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1969-05-20 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa
• • c • ' r • -~· ' ' Leary on f;ourt Vi~tory: TUESDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 20, '1969 Go'7'ernor~ VOL. 61. NO, 121. 2 $ECTION5, n PAG•S ' • • • • a es I ' * Due • Ill Clemente Sheds Mate '-Nixon Overnight on June 7 .. , . :.i. --~-·~ '"""' -_......_ '. • ----·' , Will s,op-oft . En Route to Thieu l\leeting Apollo on the Button WASHING TON ( A P ) -President Richard Nixon will fly from his new West Coast summer home at San Clemente on June 7 for a meeting the next day with South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van 'J.bieu on Midway Island to di9CWls com- Astronauts Fly Most Precise Course Yet . mon policy. 'J . 'lbe President wUl spend lhe night 1 • • Saturday in Honolulu and then fly to Midway Sllllday, June a for the day-long conference, the White House reported. "The two presidents had desired to hold. such a meeting as soon as feasible in oriler to est.abli!h personal contact and discuss together the conduct or the war in r Vietnam and the search for a· peaceful SPACE CENTER, Houston (UPI) - The Apollo JO astronauts flew the most precise course yet through space Tuesday to set up the world's centuries old date with destiny -putting a man , on the mOOll. On Earth, Americans already were preparing for the blstolic conquest by moving the Apollo 11 lunar landing madtlne to its Cape Kennedy blastoff site. It is scheduled to reach Cle moon in precisely two months, July ZO. Apollo 10 flight dlredor M. Pele Frank said'astrooauta: 11x>mas P. Stafford, John W. Young and Eugene A. Cernan were following a path to the moon even .more accurate than the trallblazlng course set by Apollo a Ia.st Deceml>er. And their spacecraft was working just as flawl~ ly. "By and large, the whole spacecraft is just perf9"Jllng beautifully," reported misstorr commander' Slafford, 38, as Apollo 10 swept into Its third day . of flight. "It's a beauUlal spacecraft." The 47-ton space ship 1is scheduled to brake into orbit around the moon Wednesday afternoon and begin a hair·' solution," said the announcement made L f G ? 1 here and in Saigon. r The one-day meeting, suggested last eary 0 UV :::~:~u~~~!°~ ,. .. , . . , , . . . ,, . '•· ' . ACTRESS TAKES STEP TOWARD SHEDDING 'HUSBAND ' June Allyson. Attorney Cha rles A. Collier Jr. Thieu m.et in lJOOlulu last July with then· President Lyndon B. Johnson. Althoogh the announcement did not mention U.S. troop withdrawals and Drug Cultist Tells Mom Good Neivs South Vietnamese elecUons,-tbese topics Special to the DAILY PILOT American pla1n1 and prairies, clad in prObably· will be on tbe agenda, qualified P.fOUNTAIN CENTER-Hosannas rang bucksin pan~ and with a rawhide· thong sookes'98id earlier. from the rafters of this high desert coon· binding his gray hair. 'Ibe groondwork for the first meeting try haven Monday, as Dr. Timothy Leary "We won the case," he continued, oC the V!etn..,... chlel of state and the pralsed the Loni foe belting the ·rap and ·-·-k f A lot f new U.S. President was laid in Saigon i •M:U• you OT your prayers. O f S announced his 1970 Ca I i f o r n l a people have prayed." • 18$l weekend when Secret.ary o tale gubernatorial candidacy. "1be Lord did It' -the higher court,"'' W~am .P. Rogers held utemive talb "Thls is the happiest day since the he expalintd alter ban~ up. lbete wt~ Ttdeu. , . EmanclpaUon Proclamation," declared ''There are millions and million! of ~etnamese president said in a . the tall tanned IUMl o[ bis communal people wlio are happy ay " declared '.!th N' Saturdabec·~··he .'.'°""'11• 't to,.t m<ewa! -ranch ~ lta 28 lnhabltanta. Dr. Leory, who estlm•tes. .u.al 20 million In June AllysQn~Divoree . ~ -. Actress .rune JillySon:ihlneit.a.•Ca:dillac Monday and toot ·a 1utajor sfeg· '1n· t'h~ way to losiflg husband Glenn Maxwell in a Superior Court pre-trial hearing on her divorce action . Allies 'Captmk 'Hamburger Hill'·. . . . . ' ~ SAIGON (UPI)-American· and Soillh· Vieblafnese for~ today ~lormed up' lbe slope! of Hamburger Hill under 'h~vy fire f:rOni North Viettlameee dug in On the summit nt captw:ed ,the strategi~ peak on their 12th• iry.~ ·, · 'Ibe: batll6.. for the 3,000-foot mountain o\·erlook.ing the A Shau Valley cost the Americans at least 350 casualties, most or them WO\lnded. A combat officer said it wu _his touU>esl fig.ht since World War The nnal assault by 1.800 allied troops, Including a baltored baltalion ol the 101<1 Airborne Division, was laundled at 10 a.m. today, m lll<lJ day of lhe b•llle. ft v.•u tbe 12th Lime the ppatroopers (h VIETNAM, Page I) The 11:.Y•l\l'<>k! fOrmer ·barbcP's~Jor monthly , alimony > oC Jl,1111" from bJs, estranged wile was quickly rejected by Judge Harmon G. Scoville. " IXOll ~ •~ ~ . • 'l1>e ionJ.lo•I-' I . /IJU'.Y¥d ·pro-;, -'n!PW'lr-~ 'lnaftjuiila. 11~aary to~ .u~ ~ ~~f>lio/• ... (1(~:M1'jb.{·=·any· American Thi! noted drug researcher fired by Maxwell was ordered to surrender a • 8 Fined in Dogfight valuable Grandma Moses painting and PORTERVI.U...E (UPJ) -EI g b t t~o television sets, all taken from the persona were UJied .$125 each Monday for ~e .at 101L~ia 1Genoa, Lido ls le: , , their part In an Jllegal dos fight hekl May Judge 'Scoville s onJytconces8iOn•to ·.the.J · 4 ma remote foothill valley east of here. 'bankilwt ·· barber, waS to· award 'him -ioli •of Ille 'cou'ple'1· n,.,~ls '- boy would do after learning . of the Harvard on rather mild ·Charges in 196.1 Supreme Court pecision overturning his after a series or LSD experiments said he federal marijuana conviction m Tex.as. will lmtftedlately begin orgahizing his He hiked to' a "neighbor's ranch house, campaign for the governorship. because hls own rell:eat bas no telephone ·~Platfqrm? ·Pad.y? J 'll announce and called bis 82-year-old mother Abigail. details at a prtSI conf~ence in Los Jn Indian Orchard, M111., witli the 'news. Anseles, ift. 1 COUP.le of w~kB," declared "Hello, 'motlier," he called acroSa lbe (See LEARY, Pap !> StalJs; Suspect Held !!>• ~f<ll>\~~ P.~I~" ~ .thi l!'loo~ • Junes~ ... ·1'--o •.• , ·~r:., ... 4 • ,.~C ... lM hC. muA make prompt~' i,~ ' !"lymenls olmorfia&t•nd ll)sutanct <!'!;' ar 9Jl lbe v....ts ilr. they. wlll 'reverfio W's . Alff~. Muwell was warned. 1 ' '!'he 47-y~-old widow o! attor-jt'OJ By AR111UR R. VINSEL ducer Diq-. Rowell ,~ attelttv.-fY °' "" De11Y ...... ,..., .,hiie~~lold tht ~ ol llilolllllQj>, Stranded when hls alieitd ptoway ..ssrul ~!tempts Jn rocenl DIC>ltht 10 flod ~ l{alled, ap unemployecLCorta • .l1laa. a job.. He told•-O>ada A. Collier macbinlst tOdq f.C.. federaU>aolt nib-' Jr. thal he w111lld lo!ind a post al i..st bery' charges foflowlng hls arrest II simllaT lo what be hod been ·111>1ng f0< the minutes alter a 1728 boldl!p Mondly past rive years -lbe job ., personal afte(DOOll. ' 111m1aga to Mm-i\· . Fred A.-Wosltnnt•.-<il-!138 CooUd(e He made no lllentlon of hb hll1rdreKin& Ave., wu booked into ColU. Mesa City abilJties in slressln& his lack of qualifJca-Jail and turned over to FBI agentl for dons for ~ny other employment~ .alTliglunent bdare. u~. C«nqaldr~r Ml""fell'• plea that he be allqwed to Jn Santa Ano. keep ihe 1969 Cadillac he ls uslnc for-hi• The IUlpecl Jn the robbery of tho (See DIVOR~ Pqe II United C&lUomla ~onl<, lOlt ll~rbor . ' Blvd., wu arrested a. minutes later by traffic potrvlman Bob Goode, a half • blocl;,f"1111,the holdl!p -. HultliaC' out ol ul.' blink .ner the Doon hoUr n>llbley, the bandit liiao idt a Willet and lcienWlcttlllll beloogloa to Woolum. "He wu qu!te cour1eoul and oUered no ~net," said Costa Mesa Policl!· Detective c\ipt, Ed o""°" after the cue wu Closed for local fdflcen 'tt'hen lilt FBI took charge ol Woolllm. lnv11U,1tors aald a 10)' gun was found In a llllt C011t· the .JUS)leCI carri<d, but whoeV.r held llP the bus)< btnl: 11 11 :40 p.m. Mllllday dlsplayed oo wupoo ot all. ThentaUy dr.....i, bn>Wft.llllted bondil h\inded a note ~ money ao an 1 uhidtnUfied wmaan teller .and ·the ,com-1 piled by handtng bad< l'IOll. authorlu .. said. . Pol\':< awanned Into thl! nelghborllOOd ol llui bank. which ii falrly ilolated lrom other "°"""'rd.II devefli~nt by a vt• cant field and a wide Pill' lot. Baled cm a descri!ltioo the bandit 1od the clothe9 ,he wore, Patrolman Goode apprellend<d Woolum as be walked tSO."JIOBBEllV, Pap 11 I raising series of maneuvers the nest day . to clear the way for a landing by two Apollo 11 astronauts Jn July, The Apollo~ 11 crew -Nell ' A. Armstrong, Michael Collins and Edwin E. Aldrin -was on hand at Cape Kenned1 lO watch their 363-foot space machine make the siJ:-llQur journey to the oceanside • launch pad from I t 1 skysaaper-tall hangar. Apollo 10 will circle the.moon S2 times, twice t'o within only fi0,000 fet; cl the gray, qaggy, cratered surfact!, and then blast back to earth Saturday and Im:! in the South P~cific next Monday,· . Stafford, Young and Ceman staged their filth color telecast from Apollo 10 at 6 a.m. · PDT today but oy,_.bur.deotd ~-~tions ~telll~ wer~ ili!.abie 'to Telay the signals from the Madrid, Spain, tracking station to the Houston dmtrol Center for 12 hours. . Ceman, SS, reported that the earth was a "magnifiCent sJght" nearly 190,000 miles away . "All of Africa Js brown of course·and·-the water-ls.very very.blue,•• he reported. "It's the contraM that you notice," said Ceman. Young, 38, aaJd the African rain forest bad "a purplish-bluish tinge. "We juet want to show JOU what we can see from here," Cernan Loki around communicator Charles Duke. ' ' N o t everYone gets this far." Fligbt director Frank said addlllooal '"-·AN>tLO -P•• ·I)'· · '"•' ·.···~ ......... Oran11e " ·Welidler The sun sleeps ta~ and later- tlll rnldallernoon on Wednelldiy - with temperatutt.1 peaed at • on the CO&St and up to •'19 f}lrther Jn. land. INSIDE TODAY Tile Real 'Papa Doc' Duvalt«r, bOSI of 1lclA, h4I noi 'tood up ' hi pub!fc '"""'"~ bll.I • "'Tllterr oofce on iht tf~hone claiwu ht ii aliut and ivtU. Stmy ~-5. • . ' \ I n.n " .. ' I .. l•JI " .. ,, ' -N ...... ,... 11 --.. --. ........... 1>11 -"" .... ...... 1 .. 1' ;:-:: -. --.. ' ' ........ -· •. .. • • ' t ·1 ·-·-s '-· 1111r20.1M PILOT LOGBOOK Reporter's Toughest Joh: Writing a Friend's Obit ., All'l9lll R. VINSPJ. ... ..., ......... MCllldar _..,. -.-e names lo the fatals ...._ -. victlml ol driven -_, loolt both waya, er motoriJts who parUed Satur· day nlgbt and bougbl the farm oa a &.eway f""' early Sunday~ Ymi type the namea all the Ume, but ....,,,.... bave a -...,.... ICil! ol d lo 'wrlllnr ioir belt frle!ld's ~. ml k's * . Be WU I wiry es-paratroopa' about to fi:nl!h col- • and --ocbool, a day -and • nlgbt lapllal Grd<!V, plan•i"I lo be a meardl P'l1*ian. Be mle the dloct way lo wort by -.......,., fmnlliar with -bolds, abal1ered lop and -about The Other Guy who &bar<d the road. The Other Guy w11 a Marine aergeant from Garden Grove, who didn't -bow lo oontact bia imurance company. Not two yean before the accidtnt, J carried the ring as lhdr best man. Nine days dragged from her llnt call to her IoL ·• p11on..i the ci1Y dm the 1u1 ttme and anJQDe might have anw&aed: ''Art?" Tbe tone told me a:be wu no looger a wife, but a widow. * ,,. oa... c., --,.. dirt ml lie loohl ·oemicl al blt'- llaug!Ur trial. which Included two Marine Corps wives oa the jury. Witnesses &aid be ran a stop lip. Be and his wife denied it He was found innocent. The cwrtbollle walls were the sa.me colot as the intensive care unit al or..,. County Medical Center. . Waiting there, one allen anall, dmple pr.,... lo Whoever li la, w~ ..,. Be -be, wlllle a amaD. quiet ...,,.;ty of ......,. --hood It mm dying nearby trade bill of fear and gladness, depending cm wbal they ba .. to~ Oc<aslooally, the ~ &herill lo charge ol the nearby jail wan! ntp. ed cbocolate mints from the mnes' Jomge to give them. "I've talked with him and be is rudy'" said the acting boopilal chap- lain. ms ijpa were gray lite his mil and be was probably aCcustomed to more aopbisticated llcation than mine. By even~ my friend wu breathing his pure OJYleD mere easily, with a tube ln bil ooe working lung. . He wanted to .ee those waiting with him, and -afraid of all the glass, lleel and rubl>Or tuned to the uncerWn rhythm ol his life -I gave lhlt corny old tbt.tm!Ho-lorefmger sign, lii:e it's all going to be okay. He promised the nurse not to move, but be waved hock. * . The moment In the doorway opened anolher -ldnd ol door through which to see farther than ID ye.an and more dearly than now. '"1e acmes are mostly unimportant unless you are a fan of Jack Jones. the skinny, unknown ahlger al our. lllgb -IJ'adualiOO party, * Writing an obituary i! 1 newsmen'• c:ommm tan. but lbt one l typed lo call to the hometown paper wa the toughrst job, -the name - Doi to boloog to that dry, fadual account · Sunllgbt cutting the July haze on the funeral day made colon ol the cmet-flq oeom u bar3h u the Marine Corps beliaJpter whicb dlUWJl'd out tbo c:hoom llCriptures from aboft at bia graveaide· 8'n'ke. . He usually -Sunday ""'"'"" wuing the car er lludying foe a test, but bia r.llgloo wu good.-to other> -bis cburdl met every day -and IUddenly be •II u dead u a lite Pope or a ~ hobo. ,,,. ooJy thlq it prom It tlW crud lhinp f....., happen and the old ._i.n• oaying II true. 0oe CID just wilb bhn a quiet ml and bear bia Interrupted -And Monday momlnp, I am type the names ol atrangm with a genUer band. Girls to Keep Pant,s On As Court Ca.se Delayed -bar operator Harry lluelll woo a tw~wee.t delay or cc:mtempt charges against him Monday but be had &o stand up in court and assurt the judge tbal his pantaleos girl perfcrmera .....Jd cio -Judge Claude Owens sugested they do IOIDe weeks ago -"keep their P90tl on." . Maselli assured the judge lhll bia tor- rid pertonnen woold .....,. bikini bot- umu at least until June % when be must again appear beloce Judge Owens. Hi& apartment A-Go.Go in Santa ADA is cme ol five county ban cun<atly chafing under the -ban IUOCelSfuUy l<Nghl by District Attomey Cecil Olds. DAILY PllOT ....,.,. ............... ..... ----c:..-cAIJPOMIA CIUNGa CDi\S1 l"ti9l.ISHrNO <O/Ml'Nft R.Mn K.. w_. _ .. _ .... l. C.h:y Under ......,~ by Hieb' ollicers and local Police are MaaeW'1 tavern, the Vampire Room and the Apartment all In Santa Ana, the Country Girl No. I near Anaheim and the Barbor Inn, La Habro. All five watering places must observe bottomless bans imposed by Judge Owens until their cases ~ heard ln trial court. Hieb' office claima to have proc:eaed more than 40 cues involving lewd con- duct and obscerilty at the five bars. All the entert.ainers involved -among them snake dancer Carol Cybulski of Laiuna Beach -face trial on the charges. Entertainm<nt banned by Judge Owoos does not include movies which have hem equaily condemned by dillrld allorney's investigators. Judge Owens' temporary lnjUDClloll can be applied only to live performers Ind not to films which have been dekribed as ''filthy, sucgesUve and comp I et e I y -·· Bids baa confirmed that aeftl'al other county bars ~ being "carefully wat- ched" by bis lnvest.i.gatcn. He hu repeated his earlier vow that all -•ton ol bottomlesa ban will be bnJugbl lo court. VIETNAM ••• ebai1'd up the alopel lo 117 lo dLllodp. tbo Ncrlh -~ lrTGl lbalr iarilllod -u.s flCble< ~ beli<'opt<r jumll!Jll aod artllkry pomded the Norlb Viet. -posit1om before the linal charge. But the North VlelDamese troopa, eo- ~-lo ,bunten wbid> had withstood ·~air .... artilleJ7-. ltill put .,-.-.apinll Ille American ... --troopa pooblng up Ille ... -... Ila .a CID8 American WU lWed and at '""" .... -Ip the final -,,,,.. -.. Immediate repoil .. --cl'--.,,. -<lMaiOil -""" the brunt " the fi&hlin.! aina: May 1l was estimated to have lost a total of at least 54-and Z90 ......Sid In the haWe for Ille• : Comlnunbt losses we.re estlinated at about 350 dead, U.S. millWy sPokmnan said. An eatimated 600 North Vietnamese, two blttU.., were believed to have been d111 lo .. the IUllUnlt. "AU yea could see were bands and rifle muziles sticking out ol sliis In the bunker," said Capt. Gerald Harkim, %S. '"They sprayed the area and threw band grenades and we had lo get IO lhose bunRrs, bunker by bunker. Hamburger Hill Fl lil nlcJawne -" the blood shed Cll Ill -degree &lopes and lls hattmid If>' pea.ranee aft.tr 10 days of air strikes and artillery bombanlments. U.S. plaDa aJmod more -JOO -· ol bombs al the peak wblle artillery crews poured in shells. The hill lies Oil the -end of the A Shau Valley, about 375 miles north nortbt.ut of Saigon and about two miles from the -with Laos. Durinl the lighting, u .s. B52 bombers dn>ppo1 ·at l"8St 1• tons ol bombs between the mounlafn and the -trying to rtem the flow of Communist reinforcement! and suppli". F...,,. Pege J APOLLO •.. adjustmen&a probably would not be need- ed before Apollo to hurtles behind the moon Wednelday afternoon and drops in- to orbit around it .. We can take what we have right now and completely achieve the lunar orbit trajectory we want," Frank said. It was a fitting day for exploraUon - the annlveraary of Cbrislopher eolllll}hus' death and also the day iD 1127 when Charles A. Lindbergh took oft to flY the Atlantic. Space Center spokesman Jack Riley said the weather was expected to be good in the South Pacific 291 miles we.st of Pago Pago, when~ ApollO 10 splashes down at 9:53 a.m. PDT neit Monday. Forecasten calj!d f0< 12 to !Hnot winds and three lo fi+.-foot ..... Y'"'OI, taking sigbtinp m the planets, reported be bad Jupiter in bia 116tant sights "and I can already ,..,,gnn. it becall9e of tt! rhoon.!. Now I've got Mars • • in there, and ifs over by Tom's win- dow. The spacecraft was still rotating slowly , to keep the sun from beating up one side · too much. Its wobbling position was bet- , ter cootrolled today, and nooe of the con· trol thrust.er firing wOOse jars and thuds kept the astronauts awake earlier in the flight WU needed. "We went all nigb1 without firing a thruster," Frank a.aid. The only problem was minor -some noisy radio comm.unicatiom which Frank sald. was caused by grcnmd stations tryin,g out a new method. Staifcrd also wanted to shaw television scenes ol Africa and the Middle East, but 1 ground controllers told him it could not go oot live because of commwtications satellite relay schedules. I Ground controllers promised lo tape lhe tran!mission at a tracking staUon In Spain, and relay ii to Houston later via commun ication.s satellite for release to the world. Charges Against Officers Dropped A complaint that alleged Improper con- duct by two Laguna Besch police ollicers has been drvpped by the yautblul tom· plainan~ police aald today. Offocers Lairy Warren and Rich Kotzln were cleared, said Lt. Robert McMurray, when the C91D.plalnant came to the poilce atation during the .....nncI .ond aald be wished the mater dropped. The alltplion bad a.5:9erled tbt offi· cen acted improperly during ear I y morning lntmogatioo ol two J<JUths on • lfrtiet. • -~.,...,. ... ,... STEVE HAYTHORNE, I, DISPLAYS OTT•lt llTa No Room In Monnch &.y fw E-Anlmolt Otter Must Go Laguna Neighbors Win Battle Peaiwb, the Malaysian otter from Monarch Bay,· apparenUy must go and ne!gbbon doo'l seem to miod a hit. Peanub, you may recall, set olf a slgnificant flap in this posh seaside com- munity when oo May 5 be sunk his teeth deep into the foreann of S t e v e Heythome, 8, of 22871 King John Lane. Man)' neighbors were not aware until then that a young Malaysian river otter resided with the Dr, John Eriksmoen family, 3'l662 Empress Way, splasl1lng in the decoraUve pool at the family home and munching chicken necb. Peanuts had been purchased by the Eriksmoen family abou! a month ear- lier for $250. What has annoyed ladles of the neighborhood most, have been early versions of the great otter escapade that they fee.I acquitted Peanuts with the im- qe of a pursued, hapless victim of bigb- splrit.ed boys. Not so, say the ladies, including three eye witnesses. Peanuts was the pursurer and the aggressor in the matter. Here's the gist of their accounty: Peanuts wM let out of his yard by two four-year~ld girls while me Eritsmoens were not at home. A teenage girl asked the boys, Steve and his lriend Chase Christopber, I, of 32732 Empress Way, to corral Peanub. They obliged. Steve picked up the otter which sunk ib teeth into his forearm. The boy scream- ed and tried to d r o p the agitated creature. From Page J DIVORCE. job banting was quickly Judge Scoville. • • rejected by· "You can't afford the car," Judge Scoville told him and ordere:l Marwell to surrender the automobile Friday to Miss Allyson's busines.9 manager. Judge Scoville also told Maxwell "alimony is reserved for men who are not in good health." His final advice to the apparently dissatisfied Maxwell wa.. that he "look for a job and support younelf." Miss Allyson, dressed in a fur trimmed shoe.ting i:iink dress. was ordered to pay $2,000 in attorney's fees and ""° in costs. Both parties were: ordered not to molest or Interfere with es.ch other. Miss Allyson first married M arwell on Oct. 12, 1963. A year later she remarried the Newport man in a sumptucm Las Vegaa ceremony. Miss Allyaon'1 divorce filing of May, 1967 was not pursued when the couple ap- parently resolved their differences. But the actress indicated Monday that there will be no such reccmcillatioo this time. Dirksen in Hospital WASKINGTON {UPI) -Sen ate Republican leader Everett M. Dirksen has .. a touch of the nu .. and is ln w aher Reed Anny Hospilal, bis office said ~ day • He and Chae flerl toward the Ouistopbe.r home. about a block away. The otter cave chue. There were no clubs, sticts or taunting of the otter in- volved. "Nobody was chasing the otter; be was chasing those two boys," said Mrs. W•yllDd-Ca'ii•, ™1 Empre:sa Way. She b>d slopped from lier garage wben sbe heanl the screaming. The boys entered the Ouistopher house and opened the door again for another boy. The otter entered and, said Mn. Christopher, started a f t e r the Siamese cat. Pandomonium followed. Also In the Christopher home ....... Mn. Elaloe Slark of ~ Camino Capl&tr&no, Caplllrano Beacb, aod llx child=. Tiler< WU saeamh1g and dasbing abwt as the otter and the ocarpanll of the Christopher home became lo- crusingly agitated at their c1 ... pro. Ii!nlty. Finally the otter found bia way into the patio and Wa.1 locked out. The ladies have nothing haaically agaiDsl 'Pwurts, they said. They just don't believe be bol-in Mooardi Bay, County olliciala appattntly agree. They reporledly have ordered tlW Peanub, -quarantine ...is today, vacate Monarch Bay by Frillay or face the legal """"""'"""'· Officiala of the Coolly'• building and safety departmen( were not available for comment this morning but had roporlecfly ordered that Peanuta must Co· Copter, Truck Crmh Mystery A strange, UDUplalnal;le crash between a helicopter and an Irvine Ranch truck ocauTed Monday afternoon at the ranch maintenance yard, Myfonl Road aod Irvine Boul<vanl. Ranch hand Jose. Gonzalez said he walclled the helicopter land ostensibly to pk:k up a passenger from the nearby ccmpany offices. A.! the copter idled on the ground, Gonzale suddenly stan.d his truck and drove in the whirling blades. Gom.alez was unable to tl:ll why he drove the truck into the helicopter. Neither be nor the pilot, Gus Bllas, wu injured. The chower is owned by Skyline Helicopters loc. based at Orange County Airport. From PGffe J ROBBERY ..• out or a pharmacy in a shoppinl: center just south of the robbed bank. A quantity of ca.sh was also rtCOVered after the: United Califomla Bank .stickup according to FBI aaenll, who took Woslum to be booked at Orange County Jail. Police declined to say if the suspect was willing to discuss the: holdup or the: wording of the note which prompted the unnamed leller lo baod out the flOO. Oil Reserxe, Lease Trade Suggested WASHINGTON (AP)-"8 aschanaool l!>a Elk 11111s, Cllll.. Naval Petroleum RelUve for ollabore federal oil ie,_ la the Santa Barbara Channel l'U propooed tq a -Ional commtltee today. Hop. Chari., M. Teague (JU:alll. l, made the IUNesllon In IUpportlll( a bill by S... Alan Cranstoo (I><:alif.), to ad all drilling in the Santa Barbara channel where an oil well eruption tut J an. 21 llOakt<I beacb<s and harbors in oil. T-told a -111111"' ouJ>. cc1nadttt tbe trade COlld .... the ~ .-e lhaa a".blDloo dol1an in """1'mlng )eaHS for wbieh I.be di CllD- panies paid mo,. lhan llOO mllllm .in -In i"ebnw)I 1918. ' _.,,_:_, Cransloo empbaslled the ... ...,... laull bawd In the dlonnel, and lald a repe11Uon., ti!" J~ o11..,in ...... , coul4 prodllCI a poill!Cal -!bat -Id .-It in ellmlnoUon ol,.U Cllllbonl drill· lllC In the lulure. • The -defended Iba oD --panles, usirting that they followed Ip. plicable regulations. Decision on tho risks, he said, is a matter for 1ovem- ment. By re.designating the channel u Nava.I Petroleum Reserve No. 1, in place of Elk Hills, Teague said the oil would be available for production in a period of national emergency. Teague suggested that the st.ate of. CaJUornia could be given a portion of Elk Hilll! to exchange for state leases in channel inside the three-mile limit. Under the proposal, the st.le would Wive lo pledge not to exploit the stale-owned portion ol the channel un1es; the federal government reopens the adjacen~ "!at.en. The Elk Hills reserve. consIShng of 38,00G lCl'5 of·~ and private land, was established 1n 1912. . In the Teapot Dome oil scandals, Secretary of the interior Albert B. Fall was convicted of accepting a bribe In conneciloD with an Ell: Hills oil lU9e. S<U: Man Dies Coleman Hawkins, one of the pioneers of jazz, died Monday of a liver ailment. The noted tenor saxophonist was 64. Frono Page J LEARY ..• the newly freed guru, \\"hose troubles are perhaps not all over. One of his primary points tn the gubernatorial race will be to pick away at marijuana laws in the state. supported by thou.sands wbo will allegedly be frted from jail by his own Suprtme Court f1ll.. ing. "Our guerrilla campaign ls coming out from the mountains," he said with a mer- ry, confident chuckle, "the Underground ls coming Overground. 0 * Yb ..,..... -O--.• .,.__. .._.. ..... .... ,.._._ M ....... -·-Confusion F ollow·s Leary Decision ,. .. Legislative Analyst,s Look at Meaning of Court's Action in Drug Cme • -[)cie.s not soft.en lawi dealing with federal tax law on imported marijuana, marijuana, which art generally enforced or gambling, is tacitly 9elf-incrimination. more vip'oully at the st.ate level ratber ''We are constralned to add that than by federal lawmen. nothing In wbal we bold today implies The Supreme Collrt decisioo wriUen by a01 coostitutional dllabllll7 to CongJ-. Jusll« Jobn M. Harlan could force the to deal wllh the marijuana lrolfic by J\lltice Depmment to grelUy revise its other meam," said Harlan. .tntea In the prW«Ution of a-too Tbe decision In fa'°' ol Or. Leary, a ponclinl pot ~ .....um. ~ Beacb resident """, "10fort·1iltir,tt-'llllhlsO•,.rttjUIN"'"'r<tllei..--ffii11Yl"'ing LSO iiii1 iiiii'!Juana eovqnmmt to ult C<lnll"U f" new possossJon charges there. d""' l1't a11ee1 ltgislaUon covtring ~n areas 'ot su.te laws auch at he ls charged with narcotlca tr1~t: I -v1011Ung loc1n1. -·- The opinion writttn bl Harlan wu Basis for the high court's ruling Mon- qulle similar to 1nolW based on the day II that Or. Leary'• C<f'vlttlon In same tl100I)' that c:ompllance with the L4redo, T,.., for transpartli\g Wegally • Imported marijuona and failing to pay a I~-tu ii a 'riolallon ol h~ constltutiooal rJpll. Previoual)', the law has made mmo pimaii., JUffldent groupdl to presume the powsa-kntw the weed 'wu im- porUd JJlegall)' aod lbeftfcre admllsihie .. ---against lllm. Mere pogessiCXI It the federal lev<J ls not lhi!rifOti i ci'tiM, bUl iliiCi retfiril and lltlle lawmen cooperate clolcly, Dr. i..ary would lla\'e be<!! Jeopardli!ng hi!NelHy paying-. · • Dr. Leary was aentenced to four to 30 yean In prison and a ft0,080 ctne was Im· posed on UM charee dw:nptd by the • Supreme Court action Monday. , The Justice lleparlmtnt clecllnod ol· ficial comment aod the Federal N...,;llcs Bureau said ll WQUld issue a atai.meJ.., the cue, then reversed the dee~ said oolhing. ll!I Leary, bia wt!• Rottmary ... llll 9Cln John, Ji, ft1"e arrested ln= Beacb Iart ~her • .l'hil• the son beat an earlier 1161 Art Col..,. on diug lntoslcaUon cbarl• su .. n L<ary, tt, was.~ with bl!r father In 1116 at the bonier atalion ln- cldenl closed ~1 the higb court rullll( Mond1y and Is Oii probaUon unlll r<achlng legal Iii"· • I . I' I I j • Huntington Beaeh . ~ ' eo·1r1 0N voi:. 62, NO. ·120, 2 SECTIONS, 28 PAGES ORANGE co~. CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, MAY 20, l 96' TEN CENTS U.S. Takes· Hill Captured After 12 Trie,s , ·350 Casualties On the Way llp Christine Beningtoo, 2, climbs play equlpment at Huntington-Beach's Murdy Park. Christine, 16362 Serenade Lane, hopes to reach heghti; already attained by her illustriQUS cousin, Jackie BeningloJJ, who is reigning U.S. Junior Miss. · • • T £ .. • ' ''; ·: '~· . ..,,~ .. ~t-~, • Apollo on Prec18e Comse; Moon Landing Ship Set SPACE CENTER, Houston (UPI) - The Apollo 10 astronauts flew the most pncise course yet through space Tuesday to set up the world's Ci!nturies old date with destiny -ptitting a man on the moon. On Earth, Americans already were preparing for the historic . conquest by moving Ule Apollo 11 lunar landing machine to its Cape Kennedy blastoff site. It is scheduled to reach tbe moon in precisely two months, July ~· Apollo 10 flight director M. Pete Frank said astronauts 'Mlomas P. Stafford, John W. Young and Eugene A. Ceman were following a path to the moon even more accurate than the trailblazing course set by Apollo 8 last December. And their spacecraft was working just as flawless- ly. "By and large, the whole spacecraft is just performing beauillully," reported mission commander Staffard, 38, 89 Apolla IO swept into its third day of fligbl "It's a· beautiful spacecraft." The 47-ton space ship ls scheduled to • brake into orbit around the moOn Wednesday afternoon and begin a hair· raising se~ies of maneuvers the next day to clear the way for a landing by two Apollo 11 astronauts in July. The APollo 11 crew -Nell A. Armstrong, Mk¥el Collins and E!fwln E. Aldrin -was on hand at Cape Kennedy to watch their 363-foot space machine make the siz:·hour journey to the oceanside launch pad from 'I t s skyscraper-tall hangar. Apollo io will cirele ·the moon SS limes, twice W within only 60,000 feet of the gray, craggy, cratered surflice, Ind then blast back to earth Saturday and land in the South Pacific nu& MOl;XIQ. Stalford, Yoiwlg and Ceman staged their fifth colo< tele<ast from Apollo IO at 6 a.m. PDT ·today but over~burdened communications satellites~were unable to relay the signals from 'the Madi'ld, Sp!pn, tracking station to the Houston Control Center for 12 hours. Ceman, 35, reported that the earth wu a "magnificent sight" nearly 1901000 miles away. "All of Africa ii brawn of course and the water ls very very blue," he reported. , "It's the contrast that you not.ice1" said Ceman. Young, Sii, said the Afri5111 rain forest bad "a purplisb-bluisb tlnl•· "We just want to show you what we . can see from here," Ceman told ground communicator Charles Duke. • ' N o t everyone get& this far." Flight director Frank said additional (See APOW>, Page II . NEW YORK (uPr) -Stocb took it ~n the chin again Tuesday, with ~ slemm.ing from canyover profit taltin1 from the. previous session, lack « new Vietnam peaCe develQpmen.ta and belief, that tile, economy m1r be --... :(See quotati"'!',,Pli<' 111-11). SAIGON {UPI) -Aqieri<an and South Vlelnamele for<a today stonntd up 1he slopes of ·Hamburger Hill under heavy file.from North Vletnameoe dur In on 1he summit and capturod 1he strategic peal: .. their 12th try. nie battle tor the s,ooo..toot mountatr\ overlooking 'the A Shau Valley cost tlie Americans at least 350 casualties, most of them wounded. A combat officer said It was bis toughest fight since World War II. County to Plug Dam to Quell River Pollution By JORN V ALTERZA CH ltM Dellr ''"' S .. tl County Crews will start to plug Prado Dom next MOflday, whether Its ad· minlstratora agree or not, to stem the filthy flow of the Santa Ana Rivtr and end the N e w p o r t Beach and Hun- tington Beach reconi beach quarantine. The announcement of the a t a r t of building a gate over the dam's only open. sluice came oo the heels of a strcq blast from Newport Bead! City Councilman Donakl Mclnnil who Monday called ror Immediate action against the p0Uulion. A-al fer 1he clooing ol the dam II being IOUght from 1he Army Corpo ol Engineers, and a coonly """"° aid to- day that whether It coi:M or not, "the materiall, men and equfplnent will be at 1he dam Monday to llarl plugging it up." The pie will· lake fi•e;days· to flOlld, """~ -Dow ... i'o -.., •few~•""·.,.._ oald. • • • S.Vlral 111111-__ .. Ja,•u. ' (Ille PIW>O, Pip ZI ' Strong Parade Ordinance Wins Council Apprmial. A strong ordinance govemlnr condud of t1erad.. In Hanlinlton Beach will become law In 30 days following adoption Monday night by 1he City Council. The law came to the council first u an emergency ordinance, but 1he emergency aspect ol 1he Jl"'POQI waa rejecl<d and it was approved as an ordinary measure. Approval came over the objections of attorney Lawrence Buckley, who told the council be ~ a resident of the city. Buckley claimed "there are serious Constitutional pn:iblems" Involved In the ordinance and uked for a delay in passage so be could submit his arguments to the city attorney in writing. City Attorney Don Bonta told the 1..'0UJ14 ' cil ~t "it ii impossible to predict what 1he Supreme &Uri might hold. We feel this law is constltutiooally acceptable. "There is, however, no substitute for exercise of sound judgmeol oo me part ol the city administrator and police depart4 ment." Although the law deals with . public assembly, Bonfa sa.Mt he feels the l1w "should stand up In court, and li It doesn't, we'll amend il" • 'r.he proposal requires a permit to be Issued by 1he city adminlatrator fer ail. parades and lista requ.iranenta and a ~ fee for the penniL , It also makes it a law vioJation to hold evenll wilhout a parade permit whicb '.'uareuonabty bh>ck sidewalD, ltreeU er· interfere with traffic." The final uaault.br l,lllO lllled troops, includi11& I battered batlalton of 1he IOlst '.Airborne Dlvisloo. WU taubcbed at' JO a.m. today, 1he llldl clay of tile battlt. It was 1he 12th tln>e. 1he par1b:oopen Cbirged up the Slopes to try ·10 dlllodge the North Vletna~ troops from their fonlfied bunbrs. U.S fighter planes, helicopter gunships and artillery PoUDded 1he North Vie~ namese posJUons before the flnal chatge. But the North Vietnamese ttoops, en- One of 31 trenched In bunkers whidt bacl Withstood re · te•falrindai111\<r)'llrikes" lllJl·pul up~tlff resijUnCe ~·the Amencan anil· ~ Vietnamele u.;o\>e ~ Up the stet\:» 1hlDSkJes. I 1 1 • He aald.cioe Amerjc~ wu l<lll'I! and at lel,,t '45 were WOunded' in the' flnal W.UH:'nitie ..Uno lmmedllle report on :South Vietnamese casualtles. The airborne divislon which bore 1he brunt' of the fightb\r sioc4 May 11 w8s estimated to have kllt a total of at least Beach Soldier Killed " ' ' " In CommunistAtiack . Spec. 4 Jlmfny Lee McUDan, of ffun. flngtoa Beoch, died last week Jn. Vietnam combat, the DePartment of Defense disclosed today._ The 21-year-old Army infantryman was killed May 14 when hiJ platoon wu over4 run by Communist t o r c e s. All Sl members of the platoon died m' the at-- tac~. Young McLellan •was the •IOn ct Mr. and Mn. Elden M'cLellan, am Bruah Drive. Survivon 1 I 1 o incl~ h l s matemal grandporenll, ·Mr: ud ·Mrs. ~ BlanbMblpol W-, and his· paternal grandmothet, Mrs. Mina !.tcLlnan·o!·=· . Beacb-• . ""~ "' ....... ,......, A . r---~ll'li· . ......,.. ...... . McIADm _.,,. t.-flrm Rlaallli ~. ""'1i~r SdloOI and -J11P I SdiooL ,, ~ ~ l"ollow1nC his Ptuolloo from hicii . ad\ool 1n IMl..be ~-0rance Cou1 Coile(e Md tfudted I Ulo technolog)' Witlt the Intent ol lwwnl!ll • teacher. He WU drafted May 17, 11111. lie bad been lllbtlnc In Vlettlom for -mmths when he wu killed. · . FUneral lrrll)ll-11 are pendlq II Peel'a Watminlter Funerallbi>e. - .KiLLED IN·At:ilON Spoc. ·4 ·Jimmy· Mc~llOn I . Huntington Urges LOt Size • ,· 1 • n ,. t 1 Re~emefit on ·~~a~ts : · .', With Fountain Viney recall' arpmriits ecl»ing ln their minds, member• of the Huntlngtoo Bead!' City Cooncll Monday night decided lber< muat be a lot ail< re- quirement Imposed on p I a n n e d. deveJoswnenta. Councilmen on a 4 to 1 vote sent back to 1he Plal)nlne Commiisioo a new ordinance goverolng lbe planned develop- ments with instructions that lota in a planned developmerit wlll bave to meet ..... requlr<tnenll. Where a lot ii for a 1lni)e family home , alandlng alone and rl(lt adja<Onl lo•_ a ccmmon green area, It muat meet the 1,000 sq~ 'foot minbnmn requirtment ol reoidenUal IOlltl. If it borders on a .green com~ are.t, it will still have to be of at leut $,OI»' square feet tn area, the councU·decided. Room {.:>r aome latitude in incorporating new Ideas was Jelt by inlertkm of a claauae aaylna 1he Iota muat meet U!e minimum ftqU!nrnenla ol 1he Intent of Ibo· ordinance If approved by both 1he ' plannera\and .U.O"'°""'°' -· · · Argumentl over1mblhpum1 lots ~izes Jn planned deve!Qpmeqll In. fl!U"lai!> V,aUey have led to. req.11, ~ts. agAUllt· three· councjlm<n. 1llC!oa backing the nbll aay .ttiey.do'iiot Wint small lots in the. 'city 1nd•that 1&e eou1tllmen 'in ap- proving, tbe !eta have faihtd 'to heed the· wisbea of .1he.people. Councllman George.McCracken argued that "1he people ol Huntington llea<:b do not 1'111( 25 foot lots on the waterfront. 'Ibere mtiat' bt a· mlniinum size on ttie planned development lots when they sbmd alone." "I don~ agree with you,,. said Coun- cJlman Al Coeri. '"ll you tmpoee limita· tlonl On the size ol the lots you defeat the purpooe of. the· ordinance. '"nit ool)I;~ I Qwn In Hlllllington Beach It.my. hortM: ao r have no conflict of lhten!it 'iri this matter. YOu can start tbe. recall In tjle mo<ning· li you wish," Coen quJPi.1, notlog.1he Fountain Valley nClll and 1he ,erieral disagreement with his pOli~ by memberas,ol 1he audience. Doctor Stresses· Ne ·ed For Sex Class- Thi •cW.mce wJU 'come bllCk to ·the ~I ft·iloal adlon after'revloioa by .~· ' By THOMAS FORTUNE Of ........ lllt ....... Teenagers wbo are very sophislicated in the knowledge of how to make babies in the back seats. of cars are woefully uninformed on whaf the opposite i:ex b:· peCll ol them. Thal Is 1he viewpoint of Dr. Tom W •. Ro\>lnaon, NewPorl Beach pedlalribtan, wbo Res 1 put need for public lcbools, to teach sex ed11eaUon. ·Dr. Robinaoo preseoled his -Views Mon· ~Y to seven member• oC a Newport -Ollmber, of .Ceouneri:e """"' mitteo loollinc Into the-feasm;utr ol ., ecbool aea education -am. In responae to ~. Dr. __ .... , ''Oerlllnly 1he -... -• monl tone. ne greetM.t wrottC thlt ean occur, even beyond utr1maril.al lntercoune-, is .,birth of 111.unwmled clllld. I ... .....,. -at U..C Hospital and It's sl<U.. ...... • I The pediatrician ...«e..i:1n Anaheim Sdl90l..DiWl<I fllm he )led -In whfcl1 high .a...i boys and girla speak frankly to each other. He said 1 boy admlttect that he l'{OUld PrOl>ably "io ,., flir aa •a girl ~ i.t him go. The teacher•ln 1he fllm then· w - ed 1he boy If be wllll.< 1he girl be mar- ries to.be 1 vf.gln! "Oh, yes," Dr. Rob- ~ sil61he boy replied; He said. "Everty girl'1 ·moutb dropped °""" It -1 graphic·denMiltnltlon of the ,double atandanl. The girls ·,,.,. alerted to a reality ln life."' Dr. llobillloo • -"'tho -heolth -· for .the CJa1lbnlo Medical AllOCiatlon which bu 11!1.n a s\and encourqllig lchool dlltrlcll to ldop( roluntarY HI 1NI family Ult P">- grams. The clwnber .... mtttee called Dr. Robinson for the ir*rview 11 pmt of the. flnl pbae ol ltl llDdy -detennlllN the ntfd for tcttoot111 education. 'Liter, the commltteo will ulllline C0Ut1e lnateri1!1 i • $1 dead and 290 wounded In 1he boWe !er the hill. CommuniSt losses were estimlted at about 350 dead, U.S. military spokennu said. An estimated IOO North Vietnamese~ two battlions, were believed \o have .been dug' In on the summiL "All you could See were hands and rifll muu~s sticking out of slits ln lbt bunker 1" said Ca~. Gerald Harkins, 25. "They sprayed the area and Utrew. (See VIETNAM, P1ge I) Oil Firm Hits Legallity of City Ordinance A Soutltland oil company challengOd a HuntlllilOn Bead! ordinance Monday In I SUperior Court action which aW for a cwrt ruling that the "clean up" me81Ul'e ii Unconstitutional. Named as defendants by the Cather and Cree Oil Co. are.1he city and Herbert bay, lll oil field superintendent. The peU· tion argues that a city ordinance adopted April 3, 1967, was unlawfully applied to oil wells oper1ted by 1he company. Cather aod Cree complains that D.,- ordered. removal of .IW'face equipment from one of its wells last Jan. 20 on grounds tbat It was an Idle facility and thus eligible for mnoval under the terms of, the ordinance. [)Q's acUon· waa upheld la.!! Mardi 3 by 1he city COW)clL But the oil company. alleles thlt the well could not be classlfled 11 klle linoe it coWi1 have been returned to full pr .. ,dUciJm at oii1 -II ...... ,.. city actlm u Invalid and ~_,,,.tbrt11 in: tiif.,.. -the --:· rl&hl tO pl..e a ...U Ill ~ al any limo. Tbe loct1oil lndkates tbal the city'• move Qaloat the Cather iJ!lf c... well WU tiued M a oeetJon (If the onlinance which ciaaalftes u Idle welll all those weUs w~ fail to produce lDore.tbaa 20 barrela of oil during a calendar JNl'• Annual Parking · Fee Under Stttdy The ldsUtuUon of an annual partin« fee which Would allow the bearer to park at any 'meter or on ~ beach without further fee II under.study today by Hun· ~ Beach City Administrator Doyle Mflli!T' . . . The, Idea" w•• augge!led to the city council earller Ibis week.by Charles Va- nian, of 201 1st St., who f()mplained that "seven moot.hi of the year we are criminals because we park at meters in (root of my home without paying tho hourly fee." He suggested .a permit at a price of S10 or' 'l' so that the bearer coWd "feel regal, anyway." City AUorney Don Bonfa ruled that pennlts could not legally be granted to speclllc individuals for specific parkinC meters, but that pennita had to be • 11vallable to au and be good, for _any meter, even the higher priced meters Oil the waterfront. Miller said he would loot into the mat4 ter and report back to the council. 8 Fined in Dogfight POHTERVILLE (UPI) -E I l'h t persOns wett fined $12$ each Monday for their part In an UL~al dog npl beld Mar. 4 in a remote foothill valley east of here. 0r .... .. the sun ·sleeps later and lllter- lill midaftemoon on Wedoeaday - with temper:atura peged 1t el on the c:oasl and up to-'II further In- land. . INSIDE TODAY I:,• • • 2 llM.Y PILOT -· " ~ ·-Tlnla:r~..., JO, lM . .. PILOT · LOGBOOK Reporter's Toughest Job: Writing a Fri~nd's Obit , IJ .umnJlt a. VINDli ........ "" ... Maoda1 mominc means more names In the tatala wnpqp. Ul'lknown victims of drivtr1 -didn't loot both ....,., er inoCoristl -partied Salur· day nigbl and bought the fann on a freeway feooe early Sunday mornlnc. you type lhe ..,... all lhe time, but r<pOr1tn have 1 "IYio& that the IDughest job of all Is wrilinc your best friend's -..,Y, and U's true. * t He was a wiry a.paratrooper about to f1ni&h col-- leg< and enter medlcal school, • day -and • night hospital crderly, planning to be a rwarcb pbysiciln. lie -lhe -way ,. wcrl by mollnc••""'" !omiliar with cracked heads, llhal1ered lep and wcrried abca11 Tbe Olber Guy wbo sbarod the ,_ Tbe Olber GU1 was a Marine aerg-!run Ganim 0....., -clldli, --.. -bis imuran<e """"""'1· Not twe years bolare lhe ac:ddail. I carrlel the rinl as their belt man. N"me days drqaed fr<m ber firosl coil .. ber Id. Siie pbmlfd the ci\Y desk the WI, time and anyone might have answered: .. Alt1" The tone told me she wu no Jcqer a wife, but a widoW. * The otber Guy was stocky dark and be looked ocared at his m ... slaughtl:r bia), whicb Included ~ Marine ~ wives on the jury. Witnesses aald ht ran a atop sign. He and bi.I wife derued 1L He waa found Innocent The courU>ouse walls Were the same color as the intensive care unit al Orange Camty Medical C<nt.... . Waitlng u-, aoe olkrs small. simple pray<n ,. Whoever it II, wh<n- ver He may be, while a mnall, quiet SOnJrity of women wbolt common band Ls men dying nearby trade bits of fear and gladness, depending on what they -.. -·an1·. Qoco-11y, tbe deputy lberlll In charge of the nearby jail w llWlp- ed-cbooolale rnia1a from the -· lounge to give lheaJ. "I've talked with him and be Is ready," uld the adlnC boapltal cbap. lain. llil lips were gray like bis lull and be was probably accustomed to more .apt>i•!caUd supplication thlD mine. . . . . By emiing, 1!11 rn....i was breathing bis """ OJ)'gen men ...U,, wilb a tube in hil one working lune. He wanUd to see tboee waiting with him, and -afraid cl aD the 11aa, -1 and robber bmed to the oncertain rhythm of bis life -I l•ft that c:sny old tbllml>to-forefinger llgn, like It'• all gotq .. be ob7. lie promised the nune not to move, but be ..-boot. * The moment In the doonray opened -kind ol door tbrougb which to tee fartbei than 10 Jean and more clearly than now.~ ICIDel 11'1 mGlt1y unimportant unlea you are a fan ol Jack J-. the lkilml', llllkDon .....,. a1 wr biglJ IChool graduation party. * Writing 1111 obituary is a uewamen's """"""" Wk, but..._tl>e one I !Jped to call to the hometown paper WU the toupsl job, -..., \wne aeemecl no1 to belonc 1n that c1ry, 1actua1 ...,..,,.1. S!JnllBbl cutting lhe July bau on the f--1 day made co1cn of the casket 'f!ag aeem.aa barJh Uthe M>rine Corpa be!~ whlcb l!!UWllOd ail the -ai:iiplu/es fnlm above at bis gra...ide -. He usually speol Sunday ~ wutac the car er lludyfng for • tell, but bis rdlglon WU goodness .. odlers -bis -met ..,ery ~ -and suddenly )I& WU U ae:ad' U & late Pope or a dtftmct botit. 1 ' Tbe ooiy thlo& It prvves Is that cruel tblnp famfr ~ llDd the old ropottm" uy1ng ii true. Ooe can jtJst -lllm • qalel -llDd -Ids lnlrmlpted achievement. ADd Monday """""""' I can type the .._ ~ ._ with a ..,.,.. band. Fro•• P.,.e I PRADO DAM CONTROLS • • • pollution picture also came to light today. Robert Stolle, -of the ... •hwmerrtal sanJtaiJon di>islon for the Orange County Health Department said that rigid rulea aet fcrtb by a pollution baud April 23 are having a definite ef· feet oo the quality of the river's water. The Santa Ana River Basin Water ~ty C<>otNl Board ... strld llan- dards cm quality of sewage effluent com· Ing Into the river from upstrum cltiea. ''The bacteria COlD'lts we have been 1et· ting from lliese cities are encouraging," be said. He aakl the only method observers can use to determine whether the water iJ unafe ii by cow:itina: the number ol col· °"""' bacteria -crganisml preaent In aolmal waste. OOMPING EFFLUENT "U we find that all the cities dumplng their emuent into the river have com. plied wit1 the r!gld "8ndanls, then the DAILY P'LOT 111.MrtN.Weff ........... ""' ..... Jwl a. CU<'-" Vici~_, o.-J .__ .,. •• , k•••il ..... n-.. A. t.fufplii11• ~l'-l!Or Al'l.otri W. l•t.• Wilfi•lft ., ... ..,_,... .............. .... "'' I!-- .............. 0Mci9 l"lfti ,.,. .. Meifl•t AUr•-.i r.o. a.. 7'0. •2641 --...._. 9Mdl: m1 .._ ..... ...,.....,. ~ ,.._I • ""I ...,. l"-t &..-1iMcJ111 m ,.,..., ,._ ' ....,.,. -not be human, but animal waste,'" be said. 'lbe non-human colofcrm bacteria in the river would not cONWute a health hazard, ho Aid. NevertheJesa, he said, the waters of( Newport and Huntington Beach are sUll in the danger zcme. and the only WIJ' to clean up the water II to stop the rtver. Tbe effects of the January and February floods .,.. lltll being felt, and new remnant!: are sUU cropping up. St.one &aid silt washed down the river bu coated the river bottom and will not allow the dirty water to eeep un- derground. NO HARM "ComlequenUy," be said, "almolt all the polluted water Is nmnln( in,. the ocean instead of underground, where it wooldn't do any harm," be aaid. When th( ptua Is buil~ the bea"l' """' runoff mlsed with ... .,. bacteria wlll be trapped behind the dam. While the riverbed b dry, tbe crews CllJI r<btJild damqod dikes .. trap the ronoff as it ls slowly releued from the dam again. Meanwhile, the •ttltude of Newport Beach businessman and city officials is anxious. 'Ille ahopkeepm aioog the wotmroot area ol the quaranUne have complained that they have lost thousanda of dollars Ill receipts because of business l099tS blam- ed oo the water closure . Newport CouncilmaO Mcinnis, sup- ported by Vice ~er Lindsley Paraons, said the council ahould seek action from the Corps of Enilneer•- Mclnnls rapped inaction by the Corps after hearing "'porta from Harbor Coordinator George Dawes that Carpi of· ficiats apparently weren'\ aware of Ult problem. "I find It n.nl'to belfWe that tbeJ"""' unawaro ol our bucll pollulioo and tta causes," he 1tld. ''There'• been enoup publlclty C111 IL• Y••1•!'•!• • Planned· Tracts: • Boon . or Bust? -· • IJ TUllT"CO'fll.U: Of .. Dllll' ...... minimum wao't -~ hurt our use of ' planned deve.lopments." -devef9pments lln'e lltimd lip a -·• -ol -In F"81lajn Valloy 111-,_ -"""'"· ornder that d7:il tloo, lots ....... tlm tlla ci- ty ~of f,lGO _...fool are allowed.· Small kA.s create more people, aay op- pooerits, lbenl>y ruonlng op Bl"lt... ea- penses •l!ile lowering the. nlue of the nelgllborlll& i.,... lots. Qty Planalnfl Dired<r 8 l 0 D le J Mans!ield, -.ver, feeb tl>e coocept ls more of a boon than a bust to the city for two primary reasons: . t. It glvis the clty"A liarPJnlii& ele- -t (small loll) .. trade f.,, park !ml developed by the builder. I, Unique coocepta In design, with tigliter cooln>I by the cllJ, can be u- erclsod In the planned development. Recent actions ha•e pointed tooiranl -. but not. efimlnaUoo, of the planned defflopmenl coocept. A proposed ahoolute mlnlmum lot •lr.e of 1,000 aquare feet In Fountain Vall<y planned developmeota will be debated before the city council during a public hwing scbeduled for eight o'clock tonight. The mini.mum bu been recom- mended by the city'• Planning Com- mission. "I would regret loaing that $100 per lot for parb on tie amall lob_.'1 says Mansfleld. "bul tbe 1,000-equare-foot ,....,. PCfe l APOLLO ... adjullments probably would not be;need- eil before Apollo 10 hurtlea behind tho moon Wednesday afternoon and drops in- to orbit around IL "We can take what we have right now and completely achieve the lunar orbit trajedoey we want," Frank aald. It was a fitting day for uploraUon - the an;iJvenary of Christopher Columbus' death and also I.be day in 1927 when Chari,. A. Llndhergll took oil to fly the Atlantic. Space C<nt... apokesman Jack Riley Aid the weather wu apeded to be good in the South Padfie 297 miles west or Pago Pago, when Apollo to oplashes down at 9:53 a.m. PDT nut Monday. Porecaaten called kr 11 to a-knot.- and three .. fivHool ..... Youni, taking sl#Jnp on the planets, ~ ~ had Jupiter in bis llUtaot liglJls "and I can a!Ieady recognize it beCtuse of itl moons. Now I've got Mars ••• in there, and it'• O'N' by Tom's wfn. dow." The spacecraft wu atill rotatµig slowly to keep the IUD from beating up one slda too much. Ila wobbling posttJoo WU bet· t.er controlled today, and none of the con- trol thruster firing whcee jars and thuds kept the astronauts awake earlier in the flight .... needed . "We went all night wilbout firing a thruster," Frank a.kl • ,,,..... Pqe I SEX CLASS .•. tubes in holding together Ole tamily unit. "The kids think it is a fun evening out and not the start of some lnlant's llfe." Arthur Guy, d the chamber commit· tee, said be belieVl!S the reproductive process bu tu spiritual lmpllcatloru. Dr. Robinson said he knows of no 1-w that says you can't bring into the IChool u a ruest speaker anybody yoo nnt -lncluding ministmi. He said he th1nb mlnlotes and -ahould be uaed u n:source people to speak to sex educati<la clasoes. Dr. Robinson said be believes 3eJ: educa1loo should he only part of a much bnJader health education program In the schools. "In no other major 11Ubject area would I coMider there to be a (t'9.ter gap between what we know and what we teach, .. be said. Committee member Kermit Dorlus aaid he th1nb the ccmmlttee should """ qem ltaeU witb this broader problem and not just "this red herrtn( au edu<ation." "I hope yoo flq that in your notes," said Dr. Frlsull•. "It'• • good point to make In our n!C1>mmendaUon." A surprising fader In the lamJe Is the number ol raidfds, .-ng er p-. who wW be in tboae planed developmmt ........ Rocent controveroy baa oeritered. oo the proposed !GO home Larwill Tract becauae ol !ta i,OOIHquare-foot lols. and ... of another owner's land fer park site. However, two plarmed developments already exist in FDUntaln Valley and ooe, Grem Valley. a1ao bu some S,000-square- !oot lots. More than 1,llOO people live in the two clevelopmenls a!Ieady ezlstlng (Colonial Vista and G""" Vall<y), and mere than 4,SOO ore eapected In four plaoned deveio.,.ne.ts aireody approvi!d by the d- DAtLY ,Ill.OT .......... 'MINIMUM WON'T HURT US' Volley f'lo-r Mansfield ty (Lanrln not Included). • --• -~-land. Those figures are--llCtUltty ·o·w-Pll'., uu-...... 1 estlmales by Mansfield, baaed on the This '""'16 haft allowed the density to number of units planned times three. be much pal« In the Lanrin Trad, a Fountain Valley's current average ii S.I factor oppoMd by many resident&. "'-·--Fountain Valley uses a den.<y factor persons per ~. Mansfield points to the free park land, of 4.15 bomes per acre wilh 7,200 square about 32 acres, gained from these foot lots. In planned developments, uys devetopmenLs, to show the advantage ol Mamflekt, tbe denEty ii usually about 4.1 the t or 4.1 bomel' ,._ acre and with the concep . ..,., ~ "By ofiering a builder a chance to build ttcbttt c o n r o I s (6,GOO-square-foot a few more homes we can ask for much minimum) caanot go past 5.0 per acre. more park land than normally possible," Limita on planned development regul,._ explains Mansfield. Ucm are expected to satisfy man)' of itll Part of the problem In the Larwln _.,.ma, while lltll allowing the city • Dev .. ent wu the propoeed uae of -for acblevlng unique design and a Southern California Edison Co. !ml for a top park.~ Mamlleld concludeL Abarµl,oned Cars' Days Numbered in Huntington Officer Jim Lail .spent a busy afternoon Monday in Huntington Beach marking 14 cars in the area of F1orida and Delaware streeta as abandoned vehicles. M of f p.m., Monday, Uw: owners of those cars; if there are any, bad n hours to move them before the can would be towed away. · The proCess was nol unusual. In 1961 the Huntington Beach Police Department marked 1,298 vehicles as abandoned. Of that number 40& were towed away !Or starage.. ' o\ • • Only 'It owners showed up to claim their cars. Eight of lhe other cars ~ out to be stolen, and the olher '!90 cars were sold to varlou..s auto dismanllm. The police department does not me charges against ownera of abandoned vtblcles,. but if the owner wants hil car back be bu ,. pay towing and storage fees, which vary fmn garage to garage. Officer O. L. Akin of the traffic division explained the process of marking an abandoned vehicle, ''first a patrol officer observes a car sitting in the street, if be sees tt for an extended period of time and it becomes a nuisanee, he'll mark it abandoned with a notice that tt will be towed awa,y in 72 hours." From that point, uys Akin, it is up to the owner to recover bis car. Officer Lall was not alone in bis work Mooday, addld Akin, a total of 25 unwanted cars vrett marked that day. Kennedy Raps Hamburger Assault as 'Irresponsible' WASRINGTON (AP) -Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, speaking out in the Senate for the first time against the Ni.Joo ad· ministration's Vietnam policy, charged Tuesday that military actions web as the assault on Hamburger Hill are· "both senseies.! and irresponsible." "American lives are too valuable to be sacrificed for military pride," the M8&!8chusetts Democrat told the Senate. U .s. forres, frustrated in Dint prevhlus days of efforts to take a mountaintop forires.1 ovef'looking the A Shau vallt:y, finally captured the hill Tuesday on the 10th day of bani figlltlng. Kennedy called on President NiJ.c:m to withdraw orders given by the Johnson administration to step up pressure agaimt the Viet Cong on the ground in South Vietnam. Kennedy's speech was p r o·m pt I 7 challenged by Seo. Hugh ScoU, assist.ant Senate Republican leader, who said "I'm not going to second-guess the President on the omduct of the war." Unless support b gjyeo to such military decisk>M," Scot said, "we art not let"\'· ing the cause of peace." Kennedy asked Scott i1 he would draw a distinction between battles for hills in wan where the United Stites gought a military victory and llghls such .. Ham- burger Hill when the President bas made clear we seek no such victory. "It is not for me to j\Jd&e" the decisklns made by U.S. miliLary men," said Scott, wbo earlier this month called fur the start of unilateral U.S. i r o op withdrawals from Vietnam. "Unless we protect our forces ln the field," the Pennsylvania Republican said, "we might as well accept a total defeat and a complete withdrawa1." Kennedy, whose on1y previous criticism of Nixon had been in a statement his of· nee made ·available after the President's speech last week, said "f thought we were looking for new kinds of in- itiatives." But military development& indicate, he went on, that the United States is follow- ing the same kind!: of actions, which he called "disheartening and disappointing." From Pq~ l VIETNAM ••• hand grenades aod we bad to get to those bunkers, bunker by bunker. Hamburger Hill got il3 nickname became ol the blood shed on its 39-t<HG- degree: slopes and ill battered ap- pearance after 10 days of air strikes and artillery bomhmlments. U.S. planes aimed more than 300 tons of bombs at tbe peak while artillery tttWI poured in abells. Kelling'• Meaning Questioned Oil· Reserve, J LeaseTr~de Suggeste~ WASIUNGTON (AP)-An "clwip ol the Elk HU~. C.lif., Naval pttroi...,. Reoerve !« ollailon fedora! oil -In the Santa Barbar• Channel WM pro_.r to·~-~· Rq. Clwtes M. Teque (M:alil.), made the 1u11esUoo In supportlq • bill by Sen. Alan Cranlton ([).Caiil.), .. end all clr!lllng In the Santa Bul>ara ~ where an oil well eruptJon Jut Jm. 2S aoai<ed beacbea and bathon In oil Taque .. Id a Sedate Interior IUb- ccmmltee U>, trade CCIUld save the Treuury mere than a blllloo ifoBan In redeemio& -!O< wblch the au -- pan1,. paid mere than MtlO mlJJioo in bonuses In Febrwir)' 1.a,, CrWton .,.pbMf"'CI ~ earthquake fault !ward In the cbamiol, and uld • repetition of the January oltrpill dtlu:ter could produce a pollUcal -that would ...ult in ellminatlon of all olftllon cfr!ll. ing in the future. The senator defended the oil am~ panlea, .... r11ng that they followed •P' plicable regulaliom. Decisim on. the risks, he said, p: a matter for g0wrl16 ment By redesignating the channel u Naval Petroleum Reserve No. I, 1n place of Elk lUll!, Teague said the oil would be available for production in a period o[ natioMI emergency. Teague suggested that the stale ol callfornia could. be given 1 portion ol Elk HUlls to exchange fer state leun in clwmef Inside the three-mile limil Under the proposal, the state would have to pledp not to explott the stale<>wned portion ol the dwmel un1 ... lbe federal government reopens the adjacent waters. The Elk Hills reserve, cooaistlng of 31,000 acres of J?Ubllc and private land,1 was established m 1912. In the Teapot Dome oil scandal!!. Secretary of the interior Albert B. Fall was convicted af accepting a bribe in connection wllh an Elk Hills oll lease. Valley Trustees Win National Board Honors The Fountain Valley School Dtstrlct Board of Trustees was one of 24 school governing boardB throughout the 1\lltlon to be selected for the TOOm McAn School Board Award Monday. ~ honor w u bestowed on the trusteea for the second year in a row, this time for their cooperation with the CallfomiS Teacher's Alsociation (CIA) f o ~ e!tablishing a special project to involve teachers in decision making. The program has been labeled "Project One" because it is the first oUidal undertaking of a tu-supported acboof district in cooperation with the new W ltruction center of the er A. Briefly, the two and a half year project, Is designed to res~arch and develop MW· roles for the teacher and lo demon.strait' how teaching can be made mor'1: manageable and learning more e!fectlv~ Members of the Fountain ValleJ! governing board are Dale Stuard; Frances Donovan, Harold E. Bf'OWl"lt William E. Crane and Mn. Douglas A.. Myers. Summer School Begins June 23 Summer school b e g I n 1 June 23 for youngsters in the Ocean View School District. Classes for first through third graders will be conducted 1n 13 of the district'• schools while fourth througll efghlll- graders will attend classes in seven olbet: schools. Don Devor, summer &Choo! director• said the dtvi1lon of cluset into primary aM upper levela will allow the district to offer a troad selection of· clasaes. Devor also aald mnedlal, enrichme:nt and exploratory ct.uses wlll'be held at. au the schools. No d i st r I c t t.nNportatlon will be avatlable, Devor added. Summer school ...SS July ti. Leary Decision Shakes Pot Cases • ,._ Win SaWes 11ie Supreme Court declslClll wriUen by sametlme Laguna Beach resident cur- Cont.-ea1lta today In some Justice John M. H>rlan could force the rtnl1y facing LSD and marijuana quartus over the meantna ol the U.S. · De t1y · 111 Ion ..... _ ..... d aff Supreme Court's decision Monday -Ill Justice partment,. groa ...,... --•~ •~•. oes not «I terms of law enfor<ement _ to overturn atratqy In the proaecutton of about 100 lllate llWI such u be ~ cbarsed with a tlM mlrijuana convlcllon of Dr. pending !"" cases. violating locally. Timothy i.u.,., whfch lhmtened him Most likely, ti wtll aflo requlh tbe S.sla I« the high court's rull111 Moo- with a 311-year prison t.nn. government to an Coograu for ..,. day Is that Dr. Leary's OCliivlctlon In Lt.gal aperll and fec"laU.. analyals leg~l1Uoa CO•'ttln& cm.In ....., of Laredo, Tea., fer traNportlng Wtgally today uplalned that the unanhnoos narcotics enlorcemmL Imported mmjuana and failfnrt to pay a dtcls!OO tn fj•or Of the former llarvanl The opinion iffillalby Hi1Wi •tD"-ffOO-per'°""" tu Is a viola1!on ol his drul and poycholoCY researcher d... qui,. similar ,. another baaed on the constltutlon~t rights. thole things; same theoly that compllance Wlth the ~ the law bu made mero -Rtnders two aectlons of a federal federal tu law "' Imported marlJuana, _...., suf1iclent lroundl to - narcotics law' oo tArlaporir!Uon-and-tax--or pmbllng,-lt-tocltlr•elNncrlmlnltlmL-the f'MI'"" knew' the-weed wu IJD. atton o1 msr!juana Ut...ally unU> ·:we are comtralned to add that ported llleplly and ,there!cre admlsatbte for<uble. nothing in what •• bola toc11y Implies u evidence agaiNl him. -Does not soften Ian deallna with any conslilutlonai dlaablllty to Cclngrell Mere powsaion at the federal level ts marijuana, which are genmlly enforced to deal wlfll the mar(Juana traffic by not there!ort • crime, but lfnce federal .,... .r.....,.iy at the stale level rather other mcans," said Harlan. and ltlte lawmen cooperott -ly\ Dr. than by federal lawmen. the decision In fal'or of Dr. Wr)', • Leary would hal'O been jeopanl zina hlmaaif by paying the tax. Dr. Leary was sentenced to (oar to JO year1 In prison and • '40,000 fine -im- posed on the cbarle dumped bJ the Suprtme Court •dlon Mon4ay: " The Justice Doputment -,el• flclalcommmt and the Fedm! N"Ol<Cieb Buruu asld It wauld isauea-•lin the cue, then msned the ~ fd qld nothlna· • Dr. Lear)', hi1 wHe -.,Y~1 m Jahn, lt, were arruted kl Boacb tut llooernber, white the 1C111 l>oat an Wl\er IM Art Colan1 p on dNI lnto>i<&Uon cbar&a- Suaan i.u.,., 11, wu arrested with he!' father In llM at the Imler station Ir> ; cldent -clGood by the hlP court niliK. 1 Monday and ls 00 probation llllill reachirll ksai age. Tlrtlaly, M•J 20, l'M DAILY PIUIT 9 'J.S JfiPlott Agreement 1 H . '., 'Da:tn ' Weighed The Sylvania Mini-Mod Purchase I • ltleeti,./,1 · · Bid Given For Flood ,Repairing SANTA ANA -A bid of $531,115, lowest of eight sub- mitted for repair of stonn ~mage on the Santa Ana Riv~ channel bas been sub- mitted for consideration of lhe Board otSupervisors TueOOay SA Woman Succumbs After crash by t1Ho flood Contn>I _Dmnct. of Plymoilth Fon! died JMD. Lowest bidder IS the Paul day at ihe 'Ofange c.ail} ~bfiQ£ons~lon Co. of · Medical Center ttere, ~ Coun- JU8l!o1 'Calif. B• ran.~ U1P ty coroner's offiCe repOrted, tel 8855,131. 'lbe districts Mn. Ford. eo, was a ' estimated cost was $700,000. passenger in a car driven by The job. consists of channel her husband, Jack, of .$26 '8. excavation (277,000 cubic Nottingham Ave., which waa yardl) and fill, facing stone; involved ln a two-car crub on ameot, relnloreed steel and Santa Ano Canyon Road May other ·levee repairs. 4. Area Ls the river bed from Mrs. Ford suffered Impenai Highway two miles numeroos injuries lo the ac- northeast to a Metropolitan cident but the exact cause of Watet CO. outlet. · death L!I not knowtt pending an · , autopsy, the coroner's office DEATH NOTICES said. · .CROSBY Mary C Crosbr'. AM 74, of 2'°2 t-1111- ffly 51 ... s.111• ....... Ott. ot delitl!. /My 1L ,.,,.,.lyecl Irr ton, Wllfl1m, of Arti<W1•1 ~"1. Mrs. Gert1'1.1M """11'e, o.i. M-1 and -tr1!'1d$on. 5'fvictf, .in i.. Mid todey, l\lltday, 11 1.m., flfl1 I....,_.,, O.-L 1!11-~, lillttior am ~I !"•rt:. DI~ Irr l•ll ll'OlldWtY Momary, lit g,..n,.y. ,,.,. MnL, LOVE Mlld..-.d L-. Ats 7', d 31$ Ordild. c_... de! #¥. O.t. vi llMlll, Mlv 11. s.rvlcel 11111 lmwn'llfll tll'ld in c• I'..» Sprl ..... ltlb: Moflu1ry, "20 E. ~o.st Hll!WNv. Ccnrwi *' ,....r, fo,.. ....,,1111 flrecton. WOOD lrR>e L w.:1. :ID7 ltll, COl'Cll'll ih!I it.¥. Da» af Mllll, MIY t•. 54'rolkf'I, Wtdnndtl>', 10 1.1'1'1 .. ltth' Chepel, 1!20 f . Col•! Hltlow1Y, ~ ~ Mir. l!!llnn«ll, Prtv1t.. 11111 cw-doll ~r Morllllry, DI~ : ARBUCKLE & WELSH . Westcllff Merbtary 74%7 E. 17111 SL, Coat.I Mesa tr -" . I · BAL'n MORTUARIES C.HU del Mar OR Wilt Cotta Me1& Ml ~-' ' BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY Ut ~roadwa1, Coltl Meta LI W4D ; DILDAY BROTHERS . BulfallH VllleJ Momary • 11111 Be1dt ·BfTd. Rilldllctoo Budt 14!·ml 'I MORTIJARY Cl Milak. Rndllrlol- LEMAI Cowie Tops AID Meet GARDEN GROVE -Motion picture and TV actqr-com- edian Tom D'Andrea will '.be guest speaker at the lltb an- nual report luncheon of Orange County United Given lo be beld tonight In t1Ho Garden Grove Room at the Anaheim Convention Center. The meeting will a 1 s o feature the installation of new officers. Al[).United Givers has more than 40,000 individual donor· members who help 111~ The American Cancer Society, Amtrtcan Red C r o 1 1 , Arthritis FounclaUon, Braille Institute, City of Hope, Crip- pled Children's Soclety, Heart Association, John T r a c 1 C I i n i c , Mu1tiple Sclerosil Society, Unit.d Cerebral Palsy AMociation, United Fuoda and Communlty Chests. Countian, 80, Takes Own Lile GARDEN GROVE -All elderly Garden Grove min In Ill health lhol hi-If to death Morid.iy, the Orange Qolnlj Coroner's office reported. William w,.., IO, of lllt4 Josephine SL, was dead on ar- rival at Westm J n1ter Memorial Hoopltal. lie oho! blmaeU In the held with I JZ. calfbtr revolver, according to hll wife, Tena. The Or•n91 Coost'1 Most Complete PRUiTING SERVICE ---. PIMM M2..Q21 • ' All your bills arc doc at once. And you don't know how you're going to stretch your budget to cover them. Why not cover them all with on.e check? Use th!: funds in your Ready RaervAccount. Aod then repay Security Pacific Bank at a more leisun:ly pace. A Ready Rtl6CrVAccount i.m't hard to come by. All you need is approved=d.it. Wbatyoacando with one is really something! When· ever you necd't!:i:tra money-to mtcli a budget; cover an emergency-or Stereo Hi-Fi Big Sound-Small Cabinet take advantage of a buying· oppoi1unity, all you have to do is write a check. Funds are deposited automaticallyinyourchcckingaccount. You can pay the JDODej back on a convenient schedule. Or you can pay it back within 25 days and have the money interest-fn:e, With Security Pacific;_ Bank's Ready RcservACCOUDtyou don'thavo _to take ~y firil!!lcial lunips. ' · Uniess-you"Wlllltto. SECURITY PACIFIC BANK --~ .............. ------ ' . . . ' • • '-• ' • • • ' ' . ' • • Jf ~y I'll.OT H : TYffda?, M11 2ll, 1969 Penney Co. to Expand OVER THE COUNTER toe ANGELES -J. C. ,_ Co., Inc., ls plannlnc .. tapand tis Tr< ...... 1sland division toto s 0 u t b e r ft '"" ...... w1II bt loCaled al Oranplborpe A,..... a a d Bead! BoWevanl In Buena -Part. <rarCfen OrOve "' Bouleva,d and Ma-A ..... In 0r.,,,. aod .s.p.Mda BoW<vard and HaW1home8outovardtoT ... Colilomls. Jae t F. Beb.rtaclt. v 1 c e p<Wdeol .. t.ct alld -of ........... lalllld ....... said that the com)iMY's inltie.I el-rort to wve tbe Southern C&Jifomta markel will rdlll In 1he simultaneous openin& of three stores in 1970. ,...,., Plans for two more ltofts. In the Saa Fe-Volley communilles of Canas• Parii: and Granada Hilb:, are ~ pedi1 to be rmalJJed ..... 'TRADE and SAVE' ON oornm COLOR TV Color TV BOU# MOORISH STYLING • WITH AUTOMATIC FINE TUNING ,IA.F.T.I FOR A PER~ECTLY FINE TUNED PICTURE EVERY TIMEI • • • COLOR TV -STEREO PHONO -FM.AM l FM STEREO RADIO -IN DANISH WALNUT STYLE ,, .. di.t., m ~ In. 01t•vrt, 2 -•2'' ...... d-.,_._.,., Plllil 6 -, l'"'" rwwttn. T•jlll ,_..,. 1*c*, ,,.,._. "-cl__. IKk. (Aviill.lble In .....,.,. c"'tl'OI.) $795°0 EmylaokT..,.. ' © DAV I S Ii R l°1 \V N So1f!l!thing all · Newlyweds should know ••• about finan•ial success. The first step to- wards this much-sought.alter goal is the basic protection of the family through Lile· Insurance. Should you buy now! Or can it be put off oa!ely ii both husband and bride are working! The wise thing is to byy now. Postponement till you're older means higher premiums and the ri.!< of poor health ·striking in the meantime. Someday too, that second income may .top, making it doubly importsnt that a new mother be guaranteed a living income-an income en- abling her to devote lull time to raising that precious new addition. The best buy for the young family is per- SYSTEMS MANAGER H.J ....... a.-110 • Mulllll fund bwtstinc In !fie dMlopmotrt and ... of n.. OCMn Ind its mowas -----------MW.-D"'• .. t•"t.. •• ,... ltrwl .... l'wtl. ... y. , ... ...... wlld-•,...,111111 ... .. oc.111JCmphlc ...... fflC. J, L. Pllllifoub .. C.LU. Apney AMocllt. HAR BOR AREA T•t s.&7·5621 manent insurance. It provides that most importsnt guarantee of family income. In addition, it's a savings plan providing cash in an emergency and funds foi long-range objectives such as a university edur.ation for a son. _ Call the Man from Manufacturers a"911t financial au~ through insurance. You'll find him a competent and friendly adviser • Loew's Plans .-t• l. r...,.., Aaency Auocllt• NEWPOftT BEACY Ttf! 547-5621 MANUFACTURERS LIFE • INSURANCE COMPANY NIU TU ASSETS OVER $425,000,000.00 annUtn on minimum -~~-----------~------~ ffrnl accotllh ln multipler R.D.Stent• Aaency Associ•t• . ·COSTA MESA Tet : 547-5621 INGS • OT><Ell BllANCH Ol"F1CIS -·~ w..t Arcecffe .. CoWW Of $1,000. t.:;--~ I G..,,... lii;;;i;;;;iiiiii~;;;;;m;iiiiiiiiiiiiili-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiii~iiiii=iiiiii~~~~,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiili~ I ' .. .. .... ... , .... , ..... Lw a..Q9. .. .. ~ ' I t ~ ' ~· f'f. ' I . ~: t l "'·!!" ~-,,, ~-... . .. ... ~'· .. a. ~· ~ • • ~ : .;· t :· ~. ~ . • • . - ~ :•' : • f • 1 • 1 .. • ~ • " • :! ' • • • • • • • • • ~ • ~ ~ ~· • ~ • ~ • • •· • • ' • • • • • ~-· • • .. . • • • .. • . ' • • % • • • :t • • i. ~ •• i • i i i , l: . • '• ! !·. ~- ~ t i i ~ .. ; ; ; .. r-~ " ,: 1 . • .. .. .. ' .. • • • .. ' ' " : . ' ' ' ' ,, " "' •• • ' • .. • ' l • " -•• \ Tlltldoy, • ., 119, 1M H DAILYl'llfP New York ·Stock ' ~change ' List ' Prices-C.Omplete • American ·.stock Exchange List • • f • II IAll.Y PILOT Tlle14v. l!I)' ~. 1~. Orange ·coast Area Vital -~t·~ti~ti~~ Blrtlu - GRAFFl11 Divorces blVO.CIS .. lllO l•rt.r1 14M Lllllol ws .lot-" Cll.tfi. Liiiie ll:lc:No... C. Lllhtnu "" 11:-l'Jt ""'""' JOM C. McCINrJ' VI Wllll•m I" • ..., .. ~ Phyllll J.-rt McGtt W L•,,,. Allfl' ...... f'•l•lcl• lorr11M Clerf; 111 J-I!. Cltrk- Llnci. R11 Flt!'9,,.Jld vs G«l ld Ltt Fllreer11d Annelle Mlrt. -t.m~ VI JI'~ R~r ·-~ Bltl~ .JO'I' K'hll'lle!'° ¥1 Cec:lJ .,,., Kl!'Pllft9tr liYrlc• Yal<o SlolirlOCk "' C'Vcle "'lbef'I ....... ~ry Kenl R"dotl Y9 0 ,•111 Oe1 ...... Robert L. M.rW11tl ¥1 Ellz1be1t1 I!. ~nh1ll Oorofhr J. '"""''-n Cl1\NN K11r-.111 Bonnie JMn Ov.le»h; vs ~., Jolln Dul>l9l1!1 Crvsl.tl Alnet11 ...,. .. ,..,. "' ICtf'n'tll Brvc.e ,,,..l1nd9f' Arl!M Lyndt WlllllMn'i .,. lllY Albert Wlndhl m "'""' LoUlse lluttv w E1rl O'Htll ...... Dorl1 C1ror1M A~ YI J1mn \H Al lord C.11111 Lu Br.nt VI Jeck WI• a ...... Clwln E..,. CMrtw n h rtw1 JMn CMrter - ' . I:-. ...,..rle H. H.tf_,.,, n ll:1l'l"n0ftlf l. M · 1er1n ~ )e..-E.....,,,_._ • "*rf Dlln """11n _p --·--. .- r ltldilft AIM Hllff "' J-~bdlll "''" Slelill lt\M C1,_, w Ont.. Hrnry """" &rlwlY L. f'afml! 'wt AMII E. ~tim." Oilorltfle Mulkey .... Jed: •. Mli-................. 11:1111-.i,1 ... '"""-E. R-v ~ Marr Jtow Jttm.tr.tt VI Howtf11 M. llei1•M't "'-"' .... Ori --.... Jolwl llollllrl ...,._ S.r,dr1 Kn .&tr.S. 'II lt:obtrt R(Nld ElfrMa .,,, P•tr1d• Hotlliri Dttwtllet' w B\IAl'I Jolln """""' Edlltl R•re Gll.,lllo 'ft Mkr-1 ""°"' GUMINI e.tttv v. lilll'ford ,,.. .&IVln It, Hlltford Miiton W. lrwln vs "-'-H. lr•ln MIH'ilrn J. MCC1r1Y vs hrrv A. ""'"" Bennett L. ~li.nblct w M•rt•r.t H111e!!bedt JOlnne Esther o.dtert Yll R•lp!\ Ellillolld Dec:k«I Rudolph Unc19<WOOG Jr, vs l l•li.11 k , ·-Sll1ron P•tr~ Wi!'lm1n .,, Jfltlft L•w~Wel,,...n INT•ltLOCUTOltY D•CltEES e.rttt.. R1'1' W-VI Holl II WlllH w_, l ttlll{'I J, C1nu>ilell vs JI~ W. C1f\Pbelt R a1 •111•rY .,..trkl• "'11111 .,, Uwl"e!K'G Adl111 flrftn EIMI MH Alltft VII 01nlal Alll;<n Jldl WI M'l!n Waod VI M ... 1"'1t Ann w ... ,,._rlorle ~ Weltll "• L1rry l re w ... Kirin AM terry n s11niw DI~ ·~~ RCOtrt C. Klallarat YI Mnri. Kl1t.or1I J..-llJ'nn "-Hturi W "°'""' E-Hl•on ' Rldltnl 8r1nltln n N-1 8r1nl91n Slllrllll MM Hu.-y w JllMllh Lft'tll -C..~1111 Glekot ., 6-'le 0 . GllltCll Lindi S. _Rouse 'II V""'°" H. R.,M Jtmn. WllllDl'I F11ller1on n Pr1.clll1 J .. n Flllterll!m lltl(MI E. P9wirl VI t..rry lit. ,._... Fr11'Cft e...... llt-o "" T~ ·~ M1 ... 1ret K. • FIWr ¥1 GftrlG A. ·-NlllC'I' JHll Wr•Y ... Pflllli. F. Wr•'I A9"t1' 5n'llllt W Alben $mll!'I Ml.O.I lM '_,_ n Robert EIM'llll ,_, Jomn Ei.19 RDINll Vll JIU Arntld .. _ ~left L. Abdnor VII Fm! '""- W•'*' "· lt-11 n Ylrtctnt I?. '""" Jallll Edwin! Folli vs K1rtr1 Giii Folt1 Murle-llM S.,.lllv .. Fltlds n Din Fleldl P'INAL D•Cltll l Dtlllrh M. Clol<d vs Ell'!' ltldllrd Clowl l~nl PHHnt ........,, 'fl Vll'CMI ~ •....i.111 Nina' Donni 01!'-4'11 vs S.mvel Ktrtlfrl Dlller,t Oo.o>M J . Slr1lnk "' Mldllel J . Slr1lnlc Y11'9lflll K1"*'lnl Dlrm-Zw1rt "' G1rr.t1 O.le Zw111 RoOln O.H Allen "' 111, LIWll Allfft Want Ads I See by Today's * Passionate Pink: She'll love you for thl.s, and have more tln\e for tun .•. bealL lirUl pink \Vblrlpool Imper. ial v.vher £. gu dryer, only S50 each. * ll•wailan Income : Ba,y.. view ho~. kteaJ tor hi- ri11e, bu bar ind ttstau. ranL $600,000, $1S0,000 down,, •. a barpin. . * Micbarllrcclo'• Magic: Unbdlevable-in fhil cool, •rent, -formal d ..... table of pure Ital· WlmarWe.Tnii.a ~. lituI local -... -who enm1ain o:tendwly . You camx>t duplicate UU. ancu-..' • Marriage ~enses • 0 • • -· lfl'S If.,, ' u ,0.. !\a.,. llll'W' ""!llbbcn .. 1mow o1ayoae_ ....... to.our ..... pleul ·tell.• ao .\bat ~ ,., utead a frieJ)dly ~·and holp thecii to 1 • uqttllntfld -lh their new ~ SO. Coast , Ylsll6r 494.05?9 Harbor visitor 494-9368 The Orange Coast's Most Comiete PRINTING SERVICE 'iid'N Phone 642~321 You're fighting the law of -averages. Even if it hasn't conked out already, that ·compressor in there is ripe for Social .Security. (Your warranty has already run out) Before you put out a bundle for repairs or replacement, wouldn't you be smart to fihd out the new deal on the modem air conditioning system that has no compresspr to wear out? The system the average family caii own for less thall' - - ' -· • :STEREO SENSATIOr.1 Tiie ~.,_I s~nd af .,. .. '. Or•'9• County Music ' . ' RADIO K08M 103.1 FM From Fashion Island, Newport Beach • s ' $1 a day? The syste~ you can have installed right now while prices are low without paying one cent un- til it's ~n? Al\~ workipg? And keeping you cool? Wouldn't you be smart? Then call the Gas Company. Could be-you could beat the Jaw of av- erages. As welt as a costly repair bill. • ( TlE 9 2§ - • ·-···., < ' ' - • • • • • • Fountain Valley • TOd•Y'tl I''* .. EDITl'ON VOL'. 62, NO. 120, 2 SECTIGNS, 18 PA~ • ORANGE COUNTY, CA(IFORNIA TUESDAY, MAY :20, '1969 TEN CENTS , . .. U.S . . \ Hill Captured After 12 Tri~s, ~50 .Casualties DAILY Pl\.OT ....... IUdllnll ........ On the Way PP Christine Ben!ngton, .2, climbs play equipment at Huntington Beach's Murdy Park. Christine, 16362.Serenade Lane,J!9pes to reach .!ieiihts already attaided. py her illbstri.9us cousin, Jac~e B~gion, who is reigning U.S. Junior Miss. -, ... , ~ li.•f'; . -• .J> ' ) Apollo on P:recise.Cour.se; Moon Landing Ship Set SPACE CENTER, Houston (IJ!'l) - The Apollo JO astronauts flew the most preClse course yet t,hrough space TueMl.ay to set up the world's centuries old date with destiny -puttina: a man on the moon. On Earth, Americaru already were preparing for the historic cooquest by moving the Apollo 11 lunar landing machine . to its Cape Kennedy blastofJ site. It is scheduled to reach the moon tn precisely two months, July '2Q. Apollo 10 flight director M. Pete. Frank said astronauts Thomas P. Stafford, John W. Young and Eugene A. Ceman were following a path to the moon even mO(e accurate than U>e trailblazing course set by Apollo 8 last December. And their spacecraft was working just as flawless- ly. "By and large, the whole spacecraft is just performing beautifully," reported mission commander Stafford, 38, as Apollo 10 swept Into its third . 'day or flight. "It's a beauUful spacecraft." The 47-toft tpace ship ls scheduled to brake ·into orbit around the moon Wednesday afternoon and bqin ·a hair4 raisiag series of maneuvers the next day to clear the way for a landing by two Apollo 11 astronauts in July. The Apollo 11 crew -Neil A. Armstrong, Michael Collins and F.dwin E. Aldrin -w1s on hand at Cape Kennedy to watch their 363-foot ~ machine make the six-hour journey to the oceantide· launch pad from i t s • siyicraper-lall baniar. Apollo 10 will circle the-moon 32 times twice (o within only 50,000 feet of t~ gray, craggy, cratered surface, and then bias! back IA> earth Saturqy and land in lhe ~ Paclllc nut Mooday. Stafford, Young and Ceman staged their fifth col« tdecat lrorn Apollo JO al 6 a.m. PDT 'todq but over--burdened communications satellites were un8ble to relay tbe signals from the Madrid, Spain, lractlng station to the Houston Control Center for U boars. Ceman, 35, reported 'that the earth was a .. 'magnlficeqt sight" nearly 190.000 mlles away. "AD of Africa is brown of course and the water is very very blue," be reported. "It's the contrast that you notice," said Ceman. Young, 38, said the African rain forest bad "'a purplisb-blui.s.h tinge. "We just want to show you What we can aee from here," Ceman 'told ground communicator Charles Duke. ' ' No I everyone gets um far ..• Flight director Frank said ad<lltional (lee APOLLO, Pa;. 11 . NEW YORK (UPI) -Slocks took ·il on the cb1n again Tllelday, with pressure stemming from e&l'T)'over profit takinl from the previom sea:sloo, lack ol new Vietnam peace developments and belief '¥ Ille .......,y -bo •lowing. (See q-Uoos, Pq~ 10-ll), SAIGON (UPI) -American and Soulh Vietnamese forces today stormed up the slopes of Hamburger Hill under heavy tire from North VietnJmese du, ln on the sl.ln\D'lit ,and captured the strategic peak on their uth·try. · The · battle for the 3,000-foot mountain overlooking tile A Shau ·Valley cost Ille Americans at least 350 casualties, most of them wounded. A combat" orocer said it was his toughest flgl\t-sillce World War II. Corinty to Plug Dam to Quell River Pollution By JOHN VAL TERZA of "" o.llr """' Steff County Crews will start to plug Prado Illar next Monday, whether its a(!. rninistraton p or llQI, IA> stem• tbe mlhy -cl lhe Santa Ana River and end the New po r t Beach and Hun4 Ungton Beach record beach quarantine. 