HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-05-21 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa' • j ' I ' ; > '( . . . ''!lii -~:.:r * * * . . , ' ,. ';;. \ttt ll ... ·~ 'I II •>; -l --. • • • .. ·ro :er· r -· ' ' ' .. ' ;·Kennedy Letter • ~ Co~.plete Text . LOS ANGELES (UF J)''" Ten.of the Jetter from Seo. Edward M. Ken- nedy to oor. Al!r. ~elle Younier dated May 11, 11189: • . • "Dear Mr. YOUo(er: .. • • ~ '1 • ~ T 'Wifll t !:_.., .ftollee' .. 'Berkeley Teachers Strike i()verTear Gas onCampu~ '· . : v.. Wire services BERKELEY -Some Unillenily of C!Jtt°""' faculty memben, angered bl' 1 ~ve t~ g~ attack cm the campras, · ~1'><!11 lo teadl"'duoei until Na' u!.w Guardllnea • ud pc1ic. • • r e ..tlhdlawn.-Slol:Y. Paae a . . [A univ~ .,._. aald It WU lln· ~bl• to -·how maQJ oftlle 1.l!io lulMlmo faeully.' members Jalllod -hlbul,. IM IO ..,,,....,. llped a IQllll tber wooldn't ttadl ,. Yctlill'itn '''°" " sud> • stand •t 'an 11DDffic:tat1 meeting. 'r!ie, nte arne at a ~ ,called ~ . .nJI* liY'tbe t<adlm'lillkib and 'IJ :156. facull)' -..,,. . obilaln from work -pl lo It, wlth-'!11 recorded u ...... llld tlle odiers declinln( to '"'"' 'rofe!IOtl ~ angered a& a maulYe ~au::,.~,~~~ ~--ml -of l,lllO ~·-• wbo toot part-in OJ\ •i!rller llipJ raUy. ' · .~ cOlltc' COW1cll al the American '~ Kidflap~ fiom -(Jld Auto . . ~ '-tbolf .-!!'dl with winp clilOp-oi&red la Newpln Beodl iueefty ••• lri>cn a Poebnf autinOblle. il\'iOiom ~,.. ot 1611 GaJuy °""'loll P<!llce 1111 1"1C-lnclr -~ loilywu taken from tlle radial« lop al 1 I PoctarO Wing car porlled ii 11i1 - .. • ' • * { • .. • * ··-' SENTENCING DUE · Sirhan B. Sirhan • 1 ' • -.. . . Judge Gets Not~,Befo~e Sentencing • r * ff---.:c -;::: - • -*' :ti ~~ ·---.•. r - ' • 'ti - • - - 'I ' t5 > •• <. '· ~ i • ' • , . • I DM.V l'tLor ' s . . P ~ AsM ,PUC f ()J:'. 2,Q _Orang~ .COunty EligW - . Beaut" Uneap • This septet of lovely ladies lnC!udes Jat..t enlrieo in Mias Fountalll Valley Beauty Pageant ICheduJed for June 14. Top to bottom are Linda Cook, Donna Flory, Linda Anderson, Rosemary Kelly, Lisa Green, Patti Palermo and Diano EJ>pele. • . .-, J~tice f)(l~glas Gets Fee DAILY PllOT ............. ............ ..... --__ . .__ --"'" CAUPOINIA lt.i..tt N. 'W•el .,...... .... "'* • ., J ..... C.hy """,.,. .. , .. ....., .. MIMtlf n... Kem! . - --- • Students Find , ' Body on Boat - Tight~r U.S. -·Marijuana ' ~ Leary Enter1 Governor'1 Race on 'Pot Platform' 4_fter ·Court Ruli.ng J out the . .....,,W.ltloo to Prueni Gov. · Iran thelrstoUoo ""°"'I. l•i;:J, Man .Oaiming Officer Shot Him Files Suit Requ WJlll.~r. ber. .; '"111tt._.-.J • ..,..•I "'" to bolbtr stoti' Im .,.;II u u-. -_ . appolntb!J ...... ~ ho-,.W .. -:~ -l'Mmll c:amldmd· broba .... !!l 'i!· )Wljujna would be lold oa 'the-fGPID ledM bycthe Supr<me· Court dei:l!li!O market, he CCllllnued. bUt the questicla of that ·Dr,, Leary's 1111 convtctian ·wu un. pttvate enterprtae or atate<Owned pot constitutional, but federal atatutu were sbopa II otiU under 11udy. portially weakened. One Of his carripai&n pfO!lllla ls to Dr. Leary did not register bis bit of mQe pollCe offleen the tupeit-pald r'n~juana at the border, but the hiCh .._ employea, up to mllUonaln level lf court reuor.ed be would have committed DeCUlliy ·u to thelr·dedlclted delense self-incrimination by doing ao, thertby ~ latr Md-order. ~.. • -provldi.Qg jn£tmtation state ·~Uu · .J.a...,. · Beech P.Uce Of!leer Neil qiuld. uoe to J!IOl«?Ulc; · • "'1t<ell '-.. ho muted the LWys lut Ftileral ammr!Ues'bave lodged smug· Jtlt -D'll)' be 1nterftted to know that gllng charges in moat_ m a r J j U I n a the aceuaed facinl a June 4 hearing in trampoftatlon cases and U.S. Customs ""tb Orange Col.Jnty Judicial Dist.rid Service executive Fred Martino said ln «-art,,._ to Pe him I raile. San ·DI.ego Tuesday that he sees no nie dru( cu1lill. "" wll• and ..... chaJ>ie. ' Jjilm, 11, .. ,. Amsted and a q1IUlllty ol Anytbing .....,.;nc lbe border Ulegollr ~'led LSD and ~ coaftscltod <Oll!litutea """"ling, be noled, whether it is a pair of sandals, undeclami ll~ or marijuana and dangerous drop. , -. little Tax a.a.9e • :c .• On the other hand, what was good ne'-'. !or Dr. Leary may •pell deep 'tr<ll!bie (!!I; less-experienced experimenters unl~.:-· new guidelines are drawn. noted U.S. A&' torney, Edwai:d .Davis in' Phoenix. -1 ,•~ Newport .Budget Heads Over .$10 Millinn Mark For the WorM's Most deserving Dad 0 OMEGA .... !If..,.·~., ...... . ' ,, No olfl 11 fl•i'tllouohforF•i~r ... •!Id 1hirw 11 no II nor 01111K1n in OmqL "" Omql "!a!Ch I• 11ln4trd loeu• fot ~llo A1fton1ull In tllo !J.A.S.A. • moon..ndoblclc P"9fl"'-OtMP wat 11ao ahblr11ff ~ olfic!Ol ll011icffpor of lho itN Olympica. i.ltxico. I vary O""''" .... u1....,r1<1 Wiii! the Motl •Hctlnt em to tho hlOhotl prtel61on 11a11d1nl1. ~~::r.rN"ii:"'Sft..~"l.4.~ ==-=-.. -........... ,, ..... "'"l""" ..:t.11 .... .... .._ ............ wfil, .. ' ......... a ,.,..._,........,, •-a...._,hYl11tw1••""'"'W-....,_ tiii:" .... ilrlif ~ Io•.,.••,.. .. ..• , ....................... ;,_, ....• --• • • He Uld ou\ of "bout 500 auch wes ,,,:: · ArizooA laJt year, 75 percent of the Of·: fenders were allowed to plead guilty ta the leuer charge of failure to pay the U.S. marijuana toa . Now, he said, the govenrm_ent can OJ\17 prosecute on the smuggling charlt, which carrieJ a mandatory five years la prilon. ' ' 111>1 government hates to wreck a kid'• Ufe for one mlstake,'' noted Da~ 11ytnc most such obrder arT'f$ involve ,,_ penom brtollDI in mnall _.._ of pot for thdr. own uae. Frot11 P .. e J SIRHAN •.. • Jf-Yfl\U SAM'-LOCATION ....-.. ' ---_.. .. . ::. . ' :• •• \ I I I I I ·. . . ·: I:\~ f r; . • • -. -. ,..., • ••aii~g- -' ' ' . I .. • n ·Beaeli - . I ~t 62, NO. ·121', 6 SEOJIONS, 12 PA&ES · ·.:=. OY,NG.E_ q)UNTY, ·~t:lfPRNIA WEDNESDAY, MAY tf, ltllt • • • • . • • f ' ' - ' . ' ... t:.. !'\ . - ~ ' I • . • . -~ ..... • • S· ·or -. . ~. . ' - 'x'"> • • ' ' • , Ke-nne,dy Lett@r Complete . Text LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Tell of the letter from Sen. Edward fol. Ken- nedy to Dist. Att,y. Evelle Younger dated May 18, 1989: "Dear.Mr, Younger: "Some weeks '•10 you mQ°uired whether the Kennedy famlly wish«! to ei:prPAS any views oo the possible penalties available ... to the, court under the law in the. trial involvflm: the death of n)Y brother. "The iasue then was the positjou to be taken by the proseaition on the offer of a pie& of auilty ancf that involved the queation whether ~ would be any trial at an.. We felt that any answer to your inquiry at that tllne wou1d accordingly be.lnappropflllte. -. ' "At the ti.me of the hearina: on the sentence a similar inquiry wu made by def~ ~I. The matter was then before tlie jury and again my ~seemed~e. , · .. ~ . . . r ·~ "I .now Undenllnd that Ille trial judae will be called upon to uen!ln hl.s discretion coiicerning the penaJly. Since this Is now a quesUon of clemency aiid the trial p~ hive bien concluded, l feel I can appropriately. con- ~Y to you, for ,wtiatwer ~•ation you believe to. be proper, bow w; feet "My brother wu a man ol love and sentiment and compasaioii. He would not bave wanted his death to tie a Clllle for the taking ·of another U(.e. You may, recall his 1plw wbte Jte learned otthe death of Martin Luther King. He ~id that •wti.a~·we. neecl:ln u.e United States ia no divliioa; what we need In the Unit;ij Slal48 ii nal bllnd; what we need In the United Slates Is not violence or lawle.ssness,. but Jove and wisdom and compaas6on toward . one anqthei.'-. . . ' j -_ ' • • .. Mor.eover,.oe, waa a Y°'9"C man totally comrqltted to life and lMng, He .! T • ,., f'" D.tlL y r•r...oT $t.lt ...... stood against injaltice,J pwerty and discrbnlnaUon, ror those evils lessened 'llli..;.-•• ~11 Lineap Ille. He,,_ to l!eojiilO...,, fur .... denies the ·.-ot lile .. AD<I be .....,,._ had· a~ Ill~ for~ they )leid 111e·proio'Ile of lile. '. · '.l'his'septet of lovely ladies includes 'Jatest entries in .Mis.s Fountain "~·ID •'bt·!b'lll! •-.O... fali·· ;,.,, r~ 11 • 'l(alley Bea,uty Pag~ant scheduled for "'une H. Top· II> bottom are bili\y dd·M ,,_-· ....... Iii~ iilon lllr'......,..;·,. .. ,I(~ I • !lindiil Co!ii. Dcmlia ·Flory, "J..iDdJl Ancl..-. ~ ~ •. u.a. · .,1 :JO i.uno ·11 w )leldld 111 1111 • .., l!(l!·ol C..<'OIJi!iliiliii~!lilli''I -. i}~1""P8ttl PaJ.ermo aiid DfBne'. ·EpP&le. ' t . -mercy dd''Ood•1 iM' life itsil. ... ' .... "T:: · . -J -.r · • I . "' l' ;/I ,_. ~, f ' ... ) ' ·------~ .... ... ~. . • )I' ~ • -.. . • 4.. ' -... . "" ~M. •. .l /! ,.nimum ~,t~1~¢~Ilig ca ,_,~.t.:~ "-.. : .... . \ ., .. Delayed by V aU~v· cJm\cil 11 '°" :w"" ~way . . . . .. 1 ;;;-"" .. . · -• "' · Ap. Q·llo Enters B~. ;11y 'rERR)'•(X>VILIJ: of tllO,minlmlll'!'IOl,sl&e 1'!'1'lil~• ,·:-· °',,.~Plll!fli"'!'. conunttmenta ·at(!ady made by the cily ·,_A public bearing oh ·a·~·~ slie to him ror IODle lots a.s-low as 5,000 Cl .-1,000. 1quire reet for planned :rq\lare fett. • · · ~iopments -was opened Tueociay .nlJh1· ·Gr~ Valley.cun;enUy'Iw some homes Of MOQn, Nears_ Orbii · tail. continued until June 3 by tbe Foun · a1feac1Y ~ on S,000 sguar~ reet and has tali., Valley City Cooncil. a. master plan of ·.ie.ei-. already ~. counctl's action was based on a let. .,..... ... "'" ~,from cGeorge Holstein, developer of accepted hy ·the' dty, collinc for more ~ .Valley, which noted that pam.ge s,gy~a':: ~mes Neal ream- • mended· that cowx:ilmen continue the :Be:rk~ley Pr9fs J\" . . Re fuse to Te ach -.. " ' hearing in order to giVe the .Wf a chabce to inspect possible I e.g a I en· tanglementa1 and live Green Valley resjdenil a chance to be heard. .In bis' letteJ: Holsteln made two points tX> be COlll!dired hy J1le city : ltftkr Gas Raid · • 1; P.Hor rounclls ~ttad fpproved the lii'reen V:alley ' concept •. If those com- mltmenls are not hooored hy the present ' ·J council.' said Holstein, legal aclion to ~i~RKEf:.;' ~lr~!"".~versity of ~~!i~opos~ new ordinance would SPACE CENTER,iJI ...... (AP) -Tho Apollo 10 astronaull mated Into the shadow of the --today and -ed tn fire -ves Into orbit just n mlles' above the crater-pocked surface, just hours .a.way. As they raced into the area whm't U:Je, moon blotted out the sunlight they t~levised another color view of ~;tir home planet. Aif Force Col. Thomas P. Stafford gave this descriptioo : "At this dislance, the earth looks jUVES IN BALANCE' ANALVSIB ON PAGE I C~ornia faeulty members, angered by C Green Valley resiCten!JJ have been a•Dlaiiv. tear gas attack on the-campus, promiled 1 22 &ere private park. If fore-slightly smaller than a t.ennls ball and a ,..fiiOeil'.today to teach classes untJ! Na ed to~., --••-lots 1a•~ H •-iitUe '•""er than 1 -'' hill." tional Guardsmen and ]IOilC'I •are . ~.,..-· ,exp ·-o~ -• , .-Witlidrawn. Earlier Story, Pate a. teln,. ...,.. ·d that private p'lfk land Thef were 141,1111 milea'~ liome and ,.i.lllllivenitJ ~ said ii was Im-. ."°'!Id ha>< to .be used for addlUonal just 10,000 mile• and three houri away · ·111e to delermine -many of the ~· ' • · . , fr<rn their taatalb!l\I tarselo-· r,: lull-lil!le lacull)' members Joined ll6lltebt ll!o· llled the ~ U 1~ c. • sudliN and ilavr Cmdn. Jalll w. thi -~ but IO pro!_. signed I w&W ~ "!' -1n~ the (,OIM'!Ol . V""'I and I!uPae A. c.,Dan '-Jed ~iia-.aaytnc tile)' wwldn't teach. -... lo.-ilbe~al . -•lion they could not w lbe mooa becaiile 't(biie 17' ·..,_.. la, favor of such 1 stand to G~ "alley w.L not limit it hy the Apollo 10 wu PIJlnted away from ll · - abin unotllCI"' meeting. ' (See !l!litl!Jl'!G, I' ... J) "We .. -oee the moon,"-Sllfford :Tl-!~ at a m~ called .;. * '(): * said, "although we can tell we're· ac-~ nijbl by the teecbers ' \Jn.ion and · celer1Ung toward it." alkNed by 360 f..Wty iDembers. The ' Ceman reported "It'• aettlni darter ~lo-· from wort .... IT. to II, Vr ll e· y Chamber outside" IS the spaceship pllled Into the 1iJUi ~ recorded as alJstaining and the . illl Junar shadow. ~· declbllng to "lote. • ·~ .,.,. -angered al a mwive urges .Solving ps ·-Tuesday apurtletded hy • ' fllol ~lciJpter. The bartage scattered .. yftular.-. anc1 remnants of 3,ooo Of R:.. __ 11 F. ht deiio>lllnton who toot part m an . ~ Ig earlier;lllepl rall,y. · · • The .,... council of the American A. pl.a !Gr .bi!Q! lid., · to reoolve the F,..._ ol Tuchers today eondemn!d • c:itJ's -...U lJlttle ,... illued Gar.~. lbe UC Rtgl!iils( univenity ,__, Dlllll""llT the Founlaln Valley dUclaJI, the Alameda COUnty aberiff'I QI .. .,--C-ML+ce . .-.... • ' dlJl!orlmenl, "IUMf ail otWn mpomlbte ? W 1<-.! Chari., A. Dlun• IGl'tlle -lea -.Wt lipoA..tbe -te 1"1111 a_...._ to the city coancll uk· aCflertelej<." ing liotll ~"''the rocail -to -11..-rHd by Dr. John.Sperling, th<1< dllknDm ill ...,. to a .. ld loo& -' poeoidellt, sald "We applaud the riqe -'lffecll of the rocail ..,_ A'meri<'.an f-•tlon of l<acher• local at men&. ~for ill d<ffilnd'that~ 1QJ1P.,nded uiitll lllt mllll'lfY occupation GI Uie camp(ls and communl\y has eod<d. "We trust · that nonunkm faculty 1rt<ml>m at tbeMllversi\y will join their llliloo ~ In refusing to C«1linue work until peaCe returns to lht: campus.'' Ai his 111WI ...ie ..... Wednesday. GoV: Reqsn del!ftlled tile use of auns qaJmt cian-r.ton, 1&ylnjj ho -·~ '~ • (5'1 aEllitf1EV, Pqa I) • .l • -J, I • • '. , ,. 'j '1 'l • I Earlier today, •t 10:11 a.m., .Apollo raced into the clutch of the moc;n'1 sr1n. ty wtill .. Ille llllrqnijill slept, 'lbe firing, btliind !lie mioo 1nd eut of range of g:rou;nd stalions., -bqan a perllous Zlk-day tunar adventur:e ~ to clear the way !for two ApoUo• 11 astronauts to land on the moon kt July. Stafford, Cernan and Youna: began an extonded rest period Tu~ay llllht sUll under the influence of earth 's .gravity. During the night they pa,...i throullh a "twili&flt zone" -an area called the equigraviJphere where the pull et earth's gravity arxl tblt "the moon are equal. Apollo II, which lllarled tbe 'trir Sllll!lay at earth ~ape speed ot 24,198 milel an hour, had slowed gradually \ti 2.pi7 miles, Ute 1111 automobjla J!IOYin& upllill' Alter llrutin& thn>U&b ·!be lnY!sibl~ --Jii,llli rlill"' ~ 'earth and il,131 mne. &om !be moon -Apollo 10's <lpeed WU to lncriue 16 .1790 llJ!la Ill ijour 11 It "'"Pl around ~. ~~ ~ . IJ>e mooo. Fcr 34 minules, ,(pollo 10 wUJ be oul of COlllaet WitJi,the poun(I, Uilsiot) Coolrol in HOUiton irUI 001 tnoli wbether the . q1ne llrtd nntn tbe ~ mppean al'Olllld the edae of Ille moon. · · I ... 7" . ~ • • . f -, Judge '.Gets • Note Before Sentencing .LOS ANGELES (UPI) _:;Sen, Edwn M. Kennedy, uted the court today lo Spa.ft the llCe of Sirhan B, Slrban for tbe murder of his lrotbir; Robert F. Km- nedy. , ~· . .\ ieaer from Seo. ltoanedy to the Los AnaelM 4illrlct altornt)' -preoented to Suiierior Court J ..... ;llertiert v. waJter·1n the courtrooin s1Jortiy before the iud&o wu"to pus fnrmal oentence cio the IS-yew-old ..Arab lmmill'lnl .W- death in U!e ps dwnlMr.-~by. I • jury -l:onvldld .ldm of the • assanlledna. . -' t ; w~ llal \he aml!bif!onal ••thorJtY: ~is:"". '."' ~-~ Ufe If 1' Tile -last' ofc lbe ,K~ Wrote 1beA • "my ~ ·wli a man of· )Ove and _., tlment Ud 9NDPt~ "He -IOI ha\>< Willied his cleatll la be • C&Ule fur~ " -11er lile. "You 111'1 recall Illa pleas when be learned of Illa death d lllrtin Lulber KJng. , "He llki lllil 'What .. need In the Uni!Od 8-la nal diYlololt:' what wo w ~rim8t:..\'~hl= y ' -)I iJa'!llel8riial.' liul; lo•• ".ill °""" ----~ ~ -IDOUMr'.'' ' ~ • ~ In u.Ghandllritt*' Ioitlar llid' tll&t ,be -nalillll, tllat m"'1 -··-slderlliaoi r;t within the ~ ol llla,dlllrlf..&tton>ey llld tbat of 1i'" courll ' i . "Bui H tbe kind of IUD..,._ "" j9 -perll-we· illlli'fo·lt.tbmild~ weilihed l• ~lance on •!be •IC!e of cmt· pwl011, mercy, and Ggcl'( irlfl· of Ille 'l.aelf 11 ' I "'I " 1 Diit. Atty. E~Jle J, Y~•~ Waa ~; ed what effect the letter-hilibt hive on the 1lale'1 stand toward the pty. Younger ta.Id that It WU I ded.ilon fJ>r the i"41• )Jul thal the dlslrict •llOn><Y'• ofUee would poliJ! Gl'I that !be l'9c0lli· mend&YCJ> bl the Jury wiu 1he penilfY. _ Lumber Workers' " Sfrili~ .. Set tled; ' Wa·g~s · ln~reQsed Lumbe; yard wprken were back on the job today, folldwing aettlernent 6f ·a five. day &lrike. · The 1etUement followed three days of negotiations between repreaentatlves., of the ·Garpeplers, · M 111 me n1 and Ca~inetmakers' Local 21'12 and manage- ment ot II major and several smaller OrlllP County twnbir yards. It· cailt ror an lncreue In wages and fringe benefits of up to 73 cents an hour ove'1-a·three-year perlod. -struck· 1111. Tllunday afl<r ~iv~ what &hey considered an tn-lllllllni' ...,. • offer on !be part Of the lamber yanf opentah. TbeN ,..... h> dicetiono~t .an litlmliJ iHiglU -.. " -leederi and Ille ,,,.mber9iijl' dmo trlbulad to the strllle ldloil. ' tn tbO ~ -held lll•i 10, the unkln had llki<d • cints In Iner.a-. Some e&iepiu of mffi WIH ftJI wiJJ receive i. thin T.I cen11 l<COnltnr to Jim llllJ!llr'd, chief ;g;;ltitor fir Ille lumbermen. ' , ' " ' l- b I ~ • ..... .. ... 1TEN ·GENTS • I --~· I -' . , ' -- .. _ ~Sl,l'(T,ENCING"DUE i J , sfrtt.n 1 .. SI "''!" , _ . 'Lady'' Ki.d'naped Ftotn ·Old 'Ari.to ' ' A biiu;,,.ked led~· Ith· wings dlAp- peartd il1 ·NewPOit · ~1!ut!saiY ;\ •• lrom •8· PaCUrd·a " · • · ' ~ : ~ 1 ' Wtlliam tydl·oi tlli 'Giluy or1v., iold police his · 10Cbytsix.blch 'cbroiile ' flying lady wu'liten'frorii the fadiaicir'lop ol a !!135 P~ 'Wurln'g' car •ked''ln b~ ·garage~ · ~' • 1 ~. Ttie gaJ•Was worth '2so:.hi said. ' ' ' ' -' . . s.-1c MC.r~i,i. - ., NEW, YORK (AP) -Tbe. atocl< market, holsiered by r~ed berpln ~. rO.•aOcl •N.ri!' doWntrend ani! cklled on>.M.....,. locliy. ~ q1J<d. -··hli* IN5). ' ' ' . ' 1 • r.~ ..... · • ' • ~, .... -' ' ' , ' " -" -. • c.--Clww'-" ="' ... ~ : a.. ...... -=.:;,... ': ~ 2 . ---.. =--...... ~ , -.............. 11 . I • . iiiifiif d" BaD·" Mn. Jo W~. record• clerk for FOUllWn Valley· Police Depart- . meiit, and fireman Don Kaiser, president of city Finman'i AJIOCla- tlan, practice sedate two-step as Bill De Nlsi, presideot ~ Police- llWl'~ ~tklll p~ ~.cut in. Ttj<>,.)I PmJrinJ for HCaid 1PClleHllrtajill'I·~ I It Newport.tr f!ul. TIC&et. at ... eec1i an rillluit tram any 11 pollcemon or f!nmm1. · ' · Staading oo the pramlles of 1 band of m)'lllco lnstHd ol thelt own pledfel lo rtlUm to court, a group of sojournlnr Teem for Ou1st crusaden l.odly hive p ,500 prices "' their heads. . Arnst warrant& wa't. lssued for the ~ ..... 1utloolriel when their -.._ a"! ~oo bearing dllel cllM mid ....t·Mooday, jull llb April ond the pal Wll>quW they fwed. Tbe 14 JOUllC men and women are pr~ owned' lo be amooi i Oock led 6y wior Dan &erg, 49, from lhdr budquarttn at 110 Main St, HunUngton Buch, to Tucson, Arb., last month. "We'll be back. la M>Y ll there's MY· thlng to come ·b8ck to," uld Madeline Doanell7, It, -·Oed with the otben lo OIWtH '*'1 '"'1ll1!!9rHG coW-... ,.., 11-"rt N. W ... .............. """""- ,_; .. c.. ... YU,,..._, Mil 0-J .._ ·-·· llt'....ct ·-,..__A..,...., •• _ .... A"-t w. ..... wi•·-.... .._.... ...,,., ....... e..-'"' ,.,. ...... ..... " ... , ............ . ..... AMre.,,;, •.o. 'aft "' tJMI --· .....,.~:m1 ........ ....,. ...... , ........ ..... u... '*"" at ~ a.-. JS• -. eocopt lo firmer rpck. All ' Wero convlcled April S la two seperate jury trials of dlsrupUn1 Cotta · Mesa High Schoql and Maude B .. ~vii· ~·"' School durinf " ,... lf' deniom:trallon aplnlt "a Godliu ectuc1-' tlooal-" ~ l'llblle Defender J~ ~ filled lo w:tn thelt acquittal allhcNp 'IHo 111«.,.i.n1 Cot them ,.1euec1 without P'l\!ni cub bill prior lo their -trills. Planners Okay Apartment Units Despite Protests o..e1_. of J1T01>0rt1 llXlfh o1 Womer Avenue •nd west ol Edwudl Slroel in H\mtlntton Buch were c r 1 u t e d pemlltglon Tuolday nlghJ by the Hun-lln~ BeaCb Planning Conunlaaioo lo build •parlments on 1.7 ocres of the pro- portyflo -the protests ol bem-w live nearby. Thi M,ICCO corp. P1 "-' CCIOUllUIUon ol 111 •P&l1m<i!t deft!apment on the U acre parttl as an "1dults bnJy" aectlon but the nu.rby homeowners comptatned • that the apartments were encroaching in- to a aincle family borne area . Evan Murphy, speaking for the ~evtloper, aaJd his company hu done all Jl WU asked to do by the city and WMta • only lo be permlUed lo dtftlop .Ill pro- .Jl'!!1· . ,Commlsllonen qreed wllh hlo -With the exception of Cornm.l.biontt Henry Dake wbo challenpd iJM 11adulta only''.. coooopl polnlln( IUI lhll Ibo -could be Ul1ed 11111111 lilne b1 IUbiequail DW111r11. ·. F,_Wln_ II -.Ven thouibl CClllfllllon In high pllces over the U.S. s.ix-o Court'• Dr. Tunothy Lury mar!JU&OI r U I t 1111 WU nolable 'l'Uoodoy, U wu.1 mm preview ol the picture ahowlni loday. Prealdent Niloo ia: now expected to ask ~ tO Phil the loopholes In lederal anli-m1r!juoiua laws pointed out by the Supreme Court's unanlmous oplnion. Dr. Leary hlmlell ls rillktni hay -Or ldvocattng pol -while the sun shines mid fowmeo all l1oog Ille M"'1cal> American border ate p1zs1ing ov• their uact rolea . The key llguro la tho ""' -ormted In 1981 II Loredo, Tez., for .Ue1edl1 fm. portlaf I h'1f....,,.. of the COlllrovenW weed without poylng 1 $100.per..unce fedml lmporlalloo Ill, lodly II also Man Oaiming Officer Shot Him Files Suit A Cypreoo man whole claim lhol on oft duly police serceant shot him In 1 ,,_,, lracu Is being lavealipted by tho dlllrlct allom<Y'• office lw Wed • 11 ml!Uon suit In Superior Court. Bu! ~ action IUed by Jimmy Allll liet!(1, it,. ~omel Robert Balcuor ol Anahilm u the dellmdlnl Ind ldmUQa the motortai u tne man wheee car PIU6 ed over the wounded Henry's legs u he lay helpleu on tbe Riverside Freeway • The complalnt mam no mt:nUon of Htll'1'• reported lleie)l>el)I lo sllerUf's Gll1drl llMl be -lhOl 'tllnO lllMI• by Loi Alicil• palic!i Sgt. Frank 6-r mid left lo die .. Ille busy r ... w.,. '"'• lawlU.it, however, Jeavet: room for the ld-- dlUoo of lu1ure defendaDls with thl HM••• of;·"J""••""-1" ' ~--........ ~~ ,,~ .. , H"!U'Y '.fu~l•h ~. • ·, I rlliin • llie. . " olflcerlo~Jj-~ I "-"" ~ ~'.11em7'1 ll1lto 1)1~~ '~ ·-.Ulll"fQ.-,w~ milted lo lhelr o1mie. But they laid lhal Jt wu "m~ ~ ~ty~· Y.et ~ make any cm.ent·llO the ~ ·c.n>reu man'• ~~ ,•"1'. ,:,,, ()ranp Comlly · · MtidlCll C e n le r -cl)lft·llllld·;M the bullell llrod 1a1o H..,Y seimd: l)la spinal ool· wnn •nd moy mull , In permonent Plra11111 ol tlletr pollenl. . Orange County lnvestlplon sl•te th1l Spencer hu denied the charges filed with lherlll'a tnveatlgalon by Henry. He i. reported lo have slaled lhal he removed hiJ sun !rem Its holllor for prolaclkm against the belligerent Henry but Ulat he did oot 0.. the weapon. Frem P.,e J HEARING .•• propooed new ordlnlnce. Nial felt the allll dlould uamlM lho legal rllnlflcollool pointed oul and also II•• a.... Valley relldeola 1 chlnGe lo opeU. 'llll couLcu 'vole IO coollnue the """" tng to June s wu uilanimoua. On MIT 7 the plaMlng commlulon held I liJq/llr public l!eariq and VOied 4-1 (chllrin111 Jomes Dick oppooedl lo l'ICOllllllend counca -ol the 8,000). oquare.loot minimum. The council'• action ippeartd to tnd hopes of calling off the cumnt recall moviment directed against M a y o r Robert Schwerdtfeger and Counclbnen Donald Fregeau and Je15eph Courregta. Minimum l<Jl sizes have ~n one of the 1i>a('b in the recall conlroveray wllh oevWll Founlltn van41 lU!d"'"' op. -tho planned devtiojjlllent conctpl becooilo ol Ill allOWlllC< !or !mill lots. IL WU thought thlt council approval of tho l ,oo.Hqu&rHoot minimum mll)ll ·--ol lllO' ncoO lo Nll their ICUon. Now, howem, the council won't httt the debllte until . June J, and recau backon mull lurn in their petlllonl June i . · Maol1willle1 r<can backen' repor1ldJy ba .. --·-,._ t,1111) .. begin t!ie l'OClll procea, but,,,. ftlUN to collect M utra amount 11 ·a poliUcldng. . Dr. Leary, 47, app0ared ·11 lj>e elli<o ol the Loi Angeles Free Pl'UI ~ newapaper ~lo .......,..~olllclelly he will fUJ1 for Cllllainll governor la 1'70 on a psychedelic, pn>pot platform. The on&-Ume Laguna Beach resident said be will lease the governor's manaion lo I bonallde· poliUcleo ond he .and hll wife Rolemary, St, will camp on the lawn la .. !IM!an tepee. If anyone milundetstudl tbe current federal marijulDI laW s1a1111; It would oppear lo be tho lormer lllrvanl psychology profeaor hlmlell. ' 4 "N.ow thtre ls DO federal law apiftst muljuanl," h< declared fn Loi Anael<s Tue,,day, "yoti can an 10 to • iiatfonll part and smoke It." "PIM~ i~ dorllni, Honoring Fel!D Nixon to Tell .: .. : Flags Go Down-Then Right Back Up at UCI ... Choice for New· . . .. . . .Justice on TV . WASBillGTON (API -Prealdent Nb- '"' tw decided on the man he wants f!O • The UC lrvinl chancellor's order lo tower Flap to half st.alt today wu cancelled a few hours after it wu given Tuoadly when ll WU leomed tho univeiilly ~ JiiYe h honoring I ~~ti .,u..o.,p,j.-... was tbe result of what a 1POktsman c.aIJ.. *· * * '!'911' P"ff J 'i ) ,. BERKELEY ••• oend men lo pul doWll rloll omed with only "a fly swatter. "He'• 1ot &o haft an IPPf'OPl'late weapon, n tbe governor told bis news con- f erence. Reqan said police were cornet in opening n.. ll slµdeido ond --ts c1em-.iq ltOUDd the Unlnnity o1 Calllomla al Bernie, 'nlundlJ ill 1 dispute over whether a IChool-owoed lot . Mould be used II I Wk by die "t!r<d people,'' bohemians who live nearby. He aald u1 would aaume'' that James Rector, 25, a non-ctudent from San Joee. waa shol by police In tho dlslurbance. Rector died Iller aurgeono removed bll spleen. part of his -ond l<tdnoy. He had been shol In tho lbdomen ond die coroner lald thne pleca ol ml!lll "lboul the size al buckshot" were mncwed frcm hll body. Reogon aaid the police opened n,,, after SO of their own men were hospitallz. e4. and under preasure from an •ttack by demonstrators who were hurling b!g cbunb of broken ccncrete ond buildln& steel. · · ed ''an •em bar r as 1 men t of chief" jultlce of the United Stattt circwnatancea " Supreme Court and wUl annOWlCe U.. Olancellqr Daniel G. Aldrich Jr. gave choice on television Wednesday nlgtit. the order after being told two students White House press l!iterelary Ronald L. had been ldllfld in tumult at UC Berkeley. Ziea:l~r said Nixon would disclose his suc- 'Ibree boun later, after A1drich had cess of for Earl Warren at 4 p.m~ PDT 1n nawn. off1for Was1ilhgtoo, D.C., It. was , the East Room of the White House. l•arnod ~-mll~ hod been ofi• non-t The evenl will be °""' for Dye student. ·~ fe'16n , ZS-fear.old 'coverage by all television and radiet James Rector, on·probation for narcot!CI netWorks. and burglary. . Warren submitted his resignation tut Viet Chancellor Roger W. Rusiell lhen summer to former President Lyndan B. coun~ lhlUdtr. J ~Johnaon, but agre<d to stay on throiiall Aldrich "811 1 I thoi\'eq ol 1 ite balked at Jolwon's ,.;1ectioo ol • ~ the current tmn of the court after·tit ~ o! i!Ji[lents by l'Udtnl'.!k>dY en.Juatlce Abe Fortu to replace Wor· l'Naident · llOn e. Believing Ulelr r<n. sent.tment m1ght !): tM same u that Of Fortas resigned last week amid _the the rat of ltuderits, Jhe chancelir .., fuior 1U1T0undlng disclosure of hll: Kot agn,ed to order Flags lowered to ti,:)f .~ptance and return 11 months later it'• staff today and 'Itluraday and dismiss $20,008 fee from the family foundation of ct.ssel for four hours on MondaY. to hQJd jailed financier Louis E. Wolfson. a cmclave to diacuss the Berkeley tltua. There was no Indication whom Nb:on tloa. had in miOd for the highest judidal poe:I In the nation, aHhoul)I Iller< lw been scme speculation about AUy. Gen. John Vice Chancellor RusstU met with sf.u.. d.,l leoden this morninf lo organbe die conclavt. It wUI not be caDed off. Tueeday wu the Birth atrai&ht cLaJ or ' claahes betweeu police and sttldenb at Berkeley. lleclor died late ·M-y of multiple gunohol wounds aullind Jut Thursday: The chlllcellor'1 Flq lowertng edict WU canaidered. tmusual •bJ . I 6 m I oboorvan. ·But 1 unMnlly •pok-lll• lald .uu.lly lo k>wor lhe nallonol ond state nap was w.sted in the campua. c11....i1on by the uc-.i c1 Becents. An AIMricln !Agloll olliclll cliled.tt a l>tolaUon·ol Ftec etlqudle u elloblillled by ~. and lald the !Agkm bolds 11111 alnco lhe F1ag ....,....ente the •nalloo it :1bould be Jowertd cl"lly for national moumtng. N. Mitchell. There is a second position now opeD beeau.se of Fortas' resignaUon. Ziegler said NixM's announcement of 1 successor to Warren would not be tht prelude to a news conference and that the chief execuUve would not receive queto lions. Malay:sia Rule Called KUALA LUMPUR (UPI) -Prlino Minlster Tenglru Abdul Rahman said to- day his iovemment would rule without parliament until lhe natlooal -emergency is over. He blamed Communists and anti• Malay demonstrators with causlnt:: 1 week ol race rlota. · For the. World's Most deserving Dad • •• ·O OMEGA .. ............... ,, .. ·1' ., No t lfl is fin• tnovgh for ;ather .•. t~rt 11 no finer gill then.~ Omega. Al\ Om•glJ Watch ii 1tandard l11u1 for A Pollo Aetronauta In the NAU moon-end· bad! prooram. Omega wa1 also appolth~ onicl1i tlmei<MJoor Ol lhl 1tN Olymj>leo, Mulco. Every Omege It rftll'IUfacturtd with the fft01t exacting care to &he hlghttt prtcltioll atlftdlrda. A-ouwu• ,..., ••..,. ..... '"'!...~--. .. _ -:"r.:l -"'"= .;;,· ... ~-"':::.i'::. .... ~.~.~ ............. ·="' ...... "'ftM!t Wt ..... -.i .......... tt _,..,It .. I,_ .. IW .._ M.itlllhf'< ,_..........._......_DI \lllM _,.IM·~ •If. ~-· ... 1fllltl ........ , .. "" ....... -......... . 11141C......,... ................................ n».• 11r.,..rc1. ---H---CONV1N11NT · Ev-V111Dut, tho l8lft Jl'hl lllld TERMS n Y!Aal $AME LOCATION !ht ....n -Ind lllo """"" ... In Sup<rklr Cowl im1c1t fla;ped Ibo • ..,._ IANKAMEAICARD' tre..nlol Lorwln Troe!, """""' .. MASTU c:H.u.&I ........ ..,.. l<lull flllJftf>tr ii ........... obtalold .. the rec111,,.atlonl: ' ~ -- ' I I ' I l'HQNt 5'1-1401 ' ~ • ' I. ! I I I ' I l: ! I \ r I ' I ' t '· \ ' . . Wednesday, May 21, 1%1 P/JLY PILOT JI ! • SAYill SOLID STATI AM TA•LI RADIO AMw•M SOLID STATI PORTA•LI RADIO ,, 9.95 ••• value. I S.lld state J.M. table rci~io I Great for baseball liat.11in11 pl.cnure I Large tp9:olter MHel MTtl FULL llZI . ·(•OLK GUITAR WllH 5-PIECI KIT 29.9517'' ........... ·•Folk g1.1itor with mellow tone •S1Hl 1trin11• POllAILE AM AID POUCE IUD uilo .... • Geoared t1.1nin9 peg• • Mc:iho~ony finhh 15.95 ,.7 ¥alue · ICIT INCl.UDIS: • 10 tran1istor •Te lescopic antenna •Guitar strop • List•n to yoor 1tattdard AM •Guitar picks broadcast bqnd oir local police .. •Instruction book band 147-174 MC I ""91 ~a11C · •Extra string set • Colnplete with batteri•~ earphone 1 -: . -SOUD STATE WALKIE TALKIE • 15.95 2~1·' value R , •With volu111e control •High 1en1ili¥ity •T•l•1copin9 cmttnna . 12'' 19.95 valve •&ig Wirticol style luggoge radio I AC CD with bu lit-in line cord I Earphone, penlite batt1rie1 COLOR TY •·Vlf· FM AlfTElllA m 19.95 -l 'O'' value COMPLETE ' e Ret•iffs •!l 12 cM11,..l• , . •ta .......... 120·.ii..-Vttr .• • 1to11aa "P ,. 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PACKARD •ELL PORTA•LI TY WITH •IG 15"* COLOR PICTUU ... ltl4M ZodysLowPrice 219'"' •Full 15-inch 118 sq. in. picturo •Front facing Sx3 hi-fi speaker I Dipole antenna built-in - •Set 'n forget fine tuning I Desert beige compact cabinet with deluxe carrying ~andle \t) lff)\f:l f)f)\\ \ .... ,.\Kl·: lltJ\1'11S 'ff) 1• \\: WISTINGBOUlli 2·DOOR 12 CU. n .... 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Ultirnat• flo1or, very · rar•o Com,. ... •t t.tl J:ODYS Y-A -1°"" own Sahara Dry Vodka ; ,,.. ciiion chorcool filt9f"ed. · Comp•re tit t.29 POit THE BEST IH MIXED DRINKS! YOUR 3" CHOICE·· flftli, 91.S NOOFIMFKIW Y-A -CoMbridfe C.. lie .odka, l,,,,...iod '-fog. land. Charcoal firt.Nd OfMll ' blfffhlnlly ll9hf. ,, . '"""' ,.,..... ...... ' •r ... i..o., d"' .,..,, ... •f•ll 30"'a16"'a12" 111.e •lobcf 9fta.;..I finish tlra• plat9d l«b, c. ... ,. .... , ..... •I ' , haidwa,. - ... (nfofcM COl'Mft - %00YS KINTVCKY IONll - Lodi' Gold $1o< bottlff lo - bourbon, 100 proof ...._....,, Make s de lieovt Monhat.. .. 111~- c.m,.re tit tr.ti ·t"O• WITifDDYI COllYINl•I CUDIT OR YOUR •AN~RICARD ••• SATIRACTIOll GUARANlllD ALWAYll i , 9•o• ·& IA ft AT ZODTI MO ... TllRU .... 10 A,M. TO 9 •.M.r IAT. & SUIL 10 TO 'J ••• LOTS ...... PA•1•1 . -~ . • ,. • .I- ' \ • ' \ • . 14 iAfL Y PILOT --_... GOODWILL Indu strie s G000 WILLY SEZ: tQw you ev•r~ m1de • G11dwtll tour? Thouwndt do .. ch ye a r. and are astonished 1t the scope of • Goodwill lndustrin op. ., er1tJon, Come any week· clay for 1 guid.d tour of Goodwill'• tr1ining Cen· tor. c ,11 547-6301. ·' 590 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa Open Mon. thru Frt 9.9 Sat. 9 tUI 5:30---646-2479 Your Dollar Buys More At 11ie GOODWILL STORE SPE~IALS THIS WEEK! HOLLYWOOD BED FRAMES $695 ..... OFFICE DESK s44 9s GREEN TAGS 1 /2 PRICE BOOK CASES S9.95 ALL klMDS BOOKS 29' Special! BOX SPRINGS & MATIRESS S]l.90 PILLOWS s2.1s ... ' BABY CRIBS _ s10 .95 P111se Use These Boolhs In Your lleighborhood C.11 "411,2479 ,... Pl .. up Somco • v.-.r Jtl.,,.'• Warti;-· How to Slash Medical Costs •••••••••••••• • • • • • Pre-Season Swimming Pool CV AL POOL 24ft.x 16 ft, 20 MIU UNR WITM S YU.I OUAIANTR ,. ""' O«:IC SA.¥£ NOW! \l:t H.I'. ,,UW . U.ITM Alm WITM IACICWASH VAlVl • 10 Tl. OUAlANTR Dt l UX. Tl51' kif • GlOUND SHtfl.D • JOnOM DUIN • SUlfACI SllMMEI SA.VE NOW! ON LY .. $589· SAW NOW! 36"x12 n. POOl Sllftll 111 "· x 41" · 1.7·-POOl -Only S1 Ml8 I 11 TUR1 !Xml!JICt W1T1f VlNYl POOlS . l\lJ--ft t.t.11 nt.L '"'9 A.Ll TMt _l..ITTU! Tl.KIU OP t!dTAUATIOll • I SlOlfS ro SIM YOU • DOUG~BOY ""° OIHfl HANDS UNU Ul'IACS/fl.BNT .. cgNRJt SECARD-POOL -I 323 S, MAIN, ORANGE • "" m .1m **Hf 4 M n 11 to 71 AllOA1 11 JO 4 B EATERS "SU•ES CDEMICALS U••EltS r .. 1 Tu.18 T"! I , i l ' .. I I '; 1 I I 'I .. ... _Wednesday's .Closing - Prices·-f.omp1ete New York 18toek Exchange List I..ist •• -- - • • tt • ··cwA~LY' ~ e llST ACTOI e Fi;>R ADULTS SHOW TIMES "Tk••••• •~d 11•"•"•" 7: ind I 0:10 ''Kin th• otk1r Sh•ik" .. ': "IF you are wondering just how far ftlms are able to go th!l86 days, 'Therese and Isabelle' should provide an adequate answer." -ROl.UI .t.LPUT. 14TVJ.l>.l y a1Yr.iw "A SIZZLER FROM FRANCE. Makes 'THE FOX' look like a milk-red puppy. 'Therese and Isabelle' will be the mo•t ta.lked.-about movie around." -•o•uT u.L•1.001. "' /il<nWIJMI IA.DIG l\ '1 •Marrin• BMY PER880N ("1,A Wonwni u'n'le,,_ •nd Ann• 0-l .. IMblll• f'Y'od<1otd and Dlr-ecMd by RADLEY MBTZOi:A .,.___ .... ~"'-~ .... , ... -...... 1.T"JlA- ____ v.;.~AUDUBON P'll..M8 The TwO P.-t Production of Leo Tolstoy's ~cfsrovsWAR { ana PEACE ---------·---· -"GJAlfO AllllY~ or lfAPOlCOlf llEATH-lAllllC CilMltVfl .,. lltC ' --"IKWt:O IY ITS DllP'fROR! PWCE &All Al TifOVWeS IMCD , THE ENTIRE l'lODUCTION OF ''WAR AND PEACE" WILL IE SHOWN IN TWO l'ARTS. EACH P.ART WILL IE SHOWN FOl ONE WEEKI PlRT 11 ;:;·::..:;::::,:. STARJS MAY 21st SCHEDULES Of' l'ERFOlMANClS WadRHfl"f, .. ., J1 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• l :H p.111. """"""· M9' 1Z • , ••• , , , ••• , • ,, • , , •• -••••••• 1:00 P-"'· ......,, Me, I.) , , , , , , , ;, , , .••. , , •• , , • 61it A I 01H P·• litt1•tp, ... U--.. ···••••••••••••• llM,ltaf.ft:M •,.-. ....... 111., JI •••••••••••••••••••• 11:3M:3M :H ,.M, ........ -"······························ 1:90 , .•• ,_..,,Mirr 11 ··•·••••••·······•••••·····••• l :N ,.;., The Great No. Orange Cocist's 1 Paper! • . . . . ~ .. . . . . " . ,,.1. ................. . • l Weekend Lapnan Owens He 's Still After That Friendly 'Drelb' By VERNON SCOTI' HOLLYWOOD !UPI) Gary Owens is the nut on "Rowan and Martin's Laugh- ln" who stands in front of a M""1#frt Awtrt WlolNf anl Acttrl CllH lt&bef'IMn COLOlt "CKAILY" S..,,,..,. P911W COLOR "fOll LOYE Of IYY" 111 • ..,,..,.,.... .... ·•~th1 PACIFIC 11&11•-:.i ALL DRIVE·IN STAltTI AT DUSK -a... UMlr" 12 NU.I •ACIPIC ORIVI! IN T"l!ATIE5 Sl'ECIAL NOTICE TO OUI l'ATIONS Tl\1 plclUf"I 1111911 In 11111 bo• mlY ti. ~idltl"ld Dy -to 119 111UU1llbl1 tor c;tllidrM! •nd Vo1mO pec>pll -Ind rtQulrt Potr'"t1I dlacAtlon. Contr1ry to ICIHrllsll!g beyond -c: on I r o I incl lllP"•lm."I t lnwMr1, young ptlll:lll uncltr 11 tNOT HI wm no! ti. •dmltttlll to P'ACIFIC'S WAR- NER ORIVE IN THEATRE lo 1H rn1 plctut• llsi.I I" mis boJ.11 Ufllt:ti •cCO,..P.nl.ct by p I rt" I or 1dult glMlrdl•": "ALL lHI LOYING COUPLES .. ''THl!Y CAME 10 lOI LAS VEGAS" -llec-11'1111111111 ,. ... .t.11111h t M'9(11t SmUn COLOR ''THE PllMt: Of MISS JUN llODIE" TOiiy Clll111 COLOlt ''TNlottHlk-.lt'r" _; .... ,..,..-r1 _.,._ I Ul·l211 No -llllMr 11 H"'ltllll "ALL THI LOVING COUPLU .. COLOR AM·M1rt1r" COLOR "THE SWINGER" Acacl11fty Aw1rcl W!nft1r •nt Acklrt Cllfl ROberlJOO COLOR ''CHAILY"" Sidney ~illtr COLOR "fOl LOVE Of IVY" IKtm..,.....911 F•r Ad•ll•I ··················~·· Crossword Puzzle ACROSS l Suptr· i11ttndtnl S The family b1eadwinn er II Practical jokt 14 Gem lS Word of solt m11 r;itilicalion 16 Las Vtgils P'Oducl/011 17 Gathering news 111 Oxyge11 compoun d 20 Look !or some!h Ing blindly 21 Sta·bird 23 Boy Scout group 2( Senst of htarin1J 25 V tars of txistent t 28 Part of a house 30 Grown-up JZ Coercion 36 Plant with lify1ikt Howrrs 40 U.S.·--Acadtir.y 41 Peaceful 42 Ei1511y fined 4( Hall: Comb. form 45 Piect of mtt~1 41 Quake d 4'J More precious 51 Bibi Ital pl~tt ' l • .. • 52 Time period 54 Chilrlr tn's gamt 55 Respectful lrrm of address 58 The Lion 61 Archaic pronoun bl Harshly brilli ant 65 Egyptian dancin g gill 67 ln !he natural slalt 70 Unsopliisli· cattd 71 Use~ swizzle stick 72 Compll'ltd 73 Come Iola 74 St~i.sh ; S!ang 75 Unusu~I blow; Slang DOWN river 30 Storag p!act for 1 Victor -weapons Z "la Bohmie" 31 Tenth pa rt °" "U ToscaH 33 Al anyt ime .J F"lavor J~ Ditto ~ Soft mud 35 Passed , ••r's or easily 13\r 's 36 Laboratory n1c1tnam ~ chemical 6 Fri end: Fr. 37 Hair 7 Shut up around the 8 An fl!lotl on neck ') vau « lflt 38 Fresh 10 Mardi Gras or salt VIP water plant ll Craving 39 Elect1ic;il eagerly conduct.or 12 Gl rl!e 43 1cetand1c magatin~ li ttrary feature woik 5121169 46 Ring for cu1tin9 molars 48 Out al ght: Slang 5 adium sound 3 Rout out or bed: O!al 55 Room 5b Ptrsonirica· tlon al peace 57 -··-Cup, golf t1ophy 58 Passage bt\ween htdges 59 lmpt:luau c ardor 60 Fad to h1c!udt &2 Preposition b4 Hahan resort b6 1'ho rou;h-tare: Abbr. 68 Trans· 9ress1on of d1vint law 69 Bt overly in11ulsl~e l they m Gary's !avorltca. Owens manages to juggle his bu!)' schedule because the producers or the NBC-TV comedy sensation allow him ltl "'wlldlrack'~ his "L.auP,ln" blt on tape Tuesday mornings. ~df-".'e_rttW"J\S $ednesday eve- ninp--;a!ter his radio show- to tape sct:nes w i t b other membets of the wacky ataf[. 'STRAIGHT MAN' Announcer Owtfls each or lhe rooms In their home in a different era and color scheme. O~e room Is 1' ... rench regency, another early Greek, another modern. She also rules the kitchen, and specializes in a variety of hambijrger d i s h e s because. To relieve the tensloN of his fast-paced life, Owens plays basketball on a regulatiop out- door court flanking his home. Weekends he p a c i l!I the family up a n d heads for Laguna Beach and the languid life in the sunshine there. He hopes to buy a home overlook· l.ng the surf as a hideaway. lELEPHONE 541-T552 FOR INFORMATION HELD OVER! * ORANGE COUNTY'S BIGGEST COMBINATION! ACADEMY AWARD WINNING- STfVf. rtlCOlJf.f.N AS •oown• J<.O&JlJ VAIJt3tiN llCQU[lJHE BISSH NO ONE UNDER 18 WILL BE ADMITTED! con AGE FILMS PRESEHTS,, MILO 0. FRANK MtOOUCTIOH EXECUTIVE Pf\OOUCER HAROLD NEIENZAL AtMl(l111 Producer "''"'" list• l"rocluctf" l~I Sch•trtJ: Oirtctor Mick 11111 • 5crl't!lpl1y Leo V. Gonion "All THE ~~ \OVING COUP\\.i. ,., true·litf. hush ,09\t ·' . ·huSIJ story abolrl r••1 P ... o•' fl"llybt • friend tit'u · · · or • re/1rivt .•. or 1 " 811~11 l l.llc ·Lyn~ Cfn""lll11 • f•ul Com•· Sc.o!I iir1h1m • P1ul l1i:ibtrt Gklul M1"0~ • J1d11t •llSsell • Hor1111n Aide~ n M11c• TONIGHT'S SHOWTIMU 'ti.\\ 1KE LCVIHB CCUPli~ .. ''°° • '"'s PM "THE SWINGE:R·'at 9:•S PM HARBOR BL.VD. DRIVE-IN SANTA AHA • HM-bw 1h11. tt Mcf1dd111 A.,.. ******************** ---;-.--,,-::_,,_==""• .-.,. --"' ;o • -·~--"' •~ • • • I • > ., ................................ ~r FIRST RUN! - 011"'-111 .. Fil• F« n. ...... ef M_.yt ~ ,,. ... ...,....,."°""'If,.....,~ ... ~-----.... r"'· 'Maggie Smith I"------. ~lti'tt~· FRANK~N · JA_£~~~.JOH~~=.;."'"°~ ,.~-.lfl·/llll~m -~*>U• -1-.. ---.. -I -. OMAll SHAJllF, CATHEllNE DENIUYE JAMES MASON -------WEIK NIGHn AT 1:15 P.M. CONTINUOUS SHOWS ON SAT, &_,SUN. la""' samosplnulor... •1pillttul ,;a... tftr! MYIOQSELZNIOO _..,...,~~ ··-CIARKGABLE · VMEN LEIGH J,fSLIE HOWARD OLIVIAdellAVILLAND ••• • •• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • * COAST HWY. AT MACARTHUR BLVD. • NEWPORT BEACH • 644·0760 EXCLUSIVE . AREA. ENGAGEMENT 1111 Slll&IR "'IHllRE lltlilM in RAY BRADBURY'S masterpiece of the supernatural' ~ ~ ,% ~-1fJf ~ 'IHI lltlUl'l'RlllD MIN mllll9l111° ,.._., FM ... n.srn1 ms !to• r.G.\lli JllCTll(S ,.,. ..... p s GEORGE PEPPARD LU 2ND HIT .IEAN SEllERG RIC:HARD ICIUY. ... ., .. 11, It"«<· 'lrh .,.,,,_. 't SM.ET I& Dndd~r.i:ar;::[sr1•1!fD rrt'fQ!lti' ~o 1•~11~·MMI na."41 ,....,.,"'" ...... "'*• t.EE MARVIN POINT BLANK" ~- MAY 21-27 ~.!£!~'!!!, ...,_,_ __ EXCLUSIVE SO. ORANGE COUNTY RUN • • • • I I I ' • I I ' ' I, I I . • . • ~~l. •i. ~;"i·; J', 6 SECtlON~, a2 -'PA~ES ' • -- -. Valle.y . . - -· EDITION ORANGE c ouNjy,, CALIFORNIA -• . .. ' -·- . . '-i.. ....... -' s -or. .. · Kennedy Letter ~ . . . Co.mplete. Te.:Xt LOS ANGELES (UPI} -Text of the tJetter from Sen. Edward M. Ken- nedy to Dist. Atty. Evelle Younger dated May 18, 1969: ··~ar Mr. Younger : "Some weeks ago you 'inquired wh~thcr the Kennel;fy family wisbed 1 to express any views on "the possible penalties available to-the court· undtr the law in the trial involvi!Jg the death of-my brolher. "The issue then was the position to be take:i by the prosecution on the offer of a plea of gujlty arid. that involved the question whether there would be any trial at sit We 'felt that any a,nswer to your inquiry at that time would accordingly be inappropriate. · "At the time of the hearing on the sentence a similar inquiry was.made by defense counsel. The matter was then before the jury and again my response seemed inappropriate. -. "I now understand that the trial judge will be called upon lo exercise his discretion-concernJng the penalty. Since this is now a question of clemency and the trial procee4Jngs have been concluded. I feel I can appropriately con- vey to you, for. whatever,consideration you belieye to be proper, how we feel " . • . . • i:-- J~udge .Gets •. . Note Before ..... ' " • Sente~cing .-. _ LOS ANGELES (UPI} -Sen. Ed\1111! 0 M. i\ennedy asked ;the court today' Id• · ,jpar. the life of Sirhan B. Sirhan for the nturdU of his brother, Robert F. Ken. nedy.· '!. ielter from .Sen. Kennedy to the Los Angeles dlatrict attpmey was presel)ted to 'Superior 'Court Jll!ile H~bert V. Walker ·rm the courtroom shortly before . " . the judge wasito pass formal sen~ qn the 25-year-o_ld Arab immigrant whole death bi the gas chamber wu·decreed by a Ju11; · w~ convicte;i:f tin of ·the as~~on."' _. ~ Walker baa the conslituttonal authority to reduce the sentence to Ule U be · wlsh~s. · The lut ol the l\ennedya wrote thal "my brolber wu a man of love and sen-. " "My brother was a man of love and sentiment and compassion. He would not have wanted his death to be a cause for the taking of another life. You may recall hii{ Pleas when he learned o( the deat,h Of ~ Luther King. He said that 'what we· need in the United States ls no division ;·what we need ; in· the United States· is not hatred; what we need in the United States is not violence or lawlessness, but love and wisdom ahd compa:sS:lon toward ooe another.' timeiit-and.~ ---.~- •eauty lineup 'l'bis septef bf lovely ladi~. includes la.test..:entries in Miss Fountain <Va!Jey Beauty Pageant sclieduled for June 14.: Top. to bottom are .Lind& Cook, Dpnna Flory, Lmda Anderson, Rosemary KeDy, Lisa 'Gteen, Patti Palenno-and Diane E~le. . . :·· , ... ' .... \"' 1).. ,..·. ". ·i: . ,}t:;;·,,;:. ~·.'?~;, ,'-1~~ ·j·i-.~· ·.1.} l}li:uimuniLots~e..H~ing . . ' . . . . b elayed by Valley Couµcil . ' By •TERRY COVILLE t: Of tt. o.llY P'Li.t Siii! A pUblic hearing on a minimum lot size ot · 6,'llOO 5quare ieet for planned ~Velopments·was ·opened Tuesday night tb!n conijnued until June 3 by tbe Foun-taHi VaUey City Council. ~.The cowicll's action was based on a let· t.ei' from George 'Holstein, developer of Q:teen~Valley, ·which noted that passage .' ~erkeley Profs l(~fuse to T each .. A fte r Gas R aid . . From Wire ·Services · BERKELEY -Some University <lf Cali!OrDia faCulty members, angired by a ma¥'1ve•tear gas attack on the campus. refl1Sed today to teach classes until Na· tional Guardsinen and police a r e 'lfthdrawn. Earlier Story, Page 8. , A Unl.Vefslty spokesman said it was im· ~ble to ,determine how many .of lhe t.200 tun-ttme faculty members joined tbe Walkoat, but-50 professors signed a statement .. ~ they wouldll't •. teach. w,hilt 1"/~vctect in favor· of such a stand a1:ail'U!lOIBclal meeting. · :~ vOte came~at ·a meeting called 'l\J«iday'nighi' by Oie teachers' union and alteil\led ·by ~ faculty members. The vOtel~ abstain from work was lT1 .to ••• Wiih ill recorilecf .as absUIDlng and the ollierf decllnlng to ·1ote. • -pro(epors were a111ered at a maatve gas attaCt Tuel®y spear~aded by a p.nt h~. l['he barrage scattered l'ettllar studerits and mrinants of 3,000 d>monmaton who took part in an e;\rlier IUOgal rally. • 1fit Colle1e council of· the American p~ o1 Teachers today c<>ndemned &Y. ICp(an, the UC Regents, university offii:~Ji.' the Alaineda County. sheriff's ~ruOent. "inlf all· others responsible l\Jflhe ¥!Ii<"""' ...ault upoo lhe people of:Berltele·y." . A olotemennead by Dr. John Sperling, c<JlmCli preotdent, said "We awlaud the Arrierlcan lederatkn ol teachers local at llerkeley fir Its demand Iha! cl...., be ~ed unUl the military occypation Ol'tlle·campus and.community has end<d. "We trust lhat nonunion faClllty ~ ai bie· Wil"'rslly will join !Mir union brotbm in n!using to Continue work unUl peace returns to the campus." • AL hl.s netl'S conference Wedndday, i.-~ Gov. ~ReaMh defended the use of guns • laalnit deinOMtrators, saying he won't . . '(See BEllKEl£V, Pip-II ' )· of the minimum lot size.wou!d jeOpardize commitments already made by the city to him for some lots as low as S,000 square feet. Green.Valley currently bas some homes already·bullt on 5,000 square feet aod has a ·~r pl~ of, developm9!1t, already accepte.d"'by-the clfy, calllni for ,more 5,000 sqqare foot lots. · City Manager James Neat recom- mended 'thit councilmen cOntinue the hearing Jn order to give the: staff a chance to ihapect ~Sible 1 e g a 1 en- tanglements ·and give Green Valley residents a chance to be heard. In his let\er Holste.in made two points to be o:onSidered by the city ; t. Prior ,councils had approved the Green . Valley concept. tr· those com- mitments are not honored by the present council, sakl Hol8tein, legal action to upset the proposed new ordinance would be required. 2. Green V~ey residents have bttn promised a 2% aqe private park. If fore· ·ed to build oo larger kits, explained Hols-- tein. some ..-of that private park land would have to be used for additional homes. Holstein also uktd Ule cbuncil, 1( it was intent on. passing the &,000-foot minimum, to give special consideration to Green Valley ~ not limit it by the . • (See BiWUNG, Pore Zl * * * Vulley Chamhe~ . ' Urges . SolviD;g Of R~ Fight A. plea .f<r bOth sides to ...,.Ive· the city's deVl:ll· ncill battle wu i!lsued 1'-.oy mpi. by ,the Fountoln •Valley ·OWnbor ol ~-· C!Wnber. ~I Charles A. Dixon ·reoc1 • nioloitlon -. lhe city conicll ask· ing both tidei Jn· the' recall issue to HtUe lh\!iJ' cdll!-...l!t ·cder to avoid Ione ·rahae aCtverR e«,c:ts d. the recall move-ment. • I Diloo sild the <hamber was speaking as an organlzatlQft cornpoied<if busfnes.s, profeS1ional and other resp on s lb I e citlzens of the.._,nunlty aod hoped to aVOla-lhe .-fjfects the recall DlO'le- ment would b•."~ tbe well beina or lhe city. ' The recall mOvtmeni ls aimed at . May& Rob<rt sehwmltI1ger and CO•n· cllmtn Donald ,,,,_. .... and J01Cph COur• -\ il1. "Moreover, he was a young man totally committed to life and living. He !!J stood agalnst injustice, poverty and discrimination, for those evils lessened life. He grew to despise War for war denies the sacredness of life. And-.he had a speciil affection for chi}dren for they held the promise of life. "He wou)d not.have Wint.eel his death to be a cause for .taklog ¢ anoUler life. "You may. recall bla pleas. When be learned of the death of . Martin Luther King. ; . "He said that 'WbJt ·Wt need In Ute United States l! not division; what we need in the u-. state(; ts not mired; "We all realize that many other considerations fall, within your responsl· what we, need in the ·United States ta not bihty ahd that of the court, but if tht kind of man my•Jwolher was, is ·pertin· violence Ol' lawlessnt:ss, but love. of ent we believe it should be weighed in the balance on the.,B!e of compallion, wlsdorn and wmpusiOn .toward one mercrand God'rglft'ofllle u..u; · · -\.·,._-,,.j;i·~; ". J_._,~:~.'. ... '··,, .~ . · , .·· ~M-t-l ~rkf,~~-~-W:~.11. ~;~\4, "·~~"""" ~ . '~~~-~ "" II:'~' " aliteraifoal ·!ill withlil'~ the • reapooslbtQty ot the diBI<\~ •t\Orney and ~ al the court. · ~ 10,00~_ ).fllt.'s AwQy Apollo Enters .Shadmv Of: Moon, Nears · Orbit ' SPACE CENTER, H")ls1'111 (Al'l ·-The Apollo 10 astronauts streaked into the shadow of the moon f.oday and prepared to fire themselvu into-orbit just 69 miles above the crater-pocked surface, just hours away. As they raced Into the area where the tnoon blotted out the sunlight they televised another color ·view of their home planet. Air Force Col. 