Nawporl ---""""--flrl' 'f!<!in ~ o( .tho
Nnporl,llell bJ1b ~aa
the Zollla Glrkl-lli.
The aelectlOo II buld upon
ludenbip, cJti-1en1bJp ,
ldlolorahip ml ltl'Vlce lo IMr
ocbool. At the eod or &..
ocbool yeor, the ZOllll 1irb
-the ""' thoy feel the -qualified lo be ..-. tho Zollla G~k>f.tlle·yeor for
their acbool and the recipient
~ year'• homecoming prtnceu,
cornmlllioaer of affairs and
-,,.itan,,llnlor claas secretary
ml ~ cbolr mtmber.
Named four years to the
hoaor ·.l'Oll, MIJs Goslin bu
rectl"!I the Rotary Glrklf·
the-JUI' award, E 3 t a o c I a
Jeweled E and I. E. Moort
award. NH HIGH
Deb~ Mergenthaler
Gi ... r Albee
N"""' topping for regulor
· length llockings; the loop-th ..
loop ..
Tb1I all-new de11i~ Is lhe
ftnt that mates with every
typt of foundation garment
wiibout 1arters. The feature or· tbil •tocking: knitting of
speclal loops into the top and
the replaeement o f con-
ventional garters with a· Oat
Tbe development s o·I v es
lhe nagging problem of the too
short stocking, garter bump
and garter gaps. The new
stockini comes in 14 Col.ors .
': ol 1 '10 aavlqs bond.
The daupter of Mrs. Larry
-el Coota Mesa bu been active as junior c1us
vk:e praldent, a cheerleader,
vice pra.ldent of t b e
sophomore class Ind vice
preoldeot of the Pep Club.
other acllvlties included the
frahman class counci1, Girls
Athltt.tc Auociation .and var-
sity swim team .
Gloomy Gus Tells ii
As You See ii
. -THIS IS SCOUTING -Getting better acquainted wilh Girl ScouUng are (!ell
• •1 lo rig!lt) Mn. Sopllle Gendel of Fullerton and Mr. llDd Mra. John B. Parl:er ol
:i1 Cororia del Mar, members of Los Compadres, committ" of. 11godparents" to i · ~. Girl Scout Council .of Orange County. Committee members and Scouts dined !er i .I. gelher in Santa Ana's Saddleback Inn,
• 1 Los Compadres
I : • I Committee Members
• i • • • •
Learn About Scouting
I • • i
• •
July Nuptl1l1
Members of Loo Compadm,
ad'flaory CU1lll\Htoe lo tho Girl
Scoot Council onlran(e Couo-
ty, went wt to dinner with
their "charges'.' 1n Sant.a
Ana's Saddltback Inn ud
foond out ·what Girl Scouting
ls all about.
Alter Mlurlce Gladman, Loo
Compadres cb al rm an, In-
troduced the group's newly
formed executive committee,
the Girl Scouta took over and
presented a program or SODI 1
danCe and mime .
Mesa, De!&hborhood chalrman,
ud Mrs. Henry Manz. troop
leader, of Newport Buch,
talked about the dtdicaUon lo
community service and IOOd
ciUienahJp characterlstlcs of
Girl Scoula and the program
• was concluded with a pro,ress
report on the Girl Scout cam-
ping program.
Miu Debbie Mup1tllller,
dall(bler ol llh. 1"o Gogerty
~ ofN~Beacll, curnnQy ls
e.ucutive Councll ottlcer, atu-
dent congress repraentative
and a tutor at Frankl.lo School
in Santa Ana.
Last year she was Spanish
Club president, Girls' League
historian, American F t e 1 d
Service member and • Can-
dy!ltrlper at Hoag Memorial
Hoopital, Prt!lbyterlan.
The l2tll grader plans to al·
tend California Sllto College
at Long Beach and become an
elementary school te.acber.
AllO thinttnc of an elemen-
tary to1ddq weer ls Miss
Ginger Albee, daUihtor or
Mn. John Nuzum of Costa
Meu. -
· 1be former volunteer
worker at FJirvlew State
Hospital ls senior clau vice
president, and was junior clw
secretary. In the future she
Jllans to travel.
Mita Lonni Goalln Is this
The c:c>ed will attend the
Univenity of California, Santa
B1rbar1 ind study sociology.
The fourth winner of the
Zonta award, Miss Amy Dye
alld plans to enter the elemen-
tary educ1llon field. After
• Oranae Coast College she will
enroll at San Diego State Col·
lege or UCSB .
The daughter of M r s .
Virginia Dye of Corona del Mar ii 1 c be er 1 ea d er, ESTANCIA COM HIGH
yearbook ltaff member and Lonni Goslin Amy Dye prealdent of the Pep Squad. __ __::::::::...::.::.::::::_ _____ :_c.:..._:c_ ___ ll
She formerly was a
&Olllleader, drill team aDd AFS member .
'I1le president or Lauriers,
auxiliary to the J u n I o r
Women'• Club of Costa Mesa,
is ln the aenior honor society,
wu named Most Spirited
Senior Girl and Girl-Of·tht!:· quarter. ·
League Charts Monthly Trek
Laguna Beach 1s putting the
wheels in motion for another
monthly bus trip -this time
to Ojai Valley -Wednesday,
Luncheon, shopping a n d
sightseeing are all included In
lhe itinerary, according to
Mrs. Williston Bradway, pro-
jects chairman . .Sbe is ·assisted
by Mrs. C. R. Beck Jr.
The bus trips are one of the
league's project! which fall
under its Operation
Friendlineu . program.
by the area's
'··. . .
I ··< -~ .. Arrowhead
Orange Coast residents
serving on the committee are
UCI Owtcellor Daniel G.
AJdrlch J r . , Assemblyman
Robert Badham, John Lawson,
John McLeod, 0 . W. Richard,
Howard K. Smith, M r s .
Nonnan Watsoo and Robert
N. Weed of Newport Beocb;
Joseph J. Courreges, Fountain
Valley; Selim S. Franklin,
Calta. Mesa, and Mr. and Mrs.
John B. Parker, CMona del
Mar. Mrs;-Watson-serves on
the executive committee.
Sagittarius: Be YOU KNOW Perceptive YOUR CHILD . · . · . WILL LEARN
VIVIANI W~OlliAlD cos1ritn1cs .. • ~ . ~ ..
i For Rites
Lake Arrowhead in July will
ba Iba ooltiJI& for the wedding L of Corollne A-or Manhat·
' tan Beecli ond Rlclihrd C. t Dl.td of Niwport Belch.
f Their ... -WU an· i no111iced by M'n. Helen Gtrow
' of. Pasadena and C. B. Abbott
: .t of Pasadena, parents of the
t • future bride. Mr, ml Mn. E. f W. Hostetter ot Newport
; .. Buch are stepfather and
t -or the bridqroom-,-:::.tiect, !' . ·Mil' Abbott 1ttended the
I University ·of Arlzool wher<
she n>ojored In fine lrla and "
a graduate ol Yuma Hllh l School. Her fiance was a Plil r Del~ Theta at his alma t mater, UofA, and studied
• psycliolCJIY.
;~ Prtle!Dlly he is an aviatlon
f oMctr candidate underiotnl
F ! Nl'f)' pilot training at l Pensacola.
t'· !t GOP Galo •'!'.... ' '.1, ~ .... ~
(!· Ticketed
!~ . Challenge Year 1970 will
.•• theme the annual 1ala fund-.-;.s raisinC dinner of the Orange ~ c.o.mty Republican Central
~~ CommlUet 11turaday, May 22.
ln the Anaheim Convention
... ~ Cent~. '
ti.. Gov. Ronald Reqan will ad-
' dress the lf'OUP during the • 1100 per .plat. ollalr Wlllcb Is
~ being planned by M r s . V Barbara Bunker ol Carta
~' Mesa, president of Federated ~ Republican Women of Orange
~ County, Mn. Georp Delabln-
:• ty of Fullerton and a com-
! mittee of Republican women. . " ' Designer Due I,
~ Appearing in Robinson's, ~ Fuhlon J 1 land, Thursday,
May 22, will be Sergio, make-up.....,,., for Eve ol Roma.
The noted designer has
designed make-up for movie
stars, haute couture models
and fubion ma1uines in
Rome, Hollywood and New
Mn. T. E. Hunter, Costa
Futurt lrldt
News Told
At Party
' After celebrating the birth·
day of Wanda Jean Anderson
of Costa Mesa, close family
members gathered in the
home Of her parents, the Addl1
B. Andersons of Cost.a Mesa,
learned of her enga~e
men t to Dennis E d w a r d
Watson of Santa Ana.
Miss Anderson is a
graduate of Estancia High
School and attends Orange
Coast College.
Her ftance, aon of Mr. and
l\1rs. Frank E. Watson of San·
ta Aua, is a graduate of Santa
Ana Valley fli&b SChool and i5
student at Sant.a Ana Colle1e.
11\e couple have seJected a
Dec:<mber ...&!Int date.
tcw IETTER CARl'm" I
l'thhit SH-VAL 847.~1678
MAY 20
A~ (March 2l·Aprll 19):
ACCtllt on how you prepare, on
-Ind llnowled&e. No da{. tor short-cull. Stick to the
ru es. Spotupt "' domeotlc
Issues, family affairs. Get suf-
ficient rest.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20 );
Stress on separating facts
from fancy. Many ideu today
may not be practical. Short
trip could be on agenda. Keep
appolntmentl!, catch up on let·
ter writing. Relative needs t:n·
GEMINI (May 21.June 20 ),
You can add to pc»aess!ON
through genuine b a r g a I n .
Older lrx!lvidual utilizes e1-
perlen~ to aid. Be a good
Ustener, shrewd observer. Day
features gain. ,
CANCER (June 21.July 22 );
Greaier recognition of efforts SCORPlO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): · past. Much accompllshed to-
due. You are rewarded in Good lu~r aspect tod.ay coin-day if you keep ~n even keel. TO SWIM AT solid, material sense. Put cldes with romantic and ·. IJIJ1"J /JIJ.
finishing touches on important creative lnterestJ. YOa .fiM Stick: to tilt tried-and-true. UOY ff /allie ~
project. Buy some clot.hes. ouUet for talents. Give ol . PISCES (Fe~ Jt-March 20): BLUE B WIG & BEAUTY
Dress for the part of success. yourself. Then you a Is o Favorable lunar 1as~t today. SALON
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)' rocelv~,Jove. Key.JI io, break coincldti wlll> =,;tonce ... s. -'" 548•3,., Mucl1 that w• hidden com.es down birrien of rwtrldion. for creaUve u. · Fine .... ., ....... ..._., 440
into open.11e frlDl<;fortltrlll1r IAGnTAIUllll (Nov, JI. for puWna ldeU lo work. You -,_, '""" 250·D ••• "" "'"'
.... lndepeOdenl. Ono behind Deo.11): M--11 can write ~ct b!lslness 546 1•· HILLGkEN SQUARE the tcenes chances "attitude -IU<.-omful,lf JCIU reed between and dell ;uccelistully with top • • COITA MISA
in yOlll' fa\'Or. Know thil .and the · nn.. ~ tine Jltlnt: _!P"'~P'.':le::_. __ ...;,..,__:__====~====~~~~~~~~~~~ be c:oolldenl. Don'l ligii IWIY ~ fofi-
VIRGO (Aug. 21-Sepl .. 22)' n<AliJng, U per«j>tive, a .con·
Friend provides Information of strucUve dwlle brllhtena
value. Spotlight on tr•n1fonn· money picture. in< dreams to re a 11 ties. CAPRICORN (Dec, 22-Jan. Soclolile. Look and listen -191; Gain cooper1llon from
then you also learn. Accept famJly. Without that, valtie of
unique invitation. ' efforts is cUmlnJlhed. Know
IJBRA (Sept. ~t. 22), this Ind acl 1ccordlqly. Mar·
Special emphasis today on rlage diacunlon appears h.lch
career, ambitions, prestige. on agenda.
Key is versatility. You ~xpand AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
operations. Find ways of 18): Practical appl'Olch ls ))et..
strwnllninr methods, pro-ter than any get-ricb-qulct
cedures. You can add to in-scheme. ~ly upon perlOM
come. wbo proved depmla.bte ln
11 F1shlon l1!1nd
Newport Bttch -•44· I ltO
AT 15.00; NO-SET CUT, !5.00. DF.AUTY SALONS •
Your Ch•'t' /.ccount Welcomt-l•11l1mtrlc1rd, J-11111, Chirt•• +••·
0''" Mtlldty, Frid1y 11fttl1 '110 p.111. ROBINSON'S NE\/VK)Rf • F.ASHICi\J l~LAN D • 644-2800 • •
~~...._....... -....J-_..__,. __ ,.___. __ ·--'-~-·----------------------------------------------------
I • ' , • YOC. 62·, NO. '119, l SECTIONS, 32 PAGES ORANGE COUNfY~ CALIFORNIA • MONDAY, MAY 19, 1969
• • . ' •
Fair Boitl-d A~tion Complie4tes Cour.t . Pictur-e:
• Of tflf Oelb' Plllt ftlH . ' On the eve of a' Jl91'1ble ck<bloa by
Orange \Coultty superviaon, µ.e battle
over eventual location of a Harbor Area
municipal courthouse complex wu more
confusedjhan ever today. • ~ 1, 1.'h< Orange County FoirJl'OUllds boo!\. •
of diredon his ,... to that' bY lliatply
r evising an offer to the county for a
regional court site at the fairgrounds•in
• The clliclooure ·elated Newport Beach -land oUtrlghl to the county or to .i.u. tt.
city otfidals. wbt·want the devehpnent -"Qarifted" it& PoaiUon on another
at Newport <:ader, ml ll .,paet Colla eight 'acres for building purposes;
111 ... ~. who -led to the Fairgrounds directors, aoid Lutjeans,
county the fairgrounds location proposal. prefer to lease the land, 'rither than sell
Allred Lutjeans, fairgrounds general it to the , county over a IO . to 15-year
ll)lnq:er, said this morning hi.s bpa.rd period, as. previously-and, he indicated,
his: ' errooeoosly, -undentood.
-WUhdrawn an offer to provide free .to Lutjeam insisted that the board's
the county an easement for a five-acre present views on the means of county ac-
parking aite to serve the court complex. quisitlon of the eight-.acre building site do
Tbe board -now wanta eitba: to--aell the not rtpregent any backtracking. •
• . .
"We just clorUled the record,'" Ile ,.id. the county dellm to oblaln Ulle lo 1!f
The board, whlcb met on the Issue late land throlc' a 10' to 15-yea leue op.
last Tbunday-Digbt,.agreed unantmously tion.11
lhat it never had favored, acquil,ition .oI _ :.:w~t we provkied the, county, in~.
lhe land by the county through a lease:. worm," satdi>Lutjeans, "w11 a c~-Gf
option -o~ long-tenn purchase -ar· altemaU \lea. Our P'Of>o6al·' wu OOt
rangement. The. minutes of a jan. 16 J.J.injtecf"'to a 1ease opUOn. But tliat had
meeting bore th!J out, Lutjean said. been IOC!t light of, so the board TbW'Sday
At the Janu'ary fail'(l'OlllKis board niiht restated its preferen(e far .a lease
sessian, accot'ding'to LQ.tjeans, directors agreement" ,
detlaref:I that tne '!district prefers a lease AcUon by tbe , board on. that i&aue anct
to an outright sale, but acknowledges that the live-acre parklng easement -in el·
Moon Dead Ahead
Apollo Astronauts Get Good 'View
SPACE CENTER, Houstoo (AP) -
After 21 hours d. flighl, the Apollo 10
astronauts . aaw tfN!; moon for the first
time today and happily repm.d "u the
earth get.s· smaller. it IW't is nice to lee
where you are going." ·
Tf>e opaceobip Cll'l'Yirll Air Fcrce Col.
Thomaa P. Stallonl and NayY Cmdn.
Eugene Ceman and John Young wu
about 90 minutes shcrt of the halfway
point when St&fford yelled o'ul:
"Hey, wt finally got a good'view of the
moon ."
The ground, referring to the fact that
Ule moon is ooly a sliYer, replied "Roger.
Supreme Court .
Fraud LawSuits
W ASHillGTON (AP) -The SUpr1D1e
Coort made tt ....; today , • r ' slockhokie:rs to file d~e su.its agalnlt
corporation offidals dwiln£ fraud.
The ·way was cleared when the. court
ref Used to review a liber:al interpre~n
o( anUfrand provisions given Jast .. October
by the federal appeals'CO<Ji'l In New York
City. .
The ruling wu lhal <OrpOralion of.
fidals wo fi led false or misleading
slalem<IJls may be liable· for, damlleS,
eveo .wben there is ·DO trilen6a the
• ~ were made ~ alhicl !roding
on the market.
The :1-1 .dec)llon, an ~-al Uje
Texas Gulf Sulphur ''inaKter" cue, bared
the Applied Devices Corp., formerly
Befock 1ns1rwneo! <A;J., to ~e suiu
by stockholders. .
The stockholden, Charles Heit, Helen
Howard and Belly Volk, had made lheir purehases in 1965, at the time or· before
newspapers carried a statement J;iy the
New York compaliy that it,, auilitarii had
4'honfirmed lhe existence o f ir ·
'Ibe suits claim Belock'1 annuat·report
to stockOOlders. contained fa I s e ,
(See STOCKS, Page !)
:Nixon Plani:iing
San Clemente
Trip in August
Pres:Ulent Nilon said today be )Ilana to
be in San Clemente in August.
His comment, made to a gro(ip at·
tending an award Ceremony for two blind .
studeOls in Washington, D.C., came after
Wetb of speculation on when the First ·
F;unJJy·wUI first uae their newly-pur.chal-
ed summer White House, the Cotton
"I'm going to be OGt there l"""ugu>t."
the President said to 1 Los Angeles
member of the group.
Nixon, in effect was c0ofirmi111 an
earl~ report from Mrs. Nixon that she
and the President might be. in San
qmente In August for two "~ er a
roc:mth ,while Conares& la in recea.
C-plelion of the deal In buy the . nianaioo and fi\le sumimding ICl'tls oC
t!Mt CIQCH\D'll rancbland lldate for
I~-down and the balanoe of · t h e ~CXJO over a f19e year perlod w11 an.
~lallllloodly. ........ •
hvine Ranch World
• f ~~i:e,, at Meetjllg
~ il!ile • ~ on ''The Slx·Part
World of th< Irvine Randi" will be ti-..
to .....,.... of the Cameo C<amunlty
ill lDflUll meelillg II Nht tllnlPI 1t Ibo lrrint CoMl.COU..
PJJlliient Erwt i. ~Jr.
aald Olllom for ae.10,wln be 1n1roaucec1
t f I
that .;.ulng crucent'1 not vtry much but
glad you see iL"
"Yeah," said Stafford, "we can tee the
sunliJ!fil and allo we aclually can aee the. Addi-Apollo 7 . StorlOl, hf',4
other part of the moon in ea1h !hine."
Elar1ll ahfne is a rofleclion of !he earth's
light on the dart side of the moon.
Cerna.n's happiness at seeing their
destination was understandable. The
Apollo a crew in It! Yuletide trip did not
see the mooo until the !hip Wes orbiting
the< lunar surface.
Cf!M'1 Mrs. Ml!gfOd LoYI
Gnv.ernor Love's
. '\ . ' Moth er l)i:es .
Mn. Mildred Slaver Love, mother of
Colorado Governor John Love and a resi-
dent of Corona del Mar for the PQl 12
fears, died Saturday at the age of II.
Graveside Services will be conducted
Tuetday in Colorado S&Siflls.
Mrs. Love~ died ab the home-of her
daug)iler, Id<.. Virginia Momll, 315
Orchid Ave., after a ·1engthy illness. A
nalive of Indiana, she moved to Corona
de! 'Mar followfn1 the death of her luJ5.
Besides Gote1 oor Love and · her
daughter." Mn. Love is IUl"Vived by
anot.btr im,..Richltd of Colorado, and six
The family hu "'"'*" Iba! lriends wishlna to do .. ..., JilaU'm-1
... -to lhe . Allll!ljcan Clocet
Soc:ietl'. '
Attorney ~o Talk
On Law and Order . '
NEW )'Qllg (AP) -'l'1'e ltocl< -doaed w1lh a llbor1> .. today, U,-... ,
reporled profit takini weJiblnr it doWn.
(See quotallooo, Pa1es !IHI).
. .
Not f00& alter their report, the Apollo
10 crew was to perform the first mid·
space firing fl! their rock<! ftlilne -a
seven Rcood burst that· was ·to increase
their speed by 32 miles an hour. 'l1Je bum
was to enable them to croa the lunar
equa!<r on the same track tbal the Apollo
11 astronauts must follow to land on tti.e
mOOn In JWy.
Apollo 10 is a dress rehearsal for that
fligh~ lacking only the adual landing of
the spidery lunar lander. nit crew complained earlier t)at dull
thuds interrupted their nlg)1l's sloop and
(See APOU.O II, Pll' !)
Laird Urges
Early Release
Of Prison~rs
WASlllHGroN AP) -Seek el .
Dd• llAilr1n R. Lalnl calllll -
Hanol1 1CJCla1 1or PfOD1l!l release of all
American servicemen noW held in North
Vietnamese Priaon cam.pa.
Fantoc this, Lalnl aaid the Norlh V!d-
narnese g.V~ should at leul pro-'.
vide ~for · humane... trutme.nt for' the
several hundred · Americins . cwnatlr.:
~up Jo N"'1h v--''TIMI NGll!i --bi'Ve aatliieil
lhal, !hey Ire lrealfng our men ~ '
ly," the defeme chief aaid.' "I am
distresaed by the lac! that there is dear
evidence that thia ls not the case."
Laird said lbat by neit month mbrt ·
than 200 American servicemen will have
been listed eitbe~ u prlsonep_, of war or .
as missing in action for more than 3'ii!
~--"This period of time ls longer lhan any
U.S. serviceman was held prisbner during
World War 11," he ·1tated.
Laird told a new1 conference the Pen--
tagan "conUoues tO hope for meaningful
progress" toward the release of priaoous
as part of the Paris peace. talks, but he
offered no encouragement tha,t this would
come about soon.
Lainl demanded that North Vietnam at
least adhere to provisions of the Geneva
convenUon, which it has si111ed, which
would aUow :
-Release o( names of prisoners held .
-lmmedlaf< release of sick and
wounded pritoners.
Impartial il'lS}:N!ciiom of facilities for
p'risonera of war.
-Proper ~lrbeol of all prisoners,
all!! -Re1tllBJ· Dow of mall.
Laird's statement to newsmen was
followed by a lengthy briefing by other
~ciab on the priloner situation. They
lhe -b!formalloa bid been J><Oo
vided to . -Henry Clliot 4><1&t, lhe chi.I U.S. nocotlator In
• ... •, -· .. k , , •• • I .'' T-C.. .....
4;. ... : '~M.~~·l(&R$ IO•JEY 11(: .. ···*"BL MORRO CRASH r •• 1 · · ae.iy. of on. )lloifjii:i(lirft) Lio• on Einb1nkmont After •int Thrown From' Volilclt .•.
' . -• • J . •
-.. ~ .~ • j t ' Highest CoJ,trt ·!Jver·tur~~. Wot8t ' EI Morro ..
Leary's 'Pot' Co~vic~ion.· r
Dt.llY .... ,._
.-_1 Winner LHry '
. . . . . •
From ·W!re -,.
The U.S. .Supmne Court l·o d a; •
uhaniinouaty voled to a.ettum a -.f
conY!d!oti of Dr: 'l'ID\oth1 Leary for ·
wssesa:ion of marljaina 'becaute. ~
pllance with ' the Jaw Would literally
amount to aeH-fnc:rlmlnalloii:
Dr. Lw'y, 47, a ,aomettme reiidetrt of
Laguna Beach-where l]e·ancl bil fimlly
currenUy face a~ drug charges -
had been.sentenced to four to 30 yeaia in whole car was cliP.ped ia the other· buru:.
priton and giveft. a M0.000.fine. L--• ed ~er It upside dowri_. · ', 1
"Che not.cl l.5D eapOrtrn,.~ wu found , ,The , vfctlma • ...,., fdenUfled • by«tle
gitltty in Laredo, Tei.,. of illegally California Highway Patrol as:
lranaportlng marl]uilna ind"lilllrii! lO pay . -Rooa!d E. Diel\!!>, 39, of ~ ~
a JtQO.pe,r-ounce ·federal transfer tu. Ave., Li.rtJlll··BelCb. • --
Ha;ctq aown a aectslon .jcir the.first. -Rlcliard c. a.rt. 22,• ol City1of:1n-. u..,.-~,Lt~Fortas ~-. ' .-reafglled.Jaat ~ .,.· """'rt ·'!J&• .-&J"I' Hel>cNber, 11,"'f.Jan NuY!. aesied that ·or. L9ry would1 have iu~ -Mark Prettymu, 11.iof HoUywQOd.
jectid himself to aeH-inCr!mlnallon by .A fourth ypulbriding to \be~
paytog lhe tu. car driven by Clarke, Sam Prieto, j/,.o{
The aclioo· lodftY otriku down a .seclion Los Angel.,, Is In cr!llcal coodWnn ·l!idv
Ol'!!ie u.s Nar~ ... lrn~l!!l!!Stilllitd, ~t South Coa~ CoplmunllyJioap\ta! l!ith
whlc,h previously made possession or severe bead injuries.
nwijuana sufficient for assumption that ,Investigators said the 12:10 a.m. cruti
ii· WU Illegally imported and the DIJIY have been CSUled by Dlehm's fafllq
J>!)SSl!SIOr triow1 'tt. • <¥Jeep at the wheel ~ die ~· 'Leaq'• appeal atlacl!.ed· three· fed'eral ,..side curve of Pldflc Coul lflP....,.
laws tha&, wbUe not makina po11e1alon,of norUi of Lagtina Beath'. ' ' ~ · 1· ....,.
marijuana ;lllegal, still malte'superviJioo The aoulhbciunil 'v<hkle bounced oJf •
poosible lhroug)i lrnport'conln>la and tar· JP18"1rall, lfurlled · across fdir lanea al
aUon: traffic, canrned off .• dirt. em~ ,Julll°' John M. Harlan's aplillon In lhe and shot upalde down ·badi;·into·llte rood,,
J;eao-·cue thal preaumplloo of cr1)nloal !lillfng Clark's.car. c
involvement under lhe lbree Ian muat 1 "There was lllood ml lii'alns apolttred
be COD1fdered lmliooal and artlftrary. (See g, MOIWI, Pap I)
"He was confronted '4ritb ' 1• statute, . ,.'-------...,---....., which on i~· f_a<:e pmnitted · h1't to ac.
(See LEARY, Pap I) • o ......
·''Doctor's' ·Fate Weighed
. ' .
. ' ........ • ' ' Cloudy, loUY monlinp conlin .. ..
Brown Convicted; '}rulge Sets June 5 Se ntence Date
• .•
""*• == tt 1 h=·•··· tr •-•=•·••t •·•·••dt·c'a••t•'•d'd "*
to be the ordef of lhe day aloog
the coast, with,Tullda7'1 tempera.
lures ranging ._ Ill· lo 71.
' · INSmB TOD.4. Y
• ' ' • j •
: Wattr, uioicr tvcrvwMrc -
How it ocu thcr'c in the ptt· 1-.d cool. ci-atof< Is 11 ..
fu11<1lo• of !he MtlroPOlll••
·Waler Dillrlcl, (St1 Poa• 2~) • •• , = , I I =.. NiMft f\I
-"'!! .. _ -., c,_,. ,. ..,..,.. ,...,... " DMA ...,._ f _,..,.._ !t-Jf = 11 ...,,, ..,. ........ _.... ""' ,,._ .... I _P 1ii• 11 T......,_ ,."
...... 1•11 n.tlrl ......... 1•........, 4 .... ~ Tl ......... N " -· .
' I 7 I !
--... ..;.. , , , c.nm.ncllr Tom Stafford, C'9wmen Euttne Cernen and John Youne
., .::: .. . . ... . ' .. N~~~: St~mp H~gh Court Backtracks
Thief Makes O J T . l R z ·
82t;,IOO Haul . ver ury rm u ing
WASHINGTON (AP) -The Supreme And, a year ago Tueaday, Iha -i
Court backtracked -Monday on lta recent held the constitutional ri&ht to a Jury
npen~on. ~ the right of clUzens to be tri&l must be available In all "terioua"
tried by juries when accused t1f "aeriOUI crlmlnal cues on the state level.
crimes . .,
A H ruUn1 In a oeemlngly routJne cue
evoked aloomy wamlnp from ChJd
J..U.:. Earl· Wamn and the court'a
Hnior auociate justices, Hugo L. Black
ancl"Wllllam 0. Douglu.
'11-rulhic approved a three-year pro.
bailoa 1t11.tence liven an Qkl•hnml man
Ill a' federal tecurlti• case.
Brold]y, Warrtn uld, it ltandl ''&1 an
open "'"""''" to the courll to utJllze opP.reulvti practka."
The cue Involves Ben H. Frank of
Tula, who waa: sentenced to probltUon In
11191 for crtmtoal ccntempt. Frank, pow
78, had been accused of vlolattni a
pvei'Dment order against interstate Alu
o1 o11 iecuilu ...
He lllied for a jury lrlal bul waa tum.
eel down and waa lrled by a Judge.
Only lllree· yeara ago lhe court held
11ntencM flJCHldln& ab: moot.bl for
crtmlnaJ conlempl may nol be lmpoaed
by ledaral courll wllhout a jury trial or a
waiver of Ibo rtpl to IL
Neverthe1eu, a five-man majority
beaded by Justice Thur;nod Manhall
concluded the probaUon 1entence did not
fit in the "serious" category.
From P,..e J
mlsl .. dlng oc Inaccurate otatemeils,
artll!ctally lnll•lln& the market price of
Belock'1 common rtock and debentumi
and that officiala ahou1d have known or
knew about the alleged ovmtatementa.
Belock, i1I directors, aocountant and In-
vestment bani.er were named defendants.
Their •ttomel'•, appe11tn1 to lhe
Supreme Court, challenged the broaden·
inl ol wbal 11 lmowo u Rule 101>1 o/ lhe
Securltlt1 and Excbanp Comm!A!on.
The rule mUes U unlawful to commll
fraud 0 1n cOnnectlon with the purcbUe or
Ale d. any leCUtity."
From P,..e J
"Wllh the modern, publlcly held cor·
poration, whlch ls COflltant17, and cf
necetalty, publiahlng reporta and flnan.
clal atatemeou, II jg poaslblt In virtually
every, c~ of corporate roisconduct to
P>lnl to 10me. 1docum'ent Issued by the
corporation which was I n a c c u r a t e ,
misleading or whlch c o o t a i n e d
om1'Qons," they ~
LEARY ~·.;.
quire lhe dru& legally, provided he paid
the~~lu8fldpvt fnc~tfni infor!naUont'' Harlin Aki .
spealdnl for lhe couil.
"And simultaneously,". Harlan con-
tinued, "be .... """""'led wtui a oy!lem
of regulations which, according to the
fOVermntn~ prolllblled him from ac-
qulrhlg marijuana under any condlUom."
The jurist conUnued to say that Dr.
Leary had plenly of rea30ll to fear that
the lnfonnatlon would be given to local
lawmen if he admitted to the government
thal be had oblalned unreglat.ered pot.
'1'I1til would surely prove a algnlflcant
llnl: In a chain of evidence tending to
establlsb his guilt under the state marl·
juana laws," Harlan noted.
The former Huvard psychology pro-
feuor argued q:alnn hi.a 1986 convlctioa
on the lwls that ha could not pay Iha
federal tu without inc rlmln1tln1
Stanford Chases 200
STANFORD (AP) -About 200
demomtraton, some we.artn1 & 1 u z e
muU and helmets, were chased away
from the Stanford R.,.U<h ln!tltute 1<>·
day by squad! of eoUce who rushed to the
.cene in buses.
••it.rt N. w •• .i
Jee• t. C.tl.y
Yltl ,,.. ......... OtMr.r ---
1111-11 ic • ..,n ·-Tk•" A. Mtrpllll11t
Ml""""9 ldlttr J,,,..,, F. C•ll•~• ,.._, ltkfl
""' ldl!W ---2111 w .. t l11l111• l11w1, ... ,,4
M1illll1 .AMr•t11 P.u . ••• 1•11, 9?661
himself. ...
Tiit ortttcal ..,._ was baltd "' this
contention and thC!I Supreme Court said
toetay ~t it ,oould have been accepted.
at the lower ooart level.
. The ei«bt-man court noted that their
ruling la in line with deci!ions t1f their
la.I term lhal aelf.lncrlmlnatloo jg a
mnpletl deltf*S for failure tel pay a
ledenl tambllru! ....
SUsan Leary, re. was arre&ted with her
father in 19M at the Mexican border and
placed on probatlcin for her connectit1n
with the marijuana transportatit1n.
Dr. Leary, bis wile Rosemary and ton
John, 11, are currenUy facing charges of
pc:>uessloa of LSD and marijuana follow·
Ing their arrest late last Dectmber ln
Lal\IDI Beach.
Lear)''• teen..agecf son was also ar;.
rested earlier tn 1"8 on su.splclon 0£
being illlnalcated In public, alter a
hOU1ewtfe complalned of a auspicious
pel'90D on her front porch.
That cue wu later dismiued on rrom>d> that a front porch Is prtvate pn>-
perly, not a publlc place.
"To hold that lhia fact, standing alone,
makes the mlaconduct one "in connection
with lhe purc11.., or aale ol any aecurtty,
would turn every action for corporate
misconduct into a federa1 aecurlties fraud
The Court made no comment in
decllnina: to hear the case.
Pops Concert Set
Outdoors at CdM
Corona del Mar High School will
present u outdoor Po)>3 Conctrt In the
high achoo! Quad 1t 7:30 p.m. ThUf'ldaY.
Refreslunents wlll be aerved whlle
selecUonl from Brigadoon, West Side
Story, and other favorite. are IUD& by the
choral groups. Jazz arrangement! by
Count B.,it and Buddf Rich , will he
performed by lhe Stage Bind.
The concert jg open to lbe public.
Tlcbll coot 11.00.
Waman Dies of Injuries
From Newport Accident
Mary M. Laughlin, 70, a Lelrure World-
Laguna Hills resident severely Injured
last Wedneaday In a Newport Beach tral·
fk: crash, died S1turday night In Hoag
Mamorial Hoaptlal.
Mn. Wughlin, whose addreS! WI! 4t4C
Avtftida CytHla, lABuna Hills. tr as
hurt along wltta ber sister, Helen, 87, of
the same addra.I, when thelr car and
another collided at San Joaquin Hills and
Jambcno roadJ.
, Mrs. Mary Laughlln bad rracture.s cf
the pelvla and coUar bones, alon1 wllb In·
temaJ injuries. She had been under in·
tensive care at the hospital since the
afternoon crash.
Her alater Is recovering from a
&Jioulder fracture, hospital aldes aaJd .
The driver ol the other car, Sally Jean
Edwardl, 21 , of Santa An&. had only
miner' injuries and wu relea.!ed after
Mrs. Peek Released
From Spring~ Hospital
Mn. Mamette Pttk WU releued Frl-
dl)I from Palm Sprlnp Desert Hoapttal
when abe hid been rtcover1ng from a
buUtt. wound in tht abdomen since May s.
InveaU&atora uld the cruh "wu one
ol lhooe D1l'llely ltft·lums lltualiO!ll
when aomeone. ran throulh a nd llaht..
and It will be dUflcuK to determine which
drlVtt aclually did IL"
The lnteraocUoo II equlPll'cl with lell
turn u,t>ta and tral!lc poekots.
Ap~llo IO Vital Sho~
' .. ' .
M~~n lmp~rt~nt to Jfoo.n Lt;iJi4ing Tr.y.1
-tori . mn1tlbllll• ...... 10.JW •• ~ ..... to --··ii• Illa ..... laMar:
srw: c;eN"1111. uousi.n <uro -~W. ~ .:%4 the m1i COllld st ,. _ -~ :-i:a~=r: ~
Space h!Jtortam of the future may m,.. the moon. Aflollo I, just two meothl .... ......io (LM) "'"tO !ind eacli --11
tloo Apollo 14 oolY In passing. They may showed the lwiar landae, .. trallJo, 111 N•h•mm -fl alloul •1ftll,.. · ·
not mention It at all. a1moat lnaect-lookltlf craft, wwlied u -l'toYldlnl -tn1;rmaii.
But Apollo 10 and the three m.I. fi)'ing acmrtlaed la-. .._:Jht ftttun -rlcoti -...... -
It are 11 much a part ol the lint Why 'lbon, -will 1111, l1y -;~!ht~~~: ...i Amertcan moon landing,._ the men who m--beln lllO landllll-Apille 10 ...._ u-, ... ,....., •
may wal~ !bat bamo aurlaoa July J). , l~~lt'+J -~-ad ~ • 1!!'lncJ·•i..,llla Apollo 11 mi.i.
1 Wltboul Apollo 10 and . Aa""""uta • ••·---~1 'l1lomas P. SUflord, Eu.,. A. Ceman # .; ' .
and John W. Young, the IMOl1 lending . ' 'r · ' ' ·
woold be riskier and mlthl not even be Suspee•-,._,_.:_ _ _. ·
posslble as soon as planntd. _ ae ~~
Apollo lO's mis&lon, just as earlier 1 -• , • .e , •
Mercwy, Gemini and Apollo fllll>ls, II to ~::~~·=..edg:1of~:~"1s~ Com. plaints Agaimt ·11 check aorne probltml earlier l))lcetntn
dilcovered -probltm1 whlch must be
anawered or at least understood . before i~·;'!i 1:1 :.:~~:. s;a~ In N arco Raid Sought
Today the ut!Wllull couted toward
the mooo, achedullnl only a brief rocket
firing to put ther:n on the exact coune
Apollo 11 will take when it :starta ita:
moon-landing journey. '
stafford, Cernan and Youn~ blasted off
from Cape Kennedy Sunday m one of the
almost flawless Jauochtl that hive bk9o
ed the cumot pbAltl ol the · ApoUo Pl""
They followed America'• tint moon
mission -the Christmas voyage of
Apollo II -and they led the way for
Apollo II, lhe ulllmate goal ol the
Fr-P .. e J
APOLLO 10 •••
that chlorine In lhe wa1a< waa bumlni
their mouths.
The ulrollauu, •lowed by the fldlng
pull of earth's gravtty to 3,675 miles per
hour in 24 hours, crossed the 12&,9.f?·mlle
halfway mark to the moon shortly after
noon PDT.
A few minutes later, a lhort burst from
the shlp'ii main rocket engine nudpd
Apollo 10 onto the precise path Apollo 11
will follow when it heads toward man's
first landing oo the moon in July.
The goal of Apollo 10 la W ck!ar up as
many t1f the remaining unctrtainUl!I
about moon fllll>l a1 ~hie to pave the
way for the historic moon landing. Apollo
lO 's risltlest test com• Thursday when
Stalford and Ceman Dy their lunar
lander 0 Soo0py" away from Yoana fn tbl
command module "Charlie Brown" and
swoop only 50,000 feet above tbt forbid-
ding lunar surface.
The complete Apollo 10 spaceship,
resembling a bullet with a apide.r sitting
on ita DOie, w11 worklbg eo well that its
pilota· had nothing man ta """Y about
loday than lhe biller lute ol their heavi-
ly chlorinated water and the-annoytns
lhuds ol conlrol rocket llrtop.
Elctpt for their.course adjUlbnent and
more of the opeclacular color telecuta
they atqed ahorUy alter launch Sunday,
Ute veteran spacemen had an uay
schedule witu they brake Into lunar orbit
They listened to the momlna new a
broadcaat up from the M.lslloo Control
Center and then turned the tablea and pul
on their own show, beaming back the
"Up, Up and Away 11 rendJUon recorded
by Andy WUllaml.
"Listen, you l'JYI were '° good to U1
with the news this mornins we thought
we'd give you some dlsc jockey wort
from here," Ceman told ground com·
munlcator Charles Duke.
"Thil I! Tom and John on the tultar
and lhe three of us 11inging," Ceman
quipped. "We had a lllUe lrouble llQwlng
the bus drunt aboard but otherwisl! wl
were OK."
"Hey, that waa beauWul," Dute
replled "Somebody's voice is cbanainl:
thoueh. t1r either you stowed 10t11ebody
away up there. 11
"The VFR (voice frequency ranging)
makes your voice a littlt hl&f>tr,
Charlie,., Stafford said.
St.afford reported earlier that the
spacemen had "a great night'1 aleep"
after thtlr action-filled launch day. He
sald "all of w feel tremendous thla mcrn-
The pllots were awakened durln& their
first slee11 period aboard the 47-ton sp1ce
machine by a "kind of boom·rum-rum-
rum-run1" produced by the niutar
bta!ts of their small lOl).pound attltude
rocke~. which comro1 the apacecraft11
poo!Uon in apace,
Quelllon1nc ol IUIJ>OCla -In •
115,000 dru& and atolenlOod> raid at •
Hessian motorcycle club ecmanme In
Coata Mesa la.I Thunday con._ lo-.
day, whlla police aeek complalnta qalml
11 peraou. •t • ~
several (If the 1even men and four
women · arr'!led at 28$3 Santa Ana Ave., ·
where LSD, marijuana, co u n t er ft I t
travelen check! and othtr Items were
conllacated have been lreod on bail.
"We've come up wilh a rtolen Corvette
Mw too that we're checking out," tatd
51!. Jack Calnon, ol the Costa M ...
police vice and lntelll1enqe delail.
The raid occurred "' Ibo apur<>f·lht-
moment 'lburlday afternocrt when lilte
undettover DIJ'COtica aaenta were ,at..
templl!iti a ll,000 LSD purcbue.
Cliar.., anlnlt 10 ll'nlted there and
on. man tilin Into C1l8tody at another
addrea nnae from swi•e11ioa fi cf...-. drup for aale, uaault with a
deadlJI ·-and~ ollltqlmy. AD·lttlllalllt~wu-al
lht rambling old houle, llome fer a
handM o/ Iha ~. lbalt can,.
motGreycles and an -tof,c!Op. ,
One ol the """""''Greg £. ~
JI, II chafled with-with a~
W-afttr aBeredl1 leveUni I lholcun
at llWmen who~ IWI room.·
Tho cc.nplete amal rooter lollowlng I
--th probe o1 ·..uv1u .. al lllOI ad·
drua lncluda U-peop1.,
Gary A. Run1er, 13, Ray W. Brown, 15.,
Gl'tl E. Elahlre, 13, Slierry L. llodwellfr, ·
21, Ykkl D. Rainio, II, and Kathryn E.
Muaack, JI, llCCOl'diJll to 11ata apnt&.
Othan arrelled lncJilde Thomaa R.
Nlel>ur, :a. ol 151 Walnlll St., Newport
-· William E. Radnller, :a, of 1101 C..,,.. Drtva, Coata Mau, Llttda s.
Markham, 21; of 1311 Elden Ava., ~
Meaa, Plllllp Aliano, a, o145111-.
Drtve, Newport Beach and MlcbuJ D.
Van Noonlen, JI, ol San D1mu.
f'1'0ltl r .. e J
the county bad obtained tiUe "in a decade
or so."
~ ~~i::=""'-% ~
not bell-to have Ibo -fllnda.
Lutjeu --thal • npmt to couolJ _...... lrom couolJ aldeo
recently fndJcated f.....-· cUr9cton
''greeted -~thulium''. fJl'OPOll( to glva the COWlly the fivHCl'I pai1dnc
~ "That," Aid Lutjeam, ''w•
simply an incorrect evaluation. We'rf nae
lnterflllted In doJnS that." •·
'fl1' lalrlt'ol!nds;:~ aald, muat'by,la11
do eveeythlni It c1111o gel the moel value
-hence revenue -from Its holdinp.
There would be no advantqe to tht
falrgroundl In aUowinJ the county to
build courthouae parkln1 ladllllel "' the fivwcre 1ite1 even if the falrlf'OUD(\I had
the rllht to than IL
"lt would be too Irr nay from moot ol
our acUvlU.. to do"' any anod," he aa!d.
The propoaed lalqrounda court Itta II
on Fair om. Juol -ol Ooata M .. Hiib ·School Drlva and near the Colla
M.,. Civic Center. It Is one ol two lltaa
being conalilered by the county.
The other alte, offered by the clly of
Newport Beach, 11 localed al Newport
Center. ·
Development theft 'ltOU1d be In C(ln.
junction with a Newport civic center
complex. Parking, lanclacaping and
maintenance faclUtlee would be abated.
Newport olllclail aay -of Iha
shared faclliUes, tbe county would need
to purchase lea than five acrt1 for a JS.
court developmeot. Coat of the land,
however, woukl be about double what tbe
fairgrounds Ille would be per ..... Irvine
Company olftdal1 ..U...ta the Newport
site COit at about $90,000 an acre. Th•
fairgrounds property baa been teotaUvely
appraised at '40,000 an acre.
County IUJ)OrVilon wUl take up Iha
courthouae alte quetllon Tueaday. Tho
"clarlllcaUon" -or revi&ion -of tht
fairgrounds'. board's offer tonliderably brlahtaM Newport'a hopes, according lo
Mayor Doreen Manhail
"lt cerlalnly would appear that wa'ra
In a better poolUon to make the properly
available to Iha counly and can do oo lm-
midlltl)y, 1t our COil," ahe uid.
She a.Id II la unlikely the counly would
choooe 'to spend money building a
courlhonaa complex 11 the falrpoundl en ,
a flfOWllf le ... haall.
0oata Mera Piaonlnl Director Wllliam...
Dunn aald he WU --the falrll'(>Unds' botrd poUtion. ' ' La I t
February," he aald, "they propoeed by
resolution tel offer the county the land OD
· a le-..pllon hula."
ff• 11kl u far u he ia concerned. the" latest development in the complicated ·'
Juue "mean• we've jUlt sot to back ta
work and flnd out just whai tbe
fairJroundl board doea mun."
He added, however:
"W• can'I keep delaying lhfa lltlnJ
loraver. A decilloo baa to be mode
eooner or later."
The prOMiil -facility la
cr&n)pad -I ClllHCnl alta near !Ith Street and Newport lloulevanl. There 11
no room for -npa-.
Not Much Choice
Offered in OCC •
Student Election
The number ol candldataa In a student
(OVmunent alactlon-11 al an all·llme low
at Oranre Cout Collqe.
Fourteen candldataa are nmnlJt& for II
poets to be decided In vo11nc Wadnloda,
and Thuraday.
The only lhinl to be -" -Vic Adam~ JI, or Howard Wnod, II, will
be lludenl body prtlldenl -fall.
Runn1nc without oppoalUon and •ISUred ol election are U others .
By contrut, UC Irvine 1tudtnt. had to
decide between 14 candldatta In a ltudtnl
election Jan week.
With a dectatoq ltUI to be made at the
top. the rut of the atuclenl &Ov•rnment
I-II OOC DUI 100r _....,.ry will loot lib lhfa,
-Tom Hubble, vie. prtaldent.
-Beryl Kuer, -.led men's pru;.
-Barllrra Bym. uaoctated wamen•1 ~
_.tudent -ton Sam Wamn, Lao
Kubenld, Jim Snedalllr, Wamn Conde
I>. M. Da-. Alm YOUlll, Rlchatd -. Thtl7 1'1,_ .., IAll waroon.
F .......... 1
EL MORRO •.• ...
ltlO Jarda up to the top ol Iha dlll," Rid
-llnmaa called lo Iha ..... lo balp
cul bedlaa from the lanlltd otaal with a nldl!Wtord!.
The -vtettma 1n Iha Clm.-..,.· •
dlod ahneol ~ """' -lnNt1oo -ad when lhe -car cavad lo the
roof of their northbomid -· Ono body wa1 Jett maahed qalnlt the
bank by the craah, whk11 waa not wl~
-bJ' -at the lnllaat " -cumd, lnffltl&1tors aald.
Grtm4acad nacua worlcers al tha
scene ¥OWld • new ca.mpaJin to set a
-mulmum 11-mlleo-ptr-bour 1peod limit
at the well·tftowo llao&bt&r ~trip ot rooc!Wq.
The Hunlln;ton Jlt•ch aocl.alJle and
owner of tM Peek C'olonial 1'uner1l Home
ln Westminster wu ahot two weeks ago
today when 1n appa rently angry mU1lc
pn>leaor enlered h e t Palm Sprlnp
apartmeo~ lhol her and tbon killed
Top of leHnd C.r In Which l]lroa Dlld Shaar• Off by L1fjUnan'1 Hur!U"I Vohldo
IT llerro CtJm llU ta1rto scor.. ot u.. -the ,...., daplll aflorta lo mm It llllr th"""1I rd!-. llld
--.. wall 11 wamtnc llpa . • -..
r I
' ' ----~~~~~-----------------------------------
. . . . . ,. ...... --··· \ .·.-;;. ;;.-:-. ---=-.=·~· -,o:.:-;-.,,_.,.,..,,,.-,._.,,,..,,....---~~~-------~----------------------
' •
• •
lec t s Debutantes Le ~gue Se .,.,
BEA ANDERSON, Edttor ~w. Mn 1r. IHt M ·P ... 1i
Tocether for the first Ume as 1969 National Charity
League debutantes are 10 young women who, be-
cawe of past service and accomplishments have
been selected by the Newport Chapter for this honor.
Introduced during the traditional announcement tea
are (above, left to right) the Misses Barbara Louise
Woolsey, Kristine Laun, Emmylou Duyan, Carol
Jean Rosenast and Robynn Alberta Newton who
eagerly anticipate the social whirl which wlll pre-
cede their formal presentation lo society Nov. 29 in
the Newporter' Inn. Leernlng about appropri\lt• ball
gowns and bow to execute a St. James bow are (at righ~ left to right). the Misses Diane Frizzelle, Janis
Linden Caldwell and Susan Barneson. D,emonstrat-
ing the bow are pool debutantes, Miss Sbaron Has-
kell (left) and MiH Kathleen Anne Smith. Debu-tantes rece;ved the 'Instruction and the customary
medallions during the tea yesterday in the Irvine
TerraCe home of Mrs. Edmund Colliver Pratt.
• NaUonal Cbarlty Leaaue, Newport.Chapter rev..iecl ;,
the names of ·debatantes Hlecled for teee and honored
the y<iung women during Ille tradlUonal announcement
tea yesterday In the lrvlqe Terrace home of Mrs. Ed·t
mund Colliver Pratt.
Presentees, who will make their formal bow
IQciety Nov. 29 in the Newporter Inn, and their parenla
are Miss Susan Barneson. Mrs. John Max Rau IDd
Robert LesUe Barneson ; Miss Janis Linden CaldweU,.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Linden Caldwell; Miss Stephanie
Culler, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm CoUer ; Miss Ernmykfu.
Duyan, Mr. and Mrs: Peter Duyan Jr., and 1.-fisa D14h"'
Frizzelle, Dr. and Mrs. Nolan Frizzelle. • Others are Miss Kristine Laun, Mr. and Mn. John
Leon Laun Jr.; Miss Robynn i\lberta Newton, Mr. ~d
1'frs. George E. Newton ; Miss Carol Jean Rosenast, ?yt:r.
and M_rs. Robert S. Rosenast: Miss Rhonda Dianne
Vogel, Mr. and Mrs. Halls W. Vogel, and Miss Barbera
Louise Woolsey, Mr.· and Mrs. Roy B. Woolsey.
A highlight of the afte'rnoon wa s the ceremony in
which each debut.ante received a peari and gold medal·
lion froln her mother in recognition of her first six years
of philanthropic achievement in the Ticktocker organi·
The ball is a milestone for these young \vomen who
will continue in Ute group through college and may then
become members of the National Charity League
The league Supports the John' Tracy Clinic and
maintains the John Tracy Clinic · Demonstration Hom,e
and Nursery School in Costa Mesa. Ticktockers are
a ctive in many programs such as Candystripers and
Head Start.
In the receiving line were the Mmes. Earl S. Olrich,
iJnmediate past president of the chapter: Edward L.
Corlett, newly instaUed president; Caldwell, ball dire~
tor, and Lynn William Kloepfer, national board presi-
During Uie afternoon, post debut.antes modeled their
gowns showing appropriate attire and they demonstrat ..
ed the St. James bow which 1969 debutanteS will exe-
cute when they are presented to society.
Serving on Mrs. Caldwell's committee are the
Mmes. Herbert John Meany, James Richard White1 E.
Terrance Moran, Richard Walter Smith, John Hallam
Hiestand, Paul Williams, Russell Reed Langenbeck,
?.1elvin Daniel Kilmer lll, Lisso Stewart Mims, Richard
Curtis Rawlings, Lee Paxton Jordan Jr., \Vahlers Olan ..
der, Donald Eugene Neptune, Dan Eugene Bayless. Jack
Keith Samuels and Duyan. '
Between the announcerueilt tea a nd the ball. debu·
tantes and their parents will be invol ved in ri u1nerous
Alre.ady Circied on the calendar are the dates of
May 28 when an orientation supper will be given in the
Moran home; Oct. 8, mothers' coffee in the ·home of
Mrs. Kilmer 111 ; Nov. 9, parents' party in the home of
·Mrs. Smith, and Nov. 28, debutante .preball party.
Private parties also wlll dot the calendar as debu~
•tantes' parents prepare to entertain in honor of their 1daughters. .
' '( "t ~
Favoring the Carpet Lan ·ds Her Straight • the D9g House -~ DEAR ANN LANDERS: Your sdvk:e to
\Sid !:ya made my 10.JUl'-ald cry, How
-Y"' be .. hwtloll .. to -est ~t ''Sweetie/' a 9-ytar-old dog who had
-• l1mily pol since flllPpYhood~ be Jimt away. Just becallie a dog ruinl a ~ carpdl Is no ticme to break a
ehlld's heart. And do you know what thlt
!'(IUJd do to Sweetie? He would 1Urely die if lonelinHS •. Please' change your advice
Wore you are deluged with letters from Jl'Ollle who will take yow-hide oll.
DEAR WY: 11'1 too tale. Tiie •hip
... ·-· """ lM ......... '" aplPt melltlol.Rood•:
DEAR ANN: Ywr sdvlce thsl an In-
door dos be pen to a farmer I! typical
of the dumb thingJ city people come up
with. Fanners already are overrun wlth
dog owner• who don't know the first Oitng
about animlls.
I disagree that a t-year-old dog c1nnot
be houoebroken. Perhaps nol in hit
customary tum>Wldlno, but I'll bet ii
they build a dog house and enforce some
new rules, Sweetie ·could be taught to
mind hit manntra.
-MRS. G. H. 0 .
DEAR ANN LANDERS: 1 am tt years
old. J •ave a dq. W-. N wftl on my
motllr.r'1 C8r'Ptl l l.Ue IOlbe ptper towels
ud blot K 1p. I 11e OJ1 llOI. nta I pour
wht\e 'fl1e1ar • UM: spot 11 Oxes
ev"Y1khl1 .
DEAR ANN: OUr family rel-to
believe thlt you· ·COl'llkler wall-to-wall
carpelliic more important than a child'•
love for his dog. We haYe~tique oriental
. ru~· In !"IT lior!ie ~"" the '1>!>ll m8ft 1>y> our nervpus little poodle and our lazy
golden retriever. have added cbarac.ter to
these priceless floor coverlngs. Shame on
you, Ann,
DEAR ANN: Your 1•1gedlon &bat •
itog wH h1 beee a ltouse pet '°' nine
years be gtveo to • rarmer w11 not •
bttm1ne IOlaU... To 11lc 111 aged dog 10
Id.jut to new people ud a ntw en·
viroltmtnt 11 nrtQOftlMe, It wOlkl be
l:IUICll bet&er for tbt dot lf ~tr put llfm
.. 11etp.
-M. Y. OF WIWAMSPORT over and tH aest time I 1et 1 leUer .... .
DEAR ANN LANDERS: Are-you on Ing hr sd.ice -.... no ...... ..
vacation? Please Come back. l can't couatt 1ffP1e wH .. " dip. Rqs J
helleve~f'l'l eave that stupid answer. So know aometblng 1boat1 but I._ ..
the dog did a rew thtnp on the n.1g. So 11t\erlty • dop 1rHf my an.wer proved
what! The noUon that I! 15 perfectly OK it. 1
to get rid or anylhlng lhat presents a
challenae bi exacUy what's wrong with h1 alcoholism a disease? How can lltl
society today. IC you don't like school you alcoholic be treated? Is there a curt:?
~P oot. tr you don't like m~arr!ag~ you Read the botlklet '' Alcoholl!m -Hope
bust it up. If you don't like a )<lb you quit. and Help," by Ann Land<rs. Enc1-31
And now Ann Landers comes along and cents In coin Wilh y0\11' request. and a
.. ys 11 you can'I hoosebrtak YOll' mull king, itamped, seU·addr-•velope.
give him to 1 farmer . Think it over, Ann Landera will be glld to help you
Toots. -.... nh )'GUr pnlbltml. Stnll them to lllr II
-WINNIPEG care CJ! the DAILY Plwr, ---'• DEAR WINNIE: I llAW i11NP1 11 stsmpsd,.seU-oddresoed en•llopo.
f. l· );
·~·~ ~: .. • • ii;'! "TH IS IS SCOUTING -Getting better acquainted with Girl Scouting are (left
• to right) Mrs. Sophie Gendel of Fullerton and Mr. and Mrs. John B. Parker of
~ Corona del Mar, membe.rs of Los Compadres committee of "godparents" to
.,· ; 1 Girl Scout Council of Orange. Coonty.-Commitlee members and Scouts dined to-t ðer in Santa Ana's SaddlebaCk Jpn .. ~ ~ <. ,. .. ..
~·· .. '· ... ,. ;:: .. ..
. ..
. .. .. •• ,.
•• .. .. . . · .. . :·
July Nuptl1l1
Los ·Compadre s
Committee Members
Learn About Scouting
·(Members of Los Compadres,
advbory committee to the Girl
ScWt Council of Orange Coun-
ty, , went out to dinner wtlh
their-"charges" in Santa
Ana's Saddleback IM and
found out w~at Girl Scoutl.ng
.. all lboul .
Alter"'aurice Glldman, Los
Compadre5cbairman, ln-
troduced , the group's newly
fonned executive committee,
the Girl Scouts took over and
presented a program Of song,
dance and mime .
Mesa, neighborhood chairman,
and Mrs. Henry Manz, troop
leader, of Newport Beach,
talked about the dedication to
community service and good
citizenship characteristics of
Girl Scouts and the program
was concluded with a progress
report on the Girl Scout cam-
ping program.
High · Sclioo1 Seniors
:.zontian s Select
· Girls --of~month
'Ille Zado Club ot ?jewport
-lldl.-hbononone -Fl from each of the
~ lllll> scbOols ..
the Zonia Girl.of-month.
. '!'lie llO!ection II based upon
leldenblp. cltlzenahlp, ICbolanblp and service to ber
ochool. At the end ol the
• sebool year, the Zonia girls
-the ... they feel the moot qualllled to be named
the Zonia Glrl.of·lhe-year for
1belr lld>ool ud the ndpleot
of a l50 savings bond.
Mlss Oebble Mqenlhaler,
doughier of Mn. Leo Gogerty
of NewP>rt Beach, currtnUy is
executive council oUi~r, stu·
dept congress representative
and a tutor at Franklin School
in Santa Ana.
Last year she we Spanilh
Club n1"Hlident, Girls' League
historfU.-American F i e I d
Service meinber and a Can·
dyJtriper at Hoag Memorial
Hoepital, Presbyterian .
The 12th grader plans to at-
tend Callf<nia State College
at Long Beach and become an
elementary school teacher .
year's homecoming prlnce&s,
commlaalooer of affairs and
welfare, senlot cla.ss secretary
and concert choir member.
Named four years to the
honor roll, Miss Goslln has
r<eelved the Rotary G~l-of·
the-year award, E s t a n c I a
Jeweled E and I. E. Moore
The daughter of Mrs. Larry
Shertzer ol Costa Mesa bas
been active as junior class
vice prtSlden~ a cbeerleoder,
vice presldeet of t h e
sophomore · class · and vice
president o( tbe Pep • Club.
Other -acuvllies Included the
fresbmao clau councll, G~b
Athletic Aslociatlon and var·
sity swim team.
The coed will attend the
Univenlty of. California, Santa
Barbara and study sociology:
'nle fourth winner or the
Zonta award, Miss Amy Dye
also plans to enter the elemen-
tary edutatlon field. After
Orange Coast College she will
enroll at San Diego State Col·
lege or UCSB.
The daughter of M r s .
D•bble Mergenthaler
Ginger AlbN
COSTA MESA Virginia Dye of Corona del CDM HIGH Mar is a cheerleader, ESTANCIA
Probl ems
Resolv ed
N.,...l topplnc !or rqular lencth atoctlnp: 1111 loop.Iii.
~all-new ....... 111111
fim that mates wlth evfl1
type of foundation prmenl
wilhout 1arters. nae feature
ol 11111 olockin(: knltlln& of
special )oops Into the top ind Uae replacement o { con-
ventional prten with" nat clup, .
1 n, developmeot a o,l v es
the lllllirli problem of lbe too
short ltocklnc, garter bump
ud prter ppo. 'l1>e new stoc••nr canes In 14 colon.
Gloomy Gus Te lls It
As You See ii
by the area's
AlSO thinking of an elemen·
tary teaching caret.r is Miss
Ginger Albee, daughter of
Mrs. John Nuzum of Costa
yearbook staff member and Lonni Goslin Amy Dye
president of the Pep Squad. --==---'---'--------'-.....C.----11
Mesa. •
The former volunteer
worker at Fairview State
Hospital is senior class vice
president and was junior class
se.cretary. In the future she
plans to tra\>el.
Mias IAmn1 Goslin ls this
She formerly was a
song leader, drill team •nd
AFS member.
The ptes.ident ol Lauriers,
auxiliary to the Junior
Women's Club of Costa Mesa,
is in the senior honor society,
was named Most Spirited
Senior Girl and Glrl-0!-the·
League Cha rts Monthly Trek
Laguna Beach is putting lhe
wheels in motion for anolher
monthly bus trip -this time
to Ojai Valley -Wednesday,
May 2.8. • ,
Luncheon, shopping a n d
·sight.seeing are all included iD
lhe itinerary, according to
Mrs. Willl!ton Bradway, pr~
jects chainnan. She is assisted
by Mrs. C.R. Beck Jr.
The bWI trips are one of the
league's project! which fall
under its Operation
Friendliness program .
For Rites
Orange Coast resident•
serving on the committee are
UCI Chancellor Daniel G.
A1drich J r . , Assemblyman
Robert Badham, John Lawson,
John Md.eod, 0. W. Hichard,
Howard K. Smith, ·Mrs.
Newman Watson and Robert
Sagittarius: Be Perceptive YOUR CHILD
.· Will LEARN
• '
' •
• I • • . • •
• -..
.. .. .. -.. ••
Lab Arrowhead In July will
be 1111 .wnc for the weddin1
al Clrollno Abbott al Manha!·
tan -ud Rk:hml c. Dovld of Newport Beldl. Tbeir .,,, WU U-
-by ~Gcvw of P-dena •llDll C. B. Abbott
of Puodena, .,..-of the
future bride. Mr. ud Mn. E.
W. Hooletter of Newport
Buch ""' llepl1tber ud mother of the br:tdqroom-
Mils Abbott 1Utnded the
Univenity al Arlm>a where
abe mojored In tine orll ud ..
a graduate r:4. Yuma IDlb
School Her fiaDce WU a P'hi
Delta Theta 11 1111 olml
mater, UofA. and studied
Pmenily he .. Ill 1vlllion
o!ficcr cand!dlte underaolnl
Na 'JI pilot tnlnlnc ·a t
Pemacola .
GOP Gala
Challenae Year 1970 will
theme the 8DDUll gala fund~
raising dinner of the Orange
Clounty Republican Central
Commiu.e Thunday, May 22,
1n the Anaheim Convention
Gov. Ronald Re~ will ad·
dress the group during the
, • I UIO per plate affllr which II
-_. ~I planned by M r s .
Barbar• -ol C-Oota Mesa, president of Federated
Republican Womon of Or1111e
COUnty, Mn. Georp Dellhan-
17 of Fullert.n ud a com-,
·' -·
' . ~
mittee of Republican women.
Design er Du e
Appearing in Robinson's,
Fubion l s I fl n d , Thursday,
May =; wlU bt Sergio, make-
; " up deatgner for Eve of Roms.
· ' 1be noted designer has
designed make-up (or movie
.. . " •'
• stan, halite couture models
• • and fubion ma1ulnes in
JIGme, llollywood ind New
Yock. . . .
By SYDNEY OMARR · N. Weed al Newport Beach; J°"""' J, ~. Fountain Valley; Selim S. Franklin, ARIES (March 2l·April 19):
ec.ta Mesa. and Mr. and Mn. Aceftlt olibow \::'epare, on
John B. Parker, Conma del research and ledge. No
Mar Mrs. W,atson senes on d?Y for ihort cuts. Stick to the
the Uecutive coouni1ta. rill.~-Spotlight on domestic
Mn. T. E. Hunter, Coeta '!Eissues, family affairs. Get suf. ~:!·(April 20-May 20): ~~ separating facts from,f1n'~Maoy ideas today
Futvr• Brld•
News Told
At Party
After celebrating the birth·
day of Wanda Jean Anderson
of Costa Mtsa, close family
members gatbettd in the
home of her parents, the Addis
B. Andmonl of Cosia Mes.a,
learned of her engqe-
ment to Dennis E d w a r d
Watson o( Santa Ana .
Miss Ander s on is a
graduate of Estancia High
School and attends Orange
Coast College.
Her fiance, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank E. Watson of San·
ta Ana, is a graduate of Santa
Ana Valley High School and is
student at Santa Ana College,
'Ibt couple have selected a
~b<r ftdding dale.
nlay 'not practical. Short
trip ~ on agenda. Keep
a~ tatch up on let-
. tei writiifc. RllaUve needs en·
GEMINI (May 21-June 20):
You can add to pouwions
through genuine b a r g a i n .
Older Individual utilizes ex·
perienct to aid. Be a good
listener, s~d obse:nru. Day
features gajn.
CANCER (JWle 21.July 22),
tor l!TTEI CAll'm"
l!tlone SH-VA L 847-1678
Greater recognition ol efforts
due. You are rewarded in
solid, material senae. Put
fmilblng-. on lmPortant
project. Buy some clothes.
Dress.for" the part or success.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22):
Much that was hidden comes
into open. Be frank, forthright
Ind lndepencjent. One behind
the scenes cbanges aUitude -
In your favor. Know this· and
VIllGO (Aug. ~pl. 22):
Friend provides information of
value. Spotlight on tranafonn-
ing dreams to rea l ities.
Socialize. Look and listen -
then you also learn. Accept
unique invitation.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22)'
Special emphasis today on
career, ambitiorul, prestige.
Key is versatility. You expand
operations. Find ways of
streamlining methods, pro·
cedures. You can add to In-
11 F1shion 1slend
Newport Be•ch -644. f 310
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): past. Much accomplished to-= 1~ ass:!!:>'~ day if you keep on even keel. JO SWIM AT
SUck to the tried-and-true. ::;v~or~. Y~~ef~ PISCD (Feb.19-M1rch 2rJ): BLUE BUOY
yourself. 'Iben you a Is o Favorable lunar aspect today.
receive love. Key is to break coincides with grtater chance ... _.. s. Win Y•ir
down barriers of restriction. for creative expregion. Fine AMMI• ....... l1JOll4,
SAGmARIUS (Mov. -zi. · ior putting ideas t~{Worlc. YOu ,_,......, T...,...
Dec. 21): Mooey trmlacUoo ls can write, transact business 546 1800
malh11 j
211-D ._ 17rll SrrMt
COSTA MIU. succeutul H you read betw:een and deal successfully with top •
the lines. CJJect fine print. ~peo~p .... le:_. _____ ....::========-~~~~~~~~ Don't siJn away IOIMthlng fort-1
-.,,, U percoplive, a con-
structive change brightens
money picture.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
19): GaJn cooperation from ·
family. Without that, value of
efforts is diminished. Know
this and act accordingly. Mar-
riage discussion appears high
on agenda .