1be announcement of the s t a r t of building a gate over the dam 's ocly open sJ.Wce came on the heels of a atrong blast from Newport Beach City Couocllman Donald MClnnis who Monday called for <mmediate actloo aialml·lhe pollollon. Approval for the clOeing of the dam is being sought from tbe Anny Corp. of Engineers, and a county_ -.. aald lo- day lhat wl>elher It comes "" DOI. "the ll)alerJall,. udE. lllll ... -.1 tli.<iarii~.. ' It ·" . The pie Will ~ . days to,~ and Ibo---.. a. ... -'ifmi; a 'few diys lilot. llJJOh. ••Nici, ., several otber ~ In lhe (lie PllADO, ha< II Strong Parade Ordinance Wins Council Approval A strong ordinance governing conduct of paral;les in HuntingtM Beach will become law in 30 day1 fcillowlng ld~on Mondor. night by Ille City Council. The w came to the COW>Cil nm u an emergency ordinance, but the emergency aspect cl tile propooal wu rejected and it was approved as an ordinary measure. Approval came over the objectlonl of attorney IAwrence Buclcley, who told the council be is a resmnt of the city. Buctley claimed "there a re aerlous Consti.tutiooal problems" Involved in the ordinance and asked for a delay in passage to he could submit his arguments to the city attorney in writing. City Attorney J)on Borda told the ... 'Olm- cil that "it is imposai.ble to predict what the Supreme Court might hold . We fee l this law W constitutionally acceptGle. "There is, how~er, no substitute for exercise of sound judgment m dte part of the city adminiatratot and police depart- ment." Although the law deala with public assembly,, Bonfa said he fetll the law "should stand up in court, and U it doesn't, we 'll amend il" The proposal requira a permtt IA> be issued by the city administrator for 1111 parades and lists ~ and a $Z5 fee for tbe permit. It also makes it a Law violation to bold evenb without a parade permit which "unrtuonably block sidewalks, ltreetl or interlert with traffic." ' . \. I .., ' , ' TJ\e final Ulaull by l,IOO .allied Jroops, Including a ba!lered, i>lllalJoa of llie 10111 Aliborne Divistbn, w.S launched at 10 a.m. toclay, the llllh day of Ille bitUe. It WU the 12th tune. the paratroopers charged up the alopa to lry to dlllodp the North VleWme:le Jroops from thelr fonUled bunk'trs. U.S lighter pW..., htlicopter &Ulllbips and artll)ery pounded llie North Viel· nameae positions be~re the final charge. But the North Vietnamese troops, eo- I One of 31 lreocl>"d In bwl~ '!bf~ ~ 1'ilJlltood ...... tad air ind artilJerj~. llfltJUt tap'. Stitt~ resistince qa~ the ~an ~•~h~d ' ,Pl,~Up .. IC Mffp es. I ' 11• uld ooe Am!rlcan ...,,t1llectand-.t least • 41 ' were wounded In ~ flDll ·aslauJt.,Tbert WU no .~ iepOrt on ·south Vtetnamtte cuualtlei. · · The airborne dlvlll«I wbfch bore lhe brunt of Ille llgbtJni aihce May ii 'was -estimated~to have Iott a total 'Of'at least .Beac·h SoJdier Kil"led In Communist ,Attack . . ~ .. . •• Spec. t Jimmy Lee McLell1n, of Hon- ·tington ·Beach, died lat! week in Vielharn cofnbat, the Department • or Defeii.se discloeed today. 1'1e 21-year--Old Anny infantryman. was klllfld May lf When his platoon was over· run · by Communist f·orc e·s. All Sl members oi tht platoon died in ·the al· tack. Young McLellan was the son of Mr. and Mrs. El.ion McLetl.n, IUZ Brush Drive. SurviVors a 1 so inCl\lde bis rnalernal sranlfparenla, · Mr. UICI Mrs. ~II' Blankeosbfp cl W .... jmler i'ud hiJ• patmill~ ~~~ ~\~ .. Mj~~"# It<• 4 st dead and 290 wounded In the btlUe fat Ille bill. Communist losses were est1mate.d at aboul 350 dead, V.S: military 1poilelmu said. Ao estimaled IOO North Vlotnunese. two 'battllons, were believed to baftl beea dug in on tbe summit. "All you could see were bands and rifle muu.les sticking out of_ slit.I ln the bunter," said Capt. Gerald Harkfna, 15. ''They sprayed the area and tbrew (Set: VlmNAM, P11e I) Oil Firm .Hits Legality of City Ordinance · A Soulhland oil company challenPd a Huntington Beach onfinance Monday in a Superior Court action which' asU for a cwrt ruling that the "clean up" mealure1 is uncoostttuUonal. . , NamOil as defendants by Ille Calher and Cree·Oll Co. aie tile city and•llerl>ert Day, Jls oil llel8 ouperlntendenl. The peu. Uon argues that a city ordinance adopted April 3, 1967, was unJawfuJly applied to oil "mis ciperaled by tile·company. Cather and Cree complains lhat Day ordered removal of surface equipment from one of ita wells last Jan. 20 on grounds that it was an idle racllity and lhus eligible for remova1 under the terms of the ordinance. Day's action was upbeld last Man:h 3 by Ille cfly C0\111CU. But the oil company aUe1ea &hit the we~ could, nOt bo cl•Ujfted u idle' i!n<o M could have been .. tiJmed to lull pro. ~·inu11 linlt-II b<udt !lit cl!J. icUOn as lnv'alid ind clihill that H In-Mdaile .,r Jod .fnlJ• llaOmocYpw __,.-,.......,., and Malina HIP School. • ' . -~ • . ied<Jia with Ille company:a rJcbt to , pi..,. a well ia ~ .11 lllY --1'he· icUoo la tbi.t Ille dty'• Followini .. bll jl'ldUIU6n lf!>ID hJ&h scbool ID 11111 bo eolered er.,,. Cout Colleg~ and sUJdied auto teclmolofy. Wllb the lnienl of becom!OI a Jtacber. He WU drafted May 27. Itel. He had been .fJghting in Vietnam for aeven months when he was killed. , Funeraf arrangements ano peoi!IDc ti Pee)<'s We.tlpl(nster Funerl! HOme.' • KIL~ED IN .AOTIDN Spec. 4 Jimmy MiJAj1111,'t; t I ',• . • ,' lluntingt~n Urges Lot~Sµ~ Requirenre~t ~ii '.f ra~ls· . . . With Founlaln Valley recall arguments echofnti Ju their minds, members ol the Huntington Beach City Council Monday nlg)ll decided Ibero must be • lol size ... quirement imposed on p l a n n t d developments.' Councilmen on a 4 to I vote aent back to the Planning ~mmiaion 1 new ordinance governing the planned develo~ Ill,ellls with inttructionl that lots in a planned development will have to meet some ·nqulrirnerits: Where a• lot 11 fdr a ·single ·family home standing alooo llllCI not adjooelll to a <'Ommon green lfta, jt must meet the I.ODO squtre foot rninlmmn ~menl of re.sklentl1l tonn. If h borders on 1 ll'et!n common arta, It will sUU have to be of at least 5,000 lqUJte feet 'In ..... Ille council dtdd<if. Room for IOITle latitude in incorporJUng new Ideas was )eft by insertiOn or a clasuse uying the lots muSt meet lJ:ie minimum~ Of.the intent of the -ff lpPrOVed by bolJi tbe plannen1 arid the. cohncll: · · Argument& oftlr.mlntmlan lats slm in pJaimed deveiopm .. ts fn .FPl!Jllain ~alley ha~e led *'to . recall mov~ apinst three' councibbeh., niOae ·~king the recall 'II)' theyidd not want llilall iots in tlMf 'city lllld lhal the . ..Untillllen· In •P- proV1n1· .,., lots have Uiled to beod the wi.ahel or,the,people. . 1 1 . Councilman George McCracffn argued that "lhe people of Huntington Beach do no!. wan( 25 fQQt lob. on tQe waterfront. Theh tnlist' be a1 mlnimUm 1ize on the planned <1<V.1optne;,r Jots when ·u.ey stand· alone." . ' "I don't agree with you,., said eour.- cilrnan Al Coep. "If you Impose .linilJa. !lolls bn Ille size cl'lhe lols you dfleal the -of ti)< ordinan<e. "TbO ooi,;property I own in HunJintloo Beach is my home ao I have no eonfUct of interest ln this matter. You can llWt the~ Jn the rnoi:ninli il .jou wl&h." Coen quipped, nolin1flhe Fodntaln Valley .....u and 11>e geoera!'~ with hll polfUOJI by ~beru cl Ille audience. move lpiliit lb< Cather and c... well wU baled On a section of the ordtnance whlch elassifies as idle wells all t1lose wells Which fail to produce more tha. IO barrels of oU during a calendar year. Annual Parking . . Fee Under Study. · The institution of aq annual Pl!klnc fefi which would allow lbe bearer to pa.rt at any JiDeler or on the beach without furJher fee ls Wider study today by Hu... lington Beach City Adminlatralor Doyle Miller. The Idea was sugp.sted to the city COWlcfl earner lhis week by Charles Va- nian, ol. 201 tst St., wl\o complained that "seven months of the year we are criminals because we park at meten. ln froi\l cl my home wllbout paytni tba boorly lee." He. suggested a permit at a price of tlO or $15 so that the bearer Coilld-"feel legal, anyway." City Attorney Don Bonfa ruled that permits could not legally be grll\Jted to specific individuals for specific parkin& meters, but that permUa had 1P be available to all and be good fo1 •nY. meter, even the hl1ber priced meta on the waterfront. Mlller said he woold loolt Into Ille mat- ter and report back to Ille councll. 8 Fin ed in :Dogfight PORTERVILLE (UPI) -· E J 1 b I persons •<1• .fined II.!$ each Monday for their part in an illegal dog fllllit beld M1y 4 in a remote foolhlll valley east of here. . . Doctor Stresses Need For Sex Class The ordinance will come,bacl: to the counc:ll fw llllll adlon --by ..-u,e--'linnus. .-.-~ • p ' • ' By· TllOJ\IAS FOln'UNE • CM ... D911f l'lltl Stiff 1 Teeilagers who are very sophisticated In lhe knowledge of how to make babies in the back seats of cars are woefully uninfonned on what the opposite su ex· ,pecll ol lhern. That is the viewpoint of Or,\Tom W. Rob!Dlon,. Newport ·Beach pedialridan, who sees a great need for pubUc 8Chooll to leacb .U education. .... -• Dr. Robm-pmtnled hll ..i.,,. Moo> day to '!'•en memb<n of. r.iiow111tt Harbor Chamber cl Coiiopllw'..-i. millee looking Into the feolfl>ilily cl • iCbool Kl" education prosrirn_ In •-6* to · quei«Joaloc, Dr • Ro-said· "c..talnly Ille progr ......... a iiionl tone. The gr.am Wront that can occur, even .beyond -.marital -. Is blrlh,ol sn 1D1Wllilled ol1!ld. 1 ... H......, -it at Hoaa lioopJtaJ llllCI H/1 ..sicbft.. ina.'' • ,,, .. SW\ 'sleeps liter and Jater-un mldlllemooil Oil Wednelday - wllh temperalures pegpd at Ill on the -and up to 71 llirlllet Jn. land. INSW B TODAY The Rtal 'P•JJG Doc' Dtnoalln, ~bou ·of ffoJU, llol w,ot ·~~· P.:f>Ubllc -111 ·~ ..... • 1'0i<c ... """ folOp.\ollf -l Jae 1s a1w. ...i wu. s..., Pao< . s. • -N --M --.. --' ._ ..... ,.,.. ...... ~ .. ----u -. =--. . . I OAI\. v PILOT " Tuttdll1, Mii 20, 1969 ' ' ·-.. v~•l IE!f••~ · ·; Oil Reserve, PILOT LOGBOOK - . I Reporter's.Toughe8tJoli: Writin g a Fr iend 's Obit By AilTm)R R. VINSP. °' ........ "'"'"'" Monday mornln1 means more names in the fatals wr1pup, untnown victims of drivera wbo didn't loot both ways, or motorists who plrtled Satur- day' night and bought the farm on a f~way fence early Sunday morning. You type the names all the time, but reporters have a sayiq that the toogbeot job of all ii writing your best !rlend's oblluary, and 11'1 true. * He was a wiry ex-paratrooper about to llnlah col- lege and enter medical school, a day student and a night bospilal ord.,ly, planning to be a .....arch physician, He rode the abort way to work by motorscoOttr, famillar with cracked buds, ahattered legs and woirted about The other Guy who abattd the road. Tbe Olhs Guy was a Marine sergeant from Garden Grove. wbo clldn"t know how to contact his insurance company. Not two years befort the accldent. l carried the rial · as their best man. Nin• daya draaed from her lint call to her last. She phoned· the city desk 11\e laal Ume 11111 aayone mJgbt have answered: "Art?" Tbe tone told me she was no longer a wife, but a widow. * The Other Guy was stocky, dark ,and he lOC!ked scared. at his man. slaughter trial, which included two M~1ne ~s wives 911 the Jury. Wltntws aa1d be 'ran a stop &ign. He and biJ wife derued IL He was fOlJ!ld innocent.. The courthouse walls were the same color as tbe intena1ve cart urut at Orange County Medical Center. • Walling there ane offers small, simple prayers to Whoever 1t J1, w~ ver He may be, wbne a small, quJet sorority or womtn whole common bond is men dying nearby trade blt.s of fear and gladness, depending on what they have to share. OCcasionaJly, the deputy aherilf tn charge of the nearby Jail ward swip- ed cllocolat. mints from the """"'' lounge to give them. -"I've talked with him and he is ready," Aid the 1ding bmpltal ~p laln. Hia Ups were gray like bill suit and he was probably accustomed to more eophilticat.d supplication than mine. . . By evening, my friend waa breathing bi.II pure oiygen more easily, with • a tube in his one working lung. . - · He wanted to· see those wailing with him, and -afraid cl all the ••. lleel and rubber bmf.d to the uncertain rhythm of bla Ufe -I save tbat "C6nlY old thwnl>to-forefinger sign, like it's all going In be oby. ' He pro~ the nurse not to move, but be waved b1cL * The moment In the doorway opened another tlnd o1 .doer throuP '"'11cl) to see farther than 10 years and more clearly than now. The ICmlll ~ ~1 unimportant unleu you are a fan of Jack Jonea, the akinny, unmcnm ~er 11 our high school graduation party. * Writing an obituary ts a newsmen's common task, but the one I typed to call f.o ,tbe hometown paper w~ the tougbeat Job, becauae the name aeemed not to belong in that dry, factual account. · Sunlight cutting th• July hue on the fun<ral day made colon ci,lbe c:llSl<el flag ...,. u harah aa the Marine Corpo hellcopler wllich .drowne\f ...i tbe cliooen ocrlptuno from al>ove at his gravealde. Mrd<e. He usually spent SUndaY marnlng wuln( the ar or lludylng for a teol, but h1I religion was goodness to others -b1I cburch met tyf!t'f day -and aU&ieniy he was '5 dead as a lite POpe or a defunct.hobo. . f · The only thlni tt·provea ts that cruel thfnp 10ttVtr happen aild the old ._;eta' sayjng ~ 111!e. One can J,ilst wilb him a quiet rel! aild b<x>or his Interrupted aclllevemenL And Monday mornings, I can type the namea cl stranger• with a p:ntler band. From Page J PRADO DAM CONTR()LS ••• pollution picture also came to llghi today. Robert Stone,_ director of the en- vironmental aanitation-dlvl!lon for the Orange County Health Department said that rigid rules set forth. by a pollution boml April 23 are having a deflnl)e el· feet on ·the quality of the river's wa~. The Santa Ana River Basin Water Quality Control Board aet strict stan- dards on quality of sewage effluent com· lDg into the river from upstream cities. "Tbe bacteria counls we have been eet- tJng from these cities are encouraging," he said. He aaJd the only method observers can use to determine whether the water i1 unsafe is by COUDting the number of col- olorm bacteria -organisml present in animal waat<. DUMPING EFFLUENT ... 11 we find that all the cities dumping their effluent into the river have C1>m- plied wl&. the rigid standards, then the DAILY PILO T OIAtfGI COMl PVILllH1NO C(IMl'ANY lt•Mtt N. W.ff _ .. _ -Jack Jl. C•rky Vb "rallN"t •rid GeMtal ~- n.,,.., 'k•••il """ fh•,.,• A. M11r~I,.. ""-""'"' l!lllOr Afli.t rf W. l •f•t Willi•M lt•tli ·~ """'""'-" ~ .... (l!y t•1er ............. Office l"' ltti. St.-ett Mllili111 M'"'•1 r.o. &o1 no, 92641 ---..._.. e.oi1 m1 ""•' ...... ....,..,.,.. C.... "'-91 "9 Wnl a1r llrftl L_.. ._,., JU ,.,.., ..,_.,,_ • aoarco mull .not be human, hul animal waste;" he laid. The non-human coloform bacteria in the river would not conititute a health hazard, ht aald. Nevertheleas, he aaid, the waters off Newport and Huntington Beach are. still in the danger zone. and the only way to clean up the water ii to atop the river. Tbe ellecla ol the Jonuary and February floods are still being felt, and new remnants are still cropping up. Stooe aaid silt wuhed down the river has coated the river bottom and will not allow the dirty water to seep un· derground. NOBARM "ConsequenUy," he laid, "almoet all the Polluted water ls running into the ocean instead of underground, where it wouldp't do any hann," he aald When the plug is built, lhe heavy ll'!Ow runoff mixed with 1ewage bacteria wW Ii< trapped .behlnd the dam. Whlle il'f: riverbed Ls dry, the crews c·an ~ damafed dikes ta trap the nmolf as JI ii slowly released from the dam again.' Meanwhlle, the attitude of Newport Beach huainesaman and city ofliclall l! arudOUI. The shopkeepers along the waterfront area of the. quarantine have complained that they have lost thousands ot dollara in receipts because ol business losees blam- ed on the water closure. Newport Councilman lofclnnis, sup- ported hy Vice Mayor Lindsley p.......,, said the councll should seek action from tho Corpo ol Engineero. Mclnnil rapped lnacUoo by the Cort>a alter bearing ttporta ITOm Horbor Coordinator George Dawes that Corpa: Of· ficlals •PPlfently nren 't 1wn of lbe. problem. "I f1nd It bani to btlleve tblt they were unaware of our beach pollution and Ill causes,'' he uld, '-rhere'1 been enouch publlcUy on It." Anaheim Man Killed In Viet War Action WAW!INGTON (AP) -Pl<. K-1 JacqUOI, llOll ol Mr. aild Mrs. Dalt I!. Jacqua, of 1130 WHt Chatt.au Ave., Anaheim, was one of 112 lll"flcemln ,.lllloted Monday u illllod In action In Vl<t- nam, ac<Ordin1 In the U.S. De!- lleplrlm<nL • Plann· d 'fracts: .. > Boon · or Bu st? ' .. ly TjWIY t!em.U!- 0t •~,.,...,. Planned developments bove stirred up a llornet's nost of troublo, In FowP!n Valley .. ncmt ll)Olllba ....,_ Ulldtr that dt1 1J!RU...,IOl.s omollw ~'tl>O.ci ty -of T,2GO •oquore led are all.Wed: · · -, Stna.U luta create more people, say op. panenll, d>ereby runnlna up greater ex· penies wblle lowering the value of the n<llhbor1lll lartior lots. • . Clty 'i'~ Dlrtctor }Hanley Minifield, bOriver, feels the concept ii morfl of a boon than a bun to the dty for two primary rusons.: I. It giv_n the cl1Y .l..l>oraelnlng ele- ;nent (small lots) to trade for park land develaped by the builder. I. Unique concepll In dealgn, wl\h tighter conln>I by the city, can be a- erclaed in the planned develOpment. Recent acUona have pointed toward c:w1allment, hut ool ellmlnaUon, of the p1annell development concept. A pniposed ehlolute mlnlmwn lot size • of 1,000 oquare feot in F"!lllein Valley planned developmenle will be debat.d before the dty council during a public hearing scheduJed for eight o'clock tonight. 'nle miphDwn baa been rocom- mend<d by tho city's Planning Com- mission. "I would ttgret loolnj that $100 per lot for parks .on the amall lota," 1ays Mansfield, "but the s.~square-foot Fn .. P.,e J APOLLO .•. adjuatmenb probably would not be need· ed before Apollo ID burllea behind the moon Wednesday afternoon aod drop1 in- to Ofhi.!:~ ll "We can take what we have right now and completely achleve the lunar orbit trajectory we want," Frank said. It wa.s a fitting dl!iy for exploration ...,. the an.'liversary of Christopher Columbus' death and also the day in 1m when Charlea A. IJndbergh took off to fly the A ti antic. Spa~ Center spokesman Jack Riley said the weather was u:pect.ed to be good in 1Jie .sooth Peclfic 197 mllea weot of l,>•tt> Pago, when Apopo 10 iplashtl down at 9:5.1 · a.m. PDT next Monday. Forecaatera called l<r U to 15-knot wlnd3 aild -to five-fool ..... . '( OWll· lelllni llighllnp Oil tho. planets, reported he had Jupiter in his seltal)t sights "and I can already rec:ognlie it because of its moons. Now I've got Mars ••• in there, and H'• over by Tom's win· dow." The spacecraft wu atUl rotating slowly to keep the sun from beaUng up one side too much. Its wobbling poaiUoo wu bet- ter controlled today, and none of the con- trol thruster llrlng w-Jara and thuda kept the astronauts awake earlier in the flight was needed. "We went all night without firing a thruster," Frank said. FroM Page J SEX CLASS •.• tubes in holding together Ole. tamily unit. "The kids think it is a fun evening out and not the start of some infant's We." Arthur Guy, of the. ch~r commit· lee, said be. believes the reproductive f'l'OC"'S has Its spiritual lmpllcationa. Dr. Roblmon said he knows of no law that says you can't brinl into the school as a guest speaker anybody you want -Including ministers. He aald he thlnb mlnillers and dociora should be used u 1esource people to speak to aex educaUon clasaes. Dr. Robinson said he bellevea sex education ahould be only part of a much broader health educaUon program in the schools. "In no other major subject area would J consider there to be • greater gap between what we know and what we teach ," be said. Conunittee member Kennit Dorius aald he thinks tho commlllee should COii· cern Jtaelf with tbia broader problem and not jus\ '1thla red berrlng sex education." "I hope ytAi flag that in your notes," aald Dr. Frizzelle. "It's a good point to make 1n our recommendaUon." mJnlm\fM WOf\'J aerlousJy hurt our \I.le of planned developments.:• A surprlalng factor In the lalue ii the number of resJdenUI, uistina « planned, who will beJn U-j>lonned development homes. Recent controversy bu centered on the proposed 500 home Larwin Tract because of its 5,000-square-foot lott and use of another owner's land for park site. However, two plannf.d deye.lopments alrJ!idy eidsl In Founlaln Valley and one, Green Valley, also bu aome 5,000-JqUarP? loot lots. More lhan 1,000 people live in the two developments already existing (Colonial Vlata and Green Valley), and more than 4!,'60 are e:rpected in four planned developments already approved by the cl· ty (Larwin not included). Those figures are actually Io w esUmatea by Mansfield, baaed on the n)!lllber ol units planned times Ihm. FClWltain Valley'• current average ia 3.1 per8QOS per house. Manalleld point( to the !toe. park land, about 32 acres, gained from these developments, to show the advantage of the concept. "By offering a builder a chance to build a few more bomta we can ask for much more park land than normally poasible," c!xPtaint Mansfield. Part of the probiem in lhe Larwln Development wu the propaeed uae ¢' Southern CalHornla Edlaon Co. land for a DAtLV l'R.OT Stitt,._. 'MINIMUM WON'T HURT us· Valloy Planner M~"'fleld park, rather than Larwin 111111. Thia woWd bave allowed the density to be much greater in the Larwin Tract, a factor oppooed by many resldenil. Fountain V a11ey usu a density f1ctor of 4.15 borpes per acre with 7,2:00 iquare fool lots. In planned developmenls, UYI Mansfield, the density is 111Ually about U or 4. 7 homes per acre and with . the tighter c o n t r o 1 s (8,00Q.equare-foot minimum) cannot go pall U per acre. · Limit.a on planned development regula- tions are e~ to saUsfy many of lta opponents, while still allowln.f..t":, city a method for achieving unique aild a top park l)'llem, Manalleld coocludea. Abandoned Cars' Days Numbered in Huntington Officer Jim Lail spent a INay lit.moon Moodayin H~Sli>n..l!<ac!J-~ 11 cars in the area of Florida and Delaware streets as abandoned vell,icle!I. AJ of 4 p.rri.~ Monday~ the 'owners of those cars, it there are any, had 72 hours to move them before the cars would be towed away. The process was not unuaual. In 19M the Huntlngton Beach Police Department marke4 1,291 ve1>1cl~, u .. ~ Of that number .~ Wt-re" tl>W:cid away for storage. 1 Only 71 owners showed up to claim their cars. Eight of the Qther cars turned out to be stolen, and the other 290 cars were sold to various auto di.smantlers. Tbe police deportment does not Ille charges against owners ol abandoned vehicles, but if the owner wants bi& car back he hu to pay. towing and storqe fees, which vary from gara,M.!o gar1ge. Officer 0. L. Akin. of the &alfic division explained the process of marking an abandoned vehicle, "first a patrol officer observes a car sitting in the street, if he sees it fur an extended period of time and it becomes a n~. he'll mark it abondoned with a notice that II will be towed away in 72 hours." From that point, says Akin, it ls up to the owner to reccver his car. Officer Lall wu not alone in his Work Monday, added Akin, a total or 26 unwanted Cara were marked that dti- l\.ennedy Raps Hamburger Assault as 'Irresponsible' ' WASHINGTON (AP) -Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, speaking out in the Senate for the first time against the Ni%on ad· minlstraUon's Vietnam policy, charged Tuesday that military acUoill such as the usault on Hamburger Hill are "both iemeless and irresponSible." "American lives are too valuable to be sacrificed for military pride," the Massachusetts Democrat told the senate. U.S. forces, frustrated in nine previous days of efforts to take a mountaintop fortre:i.s overlooking the A Shau v1Uey, finally captured the hlll Tuesday on the 10th day of hard fighting . Kennedy called on President Nixon to withdraw orders given by the Johnson administraUon to step up pressure against the Viet Cong on the ground in South Vietnam, Kennedy's speech was p r o m p t 1 y challenged by Sen. Hugh Scott, assiirtant Senate Republican leader, who said "I'm not going to second-guess the President on the conduct of the war." Unless support ls given to such military decision.!," Scot said, "we are not 1erv- ing the cause of peace." Kennedy asked Scott lf he would draw a distinction between battles for hills in wars where the United St.ates sought a military victory and fights such as Ham- burger Hill when the President baa made clear we seek no such victory. "It ls not for me to judge" the decisions made by U.S. mil itary men," sa.1d Scott, who earller this month called for the !tart of unilateral U.S. i r o op withdrawals from Vietnam. "Unless we protect our forces ln the field," the Pennsylvania Republican said, "we might as well accept a tota1 defeat and a complete withdrawa1." KeMedy, whose only previous criticism of Nixon had been in a statement hia of· fice made available after the President's speech last week, said ''I thought we were looking for new kinds of J.n. iUatives." But military developmenls indicate, he went on, that the United States is follow· ing the same kinds of actions, which ht called "disheartening and disappointing." From Page J VIETNAM .•• hand grenades and we had to get to thoM: bunkers, bunker by bunker. Hamburger Hill got Its nickname because of the blood shed on Its st-to-41). degree slopes and 113 haltered ap- pearance after 10 days of air •trikes and arWlery bombardments. U.S. plane.. aimed more. than 300 toM ol bombs at the peak while artillery crews poured in shells. Ruling's Meaning Questioned Lea se Trade -. Suggested ·- , . WASIIlNGTON (AP) -An excliett of !ht lllll Hllil, caur., NaY1I-P<troleum n-vt for olJaboft ltderal olf leua In tbe Santa Barb•ra Channel was pn>posed to a coqmalonal c:ommlltoe •• Rep. Qmlea M. Teque (ft.Calli.), made tbe lllllUlioo In lll-1lnl • bill by -Alall cranston (l),CaJ!f.), lo end all drlllltl& In the Santa Bartiara chunel where an oil well e~ 1llt Jan. 2B aoaked beaclles and harbors In oiL Teque told a Senate Interior 1Ub- commltee the trade could .... the Treasury mort than a bWJon dollars in redeeming 1 ..... for wbltjl the oil com· panles paid .... than lllO million in hontuea In FeIJruaiy 1911. Cranston emplwbed the earthquake fault hazard 1n tbe ~I, and Aid • repetition of the J inaan: oil opill dlaaster coUJd produ<t! a polltleal lllli< !bat would result in elimination ol all ollsl><ft drill- ing In the lulUtt. The aenator defended UM oil com· panlea, aaaerting that they followed a'p- pll<able regulations. lleclll<Jn .,0 tho rl!ks, be aald, is a mstter for tvvern- ment. By J'eC!eslgnaUng the channel u Naval Pelroleum Reserve No. 1, ln place of Elk Hills, Teague said the oil would be available for production in a period of national emergency • .: Teague IUliesled that the 1tele ol California could be given a portion of Elk H11lll to e1chance for atate ~ in channel lnslde tho lhr<e-mile limil. Under the proposal, the state would have ·to pledge ,not tu u:plolt the: atate-owned portloo.ol tbe cbannel uni ... 1he federal government reopem the adjacent waters. .• The' 'Eli Hills reserve, cOn.slllting of 38,000 acres of public and private land, waa established in 1912. · In the Teapot Dome oil acandal~1 Secretary ol the int.rlor Albert I!. F&11 wu convicted of accepting a bribe in oonnection with a.n Elk Hills oll lease. Valley Trustees Win National Board Honors The Fountain Valley School l)lstrict Board of Trustees was one of 24 schOol goveritlng board! lhrougllout the nlllOl1 to be' aelecled for the Thom McAn SchoOI Board Award Mondly. ' The honor was ~wed on the trustees for the second year in a row, this time for their cooperation with the Califom18 Tiicherl1. Association (tTA) r o r e.iablishing 1 specill pn>ject to involv\ teachers in decision making. \ The program has been labeled "Proj~ One" be.cause it. iJ the first official undertaking of a tax..upported school district in cooperation with the new lDt atruction center of the CI'A. 1 Briefly, the two and a half year projec.f Is designed to restarch and develop new roles for the teacher and to demonstrat4' how teaching can be made morj manageable and learning IJl01'f: eflectJvel. Members of the Founta.Jn Valley governlng board are Dale Stuanf, Frances Donovan, Harold E. Browri;: William E. Oane and Mrs. Douglas A Myers. Summer School Begins June 23 ' Sununer school b e g in 1 June 23 for youngstera in the Oceln View School. District. Cle,... for first through third graden will be conducted in 13 of the dlsbict'a schools while fourth through el&f\th. graders will atteod classe! in seven other schools. Don Devor, wnuner. 1ehool director,· said tbe division of cl~ Into primary and upper levels wltl alI<ni, the dllltlct to oiler a troad selection of cWses. Devor allO said remedial, enriclunent and erploratorjl cJossel will be held at all the IChools. No d 111 r I c I tnnsporteUon will be available, Devor added. · Summer school ends J\JJy 18. Leary Decision Shakes Pot Cases F.-WlnServtctt Cool.-exlata today In oome quarten °""' the meanin1 ol the U.S. Supreme Court'• «leclalon Monda'if. in terms d llw enlorctmettt -to o rturn a 11111 marijuana conYlctlon I Dr. Timothy Leary, which threattned him with a JO.year prlaon term. Ltgal uperte and le&lslaUve analysts loda1 uplalned that the unanimous d<clalon In favor ol th& former Harvard clnll and psychology reawcher does thae things: _ -llenil<n two aectlonl of a ledml non:otlcs law on ~lioo aild les· aUon of marljllai>a lllerally unen- forceable. -Does not oolltn laWI dullnS with marl.Juana, which m 1...raJly enlorted more vll0'-1Y ai Ille alAle level rather than by federal lawmen. · The Supreme COurt decillon written by Juatlce John M. Harlan could force the Justice Department to greaUy rov!M Ill strategy In the prosecutJmt of about 100 pending pot cases. Moot likely, It .. m ailo n.qulho the government to ask Consreu for new legbl!Uon covttlng ctrtaln areas of narcotJcs enforcement. The opinion wrtlt.!t by Harlan ·wu quite sbnllar to another based on the same theory that compUance with the federal tax law on imported martju&na, or l{ambllng, Is tlclUy aelf-lncrlmtnaUon. "We sre constrained to add that nothing In wbal we hold today tmpllea any c&atihrtlonal dlaabWty to Conareac 10· deal with tho marijuana ltalllc by other means." sald Harlan. Tbt decblon 1n favor of Or. Leary, a some'Jme Laguna Bdch resident cur- renUy feeing LSD and marijuana possession charges then, ~s not affect a1ate laws such as be la char&ed with violating loeally. Ollis fCI: tbe hi&b court'o ruling M..,. day Ja I.bet Dr. Leuy'• conviction in Laredo, Tu., for tra111porlfna Illepliy lmpoMI mMlj-~ lallfns to pay a JfOO-pet':(IWICO tu la a Ylolellan ol his conoUtullonll rlghll. , Previously, tbe law baa madl mero pooaeaal<Jn IU!ficlent ......,.,, to prelUll1e t.he pogsessor lmn the wttd wu tm- ported Illegally and tberefon admlllllble al evldeoct aca.1.n1t him. Mert ~ 11 tbe I~ levtl ii not ther<I ... a crime, but llnco ltderll Md 1tate lawmen cooptrate c1olely, Dr. Ltary would hava been jeopardWna hlmaell by PlYinl the IU- Dr. Ltary WU -to lour to Ill yeara in prison aild a '40,0lll fi/le Wll Im· poled Oil the char&< dumped by tho Supreme Cc>urt>action Monday• Tbe Justice lle(IU'tment declftltd of- ficial comm"'I and the Fedend Nmollca Bureau uSd it would 1uue a atUtmtnt on the case. then mened the -"1ld aald nol.hinr-• • Dr. Ltary, bis wile R-.ary ,&lid ,bJo ""' John, It, were lmaled In Lqnna B<acb last llocember, wlllle the~ oon btat an earlier 1188 Art Cof<m1-hp on drug Intoxication char1n. Suaan Wry, II, WU muted with her lather in 1116 at the border alAtlon in- cident cl-1 by the high court ruling Monday and is on probation until reacbln& le&al qe. • • .... . • • .-~ SBd._Iehaek EDITION • ''" t VOL 62, NO. 120, 2 SECTIONS, 21 'A6ES ORAN6E COUNTY, CALIFORNIA • nN •ce.rit. ... • • Dow1a tfae M •• ISSJOD Trail Parsons to Head College Faculty ~flSSJON VIEJO -Robert.N. Parsons of, Laguna Niguel, science a n d raathematics instrUctor. has been e1ected p~ldeiit of the Saddleback Collf&e f!aculty Association. He succeeds William E. Otta of Mls- 1ion Viejo, physical education instructor, Oiher new oHice rs are Lee Rhodes of Laguna Hills, vice president; Pol.rs. Allyn B. Rice of Irvine, secrebry; and Frank Sciarrotta of Laguna Hills, treuurer. e Gl'fln't Pie• Baretl ,,, .· . ' CAPISTRANO BEACH -Plans for 1 group dedicated to seeking outside sup- port, for scholarships in the Capistrano Unified School PiStrict were unfol~_ before district trustees Monday night. Howard Massie, president of tht Scholarship Fund Associatlon o f Capistrano Unified School District, said the ·new org~ will attempt to raiR scholanhips 1,..-graduating oenlon by actively seeki.nk donors. "We need S6 people as a govemlog council. CurtenllY we have 20 names Ind are" going to need 15 or more. I watit the board to recorilmend names from the crown Valley, Mission •Viejo and the Capistrano rareu,'~be~aldl.· . I · ·• lnatr11ctors ·Bonorell MIS.SION VIEJO -Two Saddiebock College science -~truetors rbafe .)>eea awarded NilJooal Science FoUndatlon gi:ahts for study thiJ summer at the rnSUtute in Radiation Technology at Oak Ridge, Tenn. Chemistry instructor Reynold J . Kero of Mission Viejo-and biology instructor Lee Rhod"·of Laguna Hills were award- ec( Ila II'-· e .P..,lci119 Pletti OK EL.TORO -Jack Marlow has county P,lanning Corn.mis!ion approval for his proposed egg processing and packing ~t in Aliso Canyon but was tume:d Gown on bis .reqUest to install a~ for r~tall sale o( eggs and dairy products. • SubditJision Olca11ed EL TORO -Roseglen Coolllnlction Co. or 22691 Jubllo Place has county Planning Commission approval to subdivide 1.1 ~es at lhe northeast corner ol Raton DriVe and El TorO Road into 21 residen- tial lots. The company also received ap- proval of a r.one change from duplex to Iour-plex on the same property. e 'Amigos' Welconiell · MISSION VIEJO -Saddleback College will hold "Alajgos Night" for prospective students, frienck-and parents on the cam- llJS from 7 to 9 o'clock tonight. -College oUicials also will vii.it area high. s ch o o I s afte' to pnprogram :new students for the fall quarter. South County area students wishing to fOllow junior college courses of study not offered by Saddleback C.Ollege must apply through the college for a transfer agrte- i!1ent. ' . e Sewage Plan OK ' ' " SAN CLEMENTE -A IZ million !tewage trtatrrient plant approved this ffeek by the San Clemente City Council will discharge treated water so pure that f1t will be wied to irrigate farms and to ffater the municipal golf course. ConsU'uclion cf the plant will .wt at the end of swruner and should• take about ' )8 months. ~· plaM will. be capable of treaUng waste for a city or 501000 .persons. San C1emente now ha' a PoJ>U).1- Uon of 18,000. • Charges Against Officers Dropped -A COrnplllnt lhat alleged lml'"'P" <iJo. ! duet by two Laguna Beach police officers has been dropped by lhe youlhlul com· -t plainln~ polk:e "ld_E'1'¥ · OUlcen Larry Wa=n and Rich Kolzin "·er.e dearedr:..ict,µ. Robert M~Mumy,. wheil 111< ...,!~I.came lo Ole"~· r 8Uon !!&!!fuc. the WeeMOd •nd Said he l'" i6ii<I mifer -diOpped. The allegalioo bad asoerled the om. ,ce.r1 Kled improperly du.rina e. • r I y rnornlnf inim'oiallon ol I•o ~oulhl oo • street. . . • • • 1 • I • •• •• - a · es e:r · I · .: \ .. , ... -" .• -: '_r ., ~ '* * * * * ~ Fig~tSaid · ' . • • P.-esident Due • '. ·T-Oughest -· On Coast Jrtne 7 • Since WWII W ASIIlN<)TON ( A P ) -President Ril:hl\rd Nl!on will fly ltwti his new West Coast summer home at San Clemente on June 7 for a [Oetting the next day with South Vietnamele President Nguyen Van Thieu on Midway IJland to discuss com- mon policy. The Pre'idtnt will spend the night Saturday in Hooolulu and then fly to Astronauts Fly Apollo iO on Perfect Course SPACE CENTER, Houslon (UPI) - The Apollo 10 .utronautl flew . the most pr<dleeoune yet through space Tuesday to set up the world'• centuries' old date with destiny -putting a nran on the moon. On Earth, Americam already we.re preparing for the ~ cooquest. by moving the Apollo 11 lunar landing machlae to ila ~pe Kennedy blastoff site. It ls scheduled to reach the moon in preclsely·two moalhl, July 20. . .!i-~=~~~ W. Y011111 ud EU-Ar"Cimon """' I~ a palh lo the ._ eveli more a<•:11rate llwl lhe lrailblazlnc '"'""' set by Apollo I !alt IJocem.ber. /ind their ·-aft .... ~,juat ... 11aw1ess-ly. ."By ·and large, the whole-spacecraft is just performing beautify.Dy," reported mission commander. Stafford, 38, as Apollo ID IWepl inlo ill third chly ol fllgbt. "It'• a beautlful,l)>ICecraft." The 47-ton 1paCe ship is scheduled to brake into orbit around the moon Wednesday afternoon and begin a hair- raiJing Hries of maneuveri the nest day to c\ear the way for a landinc fly two Apollo II utronauts in July. The Apollo It crew -Neil A. Arinltrori1, Michael Collins and F.clwin E. Aldrin -wu on hand at Cape Keilnedy to watch their 363-foot space machine make the 111:-hour journey to the DCe.li>sldc l...,cb pad . from I I s skyscraP.er-talf hangar. Apollo·10 wilt'clrcle the moon 32 Umes, twice t'o within only 60,000 feet of the gr~y, crqgy, crater_ed surface, and then blll§I boc~ lo urth Salurday and land ill the S:ooth Pacific next Monday. Stafford, Young and Ceman st.aged their fifth cokwr telecut from Apollo IO at 6 a.m .. PDT today but over-burdened communics.Uona satellites were unable to relay the signals from the Madrid, Spain, tractJPg staUori to the Houston Control Ceoler for U hours.' Cerilan, 35, ·reported that Utt earth was a "magnificent sight" nearly 190,000 milea: aW•Y· "All of Africa is brown of count ¥Kt the walef is very very blue," he reported. "It's the contrast that you notice," said Ceman. Young, 38, said the African raln forest lild "a pqrpllll>blutsb linge. . . . : . ' Midway Sunday, June 8 for the day.Jong conference, the White House reported. "The two presidents bad dt&ired to hold such a meeting · .,-soon -as feulble ur- Order to establish personal contact and discuss together the cooduct of the war in Vietnam and the search for a peaceful solutioa," said the announcement made here and in Saigon. The one-day meeting, suggested last Sa.tUfday ~Y Thieu, will be · the . first sesslori between the two chief executives. Thieu met in Honlu1u last July with lben- Presldent Lyndon B. Johnson. Alt.bough the announcement did not rnenUon U.S. troop withdrawal! and South Vietnamese election,, these topics probably will !>e. on. the qeuda; qualified aource' ukl earlier, The groundwork for the first ·meeting of the Vielnamose chlef ot stale and the new U.S. President was laid in Saigon last weekend when Secretary of State William P. Rogers held u:tenslve talks there with Thieu. Laguna Sdiools Sex Education r , MAL Y_,.tkOT _,,.... 11r Iii,_, YlllW ACTOR DAVID PAUL GRIMAC1iS1APTER CAR ·CRASH Pl1)1heijH '~Y Rosi-ShoW 511.rlnt · la9Uftan . . . SAIGON (UPI) -American and s.utii v~lnime.e !cries lciday sto'nlied .;., lilt IJopes 'or; Hamburger Hill' mKkir 'heavy fire ln>m. North Vi~ d.:C.JQ .ii 'tho awnmit lod captured the stralqlc PIM> ... lheJr 12th try. . - The battle !or'the 3,000.foot """"""'"' OYerlooting ilie A Sbau Valley <0ot h Amer.Icons at least 350 cuual~.S, · DiaOt' Of Qi\mt WOunded. A.c0mbat officei-akl 1 ~.waa his toughest 11&,ht sinCe W'<rl~·Wli' The final assault by I,800 allied ir..;. · tneluding a battertd batta&n ot the tDat Airborne Dlvtaipn, 'was I~ ·at JO a.m. today, the 10th day of the blttle.; II waa the. 1Zlh . time 'lbe paralrc!opa:I. , ~ed up lhe sl11pe1 to ,lry lo dll!Odp • .• lo~~~ lroOps ~ lbiizl _U.S IJ&bler planes, hellcopler gumhips . and arUllery . paunded the Norlb , Viet· oaml!se poiitlons tie.fore the fiMl ~ IM lhe Norlb Vi.ellWDiie lrocp,, ~ irfDcb!d in ·bunkerswlJiCb ?! iUNt ol 1"peated air and artllieij llli'lllis, sillfpal up still resistance agalnlt the American and South Vlelnameoe troops pailiq -lhe st.op blllildes. " · · ~ -. . Meetin:sr 'fcmic : Slt0..w. ,~, ~~.1.!.e~~ . -1-·· · He laid oat Amerlcan Wll killed and .t least '5 'Were . wounded In: tht 1 final UAUJ.t.1 'l'heft 'WU' DO Dnmediite:' report ·on Soulh Vlelnamf!I' eaaualtlea. · . • The airborne-dlvllloot wbiCb llar9 Ille ,l ~~{'l; t' ' • ~~Uon_fOf~,~-• "'T ,,,lj I r !,Jl~ · .. !,; I .,~, ' he discuJ8eil w~ ----~, . -'·· .hi~~,j, .n~~!"j . !ft>..llf.i.'t l . • , r" .bfuirt o1 ·lhe lllJlllal ""'°' 111y n -Bm,. -"-'lo·---""--"'"'* jo1111 meetlog in 111e LoPr9 'Fed8'ol -.!tCWf' utnJ.U:£ .C.:UU · ~:··:Ml1lmll·•N ·'1fta·a.t-..11ir • Ibo, 1111,. ' bulldlnl of two groups lnlerealed in • -' . ' . educalion. eoncerDed University of California, Berkeley P&.rtnts will meet with the SoUU. Coast Committee for the Support of Stu.~ts, Faculiy and Edue1tion. Coffee will be served at 7:30 p.m. and the meeting is tO begin at l •p.m. Parents of Berkeley students will report on issues there and at oilier great Universities of Caillomia. Dr. Dµran Bell, UCI professor, and Tom Watlord, Black· Students Union vice president, 1'ill talk and lead di!CUISIOn about . elhnic st4diet, their history and development and present' ucr S\D'flmer school programs !or ethnic' studies: Pefsons in~rested ln 'hlgher education ha\re been Jnvited to attend the joint meeUng o( the two groups. Sex educalion will be among local topics dlocussed. New SChOQl Year Teachers Topic ''Better education throUgh ·the better use of time" i' the theme or a series of meetings planned by the administration and faculty of El MotTO Elementary school on "The New School Year." Principal Bill Allen and te1ebers will be speaking Wednesday a n d Thurlday evening!! in the homes of int.ereated citizem throughout Laguna Beach. The "New· School -Year" ii a three term, all-year acbool pilot. program that would eliminate long IUlJDS1et' vacatlonl. For reserv1tiona and.locationt of meet1n1 placea, call the acbool office at fM-1613. ly Phll lnttrlancll In Highway Coilision Prominent Laguna Beach acl.Or David Paul is ,hospitalized today after flis small cal waS truck bi-oadslde in a .eoWS:i.,;;1 at a busy Costa Mesa lntersectiOn,M'oJ.d&y night, while en route to play rehtarSal. The victim, 53, of 1241 's. C.Oi.st Highway, was listed in good coridJtlon to- day at C.Osta Mesa Memotial Hospital, · wlf:h a ~d la~efat~on a'nd fr'~ctured rib. Physicians had ·®! detei'mi~ bY noon whether Paul ~ould ~ al;)le ~o open Fri- d:i.y as scheduled in the lead rote of "Mid- dle of Uie·Night,"'a Coda MeSa •Clvic Playhouse production. PJayhouse spokes~en said if he is in no shape to perform, the o\>ening wilt be delayed' one week. · lnvesUgaton for .the Cal If or n I a Highway Patrol said today that the veteran actor could have fared far worse at the , 7:46 p.m .. colll!ion at .Red Hill Avenue and Palisade!! Road. Patro~en said Paul was· driving we st on Pallsad~s ~d 1toward the playhouse when • car' waltmg, in the busy in- 1 tersection began.a left tunr into the path of a tb.ird auto. .. >·. • Inveatilaton .'.tdenU!led.l lhe . molo<ill ·making the tum as•Matthew Sanocki, 11, • ol 1824 Orchid Drive, Sant a An a ·Heights. .., .. They sai~.Mrs..Sylvla B;Mayfltk11 29, of 1005' Haven fPlace. Newp;irt ·Beach, ' swerved to avoid Sanocki's · auto and crashed broadside into Paul's .coQ'lpact ·car: ' ' · · · Haz:bor Area dr~ma , f~ns a n1d ~rt!ci~t!: not~ today U!at Pa41'1 ·ac-c1dent en route to rehearsal (or ."Middle of the Night," is an ironic footnote to hill last local production. There may be no bu,lnes.s like show business, obierved one veteran, but Paul may be having_ ~ thoughts about · that axiom as Jt appllea: to Cotta Mesa prOductlons. Two years agb, he played tlie lead role In .the. Clvic Playhouse's prpctuqpon .of . "The Best Man,,,. and his house burned to the gtourid on .the:diy of"the.tbitd pet· ror;manct . . · . L~a Wants ·to ,Discuss . History Teaching Co~cept , A Lquna s.,.ch pllll liaa nquestetl 20 -Make a dec1'ion on \ who wtll band minuta.Rf ldlool .bo&rd time toniibt;to over diplOmas at the graduaUon ex· exj:weq his ~ . about the 'flay ercises. bl-,. and social -.S Ille llDPt In -Llhly IUpport by r e s·o I u 11 on local •llChOola. Ca~ llJnll!ed, Scliciol '.Dillrict hopes Edwl!'d C. Lorr, liml Baja st.,1-uk-to d...top marine educallonal !1ciltt1 .. tiirfor the hearing. Dr. Wllllam Ullom, at,.Dana Point Harbor that would aerve· Laguna IChool aup<rinlendeot. aald Lorr all-schools in· 111e.eoon1y. ii cmcerned about the concept IPIWoriCh..i -Probab!'y adOpt a·revised policy for lo hlalory leaching u oppooed · lot. !he pn>vidlnf 'meals '"-' lo needy cblldren chronologlc1l approach (places and since lj1e • Po-Ill policy, di(! ' no1 da1"!). le<hnlcally meet requirements of the U.S. Ullom aald Lorr also ii .""""*1led Deparlmtj\I -0! Agrlcullure and lhe stalo about use ol the stale-approved tal ' Ile'part1111111 o/ Educallon. · "Lind o/ the Free"': 11 ~ -o/ the' The pew,~, ~ulm,lbat a•staleo • history books Ibo dlstrtcl UleS. mt~I ol.noed ~-acblkl ,will.be ~ , Trustees .,.111 allcr COOlkler' •~ letUr at 'fa N" Xatue' and thi meal aftea wib' a• , from ~Marshal J1~ 8. "'-!Oljow'jlp1nv~t0~Btbt- abool halarda in the 111#1 ·oc11po1 need qisll. • 1 • • ·r • • -audllorium, l'hef Jacludecl a l!Pt .. col In The , 1>!>11cY ,.slotesl' l!ei'e itmn ~. no • an ul!.s~, a milllnf'llN .,. • .,. °' d~liiaiton aod ~ cl!llclren ;-iv-'' jioaOil Wlrtiig. , , 1111 Jree mealS abflt Diit'hc 14irilill<if or , · Ullom Aid all but ane , of tbe Dlttd required to 1se ·~• klncb roomt. .. ' • ~ J>a'! iMlln coniocled1 '!!Iii •• .fl!r ,...... • , lJ I , *L:Jg;,,_1 • I • ' ',liolrd, -~· \f'> a ·•> l(i/il6t"1 ·. ' . <:tfRli'1'111• .... iJU I ' ' . Oip""'1mllt · i-. -_ ..... 'ii abocJ1 350 dead, .U.S. mlli1"'7 .. ,.,.., aajd; An eilimaled ... North v-. two battlions, were believed to bne.beea dug In oa lhe aumm!L $3,00{J $1,000 • ~n • in Cash, Checks Taken FromHar More ll1an 13,000 in cash and another Sl ,llOO .In checit. wefe· atoSen .. ;fromr a Laguna·Beach·bar early· l\!Onday,-.lnc by a burglar wbo ailo look the llJO.poomd aa(e. . . Poliee Lt. Robert McMw:ray 'said the lhiel entered a -at The BreiMn formerly Dant.e'1 ·Reients Room, lto Laguna Avenue. M~urray IOkl the burglar, puoecl through.a Walt-in relrlgerar.or aDd 1llinc a key hidden on the premiles unkd:ed the oftice door. The We, 28 lnchet square, was rolled out through a bfCk door onto El Paseo. It cootalned. $3,Z19 cash, fl,000, 'tn checks and 20 enilorsed payroll chocb imprinted wilh the name "Breakers";.the poUce lieutenCant said. In another burglary report, officials it Thuraton Intermediate School reported that a complete set of erv;:ytlopedlas valued at $115 hid been liolen from a classroom, 1ppfently by IOIDeODt·witb a key. _ In another tiurglary, Larry M.·Gilbert, 3038 Mt. View, reported tt\& lheft. or two radios, a camera and a-eewint machine with a total worth of fQO .. The thief hid enUred an unlocked llidlnf sius -· 0r .... Weadler Tlie sun' sleefla later ml'l.otet-- Ull mlda-.., WeclOelcloJ - will! temperatures pefpd al • '"'. the CO.Ill· and lip lo It •lurtber ... land. INSmE TOD.t.Y The Real 'PaJIG Doc' Dtltaller, bou~oj Hatti, Mt ta0t •Sobd ~tlp in pllbfic rllAUf t>ut a ~ • -· .. ,,.._ t<lepl\oM -h• !is olive otld well, s~· l'Qflf • :i. . • • • ecuq;~{pcnrll)•i tlll-llfiti._._ !xi~· ,11 •,,.c ..... ,,,:Cr(r!V '"~\ "al f lll!Plo"-.lor,: '.; • ., . ~P .'IJ)IJl.(UPQ-'-p·.....,,.oi1J1•t, ~ .ott.r tJaa&NAvthe bl>ard';triJ~ I • -• the Chin aaaln ~ •• ·:g a •• ; 41.-a ~'111Jl .Q'. 1tantm!ntmm <an'I'-l '"- Jl"'J!l'l'Klrk o1 .lit! be ~ll•1i~ to toUclt' lrom'ihe irmo--. ticft iii• ..W • v*nleer 1~11 !or ~'In .a Vlet111m flmlce ffvolopmenll Cl!ll!;~ktl 1 • ~ lll •ldi011l>crld" 'lllt.JocltOol 'thal lhc I~!'<...,. ••JOwl*l.<(Soe , • j • . ..,. ~ ' .. ~' .' · ;.,. , ~,' ,"tuolip...,,i!ip It-II ~ .• J.. L-----------' f I•• °') ' t ,y r ·~ ' ... ". '• , (I , • ~ • I! • I.. ~ • :, f ... , ••• • " J f, ~ ;;._A t, ~I f--~··---------'1---------\·------,..--· --tr--'-" ' ., . • MJ ..... tr~-'-'~~~~~~__;:....:c.:.;....::.~~~'{-~~~~-+-~ . • •• • .. - t IWl.V I'll.OT ( Tutsdl1. M11 20, 1'69 ·' ' PILOT • Loa•oo•)·· ' .. ,.. I Reporte~'s Toughest Joh: Writing a Friend's Obit BfAllTllUR 11. -viNsn Of .. OlllV' f'lllt ltd · M.Uy mornlnc means more names lo the falala wrapup, lllllmown vtdlmt al drhm ""° dldn, loot both '!'BY•, or motorllta wbo portled Satw- dq night and bought the farm on a freeway fence early Sunday morning. You tyP,e the namea all the time, but reporters have a aay.lna that the loqbOll job of Ill la writing your bOll friend's obitwiry, and it's true. · * He wa I wiry ex-paratrooper about to finllh col· IO(e and en!er medlcal«hool, a day student and a night 00.pital orderb', planning to be a i;......i. ~ He rode the short way to -. "1 -· f8lllfilar with cracked hudt, "'llm4' llCi and wotrlod about The Other Guy who llwed the r<ild;' Tbe Other 0., WU I Mar!Qo M!rle&nt from Gardea Gnlvt, .rho dldn, tnow bow to contact hla lnBurance COlllJltllY. Not two years before th, accldtnt, I carried the rlnl: u their bOll man. Nine daya dragged from ~ f1rlt eaJI to her lut. Sile phoned the dty dat the lut time and ~ ~filWI anaweftd: "Art?'' The tone told me the was no longer a 'wU11 bUt a widow. * Tho Other Gu.v wu stocky, dark and be· looked scared at bis. 11111> alaughtor trW, which Included two Marine Ctt'pa wtvu Dll the-jury. Wl- llld be ran a atop lilll, He and bJa wile denlad It. H'e wu found lnoocent. The courthouse wall! wtre the same color u the lntmlllve care unit at Orange County Medical center. · . WalUng there, one ollora 11nlll, simple prayen to Whoever tt la, wtm. vtll' He may be, while • aman. quiet llOl'Ority pt~wonien whole common bond la meo dy~ nearby trade blia of fear and gildneal, depeodlng oo what Ibey bave to llharo. Occaatonally, the deputy lhertll In charp DI the nwby jlll ward mp. eel clN>colate 'mlntl from the DW'10I' lounge to give them. 0 l"ve talked with him and he Is ready," a.Id the acUna holpltal chap- lain. Hll lipa were py lite bis IUit and he wu probably accustomed to mOl'.I aopbl"ltated IUppltcatlon than mine. · · By .evening, my frtend wu bnathlng bll pure ozyaen more ...Uy, with 1 tube· In bll one working lung. • . He wao¥ to ,.. lhme wallln& with him, and -afrald of Ill the glaaa, .ieeI and rubber tUned to the uncertain rhythm ol h11 Ufe -I cave that corny old tbumb-tolcirefin8V sign, Ute it'• Ill 1oin1 to be ~ay. . He promised the n~ not '° move, but ht waved back. * . Tho moment In the doorway opened another kind of door tbrouih ;which to 1t1 frier than 10 JWI and llJOfe clearly than now. The ecen11 are~inOltly ' unimportant unleu you are 1 fao of Jack JDllOI, the aldnny, unknown lhl(W II our hlib IChool ll'aduation party. · * WriUng an obituary la a newamen's common taslr, but the one J typed to call to the hometown paper wu the toughest job, because the name aeemed not to betonc In that dry, factual account. . SunUcbt cuttlng the July hue on the funeral day made colors of the casket flag leeJD as barlh u the Mlrlne Corps helicopter which drowned out tbe ebolen ICl'iptures from above at bis graveside service. He uaually spent Sunday momlnc wuing the car or studying for a te8t, bul bis rllllloa wu podMU to othBa -hl1 chureh met every day -and IUddonlJ ho Wll U dead U I late Popa or a defunCt hobo .. · The only thing it proves ii tha~ cruel things forever happen and the old nporten• uylng'la true. One can jlllt wilh him a q_.t rest aod honor bll -.vpled acbtevement. • A:nd Monday mominp, I can type the names ol ltrangers wtth a.genUer hind. Professor Urges Laguna Support Free University A UCJ proleaor hu Wed Laguna Beach City COUncll endo!'Hment and finandll wpport of a free univenity that would not only educate but attempt to molve penonal aod aoctat dtloromu. 'ftle request to be considered Wed- n-1ay night ls In the form of a four.page letter from Dr. John Wallace, 964 Van ~ an associate professor of ad- mlnlttration. Wallace ltltee: that the "Free Univer- sity of Laguna Beach" bu approval of the Secretary or State of Calllomla and the Franchise Tax Board u a non-profit educaditional and char1tabl~ organlza· u .... D~ILY Pll OT DltANC)I COAll .. U.l llHllCG CCN.IAHY ••Mrt N. Woe4 .,,..,..,,, ... ,llbllllW ' Jee• 11:, C1rrl1y Vlcit ,,.. ... ~ °'""" ---n.,,,., r...,n , ldlllr 1\o••• A. Murphf,.. MIMlllN ldll$' ll:ith1r4 '· Noll .._,_ CltJ fllllor .__.._ 222 ,.,.,. ,.,,. •• M11/b11 M4r1u1 r.o. ••• ut. t261l --C.lo MoM r m Wnl ...., """ N"""*' '"'111 ttll Wal .. ._ leu_,.. fMlllllllM ~I 8 Jiii lltwl . ---------~ Wallace states that he has discovered great lntereat and enthusiasm for the project from a broad spectrum ot Laiuna'1 talent, Including art associa- tions, the Laguna Playhouse, the schools, and local colleges and univeralUes. Wallace maintains that no 0 viable mechanism" now e1lsts in the com· munity to bring together persons of all age .levels for meanlngf,ul co~ murucation, activity and sensitive un· deratandlng. "For example, consider the very sensitive Ind potentialy u:plostve area of pallce--yQllth relationshtpa," he wrote. The activities of the university, he write.!, woold come under the categories of education, community health, arts and community service. ' Community beattb llsta probleml or drug abuse, alcohol abuse, marital pro- blems and psychiatric problems. The Jet- ter states that a "24 hour crises center0 will be maintained and atalfer by trained volunteer workers. A limited free dtagnosUc Mrviee Js mentioned that would use physicians volunteering their time. The Jetter asks th al It be read durtn( the council ltlSloo. · Laguna Woman's Child Neglect Hearing Slated A ~Umtnary llearlng hu beeli acheduled in municipal court for 1 Lquna Beach woman charaecf with chlld neglect JnvoM111 the ZO.month .. ld aoo of a detective'• brfde. A JlD'le t hearlnc date was aet for Ruth Loulae DunLavey, U, of 'llO N. Cout • lllgliway. She Is ropruented by an at- torney and la r... on her """ r<COgnlance. Pollce wore called to the DunLavey 1m1e May 2 when David,.,.. of Mi's. Clll>l}'l! Howe, 241 MOiiie Verde, Laguna Niguel, waa reported miulrta. Ml'I. Howe WU manyinc Gene Jln>ob, I Laguna, Beach dltecilve:, at UM: Umt. Pollca located the boy on 1 atoep 11>- <llne near the DunLlvey home, Ibey 11ld. The younpter had appmntly fallen dow1I the lncltne and IUUmd I bruloed fortbead. -----.. ~Capo Feel. · • • Fululs Laek ' t j ' • ; Et : fl-h(,tjl,s r ·(Jr ~c . By JEAN COX Ct 1111 Dolly ... '''" A Jack of funds seemed to be the prevadlng ~heme. M~ night as Capistrano Unlflfd School D 1 s l r I c t trustees adopted a rt:a01vt1on lo replace -toat fund& and -purd>aH -· In 1 t. to 1 vooli trua!eel adopted a rtsolutlon" .UpporUq P.,.ge of a tenate bW which enacll a coonlytrlde lu to ~place funds lost due to igrtcultural preserves. Districts lose funds when agricUltural lands art set aside as pmerves for a IO. year period at a lower agricultural assessed valuation. Charles F. Kinney, district superin• ~ aaJd "17'.000 .... !Dal In -by thla dlalrtcl bac1111e MJaton Viejo'• O'Nell Ranch w tabn off• roll.'! "W ..... ~ ••· mt al the' .. le eare~~ peop to "'"' 11J1 for the IDlDWll <if ....., large land Ownen saved/' pro~ truatee Stanley Kelley, ~ the aole vole aplnJt the .... 1uum. "If tt'1 a gteftlbett for OrlO(t County ·u the 111pervtaora uy, theo the rut ol the coonty lhould betp mal:e up for the losl," XinDey reaaoned. Thomu. J. WJnaet, board president, aaJd the resolution would lower, nOt ralae tans, In the dlatrtct. Fun4 deflclencles allo wu behind a move by trustee Kelley to cut aeveral ltema off 11\e purchue order requeata belote ll'lllilnl approval. , uJult u a Point of informaUon Tbm," he aald to. Wlnfe~ "We'ro trying to cut the budPI-·There II no bettar time to cut then 'Wbell we're buying -eometbing new.•• Jtema Kelley queatloned Included prJn. tine equlpmenl which ·111nne7 aaJd In time would pay for ltaell berau .. " would llV<t time, and' tabor for the. dlatrlcl printer who pll paJd by the hour. He atao . quealloned a coin counter wblch automaUcllly ralla and counta change for the cafeterias of the dlstrlct . 1'It wlU aave one hour of. labor at each school ~y." Kenney explained. "The poipt·J1 we're at a point where we can't afford to save ar;i.ymore by spending anymore,'' replied Kelley. Allo dlacuued were the purehue of tape recorders which Kinney supporte:d sayin&, "I belleve they wW help us be more effecUve educationally. We can go a long way back in cutting educational equipment. We 've aJrendy made d?a!tic cull ln cpera.Uon for this year. The purchue ordera that ·come before you are determined carefully. However we have tried to cut as little as possible for imtnlctlonal putpOHI. The equipment we haVf: .wW be sprtad even thinner next year because we'll have more students."· .. * -tr ·*: Capo Teache~s Present Board Salary Requests ·Non-teaching employes of Capistrano Unified School District uked far a seven percent general salary increase along with rour other requests presented t'o board members M.Qnday night. After a 1pecla) ezecuUve ae.uJon which ended at 1:45 a.m. today, board members Jndlcated they will estlblish salaries ror all «nployea at a special meeting next Monday night. In adcUUon to salary increases, classified employes are requesUng: Full medical Insurance coverage to be paid by the dlatrlct. Presently the dlatrlct pays about $eO per year towards coverage. Employes are aaking for about f70 more. -A shUt differential of 10 ctnls an hour f~ ,people who go to work after 3 p.m. -A personnel director employed for their benefit. -A clarlficaUon so that a policy. which now states people who don't uae sick leave get three extra days of vacation a year instead wl.Il say that one extra day is to be cpmputed for each four months. .. ace sseycz _eczc;sc s i Ul"ITI.,..._ C2A Q Q t -C-* • .. * l • Oil Reser:ve, Lease T~ade · S~ggested •• WABHINGToN (AP) -An fXchanp el tilt !llt Hllla1. cauf., Naval P~ll'Ol!um Reserve for ouahote federal oil lea.sea ii' the Santa Barbin Clulnnel .... proPolecf· to a congrejaional con>mlttee today. Rap. Charlu M. Teque CR-call!..), ~ made the aUMeltian ln supportlna a bW by Sen. Alantnna1on Cl>Ca!U.), to end all ct.Ulina In the Santa Barbara channel where an oll well eruption Jut Jan. • IDlked beaches and harbor• in oil. Teague tqld e: Senate interior sub- commitee the trade could save tha Treuury more than a billion dollars in redeenilog leises for which the Oil'...,_ panles paid more than '600 mllllon in bon118e1 In Febnwy 1918. Cranston emphulaed the earthquake fault hatmt In the dlanoel, and aald a repetition of the January oil spill dllasttr could produce 1 poUUcal iuue ~t would result in cllmlnatti>n ol Ill olllhore drlll· . ing In the future. · The senatc.r deftnded the oil com· panles, ass•rllnl that th<y folloWed ap. pllcable reguta~..._ DeclalO!l on -the riskl, be said, ls a matter for govern· ment. By redesignating the d:lannel as Naval Petroleum Reaerve No. 1, in place of Elk Hills, Teque said the oil would be avaUable 'fcr production In a period -ol national emergency. 100,000 PETITIONERS AGAINST OFFSHORE OIL Sen. Alen Cr•n1ton, Mrs. Lola Sidenberg Study Si9natur1s Teague 1uggtsted that the state ol California could be given a portion of Elk Hillls to exchange for sLtte leases ill channel lnalde the lhr ... mlle tlmtt. Undet the prow!al, the elate would have to pledge nOt to exploit the state-owned portloo ol the channel uni"' lhe fedora! government reopens the adjacent waters. • Leary ·MariJtmna Rap Ruling · Brings Confusion From Wire Services Confusion exists tod~y in 1ome quarters over the meaning of the U.S. Suprem~· eow1·s decision Monday -in terms of law enforcement1-to overturn a 1966 marijuana. conviction of Dr. Timothy Leary, which threatened bUn with a 30-year prison tenn. Legal experts and legislative analysts today eXJ)lained that the unanimous decisi<ln 'in favor of the former Harvard drug ..and psychology reearcher does these 'things: · · · · -~nden two s.ections of a h!deral narcotics law on transportation and taJ:· .a lion of marijuana literally • unen- forceable. -Does not soften laws dealing with marijuana, which are geilerally enforced mare vigorously at the atate level rather than by federal lawmen. The Supreme Court decision written by Justice John M. Harlan could force the Justice Department to greatly revise its r;trategy in the prosecution ol -about 100 pending pot cases. Most likely, it will also require the government to ask Congress for new leglslaLion covering certain areas of narcotics enforcement. The opinion written by Harlan was quite similar to another based on the same theory that compliance with the federal tax Jaw on imported marijuana, or gambling, is taciUy self-incrimination. "We are constrained to add that nothing in what we hold today implies any constitutional disability to Congress to deal with the marijuana b'affic by othet means," sa1d Harlan. The decision in favor o! Dr. Leary, a sometime Laguna ·Beach resident cur- rently facing LSD and marijuana pos session charges there, does not aff~t sfate Jaws such as he. is charged with violating locally. Basis for the high court's ruling Mon· day ls that Dr. Leary1s conviction in Wedo, Tex., far transporting illegally imported marijuana and falling to pay ·a $100-per-ounce tax Is 1 violation of his con1titutional rights. Prev1oualy, the law bu made mere possession sufficient !grounds to pnsume lhe possessor knew the weed waa lm· ported illegaUy and therefore admissible as evidence against him. Mere posseasion at the federal level Is not thertfore a crime, but lirlce federal and state lawmen cooperate cloeely, Dr. Leary would have been jeopardizing himaelf by paying the tax. Dr. Leary was sentenced to four to 30 years in priaon and a $40,000 fine was lm- poaed OD the charge dumped by the Supreme· Court action Monday. The Juatlee Departm'f:nt dt:cllDed or. ~ ficlal comment and the Federal Narcottca Bureau said it wou1d iasue a statement 6n the case, then reversed the decision and ;, said nothing. · •· Dr. Leary, bla wife Rosemary and hl1 r son John, 19, were arrested in Laguna .. Beach last December, while the t6ena1ed son beat an earlier lMI Art Colony rap_" on drug intolication charges. , Susan Lury. 18, WU arreated with her father in 1966 at the border 1tation in- cident clooed by the high court rulitlc ' Mooday and la on probllioo uiifil, reaching legal age. * * * ,, * * * Leary Happy qt Deci.sion, '. May Run for Governor Special to the DAILY P1LOT MOUNTAIN CENTER-HDllnDll rang from the rafters of this high desert coun- try haven Monday,.as Dr. Timothy Leary: praised the Lord for beatlng the rap 111d announced hla 19'10 Ca-llfornia gubernatorial candidacy. "This is the happiest day since the Emancipa~on ProclFaUon," declared the tall, tanned guru of hls CO!lllDUDal ranch and its 28 inhabitants. The long-hlilred former H.,vard pro- f essor, 47, did just what any American boy would .do after learning of the Supreme Court decision overturnJng hil federal marijuana conviction in Texa!I. He hiked to a neighbor'• ranch hooae, because his own retreat hu no telephone and callee, hls 82-year-old mother Abigail, in Indian Orchard, Mus., with the newai. :-. "Hello, mother," be called acros& the, American plalna and prairies, clad in bucksin pants and with a rawhide thone binding his' gray hair. , "We won the cue," he continued, : "Thank you for your prayers. A lot or people have prayed." j, "The· Lord did It -the higher caurt, .. ~'" he ei:~ained after hanging up. "There are mUlion1 and millions of people who are happy today/' declared Dr. Leary, who estlmatea that 20 million Americans regularly amcke marlJu1n1. The noted drug 1'9earcher fired by Harvard on rather mt~ charges in ltd after a series of LSD exptrlment.s said he will immediately begin organ.Wn1 his campaign lot \he governonblp. Otter Must Go Laguna Neighbo~s Win Battle ..... Peanuts, the Malaysian otter from Monarch Bay, apparently .must go and neighbors don't seem to mlnd a bit. Peanuts, you may recall, set of{ 1 signilicant nap In thls posh aeastde com· munlty when on May 5 he sunk his: teeth deep into the foreann of S t e v e Haythorne, 8. of 22871 King John Lane. Many neighbors were not aware until then that a young Malaysian river otter resided with the Dr. John Eriksmoe.n family. 32662 Empress Way, splashing ln the decorative pool at th.e family home and munching chicken necks. Peanuts had been purehased by the Eriksmoen family about a month ear- Jier for f250. What has annoyed ladles of the ne:tpborhood mort. Mve b e e n early ..ntoM of the ll'Olt oiler escapade thal they feel acquiltred Peanuta with the Im· age of a punued, hip!.,. vlctllD of hl&b- splnted boys. Nol oo, llY the ladle>. incl~dlng th,... eye wltntaes. Peanutl wu the pursurer and the ........... In Uio -· ·uere•• tne gtst Of thtlr aocaunt: Pemfub Wli let out of his yard by two rOUl'-year-old flrb while the Erllolmotns wore not at homc._f'. teenage girl asked the boys, Stel'I PO hta friend Cha..e Chrlalot>her, I, al ~ Empress W•y, to corral Peanuts. They obU,ed. lje ·~ Chose fled ·towont the Chrlatophar home, about a block away. The otter~ ;avC chist. There were no club.!, stickl Or taunting of the otter in- vo!Ved.. . '{Nobody WU ~111 the oUtr; he WU chulng lhme two 'boys," aald Mn. W,Yland Cllldni!, :all! Empma Way, She had stepped from her 1araae whea she heard' !he ocro1m1,,.. The boys entered the Qlristopher, houae and opent<I the door aaaJn for another boy. The olttr enlertd llld, Aid Ml'I. · Christopher, stari<d 1 i I e r the ~ cat. Pandemonium followed . Also it1 the Christopher heme we.re Mn. Elaine Slork. of 35415 Cimino Clpl!trano, Clplatrano Beadl, and Iii childrtn. . There WU ·loreaming Ind 4uhing about as the otter and the oc-of the Chrtatopber llome bacame· in- creuJnab' agltated 11 their <loae p xlmtty. Finally the otttt found hll w11 into tile pttio .and "u Jocktd out. Tho tadtea have notlllnl baslcall, against Peanull, they uld. They Just don't believe he bet-In Monan:h Bay. • C>AILT Pn.or Jr.ft ...... STIVE HAYTHORNE, I, DISPLAYS OTTER BITE No Room In MOMrch l•y for Exotic Anlm•l• Steve picked up the otter which sunk Its teeth Into his forearm. The boy ~m ~ and tried to d r o p the agitated creature. County officials agree. They hive or- dered :hat Ptanutt. W"boee quarMtint ended Monday, \'lctte Monarch Bay by FHday or faca the legal COOJequencoo. • • • Laguna ·Be.eh .. ' ED I Tl 0 "I ·vol. 62, NO. 120, 2 SECTIONS, 28 PAE;ES ' ORANGE COUNTY, C -.. • Omvn tlae Mission Trail • es • * * * * * * Pre:sident Due • On Coast Ju.ne 7 Midwly Sunday, June I for the day-long conference, the White House reporteJ. • I '_!t.'1. TUESqAY, MAY 20, J'6' ! • • • • ... .... ..._ . • , .e.r ' l TEN CENtS Fig'1t Said . Toughest Since WWII SAIGON (UPI) -American and SoutJi Vietnamese forces loday·stormed Up the slopes of Hamburger Hill under beaV11 Parsons to Head College Faculty WASHINGTON (AP) -Pretldont Ricbard. Ni.l'on will fly from tua new West Coast summer home at San Clemente on June 7 for a meetm, the next day with South Vtetnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu on Midway Island to discuss com- mon policy. 11Tbe two presidents had desired to hold such • meeting as soon as featible in order lo establish personal contact and discuss to~ther the CODduct of the war in VJetnam and the search for a peaceful solution," said the announct.ment made here and in Saigon. 1 firo'.lrom North Vletnamuo dug ln oo tbe summit ·ll)ICI capt11red the ·atr&logic Polk .. MISSION VIEJO -Roberl N. P""°"' of La&una Niguel, sci•nce a n d mlllhematic:s instructor, has been elected pre>ident of the Saddlebatk Collogo Faculty Association. He succeeds William E. Otta of Mi,s.. 1ion Viejo, physical education instructcr. other new officers are Lee Rhodes of IJaguna Hills, vice president; Afrs. Allyn B. Rice of Irvine, secretary; and Frank Sclarrotta of Laguna Hills, treasurer. ·• Grant Plan Bared CAPISTRANO BEACH· -Plan:s for a lfOUP dedicated to seeking outside sup- port for scholarships in the Capistrano Unified School District were unfolded before district trustees Monday night. Howard Massie, president of the Scholarship Fund Associ.aUon o f Capistrano Unified School District, said the new cr:ganization will attempt to raise scholarships for graduating seniors by acUvely seeking dooo~. "We need 36 people as· a governing council. Currently we have 20 names and are golpl~ to need 15 o.r inore. l wapt the board to recominon\I names' from the CrOwn Valley, MissicW_ ~iejo and the Caplltrano area~ •. " h4.Jlld-·i fRStrueters B-r•ll MISSION VIEJO -Two Saddlobock Collea:e acience instructors have been awarded National Scjence Foundation grants for atudy· this summer at tbe JnsUtute In Radiation Technology at Oak Ridge, Tenn. Chemistry instructor Reynold J. Kero o( Mission Viejo and biology .instructor Lee Rhodes ot Laguna Hills were aWIJ"d• eel the grants. .• Paeking PlaRt OK EL TORO -Jack Marlow has county Planning Commission approval for his 1ropooed egg procoasing and packing plant in Aliso Canyon but was turned down on his request to install a atand for retail sale of, eggs and dairy products. •. Snbdhlilfon Oka11ed EL TORO -Roseglen Construction Co. of Z2691 Jubilo Place has county Planning ~mmiss.ion approval to subdivide 6.1 acres at the northeast corner of Raton Drive and El Toro Road u{to 21 residen- tial kits. The company also recei•ed ap- proval of a zone change from duplex lo four..piel: on the same property. • 'Amiflos' Weleotned ~1 MISSION VIEJO -Saddleback College will hold "Amigos Night" for irospeciive udents, friends a.id parents on the cam- ]111! fnllll 7 to t o'doclc tooigjlt. • College off.dais al.so will •isit area bigh s c b o o ls after. to preprogram new students, for the fall quarter. • South County area !ltudents wisbjng to rrollow junior college courses or study not offered by Saddloback Colleg• Ollllt 1pply 'through Ole collqe for a transfer qne. '1neht. ' e s-.e Plrm OK SAN CLEMENTE -A 12 mlilloo sewage lreatmem plant approved this :w weet by the San CJemtftte Ctty Council Will diJcharp tretted water so pure that It will be UJed to ~iniaate fafm.s arid to water the municipal aoU course. Construclion of the plant will start at the end fll summer and should take about ta mon4hl. ,,,. pllint will "' capaJ>lo -of tre.ainl waste for a city ot 50,000 II'"""· San~ oow ba I popula· Uot1 ol 11,000. Charg~ Against . Officers Dropped Tllo Preaidoot will spond the night Saturday Jn Hooolulu and then. fly to Astro~auts Fly Apollo 10 on Perfect Cour8e SPACE CENTER, Houslon (UPI) - The A.pollo 10 astronauts flew the ·most precise course yet through apace Tuesday lo set up the world's centwies old date with desl;iny -putUng a man on the mooo. On Earth, Amoriclns liready .... preparing for the historic conquest by moving Uie Apollo 11 hmar landinc machJne lo 1'"5 Ca"' Kennedy · blutoff site. It ii achedu)ed tO ftacli the moori in ............. -~ , ..... r·:=-:f',,~'F' Y:V Apolli> 19-fUlhl dlrei:tor M. Pote Frmk · aaill utriiaouta ~ P. Slllford, John W. YOUllS "811 Elie* A. Clinan ·wore f4!Jawlnij a fillh ta tW moon .... more . .&anti -U. IHIIl>lula( course sot by Apo0o'8 lut D<oombu. And their apecec:raft was ~ just u Oawles. If. . . "By and Jar1e, the whole apececratt Is just performing boautllully,• reported mission commander St.nord, 38, as Apollo 10 "''pt Into. Its tjlird day of flight. "lt's a beautlful lplCeCJ'aft." The f7·1oo space ·afilp is icl..duled to braie into orbit around the moon Wedoesday afternoon and beJln I balr· r~ing aeries of maneuvers the next day to clear the wa7 for a landinC by two Apollo U ut-uts Jn July. . The Apollo ll 'crew -Neil A. Armstrong, Michael Collim and Edwin E. Aldrih -was en band at Cape Kennedy to watch their 383-foot apace machine make the si:J:-hour jomney to the oceanside launch pad . from i t s Sk)'!Cl"aper-tall bangar. Apollo 10 will circle~ the moon 32 times, twice to within only 50,000 feet of the gray, craggy, cratered surface, and then blast back to earth Saturday and land in the South Pacific nut Monday. Stafford, Young and Ceman staged their filth color t.locut from Apollo 10 at 6 a.m. PDT today but over-burdened comuumicatlons sateWtes ,,.ere unable to relay the signlla from !be Madrid, Spain. tracklng staUon to tho Houston Control Center for 11 houri. ~.II, r<ported 11111 tho earth was a ''m.llnif'*t light" nearly 190,000 miles aw.+. "AD bf Africa is brown of coune and the water la very very blue," ho ?<ported. "lt'1 the contra.st that you notict," said Ceman. Young, 31, said the African rain fomt had ... purp1lab-blullh tine•· The one.day meeting, suggested last Salurday by 'lbieu, will be the first teSSioa between the two chief ueotitlves. Thieu met in HonJulu last July with• then· President Lyndon B. Johmon. Although the announcement did not ""'1tlon U.S. troop wllhdr1wllll Ind South Vietnamese elections, that topk:s probably will be on the agenda, qualified IOW'ces said earlier. ' The groundwork for the first meeUng of lhe Vietnamese chief of itate and the new U.S. President was laid in Salgoit last weekend when Secretary of State William P. Rogers held extensive talks there with Thieu. ~guna ·Schools .. . DA!lYl"ILOT ....... IWArWM!rYlutl . ,:· 1 ACTOR DAVID PAUJ. ,GRl~CJS: ~Fif~R CAR CRASH S~ &l'Q.ll.', . P\a~• Mi~_',a,o'r,'.r-7 :~"" Lagunan M · ; ... rr ·-ie'· • sli9.w ..e" .. G · ~ :";:,.. ,~ .... -~~ • ~p • •q> •; _w ,, '--~ ~ f • , '.:,,ii_t .,.s.~·du;~ ... ~;~ A. ctor D,,.~'iil' , -Pa··-••l :r;-1:;;,;• Joint lf•oll>i In tho LlglUll Feder ii '-II II . . "°'1 n U Ii buildin8 al two groupa interelted in / ' . ' . , , • educatl!m. . ' • ' ~llJld Unlvtraity of eaworn1.. . 1 H . h C' · zz · . . =.u~=it::if:::~ n · ig· way o ·. zswn St-. Facuf!y,l!Rfl Education. Golfftf wlll be served a1 7:30 p,m. .00 the meetinc is to begin at 8.p.m. P..-ents of Berkeley &tudent.s will report on luues there and at other great UniveniUes of California. Dr. Duran Bell, UCI professor, Ind Tom WaUcwd, BJacl: Studenta Unioo vice promdent, will talk and load discuUlon about ethnic studies, their hi.story ... and deve.lopment and present UCI summer school programs for eUmic studies. Person11 interested in .higher educaUon have been invited to attend the • joint meeting of the two groups. Sex educaUon will be among local topics di.scuued. New School Year Teachers Topic "Better education thrOugh the better use of Ume" Is the theme of a 1ertes of me<tings planned by the admlniltr1tloo and faculty of El Morro Elementary school on "1bt New School Year." Principal Bill Allen and teachen 'frill be apeoklng Wednesday 1 n d 'lllundly evenings in the homes of lnteruted citizens throughout Laguna Beach. The "New School· Year'.' ls · a Une tenn, lll~yoar -I p11ot· progr1m 11111 would eliminate lobg IUmlQet vlClttoas. For ........ auom Md locations of moetln( plaCfl, call the ICbool office 'at 41M&U. · ly Phil 'lil'"rllftdl Prominent Laguna Beoch ·actor D1vld Paul is hospltaliml ~ay after .his small car w11 iruck broadside in' i. conwoD at a bu!)I Costa Mua lnt.n<dl911 Mondi)' night, while en route to play rdleanaL The ' vlcUm, 53, or 2241 S. Coast HighwaY, was listed in good eondition to- day II Costa M ... Memorill Hospital, , with a beadlactraUoa: lnd'frctureit rib. Rhytitjlnl had Ml~ Jll·llOOll whether Paul would be able t6'oper1 Fri~ day u scheduled in tbe leid role of "Mid· die of the Night," a Costa, Mela Civic Playhouse production. Playhouse apo~esmen said U be is in no shape to perform, the opening will be delayed one week. Investigators for the C a 1 i f or n l a Highway Patrol said today that .the veteran actor could have fared far worse at the 7:46. P,.m. collision. at Red . Hill Avenue and Palisades Road . Patrolmen aaJd Paul wu ,driving west on Pallsaitoa Road toward Ibo pf1yb6uao when a car waltibg Jn the bu!)I Jn. • teraeclion began a left tum 1nto the path or a tlilrd auto. . ln""1iPlon ~·tho mot.riot makfn1 the !tlrn .. Maltbllw Slnocki, ti. of 1824 Orchid Drive, ,S a n t a A n a ·Heights. They1 said Mrt. SyMI B. Mayfield1 29, of 190$ Haven Place, Newport B<ach. swerved to avoid Sanocld's auto and crashed broadside Into Paul's compact Car' ' I ' ' ' • "' I H&r>.>or · ·Ar.~ drama . f¥JU1 a n.d part!clpants ~ today that Paui's iac· cident en route to rehearaiil fbr 0 Middle of the Nllbt," la •In ironic footnote to bjs laal local produ<tion. There m8J fie no bullnes.s like show bulinOas; Ottoerved one vot.rln .. blit Paµ! may ¥. having . f;OCond iho.ighta atiout . that mom as It applies ~. COSta Mesa productions. . Two years ago, he played the lead role In the .Civic P.tayhouao'a ,production of . "The Best' Man," and his house burned to the ground .. tho day of tho third pOr· f~. Lagiina Wa~ts to Discuss . . ' History Teaching Con.cept . . ' A.Laguna s..Ch m111 tw roltU••ted 2e -'¥Ito 1 declsloi>· oo who .will . hand . mlnuta of ICbool board time toni(bt'to over dlpibmu ·al th• grodUaUOI) ox- exprea bis CGnCftD ...... bol.rt the Q)' erciJes. blstory and IOdll ltudiel are ..taught in -Uktly support by r e s o I u t 1 o n loclll. IChooll. C1P!l!tono Ulli!IOd School DtatifctJliOpu Edward C. Lorr, u• B.sa.St., ~ .uk-to d'evelop ·marine edu<ationol foclllHes ' ed for the bearing. Dr •• WUU11n ruDorn, at Dana Point Harbor that would <JS'Vt Laguna school suJl'l'l~.allld Uitr all schooli l~~thecounty.,,. '' Is concerned 1hout !be .cop(:epl 1pproich -Probabli ailopt a revised pollcy ·tor to history teaching a1 oi)pOled to dM provldin&~meals free ~to needy,..cbJldren chron!iloeJcal approach (plocos . #>d •Ince tho. ~t Policy did • not daleo). lechnlcallyme<I requl/ementa of 0te U.S. Ullom said Lorr· llloo ta -111!;1 llopart'!"llt ol ~gricullll"' llld· the 1111te, 1bol!t ... ol the lllalHppmod. tat ~ of Bdilc1uoO.' ' " ' "IA!d of tbe ,,...., It ta -,of• Tlioin-potjcy; l'OQUlrel llllt a - blll«y boob the ---..i.i.tol'llled by .adllld w)!fbt IC<Opted Trua. wtD 1111<1 c•11lll a ~ 1t fll:e .Ohle and lbl"lnUl l!von Wiiia • from Pin Nll'lhlll I-I. Pt I I folJoor-up Jmealiptjoo lo itelarmft if tbe -t 1man11 · In Ibo MO -neoll •l!f'I· on tlaeir 12th tzy, , The battle for the 3,000.foot mouitt.m o\>erlooking 'the A Shau Valley cOot tJio Americ•ns at l~t 350 casualties, most of them wi>unded.' A ci>mbat oflieor. soi<! ~-"ia _bis tough"t ""t since .World Wu. The flllaI auault by 1,llio allied ti.op., includJnC I battered battallon of !be 10111 Airborne Divisloo, was launchtid at . lG a.m. today, the 10th day of the battlo: It WU the 12th time the para~ charged ui>' the slqpea to tzy to dlslodae the North Vietnamese troops from ~thelr fortiftiiil bunken. U.S fighter planes, helicopter gumhips and artillery pound~ the North Viel· namese positions before the final charge. But the North Vlolnamooe lroopl, .,,. trendled in bunkon whlcb hid 1rilbltood repeated air and~ lllrika, alill \JUI up still resistance against the American and South Vielnamese troops pushing up the steep bUliides. . He; laid OM American ns killed and at 1east 41. were wounded in the final aasaulL There •was no• immediate report on South' iVietnameH cuualtlel. , · ~ ltrborno dl\'ilian-,,_ --. brunl of !be flghtfuc at... Mly u WU ~ -led io haV<! loot I toll! of II -RAlld.IOd 1111-In u.