'nlomu P. Stafford gave this Clescription: "At this distance, the 1!arth looks 'LIVES IN BALANCE' ANALYSIS ON PAGE I slightly smaller than a teMis ball and a litUe 'larger than a golf ball." They were 240,000 miles from home and just 10,000 miles and three hours away from the.Ir tantalizing target. SlaffOl'd and Navy Cmdrs; Johll W. Young and Eugene A: Ceman reported they could not s~ U!_e moon because APollo 10 was pointed away from It. "We cannot see the moon," Stafford said, "although we can tell we'i'e ac· celerating toward it " Ceman rewrted "lt's getting darker outside" as the spaceship passed into the lunar llhadow. , ~artier today, at.· 10:19 a.m.,. Apollo raced Into the clutcti. of the moon 's gravl· ty while tbe astronauts slept. The firing, behind' tlle. moOn' and 'out o( range of ground stations. began a perilous 21h-day· lunar' ailventure·lntende:l to clear the w8y for two Apollf? 11 astronauts to land on the moon in .July. Stafford, Ceman. and Young began an extended rest period Tuesday night still under the influence of earth's gravity. During the night they passed through a ';twilight zone " -an area called the cquigravisphere where the pull of earth's gravity and that of the moon are equal .. Apollo 10, whicn started the triP Sunday at earth escape speed of 24,196 miles .alt hour, had slowed gradually !o 2,027 miles, like an automobile moving uphill. After streaking through the · invisible barrier -235,032 mile:s from earth and 18,a:rl> miles from· the moon -Apollo !O's speed ·was to increase to 5,700 miles an holl!I as It !weeps. around the backlide of the moon. For S4'minutes, Apallo 10 will.be ·out of contact with the ground: MJssion Control In Houston will not know whether the engine fired until the craft reappears around 'the edge of the moon. Own Foundation Paid ''But if the kind of man my 1bi'otller wu la pii"tinenC. we believe it ~ be weighed 1n ~lance on the side ol com· passion, mercy, and God's lift of, Ule itself." . r. Dist. Atty. E•eUe J YOUDger ,was uk·· «I what effect the letter might have on the state's stand toward the penalty . Younger 1aid ~that it was a decision for the jlldge. but. lbal the dlllrlcl. .atlqmef • offi~ would point out •thatJtJte.,reeom ... mendation of the jury wu the ~lty. . ' I.;omhe'r W ork~rs' Strike• Settled; · · Wages Increase~ Lumbei.· yard .workers were bac,k on the job today, following setUement of a five· dky strike. The settleQtent followed three days of negoUations betw~ representaUves bf the -Catpenters, M 111 m en and Cabinetmakers' Local 2172 and manage- ment of 16 major and several smaller Orange County fumber yards. It calls for an increase in wages and fri nge benefits of up to 73 cents an hour over a--:UJree.:year period. _ ~ • . Millmen struck last Thursday after receiving what _ they consider~ an{ in· sultlng wage offer on the , part of ~e hqnber yard operator•. There were. Jn. dJcation.'.J that an inteinal dispute betf(Nn unjon leaders and the tnembersbip con.. tributed to. the strike aclJon. • In th'e origtnll dJscussiona fl!:!ld May 100 the union h&d'as'ked 88 cents in irJcrusref, So~e categori~s of in111-.-w0rken1 will receive len than 73, cent.I, ·~-'° J_lpt .Ml)'.nard,ichief negptlttor. ~·the ' lumbem;lep. ~ .. I ' . Doug.las ~~J . ~~.e:: I I ' • Justice 1 -r ' I r. WASHINGTON (AP) -&qnme Court · from tlie Supreme •Courl In the ~1""11• •Clintrfbuliooa..rep<e1911 only.a lllllal! por- JusUce William 0. Douglal bu been paid over a $20,000 chec.k ~ the f~ty tion of the center'• f.innc:tng.: • a '50k-day fee by a Ca!ifomla •tudy fo0ndaµcin of jaUed flna11C1er IMO• E. The cenler _.go ltlldy ·at civil center whii:h gets pott.ol lt&,mooey from Wolhoit,. ~· . ... · ..__ 1n·-~•-·• the contnmrslal. foondoUOo he lieads. The Anirrlcan Bar '"-lilll<ln'• Ethics ' eo •N .......... on ~-~ The payments to Dol!gJ~r by the Ctnter Commtttlee said , Tuesday Fortis btd 1 • 1 • 1 • • for the Study oU>emO.raUc ~titulions violated Ks canons ol ethkf, Sen. John J, H.artY .S. <\slU!Jore, ._..u,. •vii>• of Santa Barbara totaled about 14,000 for Wllliaml (fl.Del.), who r<qu•lled the opl. P-of Ille: cenltt, 1114 l>Goiclu 1168 and this year. a ctnter o!Hctal nld. nlon, told the Senate he ls abo aetklng •n iecel•!li 11,llllO for two dlJ• In II· DougJao..lJO .. come ~~eadY i\BA <Ommll!ee~i:liUnf oo Dou las' role l<O>dlu(ctcat_a 'lllDIMf,'&Uqwilh.Sens. for his ootslde ulaiy •• p,.iident and In the Parvin l'Ourida Uon. J. W1!Uiiii J'Wlll'l&lil [1).Nf.),, 1Gbft only paid olllclal ol the •Albert Parvin Douglu ·-ts chitrman.of the~ bollrd of ~an COOpir (Mey.); Mill O. 8"1" Foundation, which hu bad stoc:k u .. with directors of !he senta clarbora ctnte• u lield (II-On.) lhll .Alan Cl'antl6IJ (1>- Las Vegas gamblll!( cash,... -weu u Parvin Poundolion lieo~1 , 'CaJW.); :Rep, •Den ~win» (D.(lallf.J: eon.-hove <aUeli tor· an In-1 • 'lbe C<l(Ior·hn•tieen ~ 111gllt!ll ·klrlner .'tf! .-Art~ u f vestlgatton of Douglor'' inc6mt in lh• reclpiflit fl! i><Y'l'fl'IS rtt.ii q>e Pmin Goldherg, and -fO<Dm' Aa!an dlptomal wake of Justice Abe F«lal.-re.tpaUon Foundallon hi rtetnt yws. llowevtr, ~ Edwin o. fle\!<hauer. . ' . .\ ' \ -~ •.• '.t - ··-• SENTENCING DUE.,, I '\ Slrhon 8. Simon . ' 'fud~"' • KUiniJ~~, ·.J,: '1. ,,~ From 01.d' AuW.; ·· A. haii-naked lady wllh wiJ1P ins,!'" pe"Od In Newport Beach '!U.....,",'.,. '. '·~f;/'1 fron1 a Pttpkard a~tinqbtl~. ; • i . Willia~ 0;on o( I~ .Gaiaxf Dff~~1d police ~his l~by·si1-1nch. c~9'P8 , ~ilfg lady ~lll, taken from.the ra.~f«_ \OLJ.<tf~a 1935 Pacl<a;d 'lol\flilg car Pa'Ocl'.l'!'~lli5 garage. . 1 '-J i · The gal Was. worth •· he ~iq. ..~ · . ' . ·s toele Markets· · "'l ( t • -,~ NEW YORK (AP)•-·Tiie ·~ market, .bolstered , by reporteil ~ hunting, ,-evened an ear~~,~ closed on lb~ upoide IOOiay, (See qudjit. Uons, Pages 24-25). ' f - • \ ' • \ I I , Ull.Vl'tLOT H RSA: ASk ... PUC for : 20 Ora.ngfP County ·. _ ight~ . \ .. .. ..... , . ,· ' . Ji.a.,-,g a BaU MILT PIUT ,...... " Tim c..t• . ~· Jo W-er. reconls dork for Fountain Valley Police Dtparl- ..m_iil';. l!ijit firomlln Don .j[llaer, precldent <if c)ty Fireman's Aasocla-. -11oo. p19ctlc.e sedate twO-at..p as Bill De Nial, president of POl!ce- . man's AHOciatian p,.,... lo cut in. Trio h P"'P«rinl for 1ecoad Pollc•Fireman'1 BallUune 6 at Newpor!et'llm. Ticket. at '2.!0 each are available from Ill)' city policeman or flreuwm. ~~9r Ch~~ Fail --·" .+ -·-· ...... _ . r6··S~w7 fur $:ef!,ienc~~s;. .. .. ... --. . " . . Standinl oa the promieee of • band of mystla lnllu<I o! lhelr own. pied&" to return to court, a group of aojwmlng Teens for Christ crusaders today have 11.500 prices' oo their hoods. Amit warrants ftre issued for .the Chrlltlaa revolutionaries wherl thelr Mn- 1""" mid_probllUoo heorlnc dolel 'ciin. and wm M<*lday, just like April one! the 1Ju1 wthquake they !wed. . 1'e: 14 Younc men and women m pre- ,ume(j to be lmoiir • Dock led by pulol' Dave ~ra, D. from tbelr headquarten at 110 Main St., HunUngton Beach, to 1\Jcaon, Aro:: .. last month. "We'll be back h1 May If there'• any- thlng to come back to,"· uJd Madeline Doonelly, 19, wbo Ded with the olhen to UAllV PllOT -·lt.krt N. Weff ,......... .... """'4lflw .n.ii a. c.,1:r Ylcll ,.,. .... 1\1111 ~ 1rM11eW ....... ktt..U . ·-n-. A. M._.h•• _ ..... ,tJMrt 'W, ltt• Wil lt"' ., ... ---... ~.._ ..... • City ..... ............... °""" , ............ ~~111_AHr~1 •.0. ~ nt. tZMI --....... IMcfl,ttHWlll ............ C....~1 ..... ,...,.~ t.-111Mt11 tJI ,. ... a.,.... --·------ escape to f111ner rock. All r We convicted April J In two seperlt'e· jury trials of d~rui>Un1 Colla Mesa High School and Maude B. Davll .Jntmgedlate School during & l'eb. 17 dem~1llon 1plmt "• Gotllell educ• • Uoa.a1 Qltem." r ~ Public Defender Jamt1 Latia lalled'li ·win their acquittal lllhoOgll be lllCOeSlfWly rot them releued without poslirii Cllb blll prior to their mw trials. PJanners Okay 4parbnent Units . Despite Protests ll<velopen of pn>porty OOllth of W1111tt AvtnUe one! west of Edwon!i StrOot In Huntlnirton Beach •wt ·I r 1 "n t e d )Jlnlllaloa Tuaeday nl!lht by tho· Hun-Unctcn Beacb Planning Commlnkxi to build apubntnts on 1.7 acres of the pro.. perty over the prmlll of hom- wbo Uve neort>y. 'llll !flcco C«p. pcopolfld ~Uon of .. aPorlnJ!nt d~ 00 the I.I ICM parcel u an "adults only" 8ICtJOn bul the nearby homeowners complaln..i tha t the apartment.a were e'lCf'Olching in· to a 1ingle famlly home area.· Evan Murphy, speaking-for the deveJope.r, 11akl his company has done all It was asked to do by the dty and want.I only to be ponniUed to dtvtlop 111 pro-ptrty. • . ~ ll1"'f wllh hlo .... -wiill the esc<pllon of Comml- H""1 Duke wbo chlll'"fed tbe'"i.lulll only" corap1 po1n1mc ou1 )ha1 111t ~ be Wlod at miJ time b)' subsequent OwntrL Briton Up, Walking After Heart s,,;itdL LONDOll (AP) -Brillla'I wnl heart tr1111pla JllU.nt wlilild .._ 1111 bol-,.... ., ..,.._,,fl,._,. lllor ..._ <t!Yed Ille Mart of I lllldeftl llUllf, Gayo Hoof>ILll nemod Ille Pltlont for .U.. !Int time u Chari" Jolin Hendrick, Ii. 1 book ltlde worker one! die lllhtr of 'tb.tte 1oos. • • Tighter U.S. Marij u ana Laws .seei.i·t 1 Leary Enters Governor's Race on 'Pot P~qrm~·A1te~ Court Ru~ng . l' • From Wlra Services If obstrvm thought confusion in high plaots over the. U.S. ~preme Court'• Dr. Timothy Leary !IW'i)ulM r u 11 DI wu notable Tutldly, It wu a mere preview ' of ill• Plcture -. todoy. ' President N!Joo is now e1pected lo ask con,reu to plug the l<lopbolea In federal 111U·mll'ijtw11 Jawa polnled out by the supreme Court'• unantmous oplnlon. Dr. Leary himself ls making hay -or advocaUng Pot -while the sun shines and lawmtn all along the MelicU:. American border are 'puzalin& over their u:act roles. The key figure in the case -arrested In 11111 11 Laredo, Ju., for ollegedly Im· porUnc 1 hllf-ounce of the controvenial weed without peyinl 1 1100-per-oonca faderll lmportaUon LU, todoy la also Man . Oaim ing Officer Shot Him Files Sui t , ______ _ A Cypreu man whole cWm that ID ott duty police sergeant 1hot hlm in 1 frnway fracu is being inveatJgated by the diltrlct attorney's office hu filed a $1 million auil In Superior Court. But the action filed by Jimmy Alan Henry, 22, names Robert Balcaur or Anaheim 1s the defendant and ldenWiea the motorist as the man whose car pan- ed aver the wounded Henry's legs as he lay helpless on the Riverside Freeway • 1'\e complaint makes no mtnilon of Henry's rtp0rted 11tatement to lherUf'1 oftlcers that be wu shot three Umes by Loa Angeles police Sgt. Frank Spencer and left to die on the bu$y freeway. The l11w!Uit, however, leaves room !or the ad~ d!Uon of future defendants with the !iJt1n& of~''Jolm __l;,:c~· .. ;_ ll•MY '• ~; ZJlml.' :•• vaaUst1""': m ' lbll" ' • iat ' s~'" hlnl' llW lDll'J 'Hemy pun olflcer to queillon.ldm lbc>Jt a lrmray enl In -lle&y'I auto allegedly.bid beo!l~P<d-lllltrld' auom.,,' ' • todoy C:onflrniil>Ufat the ..... b • liiii'liil> milted IO'tll•lr ontce: But th•y Ald'illat it was "much too early" yet to make any coinment on the )'OQI!&. Cypress man's aUeratJont. · • Oranp County MedlCa! C • n t • r iurgeopa have stiled tliit the bullets lir<d Into Henry emiicl li11 spinal col· umn and may rewlt ~ permanent parozy1is of their ~aUent, Orance Coullty lnvutlntors 1llte that Speocer has denied the cliarges fUed w!lh sheriff'• lnvatigaton by Henry. He Is rtported to hive stated that he removed b1J CUD from its bollter for protection qllnsl Ille belligerent Henry but 11111 be did not flre the weapon. From P .. e J HEARING .... propoMd new crdinlnce. Neal fel~ the ataff should uamlnt the lefal r"J'1flcatlooa pointed out one! lloo ctve Green Valley retidtnta a chance to tpeak. .' 'Ibe 1~1 vote to continue the ~ Inc to June 3 wu unanlmwl. , On May 7 Ille planning comlnl.,lon held 1 lllmlltr public hoorln& and voted 4-t (chilrmen J.,... Dick . oppooed) to recommend cooncll -e Cl tbe 8,IX!). llqlW<-foot mlnlmum. . ' The C<>W>Cli'1 ecUon. ~ to end Mpes of eallin1 off the current recall movement directed against M • y o r Robert Schwerdlieger •nd· Counc11men Donald Fregeau and Jc:Rph Courreies. Minimum lot sites have been one of I.he sparks in the r-ecatl controversy with aevtral Fountain V•llet..,r:denta op-~ the pllMOd deft nl -ept beclust of tu allowlnCfl for small lots. It.,, .. thought that council approva l of the 8,00!Hquare.fOCll rnlnlmum might COftvinCo backm of tbe recall to hall their acUon. Now, hon~, the counctl won't ht~ the debate witll June 3. and recall "'°iwil must tum IQ ~Ir petlUON June :. MU(lwbll<, ncali l>etkerJ ·""""'""ly ..... ~ illnalUNtlll>Jilal IJOO) ,. b<sJntlw-fecd'jjioc .... but .... •alllltc to collect an mra amount M-a Uf e(Uanl. ~ Vant>a•k. tht min •tfiltd the recall action one! aloe btuocht aiili In SuptrlO< Court Which stopped Ibo -trov..uJ Lll'oln Tract,. ,_ to • ...i .... the ·-' llW1lb*r " ......... obWried 0n llie recoil pet!llonl. • - politicking. Dr. Leary, 47, 1ppeared at the office of the Los An&eles Free Prea·~ newspaper~ le -">ceGlllclalJ; he wW run for Callfomla pemor in 1t70 on a paychedeltc, pro-pot plaUorm. The o.Ume Laguna Beach J't'lident said he wlll lease the governor's manalon to a bonaflde polltlclan and i)e and hil wife Rosemary, 34, wtU,camp on the lawn in aD Indian tepee. .1 U aoyooe mbunderstands the current federal mariju·au law statue, It would appear to be the former Harvi.rd psycbology prol,...r hlnuell. · "Now there is no federal law against marijuana," he declared In Los Angeles TUesday, "you can all go to a naUOOll park and 11rrtoke it." · "Plaut, it, darling, plant it," urged Honoring Felon ·-RolanlrJ •·· . " ,.!;. ~ .. • Dr. tOory aid !lo ~. party - a calebiaUOo<liilt =--one! u be wim the "" ·-~.Ill wiD ..... out the admlniJtraUon &o present GOv. -an or bl>..._. ""nlat way _ J wouldo1t have to bother appolnting thlnp," be utd. Marlju.ana w:ould be aold on the open merket, he conUnued, but the quutlon o! private eaterprlle or it.ate-owned pot abopa " aOll under atudy. ~ One Wis -~ pjomlaa la to make police o111ceR Ibo' hllhell-pald atate employes, up to ntlllionatre level 1f nacauary due to their dedjcated deleme of law and order. Lquu ~ Police • OQI~ ~ell Purcell ~ wbo armtecl the Leorya tut yur -m>y be lntmlted to lmow lblt . ' Flags Go Down-Then Right Hack Vp .at_UCI Tht UC Irvine chancellor's order to lower Flags lo haJf at.aft today wu cancelled a few houri after it was gi ven Tuesday when it wu learned the univeraity would ha.ve been honoring a o:mvlottd felm . The down Ind up the flagpole conlUlion was tbe result ol what a apokuman can~ Fr-P .. e l BERKELEY .•• send men to put down riot. anried with only Ha fly swatter. "He'1 got to ·have an •ppropriate weapon,11 the governor told hll oew1 con- ference. Reagan aaid police were correct In openina fire at studenta and nomtudents demonstratlp1 around lhe Univer1ity of Cllifomla at · Berbley 1lluraday In a dispute over whether 1 school-owned lot should be 111ed as a park by the "1trtet people," bohemiana who live neuby. He said "I would auum.e" that James Rector, 25, a non-student from San JON, wu ahot by police in the disturbance. Rector died after eurgeona removed hil: apleen, port of Illa pencreu one! ~. He had been ahot In the abdomen and the coroner said three pieces of metal "about the she of bucklhot" were removed from Illa body. Reagan said the police opened fire after 50 of their own men were bolpitallz.. ed. and under preaw. from an attack by demom:trators who were hurling big chunks of broken concrete and building steel. ed 11111 em.barr111ment ot drcumltanets." Cllancellor Daniel G. Aldrich Jr. give the order after being told two students had been killed in twnult at UC Berkeley. Three hours Jaltf, after Aldrich had flown oU,for; Washipgt.on, D.C., It wu learned .the only death had lieen of • non· student, · corivicled felon. 25-year-old Jamea Rector,On prob{ltlon for narcotlca one! burgi,cy. Vlca Chanc.llor Roger w. 11-11 then countermanded the Order. Aldrich ltld IC\ed at lhe.,requtf of • group of l\Udents led by Student Body President kon JUda:le. Believing their senUment mi1ht bi' Ule same as that. tif the rett of stUdents, .the chance:llQr . agreed lo order Flap lowered to hAlt J staff today Ind Thursday and dlsmlu cluse.a for four hours on Monday to hold a conclave to diacua tbe Berk'eley 1ltua .... tlon. Viet Chancellor Russell met with 1tu. denl leaders thil morning to organize the conclave. It will not be called off. Tuaeday wu the l!xlll atraiJ!ll.cloy o! cluhes between police and 11tudtnb at Berkeley. Reel« died late. Mondoy of mulUple gunshot wooncls 1Uf1ered lul ThU1'1day. i · The chancellor's Flq lowar!Jlg edict wu COIJal4.~ed unu.eual . tiy. a o m 1 o~. "'But a· unJverslty ipokemian aeld oulbority toJ....r the natlilnal and state nap. wu vestfld tn the <:ampua chanceliotl by Ille UC lloa(d of l\egents. An Amtrtcan LegXrl official called tt a vlolaUoo o!,Flag eUquette u '8llbllabed by eon...,., and 'Aid the Legloo~bold1 lhat alnce the Fiii reprO.ents lhe hotiOI) tt should be toWenC! CIOly for naUonll l!lOIJl'lling. . • Fo r the World's Most ~rving Dad - 0 OMEGA ........... ,,..... I 11Q No gift 11 ftrlt t~h'for F1ther ••• end the rt Is no finer gift thin 1n OmegL An Omega w1tc:h 11 _ 1landard llsu1 tor Apcllo Attronauts In the NAIA moon-and-back s>rooram. Omega w11alao1ppOfnftd Offlclll llmekeeper of ll>o 1~ Olymplce, Mexico. Every Omega It ft'lanulactured wllh tttt molt 1x1ctlng eare lo the highest preclllon 1tandardt. ' . "--0....-• -·= ..... T.a ....,,..,._. ~Ill-'....... ........ ...... ~,.. t::' .,"!::.=.11~ ....... ~.~.~ .... ·= 'T .. •• -,-.....-....111~...., ..... , • ..,.... .... ,.... ....... , "Wlllll1'f. • • :.,;.,• ..... i.::-.. ~.,. Wit.,,,. .... "'°'"'ti"'..,,. ,., .. ·-· ~ .~ .... ~l .. ······· '!. • ............................... fl .. l··~ ... .. ,;.•: - Di. 1CCUl6d flldlll'J June 4 hoorlnc1n South Orange .comity Judldal ,Dillrfcl Court wants to give him a raiit:' .._ . ,11Je q : cultiat, hla wile· llld If'• 'JObo; 11, ~re arrested and a quantity Of alleged LSD and , marijuana con!lacoted from their staUon w1gon in late Decem· ber: State law• such u Uiose Patrolman Purcell considered broken l1't not II· fected by the Supr.me Court declalon that Dr. Leary'• 1966 cot1victiorl-.W-11 un· !ooltilutlobal, but fedora! al.I~ w•a paitillly wwened. • Dr. Lory did not "l(ller hla bit ot marljUIDI at the border, but the hilh court reaaoted he would have committed seU-lncrlmination by doing ao, thereby providing information at.ate authoriUu could use to proeecute. Nixon to Tell :; Choice for New, Justice on TV --~ WASHINGTON (AP) -Pruld.,,t Ills· on bu decided on the man he wants for cbiel jullloe of Ille United Steleo Supreme Court and will announce the choice on televisk>n Wednesday night. White House preas secretary Ronald L. Ziegler aaid Nixon would disclose his sue .. cess of for Earl Warren at 4 p.m.. PDT in the East Room of the White House. The even t will be open for live coverage by all television and radio networks. Warren submitted his resignation tut summer to fonner President Lyndon B. Johnaon, but agreed to stay on throulh the current term of the coort after tfit Senate balked al Johmon's selection of then-Justice Abe. Fortas to replace War• ren . · Fortas resigned Jasl week amid· Ult fui'or 1urrounding dlsclomire of hil ac- ceptance and return 11 months later ti:• $20,000 fee from the family foundation of jailed fmancler Louis E. Wolfson. There wu no indication '1i'hom Nixce had in mind for the highest judk:ial post in l9e nation, although there hl!u1 betn some speculation about Ally. Gen. John N. Mllchell. ' There ls a second position now ope11 because of Fortas' resignaUon. Ziegler said Nixon's announcement of• successor to Warren would not be tbt prelude to a news cooference and that the chief exeaJUve would not receive que. tions. Mala}'8ia Rule Called KUALA LUMPUR (UPI) -Priin. Miriister Tengku Abdul Rahman said to- day bis government wouk:I rule without parliamenl until the naUonal emergene1 b over. He blamed Communi!t.s and afttJ. Malay demonstrators with causing7 a week of race riots. • CONVINIENT TeRMS IANKAMUl«;A~D MASTEA . CHAA6E J. C. ..J/am~e3 ! Jeff'~~r6. 22 V!ARS SAME LC>C.\:TION -. I ui Jlfl'!Vl'Ollf A VENIJ~ . .cOSl;, MlSA l'tlONE Ml-3401 .................. ----------~~.;._~~~~~---- I I . • • I . I \ I : I I 'I J • Sad«Ilelta~k EOITION .. y<>L 62, NO. ·12f, t. SECTIONS, e2 PAGES enne~ ·D~n the 'Mission . - Trail '· Grading Permit Fees Rescinded DANA POINT -A storm of protest frdm property owners hert and in the ~rano Beach area has resulted in waiver of grading permit fees by the iWard of Supervisors. The board Tuesday, by emergency -.Wance effective immediately waived thf: uP to $30 fees to 177 homeowners throllghout the county and another 300 to 1ubdividers. · . .. .. , Astronauts In Clutch Of Moon SPACE CENTER, Houston (AP) -The Apollo 10 astronauts streaked Into the shadow of the moon today and prepared to fire themselves Into orbit Just 89 miles above the crater-pock~ surfact, just hours away. A3 they raced into the area where the moon blotted out the sunlight they televised• another color view of their h'ome planet'. Air1Force Col. Thomas P. Stafford gave this description: "At this distance, the earth looks 'LIVES IN BAIANCE' ANALYSIS ON PAGE 4 slightly smaller than a tennis ball and a little larger than a golf ball." They were 240,000 miles from home and just 10,000 miles and three hours away -ORANGE COUNTY, ~FORNIA :WEDNESDAY, t.1AY ZI, '191>9 -. • ~ . ea • s ,, . . " ' Kennedy .Letter Complete. Text LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Text of the Jetter from Sen. Edward M. Ken- nedy to Dist. Atty. Evelle Younger dated ~ay 18, 1969: '·Dear Mr. Younger :· ';Some weeks ago you inquired whether the Kennedy family wished to "" express any views on the possible penalties available to tbe court under the law in the trial involving the death of my brother. "The issue then was the pos.ition to be taken by the prosecution on the offer of a plea of guilty and that involved the question whethl:r there would be any trial at all. We felt that any answer to ·your inquiry at that·time wouJd accordingly be inappropriate. ''At the time or lhe hearing on the sen tenet! a similar inquiry. was made by defense . counael: The matter was then before the jury and again my response seemed ipappropriate. . .. ~ "I now understand that the trial judge wi\1 be called upon to exercise his discretion concerning the penalty. Since this is now a question ol clemency and the trial proceedings have been concluded, I feel I can appropriately con- vey to you, for whatever consideration you believe to be proper, how we feel. • Judge Gets Note Before Sentenciilg _ LOS ANGELES (UPI ) -Sen. ~ M. KeMedy asked lhe court todaf ta si>are lhe life ol Sirhan B. Sirhan for 1tbe murder· of bis brother, Robert F.,·ken- nedy. A letter from Sen. Kennedy to the Los AnJ:eles district attorney was ~ to Superior Court Judge Herbert · V. Walker in the courtroom shortly befqre the ·tudge wu to pass formal sentence on Uie !r>-year-old Arab lmintgrant w®oe death in the gas chamber .was decreed by a jury which convicted ·biin of the ususination. , ~ 1 Walktr has the coostU\rtlolw aiithority to ieduce the sentence £o We U be wishes. . J . ' -N~ t'. Stoe.b ' ' 1 • • • • ,. I All-had been wamet:! by County Bllilding Director Floyd McLellan last rrionth to take "corrective action within 30 days on the nearly 500 slopes allegedly near failure due to erosion caused by the January and February storms." from lheir tantalizing target. _ .Stafford and Navy Cmdrs. John W. Young and Eugene A. Cernan teported they could not see the moon because Apollo 10 was pointed away from it. j, "My brother was a man of Jove and sentimtnt and compassloh. He ~ would not have wanted ,his death to be a cause for the taking of another life. _l'-You_may recall.~ pleas~wben..heJearnedoLtbe__dea1.b__of Martin·Luther King_. The last of the Kenn0\111 . wrole that ."!.l)l'__QrQther ~as a man of love and ~ "It's been rough on these people," said Supervisor Alton Allen. ''I think we should help them out by waiving {ees." • SH'lfe Meet SlaterC • s.l.N'JUAN CAPISTRANO -Landslide problems for area homeowners will be discussed tonight with C.ounty Supervisor Alt.on E. Allen and F. G. McLellan. :The 0-:niee!ii!i will be.held ·~t-f P·I"·. 1ft lhe f San"' Ju!lh ~Etementdy <\~ caf~a .. 11 has.been called by the Dana JlQlnt Civic Association, the Capistrano Beach Community Associat.Min 8r:id D~ Pojnt KnoUs Homeowners ~1aUon. iJiscUa:sion is to include a leUf.f ~~ hilli>eo1tners by McLellan ~ . .., mftllatf: Slope repair. Some 'h&Ve' ull*l ttii letter diclatOrial but McLellan has said it was not meant to be. ·e St•dehu to Speak LAGUNA HILLS -The ConstrucUve Action Council of Laguna H,ills will hear four students froin Saddleback Junior C(>_llege tonight discuss campus problems aJld challenges. The meeting will start at 7:30 p.m. in RO_yal Savings & Loan of f i c e • Laguna Hills residents have been invited. Michael Collins, college bQard president, will in- troduce ttie students. "We cannot. see the moon," .Stafford said, "altho.ulb we <:an tell we're ac. celerating toward iL" Ceman reported "It's getting darker outside" as the spaceship passed into the lunar !bldow. Earlier ~. at 10:19 a.m., APQllo raced)pl11 .Uie¥1j''1(~1.gtivl­ty"Whlli ~iatmla1'ti·Jlli1il.' . . "!lie firing; bebind·th<! -and out of r~ of ground StationS, began a ~-1•h-Oay lunar adventure int<nded to clear tiiO way !Qt "'°o Apollo II - . toil""! CNdhe q>Ollll la'1uly. ~ illl\ YCIWll bepn •n ~ rat ""'ed ..,_,,. •1•"' sl!U -_.., ·.-rY...,..., W)der the ·b:lfluenoe ·or ea11h.'s .gravjty. ~. lbe nlg\rt they pl4led th!wah • "twilight mne' -an area Called the equigravisphere where the pull of earth's (See APOU.0,, Pogo I) Lumber Workers' Strike Settled; Wages . Increased Lwnbe&· yard workers were baCk on the job today, following settlement of a five- day strike. The setUement followed three days of Laguna Workers To Ask Pay Hike At Council Meet :A first step toward more "ritualized labor relations'' bargaining will surface in Laguna Beach council chambers tooight along with municipal employe re· quests for at least a one-step pay hike in ....., negotiations between representatives or the Carpente?!, M i 11 m e n and Cabinetmakers' Local 2172 and manage- ment of 16 major and several smaller Orange County lumber yards. the coming budget. . imploye requesls, said City t4anager James D. Wheat.on, hinge on a new law elfective Jan. 1, State Senate Bill 1218, ·Something oI a companion law to the Wiiiton Acl passed earlier in the teiJslaturt to set guidelines for teaclter- scbool 'board negotiations on salaries and othU matters, I.be new law requires that (iO.es meet and confer with employes 1i!Out prgposals. It calls for an increase in wages and fringe benefits of up to 73 cents an hour over a lhree-year period. Millmen struck last Thursday after rece!ving what they considered an in· sulting wage oUer on the part of the lumber--yard operators. There were .in- dicaQon:J that an internal dispute between union leaden and the membership con· tributed to the 'Strike action . In the original discussions held May 10, the union bad asked • cents in fucrea.ses. Some categoriea of mill workers will receive less than n ,cents, according to Jim. Maynard, chief ne1otiator for the . lumbenneo. He said that 'what we need in the United States is no division; what we need in the United States is not hatred ; what we need Jn the United·Stittes is not violence or lawlessness, but Jove and wisdom ~nd compassion toward one anot.hei: .' -• "Moreover, he was 1 young man totally committed· to life and living. He stood against injustice, poverty and discrlmlnation, for those evils lessened life. He grew to despise war for war denies: tbe ~ Of We: Al\.d· ~ had a special affecUon for chUdrtn for they held the promiae of llf~ ... "We al1 ~ae'°.~t man1~~er considerations-fall witlUn yolll' reslQill- bility ,and thal ~=· , illl\~tbekind Jof!~·;;p,·~ W~'ji ~· en.t we andbeliaGod•e ~t. ,..' "' "'. . '.l!J ~ ~· .~ of 'f!!!'1' l, ''!'!,. mercy s w 1""e 1_ • .. -•."':' I'· . -.. . ·"' .. .• stncerely·, Edward M. Kennedy" • ' . . Student Gives Realtors Lively Social Monolog:ue It was a chan1e of pace for Laguna Beach Realtors 'fnesday at their annual luncheon celebrating National Realtors We~k. Speaker John ValenUne, a suc.c~ful young realtor, urged them to speak out to the "noisy minority," contending that the forces of destruction have already been shown too m u c h tolerance in America. Doug Schmitz, outgoing student body president at Laguna Beach High School, spoke to the Realtors In parables .about social problems and the generation gap using as his velticle a mythical kingdom where the young knights ask the older knights pointed questions. Valentine, a director of the California Real Estate Association, asked the group Stock Markets NEW YORK (AP) -The olock market. bolstered by reported bargain hunting, reversed an early downtrend and closed on lhe upeide today. (See quota· lioils, Pages 24-25). Trading was fairly active near the close. The Dow Jones industrial average at 1:30 p.m. was up 1.10 at 950.36 . when ' they Jai;t attended a council ml!eUJig and oifired. to help write an ordinanet or write a constructive letter to iheir Congreaman. ' He urged the iudieiice to live each day as if they were. climbing a ·mountain, slowly, Jteadily and enjoying the view from each vant.age point. · Schmitz roved through· the audience with nlicrophone in hand during his llght paced talk that grew frequent chuckles. He twitted ·the establishment about funds spent on war , funds which could feed every human mouth and be turned to science. ·He spoke of pollution of land and skies when California is a metroplex of houses stretching from San Francisco to San Diego. He spoke of "hyprocrisy1' when he asked why the school district did not pay teachers 55 percent of I.he total budget In salarie1 as requlted by Jaw. He spoke of the failure of a recent school t.u:· over~ ride. He needled merchants for complaining about the &treet dancts for youths l\.f:ld four Umes aMually downtown . Judy Zilnik, high l!Chool "1tlor, read her prize wlMing essay on how to make America better. She put lbe task to lhe people rather than 'to legislators or rioters. · timent and compassion. • - "He would not have wanted h1a death to be a ca\lle for ~g of lnotber life. "You may recaI1 h1a plea when be learned of' the dealb of Martin · Luther Ktq. "He ~ that •Whit 'we need In Uie United States is not division; what ~we need: i!klba.United..states.b""'Ll>alnd • 1'1Jiif l!ll J!!'ed !a .the IJ.l!l.ltd ~ta~ if; llit .. ·~ l'!o: !t!W!•'l!i«• l1GI IQW, o1~ ~ ~-m..-...i.' lowird • , I I r~~~··;rptj<lf :..:--{ ·: ' _ edt~iljeh~~le\ '.{~' -thanie realized that 'many othen-con- 1iderat.iong fell within the ~bUlty of the dlslrlct attorney and that of !he court. I . J ' "Bu~ b lM kind OI man i!1 lil0t!iir was 11 pertinent we believe It oboujd l1ie weighed, iJ! balance on the skli ol tom· pasgiorl, merey,,,aild God's &ift ot ··We itseH:'f , Dist. Atty. Evelle J . Younger wu ask· ed what effect the letter might have on the state's stand toward tl\e penalty. Younger ·said that it wU a decialoo•fbt the jbdge• bUt that the dlsttic:t attorney'• of!ice wolild . poinl Oµt. thal lb~ '"'°"" mendation of the jury wu the penalty. Sirhan entered the .courtroom \l?d&Y smokinc . • big cipr, amWg ao4 ap- ~~ y~ casual on .. w.bat maiy ~be bl.I Jast appearance in court •. He · )VOl'ef an opeo<collared blue shh1 and dlattad.in an animate<\ !ashloo wll\> llil .a~. · Judge Walker reail·lbe ·KennetlJ IO~.,. silently to himself• on thO. bencb but did not Immediately dlsclole lta · conlenta. Instead ·he instructed chief defense counsel Grant B. CoOper: to.proceed .with . his .aigumtntS for a new trial. · The letter from Kennedy was presented by Yowt;er and it• came u a distinct surprile in the courtroom. Council May Put Utility Lines Below G·ro~nd A bejinning af u.n'de r Ir o u,-n d I n1 r ' overhead· utility wttts· and ellmtriattng · unoigl]Uy poles In <\OWl!lown Laguna Bt~h1 tn•Y be taken tiy Ctti ~en tonight. • · Ail ... SENTENCING iPUE· · ·, ~ ., ; • Sir~•JI .a_, Slth.n ~ ~ ~ ,.,., . ' Laguna W ei'glis:;: Tidelands Rill.e , A reoolut1on' Urglng';'f.ciera1• On,d-.llfle legis~!ton, . to_ .))l'llhi~tt · anr,: · ~I peni!)raUon .. of 'Udeianlis and $1~ 1.na. .ft'!ll> !IJ,e'Sanp Ana Rim t6 Mel· iCo~\Jnl ~'~id~~ by ~· ~ coUdil'l'en ·~jgHt. , 1 • 'Th! .resoJ\i.t:iolf ~. recommeNIS ~ hibitl'll .of any lei!Slni, 1oi eJ~!lflQli. d~Veloptn'ent or rdmoval } of1 oil~ ,I. 'Or other, miner.als from tlie· sarict.uitY'._,U,.. ot idjilint. federal lailds wijess tllrte conditlOM eilil: ' 1 , • :....on. gaa. Of' mineral · depPSit'.s are there. r J 1 •l ' -That u\ey.'are being <traJned by.inn. or' other means from _pr!vate1y oWned lands. ·.. .. ' '--That till tWinll ol .!U<ih ~lido t1* best inlamla of the -00 aicnCY'Wlilcll owns ·the 1andS.' •"":·'~'"1 > . . . . , ' . "'"-~­............ .. \,, . . I """: ·~ ,, Lagunl municipal employes have ~.ked that the Laguna Beach Mun1c1pal gmployes' Association and the Laguna Beach Police Association be formally RCknowledged by the ~ity council u reCognized employe organ.iJ.aUons. . 4Social Studies Criticiz~d J08<ph Sweany, director ot' publlo ~~ works, has recomm~ed 'codnctt1 actlon 4 • • , ~ - that would result ln placing undirgrbund Weatller: · the high voltage electrical dlstrlbuUon ro : •,· : ~ liqe in'lhe alley b;e~lnd basineuer"fron.. , "Low overcast.'' it ~•Y'• wil.th--•' ting on Forest Av~ and South ~ er bureau euphemlam (or , the 1 . George Pletts is president of th.e-pob~ as&ociation and Daniel D. Lealle 1s prtSJ- dent of the ,other municipal associatio~. The letter signed.by both asks the council to~ider at lea!t a one step pay hike in Parent Calls Laguna Curriculum 'Hodge Podge' Highway from Mermaid Street'to a polnl gloomy ,111,. oomlfti \IP ·Wednel-· ' about liO feet south of Laguna.Avenue. dar .. Temperatbreo Wjll...,..fl'!l'I! 1 'file lindergroundlllc .....id lie In .th& 68 a!Png tile otan•e Collt to 7f• alley betw:etn c Glenoeyre and Par~ further inland. -,..., • " thl: coroing Usce.J year for all employes. NoUU.nc ln the IOcial studies program Thi.I W<JUld repnosent a 4.17 percent pay of Lapa ~, achools ;,, being tauahl ~.itcr states thal the<eosl o! living ~;.. Ille Pl of a 40-minute leclure thdU for 1968 rose 4.7 percent and i! itia<!Uy rialllg tbis year. Riva WedJWscllY n!iht to members of .\Pllieaton nld under !he ..., law. still the 1-a 8-11 o:hool boanl by pmnt JMjng a..-ed citi.,, !hat wages, fringe Edward Larr wl1o typified the program ~ts and condiUons of employment ais •·tota' thought control, just like mlght be subject to the meet and confer Hitler'• Gtnnlny and Russia." provision.S. In~• .room paCtecl with obaerver11 Lorr ,_3be city ma~g~sees_.Y!e law_!! !_ saJ_d that Ute~~ g9&!11 and the "[)nt step tnto more rltualiied labcir metfiOifOi' lilchinl:-1C>Cl1l studies (rom tttatlons than cities have had before.'' elementary throtlgh high s c h o o I • Wheaton said the League of Cities has especially Ammcu bl.story, were .an ~ a unifonn resolution for adop-wrOfll. tion: ·tiY ciUes. - . ~ aD&lt' ctreSStr whOlt own educa· 'l'h• League, nld Wheaton. •uggesta· tlon ended form1lly alter bl&h school In fJial councils not reprt:seflt l~elves in Cbltago, DI., a.rgoed that itudenta now lhe bargalniq. Wheaton wUt recommend are not betJ1s talJ!lilt IUbjecls, but ®11- thlll the council .... r.r lhe mailer to him cepU, for 1tudy -1 recommendation. "Tbi.111 not a tlilCI lined 1ubject m•I-,. - • ( ter, but rather a hodge-podce of subject disaent from the minority view or ,the n I Forest) ...... then 6'om Pirt ' 'r ' • • · •• .. "· ". -Id all adln . of (P;I'• • • -• . t ...... SID"' . -.-..... . ma""'rs, l.Nll sa er re & a cur· state committee, riot the conaen.sus the past · J:.aguna Avenue . (varaJlel South &J,. e .... ,..-. r1cu1um outline ror soc1a1 atudleo. · c:omm1tue COut Highway): • • ·' I He said students were beJn& confused ' -The .. ~v ha of i1u. 1.-h'lltt I After 1iearingr mn.., ob-. • Larr said he did nol represent . any .. ~,,,a r!. '"'"pro't"' .• .,.... "•ctio•· from ·"""'h• •--~-, by the program. __ , · •~ , !811.llQO, would ·be !tom Sou th er n ,, •N ,. •• .,,, - Lorr repeatedly condemned the 1tala • ....,al group, bol "11 ,.;.t 'a •con-Calllornl1EdloonCo.'.luniladeltcn1ted b)' AMrow /. m......i chC eoi.ir history text. "Land of lhe Free" as being cemed parent." ' · ' the Public UUIJU.. Commlaalan. Falluro Boar4 •I" Supo1 -~~ a slanted view of hltlory. Following the presentation, Im wu <rMllltt-liie-I---it•lft tllelr-_ : ,. 1ill: He 1aid that the .boo!< ga~ a "tolal told by lhe bo&nf lllif the 4gunl dlYertloil ~-..s.r..u.Hporttd. """°°""'• l/J>l'Or ~ M emoUoool play" to the blJtory of the SChools' curr~W11 wu d~ by •onnpleUon of liiio iriltcl will• cer-coimt1 IM"l'OUI.· J>a,it 'It;• • ~erican black. maJ,,',ind wu• desl1t1ed , , t'ff;~•oclleol olftct IO!f -lliw. ~talri(y~tm·,-r_o·v r1l1e olleyl" Wiany ~ , "' -~· • • -· to make white childreaileol gyUty_m!r___....._ t _IGld 'of 'a 1S'OPOfllf s~,_blll 1 r~ '"~ ari .... ,.JloW,.-JLu.ae_ a;;:;'~ t lt_t · for wha1 hapi)ened during allvery. which would permit· loCil' diiijoli• to trwmloi10ii Pol<!t.oet.IB·tlltu'lght..r"'!'11 > .J:"-.:· -~ lltadlng !tom a booi<lel' published by d.Vl11a from 11et'c:Urilaifum, ' ' wlildl .reduce * -V. Irani ilM g::::-•;.' ·~ the Slala of Calllornll '11i l!6.l In )'hlch a "It' M' really W'1Jlt lo mallt ·~'con-' aOO an .» "J'!Y . to l\>t •• e)'t. ill ~ ... .. .. ~:' - •late aenale ter1nt,':""""1t1et i:otlort ott ' trlbalfO.. .l!<l'~uWt ::J:;: ~J ~'.\!or.;;; !:~~ ;;;;-i=,: • , , It-' educadon was m-.~~ 1 W!lli':'.,JJll~ . ' , , "'.,....,. 10· ___ __r; -·-, . foltows: "ll ts au t6o ;· 1 that Uia.. DU!!lit ~ Willlllh :\1Uom~1.ta IO e-.e .= =i=" "'"· ,.:: • - American history aticl · e boo lilio I l"li!L ', /. -,. ''"' !)10 ~ wlll" flr'!"lde ~~ ., -• emuculated." ·~''> :"•.:'~,1 ,; :~~~t!61!fnrl8"bold"J • aetvlc\o ;.ftt·lwe=J=_,IMl);lal ~·''I -• Lorr did not lei! tllt--yu .~111 wlilflri4!'1 Illa~ bolldllu9 u.+r· . 'Dll ... )icl -ll...." =i=:; <cadlni ~ ...Uoo ~.~-ol· &!"pie lldl! ~ • • " • ~Ilk abool a rur lo comp!ell. • r ' • -. • . ----------·-~ . . . h • • ~ \ •' Tighter U.S. Marii,riana Laws -Sg@11i Leary E.nte rs Governor's Race on ~·Pot Pl:atfarm' A her Co urt Rrdin& j ; -~ ~ .t From Wire Stnicu on a psychedelic, pro.pot plaUorm. private en1etp$e or atalHW'iled pot marijuana at the bOrder, but~< U observers thought confuslon in high The one-time Laguna Beach teiident shops la lttU uDiltr ltudy. . court reasor.ed tie would have places over tlie U.S. SUpmne Court'1 DT. aald be will lease tlie gqve"'°"a ~ One of hU .omp11p piomlaea· la !<I aell·lncrimlnalion by dolrli so, · nmothy Leary m~juana r u I Ing was to a bonafide Politician and be· Ind his make police offbn ttie ' hilhel5t-P&lif. pi'ovtding information slate au · notable Tueadaf. it wu a mere preview wlfe Roeemary, M, "1ll camp on Ute lawn 1tate emplayes, up to millionaire level if could use to prosecute. of th~ ilcture lhowing today. in an Indian tepee. necessary due to their dedicated defense Federal authoritia have lodged smug· Presfdent Nixon ls now ei:pected to uk If anyone misunderstands the current of law and order. gling charges in most marijuana / Congress to plug the loophcles in federal federal marijuana law status, it would Laguna Beach Police Officer Nell transportation cases and U.S. Customs antl·marljuaol laws petinted out by the appear to be the fonner Harvard Purcell -who arrtsted the Learys last Service executive Fred Martino said in Supreme Court's unailimous opinion. psycho!~ professor hbrulelf. year -may be interested to know that San Diego Tuesday that he sees no Dr. Leary himself ts making hay -or "Now .. there ls no fed~ral law against the acc6atd facing a June 4 hearing in chqe. f ,. advocating pot -while the sun shines marijuana,'' he declattd '.in.Lot Ang~I~ ~~·O~ County, Judicial Diatrict Anything cr<>11ing ... the bordet li'egally and lawmen all along tbe Mexican· Tuesday, "you can all &o to a Dltlot'tal <lurt '1(Bn~ give hb;n 1 rilse. consUtu(es amuggling, he l'ICJttl!, "'hether American border are p1nun1 over their park and smoke It." 1be dru1 cul lilt, hil wile and ton, it is a pair of sandals, undeclared liquor euct roles. "Plant, it, darling, plant it," ura:ed Jobn,•11, were arrested and a quantity of or marijuana and dangerous drug.I . 'lbe tey figure in the cue -arrtmd Rosemary. alleged LSD and marijuana conli.sc.ti~ On the other hand, what was good news in 19M at Laredo, Tu:.; for allegedly im-Dr. Leary said be ls 1tarting a party-from their ltlUon wagon In late Decem-for Dr. Leary may spell deep trouble for portina a half-ounce ol the oontnrvel'J,ial • celebration nOt a politlca.I group-and ber.. J · less-experienced experimentefs unless weed without paying a •1~ Jf he wins tht govunorsb.Jp, be will lease State taws auch as those Patrolman new guidelines are drawn, noted U.S. Al· federal importatkm tu, today is also out the admlniatraUon. to pre&eDt Gov. Purcell coaaidered broken are not af. tomey Edward Davis In Pboeni1. polWck.lng. Reagan or his 1Uccessor. fected by the Suprtme, Court decl&ion He said out of about MO'suclJ cues In Dr: Leary, 47, appeared at the oUice of "That way I wouldn't have to bother that Dr. Leary'• 11118 conviction wu un--Arizona last year, 75 percent of the of. the Los Angela Free Presa undergrmuid appointing thJn&s," he aald. COllltitutkJnal, but federal statutu were fenders were allowed to plead guilty &91 1 newsp1per Tuesday to aanounce offJclally Marijuana would be 10ld on the open partially weakened. the lesser charge of !ailw-e to pay u.;. he will run for californla covernor in 1970 market, be continued, but the question of Dr. LeUJ did not rqiater hi! bit of U.S. marijuana taz. . , .~· , I Laguna Board Backs Marine Study Center lf ~leotne te College ' . Lquna B;tacb School Boord metl)bera Wednta:lfl. night approved a resolution endoriiii, !ht tfforta of neighboring Cap!Jtraoo Unified School lliltrlct lo eoiOliulJi1•a . M.,.,e llclence 'Ceiiltt ~ Dena Point Hirbor. lllddloNet Oollep 1C111ioidet: TerrL.S14tfl11i-. 1how1 h!Jh~. oo . I~ Jllall,lrfl!ll o( ~II(>''~ and. Pllli Ch · o1 Llla!I& Bt4dl liO..nd,"clJl!PUs dlli1lli' Vi•lt t0 · cliinpus ..a11 !dPt .Of' nut 7ou'1 jull!or ~· ~en and 11\eJr parents. . . The center would be for use by all county schools from kinde, gar t en ()po Land 'Buy ·Decision 1 lhml&b univ~ level. 'lj'e 'Capillrano dlllrlCt Ii'iJtlng 1j1,6di fj'i>m lbe .l•te for a planning lfanl. 'The district bu previously received a I ~ 'b · ;Sl .. • lfant fmM .Jllp'>lr....._,,.111.., . .IJld ;i,,• • : • , . : • , ·. 'u" " : · ..... Tll80 . ....g . olher ~~w.~ ~ l)19fnri · . ; y · . . 1Jl4>.~ .1' . .I: . ii. 0 1'""9aU~ '!!ioJ ' • ·'llatl!dllfl! i;,7,_":'1'1't' ~ • :-".''':'(..~~-• . .. cmi.~ll.1"1\ll.eo. ':' 1..;;:,~~:1 A ~~"'·-:.:: ~d~:t.!· irem'Uw ::r:.= ., ui:; , sl~ ~IM'::~~a a-·-o.itrei'* ~-·= ~~ . :,Of~~T.!#--pr.,.I)~ Pait al Iha Cijlililini. ~ . =,ill.., .,~~ " . '· . . '. :"°.kt ···~ent'111 ·~ lllllft1, and aell It lo lbe city of San Jilin ;t:"'" Aid at -sent estimated value llgh"·~ In lbe "•' -•-• · dl'•rt C.plstnno was delayed 1'1aday until . r • ...,. _., ~ fill .,, um. June II by lbe Boord of ~ of llocl at 117,000, the no lnterat plan An Ol!l~tncy lid>tlnc ;.JY&tem would '!be board aaked Stanley Krauoe · dlrec--id """""t lo aelllng lbe land lo the • prov1de by ellber ~"!< generalor lor of real property &ervicea, ~ llirt ~=~Pim-Cit A~ . ..,.,..,,. elec1r1dty lo IJclil·iht,eudlloriwn neeoti&-wllb lbe city In the bopea of tOr -A. 'nloni~y amocl· --. lllequalely !n;t(ue ·"!,·• ·~ failure. -ldng out a mutua111 acceplablo ~ 'tlllt·;ii!t elev of property This Is lo pravenl a poole.. Ed Hind, purdlue _.eoi. .iiUld tbe"ill!porl lead lo Ila ellml-district beslnm manager. aalcl. . eponlon, al lbe airport ud ~ illtlie; -''lfr -.1e tlie p.....i Ufa 'l'ruat<el wtre told lllal Ille dlatrtct Is llJdu&lllal jl'.,..I), Bruce Wln!Ga mid · 1,.n· ef· lbe facility al five lo aeveu not able al lhil Ume lo afford auch an Jullln WlDeos, turned down a county ~ · yean ., TbumJ»OO said emerceney system, but that money may J*&I for a mlft!mum annual rental cl Kr~Ull proposed that if th land be available nezt year. No deciaioo was •~.ooo or 17 pe:rctnt of the croes: airport reverts to other uae than an ~ tt reacb!d. t.\&llnlll, whtcJHver 11 Jarcer. 'I'hey aald abould be returned t.o the county with In other action, trustees: tlley coll!d afford eolY ooe alath u much suitable financial adjustment with U,. c~ -Approved a policy of free luncbee for and makt a profit. ty needy children in accordance with atate , Whiton ind WUJcoz havt deeded four This is one of the points Krall6e and requirements. acns 9' their prepen, to the elty and the · 'I'boftlJ>IClll wlll aUempt to iron out -;Approved with conditions a recniest city w1111> lo 1111)' Ille llddllleoal U4 · · ..,,:»i. Jerome Kirk of UC Irvine lhat he acres and then leaae ll lo 1be operaton. be allowed lo solicit volunteer rtudtllls Tbe cllji lW offend le parchu& lbe Th G fof lnfervlew on a oludy of ldlol)'11ct1<lu urston roup of clr"!>«rt lludenls. The board sttpulaled' 1 GaloJtfS C0MT l'U ... llHI .. ..._.N,'# .... ---1 ' Jae• I. ir'2 Yb,._..... ,...,.. """''' KMfll --........... " -·""' l !c•ar4 P. Nall ·--Clfr .... ...,... __ . JJJ ...... .,..; Main., """'"' P.O. ._ ..,,. ttu t --....,.,. lhcfl: ltll .. , .. ' c .... Mft,I: .. ..., ~ ' .... :•1 1 ,, that Laguna Beach not be idcnUfied In D B k F tlie report and tlial tlie board ba &Iven ue ac ro m feedback from tlie Interviews. Trip to . Arizona Seven atwleltl bo<IY olflcen from Thunloa lnlmDedlate IChool a,. due lo r.mni ~ ·lo Lqwia Beach lonl«hl alttt a ~ adveolurt at tlie Clllnle Indian mer1aUon In Arizona. Tht l""'P al ltu<o Jooes, Teri Syf111, Paul Klostmnan, Jo&h Brt&ht, and•Jtff City Gets Claim For $214,273 Over Hillsi(Je .Lot Lott and teadttr Art TrWure left Laguna Beach councttmen toni&ht {ace Saturday to make the field utp to the a $214,273 claim and probably an ensuing resemuo. laWBuit 13alnat the city by Prutienllal ftecently, te' 1odian ctrlJ of. lbe reaerv• Savings and Loan Association of San Uoo Ylallecl IAluna llelch and feuncl a Gabriel. wbo1t new world euialdt &helr prevleua The clatrn involves a hlllllide homing eqerlel<e. · Tht ~ ltudoJilla ii< developmenl lbil t1ia loan association mutna the vlatt u etcb•Dlt ar.. took ~er-when Barmilt Corp. was unable J'lapmeol. lo complete il - n.e-llaldllald ~ f-or tll!o ,.....14: Tht city proceed«l l•call)' a(alnat Na. ors-. ij..,i Auloq>objle ud calllalty 'Insurance nat llod tranoPorletl.i, and dlatrtct Co., which hid tlie surely bond t o -wtre not available. 11leodont parantt. completion ol lbe proj<ct. Roblbs Ford of C la Meaa lou'ed lhlrft Cily Manager James D. Wheelan 1ald 1 ltatsoo neon "'llhout cbal'll fot use OD Prudential abo ilad what il felt was a !ht !rip. -leial cause of ~ agalnst Ille hooding -COllll'.'11)' to 'ff''" funda. -~ Mila}'3ia Rule. Called ~kcit, • 'no1 lo .g11e i~ ~. Bow Moch? Cap~_Sclwol Trustees Ponder Kitchen Costs How~~~~Ueup for lood"iervi~! Capistrano Unilled ' ~l !>Wrict truatee•, before lwmbil icl>!i!\etic plan.s for S~lllfs Jill\lor High 'Sdiool, considertd the pros and cons of a cen- tralized kitchen which would serve the entire tilatrict. Dr. Horry C, ISchwllke, a repruei>. . taUve from the Bureau of School Ple& niJll, Slate Department of Educatkm, P.fonday aang the ptaJata of the cen- traUzed approach wtuch would free m. dlvldual schools from the burden of operating their own kltcbem. "I think we are getting away from the reasons food services were there In I.he first place which were because of needy children and a surj>lu.s of food," be told trustees. "Willi labor getting hi1her and higher, we have to go to prepackaged foods. Consult.anta say within 12 years most district& will operate with central kit· chens," he continued. Schwilke pointed out that a dlstrlct kitchen would free apace now being used in schools for focxl eervices. "I hate to see foot.age .et aside juat for food services," he a.id. "Uthe det:ign ia correct, there ls no need. Students can eat outdoors in cove.red areas." ''The question is, should we be in the food business at all," pointed qut Trustee Fl'!d L. Newhart Jr. "Well, many di.!tricts aren't," replied SchwUke. Newhart said he polled 20 different board members, each from a different district, and found the majority of those on ctntraJ kitchen aysttms were happy with lbe plan. • ' . . "We ha,.., 10 ttdloobt l<lj. In JO Jears we can ht.;,., Mboola. we have. il take squW! footqe Into ""'°""!. U It ls In lbe kilcl!en then It la not In lmtroctional spaces," pointed outOwles F. Kinney, district IUgtrint<ndenl. . A~'to lls p•l!f p~ elementary 'ldtool five .. bulldlnp locludln(;:>~ ttll'ucture kindertarlili·and fllllt'.lo lei:ond l?~r a bulldtna 'far tli11'1"1» fourtli lfade ancl ' an admlrihtraUon center Which also will · house apeclal education rooma and music · instruction cl&llM. No kitchen facilities are included in the pl.ans for the school which will offer 23 cl.....,.... In ali. In othtr businta l\londay night 11<haOI trmtees : -Authorized &be awarding of a b14 (or a lransportaUon contract lo ~ty Charter Co. which will lease buMi and -lo add lo lbe dlJlrlct ~"" -Heard a report that San Clemente High School will oUu mmmer clasaea In Ame(ican 1overom.,-it, hiltor1 a n d En~· to· 11 ttudenta who must mate up tlie '""" .. In order lo 1fadua~. -Approved · i<ntal of two double clasarooms: ·for a total of •t0,324 a year for ,., al Marco r. ront.; Junkr llljh Scltool. -Ageed to rent ai:r ctaallfOOma at Crown Valley School for fllO lo Sad· dleback Junior Collqo which needs tem- porary quartera far lta aummer opera- tiom. For the World's Most deserving Dad 0 QM EGA· 'Of... ~Of Jtoud .