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18): Practical approach i! bet·
ter than any get-rich-quick
scheme. Rely upon persons
who proved dependable In
J -
AT 15.00: H0-5ET CUT, 5 .00. BEAUTY SALONS,
Y•ur Cl11 r91 Accou11f W1lce111-l•~~•""•1ic111J, Mt1 ltr Ch trt•• I••· , ______ o:...•"_M_ .. _"':...· _""....:"_'_""'-'-'"....:•_·"· _____ ...J.· ROBINSON'S NE'MDRT • FASHICN ISLAND • 644·2800
! I
Costil)f Mesa . .
' " . EDI II O N
Wpt:. 62, NO. 119, 3 SECTIONS,,.32 PAGES
' -
' ' ORANGE COldl'i'TY, CAOfORNIA MONDAY, MA'r. ·19, 1-. •
' ' . -. . ~
ACtion Complicates 'Court · PictUt~ Fai·r B·oard
. ' I "' ''ll"lf't, ... .,.. ' I 1 . 1
By.JEROME F. COLLINS ~ ...... .,.,. el1tecrNewp0n-Belch landautrighttothe-orto1-IL "WejUatclartfled 1111,.-, .. 11t·Slld. tbe ..-Ir -ti> --lo·111e lect·1 llf. ol'llnd·lotllo ~--~"' """ ~ .. ""' city olllcla)s, who WIJll the development .,-"Clal'ill!id" ii! pgsllioa oo pqther The.board, which met oo the tasue lllle I ... ...., ltllt· a !a ·"'· 1&-,..... -op. unanhnoul 1'lllrllllll' nlllt·
On the OV\ ~a '""8ible ~ .. by f *I Ne!'P!"I !AGier, and it upoel Cceta e(&ht acres for building ~· last lbursdly night, agreed lllllllimOUlly lido.'' ' Lntjeanl oxploljlod Ille _ .. "rwol·
Oraoge ~~.the 'hltt~ ~.~•'lw\"> ~ to.tl)e Falrgrowids directors, said, l;lljeanS, that It never bad fuoud acquililioa Of "Whltwe.provldedthe _couoty,bntbor fltroed•'llandbypolnllogout·lhlt.al!>ac•
over eveotuarlocati90 of a Harbor Area · ··cwntf,the.fugrounas'locltlon proposal. prefer to lease the l&nd, rather than sell the li.nd by the county through 1 teue-words:" ,.tci LutJean11, "waa a couple of ism lease o(.jbe bolJdiC,. WGUJd ~
municipal courthouse complea was more . Mfred 'f.Ulleans, falrgroundS general it 'to' the coubty over•a )O }tO 1.5-Year opUOO -or long-term purchase -ar-4)ij!rnat),~1 .• OUr. pr900sal wu . nqt . v.ide .tbt f~. ~ a e6nt1D!,J1iu1
confused than ex~ today. , ~er. said this mor,nipg bis b!?atd pt!riod, as preViously·-= and, he indlcated; rangement. The minutes of t, Jan. 11 ~ to a lease oPUon. But that ·~ soUrce fl revenpe ·fti' m.tilateMnet,
The 07"'1&• <;ouq_ty Fair&~ boa~, has,, , .• '·7 ' . erroneously .::. understood. ' ' meeting bore thta out, Lutjeao·S8id. ' be<n lool'lfibl.cil, IO'·the board 'Ihriilay · landai:apli>C and relurbiahlng -·
oJ dlrectof! bU ...., fl> that by llhfrply ·, -..im,rawo• Oii" to_-Uje'fleo to Lutje~ ins~ied that lhe •lboard's At the January fairgrounds board nliht rellat.d Ila prdereoce I« a leaR · On the cilber blod, lf'the land....., lllild·
nvising an offer to the County fOr a ttie -~ · 'an eeiement·for a five.acre present views on,thf! mefos or .county ae-session, according to Lutjeans, directors acreemeJil" over a period ol 10 or 15 J'llllt tbs
reglooal court site al the fairgrounds In partq lite to .oerve-the court complex. qilisifion ·ol the eight-acre titltdina' site do declared that the-''diltrlct -'en a lease Adloo· by the board oo that laaue mid lair-....., qwkf not' l'.ap Ibo ftmd Ulllil
C...ta Mesa. '!be~ "'"· w.anll><ither to.sell tho nOt ~any ~lricfilg.-to an ootrilht sale, bu!a~iedges that tlie n ...... parkins eaiement -in ·e1. ~Ts;;;" cooar SID, Pajit sr ' < • • .. ' • ' I •
Moon Detia· Ahead ' . ' ..
Apollo A$tronauts 'Get Good V,iew
SPACE CENTER, Houston (AP) -
After 28 hours of flight, the Apollo 10 .
astronauts saw . the moon for the first
tiine today and happily reported "as the
earth gets smaller, it sure ls nice to see
wher~ you are going."
The spaceship carrying Air Force Col.
Thomas P. Stallord and Navy Cmdrs.
Eugene Ceman and John Young ' was
about 90 minutes short of the halfway
point when Stafford yelled out:
"Hey, we finally got a good view ol the
moon." The growfd, referring to the fact that
the moon is only a sliver, replied "Roger,
'Hot'· Council
Meet Forecast
Bv .St. Clair , • . " MODel' matter.. --1fiCl!ly, IP'
poinbnent or a city treasurer and re-hir-
ing oJ auditors arvio(~ for tho
put 11 ;'un -*Ill lie tool&bt
by the Costa Mesa City Council.
· "It's ,...,. be a !><ii ...... C<lurJi:!f...,
Willl1m L. St. Clair eommei1ted Frida;, ·
indicating he will be right in the middle
of the debate. ' ;
,r ' • St. CJalr challenges_ another three-year
contract approved May 12, to hirt a Whit-
tier:.auditfilg coirlpany which haa handled
city fin~ since the community WIS
incorppra~ ..
R~ Will mati a motion for creaUon of a
coinn\lttee .to study olfen by' auditq"
rompaqies •. bef(!re .hilinl the same firin,
P\'le, Lance, Schlinger & 'SOii agaln.
"The committee Is °"'1 lo· negotiate
the service and COrS' with one ·Orm
selected from among the five '~g
to our request," Councilman st. Clair O·
Before hiring the same finn again, city
officials mailed requests to eight finns to
snbinlt auditing prices, w1th on1y six
Two supplied prices -one of them the
Whittier finn -and the "dithers indicated
they would like to sit down and dltcuss
aoeounUn« costs with city officials, St.
Clair says.
"The couDcll actually voted to continue
its audit service for another three years
with lhe same firm, without the benefit of
invesUgation and oploration with any of
the other five," St. Clair continues.
The vote was 3 to 2, wtth Councilman
George A. Tucker.joining him.
If approved. lbe St. Clair audlling mo-
Uon could also establisll an automallo
rotation system every frur years for
a~ of the city's books.
<!!ciwtcilmen are also JCheduled to
choose a new city treasurer tonight from
a}1)a0g five applicants for the job or the
late W. c. "Cy" Ries.
' . . . . ' ' . th.at' 1fulng cresCent'a not very much but
gla4,yoti see it."'
'"Yeah" said Slafford "we can see the ..... . . ' slinlight and also we actually can see the
Addtttonal Apollo
Stories, Page 4.
other part of the moon in earth shine.''
Earth Shine is I reflection of. the earth' S'
li«b\-.oa the·dark sfde of the .moon.
Cernan 's happiness at seeing their
destination was understandable. The
Apollo 8 crew in its Yuletide trip did not
see the moon uoUI .the ship was orbiting
the lunar surface .
A COsta Mesa bank wu reportedly held ·
up a few niinutes before l p.m. today, but
poll~ at the scerie had no details to offer
at pi-dfme. • . .
:Tbe.cUe btvolvecfthe United·Califorriia· 1
IUl!I!; m llaJ1>or ·Bly<).. 'liut ~,. wu · ~~''"'·" rtul<ii:.<ilie f6b.' be'1 melhoCf, .&;;,r.tiog ... 5gl. Gary ........... ~ .,,..".' -
COfC to Discuss
Industry Laws
1CurrenUy _proposed 1~it01Jlia""laws ln-
v9fVing . industrial relations will ~
~·for the Costa Mesa Chamber of
Commerce. TOOraday by labor· lobbyist
The bicfuslrjal IJ!d l~islaqve com-
mittes' joint meeting will be a noon
lundieon at the Costa Mesa .Gou and
Countey .Club, according to chairmen
VaJlghn Reddin& and ClifL Wesdorl. ·
· Kenyon is director ol. government rfla-th:ri: f 0 r the Merchanta and Manufac-t~ ~l!IOCiaUoa, LJ:>s· Angeles, and is a
close observer of laOOr legislaUon In
He will be lntroducec.i by Larry
Gadaire, OrB.Dle County manager for the
organization, according to Chamber of
Commerce Ei:ecuUve Secretaey Nick
Not lonf afle'r lhel> report, the Apollo
10 crew wb to perform the first mkl-
space fir}ng ol their rocket engine" -a
seven~second burst that was to increase
their speed by 32 '!Illes an hour. The bUm
was to enable them to cross the lunar
equator on the same track that the Apollo
11 astronauts must follow to land on the
moon in July.
Apollo 10 ii! a dress·reheanal for that
flight, lacking ooly the actual landing of
the spidery lunar lander.
The crew complained earlier tllat dull
tttods interrupted their night's sleep and
(See APOU.O 10, Pa1e %) •
Judge Weigh s .
Sentence. for
P~o~y I)QetQr . . . . ... .
By TOii! BAllLBY
Of 111t. ~" r11tt tt•tt
Superior Court J \Id 1 e Byron X.
1.f.cMlllan has set June 5 as the date on
which he wm leDteDce Orange Co9JUY's
medical impostor, Robert Ervin Brown.
He mu.it decide in ·the next two weeks
what form that sentence will take, based
oo th9 jury's verdict that Brown, 33, was
guilty of two felony and·ll misdemeanor
counts., One count of falsely practicing
me(llcine without a license was rejected
by the paoeL
Comparable Superior Court records in--
dicate that Judge McMillan may prefer
to sentence Brown on the 11 misde-
meanors and suspend sentence on the
fe1ony convict.ions, each of which carries
11one to 10-year state prison year.
Each misdemeanor calls for a six:
monlh jail term. Brown could be pat
behind bars for more than five yeara on
tt)e lesser.counts aJone if'the full terms of
those charges were applied.
But the judge may be content to
sentence Brown on the felonies, to run
concurrently aod s.mpend or dismiss the
(See 'DOC'l'OR,' Page Z)
. " .
A policy statement on this matter will
be de1ivered by Si. Clair a1ao, urging ex·
p!Oration '<If the titasurer's duties and e1-
pan.iliii"Ofllitlob-to a"fiilHiiile lillll-~ -
UDder state law, the-odty treasurer ls
paid $100 per month for about lO hours of
work, but St. Clair suggests beefing up
the job to ~eep pace with tbe city's size
and economy.
One result, he says, citing newspaper
and magazine repom,,could be lncrtased
city revenae through investment ol idle
budget money where it would do the most
1ood. th . u.s M•-'M••• He quoles e rnagaune . ..............
News as saying the city of Memphi&,
Tenn., acquired $521,tol this way 1ut
year and st. Lewis officials picked up $1.3
SL Clair also quotes Bunliogtoo Beach
Cll)' Treuurer Warno G. Hall u saying
the beach toWU: lost $100,000 Jut year
beclUM it did not take advantage of IUCb
Si.elt M•rlceu
~ YORK lAPl -The llock 1llltftf . c~lled with a sbatp 1oS1 today, u broken
rt prollt tulnf wefg!llog It down.
( quotaUons, Pqes 10.11).
Tradlni slewed near the clooe. The
Dow Jones indusirill averaa:t at 1:39
p.m. WU oU 7..50 at 9$9.IO.
DIULY•P&M° ... ,,_;-
P'RISlf START -SGrter Richard Ramira. (center) of-co.ta Me18
Golf Md <loantry Club tdtedul., round. al golf for Cbamber al c.am-
merce President Jack Harrunetl (l eft) and frank Zrebiec, chalnnan
of new i:IJambet commllt<e beiping disabled Vieu.em vets liad jobt,
' Ramirez; who losl~eg in combat, is llrsl ""1 pl&ced by chamber lll'OllP· . .
. . .
Co~pl:ainf;S Agaimt 11 ..
ln.Narco Raid.Sought
Questioning ot .U.p.ct. •rre>fed In 'a
$15,000 'drug 8'nd" stolengoods raid at a . -. , Hef!!iiari motorcytje club commune in
COiSta Mesa last Thursday 1cohtinues to-
day, while police seek complainls ag~_t
II persons.
Several of the seven men and four
women arrested at 2853 Santa Ana Ave.,
whefe LSD, marijuana, co u flt e,r f e J t
ltav~s c~ and other' items ~e
conftacaled h!ye ~ ln:ed oo, ba/L
"We've ~ tq> with a· stolen COrvette now too tliai .we'.rt checkihg--oUt,•• aaid ·
Sgt. .Jack Calnon, of the Oisti M,.. •
police yice an(I intelligence detail.
Tbe raid. occurred on the S_P.W'-<lf·the-o
momerit Tbuti!ay afternoon when state
undercover .tiarco.tlcs agebts were at.
temptingra •$1,000 LSD purChaae.
Charges against 10 arre!ted there and
one man taken into custOdy at-another
address range rrom J)Ol5ellion of
dangeroua drugs for sale, auault witb a
deadly weapon llld.!Allpfcje ol burglary.
M;arten1I ol ~ -telud at
the rambliDg oid hllule, home for a
haOOl.ul of the arrestees, •their cars,
motorcycles and aJi -ent of dop.
. One ol, the llllSJ>OCla, Gre1 F;. Eltblre,
2a;ta.cluiraecf'with uaault with a deadly
weaj>on alter illqOilly levelinl a lhoq\ln
i.t lalfmen ."bo:entered hll ·room.
The complete -roster !oltowinl a ..,.,montll probe of acllvlllet » thll.acf.
dma Iochicles U-people~
Gari A. Runger, 23, RQ'lJ, 8Nwn, 1$,
G ... l:.-El>bire, 11, Sberry 1" -lier,
al, Vli:kl D.·Rolnlo, ~.and.~ E.
MQtUfkl :111,-IC«ll'<ling ,fl>. -....... Olbera arruted •Include Tbomas R.
Niellur, 22, o1'3St Walriul SE, N'-rt
Beach, William E; .Roaweller,. 22, .of 2205
Canyon Drive; Costa Mesa, -Linda S.
Markham, 2Z, of ZSZ4 Elden Ave., Costa
Mesa, Philip Alfano, 23, of 4503 Seubore
Drive, Newport Beach and Mlchael D.
~an NOOl'den, 11, o!San lllmu.
Vets Find Jobs
Mesa Chamber Helps Returnees
or "" o.ltJ' '"" ..,..
Under ~ leadership ol committee
chairmen F.rank •1.reblec,1VJce ·Prealdent
and 1D1N11f ci Uie ec.ljl M,.. branch
oJ the U.S. National Bank, 2$ leadln&
chamber membm are help\l\i _..jed
veterans who return to CM'.a Mell to·
find jolll.,
''Jt appean the jobl will be availlblt,"
said· Hailmell "We've jUll Fl fl> pl a
fottt in the doOr."
It will be. el6\ef1 be thinks', because,
uwe aen't workmc uitouah peftonoo of.
llceo, '-bul lhroulb. company pr<1kfents woo . .,. mtllDberl of Ibo -of
• .• ' Crash KiJJ.s F.outj
Lagun~n Victim
·A hilh ~.Jieadi>n c<illia\On m.wllldi
cne airborne, car took the roof" olf anoifier &uto" tike 1 can openU•killtd fOW'l IDID
earlY. Sunday in the worst 'ac:Ciamt la.the
bistofy of treacherous El Morre -MY•
near -Laguna Beach.. -• ·
The dead include a La{!uoa man ridli>r
alone And three Los . Aqetea . flUl!!o
t!O COlllity Tnfilc ' IS
77 '00.lli Tiff • 7t ,
whoie car was 'clipped •u tbe .other hurt)..
ect over iL upside down. . .
The. victims were .identified· by' the
Callfarni& Highway PattoL·a : ~ .-
-R<llllld E. Dlebm, 39, oJ -185 loalll•
Ave., Legwla,8t,ech. " , .
-IUcllar1f C. Clan, 2Z; o1. City, ol)Jp.
Wsltyc •
--.AJu·H~lldlllitr, u,-ot Van·N'UYI~
-,Marl<,Prettym•, II, ol·Holly,.ood:
A fourth youth rldiog ln·Q>e.notlilbomld
car driven by Clarke, Sam;'Prido.tU, ol
Los Anples, ta In critical cor.ditloo' todiy
at S<llth CoQI Commuoil)' Hotpllal.Jrilh
severe head injuries. . . ..
lnveat11atots ii.kl the~12:10.1.M.ra'l3h" may 1>3ve b,eeo cauaed by..I!{ehm'slafliN
aiJeep at the wheel oo the treaoherous
seaside curve · ot Podllc Coait lllghwax
north of Lquoa -. The ,..._ Yellicfe bounced olf•a
guanlrall, hurtled """"' '--"' traffic, caromed off, • 1dirt ·embanlanent: a!td ahot upside down back Into the road,
bitting Clark's.~.. , . ; wn.ere was blood.~-braim -.ttered
. (See EL MORRO, Pap I)
• C:.a111
~ I' •J, lo '•" .~: •... ,.._
'Cloudy• IOfll' mornlop conw.le•
to be the 'o«fe" ol' the day ·atona
the cout, wllb TtleidaY'• tempera-
lureJ nngiog '-17 In 78.
Water, wot.fr tvf'rlllDhbe -
HOUI ii gtll thltt In tit<· ~ /t1T<d <Ool, .1.... •tote ;, tM
ftntcliO'li of the M•tl'opolitan
Wot.I' Dltlrict. (SH ~ 21). = -c------••• 1 I F rt -::.u~:'~'" 'I"-
, .
;fl .
Fr¢e Gls, Reds ·: ¥\ske.d .
•, . • •
Laird Prot.esU Treatmeni of PrUoMrl \ I ::
WAllllNO'l'Off (l\I') -secretary of
Ddenoo MelYln R. 4lr4 cailod •pon
Hanoi ioday for pn>mpl nlellt ol. all
Americlfti lel'Vamen now held in North
Vietnamese prison cam1>3.
Failing this, llAird l&id the North Viel-
._ &<>•ernment lbould al lout po-
vide '" humue tieabnent 1 ... the
""""1 hundred Americana CllM'llllty
Jocked up in North Vietnameae campt.
"The North Vietnameae have claimed
that Ibey ""' trealinl -.... -Jy," the def~ chief Pid. "I am ,
distreued by the fact that ther< is'clw'
evidence that this la not the cue."
Girl's Faf.'e (:at . '
.Two Hurt,.One J~iled
. •
Cammo-T-Stoffo,d, C_n,.n E.,._ Co""'n ond John Y°""'
Laird sald . dial by next mootb mOI!'
than 200 American servtctmen wlll have
been listed either u prlsonen of wor ar
as. mLuing In actloo for m«• than Ill In Costa Mesa CrU$hes • .. ' ..
f;an't Top Her
Court Won't Hear Dancer Appeal
W-GTON (AP) -'Ille SUpnme oaart ro(afoil lodly lo rm.. tbe Id of
,..,._ --Kellq . lter wbooe dandnl -lbe eyebmrs of local pollc1rbal'fotled lo'lnipiw tbe callfornla
~ oaart u Oll)'thio( more lhan a
IG111l of --proC«led by lbe U.S. o .. ut11tkln _____ ,..,. ...
-. perfciimlal • dance . she called
''WaWag.tbe'DoC'• tn a SID. Pablo, CaW., .. .,._ ---pll!J of;-.. ...
........ and lewd and -OCll>llcl In ~ .
llUt tlw callfornla ~ Court set
..... the convlctlomr agolmt lbe en-
tertal!>e!' and her boa, Alber! J. Gian-
nini, 'boldln( that toplml dancing WU
prolei!llld . --omdet lbe Finl Ameu.tmn:d;
. .,
Askiq the blgh court lo ovenule the
callfornla Sup..,.. Court and olfirm the
COllVictlons agolmt MW Iser and Gian-
nini, the slate declared :
"It is one thing lo portray nudity and
IU1iai -ct . . . In booim,
magazines, pl>otographl and motlnn pic-
lllm. but quite another to demoastrale
IUCh conduct oo stage and live."
Mia Iser, answering the state's appeal
petition, defended ber performance u
"an art form--. •• uaed for the com~
mµnlciUoo of Ideas" and that there wu
.no reason to dlstlngui!h between "Uv,
and fixed media communication of
Jutlce John Marshall Harlan voted to
. hear the ..... but the appeal failed
beeluie the cooaent of at least four
j1llltcel WU requir<d.
Highest Court Overturm ·
L~ary:s 'Pot~ Conviction .
The U.S. SUpreme Court to d a y
unanimOUJly voted to OYertum I fedtral
coovicticn of Dr. Tlmclll)' U.., lllf
possession of marijuana because am-
plianee with the law would literally
amount to ltlf-incriminatiori. Dr. t .-.. -, ff, a sometime'resident ti
Laguiia ~.,.-where he mid hll fin\llt
current1y face additimal drug charges -
had been sentence<l'to foUi to 3IJ yursln.
prlsoor ·w gi\1etl-a '40:000 fine. · -·
The noted LSD experlJnenter was found
guilly In La-. Tex., of illegally
transporting marijuana and falling lo pay
a 1100-per.....,. f~ai transfer Lu.
HaodlDg cown a Gecllk>n for the ~
time aince Associate JusUce Abe Fortas
re.lgned last week, the high court sug. rested that Dr. Leary would have sub-
jected hlmaeU to aelf·ln<rlmlnation by
paying the tu.
The action today strikes down a section
of the U.S. Narcotlcs Impcrtation Statute
which pr!Vlously made pouession of
mialjuana sufficient for assumption that
It was illegally ~ and the
possessor knows iL
Leary's appeal attacked three fedenl
laws that, while not making passesslon ot
marijuana illegal, still mate supervision
possible th""'lh bnport controls and tu-
Jwitice John M. Harlan's opinion tn the
Leary ,cuo that prooumptioo ol criminal
involvement under the three laws must
be conaidered irrational and arbltrll')'.
"He WU confronted with a sf,atute,
whicll on its face permitted hJm to ac-
qu!ro the drug legally, provided be paid
tbi Sl()l)..peNJunce transfer tu and gave
tncrtminlthlg information." Harlan said,
speaking for the court.
"And alm~taneoualy," Harlan con-
OAl!V 1'1101
Clll.AMOI co.t.n .. Ulll'"IMG ~ ........
ltol..rt N, W114
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Th11"111t Ketw-il
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Mtlll'11y Aldr1u: ,.0. In I SM>, t'l616 --~ .. ildl: m1 _, ..... ..,,._. .._ lll!Mdl: m ,._, ,.....,...
HWrllifll""' leldl: ., Jlfl .......
Appool Wlnnor Loary. •
tinued, "he was confronted with a sYstem of regulatlOllS which, according to the
government, prohibited him from ac·
quiring marijuana under any conditions."
nie jurist continued to say that Dr.
Leary had plenty of reason to fear that
the informaUon would be given to local
lawmen 1f he admitted to the government
that he had obtained unregistered pat.
Chamber to Hear
Saddleback JC
Football Coach
A top Southland coach who turned down
a pro football career to teach the sport
himatlf will gpeak to • P'tiday luncheon
meeUng of lhe Costa Mesa Chamber of
&addleback Junior College head coach
George H•rtm•n wUJ discuss his football
phllOIOPhY before the chamber's Red a.ts AWards COmmittee and Offlclal
Greetm Committee at ~tr. Steak ra.-
Athletes of the month awards will •llO
be presenl{lld to sevea blah school aod colles• •tan durlof the jcilnt oommilU!e meetlnfl.
Kartman w11 named Pioneer Leaiue
c-b ol ll>e Year In the early SlJIJQ for
gufdfpg_EI 5elUJ!do llJi)l School to a 14-4
win·IOll record in two scuons and hu
coached at lf!lve:raJ other ICbools.
He w11 oomlolted for 1Jttle AR·
America honon wbile Pll)'ln( for Eut
Texas State Unl\ttl'Slty, where he mel
and man'led hJa wif~ Mary Lynn, former-
ly ol lhe DAILY PILOT staff, . -.... _
years. ~
l'f'Olll P .. e l
"Tbis period ol Um• is looger than any
l U.S. serviceman wu,held ~ durinl
World War 11," he itated.
that i:hlllflne In the water WU bUrnlnc
their .mouths.
The -·ta. ·-by lhe ladlnl pull of earth'• gravity to 1,175 milel per
hour In 14 houri, croaed lbe 125,M1-mile
hallway mark to the moon sbortlJ after nooo POT.
A few mlnutea later, • abort bunt from
lbe lllllp'a main rocket engine nudced
Apollo 10 onto the pndla paih Apollo 11
will follow when it beadl toward man'a
first landing oo the moon In Joly.
Laird told a. news conJerence the Pen-
i.,on "continue• to hope for meaningful
progress" toward the release of prbooerl
as part of the Paria pe.ace talkl, but he
offered no eocouragemeot that this would
Two young women, lnc1udinc one Whole
face wu nnuhed throuih the wlndsh&eld
~e ';:7nj= :!e1m~1
eel Saturday as a result of two Colt.a
Mesa traffic aecldenta;
Carol A. Te,.,.,,inmd, II, ol Artesia, la
listed In good Cllllditlon today at Coot& .
Mesa Memllflal Hoopltal, wit!> deep facial
lacerations and a broken right wrist.
She wu a pusercer in a car. dfjven by
Roger J. Juli~ 14, ·o1 am w-.r
Ave., Westmtmter, when lt coIUded wtlh
one driven by Bruce E. Whalt!fl., 20, of
l 120 Gleneagles Terract, Costa M ....
Whalen wu arrftted on suspicion of
felony drunk driving after the collision on
Victoria Street at Valley R.Oad, caused,
Police Aid, wbeo hll westbound vebicle
went out of cmtrol Gii the Cl.l"Vf. ,
Kathleen L. Kistler, 15, of aa Apache
IJCad,. WestmiMter, sufferod !ta aeriOUI
ln)utia when a car In wbicll Ill< ll1o
rktb>g coWded with aooll>er dlB'!nl a 1olt
tum.r' · · 1
inVeotifUon Aid &bo WU rldirc wttli
Cynthia J', O'Neal, 17, of 8095 IOth18l.1
\VestmJftller, wbo tumod left from
Paularino 'Road into the Pauk> Drive-in.
Motorill E....,. Veres, 17, ol 1111
Tereaile Lane, Nowpcrt Beach, told
police he could not avoid ~ the car
driven by MW: O'Neal, who was not in-
Misa Kistler sald she _,Id get treat-
ment from her family phyalcillt at the
UCLA-Coonly Medical Centor In Los
'Ille goal ol Apj>llo 10 is to clear up as
many of. the remaining cmcertaintles
about.mooo.filiht aa pooaible to pave tbe
way !dr the bistoric moon landing. Apollo
10'1 riskiest test comes 'lbursdl;y when
Stalford and Ceman Dy their lunar
lander "Snoopy" away from Youns ift the
command moduJe "Charlie Brown" and
"'DDP only 111,GOI feet above lhe forbid·
l'rom Pagel
dilig lunar -'!be com~ APl!llo 10 ~p. meml>llnf • ballet with a spider sitting
Oii ila nooe. WU Wllffdna IO wall that ila
pllois .had iiothlnl·iMre lo worry about
today than tbe bitter taste of lheir heavl·
Jy chlorinated water and the anncying
thbdl of Cll!trol n>etcet -Ex""r>t ·1or their coune adjustment and
more qf the ~tacullr co10r telecut.a
they staged llbortly after launCb Sunday,
the ".tteran &pacemen bad an euy
llCbeduJe unW they brake Into lµnar orbit
'Ibey listened to the morntnc n e " 11 broldcast up from the MJssion Control center and then turned the tables and put
on their owo show, beaming back the
"Up, Up and Away" r<ndllion recorded
by Andy Willillll!.
"Listen, you guys were ao good to us
with tbe newa this morning, :we ~t
we'd ·.gtve yoo . 10me· dise jockey work
from here,.. Ceman told sround com-
municator Charles Duke.
''This iJ Tom-and John on the guitar
IDd tbe three ct us ainglng," Ceman
quipped. "We bad a Utile trouble stowing
the bass drum aboard but otherwise: we
were OK."
"Hey, that was beauWul," Duke
replied ''Somebody's vol<e is changing
though, or either you stowed 110mebody
away up there /'
"The VFR (v.;Jce ltequoncy ranging)
makes your voice a lltUe hlgber,
Charlie," Stalford said.
Stafford reported earlier that the
spacemen bad "a great rUgbt'a sleep"
alter their action·filled launch day. He
said "all of us feel tremendous lhil morn-
The pilots were awakened during their
llnt sleep period aboard lbe 47-too space
macb1ne by a "kind of boom-rum-rum..
rtJm.rum" produced by the regular
bursts of their small 100.pound alUtude
rocket.I, wh1cb control the apacecraft'a
poslUon In space.
Grape Strikers End
March to Mexico
CALEXICO (UPI) - A caravan of
striking grape plcken ended tbelr elght-
day, l~mlle march to the Muican
border Sunday night by cheering Sen.
Edward M. KeMedy and farm labor
leader ceaar Chavez as they spoke from
the back of a flatbed frock.
Th• trek through the deaert where
daytime temperatures climbed past the
too.degree mark wu staged to call at-
tentltJn lo the boycott ol Callfllfnla table
grapes and lhe llril:e agalnlt rz-n.
CdM'a Mra, Mildred Love
Governor Love's
Mother Dies
Mrs. Mildred Shaver Love, mother of
Colorado Governor John Lovt and a resi-
dent of Corona del Mar for the put 12
yem, died Saturday at the age of 81.
Graveside services will be conducted
Tuesday In Colorado Springs.
Mn. Love died at the home of her
daughter, Mn. Virginia Mon-ell-, 315
Orchld Ave., after a lengthy illnea. A
native of Indiana, she moved to Corona
del Mar followlna the death of her hus-
Bealdes Governor Love and her
daughter, Mrs. Love ts survived by
another son, Richard of Colorado, and ai:r
The family has auggeated t.bat friends
wishing to do so may make memorial
contrlbuUona to the American Cancer
l'r-PCfe l
'DOCTOR'. • •
misdemeanor charlM. He hu atven no
lndlcaUon ol which COllflll he wtll teke.
It took the j'°' 23 how-1 lo reach 111
venllct and they filed Into COW'I atl p.m.
Saturilay to rule that the beopectaclod
Alabamian faloely practiced medlclno
when he posed u a cardlolo&lst for five
week.a at a Fullerton clinic.
Fourteen of the charaa placed beloro
the jury stemmad from bis -of !OI paUeois at tbe North County focility.
It bu been sllled by the proeeoutloo that
livt of thcae paUenla died while under
Brown's Cini althoqh he bu not
speclllcally beeli ac:etlled of dlrectty
c:&IMllq lbelr deatbl.
the county bad obWned Utle "In a decade
'1r so ...
Outright purcha!e of the properly, of
course, is a possibility. But the county la
not believed to have the needed fund.s .
Lutjean further noted that a repart to
county au~iaon from county .ides
recently indicated fairground&' directors
"greeted with enthusium" a propoul to
give the county the five-acre parting
euement "That," aaJd Lutjeana, "was
simply 111 incorrect evaluaUon. We're not
interested in doing thal"
The fairgrounds, he said, must by law
do everything it can to get the most v.iue .
-hence revenue: -from tta boldinp.
There would he no advaotage to the
fairgrounda In allowinl the count)' lo
build cotathoute parkln1 faclltties on the
five.acre ii~, even.if the fairgrounds bait
the rig:Jt to share ft.
"lt wou1d be too far away from most of.
our activities to do us any aood," be aaid.
The proposed fairgrounds court site ls
on Fair !;>rive just south of Colla Mesa
High School Drive and near the Costa
Mesa Civic Center. It ls one of two lites
being considered by the CCM1111y.
The other site, offered by the city of
Newport Beach, la located at Newport
Development there would be In con·
junctlon with • Newport civic center
complex. Parking, landscaping and
maintenance facilities would be shared.
Newport officials say beeause of the
shared facilities, the county would netd
to purchase less than five acres for a 12-
court development. Cost of the land,
however, would be abqut double what the
falrgrounda site wou1d be per acre. Irvine
Company officials estimate the Newport
site cost at about $90,000 an acre. The
fairgroun;,ds property has been tentaUvely
appraised at $40,000 an acre.
County aupervllora will lake up the
courlhooae Ille quesUon Tueaday. The
"clarification" -or revWon -oC the
fairgmmda' board'a offer COlllldenbly
brlghlenl Newport's hopes, accordlnc lo
Mayor llc>r<en Marshall.
"It certainly would appear that we're
1n a better position to make tha property
available to the county and can do aO lm-
medletely, at our COi!." she l&id.
She uJd 11 11 unllke'l)o the county wOllld
choooe lo apend money buildlnC a
courthooae comp! .. at the lair~ at
a ground leue ba&ia.
Coot& M-Plannint Dlnctor Wllllam
Dunn II.id be WU confUaed 0'8f tbt
. .__
Top el Stc:ond Car In Which Th'" Dlod Shoarod Off by Lagunan'1 HUrtllnt Vohlclo . . .
fair.,..,..i1• boord posftloo. "La 1 't
February," he Aid, "they propostd b7,
resolution to offer the county the 1UKt on
a lease-opt.lbn basis."
He said as far as he: ii concerned, the
latest development in the complicated
issue "means we've just 1ot to back to
work and find out juat wb:at the
fairground a board doe1 mean ."
He added, however :
"We can't keep delaying this thin&:
fore ver. A declaion bu to be made
aooner or later."
The present thfee.court facility ts
cramped onto a ane-acre lite near 11th.
Street and Nowpcrt Boulevard. Tlwte io-
nc room for -.led expanalon.
Not Much Choice
Offered in OCC
Student Election
Tile number ol candldata In a lludtnt
1ovemmeiit eleciioo is at an all-time !cw
at Orange CCUt COilege.
Fourteen candldata an nmnlnl for 13
posle lo be decided In votlnl Wedneaday
and Thuraday. .
The only thinl to be decided is whether
Vic Adam&, :Ill, 0< Howard Wood, 21, will
be student bodJ president next fall
Running without-and lllUnd
of election are 12 others.
By contrut, UC Irvine students had to
decide between 14 candldata In a student
eiedioo lut --• With a decbion sWI to be made at the
top, the rest of the student covf'rTlmel'lt
lin«lp al OCX: next yeor apparently will
look like this: "
-Tom Hubble. vice president
-Beryl Kuer, UIOCiated men's preal·
-Barbara Byen, usodated women's
-Student aenaton Stm Warrm, Lea
Kubenki, Jbn Snedaker, Warren Conde,
D. M. Dakanden, Alan YOUJll, llichard
Muee, Tony Turner and Len Waniete.
Burglar Uses Key
To Tap Station Till
A buralar wbo obtained a duplicate tey
lell noally In the lock -a Coot&
M-aervic< atatiao of 157 ovemip~ tbe owner told police &mday. ,
JOOIOI II. -·proprietor of Jmy•a
Enco Strvice, UN Baker St., found the
evi-when he arrived lo -up and tumod tbe ke:I' over to ln...U,alcn.
l'ro111 P .. e l
lllO ,... up lo the top of the clill," Aid
one ftrern•n called to the tctne: to htlp
cut bodleo fn1111 the tangled 1teel with a wtldlnfl torch.
The thrte vlctlma In the Clarke car dioll __ _, from -'*""'
llUlltnd when the -car cavad 1n tbe rcol of their northbound auto.
Ono bod!' -ltll mulled 11oinat tho baolc b)' tho ctuh, whlth WU not wit·
-by-attholnatanllt ...
""""' im'llllplcn Rid. Grinl·facod -worten at Ille ~ VOW1d a Mw compoJln to Iii • -~-4lbri1 • at the ...i1.-. Slaqbter Strip ~ f
El M°"" Cla-vo hu taken 1COn!1 o1
Uva OVlf the 1tarlo doopile dfor11 to
mete It 1aler thn!llb nDecton and
other dt'1ctl u ·,..n aa wmi1n& afllll. . "
• •
UfllT .......
After the Twister
Vpper B•I ArN
i • *
Irvine Tax Halt·
-c ·Iash Expecte~·
AIMuor Andrew J. lliJllbaw and Caul>-
ty C.W-1 •Adrian Kuyper are beaded for
a club before the Otange County Boord
of, Supen'laors 'l'Uolday over propoood'tn
......U.Uon of 45'1 ...... ol lrvlna cam.
I-"'!!",~ lo Ibo. Upper Newi>ll'I Bay
area wblcb the .-P"il1 bacl doadod 16:
the coUnty. :
Kuyper, In • Jelter to tbe boold. -
tl\&I dee!ls kr the, \,,operty ,.... .-
veyed to .the~ an Jut Fe11..a .u
Utt Claims SF
Preempts State
$170 Million
' ' ' ' ~of .. ......,..i,bel-Ibo.com-
pany and eouoty peodhil Ibo -'of Ibo cumnl lawsuit ..... lepllty of tbe
Upper, Bay ·land awap. ·
·Hlllohaw objeda-....Jy .........
that "the propoood --of -la~ becouoe lbo.Jrvlne ~ "10 bu Ill ..... hie ........ "tt... •I I
Tho --aaya Ibo _,.. .. .. CCiJave)' abeolute tRJe to the lad. H ,
·-··· pllitloo bu·-~ . ...,. Jan. !IO, 1111 -be ..... tbe
l\IP'Nilon tbat"the ..,,_i tu ..... celJaUon WU "improper". ,,. ~
Tho board 1ave final • approval to lbe
land swap -NOT. u, t•
after the lrvb!e Comp&l'G' -to caned the land trade ....... the ., _
were removed from the tu rolu. ..
"Tho county bu not acllla1Jy · taken
-aloft of the land and,lt bu not
recalved fee simple aboolute title, wblCh
ii necemry to permk tpe-C1JDCell1t!oa of
taxes.," Hlnsbaw con&ends.
The ._ AYI the UUe to the land
wW revert bact to Qte com.PIO)· If 'the
trade la .. jected.by •the eourla, -... area ta and bas been pre-empthtl: '1'11 there are "atrlnp lttactted to Uie deal,"
rnlllloo annually .of a natural ,_.,,..-; Part of the ......,..i belw.,. the
"which belongs to all ol the people OI .._ and the IUpel'Yiacn ,wtien the
Cootreeman Jamea· B. Ult (11,TllUD)
has charted that the San~ Bay
Caflfornla." -wu onlerod taken oil.lbo'w lilt. provides• that the company will. pa au UU was referring to the ~ of ·a tam wblcb ioouJd ·bave t>Oen i:.w
gnat pei:cen!qe· M tbe oalural follb!c oplall the land while k la lo tbO-U H
waler in Northern Calllomla Into tbe &an the trade Is ,.jec1ed,
Franci3co Bay-Delta Estuarine Syatem to lllnobaw aaya be -not believe· be · . can ......,. the proporlla fnlm the tu
Tiie best thing Raymond. Fellows could say Suhday about his two-
month-old auto was that he wasn't in it when tornado hit bis barn and
uprooted trees at his Sinclairville, N.Y. home Saturday. Volunteer
cleanup workers inspect damage to barn and demolished auto. No
Uves were lost, but twister damage in Sinclairville was estimated at
serve as a lmhwat.r barri<r and dill>-lists unW ~to ·do IO by a court.
tant o! pollutant& dumped Into the bay. Tam o1 .-$1'11,0llll for tbo-Jtlf.'IQ
Utt made bis r<mUra lo a letler to flaea1 year .,. Umilved, 3lnobaw aald.
Contmsman J.....;,. Wal<lle (~ He -•sed the 4'7 ..,.. -1 $1.ltaillllon
Costa County), wbo'madeaapeecblo San . Jut year and llYI they an~ .... ..... Franciaco recently uying .... there 11 no
place to .. to get • reuonably fair bear-
ing on matters affecting the allocatlmr of
Slated in Fountain Valley
water resources." 1
Wajdie Ibo oppoeed the Calllomla
Water Project which ii now under con-
struction and by tm will dellver aoeu
wat.r to Ibo Soutberq Ca!Homla area.
Hiring Minorities
Workshop Slated
An· absolute minimwn lot site of, 6,000
square feet in Fountain Valley planned
developments is schedu1ed ror public
hearing before the City Council at a p.m.,
On May 7 the Fountain Valley Planning
Commission held a similar public bearing
to set a standard minimwn size for plan-
ned developments ind arrived at the .e;.
000 square foot 'mlnimwli on a 14' t'C 1
vote. · . 1,
Only Commissioner James Dick o~
posed the minimum, stating a desire ·to
leave the city wttb-mpft f(ei:tble Stan-
dards in working with p I a n n e d
Tuesday night the council will be acting
on the planning commission recom-
The 6,000 square foot minimum is one UC Irv~ will conduct a Minority
of the points requested by QPPODents of Employment Workshop from I a.m. to
the controversial Larwin Tract, which 4:l'.I p.m. ThuradaY in Mesa c.ommon..
had planned some l~ in its 500 home Co-~ by the University El·
development as small as 5,000 squarE lension and Orange County units ~ Iii
feet. · · ; · 11 , national : prdessiooal 9Jcletifll, .. the
Foufltain Va1ley has a standard lot size . · workshop ls open to the pUbllc. Enroll·
for 'in g I e-family residence· of 7,200 ment fee is $15.00.
square feet, but·can vary that iliu Jn a Topics covered will include recruit·
pla,med developmerit where laod donates( ment, interviewing, testillg, trainint, ac-
to the city for parks is used to averagt ceptance by fellow wortert, superviaion,
the lot sizes tel a higher figure. turnover aod promotions.
Rescuers Near
Plane Crash Site
Hiking ....,., --loday -tad' their way lbrGugh heavy brulh ...,. Big
Bear Lake en route to the tcene of a
Saturday plane crub wbich killed lbree
.......... from Cypreaa.
Edward B. Elita, ff, tbe pilot, and Mr.
and Mn. Roy Turner ,.... on a slglltaee-
lng trip out of a VlctorvlJle dude ranch
when the Cessna 172 went down, fn.
veiti&aton said.
A ,_ belicopllr fnlm ~AFB
located the wrect,.. Sunday In the rug·
ged Hcne CUyon .,.. and medical
peraoonel-al IM .... :r-i.i'
vldlma dtad.
Civil Air Patrol a~tlfl!I Aid EUii·
rented the almlfl al Ibo· Al>Ple Valley .
Airport ano a aurch wu lllltiated after
the li1ht plane fallad to refum ..
. ..,., . ..., , .. "'''
' •• Tear• in Vietnam '-= • I
. . -. ,1 .. ~· J; •
Vlelllame•e mother bold• bet crying '*·'811 U'.S:.'~ Na 1 through village of An Hoe where they;dttiiliecl\~ C'illl_... j
peels .. Marines of 2nd Battalion, 5th MUlnes ,,.. <pralin1 Ill!" / j
base camp about 12 mties."'tlortJiwest lof~~ Nana. ~~ _. · J
Church Complete8· Plans· j ·
. . . ' Of Melodyland~Pur.~:
Tho Anaheim Chrlatlan Center Cburcb c:ongroiatJOn Sunday voted unanimously
to bey Melodjland Uteat.r and ·the · ad<
joining Celebrity Room restaurant · for
$U million.
The R<v. Ralph Wllkmoo, pastor ·of ~ church now located at· 1S40 ~e.
wood St., said, "we intend to place $1*1,~
000 in escrow today and hope tbe sale ta
oompleted,aooo:Tbo balance oCthe ..,tce .
wiD be ready •L tbe "cl01e·ot eecrow.·we
have a 1oan committed for QM! amounl"
Mr •. WIU.en,on ',aald the lU rnlllion ,
meet.a the price .et by Leo Freedman,
owner of the thu.te:r I~ and the
accompanylo1 n1De aCttl ol·property.
The pastor Aid the chureh hoped to ol> .
lain polaeaolon "'loi~'lor ,ollr .m\1111-
lalth ilobal Cbarlamatlc-c;Hnlc, In rnJil. · AtJcust.".
'He ~ bis ....;...11op;~ --3,0llll per-and thl fnlilll'~ .....
C!>nupQda~ IMJ! • .. ~:.t:-. day Cburcb • . h
• "~t.r' .wm ·be· " f,.. ~ ,Ull to teat s.~.~·1 tbe 'Rev.
'' "
\ . .... '
Wilkmon aaJd. "We,wlll uWlla ·~ ef·
flea, draolq -. 1ounp ml allia:
areas for our cburth IChoola.. .
·The cllir<b Jaat. mon.th purcbue!l an. IJ.
acre lite· at Jefferson· ind La Paim.,.-
avenUtJ and ordered 0
planl dritwn for•~
5,llOCHeat church building.. •
·•'We will ·now bold · theae , pladl in '
abeyance," the pastor said; 0 unW ~l~
indefinite future date." He said bla n.lne •
arid a. half year okf cto.ari:b bu daubJed ;r
tt. membenblp lo the paal'two year" 1 ' "Basically, our main atterition ii on ,
you.th .and that ii aDother reucm •·lft:•-<
the theater in-the-round idea," the pastor
said. "HaU ol .., ~ ·-· 2$_.y..,.. of &le and ~ ..,. .. beld -thly
youth ralilel in the tbeal« ·and ·ID Ibo •
Anaheim Coinvention Ceritei." · ·• ~· WilUnQn WI p1an1' lrdudo •
boii'trig dji'the·llna) M'yeari of a·..,_· I
lease qwned by DannY Dare and Sammy
Lewjt, <»producOrs. iif liimrs a I '
Melodyland ~ Ua opening. ;
' '
May 19th through May 31st
1 Thia i1 your chance to save on puties of soft, comfcrlable
1 Pechglo, a lightweight blend of nylon and nycn. Pamper your
aki n, and yrur pocketbook, by making your aelection from 1111
of these assorted styles in pink er wh.ite:
Briefs, in sizea 4-7, reg. 1.50 pr, •••••••••••••••• 1/1,M
Brie re, in size 8, reg. 1.75 pr •• •••••••••••••••• 1/4.11
Bikinis, in 1ir.e1 +.71 reg. 1.50 pr ••••••••••••• , •• 1/1,91
Trunk pantie11 in 1ize1 6--7, reg. 2.00 pr. ••••••.•••• l /UI
·Trunk pantie1,1n 1izee M, res. 2.25 pr, ••••••••••• SIL•
-Medium Tite petiu, ill 1im1 S-.7, reg. 2.25 pr. •••••• l /IM •
Mediwri Tite pan~~ 'in_1izes 8-9, re~. 2.50 Pr .•. : .• •,• •• 1/1,11 ,
Alao,.in whi~'onlr.
Vest, in ~ize1 34-42, rea. 2.00 each .•••••••••••• • Ill.II
Chemise,,in aizea 3¥42, re1. 4.00 each.•• ••• ,., ••• ~tu.II
.. ll umS'
, I
/ \
-..... •
lewport C11ter 11 Faslllm IS1111d • 644-2200 e 11m., lllm., Flf.10:00 till 9:30°'*·•10;00•n1:11
• .i
' __ .... .
~ /
. .
' . '
' .
' • -
II..,., M11 19, 1969
'Hamburger -Hill' T.r<>ops Re~orced
Red Defernhrs Wait in , . . " . . ~tro~g. Bunhers as 600 N,ew Men Join Ba~tle
SAIGON (Ufl) -A belloopler-borne
I-ol IOO lmb AIUed lroopl todaY
reln!arced -.a paratn>open In the
battle al "Hamburger IWI" wbert North
Vlolna.._ defenders waited, ID llrool
ountm for renewed attacta. ,
•• • U.S. mWlary .....,. In 8alpl, .,..._
...... n.. -414 • Dalt&blY Ill!"· --that -"!"~t lllins 18 Act ... Marmom c:..m. dfolba ~doubled 1o11-. the 11r11
n1y during ~ .ol a moV1e la week o! whit they uld wa 1111 Com
London. Seven-'Fre4, talontecl lllllJlill llUIMlft' olfentlve.
enoup to !mot hla own lie,. wu · Capturod .Viet Coq c1ocumoai111ld oae
suppOoed to have duldled Mias eoun...., about 'Ille neck. But one
!11Fr94'1ban4J4ropped la4ellcate-ty. It clampecl ag.Wt the 41 part
ol Miu Courtenay'> u ,211-39 f!JU1'•·
"Fred WU quite the moot frighten-
ing tlllac I've ever been attached
lo. It caw the cmr a good laugh
but • I fDuDll thooMo _arms really alarmilll," the actre11 aaid. •
A luckUu ptdeatrian in Oshkosh,
Wile. tries futilt'l11 to wave awo11 the
1eaaon'1 fir1t major hatch of lake/lies
ntar La1" Winnebago. Walking i.t all
right if JIOU Uep 11our 11yes, noae,
mout" and tars covered -otherwise
tht11'U drive you bugay. • Florence Eliza Fros~ 91 , of Mal·
don, England, said her hobby is
keeping young and to prove it she
entend a local beauty contest. •
* * * Bombs Used
To Clear Way
• . J
For Copt,ers
SAIGON (UP!) -The Untied Slates
has otarted using for the lkst time In the
war mammoth 15,•poUrid bombs to
clear helicopter ' !anding Imel, reliable
U.S. military"°"""" WI today .
The bombs, biggest ever .. made on a
production line basis, are capable of
blasting out a clearing the size of a foot·
ball fiekl in heavy jungle, they said.
Retearch and productton ol the "·"' oomb w.., prompt« by the favorabl e
reaction Dy field commanders of the
10,000-pound bombs first used late last
Such exploaions represeilt I quiclt and
me.pensive m<tbod.ol cleariq jungle so
that U.S. air cavalrymen can be
helicoptered into dangerous areas.
Before their introduction, the land·
ctesrlng preparaticla far ouch an aaaaull ,
could take up. to ID hour of tntenalve
arlillery barrages and heavy air alrlke1.
Occasionally this has camed U.S.
casuaJUes by telescopin& American plans
and giving the Communlsla Ume to zero
in on the area with mortars and ground
The new, bigger bomba are dealioed lo level enough jungle to perm 1-t 10
helicopten to liod minutes alter the
blast. '!be 10,000-j>ound bomb made a
clearing large enough to handle six
helicopters in llg~t forests and two chop-
pers in heavy Jimgle .
Both bombs are dropped by parachute
and are fused to produce an enormous
explosion above ground. 'I1lls atrial
detooatioo produca a blut which
uproota Is,.. and bnl!h without creating
of the primary objoctiva ol the' Jn.
twilled -·--lo lnfllcl the belvl<st Ameri<ao cuualtliio -111'4 to
pteUUre U.S. canc11sfms at the petce
lalb In Paris.
More than IO Ameri<ao'and SIG Com-
munlat lroopl llrady ba"' died on or
nev the mountain -Moy 11. American paratroopen had foo&h!
their way to Within Ill yanli ol the Nonll
-·~-Map the S,006-foot· high hill lnA Shau Valley, ..... u...
bonier with Looi, ... &mdty, but ....
forced to pull back after l 1J.bour battle.
UPI COi 1 eapoodeut De.rid L 1 m b ,
a troublelome crater. ...
roportlnc from the A Shau Vllley ba~
tl<iOeld, ~ !bat IOO-menu, ii>
cludlng !00 .._ I Sooth"'"'••-ID-
!intry ~; .... ...;w;.~1nt;i.y
by hellcopler to relllfOl<O the ranb ol
about lllO Amerlcan paratroopers. _ ·unw balled by darbeas, l.amb Wi-
the Allied irool)ll Inched up die mOUllWn
In • !tonlal 1111ult remlnlocenl ol 1
World War ll en,ia...,.m.
Some )'OURJ paratroopers ol the 10111
Airborne DivWon ' grumbled w he n
o{"de:red back up "Hamburger Hill"
where more than IO Amerlcanl alru<ly
have died flg!rtlag Nonll Vletnameoe
A motorilt caMght spetdi'ng m
M..U.on. N.J., Is challenging his
tkket on grounds tht police de·
porlme!lt Is ill<gally operating
tti mdar tiqufpment Without a li·
cnu. Jan Jubon, 22, a ttlt'·
phon< laboratory technician, pr<-
unttd hil JJ)ttdln.g ewe m
municipal court with document-
~ papers from the Federal.Com-
munications Commission (FCC)
that the department's license ex·
pfred two 111:ars ago.
' :~"' the 15,0IJD.t>!lund bombs has • Baek• Top been 1llOd !or any ::T other than ~ihe~'°':d, i.:,~,bl~ Naval 1al~ag~ crews . refloet the nuclear Sub_marine USS Gui"'!ro
bombs could be used effectively against Su~day after ~t sa.i:ik in .fiye minutes at dockside three days earlier
bombs could be used effectively against while ~ndergomg final fittings. A SPokesman said damage coul d not
concentrated Communist btmker com· be estunated until a careful examination of the sub is made in dry·
plexes with different fuses. dock. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
•• A Messerschmidt fighter plane,
Marshall Moves
Up One Notch
As Court Meets
Having Baby!!
~ted in camouflage and decor·
ated with swastikas, stormed the
University of Missouri campus at
Rolla, laying down a barrage of
blank cannon fire and smoke. Po-
lice suspected the pilot was the
same one who staged an air show
in ne6I'by Willow Springs, Mo., ear·
Trip Excites Astronauts' Wives
lier in the day. • A team of firemen responding to
what sounded like screaming chil·
dren fought theit wa} through a
wall of fire in an abandoned pump-.
house in Fremont, Calif. The)
reached the source 01 the screams
just in ti.me to rescue a litter of
seven kittens from the infemc
which leveled the old wooden store-
WASHINGTON (UP!) -The Supreme
Court convened in public: session today
for the first time since the resignation of
Abe Fortas, with a move by Just.ice
Thurgood Marshall and an empty sett
symbolizing the sudden development.
Marshall switched from a place on the
extreme left of Chief Justice Earl War-
ren to Fort&!' old position fourth from
Warren's right, signaling the fact
Marshall is now lhe eighth-ranking
member of the court instead of ninth.
A leather judge's chair stood empty
where MarahaD previously sat. It will not
be filled until Fortas' 1ucceuor is chosen
by President Nixon.
SPACE CENTER, Houston (AP) -
"It's like having a baby," says Barbara
Young. "You know what to expect, but
you never get used to it."
"They get" harder every time," says
Faye Sta!Iord ..
"Most of all I'm a proud American,"
says Barbara Ceman.
That's what the astronaut wives had to
say after watching their husbands
rocketed toward the moon Sunday In
Apollo 10.
rl.e wives and families have eight anx·
lous days of waiting before the men of
the house return to thla planet.
Blonde ·Mrs. Stafford's husband, Air
Wide U.S. Shower System
Force Col. Thomas P. Stalford, is on his
third space ride.
When be radioed back that hurtling
through space again was "just like old
times," she smiles and &aid "I'm glad
he's enjoying it."
Barbara Ceman, another veteran of the
long wait, said it was all worth it -"I
wouldn't trade places wil.h anyone." Her
husband. Navy Cmdr. Eugene Ceman,
piloted Gemini 9 in 1966.
With their husbands in space, the wives
kept lhelr ears cocked to loudspeakers
for space conversaUons piped into their
homes from mission control.
Their children at their sides, the wives
watched closely the launch that will car-
ry Staf!ord, Navy_Cmdr. John W. Young
and Ceman into orbit around Ute moon.
Mrs. Cetn1n Oew to Cape Kenntdy
Fla., to witness the launch. Later 6-year:
old Tracey Ceman, who w1s not qufte
clear about It all, asked: "Mommy, is
daddy on the moon yet?"
Mrs. Stafford remarked that "the moon
is an excilin& place" but said it would be
nice if her husband had a "9 to 5 j4>b."
"The whole thing seemed to go
beautifully," aaid Mrs. Young, whose
husband went aloft In Gemini 3 ln 196S.
She said the color trammiss.ions from
space were "magnificent -I couktn't
believe It."
The moon-orbital filiht is "far more
exclUng" than her husband 's Gemini 3
adventure, she Aid, "because we're
going to the moon, and lhat's what we all
came here for."·
BERKELEY (UP!) -Nat 1 o nal
Guardsmen patrolli114 dty streets were
under orders today to beware of yoong
loveliq bearing LSO..plked oranges and
The soldlen were ordered to acct.pt. l'lO
gilts -edlbi< or othenri>e -alter 1
dozen guardsmen "wigged out" on drup
SatW'day. Authorities said the t 2
recovered. ind art now btck oa duty with
no appartnt ill ef(ect.s.
Guard offjeers 1aid the LSD apparently
was in oranges and COQkies given to the
weary soldiers by seemingly sympathetic
my. Jr .• so. ol Pemblnl, N.D .. wltb the
10111 -lllvtaloo. '"l'be -bu lloop up ud fouchl and refuled lo -.ot," ha uld.
.lloaJ Ap Bia -WU tlibbed u~ Hlll" by tbe Americana
-fl the. bloody 'llivgle. II baa
become lho.•.focot polDI "' Oper•Uoa Apache Snow -• io,-drl,. Into
the A Sbau ValleJ to cut ~munl11111p
PIJ and -..... to Hile Ud Do Nine. .
'l'be hJll Ila jllll -mUe -ol Iha ~ border ID the valleJ m m1lea
View• Bre.tlatalcltlfl
Color TV _Given Boost
By Space Photographers
SPACE CEJ!TEll, -(UPI) -'l'be ApoUO 10 ulnlnaull Sariday did !or
color letevlllbn wlW Raquel Welch did
for neaten. ·
Millions ol color television owners
around the wor1d were held spellbound by
the breathtaking views from space.
Owners ol blaclt and white ll<ls, liilenlng
as commentators described the spcc--
tacular telecasts, grew envious.
In three lelecuta lolallng 72 minutes,
the three utronaull showed and describ-
ed the brtpl blue and whll< ball ol earth
from t.houaaDds of miles in space. They
also zeroed In on t n t e r i o r of the
spacecraft to picture John W. Young
doing a weightless Clip, but that wasn't
shown to the viewing public.
More televilion was planned today.
eonun.rxter Thoma P. Slafford, who
fought for the color televlslon camera,
has hinted Ulere would be unscheduled
programming. The 1eheduled telecast
wai view. of the earth and moon •bout 1
p.m. Pl1l'.
The brilliant earth, superimposed
against a solid black background, ap-
peared clearly as whit the Apollo I
* * * Moscow Chides
In Apollo Ship
MOSCOW (UP!) -MOICOW Radio to-
day hailed the courage of tire U.S. Apollo
10 astronauts and wished them wen but
.said they were risking their lives because
of Imperfections of the Apollo systems.
"They substitute their own courage for
the imperfections of their craft," Moscow
radio said.
It was the first Soviet comment: on
America's second manned j out: n e y
around the moon. At the same li~e, the
Russians continued to praite their twin
Venwi probes which reached the
mysterlom planet on the eve of the
Apollo lauaclllng Ind radk>ed. information
that Venua 0 11 not fit for ·man'• We."
"There ii a chance (the Apollo 10) may
crash land on the moon or not be able to
return to the eanh," the r1dio II.id.
Pravda, the Commun.Lst p a r t y
newspaper, gave a lengthy account of the
scheduled clrcumlunar trip without any
comments. It emphasized the f1ct that
the mission would be practically the first
case when two ships would be "on their
own" while in lunar obit.
The official news agency Tass also
distrubuted lengthy reports . about the
Apollo 10 miJsjon without cc:mment.
astronauts tut December deocribed as
an ''ouis" in the void of space.
"Just for the record Jt toou to me lite
a pnUy nice place to live," said Apollo ID
crewman Eugene A. ceman.
The astronauts., uplai.ning that mmt of
the North American continent was
covered by clouds, picked out the Rock)'
MOWJtains, Southern California and Mex·
ico. "Rlght in the center you can aee
Mexico and the clouds over the Rockies.
You pan almost see the freeways in LA,"
said capsule communicator Charles
In the first lelecut, the .. trooauJ.s
showed the ltmar modWe.
In the second telecast, the crew focused
on the euth. and zoomed in for aome
tjoseups over the southweiL
"This bas got to be the greaten sight
ever," Duke said.
"You ought to see jf from here," II.id
The thii-d te1ecaat, a 24-minute lhow
not relayed live to home viewers, showed
the interior of the spacecraft and
astronauts Young and Stalford.
Even though the rpacecraft Is also
equipped with a black and white camera,
plans call for the color camera to be UBed
almost exclusively.
While most viewers wen beld rooted to
theJr sets dW'ing the telecasts, ABC-TV
uJd ...,. -called in ml said the
picturea mult have been "pbooy''
because they were 10 clear.
* * * Astronauts Spot
LA Landmark;
Fog or Smog?
LOS ANGELES (UP!) -The Apollo 10
astrooauts, passing_ o v e r Southern
Calilornia from 25,000 miles out, reported
Sunday: ''We can see the smog over LA.''
Mayor Sam Yorty, informed of the'
remark, shot back, "They must have not
been looking at Los Angeles because we
didn 't have any smog today."
Both the mayor and the astronauts:
were partially correct, said the Los
Angeles Air Poll ution Control Center.
"I believe they are seeing fog, not
smog," the control officer said. "It
depends on where you are. There is some
slight smog at Pomona. Azusa and San
Gabriel. They are probably telling the
"When we get rid of the automotive ei:·
haust, we may have the answer."
Gov. Ronald Reagan had this response
to the astronauts :
"Tell them it is only a smoke signal we
are sending up for their safe return."
Break From Combat
Spec/4 John Sorich ol Riverside enjoy~coollng dip with "Arthur" his
pet spider monkey and mascot of A Troop or 11th Cavalry Regiment
in South Vietnam. It was refreshing lor these two spend much of their
ti.me in an armored assault vehicle with three other soldiers.
Kill 14; 4
· Planes Lost
SAIGON (UPI) -rourt..iii
U.S. airmen were Usted dead·
or mlulng todoy and lour
planes worth lftllllolll o I
ctoUara cleatrwed in two .,.
eldentl In Qlfht -com bat. .
In the !Int OI 1WO mlshlpi' >
Sunday, 1..,.,_ ll't Plllll., lolU jet ~ ,_.., Into·
I ltCllO laolrer plane that WU
relueUns two -Phantom> over the SOutb Qilna Sea. near
the U.S. Marine '.Que at Phu
Bal. '111e collldlol Phantom
and the tanker uploded and
plunced 1n1o the .... liking.
elPt crewmemben and ooe ol
the relueUn( jell -them. The two crewmen of the
relueUn( jet parachuted ""' and were pkted up, military
The '3.t mllllon Phantoms,
all U.S. Marine planes In this
tnstance. are allver in color.
There WU unofflcW specull•
lion that sun sJare· contributed
to the crash, wbldt occurred •
about 1:30 p.m. Sunday. ;
Oawblg Sides
·'fo Black ·Order
., "'_....,... """ In Atlallta, three Necroes m..
Clolrclanen. Wider pc•ure terruptec1 ......,_ at the Finl
-black llllllt.nta to pro. Prelbytor!on Cllurdl. They
vldl tlllO million In repara-were allowed to read Ibo
-lo .l>lacils, are d1oooillc ...,.,..._ They left alter JO
lldlo II tbe cootroveralal ...., mlnu(el, •1'nc Ibey expectod
In ....,,.... and IU'-111. action w1lllin a -k.
Olfidala ol the United In <JJlca&o. Ibo Rev. Jamn --~-====:... ~ Cllurch lllrod Ill B. CUmln(IMm GI St. Mary'a
geoeraf ueembly Sunday to ~ a R<iman Calhollc
approve a plan to raise $50 Church, was preti(!llted With
miUloe for the poor. In New the manllesto. He 1 al d he Or-. IO Negro clergymen -.Id ,.... a le 11 tr
called .. Black Maall-on ackmwledglng the cl>urdl'1
reparaUoos "r·a c 11 m in responsiblllty.
rt'Vtl'8e" and urged all O:tria-In Los AnleJes, the Rev.
tians to reject it. Robert H. Des of st. Joh!1'1
' Glassboro
Fights Erup.~
PollC< abotiuM fired Into 11!1
air broke up -I ilgblinC
that erupted Sunday nlild
The manifesto, drawn up at llDbert H. 11 .. ol Sl Jcim'a
a Detroit m<eW. GI the No-Eplacopal Churdl said, "tbe
Uonal Black E c o n o m I c demands are modest and
Dive)opment Conference, NYI re.onable. The mean1 of between lan&I ol ~egro amt
~ ...itutioN are part achlevlnc them are. not." while teen-agers throughout
GI the l)'Stem that hM In a sermon, the Rev. Mr. lhla 1oWD •wbera l'reakkot
r.,,.eued black people and lies 18id, "The power llruc-. Lyndon 11. ~..._and Sooifl
, ~ pay reperatlonl. ture ol the United Statea doOi Premier Alelel l(Qeycln hi!!'
J 1-m es For m 1 n, a owe reparadoat, aod dlirrcbel t-h e lr ~c-,summll ~
tp0kean1n for the ccrierence, are part of that power ltnJc-. ference in 1987., .
IJ'.S. military spokesmen
reported today that onother
air crash killed all aix men
aboard a U.S. Air Fotce cargo
plane near Sa!gon Sunday
a_.-.d al the Un ll e d ture . . . They bave been Nearly· ti young penons, la·
~ytetan conlerooce In ......,..;ble t<rr the ........,, "1udiDa ~1n11 Nearo &lrll,
r!ME IS UP FOR OLIVET AND SINAI , CABLE CAR lWINS OF BUNKER HI LL Saa -Tex Thunday and they owe reparaikn"·· wera ~ 1
An,al1 Flight Landmark Scuttled for Sake of Progrus In LM Angalao to Mk f<rr 1Wid.. iko aaked the But he decried the mamiesto ~ aalcl · 'pi,p ball!«! Spokesmen sald the C12J
Provider plmnmeted about
eeven rnllea B>rtheut of Bien F •
Hoa AJrbaM "u ii,..,·~ IJdh(
tempting lo return to the base ~
~ l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~cburch~~to~w~rn=idle~=diur<h~=-~becauoe~~~K~•,...~;the~ID:~•~s:,~spora(l!~·:··~~~~l'~wttll~, ~ioc~b~,~lmtf~· .....i lands in the SCUh and ''pr9ure by whatever meana • and Iii ponmg 1oe
SouthwM to blacks ml Mn~ uecc..-y" IDd ·''we are not and on m'lets f6r about two Grounded --oppooed 1o vlolmce." -•
with one engine afire.
Cause of the engine rue ana
the lou ol control by the pilot
were unknown, spote&men
said. 'lhe dead were listed u
three crew members and
three passengers.
Sl ice of LA' s Life Gone
Crowd Keeps
Guards Busy
At Berkeley
crowd of SiOOO demonstrators
engq;ed police and National
Guardsmen Sunday in a series
of chess-like moves through
the troubled streets of IJtls
university city.
Tbere.wu little violence and
only tbne arreall In the .tenae
area, when more than 100
penn11 have been arrested
and at IWll 121 Injured aince
the closing of a "people's
park" by the Unlvmlly . of
Caf~ornla touched oll a bloody
battle Thurlday.
S u n d a y ' 1 demonstrators
meandered 111 miles through
the clty'1 lllreet.!, but carefully
avoided violence ln a series of
confr o nt1tJon11 wilh
didn't really go anywhere, but
the spunky 3lf>..root railroad in
the heart of downtown had a
certain class.
Before workers b e g a n
carting It away to storage in
pieces today, Angels Flight
was proof positive that Los
Angeles had a east -that the
city wasn't lx>m with smog
and clogged freeways.
For 68 years the bright
orange-and·black twin cars
clattered up and down the 33-
degree steep Bunker Hill -
each at opposite ends of a
cable wrapped around a
motorized pully at the top ._
moving like the weights of a
tireless grandfather clock.
Once Los Angeles' top.
drawer social set lived in
manai.ons atop that hill, but
the homes .gradually
deteriorated and gave way lo
rooming houses. ~
In time the city declared the
hilltop a slum area, and laid
plans tor a $600-milllon urban
renewal project. Now the
hillside will have big buUdlng.s
and apartment houses -like the rest ol Loo Angele1.