·11111111ar Ille hlIL . ~-....... -. about 1111 dead, U.S. mllitm7 ........... Mid: An ettimated IOI N-VIliinmneoo, two battlions, were believed to have. been dug ln .oo ~ aummiL . $3,000. i.n Ca1k, .. $1,000 in Checks Taken From Bar M<re than ~1000 In cash and ~ $1,000 1n cllecb were· stolen rtrom a Laauna U.ach bar early Monday-mentlJlll by ·• burglar who allo took tho 400-pound safe. Police Lt. Robert McMurray said the thief mitorod I Window 1t 1llo B...u.n forriler1y Dante's Regents Room, 140 Laguna Avenue. McMurtay said the burglar 1 passed thr0ugb a wilk-la re!riger.itor aitd Using a tey hidden on the premises wilocked the office door. The safe, 2f inches square; was rolled out through a batk door ,ontO El Paseo. It ciiotalned IU79 cub, 11,000 Jn -and 20 oOOoned poyroll ~ imiiriated "1th the name ''Breakers'', the p&fice Ueutentant said . In anolber burglary report, offici.alJ 11 Tburaton Int.rmedlat. School ttportod that a complete ~t of eocyclopediu valued at $1155 htd been ltolerl from a classroom, apprtntly by IOIDeOlle with a key. In another burglary, Larry M. Gilbert, 3038 Mt. View, reported the theft of two radios, a camera and a sewing machine with a total worth of f(JID. The thief hid entered an unioclced sliding 11111 -• _ Or••••· Wea~er Tlie sun '•'-tater 'Ind later- Ull mldafim-. on Wodnesdoy -' with temPeraturea pea«I at • Oft the <Out Ind up .. ft -.... land. INSWE TODAY The Reel 'PopG Doc' Duvalfer • bosa of Haiti, "°' nol llood ~ f~ pUbli< ,., ... uu but • mrs!M uoice on the tfJaphotlc domlt A """plaint that alfeBd Improper too· , , !fuel by ·two Laguna Bucb police olllco" hu·-cl!fl!llJ'd by the yoatbtaJ mm· pl11-. poltt Jlld !Oday. auditorium. They lnCludtd o ltlil. out.Jn 'lite policy. altloat 'here 1hatl bo no an aft alp, I mllltnt flN -mi U -di~aUon 111\f ·slMI ChildttO roCtfy. polled •lrlnil· . Jng · flW nlWI llhalI not' be ldonwiect or Ullom Aid Ill but '!18 of Ibo llllod • l'Oq\llrild t.o ,.. ~ lllDCh roomo. II< ii oliw oll<f ... u, Slorf PGQt~-~- OOlcon Larry llama and Rtcb Kauln wore ctemd, Aid Ll..,llol>trt Mc:Momy, when !be complalnul camo to !be poil91. stalion during tho -ud llld "' wished tho IOlior dropped. Tho lllloplion had ~ Ibo offi. cen ld<d improperly durins e a r I y ntonatnf )lltem>plion ol two youlhl' oo I ,.-_ I, , .. . • , ,· . . ( ''I Ove11 Jt W•1 1euni11 t. H•ppen Sl{ne diy." ' u .... hav. -corncted. Tiii -for " 1ioant -i. • ~ ;· Steer. Merleets -" -for Ute --..,,,,.,,.,,,..-,.,,... =.,,.-...,.-,----....... _.... NEWY6RtC\UPI)-Slocb.JoNk'° In -"••••, the board wlQ: the chin 11iln .TlloldaJ• wllh ,....ure --I .... •UOn !11111 Dr. ll!omml .. """' CllTJOvtl' pnlll ~ J_,,. Itlrll of UCI lie 1Dowed to ~ r""1' Ille pnvlM -tack of - volunteer otudOll!! fa< batan1tw In I VI--deftlopcneob ..ct belle! lludy ol ldlol)'ncrldes of the -1 1111~ u. -11'"1 be alc>wlt!I-(lee ~14-qiiotlUOOI, P•t'" lt-11). • S. .___ -.-. ~ Bf, -M --' ....... , ... ' ........ •t "M ,.... •. , •wt........ tt """'-" I ,, ..,. ......... 11 -' .. • -M ·=-'=-~ --. ......... , ... =--:a -.. -. --.. • \ ' I .. PILOT Reporter's Tougb.estJob: Writing a Friend's Obit By ARTHUR R. VINSEL or "" o.i" "*' ,111lf Monday morning meana more names in the fatala wrapup, unknown vlctl1111 of drlma who dldni lobk both ways, or motorlits wbo portled Satur- day night and bought the farm on a lreeway fence early Sunday mohting. You type the names all the Ume, but reporters have a aafini that the toughest job of all is writing your best friend 's obituary, and It 's true. · * He wu a wiry ex-paratrooper about to finish col- t lege and enter medical school, a day student and a night hospital onlerly, plannJnc to be • --~. He rode the short way to wort by motoncooter, .familiar with cracked beads, ahat!ered ..., and W<lTied about The Otber -Guy who obared,tbe .-r:-'i1ie Otber <iuY. ·wu a Mll'ine sergeant from Garden Grove. who dldn\ know bow to contact his iuluranoe orapany. Not two yeara before the -~ I curled the rinl aa their best man. Nine dayt dJ'ICO!f from her ftnt caD to ber last. Sbe phoned the ·city -· Ille lul time and anyone_ m1lbt have answered: 0 Art?" · .. 3be tone told me she was no longer a wife, .but a widow. * Tbe Other Guy .... alockY, dork and be looked' -II hla m ... 1laugbter biaJ, which included two Marine Corps wtvu on Ute-Jury. Wltneuea said be ran a stop sign. He and hi.a wife denied It. He wu found lnooctnL 1be courthouse walls were the same color u the intensive care unit at Orange County Medical Center. Waiting there, one offers amall, simple J!"'Yerl to Whoever it la, where-. Vfl' He may be, while a small, quiet sorority oJ women whole common bond la men dying nearby trade bila ol fear and gladbeU, depending oo what they have to share. Occaaionally, the deputy lherlff In charge of' the nearby Jail ward nil>' eel chocolate mhtta from tbe muaes' lounge to give them. "I've talked with him and he la ready," aald the acting hoepltal chai>' Lain. Hi.I lips were gray like hil suit and he wu probably accustomed to more oopblatl~ 111pplicaUon than mine. . By evening, my friend w11 breathing hla pure o:rygen more wily; with · 1 lube In hla nne worklng lung. He wanted to ... lhooe waiting with him, and -afraid of ail the ,W., 1tee1 and rubber tuned to the uncertain rhythm of hla Ille - I gave thal dmy old thumb-~forefinger sign. lite it's all going to be okay. He promised the nurse not to move, but he w.aved back. * The moment in the doorway opened another kiud of ·door tbrou&h which to see farther than 10 years and more ·clearly than now. The scenes are mostly unlmporlanl unless you are a Ian of Jack Jone1, the lldnny, unknown ilnaer II OW' high IChool grldnalion party. · · * Writing an obituary II a newsmen's common tuk, but the one J typed to call to the hometown paper wu the toughest job, because the name 8eemed not to belong in that dry, !actual account. Sunllgbt cuWng the July haze on the funeral day made colors of the qa!r,~ 1111 ...., u harab 11 ·tpe Marine Corps helicopter -which .drowned" out tbl cboatn. ICriptura from above at his graveside service. ' He u.sually tpenl Sunday morning waxing the car or atudyirlg for a test, but hla religion was goqdbeu to opiers -his church met every day -and' 1114<lenlY. be. wy U dead 11 a )ate )'ope or a ""1mc:t hobo. • • '· · " Tbl! only thing it proves la. that cruel things lorever·happen and the old report.en• saying JJ true. One can just wish him a quiet rest and honor his bderrupted acbfevement. And Monday mornings, I can type the narn" ol strangera with a genllet hand. Professor Urges Lag~na Support Free University A UCI prolessor has aaked ~ Beach City Council endonement and financla1 support of a free university that wO\(ld not. only educat.e but attempt to regplve personal and social dilemmas. 'ltie request to be considered Wed- nessfay Dlght is in the form of a four-page letter from Dr. John Wallace, 964 Van Dyte. an associate professor of ad- ministration. Wallace states that the "Free Univer- sity cf Laguna Beach" has approval of the Secretary of State of CalUomla and the Franchise Tax Board as a non-profit edueadltional and charitable organfza. tion. • DAILY PILOT OUHGI ~5T PU.llSHING COMPANY' Aobert H. W•ttl ,.,..,, .,,, l"IMltllw ' Jtck ~. CMrl•., Vb PmMilfll -Cknerll MtN"r TI.om•' k11ril ••• TlitMt1 A. M1r11hl110 ~ ........ E.llor Aich1rtl P. Nill ........ _ CITr Elllll!' ---2Zl F.re,t Art. MoiU111 AIWrtu: P.O. 101 666. tZ651 --C•I• ~: DO Wn l a • ., $1rtt1 H.._, ~: tfll Wnl .. ltlN h.ollvtrtt H ......... 9Mdl: 0 Mh S'-1 r Wa1lace states that he baa discovered greB.t interest and enthusiaW for the project from a broad spectrum of Laguna's talent, including art usocta- tions, the Laguna Playhouse, the schools, and local colleges and univeraities. Wallace maintain.! that no "viable mechanism" now exists in the com- munity to bring together persons of all age levels for meaningful com- munication, activity and sensitive un- derstanding. "For example, consider tbe-very sensitive and patenUaly explosive area of poliCe-youth relationships,'' l'lfl wrote.. The activities of the university·, he writes, would come under the categories of education, community health, arts, and community service. Communl!Y bealth llat.s proble1111 of . drug abuse, alcohol abuse, marital prO. blems and psychiatric problems. The let· ter states that a "24 "hour crises center" will be maintained and staffer by &rained volunteer workers. A limited f~ diagnost'ic service ls menlioned that would use physicians volunteering their time. The letler asks that it be read during the council session. Laguna Woman's Child Neglect Hearing Slated ' , ·CtfHJ. F. ~J, • Fun(U Lack, For Schools By JEAN.COX ot .. Dallr rllt S"'4' . A .Jacl: ol funda ... med to ht tbe pnovading I h e·m e Monclay night u Caplatrano Unlllad Sdlool DI 1 tr I ct _ t~ adopted a rualutloo to.ztplace ' 1..i lunda ·and -ted.pin:hue-n. In 1 f to I v«e ~ adqpled 1 ,.llOlutlon auJ>Wllng plssap ol a oenato bW which elUICla a countywlde tu to · replace funds lost due to agricultural preserves. Districts lose funds when agricultural lands are set aslde as preserveJ for a 1~ year period at a lower agricultural assessed valuation. Charla F. l(Jnney, dlatrlct . ..,.;;.,. ~'Mid "174,000 WU laefln - by 11111 --,, .. ~Viejo'• O'Neil a.adl WM taUn of( tu rolli~ "We &it a$liC the no! ti. J be peaple to make up ,.. the -ol -J.arse land cnmtn saved," ~ truatee Stanley Kelley, cuting tho aole vote acal!>ll the molutloo. ·~u lt'• a greenbelt fcr Qranle County 11 the wp<rvlaon Bl)', lhOn t!ie mt of the ~ Bhould help make up !or .the loa,' Kinney reuoned. Thomu J .• Winget, board president. aald the ruollltlon would lower, not ralae tua, In ibe illalrlct. Fund deficiencies alllO WU bthfnd I mOYe by trustee Kelley to cut several lleml oil the purchase order requeala belon arulinl approval. 11 Jul& u a point of information Tom," be• oald to Wljlpt, "We're tryJnc to cut the b\ldtlel There la .Ill/ -llma !II-cut • thait -...... bu1tiw .....wnc-.· liamJ•Kelley 'I'--prinO tin& equJPID!'"! wtdcb ~ llktllU!me wUd pey tar -l>ec••lt-wmld ..... time end labor for the cllatrlct prltllet who pta jloid· by the bour. He alJo qu..tfooecl .a coin counter =·::i~~~~J.nd~la. ''It will save one hour of labor at each school daily," Kenney explained. "The. point is we're at a point where we can't afford to· save anymore by apendlng anymore,"_ replied ·Kelley. Aho dlscu.ssed were the p.1rchue of lape tte0rden which Kinney supported aaying, "I beUeve they will· hetp WI be more effective educationally. We can go a long way back in cutting educational · equipment. We've already made drastic cuts In oPeration for this year. The purchase ·orders that come before you are determined. carefully. However we have tried to cut a& little as pOISlble for lnstnlctloqal jlUlpClOeL The.equipment we have -wlll be tpreac1. n-en tbbmer· nut yeop-~use we'll have more students." '.. 'Jo. .. ... }.{ Capo Teachers . . Present Board Salary Requests Non-teaching employee: of C..pistrano ' Unified SChool District asked for a uven percent general salary lnettue along willl lour othel' l1!qUesl.s pr<Senled 10 board members Monday night. Aft.er a special ezecuUve aesslon which ended at 1:45 a.m. today, board members indicated they will establl!h aalaries for all >«nployes at 1 Bpectal meeting nut Monday night. In addition to salary increases, claul.fied employes are requesting : Full medical insurance coverage to be paid by the diruict. Presen6y the diruict pays about ~ per year towards coverage. Employes are asking for about $70 more. -A. shift differential of .10 cents an • holit foi people who go to work alter 3 p.m. -A p'.ersOMel director employed for . their benefit. -A clarillcation so that a policy which now states people who don't uae sick le.ave gl!:t three extra days ol vacation a year Instead will uy that one extra day is to be computed for each four months. • UPIT ....... lt Oil ·Reserve, , .. Lease Trade Suggested ~ WASHJNGTON CAP) -An uchanfe ti. the Elt Hilla:, Ctllf., Naval Ptttqleutn Reserve for of(Sbore federal oil ~Asel in , the Santa Barbara Cbfnoel was proposed to a congressional c11nrnittee today. Rep. Charles M. 'J'eague CR.Calit,!1 mode the s.,...iloo in •upporiing a bin by Sen. Alan Cranslon CD-Cal~.). to end all drilling In the Sanla Barbara channol . where an oil well eruption last Jan. 28 soaked beaches and harbors in oil. Teague told a Senate interior subo commitee Lhe trade could save the Treasury more than a btllion dollars in redeeming leases for which the oil com-- paoies paid more than t600 million in · bonuses in February· 1168. Cranston emphasized the earthquake fault hazard in the channel, and siid • repetition of the January oil spill dilUter c:ould produco 'a polltic>l lalue that would result in elimination of all offshore drill· ing in the future. The senator dtlended the oil com· panies, asserting that they followed ap-• plicable regulations. Decision on the • risks, he said, is a matter for govern· + menL By redesignaLing the .channel as Naval • Petroleum Res•rve No. 1, in place of Elk .. Hills, Teague said the oil would be , available for production in a period of national emergency. + !'" Teague suggested that the st.ate Of .. 100,0GO PETITIONERS AGAINST OFFSHORE OIL Sen. Alan Cr•nston, ~rs. Lois Slden1Mr1 Study Sf9neturn California cou.l~ be given a portion of Elk ,, Hillls to e~ch·ange for state Iwes in channel inside~ thr~e limit. Under ._ the proposal, the at.ate would have to pledge not .to exploit the lllate .. wned portion of the channel uni"' lhe federal government reopens tbe adjacent water1. Leary ltfarijQGna Rap ' , Ruling Brings Confusion • From Wire ·Serriee1 Con,!.usJon e_xists today in some quarters .. over the qieaning .of the U.S. Supretiie Couri): d-fJClsiOn-M~ay. -in terrna of Jaw enforcement -to overturn a 1966 marijuana conviction of l)r. Timothy Leary, wlllcb threalened him with a.so.year prlaon~term.i' ...... Legal experll and leglalative analysta today explained that 1he unanlmOllB decision in favor of the former ~anl dhlg and psychology res~·.;does ~~: hio ·...?tiops ~ ... federal natcotics ·Iaw on transportation and tax- ation ot marijuana literally unen- forceable. -Doea not aoften laws dealing with marijuana, which are generally enforced more vigorously at the state level rather than by federal lawmen. The Supreme Court decision written by Justice John M. Harlan could force the JustlC< Depertment to greatly revlae Ila strategy in the prosecution of about 100 pending pot cases. , Most likely, u· will alae require the government to ask COngresa: for new legislation covering certain ar~ of narcotics enforcement. The opinion written by Harlan was quite similar to. another based on the same theory that compliance with the federal to law, on imported marijuana, or gambling, is laclUy seU·incrimlnation. "We are constrained to add that nothing in what we hold today implies any constitutional disability to Congress to deal '!'lilh the . marijuana traffic by other means," said Harlan. The decision in favor of Dr. Leary, a sometime Laguna Beach resident cur· rently facing LSD and marijuana possession charges there, does not affect state Jaws such as he is charged with viola Ung locally. Basis for the'blgh court's ruling Mon· day is that Dr. Leary'• conviction in Laredo, Tex., for transporting illegally imported marijuana and failing to pay a '100.per-ounce tax Is a violatlon of his O .. lt.V ,llCIT , ......... cona:Utut.ional rights. Tfie Justice Department declined af • ._ Previously, the law has made mere ficial comment-and the Federal Narcotics r possession suHJCient grounds to presume Bureau said it would Issue a statement on the possessor knew the weed was lm· the case, then reversed the ·decision and ported )llegally and therefore admissible sald nothing. as evidence against him. Dr. Leary, ,his wife Rosemary and his .. Mere possess.ion at the federal level is son John, 19, were arrested in Laguna not therefore a crime, but aince 'federal Beach tut December, while the teenaged i and state lawmen cooperate closely, Dr. son beat an earlier 1968 Art Colony r.ap Leary would have been jeopardizing on drug intoxicaUon charges. _ .• himself by paying the tax. Suaan·Leary, 18, waa arrested with ber,, Dr. Leary wu senteneed to four to 30 father in 1966 at the border station i(to yeara in prilon and a $40,000 fine was Im· cident c~ed by lbe~ high court rufu:1C posed on the char&fl: dumped by the Mllllday and ii on probation until "' Supreme Court action1ifonday. • .,, reaching Jegal age. :u * 'f t ,. * "" ,, . * * * • Leary Happy at Decision,·] I ! l ·' May Run for Governor . ' ·• in Indian Orchard, Mass., with the news. , Speclol to the DAll. Y PILOT MOUNTAIN CENTER-Hosannas rang from the rafters of this high desert COllno try haven Monday, as Dr. Timothy Leary praised lbe lord for beating the rap and announced hia 1970 C a 11 f o r n i a gubernatorial candidacy: "This ls the happiest day since the Emancipation Proclamation,'' declared the tall, tanned guru of his communal ranch and its 28 inhabitants. The long-haired former Harvard pro- fessor, 47, did just what any Atperican boy would do after learning of the Supreme Court decil!lion overturning his federal marijuana conviction in Texas. He hiked to a neighbor's ranch house,· because his own retreat has no telephone and callee his 82--year-old'mother Abigail, "Hello, mother," he called across the ' American plains and prairies, clad in ! bucksin pants and with a rawhide thonc ~ binding bis gray hair. .. "We won' the case," he conUnued, ' "Thank you for your prayers. A lot of . .; people have prayed." • t "The iAJrd djd it -the higher court,'' he explained after hanging up. "There are millions and millions of people who are happy today," declared Dr. Leary, who estimates that 20 millio11 Americans regularly smoke marijuana. The noted drug researcher fired by Harvard on rather mild charges in 196.1 after a series of LSD experiment& said he ~ will immediately begin organizing bis • campaign for tbe governorship. Otter Most Go . . Laguna Neighbors Win Baitle ~ Ile and Chase fled toward the Peanuts, the Malaysian otter from Chdstophe'r home, about a block away, Monarch B.ay, apparenUy roust go and The Otter gave clwe. There were no neighbors don't seem to mind a bit. clubs, sticks ~ taunting of the otter m.. Peanuts, you may recall, set off a I ed th h "d VO V , , significant flap in is pos seas1 e ctlm• r _._ -_.t_ • - munity when on May She sunk his teeth "~oooay Was chasing the otter; he was deep into the forearm o( S t e v e chasing those two boys,." ·s~d Mrs. Haythorne, 8, of 22871 King John Lane. Wayland C&lkins, 326ll Em~ Way. Many neighbors were not aware until She had stepped • her girap when then that a young Malaysian river otter she heard the MW3'nl.... • 1 resided with the Dr. John Eriksmoen --·-·,. .. ,.. family, 32$62 Empress Way, splashing in The, boys ~tertd the CllrisiopMr !louse the decorative pool at the famil y home and opened lhe ·door •lain for .another and munching chicken necks. boy. Tht otter tfttettd' and, ·said Mia. Peanuts had been purchased by the Christophtr', started i f t e r·the StAmae Eriksmoen family about a month eat· lier for $250. cat. What has annoyed ladies of the Pandomonlum followed. nelibborhood, -~ have bee n early A1ae in the Clui>topber home ,..,. venlons of .the -I otter OSCIJ!'de that Mrs. Elaine Stark ol !Si6' c.ilntno Ibey lee! 1«1"1llod'l>eanut.s wltli the Im< C.pillrano, Capb(r1m Beach, qd &Ix age ol a purillecl,~Jieplessvtc:tliil ol liJP. cilildren. ' opttjtod boyi. -·-· !lot "'• llY the ladit>. Including thr<e .,~ wu -ing and c[Qlllng eyt -p-WU the punurer lhoul II tho otter.led the occupaiili af .and Ille .,...,_, In Ille maf--·.---~the Clfrlitjjjili!r'Jrome bOCiiiit 'IJIO lllrl'a the g!Jt ol lbelr aci:ount : · · .. PMnuta waa If< out ol hi! yard by two creasingly agitated at their "'-. ~ foul'yur-old girl! while tbe ErikamO<M xbnlty. Finally lhe otter found his way ,.... not at home. A leelllge girl asked Into the pet1o and wu loc;Qd oot. • the boys, Stevt and hl! friend Chase The ladies have nothing bulcally Chrbtoi>her, I, of 32131' !!:mp™' Way, to ilgall1!t Peanuts, Ibey Hid. They Just corral Peanula. They obltced. don't believe he belong• In Monard! Bay. Steve picked up the ott.e.r wblcb· aunk Its C0uDty C)f{lcial1 agree. TM)' have or- STEVE HAYTHORNI, I, DISPLAYS OTTER BITE No Room In MClllorch loy for Exotic Anlmel1 ttfi:th tnto his forearm. The boy scream-.dered jiat Peanuts. whose quarantine ed and tried to d r op the agitated ~nded Monday, vacate Monol'cl! Bay bJ creature. Friday or face the legal comequenct.1. ' { ( • ---------·-+---+·---------------------------·-----------\ ' -- ----. ----• -w• •' 'I' ~·· ,- ~r~.1~~~T; • • . Reti~i~~~~ ... .. . At Irvine · ' . \ . " . ,; -.... J .... Dr,.ROJl!b. Vi· G•rard. lodoy ~ ~ ii· stepping · 4own 'u dean of :the tpuatei.dlVWon at UC Irvine. ' ,!l<I~li, ~' ~I~ !"@J1P9i!ltmeot' u ,d(an rot.another year.-+ - The statu\ol'Y retirement age for iuniversity adl:PW.Ua.tors ·is 17. 'Bue ,Chonoellor °"1ilel Aldrich asked G<rarcl to renialn "1 the Job. · C.ranhaid he 11.:s been:~ for a ·loog time atiout• W~ ·off. "I've been ~·a Jot of •1'Sp81!Sibility and .work-<in& terribly hare!," he ·8'k!.· . 1 Gerard: ls the four)h UCI dee to atep down this year .. Like the otl:tel'"·three. - Jl!Jles March,· de111. of aoclal• 11deoce~i: James Mc:Gaqgh, dean of 1 biologlcal science, and·Samuel McCulloch, .dee of humanities.-. the resignaUou' will he ef- ·fective June 31,Jtie end of-the academic year. All Will remain at t:JCJ,_ Gerard will continue to")e:protessor of biojogical sciences, as,well aa. direct.or of :special st'udies· m;id special advisor to V i .c e Chancellor for Academic Affairs Roger l\!lssell. Next fall, however, Gerard will go on leave_ .tG become an honorar.y professor at the University of Leiden in The Neltherlands. · In 1182, Gerard was givei\ an honorary doctorate by the University of Leiden, ina!dng him at the time ant of 11 living l!olden of booor~ degre'ls from the uniVerstty, 'along with the, two Uviilg -of H'olland aQd Wlnstoo Churchill. '_ At UGI sq,ce 1984, Gerard baa been noted fer his pioneer wor~ on the d>emical and eloclrical acUvity of the riervowl system and .the brain. ~y. he has ·been intereated in ap- plication cl ccmputers to individual in- llruction. Gerard and bis wife, Leona, live at 1007 Gcldelirod Ave., Corona deJ Mar. Copt~r, Truck Crash Mystery A strange, unexplainable crash between a hel.iccpttt and an Irvine Ranch truck cccurred Monday afternoon at the, ranch. maintenance yard, Myford Road and Irvine Boulevard. · ' Rilnch band Jose Gonzalez said he Watched the helicopter land cstensibly to pick up a passenger from the ne~rby company' cfficis. . As tbe ccpter idllM"cn lbe ground,•; GcnzaJez luddenly stlrted hi!' truck IOO drove into the whirling blades. • ~.ii Gcnzalez was unal:ile to tell why he drove the truck in~ the heliccpter . -. - TlllldlJ, M" 20, 1969 • L · D.Afl Y "1.8' 3 . . \ , .. ' . -·Doctor Says Sex,·Cias·s ·Needed · • • • • • ' 4' • . 'G~eatest ·wrong Vnwant,ed Birih,' Pediatrician Declares • • • STEPPING DOWN , UCI DNn Goran! ~t~!i~ Claims 5DS ·.Fiimishing Protest leaders ....... _.' 'f .............. .. '"""'"'-· .. ...,...,,..., ..... in the ........... "'""" --..... ln &be...._~« ............ ..,. untnfaguif...,.. ...... ,,, -... j>ocU 0( Uitm( .y;:; " ' ,. I '1'llat. the .~al~~ .. llobtnaon, 'Newpiif-, who -•.srear ..... public -to tea~ sex educJtlaD. 1 Dr. -.,.led bis ....... -.ay to· 1even -~ 91 . a Newport ·JlarbOr Chamlil!r of Conlme"'" com- mittee_ ~. lnlo .the !eoatb!!llJ al ., -... ~_.... .. In_ r~ to ,qiw&nirc, Dr. -"! Robinson.ukl: , • ''c.rtalnly the --........ -.. ' -The.,_ -tllal· ........ . even. be)'llDd; eztrllUl'ltal· tntercouru, ii birth of an UllW8lded dlf!d-1 ... li ~ week at BOii li<llptlaJ and tt'1 fabn- ~ ...... _ a1IOlre"' .. -~ ' SchoOI~ Olm lie bad . .-In~ . high acbool bo)'I aDd ilrll spell ~ • to 8ach other. - Be aaid a boy admitted that he would'". ~"IO u far u , a llil woulcf Jet hilll. io:• T,be teacher In Ult lllm tl!on. uk- ed .the boy H he wants the girl he mar- WASBINOTON (UPI ) -Atty. Gen. rl<s to be a virgin? "Oh, )'<S," Dr. Rob- John N. Mitchell accused the Studenb fOr inscn said the boy reJ)lied. • He said, "Ev.erey girl's momb dropped a Democratic Society (SDS) .today cf dpen. It wu a graphic demcnstration cf fUmiShing "the aggressive <leadership" the double standard. '1be girls were for campus disorders. He said the FBI is alerted to a reality in life." actively investigating them and those Dr. Robinaon JI chairman of the achool · health committee !or the Ca!Hornia who cause them. Medical Alsoclaticn ·.which bu taken a Mitchell a1ao tok! a HOWi< Special sub-stand emourqlng ldlool district. to committee oa Education that ii IJ up' to adopt voluntary,., and family Uf~ pro- tocal and state authorities, ·not federal ~n:;,•· chamber committee called Dr. !urces, to quell the dislurbanc<S and Robiruoo for the interview aa port of the urged that the college aiiministrators first phue of llJ study-detennlnln& the "take promJX and effective action to · need fM,IChool·NS-edueation. Later, the resi.t di!rupdoo by the militants." ~ .,nrenir.hie ·coune.mat'erlals Mitchell said the Nixon admµtlstration being used elaewhere, and try ta measure is pl:arining a "special conference ori. the viewpoint of the i:;ormnunity .... campus disorders to be held later thiJ • Dr. Nolan Jl'riaelle, '°Optometrllt ind U\is year" which will.include abcut 300 promlnenl ltepjj;blkaii', il ctialrman"cf'the committee ,9na clid "mast 'Of the -ques- C{Jftege administrators and faculty mem· tionlng cf Dr. Rcbinson. He carefUUy bers plus state, local and campus police. ·slated his questions were drawn from "The Federal Bureau of Investigation opinions he bad ~-ftC!trtteeeSArily hls is obtaining-and-we-are evaluating in=-o~ ~e:."'·~ u-·~sons inost'ln- fonnation about ca~ disorders and ten:sted ·in teaddng sez educatlGit might those who cause~" be said. be those .who bavi'"a perverted Interest.Jn Mitchell said the SOS ,is "most pro-sex. 1 • ·~ ~. • : • minent in mljor camplls dilorders to-Dr. RobinlOO said that is a reasonable day." But~ said "whjJe ,the"$DS.dten fear and burmm nature wculd 11111est furnisbes'the qg'ressive leadenhip to ex~ that might teod.to·co:an-S.t he llldttbat ploit campua: problems .ther,e are many . he' thinb \;'.1Mll!,.!JieopJe coald~ be frictilllll and dillicoltiel )VbiCh '!'OO!ld P'l!:,• reuooably .aorfod '"'t, w tt b lnlerVln bably cause unPeSt •reven without lbe tecruuq.is available. SQS." .,., · Dr."'~lle asked lf ·tchoola are the He also said curmit federal laws ant;4 best IOUrte fer sex Instruction lioce adequate to deal with campus' vlolenCe yqUthsfWhose tnstincb:·are not controlled and nc new Jegislatjon should be enacted by Uitlr tmellect might tend to be drop "at this time." cuts: , . .. ~:;: .. ,·· :1 -.. -.. -.. --. · -Blue of Bengal, new blue in suits of Chanda Bengaline by Hart Schaffner & Marx copulate. 'l'bal'a not the adloola' functloo. "It la to·teacb ..,.i.aoctoi,ctcal.fadl aliou1"110w llie ~ ..... &et.ar ... with each other. w, aren't dojng this. This naUOCt ~dlly going, down the. .tubes In h<lldlllg ~ 1be tmtly unit "The ''Ilda think n Ls a !un ·evOnlrlg out · and not the start of some infant's life." Arthur Guy, of the chamber c6mmit· tee, said he beUeves the reproductive prOcess bas its spl rituaJ impUcatlcns. Dr. RobiDscn said he kn>ws of no law that ·aays you can't bring 'into the school 8S a euest Spe.1\icer 'anybody )'CU want -includins ministers .. lie said he think! minlstera and -abould he u....ras.....,.,.~loto~tom educatkln c1-. - Dr. Rob-> Aid 'he be11eYtl -educatlon ohould he oo1y part el a mucb broader health edul;atlon p!OITllll in the t schools. -"llf no ·other major aub)ecl .,.. -d 1 r consider there to be a l!'Nter l•P between what we knew and what we • teach/' he said. Committee member Kermit Doriut • slid he thinks the comnllttee should COfto • ~m itself with, thls,b~ooder .problem and i. not just "U}is red .herring sex educ::atlon." "l hope you flag that· in ycur notes," said Dr. Frizzelle. "It111 a good potot t4 til.t.ke in our reccmmend&Uon.'' 'Banlburger' Blasted Schmitz '\Varn8 , • ' . . . Of Partisan Rule · · In Way ~.lec~n ~ _Kennedy Calls Action In ·Vietnam 'Senseless' From Wire Sen!C<I W~INGTON CAP) -. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, speaking out In the Senate for the fll'St time agaill!t the Nixon ad- ministration's Vietnam policy, charged Tuuday that military actions such as the assault on Hamburger mu are "both aemelea and irrespomible." "American.lives are too valuable to be sacrificed for military pride," the ""aacln-Democrat told the&oaln. U.S. !on:ea, frustrated tn -pr<Vious ~ ol ellorls to take a mountaintop fcrtrell omlooking the A Shau valley, finally captured tbe hlll Tuesday on the 10th day of l)ard fl&hlinll., Kennedy called on President Nixon to withdraw orden given by Iba Joh...., admlnlstraUcm to step up pressure against the Viet Coog on the ground in Sooth Vietnam. Kennedy's speech was p r o m pt I y challenged by Sen. Hugh Scott, assistant Senate Republican leader, who said "I'm not going to seccnd-guess the Prtsldent on the conduct cf the war." Unless support is given to such military decisloos," .Scot said. "we are not .serv- ing the Cllllt of peace~· Kennedy asked Scott if he would draw a distinction between battles for hills in liars where the United Stale! sought a military victory and !lgh!J oucb u Ham- burger Hill wberi'the· f.re!lident:hu--mld., clear we seek nc such victory. "U is not for me to jud&e'" the dec~ions·.mado by U.S. ·military· men," said Scot_t;. who earlier this month called for !lie start <# ~rat U.S., ( r o op withdrawals from Vietnam. · "Unlea we pi'oteCt cur fortt1 in the field," the PenmylvantaitepubUcantiald,. "we might as well accept a total defeat and 1 complete' withdraftl." • Kennedy, whose oniY prevloils criticism of Nixon had been in a statement his cf· nee made available alter the President's speech last weer, said "I thought we were looting, for new kinds of in· itiatlves." · But military ·developmen!J illdlcate, he went on, that the United states is follow· Ing the same kinds of ·~ which he called.''dishearteDing and dlu~." Marine General Going to Vietnam Now that long-1'\J]ing Senato Majorlt~. '' Leader Hugh M. Burns CD-Fremo) haS been du'mped, 1tricUy partisan one-mn rule' will reign, Sen. John G. Schinltz (R- Tlistin), warfted in Sacramento today. , "The cverthrow of Sen. BU!11.! could ~ ~ well be a central tuntlng point in the /, hiJtocy of the Ca!Hornia Legislature. the · mcment when the ncnpartisa,. tradition. &pd · the seniority ~tem" were aban· doned, said Sen. Sclynitz. The blunt-lalldng senator from con- servative-minded Orange County, was __ one of eight RA!publicans who rulsted the GOP move to elect Sen. Howard Way (ft,. Exeter); a• Senate president pro tem iul Tuesday. Way got 16 &publican and eight Den:iocratie vl?tes. . Bums also had Democratic oupporl. Ro was the leader . cf a bloc cf Seaate veterans and their friends, supporters of Brig. Gen . Leo J. Dulacki, commanding a Senate establishment which had ii· general of the Sth Marine Division sta-nored partisan polities fer years. It role4 tiohed at Camp Pendleton, Is leaving for. by seniority and old friendshlpi1. ,. Schmitz CQndemned 'the defeat of this t his· aeccnd tour of duty in Vietnam. group. · He will become assistant division cam-"It is perhaps more than aodden~ mander cl the 1st Marine Divilion. that so many cl the 'swing .. votes' wbicll overthrew Sen. Bums came frcm fonnet Dulaekl will leave Maf 23, following a members eI th e Unroh,.controllf?d change of ccmmand ceremony Friday. Assem:b\y , both Demoerats. and n He will tum over division command to Republicans, who were fil'lt elected to · M&r Gen. Donn J. RObertson, com-the' Senate after reapportlcmnent· 1n ~M 1966," he said, mlndin1 1eneral, Marine Ccrp11 Base, FoUrteen assemblymen moved over to . Camp,Pegdletoo. He.will command unlll the Senaln 'tbal year !ollowl!ll,a··-1· the new commander, Brig. 'Geil. RO.f T. ' ordered reapportionment t&a:t1 lhttted ' Dwyet Jr:· reports for".duty 1m i ull\ISI. •oa\fl'l ol the supper houoe to the_,, G'r. DvrJ.r ·1 .• 1110 ~111aii1 divil!On-." pOreQll~~~.~~ 111 commander for the lat Mame Diviaion first full week under a Republlan pro In Vietnam. tern. &odl foaSt 'Plaza . ~··., I .. '\ East meets West and ma·kes fashion news in HS&M'a Chenda sengaline suit In "Blue of Bengal," the cool, clear blue of reflected aky. . . BRISTOL at San Dl110 Fwy -Coata Maaa Open 6 Nllaa a WHk 'Ill 9, 30 540-1502 • I • • • " • \ This classic weave of Ind ian ancestry acquires new veraatll ity in Chanda Bengaline, a pure wool midweight suiting that's exactly right for the coQl-warm days of spring. HS&M tailors Chanda Ben- galine In Its advance-styled Astra model with two-buttons. slightly ' shaped waist, double-piped pockets and aide vents. Enjoy the fresh new look-and feeling-of an HS&M td:... Chanda Bengaline suit this spring. Stop In today. -"' .. REMEMBER FATHER'S DAY JUNE 15th COME IN .•• REGISTER FOR l"REE DRAWING . ' You are cordially invited to shop our Grand Opening celebration event in both our new South Coast Plaza and our Har· bor Center Stores. .' ' • ---,---~"--~-~ NO CHARGE FOR NORMAL AL TlllATIONS Ol'IN DAILY 10:00 'TIL f:JO: SAT. •t 'l;IL6 P.M. WIH- llAllAAMIRICMD MAITRCHAllel elllTll'l'SACCOUNT • , . .. FIRST LEVEL ran • en1n Come in! See whafs new ••• I in men's clothing too, by Hart Schaffner & Marx ' " :1 l ,. ' ~ • ~ ~ l ~ 1: ~ 1 I I I I I I I n.. mott ...,,_ ol 1111 ftne clotlllng le approprfalBly •at home" In our -,.. 1 I s!yleah-i Most 18m""'? Fot, 1119-l'ICOfd; -·/llfn .....,. Hl(l-&halfner &-lrl•nr !hon .,,;. ""-: ' tine c/olhf~ Joi*,.., ewth. And thlo -• II'• _. tnoide the flM81 clothing HS&M l hu ever m.ae:.Prem111111 Imported and domettic lab~ct are combined with'odvonced 1 . ' . -~nganq pil'ffiCllOniitlillOllng. Yourli~rt SCfiiffMr l -Mifnt oult-o< ij)Oit cOiti ilil>lli-'-.,....,:-ll"j - ot topcoot-tooka and 1111 like the lhoraughbr•d clothing ii la. Beot of an, HS&M quollty I 11-----., la -dolity priced. • I Thll .. """ l!MtdOft tO comeln illcl -all that'• ... at our atore-ml •ll 11;' : ' that'• ,.. Ill Hirt Schaffner & Marx -· • I -·· . ~--. -· ---=-11Zt!i11EZ::::==!~--..... !!! .. ~J ------------------------- ----------~ -------- --- --- ------------------------ Tondol, M'1 20, 1%9 Oregon, ·Missouri · Schools Hit ~nougias.'- Foundation co.-11111 "' ...... Pl• ~ Wben a bee new Into a carry· all truck beinll driven by John E. Llnd\oy, 18, near Redwood City, Callf. everybody in the cab took evul~ action w avoid being stung. John and bl.! sister swatted at the pesky insect before lt was dispatcb· eel but by that time the trucl< had started a 450-foot slide down an embankment. The driver's si.ster and molher suffered scratcbes and brullos. John suffered a broken jaw, numerous cuts and possible internal inJurles -but no bee sting. • Guns, Fire, Blasts Used ln Incidents EUGENE, Ore. (UPI) -A -ot dynlmlle blast& d....,.., al !WI five structures late Mooda,y and early tod1y in this western Orqon c:ommunity, bome ol the University ol 0rqon and seoond largest city tn the ltlte. No Injuries were reported, but pallce said the explosions damaged a s t 1 t e highway malntenanct 1taUoo, a bank, the Eugene Register Guard newspaper, a chureh and the adnlisslons office at the uni verslty. There were unoonlirmed reporil cl two ~lasts II) street tnt......,tloM. Police found no evidence of an eJPloslon at a medical arts building which earlier was repcrted n one of the targets. "We believe it was dynamite/' l&id Sgt. Robin Hunler, laboratory teclmktan with the Eugene Police Department. "About a hall dozen sticks or more were uJed at each explosion site." I ' Slwt Victim • lnBer~~y Rioting.Dies BERWY. (AP) -A is.,_..ld man dlad Monday nflbt, foor daY1 after he ... -In a riot that followed elf«U bl' law eofo,_t olficerl to e)eCt -le from a lot owned by the Uni· versity ol California. Jamu ReCtor, 25, ol San Joee died of "acute heart failure," the university's Herrick Memorial Hopoltal reported. Rector, who hid-been v Is 11 n g friends in Berkeley Thursday when palice first started UJing btrdsbot Ind rocbatl In lbotguns, wu shot 1n the abdomen and his death came after llll'geDIU removed his •pleen, par! ol bls paocrus and 1 kid· Dey.- . Sells Stock ,~.WASHINqTON (AP) -'fbe fowidat1o1t -..: by~u Court Julllcc WU!tam 0. his cashed tn a ll mUllon J~kpot selling lta 1tock in • ~ wblch owns three Las Vega• cas&llOI. A foundation official said Mooda,y !ht holdln&s were 80ld in early March -twf years after Douglas bad described tht stock u "an irrevocable glft." The Supreme Court justice has draw1 fire in Congrses over hil salary u lftli- dent of The Albert Parvin Foundatlo• and Its ownenhip ties with pluslt Lal Vegu gambling pelaces. Douglas has been paid 1pproximatel1 $85,000 over the laat &even years u lhl Founda.Uon'1 only salaried offi9«1", tu record• abow. Justice Douglas, reached In Bell· ingham, Wash., where he wu speaking Monday, declined comment. Justice Abe Fortu resigned from ti•• Suprtme Court last week ~ COil" gresstonal rumblings of impeachment in the controversy over a $20,000 check from the family foundation of convicted finan- cier Louil E. Wolfson. Real e1tat.e a a e" t Stanley Hodges of London f'ecentl11 ad· vertt.sed thrte pieces of proper· tr for saJe ot high prices. One '°"' tU1criNd cu a ho111e "with o qtdU appt:dablt amovnt of woodworm and dry rot," another a1 o "rathn valv mews howe," and a tJUrd, a .. veru ortj'.inary 1~tachtd place with a 1ttep drive alm.1t unclimbablt-on an fey dafl:w "I Mcided to ff"JI a bit of doom to "rth hon.tat}'," ez. plajmd Hodj/u, "becaua• p<opl• ""' 1•4 up with bd1111 fooled mto udnQ a praptrty which ii In other developmenta, Mluourl state police secured the Lincoln Univeraity campm early today after 1 fire heavily damaged !he student untoo and sunflre btaud out ol dormiklri., at firemen. 'PEOPLE'S PARK'·DEMONSTRATOR STANDS GROUND Gu•rd1men Rovt Prot11t1r1 From Berkeley BuslM11 Dl1trld A loosely knit organlzaUon of "sttttt people" -university stlKlents and nonatudents -declared after his death was announced. Monday night that mourning would replace demonstrations planned today to 1upport demands for a park atte. Trouble started near the university campu1 when .. street people" •i> proprilted a vacant lot owned by the university pd voluntarUy turned It Into a small pu~. complete with 1winp and plants. Congressmen have called for an in- vestigation of Douglas and his foun- dation's stock In Parvin-Dohrm111r. Co., whJch owns the Stardust, Fremont and Aladdin hotds and casinos. notlllfto Wu what thef/ """' read about.~1 • The Warsaw, Poland weekly newsparr Polityl<a printed t h e story o a truck driver who was Oaued down by a policeman in the town of Wielce. "Where is your rear slanal light," asked the po- liceman. "I don't care about the sianaJ light,'' said the startled driv· er, looking around, "Where the hell is my trailer." ' . "Goodnight Bill," th<! Folkest<me, Enaland railway ticket collector salil. But Bill was Arthur and clip- ped railman Sid B•kar in the jaw for hit mi1take. 111 told him my proper name many times, but be kept ca 111 n/ me Bill,'' Arthur Drake, 57, sai in court where he paid a $24 fine for bitting Biker. • Mf/NI Van Reck, 22, parades btfore "her" public in the Lyceum Ballroom in London nfter t being named Miss England, 1969. She wins $2,400 and the right to enter tl1e Miss Universe c~ teat in Miami, Ff.a., later t1W ~eCr. • More than 1,100 persons will re- ceive degrees from Kansas State Teachers College including one coed who took 73 years to make it. Mf'. Mabel Jones Wright, 90, To- peka, began working toward her bachelor's degree in 1896 when the college was still called Kansas State Nonna! School. She finished this year by correspondence. 11u'ee Negro students lllffered mJnor buck.shot wounds. They claimed they were wounded by police. - The three-year.()Jd atOOent union wa.~ damaged bldly -a -ling alley . book11Me and cafetma In the llloDe an<' brick rtructure were gutted. Fires ab:' caused minor damage to two otber sclw buildings, Memorial Hall and Ille librari , am! a st«a&e ~ neor Ille donns. More than 200 white and black student fought early today at Ferris State Collegi in Big Rapkil, Mid!., and it.ate pollce wue sent there. Police said about U ar- rests were made and a number o~ Laird Answered students tnjured. Can were overturned, windows broken and a dcrmtt.ory dam1g. ed, pollce 1aJd, u 1tudentl threw bottles, fire-bs and rocks In the flghtinr. Ferris State, which !las I.DI -nts, 360 of them.black, hu been tense 1ince Feb. 27, when black and white students !ought. On March 3, 261 lludents, mostly >lack, occupied a campua buiJd1nt and 1ere put on strict dlsdpllnary probatlon.. Students at George w I I b I n ' t 0 n Jniventty In the natJon's capital ended a sit.Jn Monday night, but another con- tinued at Northeast Misoourl State Col· lege tn Kirksville. National Guardsmen poltc<d atreets near the Unl..,..i,Y of Hanoi Refuses to Give Names of Captive Pilots PARIS (UPI) -Cbief North Viel· narneae nqoUaLer Xuan Thuy l!lald today Hano1 would. uever agree, to fumbh in- f orm1Uon on captured U.S. pilots u long * * * U.S. Won't Quit Asia After War, Rogers Declares BANGKOK (UPI) -Secretary ol State William P. Rogers assured America's Pacific allies today that the United States will help defend the region during "the peaceful 'evolution of Southeast Asia" following the Vietnam War. Rogers ·1ppearec1 before the 14th ministerial council of the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SZATO) and told the ministers the prosperity and well- being of Asians was ••a perrilanent fil"- ture" of American foreign policy. "When our forces are no longer needed in South Vietnam, we shall not abandon in pe.act what we have fought for in war -the peaceful evolution of Southeast Asia," he said. Following the end of hostlliUel lo Viet- nam, Rogers said, the United States was Interested In "playing a peaceful and rightful part In an emerging cooperative Pacific community.'' as Washington nfuaes to withdraw its troops from South Vietnam. Thuy noted that Delenae Secretary Melvin R. Laird publlcly "uked for a list of captured pilots" In the course of a Monday new• conference. "He will never have it so tong as the United States doell not stop its war of ag· gression, and doe s not withdraw its troops from South Vietnam," Thuy told newsmen at a lunch in Paris. Tbuy's remark about captured U.S. pilots came in the question and answer period following his prepared speech in whJcb he renewed Hanoi 's demand for an unconditional U.S. troop withdrawal from South Vietnam. President Nixon 's newly proposed 8· point peace plan . precludes an un~ conditional U.S. troop witl!drawal, and 'lbuy'1 opeech pit Hanoi 1quarely In op- position to this part of the Nixon peace plan. Commenting on the Nixon peace plan, Thuy said Nixon "refuses to recognize lhe fundamental national rights of the Vietnamese people. He reufses to withdraw American troops and those of the other foreign countries <>f the American camp from South Vietnam without posing conditions." Although he bluntly rejected Laird's re- quest for the full list of captured U.S. pilots, he did offer assurances that North Vietnam treatment of A m e r l c a n prisoners w1s "alwaYI humanitarian and generous." Dakota Frost Warnings Up Showers Stretch From Florida to New Engl.and I UPI wtltMll FOTtC:AST® Coatal l.(lw c!w* ft .. ,.,. ""°"""' cetll"' •I ... II.Ii., "'"""""" .rttt tMf .., _.. ~ ....... 'Mlllll .......,, lf"'. kl'IOt" T•'f'• hlilft. " .. l't. "-""'*"" ....,..""-,...,... '""" • "'*' ., " te .... llA ti. '"" ..... .....,.""" ,. "91 .-ti #. Ti. wttw ,._..lllN W.• ffJI ... St1ft, M-. Tldu T_, .._ low ••...••••.••• S:» 1.1¥1, t t ....,.... lllfll •• •••••••• 11;'3 ,_ 4JI -. Flttt low ............. ·7,llO 1,m, t .I F!...t llftll ..•. ,,. ;,,. •11J fl."I. U ~ In •..... .,. S: ... 1.m. l.I .. ,.. 110 ··"'· ~ lt;O'I •.I'll. ""' ,... '(" •·'"· ""' 11n 1-"" """ .. ,... ....., .. ..... #MW N IMw 1' J!Jfte • J-I• v.s. s ...... .,, "'"" ., flow. ... "' ............ "' .,. 'tCt ,..., fW _,..... ., .... Otlt~ •11111 M'"'-""• •1 ............... ~ ..,. ~ ._ ,.i. .... lftto ........ "' •"' -"'"" "' h'"'"" Ol'MI Ltll. ... Wet -"""' continued 111 '°"'""' ·-~ "" """"" ~.,...~~ .. ,. -~ ,...._ .. IWw IMi.1'111 liut ..... ...., r.fll Mlldl hi! h Mii• -· ~.,. JNtm oft lo lltfll ·-t .. L""'• r•lll .,._~ .cc-111M IM coll •Ir Ill flt Mi.t.nl, ....... ...111 '""'°''"' ,,_ '•Ocfl1H11 111 ~. 111 .... \111911, ic.t'°'"" .,._,.. "" 111 h •l'llrtl ltodtlls •11111 "'""' -W•'711 •lld ••liil CDOWl!lllnt ~~ .. '"f".'11 ... .,. -~ """"'"''· !••Ir "'°"'""' ~"""' r•l'lltt4 fl"Oll'I JI •I H1J'IC'Odl. Midi,, It II t i ~C..llt, ., .......... " ·--" Atllnt• • BRtnflfW .. l!ll•m•"°" .. .. ,R ., ...... " ""-~ ClllCtnNll n ,_ ... " .. _ n ......... .. ...... , .. ,, .... .. Fort WOrttt .. ,_~ .. ...... " """'"" " Hau•IOll " 1(-• City " """' n .,_ " ·--., ... ~ .... " H-Y-'I " H""' ,. .. ,.. " 0.-t•llllll .. ... ,. .. ·--" P'tll1Ht"""'1• -" -'" '"'"""""" " ........ .. 11 .. td City " "" lluft .. ... " ..... ..-. " 11. leult " '""'" .. S•ll 1..R9 C"'°' " S.11 D1-.. ~II ,.,.."ltlt(o .. S1M• l1rtl9rl .. s..tti. • " , ...... " ......... . .. W1tll~ ~ .. .. ., .. .. • .. n .. .. ~ .. .. " .. .. .. " .. " " D .. " " .. .. " .. " " .. n " .. " " n " " " " K .. n -.. ·" ·" T .... "' " . n ·" ,,,, .n "' ,, "' "' .n ·" .. California a< Berkeley, and pallce used bu.sea: to eowiter student hit-and-nm tac- tic• at Stanford Univenlty M<nlay. Sixty MiuoUri state troopm -with 200 more on the way to Jeffenon City - w~ stationed in each Lincoln University building shortly before 2 a.m. Gov. Wara ren E. Heames ordered 125 NaUonal Guardsqien on atand·by duty. Alter rille -stopped c:omlng out of two mostly Negro dormll«les; pallce toot about 7S male 1ludent1 from· the dorma to the ochool gymnulum for ques- tioning about ~ gunflre:. The students left the 4orms after a pfea from the dean of moo Beo Pup. The university, which Intends the lot for a sporil field, ordered them off, polled siaz>o &aylng the .,.. lhould be vacated and ~ called police. Berkeley police and Alameda c:ounty sheriff'• deputiu swept Into the lm- piovllad patk before dawn the first day and threw out aome penon1 who were aleeping there. With d.a'.wn came the rioting in wPich Rector, who was not a student, was W<>Ullded while standing on a parldn1 lot. "'IT ....... CHEYENNE HELICOPTER 'SHOT DOWN' BY ARMY LockhMCI Chugacl With 'Dtf•ult' Ovar Troubl..P•guod Craft Pentagon Halt,s Contract Of Cheyenne Helicopter WASHINGTON (UPI) -The Pentagon has halted production of Its $875 million Cheyenne helicopter project in a new * * * Senator Charges AF 'Covers Up' Missile Costs WASHINGTON (UPI) -Sen. William Proxmire (!).Wis.) accused the Air Force today ol trying to cover up 1 cost overrun for the SRAM air-to-ground missile. Proxmire said in a statement that be asked the Air Force whether research and development costs had gone frnm the original esllmate of 114.! million to l3S9 millior(for the SRAM -which stand• for short rqe attack mlasile -for use in nuclear bombers. He s1id lhe Air Forct: replied that be<ause of contract negottaU.O. with Ille Boeing Company "dl!Cloeure of any Air Force estimates is premature and could prejudice the government'• position fn Its elfons to obtain the best price in negot11 Uona with the contractor." '"Ibat answer l.s rldicluous ," ProJJnire said. "The Air Force appears to be saying that altbough tt blows how much the COit ovuruns are, and altboaP. Boeing knows the Air Fcrce llnon, II would in some way prejudice Iba ,....,.. mt.nt to dilclOM. this lnformatke. • He suggested the real reuan w11. lbe Air F°""' was "afraid that diicmn ol the SRAM coat ovemm wm oo shoct Ibo public that-a COllll'M'ionat lnqtlrJ -1d result." "get tough" policy with defense con- tradors. Other such cancellatiom may be in the wind. Nlxon admlnistratL>n sources said the aim is to crack down on the price 1plral which hu sent the cost of planes. ships and other' weapons soaring above original esUmalel. In the Cheyenne case, the Army hired Lockheed Aircraft Corp. to develop, pro- duce and supply parts for Ove years for 375 helicopter "gun ships" designed to be faster and better armed than types now used In Vietnam. Lockheed had trouble designing·• rot.or aystem that wouJd be stable. One of 10 test models crashed, killing the pilot. i:'be Anny notified Lockheed it w a t not meeting apecifJCatiO!'I!. Lockheed pro- -posed further developments and a delay in produdon, which was then' scheduled to atort Jn September. Monday the Army rejected the Lockheed plan, h1IUn1 its produetion con-. trad for "derault of the contractor.'' It said Locldleed could keep its development conb'act for the Cheyenne but threatened to tennlnlle tbls also un1eso the firm comes up with a "satisfactory program'' to overcome difficultif:I. The Army asked Lockheed to return 1$4 mttlioo the firm !las already recetwd In production prolrell paymeots. II did not ask ..turn ol llO million which tbe fttm bu been paid for development. At Burbanlr, Lockheed Board Chairman DlllW J. R&F--Aki the order WU DOI. Jull-bJ the dev<-enl pro- blamo Iba ftrm ......... ..a. He said • li0ddle9d WOdJd '1proully cont e 1 t ......... 1opl -"to protect our -poottloa ID tl1i& cootroct." Tllo ...,. -a--for Rep. OU. O. Plb (J).ft.Y.), who last year midi U UNUOC .... 9ttempt to have the House cut olf !Un4s f« the Qleyennt • The founc.ft.tionfl secret 1 r y ud treaaurer, Harvey ~llbert, dls~(osed In • telepbone interview Monday !hit 21,711 shares In Parvin-P$'malµI wore oold during the first wlitk <>I Mirch 1t $91. 7S each. This would result In a purdWe price ol j~ under 12 ml,llloll. There was no indication whether the Parvin FoundaUon was still receiving 111 Interest Income from another hotel and casino on the Las Vegu strip, the Flam- ingo. 1be $2 million price wu five times the value listed for the foundation's ParvU.. Dohrmann stock when Justice Doug!S.S- role first became known to the public ln 1966. At that time, Douglas wrote Chief Justice Earl Warren : "There has been criticism of the stock porUolio of the founiiatlon. Except f<r minor Items, the selection of the porUollo was made solely by Mr. Albert Parvin and waa transferred by him to the foun- daUon 11 an irrevocable gift." Sen. John J. Williams, (R·Del.), en- tered. the letter to Warren in Pie Congressional Record thlJ month in charging that Forta1 had not returned the Wof!son ch@k in J.966 °unW after Justice Douglas had been caught with his hands in the same cookie jar." Rep. H. R. Gro6S (R-lowa), called for an investigation of Douglas last week. Gross said, "The circum.stancu of the Fortas ad Douglas 'fees' are strikingly similar except that in the case of the lat. ter the money comes in part from the gambling tables of Las Vegas.'' .Presbyterians Call for Cuba Recognition SAN ANTONIO, Tex. (AP) -The United Presbyterian general assembly called upon the 11.S. government today to recognize Fidel Castro's Cuban govern- ment and lilt the trade embargo against Cuba. A paper on Latin America, sharply criUcal of U.S. policies concerning Latin America, called for a complete rethink- ing of Washington 's actions and pro- grams ln that part of the world. 'Mle statement ori Latin America was approved by a standing vole of more than half the .voting commissioners at the an· nual meeting . "Consistent with the right or self. detennination," t.he. United Presbyterian recommendation said. ' ' an d to demonstrate that the United States in- tends to avoid punitive politics in Latin America, the U.S. government should im· mediately t a k e steps to ~tablish normal relaUons with the government of Cuba. "'lbla should Include the lilting o! the !ride embarlO againJI Cubs." In the eorly morning hours, the uaembly authorized the planning on a -.inlllJon fund-raising campaign for the P?C" to start at leaat one year from now. Heart Recipient B·l.aiberg Going Home Saturday CAP!: TOWN (UPI) -Dr. "Philip Blaiberg. the workl'a loaCtlt 1Ql'Vivin1 bear! tranoplant patlett, 1ri1I be dlacharg• ed Saturday from Gniote Schuur llospltal where he wu ldmiUed Frldl,y after a setback, h~ wife satd today, Mra. Eileen Btalbe<1 said he would be home at surWrban-Wynber( In Ume to celebnlte bll IOlb bfrtilday Saturday . "He ta pttlnf atona fam011Sly and to happy and briabt.! n she aaid. Bt&IWr&.~ ·ttceivec! h11 new heart Jan. :t. 1911, was admitted to the holpl!li after suf!erlng bio1thlng dlutcultltl. Most Fa'1or Abortion He made the n,.i publicre ·c.•e"ta"tloa=~of-'n"-·,. _______ ------lnpmlll-1or-U.Ol>f0Jt<I.- SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -Nearly four of !Iv' Callforntano f1vw 1'1atizl111 1bor- tlolll In c.--. tbe baby Is Ukely to be born with a ..n .... del<ll'llllly, tho Mervin D. Fl•ld C.Ufornl1 Poll said to- day • • "It leavtt ua 1 hettuva ~ poorer 1Dd hapetully a lot wiser," Pike s1ld . The Anny said It needl the btllco!llm and npmsed i'9P" Lockheed ...Wd find a eotuuoa. Buf' JOUrcet aald flnal p~ ductlon ml~ contracted by '""" peUUve bidding. IR,s Phases Out Fonn WASHINGTON (UPI) -Tbe Internal Revenue Strvlce. has decided to elimlnatt; "Form 1040A." I.he computer siled punclt card used ~ million pcnons to ma their tax returns thia year. ________ __. ____ _ . .. ---~--------------------- 11 I l I ' ' • ' • ' I I / I I ' ------------------· ---------------~ • . . ~~·---- • t-.--... • A flag-waving affair to benefit San Clemente> In- terfaith Servicemen's Center will come in··~ form of a .Red,:~~and BIU:e Fashion Tea in Monarch Bay Beach_,€19b ;}V~sday, M~r~ ~.Post, a lance ~ se'll!l"g ·1JJ§. · ,_ CQJ:PS;\~t Camp Pendl~.'.:ID't!C'·Mr•.' DaVfd Mli'!'ks i'hiiilll so sbe·can~"Le> Mlttr(Cllllltt -M ... .. rh, laguna ~li' Exotic Trip Reported ROBERT GRANT probably will recall his 11th birthday-witb ease· years from now. · The Crown Valley School student celebrated it in the bustling city of Hoag Koog, one of many stops along the way of a six-week trip through the Orient which he and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Grant, enjoyed · recently. Mrs. Grant, most enthusiastic about the splendors of the -Far East, sald one of the highlights of their trip was the Grand Palace in Bangkok. Tltailand and the ancient temple ruins of Angkor Wat in Cambodia. They also vhiled Cambodia's bigg.,t city, Phnom Pebn where they saw the Mekong River wbicll goes up tbrough Vietnam. The Laguna Niguel residents spent five days in Kowloon -and Hong Koi;ig and from there went to Taipei on the island ol Taiwan where they llayed in the Grand Hotel.. Here they were most impressed wltb both the llotel and the National Museum which Mn. Grant said contained ancient ChlneOe objecla·taken from·tbe Mainland. The Grants· 1pent three. weeks in Japan where they took. a trip to Jll!ppu, a bot llP,rings l)lSOl'! and marveled at the blossoming d!erry trees, .zatees and tUlips and-many temples~ AN INTERESTING ad appeen!d m 'tbe-personals section recently. It read, ''Our wannest sympathy and sincere condolences• to Richard M. Billings on the ~sion of ·his 50th birthday," and was signed, "Fropt his ~er friends." · . -. -. • • " ' • .l • I '" - • • • • • • • • • • -.i . ~ ' --. • • JIAN COX'; .,.__ ~ ,....., '@lll'JI,. *' L .... 11 • . ' Fina/ Meeting Awartea'. ------------· I Opera Le,ague Leader Nam-ed Ebell President • ' • Three Arch 'Bay • reoident Mf1. Willi.-m W. ~Hlnwood, current opera t.eague presi-! dent, also will take over I leadership of Laguna Beach I Ebel! Cltib at its final meeting ,·: this year Monday, June -2, In the Towers restaurant. A social hour at 11 :30 a.m. will be followed by a luncheon and installation of new officers '1 conducted by Mrs. Roy ' Marcom Jr. of Laguna Beach, a past president. Officers to ~e with Mn:. Hinwood will be the Mmes. Jay Stone of Monarch Bay, vice president; earl Rankin of Laguna Beach, corr<spondlilg secretary; Aldon Clark of Three Areh Bay, rteordlng secretary and Edward Nell of Emerald Bay, treasurer. ~ :, F,ive ~·f111~med as . di~;jn ~ts;;;••· Larry ~· ~:1~i~~'. . of~~~ : ·Bay, 11* _ Uson of Three · Arch Bay ~ un Chino. Mrs. Hunto retiring presi- de~,¥'ill rtview the club's ac· coitiPUshment.s for the past ) ,y'¥~Or]~tarNPi over her ·~· d°"'to •. lMOod. : 1 Sllius a.J .• ially proud , of t,W sif.'$5!)f"'icbolarsbips' · they will be able IO ctve IO a deaervlng ar•duating Lapa Beach Hlch SCbool ltudeot: at an Awards Asoembly Wed· ,. : ·-- In the form of pledi<s, ih<f; group fullilled both a $1500' one to·the Laguna Beach Com· munity Playen building ~ and $1500 to the Boys' Club: building fund. In addition they met both a $500 1qd $1500~ pledge to South Coast COmt munity Hospital. Clubwom~ also have pro- vided four holiday parties for a teen.age ward M FalrvieW, State Hospital and maintain a fund to provide loans I!) Laguna Beach High Scltool araduliff wishing to attend .a college or university. TAKES GAVEL' Mrs. Rudolph Sift.in! of Laguna Beach ls making luncheon arrangements. She ii assisted by tbe Mmes. Wllliam' Gwinn of EmuaJd· B a y, Rankin and Eris Jamiaon J(. of South Laguna. ' Mrs. Wj!Pam Hlnwood Mrs. HiqWood wm be ~ nesday; J u n e 4. 'llte 35th president cl tJ:ie La~ .scbolarships-were·made possi-Beach group which was form· ble due to 1tbe success of the ed in September, 1933. club's January rummage sale , In addition to g e n e·r a f and its annual spring benefit, meetings, the club offers this year a Cherry Blossom gatherings fol-three special Ball. interest groups including the In addition Ebells gave fin,ancial support to the Boy'~ Club of Laguna Beach, YMCA. Laguna Beach Chapter of the -American Field Service, the Patrict's·Day, Pa~ade, 1 Senior Alf-nigltl Party for the high lichoot, Laguna B e 1 c h Chamber ' Mi.Ilic' Assoelation, N11tlonaHJtlle League and the lied c ...... Bridge Section which meets the second and fourth Tuesday Of every month at 10:30 a.m. ' ' ' . The Literary Section gathers for Luncheoris and , b o o·k reviews every third Tuesday at:!l a.m., and ~Potpourri'. Section which presents a wide variety . of ' Pl'Oll'llDS and 5peallen ..-eyery .......i Wedneadayallla.m. Club Puts Emphasis On Salad Worhen's Society of Chris. tian Service members have chosen Tuesday, May 21 as the date, for their tradiUonal an- nual salad luncheon at 12:30 p.m. In Laguna B e a c h Methodist Church, S o u t h Laguna. Each year cbW'Chwomen stage the event both to celebrate blrthdars of members and raise hinds to send delegates 10 the School of Mllaloos In California w..wn Unlvenlty, San Diego in August. Mrs. Carl Hawkins, lun-. cheon chairman, will b 8 assisted W committee • memben lhe Mmes. Harold Van wtnkl'e, Amold Kearns. John Brekke and the Misse! Loia ~ Lari Lyerla. ' ' · MRS. DAVID UPHAM of Emerald Bay recently booted a farewell reception for Sister l'lrtricia Krommer which WIS given by'St;•<la!Mrine's School Auxiliary members. A COFFEE party for the many members of the Shuffleboard Club of Heisler Park wa5'Jlosted by Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Le!\Of and-attracted many fOrmei member• who have moved from the Art Coloily. · . Sftl ED OR SER\llCR-,-Sb!nlng up the silver for ,service are Women's .Soclety•of'Cbristian Ser.vlce mOJllben (left to right), the Mmes. John Brek~e. Harold Van Winkle and Carl Hawkins, chairman of the group's upcoming salad 1oncbeon. . Tickets are $1 per person and may be obtained by call· ing Mrs. Hawkins, ~M.ft50, or the church, 499-3088 f o r reservalioos by next Saturday. ·-wrona:?" l uked. "Have ~ teen. tbe ckianing lady Jitely?" bO .. w '•'llo" I said -· ?" "Well .:_~~'d bttter check ... I went IO the blcl: liall and openoi1 the library door.-Thera w11 Mercedes Oft her h¥dl .... "-· .......... Q ,--.,, " a JIJbitd. "I.ooh. real nice, doam>t it?" lht llid proudly, -. I told Maudea the floor looted lovely bl.It q.at llie'd have to plit. on eome ciolhel becll* the -WU home. Sbnlld1n .--empbatlc.-Ulat""' can't do Ooon~"aR buad)ed ·Qp," ud io p1eaM keep the men out ol her"'•Y- Ann. abt'i lht be8t cleanlnc woman 'I've ever bad. I -1'Jlll' advice ud l need ft fast. ·Hdpl . -LONG ISLAND Llf , Cle~ning La~y' s ·Costume DEAR LU: Ill-Mads llU a J•wel;....,. a 1111 oiuJ-Tiii ._ • lilllllptwiCnlilllq ... .....,._ beltn_nd_l;.•.AMllkller ·to ple>M lock ... -............. IMDoon.JQllacue. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I have Uftd In America only six moolhl bul I alreldy have obterved 1 fuclnatJns ~ NearJ,y all the married couples we lmow pr~ they are faithful but ii\ rea1J11 they are having lflaln loll and right, both lhe men •nd women. _..... _._ ln Europe auch duplicity docs not exist I wish to make lt clear, Ann Landen, ·that I am not c:rlllcizlng the moral stan- clarda cl Americans. I m •..t.• I Y ctjllclle the fl k e r y. I firmly bi11evo It ii nOt nonna1 to llmlt oneoell to one sex partner. Mature people should be free to expres1 their natural biological drives wlthoul dlmaiinl ~veo or otbert. I Mptore 't~ h)tpoerlay. H~ much healthier It would be IO lhow 1n -·face IO the world. Small _, the poychillrisil here are so buJy. Every-la sick f"'."11 prettndlng. --A!IOl'IYMOUS. PLEASE DEA!\ ANONYMOUS: No 11ilef Nol eveo •• laltl1I? Wlty HI 1llow TOUR benelt fa~ to tM wwid! ,._ .... i. ......... ,, .. tnmarHaJ ""*11""*7 ... ea. ._ I do ... asne tbt .,.,.,..., 11 ~-... ,, De yoa bow ... ,...,? U )'O\I have troubfl pWna alq wllll your pmnls .•. U,.. can't pl thn ti let yoo Jive JOUI'. o'lil Ult, Mild for Alli Landtrt' bookJiol, ....... by ~' How to Get Moro ,,__ .. SOncl· 11 cenls In coin with JOUr ""'1"0I ilnil a IODf, lllmped, •W-envtlorJo. Ann Landtrl wW be &lad IO llolp J!!! 1'ith J!&iT problem& 9encl -IO lllr ~ cart of lhe OAILY-PllDI', ........ 1 stamped1 sell~ enve\opl. ---~......:•~~--~---~-~1•~---~------.;.-~--------l • --_._ ---___ ..._ ___ ~-------------------..._ ______ -- -~--------------- • . ' . ... .. . .... .. .. .. ~ ... \ ' , • J • : Riders M.«;l~rit . for ·Benefit~ ' • . ' . . (.is& Wagner •.9''1!alboa _will lie oneof the enlranlll'ln the nlitth ilrulual National ~l Hone S!Jow-laking pl-between 9 a.m,.alld.5 p.m.,Frjday, Saturday ind Sunday: May~ii,~ and 25 at-Dis Alamitos Race, Course. For the first time there will be an eveDuig show at 7 p.m. Saturday. The ev~I 'i~ sponsored by the Loog Beech·.Community.Holpltal Auxiljary with funds-bOing used toward the new cardiae cue unit. Tickets, al 'l for aclults and 50· cellts for children, ma}' b4' obtained at the gate: ' -, -· .. ADPi 'Club ; I •. J .. W,iU Seat • Officers,~ l!iext Th~rsday : O. rang e ~ ,\lumoae .ol IJplla ~ I'( .Will . lnaWI ClfJl¢a fOUawbia a nooii h..,.,,..,. In the ToDi Roger Jnh.'. ~Nlfmn. .~,.d.m, tbt, ~P4..wui:1be. I he Mmei. 'Herbert lllm'lis, ~t: Hug0 Schulz, nm ~ ,presldenl:. Robert -man, .-i )'Ice president; lloberl Raymimll, reconling ll!Cf'etaey; Wilbur AJlen, cor- respoodlng secretary; Paul Mallek, tieasurer, and Ronald Barnett, Adelpbean reporter. Mrs. Fred Sylvia, oulioinl pr~ will aeal olllcen. ~ put pmldents to be -... the Mmes. Edwin stem. H.J. Cb1111gne 1 George Brtaeman, Tom Simpson, Robert M c C a 11 a , Robert Farr, R. E. McGraw and David B1uer. ; Mn. .Allen at ea.mt will amwer additional questions ibout the organization. Women Do ' [All Work Et J It once a year women in ve Dinner Club o( coast do all the work i"'Jch goes behind the monthly '1eeting, so it is no wonder pie members have put up their feet and are looking forward to this anrrual treat next Thursday night. Oriental Cruise On a 45-day Orient feelival cruise aboard the SS Presidepl Roosevelt are Mr. and Mrs . Harry Axene of'Newport Beach. Ports of call include Honolulu Guam, Manila, Hong Kong, Nagasaki, Kobe and Yokobama. Salad Bar /t.rranged "Bring a sala d an d a friend," say members of the Women's Division, Fountain Valley Chamber of· Com- merce. The group will meet at . 10 a.rn. tomoITow, in the heme or Mrs. Edwin D. Booth. Horoscope Virgo: Be Discreet WEDNESDAY MAY 21 sociability and neaJoct. Many oJ fulfillment. laugh todl7. But aJao lel your SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. ll): work completed..· Accent on s o 11 d ac- ly SYON.EV OMARR cANCat (Jlme 21.July D)! complishment. You make c:on- GROOMING AND 1)1\ESS-Money is .,.wpted. l'lew tact With important people. lNG · • ---t t t contadi~ ~laL "'YOIL You put aC?01$$ your point. T~ t .,..... P • 1 • • get go'ni" .lft -fA.f d.tftdlon~; day, make room at the top for llJIOlll&lltod In Leo. Be creative ... ''"" la dntl. lloo'l loe lllnld o1·a,. -·l[O!Ailtlali!l>TIPI· Know y_~1r. po.artai Damboynt. Brt .. I thia-and·proceed wlth 'alr of SAGITrAlllUS (Nov. 22- Caien are ._iauy nltlble. confidence. Dec. II): Good lunar aspect -~ 1 1 • t LEO (Jufy 23-Aug. DJ: Cy· today colncidea with chance to a.-.aS wear or • e • cle moves up; you cin be at travel, to write, publlsh and -leatare bad<4 ...... emplltlls MH eo1114 ae-rigbt place at ·proper time. advertise. Your efforts show c...i-aur iea--1" Your qualllies of abowmanlhl• gain In financial ...,... Family sulmnt colon. are. em~s1!"fd· Pop.darlly membe~ makes gesture of rating ii on mcreue. Obf.llln reconclliaUon. AlllES (March 21-Aprll II): • hint fr<xn Caneor meuage.' CAPlllCOBN (Dec. D.Jan. Romance is high on agendo. VlllGO '(Aug. 23-Sept. jll): 19): Money allecllng mate, Be creaUve l!M apoUJght "11· ~ for dining wt; •~ partner Is highlighted. Be ··expression. Give chlld a · ten1!in'.I' lbeater. COnie ~ Ol perceptive. Element of decep-' special treat. You tend to , any emotlGoal rut. Be with Uoo could mst. Get algnais wear beart on sleeve. strive people who are ailmulating.. straliht. Don't work at cross- for degree ol pracUcatity. Solileooe moy conlldji Im, purposes. TAURUS (April :tO-May Zll): portantl n·t o rm a t I on,. Be AQUAJllllS (Jon. 20-Feb. Check home, real-utate ~ diacreel . 18): Be aw of public rela· J>Ol!tioos. Mooey is available • LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. D): lions. You 1 . U others have (or worthwhile investment. Your dealres can be fulfilled. clear · · of Jn. • Koow !hi! -aod preoent caae Key is to be lhorougb In· ap. · lenUons. ! ii d y Capricorn to responsible per 1 on 1 • proach. Friends help attain message. thorough I y lndiYldual from youi put Joals. Red·t.ape restrictk.N familiar th any cootract you could reappear. a're removed. You gain feeling might. · GP.'JNI (May 21.June 30): PISCES (Feb. !!I-March 20): Hotfie.W(hs At <::ards 'the IJbert Slttoo Homo will have the winning ~and when Chi Omega Alumnae , of Orange Counly anc!_ • ll>dt gueJts gather for a ~ and Carda nigh~ I Bridge, canasta and$· will be ployed lieifM II 7:30 p.m. in Alt.aaena..r: ~ . Savlnga and Loan, sanli >Jia, 11en 11itiriliy, HC<l'diiig t.o J.1rs. Richard K·t 11 In J er, chainnan of ways ~ means. . ' Tbe party wm prOVldO funds for the home, whidt ts a philanthropy project ol the sorority alumnae group. Dur· Ing the yeor c1oth1n4 and other 11ecessities are provided by the alum.nae. , Reservatkms may be made by calllng Mrs. KWlnger, 637· sm, Mrs. Roy Meade, 637· 5168, or Mrs. James R. Jameson, m-3986. · Other Chl-Omegu assisting with preparaUons are the Mmes. Jeffrey B r own , Lawrence ~farr, David Smith. Arthur Za&lo and Harrlet HUi- glns. HB TOPS Club FinlSh projects. Neighbors, Get basic chores ~mpleted. .relatives could take up too Q9o't attempt to skip essen-Allen School is the meeting much of your time. Know tilts. You gain prestige place for members of Hunt- whm to draw line between through efficiency today. Key ingtoo Beadi TOPS Pound is to be practical a n d Plnchers at 7 p.m. every thorough. Then gain mulls. Monday. OUllTANDING PIANO YAWIS PAULA MURRAY Summer Wocldlng Engagement News Revealed St. Clements by tbe Sea Episcopol Church In San Clemente will be the setting for the June 21 wedding of Paula Murray and Arthur William Coleman of Newport Beach. Parents of the betrothed 8'.IL Mr. and Mrs. Cliftoi:d Murray of San Clemente and Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Coleman of Irvine. Miss Murray is a graduate of San Clemente High School and her fiance ts an alumnus of Newport Harbor High School. · FV Juniors Convention Delegates MASOH-HAMUN CONCllt eu.NO, WAS $SOOO ----···-·---~OW $l6ff JAHUIN (WALNUT), WAS $1299 ··--·-···---.. ····---·-----HOW S!Ott JOIOAH lllOHYl, WAS. $10ff -···--··-··-··.;.--·--··-·-·-.NOW $19f JACOI llOS. f90NYI. WAJ Stiff ··-------·---.... _.Now $9" Representing South ()qui JWlior Woman's Clubi, J'GWt-. lain Valley, during c.iJ!i\imJa ,,.ederation d. Women.~• Cluba' State convention in Sacramen- . ·t io .;wul be the Mmu. Jon ,Mc;;kibben, R. .Bond ~~'!1j!npson,_Roberl Marien and ·• '~ Hayes. J&Nl!j.lNE Llj. G ;.. r ~-gates will convene for a · ): ' 1 Ma'ti'v 0 ~·:~ ·. ay .. meeting beginning ., 1.1 • , : v : . ay, May 22, in the Hotel .~do, A greeting w1JI be Beff o fu a • J ' . I .. :.;:~ by Go~. Ronald • t ~ ~f n I . fteme or this year's con-Re' "y•' ea l!$ l .t • ituuon will be the Gift ot t'' T.lnje. ... ... ~ ·' ; ;. Mrs. McK.ibben, new presi· The engagement of' .1irunt · ~ of the Fountain Va1ley Le Page and .Michael .. R. llD'dors, recenUy was installed Browning was aMO\JPcii4 \o, ~Mrs. Frank Farris and dur-re~tives and c~ose friends lftc1the dinner in Mesa Verde during a party m the Hun- Comltry (flub, she also was tin.gton ai;ach hoin.t of tqe t presented with a trophy for . bride-elects parents, Mr._aQii . being ~-d i , t r I c t Mrs. Raymond A. Le Page. · ClubwmiilHll-tbe-year. The couple plan to be ...,.. Receiving the gr o u p 's Tied next year in Sta. Simon citizen-of-the-year award was and Jude Catholic Church, Mn. Andrew F.dwards, and Huntington Beach. Mrs •. Lloyd Satterthwaite was Miss Le Page is a graduate recognized as Girl.of-the-year. of Fountain Valley HI g h The awards were presented by School. Her fianct", son of Mrs. l\lr•-~ put praldenl of Frank Perry, now is ,.rvlng In Los Dtltrict. · the U.S. Army. PHONE COl.LECT (213) 728-7283 F,...Ellimate Charil" itl ·* All Of THISI HAVI HIN UIUllT WITH MANNING'S 10 YL WllTTIN GUAIANTIL UNTAL llfUIN SAVI $$ I AUO SOMI EXCEWNT ORGAN SPKIAUI '\\81Jichs Music City k c..t l'llu, C0tt1 MtN • lrlstol 11 Ila DI"° fwy. 540-3165 • WHAT BIGGAR'S TRADITION OF SERVICE MEANS FQR YOU ... Entertainment "ill feature Arthur Briggs, a baritone, ac- companied by his wlfe, Dolly, on the piano. Festivities in the Newporter Inn will begin wtth a 6 p.m. aoclal hour. Dinner will be terVed at 7 p.m. Reservations for the gather· ~y be obtained by calling Fem Raodolph. 491-1630. ' Following the bus In e 1 s meeting, conducted by Mrs. William Pullord, there will be a salad bar luncheon at 11 :30 a.m. offering women an op. portunity to become better ac· quainted. Anyone interested in becom- ing a member ln the new organ1zation may obtain in· ronnatlon by contacting Mn. William Hayes, membership chairman, 962-4735, or Mrs. Puliord, 847-4049. Membenbip fee -Js $5. We'll clean your draperies lor only- l i8Pft three Solllbem c.alifomLt fumllme ""'"" bade up !heir llae quality madw!d'ise with unUIUally good ~ ke. A luge fteet of lnlcb with courteous, efficleftt dri,,.,. enibles Biggm 10 pnwldt prompt delivery-....rly with• in a fewdiys-ol merdw1dise selecled by• Cllllomer. Blgm has recently opened • laip smice building adi•· cenf to !he main warehouse In Pasadena. Cnltsmen sldlled In the art of Jlftlllrlng ftne fumllme use this ladllty to wefuRy lnspt<t and prepaie ucb piece of furnltiw before It II rtle.uod for deliveJy to ---TERRIFIC VALUES END-OF.SCHOOL-YEAR STOCK REDUCnON SAlf 25% OFF ALL REGULAR STOCK (lxc.,tlnt Swlmw .. .,. & H .. fery) SPORTSWEAR DRESSES SHIFTS SKIRTS SHOIS BLOUSES JEWEllR'I' •. - The DOily Pilot Covers -Boating • ~1 • oo $ 00 $ 00 PQI PEii PER WIDTH WIDTH WIDTH --.. _ ..... r" r "t• r ... ,... ,... .... CHAllGE rr1 CHAllGE m CHAllGf rr/ ------PRICE INCLUDES ------ Ta'!ing down ancl rehanging!! ------41 HOU11 SEJtV1a-----•- • \ -. I Any problems th>t occur aim the fumllare hu hffn delivered .to a home are promptly handled by a ..mce man Who is contimally In the field lrmrriri& that an·111aar1 customers i re completely sa6sfied wit~ their purthues. Visit your nearest Bigm 11ore soon tO Rt how this com~ binall!>n of fine qu•fity mmh•nd'~e am! unusuallr.zood service can make your selection of new furniture a rul pl......e,, .,, •• FINE HOME FURNISHINGS• INTERJOR DESIGN PASADENA: Colorado ot El Molino POMONA:. Holt, ea st of Garey • ~ ~SAN1'-A-ANA MAlil AT-llmNTlt • S1nl• An• Store Of"'n Mondty &enln9J _ " . ~- ' --... --~---------------------------------- ' ' r :Ne.Port· or EDITION Teday'• Fl•al. N.Y. Steeb I • Ol. 62, NO. 120, 2 .SECTIONS, 28 ·PAGES · · 0RA!'l6E COUNTY, C'ALIFORNI~ 'TUESDAY, MAY 20, 1969 TEN CENTS . . - ·' . • • • Courity tq-: Plug By JOHN VALTERZA Of ... ~-...... , .... County cn~s will start toM )>i:ldo Dam nut Monday, "WbeU)er :'ill ad! !llinistrators '"agree or not, to stem the · !iithy now of the Stnta Ana River and tnd the Ne w p o r t Beach ·and Hun- li~gton Beach record beach 9uaranUne. The antiOuqcemeif of the a t-a r t 'ol ... building a gate oVer the dam's ontJopeD 1fuice,~e o.n tb;e bttla o( a st.rwa ~ lrom N•'Uiort Beach 'City Councilziian . . . . ' Oooald Mcinnis who M911<1ay call«I for immediale idion against .the pciDuUon.' A~al t+r tbo t!GllDc of the dam is beini ...... fromi Ille Army •Cori>o --Of Engineen. and a county source said to- diy that whether it CO(ftel or not, "the. niaterlels, meo and equipment will lie a~ 11ie141ni, MdiJlllY' to 11.:1 i>bJUfi\i)t up." The i.ite will take nVe days to build, ~ .U, II•!'( go.., to tlie ~ •sljould atop afew i!o.11 War,,opokam., said. , . ' -. ' . ' .. -_.._ ..... • 1-4f Several other developments in the pollution picture.41so came to light today. Robert .si-, direetor ol· the .... =en~~·~=:,:,: that rigid rules set forth by a. pollUtion board April 23 are having. a definite tf. fect,'oo the quaUly 'Of the river's1wa&tr. The ~.'Alia BlVtr 'Baiin ,Water Quallty Control Bomi set strlcl stan- dards on qWl!itx'oC.,11•1"effl'!'lll 'com- ing lnto the rlYOr -upstram cltlea. ' ,.. .. ' • r ' 'I •..r•t ~·. ,·n. a· :,m· ' •;' .; . 1·:.0:· . ' .. , ' ' • • r ', . ' '. .. • • ' . T -' " • ' . . Stop -POilution waste," be uid, , '!be -human cololwm bacterfa In the.i river would not canstitute a health huanl,h<sald. Nevertbtless, he 5'.ld, the waters oft N<wp«t and Huntington ·Buch are 11111 In the dang<r ...,., and the only way lo clean up the water ls to stop the river. '!be etrects of the January and Febl-uary flondJ are sUll being left, and new rmmanta are still cropplnc. up. stone aald lilt wubed down &be river baa coaled the river bottom and will DDt allow the diJ1Y,. water to seep un- derground. "CoosequenUy," he llid, "almolt al the polluted water ii running Into Iba ocean Instead of underground, where il '""''dn't do w harm," he said. Wbeo•the pjug ii built, the bea•y "'°" I nq>!! ·\nlnd with _.,. bacteria will be trapped behind the dam. While the riverbed Is dry, the aews I ' • • (Seo, POLLtmON, Pqe Zj • ·aoost for -Mesa . __ ......... -....... ,·-.. ·:-•·"-or-..;, ____ .. tl'-~ •. ~.!.-;~.-·,,,.J..-- .. ,..,. • "'{ ' I , . ' , <;~uuiy ·L~m to' Fairgrounds Court •:4 . ' , F(ll\ NOTHING DlfWN ;Jie,rO:a.·!V~~·ci~; ~. ii . county 'u1~~ ....... mind ,. ''.is.Cjll).t!d¢ng bqylne .frori>:~ q,,,;fnr,,1.8 mil-"libbut:curmrt~e1'9iice1'0i' '•Mne-1ite, now lion: Newport Center JaJl!I'.._. be~·~e> ., 1nat1ed In legil questlpns.•: ' •-· • · ..:tJ>ter-culturaJ complex. • It<mlgbt ..;,, "inchilt · ' · , · · . J ;--: ~ • • Center JJr""•e · County llUJl'!VISon, on Iba ·, •IJli~d jirsenl-lnforii\atlon," loday)n- dicaled a J*efeience fOr k>Cflinl:• .~ , Harbor, Atta reclooal' ---· • pie~ ii) qoeta l\lesa. • The county board, however, made ·it clear ~t. NeWJ>ol:t Beach W!S atiD in the . running' for the 1lte. It•ckpeiids, 1Upervisors a&~. on· the cot.come of 'legal studies involving the ~ Mesa .lite at the . IJrange , COwlty Fair '.' ·.' Su= w~ told by FaJriroond• ~ Uiatpi<ylia~'been advi,,;,o!if state au.tborltles !bat Ibey cannot leg~ lei;Je the propoeed1kere site-to ~ ~ . ' . ' .... ' • Hoptna 14, Jv:lo roat rlho ru-ol ·a fort1 ... f· In ~ plll Jjtq below, U.. CoU M-·Clty ~ Monday"oted 14 allow a petroleum compeny -to ;drjll "11 exploratory ....i.ole on a Jlirit from outlide tow:Ji. · • • • Mayor Alvin L Pinkley was ·0te•Jone · dlssenter in the 4 to 1 declaion' to :allow Occidental Peqoleum C o.r p . of Newport-Eyes-NQthing Down, 4 Years to P~y Deal !'~~'.'1.':oZtheprobe,e~ . . ·-_... .. Tba.drllllng sl!e...Ubbe 1n coon1r,m· By JEROME P. COILINS re.venues until the note is paid. council, "we have to move there. The ritory outside the nm'theast city Dmfb 0' 1119 DmllY """ stat1 • What the«al me&J\4 is that the city is reason we're acquiring all 19-plus acres and a'perrntt hli1alrftdY bilen(ialbed IW re~r~r~f~;=~· able to acquire the land wlth nolhlng nowistOenabteustofixthepriceonthe ~<>r;;"..::~·~~ld'~~~·sately ·1y ncllme Monda .. 1.o)lt took _.a:.. d01m.·and·foU:r-Y,MlS to PIY· general area for us and. other uses. This • • • CJ cou n y •ug WJUI;{ And '~· ~-il ----the -way we·re 81>1! to' establish •L--1.:.. at . Newport B~b " attmleyf ·D fl ri n i•s atudy a plan to buy 19.5 acres of Newport :fllS'I aw ......... ,.. w wi:: .,. _ "-'"--'-• .~__,. • "'~-for the CenU!r property for "$1,&14,SIJ>. po,sal,isf y acceJted by the council today 's market. Property · v a I ue 1 ..,...t""'l'F lll1-1uu....,-.,.,,. spo~ > · 'The1Jroposal•asnegotiatedbyacoun-. . -~tbe~bjJ~lacinglhe,clty. tllroughouf NOW1'9rl, as you know, sre. oil. company, wh)ch wlH J>e riqulnd to ·1 · ··-nd .-. 1~•-r..-,__, "ii.nr-· ·-' il•""""";iald ihJs ·coulii rising rapi"'•" ·. . . · sh1,eld !ta ~porary detrli:l<\W!UI JIOl!lld· ~wn:n1o'I'1ih~t!xt. ~tikh;i~~~ ~ bi~·a~ ih~, .. or· a com-Jn addi~she·~. city .acquisiUon abeorbirig ~tenat;' " · '~' 1 • IOOtheost of Fuhlon Island. , · blnation) of1ihe wayi: , of' tho· 'land ..W, even ·lhoogh actual "U 11\ere " nothing ~e,'" ~ Couildlmen indicated they would ·a)--Tbrough the Ille or trade•ol" other cl· construcilon of ·a civic center complex explained. '"Uie cornpafty1wm fold up its prove the deal at their May 26·selskn ty properties. • fW·Cl!'Nl'Elt• SITE; Pase I) ten~ and~ away._" As proposed, the transaction calls for ~11lrough a joint powers agreement "' the citY.to give a note to the Irvine· Com~ . "!Ith another afe0C7, very ~ely Oranp pany wbicK w~ be due !rt four 1ws1 COunty e~t _ payable,.at four Percent interest. i . , -:-Througfl voter approval of general In return, the city would· get the deed obl1§_•-~-~· • , • for \he property, lhen·leaSe Ii back lo the F~. conaUltlnta, said MB1W Irvine C<Jnpany, fqr; ten:i,pOfary use_. Tbe , ·A{lrahall, will advise the city on the most lease fee would be the four percent io-practical ~pproech .. · , . terest. · . . , . . 1 '"nle ~ thlblinow'," lhe Aid, As "eai'nest" money, the city would let "is to put a freeze on the property." aside '$150,000 yearly'froin ita sales lu' ."EventuaJly," she explained to the . ' ... ! ' t . MaxwellD~n~dAlimony • • ' ' ' •' I In June Ally.s9n .Div9rce _ • Aciress JUhe Allyson gained a Cadillac ~ ~\onday-Jll}<Llook a. malot step on the., w~Y. to ~Ing husband Gfem Maxwell ii;i a· Superior Court pre-trfal bearing on bet divOrc!e action. The 4l·yeir~ld former barber's bid for moothlY alimony of" $1,&0o frorD his · C$lrapa:ed Wife was quickly rejt:Cted by Judge llannon G. ScoYjlle. , .~ell was ordered to surrtnder a vlliusble Grandma M-patntJnc Ind· tWo ltlevision sets, all taken from the hcime at 101 Via Genoa, Lido lite. Judge Scovllle's only cooct11ion lo the ~pt barber ·was lo award l11m , polaesion ii the -·· two boats -the 41).(oot "Marco Po\o" and tbe 1a.10ot .. ~ ... eua''. · But lie -must make prompt monthly • paymenta of, morta'P and ir.ttranco 1.., on the vW>ls ,;r~hiy'w!D revert to·Mi.- AJl)'IOll , MaxweD was warned. . Tbe 47·year-<>ld widow of acl«,.... d-Dick P-11 llatonod attentl•ef1 w~Muiffi( told tbecourt ol llil m-. CelsfUI •ltempta,Jn ....,.,,! montlll to find I\' job: ·Ho told atlorney Cllartea A. Colller Jr.111al "" waol«f to find a pool al - simttar iO 'lhat lie, bad -'!Olni for tlM past 11.. year1 -tile Joi> of "~"'""' mana1<r to l4la All)'IOO. ... He made no menUoa of hta halrdttssing ahllltiuJn i!trmlntl Illa Jack iii quallfica· lions for 'any other empio,ment. · Mmell'a pleil that lie' be allow<d lo ketp·ttle tM cadillac he' 11 using for his job hunting was qllicklJ• .rejoc1"'· by• Judge Scoville. ••you can't aUcrd the car," Judge Soovill• told l11m and -red Mowell to SWTender the' autl>mOhlle Friday lo Miss Ally90n '1 bulinesa manager. Jud1< 8corille also· told Maxwell "allrQOll;,Y 1 is fat:I ved fdr "*1 wbo are not ia:I* _ .. l;lla)ftnal adme 1o the appannl17 -Maxwell 'was tbal "' "look for a job and suppOrt youne!L" l\l1al Ally-. -In a flor ~ 'ab!