---io. ' No gift 19 tlniihO~ fci.,lt.htr ..• and there 11 no finer Giii thin 11\ QmtgL An Omega waleh 1• 1t1nd1rd luut tot Apollo Altronauta in \he N.A.S.A. rnoon-and·ba~k program. Omega wu 1lao appointed olllclal tlm11<0epe1ollht1IMll Ol}'mplco, Mexico. Every Omega la manuraclurtd wUh the"'°'' exacting"" to tlia hlQlltal~.-· .,, ............... ·~ -:.,.,;;~.;.;., ..... ,....,.... .. ~ ...... ~ ...... r:,~=a.:'!::~ ....... ~.~-~~ = AIM .IYll1U I• Ill.~ .... ""' ... U .... ,..., al M :»,..,........... ·M111r. • ......... ,..... ........ "' Vint ... -'kfl ...... '""· llallllui ttttl, ~1111 WtOtlK "'\t•·' • IR 1tK)elO.fl'!" •••••"•"•••••••u·., •• ,,0,,00,0 ,tflJlf.ll Now, he said, the government can only._;. prosecute on the smuggling charp,. which carries a mandatory flv.e years in<"; prison. ~ ~ "The government hates to wreck a kid's We for one mistake," noted Davis. saying most sucl1 border arrests involve young persons bringlng in small amounts of pot for their own use. F rom Page J APOLW ... gravity and that of the moon are equal. Apollo 10, which started tlie lrlr Sund>y at earth escape speed of 24,196 mil~ an hour, bad slowed gradually :.0 2,027 miles, like an automobile moving uphill. (Iller atreelclng through tlie Invisible ~er -ZSS,032 miles Crom earth and ii,m mil'3 from tlie moon -Apollo 10'1 1'eed wu to increase to 5,700 miles an hour as it rweeps around the backside of the moon. :For 34 minutes , Apollo 10 will be out of cOntact ~Ith the ground. Mission Control in Houaton will not know whethtr tbt en&ine fired until the craft reappears around the edge of the moon. Stafford, Young and Ceman have the option to cancel ignition if they dded anything wrong. Jn this case, or U the engine fails, the spaceship would merely swing on ce a:-ound the back of the moon and bead back to earth -<1ne (If the built-in safety features of the mission . The five-minute, Mo-second burst from the engine beginning at 1:4S p.m. is to slo'lf' ApoiJ? IO's speed lo &bout 3,700 m.H~ and inSert lhe craft into an orbll swlng!ni from 69 lo 196 miles high. '. About 41,2 hours later, after tWo circuits, a second engine ignition wiU refll\e the trblt to a fl9 mile high circle. U their color television camera works is well as ll has en route, tile astronaut.a promise spectacular pictures or this aij~ moon. Apollo 8 pllols described it llf dart, desolate and f~eboding. • •· against the bondlni company wllheort KUALA LUMPUR (UPI) -: Prima Pf)JdenUal's aareem"I! \yl \l1d tel~. CONVENltNT J c. J.Jum~ J " ,. ~·as 1 Mlal&Jlf T ... ku .&bcllll llabman'foW 1.. •• Aid ~ on ...... ~Ille bclil': • • , • • • ~ U,. ldi ,...Blilibl "'!1i1 rul• . .,,!Jhoul dloa <001pii\y would d~ ·ell; TERMS , , , • , · ~: l!Wfl tl/'6.· SAM& LOCATION • !lal!lmlnl'Ubtll lbe natlinal tmtrltllCJ •Jtlnsl al\)l lull by Prudenll ~·' IANl<AMERICARD ,. . , • 1. "itmt.llablf'lledCommu~lstaand anU· P<YIU\Yd•--111a1-'-... l • ~-• .1nJ,N .......... T '~ue • PHONE , ~ -aten with calllfnl I · Qiundime.."ri! 11Ui~ °'4)~ll~j MASTE,R CH~R&E ' • '..;:, ,.:::;:,.'~ M.'::~· 541-1401 • Wti\lt \JI raca.rloll. . . to tlielr cllf attorney to 1111ra;.i; • _____ _,.._ __ ...;;i;,,,,;;;;,;.,..;.........,_.__....,~·_,"""''-..,._....;> ______ _.._ _____ .,;':.._j • • -- ,, ,. ,· ,. . - • ' r I • ·" .· ·, . " ' ·' -~c 62, NO. ) zr. ,. SECTIONS, 82 PAGES " ··l : , • • O~N6E COUNtY, :cALIFORNIA --.,,. .... j • ~ ~ ...... Yt'EONESDA Y, MAY 2 f, ·1969 ' TEN CENTS • • . .:;..L-• ....:.: • '' • -l ~ • ' ~ -· ... __ :: 1.r~ -·.an enne or 'Down tfae .:Mission ~_.. • Trail Grading Permit Fees Rescinded "BANA POINT -A storm of protest rnP.. property owners here and in the Capistrano Beach area bas resulled in wajver of grading permit fees by the Bce.i:t1 of Supervisors. 'Tb.~ board Tuesday, by emergency Mihance effective immediately waived the up to $30 fees to ITT homeowners tlu;oughout tbe county and another 300 to illbdi viders. All had been warned by County Building Director Floyd McLellBn last month to take "corrective action within 30 days on the nearly 500 slopes allegedly htar failure due to erosion cau.sed by the Ja.nuary and February storms." ..... ,It's been rough oo the.se people," said Supervisor Alton Allen. "t think we should help them out by waiving fees." • SHcle Mut Skited SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO -Landslide prOb,lems for area homeowners will be cjllCCISSOd toiillht 11'ith County So*"isor 41100 Jli, AUU and ·F. ~-)!cLell&!» -·the open meeting will'be!1'1d at I p.m. fn -the san Juan Eleinentary School CJ.feteria. It has been call1!9 by ~ Dana ~nt Civic Association, ~ Capfstrano litlK:h · Communit1 .Assocllitlon aliil Dan~ PO!iit Knolls Homeowners' Alloclation. l)iscussioo is to includt -a"' letter sent hOpteowners by McLellan directing im- mediate slope repair. Some have called tlii: letter dictatorial but McLellan has said it was not me.ant to be. •• Studflllta to Speak 'LAGUNA HILL$ -The Constructive 1oJ:lioo c;ouncu ol Laguna Hills will bear four students from Saddleback Junior College tooight discuss campus problems arid challenges. The meeting will start at 7:30 p.m. in Royal Savin&s & Loan o f f i e e • Laguna ijijls residents have been invited. Michael Qiliins, cOJiege board p!esldent, will in- ~uce the students. Laguna Workers Jo Ask Pay Hike At Council Meet • ; A first step tqward more "ritualized l!bor relatioas" ~gainin.C will surface iri -.Laguna Beach council chambers tOnight aloog with municipal employe re- ~ts for at least a one--step pay hike in tht coming budget. -~mploye N!CJU<Sls, !aift Cil)' Manager James O. Wheaton, hinge on a new law eltective Jan I, State Senate Bill 12211. ~etblng or • companion law to the W'1ton .Act palled earlier in the legislature to set guidelines for teacher- lthool board negotialions on salaries and other matters, the new law requires that ciqes meet and confer with employes abput prwosa!s. • 4 ta~ municipaJ employes have asked t~lt the Laguna Beech Municipal I!ltbployes' Association and the Laguna 'Bt8ch Police AssociaUon be formally 8cknoWledged by ihe city council as , retogruted employe organir.aUons. . • iJeorge Pletta is presldeot <t_ lhe po~ BsSociatlon ·and Oaruel D. Leslie ls pres•· dent of the other municipal association. The letter signed by both asks the council to.consider at ~ a one step pay lUke in the. mnin& fi9C81 year for all employes. Tbi• .... 1c1 repr-1 • 1.67 percent pay tnereast.. 1: • the letter states thal the cost ol uvmg index for 1168-ri>se 4.7.ptrtent and Ls ateodily ri$Jng thil year . Jibeaton said under the new law, 1till 'bang usdoe•fClties, that wages. fr"'!!• ~lits and conditions of employment !ili&hl be subject to the mffl and confer Jl'i!visionso- 4 !l"he city mpag« sees, the. law u a t1fi~t atep into mon ntualized labor nlatiw than cities have had before." .wbe1wnsilil··11\e teagu• of (llU .. has ~ a uoi(onn resolution for adop- ilon-by cities: , ~ • The Lelgue, said Whuton. su~ that councils not repruent themstlves 1n 11"1 bargaining. Wheaton will re<:OIMlend ,!)II! the council rtler the mallet to -him (of .udy and rtOOIDlllendalioa. . Ast·roriauts ' In Clutch ' Of Moon SPACE CENTER, Houston (AP) -The Apollo 10 · astl'Qllauts streaked into the shadow of the mOon today' and prepared to fire themselves into orbit just 19 Di.Iles above the crater-pocked surface, just hours away. As they raced into the area where the moon blotted out the' sunUgi,,t they teleyioed ano~r color :view ol their home planeL Air ,Force.Col. Thomas P. Stafford gave this·descriPlion: "At this dfstance, the earth looks . 'IJVF.8 IN BALANCE' ANALYSIS ON EAGE I slightly smaller than a tennis ball and a little larger than a golf ball." They were 240,000 miles from home and just 10,000 miles and three hours away from their tantalizing target. Stafford ~ Navy Cmdrs. John W. Young and Eugene A. Ceman reported they could not see the moon because Apollo 10 was pointed away from iL "\Ve cannot see the moon," stafford said, "althou&h we can tell w~'re ac- celerating toward it." Cernan reported "It's gettlng darker outside'/ as tl;le ~pacesJlip: passed· mto the 1Wlar shadaw. . 1f;M:Pef \OC!il..,,ar,10: it •-•.m.; A Poll• r~ into the dutcli Of the moon's gravi· ty whilf tlie astrooau\3 IJej>l. ~ (iring, behiJtd the, !POOn and !"I or r"'" .i IJl'OOnd sta.Ui>Jls, began ·• pOriIGtil Sii-di Juliar ~ lnteJ<led to clear. tht Y way · fol• lw• ApOiio h . astrOnaub to land on the·mcioa in July. Stafford, Ctman and YOWi&. bejan an ellended rest period ~ nlgbt still under Uie infiutnce of '8fth's gi'ivity. During the night they pused throogh • "twilight zone" -an area called the equJcravilpber< where tlie pun or earth's (See APOLLO,.Page I) Lumber Workers' Strike settled; Wages Increased Lwnbe&· yard workers were back on the job today, following settlement of a five- day strike. The setpement followed thret days of negoUaUoos between representatives of the Carpenters, M i 1 l m e n and Cabinetmakers' Local 2172 and manage- meht of 16 major and several smaller Orange'County lumber yards. It calls for an increase in wages and fringe benefits of up to 73 cents an hour over a lhree·year period. Milbnen strur..k last rhursday after receiving what they conaidtred an in- sulting w~e offer on the part of the lumber yard operators. ~ were in- dicatio03 that an bltemal clisPJte between union leaden -apd the membership con- tributed to the ltrite action. In the or1i1naJ dlscussloos held May IO, the unkln hid utecl'U·cents in Increases. -Some categ0rlel Clf mill workers will rtetive Jess than 7S «nts, according to Jim Maynard. chief negQtiator for the lumbermen. Ke·n-uedy Letter- • Complete Text __, LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Text of the letter rrom Sen. Edward M. Ken- nedy to Dist. Atty. Evelle Younger dated May 18, 1969: "Dear Mr. Younger : "Some weeks ago 'you inquired whether the Kennedy family wished to. express • any views on lhe pOisJble penalties available to the court uridel the law in the trial involving the death of my brother. "The issue then was the position to be taken by the prosecution on ·the offer of a' plea or guilty and that involved the question whether there would be any trial at all. W~ felt that any answer to your inquiry at that time would aCcordingly be inappropriate. . "At the time of the hearing on the sentence a similar jnquiry was made by defense couruiel. The matter was then before the jury and again my response· seemed inappropriate. · "I now understand that the trial judge will be called upon to exercise his discretion concerning ihe penalty. Since this is now a question of clemency and the trial proceedings have been concluded, I feel I can appropiiately con~ vey to you, for whatever consideration you believe to be proper, how we feel. "My brother was a man or love and sentiment and compassion. He woukl not have wanted his death to be a cause for the taking of another life. You may recall his pleas when be learned of the death of Mar.tin ·Luther'Xing. · He said that 'what we need in the United Slates is no division; what we netd in the United States is not" hatred; what we need in the United States is not violence or lawlessness, but love and wisdom and compassion toward one another .. ' . "Moi'eover, he was a young man totally committed. to life and living. He 'sto6d against injuatice, poverty and di.scriminaUon, for those evils lessened life. He grew to despise war for war denies the s:8aedneu of 'life. And be · bad a .special affection ror children for u..y beld lhe ~;or life. . "we an ~!bat ~'S°'''" wt,;. ~· 'billl)'-'alld tllatal 'tho.1.irt".1'1·11 .. ~~ • ..=..,.lNl!jr;:J·!I-.~ e_. we believe ~ olloWd be weighed !a·tlit,.,._ •·Ille '"",or "'!!"P~· , ~ ancl,G!>d •41#.,Vf life U.U. ·. . . I-· "'"..! • SinctnJy, • • EdwmUd. Kelinecl)I" r . " ' '"\ - Student Gives Realtors Lively Social Monolog .ue I ' It was a change of ~ for Laguna Beach ReaJtors' TUetCfay at their 8JlllUBI luncheon celebrating National Realtors Week. .Speaker John Valentine, a successful young realtor, urged them to speak out to the ''noisy minority," contending that the forces of destrUciion have already been shown too· m u c h tolerance in America. - Doug Schmitz, outgoing student body president at Laguna Beach High School, spoke to the Realtors in parables about social problems and the generation gap using as his vehicle a mythical kingdom where the young knights ask the older knights pointed questions. Vale'ntine, a director of the California Real Estate Association, asked the group Stock Merketa 1 NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market, bolsleled by reported bargain hunting, reversed an early downtrend and closed on the upside today. (See quota- tions, Pages U.ZS). Trading was fairly active near the close. The Dow Jones industrial average at 1:30 p.m. was up I.to at 950.36. when they last il\ellded a COllllCil meeUn& .and «fered to hi:lp write an ordiriance or wtlte a: constructive letter to their Congre5sman. He Urged the.audience to live each day as if they were clitnbing a mountain, slowly, steadily and ' enjoying the vie" from each vantage point. , Schmitz roved thrQ\Jgb the audience with microphone Jn hand durlng,his light paced talk that grew · freq u·e n·t chuckles. He twitted the establishment about funds spent -on war, funds which could feed every human mouth and be turned to scJenct. He JpOke of pollution of land and skies when California ls a metroplex of houses stretching from San Francisco to San Diego. He spoke or "hyprocrisy" when he asked why the school diJtrlct dld not pay teachers 55 pereent of the total budget in salaries as required by law. He spe of the failure of a recenl school tax 01'.et• ride. . He needled merchants for complaining about the street dances for youtha held four times annually downtown. Judy Zilnilt, high echool senior, uad her priie winning essay on' how to make America better. sbe. put tbe wk to the people rather than to Jegi!lators or rtoters. Social Studies .. Cri~tieized Parent Calls Laguna Curriculum 'Hodge Podge' Nolhing la the·soclal stu<ti., JJ!'O&r&m ler, but rather a hodie-pnd&e or aubj<ct • <t Lq1ma lltacll llC\10011 is being taught matters," Lorr said elter ~·a cur· rJCll!um outline ror socJaJ olUcUts. comctlJ. . That wu tile .... of a IO-minute lecture He said student& were being con!Wled -by the program. tllva w-., nl&ht to members « Lorr r.peatedly conclemt>Od the state the ~ Boocb school hoard by partnt hlstorY'tell, "Land Of the Frte" u being Edward l.ar. -typified the program a alU!~ view of history. , as "lolal thoucbt -1. ju3I like He said thiit tbe book gave a "lotal HiUer'1 Germany and Russia ." emollooal play'\ to lhe. h1Nry of the ..Jn.a.room.plcl<ed with obeerVer&.-1.otr ~lean bloct.:man, aocJ was daslped said that tbe purpost tbe gosla. and the to make whlte chlldrtn feel gull!)' now metllod of leaching social stucti .. from for wbal happened during ilavery. elementarj throug)I high s c h o o I , n.adln1 from a booklet publllhed by especlally. Amtrlcan bl.story, Jere all_tbe state.ol -C•ljllwP!a In 1111 In wbich a wrong. 1tate 1en1te ifl&ifim Comm1tt.ee report on Lorr, a hair -•-own educa· educ,allon wu made,. Lorr quoted u lion ended lorm&Hy all.,. lllgh ochool In lolloWs: "It is all too appmot lbal the Chlcqo., Ill., ·argued !bat students now Alnericd hlJto<r and bertlqe hu been are not bet!ll taught subjecll, but con-eftU\!dlilted." cepta. Lorr did not tell Ill' board !bat he was "Thia II not a diJclplinad Mlbject mal-rtadJns a -lion ~I a loctlonaJ dllsent fi'Om the mJnorlty vi.W ol the state commit.tee, noi the cOnaehsus of the commiUee. : Lorr said be did not repruenl any 1pec:ialr ~ but was just ••• COf). cemed~·-· Following the prelentati~, Lorr W85 told br tbe board · lh:st the Lquna ScllioiJ curriculum wu determined by Iha--odlool olftce and llale ilw. He WU lolcJ or a proposed stata b!TI whtclc would permit loeal diJtrlcll to d .. tate from ..i currlculum . • "!(. be rtally wanta to mue ~ con- trlhuUon, !'ii ...,,..i ht itii1 ar:u.< lop, wtth Dr. (MuJ JlaUerty's olllce," 1 D!atrlct Superllllfndtnl William Ullom said. The board lndlcated tbat .!! will hold a study snal0<> In the future oo the matter .r the soclal l\lllUes curriallllln. . I Judge Gets . Note Before Sentencing · ~ LOS ANGELES (UPI) -·Sen. F.dwml M, Kennedy asked the court today lo spare .the life of Sirhan 8. Sirhan for the murder of his brotber;Robert )' .. 1 JteD. nedy. A letter from Sen. Kennedy to the Los Aogeles district attorney was preseoieef to Superior Court Judge Herbert V. Walker in tbe courtroom shorlly be1we tlwjudge was to pass formal JeDtence m the·Z.year-old Arab~ -- death in the &4" chamber. wijl deCreed by a jury which convicted Jilin ·of the a.JSallllnaUon. Walker has the constitutiOnaJ authority to reduce the sentenci to life if be wishes. Tfie last or the Kerutedj.. Wl'<lle tbat "ml'. brother was a man of love· and aen- timent and compassion. · "He W<>Uld not have wanlecl°Ili1 death to be a cause for takfn& Clf ~ llfe..-"You may· reeoJ1 his• plell Wbtn he learned ol'lhe death <t lflrlln Lutber King. . "He said that 'What we need in the United States is not diviskJJ; what ·•• _, . ,the Ul!ited .,.,_ '" not li~· ~~ ~ ~-. ' .• ~,,.Ill!~., e~~ ·~ 0 IDte QI" ...... .,,....'\' """'' Vl ~ W • l:om.1.-,;.u.\ . ~ ~ . ·~~ ,1 ~ 1,. tr~v h11tbe banclw;tlt.~'ietter ~ uJtj;.""'feaJ!zed that -~· ~ alderiibis r.u within the ~l>IUIF ol the cliJtrtCI attorney 1n(_Uialo•tf tbi Court. . ., • "But-If lhe lllnd ol nian my linJtiiel' was ii ptnmen't we believe it abould be weighed in balance on the 1i"de of com- pauiOl'l1 mercy and God's gift of •We it.lelf. n '' • Dist. Atty. E\<olle J,. Younger wa uk°' cd what effect the letter Jl\igbt have on the state's stand toward the penalty. Yolinjer 'sald that it w11 a -.ioct•fbr tbe'jUdge'but that the:distrtd aftoniey'a or11ce-woolltt PoiJtt out 11181 'the• -mendlUon of the jtiiy was OW: penalty. ·Sli'ban eoter<d the ~ today smoking a big cigar, smUJng ....i •P- pearlng very casual an whal · may be his last a~ance in court. &·,wore ~ ~llari!d blue shirt arid chatted.in an al!lmated fashion with hil ~ttameys, · ;Judge Walker read the Kenhedyi letter silently to hhn1elf on the bench but dld not immediately diJcl09e• Its contentl. INlead he instructed chief deleMe counsel Grant B. Cooper to ,proc:ted -with hfs afgliments f0r a new trial. The letter frorit KeniledY w"ai p~senled by Younger and it came as a ~tine\ snrprise in the courtroom. Council May Put Utility Lines Below Ground A beginning al u n1.de r ground Id I overhead liUUty, wires-and eliJl:Un;atlng unsigbtl"y poles in .dow.ntown Laguna Beach may be taken by city councilmen 1oii1gh1. · • Joseph Sweany, director of pti~Jlc \\wkl, has recommended council1 actiOh. that w,Q.Uld result in (ilactng under.ll'O!Jlld the high voltage electrical dlltr\bution line in tlfe alley behind buSlneuea fr:On· tiilg on Forest 'A venue and Soutb Coast Highway from Mermaid Street lo 1 •t about 150 feet south of Laguna "A:vtn'Ul." -'!'be iinderlJ'OCll>Cilng would be iJi ,l\>O alley ben..eo. Glenneyre . 1111!1 P,ark fpu•Uel Faiest) and ~ 1ftom fork pall,' Lquna A""'!'• lJlti'allel South CoaSt lllghway). · . :rhe ell)' sbare " the pr<>j.ct, ·-14!1,GOO, wiluld be ,"-•Sou I b t t n Cilllcirnll "tdJsoo Co:. ....... ~ b tl(e Publi< Utllllie& ~ Failiir! to utlll2e lI1" fcmdl ....id rosull lo thOlr . dlv"111on e-,s-y ._tad. "CompleUon of WI pro]«t Will cer• Ulnly. improve (be alley,'' Weuy rtpOrted. '1'1\ere are now h u 1 e traosmi181on poles let In thil ~"11 which ""'""" the -. trav.1 lone and. Jrt DO j01 lo tho f11 of. tho beholder." . "'addlilon to·~ the --r~ to w.ung llrac:IUnl, the l""J<cl will provldt ~ stn>ICe .!or. tw:o -.,_. _._ bulldlop under coollnldlm(,,,. projocl would laie abolit a )'W to complele • ' . ---~------ .,._ . • • • SENTENCING DUE•' •, " Sirhen B. •$Ir.hen i l r ., Laguna \Yeighs~ . . ' Tidelands · Rwe A r..;,luUon urglng'~ederal.~.,t~ 1eg;,1aUo~ .. 1<1 •. prohibit any • . pen<tr•Uoil or tidelands .IDil SU!i"**"' landi from 11)0. Santa Ana lijv ....... ico. will' f?e. ~~Ider~ by I.:ag\fna ~ councl4rien_:Jorugbt. . , . , .. , , The .i_~btj9n alsO r~mmenda ·P!O" lilbiU"!' or ilny~e~ffor· , liJiajioa, development or removal~ ot 1: 114 •or oUleli miner:aJ.s.. from UH;:· s~ .i,.rea oD ,a~l federal laitda. w1h!ss· three conditioDs 'exist: , . . -Ou; gas oc mine<aJ · depo&ita .... tboie. -Thal.they are being dralMd .by ...U. o< o\her means from privately oWntld lapds. r ,. -., -NI the leulbg of -lail!ls .IJ.ln Ille best l-Of the J!090r1Ull""lal ........ wllkll bwns the labds.' . ,_.,. ..,~,,. . . . . . . .~ . " ,0r .. , •. •. . . I ·.' • 4 ' • ' ! ! ' ' ' •, . . '. • • • .. -:i ; . . .... ,_ l PSA Asks .,RUC fo:t 20 Orang ·-County EJ_i,gllt . ' -' :Zmory said ii 11 ~ .1111 PS4 i .... w1ll be •flOioYtd.e iMl a )'OU' ... l!it PUC ~ yw a deci&Joo on a PIA . q1"51. He aal~ the commlssl'I" oet,asio µ.. dac1'ion lo tin AlrCallfinla_a ~ ~lo lake rwl al,. Ibo ,alrplr\ wl,_. -~~ir ~ ~~~·~ ,_i..fropl Air Callfomla ,aid lhei !oat 'Oboul Ji-~ 4,iirin1 the quarter' of !Ml ~ 61 atllf • peUUori: from ~ ~ra. 'bi Emory 111d u,,i..s ''llnllli oppcial!-artaea.. Ibo PUC ,_.'Ulan likely w111 .. prove the roquel1. , "l ' =< Tighter U.S. Marijuana Laws -S.ee·n l -• --IJ• Leary Enters Governor's Race on 'Pot P~!faf's}f f~.er; Court Rullng J From Wire Servtce; on a psychedellc, pro.pot pllUonn. privale .emqiit or.~ pol marijuana at the'~. but~ U observe,.· tho<ljlht confusion In high The -'ime Laguna Beach rUident shops 1'! . .UU ~.atlldy. • coori ruaooed he would bava . places over the U.S. Supreme Court'a Dr. said he will lease the govemor!1 ~k>A One of bi zsn· ~~Jo &di-incrimination by doing so1 ' Tunothy Leary marijuana r u 11 ng waa to a bonafide poliUclln and be ·. fila make j!Ollee tllO ·~d provldlllg lnfonnation state a.utlloritliil notable ~· U wu a mere preview wife Rosemary, S4, will camp on the lawn state emplayes, up ~ mlW?f1alre level U could use to prosecute. of the ptcture .lboWing today. ln an Indian tepee. . ntcessan' due to theu dedicated dereme Federal al&lhori~ ha~e lodged smug· President Nixon it now es.peeled td ask Ir anyone misunderstands the current or law and order. gling charge& in most mar I j u 1 n a Congress to plug the loopJlofes in fedenl federal marijuana law status, it would Laguna Beach Pollce Officer Nell transportation cases and U.S. CU!tOTM anU·me.rijlWll. laws pointed out by the appear to be the fonner Harvard Purcell -who arrested the Learya last Service executive Fred Martino aaid in Supreme Court's unanimous opinion. psycboloa professor himselr. year -may be interested to 'know that San Diego Tuesday that he sees no Dr. Leary himself ls making hay -or "Now there Is no federal law ag1h11t the aceusecl facing a June 4 ~artng In change. • , advocaUng pot -while the sun shines mariju.,.a," he decland·ln Lot Angelti · South Ofo\Jie County J~ D1'tricl Anylhln1 croulng the bor~ iJlepUy and lawmto all along the Mexican-Tuesday, "you can all 10 to a"'niti0na1 .. Qi.tiff. \flntl. to give hlf.n • nj.st, comUtutes smugglliig;·hl not.ea, 'whether American border are puzzllnc over their park and smoke JI." · -,· ~ q ' culUat, his wife and son, it is a pair of sancfals: uiidecfartd liquor exact role1. "Plan_t1 _ it, darling, plant it," urged John, 19; were arn11ted and 1 qumtlty of or marijuana and dangerou11 drugs. The key figure in the ca&e -1msted Rosemary. alleged LSD ind marijuana confiscated On the other hand, what was good news in 1911 at Laredo. Tu.1 for allegedly im-Dr. Leary said be Is starting 1 party -frqm their station wagon In late Decem-for Dr. Leary rnay spell deep trouble for porUna a baH-ounce ol the controveraial 1 ctlebratlon not 1 polltlcal group.-and .bet. '.. . , lesa-experie~ experimenter11 unless weed without paytn1 1 $100.per-ounce U he wins~ govemonhip, he will leue State ' laws such as those Patfolman new guidelines are drawn , noted U.S. Al· federal importation tu, today ii also out the administration to present Gov. Purctll COl)Sidert:d broken 11' not af. tomey Edward Davis in P.boeniJ:. polttlctlng. . Reagan or his successor. rected by the Supreme Court_ decision He said out of about ·500 such cases in Dr. Leary, •1. appeared at the office of "That way I wouldn't hive to· bother lhat Or. Leary's 1958 convictlon was un-Arizona last year, 75 percent of the of- the Loe Anlel• Free Preas underground appointing things," he 11ld. constit~t)onal, but fed~al statutes were fenders were alloweti to plead guilty ·~: newapaper Tuesdal. to announce of~icially MariJu~ would be told on the .Ol*'I partially weakened. . lhe I~~-c.barge of failure to pay ~~ he will run for California 1ovemor 1D 1970 market, bi continued. but the que.st1011 of Dr. Lei?')' dld not reitater his bit of U.S. man3uana tax. · i. l Now, he said, the government can oo1~""· ~ prt11eCUte on the smuggling charp, lfe~ to College11 • "" ,.,,,, .. ., ... ~ COllti•' ·-lllW1t"Tmt Staffieri lhow1 h!J!I 1chool i8llon Mlult lrvllli 11{ CllPlltrano Beech, and Paul Cllriatlanltn ol. i.,una Buch ari>uDd cunpu1 durtnr vlllt to campu1 TuKday nlgbt ol. nm year',• junior coU.ge fnllhmen elJll their parent.. ,,, Laguna Board Backs Marine Study Center i..,... Beach School Boord membera Wtdoetday night approved 1 resolutl<l'I endoniJ!I the elforll of nel&bborlnl eapilir~ Ujilfled I t!chool DIJ!rict' ,. ' Mtablllh 1 Marine ·Science Center at · Dana Point Harbor. ' The center would be ro~1 ll.!e by all county &choola •from it I a d et r 1 4 J! t e a throllP llll!Ven!ly kvel. The caplatrano dlatric\ Lt ,..ting llS,000 fhlm the ltate for 1 planning grant. The dlatrlcl 11111 prevloualy recolved a n .r ~! ... -~.J-t.y_:/Qu·'.-~·!· ii.ir:~~-:.·~z:~i~-rDJl • ~ D ~. · .t, ~ .l.PV£·QI ' . tOUIJdiuont'' ' corwili9ii · "' '. A ~-~~~· · , ... -.~:= c:·~;~:-~~·~~~· ~~~~I omf.'<I. counij _....... 'Cillittol .. -~~.,ft ltl .~IQd>to '. 61 . • • '1'?: ~!mt .. . . "· ·• · -;.~~-~~· · .!fii<,-iet·ft. '~" ~ ~ .Aill'ViY-d~ sc~, ""'"' -·-ol ---..-.-' · ~~ •· ,. • , · • i• • "" • -. ''·· • " ~ "'~'·--~·:oh"\~.:.: ..,-~~~-, ' ,.. .,_._, '' ~ .. ...,.. ........ \,,. .. :la>~ ~·~,..,,~~A-7 ........,, and aeU It lo1he c:ltJ of 6an aan · ·:Kraule aid at preant ..tlmatid ..i'ua ,,..,Un In the""' -•-• ~~11ori· Caplltrano wu delf19d 'l'IMldly m>W ' .... I ,...,, -~ -um. June 11 by Iha Board of lapenloan. of .Iha .land at 111.000, Ille no lntertlt pJ111 An emergeney Ug!lilng l)'llem would The board Wed Stanley Kt•-· dJrao. woWd unoant lo •Ulq Iha land lo the provlda by. allber bllterf, Clltj generator tor ol real properly servlcel, lo 11.ut clly_ far 111,m. . " enoqh iloc:trldly to llll>Ulit auditorium !'"lolialool with the ell)' In Iha '-ol . lttt IQ Juu ,?~"'° Cl~~': : ·~ }o. 't¥' of, f:i9;,"r failure. w:orklna out a mulually acctplable. ·•l!iol= hi. dev:;=ent of~ · Tlils fl. ~ !ft""!t a,1 ~·"·Ed Hind, purobue ..,......,t. --.. ""' dlotricl bul-• manager 1ald. Operaton of the airport and adJolnbls l!OUd ':!" ~ leid lo 11 ellm!· Trullea were told thlt .the dlatrlct II lndullrlal ...,..r Bnloe Winton and .-.Wa,!totlmate the p""""1 ltto not able al thlJ time to afford ouch an Julian WllJcox,.~ down a county pro-;::. ~ .::n.::.u~;t five to aeven emspncy ay1tem, but that money may poN1 for 1 mlnlmum lfl!Nll rental of Kra°Ule prOpoled chat if the land be available nest year. No deciaioo wu ,l,000 or 17 pettent of the sr-llrport nverta IO other .,. than an airport It reached. . b-. wll!ch .. ver II larger. They laid -be relumad lo the ....i, wilh In other acl1on, 1rus1 ... : . they ~ afford only ciJe mtb •• much suitable financial 1djuitment Wltfl the cl--Approved • policy of free lunches for .-.nd mU:e • profit. ty. -· needy chlldren in accordance with 1tate Winton and Wtllcoz have deedtd four 11lit ii one or lbe Points Krause and requirement.. acr<a ol thalr propttly lo the city and the Tbompaon wW attempt to iron out -Apjlroved with condlUOlll a req~..t clly wanll lo buy the addltlolla1 U4 • bjllr. ~eromo Kirk of UC Irvine tlliOo ams and then lute H lo Iha operaton. be · aJlow"1 1o 10llcit TO!unleer ~ Th• clly 11111 offend lo purchaH Iha Th G for IDlervtew iii.a 8lud7 ol ldlOIYDCrltitl urston rOf!.P ol ctrop.aut llludents. Tba board.- that Laguna Beach not be Identified ln ll~llY l'llOT Due Back From :i:n ir:' :~~::,rd be liven OIU.HM <Mn ..Ulk llMIMO CJl##~Y l.i-t N. WM4 ---. ' J•c• l . C..t.; VICll "'9~ ... .._ .. ~ Tll .. t1 K"'il ·-..... A. M•t,M11t -·-111!111\111 r. N-'1 ·--... -' ._.""' ..... . JI! ,.,.., /lflt, M•l"'t ~'"'' P.O. ... tH. n612 --c .... ~, ........... ..... ......,,kKJ!,m1 ._ ..... ....,. ....... a...r. .. .. I -. T~ip to Arizona S.V.. ltudent body offlcera from Thum.. lnlennedlate school .,.. due to return J1o1!>e . to· Laguna Beadl ll!olliht afllr a llfMIY adventure al the Chlnl• IDdlaD _...11oo In Arizona. 'Ille """P of tw.. Jo..,, Torl Syfan, Paul 10osternl'tn, Jooll Brip~ and Jtlf Lop Ind teachtr All Tnuun left Saturday lo mal:o Iha Oeld trip lo 'lhe m6riatlao. . llectntty, II Indian alrla of the mem· u.o -Lquna lieach and -• -· "!"':-Id ~ l¥r _... ~'Iba 1limton .-·an mal:lng Ille vii~ .. udlal>Ca .... Tr .... wutllr~~~· '* !!lid trdojlom11on, ... r dlatrld tM.1' """•..,.. ..._-.. .....,.... .' nhldll were not 1....Utblt. fteodor'9 "•••.,..... 11 -= .,, --... 11..u-y·--a or_ c· ito Maoa ·-~ ~ ... • ........ ... • "'-~ __.,. Ul-.. -~ u-r.mi ,.._.. ....., ~ -..1 .........._ a ltatlaa ""°"without cblJ'le for USI on ._. -,........ v..... .. .. ... Iha ..... .............. 0,....,. c.............. ....,.. F ..... fbldGMltl'tll .... .. ":-' .... ~~ ........ ' . . • •·· " '"" -l\laJitv.i.ta ·.Rule °tilled -ea, tea..,., 6Q.4Qt -,.v - -~ JruAU LUMPUR (UPI) -""11ma £ .. £:"! : Mjnltt« 1'.qk1I ~llabman-Ald to. .. -dq ldl .......,.. -tlllo -· • ~ ....; ~ aatll the dlonal _.i"1C7 =-~== ~ 11-. ff• b~ Communlllo ancfantl· :0".j\',.':="U°'..:;i;,:-Molly ~ :with ..... ,I '------'------J ' _,, , ... rloll. · City Gets Oaim For $214,273 Over Hillside Lot ' -. -; -- Laguna Beach councttmen tonf«ht face a $214.273 claim and probably an ensuing lawsuit against lhe ctty by Prudential Savings and Loan AllodaUon of San Gabriel. . '1111 dalin lovolvea a hUlaide boualng devalapdlenl tbal tho \oltl . Ulociallon took -over wbtn Bmnni: Corp. Wu unable lo complete I~ • '1111 ell)' pioceeded k11TI7'a1ainlt Na- lionai Aalon\fblle ind CUUelly ll\l\lrance Co., wrll<:h Md the surety bond t o guarantee complellon of the project. City Manqer Jamet D. Wbt1toe laid l'nldential aloa had what It felt wu a lepl caUlt of action qalnal the bonding COIJ!PlllJ to {!<Over fuad.o loaned. II·-•• . ~··~,., • ., •1• The ony agTMd not to 1dUe.'111..lbll. •1alnat lbe bondln1 company wiUillal' l'nldenUal '1 agreemeot llul· Clld ~ Aid Whutoo, .. a(l'ffft!ODl.thal Illa w..: -"lilt ...,pan7 would dtltllll the cllJ' agalnsl any oult by PrudenUal and - pa.r any dama,.. that mllJ>t mull. 1111~ Couftcllmm "!ill lll!elJ refer Iha lo lhelr clty allomey 10 un:avol. • • . . -. Bow Much? Capo Sclwol Trustees Ponder Kitchen Costs How much money lhould ach:lols tie up for food liervicn? Caplalrino Vnifled School lllatrlcl trustees, before approvln, ·IChematte plans for ShorecWf1 Junior High School, con!ldered the pros and cons of a cen- tr*~l~lchl'l w1¥<l> would l""Ve ,\Ill , entfre let., . ,,·, 1 1 . Dr, l!afry C. Scl\wllko a repr ..... tative from lhe Bureau 'J School Plan- ning, State Department ol EducaUon, Monday aang the praJW .ol the c:en- lrallll9d approach which would frae In- dividual lchooll fro(ll Iha bUrden of operating their own kltchena. "I think we are getting away from the reasons food services were there iD the first plaq which were because of needy Cblldreft and I sutplUI or food, II be told trustees. "With labor getting higher Ind h;gber, we have to go to pfepactaged foodfl . ConlUltanll say w!lhln 11 yean mool dL<trlcts wm operate with c.ntral kit· chtna," he continued. Schwilke pointed out that a diltrid kil<hen would free 1pace -bdng Uled. in schools for food services. ··1 hate to aee footage 1et aside just for food 1ervlces," he said. "U the delign ll correct, there is no need. Studenta can e1t outdoorl in covered areas." "The quution is, should we bt ln the food business at all," pointed out Trultee Fred L. Newhart Jr. . "Well, many districts aren1t," replied Schwilke. Newhart said he polled 20 different bolrd members, each from 1 dUferent district, and found the majority of those oo central tildien ~ were happy with the """' ' ... 0 We ~ 10~-... not#. Itf 10 years we can ha·ve fO ithools~ ·We ha Ve to take aquare foolaae lqto,aceount. If it is in the kit<hen theq it'Ja qot. In lnstruciional 11pace1," "\ed oo~ewlea Fj Klnney, diJtrlcl~ • Acconllnc lo Ill ICbemoti< pl&Q, the elemmllry"ilchool wW liave - buildinp lncludlnc : • lltruct""' for . kindergarten Ind flnl·lo -grldu. a building for third lo fourth grade Ind an admlnlatnUon center which alao i")U · house special education rooma and rm.me i inatrucllon clUIU. • No kitchen faclliUes are included in the pllftll for the school which will offer 23 cllasro<mll In all. In oth<r bull-Monday night lchool lnlsteei' -Authorized the .W&r<llpg ol a bid lor a transportation contract to Communlty Ch&IUr CO. which will Jeue busel and mv!cet lo add lo the dlstrlct Peel. ' -Heard a report that San" ctem<nte High School will offer summer clwes in American sovernment, hi~ a n d EnglilH·!o:IT!~eqll who mll!I in.lie up the counel1ii ordtr to graduate. .,-Apprvvll! nn\I) ·o1 two double clusroorm: fer a t.?taI of $10,rlt a year for.we al Morco F. FQl'fl<r J11nk1r.Ingh School. • ...:.A.~ ''° rent tiz-~ !!l¥Sr00ms· 1.t c....n Valley School for fl58 lo Sad· dleback.~ll!llor College wlllch neoda tem· (IOtll')' 411'1\en for •U.• aummer Opetl• tlons. ... For the World's . Most c!eserving Dad w¥ch carries a mandatory five yun in,., pruon. . . "The government hates to wreck 'I ' kid's life for one mistake," noted Davis, saying most such border arrests involve young peraon1 brtngtng In •moll amounll of pot for their OWD UR. From Page I APOLLO ... gravity and that ol the moon are ~ual. Apollo 10, which •laried the trlr Slmday at earth escape apeed of 24,196 milts an hour, had slowed gradually~ 2,027 m)lu:1 like an automobile moving uphlll. . 1 After 1treakins through the lnvia!bla barrier -2",032 miles from earth and 18,339 miles from the moon -Apollo 10•1 speed wu to Increase to 5,700 mllea in hQur u It 1Weefll around the bacirJ~ of the l'l)oon. For ~4 minutu, Apollo 10 will be out ·of contact with lhe ground. Mlaalon Control In Houston will not know whether th1 engine fired until the craft re•~ around the edge of the moon. Stafford, Young and Ceman have the npllon lo caneel Ignition U they detecl anything wrong. In this caa:e, or ii th1 encfne fails, the spact.Ship would mtrel1 swing once a!'ound the back or the moon and head back to earth -one or the built~in sarety features of the mission . The five-minute, Skecond burst £rom the engine beglnntng at 1:45 p.m. is to slow Apollo IO"s speed to about J, 700 rnile.1 and insert the tta£t into an orbit •winging from 81 to 196 miles high. Abodt 4\i hours later. after ~ circuits, a second engine ien!Uon will ref~ tht «bit to a 69 mile high circle. If their color television camera worts as well as It has en route, the astrona1.1ts promise apec\acular plctuns of this alltn moon. Apollo I pilots de.1crlbed ii 'f dart, desolate and foreboding. . I co~~~EN? ;: ~. C. ~~~~'1~rJ -. IAHICAMERICAl\D ~ 0 -r ~ (f fl --n YIA~S SAME ~PCATION M,.,iTER CHAR&E ~'._ • • llll, N1WP9.r :.1,ViNV.l · -COSTA MesA --·..s '' ----.. -. ---'.. . . -·--- 'HONE l4a.J40I : ( ............ lilllm ........ 7 ... ____ ..;;.,..:,.~--;~~:._...==.:::::.:. __ -. -- I I I ( ) I -P~t UPIT ....... 339 FEET UP POLE Naked Pnduter ,, ·~ ' Nude Squats ;·.Atop Tower '1 'wASHINGTON (UPI) -W. Bruce Willis, 25, sat naked for three and one-half hours Tues- day atop a swaying 339-foot television tower, shouting to a s!ar:tled crowd on the .ground "I'm going, to the moon." His trlp was ended by an Army helicop~r which snatch- ed him from his perch after lowering him , a har~. It . carried him to the grouhd where he Wa~ taken to a ~ital for ob&ervation . U Peniomel at WFAN·TV said 'Wims, a student at Howard 1':7niversity, got ·imo an argu- ¥tent with a disc jockey 'for :WOOK~AM which uses the lltuttio bl& not the same tower ·u tbe televisi<Jn station. Willis · •• thrown out of the studio and moments later shed his -and began climbing tti.-. ., .'Jbe te!ev:ision station, ~led to start pro- ,:ll'lmming· . about that ti.me. stayed off ~ air. When Willis .reached the tower top he \DCrewed. a 10-incb airplane ffacori bulb and sat In its bowl r,~e he remained until the rucoPter was called. . To~e ' ' PO Setup ' Apartheid Proposed For Rhodesia SALISBURY, Rhode s.'r.· (UPI) -Rhodmai.'s-while minority regime today published • propooed - stitutioo that would split the colooy i!UI racial sectors and aS6Ure apartheid rule. Premler Ian Smith urged Rhodesians to approve the document in a referendum vote June 20 because he said there were no longer illy "hopes of a negotiated set- tlement" with parent Brita.in. Smith said "the new con-- stitUtiOn would enable us to develop conditions u n d e r which the two~mam r~ can live Iii hartnony 1rithout near domil'¥ance or subjugation." Base in Greece ATHENS, Greece CAP) -A commissary at a U.S. air ba!e and two American servicemen's cars b&ve been bombed this week, a highly =YAmeriellD !OW'Ce~said ll was the first .re Of at- tacks on American perty since the mllitary cou e than two years ago. Opponents of the regime accuse the United States of helping to keep the dictatorship in pow,er: ;stabbiag E~plained W1• ,..,, Mir 21, 1'69 DAI\. V '1LllT $ *HARBOR CENTER ,. PRESENt'S '-1969' 'SPO.~TS VACATION ··SHOW · fltlDAY,-SATURDAY MAYr 23·'2f. ' . . . . -·-... ClllTll. -·fiA-·· ...... ., Mrs. Roosevelt Granted Bail . GENEVA CAP) -Mrs. James Roosevelt, accused of wounding her husband, "was under great stress and con vinced that her husband was about to leave }!er -perhaps the next : day -for another woman," her attorney told a Swiss court today. lf'fhe eldest son of Franklin D. Roosevelt was In a Swiss Jlogpltal wltb a knife wound in his back as the court opened a f."llminary heari111. M rs . ljoooevtlt was In Bel Air .. ; '·' Psychiatric Clinic, where she was taken after her husband was slabbed al the Roosevelt's Lake Geneva villa last Thurs day. The court aet htr ball at 50,000 Swiss francs, ' th e oqulvalent " nuoo. The bail was posted for her Telling of Mrs. Roolevelt'a tensions, her lawyer, DominJ que Poot.Ce, sald1 she had· threatened auickte and ts In need "' prolonged deep-cloep treatment ;:·Pandas .Part " .... , 'Russian Suitor Spurned LONDON (AP) -, An·An, tht rejected .Ruaiu ~·· flew back to Moscow in style today after three years of a Jove lltt that never got ctarted. I ~ Zoo ollk:llll llnal1y ~ oll the-111tmpt to mate 11Jf willing bot never Insistent male from Moecow with Chl-0!>, Brttaln's frigid lem11t. ~ An-An''s cage was put in a 1peclal compartment of a ll<IUsh airline<, and had a E and four...Jtewa.rdessel af&e:r hlm. He wa fast u1eep . • .. ~ChJ-Chl. the always rtluc-- lant re.male, remalns at her London :ZOO home and no 1oftttr will have to share btr litot'lle bamboo sllootl with inolher . • • • The two giant pandu never txpr<!8ed """"' leellnc for each olher, ,dtapite two blllhly puhllchwt love vilitl acroa the Iron CUrlain. -.. lailuns to male them -lint Jn 111-and -hert ~ ..... that pant pandu ... llkeif .. - •:rtinct -Red ciJ/ia and North Korea. Chl-Cbl Ind ...... An are the only twO tn1 ~p, U'1ly nut.side U-coun1rtts. When ChJ.011 and ....,.An came f~ Peldnt 11 babltl, 11Je7,looked like teddY beorw. Now Chi.QI .weip 11 S pounds, An-Ali SIG. Each b about II years old, middle qe 10< pandas, . and ptrhapl 1lre1dy over the hill f« modln1 Jl'1l'POIOI· China I• leUtng no more pandu leave llie ......,.. ' . POllC<I said' If bail Wll' . re!lis«l bJ the court sht would have to remain in the prison section ol the clinic where sl)e would not have the iotitude ilnd ~llility ftecessary for the titaim.nt. . Mri. Roosevelt hu been booked on a holding charge accusing her of wounding her h ... bancL Jean Wther, for the aitorney ,...,..,, ~ bail. Be said lhat despite "the rreat namt of Roosevelt", all people should bt judged oqually "the rich and the poor, the Wtal: and 1the powerful." ~ told the court that Mn. RoQ&evelt. S2, the former Gladys Irene Kitchenmuter, said in a statement to the poUce that 'just before sla~ bing her bus band she Intended tUi!1I her own rue and had ~ 1IUt a will that ume .-.,. Refenillc to divoroe pn> ctodlnp begun by -ell, l'ont<I said Roooevelt had ...tat«l .bb wife '• ·-to mend !ht marrlact lhrovcb I concruatloo Jildle -I n obU,.tory-ftrtil lllep In Swila di....,. procetdlnp. • . .110~ 8'vretan. ..,. of -.. lawy<n, told lhe court lbat bit. clleiit .... Im• !Olll tllat bb. 'wlf• -the IM!lt~lllOdlcllc.,..ud •· IOpported llie 1-1 far bail "He hu not praoed char,.. 111inlll hll -and hat llO "" tentlcmJ .. dalnf .,, and 11 a1ao preparod to pur1ip -111curlty 1111:rbt-11ked'ln...,. u.~:.;.:.~ -wltb Ille anntm• ol bail,"besaid! 1~~..,-....,.~~"""."~~~~~~~~~~~-'-~~~'--..... ~~~~~~~-:-~~~~~~~~~~~~...:~..!.: '• r - I • • I ' I • ' . . ' . -. l DAIL y PltO'l' EJ)ITOBIAL PAGE I Deadl y El Morro Curve Four more died Clll El Morro '• d•th curve Sun- day -again iragica11y Ulldarllnlng the !laed for 10tne nmadlol action by Ille State Division ol Highways. The eo.111 Highway curve jUJt north of La1una 8i.cb bas a bloody history, Cllle grimly documented by al.llA> lllathtlcs. · From January, 1965, to AUiust, 11167, there were three fataJ crashes on the curve, resulting in four deaths. In 11168 there were·tour fatalltie1. With this year Ieu than half over, four more are dead from El Morro curve, A fifth. victim was critically l.njUNJd. M~y of the fatalities have been single-car crubes. Some of the victims have been long·tirne residents of the coastal area who were doubUeas tainillar with the treacherous nature of the opOt. El Morro curve hu not dilcrimlnated. Of the dead driven, some were )'OWll, aome veterans ot the road. They drove big cars and little can .. Lagune Beach Unified School Diatric! bas Iona sought a traffic aigtial for El Morro School on the hill just above the curve. Entering the highway lrom the achoo! could bMt be described 81 a calculated risk, par· ticularly for a bDI. · So far, all the cn.trict has received is a aeries of reOectorized posts down the mlcldle o! the wide highway divider. Several of the.1"'51s were immediately knock· ed down. Consldetlng lhU and the number o! ta~s, one must speculate at the n~ber of near mis~es. In 1961, the Orange COunly Coastal Transporta -./ committee chaired by James B. Stoddard, recommend· ed specific improvements for this section of Coast Highway. One of the most Wienl priorities was given tO the Military Solutions - Vs. Political •. -"'-~-·~ '''-' ., r • ~ .lC t \'"l ,_,. ', -1' • '14' . • .-.• ,,~ j ,:_ . .. , ... ' . --~-~r. .. r~~ i=c~ ,l:., : , , .. ,j. ·~~ · • • • Giving people the power to vat. without at the same time provldlng the requisite -for mating a civilized choice ca lead to the greatest despotiam of all -· the lyraruiy of the unlnsJruded m1Jari17. • • • Ono ct tbt boo\ HplanaUoos of the recent rub of "demoOltraUona" ia elven by Antbooy l!eM, Britain'• Mlnllter ol Technoloa: "'A Prime Mjnhiter can ad- d,... the l'bole oaUon, U -.ary ahn hour'• notice. A pres.a tycoon can print hil 0"1I article Ol> the front -and Dear Gloomy Gus: Coold the Sall er.et Win be r.r SUperviaor "Salty" Alton Allen what Vietnam Wat to LBJ? Word bu • that bumper -.... belnl tildled with the, motto: "Remember Salt Creek". . -{)oofy Foot ' ~. have II read by mlJllool. Bui /or ordlriory ~ witb mlno<tty ...... the Ol1ly way o1 annmtnc hac:t Is to Wilk about with a ~ and bope the ....., or lelevisloa ... lake a pictuft. Compared with the ~ available to the 11189 media, the public II 11111 lluck wtth a commnn'catlon l)'ltem that hu hardlJ c:llanged llince the St.ne Alt." • • • The put.Ill tbrtal to a deceat way ol life r.r all -11<\1 come !!om tbt ntrimilla ol left IJlt rt,bt. but '""" the ..... ln the mlddJe, wi!O -tbemstlves to be ·moved by llbort-tmn benefill nlher than buln( their a~ Utudes on Ione-term principles. • • • Mudl ol the adult rancor against the llWUltl'S and dreu of today'• yOlltb aprinp from an unerprtaed resentmtnt that they have 1 freedom we didn't have tor didn't take) when we wer.e younger: and a creat deal of It is, llJICOOICiousl)',oesualenvy. • • • Violence OJI the hlchw•Y ls 10 times greater than all other crima of vlo1ence combined ln the U.S., p-odudna nearly 10,000 iQjuriel a day and belnl the leading caUJe of death from qe IS to SI -bul who '1 ldlilll eulted llbout that? Anlmpressive Biography Interim l'<pOrl: Major bookstores reported Clrlol Baker's m a a 1 I v e bl..,.phy, "Ernm Hemlnpay: A Life Story,'' on their besHelltr 1istS a couple of weeb before official publication (Scribner; 110). This ts a lll(it8lloo ol how intere:tlt in the HemJnpay Ie1end t h I a moet lmprtu.ive bio&raJlhy ot a Li.., on Dtlrly nine ,..,. alter be liter•~ ....._. it !eut. t!nce Mark dilcovered the whole marvelous charade -1 -.-..... was pindlng to a halt and, bt a fit of Scborer'1 full-drqs portrait of Sinclalr despair in Ketchum, Idaho, chose to shoot Lewis. An •ccompllshed wtj_ter hhnlelf, the top of bbl head off.~It llao suqests, and obvloualy a retearcher of enonnous as Saiboer'1 bad hoped It would bt, a dedication and enero, Cer)os Baker .ii popular succeas as mll u one of the the · ideal ICholar-specillist to perform ytar's major .Utetary events. this Jonas Brothers kind of literary I.u- ni. Princetao prnfessoi-of Elltllish, ldmny. writer, cr1Uc and Heminpay specialist Hemingway was a man driven by has been wortq for mort than seven pride, Baker notes, "proud of his yem oo this projict, br1nglng to It an manbood, his literary and athletic unucelled tnowledp of the Heminpay skills, his 1 t a y I n g and recupe:ralive p-. the facts ind myrtlque of powen, his reputation. c1padty for his life. He _.nd dooely with the drink, his prow.,. u • fishermln and writer'• widow, Mar]' llemlnp1y. wing abol, bit earnlnp. wivet, bis "11· relilnc:e, hil wi~ poetry, medical and AL1110UGH THE 1 u b J e c l ooce military knowledge." ,.marked that be wanted DO "ddlnlUve ~·until pert1ap1 a bundnd yean HE WAS ALSO, iill bJosnpber .Refili was deed, be mentioned 1l •Ir~'::! the tempmmental manlc-anolher point that U be were ever to be. de ... the Inveterate llypochooclrtac ·•...-.. tn tllit 1-. be woold the -and 1-nntac who opote prefer lo -the job -bJ' tloo Joou seriously of sulclde 11 I n le rY a I a --. ct Yonten, Nn York, tho lhrlluthoul his Ufe, J<1 who pouewd -~ _tn the lud. tJIOf!llOOI ..,...,. "' ...iuence t nd I haft """' 1 couple ol ntpll ln this ~tloft that cooJd 11riniJ him bl<k v..U, dellliled· cbranlcle ol llemhlpay, ltlOD the brink to the poat within days, boJ and -. ·oae al the sulbeoilc -within houn. Also, 1llllOllt In· ,,_ folk -ol the -· and ddtiitally, be .... '"" of the -111 .. raidiod ~ the yell' !Ill. £r1IOlt writon lhat America llu producod. lied ........., to DliDoll, the -Cerloo Baka-remtndl us that iln w-111 .. <•..