Even through Friday, the ci-
ty operated the a n t i q u e
raUway at antique prices -a
ride one way cost a Ncke.1
and six rides went for a
quarter. Free rides marked
the final weeknd.
Angels Flight was built in
1901 by Col. J. W. Eddy, a
s c b oolteacher~ngineer-sta~
legislator who told friends be
didn't Uke to watch the ritzy
residents of Bunker Hill trek
up the )lllblde rrom the city'•
budding finandal district.
Of late, the railway has led
to nowhere -with a trip up
slmply a prt;lude to a trip
Although aged and lncltoed
to creak, engineers s a I d
Angels Flight was fit. Local
statisticians ngure the railway
served as many as 100 mUlioo..
people In Ill time and traVeled
an equivalent of 15.15 mlllioo
,miles, L
At· spectal ceremonies over
the weekend, city officials Pro-
mised Angels Flight would
return when the carefully
disassembled parts are ta~n
out of storage and put
together again after the
aunker HUI Redevelopment
Project Is whipped into shape
-perhaps ln as little as two
years' time. Their strategy apparently
wu to avoid violence and ar
rut -but at tht same time
make the presence of police
and National Guardsmen an
expensive neceulty.
Rockefeller Hears
The demonstraton assembl·
ed at Herrick Hoepital to hold
a "silenf vigil" for 1upporten
hospitalized during Thursday's
battles between rock-throwing
dlss.iclents and police, who us--
ed tear ps and riot iiuns.
Panama Control Bid
Howevtr, authortt1es sealed
off the block around the
hospiLal and kep~ the crowd
moving. Alter about 3 0
minutes ol milling around. the
demonstrators marched to' a
vacant lot and began work ori
a new park with picks and
above ls.
Roosevelt Nea1
Full Recovery
GENEVA (UPI) -· James
F. Roosevelt, 10J1 of President
Fran.kiln Dtlaoo Roosevelt,
was reported near f u I I
recovery from stab wounds
and planned to leave the
hospital today or Tuuday.
Roolevelt said his wtte, under
obHrv1Um in Be J.-A Ir
Psychiatric Cllnlc, inflicted
the stab woulds Thursday.
Nelson Rockefeller, making
lhe seventh and last stop ct hi!
fact-finding mission to Central
America, has heard Panama
ask for a greater role in the
operation .of the Panama
The New York governor,
~·ho is touring the hemisphere
on a speclal assignment for
President Nixon, arrived here
Sunday and met with a
P 1 n a m anian government
team headed ~ by Foriegn
Minister Nander Pitty.
Informants said Pitly made
no reference to currently
slalemated n ego t lat Ions
between fhe United States and
Panama -on a new treaty to
re~te the canal. But he ask·
ed for a more effective role in
its operation.
The aourees said Pitty alSt
po~ out that thert l5 sllll
friction between Ibo United
StateS and Panama althougl
Cargo of Courage •
the two countries have agreed
tG seek ways or improving
their relatons.
Rockefeller d i r e c t e d a
pointed comment at Panama's
military regime In h i s
remarks on his arrival.
"Under the firm promi5e of
your government to return to
the blessing o( democracy,"
he said, "l am sure that
Panama will progress even
more swiftly and surely In the
He also said future relations
between the United States and
Panama w 111 "de~d Im·
portantly on the successful
resolution of pending issues
regarding the canal."
The United Slates built the
Panama Canal and b a 1
operated It for 55 yean.
Washington Is reluctant to
negOtlate a new canal agne.
ment with the military regime
f01 fear It may be annulled
when a democratk: govern-
ment comes to power.
111 Survive Boat Blaze
TARPOI'< SPRINGS, Fla. and •lhefs won the pca!H or
(UPI) -John BllllrU didn't rescuers and crewmen.
know tie had a cargo of ~·1 'think everyone sakf a ~•e -the "Miss Go silefit· prayer to himself when ----we w"°e picked u,p," said Ken-Go Girl" wbei> he cast or! r.. neth Aaay, 11, a1 Tampa, Fla.
• daJ ol. GuU coat c:ruWnc· "It was bard to believe it
It toot him only mbNtea to really happened."
llnd out after Ibo !Hool u-Fint Mai. Charla Cross. cuman bolt ~ lnto only a year older Ulan Ken-
t'lamel elCbt milM from lhore netb1 was credited with e'X·
Sllunloy. lraordinary heroism In aavtng
-· oil Ill penona many ortheboy1.
--ped Injury Ill the Cross battled the engine
raOil holocaust. room blau with a fire es·
Soait IO ol the -en Ungullher. He emptied two ex
"'" yoWic b O Y I IC-llrigulll1er1 and mwlM!d hb
compmylnc tllelr lotlitta and finger on a lhir<I when the ez.
adUll au"'""°n on a Ungul.oher blew up and knock-
Monnon Cburcb outing. Their od him of! his (eel.
conduct tn aavlng the.ndelves • Then he be-can aetllng out
lhe Ille jackets.
Croas. Blllirll and Galley
Mate Pat Flynnr the only
woman abolrd, stnpped llfe-
jackets on the boya. They
were akted by llOme of the
older youths and adults.
Kenned)'. said thfre wu
·aome concern about gettln1
the yoonger boys lnto the
rafts. "But the captain.and the
first mate were mak1ng IUT~
e-nryoae bad lliejactets.''
There was no panic. The
younpter1 coolly responded to
oommandl and began leapln1
Into the water wlMlre they
swam to life rafll o r
maneuvered away from the
burninf ahlp as best they
could .
These Realtors may be holding yoUr future:.
a piece of California.
Jmap.. a crowd of 8.SO people.
That's bow" many new Callorniam tbcR
arc CY<rf day, cu the noragc.
Jmagjno a crowd d 6,000 people.
That'l how maay new raidmta die -
adda ...,., ~ All lookiq rOr a place in
our 1un.
Yet the IUpply ol lllld caa't ........_
So what can Callfomia piopcalJ do but
go\ip aad up?
Tho Roolt« wbo aella ii CUI Ie11 you
-. ;
__ _.. ______ _
mare. Few aamp.; 1hat any good, wtU-
locatod pcopcalJ !lbarca io the _.ar·pric<
iuww. Uodevdaped lllld. A home. A
conunc<clal ~ 0r ...... -!hat'• pncUcl.u, _,to be blnlOd ioto a
0-. your piooo d. Clalifomia
caidully, and,.,. -.-• n P.,....
Aad Ibo WIJ IO 10 -obuias in .
Califomia'• pwda ii lo get lop pcd.-1
uperience. He'll_,.,. i I ,.....,.,.
and provide ..............
. qoc ..,.. -lo do It dams
Natioaal-Weet, Mq 11-2.4.
' Secadty Tklll 1-n Cot•• OJ tf
~·.=.r.oo~I ~Con1>ml es.flot---. c......,• ..... ........ , ...............
1 •
• •
Courageous Journalism
lloqii-Colilt Jllltlce Abe Fortas baa bowed be-
fon a oalrllecl public opinion' and stepped down .
'!'lie UMriloD that the $2D,OOO fee from stock man!·
-tor Laula Wolfson'• Family Foundation was just
r'il tip of. the Iceberg" proved true when it was re. '-*' u wu " receive $2D,OOO a year from the foun-\11111"!1 tar the reot of Ju. life -and his wile afterward
. If .. l!l!l"¥lnd him. . • '1'lleN could be more, rtlll unrevealed, for 11 Is
11Mndel!7 dear that Fortas, brilliant Jaw scholar that
ho 11, bU llad a· blind spot In the area of judicial ethics.
,{t !Dot great ®W'&&e -.niore tban 1con3re1S ba~ .. _ _,,,,.Ii member.ofthe Fourlh'Esla e, Life·Maga-
tlne '•jO 'expooe l"ortas• blind ff>ot: And In the doing,, to.• '
serle dlie American people will at the highest level of
govemmeaL Why courage! Because Time, Inc., corporate owner
of Life has cases In the courta which COl\)d reach the United 'StatoJ SUpremt-court and be affei:ted adversely
as a result Of tts maguiaes' actipns where-the court is
concerned. Nevertheless, We assigned competent investiga~
tive reporters to the Fortas case. They struck "pay
dirt" when"they were able to connect a member of the
nation's highest court financially wlllt a corporate
raider and. stock manipulator of WoUson's reputation.
The Fort.as case thus becomes a great object lesson
In lbe vital im'oonance of a totally free press, to th~
Ainorlcan peopfe.
It underscores the tact that even the most powerful
court In !lie land must be accountable to the people -
the people whose lives its decisions influence in Pro-
found Wa)'1.
It underscores also the wisdol'il of Thomas Jetter·
son when be declared, ''Were it left to me to d.eclde · wb~ther we 6hou1d have gove~t without news_.
_.. or newspapers without go""""""1t. I sbould not
heilttate ID prefer tile latter ••• Wbea the pr .. s Is free
and every man lllle to ~ all Is -·" Ltfe bu performed brlllWIUy at Ille nallonlll 1ew1
the role evary new1paper woriby ol the name per!omu
.routinely, day by day, u the -1e'1 watchdog of aov·
ernment al local, COWlly and"< tt&te levell.
The American system can. for Ill public ottlclalt to operate -1Y, In a gokl6lll -1, for all to ne and
Judge PorfOrDWI_'i!. A graalJIWI)' elocted offlclalJ don'L
llU tlils. They WOUl4 prefer to ... the watcllcloc press
jU1t go away, so they can 11do what'• belt tor the publicu
-In private. And the public be danmell.
F'.ortu.-y for the nation, 'tlljl COUDtry does lulve
a U,. and ~en\ press, for ti!' .-t part Unafraid •
to UJ>O"• oflicia) wrong doin(' at any lwol 'of govern-·· ' ment.
Lile Magazine's Bdmirable performance In the For.
tas case is another proud lllllry In the c0nt1nulng record
of CQUJ'llgeous public ,service by tile free press, defender
and watchdOf of the democratic process.
. ' One Man, One Bond? . ~ . .
Cali!o~ts requirement of a· twcMhlrdJ vote to
carry: bond issues bu long been a source of frustration
for supporten of the public school system. In llll!M7
for example, bond issues for school districts were re:
. j~ jn 116 ell!Clions because of III• tw<>-tbirds requlre-m~ Pf lbOse 96, only H missed winning majority approval. •
ldallo-has <lh.e same rule. Now an Idaho court has
ruled It une<>nstltutJonal under the Supreme Court's
hi•tot;ic on, man, one vOte conce~l. The ruling se~ms
certam lo be appealed to the ·Uruted States..Supreme
Coor!. If upheld, it would apply to all bond Issues, state
or loc'al.
You can almost bear the school people cheering on
the sidelin., for affirmative action by the high court.
Denouaced as 'Notoriously Biased' Tribulations.
Justi~e Doug\as Under Fire Of .a Colkge
WASHINGTON -A~ .. ther ~-.' ' agalnst • favorable decision ([or tbe . Presid,ent
tr'otleraial member of , the Supreme government)."
Court la coming under rt~ irate fire. "Justice. Douglas hu publicly com-
Justlce WUUam o. Dotaglas, long an mitted himae.lfin opposition to the war ir:I
()Dealy avowed "peaciidk," is being Vietnam," continued the one~time
cauaticaUy drnounced u notoriously outstanding New Orleans newsman, ''and
blued llld lftludiced 1Jlinst the Viel· Warren, who Ji rellrtn& nm month at hl8 long 80Ughl opportunity to lake
nam war, and bhmtly weued to the close of tbe 1current term. Allo, there 'legal' actioo which would cripple the
withdraw from aiWnc on a far-reaching will be other cblDifll, due to the reslg-ability of the military to C(lntinue our
cue lnvo1v1nc the ,,...,th1tlonality of a ..-nation .of JusUce Abe Fortu and thfl in-operations in Vietnan."
key provillee o[ the drolt.law. creBslng blbiilnea of Jllllice John Har-
'lbis estraordlnaly dem"1d Is belag Ian.
made by Hep. F. F.dwud Hebert, 'Jl.Ui., Jn'bluntly chellenginC Jllllice Douglas'
cbalmwr ol the -.Inned Services fllliea to act on lhe, droll ._, Hep. suhc:munlttees on Natlanal ·Guard and Hebert renewed hll ~ att.ca on
-.Oaffalnand~draft. lheNew·llefl juriat'1·inanifelt blu llld
'"Jlie penmaJ -bellll plij-. pnijudioi apbllt ---In "' Jostice Dooglu ... lhe ~lo_ ~and ''mllltarllm"ia.general. .
Vlolnam," ~ ~\ '"~lnlbla.eNumn.Hebertoa
makeablmhapallltlf 'IW ........ lh Noill -·-joctlve ioo-t m'tbll cile._~ Clilol,Jlitlce W111'1e -'"'* D•uglu'
therefore recognillrbla ,lftjlidtcel and . ':1u4aiopoi" 111:..U.C ol llm and
porocb1aJ ln1erest and wtlhdnw fi'!'I' ~ ci.Dlndloc lhe Supnme Court tlghten l!s
adfve part In tbe d~m oa this cue; . ruJe1 ol procodure to ....,ruile ".,bitrary
' and cepric!OWI"-by !is members.
THE CRUCIAL CASE "'volves around Unle'll the trlhunal llaell 1noti1a111 auc;h
the recent rulin& of Fflde:ral Dhtrict eorrective me a 1ure1 Hebert Warned,
Judge Cblrles W)'Wllkl.:)!oston, that a • Jegi~atlon tmposliif c:urbl wtll be
provillee ol lhe Selectlve llerv1"' Act enacted.
relating to COlll!ldentious objectors .. in-r
valld. He beld 11 dlocrlmlnates "agaiml" •"ON THE WYZANlllD deell!on, Hebert
atheisla and agnostlcs llld men ~· a-led that unlell revel'led II eoukl
wbelher they be religious or not. are ' "ierioualy endanfilii'-the ablllty of our
motivated In their objectim to the draft ·armed flftel to ellec:llvoly engage In
by profound moral beUefl which con-combat operations."
etib.tte lhfl central conviction of their "'lbe theory of 'lelectlve objflctloft' lo a
being." particular war la oat al lhe major laaues
Oo that buia, Wyzanakl malnl.aiD!Jd, in Ulil cue." ,declared Hebert. "The
the provision violates the First Amend· resolulloa' ol tllb luue may ...., il'!idi
meet tbal "Congress allaJI make no law 'the abiJ117 of' the Selective Service
respecting an establillunenl of rellgloo or System to meet futuno m1J1tary man-
poblbltlna the lree Herdse thereol." power requlreme!ils .•••• The olitcome o[
The Supreme Court hl8 agreed to con-this cue Is lherefcre al ""'"'"1ae im·
alder this neeplng jndgment In the next portance to our national oecartly."
tenn that begins In October. II Dooglu la to take part'ln--"11 on
' ' this crucial ...... Jleberl ~. "It
BY THEN THERE will be a new chief would appflll' that tbe 4carda' In the
jqallce -In place of Incumbent Earl Supreme 'Court are aJreody stacked
AS EVIDENCE of this, Hebert cited
two llllJll/bn\ [actso
(I) A dlueniing opinion by Douglas las!
year demaading the Supreme Court rule
on "whelhor COlllCription ls permJ..ible
ln the abeence 'of • declaritioo or war'';
(ll a oer1es;w 11m 111:lllted by Douglas
bloct!ni· the Wn& 0o( ~ps to Vlel-
Dlln. ' • "His detambiatim to emasculate the
draft law wu ~need by the slays he
granted in Cltlel involving reservists WhG
had been ordered to re~ to Vietnam,"
sald Hebert. "These stay orders pro-
hibited the mowment of these reservists
and, for practical purpbaes, all other
similarly sltuited, to any baise outside the
Un!tocl Stales.
"These stay orders were issued by
Jusilce Douglas afW his colleagues, in·
duding the Chief Justice, had specifically
refused to issue sucb ·atay orders, and
prompted a spate of legal actions which,
for a short time, seriously inhibited the
$ecnlary of the Army's · ability to pro-
perly UR manpower _.,. All thel;e
ltayl weni ~1 vacated by l!1e =-Oairt._ . bat not unlil m-aid lrreparlbte mischiel had
been da6e."
Dou&1u, 71 and pr'Obd of bis prowess as
a biker and outdoonrnan, bu never serv-
ed in.the armed f~ However. he has
been married four tlmes. His last two
wivet blve been 1n their early twenties.
BJ Robert S. Allen
ud Jolla A. Goldsmith
One of Tightest Secrets
Oal ol the tlsbl<ot -... the ..,.a_ m (and probably tn eome
fGniF ...nrles) is the de-'"1<1
tentative use in chemicaf-blological
1be proceaa, which employs several
UP•" in the armed· .enicts, b
tcwU&d It every a•enue d exploration.
'lbe uw1;•pen can't get the lw:tl, nor ....... °"'!l""S. which aPJll'lllrilta the ,_ !tr mearch, t.sll and produd.lon.
'l1lo --types who cmun'"1d at ·the ..,..-..i 1evei are alrald to peep.
11U became evklM • few years ago Sn
U1lh -IOOO llht<p :!O mli<o from a
dialllcal -were deM>yed. Thouih Che ..,_ lltcttd a bi~ gruq
valley, bUe olllcer• flatly denied It .... --...-k. Only pooitive proof
-Ill« pried from them a faltering
Mooday, May lll, 1969
~ cdfloricl page of Ille Dcllf
Pilo& l«tkr co fftfomt and ''"""
"'4U readnr bf P''"""llil tllil M10lpaplr'I oplnJom and c:om.-
tnirnforJ Otl t.opicl of i1ltnt1C
and riQ!lf.fjcaftu, br proofclfng a •
I°""" '" Ille nprtuimt of ""' ,.,,.,.. """"°"'· and br ,,,_., Ille '""'" .i..., Pofitll Of "'lot-obun>tr1
and ~ ... lopla •I Ille
Rollert N. Weed, Publisher
acknowledtmtat of possible
THE SEVERAL .dlomlcaJ tett .lit.s in
tile ~ Slota Ill known. Whal goes
on bein:I tht bu'bfld wtte is not known.
The aonual """ ii camouflaged In the Delcme budgtt. m 1DlfficiaJ estimate is
$119 m!Uion. Recently a new phase o( the
<le.elopment WU brought oul b y
Oorill-.i11an R. D. McCarthy of New
·By digging, he dlocov<r<d Defe!llO has
_....i 181 million lor "riot C011trol
mtllitions," a mask in ltatK, for tt refm
to our venial old friend, tear gas, and -Other "iocepacitatlng gases."
tt doesn't mean the army Is about to
Infiltrate t h e college campuses to su~
press dJ!ilOl'den. which half a million
dollars would caver. It meam thls stt1rr
la: for use tn warlart, specifically Viet~ ......
HERE McCARTHY mikes a startling
inlerpntalion. '"-h we have denied
dianlcal-blologlcal "arfare since the
K<ftlll dl)'t, McCarthy a•m the
techn!c&I way the 1ever1J tttr and othtr
!rr!Cant pses are -belnt1 used lo • aell1ed form o r 'chtmlcal-blo)Oflcal --· . ' 1be use of non-lethal gaata Ill Vietnam
has been publicized for ltVeral yeara.
While public atlfntlon w11 fixed on
napalm, the Pentagon piously cxhlbrted
its gas aa a "humane" weapon, 1111d the
people lell for It
Not-so, ei)>r1'fccarthy. 11 r ,
systematic&lly used in &be jungle to flush
the enemy from fortified positions.
coonhted with aerial bomblng and
artillery barrages. Thus the incapacitated
are easy t.~t.s for cooventional attack.
It ilJ u deldJy as the deadly gases, sa ys
Mt'Carthy, and the Pentagon escapes
HE AU0 SAYS the use of' d!tmical
defoliates to clear the Juniles for: a field
oi f.itt, mx! as an anti..food weapon, is
another form of chemical-biological
Defense deigned to answer McCarthy
with-an e!ght-page disclaimer which
McCarthy said is tun of contradictions.
Oemen~ in claSl!Jifioation r u 11 n g s ,
Defen8e is not unduly disturbed by atlack
-90 far.
Now that Preaide11t Nison hu
"worked up" a Utile capital and
purchased a proper estate. 1 do
hope he gels ljal something to ....
place her cloqt coat.
Remarks that make a college president
wish be were nmning a nursery school:
"They've got the dean of men locked in
the men 's wa.shrOom and thrown away
the key."
"Guess what the latest student demand
Is, sir. They demand parking facilities
equal to-allotted to the IOcu!t)'. N••
they're really going too far!": ' · .
"Fifty:-.a1 lho'l8cully "1lltd to
go on strike £hemselvei1utlea.you take a
firmer hand with the st~. &net r.i>
percent voted to go on strike if you do ...
"Do you lhlnk 'lt wou1d be of any help i(
\Ve simply called in -the student leaders
and asked them to engage in a mean-
ingful dialogue'!"
' "EXCEPT FOR the fact the Veterinary
Building ls stUI on fire, sir, the rest of the
campus is relatively quiet."
''You may think you're having your
troubles running the university, Dr.
Rutherford Romulus Frothingham, but
Jet me tell you as your wife I'm having
trouble running your borne, too. Our part-
time maid has just qlrll and is carrying a
picket sign outside our house. She says
she's in sympathy with your student
"Well, whatever we do, we have lo de.
it soon. The legislature meets next
week-and you know what their attitude
is toward etudent revolt.
"We just got a telegram from Harvard,
sir, cancelling your visiUng lectureship
on 'The Purpose and Function of a
Progressive University in a Changing
World.' They f"I the subject is in-
appropriate at the present time."
"AS A LOYAL alumnus« Popinjay U.,
1 !Ind yc.ur inaction in the present crisis
deeply disturbing. Therefore, I am drop. pm, my p I a n s to contribute $100,000
toward a new student donnitory.
However, I'll contribute $200,000 if you'll
use it to build a student jail."
"You've tried pampering them. Why
not call in the National Guard now · and
try clubbfilg some sense into their
"In essence, sir, the Negro sludents
want a new Center for Afro-American
Studies, the Jewish lbldent.s want a
Hebraic Center, the Irish students want a
new Institute of Gaelic Cultur~. the
Italian students want an Jta)l>.American
Department and our lone student from
Egypt Is demanding a C(lurst on the
history of the Arab Leagu~to be taught
in Arabic."
"HERE'S A telegram from lhe
chalnnan of the university's board of
trustees, i;ir. He's just found out that his
son ls one of the student strilters and
asks that you do everything p»sible to
talk some sense into the boy. He says he
can't do a thing with him himself."
It seems l gave you a bit of mis.in-
formation earlier, sir. It now tunas out
that they've got the dean of men locked
In the women's washroom, not the mep's
washroom. If this gets ouf. Popinjay
Unlvenlty wt!! ba the laughjng stock al
the nation."
"Another flasll , llHhey .... just bomb-
ed the chapel. They must be running 001
ol the maletlal> they stole from the
chemical laboratory."
appar<nlly dMl care a whoop either
way. They don't care "hetber school
keeps or not.''
"The lootball coach Is on the phone 1~.
He 1ay1 he bites to bother you at 1 time
like thll, but unlas he gets an advance
tl5,000 ln erpenses to recruit some new
playm we'll au be in worse trouble nul
faJI when the seuon at.arts.''
Latent Paranoia
Of Human Race
What is distressing about the human
race is not the way a small number ol
people act, but the way a larger number
of people react. It Is our reactions ralber
than our actions that condemn us to
perpetual barbarism.
In Switzerland, not long ago, six
members of a tiny .. religious" sect were
tried on charges of Dogging to death a 17-
year-old girl while trying to "exorcise the
-devil" from her body.
WHEN THE STORY of this fataJ
fiagellaUon was published, according to
,Time magazine, tbe people ol Zurich
·reacted with "a primiUve moral fury"
--'that was terrifying. Police cars taking the
. accused to 8Dd from the court needed ez-
l.ra protection from masses of lynchers.
The court wu swamped with threaten-
ing letters, and proposals for the most
frighUul tortures were made by letter
and phone. Newspapers "received hun-
dreds of suggestions for punishment no
less demonic than poor Bernadette's ex-
orcism," including one writer who
wanted to seal the defencl'ants into a bar-
rel full of spikes and set it afire.
And Switzerland, be it remembered, long
ago abolished the ~ath penalty for
murder. This is one of Europe's most
"civilized" nations.
human race, and the raging aggression
that lurks beneath the surface at all
times, can be vividly seen in this reaction
of the good, respectable, law-abiding and
peace-loving Zurlchers. What th e '1
wanted to do was far worse than the
crime they were ••ptlllbhing." This crime
was obviously psychopathic1 C(lmmitted
by religious fanatics in the grip or
hysteria. People can scarttly get any
sicker than this, and society ahould put
them away in order to study lhe.m as we
study carriers of all maH.gnant ud fatal
diseases. This is a job for the trained
clinician, not the executioner.
BUT THE DEPRAVITY o[ their crime
released all the commensurate feelings
or the populace -for all of us are pote~
tially homicidal (if we don't .know that,
we have learned nothing from the Bible
or from Freud); and under the guise of
"retribution," the respect.able members
of society feel free to act out their own
murderous fantasies.
ll is not frightening that a few
psychotics beat a girl to death. But Jt la
frightening that the mass of people
regard this violation as an excuse t!>
unleash their own repres.sed aggressiont
-and in so doing, become wone than
the offenders they are chastising. No
criminal bas ever wounded society 1.s
severely as society woundJ itself.
Writing About Music
To the &titer:
I have just read "Strike Up Band'' in
the DAILY PILOT of May 13, and am
dismayed to learn that Tom Barley,
representing your newspaper, will pass
judgment on the musical activities of the
Orange Coast and on the basis thereof,
"Euterpe" trophies are to be awarded fc.r
best concert organization, best single
evening's performance, and for service to
the cause of music by male and female
performers .
THE ONLY VALID writing thal has
ever been done on the subject of music
has been by musicians such as Berlioz,
Schwnann, Stravinsky and Schoenberg.
The rtason thert is so little good wriUna:
about music ill that the only ones
qualified to do IO are too My making
music. Mu.sical qif.fcism in our
newspapers Ls a disgrace. Mr. Barley's
efforts are consistenUy Incompetent
musically, and sophomoric journalisU_µJ·
Sat1s the DAILY PILOT'S Barley:
"It would bt: mosi difficult to find
a musician who would care to j\Ufgt:
pubticlt1 or critici:1 a feU010 'fl'IUsi·
clan's •florU. A properly qualified
jountalist if be&ter equipped Jor the
job." Borl1:11'1 credential.! include a
music degn1: from. Leeds Univtriity
and 20 ~ears of rwit toing for suc4
po~rs o.t the London News Chronicle,
London Daily Mail, LondO!l Doily Ez·
press -and tht DAILY PILOT. Hi$
un/e, a /onnl!f' concut piontat for the
Y orkahirl! Srmpllony Orche.sto, is on
honor graduate from tht: Rot/Ol Col·
lcge of Mu.sic fn London.
f'ul• Al>o•t Greece
To the Edltor o
Anyone wbo has klly ,wondered what
thelr portion of our tax dollm ( 40 million
per year, gtve or like a few mllllon f) ls
doing for iitt1. Gl'ftCO lhoilid ,..ad what
Chrlatopher Wrtn, n1tw edttor of •
"f•ga&lne, his to II)' Jn the M•Y 27 issut
Lllfln trom twdert ,,.. '#ltCllfnl. Niantle11¥ """""'
&roould conW"t blr IMIHfe In ao -* •r Ina.,
Tri. rltl!t to condftlll! 1ttttni tD flt '"°" w 1r1ntto
n•M libel i. mer.'ld. "" lttttrt lllUft lnctutt •l,netv,.. end mtlllne Mllll't'I" llut -""r lllt w1Thhlld on f'9CIUttl' If ~ ..-II _....,.
of that magazine. It's called "Greece:
Government by Torture."
our government has been "looking lhe
other way" regarding the grisly facts Mr.
Wren has discovered -tn the lntertst.s of
diplomacy no doubt
IT CERTAINLY can'! be that wttb aur a11 .. ncompusing world-wide spy .,.....
OlD' government could be unaware of' lhe
And yet we woocler that 01.tr young have
turned away in tot.al revulsion from the
snake-pit which their elden c a 11
"diplomacy" and "defense of the national
interest," and other euphemisms 91!:rving
as a front for our ambiliou.s aeneralJ and thriving anns industry. · • · ·
1--By Geeoie -~
Dear George:
You tell the .lecherou.s man: who
complained about girls wearlna
mini skirts around the off\ce that
Instead of paying ao much atteMl.on
to how glr~ dms bl ""'1d be ad·
vised lo 10 borne and take a cold
shower llld chop -. wood . Thal
wtll late his mind olf mini aklrtll
Dear P.1inl:
Woll, he tried II, he llld. 11e·1
chopped a haU-cord of llre....., llld
filled up the sbo•tr ltlll and
bathtub but be Aid lt seemt
1ensclm to blm. Ever, t!tne he
,... back to lhe office thei\ mini • -~J _atm there.
--------------~~..,,___ _________________ ~===:;.:.;,.___;~:.._:·.a..
A Robot Bartender
Goes on the Market
By L M'. BOYU ~
Understand an ooUit I n
Balllmore baa pill tosether a
robot bartender. The llima .can
mil any .one of 1,000 driBb in
four seconds. Don't koow the
sale price of. this alcoholic
ccmput«, but It may bock a
few ~ out of busil\eSs, that's possible. Still,
whether a barteOOer Is good
doesn't depend on his savvy
with drinks, but. on his firm
and friendly manner with the
1.ooely crlente le . The
aforementioned machine is not pn>grammed In grin, winl: or
illlgh at sly anecdotes .. ,,,.
best bartenders are so pro-
TYPICAL TIP to t b e
halcheck girl In the Soviet
Union now ls reported fo be 10
celi.s wtirlh of kopeks. . . •
WAS RECENTLY asked the
plural of ~~phinl:. Didn't know
offhand. There's only one, isn't
Ulere? Why do we need a
plural? Anyhow, our Language
man says it's Sphinges .•.•
BA VE a feminine reader in
Davis, Cal., whose first name
i!I Neverra. Ever met one cf
those before? I have not. ...
and War man Houelle of Fra~
ce who so correctly 'noted,
"There are beautlful flowers
that are scentless a n d
beautiful women who are
unlovable." . . • . DEAN
MARTIN is my lady friend's
favorite singer. He 's good. But
I like Glenn Yarbrough better.
Maybe I'm jealous.
CHARM -It is not what a
woman loots like that giv~
her charm. It's bow she af· rects the people near her. That
has long been the opinion or
our Love and War man. Or as
-old John Mason Brown so
wise1y put it: '..'.Chann is a
glow within a woman that
casts a most becoming light
on others."
''00 you ever make talks to
luncheon clubs?" A. Not
aurmore. Used to, but each of
• those occasions wouod up Call·
Ing !or illree ·~· '!'he one I wrote, the one 1 botched
up at the. podium, and the one
l ,deUvered so magnificently
on the way home in the car ...
• Q. "WBAT'S Tiii DIF·
FERENCE l>etween a hobo, a
tramp, and a bum?" A. A
hobo ls.a wanderer who worts,
a tramp is a 1f8D[ltrer who
doesn't wark. And a bum, he's
a panhandler who neither
wanders nor works, but just
stands around with walery
eyes. So iays our Language ·
managers, · please post the
fGllowing in a prominent
place: A shoe fl.\llllufact~
hired twG men to carry his'
line into Africa. Three mGnths
later, one 'wrote back: "Am
returning immediately. NG
market here. Everybody goes
battfoot." The other wrote
back : "Enclosed, 105 orden.
Market unlimited. Everybody
here goes barefoot."
.Prognosticator expects men
shortly will invade women's
beauty shops. To get fancier
hair-dos. The opposite hap-
pened on<=e. For a while in
1925, the record shows, men's
barbers were trimming almost
as many women as men.
Believe that came about
because the women then were
still on an equality campaign.
Now it is our C. P.'s con·
tention the men soon can be
expected to go on an equality
campaign, too, a sign thereof
being mass male attendance
at hair dressing salons.
T .• a storm is worse than a
gale. Storm winds go from 55
to 63 miles per hour, gale
winds from '39 to 46 miles per
Your questions and com·
men ts are welcome and will
be used wherever possible
in ''Checking. Up." Address
niaiL ot L. M. Boyd, in care
of DAILY PILOT, Box 1875.
Newpor t Beach, Calif.
P2663. ..
' -
Reasons Unknown
Less Grad Studen·ts
Now Being_ Drafted
WASHINGTON (AP) -The additional delay.
number of col.lege graduate Experts also believe many
students being drafted this students have obtained OC·
year is running far below cupational defennents
estimates, even t h o u g h either as teaching aS!islants
deferments for d i pl o m a -in Uie school~,.. where they
h lders were abolished more st~y, 0~ by qwtting school for o private industry.
than a year ago. The U.S. Olli~ of Education
At the same time, graduate reports that enrollments in
schools report a big slow-down graduat.e schools it surveyed
in enrollment. NobOOy know s rose c.nly one percent last fall,
whether the missing students compared with an average 12
were drafted , went to industry percent in previous years.
for occiipatlonat defennents. That would mean an a~
or stayed home to wait for parent loss of up to 20,000
"Greetings." graduate students. But the Of.
The National Security Coun-lice of EducaUon can only
ell recommended I i f t i n g guess, like everyone else,
defennents in ·February 1968 where they are.
for all graduate study except The National Security Coun·
medicine and the ministry· cil, which advised Hershey un-
Qit.fcs of the m o v e der provisions of the draft Jaw
predicted a draft of 450,000 t 0 r e. m o-v-e g r a d u a-t e
COUege gtaduatt!I trn:IUdin g deferments, has made no at-
175,000 grad students. The tell'!pt to find out the effect of
more conservative Pentagon its action.
estimates were for a draft of
1,000 college . graduates, in· STUDY CHANGES
eluding 58,000 would.be grad "We had a ~udy of changes
students in fiscal 1969. in the gra411ate structure,"
ONLY SS,M said a spo~an for the Health, EducatioD and Welfare
When the flsctl year mda in Department, referring to an ·
June the total will probably . enrollment survey, "but we ·
reach no more than 35,000. ' didn't attribute any reason to How many of lbese soldier-· -1 Id h l . scholars were or wou ave · "I guess nobody Is keeping
been in graduate school is track, in terms of what the
unknown. Asked the number of draft is actually doi ng tc.. it,"
draftees with graduate credits he added .
a Penlagon spokesman replied A National Security Council
''That would be a major staff member pointed out that
research project. We just President Nb:on Included, in
can't do IL" hls draft-revision plan last
Tbe elimination of graduate Tuesday, a "thorough review
deferments was meant to stop ol OlD' .... >.tellnes, standards
•-'-ls •!nm "-amid;na" •-• wuci1 ,.,. --e and procedt1tt1 for deferments
one deferment on top of anrl exemptions."
another and thus staying out .''This," said the staffer,
of the draft pool indefinitely. "would certa1nly be one of the
Something apparently has things the cowcil would want
not gone according to plan. to report on."
Manpower o:perta both inside;:==========,!
and icJulllde government INll· The gost varloul eaplanatloos.
All -!hat an important Or1nge Coast's ,_ .... .drift director
IAwil B. Hershey's lnstructloo Most Complete
to allow postponements or Jn. PRl.NTING ductlon unW the end of a
achool term. SERVICE
Draft boards could have
been Inordinately slow In
reclaaify students, and many
~ m1y-have ... appe1led c
the reclual.Ocations, creating'----------"
•• .....,, May 19,"1!69'' • -un.'I' tUf
'. • . '
1 ·
• _,
J -Start your summer sewing
with · fabulous fabric s~klls·
' •
Fabulous selection t>f dress
and spor1swear fabrics now!
Fasl1ion ~s w~en you -
sew with textured cottons
' .
\ yd. . . '
Buy up yards and yards of /his very special group of
better cotton fabrics that are simply perfect for stitching
up the best looking dresses and sportswear in the very
latest fashions in a wide color selection!
There's no end to all !he. !errific outfits you'll niako from
this group· of better cotton· yarn dyed fabric:i and f~. ' . ' . weaves in a marvelous selection of colors . Hurry in ta
~Y savilJll• .. by tbe yore! while they' last! '· ( , ,
Hawaiian type gold prints In exotic patterns to , .
stitch up attractive ~por110wear· .. ,h0ite11 gowns .
look J the prict IOI' time ciuthentic cotton 'prints I Make shifts, bathing suits •••.
j1at ~ _,ihingl Sonforind9, machine washaple, 36".
' '
' .
l '
l • r
.f ,,
' •
. !
' • . i
I DAii. v PIUIT '
For Yorty
At Issue
••Qlmll lly Phll lritirlcmdl
.'l'hoUiands of dollan in p~
ceeds from a numbtt ol .$100.
a-plate Sam Yorty t.esUmonlal
and "birthday" dinners has
·emerged as the latest issue in
.the turbulent campaign for
· City Councilman Thomas
.Bradley, Mayor Yo rt J' 1 .
challenger in tile May rr ~
1ion, told a san Peclnl rally '
!ity that ••there has never
a public accounting" o(
~w re up to $700,000 in ~
• ceeds went
"Did the mayor poCket the ~~~~~~;:=~~-~::.!!:e;::.!:~:.!::!===.J ~ey," 8 aryldles."hdflmaee _ .... ,._ ..... M.1ttt.•..w <'-~
mooey," Bradley asked. "lf he " "'did, did he pay income tales ____ "Wh~::&t:.:in'.'.:..::h=ea::nn=.'=-•.::n.::ome=.::did=y-'-ou_u_k_f_o_r'_· " __
Oil it?"
' If it was used for campaign
.purposes, "was it reported to
··the city clerk's office?" he
· Yorty later said on a radio
talk show that the money was
adminmered by a committee
·which put out cititen-education
material such as a brochure
on "police protection and the
nect$ity of supporting the
A Yorty spoeksman added
that "the figure of $700,000
certainly sounds wrong·• but
d,j,d not offer an estimate.
-Mea n while , Yorty
characterized Bradley a s
"well-meaning, a o a i v e
person, SWTOUnded by other
forces or associates."
"If Bradley becomes mayor,
the inrumbent said, he will be
•'ft!ttered and helpless to
govern properly bec;ause of
outside associations.''
As an example, the mayor
singled out Don Rothenberg, a
Bradley campaign worker, as
being a fonner Communist
Party member.
Rothenberg has --bis past assodaUon. ..,mg be left
the party in 1956. Br~ ll)'S
he feels Rothenberg ii n. o w ~ dedicated American!'
"A candidate .who is lllr·
rounded by such penom m.at
be naive," Yorty1old a "Yorty
Nationalities Ra 11 y," cc:rn-
posed la.gely ol -
originally from Euteiii _Euro-
~ coontries.
Berkeley Police Foil
2nd People's Park Try
Dissidents slqinc a plant-in
on rapid transiL district pro-
perty w~ driven away by
police a_nd National
Guardsmen, foiling the young
people'• second almnpt to
establish a "People's Park."
There were 22 arrestl in the
lalelt incident Sunday on
cha es including trespassing and~ throwing, raising the
'(OUN)ay amll toW lo 1%7 In
No Records •
Set by Frogs
this university city.
"Street people," who include
University of C a liforn~a
students and other youths,
made their move 10 blocks
north of the university-owned
lot from which they were
driven Thursday when police
called the guardsmen and
fired birdshot and rock salt in
a bloody confront.ation.
On Sunday, guardsmen with
fixed bayonets surrounded a
group of some 800 persons on
land owned by lbe Bay Area
Rapid Transit District. The
land covers recent subway
After police announced the
demonstration was i 11 e g a I
guardsmen f 0 r· c e d the
demonstraton off the land and
up.rooted plants and ahtubs
ANGELS CAMP (AP) -the youths had plant«!.
1be· jumping trop o f 'Ille c r o w d, nearly 2,000
callwru Cclmty didn't set strong, then marched into the
any records thil )'ti!', bat a Berkeley }fills and b act
reccrd crowd turned out to toward the campus, running
W·•·• ·~ part of tbe way. ·~·~ f Winner al the International "1ost dispersed as they ap-
Gpnd FJnala Sunday was a proached the campus, but ZOO
tee...,nddler .named Rinso, remained to !ace a roadblock
enterod by the peremdally vie-ol 7 Alameda COunty sheriff's
toriaul . lnlalnl· tudem ol deputies and h i g h w a y
i_,i 11111 and Blll ProdGr, patrolmen at the south edge ol ~ CllfL -the campaa. Then theJ left
... . -~ .... ·-----
Near SRI
dotted mine shafts as a hobby Sherllh olU.. I a.Id lo Ibo -ley campuo tr11· , nge
roond UI& sticks ol dynamite Manon CWmlnPam ... foitnd itrod • violent clujleo wllh ·
. . the dynamite near tbo mouth police and National PSA hidden in one Sunday, enough of an abandoned shaft. 1be ex-Guardmn · f lng diss\dent SIM
to destroy a city block. plosives had been covered youths .. : ..: converted the can
T h e find was on property' with fresh twigs and shrubs. Jot Imo a "people's park." And
owned by the University· of lndicatlna they had been hld· --stor'I at SRI
California's Lawrence Radia-den rtcenOy, they said. c:e staged two sit-ins to pro-
tion Laboratories and near Both the university and SRl test SRl's ~ a r -r e I ate d you
property controlled by Stan-f a c e d violent s tu de n t reeearcla. ,
ford a-.tcil lnsUlulep al-~ OYer' I b O ~ of Tracy, WU nd • .
though "'pot(odly Di1ther ~ liut olllcen would llunlfni lh shafts at the tri to useo that kind ol, apla&lve. not aay wbelher Ibey ""peel old ol Carnegie, a rou p
The Alam~ County sher-the dynamite Wl!I related to coal mining center of a cen-
Uf's office said no caps were I.be protests. tury ago that hu been aban-
found immediately with the St.rife over .,• • ac 0 at doned for decades. Sa Fra e ,
explosives, which were tn a -n llPI~...-.
plalllc ba1 and ...,. rtmOVe<! I "'""""
Navy Refloals
Nuclear Suh
VALLEJO, Calli. (AP)
The $50 million nuclear su~
marine Guiltaro was raised
from the muddy bottom of the
Napa River here Sunday.
The 4,MO-ton vessel whlch
aank mysteriously Thursday
during outfttting:, was
refloated at Mare I.stand
Naval Sbipyanl Sunday with \A.lilt no otablllty problems. It wu
ALWAV9·FIRST awu.rrv .. 0
• •
• • •
• •
Orongo County fana .,. higher now ""°"" on PS.\.
Thal'• boCl<tM we don1llyfromthe ... ~1-
. L 1v8an F..-.0 for $13.!50 pl"" tax
-wrf. !10D ftlgldl a WMk. All Jell.
i-i air tam. Caf1 your trawl agelil. Ind-• lllU•-lng.
PSA gives you a lift.
Give your garage
back to your car ...
"''I just can't undentaDd bow
anyone would was to try &o !WI a city, like Ibo clly al Loo
Angeles, wllh -kind ot
j100ple advisin& hlm, ~ YoltY
told a later gudea party ol
In 1•. Ibo 11111--lllo. . .._ ..... _...-dcllt '!be ~ did not
~ S'4 ....._ Their fll'b'1 follow tbe "ttreet people" on 1 alle·won 1111: year. ,· their thtte-mile march but
~uts Lost
"ln Storm -
. '!TJPI) -The bodies of lour
young Explorer Scouts and
·their adult leader. who disap-
peared nearly three months
ago during a moantain
. blizzard, have been fou.nd in a
snow..filled gorge.
The group apparently
became 1061 on a cross coun-
try skiing hike when the storm
suddenly struck and they
twnbled off the edge of a trail
into the. canyon where they
froze to death.
A search involving hundreds
o£ men at the 7 ,IXMl-foot level
in the San Bernardino Moun-
tains in Southern california
reveaJe<t no trace of the miss-
ing party until the. spring
tMw. They were found within
21h. miles of their destination.
A search party ci five btad-
e<! by sheriff's Lt. Ernie De
Lauri discovered. the first
body Saturday night. The re-
mains had been attacked by
wild animals. Filly men wei:e
sent into the area al daybreak s..,.ia)' and . by ll a.m. the
other four victims had been
\ found.
13% of Britons
()K' Marijuana
Um:nride "morality" survey
sboWI 1.S percent of Britons
believe marijuana should be
Jegalized, the poll orgaoiutfon
M...obaervatlon Ltd. an-
.,...-i today.
Rlalo'I dlltaDce Sundly wu kept surveillance from three
11 leil; 1\0 lnd>es. hellcoplers.
.A :.::.· .. .... .. . . '1!.llr-1 -~-~.-
0 0
DIE llllJI( • INE arr The survey atlO showed 20 ~ approve of nudity on
the llage and ""'pies Uving
together before marriage. Fil-• PERFECTION ty-one percmt endorsed mercy
_::ki_m..:::ng'-. ;;;; .. ;; •• ;;;-;;,;;,---u SCOPE
THt .... _ mE aARin'
N"4Not .... rro11
DDal\ ltft ID Ml .t falM "'9tb 1~1 .... ••ti~* ,,. 51\111$ ......... -. ....... 9'0Ud\f .... ..._ ~ ,... ..,..lie •
CH-rr Af YOllll l'IHNIF'S
E•l!!!U'1DJW .. ,."" .. ,.\ ... -.-r11 ~ faM""' t rmw. l'UU:P!!' MUNTllMTOtl all.ACM MI WHtT &IACM ---..=;.~~...:J:'ln.~ Mtl'W .. .......... ~ (;.,_,., "'""'-11i..,nt .C.--.... It .,. _.. ... on.,.tW "'°'" ...... tf 1" °""' l'"wy.MllCA,..,.,_ •I ,.K. Cd, ffW'f• _.__.,..,._..,.IL----------------'' OflrMTml'll•.a..,._....
Attractive steel
storage building
Here's your chance to make l'OOlri ht your garage for your
car and giV11 your garden oqufpmont and tools a homo of
their own. Allroctivo side gable design 7 It. by 6 It. build-
ing foaturas tough plastic finish .,_ olftl pqnols, plywood
floor, sliding doors wilh "'1' opening. Avocado groon,
whlta trim .
SO ft. nylon
vinyl hose
!in 'diameter,!() ff.
vard•n hose
reinfotted wfth
nylon trvck tire canL
7 ft. x 6 ''· •
s foot
step ladder
indude.• ......
Limited quait11-.
61t •• 1 ...........
..... ladder
01r stmly
4 ft. woocl
step ladder
• .,,
llAll.Y I'll.ft f ;;
Aii:port Talks Asked 5 ~.M. Friday '. •
Tax · .Refund Deadline Set
Wins C...C!J Post
James Freda, 37, La
Habra, has been named
director-of the Orange
County Schools Office's
Supplementary Educl!-
tion Center. The ap.
pointment by c o u n t y
Superint~dent of School
Robert Peterson is ef-
fective July I. Starting
salary for the job is
$16,500 annually.
N-i ... ,bor """• -V'• Mtft'1 Club. YMCA, 23:KI UnlvrnNv OrlYt, New
8t1dl, 1 P.m. Explorff $c:l:'lo.rt., Bebcock Eltdnwob EllPloref' Post \ff, 811bc;odi; Eltc· =..~'7:l~1.m_H1•bor Bl\lct., Coste
Oe,X:~fc To~= u~"\11., ~JPlS~'. AndrewJ Pike, N-rt Beach, 7:30 p,m. ~l1v. Hu11fil'llllon Beldl Chap!rr, Masonic Tf1T11>'4', 761 Lake Avimu<:", Hunllnt1!ool llffdl, 7:30 p.m . eoso::, "'ffl~•"w.'lr. ~ge :;:.,~
Blvd., Co1t1 Mna, •:ao 11.m.
Cos!a ~ Excha~ Club, Caril 11.H'f reslauranl. 2645 H1r'bof" BIV~L Coita Ml!M, 12 l'IOOl'I.
Co111rn1 del Mer IClwanls Club, VIII• Sweden, 3536 E. C~!f Hl11hw1r, Coron• del Mar, 11:1~ p,m.
' H11n!l111fon Be&eh Rolan-Clllb. Nortll, Foor Wl~s rl!Sfaurent, 16421 B<>IS/11 Chica Ro&d, Huntintton Bt<H;ti, 11:1S p.m.
Hu"llnOIOI\ Be•cll Kiwanis Clu~ Hun· tlnvton !i,lla(:t!!f Coontrv Club, 3000 P1lm Ave,, Hunll11111on Beadl, l2:1S p.m. Newl>Ort Hal'tlOt' Ol>lim!~I Clllb. VUl1 M•rf ... , IU~ !laysloe OrlYf, Ntwl>Ort C~~Me!l'1~1:C.:is C,,,.b,~ Costa MIP!a Goll alld Coontrv c~. Cost• MH.t, 17:15 P.m. Ro!arY C!ub of Cosla Mn .. North, Costa Mesa Goll llld CounlN Club, 1701 Goll Course Orlve, Coste Meu , 12:10 p.m. Corona del fMr Ellct>ante Club, JOM'l's Restfllrant, 2121 E. Coast Hlv!lwar,
Corona oel Mar, 12 ,_
Hun1111111aon BQch Nortl! lions Club. Meildowlart Counrrv Club. 16112 Graham, Hunlll!llton Beld'I, U noon.
Capo Re~y tQ Discuss Leming Costs 8.\NTA A!IA -Wamln& bi In bll alike ot llO N. IOIDO 171,00ll ~ ~.
' .
o/ .. O.llw-,li.t Staff
three year$ of negotiation the
San Juan Capistrano Airport
problem Is right back where it
$l8Jied -on dead center. But
ibere is one ray of hope.
At issue is 5.44 acres or
Flood control District-owned
land upon which rests half the
runway of the private airport.
T h e operators, Capistrano
Airport and Industrial Park.
Ltd. (Bruce Winton, principal
owner) have leased tbe pro-
perty for the past three years
from the district for a nominal
fee .
Winton wants to purchase
the property but says be can-
not afford the minimum
$87 ,000 price tag put on it by
the county.
On April 8, the supervisors
approved a lease proposal
worked out by Department of
Real Property Services Dlrec-
tor St.anley Krause and other
Krause 'laid the terms
represented "only about a two·
percent return to the countY.
on the fair market value of the
land." He said the offer was
made ..... lo the WIOlll
shortage of tvl•tioo-orietlted
facllitles lo !OUlbetn Orange
WlotoD repli.d last May 13
tbat be could not alford the
-.! propooed, but· only
about onHl:lth of the amount.
Be noted that the ~y·of San
Juan Capistrano was ready to
negOtiate with the county ac-
quire the property. This ls the
ray of hope.
Wintoo tejected UM; county's
propooed lease for thae
reasons :
••-1. 1be rental pm::entage
of 17 per<ent (of Income from
airport focllitles ; ls unrealistic
because· it ,ls bped upon land
area instead of land cost and
deve!Opment cost. Based on
cosls, the percentage should
be I.I percent, aiDce Ule coun-
ty. -cost under 17,500 for the .95,acre of income pro-
ducing property and our costs
for five acres, includjng im-
" - 2. The lease does not
take lnto consideration large
additionaJ. aums we will have
to invest in airport im·
"-3. The lease does not
SA Damages Denied
But Flood A id Asked
SANTA ANA -Although the·
Orange County Sanitation
Districts directors have denied
a claim of the contractor on
the $9 million Santa Ana River
outfall sewer line for extra
compensation because o f
damage from the January and
February floods, lhey have ap-
plied for $300,000 in federal
assistance money to com-
pensate for the "disaster."
In a communication to the
districts, C. Arthur N~n, at-
torney for the boar~, s~1d the
claim of Peter Kiewit and
Sons' Co. of Omaha, Neb.,
$300,000 would be turned over
to thi contractor, the districts
Nisson wrote the districts,
'jthe ouUall construction Is an
eligible project because it is a
discharge une which con-
stitutes an Lm.egral part of the
sewage treatment plant .and
construction Wll!I in procesS at
the time of the disaster."
allow for our p<Gi>ably oddlq tba\ tbll II the •i1na1, llnal Brooc!Way, Bania Ana, before clalma valuocl ol Ill.I mlllloe.
more property lo the ollport deadllpe," Couaty Assmor' $ p.m.1 FTl"-Y, May 23, the It II upect<d tbal the-.
complex. nwi county would AadreW J. Hinlha! confirmed. c~ty 111etaOr added. A re-ownen repre1ented In. ·tbale
still get lb 17 percent of thp Friday thal •P1lli9'tiqns for ceo1 ruU., by 111o Lqislature claimJ will pt lbelr !10-
-•s. the flO homeowner 1 property bu· enablOd him lo -the fund -. lo mlchlune. • • • •· -tax refund and tM f15\l "-1. Tbe county seemlnil1 00..-'• enmptlon will filing porlod lo tbat'dil.te. Still unruofved, -
lgnoreo the fact thal durflJC be accepted nell week. Complellon Ill the lonnl will said Friday, Is the lllOWa ,ol
the three years of pttltDI But thooo lj)pl!cations mull ena111e bomocnmm who have ~ World resldellls wtio
lease, we aod out fiDd bue -1, not alrUdy applied to claim are bJ ddlne ·for &he
' · the f10 re.fm!d op property tax homeowner'• e 1 e. m p l 1 o n. operator have lost over 118,000 p p K author~· !or the 1111 fiscal granted when Propoeltloo IA
with additional l&fge SlllDS arsons, orter eep year by the Lqlill!lu(o. That WU approved by voters lat
still needed for repairs to same documebt enables the November,
runway and 11.liway.~ homeow1ler to• 'fJPfY for tbe "We will continue lo llCCOP!:
Tben Winston thron lo the sam·ta11·on Pos1·11·ons 17li0 ~ ~ lo •1191icallono lrom bolb 1M clincher. "We have deeded tab elf~ ID.the 1919 fiscal Seal ~ and LlllUDO 11111s;
perloc(. Leiluno w ... 1c1 commtmlllM> over five acres of our acruge Homeowners who owned or until the May 13 deadline •bu\" to the clty m San Juan SANTA ANA -Two Orange Dr. Donald Shipley, Hun-occupied on March l~ 1988 the we'll be unable to eertity any•
Capistrano ior as long u the Coast men have been re-tington Beach councilman, bas dweUlag listed by them as of their claims to the State
airport is in operatlon." elected to chairmanships of been elected chairman of their principal residence are Cont r• l J er until &be.
Winston co~llJdes his Jet-the county sanitation Districts District Eleven. He succeeds ellgib~ for the tax refund and lqMl1ture · t t l·• , ' ' .U.
ter: "We thank you for the representing their arw, and Councilman Jerry A. Matney the upcoming tax rel le f. auesaor aaid. -~~·
time you have given us over a third new chainnan named. in the post. Tenns o( the Forms can be obtained from ~~ 4?' ... 1..!.~1n'!~:
Uie put three years, and Continuing ss cbainnan of chairmaJ!ahlps art one year. llinshaw's olllce at Pl N. --· ~~ .......
sincerely hope that you , will Di.9trict Five is Newport Parsons was addiUonally re-Broadway or they can be re-prupeatJ ii a factor that ~
work favorably with the ,city Beach Councilman Undsley elected as vice chairman of quested by callln1 that office delayed outriaht 1pProftl .. •
to aUow this vitally ne«sed Parsons, and as he.ad of the Jo.int Boards of the at 834-2736. their claiml. for the' PloPll'1:·
facility to remain in ex-District Six, Ellb N. Porter, of districts. Cllfton Miller, of Hinshaw has placed in the tu beneffta enjoyed bJ near;lt
istence." Costa Mesa . Tustin, was named chairman. hands 9.f tbe state co[\troller all a&ber countY homeownn. In a Jetter to t h'e•.--------------'---------===-.:::....::.:...:;.::.:...:;=:.==-----.-.;_.;._.;......:;_;;.,,. •.
supervison, dated last May
14, San Juan Capistrano City
Administrator Ernest A .
Thompson, outlines the city
purchase proposal.
He callJ: the $17,000 price tag
for tbe 5.44 acres "somewhat
unreallsUe in that the per :!:crt
rate is extreme based upon
the fact that the property is
totally landlocked and alao
possesses a poor geological
charactetjstic for stability •.•.
compared to other acreage in
the Immediate aru."
'lbomplOD sugeeata 1
''recooslderaUon ·lbould be
made either within youf own
departmental procesa or, as
an alternative, bJ an in-
dependent qualified oppralser
that would be mutually op-
prvved by the COWlt)' and cl·
He acids tbat U a price con
• • ••
'EM ·
• .. • • • •
" ..
~ )&,•: ..... • • •' ~l
•· ....
el· • •• ,.
DEATH 11/0TICES could be legally de~ied oot the damage was eligible for 50
Nisson said of the legal
denia1 of additional com-
pensation, "the reason un-
derlying this opinion is that
althougb the filling bas ca~ed
an additional 14 feet of silt and
soil to be deposited on the
surface of the ocean as it e'l-
isted prior to the floods, this
situation does. not prohibit the
contractor from constructing
be agreed upon the city would
want a foog lmn US.year)
lease with no lnleres\ charges. e
Tbt latter as au "extended
contrib>JUon and partlcipatloo •
by the count)' lo wist the
provlding of airport facilities ~ /
• ••
FRY _ . percent fed er a I ·assistance
Mirlon F1nnr Frr. aw w. Uth s1.. money. esU'ma\ed for the area of Southern e
Orange County." •• Newp0rt s~feh. o.i. o1 ~1111. M•r If granted, this
11. SurvivNI bY l!usblnd, Robl!rl M,
Fry-. Prl.,.11-5"•Yk~. 8alll Morlu1rv,
17'1 S<IP!'l"lor, C011!1 Mesa, Dlrf(fon,
The city council of San Juan •
Capistrano approved the ap-
proach ouUined on last May
E~ Cl11'1on 1.0flv. A!ill! 69, of SOS
S. ..,._..n, Sent• Ane. O.le Of
•Ill. Mar 11. Sl>l'VJ\led l>r w\~. Edna
IE. L-; i.on, ~na<'d r dau!l!tfl'ri,
Mn. J~ Roia1 Mn. Ele&f!OI' Sm11t11
Mn. Dale Klr>11; and 1l grar.dd>lldr1n,
Cl't~ strYl~ !:JO P,fn ., Wednttd1r,
Wntmlnste.-/kmorlal P1rll Morlu•ry C~. lntem>ef'lt, Omit.., Ntt>r11.1t1.
v-M. McClane. 10$11 Sr1nlord
Ava., 0-.nltn G~. S\lrvlYed by
brvlflw. Jahn A. MCCJ.,.; 1oor •I,.
ten. c..llt and Mlf"N~I Mf&kiMI
Eleanor Mdhene 1nd t.Jlllan tt:.w.ier.
RO#fY, tonlttlf, MonOtiy, I P.m., f>ftlk
FamllY Coklnloll Fu.-nt H-. It~
Qllienl Mft&. TU9$C!iv, t 1.m., St.
Colu""*' Clfhdlc Ou.1rCf1, G • r d • n .......
can £, Tttornts. 1W1 Na$1111 1.-.
Huntlnotorl 8Ndl. Survlwd bV wlf't,
M1,..,.i; !WCI dtVlfll~. o.~ W.+lt; and KllhlMn .I(, Pen1; I w o
gl'lolldctllk!An, Pon T, lml Ginny K, Welll. Sfl'Yk:a, Wtdnttod&r, 1 111.m ..
Peek fl.mil~ coroni.1 ful'll!AI 11onw.
Westcllfl Mortuary Ii'/ E. i!lh SL, CiitaMesa -BAL Tl MORTUARIES
Corona del Mar 0 1!, U450
Colli Meta Ml ~!4!4
ut Broadway, qGltl Me•
IJ Wea
HuthlCIOD Volley
17911 Beadl Blvd.
Hundntto• Be1cb semi
Cemetery • Mortaary
350I Plclflc VSew Orl•e
Newport Beacll, CaUlornla
7801 6olu Ave.
Westmmlkr t9S.35!S
SllEf~'Elt MORTUARY ~-•1111 suamz• W
al Mala II&.
Oudn(ton Retell
• LE~
* * * Sanitation
Budget Up, ,,
Not Taxes
the p.roject.
:'Jt ~,adds to the cn-
.tl'lttorl' Gpenie. Essentially,
tblS ls one1of Ute risks that the
d.istrict.s required the ton·
tractor to take ·in malting the
coitract," NiS&on concluded.
The attorney followed with
SANTA ANA An in· hii opinion that the "disaster"
Cressed l·oinl •-. ating, outlay wtf. . eligible for f e d e r a 1
12 . The next move II up lo the e
Board.. ol Supervilon. 'Ibey
will dlacua Kon Tuesday.
Book Due
• • • • ~ ·Wistance and "that if sue-OR AN G·E-""Saddleback
but a need for Jess tu money cesstul, the fuods will be paid Ancest.ors," 1 new book cover· e
in the 1969-70 fiscal year is ~Y to the districts and ing the hlstory of the Sad·
showli 1n the proposed budgets the dl.Stlicts in lum will p8y dleback region fmn 1769 to
of the Orange County Ssnita-thein lo the contractor." llltlt, wlij be publlshed July 1 •
lion Distrlcts-ilbl.ch v.·W be up 'llle p milllori project, ex-by the Orange Co u.n t y
for adoption 001June ll. tending five miles into the Genea1ogica.l Socie(y aa part e
The proposeid' sChedule of ocean is scheduled for com-of the Callfornlt Bicentennial
$16.3 million for joint opera-pletion in late 1970. The 120-celebntion.
tlons and constrbction is up inch diameter ouUall line will The book will cost $3.00 until
$1.3 million over the current handle '80 million gallons of July l, when the price chlnges
year,1 district General treated sewage a day, ae-to$3.50.
Manager Fred Harper -~d, cording to the di !it r i c t •·s To order, write the Society,
but the districts need to raise General Manager Fre d Box 1587, Oranee, Calif. or
only $5,599,170 in tues as Harper. phone 63S-1575.
• ••
• • ..
• • • • • •• • , . .,.
' ' .
compared lo 15,!67,37t col· .-:;;;;;;iOiiip;;;;OiiiOiiiOiiiOiiiOiiiOiiii;;;;;OiiiOiiiOiiiOiiiOiiiOiiiOiii;;jl Jected this fiscal year.
A reduction in tax rate will
not necessarily appear on all
tax bills, Harper cautioned,
because severaJ of the seven
districts have big construction
programa planned.
Delicioos cream-filled finger luncll cake& , , • 3 kid pleaaing flavon<, , • chocolate, vanilla, plain. Stock apt,' ·
The tax reduction program
will continue for several
years, Harper said, because of
a federa1 grant of $3.3 million
for the $9 million ocean outfall
being constructed at the
mouth olthe Santa Ana River~
Individual district budgets
will be considered in August.
the general manager said.
* * * Mesa Road
Pact Okayed
SANTA ANA-An amended
contract price of $39,965 for
the construction of t b e
Smalley Road sub-trunk sewer
line in north COSta Mesa ba9
been approved by the Orange
COunty Sanitation Dist~cts.
We · do have the largest
stock of SHAG C~RPET
at the lowest prices!
DON'S-CAR.PET SMOP -• f2 llecb Nd_,...._ .... ,
School of Business $~
e S.u•t•rl•I e M.dical
• h••••apl119
e D•11tal
1be job was completed ,on
last April 21 after a time ex·
tension o( '118 calendar days 111 w. 5th Phone
WU granted to S<:ott Brothers 7" ••• ·-1
Con9t:ruction of Santa Ana dueJ;~~~~Sant~~·~Ano~~~~5~4~S-~l~~.,~-!!!!~·~~ to the heavy rains in Janu ary
and February. Mvt:r1.__ Accordtn1 to 'tbe districts'
'Chief Engineer Paul G • Brown. the dbirlcts were "not
Inconvenienced by Lhe delay a
the sewer was constructed to
serve a new subdivision at
SUn£1ower Avenue and Smalley
Road in Costa Mesa which
was also delayed due to the
Cwt• A11ral Am•lffic:ati•" '90 SA\.UM•M
J40t I. COAST HWY. ,_ c ......... ........
-~ -----====-'-
Happi Time Shakes ........... 3. 25~:: ..
Frozen treats! Chocolate, vanilla,. strawberry! 12 oz..
Touter pastry in tempting flavon I ••• 11 oi.
Fruit Drinks ..... -.. ~ ........ 12 "''1 ~·
All flavors ••• M.C.P .••• 6 oz. can.s go ao fart :
Sugar Frosted Chex . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. ~
Save lOc on pre-aweetened cerea1 ! 7 oz. pkg.
Fiddle Faddle ., ........ ·-··-·· .. 3 * '1 Welch's Grape Jelly ................. 49«~-
Thesaack treat .. erybody enjoyo! Now3 kinds! 0r Grapelade . , • 2 pound jar at this low price!
Menu-makers for first of the week meals! -.. ~
Meat Loaf ....... ~. ~ .~!.~•! ..... ;. 69~~
Finest meat. •. p"reciaion il'OUJ)d, •• perfed.JY, -oned and blended , , • made with fresh whole egga(
Ham Loaf ......... ~.~-~! ~~! ....... 89~:
El a-ho'• own ham .•• carefully trimmed ••• expertly .easoned , , • read7 for you to lhope ond bake t
Beef Stew Meat .................... at ..
Trimmed to win whole-hearted approval!
Garden Fresh!
Chiquita. ... the finest Central
America ba.s'to offer! 10~
Pricu ia tffect Al01t., Tue1., Wed.,
Mar 19, !O, !I. No ..iu I<> d«al.n.
• '
D .. AI si.-..a..1 . , . ,
UC1:'1 llGlm) ·············-····-··-·· Center tatfor meaty ~I
49'~ '.
~ ....
Deli Delight
Coc*les · 39c' . Pllt.bury'1 Chocolate Ch:lp , '··"'Imply ~.
1 1tice and bake. .• 16 oi..l)lis.• • · •
.• ... .• -.
;New1lruamg -c-orvair: Flop ,,,,__. ...... ----~---~.
Who Reads the St.ar• i
'fOmpanySet .
'1~ eoor ~ Combination of Factors Defealed Great .E~~~~ment
~ved a pWI ~~'"' a 11 CUl.rCAR8T-°""* .wu • -ieodog boll) aloq 1he u.e. of Wlvelled for II!< ri&I um.· at and loc>tt UIUe med put1,
mew boidinl OlillPMY •. idroc ,.., "1" - -~· ~· tbat .PGndle lo 111 pn the -Ille' lblt\t illmual > IDipriod Ille depol .. w bamillo alloul ~folding Cori> ... • whld> itill l!elor'e Ille 1ut ,;.u II driven -·ta coot a fortune lor d>aula JU&t what,....,. ba'"'-Alll'o and Sport& c.r -at 11,0llO -...,U !Gr ll>«ome 1he owner of Anaheim Into 1he coflln of 1he late , 1lappened U Ibey bod dcrle Cbryalor built whicles.
:Uotoo Wattr Co. Cl1em>let, Corvo~ It would ownen to repair. Thmgs Uke aomethlnc a lltUe clll!ereot! the Loi Antelea Sports Areul "'!be flclllty allo incllldel a
l Under 1he terms 01 1he seem only 111unc that lea~ oil -that threw out 'l1lero llll't aoy queoUoo f;,: . .l";",J. to U: llooclay 1-.ry offlco bu I Id Io g
)<organiullon, wat.r com aometlWll good sbould be ooid blacll aludge up over 1he back about Ille eoclne er IU prin--....... 1 -will abared i.,, the parta dlvllioll. ~ny >tock w!U he exchangtd aout 1he coontry'• only effort end, DOiiy valvu that required clple. 'Ill< Corvalr ...... II In ~-:"' ~Ji~ P·"",;i ftll Doqo and Chryal<r·~
or sberes of Ille holding com lo produce on atr-<OOled ""' grinding before lhey should, blc -fer ..... of tbe da.y J::· j~~ ";1 ... dlvlalon, • mechanlcl lrlialng
ny. engine vehlcle. complalnll oa ~ pro-... ..,,... drivlnc tocbly -dune It' ti ~.m. ,,.....?!'.; ·-· llld Cbryalor 'Roalty
The company is no -After all -have been blems and doubllul ~ bura off-road rocjns. Aa -f~ 1 Wl)'a' lit --. •Corp.