><:ii!rc• i>toi:' dml, WU ordettd to •pay ·$1.GDO In at1Gme7'1 fea and -ln .,,,.... <'.Bodi~ ..... arderW! Dbl to ,,,_or lnlorlore with ..a.-· ·-~lint~-.. Od. U. 1111. A yaar lalOr Ibo -.rrled the &wi-1 -· lo a llll!lpWool Lu Yet C•llDOllJ• 1!,Ja ~·· <II-l1llol " Mari,' IT., ll'U not~ -Ula c""'1e 'I" ,.renUy ••ii,.. Ii* dlffeeucw. BMlt the -.-:i......, -11\0rt wllf be no llUdl recodcllfatloo thta Ume. • I "' ty ·~ a lons-tenn leue arrancement, widl .. oplton to buy. Slrl,lsht lwil!tl would be pmnlatbl .. But·Ftfth Dliitrtd Supervloir Alton £: Allen llld: "'MW: makes the BituaUon a little dlffiCWJ: for ua. We don't want to enter ihtO-' lease that e~ oil forever." Superyison turned the matter over to the'C<xinty'Couaael'1 office and the Road Depaijmml for further study. 'n')ey ~oualy acted on a motion by Allen: . The motton included the provision that the d>Unael and r~~Uves oC the Fairgrounds boon! get together lo "ornent Uie question" to the state .\t· ... =--. . Tel.gllest ft:ght . ' torney G<neral'• office. "The matter," concluded Alim, "11 lt!ll very rrluch up in the air." Allen emphasit.ed that the board's decision to •lu\IY further the COiia ~ proposal , "was ba!ed on !>resent !JI. formation" only. The Road Department .... lnltruct<d to investigate parking problems Jn con- nection with lhe Costa Mesa alte. Tbe ~ vestisation request presumablJ arlle1 from the Fairgrounds board's recent re- jectioo 'of a pi.h to prqvide a free.ea~ ment-to the Coilnty for five acres of part· inf. .. 'HlltPJ~H -~r ff ill' Fq,ll$ , l),~t A.ll~s:·Pay ()early SAJGON '(UPJ) -American.and Sou~ Vletnamnt forces todiy -up •tlie slopoi of Hanlbllr1er 1mr uDcler heavy fire from North Vletna...,. 'clUc In on the summit and capturetl tM 1lrate1Jc peak M their 12th try. The, batlle for the· 3,0llHoot D10W1tain oYitlooklne tli6 A Shau Val)ey ""'I the ~ al leut l50 CUU!llties, most or·ilteifl-. A. combat oUlcer Aid it WU his touiheet Ogbt stnce. World War If. 'lbe,flnal wault. by l,lllO alliecl.tlool'll; tncIW\lzjl i :battered battllli>n ol the.101s1 Air'bot'M Dt~Won, wU ·launched at 10 a.m. today, the IOtlt day ol the batlle .• 'fl WU the Utb Ume the ~ charged'"l' llie •Ioi>es to try to dislodlO the 'North Vie~ troupS from the1r fonllied ~. u.s •fighter planes, heltcopt<r aunslllps and ~Ulery , pqunded the North Viet· nam,..•pOs!Uooititlore the flnal'ebar1<. AJ>Ollo Keeping Pr~ise . Course . . . ·To Lunar Orbit r SPACE CENTER, 8-' (UPI) - '!be Apollo •10 ..,.,._ flew. the most procilO _... y<t u,.up _. 'l\leaday to set up the world's ~urtes old date with deotlny -~ a -· .. the moon. .. On Eartb, Americanl already were pieparlq for ,the -cooquest by movln1 the Apollo 11 1uMr 'landing maclltoe lo Ila · Cape K"""'17 blutoff site. It 11 ICbeduled to reaC!i the moon ln pr«:lsely two months July 20. Apcilli> It f11t1i! dtri:ctor !CPete Frank said llljnlnauta Tbomu p .Stalford, Jolm w. ·Younc and Euaot!• A. Ceman were fol~ a path·to uie moqn even more accuraii than the trallbtaztnc course .. 1 by A!"'llo I lut ~-· And their ~ wu -··just u ·flawJeso. ly. . ''.BJ ad larae, the wide ~ ta Just perlormtna beautifully," reported ml8llqn commander Stalford, 11, as ApOllo lt nept ln1o Ila tlllrd day of fUPt.. 11J\'1 a beautiful lplCeCl'aft." n. 47 .. -ahip la• ICbedtded lo • • bn!A~ 1J110 orbit. .-lbe -• • W tr 1!Q' alternooa ud be&in. • hiµ'· ~-of-tbonntday lo illur the way for a landing by two Apolle 11 aatnNuta In Jiiiy. -t ~-------'----8'-'c ltf_ • .,,. ' . - But the North Vie-lrooi>f, an- lr<ncllid In bunl<en wl11ch had Wlthslooil repea)ed air and artillery stra.1, striI poi up stUf resistance qalns\ the American and Soulh Vietnamese troops Pushlnl: up the steep hillsides. He said one American wu tilled and at least '6 were wounded in the final a51:1utt. TheJ'e wu no immediate report on ~·Vietnamese casualties .. The airborne division which bore the brunt of the fighting since May 11 was ~ to havl! lost a total of at lust M dead and 290 wouniled In the batlle lor theJlill. Communist losses _were estimlted at abolit 350 dead, U.S. military spokesman said. An estimated IOO North Vietnam .... two ba~, W.rebellevrd to ba,. been dug In .. the summit "All you could see were hands and rifle muzzles sUcking out of allta Jn the bunker i'' said Capt. Gerald Harkins, 25. "They sJ)raYed the ma and threw hand grenades and we had to get to those bunkers, bunker by bunker. Hamburger' HUI got its nickname -ol the blood ahed on Its ·-degree slopes and its battered ap- pearance after 10 days of air strikes and artillery bombardments. U.S. planes aimed more than JOO tons ol 6oinbs at llie peak while artlllery crews poured In abells • The ltill lies on the IOlltbem end of 111• A Shau Valley; about m mUa north northeast of Saigon and about llro miles from tbo border wltll Laos. Quring the fighting, u:s. 11$2 bombers droipped at least 180 tom of bombs between the mountain and the border trying to atom the !low ol Cmununtst reii1forcemenb aod ~pplles. ' Ceu& Weadler The sun sl"Jli tater ml laler- Ull mtdllternoon on w-, - wttll temporatum peged at • on the coast Ind up to 79 !Urtber !JI. land. INSmE TOD~'W Tht liHl 'PoPI Doc! Dtwolftr1 bou of Halt!, W tiol rtood lip in public recmtl11 bx' o "'"'°"' Voice Oft tilt tclephofte daiMt h.e..U. all1't alld "1•U. $torr 1!vllC 5. ,;. • . _, . . .. :t OAl\.Y l'llbT N T-. M<Y 20, 1'69 Teachers Faee· Trus t ees. on Salaries Tonight ' 11J -.U FORTUNB ..... Ot11r , .... Steff '"~-,.. .. ~--I teacbeta will _ ......... -....... ....... ...... -bu ........ •'IY hol _,,_ ... aria. --....,.,., '" ... Podillr I -ol II llosl ball ol -1,IGO district .._,._ Some too "-td up Jut 'l'bundoY II a -rnetllnl II wlllcb IDCillly mlJilalll -...... -. - '111e"7:IO p.m. 0110C1Dc bu --lo .. _Hlll>_tolC -le lbe tlplded erow<L PILOT LOGBOOK Reporter's Toughest Joh: Writing a Friend's Obit lly ARTHUR R. VINBEL Of ..... o.;., ,, .. ltaff Monday marnin& means more names in the fit.all wrapup, unknown vlctlma ol ·drfvera who didn't loot both "ll'I· or motorJ.ata, who partlld·llaluJ'. day night and bought the fann cm a freu'ay fence early Sunday mornJng. You type the names all the time, but reporters have a saying that the tougbOll job ol 111 II Writing your best friend'• obltuary, and il'a llllc. * ~ He wu a wiry ei-paratrooper about to finlab col-. · lqe and enter JJ11dlcll IChool, a dly atudent and 1 n!PI boapltal orderly, plannln1 lo be'• retelrCb i>llYaiclan. He rode the lhort way to work by ~ , fllJllllar wl\h cracked heads, aMl!ertd ltp and ~ • about 'l'l1e Other Guy who lhlred lbe road. Tbe 01ber Guy wu a Marine lel'Je&nt from Garden Grove, who" dklo'.f; know how to contact hfl insurance company. _ Not two yean before the accident, I can1ed the rtnr' u their best man. Nlne days dra&ied from her flrsr Call · to ber lut. Sbe pbonld the clly ·.rm the Jut llJi>e ' and ~might have answered : 0 Art?" ~ Tbe tone told me lbe wu no longer a wife, but a widow. * · 'l1>e Other Guy wu stocky, dark and he looked ic:ared at h1a man. alaugh!er lrlal, which lncludid two Marine Corpa wlvea on lbe Jury. Wlln.,... llid he ran a atop 1lgn. He and hia wife denJed tt. He Wll found lnDocia:IL The courthouse wall1 were the aame color u the !intensive care unit at Orange Count}' Medical Center. Wilting lbert, oae olfera 111!)111, almple praym to Whoever 11 La, '!iJer9. ver Ho Diii' be, wlllle 1 llJIJlll, quiet ......ii}' ol •omen ..-OOJDJllOIJ" - la men dying JJWIJ11r•d• bl1I .. fear and ~. aependlJJ& OJI '"bit they hlTtwlhlre. Occutonaily, tbe deputy sheriff In charge of the nearby jail ward IWI~ ed chocolaLt mlntl from .the nur1e1' IQUDCe to give them: . "J'\16 ·taJUd with him and he 11 read)'," Aid tlM 1ot1111 boopllal chlP, Jain. His lipa were gray like hil .Wt and be wu probably accustomed to more tophisticated supplicaUon than mJne. By evening, my friend was breathing hia pure Cll)'gen more euily, with • tube Jn bll ... -IJJng ~- "" -tecJ 1o -tbole •lltlng with him, IJJd -afraid o1 an 111e g1ua, JJ!eel and rubber -to lbe uncerlaln rhythm ol bit 111• -.1 11ve lhll corny aid thwnb-to-foreflnger alp, li'• 11'1 Iii going to be okay. He prom1aed the nune not to move, but he wived back. * Tbe moment In lbe doorway opened -kind ol door lhroogJJ •hlch to 1ee farther than 10 years and more clearly tbm now. The tcenem are moRly ~ unl118 you are 1 fan ol Jack JOllel, the Hlnoy, unknown alngar at O\ll hill> llchool grlduaUon party. * Writing ID obituary II 1 new1111en'1 -.noo tox.k. but the oae I typed lo call to the bometon paper •11 the touglJeat job, becaul< the name NelDed not to beloog In that dry, faclual.ICCOWll. SunJliht culling the July blR on the funeral day made colora ol the- euket Dar ...,. u harlh u the Marine Carpi bellcoptor wblcb drowned out the cbo8en. acrlptw'ea from above at hit graveside service. He usually 1pe11I Sunday morning wulng the car or atudylng for a teat. but bl.s religion wu g-to olhera -hit ch111tb met .,ery day -aod IUddenly be wu u dead u a tate Pope or a def\mct hobo. The only thing ii proves la that cruel lhlnp ,,.., .. blpp<21 and lbe old r<parten' aaylng La lllle. One can Jull •lall him 1 quiet real and hon<>r hit Interrupted achievement. And Monday morninp:, I can type the names of 1tranger1 with a ,entltr band. . DAILY ~1101 . ' ourtOI CGiUl ..V&l.SIKllM COMl'Nf\' l•Mtt H. W1.4 _ .. _ Jtek l , C111tley Vlcil ,,."""' ........... ti "'"- th.1111• l(,,,n .... 1111111•1 A. M111t,tril~• ~Ill,.,. J1r•111• f, C.11in --Cltr l•ttw ---2211 Wttl I•~•• l•t1l1•1r4 • M1ili111 M4r•111 ,,o, ••• 1171, t2ttJ I -- • I f,,...,,. ~ .•...... -:·--.. .................... ...., ......... _ .. __ ....... u..--. ·~ ..... c... ........ _ ........... .. ...... ,....¥ ............ -,.--. ... c.... ,....,.. c.......,~•••••-•nu ""' .................. -..0.. .... ,. ---~--c...--• ' ': cntt MMJ2t • er •~f · t : a: 1 f41.'1671 ~ ...... c...t ,...,...,.,. c.-. .. -............. "'--.......... _ .1 1• .. ....... ~-.......... _ ........ .,,...._. --~~--we...... re 111• .. .. ,,, ....... _.,, ............ Wayne's 'Goose' Runs . Agrou,,nd Off San Diego ,,,. Wild Goose, • !JS.foot convtrted mlnesw,.per owned by movie •clor John Wayne, ran qround Monday night olf lbe San Dle10 jelly 11 Cunlga. The actor waa not aboard. 'l'l1e boll •u under c:baNr •Ith 41 pu.enaer1 aboard. No lnjurfel were ._ted aJlhouCh C.pt. Peter S!eln, 111 Lutlpur, Corona del Mar, Aid the Wild Goose suffered menoive damap In lbe 8:l0 p.m. lncldrol. "I don' !mow bOw ii hlppened. ll 1 did, ii wouldn't have happeoed." Sttln Nld. "Tbe CoMt JP-d -111 Into porl ammd I p.m. Tllere •II d ...... to lbe bottom, olce(, l!em, two propa and two rodden," the captaln Aid. "Mr Wayne -~ !mow the Wlld 0-wtnt "'10UJld ye~ I blveo'I been able lo a:et him Oii the phone," - Stein. who lw boon Ripper ol the lhlp lor the put obi 1'1n. Dirksen in Hospital WASlllllGTO!f (UPI) -8 1D1 t e .Roplbllcan Juder Enrttl Ill. ·-lw "1 toucb ol lbe fia " and ta In Walter ~ AnD1 llooplt.i, bll arnoo aald to- day. . . .. . --· , ................ lhl C11it1rtU ff +ert A.9>claUll (~A) ID ._,nett•• ' ................. •.•If• .......... _,..._lllllan -.Id be uktd no1 ID 1dre on'wttil lbe ocbool dtatrlc:i. MID)' dtatrlct !eachen uy Ibey are not !ft favor of c1Uln1 fn alck or loln& on ilrike because Ibey c:onatdtr sucli llctlca lo be IUlprOl ... lonaL n-an111e-o11po11 taten by ffewport..llOD Ed a c 1 t lo n A-i111on· 1o 'llhlcb about to'_,i ol . dtatrlct teacbus rtpliod, and 1 lllnd-up Fre• P .. el CENTER SITE .• . ,-. may be )'W'l away, will tlloW'tbe city to . control us., of the land, which II com.. merdally ronod. About u acm o1 Ille lilt •ould be avalllble to the coonly fer • -llarbot Arel courthouae. Count}' oupervlton to- day C:oosldered Newport and c 0 I t • Mesa propositions for relocation of the oourt!, -In C..11 Mm. 'l'l1ey order· ed f\u1ber ttudies after fndicating 1 ten· tative pnfcace f« the a e w Colt.a !Waol!e .• Another nine acres would aerve the city'• needs for a city hall, council chamber!, ntW central library and police beadquarier1. OTllEIL·PUIU'C8E 11le remaining aix acres would be available., said Mr•. Marshall, for other "civic and cultural" clevelopmenll. '111e1e miibt well include an ut mUMUm, permanent beadquarten.lor lbe Newport Harbor Chamber o1 C«runerce and vll'loul aerv!c:O club l)ulldlnp. The chamber rcceitly movld Into ID lnlerim off)ce bulJd!nc on E.vt CCIII Rlpway near Newport Center Drive. M•Yl'I'. Ma!>lloll amed on the cowictl'a 1ite pegoUatlng committee with Vice Mayor. Lu.iii., Panon and Councllman Howard Rogera. Cll}' Manager u.rvey L. Hurlburt and Cll}' Altorney Tully Seymour drafted the p r·o p e r t y agreement!. Hurlburt said the transaction has the tent.at.Ive a~aJ of. the Irvine: Com· pany. "AU that remain.I," he reported, "I• formal acUon by the Irvine board and the .xmpany pre 1 ide n t (Wllliam Muon)." Sri'! GRADING Terna of lbe tranaa<tion proyid< ·for 1ite-ga•lng and llroiel lmP!qV•llWlll by the Irv~· COmpany. •• • Under the leaaeback arrangement, the finn would be Die to Ult the lite for parking and oilier temporary ·-. Iii subject lo di}' approval. Mayor Marahall Aid it II the clty11 1n- tenUon to .. u the courtbou1e Ille to the c<iunly al coat. That would amounl to jull .. .. than flOl),000. She noted lhll lrvlne'1 price tar °" the enUre property La about $!0,000 below lbe tacenl ..urn.te ol an Independent ap- • praJ.aer, hired by the ell}'. Tbe value ol Iha Individual aa.I ·-accordln& lo location. Paul J. Gruber •II lbe only ~ cllman lo voice Initial rewv1Ucm about the trlll!lcUoo. He Aid he dldni like the Idea of "tying up" $150,000 IMUllly ol cJ. ty Alea lox IWlds. Cll}' Attorney S.ymour, however. explained lhll the "eunect money" COMide:ration WU m.. eluded In lbe dell only to meet llato legal requirements. "Well, that maka a difference," l&id Gruber. "We can all recognize the fact ," &aid Ctty Manager Hurlburt, "that the clau1e Ii ilill • malllr ol form and toclmlclilty. If to aomtU>Jng that will never be · Jn. voked.'' Youth, 14, Hurt In Bike Mishap A 1"7ear-old Corona del Mar youth rldlnc bll mini-bike oa 1 lldtwlll< llUf· fmd a broken hip Monday Ill.-- -the acootor bll the aide ol· • boc'1nc car. Rlclt GUI " 111$ Seadrift DrJvo, WU the driver ol tbe ocoo!er, poU.. llld. Ho w11 .._.. to Hoar Memorlll Haapllll tor lttalmenl Alda termed hta condlllon uUlfllClor)'. Pollce Aid Dorla E. llullell, 0. wu baclJlna out ol her drlmoay II lf7 AvocadO Att. at 4:a p.m. -lbe YoUtlt bit tlJe -ol her car and r.u oil hta omall cyclt. Police aald !In. lll-o wunat d\ed. ..,.iiatlng -..... The board, be 1114, i, olferln& f !allrY ............. -...... ,.. ... btalrtthc !eldlOr lo 113,iGI r.i a 11-rar vtteran with 1 snuter'1 decree Jiu another year ol college. The prcaenl Alary IClle ,.,,... i- $1,500 to $12,91l Hate iakl the fll\lr• came out ln 1 te~ben uaociadon repre1entatlve coun· ell meeting and lhlll bocamc publlc Jn. formation. _ ,._• JICboof ·bliid 1'111-J1111t1 • w. 118W" Pe1Ga Mid be OINkl not eanftmtl Iha ,.,..... "Wt'va qreed not to di!<;u!I lhe 1*kaCa (ol loacber rtqlltltl) unW II ta flnllly ....,.. upon," ht Iii<!. H '' uld the ochool bolf<!'a -aal lo ...... ~ jllf ol u ~Jr. llid.llle ......,. Jiving lncruil Jo Soulbern Calllornla'f'"' the past year bu be<o about fO\ll per· Ctnl "Maybe lhJ.a II the ~ear they the board need.s to gSve a little more," aaid ~·~e. "Tucbors or. Juat barely .kffplng their • heads above water now." He llkl be has tigura showing that, ~ durlnl the put 10 years , Newport-Meu • teocl>on aclullq blve loot pOund. Ten ' l"lrl ... tbay .--lvod moN·uaalile in- ...... be alld, •hen cost.of,Uvlng and In· c:rellld talt.1 are taken into account. County to Hear Irvi ne Plan Central. Ranch Guidelines Go Before Supervisors B1 I ACll; 1180BACJ; ............. ...,, llevelQpmtnt gulddlna fer 7,144 •• ,.. of the central Irvine Ranch area will he before the Board of Supenitaon Wed· ncaday for adoption. Tbe develop-lludy .... nq-.d by lbe boord Jul Dec. • •boo Ibey denied • ""'"" ~ fmn -L)'JJJID IL J.....U oCNewpoet 8-h. for 38 acm In lbe '"" north ol lbe Santa Ana rr-ay 11 lbe -corner ol Culver !load and Bryan Avenue. SuperVlaon denied the miooe to alngle famlly development, u l'OCOllllllelld b)' the county P}asmlnc C om m t • 1 I on , becallle lbe county bad .... _.. plan of tbl: ll'et ... The ~ polldell and dev~llll guld~ up fer •-II WICIModoy aro lhe rault oC ·a tlJree. lll0!1lb JdlldJ b)'the countir Plunlnc allff. Plamllq Dlftclllr Fcnat Dlcboon d-'lbe lludy Iii "lhe Qnt plJIM o( • ..._., plan'~ l!Ja• teatral .Ji;'"o1-llie lr9liii ' • ··~ -·· ~· .. . He 1111 it "pnMdu a framework to act en IOftb1C h!qUt9t.I while more m. depth lludlea are being completed," and •Ul "sulde or.lerly lfO"lh and provide for com11111111ly latJUUes nbl pooslble wltbout it. 0 ni. Loller 11 lbe moot lmportanl facet "the guideline lludyncommeoctollona. Tbe plaa pro•ldel tliat "dmlopan lblll oiler public and pr'lvato ncroational facl11ll .. and open --denatlles ....... u dwellinc -por left." "Dave~ ol artlflctol IWI, wlh contouring and other nlcdlea will be .... c:ourapd," DjcUaon nperto. "SOveoly. live.,.._,,_ need& will Jn. elude ~ In conjunction •Ith ocbool -. plua --fer .. .., 1,1111 populallon -Iii to be pnMdod ..,. lbe developen ... Irvtne ~ olllcill• hive llatod llJat tlJe otady Iii . ......... tq -' 'l1ley °" to IUbmlt lbOtr Oft .~ plaa lor review and 1 belr1lll wJWn lilt monlha. · Tbe llludy-Jncludea tU ocrea oorth Lear.y for Guv? Drug Cul.tu t Tells Mo m Good News s,..iai 1o ~ J>AILY V,lAn' MOµNl'AIN ~ r111i from .UJ,/lfterl .i ~Jiltli. ~.,.... try b1vm MoodeJ, u Dr.-'lllnotll1 LelrJ pralaed 'the Lold fer 11tau.r lbe rap and announced hls 1970 Cal J for a I a gubemltori1l candidacy, • . · ''Thia 11 the happlut ·day -· lbe Emanclpltlon Prtlclarnat1on," declared the tall, tanned guru of bll communal ranch and its 28 inhabitanta:. · The long-haired former Harvard pro- fessor, 47, did just what anr American boy would do aller Jeaminl o1 the Supreme Court ded&ion overturninC his fedtnl marijuana conviction In Tnu. He hiked lo 1 neighbor'• ranch boule, becauae bis own retreat has no telephone and callee bll 112-year-old motlier Abigail, In IJ>dilJJ Orchard, Mua., with the news. ''Hello, motJMr," be eaDld ICl'ON UM American plllnl and pnlr1M, clad In bucbtn panto and wt1IJ 1 ra•blde lboq ·-~ .. blndm1 llll ""' ~' · • · " "We . .Won the cue." he conUnutd, "Thank you for your prayer1. A lot ofl 1 people have played.'' ' ~ "Tbe Lord did R -'-the higber -i,<t .. he explained Iller benllng up. · · · ·• "There are rnillioM and millions of people who are happy ·today," declared Dr. Leary, wllo .. 1imates that 20 Jlll1llon Americans rqularly smoke m1l1,Juana. The noted dnJ( r.,,.arcber fJred by Harvard on rather mild charge. in 11&3 after a aerla or I.SD experiment& said he will lnunedialely begin organizing hia c1111p1i&n for lbe roVVJJOl'lhlp. Fr om Peg• l POLLUTION •• can rebuild damaged dlkta to trap the ,,_ u II La slowly r•itlled from lbe dam arlin. Meanwhile, the altitude ol Newport Balch bllllnellmon and clly ofllcllil II an>IOUI. Th< ahop'eepen Ilona lbe watorfroot ana of the quarantine have compliined lhll Ibey blve lolt tbouallldJ <i dollln In recelpto becaliae ol bualneu lollel bllm- ed on the water clolure. Newpor1 CouncUman Mclnnll, 1UJ> pertld by Vkll Mayor Lindeloy p.,_, Aid Ibo c:ouncil abould --fmn lbe Carpi " Engliwra. Mclnnll npped lnacUoo by 1be Carpi altor bearing nperto from - Israel Offic;als Hint Of Vi8it to America JERUSALEM (UPI) -larHll -Mia: Golda Meir and Foretcn Mlnlator Abba· Eben may visit the Unlfld Slltoa for 111b with lbe Nixon admlnJ.atrlllon oa 1be Middle Eut, 1 government apollelmaJ! aald today. Be aald lbe -1bWty bad beta und• COJ•idenlllon for ..,.. time, ·lllboullJ no lormll tnvltoUon baa beta ""1...S from w-..... COIJrdlcltor G<orp Dl1!ts that Corps ol· fidlil appareoUy ...r..,•1 nare ol 1be problem. "I flod tt hard lo bellev1 thal Ibey were unaware of our beach polluUon and ltl cau&e1," he hid. "There'• beta enough. publicll}' on It" Student Paper At Harbor High 'All-American' Newport Harbor High School's student 11ewspaper, "The Beacon," haa been award!d an "All·Ameritan" raltnc by the NaUonl! Scbolutlc Prea. "-lllion. Siron& polnto In winning lbe bonol'""' news storlea and news: sources, editorial pages, features, and sports coverage and display. "Thi Beacon" alto woa top division honon at . Cal Poly-Porpona's Annual CommunlcationS Day, Judged 11aln!t 60 high IChoola In Southern California. Tbe paper'1 editorial boord Includes J111 S<bwon, edllot-111-<Nef; L 1 n n Rootner, -ooe editor, !JIJJll)' Duyan and David van Rout.n, -two lldll«I; Paula SCboepe, -lhne lldllor; and Dick Howland, l(l<rll lldltor, of llJe Santo Ana Freeway not owned by the Irvine Company. The balance of the 7,144 acres are bounded roughly by Ibo Sin Diego and Santa Ana freeways on the • south and north and Sand Canyon Road and the Santa Ana M1tlne Coll)S Air ' FacUtty on the eut and west. Eventual populaUoo La eallmoted at more than m,ooo. 1111)1 will Uve In 46,JIJI dW11llngl on lJll acres set Hide fer home and apartment building. Some Ja' acres is reserved for commercial dtvelopmenL • A atudent population ol 311,631 requlrinl 21 ttementary achooll, aeven junicr hilhl . and -bigll ochooll La forecut. • The county, in cooperation with 1 drvtlopon, bulldera •• d Jenden will pqnue the opportuntty for imovatioo • and QPerimeDta1ioc IO II to offer a full ...,. ol boualng prices,.. DicbaoJI proinloed. • Tbe area La liow larlely URd for cllr1ll and '°" cropl and La lioUnded .. the -' by ibi recenUy graoted Irvtne C«Dpaoy • qrlcultural pmerv• 1anda. Nixon to Visit I Clemente Before , Meet With Thieu WASHINGToN (AP) -Pnsldtnt' Rlcblrd Nlnn will fly from hla new WOii ' a.rt IUDUDe.f bOme at San Clemente <m June 7 for 1 meeting lbe nut day with • SoutlfVletnl!;l-Pnsl-N11111en VIII' nueu on Midway bland to discuss com- -pollcy. ' . The •President will spend the nt1ht1 SatUrday ln Honolulu and then fiy to·:' Mldwl)CSWJday, June 8 for the day-long conference, the White House reporled. · ,.. "Tbt two presidents had desired to hold f such a meeting u soon as feasible in t order to establish personal contact and 1 dl1CW1s together the conduct of the war In t Vietnam and the aearcb for a peaceful • solution /' said the announcement made : here and ln Saigon. , The one-day meeting, suggested last t Saturday by Thieu, will be the first ! session bttween the two chief executives. ! Thieu met in Honlulu laat July with thtn· • President Lyndon B. Johnson. Although the announcement did not ~ mention U.S. troop withdrawals and ; Soutl> Vietnam.,. elections, lheae topica probably will be "" lbe agenda, qualified , 66Urces aaid earlier. The IJ'OU11dwork for the lint meeting · of the Vietnamese chief of at.ate and the , new U.S. President was laid in Saigon Jut weekend when Secretary of State William P. Roger• beld utemive talb there with Tbleu. Newport P olice Seekhig Witness To Fatal Crash Newport Po11ce lraf(ic Investigators t~ day issued an appeal for the witntsa who fM1 .havi ~tetn the ICCldent Jut Wed .. J'lllday that c-ed the Ill• of • Lquna HUii Woman. ln...iigalor Reed Gloshen today said that.IUt'Vtvora ol lhe left-tum crash recall a car ~ at the Intersect.ion when two iul& collided In 1 left-tutu situation. GliJaben 11"'1e<i'lhat the desire to find the driver of the car was "strictly to help u1·tn our lnvesii&aUon. Tbert aren't any plam to We a01darc-J.'' The cru11 ~ al liatJ Joaquin Hllll liiil .T~ raada W-IY 11 J :15 p.m. The wttneas car wu ftOJ'th. bouod, pooslbly llopP,ed ' IL l!l< ln- tenecllon •han Iha craib occUmd. Mn. Mari Liugi!On, iv, • Leilon World·Liguna Hlllt !aldent, dlld 1111\Jr. dly from lnjuria recel'fed In lbe crUIJ. Newport C of-C Sets· Goals G-aid ~ ha"°' portlnont lnfonoalloo Oii the CO~ CID col1 him at m-1111. Family of Nixon Aide Held Captive in Hqme Tbe Newport Harbor Clwnber ol CGaJ. merce ,..... lo double Ila manbenblp. u allo •11111 lo doullle Ill bulldlol fund. A drJvo to IC<UllJll)J.all both -launcll- ed ~-Clwnbtr dlncton, moetln& II tellclUo'1 ~ 'qnod to plam tmn prealdtal RldJard -lo bl.kt membmlJ!p to i.--k la ...., ball that -and lo lncnUe the qlnlzalloJl'a bulldin& fwld to_,. $80,000, about twice wbal 11 -to the bank. • · ·· · ,.-o11111a ftpn, or IOO -are mernbtn of oat ehambft." Ha cl!led fer adht..aco to a theme, "Newport 'fode1 for 1 Btl1or Newper! Tomorrow." Ht Aid that tbe ""' mtmberl 'llOuld be -" tbe iw-1 dlllllber :ntmben at a p&rtJ ,Ill rnSd kptunbtr . Ho dted rrowJng chamber pllna for the ""'~homo In Nnport C..., and -thet plw and lll'llat'• reoder1np " the .... chunbtr -will be """plltod by )'W'I ecl. SAN MARINO (UPl)-'lbc Wife and m ol Henry K11m1, a ~ NllOl\ -lnlee u bead of the U.S. EJniOn. Import Bank, -. held captlv< In ihilr baM by 1 1U111J1111 Monday Who • caped will> joftlrJ vaJuod II ieo,OIJO. jewelry •llJJed 11· ieo.ooo. ic...,,.. II. .. '""" .. ln!erneUonal Incle and finance, •II llWOl'll In Mmh 20 aod wu In Wulllnctoo al the time ol lbe ,_,, ' I --, I ------------------ • I I ' ' I I . ---~~--~ -' • . ' ' ' Go l ~r. u·I Flags Sigl'.lal ·:New: 8e~son· ""~"j.t --t :s..l -• Booailhc ~"· .wbl!l!es an<1 horns, and the clang 01 hundred• <ii ·,ahlpt' bells wj]l .,.116 !h'r.ougho~t.Newport Harbor as several yacht clubs • ~ combine th11r tr.qtlitionaJ Opening Day ceremonies Saturday, May 24. ·1i; 'flfirsl1' W\11 l!e inaU;gurated this ·yeariaa fleets ' join to spread a ,. vjvldly~olored serP.en!ine 'of ships· lo a h!ifhl>ri'il!'e. Par~de of Yachts. . ~r~sing Sjiip-early 'to be ready for in~~ b,eginning at. IO a."?. wlU 'be memberfl ol l!alboa Yach! ·Club, ,who also IJ'ill be observing thetr ~lb sea&Gn in their clubhouse, 1801'Bayside Dr .. "' ·1 ' • •At 2 p.m: cinnllneer Bob· Wilh'Smson wilf!ite'ii. lt-shqt salu,te-lo-the- n'-w -officer~;· D~Vi·~-~mri~Y,., ·c9wfil'?flory; tjdri:\ild ;t-*'nklin,, '\'\Ce co~o ~:<lor~; Edw,in -Ste.~. Jr., rear &nµ!v>dore; ,W.illi.l!m :r.{cCord, fleet captam ·and G09rge Hoedinghaus,.poit 0.•P.tain" 1 • · ·\ Follo\ving ·an invocation by :an area m\nifslerj the· colors and senior o.(_ficers' ·fla'gs will be presented 'by 'jUnibr1 oUJcers, J~y Lawrence, C9mm0. dote; Rick Jeruiesl_, vice commOdore, and (iordo'n Johnsoo, rear conurur .~m t . . . . . Prior to the;qfficial, cereUfnies and tropl:Jy. presentation there will be a buffet luncheoU served between·.~eon2anf! t·:SO p.m., and c1bb members will host individual dpen hou~es. aboard the if boats begiruiing at 3 ·p.m. · .. Flag officers will host a cocktail party at 7 p.m:, with dinner and . dancing to foUow at 8 p:m. . · Decorations chairman' for Opening Day fs Mr~· Richard Blatterman + ·and Mr. and 'Mrs. Robert Woodwarti afi iri cbaige ·Of entertainment. Appointed officers for the new seaso:n are·Blai[ '.Barnette, judge ad~o cate; Dr. Allen Cottle, fleet surgeon; johrl V. ·Croul, secretary; William B. Ratcli~ffe, treasurer, ~nd Robert p. ·smjth, m~~sµrer1 Among the ho'nored guests will be BYC stafi commodores, D~. How· ard Baker, Dr. E. fl. Riesen, Theodore Jofinson, Donald Kemp, Richar:d Fenton, t>r. Castleman Smith, Fred..B. Smales, Converse Wurdemann, L. B • . Wheeler Frank C. Wood Jr., Chip ,Cleary, Ppul J. Holmes, William P. Campbeh Vilan E. Couch, Carroll D. Hudson, John E. Biby Jr., William E. Blurock, John R. Payrie. Ch3ries S .. Glasgow Jr., David YoUTJg, Frank W. Lynch and Junior Staff Commodore Ralph H. Deave r. Voyagers Yacht Club will begin festivities celebrating its 28th op(!n· ' ing with a breakfast at 10 a.m. in the clubhouS'e, 3855 Via 'Lido. prior to the formaJ ceremo'nies later in the day. · · · A forinal gun salute at noon ,will introduce li!le office.rs of Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club headed by Commodore T._Patrick Dougan, \\'ho als.u will be speaker of the day. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Browne will serve as hosts. Junior .flag officers in uniform will form their own line for the flag- raisi;!g ceremonies guided by Commodore Bob Small. . · .. • Smartly dressed in dark blue and wbi'te, staff commodores' wives will assist as official hostesses. _Greeting gu~sts will be the !dme~X".A·.~i· . f" "' · MacLachlan, Leonard ·M. 4Uy Jr., Myron Sheward, ~rry-Mdler, w.ill!il!\ .., ·~ ~ Lapp O'Bryon,,,Howard Fisher, Wynnett E. Bedall Jr., David DomaMki_-. " F. -K. Gleason, ·r:>ougan and :Howc:ird Langley~ . ; 1.~- ·Finger food will ·be served in ~e .cl1;1bh.o~se, and many m~l"!lhirs a~' planning cockpit lunch~ons ~nd parties in 1n~1vt~ual boats. Providing music for the BCYC celebration will be the Estan~1a High School Band. \ Already open and planning for an active su mmer is the Ne\ipOrt Harbor Yacht Club, whose flag officers reviewed the fleet SatU!cj#!YJf. Sunday, May 10 and IL . · Celebrating the club's ·52nd anniversary, members and gue1ls · n the day with a hunt breakfast between 8 a.m. and noon, follow~ .~Y 81\jn-spe~tion of tfi.e yachts btig}ltJy bedecked in flags 1for the occasion., 1 -:.-. In the afternoon a .Dixieland band played, and on hand for the· offi· cial ceremonies taking place Sunday was the El Toro Marine Band. . -. Among Uie members hosting tables for the Opening Day dinner daDC6' , ,,.,1 \vere Commodore and Mrs. Ernest C. Wilson, Staff Commodore azti5· ·~ Henry K. Mackel, Staff.Commodore and Mrs. Delbert F. Axels6i!;'~l '. Commodore amt Mr;.. ~~r :Q1'vis~ and ~ Messrs. "nd Mmes. John P .;.ti cy, R. L. Patterson) ·o dlOf;'. PHU!lps )(organ; Qilbrge ffC>llitlin I!ii'Jljclf. "'-! Hogan, Challf!lt>~~d•Llo,Yd-1., Aljiert.J~ · , · -~ .r!llJ. " ' ' -.... p, 1' · PASSfNG INSPECtldN ~ BalJ>?ai ·Yacht ~.ci!iR"' 'Coqpnodore and · Mra.> David SJniley mai(it B • • tbi.fr""Qwn .vessel is in top conditibn in:')>reparation·t ··for Opening Day· ·ceremorties which will taJJ,e place Saturday, May. 24. For the first time, ships from ireveral . area clubs will combine in a colorful .Pa· r;ide of Yachts \hrDligh Newp0rt Jiarbor ""'~~ . . tllilina .. the . &ft~rnoon. Mways ' col9\:tul,~ ··:it. -~--------------' , i))i'y jS. ti)• traaiJjon81 s\gtial that a jlew li8soll'r!if'.; <: . .)iQptil!t>if ~ci~y unde(,'ll'ay, and ,.,yiewjM t1i1ir · IEA ANDERSON, Editor '!J!"ts· wjll "A.JJlifl>ffic~,rs 'of the ar,~~llliS. ;.. ' !!""'""" .,,,;., • '"' " ' .... READY FOR' OPENERS -Dressing ship for the offici,al o~g. of a new boating season are Newport Harbor Yacht CI u b members (left to right) Commodore Ernest C. Wilson Jr., Mrs. Peter Davis. Cloyd Aubert, fleet cap. ' tain, Rear Commodore Davis and Mn. AubOrt.'' Newport Harbor yachl!mon celebrated their"-, Ope1iing Day ceremonies Saturday and Sunclq, ' May 10 and 11. -• ~· ! , 'VISITING· -Part of the excitement:ol Opening Day is ilispecting'floel! tn neighboring•yach~clubs. Coming In lo·dock ·art .. a< trial spin ln•the gliaining bay boat:lhey'Will use1o pay honor vislts ·are Bahia <;orintliian, offic~rs an~; their wi~es (left. 'to right) James Gamer, WJrt captain, Mrs. Lo r i n Weiss, Mri. Garner and Vice. Commodore Weiss. · ' ' .. . . ' . ' . I ' ' ' I ' ' • Very littl~ Can B~ Said to .Cover C .leani~.g Lady's ·costume ... IlEAI! ANN LANDERS: A few weeks DEAR W :· Mmodet ...... , lllle •· that I am not critlklzing the morit' ltln-I agree lbere 11 • .... .e.t ti ti• OIO I engaged• cleaning woman to come Jewl,·tlloqll • lift nu,. nu lier • dardl' of Amedi:ana. I mere I y, tr..,.rilal ~·poay ... '°• Mt I In .hrice a week ~.help with the floors -IOI lier oc:nWU, ud wulq -· cnilcl.e the taker y. t llnnll( do not agree tbat "t••111adf II ,and .over polishini· Mercedes I• llelan -·ud lllw 1 p.a. AM Ilk i. believe lt l!rnot110m11l to limit-.....U to ebeldac~" bo yao -,.....,...,, ....,where between 35-and-4&. She hi!! a , . ,, ~Jar figure but her lace would .. pleaH lock ... --• Ja doloc ·ont "¥partner. Matur< people should be II you have trouble gettln& lloni with mip the town clock, ., n ..... Jut la we. rree to express their . natural biological your parents . , . II yoo can'I let Ula 'II wrong?" I asked. "Have you oeen lhe t Jold Mercedel"'the lloor loolcecl lovely DEAR ANN LANDERS: 1 )\ave lived Jn driv,. without da-mg lhemaelveo or kt you live-,......... Ilk; send-fir Am .,!~;fveM:e~r:o~i::.Y!h!t:: cleaning lady lately ?" he asked. "No" J'. but um she'd have to put on eome America only six months but l alrtady otbtrs. 1-,deplore Uie Jtypocrtay. How -~erll' booklet, .. _.))' PatelU1 :;rubbing ind wu them by hand. lier said, "Wily!': "Well," he replied, "you'd clothes becau1e the Miner wu home. tf•ve observed a fuc.lnatln:g phenomenon. much bealUder It would be to ahow an How to Get More l"r9edo1D," Send ., . lut words to me were, "Please keep the better check." She aid In a moll emphatic tone that she • tionest face to the world. Small wonder-...... ~ In _,.n ~lh -· ..__... ~ 1.. · can~ do lloor1 uall lalndled up," aod t.o Nearly all UM: married couples we know .. _.__1. ........ "' ...... "' ,,..,,., .,, __ -~ boys and Mlmr oot of my way when I the psychiatrists ,,... are so bll.<y. ' • ,_ WOrl:." (FrequenUy Mister .~ the boys, I went to the back hall and opened the pleue keep the men OUI or her •ay. prttend. they m lallhlul but In reality Everyone ~ sick lrom,pretendlng. long, lltamped, .. u-envo...-; aged 14 and ti, come home ror lunch.) library door. Tliere wu Metcedes on her Ann, she's the beot cleanlnl ....,.. bo~ .~ ,.':.Yin~~Uomalnen . lelt and right, · -AllGNYMOUS PLEAS I!, Aon Landers will lJe, 11ad to bllp ,+ Milter did H'tdeed come home (or lunch handi and knees. waxing away -naked I've ever had. I need your adVlce and J ..,111 ........ ana w DEAR ANONYMOUS: Nt ume! Not with your probltml. Send dwm II~~ that d.,. ind when he walked into the as a Jaybird. ·~Looks rul nict, doesn't need it flat. Help! _ • ln Euro~ !uth duplicity does not exist. eve1 •• blltillT Wly llOt Utw YOUR cart. of &be DAILY J>ILQT, ..,..,..14 kltchea.be wu white u a sheet. ;'What'a 1t?" the said proudly. -LONG ISLAND LU I wish lO make Jt clear, AM Land.era, '-tit face &t U. ,,.147 aLamped1 selt .. adraled.envtlope. • .. ------------------------------ • ,.. ... '• . . .. . .~ . .. . . . .. . . . Horoscope I Home Wt'ns . . .. ' ... At · Cards The Albert Sitton }iome wlll Virgo: Be ' Di·screet hav~ th• winning hand wll!n..; soclabUity aad neglect. Many of fulfillment. Chi Omega Alumnae o I i Ri8ers Mpµnt for · hnefit • WEDNESDAY MAY 21 17 SYDN1!Y OMARR Gi!ooMING AND DBJ!BS. ING: Laat p•tltle• .....atJ_j II LM. Be Cftl_Uve .. __ , ... ~tlap.. ........ .....,_ llriPI .... ... ._ia117 nllable. ~ -ftr ladle• -....... --...... empM••, Mea eoald nc-< ceafwJly lea-oporttwear la --ARJES (March 21·Aprll 19)' Romance II h1gb on agenda. Be creailve and spotllght self· npr...torc GIYO child a special treat. Yoo lend to wear heart on sleeve. Strive for ~ ol Jradicalily. TAURIJB (AprlJ :JO.May lO): Cbeck hol!i!. real...iate pro-....w-Mooey II avallable for warllnrblle ln-l • ~ Ibis -and _.i cue to responsible per a on 1. Individual from your past could reappear. Lisa Wagner ol Balboa will be ooe of the entrants Iii the ninth ll'll'u,al National -t Horse Show taking·p!ace between 9 a.m. aDd 5 p.m. Friday, Saturday . and Sunday, May 23, 24 and 25 at'Loo Alamitos Race Coone. For the first time 1here will be an "".ening ·-at 7 p.m, Saturday. Tile evli)t Is opoosored, .bl' the Long Beach Community Hoopilal AIUiliaiy with 1Und1 being used · 1owm1 the new C8rdl.ac C8!'8 unit. "ncltets, at •t for adults and 50 cents for children may be 'elltalned at the gate. · ' GEMINI (May 21.June 30), Finish project&. NeJlhbon, reJatives could tab up too much of your time. Know when to draw line between FV Juniors ·Convention Delegates ADPi ·Club . . Wi'll Seat , Officers Next 'lburs4ay Orange County AlumDle of Alpha Della Pl will' lnltall oflicen f<ilotrlnc ...... luncheoo .Jn the Jolly Roger Inn, Aniheim. Leading the group 'lrill-tbe ~h • Mmes. lkrl>ert ~ predlent; H\llO Sdwll, iliii vice ,praident;. Robert -niln. leCOOd vloe preoldeol; Robert Raymcnd, rtOAdhtg secretary; Wilbur Allen, cor· responding secretary; Paul Mallek, treasur<r, and Ronald Barnett, Adeiphean reporter. Mrs. Fred Sylvia, outgoing · president. will seat officers. Among past presidents to be honored are the Mmes. Edwin Steen, It J. Cbassagne, George Briggeman. Tom Simpaon. Robert M c C a 11 a , Robert Pm, R. E. McGraw and DaTld Bauer. Mrs. Allen at llC.mt will WWII' addltlmil que&tiODI .-the orpnlsailon. Women Do All Work oi.;,ntal Cruise On a 4$<1ay Orle!it filll.ival· cruise aboard the SS President Rooseveli aie Ml:. and Mrs. Hany Axene of Newport Beej:b. Poi'!& of call include Hooolulu, Guam, '11!anila, HOl)g, Kong, Nagasaki, Kobe and Yolrohama. Salad Bar Arranged ~:Soulbt:out Juniof' Worqan'1. ~b) FOJID'" : lain Valley; durfnl california Fedantfoi>•ol w-·• Clubo' · ,:state conver\tion, in Sacram• lo :iiill· be the Mines. Jon \•Mftltlbben, R. Bond 'l ·~"'°ll; Robert~ and ~·~~yes.·. ·i.~•!Of wl!l .con"I"" for a ' ,. . y rneelfOI bec1nnlni ~~'· ~y, May 23, 1n the Hotel :.,!ll·l)ora<lo, A areetlni will be ·;-7~~~ -by Gov~ Ronald ~j~. -.i ... :,,-Tbeme of this year's ca. · .• veatloo will be the Gilt of ' Time. '~Mra. McKibben, new presi· .i,nt, '<>! the ·Fountain Valley \J'uniora, recently was installed . ;~y Mrs. Frank Farris and dur· · hie th.--U In Mesa Verde ... ~~,_Coontry.:Club, she also was presented With a trophy for being cho&en district Clubwcxnan-of -the-year. RecelVing the I r o u p ' I· --lbe'year award WU Mi'I.. --. and Mi'I. · u.,d Satta1bwall0.wu ""'IDirec! u Glikif.u.,..r. Thea_.,.....,._ by Mrs. Ha1el. pUt ~ "' Lal Cerrllol Dlltrlct. . • laup todlo7-But al!o get your SCOllPIO (Oct. II-Nov. II): Oranfe P>untY and """'° wort cornpJeted.. ~ Accent on 1 o 11 d ac-guesta aatber for 1 ~ CANCER (June II.July 22)' compllahmenL You make coo-and cardJ nlpt.~· Mooey ii apotlilbted. New tact with important people. Bridge, canuta aod • • • contact pmea benellclaJ. Y 01< You Jl"t ..,..,. your p>lqt. To-will be played · &t get go1nr In right dir<cUon. day, make room at the top for 7,30 p.m. In ~·r · Income potential jumps. ~-yountU. Savings and~. san •Aha IJilF:O andJi<oceedwlth'airOf SAGl'lTAJUUS (Nov, ZZ. nm Thliridaf, ~lo . confidence. Dec. 11)' Good Junor aspect Mn. Richan!, KI~• I a I., • LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)' Cy· today ooincldea with chan<e to chairman ol 'l"Y•,!Dd means. cle movea up; yoo can be at travel, to write, aul>Ji!h and The party wiIJ'provlde funds right place at proper time. advertise. Your efforts show for the home, which ts a Your qualities oI showmanshil'I gain in financial sense. Family philanthro·py project' of' the art emphasized. 1Popularity member makes gesture of sorority alumnae group. Dur- rating is on increate. Obtain reconciliation. ing the year clothing and other hint from Caactr message. CAPRICORN !Dec. 22.Jan. necessities are provided by the VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): 19): Money affecting mate, alumnae. Ei:cdl,nt for dining out, at-partner is bigtiliglited. Be Reservations may be made tending -theater. Come out of-·perceptive: Element of decep-by calling Mrs. Kissinger, 631- any emotional rut. Be with tion could uist. Get aignals 5978. ·Mrs. Roy Meade, 637· people who are stimulating. straight. Don't work 1t cross· 5168, or Mrs. James R. Someone may confide Im-purposes. Jameson, 5%2-3986. portant i n f o r m a t i o n . Be AQUARIUS (Jan. .20-Feb. other Chi Omegas assisting discreet. 18): Be aware of public rela· with preparations art the LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): tions. You gain if ~the.rs haye Mmes. Jeffrey Bro w-n, Your desires can be fulfilled. clea!' understan!fµlg of tn· Lawrence Marr. David Sm.Ith, Key is to be thorough 'in ap-tentions, S t u d y Capricorn ' Arthur Zasio and Harriet Hug· proach. Friends. help attain message. Be th OT o ugh I y gtns. 1oats. Red·tape restrictions familiar with any contract you are removed. You gain feeling might sign. PISCES (Feb. l!f.Marcn 20 )' Get basic chores completed. Don't attempt to skip essen- tials. You gain prestige through efficiency to(lay. Key is to be practical a n d thorough. Then gain results. HB TOPS Clul:; Allen School is the meetin& place for members of Hunt- ington Beach TOPS Pound Plnchers at 7 p.m. every Monday. OUfSTANDING PIANO VALUU PAULA MURRAY Summtr Wedding Engagement News Revealed St. Clements by the Sea Episcopal Chureb in San Clemente will be the setting for the June 22 weddinc of Paula Murray and Arthur. William Coleman of Newport Beach. · Parents of the betrothed are Mr. and Mrs. Cliflord Murray of San Clemente anil Mr, and Mrs. A. R. Coleman of Irvine. Miss MWT8y is a ifaduate of San Clemente High School and her fiance is an alumnus of Newport Harbor High School. M.4SON4tAMUN COHCRT OIAHO, WAS $5000 --···-.. -·----··NOW $J•tt Bettothrn .,,: '-· ' ;:. ,:;,, i ,· Reveal ~a ·• ' j. I The enpgemfnt of Jani!le Le Page and Michael R .. Browning was announced to relatives and close·· friends during a party in the Hun- tington &each home . of flit'. ; bride-elect's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Le Page. 'The coople plan to be mar- ried next year in Sts. Simon and Jude Catholic Church Huntington Beach. ' Miss Le Page lt a graduate of Fountain Valley HI 1 h School Her-· ton ol Mn . Frank Perry, now 11 IOnlng In the U.S. Army. PHONE COUECT JANSSEN IWAlNUTJ, WAS $12ff •····---,,.,,_, __ .,. _____ ••• NOW SlOtt JOIOAN lllONY), WAS $10ff ·-··---·-·----·--·-··-..:.NOW $1H JACOI UOS. laoHY), WAS Slltt .. ·---·-·-···-·--·········NOW $t" * ALL O• THISI HA\11 lllN lllUllT WITH MANNINO'$ 10 YL WllnlH GUAIANTIL llNTAl lfTUIN SAYI SS ; I A1SO SOME EXCEUENT ORGAN SPECIALS! Wallichs Music City So. Co11t Plaz1, Cost1 Mts1 •Bristol at Sin Ditto Fwy. 540-3165 WHAT BIGGAR'S TRADITION OF SERVICE MEANS FOR YOU ... JUll once a year women in E1ecuUve Dinner Club of Oranp Coat do all the work which -behind the monthly fteetina, IO it is no wonder l""l• DJl'Dlber>. have put up their fe.t and are looking forward lo Ibis annual treat DeJt 'lbunday 1!lpt. "Bring a salad a n d a . friend," say members of the Women's Division, Fountain Valley Chamw or Com- merce. The group will meet at 10 a.m. tomorrow, in the home of Mn. Edwin D. Bootll. (213) 728-7283 Entertaimnent will featun Arthur Briggs, a baritone, ac- companied by llil wife, Dolly, on the piano. Festivities in the Newport.er IM will begin wllh a f p.m. social hour. DinDer will be served at 7 p.m. Reservllllons fir the gather- lnJ may be obtained by calling MiJS Fern Randolph, 411-11130. Following the bu al n e1 s meeting, conducted by Mn. William Pulfonl, there will be a .alad bar Jun~ at 11,30 a.m. ofrering women an op. portunity to become better ac~ quainted. Anyone interested in becmn· ing a member in the new organization may obtain in· formaUan by contacting Mnl. William Hayes, membership chairman, 962-4735, or Mrs. Puilord, 8474049. Memberahlp !ee 1115. · TERRIFIC VALUES ENO.OF·SCHOOL·YEAR STOCK REDUCTION SAlf 25% OFF ! I I ALL REGULAR STOCK (Eacepttnt SwlmWNr & >l•f_,-.) SPORTSWEAR DRESSES SHIFTS SKIRTS SHOES BLOUSES JEWELRY StnkAmerfQnl Wtlc.mt · The Daily Pilot Covers Boating I F-Em-t. Cfoatve it/ We'll clean your draperies lor only- oo $ 00 $ 00 PEii PEii PEii WIDTH WIDTH WIDTH ---\ \k~ ~ .... . ... . " . ....... .... .... 'CHARGE rr1 CHARGE rr1 CHARGE rr1 ------PRICE INC1UOES ------ Taking clown ancl rehanging!! ------41 HO«IRSUVICE------ 8lgan tine SoDlllem Callfomla furniture lfons bad< up their ... ...., -wndlot with -ily good ...... Ice. A ... 8eet of bacb with....-, efficient drlms enahl01lllpltopmldeptomptdelivety-Ullllllywlth- llla few days-of~ selected by a aato-. 8lgpn Im re<ellly oponed a .,,,,. senlce llln1ding adja• cent to the main wareho.. In Paudona. Craftlmm oldlJed .. the Ill ol preparing fine fumlhlre -lhls fadUty lo wefully lnoped and .,...,... each piece of fumllure ~ It Is rtleued for dellvery to ""' automea. Arty p!Oblems that accur after the fumllUN his been deU\'lftd lo a hqme are promptly handled by a .me. man Who Is condn..tly Jn the field 1rmntng'lha1 aD BJaan customen are completely oadsfied with their purdluet. Visit your nearest ligprs !to~ soon to see how this com: blnation of fJne quaTity nm<handise and unusually good service can make your selection of new fumiture a rea,l pie.- FINE HOME FURNISHINGS• INTERIOR DESIGN .1.t1.'S'1';Mo PASADENA: Colo rodo •t El-Molin o POMONA: Holt, eost . of Gorey SANTA .ANA • ~--1------ • • \ • r f;osta ' Mesa EDITI O N VOL. 62, NO. 120, 2 SECTIONS, 28 PAGES • • • • I ' ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA • ~ ' • f Mesa OKs Oil Drilling Council Votes 4-1 . for E·xplorator~Corelwle Probe . . . -- -. Jt j • Hoping to lay lo rest the rumor of a fortune in black gold lylng below, the. Cpsla Mesa City Coondl Monday voled to allow a pftroleum COllJ.PlflY to drill an exploratory corehole on a slant from Ot.1taide town. ,Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley was 0lhe lone dissenter ln the 4 to l decision to allow Occidental Petroleum C o r p . of Bakersritld lo begin the probe, expected lo. last up to 90 days. -: Tho! drilling site will be in county ltt· r1tory outside lha northeast city limits . I and a pennll lw alttady betn lsaued by the Or1111e Coonly Building and Safety De-I. . Neirpprt Beach attorney D e.n nJ s Carpenter introduced spokesmen for the oil company, which will be required to shield .its temporary dmick witb:sound- absorbing ·malerial. "If there it nothing there," Carpenter ei:plained, "the comRfmy will fold up ils tent aJXI steal away." Occidental Petroleum Corp. already has leases oo county prOllUtJ 1ur- Toughest Fight rounding Coola Mesa, but City Attorney Roy June said current laws still prohibit slant drilllng. · A corehole such as that now planned Is not an oil well per se, but the ordinance does not mention ·the term and June said if councilmen wished to block it, th'Y y,·ould have·to decide so. Cores of material from subterranean strata will be brought up by the test drill and analyzed by geologists to determine 'Whether commercially usable petroleum products ace down there. Auto Foils M sa Bank Robbery 'Hamburger Hill' Falh • By A~TllUR ·R. VINSEL Of "" DellY ,. llloff But Allies Pay Dearly Stranded when hi.! . alleged getaway SAIGON (UPI) -American and South car stalled, an unemployed Costa ~esa Vietnamese forces today stormed up the machinist today faces federal banll: rob-slopes of Hamburger Hi.II under heavy bery charges following his arrest 30 fire from North Vietnamese dug in on the minutes after a $726 holdup Monday summit and captured the slrat .... ic peak afternoon. ..., • Oji their 12tll lry. • Fred A. WMlum. 39, of 2930 CooUdge The battle for the 3,000-foot mountain Ave., was booked into Costa Mesa City overlookine the A. Shau Valley cost the Jail and turned 'over to FBI agents for Americana at least 350 casualties, most 1rTaignmeh\ btfott a U.S. COmmissioner of them 'WOUDded. A combat officer saJd In Santa Ana . • The. suspect in the robbery of the it was.hll tougbest fight since World War United ·California Bank, :lm9 Ffarbor II. Blvd., was arrested 30 minUtes later by 'Ibe fin.al a.uauJl.by 1,IOO allied troop.., :rafHc . Patrolman Bob Goode, a half-including a battered baltalion of the lOlst Airborne Division, was launched at JI >lock from the holdup scene. 6...la the 1•• da of the ba"'· a.m. ~y, ,_. y ......,1 Hustling out. of the bank alter the noon rt •"-·~ time the ·•-!MMn' rubbery; the bandit alio left a wallet · was u,,. .wu1 par-....,,-,. uid ldentificolion belCl!llinl to IV.,._, ~~·10 try 10 m iolice said. ~iimktrs: "-"- '.'He was quite "*1teous aod.oUertd m u.s:s:~ a-~ pDllU...r ,...,. · e." ..,Coirta -hlld aild · · ~-e:;i-lttrllli v.:i: Dtlective Capt. Ed Gwgow ~ the nameae laolGro the flnal cblrst. ease was closed for.-local offictn when BUI. tbe North'~ troopa., en-~ FBI tool: charge of Woslum. lreocbed Jn bankm wblcll bod wtth!lood IilvesUcator1 said a toy ,gµo wu found ............... air IDCl~n-.. lttika, still-.. n a .wt coat tbe guspicl carried, but ~pJ ~-the~ whOevtt held up the busy bank at 12:40 A_.. South \lietnameM -....... '-,:m. Mooday dl!playedno weapon at all . ih:;' ileep bllllldeo. ·-.-..,.......up The neatly dressed, brown-suited bandit He iai4. one J.airiw !U· killed and at 1anded a note demanding money to an least 45 were Woundea ia the final 1nidenUfied woman teller and she com· assault. There was no immediate report on South Vietnamese casualties. The airborne division which bore the brunt of the fighting since May 11 was estimaled to haVI! lost 1 total Of at least 54 dead an( 1911 wounded· in the batUe for tbe hill. Communist louea were eatiruted at about S5t deld, U.S. milltarj spMenn•n said. An estimated lllO Norlh Vielnlmeae, two batWooa, were believed tD have been .dug In ·on the •nnmlt "AB YQU COUid -...,. bands ud rifle _muzzlell slickinc out ot 11111 1n the bunlo•'." aald Cap\. Gerald llarldno, 11$. · ""Ibey -"' llie' area ud U..W ::c=.u~~lo , llmliilfil!'-Hiii got Ill 11....._1 beM•• "Jlrlood .... itl ........ ~ ,Ind Ila -... peil _,. all« 11 ill)'ll of olr llrUael Ind ~-ts. U.S. ~ almed more than 300 tans o( lml_bo II the pell While arlilJery c:mn--In ahells. · 'll10 hill IJes oo the ooutbem end cl the A Sbau Valley, about 375 mlJes norlb • northUot of Saigon and about iwo milts fronl -thO bcrder witb Laos. ~lied by handing back flOO, aull'lorities JaiCI. Poliel warmed into the neighborhood ~ the bank, which is fairly isolated from >tber commercial development by a V• :ant field and a widt parking lot. Based on a description of the bandit tl)d the clothes he wore, Patrolman Goode apprehended WGS.lum as he walked (See ROBBERY, Pa1e Z) CoUDty Supervisors Lean TQ J[airgrounds Court Site Float From Mesa F.-estival Winner A civic fJoal depicUng three late, great Free World leaders and representing the city o[ Costa Mesa has won first plact in lh~_clty of Orange's Mayfair Festival 'tiUed "Lest We Forget," the Cmita Mesa Jaycees' entry was judged best in the enUre parade Sunday. The float, built with a $2,tlOll con· lribution from the city, i.s 40 feet long and tw an American Oa1 at ita bue, with a portrait of President Dwight D . Ei.9enhower. 0rllll(e County supervi..rs, on the ''basis ot present information," today in- dicated a _preference for kica.Un1 a new Harbor Area regional com1bou• com· plea IQ Coita Me11. . The. eountj board, bQwever, made it clear !bat NOwport llelcll wu ltllJ In the rwmina 1or the 111<. It depends. 1upervbor1 agreed, on the out.come of legal studies involving lhe Costa Mela site at the Oranae County Fairground1. Supervisors turned the matter over to the County Counsel'• olfiCe and the Road Department for further study. . They unanimously acted on a motion by Allen. The motioa iocluded the provision that the coume1 )~ -taUves ·Ol the Fairgrounds boll'd get together to "present the question" to the state At· torney General's office. "The matter," concluded Allen, "is still very much up ln the air.'' Allen emphasiJed tbal the board'• decision to lludy further the Costa Mesa propoeal "was based on pre.sent in· formation" only. They have good re:uon· lo thlnf so, ex- pert. bell<Ve. Costa Mesans decided against any oil or gas productlon in the city miny ,years ago and t.bey woukl hive to vote' that ban down to allow any MOdern operation if oil, indeed, ls there. · PettoleUm erlglneer 0on· Stuui spoke. for the Occidental Corp. Monday night and said the operation normally takes about 80 .days, but a 90 day projectioi:a would cover any conceivable' work de-lays. * * * Carpenter Hits Length 0£ Mesa Meet Costa Mesa City Council members, struulina through • six-hour, five-minute meet.Lne Monday night, ran into critical comment from the Chairman of the State Republican Central Committee himsell. Newport Beach attorney · D e n n i s Carpenter successf~ly finished reprtsen- tio1 a, Bakersfield oil company with ex- ploration plans Monday then asked if he might 1pe:ak u a citizen-observer. Monday's progress had been dlfficult up th~ the bench. '1Perhaps l 'rft spe:atpng out of tum,'' the GOP leoder said, "but l'Ve been doing buainess in your slott for abolJt 10 Yeifl DOW." "It aeems £rom the conduct of your ~=~:lJ~ ,..., · · yvarled-. "Ye.o! jull cdan'$· -.a tO be pailllM ~ llU ·71111 -did;" Clrpeo4et ~ Mqir·Robert M. Wibcin beamed. Councilman Wllllam L. St. Clair was lmpaalve. Mayor Pinkley eyed Carpenter intently. "Perhaps thia ia due to the far·sJghted vision of .the council majority," said Councilman Georp'A. Tuck'er, "Jt surely couldn't be the minorlt~.''v -. • Nixon to Visit Cle~ente Before Meei With Thieu W ASIUNGTON ( A P ) -President Richard Nixon wiU fly from his new West Coast suquner"home at San Cle!Mnte ~ June 7 for a meetin& the nut day With So!Jth Vietnamese. President N,Uyen Van Thieu on MidWay Island to discuss Com· mon policy. · · The Paiosldent will spend the night Saturday ln Honolulu and then fly to M1dway ~unday, June 8 for the day-long conrerence, the White House reported. .. the .two pre:a:ldenb had desired to hold such a meeting as soon as feasible in order to estabJish persooaJ contact and discuss together the conduct of the war In Vietnam and . the aearcb for a peaceiul solution," said the announcement made here and in Salion. ' .T•••Y'•· !V-Y• Ste±• . ,: '·l T ... TUESDAY, MAY 20,11969 •, ' ' (' OAIL't ,llOT,.... _..,.., 'Allll ACTOR DAVI DrPAUl GRIMACES 'AFTER'CAR C""'5ff• .. Pl1yh.U.1 /My Poll-Show, Slo!_rint L- Show to Go On? Actor David Paul Hurt In Highway Col~isW,n .. " • , I • I -' ~ ... 1 ~guna 'BUcn aotor1ia>ld : l'll!'llal!n·llfl!• .......... W'1!IPI Piur 'li'l1;,ipltalhed tad/j iflir.Nl'liiian ·, -~-,bf."8l'tt-"" car WU truck broidllde bi * coDllioa ll d~Y:• ~ tbe ail,. ti. ....... · , °"'~e cl"lbe II~" o. Colla -Q'ric • •. baay Costa Mesa .intcnedloo .,._.., p~. p .. tba. J niih~ -while en rouae to pll,y .-ml l'!ayll!luse ~-lafd u be ia Jn.b> The victim, 53. of IHI s. Col!! ohape to perf(IMia. the openmi '!Ill be Highway, w" listed In good condition~ deisyed·orie wOek. day 11 Co.ta Mesa Memorial Hospital, !Jivellltatora for the C 1 IH or D>I~ with a bead laceration aod.fract\D'ed rib. !f.iib.way Patrol aald today thlt ~ veteran .actor could have fared ,far wone Apollo Keeping· Precise Course . . To Lunar Orbit_ SPACE · OENTFJI, Houston (UPI) -T~ Apollo 10 astronauta £lew the most precise course yet through space Tuesday~ to set UP' the world's centuries old date with ·desUny -RUtting a man on the mooo . On Earth, Ame:ricam already were: preparing (or the hiatoric conquest by. moving the Apollo 11 .lunar landing maclflne lb Its Capo Kennedy blutoff site. It ls acbedUled to ttaeb the mocil Jn precisely two months, July 20. Ap(>llo 10 fllghl director M. Pete Frank said astronaut1 Thomas P. Stafford, John W. Youog and E-A. Ceman were. following a path to the moon even more accurate than the trailblazln1 cour&e set by Apollo a 'last December, f>nd lbeit. spacecraft was workinl just u flawtea:- ly. Jlt.the 7:18 p.m. collision al lied. liJ1 Avenu~ llld Plifsadel Road. PatrOlrben said P1ul wu driving west on PaUudea Road toward the playhoue when 1 car )!allil\l In '\be busy Jn. leroedllln began a lelt tul'll Into the patb .of a thitd .auto. • · ln'v~atori . fdenltfled the Daotooit ·making the turn as Matthew s.nGllft: 11, of 1824 Orehid Drive, S a n l a An a 'Heights. · TH<Y·siad Mn'.'Syi1ta ~· Mayfie)!I, ~. of 1111f1Hlvl!ft Place; l(ewpo;f ~ sWeried to 'l\'Oid Sanbcld'1 1~ .a· crimed 'broadside bito P,atll'l t~ c~art>or Area dra~a fans a-n~ parUCI~ nOted' !Oilay lhal 'Pril),ac. cidealt en· route tO rehUraal l!'" "lllddl9 of uie Niglit, ••is' an ln!oJc· footnote to Iii lasi~~on. ', . · Th<re may ·lie no l!oaine.'I like . .,_ busj.n~ • ..ob.served one velei'1~ but ·Paul may bi haVlng ......r tbouibta -that axiom u it applieJ to Colla ·Mela pO:Oductlono. r..o years ago, be played the lead role In the Civic Playhouse's productkll ol "The Best Man," Ind blJ house burned to the ll'Ollnd on the day of the third per- fo~. s,_,. ..,...,. ... ' •' , Statues of British Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill &ivin& hit fam"ed V for 11ictory gesture and General Douglas ~facArthur are also featured on the Jaytee.s' enlr)'. SUpervisors were told by Faitgrounds spokesmen tbat they had been acMsed by state authorities that they cannot legally lease the propoeed kcre site to the oun· ty on a long·Mnn lease arrangement, wM an option to buy. S!faigbt lwlng would be pennillible. But ~iftb Dlltrict @upmoillOI' AIU>n E. Allen u.kl: "Thi• makes the gjtuaUon a little difficult for us. We don·1 want to ent.er into a lease that goes on forever." The Road Departqtent WU instructed to investigate parkinc ptOble:DlJ!ll in con- nection with the c.osta Mesa 1ite. The in· vestigaUon rtquest presumably arises from the Fairgrounds board's recent re- jection of a plan to provide a free e:11t- men.t to the county for five acres of park- ing. The one.day meetin(. auggested last Saturday by Thieu. will be the .firs! ussion between the two chief executives.· Thieu .met in Honlulu I.alt July with then- President L)'lldoii B. Jobnoon. "By and large, lbe lVhole fPICetraftts just Perrirmlni 11e .. t11ully," reporl<d mission commander Stafford, 38, as Apollo 10 awept•lnto Ila tbjJ!I dq of flii!\L 11lt'1 I beauUIW ipacecraft. 0 The 47-ton space shJp i.s scheduled to brake ·into ' orbit, around the~ moon Wedlle>d•y afternoon and begin I bair· raisin& serles ,of-mantuvers the ne:rt.day to cle'ar the way fof a landlng by two Apollo ,ll astron1Uts In July. NEW YORK'(UPI) --'look it'411 u.e chin a·g .. ,I ft todlJ\ Wltb pr1 2 N I &tef1'l[Ding ffom Clr!)'OVet 4 ~t taklftl f"'1> the pre'lioul lellion, 1aci: of :DlfW . Vi4tnam peace: de:ve~ll and belief tb't the _.,iy'~y1be '•l!iwln&-.<Slol Another Mesa Pop Fiasco? AlthotJ&b the aMouncement did not mention U.S. troop withdfawals and Sooth Vietnamese e:JecUons. these topia probably will be on Ille 1genda, qualilied aourct1 ,said earlier. The grou_ndwork for the firSt meeUng of ,the. Vlethamese dlie:f of stat~ and the new U$. PresRlent was lakl in Saigon last wrttktnd when Secretary of State William P. Ro1er1 btkl ertensive talks th~ with 'l1lle:u. The Apollo 11 crew -•Ne:ll A. Arm!lrong, Michael !loWns ~ EcfwlnE.- Aldrin -WU Oii ~l'l'f at .Cape! Kennecly to watch their 311:1-fi>ol "J"'l'O m>chine mi ke the · •Ii-hour JoUmer' /,,··the· . Music Promoter Plans Extravaganza at Fairgrounds oceanalde launcli pad from 111 skyscrape:r·t•U hanaar. 1 Apollo 10 wlll.drcle01be moon IZ Uma, Music promoter William Tappan is cilmln William L. St. Clair Introduced plannina a giant e:1tr1v11anu at the TapPln. waitlnc in the audJence with Oranp County Falrgroundl In Colla fafrgroundl General Manager Allred Lu~ Mesa. one weekend put the first an-jeall.s. nlversary Ill the 1• Pop Fativ1L Tappan fl pining !l"'ITlinence In the T.appan, 21, of 3471 Via Lido, N"'1*\ field for his -ul promoliona In B .. cll. ouUlnod his plans belore the Oaat& lllnrlif futurlnc Glen Campbell. Barbra M,.. City Council Monday nicl)~ but Stttislnd 1n<1 Newport Beach's blind couocllmen voled una..-.q to bold soul singer J ... li:ellclono. oVer the matter for further study. St. Clair aald he 't'Olllact.ed Tappan "We intend an e\.·ent 1slmllar' to lut about the pou:fbiUty of llagtng a big show year'• pop raillval, and I use hesitate to at the fe1rlf'OW'ldl the right way ah.er the wOl'CL 'almllar' loc poycbologlcal-reading of hie copoblUU.. and the 1.,. Praaons," said Tappan warily as the tal.ive .Plan oulUned MCll)daiy ~ is the panel limned. resuJl -so far. No d.i.scuaakln had been scheduled for Directors ol the llnd D I 1 t r I c t the pa _..t-Alll"'t-ecHO event-which-.\grk:ullurll ~Ilion -I-to-Ha Tappan says could brine up to I0.000 Thursday against a proposal to ban any wetlcend vi.lton Saturday and Suocky, JUcit production at the f1irlJ'Ollnda for the wl tb a -...001000 gross peteqUal aalel coming 11ummer, u limlle., • lien is what Tappan, president of A tn>WD slowly spread 1croa the face Community Conctrts Inc,. 1 dJviaJon ,ot 'lbe muak: and · arU and crafts tvtnt twice "> ..-wltbJn -11' Y,OIO 1eef. ol tJll: 'R , T gr13'. er_,,.,.-l!Urf ........ lheo billed .. a youtb r .. u.11 would utuile the evenge ry blfll l>ock to,qrtl> $1tur(oYlatil llnd·ln e1datlng lairgrounds aheltm for an the SOOtb Pacific next Monday. . eslimated a.ooo •ialton. 0 'f)_ d Stalfold,' Y-·llid 'Cltnlo alqld' "What"" they going to do when Mra. n Do g nwarte tbelrllllli -tllec11t.11' ... Apollo IO,lilo : J...., calla down lmn Alhambra at mJd. I ~ ... P171' '1lidl)' but, .. ~ 1 nigh! to cbeck·on her t8'yeAl"Oid SUale! .• A Coote Mey -· wbo·liltfedll' -cwwwmad<r.-ailelllfle ~10 ~ In ed to rewn ud met ......... oo 1 "-rela.y tbe ~ lmn the Mildrid; ..:..U. ' murmured one vetmn oblerver whJch hid bttten him earlier wa ~ • Lracktni uµ.r 10 the Hoaidmf ~' WGndennenl re!lod -y -he droVt up ill« Center fOt II mn. ' • • Unlike the haphazard Newport Pop leaving the """" and flll!ld poUce -n. 311. ftpor1ed that tbe 11rlh •II • Festl\fll otrut-Au;bit:'liOiever, Tappan waltin1. • ''mlptftcent lllbi.. IWl"1 rtlO;«lf• ' said c111efut planning and contract Richant A.i'lbner, •• of Utl l>adlic mllel •••Y· "All ol Alric• Is brown ol flllarantees will elbnlnate many of the Ave:., was booked on ausplclon ol carrying hecouner.;..'!'i tbl wat is'very vey blue,;•.> a concealed weapon 1ftei P~ltolman Al ...,. _ ~ll!ld-Oibe. Muir <01Lilc:1bod'll-.2S"<!lll•·'lil· Uiiii@l<,-: •n'flhe Cin'ltlillllil you aiOI~;" 11 - problems. p~tol 1nd looded clip '"'"'·his car. -Ceman. YOUl\fl, 18, Hid the A"-r~ "No pomogra~ In In)' form or media A llulltlncton 8ooch man praent -!oral.bod."• purplljll-llluUll Uo1to Is allowed pnder out con It I ct u 1 I -Ing 11111 W'l_ler Incident In the II• block '1\111 l'!'t"•llll to -17"' l'hll,!19 1 agreement.I," Tappan told oouncllmen, of Unloo A•-..utd lffloerl •nd aald Cati i. fl""' hon,'' Oe111!1 lold. ~-1 <l"\'1-'tionS, Pages 10.ll), .. . I • • .. "'U ll ' I «iea.c" of Mlyor Alvin L. Plnkl!J, u Coon-N.U.S. lllc., "-lo mfnd , addin& thot 1 bell<opttt will be provliled the q bite vldfm -Pl•'"' to come communicator awarlis DOU. ' • ~ 1 l " (~ PESllYAI, Pap Si back ud0klll llae 1rllmll. .,,..,...#11 tblt [Ill\" -"' • ----i '--~~~ ...... ~~~-' .. • • '· • r c PILOT :·LOGBOOK· Reporter's Tough~st;Joh: . Writing a Friend's .Obit 117 AllTllUll II. VINUL .... ..... ,. .... ""' ... •Jlloo401 manifn( ,,,_ _. IWnel In the fallll WTalJUP., 11J1tnown -of .. drfven who dldni loot bolll W111, or~ who ,..:u.ci Saiur-dl.1 alPt -llovlbt the f1r111 an a lrae•IY fence aarlJ Saoda1 ""'11Jni, Yau, IJpe Ille l1ll1IOI all ,Ille tlu!e. but f1l)!>rlen !lave a AYlq tJial Ille ......,_ job.of ill fl 1'l'llbtJ ,...11oo1 lrlllld'a ~; Ud It'• true. ~ '* • He ·-.a wlrJ' .. ..,......_ about to llnllb coJ. ..... lllllf mslor' liledJcol ocbool, a day -I llllf a Dltbl bolpftal orderly, P1annlnc to be .a r••t:Q'Cb ~. . lie !Ode the lbort way to wort by -· famlllar with '-beada, -lep llllf wmled obout Tbe Other <;II)' who -the '*· 'Ille Other Guz w~ a Marine *'etant·fi'6m Garden GrOve, who dtd4 t know h ... to coritact hla -. _.,.,,,. Not two years before the lttldent, I corried Ille ring u their -..... Nine da)'I' draaod ,_ her llrll call to her lall. She phoned the city deot the 1ut time ud u,Gne mtgbt have IJlSWered: "Art?" Thi -told me · Ille WU DO I-a wile, but a widow. * 'l11e Olber Guy wu ltocl:y, dark ud. he looked ocared at his man- lllaUgh1er trial, which lnclud«t two. Narine CorPI Wlvea al the Jury. Wi- aald he ran a llop lllp. He and hla wile denied II. He wu found' Innocent. Tbe courtbouie walfl were the ume colot u Iha !Dleollve care unlt al oran,. County Medical Center. · . Waltbi& there. one Olfers ll!lalJ, limple prayers to Wboever It Is, where- -""·He 11111 be. •bile ·a analJ. ,qalet t«orlty of -~ -bond Iii ... ;IJll1g -1 ttiae blla of fear and cJldpeo•, d.-1"4 .aa..•baL they •hist ID 11bare. • · Occasionally,-the ~IT lherill In cbarse of lbe neerb7 Jail ward mp. ... cbi>collte mlli!i freoi·'tbe nr-11eunp ~ ... ...... . . •. . . ' : . · ''I've tal.ted wllll· blm and he' fl reWJ," Aid Iha acting bolpllal cllap. lalft:· Bi> lipa were gray ·lite hla tult 11111 he wu problblf eccustomed to more oopbbticeted 11Uppllcatloo than mine. . By .,.!"(ng, 1111' friend WU brealhlni hli pure osylOD mare euily, with a tube In hla aae working lq. · He wll1lecl to --walllnf with ld!n, and -olrald of all the gins, __ ud rubber tuned to the uncertain rhythm of hla Ille -I 1ave tllat c:ornY old thumbt<>loreflnser lip, like II'• all 1olni to he °'"¥· He promiled the •-not to move, but· be waved becl<. * Tbe moment In the doorw1¥ opened uother llil>d of dlCr threul)I wblch 11"' forther lhan 10 years ud more clearly than now. '!lit toe-are ll!Ollly unimportant tmless you are a fan of Jack Jones, the atlrmy, untnOwn lfn&et al our hllh lcbool gracluaUon pvty. * ' Wrillng ID obituary ii ............ common Wk, but the ... I \ypod · to call to Iha homtlOWn paper wu the toulbell job, beceuoe the name eeemed DOI lo heloq In tbal dry, !actual account. · 5\mllibl cutting the July hue on the funenl di¥ made colon ol the cuket fiOI oeem u harlh u the Marine eorpa· helicopter whlcb dmmed out tbe chosen ICZ'lptures from above at bia gravealde MrVice. He usually epent Sunday mornini wulnc the cer or studyiDf for a test. .but hla religloo wu 1oodneu to othen -hla church met eYer)' day -llJld IUddenly he WU u dead .. a lite Pope or a defunct hobo. • The ooly thing IL prov .. fl thet cruel thlnp larever happen ud the old ._ten' raying Is true. one CID just wllh blm a quiet rat ud booor hla Interrupted ocblevement. And Mood1¥ mornlnp, I cu type the namQ of '!Ir....,. with • ,.nuu !land. I I DAILY PllOf QIU.NOi CO.St l'UllltMMI COMPAH'i ll:eff,t H. Wttl l'mlttfd lflll "*"""" J••• a. e,,,.., .,. ''"""" "" o-t-11 Mlfil .. , n ..... , K,,,u .... l ---,,. w ••• ,.., ,,,. •• ! Meilhit >.Mr•:•: P.O. tn 1160, t111'l ..--.. *"""" 9Mtfl: 1711 wt.I .... ......,.,. ~"""'r m,._,,.....,.. 1 ......... llfc.llt ., Mfl '""' l v' I Astronaut Gives Pinkley Orders: G~ts 'Hope' Duty ' ' Colla Mou M"l'OI' Alvin L. Pinkley will report for duly June I, after belns glwm hla aulpmtnl and on!e!I by U.S. Air FOl'C< Lt. Col. Wllllum Anderl, the moon-orblllng ut ..... 1. 1'le plaaeer wi-Apollo t tummetes ventured beyond. the pull of i!:arlb'• gravllY lor Iha nm time ever bu dealpated lllJ'Or Pinkley chairman of Ille annual Hope SllOClq drive. Voluntowl will tan to the 11n111 June a to canvua for lunc11 for medical -wblch fl cen1od on at t b 1 -.. City of Hope HCllJ>llal In Dllarte. "The flPt aplnet cancer, leukemia and dfleuae or boradlly, the blood, cbul llld beel1 i, bef"4 aclvanctd beceuae of the oom'blnad ell«ta of -at City of lfopa," the -noted. COL Ancfen II honorary 1• chairman lo< tho drlvt, funds 1rcm wblcb wtU se to .apud rward! procrlDll at.Ille lamed cane..---· Dirkeen in Hospital WASHINQTOll (UPI) -Senate !Wpublicon ltadlr l....it M. Dlr\Mn hu "I toucb of Ille flu" and le In Waller Heed Ann'! l!MplW, hll olOce laid loo ....,. . • ( -. ~. -· --- -. Preserve Swap For Oil Leases Under Study WASlllNGTON (AP) -An excbancool the Ell< ·llllll, 'tali!.. Naval Petroleum -.Ve lor oll•bore federal oU leues In the Santa Barbara Channel wu Jll'G"po:a:td to a congreasional commJttee today. Rep. Oiarles M. T .. gue (1\-Callf.J, mlde the IUUQtion In supporting a bill by Sen. Alon Cramton (D-Calil.), to end all drilling In the SaN llarhera cbannel where an oil wtll eruption Jut Jan. 28 IOlked beaches and harbora In oil. T .. gue told a Senate Interior eul> commllee the trade could eave the Treasury 'more than a billion dollan in redeemblg 1e .... lor which the oil ...,. ' Ponies paid more than !800 million In lion..., In February 11H18. , cru.ton empbaiized the earthquake fault lwanl In the -1. and said a repe:Utlon of the January oil spill disuter1 could produce a polillcal Issue that would mull In elimination of all olfshore drilJ. lng in thtl futurt. .. The senator defended the oil com4 patties, auerting that they followed ap. pllceble J't8U11UOM. Decision on the risks, be said, ~ a matter for· govern- ment. · By redeliJnotlng the cbaMel u Neval 1 Petroleum Reserve No. 1, tn place of Elk llllll, Teague Aid the oil would be available for production In a period of national emergency. . re....-~ .. lhcll . tl\e.. •tate. o1 California could be given a portion of' Elk HlliJs. t6 'ucllanp Jor; ~le 1 .. 9'1 -In chiiiinel Inside the thie<>mUe llinU: Ullder the proposll, the otaLe would !lave to pledp not to exploit ·Ille llale<>wned por\i"1 of the channel unleso the federal 1<>vemme:nt reopens tbe adJaceoi waters. Fro111 PtqJe l FESTIVAL ••. lor police IUptrVilory use during the. ahow. · He alto promiled two algniflcant dona. lions out of the projected 159.SOO net pro. fl~ ..,. t<i the local United Fund drive and O!>O to the Calilomie Puce Qlflcero AasoclaUon. MIJ'OI' Plnlcley asked Tappan If he bas conaldered a one-day show and was told thet thfl 11.poulble, but the production cost. ii abOut the same and a two-day event ta more economlcally sound. Ma,or Pinkley sugguted that two days may not be feasible. Tappan bp • succeoalully produced mualcal shows ln Newport Beach. at two Cob'ado tki rtaortl and ii C\llHDUy booldntl blgbly successful ahows in Ha wall. A ,....... ol Iha plan, past llorl., and reviews about camm.unity Concens not.ea that Tappan would Hke to do more in 0r..,. Coun\y. He bu noted, however, that faciliUts are limited. ;appan Aid the Idea hu gelned 1ft0mtntum so far, lftlh a feeler from one COmptny about televising a one-bout AJIC.TV color spectacular show and two recordlnt com.paohs are cons.idering live albuml. Vice Mayor Robert M. Wllaon 1aid Monday night. ht 1i cautl0\111 to comment. but Mid the suueaUon 'undertc!tJttS the need for a bowl, stadium or convention ce-nter in Costa MtA. Dln!cton of the Fair Board have taken no action on Tappu\1t ptOpoaa), prefer- rin1 to leL him deal with the , clly first before any actual ltePI are taken to begin Joying It ouL From PGge l ROBBERY. • • out ol • pb""1l<Y In a shopping center Just south of lhe robbed bale. A quantllY or cub was ello· rocovered alter the IJnlttd California 8anl< lllckup aceonllnl to FBI qeot9. who took Woslum to be -ed at 0..,... County Jail. Police declintd to uy If llie 1111pect wu wllllDI to 111,.;,,.. the holdup or the wording of the note which. prompted the UMID1ed teUer to band .out the '1QO. 8 Fined in Dogfight POR'fERVlLLI (UPI) -EI 1 b t -wtre fined fllll ·Uch Moodey for their pvt In en lllqel dol ficJ>t btld. Mey • In • mnote footllW nllty eul of....._ /• • on ·salaries Tonigh( , \'lie., a walloMit ~n at the Tbunday -meeting. Ill! teacllen all t@e poulble wallliul "!ff'blnl of -ll\lt!lmum clay" •ince stalt lair ....ntes aalJ lour hours ol dally In· r&ructlon. ParenM would be given prier noUce thal classes would he dilmisaed in the eatly a!tern90!1. perhaps at 1 p,m., said Bart Hake, executive stcretary of tbe IOCAJ teachers ,usociatioo, a CIA official. Teachers would use the time off to hold inOtblir mus meeting to dflc1111 the situation. Hake al.lo revealed a salary offer be aald the school board 'lad made in secret ne&otiallnt """"8. '.!'bl boifd. be uid; " .,,.... • 8""7 'ac11-.ranP>I -.... por '* ... a begllll)in( tea• ·to 113,IOO !or a l).y4ior veteran with a muttr'a dtgree plus another year of collere,. " • The present salary scale ranges ftom $6,500 to $12,928. ,. Hake said the figures came out in a teachers Ul!OC:iation repruentaUve QOUn· ell meeting and thus ~ ,.,blicJn· fonnaUon. "': -:- School boant P-t James ,v. "Bill" PeYton wd be could not confirm the figures. "We've agreed not to d~ the package (of teacher requests) unW it County to Hear Irvine Plan; Central Ranch Guidelines Go Before Supervisors By JACK BROBACK Of ""' °'*'"' ,. ....... Development guidelines for 7,446 acres of the central Irvine Ranch area will be before the Board of Supervisor! wed- nellday Wt adoption. The development study. was requested by the board last. Dec. 28 when they denied a rer.one request from landowner Lyman H. Farwell of Newport Beach, for 38 acres in Ule area north or the Santa Ana Freeway at the southwest corner of Ollver Road and Bryan Avenue . Supervisors denied the rezone to single family development, u recommended by the county Planning C·o rn m 1 i ,1 I on , beeause. the county bad "no general plan of· the area." The recommended policies a n d. development guidelines up for approval Wedneaday are the mutt ol a lhffe. month studs by the county planning stall. Planning Director Forest Dickason descrjbe! the study as "the first phase of ! pneral plan j>i'oeram for the central sector or the Irvine Ranch." He says It "provides a framework to act on zoning requests while more In- depth studies are being completed," and will "guide Orderly growth and provide for comm unity facilities oot possible without it." The latter ts the most important facet of the guideline study recommendations. The plan provides that "developers i;;hall offer piiblic and private recreational facilities and -Open space where densities exceed 3.$ dwelling units per acre." "Developme~ of artificial lakes, earth contouriflg and ·other niceties will be en- couraged," Dickscin repo~. "~en9' five percent of recreaUooal needs will 10-- clude playgrounds in conjunction with school sites, plus one acre for every 1,000 population -all to be provided by the developers." . Irvine Company o(fi;jals have stated that-the study i5 acceytable to them. They are to &ubmlt their own general plan for review and a hearing within six months. 1be study area includes 912 acres north DAILY PILOT Stiff,.,..,. ACTRESS TAKES STEP TOWARD SHEDDING HUSBAND Jun• Allyton, Attorney Charles A. Collier Jf. Leary for Gov? Drug Culti.st Tells Mom Good Neivs sPect•I to the DAIL y PIJ,OT MOUNTAIN CENTER-Hosannas rang from the rafters of this high desert coun- try haven Monday, as Dr. Timothy Leary pral•ed tht Lord for beating tbe rap and Mesa Architects Picked by Finn A Colla M"' archlteclutal llrm has bten tttaJned by a Villa Park company to deslp Its new $300,000 bulldlng in tbe 1rv1ne Industrial Complex neor Oraose County Airport. Thomas I Richardson Aslociatea will draw plans lor the two atoty building pl~~myth Bros., ol Villa P~k, according to a jolnt announcement by the companle1. Charles Smyth. vlct president, said the buildlnJ will Include 11,000 1quare l•eL llJld 11 in be completed this !all. Robert M. Thomas, prisidtnt of the archlttctural flrm. said the structure wlb cluster otfl.cts around an inttrlor cowfyml, with lndMdual courts and will be buill ol masoory ••neer and st\l<'CO. !. announced his 1970 C a 11 f o r n 1 a gubernatorial candidacy. "Thi:; is the happiesl day since the Emancipation Proclamation," declared the tall, tanned guru of hi.I Communal ranch and Its Z8 inhabitants. The long-haired former Harvard pro- f essor, 47, did just what al\)' American boy would do after leamlng of the Supreme Court decision overturning NJ federal marijuana conviction in Texas. He hiked to a neighbor's ra:riCh house, because his own retreat has no telephone and callee hh 82-year~ld mother Abigail, in Indian Orchard, Mas..., with \he neW5. 11Hello, m~ ... he called acrou the ~ri$'an plains and pralrlt11 clad ln bucnin pants anil with a radlde thonl bindinf his sray hair. • "We won the case," he tonUnued, "Thank you for your prayer1. A lot of people have prllJ'ed." · "'the-Lord did U -tbe blJhtr court,'' ht explained after hanging lij). "There 11rc millions and mllllons of people who are happy today," declared Dr. Leary, who esllmalel that 20 million Amtr:lcans regularly' mioke marijuana. The noted drug restarchtr fired by ltarvard on rather mlld char1es in tee3 alter a series of ~D experlment1 said he wlll lnimediatelY begin orcanlzi!11 hla campaign for the. govtrnorsblp. I I, ,, of the Santa Ana Freeway not owned 1'y" the Itvine Company. The balance of the 7, f4I acres are bounded roughly by tJw. San Diego and Santa Ana freeways on the; south and norpa and Sand Canyon Road•' and the Santa Ana Marine Corps Ai1t1 Facility on the east and West. EventuaJ populati9n ·is estimated 1t • more than 131,000. They will live In 46,260 • dwellings on 6,286 acres set aside for ~ home and apartment building. Some 138 acres is reaerved fo r commercialn development. _ A student population of 3tl,631 r.equir:lng'~ 28 elementary schOols, seven junior biP,.~ and four high seboolJ i8 .kftcalt. ~ The county, · iri cooperation with~ developers, builders and lenders· will pursue the. opportunity fOr innovation and eiperimen~OQ so as to ofhr. •' lull range ol houalng prices," DiCWoll :, prom~. The area is now Jargely Uled for citrus~ and row crops and is bounded on the eut, by the recently granted Irvine Company agricultural prewve landa. June Allyson Gairis Cadill.ac, Losing Husband ' ' •. ... ' · Actress June Allyson gained a cadillac Monday Ind• look I major llep on the , way to ·Joalng hUlband Glenn Man~ tn . a Superior Court pre-trial hearing on her .j divorce acUon. . . ~· tl-year:-old fonner·t1ather:s-J>ld f«.'.. monthly alimony .or '1,600 rrom hl1> estranged wife was quickly rtjected tiy Judge Harmon G. Scoville. Maxwell was ordered to surrendf!' a valuable Grandma Mom· painting anif'i two television sets, all taken from tbe l home at HH Via Genoa, Lido Isle. Judge Scoville's only concession to the bankrupt barber was to award himI1 possession of the C011p1e'1 two boata -, the 41>-foot "Marco Polo" and the tt.:foot'I ''June Bug". ~ But he must make prompt . monthlyil payments of mortgage and insurance fees d on the vessels or they will revert to Miu" Allyson, Maxwell was warned. · 9 The 47-year-old widow of actor-pr~ ducer Dick Powell listened -attentively while Maxwell told the court of his un!UC-1',1 cessful attempts In recent months to flnd -';l a Job. He told attorney Charles: A. CoUier:;r Jr. that he wanted to find a post at least~ r;imilar to what he had been doing for the~ past five years -the job of personal.;;. managu to Miss Allyson. t-' He made no mention of his hairdretmngl: abilities in stressing his lack Of qualllica· ~ lions for any other employment. ' Maxwell's plea that he be allowed to ~ keep the 1969 Cadillac he is using for bis job hunting wu quickly rejected by 'of Judge Scoville. ~ "You can't afford the car," Judge Scoville. told-him and order«! Maxwell to ·~ surrender the automobile Friday to Miu 4~ Allyson's buslneu mana1er. ., Judge ScoVille· abo told Maxwell ~ "afimony ts re~ed for men who are ~ 11ot in cood health." · Hif final advice to n the apparently disaatilfied Maxwell was ,. that .he "ltiot for a job -and support t youneU." Miss Ally!On, dressed tn a fUr l4 trimmed shoi:khig ,,1nk dreu, was :; ordef'e4 to pi)' #,000 in attorney's feu • and $800 In toots. Both parties , wert ordered not to • molest oc interfere with each other. .Mis& Ally90n lirsrmarried Maxwell on Oct. 12, 1963. A year later 1he remarried ' the Newport man 1n a sumptuous Las v,....cer~y. Student Paper At Harbor High , 'All·Ameiican' Newport i!uj>or '11!1~ School's ·student -· • .,,,. l!eo<on," .... -awarded an "A$American'' rttlnl·b1,tbe Nallonal SCbbia.tlc Praia AA'ol:lailoft. Slrong polnta In' iolnnlo& the 'horior Wtf'I newa atorlu inCI nns sourcn, ectlteiiJJ papa, features, and aportl coverage Qd display. ! I '4The Beacon" also won lOp-ti~• honon at Cal Poly..Pomona'a ~ CommunicaUOM D11, jud1ed alalnat 11111 high lchooll In Southern calilonila. • The paper'• edilOl'ial boml lncludts JM Schwan, edltor•ll)-cblef; Ly n'n Ro3'Jner, -Ont editor, Em1111 lluyan and David van Houten, page two editors: 1 Paula 6choepe, ~ lhtte edllor; ·~ Diel< llo•land. tpO<ts editor. I .. __ ..... -------------------- ., I ' ---------------------------~------.------~-----c-,-- ·Dr. Gerard Retiring . At Irvine .,.: Or. Ralph W, Genni lodlJ - he Is slepping down u dean ol Ibo graduata divlsi<m 11 \!.<<Irvine. Gerard, 18, d6cllnod reappoinlmml 11 deap for another year. Th 'e otatu'°'}' -I ... !or university administrators is ri. Bur Chancellor Daniel Aldrich uked Geru'1 to remain m the. job. G<nrd said he has 1-1 tblnkinl !or a loog time about easiDC off. "I'" been can')'ing I ]Cit ol "*"'8ibilily ud Work- ing terribly hard," be aald. Gerard II the -·UC! dean to ll<p down· this year. 