-._al 1 ' enoi1-land ct ailtlnformM!oo about prairit 1i11o bee•• ol tbll) who leomtd llemqQy II olna4y ln print. He llu ihal DO ma,.. emnpt ltom mortality, ooqlil In the __,ta! ·lb,.sUpthm who -·-there wu pltnly to leu to set the record 1tnlahl for -well El Morn Curve area. Re-grading and a che(e In con-fliuratlon were ·among the sugg..Uons. Since then the area bas received ooly some atten- tlon -repaving, a wider divider and Iha reflector posll. No place in the Orange C..st area bas a more frighten!Dg death record. It is a menace that is deadly O\'erdue in solution. Directors as Art Judges Feottval of Arla directors are contemplating a move that may rob them of a continuing source of merrimenL Despite first incredulity and then opposition of Di- rector Richard Brook.a, an artist. other directors them· selves may judge the top works to receive money pur· chase awBrdJ al the All C4'1fornia Art EJbibiL '!'be festival suboidizes the annual show at Laguna Beach Art Association gallery. Winners of the top three places receive purchase awanll of.'500, f400 and '300; The festival receives the award works. Festival directors-not neceuarily art expert. at all -have for years bem making pointed jokes about winning works which are usually in the realm of modern art. This year the board may sll in judgment of the top works to pick the best three. Or it may sit in conjunc- tion with the festival jurors, who judge the art on or submitted for festival grounds exhibit. . It's a silly idea. Authorizing money for the show doesn't give director• art upertise. And there·s probably sufficient traditional representative art al- ready on display in Laguna, perticularly at the festival groonds. Variety bas ill assets. L Reader OIJject• to Mt1tilati ng, Moderni%ing Wants Lord's Prayer Left Alone To the Editor: Rec"11Jy I read tn your paper that cer- tain lmpollenl ..,...,. within the - wmt to mUWate, or modernize, tbe Lord'• prayer. They would have to 1J<1 up very early in the morn.iJJa: to iminve oa the old propbeis! The version they suggest, besides being lousy poetry, Is both -. and violates the form of English srammar. I speak of the leCOnd Une, '~Hallowed be '1'111 Name," wblcb ln rovlsed form would read: "GJorfly your name." Whit tn lleltlntt do Ibey mean! -Is aoing to do the glorifying? II Ibey bad uid: "Glorified be Thy name," it would have made 110me MNe. THEN THE LINE of: "Lead m not Into temptation" II IUppoeed to be IUbotltuted with : "Save UJ from the tlme ol trial.': Wblch trial? We are going to be trie4 111111)' times over dlll'lnl our wlby Ille; fer traffic violations, for private opbdaol, or for PoRlble mlstaka. As writers we are always told to mu. the muning crystal clear, ao lhat II ..., be undenloocl by Ill. Well tbia writer. f°' .... -nolundentud; mllwilbtbey would leaYI the Lord'• prayer alone and attend to more prwlng mati.n. As my good Nonrelfan mother alw1y1 Aid: "Haven1 Ibey got onythlng better to do?" MRS. MAGNY L. JENSEN N-S•na-rle• To the Editor : The DAILY PILOT Is unique ln the area !or It II the only paper dellv...ct In the vtdnlty that prints locai ...... to ll1I' utenl alone with llllte, n1Uonai, •nd fn. temat.ional news. A penon wb:> wants to be wtll-lnlormed can be In the lnow aboul 1 I"' tblnp tn dtptb or 1 lot of news IUporlldaily fl'om Just t h e beedllnea. A good mrnbloallm of tbia would be knowfNI: the .ttte feature Of a broad lpeclnDn o1 lnfOl'llllUon. A READER, boaeva-, would have to sjle1d al lull an hour reading 11! of tbia ne ... °""1 day, and II the Ul'lnl ...,, we julll clo not have enough time. So I augat the DAILY PILOT """1d do !ta readers a great MfVice: by printing a IWIUllllT column ol tbl major -Oil pqe I ol the paper dally. I undentand 1 very luge newoopaper ln Loi Ancelet also dou oometbing along this lint. It It a very valuable feature and l ... you will deci<le It la worth space In )'«II' paper. PETE ENGLANDER The DAILY PILOT 114.t be•n look· ing at news 1ummoric1/or 1omt ti~. but we'vc comludtd up to 'l.OtO thot mo1t readtn would rclhcr "1vmmar· izt" 1hcir own n.e101 bv shopptno ihrouoh the paper aecmning htodlint1, lead pa1UQ1'0phs and ph<>toQTcphs. Summorv pruntationl Moc tM vn· fortunate chorocicriltic o/ lumping oil netos toocther tDfthout ftOthtg &he ,. toUve imJ)Orla!ict or fKtercst of I...,, by storv kngth, lltadUM 1fu or lo-cation (n Ulc popt:r'. -l:ditor Net S. Neftie To the Editor: I om wri1tnc tn , ....... to the lettlr (Mlllbol, M17 IC) i>J''Mn. Mary Lepon on Ml eduClllan. Unlm tblop have chaqed 1lnce I wu lo IChool nine:, .,., our ..._ a1md1 llHe which tuch. 1t1 -II -tducaton feel mon Is .........,., I'm oure they cooJd m1arJt the bealtb coune or have 1 night-lime movte for parent.I and cblldren. t.tf<rl ,,..... -.,, toflcom<. NormaJlw tMitari aflnld convq tMir Pl'&#JJaOI in JOO IOOrdl or lt11. Th.• right lo ~ 1.ttcs lo fit rpacc or eUndnate libel fa rufl'Wd. AU lcllffl> !i.111( illcl..U tl9naM• and mGilfftf addrt'U. but namu mat1 bt toofth1'1fd 01I J't'qtiftt if .IUffid.nt f"tG-_fl _...,.L tducallcnal cl111 (u Jll'OP06«il to dllcua a subject which ahould be ap- proached with .._ for the feminine lift ol modesty. Let'1 stv• our tetn-agen credit for not belnc IO Dai.ft. Sa bu been JOing OD .a bis time and we encounta it every day . by Jusl uvm,. MRS. DONNA L. BOGART Houan1fe and Mother Sellleel ... Belt• To the Editor : Can )'GU teU me what tine! ol Jdiollc logtt m~es aeat belt. compullory equip- ment in automobiles but not in school buoet? Any IIcJrt you can lhtd on tbia """Id be •JIP!<dated. MRS. CONNIE ENSIGN COM•-'Eqwalizer• To the Editor: I aubmll to )'GU the fact that today the consu.."ner ii faced with a complex task of markeUng. He ii di.udvant.aged by the advertlstng jsrgon, multiple brand. and •!us, •nd the physical distinct belween like llloret (proximity Is -mill to com· paraUve shoppiq). A can ~ baby formula may cOll ~ or 29 or ll cents depending on wblcb grocer 1111rkell IL A television lul>e 'flrill from $2.10 to IUO. Each of -1toru deacrtbea Its prtca u "'lpli:tal," "dlo- count," "total discount," or ·by other mean.nothing phrase. some course) these . two clown! can sit back and wait for history to repeat itsell. They , , have plotted the thing, they rest their THERE IS A way to give the consumer case, and are awaiting the denouement - an equalizer and prod the businessman's total guerrilla warfare in the United coosclence. AU stores keep catalogues Sla tes. li5ting case and item prices. If a pamphlet or booklet were assembled, for example, cootaining lhe invoices (rear- ranged for convenient c o n s u m e r reference ) of tbe major grocers in the area, the shopper cook! total hJs shopping list and decide where hi! money would buy the most. These pamphlets could be published monthly with week1y suppleintnU con- taining specials or thoughtful profit cuts. Evaluation of produce, meat, brand names (including tables listing brands which are leCODd labels ol name brands) and service o:>ukf be included and authored by conaumer experts such as nutriUonlsLS. DAVID C. BRE!IE Snaltlo Net en Actor To the Editor : The last paragraph in your May 13 story on the conviction of Frazier Smith is incorrect: "The. former actor ••. " I have checked with Equity, Screen Actors Guild, and AFIRA. He bas never beeu a member .•. You should have writ- ten : "The former LaBUM Playhouse ac- tor .•. " To say former actor in thil case is like referring to someone who once lvrote an article for a high school paper as a former newspaper man. CHICK CHANDLER Gulli ble T~11er• To the Editor: History, and lately Mao Tse Tung, tell:ii: us that guerrilla warfare is the only way that an establlil:hed government can be. overthrown. Old Mao and his little whiskered buddy, Ho ChJ Minh, must be laughing up their big fat sleeves at the "trusting old soul" thlt it the American taxpayer for being so llllllible. Having created the Mmcan standoff In Vietnam (aided by the United NaUOlll, of WHILE CAPITALISM is brutal enou gh fn its frenzy to make a profit from wages and prices in the face of stiff com- petition, communism would destroy both wages and profits, and the competition wouldn't even ha ve a chance to raise its ugly bead. The American people -whJte. black, brown and yellOw, must Wl- derst.and this if they would pre.56Ve the white, black, brown and yellow berita1e of free America. AS ANtONE CAN see. guerrilla warfare is off to a good start, and even the . victims of dementia-praecox (that great sleeping mass of vertebrata who can smell it, but can't locate it) can feel it growing around them. Yet the poliU. cians, when asked about it, go into a semantic trance and stutter, hesitate, say "ah" or "uh" loo many times. and will never answer yes or no to anything. That gentry, my friends, will have to be in- vestigated before too long . S. G. UNDINE Chur"h of Chrl•t To the Editor: Jn a recent UPI release o! a Chicago Tribune news story, the Board of Hi>meland Ministries of the Church cl Chriat was listed as one ot several organizations financing black militant groups. 1.fany religious bodies use the name, "Churcb of <llrist," in some mlllV'ler. The UPI ~lease did not specify the particular body. THE BODY KNOWN collectively as the Oturches fi Christ and on the local ltvel as the Oturcl! ol Christ does not have a Board ol Homeland Mini&ries-, does not finance black militant groups in any manner. and is not tht Church of ·Qirillt ln the UPI rel-. DUANE 0. MAYFIELD l\finister, tburch d. Quist Thugs, Hoodlums in Fore front California's enormous ltlke in the 10l11- tion of campus unn:st and disruption was illuminated ~reic:MIJ by a man wbo know• what he's talking •bout. ' ! schools, the Junior high school.1 and l:ito 1 tbe elementary achools. '' ~ · McKay doesn't pretend to ba,·e all the Spe-aking as a private citizen. but with the wisdom ol lq upertenc. In the educational fiekl , Robert E. McKay ass.is- tant e1ecutive 1eCretary of the California Teadlert "-11tlon, told a H<NSe sub- cornmll&ee ca education that 1lready a •of« ~ ts ...-i.u.1y tbrt1tenlng the slate'• educallcoal oyslem, And that Is the~ oystem In the wwld. ' More &bin aoe million Audentl are tlU'Olled In tbt ....... publicly ..... ported j1Dar ....... 21 state c:olJest1 aod 14 UC campms • wtll u to prfvtte c:ou..., ml unlvtn!titt. Nwty tour ml • half mllllon ....., the public .1..,.,,_ ...., Ind .......,..,, ochooll. " . ' tionary elemetia thlt have "to a ~extent" taken over lf'.&dtrship tn the tegitlnuole -.1 movement for imJ>rovemst ol educlllan. especlllly tor the racial mlnaritles. tbertby crutini the id<oJoclcll turmoil .. di.srupll,. llf --'Ibo Clllfoml1 llicture ii "not prelly". u llcKay put lt. Two black actlrilll 1hot • to dMtb In a lecture hall at UCLA . Wbeelet Hall 1t UC Berkeley gutttd by fin foUowln&· a ltudent. de:nlOllltra,ton. A Conmont eon.ce HCrttary loolng • hand In open!nr 1 pac"g< In whldl 1 bomb had been malled. Rlo!J, conOlcts, lnjurl ... vandailom. lm>C•nct, •D the .... ~ ol pltm>ed nfhllbm. MeKAY BY NO "*"' pllCtJ 111 the bllme Cll die llodmtl,,.,,. on outsiden. "THll "l'll(JINIQllEI of confrontation lit ............. ,..,,. lnotanc<, t h • l ml tem>r ...... unilorm ml elltctk~ "llucl<dl beve problems that Ir• not thlll they cannot be charied off com-llelnc 'ODIWll, piovancils tbol 1r1 DOI • pletely to -·".the Cl'A extt1> btRii recb :ae:f mt frwtntlom Out can Uve pointed out. "11Np and hoodJums only aplodt W. fllrtbtr •lolonce unltst ·un!oriunotely .,. In the lortll'ont of"lbe relfewd." The publlc: •nd the ad-lludent movtmenl" And mo.t'lllstUTbi"f' mlnlolnlcn bell' .... ol the bl1une. he Jy, "'the prottml al dtrnoods, dt!nonstT• answers. But in such reuoned "nd reuooable conskieratlon as he gives tile potent problem lies our great hope for an equitable and effective "Olution -a sc.Ju- lion that will uproot the revo lutit•n:irits, and update our educ!ltiiool system wherever Jt has fallen behind t~ time.;. Caltronla Fu.tire: Service -~-- Wednesday, May 21 , 1969 Th• editorial page ot "'' Daav Pilot ltclu to Inform and 1ttm- t1ln:1e rtadtrs by prtltftting this n1w.spoptr'1 opfnfan1 ond com. memory °" topkl of fntm1• and 1iDnificanct, br prooft.Ut1g a forum for tht 1~r"t1slon. of Our reodnl" opf1'1om. and by pre11nlbtg Cht divff11 op points of 1nformt?d ob11rver1 and tp0kt.rm" 011 top;t, of '111 <1av. "'tncludinl tb111 ---tblll ptthlpo f0< th1t rt1l!y "dtfln!U"'I Gayo named Nada." bJosrsphy the aubject had In mind, • ,..,. --:-~~~-,;-n:;o,;:;;;;;.w~:;;;;~-.;;:~ir.;;;cr.;~~1 ,,,,_~rro~m"--'no~w~.~~~ I INT1:ND TO Wlllllln Hos +CAN EB·NI> n--to-haft I ... feels. . tJona and tiilltl'lt actlcn h11 movtd pro- For tht buic disutlaftctions, that is. p-es.sively from the univtnltk's down It ~. bow1m, -erlllvo-;1od..,.vol.._u.n..p the Junior eoll ........ the Jligf>.('l::==========::.f-Robert N. ll'ecd. Publisher " I I. I t I f f l I r ' I • t ' t ) t • • d e n k .. n • I I I I ,, ' ' .. _ ... ___ ,.,_,._ • • • , . ,y_oL 61, NO. ·121, 6 SECTIONS, .12 ·,ASES ' •• . -. . P~~i~s · _'.sj ~poc . . . ·padfic Soulhw.,t Alrltnea .bu a!bcl thi llato for ponnJuion to 07 men ·than 2t pwengerjet lliPll· a day to and oot o1 Oruge'COUnly ~ the l'Ublk Utilities Commialoa discloled . today. An appllcaOon fmri:l PSA, wbidt ii not now Jocated in ~ County ,;ii ea me -the PUC in the lllale ageney'a Loo Angdes afllce. 'fbe alrllne is ,..ting PUC _opproval <# lts,plan1 to_provlde ~.~the <>ring• COlll!l>\ 'terminal and • San J~ • • . . ORAN6E COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEONl;SDAY, MAY 2f, .,,., . ' . I . "1l>I 'PIK: · · 11 .. ~. u •cl' lli1 ~ procrun wbrfnr to a death llrUgle lea PSA and I.Jr MallY )II '!irPorf pta . and ' . Callfonla/• aJll Dmf Elnary, chalnnirt me8i." v IWDI ~ ol Newport's Air<nft -Abo-I ~'11 ......... were ~ ,l>)I Committee, a J,--· Newport Beach· CilJ Attomey· 'l'ul!J ~lloa. • St)'mour, who -lad ::Mon thin Emor)o aplalneoj Iha Aft Cal ab<ady zt addll!<!oal rufli,16. day "" lhaVs·pr<I· is havlq """bl•~ eooqll'mone7 · ly balrjo." • • at ci>unly aJrpnrt wll1'oul competl&ii. U. sali! hli offlce would chock Into the He voiced grave CClftC'a"D over tbe PSA request further. lndicaUona were that.the plan. "U:the.111p¥111lla9 la qproved," be cllJ would formally and vlgor-i, pro. said, *'it would llpal the be&Jnn'na ~ tbe test the PSA applicaUon.. 1 • ~ .... I ' ~ • ~· ".,oe; • Ctfunry • 1IN CINll , I ts Walko¥t Date S·et After· Boo· Teach(3rs Protest P(iy . ~ . . . . ' :' .,._ SENTENCING DUE ASKS COMPASSION BJ> mOHAS l'Oll'l'.IJNE Of .. ~ .... Newport.Mesa scbool teacbers~ want more 'mooey. . School board·mem•s got the meuage loud and clear Tuelday nllbl when about llllO al the dltliict'a 1,115 teadlera turned 'out at II.arbor lllg!I auditorium and ~, .~. porade o( con- tentious speakera. "I hardly know bow to annt'tr," &a.Id School Board Praideol Jama ''Bill" Next Newport Peyton. a wed Ihm Tbuisday, May 21: If Ho~~ board memiber5 Would .sa1ariu aren't settled to their saU.fac- rtminber W"bat they 'h&d beanl.u ~Y tioli' by then. · ·' ::." tb . taek!e · "'Ibele. ~ . ~ mood of ~ ~Jion ~t Thlt ... the ..... total al booid ....... frnstra= salaries -·t been. let-tion. 'Anoth<r 'oa!aey,l!arPWDl:l<Slinn Ued at~ !ale date in the ·aclloohy'ear between teachers and 1th o o I ad-and fruatratioa. that ''teechfh•dclll't ~ miniStratcn is set next Mooday. _ u much 11 tbeJ.r neighbors with the.Alllfl: · After the board hearing, te1cber college education." assoclatioo repreoentaUves met and ·~_.~d !J)lslration, .Di>al!J voted 31 to 7 to bold a clasaroom walRMit 6aa g,_,_....;,_• llid GordoD.1.@'dd"", Sirhan s. s1""'" s.n. Edward:Konr*y Budget to Top Sen.Kennedy Makes rlea $10 Million To Save Sirhan"s Life ?: ~LOs ANGELES (UPI) -Sen. Edward M. Keonedy ' asked the court today to spare tbe life of Sirhan B. Sirhan for the murder· of bis kother, Robert F. Ken- nedy. A letter from Sen.· ~edJ to the Los Ant!elell dlalrict .attotuey ,WU ~ kl Superior Court Judfe -v. Wilker to"the courlroom ahorlly before tlle Jnd8e 1'U to paa fmmal ...... Oll the ~year-old Arab imm1grd wbole du th In the p. chamber was d-b7 a ~jury which convicted him cl thl a.ssasainatioo. Walter bas the constllutional authoritJ ·t.O\ nid~ . the . sentence to lift if be wiabes. New.Po11 Poliee Will Hold All Aces June 13 'The last J !ht · Kenned)'> wrote<thal ''my·brotbertwaa a J1)3IJ of love and sen- .time$ and .OOMP¥Sion. ~ "He 1"ould.'qbt lia,ie .. ,,,lad Jiis <!eftl!. to he •·Cause.to!~ o! ~ lif.e. ''YOU;DIOY <~ bi.9 1 ~ w)!On he leamid flf the 1teat!I' of Marlin Luther _Kine. , I 1 "He ml' tllal 'Wliat we need in the U!Uted Stales Ii no\ di..J.ion; what we need In Ibo Unjled_sta~ ii qi>(.IJalred; what .we-need lli,the Unltid States ii DOI v~ or. laWles""!'~ but love ~ wisdom and compassiOb toward ooe ·~~th! handwrilum ~ter, said that be reJDzecl that miny other con-- siderationl fell within tbi rapoosibilily o1 the diJ!rl<I attorney and. that of the cwrl. • "But H the kind of man my brother was ii pertlnent wt believe it lhookl be weighed jn balance on the si"de of com- ~. mercy, aml God 's gift of life itself." Dist. Atty. Eft.Ue J:Younger·was ask- Friday, June 13, will be an unlucky day ed ·what' effect the letter might have on -· • the ltate'1 stand toward the penally. for big-Ume gamblers in Newport '"'"'""en. Younger aakl that iLna a decislon !or ob thal date. a new city law banning the judge but that the district attorney's poker palaces. panguingue pulors and . other public gambling spas will IO brto office would Point out that I.be recom- dfed. . . -"the j1lry ... the penally. Not that tbrere are any now m Strhm entered the courtroom today Newport. -smoldog a big clpr, smiling and ap. The City Coondl, In 1Jlll"llYlng lhe .... pe.rlng Vert 'casnal on what may be his law et ua lul ll!Slion, llOOt 1etim to pre-laat appelrance 1D courL He wore ·an Vent ''GardmHype" card c1ub.1 before ~ blue lhirl and chatted in-an they animated fubioo with hia attorneys. Clly "":i.r.., Tully Seymour, in an-J..,._ 'll'alllet: read the Kennedy letter nounclng today that the probibillOll -ai1<atl1 to himself "!' the beoclt but d[d lnto -June 13, emphasiied lhat ii no1, lmmedlatetJ -• 111 contents. does ~ fuDdnislnc giunes al yoallr"' "liillelo!I be inot<ucted cbid def""" bmlftts, tucb as the Youth Center's m-caurml ~ B. Cooper to proceed with nual elmml In Corooa del M¥ and lbe hil •aunillltl l<r a new trial Balboa Liem Clnb~ LolJlltet Bate. The-~ Jtamedy WU presented. penirj ercade pmea at tbl 8dJOI ,.,. by; Y ~ llld tt ,came u a distinct Zone allo ...wn oo the pormloslble lilt. ...,,nie la•lht -boom. ; I IC l'ictiM Was Feloa The UC Irvine d\IJl<ellor'1 order to !Her Flap to hall ataff ted&f .., ~ancelled a, few· boun atter it Wu siven Tu'3dlJ irbea M WU learned tbe university would· have been Mnortna: a Qinvlcled ltelcn. "lb• down and up the Oagpote confuaioil 1fU tbe T111Ult of what • &pOt:esman can. ed ''an embart11sment of 'cirtQrnstaDcel." Olancellor Dllniel G .. Aldricb Jr. gave the order· afterbetn( told two -bad been kWOd In twnutt at UC ll«lrelq. Three boul's later, alter Aldrich had flan oll 10< Waslllngtoo. D.C., tt waa turned the on\y dealb bad been flf ,...,. ltUdent, con'1ctecl ft)on, ..... fUl'"'Gld • l . ' ,, By JEROME I'. COIJJl'S •Of .. Dlllrl' ....... N"'P"'I Bach'•~.m . ~-budget, for U.. fin! tbne, will .\1¥ llO mil1loo barrier in 1•10, · aidea.lndiCINd ~ . \ ' . day. ' . ' . . \ ' That.ls about $L5. ·oYeri:thl~cu-: .rent fiscal year's~'~ I• ~ite !tie bod&fl ~:iu;;J. . ' wtY. 1a: n1a tli~.111,...:. ,.m..C ~ ahNd l>J,· °"" u , ~~;~U,.. ,., . .:...~ .. : CltJ MU;qer , rr:-,•.,unoun·-. the pttllmlnarJ budpl ... the ... .,.. calla tor a II.JU Inf, ' ' The _..t'llu!flel-,10,112,450. Of that, 15.5 m1111o1t i earmarked for salaries. '·"' • The iigu~,e:---lnclude the cost ot reoommeadrld P.l'.1 ~ lbat average l.,P,..-:~ the board. CitJ ~.wlft-tn.-"" session $8~ kl..,.. the......,.. sala>y .... ._. ... , -H:: "atnmc-1 . r---:::;: ... B '-.ii.I-'" ' _ .... "'..-y ~-· e--_..,.,...... -.. 1..,a1 /!>Wtld~ ...... la 'llile ·-·-paid, ellewhere.. , City employe1 npneentaliYes. h°"ever, sald today they wmt· men. ~(gorous presentatiool1on the tmpkfyes' liehalf are upectad II · tbe SalurdaJ session. Hurlburt noted that the g<ll<ral fund tax rate wUI rtmain unchqed if tbe budget is adopted as recommended. The proposed Uk:enl lncru!e, he aaplalned, is largely the rault of requested .... book purtlwes b7 tbe city . 1lbnry system. The library tu rate is "l)lrate from the general fund lrvy, but is in- cluded In the total rate. · The city lOUllUlpr ll!lld it ii possible for the councU to bold the tax lioe at •t.225 by lrimmlnc fmn pneral -and libarTy allocallons. "Biii tllal'•. decision they1l have to make,•• be AW. SteeJ< Marlceu NEW YORK . (AP) -The atock market, bolatered by reported bar&aln hunting, ft'Wtrled an early downtrend and closed on the upaide -1· (See quota-tioos, P.,.. SWS). ' --I . . , . " , . • . , ~YPJLC"l'Mtlillorl....,_..,.. P.OL~ITI KING>-;'Deiati~i,4!· ~tl~~tl!J!!J.~!d•. hea~c•UCI!• over" ibl', ••CJ! pNlldmtlal candl<lateS,~ Col'oila de! Mariii(gb .. Tzy. ingi .Wing .wte of ·!-· holdiiut :niane DeMott (ceo\er) are .1!er felloW d.!egates .(back •ww from -left) K;rthy Orlon! and Cindy Schitver' and (fnml) Frank Ford, John -Stevens and ·Tum Reed. -· ' ' .. ' .. • . . • • ' ' . -· . . ' Apollo Crew l\eady for .. Lunar Or.bit - · illi!iiir,ama11w lhU a,letmll llOll 8nd ~ llllle larger tllalt a 1f01f bOJI." • They were 240,000 mlleo,from lane and just 10 ... mllel..and.itree.bcwn •WIJ framr• 'tal•ll.jri"I ·Llrpt. > . stafford and Navy .Ondn.• Jolloo w. ~Olllll"ad D .. n ~~ npld1ld &blf 'CllllJ!llL ............. ,; 1 Apollo I0..1u polaltd. aft7 -1.: ' o 'tw•1tmiiilt~ aee u...mocm,~ Sblffad said, 11altltougb. we can fell rwe're • celerating toWard it." Cem8n reported "It'• getting 4V1et outalde" u the apacesbip paued Into Iba luoarshadow. ' EarUer today,• at 10:11 a.m., Apolll raced into Ule clutcb of the moon's• grari- ty while lhe utronautl slept. Tiie firing , behind the moon and·oul tl range o! ground slaUons, 'be(an a periloul ll><lay lunar adYenl...0~ &o clear the way for tWQ, Apollo ii utronauls to land on the ,.,... in Julr, Stalford, Ceman and' Y"'!'!!I began Id extended roil period TuadaY nl&bl l!jIJ u.ocrer the infl~ ~1 eia'th's P'ritf.i Or._,e , I -c.u&.J . , l ! "Low overtut" Ia loQy'a wea-. er ~eao eupi,'l'tam for tbe f gloolll)' 1t1.,.' coaili>i ·np, w- day. 'Temperatum Wlll ~ ~ l ii aldq the Oringe CoUI to' t4 , , furlber lnlllxl. ' I I . " INSIDE "nNt4Y Afur hecrino .u-._ W- ;ecikml fr~ Coumv "Aar"°" AMrtw J. H~, tM cotlllty Boord of Sw~ ... poal-1 -4 hldefiloitellf • dcoltlea .. ...-.ill(1 Uppor liq -,,.... l'O'llllV tu rolls. ,,..,. J2. . ·a ,, .J:;; ... " • • • ---~ .. ·-• -• • .. • Ii =.:=r ·• :..:_ ..... .. .. :-= --• ..... ; Ii --1(6: l · -• --• -• ---.. • ' .. • - • I Kennedy Letteri :· -Complete --Text 1 LOS ANGE:LES (UPI) -1'ut ol' !hi lotter from Sen. Edwanf M. Ji.: ; nod¥ to Diil Ally. Evelle YOW\ler dated !413 It, 1961: ~ tlAILT PILO't ..... ~ LISTENS OLUML Y ... nl Pr11ld1nt Poyton Administrators Give Tentative School Budget Newport-Mesa school administrators trotted out a tentaUve budget for next acbool year Tuesday nitbt that abOWI a three cent tu decnue for Cc:llta Mesa and a lracUon of a peMy tu lncrem for Newport Beach. But tho n...,.. '"®Uly aro m ..... 1ng1 .... Teachers aalarles, far and away the lar(UI llngle Item In the budget, ore fer lrom orttled. U, however, tho budiet II finally odopCled In July u -written, Coota Mesa's tax rate will p down from $4.49 to 14.46 per 1100 ol uaeued valuaUon. The Newport Beach rate would 10 up from a UW1 over M.07 to a lltUt lea· than $4.08. But 1cbool board member• says they attn have a lot of budget study ah,.d of them. Justice Douglas Get,s $500 a Day Fee From Center 'SPl!ND A DOLLAR' Sponllh TMChor llocktold 'WDMl!N IN THIS, TOO' French T11chor Murplly What Teachers Want Here t. what Newport-Mesa 1chool teachen are aslc!ini, what the 5Chool board la oflerlng, and what the figure• are thi• curr«>t ICbool year: · Beginning salary per year Years to double begin- ning salary Top salary/10 or 12 years experience, masters s:b~epay ' Summer school pay SabbaUcal pay Alter achoo! a .. lgnment Medical and dental Pencnal leove Teachers Board Is W•nt Offering $7,150 $6,750 10 12 $14,300 $13,500 Pay equal to Flat $25 qualification rate Pay based on Ceiling yearly rate on pay 3/4ths pay 2/3rds pay 50% increase 50% increase $400 per year $162. per year 2 day s none 'Withdraw Police' Thh v .. , $6,500 12 $12,928 Flat $25 rate Celling on pay 213rd• pay '144 per year none Berkeley Teachers Strike Over Tear Gas on Campus l"rtm Wire 11em... send men to put clown riot> ermed with Bl'JU(IL!:Y -SOmt Ualvarstty of only "a Oy natter. WASIUNGTON (AP) -s-Court Calllomla faculty memben, anrered by "ff•'• got to ha•• .. appnlprlato Juttiea Williun 0. Douslu bu bee1J s-Jcl a maalve tar IU attack 0(1 tha campus, weapon," the pvemor told hil MWI COO- F...,.. P .. e l JET FLIGHTS ... i f$00.a-day feo by a California atudy ctlller wltlch l•ll put ol 111 money from nlUled today to leach cl-• WIW Na-farence. the controversial foundaUon be heada. tltDll Guardsmen and police ,a re Relgan aald police were correct in Tb• poymtmll to Dougl•• by tho Conler -(Earlier Btory, Pa*' I). opening fire at 1tudenll and nonstudtnll for tho Stu<ly of DemocraUc lnlll-A untvel'llty.11POkestnan said It 'waa Im-demonllratlng around the Unlvmlty of ol Santo Borbara totaled about 14,000 for poutble to dele!lllln• how manx~e Calllomla at Berkeloy TlwrldlJ. Ill • 1~~ ~!'•1a ~ ~ ~ t,teO •fall-llme faculty membei'a_J dllpull ov~ whOt,bor a achool~ lot ~r.i!~""'' ~l.· , . ..s.~!. U>o--walUll, hlll IO profeuon """'''d ".~ '· • ,.. .< ,_1 IOI'. ltll' ...... _,_ u ,,.....,,t and -ant aQ!u they wouldll't ta.iili. ~--~ ":"" u • P*f• •1 .,. ~~ on17· paid .ollkt'lal·<ot· lbft · Albof\ 'P"'""' Willlo;l'I"/. ~'Iii f.Vot al iuch a· lllndl.' . ,• bobelnl ... who "1p ..i.; l"oundatkm, wblCh bu had ltOdt U.. with alE. maattna. 'I!• ll&ld •1 would &!flDl!I'' !iii J&mis Lu·Vagu gam~lllJI CIO!nlo.·. i · -: e. came al ·a !!'M\lnt calfed ft!lblor, 15, a DOIH!Uc@il ..._... Joae, Contrtamen hava c.mll IC!f an ta. · . nllbt by the ~· WllonJod ~· . Ill !lie dlllll'lialiOe. veatlgatlan of °'"llJM'l ~ ,II! tho . -"1 1111 1..wi; """'berl, '.l)te · •--oved his wuo ot Jtllllco A1io ,._, nirignallais ....... ·Iii 11iii1ii11rcm """'wu m'1o It; . . or ltll ......... imd .tlklMy. from the Supnme Court In 1lie dllj!Ule with II recorded u abttalnlna and the e bad · shot In tl)I obd...,. and the over a $20,000 check from . the lamllJ olban decllnln( to ·iota. con>oer IUI three P-of metal "about foundation of jailed flnancler Louis E. Prottuon were ana:ered at a maalve tba me of ~" wen nmoved from WoUaon. 1u atta<k TueldaJ spearheaded by a ltll body. , · j-1'¥. American Bar Auoc:llUon'• Ethlce ...,.i hellcoptor. The barrage scattered -~ the police opened fire Cominltttee said 'll!eedsy Fortas had i:eau1ar studtmll tllld rtmnanll al I 000 allir it ol r ,Jb H were hospltallt- vlolated II! CllllOlll of ethics. Sett. John J. .i..-tora who took part In 'an ed, and llDCler pr'ian fr<ID an attaclc by Wllllaml (JI.Del.), who requested tho opt--!llepl rally. demOllllralol1 who ,..,. hurling big nlon. told the Senate he la a!Jo "'klnli.an -11lo ioUito council of the American chunki ol-broken-ceocrele and building ABA corrunltt.ee rullna: on Douslu' rolt ~ of Teachers today condemned steel. -. lnnouth• plu~ chFoundalnnaUOll.f the ~-~ I OOY ........ tho UC Regenll, university I 1-an o -u o of~ tbt Alameda County ahtrllf11 directors of Ute Santa Barbara C«ller u department, "and all others naponslble ~ll aa Parvin FoundaUon bead. for the ffnlt1ea: uaault upon tht people The cent.er bas been the HCond hichut of Jlerktlt)' " recipient of paymenll lnim the Puvln A trtatem.;.t read by Dr. Jolin Sperllng, 'LABORER MAKIS MORE' Phy1ic1 THch,r Vaa1os From P .. e l TEACHERS ... are seeking a startlng salary of $7,fto per year. It wu the first publlc lndleaUon of what teachers have been askln( in secret negotiating sessions. Teachers want a ft,l!IO beginning aalary and the board has offered $6,750, it was revealed during the meeting. The lllartlng •alery thl• ochool yeer IJ 11.500. (The accompanying d>art t.!IJ how fu teachers and the board are apart on other salary luues.) Gerald T. White, a Coa:LI Mesa resi- dent, spoke on behalf of teachers, saying he and his wife have been impressed with the teachers as "an eztraordinary, vttal, able young lot. "Whit has startled us,'' he conUnued, "la the extent of moonlighting that goq on. Thi! II potenUaily very darnaglnf. Under iustalned stres.s many of theH dedicated ieachen will find their dedJca- tJon wearing thln." "Dear Mr. Younger: .. S'anM wtt:U ago you lnqulrtd whether ~the Ktruiedfifamriy wl:llmd -Oii)' vlaw1 on the jlOISlble pooalllea aYOllable to the cow1 UDcler Ill law In tho trial Involving tho dealll of my brolhar. • , . ''Ille ~ then wu !hi posllloo to 1>0 lalten by the prosecution· on th ' offer of a plea of guilty and that involved the qµestion whether there woul&< be IDY!' trial 1t all. We felt that any answer to your inquiry at thal Uine wool acccrdf"'11 be Inappropriate. . "At the tlme of the hcerlnf on the sentence ~ ilmllat lnqu]rriru: by def.,.. COUDMI. Tile mailer ,.., then before the jury ml. apln ..._ oeemad Inappropriate. ' · • "I """ underatml thal Ille trial judge Wiii be called ._ to u_erclaa hJ11 d11ctedon concemina tbl.penalty, Since thil Is now a qulltlon ol ~"mency· and tho trial )>l""'edlnp have bean conducted, 1 feel I can approJl!'!atdy <on1,; vey to, JaU. fOr 'fbateYer condderaUon yoo believe to be proper, bow we fill).; uMJ llrother waa a man of love and senUment and com~lon. ~ would 1Klt have wanted hJ1 death to be a cause for the tai:lng of anotb~ .UW' You may reca.D hf•'Jlleu when fie Jelrrieid of'tbe death of Martin Luther King ·· He 11.Jd that 'wiwt wt need in the United States Is no division; what we need in the United Statea ls not hatred; what we need in the Uni.ted States Is not violence or lawleuneu, but Jove. and wlldom and compualon toward me another.' "Moreover, be wu a youn1 man totally committed to We and llvlng. He stood qalnlt injUltlce, poverty and discrimlnaUon, for those evUa ltueoed Wt. Ht· sa:n to d~ war for war denlea the aacrednw of We. And ht had a ,,..W olfactl• ~ Cbll~ for they heJ4 the promle of ·Ille. • ._ · "We aU realJze that runy other C0111ideratlona faD within your responal- blllty and that of the court, but li the kind of man my brother wu II porttn. ent we believe It ahou1d be wel&hed in the balance on the alde of compualon_ mercy and God '• gift of Illa lllell. ' Blncenly, Edward M. Kennedy" County Chamber Urges Better Airport Service . ' ··.· One teacher who8e dedication has worn thin ls K. W. Cory, JnternaUonal relaUOflll teacher at Corona de! Mar High. He told trustees they will not get any more free tlme for him for counseling student Improved orana:e County Altport The ncommendatlona ronned by the government, chaperoning at football service on four specific vital points Is chamber's Highway and Transpcrtatlon games, or advising students during hla urged today In a pair of molutlorui: ap-Committee will be forwarded to the coun- lunch hour. proved Tuaday by the Orange County ty Board of Supervisors and the state "l'm not here to beg," he said. 11J'm h«e to in!orM you that the fee for my Chamber of Commerce Board of Direc· Public Utilities Commission. aervtces fs going up. I'm no longer ton. Most immediate needs to provide the avaflable for these free services. My free best possible air service to Orange eoun. time i.s going to be ape:nt improving the ty and the entire Southern CalUornla area standardaof my awn family , even tbou&b Burglar Shopped are these, according to the paneJ: I have always opposed moonlighting and -Development of a new regtoaal ~oa:!r ~~ I can do as good a job as a airport for Orange County within the nut La101ette Y'1J!ll, lelev!Jion production For Pills But Uve yean. tnltructor at Corona del Mar High, told -Immediate improvement of the n:- the board he Is resigning to ICek a more Given Handcuffs !sting Orange County Airport to h~· rewarding profession. aviation neech Increasing almost by the Schwalbe sa.id he can name 1lx or month, during the time the new faclJ.lt.)''1 seven teachers leaving now with another A Newport Beach man with a shopping being planned. 1 dozen training for future jobs ln other oc-ba& full of 2,000 pills nevtr rot out of f.hi!J -County support of a major new cupaUons. , drug 1tore 1n COrona del Mar before lntemational airport somewhere · ht "We have a llci: IOCJety that accepts dawn Tueaday. Southern.California within 10 to 12 years. the premlae lf you want to be a teacher -Granting as quickly as """Sible of a tom U U ' -"·ht " ... He wound up in handcuffs while !till in-.. MY you au a ca Y 11ave to mvu•w.a , '"' permit for direct airline service to sald. · side. Sacramento, due to the rate of travel ot Women teac~ also joined the fray. Police save this acc."9Unt of the in· businessmen, educators and civic leaden Joan Murphy, French teacher at cldent: to the capital. Corona del Mar HJgh, saJd, "Women The IUspecl, Jtlchard . Allan Elli, 20, Air California currenlly h\s applied to teachers are u willing aa men to support alle1edly pried off sever1l 1ouver1 from a the state Public UtlliUes Commission to whatever acUon 11 needed." window of Buahard'1 Phannaey In provide this service, but was not mm- Angelo VUICIS, pbysle9 ieacher at Corona del Mar, then put the &tau in his tiolled by name in the reM>luUon. Corona del Mar Hlifi, sald he could •how car. ,The chamber urgea the PUC to o:- the board a newsp1per advertl.sement for Then be disconnected the bur&lar pedite its procedures in g r a n t l n I an unskilled laborer who would start out alarm wlre1 to Jet if I\ would IO off. ~rtificates of convenience and necessity making "euctly what this district will He witted a few momentl. The alarm so the service will be availa ble at the pay me after nine years of teaching ex-wasn't working. earliest possible date . perlence." Inalde the lton he found a th09Pinl A fifth point mentioned in the resolu- Il was VU9Clll who introduced the mG'" bag and filled k with ICOl'e!I of bott1tt of tion on tbe airport it!elf calls for t.m• Uon for a teacher walkout May 29. narcotl ct ~ lh1 phannacy shelvn. mediate start o( a 10-year plan on coutjt· He worded It Urts way: But u ha' started out of the tton, he wide developm ent of various 1maller "Teachers shall teach a pre-announced met patrolman Mike Hietala, who wu aJrport!. minimum day (four hours requlrtd by checi:l.nf the bualness after noticing the These, butd on the first phase ol Uld !late law) then leave classes to bold a open window. · Pereira Master PI an of Ait. metling to find out the prorreu of HJetala 1ald he arrested Elli, a TransporlaUon, would include general Foundation in rtcent years. However, the council president said "We applaud the contributlonl represent only •small por-American federailon of teachers local at Uan of the center's financing. = f I d I be nea:otlatlons -not for the purpote of dlllhwuher who lives at l<ll Apolena Ave. aviation, airpark!, heliports, metropoH.t da)Jy, and Santa Ana to Oakland, twice a penallling 1dudenta or shutting down the EU. waa booked on burclary charges, and and STOL (Short Takeoff and LandiQi)' da~ j"~"':h:ool:;:s.:":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:==::=th:a;p;ll!J;::::w:en:=l:ba:•:k:on::=~:':lllf:e:w:":'::;::::::b:.,:'':·:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::, ~ nt • 11,. ~udy ~ cl•ll Ber e Y or ts emand that c asses 11ni ce er ncour •• ""' «l untll the military occupaUon UberUea and semlnars on int.VnaUonat of \be campus and community has ended. pollllcs. "We trust that noiitmion faculty O~llY PllO I INl.....o41 COM1 PUM.llHIN4 C0MPAW1' ll:•rt N. W•-4 Jetlr A. C1111.., VD l"ra ..... Miii GtMt• ...__ • n ...... a: .... 11 a-T111111•• A. M111,hl11• -a-Jtl'HI• P. Ctllhu "':.::'.' .:' ---2111 w, .. 111\1• l1wl•••NI Mtdhtt Aitlr•H• l',IJ, •'-• 1171, ,J:,61 --C..lt "'"'' -'Milt ..... iff.t '" ...... eMCflt nt ,.,... ...... . IMllllll• "9d11 a llll ..... • memben at the university will join lhtlr union brothers In refusing to continue work until peace retW1\s to the campus." At his news conference Wednesday, Gov. Rea.can defended the UH of JWIS against demomtraton, saying be won't Lumber Workers' Strike Settled; Wages Increased Lwnbe: yard woi;ker.t were ba ck on the Job today, following settlement of a five. day strike. The aetUement followed three days of necoU&tlons betWeen r'l'resentaUvts of the Carpenten, M 11 men and Cabtnetmaken' Loc11l 2172 and manage, ment of 11 major and several smallu Orante County lumber yards. It callJ far an lncrM9e in wages and frln,. ~tfib ol up to 7S cent.s an hour over 1 lhtee-yeat period. Mllbntn struck latt Thursday after rectl\llllf -wb&I thOJ .,.,.._ an ln- sulllh( •lft olftr. oa !ht part oI the lumber yitd oper1to11. niett wm ln- d5c1Uohl that an lftternal dlsput~ between union leaden and lJte memWship con- lributtd to the ltrlke .Ollon. lb the arllinal d!JcUlllon1 h•ld May 10, tfie unton hid •~kedlr ccntiln tncreasn. • Some categorlt• of ntlll worltrl will ~\le lts1 than n cents accotdln1 tO Jim Maynard, chief n<gi>hator for t!le lumbormen. The 1peclflc datu and Ume1 for ,fiea r- ln111. on the matter have not ye\ bffn set, PVC aources aaJd. Normally, 1pplicatlons to the commlsston take 11 much u four months to rtach the hearing stage. Delays are common. Emory &aid it is possible the PSA ap- plicaUoh Will be approved. Hi! polnttd out that· a Yttr ago Uie PUc postponed for one year a decision on 1 similar PSA re- quest. He said the commission set aside thP decision to give Air California a chan- ct to lai:a root at the airport without competition . That year bu pt.aatd, but recent reports from Air Callfoml1 aak! the firm lost about •1 mlWon 1!urln1 the first quarter of 1961 beca1111 of lfilf com- petition from other Clltitrs. Emory said unleli "stron1 oppoelllon" arises, the PUC more than likely wW ap. prove tbe request. Victim Awakes But Joh Done An apparenUy stealthy Lldo Isle burglar Tuesday awoke his victim during the job, but llilt made oil with '"'"' equipment a1'ld jewelry, pollce teporud. Lee sotornon, ~ of 221 Via Mentoae, told police .bl WU awllkanad IUbOlri•n p.m. Monday by a loud thump, but notk> ed no. one in hla bome1 80 be went bkk to sleep. · The ~en DJ0"11n&, howe'(er, he discovered the atmo .et am! Jtft1ry 1ohe. ~ -~ Buidd lh!t, police ll&ld~ fhlol look Solotnon•1 pants ftora Uie oom, went lhro\Jl)I the pocktll, tlMn d11111ped Ille trooaen elsewbert In the home • For the World's Most deserving Dail 0 OMEGA hr t Uftll .. tf Jl'ouf ,.._...,. No gift ls fine enough for Father .•. and there Js no finer gift than an Omega. An Omega watch Is standard issut tot Apollo A1tronaul1 In tht N.A.S.A. moon ... nd-batk program. Omega wu alto appointed otlloltl Umekeeptr of the 19&10l~lca. Meicloo. Every Omtgl It manuftctuNd tht most exacUrig ct re to tht hlghe1t precl1Jon 1t1nd1rds. A -~i.tt ~ •le!I n ldl. Ttfh ,_....., ""'-· ... .. u,.. :=:1 ... li:: ..... ....i .. 1i.1nH ............. l:r1':t.lt~~:u.~ ~~.~~.~~-~.~~.~ .~-:11 AIM rNl•Mt iii ---••1 lllOdll •Ill t11 11 .. ,..., .i: ... I""""" tw Mn.t ,.efilrlUtr, a -hlf~IMiflt ...... , 0. Vlllt •1111 ................... lll<lfat. 11.i,11n1 1'"1. Wllctllflt IW.e.i.t •••••••••• 111 141( •lllf.hllM ................................ "' .. cow:~~Nl IANKAMERICARO MASTER CHAR6E IUl NEWPORT ... YENU~ COST ... MESA , ' I • 22 YlARS SAME LOCATION PHONE 641-l401 j : " ' ' ·,· • • • • • • • (• •• • ~ • n ;, a • t I • • • :- I y • '• r " ' • 1 • .) I • Ul"IT .. le 339 FEET UP POLE Nlbd Protester " :Nude Squats :~top Tower 'WASHINGTON (UPI) -W. Bruce Willis, 25, sat naked for · three and one-baH hours Tues- day atop a swaying ~foot televisioo tower, shouting to a slilrtled, crowd oo the ground •!J'm going 'to the moon." His trip was ended by an Army heUcop!A!r wbkh snalcl> ed hini "from his perdi alter kwrering him a harness. It carried him to the ground where .he · was taken to a ba9pbl for. obeerv"ation. IPerwomel at WFAN-TV said Wlllil, a stuCtent at Howard 1hi.verft.y, got into an argu- ~ with 1· di8c jockey for WOOK-AM which uses the studio bli. not the same tower 11 the television station. Willis wa thrown out ci. the studio .JDd rrioments later shed his I!'-llld began climbing lheiiwtr. .'ftll te1ev_~·statton9 ·9;hedliled to 1 t a r t pro- ~ abo\t that time, 1tayed off the air. When Willis reed>ed the tower top be tmscrewed a JO-inch airplane ._....,bulb Mid sat In 1te·bowl ~he remained unlil tbe ~~te:r was called. · P,eside~t ~o Change PO Setup Apartheid ~r_oposed Form.od~ia 'SAIJSBURY, Rhodesia (U-PJ) -RbodtBia.'1 white minority regime . t • d • y publiatled • propoeed cm- otitution that would '!>lit the colmy into raciaJ. aectorw and """"" "l'Utheid rule." Premier Jm Smttb urged Rhodesianl!I to approve the document In a rtt..-.n vote June 20 becawJe he add there were no loqrer MY "hopes d a negotiated se~ tfeinE11t" with parent Britain. Smkh said 11tt>e new con- !ldtutlon would enable us to develop condltioos u n d e r which.the llf9 main races can live in hartlJOlly 'rfttKU near dmninance or subjuptim." Base in Greece ATHENS, Greece (M') -A commissary at a U.S. air baie a nd two Arrierican servicemen's cars have been bombed this week1 a highly placed American ·Source said Tl}esday. It .... the•flnt report d ·~ t.acb on Anierican prO}>etty s,ince the military coup more than two years. ago. Opponents of the regime accuse the United States. of ·helpln1 to keep the dlctatonbip In power. Stablring Explai~d QIJ&&ll Mrs. Roosevelt Granted Bail GOOY A (AP) -Mr>. James Roosevelt: accused of wounding· her hu sband, "was under ·greai stress and con vinced that ti.er husband was aboui to )eave bU -perhaps the next day -fOI' another woman," her attorney tc:ild a S'fri.!s court ioday. .. 'Jbe. eld~ .son pf Franklin -l)., Roose.veJt was . In a Swiss ~tJI wltJi a knife wound in hli -back u the court opened a P1'lim,inary hearin&-M r s . 'IOooe•elt w., In -Bel Air ". ' •. ' . Psychiatric ~l\nlc, where lhe was ~ken after ·hef'! husbqd was stabbed at the Roosevelt's Lake ~va villa last Thurs day. Tllo ·courl at "" hall, at 501000 Swiss francs·, t t h e equivalent d IH,500. Th< hail was posted for her Telling of .Mrs. BooMvelt'1 tensions, her lawyer,· Domini que Pootee, sald .ilie bad thrf:atened suicide and Js In need ol prolonged• dOej>Oleep treatment. · : . .-.Pandas ·Pa~t . " " :,Russi{ln: Suitor Sp~roed ' ' LONDON (AP) -An-An, The'two 11ant pandu never the rtJected l)u;ulan ~nda, expresaed much r..lln& !or new back to M-In llyle each ollNr, despite two lilPJy today after three yem or • ::'"~ o:-- love life ~that DIVlf got Succeaiye failures to mate ot.rted. them ;., flnl In M...,,, • ml ,!,.oodon 1.oo offlclala llnoJJy then here -,.... 11111 llont ~aU'!I off tht ahnpt to mate pandu are likely to _,,. '1111! willing but never lnsj.mnt enlnc:f oulllde Red am. ml maJe '1mn Maocow with all-Ncrth Kar9a. a.t-0'1 ml An- Clll, Britain'• friPI female. An are the onty ·two !ft cap- } ,ln-An'1 cap Wll IJ'll· ln a Urlty outaide tboll wcmttlee. apeclal ...... partment of • Wbeo Chi.chi and An-An Pllliah airliner, ml bad a cuoe frODi Pekblg n babies,' -Mid !Qlll' lllewarpmes they looked like teddy bean. I~ all<t blm. If< wu ful Now Cbl.cbl weigl!a 115 ... eep. pwnds, Art-An ISO, Eai:b' II • Chl-E:bi, the always reluc-. aboot 13 yean old, mkkl1e ace tint female, remains at her for pandu, and lltt"blpt London 1.oo ~ no al~ ov• the hlD for )Jopr will ba .. In w.. llif brUilii>;J -• f1totit1 bamboo wllb • Chln1 ii lettlnf no ·more -· pandal lea9' Illa COllllVJ. ) ' I iy Phl1 lnhrtancll ' ' \ W1 • ....,, .. ll, lM DAILY I'll.OT IS • • Vani,s h PRESENTS J969 ' . ' . SPORTS 'VACATION . '\ SHOW " . l'RIDAY .:..: SATURDAY MAY 23 ·24 I " ' ' , HAUo1 1HomN• CINTll I~· MAllOI, "-"· • \ - • lDAO.Y PD.OT EDITOBU.L PAGEi r Opbllon :R.earcb of CfiUomla ,_...Newport '8e8cll c!V loedm pllllty to ID1lll ovs whin It releo1ed lut week Ille nsulll of/a od4DWlc sampllq of clt!JelY' \'!Mr• ·-thllr ton. ' 'lb• DOil tum up -IQlPrilel and o<11ne coutr .. 111c11on1. 11ut. by ...i: 1arn tt oonannec1 ...,,tlhln, lnAl1Y 1*PI• olrMdy bell....f: Newport rtlldenll take a Jot of pride In Iha beauty and unlqullllll of lhllr eOmmlmlty, and lh•Y want that p1.-!map m-h!4d by-a-vlproul local govem- mlllt. 'lbt survey will lit 1IHd by momben of Newport Tomorrow, tho Joint cltlzem.city goel1 lllldy commit- tee, aa a v.iuable rtlOW'Ce for coming up with con- clusions about what"• -for the city. It will be. how· over, In the word• of N~ Tomorrow Generol Chair-man Jobn Macnab, only oao of several tools." 'lbe poll report, Macnab took pains to emphulu, 11 not to be loaltld upon In any ,.,., u a mandate, nor WU It oo Intended. Th1.s Is u It 1bould be. For Ille survey ooughl only to delomllne public attitu\I• and optni<>al .., general lubjects. Tha 800 hcp.WWDOn qllimld Wete given DO backup lnfonnatlon on ~hlch to bue their iotponaes. AD tho · reopc>llHI mut .. vlewecl with thll in mind. Nevorthel111, thee ii unquestioned sigidcance In many of lh.e poll'• !lndlng1. 'lbe city, for uamplo, hal -in cue lbenfhad been any doubt -overwl;,lrnlng public support In Ill t!l'orll to keep oil out. 'lbll.'includes Inland. ••well a1 offshore, oil operation£ Ali utoiilllllng 90 percent of lbote pollea said Ibey wut DO' munlcl~ revenu .. produclng' wella within tho city lilmta, ..... 'If.proper 11tteen1n& and lite beautillcation precaution• are taken," aa it wa1 put in tho quos1iCll. 'lben WU alJo IUfl'rfllD&ly stroq ~'pi.. eel by r-poodentl on public uso of Ntw]i9:t'• wtitez- ways, In both biy1 and Ilona Ibo bMchftonl And woulcl--be dovelopon o!· tho Uppar liq, '1119 •urver indlcotod, had ·-r pn>Ceed C811!lolill1. '"A llcnllicent portion" of Ibo bey lbould be oetulde al a wildlife ..nctuarY. lald 72 percent of tlie llrtervlaw .... How much ii "•lgnlllcant" -u atatod ln Ille ·qu1111oa -Is arguable, ol cour1e. But tha respo111e &lvtl claar . · ' evldenee of. s-tly intomlllld public ooncorn ovor( ecological factors involved ln Upper' Bay denlcpment. There wu more than a little surprise, too, la. tbe antl.(,ourtst attitude of, JnOlt respondents. The majority taid Ibo cl\y 1bould not encourage. -In fact, should actively 4ilcouraa• -Ibo further development o! tour· lit a1tract!0111. · At the same time, the survey· showed that01bo mo· jority favors more rocreotlooal fadl!Uea lbrougl>out the· city. 'lbose, pl'llllmlbly,. woUl.d attract tourilts. Not 10 suzp,utnaty, molt Newport residenll, ·"'" cording to Ibo poll, are oppo1tcl to low<M housing. With tho price of land around bore. the question prob- ably wu acaclem!c anyway. , Tldeland1'f--rent charged by Ibo city fot the Ult ol public W1ten by pler-ownon -won a big pat on the beck In Ibo Oplnl"'1 Research survey. Fifty· seven percent of Ibo people polled aald they. favored Ille f-. Thlrty-ooe percent 11ld Ibey dldn"t. The rest didn't know, or care. 'lbil finding alone should resut· rect a long·burie4 city revenu~produdng propoial. AD in all, the survey'• rNUltl make tOr faadnatlng reading. But inore Important, the survey often all of ua valueble inllght lntO our community that lbould pay dlvldencil in planning for an ever better tomorrow. ' ' lN) Barbor Area Gives Loyal Support 0 Military Solutions -• Vs. Political nea.. Gloomy Gus: Boys'-Clubs Have Earned Respect ~ ~alLarp: I ~aur four b!ggat wan (the Civil. ~-... 111111 the two World ' .... -lllCI lot ...... I condltbiil Miendr.' -with Ibe .... tuel noull lhlt the South ,.., ..... ii> tnctahlt, Cuba tunted Qnm••11t, and Ibero ll man IJlltlhl!llJ ID l!uropo alld All.a lodly than -.... ...,,.. the 11rll Warlc! Wu! So modi for ~ -lo polltlcal problems. • • • It ll '""' a -fM olnco -t belts have been offered.1'y auto mm"'°" -.. ""' ollll Olll1 • par-1 "' m-UIO tlli.m ,..mart,, -ol· -... them ,odJ far tone lri!'I .. expr ...... ,. '<•hen u,., .. leut --ed). IDil ..... than ball of the ..... -them .. -y lhlt the slack ~ burlle them tbrvqb the "1Ddlllleld U7"1Y· • • • Gl'fln( people the power lo vole "11hout " al the Ame time prov!d1nr the nqullile bacQmmcl lot mUlnc. clvtJlleii -cu lead lo the pulell dapoUsm of Ill -the tyranny of the unlmlructed maJar!IJ. • . : ' • • • One ol Iba belt UjllanaUOlll of tho recent rub of "dtmoostratlom" 11 stven by Anthony Benn. Britain'• -of Tecbno!o1Y: "A Prime Mlnilter can ad- dnla the whole nation, U -ary al sn hour'1 notlco. A pna ly<OOO Ctn print 1111 OWD article OD the froal Piii IDil AD Iba people who 1t1 compla!n. lnl ahoul the -ol the jell lhaWd IDO\'e to 1Jdo Ille. We can't -AllY"l1llllG bore """ the rilar.ol -tralllcl LB. n .. ...,.,.......,.......,....,.. ... _,.., ........ ,. ..... , .. .... .... "' ....,. ... ...., ... ~ , .. . have It rad by ml!Jlanl. Bui far ordln.ary -1• -mlaar!ty -· 1111 oa'1 wsy ol ....ma, back II lo •Ilk about wllll a placoid IDil bopo Iba pna or lelevll!oa '11111 lake • plclun. Compared "1111 Iba leclloololY avaUablo lo the DIUI medll, the public ll lllll ltuck "1th a commualealloa '7lfem thal bu hanlly chan(ed slDce the Stone J.&t.'' • • • 'nll putat Ihnat lo I -•ay ol lllo . for Ill cloel not como from tho ulremllll of loll or rtpt.·bul .,,.,,,. Iba mua ID Iba ~ who allow lhemR!VOI lo be moved by '1>orl-lerm beaeftll ratbel' than bulq their 1~ llludel aa loll(-lerni prlnclplu. • • • Much ol the adult· raac:or ailinll the ......... aad clrell ol today'• yCKJth l!>rlDl1 from .. ~ -.nt thal -Ibey have a lnedom "' cllda'I hlJt (or dlda~ lake) "1lea WI Wert youiipr; lllCI a -I deal of It II, llDCOlllC!oualy. lllJ1Jll .. ..,. • . " ' Violence oo the .b!P,.17 II 11 Umu ll'Uler than Ill other crtma ol tloleace ~btned ln the U.S., produclnc nw11· 10,000 llljurla • day lllCI belnc tho leacllac CIUll ol death from ... IS lo II -bul who'1 l•tllai udled about that! An Impressive Biography • • • • • ' ' . ' • lnlertm report: Major boolulorts reported Carfoe: Baker'• m a 1 1 l v e blotnphy, .. _ ~ay: A Life Story," on theJr best-Aller 1tstl a couple ol -"' bel... olfldal pull!lc:alloa (Scribner; $10). Tbll II a .._i!oa ol Mw -In the lkmlnpQ' lepad liva on nearly nine yeara after be dllcotW!td the whole marvelous cbande WU lfladlac lo a ball and. ln I ftl of d~ In Ketchum, Idaho,~ lo_ Iba lop of 1111 bead off. 11 allo 1Ug01110 u Sc:rllmer's bad hoped It •ould be •• populu' l\IOCtll U well U OM of the )'tar'• major Ulerary eveot.a. 11>o Princeton prof....,. of Eaclllll. 11'riler, critlc and Hemlapsy lpOC!alllt ......_bu been wortmc for more than Mvtn ~ ... thll project, brlnslnt lo It .. uaacelled boilledge of the llemlnpa}' plleoomeGll, the lacll and ~ of 1111 Ult. lie --Worked c1 ... 1y "1th ' Iba 11'ritor'1 "1dow, Mary Hem!npay. ALTBOUGB TBB 1ubject ...,. n1111rked lbal be ••nlec! no "'deflollln blocnllllY" untfl """-"" • hw>dred yon after he-WU dead, . be mtnUoned It aoother po!n! that II be _.. ever lo be, "mounted" in um tublon he would pnlor lo have the job -by the J-Brolbm of Yonltora. NIW York, Iba , __ In 1111 Wld. I have speil a couple of n!Pll In 111i1 •uUJ dolalled cbroakle of llemlnplJ, boJ IDil man. -ol Iba au!litndc Amorlcaa lollt heroe ol Iha c:oalury. and ban l'lldled oa'1 the yur ltlt. ~ .... , .. nod 'to Ill!nola, the -- -In l!liy (lild -ol • ..-1'ero btcaUM of thll) .wbo liorntd ibd 11 man wu u:empt MXn mort&Uty. ~ -... ed then WU plenlJ lo fear ,........, that vut nolhf-that ~-Nida." , . I INTIND 'Ill l)lClld a loll( t1mt la _ .. • \ I b 11 most lmpnoolvo b!oer•"'11 of a literary io(and at llul ll!nce Mart Schorer'a lu!l-dreu portrall ol Slnc!alr Lewll. An aceomp!llbed 11'riler blllllall, and obvtoualy a ruearcber of enormous dedk:aUon. and enero, Carlos Baker la the !dial ICbolar-epecla!llt lo perform · thll·Joau Brolbara kind of literary lu· ldumy. Hemlqw_,-wu a man drlvea by pride, later notea, "proud of hil manhood. 