'ie1111aged in water distributloil. written cOOr< bltlles and an""'""" >erious beadadieo its _principle.· 1 'qndititind ':/:: '::.~ .. ~ ~ --., Brown · u·-lhe :'J'he major asset is t~ acres senate heannp recorded and for owners and dealers aliie. there's a ctrtain ~ ":"'""~· •pan reuon for ltlectlng Oraqe
ior laod in Or>llll• • n d law suits ..Wed over tile II _,.. lhen that Ille Import that lwni done too U-~:'flayth ~ '\:1 °'" County for Ille bule ..,.
!Riverside counties. diminutive Chevrolet. To handwriUnl wu on the wall badly with the air cooled rear m or· e e. layout lie uid "It wu cholen
someone coming on the scene and it was uncertain how long engine model. * * * beet~ we 1ed tn a Vf:t'/ few
.....,,ny the loti<al qutttloo the car could survive. Finl ,.action Is how come CHRYSLER OPENll NEW years Orange County wtD be would~ -Why! Why, in this 11len Wile lhe book lhey cu do it and w-'t? COUNTY PARTS DEl'af the hub of atmoot ail p1i1ae1 of
a,ge when tht!re seems to be a "Unufe' At AflY .1Speed" by Speaking first hand abWut the A new Chryaler Corp. parts Southern California bullnea
market for just ·abou~ my k\rid auto cri~ 'blpb Nldf.r who -merits ol Corvair, I drove one depot bas just been completed and wt need to be u clolt 11 of vehicle manufactured would dellbl\el)I' wo A •i:ontrlbutlng off lhe line at Chevrolet in In Fullerloa •nd Is designed to -1b1e to the c<nt« of this
a car' made by Chevrolet suf· factor in but not the reason for 19111 and afler 1 set of new serve dealtn in Southern area."
fer such a complete collapse the demise of the Corvair. tires, 1 brake reline, 2 bat-CaWonia, Arlzona and pans of * * *
and fade into the past. It wu a number of thing$ teries, 3 tune-ups, a new set of Nevada. ·AWARD WINNER'
Chevrolet alao woodertd including unimaginative brass shocks, anc!. only m I no r The initallation, with 221,000 Peter PeieURI, salesman
why produce a vehicle that at Chevrolet who &pP81'entlY maintenance it has given us e square f~ ol floc:it; ll*t. on a for JClbolm. and ~ Newport
ha! sold only 3,IKKI during tbe saw no reaaon to deviate from years of wlfe-4riving and 21.5 acre lite; ill ~ by a Btach. bu W'On LincoJn.
current model year. The: qua. their 'itandard operaUng pro. children-hauling. We h a v e rallr,9ad and ·numerous l!'uck Mercury's Inner Circle Award.
tion was easily answered and cecliire Md cbme i iiP with taken lts ine1peruilve good docks. · The anfd wnt to the
after struggling with tile something dllfer<nt• for !he service for granted. I bat. to Roy J, Brown, Cbryoler leodlng 15 Uncoln-Mercury
Corvalr for the put three car thi1 had been responsible see it go. P~ r;:>iv~ g e n er a I Dtvi&ioii salesmen ln tbe Los
years they Ulded its e.JisteDce. for record sales only a couple TWRD ANNUAL managtr. said, "With the aid Ante1• Wes diltrict. Each
Car models go by the of years earlier. AUTO EXPO · COMING of a computer to speed prO. reclpiefrt at the 'award and his
wayside ywly but this one What if tbey had come out New models and ei:clusive cesalng of orders and lnvoicel, wife will get a four-d.ay trip to
was different. It came into with a racy, sleek fiber-glass prototype cars will again be maintain inventory control Las Ve1as.
being as aomething new and _
dciting abd cempetilive and
was an instant success. 'Phe
first year, 1980, the Corvair
came as a coupe and sedan,
then came the Lakewood sta·
lion wagons, Monza series and
Greenbrier vans. They were
riding high and in 1961 sold
well over 300,000 unils.
Chevrolet · u.ecutives took
credit where credit was doe u
9;le Uttle car just abou t
A maneted itself. Everyone WU
1 talkifta at-rt It. 'nlen !ittle
thing,1:lega:n to happen.
In '63 and '64 little option
"goodies" were added such ~
the Monza Spyder which were
supposed lo juslify. a l3SOO price tag. They _, and
,.1es began to decline.
Chevrolet's mullelill( Im·
aglnatlon eeemed to be leaning
lhe wrong way. Wbi1e lhey
we,. trying to figur< out how
to get more .inoney for the
Corvalr, Ford came out with
aomelhing .... called lhe
Mustang. Corvw sales beg!'"
to take it on the chin, just like
other Lines "hich felt the im·
pact of the Mustang.
Union Aets
Halt Sales
YQUr Money's Worth
Of _.~r~pes
Why Those Ends Won't Meet
'TORONTO (AP) -Officials
of Dominion Stares, Ltd.,
canada's largest food chain,
s aid union pres s ure
over the last six months led ta
the chain's· decision to stop
selling California grapu.
Jofepb Vnigb~ vice presl·
dent in charge of merchan-disinl. denied earlier reports
that QUC\led blnt as saying
haraasme?lt by '"union IOOOI"
who ltll 'flill food buggies in
the store and exploded
confeW-fllled balloons: over
grape count.en, forced the
decision. •
In an interview he said
pressut'fl started six months
ago when sympathetic union
workers, including Dominion
employes, and .I citizem' com-
mittee, "approached all the
chatns,·lnclu4i91 ours.';
Dominion' has placed signs
reading "Sorry· Due ta unset-
Ued COlldililllls in California
vineyards, 'tllis store ii not
selling California s:rapes," ln
Metropolitan Toronto stores.
The stgns will be placed in all
stores in the province even-
tually. he said.
Steinberg's, Ud ... supporte<I
the crape boycott by display-
ing aigm tut November ask-
ing customers not to buy
Ca1ifornia tal!le grapes.
Cordially Invites You
To Attend A Seminar
. Concerning
J,.ET'S LOOK at this another
way. SaY. you 're a $12,000 a
Tanker Pact
GLASGOW (IJPl)-Lllhgow
Shipyard, Inc., has obtained a
contract to build a Z50,000 ton
<readwelght tanker fr o m
Zapata-Norness, Inc., of
Houston to be delivered in
""' hagging far you. We're .... ,,
Are they correct? ·Are ther -.11 ~6. • • •
in the leg? Are they the proper length ?
They are nUU'Y · nai-rOWfd · .:_ · They' are ~ -.-
proper lenglb -And Ibey wm Enbaooe ;your
Dacron~/Wool Trouser.s $f7.50
17tli. I lltVINE AVE. WlSTCl lFJ PLAZA
HEWl'OllT IEACH PH. Ml·01tt
You 11111 ret 1 kic~ out Of~
for tllS lod trvtks • 0 • 'k~ill( ,
tirts. sl•rmnina: doors. llagllnr
onr volume discounts. But il can
bt awfully PPll'ISiff "f11t1'1
Cllancu ,,. it's• "p111" at tht
other end of tilt deal •• , so
you'd belier have 1 "'pro• w\in1
your tlld, too. That's wtltrtltl
come ilt. Wt'tt proferiionll
hlgltrs. 8uyin1 llld Mllll'I( en
is our busi111u. Wt ""' not
havt n IOOth fun af'YW'Wld,
but we 'ur1 c.n sm you "'°"''
wilh our fliMt ltlSlll( plan •
117 vs. (MelftWl!il•. CIH or COllll
in for I CQpJ of Olt frtt .-tiaft.
and·wWtt folder.I
Opin Alon. ""'1 $«.
124 No. Harbor at Bolsa •Santa Ana
Telephone (714) 531-0607
For the St.ars? f ?
t 1 ~
It's Sydney Omarr
An'd now this articulate writer who hes
been called the 1'astrologer's estrologe r"
reads the stars for you. Sydney Omarr,
lonqtime personal astrologer to many
of Hollywood's and the literery ·
wo~d's most famo\JI stars, is a.DAILY
PILOT columnist.
Om arr' s record for accuracy of
predictions based on ostrologicel analysis
i' amazing. Whether you read
a5troJogical forecasts for fun Ol"as a
serious student of ster.gazing, you 'll
enjoy Sydney Omarr's doily column
in the
. '
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· · Celebrci·te
' ,· f ,,. '
.. Gei a
• ·-. •
FIYlilg Colors
For •••
FLAG DAY • • •
• • •
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LABOR DAY .~.. .
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Help Delp The. Boys~· CI ohs , .r Yourself
• • ., •
r . Fly a new flag at your home or office during this patriotic season. Here's arl offer that lets you save money and help
your Boys'· Club, too. Participating in th is 'public service offer are the Boys' Club of the Harbor Areb, Boys' CI u b' of
Huntington Beach and Laguna Beach Boys' Club. Here's how you can help them , and help yourself. Just order this'
beautiful deluxe flag kit, at a fraction · of its retail value, and get as a bonus a .. California ' state flag -all deliver-
ed to your door by B.oys' Club representatives or mailed directly to your home in tirrie for h91iday use.
Order Now At Any of Four Boys' Club Headquarters
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Use mail order coupon below and send ii directly lo club headquarters nearest you. Your flag kit and lionus slate 'flog win
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Pick Up Your Own Flag Kit and·. Get This Free Gift
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Just clip out this m•il ord•r coupon end fill it out. S•nd, along with
check or money ord•r, to the Boys' Club heedqu1rter1 neere1t you,
Meke checks p1y1bl1 to "Boy1' Club."
---.................. ""'""-""' kits .. SJ.95 ,.. kit. I --I wlU rocol•• ft o holltlcry ._., o Collf°'"lo shit• flot
with -kit.
I Neme ................................................. _ ..................................................... _
• I Street Addre••---··-·--·-··-·~···-··-··--··-·-···-·····-·--·-
1 City ...... ___ .............. _ ......................... -............... :Zip ..................... __ _
I Phone ·-····-··Enclosed is S---·--··--··-····-···-······-····· I
II This special h1lid1y offer is a public 11rvic1 of the DAIL y PILOT end the Boys' I
Clubt of the Herbor Ar11 1 Huntington leech and Laguna leach. · ~ t ·• I .· , ·
L. T' ~ - --'-" - - - - - -~ -~ .
llHIS ISi Ac:nlAI. DICAL 11111
Free ·Decal
While they l11t, the loy11 Clubt offer yeu this 1pecl1I, frt• t ift
•• , 1 d1c1I of the Am1rlc1w Flat like tho•• you ••• ffwywhtre
on car wind1hield1, heme a nd office windows, or •~•n on th•
1 f1mily bo1t, Vi1it the loy1' Club neere,tt -y.U (,hon • 'for 'houn ef
:operetlon I. luy a fla9 kit; 91t the dec1l,_fr11. Supply of decilt
ls. limited. Hurry.
• • •••
• '·
' •
• •
• •
• . -
.. -..
. •
-· .
. .
. I
!, .,
• • •
fl DAILV PILOT • _ MDftdu, 111J 19, l'l69
' •
For The Record
. .
No oth1r n1w1p1p1r tell1 yo11
mor1, 1v1ry cl1y, 1bo11t what'1
9oin9 on in tho Gro1t1r Or1ru.11
Co1d th111 tho OA!LY PILOT.
2 -for -1 Day.
6 1! two ro11rvocl 111! tick1h for fli1 Sund1y 1ft1rnoofl, Juno I,
An91l1 "'· Oriola1 91ma 11 An1hoim St1dium for tho norrn1I
pric1 of on• licltot. ll uy ona+ tho DA llY PILOT 9iv1t yo11 ona.I)
2 -$2.50
You c1n ra11rv1 111 entire 11ction or j111t two 101h. l ut got Yl lll'
tt•rfy to91thar now 011cl 1J11il in ff.a o~or bl111lt below with chacl:
or monoy ordor !110 c11h, J1loa1ol and h11rry. Oooclli no for ticltot
orclon i1 Moy 20.
r------... ~-
c11, ...i -n, wftti ct.Mk "' .;...., ...._, te:
2°fw.I Atttet Dey
OJ-.. Cffd DMfr PUet
C/0 PllMk Semc.-0.,t.
JJI W. ley Str.et, C-'9 ,..., c.nt'. '2611
............ --··-~·········-···~···· .. -··-··"''"--··-
'""' ······-··-······-····--.. ----· .. ······· .. ··-··--··-
Citf ........................ ,,.,,.,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,.-,, ___ ....... .,.
,,,.... ·······•·-·· ............ -... -:-········•r·•o.e. .... _ ... _ .. _ .
I WMI I. .. 6. L lo.. ' , , , , , , ~ -ti. •M _,.,. .~ .,, 11 lllt J-I Alllltb 'll, OriflM .. mt 11 Ai')l!Mlm $1tllkiom. ,.,.
.... llc*tl pUrchlHlll. I Wiii r.:.i.o. .,. ~ 5Nt ffee "°"' W.. OAILY P'ILOT. I INllt UJl/1'.'f !CW'cll -1 ftdi:th. Enc-.. If
1 ........... , I -...Sttnil lkl• win be Hill t1D ,,,. rr,i mtn. I
......,,.,. ltttf9 CM! 11 llO ~ II I 111., OKidof .. Plll'CMM
~· tk*•IJ.
· 1
L --'
S,.itJ 411n11, "'••• .ioll1rt. C1ll 642-5671 for help with •11 i11,·
..,.11.r .... , , .. ,..fl,.. DAILY l'ILOT Dl11111·•·l i111 •Ii.
may co
saje of Maybrooke
two'-pant tropical 1s·uitS
• For one week only you can enjoy spec ial savings on
Jfghtwiight, comfort.lble 2-pant suits of cool Dacron®
palyester and long.wearing Wool. HandsOme 2-buUM ..
styling wi11l side Wl1ts. Available 0in·~1irich choice·of ' ,brigh~·blut.,brownor greypfaids~ids.~venoWt
regula rl y 85 .00 77..00
ma y-co·m@n's !!fits 21
south coos! pin•, s•n Cliego· fwy et bristol, coste mtWj ,
new collars, new col ors
in specia l no-iron shirts
You r choice of 1he full continenta l spre.id coll.ir or the
regular spread co llar in these cool. no-wrinkle deep·
color shir1s of polyester and cotton broadcloth. Pick
sever.J I now for Dad in vigorous French blue, green,
gold, tan, grey or cl.issic white. In sizes 14& to 17.
com p. value 5.00 2.99
may co men's furni 5lii"g 6
shop monCl•y through s•turo•y I 0 •m to 9:30 pm MAY C O
• 6Cl<IJ ·
,,.......,, ... ·''· lNf ' , .. u
. '
For New Field
~-u·xil ·iary
Goes to Bat
' Turning thoughts to sUII)mer and vacations are members of the
Sea View Little League Auxiliary.
The group will sponsor its first major fund-raising event when
ll stages a Fashion Fiesta Wednesday, May 21, in the Newporter _Inn.
I Pr~eeds from the luncheon and fashion show. will be used to
develop a playing field for the league, now in its second year:
Lime and gold will provide the decor for the luncheon aiid e'en· .
tering the tables will b~ fresh floral arrangements donated by area
merchants. Mrs. Thoma·s Peacock is in charge of prowams and dee ..
orations. I
1 Others who are cornblnin¥ their talents for the show are the
Mme~ Berton Grant, James Frisbie, Allen Chirquein, Keith Ludwig,
Ed Kai:U!s, Qno M. McCallen and Charles J;llancbard.
Modeling around-the-clock fashions from Ann Folger, F8shi0n
Islan~\ will be the Mmes . Roger Anderson, Walter. Davenport, George
De Liuo, Ronald Garner, Boyd Hachten , Peter Parkovich and William
Furs from Mr. Jacques also will be displayed, and there will
be many prizes donated by merchants to be given away during the
. '
FIESTA OF FASHION -In thei'f'. first'major fund·
raisini project, members of the Sea View Little
~gue_ Auxiliary ~ill welcome guests at a luncheon
ahd fashion s'how m the Newporter Inn Wednesday,
May 21. Displaying some of the new styles they will
be modeling are (left to right) Mrs. Wllli8m Wil-
kins, Mrs. George De Lillo and Mrs. ~onald Garner.
Tickets for the luncheon and show will be $4.50 each.
The new league, formed to encourage sportsmanship, patriotism
and physical coordination in area youth, is bounded by Beach Boule-
vard, Adams Avenue, Pacific Coast Highway and the Santa Ana River.
Services Rewarded
lea Charms
. Ticktockers \
' .
The glitter of gold will reward TiCkt~ers of Uie
National ·Oh.arity League, South Coast Cbapt~rL when
they attend {he annual Awards Tea at 2 p.m . Saturday,
May 24, in the Old Ranch Country Club, Seal Belich. •
Receiving .gold charms, signilying many COIJlPleted...1
hours of community service, will be the Misses Betsy
Grether, Suzanne Parker, Juli Sorensen, Debi Harbe-
son, Susan Melchior, Diane Parker, Carla Sue Atter-
berry, i31\eila Jiang, Mary Linn Hughes, Jane KasabaU
and Vicky Ridenour. , ·
Also bonored at the tea will be new Ticktockers and
their mothers iDcluding the Misses Heidi Hughes,
Tracey Tomb, Susan and Kimberly Haney and Denise
Kenworthy, daughters of the Mmes. Allen Hughes,
Richard Tomb, Norman Haney and Glenn Kenworthy.
During the monthly meeting of the adult league
m'embers, Mrs. George A. Crum was installed as presi ..
dent for the new club year beginning June 1.
Serving with Mrs . Crum will be the Mmes. Vance
Shepherd, first vice president; Bruce Murphy, second
vice president; Clemens Fromlath, third vice president,
and Lloyd Garner, fourth vice president.
Also serving will .be the Mmes. Hughes, recording
secretary; Williarr McKee, corresponding secretary:
Carl Atterberry, treasurer; James Eriser, parliamen-
tarian, and William Maxey, thrift shop director
Committee chairmen will include the Mmes. Rich-
ard Frandsen, time and awards; John Paralieu, hos-
pitality; Chester Haug, prbvisionals; Harvey Hartzel,
bridge chairman; Lewis Webb, devotional; Charles
Allen, publicity, and Dick Wing-Hartlein, year book.,
Following the installation a musical program and
luncheon concluded the meeting
Adult provisionals who have completed their year'!
training period and will be introduced durin.g the tea
are Mmes. Hughes, Haug Thomas..J\asabali, Charles
Melchior and James Ridenour. . . . Mrs. Atterberry is in charge of tea arrangements
. . . . .
HOURS COUNTED -Recognition for completed houro of com-
munity service will come in the form' of gold charms when Tick-
tockers of the Natiiloal ·Clial'ily League, .south Cout Chap!er, meet
Sa!urday, May 24, in the Old Ranch Country Cl ub. Admiring the
attraCtive charms are (left to right) Mrs. Charles Melchior, Susan
MelcbiQr, Heidi Hughe~ and Suzttnne P8rker.
Favoring the Carpet Lands Her Stra·ight in ·the Dog ~House
DEAR.ANN UNDERS: Your advi~ to
Sad Eyes made my JO-yt.aMld cry. How
could you be so heartless as to suggest
thaL "Sweetie " a ~year~ld dog who,bad . .
betn a family pet sinee puppyhooil, be
giytn away. Just becauae a dog ruins a
lcw' carpets 1s no excuse to break .a
dilld'I beart. And do )'OU Jmow what this
would do t6 Sweetie? He would surely dle
of loneliness. Please change your advice
be!,.. yoo ire deluged lrith lettm from
peopt., wl!O will take your hide off.
DEAll W·Y-.: lt'1 too lak. Tbe deluge
1111 a&aNd • .ud tM radert an agaln1l
met" 1t.i. Reid ,.,
DEAR ANN: Your advice that an in-
door dog be. given to a farmer Is t)'J>loal
ot the dumb things city people come up
with. Fanners already are overrun •lth
dog owners who 1lon 't !mow the finrt thing
about animals.
1 disagree that a t-year-0ld dog cannot
be housebroken. Perhaps not in his
cu~tomery surroundings. but I'll bet if
they build a dog house and enfon:e IOrfle
new rules, Sweelie could be taught to
mind his manners.
-MRS. G. H. G.
old. l laa\le 1 dos· WMI be wttl oe my
mother's carpet l take 10rne ... pe.r &owel1
1nd blot It ap. I '" my foot. '11tell l poar
while vloegar " \H 1pot. It rlxts
DEAR ANN: OUr family rt(US<S to
bel~ve that you conalde:r wall-to-wall 41. Y. OF Wlt.UAMSPORT over ud·tbe 11ext time I 1et a RUer uk·
c'll'peting more lmpcirta,,t than a child 'I DEAR ANN LANDERS: Me YW on lnl !Gr iillvke •-a die I'm 1olq Ml
love for bia q . We have.antique oriental • vaca tion? PleaM.. come back. ·t can't coalR< petple de Uve '°P· Rll,p I
rup_ tn our home and the spots made by believe you give-that stupid answer. So now ,, .. ..., ... aa...t 1'ot I'm "
ciur ...,.... Ut114i (!OOd" l11CI l"lr !Uy the dilC ilid a few things oll the rug. So -,..-..,, ,. dtp ud m7 '""'" '"""' golden retrlevet have added character to wluit? 'l1le notion' that i: ia perfedly OK II. ,
U-l!!i<eleu Door co~. Shame "" to gel rid of anytblog that pmenta a
)'OU, Ann. Challei>ai la exactly what's wrong, lrith
-PlTl'SBURGH 80clttJ today. II you don't like school you
DEAR ANN' Year '...,..u.o dill • drop out. II you don't like marrlaf' yoo
des wllo llu .... a -pet lw •lie bull ~ up. If you don't like • job you quit,
.)',tan llie cfYe1 .. a farmer w11 aot 1 And now Ann Landen come. alorlg and.
halllUt tohldoe. T• ut aa ·~do& te says if you can't housebreak Your mutt
1djut " ..., peeplt. aad 1 D!J! mo gjve him to a farmer. Think lt over,
•knmeot b -....llie. It weild lie Toota. :::..."'.""' I• tM des ~ ~ pod Mm DEAR WJN/iill~ I QA vzWl:~fX/j
ts 1kobollsm a-diaeest? How~an ttt,
alcoholic be trtated? Is there a cure!
lWd the booklet "Alcoholism -Hope
and Help," by Ann Landers. Enclole !S
c:etlll-In .... wilb y~ ~ l11CI •
tone, stam_ped, ltlf.addl•••~ envelope.
Anq t..nilsi wW be l)ad to help YOO
with your problems. Send lhttn to her tn
taro of tho ·DAILY Plto'I', -lolinl' ~p<d, oell-a-on .. lope.
. ' ,
•· •
High Schooi Seniors
Zontians Select • Girls-of-m~nth
The Zoata Club ot """"' yw•1 hnmleoailoi .. -.
Harbor MCh month bonll'l cine ('Oll'!mta'ow ot attm and
~girl lrOm ·-.. tht -· -.-·-.,
Newport.Meaa bip -_., and -cllolr -· the 7.onlf Gi11:o!-Ole-month. , N11114!1 lour Yo.ls lo the
Problems •
Ntwtlt tqpplQC for re1ular
leollh llOCldnp:' tho foop-tli ..
The seledklP II --booor roll, llftu GoolJn bu
_ l<ador>btp, tj then 1 U '"' rocOIV... the Rolley G!rl-o(o
·ICbolanbip and service lo her 'tht-yw lwvd, E I t I • c la
school. At the• end ti the -E and t E. 11ocn NH HIGH . CM HIGH
~ ~ clellp Is tho
ftnt tblt mtlel with ever1
type of fOUlldatlon garmenl
-prlert. The feature
al lbta alocklnl : knitting of
•ooclal 1'!oPI l@lo the top aod
t&e ~ of con-vmional 11rtm ,..1th a nat
Clap, I
The deveLw._mel!t s -E I ~ e 1
1 Ille nagging prd>tem of the leo -snort -sfockl.n&, 1a('ter bump
and prier 1aps. The new llock1l1I comM In ti colors.
~ ~·. THIS IS SCZOUTING -Getting better acquainted with Girl Scouting are, (left
:'1 . lo right) Mn. Sophie Gendel Of Fullertoo and Mr. and Mrs. John B. Parker of
.' Corona de! Mar, members ol Loo CompadreJ, committee ol "lodliem>ts'.' to
Girl Scoot Council of Orange County. Committee memben and Scouts dined to-
pther in Santa Ana's S&ddlebeck Inn .
July Nuptl1l1
Los C:ompadres
Committee Members
ldvllory committee 1o1the Girl and Mrs. Henry Mam, troop
Scout Couocll of Oraqe Coun-leader. of NeWporl lleadl,
ty, went out to dinner with ta1ked lbout the dedtc1Uon to
their "charges" In Santa community ,.rvico and IOOd
Ana's Saddieback Inn and clttsenahlp chartcteriltlCI of
found out what Girl Scoutln& Glrl Scouts and the program
is all about. was concluded with a ProcrtSI .
After Maurice Gladman, Los rePQrt on the G~I Scout cam·
Compadra ch airman. in-Pini procram.
troduced the i'<l"P'• newl,Y
formed uecutlve committee,
the Girl Scouts toot aver and
p.....iecl a program of IOlllf ,
dance and mime.
llChool year. the 1.oota ·tilrll ....... .. :=i ~ ::"b. ~ .The .......... ol Mn. Larry
the Zonia Girklf·the-yw far SherW'of C-. Mao hu
their school and the ,rectpieftt been ICl!•e u junior cJasa
of a 1511 savings bond, vice 'pr.eoldeot, a .-111c1er, . vlce pnaldent of lb e
NEWPORT IWIBOR sophomore class and vice
llfias Debbie Mergenlhller, tJl'Olklen! · of the ·Pep Club.
dauglller of Mr>-Leo Gop1y Othor ICUvttles tn.;luded the
of Newport Beach, curroatly ii fHobOwt cJasa council, Girts
e1.ecut1ve councll orficlr, ltu-A.tbletic 'Aaocl.atlqn and var-
dent congress repre1181.tift 1lty swim tam.
and a tutor at Ftanldbi School 1be COid will •-the In Santa Alla. , .Uoiftnltf ol Clllfomta, S..ta
Last ·year sbe was 8plllllb Barl>on 1114 lludy ooclolol)'.
Club president, Girls' ~
historian, American r l e I d
Service member and 1 Cln·
dyst.riper at Hoag Memorill
Hoopttal, Presbyterian.
The 12th grader plam to at-
tend Clllfornia State ~ep
at Long Beach and become an
elementary school teacher.
The fourth wU.-of the
:!oota awlrd, llftu .\my Dye
allo plw to enter the elemen-
lary education field. .\lier
Oranie Coul Coltqe lhe will
einll It Su lltqo Stata Col·
fop or' \JCSB.
The dln&hW of M r I .
Dolllile Me-lheler
Also thinking of an elemeo·
tary teaching career 11 Mill
Ginger Albee, daughter of
Mrs. John Nuzum of Costa M.,..
Vlrglnil Dye of Corolll det Mlril a cheerleader, ,ESTANCIA. CDM HIGH
-yearbOolt ttaff member ll1d Lonni Go1Un Amy Dy~.
The former vol unte er
worker at Fairview State
Hospital is senior clus vice
pmident and was junior class
secretary. In the fulurt she
plans to travel .
MW Lonni Goslin b this
prestcjent of the Pep Squad. ---====------''-"-'----I\
She for'merly was a
aoaaltader, drill team and
AF8 member.
The preslilent al Lljlriera,
auxiliary to. the J u n I o r
Wom.en'1 Club of Cotta Mesa,
ls In the senior honor society,
WU named Most Spirited
Senior Girl and Glrl<1f-the-
. League Charts Monthly Trek
Lquna Beach Is putting the
wheels in motion for another
monthly buJ trip -thll time
to Ojai Valley -Wednesday,
May 28.
Luncheon, • shopplq a n d
sJghtseeing are all included in
th~ itinerary, according to
Mrs. Willi.\ton Bradway, pr<>-
jects chairman. She Is assisted
by Mrs. C. R. Beck Jr.
The bus trips art one of the
league's projects which fall
under It! Operation
Friendliness program.
Gloomy Gus Tells ii
As You See ii •
I .
by the area's
t Arrowhead
Orange Coast reslden'•
serving on the committee are
UCI Chancellor Daniel G.
Aldrich J r , , Assemblyman
Robert Badham, John Lawsoo,
John McLeod, O. W. Richard,
Howard K. Smith, M r s .
Norman Watson and Robert N. Weed of Newport Beach;
Jose:Ph J. Courreges, Fountain
Valley; 'Sellin S. Franklin,
Costa Mesi, an"d'Mr. and Mr~.
Jahn _lt.J!ortler, C..... de!
Mar.-Mn. Watlon .-ves on
the executive canmittee.
Sa·gittarius: Be Perceptive voue CHILD
i For Rites
t Lake Arrowhead in July will
t· be the •IUng for the wedding
~ -al CoroUne Abboll,ol Muha~
:. tan Belch and Rldllrd C.·
: David ~ Newport Belch. r 'lbeir .....-em •• an-
nounced by _Jin. Belin Gerow
al Pasadena and C. B. Abbott
• of Pasadena, plfentl of the
; future bride. Mr. and Mrs. E. r, W. Hootetter of Newport Ii Beach are atepfather and ~ mother of tpt bridell'OOfl'I·
!l elect. , • l Miss Abbott altmided the ~ Un1ver11lty of ~ '"1'here r sbe majored In fine lrtl and II
: a gradulle al Ywno H1'lh
! School. ~ f1arq w~ ~ Phi
( Delta Tbttl at his alznl
~ mater, UofA, and studied
i· psychology. r Pre8ently he is an aviat!M .
· • all,cu candidate undergoing r ··Navy pllot tr1lnin1 • t
~ Pensacola.
: GOP Gala
. Ticketed
:,.. Challenge Year 1970 will
~theme tbe IDDll&l &ala fund-~ralslng dinnft' of the Orange
...., CWnty Republican Central •1:.,Committee 'Ib.ul'lday, May 22.
in the Anaheim Convtnlion t Center. f Gov. Ronald Reagan will ad-
i dreSI the IJ'OUP durlna: the i $1111 per olate afWr whlch ts ;~ being pllnned by M r s .
: Barbara BuDker of Colt.a
1 Mesa, preiideiK cl. Federated r Republican Women of .Oranae
County, Mrs. Georp Dtllhan-
ty of Fullerton and a com-
mittee of Republican women. ·
l Designer Due
• Appearing in Robinson's,
Fashion I 1 I and , Thursday,
May 22, will be Sergio, make-
up~ f0< ~veal Roma.
'l1lt noted designer has
designed make-up for movie
stars, haute couture models
and fuhion maguines in
Rcxne, Hollywood and New
Mrs. T. E. Hunter, Costa
Future Bride
News Told
At Party
After celebrating the birth<
day of W-Jean Andenoo
of Costa Meaa, close family
members 1athertd ln the
home of her parents, the Addll
B. Andersons of Costa Mesa,
learned ol her en1a~
ment to Dennis E d w a r d
\VallOO of"Santa Ana.
Ml.n Anderson is a
gr aduate of Estancia High
School and attends Oranl'!
Coast College.
Her liance, IOll of Mr, and
Mn . Frank E. Watson of San-
ta Ana, is a graduate of Santa
Ana Valley High School and Is
student at Santa Ana College.
The couple have selected a
December wedding date.
for IElTER CARl'm"
Phwe SH-VAL 847-1678
MAY 20 .
ARJES (March 11-Aprtt 191:
Acc-ent oa bow-yCiU·prepare, on
meon:lllll<l~e, No .. ,lot abcl;t ...... ~lo liit
rules. SJl!lllllhl oo ·-laluel, fimlly lflalli. Get auf.
nctent nst ·
T.\UIWI (April II-May IOI :
Streu ... --facta from flncy. MIDf kleo1 loda)'
may not be practical. Short
trip could be oo qendl. Keep
1ppolntments, Cllch up ... lei·
ler wrt\lng. llelltlve needJ Ill· courapment.
GEMINI '(May II.June 111),
Y °':1 can add to poueuionl
thnJuch genuine b a r I a I n .
Older individual ultlheo ...
-to aid. &-a"'°" llltener, shrewd observer. Day
features gain.
CANCER (June 21.Juty 11):
Greater feCOlnilion of efforts SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): past. Much accomplished to-
due. You are rewarded in Good lunar a.specl today coin· d if k I TO SWIM AT solid, ·materlar seme. Put cides with romanUc and ay you eep ~ e~en kee . m ~~ Stick to tb.e tried-aild-true. • ' finishing touches on important creative interests. You find BLUE BUOY . a , te .1 project. Buy some clothes. ouUet for talents. Give of PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20 ): WIG & BEAUTY
Dress for the part ol success. yourself. Then you a Is o . Favorable lunar aspect today. 1.£.0 (;July -23-Aµa:. 22): receive love., Key is to break coincides with greater chance A.ltd s. Wiii '" · SALON
Mucbr that W._hkid8'1 .cmntl _:,.__down banien ot~. _far aeaUve expression. Fipe A~•. hlbo41 lal.U, 548-3446 lnCo-~Be frank~~ ·· 14..gj'ITARnil ... (Ncw1-~J2.. for pulling ideas to work. You,_.-Ano. Tnth• 250.D lat 17tli Sltfft
11111 lodOpondl!ll, -• ~,11): llaltof·~ II ..,, • wrtte, traOSICI bilslness 546 1800 HILLGR!N SQUAR! lllil ....... a.-) -..-.11,......,. _. and deal successMty with top • COSTA MESA
lo l'l"ll' f1wr. ltllQW this ond 'tbe llnel. O..Ck f1oe print. ~peop~le=·-.:.· ------=========~~~~~~~~~ be Confident. . Don't ilp IWIJ ~ forl-
VIBGO (AUi. ZUepl. 11): not11ina-U perceptive, a coo-
Friend provides hlformatton al llructlve cbule brllblens
value. Spolllg!it oo tranlfonn· money picture. Joe drums lo re '-1 It I es . CAPRICOllN (Dec. II.Jan.
Socl1Use. Looi< and llsten -Ill: Gain ' cooperation from
then you allo leam. Accept family. Without that, value of
unique Invitation. effortl ii dlmlnlahed. Krxlw
LIBR.\, (Sept. 23-0ct. ZI): this and act accordingly. Mor·
Special empbasls today on riale dillCU!lion appears high
~. ambitions , pr~tlge. on agenda. ·•
Key la versatility. You eipand AQUAJUUI {Jan. 20-Feb.
operaUOllS. Find way1 of -11): Practical 1pproocb.ll be> _
strumlln.ing methods, pro-ter than any get-rich-quick
ceduret. You can add to in· scheme. Rely upon perlOM
come. who proved dependable' In
11 F11hlon lslend
Newport l11ch -64-4-1180
AT 1 !5.00; NO -SET CUT, 5 .00. BEAUTY IALOHS,
Y•vr O.trtt ~·••v11t Welt•1t1-te11k•111trl••"'· Mttltr '(;\,,,,, t••· o,,. MeM..,, frl••• u11tll f1)Q I'·"'· ROBINSONS NEWFORT • FASHICN ISLAN D • 644-2800
---~·==~~,--~~---· --~~·-~----·~ ...... ----~.'
Nqssau and Jamaica__ Visit.P ~·
Couple on Honeymoon
Hooeymoonlng 1n N e w
Orleans and Miami and then
in Nassau and J~a are·
Mf. ind Mrs. 'Ibomas James
Shryack. who ex~ed wed-dit'i vows and rings in
Wayfarers Chapel, Portuguese
Tbe Rev. Roben. Loring
Young ·performed the
candlellght nup<il,ll rm: the
<laughter d Mr. and Mrs.
William L· ¥al: d Newport Beich and the IOD,d Mr: and
Mrs. Oharlea L. ShrylCk or 1" Angeles. :
The former BU~a Ellen
SedlU of Ila-Habra llleoled a
lloor lencth• ...... ol -lllk
......... wllll -d white venlae i.e. coveriof tbe bod-
ico sleevea 11111 Kirt. -cha·
pel train of oilk -and lace was atta<:bed to the mid-
back 'by a .while v-bow,
and her boullan! -length Vtil d ; imported; pure
'· -
.Uk UIUllon wu ca!!llit to a
band d ~ed ·~
lace daisiea. --1---11-T
'lbe mw Mrs. Shryack car~
Tied ' cascade ol !lllte and pale pink rooes when she was
escorted to tbe altar on the an. o1 her lather.
~ to stand :as matron of
h,ohar was Mrs. Leslie Walker.
She daoned a sort pink French
crepe floor length go.wn trim·
med wWi venise lace daisies
arooncl the neckline and
sleeves. T b e honor attendant wore a matdling bat of piok
voile with lace daisies and car-
ried a colonial bouq~et ()( pink
sweetheart roses, .carnations .
arid pompons.
William Fisher was best
Dian wliile William Lee Sedlak
Jr., the bride's brother and
. WUHam Scott' Shryack, lbe
bridegroom's ·brother seated
AdOrning-the church were caiidles and tiaskets of• pink
carnations, white .chrysan-
themums and gladioli.
' San Francisco Honeymoon
· Perkins-Geesey Vows
Exchanged in Chapel
fon 1 train. White carnations
were in her bouquet.
I.'• . '
' '
·i:;'1NE BAKE9:Y .
Nete1 9" f'nrit Pie .
, 8ig;11ew 9" 1i1e. Your c:~oic• of ch•rry, appt.,
boys•nbarry, biuabarry, p••ch, or-apric_ot.
' ' .. .. 1.41
f'rtt•h .§(r..,i.err11 Cake
Filled and topped with the finest 1tr1wberries
ind whipped cream.' Mr. Rich1rd't fa vorite.
• ·1.89
' . The Galley West on Palos
Verdes Peninsula was the set-
ting for the reception. Mrs
Timothy Condon of La Habra
was at the guest book.
Early evening rites solem-
nized in Peek Family Colonial
Wedding Olapel united in
marril\@:e Carolyn Geesey of
Corona del Mar and Robert C.
Perkins Jr. d. Costa Mesa.
GleM Palmer of Santa Ana
assumed the dulies of best
man and guests were seated
by Mike Vandegrift of Orange.
. ..
Candlelight Service ·
The bride ls a graduate of
Glendale High School, Orange
Coast College where she is a
life member of Alpha Gamma
Sigma and UCLA where she
affiliated wkh Alpha Delta Pi.
After honeymooning in San
Francisco, the newlyweds wlll
establish their first home in
Costa Mesa. WIN A lllTHDAY CAKE, FREE!
If your birthdi'f it in June, July or ·August stop
in and fill out an entrr. , .• 411 decorated 2..layfr
cake to S lucky peop !t each month!
. . '
Kathleen Taylor Now
Mrs. James Misner
Her husband attended
Hamilton High School, Los
Angeles; Citrus Co 11 e g e ,
Azusa, and California State
College at Lo_ng Beach. .
Following their CariDbean
wedding trip the newlyweds
will make their home in
Escorted to the altar by her
brother-in-law, Alfred Kirsch
of Costa Mesa, the . bride
selected a white ptted satin
gown with loog sleeves. Her
veil was caught to a pearl and
jewel crown, and she canied a
booquet or otepbanotls and
white orchids.
Mrs. Kirsch attended her
sister as mmoo ol honor and
her gown was ,a mint green
~atln sbeaqi with a loD4 1chU·
The bride, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Julius Geesey of
Ocala, Fla., is a graduate of
Mid<'\<!DWn Township Hlgh
School, Middletown, N.J.
Her husband, son ' of Mrs.
Lloyd Franklin of Costa Mesa
and Robert Perkins, i, a grad·
uate of Colton Union High
Dana Point is the new home
of James Michael Misner and
his new b r i d e, the former
Kathleen Taylor, who were
married in Community
Presbytertan Church, Palm
Springs, diiring a ceremony
perfonned by the Rev. Dr.
James lL Blackstone.
~ • !Jbe bride Is the' daughter of
... Mrs .. Robert J. Hitt
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel E.
Taylor of Rancho Mirage, and
h e r husband is the s o n of
Mrs. Louise Misner of Laguna
Beach. and the late Mr.
For the wedding the new
Mfs. Misner was gowned ln a
while silk organza A-lint, and
a Juliette cap topped her
three-Oered ifiluskln veil. '
~.frs. John Stevenson, the
bride's sister from Fullerton,
was matron of honor and Miss
Susan Miller of Laguna·~¢h 1 was.a bridesmaid.,The1flowOI" 1'
girl was Heather SteveftSOn,
the bride's niece.
Ushers · i..pcluded Robe r t
Taylor, the bride's brother of
Newport Beach and ·David
Stratton, Chip Harrell and
Mark Bollas of Laguna Beach.
James Fanelli, also of Laguna,
was best man.
A Chami>"l!ll" reception lo<
125 guests in the "Taylors'
home followed the ceremony.
Both Mr. and Mfs.._Misner
a r e graduates of Laguna
Beach High School. She attend·
ed the College of the ~
and Woodbury College and he
was a student at Orange Coast
College. Re also served the
U.S. Air Force in Gennany
and Vietnam .
c::aawan: •• ,,,.
MAY 19
SAT., MAY 24
Baled on Ol,lr actual-records, •• our average patron loses 10 inches
wit.bfu the first 10 visits from hips, waist, ·thighs, tummy and arms.
· 3433 VIA LIDO !NEWPORT BEACH 673-6360
Couples , Peering T.his ·sumpier be your own 'beautiful' self ••• you can be ••• and it
T D · takes so little time aa you pamper yourself at Gloria Marshall's •••
0 I ne .J watclnngthe pound& and inches "fade away" through the µse of the
Special guests arriving rrom A FOURe ·1--.nodemmet.hods-and·mad!ilfea that have maiie Gloria Marshall · -
:.,~~f~"· •• ~%.,~' .;.,~:r, _____ Dlll __ I the world's largest owned and operat.ed figure control
dinner will ·be A ss i s t • n t system (26 locations in California alone). Secretary or Health, Educa-WINNING TOP awards in ~ ~ tlon "a:nd Welfare, Mrs . Robert the student division contest of
J. Hitt and her hu.sband. the California Spring Beauty
1 " \i~, Hitt has been president Show in the Ambamdor
of ·the women's cUltural sup-Hotel, Hollywood, were
port grOup for Chapman students from Girard's College
College since its organization or Beauiy, Cost• Mesa.
'in tlje fail ol 1961. r Ben SUles won first place In
• The, dimier will lake place in the senior division, Shelbi
Cl b it Wed Smith took lourth place arid Balboa Bay u ne nes-Wendy Nielson took fifth
(lalPeaker will be Robert place. Junior division winners
Manry, former copy editor of were George McKinney, se-
the Cleveland Plain Dealer. cond place, and L u r e 11 a
who sailed across the AUantic,;;;W;;;yi;igi;;ard;;;;;;, th;;;;;;ird.,.pl;;;ace;;;;;;. ;;;;;;;;;;;;•,I alone in his l31h-foot sloop,11 Tinkerbelle. The 7 8 • d a y PllCI YOVI OWN
l·ourney is described in his CUSTOM INIT DUSS •••
I ' R l °'"1""-""-"YR"'I ··· book, 1'Tinkerbel e s un o .,11,...,. t11t ctrt ., YM' ~
Glory," cn'91'1'1 utt •"'"' • • Y•nl IAfl'"X.) .,. ••.• "·••••" ....
Emblem Club
Gathering tor business ses-
sions and programs are nwn-
ben d NeWPOrl Hart>or Em·
blem Cl•b the -'Illes-day 111 a p.m. in the Ellol
-uidge, Newport-Beach.
"""""' us.• ""° _., ...... -.. •IJlttlllflf ......... ) »••"•"•"us.•
TOTAL •.. $65.00
lewtr Mtll Aero•• fre111
lrl1tol •f th• St111 Oit90 f rwy.
No ·strenuous exercise ••• we are not a -gym.
No st.arvation diet.s · ••• no drugs or pills.
At Glpiia Mamhall's ypu'll lose more incllea and.pouiids·for less money, ' ·
mUch leas, than you wo~d pay·ft>r.anyi0~ pr6gram anry:here .
• • I • Call us now for a free sample visit during which you wjll actually.~.
all of the specialiRd machilies for reducing:.•Be,o'ur P,ellt too foi: elec-
tronic facial contouring •. No cha,rge, ·J10 ,eJ>lipti!llll ~,today.
catual cJotMr,
iuullllllial •• ......._,..
'Tell us the d"""' size you want to wear; and
we'll tell you bow many visita it will take and
guarantee in writing that you. will reach your
· goal. In fact, so abs<\lutely positive are we-that
you will obtain your objective, that as stat,ed
in our gu8.rantee, we will even'.· iet yOu ·have
. FREE OF CHARQE, any and· an· fllrlher
visits, until you reach your goal. It's positive
aarurance that.We back up our guanuitee l(J(W.,
• I •
NEWPORT BEACH-430 Pacific Coast Hlghw~ ( :.::!'.., ... cW:) 642·3630
-T ---SANTA ANA-1840 West 17th Street-543-9457 • Solon• Alto In: Anahoim, 11e .. rly Hiiis, Covino, Cw.nohaw, DoWMy, GlenHlo, Lakewoed, Long llooch, Nowpon •lleach, No,rth Hollywood,
Ont1rfo, P1uclln1, San Dt.go, Santa Ana, S.nta larbara, SunlaM, T aruna, T"°ranct, W9stct.,ter, whittler ••• Alto Fr..,o, Sin JOM,
Secr1mente1 Sunnyvale aM Walnut Cretk, C1Ufor!"I•. ' (CJ Copyright 1969 Gloria Mor1l1aU Mat. Co., lnc.
, •
In Occlaental CltoP.t ,
' Wedding ¥.ows Recited
--QiaJlll al ~I Colhl~ wae
-for 1111 -. ol Lall Am Wiii and ........ C>alrl-.
Acctntlq the wblte tot.rlor
and red velvet pew1 wu a
...... fkral .......,...1 ol
ytUow and white rosta. 1'e
dlDlilMr d Mr. and Mn. Job
O. Wiii ol Fountain Vatliy
i-. ... -to-lbe-allor ,.,... lllr lalllar far the double rlnl
..... ~ .. CilDducled by Iba Rev.Bruct-bol.
For hlr wtddlnl the brlda
........ ltallu lace ""'" d .
her .... dellp -!utund
acallops at lbt lllU, •-and hemline.,,,. loci -htt'Y ltalla ,_. di loll .In
.. .. pire lllJll, ud 1111 -de 90le sash wu cau&bt tn
back in i 1""' bow. A
matching h...iiii-bald hlr
-tentrlh "11.
........ " .. Minister-athlefe ·iauds· r • •: • • • • • • ·~
Program on Fitness pit.tare:
By GAY PAULIY mudl .. resuJar-under p e e ks :
....... modlcal ~ HEW YOl\IC (UPI) -To I <Ill do to 11eJt a penoo lleep •
-tlhllto, Willa WO .. I filf•"llft." ., ...... • • ....
llllt pliyalcally, ..... -. -ud biJ 1111•. llllOiall1 ud IJ)irliulllJ. NarJ, Uft two .-:'both If 100 will tW a pod lool: at
And u. parallel -11.. follo!rlllC in did'• loaUIOpl to the 11111 IDll'I'* you .. u1
-'1111 to the niiloo'I atllloCkl, and a married notice that BlaJliU and _,_,_ ,...., people-"They ..... '° daugbt<r w_,
JnalO' thlnP theM dayl, 11 NYB 0 ,..., • irom1alna are both pre.sent. Tbeae two ac-
Bob Rictiardl. .... ....=.. ~ oldtr, Boll !Ian -In both -
lllclW'dl; ~ mlnllter u well ~··i' ~-~ 11 Ill. au l!lllldod far mon ol Iba adull or ~:u~..:1'~ C'"' ..=.i CO::"~ 11n_,, _m11111.-
t':.o1 ~.~;:: ... ~":: ~~ ~ for the BUWIT ii SloYI McQl!loll, I
biJ family, ht ...,.. Thtn with -_, ttio ObmPlc San l'rlDCloco deteoUl'I, who
I !aup he addt, "! Wllll to r: modaJI in polo vaultlnl. bu been Ullcntd to prollel a
Uve to bO 100 one! bO lbot by a -1 .. ~ ~ u.l w-in a future cr1ma -. jealous buablnd.'' ---"! 111 a comlallon -n ~ .._ dllrln& , bil toa. Bue, the wl-ii rubbod-ph~•ca1 -and IOftneH aclift ~ ..,_, ·lie QP' oull 'llliJ ltarU ooe ol Iba-' ,. -~ u nallonal t1tlll and of cbaraclor," llldlardl 11ld. :;:"'named Iba Helml Hall al ad--., ucltlq ....
"And, I rtlaUon between r1m1trophywlnnlrJD1•t u huntl the tenen hu ever
ni-an<! tougl>nm or ""' -·~·""''·· th!~-in N~• _ _.. od ll"'!'lt. Thote who built ---1 -w~ ,....I)' ·
" Cooking Pays Off
Ilia Manha Nll!y WU
gowned in a Door llollb '°"" of yellow chHlon aad Ibo wore
daisies ·in bor dirk ba1r an<!
carried a Ml)' bullll ol wh!le
and yellow data1il.
~ were phy11cally 1111d ~ID ordalnad mtoiJter B'", _,_a-·•"~"-,~ -"1tolall1 """11. They had no Qwrcb ol the Brtthr u-• • • ·---·~ "ltftnul on pa Ir Io ti 1 m. :'J" ,_ -u dlitclor ':l jull watt 1111W you parlUa In the
Dtmoc:ney It an aclivilt Iha Whlatla Sporll Fadtra· mad, mad automobllt d>uo in,
theory of living. lion. up an<! down and around lhe One ot :IO finalists in a cook«! 1$ Mn. Wllholmlne
Jlalm•nn of Newport Beach who wUl campete nut 'Illand87 for the top prize of $600. Each contaatant
npreMllia a Southern Callforllia orp!lizatioo and
the Jiarl>or Area cook is a member of Harbor S'e.iiOr
~:;!'d ~~~k th!,lrtk ~he~ For U-to whom ht will crowdtd llreeta ol 8111 ll'l'•n· ~." ht lald. llldlardl ipoak on biJ threHnonth tour, cilcoJ1cq1111int Blatl ii the ~ ... Rlcbarda will pnach nt--~•rrod to a three moouw "ketolnl ftl lhould nol bO 1 !11111111 fatale an<! Ro b 1r t
· CiU..'1 Club. T!ie entrant I• P"'Patlng Corn Beef
• and Cllllla&e Salad for Richard N. P'ranlr, pres!·
: dent Of t.wry'11 sponsor of the contest.
Steven John w11 bal man,
and uaborl WC'I Willlam
Wiit,. tbl bddt't brother, and
Zachary Kithlnjl from Kenya,
Followlnf Iba w e d d I n I •
many 1ueats from
W-attended I he
ln the chapel. The
io11in1 ud. eyclln1 trip be f:/:··". ,._ the man who Vaugl>n lhowl 11 a key man In Wtlf make coul to coul to ~--"-dramatize the need for titnoll. to aWQt tis ,..... on I the lnvlllipllon.
Richardl' ''eruude" w J 11 bleycle ucb day.
• belin In Loe ~ .. Juno I, 8A!ll WHJIUY ii • -
White Buffalo Nation
Installs Indian Chief
wifh the 43-year-old athlete M h with lOldl of IUlpenH In a film
crosalnJ throoali dtttril, over HB ot •rs 1boul crime an<! Jl'edtnl me a cake was cut with an
autben Samarai s w o r d
presented lo the b r i d e 1 1
parent.s when they were mar-
ried In Japan.
mountalnl aoa alone aecon-dary roedt aome !,IOO mllu Huntlqton Bach Blue Star durln( a ltmt rilht alter the
helore reachto1 lltw York In Motbtn, Cllapltr 2, •la(t Civil War. '
Hoaeues at the coffee and
tea urns were Moon Dea and A mother and daughter ban-who Rudy 1111, mlta and Ion Lindt Wong, and among lbt
quet and installation of of· of tndh1dul 1ndlan tribes. special guests were the Rev.
fieen ls being planned by the Tbeit costumes re s em b I e Kenneth Boyd, f o r m t r
• Nation or Whilo Buffalo ~ U-ol Iha oricfDll tribe. minister at the Weslminll<r Mrs. St1ph1n C. lv1r1on
Double Ring Ctrtmony
.,.....,. ''"''
early AUl\ll~ . IMltlno Iha ll<Ond Moodayo Rlclwda, who realdes to at 1:111 p.m. to LIU Part
Lavemo, say1, biJ . (iarlictpa.1_Cl;...u_bboolt __ . ------I tlon ln atbleUct I l D C t
childhood bll tausht hlm how ADVlltlllltt\INT
MARRY Tbm are IJ trtbto in the Prtobyttrian Church, and bJa ;. "':!~. B,UIHunJ~ ~~lnnan,. Hunlineloo Beach nation and family from Santa Maria. W At 1:311 ev.,y tocond When -inl lo< your wed· au• -=llllt uw. they meet twlce a month both others included Mr. and Mn. esbnlntter, U In tbl honors an alumnus of Weatminster Thunday WOft\til of Bahia ding you need Jots of help. ~t ~ has announced that each tribe afternoons and evenings. At flobert La Fortune from San proerarn at OccJdtntal. He Hlah School. · C h apt 11' o f N at 1 on a I the information necf!IS'ary in
will bring a main dish, aalad the end of the month each Leandro and Mr. and Mn. WN b.-d ~ =•tion Amigos Following their honeymoon Secretariel' A 11o.c1 at l On "How to P!IJ'l Your Weddins"
an<! deatrl to bO oerved 111 motbtr au.nds a ~ of M. L. Ivmon, aunt and .,.. r ~a cell for the blind lrip to Solvlll(_the newlywe<l5 lnternaUonol uremble in dif. Guidi. -2tic In coin to P.O.
p.m. 'I1nndl:r, llaJ D. lrt the UM nation wbe tr t b a 1 cle and srandparents of the n .. ..,,u&n1, and list 1ummer will live in Highland Park. ferent locatlona to attend Box Sll8, Huntington B11ch, CommunJ11 Mttbodifi Church, or11nlzat1M, procrams aod brid-oom. he Pl1tlclpolad in C.-Oadt Aller the b r Ide Ir o om',-meettnp. Mrs. Salllo Fleming Cati£. 96218 I!·-"~-Beach. craftl are dltcuued. -"!·~·· to he "=. d Alric• a1'd ·helped to build a sroduaUon they plan to 1erve at l!MMO may be telephoned
-'""·"'"'9-''""" IA·N'l1i r r~sc:b~oo~l~a~t;K~lss~ii, ~K:on:v~o.~H~e~t:1 ~w:tth~tbe~Vl~S~T:A~~ro;~1~m~. ,~f~or~ad~di~llonat;:~i~nf~onna~~U~on~. =~::;::~::;::::;::~::;::~ii Cllnt . Walker and Burt r~ lbt lnlta11aUoo -lnlorulad 1 n at th1 Unl...it)o cl • . baaaol ~ M111!1iJ1 Jo1a1n1 Iba ~ter calllGmla, ii 4111 Iba -·1 l!lt ~ Reynolds are tie<! In with Ossie
andlitr d•.,.... wlD,.... 11 elub may call Mn. Dola an<! ii an ICl!ft llll'lldPlnl to E •-~ Davis who belp Aniit Dickinson
.: codlalrmmola-lbow. c.arad, -: Mn. Miki th1tul0rill.,...r.m,lheta1 ~-'P'".M••"'"'• 1el oome etoleo 1old bacl: to -~ ilfto~ol="'~~ -ry, llJ.7111, or Dolph lfaduala ol rounlaln ValltJ 7~j ,., ·• ...... l1wfulowner~However,theplot
motbln 11111 dauchteu g,.~~~ ~ ~.""" ol,Mr, 11 oo darlnf that the trio finds
--Iba -ol I an<! 9 -II. ' and Mn., !Ao I-ft cl $ & 1 Q n 8 illeU CIUlhl between I h e iiiiiiiiiiimii;;;;iii;;;i;;;i;;i;;;;;iii;;i;ii;;;iiii;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiii.iiii;;;;;;i;i;;iiiiiiiiiiiiim Fadtrals and the bad IUY•· -
lftiaby ii 1n adventure movie . .. .
. , -
• •
' •
• . •
; •
6 Helling pique WllYIS
In 4 past.It end whit. .
minl-cal'I finish, cr1111
reelttant lor dl'IH or sports.
It's tho fabric of the century
ancl we h1v1 It In 6 exciting
t.rivrts, In 20 colors
lncluclln9 summar white!
1t'1 NIY e1r11 m1chine washable,
drl11 In 1 wink, never needs ironing,
wlU peck and 90 1"ywhere.
111y to sew -n11ds no lining -
ptrfKt for 1nythin9 from
oily ptnn to dress up suits
56"/60" wide!
RE~. $6.91 YARD
M1ohln1 W 11hobl1
No lf'Ollln9 399
yd .
p<1isl.Y,, florals,
mini d11i9M end
novefties for summer.
shear, cool, colorful!
RES. St. 91 yd. SAVE 99e y..t. REG. $1.19 yd. SAVE 4lc yd.
36" Wide
44/45" Wide
" l'J·llll 1•1.1516 lt7·101l ·----------~~---~~~~~ ..
Waahapeyour llrbtened hair into lovely curia.
We ear111 the curia with "Nice Chan11" -ftO JJero.t:t'de.
Injuat 10 minut.e6 your ne\v blonde curls take on
whilper-oo[t color-tone that luU. t.hrough several
ah&rnpooo. With no rub-<>11, no retouch problem: wa juat
renew the color whenev er rou wish I
HA•• tlllOJ •on°" s3.oo
l'LUS SH4Ml'OO $2 2'5 ANO SET (Mon, lhru Thu,..) t
11..~t H•lr bh•r
CUU llobtrllon continues to
attract appttclative audiences
al the Lido. Hit Oocar-winning
par!Ol'llllllOI In the UU1 rolt nr
Olll'IJ cllmuu an oulltandlng
actlnc canv. Rtmtmber
11Autuma Luva", 11Plcnlc11 and
11P.T. 10l1"
CllARLY ii the llory ol I ,...,I
man who ii phyolca!ly Qt, bul Is
ml!lla!ly relordod. Claire Bloom
play1 the PIYcholociJI who
lllCl11vor1 lo help him acape
Iran thi1 world ol reatrlcUloo.
Tho lllCCIU ol the trutmenls
-to fUrtbtr complicatloos lnvoMnc Iba doctor an<t potknt.
Hereto Uta an tnllrt ""' world
an<t au o111a 111ra..-1o both
the man and Iha woman.
Playinl alonpldt Cllarly et
the Udo ts For n. Love Of Ivy •
Sidney PoiUer asswne.s the role
of a debonair man-about.town.
, He playo a kl)' roll In • friendly
_ % plot to keep Abbey Llnco1n on
her present Job. It's a lighl·
hearted comedy movie that co--
stars Beau Bridges and Lauri
MW MATINEIC! are the
onnru for U-who Hitt I• en-
Joy fin• ltlm1 in the mlcklle of
!be --on 1 1111 afttrnoon, Gel the jump on )'OUr friends
and aee the he'l ol them early In
the week. The, proerams start
promptly at 1 o'clock, opening
with tree refresbmenta.
Affer I ,..,.., $2.50
Friday, S1h11•doy, s.....roy ..• , , • 13.00
Fili£ PASSES to the lolesa or
Iba Lido ·Will bO malled today to
I. II. -. IU 11411 Sl,
Newport auch, I. M. ~,lOI
Coral A~:i Bal 1111, Lt.....,..
Mklla, -Onnp, Colla M ... and J. R. on-;, IO! Jl'ornlof, c.r.n. dat Mar. Cotto Mot1, C11if. C..ta -._ Calif. _. Htl'blt llYI, ,.. W, .,~
K..-.r1 Platt ,,_ ....
P'M!wl 6*fl'JS
-lleHh. C1llf. Cooto Mata, Calif. -a1·1.-~ ..-. · '" •• '""' ",,,1 Mllt:tt ...... ...,, ..,..,, ,.,., ..... ., ... ,.,. "--, .. , ... n-In 11'11 -·· .,..Sts of UPklbft Ptlb'\ Jrmt.ld to ",'J.':'1,~•111. o!,:.T.~.:!!!· F~.:::'':!.i:..Y.•ll•Y• c.nr. s:;.'!,A:!~~·ll'· Fi;. nli\ir:Ol:l;t. Collf, enjoy 1 mavil 11 lbt Lido or th1-
...... _ .... """" ,..... aNM v11._ c;.rt11tr F.im.., c"""' Ntu. Wt hope that )'GUI' ume
----------------------' ___ ...__.-__ ....., __ , __________ ..J,wtll bl_.. nal an.
................. ~."'' ., •
Battle on Safeguard OCC Lists
KlW,I. Direct.8 Adminutration Efforts
The only medication that
Gets to a Major Cause
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Now I Most complete 3-way relief!
Tlll1 lmport1nt dlYllopment In hemorrhoid treetl!lent com11 to you
alter llvt yurs of 1cltntlflo ind cllnlc11 tot1n1. Not only doll
ovumtmold' ~by I-nine poln fnt,.l!l!!.b)lc011tln1, IOOlhlnc.
ind pmlCUnc lnJur.d tluue •.. bot unllu ..,.ry other hemorrhoid
prl)ductCounttmoid elso works 1 third wey.
TllaQl<s _lo en exclusive formula with DSS .. "' only Counternold
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Without lrrlt1tln1 l1111tlvt lfltct, H1rt'1 howr In holpltal X·ray 1111.t
doclOll hlW dllnOnlll'lted !hit IN rtmlrlwblt Counternold lorrnu·
llllon wtt!I DSS.o Pl'*"* In rnlnu!lt to the top of the rectal area
to IOlltll IN l!OOt ind-the bowll -t.
It It 11111 unique ICt1on !hit doll eo much to makt natural heallna
So, 11 you llvt with tht poiln •rid 1111 of rteurrlnc minor him·
orrhold troubl11, 1•t temporary 111111 with rn1d lcally.t11t1d
ActUllly, UMd Hdlrtetld, Countemold offers the most complete
3-wlY ttlltf you can 11t without 1 p-rlptlon oi without sur1ery.
In stllnlmc,..rnorsuppoeltorltl.
Al ell drug counter.1. For 1 trial supp ly, clip thlJ coupon.
~------------------, I MllltoCoun""'°11d,Dlipt.A OP 1•
... , ... ~,N.J.07110 I I I '"' In-Ill -""or Countemo0d end -k! lllct to -i"' I
I a lr~l lllPlll1 GI both ..._11or111 and "'""' I 111tlooo 25• In coin I IO-mtlll ... n haOlclllne. •
I A9d!m . I
I c11y flt!! z11 cm I L------------------J
..,..,-.,1t,ll6t DAILY-Jf
Mimic' 1-e Foray.
Television's Pogo a Lady
By· yuNON SOO'IT IO\lthem boy voice about 11 art aboul 100 people In Ille
HOLLYWOOD /UPI) rtarsold," JUlle said, gMng a buliJleos, bol aai, elx"' seven
"Pogo," the precious tittle brief sample of Pogo's drawl. of U1 Wort reculu'IJ."
opogsum of the comic strip, "We decided apinst a They .,. 8lan In lllelr own
came to andmated life-Sun-hokey cartoon character for ~ but .Wy people who
da:y in a ·television ,-.1 .. 1 him." • wart ~lwibind lhe 11Cenes Jn
leaturlng the inliabila;;-;,r Titled "Pogo Special BiJ1b..,_H_olfy;oood_· __ ·a-__ them_. ___ 11
the Okefenokee twamp. d~ S!'""i•I," ~ l'dtmelantly
lll"'ion shattering tho!lgh It named shaw will be beam<d SCR Pla1tS may be, the P11bllc ii entltjed May 11 Via NBC-TV. But It is
to know tba~ the wke of Pogo not Pogo's birthday. It Is 'TJ _bel~ June_li"oray,~a vQice_ P-or.ky~P-ine-'s birthday -~ ~ . ir.ee_penny specialist wllo-"as piovld<d And hew does that .grab
vocal chords for virtually
0 ' Pla thousands o( animated cartOQn you? Pera 'y ·•---~-8 11 li , In addition to doing Pogo's . ., . ----~~ ~ we 8! ve · ac· tors. volce,.June will speak for six
Sou.th Coast Repertory will A ti.py ~oman, w\Ul huge .other characters in the-show,
eyes, : Miss Foray'! · <VO!ce including Mias M a m s e I 1 e
present its first full \scale ranges fi'qm bass to aoj)rano. He~hab, a skunk with a
mi.Weal product.ion n e 1 't She provides the vo~, for French accent.
month with ~ stag~-of Rocky and Natasha ib the "l c~ do every accent and
Bertolt Brecht and Kurt "Bullwinkle" show; Jerry in dialect ·"Jn the world," June
Weill's "The Tb re e penny "'l'om and Jerry" and Alvin said without fear of ' con-
Opera." the chipmunk. Her versaUJe tradietlon.
epiglottis also gives voice t.o W h 11 t a b o u t u p p er
James Del?rlesl is directlng assorted woodpeckers, bears, Mongblian?
the show, which opens June 27 pigs, dogs, cats, chickens and "Well, I haven't heard that
for an indefinite run at SCR's skcnks. 1 dial~t;" she responded. "But
Third Step Theater in Costa Give June an animal and let me hear it for two minutes CU.II Ol'INllOI MOWI
Mesa. Musical director wW be she will give it a voice. and I'll be able ~ do a
Bill Eads. "When I was hired to play Mongolian bit." cALi. (714) IU..JSOS
Playing the central role ol wanted a straight youhg field ," June concluded. "There co..t Mack the Knife will be Peter
. ~NOS t UESDA 'r; ' '
w ...... ,. ..... _ lkHnl .....
....... ,. - J .... eelMn Mort•.,_•_...,._,_ -' FRAUl.Elll DOllTOR .....
..., ...... -..... ""' t
1 Crossword Puzzle
Pogo, the director said he ~"~lt~'•~~a~v~e~ry~~spec~~ia~liud~:1~~~~~~~~~~·11
Ja.soo -fohnerly Pete 0st1q/~iii ,
of Newport Beach -who has PORT THEATRE-$•tu.rdoy Nivht •t 10:30
appear<d in several stage and MAJOR STUDIO PREVIEW FEATURE
television product.Ions in BIG COMEDY STARRING ALAN ARKIN "' ACROSS 49 Passes Salurday's Puzzle Sotvfd: Hollywood. More becoming a Come It 6:45 See All ThrH; "Jo Advance Price
l ··-·button
6 Central
10 Bodily
distress 14 .. Rrm.!fl'lbtr
15 R#lgt
section l' Entrrt.ilne~'
oolon: Attir.
17 State of
18 City of Eng-
land or New
20 Prophet
21 lnpon
22 Shtd 11¢11
2) Stair
25 C Ian chJrr.
· talns
26 Contrived 29 Frte from
doub~ 31 Namt for
I Pllfot
)2 Marked
by envy
37 Mine: Fr.
38 --Island
39 Cooktd 001
sllgfi!I! 40 EJ:plos vr
"' 4Z Flag
4J Finished
44 Wood proGJct
45 Compfrte In
2 3 •
50 One with
lht power
to act 51 Kind of
food 53 Stupor 57 Certain cut-
ting tools;
2 words
59 Entrrtaln«
&O lomari's
""' •1 Somtlhing that
fiZ Llfetess
63 Weight
64 Slt1ta9r111
65 Europeans
19 Colorltss
21 Conctaled 24 Exclamation
of 511rprist
25 Tl!rtt-spot
2& Kind of nail
27 Larg•
1 Fritnds volumt
2 "~ c.11111ot 28 "Thank1
ltU ----"; ---1":
2 wcrds 2 words 3 Apptllation 29 Tltlt
4 Complfcated JO Ullimal!"
situation pu1chaser 5 Bill's 32 Flxed
partntr c.ourst of
& Volume with PfOCtdu1t large pagts 33 City of
7 Not qu11t Manitoba
c round 34 Dint 1 'Coin 35 Exert -• 9 Business 1 driving
abbrtvlatio11 fer ct
10 Turlcish 36 Unpleasant
Utlt look 11 Rlvl"r In 38 Hollow ln
Burns pot111 th t earth 12 Miss Castle ~l Direct ion
13 Nostrils 42 Insect
5119/&9 ,
44 Celebrity:
45 ContKt
4& lith.t
47 ---dlam onds:
Blg casinl)j
2 wcrds
48 Nol
as of gems
49 Powdery
51 Glide
52 Approxi-
2 wadi 54 Sign
.55 Sec.Uon of
swa111py ,
56 Does
58 Emp.ft'or:
set lion:
12 I .
professional actor, Jason ap-peare<J willl SCR in "Playboyljlil••lllll·--------------411 of the Western World" and "A
Moon for the Misbegotten."