'J..ike the other three...., James March, deari of IOcial aciencel; James McGaush, delll of bJo1o11ca1 science, and Samuel McCulloch, demi of hunuriil1'1 -Ibo raignalton will be .r- leclive June 31, lbe end of lbe academlc ye ar. AU will Tem.a.in at UCI. Gerard will coolinue to be prof....,.. ol biological sciences, as well as director of special studies and special advisor to .y i c e Chancellor for , Academic Affairs Roger Russell. HUNTINGTON HIGH TAPS BOY, GIRL OF THE MONTH Next fall, however, Gerard will go on leave to become an honon.ry·profesaor at the Unlvenity of Leiden in The N.eitherlands. In 1962, Gerard was given an honorary doctorate by the Univers.ity of Leiden, making him al the time one of 11 living holdEtS ol honorary d-lrom the university, along wi\,h the two living queens of Holland and' Wimtoo Cburdlill For April, Robin Funke •nd Brian Soucier \ Huntington High Picks Boy and Girl of Month At UCI since 1964, Gerard has been noted for his pioneer work on the chemical and electrical activity of the nervous system and the brain. Recently, he has been interested in •P- plication o( t'ODlpulers to indivklual tn. slruction. Members of the Huntington Beach High School Girls' and Boys' Leagues have selected Rbbin Funke and Brian Boucier as Girl and Boy of the Month for April. Cake Decorating Contest Planned The Westminster Recreation and Parks Department will host a cake decorating show for all students and graduates of depattment..sponsor.,ed cake decorating classes. Cakes will be entered In novelty, wed-amg. ang miscellaneous categories ~d lfill .be jqdged by tbe number or lessons the students have taken. '1be cake show will be oj>en to the public t~ viewing at I p.m. May 24. Coffee and ~e win be served. _, .,'l I l Robin is the daughter oi Mrs. Francis Fun.ke, 8022 Ebbtide Circle, and has been a student leader since her freshman year when she was vice·president of the cl ass and a member Of the class council. As a sophomore, she also was Sophomort Class Represlentative and a member of the Girls Athlttic ~iation. Her current interests include mem· bershi p in the Pep Club, Varsity Song Leading Team and altemate represen- tative to the Student Congress. Brian Bouci er is the son o( Mr. and J.1.rs. Robel( J. Boucie:r, 20121 Shorewood Circle. · As a sophomore he became a member of the tennis, team and the California Scholastic Federation. In the past year he was elected Commissioner of Clubs and Boys League Officer and was a member of the Key Club and the tennis team. Gerard and his wife, Leooa, Uve at 1007 Goldenrod Ave., Corona de! Mar. Beacli Council Faces Budgeting Budgetary matters wUl _._occupy the Hwttington Beach City Council ~ght as the cooncilmen finish their look al the 19'!9-10 budget propooal. The session begim at 7 p.m. al City Hall. Councilmen .,. going through the departments one by one and closely ex- amining the requests. The budget must be adopted by June and will become law on July 1. Financing the $8.9 million budget will require continuation of the present tu: rate of $1.45 per $100 uaewd valuaUon. Blue of Bengal, new blue in suits of Chanda Bengaline by Hart Schaffner & Marx East m~ets West and makes fashion news 1n HS&M'a Chanda Bengaline suit In "Blue of Bengal," the cool, clear blue of reflected sky. This classic weave ol Indian ancestry acquires new versalility in Chanda Bengaline, a pure wool midweight suiting that's exactly right for the cool-warm days of spring. HS&M tailors Chanda Ben- galine In Its adva nce-styled Ast ra model with two-buttons. slightly shaped waisl, double-piped pockets and side vents. Enjoy the fresh new look-and feeling-of an HS&M Chanda Benga1ine suit this spring. Stop in today. J . ' ? • v (< • . ' /.., j ' . ·- \ REMEMBER FATHER'S DAY JUNE 15th COME ·IN, •• REGISTER FOR FREE DRAWING You are cordially invited to shop our Grand Opening celebra tion event in both our new South Coast Plaza and our Har- bor Center Stores. ....... NO CHARGE .FOR NORMAL Al TERATIONS OPEN OAl l Y 10 :00 'Tll 9,30, SAT, 10 'Tll 6 P,M. WI HONOlr IANKAMDtcAIO MAITIR CHM•I GINTRY'I ACCOUNT I J • • STEPPING DOWN UCI Dean Geronl Motorcyclists Stirring Tempers Of Homeowners 1be roar of dirt track ipotoreycles and clouds of. dust thrown up by tbe churning wheels of lrall bikf.S near Golden West ~ ud Talbert Aveooe in HuntlngUJn Beach have raiaed the 1rt of residents of the nearby Franciscan Fountains tract. Bob Healey, IJlflking !or I be homeowners association, Monday night told the City Council the r e s i d e n ts want the impromptu motorcycle trad: shut down immediately. '"Ibey start on Satllntay about l :ts a.m. and on Sunday at t :M a.m.," be complained. Polk< Capt. Earle Robitaille told lhe cwncll that· the problem has been that the land has, not been properly posted against trespusing and that the wnce manpower has been dJvtrted to beach du- ty. Huntington, County Firemen to Play Ball Huntington Beach firemen will face I.he Orange Counly Fire Department in a cbamplooshlp IO!tball matcll at 7 p.m., SaWrday, at Heart Park in Orange ne11:. Glasaell Street and the Garden Grove Freeway. Saturday'• cont.est ii the title game for Orange Cowity Firemen'• Softl>JIL Ad· mission is 75 centa for adult& and children free. ~11 proceeds go to the Ricky Fund ~by the Otange City Fire Department BenevollJJt Auociation. T\ltldoy, M~I0,1'169 • $ DAl\.Y PllOT :J Ftve11~ .. c .. ea1t Highest Ratin~· ' For· Vall-ey High . FOWltaln Valley IDib School r..s been given top rating ~ a numbel: at: com.. pllmenta on lta firlt report clid. An-accreditlfil team rrotn Western AasodaUoo ol Sclloob and Colleges recently spent three days poking around on campus and then gaVe the achoo! max- imum five-year accrtdltation. It wu a flnt report for the ~year~ old hlgb school. Some of the good thine• the vlsltng educators had to say, as reported by "OWltain Valley High Vice Principal CW- fonl Hepburn ' -The achoo! has made good effort to Interpret 111e school program to the public and appears to enjoy widespread support of Ibo community. -The achoo! buldlngs .,.·modem, •~ tractive and functional. .... The studeat body conducts Itself In an oid<rly way Mid ahlblls good t8'te In dress standards. · -Teacher morale \s high and Principal Paul Berger's informal apprtaeh is ef. fective . -The ataff b to be commeoded !or ita . experbnentatiori. -Ttacher invofmnent In choosing tu!· books, ~ curriculum and develop- ing stildent control policies b good. 'lbe accrediting te.nJ, alao gave IOll'le· recommeodations f o r improvement. AllllXlll them' -Increaae effcrt.s to lnvolye n11mbli'I of the Mexic~Amerlean commwllty 1n the school program. (Five to ail' percent of the student body ls of Spanis!I surname.) -Broaden the course of studies to bet- ter meet 111e needs of D011""'1ego-bound atudents. -Have leacben get students to main· tam a cleaner campus. -Wre more l<acber asslstanb to tnO teacben lrom clerical ~ ... ' -Better coordinate coUrses with the three leeder elementary school dlstrlcta. -Conduct a research study to ·find out c,itizeo ·views on curriculum and utra- curricUlar activities. Hepburn said the suggestion to Involve the Mexican-American community bu caught fire among aome ·pi<renfl. A course in Mesk:an studies will be o[ftred in sununer school and Mp:ican historical and · cultqral development written into courses nert school year 1 he said. ~e remarked that full accreditation makes graduates autemallcally elfgiblo for acceptance to jwit about any college in the country. "In addition," he said In a public relatlonl gesture, "d tolls the community the school Ibey .,. paying !or Is doing the job ... Six Items on Green Valley Dot Agenda for. Planners Six items on the Fountain Va11ey Plan-Euclid Street, south ol the IChool site anCI ning Commission agenda for Wednesday ~ of the flood control channel; land coocem action11 on the huge Gr:een Valley on the north akle of Slater A venue and dev@h>pment located east and northea:st the east and west side ol Loi Jardinel of city hall. West; and property west of EUclid Street. Tiu.e requests for apartment zoning and norlh of Traci 5937. have been submitt~ by Green Valley Total area involved ln tbe six items Is bullder Georg~ Holstein for property ·about 105 acres, with the apartment re- located south of Warner Avenue and west quests a Ione involving '35 acres. 1'be of Euclid Street, for propertY. on the single family residence uni.ta are in plan· 80Uthw est t'Omer of Slater Avenue and ned velopments with an averaa;e tot Euclid Street and for properly on the size of , square feet with a minimum southeast t'Orner of Slater Avenue a.ad . IQt· · ,000 aqqare feet. . . Ward Street. o other itema are scheduled for All three .zcine dlances will r,eeelv.e blic. hearinp Wednesday. ~bile hearings at the 'l;Xl p.m. nieeting is ·a request for ap.artment IDnlng o1' the commission. on property on the northwest corner of ·Three tentative tract maps for slng!e Slater Avenue and Ward Street and the family residences have also been sub-other is establishmemt of a mobile home mitted by Green Valley developers. park north of Ellis Avenue and l80 feet Areas .involved include land west cl. west of Bushard Street. 5outh Coast 'Plaza BRISTOL ol Son Dl090 Fwy -Cosio Mon Opon 6 Nltos o Wffk 'Ill 9:30 540-1502 FIRST LEVEL ran • en1·n Come in! See whafs new •• ~ in men's clothing too, by / Hart Schaffner & Marx The moot fllllOIJI of all fine clothing Is appropriately •at home" In our handsome now atylo- Moat fllllOIJI? For 'the record, moro men ...,or Hert ScllalfMr & Mme than any oltr .. n,,. clothl"V llbf!I Oii •orth. And this season It's oewn lnlide the 811981 clothing HS&M --Olide, -um-Imported ond domntta tabrica are combined wtt11,1e1voncec1 styling end perfecilon!st tellartng. Your Ha\! SChaff""' I Marx eutt-1port coat. ....._ or tapcoet-'lookl Md fl .. Uk8 the lh0<oughbred clOfh!ng It la. Betl ol all, HS&M quellly la aftordably priCed. · Thi• II your lnvltauon to com. In and -all thtl'a now at our atore-and all~ that's new In Hirt Schaffner & Marx clothet. . " - • ...... i / 4 llAll Y PILOT T...,, Mq 20, 1969 Or.egon, M.i·ssouri Sch~ols Hit (CMWW _. .. Dlltr ,_ _.,, When a bee flew into a carry· all truck being driven by John E. Lindley, 16, near Redwood City, Calif., everybody in tbe cab took evasive action to avoid being stung. John and bis sister swatted at the pesky insect before it was dispatch· eel but by tbat time tbe truck had started a 456-foot slide down an embankment. The driver's sister and mother suffered scratches and bruises. John . suffered a broken jaw, numerous cuts ~d poss~ble internal injuries -but no bee sting. •• Guns , Fire, Blasts Used In Incidents EUGENE, Ore. (UPI) -A series of dynamite blasts damaged al 1east flve Structum late Monday and early tCKl.ay in lhi.s western Oregon eommunily, home of the. University of Ort:gon and second, largest city in the state. No injuries were reported, but police said the explosions damaged a 1 t a t e highway maintenance station, a bank, the Eugene Register Guard newspaper , a diurcb and the admWlOIU office at the university. There were unconfirmed reports ol two blasls In street intersections. Police found no evidence of an explosion at a medical arts building which earlier was reported as one of the targets. "W_e believe it was dynamite,'' said Sgt. Robin Hunter, laboratory technician with the Eugene Police Department. "About a hall dozen lticD or more were used at each explosion site." Slwt Victim In Berkeley Rioting Dies BERKELEY (AP) - A 2$.yeaMld man died Mood1y nlibt, lour days alter he was wounded in a riot that followed efforts by law enforcement officers to eject poople from 1 lot owned by the Uni- versity of callfornia. James Rector, 25, of San Jose died <:I. •1aoite heart falllU'e," the univenity's Herrick Memorial Hopsltal nported. Rector, who bad been v Is t Jn g lrieods in Berkeley Thursday wbeo poUce first otart.d -.1ng blnlobol IDll rockJalt ln shotguns, wu abot in the abdomen and hia death came after surgeons removed his spleen, part of his pancreas and 1 kid· ney. Reel est.au a g e" t Stanlt11 ffodoes of Lo1'ldon rectntlli ad- tierti.std three pieces of proper· t11 for sole at high prices, One was de.scribed m a house "urith a quite appedablt amount of woodioorm and dry rot," mwtMr a& a ... rather ugl11 mews howe," and a third, a "very ordinary wni-&tacMd place with o 1Utp drioe almost unclimb4blt on cm icy day." "I d<OO.d to I'll a lrit of down to earth honesty," e:i:- plained Hodges, "because pt"ople are fed up with being fooled into sedng a property which is nothino Hkt what tMy have read aboul." Jn other developments, Missouri atate police secured the Lincoln University campus early today after a fi11! heavily dm::naged the student u¢on and runfire blar.ed out of dormitories at firemen. 'PEOPLE'S PARK' DEMONSTRATOR STANDS GROUND Guardsmen Rout Protesters From Berkeley Business Dlstric:t A loosely knit organization of "street people" -university students and nonstudents -declared after his death WU announced Monday rrlght that mourning would replace demonstratioM planned today to support demands for a park site. • The Warsaw, Poland we.ekly newsparr Polityka printed th e story o a truck driver who was flagged down by a policeman in tbe town of Wielce. "Where is your rear aignaJ light," asked the po- liceman. "I don't care about the signal light," said tbe startled driv· er, loo kin~ around, "Where the hell is my trailer." •• ''Goodnight Bill," the Folkestone, England. railway ticket collector said. But Bill was Arthur and clip. ped railman Sid Baker in the jaw !or his mistake. "I told him my proper name many times, but be kept ca 11 i n g me Bill," Atfhur Drake, 57, said in court where be peid a $24 fine for hitting Baker. •• Myra Van Heck, 22, parades before "htr" public in the Lyceum Ballroom in London after being named Miss England, 1969. She wins $2,400 and the right to enter the Mi.ss Vnivtrse con· • tt1t in Afiami, Fla.; lat.tr this uear. • More than 1,100 persons will re· ceive degrees from Kansas State Teachers College including one coed who took 73 years to make it. Mrs. Mabel Jones Wright, 90, To- peka, began working toward her bachelor's degree in 1896 when the college was still called Kansas State Nonna! &hool. She finished this year by correspondence. '"1ree Negro students suffered minor buck!hot wowids. They claimed they were wounded by police. The three-year-old student union was damaged badly - a bowling alley. bookstore and cafeteria in the stone and brick-structure were gutted. Fires alsri eamed ininor damage to two other schor' buildings, Memorial Hall and the library, and a storage building near the dorms. More than 200 white and black student~ fought early today at Ferris State College in' Big Rapids, Midt., and state police were sent there. Police said about 13 ar- rests were made and a number of Laird Answered students injured. Cars were overturned, windoWI broken and a dormitory damag- ed, police said, as studeut.s threw bottles, firebombs and rocks In the flghling. Ferris State, which has 8,200 students, 360 of them black, has been tense since Feb. "rl, when black and white students fought. On March ·S, 261 studenls, mostly black, occupied a campus building and Nere p\lt on strict disciplinary probation. Students at George W a s h i n g t o n University in the naUon's capila.1 ended a sit-in Monday night, but another con- tinued at Northeast Missouri State Col- lege in Kirksville. National Guardsmen policed streets near the Univers.it'y of Hanoi Refuses to Give N~mes of Captive Pilots )'ARIS _(UPI~ -Chief North Viel· namese negotiator Xuan Thuy said today Hanoi would never agree to furnish in- f<rmalion on captured U.S. pllotl as long * * * U.S. Won't Quit ·Asia After W a1·, Rogers Declares BANGKOK (UPI) -Sectttary of Stain William P. Rogers assured America's Pacific allies today that the United States will help defend the region during "the peaeeful evolution of Southeast Asia" following lhe Vietnam War. Rogers appeared before the 14th ministerial council of the Southeast Asia Treaty Organiz.ation (SllTO) and told the ministers the prosperity and well· being of Asians was "a permanent fix. ture" of American-foreign policy. "When our forces are no longer needed in South Vietnam, we shall not abandon in peace what we have fought for in war -the peaceful evolution of Southeast A.!lia ," he said. Following the end of hostilities in Viet. nam, Rogers said, the Untted States was interested In "playing a peaceful and rigbtlul part In an emerging cooperative Pacific community." as Washington refuses le withdraw Its troops from South Vietnam. Thuy noted that Defense Secretary Melvin R. Laird publicly "asked for a list of captured pilots" in the course of a Monday news conference. "He will never have it so Jong as the United States does not s1.0p its war of ag- gression and d o e s not withdraw its troops f~om South Vietnam," Thuy told newsmen at a lunch in Paris. Thuy's remark about captured U.S. pilots came in the. question and answ~r period following hIS prepared speech In which he renewed Hanoi's demand for an unconditional U.S. troop withdrawal from South Vietnam . President Nixon's newly proposed 8- poinl peace plan precludes an un- conditional U.S. troop withdrawal, and Thuy's speech put Hanoi squarely in op- position to this part of the Nixon peace plan. Commenting on the Nixon peace plan, Thuy said Nixon "refuses to recognize the fund amental national rights of the Vietnamese people. He reufses to withdraw America n troops and those of the other foreign countries of the American camp from South Vietnam without posing conditions." Although he bluntly rejected Laird's re- quest for the full list of captured U.S. pilots, he did offer assurances that North Vietnam treatment of A m e r i c a n prisoners was "always humanitarian and generous." Dakota Frost Warnings Up Showers Stretch From Florida to Neiv England Temperatures Albu~ .... ·--~1i. .. 11 8.it .... llflcl 91..,...ra ~ ... "°''"" O!l(atll (ll'l(lnMn Cte"tti.M Oe""e' On ...... Oe!rtoll Eur.t:1 " ... • .. .. • .. " " • " •• • " 11 " " ... " ~ .. ., .. " " " .. .. "' ·" ' ... ·" "' .r. California at Berkeley, and police used buses to counter student hit-and·.run tac- tics at Stanford University Monday. Sixty Missouri state troopers -with 200 more on the way to Jefferson City - were stationed in each Lincoln University building shortly before 2 a.m. Gov. War- ret1 E. Hearnes ordered 125 National Guardsmen on It.and-by duty. After rifle shots stopped coming out of iwo mostly Negro dormitories, police took about 75 male students from the dorms lo the school gymnasium for ques· lioning about the gunfire. The students left the donns after a plea from the dean of men Ben Pugh. ' Trouble started near the university campus when "street people" ap. propriated a vacant Jot owned by the university and voluntarily turned it inlo a small park, complete with swings and plants. The tmivmtty, which intends 11te lot for a sports field, ordered them otf, posted sigM saying the area should !>e vacated and then called poUct. Berkeley police and Alameda County sheriff's deputiu swept into the im· provised park before dawn the first day and threw out some persons who were sleeping the.rt. With dawn came the rioting in which Rector, who was not a 11tudent, was wounded while standing on a parking lot. CHEYENNE HELICOPTER 'SHOT DOWN' BY ARMY Lockheed Charged With 'Dafault' Over Troubl•pla9ued Craft Pentagon Halts Contract Of Cheyenne Helicopter WASHINGTON (UPI} -The Pentagon has halted production of Its $87S milli on Cheyenne helicopter project in a oew * * * Senator Charges AF 'Covers Up' Missile Costs "get tough" policy with defense con- tractors. Other such cancellations may be in the wind. Nixon administration sources said the aim is to crack down on the price spiral which has sent the cost of planes, ships and other wee~ soaring above original estimates. In the Cheyenne case, the Anny hired Lockheed Aircraft Corp. to develop, pro- duce and supply parts for five years for 375 helicopter "gun ships" designed lo be faster and better armed than types now used in Vietnam. \VASHINGTON (UPI) -Sen. William Lockheed had trouble designing a rotor Proxmire (0-Wis.) accused the Air Force system that would be stable. One of 10 tod ay br trying to cover up a cost oveITun test models crashed. killing the pilot. The Anny notified Lockheed it w a s not for the SR.Ai\f air-te>-ground missile. meeting specifications. Lockheed pro- Proxmire said in a statement that he posed further developments and a delay asked the Air Force whether research in product.on, which was then scheduled ,and development costs bad gone from the to start in September. original estimate of $143 million to $359 Monday · ·the Army rejected the million for the SRAM -which stands for Lockheed plan, hilting its prod~ion con- short range attack missile -for use In • tract !Or "default of the conltactor." It nucleu bombers. said Lockheed coul:d keep Its development He said the Air Force replied that contract for the Cheyenne. but threatened be<:ause of contract negotiations with the to terminate this also unless the flnn Boe.Ing Company "disclosure of any Air comes up with a "satisfactory program" Force estimates is premature and could to overcome difficulties. prejudice the government's position in.its The Anny asked Lockheed to rttum effonS lo Obtain the bfst price in negotia· $$4 millkin the firm ha.s already received Uons with the contract.or." tn production progress payments. It did l'-orl W"'1tl Fres.no Htlf<i• _,. .. " .. ., "That answer ls ridicluous," Proxmire not ask return of $90 million whidl the .u 1 said. "The AJr Force appears to be firm has been paJd for development. Sun, /ffoe11, Tide• """' &ieC'Oflt '°"' ......... "' J:JI '·"'· 2.t Sf<ol'llll """ • .. •• ·--11.U ''""' "' -· 11'1•11 low ••••••• " 11• '·"'· •.• f-1"' 111.ri •.•••••.•• ~:U-..1!'1. J.t kco<ld lew , ••• ... .• J:U jlo,m. ).I .... ~It., l:S7 1.m. ,. .. U10f 1.m. a. f1MI 114' 1.m • ...., 1rJI '·"'-""-' •. '•" ...... .. -M.lr 11 Mtr ;11 Ju,,. • J11t1t H (J.S. Su111•ar11 Frml • f1"11f .. r111,,.. -. Ill ... fKt I04i'I' for l'Ol'tlollt OI tl'9 O•ll•IM 1"4 M lt1"'8¢• '' COOl!lr -!tier ul'M4 IOUth ec;,., tN P11l ... '""' fflt -'" tno 1111t1'-Ill h -G,...l LK1 .. Wft """"' t'Oflflftlllod '" .C:.tfltrW .._,, ,,... ~n •••• <omlMfl '""' ""•'-.., ~ e ... 1.1111 Ill.ii llNVY ,..Ill .... )di l\lt ,,._ $ovlf\o •1t MNl691' lt"'1'0 of! IO ltlhl ·-"''· Litt!! rtlft Jl'lowfA K<lmH"k'd "" a111 t lr lfl 1M Mld'lroftt, Wit~ rt{" ttrt'fdllfll ,,,.... Mkftitlll .. lew1. 111 lflt Wnt, tat"""" tl\OWfn '"" lt'I lflit c.rttrtl Jttolltt 111d .-i.•11 -w ............ tolldllltftt c.mlnutd tll llott , ... ,, -l'llt Mu11'1wttl. fir,., -"*" """iMnlwr• ,.,_.. lr1111 » 11 ... Modi, Midi., le II ti ,,....., .... (ttll, i Hl!llllWl!I 111,...,., City M,_. -Mll'IMl..,li$ ·~..._ ... "'' ...... 111 ""-tfw o.~ ..... .....,,, ..... "°''" .. ~~it ·-· f'llheur9h ........ llHHI CllY •tel llVff ·-... ..-.. !II, l.Olllt .. ,_ StM L~ Cftor $11~ 01-s." lfrtl'lt!Ko '~nt• .. !'Wt• S#illlM ""''M ""'""' Wt"""""" • " " " .. •• " u " ~ " " Q " " " " " • " .. .. Q " .. " .. •• " " " .. n " ., " ~ " ll ,. " " " M " " ., .. ~ u " .. • " " n .. ·~ " M . " .~ ·" "' ... 1.0t ..... ·" "' ... Baying that although tt knows bow much At Burbank, U>ckheed Board Cbainnan the cost overruns are, and although DanStl J. Haughton aatd the order was Boeing knows the -Air Force knows, it not ju.stifled _by the development pre>- would in smne way prejudice tbe-govttn· -biem.s the tlnii encountered. He said ment to disclose this informaUan." Lockheed wouJd vigorously c on t e s t He suggested the real reason wa1 the through lqat action "to PtOted. our Air Force was •·atratd that dlackllure of fi.nanc:ial posltioo in this contract.'' the SRAM cost ovttrun wiU so shock the --'lbt ordtr was L vindication for n.p public thlt • congresstonal Inquiry wwld Otis · G. Plke (l).N,Y.), .mo lut y..; re:sull." mlde an unmocessful attempt to have the lfouse cut off hzn(b for the Cheyenne. M F, Ab , He made the first public "'elation of ris- 0 t avor orbon Ing costs for the project. • . "It lea\'f!I us a tieIJuva lot poorer ud SAN l'RANCISCO (UPO-Nearly nm •nop.ruliy a lot wber." Pike 11icl. of five Californians favor legatlzing abor. The Army u.ld It need1: the helicopters lions ln Cates where the baby is Uktly to and exprease<t hope Lockheed would find be bom with a serious deformity, th6 a IOluUop. But aoun:t.s aald final pro- Mervin D. Field California Poll said to-ductlon might be contracted by com· day. petitive blddlni. 'Douglas' Foundation Sells Stock WASlllNGTON (AP) -The loundaU01 headet: by Sup"'"" Cout1 Justlc< William O. Douglas bas cubed ln a ii mlllioo jlckpot in sdling its stocJ< in I firm which owns three Lu VegaJ casinos. A foundltlon offlcial seld Moodly th• holdings were sold in early Matm. -twt years after Douglas had described lht 1tock as "Ill irrevocable gift." The Supreme court justice has draw~~ (ire in COrigraes over his salary as pres .. dent of The Albert Parvin Foundatiot and ils ownership lies with plush Lal Vegas gambling palaces. · Douglas has been paid oppro:rlmatelJ $85,000 over the lut seven years as th• Fouodatlon's only salaried officer, tai reeoids show. Justice Douglas, reached ·in Bell· lngJiam. Wash.. whm he was speakln1 Moodly, declined comment. Justice Abe Fortas resigned from .tht Supreme Court last week dnlid COO' gress.ional rumblings of impeachment if the controversy over a $20,000 check fron! the family foundation of_ convicted finan. cier Louis E. Wolfson. Congressmen have called for an ht- vestigation of Douglas and his foun- dation's stock In Parvin-Dohrmanr. Co.1 which owll! the Stardust, Fremont afKI Aladdin hotels and casinos.· · The foundation 's secret ary and treasurer, Harvey Silbert, discldsed in a telephODt interview Monday that 21,791 shares in Parvin-Dohrmann were sofd during the first week of March at $91.75 each. This would result in a purchase price of just under $2 million. There was no indication whether the Parvin Foundation was fit.ill receiving its interest income from another hotel and casino on the Las Vegas strip, the Flam· in go. The $2 niilllon price was five times the value listed for the foundation's Parvln. Dohrmann stock when Justice Douglas' role first became known lo the public in 1966. At that time, Douglas wrote Chief ·Justice Earl Warren : ''There has been criticism of the stock portfolio of the foundation. Except for minor items, the selection of the portlollo was made solely by Mr. Albert Parvin and was transferred by him lo the foun· daUon as an irrevocable gilt." Sen. John J. Williams, (R-Del.), en- tered the Jetter to Warren in the Congressional Record this month in charging that Fortas had not returned the Wolfson check in 1966 "until after Justice Douglas had been caught with his hands in ~e same cootie j!ll'." Rep. H. R. Gross (R-lowa), called for an investigation of Douglas last week. Gross said, "The circumstances of the Fortas ad Douglas 'fees' are strikingly; similar except that in the case of the lat. ter the money comes in part from the gambling tables of Las Vegas." Presby terians Call for Cuba Recognition SAN ANTONIO, Tex. (AP) -The United Presbyterian general assembl)' called upon the U.S. government today to recognize Fidel Castro's Cuban govern- ment and lift the trade: embargo against Cuba. A paper on Latin America, sharply critical of U.S. policies concerning Latin America, called for a complete rethink'" ing of Washington 's actions and pro- grams in that part of the world. The statement on Latin America was approved by a standing vote of more than half the voting commissioners al the an- nual meeting. "Consistent with the right of seJr. determination," tbe United Presbyterian recommendation said. ' · and to demonstrate that the United States irl<' tends to avoid punitive polilics in Latin America, the U.S. government should imo mediately t a k e steps to re-establish' nonnal relations with the government of Cuba. ' .. This should include the lifting of the trade embargo against CUba." ln the early morrn.ing hours, the assembly authorized the planning on a S5lknillion fund -raising campaign for the poor to start at least one year from now. Heart Recipient Bl.aiberg Going Home Saturday CAPE TOWN (UPI) -Dr. Philip Blaiberg, the world's longest survivlilg heart transplant patient, will be dischar&· ed Saturday from Groote Schuur Hospital where be was admitted Friday after a seiback. his wife aaicl today. Mrs. Ellte.n Bl•iberg said he would be home at sutburban Wynbera In time lo celebrate hiS m birlhday S.turday . "He is getting along ramoosly and i1 hippy IDll hriil>~" she .. id. Blaiberg, wlio rectlvtd his new heart Jan. J, llMll ; wu admitted to the hospl1al after sufferirg breathing difflClllU& IRS Phases Out Form W ASH!NGTON (UP!) -The lntemll Revenue Sf!rvlct hM decided lo eJimin1t• "Jtorm 1040A," the computr.r sized ~ch card used by 20 million penons to-rue their tu ~turns this year. ~ ' -' • \ T111S41J, M1y 20, 196t t.111.YPILll' § Newark Hit By Nixon lf en Bat for Surtax • Rioting NEWARK, N.J. (UPI) Ganas of Negro teen-agers, angered b t c a u s e a blaet patrolm111: shot and killed a Negro youth, sma~ shop windows and looted &tores in Newark in a nine-hour ram- page Monday. A similar outbreak was .. M IF '111f ?£A 15 OIL..~1' wi: ~~ ~ 111C~ ... reported In Freehold, N.J ., 33========= mile3 south of Newark, where WASHING TON (UPI) - President N l x o n ' a top economic advisers t o 1 d Coogress IOOay that If ii refuses to keep the income tax surcharae in effect, chances of increaaed inlllltlon wlll be signilicamly' -ed. Trtaury secretary David M. Kemedy, lhld&et Director ·~ Paul P. M*YO and Chairman Paul W. MCCl'acken' Qf the Council ol. ~ AdVisers appeared betOl'9 ,tbe Hoose Ways and Mems Committee. They a~ with renew!3d urgency for Nlxon's request to extend the income t a x '""'barge for a yeer beyond ita June 30 eipiraUm and to ellmlnale a illajor tai •benefll for blJli.ness. 'Kennedy itre.cd tbat' the li)come tax ·•urcllarte-whlch Nixon propoks. to nm 1 Ml •IO ~cect for all lhls caleaOat Ytar and cul to 5 percett in 1110 -could nilt be reduced without •timimliuc !be 1 !"'!.' cent inve!ltment to cfe<it next· year. "Thill &Uboidy to -In· vestmtnt ranka below other pllS&ing oaUcoal needs," Ken· nOdy oald. Dilcuo8ins !be propoal for • cutback In Ibo -to ' perceol on Jaq'. J, K<medy said : · "Such • -In !he turtax, b r l n.11 rig' 90lne mOllOlll'.e_al rdlol to an.-. t.a:r:pa1fll'S, wookl be' possible only beca""' "' lhe propoaed --"'"" t pert<Ot 'in--enl lu mdll ''The ......... loot from lhe reductlm "' ... ourebarge would almot exactly -lhe revenue gained from repeal of the credi&." He 0o argued In fovor al --propooalt to continue for another ·year the 7 percem ex.else tax o n automobiles and the 10 peroent tu .., telephone coils. 1lolll tuel wre slated to 'fall to 5 ' pimat-oul Jan. 1. McCracken warned the con- gressmen that failure to ex· tmld the sun:harge would •jlrigniOcanQy boost" chances thAt -wiU COllllnue to erow in the months ahead. Unexpected expenaes? ' ' " -· two Negro teen-agers were shot and wound~ -• •Pi- parenlly by white men in a. passing car -during a night of wlndow-smashi\\B· He called the city's enUre 1,300-mao police force to duty to help quell the disturbances. Am Master ol Haiti"' Colombian Airliner Police patrols blanketed the predominantly Negiq district where the Newark disorders occurred, occasionaDy firing warning shots to rout vandals. At least 10 persons were wounded including three by gunfire and four by rocks or bottles thrown by Negro youths. Nearly SO persons were arrested. Mayor Hugh J . Addonizio imposed a 10 p.m.-to-dawn curfew on the city and ordered bars and liquor stores to close. I City leaders were to meet today to decide whether to continue the curfew. "W.e're going to keep a ·close eye on our schools," Addoqizio said. Two of the wounded were newsmen. Hugh F. Connor, UPI's Newark bureau manager. was bit in the head by a bottle apparently thrown from a rooftop , and Associated "'press reporter Joseph Dileo's head was cut by a thrown rock. REGISTER HOW FOR FALL SEMESTER Summer School July 7 • August 1 t .. 1 z Hlr, -Nftledhil ,..... whll plloela -.... _.. .1n.1111fk Day Camp June 23 • August 29 t to 3 dClllJ -,_ dlltdNlll tflro119ll 1 Z-fleld trips, pie. 11kl. worll: sliop, •W. ........ •wfll!Mlltl). W.. Dd otter u:llffl cse 1:30 •.m. to l :JO p.111. Hawthorne Christian Schools 11 Fo111tai11 Y11Hey: 11135 lrfflll11utt St. I t6Z0311Z Was Voice on Phone Papa Doc's? Hijacked WASHINGTON (UPI) - The voice on the teleJlllone spoke slowly, in near-flawless English. "I am in good health," lt said, "in full Con- trol and I am master of the Republic of Haiti." The voice belonged to Frin:- cois "Papa Doc" Duvalier, iron fisted ruler of the Carib- bean nation, Haitian Am· bassador Arthur Bonhomme told newsmen. · ~ The scene unfolded Monda at the Haitian Embassy durin a news con.l'erence as exotic as the voodoo rites of the island. The ambassador callled a con- ference to dispute reports that Duvalier, 62, was ill, perhaps with a.heart attack. ~nl¥Jmme began il;l8 pr~ conference by placing a call to Port au Prince. He said he was told Duvalier was sleeping and would call back In an F4 Jet Repair Costs Revealed WASHINGTON (UPI) - .Tbe Air Force says it will have to spend from $50 million to $S5 million during the next four years tG replace electri- cal material and conneetion.-; in its ft Phantom jets. It said hot and humid conditions in South Vietnam, where the planes have been bearing a heavy fighting load, caused the damage. hour. ExacUy 60 minutes la'ier &nhomme answered t h e ringing telephooe, w a .v e· d newsmen into his office and whispered, "ll's the presi- dent.'' While the Ambassador listened in from an exteoston telephone in the embassy kitchen, fo11r newsmen were permitted to talk to the voice on the line. Two of them, who had met and interviewed Duvalier in recent years, said the voice "sounded like" that of the p,resident. When one reporter asked the man how his health was, the voicti replied •1The. ~e as yours." "I have been working. very BOGOI'A, Colombia (UPI) hare!' the last eight months m -An A vianca C.01ombian the flel4 of eainomic .and jetliuer, c a r r y i o g $4 sodal matters; 20 houn a !llY. p&aengers and a crew of 5, and 11 am , now taking aome wu hijacked in flight ·today rest, the voice said. and Its pilot ordered to fiy to The voice also said he was ' Ha · th 1 11 ~agerty awaiting the visit to vana, e a r n es an- Halti thla wmmer of New nounced. York Gov. Nelson Rockefeller The two-jet B737 was on a who will tour the country u a flight from Bogota to Pereira, presidential envoy. Colombia. Privately, U.S. olllcials said -they understood Duvalier was 'ue plane put down ln Bar-- "sick but alive" and had not ranqullla for fuel before con- been seen outside t h e llnuing the flight to Cuba, an presidential palace recently. Avianca spokesman said. use our money! That's -Morris Plan rnon8J la for. y.., lnlY bor1W frum $100 to $5.000. t1t mart, 1W bill consolidation, medical -home tit car ~lrt, ony sood reason. Payments IChedufed to fit YoUt Income. With opproval ,.,.. may hlw YoUt money the day you apply. No ~ fot45days. . SAMPlE LOAN SCHEDIJLES YOUR _,,, Ne.al CASH Paynients Monthl $ CSl93 $24 24 -(:{ -(:{ -(:{ -(:{ , -(:{ -(:{ Authorities said they would mate no attempt to prevent $l~ILS7 $53 ~4 $1.518.99 $56 3li Army Prepares Junta ::;;1··;,:~ ~ryou t~ ~~~1e:err:~ =:·he~ :s"' .. ~::;~~:c:: M. .orr1·s Plan $2,122.31 $l& lli Crec1;1 llloand dloabii1111-- PORT AU PRINCE, Haiti (UPI) -The army ·today groomed three .officers to fonp a governing junta in case President Francois Duvalier, 62, dies, well-informed Haitian sources said. Any such junta wouJd pro- bably be challenged im· mediately by Duvalier'• secret police, the Ton T o o s Macoutes, and the naUonal militia, the sources said. The mi.Wia baa 2;000 more men than the army. Duvalier seems certain to have suffered scme sort of beort dilordtt tut week, U not • lor.g s:uffered, d I p I om a t i c bean coast saJd the plane was sources said. Duvalier did not show up hijacked by three armed men. • • Sunday for Flag Day celebr•· The plane took oU for Cuba Newport Beach -3700 Newport Blvd. -673-3700 tions fortbef~d Umemnce,~afte::'.r~taklng~~oo~a~d~~~U~oo~a~lf~u~d~.==================== he became praldeol In 1157. I" Haitian IOUl'Cll mentioned . the nameo Ill the ofllcen the army bu .-for a junta to guide lhe black r e·p u b 11 c toward free decllonl In we of Duvallor's death. But they said the name.s were provided in ccmfldence and ptl'IOnl] safely of lbe men precluded dilclooun of lhetr ....... . . ourpnce stickers · against -·- Theres somethi cheap competition stuck with. I Yom'I ftlld II 15 .::f Clinnleb n "Id'-_.,...,. ___ .,.._ ............ HJ ___ ,_e-ola, Our price stickmi make good reading. But they only tell part of the story of how you come out ahead with a Chevrolet. They don't tell you, for example, that the bigg~t. most powerful !Jt&ndard VB in. Chevrolet's field is under Chevrolet's hood. 1 . Or that our standard Bil: is more engine, too. Or that you get Astro Ventilation in every model Plus.1111ch peace-of-mind advanta,..,u • llicle-tuard beam built into every door. Or that we build Uie only walk-in ""'°"" in our field, complete with a convenient 1tep m the reu bumper. All of which really makes our price stickers that much better reading. Check them out at your Chevrolet dealer'& Thon checlt out what they're att.ached to. Get the m....age? That's what our Chevrolet p...,. oet!A!r V a1u .. are all about. Putthlc ,.. first, koops .. flnt. 1 ' about them. ' . ' " • Both of the costly luxuries above were financed cheap. With Fint Wcatan Bank car loans. • · All of o~r car !?ans a.i;e cheap because they come equipped with two money·savmg devices. A free cltecldni account. For the duration of your loan, you can write all the checks you want and there'll be no serv ice charge. That mcaill you'll save about $2 a month. Which mounts up. To $48 in two ycan, $72 in three years. ,A frugal intereat rate. Our inter:est rates were designed to win new customers. ~ng them enticingly low is one reason we're a $900 million bank today. . ' There, Now you-Ir.now where to get an economy car loan. And isn't that exactly wnat you need io buy a luxury car? t l•'i.-sl ·~~l 11 k ·tow·toir- Car Loam -••• • ....... (Ill ea o ... _,,, ............ a...... .... ,. .... ___ ..... I " ---"~---" t----------1·--------- . ' ,, 11 I -! I DAILY ·~· ~iTOBIAL PAG~ I 0 ' Oil .B.ill 18--Too We·a.k Wlille the California publlc:.at-larce appears to be ' united to the demand that all off-shore oil drilling be prohibited, lawmakers continue to equivocate. Ooe of these Is Orange County's Congressm111 J.ames B. Utt (Jl..Tnstin). He has clrculaled a draft of a bill he has prepared. It is deacribed as "anti.oil ." It would Impose the same restrictions in federal off·shore waters as are now imposed in state tidelands by the Shell-Cunningham Act. Lofty though Its stated purpose may be, it is alto- gether too weak. Offshore drU!lng woµld be permltt~, ff three conditions are met: 1. If it is believed that a pool of oil exists 'ln:the submerged lands. '- Of course there is oil under the·a~·off the. Orange Coast. Drilling islands off Huntington s.acll prove that. So a provision of that kind is no ban at all I · ... 2. If lllere Is clear evidence that th~ offljbore oil deposils are being drained by onshore pnvately.o"!'ed lands. (Why not whipstock. from o~ land to pomts under the ocean without perforating the oc~ floor. 'under government lease?) ! 3 If it can be demonstrated to "be in the best in. teresis of the government agency which owns the lands." . HOw naive! Revenue to the ·govenfment_ a~~ncy in· ' .volved can always be demonstrated to1>e in its best · . interests." But that would not make It In the best interests of the. p~ous California coastline and the residents of Califorrua. b ' 11 there are any peno111 a?)IWl4 , wbo ,douJI!. .Ibo deadly seriowineu· ol the. 1ltv.t1on, Jet. 1llom 1'81!1 'tbe guest editorial a~ lower le!! on ~ page. 'lb,. P!Ob""1 at ~ ~~· II W: m111 IO!vod. Congre11man Ult bu Invited .._,,.,.ndations !rom local agencies on 1111· bill d!:aft; Orance Collll org:aniz.atlom and_lndividuals sbolild "" prompt '1114 emphatic. in telllrig ~· concreumon lhei.r'vtews. The Farm Laoor Pronl~m ' · Calilornla'a grape boycott problem appears likely to be a major influence for new labor legislaUon. Cesar Chavez has denounced includl1g farm workers unde. the Nallooal Labor ·Relallons Act, because U his AFUIO United 'F"'1'111, Workers wer~. brougb\ llJlder the act, his grape boycott would become unlawful. . He' seeks spec!aJ trealment -Including the right to strike at peak of harvest, to UJe the secondary boyc,o)t and ·to force workers Into hll union under a clooed 1hop. ~. Ted Kennedy apparently hacks Chavez. . Secretary ol Labor George P. Shultz and CalUornia Sen: George Murphy, have come out In opposition to • boycotts directed agatnsl' an employer's merchandise as a tactic to force the employer to sigri a union contract. Both have advocated new loglslation that seeks an orderly answer to prOtecting the farm workfr', but still recognizes the unique characteristics of agriCUlture and farm.labor. • i ; ." ' t I I I I ' No -what is needed is an absolute and total an on all offshore oil exploring and drilling, nothing less -no ifs, ands or buts about it. And U a way can be found legally to stop present legal offshore pumping, in addi· lion to any new drilling. that wOU!d be m the general public Interest, too . -the oil companies and go.vem· ment oil revenues iiotwithstanding. Collective bargaining for fartn workers .is not un· reasonable. But neither aecoodary boycotts· nor strikes designed to destroy crops should ·be permitted, as a matter oil national policy. . Legislation establishing a fair and eqUitable system for resolving dispulel In Call!ornla's leading industry is Jong overdue. :when I said, 'Senaton have to eat, too,' I didn't mean lille C0111111l!11 folk.' Celebrity Wants Two Opposites A woman who bad recently atte~ a party at which a number of "celebrities" were present asked me why-these persons congregated by themselves in one comer and _ seemed reluctant to mingle with the other gueata. "Don't they like to be •1th ordinary people?" shew~ ed Idly. I suggested thal they didn't mind It - as long as they themsetver were treated like ''ordi!lll'Y people:• )'or tjlal c;urlous specles called the "Celebnty" ·really wants two oppoS1te Qslngl at ooce, and this i1 why hi& (<r ber)'•bebavior stems ao odd and aometimes contradictory. . • The celebrity, .in one senae., et1Joyl being recapiJed ' and . Ol'l'f'!claled; but does not ~joy being llinlled . oul u a freak and uked the 8lllll banll quootlont he has --·IRll>JeCt<d to_, thouland times before. IN A LARGE CROWD, such_ as the. cocktail, party,-he naturally aravitates toward others of his Ilk, for lhey look upon birn as another buman being, and ' not as a public piece of statuary to be crawled over, tapped, and tested for clay feet. ~ The celebrity is highly ambivalent toward bill audience - a part.U him crave. rdetereoce, if nOt adulat.ion. bul another.· put of hJm yearns for com- forifliJe anonymity .In public, and !hue two wlniDg elemenb often succeed _only in making him seem prickly and vam. MOST PEOPLE LACK the tact and sensitivity to make a celebrity feel easy at a public aatberln&.and be eoon learns to loathe such · ~ve .. and coarae. grained strangen. And II la -hlng bolt ~ people ·never realize how ~ dteii reactioar.,-e, and bow i~:~ u is lo repl)' lo the ..... trite ~for years.,,.. . . or iU ~'ire are the one that is most Cttebrtty-eonsclous (a film star in .England or an opera linger in Italy can move abuut'WJtb utter P"ivacy), and yet at the aame time we .. ve Utt~ per10nal regard for 'the fi&um,.. publldy bold " high. GOOD· M~NERS have never been a prime attribute of an egalitarian society such as oun., but we e1ped our celtbrlUes to beba..-lmpte!:ably under .the malt severe strain of public scrutiny, and to respond ro our probing and poking and pawing with a nObleue eblice that would tu the Duchess of Devonshire. Actually, the public, too, is just as am- bivalent aa the alebrity:· it wants ltl good opinion of him confiniied by reality, but et lhe alme time it wants to find the weakness and the softness that will reduce him to common clay. These mu. tual contradictl9111 account· for that pe~ etual pendulwn of feeling betwttn the noted and the noters. Oil Leak Goes On a·nd O.n . One hundred day& -today -•f chan- nel oil ctesecnllon; and the leak KOOi! on. During -100 dOyg Sania -have challenged, proteated and pelltlonecl the power&-that·be. They ast for an end -a ~·end -to the flagrant violation of tbetr envtrooment; to the lr· responsible 1ndultrtallsation of t be l r coastline. The solid niaJc>rity ol them stands fast today tn the determlnsllon to be rid •f this outrage. THEIR CABE BAS been talten to ti:• courU;. It has been laken to the Legislature in Sacramento; to the halls of Congress. Appeals have been rriade to President Nixon and Interior Secretary Hickel. 1be story has been dramatically told in magazines of national clrculaUon. 1'hrougbout these 100 days of labor, Sanla Barbsr8111 have gained lrien<b and -supporters. They are gaming more; and they wU1 continue to do so, because there ere that many people in tbil nation concerned about the AJmi&hty Dollal'a npk>llation ol God.given cou .. trysJdel ud ·seaways, AND VET THE channel oil problem faced by Sanla Barbaran5 is far from solvod. The problem is the size of the ad· versarles -lbe large oit interesl.I with orrsbore drilllna cootncts cer1llled by the federal Department al the JnWlor. The problem, to IOIDe extent, may al10 be that Amerlco u a whole la ~ )'ti rudy to suppon what must be aupjlorted if Santa Barbara's cause is ·to l!IJCCetd - a "turninC 'Point" in comervaUon think· ing and legislaUng. The problem, too, C1:1nlinues to be one of naUonwide communkalion. Too many Americans today belieVe that the channel oil problem is solved; that the Platform A leak is a thing of the past; that future oil leaks are ruled out by new drilling . regulation!. NONE OF TIUS IS trµe. Santa Barbarans and their conservationist frlends elsewhere must keep on saying so, steadily -and to the broadest au· diences posalble. ' l Vicious Aims, Character The Storn1 Troopers of Anarchy . Of-SDS Why Rebe-lions Are ~ailing WASH!NG'roN -The vicioualy- n at u re .. alms · and tedmiquestof .fhe . revolutionary Students far a l>eJnocfatic Society are spelled·out·chlllliigly>Clear 1n· manua1s, tncti ai>d olher inlttucUonel and propagandi , literature· now 1,beliig widely circiilated In colleges; bJgh·tehOols and industrial plants.. · . . Baldly and explicl~, t~ese publii;ations proclaim the tntentipn to d~ . the tradlUonal American !)'.stem Of person- nel, political and ecommuc ··c1emocr_,. and replace it with Manilt-Leninist totalitarianism. ' ·whlle lnlmlally scs is~' Nlll'by a furious power struaJ&.,&Mong three W ASHJNGTON -In the academic at. mc.pbere the projection of ideas, postulation and.· estrapolatl9n f r o m limttect · fatts,' i5 more1 Common .than in ~ 'every ·diy ' pi-acttCal wOrld'. Ideas !"'lulJlled ·In the mbid ol on Elnslein 'con becorDe truth' in the form· of a nuclear bomb.·'·,,,_-· lt Wu! q1u i<t e. in keeping· with th e academic atmospbere:therelore wbtn the worried profeseor asked: ="Can our pi'e.ent form of: 1ov~I conUnue Ulldtr the pressuru tbit now uist?" 1be preaiure. to wtiidt be·wU rtflrring were the·anarebistic revotut1on·amon1 a racial minority numbering more than 20 million. . -.. The professor. living bi ~'·detelting the tense atmospbtte of bis ~ campus where there has been rtlallftly lltUe diJOrder but p\<nty al fennenl, doubled . that the democntle forms we have known for IS3 yOari coald!lllfflve. They would have lo be·replaced•by fonnl \hit could preserve order: or,,if not that, then . . . by the lllUd>y ....i .......... by the rival Commurust-allied elements -the student revoluUonaries .and the blact pro-Soviet U.S. Communist Part Y •. militantS. · (CPUSA), the pro-Pelting Progressive Labor Party (PLP). and the Trobkyite Socialist W~rkers Party -all are in.full acCQrd on ~ic Ideology and objective - violent revolution through class struggle • ba!ed on a close alliance hetwetn the working class ("proletariat"), militant atudents and the black revolutionary movement. particularly the gun.toting and fire-breathJng Black Panthers. THIS COMMON insurrectionist concept and purpose was graphically summed up by Mlchael,Klonsky, national aecretary of SOS who leans strongly towards CPUSA, as follows : THIS KIND OF speculation is not un· comm<m and probably-nol ·very .liplfi· _ tant.Jt J!!'Olllpb thought O~'~ both the student rebellion ud lilict inljilanc)' have no perrnantrt future:· Both art rail- ing as revolutionary movementa because they lack appeal to and identity with the miS.!el of the people. They have no· foun- dation in ~e real aspirati~ of the vut majority of either black or white and, as 11mall minority, they lack tht means10 car:ry on sust.alned auerrilla •~ck whk:b could seriously diacommode the systtm. somewhere n~ar the seats of power. It has identifia ble leaders -Hitler, Leniq -and allies within' the existing establisllo ment. Not · this one. This revolutionary movement flourishes only on juvenile fantasy . Power, in our .society, does not The sti>rm ti-ciopers of anarchy have not lie in the dean 's office. Vision does not lie '"°""" cJO.e to lhe' inner popular aspira-' in shearing off a few southern states tlJ -r-·-create an independent black nation. lions and prejudices plumbed by the When the revolutionary fantl}sy is minority-led revolulioiis in Germany and removed from the student revolt, it takes Ruaa:ia earlier in this century. Their ef· on another aod more constructive aspect. forts are erratic and sporadic with no It has panicked faculties into reex- economic fowxlation and-litUe emotional amining their fnnction in the·un'Wersitles foundation but are based on abstruse or and the validitf of wha~ they are sup- ablurd concepts. .. ' · · posed to teach. It has. caused them lo r .· . wonder .ir'they are not too much•·ilWolved -Tfli"· S'liJ)~ REvOLT anrf bi~0 oizlside>l~'univ~ly and loo U!tle within militancy:·~ ~irrelevant to·the m.: • it, and ~ore conCerned with lh~ir own &ereJts of the w · ·classes but are an extracurr1c6lar careers lhan w1tlt the .ezi,reuion of elltijrii contemptuous of the young minds they' are expected to ex· stake .these ci.usSba\'e>'in the system. pand. The appeal, il any, II lo an eccentric kind ot lntelledJ•liun· ~ that of.. the real BLACK MILITANCY and separatism bomb-carrying anarchists in the early has nothing to be said for it except that it J90Bliwl)o-srecede4, the Russian Revolu-illustrates to boll\ black and white the tiohJJeaWlg a·trlif of blOod And destroc-folly o{, free~g the nation into tWQ tion but ICCOD)pliablng nothing. ' hostile,societies. Or, S. T. Hayakawa , ac-.Tbe~'_eJements ~of a broadly-based ting president of San Francisco State and revolutJ.0~ movement are simply not with. a surfeit of experience with the stu· preent~iaTthe United States on the basis dent revolution, adds the admonition that of lssues . raised by either the black the black college militants arc merely militants"or the student rioters who con-stooges ("house niggers," he called duct thenilelvts as if they Were playing them) in a revolution planned by whites. out their roles in some outlandish The worried prolessor aforementioned television serial. The roles they play are may have something in one respect. Our far removed from the realities of current · democratic form s have already been political and social organization and eJ"· altered as the civil authority moves in or press no common wants or desires. is called behind the cloistered walls to A TRUE REVOLU'flON ARY movement manages to p e n e tr a t e establish order. There will probably have to be more of it be£ore the revolution of fantasy runs its course . "Our primary task is to build a Marxlst·Lenlnlst rtvolutlonary movement." Just how this leftist totalitarian move- ment is to be built in the U.S. is forcefully propounded in the pamphleU, Political Initiative Lacking brochures and other material being \VASHINGTON -Press Sec. Ronald disseminated by SOS. They vigorously Ziegler billed Mr. Nlxon'g appearance advocate the following : Wednesday night as a "major addreu"; -Violence and extremi§:m as a key the day the President of the United underlying tactic. Whether on campuses States takes all three networks _ with or in factories , no compromises are to be four days' notice _ for CiDe-half hour at sought through negotiation or rational 10 p.m. F.ST for a "rnlncl' lddrea" will discussion of grlevanas and problems. be Id one indeed Instea~, "no~gotiable" demands an: to B~t'il the Nbon ~8 fer a Viet- be insisted on m order to lead to dlsrup-nam puce bad not'been pruented on na· tive and d e s t r u c t I v e conf~tlou-· tiOnal television, with an the advance'. talk deslgne~ to humiliate autborttlff and about "new material" and "important in- und.enrune educational and indultrlal itiatives" _ and bad been offered instead structures. · -at one ti tbe Paris 1t11lnN they would -THE NAnONWIDE bedlam and disorders ln C1>lleps to be utended to high school• -with the lc\lve aid and direction of local college SDS chapters and members. They ""' lo bell' hich school studenls ~· llid ,wqe 1ltiClci on school ol!iclala and pollcltl, publish "frtt press 11 type papen IDd promote discord and havoc. ...Systematic drive Ibis 1111nmer by SOS memben to get "ttratepc office ud plant jobs" in order to caotact workers for prooelyUzing and propagandizing. nus scheme, called 11Work·ln" pn:ijed, Is to closely Unk students and worktra. For that purpoee, considerable SDS II\. erature already has been imltd. ha,. been reported ,u~ •brief, stated ' venlon of what the Unilled Statea has been· sl)'lng fe< months. IN MANY WA.YI. to be s ure, lt. WU reaaurinfl. 'lbe.Jlhulon_af mllillcy >le- tory bu 1ppmntly been finally 1ban- doned, there Is very litUe fll the dangerously almpllstlc lalk about "IC· gruaiOn" and even the infiltration rJte of captured document> .,,,,,.. the DMZ seems alcnnd to • trickle. · Bui the WIJ' goes Oil. Militarily, there. was no iodlcation In the President's speecb that our offensive: activity, either on ~ ground or in the Bir. ·would be cut back in any way, and any reduction in the number of U.S. iroopa will only come from lhe "Cat" our military -in unguarded nt<JIJlelJla -readily concedes lo be ~ In abundance. In some ways, 'the "new inlUaUves" were not only nbt new but . ...,,...hat retrognde. To the months-old call lor a mulllal withdrawal WU .added the dJUon that the enemy wlthdraW from Laos and Cambodia u well. ltle we prepared to withdraw rrom our sanctuary in 1bailand? Must the Coinmunists leave China, too? · THE WEAKE.tt element in the Nixon nan1 while the election is taking place? It will do no good to have someone count the votes and watch the polling places, as President Johnson's blue-ribbon ccun· mission did in 1967, if Gens. Ky and Thieu and their friends have already decided who can run and who can vote and -for that matter -who will go to jail if he gets too many votes. ~ -· On this point the .President was silent. except for one reference which indicated that the speech had been cleared wit~ Gen. Thieu and another which spoke Of Thieu's "important initiatives in the search for a setUement." These "in). portant initiatives," along with the "steM ~ toward increasing stability•• of I.he Saigon .. government of which the \Vbite House has been talking lately. have consisted largely of jailing more and more nooo_,. Communist political opponents and. clos. • Ing down newspapers which deviate fron'I the guvemmertt line. . By frank flolankitwim and Tom Bnde1 , preseotatkll remains the l.a c k or in· ' t>1 iUaUve 0n the pollllcll side. U the war cannot be· won -ult cannot; If some ~ • , accommodaUoo muit ultimately be made ~ wtth tht 'NFL -a lt mmt; and If th e • ,111 H---.---B" Geef'!Je Dear George: Santa Barbara's battle for Its channel shorelines Is part of a m u c b larger American batUe tor the preservation ot lnherlled n1tural beauties -the magnili· cent rivers, lakes, valleys, mountains. timberlands and wildlife, which have becoll!O IO cr""'1 expendable. TllBllE HA VE BEEN m 1 n y ci-.olntl houri In this lint 100 d1ys of the channel oll blltU.. Thett will be more In the nelll 100 day~ But J)t<!ple In la!IOf '"""hen .,.. bqinnin& to reafUrm UJeir .-ol rewttnee for a clean en-,-, not only along tbete lhons but -·lbe'111tlon. ONE WIDELY clrculaM<1-j11111)1bitc OaUy advocates recourse to · violence, ssbolage and the uae al up1ooi- Dear Gloomy Gur. whole bloody bualnea will go on~ l"!g l'uesdaf"May_20,.1969 ut b o 'l1ilea • Xy rectme remains lll ol>tolul .. ,,....._ •·ll'wtll : k Is because The editorial P<IP• o/ lh• Dailv Ibis It a pollllcll lll'ugle alld cannot be Pilot '"b to Inform and sti.,.. 1 .. • Why in the world don't au the •ther advice columlllsla klcl< you out of the advice columnist 8590dao tion! • ARDENT FAN Dear ran: / I'm the only horrible enmple they have. (Send your problems lo Geor10, tbe on1y advloe columnist wltll ...uab •ast lmlPt lo steer clur al ailvloe colwnnlala.) 'l1lo haUle hm will continue unUI the chlMel drll1lng la atopp<d and the South ~ Is free of the oil ...,.,. 'l1lo NfWloPress pled(ff bard endelvor In lhll beball for the -100 dlYS -alld boyood. l -~--~~--~~~--~~~~~~--~~~---·~~~- From the tenor and strident utrt1Dilln of SDS literablre, tile uNnlP1t1ble Jun. Ing fll lb letiders and ll>MiiloOglh of tliO three rival Communlat -II Is ~tuoly eviOeiillliifSDS h1ctuslngly Is taking on a Mll'Xlat-1.eninlot color1Uon. Slowly . bul SUtt\y It la moving Into the orbit ol rm>Mionory ldeoJosy ind lc\k>n, and It's only a matter af Ume'befon tt openly becoma an out-and-out Marxift·Lenlnlst •pearhead. By Robert S. Ati<ll ad Jolul A. Gold>mllll • It would seem lo me !hit the 1111- -jat llali of ill "' the PuelilO boot is L. B. J. -F. R. M. ~ by other lhan political means. ulate rtodtTJ b~ prtstntina thU Pn1Went~11-alllh point la the only ucw£'pap«r'• opiniona and com-OO!t,,wbk:Jt todthed tllb problem. 11Aa 100t1 mentoru on topfcs of inttrtat ai"fQiilble-the i-...11GM1•-b01J---f~mtd-li#ttifita!!Cf, bU p1o•fdlno a (let up to oblerie troop withdrawals) is forum for the t .ipres1icm of functfOnlnc, electkm would be bdd under our recdfr1' opi n.Jom, and bv a'grffd procedurel---and under the presenting tht diverse vitw- SUP'J'Vl.Kion of the intemaUonal body." poinu of in/of'1Tl<d obstrotrs nnd .tpoktimen on topfea of Ut.1 IUT THE CRUCIAL q11eslion hert, or da11. cour•, ls the very one over which the Robert N. \Veed·, PublJsher ,..,. bU been tough! rrom the btglnnlng -who is ping to be nlMing SOuth Viel· ---·--~~--------.....,....,....,...--""-:'-.,...---"""l".::"-----.---""""."'""':"'!"-~O:---~..., ' ' T,...;,, • .,,, 20, .l'M DAILY PR.Of 7 NASA Spreads Word~n Perilun£ ·-. . ' -.'ly Phll lnterlondl . . Baby Doll Nightie ' -Is Much ·To o Cute -- .. . . withnew 1 •• Bonus Balance checki~g • one piece of paper so you know exa~ where you stand. There's a built 1n ier curity lo Bonus· Balance. In the ivent' of the borrower's ·de8th, the money u9ed· from Bonus Balance is Insured. The out• standing balance ·1a paid on In full with no obllgatiOn to· the aurvt..,,.. ( BONUS BALANCE cheeking means just What It saya. Whenewr you need extra money, you'Y9 got It. Right In Iha 'old cliecklng account. Bonus Balance cOsls yoii nothing until you u• IL You're not forced to bonow one Penny more than you .-, And you don't pay finance ch4rgea one day longer lf1ln you. haY9 to,' lt'a M"" writing your own .tarma .. on your penonll cr9dlt card: It'~ not only cheap, 11'1 convenient. Meire conven-than credlt·Cllda or ·Olher' slmll~ llMk .,...,. 1-.d ol witting evih more checka; you pay bedc your la,ii the _.bl• woy. You elmply make a f'8P<'elt In your ~Ing ICCOUllL And you get only one mo11ll•'J abdeml!tt to.cope wltll. It lridadel your da:ldng --llalancetrlt'IEClloill-111 Oii Bonua ·Balance on.,. a bonus too. A .. United. stat .. N-.i Bank bourtHY. , Cini. uae itto-'*"checki•t wo1 our ·1 r • I I I ' ' I ' 52 Fun Serlfce olflcea. uae 11·111te -~ If you nelld exl(ll money for two 0r lhfff <loyS beloie pllyday-or two or lhfff • montlta qr more-don~t live off your cf9Cftt cards. Don't '1'9nd time rUmbllng lhroligh a -at full ol plutlc. Juat uaa Bonus Balance with low Unlied Stat• NaUonal '9•nk finance c""rgai. lt'a chNper and more c:onVenient. UN1TBD • ... ----· .. ·--STAT'.BS NATIONAL ' .------~If~. ·Birthday parti"'t are loa&·of fun . But cleaning up afterwards is no parry, ril!htl Load$ of fun means loads otdishes. I . . . Relar. For two~ents we'll do the· dishes.:f WO cents worth of t--el '-'.ectticity is ilHfiakes to run a load through the disbwuhcr. -'firm thcre"a the carper. Fora . ' . \ l • . The place is anywhere! Old Crow makes it a little more special. ' fraction of a cent, electricity will do the vacuuming. Incidentally, it won't eilcn cost you two cents to bake a birth- . day cake in.your electric oven. 1 No matter how you use it, -.-'elecmcity does so much - for so little. lnfact;:electridtyin Edison areas ' • costs the average family less mday per kilowatt-hour than it did 10 ... 20 ... even 30·years ago. Practically everyone today is using much more el~tri,city mo~c Ip.Iowan-hours-than ever before, and it's still one of your biggeat oacgains. - Maybe that's why we get invited to so many parties. Southern California Edison E E AN,lQU.t\L,01'0l.l\Rm'YlMl'LOYa • \ • , ' 8 IAll. y PILOT ?t -= ... -- ' • I II H '1 DemsMay Block Budget; ;Force $80 Million Cut • SACRAMENTO (AP) - Assembly Democrats. who bave the votes to block ll;iisage ol Republican Gov. Reagan's $6.2.1 billion state budget, may tell him to cut it by more than $80 million. Dem o c r a Ii c strategists reported today that was the Noguchi: Pill Taker? figure being mentioned by assemblymen screening th e budget before recommending whether their col I e ague s Should vote for it. Assemblyman Robert W. Crown of AJameda, the Democrats' budget leader, told newsmen Monday the party.. is discussing ' ' $ ~ o million or $60 million or even more of cuts," with the sav- ings to be used for tax relief and additional aid to 19Cal schoob. Althoogh ·the proposed culs are jull a small part ol the biggest budget ever propootd for CalifQ1Dil, they ~ of ina· LOS ;ANGELES (AP) -jor political importanee. OUJted county co r on e r WWI the Assembly split 39-1'bom&s Noguchi ls accused by 39 between the p art I es , hi.I -former subordinates of Reap.n needs 15 Democratic _,_...., ,_...,_ pbetamloe votes for the two-tb.J.rds ma-,...._..,. --. •m jcrity of 54 required for pilk duriDc working hours. ·. bll<lgot passage. Bui ,!lopcbl'a attorney, God-'11iat gives the Democrals Irey Isaacs. says the ac-an • opportunity to withhold cusation was made with ffWity their votes unless Reagan evidence. . granla some .of. their de"!ands Dr..,Donald A. Slu&J'.l said at -a practiei! the Republican.! Nogucbl' ... Civil SeMCe rein-used' to engage in When they ~eot "beuiq Monday Wert in .,the mioority and that two employes'"'ia .tbe cor· Democrat Edmwld ·G. Brown oner'• aftice. Herbert ~ was governor. , -;..,,. ... Shows Ditta on Top Yorty Poll ~evealed LOS ANCEi.ES (AP) - Wllb the election but a week away, Atayor Sam Yorty has a ·private poll saying he's now ahead of his opponent, Negro City Councilman Tom Bradley. But by how much, neither Yorty nor his ca mpaign manager, , oilman H e n r y Salvatori, is willing to say, . "We're ahead -not by a hell of a lot," Salvatori told newsmen Monday. The poll, done by the Roper orgaafzation, had Yorty get· ting 60 percent of the city 's white vote and 40 percent of the Mexican-American vote in tbe May 27 election, Salvatori said. It estimated BO percent of regiStered Negro voters would go to polls and vote solidly for Bradley, said Salvatori. About * *' * Candidates Spar Over Tax Returns LOS ANGELES (UPI) - Los Angeles mayoral can· didates Thomas Bradley and Sam Yorty sparred Monda y over their income ta.JC returns. Bradley, a city councilman and former police officer. released his income I a x l'.?lurns for th e past five years and challenged Yorty to do the same. Yorty, the inc)lmbeot seek· ing a third tenn, retused . ",['Jn not going to play any fun games with income tax • returii{," be-told T R W employes in nearby Redondq Beach. "I think lhars really a. sill)' request, and there's an imJ)licaUoo that you thiak a person is crOoied when you aak thal" Yorty said be -released tµs financial statement I i s t i n g "everything I'm worth ..•. and that's the end of that." ·:Reagan· Favors School Aid Hike 70 percent turnout among whites and &i percent among Mex\can·Amerlcans is esU· mated, be added. While the poll had Bradley beblnd, Salvatori aald neither m.an couki cc:mmand a n 1blolule majority of the vote -with '°"" 10 pereent of the votes Wldeckled. Tito earlier polls allowed Bridle)( loadin( fbe.Incumbeot mayor 51 pereeot Ip ,:15 per- cent. Salvatori aid the private IOUlldlog ... made lul --only a week Iller. ibe last published poll. ' Salv1tori ft 1 U r e. d pro- minently in the camJ*IP. to elect Ronald Reapn I I governor ~ . alao urpd Reagan's cudid"CJ' for tbe GOP _.deotlol DOllliUU... Yorty, 1 Democrat, bu pined coru;iderable Republican 111p- port in the race for the non- partisan mayor's p o s t . nradley' also a Democrat, has hlJ party's official backina. Oil Firms to Testify . . WASHINGTON (UP!) -Oil companies were asked their views today of a proposal to b a n drilling in th e Santa Barbara Channel because of the danger of leaks that might again fou1 California beaches. Company ofUclal! a n d spokesmen for conservationist organizations were invited to testify before a S e n a t e Interior Subcommittee headed by Sen, Frank E. Moss (0- Utah.) The committee opened ils second day of hearings on a ' bill by Sen: Alan Cranston (0- Calif.), calling for th permanent ban on drilling in the channel and for a suspension of drilling in other wal.ers off C3Iifomia pending further study. The legislation was in- troduced by Cran,,ton as a result of a leak from a well drilled by Union Oil a b o u t five miles off Santa Barbara. Efforts of Union Oil and olhe r companies involved in the drilling drew praise from Moss and other commlltee members. WESTIQI STATE UNIVDSITY COLLEGE · ,OF LAW lft 9No••• ~ now •c•PIWI w _. • 1111aft ""° ... """""' ..... , ..... ,.,..;.. ... •'*'* ..... ...... 1•1.•· . •-u_. ..... ...,. .......... ... ......... = ...... , ..... .. , .. 119~1· .... -1. ·n. u.a. •-_ . .,. _..., .. • ~.,""" .._ .._ 1 .._,.. .... ~ .... ,., .... APPL T NOW FOi SIPTIMm 15" DA f OI MNINGo CLASSIS and Nancy Palm·er, ... ~dJly Asked if the Democrats 1-fieclll)e pW. from a tray would blockade the ;budget, LOS ANGELES (UPI) _ of 40 drug cap!IUlea. Crownaald "~\s,pos:si· Gov. Rooald Reagan says he , lll8CS asked when 1be test · ble, but I'm not· saying we favors increasina state aid to W• amducted and WU told will.1' --o ,, l!fi;A~ .. -" --- · schools, if the schools don't in· '"prior to tbe cgm~t Crown said Reagan "has not ~ 635-3454 of. tbe bearing." A ablequent done a good job on tbe·budget. crease their spending. sheriff a llboratoi'y analysis 'Ibere is a Jot of fat three... A'ddress.J.ng a predominantly ....... afte. Mex i c a,.n ·American busi· wu made this m ... ..., r He declined to specify areas nessrnen's I u n ch eon Mon· 1M .. _ "' U.t. • J.D. •lll ........... -..... the hearing began. Stuart said. marked for cutting, but "other day, Reagan s'•;d "every 1,·me "'lbere is aomethlr!I terribly soorces said the recommended ... · ............. , __ ..... ~ .. a... ._... ...... --..-111 MC1111-ll """""""" _.., 0.-M , .. SI-_, c:..11 ..... ~ -...... Ito ........ c..11i...i. *--.. r..-. .... wrong here," aaid Isaacs. reductions include such areas you false the state amount you "This test bu no validity." . as rural k>cal fairs and ex· find the school districts have Al 4 IOYR IOI: Yll'W At another point in be bear p<Wt.ions -projects under upped their spending." He also ~~~ J e·-" -• b b ctiarged' that schools were not ing, Dr ... -~ . ~. put aua~ y Assem ly d' th . funds , __ , a Beverly Hilll psychiatrist, Democratic Wder Jesse M.1_5c.pe_o_mg...::.__e_ir ___ w_=_:Y:_·_-================== said several csamlnations of Unruh. He has said the money NasuChi indicate he bas no ab should go to solve urban pro- normallty. blems. SPAGHETTI & MEAT BALLS TUESDAY NISHT ONLY• 5 ta 9 - lncllldes salad 'rih choke o/ dreuing1 .ro6 and butter, s12s I WEDNESDAY NIGHT ONLY --Sr. 9 fish 'n i:Di 'DS a favorite of Old England Bre-1/sh pieces served wHh Frt1r>ch fries, co/e slew, roll smJ butter. 99~ 2267 FAIRVIEW COSTA MESA 642.0732 WANT INTEREST ON YOUR BANlt CHECKING ACCOUNT! YOU C.U,f'T OET IT BUT WITll PA.W'JC'S SWITCll 'N SA.VE ACCOUNT Yoa can do almost 11 well by keeping i lot len moner in yall' 1•11kinll accoant and a lat moni in Jiii' Pacific &" P1nbaok Account •d switl:l1ing lllOlllY lllck •• fordl • 11111 • ,. lb. Beoaaae every dollar earns eveq dg: It I• la _ yoar PaoUlo A.otoat- evea lor last one daJ'. 5'1•llllllr11 ...... atA11 u• ... , ...... i1111r .. 1/41 ... llitiollll on lhnl-y11r •11111 ••• •N •mat nllL Sni1g1 la YIU ICCHat at ... 111(1 Hd Hn "'• 1111 llt ,, • ., •Hiii wllH nniVld by 1111 18111. __ , - • "' ~' !J ... L 0 . . ~ -. .,, your I igure ready for 5ummer fun? If not ... don't hesitate ••• Join the c..Owd that enjoys the nation's No. 1 health spas. Slim & Trim those unwanted. pounds and inches the proven Holiday war. llD PAllWILL TO YOUR FIGURE PROIUMSI ALL FlCILITIU lllCUllll AT 10 um con • Rolllin Style Swinunint Pool • Dllllilb Cold P"""" •Hydro SwirJ.poolT-h • S1una SIHm lllhs • Dtwl Dry HHI a_, • Plus Much Mon FACILITIES FOR MEN & WOMEN FINAL DAYS FRiii FRDI FRDI btlu•lw Ftthlrtl Fm! Group Sllmna1- tic1 1rid Swimn&slies ID music • No time limit on yD1Jr visits • ND 1ppoinr. ments ntces.ury • Septrlft f1ci1 ilits for mtn • Seplrtlt f1t iHtie1 fOf' '#On'len • frH t utll privilf9H • Unlimited llDurs-unlimiltd de , F1"1 Fm! ___ ,. __ llyT '-T--1-.oonyof0...4Luxvrloutlpon HUNTINGTON UACN ID COSTA MUA 1 UIS MAIN .U llACff 2300 HAllOI llVD. S POINTS MtO"'MO CIJffll (Neat • ""'9N'1 Mwili ..... 0-.J 141-1.411 HAHOt SHOl'PING CfNTEI lf"'ltJI i..1"!I GI.en\!) 9·3368 IV OMW 622 I. KATIU.A AVI. l'l.AlA HAI. SHOPftHO C!NTEt (H..t .. l--'•I 639-2"41 F 4¥4'< ~I Meetings Bid Given For Flood Repairing SANTA ANA -A bid of $631,115, lowest of eight sub- mitted for repair of storm damage on the Santa Ana River chanpe1 ha.c; been sulr niltted for consideration or ·lhe Board of Supervisors Tuesday by tbe Flood C.Ottol Dl!trict. Lowest bidder is the Paul HubbS Coostnktion Co. of RWto, Cilil. Bids ranged up to $855,131. 'The district's estimated cost was $700,000. The job consists of channtl excavation (271,000 c u bi c yard!) 'and fill, facing stone, cement, reinforced steel and ot,her levee repairs. Area is the river bed from llnpeiial Highway two milts northeast to a Metropolitan Water CO. ouUet. DEATH NOTICES t'ROSBY ~ry C. (,.,,.,,.. AH 74, Of 2211:2 Ht!~ ... $1 .. ~"'' ,, .... °'"' Clf delftl,, M,iy le. "'"lvld by ton, Wlll5'm, d Arilon.11 • .,.,,.... Mn.. ~""* Mow., C.lrl Mell 81111 ....... ndson. Str'¥1a9 Wiii' -lldf fOIMV, T\Jetlday, 11 a.m.,. lletl .,...,,,,.... ~· 1!11> ~. Klrtlor RMt MetnOrl•I Plrll:, ~Nditd IJr lfll lromd'nf Mortu1ry, IJO ll"INCIWllV, C.tl MIN, ) LOVE li\lldred LOVI. AN 7', Of 315 Ortl'lld, C.-del MH. 1>9te ol 1111111, ~y ''· Sen'lc:w •rod !"'*"""" Mid li'I eoi.. l9do $11rl1191, a.ur Morl111rv, U:tO E. CO.tt HitflnJ, CorOl'll HI M¥, lot· llllilrdlnt d'lr.tlln. i. WOOD ,,,,_ L. Wood. 2117 tr!1, Corona del ,,.,, 0111 or dfftll, #NJ 1,. S«vlc"' '#11111""6fiy, 10 •• m., B11ft CNttl, ~520 t. CCNosf Hit~,. corarwi drl Mir. ""'"'*"' Prl11tt. B•ltI eor-1111 .t6lr Mortu-ry, Dim-ton. UCKLE A WEI.SB Weslcllft Mortauy - E. 1'1Ui St., Co1ta Mes• MMlll ,·llAlll"Z MORTUARIES C..u de! Mar OR l-M51 Colla MeA Ml f.UU "''BELL BROADWAY !llOBTUARY 1U Broadw•1, Costa Mea LI W4l3 • • DILDAY BROTHERS BimUnctoo V.U.J MorloU'J •-11111 Beod! ·Blft. Raaltn,... B<1dl MZ.1'1'11 PACIFIC VIEW • 'IEMORIAL PAU Cemetuy e Morlauy Chapel ;sot P•clnc View Drive Newporl Beoci, Cllll...U p ~ PEEK FAMILY LONIAL l'\1NEllAL BOMB 7111 8olA A..__ eotmluter •• Tue.ii)', M11 20, 1969 OAJL V Pilot ••• f l-.S Million 'Agree11aent - . .. Dam, Purchase The Sylvania Mini-Mod· Weighed SA Woman Succumbs After Crash ORANGE -·A Santa Ana . woman with the unusual name of ~lymoutb Ford died:":Mon- day at the prange . CiJunfy Medical Center here, the coup- ty coroner's office reported. Mrs. Ford, 60, was a passenger in a car driven by her husband , Jack, •of 5i2S S. Nottingham Ave., which was involved in a two-car crash on Santa Ana Canyon Road May •• Mrs. Ford su ffered numerous injuries ln .the ac- cident but the uact cause of death is not known pending an autopsy, the cOroner's office said. Comic Tops AID Meet GARDEN GROVE -Motion picture and TV actor-com- edian T.om D' Andrea will be guest speaker at the 11th an- nual report luncheon o f Orange County United Given to be held tonight in the Garden Grove Room at the Anaheim Convention Center. The meeting will a J s Q feature the installalion of new officers. AID-United Givers has more than 40,000 individual donor- members who help support The American Ganeer SoCfety, American Red C r o a s , Arthritis Foundation, Braille lnsUtute, City of Hope, Crip- pled Children's Society, Heart Association, John T r a c y C 11 n i c , Multiple Sclerosis Society, United C.erebral Palsy A.uociation, United Fund! and Community Chests. Count,ian, 80, Takes 6wn Life GARDEN GROVE -An, elderly Garden Grave man in ill health !hot hlmseU to death Monday, tbe <>rarige County Corooer'a oflict reported. WUllam Wynn, IKI, of 12594 Josephine St., was dead on ar- rival at Weslmlnater Memorial Hospllal. He shot hlmleU in the bead with a .22· calk revolyt(, ICQ>rdin& lo bis wUe. Tena. The Oronga Co.d's Most Complete PRINTING SERVICE ---PhoM 642-4321 Stereo Hi-Fi Big Sound-Small Gabinet l 71¥1f1!. ....,, Your choice ot watnt.11. or Gold Yifly\,_ Stlnd oplioflll ~trl, klcludiflg dual cowr Ali your bills are due at once. And yon don't know how you!re going to take advantage of a buying opportunity, all you have to do is write a stretch your budget to cover them. Why not cover them all with one check. Funds are deposited automatically in your checking account. check? Use the funds in ybur Ready ReservAcconnt. And then repay You can pay the money back on a convenient schedule. Or you can pay .. Security Pacific Bank at a more leisurely pace. it back within 25 days and have the money interest-free. A Ready Rescf".._Account isn't hard to come by. All you need is ~ With Securi~l'acific.Bank]Jl.eady RcservAccount you don't have_ approffil crcdlt:Wluit you can do with one is really something! When-to take a11y financial ]umps. ever you need extra money to stretch a budget, cover an emergency or Unless you wallt to. -SECURITY PACIFIC BANK _ ... • • ' l .. • lf DAllV I'll.Or s Tuesdly, Mq 20, ltM Penney Co. to Expand LOS AllGELEs • -J. C. • P .... y Co., lllC., Is pl&MiJlll • to ei<p&Dd ils Tr<asure Island 'dlvlsSon into Southern CaWomla. Jact F. Bellrendl, vice pretldellt .. tect and director of Treasure Island stores. !llld that lhe company'$ initial ef· fort to serve the Southern California market will result .in the simultaneous opening of ' three stores in 1970. The "°""' wW be tocatod Ill OraogetJ;iorpe Avenue and ~h Boule"'1'd In 8- P ark, Gardea Grove. Boulevard and Maocbester A venue in Ora.ace a n d Sepulved4 ljoul••ard •• d Hawthorne ~levard In r.,._ ranee. Plans for two moi'e stores., in the Saa Fernando Valley communities of Canoga Part and Granada Hills, are ~ pectd to be finalized ..... 'TRADE and ~AVE' .ON oornm COLOR TV ColorTV , BOL D MOORISH STYLING • WITH AUTOMAllC FINE TUNING IA.F.T.i FOR A PERFECTLY FINE TUNED PICTURE EVERY TIME! • • COLOR TV -STEREO PHONO -FM-AM & FM STEREO RADIO -IN DAN ISH WALNUT STYLE '3" dt.1 .. ttJ 'IC!. In. ple111rf, t -11" ov11 ~ lf!Mll..,, ply' ~ -)""" '-"""· T•i-recomr J1tk, 11 .. .0 htfclptloolf IKk. IAV•lt•blt In ll!mo!f (Olllrvl.I @ QAVIS 8R0\VN Something all Newlywed s should kno w ••• about financial success. The first step to- wards this much-sought-after goal is the basic protection of the famil~ through Life Insurance. Should you buy now? Or can it be put off safely if both husband and bride are working? The wise thing is to buy now. Postponement till you're older means-higher premiums and the risk of poor health striking in .the meantime. Someday too, that second income may stop, making it doubly important that a new mother be guaranteed a living income-an income en- abling her to devote full time to raising that precious new addition. • . ~· JI IC ,~ A mutual fuod lnvoltioc 1n tht clevtlopmtnt lllcl ust ~f the Ol:tlft and its raowtit ---------·--M_ ......_ _ ............. Nf'# Y--. N,Y. I ... ......_...,,_,,.,., a • tM oc11u~tu-.IM. ' J. L.,......... C.l.U. Agency Astoel•t• HARBOR AREA Ttl: 647-5621 The best buy for the young family is per· manent insurance. It provides that most important guarantee of family income. In addition, it's a savings plan providing cash in an emergency and funds !or Jong-range objectives such as a university education for a son. . Call the Man from Manufacturers about financial succ ... through insurance. You'll find him a competent and friendly adviser. ...... J.T...,.., ~Anociltt NEWPORT BEACH Ttt: 547°5621 OVER THE COUNTER • It. D.Stent• Agency Assoei•t• COSTA MESA Tel: 547·5621 MANUFAC·TURERS LIFE INS U RANCE C OMP ANY , la . MU T U INGS • ASSETS OVER • "'25,000,000.00 , Ollllutll on minlmlim ftrlll accollllts in multlpl•s HEAD Ol'l'IC£ OTHl!R BRANCH Ol'l'lCES OIJl,000. 31 S _Ent Colorlldo 9':xl -A-·c..tno PMI !Iii ... , Clllfomil •1 tOI Glondelo • • • ' . -~-"--·~ ----- , ~ .. - ' ' ,, ;. ' . ~ ' , ..• t "'; . I ~r ,. •" t ' " " r • • ...... ... ;-. .. . i • • ,,, • • • ... ~ .. • • .. " " l .• .. " .. • • • I • . ' ! . i' ' ' • ' " .. ! .~ ' i ' ' ' . •• ,. ,, •• ' ' " ··~ ' . ' s DMLY PD.OT ll Monday's ~Closing Pri~ -~mplete New York·,· S_~k E~change 1List ,, I , I • • .. JI llAILY PIUIT • Tutldl), Moy 20, 1'169 ·orange Coast Area Vital ·st P:tisti~s • - • B l rdas I • • Vlr'P'lla 1-TillMM \II ~9 ~ •oY Tlloorilt I "''""'le.I A. GMnll• n ••r"*"" c . ...... K•"'lf'M Olt• T~ n 'ltldwirl O'Drl' r-..-CIW"""9 L .. 'l"•rd VI Eddlf ... , Y11cl f>.ttl" Mlcfloltl Tlf'• VI l lncl• ll\I ·~ . Miry I!. C-hlln \II Johll T, C-hllA ll"lin. Gllcf'fl T°'*""I VI J.ml9 J. ' T..,_,..' ' Jllclll" Mat Lt 8n1111 VI FrtOetlc l oui. l l ,,. Join C.l'fll!"' kht<'IJll' VI Ch1r1H WJH!lom kMrtllr AllH1 !, Trtltler n C1rl Pein Tr1l1tef' Wl~lll R. McAIPllW ~I A"-rv I.OU M'-'ll>lfll lvnn KDtt-tsLn v1 Glenn , A. Ho•· ""-'""' Jr, • MitllrMn C1rrlnotor! n Wllll1on1 C'. C•r· ....... WUll1m 0, l r-n •I NllKV I(, ··-ltOMld w"°"' VI Phvl!lt Y/eter Jud!lh ls.111119 ~ ~• Ed .. ~rd Jahn ...... SN!l9 Alldll Sh'"'" 'ti Jl:k:.111rd Andf-.,_ SIM•• KllldlldoOrr.n n Rk'llrd Khlcllitdoorlan P-V ,.,.,. DtMonl VS En~sl Liii ,,._, Ponlld JOM Tolml.otl 'ti Miiie EllllM '"""""' atttv Jo Krvmwled vs D1rrelle D. 1<....nwl9cl P1trlcl1 Mltn.MM Kolllill "11 ~llnley Alvin l(oOllll • J-' EUitt.!lti Phlllll>li "' JMn OW.Ill PhllUPI l lovcl WIYM ThonUGn .... J111il l , ·--WOHlnl V. Winter vs Olant c. Wlllilt' $~1fllll RKhlln VI John A. R'X'!l•n Marriage Licenses lfT'S BE fllllDl Y u fOU baVC" new nelObon or lmow ot a.nyoM movtn& to our ue.. Oleue. tell ua IO that •• may utd a trlendJy wtlcome bad 1¥1p • u.... to -..,ualnted in their new~ ' ' So. Cust . Yisllor 4944579 Harbor Visitor 4'4-9368 The Ora nge Coast's Mo•t Comlete PRINTING SERVICE ''"'''''"'' Phone 642-4321 STEREO SENSATION! The colorful sound of Orange County Music RADro KOCM 103.1 FM .... MA'I" t llELLINGER·WOOLSEV, Ralph J,, 30, 1111 133 L1k1 SI .. Hunrlf1.llOll &Heh incl J•n JI., H. 1111 lllJOi Chicory W1y, trvl111. From Fashion Island , Newport Beach DIVOlllCll!S l'ILll!D ••rt.r1 AM Liiiie n JOM!lh C/ulrles LIU!. Rlch1rd C. Lightner n RoserMrlt Litlltner Jolin C. McCle•n> vs Wllll1m P. McCle•rv Ptw1111 JNn McGft \11 L•rrY Allt!' """' P1trk1-Lorrl!M Cl&r:C VI .IKk E. ,.