1111 lilerary IDil athlellc atllla, bll It a J' 1 n I and rec:uper1tlv1 pow•n. hll nputaUon, capadt7 for drink, bla ......... u • lllhemwt and wins lllol. 1111 Hllllnp, WIY110 1111 1tll0 rellaace0 hll 'lr!I, poelr)', mecllcal and• m!lltary lmcnf!tdp ... 1111 Woll ALIO, 1111 bloerapber •-Iba lempenmental manfc-dojftGilve, the lnnterale b1pocbonclrlsc, tho -IDil -""" "'°"' wloul!J ol llU!ddo II In 1 er• a lo throliPoUt 1111 lllo, J411 •ho poHlllled --,.,..... ol -IDil ncuparalloo thal ....id brine him back -the brink lo tho peak •!thin d111, ---boun. Allo. -!a-ddalallJ. be •u -of the l•nmoet 'lrriln thll Amlrlcl bu prodoctd. Carlal ...... -.. that .. --flad ol ..-,.,,,.11an aboul u.mtap11 ii elru!l:r In priDL He Jlal ....,. In 1111 -lnnlllsillaO lo Ill Iba .-d llrlii!il for -..n. '*"""" for that rt.U,. '0d6f!nlt!Vt0 b!of1•11h1 tho 1Ubjecl11ad In mind, a ..,.. lm'J lrom ..... • To the Ec!llar: 11wlb lo GloMny GUI (Msy 14) for rtm"'= u, •ho u. Involved ID Boya~ Club • lhlt e...,_ ll1Q' not .... -Iba wuth ol I Boy1' Club ID PlllY redudnc ~· crime IDil buUd!nll character bJ tMplal boyi bUly, lurnllblnc I place lo·fO-I way lo pOW under tho suJdance IDil aupervllloa ol !rained penonnel In adequale attracllve facWtiu. • lloyl' Clubl oiler ~. -I lo II, a serl11 of "1do!y varied tr 01 r a m 1. Pbyllcal --... ha -by -and cnfll proerlma, by --In mtWc. patntlnc, wood-worklnJ. =%;,. lcltac:e, cerll!l!ca -and BOYi' CLlllll AIU!: busy placa and due lo Iba )'OWll ... ol the memben they 1t1 much more effective by being conveNtntly near u maQ1 bay• u poui: ble. Hence the need for mon clubl, IU\"" 1ng mere boy1 ln a men effective way. ,,,. lloya' Club of the Harbor Ara, Jne. wu founded over 21 yean •10 ud bu rlghlly earned and delerved I b!ll!IY ._ted place ID the ll11 ol our com- mua!llOI. o. . Doe to lhll rupoct)W .npatatloa..,. bavo been -with 11111 ol time,. -and other ileml ol fflue by -appnclallve· c!UU.., clube IDil -allqao. n.. 11111 ... prsc- llcally Ill d .. pled,.. cap!tal'JJM, vis, bul!d!np, lumllure · and ociulPmtaL • . AP~IOUl'Clofllmdllor capital .,.. 11 a lrull luad In Saa D!qo, the -Trult, ~ lo help build lloyl' Clubo In on.,. lllCI Saa Dfe1ocounllu. Our club bu ·-lortuaale In ,_iv. 1!11 °""' $100,000 from thll lrull lo - In bulldlnl Ill two ulltlnl club -IDil a.rlmmb!i pool, In lddlllon lo • COii• llderabl1 llDOUDI ol opll'll!ni funds. M- c!lllGaal lundl baVI boea promlled foe Iba prolecled club ID Balboa. The club llWll' depond apon Ill com- num!U.. for -o! Ml opersl!nc lundl. 'nll two Ua!led Flladl an tho main ...,_ 1n Iba C1111U11Ua1t1u IDil u 1one u the public ldtqultaly IUpporll thele lundl then •W be no Detd lor public ap. peell. II 1' alw111 alp and 1uclt lo make endl meet, hlnce the utra lund-rall!nl ICllY!llaa of llm<orb alladl and Cbrlllmu -loll, lie. WITll Tllll l:IPJ:CIAU. y bll!h Cllibre proleu!onel per-In -clubo and the decllc11ed -ol dlnclarl com- posed ol fl oulllullllns. uperleaced bullnw and prollN!onal men. 11° ecuUvet and lndultr1alllta and tM ,loyal IUpport of !oc:li c!lllenl 111111 orgaalza. Uon1, your Boyt' CJub wU1 continue to maintain tta envtabll ltlnd1nl u GM of tho bell.llDGlll aa 1n 111e astbi MrYtq ..... lll0,000 boy>. 'nll !ale IIorbel1 -·· wbo for 21 yean -u BoYI' Clubo ol Alnlrlca board ebelnnan, doocrfbed -· Clubo u "'the .,.,tell cbaracler-l>ol!cllnc !n- llllulloal In our ClqUJllry loday !' DON L HUDDLESTON Treuum WILLAllD C. COUl\TNEY Pru!donl TlllODORE llOB!Nll Qum, Nom. • -..i Com. Boya' Club of Ille Harbor Ara, Inc. Thf Gloomf Gu nfm.d lo nod. "How come tMr mp '-es-.•..-J 11t g ANOTHl/I B'Wf' Cltoll -'"""Ing le lhrre --flo OM II dolng ""V great lhlng for tM ONJr Glrll' Olli!> Iha< ""'" fllf whola "'"'' If IAcv how lhc "'°""' u tllev fGll !My ll<n>o -w~v do u..w ma.~ for llfl _ =lllilor C••tl• Pl-N.Ue To the Editor: Oreat. Just grtatl YOW' tdltoria10 "'Ghost ol P!Q'a del ' . ~ '-,.... ............ "9mWit~ wrlffft ..... -.WW """ ....... Ill -........... TIM rllflt • ..... ~ • ftt -W t11ITI~ Ntt ._. II r--. All """9 ll'tWt trtc;Mtt tltrietwe .., _.... .,_, wt --fMY .. Wllllf!fW • ,..._, If ...nkltllt tReM II -"""-. ~ 11e7,• certalal7 llbowa wblcb way Iba "movinc ftnpr" polntl. lt'a u though a buie .,_ II -1flnl UI. We act oalf aulfer from property delndalloa, lavu!oa ol pr!vtcy, and nolle, nolee, noUe -now, •ddinc insult to lnJury, we're upected to pay for IOWldprool!ns tho new Eul Bluff School. And bow 1111J11 men?! I'D LIU: TO know why the money for thil thooldn't come rt1ht out of the PGCkeli of tho a1rllntl lllld, Uloae who find It IUCb a comealeuce t.o have an airport II their back door. Lei them pay through tho ... for a· chanp. The Board of SUlltr"llon deceived us yun a.co wltb \heir .. llatua quo" state- ment reprcllag the~ and look what that lfll lor 111f Evey tupayer llhould llaUy refull lo pay lllil potliGll of bis lax bill! Lei lhll -be plt<ed wbero II be!oop -on Iba airllnil ! ELEANOR ATWELL Tht editorial nfm1d to the rrport that to.ipa11er1 m\Q~t ha,vt io IJ>fnd (lt'fral thotuand d0Uar1 to kttp air· croft notic to o tolerable ltvct at the MtO Ea.st Bluff lltmantctrv School. TM ccmiMJting tnqiMcr r1porttd 51 fUOh.tl ootr tM dte in o rtctnt two- hour period of obl1rvotion. -Editor '-•'• Pra11er To the Editor: Rectl>lly I read In your peper that ..,.. ta!n !mpaUenl powen Within the cburch want to mutilatt, or modemlae, the Lord.11 prayer. They would ha'fe to get up Vf!rf euly la the mornlai lo Improve oo the old propbelll Tbe venloll Ibey auu..i. belldes being lousy poetry, ll both cailullng and vlolai.i the lonn ol Ene!fab srammar. · I ~lk of the MCCOd llae0 '"Hallowed be 'lbJ Name," whkb tn revised form would read: "Glorify your name." What In Helllnkl do they mean? Who la going lo do tho glorllylncl U Ibey had said: "Glorlfled be Thy name," it would have made eome 1enae. THEN THE LINE of: HLud Us not into temptation'' i! supposed t.o be subltJtuted wtth: "Savt us from \be Ume of trial." Wb!ch lr!al? We ll'I l'!Jnl lo be tried many Uma ovtr during our earthy We ; fOI' traffic viollUont, for private opinions, or for poutble mlllaku. Al writers we are always told to mate the meaa!nc ayltal clear, oo Iha! II may be understood by Ill; Wall thll writer, for ano, doea not underlland; and I wllh the)> would !etn thi Loni'• prsyer alone and au.nd lo ....., Jnlllnc mattm. >.. 1117 lood N'l"ealan mother alway1 Aid: "'llaven'I they pl aaythlns betler lo do?" Miil!. MAGNY L JENSEN .Sclaeol .... ••U. To tho l!clllor: can )'OU tall 1111 wbal kind of lclloUc lot!< malleo ... 1 baltl compillcrJ equJp. menl In au1omob11a but DOI In ocboOI busa! Any llcbl )'OU can -ai tlllt wauld.bO apprida!od. Mll8. CONNIE ENSIGN Ne.ca S11t11-riea To the Edluir: The DAILY PILOI' Is ••-'•ue la tho ---r ...... tre1 for 11 la the only paper delivered In the vlclnity that prints local oewa to any extent alone with stale, naUonal, and lo- ternaUonal news. A person wb:> wanta to be well-Informed can be in the know about a few things in depth or a lot or news superficially from just t h e headlines. A good comb!aatloa of lhla would be knowing the core feature of a broad spectrum of infonnation. A READER, however, would have to Jpend al leul an hour reading all of lhla news every day, and u the saying goes, we just do not have enough time. So I 1uggesl the DAILY PILOI' would do Ill readers a great service by prlntlna a summary column or the major stories oo page 2 of the paper daily. I understand a very large newspaper in Los Angeles also doe& aomething along thi9 line. It b: I very valU1.ble feature and I hope you will decide lt it worth space in your_paper. PETE ENGLANDER The DAILY PILOT has bein took· ing at news iumm.arie.s for 1omc timt, but wt'Vt comluded vp to now that mo.st readers would rather "1ummar. ize" their own 11.fW.t b11 shcppino through tht paper scanning headliftt'I, ltad paragraphs and photograph.!. Summary presentations hovt the un- fortunate characteristic of lumping all ncw1 together Without noting the tt· lative fmportonce or in~rest of itt1'1\1 b11 1torv length, headUM lite or l~ cotton in tM paper . -Editor Not So Nai1'e To the Editor: I am wriUng in response to the letter (Mailbox, May tf) by Mrs. Mary Lepore on 1ei: educaUon. Unless ,thinga have ehanpd llnce I ..., 1n lcbool nlM years ago, our .Chools alreadY have cluses which teach sex education. 11 our educator• feel more is necessary, I'm sure they could enlarge the health coune er have a nlgbt-time movte for partnts and children. l CAN SEE NO reason to have a co- educatiOllll dUI (as propiieed) lo di.!cuu a subject which 1hould be ap. J><OICbed with respect for Iba feminine gilt of modesty. Let'a itve our teen.agers credit for not being so naive. Sex hN been eotnc on • loog time and we encounter tt every d91 by just living. MRS. DONNA ·1. BOGAllT HQUSewtfe and MotMr c-mer 'E9uaH.rer' To tbt Editor: I oubmfl lo you the fact thal lodly the consu:ner LI faced with a complex tan of marketing. He 11 disadvantaaed by tbe advtrtllinl jargon, multiple brands and stz., ud' the physical distance bet1'een like otono (prol!mlty la.J"""tili lo C<llJ>o peraUve lboppiac). A can <' beby fonna!a wy COii a or 29 a< II C<llll depend!ns on wblcb (!r<ICU' markets it. A ttlevisfon tube variel from IUO lo 1uo. Each of -11o ... dtlerlbll Its pica a "special," "~ oou:nt. 0 '"total dl8count,,. or by aome othermur>aOthfngphr-. TllEll& IS A WIY lq pvt the CXllllUIDef an oqualiler and pn>d the -·· COOldeace. AD itor" --cttaloruei lllllnf -and 11em prlca. II a pamphlet or booklet were aaembled, for uamplo, coata!n!ng the lnvolcla (rur· ranced for con"enierit coo 1 a mer nlareaoo) cl the major grocu1 In the areo, thubof>l>er could Iota! hil ~ lllt-W----1111 --blQ' the.-. 'lbtM pamphlets could be publillled monthly "1th -kly aupplemooll con- ta!nlnc ..,..W. or thoul!hlful pr•lll Cllll. Evaliatloo of product, mut, brm:t ...... (Including loblea 1Utla1 brands I ;1 which are aecond labela ol name branch) and service could be included and authored by consumer experts tuch U' nutriUonist.!. DA YID C. BREllE GtdHble Taxpa11era To the EdJtor: Hiltory, and lately Mao Tse Tung, tells us that guerrilla warfare b the only way that an established aovmunmt can be overthrown. Old Mao and h1s lltUe whl.skered buddy, Ho Chi Minh, must be lalll!hlng up their big lat ~eevea at the "trulting old soul" that is the American taxpayer for being so gullible. Having crealed the Mexican standoff In Vietnam (aided by the United Natlona, of COurle) these two clowns Can sit back ·and wait for history to repeat itaelf. They:. have plotted the thing, they rest the.it cue, and are awaiting the denouement - toW guerrilla warfare In the Ua!led States. WHILE CAPITALISM ii brutal enouati in lta frenzy to make a prolit from w1gd and prices in the face of stiff COJnt petJUon, communism would destroy boUI wqes and profits, and the compeUt1oo wouldn't even have , a chance to raise JU ugly bead. The Amerlcan people -whltei black, brown and yellow, must UJll derlland lhla U they would preserve the white, blaclc0 brown and yellow heri!agt of free America. AS ANYONE CAN see, guerrlll• warfare is off to a good start. and even the vtcttma of demenUa-praecox (tba! great aleeplng mua of vertebrates whc can smell it, but can't locate it) can fffl it growing around them. Yet the politil e1ant, when uted about it, go Into • semantic trance and stutter, hesitate, 11al "ah" or "uh" too many times and wl never answer yes or no to anyUting. Thai gentry, my friends, will have to be ini verU1ated before too long. S. G. UNDIN! Church of Chriat · To the F.dltor: In t recent UPI rele.,. of a ~ Tt~e news story, the Board OI Homelond Mlnlalrles of the Church cil Christ wu li!led as one of 1everJI orgaalratlons financing black mWtad '""'""' M In)' religiOU11 bodies use the ~ ••etiurcb of C'tuist,'' In some manner. 'I'hr1 UPI release did not specily the parllculal body. THE BODY llllO~ co!lecifvely 13 ~ Olurchet of <JuiJt i:nd ert the local Jev,J .. the OlUrcb ol Christ does not ba ... Boan! ol Homelond Mlnillrl<s, doa nd finance black millllal pwpo 1h at11 tnaMer, and 1s not the Church of Chrlli iatheUPl...i-. DUANE 0. MA YFlELt M.inllter I ClJurch of. Chritl --·-- Wednesday, May :U, 1969 Tlla •dltonal -of-IM Del!r l'llot "'"' lo .. ,.,... cmd ...... ulotf rfadtf'I bf P"'flfttlng thit I MIDIPOJ)t1"t ophllom cmd ..... I .... 1o,.. "" loplu of ...... .. """ d!/nlfi<:aMc. by ~ • I /onim for •M t%J)1't•li<m of ottt rffdn1' ~. and .,,. I prerenllng lhf dlt>cror 'lrl..,,. points of fnf.,...d obt<rwr1 1! and JJ>Ok•rmc• °" lojMr of U.. doy. I Robert N. Weed, Publisher ! I. r l fAJSta ·Mesa ED1TION " . ,VOL. o2, NO. 12r;.1 SECTIONS, 90 l'AGES • . . -~ ._ •• ORANGE COUNTY, CAOfORNIA ~ . ' WEDNESDAY, W.Y 21 , lt69 • TEN CENTS • • Schools Get URimatllm . . - ' W ~l~ut Date Set After 800 Teachers Protest Pay Ill' TllOM.\B rollTIJNE .... ...,_,.....,, NlllpOrt-Mesa ocbool _.. WADI more moeey. School boOrO members got th< - loud nd cleor Tuelday ni&Jtl when •- 800" the district'• l,llS -tumed • out at Harbor High auditoriwil and • thunderously applauded_ a parade of con- tentious speakers. "I hardly know how to answer," Hld School Board President James "BW" • Peyton. He -"* board _... -1 M wt er wb.lt they i.ct bead u ~ (i ... to tackle •"Jbele difficult dw:'' •·" 1)111 wo• the """' 1ota1 of board rw:' lion. Another salary batp1olng - betweea teachers, and •.ch o o I ad· minlstraton is set next Monday. , After the board hearing, teacher associltlOn represtntaUves met and votea • to 7 to bold a clluroom waJkotrt • a -from Tbunday, May a, If .. -... , aeWed lo lhelr -tion 1iJ !hen. 'lbt mood of speaken Tuesday nlabl was prtll\lrily one of frustraQon - frustrwtion um ularies hadn't been set· lied II 11111 late dale •n th< llCbool yea( and frult,.aUiin that "leachcra don'team as iDIJCb u tbetr nel&hbors with the same coll ... aducllion." _ ''The ~ fNJtratlon finally has ccyltalUJed," aid Gordon Becktold, ~ ol Newpclill II Jr,duc,. Uon Aaoclatlon. "We a:ime 111 1D1111 becaU.11 Dlivtdlalll tJlt lft not heard ... Hep .. -coUld bava been a llopn ror the gpeUen of the eventna:: 0 Y!)U"" your mooey'1 worOI when you fPlnd I · dollar on a teacher." - . e Al Schwable, Corooa del Mar R J 1 b ~-·Aid teadlon .... not looltjog for "pie In Ille •117·'' Iii said Ille)' (lee TBAClllllll, l'lli II Plan Approved For Mesa, SCC Sen. Kennedy Makes Plea Swap of Land ··-SENTENCING DUE Slrhon B. Sirhan 'ASJ(s.coMPASSIClN Sen •• Edwor4 Konriody- Desplt.e 'Warning' Ambu"lance Firm OK'd AP9llo Crew ' . Goes Into Lunar ~bit .~ ' ' For Operation in Mesa !To Save Sirhan's Life LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Sen. Edward f\1 . Kennedy asketi the court today to spare the life of Sirhan B. Sirhan for.the murder of his brother, Robert F. Ken· nedy. A letter from Sen. Kennedy to the Los Aoples district attorney was presented to Superior Court Judge Herbert V. Walttt in the .courlroom shortly belcn the judge was to pus formal tentence oo I.he. Z..year-okl Arab lmmicrant whose dulli In Ille 1as cbamhtt was dO<l'eed by • jui'y which cOnvk:ted him of the usassination. Walker has the constitutional autluitJ to, reduce the sentence to Jif1. if • wbbes. 1he lasl Gl lbe Kennedy1 ...... lhat :,, •;my brother was a man tf love and MD- timent and compassion . ..,. "Ht would not have wanted hi! dea\b to be a cause for taking of anOther life. "You may recall his pleas when he learned of · the deaU. of Martin Luther King. "He said that 'What, we need in the Unit.eel States is not divisioo ; what we need in tbt·United States 'is not hatred; what we ·need-in tbe·United States is not violm::e or lawlumea;s, but love of wild.om and compassion toward one another'.'' Kennedy In th< ~wril"'1 letler, said that he rt.allied that many other con- sidOraljonl .. fell . withlr\.-th< responaibilily ~--.,y-.... ltiat of the ·~ U th< -<i man my brother wn '.ti pel'tiuent wt be~e it &haukl be weiehed in. balance.on the 5~ o( com· (See SlllllAN, 1'1'1• Z) ) 1.·f l . llerkeley Teachers Strike A land "'ap. deal guaranleeing .,.. dowment funds for Southern California Collqe until the year 2024 and upangion grounds for the Costa P.1esa Civic Center went Into escrow today. Farrow Realty Corp. is handling the deal which will be completed in Sep- tember 1:nd no cash will change hands between the city and the college, aald Planning Director William L. Dunn. Originated more than six months ago. the trade will give the C'Ollege an $800,000 parcel tJi 6.81 acrtJ at the northwest cor- ner of Hll"bor Boulevard at the San Diego Freeway. Administrators Gl the llCbool have li&n· ed • """~ )eue wilh Qualily Ceurta Inc., which ·Jill )luiJ4 l'IDllor m.Ai-lao lacilily 'al tlie .......... :~ • 'lbt --Calll ...... ~ ot God Inc., C.0... Js ParilllfJI retlp Witll 10 acmi ol. campus land Oil the east side ol the civic center lite at 111 Fair Drive. The Jll"ll10'1Y N'S '-lhere lo lhe "nlative edge of ihe Newj>orl Froeway, whi<h will lie-i..ill -in lhe ml<l-dle of tlit nell deCade acCording to cur- rent pl&ru!i. By ARTHUR VINSEL Of .. ~ , ... Sttff Despite a warning that competition is unhealthy in the ambulance buainess, the C•ta Meaa City Council ha! approved a request by a Santa Ana firm to open up shop and supplement the present local emergency service. Schaeffer's Ambulance Service will now move into a station at 500 N. Newport Blvd., near a Seals' Ambullnce 5ervice office at 465 N. Newport Blvd., relldy for red-llghLHnd.u-en rum. A rotation system <i monlhly, emergen- cy asslgnment wW . be worked out ~ mwgers of. the .two 'eenices, police lo include (he.new finn, wllicb had -aullloriml ~If~...-.. ~~·~· \., ... ... -,.=:i=:=•: bttw.m . aMl'ft Cl( the two . ltPices, plus a comment by city crltle·al·lar1e T!!d C.JloiOlh. • . Boqb..salil bis ~· fell and -~ blp ll\' a --.,~ lol CJ\IO 1"1r qo llld CllUsed '&I tt l!Ok'= -lo pi Ill amtiulanC:e lo Ille _,, only a few 'blocks lnlm 1111 comPai>Y'a Center Sir.et station. Aldinl said his company has 56 am. bulances ud in the event of -major disaster could have 20 ·units in town within a half-hour to get victims to sur- rounding .hospitals. "At 45 miles an hour?," shot back Dan Walzak, Seals' local manager, lfho had taken the podium across from Aldin! lo comment on his competitor's com- mentary. Aldin.I laid spotesmtin for the e"ll&Ung service told the Huntington Be9Cb City Council rocently lhey would shlft'"" ..,. bWm:o lo the beach .clly \o meet re- q~rtmenll for, a c~tt ol .J>\lblic need, leavtn& jUst one for Calta Mesa's 73,00llponol10. ·--by__,... the,local> flf)ll ..... ...,...1111!1 .... "It lor ~~4~1::·~~ Re aildld lhal • 1ll1l8d "'lllldJ of Seal's Ambulance: Senlce responae lime -Bayabon Am~ """"* ceated bullness tut ,.., ~ an •vtr,llC .• :l,l·minqte an:lvaJ ~-ap . ........... -. · .. liil ft'ri eomln& up.an lhe Uqif,,. tie added: ~ ~· SPACE CENTER, Houston (AP) The Apollo JO Utl'1JlllUls -lnlo the shadow o( the moon today and went Into orbK just 6t miles above the lun1r surface to scout the sites and test the land.inf craft for a July moon rl.,mng. As they raced inlo l~·aru wh<re tho moon blotted out the sunlight they televised another color view of their home J)lanet, Air Force cot 'l'bcmll P. Stalford pve this description: "At . this distance the earth looks . " 'LIVEll IN .l!.\lANCw ANAtYSl8 ON'PAGE f sligbUy small ... lban a 'leruils l>all and a little larger lhan a aoJI ball." '11>0y'...r. ill,lllOmll .. fiml llcinie ... Jual-11,lllO mn. ..,. __ --awa,. -tllllr lanlallD!!& Wlll-Sl8fllfd a!!'\ NaVJ Cmdn. John W. y~~ ~A. ~.r"Fl;.i lbey'.i:i>Wd not see th< moon became Apollo lO was pointed away from it. • !.!Wtf 1!!illllll'' w Jlile _.,,. &.ff-' slid, ''~ we can tdl we'A IC· ce1er.l!Dc 1owan1 tt .. C1on1a '-!Oil "U'1 &.wo, darker oui,aWI" u ,lbl'_..i,tp .,.-iDlo the lunar ihadow. ! OverTearGaso~Campus Dunn said th< property Is apprabed al approximately the same value 11 the smaller site on Harbor Boulevud,-bought from the slate Divlmt of JllgJiwaya al .ooly llll,250 u a Sin DielO Froeway lei· tover parceJ. 'lbe state gives a city first option on buying ...... land. Councilman Wllliam L. St. Clair, who was to vote qaIDst the added aervice, -he .... afraid the Sdlaelfer'• flrm woold become eatabllshed; then ralse the ralee and put lhe competition -Seal'• - ouL ol bualneu. "~ si. Cla~' don1 you Id lhe ratea'T," ubd cart Aldini, gefteral manqet and ~Ill for th< new company. W•lllt stresaed \hat Uie 1mbulance busJnesa, Is a crttkaJ one, !Ju odd quirts lhat are d1flicull lo explain and lhal ~ al)ould try to avoid milWl- d'flllllidhli·bla argumenls apinsl com- peli- "We're not a!raJd of oot having a monopoty," he aaid, warnini that aer- vice ""1ds 19 slip where l1f0 c:ompani., are cmnpetlhg. even with the monthly roqitioo plan for police c:alb. lilarlier lodaJ, -1rilr:1t a.m., Apollo r~ into. the .~lutcb of the moon'• aravi- ty whlle· the asfronauta slept. The firing, ·behind 'lhe moon and oat of r"9(e of ground statiool, Jiecan a perilolll 11>-day lunar adven-- tG •clear the way for two Apollo 11 astronauts to land on the moon in July. From Wire Servi<:el BERKELEY -Some Univmity of cautornia faculty members, angered bJ a inasstve tear gas attack on lhe campus, reiused today to teach classes unW N• ticrtal Guardsmen and police a r e withdrawn (Earlie• Story, Page I). A university spokesman said It was im- possible to detennine how many ~f. the t,200 full -time-facult}' members. 101ned the walkout bu! SO professors signed a Lumber Workers' Strike Settled; Wages Increased slalem<l1t saying lhey wouldn't leach, whiJe:·t77 TCted in favor ol 111ch a ltand at la unofficial meeting. The vote came al a tnee~ called Tuesday niCb1 by lbo.teachers'· union and atld<lid by 351 lacullY members. The vote to abstain from work was l'ii to 19, with 31 recorded as abstaJing and the others declining to ;ote. Professors were angeffil at a massive gas attack Tuesday spearheaded by a guard helicopter. 'lbe barrage scattered regular students and remnant,, of 3,000 demonstrators who toot part in an earlier illepl rally. 'Ibe-college counc~· ol the American Federation <i T loday condomned Gov. Reagan, the UC gents, university officiaJs, tbe Alameda County aherlff's departmellt, ••and all others rupon1ible for Ille ......iesa Ullllll upon th< people Lumb5' yard worters were blct on the ol Berkeley." · ttlemenl of fl A -read by Dr. Jolin Sperling, jQ). today, following le 1 ive-council p1t:Sident, said "We applaud the dif strile. American flderallon ol leacherJ local al 'J!be tettlment followed three days of Berkeley tor its dentlnd that elusea be necOuations between repreSentatives of suapeoded until the mill~ occupation I the Carpenters M i 11 m e n and of the campus and commuruty has ended. Cabinetmakers' Local 1172 and manage-"We trust that nonunion faculty ment of tl major and ~v ral smaDet._' ~ at the. u(tl,ftl'lily will join their Or'ange County lumber yar . UnkJ11 ~ben:lii ~relusing to continu~ It calls for an increa n wages and wort-unt:U,pea~ returns to the campus. fringe benefits of up lo 3 cents an hour At bis news conference Wednesday. over a three-year period. Gov. Reagan defended the use of guns Millmen struck last Thuraday alt.er agaiD5t demonstratcn, saying he worf t reCeiviq what they consklered an In· (See BERIELEY, Pa1e Z) sultine wage offer on the pert of the The value difference is rtsresented by the indJvidual worth to the collqe. fman-. ciaUy struggling to keep up with the cost of private educatiorrin recent years, and the city ibe.lf. Uoder an endowment plan, the mot.el firm will supplement Southern Califc:rnia College '• ether' IOW'Cel ol income to keep lbe small liberal· arts school going. The en Ure area of the civic cenler. sec campus, and Orange County Fairgrounds including Orange Coast Colleae, Costa ~1esa ,High School and Maude B. Davis Intermediate School. Is envisioned as a (See LAND SWAP, Page !) Fairview Panel To Brief Laymen Whal 11 FairView Stale llolpilal! A panel ol staff members prepared, lo explain in layman's terms the multiple functions of the Costa M.esa facility for the-mentally retard~ will be felturtd 'Mlursday at 7:30 p.m. in the hoapltal'5 main auditorium. "This is Fairview" is tht title of the event organized. by Connie Shelman . a rommunications major at Cal State, Fullerton. Miss Shelman says the. panel discussion is aimed at creating more community awareness about the state hospital and ils programs and invites the public to at· f/C Vietim. Wu Felon ~'Thai'• rlaht," observed Councilman Georce1 A. Tucker. "Il's, just the way It worts," be con.- clud<d. County CofC Board Urges St.arford. Ceman and Young bep:n an extended rest period Tuesday ntpt ltiU under tile, innueoce of earth~• gravity. During the night they passed through a "twilight zone'' -an area caJled the cquigravisphere where the pull of earth's gravity and lhat of the moon are equal. Ap:illo 10, which started the tri~ Sunday (See APOU.O, Pase I) Better Service at Airport Searchers See Lost 'Gamblers Special?' Improved Orange Counly Airport service on four specific vital points la Urged (Oday in a pair of niolutlom •!>" proved Tuelday by the Orange County Chamber " Commme Board Gt l)j...,. . ton. The """"mendatlom fonned "1 th< chamber'• Higbw11 and TranaportaUon Cmunlllee will be forwarded to Ille g11111o ty Board of SupervilOr' and the stale Public Utilillel Comliilssion. Most immediate ~ to provide the best-possible air aemoe~w Orange Coun- ty and the entire Southfm Calltornia area '" u-, aocording lo lhe panel : -Devdopment ol a new regional airport for Orange County within the next live years. -Immediate hnprovemenl ot the et· isling 0r..,. County Airport lo bandle . SAN FRANC!SO (AP) -A~ IOUChm aviation Deeds Increasing· almost by the have spotted what officialsaald may be a month, during the tbne the new facility 's gamblera special DC3 missing three being planned. "' monlbs, and Civil Air Palrol offlclaJs are -County support of a major new awaiting development ol' photographs o[ tntemaUonal airport somewhere in the sighting on a high mountain peak. Sou"·-Calil ml -•lhJn IO lo t• Maj. A. P. Walton of Western Air wo;,u O a"' •years. Seareh and RMaae Cater at Hamilton --Oranting u quk:kJy as possible at • Air Forte Bue llid a Callfomia CAP permit for aired airline service to search team l1gbt.ed. the fCll'IDlllon at the 'Sacramento. due to ihe rate ot travel of 6,000-foot level ol the l,20()..foot Burnt bllsinessmen. educators and civic le1ders Peak sOut.b of Gorman. to the capital. Mesa Won't Pay For Golf D~age The Gary A. Solings drlvt ,. 1111 hatard on the lllH· lee ol lhe Loo> Lap course at the Calta Mesa Goll and Coun· lry Clllb. Oruce Weadtfto lumber yard operators. 1bert were ln- dicaUoo:i that an internal dispute between umon }e.aden and the membenhip con- b"i.uted to-Ille strike aclloo. In th< «illnal' -held May lO, lilt-bod ulted •cents in lncnuea. s.me•....,..ies Gl !"ill -iien wlll ..-Jve lell lban 73 cents, _.., to .pm 'Maynanl, chief neg.dUir for lhe lmilbormen. ~lnine.,.Flags to Stay Up ~!:" • • ~. ' j They don~ waut loil"81'1 just the way tt IL I.,"-· "11aere now till a dent In the top," wrote Mn. Sollns, o1 574 J011111 St., at· ins th< city lo pay for Camero J>od1wort which !J the resuU <i a stra~ ball The new pacUp:, a 17 percent increalt O'Ytl' the three-year llfl! of the contract. ,,in bring wacee up to $4.2S 00 the high aldt. and $3.10.oo lheJo•uide. •ccordin& to Charles Trenla, ueeutive secretary of Uit Carpmters' Orange County District C6uncil ""ntis Is lhe largest lno-ease ever nesoti•led in the Or•ns• COuoly lumber 11r'Cl industry," Trenta said. .Mayurd llid that the ...... -"!fl':lo oijrCOOQ',"blll ft l!Ope'lobe)> ltiCrdiia~Jn th<•price o( lumber lo a minimum." Re-. hMw""''"''""', that "lumbtf yards Ira!-.,.. -u• bul lo -.U..-IJ>. crene· on t6 the customer /' ·, "¥ "~" 11ie :U01"1nt ,chancellor'1 ·~to '""" .Flqs to hllf stall lodly was ~ a few bou:n after k was .~ven 'I'll~~ '( WOJ lul'lled the univtnity wwld have been b6norii' a convicted felon. The down and up the flagpole confusion wu .the ruu.lt ol what a spokesman call· ed "la tmbarra11me,nt of c:ircumiianoes .• "'-~2'.~ ~'/ pve the~·-·-two ........ bad -tilW la -uh at UC Jltrttley. 1brte houri later after Aldrich •bad flon off far W~, D.O., tt w11 -UO.enlll.4eallt hid.-II a -1ludent. (Onvlcted ftlon, ts.year-old James Rector, on probaUoo for n.arcoucs and burglary. Vice Chancellor Rog.,. W. lusseu lben counlmnanded tM order. AJdilCh bail acteil at lbe r<que>t or a group of sludeols led by Stlldent Body President Roo Ridgle. BdleY!nc Uteir sentiment might be tbe same u lhlt Of th< mt of student&, lbe cbancellor agreed lo order Flap ......... IO half staff (Oday and 'llwnUy and dismW c1Wes lor four 11c1Un-on Monday lo bold a conclave lo dlscual the Berkeley sftua. lion. Vice Chancellor Russell met wilh IW• d411t 1-1 lbla ........ lo'<ll'JUlle the conclave. It wUJ not be uUed olf. Tueidat wu lbe dxlb straight day of cWl1es -poll« and students at 11et•eley. Rector died ble Monday of niul~~Je ~ woundt ourr last Thunilay, She a!Jo med lot I bigli!i' fence· along lhe cours<. bul Clly Councllm>n Wiiiard T. Jord1n noled MOOday lhat lhe trlci17 t~ is belfl1 shortened to 101vt the ~ j~e problem. The clly council referred lbe, damase claim to thdr Insurance carrier, but II.II· ge>led the cily Is not responsible for balls wbicted out <i th< munlclpol ...... The cllancellor'a r111 lowerln( edict wu c:onlidtred unu.tUll br 1 om e -tors. Bui a aniftnlty -llid Mllborily lo ...... lite'nOllonal .... stata llop WU nsted jn lhe - -"11111UCBomlof8-11· 8Ceel& Mm:MU ... -i.,loo,oltlClarcalled K I . . -ol P'lil lilqaolle u .... blllbed • NEW 'l'()llJ( (AP) -'l1le stock "1~mlAid1111.Lllloa bolds martet,•bolslanll 11J 'npor!Od blrpin lhal lllnce th< Pill rej>niella lbe lllllon huntilll, n.......i on urly downtmld and K should be lowered enly fer naUonal doled on the apolde lodl1. (!lee ~ mournlllg. Uon1, p ... , :IWJ). • .. -.. -·---~--=:=::;...c;...,;;;;;;;;;.-.--. ____ ..;......,;o.-;::;..=======;;:-::=========~~------; ---- I DAll.Y l'IUIT c WffMtdlr, ..., 21, 1969 . ' . . DAILY PILOT""" ....... _1. " • ' !.&~nnedy ·tetter • • t ; ' .. , ~omp~~te Text LOI! ANGELES <VI'))' -Tat of th• letter from Sen. Edward M. Ken- nedy lo Dill. Ally. Fiv•ll• Younier dated May 18, 1969 ; "Dear Mr. Younger: 11SOme weeks aeo yoq Jnquired whether the Kennedy family wished to ~ any views on the poaa:ible penalties available to the court urnlcr Jie llW·ln the trial involving tho death !i l"Y brother. · -~ '"The issue then was the position to be talren by Ole.prosecution on the olf~ of a plea or guilty and that involved the question whether there would be any trJal-.t-all;"We felt that· any answer1o your inquiry ·at that time would accordingly be inappropriate. <WAt the time of the hearing on the sentence a sfmilar inquiry was made ~Y defense COW}Sel. The matter ·was then before 11\e jury and again . my _,.. aeemed Inappropriate . .. ~1$TE"S J;~JJML Y . . lolnl Pruldent Poyton 'SPEND A DOLLAR' Sponlsh Tuchtr B~ktold 'W9MEN IN THIS, TOO' Fronch Taachtr Murphy 'LABORER MAKES MORE' Physics Ttacher Va1101 . ·"l n?w underst~d that the trial. judge . w~ll be called upon to exercise his dilcret.ion concerning the penalty. Smee this IS now a question of clemency· ., ~ and the frial p~dings have been concluded. I feel I can appropriately co~ , ~~ vey to you, for whatever COllllideration you believe to be proper, bow we feel. Next Newport Budget ·to Top· . -.- $10. Million From _Page I TEACHERS •.. are teeking as~ salary of $7,~50 Pet year. It was· the first publir. indication <>f what teachers have been asking in secret negoU1Ung R51ions. Teachers want a $'7,150 beginning ,, ,.. r *' &%8•!+&'•••• ••i• What Teachers Want Here is what Newport·Mesa school teachers are asking, what the school board is offering, an~ what the figures are this current school year: Teachers Board· ls ,. This Want Offering Y11r $7,150 $6,750 '6,500 181ary and the board has offered l&,710, it Beginning salary per year · 87 JEROME F. OOLl.INS wu revealed during ihe .;,.,Ung. n.1 y :';'i,';'g ~at.oryuble begin- Of "" DellY , ..... ..,, starting salary thlS5chool year .111&,IOO. Top salarytlO or 12 years 10 12 12 ll~lleach'• muolclpal budpt, lor CTbe accom)lln)'in('chart teUi bow rar· eltp~len<:e, masters lle•ftnUfme, will mck the •10 million Wiebers and the. board "'' ~ on degre~ $1',300 $13,llOO . ' $U,928 , barriil"·ln llltS-70, clly lldet lndtcatecl to-!her-•·-· Jnuu.) ~ , " Subst{llite .ppy Pay .~ual to F1at •$25 Plat· '25 lay. ~~--...t.~'-ii L. "'~·• ~ 0 ~·, ---,..i ..i.r...:.. ~ .: .. · _,,._. 1 , quAl.Uication· • ·'\ tat•"'' -· rate • ·, · · • • • . • . C'erald "!', Wblle"';" a Costa 1l!lia ml' '!llilll ~ $U mlllloo .V.or th• cur-don~ tpOte "" behalf of W.chers, ta)'lng Summer school pay Pay based on Ceiling Celling ren!,~ yoar'1 spOad!ng prosram. h hlJ wile.,. been . 1 yearly rate on pay on pay • arul :i;,ve unpreaed "th Sabbatical pay ". 3/4ths pay 2t3rds pay • 213rds pay llelpite the budget· boom, the dlJ,...,. . the toacbe!l ta>.lan.utraordl .. r)'(vltaJ, '"•r scboo.•l.•sslgrlm_ en. I "'% .. increase 50% increase . " -pertytu-~te-now$1Jll-wtll•indt'•• able~fot.1~ . ,, : 1 04~ ~ "'S ,-lhoa>l.ltY;l!lly I;• -JI ll!all. , , ", ·~(boa · ota<tli41"," !lo ~tlnued.• !',!~~~ Ill~ d~l~. , -. $400,,per. year $162 per year $144 '~r'Yll81' Cllf ~er Hamy-L.-llurlburlculd "II thi extent" moolilighlln& .. that.,,.. rehon.!l'I-.ve ·~days none none Ile ptelimlnarJ.~ for the new.,,. on, 1'hil ls potentially very damaging. ••--•-•••••••••11'4"' m01Nll."'*"'"""'"',.""'""''"'••=•so;s,. .•• ,. .... ..,.EllB "My brother was a man of Jove and sentiment and compassion. He would not .have wanted his death to be a cause for the taking of another life. You may recall his pleas when he learned of the death of Martin Luther King. He said that 'what we need in the United States is not division; what we need in the United States ls not hatred ; what we need in the United States i~ not Violence or lawlessness, but Jove and wisdom and compassion toward one ti another.' ! ''Moreover} he ~·as a young man totally committed to life and living. He fl! stood against .injustice, poverty and discrimination. for those evils lessened life. He grew to despise war for war denies lhe sacredness of life. And he had a special affection for children for they held the promise of life. "We all reallze that many other consfderations fall within your responsl· :f bility and that of the court, but if Ute kind of man my br9ther was is pertin· ent we btli•ve it shou,ld be v;aighed in the balance on the aide of comp85'ion, mercy an.a God's gift of life· itseH. Si~rely, • FAJ1Jard M. Kennedy'' n.e;~ liiilir!lbtall '1 : d.,.,...,.., ~ch,..s1·wiU fln<I ~ dodiCA! · , • · ... ~. · , 1. • 1 · '. t' passion, mercy and God'• gift of lift' tallJ kit a •t.141 ~-. ~· , Uoder· ,-. llrw ·llWlY of · "'-· -• -•· f ~~""#$;~!!'_::~ , ; : l:r tiol.~~~.dedlcl\lOD l>&l W""li , Ju_stic.' e ~n., .. o.:.~tfl.'g·· las paid its~~;;: Atty. Evelle J . Younger was ask· Tbe'ficUr~l'Burlbm't ·oild. \ncl\lde the' thin Ii It. 'II'· Q/ty, tnternaUQnt) reliUon1 , ; ed what e!!ect the Jetter might have on . cost 1 ef · _pq hlkil that teacbe1 at COl"OP& del Mar Jn«b.-He told .. "' , the state'11 stand toward the penaJtv. taCte<I a representative or the Kennedy family months ago concerning the ac· cept.ance of a possible plea of first de,ree m\ll"der with a guarantee of a life RR•· tence. a · · .1: --~the bOard;' trustees they @I not get any. more free. ' • Younger said J,hat it was a decision f~r ~ ,l*•,.mmeetin•ipldal um..'fot ,hlm:'fdr. counHlinc: swaent $. soo· 'D ..... _ ..:.-.y' · B C t •hei·udgebutthatthedistrictattomey·· " tolllscua the pr...._.. .. govenuneli~· :\!Iii""'-.' ng ··~ .. !~U : .· . , a J· . a y en er e, whlCb'Hurlbart o~ gUnu, .. acrmitir~dents 'during •hfs office would point out that the recom-ly i'eoommends." He uid it wauld keep lunch hour. . ~ m~datioo of the jury was the penalty ... local munlclpa) wagea tn Une with those "l'm not here to beg," he said._ "I'm Sirhan entered the courtroom today paid el&ewbert. hei'e to inform you that the fee for my WASHINGTON {AP)-:-S~e Court Douglas is chairman of the board of smoking ~ big cigar, smillllg and ap- eervices is going up. I'm no longer Justice W'illiarr. o. Douglas bat been paid directors of the Santa 'Barbara center u pearlng very casual on wha~ may be his allab1 f th f · M { well as Parvin FoundaUon head. last appearance in court. He wore an ~v . e . ~r ese ree seryices. . Y ree a $600-a-dly f" by a C~lfomia study open~llared blue shirt and chatted bi an Ume ls putg to be spent unproVIDI the-~~ · · h' h .. · · ,.;.: ·. f The center has been the second highest slandanls al II))' own family even though center w IC gm part of u.• .money rom recipient of payments from the Parvin animated fashion with his attorneys. I have ahra.vt-.Oppo&ed moo~lighling and the controversial foundaUOl1' he heads. Foundation in recent years. However, the Judge Walker read the Kennedy letter do nOt feel I can do as good a job u a The payments to Dougl:tt by lbe Center contributions repreaent only a 1mall por· silently to himself .on the bench but did From PGffe I APOLW ... Younger disclosed that at that time Sen. Edward Kennedy said he did not want to express an opinion on what would· be a proper penally. Younger said that after Sirhan was found guilty and sentenced to death by tht\ jury, the representative of the Ken· nesly family contacted him again and Younger told liim that if the senato~ wished to express an Opinion he should write liim a letter. 1t earth escape .speed of 2~lt6 miles an hour, had slowed gradually~ 2,027 miles, like an·aatomoblle moving uphill. teachfr." for the Study of Democratic Jnstilutions tion of the center's financing. not immediately disclose its contents. Lafayette YQUng, television production of Santa Barbara totaled about $4,000 for The center· encourages study ot civil Jnstead he instructed chief defense Malaysia Rule Called instructor at Corona del Mar Hlgh, told 1968 and thla vear a center official said. liberties and seminars on international counsel Grant B. Cooper lo proceed with After at:~ throuab the lnvlalble berrler -135,113J mil" from earth and 18,131 miles from tho moon -Apollo 10'• 1peed wu tG Increase to 5,700 miles an bour u lt aweepe: around the backside of the mOOP. DAllY PllOT o_µNGI COASt l'l.lll tSlt/NI COMll'Aft't • ••it.rt N. W•ff """'""" ..... """""" Jeck JI, Cu•l•1 Vitt '"tklfftl fllf Ofnttfl ~l'tl' n ...... K•••il 14'1W Th•ll'l•t A. Mwrphi11• Mtl'IHl"9 .,..., ..... __ JJO W•rt .. , Strfff M•iK11t A .. r•111 P.O.,_ 1160, t26M --"""8rl9"dl:ttu ......... .........,. I Lltlll'll !M«fl1 DJ ,.,_ A .... 1ti.111nti.i ...... ., .. ..... • the board be ta resigning to i;eek a more J • politics. his argutnenta for a new trial. KUALA LUMPUR (UPL) -Prime rewarding profession. Douglas has come under fire already The Santa Barbara payment! have The letter frQm Kennedy was presented Minister Tengku Abdul Rahman said to- Schwatoe said he can name six or for his oubide salary as president and been small compared with the $12.000-by Younger and it came as a distinct day his government y;ould rule without seven teachers leaving now with another only paid official of ihe Albert Parvin plus salary paid to Douglas by the Parvin surprise In the courtroom. parliament until lhe national emergency dozen training for future jobs ln other OC· FoundaUon, which has had stock ties with f~F=o=un:::d:::aU:oo=. ==========:Y:otmg::::::"=to:kl:t:lio=court=:tha=t:he=had=coo-===":o::v::•::"==========:· cup1tlons. Las y.a8u gamblln · "We have a sick society that accepts -I CUlflOS. the premise if you want to be a teacher Congreasmen have called for an ln- yau '.&utomallcally have to moonliaht," be vesUgation of Douglas' income tn the said. wake of Justice Abe Fortas' re•lgnation Women te:achers also joined the fray. from the Supreme Court ln the dispute JO&n Murphy, French teacher al over • '20,000 check from the family Corona del Mar High, s&id, "Women (oundaUon of jailed financier Louil E. teachen are u willing as men to support WoHson. whatever acUon is needed." The American Bar Al!OclatJon's Eth1cs Ange!G Vassos. physics t:eacher at Committ~ said Tuesday Fortas had ,, Corona del Mar Wgh, said he could show violated its canons or ethics. sen. John J. the board a newspsper advertisement for Williams (R-Del.), who requested theopl· an unskilled laborer who would start out' nion, told the Senate he ii also seeking an maklnc "exicuy what this district will ABli committee rulin1 on Doualis' role pay me after nine years of teaching e1.· in the Puvln Foundation. perltnct." It wu Vusos •ho introduced the mo- tion tor a teacher walkout May 29. He wotdtd It this way: "Teacben lhaU teach a pre-announCed mirilmum d1y (four hours required by state law) then leave. clasae11 to hoW • metlinl to .1lnd out the progreas of ,,..,u.u ... -. .oi !or the purpooo of pezillU!nf-lludenti· or ahuUing d""" the schools." ~ ,. .......... 1 BERKELEY. • • From Pflfie I LAND SWAP ... major public-use comple1. Besides the currenL municipal court and library site offer on lalrground• pro- perty, a bowl. atadlum or convent.ton center has also been mentioned for developmenf90ltlewhere ln the vicinity. COsla Mesa Vice M1yor Robert M. Wilaon men!iooed the proposed Idea only Mond1y wbell a Newport Beach music proinow dlacui!ed a.falrgrouildl music ftstlval ht. has in lnind. Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley has tailed th! land "'°p ' '1111Uon .dollirl>argaJe dJU"b1I ~ dlacusl • • .. • pan ~· ..i• --•• .,. Plannlnr orroetor Dunn said tod.Y ~ negotJaUons will aooo . begin w I t:6- repr,...lallvet or the hot!~moltl .chaill to ~ '."11&1 l)7pe -.t~d .. dopnwal . they liive bi .rillrid. • • lie Mid no Um• tlement bu 1111tr..i the picture )'ti u far aa hOlr _, - 11N:tfnn ml&bl bti1n or the lruM•lchl open !or bualn"'· • • For the World's Most de,serving Dad No gift ls fine enough for Father ••• Ind there Is no finer gill than an Omega. An Omega watch it standard Issue for Apollo Aslron1u11 ln tht N.A.S.A. moon-and-back program. OIY)eoa waa also appointed o:tlcJal timekeeper of tht 19&8 Olymplca, Mexico. Every Omega is 'manufectured with the most exacting care to tht hlgh11t precision st.anda,ds. A-Cfll'OllOllot Ptlstl-blllll:llt ~ Wllfdl. Tfh ,.._ .... MN•~•lt •'*1 •ll P••d t.11 .... t .. tlallll111 ''"' ~. Ad· 1~ri\".:' ~1~r~f1~~.:".':1~.~~.~.~~.~ • ..:.:. loJM 1~tll1D1t lft ll!ldtr-.ffi" ll>odtl wltll flt 1J Mllbr'ill .. , I f'Ot;lllorl lot llllV f91doblll~ • 1·. It!!~~-· S.tllllllu 0. Vint Oili!i"lill-clf.tjliij"Mf." tMlt, •tafftlt11 1t"I' Mlldll~t br11;1l1t •••• ,, ., , , lft 14K OClll.fll!td ••• ,, .......... , ................. fl:as.• •CONVENIENT ~ERlo!S IANKAMERICARD MASTER ~R6E -· - . ' • ,, I I I • I ' I UPIT ........ 339 Fl!ET UP POLE Nebel Protester I' ., Nude Squats ;"Atop Tower \ ' ~· WASHINGTON (UPI) -V.. Bruce Willis, 25, sat naked for three and one-hall hours Tues day atop a swaying 339-foot television tower, shouting to a :tattled crowd an the ground "I'm going to the moon." His trip was ended by ~n Anny helicopter wt>i<b soatc,)1- ed rurii'from his pert1i_a11er lowerinc him a harness. tt carried him ID the ground where be was taken • to a boi!pitat for observation. L . p.......,.1 at WFAN·TV l!8id ! W.illil, a student at Howard ti Vniversity, got into an argu- 1 ment with a disc jockey for ,;wooK-AM whlch uses the !itudio but not the same tower •1 ~ tibe television station. Will!s 1 "as thrown out oC the studio ,·and moments later shed his ~clothes' and began climbing '·the tower. ~ n. teleTision station. acheduled to s t a r t pro-<·gr~ about thll time, "stayed off the air. When Willis reod>ed ·Ille loftr lop he ·unecrewed a 10-incb airplane · 1-cor'I buJb and sat in its bowl : where he remained until 1he ~helicopter was called. " Apartheid P,oposed For Rhodesia SALISBURY, Rhodesia (UPJj -Bllodeiia's wrute minority regime today published • propooed COil· sUtution that would split the colony into racial sectors and a~ure apartheid role. Premier Jan Smith urged Rhodesians to approve the document In a rtferm:lum vote June 20 because he said there were no longer MY "hqpel of a negotiated set- Uemet)I" with p;irwt Brilain. Smith said "lbe new ~ .UtuUon woukl enable U1 to develop cooditiorw u n d e r wtilch the two main ncs can live in harmony with:U near dominance or ;fipbjugatlon." Base in (;reece ATHENS, Grttee !AP) -A commissary at au.~. air base and two American servicemen's cars have been bombed this week, a highly placed American source said Tuesd•1· It was the ftnt report or at- tacks on American property sinct the military coup more than two years ago. Opponents of the regime accuse the United states of helping ID keep the dlclatonbip In power, Stabbing Explained .. , -----~-- Wtdoolfll, ..., n, 1M IW1. v mor IS 1 ·--·· ~-HARBOR CE NT ER ' • r PRESENTS 1969 ' . ~ . SPORTS VACATION ' . . SHOW J • ·fltlp.f;Y,..,.... SATUROAY ·MAY 23·24 ' ' 111r& .. ..,,1M• atmR • ...... -........ '• Mrs. Roosevelt Granted Bail GENEVA (AP) -Mrs. Jamf:s Roosevelt, accused of wounding her husband. "was under great stress and con vhx:ed that ber husband was about \0 Juve her -perhaps the next day -for another woman," her attorney told a Swiss court today. • The eldest son of Fraoklin ·}:). Roosevelt was in a Swiss Jiosr,ital wil.b a knife wound in 'llls -back as the court opened a preliminary hearing. M r s . ~~ell was ln Bel Air •, Psychiatric Ollnic. Where 9he was taken after htr huabad was stabbed at the Roosevelt's Lake Geneva villa last Thurs- day. The oourt l!Ot hft bail at 50,000 . Swiss ~ tranca:, t b e equivalent o1·111,soo. The bit! was posted for her. Telling of Mn. Roosevell'• le1111iom, her lawyer ,_.Domini- que P.onlct, uld she hid threatened su.Jclde .and b In need ol proloopd deep-sleep treatment. ·, Pandas •• Part . · Russian Suitor ·spurned LONDON (AP) -An·An, the rejected Rualan panda , flew back to Moicow in ".tyle today 1fter three years of a love lUe thl& never cot &tarted. • Lilndoa Zoo olllciala (inally called off the 1ttempt to mate the willing bul never insistent male from Moscow whh Chi· Ctii, Britain's frigid female. : An·An 'a cage was pul· in a :tpecial compartment of a British alrUner, aod hid a aOctor and four stewardesses 1t10k.lng alter him. He wa:t fast asleep. ... Chi.chi, lhe-ahrop-reluo- bnt female. remains at her London Zoo home and no '-< will have lo ahare bor l.vorite bamboo lhoota wltlt lllOlber. ' . The two g\lnl pandl,1 never upreaaed mucb feelina for each olher, despite two lllfllly publicized .... Tidla, -the Iran Cllrtaln. Succosoiff lollum lo mate them -firat In' -and -here -..... -llinl :--=~~~-North Koru. Chi.chi Ind ~ An are tbe---OOJy two ta ,Olp- Uvky oulaide U-co.mtr1 ... Wh<n Chi.chi Ind An-An came from Peking 11 bablea:, they looked 111"! teddy boors. Now Chi.chi wetcht ' 111 pO\lllds, An-An 3141. Eich ,, 1boui-ll yeon.old, ........... for pandas, aild ~ already over the hill for bttldinC ' China &"'C:; ........ paodu luvt 111o-,.. --~- Poncet said U bail WU ""'1Md by the 'court ah< would · have. to remain tn the prilon section of the clinic where abe would not have the 10litude and ~ly neceaall')' for the tre..tmet'IL . Mn. Roooevelt hu - booted '"' • holding cboiwe accusing her of woundJrw ber hUlband. ' Jean Weber, for the attorney general; oppooecl bail. He nld that· despite "the grtat n1me or Rooseve!t... all people 1hould be judged equally "the rich and the poor, the we•k and the powerful." Ponce! told the coot! that Mn. Roolevelt, 52, the former Glaey1 . i,..,,. Kitchenmaller; nld in. I slal«nent' ID the police that just be!..., itaJ>. binc her b111band ahe Intended laltlng,bor own.. Ule and ' had made out a wUl Iba! ...,. evening. ' . ~ iw.rn,.. ID ....... ~ ..... .,.. belim bi' --p...,.1 said -liod ~ bit~ wUe'I ·•!f.emlll 19 mend.Jbe mmiage u.oup_ I i condllaliao Judi" -•• obll(akiey lint ,slep ill S- dlm prottedinp, Huber\ Stmlan,. one or Roooevelf'1 1.,.,.,.., !Did the court that his client wu--ant.· lou• • that hia wife hive the beat pooslbJe -ca) Cart'Ond 'lupporied Ille 1ppial for.hall. ''lie hM not pressed chl!'let .,a1n11 llli wWe and·hu no ln- leollonl or doq 10 Ind 11 lito fH epoted lo fHJI ftJI whltevtr ~ m"1 be uked In -r..;.-.-.:-~ wllll Ibo rvanlinc ., ball,"beAlcf, 1-~~~~~~~~~~~--:;:r~~~-:--:-~~~~~-::-~~~~~~~~~-:--:-:--:--"C:'~--:~-,.,...,.; . ' ' • ' . • " . . • . • • --• • . . , DAD,'t! PJJpr EDITORIAL PAGE I Oil D~illing in Mesa? . Calllomla II r!puy lndlpanl about Ibo clllemma of eontlnued petroleum exploration and prodaetloa, venUJ envlronmental,preservatloli, In .Iba wake of Ibo Santa Barbara Channel oil !eat tra&edy. Debate on future controls aoe• on today, So does the thick crude QU 1Prlnl bubbUn& up from a seefloor craclt oa Union Oil Co. Platform A, -ting lbe surface with a reminder of a mlltalte no one knows how to cornd. "The leak is still lbOfl and lb• m.a la IWl there,'' observe& Sen. Alan Cranston (D-Californla) and this is a mournful fact. Many coutal cities joined only recently In denounc· !!'