The roles (j Mack's fem~le
conquests will be lakeo by
Elaine Bankston , Toni
Douglass and Sandy Marino.
other major assignments will
be filled by James Baxes,
Carol Kretzer and Heath
Completing the repertory
cast wiH be Michael Dougla.ss,
Paul Abbott, Bob Giles, Larry
Harbison, Brad FitzGerald,
Paul G er so w·f t z, Martha
McFarland, Karen Bertagna,
Carol Arnone and M a r k
Erickson, who sings the ballad
ol. W.ack the Knife.
J>r:oductioo d a t e s are
Thutsdays through Sundays at
Ule Thiro Step, 1827 Newport
Blvd .. ~ta Mesa, with an
engagement> of at least eight
weekends planned.
P .. 1N.._·1•
"The SecNt War,
of Harry Fri99'1 ....
1'Hanni.bal Brooks ''
G.awho*gol'lhtl.wwa.-. s...c-.y a.tL111Cm1r.1ypcroi.· in"* ........ 4fw11 ... ,N.·Y ..... . .
Michael Winner
OOlDll IJI' lt.WXE
Un1tld Al"11111
Eastwood: a Portraitlf==~~~-~~~~~ill ~Fo-'i'i"'souTH coasT
0. • ~ iA. PLAZA~ f Gentle Tough Guy ACR~i::;:'!~N~ un
COCOYOC, Mexico (UPI) -
Clint Eastwood ?las to be the
gentlest, quietest and coolest
"tough guy" in the movie
study the characters and try
to figure them out. Some ac-
tors think a tough guy has to
be played loud, or hard. I just
do it my way, that's all."
Eastwood's not much ror the
Hollywood scene. "Heck, I
don 't even live there. I live In
On screen, he comes orf like
the toughest guy in an Jvy
League fraternity house, or a
quiet young biologist with a
black bell in karate.
With his trademark, a stub-a house near the ocean up in
by black cigarillo, tucked in a Cannel. My wite and I don't
corner of his mouth, Eastwood do much socializing. We prt>
parlayed this air of innocent bably go to one Hollywood
menace into a fortune with party a year. That's about
three-Italian "spaghetti-oater" ·enough. One of those parties
Westerns, and jumped from lasts me a Jong time.''
relative o~curity to one of the Like most .. oVttttlght" suc-
world's top movie box office cesses, Eastwood spent a cou-
draws. pie of struggling decades.
Eating lunch with him it 's ''I always piayed the pro-
hard to hear his voice across fessor's assistant or
the table. something. "There were a lol
"I guess I'm just kind of a of lean years until 1 landed
quiet guy," he mused during a · 'Rawhide.' Thal television
break from filming "Two series kept me employed , for
Muloo for Sister Sara" on a eight years, and then the
Mexican hillside . Jtalian offer came along."
"I guess I bring a lot of Eastwood almost didn't ac-
The Two Part Production of Leo Toi.toy'•
PEACE -.......... _____ . __ ,_ .. _.
_______________________ m_:yse:_l_r_to_lh_e_se_r_:o_les-"-. •::.h.:.••:::g:chc:I cept the job that made him a
• ' • • ,
The eolorl'UI sound of -
Orange COanty Music ee
From Fashion Island. Newport Beach J •
..... •
"My agent told me it was a
Gennan and Italian pro-
dacUon to shoot a Western in
Spain with a S<'!ript based on a
Japanese Samurai story. l told
him to forget it.
~"I changed my mind whea 1
read the script. It was
something different lt was an
original style then. There are
a lilt of lousy copies out now ."
673-4048 .,,..
6:48 ntr.a.n.u ···
hlllN Pt'ftln..t•
Now -Ends Tuesday
Omar Sh1r;f
C1+h1ri111 D1n1~••
& 01~1r W1r111r
e Both in Color e
J Ac..._, Awft Fih"5
·-"GIAlllt' anr O' llAl"Ol.(Oft
11111.JfDOllED IY ITS EMROR! ll[AfJf.TAllllUl' 'RAllOE:Ult Of THE l
PART I ~·:.::~:.;:;:..~.STARTS MAY 14th
PART II ;:;~::~·::.:.STARTS MAY 21st
Wtidneld•y, M•y 14 ... ~ ............ -··--··-·---............... l :OCI p.m.
Thurlclay. M•y 15 ..... ---·-··---.. -.. -.................. , l tlO p.m. Friday. May 16 ..................... _ .. ~ ............... 6:20 &. 10!1>0 ,.m.
Saturday, M•y 17 ............... , ...... -·-·····-3:00~:~G-1D:OO p.m.
Sunday, Mty II ·-··---.. --··· .. ·-·· 12:)1-4:)0 ... :00' ,_m,
Mond-.y, May 1t -·-·--··-...................... ·--l :oo p.m. Tu•tcl•y, May 2D .. .......................... . ..... 1:00 p.m.
SAMI SCHIOULI J0,1 21td Wlllt
' . . ....._Niter I .... G.,......,.,Kt: Iii --wv "THE STALKING
..... me·~ 1 MOON" ef~ STARTS WE~NESDAY
. . ........ . G--;~::: llllRB ldllM
lw. Sllow 1tert1 6:45
CHt. S•_, fr• J p.111.
CllatW ......
._.l•DIUI ....
..... SfMtl 7 p.111.
Coat. S-"'-"' 5
s.d"' "-2 , •••
stare at:
RAY BRADBURY"S masteflliece
of the supernatural!
11CHllCOL0!'111111S1Ull' Iii
llOll Wlllll l!Ol.·S!llll 1111 I&
R11d1nhlp po 111 prov1
"P111111h" •~ 0111 of fh1 worlcl'•
mo1t popular comic 1trip1. R1MI
if daily 111 th1 DAILY PILOT,•
..................... _'Jht_~o...tpidmt_,
-•fltAllGN!\t tlflCllUls
-··~~··-~ 7 •r--~·-~·--..---..,__ _________________________ ..,.._,_..,..------:----------------·
''". ~ ... -!Cl (60) ""' °"'""· e •-.. -(C) ~
• -.... -(C) (90) "' JJ,lffr, John lyn.,, Biii OelfJ, Al
Mffdo end Mike Bell llllll
D 6 O'CLOCK MO~IE~LR * "SnOWI of Kllimanjoro"
D Sit ~ Mowit: (C) '1'lie , liNa.. .. _ ....._.,, P•rt I (td·
Wfltl:lll) '53-G11aory Peck, Suun
Hl)'W&rd. Avt Gt~.
01 ... (C) (60) m,., ear. (C) (30) Art limes m-.. iCJ 1301_ ,.
a.I: (]) Mm c..r (C) ·'
fm Dll'I ...:1 (30) "'Atdio, RI· dli:" A ··,ljinllh11'11111 wlthoUt ' Ill•·
lll(Ut tilt follon the ldvttlturu or
.. • 1 bclr In -..... who ulib la
kit' hbi _, rtdio for hh1111ll, twn
tllollafl hil ftilnds Pim otlMf ldMs e U1 C.-PW1 1111 "91
111111\11 -(C)
: &:lOC.W .._witt <C> (60)
., ........ (30)
.. .._ ..... -,, "'1 ''". """ '"" (C) 130) ~ ... iii Jfi1 (IO) !ilia l11 lovt wltll taphlatlc.ltd ft IT! ......, ... kllJ (c) yo11n1 Karl Kr111 (M11k DI Yrlu)
• l.aJ lrom Vltnne ind w1nls to pl
• C••H••PI (30) ''Eltmtnllr~ r.18Hi!d, blll u~. Bl!I rlf11111 ..
SdlllCI." Wltlll111 Wil• Ind flll· 1ive ,,., hit ptfm lssion. (R)
fflrb ftoM South P1rtl Scheol ln· (30) 1 Vlltlptt the l11c:UMd pl1111; IJ NM (C) tel M'1trl.
BCD••-m mu,.__..,. <60l . •-w-
''"8cos - -(C) !30! l>toBlilCIJ""' -!Cl !601 ' fD Wlllfl .., U.1 (C) (30) Host Ethtl' Mtrmlll 'llld Tlm . Col'llll'., Willy llWlll' Wllc:emu PfMlilb 1Utst. (R)
ANnt FrtllCll, ""1!llt Nnm1n, · 6"11 Crtifttw 111d o.n,t Hlckm1n. 8 m NM (C) (60)
·-CC)(!~ Btlll Whitt D il}lmlll"" Ila'''"' (C) ertl 8lorie Gtlmtd evut. <ltll "Poliii.111d Ccunt11polnl.'' (RI·
fill(I)...., Mllil (C) "Tht xhldultd) .
~ Hunchd Mila." D1u1 Mc-fJIPllll (C) (90) l1p1 d1lt, sf
Cl .. llld k1tt1trine Jt09I tht. double Mnt l11Wrt111 Ell .,Boa
M11.1" Jones vs. 1to111 Roilll In •
llfhl ~chi bout, Ind Soll"'
LI.ton n . Scnp llllfl .loh!llOll In 1
11 .. Y'fWlilht tlimlnetiOll ~ut lrGll
Lis V11u.
•"*' ............. Lie (JO) "Deetb.".' Alu W1tti U· •ml• tht Bllidhbt ldtt If 1111 'Jllit tf de~ II tbt IJM1 rtll· -· BCIJI .... '"''<CJ
•"""·""" (C) ·--IC) fII Tltt CrMl W• (30) "Thi Ent•
Tht time i1 Au1111t I te Novtmbtr,
1918. Sir Mich1e1 Jttdpt 1111·
rites film toot111 of G1nn1n(1 In·
lernal colllfS' thll ended World'
Wrr I. . ~~&~--:" ~ 11~ ~Marilu• ' · :,.=., atilli:lpl= IO:• II) ..... (C) (!O) Bin Johnt. I
Wlfll ii Dl:ldfl ~. II r11C11111 bJ fJi) Pll tc) {)II) .. Tht Whole Wo11d
I ..,,.. ..WO., thM ...,. Oii •• htr Is Wltchlni. .. A lllldJ of 1fltpd
hirell kind.. pl111ftift1 to Niadlt htr bl• In TV 11m ft9Cll'tin1. (R)· : ~:. =:";: {11~1A1ln e F .... C.....
B IJl 1 -~ -(C) (30) 11<08BD11111111 ""I' <CJ ''RM Yat1 H11rd tfle One Allout
ll1t. UllJll C.r Stllllll1nr• JWnn l1 8 A""'1 HtkMtck
blCOINI thl victim ti en 111ta· •
..... 111-· IRl m LAUREL I. HllRDY FILM
DLMI • -!Cl (60) * FESTIVAL-li:OO P.M.
8(J2}(J)E!)llie Aw11111r1 (C) mu•tl i llnr n. F ...... :
160> ~ ~ Klllnr Stffd.'' ·'Ill,, Out w .. 1 .. (1!3n •114 "la-1ot111 Steed IPf!Mllltly llU turned r trtltw ind b p1111111nc IO bomb , htmltn Girt" (1136).
pwe COl•ltrtttee flMt Tiie _,..., QI lllM'e: ..,., ........ { ....
hM Men nliptd ii ,meet. (R) ttirt) '54-WIJ'M Morria.
" -$ ...... -·. .... llll lll QJ Ill Iii (I) .... !Cl ~ (dr111M) '60-.lltl'rey Hullt«, •
DMll ,.....,., Vic Deman•. 11:30' IJ Mnlt: "tllillilM M 11tta• mt..a w C.111,111111 (C) (30) (lliftntu11) '53-.klhn Hoil•k. m""' w-1001 B QJ (!) m.""'"' ''" <CJ
•tut deu (30) "Ne" Gt11 f'iCMolao," Or.· Rlchlrd lr11111t-
lflll. ,... pest Ollr1onatrdt I'll'#
"'9 " ""' dMloped " ""'°"" te Die .... sf..-. trawl.
eec.rt.• ... ••
8 Mtrrie: ...._ el NMll" (wtll·
trn) '47-WiHlt111 HolOtn.
D 1!11 lll Ill"" ,..., !Ci
l!l llWt: ...... "' 1111' lhk" (drlllll) '61-Antho"' Ol~I.
IE ltm (C) (30) lill JohnL
· ....., ) 111 K1n1 b )ollltd ll:JD ~ ~~ ThNtfe: MU11ny ol tilt l·aaBe~ Al111 1111 Hl1 ~ .
., I HICMU In • two-camtdl· Eliinou.
"' -' wlttl m~sli. Lindt Lavin ind k11tn Morrow 11• •PPMr u 12:45 IJ Mtwll: NKid Cllah1I' (dr1m1)
Khtc 11111 Hec:Utt *Pttr mrylhl111 '.f&-Bett1 Ot'lis. Edwttd G, Rabhl·
fl'OJl'I wtvq te cireut11, hlppla to IOI!, Hurnphr17 Borlfl.
m-(Cl 130! 1'" B .... ., 1""' !Cl ell!BllD Vit1W11 SdMn:· 8C1•11111' ...... IMrll (C)
liif(llOf~ u1ebr1te11 ..,.,. D lhwl (C)
,..,.. I nc:itaf d lrill 11111
..... the rioted MtlM ,a.11111 1:1511Mwll: ....,.. ••• 111•
0..ld M• .. ~bl illlll'° (l!l'flllrJ) '55 -DIN Aft.
•c.-..1~ 11 .......
TUE~DAY -·-·---iii) 'SI -Ak1t1 Ttflll!'lfl. Lei! """"'·
1 1z:• 1D -n. tarr' <...,...,,.> 11 -,
-------iilio '"""·'II,...._ llfl' (dtl-DAmllE MOVIES ~l .,._,_ """'· *•·-.. .,.. <...,•>., 1:00 • ...._ II k Tflllll" (Wiit· ~ lrodl1, LYft Tliofnn..
•) '43 -Cllkl Tl'MI', AIMrt -· '"'"_ ..... (_ '""i1·-· -(-) . __ ......
• • n111 LJord. ... (C) ._ •••• n _.....,. ,,..
........ Df" '~:::=.. 11-W) '61~ llltil!Of, Sndrt
11111 -· °"' ....... , .....
O••lff1 ""•tl111 .~ ~-·'"• ,.,.,,,
fiw !MN ~· • ~., .... •' • c.-..,.,.
Jill Wllf IAUOA II.ft.
---'TWIT l'Olt, ~" ?" YOU l(f'IOW ......., •U. ~T NU Po ~f'ICT!
'rnlS llONTH, 1HE COVETEi! lUCK '. 60TOUR
RUMl~Ni IUCCllON I NM1E \00 ,
1 RELA'l'io1u
'1 fop.\IM
f.A,6t:TS I Htt.<.
JI lj 1· l
l1'S l'fMMICAN1.
ANP 11£ r«J.Ol'llN'.
• 'ly CHrlt• M, w I
· By F,rcl JohlllOll
WI/"! Sl/CUPll'T ,
l ASK FOi< ,A PArs.1' l OOA .
f!ONJST f>l>Y'S
By Tom K. Ryan
By Al Smith
' . ' SHEEP'S CLOTHING -Wally Cox, above with
Lucille Ball, is a guest star on Hffere'a Lucy" to.•
night at 8:30 on Channel 2. He plays the role of an
ex-<:on who wants to go straight and gets Lucy to'
stretch the truth on i job application.
Pushed Ahead
HOLLYWOOD (UPI)-"Bracken's World." a
new aeries scheduled for NBC-TV 1n the fall, ii
about the beblnd·the.scenes activities at a movie
studio. But to the television industry, the b.ehlnd·th&-
scenes 11.ory ot the history of the series may be
more fascinating then the show itseU .
Part of 'this history was QUtlined the other day
by NBC.TV president Don Durgin in an ad~ress 3:t
the Los Angeles convention of th e network s affili-
ates. Herewith bis remarks:
"IN JUN!, 1963, 20th Cenutry·Fox presented Ill
the ABC television network the following projects:
'Peyton Place,' 'Tweleve O'Clock High,' 'Voyage to
the Bottom of the Sea,' 'Valentine'• Day' and a uni-.
quo idea about Hollf\Yood entitled 'Bracken"•
World.' Only •Bracken's World" was rejected.
"Bracken js the head of a major motion plctul'9
studio. He was to be the central character and th•
star of the series.
' "Undaunted, in 1~ 20th Century-Fox present.
ed 'Bracken's World' to CBS along with the writing
team of the Ra vetches. The Ra vetches wrote 'Hud1'
'Hombre' and m_any Qth_er big pictures, and 'Brack-
en's World' was the only· television project they Were·
interested in developing. The story and script they
wrote ?>ecame too much of an 'Executive Sufte' and
CBS did not go forward to pilot.
"UNDAUNTED, In 1966, Fox presented 'Brack·
en '• World' to NBC , with the posslbillty of James
Poe, Academy Award winner. writing the pllot
script, and Spencer Tracy appea:ring as the bead of .
the studio.
"Poe wrote an excellent script and Tracy had
several meetings With Fox representatives. ·The
project nearly blew up when Herb Schlosser (NBC'•
West Coaot production boss) got caught in a tnttic
jam at the World Serie, and was an hour late tor··
a meeting with Mr. Tracy and Katharine Hepburn.
Alter Ml11 Hepburn put him in bl• place with a very
cool welcome, everything warmed up and a very f
successful meeting took place. I
"TRACY ADVISEO us that he had to do a flC:~
ture called 'Guess Who's Coming to Dinner,' bu h• 1
was interested in 'Bracken's World.1 Unfortunately,~
Tracy'o death canceled the project and it was fiU l
that the Poe script would no longer work. ~
"Undaunted, in 1967, NBC and Fox once again ~
took the plunge and on!ered a new Script by J . P. I
·Miller, the distinguished writer of 'Days of Wine ·:
and Roees.' The Mlller script wa,s excellent but by J
this time both NBC and Fox had decided on an en-~
ti.rely new approach to 1Bracken's WorJd,' in ap-J
proach which would stress the young people of Hol·
lywood and try to convey the motion plcture world -
as it ts today, not as most people remember it from
the golden era.
"ONCE AGAIN 1Bracken's World' was post·
"In .1968, 1Ughtly daunted, NBC and Fox com-
mlaolaned a new ocrip( 'by Dorothy K!ng1iey, th•
nOted Hollywood writer. lllld a ·new producer, Stan-
ley Rubin, Ind 'Bracken's World' once •lain took
~-~ .... -...... ~ \. r.r~-~ <.
..... JV '''.
. -
r n
, I
Nixon A.ides Hit
)I , Graduation .Trail •
Tile undlfl's"'ntd do ut!tfy fhrf •rt c~ctlng a tiullneu 1! HO Elsl 17"' s1ree1, Cm!• MtW, c111!or1111, U'llder the f~lllou1 llrm 111..,. ol 8AY·WALMUl
P,#.Rll(ERS1'11P 111d ltiel llolld flrm I• c~ Gf the folloW"'9 ~ ~ ,..,,_ In fvlt 111d pl-of rtsldente ire
I S fellood: a.r summit ll'IC«W•1". no Eul
17!h S!Tlel, Costa Mew, Cellfor11l1 euUcltB Ruourcn Corl>Oflllon. 6151
W. CtnlOJl'Y SolJltYltll. l.05 Angeln,
Dllld Aprll 3. 1f6t eev surri.mll lncorPOt•lflf
1 C11110rnl• WP«•l!on By eorwv R. Fick.
BulldilrJ RtlOUttts
'"''''""" • Pt11w1re corpor1tlon By Roilett W. Medl1tts.
'()fl AP<ll l, 1969, bslort me, the u,,_
.a.rslgned. 1 Notary Public In 1PICI fcW .. Id
$1919, pfflO!Mllf appe1r.d DCl'HY R.
Fold. k-.. kl lllt lo bl the Pr1$lcltnl of
t Plll Bay S11rrv11lt lllCOfl*"lltd lflf:
CW1K1r1!1000 11\tl 1XK\lled 11111 wllhln lr>-
'tr\lmel'lf, ~-to ..,. to i,. the perSOI\
"{l'IO e~eculed the wllhln l111lr'\lfntnl, on
bttltll o1 the Conier1t!on, "'9reln 111med. ~~fcl lo """ ltllt wet!
Ilion eXfCll!!d the .......
l' ITNESS 111¥ hand..,., otrlcill .e1l.
Ger11dl1141 l.. \ltWtrk• mt er{ Pub11c-C1111or"l1
PrlnclP1I Ottlcoi '" LO$ A~!ltlts County
Mv c°"""l»lon Expires
"On Aptll l, 1Kf, bllOrt me, lht Ur>-MnlOf*L l ·Nohl'Y Public In •ncl for Mkl
.S!1!9, ptn.Onl!IY 1ppMrfcl R-tl W.
M.oe.11. known lo """ lo bf tt.1 PTMl-~t o! lhe 811lldl!r1 Rew.ire.es Corporl·
lfooo 1ht Conlor•llOll 111111 ll.ICU~ She
wlll!ln l~!J\lment, know" Iv me Iv bl Ille ~son who ••KllM Thi within !n1tru-me"I, on bet\all of 11>1 Corpor1tlon,
1"-'1111 111med, 1n1f ld<row1eclgl'd to me
Illa! IU(:h Corllor•llorl llKUlld , .. ume.
WITNESS '"" llalld •lld ofHcll l .e.t.
Get11dl111 L. """' Nol-""' Pubtk-C1llfor111t
c...P~l Offltll 111 LOI ,..,,.,.. County
th tcm111bllOI\ ~lr11
$totembll' 1, 1'11 """oc Publls.hecl · Ora1191 Coll! Dlllly P!lol.
M1y !, 12.. It, 26, 19'9 NUt
HOTICI! or/' ~::.:i!::16of f'ETITION
'" l"ROBAH' OF WILL AHO 1'011
1!.1!tl9 DI' Elhtl E. 811o~t, o.n ..
~. .
NOTICE 15 MBl:B.Y GlVl!N Tlilt
\'Jnoll'll1 8. JollnOI ,,,_, tllfo<I hetf!ll •
Pllttfian for PrDbli19' o1.w;M 11111 lllf Ltttefi,
el Ad1nlnl11t1tl~w 1.t•U•wlll-e~flil.
r.i-ett .. n to wl\ldl 'i. milclt for lvrfflet'
l!llrllc'!lilrll, lllld the! !ht 1!"" 111d Ill.Ct
or hearll)t; Ille HIM has• -•II for MIV ,., •I t·)O 1.111 .• In Ille courtroom of
DeP1/1111MI. No. 3 DI' Hid C'OUtl,· 11 100
Wtsl Ei9hlll Slrtt1, I~ tht City ol Stnta .-,.,a, Cllitcw11l1.'
011911 MIV ,, 1'6t.
W, E. ST J01'1N, COUnlY C~rt... Tl>om,_ & Mllr.r 111111 ,,.,.I 0....lcll.
712• f'lllllw Aw _,
Whltll«, C1Ufofll11
Ttl: UISI 'tMU.S 12UJ 11>1111 All_.,1 fir P1lll1-t
Pvbll"1f!:t C>r'IM• co.e,r-D•lfrl' "'Pile!, Ml~ lL ll.' lJ. lf6f t la.69
5Ul"elttolt COUllT OP TMI!
J..f. Kenned y will address his
alma maler, Weber Slate
College in Ogden, Utah • .June
7: and pick up an honorary
law degree from Northwes tern
University in Evanston, 111.,
June 14.
T r ansportation Secretary
John A. Volpe will deliver the
commencement address at
Butler Un!verslty f n ln-
dianapolis June I ; and address
graduates of , the U.S. Coast
Guard Academy at New Lon·
dofi, Conn., June 4.
· Labor secretary George P .
Shultz will receive a n
honorary . degree at Notre
Dame in South Bend, Ind.,
June 1, and will appear at
Lake Forest (Ill.) College
June 14.
Interior Sercetary Walter J.
llickel will 'deliver the com·
mence,rqent • .a d d r e s s at
Goozagil university, Spokane, .
'Wash .~ May 25.
FBI Builds
Dallas .Se t:· .
For Trainµig
s:~~Ecg~::#'~~~~M~r:.R BELTSVILLE. Md. (UPI)
NOTICE OP ~ .. ~ 0, Pl"TITUM• -The Secret Strvice i s
FOlt l"lt09ATI! OF WILL AMO CODICIL building a Hollywood-type set
LlTTERS AN:.:r~~.NTAR\ lo help train its agents. The
{&Oflo wa1v.101 scene~ looks not ·wUike the
E1••i. o1 Pr•ikfa.,.. 1r1c1n1er. ~" place In· Dallas where John F. ...
NOTICE IS .HEllE8\ GIVEN '"'-' -1( ennedf. was asSassinated. JllMllUI H. 8rldlllff-lllM•flllcl•Mfti11 'I fl' r..i111on faf' ~ o1 wtll .,,.. coclku The set, whiCh will be used
~....,tor iuva~ of Lelltf's tn11rn1r1!f.., L-motorcade "lr"'a>I n l n g, fo P•tfllonef "flklllll Walwdl, ...--1o 1\11" ~
"""let! 11 ,....,. tw tum.er ••rf1<111e,,. ani:1 buildingll, · a civrinl 'roadway
l'lllll tfle llm. Mid Pl~ of N1rlnt l1M • IOO a~-~u .'-an e<ry ume "" ~ W flw Ma'f "· lflt, 11 .. ~ .. .-.... ~ '''° 1.m .. .., l1M murtr-o1 o. .... tt. ..Teereadoo of t))eali!y Piasa, """' Ne. !I of Mild C:Ollfl, It 1!IO Wnt · ei"'"' s1rr:e1. '" tt11 c1t¥ o• :.11111 ""'· where' Kennedy'~ll "Victim to a C1UlorMli, •
O.k<! Mav t. 1•0 sruper. w, E. ST JO~M, C-IY Clert.. The set will be used to help Dv,.,... car.Miii'!' a ••r11t1. '" DMr om.. train aaenta to p r 0 t e c t ;:,-;;:.,~.wlwt!LI motorcade's, according to a A,,.,_,.. ,.. ,..11,._ Treasury ·Department aide
itubl!WIN • ~..... c.,.,, o.n, Piiot, who rennrted or1 the project to
,,,,,., 11. l:J; ~·· \'69 fll~ If" Congress. LEGAL NOTICE
Hod ge Wins
Ve t Post
Ooldtll West College Student
BOOy" Preeldenl • Ven>e M. Hodc~ of Garden G-. ha•
been eleded vice-president of
the Ca!Uornla Federation ol
Tbe staC..wtde or;anlzauon
re~nts 11 clubs at two-
year commurUtyc o I le a es,
state colleges and univeniitlea.
Hodge, 25, Is a !!Ill gradllal<
of Lynwood lllgh School' Md
Rrved in -Uie""Aif Force~ as a
flight and jtt enptne medlanlc
!n>m 196MI.
,..\,JI .. .,,. .........
T-. 11".lM ... &UI _.. -91.
.. .. .-.~
..,..,,, 7 .... ,,, .... ,.
.............. ,. .... ,.
~ ....... . '.,., -., ..-... .... -•••
27-fm, ••·•ts•
What's the Bid?
GOP Auctions Odd ltenu .
,,,...,. . ..... ·~14 µa.11tt.19' •.
DAl.Y 10 rO 10
SUN. 10 to 7
Offer ...
WED. 5/21 /69
. . \ 'l.tM~·---· 'i:'A:z• ....... _ ...
222 -
15440 IEACH ILYD. 5885 LllCOLH AYL 5301 IEACH ILWI. 2200 HAltlo. ILYD. 1400 EDIN ..
At Mcfoddt1 • •
89T-Z088 "' "'""' ..... s21.3040
• •
' G«iv~rnor's
I •
,PR Firm
Set ·fu '70
polltical ·public -· ilnn tbit guided R<lllald Reqan
from actor to governor in 1966
Is . going to ....._ hio el·
·~ r-Hlectlon campaign ~ year, ~llcan 80U!'Cf6
· It's the ·flnn of Spencer
Roberta and Associates, • lAll!I
Angeles based organization
that won wi'de acclaim wilh
Reagan's victory, then Jost
with Thomas H. Kuchel in the
1968 Republican U.S. Seoaie
The Republican governor Is Owled to delay his an-
nouncement that he will roo
for a second term Wlti1 early
in 1970, the sources said. But.
meanwhile, preparations for
tbe campaign againtt the
Democrats are now undei'
1'he governor's most pro-
bable opponent, according to
the Reagan camp, is Assembly
DemQCraUc leader Jesse .M.
Unruli. ·
l.hµ-uh , who has all but an-
noui!iced his candidacy for the
Deniocratic nomlnstJon, may
have to face San FrancisCo
Mayor JOseptt Alioto in the
June primary.
Reagan, leading bottt Unruh
and Alioto in current public
opinion polls, ls not elp(!Cf.ed
to have major opposition in
the•Republfcan primary.
GOI;' leaden, who declined
the use of their names, gave
this outline ' ol the cu!Tellt
Reagan political effort ,
-Beg~ tn Se!Xember,
William· Roberts and stu spcn-.
cer; partners in the s~
Roberts finn, will· begin mi.il-
ing material· to voters telling
of Reagan's. record. It will go
out under the letterhead of a
Reagan_ Ior governor com~
mittee. . ,
Meanwhile, Thomi;i.s Reed,
Republican r, a t I o n a 1 com·
mltteeman, ~ busy lining up
caurClhlia speaking dates for
the governor, at party fund
Reagan, party officials said,
ls allocated 20. per cent of the
r~ ~ every f~
raiser, ·'Witti the money goi.ng
into a ~ · bank account
thar .finaDces. bis . political
trave&.-·'.111e fund Is under )he
COlltnll ·o!. the Repuhlicar. s~~-
wlw .... Wi I
Moodly, Moy It, 1'169 MILY l'l.tr tt,
Edison's Old Poles
'Will Not Fade .Away ·
• ll!tllly polos doa't die. Nellb<r
do they fide away. Not If
J. W. McAl>drew bas anything to .. y about It.
And he does.·McAndrew 1w
a contract wit.h Southern
Calllomla Edlaon Co. to buy
jiolet the firm dlscards u it
puts power facilities~
' derground.
_;___ -What does a man do with a
-used utility pole!
McAndrew keeps I I v e
workers busy cutting and
chopping them Into posts and
beams and other useful items.
"'We saw Ind split them into
lumber for farm fences. bone
or cattle corrals, barns and
Navy, Air
School Exam
• "Being Held
Young men living to tbe
32nd Congressional District
who are interested In an ap.
polnbnent lo the Naval, Air
Force and Military, Academies
in 1970 haye been advised to
write to Congrqaman Craig
1bose interested in com-
•. peting in a CivU Service ex-
amlnaUon for academy vacan-
cies can write to Hosmer at
Room 2217, Rayburn Bldg.,
Washhigtoo D.C. 20615. Ali re-
~ for the examination
mtist be received by June 1.
The 3 2 n d ~District Includes all of Seal
Beacb, Rosamoor, Huntington
Harbour, Leisure Wb r Id,
Surfside and Sunaet Beacb,
half of Huntington Beach and
parts of Long Beach,
Lakewood and Bellflower.--
Reed New Head . .
Of Safety Board
Former Gov. John H. Reed Of
Maine has been named bead of
the NaUonal Transportation
Safety Board to $UCCOOd
Joseph H. O'Connell Jr. Reed,
48, has been a board member
s4nce 1967. O'Connell. whose
term continued until January,
said he would resign etteclive
J\M 15.
bockylid -· -lald."WeallOm*"....,..
-and olhet matert8f lot
retaining walll. but -.,. more for landrapl1111."
Most pola are well•• J ad
red -!nm ,_ "'
Nonhem Callfomla and -optlt and ~ tlle)' .....
brand new.
"tbllwoodllandl-beller tbaD any llllier. mallrlfl
lncludl~g Ratwood."
McAndrew lald. "~
built bis Om templs out ill
cectar, hbtortans say, anc1
some people even think that'
Noah built his art out of It..,
Be that as it may, \he poles
when apllt have a badl:<GUt-
try loot that ......... _.
to-· bone_. and
the tlk" But tlle)''n cakhi"71
OD with city foib, tod.
McAndrew 1ays ~•
reslsu-cbain Is llllna ti1s
poles to mount ""'5, aadbe'9
getting orders !nm .,..-.
ol mobile home porb.
••A snow-making machme l't
Ml Baldy b moointed OD poles
from my yard," he said, .. and
we are now preparing a biC
load to be tent to a new ~
ject near Santa Ana, ftw' •
ham and atables."
McAndrew was a._
nurseryman ln Chino bdore
starting bis busln"8 "'"' -years ago. •
San Bernardino C O U II t 1
Supervisor Dmald c. --said rectntly of McAodreW;."" •·u more people would aboW'.
the ingenuity you have, ~
county would be in much betr
ter economic condiUoo. ~
2 Honors
For Youth
Dick Howland , a N~4
Harbor High School s!udenti
was the only double winner 0\11.,
of 700 entrants in recenl1
University of Sou t be r 9
California Journalism DaY. •
compet.IUon. '·
Howlsnd, sports edi!Ol' cl<
Harbor Higtt's r studant
newspaper The Beacon, WM
an honorable mention for hif
story of Harbor High's CJFi
water _polo victory.
In addition to being sport:I
editor he is head pbotographet !
for The Beacon. And he WC!f'I a '
certificate of eicellenoe f~
his picture Of a water potd
goalte bloalng a pmaity itbo<.
.ears -·
• • . '• ..
, .
• , ..
~·1 • •• , . ..
11------------.---------------------·----------~------, I ...... ,A ........ 0:21-4530 • .Gl ~S-JfT1 1CltGllAOl'tl;,J.OJ2f . ~WfM212 . WMflftl«JI,...., MM«>•m1 I
... CNCOA.,..140.Gl61 • GllKWIG &10o.f~ a"'"'' . OLVWIC •'IO!o AN 1-6211 IOMOMt. m 2·11'5. ""N161, 'YU "6751 IAM'kMOt«A EC 4"7J1 VNKf PO ).M61. *2220 I a:::wtoH te was, .,. 2#41 ttOUYWOCo HO •·.5941 owa w.2100 a.IHI'• ...... kt 1427J sount COAST fWA U0-'"3 'WIMClfl' ,.. ,.,,,, I ,
C0¥tM. "'°'11 IClll'#Ooo C*>t.2J2J f'AMDfH4 lN 1.J211, !t 5-4211 . ~ J.42-1511 ,. I ~-------------------~-------~--------------------~ -~hlMonG1w 11~••1"l'Mlneyladt" ···-, .,, ..... M 111•••1•S11a..,NO~t1NIP.M. •
._........... ..... ·~ ... ..,.. . . .. .. ..... .. .•. -....
• ' •• '11111.'l'_l'll'.OT MOllllOJ, M., I•, JM \ '
Rig Puts Slioe Through TV as Halos Drop ·2:
')'lill9 aimU aitime ID every man~ life
11111 · ....... no 'mllltet haw bad lhlngj
llWD to be tolna tor blm, someone el$e is
.. _..ablpe,
Tate1 for m.tance, AnJel manager Bill
Jltlney. He WAI flaked out in • his New York
hotel room Sunday, 'restirig after an al-
llc~ of p.irltis, and •ali:htng lelO\'taion.
The J'!1ial Halo , 1kipper had Ileen
pn!ICtllio4'1' iest'forllil malajly. Bui un-f~tllt; be c!iole to Jl4!S Ille al· temoii1H•!lllll~'11la:'p11i\chless basebaU
team pll1lnl the , Yankee• •l Yaollee
Stadium. . .
II wu i,te ID tbt OrSI 1ame with the
' Angels nursing a l.{) )«:ad. Theli a bloke
named Jot Pepllone unloaded a three-run
homer in the last of Ute seventh to give
the Yanks an eventual 3-1 victory .
They also won the second contest, t-0,
on a Pepitone round-tripper in the ninth.
But by lhen Rig had long since spla~
tered his televlslon set with the shpe,
forgotten bow miserable he felt, in<t·
grabbed a cab for the House 'lllat Ruth
The oakiing Angel boss hot-footed it la-
to lhe Jell field bleaobers and',~
to check out first hand the fourth strailbt
dispill' of an incredible lack of hillinl l>y
his farces.
Friday the ~ ~ ....,:,.i; ._, • All4,... do I• lllY lilt banded bjtter
day lhey fell, M. And llllldl1 tblir.,... ,..., 111•1 11"'11 to bit to lelt field."
tw .. timed, S.J ud I• lit Ill lbq -• .,_ 1111 ...., _._, of noortalunenl four ruu ln the Jaat * pm11. • a sass uaqeue LJh ........,. .,,. ~
"II'•. helhlv• .... ""'",.... ~ .,m•i··· 1or 1111 .......,. ........ coodi11on. The are out of the iliDI M ~ a1 t'9J .,., · .,, ..,. ="" m&d a:ar 'win 34 of tbe 36
up two 1'11111,"'·Jit:told ttio pr.a....,. -ASH .~~·v--.
liter. .' " ' ~---.. .. lbr .. hlt.o, ".We cui get a hlt. Not with' mm GD -~ ~·....,... Gii.• tovo-hitter.
-·Ol'"!'J'aihortjple. • . , Alld•\WO el-·---to New
"We llAlild home nmo -~ lo ' · ~"""' " • • YnliojdlL ftrl 111 up..Maybe • fllhl In the'laclror • • llli'• illllllld -i. .,_ ,utatar>
111011l'wouldhelp.._ . ,, ' '"' tt modr1n-11w;.....,'1DD!M 1-..-::::...,::wlO~= M11*;::cr<JO-
"Somtbody be ....... ul: 1111' blllen •->-•• had· 1111 -ilildtil • -..-. lloJI . '. ... -11111' u they want the plfdllDc ~ .,,,., .. r out•· !111 bell '.....,..... up. lllndic ID ,....... -1111 ...., -
,.... more," be ailded. I tbouCl4,.. had ' "8111 -· dool Iii do!. lie ~ Olll. ~
And Ille A1111el boot 16 alao 'pleued wllh ,
lhe fieldln1 and all-round IPlf• lhown b1,
Sandy Alomar, ju.st acquired from Ibo
White SoL
Otherwlle, however 1 the current l'Old
swing is raieing havoc with Ria'•
As he told the preas, "!he doclor ukecl
me if I wu worklnr under any tenaion. 1
told him, 'HeU no, llve ~ fllhlnl tn tht
Today they're re 1 t I n c ln Bolton,
awaiting to open a ~ llr1el
here Tuelday night.
Qhost · 9f. Citati~n Rejoic.es,:
·Majestic Prince Goes Home
BA,LTIM(/RE (Ap)· -The B11mont
Stabl atUJ la· to be nm, but -Ille
final jewtl' II addad to riclol's· Triple
Crown GD Juno 7 II Win noi 1parlole as
brlPllY u w11 upecled -Mileotlc
"" Prince will not be there. ·
Trilner Johnny Loqdfn •II'• tho
Prince, with the lhot at becomlna a Tri-
ple Crown kin&, will not run In the Bet·
mont. .
0wDer Frank ldcM-alto U)'l.IO -
but with Jou OOllvldlmt.
For a time Salllrday0lt qptared lhal °""" aP!n .. _would 1et 1 lbot at Ibo '
Triple Crown. A faul WU clafmed aplnol
McMaholl'1 unbeatee colt alter be flnllh'
-·· -had. notblnc to· do wltli his Wantllt& to ship to blo firm at
IUvenlde, Calif., and return llaJalk
Prince 1o the races in late swnmer or
·fall. Tllen he aald:
0 I'Ve ~ked back and T can't find
my bane lhal had a toqb rtee In lhe
Derby or~ lhal""'"' out of the
Belmont and amounted to 1 damn. I
mean Ibey neveo; nm· bad to their top
ec1 11n1 1n Ille •ia.ooo·~. but the '
atew~ dllalloWed It alter clellberallnr
for 11.·leoslOl>bulldlna minutes.
"Boy}, ·I'm taldn& blln. home," Did '!.on&lliit, dropplfijJ' a b<>m-U on
.. .._ -Ibey a_....i at Illa barn mt'tlla Plmlloo bacUlretdl 'SunclaJ m-
ini ID -MaJeet1c Prtace'1 bead Ylc>
I«)' -Arla and Lell<n, -be .belt by • '*" In Ille Kealuck1 Derby •
"Count Fleet WU one of them. He WU
1ound when he went into the Belmont. He
never raced again after the Belmont."
Count Fleet, who won the Triple Crown
in t943, waa ridden by Johnny Loncden-
No previous winner of the Derby and
Preakness has ever withheld vo1untaril1
from the Belmont, in which just elj;ht
colts have clinclled the Triple Crown -
Ule last one Citation in lHB.
SAFE BUT OUT -New York's John Ellis slides
home ahead of the tag against the Angels Sunday
but be was called out for leaving third base too soon
on a sacrifice fly. The catcher here is the Angels'
Tom Satrlano while Yankee batter Jerry Kenney
looki bn. The throw was from centerfielder Jay
Johnstone. ·
Mc~, conloclOd bafoN he tell
Ba!Hmore, at fJl'll aal4 be had rudled
no declllon but liter ha told 'Illa
"-1aled Preaa by teelpbone from ht&
home In Florida :
Van Breda Kolff Quits
Laker Coach Detroit Bound
LOS ANGELES -BiU van Breda Kolf!
resigned as coach ol the Los Angeles La-
~ ~4\~'lf!W~~:
~ .\111iclllla1Mltnlftf his lwooy e a r ,...,.._. V• -lreda Kolff had one year left on
his .~al three-year pact with the Lak-erslf ~
l.41 -Angeles General Manager F r"t' d Set-. ·1&id. "Bill van Breda Kolrf h a s
exPflilltil a desire to move from the
La ... 'I'h.is oreanization will not stand
in * wty. We wish him continued good 1..-,•1
Tlttf · -l'rll Prt11 lald the 4~
y-v_. .Breda Kolll ha~ been ,_ ... 1111 .... Anitlli .,.;.1r .. 1
and .... bMll lllrld "'''·
}le said he has not spoken with Laker•
owner Jack Kent Cooke and "we have no
formal mlltinJ let.'' ·
· Van Breda ,KoUf has ' one year re-
maining on a tbrte-yiar contrad with the
Lakers, whom ~ coached to the finals or
the NBA playoffs In ~ch of hit two
The Free Preas said be became con-
vinced he never could reach a ·"meeting
or the minds" with Lakers star center
\Vilt Chamberlttn. .
There have bten, nurrieroU. publllhecf
report.II or bltter words between the two
Iha ......, and afl<r Iba llnal
game,. which Loli ~ loll lo
. How.Ver, 'Cbai11lllr!IUI ·racaotly
' "' I t, ' , I Ua1e• Rnak1 ug
!{arity of All Rarities-
• I ~ • • • ' -# • • Rai~at the B'rU;kyard
; INDIANAPOLIS tAI!) -'l'1it .,..!jWr·! qUJIUloiil1i111, Un1tr ind Jon•• '""I •na!IJ ha• ca,,.tll !Jp 'wllll lfte In cJtarglng aboul lhe muddy Infield on
oilia.,polla Motor S~wiy. • • . mol9fll)'Vitf and Unaer wound up under
f For ~ \l!t '~bljl lpttdwq•/. )111 IWo-wheeler wllh a compound !roe· ~ftlltl b41n ti.a~'l'lll~..i, rlln·fret: • iura ti the 1e11 leg.
Sd•M,_ IOoilolla QtwllYllll 1')1111 for Tiit' ml of lhe 111~ !low liU five d~I
Urd -·~·~ MO)'~ "*';tin ·.to, II')' ta,q1teh up with Marlo AIJllrttU of r, oul onllnly over~ •°"'111• ~: i'. N-11\ .. Pa., who hu·demlnaled prac·
, 1'bst had never happenfd btftrt, 1 Uce ..ololl!I with speeds of more than
Minoul of even the first qual!fylric '<Ill'· 171,.l!lllN por hour.
ljidn't occurred since 1963. • · Speed f,ans being among the moet
! Tilt tap l!>Ol4 flll' ·~ d.,, wht~h-1• · <l!dlimecl In sports, •~ Mlhltala4 orn4
_ ~~1111 N1, ' po~ l"'l!llon tnd allo<ll , • !f.lliii,°"' lasl Saturdpf Jll'<l.~-i1 Yllli ltf
$i0, --~pril!o, '!!'" won't he bPC~-11111.Salualay, '!'liey htvo $1 apt...
~ uDlU':Ptxt Saturd ay. Invested 1n rain checks.
denied he had serious differences with
Van Breda Koff!:
losked If be would be back with the
Laket.!I next season, van Breda Kolff llld
Sunday, "As far as I •••• yet, I guesi
Ed c o 11 , general manqer of I b e
PUtonl, Said, "There is nothin1 flnal on it
yet. We Ji.ape this thing can be relOJved
by Ille middle al the week."
Cooke said he has not met with the
coach, but he would probably see him ~
day or Tueeday, "because bi.I office is
,rl&ht "°"" the hill from mine." PIUL llfmour, who took over the
Dttroll" bo!\ohln1 duu,. lut December,
hu lllli he wanll to step down IO he can dovote more ttm. to hit family and ht&
buolnw eelerprllet In Syracuae, N. Y.
One newspaper llid Seymour had Ileen
1lv• lltt '~l!Y to pld ht& suc:ceaaor.
l!tymour 11 expected to remain wllh the
PlstOl'll Jn a lea Ume-conaumln1 capaci·
.•y,.probably u coordinator of persoMel.
Angel Box
Ill r """ tllr llrtl A~r. a J o o o c11r1t1, 111 4 o 2 F"'90'1, It I 0 o o Trull, a& I O 0 Jollnno111, er • • o o Ml(11t11, •• o o o lttlcll1rclt, If 4 o I O Mu~er. rt I O o
RtllOr. Ill' • 0 I 0 l"t11Uont, lb I I 3
JOfl~ton. rf 4 0 0 0 C1~, -) I o RDdrlg\lft, 3'b ! o 0 0 W.Robln1111, cl I o o £ffn,c !OOOC~n,lf i o1
Votl·P"' OOOOllllt.c 310 FJ~: t If I :;~~r~ , r: :
~;.(, J 11 I To11~ ,. 1 • I
N-Oii! wl\tn Wllll11fte l'lllJ ICtrtd.
C1llf0ml1 000 ~ 000 -o Htw YMI 1100 .. , -1 E -t:11n, OP -Ctllfllnllt , 1.09 -C1I~
fornla 1, "'IW Yort '· Hit -'l"flll!Otll (11), St
-C~ll~t I. \..f:I) ,~IJt i ; l~R ~=· 1;
. ,., .....
" IW,>IJ II I. O O • I ~(h, p -}PltM. lll'nt -l l4 At1tn111nc1 -11.'lt.I,
"I am pretty well ooovlnced we are not
&Dini to nm blm. We are awfully clooe to
nol p>IJtC, lfla II not lick:' ht& condition 11·
fine, He'• jull JoA •ellJll beca-of the
campalp ( ..... wlnl lhla year added to
two in JJM), II
Loqden alto Aid Ibo power'rllllnlq_
Dodgers Stun
Pirates Again;
Take Day Off
LOS ANGELES (AP) -.Forget Iba
namo Kiddle Karpe becauae the I>odgera are rapidly carvlnl a new lm•I• tot
They're becomina known u the Come·
baek Kida.
The Dodpn took the di!' ofl today,
atill aavoring their 1111 victory of the year, a M conquell of the lhelkhocllad
Pkllburll> Ptrateo Sundal' aftemoon. And
in -II gamea, Ille Dodgers ha•• come lrom ~ to pull It out on II oc-
culons -four Umea In the nlnlll Inning. Tl\e1 Uaed the lame tattered script
Do .. er Slate
mi u ~Ill~ ~i Iii !:s: HI !~I
Sunday. Tra.lllni Mu they came to bat
In the ninth, Ille I>odsm puJled even ""
Len Gabrlelaon's pinch hil borne run and
completed a three-11me awtep of the
Pirate.a when Wea Parker drUJtd a hue.-
loaded IW<><>Ut aln&le to rjghl field, the
ball barely eludlal a de&pe1atlD11 dive by
BUI M8W'Ollki.
Puker, the team'• leading ·hitter wllh
a .311 avvage, had only one word to
dl!ICTibe Sunday's lrlllsplrlnp.
"FantasUc," he aaid.
,m11U•eM LOI AH•ILll ••rflr91 ••rllrlll . M.Aloll, cf f I J t ll11t11!!, H • I t t
H"""', 311 J t I t Crtwfror9. Ill 1 1 l 0 Sttm n. If J J , I 1111'"'"-.. s ' I •
' UPI ....
THE CHAMP GOit HOl\41! -Kentucky Derby and ProeknHi wl{lo
ner Majestic ~rince wll!l'I win the 1969 Trlple Crown. Trainer Jlll!'!'f
Longden aaid SUrulay "~ was taking the California colt h•l'!ll, ~-1..ongden: "I never nw •horse that was worth a damn afttr tl!:inl
in the Belmont." , • ' -
Hogan'• Rip Help
Dickinson Finally Wins
Colonial on 15th Try·
Clf!Mlll'fl, rl ' t I I O.vli. d 4 1 I I c-;
A.O!lwr, ,. ,, 2 J I IC01c.. If J 0 0 I ._.I FORT WORTH (A,) -• •. c a u 5 e I recalled Sunday after cm In ~· • S.nt11H!t11, f 4 I I I P•rklf', lb 4 I I I , ~
All•v. .. ' • 2 ' SuNklt. A J I 2 • rrtend renepd on "11 Ulness deal, 66 for hi-first Victory m trla In tills
M•1•"'-kl, Jb • • o • LttWI ... ,. ' o 1 ' Gardner Die.kin.son f'··.' 1..-.,. .. leved his presti glouo event VM .. ,p tllOfertlitrf,c: ,011 ~y -•1
H1mn.tt1". P • • • o Ht11.,, llfl t • • • lifelong gGal in f.lfl • ..,.._ ~ 4tll! . "And l have this tr·=-who had of.
"•"· P" I ' • o llllftr. ' , ' t e Colon! IN " I ._.1..;,~.~ f:alllt rt . 111:.-• 1 , o , '""""· • , , ' , a ll4ona nv ~ .,..,,~ 'I · Ml I ne11 w~ I ~·1 , • • • • o'"'"'""· "" 1 1 ' 1 "I wu playlns rul bad early th' °"" NW IOI ol mtfttl>'· He tokl Me r1: ovt ..,"'.,, '~~.!.. n!."~. • ' 1' ' year," the ·11unt. •l·)'llNlld vtt,fv . OW •blri.fW'9, ·~ 10 quit the tout"iio
111·1thn -· . • U IN !kif atailini field Is norfilltd
It U:. JO-mile trials next Saturdpy anti
~ndt1.t~ wtU ~trutra sessJons.
Thi •emol1aJ Day race proper has 6een .dflayed by rain only once. It was
postpOaed from Saturday to Monday in
1.IJ5 • .B· was 1lowtd and altortened a rew
Urn• after that but was not postponed
QaJq unUI 1967, when Jt was rained out
Laver's Nearly. Superhuman in NY: . n=..:~\ii.:t
By GLENN WHITE At that moment an old ~'' nally didn't domlnala anythilt&. He Wll 111,000 '"I Oil Ille line -Iba lqlu WU ~ J:i.~:j.::.r... to
alter ti laps and starled again the next
·Thi aomplet.e rainout of the weekend
trials "5 a break for Grand Prlr drivers
Gralllal Hill of England. Oeni! Hulme ol
New 'lilJand and Jack Brabham of
01111e~lrlf P•19l"111" came Into the locker roont .m addr .... d. blttlna the ball all over the court. He hid to Ctt Qflly •t.no. · -~--.. NEW YORK -It was moments after lhe loaer: "!l's Im~" 1zplalnad P•i•tr and cvntrol ,and hla nlums ...,. Then Lave?,aho'l!ed ·hit otull. 11• """ · Ill' ~"''lt.,\11:" 'Jo'r.
Rodney "The Rocket" Laver had won the the fellow. "He'1 auperh~.11 J ._ __. a••led" the qilt two pm111t lovt to""• 1---l • "*,.._.11 richest first place P•yoff In tennis Emerson countered, "f{o 'be ia'l - 1 .,... .--· leld. Thi fourth pm,t WU a-*": lllt. , tt,....,.
The scene WOI a drtlSinl room at Emeraon had played mltfPllfilllllr• Ytl ploj bl ,Wltftblq WadnlldlJ nlll>t. It llt o dlulle lllltt. "'-"'
Auatralla. j----'-Tltey'Wlpl*I' tho-.nfng--lndtanapoli
trial• to ec.nPtte In the Monaco Grand
.Prix, which llin,. defending world ch•m·
• pJqp, -. Now ...,. WIU be obi a to otart
even "" tbe rrit of the lndi1n111polls
history. won •.. v· . , .1.a~. lllto la due to Eo1'llnd loday for Ill. 111 llnally plnad advllltqo. iiiOo\ loll . .~ 1· m
Madison Square 'Garden. where Laver. he was devoured by the red-hatred opines that he ls playla, better now 1blri Lookina diquettd over the ldvwllt1.,.• :R:U::::~
the l0Udt\g.~.N1wporl-Beach.'.r..W. Gorona del Ma1 retldent In the lint and he •u a 'I"" .., -and )'OU1ll ncall-he ptlllldcfor • --lo.l'lla!ol--"-:ll:ll:il Club, was 1urrounded by repori.n. third S<la. ' thal In 1111 hi wu the top l'lllllad pllJ'OI' centraUOll Tben a fan yelled, "'lllal't Oii -,..,
e.U..1 away Blood Newport Beach's Laver admllled aflerward lhil he had Ill Ille world and woo Ille Wimbledon Rod, II'• only money." 10· Roy Emerson -lhe mlll who Laver a fairly good touch. And he added, "I open. After Iha~ the Roen! tumed • the P,
field ~ -Rnd.
'"-· -'boot Juell;-however, for Al u ..... '41111 r.-New .M•xlco ~lfCing faro11J" 9d .bh!: c• owner, -Pamelfl Tonc1
'of Torm11ce, tllWklt 500 wlnner. In the
lnJ:lt!'IUOft after Saturday'i rained out
defeated ln three setii, 6-21 +6. 6-1 for the surprised myJelC the last set; J •u chi)> Hll victory tt the Garden -witnessed -powtt and capturtd the nett two JiObdl;~ +
$JS,000 check. ping so well." by a turnout of 2,500 -wu a sreat test of the tet, auhmttaJnl.bLI rival Wltk a hon'-*.
Emer!On, a native Australl•n· like his He also 1ald he a&qwe(i the tempo In the of hla talent a1*l competlveness. tide of Incomparable. talent. m>!.1i::ll!
conqueror, was chalting with a couple lhlrd aet after ltttln1.Emerson make. the Emtnon bid Just won the •econd aet Emerson is In Lexington. Ky .• for a ~!Efi~
member! of the prus. 1rylng to uses." pace. In the second MJt. • and w1s playing brilliantly. Tuesday tourney. then goes to Europt. P.' p,·13-tt'
\Yhal had jullt lranspired on the court nf Said En1erson, "I thought I was playing And he bagged the rust point or the He will join Liver In Amsterdam later in tf~,t~!=nl
play Saturday night. quite well -yet he was playinc ao well, 1 decisive third set. lbe week. r,;;J:~tH::=
-·---------···---~ --------------;,.-,--~---·--------,.-.---------~------
Red Devils
Next Foe
Corona del Mar High School's surprl$.
Ing baseball team moves irito the
quarterf.inals Of tbe AAA CIF playoff~
Tuesday with a date with Pomona Higti's
Red Devils aL Ralph Welch Par\ in Pomona.--
1 Game time is 3 p.m.
The Sea Kings. under coach Tom
T~ager, completed the regular season
with an overall batting aVtrage of .18$
and a share of second place in the Irvine
League behind champion Loara.
Magnolia, the team tied with Corona
for second, fell In _ first round hostilit1es,
2·0, to Neff, but lhe Sea Kings came
through with a 1-0 decision over Santiago
on the strength of pitcher Chris
Thompson's fine four·hitter.
Now it's Pomona the Sea Kings are
faced with, and the Red Devils present a
somewhat balanced hitting attack with<:P1t
the big averages and shiny pitching
credenUals that Santiago possessed.
Leading the San Antonio League
representatives is pitcher Dan Holl-
ingsworth with a .300 batting average and
a 6-3 mark chalked up in the pitching
department. His ERA is 2.5.
tr he should falter, coach Gordon
Taylor can be expected to bring in Dennis
Bowen, another righthander with a 2.8
ERA and a 3-2 won-loss record.
The Red Devils Jinished 11>-4 in league
play and they were 12-8 on the. seuon.
By comparison, Corona del Mar finish.
ed its regular campaign with a 12-7-2
Included in that record were eight one-
run decisions.
Leading power-bitting threats for
Pornona are third baseman Dan Bright,
first baseman Jerry Larkin and out·
fielder Steve Lehman.
Hollingsworth, Bright and outfielder
Phil Srh.ith. are co nsidered all-league
ma terial by their coach.
Coaeh Tom Trager o( Corona de) Mar
says · he hopes to come back with
Thompsoo on the mound again on Tues-
day but isn't sure he'll be able to.
Thompson did n't start·two games in a
row during the regu1ar season and if his
arm does not respond quick enough
Trager will probably start his All-Irvine
League utility player Rex Snyder.
C1nM MI Mtr
TllompaOn P
IC•lleY C D. Snv<I•• 18 11. Snv<lv 21
W1rd l8
Wies• SS P1lmftr LF Wllbr«llt C,_
81r9 ~F
"'"'°"' Holllr19t.,.rln
·~· Smith s ... 1nn
DAIL 'f PIL(IT· Sttff. Pllom
AREA'S BEST -Newport Harbor High School pitcher Steve
Schoettler has been named player of the year on the All-Ora nge
Coast Area baseball team selected by the DAILY PILOT. Schoettler
recorded a 9-2 recotd during the season and led his club into the CIF
AAAA play<>ffs. · ,~
Ruifters Finuh Sixth
Sevmour · Wins in ·52-Flat
Of lfli4I O.ltr Pll9t Slaff
face-.wu C9Vered .by a broad grin and he
1 could hardl,y contain his enthusiasm.
"I can't wait til we get home so I can
call our albletic director and tell him we
need seven round-trip tickets up north
next week.'~ sAid the. happy Golden Wesl
College track co3ch.
Noon had plenty to be enthusiastic
about Saturd ay at the Southern California
junior' college track and field cham-
pionships held in East Los Angeles
Stadium on a balmy night.
All six of h.is Golden West entrants
qualified for U1is Saturday's state meet
in Modesto, they broke two school
records and equaled a third, set one
SoCal record, equaled the nation's best
time in one event and finished sixth i.n
the team standings, higher than any
other Eastern Conference school.
Los Angeles. City College, with a Dock
(If talented sprinters walked away with
the team title by scoring 69 points -51
of which caml!: in the 100, 220, 440 relay
S ports in Brief
and 120 high hurdles. San Diego Mesa
was a distant second with -45.
Golden .West scored 28 points for its
siXth pla.ce finish, edglitg anotper EC
school, San Bernardino by two points.
Eastern Conference champion Santa Ana
was ninth With 22.
Sirteen of Golden West's points were
re<:orded by talented hurdler Jim
Seymour who breezed to a 52-flat victory
in the 440 intermediates and was third in
a fiercely contested 120 high race.
Seymour's 52-rlat effort equaled the na-
tional jaycee best this year for the one-
lap event, broke the four-day old So Cal
record of 53.9 established in the prelims
\Vednesday and lowered his own G\VC
record by tw~tenths.
ln the highs, Seymour got a miserable
start, but closed fast over the last three
barriers, only to stumble coming of the
la.st stick as he was making his bid for
In the frantic finish one runner fell and
several others appeared to bump each
LACC's Lance ·Babb was the winner in
Lis to n on TV Tonight;
Hill Wins Monte Carlo
LAS XEGAS -Former heavyweight
champion Sonny Liston cootinues a tome•
back campaign tonight against o n e
George "Scrap Iron" Johnson of Los
Angeles in the Las Vegas Convention
A companion !Go-rounder features Ught
heavyweight Roger Rouse of Anaconda,
Mont., and Eddie Jones of Los Angeles.
The Liston.Johnson match is booked in-
to home television and will be shown on
Channel 9 al 10 p.m.
Johnson has one claim to fame . He Is
one of. only two ftghttrs to remain upright
ror 10 rounds agalnst Joe Frazier. He did
it in Les Angeles on May 4. 1967.
MONTE CARLO -It looked for a w h i I e like favored Jackie stewart of ~ ll!lgllt-deprlve Brltlln'~Grabml
HW of his fifth Monie Carlo GrlJld Prix,
but Hill wu never worried .
"Wt' figured Stewart. would burn
himsell out and Uuirs )IUt what he did, ..
uidJUJI . who finished the ao..Jap lest Sun~
dly In ooe hour. se minutes. 59.4 JeCOtkls
-an average of 11.U miles per hour:.
Stewart, driving a blue ~1atra li'Ord. led
lbe firsl 23 laps, breaking the track
record five times, but was forced oul on
the 23rd lap with broken rear shalt. He
wail' one of eight in the field of 15 who
didn't complete the tortuou~ ln5.96-mile
STANFORD -UCLA Is the new cham·
pion of Pacific-I tennis thanks to Roy
Barth's stunning upset of Bob Lutz that
keyed the Bruins' 5-4 triumph over
favor~ Southern California.
Alter losing th< first oet u Saturday,
Bartb came back to Win the second set
12-10, then took the match with a 6-4.
• ' PH11..AOELPH1A -San Jose State's
John Carlos Isn't superhuman after all.
After running a 9.1 100 at Fr~no a
week ago, Carlot ran a 10.l 100 meters at
the Dr. ifartln Luther King Freedom
Games here Sunday and was beaten by a
nose bY:_Oarley Green.
Nevertheltss, Carlos was named the
meet'• outstanding competitor. He won
th< 200 ln lo.!. ---
Willie Davenport ran 13,3 in the hurdles
· Alld Bob Seagren vaulted 17-7.
14 .3, the same time given to ventura's
Paul Mclucas, who was second. Seymour
was third in 14..4, eq ualing his own
Rustler mark.
"I ran my best race of the year in tbe
intermediates," Seymour said' 1ater. "I
felt real strong and the highs didn 't tire
me out •
"The highs have become my race in
. the last week, but my start is something
else. What start? I looked at everybody
go and then l went .
"I was a little anxious at the end of the
race :i.nd leaned into the last hurdle too
soon and stumbled when I came down.
Babb said he hit me but I hit someone
"I think I could . have caught him if I
hadn't of stumbled. I'm really looking
forward to the state meet -the com-
pelilion shOuld be great in the highs."
Seymour wasn't the who I e story for
Colden \Vest.
High jumper Don Shields finished se-
cond in the high jump with a 6-8 mark.
East Los .Angeles' Steve Lang beat
Shields with a great come through effort.
Lang had two miS·ses at 6-4 and M , but
went on to clear 6-10 for the victory.
The R'Ustlers' 440 relay team of Don
Knudson, Dan Johnson Phil Age and [)(,n
liarris also qualified for the state. meet
with a fourth place finish. Their U-fiat
clocking broke the Golden West iecokl of
42.2 set earlier this season.
....0 Relty-1. l.0$ A'!$1•~ •Llr 2. Sin 8.,Mrdlno
•l,t 1 '· 81!1<trsl!tkf•1.f: ·-Go~ll W"I 12.01 s. Ct•· rilos '2.SI •. Harbor 4 .S. •
Mlle -!. WIDCJnbed'> {V11! •:01.6 (M"I rt~. Olcl m1.t: •:OI.•. T~orlc!), El Ctmlno. IN71J 2 E1i..1 (V•I) •:0~.61 l. 51roclle ($Al ''10.3; l. Hfnkle (l.\SACI
•:11.•; 5. !>WOii f5Wl •:15.J; 6, 8lldl (F) •:16.0.
UOflH-1, hbb ti.A.CCI H.S; 2. MCLut•' {V.n)
14.); ). ~Yll'IOUr CGWCI ''"'/ l . Jot>11 CMCJ u .11 5, Amir !Ven) H.I •. jllll1nu SWI U.,. ''° -l. Aldrklo, JllYj .... ,. t. NlrtertOn !LACCI 4 .1, ). T111111'11' Cl8 ... ; l . j::irllllt!JI !SDMj ff.JI l . SffYtn~ (LACC) "..5; 6. Tuck., llVI ..,, ,
100-1. lhllll."lf (Ct!'"r.) t .•1 2. ~ (LACCI ,,1;
J. MOort fELAl ,,1: '*Oetkt11:1 !LA.CCI t.7: t. St-ard
{SA! f ,f , 6. 81'9Wn \LACCJ t.t. MO -I. 1!11f1' V•I\ 1:52.01 2. E11rl-t (Pall 1:$1.J• j• OlmONI l$0M 1:$2,t / l . Sulllerllnd IP111 l:U .1; , ~rtlntt IELAI l1U, 1 6, V1nckftt>urt IF 1:$4.l. ~ IH -1 ... ~tnour CGWC\ lLO.Jmttt rK.Ord. Old marlcCfSJf, 1<1les, P•k>mft, ltff ""Goldt<! Wffl .'1'7: i i~~:~.u~1· ~,·w~2• <~~frs-1..f,•,~ Vhlno«:hl !Chell S..11 • Tobl11 LB U • 220 -I, MOort !ELA) 21.31 t. rd (LACCI 71.l: 3. JOl'lft fLACCl tl,11 '-lm IL ... CCI 21.SI S. Lt'I-l<k'oMl 21.f• ... Si..t iSA! 21 , •. 2 /1\1" -1. H!irl..~ \lek l :5'J111 2 Ill MU"' !s"'J:"" "~ fiOHr;,, ~ '· MKtn lfu t:f'.l.h . It r1,~, t8811 ,,,...,,0,,. u~ <Moot\ :12,e. Mlle • _., -I, 11 '90 Mftl 3: J.f) 2. LOS Afl!lt!11 3:16.Jr ClilfltY 3:17.01 I. Ptloml!' );11.ll f, V1!1eY l:lt.IJ ·'· E1sl l.ol Moo!iles l :ll.7.
HJ -I, Lt!'lll ~LAI •·10: '· Sll!tkh IGW(). Uf WtfilOll ft.:Bl t.t( 1111) IMC) M l S. DVfft ("""' 6-4: 6. Afkl-I M.
IJGJ1ln 1i.li ~Tr111lJl~t1»fil .. 1?> ~-~ ~"'( ltMl'l1 $. Jll!\ft l$0MI ltt-h '· ~a'.;jiJ1M ($0Ml !IU~
SP -1. 0'1ulff¥111 IC-llil~'AI 2. Ctttlurr ICll•O SH1,..l. """""'••d ll>ftl 1~1 4, l~lll'llU!I .lSD/I fl;~, J, ... 1rtt11n111 t~I JD-i t. J-r IC'1T .. ,,..
LJ -1. llDDlll-f$0MI 2'·11 '· D1!11" (58! ).l·f\41 ), Moodl' IP1tl 2-1-ll 4. J-Sil 23'11\lu S. Morrl1 (8~) 1).10\lob'· AllCltr~ !ELAJ_ll·'-'ili. Dlteu1-l. ':Wm-fCtmctl l'-M1 t. D. kr""" lMSACI lto-41 l ICve&!c: fHarl !~1 'i Jr.rt \'"' ~1-G/ s. Mllltt 1MMc1 1Y•7J •• tf•vw'r.' (SOM lit·
.,~1,1 1.-1:·~ J.\tJ. Ct-::11lar:i~ •. 1~=i !SB '5-1~; •• H"'W!lllf'I !Fl •~. P -1. DI•• flt) lU1 "J. ll:IWrd1 tMSA'CI 1..01 J.