~ Linda R1e Fl~l!f"Jld vs Ger11d Lee Ftnoer11d Anneke M1rlt -4Jnd!r5(1n "' .'~mH RIV H'11111er&Oll Bl1n<:l'le Jov Kenl!~lll!r "' Cecll 1t1v Kl'l)lln9t r Merh:e Yoko SPl.rlock vs (!\Ide "'lberl SpurlOck c;.rv Kent R196on V1 Der111 De~ .... M RObert L'. M1rsll1U \II Eliztbe!h I!. ,..,.~ ... Dorothv J. B11r1gl!1 VI Clt\Kle t111raoll1 lklnnl• JMn Dwles1l1 v. Hfllfr Jol!n Oultleslll Cmt.i Amelll .IMllncler v1 K-'11 ·~ lrMlandtf" Arlefts L'P'netl Windham \'t Riv Albert Witdlam lt1rtt1 LOUIH 8Hlty ¥1 E1rl O'Htl! lle11tY Dor~ C1roli"" Affl)fll n J1me1 Loe ""~ cu•DI Lu anont "' JKk 'NIH Br1rrt Ch1r1H Edi!..-a.art., "' Sartr.r1 J-Ch.-ttr ,,..,i. H. Hefler1n "' •1rmond L. "-f. "'~ Jtat1 Eteww IMrtlll vs aDlllt"t ~" "'"" lticMrd Alai! Hllff VI J-Pritdlll """ Sttllol ,,.., C..rlOll ,... Or.11 lienrv ,_ . INwrlY L. PllmeT VI Al'li,. II!. P1lm• ClulrllM: Mulk., v1 Jldl: I . MuDr;n Belli Ala:tnde!' Jlou-VI 1'11orN1 f , ROUllNU ~rr J•ne ifemstrle'I v1 HOWerd M. ·H«n•tr.-t K11tilel!I or1 Honnlfl VI Jolln Rt.~1 NonNfl S1nclr1 ICIY &tnooa VS It-rt HONld Estrlld1 P11rltl• Helm Oelw!Ol11r Vl !hron John Oetwrller Edllti It• .... Gu1rl110 Vl tAld11tl .k.t.n G...arll'HI 8rllv V. Hllfford ·~ .t.lvln R. Hullard Ml!IOll W. lrw!n v• Gl!fltvleve H. l•Mln M11rltvn J. McC1'1Y vs Jtrrr A. McC•rtv 8ennttt l , H•ltsn•k VI M•l'R1ret H1tlenbedl: JOlr\111!! E•fMr Dedier! ~ RlllPh Elwood Oecktrl RUOO~ Underwood Jr. VI l 111i1n IC ·-SNiran P1lrld• Wtllfllll V• Jnhll LtwrttiU we1 ...... 11 INTE•LOCUTOn' OECIU1E5 11«1!\1 RIY w_.. " llOlli• w.11 ... w-um ... J. c.....oeH .... J1'1'1n w. C1~ll R • , , m 1 r y P1tri<I• Fvlrln n l 1wre..u Adliln l'lvnn Etntt MM A.lltft 'ti ~llitl Allen ·J•dt W1rrt11 WDOll 'ti .tMrlorll Ann w ... Mllfiol"lt Dell Wtk;tt VJ Urry lrt weld! K1rl11 AM hf'ry " St•nlev Dermonl ·~" Robert C. klilho<'tf VI M~l'll 1Cbhor1I J.,.1Jyn11 AllM Hb!1111 VI Howtrd EU.•111 ··~ Rleh1rd. 8rM118111 w Mtoml 8r1nl11n st!lrlfe Md Hlllle'Y 'ti Joseph Lowell ·-C11Mtt11e Gl1ka. .... Glonle O. Gl1ka. llfld~ s. Rou~ ·v1 v"'"°" H. fl:ou"' J1mu wnson Fu1Jert1111 "' Pr1u1ll1 J~n.Fulltrtom RI~ E. ~·· .... l•rrv R. P-11'1 Fr111CH 1!.mm1 Romero vs Thom1s ·-~ MtrtMtt I(, Flshrr "' GfOf'tt A. '""" N1nq JH11 Wrly 'ti PhtlilP F, Wr•~ .t.ones $.mllti "" Albert Sml .. M¥del Lee · JOlln Vt Rolllrl Errwrwtt ,_ JMll Elll* fl:ouet> V• Jeck Art'lllhl Ranolfl Mellft l . Abdnor-'ti F~ AbdllOI' W1ndli F. flt-'ti Vincent IE. ·-~ Jllhn Ectw1n:I Folh: VI Ki..., Gill Fott1 M111lt!IM SUll[.io.n Fields YS Ot11 Fltld1 •tNAL OICtEES Oelorts'M. ~ n Elrr Richard Cllivcl lnnt1rd P1ullne 8'tllditt!1 VI Vincent --· H...nr D:int11 D!lllnl VI s.tnull Hfrtler1 DUllrd D<wlll J. $h"l lnk VI MkNM•J. Slrllnlc Vlrwl11l1 1(11!\ef'llle DlltTM!' Zw1r1 n G1rrett Dile lw1rt fl:obln Gill Allftl n fl:1y l.whl .-.11e11 Want Ads I See by Today's * Pas&ionatll'! Pink: She'll loYe' you for this, and have more time for run ... beau. 11ru1 plnk Whirlpoot Imper. ial washer & gu dryer, only $50 each. * Hawail&n Income: Bay. •--~ic ideal for bl· rue. bu bar u. rant. $600.000. 5150,<0l down. , .a barpln, * ,_tichaela,..m's lilagic: Unbelin"able e&egance In !his cool, ee.ttnt, formal dining table of pure Ital· ian marble. Tndy a bee.u. tifi.il focal point for lhDM who entertain extensively. • You cannot dUplicate this one at $600 • •• BJIENNAN·HOll:STKORTA, AnlhOl'IV P., S?, o1 Jt• G•"'"' Aw .• B1lbol a..a J1111t, (l, 1111 UOJ Wet! Cliff Ori~, 5.lni. Crur. CANOEl.Afl:1A·FAlltlEIGH, JitCW R., • ore ears .- You're fighting the law of averages. Even if it hasn't $1 a day? conked out already, that compressor in there is ripe for The system you can have installed right now while Social Security. (Your warranty has already run out4 • wil:es are low without paying .one cent un- Before you put out a bundle for repairs or replacement, ti! it's in? And working? And keeping you wouldn't-you-be-smart to-find llurtre-11ew-d_eaI-on the c OOl?-WOtilc!rl't y0u, be smart? modem air conditioning system that has no compressor T hen call the Gas Company. to wear out? Could be you could beat the law of av- The system the average family can own for less than erages. As well as a costly repair bill. THE 9 9§ • - I • • ,, ' . • " " • • - .----. • JOOEAN HASTINGS, '41-4311 f_..,,, MIJ .. lHt • .. ... ,, Installation Changes Pac.e Anlicip~ting a change of pace are members of the Fountain Valley Woman's Club as they make preparations for their inStallation of new o_fficers. ., After a calendar crowded with activities, they are going to pick the relaxed atmosphere of the South Seas for an installation theme. Husbands will be included at a luau taking place Saturday, May' 24, in Sam's Seafood restaurant, Seal Beach. · . Hawaiian garb or casual' clothes will be in order when tl'le, group assembles for a 6:30 p.m. social hour. Dinner will be served at 7:30 p.m.; and installation ceremonies will take place at 8:30 p.m. Entertainment by the Musicales, Polynesian dancers and dancing will conclude the evening. To be seated are the Mmes. Laurence.Erwin, president; Wallace Short, first vice president; Elmer Maisio, second vice president·; Ronald Murphy, third vice president; James Lilly, recording secretary; Don Edlund, treas- urer, and R. E. Lyddon, corresponding secretary . . Al so serving will be the Mmes .. Lyle Greenway; philanthropic chair- man; Pete Barbolak, federation extensiODi Clarence Stewmon, program; William Ballard, advisor; Terry Harney, parliamentarian; Dooglas Ryder, press, and Vance Derington, social chairman. • TROPICAL TREAT-The rel~xed and happy atmos· l>h~re of.a Ju~u.,will be the setting for the installa· lion of trew offitfers of the Fountain Valley Woman's Club Saturday, May 24. Miss Corliss Ro!Oli (left), . . ' formerly of Hawaii; instructs. Mrs. Wallace Short, first vice pr~dtnl, and Mts. tii.uience Erwin, president (left to 'right) in some of the tr;>qitional g~stures. · · Mrs. C. E. Stansfield is serving as .general chairman of the luau, and assisting are the Mmes. Kenneth Wells, Curt Burnett, Vance Derington, JOSOJ?h Geising, Chester Veruiing, Robert Pedla, James Buddingh, Will Romine, Bob Weaver, Gary Powley, Barney McLaughlin, Bart. LaWson and . Richard Gillum. · - New Officers Plan a Hatful of Tricks Another active year i.s promised members of the Monday Morning Club of Huntington Beach. Retir· ing president Mrs. Edward R. Howard (left) as- sists while Mrs. William Summerfield, first vice president, and Mrs. Robert Parker, president, (left to right) plan some surprises for the new sea-· son next fall. New officers were installed~ yester-1 day during a luncheon m e e t i n g in tbe Shera\on· Beach Inn. The 3-year..ald club now boasts a mem- bership of approximately 125. ' . ' Rosy,· Aura Glowing in Sea l Beach ' Joyce Steidley, president; Mrs. David Sloan, vice ~ Everything's Coming Up Roses for merribers oC the Seal B8aCh Junior \Voman's Club. since that was se-' lected as her th eme for the year by the new presi- '1ent. •Taking office at the next meeting of the club on Thursday, June 12, will be (left to right) Mrs. president, aitd Mrs. Carl Irwin, secretary. The rev-. elation party to announce secret pals will take place..l in the home of Mrs. Bruce Taschner. V~ry Li ttle Can Be Said t OC:o v ~r Cleaning Lady's Costum··e ~· DEAR ANN LANDERS : A lew·weeks DEAR LU: Mercedes sounds like a that I anl not criUci:z.ing the moral slan- -•~ engaged..a~c~ w:;•:;;m;::•~•;;;l•c;comE~·----ln twice a week and help w ond ' silver p0)iahlng. Mercedes 1 s ANN LANDER S [fl _____ x wel, U!oe .. a bit nutty. Tell lttr 1be dards of American,,. 1 ri'I ere I y tiiilifi<flier~ iid .. uliig . crtUclu the faker y, flffijly bdere ... 11td llhet I p.m. And 11k lier bdieve it ii not ntltmal to limit oneself to to Jl\MM Joel Ille -111Ma ~ b dotag one sex partner. Mature people should be somewhere between .35. ~ to. She has a spectacular figure ~)'t' face would stop the town-clock. - Yesterday Mercedes told me she was going to give the noon a badly needed acrubbing and war them by hand. Her last words to me were, "Please keep the bon and Mister out or ffi.y way when I won." (Frequently Mlater and the boys, aged 14 and U, cotne home for lunch.) Mister did tndffd coDie· home for lunch _Jba.,_ day and When be wa~ lnto the -~ be was ~le as 1 sheet *'Wha:'• .. wrong?,. I asked . "Rave you teen the. cleaning lady Jatelf?" he liked. "No" I' said, "Why!" "Well," he feplied, "you'd "better check." ' . I went to the back hall and opened the library door. There was ltereede1 on hef' bands and kn~. waxing away -naked as a jayb~d. "Loolio real nice, doesn'I It?" she ,.;d proudly, I told Merced,. lb< lloor looked lovely but that she'd have to put on some clothes because. the Mister was home. She said In a most eoipbaUc tone that she can't_j:o ·fioors~0alJ ~led up," 1nd~to please keep men oot or berway. Ann, tihe 's the best Clunmg wom&n I've ever had. I need your advice and I ne<d It fut, Help! · --LONG ISLAND LU ~ Jut 11 cue. ~-..,_,_f,ree to express their natural biologiCat rlvil wiffioutilamagiiig lhfiriielves or others. I deplore the hypo<r;,y. How much healthier. it~ would be to show an honest h1ice to the world . Small wonder sychiatrnts llere-are-so busy, prelend they are taltbfuJ but in N!Allty Everyone ii 1icl""lrom pretendfng. they '!!'' litv)!J& affa ·tell and righ~ • -ANONYMOUS PCEASE both lhe men and women. DEAR ANONYMOUS: No name? sea DEAR ANN LANDERS: I have Uv.ed tn America only six monlh~ but 1 already have ob9erved a lascinating ptlenomeoon. l'learJy .all.lllJt..lllAttie<l.COl!Ples we know Jn Eu rope such dupllclty does not cxiM. eYtn tn lriJtlal? '.W\y ltOt Pow YOUR 1 wish to make it clear, Ann Lander•, bone1t face to the wor~? • ' ' I ' [ Riders Mou.n t for 8enefit ! . . . ' . . Lisa Wagner of Balboa \vill be one of the entrants in the ninth annual National Benefit Horse Sho.w,taking p,lace between 9 a.m. and.5 p.m. Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Mail 23, 24 and•25 at Los Alami!Os Race Coorse. For the first time there will be an evenin~ show at 7 p.m. Saturday. The . event Is spoosored by Ute Long 'Beach .Commlinlty Hospital Auxiliary wilh funds being used toward the new cardiac .care unit. Tickets, at '$1 for adults and· 50 cents for dtifdren, may· be obtained al the gate. . . I . , ADP! C.lub Will Se·at d:>ffi~ers ' ' ?<fext Thursday 0 r a n g e Col.µlt)' Alumnae .of . Alpha Della P.i will Jnstalt officers followlpg a noon luncheon in the Jolly Roger Inn, Anah<Un. ~ding lite group will be th e Mmes. Herbert Morris. pres{dent; Hugo Schulz, -iirst vice ~president; Robert Hartu- ~ ..leCODd vice president; Robert Raymood, recording seaetary: Wilbur Allen, cor- responding secrelaJ)'; Paul MallCk, tttasuttr, and Ronald Barnett, AdelpbeU repor\er. Mn. Fred Sylvia, outgolnc p...ident, will teal~ AIDOlll put presidenll to be honored .,. lbe Mmes. Edwin Steen..B. J. Cba11agne, <;..._. BriQoman. Tom SimJ*m, Robert Mc Call • , Robert Farr, R. E. McGraw and David Bauer. Mrs. Allen at 962-3731 will answer addlUooal quesUons abwt the organization. Women Do All Work Jult once a year women in E1ecuUve Dinner Club of Orange Coast do a11 the work which goes behind the monthly ~. so it ts no wonder male members have put up their feet and are looking forward to this aMUll treat nut Thursday nlght. . Orlfntal .Cruise . . ' On a .~s:.iay Orient festival cruise aboard Ute SS ~reSident Roosevelt are Mr. and Mrs. Hai-ry Axene of Newport Beach . ,Ports of call include Honolulu Guam, Manila, Horig Kong, Nagasaki, Kobe and Yokohama. ' Salad Bar Arranged ''Bring ·a salad and a friend," say members ol the Women's Division, Fountain Valley Ownber of Com- merce. The group will meet at 10 a.m. tomorrow, in the home or Mrs. Edwin D. Booth. Horoscope Virgo: ·Be ·Discreet Home Wins At Cards 'J1le Albttt Slttoc llmM wm bave lbe winnlnl band wbeo Chi Omega Alwnoae o f Orange County and tbelr guests 1ather for 1 deaerl and cardl nlghL WEDNESDAY MAY 21 By SYDNEY OMAll& GROOMING AND DR£1S. ING: Lunar· po1ltl1• 1polll1hled .. Leo. Be ....... In U..1. lloo'I lie olrlld: pellrlq llamboy1nL . colon ... ..,..,..ly -• Ewnla1 wear for · I ad I t 1 1hookl reaiare • INoct-ol·pn empMida. Mn. eoUl a.> cnlflllJ' ftablrt sportlwtar lit awbant colon. ARIES (March Zl·April II): Romance is high on agenda. Be creative and spoUight sell· expression. Glve child a special treat. You tend to wear heart on sleeve. Slrtve for degree of practicality. TAURUS (April 20-May :Ill): Check home, rul-estale Jll'O' positions. Money is available .._ for worthwhile investment. Know this -and present cue to responsible person 1, Individual from your past could reappear. G~ (May 21.June 30): Flrllsh projects. Neighbors ·~latives cou1d take up tod much of your time. Know When to draw line between FV Juniors ·Convention Delegates Rei>rmntilll! South Cout ,J'unior Woman's Club, Foun- tain Valley, dilring. Calil-FederaUon of;Watneo's <iiba' Blfle convention io Sacramen- 1 to wiJJ be the Mines. Jon McKl)>ben, R. Bond Thompson, Robert Marten and William Hayes. Delegates will convene for a three-day meeting btginning 'lbunday, May 22, In \IJe Hotel El J>Qrado. A gr~tlni will be . enegded by Gov. Ronald Reagan. "' 'Ibeme of this • ;e.ir's con- vention will be the Gilt of Time. Mrs. McKibben, new presi- dent ·cf lite FowitaJn Valley .Jwliop, recently WU instaJled by Mn. l"rul: Farris and dur- " • In& lhe illnl!i!r In Meoa Verde ~ Coomf9'~, abe allo was pramad. wilh a trophy for belng1. choOen d la Irie I ClubwmwMl!-year-. ' Receiving, the g r o u p ' a cltiJea.of~year award was Mrs. Andrew Edwardl, and Mn. Lloyd Sattertlnralte waa recognized as Girl-Of.fbe..year. The awards were presented by Mrs. Hay.,, past pruldent of Loo Cerrito< DlstricL IOdlhlllly and lll&loct. Many lalllb •• Bui' iloo pt JOW' -\completed. 'ol. fulf!Dmlftt. CANCllll (June 11-.11111.11): Mw>'. • · .,...,.,..... 11.W, canlacl -beMOc!o] You ..i ..... In rill* dlredlon. Income jloljr\Ull j.._. KmW 11111 -and proceed wllh olr ol ICOllPIO (Oct. D-Nov. JI): Accent 'on 1o11 d 1c- complllbmenL You mab eoo- tad ,wltb Important ~· You'pul acroos your JIClinl, To- -day, make room at the·top for Bridge, canasta and pl~• wm be played beglnnb\g . at 7 :30 p.m. In Alladena Federal S>Yingl and; Loan. Santa Aha, nexl Thunoay, llCC(lrUlng to ,Mn. Rlclwd Ki11 ln,1e r , cbalnnan of ••YI ~ means. conltdencO. ' LEO (July•D-Aq. 11): c:y. cle motes up; J'Oll can be at rlsht place al ._ time. Your quallllel o( llbowmlnsllln are empM"• P1:1pU}arity rating la on tncreue. Obtalo hint from Caacer -VIRGO (Aug. »&pt. Ill: Eicellent for dining out, at- tending !beater. Came out ol any e-1 rut. Be with people wbo are stimulating. Someone may confide Im- portant Info rm a ti on. Be dilcreet. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0d. 22): Your dffirtJ can be fulfilled • Key is to be thorough in ap- proach. Friends help . attain goall. Red.tape rOlfrlctlom are removed. You gain feellng JANINE LE PAGE To Marry Betrothal Revealed The engagement of Janine Le Page and Michael 1\. Brownlna; was announced to relatives and close friendl . during a party In tbe Hun- tington l!eacb home, cf lite bride-elect's parenb, Mr. ·md 1 Mrs. Raymood A. Le Page. '!be couple plan to be mar- rie:I nut year In Sta. Simon and Jude Catholic Church Jluntington Beach. • ' · Miss Le Page is a graduate of Fountain Valley H I g b School. Her Hance, IOD of Mrs. Frank Perry, now is serving in lite U.S. Army. PHONE COUECT youroell. . llAGJTrAIUUS (Nov. 12- Dec. 21): Good -~ today coincides wl1b cbince to travel, to .wr11e; pubulh and alfvertl!e. Your · ellorti -gain In flnancill 1e111e. Famlly member makes. 8""'!l'O of reconciltalkin: . . CAPRICOeil (Dec. !Wiil!. 11):. ~ allectlnl-male. partner Ls highlighted. Be perceptive. Element ol decei>' tloo could ellsL Gel llgnall slrlilhL lloo1 work 11 crou- pur'p>oel. AQUARIUB (Jan. 20-Feb. 18):. Be aware of public rela- tiOna. You gain ii others have clear undentandlng of h> lenUooa. S I u d y CapricGn meuage. Be thoroughly famlllar with any contract you milhl sl&n· PISCES (Feb. !&-March lll): Get. buic chores completed. 'J1le party wm prJ>•ld• funds for the home, Which Is a ]ihllanthropy project of the sorority aJumnae group. Dur· il!l lbe year clothing and other necesstties are provided by the alwnnae. ReservaUons may be made by calting Mrs. Kissinger, 6.17· !11'111, Mrs. Roy Meade, 6.17· 51111, or Mrs. James R. Jameson, 522-39815. Olher Chi Omegas assisting with preparations are the Mmes. Jeffrey Brown• Lawrence Marr, David Smith, Arthur Zaslo and Harriet Hug- gln!. HB TOPS Club Don't attempt to stip essen--Allen School Is the meeting t1ala. You gain pre at i g e place for members of Hunt· through efficiency today. Key lngtoo Beach TOPS Pound is to be practical a n d Pinchers at 7 p.m. every tborooch-Then gain results. Monday. OUflTANDING PIANO VALUIS PAU·L.A-MUROY Summer Wedding Engagement Newst Revealed S\. Clements by the Sea Episcopal Church Ill, San Clemente will be the setting !or the June 22 wedding ot Paula Murray and Arthur William Coleman ol Newport :Beach. Parents of lhe belrol.hed arc Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Murray of San Clemente and Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Coleman ,of Irvine. Miss Murray is a graduat& of San Clemente Hlgh School and her fiance is an alumnu!I of Newport Harbor High School. MAIOfrMWllUN COHCllT OIAND, '!'AJ $SOOO __ ...... _, ___ .. .NOW $3'" JAH'lll" fW.wNT), WAS •$12n --.. --·--·-·---... NOW $1099 JOIDAN lllOfftl, WAS .$Iott -·--·-------...... NOW SIH JACOI UOI. (llOfffl. WAS $11ff __ ... _ ......... -.NOW $99' * ALL 'Of ttCISI MAVI U9'I 19'.lllT WITH MMilnNG'S 10 TL WlrmH GUAIAN'lll, -1191TAl. llNIN SAVI SS I AUo SOMI IXCBllNT ORGAN SPECIALS! WlUiclisMusicCiw So. Cold "'11, Cnt1Mell•lrlstol1t 5111 Diego fwy. 540-3165 WHAT BIGGAR'S TRADITION OF SERVICE MEANS FOR YOU ... (213) 728-7283 Fr•E#imote Charge ill Entertainment will feature Arthur Briggs, a baritone, ac- companied by his wife, Dolly, on the piano. Festivities in the Newporter Inn will begin with a 6 p.m. social hour. Dinner will be served al 1 p.m. Reservations for the gather- ing may be obtained by calling Miis Fern Randolph, 494-1!30. Following the business meeting, conducted by Mrs. William Pulford, there will be a salad bar luncheon at 11 :30 a.m. offering women an op- portunity to become better ac- quainted. Anyone interested in becom· ing a member in the new organization may obtain in- formation by contacting Mrs. William Hayes, membership chairman, 962-4735, or Mrs. Pulford, 847-4049. Membership lee Ls $5. We'll clean ·your draperies lor only· lipl lhfteSouthem car.lomio fumilurt slorts b.tck up their fine q..Uly memi.ndise wilh unusu•lly good ,.,.. let-A lup fleet of f/Ucb wilh courteous, efficient drivers ena1i1 .. tllgm to provide prompt delivery-uS11•Dy wi lh· In• few days-of mtlthindile selected by a customer. Bfam has recently opened a large service building adj•· -t to the main w.rehouse In !""..,.dena. Craftsmen skilled In the art of prtparing fine fumilurt use this facility to carefully lnopect and prepart each pitte of fumitwe before it is rtlused for delivery to our customers. l The Daily • ' • nRRIFIC VALUES ENO.OF·SCHOOL·YEAR STOCK REDUCTION SAlE 25% OFF ALL REGULAR STOCK ( 1!1ceptln1 Swimwear a Ho1iery) SPORTSWEAR · DRESSES SHIFTS SKIRTS BLOUSES SHOES JEWELRY Pilot Covers Boating -· I --. ----- 1 00 $ 00 $ 00 PER 1'£11 PER WIDTH WIDTH WIDTH --· -..... r,.r r .. r I ti. .... .... .... CHAlGI rr1 CHAIGE rr1 CHAIGE rr1 ------PRJCE /NCtUDES ------ Taking doW.. anci rehanging!! 48 HOUR SEllVICE------ . ' • f .. Any problems tb.tt occur aher the furniture hH been delivtred to • home are promplly handled by a 1eMce man who is continually in the field insuring that all Bigg.irs customers are completely satisfied wilh their purthues. V'ooll your .,..mt Bigprs llOrt 1oon to,.. how this com· bination of fine quality mercha:ndise and unusually good service a.n make your selection or new furniture a rut plwu~ FINE HOME FURNISHINGS• INTERIOR DESIGN .1.t1'8'f1Mo PASADENA: Colorado ot El Molino POMONA: Holt, eost of Goroy SANT A . ANA MAIN AT IUYINTN • Sonia ('no _Store Opan Monday Evenings - . . ·Formal Dinner Picked For Engagement News • A form I dlllJler party at .-,,.; .... ..._ • ..,. Tokyo University, Japan, was lhe setting for t h_e an-- 00\tDCf:ment of the engage- ment of Shizue. Sunaml and William R. Tovatt, son or Mr •. and Mrs. Anthony C. TovaU or Huntington &sch. Mr. and Mrs. Daljlro Sunaml of Narublno, Japan, parents of lhe bridHlect, hosted the party attended by classmates, teacher! a n d friends of the betrothed ®11- ple. The bride-l<H>e is a graduate of Qin Hl.gh School, Tokyo, and attended the Women's Chris- tian College and Orange Coast College, where she was active in the English and Gennan clubs. New Chairmen Accept Duties MRS. STEVEN GOETZ Home in Europe H.er fiance, 'a graduate of Huntington Beach High School, attended OCC and San Jose State College. He met his bride-to-be while attending the 19lh Japan·Ameriea Student Conference. He served as con- ference cbaJrman the follow- ing year. and last June spent two months a5 a guest or the SUnaml family In their home. The couple plan to be mar- ried -in the Community Methodist Church, Huntingtl)D Beach, on Aug: 23. During the first meellng of Flight 19. United States Air Force Mothers conducted ~y the new president, Mrs. James E. Tucker., chairmen were' ap- Catholic Rites Margaret Steinhaus Wed to Ste\tjen Goetz Four Dates Calendared La Leche League of Hun- pointed. Aecepting positions are the Mmes. E d w a r d Wilson, hospital; James Porter, amenities;· Jean B. fl.tiller Sr., press; Frank Wilson, Ainnen's service, and Martin Matheny, LeRoy Hammack and Emmett Spindler, hospitality. tington Beach will s~ its The group meets on the se- second series or four meetings cood Thursday of each month In the home of ?lob's. Steven at I p.m. in the Hyde Park Sprin° flowers .graced the Edwardian sleeves of blush Eicherly, 1251 Terry Drive. Mobtile SaHo m.:~ recreation " lluntington Beach, bettlnnin1J. _ce=n::e::r.=_nta_=_~,,.· -.,,-.,-I altar of Our Lady Queen of pink organza. Pink majestic 5" ·-•• "-ngels Catholic Church when daisies formed their cascades next Thursday at 9:45 a.m. NOW 1'n Our fam1'ly :, 'I t An st ·nh d d I ed · th · h · Meetings will take place the . i• argar!! n e1 aus an an were Pac m e11 air. rourth Thursday oI each fam'ily Weekly Steven John Goetz exchan<>ed James Goetz of Pasadena, e. month, May through August; wedding vows and rings. brother of the bridegroom. with discussion c en 1 erin 1:1--~=~--0-w-'---I The early afternoon rites served as best man and ushers around the Advantages of YOU KN were solemnized by the Rev. 'vere C. J. Mills of Arcadia; Natural Feeding on the first . John R. Steinhaus of San Carlos Ugalde of Imperial Gab riel, uncle of the bride, Beach: Timothy Steinhaus, da~ter topics will include the YOUR CHILD and the Rev. Raymond A. Newport Beach, broU1er of the Art oI Natural Feeding and Saplis. bride, and Richard Callaghan, Overcoming Difficulties, June WILL LEARN Parents of the bride and Los Angeles. 26 ; the Birth of the Baby and bridegroom are Mr. and Mr.s. Gathering in the home of the the F_'amily in Relation to the TO SWIM AT Edward A. Steinhaus of bride's parents to greet the Nursmg Baby, July 24, and Newport Beach and Mr. and n e w I y·w e d s after the Nutrition and weaning, Aug. Mrs. John L. Goelz of . ceremony were ISO we 11 BLUE BUOY Pasadena. wishers. Assisting with hostess 28A.n interested p e r s 0 n s , · Escorted to the altar by her duties were the Mi ss e 5 especially expectant or nurs-AH s. Will y" father, the bride chose an em-Virginia Tucker, Barb a r a ing mothers, are. invited to al-A.-W•, a.ti.. ld.H, pire style gown with a lull Anderson, Catherine Lewis tend the meetings. Anyone s.te .._.., T•ri• skirt or silk organza. The lace and.. Pain Steinhaus., Mrs. wishing information may con-- bodice featured run Edwar· Robert Usinger and Mrs. John tact Mrs. David Walercott, 546-1800 dian sleeves, and the chapel R. Steinhaus. P.!rs. Alice 847-3059, or Mrs. Henry Moore, train of organza fell from an Steinhaus of Alhambra, the, ~54~>-4~35~9~. ------~;iiii;iiii;iiiiiii:i;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~J organza bow at the waist. Her bride's grandmother, was a Ii elbow length veil was caught special guest. D HARBOR REFORM to h.,dpiece of organza; and After honeymooning I n her cascade bouquet wa!I northern California, the TEMPLE fa shioned of white glamellias. newlyweds will travel to ' Miss Cynthia Steinhaus of Europe to establish their home OPEN HOUSE Newport Beach served her where the bridegroom is serv-RELIGIOUS SCHOOL sister as maid of h<lnor and ing in the U. S. Army. bridesmaids weie the ll·lisses The new Mrs. Goetz is a SATURDAY, MAY 2:;-•:30 •• m. • 12 no• Susan, Connie and Ellen graduate of Corona del Mar ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL CHURCH Goetz. sisters or the High School and will receive J?Ot VIA LIDO NEWPORT IEACH bridegroom. and Sus a n her degree from UCI in June. J~;::::::;:::::::;:::::: Steinhau5 of San Gabriel, Her husband, a graduate of]j cousin of the bride. La Salle High S c h o o I , Their ensemble5 were Jong Pasadena . attended St. John's pink dresses with gathered College in Camarillo and skirts of voile over pink taf-Pasadena City College before feta, complimented with full graduating from UCI. Emphasis on Salad A smorgasbord of salads \Viii be offered next Thursday at 11 :30 a.m. during a lun- cheon planned by the Newport H3rbor Federated Republican \Vomen in the Newport Beach Ebell Clubhouse. After guests visit the salad bar, which is being prepared by members of the club's ex- and ll-1rs. T. Duncan Slewart. Tickets, at $2, may be purchased by celling Mrs. L. T. Dugan. 675--0749. Cards Mixed With Calories ecutive board, guests will be ~tar Club, Laguna Beach introduced. Chapter, Order of the Eastern Bruce Nestande, member of Star plans a monthly dessert the Orange County Central and card party from 1 to 4 Committee and youth ac -p.m. in Laguna B e a, c h tivities director, will speak Masonic Ha11 next Friday. about the place of young peo--The public is invite1 to at· pie in the Republican party. tend and tick C"t s are $1. A voter registrar will be Further information may be present for anyone who has obtained by calling P..lrs. recently moved to the. area. Arthur Stead, 494-6644 or Mrs. Mrs. Rudolph Kr U e g er . John,Williams, 494-4686. hospitality chairman. is plan· --'---------11 ning the event with the W 'f f U I l assistance Of Mrs. Sam Gurley fl e 0 nC e en ··iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iliiiiiiiii;;i;;;;;i;iiiiiiiiiii BILL WILLIAM'S HOUSE of HAIR COLORING and COIFFURES INTRODUCES ASSOCIATES>---~ CHUCK HOWARD forme r H•ir Stylist cf EAST BLUFF AREA and MARIE BETSINGER MANICURIST & PEDICURIST Formerly 8e¥erly Hills •ncl E•st Bluff Area 2333 E. COAST HWY • Corona del Mar Closed Mcncl1 ys Perking In Re•r IF DRAPES COULD TALK THEY'D CALL ••. W_HY? I S•r•i11t ell .f 01e119• C•11•ty 540-1366 642-0270 1702 Newport llvd. ti 17th SlrMI Cott• Mel• ' DAILY l'ILOT )5 I, MAY FUR CLEARANCE 3 DAYS ONLY! MAY 21. 22. 23 OUTSTAN01t4G SAVIN GS ON F INE CIUAL./TY, FASHION FURS .. IN ROBINS ON1S NEWPORT FUR SALON. ON WEDNESDAY, MAV 21 1 THURSDAY, MAY 22 ANO FRIOAY, MAY 23 , VOt,J 1Lt.. SEE FA.adt.otJs CLEARANCE PRICES ON MOSTLY ONE-<>F-A.-t<IND FURS . SHOP EARLY FOR B E~T SELECTION. TERMS: NO DOWN PAYMENT, UP TO 36 MONTHS TO PAY• OYED 8ROADTAIL~ROC£5SED LAMB JACKET, •BL.EACHEO WHITE MINK TRIM •••••••,•,•• 257 .00 NATURAL. EMJIA9 TOURMALINE* MINK STOLE••• 4 97 .00 NATU Rl.-L EMIA• AEOLIAN. MINK STOLE••,,,, 597 .. 00 NATUftAL RANCH MiNK STOLE ,,•,•,•,,,•,,•, 597 .00 NAT~RAL R~CH 1 M INK JACKET,,,,,~,,,,•••.' 657 .Q~ DYED BROADTAIL.-PROCESSED LAMB COAT•••,, 597 .00 N'ATUl'tAL. SAP PHI ftE MINK JACKET , , •,,,,,,,,, 84 7 .00 BL.ACK DYED MINK JACKET •••••••• .. •••••••• 957.00 TIP~VED SABLE JACKET .,,,••,,•,,,,,,:,, 1057 .00 ' NATURAL EMIA• TOURMALINE. MlllK COAT,,,, 114 7 .00 NATURAL EMDA• CERULEAN* MINK COAT •••,,, 1237 .00 ~TU1VJ.. f\ANCH MINK COAT , , , , , , • , •,, , • •, 16 97 .00 ---..-........ .,.. NATURAL.. CMBAe AZURENE* MINK COIJ,, •,, 2297 .00 'I I ROBINSONS NEWIDRT • FASHION ISLAND • 644-2800 ---r-- • ·1 ' • • ' I , • • f • I ' ,. -' J • ' ., ' .. l . • ' 1 l 1 .. I• DAllYl'llOT Epli1 B•rn K~• 1Here's Nudie 'Code'· SAC Slates (Jazz Fete A~!~~;-:~ al 1 p.m. in PbiWps IWL th proceeds going lo the ta Ana Colle£" Fn!odom onument. I The conca'l will be a Wrly )lew format that is growin& """' and ...... popular -ilay -that GI ""'1hining the two medias GI jm and pn>- gressive rock mmic. lab that rilll; k is our Ml ..... unloft lo w lhal -...... --p who do DOI want lo tab that risk be -cojoled .... coerced into u." The .... _ -up F.quity'• ltand u tollon: ·"t. No nadlly llhlll be permitted •l """ Equity .... llniews. "1. No performer may be roquind lo diln>be. In whole or port, unlll alter be bu boon a1flditimed " an actor and«' slngw and-« dancer. "l . Nudity at alld.itkws& may -. be •11US: Equity, be permitted only .-r the bowe•er, still bu t be following guide.lines: (a) wbtn • I reponsil>ilily GI ..m.itll bim an F.quity stage .....,... °" GI his vulDenbilily under the an Glllcial F.quily ....., is . G...i S kate pr<Senl: Cb) the dir<cl P'1'-Mitzuko Funakoshi glil· law. fessional a D d supervisory -~·-• · ~all ters in her solo number "Hard ott llCI&, --sex capacHy w _ _. acts, are out aitoptber. But must be ·~ to (Le. pro-at the Ice Capades. now even in tbe ara of simulata:I d u c e r , ·. d I r e ct o r • on display at the Long there . the .. ..._ of __.•!ii«); (CJ .., ,.. Beech Arena through sez lS ,,... __ , • acts shall be nqulnd of any Sunda):'. irrest. The pelf armer may · performtr at any audWan. · • ---'"------- lalaw Ulil ar be may DOI. It is "t. Wbttt tWdlly OlllMr ads up to us lo warn bim. of • a sUual nature ai:e re-.. quired GI a performer m the By Clli1f rules. be is pro-course of a ttace ...,.....tim tect.ed to .some utent; ~ the performer must lit to Id~ produca must id<mnify bim vioed la wrillag la adv..,.. of la the ~ <t ........ -his ...... the conl.-ocl and rumm boil. fin<o and 1qa1 the ICript llhall be submitlod lo the pe'farmor f.,.. prior CIJUDltI at DO apeme to the !'e'9iew if be IO requmls. adar. -be c:annol do is "5. Aduol ... ads <hn!& erUe an amS or c.uirictioa rebeenals « perfonnancts ..-.I. -not be· reqund <t • ~ actor may ftllt to p«fmmer." Rancho Sets 'Mattress' Auditions ' Cha,....n Co,~e P,..,,.., .. _ Baritone Tippey Excellent In County Symphony Show ll doesn't 9CefO 90 VU/ looc ago that we pmlicted a brilliant future for • pro-- misiJ>i Y<JW!I baritone by the name of James Tippey and we can recall lhat oor review on that occasion bailed this handsome artist's projection al !kiter IS being by far the most signifJCant contributiao to th.al otg&ected art fonn Ulat "'"e bad tDCOUDtered fer a kllg. Jon& time. ll's nice lo be able lo say ••t told you so" and it was equ.ally pleasant to be OD the opposite side of u.. footlights from M<. Tippey again Saturday night to bear further porol Cif any "''ere needed) of this now established artist's supremacy irr the reaJm of the song cycle. H i s ' ' Kindertotenlied!er" <songs on lhe death .l>f_ children) was as pleasing a rendition of this dttply mov- ing. infinitely sad Gustav Mattler work a!: we have been privileged to witness and ,.-e \\'ere tremendously impressed with our soloist's innate ability to "Live" througb his delivery -an inner involvement with W......, folk music <t the day lo piece t.gelber his pal· c:bworit ~Uoo <t the iJ>. filDIOCS cowbqy and his ridlly varied S<Ore depicb Billy al au 1 ... e1s <t a f....meeiin& ........ that became • Jepod -the bammeri"8 ..-.. tion of the gunfigbts, the tawdly, jangly clamor <t the salooo and the cnide pathos <t his death. No one could possibl1 claim that Ccpeland bu failed to caplUtt.. in any WI)', the min)' exciting aspects of this seedy saga ol the Old West. But while actoowledging t b e splendor of this -ling perfonnanco by the OCSO, this writer would have to add that the •'ork gains added luster in the form for whic.b it was first composed -as a accomapnlment 1n ill more . complete aeons to what we recall "as an inlpirtd. clever ballet. Lewis and hll orchestra had earlier regaled us ')'Ith that grand old mainstay of ,the con- cert program, Tschaikowsky't "Romeo and Juliet" overture and It was a spirited, happy openina to a pleasing p~ gram. We we~ pai:ticularly imp:-es:sed with the string wort in lbost final vital bara and the untarnished devoUon to duty of a hard .. orked brass section through much of a deq:landing score. Have a good s ummer, OCSO; you gave us a grand winter. ballet score. B I Film This piesentatioo as a .wit 0 ey.n came at a la~ date. and lo HOi.LYWOOD (UPI) -Hal those wbo have not seen the Wallis will produce a screen ballet it will undoubtedly come \'enion of Maxwell Anderson's across as a fresh. virile coo-Broadway hit, "Anne of the cert work. We have no quarTel Tbousand Days," the story or with that ; but we th.ink, given Anne Boleyn. our choice, that voe prefer -===='======,II .. Billy the Kid" played as .. ~ the pat.hos of the musically set C-9 ~ .....-- • "" a poem that has always seemed -... INDS TUllDAY w .. t.. .. ~ lk"'4 ,.,,.. 1-411111 -J...-C.Mr11 ,.. .... .,....-ll ....... .... FRAULEIN DOKTOR .... "*"......, -Cet•'- STARTS WEDNESDAY RICHARD ANNE CRENNA HEYW(XX) FRED ASTAIRE •1'11111 Tictets for the show are av~ in the Ooo Bookstore at $1 eKb. Otis De~orator •straight~ Movie Designer Rails at Job's lJUage Rndings for the Rancho to lie only within the in- c.ommmuty Players' summer terpret.ative powers ol the m1asicaJ, "Onrie Upon a litat-European artist. I tress." will be be1d lilay 25 Every nuance aod inflexion and 21 al Oliwewood School in or the poignant. bittenweet El Toro. Mahler seott was captured to The comedy. based Oll the ldllog dlect by M<. Tippey In fairy. &ale of the princess and a Duent performance that the pea. will be premted in brought him a 91sfained and July by the .Mission V1tjo thorooghly desen•ed ovation &nJllP. Tmy Brandl. who pro-from his Chapman College au- cb:ed aootber version of the cfience. Loving a n d ap- 1 MIDASRIJN By VERNON SC01T HOU.YWOOD (UPI) -Ask a man what be dots for a liv. ing in BoDywood -or Tulsa -and ii be aDIW'erl "interior d-.· . deadly silence ensues. He would be belier oil ad- mitting be wu a safecracker or even an actor. An interior designer is im- medialdy suspe<t. Arty guy who makes a buck maldling puce draperies with vennillioo carpets and Louis XIV breakfronts must defend bis manhood, or at least stake a claim to It, or be classified as a, er ... well, sissy. In most cues Interior decorators would hove a lAlll£)I time pu.Wi.g ink~lot tests, much less the Marine psycbosoi cological ex· aminatioo. This state of affairs-the ovenrbe.lming number of ef- feminate men in I b e deeorating hlmnen -infuri- ates the -Ensfill>. mao named lm Pllillipo - designs lnlerian f o r movie and television penooolitles. Phillips baa --the homos <t !Ud> -.. Annette Funicello, G I e n n Campbell, -1-. Rod Taylor and llarl>lra Edm Olld Mike Ansara. •·P m figj>tiog the -.I the homosauals haft over in- tt:rior decoration in um town and in other major. cities, .. Phillips oaid, flO'""'ittl the tab!<. "How CID tbae creep& G • pttli I t r U 1 J rnatlelline at. titude in a home, er a rallJ' feminine --'!'bey'.. loot some.mere in betwetn." Phi!Ups fillds bim>df .....,. ing lustily and tb r owi nc refermces into b i s cm- versat:ion about his four JUn as a Britim naval 'ammndo Crossword Puzzle ACROSS 4 4 Bibb QI nar l lad!inr 45 Mrs. How•d Duff -tool 47 Forni 6 l ird ani•al 10 Misfortlll!fs 41 "Add salt 14 Landrd --... i•l9rant 2 Wll'dS 15 Blblical 51 E1di1n9r placr lll rd ium 16 Tidr 53 Got out 17 Ri*rrt ·-: of br11 Formr r actor 54 'lord of 18 -Scotia grrrtinp l • Bad: Prrlix 59 oot o lhr 20 F ltth Whtt I; Bi blr: Abbr. 5120/11,. 2 words bO Transporta· 2:2 Dr l1warr'1 tlon 111rdiu111 8 Wrnt out 35 Prtt1inin1 capi11I 61 01 shrrp on !h r town ". 23 5tl of thrrr OZ Ph11sr on 't Back : lilll r period 24 Most a summ ons: Prrlix 36 Thin rattnsivr 2 wof'11s 10 lilh 38 Btl¥ttf 26 'lrapon : lo} Enlrancr ld111tity 39 Trallor Slang b4 01 inrrr1or concr1lrd 42 lloderatr 29 Portie qua lity 11 Prrmlssion 43 Placr or conlraction i.s Omil 12 Chantilly flfCUlilll'I 30 Monty lrnl Mi .Stron9bo•: Md Bruurls 45 Stt firr to al intrrr st Stang 13 Rrcrt1tlon 46 Dowry 3lln·--: f.7 5uDt rtil· 21 Lin k 41 lladr In dislrru: il)US loo~ Z2 lo1d tractlblt 2 words rtprrssin9 4, Talk in )3 Guard DOIN annoy1nc r impasslonr~ 37 Rrli9ious 25 Higfl rating: 1111nnft I rut 1 Yooog cllaps 2 words SO Coeriplrtr in 38 DIYidr into 2 Lopsidtd 21o FishtJSan's all drtai Is iCCr SSOIJ 52 lhtrt class ts 3 FN1 in1nr 27 Boy in E•rtrr is lO "Gonr l ith nickna1'lt lhr Biblr 55 Esca0t ltlr 'find" 4 Or9an 28 Dictator hatch •ansion S Plrrctd "Eldttly 12 City of 56 809 41 Camr Into Nrw Bnmwlck 57 Novn tnding tllr linrsl person II' En91nl 58 --do-wrll c.ondilion 7 Onion )3 Morosr · 60 Plu111brr's ~) ... _ -90 !": ch1r1ctrr-)4 Rrpul!tlon 1trr. 2 •otds ls tic l 'lOIH to remove tbe CllUI bls ~ *"' at Ult An a b ·e i m prec:iating lieder as we do, we feaiaa fore. tll him. PlaJbause in 1J&5, is directing. can only add an extra fttVent -,,.,.m Auditiam an: acbeduled fo r round of applause for a polisb- &mwti>•ws be ovaam-t :• p.m. on Sunday and 7:30 ed performer who brought pemats p.m. Monday at the EJ Toro that UtUe extra to a treasured "Haw Clll JtraiCbl. IU)'J in school •bere tbe musical will litahler "·ork. r=============·11 the dfcontiac .,.._,, be be staged. A ca.st of sil: men It may well have been that 1eoopiwd!" be asbd.. "'But it and siJ: women is needeo. conductor Dani~! Lewis was bu ib adtld Fiii Hn•Nrwh akioc with a mixed chorus of spurred to add his orchestra's doll\ mlDd JeaYittC .., ot ;.:::11.======== own little eilr.I lo this final . bame lo ..t .., clo<or wilb concert of the Orange County tbeir -beco• 'I'm aaJy PENETRATION Symphony Orche.ua's tta<&Ot a decoralor. • " ~a.son. for he then regaled us ... ~ .... ...., .... ,.,,l tt.. "th d . . ........ -~ ••.• .., his -·.d.-..1 \\l a ynanuc. sptn~ ·~ MW u~ DAILY PILOT, fte•efow11 reading or Aaron Copeland's fDtllS PbUlips who is a ·~.-for tt.. F•bw· '"Billv lht' Kid." fat.ber d. fa&:r. 1-°'•• Coelf. eoi>eJand drew heavily Oll .. My ll-year4d 10D cnner=~;;;;;;;;;;~;;~~~~~~~~~~~i bame from -DOI laaC ... -. -_ .. ~ ~FiixsOUTHCOAST fumed. ''Seam ..,.....,, ak· PLAZA'~~ -<d bim -his la-did for --• ,.._, ~ • liviJll. Wiim the other kids s. Diop r,_, at Bristol • 546-2711 apreaod 1hoir opinlllll of iJ>. ACRES OF FREE PARKING torior -•Im, the fight WE ARE PROVO TO PRESENT started. '"111is pn>!eaion is badly in THE ACADEMY AWARD WINNER =~>::=:";.,\"'~ BEST FOREIGN FILM doo'l "aDl to be taged as something lea than men became tbe l im p ·wrist cbaraden bave taken over • • .,,,.,. .... promoted the idea that unless you're cee of them you Cd't be an eff.ective desl.gnrr. I 111 K's a bad sib.tation". It could be worse, Phillips. You migbt hove "'-> the elms daill'inl dodge. Two Irvine Profs Due On TV Panel Two members of the faculty at UC lnine will be among panelists ruscus.ing ··Educ• tiooal Turmoil : Some Alternative" OVtt educational television channel •· aUtion KCET Wednesday and again ,.tay 21 at 11 p.m. Prof""°' Rolph W. Gerard, tlean of the UCI cractuate divis>oa, and Profes90I' Stuart Krass>tt ci the School ol Bioklgical Sciences appear on the two. half-hour programs as participants in the Institult' on Innovations and Media in ~ Education, h e I d recently at Occldenlal Co~. "Researcben in b I & be r education consider t h e im- pUcalionl of their findircs as they apply to motivation, in- novations, ayst.ems ana}ysis, compute.rs. media and \he im- provement o( instnlction ... ae- ~ing to the procram notes. Ray 9iarles Show Opens Sinctt Ray O\arles brings bis "Revue '69" i n to Melodyland toNght for a one- wttk engqemcnl Spotlightlng the Lon Fon- taine Danctrs. the Raelelts 1.nd \'f:nlrUoquist A a r o n Willi>ms, U.. Oiarl<S imw wru be at the Ana.helm ahqwpl•c:e lhrougb Sunday. ShowUmes are 1:30 p.m. weeknight.I, 7 and 10 Saturday nigh~ with the final lhow1 al I and l :JO p.m. Sw!doy. ' Th• Two rm Production of Leo Tolstoy's --·--·----·-------· -·; -"CIMO AR•r Of ••l"Ol.[Olt lll[ATM-TAJllJUi '"""0£1111 ·or ntf 11..JIDOJHO l'P ITS DIPOIOll! ,Al.¥:( IAL\ lS Tlt()USAJIO$ ONtCQ PART I ~"':".;::::::.,:.STARTS MAY 141h THE ENTIRE PRODUCTION OF '"WAR AND PEACE" Will IE SHOWN IN TWO PAATS . EACH PA•T WIU IE SHOWN FOR ONf WEEKI PART II ;:..o;-....,:';:::.:.. STARTS MAY 21sl SCHEDULES OF l'tlFOlMANCES w .. -...,. ~, 14 "'----·-----·--· 1:11 '"'"" Th•"""Y· MIJ lS . --------... l :IO •"" Frilley, Mey 11 ---···-· ___ ,_ -~· I:• & 11:11 ,.,.... Sahff'lli•Y· MIJ 17 ----· ----l :ICM:Jl,.11:11 """" ,.,.,...,, tMy 11 ., _____ ·-·--·-·-12:JM: ... :lt '""· . ~y, Mar 1t _,___ , ___ 1:00 ,....._ T.,_.1y, Mey 11 _ 1:11 ""'" SAMI SCHtDUl.I ,01 hi Wll• ' TH WEIGHT WATCHER SIOR'ti '"··~~ llrawt . ...... nASS-ltOWI CAL1 (714) N14IOI 19 laa:sr <-. ..... ENDS TONl•HT "HANNIBAL BROOKS" P..rN-- "HARRY FRIGG" ST Am WIDNDDA Y .. ThtrtSt tsa'b:!!t .. ··Kiss The '• Other Sheik 'V \. _WE Ll·•lllOCOLCll _ ""' 6:41 10tLa.. ...... ,...1M911 Now -Ends Tuetdey OITl•r Sfteril c., ... ,;,,, 01111u~t "MAYERLING" I O.~ •• W1111e• "INTERLUDE'' e lo~ ;" Color e HELD OVER -A LSO - Clillf Woll!., A119MI Dlckino1 BARGAIN MATINEE WED. 1 P.M. "" ltlfrnhment1 Mot Ad111Julq A41lt1 l ,00 MIW'On IUOI -et !lot -·-"° ......... lW. iolo -01, , •• )!,t ENDS TONIGKT Cliff II~ ,, "CHARLY" ... Sid.., reltler "FOR LOVE OF IVY" obo G~ory rirck h1 "Tr!E STALKING MOON" STARTS WEDNESDAY 111011111 · llillREllll M • .,> Don't dare ,ataraat 'l'HE lllU&'l'Rl'l'ED MIN RAY BRAD8URY"S maslerpleCe al ll'e supernatural! lltlllltllLDI' PllUllSIOI" I! flQll Wlllll llllS.·ll'l!l llTI ll&. QUICK Co.fclri ·,, ci11icHy e11 luel •""•nh. Ried ye>ur cornptct, compr•htn•iv1 hom1tow11 Mj.. Hon of the DAILY PILOT. WEEKNIGHTS l :IS-SAT. & SUN FROM 1 . p.m. • TUf S DAY 'MAY 20 • •:M ID PllTNAM·MILLER·KELLY '* AND "MISS RONA" NEWS AT 4':30. PM l:IOBDt 911 .._ (C) <60J Jent Oun""7. D 811 •-•-(C) l30l e_...,_(C)(10)- r.TI1di!H. Ptal Gilbert, GIGrll Lind· "'1 tlld Tht Peppennllll: Rtlnbow ... D Sii O'Clocl M.it: (C) -nt a-. el llillullin" hrt II (ff. vtllturt) ·~1qory P1ek, Sllsan H•P11tcf, 1111 G1nlner. II I "" (C) (60) m.., ... (C) <Joi ·-(C) ~O) ll!lrn-,..., (C) . .......... (30) .... ..,t,I YOIM1. .. A IOOk ti IO!'ClfJ' 11111 m11ft fl'Ol'll tht urty cltn of [Optl111 Pllllb and Afrlcn wltttl doctors to 'tht .,_,t: 11'11 of dip mqic. ......... '*Pill 1!111111 -(C) lolO II llllC -(Cl (60) mt t...l_, (30) Ill-" ... -,,., ... (C) (60) I iiltJiir·'°'~ ol U. loMon ;, ~,_.I, -. .. .,. t111 Dlrll • m -"""' (C) (90) Ill ........ Ult (C) (IO) ,. .... Iii! (I) .... .., (C) (30) °""' M1rtlii'1 10111 llt out to filld I MW husband f« !tillr mothel' pd llrtil1 home a brnf!1 dtputy sfitrlft (Kolm Ptttfk) who mW1 hll'Mtlf most urtwt1oom" (R) D ll1J(J)lll"1PD {C) (30) •Tuee-fifty-fio." Del Jeff W1rd loses his run ind shield durl111 • holdup ind ltit squtd 101S Into action to apprehend lh• hoodlums and r1triM tfle police proptrty, (R) " -(C) (30) "' ·-QI 12 O:°"'* Hi&(I (!OJ ID lJJ ._ .. ,.,.., !CJ '°'°"fl Qt (j) ....._ Aoot (C) flJ lllldi11r With Your Cblld (30) (60) "A Qutstlon of V1J111s." a -T I • p Child study of tilt Wirt Yollif PIOPll '"' r ana•• -•rtl!IJ. • loolt at tlt!I other 1ncf' at -..i ..... Tuchert." LA. City Schools teach· _..,..,, en tt!lt with Mar1on Marshall about in 1en1ral, i1 presented n the fird nf three scheduled bro1dcub In fllturt io-1s In settlnr up reatfln& CBS -flMs l!lljOI' il!'tllllptiw • Pf'Ofl'•ms in school and tt home, riu. Jolln' Ltunilt11 rfPOl'b • the IS()) m m""" (C) show .. minn Utt dlnlwiont " what has come to bt known popu- 7,00 8 CIS .... 1., -(CJ (30) 8 WW's MJ LIM? (C) (30) mr-• <CJ<"> @@ ..... ! (C) fll) M11e1• Op11 He111e (30) "Afriuit-Art-FOCUI alld Rtdius." Rulan Con11« 1nafytN Afrietn 1rt at tht Boston Mwieum of Fine Ms, 1nd loob 1t African masks end •n· cestor firurn from the Ptabod'/ MuaetJm. am"' "" ..;. .(C) Cblmdtl1111tS.(C) Ill--(t) D MiniM $ Mlwil:: (C) "'OitrJ 11 1 1111111 ..... (1tJ.f1) '63 -Yinttfll Price, Nancy Kovack. m Trutll w CoaleqlllllCll (C) (30) tll l'wTJ M111111 (60) fl1I nit fn..U CW (30) (R) II) D C.... Mtlld•il~ll 9'0011J .... (Cl (30) fm WorW l'rm (C) (60) Cl Ktpptninl; • lo-Ci• ~·fl 9 (j)... -(C) (OJ) larly-u tht "pnention 11p," . . em-1CJ 1601 D IUl rn Ql ""' Lii• It> <!OJ "What's Ht Got Thlt I H•ven't?"' Tiie sudd1111 1ppe.u1nce of Gloril'1 old boYfrilnd, ""~ Bobby .. P'tmelJ Je"®S. Gllitllb 1tt Dvllf McClu1'9 Intl Tc& fWds. (R) a•--<'OJ fil USC Miiiie Flltinl (60) John Crown hOSl1 1 music [)lQll'am ftt. turin1 ul11st G1bor Aejlo •II!! pl· 1nist AliCl!I Rejto of tN USC SChool of Music. Sllectiont lnclud• "Softltt in A m1Jor, Op. 69,~ by hlthovtn; "Sonata, Op. 4," b)' Kl!d1Jr. ind "Sonrta in A major," by Bocdllrilll.. ll!MlriMI m l.1111'11 Ii KlrllJ fll111 flllWal: "Dur Relations" (1936) Ind "BloQ. heads" (1938). m MCllll: "'M11 tf CMflict" (dr1- m1) '53-Uwani Arnold, John ~er. IUl rn ID liJ 9 !IJ -ICJ Ill __ ... _ 11:30 II Mme: (C) "Mnllnllt tt· Kl• w" (wutern) 'SS-Gtor11 Mont· aomtrJ, Nanc~ Gales. o 9 oo m r .. i&M .,., <C> 0 Movir. ~ CIMnl Dltd 11 D1wn" (d~m•) '36-Gill'.f Coopw. ~ li1l rn m "" ,..., (C) Jediit Co!:IP11, Slit Riney ruesl lZ:30 m ActM T1IH1rt: "SoO.." O~@ mJslla (C) (JDl ''Who's 1 Frtud cf Gin1tr Wolf1?" l :OO B O NM (C) Jullt prnics when son Corey tomes homt from hii fifll: dq If scllool with drtwinp c:olond only bladi. Cynthia ffPi!tr pll}'I th• tNchtr. (R) 1:05 0 M~il: "I.Ill ill till .. ._... (dr1m1) '55 -LH MtrYill. Ml'lt B.ricrort, Rictrdt MOl'ltllbtn. IJ JillM W,., SboW IC) (30) MIC Smith, Orrill Smith i nd 0111 M\lll'Cll Ill fMfurecl. ' D IHI (J) fill It '""" T>lol (C) (f) ~l ''The Thlniamabob Htlst:- Rrurdo Mont11b1n rue.ts u Nleh· o111 Grobo, 111 lnttr111t1on11 ftnce w!lo 11 1bout tu 1911 a stoltn 11m· pie of paltum, • molutlon•rr let fuel. to lorlllp 1prrt1. Biii Russtll, WEDNESDAY DAmME MOVIES •:ta a cc> ..,..11 ..,. (COflltdi/ 'St -Lomta YounL Jmtllri COttt11, Jim k~ua. ""·--••• l:'"'Jl "' -Join Cllilfltld. Y Ukt. am._•,,. -(comtdJ) '55--Ktnafl:h Mo11. ~ Kenci.11. 1:15 B MMe: '1nl Sidi. W• ~ (ifl'lm•l '49-.limt1 M•ton. a.;. b1r1 St•nWJCk. 1:30 OJ AIJ.NJcM S11N: ''TM Mapl- . fltll'lf Brute'." "Mr. UnNml" Ind "fl1JT11 of Slimbou!.~ 12;00 A-"liN M• 1 11W (COIBICI)') '3i-Bob Hope, Bettr Grabr .. 1%:30 m (C) "'Ofvlr1 C&ntn" cwm1111) ·~Vlrcinll Mayo . .,....u Ttm- .,,.. (Wftletn) '52 -L111 McAI· llster. 2;00 m HJuri • •• c.11M" C•ll'lentur•> '50 -L1wrenu Tiuney, Mtr!na O'Brl1n. 1:00 l'J (C) ..... -... -<Tr1r111) '55-Winlftr JoMs, Robllt ..... 4:JO. (C) ..,.. ,,.. ...... (Wilt· n) '6l-Audlt MurphJ, Johll Suon. • JOB PRINTING •-fUBLICATIQNS· • NEWSPAPERS 9"lify-ohf11th1t 1-4 De,.M,.,I• S•""c:• f0t .... ,, th•" • Q••rftr ef e C:.fltllry. U11 wm IAUOA ''""'· -HIW'POIT MACH r I I 1 I • . -·------------·~· -~ ··------~~--"'·-----~~'"~· PEANUTS • ly Cliarfes M. Schulz 'l' I l ! OAJl.V PllOT ~-· J STEVE ROPER PERKINS JUDGE PARKER TUMBLEWEEDS H&Y! 1'HP;f'S "CAMPFIRE SMOl<E OIER THERE! Lt;f'S SEE~IT 151 EPICJ MUTT AND JEFF •. . . . By John Mila TM,l,f If WAS MIS ILIS1lilff6, MOT VOllRS,war "'IWE •• TH~r HE WOULD MOT' DIS.CUSS IT WITH ~OR MIVONE ELSE~ MOD TACTICS -Robert Lansing, above with ' Peggy Lipton, will be seen tonight at 7: 30 on Cb an· net 7 irf the segment "A Time to Love -A Tune to Cry," on "Mod $Quad." AB a probation otficer, he trieS to clear one of pis _charges of murder. TELE\llSION VIEWS .CBS Series Worth Seeing By RICK DU BROW HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -A major three-part ' study of the gap between the generations begins to-,. night on CSS.TV, and the vividness of its approach ,. -is worth the viewer~s attention. I TOOl THE OWl:E'TMAT lOI WGHT" 5TILL IE HBE, SIJI! I TMOIJ6MT I ~ TM.IC 10 'IOl,I FftSONAU.Y MOllT MY LUNCHEOtl N"f'OtNT"'8lf MTH nEJlJPGE! COME IN AMP SIT POWN, LllKE~ I W,l,S ~lTIN6 TO HfAE m:xA ..,., I Entitle4 "Generations Apart." the series' next :.?" i two broadcasts . will be sb~wn May 27 ~.i;id J~e, 3.,~ t., ,. Each program is an hour 1n length, as 1s torugbt s. ~ ',.,, ... -,~-< ~. .-9 It is not likely that viewers will learn much ~, ~ ~ " ' more than t~ey already k~ow, or suppose: about \ -) -the well-publicized geoerat1on problem, which bas been done to death in the media. OH!OHJ A OEEPGHASM! WE'l~ HAVE 10JUMP IT! OH, SURE/ JIJSTFOUIJW ME. I'M GOING "nlERE;! • ,. By Tom K. Ryan i'UI, ARST. •• INil-IE INTERESIS OF SClEIO:- • .. By Al Smith ... • THE JU )Jc::E Ft.lt!S[ /IACTMl!IC, l WIHr )Oii TD 60 T~ TOM"· ORIMMl5 IN HIS OFFICI! AT exACTI.Y :z.:11J 'TOMol!~ ASOllT MY CONPIJG-T• . ru. SI!!! TO rT 1HAT He llHOWf UP. .. , BUT THERE is an undeniable fascination that television offers in tonight's opener -the simple fact of being able to watch people express their , opinions, rather than merely reading about them from th e distance of print. The firs t program, which focuses on the ques. • tlon of v·al ues, is best summed up by one student who said : "We can't live the same life our parents lived because we're in a totally new world." If that is a rather obvious point, it is still an important truism for those ~ho wonder why things can't stay the same. PERHAPS' this viewer has a personal quirk, but the one thing that bothers me about tonight's broad .. ,' cast -and almost all attempts to deal with the .• generation gap -is the near-complete lack of . humor of those who approach it. ~ The generation gap, serious as it may be, is worth no more reverence than any subject on earth I -. and I mean any. Humor stems from adult per. spective and detachment. And there are times - many times -when a certain &mount of detac}J.. ment is every bit as essential as involvement. I was hoping to find this attitude more in the remarks of the program's reporter, John Laurence, 29, an altogether. brilliant and up-and-coming news-'' man whose work has marked him· as a man to watch. And there wer e times when he verged on this approach, but . basically the hour wound up deadly earnest. A POINT OF VIEW, I think . is what is needed as JllUCh as humor in tonigbt1s program. But here again, we have that deadly earnest network pro.' and-con aP,proach , ,wh~r.e everyone has his say, and hardly anyone goes home offended . The fresh, cooling air of irreverence is a won- derful antidote to what ails you. Laurence mention- ed at one point, with a bit of humor, that he soon will be 30, and is rather split between generations. -: Now there is a marvelous starting point for a video ess ay. That is : We all know what th e 19-year.-olds think nowa~ · days. And we all ·know what the 49-year-olds think. But what about' the people who are really on the . spot -those who have spent a number of years putting down the over-30generation. and now find ; themselves entering it ? How are they acting, and ,:_ what are they saying, now that the easy talk sud· denly find s itself phased out by the need to a SS\IDlO ' responsibilty? . ~ AND WHAT about the incomparable irony of that Beati e -hero of the under.ao generation ~ ·' who suddenly ups and marries a Japanese lady well ~ into her 30s. l mean, some of us kne"° about over- 30 women all along; but he's just .le~rning. Wbicli show"s that you 're never too young to learn. Dennis the JHeraace ' ' • i ·w:y~· • ' 1 ' \ \ I ~ I ' -, =: ..... DAIL V PILOT King, Oldham Head Laker Coaching Picture ,. ~ • TRIALS OF INDY -Rookie driver Roger \\1est spins into wall while taking his driving t est at Indianapolis Speedway Monday. \Vest, of Joliet, Ill. walked a~ay from the crackup '''ilh nothing more serious "'' t ........ than a couple of scratches, bul another driver suffered a broken knee cap during trial runs at the Brickyard. · Andretti Go es 168.824 mph Anemic Angels Two Smashups Rock Indy INDIANAPOLIS. Inc. IAPI -Two wrecks helped make !\1onday seem like a hangover after the Indianapolis Motor Speedway's lost weekend . Tbe first two days or Indianapolis 500 qualifying, scheduled for last weekend, 'WEl'e rained out. Sunshine returned ?.ion- day, but the two accidents and lots or garage work on cars kept footooday's prac- tice act.ioo relatively light. Sammy Sessions of Nashville, !\1idt, hit t.he inside wa ll on the back straightaway in his car after a universal joint broke. He was hospitalized with a cracked kneecap bul may be able to resume driving late this week. lie finish· ed ninth in last year's 500. Roger West of Joliet, Ill .. on the track for the first time Monday, killed his chances of passing his rookie driver's test When be scraped his car against the wall oo the southwest turn. Observers said the JS.year-old driver wenl too high into the lurn. West was uninjured. His and Sessions' cars were damaged extensively. The favorites ror the pole position, Mario Andretti and A. J. Foyt. had the fastest laps, 168.824 m.p.h. and 167.723, respecti vely, but were well below their previous top speeds. Andretti has the top tap of the month, 171.789 mph. Twenty-three other cars were on the track . Lee Roy Yarbrough, Joe LeonaTd' and rookie Peter Revson of New York Ci· ty all pushed their cars to laps of I6S m.p.h. Olarlie Glotzbach of Geoi:getown, Ind., a well-known driver on ihe, NASCAR circui1., completed and passed his rooki~'s test. He is assigned to a car powered Wlth a stock block Chevrolet engine and owned by the Gene White Co. of Indianapolis. Pamelli Jones, no longer active in Indy racing, was continuing a search for drivers for two cars he has entered. Al Unser, who had been assigned to both cars, broke his left leg Saturday in a motorcycle accident at the speedway. Blasts Open Brass Nicklaus Can't Believe Palmer Has to Qualify FORTH \\'ORTH. Tex. (AP) -Ja(·k Nicklaus is aghasl that Arnold Palmer has to qu alify for lhe U.S. Open Golf •Touma..'llent. ''1 just can·t believe they'll make him qualify," said the big Golden Bear. "It's :ridiculous.·· ; The dynamic .P£lmer, the game's all· ! time leading money winner. failed lo gain ! an exemption from 9eCl.ional qualifica· •lions UW; year for the first lime since : 1959. His last chance ..,ent by the boards •in the Byron Nelson Classic at Dallas two weeks ago when he failed to make the No. 15 spot in the money winning list. . : "l just cari 't beUeve they'll make him ,qualify," Nicklaw repeated._ I .. Are vou sure they're going to make him qu3Ufy?" he asked, then shook his •head and repeated : "Ridiculous." : "Every t.olimam'!!'flt sponsor \\'ants. to :. the best field, the most attractive :r~ he can. And hOw can you have lhe tbett fidd and not have Arnold Palmer in il •• t. pass. like lhe ~·!asters and PGA. You look al the lifetime exemptions and they aren't that good. \Vhy shQuld someone walk around nine holes then drop out? He's laking a spot away from someone who makes his living playing golf. •·I think there should be a lifetime ~xemption £or champions who are still playing on a regular basis, but not for someone who plays only ocrasionally." Palmer, who hasn 'I won a major cham· pionship since the 19M Masters, must qualify in sectior:al tests July 3 near Pittsburgh if ht is to play in the Open al llouston June 12-IS. Palmer i~ entered. The sponsoring U.S. Goll Association has gi\•en no indication that a special ex- emplion 1,1·ill be given him . "They've got it on the entry blanks this year," Nicklaus said. "I\ says on the blank that special exceptions can be made. \Vhy don't they give him one?' Carl Williams of Grand view. 1"Jo., was se t to drive one car Sunday, but on Mon· day he switched to an Andy Grantelli· owned car. Leonard tried oot one of the J<ines cars Monday. and Jones said George Follmer of Arcadia, Ca1if., might be signed. Jones also held onto hopes (If getting Grand Prix drivers Jackie ste-wan· of Sco\land and Ouis Amon ol New Zealand. l Liston Junks Scrap Iron, Ellis Ne xt? LAS VEGAS (AP) -II may be hard to belie\•e but the old man of the boxing ring, Ctlarles "Sonny" Liston. is back knocking on the throne room of the heavy1,1·eight division . ''I 1,1·anted it very bad ," said the 37· year-old ex-champion, after stopping George "Scrap lro1f' Johnson in the seventh round of their scheduled JO-- rounder f\1ooday night in the Con,·enllon Center. \\'hat Sonny wants e\'en more is a l~ round• bout with Jimmy Ellis, the \Vo rid Boxing Association champion. Promoter Bill Miller, 1,1•ho staged the Johnson bout, said an Ellis match is in the making. Whether it will be here, Liston's adopted hometown. or elsewhere has yet to be decided . , Scrap Iron, 27, who absorbe d everything Joe Frazier could throw in 10 rounds in 1967, did almost the same thing with the Llston who could once take an opponent out with one punch. Referee Harry Krause halted things alter two minutes, 55 seconds ol the .seventh round. ln the first round, Liston senl Johnson reeling backwards with a violent 'left hook. Scrap Iron 'A'ent <kiwn on his feet and took a mandatory eight-count. Scrap Iron even postponed his planned midnight wedding. This could have been tht greatest mis-match of all lime$. 1.iston ltit Johnson with more punches than ringsiders cou ld counl. The obvious question : Who hits harder, , Liston or Frazier? "Joe Frazier," said Johnson without hesitation. ' Face Lonborg, Boston Tonight By GLE.i~N WHITE Of llM o.llJ ~li.t Sti ff BOSTON -Threatening to run away witb the cellar of the American League's 'Vestern Division, the anemic Califoinia Angels open a three-game series with the Boston Red Sox tonight in Fenway Park. The Angels are calling on Fountain . Aqel Slcde M11v !0-Arioeb 11 8olton, 4:2S 11.m. KM~C I"" MIY 21 -Anwl1 111 Bollol\. ~:H p,t'fl. KMPC 7101 Valley resident' Jim McClothlin to hurl against Jim Lonborg of the Bosox in tonight 's action. And if name-haired Jim has to suffer through the same agonies his pitching cohorts have experienced the past week, manager Bill Rigney's ulcers will surely be reactivated. The Angel mound staff has been superlative. However, it has received aln1ost no support from the team of- fensively . Rign ey \.\'as merciful on his anemic group Monday, cancelling a special bat· ting practice. The Angel offense has been virtually non~x.istent, for the past six games pro- ducing four runs .. , and not more than one in any single game. Halo batters have looked much like a religious cult that has vowed to abstain from hitting the ball. Mission Viejo Pro Qualifies LOS ANGELES -Bob Unger, 24-year· old pro representing ~fission Viejo Coun· try Club. was an easy sectional qualifier at the U.S. Open trials at Bel Air Country Club Monday. Unger fired a 71>-66 lo !ead a %$-man qualifying field l:Jy four strokes. Over 500 golfers at SO sites around the country Monday qualified in local eliminations and will vie in sectional championships June 2-J_ Un&er recently returned from an A.sian toor where he played in 10 toomaments in the Orient. A total of 539 golfers qualified Monday out of an entry list of 3,447 -largest ever for the Open. The U.S. Open wUI be played June ll·l~ at Dallas. June 14 l)eadline S~t, ' Baylor StiH in Running INGLEWOOD (UPI) -Purdue's G<uJe_Ki"I aod WHlml" Kmlucky's Jolumy Oldman are conslde1'd leading candidalel lo lllCC«d mlgned Bill van Bredo KoUI u cooch GI lhe Los Angeles Lann, It .... ltamod loday. Fred Scblus, the Lakers' general man•lft', sUd MODday after van Breda Kolff's resipation wu discloBed that it was important that a new coach be hired before the team's rookie camp opens June lf. A IOUl'Ce doae to thr: kam said there WU I pwibllity thlt. Scbau.s might rebft to O"ddnc· He WU tbe La.leers' COICb fGr .,_ yeart befort becoming geDeral manager after the 19116-a7 season. Other candklates, the 30Ufce said, are former Laker Frank Selvy, oow coach al Furman, aod ElsJn Baylor, lhe Wen' 11-yur Nallooal Basblbill Association veteran who will be 35 in September. Scbaua, who came to the Lakers in 1960 with Jerry West from West Vlrginia, will belld &be search lor a new coach. .,1 have eomeme 1n mlnd but I will not name names," Schaus said. King wu Schaus' assist.ant at West Virginia and became bead coach at that school when Schaus left. He later went to Purdue where be led the Boilermakers to the NCM lioals againsl UCLA lasl ,.ason. Oldham play<d rib Schaus oo lhe old Fort Wayne Pistons in the NBA. Schaus has Slid In the pasl that h< con- $ldered the best pro coach as one whit had played in Ille NBA and then had IOM into college coaching. King, Oldham aod Selvy au fill '"' criteria. , Van Breda Koll( once jokingly said he d trade Wilt Chamberlain to Detroit for 1 Jan draft choice. But. instead, be's coming himself and he may be the last hope for the sagging Pistons. He ls upected to meet with Detroit gener'al manager Ed Coil today and sig n a contract for an eyUmated ~,000. That's about the same salary he was maldni in Los Angeles. It wa!n'l the money that brought van Breda KoUf to Detroit nor could it be the attractiveness of the Pistons -a Na· tional Basketball Association clu~ that has made the playoffs only once In the last si:1 years. Basically. it was van ~reda Kolff 's well-publicized problems with superstar Chamberlain. Last season when the Lakers w er e visiting Detroit's Cobo Arena Detroit coach Paul Seymour greeted a harried van Br~ Kolff with a "will you trade us Wilt for a first4iraft choice?" The Laker coach reportedly shot back, •·how about for a last-draft choict?" Van Breda Kolff will repl~ Seymour 1,1·ho took over the Piston coaching dutiet from Donnis Butcher last December. Seymour said he was leaving: because of family problems. Drives Tarho-Offy Laguna's Muther Eyes Starting Spot at Indy By DEKE uOuLGATll: Of ... o.lff .... ""' (Tbil ls tlte Ont • a teriel of foar ardcla .-Onqe Coot -1i11es competi•I ill &lie 1• hdluapolJI 511.) Rick Muther (pronounce it MEW'-thur) of Laguna Beach is keeping a dale with his own resoluUoo . a&aimt aJI sorts or odds. He ts at lndiaq.a.polis today, tryin& to pass bis rookie test anl qualify for the 500. lf grim determination paid off, he woold be a millionaire. Muther is a pl'l)fessk>nal race driver, but he's one of those who have yel to be recogniud by the major car owners who provide machinery for the top names in auto racing. That means Muther sits home most of the time, making long distance calls or waiting for the phone to ring. Mutller t;u driven in a handful of races the last three years, but he has worked hard enough lo land a decent ride for t.he 500 in the meantime. He will race a Gerhardt turbo-Offy for Bulldog Stables of Hardwick, M..,,, Ille only East Coasl team at the spttdway. . A good performance thiS' year in that car will mean the recognition he has been working so hard to adtleve. A race driver wit.bout a regular ride. which is what JUck bas had to be, is like an O.J. Simpson without a contract or even a pair of shoulder pads. Muther is 33 now. That's a good age for a race driver, but' not a beginner. Lack of experience at Indy clouds the fact that he has nine years of competition behind him, aJI of them marked by uphill battles. Hill first season of road racing, 1960, began modestly as Muther drove his own personal transportation Porsche in com- petition. He won the prst race he was in, at the Pomona Faif1rounds. Muther continued to gain sports car ex- perience the next three seasons, and he saved his money until early 1964, when he had saved enough money to buy the latest thing in all41t sports racers. a Lotus 13. It was an $11,000 car, and it was all his. He ck'ove it eautiously at flrst. then wrung it out. Be was at an amateur nee at the Del MAr fairgrounds when he became involved in a mioor accident with two other cars. Rick hopped out " the car as fuel spill~ ed. oo the pavement ignited under his car. OOiclals fumbled around and couldn't pul out the flames. Finally, they backed the fire truck a sale distance away and .stoocf around watching it go up in smoke. That had to be the most disappointing event in Mutber's career, but he didn't waste any time wringing his hands. He started w<K"king two full time jobs, and RICK MUTHER Competing at Indy he began rebuilding the car by hand 1n his garage at home. By September of !hat year the Lotus was ready to roll again. ruck won a cou- ple of amateur races, earning enough points to qualify for the Americ an Road Ratt of Champions, and there won a na· tional title. His comeback effort earned Muther the first Tim Mayer Award, lhe annual SCCA payment of a $1 ,000 grant to its outstanding young driver. After that Muther started OOpping fron1 ont mechanically insufficient car lo another in his relentless quest of a starting berth at Indy. He even turned d~n an Indy car ride one year, in the behef he wasn't ready at'ld needed another season of sports car racing. Rick became the unwilling center of a controversy last November, when U.S. Auto Club competition director Henry Banks ordered him to sha ve off his carefully groomed handlebar moustache. The driver. who would rather cultivate a good ride than a set of face hairs, shav· ed it off. lt1eanwhile, debate raged among the journalists over ·USAC's right to in- trude in ~1uther·s private lift. \Vhat Muther w6uld rather do now. ls drive a car at Indianapolis so well that everybody will forget about the day he had to hack off his moustache. LA Sends Sutton Against Chicago oiAfter all that man bas done for the 11game after all be'1 won, J just can'! see ~ they can leave him out. They gave i'.Bea (Hogan) an exemption one year. fWh1 can't they do it for Palmer? He !.,.._In thert. t "I dol't say thert should be a lifelime 1------ jGIPSOI\'. AGREES Too , Many Curves Confusing Tony UJS ANGELES (UPI) -Tile Los Angeles Dodgers, who have won 12 or IS starts al home this season, open a three- game series with the Chicago CUba: at Dodger Stadium tooighl. 0 FALCON PACT BOSTON t AP) - Tony Ccnlgfiaro, the ~on Red Sox' young slugger, Is seeing virtually oothing but curves and, un· fortunately, they're noi the type sported by girl friend Ma.mit Van Doren. c:onTgliaro suddenly is struggling In his comeback from a serious tye injury wl\ich nearly tndtd his career when he was struck by a pitch 1n August 1967. "I'm pressing and 1wlnging at bad pitches," the 24-ycar-old outfielder ad· milled Sunday After managing only a 5eratch hit and raH ing to get the b111/ out o! lbe infield.Jn 14 times al bat In a tbrtt- garne: wies with Seattlt. Seattle pitchers led Conlgliaro a diet of Cllrves and other assorted breaking pitches as the Pi.lots woo two of lbe. bertt games. Tony, batting in the cleanup spot, struck out seven Umes. "ll's true I'm not seeing many fast balls, but I doo 't think I'm a bad curve ba ll hitter,'' Conigliaro sakt. "If I'm looking for a pitch and I get it , I know l can hi\ it, v.·hether it 's a curve or fast ball .'' Conigliaro surprlstd several observers by saying ht has had ·headaches l"\'t r since Ile was hit on the left cheekbone by J IK:k Hamilton, tbet'l wilh Ute California Angel.-. ) II ow ever, be sakt he thinks one of the major reasons for the headaches is the pressure of attempting to make good In his comeback. A check: with Boston Manager Dick Williams and trainer Buddy LeRou:I determined that Tony l\as not complained of the headaches. "I feel good and I certainly don't want a rest," Tony said. ••J don't like to si t out any game because I sat out a ~ar and a half. "I just have to stop swinging at bad pitche!i. l go up there and MY to m.yatlf t won't swing at bad ball1-and Lhcn t do. I have. lo stop bein& so anxiowi." "Tony's comm1tting himself ," Williams said ... As \ong as he keeps swingln1 11 bad brutiltg pi$!_>es, lhey're going lo teep throwtng them to him. He ha! to make Ille liljuslmenl bl....,U," Balling coacb iiobby Doerr said ~ lgliaro has not come to him for advke, but indkated he wasn't too worried about Tony. "Until a few day1 110 he was doing okay;' Doerr said. "Now he"a chasing bad breaking balls In the dirt. He realizes what he '1 doing wron1 and will map out ol JL" Fresh from a thrft-.game sweep OVf:r the Pittsburgh Pirates the Dodgers will Do49n Slflte · "'' n --.,. ~ "-J'll o.m, "' I"" ~'I' 21 -0Meeri ft (l'll(aQot, :.b 11.fft. Kl'I ... , send .Dob SuUon, +a, against Ken Holtzman, 6-1. Holtzman beat Sutton In a previous meeting this season. LO& Angeles has a 21·13 record for se- cond place behind Atlanta in the National League's Western Division while the Cubs lop tbe Eastern Division wt.ih a 2t·1J mark. 111'. Dodgen have two playor& hlutng btti.f than .31111 -w .. Par\er al .Ill ind Ted Sizemore, 1 rookie, at .302. Wise Set I As Oilers' Top Back . The topical question arising out ol HUJ1. tington Beach Hlgb's Spting-fOOtball workouts centers around the Oilers' quarterback picture. 1'Will Garth Wise do the job tor Hun- tington that Tony Bonwell did for the last two se~ns?" That's the question being thrust at Oiler coach Ken Moats these days and while he doesn 't have the answers yet he doesn't sound uneasy at the query. ''Garth ls a good passer, but not yet as good a passer as Tony was," the coach comments. "He's quicker than Tony but not as strong nor is he the complete player Bonwell was. But he'll develop. He'll only be a junior next seasoo and we look for him to do a good job lo~ us." W"ISe was a corner back on defense last season and right now seems sure or being Moats' quarterback' starter when the Oilers open up against La Habra Sept. 19. And il also appears Wise will have a full field of competent receivers. for targets. ln addition to returnees Larry .Hill, Dan A1oats (the coach's son) and Randy Lloyd, Moats has been pleased with the preliminary showings of newcomers Joe Stubbins, Craig Zaltosky and Ken Clapp. Stubbins was a JV player in '68 while the latter two are up from the Bees. Another prospect is 1'-1ike Feeney. who played lightweight football his frosh and soph years but who sat out last year in favor of wrestling. Of 10 lettermen back from last season's 4-5 outfit, six were starters: Jack Crosby (guard). P.1oats (end), Paul :r.1oro (linebacker}, Lee Walters (tackle ), George Olivit (center) and Wise. The only transfer so far of note is rangy Tony Cate ftom Pasadena High, a fi-S, 195-pound defensive end who played JV ball .at Pasadena last year. Diablos Stress Fundamentals In Grid Drills Coach Ray Dodge greeted nine return- ing lettermen and a total of 57 varsity football candidates last week for Mission Viejo High School's spring practice ses- sion. n. Diaj>IOl,,will be working primarily on fundamentals and techn.iqueS that can be applied to bags during the session. along with learning the offensive and blocking rules. . . Dodge is optimi'stic, noting that his players appear stronger than last year's team physicatly despite having only one player over 200 pounds. Included in the· list of lettermen are 1.tark Fehse, Mike Becker and Dave Johnson at ends, guard Rich Westler, center Bob Radzavage and backs Ed Gray, Tom Be.rce, Bill Opp and Don Wilson. Gray is the top quarterback candidate. Others that Dodge is high on are Steve •lilliard, a fullback candidate up rrom the Bees and Mike Gray, a candidate for a guard spol. Gray starred on the Diablos' baseball team as a catcher. Dodge claimed no vast improvement in the speed department over last year, but ix>inted oul a future star in Andre Holmes. Holmes. a sophomore in the fall, is 145 pounds and 5-7, "'ho is described as not having blinding speed, but with good moves. good stability and excellent lateral moves along with quickness. "He has good rootball sense,·· says Dodge. Whether the 145-pound speedster will be used In the varsity plans has not been decided yel, but Dodge predicts that the Cee letterman will be outstanding by the time he's a senior . Tho Diablos will be running offensively out of the same patterns as last year -a tight T \Vith a full-house backfield. Clifford, Barnett Honored at Fete Ed Clifford and George Barnett shared top honors Monday night at Estancia lligh School's spring sports banquet honoring the swimming and track teams at the school cafeteria. Clifford was named most valuable on the swim t.eam while Barnett took similar honors in track and field besides being named captain of the team. Swfmmlfll Y1r~f'I -C1pl1ln: Gft9 GoodYt•f: MY: Ed Clif. fo"h MOsl tm~O'li!d' Don A:;11nc!al! ~ild Kit Wt!ler. '~ -(IP!lln: Ward Sau'*"J; MY ~ Daul Wt!lf1'1 MOSI lmprov..:t : M11ncltrJ Cee -Cll't•ln: J!!'ll Linen: MV: y,..,. lll•l-1 ... m1n1 ""°"' lmproYlllt/:i," 'lffdv. Vtl')lly -(11pl1I": ~· Birnell: MV: B1rntll/ CJ:' lmr,.,wd: C11rl l'lll'fl i Men! IM!lfrlllofwl: Rl<:ll ~,Id C111!1io1j• 01n Nt\111\lf'U MY: H ...... tfll Mo!;! tm11 1 Pwl tuerl. Cee -C811111ft: P111I Offlm~· MV ~ Fr.ct P••-er fo'oll 1morll'l«I: Jld MoOf·• Hellon Wins Top :Honor at Banquet Don J-lcllon w111.s named lhe athlete o( the year at P.fsler De.I High School's an· nual Spring Sports Awards banquet li1on- doy night at the Carden Grove Elks Club. 1-Jellon lettered In Football, basketball and track. -11 ---' MOil valuable awnrds wenl to P{tlll 1'.1uldoon (treck), Adrian WIU lbaseball) •nd Bob Glberl IBoskclb>ii l. 11 • ~ ~ ' I ' ~ \ ~ ' ' .. • , .... -'/-. L OAILV PILOT Stiff P"-1• OIJLY PILOI' J8 Re~•ll• Mort Cooper Rigney Maintains Humor. . Through Angels' Horror Through the horror of It all, Bill Rigney manages a ringer.hold on his sense or humor. It was lasL week after another loss and tbe writeri visited him in his clubhouse office. One uked him about the condition of his catcher, Tom Satriano, who had a dislocated flnger. "He'll play soon but he probably won't be able to wrap the flnaer around the bat ror a month.'' Then hi> tbOllghts drilled oft and he recalled a similar incident when he was a player with the New York: Giants in 1946. "You know, one day the Giants' .......... *'* .... **" EARL GUSTKEY • •••••••••••••• manager, Mel OU, got a call from a doc· tor who wasnl the team doc. Apparenlly our catcher, Mort Cooper had gone to sec this guy about his bum finger -he cooldn't put it around a bat and was ln a helluva slump. "Anyhow, the doctor told Ott -'1 lhink you should knov.• this guy Cooper wan ts me to cut off the end of his finger.' " RECRUITING DEPT. A 11 en Hornyak, the most sought-afler high school basketball player in the country. is apparently going to enroll at Ohio Stale. That's what the Bellaire, Ohio, guard told UCLA assistant Denny Crum recently. Crum says Homyak told him he prefer· red UCLA but that his girl friend Is going to Ohio State. Crum tells a similar story of Mike &!wards, a 37-point-per-game sensation in Indiana . "This boy will be anolher Rick Mount -he's great. He told us he wanted to come lo UCLA but that his parents wouldn't let him -they wanted him closer to home so they could see him play.'' HARD KNOCKS DEPT. -Former Orange Coast College halfback Frank Weirath la one or two San Jose State players eiperimenting with a new type ot helmet during-Spartarrsprtng drills'. ~ · The new headgear is equipped with air paas which compress upon in1pact - possibly an answer. to football head in• juries. HOP.1ESICK DEPT.-Can you imagine any pro baseball-player turning down a chance to play in the big leagues ? That's what happened lo the Angels In 1964. They had It all set up for Hector Espino of the Mexican League to come to camp. At the time , the 6-2, 210..pound bruiser was eating P.1cxican pitchers alive. He showed up, stayed for a day or two and went home . .:-....: ~ "He just couldn't acclimate himself lo American traditions," recalls Angel scouting director Roland 1-lemond. Espino, now 34 , hit .365 and 27 homers last year tor Monterrey. He makes about $12,000 a year in A1exico where he is far and away that country's best slugger. TENN IS DEPT. -Normally you'd think of Newport Harbor High in1 con- nection with strong Orange Coast arc3 tennis teams but how about Southern Cal College? The Vanguards went ttlrougll their conference scheQYk_ without a single point being scor~ against them. THREADS DEPT. -When \Vashington was at Anaheim Stadium last week, ona of Ted Williams' players was needling the rookie manager about his tacky'-looking sport coal. , ·'Why didn 't you buy one of · those Japanese suits when you were-over there?" the player needled. "Listen," Williams replied. "they·ve got great tailors over there but lousy thread. I bought one of those things onco and lhe first time I bent over -BURR· RRP~ It was all over, baby." Anteater Rower s Reacl1 DISCUS O'J.JO -UCl chanceUor Dr. Daniel Ald· rich's discus form is closely studied by his son, Stu, during a recent workout at Newport Harbor High School. Aldrich, 50, hati entered the discui . event at lh.e Masters Track Meet in San Diego Ju1y 3-5. Stu will attend the University of Coler rado next year on a football scholarship. Higl1-water Marl{-Hecht · •1 ' Aldri~h • ID Meet According to the man who launched UCI'a c'rew program four years ago, the Anteaters reached their high-water mark in the sport Sunday , at the Western Sprints in San Diego. ~1ale faculty members at UC! recently plucked the following notice out of their mailboxes : "U you are a man over 40 years or age and in reasonably good physical condition, you might be interested in entering the li.S. P.1asters Track and Field Championships at San Diego Ju- ly J-5." I The notification went on to say that competition would be conducted in all running events from the 100-yard dash to the six-mile run, all field events and two walking races for men in the 40· 49, 50-59 and SO.plus age brackets. The news release was compiled by UC! 's recreation sports director, Gary Adazns, who hopes to take a sizable UC I delegation to the San Diego meet. It was Adams who conducted a cross- country meet for faculty members recently. Bul lhe first to sign up for the ~tasters meet was the university's chancellor, Dr. Daniel Aldrich, a field event performer. He's signed up for the discus and javelin. As a collegian at the University of Rhode Island in the late 1930's, Aldrich, now SO, was once credited with a discus throw measuring 149-11. His javelin best was 190. Aldrich bas embarked on a training regimen to prepare himself for the Ju· ly meet -the most prestigious of its kind in the United States. When the chancellor can find time to work out, he does so at Newport Harbor High School with his son, Stu, 18, who has just completed hi s final track season at Newport and who also, conveniently · enough, throws the discus. "Stu regularly beats me In our workouts -he throws around 160 feet and r m managing about 135. I'm just starting to learn how to throw the • javelin again and I've done 140 feet 1. without a run.·• Young Stu, who has been granted a i Football scholarship to tpe University of Colorado, stands 6-3 and weighs 230. His father rises 6-4 and totes 210. Aldrich describes the father-son w~kouts as competitive yet enriched with good-nature kidding. "Stu kids me a lot but no more than 1 kid him. I've seen him throw at just a?oot every meet he's competed in high sch?OI and I would say he goes after his eve nt with tt\e same PIJ!J>OSefulness I have in going after mine." .. We were fourth in the finals but we have no cause for regrets -we raced well,'' says Duvall Hecht, Irvine's crew coach. "If we had competed down there by weight division, we would 've walked off with it but we just didn't have the horsepower to· match those big crews from Washington, Stanford and UCLA:' In view of lhe fact that UCl beat six schools, Hecht finds fou rth place a palatable finish after all .. "When you consider we beat Cal State (Long Beach ). Cal, San Diego State, · University of British Columbia, 'UC Santa Barba~a and UC San Diego, I think we did vety well -in fact, I think it's the best showing we've ever had. "I think we've come a long way in four years. wt.at the heck, as a representative of the University of Californ ia, only UCLA finished ahead or us.'' ~~.