{ state approval ol an exploratory corehole to be drilled by the Sbell on Co. off Newport Beech. The petroleum compel1les ate extremely powerful, however, and have reassuring arguments deoi&ned to put th06e who object •t ease. Such perauipion was ac~ cepU!d by a 4-1 majority of the Colla Me .. City C0uncil Monday night when ii approved· clrllUnf of a teit core bole by Occidental Pelrolenm Corp. The drill site will be outside city llmill, but ii will alant through Into Costa Mesa. · A temporary derrick wilh all lbe niceties of padding and sound-proofing. will eoon go up. True, the hole .won't really be a well. Slanted deep under Paularino A venue at Bear strtel, it will bring up geological nm· pies to detennlne what-lies beneath land oilmen l!Ove already leued.· , · Newport Beacli attorney Denn!• Carpenter repre- •ented the applicant and stressed that tbe Bakl!rlfield firm only wants -f<lr now, remember -to leetn if oil is there. "U nollllnf II there In e<>mmen:lal 9.uantity, the company wlll !old its tmt and steol aw17, he said. What bappena if Iba rumored river of oil la foand? Carjlenter DOied that petroleum production weald be a queati'"1 decided by the people, wbo ~ 18 yaen ago to Dl'Ohlblt the boomtown brawl, thunder and ltlllt of oU. Slant dtllling. auch •• !bat alluded to by the firm ts among prohibitions In th• city oil ordlllance, while ~ core bole drUllng Is a question left le&ally up to th• council as it now &lands. But they are only uplorln&, aren't they? Explanations giv., by 8hel1 Oil spokeamen to out.- rqed cries aaa!Dst Thlotands core hole 61Ploratlon off N""port Beach la that It I• merely Iba\ ind nothln& mora and we might even loom something. Why explore for oil if there wW bO no clrill!nl for oil? ' The question applicable, to offshore tidelands Is equally applicable to '""bora property, 'Whether inside or outside the precise Colla Id-city limits. Since incorporation In 18153, city leaders have flaUy resisted advances of the oil lnduatry and !lie action b/i councilmen Monday ls a surprllljlf disappoin1ment. A I tbe electronic, sonar-type soundlnC cear and geological analysis petroleum prospectors use today cannot chan1e one fact of nature: Oil lies in the bowels of tbe earth and reaches the surface tmOugb pipes and wells to be processed-unless it.spews from gwbers or seepa through the sea.Ooor. Mayor Pinkley -the dissenting vote In, tbe 4-1 tally -observed prior to the decision M6nday .that he is adamantly against any oil operatioos in Coota Mesa, no melter how sophisticated, clean, prettified or tenta' tive in length. The other four councilmen should be prepand to """wer the freat UNlllSWered question: Wluil happen1 if ail Is found beneatll Coeta Meea ! (CJ Harbor Area Glv~ Lo11al Support Military Solutions Vs. Political Dear Gloomy Gus:, . Boys'· Clubs Have Earned Respect • • • Gl'rinc people the power to vole without at tba ume ttme provldlog the roqut&lte bacQround for making a civWRd choice can lead to the fl'Ulat despotlmn of all -the tyranny of the unlmtructed major!ty. • • • One ol Uio bell uplanaUona of the recent Nib ol ••demonltr1Uona'' la: given by AnthaaJ Benn, Britain'•, M1n1ater of Technoloo: "A Prime Mlnllter can ad· dras the whofe nation, U necesaary at an hour'• Mllct. A pr<11 tycoon can print tu. own arUcle on the lront -and AJJ the people who are compJaln· ing about the nolae of the jell ahould move to IJdo Isle. We can't hear ANYTHING here over the _...., of -traffic! L: II. "" ....... """"" ._... ...... .. _... ................. ..... ............... ....., ....... ,, ... . To lhe Edilor: Thanks to Gloomy Gus (May 14) for reminding ua, who are involved ln Bo)"I' Club work, that everyooe may not un. dentand the worth of a Boys' Club In 111""01 redudD(( jlMllile crime and .building character by k .. ptng boy& busy. fumllhlng a place to ao-a way to grow under ~ guldsnce and aupervillon ol trained penonnel in adequate attractive facilltJes. Boys' Clubl: offer boys, .. a to 18, ·• have R rud'by llllllltN. Bai fCI< ordinary -ol widely Tarted pr o 1 r am a, J*>ple wlll\ mllqtiJ .., ·U.. · O!liy Pllyllca1 Protirams are liatanoad by. art.I way ol womac back ts to wait' about · ilftd· enfto prograllll, ,by lnatruc:Uon In wltb • ptaliont ml hopa the pna or mlllk:, painting, .. 0 0 d • w 0 r k rn' . televllloo wlD -• plelure. Compared photof.aphy, lclence, c...unlc:a -and wltb the tedloolotlY available to the just p aln !un. · 111111 media, '6e public ii 11111 otuck with a c:ommun1cat1oo l)'llttD that bu BOYi' CLUBS ARE busy placu ,and harcllJ changed llince the Stone Ap." due to the young ag6 of the meml>era • ., • they ara much more effective by betn1 The srute.t tbtut to a decent way convenlenUy near as many boys u ~ ot. We for all . does not come from ble. Hence the need for more clubs, .-v· the atreml8tl ol left or rfibt, but frpm . lng more boys in a more efffldlve way. the nlua Iii the middle, wtio allow • The Boys' Club of the ltarbor ArN.. themselves to be moved by llhorl-tarm Inc. 'lfU founded ovu 21 yui'a qo and bene!lil rather than baaing their at-bu rlcbtly earned and deaerved • hlgllly tltudes oo long·tmn principles:. r~ place in the life of our com- • • • muillUes. Much of the adult r•-apinll the manners and dreu of tod1Y'• youth aprlnp from an unulftlled rtsenbnent that they have a freedom we didn't have (or didn't take) when we wen: younce.r; and a out deal of lt is, unconscloua:ly, axual envy. • • • Violence on the highway ls 10 tlmea greater lhan all other crimes of Violence combined In the U.S., produclnf nearly 10,000 Injuries • day and belni the leadinl cauae of death from age 15 to 24 -but who'• aew.a uoited about that? Due to tbil reapect and r.putatlon we have been bleloed rill slits ol "- money and otber It.ml of value b)' numerous aPlftclative cllilenl, clubl: and corporations. 'lb-. slits are prac-• Ucally all designated !0< capital .... vii, bullcllnp, ftanllllre and eqolpmehl A PARTICULAR eour~ of funds tor capital -ii• lnlll lwill In San Di110. the Anderaon Trull, atablllhed to help build Boyl' Cfube In Orange and San DJeco countiel. -. Uflilft ,,_ .....,. .. ......, NOnMllll wrlffn .................................... ' ni. ,.. ........ ~ .. "' -.Mt ., tlln»- Mflf .... .. ,........ ,. """' """" ft.""9 a""9tln ................. WI --bt WI...,.._ • ....... ---,_ ....... ,.,., Rey," catalnly ahow• which way the ''moV!ati ling«" points. It'• .. though • huge llliaa il·engulfi!ll UI. Wa •• oely sullu !ram property depndllioa, 'Jnvuion of privacy. and nobe, 1Mlee, nolle -now, adding instill to injury, we're expected to pay for llOU!ldproolln( the new East Bluff School. And bow many mort?? l'D LIKE TO lmow why the money !or thit sbouldn't come right out of the pockets ol the atrllna and those wbo !Ind it IUCh a convenieaee to have Ill airport at their baCk do«. Let them pay through the no1t for a chan&e. '[be Bawd of SUpervilon deceived us yun qo with their "status quo" state.. ment riprdlnc the airport ond look what that Sot for u! Every tupayer should llat1y muae to pay thta portion of bis tu bllll Let thls burden be placed where it belonp -on the alrllneal ELEANOR ATWELL The editorial nfmtd to the report tho:.t ta.xpGllfl'I mtg"t hovt to rpend 1evtral thouaand dollars to keep air· croft noise to a: tolncble levet at the MID Eo:at Bluff Ei.tmentary Schoof. The coniul«ng cngiucr reported 5 l flighti ooer the rite in a recent two- hour petiod of obstTVOtion. -Editor area for It l! the only p~per delivered tn the vicinity that prints local newa to any extent along with state, national, and in. ternatlonal news. A person wh:> wants to be well-Informed can be in the know about a few things in depth or a lot of news superficially from just t h e beadltnes. A good comblnaUoo of this would be knowing the core feature of • broad spectrum of information . A READER, however, would have to · spend at least an hour reading all of this news every day, and u the saying goes, we just do not have enough time. So I suggeat the DAILY PILOT would do its readers a great service by -JirinUng a summary column of the major stories on page 2 of t,ge paper daily. J undenland a very large newspapei: io Los Angeles also does something ilong this llne. It ts a very valuable feature and I hope you will decide il is worth spact in your paper. PETE ENGLANDER The DAILY PILOT has betn look· ing ot news iummaries for some time, but we'Vt cm1cluded up to now that most readers would rather "summar· i::e" their own ntws by shopping through tht paper scanning headlines, lead paragraphs and photographs. Summary presentations havt tht Ull· fortunate characteristic of lumping all ntws together without noting tht rt· lativt importance or inure.st of iton.f b11 .1tor11 le·ngth, headline fiz~ or lo- cation in the paper. -Editor Not So Naive To the Editor : AnlmpressiveBwgraphy Our clab bu been fortunate In recelv- 1"1 aver fl00,000 ln>m tbll trull to -In bulkliDI tts t... aillln( clab bou ... and IWimmlnf pool, In addlUon to a con- llderabJe amount of operating tunds. Ad· cllllonal lundl have been promlled !or tbe projected clab In Balboa. The cl~b must depend UJiOn Its com· munltlel lorJllOll ol 111 oper'1lng lund1. The two Ui>lted Funds are the main sourte1 In the cmunanltla and u lonC .. the public adequata1y llUJlPO'll -lunda there wilt be no need for public ap- peals. It la alwaya nip and tucll I<. mah ends noeet, hence the e:rtra fund-raill"I act.lvtties , of fireworks stands and Cbriltmu _..tree 1ot5, etc. To the Editor: Recently I read In your paper lhal cer· lain Impatient power& wltbln the church wont to mutilate, or modemlu, the Lord'• prayer. They "ould have to 1et up very early ill the monilng to Improve on the old p!'Ollbeill I am writing in response to the letter (Mailbox, May 14) by Mrs. Mary LePore on sex education. Unless things have ch3nged &ince I was ln school nine years ago, our 1ehools already have classes which teach sex education. 1( our educators feel more is necessary, I'm 1t1re they could enlarge the health course or have a nigbt·time movie for parents and children. Interim re"Port: Major bookatorts reported Carfos Baker'• m a 11 I v e bloeraphy, "Er-Hemingway : A Life Story,'' on their beskeller lists a couple or wee.kl before official publication (Scribner; flO). This Is a augg..Uon of how interest in the He.rnlngway legend lives on nearly nine years after he discovered the whole marvelous charade wu grinding to a halt and, in a flt of despair In Ketchum, Idaho, choae to shoot the top of his head off. It allO suggests, as Scribner's had hoped it would be, a popular aucceu u well as one of the year's major literary eve.nls. The Princeton prof.-of English, writer, crtUc and Hemlnpay speclallll hu been working for more thin seven yean on thta project, brlnctnl to It an unexcelled knowledae ol the Hemingway phenomenon, the ladl and ,,,,.ilque ol his We. He worked clolely wltb the writer's widow, Mary Hemlnpay. ALTHOUGH 'l'llE 1 u b j e c t once n!marl<ed tbal be wanted no "dellnlUve blooral>bJ" unW -a hundr<d years anir he-wu dead, ·he men~ at another point that tt he were eve!O be, •·mounted" Jn thla fashion he would prefer to have the job done by the Jonu Brothen of Yonken, New York. tbd lin..t WlclerplJlll In the land . I hive spent a couple of nt1hll In this vutly detailed chronicle ol Hemingway, boy and man. one ol the authentic American lolt hm>I ol the century, ond hava reacbeolJJnl>' lhe year ltlt. !:.- ' bad --to IUlnoll, the aclolooceot-.....ii Ii lfiq luil-.. ol. pl'UM Imo becatae ol !bill who ltamod tbal DO aian WU ....,pt from -wily, wtio dloanwod U.. wu planlJ to !oar "lnclud.. tbal vut nothiolnm tbal Goya namad)lada." I INTSND 'l'O ijlond, a Jait1 11111e' Ill t h l s moet impressive bloenphy of a literary }qe:nd at ltut l1nce Mark Schorer'•· full-dreu portraJt of Sinclair Lewis. An accomplllbed writer hlmaeU, and ob\'loualy· a rtltll'Cber of enormous dedlcaUoo and entrCY, Car!OI Baker ll the Ideal ICholar·!pOCiall!I to perlonn tbll Jonu Brotbel'I kind ol literary tu· idtrmy. Hemingway ~ wu a man driven by pride, Baker Doiel, "proud of tu. manboocl, his lltanry and atbleUc 1klllJ, his 1 t 1 y I n I and rteu.peratlve powers, bll reputallon. capacity for drink, his prowe11 u a flahennan and wine •hot, tu. .....in,., wives, tu. .. 11. reliance, his wit, poetry, medical and military tnowledp ... HE WAii ALIO, his blOIJ'apber '""""· the temperamental manieo • depr!3Slve, 1bt lnftterate hypochondriac, the worrier and h\lomnlac who apoke seriously ol 1ulcLde at I n t er v a I 1 tllroughout h11 lile, yet who JlOl80l...t <normotii po...,.. . ol reifllence anil recuperatloi! tb1t could br1nll him baci< from lbe brlnt to the peak within days, someltm. within hours. Also. all1lOlll fn. cidentallJ, he w11 one of the fortmOflt writers that Amlrica bu produced. OOlol -· -m !bat an .. ... ,_ Nnll"' -about Hemlnp17 II aJroadi Iii prlilt. He bu _,,,t ill the """'"""'11 loveltlcaUon to aet tbe -llrailhl !or -wen, perhapo !or that really "dennlUve" btocr•PhJ lhe llibject bad In l!llnd, a cen- llor)' lrom now. · • WDUam &1u The vonlon Ibey lllliest. besides being ~ poetry, la botb C"11ualn1 and violate& the lorm ol Englfalt grammar. · I apealt of the l«Ond line, ''Hallowed be '1111 Name," which. In revised form would rud: "Glorify your name." What in Helsinki do they mean! Who ts going to do the glorifying? If they had 1aid: "Glortne<t be Thy name," it would have made some sense. WlTH m ISPECIALL Y hl&h calibre pro!Malonal personnel In -clube and the dedicated boird of dir.cton cam· posed of 27 'outstandlD1, experienced business and professional men, ex~ ecuUva and lndustrtaltsts and tbe loyal support. of local citizem and or1an1Ja. THEN THE LINE of: "Leid us not into Uons, )'OW' S.ya' Cfub wUI -to temptation" I• supposed to be subltltuted maintain it.I enviable tta.ndlna u one of. wJth: "Save us from the time of trial." the bell among 1115 In the nation M<Vlnc Which trial! We are goin1 to be tried tOme I00,000 hon. many Ume.s ovtr during our 1art.h1 Ule; The late Herbert Hoover, who !or D for tra!!Jc vlolaU0111, for priva1e oplnlo111, yem served u Bora' Clube ol America '"'!or poulble mlatakel. board chalrmln, delcrlbed llo)'I' Chiba Aa writer& we are alwoya told to mue II "the ....-charaolor-bulldl>c Jn. the meanJnc ceyatal clear, 00 that It may llltullona In our c:oonlry \oda1." be -by all. Well thta writer, for DON l HUDDLl:STON "'°• -not underlland; and 1 wlah they Trulurer would leavo the Loni'• prayer alone and WILLARD C. COURTNEY aU.nd to more pmsin& matters. Aa my Prelldent good Norwttlan motber alwoya Uld: ~DORE ROBINS "Haven' Ibey IOI onythlng better to Ou'm. Norn. 6 Ptnonnel Com. do!" I CAN SEE NO reason to have a co- educational class (as propoaedl to dlscuss a .subject which should be ap. proached with respect ror the feminine gift of modesty. Let's give our teen-agers credit for not being so naive. Sex has been going on a long Ume and we encounter it every day by just living. MRS. DONNAL, BOGART Housewlle and Mother Consumer 'Equalizer' To tbe Edilor: J 11.1bmit to you lhe fact that today the consu:ner is faced with a complex tuk of marketing. He ii dlsadvsntapd by the advertising jll'(OD, mo!Uplt brands ml •iw, ond the pb)'llcal distance bet_. like stona (proximity la .-.i to cocn- por1Uve ahopplng). A can 0: beby lormata IM1 COii II or II or 31 eents dependlns .., wblch ....,... marl<ets ll A televillon tube variea !rem Q.10 to 1$.tO. Each of U-Ilona dac:rlbel ttl Jlrice.s .. "special," "en. count~" "'totlJ discount, 11 or by aome other m .... nothlng pbrue. S.ya' Olub of the Harbor Ana, Inc. MRll. MAGNY L. JENSEN Tht GloornJ. Gvr rwferrcd to r~ad, 11lER.E ts A way lo stve lhe conswn~r "How comt: ww art p i a. n n i " fl S . an equalb.er ~ prod tbt bullnlalmln 1 ANOTHER Bov•' cl•b _ "'4king It elleel BIU Belt• conacleoct. All star." mp catalogues thrtt -'°""' no one U. dotno may To the Editor· lilllng ca• and tltm prices. If a grtot thl•g for Ille QNE Girls' Clllb can you tall me what kind of lclloUc =~t :O':':~ ~ :..:;:i.;t~';'. that lm>tl &ht tohole artc1 If thc11 lotic mUe11 Mal beltl compullory equtp. ran&ed for conYenitnl c 0 n 1 um er how_ tli.c "'°"'V ., tlltv ICl1/ tllcv llatc ment In I~ but not In ochool rtlennct) or the major .,_.. In the -to11v dO 111q llllk. -" fof UIJ.-,-_, ~ llPfl'OU ca __ .., ws-iieo; t!ii iliiijijii' """1d 1ota1 bis lhoppinc- ~dltor would bl •Pfleclnod. llot and decide whe bis would MM. CONNIE ENSIGN buy the -~ re monay To lhe Edllor : • Great. Juot...,..atl Your edilorial, "Ghoat of PJ.aya del To the Editor: • The DAILY PILOT II unique In tbe '1'beM pamphleil coulcl be publllbed monthly wltb Wetkly supplemtais oon- lalniJl&.Jmclab 0< thou&hllol prollt cui,. Ev~ ot produce, mt11t, brand names (lncludin& tables UsUng brllldl which are second labels ol name brands) and service could be included and authored by consumer experts such 1s nutritionists. DAVID C. BREHE Gullible Tazpayer• To the. Editor : History, and lately Mao Tse Tung, tells us that guerrilla warfare is the only way that an eltabll!hed government can be overthrown. Old Mao and his little• ·whiskered buddy, Ho Chi Minh, must be laughing up their big fat sleeves 1t the "trusting old soul" that is the American lalpayer fdr being so gullible. Having created the Mexican standoff In Vietnam (aided by the United Natitms, of course) these two clowns can sit back and wait for history lo repeat itself. 'Tht1 have plotted the thing, they rest lheir c•se, and are awaiting lbt denouement - total guerrilla warfare in the United States. WHILE CAPIT AUSM is brutal enougti in its frenzy to make a profit from waget and prices in the face of stiff com- petition, communism would destroy boUi wages and profits, and the competition wouldn't even have a chance to raise ill ugly head. The American people -wJrilet black, brown and yellow. must un- derstand this if they would preserve tht white, black. brown and yellow herita1t or fret America. AS ANYONE CAN see, guerrilla warfare is off to a good start, and even the victims of dtmentia·pra~x (that great sleeping mus of vertebrates wht can smell it, but can't locate it) can feel it growing around them. Yet the polili· clans, when asked about it, go intc a sem.anUc trance and stutter, hesitate, saJ "ah" or "uh" too TIVlnY times and wil never answer yes or nd to anything. That gentry, my friends, will have to be in- vestigated before too long. S. G. UNDIN! Cllurela of Cllrlst To the Edilor: In a recent UPI release of a Chicagt Tribune news story, the Board ol Homeland Mtrustries or the Chureh a Christ was listed as one of several organizations financing black millt1l1 groupo. Many religious bodies use the namei .. Church of Christ," In some manner. Tl'M UPI release did not specify the particulai body. . TUB BODY KNOWN collectively as lht Churches of Quilt Ind on the local le v8 a.s the Qiurch of Christ does not have a Board ol Homeland Minlltrie&, doe& nd finance black militant groupc tn an1 manner, •nd is not the Church of Oui~ In the UPI rel ..... DUANE 0. MA YFIELI Minister, Oiurdl ol ~ I _____ ; Wednesday, May 21 , 1969 Th• tdllorfa! pogc of •~• Daffy PUoi 1eck1 to infomt o:nd 1tim.· ulatt rtadera bu prc1nrting th~ ncio1poptr'1 op{nfonr and com. ' mtnl4ry on topick of fnttf'flf and 11gnlfjcaftct, by prooldl11g • f"'11m JllT tli.c e"P'wion of ovr reti!th' optnfM11, • o:nd bv puunthtg tht diV1r.te trlcio- pofnts of lnfomtd ob11,..,. cmd 1pol«"""' on topfu of Ille day. Robert ~· Weed , PubUsber ' l I ' t ! I .1 ' I J I ; j ~ • " 'I ~ • • ~ • • . • -• ·- t • . ' •• . ' .i Q • .., ..t I .., Favbri Huntfugtorr ' ... -. ..-' Man Loses · .. . . 'Deal', Bid .. ·· ·Tliree. ]Joys ,. W,in Pilot .Contest Three young: llarbor Area Angel fans Johnltdne hla favarlte u ••• because a feel Uke winners today, despite the Jogjng peMlnt cxmteoder mull hive a hot bat- st'reak' their baseball favorltes coritini.te·to a big ,bal ~t can produce maey base -·"er.' . hi\!., bU(1 more importanlly, a never1ay· I owo d~ cmnj>etllor WbO ,Clll llfl lliose Ulrl I 'rile'.~ b!>YI, 7 9, 11 and 11 yuri old . bue Iii,~ that win ball s•mes. 1 -were de<lared • wlanen d die"larl;\ "Pert>lpl, Joy'• lndlvldual llmlotn It •· By ~"!!ARLEY' Bird BonUJ ofle1ec! by the•\lAlLY PJ1Nl' no tJIO!l lmportatlt lj!an l!b abWtY to ... ! 'OfllMIM f'n1ts11M as pa11t of DAILY PUDl'->;2-l<r•l.Aaael COUl'lllbie~.to~teiOtl ' • 1 Day .. fl ,.• and tfdl 11 the revtr that prvduea: .llm: 1 Su=~~~~z':'.!;,~ -~ wlP le\ 12..1*! !l~!t,I~~" ~~~.Andlspellpennantwlbacapttal chatll<• Iba! he slabbed a frail widow:IO Anael ployffl llld wut he pmegfe\I All thne of the youoc. unall*able death In a dimly lit Huntington Beach baseballs autographed by tbe Angel.I' · Angel fans will be hociored just prior to prior to ttae "'l-for-1" game on Sunday, the Angels' June 1 afternoon game street. June I, •I Anaheim Sta4lum. ogalnll lbe Baltimore Oriolt1. Judge Jam•·• F. Judge ~ tl!e dl!I• Tbe yooqut winner, John Gerond1Je, The DAILY PILOT ollerecl l!wo ticWs ! Tueidly wlllll he JQuashed a !llove ~ the had lo "'°"' practically clear across the for qie p r I c e o1-klr \lie ·I! yo•. • :m-yelit>Old::ffuou.iton ije1c~'.ior a comin...,w United Stales to wftl the op. However, ~.Tor"':~ the ~.,,,,. "·"• porlunity to m • e t In person a Uckelt boo JlU1!91~ · , • .. ..,._~ rtd~.:U sentence on a plea or hometowner who haS made It ·m the big • . :....,:. .,.. "l ' • ... ; guilty tO' a lesser charge. Jgeaues. ... _-;-.~~ : ~ .•• An ijl-t Depuly Disltict,.At.torney FAVORITE ANGEL ••• 7·. ' :•.l('L;;.n. dlri-Qui" ··a ~Al \\'ells 1mmec11ately ·commented "no John selected as Illa ~ ·Anfel 1 ~~ _ , .. •• '° deaJ" oi:i t~e bid bx~ 4efe~ attorney ~~ Reichardt. In hil ,.imilzig Jetter, "'J • ..... .!"' · \. · ' . " LIO):d Nocker. Judge Judge , accepted John wrote ' :r;..:, •• " •" • Ilw1'iod-8 S';ng 'Q()S· t . w .• ~•' "ll"l\l!Dl tlif.t lh! Charges qalnat· "My favorite Angel !slillc '.'lleicliardl 1 • .I;.. u.o1L-U ...... • .JS' . Si8{1ez ,were non-negoii,ble ~ sei ·the • because he comes frtQ. ~faint, ' ~ =-· · ~ .. '· ~ ... ~ ,: . , •• .. • ..... " U,.T..._ .. ASTROPOWER'S DR. ORDON TESTS EPILEPSY Ql!VICE ON· MODEL •OF HUMAN HEAD • Reseerchers Apply" ElectrOnics • .ancf Computer T.•thnology tcr Medlc•t Problem • , .. •· " . . . . . .., .... ·-·····~· -. . . .. , ,·;; Warning for Epil.eptics? ·,. . : .'• · Coast' Firm , Y eterans Group Develop Dev ice ... ; -. ·: By RUDI NIEDZIELSKI Of tti. CtllJ l'IMlt stt lf several years. The firm Is conducttng the would be worn by epllepUc patients· and · " study under a contract from the Social \Vould give. them immediate warning of ). Newport Bea~h ilecl1"9.nics finn and. and Rehabilitation Service of the U.S. seizures. •~-Vet e •ans Admtni!tra•ion are Dept. of Health, Education and Welfart. uie " ~ Scientists hope the unit will make IUe de\>eloping an electronic device they_ hOpe Collaborating in the project are acien-will warn epileptics or impending lists, neurologists and physiCians from easier. !for' epileptics ·and reduct ob- .eiJ;ures. the Veterans Administration Center in jections to their employment. Scientists of iµtropower Laboratories, West Los Aogel1!5. where extensh·e To date, advance warning of seizures •-·division of the 1w1c0omlell Douglas studies of epilepsy have been.perform~. ~.has beeR the major missing link in O!rP . ..,:'_. _ha_v_•_been __ a_t _wo_r_k_011_th_e_u_nl_l _fo_r __ 0nc_e_.:perf_ec_led_·t_he_m_i_ru_al1lr_•~, _un_1ts epilepsy research. Modem medicines . .t:• . have already been In use for several years \Vhich can subdue an attack once it .strikes. , : First step of the joint project is to see if it is possible to det'ect slight changes in brain activity <!nd i£ these pattern changes can be used to predict the onset of an epileptic· attack. ·Patients ~t the Los Angeles VA Genter are · now participating in experiments in which they \Vear bio-telemetry transmif- ting equipment which Js capable of U:ie rem6t! rcc6.r4Jri~ of brain WaVe acUvlty. Under Uie,directiQn of Astropowe,'P.ro- iect Director Sam Vlglione, patient.! are monitored over a prolonged period and are checked for ' nonnal· wave pattern!! andopall«nl .be/oi'e, tlllrm& and l\tlw!<'J , seizure periods. ' ' 1 r · • D~ta ml dt 1vailal>le through the· telemetering ·equipment is recorded °" magnetic and paper tape and will be used for computer and cllnlcal analysis to see if brain wave activity before a seizure Is different Crom norma l brain wave ac· livity. Once the hypthesis has b e en tested; the laboratory will embark on phase twO of the project which would be the design of • miniature, automated device to be worn by the patient. The next step would be design com· pleUon and the coostructiOn and test of a prototype unit. Dr. Vladimir Ordon i!I the princlJ)al researcher fOr the Ne\(.'J)Ort Beach Astropower Laboratory and Dr. Frank · Risch, chief of epi.lep!!y rehabilitation, Is· coordinating the VA participation. Astropower Is responslble for the elec· lronic metering aod,deslgn Of the device, wbi1e · the ·VA: Center prOVldts the aub- jects, clinical support and evaluiltion of lhe data collected. Princess . Radziwill Ge ts Plastic Surgery !WJaeelitag-Alotag EAST GRINS'J'.E'AD, England (UPIJ - Princess Lee ~R&dtlwnl, sister Of Jae· queline Onassia, underwent surgery (or.a broken -. foflow:ing-a-ca.r crash Sun-~!7<i. doettM, :it Queen Vietwla Hospi~I . • • . • . . • < . • • . • . • . ~ . • • . . . Larry KeJr,'17, !5otlom) pas this thing about ferri s wheels. Trouble is that ~a'ini.vals, 'don't oft§O;visit Laf.ry's hom e}OW1\ ·or Brookville, Kans., anymore. So Larry \JUilt this .t'f,.o-m<"n ferris w!Jeel. It satisfies his urgc·1o ride. ferris \Vheels .. It also. satisfies a requirement for a metal <l!op' projeC\. at hi s' hlgh stbool. Hi• friend , l\!ike McCall, 16, helps mm demonstrate. .... • .. IOS'f ~lrs. Radz.lwlll, 36, and her daughter Tina, 9, wer~ kith admitted to the plastic surgery unit after the crash. "Their in- juries Ir!: not serious," a hospital spokesman gaid. OUR . .. LEAS£ ON QUR c • ·· · MEXICAN Sr'OgE . " . . - • ' " ! . - •• trlPl dale. , • . w&. we Jllll mov«t fram•11tfW'P<>int. Courtnq c.i.t>dlq, · or::f!lsCoaoly .·It w., known .that Nocker lotend<d to I never bait.,_ \o1arii:t.lllm!'l lhlnk pon:Jwlq agent 101\ll!e put _., Pl<id heforo J·~e·Judge Iha\ hl8'~~1 be't thelWit'Nllir,Jllill~: •"' bu reclpod hit .JIOfl elfecl!J',·Odi 21, ·• ..,. ·~· "I .. ~?"ftng'·i:."',.'~.· ~·~-m·e Chandler, c.Ol1llll<lllin. . g ,-biJ,~ was insane-p.t"the1.ime •he allegedly1kU!,ed ~~lV ~nn: vs· nu -.. • Mrs. Hester Markee. But be ab-· runs thls.tm: )oiM! OQ "I 1 wait lo re!tgnodon•aid•"l'.ln~JIO",and.-t. the move In <OUrt Tuesday and llli.re·m see bim•an"""" t:l!i~. Ill)'. do a Utt1e·hahlna·aiit! hailt!nl·" , .. .,, atttmpt'll interfere wilh the !tlttng of a dad an41''Vt"IO(ng to1he pine.~' ~ county Boatd ot Superrilorl IC· trlil dale. He gave no explanation for. tho Young Gerondale is tbe..,'IOR of ·Mr •. and cepted his resignailon "wi~. ~,. ct' Mrs. JOe' ~rondale of OJ, E. Wh•st., Tuesday and ordered a resoJuUon of com- a c:~ictlon"'t>n the · first degree ·m .. ~er • CostirMtli.~Hla ~Wl:ID ~gatng mendation prepared fOi-1~ter )liiaen-""u to ~ fime.;wJth hlm, ";Ue 'JM ·Jt:,..13; tation. countcouldteclmicaUy meandeaibtnihe' aDi:Ja:y,.JI, ~ ~·:. ~. • :;:;i-Chandler' became ~ 911nt gas chamber for the lll<lcky Stariez. Re .. • -N 1 1et1 after ......... Im' wat.ched calmly Tuesday as negotlatio' ns sECONo EARLY .,._ .., ov. 1 ' -....... ""8 Gil , the Bania Ana Cl!J, COunctl, U..·...i. a f r or .~:_~bfe l~sSer 'aenteil~ ql}.lCklr '' . Jphn Barth; 10, aon pf Mr. and Mrs. half of them as mayor of the dty• . -~a:p.i.. . • ~ , . Jim ~arth of 3514 Surfview Lane, Corona , Supervisors pr&.sed his "dlstln~ SCheduie-0 for trial on·lhe same date.is del Mar, second Early 'Bird Bopµs win· , ~r ~ Jong Years> of·~ Edward· Roy Hargrave, 18, Of 17392 ner, wrote : .. · pubt~ serrvice ;, ' Mirkeii Lane, Huntii1gton Beach. Earlier bec''f\ly !~~~rite ~~rtstogel 11 .. !..~~!~gthosl~ . No dilcussl~ .;.. heid on the .IUOo murder charges against · the boylah. a~'"" .15 1 "'IU P .. ou , .... ._",,,, e cessor to.Cliniija;,m the $21 ~ bespectacled Hargrave \!tr• reduced to ~ition, ·~,< lo plaJ. bost~J I k e to [lOlt. HoWever andiilates m 'u...._. grand theft aulo after his claim that )le· copy him • ''!"llie nitiku, d~ to '"Iii.ti N'' ':;L ,.,.._., ·:......-= v.•as oilly joyriding' wlth Sianez and tltat' pl,y!l iarKf \ll 'jtO the aft'-star. team a~t ~w,, hi•elte. ...... ~:=-·1~ ¥!'!9 every ye:ar. · --• . •. ~1• C .---·... . , . he had no part in the slaying of Mrs. ''ije,i.!I;. k.Ql ~=-i:!ula..,..inx }9na Of . ., • .., t .:: , ·-:, _,; . , :1 ~ Markee, 55, was accepted. player. I bope he·is we _.. Of>-the came .,, . , it . A source c1 ... 1o district attorney) of-June l and makes loll of clul¢! l\ils,to 'Ru-m'o·r" ~o"'n' tr'-. :: ricers whb are· preparing the Sianez. wlri ball game$ Ibis year.". · Ci Hargrave dossier said Tuesday that the The thltd "favorite ' Angel ," . Jay' :· ' .~ . '". . • . • ,· ".; ... Hargrave action "will never go 1o trial." Johnstone, was telecled by Paul Smith, Star ts Ow!' Rumor The sl!ltement is \nterpretett as mean.Ing.. 1 2·year~ld son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank that a plea ot guilty to a lesser CouDf wlU Smith of 301 % South Bayfront. Ba1boa • be accepted. island . . LOS ANGELES. (UPI) ·-An orpnlu. Slaiei, or 311 Cl&)' St., and Hargrave Paul, in his winning .Jetter, declired ~n formed to eue tensions irfmlnority are a~~sed of . ~ing ,the two men in a commu'nit!.es b)' contradicting iumors stolen ~¥r 'Yl:]ieh ~llided with an auto wit.b· ac~ate inlormation is spreading a driven tiy Mrs. Markee last Jan . tt in Death of 17th Soviet rwnor of sort. itsell. Hqpl,ington Beach. · Sinet: the Los ·Angeles Rumor Control TU\illtony in a ~limlnary h~lng in-General Announced :: ~~"':"'i::;~:: :.':.'l ::i Iii:.': dic!lted, lhat . '""' &rll)'·hatreil. >Y•rna,~, . • · • , l th=lru aboijt re.J!C!rl! "ll!eet!lu !Ao ~. the .,t\Vo young mi:n.,and,. tl!at MOSCow'1APl -'rM 1ovr.1 l1t!"1i.:. i:aitdlal"S{IM'i:ief'tn',tltt ~and. , 1q•p~•1.Qf.'9f.&!'• dfp '1i~-~f ~lin~try today announced l1ie death o1 ,~ beara rec:orded m....,._ . repealed 'I Bw;9CK,1,. her •. unt:il 'her reUrecl Lt. Gen. Alexander G , But •hen the number wu dialed Tues- mutilated ~. tNeed1ng , from many Chernyakov. It was the 17th death of 1 day nl&bt, the recorded l'oice "-the Rev. c~ ~lumped mto t~ gutter. ~ general alll!ounced slnce'&rll Jo· ' Jam~H. JJarptt. -regional d1redor of ~Jf&ve?,bas. s~essfully .Pleaded tl1a The announcement !laid he d;{' after a the SOUthem Christian LMdenbfp Coa- h!, ljtl ',lnd,;•l~ 11f!rilllt.i<>tl •hort lllntla but gave. no delllls: It Hid f.....,.. delcrlbtit ~ Tltoinu bu=ered·\ie. IJtljil"•. wqnian .and ·thOl· he ,l\l!d ·tieen an orgonber ol ·tr~ Btadley II[ "llie moot hJlhll' ...... he wanted no part of iKc murder. · troOrh di.Jring World War fi. ' ~ for .ruyor. ' . --,_,_,o. -' . ' ::;;:;:::"""'"~;;;;;;;;;=~;:;;:;=.;=; . . HI -Fl CLEARAN CE SA LE! YOUR CHANCE TO SAVE O N FULLY -GUARA N lEED. P~RFEC 1 PERFORMANC E SPECIALS' FIRST COME. FIR ST SERVED' FISHER 17.ST-AM·FM .... $26' 9'. s· ,.,Cl (~tNf9f). 519350 ' GARRARD ·MODEL 30 llAND NIW -, ,,, -DIAMOND mLus RIG. PltlCI SALE 3910 s21:10 . SONY 230W · "COMPACT" DUAL 1009 SK TUR"T AILE ( COM Pt.ITI STl llO SYSTlM ..... s22910 ~ Price ._· -. .-. . ~ .s15a· 3s I llANI NEW, WITH A • D•M••m WALNUT CAHI SAlE ALTEC·LANSING 601·C IDIMON,TU.TOlS -21 12" _...., wl.-t Y-1°llit. ....... "9fC"'N. YHf 4tf•• er, •llht-cetl lier•. L.nel cMrol, J•22,0ff Ha. JO· "°"' ,..., ....... FAMOUS "llST·IUY" AUTOMATIC CHAN•ll ~-•10910 SALE $66'° PRICE fDI MONSTU.TOR -NOT DACTl.Y Al IHOWNI SHERWOOD S-7~ ~M-FM llAND Nntf, 1H WAn llCllYIR • • ~', 511200 SALE s79'0 $2.27 80 I 11$T ·IUT tH A TOP~ 9Ul\~ITY llCllYllU . 30% to 50% DIS'(OU"TS on STEREO, . ..... _ TAPE RECORDERS, TA·PES & REC.OROS! . -·.S~-. New, ~orrie ~em~nstrators, Some One-of-a•Klnd 1'.hurs11 Fri.,. Sat., Su .. ay Only! S~~ Ends SundayJ ~~----... • - • I • • • • l • • 'J ~ ' ---.. -~------.,-•• i.; I --• " l . . ~ • MiaOllW'l -111o-11.1. On"""ll .... _,..lhlt lhe'll<lq'•~-..... Rl• ....... lllJI __ It l>I "• ~ llot---.... "**""" .w?" ' "W•~ iijl fl&htlnc 1..-lemla •.&Ud>." Mid a -I« Gell.~ W, · t~·.,. tie O.ltt' 'lltf St..., Po11ee today Investigated how Ille - \Mwi ·.at the University of Wi~_., • sln'w-P&I Gamma Della lratemitl'--' how;e got· the guests of honor to show up for a HawaU~n luau,' The ltl¥ts· were a pengwn and two Whl!e •peacocks. Officials at the. Vilas:·Park Zoo ~·ere quite upset by the affair. • Anny Pvt. l.C. Thomas Enlt· _bp pf Miakegan, Mj;h., lep1' I/I< , wheel /Of' tM. rtmoindtr of tM trip'"to Ft. Kno%., K"fl., af ter hii 21HJ<ot'<>ld wife' lll.ryJ Elltt& -IDOi • fi'neit t $25~ -for"' speedi~p' ... it · Franklin, l·nd., Gftir f43 for IJ>ftd-. ing at Columbt.is, lnd .. A iym.' · pathetit magiltrat1: at S~r, Ind. granttd ~rtlcbcn a co1'tin· wmct on a speeding ticket giv- en tht soldier there: 1 - --. ' WOUNDED U.S. SOLDIERS RECEIVE MEDICAL AID AFTER BIG BATTLE More Th•n· JOO Kllltd or Weundect During Bitter A11avlt on 'H1mburger Hiii' , ~-"""""""" d v.s. l«cei In v._ "W• are ~ ~!I-. --. W.'l,~sjW"ll ii~ VJ&y to~ lt. 'lbey're worklni on -elz? •!out Ole ~~ .'i .• , • U.$. ~iOuld;p.r;the Dumber d Nord, ~ .._ lillllll llad'-lo jll4 ... -Ille 11111 Alrboj:lie Dlvloioo ~ to llDlll-In en-.11e-.. er ...... theA8bauV111i1. : ' ' U.11. fl1 Wfll'\ mlled upward; In 41 llilled and Jiil -.d. -, , Tiit-i'allq "*' nearly ID Norlb Vletoamesc lo ooe -, wblle Ille "1lo In •II .. __ .,....eel by the Jut two w,.kly cuually .._ta ma bo<JI ~ er el(lll . -klllil ...... illJed oold~-• . ' -'Euaiit_. occuioaol llliper flu, no action was ropor1ed Tueed1y lllslll oo the ' ---lhe IAotlao --"' tl!flJ',S. s.i. Tueoday, Sen. Ed!rard M. Komeily (D-M ... ). charpd-tlla1'*!! aperdanf.M tbe ..-uk on DaAa Ap Bia were "botb...,... lftd h•!llllor:d!M.'' and tbll American lives wert ~ "aacriftotd for military pr~·: ~!.,, t "WedOO, ...,,,,,,. Oil wt>at oe~ M1)' laid, the .pot......, fol' Ab!'lm&, dim pve 'the~ d till_ --lllat iq eflfd.-I .-.ply le Kaiood1'- ' 'nle 11J>Oliil11N11ilddedMIlleltlaAlrbClrni11'a& "apln fiahllna die~ d Rue _ near the -ratber -·!tlllol Ille ....my .-i clooe lo Hue-" .v-. -The WIJitGG Ille bill wti pert d Operalloo Apocbe SooW. Ill pul1lOl<·i? to -1< up troop and oupply ~In lie A Sllou Valley, !IO mJlel -....i GI Hue A opot...,.. !«'Maj. Gen. Melvl!. Zais, commander of Ille tOlsl AJlbome. ailo woukt nal·comilent dlreeU;y GI Sen. Kemed:Y'• remark. · , -He -~ l>eyr_tver, that wbeti ~lion Apocbe Snow WU plarut<d, !llm/'"'P' ~ was not an objective. 0 ~ "We blt the landing iooe. "1d began movlnc along rld1e lines," the l!POkesmin . 'said. "We rM into a hornet'~ nest and naturally we cleaned it ~t. They'were North Vietnamese irmy IOldien. ·They "were In our area or operation. People were shoot~ ing at us and we wem up and got them." Asked if the paratroopers would stay on the mountain, the spokesman repll~: "That'i a .future operational thing and we can't disC'lLSS it. But our troops are still · up thtr:e.. Tbej're cleaning bunten out and searching." · After 'lo assaull were beaten back. about 1,500 U.S. paratroopers and ,South Viet· namue infantrymen took the mountain top Tuesday and sent the remaining N<rth Vietnamese fleeing across the Laotian border. U.S. artillery and aircraft had pouod· ed the enemy posltioll! constantly, but the North Vietnamese were entrenched in deep bunkers. . . ••1t wa1 a great victory for a rutty bunch of guys," said Cell: Zaii "Real victor· les don't come easy." St•t•·5en. Mlnn•tte·Ooderer, who coul~!"attend th" adverti!lng'club- of Des Moines' Gridiron Dinner be- cause she is a woman, has re- ceived an inivitatlon from a differ- ent group. "Our house is your house," the Advertising Club of New York's president, Milton Ri· back, wrote Mrs. Diderer. !{!back wrote women ar~ ~uals :rat the New York club, though lei& :eqtllll than other membtfri : "We • won't Jet them vote or hold office. After alJ, how far can one go." '"'s•n•~l!M'""! .. •l•&n ... 111.,.•1..,..,111111.,.111 .. :9;;••..,~-'"""",,. .. ,,. .. ~, .. .,.., .... ..,.., .. .,., .... ,.. .. ""*'..,.,.'*~'"""'" ~ .. .._.,~,,~ ... Bll44110!0llBMWIDMlll,.•.~1JMr!M!•""P!lll••m•~£~.1'if•~••& ...... ,...s..,~·•s•~.., • ..,11•M•Oll11J . ' ' Tom Tony, 31, of Houston, tells a p_ret!);: h;Ury ta19 a~ut b!tiJ!g scalp. eel l)y l>ul'glars. /l'lie. buriJara-en-_ tered a r&il'r Window of Tony's Texas Wig'«;o.i and, loot the elltire stoclt ol 1,000 human hair .wigs: l ,850:1liglets, 2M falls and 60 ~yn­ thetic 'ltlgs .Valued at f/2,lji)O. They also took $5,000 cash. •i ~i;v'e$:-i• -Balanee "Astronauts Facing · Perilous Test SPACE CENTER, HOU8ton (AP) -As If radat:" and computers on board the never before in the hi.story of manned LEM and command thlp fail, the Apollo .pa-., ..... , the u .. es of two,.-....... JO pll9'1 must count on their own eye1J&ht -".... "' ---anc1_ • ., ....... ..,.. -Tbunday will depend on.pilot sldU. .,.,. ... . ·When Thomas P. SlaffOrd and~u1.,e . After the LEM and command ibip >.,. Ce~ fly aw~ frQm ~ Apollo 10 separate, the flight plan calls for Staffard command ship in a lunar module (l:EM). to trigger small LEM maneuyerlng landing craft it will be the first lime two rockets to -'Oil' two miles away before men have been a quarter-million miles returning again near.the mother ship. from home in a 1paceship unable to Then U all is still goinJ well, Stafford return to earth. will trigger the LEM'.s big braking rotket Survlva,l will ,peptOO complettly on a f.irst tim~ to shift from a.'9-mll~b circular orbn le a more' e!llPtli:at pat!( their ablUty to nndezvous with Astronaut that causes the LEM to sw(q> lrf· mu•":i-~, John W. ,Youni. io . the mm~ .ship. over Apono·u•; tntenaed; J(r\ding ilte ·nn · Dl!rlng !bl!, crlUcal.~h~ il'(lod the ,._ ~--• "' , -,. >-ltJio craftih'l\>lri! YN--wiJHnck hi• -~· s.sea ~ Tr~uill., 111 Joly • ._ --'11\at engli\e bum, Which separates Ole <;Qmredes and be prepared to go .to their LEM and command ship the mai:imum rescue if the LEM fells. distance oi about MO mile.a. will be one of Earth-baaed flight controllers can offer the most pe:riloul momenta of the eight· no ~ ~urlng each one-hour1!!*'1od the d&y flight. • ~ Wt~i.nd ~1 J'l'l0Qq. O\i. ol "If we overburn by u much u three ~tidl'O· ,~, .. ,.Even w h1t n • "QOrn.. seconds, we'll make a era.sh landing at : ;munia~o111 'f' possible, tracklnJ lr~ri about 5,000 feet per .second as we go·over ;-euth~ :•te enouM "lo::tifl~"itJt·,... the top 'Of one of thole crater1,u CernJn ~· U.O flml . ·m~vers. • ". •• • said. " "'nie around II really dhahle Ii> help u( Altogether, the burn ii ~-laat C with the final ph.,.. d rendezvOlll, H HCGDda, wllll Stalford at Ille tlnClle. Study or play balll Th< qucmon'1 a difficult one for Pat McC01J, 21, of LoweU, Mass ., a fiw -11ear cooching ueteran of Littlt League. B\lt noto that she's a full timt student at North· tastem '11niversity in Boston tht answtr m ust be "studu." •• When -two ratUesnakes bit IQ.. year-old Dana Robinson on both legs,. her l~year-old hiking com~ panion .quickly applied tourniquets and ran to tell her father. Doctors In Antelope Valley Hospital at Lan- caster, Calif., said James Jenkins saved the ;1irl'a life. "I've spent a. great deal of time re·searching how to treat snakebites," James said after the incident. they are In urlb orbi~" Cernan 11id , Tbe encJne ii le be fired apln ifll'r tile Wore rocketing iDOllll1rard Sunday. LEM brioe speedl ._ lbe lllOOi\ at Ille "'llley dGll't bave the capablllly to live •--loW point lo kick It 'back toward UJ Ille inlormatjoo for the buml In Ille 'the .........t lhlp. Sllaold the en(lne fall, finll phua becluoe Ibey jUll do not v...,, mUll *I-wllllJn -le come have tbe tracking." to their 'ald, l * * * * ' * Shepard on -~pollo 14? SPACE ,CENTER, Houston (UPI) - Alan B. Shepard, who made Americ•'• first "tub-orbital .SJ>lct flighl in 1161 before beina grounded with an ear disorder, ii a candidate for a 1970 Apollo moon miulm.. The apace agency late Tuesday teamed Shepard, a Navy captain, with rookie a.atronaull Air Force Major Stuart A. Roosa and Navy Cmdr. Edgar D. Mit- chell and said they were "candidates •.• poM!bly for a crew ." They Jll'Obably wW be assi&ned to APollo 1~, planned u a moon landing Olibt in late 1970, IOUJ'Ces in the space q~said. "A num~ of plans a~ being con- 1idered fOI' optlonal mlaslons and fllgbt crews, dependiof upon the outcome of Apollo 10 and 11, ' a spokesman said. Shepard returned to active al!ltronaut stawa this spring after underaolnC cor- rective surgery for an Hr dllOfder which had troubled him olnce lta, Northern Midwest Freezes Burst Dam Threatens 2,~00 Grovewn Residents Army Testing Poison Gases, Not From Air WASHfNGTON (UPI) -The Army •d· mitted today it Is conducting open-air tests of deadly ))Olson gases but uld none had been sprayed from aircraft since March, 1968. Such open-air testing of lethal agents. the Army said, had recently been con- ducted by firing shells containing lethal agents. Dr1 ~· C. Emerson, acting assistant sec,retarY of the Army, said that in one cW" die shall was set to release the deadly chemical! SO feet above the ground. Emerson told a House subcQ.mmiltee lnveiUgating the effects of Chemical warfare that spray tests had Mt been held since more than e.ooo sheep died alter the aircraft .sprayed "VX nerve agent in the Utah desert on March 13, 1961. But Emenon, testltying under oath, in· di~ated the deaths of the sheep was still a mystery to the Aryny -even though it bu paid Utah raochers for their loss. Emenon said trace amounts of VX were found in the browie where the sheep died but that this had not bt<n ellOUlh to kill them. "In our experiments we have not been able to duplicate some of t h e physiological efiects observed in the animal• in Skull VaUey in March 1968," be Bald. Since that time, he said, the U.S. Bureau of Land Management had declared the range safe for grazing. ASTRONAUT PLAYS BOATSWAIN ROLE SPACE CENTER. Houston (UPI) - John W. Young played boatswain for Apollo JO todat. When ground controllers piped up a Robert Goulet recording oC "On a Clear Day," to rouse the ·utronaut&, Navy Commander Young ackoowledged by whllt.Ung the boal.!Walns ' wakeup c~ll. "ReveWe,,Revellle," he ~I~ out. "Up ill hands. Heave trash-out. Clean sweep down, fore and aft." Cl&llforni• Israel Downs 3 Tet11per1Jt•re• , • II • Cou~I Tr.. "•I lnOtl'll!lll c• ... 1 ctliullllNU ftlloMif by "*'' ~ tllnlf!IM, 'l'flMt wtlMwtll ...... rty, 1t .. II "''" .... ,.,...,,., ""-tttl\1t16 ••'*" MM 1 tiit11 tt .. "' • M . _, II. ,,... ..... ........,.. .. '*"" .. 11 .. .. TN.,...,.......,..,.., ....... .... ..... lJ .s. S•1&111t•rrr ,,,.., ., '""" '"'"'-... ., .... 411' 11'1 IN Mrl!Wfn Mrt llf 111t Mftt. wttl Wf'lllt """ E11tllM ICM; .. tw, .. 1~ tf'lt ,..,. ""'' ........ ~l 11-. .......... '"" ftltllW.1. It'""* Wirt 11'1 ,,_ .. Ill INCl ti .. """'° MlfwMI .ar!'f' .....,. .... ~ ~ A!IMl't lft MlcN> ...... , ...... _..." .. ,........,. ... .,.., .. JI • .-l!OT. TM .... ~,..et~ll.M.. ...,.. ....... *II flW I ll!Mlt T""41-Y ... rttllll ...... _...... • ... .... """' .. • ,.,., ....... .,. nlfl .... ---TN tr.I "'ffwllt ~ ti~ .. ffMI M~ ff"9 _, M~ i.tfl _. .-llKIWIM ..,,, jf ....,. Mldlletll. .,_ TM "M MMM .. l'I' tOllt _,.., .... .. ~ .......... ,..i.1111. w ..... .... _... .. Ml ... ''"' ,.,i.,,. '#fllefl tits tllitft MNIN WWI "'' ti I 11 1 fltllWI. l Alla"t• etqmi.lf 8 1!1N1tdl ... 11osto11 (lllCHO t Jnd -11 ,_ ... ""'"' ' o" ,,.,,.,.. ...... ...... F.., wn ·~~ Hell11e H-lutv Hoo.<1!1111 lea-Cll'f' '"-L•A~ Mlt"ll ......... M~llt ....... -· .. ,..'111 ,i11n. ........ ~lt ;:;.:. :;:;~ -,_ 11. L.ull. • ,.11-h ll 1.HeCllr a.11oi... hit.""' .. k/llt .. , .. ,. ...... SHlltflf -~· W•llfntttfl ' "'"Mlwfl \.N Prt(., : ~ Egypt Planes u .. .. .. " .. " '" .. .. .. " • • •• u • " .. " " " .. II "' " • .. • .. n ~ D • " • • u n .. .. • " n .. " " ~ -~ Near Suez Canal " 51 1.0! By TIIE ASSOCIATED PRESS 4 • 4 " • " " .. n " .. H n .. n " • ~ .. .. ., • • :: • " .. • .. ~ .. ., .. .. .. "-•• " • lsraeU jet.a and ground forcu shot- down three Egyptian MIGs near the Suez ,ff al Can today and an Israeli motorlied force rolled i:lto central Jordan to destroy an Arab guerrtlla base south or .n the Dead Sea, the Israeli army an- nounced: T -An-iareu Ptesman in Tel A\llv said tv.·o of the F.IYPtian flChter planeB Wert :~ hit by Israeli warplanes and one by a ground..W..lr mlasile . ·" A roulih ~plane l"l'i S dama&ed, ·" the spokesman alld. He added that the .a Arab aircr•fl, all SovSet-made MIG21s, 1.N had thrust oYC" the canal at t'wo polnta, one from ~ S&Jd and the other lrom the Great BIUtr LaMa area . ·" T"F ·~ Mid that all lsrllell plaoes rtturned ..rely. A JllJdanlM .,i.nman In Ammaa 11kl Ille forMll r.m lbrust Into Jordon under co<·er ~ )<I flfbten and hellcoptcr1. He said Ille rorce esllmat..s lo be a -pany or tann and anolll<r d mObUe Infantry v.·as Involved in the encacement juR • south of the Dead Sea. Actions by 'D_o,ves' Hint Something Vp in Vietnam W ASIUNGTON (UPI) -The Nlson ad- minl&traUori bu convinced two of the Senate'1 most Utptical war critics somelhin1 is u~ in Vietnam and that it is imporU.nl. Within siJ: hQurs Tuesday, Seru1. Albert Gore (D-TennJ, and Frank Church (0.. Idaho), ceaaed their criUclsm of Presi~ dent Nls:on's Vietnam policies and declared they had reasons to hope the Pre1ident wu feady to extricate the United States from the war . The Rni~f, bo9! .. members Of t~e Foreign Relations COriunlttu and both iong-tlme critics of the war, said Nil:on evidenU~ was ready lo accept a dress' to the nation last Wedneaday and. . S\lbMquent developments. But it was teamed Gore, at least, had corroborated his analysis with three 1eparlte .•d· mtni.straUon sourcn. 1 * * * Nixon Confident Of Agreements : -. In Thieu Meet.· , negollatecT"' coallUon govemmeo\ to ~ " South v~·· affairs. u lhil ii lrue,<jl>' Wj\SHINGTOl'I (AP) -Co_ngrtl8Jcl!l_ll would constitute a major reversa1 of past sources say Pl'tlident Nixon IS. cmfidlnt policy, and,. Per~aps, ,1 breakthrougb in ht can reach ·agreement& w~th ~h the Paris ~otiJ!tions. Vletn~ Presldent Nguyen VU ~ Other Senate "doves" did not seem 80 that will advance chances of peace ln sure. Sen. J. WllUam ·Fillbrlplt (D-Ari:.), Viet.nam. . '" said he had no il)fonnaUan to verify the N.n:on also reportedly told GOP cd'n- Gore.Church· analysis but hoped it Was gre.ssional leaders at the White H~ true. Asst. DemOcratic Leader Edw~d Tue9<f.ay that, despite contrary repods, M. KttMedy (D-~us.),.charged that the . 'lbleu is proving v~ry cooperatlve -W1\b administration waa contradicting its in-the new adml~stration. tenUo( of seeking 1 ne1otlated peace in 'lbleu and Nixon will meet June a 'tm Partr'bJ "senseless and irresponsible" Midway Island for discus.sions e~ offen1ive.s like · the bloody battle for to c~ter around possible new Vi~ "Hambur'er Hill" elections and U.S. troop withdrawals. Gore 18ld he believed Nixon had di~t-House Republican Leader. Gerald ;). ched ~etary of State William ,'p, Ford said Nixon's foreign policy adv.iaqr, Rogerl to Si.igon to explain thi new U.S. Dr. Henry A. Klssinger1 told GOP leadlf's position to South.Vietnamese offlcfals and that Saigon was happy with NlJon's possibly to "placate'' them. speech last Wednesday proposing a n~ It wu evident, Gere said, the ~aigon peaci! plan. officials had balked at the propoeiUon 1'Tbf Sai1on government '· is 'tll· and demanded a face-to-face rrfeetin& thuslastlcany favorable 'lh 11.s responie to with NlJon. the President's recommendations in his Gor:e and Church said ~y were only speect;i," Ford . quoted Kissinger a,, rea1ti9i ~tw~ ihe libel ti NiJon's ad-safinj. · · * * * * * * SEATO Allies Urge Reds ::'. " Respond to Peace Offers '.~ BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) -The SEATO aJJle1 today eOOoned Vietnam peace prbpc)sa)s advanced by the United States and SOuth Vietnam aiid called on the Communist side in the Paris peace talks to ''respond constructively." Ending their annual meeting. the Southeast· Asia. Treaty Or1&nlzation's Council ol Foreign Ministers also warned that Communist "aggreMion. infiltration aild terrorism" stHJ threaten the whole area or Southeast Asia. It declared "this aggression must not be allomd to suc- ceed." The coundl's f!n1I communique ex· pre.ssed "'~Ye _concern" a.t North Viet- namese mllltarY operaUOns In Laos and North Vietnain's movement' of troops and suppU's through Laos to Soulh Vietn1m and l o support Red Insurgency in ThaUand. UPSEJ: FIREillEN TURN iN TRUCKS CANTON, T ... (UPI) -Firemen pro- -t..Un1 Ille dlomlllll of the Canton poUce chief tlll'lled In their lirt trucU Tuelday to Ille ma)'Or OM c~f&IJ>Cllmtn . Otan Brown, chitf of tbe nlunteer firt deportmtnl, Mid_, "" bad Mani a rumar that Pelke Ollef 1'oftltd Jooa ...WC: be !Ind ....... oald lie and moot d the r._ quit but wanlA!d ..... way to protest the ctU11CU'1 action a1alllll Jones. It also deplored "the Increase In c<fi1,. munist tnfiltratlan and tem>rist actJvt~,ts pl,rtlcularly in remote areas of north 61\a nortlieast Thailand." 1.-: nie communique ignored assurlnfu brought by Secretary or State William P. Rogeni that the United States will con· .tinue lo fulfill its seCIJtlly obligallons to SEATO and wlll -l>ol, il>anclon Southeast Asia. SEATO diplomats said this wu normal -that the council's com· muniques are lnditionally silent on the issues wh ich concern· the fore.ign ministers most. Soviets Expel U.S. Newsman • r ; .. .