E!lell Cs.Al IU! l, Slll\tl• tPU IM1 S. Smlltlt'f fLIJ r.1 .. 1 'I Mann lw.~ l , U , , f'I"" te.ni '-1, t-0\ A"9"111 f .. ~ 0. t~ Dleot Mn• l.&S 3. 81ktnlr•ltl 011 4. ur 111 ot Al!Mln tnd Vf C.CU '-Oot.wn wr,1 :11 1, $11!'1 l!.lflltrdlne f'• :i. P~n• !)•1 t. -nt" ,,., <m
"· II• Com11on. "lfvtrt. ·~\I'' $AC (:IOI n . ,,. ~"'I~ ~ "'"1om~· '" i , fl ·-1"\ "· ftrllOI I 11. l'Ulllflllfl " I ' V~·· II iJ. I Mfrt Mil Ind Plertt ) I. Ht... )
New.port's Sch:--oettler Top · .
All-Or_angc ·Coast Area Clµ~.:
Steve SchoetUer of Niwpqrt Harbor
High S c b o 0 I bas been named baseball
player of lhe year for the ·0range Coast
area by the DA~Y PILOT.
played a very large part In the Sailors'
sue<:,.. wllb timely hltiln( (.294) Ind
outs1andi:og defeosive play.
Westminster's one.two punch of PhH
IJ1d Will McCartney made the first leam
in the outlleld with .3,17 and .381 baiting
M*ter Dei also landed tWo jtafers 011
the (int team. • .
SchoetUer, an ·outst&nlltnc rlght.jlanded
pltciler, burled bi> Newport Barbot
mates lnlo the CIF AAAA baseball
plaYoffi aM was seliCtecran-ftrst-tea
pil.cbet on the All-Orange County team
by the Orange. County Sportawriters
His overall mark was ~2-
Corona del Mar High SchQol's Tom ~
Trager was named coach of the year
arte::-guiding his Sea ,Klngs to a share-of, -
second place and a ~ in the CIF kAA
• + Ad!Un Witt; whO WU lM for the yt.ar~
and M for the Angelus League carnpalpt.
in pitcbing decisions was selected alOll(I
with the Monarchs'beavy-hittl n 1
llhortslop Dan Mey<t.
Corona, with a team balling average of ••
.186, was the surPriae of tbt year with its
high Unisb in lrvine League play.
All consideraUons for the Alt-Orange
Coast Area teant were based on overill
peiionna~ t<r the entire season.
'J'wo other N~wport Harbor players.
made the first te:am -infielders Howard
Struble and Jeff Malinoff.
Struble led the Sailors with a · .363
average and 23 RBis while Malinoff
Collett Sparks
Bruin Spikers
To~ Pac-8 Title
1 CORVALLIS (AP) -Wayne Collett of
UCLA holds the PaCific-8 record In the
. ' . 440 and he was .favored to win the event
al the conference track and lield cham·
He didn't.
BUt what he did do won the team title
for UCLA.
Collett pulled a muscle when he ran the
anchor lap of the 440 re19, his first com-
petitioo of the day Satiaday.
Despite the pulled muscle, Collett plac-
ed third in the 220, second in the 440 tG
teammate Len Van Hofwegen, and ran in
the 'nufuber two spot on UCLA's v.•inning
relay team.
"lf there is a hero .It bas to be Wayne
Collett," said UCLA coach Jim Blish.
"What a man. All he said was 'have faith
in me coach, I'll run as fast as I have to'
and he did." ,
UCLA needed every pc)in,t. COiiett eon-
tribu~iil [tiecause its ,tOtaJ .of 98 was just
two lbore th8:fl' surprising Oregon.
Washington State was third, while defen-
ding champion Wld pre-meet favorite
Southern California finished fourth .
UCLA picked up 24 points in its 1·2-3
finish in the 440, 16 pbints in the pole
vault and 11$ points Jn the shot put. Vic·
tortes in the mile relay and the triple
jump were the other big point producers
for the champions.
Dick Railsback of UCLA thrilled the
overflow crowd of e,m when he made
t.hree attempts at the height of 18 feet.
Railsback won the event at a height of
17~1/ •• wliile use·. Bob seagren was se-
cond at 17 feet. Um.A's -Jon Vaughn was
third Gt 16-6.
While USC faltered In its attempt to
win a seventh conference title in 10
years, sprintei Lennox Miller won the
100 and 220 dashes for the third consecu-
Uve year.
Miller set a meet-reccrd In the 220 with
a time of 20.5. ~ held the old mark (If
20.6. His time in the' JOO was a wind-aided
Oregon, as expected, got the bulk of its
points In lbe distance events, plus vic-
tor!es in the high jµmp and the 440 in-
tennediate hurdles.
Washington's on1y individual champion
was Jo4il Hutlbell, who had a shot put of
62-111/• Friday, V.'hich also stood up
through the finals. Defending champion
Steve Marcus of UCLA was second at 60-
Another· Infielder With a .313 record
was Estancia High's Bill Powell and he
w a s accorded the £hird bue position
while Mission Viejo's Mike Gray was
~Jected all the catcher on the.first team.
Fountain valley's Duane Dillie (.357)
rourMts ~out .the ouUle~ and Mar1na'a
Dave Klungreselet was named as uUUtY
P,layer. ' · ·
K)ungre.seter was lnstruinental in the
Vikings' highly·successful season in
SUnset League action wlth his pltchlnt
anti batting.
CdM'• Tom Tra91r
* * * * *· * All-Orange Coast Area
First Te1m " . .
Play1r School Cl111 Poi Record
Steve Schoettier Newport Harbor Sr. p fl.2
Adrian Witt Mater Dei Sr. p IM
Mike Gray Mission Viejo Jr. c .373
Jeff Malinoff Newport Harbor Jr. 18 .294
Howard Struble Newport Harbor Sr. 28 .363 ,
Bill Powell Estancia Sr. 38 .373
Dan Meyer Mater Dei Sr. SS .373
Phil McCartney Westminster Sr. OF .357
Will McCartney Westminster Sr. OF .381
Duane Diffie Fountain Valley Sr. OF .357
Dave K1ungreseter Marina Jr. Util. .294
Player of the Year -ScboetUer, Newport Harbor
Coach of the Year -Tom Trager, Corona del Mar
Second Team
Player School Cl111 POI R-rd
Ch uck Loseth Estancia Sr. p 4-8
Ed Bane Westminster Jr. p 7-8.'
Vince MolJ Marina Sr. c .231
Steve Hazan Mission Viejo Jr. 18 .240
Mike Roberts F()Untain Valley Jr. 28 .311
Tony Creci Marina So. 38 ,?"'•
Dan Clark Costa Mesa Sr. SS
Rich W~rner Newport Harbor Sr. OF ' ·'. J Blair Bollas Laguna Beach Sr. OF ~319
Dave Clarkson Fountain -Valley Sr. OF .305
Rex Snyder Corona de! Mar Sr. Util .217 •
B r own Beats C«Pchran
FV Drags ter s Shine
Fountain Valley-based dragsters are
rapidly making a name for themselves in
California drag racing circles.
Two of them survived a 16-car elimina-
tion field Saturday at Orange County
lnternationaJ Raceway and met in the --. \
final round for a $1,000 top prize.
Kelly Brown, drlvtng Lou Baney's Ford
Special, met Gary Cochran in the
deciding match and it was Brown wl]o
emerged the winner wilh the . quickest
lime of the day -6.88 seconds. His speed
measured 226.13 mpb.
A record field of .contesta n ts
participated in the track's fourth of(-the-
road racing even~ at the dune buggy
course. Steve Rieman of Costa ·Mesa
drove his Rieman Special to a 3:49 time
for the quickest lime over the-LS-mile
Next up at OCIR are supercharged gas
coupes and sedans and Injected gas funr.y
cars which invade the track Saturday
The supercharged cars will begin elims
at 8 p.m. The four quickest funnies to
emerge from a one attempt, side-by-side'
quaUfying session at 8: 15 p.m. will ra<:R(
two additional rounds tournament Style to;
detennine their finilbing positions.
Reserved seats are on sale oow at the
track for the May V second annual $6,flOlt.._
Funny Car 500.~ly entries for the',
event Include John Maunanian (Whitw
tier), Gas Ronda (Azusa), Randy Wall~
(San Diego), Ron Leslie (Denver), Larry
Reyes (Memphis) and Frank Pisano,
(Loog Beach). • ·
Bue Rowers Win.
SAN DIEGO -Orange Coast College's
freshman four-man Crew won its division
at the' Western Sprints Saturday at
Mission Bay,
The JV ejght-man crew lost to Cal In
the petite (Ina.ls but the frosh eight won
its petite final - a race for non-finals
UCI's varsity shell was fourth In the
finals and the JV crew third.
Major League Standings ~I
East DtvlslOn 'Eat Dlvblon
w L Pet. GR W L Pel GB
CHICAGO 24 13 .649 BALTIMORE 21 12 .6112
NEW YORK 11 l8 .186 6 BOSTON 21 13 .618 31;~
PITrSBURGH 11 18 .4S6 6 DETROIT J1 16 .SIS 1
ST. LOUIS JS 19 .457 1 WASHINGTON J9 20 .481 8
PllILADELP.HIA JS 18 .455 1 NEW YORK 11 21 .447 91?:
MONTREAL ll 2l .344 1011~ CLEVELAND 1 23 .233 15~ ..
Wat Divis.lo• Wat Dlvlaloa ATLANTA 2' '° .106 OAKLAND 2J 12 .636 LOS ANGELES 21 J3 .618 3 MINNESOTA J9 13 .594 l\\ SAN rJIANCISCO :0 JS .511 •.. ,.
CINCINNATI JS J9 .441 9 CHICAGO JS IS .500 41.·a
SAN DIEGO 16 23 .4JO 101,~ KANSAS CITY J6 " .451 6
HOUSTON 15 24 .ass JI 1i SEATTLE IS JI 441 6'.\
Sdir'• ltcwlh CALIFORNIA ll 12 .!33 to H-YM• 11 ClntlnMll, tfill , .... ..,., 11:-lh
Phli.Mlplll• f, Sin Frlr>ela.ea t N•w 'fork ~), Catll.r!!~ 1-4 All•11l1 I, Monl .... I 1 ~111n'Wlf"• !, 1C1nt.11 (111 f Houston " QlkfOO s DerJOlt f, Mlllllftoll t SI. L0\115 .. $111 D~ W•tt1"'91an W. Ooluf9 2•J L• """1fl "'PIWS J 0.-ltnd '' c~. rain ftdl\"'S ••rrM s..ni. '' "'"" ' All•nll INltkl'O '-'l •t Mon!retl !Orin! l•jJ TW.)"1:0.""" Only .. "" Kl\fcll.lleCI No .. ""' •'htdultd. T....il&f"t 0•-,......,..~ ~llt<lt!plllt 11 Clllc:lnfUl!I, nlf'!I Of!tlill •• Olluto. lll;llt Monlfltl ~I HMIO!I. 1111111 J(ll!Sff CllY 11 CltYtltnd, n1'011t Pllbbllrgfl 11 Jin OfflO, 111J11t *""' .. 'Nnfl~. flifhi CJ!~ '\ Lot Al!lltl•, lllfllll Ml!tnftol• 11 81llltT!Of'I, fllfhl St. l.eull I S.11 ''tf!Cltce, nltltl Off;~llCll 11 I'll-Y"1f, nrt Ol'll11 ...,.... tcMllukllll. C•lllOn'llt '' louon, nit~
, • AUTHOR1i1 D
'4J·MOI l40-17'4
All ... &.tl M6 e AUSTIN·HIALIT D•lor
A-od l'IUARI -· W.. & s...tco
r .. -:--... J ,,, •' ' -
' 1969 Alildn Aillerka
' ' •
•· Avatlabl; w/Automat!c Transmlulon
M DAil y PILOT MO!ldol, M'1 19, 1969
' Indy Cars
; Billboards
-Moot can al Ibo ln-
t«tJmopolll -SpeeclwQ ~have ~ In COllllllOll
'wtth the ouW.kl wallt at older
bue1>aD parks: Adverliolq.
,.-But Wll1b b· a 1 e b a 11
: blllbolnls, the raciDg can In
the Ml!' 30 lncllonapnllo will
f ca1t1~put1 ... at
179 mlles an hour and faster.
Md .:me can have enough
trademark decal• on them In
give six Olympic c:ommitlees
~ fita.
'Ibere'• nothln& amattur
about the 500, however. Money
is tbe name of the pme.
Oil~. u .. """" pan1eo ml llWluladurors ol
other autcmutlve ·equipment
give cub ~ In • top
J.finlsblng driven uJnc their
products. In most Cl8, "the
driver has to qree to .put the
company's decaJ on his car for
the race, fl:long with signing an
Plf.swtNG l'llOOEDtillf ·
M:.t golf•,. follow so•owhot h10 --ing
pottem 1.,.;, poifornii,. ln tho llhnhdlafts. .
,fJnt grip tho club Ond sight tho taogtt (No. I). Next
• piece the cluhh«td behind the boll, look!ng down the
target line. Finolly1 move youf fHt Into po.ltlon •.
Th.,. keydopo "" ....,lly lollowocl by o ..-choclcl ..
·of the target and target line, o pn0athwaggle,.a ~
, agreement to let the company
use his name for promotional
press and then the bockswing. Rememb • r, •1low and
smoatfi" throu~out,t~ proc.ss.
••• Cl Ifft N.t.n. ,.._, .,._
3 Banquets
Set Tonight
Spring sports awards ban-
quets are on tap this evening
for three Orange Coast area
high schools.
Mater Dei High's annual
banquet honoring the basket-
ball, baseball and track teams
will be held at the Garden
Charity Net Winners
The doubles teams of Randy
Clow and Cal Cahall, and Peg·
gy Grandishaw and Lynn
Rosener won the Jack Tesman
perpetual trophies at the re-
cent Adoption Guild junior ten-
nis .to.lrn.alMnt a~ the Balboa
Bay Club.
·-Shot"llt·Kotoll "9f. Krtmer<olllr.; ...... ·-~llt411'111h "'· lltno-Mtrm1 "L •• ·-Wrlellf.Vt-.i ..... •r-HtltttNI ... 1, 1-2. • ·-Grtd1W••-Ollti'. S..ttft.YOUMI
1-l. 1-1. .... ,,_
. Grove Elks Club at 6:30.
The trophy is awarded an-
nually to the doubles winners
in the 18-and-under doubles
competition. The Gradishaw-
Rosener team defeated Anita
Smith and Betsy Young. Clow
and Cahail stopped Bruce Sny-
der and Blaine Boyer.
WIJton.Curle' HI. fl"'""'"""''-' 1-1,U . • Estancia High School will
• honor its swimming and track
~ and field athletes at 8:30 in
WllllOl'l-Curlty dtf. ""'~OPr· t'r1 4-1, 1-l. 14-ulMler
the school cafeteria and Cost.a
Mesa High will hold a similar 1 banquet fo r Its awimming
" teams in the Mesa cafeteria at
the same time.
.... ·-0..den-AmUMsafl cld. Kolab-Jacob1r
1-J, 1-l.
Jonn·LYOl'I (ltf. H••rl1·Dt•1 "'· ... ,.
Wrlght·Ml llt'!' dtf. Kllllltr-krrtle1 a.
3. "'· ·-Clow-Ct ht ll dwf. Sn'l'Oer-knt1 ""-4-..
'.tenne111 AUTl)CENTER
i • • • i
• I
I . Is that fumy
. thump-thUmp
t11der the hood
the generator?
Maybe it is.
Maybe it isn't.
And maybe it's kind of foolish
to Jet the local garage spend a lot of time
(and a Jot of your money), trying to find out.
Drive into Penneys Auto Diagnostic Testing'Center.
Jn Jess than one hour, we put your car through
a series of scientific tests (212 of them, to be exact) that
pinpoint any existing problems -and warn of potential
ones. Steering. Engine. ·erakes. Transmission.
Electrical and cooling and fuel and ' exhaust systems.
Expert analysis of everything from headlights to tailpipe.
You watch the results come out on an
electronic typewriter. ~ft)
A skilled diagnostician goes over /"'5"'&!
the report with you . If you wish, he'll
give you an estimate of any necessary
repairs. You'll be able to take care of small problems
. now, before they develop into big problems costing big
And, II you wish, Penneys will ma~e the repairs-.r
quickly, accurately, economlcally. Repairs that could
pr9119nt a needless highway breakdown .
If you prefer, you can take the report anyw~ere
you like.
The cost? Only 9.88.
Pretty reasonable for an analyst, these days.
••••• '9tk
lllt Osniisa ... ,_Aw.·
Diagnostic Center
. Fullerton
fltiefles 171...U..S
The Scllntiflo~
ffuntlnlfon lch.
7777 ........ A ...
\ ..
Newport lch • 24--,,...,...,...,,
~lemari Heads lnvitation3I High Hurdie Field ·
Leon Coleman o( Wlnston-"t seem to be nmn1n& more Pomphrey, the formu Air. name. Wlllle Davenport. the
Sai.m, N.C., oll IO hlo f-"1ued -and I'm not bitUnc Foret star wbo""' C1G111pela Olympic champion, has a
ever slart In a Ira& -· the bunllel," lhe lanky Nonb for the Albonl Club GI prier c:ommltmenl, but Qe'•
htacts lhe Ult of eight world Cm>llnu aald. Re banced lcto C>akland: Tommie Loe Wblle trying to set out of il. And,
clw high hurdlers entered In the a1sth burier in the Olym--of the Striden; Paul Ksry, be'• very frank about his
the Orange County lnvilalional pie llnola and IOll the br<me the fcnner NCAA.champ lrom' reuona -he wanl! to come
June 14, at El M°*"" medaltoF.ddyOttoiolllaly. USC: ·Brian Pol1dnpn.., to Orange COunly so he can
Stadlmn. Expena 'II' Colemao la a another lorme1" Trojan; Don lallc 'wllh Sid Gillman, lhe
Slridm and the Pacific Coet
Club track teams as a benefit
for the (.'hildrens Hospital ot
Orange County.
Tickets, priced al $3.50 and
$2 for adull.1 and-tt ror
children under 12, are now oft.
sale at the Chlldrens Hospital ,
1109 W. La Veta, Orange, and
all Mutual Ticiet...Agencita. The e v e r • l m pr o v I n c threat to the world record of Parlsh, e1.()rqon Stele; Dave coach of tM San Diego
Colef!\811, who finished fourth IS.2 every tlme be 1UD1 and if K\l!Tle of the Pacific .Coast Chqen. u.
In lhe Olymplc'Gamea In Mox-111' rile ol progeulon con-Club; and Gary Power of the Davenport waa drafted by ~-Y• ·~ M....C-p?
lco Olly lut fall, baa already tlnuea, thlo just m1ghl be the Slridera. lhe Char&m and he wants to ~ -cloc~ a pair of IS.ls in the year lw him. ~has ~ped All of.lhe!tlm•.,..•lr_an_la_ba_ve_nm_ lip wltti them, but he has bad h '" w ... T• ... Plorida and-Dogwood--rtlays;-hil tJ.me!-by .. Hnst-rteDth-of;:-lf;O-ar-lil • lrou.ble CGlnJDUnlcating with H5tlt C•••1•'••7
Last yur. when he had a a leCODd each of the last four "lt'a a great hurdle rleld," them fl'Oll1 bis borne in Baton no;1•4
21U,~:1~7:_! •
seasonal best of l!.4, he didn't years. said meet director E a r 1 Rouae1 La. r
break lf-flat unUI his fourth Jolnln& Coleman at the -Engman, "and we hope to add 1be meet ii spoosored ~by ,...,,:.:' .:i.''::...-iw
race. starting line wiU be Pat ooe .more very important _::the'.!..;Southere:==':.L.,C:'.:•:_:l'._'.i_:f :'.." :' '.'.." ::I a'.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GOl-NG ••• GO.ING •••
Guarantee a2ainst tread wearQut
If your ti rt wears out durinf the first half
of tilt 1uar1ntee period, return it with
your auarante. certificate and Penney's
will raplace your tire with a new tirt,
charginf you 50"-less than the cul'Tfllt
sellin1 prict including Federal Excise
Tax; If your tirt wears out during the
second half, you pay 25% Jeu than the
current ullinl prict includin& Federal
Excise Tix.
Guarantee apinst failure
If we replace th• tir1 durina: the fret·
replacement period, there is no charie1
if we repJaCt the tire''-after the 1ree-
replacement petlod, you pay 50% or
25% less than the current sellina: price
of tht tire includina Federal Excise Tax.
Comm1rcl1I Us1
This guarantff i1 voi d where passenger
tires are -used on trucks, used for busi·
ness, or driven over 30,000 mil es in ona
H.re'1 how your guarantu
agalnet failure worka:
fntl,. OIKIFGlllH ptrlod .•••• '°month•
Frtt ruplacumtnt period,,. J .1.5 months
.50% off ptriod. ,, ,,,,., 1~23 monl~
2.5% off period, ••• ,,,,, 24-30 month•
FREE tire rotation every 5,000 milnl
FREE puncture ropai( for Iii• of treodl
FREE tire mounting!
' $
plus feel. tax and old rfr1
Black tvbel-
Orig. hd. tax
17.95 1.79
19.95 1., ..
19.95 l .96
plt.11 fed. tax and 9ld tire
73S.1 4 ns.14 ns.15
Black tubeleaa
Orit. feel. lax
21 .95 2.07
23.95 2.20
23.95 2.21
phn ftd. tu and old tiN
825-1 4
.... 5-15
Black tubel-
Orig. hd. tax
25.95 2.36
27.95 2.51
25.95 2.38
27.95 2.57
p!UI t;tl, tex •11d tf4 II,.
Sii• (Whatwe11, Orig.
t00-15 -.lyl ll.tJ
Did yov know that improper Y<hnl alignment
.. .., can cut the life of your tires in half? let our
~~,.,..,:, • expert Mrvic• apecia lists add lifrto your tires!
SERVICE INCLUDES: Expett wheel 1t19 ..
ment, 4 wheels bolanced, 5 wheels rotated,
expert brake adjustment, complete pit boss
~ -• *""" ••••.
~ Wind Whips· Rock Racers
INSURANCE Harbor Boats Battered Af wr Calm Weather Start
for speciel
your femily
Auto 1'1surance
Bob Paley
•nd Aaocl•tn
474 E.J 7th St.
If .,., • .,. • lh•rJ tr1tler, 11•
D1 .. ...-..u111 cl1111f1M 1tl1 ·
S1turd..,.. Mab 1 beihf tl11I
.......... .,.,...,. b.vl111 ..
Iha DAILY PILOTS f11111u1
.. 11r11o
Newport Harbor Y a c h t
Club'• Ship Rock race can
eilber be fwt or famine
where the weather la coo-
.corned. S.lurday It wu a llt-
tle ol both.
The llfbt IOUtberly •t the
start lncbed. the Ile e t any
"""' the lllort In a drtltlng
match that gave prom1ae of a looi rP-·But u tho yachts
doa&ftocbed up tbe be.ch ,,
brlllt -Jy; spawned In Los
Anctles Harbor'• "hurrtcaoe
gulch" llOOll bad the yachts
rail doWn oa. their way acrOu
tbe Cotal1na awm.J toward
Ship Rock olf tbe latbmus.
Unlike lllOlt Ship Rock
racea, there WU DO lee around '
the rock and m..i of the fleet
was on a brlak spinnaker run
home before dark. But astbe
neet neared tbe llnl!h oil New·
port Pier someone pilled t he
home befOl'e dark. But as the
the cuNln opln and It wu
the usual slow ftnlsh. several
ol tbe yadits did not llnllh un-
til after I a.m. Sunday.
Finl to•llnbb In IOI' hours
was Jack Balllle's Newaboy
from llalboa Yacht Club, but
the relatively fut round trip
was not fast enough for
Newsboy to uve her time on
the C1aa B baota.
Overall hMill<op winner
was Bill Pelly"s lledJlne.41
sloop Conquat from Long
Beach Yacht Club, aod tbe
next ijtree overall scorers alao
came from tbe Class B fleet;
leaving Newsboy to settle for
The breeze also whistled up
for the Pacific Hudicap and
~ OCwl Roc1Da Reeta.
wbldl aalled a -....... from tbe start 10 Point
FermlA and """"'-•
Wimer to the ,pffRF race
•• Jon ArtlM' ObJeono3S
Tamlbawt, """' South Shore SalllnrClub, aod tbe -In
MORt •• Pinata. c o • QI~ by Herb Riley and
Gfcqe Bluell ol Lido Ille
Hera are the llul raulta In
all thNe-rlCM: ..,_.
OVERALL -(I) Coaques~
Bill Pllly, LBYC; ( l)
Elcudero, Dick V alde·1,
LBYC; (3) Chlmaer•, Fred
Llebllardt. SDYC; (f) Pre!Ude.
Jim Llndernw>, BYC; (I)
Newsboy. Jack Bolllit. BYC.
CI.ABS A -(I) ·Newaboy;
(2) ·Orient, Petet D av J 1 ,
'!be Ship Rock race wu the CI.ABS B -(I) Conquest;
&eCOlld In NHYC"s AhnulMon (2) Elcqde:o; (I) Chimaera.
Series and was the aecond ·CLASI, C .-(I) Ator!. John
lime the neet got a good Guelr, BYCi (I) Sanderlln(.
dusting. The IMO knot winds _ M'!fle JClrk. BYC;,(3) Arriba,
were sligbUy less than thoee Dave Sr:Dlley, BYC. • ·-
ez:periencM in the San CLASS D -(1) Wlndnrift,
Clemente Islond ope1ier when Karl Tunher1, CYC; (2)
three yadlta wtre dismasted Sandpiper, M .R. Minty, SSSC;
in ~ lcoot wlncb and Jumpy (3) Odin. Rod Lippold, NHYC.
aeu. I • • ' MORF (Point Fermin)
SaVe 940! Sears
Get Ready For A Hot Summer Ahead!
Sati.sfadion Guaranteed
or Your Money Back Sears
Regular $249.95
209 8~:
Alt about 8eon
Coon-I Credit PllM
• Reall1 compaet , •.• 2'4·in. 1 .. ,
in depth than any other Sean
• Fits 111urly under ·d a 1 h for
smart appearance and ,.ruter
Jer .room
• Cl&aaic black croas-padded, ilie-
caet .bezel
• Fully ncesaed controta for ad-ded aafety
• 3 foUJ1oway adju1tabl1 louven
and 2 revolving aide louven for
wider ....,. of air diltribution
throurhout the ear
• Hirh capaeity unit for quick
• 3-apeed con~I, autcmatie ther-
m .. tat, dual Dl°"lll wheel1 for
maximum efficiency
Expert J.natallatioll Anilable
Heavy Duty
• E•IN a..,. e Doallla 1'uwl
• Wldoper-Qalel
• i1p1a ................
Shop lea4ay' tU. Sm.Uy
9:30 A.BJ. lo ~:30 ....
(I) Plnata ,Riiey & Bissell,
LJYC; (I) Anita. Bill VOil
KlelnSmld, NHYC; (3) Alolla,
Glee Reld, SSSC.
PHRF (Point Fermin )-
Cl) Tomahawk, Jon Arem,
SSSC; (I) Ev<0 Star. BW SJm.
moods. VYC; (3) Vqabond
Lady. Leo Shomel, BYC.
VYC Race
By Dolphin
Mitt Alllone'; Dolphin was
the winner Sunday o t
Voyqers Yacht CI u b 's
Lquna C race.
The race Is salled ln two
divllloils, PHRF and the new
Small Yacht Racin1 Fleet
wblch sails under t be'
Portsmouth handicap rule.
' Winners In the SYRF &n>UP
WU Twist U, skippered by
Andrew Morthland of Newport
Harbor Yacht Club .
Final mulls:
PHRF -(I) Dolphin, Milt
AJJJone. SSSC; (2) Lanlru, Bud
Harvoy, BYC; (3) Sunda,
Gnbam. Gibbons, BYC ;
(4) Llngblng Lion, Roeer
Mc<Jrqw, LIYC.
SYRF -(I) Twist II, . Andiew Morthl8nd. NHYC:
(I) Pinta, Herb Riley. LIYC;
(3) Cece II, Bud Headden. . sssc.
Races Set
Pa<lllc South-Cham·
plo-,..lpa for the ColumhJo.IO
elm wW he sailed June 7.a
with Del Rey Yacht Club, as
Sailing on Frisco Bag
Brisk winds, moderate swells and San FranciJco's famed Ferry Building fram-
ed between taught sails fonn the ingredle!!ls of a pretty picture as Jilek
Cryer•s Helen Too sails pest the Sen Francisco wateifront In Oakland Yacht
Club's opening day regatta.
Boat Gets
New Skipper
In Victory
Ken Croan or Los Angeles
Yacht Club is new to the Cal-
40 roster, but UJe boat be was
salllng Saturday and Sunday is
a veteran.
New 'skipper Croan and
veteran Cal-40 Holiday Too
Sunday won the national
champloDBhlp of the class In a
ruged three-race rqatta ln
Los Angel" Harbor. Croon
aailed Holiday Too to • 2-1 -3
record for 5~ Po)ntl, beating
· 13 rivals for the Utle.
Holiday Too was fonnerly
champion of the fleet when Jt
Reagan's Plan Perils
Boating in California
Gov, Ronald R e a g a n •·1 when boatinc In C&llfanda WU
ReorganillUon Plan No. 2, of of aecondary concern at but.
1989 -,....Uy submllled IO The govm'I plan la lo
I h e · Callfornla Lel!Slalure. transfer boat rqillratlon lo
threatens a serious setback for the Department of ' Motor
pleasure boating In tbe state. Vehicles and give tbe birtiin
The p~ calla for converting of refuge prop'am to a new.
the Department of Harbors agency.
and Watercraft, the state Who wouJd be responsible
boa.ting agency. into a Depart· for boating aafety at the llate
ment ol Navlcalfon and OCwl level IJ not 1pelled out.
Development wbOre primary Allo lgncnl m the .11\-
emphull would be o n lerella of ln1and boating,
oceanographic actlvttlea. evidenced by the fact !bot
A u t h o r 1 t y a n d membenhlp on the NavtpUoo A totll, of three races are
scheduled -the flr'lt on
Saturday'-slartlng guna at
noon -and . two on Sunday
stlrllnl at 11 a.m.
A Pippen m<Otlng will he
held Sal1llday momlntl at 9:30
a.m. al.Ille DRYC clubbouae.
r<1poasll>ll1Uea for boating and Ocun Development ~
now larply consolidated In mlaalon would he d~ on. d-ent ,.ould he primarily by g-aphlc "+· wu owned by Robert M .. Allan dlvlded between varloul llate UOD and upart-'9aled to
Jr. ~ N<w~rM!eachi --agencla -other" lblnli to major oceonoerapll!c-ac:tJVI.
s....lil ID tJ1Js yeu ,I clwn-do -a throwl>ack to the Ume ti•. ~onahlp aertio WU Harcy-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Moloshco'1 Gypay from Long tf
Bead!· Y '!"hi Club. and tlllrd
WU the defmder, Art
Walker11 Tetu1, Cab r 111 o
Beach Yacht Club.
A flek munherlnr 1S to 20
boats 11 expeCfid. R 1 c e
ehalnnu IJ o.ve r~.
Ocean Racipg
Yachts to Sail
The Oceu Raciq. Clua
To Receive ·
' (CCA hanc!lcap) ii ac:beduled
!Or. noon start &mdoy at LOI . New· Nam' es Angeles Y~t ' C1111> In
Newport HarbOr Yacht Club'• ,
Openinc Doy race. . , MIAMI (UPI) -·.The U.S.
Other claau, ~ at 'Weather Bureill• ts aotna, to
five-minute tntervtla -wtll,,.be live burrtcane hlltortans 1
the Pacific Handloap llulnc· break and slop duplicating
Fleet and the MWaet Ocean names · of killer stonna like Ractni Flee( In llW-order. Cleo, Belly and Denna thlJ
The JU mile race till end hurrtcue .._. • at the Neiport-Piel'. HurriClne speclallat Nell
The race ii open to all . ~ at ' the NaUODAI Hur-
yachtl wboM ownen-1n af.. ricane center 11y1 the idea lo
filiated with clubtt or the set up a new roster of names
Squthern California Yachting when the storm season starts
Aasodatioa and which have June 1 "is partly psychological
valid ·~ap certlflcates. and parUy to ellminate con-
Entriel ror the race mwt be fusl~."
filed at NHYC by s p.m. Fri· Wh•le the llllll roster of di names ls now ntw, Frank
y · noted none of them ever had
Lehman Sailors
Begin Season
become stcrm eenters before.
The storms of the 1"9
season will be named, Anna,
Blanche, Carol, Debbie, Eve.
Francelia, Gerda, Holly,-Ing1,
Jenny, Kara. Laurie, Martha,
Lehm ... 12 dln&hY eldppers Nelly. Orva, P'flY. Rhoda,
wlll belin their leUOD of com• Sadie, Tanya, Vlf'I)' and Weo-
petlllon SUncJJ.y with their an· dy. nuaJ team race out of Newport---------
Harbor Yacht Club. Nearly Everyone
The Lehnwt'l2 ta one ol the
~dell racln1 dlnpy cl.-In
Nswport Harbor, attracting
IOD'l6 al the top skippers of ..... ndnC and larger ....
dellp, clilla.
to Landers
'. It's·
2 ·for -1 Day
Sertwo r•••,.,M 101t t1cl•h fer tho SuMl1y 1fternu. J•N t,
Juti1J1 vi. Ol"lol11 t'"''. 1t A110~1I"' StNl1"' ,., th. Nn111I ~,,lee of 1111 ticket. lluy 11111.\0 DAILY PILQT t i ... .,.•i•-.:1:
2-$3~50 ncnrs $3.50 Hll
2-$2.50 TJCllll $2.58 • Hll ' .. .. ,, . . .
Yow •• • .. ,~ • .,.,. Ill 111tli>e IHllH ,, J1i11t tw. ...... ht ••• ""' ,.r+y t.t1th1r fllW •"' "''ii ht ~ 1nrl1r ltl111lt Ml.,, wftft 1Mo1lt
... "' ..... ,,.,., (111 ...... ,i ••••• '""' h11rry. Dt.411111 ,., t11•et
, ef'llffl 11 Mey 20.
I "' ..... ~ .......... ...,...... I J.loto1 ...... ...
.,,____ I
·cto,__..,.. I mw . ..,-.c..M--.nm I
J tNAll PllllTI I .... ··············-.. -.......... -............... _ ...... -----I I """' .................. -................. -...................... . I Cit)' ...... -................. ·-·····-~-............ ______ I
I """ .................... .; ............................ ·--........ I
I ,_,t.4 .............. ,...,... ........ ~ .... · I
f/11 It tlll J-1 ,,,... W. Of'9lll --.. ....... . .... tldl Jlclllt IVl'dlelli. J wm ~ .,. .. ,..,, .... .,. • DAll.'I' ,llbf, I w9l!f .... /It.it tdtttl',•I ..... •
I '"""""""' I ..... WO;W,... wtlt. -""" 111 ~ t I ""'""'-' ....... CMI • M ......... If I _.., ..... ti ....... ,.... llclcllt. .. •
11-toJ,, 1W 19, 1"'9
• .. • . ' • -o.;;..;;..,.;.,
Coal Makes It Cool,-Clear. ·
A ......arr delerl traveler' would '
have -ltnlJ bee1t..1iitappoinled had liijqga4_..-.JD those bamn wallel.
pi.-.... ii -hlY• been anything
raw water can •"pereolate'"~ the
coal bed much -npldly tbOo wu
poo;slble tbroucb the beds coml!CJIOll ex-
-cllllivdy ol ...., ms crave!. -"-----t•
SUch b: tbe·bUurl of water -euily
ptlhded1 nivand by its environment -
tbat li must usually be "cleaned" by man
befGn tt ls naed.
To -<ly fill« ·-from the Colorado River, the Metrapolilan Water
Dilirid ls oow bUtlaing a• IUbolance
titeraJly, thllllons of years old -ont o{
the best ·natural ,filtering substances
known to lnlD -caibon.
The same llllr>jlaa -will )le us-
ed at the Balboa ' TrMtmmt Plant now.
being bu1H In the San Jl'ernando·Valley.
'Ibis plaol will treat ·-from Nortl>ern CallhnlW , wbldt will be
diMribuled lo llWD men-opacles
startiq In 1171.
Diltrict engiDeen antal:lo iQniderlng
altering MWD'1 F. E. Weymoulb
Mem<rial Softening and•Flltration Plant
at'La Verne to acc«nmodale ·the~coal
fillrat.IOn technique. •Before-' water Oows from new filter 'Ibe ishimmering, _granuiated coat ar-
-al M"ft'D'• -,e. .Diemer Fillfa. rived in Y-LI n d a from
tio1r'Plant near.. Yorba lJnda, much of it Pennsylvania's coaf.tlch mines tn 34
puee:s ~ a thick bed ol gravel, heavily-laden railroad. cars. District
and and anthntclte coal, an extremely workers then1trafWerred the 2,211-ton
bard form cl coal that is nearly pure load to the Diemer facillty via ~dump
carbon. _ • _"trucks.
FiltraUoo .is the. last step in the treat-Once al the site, °' coa1 ~u durpped
ment pmcess which remov~ dirt and at lhe·base of a hydraulic pump, to which
iJuier SUSpended matter, resulting In a a five:inch hose Was attached. The coal
dear, clean supply of water. coursed through lbe bOse, over filter
Sinct the hard granules are literally beds and through an enclosed mainte-
'1~~free, no discoloration of U)e wat;er nance facility. . .
OcCUra. From .there, U spewed mto·the·water·
lmtaHatioo of the coal into the new
filter bedl at the Diemer plant signalled
the unofficial completioo of the district's
SU million · ezpansion program at that
facility and marks the first time the
granulated anthracite-has been used to
fiJt.er .district 'COlorado River water.
' It is.anticipated I.hat the additi on of the
antbracite· coal to the· filler beds1 will in-
_.. the ·filtering . capacity ol the
lliem""fadlity from 400 milH,pn gallons
<I Wiier a day (mgd) lo nearly llOO mdg.
Tbir, says A. E. "Geoe" Bowers,
superintendent or t h e plant, is because
filled bed lo sink and settle on lbe existing
blanket ol gravel and sand. Natural
water movement distributed Jt . evenly
lhroogboot the beds.
Two to four hours were requited to fill
each of 48 filter beds at the plant. '
The coal·filtered water, upon its release
from the Diem.er ·plant, is then
dislrlbuteci in Orahge . ~Y • ai1d
""'1bent ,Los ,Angeles County •!<> MWD ·mimber agencies served 'by·the facility
-cool, clear and sparkling P'Jl'J!, juit u
the sunburned songster mu.st have en-
visioned. ' ·
CHECKERBOARD ·EFFECT -~ent lloll'ero ·ol Ille Robert
B, Diemer Filtration Plant strides over the filter beds. Installation of
HERE'S HOW IT'S DONE -Truckload of anthracite coal (pboto I ) is
dumped. for disper.;al by hydraulic pump al Robert B. Diemer Filtra-
tion Plant. Worker pusb .. this granulated coal ·into pump with aid of
fire hose (photo 2). The coal then courses through hose from pump to
fllter bed were workman guid es its progress (photo 3). When the
,MWD ...... 117Al--lo
cool bn>Ugi,t Ibo plant.filtraiioo capacity-to ooO million'galloos ohrater
per day. More than 2,200 toos of cool were used jo fill 48 filter bed•.
rock·bard substance reaches its final destination, It is 0 shot" into the
waiting water to settle in an even layer (photo 4) as Superintendent
Bowers watches. Wben setUed, the pools at the plant.(photo·5) look
cool, clear and glassy and the plant is .eady to elfective!y.filler"Wlller
from the Colorado River -more than 600 million gallons per claY,. '
...... --
,J• • ..-.·~.-....
* 64).1771 Anytime*
Barrett Really . l
.p .. -" I
T .. .....-.vi.w
OF BA Y-Cliffhaven.
Sheltered patio & en·
closed garden. 2 bd·
tms & den. w .. 11
1600 WestcliU ~r,'NB 642-5200
"For A Wi&e Buy''
Colesworthy & Co,
Make Offer IN " ... ,,,, ..... "'"utl!ul 1anc1. COST A .MESA =.-""'J~~:= Nii\o under construction '
~,~tio~o!~ SEVEN CUSTOM HOMES home. You'll like tbe Jloor · · '
plan wlth the balafed lh>ilw from $28,575
room, -...... big
VERDE on a nice quiet
street with schools neu by.
Escrow is closinc soon on
new home so owner 118.)'S
right away It )'OU'U be able
to· make a bl&' savings. List-
ed at $26,800, But 1! !
Will be the gal who presid-
es over this all electric
kitchen with pibJc:· built-ins,
2 patios, brick fittplatt,
kinpized ma&ter bedroom
suite, 'double garage, and
much m,9l'e -4 bedroom
priced at fM,500 FHA-VA mm..
• Firepaoes
• 4 Large Bedrooms e VA & FHA Financing
•Wood Roofs
• 20 'veair Guarantee Dishwashers
• Oversized Lots
• Roman Tubs & Showers
•.In Prime. Area
Yes, we haYe 1 trade-in program
for information call
. COATS & WAllACE REAllOU JCitl,,,,,. 1491 BAKER STREET ~ 546-41~1
' HOllllS 'OR SALi
GoMr•I .,
ON THE ~C:H DON'T On the sand al N~r1 .-
Beach Is toda)'I be5t imiett. '
mcnt buy. Upper uajt, hu MISS THIS RIGHT ' PRICE
COWGE PAii • Try a &ood 2rd TPNa. 4 BR·a, hUge lMng_ f'OIO@,
balcony and uilmtricted
view of ocean. Lower uhlt
hlUI 2 BR's, hU&e Uvirw
room. Monthly 1ross $550.
Priced at only $43.500. Call
the balance Joi tlill huge JW
lot. 310' ~p. Live in the
uictinir home, 3 BR 2~
ha.tbs & construct 5 more
income produdnc 1 homes.
Call now tor particulan.
$28,950 F/P
(TRY 100/o DOWN}
missed the closeont of RANCHO LA
CUESTA'S 3 other unlls ..•• DON'T
Each succeeding unit coats more, so
take advantage of these prices. Come &
see nur models on Brookhurst at Atlanta
in Huntington Beach. There . are l & 2
stories, 3 & 4 bedroom homes with 2. or
3 baths, Mission tile or shake roof, fire-
places, concrete driveways, heavy rough
cut he8{Ds, bullt--ins, family rooms &
cijning rooms .. Close to Huntington Stale
Beach. These beautiful hom~s are priced
from '24,995 to SM,200 with VA or Con-
ventional financing as low as 10% down.
No 2nd TDs at 7.2% Interest. Call
1168-2929 or visit any day 10 AM to 7 PM.
-... tbe down ' EiiillinTjild Ihle ...... ..:.n.1
Ing A: ,_ l'MI fll'Je ..w&9f'
home on cul-dwac 1trefl.
Full ~ct $25, 950j
Nnrpm '
., :I
'Victoria ,
Una • Bay, 2 BR, ~~ ~en=-·c;:. ~
Frplc, $62,500. I
Aak !or: l !!!!~!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!'!!!'!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!'ll OlesrerSallsbur>',~~ $26,500. 10°/o Dn. TIRED OF TRACTS 315 Marine ..,._
Th1' home" ..,tied amo"' . TRY THIS DUPLEX
other beautilul homes with FOR EFFECT Ea.st Costa M 2 ~
a 5'6. % FHA loan, payments Open beam ceilings, brick each apt. cri no _ ?4.
$159P9.)'lall.3BR1'6.•batha tlrcplace, hardwood floon, down.FHAtmna,WoaldeiJ
located M.St 'ol Taatln Ave. art 1tudio ot guest room chance tor Fullerton.
La.rre living+ fam,iiy room. added to the garage, Alley FORTIN CO. 1:
$100 Toiol Down Vetsl
4 Bedrooms 2 Boili•
Ifs hard to believe, but this
SUPER SHARP 4 bedroom
home Is, • .ON CDRNER
LOT with room for boat or
trailer! Cozy uaed brick
FIREPLACE! Only 6 yean
EN! 2 Car Garage! PLUSH
C'ARPETS & completely
draped! Rear yard with
with sliding &lass door to access, ivy entwined patio 1'10l·A Westclltt Dr,. NB j
ORANGE COUNTY'S I !!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!''!!!!'!!!!!!!! a 1p cov patio_ Quiet 1tretl:. -It's a onNit-a-kind in 642-500) g ''A'' Frame 1860 Ne'VJXR1 mvd., CM every way with an a85\1Jl1. ,,
LARGEST PARTY POOJ. RAMBUN' Rilr, ..._...,, Evo. 644-1655 able 6% GI loan, low down c .. 1. Ml•• 11 .. 293 E. )7ili St., 646-4494 · · · Unlque l bdnn home with * LACHENMYER payme?t • Run don't walk __ , , HOUSE ROSE lhimmor;ng pool " plenly to .., ''· EASTSIDE-Cute lltUe ntdi
IT S SUNSHINE !IME Fant.aatte home. with rorge. 5 spaeioQs bedrooms. twin of space for bad~ton court 3 BR 2 beth home-:--~r hoq.ae on "'-acre. Leads at.
It's Outdoors Tune. ous pool and patio area tot baths ud anyone can u-or garden. Vacant a: read)' lot •l.30d80. add 5· more penonality. Idtal fo-f
large patio area and' extra
Blf-F-.mlly H~ $harp front laDcbcapina!
Jmt listed • 5 banns, 2900 $UOO down to all otherA". Or
aq ft Colonial with Anthony uaume 5%. FHA Joan at
pool. Near Mesa Verde only iiu per month total.
QoQntry Qub. Owner tram. WE WLL A HOME
!erred· bm offer. EVERY 31 MINUTES
It's Buy('ng Time the sununert:Une parties. sUme ttie low ibterest loan tor YoU-wdtr. Dnv. by 1545 'Santa retired couple, Could 141
Time to select that new ABSOLUI'ELY immaculate at 51'. %> total payments m. Arnold & Freud ADa Ave. then call ~ units. Unbelieftbli
dream borne NOW when se-In --ry '·tail. Hn.,.e win-cl, .. u,_ •--o! ..,.,~ oo Bet. al ORANGE COUNTY'S at S17,500. CAIJ.. stO--llSI .. , = --~--. 388 E. 17th St., CM llanla ., .... LARGEST (open .... ) fforih--lectionll are in wide choi~, dows ovet'-looktrw entirta.in.. ttt than new condition. new RttJton; 846-7755 •B _ ..
.. _5:!'"_ Walker & Lee with prices, tenna & flnanc-ment area. King-size master carpet., just painted, mnod-642-6560 293 E. 17th St.,."'"4494 Estate · '>"
ing in the buyer's favor. room and bath with a ''Ro-eled baths and alley aettS&
llDDllfllll ~n" tub_ Beautiful loea-All tor $27,500. Gener•I 1000Gener1I 1000 General 1000Gener1I 1000
-· --Hon. Room for boat or traiL
R E A L T y er i~ over-sizetf yard .. A must i~== 2790 Harbor Blvd _ at Adams
Open 'til 9 PM _ W Bal 81 d Balboa see. $34,950. SUbnnt yaur ~ -boa v ., smaller home on our guar-.
675-6000 · antee Ale plan.
john macnab $55,950 2 STORY WE SELL A ·HOME
HIGH LIVING 6 Units Clou In 5 BR 3 baths, cpts/drps, elec-
Low Interest; assume pres. Rl~tr· ~-Eve•. 54s.m20 ~ ~-1.?.:'.:.:._~lk~.~ .. Walker & Lee ent 6.6'%"1oan Ir. enjoy high • Kr:llllEl\Y -~
living in thia spacious-home IJUKU Well"'McCardle, Rltrs. 2043 westclitf Dr.
on comer ·lot. .f Bedrooms, 1810 Newport Blvd., C.N:. 646-'1711 Open Eves.
=dt':,. ~:,,";';:;rn >n! -2 ~tt .... =ali=~~~. 548-""9 anyt;m. • DON1 READ 1HIS
·=-A new, ai.stom home. erect patio, Large yard. PENIN, SULA PT. YOU WON'T BEUEVE IT •
Wide concrete drive. ElcceL Beat value. 3 Br. home on Make us prove tt. EASJ'-
(714} 642-1235 Jent area. 54().1120 50Xll t 00' lot. Enjoy beach liv-SIDE COSTA ME.SA. Three
TARBELL 2955 Harbor ng . $42,500 Bedroo-·. D'•'-room plu• 901 DcM!r Drive, Suite 120 B Ibo R I E C .. _ .. -~ Newport Beach STEPS TO BEACH 1 a ff state o. 20x24 recreation room with
A-Frame five r-upper; priced 700 E, Ba1boa Blvd., BaJboa Benjamin Franklin fireplace.
HAWAII HqTEL at $28,600. Bring oilers! 6~140 Will easily accomodate pool
I HiRi Ceywood Riiy 548-12'0 table .. slidlns ·gbw doon
Bayview,lde,'1 or • "· 63tJ6 w. Coa" Hwy, NB 'START PACKING topatioudfat&erearyonl, hu bar/-. $600 M, $lStlM Two •· a1~--dn. LiaJain Co, 6t6-0732 _ CllARGE your want ad now. MOVE TODAY. New redecor aepuaoc: ·-,gar-=========.:-======== in le out, 3 BR HaJecrest. ages. FUIL PRICE ONLY 1S x 25' liv rm, stone 1rp1c. $22,500 • Aet Now before a
. . - -545-9491
LARGEST m E. 17th St. 646 44M
llOIAI 2801 ..
Spacious &: lovely, -
3 Bedrooma • 3~ Bathlo
Den & formal dining room.
Expe~V<ly d=ratod pie in exclugjve Irrine o:;;w. ·
JQSt a few feet from
private community beach.
Beautiful yard &: pool
Call: John. Abell
Rel. 613.731SS
w/w cpts, drps, all blt-lns, believer t>N.ts you :tn It!! '"!l!!!!!!i!!l!!i'!!!i!i!!'lll!!!!!!lll hdwd tlrs. $23,450. ~
PWC 546..
WHAT By Ivan Wells'_ Unique 4
bdrms, 3 baths & family
room. Superb view. S77,450
Roy J, W•rd Co.
(Baycrest OUicel
14.10 Goloxy · .... 1550
Evenings Call 568823
Move into tbl.a large family
home today! C101e to shop.
ping, school! and churches.
This one won't laat! $153
per month includes taxn
and Insurance! ONLY $100
Total cash required.
IT IS • • •
Femlly Room 21xll' of Catalina, San Oelllt!nt and
Carpets, drapes, built-ins. almost Hawaii, lt'1 spectacu.
VA-FHA terms available. Jar and only four years old,
DAVIDSON Realty an immaculate' -home In a real prntige
546-5460 Eves. 545-4941 area, It'a a "must sec" at
Walker & Lee
2043 Westcliif Dr.
646-mt Open Ewa.
NEW LISTING only 137.500. FANTASTIC c.orona Highlands; Ocean
v;,w; l BR. 2 Ba. You own Mediterranean
the land. Full Pl1ce $44,000. 6 .. _..._______ ~1" .. _ ... _ ,_ Corbin-Martin, ReaJ.torw acuIVUm, .. ~ .,.u111, 06c.
3036 w O>ast H CdM ORANGE •COUNTY'S dlnln< room DAILY PILOT -7,-,,a:-_·..,,rm_.,.._.'"'l~·o"':-"..,lo'I-m E.L~~Gs~.5~ • :::,nne1 kitchen-family
-e 3 fireplaces-aame room
N>r Fast Service &
Expert Assistance
Carden paradise. Mqnlfi-2 atairways
cent landacapifl&. Fireplt-e 3~ Car g:U'lllf:, 3 patios.
BBQ. 3 baths. Family room, dog nm. Fee land
fonnal dlninc room. All elec-Mary Lou Marion
tric kitchen. 5'G-l720 .........
TARBELL 2'55 Horbor 3 bdnn~::o. eo....
BALBOA BAY PROP. try, ..., . ..,u '""'"" N--pie; all ,.. F1oor plan hu fatae '·'-'·--efl •-• I (o I• --.U. t'·' -....... QuJ """"' .• -· ' p 1es ... VJ......,.n j&L. ..-~ maatr. wile. et, or-550 New-rt (titter Dr. ca.JI: derty neighborhood. 3132 '...---ART GJOVINE'ITI 613-7t20 Madeira_ $29,950 Newport Beach, Cillf.
lill McF~ Pl., Npt. Bch. 92660 , ' •
4 &EDRM-$13,500 1714}.13U700
OWner ""°'(""". 2 baths. '(714} 644-2430
Red brldt fireplace. Electric I•-;;=====~ ~-$211~,ts0~"'.-w~C1W!!'l!I ""''II
bu!lt·ln 1titc1wn. 2 patios UDO SANDS . '-Room for boat or trder. "Appte Pie" order, Ki.qi m.
540-11211 j Bdnnl. 2 Baths ed bedrooma. dream kltch-
TAR8El.L 2'55 Horllor c.minun11y Pilot 127.000 •n, built • In anlJances, r----Wllfl Handeome sq a c" bar. DIAL direct IG4f1B. O:iuJ:e __. r amson ' Sprlnkleni, boat pte_ , , REALTOR " .. J-)'tiar ad, tHe.n alt back and 673-4350 673-1~ Eves. ........ •w
J""'n to the -rln(! TARBELL 2'55 Horbor
liloll °"11f1I' 1000 0-rel 1000 Chnerol
• Not every pa11nter . .
is -a .n: .. artist.
' -'
Thos• d•lightful tnd tOt•lly unirihibited klnd9rgerten pa intin9s thrill 1ny ptr~"'•
yet fhty'r• edmittedly a fir cry frOm th.t work of a disciplin.d, skilltd• 1rti1f.
And just 11 ev9ry P,inter is not 1n .ar+ist, neither is every reel •state bto~er
a· RHltor®. A Realtor is the "pro" of his profetsio11 ••• schooled, trained and ~x
periencecl ••• he must quelify before he 11 permitted to use th• w~~ R••l:t•r•1
Once quellfied, he is plt'd9ed fo • strict Code of Ethics which denlan~1 of him ,
the hi9hest profe11fonel stender,ds. , , 1
Buying end selling real property is note job for other'tten e reel r.rofes1 lon1).
For fe1t, efficient end completely 1eti1fying reel 11t1 te 1s1i1t1nce, et a· Reeffor
serve your every home l)uyh19 Or selling need. ~ook for the ReeJtor~ emblem.
" . " ~EALT~ WEEK 1;-MAY 18 TO 2.~
. , ... • •
illO ... -..( Gen0r1I 100001Mrel
,.. ··~ ,<u •
. ,..,.,t t.,,
;__It' S Realtor . Week ,, •.• • .!i!J.e set aside each ye-er to focus attention on th• profe11iori1lly qu•llfied
people wfto ll1t, 1111, rent,. mtn191 and appr•i•• Ntl prop1rtyo.1tft1 RMftor,
When you buy or sell re1I property, you wiU 1lw1ys ~ better by doirtt bu1in11t
with -•n e~ienc.d 1nd'qu1Ufiff member of yout Newport H1rbor.Co1t1 M111
loord of lteolton.
........ '.-
,,..""' -", '. . ~~I • .. . ,
~ .,, .
• J' ,\
• •
• -• -~ ~·~---__ _______.. I •
.....,, 11or It, 1"9
Are You Letting Cash
Slip Through Your Fingers
See If You Have Any
Of These Things A
1. Stove
2. Gultor
3. Biby Crib
4. Eloctric Sow
S. C-o
6.W .......
7. Outlloanl Mo!Ol' a. s-s.t
'· C-h 10. Clarloot
11 . llofrlgorotor
12. Pldnrp Truck
13. Sowing Machine
14. SurfN..i
IS. Machine Toolt
16. Dlohwnher-
17. Pvppy
II. Cabin Crvltor
19. GoH Cort
20. ..,.. ..... ,
21. Stamp Colloctlon
22. DI-Set
2J. Ploy .....
24. lowllng Biii
25. Water Skit
26. ,_
27. Sult._
21. Clock
Will Sell Fast!
29. Bicycle
30. Typowrltor
.31 . Bor Stoolo
32. Encyclopodla
33. Vacwm CIMntr
34. Troplcol '1th
35. Hot Rod lqvlpm't
36. Fiio Cobloot
37. Golf CluM
31. Storllnt Sllvw
39. Vltlorion Mirror
40. 1oc1-s.1
41. Slldo Prof-r
42. Lawn-
43. Pool Tobie
44. TlrOI
45. Pl•no
46. Fur Coat
47. Dropo1
48. u .....
49. Hono
50. Alrplono
51. Orgon
S2. Exorcy<lo
53. R•N Boob
54. Ski-·
55. High Chair
56. ColM
57. Electric Train
51. Kitl911
59. Cl•ulc Auta
60. Coffee Tablo
61. "'°torcycf1
62. Acco..n.n
63. Skit
64. TV Set
65. Workboftch
66. Diamond Wmh
67. Go-Kort
61. Ironer
69. Camping Tron...
70. Antique '•mltuN
71 . Topo Rocortlor
72. Sollboal
73. Sports Car.
74. -..... 11ox s"'
75. Inboard Spoedboat
76. Shot..,, n. Saddle
71. Dort G-
79. Pvn<hlnt ...
IO. lloby C•rrl•
11. Drumt
12. Rlffo
13. DOlk
U . SCUllA Goor
Th-. or ony other extra things oro11nd th• hone may
be tumed Into c:osh with a
so ...
Don't Just Sit There!
Get In On The Action T oclay!
Phone Anytime
546-2S13 e 646-7171
Popular model with eJC·
tra large lam\ly '°""' I: stparate living room.
C&rpell I: drs,pes I: ~
luxe covettd patio -
Great locaUon for kid.a
and pets -$26,950 -
You set the terms.
For r(!aJ bara:aln hu(ll·
en. This 15 a choifta·
East.side location. Big
R-2 lot with clean ·2
Bdrm home at rear of
Jot -at th1a price the
home is practically free.
l;C;;;ott;;;;;;•;;;M;;;•;;;";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;11;;.oe l ootbluff 1242 Huntl'!!!!! looch 1400 c.to -1100
· h/flm/Pool "Pldt ~~LllM" Ll~.i::.i=.rty Fiii llNTAI.
Wlll<il ~ °"""' olltn d>oi<o Blulll SI LL wltfl ...... SERVICE
a .,,,..,,~ :., "1i1 botlo Pim. l•lor)' 3 BR; 2 bl, eleno l •'Ill roe ....,,... 1 -2
--lam rm, and 1 dbl -but loo, -.. THROUGH ..... 1215.ao per mo, Cal IWlmmlzw poof at• price mall"l~naneefeel:}MM hold YOUR .
you wtU hardly believe. avail Call -own/bla. REAL TOR MEMBER
Call U1 to See: ' THE BLUFFS • Fuldonable HunllllflOn IMdi/
BURR WHITE, Rltr. condo 2 ''°"' 4 BDIUf 2 Fountoln V•lloy
2901 Ne,._ Blvd., NJI. .. th; 'full>....;,..,.. 6 ~ Lllflnt Service
-rz, ,-I --:,... J.i-
2ta E. 17"' St .. 64' HM
133,00Q. Call alt S Jl'1l 6 BRADY 2 BR; ....,., patio: c1>11; 67.._ ·-.-od. Frpl~ Pool. patio, bltnt. i
VA . FHA wlmds. 644-"816 ,_ ~-~ ,_,
$ REALTORS -•·· •to,.,""~· ·~•-20 950 ~ttinc for adull.1. l 8lk to
I c.,..... del Mor 1250 15970 5prlngdolo St. .,__ 11611. 544-ml
· Huntington llHch 3 BR. den. 2 BA. C>pta, ..,,.,
POOL • ! Bdnn • Fam nn. DUPLEX HJ.1513 blw, frplc Leuo sm.
$130/mo ~ •D -$%."'Int. Conveniently located; 2 BR. GGLLENMARENiMAiitbboOimrue;:-,121.....,,i;;;;i.".33\~"'~"~·~612-~706!~====1
Rond R ... lly --home, lrpl., tam. me ldtch. BR. tam rm • .2 balh POOL. N rt a.·~ 3200j
TWO SI'ORY ili)O IQ ft. 5 plus a fully turn.. l Br. apt. Flpk. paUo,fnew .,.mt tn-~ 9Qt
bedroom• -5%" I06n • ex-$45,900. .ide. $33,950. 961--21Xl1 aft 8 I """''°"" 1218/mon t b Orange Coos! Proporty PM I/I I
!Qtal-NI price, 136,950. :In "''"""rite •""""° TOWNHOUSE 1
CALL 540-1151 (~n eves} .,....,~~!"!!~'!"'!!!!!!'I Hvntinpon SPLJT.LEVEL s Bdrm, 2
1-feritage Real Ellate BEST BUY-Harbour 1405 bath Unit. Faeta p,0 O I,
BY Owner, llale<:R11t 3 BR, IRVINE TERRACE WATERFRONT. by owner . carpets,' drapes, llreplace,
1% BA. Pa.tto, fireplace, lmmac. 2 &: den or 3 Bdrm., 4 BR.. 2 ••, ~·. 55, on eJec blt.iJ'ls, U35{mo, 4~?'ii I.l'lt. 3091 Murray 2~ ba'&., just reduced to • ~ ...,....
Lane KI 5-9117 $39 500 \\'B.ter enr.lomed patio $74,500. • ' A1ao 60' on maln channel 2 BDRM, 2 bath&, riew car-
OWNER-3 Br, 2 bet. quiet E-Del11ncy Re11I E1t11te la.Ip 3 Br. 3 Ba., dock. ~~ $225/newly painted, adults
side. Le )'I'd w/ fruit trees, 2828 E. Coast Hwy, CdM $110 000. O>uaid I I -,, mo
11C>Wel'S-nlc@ lndscp'g. HW 673.lTIO ~ 592-5991 er ease op-Please call Mn. Fl)'
ftn. 123 ...... dn. Kl S--05.15 SllORECLIFF 3 BR. ' BA-lay & leach
3 BR. 2 Ba. Pa.eMetter, new-Qui.et tree lined area by the G•rden Grove 1475 Re•lty, Inc. l d •--' ,_,.. B lea. Fee simple. Access to 2 y econ.1a.1 ......... e. y beacbn. BY Owner • 3 Br, 1% ha, ~ Dover Or., NB SuUe 126 =. prin'. only. $33,'150. oovner. = $50,000. By frpl, patio. S:DXI dn, $157 mo 645--200) Evea. 54$.6966
BY OWNER 3 BR Homes. 2· $55,000 -10% Down, 6%% ~tract. FHA-GI ok: 3 BR. duplex; 2 bu., bltna,
E. aide, :Z..W. aide. Very lrg Interest 2 HOt&Sel, R-2 So. dshwshr., new paint, cpta. &:
tranderable louui &~-6!-i%. ol Hl.ghwa,y. rn..oo44 Bkr. L•gun• Hills 1700 ~-Nr. beach. Year be.
Need cash. ~1009 CHARMNJG Duplex on dbl -"-------$230. 540-'lm MESA DEL MAR 11:======= lot, So. ol Hwy. Owner. AIR-O>nd. S BR. plus bonusl========I 5 BEDROOMS Mo:--M_._d_•_I _Ma_r __ 1_1_05 :158=·500=· 673-41=='"=== nn. 134,500; or be/option. Newport Hol9ht1 3210
The cleanest, neatest 2 STORY 5 Bouu 3 Baths. B1lbo1 Penln1ul1 1300 :B:kr:·:67>"591:::::: :•94-::n:61::""'::FN~·~~u~-· .. ;:;:~~:::~ home tn th1& top area. ·~ · ''&''""'• .. cpt, All tile k1tchen with Water softener, dee bltm, I O new paint, C\at. ~ nice
eleebic bullt·ina. Room covered patio. Walle to all INVESTMENT WISE ;:L:.;;•fU=";;1:..B::.~='o:h ___ 7c..5 prden. $180. Adu l l 1 .
for boat or. trailer. Look· sch1s. Priced below market We have 4 choice duplexes Income Uni11 ·~548-=!1536======; I Ing for 2300 sq. ft. that vaJue. By owner. 546-5492 from $25,000 t.o $56,900 for a H d S i I •·
sparkles! -Thia is it good investment and tax ad-•n ym11n pee• I Newport Shor• 3220 at $37,950, try 10% Mffll Verde , llJO Loe. on Oceanside .of Hwy.I'-'==.;.;;==-=
down. van~. Call us. 150 yds from Beach. 4 )&e 3 BDRM, 2 Bath, ll1ndeck
Artlltle brt ek work
makts thb 3 bdrm., 2
bath the most attrae.
tive borne in the a rea.
Must see outdoor cover·
ed entertainment area
w:lth gas BBQ. Room for
boats or campers + 2
car prq:e $33,950 -
10% down.
The landscaping, color
&ebeme and arcbltec:_ture ot thJs 3 BR. fam rm ..
2 bath home has a hint
of the beach. A 20x20 rumpua room. A city
park in th• back yanl.
SloW traffic 1treet. No
down V.A., low down
FHA. $26,950.
3 ldrms + Din.
Delightful 3 bedroom &
dining room. 2 nJce
bat.bl, ttfrlgerator and
all built· Ins Jn eluded.
Work free in every way.
Sl8,950 -$900 down
FHA term•
!****$1995****1 t DOWN •
•$159.62 per month
pays all on this clean
3 Bdrm. home on tree
lined street. -The
ot is extra large. -
Better see it now. ••••••
Have you w3.Jl tcd a scp.
arate wing for teen-
agers? • 5 big bed·
rooma • Dining room or
den • This functional de· sign, ?'f'ar entrance to
Baycrest, "'ill fiU your
desJreg -$41,500 seem$
so little for 10 much.
Phone nov.• ror showing.
Sparkling clean 3 bed-
room or 2 and den home
In dandy Eaataide loca-
tion. Just a few steps
from schools and shop-
pin&;. $2t,500 -Let's
talk terrM.
The talk of the town, 3
bedrooms, 2 batm, big
2 car garage, new rar·
pell. QuJet no traffic
atrtel -No down VA
or TH.A terms ava.llable.
Home and income too!
2 Bedroom completely
ttmodeled + 1 btdroom
rental fumlshed. Large
lot -New driveway.
Newport Heights arte.
$29,!IM, try 10~ down.
2790 Hor bor Blvd.
1700 Newport Blvd.
ot 17111 St.
0,... ...... , ... ,
't11 ' "'"·
*BARGAIN! Mesa Verde,
choice Joe. S Br, l~ Ba. Im::,
macµlate! Leaving u.s .•
must sell. Buy direct from
owner mw 1r;: u.ve $. 545-3008 -
4 BR PACESE'ITER on lrg.
quiet corner Jot. Rm for
boat, trlr, etc. Lots of Palos
Verde stone. Must see!
$35,900 * 54&-0353
Manapment Trainees
Part or full time, age 19-35
$3.30 HOUR
19' Ap_t. units, needs paint I: Walk to beach. Poola. $211 •
'i:I ~ good general cleanup. PO-lse. Avail immed. 961-'ll.76
....... TENTIALINCOMEEX.,.,.,.._
• 1 AL r ·Y CEEDING ·s10,cm ANNUAL.I=<======== I
Nl?&r NB PQ!lt Otc. 646-2414 LY. Price $69,950. W .. tcllff 3230 MISSION REALTY 49f.-07311---------I
LARGE LOT, PENIN PJ', 985 So, a.st, l..quna LEASE w/ option C BR. 2"-
Three &: family room LOVELY l1Ai BR, fully furn. baths. Pool. Refs.
2 BA, 2 lircplaces. So. Laguna-Ocean V u , * 5'8-94Tl *
Immedi!~·~upancy ~.~~~topbc~10& E11t Bluff '242
BEITY DAVISON a.hops. Wood ~Ung-beam BEA1.TI'IFUL .f. BR. tam nn.