~·' "~ ......................................... ""'" .... ,.,.,. ...... "" ................. .J UCI hes only a single date remaining on its schedule, the Small Boat (four· men) Regatta at Long Beach May 31. FV · Gridders Exp.eriment With 2 Platoon System Spring football practice Is In full swing at Fountain Valley High School, and with numbers aplenty, coach Bruce Pickford is using a good deal or the time allotted concer'itrating (In two-pl1toon football . Pickford has 11 returning lettermen from last year's team that capped Its 4·$ season with two stralghl blanki ngs of Irvine League rivals. Supplementing thal conlingenl o l veterans are another 74 varsity grid aspirants to give Pickford the numbers required to experiment. ··We'll be doing a lot of practice on our pllSSing game and pass defense. or course it is deceiving because you can't fiod your hitters until the ran ," says Pickford. ··we're trying lb Siart two platoons lhis year with 30 to 35 boys on e.ach side. ''I'm encouraged by the number of kids that have tumed out. Our overall squad is built up, "We're working a great deal more on actual offense and offense this year. In the past we've had to concentrate mostly on fundamentals during the spring," Pickford added1 Bob Hoffman. Rick Manin, Dan Shaw, Rick Hartsfield, Tom Malone, John Svo- boda, Rick Power, Carl Har'din. Retd Han.wn and steve Raupp. Pickford has ifS hopefuls out for the sophomore team to give him 1dded depth. Ruth, Who Else, Tops Yank Ouh NEW YORK -Babe Ruth was , the runaway wirmer of U>e "greatest Yankee ever" fan poll, the Yankees announced Sunday. Ruth, basebaU'! all·llme home run champion, received 60 P.fr cent of the vole to 25 per cent for Mickey Mantle. Joe DiMaggio bad eighl per cent and Lou Gehrig sir. Ruth , of course, also wound up as the right fielder on Ole all·Ume team selected by the rans. DiMaggio is the center fielder, and Mantle is in left. Majo~ League Standi1igs NATIONAL LEAGUE AMERICAN LEAGUE East Dlvbloa Easl Division IV L Pct. GB w L Pct. GB CHICAGO 24 13 .649 BALTIMORE 27 12 .692 NEW YORK 17 18 .416 6 BOSTON 21 t3 .618 311, PITI'SBURGH 17 I! .416 i DETROIT 17 16 . 515 7 ST. LOUIS 16 19 .457 1 WASHINGTON 19 20 .'87 8 PHILADELPIDA IS 18 .<SS 7 NEW YORK 17 21 .447 9t~ MONTREAL ti 21 .3'4 toi.~ CLEVELAND 7 23 . 233 1 5~ • West Division \\'t&t Division ATLANTA 24 10 .706 OAKLAND 21 12 .636 LOS ANGELES 21 13 .618 3 SAN FRANCISCO 20 15 .57 1 4''.t MINNESOTA 19 13 .594 11 l CINCINNATI 15 19 .«t 9 CHICAGO 15 15 .500 ••• SAN DIEGO 16 23 .41{t IO ~S: KANSAS CITY 16 19 .457 ' HOUSTON 15 24 .385 IJ •i SEA'M'LE 15 19 .... 6~ MM!f.IW .. A.wt!I CALIFORNIA ti 22 .333 to .t.111"1• 11 MontrHI, rein Menollr'J 1-11• Ol'll~ ...... Killdllltll. ·-. Nn .. ~ KhlllultMI. T....,..t °"""" T .... r'I e1"'" flllllllltkihll !WIW 4-U 11 Clndr.,.H cc .... ~1111f !WI"°" l·'I 11 Clllueo IJDM .Ml, n;olll lr'lltl' 141, nltllol t JTMontrwl {Gr•nl l""I 11 Hol.llltll (lAmH.., K.1-City !H..:t1n 2-1' 1t C11¥tlllld IMc--Otwtll M), nlfllt • , nltt'tt MWM$011 Cll11t l·JI 111 Bllllm0r1 tMcN11ty Ptlhoburlfl (llll'llllf!t '·tl II S..11 . 0ll9ol iNMii:'9 ).IJ. """' M l. nlglll $Hiiie IPtltln f.l 11 Wnl!lntlon IH1nnM O!lclll'I UWtt1.._ '-11 it Us ...... let ISvllll ,.J). "'""' .. JI,~ -oa-Lffld IM19! 1-11 ,, New Yttt. ,.......,... f.-4), SI. It IOllHn ,..,, 11 i... l"r1t1tbcol s...te.:1:1 """' 1·1) ........ C.llfortlll IMtOllltttllft J.H II llollel'I u.onOOrt °"'"' .. ...., KM1111i.t. 141 nlgfl' AUTHORIZED FULL SERVICE AND PARTS FOR ALL IMPORTED AUTOMOBILES The Anteaters have failed to win only twice in six outings. Hecht describes the May 31 event all "very informal " and points out Jlis . ' strokers have concentrated on their el&lj.t. oar efforts all season . Seven of the oarsmen in his vartity shell will be graduated next month 1M Hee.ht must begin looking for new talent. "We're losing practically all the guy!! who started the program four yeers ago,'' he said. .. .. He has a good starting point in his JV shell. His junior varsity was unbeaten un- til the weekend, losing to UCLA and Washington in the finals. The frosh shell was second° in a consolation race. Hecht related the remarks made in two interviews at Mission Bay Sunday. The \Vashington coach was asked who the teams were to beat at the Western Sprints and he responded : UCLA, Stan· ford and UCL The UCLA coach's answer to the same question was Washington, Stanford arid UCI. .. For us to come that far In just f~r years is really wonderful ,,. Hecht sum- med Up. .. 1969 Austin America , . 51885 " < • • ~\~Qle w/ AulotMUc Transm1ss1an• GOLD SIAL USID CAIS ·FINEST SIUCTION Of USID Sl'OIT CMS IN SOUTHllN CALlfOllllA Tr.e Barons are worleing out four:. clll>'S ·n week with }t'riday off and will continue on that schedule In the afternoon until June 6 when they finish spring practice with an lntra•squad game. The infje\d has Gehrig at first, Tony t..azuli at second, Phil Ri.zruto at short and Red Jt11Ue at third. Bill D1ckey is the cakher. Whiloy FO(d Ille lcflhanded pil<her •nri Red Rol!lng the righl•handed pitcher. _l~rl ll p l111 .11I11 p L1 I 1°·, 3100 WIST COAST HIBHWAT-NIWPOIT llACH Returning let termen are Bill Brack. - '4J.MOI 540.1764' A-lw<I MB e AUSTIN·HIALIT DM!er ...... rx.4 FlllAlf.O I ft .w. • s.mc ... l'hlll bJ Ill(~ a 1iNU CdMCoach Seeking New QB Spring football practice I! under way at Corona del Mar High Schdal and the first pro- blem on coacl1 Dave Holland 's list is to .find a replacement .. for graduatlcng Dav,e Terry at the quarterbact posiUoil. Understudy leeltb Samuels has been invOlve<l.wllh•the Sea Kings' baseball fortunes in CIF roropetition. To dale Holland has been taking a good look at Glenn Miller (a senior in the faU) and Carl KiUUer, who'll be :: junior in September. There'll be no bas1c changes in the Sea Kirtgs' offense with a belly series off a slot T formation dominating the of. fensive department. Holland has 57 . candidates out for spring drills, including 13 lettermen. Qo~!tng wttl1 Arnold Palmer HERf IS PROPER DOWNSWING MOVEMENT Retuming the right elbow to the right hip ahould begin ot th• very start of lhe downswin:g so that the elbow ts 1nu9 against the hip· by the time th• clubheod moves into th• hitting-area (ill_Llllration ~I). ff the elbow hos moved towards the 'hip Trt this manner, you will automatically achieve a P.roper ... ' • owering of your right 1houldet. 1hiJ isviJol in k eepi ng your clubhead "lrGid•" the llne·to the to"'"· j If your elbow f0ih: to return lo your righ~ side, you r right shoul- der rroy not lowe r properly (illUl- tration 12) and will caus e you to swi ng "overrheball." Your~lub heod will move into the ball from "outside"thetarget line, caus.ing ~ Armstrong,f~~~~ Marvin Set As Coaches To the surprise of no one Bill Armstrong of Compton }fjgh and Je.rry Marvin af Palisades High have been named ta coach the CIF Southern Section 4-A and Los Angeles City teams in the se- cond annual Sout h e rn California All-Sta r Basketball Classic J uly 9 at The Forum in Inglewood. Announcement of the selec· lion of the coaches of the win- ning teams in their own playoffs di visions was made by Dr. James Withers of lhe Ma nh attan Beach Lions Club and Chuck Clustka of Harvard Schoo l, representing the co- sponsoring Lions and Southern C a 11 f ornia Interscholastic Basketball Coaches Associa· lion (SCIBCA). It is the second straight • year the 52.year o I d Armstrong will coach the CIF team . HERE COME THE PROS -Irvine Coast Country Club tournament chai rman Bill Schauppner (left) shows club assistant pro Don 1'1ollica (center) and club manager Woody Smith one of the: prizes. t~ be Qffered \Vednesday at the cl ub's Jnvitational Pro-Am. Nearly 200 will part1c1pate. Tbe monogram wtnners are Bill Marlin (end),' Kim O'Neil ·' (end), Gary Goelitz (end). Jim North (tackle, Doug Hilliard (g uard , Ric k Petro s (fullback ), Jeff Cummings (tailback), Dave Krohn (end), John Kelley (end), Kent Scud- der (tacklef, Steve Judith irull back), Jim Trotter (wing· back) and Dennis Pearson (center ). you to either.pull the shot' to th1 lefter tocutit cmdslic:e lt to the right. ' ' '. ®.C lNt "'!!'-NHt.1111> His club lost a 113· Hl8 thriller before 7,333 frenzied onlookers in last summer's in- augural game. In 22 years of prep basket- ball coaclling-Arnstrong has won 17 titles , including five CIF·SS crowns, and his teams have ~87·102 won-lost mark. Area Sports at a Glance Holland and his aides bave a little edge with the addition of Ruizby to the Corona del Mar iithletic program. 35 Pros Enter ICCC Tourney "Our intramural Rugby has give n us a edli{e in find ing out who are the hitters among the 11ew boys," says Holla nd. "We'll Qe doing a lot of pass offense and defense: go over the assignments on our basic offensive and defensive pat- terns. Thirty-five Southland golf pros are Signed up for ~Irvine Coast Country Club's fi ft h an- nual Invitational P r o -A m Wednesday. school cafeteria Thursday at 7 p.1n. in the school cafeteria whife Costa i\1esa·s baseball team y,·il be honored in the sc hool ca feteria Wednesda y night at r: 30. • Among the nan1e players entered are former U.S. Open king Jack Fleck. now or Mission Viejo Country Club: Hunt.ingto~ Beach 11 i g h Jerry Barber, Griffith Park School s sP:rmg sports awards Golf Course and W i 11 i e banquet JS scheduled for Barber, of ·his own driving ~ ~ednesday night ~t 7 in the range. high school cafeteoa. Former tennis g r e a t e Ells worth Vines is also in the field. An awards dinner y,•ill be held at the club following the tournament. · • Newport Harbor and Costa 1ilesa high schools w11\ hold banquets this week honoring some of lheir spring sports teams. Newport 's track and golf teams will be feted at the The annual spri ngs .sports awards banquet for Laguna Beach High School's baseball. track, swimming. tennis and golf teams will be held at Thurston Junior High i o I.aguna \l/ednesday night al 6 3U in the rnulti·purpose room . • San Clemente High School's s.pring sports <1\1.'ards banquet ls scheduled for Wed nesday at Big Savings with your local Mobil JtOllL W111l -Olfers 25% mort tiaction, 25% J111itktf st~s, llettrr gas mHeige. Dealer Here's the Mobil M-3 workaday tire, featuring long·life nylon cord - plus sure-grip tread- that's Mobil M-3, 1he smooth riding tire at a great bargain price. ) 71Sxl4Bl0<k$1310 · Nylon Co1d ' Tubeless Mo'll M·3 l llGO..wd ulUl'lg pr!t•, plll!I U .20 •~ti" lax plu• 11le1 tu l••tllijr•I MO llL CU$KION -lllfe1s bl& mHeaat. driving comfort -1 a re1lly tou&h tire. MOl lL POLYESTE" PllEMIEll-A rugged, tolif:h llre lhlt hugs tiie ro1d smootl\I)'. NJ Mobil Dealers teserre the 1Jght to establish tfltlt own prier. See your favorite local Mobil Dealer today and have him 1'Tlre-Up" your auto. with fre sh new Mot>n Tires -all at big savings to you. FREE INSTAl.LATION, OF COURSE. NO MONEY DOWN 12 MONTHS TO PAY Pl111 em.II t'"llll\I cllllO*. Charge your new Mobil Tires to your Mobil Credit Card. Pay nothing down and take up to a year to pay, alt 1or a small carrying charge. • evening at 6:30 in the school cafeteria. The awards will be featu red y,•ith the disclosure of the athlete of the year. Cand ida tes for the title are ~1 ii r k Heumann \swimming, traC'k, foot ball ), Don Kopenhoffer (wrestling), Eric Chris t e n se n (t asketball, ba~ball). Scott Renfro (swim· 1ning); Ted Schweihardt (foot- ball, tennis), Bil! P ro u I {baseball L • Stanford University coaches John Ralston. llowic Dallmar and Payton Jordon. along wi!h alhletic director Chutk Tavlor will speak to men11x>r~·o(1he Orange County Butk Club Fri- day al 5 p.m. at the Flying B Hanch in Orange. All membe rs of the Stanford Buck Club, parents of Stanford students and Indian sports fans are invited to attend the 1nceting. • Eslancia Hlgh School's goH. tennis and baseball 1can1s will be honored Tuesda y night at the school cafeteria. Starting tin1e is'6:30 for thr sports awards banquet and will featu re individua l awards for captain and n1ost valuable athletes. • The tennis and gilf tean1s or Costa ro.1esa ~ligh School will be honored at th1· school cafeteria Tuesday night at 6:30 wilh the Bnnual awards banquet. "And we're going over the drills that will be used in the fall. •·we want the tempo to start now so it will be even higher in lhe fall ," says Holland. One _ transfer is in the turnout. He's Bob Ferraro, a transfe r from F o u n t a i n Vallev. Holland says Ferraro should fit in his plans as a sophomore. The Sea Kings will drill four days a week with a spri ng game wrapping up the session June 6. G1·id Signups Se t June 3 Baseball's ' Top Ten AMl:RI CAM LaAGUE r.ATTING (60 It INlllJ -C•;r ~ M., .371: Petroo:•IUL 8051'..1 .lS11 '. Olllnt0n1.llat1 ... t3t1 .._.,,,,.,w k... 1 M\H'Clr. N.Y .•. lfl.1 RUNS -Illa r. 11111., :Mr F Rotr!nson. Ban., :1.11· llt . J1(11,1...,, oak.; ~,' H1tper, Sea.b2 : M11rcu. N.Y.t.25• UNS llATTE IN -MU'(''' NY lt1 '· Roblfll.On, 1111!., 32; F. HOW<i,:,r, w1111.. JI: Po-11, a111., 11 1 '"l"',,,.111 llost., '1. HTS -111Alr. a.n ... so1 F, lltoblmon. g:i,1 .. SO; M11rctr, N.Y .• •: Clltr. ' "l' ~rew, M!M., O. OOUll S -O.JoltlliOft, lhll., lD; <,••-, M 1111.. ID; R"H, Minn., lD(· • .Robi"'°", 11111,. f ; Ylllrlotmik, 80il,0 t . O TlllPLES -McAu!ilf1, Der., li .Grftfl, Olk., l; 12 t!fd w!ln " HOME llUNS -F, Howtrd, WI 111., 11 Pelror~ll. 8Dil . 12: Penl1or~ NY . It. F. Ro~I"'°"• 811! .• Ill R. JIC'~" Ork , 11 STOLEN 114SES -1-larPl'r, Set., 111 FIW. ICC , \1 ; ttm1>1~rl1, Onk., 101 ""'"cio.Nc_:f~oJiteC~1vG~e v., 1• llATTING \M t i i..111 -C. J-1, N.Y .. Jll: H. Aaron. All .. l/S. Helmec. r:~':: .~~~; M.Jonn, Mtl , .110: ~vs, J~~5N V:. ~~~\l;~!~'c1~~1':i91 :il~n11~: I N J . SF. 26: fl .Wllllarm, Cll!c .. JS: lol•n, TIC l ewporl-f\>1es:.i UllLOf Cln., :is: 1-1. "''°"· AH., JS1 M(VOvev. A 1 l -A 111 c r i c: a n Football S.F., lS. 30~uir.,~.~..,I~i~.~ J.N M sJ;.::;. CAI~:; 1\ssociation will <.' 0 n·d Uc t J9: c Joni1F N .~ .. 1t Tolan, c1n,. 771 player signups Tuesda)'., June M~~~sev:_ 'l(ls~rntt .. c11«, 51 M • . 1, al the Newport Harbor High Alou. P111t~ s11 c J~, N.Y .. ~; •· School Auditorium al 7 p.111. Jo~'ife·LEf·:.. "J,:.~r:."1·,,'~'li1c;,1·1s; H. h . 'J r· Id Adron. An .• 14; M. 1011. Pill .. 11: T e, organization y,•1 I Jc L~t>ov. Mii .. io. 11. Allen. PMI., 9; S1"rt1el!. Pit!., 9, C11lll~o11, Phll., t. eight teams th is season, in-T!l.IPLE! -a w1rntm1. cnlt .. i : 11. eluding four pee wee team.~. ~:t~~i Ail .. J~MTo':!~~C1~1; .. 3,~'li~'lr.:: and two each in the mid'get l'lm1MJ;R~'Nl'..'..'. };;tcoJev. s.F , •1 H. and new junior pee wee A•rOfl. "JI;; •• i . wv. c1n .. I; P~•••· ~In., I . nn. H!Ktl!.. I; Ct lltdt, At!., divisions. -.,.-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; To be eligible for lhe pro.1r gram. boys must. have bcf'n , Can You Sell Mrdl-Comp? born between 1956 and 1960. Oo Yow Wo1u To l«tt and y,•eigh between f,5 and J l:t Hl91! Co"'111iuiou1 pounds. Ph011e 213/872-0743 or The newly elected president 714(642-5011 fo.: of lhe Newport·Mesa program rrunatioin hi fTH -'"' is Kurl Hansler !545-8624 ). ltefd "'11 __. Introducing The smoothest whisky ever to come out of Canada! Compere Windsor with your usual American or Canadian whisky. Once you do, you'll never settle for less, or pay morel Toniaht make the comparisa n: make one grairui and pure, clear alacl al watt n. An d drink ~ith your 11uaual." Lhe other with onlN Wmdsor is ared in Canada•• mile-high, \VindMlr. You'll be amn.7.ed nt VlfJ Remart.lbty Prked dry Rocky Mountain air. All the &ippin' emoothnc.11s of thia thi s, yet Wind"or Is priced rcmarkalJle J1111N1 import. That' a $ 5.1,~ right in line with leadin1 do- bt:.-cau11e ottl11 \Vind:,or ls made _ .... mestic whiskiee becauu we lm· from hnrtly Canadian pr:tfrie port it, then bottle it her~. His last two Compton High teams have been undefeated. posting 32-0 and 30-0 records and he has won 82 of his last 83 games with the Tarbabes. ·~~~~~~~~~~~ In 12 years al Compton he has won IO league crowns. I I is a The Belted GTW safety belt on wheels The Bel ted GTW Is tl'MI longeat-mli.a§Je hlgh-petform- 1nce highw•y tire we've ever put on wlMMIL A "fely fl bf!rglass tw in.b911 under \hi tough, Duragen• nit>Wr tread shields ag1in11t punclures •nd blowoulL Fwll Nygen ~ cord plies -Ganer•!'• patented proc111a nylon cord t -add lo powerful perform11nce. Famoos, dnp, dual lrell4 design gi'lftl aure stop-and-90 trac• lion. Ofstrncll'l'e, lhrff whit• ring 1id1w1ll 11ts U aparl 1ST. '"· 1(£, ... fll . ... u ... . .. ""' .... l L TAI '"' "'' ~·· ""' "' "' "'" •• "" •• •• TllE) 11 .. IC 7 .. :U I 14 41.M 2J.4$ 111.10 1•0.10 2.•1 "'·'' 7.75 114 "ll.1J 2•.11 1H .OO 1•1.24 J.5C CJl·1C 1.211 IC 54.15 21,JJ 211.00 ,,.,,. 2.IS M71·14 '·'' t 11 10.45 ""' 241.tO 111.M. :r.•t F71·15 7.15115 •t.l5 2•.11 llt.OI 141.24 2.•S Cll·1 5 l.lS1 15 14 JS l 7.J1 )It.GO 154.24 2.iZ Ml .. 15 ,_,5 t 15 10.•s >0.22 241.IG 111 • .)C 2.15 Jl1·15 I .IS l 1 f II.It tc.4S 275,11 20li.JO l .GZ ll l·IS s.u. lS 71.S5 55,71 llf .l'O 21'.14 3.D~ "" 1.0CIJ IS I I.II ll.17 2Jt.M 2".lt 2.IJ P lus sti le 1nd/C>f toc1I 11~e5 f'riced 1$ sllown 1! General Tirl st0<es. Compelillve!y priced 11 Gener1I Tire df11 l•rs displ1yin1 tile Gen111J •i1n. • Ouralon cover for ion9, cut-tree lite • Energi zed "PB" center gives great distance • Ultra·hiilh·tension .;,,,,. 3 for s13 3 ALL WEATHER SPO ATS JACKET • Ideal lor 1111 outdoor ectivilies • Hlgh-viaibilily yellow vinyl Is rainproof, windproof • Ont size fits an 99" COAST GENERAL TIRE SIS W•t lt th Cost• Me11 540-511~46-5033 GUARANTEED ADJUSTMENT 1 A11inlt 11-h •All iltSI l ,...iM .,.tits e A11i111t WM'lnMMhill Dt l1et1 ellf• limit 1t1 Miles •Apinst C1l1 •Acli'llst P'u11d11'" 1A11!11st Mlf•MI 111ttets 111!1 Limit .,. ltl1!'ttl\a General'• P•rformance Guarani" Is based on your original Cost. If t oy n•w Gene r1I l ir• flils In notm11 pll· se<11er ctr "'""· WI will ~ther re1>11lr It fl'fll Of ch1r11 or n1pl.c1 It wilh t new Ge!let"1I lin ef like QUlloly at 1 price b.ned Ol'I th• pu~1 cost of lhe 1u1r1n!Hd tire f•ller ditel..,t tltol' lr~i" al"'-'c:ts « d'-tnt Ind Stele Mid lcetl l1•e!) l'QUi,1le 11t lo l l'le P•rcent111 of lt1!1d deptb Ylold, pl11s Stilt tnd local llX.L Cl1lm1 11111sl IM .s11bmitted lo '" 111!h orlred O.nerll Tire Dealer « Stott with ""' ori1in1I pvrct11s.r's invoke . GOOD AHYWH EftE IN TlfE U.S.A. H°""'9d bt Centr•l Tire 0.lltrs •lld Stcfts IKtOSS 11'1e nat.on. AVERY GENERAL ·TIRE SERVICE 16941 IMch l lyd. H11nth\1t on l each '47·51$0 GENERAL TIRE SERVICE 1m ''''4th Santa Ana 5434 126 ·'------•l lllllll A\FTO .. oumD NIOHWAY INETT COllMITTEI-----· " • ' I Tl S< .• pi U/ , tc n c " • b d Ci u of "' at St al K• of di " ca pi ce er ce th ya loo sa th le: no sp di tic M se E< a Jc lo> pr / l l ] F• se in D· "I• ni y, \Vj lh gc "I " hi er w . el Iv nc fr, W• lo gc n. I Si "' Ill , I ---------- Tutsar, M'1 :!O, IM DAILY I'll.OT Jl Hotel Sues RFK Unit For Bill LEGAL NOTICE Who Reads the Stars For the Stars? LOS ANGELES (UPI) The Ambassador Hotel, where Sen. Robert F. Kennedy was ····-···· ·········--:···········--· ....... ···-••• _as~~.is 5Uing his-cam- paign committee for an $8.S,ln.I unpaid bill, plus 7 percent in- terest. The suit contended Ken.. nedy 's campaign organizalions contracted last June for "hotel accommodations, services and goods." but that no part of the bill has been paid, despite demands for the money . The suit was filed in Superior Court April 18 as a closed aU.achmcnl and made public Monday. A report in- dicated the county marshal's office attached a Kcnnedf campaign account at the United States Nalional Bank. The man in charge of paying off the deficit left al Ken· nedy's death -estimated at about $500,000 to $600,000 -is Stanley Caidin, a Les Angeles attorney and trustee of th e Kennedy campaign committee of California. Caidin, named as a defen- dant in the Amba ssador's suit, said earlier this 1nonU1 the campaign expenses are being paid ot:f to creditors at 33-I/3 cents on the dollar. LEGAL NOTICE ....... ca•Tl .. ICATI °'" COilNUTio. ..... TtANIACTIOlll ff IUll"all UMM:t "ICTITIOU' Mt.Ml THI VNDEllSIOHll) COlll"CMl:ATtoH ... ...,.,.arttf't fMt Jt It~"' I """"-~ .t m Welt 1MI """'' N..... IMdl. C:.llfwnll llllMI" Wiii fie· ttt!IM firm -flt I M I" I t I! .Johnsoti in National Gallery U,, T....... l!l~Gl"llilllNG 1111 1t1et Mid firm It '*""'9d flt "" "'"... _,..,left, • wllos& lll'ln<INI llltct cf --i. .. follows : The fi rst painting of former President Lyndon B. Johnson to be placed on exhibition at the Smithson- ian Jn stitution's National Portrait Gallery was un- veiled at recent ceremony. The po~rait was done by Am erican artist Peter Hurd of San Patricio, N. M. and ls executed on wood panel in egg tempera. Participating, from left are Charles Nagel, gallery director; Hurd, and S. Dillon Ripley, Smithsonian secretary. WOLVlltlNE W I!$ TI It N COit· POltATION, •S WMt 1Mi Strwt, N.-t liMdl. C1llf1Nol1, WITNISS 111 ._. "'la 29tll tit!' 91 M MI, IHt. !COl'JllOl'llt 1111) WOLVElllNE WESTlllN COlt~ltATION Johll L. ~ "'-! .... ------------------------l'TATI ~ CM.IFOINI,\ ) COUNTY oP' OltAHOIE I IS. On lhll Ufll dl't « NtlL A.D. ,..,, W--#olllfll M. Dliml 1 ltmrv Caidin said at that time creditors "by and iarge" ac-One cepted the payments o{ one- thirii the full amount. Job Gone~ Another I l"ubltc: 11'1 lfld' W ullll C-1V ft Stt1t, reilofl,.. l'Mrel11, tlUIY C1tM1i.ioit111 ~ n ·~ --91Y __,.. JMft L ,............ ._ "' -"' .. tflt .. ,.., clwll flt ,,.. c..""""""' ... ,_,... ... wtlh .. ~tfllillhllr•h-"The grim fact is that when you lose your candidate. your local support goes," Caidin said. ''\Vith the assassination, the California committee was left with deblS and defic its and no funds ." The committee has sponsored various fund-raising dinners since the assassina - tion, including ones at which Mrs. Rose Kennedy, t h c senator's mother , and Sen. Edward M. Kennedy spoke. Robert Kennedy was shot in a pantry of the Ambassador June 5, moments after his vic- tory speech in the California presidential primary. Morse Hints He May Run For Congress Administration Cuts Out Some, Creates Others -·-fMr..ift """""· .... •dla:•• ..... ... ,. -ltll't llldt --•llM --.. _. 111 WffMll Whlfwt, I lltw ht""""9 111 ""' Nlld 1Pld 1flbtM '"" tilflcltl _, tht d.., •rid w .. r In ft!!• cwt'lflufit flnt 1tlrtt WASHINGTON (AP) \Vhile the N i x: o n ad· ministration talks about taking politics out of the Post Office, more and more jobs •are being created in other departments that could be used r or patronage. Jn the past month, the Agriculture Department has gotten authority to create 20 new positions in the Farmers Home Administration. A department official said frankly the jobs are of ''political inte rest .'' "\Ve wanted them available but we don't have any plans right now lo fi ll them," he sa id. t>.1ost other C a b i n e t authority to create five ney,· The department ofiiclal a.aid was being demoted. It also =l•l. st:ALl jobs, was the only other agen-the jobs could mean "almost denied that Thurmond had Mu .. M. t11at11 'ed th " decJ 'ned thin " b t th ythin lo d 'th lJe t' la Noltry P'llMk-c:.llfWMI cy · qoer1 a~ 1 to any g u ere were 1n g o w1 n s ri.7 Prlfw:JHI omcs 111 say how many more it was no plans now to fill any of Ing fortunes . ~:~°"~':.. Eu1r11 seeking. them. -.,"'' n. 1m The JusUce Department had Although numerically small. LEGAL NOTICE ri,:::. ~ ,.,...,..w 53 positions b efore in-the increase in potential T-4n» ~--,_::-~,... • auguration, now has 60 and patronage po.sitiMS is OC· NOTIC• TO c••DITOtS ~ c.llfwW,... t oth ti h SU .. •lllOlt GOUltT o .. THI T•h (114) ..... wan s an er. curring at the same me t e STATI o" CALl"o•N•• POil .,.,....._. er.,. co.it e.1w '"""' These figures appear to be administration is trying to end THI COUNTY o" 011,. ... 1 Mn ,. 11. 20. 11, 1M ....., the firmest, but presumably the ag~ld tradition of han· £111i. o1 ~:::C.': £L1U..IETHJ------------ll because Of their political ding out postmasterstUps as PiNUJ°/.c~°i~'~i•E•Y 01.,.1H '° i11t1 ____ LE_G~AL==N~OTI-C_II: ___ 11 nat.ure the numbe~ of S<;bedu~e political p1~s. ~-:1:::--..:.,:-111~~",i::."":~~ u•·•• C Jobs at any given time 1n Under a bill now before Con-Hlcl dectclitnt ire '""1'• 1o t11t '"""· ::!t'~.0~~ 1~ any given department may de-gress the postma$ter general w1t11 t11e MC•lllrv _,..,.., '" t11e lfllu "lllVA'rl U.LI t of ftM cltnt 91 tlle tboYe lntltlld CDUrt, If .... &-l1711 pend on who's counting. would select postmaster can-to Pf'lltl'lt them. w1111 "" ntc-•rv s-1or ce11rt of 111e '"".,, C:.lltlrftll The Pentago f r i tanc dill t f ... llOl.ll:htl"I. '° ,.... ~ne11 it 111 1rvsr for "" Coun1Y of or._ "' "" _..., " . n, o ns e, ~es rom u1e recom-dtNrlmlnt, secu1111TY "Ac1,.1c ,..... tlht Etf•to of 11091111 L.. ltATTO reported to the House Post Of· men ·0ns of review boards TIOHAL •ANK. 231 E••' co1orMto o.c...... ,. f• and c· ·1 S · Co . • . lou11Y1rd, .. n .. M, C1lllorrt11 t1111, Notlc. II IMftW tlftll llllf h let 1v1 erv1ce m-wit ent and ability and on-w111e11 11 """ '*"' of ••• .i • tltnltnW w11t 11eH at .. ...,. ..-.,. -mittee last September tha~it ] . criteria, IN>dlr•ltned In •II mettitn -''~'"' "' ..n.r 1111 ltlh ,..,, flt """'· 1,., 11' h : I . . fhl nl•le fll 11lcl ftc.llden!, wlttllll '-'fie. M MILAN M. DCITAL. AfWMy 11 ha~ 75 Schedu e C Jobs 1n the The slow but steady In-::;r,i:.-1t11r tht 11rst 1111blkttlon .,, 11111 Law. Sulh ... un1on ..,. '-"'· • office or the secretary of ..-... .,.. in available political c111c1 MIY t '"' so.. Main ''""· or.ne.. c......., • d f d th t ._,............ • · Or11t111 lttfit !If C1llftrnllo, ti t11t 111-lletf e ense an 0 ers seater j'obs comes to light -perhaps Sl!:CU ltlTY llACll'IC NATIONAL Ind btlt blclder ............. • •• b h f h IAMIC. t Ntlloftel I I ft k In I ti !Ion bl' ~· lwtrlor Cwf't -• 1n 1.ue ranc es o t e sery ~--coincidenlally _ as Presidi!nt AaKI•''°" .~r;:, 1111e .;: '"""'' .,, Mid 0.:.:: It reports no chang~w 1n Nixon reportedly is being urg-!!'~111•"~r~i!.~!1; 11"" flrM of .. "' •M 11t.,. rWtt, ""' any _but the Navy whl . shows eel by advise.rs to pay more al· EKecutor o1 ttit w111 =..:..~ .::1 .... ~ :..:'11 ~ EUGENE. Ore. (UPI) -an mcrease fr~m in the tention to party politics. T•YLo:. :'.:r.c;111111Md 11ecdtnt. or ethtl'W1M, .,,..,. tJ1e11., 111 """""' .. Fonner Sen. \Vayne Morse reJXlrl to Congr to 23 now. al h ~-bl 411llfllfll""""11.. :::".O:ldt. ~ C:..."I: C ~ seems ready to th row his hat NO PLANS 1t also says Air Force . There so as uccn gru~ • :,::-,.~ .... C•llf. ,..,, 1ttu111M 111 tM c11v If 1111 c...,,. in the ring once again. Although they could be used wants five mo e positions that ing among some Repubhcan T•h 111n f.M.nn ~'::11~ ::=...':"w=..~::r:it; members have asked for and received Civil Service Com· mission authority to create new jobs with fat paychecks that can be f]ljed at th e secretary's whim. 'The outspoken 0 reg on for patronage there is no in· would brin t eve n with the congressmen that there •!e ·~~-o~!::"'rc.oa,1 c111y Piiot, Lot »"' •lodl s"' Tr.ct Ne. ut " Democrat saidMondayhewas dicaUon of any plans now to Navy. too many Democrat1cM•Y4.13.~.n.u" '"°" ::r,::i.:_..~1~ ~:; "leaning very heavily to run· use more than a handful as a holdovers, that not enough LEGAL NOTICE Mt1~U11M0111 Mll>t., recom ot cnunt" ning for the Congress for the political device. PO~IT NS LISTED jobs are going to Republicans :m%:nnr:·k~~~:: 1~11=:;•Ai!::: Fourth District.'" The i·obs 1·n questi'on fall Civil Service Com· and that when they do the P·UU7 dro, sin CJemtnle, c1111ernt1.1 · · t d · · I Cl!ITll'ICATa O" IUllM•I• Term• al Mle aM In !awfVf """"'flt He sai'd he \vould annouAcc under two categories known as m ton however says ll has mos eservtng congress1ona .. 1cT1T1ous "AM• "" un11.ci ''""' G11 cenfl'-"• • ..-. within 30 days whether to do Schedule C and Noneareer Ex-ff schedule C po~itions listed R~pu3licans are not being con-~uc1r,::r•;1\:.,":;"..,!-,,c.~ •= ;'j~ :..".Zcii~:'..:nc1~ •""="~== that or run for the ecutive Assignments or NEA. for the office of the secretary su te · '°''' MeH. c1111orn1t, under 1111 th> 1111 111e ......m • .eld. T111 ~ flt An · dJ · •• t t lllloul flm'I Mme of II.AUN I lmoo.lf'll bid lo M "-! ... wftll bhf, .governorship, but he added NEA posts cover the so-caU~ of defense and lhat the Navy m cation uia more a · ASSOCIATES 11111 !hit 111d 11rm 1t tor'l'I-11c11 w _.,.to M In wrttlnt .iMI "'' "both opt;ons are o""'n . ·• He ed su~•grades 1·n the General had increased six not nine. tention will be paid to the PMtd ot 1111 to11ow11t11 --. ...,_ 119 "'"''"" 111111 ....,_.,IMC!' 11...,, ,.,~ r-, ' . . ,.."'" In 11111 1..cl pltcn rtf rnlftM9 .,., flf'l'lll 1'11tr tM flnt ~ llttW t1111 said he would first confer with Schedule or GS scale and car-The lnler1or Department political area came several n 1o11ow1: blfottl ~of wte. his "many advisors." ry salaries between $20,000 shows an increase of 19, but days ago with reports that c!,~11::,. M. 1••un. 1'1' 11'"1n1 PL. O.t•M't::~f·c~'t!t..r ?lforse, 68, servecl in the and $30,000. Schedule c covers an official there says it Is only Nixon had changed top Peter Mt 0r1n, tn w. "'"'"'' st., 1... Adrl'tl111str11ot, CTA . d t h he liti I troubl shoot •tewood °' Ille "''-'• " Senate for 24 years where he the GS15 level -$19,780-and a paper increase an al po ca e ers. 011n A,,.11 u. lfff. Hid~ was that body's most bitler down. · know~ ~f only !Our reque~-to The 29-year:<>ld John Sears, ~!:!~~11•r1un ~:'.~=~•::;.!•'· critic of the Vietnam war. He Beside s Presidential ap-the C1v1I Service Comm1ss1on a former Nixon legal col-STAT• Of' CAL1,01N1A i • s.. *"'....., was narrowly defeated for re-pointments, the two categories Since January for authori ty ta league, WhO had been the top COVHTY ,OI" LOS ANGE L•S ) II r.:,i;;.?:: W . b \Vhit H f J" f °" A#<.I n. 1"'' titttre '"'• • P'lll•rY f'vbltlMll or c..t Dll• '"' clcclion last November by are the ma,in avenue fo r hiring create new JO s. e ouse man or po itlca "u1111e In 1M1 tar Hlf '""' ,..._11., Mn If ,. 9!ld ;r-,,.. " • Robert Packwood, who at 36 is· ::ind firing at will, skirting civil He added , however\ that one Jea~ue, who had been the lop ::;::~,.:u'.!'" 1MM..t1 ·~-1111 ~ "= ' LEGAL CE ""' now the youngest senator. servic~rules that protect most of these was to name an e:ic-White House man for political w1m1 ... ,,_ ·~ 1ut.u1Mtt i. 1111 w1111111 Non If fl.1orse ran for Congress other. government employes. ecutive director of the affairs, reported I y was ~~ .. nt -~--Kkllowlldttd llltll' 0 ·1--===--=--=--ll 7 .....,,.,. _,,_ IU .. •lllOll COUllT ... T'M• from the Fourth District, he Tlie Hou sing and Urban Bi~e1ntenni<tl Commissio 1 od. 11 dem 0 otedt and replaced by Har· corrF1c~~~E~~'c.n.,.... 1TATI' °" uu,. • ..., would challenge Medford at-Development said its NEA and suppose you wou ca ry en . ""''rv roubuc. c1111tn111 "0• TNI COUJfTY °'MAIM• . ~-tomey John [)cl!enback, who .1~chedule C positions have ir.-that political," he-said. Dent is a former South Lit""''"' Cour1111' NOT1c• o' U.Lll o' •t•L "R f d . I l . . t . . lh C 1· R bli My Cemm!ullirl E"'lr11 Pl•IONAL P-IOTY AT POIVA 0 I term l·n J9AA <r•ased rom 86 to 95 an 11 n er1or 1s re a1n1ng c aro 1na epu can st a J e ''"· -, 1rn won a sec 11( ·7' "' . •• I) 1 .. lit! SALi ... ... UMIT l,Y ... after serving in the Oregon wants six more, authority granted during the chairman and a former aide to ..;.~b1:f":'nc1 °~~ .. cr~·~ ~:, tis-• MINISTIAT'O"' P•O•A'r• coo1 ••C. }louse of l~eprcseniatives (or l·lealth, Education an d previous adm inistration . to that state's Rep u b I l ca n1c:...:...c...c,-::,=-c:---::::=:::::---I r~•':.,.114~ .,, 1111 ••tet1 ., six years. ,I Welfare had 84 posit ions, now name six people who would senator, Strom Thurmond. LEGAL NOTICE MA1U01t1E o . .,OE, o....1111 Should Morse ;lt:' for has 95 and is asking for more ha ve lhe title o( special assis-The White House confirmed T;;i1• ..!?~~c:~,=Y J~':.= !;~ governor .. he ~·ould hallenge but won't say.how ma.ny. lant to the secretary -field that Dent would be play;ng a NOTtc• TO c••DtTO•• "" w11 lflMIClll flf Mlrlwfil o, ...., su .. •ltlOlt COUltT Ofl THI deolnld, •Ill .en II ..nv.1t ......... Republican Tom t>.j,CCall. 'Transportation, which got representative. greater role but denied Sears 1TAT• °" CAL1.,oaN1A "Oil 111111111 11111 ..., blfdtr, ....,. lht _,... _ _.:c_ _____ .:,_ _______ ..;_ ______ ..;_ __ '-----------"-----------T"• COU"TY Of' OU.NO• •Ill c.Mdm.. '!9'-N,,_ .....,......, t111i ... ·-IT C OYDEO iWllct ... '*".17Mfien W h ..... rtll' Everybody's Welcome .. Siamese cat named Mimow in Vancouver , Wa•h. nurses three ,foundling skunks along with her own Jitter of newborn kittens. l\1imow's O\vner, Mrs. Stan· ' -· ... ley Snodgrass, plans them de-scented. to keep trio atter havina h l1te M MAI.GAR. • • C.Urt, Wlltltfl 1111 flrN ...... ~ llw, II °""-.4. tlw ""'°' "' lturwlt&. NvrwWI 111111 MOTICE IS HIEl.llY GIVIN ti tM ._ ._.,,.,,. .... •If ........... cndl'-cf 11'19 ffD¥t MllW4 .... /If 91 ot' J1nd $trflt ,........ -11191 IM --111¥1fte CltllTll -""' tilt Cl"'9n'll;: 111 Ille rr.rit: nf1t .... """'-t Hid ~ .... NllUl1'911 19 file ltl9rft, .,... nt.t. Wllot !flt ...... ti Metttrtf M'lth fl'll MCHllf'I' lllMfllrS. Ill h .,. 0 ...... lltecNMcl, ,..., W ........ f1f rlc9 flt lht dint M fM 1-. _...., IN « otlitf'WIM, ~INf ..... 111f1 w c:wrt ... ti ....... """"· Wllll ... ,,.... .. •ltloll ti tNt "' ... ....,. .... MO' ~ 1'11 IN .............. It .. tl!nt !If Nf' i11t1t1. Ill 1M ti tMf _...,. lfll(ll 91 Altrltl . D. WI I I I 1 m1 , l'MI tlld ~I.........,..,, llMtlllll Ill 11!9 """""' IUt Ent Sfft NlflonJI; Dr1¥1, Clty fll ~ h9dl, C-.., flt ...._ IMdl. C1!itwftll tal07, wllkft 11 Ille Ort,,.., St ... ef C.llfllr11 ... t1111 ...,._ .._. fl i1111Hm1 fll tht VM11r119111d 111 n folll'lll: .ti -llln ""t1111l119 1'11 Ille tstllt ol Tiie ~I ..,_,., ~ •If ......,.,, wlllll11 1911r !Mftlllll lffitr t1r"t1. dr-. ,..,,........,.,, WMfllr, IN rlnt •11utl0ft II' 11111 llfllC•. d't'r, dllHMI MW I •otldtt, .,. .... t.5. 1.... .. .. "" '"' .......,,., It •IMttill .. ,,... llkl'l.,.11 C lt•dtr ,...t'ftftl L1111, """""'*. ll9dl, Adnllnl1tr'-r If tht lllllt If Ctlltomlt, Md M mote ,..,,....If oe.crio.d 11 fol'llWt: • tllt •Wv• Mlnld -..111 Lii .. Tritt ...,., .. .., ... Al.flt D D. WILllAMI ,_dM Ill ... 1J'I, ..... & # M 1111 •llf IWI _.,... o..... • flt M!1etl1111McM MMt, ._. flt r.:':' cri:--~~i •r 0n"'' ·c ... ~. c1Mrw111 •. """""" .., Mrrllllllfl'Mw S\lb[Kt ti. Cllf'nM ._. ...._.., P''*fl"'" O!'ll'lf' COl1t 0.Hy "llol _..,!""?!_..._~ ,.~ ,_, ....... ""4'11 tt 11111 ,,.., f, 13, tel lfff .,,..; rltlltt. r..,.. fl ...,, IMllMlilt Miii • • ' ltt!111 *""""'-"' '""""' 'flit "'""' ""' tl!lllm..t • ""' .... LEGAL NCYI1CE &N: c.11~ 111 11wt111 "*"" flt 1111 un1tet1 'l-----,==:-----lllt'9s If NMrta; Tift (1._I ~ If IAll•lUI' Ille _, lllllf ti Kt.OrflMl9r .... lffW NOTIC• TO CltlO!TOltl llW 1M Mllncl ti lie "Ill WI .,._ SU .. l!lllOll COUIT Ofl TH• lltrnatltn If Ml9 W 111t Qtwt, T--. ITATI 0, C .. Lll'OINtA 11'01. r'lnla. ...... lllld _...,... -TH• COUNTY 01" OU."I• _,., IM tf'llllhl!Tll WI IMw-.e. ,.., """"' ~ "' ... ~ thllf ....... IE'tltM It NICIC (NllCOLAIJ SIMO\lt(H, ,..., " flt h .... fl .......... """"" flt DlaHH, ..... "" .... ,......., .. '"""' ..... ... MOTICIE IS HElll~IY GIVIN I• 11M flt WlliafW .... ...,, ""' ..,,._ crM~ flt tht tbt¥1i "*"* ~I ""'1o llllJI M II .. ._ flt 11M 11111 111 --111¥1M cllltnt -IN! Ille tl11fe. . •If dlCWlllol .... ~ ti "" !fWm, ,.,. ""' ,.,,.._....,.. -..... Wl'ltlllt Wiii! 1111 -lll'Y ~ "' ftlt! Olfkl .,., Wiii be ,...,... .......... "' If "" c~ 11 Ille 1t1o11o1 111t111fd court. Hltlt'Wflt. ~ tftlf • ..,,.,., "' It ... _, """" w!tll Ille lltUIMFY lanwn for llkf ...,,,llllstrltw, It <It --awn, 1t fM ~ 11 Ille ltf)C9 :bnll lntf, M....-! llMdt, ~ 11 of""' 11ttrnt¥. Gii.ALO M. HILIY, 1'11 lft'l'ltfM llfW h ftnt Mll&c .... flt tNf $t. l'Klllc c.oe.i NllbwllY, klltt W, ~ Md ........ ..,.._ If .... ..... ...... hKIC C."9flrllll "'"· Wllldl .. • .... """ It ,_,... ti ... "" -lht atH9 It MIW It tM ldlllll'llto• Ill .._ - t!I -tttn -'11111"' ti tht ftlolt flf .. Id DATED: -""II 11, lttf, ~. Wlllll11 ..,.. "*""" llffitr ,,.. J. c. ~ ff(tt ~, ..... 11\M llCltkt, Mrltol ...... .. 0.. Mr1 1'-1Nt. 1119 ...... Wiii h Wlll O.llM Oltt llrnC1¥ldl ~If....,.•· ,.., Ml'lllllbfflll'fll .. "'-£111i. o.tt ..... If tht lbotlt Mmld ftctdltot NUl.WITJ. NURWln ... ltbllR ••llALD M. "ILIY, .... 1111 ...... I. MMO•alf ,....,,.., • "" ~ ........... •• h• 1'11 ... ft9dllc c.t ,,,......., .. -.. ....... ~ '""-.. "'""""' ..... ~ .. • ....... ••II. (:1tfw'IN '"" T•1 (ri4) --l~~"".:..1.111l11 ~ .. °1.'?'., rrn.,,, ,r: .. Ubl!lllM Or-CMll' 0.llY "lllt, U, IP. 1• .. M1~ tt. t7 1M1 JllM I, 10, Ifft t7Mt ,,A r4. .. It's Sydney Omarr And now th is articulate writer who hes been coiled the "estroloqer's·est rologer" reads tne stars for you. Sydney Omorr, lon9.1im1 perso nel estrologer to many of Hollywood's end the literery world's most lemous stars, is o DAILY PILOT columnist. Om1rr's record for accuracy cf preaictions besed on estrologic1l enolyt i1 is •111ozing. Whether you reed estrologlcel forec ests for fun or •so serious student of stor-gezin9, you'll enjoy Sydney Ometr' s aoily ~olumn in tho • DAILY PILOT • • .. ' • • • • • • -. • ~ ' • I· l I •""-"""" .. _.,....,.,,... __ .,"""'"".,"""''"""'""""""'""'~ll"'~"!"'~~~":""r,!'!~=~~..,""''""""'ll'l""""=:io:=~:-::====::'!"!~:"l:T."'::"::":':7.-:>.,-;-:-..:·:-:.1:.:::::-.. ~.c::::.-:-.:-;:.:::_-;;--.. .:,.. .. -._ •• -··· ..... •• ..... ··-"' .... ~ .... _,,->-•i-·....... ----·.....-· .................. .._ .. ~ ..•... - I .. ,. ' ·-2! DAil Y PILOT .• ' J • _; ·~ • t·tltSdlJ, May 20, l'Wf • --. HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE -''' . Gtntral 1000 General .-1000 .Geneti l----·---tOOOGt1ftl'.tf----1000-Geneiil 1~~;;;;;;;;;1;;:;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;; 1000 GoMrai 1iiii·G.norot -·1000 <;tner1I 1000 HOUSES FOR SALE 0.neral 1000 DUPLEX WITH 63/4°/01 [n Newport Heights tu'Ca ~ spacious & t lC'an, 1 bed: room unils with privatl yards. , WJdlt . 10 .shop~i~l from this quite lrl'e lln<-i street. Owner willing to nance at 6%. '* -$23,JOO. ,J THE REAL \'.'\. ESTATERS ' I • " I ')] THE SEARCH ENDS HERE ~-·Phone Anytjme 546.2313 • 646.7171 FAMILY SPECIAL Popular model with ex- tra large famlly room & ~eparate living room. Carpets & dr~pcs & dc- lLLxe cove~ patio - Great loca tion for kids TIME'S .up Make Offer . IN COSTA MESA · No\v under construction SEVEN CUSTOM HOMES from $28,575 ~ WITH SUCH FEATURES AS: • Fireplaces • 4 Large Bedrooms e VA & FHA Financing • Wood Roofs • 20 Year Guarantee Dishwashers • Oversized Lots e Roman Tu~s & Showers • ln Prime Area RAMBUN' ROSE 5 4padous "bed~i:ns, twin baths and aeyone can air sunie the low• Interest Joan itt 5% % total P!\Yments 11'- cluding ta.~es of $!34.00, Bet. ter than new condition. new carpets, just painted, remod. eled baths and alley access. All tor $21,500. -Farr&W- .. ORAN.GE COUNTY'S LARGEST 2?J E. 17th St, 646.-4494 iRviNi eovi Spacious & lovely, 3 Bedrooms & 3'h Baths, Den & formal dining room. Expensively decorated home G~ND ·CLOSING U1Jit II RANC~Q LA CUESTA has only 5 homes left. Model& are open for you to tom 10 AM to 7 PM. 1 & 2 story, 3 & 4 bed· room homes· with 2 or 3 baths, Mission tile or shake r.oof,· fireplaces, concrete driveways, heavy rough cut beams, built· ins, family & dining rooms. , Such a beautiful price range ... $24,995 to $34,200 with VA or ConventiOnal · fmancing as low as 10% down . 80% or 90% kians at 7.2%. Each succeeding unit cost more» so take advantage of these prices. HURRY! RANCHO LA CUl:SlA HOMES ACRE • UPPER BAY NEWPORT B E A C H. Two bedrooms; 1 % ba.th plus guest-room • oUering country atmosphel'e and a home for your horse. Owner has ar· chiteetural plans to ren1odel and enlarge into a rambling ranch home. Why fighl lhe crowds • Check thjs proper. ty'6 numerous possibilities. Priced under surrounding homes at only S71.IXXI - SHOWN BY APPOINT. f.1ENT . Evl.'ni ngs Call 548-:1775 • I ' ti " "For A Wise Buy" ,; Colesworthy & Co~; " 6~2-7TI7 . · 1 and pets -$26,950 -II•""""""""""""""""~ I Yo" "' tho term" MESA DEL MAR e ·PLUS MUCH MORE in exclusive Irvine CoW!, Just a rew feet from privale Community beach. On Brookhurst •t Atlant• • ~ , 968-2929 Huntington Beach -A-,-,-um-e 53/4 FHA Loa•, Only $141 Per Month". Includes eveljlthing. Truhi great i~ this 4 bedroom, •1 I.lath sparkler •,...ith room l~ boa1. or trailer! It has , ·'· ALL BUILT JN KITCJ-lEf'i~ Plush carpets wi!h drape1 1hroughoul! \Vann USE~ BRICK FIREPLACE! Neu new location! LONG PATIO area! Lovely landscaping ,4 sharp lhroughout sh o ,., ' really WVING CA RE! ~ ONLY $21.900. R-2+ HOME . $18,000 SELECT YOURS NOW & CHOOSE YOUR COLORS & STYLES BcauLlful yard & pool $83,700 Call: John Abell F ix-Up For real bargain hunl· ers. This is fl chol~c. Eastside location. Bi g R-2 lot with clean 2 Bdrm home at rear of lot -_at this pri<'i! the home is practically free. 4 BJls, Enjoy living on a quiet 6tree.t Beautiful ash panelling in living & fan1 lly room, built-ins. firt'plare, Yes, we have a trade-in program nice lru-ge back yard. Ask· f • f • II ing only S27 .!f.)() • good finan· Of lft Ormat1on C:Q RO'. 613-13651 .;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. HARDWOOD FLOORS Pacesetter Sou nd 4 bdrn1with11ee<l for some cleaning and painting. AU elect. bl1· ins. covered patio and roomy 1 i v i n g area. Make cash oUer. 2807 Europa. MESA DEL MAR 5 BEDROOMS The cleanest, neatest home in this top area. J\11 tile kitchen with electric built-ins. Room for boat or trailer. Look- ing for 2300 sq. ft. that sparklt>s:' -This is it at $37,950, try 10',,., dO\Vfl, NEWPORT SHORES Artisttc brick work makes this 3 bdrm.. 2 bath the most attrac- 1 live home in the area. f.1-ust see outdoor cover- ed entertainment area with gas BBQ. Roo1n for boats or campers + 2 car }2.:arage $33,950 10'% do\VI). cing. 1860 N<WPorl Bl>d .. CM ~ COATS & WALLACE REALTORS Rill' . .,._3928 Eve. 6#l655 C 1491 BAKER STREET *LACHENMYER I w 5464141 OWNER'S LOSS · ·COSTA MESA, CALIF. YOUR GAIN. Near new fully ~lll!!!!!!!!~!!!!!lll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![!!'!~!!!!!J!!!!!!!!!!'IJ!!!!I RECONDITIONED Govcl'n· '! · F meol "'""'"'""" ;, c.,,,, PANORAMIC WESTCLIF M"'. ""'' """'· Ml p,;,,. ~ . VIEW $41, 950 $28,950. Only $1250 full dn pymnt, with" lo\v int VA loan for non·vets or vets. CALL 540-1151 ror full details. Heritage Real EstatC' (open eves). $20,950 ·WOW! "Apple Pie" order. King si1~ ed bedrooms, drcain lcitC'h· en, built • in appliances. Hand!!On1c s n a e k bar. Sprinklers, boat gate. 540.1120 TARBELL 2955 Harbor of Catalina, San Clement and almost Hawaii, it's spectacu.. Jar aOd only four years old, an immaculate 4 bedroom home in a real pl'estige area, It's a "must see" at only $37.500. ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 6464494 VA Repossession LIDO SANDS 3 DR 2 bath home reder.orn· 3 Bdrms. 2 Baths A 'truly charming home, load. ed \\'ith extras. A !arge bri. ght living room \\•ith beam. cd ceilings and ntassive us- ed brick fireplace. Nice tam. ily roon1 looks out lo lovely enclosed patio. Bright sunny kitchen complete with over- size service room. Huge becL roon1s! Extra large lot for privacy, A home \l'ith lots of charn1 and \l'armlh, Our exclusive. S u b m i t your smaller horn(' on our guar. antcc-sale plan. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES led & reconditioned. .r.!8,950 Community Pool. rn,ooo CLOSE TO · $µ50 down • no loan COlit George Williamson or escrow charges, 30 year REAL TOR 2043 \\lestcliff Dr. Walker & Lee BEACH fin. Va cant. CALL NO\V! G~ ,350 6"7711 O E PWC 546-S440 .... ·~.,,.,.....,,.',.",.·1,.56!!4!!E!!·!!ve!!s. ro-. pen ves. The Jandsca.ping, color PLACE your want ad where UDO 4 BDRM . PIER & SLIP 4 BR., 31h baths; near new Spanish on 2 Jots; walled patio with large pool. Slip for 50' boat. Custom quality thruoul. $149,500 Joe Clarkson WESTCUFF· BRING US AN OFFER 1 ... ._ .. _ a PRICE REDUCED $3,000 • - Lge. 4 Bdrm., lam. rm .. d;o. ( ldw II' Ba k & ( area, 21,~ baths, elec. bll-im, 0 e , n • o. 16x23 liv. rm. POOL w/Ja. 550 Newport Center Dr. cuzzi, cpts. & drapes -owner Newport Beach Calif. le.aving area • BESI' BUY • 833-0700 6"..2430 $49.500 "C" THOMAS, REALTOR ATIENTION YACHT OWNERS P..A W, Coast Hwy 548-5527 40' Private dock adjoins prop. Ncwwrt Beach, Eve. 545-5643 erty. cape Cod style home ~4 BEDRM--$23,500 Ownel' lnJnsfcrred. 2 baths. Red brick Li.replace. Electric built-in kitchen. 2 patios. Room for boat or trailer. 54(}.1720 TARBELL 295S H•rbor HAWAII HOTEL Bay view. ldea1 for Hi-Rise, has bar/rest. S600 M, $l.50M dn. Liaison Co. 64.6-0732 has huge living room over· looking water. Cozy den with used brick fireplace and 4 large bedrooms. For appoint.. ment ca.II I 01!1\I I. Ol \O\ l"il.'Ll!C 645-0303 scheme and architecture THE QUICKER YOU CALL, THE QUICKER YOU CALL, they arc looking -DAtLY of this 3 BR. fam rm., THE QUICKER YOU SELL Tiffi QtnCKER YOU SPA. Pil.QT classified 642-5678 CHARGE your wane ad now. 2 bath J1omc has a hint ll~======='==="-"='""'======1..;:=:=;;::;;;~;;:==~=======~ TRIM & TIDY ~~~~~~~.A A 20~~ General 1000 General 1000 G•neral 1000 General 1000 On one of the· most pleasant park in the back yard. Harbor Hghts, streets; ju.st Slow traffic street. No the right side; 3 Bdrms .. down V.A., low down comfortable living room FHA. $'6.•50. Not ever·y styli.st ;~~.·:;;;;,';':·;;;.~~::r;: Condominium pleasing also; s43,500. 11arc1 to beat! 3 Bdrms + Din. Delightful 3 bedroom & • b • • d;•in• room. 2 •k• IS a , eaut1c1an. baths, refrigerator and all built· ins included. \Vork free in every way. $18.950 -$900 down FHA terms. llDDIRl'iT REALTY 2025 \Y, Balboa Blvd., N.B. 6754000 Large College Park family home on College Avr.. Walk to shopping & schools. Extra special feature; cu,s!om built family room \vith gll'~s doors to large pallo. $27,500 F/P (Veterans no down) Newport al Victori1 646.8811 MESA VERDE· $950 DOWN Here is a repossession with ext-ellent terms for the \Vise shopper. 4 bedrooms. 2 baths, separate fan1ily room, work·saving built-in kitch- en and cheerful fireplace. $34,000 Bar:~~.~:alty ~~ LEEWARD LANE This 3 bdrm 2 bath home has all the extras! Large, fuUy landscaped yard, separate fornifll dining roo1n, pane!· led fan1ily roorn 1vi th fire- place. Ki!chen has big break. fast a1'Ca + bar/counter. Note: Owner moving, price reduced to seU. 1605 \\1estc1Hf Dr, NB 645-5200 WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 2790 Harbor Blvd . at Adaim; 545-9491 Open 'til 9 PM Pool in Exclu$iY' Newport Beach'. Located near upper Newpo~1 Bay. This luxurious exeoo. live honie features a sparlc· ling 38' S\vimmlng ~ large palio, huge living room, panelled family roolti \\'ith wood burning fireplace. 4 spacious bedrooms and 3 baths. For appointment call Ideally located In walking I !!~""'""""'""'-"'"'""'!! distance to schools and shop--BAYSIDE-GA.RD EN IORISI L OL~O\ ping, This one can't last. Filled Avi!h exquisite Ro~cs. WE SELL A HOME happy Orchids, pert r.1ar· " RE:AlrORS EVERY 31 MINUTES guerites & a lush green W I k & L lawn AND handsome 3 Bl't. a er ee home. P"'><le<l d'" w/frpl., 645°0303 rm·mru dio. nn.: P~r & ---$~5~5~,~9~5-0---1 float. Sl5S,000 20-13 \VestcliU Dr. &16-77ll Open Eves. U Paint & Save Big family home • large Co- lonial 5 BR with ,Anthony pool, family room & dining room. Nearly 2900 sq ft, walking distance 1o Mesa Verde Country Club. Owner relocating ou! or area-mus! sell~ 5~6·5880 (ntar Cill!ma lheahtl LLEGE REALTY 1500 Adams al Harbor.CM. Mrs. Raulslon GOOD TERi\1!' 6 Units Close In Rllr. 642'·9730 Eves. 518·0720 Coluwell, Banker & Co. • KENNEDY 550 Newport Center Dr. Newport Beach , Can!. 1 -~T=H~E~A~T=R~l=U=M-0--I 833-0700 644-2430 By Ivan \Veil s'. Unique 4 IT'S SUNSHINE TIME bdrn1 s. 3 balhs .~· rami!y It's Outdoors Time roon1. Suprrb \'iC'w. S77.450 It's Home Buying T ime Roy J. Ward Co. , Time !o select that ricw !Bayl'rcs! Olficc l .................. ~ i :~:~ i Absolutely Beautiful Buy Of The Ye~;! dl'('am home NO\Y when S<'· 1430 Gnl<l.X~ 6·16·1550 Jcctions are in wide choice. -6-Bedfm~Colo'1ial with prices, te'hns & finonc.. Garden paradise. i\lagnifi· ing in the buyer's favrir. cen1 landscaping. Fircp.if. BBQ. 3 ba1 hs. Family rooi;n. forn1al dining room. AU eli!c. Lrir ki1ehen. 510-1720 TARBELL 2955 Harlior BALBOABA YPRO-P:- :$159.62 per month: •pays all on this clean it t3 Bdrm. home on trL"f! -. ~ned 6trect -The,. tJot is extra lan;e. _!!: 1'.Rt'tter see It no\v, ;i: 1 ........ ,,,,, ....... ...,. WANTED LARGE FAMILY Have you \\'ftntl'd a se[I-I arate lvihg for tnen- agers? -5 big bed· rooms • Dining room or den • This functional de- sign, r!'ar entrance to Baycrest, will fiU your desires • ~i<J 1,500 seems so little for so much. Phone now for shov.:ing. DOLL HOUSE Sparklin~ c:lt>Sn 3 bed- room or :.? and den home in dBJldy East.side loca- Uon. Just a fe\v steps from schools and shop. ping. $24,500 -U:>rs talk terms. $21,500 FHA or VA Thie talk of thr town, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, big 2 car jt'ara_ge, ne\v car· pets, Quiet no traffic street. -No do"'" VA or FHA terms availablr. 2 ON A LOT Home and income too! 2 Bedroon1 CO(tlplet~y remodelt'd + 1 bOOroom rental f111·nishl!d. Large lot -f\'<•"' drlvcv.-ay. Newport He.h;:ht.s arca. $29.950, I ry 10% dO\\'n, 2790 Harbor BIVll. 546-2313 1700 N•wport Blvd. ot 17th S_i 646-71 fl 1y : I!!.: REAL \. i:STATCRS Childish , attempti to make dolly look more beautiful fall far short of the mark when compared to the creetive ability which ii the tredemark of the highly trained, profession~! bea.utlcian. And ju,t as every hair stylist is not a beautician, neither i' every real estate broker e Realtor@ •. A Realtor is the "pro" of his profeition •. , schooled, trained and e•Ff!r-ienced • , . he must quelify before he is permitted to use the word Realtor. Once qualified, he is pledged to a strict Code of Ethics which demands of him the highest profe1sional standards. Buy ing and selling retl property i, not a job for other then a real r,rofessional. For fest, efficient end completely satisfying reel estate assistance, et a Reeltor ser.ve your e._.ery home bu.ying or selling need. Look for the Realtor emblem. REALTOR W EEK\-: MAY 18 T0 ,24 8 NEWPPRT HARBOR· COSTA MESA BOARD of REAL TORS -- describes this adul! occupied 3 bdrm rustic home located on cu1-0e·sac & close to everything. Must see to ap- preciate. Won't last long at this price of $26,950 WESTCLIFF Lovely 3 Bedroom hoine with den: newly painted inside & out. New draperies, new electric' oven, n~ disposal. new WRter hcatf.'t'. N!'ar \Veslcliff shopping & schools. A5klng $42,500, Call for app't. 1714) 642-8235 901 Dover Drive, Suite 120 Newport Beach $18,000 Full Pri~i - FL"!:er upper with 5'tiimming pool. 3 BR with 2 bath, large fenced lot Home in tcrri· blC' shape. needs lots or cleaning, painting etc. Call tor address. Fabulous S bdrm Baycrest home. Lovely muter suite. De- 1\gned for largl' famil)\ A home you \\ill be proud to own. Amold & Freud 388. E. 1 Tlh St., C~1 Realfofl! 646-7755 STEPS TO BEACH A·Fra.me fixer-upper; prk'ed 11.t ~.r.oo. Br\~ orff'r•:" Caywood Riiy 548.1290 6~ \\', euru;, lfwy, NB \Vaterfront • View of Cata- lina & Bay. 2 BR, 2 ha Channel Reef 'own your O\\'n' Penthouse Ap!, with Frplc . ..$62.500. Ask for: Chesler Salisbury. Rltr. 315 Marine 673-6900 3 BR 2 batli home, comer lot 130:\:.180 • add 5 more units. Drive by ];)45 Santa Ana Ave, then call :mania ittalty 642-6560 -,=-=-c~co---.---BACK BAY Beautiful aOult occupil'd 3 BR 2 bath, dining nn, cp1s/ drps, frplc. $31.950. DAVIDSON Re•lty :>'l&54ti0 Eves. 5'19·1 ~18 llDDIRl'iT REALTY 21Y15 \V, Balboa Blvd .. N.B. 675-6000 •"""";~~~~!"'"""'i NC'cds salespeople; all re· EASTSJDE plies 1'nnfidt!nl1a.I. Pl~sc call: Charming Provincial. Excel. ART GJOVINEITI 673·7420 Jent condition. 3 bedmom, 11)3 1\lcFartdcn PL, Npt. Bch. used btil·k firC'pla ce. Room --NEW.[ISTfNG-- to expand. Double garage off alley, $26,950. Can a s-Corona Jl 1~hlands; 0 (' P.,<! n sume fHA loan. view: 3 BR. 2 Ba. You oWn JEAN SMITH, the lanrl, ~·uu prlct• $14.000. Corbi11·~1arlin, RC'alto1~ 646-3255 3036 W. Cori~! Hwy., Cdl\1 400 E. 171h. Co~ta l\!f·s~ 67:>1662 ----4 BEORM-122,950- 2' baths. Family 1wn1. Cuv. C'l'C'd patio. Large yard. Wide concret(' rlrivr. Ext>('I. t1•nt -area. 540.-17:.!fl TARBELL 2955 Harbor '.\·IEDALLION HO~fES Df'I Reed Conslr. Co. Builder of Cush1111 Hoines * G42-2425 * DAILY PILOT. \VANT ADS BRING RE5UL TS! General 1000General 1000Geni!ral 1000 S@~~~-LG£trs8 Solve a Simple Scrambled Word Pu.ult-f or a Chuckle 0 Reorronge letters of the four kFQmbled words be- low to fonn lour simple WOl'ds. ISUMPAC 11111 1' l:ETEN I . I' I' I IMYCER I I I ll I Her neckline dresses are. ~::;;.;:;~;:~=~..., 1ike racing cars. Th~ hold fl VA RT A C I fOst going a round the 5-;~ I• I I I I o '-'~'· "'· 'h"'"' .;,...i _ . . •. . by f•llinq In tht Mb:.lli'lg WOf\i 'fOO develop trorn )fep No. 3 below, ~ 0~~~':1'~.~~~· LETTERS I I I I I I ] ..... -~.,,,..... ........ SCRAM-LE TS ANSWER IN CLASSIFICATION 7600 • ' I Tlltldq, M1y 20, 1'169 It's Realtor Week . . .... • ti"'' tilt ••Ml• ••ch .,.., to focu1 .ttentlon on tM ,,.f'et~lorwirty ttU~flM peOple whe li&t, ttll, r•nf, tn•n•t• eM •pp\.el1e real prop«fy * •• thei R .. ~or. \ Wh.,. you IM.y or Mii reel properly, YM :.Wili ~lw1y1 ~o llltttff by doln9 ~•Mt•• with en experi111c.:C. end quflifi.ct m1mb1r of your Newport Harb.r0 Co1ta Mew lotrd of R11ltoN. .. I'm The Kind Of Woman Who Gets What She Wants ' • • • Because ·1·m The Kind Of Woman Who's Smart Enough To Use DAILY PILOT Classified Advertising Believe me, there's nothing around our home anymore that isn't being used -because the minute I discover something is no longer needed, I seR it, while it stiH has maximum value, \hrough an inexpensive DAILY PILOT Classified Ad . That way, instead of a clutter of things we don't use, I have the extra cash that lets me have the ne~er things ••• the "extre" thin gs my whole femily enj~ys. Here's what I mean. The cas~ I got for the good clothes anCI i.-ys the children hod outgrown bought me the decorator lamp I'd ~een wanting. The musical instrument no one played p1id for a big part of our portablO stereo unit. The power tools redecorated our daughter's room. And, jont for the fun of it, the good chair that jont didn't match anything anymore look my husband and me out for a fabulous dinner 1t the fanciest restaur1nt in town. Go through your homo. Mako • list of aR the worthwhne things you find that aren't being used. (Y ou'D bo surpri .. d at tho number you tum up the first limo.) Thon, dial 642-5678 any lime between 8 a.m. end 5 p.m. 1nd give y-.llst to a friendly, oxperioncod Ad Writer. Th1t's al th.rt iS to it. It's inorpensive tool It can cost you " r.ttfe H PENNIES A DA YI _Weft, now that y,ou know my secret -isn't it time you got storied toward bettor, easier, happier roving with DAILY PILOT 01ssifitd Ads? Start being th. kind of woman who gOlnikat ilia wants todl'(I Call Now 642-5·6 78 HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOii SALE RENTALS •<NTALS RENl'ALS Ge -1 och 1200 · HouHo Fumlohod AJ!!!: Pumlohod """'"""W10ll 11~-""-r•~--..,-'-1000_ Nowport le Hunff""'" ..,,h 1400 Moo• Vorclo 2110 a.-.r· -r ·-r...-....... : 4105 HOUSES FOR SALE BUILDERS ATTENTION! Home on Ia:e. R'"2 lot adj. to qommerc. Good potential. Se U or exchange for Com- mercial. FORTIN CO. 1701-A Wl!Stclill Or., NB 6<2<rol PENIN5UtA PT, &st value! 3 Br. borne on SOXl.00' Jot. Enjoy beach liv. lng! $42,500 Bolboo 'Roal Esl•lo Co. 100 E, Balboa Blvd., Balboa 613-41., 2 STORY 5 BR '3 baths, cpts/drpa, elec- tric built-ins, shake roof. Cul-de-Sac LIST your property with confidence Lot + Back~ view, New SELL with prote ... 4 bedroom 3 bath. 75Xl.25' Jot, sionel skill roo1n for boat l trailer. THROUGH Delta Real Estate 646-4(14 YOUR BEAUTIFUL home In the REALTOR MEMBER Blutt.. Out.tandlntl Bay Huntlng1on Boach/ view , 3 Br. 3 Ba. By owner. Fount11ln V11lley 644--0TTS Listing Service ttOUDAY PLAZA--t r • AVAIL June lS lo Sept JS, 4 DELUXE, -~-'A:......r...lif IRI BR. 2 BA, blt-tns, encl f\lm. apt. M pg: uUl. VlioRllJ.lV "I" · patio, fam nn, new crpts. Heattd pool. Ample Pf.riW¥ Sm&u c:oitlle itudio, $llO Club privlleiet. Re n I No children ~ No pets moqth Jnc1uclts uHHtiN ·A ntgotleble. 545-'mS 1965 Pomona. CM fundlWct. ~· *-' ... Newport leKh 2200 $11~ 1 BR. w/w, pool clooe adults or oldolly _,,i., lo beach. Broke:r ~ 4M-3M9 or m«nO DOVER Shores bay front $130. l BR QPPfl', Avail. JIOW. home. 6 Br, 4 Ba, large Utll. paid. Bnmr ~ patio, 70' private dock. $1500. mo. on yr1y be. Costa Melli 213/780.:i013 ~ ~- tiart;" •Ro(iiiloo 'llolltors SJ'UDJO tree boult, 1-ldll\t, util pl: .._., WO lie. 4100 3$) -oft 1 pm, kENTAL~ Alita. Unfurnl"""' BAYFRONT 3 Br beaeh 8 house. pvt boaoh. l!aysbono BRASHEAR Park, le.,.hold 113.500. REALTY $27.50 wk. up 54&-1391 l99un. luch · 2705 e Day, vmk, JllOlllh. 1230 Bl Ul<"'FS, fubWoul F-plan on 17420 Be11ch Blvd. LEASE 2 BR modern Me e Studio Ir Bach. Aptl. Genti-11 : green· belt-wtba:J view. Huntington 8uch w/etta.n vJe:w, l250 per mo. • Ind Utila A Pbone ttrV. ..,= 2 ftn , 2 a.-.a.. .. i-bit· Many cu.st. features. 3 Br. 3 1474531 94q Temple Hilla Dr., Daya •Maid Service. TV avail. ........ ~ -~ Ba, $42,500. E4-M265 ___ =~==~ 54IJ..88ll l!ftl 494-.(H(K e New Cafe • Bar ins, dlahwuhtr, w I w, $20,950 FULL PRICE . ' _ Zl111 Newport Blvd. ,_mil potlo, children O.K. Bltr. We1tcl1ff Near ALL. schools. $36, 750. HOME _ R.-2 toL Excel Wells·McCardle, Rltrs. Westald1t. 3 BR 2'4 ba, room 4Pl~a:ts 2 & 'fr ~1:3~ Summer Rentals 2910 , * VIII• Pomon• Apt1. ~ aD bltina; wtw, Costa ?deta'S>mwett A: mo11t ..-. _. ... throughout. Double Garage. SUMMER R.estrvatlona now, lwcurlowi. tum. 1 & 2 BR. pool, toll O.K. Brulmr Cul-de-sac street. Walle to Clean beach •Pt. $75. up. aptl. Adults ~. No pets, 5U.al 1810 Newport Blvd., C.M. for ' Cll' 5 unlti. 56-1623 548-7129 anytime ll~~!!!'!!!!!!!!!'!!~~:l c•~"'~'~·--~--~ Costa Mes• 1100 Irvine 1231 II~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;; I MAGNIFICENT Vu on " ac, 3 mln/UCI. 4 Br, tam rm. $49,500 by ownr. 833-3316 ·Three/Fam/Pool Which means we are ollcring E•ttbluff 1242 a lo~l)I 3 BR, 1%. bath ;;;;;;~·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. home with fam nn, and a swimming pool at a price you will hardly believe. Call U1 To See: BU~R WHITE, Rltr. ~ Newport Blvd., N.B. 675-46311 · E vos. 6n.tas9 "Pick of the Litter'' $27,SOO Owner oilers choice Shills Plaza. l-titory 3 BR, 2 ba. dbl patio, best loc, lowest maintenance fee & lease bold avail. Call 6#-0505 OY1nfbkr. schools. GI no cash needed. steeps from 2 to 10. 315 E. 1760 Pomona Ave., just south lr=~".=------.-1-GO $100 Deposit refundable' or Balboa Blvd, Balboa. ol lBth St. _, ~ take over 5"'° % FHA loan * 6'T.J...9945 * 1,,::-=::.::=------I 1wii~iiiiiiiii with payment of $124 per -.-.-.. -f_;A;_L;.~~::.::._:_ __ 12 BR. studio apt; 1% ba. month. encl. gar. A patio; cpta. WE SELL A HOME Ho-Unfumhhod .,,,. 6 bltns. 1140. ila>I: EVERY 31 MINUTES Genorol 3000 ""1524: '"'' 54&<1689 "IEENS ' W lk & L EXTRA large 2 Br. 2 &. 8 a er ee $250. 3 BR pl"' co""'1'1nd pool, util pd. IJSO. Maturo BACHELOR UNnJRH, I I. r. I e . pool, W/W, adults orly, no pt.I. 2115 fro $110 7682 Edinger d I I h w a I h e i' , Broker. PlaotnUa. *-2401 m 8(2...4455 or S40-5140 s:J4..6980 NICE Ip:. l 'bdrm. pri )'U'd, Al.S). AVAil..ABlZ __ ,_:{)p<=n..:E::."'c:'::·---1 VERY nice 3 BR 2 bathll, panelling. 12192 Edinctt, nr 1 • 2 A S BD~ GI RESALE good .-.. .1.... HU'bor _,_ ~-Heated 'Poola. OUld C.U. .,.. -mo. -·· . -· c.ntar, Ml-"'·-• -Ori Huntington Strfft 546-41.tl · REDECORATED Upstain 2 No ta allowtd • $311» cash down to existing Costi Miu JlOO bdrm •ft .. ~;...~*pt only. 2700 Petn':a Wa,, &t R• CI loan. $168 per mo. includ--""""..;,.;~-_,..-;...;" L~~.;·;-;:::::::::.,::___ bor I: Mama, Calta MeA es all. 3 BR l~ baths, blt· · 1 '·· $75 BACHELOR. Refria a: Ml--0310 MONTICELLO .TI!E BLUFFS · FaoMooable in>• la''" lot FREE RENTAL hot plate. utll paid. w.,;,.,, l!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!l•l!!!l•I condo. 2 •tury. 4 BDRM, 2 TRADEWINDS RL TY SERVICE only. 1142-S046 alt 8 p.m. • RENT • 1i1=~~e~ ~~~ bath; fully ~arpeted & drap. s.17-85ll tor exa~e, 3 bedrooms 2 TRAILER, Older man or 3.Roomt FurnltUl".9 ed. Frplc. Pool, patio, bltos. --..:-1-'n -DOUG-"'"-lJ-A-~-ba••· 00 ~" otudent -·~ -Mo down. 2-3 & • B .. , adult or 132,500, Call aft 6 pm • -"8 ,.r .... -•• -... ~. -. $20 • $25 & UP .. family I e c t i 0 n S, OPEN wknd• .... ~, plus util. 8.18-1440 Eves. <J"n'""'UO.r. Month-~Month Re111tali HOUSE DAILY 10. 5 PM at ========= Fine 3 BR BOLSA PARK Nl.ce 2 Br. $140. . WIDE SELEcrlON 141 Yorktown -aCl'OM from Corone •I Mar 1250 ho 1613 Santa Ana. Ave. Club Hou.se _or ca1I 5-ID.1151 ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; me. ORANGE COUNTY'S 543-7279 or 543-85.12· eves. Appll&non A 'JV's ·avaD. $26,975 No DOWN to GI N •--~~ ~~, for saJe or rental informa-LARGEST DELUXE 2 Bt studio, ,...,..._ u._..:,.. ~i:::,v--,;.:-~ Uon. Heii""e Real Estate. DUPLEX Rox L. HodgH, Riiy 293 E 17th St 646-4494 drpo pool ···~ ~-•~• •~"- Co . " I 1~ 2 B" 147.2525 • • 'ro • .,..,., 1 child 517 W. l9tJ>, CM . - VA· FHA nven1enuy oca cu; '"' 2'BR. $145 _ 3 Br. $175 _New over yrs. 646-0496 1568 W. Lncln, Anhrn ·TT•2*» home, fipl., lam. •iu kltch. DIVORCE cpt., drpa, •"'· 1't • last EASrSIDE: Quiet 2 Bdrm. NEWLY DECORATED $20,950 plus a fully furn. l Br. apt. Marine Hi School. 70' comer plus deposit. Judy SUN.k, E1ec. bltnl, patio.. Adutb 2 bedroom with calport 5110 $4S,900. Jot wlblock fence, 3 lge BRs A§enl 646-nn only. 361-B Ogle. 6C-12il8 Oil ....... 1, water _,.y N.; Orange Coast Property 12x15' tam rm, vAJFHA -t"'..... --. POOL • 3 Bdrm -Fam rm. $130/mo PaYI all • 5\4 % Int. R!!'d Rulty ffs,23'111 BY OWNER 3-BR Hornes . 2- E. aide, 2-W. Bide, Very lrg tl"anllerable loans 51.4-61Ai"t.. Need cash. 548-l!M 332 Marguerite 673-8550 t -··c •-5" ~ 2 BR; range, patio; cpts, N ................ ~ 4200 ........_ erms or Lill'I<• "' x ,.., loan. drps, stow, rdri1. Tropical ·-.,..... ,_... 2ls:I "C'' Placentia Ave, HARD TO FIND BRASHEAR REALTY 1ett1ng for adult.. I B1k to S!RGLE Yourc Adulbo Lxu-e 636-1120 e • Like new 4 Br. plua famiJ.y 347-8531 Evei. 54J.Uf2 abopL .$1'0. Sf4-.47BO W'Y sartkn apti with ~ FURN A untw'n I bdrm Un. rm. In Harbor View Hills. GLENMAR home, 2 story, 3 1 BR. Duplex, 1fove, small try club atmospbl're and tum 2·bdrm. Mesa ... Immac. from item to stern. BR, fam nn. 2 bath -~L. yard. Near shop'g. $85. complete prlncy. SOUTH Apts •. 998 ·El ·Camino Dr. $67,900 ~lc,,,1!8-~· ;:!~ Older cpl pref. ~7100 BAY CLUB APTS. Irvine at C.M, 546-0451 O.L1ncy Reel Est•t• • e . .,...., · &u 6 1 BR house. ~er ml&De-16th Newport Beach ="==·~..,...·-~-~~I 2828 E. Coast Hwy, CdM PM aged t0 elderl)I penon. No tn4) &1s.oo.s0 ~u:r~luxe :o:· ~ Mo_,. __ de_l_Mo_• __ l..:1.::05 1 ~==='-613-3-'-,TI=O ~~= Huntington pets S95 mo. 646-5226 aft 5. YEARLY rental, ~&nfront, lhop:1, Adult. only, m pn.. 2SIURY5BDflM.3 Baths. INVE !;T NEAR THE Herbour 1405 3BR.den,2 BA.Crpta,drpt, newly f'Urnls~ 2 Br . tmSanta .AnaAw.~ Water softener, elec bltn.,., OCEAN 3 BR, 3~ ba, den, 2 --------bltns, frplc. Leue $275. w/sundeck, married couple .$130. :1 BR' studJo garden, 2 covered patio. Walk to all {rplcs, 3 garaee•. brick, WATERFRONT. by owner. Rebi. 642-7061 only. No children, m petl, Ba, adults. 'Cl Infant 'OKJ . 1ehls. Priced beklw market be am/ceilings, charming 4 BR. -2 BA., dock, 55' on .$225. mo ~l824, 644--0234. Crpta, drpt:,, 546-8866. value. By owner. 546-54S2 home or UM! u Duplex, or water enclosed patio $'14.500.1 ~N;;ow;:'::;""";;; ... ;;;;';h;;;;;32;;;00~I 1 &: 2 BR-Bachelor Apta. 2 BR . 2 BA Studio. -.-, build 2nd home on big lot. AI90 60' on main channel . --F..:. Klt.-T.V-Pool·Mald SU. patio. ·Adulll. 2l3: 5Dli'1 M.=•'-'sa'-'V-'o"rd"o __ _;.11;.;.;:ID cBkr=.:'n.=an=''--~~~ larg• 3 Br. 3 Ba., dock, I/I TIIE MESA 54M301 -SHORECLIFF 3 BR, 2 BA. .$110,000. Consider lease/op-41S N. Nwpt Blvd 64&-9681 =°'====:-,,-,::-=! *BARGAIN! l\.1esa Verde, Quiet tree lined area by the don. 592-5998 TOWNHOUSE LUXURIOUS Sib floor l Br REDECORATED '2 BR. bit choice loc. 3 Br, 11,S Ba. Im-sea. Fee 1imple. Acceu to 2 SPLIT-LEVEL 3 Bdrm, 2 Apt o/looklnc bay. 1 yr Jae inl, refrl&~-.:... crptl, drtis. maculate! Leaving U.S.· beaches. Under $50,QXI. By L•gun• Belch . 1705 bath Uni t. Faces Pool, req'd. $450. Util incl. Adulta, No pet&. .,,.,.....,_ must sell. ,Buy dittcl: from o;mer, 673-3681 "-'"----~--" carpets, drape1, fireplace, m pell. 673-1478 or 2131TR EX. ~ rtudlo, 2% i.. owner now &: save .$. ========= 1. Jncome Units elec bit-Ins, f2'5/mo, 7-4332. crpta I: drpa. $180. 545-Jtlll8 Lido Isl• 13SI tfi"'ndyman Spoclals bad> 2885 ...,_ 4 BR PACESE.."ITER on lrg, Loe. on Oceanside o( Hwy, 2 BDRM, 2 baths, new car-l•lbH ' 4300 NewMrl'· IMch quiet cOmer Jot. Rm for EXTRA SHARPI 150 yds from Beach, 4 Ja'e pet1, newly painted, adutta ..-. . ~ boat. trlr. etc. Lots of Palos Apt, wiib,. Deeds pa.int &: oDly $225/mo. $150 Yl!vb' l BDRM. Verde itone. Must see! Very attr. 3 Br. & 2 Ba. good eeneral cle&nup. PO-Pleue call Mn. Fa,y , Frplc. yard. 2 BDf\MS. 2 Batt., trplc $35,900 5"' on 1st. 546-0053 home on 1treet-t1>1treet lot. TENTIAL I ff C 0 M E .EX. lay & leach * 67S-5822 * D/W, mrta:.; new Beam ce.ll'1., aep, din •. .re&, CEEDING 110 IVYI ANNU •• ,. __ ~·-m be9cb. ....nc. 3 BR. 2 BA, PACESE'ITER, '""" ,_.. R lty I .... _..... .......... ..,"' ed etc. L'Y. Price $69,!lJO. ea , nc. Huntl"8!M leech 4400 Mo. Adults only, no pets. ·1 newly decorat inside. By 155,950 MIS.5ION REALTY 494-0731 901 Dover Dr., NB Suite U6 ~ BURR WHlTE, Realtor owner,prlnconly. LIDO REALTY, INC. 985So.Cout,Lagupa t.sc>!!!!!!21m!!!1!!!!!! ... Eva!!!!!! • ..._...,..., 1 QUIET ·•BEAUTIFUL 2901N-Blvd .. N.B. $32,950 • 540-4681 3400 Via Lldo 61J.3830 _LO_VE_L_Y-'-1\l_B_R'-. --"-'-rum.-I~ Adults..ey; 2 Br., uw. paid. 675-4630 642-2253· 3 BR. duplex: 2 bu., bltnt., Pool. SDI.' 147.2125 l TRADITIONAL So. Laguna-Ocean VU• dahwshr., new paint, cptl. 4: 17676 _Cameron, Hunt. Bch. r _ _. lluff 5••2 CH •RM Frplc, secluded patio, drps. Nr. beach. Yearlse. 5a•. - ""' sunclcck. Walk to bch & $230 ~7573 "-"='------, 1200 2 RENTAL UNITS With contemp. conveniences. shops. Wood .paneling-beam · G1rden Grow 4610 e NEW DILUXE e s. Bayiront, pier,. slip + cellinp. $23,900. can collect Newport Heights 3210 ~Gl~. Young Adults ~· 3 Br. 2~ be apt, for -... beach. 5 bdrms., formal din. '213: 254-2394 ury gaiden apta with coun. Incl. spac. mstr, tulle,• din At nearly lot value. Near beach & channel. Includes boat mooring. $23,QXI AE>' . ~ nn. lAnal. 41lxREElOlR.'• ~RID5al,~ ~CO~N~T=E'°MPO=~RA=R~Y-2~Bd~nn-, N'PT. H&htl., 2 Bdrm., cpt., try club atmoaphere and rm, A dbl. prqe~~ R. C, G • e v 2 Ba vt •-I new pain• CUil .. --.. nice · com ... 1 .. te ' pr1 .. cy. SOUTH door opemr •valL r..,.... • ••~ VI L'•· 6 .... ,.....,. , con uo:::n, exce cord, ., ... .,.. ~ N ~"" ~ a IUV •~ garden . ...,M, Adul(1 . BAY CLUB AP'I'S. 13100 rec. area. r. _.._... beaut garden, patJo. One of 548-9536 ..,..,.. CHAPMAN A Garden Onlrch • 1ehool *' Olftlna LOVELY BAYfRONT ~ ~ =· ~: Groft <tt4l ~ ~ del Mar Hi&h. 4:Utt~ ;ie~. :i:e; ~-owner at $65,!XXI. 499-2349 W ~;·~•~lc~ll=ff7::;;::;:-;;;3~~';:~·==,;;C11ARG~~E~rl'!~.==.:_.!;&3!!l-31l;!!!•~~~NL~Y~$360~W~q!•!.• ~IUL~I N'ear NB Post Ofc. 646-2414 boat. 2-stOI')' w/view from SUPERB view. newer eusl 3 LEASE w/ option 4 BR, 2'4 ,.___,, - TRY A WALNETTO muter BR. c1n for: appt. Br. Sa.le or ex Ch an g e. baths. Pool . Reft. i=-;;;;'ii:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;S;IOO;;C;oot;;•;;;;M;;•;;••;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;S;I•;;;. Andallttlelove&.lhe fonner Wilker Riiy 675-5200 $15,cn>tqUity.575 -6 591; * 543-9417 • II owners of this happy borne ~~~!·!· !·~!!~!'!:! ~1161. Rei. will Jet ycu move ill witb . -vt"'EW--Mo-_,,--..,--homo--, 4 ,.Eut;;;;;:;..;;lc.l•;.;ffc_ __ ...;3;:;24-"'i $4100 down. 3 .BIG btlrmL •-1L--lslond 13S5 BR, 2 BA di . ··-"·' .. ~-;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;' • IU'C nn, -· BEAUTIFUL • BR, •·-rm, Cllke the old da,ys); owl'li2.e "-·-1-"ll • ~" rm. vw1..,r, :r.P"\)'11 • Jea.e. 1385, month. Avail tam. nn., WOtTY· ... lncd. 316 R b 2 ·-• d f """" & kids. VACAN1 U y $35,000 DUPLEX, &JU l J\lne ;5 GM-07'83 )' · or .._s BR, vtew. Just remodeLed. ..i. &: waltl~ for you. 1 Oulrmlng Jarae !IV rm wl,th ·pvt, wl!d ldt.chenlt $970 Corone del Mai "A:50 H1I P1nchin & Assoc. beamed ceWrv, bef.llt frplc, 3900 E. c.oas1 llwy. 6~ pan den + family nn. IC· Anartments 2 & 3 BDRM hou!ll!t. $200. NEWPORT TOViERS eluded patio. ~cencnt cond. ,..f1;r Silt 1980 u P • Mc Le od-Oevldence Landmark of tl1t'! Newport Just steP1 to bay and sandy Broker 615-fOH Sk,yline, 8 1torie1 ol breath. beach. DRIVE BY 6 UNIT a.pt house, 2 mo old. Huntln"°" hlch MOO taking ba.y & ocean v.iewing Gron $g'J) per month. COn- f.rom luxwious 2 BR, 2. BA, TIIEN CALL.: tact Dave at 645-1251. 4 BR 1,. balhl, BR.AND NEW cptl/drps, n e \V I y painted lhroout. Vacant. BruhearRtty. 84 7-1531 all '1oc ap!B, 2 Highopeed SALISBURY ltENTALS elevatol'I, subterranean & HOUMI FumltlMd top deck parking. Therapeu.. REAL TY tic pool & boat docks. Open 673-6900 daily. Sale or lwie, 3121 w. O:IUt Hieh"'Q, Il4: 6C2-22m BY Owner; 4 Br., jusl redeccn.tff home. In choke Newptrl U.igbt. Joe, -moth front yard. open beam eelllno, ,.w carpets, pa.ibt I. draJ)es. Ind. matched 1lpv<_l rdri&, N-ooq simple exlttlol' painting. Xlnt 111\/eltment at 526,800. 315 Marine Aw:., Balboa t1. Gener1I 2000 E\19. 963-U.78 tt1o. 2 BR.""''" l* bl. 3 mo. 2 BDRM, conw:rt den. 2 ba. ..... ...,.... earden room, eJec kttch. old. Wlo!b' tum. Cblld:ren • Water .:lftener, IU'll9 dr Huntington ..,ch 1400 pet. ...i.:.me. Bkr. 53M9ll) opener, !rplc. ll0-2l18 CUSTOM HOME ~I 3 !~ .""-~ 3 BDRM, 11' ........ ltlt. 4 BR 2 bath. $22.500. All ~ SM-RI pe w/w crpt'a, walk to bch I la.rte rooms, bNuWul -~ ~ $225 llff mo. 962.2584i. ner fir<ptaco. On Wse fol Rontols -to Shore 1005 &;;,, AM ' 36 IO Bet.tel' see Uill one! Gt or -· -· · · FHA terms. MALE 19-25 wanted to share IMMAC 3 Br., 2 Ba. Xlnt ~ MUTUAL RNlty nice houle OdM for SUm-"'--' nr. S. C. OPEN DAILY 84J.l4U anytime mer.caum.1m. _:::..., lM ... Ast . 10AM .. -OWNER'S 3 BR 2 bath. Nico $15 Nallo110I ROMlat• I========== 3 bedroom, dinlnc room Cll'&.ft home. Auume "'" l-"=l:.:R<n:.::::.."c.::si.a..:;;,;:;.' ..:1'13';.;;.;;ll::I&:. Llf"M ~ r 1707 Built-ins, laric k>t FHA lotln. $22,50!), Pmta. BUS1£ST mt..rltttplace In $28,900. 629 $t. Jame8 Rd. $UO/mo, l96m tsthmUJ Ln., town. n.o DAILY PD..01' Arnold A Fftud, Realton HS Oa.Uttitd llfci.ioll, S.vt EXEC nlklence • 3 8r. i ~·· bltna, d1hwhr, ct1>t/drp. -· .... !JOO. CONSTRUCTION JUST COMPLETING HAm HEIGH1S LUXURIOUS 2 • J IEDROOM APTS. '. e Flrtpla.cea eD11hwuber es--• Gatten • llalllm Pl built.-tns . " • Mammoth m<u bedrooma • 2 Bathrooms e Central forced air hettlnl ·--llvtna ·-..-. • °"""' .. - HARBOR HB6llTS -Ranta! ..._Mn. Clultrtl • Jl17-A C--A-, Coiotl Moo. (1 block-· ol-•hd!' 2 ._-lb aflllo Illa~-· • DAll.Y PILOT WANT ADS For DaUy Pilot Want Adt money...-um. A effort Look 1~;;::=:;:=======================~1-..,!BR!!!!!IN~G!.!!RESm;~!:!::'l'S~I -·I "Dial 6C2-Mi! far RESULTS ~""".:...'~";...-----' •v -·- \ =--=-------=----_..;. __ ...::._ _________ . __ I, .... ---.,.-----------,c-...,.-..,----:7"'---,.-,,....---------~-:------~-----------,-.,--....,.------------------------ l . ' . I DAii. Y PD.OT Coron• dol -."50 --------DELUXE I BR,~·BA studio, firepl.are, blt-im, patio $250 mo. Lease 6'JS..2747 l BR, lrg liv nn, frple, dbl ,ar, W/W crpts. Yr lae. $185 mo. Adults, ref. ~ · UVE RIGHT ON THE BEACH FISH. SURF, SWl1l Jn :your OWD front yard Priva.t& clubbou!e, Mated pool. saunas. private gate with 24-bour $CCUrlly gU&rd. Mediterranean adult livin&. 2 Bedrooms. 2 BaU.. From $lSO INCLUDES W/W sh&& C&I' petl.na-, G.E. built-ins, with refrl.gerator & dishwasher. Hunti"9ton Pacific Apartments 'lll Ocea..11 Ave. (3 Blks. W. . ol. Huntinaton Beach Pier) PHONE: (114) 536-1487 l BDRMS. -l BATH • nTSIM~ $146 if slay 1 yr. POOL, cpt/drps, Kids OK Delaw~ Studio Apts. 2620 Delaware, H.B. 642-2221 anytime 536-1816 OiEZ ORO APARTMENTS 82.14 Atlanta New 1-2 Bedroomi . ~ ~ electric on1y 536-3927 Of' 536-2'127 Pool-Wasberl-Dl>en Q Private CUqea CONOOMINIUM Apt. J BR, bllN, ind washer, dryer &: retrig. Crpts, drps. ,Avail June lat. $170 mo. ~~ 1 BR, 4 bl.Im to bch. Fncd yard. Child OK, $95 mo. 1st • last. 96:1-1961 A'ITRACTIVE 2 Br, crpls & drpe. 17432 Queens Ln. No. l 962-21D9. $135 mo. REAL ESTATE Gener1f Rontoi. Want..i 5990 CDu.EGE Prof & wife want 1 or 2 Br furn apt close to DCC, June 2Q... AUg 1. Pref pool & air cond. Call er write: R. S. Bldleman, Laney Coll~. 10001 lrd Ave, Oakland, Calil. (415) 834-5740 RESPONSIBLE cple. desires 3 Br. un!. house or apt., w/modern ·kitch. w/blt-ins; need encl. rear yd. for 2 ·well behaved cat.B. Rers. avail. 540-8812 After 6 PM weekdays. UNFlJRN~D 1 BR apt with stove & refrigerator. Up to lll5 w/util zm4i,ii S. Main, Tomince e LANDLORDS e FREE RENTAL SERViCE Broker~ WANT 4 or_ 5 bdnn home, lam rm, )T lse from July J. 545--1169 or 213: ~7280 ONE BDRM Unfum Apt. for employed lady up to $110/mo. 642-tnlG HOW'S THE TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD 642-5678 I RIA ESTATI * * * • * TE WINKLE BUILDING FOR SALE OR \.,IWE 1800 Newport B lvd . CALL BIU. SCOOT OR KERMIT RIGGS ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E . 17th St. 646-4494 Buslneu Rental 6060 400! SQ F.T. M-1 space witli offices. Ne\\-bldg. Im- mediate occupancy. Logan Ave, Costa Mesa. 546-6530 e LAGUNA OFFICE e Attractive modern bldg, cen- nl loc, air cond, $95 mo. on lse. &12466 O....ral lO' OWENS twin 225 HP, i:A~c~r~•~•~ge~, _____ 6_2_00_ louble-planker, radio, dep~ finder, bait tank; IO\v hours; F'or sailboat to 36 Ft. or lo.. ~al property. Owner 67~m L•gun1 Beach 7 ACR ES W/PERMIT TO KEEP HORSES Adjacent aubdivb:ion one mile E. of hwy, util avail. $42,000. "" Cash, bal l!t trust deed. Write Box 914 Laguna Bch, 949-4~ Owner. Resort Property 6 205 MAMMOTH MT. CONDO. FOR SALE Lwcurlow 2nd home, profit/ pleasure investment. Split· level 2 Br. with qUBlity craftsman&bip, sleeps 8. Year round ..management, recreational complex-sauna, whlripool, swimming pool, rec. hall. Close to lifts, ov. ERLOOKING POOL. 1'9,950. Also for tl!nt . .(127.C) PROPERTIES WEST 1028 Bayside Drive Newport Beach '- 675-4130 "\ HAVE: 24' Cabin Cruiser, A·l oond. 135 hp grey ma. rine e:ng, $3000 value. Trade for property or ? 7?? ? . Call 675-1909 3 Apts., Palm Spr!ngs and/ or 160 acres N. Dakota FOR income prop., Orange Coun. ty. ' • Fortin Co. 642.0000 1701·A \Veslclilf Dr., NB GOOD 6-71 GM marine die- sel engine. Trade for )ale model Y.i T Pick Up, Econ. oline, Ranchero, or El Ca. mino. Consider VW Bug 642-4610 * BUSINESS ono FINANCIAL * LEASE: store or office, 1914 sq. ft good location. 333 E. 17th St., C.~!. 96U559 MODERN 3 nn office. Newlyl~-~~~~~~~~~ll iB~u~s-. CO~p:po:;;,rtu;;;;;n:H11;i.; .. ~6~3;;00;, decoraetd, drps le crpta. Out of St1te Prop. 6208 1---'-'------ SIOO. Mo. N.B. 646-lm 1.=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I FRIGIDAIRE Central Oregon 850 acre ir. JET ACTION Office Rental 6070 ligated ranch. 565 acres Frigidaire 18 mio, cycle ls ----------deeded, .28S aci:es long term the fastest in the Industry. LAGUNA BEACH lease with optlo". Can run 30 Ftigidaires do the work Air Conditioned 1000 yrly & provide full feed, of 40 30 min. washen Find ON FORm•' A VENUE or grow specialty crop. This out how easy it is ~ own Des.It apacn •vailable In is a show plaee ranch with a paying laundry. o.ewee:t <ifict bulldiq •: realistic n>al estate potent-Garden Grove Santa Ana, prime location In downtown ial that will be sold as a Tustin, Orans.ie Anaheim 1..quna &each. A1T candi-profitable ranch business. C • 0 M' • tioned. carpeted. beautiful Personal situations make Olft• • GtlC paneled partitioning. Tw o sale in whole or part urgent Equipment, Inc. entrancel: .Frontap oa Nice home & out-bldgs. For 2334~ W. Valencia FCl'est Ave., rear leads to more infonnation call Ernest Fullerton n4: 525-78.33 Munclpa.l .,.ndna lots. $50 Eckhoff. MAN OR WOMAN per month for space. Delli: Eckhoff & Assoc., Inc. R£>liable Person from this and chain available tor ~. 1818 w. Chapman Ave. area to service and collect Bustneu hl1Utll answering Orange, Calit from automatic dispensers aervice avalli.ble for i10. 541-2621, Eves-wknds 633-6974 No e:x,.,etlence needed •• : All utllltlM paid ocept we establish accounts fur te~Aft.y PILOT you. Car, references and 232 FOR&S"f AVDIUE Exchanges, R. E. 6230 S985 to $1,785 cash capital necessary. 4. to 12 hours LAGUNA BEACH Sell ing Your Home?? \veekly nets ex c e 11 en t 494-9t6G 1. \Ve have over 300 Sa.Jes-monthly income. Full time ONLY $22.S/MO people. more. For local interview For .toP noor central. loca. 2. We are the largest in Or-write, include t e I e p h o n e tion, 3 rooms & large pvt ange County. number to EAGLE IN- ba1C1>riy, w/w plush crplg 3. We can GUARANTEE to DU~RIES, INC .. 4725 ~· thruout. walnut paneling, sell your home. celsior . Blvd., St. Louis drps, view windows, sliding 4. We sell a home eveey 31 Park, Min". 55416 glass drs, pvt exit, oI1 street minutes. MAN & WIFE, cook & parking. clelllling service Walker & lee waitress team for complete provided, lse or monthly, control of kitchen & dining • * * * Good vacant lot.B in Hunt. Beach & Costa Mesa. Trade for 1st & 2nd trust-deeds. PETITTE. Realtor """522 '58 Than1es Van & '59 Sta·· tion Wagon. $151} v B I u e each, TRADE for power tools, oxy-acet outfit, or marine hardware. 546-1031 * * BUSINESS and FINANCIAL * Money W1nted 6350 EXCELl..ENT $12,000 .. note: on local mortuary. Interest payable monlhlY at 7% Wilf sell note at 20% discount and will buy back at full value in 18 mo's. This will yield 30.S'l'o int. in 18 mo's. Financial statements available. Write to Box 1464, Newport Beach, Calif. ATI"Y. Has 3, $15,<XXI 1st TDs. Want to borrow $10,000 at 10% each. 547-9379 ANNOUNCEMENTS ond NOTI CES Found (frH Ads) 6400 FOUND: Pregnant Cat, all black, very beautiful, wear- ing Dea collar; vie. 15th • Powell Pl., Newport Beach, Nr. N'pt Harbor High Sehl. 642-1796 after 4 p.m. FOUND near Ensign Jr, HL Part B~a8:le small male dog Black & tan, no tags. 548-0483 a.ft 5:30. SMALL light colored pup, mixed breed, vie. of 19th & Placentia. CM. 6 7 5 -7 4 6 4 aft.er S PM FOUND Ladies prescription s-.in glasses. Near beach in Laguna. 4M -3908 Qualified applicants n>ply 7682 Edinget nn in Newport Beach for appt to; OFFICE, Box 8<12.-1455 or 540-Sl40 restaurant. Call Mr. Gaynor MALE Irish Setter, 1774, Nwpt Bch. Open Eves. days 6T:>-4200 or eves Identify. 646-8786 must --;;;;;;:;::;:--;;::;;::;--11---.':"'"'.C~~---1 646-6489 for p I e a s a n t I--~-------PRIVATE OFFICE Property Problem! '""'ri" Sect1!tarial service, air con. ditloning, & parking. Coast.to.Coast Computer Matching GULF OIL Service Station for lease Freeway Location Wll Orange County Bank 814. 230 E. 17th Street Paid Dealer Training Costa Mesa 642-l'8S Exchange yow "DON'T Insurance plans available PART Schnauzer puppy w/lla.ir cut, 9 mo old male. Vic Seashore & 48th, N.B. Little girl in hospital very arurioUll. Reward. 642-0077 al~ 3:30 \VANT" for something you C.Ontact Ron Hampton FREE RENT :;~is.Can a~ept 5 more 547-6141 or 894-2656 BEAUTY Shop. Lease with FEMALE Cocker--poodle mix lost May J, Lag. B. Black \v/while, tan chest le paws. "Yoly". Wearini expired Sacramento tags. REWARD. 621-11.W 'Til June 15, 1969 on &.,Years lellS(', $80/montti f~r - town Costa Mesa · . ED RIDDLE Ritt°. ..., OFFICE SPACE \VANTED, Call for appointment option to buy. =·""' equip-0. D. "Bili" Cole ..,._,. ped. 4 bedroom house, 2 Real Estate Counselot baths lik 548-4841 64M&O 642-Slls e new. B k r . sal" rep, building product. R. E. Wonted 6240 Bus. Wantad 6305 $100 Reward co needs 250 to 300 gq Jt. nr . . . Orange _ .Co: At r p 0 rt HAVE C:-Uh down pa.yme~t WANTED: 1959-62 l~wbeel Bl~~k m1~1a.lure poodle •·c.1. \v/phonc! answering & f<» Triplex or m~ ln dump truck In good con-gl NB lie ~ #2946. Vic secretarial service available. Oranp Co. Pyramid Ex· dltion, preferably with job. I Redlands &: Cliff, NB. Plcast Call D. Molfat" 213: 8(i6.3)22. changon 646-2629 * &37-1753 * contact 543-5064 003'.i45 N~tablRTforBL-p..:_ BUSINESS find Money to L01n ~O SlAMESE SIP female an. ices 1u1 c ~ .. -FINANCIAL swers Tire lost 5/14 vi c. 1n;erclal, Medical, Dental. 