- ' MOSCOW (UPI) -1lie SOviet Uni~ today ordered \Vashlngt.on Pos{ corru- pondent Anatole Shub out of the countiJ within 4t houn; for what Ute foreign min- lllry'I pres depanm.nt called "hoslllt antl-SOvlet libel." Shub was the· stoond Amefican neWi- man to be eq>elled ·this year. New Y~ Times man Rlymood An<lenon wa. -- dered to ~ve earlier on ground$ ~ "adivlty laieonslltent wllh the .ark~<f a COrrtlpoodtDt." petalls were no( g\vtn but _Jt w tJt .belloncl the expulsion wu ol'Gered 1lf. CIU!e Andt!'Wl had reported •cllviUet of Sovlel dlulckots and or the literary underp-ound . • -• ' !Dot w. lllJ'. "" . • i;4 o'to ' tall 1"11 ... • ach ... " ' nan J!lh oot- ied: llill 'iti· !l1h lnd- 1 in :tor· ... n -t ,\ " 1 ' dln· """ m ~ ~ " .:). isqr, do(> . on's .... ~·· ie to his .. .. I < "' " .1• ... .. . ~ .0!)1• 1,ia • 1;:: ~ DP. eon· $to ieast Wal ~m· th• i g n !• •, ' n~ T ... ntcr min- silll ••• 1&,C~ '"" .... k ;cf " ••• .... ltiel rary •.. Uf'tT...,_ 339 FEET IJP POLE N•ked. Protnter !<Nude Squats ... Atop Tower •• .1 '· WASHINGTON (UPI) -Vr . I Bruct Willis, 25, sat naked for three and one-haU hours Tues day atop a swaying 339-foot television tower, shouting to a startled crowd on the ground ~I'm gding to tbe mooo." ms trip · was ·ended by an Army helicopter which snatch- ed him from his perch after lowering him a harneS&. It carried him to the ground wbeni. he was taken . ~ a hospitill •for bbeenation. Penonoel at WFAN-TV said :. Willb, a. tltudent at Howard .1·University, got. into an argu- .i .ment with a disc jockey for :woof.AM which UM:s the , studio but not ttie same tower · a.s the television station. Willis · l"as thrown out ol the studio .: and moments later died his .clothee and began climbing 'the tower. 1 n. teleriRon station, acbeduled to s t a r t pro- , gramming ab<U that time, 1Jlayed off the air. When Willis 'reached the tower top he ,unscrewed a 1~lnch airplane •beacon bu1b and sat in its bowl irbere M remained urtil the ~~!copter wu called . ' Apartheid ,Proposed ' . For Rhodesia SALISBURY, R h o d e SI a (UPI) -'Rhodeaia.'s white minorµy 'regime"' "t o d a y pubJi6iled A proposed CCJn- Stitutioo that woold sp)it the colony irto racial sectors and a85Ul'e apartheid ruie~ Premier Jan Smith urged Rhodesians to . approve the document in a referendum vote June 20 because be said there ~re no longer any "hopes of a negotiated tel· Uement" witb parent Britain. Smith said "the new con- stitution woold enable us to develop coodition& u n d e r which the two main races can live in harmony wi~ near dominance or 1ubjugatlOO." . . .. Base in Greece ATHENS, Greece (AP) -A commissary at a U.S. air base and t wo , Am erica n servicemen's cars have been bombed this week, a highly placed Amettcan source said Tuesday. It was the first report of al· tacks on American property since the military coup more than two years ago. Opponents of the regime accuse the United Sta~ of helping to keep the dictatorship in power. ,,.Stabbing Explained · .. • • Wtd.....,, Mar 21, 1"9 DAILY I'll.OT /; -- ~HA RBOR CENTE R ' · PR~$ENTS 1969 SPOR1·S VACATICIN . . 'SHOW . PltlDAY-~ SATURD'AY MAY 23 ·24' " . 144'" ~·• cnnn IHO HAUOI 11.Q. :: Mrs. Roosevelt Granted Bail . GENEVA (AP) -Mrs. Jame,, Rooee'f'elt, accused of wounding her husband, "wau under great stN!ss and con vinced that her husband was about to leave her -perhaps the nut daiy , -for anotper woman," her ,tltrney told ·a Swiss court today. The eldest son of Franklin .,.P,. Roosevelt wu in a. Swiu ~It.al with -1 knife wound in :/!!I back as the I""" opened a "Pi'ellminary hearing. M r s . ~velt was in Bel A1r Piychlatric Clinic, where she was taken after tier husband wits stabbed at the Rooseveft's Lake Geneva villa last Thurs- day. The court set her ball at 50,000 Swiss francs, th e eqllivalent of 111,!IOO. Tlie bell was posted for her. Telling of Mrs. Roosevelt's tension!, her-lawyer, Domini· que Pontce, said she had threatened au.icicle and Is in nted. of Proiol>&<d deePoaltep trH!ment. " ::: .. ·Pandas Part " ' ;·;Russian Suitor Spurned LONDON (AP) -An·An, the rejected Russian panda, flew back to MOICOW In style t oday 1«er'O... years OI• A love We tblt never gol started, J : • • .. • ' London Zoo olflcl&b !tnalty ,&a Ued oft the attempt tv· mate 1he willing but never lnalstent ffuile fmn MO!COW with Cid· ()Ill, BrKain'• lrlgfd female. -r ,Aft-An'I cap WU put in I jfJlOcial compa1menl -el I Brilllb alrllner. Ind had a !lo<;jor ...i faur stn>.- ~ after him. He w11 rut isleop. ~ a.a,.au, lbe &Jwm '-reJgc- tlnt fem1lt1 rem1lnl at ber London Zoo home and no longer will have to ah&rt her -favorite bamboo 1hootl with -... The two giant paD!lu never expmoed much r.dlni for each other,.desplte lwo highly publlclzed Joye vial~ acrou tlte lroo Curtain. Succeuive raihnt to mate them -first in M:OICOW and theo hett -mean that giant pandos ""' likely ·to ·-extinct OUlllde Red Chlnt and North Korea. Chl-Ot( and An- An are \he only two in ca~ Uvity oulalde ~ ........ Wben ~ ood M.,\n como fmn Pekial a babies. they looked. llU toddy been. Now Chi.OU· weigbl J "' pounds, An-An sa. Eich ls about. ts yean old_, mlddl• ap lor panda~ aftif perillpl already over the hHI f« brelding purpoees. Chf!lA b i.tttng no _. pm:fllleave the count17. Poncet said U ball was refused by the court she would have 'to remain In the prison section of the clinic where she would not have the solitude and tranquility necessary for the treatment. ftfni. Roose'velt has been booked on a holding charge accusing her of wounding her ~ .. -.. Jean Weber, for the at~ general, <IPPO'<d ball He sal~ tha1 dtsptte "the great name of Roosevelt'', all people should be judpd equally "the rich and the J>OOT, tbe wull: and tht powerful." Poncet told the court that Mrs. Roosevelt, 52, the fonner Gladys Irene Kltcbenmaster, said ln a statement to the • police that Just before stai> bing her husband she intended tatinl; her own Ille and hid made out a will that same •venlnc-Reierr!I. to divore< pro- ._itnp "bqun by -ell. Poncet said Roosevelt 1h8d resisted his wire's attempt to mend the marriage lhrough a concW&Uoa -judge a n obligatory flnt st'll in S-di""'"' proceedtnp. Hubert Sevman one of ~·· lnyen, t.ild tfle colit lUt fU--cltent Wll IM· llMll that his ..Ue ,,.,. lhO belt~ medical care llld llUflPllrled tho sppeo1 for ball. "He bu ... ..-charges .. -Ids wtfe ud bu ..... tmtlonl o! doh'IJ oo Ind b atoo _,,.. Ill put 111' wt\otever aecurlty may bt liked In con-""-.,_._;,;.;.. ne<tlon wttlt tile &ranttnc of bill,., ht 'llkl> ' 1--------,,..--·_ .... _ ... ..;-;...._;';...;~-""'7-""":":":"""'"=;:-:::---------.,-.... ....,.,.., ----.,,..-----""'.". --'-... I I ' .. • ' . ·. 1 . - • I • .-.-..'--·f'BMLY .. ~~~~ ~AGEi ' Saf e·ty Cotites First Huntlnglon Beach 111,i. Scllool bu hod Ill wearing out problana over the yeers. 'lbe ravqu of time and the wear and teer lnm tens of thouaaads of lluclenu walk!JJg the halls of the alma m1tor of many of the Weal Orange County old and not.-IC><lld timers have made tbeir marks. It has been at li05 Main street !or somo !lve de- cades, despite a variety of. assaults Including the de- stnu:Uve earthquake of 1933. -Now the old school Is in tlOiible. It does nOt meet the standanls of the state Field Act, requiring schools lo be virtually earthqiiake proof. Not only does it have physical Ws, tl!ere are those who are eomplaining loudly of ill conditlon In the hope that the school boanl will change its mind about send- ing some youngsters from the overloeded. Morlna Blah School to old Huntington. The story is not new. Some years ago trustees realized that the Spanlsh style, two-story fatllity did not meet the requirements of the Field Act. They were assured, however, that the buildings were safe. On the other band, trustees reallzed then as they do now that the taspeyers c.annot allonl to limply throw away the old building and build another, so they order· ed the facilities repeired. bond Issue pr<>pooa11 for po11!ble repairs lo the bulld-1::! but oppoaeuts of the mee111ns fought againll llie •• Now trnatees ml&bt bave lo levy without' a Pohlle vote a lkent tu nte lo pay Ille repllr hW. Tlio tu could be even hlaber if the legislature approvu laws now beiore It on llie topic. Hlllllington Beach Hlgti School needs hebl if It Is to continue to serve the educaUollll needs of. lhe YOUDI· sters of . .U..ares~ll parents reelly are concerned about the aalety of their children, perhaps they will 10 to meetings ot the dillrict governing bolrd and uk !Or a bond Issue lo 'J!.•Y for the needed repairs. The old ' unsafe scbool" wUl have to be repalnd unless the voters approve another '6 mllllon or so for a new school. Thal'• an unJllr:ely posaibllity. Civic Cenier: Time to Act For the second time, the HuntinJ!on Beach City Coundl bas decided 1he new civic center should be built on a U.acre lite at M4!n ~t and Mansion Avenue across from HunlinKlon Beach High ·School. No one said then or DOW that the ll!gh stjlool was In danger of falling down or that brlckil &re.faJllng from its windows: It is juot f!lat the ~u!Kling -like tboµ1and1 of othen In the stale -does "hot meet the earthqµal<e resistance requirements' of tho Fi!'id Act. " .. ·Let this be the bal word and m the interest of set· ting the administratlon aDd ·nee r.cllltles buJ1t, let · · • all the coundlJqen cooper.le /:the effort. · The enginffrs say that In~case of a severe earth· quake there might be of.".'!'.." damage and the int,rior would not be sale for ,....gsters under terms of the Jaw. Most.bomes ln the area would be even less Wed.a case of earthquake, district official• pOint out. Architects now are detenninin~ bow much repairs will cost. The district. twice Included lome mon~y In A new ci\?c centt?r la needed for many obvious reuorui . .No rell.!on Is as valid· as the need· to furnish working IPP for Ille municipal llatt Without resorting lo more temporary bUildings. The locatlon question bu been seltled on a 4-3 vole, the same vote by the same people as ltm selected laa year. .. . Now let's see IO!lte building ~-How about an official groundbreaking in about a week or two, eoun- cllmen f I s Military Solutions Dear GJoomy Gus: 'Biased CIU,ue, Cat Out tor Own Ends' • Vs. Politic(ll •• -· ' I wonder what Councilmen K.luf· l!WI, Bartlett and McCncken will come up with this time to keep _, .-,..,dvk: center downtown where j. • il>Oli"h~ tntett.11 are!?! \ 't '·1 ~:-X:. ~ P. ... ·-'\ n.. ............. ).-.. .......... • • • G!\'log people the power to ..te without at the ..,.. time provldlnc the roqqlllle blck&round !All' msklng a civilised cbolce can Jud to the grotnt despolllm of all -the tyranny of the unlmlruded ma,Jer:ll1 • ..:.'1 • • ' • - Oat <t-" ihe --expl.i~allonl of tbe rectr4 ruh ol "'demomtraUons" U given by Antbofty Benn, Brilaln'I Mial'*tr of Techoology: ''A Primo Mlnlller <111 a<l- dreu the whole "Mlion. lf oeceslll'J at an hour'• notlco. A" -t)ocoon can print hil .... article .. lbe front pqe and F ........... _ ... MWll•& .... ............. ......, .... D9ltr' .... hive It r,.i by,mtUlons. Bullor ordinary -le wtlb mlliodty v~ the only ""' of ._,In& back ii 1o w~ilbout wllb I Jilil;ord and hope llie prila or -WU! !Ike • plcture. Compared wllb the tectlnoiocY available to tbe IDID. ~=lie is still -k wllb I . l}'1lem that hu banll7 dlanged 'sin&! the Stoae'°'lf." • • • • nio , .... lat lltreol lo I -t WI)' of llfi for. all ... do$I •~ come from ,Ille -ol 'le!I .... bul,. the ,_ In the middle, who allow -to be moved by --term beoellil rather than baaing their at- titudes on lont:-tenn principles. • • • Much of lhe adult rancor against the ......,.. and ctress of today's youth aprinp frosn. an ·~ rtsenbnent that they have a · freedoln we dJdn't have (or didn't take) when we were youqer; and a p-eat deal of It b, UDCOnlCioully1 aexual envy. -. . . Violence on tbe hlcbway II 10 Umes greater than all other cri!n., of violence '°'"billed In lbe U.S., produci111 nearly t0,000 lnjurla • d&)' and being the leading C1U10 of death from ag< 15 to II -bul . who's settio& w:tted al>out that? .. l An Impressive Biograpliy Interim report: Major bookstores reported Carlos Baker's m a 1 1 I v e bqrapby, "Emut Hemlngwl)': A lJle Story," on their best-teller llats a couple of weeks be.lore official publicaUon (Scrlbnel'; •to). Thil b a lllllfftioa of how -tn the Hemingway le&ead II ves on nearly nine yeara alter be discovered the whole manelous charade Wal srlndlnc to a haJt jllld, In I IU of despair In Ketdwm, ldsho, chose to lhoot the top of hil bead oil. It also suggests, as Scribner's bad hoped it would be, a • popular aucce:ss u well u ooe of the )'<ar'• mljor lilerll'Y evtnt.. Tbe Prtnc<lm ~ of Enslish. writer, critic and Hemlngw&)' l)>Oclallst hu been wortlng for more than wve'n yell'S on this Jll'Oled, bringing to it an unesctlled koowledp of the Hemlnpay p~ the fadl and mystique of hil: life. He .worked clolely with the writer'• widow, Mary Hemlnp&)'. AL 1'llOCJGB THE • u b J e c t once remarti.d that be wanted no "ddlnlUve bloerapl>J" "'!llll perila111 • hundred.,..,. after he wu dead, bt mentioned at another Polat that H he ~ ever to be, .. mounted" in tblt fNblon be would prefer to ha"' the job done by the Jooaa llnllben of Y-.S, New York, the llnesl tuldermllltlo the land. I haft -· 1 couple ol nllhtl In this vastly clellf1ed dnnlde of ll'emingway, boy and ..... -of the atlliioatlo -loft -"' lbe .,...,,,,, llld ha .. -""1 the ,_ 1111. tr.-=· rzrr .:-~~ onllll---) who Jumad {hat .. --...,,,,. -morllft\y, who d-ftod there ""'Jllontylo far "lncludhis tllal vut ~ that Goya ramed Nida." • I IN'l'llND TO spond a 1aar l1li>I In t h i s m<>1t impressive biography of a literary kgtnd at leaat aiDce Mart Schorer'a foll..ctrus portrait of Sinclair Lewis. An accomplished writer himJelf, and obviously a researcher of enormous dedicatioo .and energy, Carloa Bater Is the Ideal scholar-specialist to perform thla Jonu 8"'lbers kind of Uk!:lll)' tu· ldenny. Herni.npay was a man driven by pride, BU:er notes, "proud of II.ls manhood, hil IJl,orfll'Y and athletic skills, his 1 ta y t n g and recupe.ratlve powen. bis rtputaUon, capacity for drink, his prowess u a fllhtnnan and wlng &hot, hit eaminp, wives , h11 self· reliance, his wtt, poetry, medical and military knowlectse." HE WAS AUO, hil biographer 1treaes, Uw: temperm)entll manic. dOJl"Oliv., the tnv•!>rat< ~. the -and•.lnlomnil< wbo llflOH eerloualy of aukide at I n t e r v 1 I 1 lhrollgholjl bl1 Ille, yet wbo poostllled enonnou. .pc>wera of resilience Ind reoupetaUon that 'cOuld brlq him back from fhe brink to the peak within d&)'S, -.,.. within houri. Ailo, almool ln- cldentally, be wU one of the toe:aooat -tbsl America hu produced. liW* a.. -.. that an --...-~·=· ......... ·~~· llemlngwl)' II .ire lll1"'1DC lie 1W IOUlhl In the lllOIJUm-1 lnvesU11Uon to IOI the rt<Onl 1tralgbt for -well J>tthaps f« th•t rt1Uy "definitive" biography tile subject had In mind, a cm- • turr from --• William H'laa ·'Majority~ a Mere· Drop ~ • Ill Bucket TotheFAitor: 'lbe "M.U.bo1" Ind !ta conttnb are 4aUy becoining more provocative -Jt i8 ,__ring to -l\IJa evidence of freed<nolopeech. . It appears the "Battle of Se1" ii evok· U. all manner of fhoulhl -" ... omto the pure, all tbincl are pure'' .m vice veraa. $ome pel"SODl!I wrltms In co tbl current ae:a: educaCioo matter have erronl!OUlly and glibly epoken ol "majority" and the "wish ol the maii.ity," etc., el<. ·-not .,. )lllalnf"""'1. 1be "majority" referred t.o w11 .• ::mere ~~ in the buck~" and onl~ • . IF AN orlNlON poll were Wren today -~ which In plam EncJl1h fl la ,the Jip -l dlfllri<t. we feel con-nothinll mm•thln• blued clique out-for ., -11411it,.tbsl a· MAJORITY of parents Its own ends. 'wi>alcl Mor 1'weU-planned VOLUNTARY -Fapilly Ule Coune taUlht by lhoughttul, ,IT SHOULD, .,by ~ .!11eam, be t rnatqre telchen who hive the adequ1tt rrilllanmued for majority. If we .~· acHemlc ~ becqn,und which w o u Id ai!lel' 0!,11' local hlll> odlool dtatl1c:t -of •tjUallly them to l<ocb such a sensitive close to IS squ .. milell, then lbe ellcfble --~ voter flOl"llatlon>' ....tdl!!i' ; ----- therein would In 1 portk:ular ·~ Wa roopect the riCllts of 0-who do aituatloo, ~e 8 moN! •bte _. \ Mt Wint their cblldren to take such a for deG!nnlnlng a litlnlllcant "moJorll1"' ~11 --people have only to 1ay e<preM!on. f / .Db -lltbeulh their chlldren are very OOntrast llU, if you will, With a smail,. ' oft<n the ones who ,_. the informaUon mob-type lhouting group, who, it • gtveo-the _.. WE want the frffdom to boll'd meetlng, migflt nu lftb e.r~ cbooee. num<rlcally more llw! tile locally aulhorlud .,.. cl action, Ille board memben. But illlnl< apln, tile five board memben: fn truth represent the entire IObool dl.uld, all of the citJRnl reddlnC in Ille 65 square miles -not Ju.t Ille 1m1U mob. NOJIM SALEE EVELYN SALEE · ANG'tl!ER,M~1TE!I of confusion,' u evidenced by ... contributor t 0 "Pl.allbo:a:'~ M1y IS, WU the mi1taken Id'" tlllll lier participatlon tn study on a family educetion material committee ""''*':C" 1ier the IUt!IOrity 10 join -Che "f-1" trUrelt.d lfl'OUP (to -..,. bas -..,,.ned to be .. afflcor) and puob her prejudlctl ... llead <ii malntalnlnc ., unblqed vlow. Her role 111 a member of 1 study group d. •n l(lviflory corrunUtee wa1 miatJn.. dentood. An advisory C<11Dm-me,.ly """"'Iii and <tlen qpsllorlO todbe boardoftrusi-. IT IS THE BOAllD ol -alone whldl -· ftlgila •areluTiy -ii ~. ahd hu the tole let!al _... vested In tt by the state of California and Ille~-· ·to either ........... Jed , or table maUen, IUlf!Sled con.o corning lhO operation\ ol •the ICbool ~trlcL Thil s-far .lhl wbote lllq, ;.,. eluding curriculum-alectlon. . Disruption of due in-of i,.. Is anucily. It is q-bl• thS 1be ..,....,. who become escited at a recent boanllmeetins ...iiJed tbey were out cl onter. Now lhll !bey bsve cooled doom. ii is poaible they ctn lee: themlelvte .. ot!iers ... them. JUNE A. ELLIO'IT NeUve CIHltJmtan Citizen of Huntijlaton 8-11 To the Ultor: One of the elemtotl ol • clemocraUo system 11 re.uooable fieadom of choice. But whal the opponeil of the VOi.UN· TARY Family Liie Educltlon Course (H.B.U.H.D.) are sayi111 In fact ta, ''We do not want our chUdren to take WI type or course; therefore you will not be ftven a choice." We penonaJI)' f"'1 that the home 1hould bt the main"'"""' o1 tnronnatlan. Every--to -.. this polot. We alto he! Iba! lbould our ch!ldno, fir To tbe Editor: On behalf of l1llllY pannil who signed tlie peUUon I ~ to the trusl<e1 ol tbe Huntington Beacb Union Hlch School Jlllfrlct •t their lul .-ug, I wruld like to !Ike thla opportunity to c:omct In er- ror In tbe hudllne that reported tbe event: Th! ISIO parenll wbo requested "a suit.able funlly life and su educ1tion courae" were from many comm.unities, not just WOltmlnster. The one petition emf.lined 1lg:n.1turea of parents from Garden Grove, Mldw1y City, Fountain Valley, Huntiniton Be1ch1 Stal B!ach and Sunset Beach, too. I THINK THE petitloo of the Fountain Valley Hill> School lludall w a I esoeclllly lnl<nllln&. UnUI a few houMI be!... the ........ of the board of trustea I WU unaware of Its exist~. Such an upreaslon of opinion by young )>IOl>le II one qufte obviolll _.,. to panoll -Uke Dr. Mutra)>IOlo -who may lllblk lhey'ro doing an adequate job In thlt area: tbelr chlldl'<n dlugree I ROBERT M. GORDON Aptlthetle ComM11nlt" To the Editor: Sometlmee: a p>lnt of view uprwed in the Mallbo1, thoul(h dUferent than mine, (1<0Vll Interesting and even °""lhtenlnR, but the Mallbo1 letter of Ma)' 9 on the subject of Joe Fenn ind his t1cUc:11 was nothln1 but a diatribe. And the picture it painted of Hun- tington Belch u "a poUent )'<t truth- seeilnc and tmu1htful community" ii certa.lnJL::trtnt than the tmpreuion 11\.'t 1• ln my four ye.art u a ra~ dent here'. It 111m1 mort an .apathetic com- munity, u witnessed by the 11111ll turn- outs 11 the pol11. In the 1ut 0.:.1• Vie" School Di.strict tu OYer·ride election, .uaumln1 thtit both man and wife voted, only 11965 homeowner1 RN able to vota In an •Pl'l'O•lmal< -of •too per yur that wU1 lllect •vtrll U..1und bomeoWl)tf'L "11 ,..., nellle that theJ are unable llUN'nNGTON UACll ii lllo a com- to ilk .. Uit'q•rlM11t'l!lll"°Jlilllai,f!' ., _, ----Ill ~ IO!lldliuft embarrlas Ihm\, -ft par1 117llle1"' oll -..,,.,.,1111, alld au. would cerllln17 pnltr the amwwe be _ "duly lllected 10(a •ntaUvu" In the city l!<Ovid«l within a suitable educatlooll ..,. IOVOrnment ...,. to favvr lhelr lnterull, 'lnmment and not from (>01l0Jlst boob u wttnelled by the "Okay" l!ven for the 1M movies which art unrealistic and huge 1partment complex on tht beflth. 1t.ns.atlonalistfc or from other children In and the too often deniaJ of pennltl lo lhe tbe riel&hberbood who more often than small properlJ .....,, 11> use tbeli-taild • • • as they see fit. 111.e much maliped Mr. Ferm ii one of thoae, whose plan to develop a mobile home park on bi• pro- perty bas bee~ hampered by both the planning comrrussion and the City Coun- cil, b!cause cf the city's plans to include HIS land In the proposed Huntlnston Cen· lral Park. THE CITY BAS aJao ha,.._. owners ol downtown property, lo the extent that a city tmplcye allegedly applied a wreck- ing ball to a building so thaf it could be condemned, and, hopefully , the city could then acquire this prinle ptoperjy. And let's take a look at 1 the school siluaUon. At the lime that Ocean View School District was bemoaning the f1ct it was almost bankrupt, and therelore v·~ to cut out many servloes for the clilklren, the boerd managed to eomt up with a '31050 raise for tlMi superintendent. Then, en biJ retirement_., did they hire ancthet at the same P,BY? NO! 11>e new 1uperlntendent l'fJCelved $2,000 a year more , which ma.kb the pay for 1 mere school 11.1perinte~nt more than half the salary paid our stite governor. I hope no one tako this to mean I sugest a salary increase for th! governor. Rather, I'm pointing out the possibility that school ad· ministrators might be overpaid. EDUCATION cannot be measurtd In tta effecU•eri!SS by the dollar1 spmt per pupil, but ralhu by achltvement. It doesn't need to cost hundreds of dollars to teaclt 1 child to read. A good teacher with a blAckboard and a piece of chalk could teach phonics just at effectively as through the expensive open court pro- gram. And if reading were properly taught in the Joy,·tr grades, ttll!re would be no need for rem!dial reading pro- grams. I, too . believe "it is time to take another look, a good long look, with both eyes wide open." Funny, though, the view from here Is quite different from the one ei:prea5!d In your paper. MRS. CLIFFORD MOEN Not So 1\'altJe To the Editor: I am writing in rtsponse to the letter (Mailbox, May 14) by Mrs. Mary Lepore en Mx education. Unless things have chana:ed since I was in tehool nine years ago, our schools alrtady have claaaes which teach sex education. If our educators feel more is necessary. I'm sure the:y could enlargt the health course or have a nflht-tlme movie for parents and children. I CAN SEE NO reason to have 1 co- educaticnal class (as proposed) to dlJcuM a subject .,hich should be ap. proached with respect for the feminine gilt of modesty. Ltl's ri~ our teen-agers credit fer not bein1 so naiv,. SU h11 been 1oing on a long tlrne and we mcounter it every dly by jull ll\'log. MRS. DONNA L. BOGART Houll'Wlfe and Mother Netto• s--rles To the Editor: . . 'l1le DAILY PILOT 11 unique In the area for it b the oftly paper dtltvered in the vldnlty that prtnil local .... to ant esteol along with Ital<, national, llld to- tlmltlonal newa. A ~ wbD want.I to be ...U-tofarmed•-..n bt In the tnow about a few lhlnp tn depth or a lot of ;--~ '""" just-lb• bead1lnn. ·A good combination of · this woo1d be knowing the core featore ol a broad .spectrum ol lnfonnation. A REAPER, howl!lver, wook1 have to spend at Jes.st an hour ru 'dlng all of this new1 every dJy, and u the:' uylng goes, f we Just do not have enough time'.. So t suggest the DAILY PILOT would do ils readers a great service by printing a summary column of the major stories en page% of the paper daily. I understand • very large newspaper in Los Angeks allb d0!8 something along this line. It ii a vtry valuable feature and I hope you will decide It is worth space in your paper. PETE ENGLAND~R The DA.lLY PILOT ha.s be(n. looJG.. fng at news summarie1 for. somt time. but we've cuncluded up to now· tMC most Ttaders would Tather •~summar­ ize" their own news by shopping through the paper·acanning hf'Qdllnei, lead parographs and p]lotographs. Summary pritsentatiom: have the un· fortunate chorocteristiC of lumping all new~ together witliout npting &ht re· lative importance or hUerest 'of ittm& by story length, headltM size or lo- ! cation in the paper. -Editor Srhool Bus Belts To th! Editor : Can you tell me what kind of Idiotic logic makes seat belts compulsory equip- ment in automobil!S but not in Khool buses? Any light you can shed on thiJ would be appreciated. MRS. CONNIE ENSIGN Consumer 'Eq11allzer' To th! Editor : I submit to you the fact that today lhe conaumer is fac!d with a complez task of marketing. He is disadvantaged. by the ad vertising jargon, multiple brands and sizes, and the physical distance b!tween like stores (proximity is essenUaJ to com- parative shopping). A can o~ baby formula may cost 25 or 29 or 31 cenls depending on which irocer markets it. A teltvision tube variea from $2.10 to $5.10. Each cf these stores describes ils prices as "special," "dis-- count," "total dUcourlt," or by tome other mean-nothing phrase. THERE IS A way to give the consumer an !qualiur and prod the businessmu'1 conscitnce. All stores keep catalogues Jistina: case and item prices. If a pamphlet or booklet were as-sembled, for example, cootainlng the invoices (rear. ranged for convenient cc n a u m e r reftrenct) of the major grocers in the area, the shopper could total hia shopping list and decide wh!re his money would buy the most These pornphlet. could be piblllhed tnoothly With .... kly IUppltm-con- taining specials or thouJ!hUul profit cuts. Evaluatioo of produce, meat, br1nd names {including tables listinc brands which art lecond labell cl name brands) and service could be included and authored by COO.SUTn!r e:a:pert.s IUch as nutriUonists. DAVID C. BREJ!E ----- Wednesday, May 21. lJIU Th• •dltorlol pao• of 111. Da11w PUo& '''"' to inform ond 1ffm. ltlatt rfOdtn b11 prettntiftSP &hf.I ..._.,,,., OJ>l•tov Glld '°"" """"'" .... loplts ., l!lkrtll Glld 1iJ111(/i<:anc1, bf~. f0f1lm. for th• erprt&lift \of ovr _. ..,,._ OllCl-tv pretenti"Q tlt1 dfwr11 -.. palnu of ln/ONMd obtffWrl end 1p0tcmn °" '°Jri.c• of "'' ·11ay. I ' Robert N. Weed, Publllher .. " ' • • What Order Can Freeze a Soldier? · · -- . If UL IM\YI>. -.,,. -up a tbe r • · Jab WWllll _, 1111"1' rr.au 11KR.-ftNll1 ·-~ --·.,...::. ..-I dDp l111o17 dlJ 11 ~ 111 --. -IP! lo ""'.0 Ibo blJr. .. • ._ --...... , • do " • bloDdl .lblil llW " • lot lbolr llrll Ill --ti, •. I ~. • • • AIUIN'T • LANGUAllS -111111 II 1 • lfl4'llTICI !ll!Mlrl J'Gr JD; , -! A ............,, lit. ...... -riia U to I .,.,; Nld <¥1224 -lbll : lltlliaildlptblatr ••• AM 1-=1·~..,. ltl 'ly: I -tile -iii !bit llol 1m 1-·..,.--11111 . •111 •air ,..._. •• ... .... to n!llY. l .., Jllfllt9 l -. up 11111 do .-,. 109 ... deilai I .... - ; 'Cllllanlll'I S.. ~plmt Wwdo. I !"'l'ld -I.,..... ~ ~~ .. ·thellCt:: :.~c::.~:: ' AfdllA, eloolllma oioeP. ...... dil'f/ I Jidse If ~ ! : =wbllo AlilD ~·. c-., w.111 .......... J ii don! .•• 'IR.lT .. FJollliod -, m 'lndlip: ' moot' often abon-·P11t lbe bell d!i!ldi, If -, • claoOd In the qulrler locbn ol tbll' deJ>ll!ni!il 11 Pd lo of. , bus dlpoto II tbl ambrelll let I mud. 1111 .,._. If t lllUl'AllY' MIND • -whleb 'ltJ! lie .......... II llllter, lf you ...,. ever In Ille -dlltiill ...,_ dlli. , I senlc•" ~ you can ~ lllVICE: q. I answer thlo. Say you're In -"I'm•-lnt<mlod ID : charge of a column of men In knowing bow old moo\ 1 Vietnam, marehinc t be m are when they It.art wariJll 'r around • curvt. when aud-training br:u?" A. -That'• a denly you see the front rank is little oil my bea4 lady. but ~ leas than one step away from ttstll'Cb turned \IP one fact oa 1 a cUrrs edge. What command the matter, anyhow. Namely, would you live! Hold on, a maker of ouch lormenll, pie.,. don't say you wouldn't llpret f.year-old g!rll 8J>lftd get them Into !bit dumb oltua-fll7,00I a mootb on wne ..•. lion in the flnt place. jutt Q. _ )11Aft YOU l:VEll met play along for• minute. Would a fireman named Spera!" A. do no good to yell "Halt!" or -Never have, but understand .. To the rear, march!" TilOR there'• Olle of thole in Baa. two erdm eOob call for t!'*I nlll(, cal. Heard aboul a oal extra laW step. TW Only Broman named Blaze once, approprial< command in Ibis lllo. Ia HoustOn, TU. Am ociw tricky dllflculty. I 'm In· trying lo local< flrameo ..,,,. fonned, is the word tbat calls ed Flicker, Flame and ~ for fbe men to frene in their Conflqration. Stand by, ' tracks namely ••Gui" ; THE MoauGs CODE of RAPID REPLY: No, air, Sweden dacreeo the blllMM l,jr. H., It wu not Freud, 11111 , __ , ~ not _,.. _,.11 an oW. Scot1m1n named -wue UO _, -.-Y WWiam CWlm who -·. -Ible to support eac.\ up the -411 "neuroob" 11111 · other flnanclally, but are "paranola .. equally -'1Jle to do the · houlewort, too. • • • DOWN Your Q11fltion.< and ..,,.. AROUND Laguna Beach, Cal., mentf art wtlcomcd and when an invitation among the will bt uacd whtT.wr Pot- swimm.lng pool crowd reads liblt tn "Chtckina Up." "Black Tie and Sun Glanes," Addrc11 ma i i to L. M. It mWll the party will be Bofid, in core oJ Jh< DAILY overnilhl affair .••• MISTER. PILOT, Bo• 1115, NflOPOTI WHAT would you do il your Bl4Ch, CafiJ., ewa. ' ,: C'o.ngress Skates .. Ou , .. ,, Government Printing . W:~GTON (,u') -Portamouth. 'l'llln an I W1tbout public h e • r l n I I • 1ove1 ameut t prlnth:Jc flcllltill Qmpea .. qulelJy cuWnc In-In C!lcap. • •• lo llll·llap .......... prin, Mon -ball al Ille .. -<! .... -to Ii"" • pl-beJonr to 1111 !!lflllaTJ. r .• f-111e1 IJl the '"'--'rbe Air r-ltu ·a, lbe • . atflnated al more lban t4liO Nny 1011111 lbe Arll1' ft. mlilfon a yur -to prlval< 'lllO ltsl Ii"' no Indication .. enlarpriae. of the Ille " -plant, .. •At llUe eventually In thlo th• numbli-of emplofa. mufflad -be I we e n '8M MILLION . .. _ IDd bur~.. J-L.Harrll,-altbo lbe Min " ..... lban .. Ganrmnelit l'l:infln( °"""' ..... -prlnllnc plBla aald 1111 -blndlao aboUt -. • \Ii iiDd the already etlllltDOUI U.S. $200 ,.mflllon In . fow•aii• ·• prlnUoc bllL boll,... •-··,,_ -ollior '" ' After year> of c:oniplalnll -bf.' a80Ut' Io v er n m eat com-qeaclel llandle ~ · • ·" fi:"p Ille Joint Setlate-mlllfon. In tum, be. Did, QPG now larml GUI II pe.-1 ol ·!t. CIUll~CmunfttMhu Ill wort to e-ommerel•l ..., ~,...;.Ihm ~.~ ~-with lbe ... ....s.. '' iV'enlJDll!I planll from dotiig t1om, lbll· _..., .. otalf 11 •• prfnllns !bit ... be procured ··--• ·-" -' commen:lally. ~'"·ta~ -ai>i"ibi · . A top lnduttry lobbyist, abWlJ "!i· .>illi...a.i i>r1n1en · · -lllCCarlby a1 Prinllnl to mr them. '!'be """'l', a1<1ta i--. ol America, ballad .aid, 11 b111 -pl<Ced. lbe ·-u • --Tbe aim " 1111 ..., polieJ, ' lion II! .....,,.,..i palley !hit acconling to lbe eo1111nlltae. II • "foDOWs the A m e r 1 c a n to eatablllh Jqional pr. .:_ ~ phlloeophy that a:avernment curtmeat centen where com· ' lbould not be In com~tlon me..W prlnten can lam of • . with prtvlle enterprise. ' 1ovemmet11 -and bid .., ~ "SURRENDER' . lbe -k. . But a crltieal per-flllllVJ:Y ... olfldal-wlllleacbowlodalnl UltlmalelJ, Ibo al4o said, .1, lllu-..-1111 ..... u lbe pW>·lo to -....... • .......... -to -lbe ' aolldale -pl-·-lbe :. ·--1111 " pdmfnl ,..sonaJ .........,.m -, 11111 a ua-lo prlntlns In-an operating. No -woaJ4 .-1 dulll7·_.... He paodkled pndicl bow DICIY p1u11 "' llillW pdeol. -~ woaJ4 be a!IDataated, bal --~ -11111 idlt .....,..,..t ofllc:laJ .-Jled tlaal I otmllar " plato. -fa-lbe ... "'"'I' ta the lala 1 ... " .... , ..... dllpule Uilo. -ta Iha •loolna " ..... ·~ A1dol ".lbe joint eommJUee 1111 planll !bit -up ..... -a amalf ~ -an bl World War D. · l arm ol .the ~ Some ..... -olfldall --Aid Ibo,,. lrlrld b7 lbe ... ....-I lion wu takan under 1111...,.. say Ibey -C .... lo- ! mltll!~ -'ti it) to .... la 'Ibo ........... --·· • .,._ ii1J ll!WAU II -paialloc .11111. Olte .poflllod le ~~ wl 'r~ CODll' 11'..J l•lln..., lalt 1 ~ ilolay, _ -or yiir b7GPG111111 illrrlL 1 -tn 1111 J>Ul>Uc pr1n11aa Wb1n .,.,.,..... m1"tn1-1n1I 11111 lllndllll llld 1111 dbtrlbo' bid ... ---. - Illa " .... -pu1111ca. rls -. .... ,, -...... -• will find tllt -bid lo - fol I -of Ul!'lo 8am'I lkllnbq -lban ... .. • • ...... 1111 joint _ ............... _ • w11"11:H• a....;m prtlllmc do tbl wt. Irr daw w plMltl malnlab>ocl by U.S. throw tblm Giit llld nbfd lbe enda -from the Job." ~-Department lo the -oupporllq Ille .... V ""'"" Adlilinlltnltlm. poll<)' upe tllat II !ht ...,. '!'be Jallka Departmeot. for mtrd.tl prfnllns llillo .. aample, bu a plant In hl<ber. much of the dlfl._ SandltOnt, Mlrm. Tbf: Atomic will return lo the pernmmt Entro Commtasf.on bu three in tuts. • ' G o ' • r n m e n t fiellftlel in (lllJo -~ 1t plantt.'! 111<1 -· "del1 piy Cin.dMatl, Miamliburg and re.deral, slate or local t11es." .. \ . • ' i ~ !!:!!!'¥ .. • t • • ' • ~ ~ -----. .I""'.. • •• r.,.~ .. .,. .. •' I ,.,. vt; .. iC . I l < __ STRIPED FOR THE PICKING : •. ANAHEIM ~44 N..ih E•cHd ••• us.1121 Monday thru Sat\lrd•y 10 •·'"·to •:10 p.m. • • • -~ -.. KENNINGTON KNITS WITH KODEL.,. Tht crop olknits is looki119 bttttr all th. time. • Tho anlighttned u11 of ntw miracle blends " • , like lhii· -. ol 91 ~. Kodtl• poly1star ·and · 9 ~. cotton ••• 'is meki09 it pouiele lo do exciting thinqs with tho 1h1pt of" 1 knit while usuring you it'll stay in top-notch form through repeated machine wa•hings end d'ryings .. II prime e1ndi~te to consider for ycoir summtr wardrobe: this d111ic mock lurl,. with thin 'oiwivings of color on wilita grounds, 7.50. Me il ind "phone ordtrs invited. University Shop, 53. ""'· •e.stmen rtgistt..d t11dttn1rk. HUNTIN6fON IEACH 7777 U l"f., Av• •••• H1·J,l I M...iay """ SotuHoy 10 ....... ••10 , .... NEWPORT . 47 l'wthlOft lsloo4 ••• "44-121 i hloo40¥"'"' ft!N-t, 10 •• .,.. .. tilt .... S~+urd.ay Id e.m. t• 6 IMft• l: , · . = \ ;s . ,. w......,, ""' 21, 1169 Helicopter· Attac!Jc No·guchi's Symptoms Described Cal Bombed With: Wear Gas -' ... -but be/ore ml!Q' were able """' In a~The·cwd -gu·barrige•ot 1 mWI iroari to make tbelr way throuCb Lbe. ordtred Oii to the 27,IJOG.stu-of protesten who halted Ught ring ol Goardameo who --~flt't ,t~ by OOllside ~ijor RGIV W. surrounded Jhe plaza. Cov. lleogan. I~ ~ and llbouted GOP Takes 'Control' By38 Votes L06 ANGELES (UPI) -A witness test~ Tutsdly that fonner county COl'Otttl' Or. Tbomas NOIUCl>l appeared to show manY of tbe effects of taking overdOites 1of a certain drug. _Ho_w,ev.er, Dr. Russell Henry, wbo now ls acting coroner, ad- mitted he never saw Noguchi take any capsules or any kind of medication. Henry, tesUfylng at a Coun-- ty Civil Service Commission hearing r.quesl<d by Noguchi ln an attempt to get his $31,000+year Job b • c k , described the effects 0 r MODESTO (AP) -By only overdoses ci the drug, Dex- SI votes out of more than amyl. BERKELEY (UPI) - A National G u a r d helicopter spearheaded a massive gas at· tack on the University ~ oC CalllqrnJa campus Tuesday scattet!.J!g regular students and remnants of some 3,000 demonstrators who took part ln an earlier illegal rally. The brown mllitarf" helicopter . swept low over Sproul 11a\I Plaz.a, spewing a powdery fonn of tear gas, which blanketed classrooms, oftl ces and nearby residences. The fumes seeped into the campus hosp.ital, where one patient had to be put in a res- pirator. A spokesman for the demonstrators claimed Ule gas was a type "intended for use only againci the enemy in ,\I the same um., camp(ls1 __ eam_..:.pm__;f>Ol:._lce_!lr_ed_a_te_a_r _oboc:tol...c;.,__u.s_. ~· ___ '_ ~·on a nearby balcony bopli hurlln& large tear gu gre-at the lleelnl students. ., ' The g8111iic occuned nearly an hour -Guanlsll!en and police cul ilprl:, a .. funeral . march'' 'bJ l,flOO demonstrahil'I lot J...-Rec- tor, a 25-~ San Joee man who dJeilf lljllfq night ol , a shotgun w..,~ dur· Ing last 111~, bloody riot involving 1,0lf-~aton and 500 polleo, , • .. ' 60,000, a Republican "''as the He said the effect.I included apparenl victor in a special a "bosUllty for -other people," A&mnbly election which will eu~ a piranold fear for break a GOP-Democratic person•! safety, a "feeling of deadlock for control o f omnipotence," difficulty in California's lower house. aleeping, nervousneh and lr-...,...i.,,.-.;i / time of war," but the Berteley police department said It was "CS" gas -one of three ty Student reWa ull diuldent "street !Pt;&!',-. from Berkeley'• colony at.- templed to iillrnble ror the the Redar.ll*ftOl"ial,'but were kefll ~ ~Y Guard"1\tn and ~lice using .gas Ind cll&bl. 1'1brM men were seized 'n!e election determined a ritabillty and a "discorqlecl.ed u,t T......,. '"cces•<>r for John G. outpouring of Ideas." STUDENTS FLEE AS COPTER'DROf'S TEAR GAS Veneman, who gave up his Heney said 'he observed Dissidents, Non-protesters Alik9· 'Sprayed seat to become undersecretary I.hose, effe.ci.S'tn Noguchi. ------'----'---'--:.:..:..:..:;.:::.:~c:;::.:..:.:__ __ of health education and ,. He ~ Noguchi as a welfare. B0 e r o r e Tuesday's "fun.loVing rqan" and said voting, the legislative body employes of the coroner's of· had 39 Democrats and :.. flee, himself included, often Republicans. "'nave ",• Kl'!lveyard sens~ of 1 The offlcial canvass is ~ which belpa, relieve scheduled for Thursday with tensions. . t h e Democratic candidate Deputy Med~ Examiner declaring he will demand a r&-, Dr. John Wallace . ~,raham coont if the tally still shows testified that Noguchi talked him a loser. hopefully and enthusiastically Sit-in Case GoB,s On; Hunger Strike ~Staris With all 204 p r e c i n c t s . sJplt. ttM!i~~ of ~nother repotUri,: in th e semiofficial air ~asb after a helicopter ceunt early today Republican crash last year. Clare L. Berryhiil had 30,063 Graham Said also Noguchi votes to Democrat Ernest La talked about "liquidating" I~ Coste'i XI 025. An American dividu~s and he Wei he bad Jndepe.t party nominee, "reetived n o t l C i ' ' that ~afles Muratore, drew 435 N~chi had "made threats on 4" votes. 111Y Ille." · . California Gov. Ron a Id He said Noglfh!'a behavior Reagan flew lo thia San Joe· had changed t& • 'pOlnt where quin V~ley city Tuesday night he was "denn'ltely abnormal." ti) watch the returns come iu. The h~ring was in recess "If Jack Benny could make ·39 today wiW 'nrursday morning. do him for his whole career, 38 Is good ~h" ·to put Ber- ryhill In office., tht Republican 1ovemor said. Clei7gy to Read ' Names of Dead There are ordinarilY. " Allembly seats. But with the ftlllpation o f Replbllc;an V-and the -'o! FOXBORO, Mass. CUP!) - Republican ~· The na1nq o1 tm 33,000 Alan P.w. of lilclalefty :• knerlCali servicemen killed-in Com"1 lllt .montll, tbe ·GC)P'1 Vietnam will be read In ti.al • ..,ea1arltJ Ml · th e Memorial Day we e k e n d • 11111J wa erued. A services from the bandstand .,edal elldiaD tn Pa&tie'1 in the town common by lour -ll-J1111117. clergymen. B 1rr7ti111 ~ O. ts a The clergymen said \hey arlJACIOW•· LI Colte". 4;4. iii would climb the bandstand 1t a Mod11l1 L1w7er . 2 p.m. Sunday and begin ADemblJ'IDlll ·'*'-"°'year ru.ding the names for 30 terms. . " . minutes at a time. OUTDOOR FORT ORD (UPI) -While J4 soldiers from San Fran· clsco's Presidio were being tried for mutiny here Tuesday, all but 10 or 500 prisoneis at the Fort Ord stockade went on a hunger strike. The prote.!ls at the Fort-Ord prison began about ?:30 a.m. "'hen 100 to 150 inmates began milling about the courtyard singing "Amen," a spiritual from the molion picture "Lilli es. Qf the Fl"eld." According tO Pro vost Marshal .Major Robert Owen, the inmates were quickly moved back into buildings. No violence OCi;~ed and no rinelead~r1· in the . singing were ldenUfied .• However, a note smuggled out of the stockade to one an- tiwar spectator at the trial sakl the singers bad numbered between 250· and' Dfprlsoners. The wrll.er o( the message also claimed the Incident was in protest of an incident three · weeks ago when an Army in· vestlgating team visited the stockade and Inmates were not allowtd to speak with them. An Army spokesman denied ' allegations made 'lh itte note and authorities tnade no state- ment as to \\·hat charges, if any , would be brought against lhe singer,. .~1eanw~il.e, a .soldier w.ho was given an undesirable discharge testified at the trial of the presidio 14 th at prisoners at the stockade were so despera~ to get out that some tried to catch hepatitis. Nation Needs Coast Oil? 'VASHINGTON (AP) -The nation needs the oil from the Santa Barbara, Calif., cl'ian- nel. say oil industry spokesmen who oppose Sen. Alan Cranston's bill lo ban further drilling. At a Senate Interior Sub committee meeting Tuesday, the spoke:;men asserted that new regulations adopted by the Interior Depart1nenl are ~ufficient and that the bill by Cranston lD.Calif.), is un- need ed. LIYING.11 A waYOfun ••• IN OUNG1 couNTY! , . , -' s.ta Anl Tlftt .. Awnltt has th• New Loek t. '6t •• , rttrythlng to m1•1 outdoor rel•x•· flln.I f..uy putimt, -·';..;:;;;;>;_--;,. .. _ • .~ :.>-...-""/-~.:;; , ......... ... . .... ..., WI ... "11t •SUIT APPUIAllCI • ALUMINUM SCREEN PATIOS oua WINDOW AND DOOR AWNINGS RATlll 11 n'l!lnll IJICOUTOI CGlOIS JOI •!• SlllCf.IOL _,-, VlllAHT, M-. lllAUTfllll ••• 11 lOMJ stylot hr,. --. Planned for either large or small homes . , - c-..._ • ....,.._..,....,..,"""" .. "'"'""' ---'-i'le """"'es tool Durable, long lasting all - .. :' .... ., """"...:.'" ........ 111\N .JI"''! ~ -~':. ;'~ AWl'I~= ah.minu~ construction, large doors .•• com· --'" • -.... -_.. plltely "--proof ,.. tJ , , o ... -• ""',lllHlll!al ' ~ • ' -· THI NIW LOOK FOR '69 '• CAHYU AWNINGS e YALANCIS • CURTAINS Nothing Decorates like Canvas. Beoutiful l:lew .Colors,&,N · .fabric1, f,<!r hcm'es, •• . for buslnenl , r . . . I MANUPACIURID • INITAL'll(D ---~ s·aNTA ANA TENT • p~t SHOWROOM , 2202 S. MAIN.·ST. IANTA AMA Ml D491 • UANC11 CIOl"'MllllCll:ll OUH1 C6iiit IWllllll CO. -----F!ln•h-a"'4.ni2-_ After 6: 633-6714 . - • - . specUlcaU)'Jntended fpr cro': cont:ol purposes whig, 'ha~ been used repeatedly during the demonstrattoit1. in poael;Siaa ~bt an automaUc 01.uitiui.1 ._,,n. ":;...;Hut eo.,.ll"f. '° ,rDJi • 100'1'. fi,,t11 N•wlNI ...,_ ', rifle. I~~~~;;~~;:::;:~~~~~~~~~~~~ .Jiile attack came j u 1 l niinutes after ~ampu1 police warned studenll to clear the plaia and adjoining ~ one NatiOOal Guardsman,li '~ 'beln1 1aunted by .DIRECT FROM COASTAL. ,oa•NGE demomtrators, threw down ~ lila ririe and helmet and tried c;~UNTY TO L.A. · AIRP,ORT · 'to nm away. He was caught . • . by other guardsmen and.ta.ken LA l\iayor Candidates . Push Different Issues LOS ANGELES (AP) -The YOit; carftpaigners, gave the real issue in the campai$D,, twO-temr mayor 51 percent o( says Mayor: San ..Yorty, is or~ lbe cltfs white vote. to 36 per· ganized militancy. His oi>poo-cent for Bradley and 10 per· ent for mayor, Councilman cent undecided. Thoma~ Bradley. says the big-!J'he ~egro vole was not issue is "municipal corrup. sampled. Bradley, a Negro, Is tion." rated to)ha've the vast percen- Braclley outlined.Ms Idea of tage of the Negro vote. Earlier \.\1hnt the campaign was all ·polls rated Bradley, who be.at about before an audienc.t or Yorty in the primary by 18 aerospace worken 'I'Uesda.y at percentage points, ahead of suburban Redondo Be a ch. Yorty. The election is next Yorty , meanwhile, was talking Tuesday. downtown to t e 1 e p h o n e In his speech to telephone employes. workers, Yorty said he is bet· Amid It all; _!/(J(ty backers ter equipped t:> deal with came out with yet another poll militants than his opponent. in a bot campaign that has "They mean business and they featured t nwnber of such have to be stopped," Yorty samplings. The latest poll, said or the militants. ''\Ve privately niade by Haug have · a record of stopping ~la!,CS of J;os Angeles for them," he added. CootaMeu . .Fly all the ,way, start with L.A.A. ' . . ' · FOR CONNECTIONS TO ALL AIRLINES " 2~ FLIGHTS DAILY Atlas Chrysler Plymouth, Inc. 2929 Harbor Blvd. ' ,. . Your PIYmouth Dealer is a dealing 'man • ... \ ' ,- ' : ' • 1' F -~I 2 $_ £& = • I ' I I I • . ' I i • • ~ ,, • •• ' ~~~ A L!e~¥1frr"~ •• .l ... ,......,,c . __ -._ irl· ~ ' ,.... 1 ' .- f ' f t-'"-' .. i • I L...... ~ l _ PENNC~AfTt CVSTOM 1-COAY-INTE'10R LAJEX REG. 5.49 1 •• NOW 2GALS: F0!7 The paint that's idecil for any interior surface. ~.s on easily a nd smoothly with either brush or roller, It coven in [usr one applicatio n and d ries in 20 Jnfnutes. So-emy to cl.an, tool Don'r miN this voluel ' Custom Interior tint ba,, tteg. 5.49 NOW 2, gait for $7 \ .. • ' ' ... ~-~--... ,.,_.~,..... >~-~ .. -.«;f""' ~,,....~-··-=~ ;..;.:_..ti-• ' . .:-~ ~ ,_ ·- PENNCRAFT• CUSTOM. 1-COAT EJ<nRIOR LATEX REG. 6.98 •• 1 NOW , 2 GALS. F0!9 Here'• ci point that makes each paint- ing fob a fast and •o'sy one. GRet you one-coot coY•roge over llios.t properly pripbred JUrfocet. .S.:..OO-. flnbh, . .W:.n ckfies bti~l•ring oncf ~!thg.. An excel- J.nt way to beautify your hotM, • " 't •• ., ·~· . ' . '-" / • ' '· • .~ ·-·.; .. ·,,.,.~. ,_,/.• ·-~~~ ·• :4'1 ·1' . .; ~f. ~· ,. t ~· ;-.,: .• ::; _..,. -. . ' ••• ::.01 -.... ... '.!#. .. '1. .._..,,).,: ) .. ·":'' .;;,• . ·~ ~ ,.--..,;-·· ,,.~~ .... ~~~ . .;r•~. ~ ... • :;,, ... -"' .· ,. • • .. t. OFFER ENDS SATUR DAY! ·~ t ( - ,. ~ ... -.,. • -.-• cANOGAPARK F\JW.ERTON • ,. '· '""• ki.~-;:. ;t...,::_-_,.) ~ _,.! • ~ " ' ..... -.. -'4-~{! ..... ' .. ;. ·-:~NTINGroN· BEACH ~;. ~KEWOOD ' PENNCRAFT0 5 GAL. DRIVEWAY SEALER >-. -·_. REG. 6.99 ! •• NOW '• " .. .· ,_ . . .... 4~~·9.· • • . ' .. • -·."' .. Prevent your dri>'e"to¥Oy from cr9.c~1ng with ~s exce llent tor e m1•lsion secffer. -=Jf1 .ecially formula_J-d tctward W destr~~-· tiv. elements~ thal' afttltk:-povemenb, Pra- lech against heal and freei• dam~e. LIKE;:JJ ~-~ CKARGE IT! ?:. i . ,...,;;:. . NEWF>ORT BEA~~: ' VENTURA . ' i~f .. : .... ... ~ ,:: '.' 'i -~ ' ~f;i,· -!.~ '· -... -.. • .,.s, ti/ :. ., ' " • ,_ , • • ":.":' • • --_;;; rll ~-.... ~ I ' --. " ~ ~ • -·~ER:~ ' . . .. J-- • .. 30 MOS. GUARANTEE WITH 15 MOS. NOW NOW $1C S10 S phn f..I. !...: 9114 •1d tlr• Bladt....._,, S-. on,. FH. ta.: 650.13 •••.•• 17.95 ...••• 1.79 7Q0..13 •••••• 17.95 ........ 1.94 .,,., ....... 19.95 •.••.. 1.96 pllH 1.4. ftn1 a11d aid Ii<• Black tubeless ,...w. ............ t'. 11ock .. i..1e .... 1 I Siu Of19. r..L ho• 125-14 •••••• 25.95, •••••• 2,36 .. 1s~14 ••• -•.• 27.ff ....• i . 21s1· IU·U ...... 25,M .. , .'I . - .145-JS , , .. , . 27!95 , ••••. 2i"S7 wltsttwAW ONLY $2 MOREi S-. Cww.-.tl1 0!19-Now ,_,_Ta.. • • . ' ~1S ..tyJ JJ.95 $24 f UJ s;.. on.. '•"· ... 735-1 4 .••••• 21 .95 •• ;-, •. 2.07 775-14 .••••• 23.ts •••.•• :i.20 775-15 ••.••• 2.3,95 •.•••• 2.21 FOl\EMOST TIRE GUARANTEE -.c uarantH 11alnst tNad wurout If your tire wears outdwin&tbe f\1¥ fW.f otthe llJllrafW period, retum it with )IOllr guarantee certificate and Penneys will replace your tir• with • new tire, ctwa:inc )IOU.50%""i..-ttilil- the current sellirlj'. pnce lncludins Fedefal Excise Tax; ifiyour tire weirs out dllfina:.ttil secOfld balf, )'Ol,I_ pay 25~ ... llillt-lllil eUn'ent selli"-' price inciudi_ng F.ederal Excise r~ Ciuara&UI: tPi~·flUure. If we.rep~ lhe-ti'9 dwriftc the fNL~ I R, .,.tad. t!Mn 1s "° charalt 1f we repl~ce the fr re after the free.repf~t period, you· pa.)' ~ « 25% less thin ~t Mllhw pric:. ot'. the ti,. ihcluding Federal Uda·Tax. C.www.erclal usit. This auar.nte• is void wt.. P1.11iteii:" -'Ip__._•> ~ Ul9d on-~ used fOl''bufines;s, or driven ·ovft 30,000 miles ISJ one yqr., '-~, ,l.-• ~. • ;·~ · ...,. ..... Jl'011f llUDfDRI•• "ll"in1 I fDilur• WDrka: fntire • .._,.. ,....W' ••• )0 ••""'-,, .. - pl ,, • ...,1ocf ••• 1·1-' montk1, '°%of!" period,,, lC>-ll .. on1lrJ, 2.S% •fl" p~ •• :24-30 ...... _ . -, . -, - U ... 1utolb1 ~!JOO miles! FREl:.pwoctw. repair for Ii'! of lreadl FREE •• ~ : ~ " ....,:;- FU!-1;.ERTON. . . NEY{PQRT BEACH CANOGA.PARK VENUJFW. --' . -· . . . d~ENA P~RK (~~;i:11) .. .. '" . ·cHui,A VtSTA . -• r -,.. nUITTINGTON BEACH · ~- ... ... ~ . . -• .... -• c-~ ·-v "'. • .,, - • ~ .,_;.--·· ··~ - -•• ---~-~-• .. l ... I I ·- # ... a ·. • • 1' ' ' ' ! " . ~I • ; .. ,., J I :-...... . • • E•joy Sou ~ ~Ila• p!I• •• oer 1-tl'l(Cl ttereo ..,,. ~ + ~ .• c-In and on(oy .... al cha .. pllnl .,.....,._ ...... ~ .... hb "-up Nat...tly'. .·4.99 -. ' " " i < Gr~9t gifts far·:.f1is .ca·rl Jl Save $10 at P41nneys on our· mini 8 track stereo tape · .o". ~ _,, • clec,!c con:iplefe with speakers ;1 hloJ tfie 1MTOUncl' IOUftd ~f-lterH ta~ Uni -..... ~lull ~ controt; ...,., ... tunlng·.ciontrol W chCm~-Jftchliator; If llho. chan111 autornallo: •lly. Jut1 ~IP I• •• I "adi tape carirldp •• , tho• "'""' and on(oyl • Reg. 69.95• NOW ' 19 g-·s ;· ' ' : . j . I , ~'1~~;~ -~ l~I~ ·._~. ~ ~~ , ! l Poy "•·lltdt.-::$5,t" ~ i : • -~ ~ ' .·-i ' .-: ·Save.$5 now on our great Pinto 23-CB tran.sc:elver! · lncfvdet aol~ state clrcuftry, lllumlnot.d • color coded dlal 1hows th• pro,,., chctn. n•ll for tranunlttlng. Reg. $129 HOW '1·24 Poy ao ""'• as d.SI p.r ....... . ' '" J.. ~-"" • ·:oiir terrific-•r11to n1· , lt4ise 1tat1•ii tor tH ""'• , --: -~-:.. . ,~ ; '!"!-23,1-....... ...... ..... ....... . ~~';..-.'"' .. ~rr"""' ... i -.,coowwl --.uiol .· ·j • # ... t ' d:-.. iT. ·• ·:· di.tJtol ni '159 ,... ...... .,,..-Pay -little •· $1 ,.,. ...... • _ .. fl'Ll,~FJTON CAN<DGA.PARK . NEWPORT.BEACH VENTURA •• ~ ~ENA,P,ARK .(='°•) '1 ,_,.,,, . I . ' PH.U~ Vl~TA HUNTINGTON. BEA9Ji " • - - • AL!!.'l!!!tlfl • ~ '<: ~· • I .. ' HEEi Kids and P-enneys go great· together! -· ' ...... Up-down-over-and-around· at swinlln' ' ,, '" • . -. , r ' CANOGA PARK ,· .f,U\t.ERTON prices. (Reduced thru Saturday} , ~ . SAVE 6.9~! 6 leg gym set with allele 'f'lonlJ .r adlon la< tho I;;,.. •.w1.,..k1 2 --. tAMr oldor. , ...................... 