Shore Properties eel.lings. $23,900. Call collect leue. S385 month. Avail
67J..9060 615-36SS 213: ~2394 Ju.ne 15 &K--0783
2 Ba, convt den, excel cond, Coron• del M•r 3250 Lido Isle 1351
beaut garden, patio. One of EXTRA SHARP! Monarch Bay's finest. Save CHARMING 2 BR, crpts,
Very attr. 3 Br. &: 2 Ba. lhouaands buy direct from drps, stove, retri1::. July lst
home on strcet.tMtreet lol lo.onw;;;ner=ac:t 165:C:::'"OO\l'::,::''::9'-::'2349':':::;-c yrly 1st'. M&frled cple. $215. 673-2667 Beam ceil's., sep. din. area, SUPERB view, newer cust. 3 --,,,.,---,c=,.-:.,.--·I
etc. Br. Sale or exc ha nge . Unfum2BR,2b&
HA 54 SS&,950 $15,000 equity. 6 7 &-6 & 9 1 : $250. MR WK 7·11B2 LIDO REAL TY, INC. <94-n61 Re" Clevldence, Bkr. ~
CLOSETS, CLOSETS 3400 v;a Lido ~ VIEW.....,,,. Bo> "°""· < H ntt -••-
And mt all HERS! 21 Ft. ~~~!Ill~~~~ BR. 2 BA. i:Unlna rm, family u ngton h -o! walk-in wardrobe leaves ~
space for Dad Jt you can LOVELY BAYFRONT rm. Owner, 499-301 2 BDRM, convert den, 2 ba.
teat him away from the wet 4 BR + maids, aouthem ex-$3&,00ll DUPLEX. 2 and l garden room, elec kitch.
bar in the overalu den; even posure, pier & .Up tor Ip BR. view, just remodeled, Water softener, garage cir
HIS ' HERS bclnna, if the bo.9.t :Z..story w/view from pvt, wild ldt~ml 49U748 opener, frplc. 963-2716
kids are grown. Delme mull!!' BR. Call for appt.
appl's. lhruout. A buy at W•lker Rlty 67S.5200 ApM"tments Sant• Ana 3610
145 \JOO 1 ~~~~~~~~!!!' I For S•le 1980 H' I p' I -•1 & A t IMMAC 3 8'., 2 Ba. Xlnt • """ n •toe. Huntington Buch 1400 6 UNIT apt house, 2 mo old. nel1hborhood, nr. S.C.
3900 E, Coast Hwy. 675-4392 Gross $900 per month. Con-Plua. Lse $Zi0. A I t.
NEWPORT TOWERS $20,950 FULL PRICE toct D•ve at M>l2St 1_962-9667=======! Landmark of the Newport 4 Bedrooms, 2 full baths. I ..
Skyline, 81torie1 Or breath. Plush carpet.&: drape 1 RENTALS Lagun• Niguel 3707 tak1.JW bay 4: ocean viewing throughout. Double Garage_ HouHI Furnished
from luxurious 2 BR, 2 BA, Cul-de-sac slm?t, Walk to 1---------EXEC residence • 3 Br. 2
all elec apt1, 2 Highs~ school!, GI no cash needed, Gener•I 2000 Ba., blbll, d • h w hr •
elevators, subterranean &. $100 Deposit refundable or crpt/drp. Beaut view $300:
top deck parklne. Therapeu. take over SlA 90 FHA loan $310. 2 BR, den, 1 %. ba, 3 mo. 836-5/;iO, 542-1215
tic pool &: boat docks. Open with payment of $124 ~ old. Nicely furn. Oilldren Ir.
daily. Sale or lease_ 3121 w. month. pets welcome. Bkr. 534-6980 ~~NTAL'
Coast Highway, 714: 642·220'.2 WE SELL A HOME $300. 3 BR, 2~ ba, Condo. Aptt. fumlthed
BY Owner; 4 Br.. just EVERY 31 MINUTES ~~r c= A pets O.K. Gener•I 4000
redecorated home, in choice w I k & l N•wport Helghi. 10<. Mam· a er ee HOLIDAY PLAZA
moth front yard, open beam Rentals to Share 2005 DELUXE, spacious l-Bdnn.
ceilings, new carpets, paint 0,.,'J:55
2 Ed0,1~~~40 MALE l9-2S led 1 h Furn. apt. $135 Plus utll.
&: drapes. Incl. matched O'Mi ~i . 'van ° 5 are Heated pool, Ample parkiftC
stove & relrig. Needs only Open Eves. ntcc house Cdf\I for Sum-No children -No pets
1im'pie exterior painting. $14.000 mer. Call 6ra-tm. 1965 Pomona. CA-I
Xlnt lnveatment at $26,000. Lovely 2 BR honle, e.IKtric $15 National Roomate $UO. 1 BR. w/w pool close
646-0789 Hi Rent? Share! 673.1166 to ~ach. n-i.e; r.~i _,,
View Lot
built-in range, oven. Cover. uc J:>.(UJI. ~
ed patio with BBQ, com-Newport Beach 2200 $130. 1 BR upper, Avail. now.
pletely fenced &. landscap.. :cc-':------Ulil. paid. Broktr 53'-'9111
td. double garage & boat DOVER Shores bay front
door, qulet lrtrftt. Carpet1 home. 6 Br, 4 Ba, large Cost • Meu 4100 \\'ith new 4 bedroom 3 bath •-d--. 11 •~ dn, pymnt + O< ........ ....,., patio, 70' private dock.
room for tennls court, lo $139 per month incl. tax. $27.50 wk. up pool, boat1 &: trailer. C'S. $1500. mo. on yrly Jse ,
Delta Real Estate 646-4414 213/780-5013 or 213/~. •Day, week, month.
VACANCY PROOF •lll!,!1!'111~:"'.11t!n"M"P!I. , B• , bath. 'Q!'G1 • .,,., hli-• st"•''' each. •ou.
' • 1-1 2 l e lncJ Utll.1 .l Phone serv. DUPLEX • AlA•-to °"'"• 1 ___ • _ ins, .. " c., car garage.
....._, block to ocean. &U-3242 • Maid· Service. 1V avail.
ahopplng, 2 bdrma, each, ========'"! e New Cafe le Bar
""" cond. Pollo, "'ndeck, AU The Extras Corono dol Mar 22SO 23'71 Newport Blw. 511.9755
oversize gar. $4(),COJ Fl.an. Fine Five Points location. =="-".:.;...=:.........;;~-ft10D attractive u P p er R. C, GREER, RCalty 2 BR. 2 Ba. 2-Story ...... ' BR '°"" v•· Lido ~9300 Lots of added concre~. rt· spiu:....... , new w/w,
.>i).N -Vf.... $250 Mo. New Cllrpeta. ..t ...... adullB s·-!\O ·~
BEAUTIFUL home in !he
Siu&. Outstanding Bay
\'lew, 3 Br. 3 Ba. By owner.
house, pvt beach, 8ayshore
Park. leuehold $13,500.
lOAM to 2PM
3 bedroom. dining room
Bullt-tns. large lot
$28.900. 629 SL Jamu Rd.
Arnold &-FreDd, Relllton:
Reduced $21m-Now $38, 'lSO 4
Br., 3 Ba, ram. din,
uWflaun rnt. Total 2400 1q.
n. 325 Vista Bayt. OWner-
Bl Uf'FS, labulow }~-plan on
green belt \Y/hf\y view.
Many CU.."lt. features. 3 Br. 3
Ba. 142,500, -
gantlc ~ patlo, Gat· 514 Femleaf. 6T5-60M Bia. ..._ ' _..,, 'IUE 2
den tool: houae. A.LL for Br dniitrs $124..50. ~
$23·930· L'd I I 2351 or &16-&961. Key: 2260
ReJC. L. Hodges Rlty 1 0 1 e Maple Apt E.
847-m:i 1''0R rent . 224 VIA Lido -*.,..;v~1~11"'a~P----a-A-p1-•• -1
FORECLOSURE Nom. $1500 mo. except Cotta Mesa 's ""wett •most Augu.9l $2!XXI. Phone 213: lu:xurlous. furn. 1 &r 2 BR.
$50 total to GI ~ or !ell (Webster oMll'2Q) ot 2"llMM7 apta, Adults only, No Jl@ts.
FHA &: selltr pays all dOL 17&1 Pomona Avt., just south
Ina costs. 3 BR 1% baths, Laguna Buch 2705 or 18th St.
21x16' family room, NEED l==~~----
QUICK ACMON! Lb.SE 2 BR modern hse CUTE 1 bdrm, perfect Ior
BRASHEAR REAL TY w/ocean view, S2:30 per mo, couple. Stove. re.trig, bar.
847-3531 EYH, 4.11-3769 940 Temple HJlls Dr., ~ Sll4.50. Sl9-3643 or &t6-S981. 540-8811. net 494-0404 Key: 2260 Maple, ApL E. CUSTOM HOME -NICE Jae, l bdnn. pri )'aid,
4 BR 2 bath. $22.500. All Sum mer Rent1l1 2910 pe.ntlliDg. 12192 Edinger, nr
larse rooms, beautifUI cor-}larbor. 8J9..&126.
ner fireplace, On laqe )Ot, SUMMER Rt:ll'rvatlons tw)'W, 1 BR. 11 Better M.>e th1I one' GI ot 0.n beech .. pt. m. vp. u_t paid, heated pool.
}'HA terms. Sleepi from 2 to 10. 315 E. No children or pets. 1801
Balboa Blvd. Balboa. Whittier, 646-6222
MUTUAL Re•tfy '* ~9!M5 • EAgfSJDE: Quiet 2 Bdrm.
8-t2-14l8 anytime Elf!t:. bltns, patio. Adult. GI RESALE ~E NTALS only. 361-B Ogle. 640-1'98-
0n H untington Street HOUMI Unfvml&hed Newport 8Mch 4200 ... um cash down to txiatlrc ~-I 3000
w-1111 1230 I er'-'"'"" mo. --"'" , ' 2 mi..eaci..1or ..... HOMB • R4 kit. ExctJ es all, S BR 1" batbt. bit· $250. 3 BR plus converted Klt.·TV·Pool·M'ald Ser. w..u~ s BR ~ bft, room ins & la.rte lot. r a r a If, pool, •fw, THE MESA
tar • ~ s unfta. scg..1s11 ! T RADE"l'IHDS RL TY d I 1hwa1 b tr. Btoke1". 415 N. Nwpt Blvd 646-9681
evt"S. 847-Slll S34-«lf0 LUXURIOUS 5th lloor J Br
Irvine 1238 O\VNER'S f'BR 2 t.tb. Nice VERY nkti 3 BR 2 baths, Apt o/~ bay. l )'T la
--------elean home. A.uume M~ 'io good ln!a Sttl mo. Alf. ttq'd. $ISO. \Jti.J Incl Adult-.
F'HA IOfln. $22.500. l~ !)46-4111 no pols. 613-147" or 213/TR MAGNIFICENT VU on * ac,
3 m\nlt1Ct. ·I Br, lam rm.
$49,500 by ownr. 833-~6
ltthmus Ln., HB CHARGE y-m1r want ad now. 7-4332.
\Vhlte @lephanll! Dtme-a.-tirte Dial 642-$18 for RUULTS 'o"•"IL;,Y'"P"D.OT==-=w~ANr=~AD~S~t
Af/11.. '""'"""" ' Apia. Unfurnl.W A"'° u.--•I RIAL mATI _ .. IUSINISS '...r
...... Mor 19, 1M Nfl.Y
.......... INCh '4200 t;; MMe · 5100 Hunttnvton BMch 5400 l utl-Pt 1p1rty 66!0 lildiilfH11 lantAl ~lu1. W1nted -• RENT • UY! RIGHT * * FOR -leawia Nla\l<I, WANTEP , 19S&--6:l l~wt..i
3 Rooms Fumllu,. ON THE IEACH 1( Wllllf . oU Su 'Dllij< 1Wy et O'own dump lnlek In aood .;;,;,
$20 • $25 & UP Valle)', -commerclll A dltlon, ,,.,,,.bfy with Job.
' FISJ-1, $URF, SWIM BUILDING industrial unltJ. Dtlta Etec-1-;==*;.;137;;;-1;;~;;:*:;,,,===-
Month-To-Month R<ntW ln ---yard trio.~· m.)IOO. Eves. •1•
WIDE SELECTION , FOR SAU ·-··--•! Oppor. 6310 Appl.lanct't I: TV'• av..U. Private ~. be~~
Hunll...._ .,...._..._ ••-No Security Deposit pool. 11unu1 private aatii OR lots 6100 MOTEL aero•• from
, ~ DM'AI --. HP'l\.C Fuml.tu.r. Rentals With 24-bour MCU.rity SUfd. ---------''-'-'! D lane y I a 11 d, n ear
QUI ET & BEAUTIFUL 517 w. 19th, CM S<Ulll Medlturaneao adult Uvq. lfASE LACUNA -V1<W lo,.. MolodylaNI, '3 units, easy
AduJtl Ollly; 2 Br., utll.. pt.id. 156& W. Lncln, Anhm TI.,2800 underpwnd at1lltiea. ' pvt. terms after agreeable down
.PooL $2XI • ..,_ AVAILABLE MAY. 22 2 ~~~!_ Batba 1800 Now,_\ Bl..i. ltl,9">6 19.250. '94-S718 pa,yment, or owner Wm
1'16"le ...... _._ .. Hunt. Bch. 2 bediOO:m.witb ··-~ 1110. .v,..., .. -CALL BILL SCO'M' 3 AJ>J. lots; room for. ll tra4e &: linance.-bt''W"' Whld..._ W1•t• W=1 Got• ~....... .......,..., uni.ta. 333 E.--21.st St., eo.ia Call for a.ppt, to dildm. ...,,. ' '
DlsP,oAI, wato; paid, Near INCLUDES W/W thar ... KERMg.'\iccs Meoa. Owlltt~ ew. °"""" Rltr. _., SPECIAL .CLA5SIFlcATI N FOR
1.G.-• .. •.-di.-•.._.G.,t-."'-" .. '---46=10 1e:,.;1 Plieenu A ,.ting, G.E. bullt.1n1, wltb NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS SING!'.¥ Young hlults Lux· • 63Ml20 e "'· re!ri(<!rator • dl!hwuh<r. R.,.... PnlpOl'ly 6203 Monoy to Loen "320 • Spocl1l Ret.-
ury prden opta with coun. -;;;=:;..,=:,;,..:.:;:;..;c_,,.. Hunt!...._ P1clflc ,_, • _, 1 "· 5 Lines -S 11-. -5 bucb try club ·atmo~ and FuRN &: untum 1 bdrm. Un. ~ri~ts MAMMOTH MT. ...,. h. ~ oans for quick ._ 11u1.11 -AD MUST 1t1<:Luoe.
a>mp!Sti privacy. soum tum 2 bdnn. Meu del M•r ru Ocean A ll Blks w , ORANGE couN,iY•s CON DO. FOR SALE ~rty eq wl~ ~ a-~C:a ~~,._~.,''::r..., ~ ,f:w :-.:.m.'"::: BA y CLUB APTS. 13.100 Apts, 998 El Camino Dr. o1 Huntin&~e.Bea.ch Pieri LARGEST ~urio'!' ,2i)d borne; profiV your low interest lat TDs. '4IOTl;lrNoH•Oo1t ••1:r -tAAOE.l ot1LY1 Pl•1t1r
CHAPMAN' Aw.,' Carden C.M. ~ PHONE; (n4J 536-1487 293 E. 17th St. ~M pleasure Jnveatn:ient. Sp~t· Also buyers for 2nd TOI. p NE -42-5671 •PATCH PLASTERING.
Grove int) 6J6.3030 QUIET, deluxe 3 Br. studio l -::-:~~~-'::-::':::::-11==='""'=='="~==~1 lev~ t Br. with quality SntllerMortgageCo.lnc. To Pleet Your Trld1r'1 P1rldlM Ad
w/sundeck, poc)l; n r , 2 BORMJ-, • 2 BATH Business Rental 6060 craf~-~lp, sleeps 3. Serving Harbor Area ~ yn. '68 ~lus+ ....... low mileage, ~Free estimate •.
Laauna BMch 4705 shop'g. Adiilts only, no pets. :tear f'OwN management, 336 E. 11u. st. • '""''6 Beach home, stone'• throw
1Tn Santa Ana Ave. 64&-5642 Sl50/Mo. Sl25 U slay 1 ,,-: GU SQ F.T. M·l ~ wll:h recrealional complex-sauna, 64Z-21n 56-0611 ~:.-R/Hill. wu!1tra, auto lo ocean. Exchana:e for I offices New t..1.U.: I whirlpool. swlnlmlng pool. " uaua. W ~cMng:e equity amall bo\l$e in Coita Mesa cP_u;..m'-'bl=•;.I _, __ ..;;;.;.
EX. lge studio, 2%! ba, new POOL. cpVdrps. Kids OK · -m-rec: ball. Cloee to lifts ov. NEW 2nd WANS AR-forremodcllllgorcarpeting. or'-'·-n..... -PL'..m~a ·-·~ crpts &: drps. $180. Also Delaware Studio Apts, mediate occupancy. Logan • ' RANGED" T cash fi s.7....c11....... """' ..,~ "'~T-• ~-..~
Smal d ~~ •·ch. -· Mendora .,. "'~. -Delaw•-, H.B. Ave. Co!ta Mesa. 546-6530 ERLOOKING POOL.. $29,950, op or ~11• 546-2176 eves. FORTIN co. 642-5000 . No .c...1.. too mWl l cottage atu io, ,,._.. UCl _.. ~ -_.. Also for rent. (l27·CJ seasoned 2nds, Xlnt opportunlty • take over =~~-'~-'.:.:..::;;:: * ~ e
month includes utilities &: 2 BR dlx, cpts, drps, bltns, 642-2221 anytime 536-lAl.6 e ~CUNA omCE e PROPERTIES WEST S43-8311 Bkr. clee.n . auty Se.lonr Lido Der-\Vienerschniti.d, 1951
Oceanfront Apt
fUmished. Perfect for single garage:. $155. Adults: 3005 CHEZ ORO APARTMENTS Attractive ~ J:+:lg, ce~ 1028 Ba.Ylikle Drive art ' long establ. 6 Sta· Harbor, CM. Land A bid&. PLUMBING REPAIR
adults or elderly couple. Coolid&e 546-4021, 549--0433 8234 Atlanta 'n.I Joe, air coad, $95 mo: Newport Beach Mo ......... T .D.'t '345 • .,._,._ tor iof or sul> lncorne ~ mti. net $f5,000 DRAIN CLEANING ~ or 615-4070 New 1•2 Bedrooms . Pay ~ on !Je, 4942486 67s.4l30 ~ equity for kits, Back Bay. ~2381 ar 5fG..T217
Stuart & Robbins Realtors ~.!..+;nt·ct! Ba. Studio. electric only LEASE: store or oflice, 19?' WIIL PAY TOP $ ior m , roker. 548-mt 675-6130 -• 1 -==;"~=======I
Sl'UDIO tree hOUle, 1 adult, 't"-"'• pes, garage. 535-3927 or 5)6..2'l27 gq. ti. good location. 333 E. TRUSf DEEDS. · Am:lwhead waterfront 12 M:l shops In 2 tilt·UP PoOI S.rVlce
Adults. Owner. 213: 592-522'1 C *°'"!-* & -'-•~ 000 al p hid ulil pd, carport, $150 lse. Pool-Wa.sbtr1-l>ryera 17th St, .l\!, 9C8559 Out of State Prop. 6208 .,...... ""° """-· --'• v · a. gs on Placcrrtia. C.M.
380 Poplar att 1 pm. Private Garq:es Q MODERN 3 rm Oftice. Newly Mo W ....... :in Palisades ocean vu Jot, Valu.e $150,0CO, Trade part • lST Mo, Fret! Expa, --~-'-~---1;;N;;•;;wpo;;"';;;;;ll;•;<;h;;;;;;;5;;2;;00; I ney lftlWll 6350 & clr, $27,500 val. for property. Balance 1 reliable! Tony Taylor
.LS CONDOMINIUM Apt. 3 BR. decoractd, drps Ii crpts. Central l)regGl'.I 850 acre ir. MD N : Ineome. Bier-. 548-mt Call 548-™2 Service. 968-4818 '
"" bltns, incl washer, dryer &: $100. Mo. N.B, 6f8.1724 rlgated ranch. 565 acres and partnef' need Mort 1 ;;,:::.:;c;::~:o:..::;::.:c::'.=
Apts. Unfurnl1hecl 2D~~RM~2 Baths, frpl~, refrig, Crpts, drps. Avail SANTA ANA 5,000 sq ft, A-1 deeded, 285 acres long term term $37,000 1st Trust Deed W~ted: Glass boat up to Roofing
• re .; new carpe $275 June lst f170 mo. sro.2285 location, ample parking, lease with oPtion Can run on 8 acres doe to 20 • Hav~ choice 2-6 ac par.
Gener1I 5000 :~J=~5ru~, 1:,a~is. 1 BR. 4 bl.kB to bch. FDL'd $200 mo. 547_2412 or 64&-75l2 1(0) )Tly I: p~ full feed, downtown Big Bear worth ~s w/~~ti~ view ot
ZOO Scenlc acres north of
San Francisco. Will trade
elear for clear, or submit
up. F.quity $100,000. Owner
iµutlous, Seacb 494-8563 $165. 2 BR, 2 ba, f.plu, bit-BURR WHITE, Realtor yard Child OK $95 1s:t or grow specialty crop This over $80,(0). Cell Mr· uma in N. San 2001 N..-Blvd NB & ~t. 962-1961, mo. Office Rent1I 6070 is a show Place ranch with Bartelt Days 642-1515 Eve Diego Cn~. 642-3573
ins, dishwasher, · w I w • 675-4630 " .. !"'.. ''64i2isa realistic real estale potent.. 543--1439 100 ACRES, clear-. $35,000
patio, children O.K. Bkr. ATIRACTNE 2 Br, crpts & LAGUNA BEACH lal that will be eold aa a AIT'Y, Has 3, $15,000 1st Equity. Want income prop.
SM-6980 MODERN 2 BR. z BA. ll"plc, drps. 17432 Quffill Ln. No. l Air Conditioned profitable ranch business. TDs. Want to borrow U0,000 erty. Please submit oUers.
I'rade $8ll00, equity ln f $ew(ft9 ~nit apt Costa Mesa, in-I :::.::.:::!!. ____ _:::!J1
$135. 2 BR, bltins, w/w, dishwasher, refrig, steps to _%_2-_2!_09_. c..11_35...;mo=·---I ON FORD'/ AVENUE Persoflal situations make at 10% each. 547-9379 Art Glovinettl, Realtor
pool, tots O.K. Broker bay A ocean, Yearly. $250. REAL ESTATE Desk apacet e vallable In $8.le In whole or part W"gent 673-7420
!<>me $600. with good l]{!t
;pendable. for late car &
trailer. 54&-4604: eves, 53'-6980 673-1990 213: 271--4220 General oewelt ottlct bu1ldinc at Ni~ hem"! & out-bldgs. For ANNOUN.tEMENTS lO' OWENS twin 225 llP,
prime kicatkm tn downtown matt lnfonnatlon call Ernest •nd NOTICES louble-planlrer, radio, depth-Sharpest 4 BR, den, din nn,
In town, Showpiece yard w I
clever patios. lighting &
ldscping. $39,950.. Want:
smaller home, Agt. 54&.5580 l
East Bluff 5242 Rent•I• Winted 5990 Laeuna Beach. Air cond}. ~f:L • F finder, halt tank; low hours; t1oned. Cll'ptted, berurtiful Eckhoff• Assoc., Inc. ound IFrM Ads) 6400 For sailboat to 36 Ft. or lG.
HARBOR e NEW DELUXE e UNFURNISHED 1 BR apt paneled ~~ Two 1818 W. Oiapman Ave. BLACK & white Manx :al property.Owner675-4.392
3 Br. 2* ba apt, for le~ with .stove & refrigerator, entrancett .,. Frozrtas• ae. Qranae, Calif. female cat about 2 mo ...... HAVE: 24' Cabin Cruiser,
Incl. apac. mstr. suite, din Up to $115 w/util. 22024% Forest AM .. rear leedl to 541·2621 Eve:;.wknda 633-6974 · · -oY•
GREENS nn. & dbl. garage, auto. S. Main, TorTance MUDCipal puklns loft. $50 ' Have to find owner or A·l cond. 135 hp grey ma-Whatdo)'Ouhavetotrade?
CZ\'KOSKl'S Cult. Upbol,
Ew:opean Crattvn•mblf
100% ftn! 642-1454 ~~~~:,::::=----1 per mmth fOI' space. Desk anyone else who wants her, rlne eng, $3000 value. Trade List It here _ in Orange !~r 0:i::l' ~v;':~ ~~ WANT TO BUY/RENT and chain a•ailable tor $S. Exchling•, R. E. 6230 839-339? < for property or ?'!???, County's larxest read trad·
BACHELOR UNFURN. Oi.urcb & school A: Corona East Blufl only. 4 or 5 bdrm Bu.sinea boun answerlq FOUND near En&ign Jr. Hi. Call 675-lSW ing post -aM make a deal.
1881 Newport BL. ~·
frQm $110 de! Mar Hi&h. horn•. July lat ...,...ion. '..mce avolli.blo !or $10. Selling Your Home?? Pan S.aglo .mall ma!• dog _. * * JOBS & EMP(OYMI
ALSO AVAILABLE e ONLY $260 e 213/474-0197. All utUitlel paid except 1. We have over 300 Sales-Black & tan, no tags. JI\ * * *
1 _ 2 & 3 BDRM. 837.aTI Aml&oo Way, N.B. e LANDLOROS e "'-DAIL' • PILOT 2 w"°, •.,''e· the l•-•t In 0 .I '-~~~a!~tJ5~,30~.;_::...~. l-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!i!!!!l!'!!!!!i!il!!!!!!!!!!i!il!!!!!!!!!!l I Job Wanted, Mid 7
Heated p ..... 1. Qli1d Care fflE:E RENTAL SERVICE ·'"' . -•" ••1BLACK male poodle, may be •N ,_ AdJ~ -•-Broktt !i34-6982 222 >'OllJ!Sl' AVENUE ango County. blind In loJt eye Ump< Vic ~ NOUNC~MENTS SERVICE DIRECTORY
venter, · to ........ rl" .... -Corona del Mlir 5250 ~==:;;:,,:;::.::=. __ I LACUNA BEAOI l. We can CUAR'.ANTEE to M<> ......... lia. •-\y · encl NOTICES
No peta allowed I ~iil;i~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;iiii ONE BDRM Unfurn Apt. for 49'-9fll6 sell your borne. s.:ifil'tt • a r n e r • Dr1ffln9 Service 6637
2700 Petenion Way, at Haro 11 employed lady up t 01----===----4. we tell a home every 31 P1nonalt 6405 • bor .I: Adama, Costa Mesa .. ; $110/mo. 6f2-4XWl6 ONLY $215/MO minutes. SMALL light colored pup, --------'= DESJGN Dndttng, electro --'-"'-------"I
1:1,. ..-C• --------tlon, 3 roomx & tug, pvt a er ee Plaoentla. CM. 67 S -H 64 YOUNG WOMAN 10<· Km Sr:m.1191 Job W1nlod, Ledy 7
546-0310 ~ For-top noor central Joca. w lk & L mixed breed, vie. of 19th & Attr1ctlve Expert me<:h P/C layOut &: detail· -:--------.01
UNFURN-imrnac 2 Br. apt, Rooms for Rent 5995 balcony. w/w plWlb crptg "'"~"~'~'~P~M=-----I dancer will teach you all e~ gar. Drps, crpt'd ON TEN A,....'C't! thruout, walnut p&Jlt'ling, 76&1 Edlnp:r FOUND· While ma! Stan latest steps. Cali Ardell G1 rdtnln9 6680 IF You need a sharp EXJ'. ~. t "ul Co ~ 2 L 0 v E L y r 0 0 m.. 842 ...... " IUn n•n . • c • 213: 591 .. ~ .... 1-10 PM ECUTIVE s~~-' llll-...,ou ....... ts. ntact _1 I: 2 BR. F\1l"D 6 1JnNrn d.tps, view windows, sliding ........, or .......-J .. ,.,, dard Poodle. Hntg Bch tags· I ="'"="°'~=:;:;;;,;== ~1ARY ti owner-. ~ Apt A, Royal Frplcs I prl tios/Pools. Gelltleman. E n tra n c e , glass dn, pvt exit, otf 1treef Open Eves. Call to idefitify 96'J..5050 ass~ _full tjgle_ rtapo~
Palm Dr., CM Tennis . c.on~t?t" BJmt put. refrig. Beach, pool, tennis. parking, cleaning service Travel 6435 ANTHONY'S bility on a PART 'flMP4 ' LGE clean 2 bdrm, refrig, .i-_.. 53&-8518 provided, lse or monthly. R. E. W1nted 6240 FOUND Ladles prescription -------'= basis. 64f.49!W i ..... _ .. _... 1 Sleeping Bedroom with Qualified applicants reply :r.in glasses. Near beach m WANTED: Rider to help PRACTICAL N~TD...,. 1•
ranae. New pail'lt le crptx. 800 SN Lane. O!M Mf.J&ll pr.ivate bath & entrance for appt to: omCE, Boz HAVE Cash down payme?t Laguna. 494-3008 drive to Dallas. Call Mrs. ~1941 Avail. day or ~i;...., j
'I ~M~·-~~ad~u)~ta,~no~"!:·~"~· $100~-· 11 !i!"~'~~!ii~'!!!"'ii"!i·Q:o,iliji'~Hii..,~)! IN'-~ -•• 1774 N-t Bch for Triplex ot' more Stephens, 897-2154, The Best, costs no more! 1
:352 Victoria St. SCS..2401 ~ "",,.· .,,,,._,...., • -...-· Orallp Co. Pyramid Ex· Lost 6401 ExPf!rienoed Maintenance Local ref. 836-8)28 ,
2 SOR .. dee hit-Ins, 1\1 Ba, 1 BR. trg liv rm, frple, dbl BEAUT. rm. for gentleman: PRIVATE OFfJCE changon .... 2629 SERVICE OIRECTORY Budget LaMeaplng DAY work, genenl cleaJlbC
near occ. $145 gat, w/w crpts. Yr lse. $185. garage', patio, col. TV & PART Schnauier p u P P Y ._ Graduate Hortlcultumt Housekeeper • L i v e • J n :
546-5079 Aft. ,5 mo. Adults, rel. 8f6..4095 tele. SSO Month. 646--0361. BUSINESS incl w/balr cut. 9 mo old male. "ppliance Repaln Reliable. 541--9863 I"'="'°====:.==-_,;;:;;,;;;;:=:;,;;;;,;;;;,= NICE room to study for ~tarial i ervlce, air con-FINANCIAL Vic Seashore & 48th, N.B. • --'P"'i"rll"°-___ .::;65:.1:.::0 ANTHONY'S lj~Olf;;;•;;;M;•;;•;;;;;;;;;;;;;;S;lOO;;;;~~~;;;;~;;"-;';;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;S;l;;~ll emp•-~ man. Nr 19th & ~~;.~.~ .. ~'"'" , ·111 · 1 · hos ' -· "'-'"" v 4cu"'" .....,...,..,. DIUIA ...,.... Bui. Opportunlti• 6300 .... ~...!us'.~ Re•nward.pi'!! .. ~ry77 Harbor. $12 per wk. 548-5261 230 E. 17th Street ~· ""'"' --.iv
PRIVATE entry, men only, O..ta Me"' W.1485 FRIGIDAIRE l:a!=·:-::' 3...;'30'::-'.,-.,.----
* THE COIN CHEST • Garden Service
Rare coins, sets, maU auc. 646-1941
tion, etc. 741 S. Coast, La-The best, cost.s no more!
Do-lie Hflp 7035 . . a._ Allon Byland ~
Empoyer Pays Fee ,
1Q6.B E. 16th. SA 547..o.195!
Chinese live-Ina. Cbeertul ,
• Fireplaces e Disbwu her
• Mammoth master
• 2 Bathrooms e CentraJ forced
air heating
e Spacious cabinets e Gaffers Ir Settlers
_gas built,ins_
•Balanced power-living
• Enclosed parkini;
• carpets a: drapes
Rental Manager-Mrs. Christiensen
3117~A Cinnamon Ave., Co1t1 Mis•
(1 block west ot Harbor Blvd.
~blocks aouth o1 the San Diego Freeway)
Phone $46.1034
$45. month. 548-3696 after 4 OFFICE SPACE WANTED JET ACTION ~ FEMALE Cocker-poodle mix guna Bch. 494-5585. Monthly Maintenance
pm. aales rep. bulldlng proc1ucb Frigidaire 18 min. cycle h losl May 3, Lag, B. Black SUPREME Appliance Re-Budget LaOOacaplng
Ir R ,.,;_ Exp. Hortlculturlrt Guitt Homes 5991 co. needs 250 to 300 sq ft nr the fastest in the Jndustry. w/whlte, tan chest & paws,
------'-'----'·;.;.o.c1 Onnae Co. Ai r p o r t 30 Frig:ldaires do tbe work "Yoly''. Weartnt expired
pa • e .. '<l!i, washers. dry. --"=====-
HAVE A VACANCY for lady w/phofM'. aru;iwerina: &: of 40, 30 mln. washers. Find Sa c r a men to t a g s •
or man in nice, pleaa&nt secretarial service available, out bow easy It la to own REW ARD. 621-1734 B•by1lttlnp 6550
home. C.M. area. Llc'd. CalJ D. Moff:a,t 213: 866-Jl22. a paylne laundry. WST: Black Miniature Poo-
••• -~•• NEWPO"'T BLVD. Ganlen Grove, Santa Ana, d'-"G"gi"N B 1. ClilLD & Infant ca.re nzy o-w-•-~ n ...... · "---..,, 1 • · • •c tags. home nr Be··• • Edi Officea "tabl fo Com · 4~tin, "''"''fSe, Anaheim Vic Redlands Ii: CliU, NB. • '""' • nger.
en. Tom. 546-1363, 5'17-6691
Gardener• Students
working way thru college.
Exp. Lie, Reas! Terms
Phone 646-al3 Or 546-2531
Far East """"" 84U1!l1
Holp W•nlod, Min 7200
DISHWASHER Mi1c. Rentals 5999 m e r . Col 0 Mat" Day night wee k end s --------·• merciaI, Medical, Dental. .n-• IC Reward! Please contact 847-3sss ' ·
GAR.AGES for rent. eo.ta Air~., crptl, elevator Equipment, Inc. 1-548-5064 ________ CHILO==-c-,-,..-.~k-nd-yard-, MOW & Weed. Labor by 4;!1w!:::ndi°:!.1111
Mesa. Near OCC. $20 per 54:l~~R~246. 2334% W. Valencia SIA!'.fESE SI P lemale an. lunches. Vic Warner & capable College Students, MANNINGS, INC.
mo. 962-5050 Fullerton Tif: 525-7833 swers Ting loat 5114 v I c. Sprindale, 1m 846-0839. Reu. Call 675-7185, M PM,
GARAGES for rent 10 x 30 1000 SQ ft, or will split to 500 MAN OR WOMAN Paulartno Sehl .. Reward, ElToro Rd. (Lei.sure World)
..,.,. mo. Smaller 115 mo. ~~ gq fl each. 50' from PacWc Reliable Person from this 545-7437. Will babysit by the' week, AL'S Cardenlna: S er v Ice Laguna. HUis 837-1014
..,,., Co t H p rf t 1 bee '::-:-=::"--::---:-----I You furnish transportation. Lawn maintenance, garden-STOCK CLER Palisade• Rd. 548-5044 as wy. e ec or r area to servii:e a1_1d collect •sLACK Persian Cat with Call 642-1407 ing &: clean ups. 646-3629. KS =========I bar, antique shop, art studio. from automatic dispe/1Sl?l'S. yellow eyes, vie A9 Surfside' "'====-..,.C-~-$450. per month to start. NO Income Property 6000 Good foot traffic, 420 Ocean, No experl~nce needed , . . Colony $2S reward 2l3· BABYSITTING 1 or 2 my CLEAN-UP Specialist! Mow-experience needed, Monday '"'-=;_:=~""--'::.:C'1 1H~.B~.~5J6.~25~79~ . .,,..,,_...,,,-I Y.'C establish accounts for 592-5060 · ' ' home, Day & night, 6 da.y lnit, edg\flK, odd job a. thru Friday, Oianee to ad.
I' Im nt BEAUT. air<nnd. oUices. you. Car, references and week, C.M. 646.-2101 Reasonable.~ . vance. Write: Box M-51'.Xi The nYeS e Wa lnut panel'g, ample S985 to $1,785 cash capital WST White female cat. JAP~E gardener Cornpl Daily Pilot.
• park'g, utll &: maint. l·U60 neceuary. 4 to 12 houni Light blue eyes, red collar. Brick, Masonry, lfc. serv. Exper, dependable, BOYS 10. 14 OpporlUnlfy sq. ft 1-amllr. 35c gq. ft. weekly nets ex c e 11 en t Near Hlg Harbor, Reward. 6560 tree est 642-089 Carrier Routes Open
673-2102 monthly income. Full time 84z..817B, 511-2297 Cut & ~'-Lawn tor' F locaJ i · Btm.O, Remodel, Repair .:A.150:: Triplex. Easy maintenance, N.B. STUDIO. S pa c lo us , =·in f" d t 1 nt~NJew SMALL Parrot, black head, Brick, block, c 0 n c re t e , Maintenance, Licensed Laguna Beach, So. IA&UM
good capitalization. 10% turn, paneled wt tav fac, e, cu e e e P one yellow chest, green wings. crpntry, no jOb too small. 5f8....4808f&IS.2.11D aft .C DAILY PILOT
down or cash out. Will sublet mo to mo. number to EAGLE JN. Vic 47th &: Balboa. Reward. Lie C.ontr. ~ ~·· e EXPER "2.4321
JEAN SMITH DUSl'RIES, INC .. 4725 Ex· 675-6872 l====-=====~I Jrpaneae ;;;;==i-=~;;----.1
• 1~612-965;:.:.=:c,1-~--~-1 celsior Blvd.. St. Louisl"7-c=~~~----Gardener C.omplete service. TRAINEES. Full or part Realtor DELUXE office in Cosla Park, Minn. 55416 Bl.ACK & white manx eat, Carpentering 6590 Free estimate. call 5«()..1332 time. OJOK • FOUNTAIN.
646-J2SS Mesa, 1500 eq ft. Air cond. -'"-"-"'-,~""-''=----! male. Vic Baker & J APANESE Garder.er, com· DISH MACHINE. TH E '"'"'°';-;:;=,,.,-.::-;;-=l=Crp;::.!'.ts;..:&.,;drP';!:'.~· 548-m::.:::::::::61_~ GULF OIL Fainnew, CM. Reward . CARPENTRY ple>e yard eervtoo, !roe zoo,. w. Cout Hwy 6
NICE 3 txlrm, 1% ba, 2 two N. B. 560 Sq. fl. w/pri. Servit'e Station lot lea&e 540--9541' MlNOR REPAIRS. No Job ettimates. S«J..1332 MacArthur, N.B.
bdrm uni.Ill. All on same lot. ......... 11ed offi""". ~so yd Freeway Location FEMALE' Siamese cat, nr. Too Small. Cabinet In gal'-P"AR=T,..;,:TIME~:,.:,;HELP:;.:.,_3 __ , 1-~ ""' ...,,. &get & o t be r cabinets. H II ' nltea; Owner will deal or trade for space avail. Owner 642-2809 Paid Dealer Training Watnt'r" & Beach Blvd., HB 545-81'75, lf 00 answer leave •U n9 67JC? Fri &: Sat 6-12, Sun 3-U. Hi
vacant property, 213 :
Sq Ft Off" Insurance plans available Reward, 847-2633, w.-4307 Time De:ll, ~14, 495 E. l~~=~~~~~iiii;;;::!~~~~!!!~~~~~~~· ~71~1,~521~-3871~~;;;,lc~~~~~·~;:· =~!~~.·~~ Contact Ron Hampton mggAnd at 646-23Tl. H. O. GENERAL HAULING 17th st., C.M., see Ten>y • ...,.... 547-6141 or SM-2656 · Cl'IOQ & CLEANUP
A-I . sooo~-I 5000 ~---I 5000 -=~,:=c;c:::,.;:,=:::..-p r I ""5 :u &......-.:-ft EXP'D Service Statton man. 1-::::"':::;"::,_ ___ _:.::.:..:c;-:.:;:;:;':.:';:.. ___ ...:;:::~.:-:::::.:'::1;_ ___ _:::;:: Cornmerd•I '°85 NEW TO WEST COAsr e JOnl t ->TJ.ft<>•a:.n. carpenter, $4 per $12 per Joad. Hourly wa~ + eomml!llkln.
Automatic CAR WASH brush FREEi. hour. Remodeling· Repafra. 962-6846 &ft 3 A: W'kebda. Ovtrtime pay after 40 hr.
Sol .. a Simple Scrambled Won! Ptmlf for a Chuclole
3100 sq ft p.raae Bldg. on
tiarbor Blvd, 4 double doon.
$600 Per Month. Brvker
615-6filfl f9I. 7151 eves.
A press. lnvtlt. ret. '40 to 6f2-6t09 or 536-3900 HAULING, General, Top, 990 E. Coe.st Hwy, NB.
50%, Fits in most fill. sta. REPAIRS, ALTEltATIONS tr.Im, remove tl'eft A: K I TCHEN HELP ·-
tion ba,y$ A small bldga, No 8•1lc B'o.ting Cl111e1 CABINETS, Any al!e job, hedges. Big John 642-4000 Dishwuher. 6 days, 1 am6
labpr. Will WMh &: wax in Offered to the public 25 yrs, exper. 5f8.m3 YARD/gar, clnup. Remove pm, HI Time Deli, 548-Sll!.
90 11tt. 675-4158 aft 6 pm. by the Balboa POW• REPAIR, Partftions, Small trees, Ivy, dirt, tractor back 4!li E, 17th St, C.M. lee
ESTABLlSHElJ Oeearator er Squadron starting Remodel, etc. Nile or day, hoe, grading, !J62..8745 Ten')"
wants· to expand to 7 P.M. Monday June Reas! Call K1:N 540-4679 Cl u nd ="""=,._,=,..---"I
N ~1sa1~· Will 2 N ••n p f H•uli"I CLEANUP MAN, over ll.
lndustrl1f Rtntit 6090 tra~f;male ....... ~· with • ewport ff arb o r c.m.nt, Conerete 6600 $10 per load. &t6-2528 Start 6 AM. No exp. Wttl •·nd & di-~ tivtti Yacht Club, 720 West tnJn. 1'lfE zoo. 1.:. c.oa.t
FOR •-nt 1,000 sq ft •11 s •=• ae ea to Ba A e Ne rt H I • H & M--•~h NB ~ I tm L ~•7470 · Y v " wpo e NO job too amall, I do ou .. c e,n1n9 6735. wy ~' ur • ·
ware:houee •pace in Irvine ~ nves en ...,.... Beach. E n r o 11 a4 tho lnduttrlalcompt•x A:Moblle83S-6E mall! S idewal k s , CARPETS, W'......:.-0 WANT aillege boy o r class. For additional drvwys. cone saw etc. """"'~· n , pengloner tor motel n.lrbt
NeWpOtt ~!1294 DESIGNEJt..BUU.OER information p h 0 0 e 6-12.45t4 etc. Res-or Come 1. Xlnt clerk in exc:hltnp • •pt
M-1 SPACES 1250, 2500, 5IXXt OPERAT~~p~lneu A 676-0467 or 673-1855. • CONCRETE work all WOl'k Ree.sl IWI. 548-4lll ,-;::,,;;::,...~----·
aq ft. new bldg. lOc sq ft, C. Ed Soule 67l-5500 Our ""annest sympathy tnes. Pool decks 1' custom, Janltorlal 6 7'0 EXCELLENT man, to do
• "Ulmp\ele In June. Logan SI, 327 Marine Ave. ' and sincere condolences to Call 548-1324 finish yuht work and clock
C. M. 6f6.-088'1 Balboa h1and RICHARD N. BlLLI.NGS * CONCRETE work, boDded SPARKJ.Ji: Janllorial Se.rv, maintenanct. Call M8-J2lJ
• ";,i;:umn" .. 1· r r r r 1
I lil!Cnn MOVE tmUS
TO 00 ANSW!t I I I I !RI ·-.......... -.... ..
FOR leue, new industrial BO ER! ontheocculonolbil & Ile. C.oncrete ,..~-. Wlndowa, ruld., comet, _exc.,l=.=239"==-===--
bldg., ?SOO llCf. ft. 1639 ~~~~·1e:. = 50TH BIRTHDAY Phillipe Cement. 548-63io..,. conat. cleanup. Free at. * KNOWLEDCABJ..Epcn:in
Monrovia, CM. m-9017 builder to Ml'.a: line ol amaU from hi! youngtr friendl e cusTi>M PAriOS e 968-.2691 lri Hi-Ft COtriponenta. $akll ~llen. Write Dally LICENSED .~teu,.,tilg aremovaI tra~. Ca.II Mr, Vaft WANT AD
Pilot Box M-413 Spiritual ReadiJv, advice Stata Uc.•sc.1010 Paperta.nglng botwn. 2-«. &&8897
llEAUTY Shop. t.ue wllh lin"a!l m41Wl:"l!l S. El I ~= ... .=:=:=;;;;;=,l· P•lntl!'! 6150 e ,......,~l1rs
optlon to buy, Fully equlp. Cariilno Real, San O•mmta 6620 Palndnc: 6.Eloctrioal • Nltht Shift FoNnlln
...bed•oeci• 1s~,... m..SJa&. .. ~~ MUIJO
bltl)S, like new. 8 a". SPEQAL $2 READING REMODD.JNAfi'3 * ~ '* GAROENEIWIAMDY. MAN.
"2-ClllS COUPLES. llnaits: lonely? D..tsnti. a flannt>w e INT • EXT. ANY SIZE onco • -l!olbot..-
WANTED: Olkt1e liquor New ln area? Join the swlbg Kltcben&-Bltha. etc. .JOB. Xlnt work, nll, ttet 673-4888 ' lie<""· 0...,,.. Cow>... ., tun & pie...,. . L!c'd A ilondOd. Free Ht ,., JIM 642'4619. !W6-!149 l:YM=CA""'bu-Ud=lno-CUllodlan.-..,..,,__11!
Call' &08)!8 e ~I e A A B CONSTIUICTlON ts YOUR AD IN CLASS!· hr wlc. s,,,30 am. Elftl!'lo)...of
PUCE )IOU1' w.nt ad where ALOOJIOI.JO Anclf\Y!DOUI 1123 Paularino, CM Fittt 1 someone wru be ' benettta. &C-6Sl80
Ibey are looklhe -DAILY Phone 5t2-.7fl1 OJ" wz'itl IO •545-49Cl• )Ooklng fr It Dial 642-S87l Need I cu-.. ---... ->P-,-·
PIU)T 'danlfled M2487t P.O.Baxl.2Z$0...Mesa. Wblte~nta! D~ Whtte Dfpbant!'t Find it .... nnt ld1
1,l'ml,.....,~lr.~ .. ~:"::";~'111'"' .... ,...,,..,. ...... ..,...~ __ .... _~"""'~.T •• VM •. ~-
o.111. Y iii.OT ......,, lln 19, IM
. " . ' .. ~..-. ' ... • ' •
I 1
Holp W""'""' -711111 ltolp W--711111 HolJt W ....... , "'°" 7200Ho'f Wanted, Miln 7200 Help Wanted, -7200 Help Wtnted, -7100 ...... w .. i;:l Mio 7200 Help Wan!M. -7200 Help WantM = w-7400 JAllTOI URIM'S· • . • * * ' ' ··~~ClliN~~T~ON AOVEllTISl~G -· · IC N •Bf<llOlllCS • MACHINIST !'or out" rale _.._ otL Older CLASSIFIED SALIS
VA.RIAN QATA MAOUN:C& "'"""'' • , man l!ft{tmd. Ml.tlt be Immediate poaJUol, a.vallable LOCATED IN THE lRVINE • .. Hu Juat mowcl into ils new locaUon at , bondable. Sa.ail)' job for the ln our Huntineton Beach oU·
INOUSl'RW. COMPLEX, Now Interviewing Irvine Indualrill Park and bas INlllVIEWING . GRINDER. :!'!i;';..~'."'' 1n ,....... ::~~""Pi·= ~ ;!,~~e,~ SPORTSMAN -OPENINGS FOR A Ol'ERA TOR . SR. !IAV.MOR STATION pe...,...lty !or Inside A '"'"
:perionn ni.JanJtor!ll duu.. SHOP SALES • Ch 1st SAT. Ii MON. Mua1 .. ,.. u,......, ·~part. 62o °""" •ve., """'· &~ .. '"'!.,..i,;~.~~'~)'.:,':,:~ ~on .. tint lld.ft tiaa 1:00 •m ,_ ID OD ~--~ w ..._... ..... ._..MW ..... r;, to S:30 PM', You will enot m · · Jul'" .. oe ...... Http in.._ • tence. Lucrative. terrltocy
.. Ve .. ........ ••• • llochemlst 10 AM •• 3 l'M. ... .. -•'""'1"'· w-. 7400 wlOo uJJuy + commluloll. -., Pull tin1e. No students. Id ,pov.-er equlprnr_nt. • St.ate inllur~nce, Pll vact.·
I !':.::;'.&..:;',/: • MIC:roblologlst . ~. s· DRILL• PRESS ', 11tYPlllC ' CH ~~";.';!":..~':;:::,:,;'~ ~ start.Inc rate plus • the quaJityinc indlvklual '-' c ENGR su•R M ~· ~,be ... """¢1.p ...... m. In-who hu .. relj "'"""' • Technicians ... , . • r OPERA TOR SR. E,f~~~-';vm~G lcludinc U days vacaU:m and well rounded know!. ' ' BA d'lfte Enrr or e.qull. M111t have five )'ffl'I expN. Mm&JOR , ENT
{duriJW fint year-ol .employ. cdse of iportr.includlnr BS or ~iS experience In biochemical tech---+-4-¥rs eq Q.C. --iMce in all l.YPtJ ol clo&e """"' · NE\VS.l~~1r1°
fmeJll. ' MOW skiing, water Ski· niqUeS ' l yr Q.C,-Supr s f0Jtr'9.U08 dr11 JI n I equip. Some experience ii reqajr-•
I' .... golf, ....... .,....... ' ment. ed. "'""'"' oppo'1unity. BOOKKEEl'ING
I Ylriln Ull and fishlnr. Ability to handle small laboratory animals. c.u"' apply' MACHINE
Lab technician experience in small animal INSPECTOR Q.C •
. lllldlines COOK care Wting and basic lab procedures. 2.,"' ... ~. "-=~~-HONE Ol'ERATOR ClA·VAl (0. OPERATOR
Lab instrument tee~. experience in u ~ ~·--..-lit~ have cxperie:nce on
operating nuclear magnetic resonance spec. on tlec1!' units E SWoner "°"'· Looking for a sharp chi to
operate Burroua:hs E40Q kei·
punch, 10 key adder, type
60 wpm. Experience on Bur.
!'ough.s I:. keypiinc~ a neces..
&ity. Call Mr. Lareome
s.6-ID7. CAFE~T~E~R~l~A~H~E~L~P~I
J A VARIAN SUBSJDlARY trometer UV ·& IR instrumentation. '
~ 2722 Michelson Drive ! ·{Adi. Orantt Co.
SUmmer reUef ·for vaca.
Uon, b!ginninc in June
for approximately four
months, Exedlent hours. ' CoH fcir •ppointment' · LEA'!MAN '.Electf Cadillac Controls
(714) 833-2500 Tertfnr A"""· Dfvalon or E,-e.11o Co•10.
17th'& PL.centla
C0:1ta Mes•
; . Airport )
1. rvine, Calif. f2"4 ! Apply in ~non only
Interviews be.h\-een 2-5 PM
6 yl'I ele;ctr. exp. 1 yr 18" Whittler Ave.
eleetr. teadman exp. M Co1t1 M.1a
An equal opportwiicy
i (No phont c•lls pleue) International Chemical
& Nuclear Corp.
2 yn collep electr. 646-2..,1
Hostess .
or equil. An ~ual opPortunity
An equal opportun.lty
ORDER ClfRK -2727 Campus Dr., Irvin•, Calif. 92664 OMtWe O'lty'a fastest
crowing electr. Medical
Inatrument MJc. • Jfeavy phone work, laking
onkrs. translating orders
Into our production termln.
ology and uslslin&: cust1»
mers in preparing 1 orders.
Excellent opportunity for
r;pt man. Call or apply
Good opportunity for man
\\i th two years experi·
ence in production or ma.
ll!.rial control and some
colleae back&round. some
data processing expcri·
ence helpful.
17th & Placentia
Costa Meta
541-2201 -
An equal opportunlly
. Opportunity
I'he Independent Order or
F~sters have opened a
1640 Monrovia Ave.
Cost.1 M•sa
An equal opportunity
53 MEN
P.lust be able to start in1med.
---------I MONDAY & TUESDAY.
Heavy lincman, m~st have Linoty' pe Machini,f
own tools, dealership exper·
1vlth a minimum of one
)-1'.!ar of cadmiwn plat-
ing experience.
Please apply in person.
500 Superior Avenue
Newport Beach. Calif.
Equal opportunity
employer -M & P'
Div of Becton Dickinson
.4321 Birch St., NR .... , ..
Equal opportunity emplr MIF
* •
HUGHES .-. ' . .
haS established a' new Plu.
tics Moldln&: ~nl.
Immediate openlnp a re
available for experienced
personnel with lhennoset
~~: mo!~. experience.
· new office in· Orana:e Coun.
ty, Require lntelliaent man
25 • 59. C.ollege not ne<:'·
essary. Should have ex-
perlence In meeting public.
Di&nif.ed life time po11ition.
Ea.ming commence1 lmnied.
iately. Should be In execess
or S250 weekly.
ience preferred; busy mod-The ?AILY PILOT has an
em ahop. Benefits, xlnt pay oi;>ening for . a young man
plan, frt:e hospitalization. ~1th mechanical background. '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mu.st be willing to \\'Ork
nights. 35 hour week, excel.
Jeni company benefits such
as paid vacations, sick leave,
paid group insurance, credit
!Telephone between 10 am . 2
pm, .Mon. thru fri: 10 am •
l pm Saturday for appoint.
<92'100 534-.1701
• R&.D, rour ytars stml·
conductor and IC circuit,
bn?adboardin& and troU·
bleahootlng. ·Sy 1 t e n1
checkout experience d~
SPECl~lllll CO.
1640 Monrovia Av1.
Co1ta Me1a
An equal' opportunil)'
Immediate openings for me n
\vith experience In plumb.
in&, electrical, ~·alls, cabin.
eta and finish . or \\'t' will
train you. Must have some
hand tools. Stt Rick, 2135
Canyon Driw. Costa P.fesa
Service Man•ger
13600 Beach Blvd.
Good opportunity for HS
grad, w/2 yrs, experi-
ence In material or pro-
duction control. Good
fringe benefits. p r o f I t
1harin&: plan.
1640 Monrovia Av1.
Costa Mesa
An ~ual opportunity
union. etc.
330 W. Bay St.. C.?.1.
642-4321, ext llO,
Larry Miller, 7 AM·3 PM
(AU positions in Corona dcl
Mar olficel
Send resu1ne or calJ collect
, David N. Le:ilie
William L. Pereira & Assoc.
5657 Wllshl:·e Blvd.
Los Angelea, C.lif. 90036
213: 9J3...83U '
Join lodaya futest crowtnc
professlon-f.futuaJ Fund 1ale1
No experience ne<:ellat')'-
We train • full or part time
Mutu1I Fund Advisors.
Npt B. 1003 \Vestcllfl 642-6422
S.A. 1212 N. Broadway
I -7Me~t.-r-Read1r Trnff
$577 month
?.falTied, draft exempt
RETIRE£? MA~ Personnel Agency
needed a1 part time manager • '"" .
of n1ost deluxe scU-seivice . 625 S. .uchd
laundry In C&lif. (carpeted, ~1 635-5042
color TV, etcJ He will ~'Ork * SECURITY *
from Wed. noon lhru Sat OFFICER
evening only each week. lie For Petrol Duty
~ust be sober • re_liable . -$100. A WHk +
liket.ble, have experience 1n Over 1\0 p Radl
meeUnc the public &. live car provi~~ .. ..,:~~moker~
close to lhe st~. Very, llery drinker. Unifom1 all'nce.
n1odest ~· Set the stor-e Apply: 4 Pl\{ • 5 PM. Rm,
before calhna at Mesa North 400 325 N B d San llhonning center e-•--1 · · roa way, ta .... • &N:r a Ana Fa1rview, CM. Then callll~=·==~----
John Briscoe" bet\\'tt 5 t: ASSISTANT .
lMAfEOlATE OPENING 5:30 pm, 644-1307. Part Time Ev1t.
11-arce bolel . restaurant or P.1ust be dependable, 19-25,
coffee shop experitnoe ls MANAGEl\fE.WT sharp in mind It appearanct,
i neceuary. TRArNEE AI't!fl l'el\iden! 6 mo'1., have
• WE DON'l NANT YOU auto, and mone)' n1otivated. 1
Apply in per90n only unless you atn lrain fot si...: $3.50 PER HR. , THE months factory st>Onsored Call pers. dept, 547·7782 5 pm NEWPORTER · INN proge"m, "'"' be able "'live 1D 8 pm. Mon. lhru Fr;, on $512. pe1 month during
1lDT Jambor'ft ROad rhc trainlna: peiiod. A1so you ?-1EN lo \\>Ork full 1Jme In
Newpon Bead! must be able to i;tart work ttnlal yard. f\lu11 be neat ,
STEADY JOB imn1ediatel,y. Call lraining in appea.rance. no long hair. l
' director for penonal Inter-a)1d _have neat handwrltlna:. l
' . ..._ view, 21-s5 yrs, WDI lrain. Some J ~ Oraree C.Ounty t.'OD> Call Alon & TU'e!I, I : JO.~ m mecbanicaJ k no "' I e d g e. 1(cem ha! openl.np lot live SQ..'215 P pn'!fc-n'l!d. S475 mo. 6 days., · ~. .,..reu1ve m t n. ___ , Apply 19.1) Nm1'))0t1. Cwila
Must have a car and be Tempor&r)t Employment ltletia.
able to ''"" """' hnmed• U"".lllllY NEEDED l;u"'ce"',...=•Re""ll"'"'E'"'si'"'a1-, ~s.~1,-. '
'atel,y. No experienct ntces. llVUllL man nttded for Immediate 1 ...,,., We wUl tnJn.
CID Mon ~Tues. l :»J pm e Spray IL.J-er en1ploy1nent. New unit now ,
r .. ., -r ..,. ...-w DI .selli.nc In "RED llOT
_..7_ Job 11hol> ·& mU Spec u p, TRACT". •·-~s~E~c=ORITYGUARD Four S.uons Homes
·40 hour •-eek. tnlervitwi.,_ HuntJngten 8e•ch
'QaU $41.2211 ~ton lhru Frl. S..S P.Y. "*-4500
lelloN lay Clvll INTER1"4 -~~ Personnel krvk:e EXPER. Sfo:rvk;t Sl11tion Al·
TKU'OC D ft. I V E R S A f45 E. 171b CM 6CJ. '1523 \end.ant, part-time. Hal'I')' •
FULL TIME . 40 HR. \VK.,
8 TO 5. 5 DAYS
Excellent Employee
Per1onnel Office
Third Floor
47 Courts of F•1hion
Newport Beach
An EquaJ Opportunity
Large national company
expandini to Orange C.Ounl)'
\VORK EVES. 6:30 TO 10:30
For interview call
and Tuesday. Ask
Jor Mr.
Apply In Person
1555 W. Adams
Costa Meta
Openings are on all shills.
Apply in person or
send resume to:
500 Superior Avenue
Newport Beach, Calif.
92663 •
EquaJ opportunity employer
J. C. Penney Co.
Fashlon Island
Nt!\\'J)OM Beach
Re~nt successful experience
in re~il sale! prefen-ed. F'uU lime employment, excellent
pay a1T&.ngement, outstand.
ing benefits. Olance to par.
ticipate in, rrowlh of this
ne1v, expand In& line.
Apply in person
10 A.M. lo 9 P.:\f.
?i1onday thru Friday
24 F•shion l1l1nd
An equaJ opportun\ly
Some oil!~ ex per le nee
Pl't'ferred. Must be rood
typist. Perm. position in
-gro11ing l't1fg. ro. Xlnt.
beOt?fits, advancement op-
portunity. Contact Mr 1.
2i01 S. Hallady SI. S.,\,
Help W1nted, tMn 7200 "•'" 1A1,..,tM. Me" 7200
E xperlmentel
Hi,h 1chool ttluc1tion pl~t I y11ri 1h••
111p1ri1nc• in ''"n11.f1clw•in' prtchie11
p1rh i nd teoli o• ct111p l1tlon of r1ce9-
11i11il •PP•tnficfthip, Wiii P•rfor111 hithly
1kill•d 1111chi11i11t work fr1111 ltlu•pri11h ,
t~1 tch11 . end w1itl1n or O•l l in1l!'iclien1
ind 1p1crfic1tlon1. A41ph 111111 i11111rtvi111
1l111pl1 lo 111ed1r1l•ly c.ompl•• tooling 1114
f:rturt1 to co,.,pl1t1 1111chi11i119 inti/tr
••P••i1111nl1I 1111chi11in9 111191111111111.
C•I w A,,ty te P• HtfMclll
t1141 54._aoJe
JJJJ H_.., M .. c....,. M .... c.tlf.
Missile Systems Division
. E
Position! are avail·
able i~ the entry level
classification of Dis·
assembler. These jobs
lead to later oppor-
tunities in machine
building. inspection,
or material .control.
Previous mechanical
or electrical assemb-
ly experienc~ requir·
ed . ,
co·mpan y paid
b en e f i1 ls including
profit sh·aring, com·
prehensive medical
a n d. hosp.itaJization
coverage for employ·
ees and dependents.
9 A.M.-12 NOON
Momin& shUt.. Experience
necessary. Apply in pel'IOll.
Perm. polliUon. X I n I.
l\'Orking eond's. Overtime
& all binge benefits. Im-
mediate openlnp on 2nd
It lrd shifts. Experienced
preferred. No phone calls
after 5 PM .
Injection MolcUnt
200 Briaas Ave.
Costa Mesa 546-4460
An equal opportunl!y
1107 Jamboree Road
Ne.wport Beach. Calif.
United California
625 MacArthur Blvd. ....., ..
EXPER. liquor store sales
clerk. flexible houn, salary
open, bondable. 1043 N, Cout
Hwy, Laguna Beach. Equal opjlortunity e.mploye.r
Holp Wanted .Man noGHolp Wantod, Man 72GO
"''·"' ---~-SYSTEMS ·
Atl•ntl, A,,,.,,h i1 •11 •119i11••rin9 ty1 lt1111
'0111p1nv involved In r1·111try 1yll1111t, 111.
viron,,.,1nt1f d1!1 ty1l11111, 111! op1 r1lion1
1uppor+ i nd 1111<i111 1y1l11111. W, 1r1 cvr-
r111tlv 111kin9 iMliviclv1l1 in 1 nu111b1r ef
pe1itio111 lo 1vpport our ATHENA "H",
S11ltlj,11•, Gwnru11n1r, AlAltlt 1...cf eth1r
fundtcf pro9r11r11.
Tiie position1 lilted below TequiTe <
tec/1nical degree aftd awopriate r.x-
peTience. They aTe onl11 a few of our
engineering openings.
e II:' SYSTEMS DESIGN with emp-hasis on military communications
and telemetry. e CIRCUIT DESIGN of sophisticated
systems uning "S" parameter tech·
n\ques. e CONCEPTUAL & DETAIL DESIGN or missile handling and launch s)'s·
t.ems. e A ER 0 DYN AMICS cvaluat~n ot
rlight vehicles And drlerminatJon o!
aerod}'Tlamic char11.cteristics. e MARINE SMALL CRAFT SYSTEMS
DESIGN including preliminary de-.
sign studit>s.
Posifion.t require degree and appro-
priate experience.
e SR. COST ACCOUNTANT to per. ronn ,contract cost analysis and pre·
pare job cost reports. e Sit. IUDOET ANAL YIT lo df'velop.
-:ompile and !)f'(!Sent cost data and
budget ttporl~. e COST PllO'°SAL ADMINISTllA·
TOR to handle complet~ cost pro-
posals for major tnglneerlng chitnge:s
and nl"'\\' hu.slTW!\.S.
.!I Sit. l.STIMAT.Olt to pn!plirt cost
f'Stlmate11 e Sil. PLANNlll to determine design
feasibility. e MANU,ACTUltlNO SN 0 IN l 11
\\1th i!xperlence In either ell!Ctron!c
or mec.ha.nical manµtaeturing meth· .... -e MATERIAL JtlQUlltlMINTI ANA·
LYST to lhlttpn"I material and pro-
~ s1>f"clnc.Uon~ e IXPlll MENTAL MACHINISTS
"'Ith e~rie~ In manufacturing pl'e("ision pArU and tools,
_Contact Employmen t Office
(714) 546-8030
3333 Harbor Blvd ., Costa M.,,1
Mlaslle Systems Division
Part time work available In
modem conve.nlenct: • sty~
cafteria in Costa Mesa.
Meals, unifomui It other
benefits. llours 10 AM lo
2: 30 P?if, 5 days per week.
Call Mr. Lado 54o.st'J2 Exl
.G2. bet 12:30 & 3 PM for
Experienced In IBl\-f 0268,
Burroughs E400 and varied
duties in acrounting office.
HOUl"I 10 AM to 6:30 PM.
Call Mr,. Larcome, 545-n11.
Dispatch Girl
25 or over. Must know local
area. Apply in person.
186 E . 16th SI.
O>!!ta Mesa
·Full Charge Bkppr.
Do ~ taxes, fin. state.
n1enls & bal. sheet. Some
CO!lt acctg. Beach are.a. To
$600. Fee paid. Also fee jobs
Call Doris, 548-7796 ..
1869 C Newport Blvd .. C.M.
openlngs for full or part
time · sales. Min. a~ U.
Pleasant "wk. no invest, no
deliveries. For in!erview
call 540--0614/ 137-4749/ 847-895() -
Hills law oUict'. Corporate
or probate experJe'ric e
preferred but not required.
Good ' skills. salary com.
, mensurate with ahilil)', ap
25 to 40. Telephone 83G-Ol5Q
for appt.
Contact Mr. or J\frs. Zimmer
Flying Butler
GENERAL oHice-typing, W-
ing. bookkeeping, etc. 2-ga]
<>Hice 0 1. Older 1voman
preferred. Apply in person,
21.13 Canyon Dr., CM.
PBX An.s~·ering service, exp
pref, must be able to 11'0fk
all shifts. Steady ~·ork.
E XPERIENCED cha.inide
dental assistant for general
practice olfice, L agu na
Beach, 5 day/wk. 494-S737
1S ALE SWOP..fAN . Ex·
perienced in ready to 1vear
&. sports"·ear. Part time.
Costa l\-1esa. 546-2-462
ed, apply in person. Call for
appt. 54;>.-0209
GIRL Friday, ~illing, typing,
It. bkkping., 11.ns. phone.
Call \Ved. or Fri 540-5990
PART TIME General OUice.
Good with f igure&.
Shorthand helpful. £75..5333
home, l\Ton lhru F'ri. 1intg
Beach area. 968-5256
OOLLEGE age girl, hse11.'0rk
&: child care unlil Aug. 15
4 boys 7-14. $60 wk. 646-6561
MOTFJ.. MAIDS. Full l put
limf'. Apply In person. 1927
Newport Blvd., CM.
ASSEl\-fBLERS & IN· I SPECT'OR. age 1i lo 45 day
or night shift. •&12--6830*
* CASHIER * Pan llnte. CA.1' wash.
CALL 645'20Z
1 SPEC. P.tACH. Steady. Top j pay, Gr'mt Mfgr. 642-2666
I LT. ofc. clea~ling 4 hrs. wkly,
S7. 01\·n trans. Housewife ! pfct. 54&-Tl'U
l\VANTEO: Part Time
&nnald for niC'I' har.
Call 642-4882.
DENT AL A SS I S =T°'A7N~T~, I I Pedodonics. N . B , Ex·
pc-rient'C desired. N o n
· ~mokcr. 6#-0611 •
l.TCENSED Shampoo (itl.
Top pay· r-.;e~'POr1 Beach
IJ'ea. 6Q...6&17
I SAl.F.Sl.ADY f°" Jewelry ~""'e .. O\~r 31 yeers.