1s'I &: 2nd loans for quick Paularino &hJ. Re:"'·ard. All'<'O~., crpts, elevator But. Opportvnltl• 6300 cash. Borrow on Your pro-=545-~7=•3~'·'-=~~~---SSc PER SQ FI'. perty eq without disturbing BLACK Persian Cat '"ith $41-5002 OR 615-2464 ESt'ABLISHElJ Dttoralor your low infe:resl ls: ms. yellow eyes, \'iC A9 Surf!ddc BEAUT. alr-ormd. offices. wanta to expand, t.o Al!t! buycra for 2nd TO.. Colony S25 rc1\'M'd. 213: \Val n 1,1 t panel'g, ample N~vport/Balboe. area. W1ll Sa.tUe.r Mortgage Co. tnc. 592-.'\060 park'&, utiJ Ir. maint. 1-1160 train female partner with Serving Harbor Area 20 yn, ~B~t.A=c~1<""""'&-co~ .. -,-,-,.~Gcrnutn 11q. IL l•mllr. 35c sq. ft. funds & direet. activities In 336 E. l7tl. St. Shephard plus ' J.ost vie 613-2102 se<:Ul'fl. invctstmcnt. 63>7470 642..21?1 545-0011 19th 8: Placenlht. Toi sick. N .a. STUDIO.~ ., \W I &. Mobile ll:li:Hi26l "NEW 2nd LOANS AR· Reward. ~~2469. furn, paneled w/ lav tac. DESIGNER.BUILDER RANGED" Top l'.llsh for l..OST Whitr feniaJe cat. Will sublet mo to mo. Business Operation Ir eqttlp. aeuoned 2nds. light blue ('yes, red collar. fi0...fl857 Estab, 10 )TS. Balboa S4J..8381 Bkr. Near Htg llarbor. Reward. DF;LUXE ollice in Calta !&land. 673-5600, e ve 1 842-8178, 527-2297 Mff,a.1500 '111t. Air COAd. 67~1• Morf9'9", T.0 ,'1 6345 LOST; 'braided, brown Crpts & drps. 543-6761 BOAT BUILDER, no invest h ._. I \Vhl 1~ .o.;.::,;:,_;;.~'--=~=or---1 required.; nctd c~. &lass WlU. PAY 1'9P $ for 3 ""'tt'N! v c. 1(1 ovnt. 300 Sq; Ft. Office builder to Mtg ITniO of gma)I TRUST O~l:'.:OS. CM. or B'w8.Y. fash· ts. OOSTA MtsA ~2130 Daysailen. \Vrilc D a I I y •642•7898* .-"~'~"~· ~"~""-· _054~---- Pllot "Bo:i M-CU LARGE brown Gcm1a.n short Comme_i'd•I 60IS Money W1nted 6350 ualr Po.inler do(. Name I ,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;,;;;;;;;;;;;1 WANTED: oU-Mle liquor Clri.ger. Reward. M&-2881 \ 1 llotrwt. OranJie County. MD aOO partner need short afl 4 PM FOR LEASE CaU; 60.!139 ...... $37,000 Ul ,.,,," Jleod SlCQ. 911 ft aarace BWg. on Harbor Blvd. 4 double doorl. S800 ~r Monlh. Btol«'r 675-6591 "94-1161 !W'· rr·s e.r..h -ume. BIJ- KtSt tt.ltttion e:vttl Stt lhe DAILY PILOT Ctwlllod Sf!Ctton NO\VJ on -g llel'ts cloise t 0 6-11 \\'K old artY & white &ri1.'ntown Big Bf!t.r ~rtb Ug.>r str[ped kitlim, 'hort owr sso.ooo: Call :r-.1 r , Mir. Vic Pomona .t WUJon. Bartt:lt Days 642-1515 Evt: C.?il. 6fi2-8817 ~1439 DAILY PlLOT WANT ADS! LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOT!CS NOTIC'&O,t&LI 1-----... ;;;.~ .... ,;,-~---1-~~--·~~----~·1 Nolle• Of 1'""111: ... -.. el ...._,IOlnobilt ~ ' IWOTKI TO (llDITI>aS ,._,_ Lltfl HO!dW. _ SUlltltol COUIT Oii Ttll (l!ITl,ICAll: OP IUllNUI HOTKI! IJ HlltllV GIV~N !Ml, STATI 0, CALlfOINIA POa ---·.·.t!!!'°"-S ~: l\t ll _.. fl,lrtutitt i. .. ltw ~ •1111 DtO\'ldecr, Ttll COUNTY Ofl 0....... • l10' _. j N ~ Cotll"• vw ...... let ... 111 ' .... ......,.., ' llutlillt • flll1IMH .. 11' w. 1"' SI,. _,, el D\lbllc •wtl!M. • mt ,..._.. t:Nllf ot ILL.A L. COLUMN, o.c .. ,. Co.1• Mtit• -~1.lforftlol 'c'A·-l•O•Nt t'8: 1iv-.. CMll Mnt. C.tlfliirnia. ., 11•• tt, tllloin ftnn ,,.,.,.. " .-C410 AM., on TllUndly; ~ ~ .,·., HOTICiE 11 HEIEl'I' Gtv~M ft ttlit tllll ttMlf .. Id llr-"' i. """"i:'iu~ ,: M#f, IHI, fl\f f911owjf!O Olltrl ... _. ~ltlNl ti 11!t .i.w. MmM ~I lo!lowllll ""'°""' NIM """' IMltl: "-"' .i1 ,,.....,.. 119\'lrlll d almt -lMI Ill• ,IKt of rnklence It • ftl...,i lffl v.-......... Std'°" WW fi1o. tlld ~ al'9 ""'11tecl tt Iii. tfltm, ttobtrl Lohll, 1006 E1111t111t St., ...... ~ U«nN HWR'IOS • with 11'111 nec-rv llOU<llt.rt, tn IM otlkf 1111111on a..c:11. C•UI. $1~·..i.. 1' fOr '"" --01 NUt.f\11111 of Thi <"'11 « 1b1 1b0w tnlll'" 01ltcl April H, lfff lltft o1 IN 11ndolrt!t1WO for m1d'u111bl '°'-"l. Ot' to pr""'"' lllMI, .. 1111 It~ Loht> reHlta Otl Ille ·~ ct••,rlb•CI tM n.ten .. ., ~. lo th• $TATE 01' CALIFOltNIA I tul!lmObllt. ul!d•r•lllMCI •I !ti. olflet of hfl flttwlWn. COUNTY OF OllANGE ' SS 01lfd ""'' lf, 196t. HU1tw1n, HUIWITZ .. REMER, 430 • On A.Prl! 21, '"'· ._.Of, ....... NGI•" GMcl'1 VW $11''11<9 l211d Slrftl, N-1 Bt1d'I, C1lllorft1-, Put.lie In tl'ICI for Nif 'lllt, ~ll1 a,• J\ld\' 00.d "'111dl 1' tnt '"" of M ine» ot 1M 1H1tlr'9d Robtrt lofln, 11-n lo mt lo llil tJl1 NIWPOf'f lf\ld. l#ldef'l,191'19111 In flt """-wtaln!,. fol ti. ... , .... wflotl -II •llbKt*" tf CO.II ~ IN 9$11111 d MW ~I wllllln llur the within 1,,.1,,,,,,._I ltlll ~--- C:lt14 montllt 1ner n. 11rot 111111nU11o11 o1 tllls M IMKVlfd '"" "nw. 6 .4 2 ll'lltlll&l\tll Ortrwe CO.$! 01llY ll'llol M.• notice. (Olll<ltl $eall L :IO, lf'6f flA,M OllK M11 U 1N9 JllM L JobJI --'---:-=::::-:.,-,,=:-c==---'=: I Atlflur •• co1Mwrn Noltfl' P11bUe • C1!Hl)l'nl1 LEGAL NCYI'ICE Mml11!1!rtl01" If 1111 Eit1r1 Prtncl111I O!ll~ ln -"' !tie '"°"" nMn!ld dl!<edenl ~·"r~~z, Eul~i IA•·l'11 .. MU•WlTt, MU•W•TJ a RIMD .,.r ... ~ .. 6 7 8 D A I l y p I -l 0 T c l A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 s 6 7 8 H:(ITICI TO Clll!OITOU Alto,,..... .. Lft dtH M.t~dl t. I~ t 0•!~ ,.llill, SUPIR«I• C:OUllT o .. TM• .,. • JW .......... •'"',, '.1 __ .. Ma',"1·u .. ',.., t lM' STATI: 0, C:ALl,OANIA JIOll; H ..... llldl. C.W..11 • Pl' -' TMI COUNTY 01' OllAMel l~n.tet,1 Mr •"'-tnluriw -... A.fW1 ......, LEGAL NOTICE Eil,tlt! ot PAUL I, WYNKAUSEN, P11lrl~ °''°'" Cotil O•llY Piiot, Ofe .. IH. MIY 1G, 2,, Jlll\I l. 10, Ulr'I tn..9 ------------ NOTICE lf HEREBY GIVEN to lhil. T>412U midttori OI the •lleve l'llmtcl lllCtdfflt LEGAL NOTICE SU,.l!lllOll COUllT OP THI 11\11 flll Pff'WM Nvlnt d1l"" -llut ~ STATli OF C:ALIFOl .NIA l'Olt Mid dKedtnl •ft r~11"-d 19 flle t"'9fJI. P>IPM THI! COUNTY OP OIU.MOI with Ille M<HWFV VOUCl\trt. fn flle Gftlc. Cl!llT~"ICA.TI' Of< IUllMISS ..._ A.ftff4 DP lflf C!ttlr. of !hi 1bo\'t f!'lltllid C,Ul't, It •1CTITIOUI MAMI NOTICI 0,, M•AlllNG OI' ll'ITtllON ft '"Miii ~. wfttl fllt' '*""''Y Tl" llndef'tkrJltdl c1Dff certlfY ~ 11 ccn. POlll ,,llOIATI! OP WIU. ANO Plillt wouc:n.ri. to tM \ll'lder.lollllf II tf\e offl<t dudlnf I bU$llle$S •I 1231 81uewum. Suitt LETTEllS TESTAMEMTAllY of lier" AttorMY, Jo.I II:. Strok, Eto .. t505 "8 " Anthelm, Callforn!t, ullllfll' t~e fie· Elltll of CHANCY MILE$ LOTT. Wlli.1111'11 Blvd., Svllt '12, Los Alllfflln. tltloui l!rm name of JEAN'S EOUIP· O..,ta.ed. Ci!11onil1 tOCl48, Wllldl f1 lhe Pl.lea of MENT RENTALS al'HI that uid tlrm I$ NOTICE 15 HEAEIY GIVEN Tl\11 IMlllneN of the \ll'ldersioned In tll mttltrl ~ ol file ltllloWlft11 Pfl'"°"' wt10s1! MAAY M. lOTT has Iii.cl llfreln I HI~ HrNlnl111 fo1the t1hl1t cf "Id ~nt, ,..me In fUll end 111110 cf r .. lfenea Is 11 lion tor '"obtle ol will •l'ICI tor luu•ll(t ot w!lfl!n lour liMlllN tfllr I~ fl1'11 .vllllct-ft Howt· Lelltrs Tat1ment1ry to the Hlllloller, tloor of 11111 notice. • Me;.lt-Jein Cltrt!, 215"12 Kineohe refereiice to wtllci'I Is ~ tor turl~tr Dited AP~~~; 1.., ~ Lant. Hunlinolon ~· c111torn11. p1rtl<11l.lrt. •nd mat ·thl 11,..,,, •nd •lo<c Execllfrli ol "* Will ct , Oiled IMY 2, l'6f. of lle•rlnt lht ume '"' ~ 111 IDI' June ,.. ...,.. ,--, Merle Jtlln Cllotlt 6. 1t69, ,, f:JO 1.m., In !ht courtrDDlft cf JOIE( • STltOT"' ·e.._n '"'"' en STATE OF CALIFORNIA l Del>artmenl No. :I cf $lid courl, ,, 100 • · ~ COUNTY OF ORANGE l SS. West El11hlh Strff!, '" !he Cl!1 of Sin!• Allorftl)"ll l.llw on May 2, 1'69, ir.tort me. • Nol&l"'I An1. C11llornl1. 4MS Wllllll~ .""" .. 111111 111, P11lrlk In •nd for Wld Stale, Nrson:iilly Oatto": Ml'Y IS, 19&9. ~. A,:r •• ~-~~· 90041 apH1red Merit Jun Cllort< known to .... w. E.. ST JOHN, (DUii~ Clerk • ._,..,...,. to b9 lhe person whew 11eme 11 subscrlb-WALLACE", BROWN a. CllAIM An-~ for IEMCUlrlx ed lo !ht wttMn ln1trurnMI •nd lu Ol,,.r OrlYI, S.llt 2' Pllbll$1\fd Or1n111 COl'll O~llV Pllol, •ck-ledlred &he 'fxecuted IN nmt. N..,..rl 11.c:h, C.llfOl"fllt "'°'U 29 •lld Mil, 6, lJ, 20, lftt nut {SEAL) Ttl: .......,77 Trlotnll J. O'Kttil Ar!OFlll'YI tor Pttllltftw LEGAL NOTICE No!erv Public P11bll1hld Or111111 Co.1111 01llV l'llot, ------------·I.THOMAS J. O'IU!Ef'f, AtlorM, /My 19, 20, U. 1961 \f6'..ff •All•lU! ta» N. IRHIAT• SUlll oUf MOTIC• TO Clll!OITOllS knta ...... c1m..:nr1 "* SUP1!•10• COURT 01' THE Publllhed Oral'lt' C0&$I Otllv STAT£ 011" CALl,.OltNlA FOii 1'MY 4, 13, 2C, 27, 19119 Piiot, ...... LEGAL NOTICE THI COUNTY 01' ORAHGIE llAll·1'• '"· ~ LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO c1tttnTOlS E1!1le ol MINERVA M. JQ1'1NSON, $U,.ERtOR COUllT 01' THE OKuMd. • BAR·1•2t1 STATE OF CALll'OltNIA FOa NOTtCE IS HEIEB'I' GIVEN lo th9 MOTICE TO CllEDITOltS THE COUNTY OF OllAMOI creditors of tilt ~ fllll'lld dKl'Clent SUPEAIOll COUltT OF THE Ne. A .. 177J thll •fl PtrOOM ft1vl!l1 dllml a11!nsl the STATE OF (ALIFO•NtA FOii E!ll!t of CLIFTON c. HOXWORTH. :!'1~ :'.:'":"~!~ =~.1f" '::S = THIE COUN~~v,, .. ~ OltANGE om~1~E IS HEREBY GIVEN lo lhe cf 1"9 clerk of lhe ·11rove itntllled eovrt, or Eitth! of MARGARE T c . RYDER. credlto" of tt>e 11rove n1mtd dl<tOenf to present lll1m, with Ille ntcni.err OIM;ff!otd tti•t 111 Pl~S l'llYlnt d11ms .,.11111 lhe vouc111rs. la IM undenl1Md ri Ille ofllct NOTICE 1S HERE&Y GIVEN to fht .. !d dtcedenl 1rt r~11!nd lo Ille !Mm. of 111.s •tlor....,... M!lehell .. Hart, 41S crldlto1'1 of ii.. •trove named decedent with 1ha necffSlfY llW(l\ers, In ll>e ofllc:e Wu! Ith 31rMI, Sulit 215, Slnl1 Ant, lllllT Ill Pl!J'10lll hiving cltlml lllflln!;I ll\f of Jhl clerk of !tie Ibo"" 1nl!l!ed court, 9r CaUIDl'nl• '2701, which 11 1M Pll<t of Slid decedent ere r~ulred to Ille n..m, to Pl'llWlll lhem, w!lh Ille MelUll'Y MJnen of the ~ltrfltd In •II 11"11ller1 wttll the nece ... l'Y Y()ll(hers, In ttoti oftiC. vouchers, Ill !M lllldtrsl9Md •I 11'4 LI"' P1rt•lnl1111 Ill !ht ulll1 of Hid cllaOent, 01 th• clerk of !Ill ebove enlllled eaurl w Oflkn of ALFREO D. WILLIAMS, 1UO "'lll!ln •four rnonl!\I lflw IN fl1'11 Plllrllc;t-lo ,resenl '"'-"'• w!th the ~rv E. Sin Antonio OrlYI, L-Bead\, lion of this notla. 110!Khlrs lo Iha undu519Md 11 the ottl« C11ilornl1 fll01, wh1ci'I i1 Ille •!•Cl of Olltd Nrll 25, lfff of hll Aftcl'lltV. Al!Hd o. WUlltmi, lUO bu11M11 cf Ille und1r•l1ned Jn ttl mellt"I Cllntvr It. And~ E. Sin Anlonlo Ori••• Lont a11dl, Plrl•lnlnt ~kl tt!1t. of tald dtcedlenl, Admtnl1lr1fcr, CTA. of the Wiil C•tltornli '°'°'' Which Is the place of w(!l'lln four ,,_lh1 airer lllf; llr1f •11b!IU· Of lhe •bovl n1m1<1 dl<:ed.irt bu•lnni of me 11ndfl"1l•ned In 111 "'•"''" lion of thl$ notlu.. MITCMILL & MAllT pert•lnlnll IC !ht till!e o1 $1ld d11el<lenl, O.ied Ml\' 16, lff•. A1'111'1WY1 •t L•• wllhln ft><ir mDi'lltis 1Uer 111e nm p\ltltl(;,I. Alfred O. WUlltms 4U W, 1111 StrMI. lulN US. 11~ of lhli notice Admlnlslrlcr Of 1"" IEJl1!e Sin!• A111, C1llflnlllr '21'1 Oa!ed Allrll tt ·Ifft of !ht 111ov1 nem..r '*1Hftnf T•lr (7141 HM21':1 Rldl~rd c lt~c!er All'ltl!O o. WILLIAM$, t:11. AllD!'Mn far .Mml•ltlfl tiw, CTA A6mln111r.:1or of tile E1l•h! A"-' II LIW Pulrllllred OranH Coa11 Otlll" Pilot, cf llllf lboY• na!Tled \1e<edtnl llSf E. 51n An!Ofli. Or!Vt. APrll 2f Ind Ml'Y 6, 13. 211. lfff S2Wf ALtl'ltlO 0. WIU.IAMS, Ell. Lont l11eh, Ctlltornll MI01 Allot_., II L-Ttl: (21)) 42' .. 174 LEGAL NOTICE 1151 I!. Sin ARIOlff Drl,,., Att•rn•\' tor Admlnlsfrlltr 1.1111 9"(11, Ct lltondl .... 7 PubUi.lred OrlnH Coffl Cl1ltf 11!\ol, ------,-• ...,,-----"· -IT•h 11111 ~17• IM"Y 2~, 27. June 3. 10, 1'69 flJ ... Cl•TlfllCAlE OF OISCONTINUAlfCI! ArtlnMr fir A~mlnKtr.tor OF UI! AND!Oll ABANDONMENT 01' f"lltltbht<I Or•111• Coait 0111\' Pll"1, LEGAL NOTICE FICTITIOUS NAME APrll 2' Ind May 6, 13, 20, 1969 127~ ~~ ~~o~:~E~Pf°H~ l~~'::: LEGAL NOTICE llAtt·im ctaffd to do buJl~•H undtr Ille fie· NOTICE TO ClllOITOltS fltkiUI firm.name cf JOHN L. THOUU.NO SUl'ERIOA COUltT OF TMI! d/lr/a EMPIRE ENGINEEAIMG 11 f75 Cl!RTll'ICATI OF COllPOttATION FOR STATE OF CAl.IFORNtA POI Wtsl 16th Slreet, Newport 8ffctl, TRANSACTION OF IU51NESS UNOEll THE COUNTY OF o•AHGt: Ca1ffoml1, whlch bu11n~s Wt$ former~ 1'1CTITIOUS NAME No. A-421'4 comPOSed Of the lo!!owllll Nr~n • .,_ THE UNOERSIGNEO CORPORATION Es!llt of THOMAS C. HAROV, 1ka Mmt !n 1~!1 and place of reslllenu." 11 n lloes l!ertb\I terlll~ Iha! II 11 condUCllnp I THOMAS CLIFFOAO H ... lilDY, Otc;!'aUd. folk.I~. to.wll: bu1lnt1s louled al 60J G East Alton, $1,.. NOTICE tS HEAE8Y GIVEN lo lh' Jol\n L Thousand B1S Weil litll I• AM. CalUornl•, 92705 under lht lie· crldltl)l't or 11'4 above na~ dtct<knt Street, NeW-! Btac~, Calllornla. 1111111• llrm name ol CRESTLINE the! all persons h1vl119 cltfl'l'tl •G•rn1l the Ctrlll!tite for lrensacllan of buJll'lfCI MANUFACTUltlNG COMPANY and lhal wkl lllctdtnl ire rtc111lred to !lit under lllt abo¥t fkUll001 namf. and 11-said lltm 1$ comPOSed at lh• followlnt them, wflh the nt<eutl'Y wucllen, In lhll fodlvll of 11ut1ilcal1on tMreof. ere on flt. CO!'POFtll,,,., whole 11rlnclPBl PllCI! ot otlkc or !he clerk of 1111 •bov• enlllr.d In the office of lht! CcunlY Clerk of bu1!nes• 11 11 follows: ccurt, er lo pr..,.tnt lttlm, wl!h Ille 0.•1191 County, undor lt1t provisions of Crnlllne Gama, 11K .• 603 G E1sl nl!Cl!Hi'W't vcucMr1, lo lhl undet$1......, II Section 2466 cf tho CIVIi Codt. A11Q11, Slnt1 Ana, Cfllllcrnl•, 92705. her flllOfney, THOMAS J. JEF FEAS, 2!i?f WITNESS mr l'>llnd !hi• lt!h d•r of WITNESS Its htnd 11'111 ht div of Mlly, Hlll'IOIUIU A¥t~ue, MonlrOM, Cell!Ofnl• April, Ifft. 1,.9, 9l02C, whkh !1 11'19 olace cf bu11M11 of JOHN L. THOUSAND d/111• (Co/'POrtle Sf:al) 1111! unders!gr>ed In 611 mllltts Dtrt•llllllO EMPIRE ENGINEERING Cri1Uh1t Oune1. Int. IO IM ett1t. of uld Otcedent. within four Jol'ln L. Thouiand w11111m e:. R1nler, Presldtnl ll'IOlrttl1 elter !ht llrsl •utlllcelkwl of thl1 Mlll11 M. Des11I, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. ncttc1. Alt_.," Lt'I' COUNTY OF ORANGE, U. 0.lrd Mey 16, lfft. UlliM 811111 S11u.-1. On 11111 ht day of May, A.O. lfft. Maoy HarOY Rtt•t s~lll Numlr« 421 bflorl me John B. Saunderson • Not1rv Admln!1rralrlx, CTA of !~t E1t1te J1t Sto.1111 Mtln Slr"ffl, Public In and lor uld C011n1Y and Sia~, cl the 1bc11e n1rnf'd dl'Cedtnl Or.,191, C.Rtor11la nu1 nl'1ldl"11 ll>l!rt!n, dUl'Y tommlnloned tncl 11f0MAS J. Jl!f'Fl!ltS, Es~. Ttl: (1UI IJ5.2'24 sworn, person11!1 aPPtarecl Wl!llam E. Aflwlll'Y 11 llW Pulrllt.hl'd Or1nge Co111 01llV Pilot, Ranier, •nown to .,.,.. lo bf t~ Pr"ld.irl utS Honolulu Awt1u1, """ " lJ, 20, 27, 196t IJ'0-4t of '~ corPOre!lon lhl l ex«Uled 1M Mlllh'ftt, C•H1oml• 1102' -------------lwllh!n ln1tn.imenl on bfhlll cf !hi: air· Ttl: (!Ul 24f.l,.t LEGAL NOTICE pgrellotl lller•ln 111m.O, •ncl acknowledo-Attorn•J kl• Admlnlslrllrll, CTA ed to rill 11\al 1uch <orPOralk»I e~eculed P11bllsl'lfd Dr11111e Coait O•llV PTlol, -----~~,,.-----·ltM IOmf. Ml¥ 20, 11 and Jun• 3, ID, Int "°"'' IAR·Ull In Wltnns Whereof, I heave hereunto ffl NOTICI!. TO Cltl!.DITOllS m, hand and afll~rd my cttlclal ieal lhel-,---L-E_G_AL __ N_OT_I_CE __ _ SUPl!llOR COUllT OF TMI!. diY al'lcl yur Jn lhl1 cerl!flcalt llr1I elrovt STATE Of' C•LIFORMIA ,.OA wrltl•n.• 1 -----~-------THE COllMTY OF ORAN91 (OFFICIAL SEAL} To41Ht ND, A.-u.11 Joh11 8, S•underlOn, 111 SUPEJl10A COllltT OF THf Etf•lt of CORA J. 50WAR0S, De<••• Notary Publlc-Ca!lfornll STATE 01' CALIFOltNtA FOR ed. Prlnclp,11 Olllct In THE COUNTY OF ORANGE NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN lo Ille Oranqe County CIH NumMI' 0-11'.204 credllon cf !hi above named dil'Cto"ent My Commis11Dn ExPlrn SUMMONS on llril 1meroded """Pl•lnt Illa! •II !>tl"IOllS h1vl119 claims llOllllll th.-Octobor 31, 1'70 JEAN MARIE COWAN, Pllrlnll/I Vi.. 111d dt<"""'I In! rt<iulrl!d to 1111 lhern, PYbllt/\ed Or•not Co11I D1llY Piiot, JOHN WILLIAM COWAN, Otltn<11nt wllh the necnstlY llOllC~n. 111 lllt cfllce Mar 13, 70, 'l1 •nd JUM J, lMt 91$-69 PEOPLE OF THE STATE 01' of lf'le clerk cf"" abc~ enlltted C011rl. orl-------------ICALIFORNIA lo !he above ntmed 01't,,.. 11 p~stnl lhem, with ltlf nt(IUll"'I LEG L NOTICE danl: vouchers, lo IM ul\dersl11ft'fd ti Ille office A . You tre flertby' d!•KIO'd lo lilt a w•ll· ol' h!1 Artorn•r, Georoe T. Pwoe, 1172 h!n Plttdl111 tn re11>11n<11 to rhe l!r"!l Ktl•lla A•enue, Suile 70-I, LOI Ala"'lt01, LEGAL NOl!CE N:l--H MAY 20 yt amended verllh!d t<>mPla;nt of !ht ebc·,~ C1lllorn11, wh!dl Is !ht pla(I ol Mlneu llAA·IHI naml'd olaln!lll w!!h IM clorlt cf lht cf lhe und•l'1lonl'd In all mallln Pfr-HOTICI. TO Clll!OITOltS abo~ tntlt!ed court In the above t nllrlt11 111111111 to the eilale ol seld dtcedent, SUPElttOlt COUllT OF TWE •ctlon brougl'I! l•tlnsl you In 11!d court, wlll'lln four mcnlhs 11ter the fl.,I publlca· STATI! 01' CALIFORNIA FOlll w!lhlll TEN d1ys alter lhe 1ervlce on YOU !Ion cf lh!1 nollte. TNE COUNTY OF ORANGE ol lh11 wmmcns. If ll!rvt'd wlmln "'' Deled A.11•11 15, 1969 Ho, A-<llm above namf'd tou'l,lr. or wl!hln THIRTY Harold De M11rvlllt Sowards Eslale of F~EOERICK H. LOVELL, days If HNl'd t !HWllere. Admlftlflr•lor cf lht' Esl1le of tka FAEOflillCI( HENAY LOVELL, You art htnl'bv 11Cli!lt~ lh1t units, YOU tl>t 1bov1 named dt<tdenl Oecttled IO file I wrllltn ~$POn.,•e Pleading, 1ald OIOlitGI! T. "°'''• E11. NOTICf IS HEREBY OIVEN to lllt •l1lnllll will l11te ludemtnt !Or an, "'°fie" Al!OrM• II I.I• creditor• cl lhe above ...,med dttedfnl or damatet dom1noec1 In !ht llr1I amel'Hl- sm K•MIF41 Aft!llle, Suite 204, lhfll ~II HfS!>r\I hay;119 cl1irn' at•ln•t lht ed verified comPi.lnl '" trl$lflll uPOn c- Los Alemlltll. Ctllklrnll said decfdenl ••• rt<1ulred to filf: !hem, tract. Of will a0<>1, lo lllo cou•t tcr 1nr Tth 0141 12"''150 wl!h 1he nN:t.U•Y vouchert. In 11\t clllct olller reUel !!tmanded In !ht llnr lmfnd· A"""" for Admlnl11t1lflr ol the clerk of t~ aboYe ontHled court, ed Yerllled comp!1lnt. Publlll'led Or•M• Cot•! D•llY Piiot, or to Pf'Htftl ll>fm, w!ni 111t ntce-uarv VDU m1v ~ lh• •d•lct of tn •llornty APf°ll t9 tnd MIY 6, 13, ?0, Ifft 1'2.s.&t ¥0!/Cht"' to t~e underoluntd 11 the Lew on any matter ccnnecltd with the co..,. -------------l0t11<e,. al JOMN E. PETERSON, JR .. Pl•lnl or 1hl1 summons. $1/Ch tl!Orntr LEGAL NOTICE 8af>k of Calltor11le Bulldfllfl, ...,. Wnl •~Id tit _con.11111" w!lhln !tit t!ritt oceln B!vd., L-&etch, C1iilotn11 llm•I ~attd •n lhls "'m""""' fo< 1111111 1 llAR•16n fOIGf, which 11 Ille P1tce of IM/llnns of written Pleadlnt lo !he COmPlllnl, NOTICI TO CRl!DITOll ll'H! 11n<11r,1Vned In 1\1 rn1th!"' Pe<!elnlng Olll'd March 11, 1'69 SUPl!R IOlt COUll:T OF TM• lo lllt nllll cf Uld dtcfd~I, Within f(lllr W. E. SI Jclln STATE 01' CALIFO•NIA FOtt monlhl •lier the llrll PUbllU11on cf tM1 Cieri; ' l" noll«. By E~etn E. Solem THI: co~~.1'!.::.00ltAN O.ied Mav 16, lt6f. Deputy C1'rlt Elllff of PAULINE LAMSON, Otce.P. FIRST WESTERN DANI( !OFl'ICIAL SEAll td.. ANO TRUST COMPANY, 1.IPPOLO, HIENOlttSON ANO NOT1Cf: 1$ HEREBY GIVEN to the A Calltornla Banltll'lt ,t,.1..ocl,!lotl OINSMOOA credllori ol l~ Ibo~ n11med doctdtfll Admlnf11t•lor, CTA ol' ll>f Esttte 3.11 I!. 11111 SI., Suite 111 that an !>frlOlll h&•lnt ci.1rns 111alnS1 lllt ol lht abo~• naml'd c!Ked!"I Cnl• Mi lt, C•R"'1ll1 111d deaden! are r~ulred lo tli. llltm. JOHN E. PITE1t$0N, JR. Ttlt!PMM: m11 wtlh the llKHUIY "°"t;htn In lhe ol'llct Alllmtr •1 L•• A"-r ,., P\111111ff of tl>e clerit cf th• allow enl111ed court. or Ml a1111r cf C11Uel'ftl1 ll~lldl"' Publi•hed Ortnoe C<1<1•I Oan., pn111, fo l'l'f1enl !hem, wllll t~r nKl1'\afY 4U Wnl Wn! 0~1n 81Yd.. ~v 70. 11, June l, 10. 1110 tn~t VO!K~tr1, «i the unller,lplltd at ttw cfllte L.,t Buell. C•HNl'lll• 1'M12 cf hl1 Altor...,.,, Monie W. $hlrle"Y. 7J4 T1I: UUJ 4J1·17SI _ Wnl Ol)'rnple fllwl., LOI Ano1le1. Allt ..... .,,.. AdmlnlJ!rator, CTA C1llfol'11!1 9001$, which ls the place cf Published Ora"'t Coasl DallV btlllnai of 111t ..,-,.Jgr>ed 1n 111 mane .. May 10. 21, June l. ID, 1'69 Pllr1•1nlnt lo ll•t f'll•I! cf 11ld d'Kedenl.1-----====--,,.---"'lthln loll!' month• f1/1er Ille !lrsl 1111b!lt-1- llO!'I of th•• no11ee. LEGAL NOTICE Oaled A11rU U, ltff J•mtJ M_ Lam90fl Admlnl1trlttor of '""" EJ!dl of "'' 1bo~' !!~med dect'Clent MONTA W, SMlltlfY, fftl, n• w, 01,mp c &!Ye . Lit A,...lt,, Ctlt .. rlll• fMU Ttll n1u 1tH411 Altof'Mr fw Adml11hrr1!or PubU!J'lod Or1~ Co1sl 0111y APrH 7' and M•\' 6, 13, 70, l96t LEGAL NOTICE I ·- • • ANNOUNCIMINTS I -ond NOTICIS T-. Mai 20, 1'16, IWLY l'LOT _U SIRVICE DIRECTORY Joas a IMPLOYMINT JOIS a IMPLOYMENT JOBS a IMPLOYMINT JOIS'& IMPLO.YMENT JOIS a IMPLOY~ . -. ~~"~-~~~Iliff;~ Genlonli>t 66IO Help W1ntod, -7200 Help W1ntod, -7200 Help W•nlod, M<tn 7200 Help Went.ol, -7200 Help W•nlod, -7200 Help W1nh4, Mln'7200 Help W- tolt 6401 --. , W.uu ~----JAP~ """"" c.m,i DAAmMAN BUFRIM'S JAlllTOR 7400 SCARED llttlo Chlhuablll, ..... -· a. .. -. ( CL--L I . Mal•. -..u.r • • ...... ~ .....,.., m JABSC" NEWPORT •lldU. Vic~ A Marln<r.1•--,cu"""'tl-;;E>lp"=L&"'wn,,,--If ~lil7'9 Malntt~. Licensed LT. brown Cb!Jual11-. Red 5f8-Cl)8JM>231D aft 4 leather collar. E. aide CM. • l:XPER Jr p ane 1 e SS Reward. 5"--'l41S Gudtner Complete aervice. Personals 6405 FREE! Free estlme.tr. Call 540-1332 JAPANESE Garder.er, com· piete yud •"kit· free ----BHIC Booting c1..... H•uli"' 6730 Offered to the public GENERAL HAULING by the Balboa Pow· c er Squadron starting a LEANUP $12 per load. 7 P.M. Monday June 962-6846 aft. 3 &: wkellds. 2, NewportH ar bor Yacht Club, 720 West HAULING. General, Top, trim, rernrM. trees It Bay Ave., Newport hedi:es. Big John~ Beach. E n r o 11 a t YARD/if.t. clnup.. Remove clMs. For additional trees, ivy, dirt, ~be.ck information p h o n e hoe, pwtlng. 962-8745 675-0467 or 673-!855. Clun Up ond Houllng LICENSED $10 per load. 64G>528 Spiritual 1«1<11ngo, adv!co I"'="'°===== on all matft:rs, UB s. El Housecl .. ninq 6735 Camino Real, San Clemente 492-Sl.36. 10 AM·lO Pl\f CARPETS. Windows, fin, SPECIAL $2 READING etc. Res or Come'!. Xlnt Attr•ctlv• 6xpert YOUNG WOMAN dancer will teach you all latest 1teps, Call Ardell work Reas! Rd!. 548-4W P1porh1nglng P1lntln1 6150 213: 591-4538 1·10 PM PAINTING Int&: Ext ~-est I :co=u"P;;-L-;;F.S",-=,1na1=,-,-, ~,~,,~,.,,"? contracted prices. Fully ins. New in area? Join the swina: Satisfaction guar, Free est to fun &: pleasure Jim Week! 673-ll66 • 635-9291 • PAJNTlNG-commercial & AL"°"co=u"'o"'u"cs""°-::Anonym---,.,-residential, 23 yr exp. Phone sti-'1217 oa· write to Avera&e eXlerior stuceo & P.O. Box 1223 O::ista Mesa. trim 3 Br. $250. Joe 543-10'11 Broad o:puience requitt- ed ln meehanlc•l ~out drafting and cbeckl_fJ- '"'Uh eml)halis ln c8"· 1 lrlgs. Profit aharln& J. C. Carter Co. 671 W. 17111 St. Costa Mes• 543421 An equal opportunity employer Management Trallle"s FULL OR PART TIME $3.25 PER HOUR We need ten part time men and five full 'time m~n l.mmedlately. No ex· pe.rlf!nce nee. CALL 547-n82 Mon .• Sat. l\'lr, Gold *Busboy Apply in Person . REUBEN'S COCO'S Travel 6435 PAINTING, Papering 16 yrs in Harbor area. Lie & bond· 1555 W. Ad1ms ed. Refs furn. 642-2356 Costa Mesa WANTED: Rider to help 1--;:Pain=•"·--::&~EI°"--,-lri~._-1,-==='~='-:.CC.'---I drive to Dallas~ Call Mrs. ..... ~ '"'" .... ELECTRONIC Technician Stei?hena, 897-2154, -Licensed & insured w i l h m e c h a n i c a I SERVICE DIRECTORY * 642--0427 * background to take over e INT -EXT, ANY SIZE testing and a variety ot Appli1nce Rtp1in JOB. Xlnt 'llr'Ork, refs, tree related duties for a growing - _.cP.o;•;crh.;._ ___ 6:51 O est. JIM &42-4669, 646-3749 lest equipment manufac- -.:-lurer in Costa Mesa. Good * TIIE COIN ~·-sr • NEAT. exp. Painter, . no 1~-· • ll I '-fU:. drinking. C.Ollege student. sa ..... ,. exce en o~ Rare coi111, sets, mail auc-Low prices! Steve 5411-4549 portunity for ambitious, in- tion, etc. 741 S, Coast,. La-, dust'rious man. Send brief -•,,una=&=h,. _<94.5585==··--;:-I Plastering. Rep1lr 6880 work history &. persona] SUPREME Appliance Re. tletails to Dally Pilot Box pair. Rebig, washen, dry. ePATCH PLASTERING. All M-328 ers. Tom. 54&1363. 547-6691 types. Free estimate. Call e AUTOMATlC WA.SHER 540-68'lS REPAIRMAN 646-5848 81by1lttlng 6550 CHll.D c:are, lend yard, lunches, Vic Warner & Sprindale, !:S 846-0839, Will babysit by ~ week. You 1umlah transportation. Call 642-1407 Plumbing 6890 PLUMBING REPAIR No job too small • 642-312! • PLUMBING REPAIR. DRAIN a.EANING 546-2381 or 541>-'l217 Pool S•rvice 6910 CAREER OPPORTUNITY! Jolrf'todlYI futest crowtnc profesaion-MutuaJ Fund uln No experience neceaary. We train -tun or 'P8rt time Mutu1I Fund Advlson, Inc. Npt B. 1603 Westcltft 642-6422 S.A. 1212 N. Brot.dWQ' 5'J.a331 ASSISTANT JUNIOR BUYER \Ve need someone for pro-• curemenJ. followup work, ancl backup for our two 1nan purchaalng depart. mcnt Require~ buyjng experience and llJ'efer- rably some formal JKU'- chaslng lraining. Apply, with resume and/ or in person, 1lating ex. perlence and salary re· qu,lrementa. to Per!lonnrl Dept. AN EQU.U: OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER (Male or FemaJe) 1485" Dale Way, C.O.ta ?t1esa Cali.fomia 92626 (n•> 5'5-8251 HUGHES NEWPORT BEACH ELECTRO- PLATERS with a minimum of one year ol cadmium plat- ing experience. Please apply in person, HUGHES NEWPORT BEACH 500 SUperior Avenue Newport Beach, Ca.lit F.qual opportunity employer .- M &: F STOCK MAN FUIJ.. TIME • 40 I-IR. WK. 8 TO 5, 5 DAYS Excellent E mployu Benefits . APPLY Personntl Office Third Floor THE BROADWAY Now Interviewing SPORTSMA"I SHOP SALES Full tlme, No students. PeMJlane nt position with excellent opportvnlty for the qualtrylns lndlvldtn1J who has a real Interest and 11.-ell rounded knowl. edge of sports, including snow skllna, water ski- ing, gol.f, tennia, campll'lg and fiahi na. COOK Summer relief fOl' vaca- Uon, bee~ In June for approximately four months. Execllen! bours. Apply in person only Inlervie\vs betwee.n 2-5 P~t #1 FASHION ISLAND AUTO MECHANIC Heavy lineman, must have own tools, dealership exper- lc!nce preferred: busy mod. em shop. Benefits, xlnt pay plan, tree horpltallzatWln. CONTACT: Service M1n1ger m-6651 BOB LONGPRE PONTIAC 13600 Booch Blvd. We1tmin1ter The Newporter Inn KITCHEN STAFF WANnD Cooks, Steward, Helpers, etc. For good men, top salary, security, advancement. Fine health program. Telephone 1.!r. Oscar Zink Executive aier. between 9 AM·ll AM or 2 PM-4 PM 644-1700 RETIRED MAN needed u part time manager -VARIAN DATA MAODNE.$. LOCATE)) IN THE IRVINC INDUS'J'IUAL COMPLEX, has .,. lmmedSate, pcrman. ent poe!Uon lor a janitor to perform lite jutltorial dutle1 on our tint lhltt; from 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM. You will not haVe to operate aey pov.-er eql.lipment. Good slartina rtle plus 1 liberal benefit prorram. In. eluding 12 di.Ya vacation during first yea.r ol employ. men I. v~rian data machines A VARIAN SUBSIDIARY 2722 Michelson Drive (Adj. Orongo Co. Airport) Irvine, Celif. 92664 (No phone c:aUs please)' • An equal opportunity employer M·F UNUSUAL Opportunity . The Independent Order of. Foreaten have opened a new oilice in Orange Coun- ty. Require inteWa:ent man 25 • 59. College not nee- essary. Shou ld have ex· perience in meetiJw: pUbl\c. Dignified life time position. Ea.ming commences immed. iately. Should be in execea ot $250 Wff'kl). Telephone between 10 am • 2 pm, Mon. thru fri.: 10 am - 1 pm Saturday for appoinL ment. 49U700 53+1701 PLASTICS MOLDING MACHINE OPERATORS Perm. position. X I n t. working cond's, Overtime & all fringe benefita, Im- . mediate openings on 2nd Ir 3rd ahUts. Experienced prefer?'ed. No phone calls after S PM .. BABYSrn'ING 1 or 2 my home. Day & nlght, 6 dl,Y week. C.M. 6'fr2101 • lST Mo. Free! Exper, lie, reliable! Tony Tayklr Pool Service. 968-4818 Pert Time Eves. Must be dependable, ~25. aharp in mind &: appearanct?, area resident 6 mo's., have auto, and money motivated. NEWPORT BEAOI 47 Courts of Felhion F ASIUON ISLAND Nowport BoOch of most deluxe ·seu-service CALIFORNIA laundry in Calif. (carpeted, Injection Molding color TV, etc) He will work 200 Sri.us Ave. Brick, Masonry, etc. Roofing 6950 _______ 6_S_60_ I LlCENSED Roofing Contr. BUILD, Remodel, Repair will trade roofing work . tor Brick, block, co ncr ete, 1 =boa=l.=•="=ID='='=':::642-051====0= Al> Equal Clpp<rtunity Employer from Wed., noon thru Sat Costa Mesa 546-4461) evening only each week. He An equal opportunity $3.50 PER HR. Call pers. dept. 547·7182 5 pm to 8 pm, Mon. thru Fri. 1.IEN Wanted (2), perm, part time, to average 2 hn. daily -OCA muat be &Ober _ reliable -employer likeable, have experience in I "'=-==~7'=-cc-,,, · crpntry, no job too small. I · Large national company expanding to Orange County meeting the public & live THE NEWPORTER INN clo" ID ... '''"'· Vcey, VOrJ modest salary. See the store Lie C.Ontr. 962-6945 Sewing 6960 Carpentering 6590 • Dressma.kina:. Alternat:iorui for ear I Y m orning Custom Designs newspaper delivery t o CARPENTRY *646-644&* homes in Newport Beach. ~OR REPAIRS.. No Job Alteratlons-642_..,5 $200. average per mo. Musi T SmaD Cab in ~ have late model car and be PART TIME HELP WANTED before calling at Mesa North shopping center, Baker at Fairview, CM, Then call John Briscoe between 5 & 5: 30 pm, 644-1307. oo · met rar-Neat, accurate, 20 YT'S. exp. dependable, Call LA Times ages & o t he r cabinets. WORK EV"o 6 30 TO 10 30 545-81'15 u no answer leave JOBS & EMPLOYMENT _642-4="800""'~~-~--~. : : Licensed Real Estate Sa.les-MEN PM. WE NEED 25 MEN TO man needed for immediate msg at 646-23'12. ll O. Job W1ntac:f, Men 7000 To work in wital )'U'd. SI"ART WORK IMMEDIA. employment. New unit now Andenion One full Ume & one part TELY. NO EXPERIENCE time. Must be neat In ap. NECF.SSARY AS WE TRAlN ~"& ... In "RED HOT REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS CABINE'I'S, Any aize job. :l5 yni, exper. 548-6713 REPAIR. Partitions, Small Remodel, etp. Nile or day, EXPERIENCED DECK HAND needs joh weekends &. Summer. Newport (213) ""51B8 pearance, no long hair, and YOU. Four Seasons Homes hnye n e a t handwrlttne. 21-$ yn. wm tralo. Some TOP STARTING PAY Huntinglon Booch mecha nical know 1 edge 968-4500 Reas! Call Kl:N 540-4679 Job Wanted, Lady 7020 preferred. Apply 19 3 0 For interview call :ri.tonday EXPER. Service Station At· Newport, Costa Mesa. and Tuesday, Allk for ~tr. tend.ant, part-time. HlllT)' & IF You need a sharp EX. Cement, Concrete 6600 ECUTIVE SF..cRETARY to MAINTENANCE James. Pal's Texaco Corner MACHINIST n~n51 Brookhunt & G,. r I I e Id, e NO job too small, I do u sume full time responai. (Two Openings) Fountain Valley. them all! Side w a I k a, billty on a PART TIME PREOSION CASTINGS E XPERfENCED liberglas ~YO~UN=G~M7A~N-,-'-ln~l-~t-~•t ba''·,. "'A ...... bonders & boa.t ... ..._nters. eres "" n "'-"·"-........ ,, .. aw e tc ..,..........,.,.. OF CALIF. INC. ~..-. l · trad M t h "'~ .. ,.,,, ........... .,.. · Islander Yachts, 17th I: earning e. us ave 642-8514 BABYSITITNG, EXPERI· 2044 Palcentla, C.M. Placentia, C.OSta Mesa. gd. ref's. Gd. pay & ben's e CONCRETE work all ENCED. Reliable. Llvr out. a4S-2278 Steady emplmt. 646-7'121 tJ!pes. Pool decks & custom. 642-7643 S SERV I CE ST AT I 0 N Hixson Metal Finlshing Call 51S-LU4 TEENA'S Complete Typing DJ HWASHER ~~MAN.CoApply: 31 1 OO E. CHARGE your want ad now. 0• l ~ • A '-UUSt Hwy. rona de Mar, Dial 0~ -for RESULTS *·CONCRETE work, bonded .:x:rv ce . .-ivmp., CCW'ale, 4:30-1 AM shift . Good pay [.,::Ca~l:'.!if:... _______ _;,==-=~=··===== • 1· Co t wi Reasonable. 546-0469 "' ic. nae e sa l'li· 1 ,,,===,--=--~~ and working condilfon!I. Phillips Cement. 543-6380 GOVERNESS, Experienced MANNINGS, INC. Help W1ntM Min 7200Help W1ntld, MM'! 7200 e CUSTOM PATIOS e German girl with Calil. EIToro Rd. (Leisure World) concrete sawing & removal driven lk:ense. 673-5905 Laguna Hlllii 837-1014 State Llc.*842-1010 PRACTICAL NURSE. STOCK CLERKS 6620 Avail. day or 11ite. $450 . .,..,. month to start. No ContrKtors Local ref. 83&8028 ..----------1 =========I experience needed. ~fonday ADDmONS-REPAIRS Domfftlc Help 7035 thru Friday. Ola.nee ta ad. REMODELING vance. Write: Box M·506 The Designing & Plannin&: Daily Pilot. Kitcherw-Baths, etc. * HOUSEKEEPER OR BOYS 10. 14 Llc'd & Bonded. Frft est. COMPANION availablp for Cfrrier Routes Open A &. B CONSTRUCTiON family care or single lady. for UXl P!~ CM Excellent references, drive. Laguna Beach, So. 1.quna • .,...,....;ru* Avail. now. DAILY PILOT DESIGN On.ftlng, •l<etro HOMEMAKERS 642-4321 mecb P/C layout " detail· 547'""81 TRAINEES. Full or part ing. Ken Sr. 67~1191 George Allen Byland Age11cy time. COOK • FOUNTAIN • - Gardening AJITllONY'S 646-lf41 The Beat, cost• no more! Ex:perle~ Malnfenance Buda'et -1.aMC11ping Cnt.duate Hortlculturllt Empoyer Pays Fee DISI{ ~fACHINE. TH E 106-B E. 16th, SA 547--0395 ZOO, W. Coast Hwy Ir: Qllnese tfve-ins. Cheerful MacArthur, N.B. Pt-nnanent Experienced EXP'O Service Station man. Far East Agency 642-8103 Hourly wage + commission. Overtime pay after 40 hr. Help Wint.cl, Men 7200 990 E. Cout Hwy, NB. O...EANUP MAN, owr U. Management Trainees SUll'f. 6 AM. No exp. WW NEED 18 MEN tnln. THE zoo, E. Coul IMMEDIARLY Hwy & Mac:Arthw N.B. WANT colleet boy or Part or full time, aec 19-35 pensioner for rmt.tl nlaht G~~~. ~~~ $3.30 HOUR -"~-0''"'~9155,,,',,," ~-==~""-·•_l 1'-"~ way thru co.Uq:e. * KNOWLEDGABLE ptl"IOn ~. Llc. -Re.ii Te.nnl MR. HAWK 547.7782 In H\.51 component&. Salel Phone 646-4203 or ~25.11 YMCA bulldirc custodian., 36 tn.inee. ean -. Mr. v an IEC ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN For our OceanicS Division. Challenging assignment for S C U B A trained •lectronlc technician to perform m1inten1nc• and operation of 1pecl11lzed t1l•metry equipment on fl•ld loc•tlon in Hawaii. Requires experlenc• in the 1bove •re•, end 1ccr9dlted electronics educ•tlon ind/ or military trefnl"t In electronics APPLY 7ot E . Vermont, Anaheim, Calif. OR CALL 1213) MA b-9422 1714) 772-2811 Two good men needed as doormen. Good starting saJ. ary, Cringe beneflt1, Telephone ?.tr, Ingle or Mr. Ross 644.1100 11 AM to 5 Pt.-1 MOTOR HOME e ASSEMBlfRS e BUILDW Immediate openings fur men with experience in plwnb. ing, clectrlcal, walls, cabin. els and finish _ or we will lrain you, Must bave some hand tools. See Rick, 2135 Canyon Drive, Costa Mesa ''""" Tem1>0ra.ry Employm<'nt URGBm. Y NEEDED. • Spray Painter Job shop & mil spec exp. Interviewing Mon thru Fri., 8-S P.M. . INTERIM Personnel S.rvke 4.tS E. 17th, CM 642-7523 L SERV. SI'A. ATTNDNT, grave)1u'd shift. Must be exp'd. Pret older man. 2. SERV STA ATJ'NDNT, f'Ve. shift. 2 PM to mid- night. 1.{uat be exp'd. Ap. ply: Chevron Station r.I Harbor & San Diego Frwy. Co:iita Me&a. SERVICE· STATION ATIENDANT For cut rate 11erv. ala. Oldt:r man preferred. Must be bondable. Steady job for the right man. Appb' in person mornings only, SAV-MOR STATION 620 Ocean Ave., JIW'lt. Ek:h. DOORMAN PARKING ATIND'T ruu or part. time, day or eve. Uc. Call!. drtvu. Neat ap. pean.nee, l'f'ls. can 644-1700, elff SM. 4 tll fi p.m. SECURITY GUARD 40 hour Wttk: Call $4$.22ll ·• hr wk, U :30 am. Employee -"'-twn-=-. ~"',c·-6-"-11191""° __ _ MOW • w.... L&bi>r by beMit>. SG-lmO • ............... capabl!!: CoUtae Students. EXCELLENT man. to do e Night Shift Fonm•n Rea1, C&b 67S-778S, 9-"6 PM. 11ni$h yacht worlt and dock ===='-~~=~ AL'S G&rdenlrc s. r v I e. malnttn.ance. CaU ~2211 GARDENER-HANDY MAN, Lewn m1.lntenance. prden. ext. ~ --ontt a week, Balbor llland. INTERSTATE ELECTRONlCS • " __ Bo ___ lboo Boy Club • 1 • AIM"mw...1- Ing A: cleAn ope. M&-3629. EXPER. liquor 1tore sate• 673-4M8 Cl.SAN-UP SpectaltsU MOW> cletk, Oolble 'houri, aalary NO matter what it 11, you '""· ~nc. odd Job 1 . open, bondable. 1043 N. Coas1 can sell It "1th ll DAILY R.ea!IOn.able. 5'8--6!'fj5 Hwy, lAgllna Bf'l!.Ch, PtLOT \VANT ADI I ~78 - • Night Shift For1m1n CORPORATION 64~ \'ARD Stllemwl, OYlr 21, 5 A SUBSIDIARY OF day w .. k. Som< mech&nlcal ''Automatic'' Sprln9c1er Corp. of Arn.rlc• ell'Pt'rlenc:f!. R.EJ>.E-RENT. AN (~[ ~PK)RT\/Nlrt EMPLOYER AU, 7161 Harbor Blvd •• CM. '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""'!!!!!!!l' OAILY Pll.Or WANT ADSI ' ' - A s s E M B L E R s .. Olllca J.C.-Co. holl!on lllond N_._. NEEDS Secretaries Typists CAMIRA ALL O,l'ICI SKILLS DEPARTMENT HIAD Recent IUCCMlfUI upuiellef! ..... tall-...,......_ Full tlm• employment. exoeUent PlY ~t. oubtand. "" bonoflta. 0>anco ID par. Odpate in Crowth o1 ttUa fleW, ~ line. • Apply in peraon 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. Monday !Mu Friday J. C. PENNEY CO. 24 Foshlon lslond An equal opportunity ..,p1oyer EARN llORE.WlTll US 0.111111 ' Tempor1ry Help ANAHllM 775 W. Lo Polm• NEWPORT IEACH 3149 Birch SlrMI SANTA ANA 161 .. F, E. Fourtfl 540-7345 JANM'OR &: WINDOW e e e CLEANER. Full ttme, ... REPRO TYPIST one part time weekend J)Oli- Uon. Experieooed. C a 11 ~ Doy & Evo. Shlft1 Help W1nlod Women Protldency with 1814 Jelec. 7400 trtc typewriter preferrfd.. ADVERTISING CLASSIFIED SALES MARSHAll Immediate posttio11 available COMMUNICATIONS in our HWlttncton Beach oa. 3519 w. WARNER Ice for agre:saift, alert 5-nla Ana, caH.l l'l70I &a.leswomM with pleastnc <n4) 546-2820 personality for inside & oul An Equal Opportuni11 aide &a.lei. Must have new&. Employer paper Ousi6ed Sal~ exper. • • • lence. Lucrative ta'rltor:y ORDER PROCESSING v.i th &a1ary + commission, CLERK State ~· paid vaca-Some ottk:e ex p e r I e 11 r e tion, ~tioned ottioe, 'pl'efen"ed. Muat be· rood All company benefits. Call typist. Pft'm. poeltlon in Ernie Uuardo 1or app't, ll'OWina: Mf&. co. Xlnt. ORANGE CO. EVENING benefita, advancement op- NEWS.INDEPENDENT portunlty. Contact Mr 1 . 5:17-1510 Wlndlinger BOOKKEEPING DISC INSTRUMEN'l'S INC. 2101 S. JWla.dy st. S.A. MACHINE OPERATOR SEAMSTRESSES Looking for a aharp girl to Exp'd power machine oper- opente Burroughs E400 k@y. aton to aew naugahyde boat punch. 10 ke:y adder I type cushions • can\'US !»> 60 wpm. Dcperlence on Bur. dueta. Top wqu. pd holi· Poslt lona are avail-rouaha & ke,ypunch a neces. days, vacations, inl. Xlnt aity, Call Mr. Lartome workir8 condjlion&. APPb' able in the entry level 54S-7ll7. Jack ~ Co., 1763 PlaceB- Full Charge Bk r. tia Ave., CM, 646-2'51 Do payroJj .._, !!n,~ta"-CAFETERIA HELP ments &: ba]. lheet. Some Part ti.me work available ln lead to later oppor· COit acctg, Beach area. To modem convenience _ atyle $600. Fee paid, Alao lee jobs caftena in O.~ Mesa. classification of Dis- assembl .... These jobs tunities in machine Call Doris, 5f8.'Tl'96. Meals, unifonns I: other ARGUS AGENCIES bendli.. Hours 10 AM ID building, inspection, 1889 C Newport mvd.. c.M. 2: 30 PM, 5 ~· per week. SARAH COVENTRY bu Call Mr. I.Ado 541).5432 Ext or material control. openlnp for full or part 62, be.t 12: 30 Ir: 3 PM tor Previous mechanical time tales. Min. are JB.1-"-'""""'-o==· ===~-·I Pl•uant """'· no'""''~"' KEYPUNCH or electrical assemb-.i.n-... ·For '"'"""" ""PERATOR call 540-0614/ 837~749/ V ly experience requir· 847-8950 d ll<sE"ciu:r==A~R~Y~F~or-1.aguna--IExperienced In IBM 026B, e ' l.JUls law offi~. Corporale Burroughs E400 and varied or probate ex p e r I e n c e duties fn accounting office. preferred but not ttquired. Hours 10 AM to 6:30 PM. Com pan y pa1d Good skills, salary com-Call Mr, Larcome, 54$-7U7. be n e f I ls including ;;:·~-:.·~::.=.,blll~ Racfio.Telephone profit sharing, com-for appt. Dispatch Gld preheMive medical and hospitalization coverage fC1r employ· e WAITRESSES WANTED e Z5 or over. Must know local EXPERIENCED area. Apply in penion. Contact Mr. or Mn. Zlmm<r YELLOW CAB CO. Flying Butler 188 E. 16th SL ~ CoataMeaa ees and dependenls. pPIBJC'11"Anowutne;;;;;;i;;;-::::,....;;;. ::-:=f ...... oiii&iiiii.._ ... ..,, pre!, must be ~e to ·~ Exec Seety $600 INTERVIEWS all shift.a. Steady work. Must have excellent akfDll A: 536-888l be well groomed. Fee pajd, ====""""'7'7:"'7"1 Abo ,.. Join. E XPERIEN('.ED chairslde ABILM'IES dental &11ll1tant for geheral UNLIMITED AGENCY pncUce attice, La g tt n a 488 E, 17th St, &dte 224 9 A.M.-12 NOON Beach, 5 day/wk. 494-9737 Costa Meaa 642-1470· s ALES W o MAN -Ex·f~!!'\'!'~~~~""'!!!l!!~I pcrlenccd In ready to wear S E C R ET A R Y Lovel_y & aport1wear. Part time. spacious . office. Lively Costa Mesa. 546-2462 ~endly >"lllll&'. CMlrii' kera, MONDAYS, TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS And FRIDAYS XEROX Machine Conditioning Center IRVINE INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX 11691 JAMIO•IE ROAD IRVINI Equ1! Opportunity Employer M & F i i.oEAUTY OPERATOR neert-located Newport Beach. $5()() ed, apply in penon, Call fur up. Co PllY• U1 your fee. appt. 5'5--0209 Also fee jobs. Call Ede, . 546-5410, J a I 0 D Best GIRL Friday, blilhw, typing, Employment Agency 212] It. bkkpinf,. am. pb::ioe. So. Main, Santa Ana , Call Wed. or Fri 5t).S990 IA<X'"=,,,,,...==--o=,-,-~~ I AR • Mm. Xlnt Qllbi P T TIME General Ottlce. Mesa Co. Stable no ~ Good with f I a u re s . Friendly .~ M50 Shorthand helptul. 675-5333 mo. C.all R o 1 e m 0a r y , ASSEMBLERS A: IN-546-6410. J a 1op Belt ,!?PECTOR. ap 35 10 45 di,)' Empkloyment Apncy~ 21J) or nlaht ah1ft. *64U&!O* So. Ma1n, Santi Ana * CASHIER * Medical Aalltant Part time. Car wub. Matuft-p. d I at rt 0 U · CALL 645-:JOZ: ......... prel<utd, """' A OPERA"i'ORS N.ck ottlce. Send reatme: SPF.c. MACH. SWady. Top age, exp, etc ID Dail¥ Pilot pay. Gr'mt Mf&'r. ~-Box P-325 ~ , WANTED: Part Time MEDICAL A5SISrANT Bo.rmaid for nice bar. CBaclc office), able to type, Call 60-4882. pleuant penonalU;y A: ntal appean.noe mare important DENTAL ASSISTANT , than experience Wrtta Dai- Pedodonlca. N • B. Ex· ty Pnot Box M Cu_ perlence detlted. Non,l°':;;;;=='""'""=""'--=I smoker. Mf..-OGU SECRETARY: Part time tor LICENSED Shampoo lh'l eonoult!ar -· Exp. !n ' Top pay. Newport Beach = ~~ mm· area. ~ Ml-583'1 •• p • SA!ZSLADY >r -S.U.YSl'ITER >r 2 .,._., atote. Over 31 JUn. 4 I: • mo'L 10 am tu 1 pm. 5'W4D3 ' Llw: In I:.' out.. $25 wtc. ~CED part !!me -all T pm <r ""l:SO : -ble fllll ..... am. 11~tlli.=:lm===~-~~11'11R""'"DON1JT==.--..... -.-_-,-.n HOUSEKEEPER ..... Good J5.iG,, -no fXl-~ Nliti~ -. All ldulta. A1>J11r lo -:US ~ !Tai. ·-· c.w. ~--------~-----~~~~~~~----~~~--~~-~-----~-----------~.-~--~----~-------~-~ ... I 1 ! . -----~--------- OAl~Y I'll.OT T""4>J, ,.., 20, 1%9 ISi ,Oft "o-YMENT I JOBS & EMPLO MENT jf & E!o\PLOYMUIT JOIS • IMPLOYMINT JOIS & EMPt.OYMn.TMERCMANDISt POR MIRCHANDISI l'Olt MIRCHANDISI POR /l\ERCHAND I r-:=..:::..::::::;;::.;.:;.::::;.:. 'j· 1_SA~L~IJA~N~D~~~R~>~~~·~~SA~L!IJAHD~~T~R~>~~!l_,_~SA~Ll~AN~D~TR~A~D=f=:::~S~A~Ll;::A=ND::"'T~RA~D~ Helo W11J1ttd Help Went.cl Jebe;.wn, Wom.' 7500 Jolll :Min, Wom. 7500 ,.. l600Mbc:9U•new1 l600 Hor, Wonted Womon 7400 w-74'0 l~';"rnlii:ii"';ii"i.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiilCl~+~~~'~•~rnl~lutiiiie~iiiiiiii:i~ll~Da~-0;1~loll~-~l~l"~.,.~~·•~11;.iiiii~iiii~~~~~~~=1 Yo Women 74001-.:.:.::;;;;.:c:.._____ I• ~ SECRETARY • ,,.~·;-e,:~· • P, · * COOKS * SAVE . l•'s OF SSSSSSS f U R' N I T U R E Employmf_nt ll6BlllY lllDBI .. • Clertis • Typists • ltepro Typists • Secretaries • Ken111chen • PIX Open. • Assemblers ' Work when & where you w•ntl INTERIM PWOllNR SERVKE . 445 E. 17th St. Cost• Mes•. C•lif. 641·7523 Interviewing Mon. thru Fri. I •.m. to S p.m. • Equal opportunity en1p\oye"r • • NEEDS PART TIME SALESLADIES Housewives & Mothi rs Can you •fW": a few hou1"S each day and add to the family income at the 113.me lime! Schedules convenicnl for you, mornings, afte r- noons evenings .. or con1bina- tions ·of all. Work in a fun store under the finrst of conditio11,5 and top supeivi&. 1ion. APPLY JN PERSON PENNEY'S FASHION ISLAND 10 AP.1 to S Pi\1 i\londay thru Friday All sludent positlon5 filled. Equal opportunity employer • ' GBIERAL PRoolXTION Apply In person THE HARTUY CO. 1987 Placentia Ave. Cosla Mesa PROOF OPERATOR EXPERIENCED United California Bink 4:i25 MacArthur Blvd. ~" • EquaJ opportunity employer neWPDrt . pe1sonnei _agency For top paying Temporary Positions i;ee Jane Cargill ln our Te.mpornry Division. 133 Dover Dr, N.8 . 64:t..3170 549-2743 LEGAL TRAINEf \Vork at Newport Center, •tart S400/mo .... equires sec. retarial cxperietl('('. Type VARIAN DATA MAC!llNES, Newport lleocll "',..'l!!!!!..er EXPERIENCED ... Toarlnt Down llul!dlntll • . LOCATED IN THE IRVINE -n.-.. NON CED INDUSTRlAL C:Ol'a1PLEX, Jtu openlnp (or AHNCY ·EXPERIEN Everythll!I Mu1t Go-EVEN . c T I 0 N has an immtdiatt oprnln;: W L 1M St. posiUons open THE IUILOING ~ .. m1lc1 A u l':,~ = ~';'.' .,,.... "!~~!~$ 11~~~"rst. Apply In por.., r_.. fer our NIW STORE II s.11111 AN (Contractor ~1nt1 to .luUd lmmecfiatolyJ ., • \Ve require a mature, sharp (irl with aood shorthand and typing akilla, and a &!able \.\'Ork history. This is a btay job \vilb a heavy pbane. k>ad. Good starting salary with a llbt-ra.J ~t program In.. cludini 12 days vacation dur. Ire first )'ear ot employ. ment. £VE. INTERVIE\VS ll1AY BE ARRANGED varian data machines A VARIAN SUBSIDIARY 2722 Michel son Drive (Adj. Or•ng• Co. Airport) Irvin•, C11if. 92664 No phol'K' call! plca:sc. An equal opportunity employer M&F EXPERIENCED e TELLER e EXPERIENCED e PROOF OPERATOR e UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK 3029 H•rbor Blvd. Costa Mesi 546-2033 Equal opportunity employer General Office Bookkeeping exp, good typ. ist, good handwiitine;. Per. sonable &: \vc:IJ groomed. !'I day~ week, S.S. Prefer aut~ mative exp., but w/ train right ga).. Call S40-5630 alik fur Mrs. Brant. Johnson & Son Lincoln· Mercury 2626 H1rbor Blvd. Costa Mesa EXPERIENCED TELLER UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK #6 Mon•rch Bay Pl111 South L•guna 496-1273 t::qual opportunity employer EXPERIENCED e ESCROW e SECRE1'.ARY UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK 31"41 E. Co1st Hwy Corona del Mar 67S.9240 Experlt'.nce neceua.:ry. competllive wqei., out· 11tanc:Ung bcnelil11 l.nelU• din, p1-ofit sharins. APPL'( IN PERSON 10 At\! to 9 PM t\1onday Uu'l.I Friday J. C. PENNEY CO. ~~ R=~~s . s:.:~!r~il;":!Mi:.:m TUESDAY NIGHT c..,,..., -..... 1555 W. Ad•m • sou • Living room sets • Con>!'r units 1 P.M SHARPll $13,000 Coll• Meu •Tables • Lamps• Recliner chairs-e !Jec. Colleee delP'ff wit! sales ex. OFF.ICE-CLER~ orative Spanish hairs e Buffet · w/china • •• pe.rience. not necessarlly in Rellal>le trainee needed .., tops, Mediterranetw ·• Pictures • Wrought computer tield. 1 om e pennane.nt clerk in Editor-Iron knowled&e helpf\11. la! Offices of lhe DAlLY *This s.a. For Stock on Hmd Only* Monoter·9uoHry PILOT. Some typing and Au•rwce to $19,000 till~ experience helpfuJ. Inspect EARLY As We Sell QUICKLY! •• • 24 Fashion Island An equal opporluni1y employer Degree Jn chemistry or Musi have car, Holll'!I 6 Ai\I * nialh \Vllh extensive quaH-to 3 PM. ft1onday throuah ly control knov;,ledge in 1'"11day. See Mrs. McAli.liter foods. Statistical quality alternoon!i alter 2 o'clock. a."JSUl'l:U\Ce experience a NO PHONE CALLS. mus!. D•ily Pilot AOK Commission Gallery 7722 GARDEN GROVE BOULEVARD ·1 Block West of Beach Blvd., o!! G.G. Frwy. ITI .WSCO KEYPUNCH OPERATOR lBi\1 Alpha & Numcri· caJ. Verify and some re· lated clctical dutie!I. Good \\'Orking conditions and ~nefits. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EJo.lPLOYER (:'>!ale or Female! \.JS5 DALE V/AY CO!,JA MESA, CALIF. 9'.!626 1n~1 545-82ill *TELETYPE OPERATOR· Two yeaM! experience, private J i n e teletyPc. Knowledge of PBX mul- tiple board. 10 a.m. lo 6:30 p.m. COLLINS RADIO CO. • 19700 ,J•mborH Road Newport Beech E<1ual opportunUy r.n1ployer STORE MANAGER Experienced Only For New LANZ 'LADIES APPAREL STORE IN FASHION ISLAND Call coll~! !2131 934.7325 * HOSTESS· CASHIER For Cd(fee Shop llfoming 8hlfl. E~pcrience ncces!i&ry. Apply in person, THE NEWPORTER INN Foo N190tlobl. Supenisor-Dlrecter $!ZOO mORlto l\lasten degree in Gco- Chemlcals. \Viii be director or all lab services, Take care of analytical p1'0- cedures. Fee by oppllcaot Security Offlcen $2.2S lloor No experience necessary. \Viii train, uni fo rms !llrnished. older p c o p l e preferred. 40 hour week. 330 \V, Bay St. Collta MeSll NURSES AIDES Al>d ORDERLIES Experienced or Trainees 7 M.1 lo 3:30 Plo.t and 11:00 Pf.ii to 7:30 AM. PARK LIDO Convalescent Center 466 Flagship. N.B. 642-300 * DRIVERS* No Experience Necessary! Restarclrl Helper fllust have clean California Trainee $550 · driving .reconl. Apply T \1-0 years college math, YELLOW CAB CO. chemlsb')'. Ex~llcnt op. 186 E. 16lh St. portunity to advance. \Vork l~=--'-"°'=":c:_"::'="=-~- rotating shift. NEED ambitious trainee Shlpplnt & lec:e1wl1t9 couple, ages <15 to 55, who to $650 1vould Like to learn to Company ,,·anU .someo~ become apt nigrs. htan n1ust have inside painting '""ilh experlcnoe and ability e."P· Submit l"CSUfllf: k to take over and becon1e references. Box P 486 Daily manager of department. Pilot. Productl0tt e TEACHERS S m a 11 C011trol $800 Private J r H.igb-J-ligh Sehl. Experience in any forn1 of Older teachers preferred . metal fabrication. If }'OU l~Bo~x~M==558o_:D::a:::il,_y.;;P.;;il_ot~ ar<! able to step in and ritANAGER; dlx. apt, Costa straighten ou1 plant and Jo.Iesa Comp I e t e main· procedures company said tcnancc .c: painting. they \\·ill go hi;:her. California ritanagement Janitor S2. hour Plus slo~ discount. \Vill be \\'Orking for one of our bet· !er depar!ment i t o r e s , General duties, stable. 826-!&10 {213) 'n+.6180 COUNTER }{EJ..P, penn. 36 hr \\'k. Days. Apply TACO BOX, 2858 Harbor, C.M. 9:3011:30 PM Nurseryma• to $700 Agencies, Men & Five or niore years in Women 7550 nur8Cry field. 1 --"=~'----= Teletype Repair.-·$433 Jr you can take dolvn and as~mble model 28, com- pany n·ill train yoo in the: llCl\'CSI equipment. Must ~ ablt' to relocate. Ch..,lcat Mbt< Trainee $2.50 llour ''oung. clean cut, high school grad for lcsting and nii."ing chemicals. FEMALE Fu Paid Stoff Soc:ty $S50 Good secretarial skills. \\i ll be \\'Orking \Vith insurance fornu1, files and phones. POSITION IS EVERYTHING IN LIFE! WHY NOT BETTER YOURS? FEMALE JOBS a EMPLOYMENl MERCHANDISE FOR Schocl,.Jnslrvctlon 7600 The Newport School of Business FEATURES: e &tectrlc Typewriters • Dictating ~uipment e Brush up "Gregg Sh. • Modem Office procedure • Letter writing skills Your .&:oal! can be achiev- ed in a minimwn of 3 w e e k s, maximum 6 \\'eek!. Ask for Nona lloUman · al 642-3870 for lull partjcuJars. ' THE NE\VPORT SCHOOL O!' BUSINESS 833 Dover Dr., Newport Bch. SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS Campu.s -Event -lllercy -Cravat -CURVES SALE AND TRADE TYPEWRITER, 1968, IBM Executive $373. used very 8000 little due to illness. 673--039;) Furniture ·. SP ANISI-[ Returned from 1°'=r.=•v .. •::..;oS•::lc::• __ _.:8;;.02:;:2 lo.lode! Homes on sale al less than wholesale! Group GARAGE SALE; Plumbing, includes beautUul 9 6 ' ' mining tools, bolt1, stoves, quilted sofa &: Jove seal dressefs, tires, tube& & 3 Spanish oak decon.tor mi.sci. 272 Costa ?vlesa St.. tr.b!es, ''\.'a£ or table lamps. .;;c.;;·'c.'·~~~-=~--"'llll placque, Jtinr, queen. GARAGE SALE or full sJze bedroom suile JUNK TO ANTIQUE complete lnd baJr springs, l36 A. Victoria. o r in rear mauress. linens .I: boudoir l~ps. Spani.sh oak 6 pc Appliances 1100 dln1.ng set priced f"i&!where ·.;,;:i:;::;:;::: ___ ..;:.:.:: at approx. $1195.00 ALI.NEW Fri gidaire FOR ONLY $399. $20 do1vn, dlShlVat.jhcMI, special tract $4.99 per •• 1iek , out of surplus, $148. Deliver c d state credit OK. W 111 w/servlce or s1vapP&l-----OU:t ~le Jot quick sale. 20th $173. All a pm ~1588 O:!ntury FurnUure, 9 7 7 2 ,.., E \V···•·· D ..... . ...ii"°' & ryer. Garden Grove B I v d . . $50 for both. Garden Grove Daily 1().9, •&.u...-4265• Sat ID--6. Sun 12-5 Come . in or call f714J ~5240 • \VH1RLPOOL .automatic \\'asher, late mOdel, xlnl l\tAHOGAN)' breakfront $65. cond. U!. 847-8U5 ./ RENT NE\V SPINET PIANOS !rom $10 per montb Purchase OplionaJ · ••*** I SALB USED llAl\tMOND ORGANS • Ne\v guarantee • Liberal tcnns B-l's, C2, A·lOO's, M-lOO's, J.,.lOO's from .......... $69.l HAJ\IMONO in CORONA DEL ?IJAR ~ E. Coast llwy 673-8930 \VE.RE back in our new store. Big Celebration -B~ Salo. CLOSEOUT o! console Pian· os at savings. to ...•.• $400 CLOSEOUT of Baldwin over. age pianos at savings to $3.f9 CLOSEOUT or 1968 Organs I '. at savings lo .•...•.•.• $236 I . No down o.ac. 5 yrs lo pay. \VARD 'S BAW\VIN STUDJOj • 1819 NC\\'J)Ort, C.l\I. 642-8484 ! · Hi-Fi & Stereo 82 10 I lcr neckline dresses are like racing cars. They hold fast going a· r o u n d the CURVES. 5-20 Educational Vacation 4th graders ... Sr Citizens Chil. coat lo !es.son typing Sehl. Trial Lesson. 173 Dcl Mar C.~1. 548--2859 Sn1all naugahyde chair $35. . . Twin box :i;pring & matt. WASHER & el~ctric dryer n1 STEREO console, bcautilul J S20. Roll·a·\Vay bed $20. \\'Orklng cond1Uon. $50 for piece \Vlllnul cabinet. $175. Sm a 11 m 8 p I~ fi n is h bolh. 642-0197 7:30 lo 10 PM. 06"7"3-"'7'60"".====== 1 se<.Tetary $40. Swag lamp 3 * G.E. Rcfrig-freezei", $60. 8220 colored globe $35. 6#-0032 riu sc. R a L t an /urniturc. 1.T_•_,po __ R_oc:_o_r_d_e_"c....-- VOICE preparation f o r popular or classicaJ singing. Beginner I h r u advanced trainiQ&:. 642..SSU. -494-9340 GUITAR LESSONS in your Home. $2.00 a Lesson. Call Bob at 5'16-0011 a.ft 6 P~l. ELEGANT formal dining 540-6729 table pure Italian marble.1';-..=1"G"ID~A~l°'R"E~R'"".i~rlg-, -"°'--,-' Like ne\v. $600. 646-0732 top freezer $100. HOUSEHOLD furnishings: * f>t()-0623 * Liv, Din. Bdnn. TV, etc. 409 G.E. Automatic 1vasher. xlnt Bcllvue Ln, Balboa. 675-7003 coodlllon $40. · Qualify king bed, quilted, ====*="='=-3=11=5=*=== complete, unused $98; v.·ortb $250. Aft 5 or \Vknds, 847-0400 A_n_tl-'q'-u_., _____ 8_1_10 I TAPE Recorder, OC\V ; \Vollcnsak, 3?.1. cas;el!e, ; \\·ith all attachments, $80 (original cost Sl30J. l!J0-079l -::-' Sparling Goods 8500\ ~ 12 GAUGE aulomati C'; \Vinchester . n1odcl 59. prin1el · t..'Ondilion, ;130. Call Dan 64&-1509 WANT AD NOW'S THE DOUBLE Contour reclining CHINESE Red 1ca cart, old ch_alr. Cosl $400. Like tJC\\'. English woo:l~brass ~ tier -========== for $100. 9G2-99Z1 aft -t PM. wash stand, Chinc!ie "4 panel Miscell•neous 8600 TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT SOt'A & Chair. new. never small screen 1\·/ivory ap. u~. !\take oller. 548-£,025 pliqucs. Louis XV 7 drav.·cr or 91!i2-30.19 ~Vl!!I only. chest {Somonierl. &l.rly t, Your Ad in our classifieds? American 5 dra1vcr cherry \\'Ood chest. See at 3221/l Someone "''ill be lookin1 for it. Dial 642-5678 ~';::"';;m;;;1";.· ;c=.D~.M=. ==== DAILY PILOT DJ.AlE·A· Sewing Machina 1120 LINES. You can use them :;:.;o;.;.;,._c.;.;.;.;;;=.::....-- lor just pennies a day, DiaJ 1969 SINGER \vith zig·1.ag & 642-5678 'va.lnut console. Makes but· ======="""'""~"""='===="'=~~= ton holes. designs etc .. $5.25 MERCHANDISE FOR · MERCHANDISE FOR mo. "' 136.00 oa•h. 5'S<lil6 SALE AND TRADE SALE AND TRADE Furnit·ure IOOOFumiture 8000 PUBLIC NOTICE DECORATOR GETS CANCELLATION Of 18 LUXURY APARTMENTS Sp .. ish & Mediterr111i1n Furniture All BRAND NEW Musical Inst. 8125 KENT Drums; base, snare. ton1 tom. cymbals, mu!'iic sl&nd. J\.1ioor reprs. $100. S:J<>-1300 DRUMS, Sparlcle Blue. Sling. erland. Complete. * 54&-1334. • ACCORDlAN, 120 ba!IS eon· lello. 9 mo old. take a/payments 64.2-0052 * • MIXED BAG • • Househokl and p e r ~ o n a I Items. including Honf')l\vell Hie lMd Strobe \vilh battery case, 4 x 5 film holders, conl'ertible ha.r and 11vo stools, polaroid swinger cam. Cl'a, maple chest and mirror. case and bowling ball, full wig a nd case, maple bed 1 frame, dishes, bed spread, rug, bird cage, utensils, and other Items. 005 Park Ave., Laguna Bl'ach. TOILET A.fn. Std A-I $15. Laundry tray C. iron SS, Single C.I. sink $7. Dis_p S7. Elec oven $10. 42" kit. ho6d $8. Rolla\1•ay bed .$ 2 0 . Ba rbe cu e $10. Spice C'ablncL~. !<lidlng 1\'1ndo1vs, and other Heins lo clean out garage. Some are new. No Junk! All \\"eek after 5 PJ\.t. 282 E. 201h. Q.\1. 642·2741 1107 Jamboree Road Ne1\•pon Beach, Calif. Equ~I oppor1unlty employer I ii..,iiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiii lnwentory Clerk to $37S \\'ill do KArdex posting, in- ventory control. No typing. \Yl11 train above average gili. General oUice ex· perience helpful. Fee by appli'°"' GIBSON Les Paul guitar \v/han:I cai;e. Near ne1v. $3;JO. Call 548-2.323 *AUCTION* JI )IOU v.•ill sell or buy • WAITRESS • Apply In person See Be1cy Bru~ at mi64Gxec A,ency for Career Gi.rl:s <110 \V Coast H,vy .. N. B. By appoint 6-l&-3939 G .. erol Office $340 TYJX' accul'atcly, tak e phol1C' orders. price In· \'Oicrs. Pi•nos & Or91ns 1130 GULBRANSEN ORGANS give \V indy a ti~· Auctions Friday 7:30. p.m. 00 \VPl\f. II~ shortha nd. Al· lomE"y Roland S. Barcumc 1S1 6440023. REUBEN E. I.If WURLITZER PIANOS a ORGANS Pianos I: Oraans Rcnlcd EVERYTJllNG lN l\fUSIC Windy's Auction Barn Behind Tony's._ Bldg. ?llat'I. 2075Y2 Nc1vpopr1 , CM 64&-8681.i t'lJLL l\larqucltc tune-up equip 6 mo's old SUOO, Sn.t1H>n air chisle & in1pac: \vte~h S2JJ. Comp!. Jet ail'-<.'Ond'ing equip & stoc:k $!;)(). Other miscell. Call all. 5 Pi\1 89l-4S::7 L ' OZARK'S llickory chips for sn1oking & SB-Que, 3 J~.J lb bags $2. Includes partial delivery. Send f'heck or fvi.O. lo H.A. Ko111ulaine. 20!l \\'. Carlton. Ontario, Cal. 91761 GEIGER Counler. Oarinrt. Teaching machine 1v i 1 Spanish courst', Projec stand 1vith plug in. othe sTT'all items. !>l!J.....CG.l) or 25ot6 Greenbrier (Colle&:e Par kl C.J\I. JOCC HONDA. dirt or street $100 or lx>st oner. l'"ormica 1op fable & 4 cl111irs SlO. Youth bed, con1plcte $10.I 1'Tlsc. 61.f \V, Bay St., C.l\l . 616-2l!H 80\'S Schwinn 1;1 speed. us cd $3.i. Zenith portable TV $45. 61~ a.m. ' f GOODYEAR w/a/w lh'C5.. 8.55 x 15. Good condition ea<'h. 3()..)4 Van Buren. CM. Qunlif)t..Jdng bed. qullte1. complete. unus"d $98; wort S?ao. Aft !J or "'knds 8-17~ ~ 'TIS Tropical F ish e I Clpr:nina •bout Juiie lal Fountain Vlllley &C2-4..~ AU10ST !lt'E\V ENGINE 6 H.P. S;;o .,.....,. DIAMOND ~ilaire wt!ddlng set. have a.pprl S(n, seU sr....o cMh. G75.-4 L11 Nffd' a Canlen!'.langk T f'ind 11 Wl!h 11. ~111'.ll ad! MJllCHAHDISI FOii · '1'.IWISPOITATION TllANSPOlTATION TllANSPOllTATION TllANSl'j)llTATION ~:j]T~RA~N~~~~~; ~ AND TIWll FREE . TO YOU--::.. 'M • • •• --........ tilt,..... .. ............. Nii ln$21'911.... "-i==-===--..;·,,=· Utlll '--....... _ ...... -...... __ .,.. -· 0:4yT11111• -'-t loot tbll< -... '!llW~'ll -I' op, 'II allY ._ m JI&* ft •AY ... --------======'."'"-·! HOO :·;.~:.~ :..~ie:=:,: =::.... -~ !P~:i:.~~lt.'!i .!! .. :Y.o!!_iw~+i :. -CASH DOD.a ·~-ft. --... ~ ~Ung. p..... i::.. '4111. 'II MOA .... --0 ~ .. DODGE Dut v.a ... a ~ $1& """"6"" • 117,-. -Cruloen tm0 iAliiib: iliMi -Dro111o!1 MID "' ~Ii-· 1ir -"Ill a....... /:.: ~I•~::: ~.-~ Jlhld. ..,.. 7 ASSORTED -'oome 15• n8EltalAB llool. • .... =--111111 -· ~ 1 ' ill AIE:i: m' •amom•ID•tn. :l4S-mT f'iJRiiri'URii • AU ~ l"ree to lood mm., c.it Nier. croo or Belt aa.r. . . * .._ 11115 or* o•tr ..... u. C.M. -lo&lr, -.... hair. Hn. J;Ytm.m w /Tri~. ..._, ..... ,.... ··-w• ;llliii~. --.. hide+ "6--2W Si'2 -..-m-ub . 8 i6D 'I& ¥ '1tl. NOW nm'-....-. 1!14•~ •• • '· FORD tido. doaiwj. lo"" .. all, an-4'LOVABL>;·lli-S<!Wn-'"CABIN 0.-""1-lfllOI, tlroi, 11"-OllOll ciW('ii M,G MtdP~"' 'laiii:!'l.l!T -atnlng •ta b le. paene motl,., Callor • dattr <litlon. US hp ...;, ...... '~-• · -. New !Ira. ~ --Bwla Polaroid ~ra. M6-00ST. grey females. S weeks old. SJ 2 $3!lOO. m.-1.111 , s..«M "*g 1 * , Kl NSSl ·-~ 1.o. CM. -SJ3l 'll' "'cillm -a = wa " T •xr. itii' • -"' === 0~ wu1 11y LIK1: llew, F~n\~U• ~-t, -·lreu, ~-·-2~--~~ .. 1/11..llllo---.,.7_ z' ~Tc: . ·~•r outfit )'OU."dlc'ud~ '""'I."' ~ ttr... ... ..:..-__ ,,. ' . R2J: oew. &ell Jor Jl.75 • 5/20 """' " -J<k!o> 2 yn old. Pala 331Coota,._·St,C.M. ·•lo<tulk.Sl!f ,1 ' • -e;:;; -= . " · i'IRM-:--~, . • SWIE8E' Cat JotaJo,, 1 Yr. lloot.!Jlnl-',Mlf ~..!i\:: :!~. SG-JOell -~ MGI ANTIQUE -1jihro_r1 Old. y...,. free. to ...,i ·=~•fnteoa•Q• ""•"'" s--..,... -u>d..1. i11111 --....., • _, I ~~~'"~!P!'~!!;;;;·;;;;;;;;d'~no~ 1a1n1, a::._·-t1MIOl 111tt, ., etl frame. $40.~ 3429 SN 546-3670 ~ 512) • lty work, reu. rate. !Ii tmftMldlate Dellwry; l.9'70 HARBOR •LVD. Aut. laMlna 'llO '00 FORD Col.lntry Squire, Breeze Lane, CdM. 644-1008 SMALL~}" old female doc. 548-4736 "'"'MPER loll -COSTA MESA •• =~ wbl.,, 10 pau, po. pb. 390 UPHOl.Sl'i!Rili'S 9Jo<W, Good--·--· .,.... ---,,.,69.-..VW""''a---I FIRSr TIME! :'Y·-!'real car! $2295. 8 IOI M;.;W 8 Sofa $75. CUstom stmio muat stve _, pct baa>eo. M1J1M 'r'P: .. MS !eltt· R..,t1ls ~ IMMENATE DELIVERY ~aNew '6'torfi Monlhl _,..._,.. c•binct $125 W/ tpm. 87J..*7 l(30 MERCCJRY PiW. 50 HP to Aqtb«bzd Dealer • Bank Fina.ncing &: reblm with no oblip.tson, '66 FORD Galaxy 500, 4 dr, .. y,._ Am 646-4619 Si1l411,, tllObdt mlJll &II. llO H:P~' -.ts and ildOl9dO .. Four Wbidi $213 DOWN Call Mr, Malcolm Reid for V-8, auto, R&H, &ir, xlnt • LIYWf M :~ • :i'' TABLE saw • .. joiner, hid IJl t1xit1, 6 mo. tkt. ....... ...... _ itml!" ue ~ • ~ . iH.03:_ *_...-36 Pllll ~ FWl Details Now cond. lo miles. Pri pty, • or ... complete on pedtlta1. new Oaod licnl with tblldltml. ,..," • inboard • • Qi.119wr Low A.a Plua l ·-1 pymnt f9t &U-0010 ~ • May IS ftle • lljp, '°'''~. 212 E. """" 141 0638 or·-I/ta .,...,....... 1 1 · -t . ~ 600 I llOll W. Coaaf llwr~.B. tiU.. Full 2 yr, 24.0lll Ford Autbcoru.<I 19511 FORD w...,n. Rwla .. 'h 8 Oit&e-21n ....... ~11<. ·sh'e•m _ _.....,,..,. Tlleodo • "':'tb:wt.oiMGo.i-?M llllWUTllOIY.Avallod>-•1 i.u1nr s,.1om ...,.i.ruo. • •Mont For• '* POOL TABLES * Motl•, ·2 ,,._ old. BU</Wht HP. Afrsuldo lnotNmenta. ' ,. T & M MOTORS Thlltlero 642-0821 alt 6 pm. • I • cu.tom -antiquo -mod'"' 83G-<193 5/>l sl<eri.,._ w b"'' eod ROBINS FORO POUCHI > lll81 Galdon G,... 1'1""-ROBINS·· PORD '67 FOO Galaxy, 4 dr, p/b, • Trqpftll • • used. _,. !,P;?RTS "100". LIVELY 8 yr Cocker, needs S.S:mblie~ on tr~ 20llO Harbor mvd. . ,,.,.. 53'42H at Beach 89J.655l 2CtiO Harbor Blvd. pis. R&H, alr. good cood. •W• .. ~-lat...._, ITI4) 0.>0-41.xi 12-8 pm home.·Ffue Watchdog. Leav-ca es. l>S, • Costa. Mesa 642-«l'lO -,60-lllO...;.,,"'luP'-r-a,-•"''·--"-ft\l OPtN SUNDAY · Costa Miii "2-0010 $17"':10 U 8-2006 t'Yes .. ..... -d W BARGAIN! Membership lb Ing 't take 968-1801 hardware. class. resin A: ...... -·-~'67"""8ifi=AN""'~Blk~-W~/~bl~~--~-.="':':.,:""iL;,l!"'•"'s"'E=--= .. ;.::::1;,;;;.,:-;;FO;;. 0RDn'.eountry==· ,....,·Sq'-'."10 ••• ·.::•~.:~ ::.. Ne......,.,rt Beach Tennis Club. ' can · acetol!e, All MW. 'Sacrifice. Rent A-Cam-r palnt.ftd. ~ ui.. nblt --11• cu• blk ta t AM "" "'·" _, • ... ,~ KITI'ENS: Ti~r striped & 549-05.10 * CORY CRUISER~S * eftl, all* ~ .. ...., · -n tn • '68 eaa ·c:dv tull pwr air poas wag, dlr, ,...., pwr, fact .v-~ , • $700 you pay transfer tee. others, 6 wk.s. oid. Free to FM, v.nt wndws, 0000 15,500 mi, iJ.39 pe ' ' air. $1695. S!B-5038.IEFO• .YOU 8 642-3417 af~ 3 pm. eood home. 642--0896 5/2ll NEW PER.KINS DJ.E.5EL. 4-Re0;t by the day, week, or / IUB "'IU mall. Many extras. Xnlt '69 Olds Delta Roy~ ';1°dr .49 FORD engine & body • . Jr.v DIAMOND wedding set 2 107. 2-1 Warner Ce a r • month. Reasonable rat:eL "' cond. Wkdays 8 3 6 -3 2 3 4 , HT, air, $122 pit!' ~o. • parts. $:125 Ol' make ofter. • 9'1 I • CIB. T.W., ""'"~ llawloss. 2 .~~~.!.'"':~ ":; Crated. $1100. 714, tm-""4 Soddloback Dodgo Subaru of Cal1'f, ..... 673--073. '67 ,...,, LTD • dr !IT 548->JU • • CL-J. O•r • Appr $2350, sac $ 6 5 O, 1401 N. Tustin 1).vl: ·55 VW 1200 Sedan. Red. air, $69.!IG Per tM. ' 119511 6T.h1600 Blk/Wht 64&-7647 ""' Boot Slip Mooring 9036 Phone 54.7·9381 Inc -Retan D'1v s1 .. 1 '""""''· New 7.00 SOUTH CO'ST '64 FORD. xlnl cood, auto. • • KITIEN, gray/v.,ht. long-• • "' Repo sale. $500. Priwre. 8 Savings 8 ' WANTED ' Boal slip for 36' OOACH • TRAILER $1297 POK tlrel, wlil~ •hOulder bol1'. CAR LEASING 5"'-78211 YOU CAN'T 8 Misc. Wanted "8610 haired, ?di.le 8 wks, old. c:rulaer Balboa N rt RENTALS Low miles. Xlnt cOnd. Must -w. c.t Hwy uo •••~-I i--------546-4409 5/>l Boacl> • . ..,_:., •wpo _,, ab Opt oquip l30. FreliJ>I W.50 oeU tllllll or b"t oller. -• ·~ -'67 FORD Gotlaxle 500, 2 dr, 8 BUT THEM 8 W A N T E D SOLID Mahoeany and arf:a. / !?:=~ :r~~ mHoL ~Pt~ .._ UM Cirs 9900 irr, dlr, full pwr, fact air. plywood ....... 864 w. 18th 11oot-:rocht / Id.,.! 1000 w. c.t HiW.,., Ii.JI, ·111 vw '1'<>g'' $1295. XI.NT = 363• 11999· '93-5038 I '.AMYwHEltE • \Ve need quality (Del junk please), Fumihn, co Io r TV's, stereos, appllances, ioots and otru:e equipment TOP CASH lN 30 Minutes! 531-1212 * 893..ffi55 $WE BUY$ $ FURNITURE $ APPLIANCES Color TV'-Pi•no'-Sftr•o'• I p;,,. or Ho11 .. Full CASH IN JO MINUTES • 541 -4531 • PETS and LIVESTOCK Pets, (ieneral 8800 / fJG-Tailed Macaw Monkey $50. or best otter. Must see lo believe. &4~2638 8825 GERMAN Shepherd puppies. AKC, imported slre, sci- entiUcally raised, large bon- ed. 49&-2184 <: BOXER, female, 7 mo. $15. • • 642-64.53 • ADORABLE Dac hshund ),ups, black & tan, AKC. l50. 897-7297 White male Samoyed $175. Registered. After 5:30 even- ings 54&-#18 i'tETRlEVER PupPies, Lab ,It: Weimaraner $15 & $20. * 847-9911 * GERMAN Shepherd male 6 wks. Shots, · black & tan AKC Call 642--0739 COLLIE male 6 mos. AKC w/papen:. All shots PS. 548-1637 after 6 p.m. . FREE TO YOU 3 Frito Bandidosl \Ve need a borne. our mom hu had It w/ us! We are 3 long hair kittens. J 'm the boss; male, pY & white tiger striped, harx:l:some, etc. l'y litUe ailller b grey le white, the other Oufty char. coal grey w/ black frosting, Call for us anytime after 5 at 673-6434, 5122 SPRING has 1prung and oh my fatte st mixed terrier pups 4, 5 weeks old, 5 Daisey dogs, • weeks old. 3 oni:nge tiger kittens, 5 weeks old. 548-5448 5/20 Kl'ITENS to good homes, 6 assorted colors & sex. ~1837 5/20 FOUR Duffy kittens, grey and while and orang1?, boys & girls. 968-5600 5/20 WANT good borne lor !Ai Si ame s e ki tten11. ......,. 5/'D C.M'. S/20 Charters / 9039 WEEK-END OR WEEIQ..Y 645-0050 * 541).ZlSS cond. ste la appreelate! '62 SIGNET 2 dr, HT, $36. W • F1IEE Adorable 'lliange Kik. 54&-0291 ""' tor Lan-y. 54!>11"8, ..... Stook N<> lJI •• ., F85, MUST.\NG I • • tens 6 \Vlm. old, weaned It NEW PO R)' ff ARBOR 8, CABOVER Carr Cam TOYOTA 642-1133 2 dr., $32.50 mo., 11tock No. • Trainod. -2563 5/>l CRUISE Fully 0 por 1965 vw Convortlblo. 15L '61 T·Bird $37. mo., '66 MustOl'I Hordtap OUR Dl"EL PRICES 8 In yoor own yacht, 6 pass equipped. $800. vo-1 ~-.,_ Ori Stock No. 1-12. FACTORY AlR CONO. Auto • START AT W :e~~::S..;, b~ ~~ e~ Llc'd/lns'd, res 646-!l((J() * 642-n40 * TOYOTA .-wn C01~~2s11:· owner. 0-MAC MOTORS tr&nsv•-·t .. _lheN .~~~ •• s1 717 ·. 646--0623. Sn> BLUEWATER CHARTERS ~ne Buffin 9525 ,65 VW 3630 W. ht St. u..,-.. .._..,., ......... GREAsE For making ooap 2'1' T!l>jan, Power $ SAVE $ Poncbo chrom• wboolB Sonia Aoe '3!-9!!3 :;-in':.,"':' C::.'.\:;, Enlir> • · 8 only. 646-2371 5122 ~~~~ Sall m.am ~ ~0:11= H ExocutWhlwli. ~~ SLole I $1IXXI ·* ~96 ·~:~~. ~r al~ . $f5t5 • • W FREE klttens, p I manx. Hard top, Amer map. )otg urry I ... y ••• !959-vw 32,000 actual miles (TI4) 833-2653 lloliday 1969 Harbor Blvd. • OllDIR YOURS • 540-0509 5120 MoblleHomea 9200 of chrome & access. Call"' la-!. Orie tirtl. Xlnt cond . ,Costa Mesa 642-60'l3 • TODAYI • BLK Mal• puppy to to""'< BAY HARBOR 4'i-011i8 attef j ,30 PM • fGJI. Lrwia W-ll9ll9 BUICK '65 MUSrANG, For ..ie· by • IUllO N!W • home.·Call M2.--0856 aft 4:30. 1 rt~ Aut ~ '68 VW SUNROO!, _ owner, auto lnM, pwr m. • . 'H -.CK· 8 KITTENS Best Selection in Mobil• Home 51111 mfK" _, OI ,.._ IMPORTS rh, ww $.1695 aft 5 fj,.,.._,4 '86 BUICK Riviera. Like ne.,...,.w tires, peak co n d . 8 $2444 • Town. o~ ..,3 51"" Casa Loma • Roll-Away , new! Al~ !\Illy oqulp. __ _ -~ Shoraton Manor· Homotte. ALFA ROMEO TOYqTA-JOLYO ·~·-LONG BAJRED srURDY Kit • ,,...11g. _ Sah4rn 1966 11ar1oor, CM. """°' VOLVO ped. S2350. * 64"2148 1967 MUSTANG Futback, v. • 00010 vouRS • KITI'ENS 673--0119 5/17 ALL SIZF.8 'fi6 ALFA R 0 me 0 ~ M 8, beauL Burpody inl/ext. • TODA YI • TRANSPORTATION NOW Of< DISPLAY vortiblo, reotl odwp, jllr., BILL AXEY VOLVO (:~DILLAC Buoket "a1'. Low mL Xlnt 8 1 Boots & Yochts 9000 II bl.J..~~~k~; Bl"'-I =SIN=..,=· =1'='"=·===== ITJOIYIOrTIAI NEW IM oo CAI>ILLAc Sodan .. =~~~~~,.. top. • • -ou Baker AUSTIN m1111XQJ[O[' & ~ :e.. amd, povm-. Perfttl thruout! $1595 Call ~ I FREE i• eo.ta M.,. (714) 540-9171) H I •••• L 147·::f NEW 1100 '64 CAD ~--o-'blo El 644-0985. •,. "'6·~1 Ii " • -AUSTIN Cooper S, 1715 °" . Uf\ • ..-n N""" .ON DISPLAY ....,.,v .-u I ot1•c:o. rv powtr, •t-. DRIFTWOOD H.B. 11"11111~----Oii vn Dorado. Xlnl rood. Prv P" OLDSMOBILE to..,•'•'"'" TPUOll Basic Boating Classes o1! very clean, $2200. Firestone · -· """7• ~ 1 · • • ~:~~d ~i!:;; ~~!~~ =& ~~~: iE:. Tu. .. -TllUWH fGll. L"'1U "· ..._.C:M.,,A,,RsO,,..,,., 1111ummv • $1695 • . S dr tartin 7 AUSTIN HEALBY ,. JUUlll I '65 AllSMOllLE • qua on s g ed! M"'t ••II! Will .,....,. · 0116--~A. IM • .i..n, ·-t IHPORTS P .M. ~ionday June balance airer down payment. ~~~ -.. .,. SALES & SERVICE 14 ~-~f; ~torv •Ir.• 548.ailH or ~7342 '61 HEALEY. Oean flilly ~-le!', 19!~. -TOTOTA-tOLYO 1969 CA.M;ARQ. · WiU accept lpown ' l .,r•k••·· 2,NewportHarbor l=='==,c.."""c,:;---l!qllip. pvt party. 2112 .. ,.,.. U86HuW!' CM 646-9303 tranap car for my equity, OlDSMQBllf .uto. l~YI 61 Yacht Club, 720 West WANTED'' Mobile -· to Highlaod Dr, NB. 54&'"36 ==------' · Call alt ''!0, 116&-1.1.12. • 1 $ 1395 8 1 Bay Ave., Newport rent witt> option to buy. alt 6 pm. V. OWW_ A61N A-"--, Cloulct 9615 '68 Camaro SS, P•. auto, 2850 Harbor Bl""-Beacb. En r o 11 at Ha"' own lurnlture. Beach 111 "'-V-8, vinyl 1op class. For additional aroa pm....... 2 2 o 24 II C 0 N '" vw, · ·Alline · liilo. fOlll> lllO stan<lant c..,o.. ·~-,...mW::· Costa M.,. • '67 IUICK • inf ti b s. Main, T...-anco. ITR E ,._ -·· "lot. llltat !loo body, rebll .... I======== ~-Uaed Con~ I Ri•l"'"'""<v •'• .. ...i. 67= :,• 6fa-1~ 0 1M '"'o"'s~ll.E=-°'1oco.,.me-"'llbc!JO'°"'-. ---, --CLA--SSl-CAL--LINE--S-• .,.., ",.. llllO. OM200 CHEVROLET ''3 !Jt,pS !IT, Pis, P/b, •'"" -. b"'ht "'"·• Comc'I Fishing Boot Ultra modem design fi5' long, 38 ton capu, wooden. Can be converted to offshore Crul5er eaJily. Die.Rt enga, 2 radars. 2 Lorans, Auto DI F, Pilot, full galley, alpl.9, spray brine tbruout, Cnrg range 900).ml. Owner $50,IXXI Call San Diego m.8365 or 297-3807_ 21' Chris Covollor '65 Twin 185's, 60 hn. Bristol Condition. $500 below book. Loaded! JOHN V. BARR Marine Centre Oceanside Harbor, calif. n 4: '122-4454 cond, Xlnt location, adults * ·~ • · I <Om· ··=====:::::.11-~~~~~~~-Rill 44,200 miles. Call TOY'"::.·• only. 2 storqe sheds A ~n~in~~~ti~ lM ~ D& 1111•.AMlnl A1ltlt Want.cl 9700 •66 MALIBU ·2 Dr. HT, V-8 S,teveat !l62-6639a.lt&pm. : $3695 ·• awnings. 892-8147 • 642--0~ • , ,...... Wht Wf ... ,ttlUXe stick, bllc bucket seats. 1 '68 OLDS 98 4 door, HT, fWly a VERYClean10xSOSkyllne ==="====::so• Int. *1a Xh~t tlon d . WE PAY (ASH owner. must iiell lcav'g equip. lG,000 mi. 714: • '66 IUICK • wUb large cabana. C.Ompl -DATCUtJI l'f3..S2lll coWJl:ry, $1495. 494-1730 aft 495-5611aft 1 pm. •wilde1t 4 Joor. Ftc:tery9 with aldrtln& &. carport &. ___ .....;l"-->"_I,,_•__ VW •66 Van 1500 cc. Many FOR YOIJR W' S. '55 Olds, auto, P.S., •:~H~ .. 11fp_it-':;;; 1t.1rin9,• patio awninp. Call 536-2081 '69 DATSUN extras! Xlnt condition! Best '65 CHEV. Imp. Vtty clean, dlr,:i:Jlir· • ~ p AS • ~:;: :: ~~ ~:; ~a::.: :. h:·EIKI~ ~otl,,.,,",,·,..-=',..650="""'=..,..... CONNELL ~s~~t ~u~1 f ~,;:: ======== • ..., • tank, drape., air .cooler. hoai.r, ...., tire" loaded! '59 VW, xlnl cood. 14!!5. Low CHEVROLET P"'· "r. $1500. Call 499-1672 PLYMOUTH • '66 TEMPEST • -~~ ....... ft la •--· mileage; good tires; radio. --------Spa.ctll8, 890. W. 15th NB --uuus::r c .... _, Call: 842-5969 2828 Harbor Blvd. '62 OIEVY Super Sport. 32'l -• Curlom cpt. RlH, t ute., 27' MA.riti)WER 1 Bfi:: wanuty, .Bal to fine. $1'1'75. Calta Mesa 546-UOO ena. Mags. Sttteo ta.pe. '67 PLY. G.T.X-Xlnt COi>-. P.S., ftcfMY •ir c'o!lditlon-. Take tr.; cash dels, or oldn 196fi VW Convertlb!e, Eng. * ·~ ~"' * ditlon $500 dn Take over 1119_ I 177 ) Sleeps 4. New alum awnfna", • recen•I .. overhauled. ......,, ..,,.....,_.....,. WANTm ~ ""'""'enta. &tl-2657 . • ·1· 195 8 ~.n .. .,_ "'*" .c...,......,.. car.· LB YNW 087, call Bill ~ .,..., .A.ro.rv.n~~ ....., ... •. ......_, ....... ., ~ ..... ~. .f&4-m3·CI" 5'5--0034 540-1969 Orange Countits FOR Sale. '58 Olevy. Good '55 PLYMOl.JTI{ V.s, good . . ' • '64, lOxSO, 2 BR in quiet adult ========"-BUSIEST k ...... 1.. In 'roP $ BUYER condition. $XIO. -nn .a.. ,_, __ ,, __ park, crpts, dl'ps. Rmi-tt.1rn. town. The mo~Y:'nm BIU. MAXEY TOYO?A Call aft 6, 963-3111 ~4 ,.,r lIWl.Luw.ww. • '61 CADILLAC • $3750. 548--8880 ENG1.l5H FORD Cusi.Htd section. Save 18881 Bea.ch Blvd. 1955 BEL Am 4 Dr. nu mfr, WS.d. D•Vill•. Fwll 'ower .. • 9275 25' BERTRAM '65 Hard top '69 BONANZA Hodaka 100 twin Mere Ul 10. Clean CC. £n warranty, wf~ bilge, costly extras. Make • Xlnt cona. Atk'c $250. Will OHer. 714: 548-5979 tradl! for· Wpr bl k e. ORANGE COUNTY'S VOLUME ENGLISH FORD DEALER SALES• SERVICE '69 MODELS Immediate delivery LARGE SELECTION Theodore money, time.\ effort. Look R. Beu.b. Pb. 147""8555 indiv owned. $250 ca&h. .,..~ 1f•ct. •ir. lHXS 742 1 • now!!! DAILY PILOT WANT ADS! Ali.r 5 pm. 548-23U 0 ~"t'" f"' + 8 .-' &995 8 1956 CHEVY Bel Air, &<><>d ~ • ::S: I lmportod Autos 9600 lmportod Autos 9400 motor. ·'°· YIN•· •· 'U THUNDElllRD * 548-1349 • e U ~I'll ~f!!J .. ~~""' !flcflo'1 ·~1} cond. Full pow.I 0 '68 CHEVY Caprice. All pwr, dowi\ elf~:'~ •• ,,"""' .. p. XLV 4fl W AM-FM radio, a I r -con d . payment • If you are em-• $2795 • 25' GO'IHIC Scow, a real poverty row Classic. First $1500 takes it! 531~ dyJ;. 64~'ll eves. TACO Mini Bike with 5 HP West Bend. Ex. ct" d • Sacrifice. For i~t;lon call 842-2342 ROBINS llOID "63 TROJAN 30' T-S. XlnL rond. All xtras. $7900. 675-IE42 or (213) 434-1227 I =======m,.. 2060 -lllV!I., . . Costa Mesa MMat '59 FORD, 2 Dr. HT. P/s. brakes. R/H, Xlnt tranl. $Ul5 644-1437 JACK'S Electronic Service Electrical repair, remod, ..... -ll&i8329 llHllHto 9010 Price Cut $10,000 OCEAN RACER '9' -otn-St·-\Vheel. A/pilot. 10 sails e PACIFIC YACHT SALESe 3446 Yla Oporto, N""""' 213: 59'7-5568 'fl.4: 873-15'l'() Motorcycl11 '300 '68 YAMAHA 80cc. "80. fl:8RA!! Ohle rail trailer $100, sturdy ...... _. ,_ CONtr. fully wired, lg ,_,.. FEiut.Aai . • wbl5, both nu11t cond. 69· Newport ~-UL 0.. Lic'L Firm 548-2835 ~--~ -•~ • ..-. ana:e ...,......, 1 """" -........ '67 Riverside Mofilrcycle lzed h.ler . 50 CC. Xlnt cond. Only Sll>. SALES-siRVICE-PAR'fl 8'2-19Z;j 3100 w. Cout Hwy. ... HONDA CL-450, .,.,,.,, 6'2-~._... ~l?tf 1COJ mi Excel' 1~. -Authoriltd MG Dnler or.best offer. 833--29M · '67 3115 YAMAHA Scrambler lllAT Excel cond. Many ""1u.. ean .... _, '67 Flot .. t- ELMORE Vinyl top. PN prty. 642-3030 ployed . • • Many m~eb to ~e ~':°m I '65. SKYLARK • * •. etll MP. ~ ji-': Jr. Aftpm•tio:, pow•r1 891-SOSI '"'""'' t•dio, h••*•'· '67 G.T.O. MAroon/Blk inl l lRliV4!4JI • PIS, P/B 4 opd. Fae air, 8 • ; 395 8 MH, w/ warranty. MUST • SELL $22511. 016 Fornloal, 8 '61 li!USTANG 8 CMIYILll oor. rn;...cu1 •••''•· ltt•*•'· i 1p••'• '65 GTO, ell power, lac air, 8 1WT~til' AM/FM 'bruonic . lift • "'"'5 8 '65 Gold Comet ~ wt shocks. 1M~ extra'.s.~uto. I 77 • while kif>. Good 40rdllion. ~lell $1700 -or otter,• '41 CHRYSUI • COMET I ;:;==*=675-=-=•*===-· -N-Ytrbr Cpe. MIU pwr-8 a• '68 PO~ Te.rn9_ii1t . •f•tt.ry .lrte111I. MHA.154 CONTININTAL CllaloOI V-1. p19. !t,llllO pd. • $. 7"'5 • v•r.... .,... u 2 u . • • ..., • A RAJ\E ..W.! Grab this 6'f-4>'l5 aft 5 • oo; "'"!:il~-• '67 CAMAaO c.,.i.,. M ...._. m.; RAMIUR .H.Y.i ._A••• .. "• , .... • ....... _ ...... .!k._. • ITfX76tJ • ~~-· ..... -· I J<RE.owilEo "295 • COCK-a-poo, Wack male l ~T. old. AfJectionate, gd with ch.ild. 84Z-OO!I 5122 BLACK Female Dechshund need!! older pen;on to ~ her. 5-18-2815 5/'D. 4 LITTLE darling kittens, healthy, nl!ed good home.. 642-1608 5/22 WINDMILL clau sloop with 2 • 6 WK. Old Weaned Kit-trail<.'r. xlot condition. S450 or best oiler. Zimmer l<.'ns. gray & Jong haired. 673--0977 or S4G-;mo '67 HONDA 005 iCiiilSlii Black exterior • futerJ.r.-4 ' XI.NT Cood. Lo-<nl. .... Stxl. dlr, p-..... 6'7S-'l'l'S6 l26 27th St. NB whecls, Plrdfi. fues. S155 '68 Honda 300, Iller _fr."' ca.sh dels: or older trade. Will Olli ..... ill I ... ' DIG SELECl'IOI< I • • '16 · AL ~ '61 TllR11 -..·, 8 'M WAGON 8 ~' ALI.MODELS •·=ff . ; Fully . , .. FRO~I $295 • 0 J.•t11bl•r. f•ct. •lr.1 • ~ S/Zl ===~~~~~ 2 KmENS 1 wks:. old need SAILFISH 12' white bWI W/ 9IXl mllea, naakll ol9W1 • fine priv ~. LB VijE 70. * Call 9&:i3ua • C.11 Bill, ~ or 5'5-06.lf JAGUAR new ho me • long-haired, red & "'bile sailJ. Nrw Motoneooters 9350 gray/wht. s.46-SMli 5122 ~fin $250. 6 7 3-16 9 8 , -----'---,.;;,;,; 4 FREE cute kittens to good_ l8' MALIBU outrigger; 5 RABBIT &all S Go 11 ~ r • YEI.LOW '• . Jag. 3.8 S, homf's. l'lm Dm st., r .v. old needs IOme ~ J;;, !!::.~c. ~-"i! chnn w I "· PS PB. i 962 1222 5/22 owner. $l350. Xlllt cond:. --· l45-l3ll l300. 1626 ~ ""· -FREE Tur:ipoo, f cm a I e. 23• STAR class with lli1s It SJW!2 No. 12, C.M. 4~S. lit~~/~ ~ ew:. ~· frat.,,, Tr~ , £ ·=~ ~~°;; ""°"'old."'-5rn HOURLY RENTALS • ~I ===-==== * Rhodes 19,1 *' LUXURY 3r Tnvel trtr. I G'a)I, _546.-3139 5122 Fun Zone Boat Co. Balboa Equlp'd w I ewrythU,:. 1 '°',:;:==='-~~~I =-==--=,.-,,.,.-,=,-I M.Wlt tee to appreciate. rR~ KlUtnlj cute A ~ • OM\ 4*W"'4t Ill• .... dfy. 66111!1~ .. 5111 .,_ ~ .,. ,.... 1iiWi Tl-allor, '!:i!ili ;ta ;t;ftllfiiCfil ..:..fiifJ. ~~"'= • •ll61ll1Q:'1111:11: -.......... ~ .,. . ----9111 tlC!llOCK, "~ .... -0 LOVEi:lf -wlll d•UVil' txlWiiifl il'1Jlli Ii? Tl A ft ~"!I d '450 dedc, , · • "., i,. fOVT 111) MallO ::. "•=-.. ~ . ,, 3"'5 • model S1a "'"' li<S-2ll211, Ge I ' 'l/f • l£r,.T, -• -"f;::;.~..... :,., .. ~~tC•~~~.!.~ pow! .-im.~1111• 1 ... ucx; -...... ~. . s 495 • 1 I W • ' 8 -.. - 4 1 COIY"' ~ . -~op· ~ ---. . .... ~~!Hlw•r: 12 CXJRVAIR '•1d1r iJMT~ flilll ~'a. , r.cfie, ht.ter, Coowrl. -Ell. ---· .,..ity ... '$' • -...._ O•••I __ ,_, __ ,.._... t-5 8 o/bau.l!d. New bra k et , 5 pm. ~ • 77 liloocla. llH<l& 'fLC,_ $450. A bwitil\ll c1uai<: tn>m air :C--"'----'---91 833-:1964 OllXOOP lo ConUnon\U lilt-1711 ST, IS62 OORYA!R. Good -Loveq....i.FabubillllG. 65 I coaol. New -<*n Ill A .:lllt;;,;;· 1133-;:;,;-;:;;_=··· 8 ... ~--to .. 111 -, --·~ TOltONADO "4 OORV Alli JolGqln, Rill. • --'-''-"'-,;:..;.,;:..;.;;.....; __ ' I fil>d. muot -· _._ '17 TOIUl!IADO; dlx, • ._ COilditlon A. art. 5,.16..2m laNau • all pwr. opta.1 Jact OIARGE YOU)' want Jd now. 111r. Yqv 990,Sl995. ~ ~locome.141-471119"9 -~ "°"'· -W.urrtl>: iltad utility USED "fi'lttzer not working, SlOOO dni W.-. f73..'J'211 trailer, small, prtff?' 1 You pick up. M7...s990 5120 DAILY PUDr WANT ADSI Wheel. * ~ C'o .. :--'-.;:.,.;.;...;,;.;.:. __ _,.. _______ -:' ________ ,_,..::DRlN:=;::G..:RESUL=::::TSI:::__ DAILY PILOT WANT ADS! ' I j 1 • • [ • y I • ' • ' --=..;.;;;,-~--::=:.::;~;r;;:;;~~·~·::: ... :;::. ~· ~!::::~ ----.---~-"""" ...... ~~~=~,.,.,..,...,..,.,,..,,,.,....,.· -" • ' • .. , iE0siu· 1NsT1NT ·ac TU ·Mll ·. ·· ' . ' I '4"-0utQ·•:SAVE1J-.lc , ' · ::-VILLAGE INN 2· c· · ,; RICE . MIXES . . _ ..... ::119s~l133c ' ' iiPfDPMIUED a· .. -gc OLIY.ES 54VI .. ' ' .. - • • . l • • • iUNCiii~s . . -.-, c SCOOTER PIES3 . ' . 13-0UNC!.CAN •$.\VI 16c · . ' Cold• Nugge1.5 · gc MIXED NUTS . · . SPllNGflElD • 30S CAN ·CUT GREEN BEANS ~:: F 0 ·1 Sprlngfl•ld •~Crinkle Cllt • 2-lb. FROZEN ~: 3. ~. .POTATOES 00 00 1< 4-·~ " ",, NO ST AMPS • NO GAMES NO GIMMICKS, JUST ·MRDAY LOW DISCOUNT ~ PLUS 4 STAR SPECIALS \1., ,. .. - ' . . . ' • ' • I • • '.. • : • • ••• ' I • ' : • ,. I • .f lLLlT' 0, ' -·· ' : I DOV.Eli · (S.OLE -69~ iiiis1usaii·":29· iOiiil:iAa ,,, · .·. ' ' ' ·mF'iiii .. 6r ,Im • SICJN~ e I -. !'q. McCOY LllKS 29' . . • • I ' ' : . t ·' l • _, . J ~ . . . I . .. • ' ·~ .c :lb -' . ' I ' ' f -' ' ' ' ' ' ' .. • USDA CHOICE ·Ol•f;t;I) "TENDBFUL• CENTER CUT ROUID "·StllK · C , r ' . • t . ' 'I ' I&· . .\ STOIE HOUIS DAILY 10 AM TO 9 PM SAT. & SUN. lOMI TO 7 PM. ' ' . ARMOUR STAR • l-LB. PACKAGE ALL MEAT Wl.ENERS ' I ·LB. PACXAGE . . . PARKAY :·son· MARGARllE ' ~6'.0UNCE BOn1E •·THOUSAND ISLAND .. 1 .. ROfS DRESSINGS . ' . ' c FAMILY -FAVORITE EVERYDAY LOW DISC OUN PRICEI · ' DELUXE O STAINLESS STEIL SCOOI' ASSORTED ,COl<l>RED«ltY HANDLES · 'ICE ·CREAM ;SCOOP ' . .::;· :38c : . ' ' ' , ' ; ' . . ' " ,, ' ' • • l ' I: -i t I ! ALUMINUM • 3'ASSOUEG' SIZES : ' ' • A CAA\PING.fA).'ORITE~ REG;.,J'.99 ' ' ' : '"-8-.BC ,· . 'SAUCE P,11,"SET .. · ' . ·. · . " '... I. -' ' ' . ·-• ' , . . ' . . ' , WOODEN Fl>.ME • NYLON'STRINGS , . . , I .GREA~/OR '.BEGl~NERS 'e Rro.:$3.99 · , .. -I . . ~:TE1111S~RACKEtS · . · , . · · · · r .I'.. ,·FOR·DOGS&'CA;S~KIL~~;~U~TO ' ·. '' 1·'.~r.·~·t . 3·i.IONTHS « 'EGUlAR '$1~98 'VALUE . .a . ,-'8LVE~ 1 ~LEA COWRS . : -, .1 : -OSCAl•I ,A~• lEGUlAl,79c · 71 t 1~lWRIDE ~IEW SllX . .. . c."f • • • I • > -{ . .