Equal Opportunity ~ Ont. drt'9' with .:-= • ' Pat'11 Tt1Caco Co r n t r
-,..--1~ • ~ · 1. r'pr''6' ..
Wt woUJd prtftt tome con-bondml: ' boa.I carpentefs. f.)Nntaln Vall~)'. mAffflHE ATLANTIC RESEARCH
m-ld~: poMlble full lime . 6~2-3;70 ............. upe~ or will la1u*r Yacbta. 17th A YOUNG 1-fAN lnl('rtatt'd In
lnin.. O!intad Mr. Mdta¥. Pla~nua. Cosl.l Mtsa. )('amine t1'11ide. Mul!t have
JSq~anAv •. eo.taMaa. SER VI CE STAT IO N~. rer11, C'-d. pa,y a bcn·1
Ml -_ SALESMAN. Apt)ly. 3100 E. Sttady emplmt. 546-7721 e Ate1mlll•1 Cou:t H•)". Corona drl Mir, lf!XllOn Metal Flnl!hlnl:
A Division ol tho
Susquehanna Corp,
• HWii lhfft ,.,._,. I CalH. TllE QUICKER YOU CALL. '
1 1681) DAILY PILOT WAllT ADS! !Tlf~E~Q~ll~ICKER:!~:_:v~oo~:°!!SEL~L:.1.-~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
..... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~
A Division olthe LD
Susquehanna Corp. ~ • "" -I--"' ........ U.S. Clrlnn ... lp ""fUlrM
cook. All 1tdUl!J.
• 5.'6-.\\l:> •
PITll'tlE malt'!, 5 da,ya ;;tf,
ApPI)' In penion. J 2 O 5
Harbor Blvd, 01.
!'-----J-------'·~·o._.I·~-------I -
"":~-74" "t::..-74IJO Ho:..t.·'" Mo J1.. • •• w-7100
llGBITl.Y llEEDID ••
Y1rl1n data
2722 MlchallOO Drln
(Adi. Orange Co.
Irvine, Calff. '2"4
No phone calls ple.ut,
An equal opportunl!y
ernployer M&F
3029 Horbor Blvd.
Coot• Mt11
A DfvWoo of .the
An «IU&l oppc'.ll"bvdty ... __
Male or Fe.male may •PP4'
General Office
Bookkeeplna .... &ood typ.
1st, &ood handwritina. hr.
sonahle A well croomed. 5
da,ys Wttk, U. Prder au~
mative exp., but w/ train
right pl, Coll 541)$1() uk
tor Mrs. Brant.
JohMOn & Son
2626 Horbor Blvd.
Costa Mei•
•CIR • Typllts '
===-~" • leyp-'-n • nx open,
• Auentblell
Work-AwhtN ~ .... ,
445 I . 17th St.
C01to M111, Ctllf.
Min. tliru Prl.
I 1.m. le 5 p.m.
Equal -It> empioy<r .
Executive St<lretary • • S600 Secb'/Elcrow .•• ' .•••.. $515
Ofc r.(ar/aki111 ........ $530
Seent&ry/Lecal •••••••• 4525
Secty/Coatnctl ...... $300
Secretary/Sales •••••• to SSOO
Secretary/Enar ••• •• • $500
Secretary/R.E. o ''"••A $500
Exec Secretary ••• • .• $500up
Sect> il4rktr • • • • .. .. l500!!P
Bookkeeper/P.A. ...... $475
Girl Frid<cy , ...... • to $430
Secty/llte lhtbd ...... S43.1
Receptionist • •• • • • • • • • S425
Clerk Typllt ... , ...... S400
New Aoets/SAL ... ••• i~
Genl Olc/Recpt • , • • • • UOO Order Desk. • .. .. .. • to $350
E8CTOW Tra.lnee • , , ·•. $350
Medical Secretary ......... .
P.T. Genl Office .... $2.SOhr
"" w. Cout Hlih-
Equal opportwllty empt.,.. E>o>'d .._. machloe opel' N...,,.rt Be<ch -aton to sew~ bolt
euahionl le canva. pro.
duct., Top ....... pd holJ.
~ ..atlonl, Ins, Xlllt l!GAL TWIEE
-condl"-Apply Jack Cole Co., 1713 Placen.
Bookkeeper s~~~·~i:~~Love1,
Work at Newport Center,
1tart $400/mo. ~.equire1 aec.
retartal experience. TYPe
60 WPM, llle lborlhand. At-
toniey Roland s. 8arcume
6#0023, R11pon1lble, top level spacious office. L l v el y
position for sharp t•k• frlendJy YoW'll cowmicen,
ch I I M t' h y located Newport Beach. $500 1..,,.. ___ iiiiiiii-•rge • r • UI • • up. Co PIY• UI )'OUr tee. 11
excellent. 1klll1 Incl. .41., tee jobs. Call EM, M.n191r to $600
lharthlind; Mndlt lltl 5'&-6UO, J a 1 on Belt • PLUS CAR .
Wdcpg; bllllng. Under Emp~nt Agency, m> Prefer experll!nce d irect 30. Clill a.rb.lro. (714) So. >r..;n, Sonia Ana • party plan, New l&d* wtr
'4W910. .o.=. ASl;r; Xlllt "°'" line, Elu:ellont -t ?,J.eaa Co. Stable, no !Iyo&. ~ILITIF.S
-sbnoophmo. ~ ' tJNtl{llrrEo AGENcY '
mo. Call Ro 1 em a r Y • 488 E. 17th St, Suite 224 ~. J a 1 o n Bnt c.oeta M:: 60-1410
Em•l""""'t ""'!'CY· mo 1 ,~!"!!!·~:..:.:;;~~~~~~ I
UNITID CAL"ORNIA So. Moln, S.nta Ana * CONV~1"8CEl<T AIDE. ln(tcllon Molding A.uilt f,jjy durlnc ....,..,.
BANK ~rolera. Trol-• Uon. L1w ill 5 dl,ys. To 1SC10
1b•t•t• a 1 1 1es,
ageoCjY I ~
JNr•OUIJ ,,,.._
· Archltocturol
Corona del Mar area.
Sol11m1n le $fGO
Must have atJree .
Trol-It $IOO
Must have degree,
Rep. to $600
2 years tnsurar,ce e~rl·
ence, Car furnished .
S.l11man $600
Pluo CO...mlulon
Potential n,2 to1$20.000.
Store M1n191r
Must be manied, some
ntail experlmce · prt·
Auto MKh1nic
To $110 wnk
Costa Mesa area.
Auto Rontol
M•n•r Tr1lnee
Mus\ be bondable.
Branch Man191r
Trainee $450
Excellent opportunity!
Chemical Tr1lnH
$2.55 hour ·
Orange County Airport .,.. •.
Appllonce ln1tollor
$2. hovr
Santa Ana area.
Truck Drlwr $2. hr
Experienced, responsible
Poctory Tr~l
$1.15 hr.
Good opportun.lty for ad· vancemenl
#6 Montrch ... Y Plozo
South LllVft•
• pm to midniabt lbift ·.n:;~ _ CX>M· ~~c!~-PANION lor older........ Socratari ssso · ... ~-•• ""~' 'Live ln. bll or •bort term. Bftutiful otlien near 850 w. 18th St., C.M. A 1 Orance CounQr Afrport. .. ,
pt Medie&l """1ant HOMEMAKEllS 541.-1 Glrl ·Fr~ le $500 Equal opportunity em ayer Mat\a'e-Ped I at r l·c U· 1-..---,-,-,-..,=,-No shorthand. Newport
EX!'ERllNCID pirlence pretm"ed. Front A. Secr1tarl11 to $550 Beach a.re'a. _
back ottice. Send resume: Sevttll openinp in the Beach
.... exp, etc to Daily Pilot """· Cornpony '"' our Ole. Mgr/Stcty 5530 e ESCROW e Box P-325 fee. Al80 tee Jobs. Mutt have rood 1klU..
!Back ottiool, obit ,. 'b'PO, Per-i At-v 5ocrot1ry SSOO
UNITED CALIFORNIA pleasant penonallfr a neat 625 s. Euclid 0riln1e county Airport
BANK ._...,,......, -t Anahoim 63'!00 area.
tlian .,...nmce. Write Doi-LVN ' Expertenc.cf, "°"' Stcly I Purch $475 1141 E. C..ot Hwy
CorOM dtl Mor
1' Pilot Bmr: M 4u. valelcent Hospital. eo.ta· Oran1e County Airport * WAITRESSIS * Me•. E:tcell""t worlclna ""'· Muat be 21. Apply condl~. 3-U pm lhtft.
In ...,.. Coll 6f:J.038! for ... Ltttl ...,., $450
-'-BALBOA PAVILION :'°.,lnbn=~ent=--==--=~ I 35 hour w,.k. Eqwll •l'port11111t1 400 Malo Bolboa COUNTEll GlllL w It h K eypi/llCh Opor to $4» 1--------SECRETARY· 'Part time for altmltion experience for Requires 6 mos. CXJM!r. . cle-....... lS363-. • WAITRESS e ....Wtina ·-· lilllp, In Chica, H.B. Escrow Stet• $400 aeroepaoe des. Salary com· =:=--,,,,.,..--::-:;-="'° , mensurate wttb • x p, PAJ\T time Real Estate No •hort~n~. _
5'&-6837 Sain, lleW homea. Must be
BliYSITI'ER b' 2 chlldND llcemed. 847-2561. ~
c • 4 mo'" 1D am to e pm. ,;HB;;:;.. ==~~~Uve in or ouL $25 wt. INDUSTIUAL Sewlrw; ~mp.
~alt 7 pm or bef 9:30 work, h1gh pay. 891W.18th
Apply 1n penon
151 Ii. Poclflc Cit Hwy &11\. Sl., eo.ta Mesa. !42-J545
Nowport INch Mii DONUT --e l'ULLER!7ITES. p 0 rt
l5-CI, no up nee. Nt.a:btl. 'I'lrM. avs. Q.50 per hour to
T Apply tn .....,., UI E. l'lth. •tart. Over 21. Coll $1&<1'5 'f'/I J C.M. GlllL 1'rldoy, lmmod ..-
WORKING mother needs Ina· Variety, exp necemry.
L -' • cflild caN, Uve-ln or out, 3 * 60-620 * -L. "'-I -dilldren Mon thru Frt. Mo\ID over » permtpu'I 'Jl.'f•~.,,.\'tc:r llO/mo. ll4MS90 -: 6 'dulwic. LOI lch "--"Jr.., 511'1...,_ OfAJlGi! )'UUr want ad now. motel, $1.TS hr.~
Pl-Coll For Help W1nltd Help W•nltd
An Appointment. ·w-n 7400 W-n
Olrl l'rl. It $400
Lacuna Beac'h area.
Loon Eac._ Typl1t ·
Corona de! Mar area.
Typist $400
60 wpm. Nice ofct. s.
Santa Ana.
Purch Clerk $400
Good bfoi1t, Or an 1 • ·County Airport 1n&.
Olrl ,rl. to $400
Comtructlon .flrm in Cos·
to I" ....
Piii Clerk $l00
Rocor41 Clerk$*
S.•m•trsn le $J,25 hr
.. $J:U h;.
TNrlng, Down lulhllngll
lntythlng Must O.IVIN
TMI BUILDING· le -·,· ·room liw eur NIW STOl!ll
. , . , ·DICOIATOi am CANCIUAllON or 11 'WXUIY APllTMllllS "s,... •.• ...., ••• ,. .... " (Contractor ,Wonh le lulld lmmtdlotely)
~ANISH ** MED(tlRRANEAN ':°'l .~:i,.~l5-
$75,000 CLIARANCE " . ,... . . ... . .: ..... ~;;:::: ... ., .... ,. e Game SOii e Dining lTn 1tll e Bedroom . -'£f'l;;i:'::·;:::·::·:·::'fd'
1111 • Lfvbir robin aeu • Comer units • ""'" -d L-·-• di-l~-3 · • Teblla • Lampe • Recliner ®aifaA·Dto--1• -A decoretor-rum. --Ofl • ..,...,
qraU.. 8Peniah cbelrs • Buttet w/chlna • rooms of gorg90U$ Splnlsh furniture (was
!<Jpl, Modlterrlllien. • Pictures • Wrourht r ... $1295.00 IrOn . "'1:f' r
•Thia lole'l'or Stock on Hand Orily • SACRIFICE • • ~ • • • $398
, iiti".FtiiMlruRE
1844 Newport Blvd.ttoi:.-., r Costa Maa only
l""(Nl .. f'l'a t -WM., SIL &_ ~"' 6
Jobi ~-. wofn. 7500
I/ TAPE Reccrilr, ~ wo1•....,k, . .w, .,~.
with all~.
Cortrlnal -$1!11). ~
·~I .. ~,'' .uoo
u GAUGE •otom'atJe
Wtnc:beAer, modll llJI, ....
--SIJO, can Du Mf.lll(!f
Mlocell•-' NGO * AUCnoN * u ,... wlll Mil .. boll' Help W1nltd
Women 7400
Production holporo
stvo ~ •.. tr: • ' ' .~ ~ AuctloM l'J1dl¥ 1:!0 p.a.
JOIS I IN\PLOYMINT Aee11~-• . 1100 Windr.'• .A~" ..... newport .
· to work In . min..,.
f1cturln9 depart·
mint, small 1.IK•
tronlc '1neinbly. '
Jobe Min, W°"" 7500 NE W Fr t 1 t d a I re Bebllld •,._,.a -llal'L
, . • dlthwubmo, 1poelal tract 201S11 Nnpopr~ CK -e TEA<;ffERS S ma 11 aurplut, $1U. t> 1 1 l v • f • d &IC:C lfONDA. dirt ot .rn.i:
PrtVate Jr !Dgh-Hleh SChl. w/aervlee or swapped ?Ut SllO « bat otter. 1iG
Older --preltmd. 11'13. ~ 5 pm M6-151S Corvalr Van, ....... ~
PIUMOUS AsSEMBLY'Oll "'°' M.5.lll tlaily Pilot BEAUT!FllL Pink Whjrlpool rep.tr~ u 11 .... -ol'
SOLDERING EXPEIUENCE MANAGE!!; dlx. apt., °"la Imperial -lo Pl f<r, ""'"-"au -~
PREFERRED .Meta C o m C 1 e t e main-dryer; l50 each. m-sm Jl'ormUia top table ·• •
Ord.r ft-ak 1enance a: pa nttnc. G.E. Automatic washer. xlnt ebaln '10. Youth bed. ootn.. ~ MACHINISTS Callfo-MAnapment coodltlon !«). plete $l0. Mlac. 114 w. llo)I tO $500 EPF• ~ Cll13l Tl"4ll!O ii MT.flU * St., C.ll, -· . Must have C.D, experience, R. E"'UIRED FULL u--~
accurate ~.•-, wwk w;th "' ~ I u. a --------1 -•-·~ -v-• nc ti, -• A ti . . 1110 equip I ""'' Old lllllO, ll11all -"°""· <L&. e ~-nor•I Mochlrilot ""'" 75$0 • ,.., • ..._ atr <hWo., '--' . sunl. area)~ "'" ~ • Chucker Oporotor CHINESE lied •• wt, old """"1 !235. Climpl, •" 11111"' Clk to $475 APF • Miii O,.rotor Hair Stylist Enatw. -s .., """""'4'q -• -
Type 50' wpm accurately + With falloW!nr needed b)' .wuh itand, Cbfhete f panel $150. OUm.·mllclll. CID aft.
lD-key, Billing exper req. Muat be use tt dole toler-Busy Newport Shop, enla.ra:. tmall tcreen w/lvory IP' 5 PM 891-4837
0.nl Ofc to $400 APF ance itainleu iteel. ire & completely m:lecorat. pUque1. Lou_!s XV 1 drawer OZARK'S Hidmy ch1JI tar:
tntere1til1( va ried reneral Excellent frlnae benefits. Ina che1t (Sonlonfer). Early ~· • a ·a QQ-. I
ottlce duties + public con-• Phone '"°1'45 American 5 ~wer cherry lb bl,p $2. lnclQdn parUal
tact. Type 60 wpm. CALL &G.2400 wood cbtlt. See at ~ deUVWY,,· llltad , cbem cw
Ltt•l Stcty to $550 'ult for Jlnt lf>ams, 7,_ Juntln, C.D.M. 'M.O. '11> ~*""""Int. EP, ~. CRI' y, Sorvontc Dlvlllon of School•lftllructlon """ 2l9 w: eut..a. On-.
C&lilomlaexper"'l'ShOO+, CULTON INDUSl'IUES Educational VIC&tlon fth ~'Mochl-1120 Cal.11111 .
typing 60+. 'Good company INCORPORATED padera.,. Sr Cltlaem OIL Ull9 SINGER With sical 6 GEIGER. Oluntft, bii'tillt
benefits. 1644 Wbtttier Ave. COit 10 )tlll)ll t;yp»w 8chJ. walnut CORIOle. Maka but· ~ macblnt w It , Blllnguil Stcty to $415 eo.ta Meu, Cali!. TrllJ Louon. 113 Del Mu 1 ho!<• dnlpo tie 15 25 S-'°""'• ~
EPF YI, CRF YI Frr•~ opportunity employer C.M. 5'8-2859 .: or iJs.oo cub.~ 1tand .wttb pllJI la. otber-
Spanlsb/Ena:llsh tor expOrt VOICE preparation t 0 r • emalJ t~. 5CM53J or 25tll deptlnoneotOrangeCo~ *COOKS* popularorclullcalalnainl:. Mutlc1l ln1t. 1125 GC...,,_M (c.ollepParlr:)
ties line.rt flnn11, Beginner th r u advanced .l6'=.' ,;·=-,,..---,.-1 MktgStcto$563EPF u.InJnr,!42.SSU,f94.ll40 FENDER ·8&11m&oSl'll:RUNG .U-, .me,
M&rkt!tina I Sales bkernd GU!T•"" •.,..,..,...NS in ......,... amplifier cipher Guitar. fell' U hiclud. lee tea ipOC111t, helpful. lJlht 1h; .r +· 80+ EXPERIENCED tnd """ ~ -1--Beat otter! Will trade tor cocktail t.orb, lnd_hoSdaal
typinc. Excellent Costa Mt11 NON-EXPERIENCED Home. $2.00 a Leuon. c.aI1 small motorqclt ~ buttft Jpnadm. 3' .U..
po1ltlona open Bob 1.t 5'6-0011 aft 6 PM. · · · U ...,q ,.._. ~fetary to $475 APF PIANO Lellcinl: 11le very ~ ~~=: = ~m..-
Good ..,. .. .., """" •hall> Apply In pornn -In lnltructJ.,nl. Coll aland. Mm· repn. $100.1'WH1T1W1'==='='"'· .. -m-11"ot'""•"',...°'"'•'1
cool ...,,.,.,,, !or two,.... . -83i)..L1(J() • ... --lllr -~· !"""ell1>I :;ecu. REUBEN'S MIRCHANDISI FOR " D!IUMS,Spadde-.!lq· ...-u.u.tt.oo.-.
S.cty SSOO"EPF ~-COCO'S SALi ANO TRADI erland.*~ * ~•=t ~ .=
Real Ettate or eon!tructlon l'umlture IOOO ,.....,... .. n, • .., , •. blA con-=N,.0.,,,12,,.=c,..M.,,.....,..,....-==,,,,. b""'1d + a<>Od "'111" . ' . A--~-·· -. J'UlllllTURE . All -F/C Bkkpr le $600 AP, 1555 W. Adamo SPANJSH !lltumocl ""'" tello. 9 mo old, tab ~. -.. -·
Ohle entry + billing on COit• Mt11 Model llome!' oa ale at o/paymenta 64~ beds, ~ .. )Ow Matt. u.
NCI!. E<collent ottice • -,N"u"'R"s°'1"'srA'iT.10'°1"'s,--I leu thu whi>lmlel Group Pl•-• o;p.. 111(1 -illDliij tab I•.·
benefits. And lncllldu beautiful It•• _ Polaroid e1m1t1. -..&T.
R1pro'1'.ypl1tteSSOO ORDERLllS "'11ttd oota., IOVI •a~ OULIRANSIN lllllO>londO.Ln.Cll.
. IP'~ Experimiced .... ,.,.,_,' s Spullb ollc clloor&... OfllOANS LIKE N1w, r .....
Type teclllllCll manuals, AM to 3:30 PM and u,oo IAhlol. -ortahltlamps. WURLITZIR "8troll4Cllalr" ••tlH
ready 1package for printer PMto1:30AM. ::»full~·~~~ PIANOl&OROANS complete. 3 >"' old.•PUd + c'""1orhftd'1>Pk T•p' Ii: t •-PARK LIOO eompt ... Incl boor eprinp, Planol "0rpno l\llltld 1322 ~~~~I lor Sllli .
1 ~ Coavaleacent Cent.er ma~treu. Unen1 It booclolr EVERYTHING IN MUSIC FIRM. ~ EPF ·~, ~.RI'~ '66 '1aphlp, N.B. lamps. ~ o11c I pc MUST ..p ""!' -
For • brlaht' ''""" 1trt with G<UO<f dlntna ... priced ellewtieN ···ch Music Center Slmmonl ~ ~ some irtnel"ll oU!Cfi expert. ---==---at approx. Sl.115.00 AU.. Dva wubtr 6 ~#~• -.-
'""' +•50 wpm •ccurall! * DRIVERS * FOii ONLY $389. llD-. F 11\f•,. So~ Coldopot rs'frl1•,_tor
b'Ptna. . N E . I 1u11 Pfl', ~"k ; ... t of ll>ily ""U"....., 'Ill ~ 'S.:t M l.-"-,,.,,330~3====="" I
0 xper •nee ..... Cl*lit OK. w 111 UfOI S.ch Blvd ~(Hwy 39) LAWNJIOWER' • -hie • IPF, employer Neceuaryl •ponte 1orqu1c1c ~. m l\S mt 11o. s... Dt.,. ,..... -115 ., sz.
pays fee Must have clean cautom1a Century 1'urn1hn, 1 T 7 2 HU11ttniton Beach tfT.U Power moMI' Sl5 Glrl'• • AP,, 1ppllc1nt drivlnl nconl .. Apply GWlo °""" Bhd.. blkl llO -·
poyi fM YELLOW CAI CO. G11'1en C?OVI D~ 1().1, ./ l\ENT NEWOS UPH018l'ERER'I ' "-"'·" • CR, n Sat 10-8, SW1 J2.S Como SPINET PIAN • .,.._. , compa Y U6 E. lGth St 1n or e&ll (n•> 53()...5UO trom SlO per month Sofa m: o.tDm .,_ . rslmbvrH1 Ito Colla Me,. """"-Optional cahl,.t SUS w,/ orplcn.
WANTED· TUTOR for 9 yr f PIECE rattan sectional. 2 * * * * * &4S-4fll . ' . . --------1 old bo , • the new modf!m end tables $150, Aft $:30 J. SALE UIZD * .f.001! TAlltD *
math ..r.thod. 8fMllJ3 "1<.i.,,o -HAMMOND OMAllS Otltim\. ·-UtlqQs ·' -*TELETYPE
Two )'f!IJ'I experience,
private 11 n e tel•~·
Knowltdp ot PBX mul·
ttple boaid. 10 a.m, to
6:3(} p.m.
-UNIQUE•llCA ColllOI TV 21" e N"'........... • ...i. . . 8PQllTI ''.!GO''• A .. ncl•, Men A $50. 4 post.er db bed w/matt • Uberal temu <n•> l3lloftlO iN Jiii:
W-n 75$0 " ._. $30. M Cl'6-lOS8 ~·~ C!I, 4-ID0'1, M-loo'1, BARGAIN! -hlnlilp In
ELEGANT formal diolna J,.ID0'1 from """ ·" • 11815 N ........ -,_ a.b. ' POSITION IS table pure llall>n morble. HAMMOND 11'!0 100 po, -tis.
YTHING Like new. S60Q, k6--om In OORONA DEL MAR IO-MlT aft J pm. · • EVER L!IG 3 Pc Nctlonal, loom 2854 E. °'"" Hwy m."30 Dl'.AMOND --ott l
IN UFEI while .,1on ""' cond SJll5. WE'l\E bsck · In our MW ets: T.W~ -· Ila-I WHY NOT Tripi• .....,., W/mlrror, •lore. BJc Celebration • Bii APP? -. ... • u D.
white .'35-Ml)..2771 Salt. m..3800 IETTIR YOURS? ~tt> kin( btct. quutect, aDSJX>tJT ot ~ ~ Quall!> ldna 1'ld. qu11to11, ..
,IMALI mmpl>to, uiNJed 111; ""'111 °' 11 ....... to ...... l<OO --......... 111; -· S.C..t&zy, i:-or eontractl $2$0 Aft 5 tit wknd1 147'4406 a..os!XIUT ol Baldwin owr. $250 ... S or ..a.s, IC'J'.otOe ·-,· • • .,. p1aaoo at 11,vbwo to 1141'1..:;;;::· :;-;,i.;•;:.:,,;· ,;:;co;:i'-i;"'I Good oldlll, lll<e POqpie, SOFA A Chair, .,..., ..,... a.OBEOUT of ua ClrpN e 'TIS Tropioal 1'1111 •
l'OWW toe pd. """ to 1125 alOd. Mab otta. IMMOZ at·-11> :: ........ Pl! Opootns 'boot lfll' lltll
Jr. ""''"'''" lite 8111 work ... -"""'°""'· No diiWn -ir"rlt tO Jli1. J'ountaln Vollly · for St.lei Promodcm Gn1. WARD'S BAU>WJN STVDIO 2 PltOM Fofma11+ eiJe T, iii
1t700 J•mborH RHd J::. Pd. j,i','~' = 01r ... Solt · I022 IS1I Nowport, C.M. -aeh; like ..,., UU
Newport leach type :.!'. ,:., Pd, .. ~.IT USED 1'1mttun. s..... • SPECIAL PUllCllASE • lied-. -Vmll, C.M. l
Secretary, TN1 Mtalt or con. reftl&&. drellers, table1 .. WUJtL1n11t. Pl~OS DIAMOND l!lolltalre weMlfW .•
Equal opportunll)' emploYtr stntcUon bftk&round to $52S chn. Liv. rm 6 beds. WhUe the)' 1att; •t. hive llSll'l $715. aeD
OUioe M&rur1 1 llrt office, c 0u c he 1 o/i ctn *5 Walnut COUD&et 050 cuh. m-Gl.1 , STORE
lxporltnctd Only . '•r Now
matur. woman with rood bnokea&e ~ 1tools, c.i-now • .... • • .. • • ·" •• .. • "99 POOL oom.. complete diMt. ;
11kiU1 ••• ... • .. • • .. • • • • • S530 laini ciu:a Din. •t. Mlle. plu. bel'k!W te 111. ll&t'fboard, mile. ) S,.tlltlCll typll~ type 'to+ n;,,.,;..,, Tb. c...,., 1510 IT9e Spinets, aD ' MT.-j
•do some invtnt.ol')' control, Superior, Of, N&-8181 finl*' ••• &om N to iSTI · l
Nllllburotd r.. """ tolf25 GARAGE IALE' PllD!lblna. plal bonch Mltc. w .. IM 1610 l Pl'I' Gil Fridl,y, b1>t IO+, mlning tooll !>OJts. -Ttrml Lillt !!Int •
Ute S/11 •nd do ....,... .... dnuen uiu, tu.,. l. Gould Music .Ctmpony WA N ·J E D l '· ';' •• ' •.•• •to #JO p.haQr mtsct in Cotta Mea SL, M ,H .• Main, 84 ~T.olll . · •
MALI: • C.M. !WIMOiil) • --.... Wt "I'd qaallty (ao Noll :
Draftlnwt, arch. • monqi. ~GE SAL!! _... • """' 6 ~i'p6mal plew), r&nture, co ·1 o t l HOSPITALITY HOS'l'ES!I lo
1ook1ne Jar mature 'M:lmtn
to Wllmme l'laW03men tlO
the comm1,1nity. Must have
typewriter, car. and be bond.
~ble. Apply 215 ,;. MtJn, Suite 7, Tultln, Ca I If . -
To be nosponalble for the reeonllne
of data, relatln( lo the shippln1
and receipt of matmal and equl~
ment. Reqlllrtl nU1111rlcal apu·
tude, lite lyplng abDlty and two
years office exporleace.
Good worklnt condition• •nd lull
..... of ..... pony pold botltflto.
For ·tntarvlaw appoln\meat, ploaoe ' '
"'P. Foe Pd, .... lo 11.ltlO JUNK TO .6Kl'UllJE of ID 0-. Belt Wil lo TV'• -•Pfl"-' 1 Colt Eatlmator, up. In con. a:-or1n r. .. eaur. itcht hen. . too1I and oUtce ~ \ IN neclOr fl•ld. ,,. I'd. · · l'(IO 3.16 A. V-n _,. ICllMJl)T llUllO CO.,' '!'OP CASK IN 30 Milla ... ! ;
FASHION ISLAND CU11omer Strvlee hpy., GARAGE Slit, &03 c.ro.tiOll um H. Mam. mW * 89MM5 ~ 4
• C&U eollect (2131 l3f.1'32:5 m&Mlfl: 1order p~. A\-e., a.. del Mu. M11 a.ata Ana • + '
WOMAN for tti. Mlcpa In Htr F1e Pd., .............. " It/< 11th anut olold. • PIANO Rilri'W • $ WE IUY $ !
Beach: 1.lve out own trans, Adfblna. Tratr.e. dlpiie, IUJOO:I\ IPECJ4LS ' •um •RE ' abilities ""'' » .-mo1cer. 11110 -'" Pd ....... M!ltl ~el!!!!._ 1100.-• ._ u "•,... "'°' $ FU., • .,v. & · WOMAN lai cart far palio
lady. No -._. Ula ------....... Tam tD l:JD pm, S2SI mo.
H.& -111. lfl All
lflllJllEKP:PER """ • In;
nio-111 -· --2 -cltldm. Wom1n W/ l .,,all chDd
oi,:. Pnl ., .. a.'2!1 -
~1 JAMIOllll '!_o.lD lllV"'I
l111•al o,,.,._,11ltf il"ltl"fr fit a F
l • ft "' mo. 6!Utno, Piaductlon, m.ttlritl ...,..... !llnlal -~~·., Purelilto AP'IJANCU "f1 CID Im eu I f ;;;========! 5 l'ft "'P· ............ 11110 * WH1llU'OOL -tlc Gould ;h, C-~ .,...__._._ 1
•ageo,,ciY -, Jebo Mt• w .... 7500 AD Jobo ... 1n "'""" ... a wuher. i.ia ,_,, ·.i.t "'""' , _ • .,....., ,.". 1 ' (lllo !« Jobol + maey""" condo $50. N1-!IU IOll N. Naln, IA Mr-Giil CASH IN N MINVTH •
---j.ill:m.1111111-tral .. t .101* > • 1itlG-ilii! t11ii111 -41•illf'"', , .-ut~&J f"". t-
4111. 11111 ltfHt CIOUJ'to, ..., « "' 111• """ MIRCHANTS • "° ,,..... f!DD, ""' 6 ....i • ..,. -· v · 1 would 10. to 1eam 'to • 5fG..om * ...... Tlfl evea. wANI~: J wb1tt 11a •
. Suite 114 beoome ~t "IPI· Man PDSO~Nn ~ wmE Roll1c ...... dOilbl. -HAMMOND 611GAJ< trillor, n ""'· -· ~
m111t-llt-:t -""'"°"' AGINC:Y ' ---ie. """" model -. • -: ~liml~ ::":" ~ . N._,. 8-h Wo<kl lll>Od. MM2lJ -()1.8.I iili Qill&ii 'fOi1 atL: I
--------, .,;.,Pllol-=_., __ • ___ · -~. Wfl'"' iiljliOiiil+ · &n:T PHm •ANT a_. m1 QUIClml 'IW ~ ~
T-". ·-· • -. -1 ~
-• ••
• ....... --.-~----·-.
--FREE TO YOU FREE TO <VOU ATIOll tmDN Tb .. OITATION . . 'rlltnPOITATION TllA~TA ......... :!~~~~:'.'.!-~ .... ~ AwM
1 ~ ii;°~ -W u..t Cin tlOOUood "=.~c.~,.~---!t~
., ............. ~ )"ftq Ador.l*!er.,..x;a.. $ 'I~ :.=::r.= ~=~~~·~~~[]~iii~iiiil ·11• -•-_ ---•-. old. -lllJ.I.... ,_. 10,.000 1 '65 HONDA ·~T VOWwA4NH CVNTINt.NT AL MuSTANG' .. ..,,..,,.,1'•,rt• --!117111 n11o111,.,.. ,,. ......._, -- -
-balr -ral the FREE KHw. 11111 ..... • OCEAN •RACER tJ!oo. Will • .,. 1311.°' .. · ., llPml:R '95 VW • c.iMPEll 16 0 0 • RARE Find! Grab U.. '66 Must-Honftop
-........... Wb!to le-Cllloo fc m 0 lo, lf' --Call -:;.,:: ..... ~·-It. llot ~~• ·-· ~ 19!1 ·IWt D Contloootal FACTORY AIR COHO, Auto ... ltrlpMI. ~.etc, st& em · 1111 Wbttl. A/pDot. 10 m111: --~ .._... .fH.87 aa.lc, A.-1 eondldOfl, "Em· nna on the noor. 289-vt
lfl' lllde ...... la Pt/ • KJTrDG " ...iod "'"'"' I e PACl1C Y"-Cll'l1 W.-'6' YAMAHA -· 12111. ~ · -....... I.le Makn you Vinyl root. Ne w pttinlwn ,...., ... -91411' -· -...... • -... Via°"""°" -llble nu .• -· lliUnl> JACMJAR VOLVO ' ....... million .......,, ..... lleluxe lnlulor, Entiro --., ..,...~ 540-...t -, ~ . m: ,,....-n•: &n-1579 """"'· '"""' """"-It! U" ' Call m..111!2 att •PM. car 1n """' condltloA, • ~ ..:c: .,.,....~ ~ FOUR fluffy ki~na. lft1 WINDI01J. dul lloop .SUI ~ ::::. ~ Q'QI. ,. ~ r w J~ 3PS..I ~ VOL Y, 0 .• ~ENT AL O>up1. $1515 F•t d.dic•+i•• to our po~cv•
and ..t&tte Pd boy9I tnlkl' xtnt QOIJdiUon. ~ • • • hlty bded 4--Nno· tape JlaUday 1969 Harbor mvd. • ~f •
SPRING a.. ...... and oh A rlrla. 'Jli8-l!tll1J ~ S,10 -or ~t °""· Zimmer ''t JU...,. ~" ~ sz,w). Xlnt coml. NIW l.. deck. Stul under warnnty. Cbrta Mesa 642-6023 • Co11rl1•v·S•tYIC•·lnl•t1lty e
IQ1 Cattelt mbo!d territt" . m...oim or.~ 50 re. ~ ~ !Jnl1 • 1 ::::;,;;i;::,.-,=~--= Mab Off• or trade for la.le '6S MUSTANG For Nie by
JU11 4. 5 Mdtt ~ 5 6 ~MBLE klttenl. want IO-l,lli ' · '' JAGUAR' .XKE COUii '&\ NIWA... ~ IMa Wq. "5-.2026, owner, auto b-ans. pv.T slr, e
Dalaey do&a. 4 weeu old. S load llol:aa._53f-6715 ~ Power Crvhilrl 9020 "ii Horida--300: lill:e· MW, whU•~ 31,00 JOI, wire 'wbla. . ~ new tires, peak co n d •
...... ...... kit-SLOVELYldtteno.Willdeli.er "'1mlln .... alceollqh . PIOO.rli.1121. NOWONDtSPLAY ·~coNT,<dr,FacLalr, -•
wee:b o&d. ~ 512> ~ )'QIU' home:. 846-0'761 l/2D ,.. CA8JN ~· .\-1 con-* Call 911-UU ,ff ' . ~ I.Mn, full pwr Prtv party Sl'ltlS
PUP. T moo -old whl,. USED ...... 'I" pldna. dltlon. J3!1 , ... ...,, marine. ...CEDES lllNZ · . • m.sim; 496-:ig,,_..;~ , !=~~ .. 11~ ~ -Jo, -lluPt -lbe ,.;..~p._Bl-1._... Sl>l Slpo ' $.1000. m..JS0B Mohltoioo..,, I ' . f'50 . --,_....-..-.;;.;;;.;;;;.I
m.:t' find eOod t\ om e . FREE kit-P I . manic. 20' CABIN Cl'Uile, twin . . -. •~ C""IY & 'R &4+<l9llS. •
14'14173 heir"' ...... « l:io -5/>l c..,.., 2 bunb, ........ dlo IWIBIT UQl s ........ ~-:;:... ... ... ' OLDSMOBILE
p.m. 5/19 Ir: baJt tank. $ld5a. ste.-6155 ~ ~ Ny l98ll Kai6or C.M u.:.cnm 00 CORVAJR. Good me<:b
nn:.n; ARE SPEX:IAL Pm and LIVESTOCK , automatic. ~ cxmd. •• • ....,..,._ cond. New tlttt. clean ln & ••ivmrnv ,
Kl-· I black with tiny ....... 1825 Spud Ski llM'1 -l3(!0, 1626 ' .......... ~ Anti-Cluolcs ~1s "'" """"' to .. u, Pt.... "".JUUll I
white boota and·be.by f.actL ~ 14' CUSTOM Bt1stol, '15 h.p., Space No.,~ q.M. ; 7"' 5f8;.72(1) ~Ir: wlr:nds
Call for .. ..., or,..,._ GERMAN Shephenl --• 1'oller. Beat of· • FORD llllO Standud Coupe, ,65 o..atr 3 IPd, , • h SALES & SERVICE
"'"""8 5Jl! ~-~=-~ ,:!: ''"'~· ,,..._~~====li';';'ol~lor;i;':"T;";; ... ~· :;:;:'--;:;; Rull fr<o -· ,.blt ...,. i..;g.;ooe o ...... &aut OIJ>SMQBllf 4 LOVABLE ldtterw., 2 cham-cu..........,. ._... : LllXUBY SO" Tra'111l· trtr, $600. 4!K-8200 ~! P;riv prty 61J..1'1'62 ·-.._
PIP. maie.. Calico I; dark I =~=·='96-=2184=='"'~=---~---Lab.,.,, Boat Malntwnce 903' f.qmp'd •I ewt)'-t700 '64 CORV:AIR Monza, R/H, 285(1 Rarb:r Blvd.
• 801 MOllOW •
1120 Yrs. Auto ExP4"i~Ct.
• LlvM In Harbor A,.a
fort Y .. l'L •
•May ls The• • • •Month For.
• ., oLOS nT. Pt•. Ptb, • Trading• •
,RIU. 44,IXI miles. Call • • •
~rnaln. 6 wetkl ~ I Weirananer ~sisTii:t. MAR.Ura M.• t n t e ti an c e :;ai....,,• to appreclallt., ~A:,:utoo.;;;;:c..:,W;,:•:.:•:.:IM:::.. _ _;,;c;:1 4 Spd. must-aee, eltC'ellenl 540-9640 ~!t Ate::, 540-8881 ' * 847..s911 * woodwortc. paint I: varnlsh: ' 1181 MG8 JldtP conwrt Wire WE PAY • ·. • oolldltion I: cue. 53&-22'll ":1~ .,! ha~~ Ina. ~w=EI=MARANER==="'P"u-p-p'°'I'"•-• ' ~~ wark. reu. rate. Trvcb 9JOO ~·~ ... !. "2! .!~ • r CASH
331 Cotta Mea SL, C.M. AKC. 6 weeks. femalea. .$50. '1'IO->ll.JO W"~ ' ' Prm-~· ~-.
. ' . COUGAR
5/'10 847..(1168 afttt 6 p.m.·, · .... ~."""": U5f.G 10-wbl!el Clean '68 MG Midpt. low · ' ====~.,,..,.,,..,,..,-Morine Equip. 903S dwr>p .truck In good .... mlln. -...._ lat..,.. ..,. • ...;... •·~
Steve at 962-6639 aft 6 pm. •W• are offer1q boftu•
allowances on cleoR •trac1e • Ins dwht9 ,, .. •
·~acatloa Days. •
'67 COUGAR '68 OLDS 98 4 door, HT. fully
SIAMESE Cat, Male,lYr. ADORABLEDacb1band MERCURY-50llP'-dltion."prefuabJywUbjoh. *8SS-8'150* , ....
·Old. Youn ~ to eood pups, black & tan,. AKC. .--•vJll, w * 837 1753 * c:aD m R tree nthnate.
Owned by . little 'ole . banklor equip. 16,IXXI mi. 7 14 : ~ San JUP.. Qu1u,y yeJ. l-'4=95-561C7,;;:7,;.ol::;tc.:'7_,p:::m."-=c=--
low exterior, pluah black in. "'" Old ·~--fa-" -•~ ,_ ,,,, a, auto, P .S.,.
u:nu.i·, • 1a --/ pwr a .. 6 , dlr PLP ·-~ • BEFORE YOU •
home and l Stud Service. $50. 897-7297 120 HP. Fisliing aeats: and -1!62 MG ro. Xlnt nmnin« 6R01H ftllVMln
545-3IM'O 5/21 ,:::.:..;~;;;,;,~~-=~I bucket meall. All jtems an 'U J.lANCHEJt.O . . condWDD.. New lop •·too. Ul'l~I LAB Pups, $45! Black. AKC. new. WindshleJdj, • inboard Ab fo·m a t.l c ~talon, neau. 8fJat 'otter. 5f9.'.2600 • ~ U:~e! i.~~ck ~ l-=-=kda,ys."-, '-',.._.'--.,., __ -._· _"_""_or gas tanks, 1 to 1 velvet ra~io I •ttt. 549-UM· ~: MGA aOod cond.
urday et Dally pµot office, drive transm.iaakln Up to DI 1956 CHEV. Strp Van $850. Dratted! 1f110 or
C.fot · 5/17 TRANSPORTATION HP. Akguldo lnamm••nt" m-3S>O. 302 his, QIN ""' ottor. &n-2330
steering whee I s and/=~-=======' I'======== FLUFFY, pl?eraian kittens, Boltt & Yachts 9000 assemblies, Control 1 ~'Cam-rs 9520 M"-1
7 wka dd. 1 l>lk male, 1 wht ==;:..;;::...:==-,.;..;;"" · bl Pwn b'-1 ;;;;;:~;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; '"' ca e~ ps, ""'"''~I• . --~..;;;;.,:;.:;_~~
t....i.. ..... for Biiiy, FREE' haniwa.-.. glau, ..... . • CAMPER I 6U&l9 5/l'l . • acetone. All new. Sacrttioe.
3 DARLING blacll: & white ~ ' S.Mt • Rentals
kittens • f yr. old Mom Basic BNting Classes NEW PERKINS DIESEL. f. Aoth)rbed Dietier
with short tall. Good pro-Offered to the public 107. 2-1 Wamer I e & r . 1ldorado • four Winds
dudion ~ 642..fi48 5117 by the Balboa Power Crated. Sl'lfX).. nt: ~ Scotsman • Barra&Uda
SMALL. bloode male doc, Squadron starting 7 a· Cabow< Low Ao
had an shots. 6 -mo. old. P.M. Monday June loat·Y1cht $'199
Good home with chlldren. 2, Newport H a r b 0 r ChatteR 9039 Mode) # IOO
6fS&ll or 6'6-956.1 5120 Yacht Club, 720 West ThaodOf'e
' KlTl'ENS. 2 ...,,.., 1 blk. Ba Y Ave., Newport NE w P OCRR TtnsHEA RB o R ROBINS FORD
1 striped. Trained; weaned. Beach. E n r o l l a t ·
LI • ·-·51'" d · al Jn your own yacfit, 6 ~-DiO Harbor Blvd. • ..--.., class. For a dit1on eosta ?tlesa ~--o KITI'ENS. fi 'fteks, v.<eaned information p h o n e Llc'd/Ina'd. ttt' MS-_..... ..
and box tnlnod. 1 Callro, 1 67s.ooi7 or 673-1855 BLUEWATllJI CllAllTER3 Rorit A ~•nipor
white, 1 black. &f6-'l052. 2396 2627'. ThTn>undlar>.,J'1°,::0'Sall 1r COR-Y CRUISERS * °"""'' c .M. Comc'I Fl1hlng Boat ro ·~ Rent by tho d"'• -• or
2 'YR.. old female B/W Ultra modern design 65' Sldpper avaU. 646--9(0) niolfth. P..eaaOnable~;alis.
al long, 38 ton capu, wooden. S clcf•-•-k "-'-Samoyed, spayed, 1 !hots. Can be converted to olbhore Mobile Homn 9200 • .. -c .-uv• laves children. 6f6..4326 aft ,.._,. a .. wt1 .. B<I I 1401 N. Tustin Ave.
6 ~ 5/lll ~""" ~-" '"''· BAY HARIOR pi,-547-9381 2 radars, 2 Lorans, Auto D/
BU.CX Female poodle, w1th F, Pilot, full galley, alps 9, Mobile Home S.ln CX>AOI • TRAILER
papen. 4 yrs. old. Spayed. spray brirll! thruout. Cng Cua Loma • Roll.Away RENTALS
To good home. 54&-5256 5/19 range 9CO) ml Owner $50,000 Sberaton Manor • Hamette • It'• none too eazty to make
_l~L'L~1~ll1l I
.1 1111 ~11' l i ,,
!IOI! W. OU ew,. H.B.
"2-Hl5 M0-1 ..
4'Jlhorbed ,llG ~'
'66 OPEL
Slotlon W19on
Loaded, 4 spd; dlr, dlx roar
rack, J>lue exterior I inter.
ior. $'lS Deis • take pymnts
$36.86 mo., LBSMG '18.. Call
Bill 49f.97'l3 or 5fS-063f
SUl~U s KITl'ENS. lluUy & c:u~. 6
weeks. trained to sandbox.
646-64'13 5/17
Call San Diego 222-8365 or Kit • Presti&e • Sahara reservatlona for Sprin& HoL
297-31m. ALL SIZES idayl! S ba of ,._,... NOW ON DISPLAY WEEK·END OR WEEKLY U ru ....,...,
21' Chris Covaliar 1425 Bokor St. 5fl.<!29l Inc •...:..n Div. FAT .i: l'riendly, choice ,of '65 Twin 185'1, 60 hrs. .--w\.._..'llil
lOlll'. or mort..baired kittens. Bl'istol Condition. l500 1Ai bklc:k 1:t ~~ mw. 8' CABOVER Ca.lit Cam.per $1297 POE
s.a wtm. o1d. 5'6-99fil. 5117 001ow book. Loadeit! eosta Mesa <nt) 5'0o!M70 Fully ~r· ,Opt eciuiP S30. Frei&bt s1•.;.o
MIN.· S bep/POo/O<ckor JOHN V. BARR DRIFTWOOO H·.B. * Handl+inaT•!'°and· O.Lil.;,.!,1_3.''"50 MaJct, 2 )'l'L okL Blk/Wht Marine Centre -~--.
ll36-4f93 5/>l Oceanolde -· ·caJll, Farina aoll """'""· 3 bod· l~oll A-9600 lOMJ W, Clt -.,.. N.B. '.~~":'= 28. ~4'~1B.·bait =•~bull~~'. ALiA ROMEO -* 540-zm
,.....,. __
11211 -Blvd. H.........,_
IQ 0&31
--Blvd. a.ta Yea 54&-12111
Will lay
!'cs V......,_. w Pol'ldte ...... -...hid ..
• -.. CiD !tl1i*
,dlr,.$125 cash dels or take ·*~*"'"''
lnrelg•>.-. Wiii fine P<vt 1 -====~=== prty,. VHE 743, Call Ken.
eun3 or MS-0034.
• • • Check Our • • PLYMOUTH • Savin9s
'"5 PLYMOUTH V-8, good • YOU CAN'T •
~;"11 '°' inl<>nnatinn. 1 BEAT THEM •
''5 DODGE Dart V-8 eng, 21.,.======== I HERE I
Dr. Pl•, ·aolo, wht w/ red PONTIAC • ANYW •
int. 1 owner. Xlnt coDd. I I
545-3761 • • •
9 pus Ctr:Y. ~ • .Auto.,
Pll'wtr ltttr &: Brakes. $1195.
RPL 237
893-5038 • DUR O~EL PRICES•
We can Help You! 1 START AT
• ll oth!ra. have turned you
down • n YoU have no down I
payment e II yoU are em-I
ployed, •
?i-fany models to choose from 1
* * Call Mr. Ulmer 193-5038
673-1190 ' .
IMPORTS WANTED .... ...;..;; ' di">.,,....
'65 610 CpnYerlible : 1~N:uri:' :
~. = 642-6023 Full p1vr, xlnt ~Condition, top •
BILL MAXEY TOYOTA '64 FORD XL liko n<w, dlr, 175 C..h de~ • Ot' take foreign Cl'lt in trade. ..
R. ~ Beacb ~~ HT, fact air, xlnt condition NRC 208, Call Ken 494.gm • ::;=:=:=====--=!inside &: out, $'l5 Cash deJs, or M5-0634.
Avto L uJ 9110 dlr, aq low pyrnnb. Will '65 GTO, all power, lac air, •.
$2444 •
USED CARS ..... __!__"I ,,. fine prlv prty. OBM 395. AM/FM. vibrasonic, air lift I
• • • • FIRSr 'I'lME! call Bill, 4M-9T13 or 545-0034. shocks. 1.1any extras. Auto. W ,66 DODGE
Lease a New '69 for 6 Months ·~FORD Country Squire, ~~708seli $1700 or oHer. I Monico, Full pow1t, f•c.·•
I return with no obligation. te, 10 P8U. ps, pb, 390 :;;:~c=.;,,.,.--,-0----,...,,.-•torv •it cond. TPU QJ?. I
Call Mr, Malcolm Rekl for eng. Great car! $2295. '69 PONTIAC LeMans station $16"'5
Full Details Naw 846--221)1. waroii. many safety extras. • 7 •
642-0010 •. ~66~to=RD=~c~a1axy~-soo=,-,-d-r, under 300'.I mi. Owner I •
Font Autl:K>riud · v.g, auto, R&H, · m. xlnt traru;;ferred. S _a c rt 11 c e 1 • ·~s OLDSMOllU •
Lea1iqc Syztftn conl:I. Jo miles. Pri pty. 6'B-2235 4 dooP HT. f•~tory •ir, Theodore 8'!3-55211 -==""===== •pow or tt11ri11g: I hr•k•i ..
ROBINS FORD 1'1950:::;-:;FO;;.,,RD~W~--~"'~.-.. RAMBLER ...... <MOY "" •
2060 -810/d, good, $150, ' • $13'95 •
Costa MHa &f2.(1)10 fi42-<ml aft 6 pm. PRE-OWNED • e
HB. 89'1-«m 5/19 ed! Must aetu wm any -· Lano, Wik. bud, plley, 115 hp balaoooalt"down...,...l 'II ALFA Romeo .,,,,. TOYOTA
DARLING calico kitten, 1' Chrys, iood eond. $3COJ 5fS'60C or 11>73t2 W'l'tible, real lhup, dlr.,
>" LEASE " 'fiS FORD Country Sq. 10 BIG SELECTION' • '67 IUICK 8
_ _;;..:;_,:;_;;;.,:;.;.,:;. __ , pou wag dlr full pwr fact '61 Tl-IRU '68's •Rivi1t•. F•ctory •ir cond.
'69 Cad CdV, full pwr, a.tr, .! ' ' ALL P.IOdELS Full pow•r, buc.k•t •••h.I 15,500 ml. Sl39 per mo. air. $1S95. 893-5038. FROM $295. lfroy 199 • ...W old, -brok<n. 673-5195 WANTED: Mob'" •-· to Sin '38. $1585. l83-503I TOYOTA 83&-1650 ~/l'l 25' BER._. ...... '65 u~-o -'"''wt: "1> •npm. no&u top rent with opt19tt to b\ut. iJll' .\LFA Romeo Sprint
ADORABLE Kittens to 11\JV· twin Mere 120 .JO. Clean Have own furniture. Beach <loupe, new valves, brakes. tna bome.·8 wka. old.. boUR bilge, coeUy extru. Make area preferred. 2 2 o 2 f 71i Red, XJ,nj.. $'175. fi73.3185
broken. MS-8782 Otter. 714 : 50-5879 S. Main, TorntJCe,
8 ASSORTED Kitte,., ,.... 25' GO'l111C Scow, a ....i MOBILE "°""' lo.50, good AUSTIN
f o 1 Goo d Home• . ~ row cluaic. First cond. Xlnt location, aduJts . ·
y;...:2119 5119 $1SXI takes It! 5.n..fiS'JS dys. onl1. 2 1torage sheds • AUSTIM Olopeto s. 1275 CC,
UVELY 8 yr c.odctt, nttd8 '59 FORD, 2 Dr. HT. Pia. awnlnp. 89Ul47. very clean, $2200. Firestone
home. Fine watchdog. Leav· brakes.. RIH. Xl.nt trans. $195 VERY ·Clean '10 x 50 Skyline TirH. 499-4008
$ SAYE $
Exocvtlve Cor Sole
Hurry While They uotl
'89 Oldl' Ptlta Ro,..aJ. 2 dr, '64 FORD, xlnt concl, IUto. I $36"'5
HT. ak, $122 P<T mo. :::t''l828 "'10. $500. Private. • Y , •
'l'l Ford LTD, 4 dr, HT, 1 ~~==-----I •
air, $1E.56 Pft mo, '64 CUSTOM, lo milet, fac • '66 BUICK. • SOUTH COAST air. R&H, xlnt cond. Make 1 Wildc•t 4 door, F•cfory
CA.R LEASING oner! 838-7650 1ir, .uto., pow•r 1l••ri119,• ·==="='-'--~-~-! '42-6023 •RlH. ISVX 0161 • 300W. Cltllwy, NB ~2!82 '81 FORD Galax~ 500, 2 d,, ===;,.;;;;;,,==' • $2395 • HT, dlr, full pwr, tact air. • ,,_, c. 9900 TSV 363, $1900. 89J.<;038 T BIRD "'---"----~,
trw. can't take. 968-1801 6f4..U31' with large cabana. C.ompl .&
FREE ldlt<ns. T ""'"' old. TAKE """ bat 1319'l. 22' with ""1rtlng 4 ca1'J)Ort A ,.USTIN HEALEY
""=""'c.:::::.'"=----:.:..::c. • • '66 TEMPEST :
tOT01 ... YOl.YO '62 SJGNET 2 dr, HT, $36. MUSTANG 1964 T-Bird, full Pll""'er, ex· •CIAtorn cp•. R&H, •uto.,
19fi6 Harbor, C.M.. fit6..83a.1 ma.., Stock No. 131. '62 F8S. cellent concl. Equity SlOO, P.S., f•etory •ir condition·•
Tollet trained. Lookirw for Lapstrake Centucy, SIS ta. patio awnlnp. Call 536-3'.181 , .
a borne. 5f8.8422 5/l'l dio, lots of extras. 546-987.l, 3JX55 DBL. Ex p and 0 • ~.1~Y •• Oean. fully -s, ~-, .~~ • w t·• u--• bot ""' led • ~ ·-·•-P· ""' .....,,. 2 " 2
BILL 'MAXEY 2 dr .• $32.50 mo .• •loci< No. '65 MUSTANG, Bright""· 6 lalre owr Mymont Ph. oil •;,,. ISTDl771 •
15L 'Ill T-BUd $31. mo., cyl.. •lk. shift. Lo mi'~ "'11 _5=p=m.=545'487='=c0====
•• $I 595 •
n.ai .. """', ... ., .. ~ an-: -H • ecora • new,...,._...., •. Hlghland Dr NJt '548-9f3fi
otben. ·s wk!. old. Free to M4-24'l4 •fTustinJ. tank. drapes, air cooler. aft c pm. '
aood home.· 6U-<J896 sno ,63 TROJAN 00' T .S. Xlnt. Space 1111. 890 W. 15th NB ·
IC5I Stock No. 142. maintained. $995. • _ !T!91L TIAJ G-~Cw~,?.T~S 1967 MUST~utba·", v. __ T:._O::.::R:.::O:.::N=A:.::D:.:;():;__ • '61 CADILLAC :
2 CUDDLY Ki-9 -· rond. All -.. $1900. 8' x 36" Mobile lfDm<, CITROEN 11811 llAQf ILYD Santa Ana 531 9183 .... -.s.d. o.VJu •. Full power., • • 8. beaut. Burgundy int/ext. 'fi7 TORONADO, dlx, dlr, f•cf, ,;,, IHXS 7421 •
oLL . H5brkn. Blaclr and 615-"842 or 53f..3no Spotleu. Furnished. Adl.tJli,, 1---.:::::.:.::.:.;~::.;_ __
Blk/Wht. 6f6-76f'l 5/20 I "ir""'wmo==ARD='"bo&"""~~trl>g-Ja. m pets. Opp. P I a z a • 1953 Citroen ln good
Hunt. 8NCh M7.a5S5 '31 MODEL A Tudor Sedan. Bucket seats. Low mL Xlnt landau & all pwr apts., tac: I •. $99 5 e
s mt N. ot a.st Hwy. OD "Bcb ~"'~~ill,' "g""'~ ... ~Call=~ol="'::"l~"'~""~·~ll~695;;;·~543--0300::;;~~~~·'~'·~Y~R~V~9"'~, ~$3095~~-.,~3-5038~ I . __ ..,:. _____ • Kin'EN, gf83"fwht. long-50hp, elec starter, trailer 1 "SJO.~l~67~'~=~-·--~1 ninning condition
haired, Male 8 wka. old. $975. 642-81)68, '64, lllx50, 2 BR in quiet adUlt • 6Q..0283 •
S<M409 st>i ========I w•. ""'"· drpo, ""'1-1um,.I======'==
(714) ~2653 -VOLKSWAGEN lmportod Autos 96001mportod Autor 9600 • '66 THUNDERBIRD • BUICK ""=c:..:::..:;:.:;,;::__::.:::,:::x::;,;.::,:_:;::::;:: _ _:.:::::::__ I •F•cloty •ir cond. Full pow ..
'ff VW'• SOU!> ldabopny and Sallboo11 9010 $3750. -DATSUN p1,..;....t ....... 864 W. 18th ---'----;..:.;.0.1 ~::==:=.==="':':=I--=~~~-IMMEDIA')'>:'DELIVEllY C.?!f. 5120 LIDO lf, new sails 2 sets, Mini Blk• 9275 •eg DATSUN Bank l'iMncib&:
tipg, trlr, Xlnt cond. Blc sedan. 9fi hp. overhead $21J DOWN
FREE Jritten1, very cute. $995. 6~1781 dlr f pd. -$44.m * s. moe ~15Tl .--. 6·00 pm 5117 --;;==;;-;===-I PRICED to --"1 3 hp """" cam ene.,. • 8 radio. ;)llo • ... ~~ ' ' HOURLY RENTALS .cu .li7VO heater, waw tires, loaded! Pha 1 final pymnt for
BlK Male pUppy to lovinc * Rhodes 19'1 * Powell DeMrt Trail bike m Mllel, under factory title. Full 2 yr, 2f,OOO
iQne. Call 642-0856 alt 4:30. Fun Zone Boat Co. Baibof1 i125. 5 hp 1968 Powell warranty, Bal. ft> fine. $1T'l5. mJ warrant)I', AvaD only at ~ Top Soll. -Will he1p 28' CAT. Choy de 5 g n, ~ Trail bikt, $150. Take S'lS cub dels. .or oldtt T & M MOTORS
di& I: load. 842-t825. 5119 Eftlenada wt. Extra.a. $1'.KKl car. LB YNW 087, call BW bl Garden Grow Blvd.
LARGE lemon and ~ Vlll, sac $5995. TI4/~1019 'iO':iiiiiLl"'7Tii;;;;:;;:---;;;;,l~"'-"'13~!:!!~,;,cc5f5.-063f~~!.._--536-ZIBf. at Beach 192-5.m
-y,. dlt<. 646-<i6S'1 5119 PLASTREND SOLING 'IO ·BONANZA l!odaka lOO '68 DATSUN lQlO Falrlady _ __:O;:,PEN=.,;;SVND=:::•=:Y'---'CC, in wunnty, w/extru. Sport 10,-000 miles. Orig 1 ~2 lovabl~ns need OCK,Available 6 weeks Xlnt cond. Aak'1 $250. Will owner . .Bronie, blk interior. 1964 vw, clean a lharp. Ill
a • ._. bcme. • SCH Newport m.2050 tnrle for ~r b Ike . $1,'lSO. Contact fi75-J304 aft 5 mileage but hu reoent eng.
SWEET kittens, m I x e d . HOBIE. CAT· xlnt COlld. ~ fiD..fi57l nn. PM work. Save $C10. Price f125..
tAc.ma· BNdli 494--390t 5/19 bull. blue sail. wt trailer i'TA;Acorof;MJniini1l"""'iiiO:Cw1Wiiith'5s li!PiPl;,:;~======'1 Coll 646--1225.
---------••r, vinyl lop. XLV 491
0 • $2795 : '66 BtnCK Riviera. Like
new? Air--cond, fully equip
ped. $2350.. * 6#-2448
1963 CAbn.u.c Sedan de
Ville. Air cond, poY."tr.
546-3595 eves. •
1!BI CADILLAC er>gine good,
needs other minor repairs.
$15. 84'1-0224
'64 CAD Convertible El
Dorado. Xlnt cond. Prv pr-
ty. 646-4967 eves 5: 30-'l: 30
•4 dr, Aulom1lic, pow1rll
•tt••rin9, r•dlo, h1•tet .•
$1395 : •
• "68 MUSTANG •
•R•dio, lt••t•r, J 1p1ed.•
.(WTA088 1 •
• $1995 •
K1'1TE?<S "'9t .Seloctlon lo $11Xll . .,._.... Wost B<od. Ex. c 0 n d ' EN GUSH . FORD
1\Jwn. G-4493 5/>J COLUldBIA 29, l/3nl Jn. Sacriftce, Fol' lnlonnatloAI.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;; 1.65 vw 12llO Sod&n. Red. CA~O
LONG HAIRED' STURDY tttts1. Top cond, extru. call 142-2342 S~ lhnroot New 7.001969 ·--CAMAR---0.-'--Wlll--a-ccep-t xrrrms m-0119 im moo dn. 642-3295, 673-Tlll DAILY P1LO)" WANT ADS! ORANGE COUNTY'S Uru. wbla, ,_ bolts. VOLUME ENGLISH U:iw miles. Xlnt cond. Must tnnap car tor my equily, •
FORD DEALER aell $9915 er be1t otter. Call aft &:30, 968-13l2.
LanJ•st Exdusive
Toyota Dealer
Anywi!ert ! ! ! !
• '67 CAMARO •
.H.T. Cp1, Auto., PS, Fttt ..
•ir, R&H. fTFX 7691
S T ""R G.A:,..E"D"tt~ SALES. SERVICE ........, . -a eam.,.. ss. ps. auto, ~ .~ ~ ·-MODELS V-8, vinyl top, wsw,
l'-"'=:7.:'1---"OJ~· H---,-;:=:'-l w '&S VW Perlect cond. Cean. •$2295. 546-.27'l4• ., CLl.Y I. " Immediate deli....,. """'1, ...... ·-AMI ====;,;;,===I
}<-Y-Ool~-o.;;, M .,,':""$ LARGE SELECl10N FM ..... 11100.'(73.461lievos CHEVROLET ""r A.aordi"I fo lh 11.,., '"r · •' T'heodoN DohrdJ • To develop meuao• for Tunc101. acr.u J !k8 uetio~ _____ ,:;..;;;c:..;__ 1
..... ...,,_.,,110 ....-.ROBINS FORD 1967 vw'1!iili ..lo. AM/FM '"' MALmu 2 "'· HT, v-s
of)'CU'ZodlC1Cbirth&lgn. Di!) Harbor Blvd; '' ramo. Wh1: ''!{. ~tk deluxe 1Uck, blk bucket seats. 1
•vwu 31~' •IMottwt O>sta Mesa 6f2.0010 Int Sl&:IO. Xlllt co nd . ·Owner, mu11t sell Jeav'r
2 1. 32T~ 62Molt.I 67l-3261 counbo/. $1495. 494-2730 aft
3 l9' 3l With Q """ •ci-,..A 6"0-"l e..RARJ . 'SS VW Bua. low mUea, _5,,,·=~· =~~---I ~t!: !:e--=~ ~. rtllable tranl, lor u.le or 1962 OIEV Bel Air 4 dr, Val,
7 u., 31 Goo,ji 61 (_. trade tor 350-450 Honda. pwr •tra:, new brUn A I~ llT•' 69~ flltltAlt 1 6'7J...s5f9 GI:' $48-1398. futt. $f50. 5f8-J.530 90.-3'11 69H~ • • ._. ,._
ICIT-. AO.. 11Te Ntwpoi't lm,portl ,,,_, _.. 1964 VW Olnvertible, Eng. 'S2 OfEVY ~-~ !Z7
11111 .. ,~ 71...,.,., anp ComQ'• -utb:lr--.. OW'l'bmiled.. ....... .......,.... ..,....... .. 11Alll'llllphn A1.......,.. n EHei'9 bed dealer. • ·"'""'""" ··-ens. Mags. Stneo tape. 13T..,.,, .uvw nM1¥ ........ .,. ... ,.._._p,...,._ 540-11169 * aa.e;c * l•.,._. ""'~ 7•Wllifl ~W\T,'-Cr .n.n,.,. '11,Y,,,,.... AS~ ~S... 3100 W, Coe.st Hwy. 19&5 VW Oan\'n'tiblt. FOR Sale. '58 (bevy. Good
f6C... Mi ....... -,.~~ 1'hiW" ... rts.cb Xlnt condltion. Oris. owntt •• amid'!--~ f7T'"'"' 41"'-"" ""-• ~ .. 11Daf ... ,,,. '71Vcu "2-9400 Sf0.J7'f, •--1517• Call art 961-3123 "~ n~ 7"~ r~l!ii;i AuthoriM. MC DlilJet' 1---~.;;.=,;.;vw;;,,..'---lOA !0.-...r;• .,..._ · JIQUWUI J1a1 '68 ClfEVY ~All pwr, ~r:::t. ~= ~'ti;>'"-~· FIAT $l~chmne*~9I AM£1!.l'MIJo..alr·coad.
2J "-51 ~ al'"""" ""'' V1nyl ~ ~ 5".:_ f:f:.,,.. 1"'~1 '67 Plat ISi ~ 195t vw l2,IXJI Kt\lal mUea cuay•• -
,.., • '6To ,.,,_ m-·k ~-l •-~-. f Orig --X1nt cood . ~ ~ 27~ S1 k .,,.... -IQ~ "''"Jin go..ssa --------3Ycu SIU, NC.-Spd, dlr. pmttp ateeJ -~'""'~===--I l«iS CRRYSLER New
2''"9 •t• -~ wbttll. PlttW tire1. •1~ '151 VW SUNROOF y~ T .ao-...., .o r. '°~ • ~ .. _ .• 5 --· ...... a, own • Oluntr,i. ~ '°'-6' =-cuhdtla•oldertnde.Wm ,,,....,,_.,. •• ,,_,.. Cornpleta in every dtt.it1.
Largest s.rvlce
Facllltlts '
Lart11t S.ltcffon
.. ICllT •SO CAii IN OiA!_.M COUMTI'
~,;.~•-.j"u:" -·'
l-=-~~~~~~~Cld=~\51~M="'=•~'1~N~~~~~---J~llno~priY~..V;. ~Ul~VHE~~T'!,~1 DAILY P1LOr WANT ADS l<in\ -· Wiii '°"';o., al· Call llill. _,, 4t "SIS-Olli • BRING l!EllUlll"SI tor. ilt&-HST -~~~~--'-"--""-'""-~~-'~~--~~~~~~~-
• $2295 :
"64 WAGON • • 990 Rtrnbltt. F•cl. •Ir., e
PS., PB.'<OVTllJI •
$1395 •
"67 COUGAR • IF•~lory •it cond, Full po•··
l •f· ucx 912 •
$2495 • • "66 CAPRIC~ •
mAu•oin ttie, f•ct. •ir, po-'•
•sf••ri"IJ· r1dio, ht•tw.
tSBMl711 •
• $1995 • • • 234 E. 17th Sl'. :
• 548-7765.