2 ,,,,,,..,ch .............. .. '•••'"I .. ~ ... _,.. • t' ,,...._ .... ,.,. ... tho .__,., ftnllh. ...... 9'6" ""'-' ,,_,, .-..--· .. I .. . . •3z. · Reg' . .42.99 ... ; ......... NOW ' U -l'wy a llflle ci.15 J. _.., , . • • ''WI ,_IHI W PAYlll!INf PWI ... ;J; • -· .-.'~ ~POAJBEACH H\JMt'NGTGt·J°BEACH VENTURA ~r ... ~.111~ -"..,,,..~nvvD ' 't , • ~ - ' " ~. J' " - ,, ' . - • • .• " • ·' ' • • • . t - I , I \ ·t\'f l';\-: ·\ ~ .l~·~::ti;· ·~ .! "" .. , . • I Z. . . , 4 rg zag your way to savings.·: ReduceCl f''.n·O=w ··· .. ~hr·u :· Saturday _$Ay_E 21aS!on our Penncr:est·•.zig .zagse~~g -"? -~ • ~ ~ • . • •· • .... • · m'achine with 24· Jnsertible ·COms .1 -. ·· .·. ' !J. I 1:" ;,,,, '' \ ''", , \ ' ,• • f • > Jutt tM machine fot yow·.,~~~I S.wi "~ht. zig zog, {orword or reVilf,Je, · Rt9• \19.95 $18" r ~~:·.It 4.t• ' . ·• .. ~ · wtrh OM or two n.~ln •. , plso new terpenlin• llitcli ·for ·nretch fabrics or i.,..y. . · -"NQ'&r '· . ' ·' i _ · ... · · ·n , :1o ;., Other-f.aturet lnclude1 twO ltep built-in buttonholer, front loodlng bob.~' CaM ~ tj~.~.... h.J ·..., . -."' ... ...., --.nWy with oUtomotic bobbin winder. Plu1 proftttWonol blind 1litch 'IMmmlng. I;. ... ~,.· l'ttl I~ tuY-·~ • _! ..... . . . . . :;. oy as 1 • a J.~ ~r·~vn:m. . , I 'w-·--'..~··,.'l,.•,A·; •,'> • • ·~ ....... ~~ .. · . ' -:, ~ t ·~ • \• ··-·-.-4."'< •. -' • ...._ ·: :e: . -"'."> . ·-.. ;.. ' . . ~ .,., .... "f~-· ~ • '' $~ :16.~S .on O'll":.!•rrific ~~· .. ,.~~;-i..-!' ~.:'P.-~~ se~!~~·-"J-~fhin~b~ , .,;t,. ~~)IM'rra11t•et -w.4r* ~'ii' W1"'_,tw hJ• Wll .. zig ~~~'"=~ :' -•~ .. ,,.,. .. ~~~ftht or.zig-.. ks.!"14·•,.,.,.,. ~ ..-;:~~ .. ~ ",.-1; ·'' .~....,,.~ ~ ~ln ...... l;oho •"'*'Wk · .• :: .i:.y · bi>ltbTn w1ndtr) 1afety, llght, ol90 Ct90t•A·StftCh, 1-w. '\' ! _ _.... · ~..(, , ·; •• ,. ••.•s 'ZS ~"''. ,'1 ' .NQ\Y r,-,;'5 .._. Dl·°"'"'as $5 -"""""' h_, .,.iy "-r ! "'' ' .. r-· • " USI PlNNfYS TIME PAYMfNT PLAN I . ,. ...'\ \.,. f ; l;. " ; T '-c '-. i_ "' '" ,. . '"'- ~--·c-mooA PARK ·.R>CJ.ERTON ~ .. _: '-14EWIWRT:BEACH ,.;'.)P~[H~TWGTO.NBEACH ~; '··VENT~i 1.)cl.A~D • •· ' l I 1 ,_ I • '• l.IK.E IT •• ·• . CHARGE Iii .. ...:·.-, Warm V!eather .&Jh.ea~f C~i co.Pi*~rt Is a 'Californian~ air conclit.oner I · : · . · • <. ·1 WITH ADAPTQ 11QJ, • exdusl.,. 'chill' feature pre-cools your car thru 3 •19 9. g, s· lar.,ae r.ctangutar louvers and two rok!t'lng 1kl, ~ _ - • High performan~ ~ apeed blower Cllld var:iab~ · .~-: · . _ < -'.. • • thermostat give ·you precise comfort contfol • I , • ~ • · .• ." ~ , • , • Slfm, luxurious-styling complemehts any dosh • · MOST CARS • We c.an custom color to match your car , . ,, . ...,_ . • Export installation av~ilable : · • P.ciy aa•littlo at ,\J.!(!t-_a,~•<' . . . Premium Cushionmaster shocks 1; "' Get extra service, ~xtra. safety an-the road! Yi> t~ 431%;-4 2· 7. a· a ·;:,~ ; , . . ·.more c\)wioni_ng piston area than ardinary'J.a;:k.i ' · for · e · I· . ' ' lmttili.il' . • ~~~~~~~~~~~~ . . /-.<. • I> r ~ 4•' ,,.~ < . -~ ~ ,. -"' .. -;, --. . ': • ~ t . ...&j.___.., ' - ! l 1 . • • ! . , ~tirir~ ~ft/\,•C\~. .. , r.Jt w1-!~tt ;P'°!~ {.. . . • e c o•l . l ,.,_._,jl "'"""~~'r""·"'-t.-,, .• -.1...,.• 1 ........ H . ..... .... -... ':. -& . . . .~ " .i,_1~~,.1Vc::ttfC1~W It I '• l .. -~-.r ! 1,. _....., ... ,-...z;~..., .. ~., I : ...... ..::'~ ~ 1:r~ · « ::... ·;... ;-1~· ~ :, ~· ·~·. ~· l . .., ' ~ . ~:·~: -9£~ ... ~,.~~~;: ! , .... '~!clff Pl•fo' hllfll lllle t ---· ba11ln 'cai'tl~s r " ... ' m 1• .,-.. •. {\"" r ,.c. ,.~ ...... ¥ """"'r' .... ~ 1 · "1"·!1111· · 'If.I' w..'·--·~ ;·, J 0 8 1• 1f I • _ ""' ~ ~ -'""'-'""-~~t~~'i'iE .~ _,;'<no..M.tobo•llGJ""·"°"'""" ~ ~-~~~4gn• '. with tlolo "'"" tllo, budget pr1cod -· • " ·jlii · · t,.fo1 .,ip ·...,':., "'b.':J 38" X 36".' 1-lnc:fi tuetlift cupL I • •• ,,_ o1 ·.t •;". I J t CAflti I. -' 8 88 " J . ··~-r·". ~. 1.&ft ftfti • ~ .:... -_..__....._.44~--··~~ ..... ..._ .7,.y7 ZeefS o _ ~ ily ~ i'~'' ;-~,A t . 16.88! A,cG.U. .. I · --siicfp.o'.;.l..bbi. · si.ieic1-~.ts~ ", 'f!u[tERTON ' : . : Ac.a:tJ"'"o":':'G..,'A~' ~""'· -A~'Fi:-K-..,.," N-" EW...,.. .. ~,,..; ro,..,,....,,Rf,,.,.'·""~.-l-. CH . ;•:J-:-vet:.TI'.f RA '':13betiA"f>AFIK: (~11 ) ;.\" cPlut.A~srA ,;-··:'.M&°~ttN6ToN eE;..tH ' < • ' T • 3 -• - • • . . • r ' ·~ ' ~ . .. ~ . ' 'lt·.:.i •• .. • ~ ,, • -· • • ' • ~ .... . '::' • ennet;I ALWAYa FIRST ~~~f;f V · • 'I . . \ ' ' 1 ~ , "'" ... -.,,,,~ ;. --!.. .: .. 'II~&.. ,..,~ -, \• J• -~;.(';, ~ ... ~ ._. .. . " i' •• -~------' .... (." -. ... . .-4. ~ -! ., _ _.~~-~"": •• • -~~.f ....... tractla~_..r , ~: . ~~!~!lcb., ,'~9 ·.~t~11-!f; f.ot ' ~ •. ,..._ .·~ r • -~~, .... ~, > • " l "-1 • .. 3-,_ .... ...._ .,J. '°°'',._1,,.-_ · ... ,_...._ ............... :..... o._,o , :;-plus 1 .Sf~:.td*and<>ld.tire -~--• . . ~ . --... ~ --t.-• • J .1 .• .., '• .:1. . ·--~-· ,, · .. · 31 "t:!o ~t'T.~·~"···············-··•n····-··•·-·-·······-·.-· .~ '•-. "".,,,--, A-'',j-• ....,;, • . -. •-. plus 1 :79'~-... •w nncf "old'ltlo'. '. • :·.-· ' ,j. '~-,, -~~· . r ··~---~~'-r, '""1·-· ,,, .• .:. .... -.. .~ • 7; • !o •l ; ~·'SJ$.•< -, .. '( . . \"' -. ,, . 'IQOoi'f5..,......~-~-~r-(""-;T;~···~-·········1····1 .f .. •(Jl}fl l.72 -~.tiul a,nd akl'-11rO::.-, ." '-. . : ~ '. ·'··· . ,'/'"' .:;-,. ....... '• -ll.· .. 1 \·.-.·· ··-.• re. • ' .'" ' • 4111 -·co'; -·. IOQJ90Qil~~-... -~----····<1r·· .. -·: ............. ~.. 17 e'-t ' ; .: .. ~ ~ 1 .! •" : .S1us"2-.29 te_i., tax and-ofd ·tir9 · .. ~ -Jo : :·; ~':,,;; ' ' .._. ~ • • ·o,, ;···· ; •' I ,10.cie:1.$,., .................................................... 54.50 *' ~ • .f ~t;;. r'! plu12~18 fed. tax arid old ttre · · ·- .. . ..... ;/' \ .. , .... .... • u TER:.· • ' . '. Save _$14 pa ~)et of 'El Tigre' .,.. . ...._.. -Mag~ .... ~hot as they com.e! Pvt your tar right up on th e 10 best equipped list ' wlt'1 .~ set of these racy Jocking mag wheels now while• you can buy them ot terrific sovingsl Reg. 4 for $139 NOW 4for $125 ,l;4x~ & 14x_71b,is '1tf9";: 4 for $149· NOW .t~r $}35 15x6 & 15x7 sizes --.. 1"':"-"-.;~"' ,_ t . ....... --~-" ... . ~-, ..,,; . ' '.:[ . -~ j-»'1.;;i.;,.··· .,,. ..;. -. -:~ , ... •,_~--,.~ i'\J_-··-:!'.\._" ...._".,. .... ,..· -i:;+~ i,,·H" -~~ -.:-i;.,-.. · ' , .... .,. • -*'!""· --~ LIKE •·:r -, · .;:.:. . . --...:... ... •e.. • 't-Jr . I. 'l ·• .. ~-· t. ' ........... -~-.n fc r CHARGE IT! .. ..... ' -' . -~ -i ' i . . ;.:: . .,, • . , .. '-· . " .~-- ... ···!'-~'.'< :· -{". . .. ... '!: -... ·/ .. ---. -_..._ ' ' ~ .. ., .~ ·' ,.,. __ .. -\I '\'I.• -r -~ ·-'' ~~~'-; < ".i·~ .... ""J · .. ~. ~ i:-'" .1; ~ "(~;.,.... :r.. .-.·.. • r' .· ' :; • •' •;,,_ I " . -• . I ' ~· -1 .. -... ~:. ·,.,,. 1_ .-.• .: 7 '· •. .;: ·~:· 1~~ ' ' • " ' ' • _,_ ! ............ '· - .... .- \/i~".;~Lt~tO,N : ·. CANOGA PARK NEWPORT BEACH . ·yel\!;"(URA ' . • ' ' . ·.HUN;rlN~T~ ~-EACH ''~·,f~BtJafJtPA~K .( ~$w°' at ) · 'CHU LA VI STA ~ 5 -~ , .. ,,,4 •. ; ~· -~~i..1.~-.;l't>! ' ~·,.I ' ' .. ) • '::"'"~~ ~·· ~'· .. ~ ... ' :J1 .. ;.,r:;-• ., •;-f J AL!!s1l!!~}IJ ·"-: -~·-!; .. _ - . - ~-~-. -:!_!;: .... ~ . ·• -l -- " NER'S ·:·cHOIC6: ' ' ' . 3 ways to eJ1ioy eating·;\vhile ,, - $20·.thru Sat~~ay! ~ -, "" , . ..... -~,..,i-!-, ... . Save:$20 on our 5 piece ... 'Mediterranean' styled dinette! 0•5ign•r"• choice! Wrovgl'lt Iron .ffect on chair bo&t with headblocks In weathered oak finish 10 match oct09onal toble top. 36"' x '8" table extends to 60" with onea.2" leaf. Jet blbck chair a nd toble frames • Reg .. ·$119 ~ow _.$99 Poy os litt le os 5.50 per month CANOGA PARK FULLERTON ' . - -.... ,.. .. ... ~ .... -.. ... ~ NEWPORT BEACH ,HUNTINGTON BEACH ~ ' . . .... "-~"',; '(_ ~ ' • _4. -·· -~-....... -.-~ 1' Sove $20! leoutiful 7 piece dinette set, octagonal table! Beoutif""1 detailed styl ing. Tulip de1ign on toDle leg, gokl tone finiUI border de1ign on top, pro1~ five beading en edge. Cha.ir1 in hand10me Tosca moss pattern with we lt back ond molded ornament • Wo/nvt tone fro mes •• Tobie size 36" ~ .42", ~x1end1 to 66" with two 1 :2" leaves. Reg. $139 NOW $119 -Poy os littl~ as 6.50 per month ( ~· ," • " • Save $20 ~w on »•,r·5 -piece_: ' contemporary ~ednt,at set! ~ Slock, modem ~ I""•_,:;.; jojth &(l.r pd.It c:halr .. ab ond bci4i1, 2 t~ wood•oln fiuWi oiJ. ·side. 36" odogonr,pe tcible ext~• to -48" with OM 12" leaf, hos ~alnut finish top, ,:Old !Of'l• frairi• and pedestal bo1e~o. ... ~ Reg. $119 ;_ ·$99-, ·:·NOW . Poy as lill!o as ~-SO rr month USE rENNEO TIMI rAYMENT rLAN Prlc•• ~ff ftliv•ry in •11r t' loall d•llVtry area I VENTURA , LAKEWOOD • ....... .. I , • 1 • ,. ' ·, ' ' ' ..... • , ' ·\ 'ILOT-AOVERTJSER J :J wi! d - q ""''~~· • ears I f ' . . . , . \ ' . . . . . . . •9·9.95 ~ci~tU~caUy· D~sigu~. Luxury J . 1' J . . . . . Sear8\q-P~~i;c Foa~; Latex or lnnetspr••g l\Jattres_s e Deluxe 6-ini dimple-t~p Coad. latex mattress for •uperb Bleeping comfort, firm posture support. Quilted top, conto11r coiiforming e Firm innerspring mattress , , , 1,000 coils in full size, 680 coils in twin size. Puff-quilted top for luxurious surface 1oftness $99.95 Matching Posture-Ma,te Foundatjono, eac0--------~S69 $259.90 Queen Size Set, Mattress Plus Foundatio $199 ' $¥9.95 King Size Set, ~attress Plus 2 Foundation• 279 J ... 7/ • •,, I .. -' . , . '. . r. . :.. ~ .. • • • w ' ..,, .... 21, 1"9 IAILY -" -- Think Sears for Jubilee SatMgl! ' Foam Latex ~sk About Sears • Convenient Credit Plans . '· SA VE •96 on Four Piece ' Mediterranean Bedr90m • • • ~ • • -INCLUDES: t • 9-l!rawer Triple Dres,.r ·Bue • Framed Plate Glios Mirr<>r •Four Drawer Chest !• e Full or Twin Cbairback Bed or King-Sise Headbqard · Elegaoi Mcdirerran'ean 1,fylin~ iri•prrtd by the splendor of Old -'\ Spain. Old• oilk fini>h wlt6 emliosse<i;<ffocr dorailin~. _T~xturod plastic tOP' for easf car< trid long hlst.1ng beauty. Antiqued hard- ware. Spacious drawert have center guid<s for •mooth opening • • , completely dust-proofed . t) .. ':/ ~tching,Night Sttod $59 .. . .. ~ ' ~--------------·-~-------·---------------~----, -, ... TA M400, 521-4530 llJllllll GI ~11 ~ -"' t-4121 . llCO Wf .... ,, Wl1lli" ''""°" VAlll't i:o J.W1; fi.1:.222111 I I -=-, ... 340-0661 G111W 6t s.10CM, o ~ 1 ca-.; ,. ""° AH u211 ,_,... B> i;t1W~ f..5161, ,., U751 MilrA ililMt:A • 44711 •'°"'Pl t.1n t • • I CCIM>ION Hf 6-251h Hf 2..5761 HOlll'WCico HO 9.5941 -637-2100 ....... -IQ 7-337-1 30Vlll !XWT llAIA 54().3333 I CX)'tt4A "64611 -01 .. 2521 ,_ l#J 1.:i211, a 5-4211 I I I09Ala $12-U11 -r-• ,__~. " -.. -- -.- - - - - - -- -- - -- ---- -Sears - -- -... !'ml-- - ----- - - - - - - -' , "SqtfdactionGuarant11dorYourMwyBaclc" _ ...... _.... Sloop6•ll"*Mell..,,llw1uahl 1 1.il.pHOA.M.teNDP'!'- . --,---~-----' ' . I I ......... s ..... Grace HAYnet of W2 F1int Drive, Hunlin&l<>D Beach, Marina H i C h School senior, will study nert fill at the Univtr· sity of Grenobl e, France, under program of the American Jn1ti· lute cl Foreign study. Honor Roll Listed at Estancia oQd~raft Ranger :Unit Forming,1 • A Woodcraft lllnpr Ul!l\ !or boya 11nd girls --I0 11 ' Is being organised ln -~"'114' \ Costa Mtsa. r, ' ' Beryl K a se r, 11-yuf'Old Orq• Coaal Colllill -. ol 173$ P-Aft., Jt ins the ..,,_ dll1dNoi • group, the first WMalll lllnpr uail • tho. ~ Cod. His tribe Is lo be calJOd Cahullll after .. 1ndilll tribe lnPobn-' 1be ori1nl1atioe m- plullbed demomllc ~ llon.wllbchlldr<n~ lbelr own meetlnp. KMor oaJJ he Is looking for • bulnw ·-and could ... --ol ~ lion, pl-ol leatller ,,, irchery equlpmenL For lnfonnallon OR how ... Join or help '"''· tel~ Ka.su .at '41-3471. · • . . . . . " \ • • \ llftle girts like folhion Ill lllUCh OI big girls do-nobody knows thi& IM:llw lllmt Ptlllllyl, IO ..,,, IOI •111;ythli1g jlA'llor fa&hion wants! ,,..,,. 11-prlnll and oppllqwl, br_., checks wi1h foncy trims, SIZES 3 TO 6X, REG· $3 - NOW , I . " . , ~ • ' ., . " • • , ' • ~· •· I • ' ... . ' • • : •1" . • • .. T • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ....... •"' • • •• • • . . . ~ . • • • • • • . . . : ...... . . .. . . ·~ ..... . • • • • • • . . . . ": .... .: ···~·"'.:· :. . . . '. • • • • • • • • • •• • .. .. ... -· "'°"' ... the ........ ., ,n.. ... llOt to -dlen .... tt.. cri1p eollW '-the--"•• pM cl,_, .. ,,_ ... TNlll '- lo• lllll)llllr'• -1111 ' NOW : .. FOR$ • • - . ( . ' ' ' W estmiuster· ·' ~ , l ' • Girl Get8 I~·~. '' · SchoI#i~~. . -' ~,., tld~ ~.,~ bU been 'a -y-:;~~~ ca.:''\v~~ Hi1h SChool ~ 11' ... Ill etpt -setOctecl In'•-· c o 11 e g e • scboll/&bip CQID· petition among the sons and daughters of tQlplOyeu of subsidiaries of Norton .Simon, Jnc. -· ' Miss Babcock. is in honor student and bas received several Wards for her .schol- arly activities. She is also a member of the NaUonaj: LaqD Soci,ty, the student.~ Concert · OJOir, •the; c·allfornla ScholQllc Fedtratioa and . a school r<p ..... jaltv. la 1111 Orange Coqoty Ac ad emlc DecatJllon. Deblirah plins lo m.i« In mathimatia in celle1e ad prepare , .... teachlnl q,..;: V eg~s-Wiints 'Cartwheels ~ , Back Again . RENO, Nev. (UPI) -l 'he · old "cartwheel" may soon start rolling back . I n t e Nevada's economy in tlj:e near future, and th~ gambling in· f dUltry has extended a ' welcoming hand. -t "'I know I can speak for to, if not 100 percent of the cisin- os that they will be real glad for the return of the U.S. coin- qe," said Cbarlts Munson, ex· ecutive director of tht Ne\·aita Gaming Industry Assoclatiun, an organization of northern Nevada caainos. Mun.son commented h-1eada:; on a proposal by Tru9Urj Secretary D1vid Kennedy ·that the government start mintina: sllverless dollars and half dollars. The "cartwheel' 1 l I v e r dollar was a longtime stan- dard item in Nevada's calinoa btfore it vanished several years ago when the price of silver became too high. Now they are all in the hands of private collecton or the U.S. Treasury. When the s i I v e r dollars di~appeared, the c a 1 i n o owners received f e d t r a I permission to mint their own tokens for UM: ln slot machines 11r.tl on the gamblina tableS. 1·here were disadvantages - and advanlaie& -to this plan. "A peraon ii more ·Inclined to drop a SllYf:lt<iollar in a slot machine ~ l4l IJ to a castUe1 and-tfioy loken.s" said Munson. He also noted use Of &he toktns WU conf1ntd to the casinos for which they were manufactured. However, the ciuinos recti~ ed one uitexpeded wlndf1U & ' der the token sy 1 t t m. Touruts, aoeklng liOUVenil'a from the pmblinf stale, ear- ried home the toli:tnl lnrtead of redeernlnl .-. S.Cre!My Kennedy 1llo P"> posed In Washington lhllt IU - mlllloa in silver d o 11 a r 1 , mootly minted In Canorr Cl!J. Nev., be alldloned oft 11 COi· leckln' items .. The ear... City mint lllldt 12 mDUon dollar coins from 1810 to 1191 with .U.er fi'om the f1m<d Comltock Lode In Virg!nll City. 11.-pmloul- ly in circulation have lone been collectors! ii.em.I. Nevada ttate ofOcials have urged the TnosurJ_ ·Depm- ment to auction tbe rtmafni(\C Cmon City dollm on tM • step1 ol. the former ml:ot, · which has been coovtrttd to 1 ltlle maseum. SHARP ff ,...,. • ....., .......... Dlrt1 .. A·llH clt11ln•• ''' Stt.,.,~ M•M • ~ 4NI , , , wMifltr .,...,. ~flf •f 'he DAILY 'llOT'I ft..-. .. m11• ; ' --' -' -· -·----· ------~~---,.-----,---.,.---,c;o---,-,-------·- ' , -.- 1 ' f ' I ... ~ " I -~--.. ·--· • THRU SATURDAY ONLY • .... ,.., ... Ulca It ....... ltl . . • • , ·" IV~ Mo, 21, lM ~, :··· . . _. .. -""' ...... .. ... . .. - ' . " i • ! .. • .. , • .. I ' ~ TOWNCIAn PENN·PRISte WOVINI 1 , ...... ,11s,. soLaDS with 2 ..,. ,. .... j·r ,; shor,t ''-·regular c:ollcr. 80% ~ ... ,, .... , ,,. 20%combeclcotton.~""'•Mln'1$ML&' ~ WARDROBE COLLICTION 'of Pe11n-P~, , ciimbed · shirts. FartreJe ~/COllll!ecl. eulloii. , . :. Available in blue, gr-. ond gold MIL Nttlfa "-· ., s.M-L-XL. ~ · ' ·• ~· •. . P.iNN·PRESP PLAIDS with shalt 1l1r1-. ~ 1 ;~ Jar collar, 2 matching pacbts. Faillel9pol1lll•/•~· "" IOll blend. As-*' colors. Min's Ii-$M l..a. , "' I T, ' • ) ' . .. '·' " .. .. .. . ... ., . ,, • . ' "· • , I •I " • • ' " " ,, I l • ·~ Swap .Ruiingpe~ayed • ... Freeway Cross· g .. Record Hinshaw Lists 'Strenuous Objections' BJ JACK BROBACK o1 .. Ot6fr Pl• Sid' la by posing • long legal questions whJ.ch es must be decided by , Funds Set •• ' SANTA /.NA -After llJW>. tng for 30 mlnutei to County Asseuor Andrew J. Hioahaw report tbat be objected stmuouslr lo remo•lnl! 457 acres ol Irvine Company pr1> perty in ·the Upper Newport Bay art!a from tilt ta1 rolls. the Board of Supervisors Tuesday postponed "in- defiait.el,y" • decls!oa on the dilpute. c.unty Cowlltl A 'd r I I n ,Kli;!J><r, who hid . ....,. ~ the property li>ould be. taken off tbe tax lilbl because it was deeded lo the <amly las! F<L 26, called HiDlba•'t'ltll-Nd. "Not worth ~ acept ,. to 90d:le maptq~delcilptloid which can be worked out." Kuyper askea that the land be rem-0ved from the ta:r li!ts as part of an agreement between the Irvine Company •nd the county pmdin1 Ille outcome of the current lawsuit over legality or the Upper Bay land swap. a of law. 1ben he added: ''The aue&SOr'a office, with respect ' to the 1969 •-ent roll currently in pi:eparauon, m.. tenda lo pn>Ce<d u (ollows In this matter :. - "I -Ownership Of all the propertw llhU 1n oad to 111 the lands.lnvolv.d In the Up. 'per Newport Bay Land Ex· change have become 10 cloud- ed, in the opinion <II the Assessor's office, that tt II the Intention ol this ol!q 1o ...... all these llm4t lo the '"lbea llinlaw waited until :~~c:"~Ore&t· thll ~ to J.e~ all," •'2 -'l\tis aaellfiw.at -.,m Kuyper cootinued. Ria co~ be on the same basis of ••lua· tention.! are oot w or t h lion and with the same ·· ~!!:=:::::;::==!:============~ anything' except 11 to mapping justifications rdatlve to the - descriptioM which can be proposed land 9Change u a.i:e ·· worked out." C<lltained )n Ill the~ ·" 1-n'f. Rangiers' Battle The Coonty Counsel then document. developed by the .J__e>f, , suggested crisply that the company, the Harbor Diltrict,. ' . SANTA ANA-:n...e S..If -l'l'eolltiy ~ ~· .. 1llloollr ,nUlnl lb tlliskleratfua'' · for s t at' '~W•Y".lttntls. ·~ ID WaUace o;. Knutien 1 St ate Dlvillon of Highway!, District 7, design tngineer. They are not ne<:euarlly 1n the o~· of importance: -The Broadway overcross- IQI in Santa Ana, approved by 1111 Santa Ana City Council lilt AprU 21. It will ext.end northward to just south GI Fashion Square and be buill 11 an estim•ted cool ol 12.1 million. The cllJ' wID pay about IU million ol the totaL • -Extension of State Collego Boulevard across the freeway in Orange, just south of the Anaheim Stadium and north ol the Orange Coonty Medical Center. -Widening of t b ~ Brookhurst Street overpass in Anaheim. matter "be taken off ca~r the county "-• and the state ' P"' Jndelinltely. I may have to Lands~." • ~ •res ' From get the Irvine ComPlltJ 11o llmsbaw adlled: "It II allo .. " LOCAL make another survey ac· •rfJ.1' intention ·to request the · Up High;=====; ceptable to the assessor." County Surveyor to sgrvey.•11, ~CO _ U:S •. Forest rour · rangers to the 'most N. ether "'wsp•p•r t1h1 Y•• ' sU r lb lands to ovid more, •••ry day, ebo11t wh•t'• ,.,., llOW! ·--DA&Y ni.. Thru s.t. P.irtt rKa .. .)YMll:dl\'S 1 :~ SllU<dr/16H-ya I :11 .. ORDER YOUR "ESERVED SEATS NOW ,.,..,..,.. COllPUTICKET Hllli•llllhrt.'111 .... C...-Y-.cJ.• PniM ,·~ HOLLYWOOD ,PARK I RACING ' Hinshaw, who put principal stress on his stand that "the company. in accordance with tht agreement. would have an element oI Utle to the pro pertie.s 'conveyed' to the coun- ty because of its reversionary jnlerest," added a new-argu- ment relating to alleged errors .in mapping of the property. Kuyper s s.ugge on was ap-o ~e 80 as pr \!: men in Orange County f'tmote part. of the district lb 9oi119 on in tke Greater ..>rant• Proved unanimously. 1-.rebab}e · and accurate ..._. ;, . . ... · , th o >LY PILOT Hinshaw has contended that description of the entire Upper are go~g to the aif, _to fight ·:..· te::::'."':.'.'"'"'.'.·:'.::utes=:._" ____ _:·_!:;;c:,.:':' :"";;•;;•="·=·====· :;_ ___ :__ _____ _ the deeds conveyed to the Qay, which • cu'rrenUy ill nol mountam blazes this year. ,. Marriage .Uceftses The assessor said his map- ping 'section ~ -discovered ab: errors in legal descriptions of the subjed property and empba.Sized that "in 11)1 opi- nion until.all questions have r been re90Jved by a corripetent court. my office is unable to proceed Jn any segregation of .Lbe QSeSied valuations." --Kuyper countered that when he confemd last we~k with . Ben. Smiley,· chief draftsman of fftnshaw's Mapping Section, "only one problem was men- tioned which Smiley called 'describable, t be ref or·e workablt.,. county do not "give absolute avallable from any o.ne single Clifford Stevens, distriq. title to the land." survey of the subJect pro-ranger for the T r a b u c o "The county. has not taken perties." District of Cleveland National _ actual possession of the land and it has not received fee simple absolute title, which is necessary to pennlt can- cellaUon of tues," t h e assessor argued. Hinshaw says the title to the land will re~rt back to the company if the trade is re· jected by the courts, therefore there are ''strings attached to the deed." Taxes of about $130,ln) for the 196!l-70 fiscal year are in- volved, the assessor said. He assessed the 457 acres at ·$1.53 million.last year and u.ys they are worth more now. Hµishaw concluded bis Tues· County Asks Updated Flood Study Fore.rt, said Monday • ·jet- p o w e r e d , four-passenger helicopter will be added to the fire fighting force in July, The "Jet Rahger''. ~licopter Is one of several expected to aid forest service fighters in SO!,lthern California this sum· mer where many •fire roads SANTA ANA-An updated wer-' klst in Jast.rwinter's study of flood problems in the floods Santa Ana River channel has · been ordered by Orange Coun-The helicopter will be sta· ty Supervisors despift: a price tioned at El Cariso, 22 miles tag $3,000 higher t h a n east of San Juan Capistrano · originally estimat~. near the Ortega Highway, UC Irvine Extension . Sets Public Lectures The contract for the $13,000 Stevens said. A t w o • p a d study went to Leeds, HiU and heliport is now WKler con- Jewett, Inc., the engineering struction there. firm that completed a similar survey in 1964. The original He emphasized that many contract estimate was $10,000. county fire roads were washed County Flood c Ont r 0 I out by the January and District Engineer G e 0 r 1 e Febn?ary storms and will not OsbOrnt said the increase was be repaired in time for the fire necessary because of "the season. " . ~ ' IRVINE -The •!Olll>wing J)Qblie • leelures \fill 6 e presented by University of California Extension, Irvine the week-or May 26 : WednUGrt, Mtr 211-sew_, ~.Jo.· complexity of sedimentation ''In Silvera.do Canyon area ~~: f: F:"rri. ~~~'\it: ~ seepage p~leQ\fJn ~er we lost six miles oI road and v1!'1Un1. bfoloily teK!w, c111r-1 Portions of the r1ver•btrderlng slides closed many otbet 11nrr1M khoola. 1 "·"'·• c.t,,..,llt. ,... _ _._ Mesa Huntin ....... Beach routes," Stevens said. "n.e .. lu Grtlldol H19111 Sdlool. Ganltft '-'Yl!WI • Ii""'" Gr-. Tldl•h "·• and Fountain Valley. helicopter will be able lo pte Thd"rWav, May 2' -l-Mil Order: """""""""""""""""""";::;:"i'=========9 TUHdtY, Mav 77 -cw.. C11tra -'*' • 'roblllon lllld '•ro• -llHlll119 Hetrtll Cllol!WTHM1sm : Cubo'I lnttmtt tlld Ell•. NlfOt -m~ldsf ic.rl ~foll, "'kt- Births terntl lhwlullon1 -Crises arid •rsldlftt, (.llllomla Shlhl a.n1 or l"r~. Or. Edwllrd Gon111u. -1. Corr«llonl. 1 11.m:, Pllnlul Scltnca •rofeUOI' ol Pollllctl Sci.t<Ke, Vet.A. 1 lldt, 10., UCI ~. Tieu" M.IO. "·"'" Fin• Arb 8ld1. 111. VCI c"'""""' ThllrMty, ,,.., ,, -~I Tlckelt M.50. l"r1ctic.. 111 ttw Housl111 'klilultnr: ." ... PIT Al Tlleldt'I', May 27 ~ C1rMr, l"la~nl"' P"'*'"lol\91 TKMi.un tor.,_1111 ... ,,. , IT. IOI• tor Malurt w-: Pl1'1t.st-In Ge'I· ment tu11dtr, EUii 11:1111. partnef, life Mar 1• tint tht Job. K111!ryq Hitllett, employ-llrQI.., 1111~ O.V.lllllli'I • • ,. a "'-'" tlld M,._ OtrrYI Nturtlll, 1S111 men! 11,....lew: 511penrl •• llthl ltNrt· -••Ion af mu I I I• rt• Id t ~ t t SM19 C>flvt, MIH\Oft Vltlt. ba' ment ftf • tmPlcl'rrMnt FUlltrton, t ;:ll Ol"lelllPr!IMIS. PIM Artl lldl. 254i UCI Mar n •.m .• Tillrd 0 1111119 ll;oom, MtM com-C•"11P11l. Tlckflt *5,50. J Mf. '"" Mn. John O. H1mltt0!\, jm l!IOl'I$.. Tldl:etl 13.JO, ThundtY, MIJ 2' -~ aflil MY711: AWnof A"9 ., W1t1trnll'llltl', tlr\ 'f"tdnffDIY, MIJ 21 -Mtrk>1 Orlt11lll M'l'1'11.. Dr. Jte C~ ~ l'MY it &IOIDQ' d SOV!hern C.flfor!ll•: Tht assoc. ,,,,,._ iol trt/ C.. tttft Mt wlllll Mts l!dwtrd G 0111111 .1'1%2 •to"" ff Mllrlne 81~ Tim OUM. Colieg1, i.-llMCh. 1 11:..li .. ~ A-Id• lloiitc-, Mlu 0 lolt Viii'°' IMP ltNrtntnf ff POPUlttloll .91!d E""lron-Scltnct lldll. 101, UCI ~ ,Tldlftl ... U "' !NM ·~· UCI. 7:30 1>.m., Sdtra M.50, , M(: Mil 1i1n. M. G. Srl)llll Jr., 21 ~ ~ Hell. UCI C--. TkJr.•tl hh.trd1y, MIJ $1 -Cfl!W OweloP- Ctrr-DrM, Mh.•'-Vllolo, ba¥ ...... ment lhr-h t11t A~: lollf'·tnll lfllv. ,. ,. t 7)\ ' ' · ·,ORDER THIS WEEKl Mr al'lll /lln. Slf!l'h.,. A. Schm11b. W._,, Mrt 21 -tMT'Oductlol'I to Comm1111lullon 111'°"'9~ 0 r a l'l'I t t It 1Sl?2 CtoRll>lldo. W"1m1Nltl', lwlll Si.It! MOlltld Ta,... Iii lltaclinw l~O'<f\wtlon,, 'PIYlli. p It I 1r11 JI , ,0 Mr""'~ Mr 11Gb9rt 11 O.det\o 15ft1 M llter1tur~ Kllldwtartwi """-" fetdltr, LOii .......... 11111 ~lwfld • • t'; 'Y ' \i'llo Vltl'lto!°.MIUloft Vlf:lt. tlrl 9111 Gr•: Fr1 .. llft "ulllklll«& L. W. s.ct.DI d M14k Mii t11t Mb.'t I.Ill.., SU.-, SQftr llw>lttt.•1 "·'""• Nolfurtl Llttt. T,,,_,.,., ~ •1 Mar H'9fl Sci..,,.. 811111. W, UCI c.m.us. Sdlool. e .. ttilvlf tNI Mir Vllt1: Wife-Husband . ~ l.idney Switch • 'llAN FRANCISCO (AP) - ,,_ University of California Medical Center h I • SUC· caatmly completed its fll'St wile-to-husband kidney trans- plant. ~'El<WEISI · Wllk:llff ,Mortuary E. 1,. 81 .. c .. ta Mesa -LTZ MORTUAlllES ~ del Mar Oft Ufst C!ff!t M.,. Tiii HUI • • ~ lmiJ. BROADWAY " MORTUABY 111 lrMdwaJ~ C..U Mesa Ll/NGS ' • DILDAY ~RS a *I' \falleJ· 'l~t;·~ _(' -:: . . • • • p~\lllw ., MElllO!UAll PAlllt ~ .... .,., .,~~ No-·:.~· PEEK tr Alla.Y COLONIAi. flltiEUL -1111-Aft. .... I .... ' •w•nt'ID:a lllOllTIJAJtY '---.ua .. a rrnt· -..i• ' • J Tldrlh M..!ll. Tio.th M.Jlll. ~ ll'Li!!tlf• THE FABULOUS SPORT-ALL Speciel feallJres -assure deep-down d&- pendability .and heavy.<futy accuracy. A rugged wat~ made just for the active sportsman and outdoor.;man ••• and made l'b llst! only gee CHMGI" AT Youa· HHNIY'S '1Nf JfWfUtY Dfl'AaTMfNT PV\.&.•llT'Otf .... ,,., .. 0.-............ o.-.,.... Cl>r!Mr • Mll"Tl"•TOM ••A<M "111111,,.hll'! c .... tt.r l!dl~!Wr ,, kt! Olt,o l'wv. NIW9'011T llACH F11lllon tllllld MtcM-al l'ac Cal H""' \ tef Dad ·~ your love ... GIVE HIM A FINE PORTRAIT of you and the children A9S ONLYlf' Wt 1 r 11 4 ,.,,,..,, ~ ... , ,_,. or tit(•• ,.ople My gift wih tell Oqd )'OU lovt him, but only o fomlly portra;t Jtt1.Dicf '" y~r lo¥tl And, he ·n ,.. it on fothef•1 Doy ond every doy of the )'tar. Hurry in now ••• giv. Dod the OM gift he'll treasure forever ••• o portrait of his fomityf {Smoh oddiUonol charge fOt mor. ltion thrn people) «emtmbtr, yrw con charge it ot Ptnnty'JI ,.Ul.LlllTOlf O•~nttl•lr Cm1,r 2fld ,...,., •71·4'J • HUNTIN010N llACN Mvn11nv~ Cm'11• 1nd flDer, fti.7771 N•WflOlllT lt•tJt Ft~klfl !Ill .... 2nd 11wr. '"'nil I FULLERTOH 171 ... 343 I I put a little color . ... in your life ••• with a colorful, .new floor of @mstrong 1 Arlmont · Coronellee Vinyl Carlon• Arfman! Coronella ••• the drama or the ~lltrranean comes to your home wtth thil · Moor™>tlla design In deep, rich tones-another colorful, new floor Idea from Annslrong, the name Ilia! s1ands for beauliful, easy-ca111 floam Costs lesa than you think...:ask us for a free estimate. Aliment .floor. design cop)'l1ghled by Arms1rong. ONLY 7.99sq.yd. I plut installa!lon COMI It Ol CALL TODAYI HUNTINGTON IEACH LAKEWOOD NEWPORT lt4c:H, M+2SIS m-m1 134-7000 "I\ .. ...... • 1' • \ r.. '! • • I •: .. _._ DAILY l'ILOT J If • ' ' I I , . • • • • ' Ane Jobs· Many Go . . .. ' Ill " . .. ,\ ... ' "" • • '_, .... , ,~~' or prlv1te -..... Many aia U81L1ily 11 to 14; 1 hiib areal many people moving in-building_ "start.s." c:ootractor. Alao, a good con-~ qt µ... ~"" ... : P21• -~-~ change tn:tployera by lbe ~· sceooi educltiG;a 1'~requir.ed. to-the over-2$ group need.in& On balance, lbe u .S. Labor 11.rucu.n •t1ectrician c a n v job: 1 o ca l n 1 1 . ,. . • •. 1 others work far lbe same c~ .i:our 1 t • t e ~ployment houJin• and buainea ....... era. n-.. .. -.' .~. employ-1 • 1 ' dn.. ·1o • arious chance1 art -aa a CG& --'"' --'"'"" -===. lor al •--·'"-d ... ........ ........,..~ ~.. rans er rta ''1 v structlon el~·ic'·n -4 -~·· _, ·-lrac Sever yean or more. W\'A....: uua.~·Cll'I r er you to and the treDd toward more use ment ~,of --·Mion he •• -•~1c 1 k ~· ~ -"-"' .... .....,l '"' ~ c:ooo-al _.......... ..._........ ot r types .. ,.~ .. • wor , -·wou' .... bl .. .;:..<•1 ..... -•tnKt!!"..._"' .. .-.. OM W1Mi1t -CHARGING YOUR BAT~, .. the loc jo::::.entbietsbJthp of electrical productJ . .,Minus eledlicl&M U) ) n c r i a 1 e MANY CJRClll'n. tn a sing-bnr.'::'°pm'. ,.~ •- •llclf.......,.-,.... TERY. Most tr a In In & ~am, Y e side : ll)OOerately throu_. t•h e le.year, I.he, coo.rtructioa £lee-~ A: ~ Hv&.wki aaau'eJtion. authorities recommend com-,_National E 1ectrle 11 Con. Such technological advances ••·and, with about l1' oPen· trlcian may bring eJ~ica.I ' 11 ' ~-"'-·M•-I '"'·'··· ( Jso · ' f ft Ir~ Aasoclltlon a n d d b I lea! "'•• oach y••• from eatL-,. L-A L-A.o.. S.llO vwr' •-'""' i... f!.o111rt \,All'.IOU"ll\>UUU'e eeu-~io a pletlon 'of a our-or ve-year 1•. . \ as pr a e ectr equip· ....-~ ..... ' 1~ ~foit into t,..:" .._e Jr t.tl~ t1o.1c; i. Jootw L•I"' ;: called ~ir-.t~)ljt,,ye •ual apprenti«Sb1p program, afttir IBE ·For cateer da1a, write ment, fa c tory "packaged" ~ teUremenb al<>ne business ornce, wire for life.. t'rM ca.-rwr,'r.to ""'L." "*LQT. e1mlnll1l ...... 1li .... ln which)'Qu mUltPNI eums 9o lo lUW'. 1*10 Fifletath St .... fldtff,_· 'iftf' ~ tl1e ceillftll, better and Ume-sav-VP AND UP. Adv~tupent givirlg eqlJ.ipment 1n hoapU.als, =~~ .:.., ':'/~~,'n,:::: .:i~, t;: the building trades. '-become a licensed journeyman NW, ,'W&shmgton, D.C. 20005. trade's noWlh.rate. Plus side: ing tools. Question mark : mil)' be ~ ~,7 m a n , spacecraft or subuiatlne+ or "'• ti.•11• ot • f\lt11A collHowl ""1" ., ,. ll bill ..-...-•·· r I 7'! *'""" • tr .. -110)".tl • Mo!'twrr TfJJJtis both becau.se of the or, master electrician. Agn FUTVRE POWER. V~ious-lncreuilil poptllation, wi"'-a Ava a ty-oi credit for new~IU~ewtcnucntt ator or cause·fact.ory-wbee a to spm. -_..i. ,.,...,ltW. ·..... · houri~ rate, and beci~ lhe,......:.......c:::..... __ ......,C _ _;c,-_-,-____ +==:.;:.:...;.;;;===:::.....-T-'----'-------..;..:;"'-:::7r...;:...-----....:..:..:...~~-~-=i,,,--.....,---,..----.,.-,.ama1' "'~ ~ , ,.. con-·, " ~ 1lrilc!lloil watk "alfecte .'dec- trlcians less thi n most .olher '· construoUon w o-_r k e r 1.,. Ac· cordingrto the PJtb., 1.tllE or "ClnltrucUon Re , " U.S. 0eptrln>l!1t ol '"' ~ merce, 1n the ntst 11 ipa9lhl ~ 196t. gross weekly eatrungs ~· or eleclrieal workers averaged $198.00 compared with a 12- m<ll)lh aver'{• pl $168.00 for work'.ers in all ~ntract con- struction. lllGH }'OLTAGE JOBt.The "~Cm ! e.~lrlcian's a f pretj,Y. ~por"'n\ cuy. ! ,As .ao .~,P-le, hive ·iYOU .,ever:.~oo a mairilQcent • ap8rtrhelit"Skyscraper soa'ring ln~eoristruction? Jt stands like an empty frame. dark and im- personal. L ~ t e r • after t . ruldents ~Ue in 'Ind you eye ttle same "building at night, now spectacular with lights, the shell seems to have come alive ! It was the electrician's work that made it possible: the light and heat, motion and sound. Just before the plasterers began their work, wirem en were busy laying o u t , assembling, installing a n d testing electrical ~es, air parat~s. and· 'dozens of other intricate operations., They fo}low blueprlr;lfs, Work in high voltages saf~, aQCI BPOl, connect.pd ,sen)ce com· ,.. plicated electiical ~uiprtient and oontJ;Ols. THE BOSS. The lnterna· tional Brotherhood rt Elec· triCfl,l Workers ( I B E W ) etU!natea: ·..,&here are nearly ioo,oeo-~on eiec· triclans. MOit WCirk for elec- lrJCal ccmtracion. Many are .U~IOyed. and o t h e r s wcrk fGr ao:vehlment agencies . . Youths Now ' Reatl Like ' ·~"' . -Jfh y Should ' " • .By THOt'fAS FORTUNE ~~· 0. ... D1llr ,lltt ltlfl ~~·-Ag~ d6e5n't matter; reading ability does. So the bright se- cond grade girl is readin g the same book with the slower-to- read third grad~ boy. It happens eaclt day when children have moved out of their homeroom class into their reading class at Mesa Verde Sch"°! in ·eosta Mesa. The children are reading better it in c e chronological " grades were scrambled iJ!d ~ students grouped according io ·' their ab ility. And their parents like it befr ter too. "We still have chlhlren \Yho are fru strated ·and some of those in the remedial group feel badly abo\lt it ," said Prin· cipal John R. Clarke. "But that can't be entirely avoid- ed." ' On balanct, however, Clarke belleves t h e 1 mlxed·grade reading program is a proven success, i • · Ftrsi tried \vith the primary grades two years qo, it has been used for grades -one through six last year and this. About ha!Llhe other elemen- tary schools in the Newport- ?i.iesa District have picked up the .concept lor some or . aU .-.. . Educators call the program "non-graded ." •lowever, the • practice at Mesa Verde SdioJ b to group with a diUerenbal of only one grade. A third -1rader might read with a fourth grader. but not a fifth cradet. :J This Is a b~ak from the traditional pattern of three readin@: groups -f a s t , medium and ~low -per dusroom. )fe.sa Verde has 18 gracle; eombination reading groups ~afying in sl!e from 30 students in the largest t<t•thret in .the smallest. . Th~ smallest groups are for thl youngsters with I h e areatesl reading problems, permitting !eadler! to give them mort individual at- tention. , Group {Qdln1 , Jasls 80 minutes per day. Clarie s a y s reading h a s beea given number one priori- ty by teachers and ~rents at Pltesa Verde. "There I s ~rmite parental su pport for the program,'' he said. l_. · A meeling of pareilB ls 1\tld each semester to tell aboul the program, and reldbig pro- eress reports are llDt home every six weeks. tlirb ufd. This Is ln addition tt the UIRlll report cards and parent· lf:achcr conferences. MOUTHWASH & GARGLE ""· 1 29 Sut e "Brylcreem" Hoir, Dressing P•ts life it ••II •1ir! Superlleach ._,... 'ftitt1i11 PWtc • ,,.All" · · ftr DISHWASHERS w/11ilt·l1 S,et le .. ••r • • AT Shop Tonight Untjl 10 P.M. "Head & Shoulders" SHAMPOO' ·1~09 . .. "Anaci!'I'' TAILllS ftr fist P1i1 telltf .... 3' $1 Silt : Use our BANKAMERfCARD Bargains PLUS Bllie Chip Sta111ps 98'( PREPARATION H Shrinks Hemon110iis • lelienJ 11i1 • Rtli••tS i,lc~tq iR ... t tlstl 1 oz. OINTMEKT 1.09 -; ion· & $1IU' Overalls ,.,. ...... ,,.,, SIJES 1-4 DiK't ,, • or dl!Cotltil'e 1.t:s I ie ,dl li&ktf t \ Sprlftl colofs. lWltMICl 1.79 aOYS' & $tllS' PllMAlllMT HISS Crawlers-J~rs l•FANlt' TO 6 MOlfTIS N AssOJled styles alld mil collilrs. With or wiltioot snap close crolci1. LlmlGllU' Short Sets IOYS' & GllLS' lrlits, seersvcl· ers, popli• ind per~nell! press . . • Ms!' d styles ll'ld clllors. Nlsru 'Streaks 'n Tips' l1st11t Te11porary Ctltr Sprays h~ir wit~ ~i-fas'hio~ calor xcents; g11!1'10ro~ sts~. 11ps •.• bl e~ds i• 11ay . Ass'! cOlor.i. 1.00 .. ''BRON. ZTAN'' 1 .... FAST T1• 2-Pc. Summer Sets 2-Pc. Summer Sets > •Cft1•Utifi~1L}~ 1 • M1lst1rilit1 L1ti11 (4~ tJ.) . a. llU.-1' 11.) t ~ ~=ct ·,,'.1, 50 ' ~ ~?· Paper Bag HOLDER • ''Sun Stoji'.' , l~or-l j 0 ~ . ' ~ . "Lyso.I" · ·" SPIAY' '" •'- DISINFECTANT '_,;~·'.{ Kills i1fhlewa Ms • •· )' .' \\. . ' •il'tll!Mllt m~s .•. treah l 33• I sttnl tlimlllll~ illl:s8old • .. ' ' ~. 21 11. Sli1 , 8 SIZES 1 ... -CllllCl 1.79 MIALTM•D•METll Bathroom Scale \ Wide ~t.111Ce dl!sign •ilil •i"YI m11r. C".llld cclot \11111 4 88 al'ld bandle.. large. c.1sy ta· read dial. • • • -.. Mllld•JUTK • Caffee Percolator Blews $.9 e11ps of rd, 1~11 ' -• bodiell coffw 111t0fllllitall1, ·s 88 ltlel l.ctJS ii driftkilc llat . 1M seMlt r.n iflcWed. • "PRO" Toothbrushes C!OOSt: from 6!1C Sii! • kis1les l st~ ill ~-o w usku witk 1ss11ted 4 , 99c .... -._ \ I ,· . . . ... ' f ., .. •••• ;i P 't ·~11:.~1 ..... 0 ·-liUoflor tljoet Stoiiia 12 If. Si JI 99c;.' ···~ I '-. (tjl1 Safi)· lla1uen 'Harir as Naifs~ 1 Hel,dlilo Sil!JlaUila!C ~"' ........ -~ .... ·~· kel~t ,r1~i1 1 1 , l thippi1c. spl1tti111 1 1d·c11a~Ht c. ... ,•. ' 1n·· :s9c •' JW Ctltts ' it. ••1VJE•A· I SwiRI Aidr-. . . F'!l;e · Mask lar_ge Casi111 mask wilJI p1W11~m1fM scopic lets1 1djustable strap. Kiddien;,,... l iSCIJ -Wlti\e bW Jloi!• ~l~le Mf'IJ\ fits yOL1ng~ttl'S to •te . ~I. • ' •• J, ---L • I I • \ • ' I. l) • ,. ital. Staiisties for · t~e ·orange ·c;oasi ---Area . , Marriage IJCenses ~ • MAYJ MAKlN-WtUON, Cle* J~, "r.:i." tm • Auror1 swi1 ...,. an11 • rlt l~ IJ,.. of -A,bo Avt., Diii -· TIMMEllJMK-\lfAltG, Jlmts M.. tt, ol 15JI Wntmln1Nr A¥1 , Cosh IMH •-&Grinie, u. (If 1163 G'.1'""°°'5, ''" .... IMNNING--FUCHS. ltOCSne"t l ., 11. ti 115G El Emblr"cll~ IEI l~I Ind Ollrwt l. 11. f1I 13"1'1 PKllM; Av.,, w .. 1m!fw.t1r. A.nNEl't-M<GUlltE, Ptul T •• 1t. el l•U LIVI Wl"t1 W.llT<illt'Mir VIII Miry E,. al, OI SU .llfllt Wl'1, ........... IUCHING!R-HE~U ...... A. 2.t. -il'J liliter ~;! W•lml111• and Ctc L. Mr of -N. Idella, i.. H1iw •. ASTON-DeW.-.LO, It_., I!., 111 " 5901 "Jk.'t LMM a11C1 M1rf..,._ I , of IS6t.I i•ll lMi!J,l bDlll of Hufll1l'ltllol'I 8e1dl. , ;z . HOWAR!?:t:.':-A."IJI_~ Mlrtl ..!!i-&,~ :f.~·~~r4~:n._~li;lhUiiM1 "'"' . SUTHERl.A~O-HAN&ON. llldll"' -~.J """ "' .. ~ ....... """ -NlllC'f J11 t, el 111SI;~ INcol "'' H,:'.D" IMUI. . ol GERLIC ~S, ...,.,.. & .. ti, 1111 Pltdllclt 1SI,. ~--ClndM M,. fl "f" W LA v.i .. ·~~AC~~· :tr ,\,;i ,a,,~ · .• 31; t?'t511~1t.Vt,, APr "I 11 ot cos-.~ '. WOllD-PORT£R.,, rMIV o .. ~A' l lndell Pllor,_CDI I }MU lfl C •• ; 20,. ot luil Otl Mto. . II. Sfllll An1. MAY t ' MUNOZ-!ISNf:ltOS.:01111el M.,·'n. fll l'20 W. Cl'ltpm1n, P"l1cen.n. 1...--... M.. l'O,. of 1m:t Glrtlellll, H11ntll!(llM tf!Kll. -• SHREVE-WIL.L1AM.S, fr1rW. D,, S(, ui 211 N•llW!llil .st. •nd Mlorll't'n O,, n, of 2211 DtlllWfll't, ball! of l1'lflllllllflln 8M<;h. CHURCH-LAllSON, llUdll~ L,, ,,, of 3 E, ltth r.r.SI I nd krf.tf I"., It, ti .:i.t E$1her\\l· of COS!I Mlsl. DICE-NAN RVIS, Jl:lclleN JI:., tt. of m1 Llldtl Id •nd JudY ·O., 21, of 93111 UldlflRd, ~ Ill ti\llltltletotl .. k, STEARN~DUIENZ. ~ l ., 21, of :!Ol:\.11 FJrJI IT., ,_,I ..... INI 81Kfl •rid J1nel L.,..tl, of US'H. ~,....._, aurbank,. C.1n. $CHNELL.-NELSON, Herold J ,. 31, et 17301 K"Kon' ....... J4 Ind Mlrv G., 30. of ltnl M1llO!ll1, Delfi If Hlll'l- 11"11.k>ll ae•d>. . I EllER-MOllALES, Pl'l)H,, 20, of 1m1 P1Hlt1n ctg;;lt· HuntiM!t>n lleadi'1 111114 Anna , 21, et 10572 H1rcourt A ... ,. Antl'lll . • f'HU .. \.IP$-MATSON.t CINirln £., It. of "111'2 Mlrldl • ..,,,,_ GP'tYI! tM Lynde J. U. of IU2 W...,• Clrcll!. tWlltlntlon lle..:,h LUNDW.l.t\.-KOEii:NEJI:,.~ S.. 25. of ... IHcll SI' Co.t9 "'1Kt •nd Fern T., "' °' ,,, "-Michie~ Fulffl1el\, TOW NSENO-HARS..1.NY, Jtr..., J., 211 of 1911 M9ple AY.'-·i Colli Meu llnG Vicki Jo :IO, of ._ C.mlUe, .I.Ill. 8, S1nt1 Ana. KEALOH.1..-RILEY. Mkf1.ffl S .• '13, of 1n P11tner 1!1d S1<1dr1 L.. it, cf 216 :r2nd $!;, both of Cost1 Mltll. GVEVAR.1.--GVEVARA. Mllnuel. n. 1rld l ._ l,, 2' both of 3"U41 Vlll s.Jlll llOP, c.tJ.11¥r llffdl. STOCKElT-WELLS, DOii C., n. of 3120 RcwllOks L.1,.., Coll• Mesa 1r.d L111r1I C., It, of .,, S. Cl1111Jina, .l.Mhelm. SCOTT--OENSON1. RQlllld l ., N, of 1,.,1 8ur111ty, 1"'Untlntl'Ooi 11e1ch lllld Oonn1 M., 20, DI 12411 . l it 1111, lUlllln, CUNNINGH.1.M-H088S. EdW1r4 A .. 'I• QI llGl MldWIJ INI LI 'Anni M., DELIGHTFUL INTIMATE DINlNG FINE WINE &· SPIRI'l',S ." ~of 111n L•ntltY Drlw, both of #Ii. ltos. "' GIL-'i!'AVINGElt, M!dllel S., 26. of-> 4.fl N«dlnt, HeWPOrt k lctl 11111 ~hf'iit;. 2:J. of 1.u.. e. ll•ttaur, .... ~~-FICKLIN. C.rl M., n of WI Cei'rl~•·• #IP!. a . Sl1n"°", 111~ Cllervl I -.• SOON JN CORONA DEL MAJ\ ~ . II.· .. 11, DI U°'l 1111111. El Toro. llROWNE--McPl-lElilSQN; JOhn 1:1 .. 10, ol 1115-1 11.edWQOd SI. i nd Donna J. 21, of 961' Slerlllll Ave., bolfl ol Foun l•!n V•ll •Y. NEWCOMER -MAl(IN, Drtlll W~ '2. ol 24111 L~ Cre-11 llfld! JIJl!t fl..1.. :n, '' · ,.11 L• Crn11, betn °' u-l!ollit.· • • CHAPMA....,.OW.l.RD5, R1fph V'f., 21. of It.JI:. -~L 1"1lrce City, Mo., •rid with an electric self-cleaning oven and_ get $25 in the mail to boot!* 1; m elctttic:= with 1,aclf· %1-~Junc 30hom your pottldpating dealer and the Elemic League of Southern CaliComia will mail you $25 if vou cbnor my of theoe popular brmda Fdp:lalre.Gcncral Elccaic. !iog> ~nr Kmmorc. Thcrmador. w ''•.,Ma.e • I anyhow, aten't you! Why put up wJth all that drudgery when an clccnic self-cleaning oven will clean itsc1f for less'than a dime ? clcctriC range mc;ans a cooler kitchen. Electric heat goes into the food-not up the sides of pots and pans. Eltctric ranges now outsell gas rlngcs from When your new drange is electric, coast to coast. You can sec why. you can 01t way own 011 ckaniog your kitchen, too. With Sec your local parricipating a Bameles$ range there arc no deafer. Give him your address · by-pmducu pf combUscioo to when you buy a range. The diri.,.wall1, 1'imloW1 andcumins. League will mail you a cbccl:. Be.idea a cleaner kitchen, an ~ Sou/hem C1/ilo1n/1 Edison- ·- ' . - DAILY PILOT CARRIERS HONOR ROLL Tile 'DAILY. PILOT fs proud of Its c:orpt,.o/ ~wig aaltsmtn w1to dtlivtr tlt e newspaper to iiour door. These vauno mn are the cream of the communit~. E¥:h month, the be.st of them will be selectfd for liitinp cm the Honor RolL Each carrier li.stld here ha obtcfrsfd at least four MW customers during the ·polt month. had "° more than. oni cu..stomer complaint /or .th.e mon.th. and muat have paid his bill for the mwspaptn ht bought , "wholtsal(" on time. Num~r q/ stars f"·l il\'fN>nt o/ his name indicates number of cOnsecuUvt months thaC •. \ ' t earner has been on the Honor Roll. ~ Cr1i1 Mil l•r , J of..11 K.nt l r11c:e O ttr•n41r D1vid >.r11ntr•nt G1ry H1n1•n Rh;n1r J11!n1on f!•rrv Moollly Phll 10111'1 Mike l otlll1t Glenn l yron R111dy Rob•rh R121•r Erig11I John Abbott Tony Prine• D1vid Slftith Dllvitl lr-n H•ctor At11i1l1r Sc•tt C•rh 1n WilU1m l11m "'~T1d l r1dw1ll J•v Gui1111 . l ruc1 lo•hl1r 11Row111 Sch1id1 t1 Rolobi1 Shipl1y M1rty Kl•H 11T1rry Wood1rd Andr•w K1 Rich•rd l1ldwi11 ''Scott T '"'" O•vitl E•tt Scott Schu1t1r ••Merlin G;lchri1! Ricky 1111 · Dtnnit Pr1ff O•John Cr11lm1n Joh11 s t.ff••• l1rrv '••••r ''Johll l1rtholom1y Tom Willton Rog1r D•ligl•t ••o.vid N1w11m Cr1ig OtviJ Jo• Gutl•rr•s 1 •01vitl l1r111w G 1or9• M111nlnt Miki E1.1dwM '"'ltob1rt K.uno Phil G1uhchi Fr•tl H•lflm1nchl1t ••Georg• Hoff1r KeYin Wi\1•11 Cl<.1rlt1 SymoM1 11Erlc H1rtl1 .lrillll Kent Scot W,1t9 1•~ 11l loyd C 1rr Sc.ti Moo1111w M1rk Hinkl• ••Jimmy C1rr Carrier of The Month **** RIOIARD MAllTER, HOOINGTON BEACH Richerd is 13 end is d•scrib•d by his d istrict m•n•g•r I 1clult supetYisor1 Reuel Olson, es • "drt•m c1rri•r·" Olson r•fl•cfs sentim•nts expr .. secl in s•v•r1l let0 f•rs s•nt in by Richerd's customers wh11n h• say1, "My p•rsonel •valu1tion of him could not b, higher." A four-tim• montkly Ho nor Roll Cerrier, Rich1rd is 1ctiY• in sports and. spends 1ome of his rovte profits on spoits equipm11 nt. He pl1y1 trump•t in his sthoel beftcl encl 1tt•nds As111mbly of G·ocl church. Pilot Pete Se%: ••curt Chrhti• •li'Gr1g l11d1t ~•Robin Tull1n•ft •~w.yn• En9111 "•'D•I• Hl11k1n1 •••Wrlli1111 f ry '"'61•11 Aldin91r ·~~D11nc111 Sir•u11 •~•Jerry Klett oo•Tony Al1x1nd1r •~001nnit Holmes ¥c•1rv1n John1011 ~•••Frink Vitt•r 1111Vlnc1rit Duk11 1"11Rick Wh1•l•r •••01r1J Ow f1ult ''"''Mi•• H1tdlki11 ••11R1b1rt C.rlt111 1111DOll Johnt•ll '"11Rich1rd M111t•r 'Vacant Rental Units Make Vacancies In Your Bank Account' Here's How Big The 'Vacancy' Is • • • If Yovr Monthly Rent1I Ev•ry Pr ic• Is: O•y Evett w .. Evw; Two e9lis I 75 12.50 '17.50 I 35.00 - 90 3.00 21.00 42.00 100 3.33 23.33 46.67 )20 4.00 28.00 56.00 130 4.33 : .30.33 60.67 150 5.00 35.00 70.00 175 5.83 40.81 81.62 200 6.67 46.69 93.38 225 7.50 52.50 105.00 250 8.33 58.31 116.62 ( ltttd on • )O.cf1y month) ·-· And tho "v1c1ncy" in your b1n1c: 1Ccount '°'' ovon bluer when you~ke into conoideretlon the coll of mo intolnint thOM empt unite. Summertime Is action timt for DAILY PILOT ront1 ad1. C•ll 642-5671 for tho dlnct llne to ruulta. We've 9ot some space to rent, too, •ncl tho pr1c• it. always rigllt In Ille cl111lflod 1dvert111nt -lion of tho • DAILY PILOT i • -------·-- ' , ' . , •• _,,I • ""'" w......,, 14<1 21, 1969 DAILY PILOT JG UCL Plans 0~4 Annirers~;ry ~rogra~ 1~,~~ ... ~~~ ' . • ' -• . • • . • • l ' I • Wt11t JdS . f . ·,jto, Pro~ ·l:,,;,a C~~ -iile· JM ,..,., WM 1" inllly' ~kiln D. if,,riJl!y S<Ulpl""° f0urth'ln°the natlon bi over-au s~ial • academl 'vents __.:... ~ 10ldell lftl!!V<nary. UCLA turned the flrit.a!!oveUI urtb ""1~ lieldl ii now ol· 1an1<n wltn more than ao qualily of moun:es. c1Uri!11 Ille lllRl-..y _,, ( 5ee by Today's ~ Ille i.r1e epoed on the..=-aoidtll hllll Qlal 1.-.cl. . · ' . • ..,.,.,w;.., o1 liedlng moderll Mqll CONCEllN May IHI, Include colloq~ 1 ... ~~,,ltf l: :" .... Two'° ;::.'·tr.~ .Tllo pactol lfOWll\ bis cap .. OJ1Uo!s· uctA haa l"li'o In JtC<nt 1..,., UCLA has cnoired by .the ~ollowlh1 Aalllet ' , o(.,, I b.e -•Is llld 111oJi ~rs ~ .to qulcUn and today outsla)ldln( ,paotll focllltTes expanded Ila C011<ern for the facuUy memberi: "Soclolou Ullhenill' of """"'began moved lo the new .<:-. ll;Ofl -. attend clals<O -(I) ill "'1Ulllal computing e<jucation or minority ~Is of .Rfliiloa." .l'rol..,.r J(ltl ii a modkl Ille, llld---bot nie , fint four )ultt11n111 ,..... ta.,. lil!Udklp. nie ...,Ihm> cap0elty and .(ll !Is ftne and urban problems. The w .• ·~; :'Ole 'tlril6leml r •ly 1.cntll;l1 rtcen~ Yeln.Jt o1 hd brick wt~, tile reolt, part ot lhe elmpua Is occupied research library. , university bas Increased its Ne w !olut19111.'', .~rof~ *'" lo .,.ii al •• ~al qiocleled altf' the -by IJle., Celftr for, Ille Heillll The computlng cenlers, one academic oll4"!np in elhnlc Vln!pn Dearing;_ P~yal~ roltand~adynamlc:way;·· q11eand~•lylllol ~·UCLA bu grown .in, for lb• geneial:,cam(IOll llld· fields, e1la'bllshed an Qt1arue : Ch.,n)slry",~' * Puatonate Pink: 'SM'll love you tor thl!J1 a.nd have MOfe ti.me for lwi ..• btau. UfuJ plnk Whirlpooj, lmpv!' ia1 wa'.Rber I aaa di'ytr, only $50 f~h. . II \las ilarjM In 11g,-u Ille . Bologna, Miian and.V-. ~ other areat ol lem\oi. one for Ille Center. for 'J!le American cultures p r o J e c 1 Ptolessor Saul • Wr l .. IJ.! foln; "~· IWUdt'' ~ •, ~ • flrlt; l:a'ilWlno m_ tit. ~ • t ; r Heailh &eriiuel, are-~ -dealing, whit·~ re;.seerch, "Fi'onhers in ]feu~" Jegillallon tranelemd ROyce !loll, the 1-1 b r • r '" Iii the plijlicaJ lclenca llld and versatili. The HW!b iW1ed a high po!eolial pro-Pr~ .Jolil\,jt~~ ljod Ill and groundl o1 Ill& chemistry, and Ph Y 1 I ca· ~' ! b er.__. are. Sciences CO!Dfll!ler !ll!en Ill! IP'am for Pf<l!lll>iJ\g studenb, "~ or lbe ~,'' -.Anacl• Slatf Normal ~IY· •ilualod_-.. •-fl!:lllllet. audl 'u a hi~· mool eil'!llive medical com-" llld begurn•irl< on communl-P .lllrcld, If. ~ ool oil".Ve(nl!l!F~~ ~aoale. Sloqe ,U.. i-. -~ ~ fll!linf -abllily ti1 1he~, • Jy~JemilhComPiOo,Pico-~)I): IMf. ' . ' •• * HaW4Hari • lnoomt: Bay. v.._ hotel, " Ideal tar hi· rile, bu bari 1ln4 rftllJUi rant $IOO.oo0. $1illl;oal -· ••• barpln. . lli't!ltJ.<)l..,JD·ii;s J ' <41llllPlll,llil ,,_.Jar1111 ~ '.i.rt a 100 b ' lllJCiear.,.._ and 'lhe-..me oquf is •'Umon. and other urbin areas. coidi'I· ,bl/!!!. llrO co · ia • l'"'VlnClal, ~yw fiT. lrelH""' oti lbe 41...,. !Jr Ille .rb .,.. unuSwri curfently beina' lnltlil for ·· Bunche Hall, Ille a.oc lal and the··~ HiU : • • CIPQJIWI, and the ~tecture t.cllltiea such u the muaeum the · campus co m p u \I n I R1JPh Bunche U n d e1r tion m ®ea to 'the . Uc By 1114, II ·.,.. a k ·NI' h., become l!lOl1, 111!'1 "'l"' aod'laJ!Otatorles<ol~ic fl:I• n<lwcirk.,. • · ~ !Secretary of Ille 'united Na-wllhoul ' Charp; and 'rr.e itltituUon and: in~, aftei11"1 mode.., in tuoe ~~ !'¥· '1R' 1 ' , met · 1lhe The\ 2,7SO,«iQ_ v o t-u me lions; will return lo bis alma. tlcbtf are ·Avail#llt J.W' ·u,e q!ulderlng . _. , nLiJOO ? ~ city that """",IJP · · we ~I-research Ubtpry, ls Ille largest I niater lor Ille dedication of C ~or( cellor's • Ina-au;;; ales from ~ . . ~ .. w ~ 1.~ .. t I ~ tb6..-19&Utute ·~or in the~, Soyjliwest. The 'Bunche _Hall, the s oc ia I from """the " UCLA: (ICDce of SM Dl•RO• Ille II •ii'' NEW ·PROGRAM · elhiiomulloofou, willl •ill 400 American c:quocJI on Educa'" iclerices. boll~lng. at 3:311 p.m. Publlc;ln(ormatlori In· Murphy JJOVed a new locaUon In In 1933. araduale. ~es ~ initruments.. and the lion survey of· 1966 ranked It on.Friday, M~y 23. Hall. IJ-. leadin1 lo Ille master's ~gr IJAJIE CHANGED were tdded, and In 1118, the Jn 192:7 -when the name first Ph.D. wu awarded, wu ~ lo UCLi\ -malting UCLA a unlvenlly .. ln ~ ' . . . . )'6 ; ¥ ouths . on Coa8t ·• , . ,-:c, -( .• ' .. . . . Given Fellowships ~ Silteen area-1.r a d u a t e siudtntl have been selected as ljlate Graduate Fellow.a for'lhe ~aclemic YUi' lll8H9'10.· · ,SJ>Olla<lred by , Ille .state Scilolarship and 'Loan Oom- iPJalon, the J,100 JelloWships pde lultlon ,. anjl ,,., lo !1C4demica.Uy able stqdents who need flnaitcial !'!Sistance. • Tbe namea ol Ille ~La. ibd the iradualn achooll Ibey Wil~ attend, are :·· ·• , '.'"COSTA MESA: Swim D. <;owing, 2113 Sandplpei: Prive, USC; Brigette L •. La1!'i;olz, !1f4 w. 18Ur st , sta111,n1 ; e;harles M. i.ari(lers •.. 2384 cl?olgate .Pr., USC; Kay · L. "'"°"· 1121 C«Ona Lane, UC Sao Diego; Margaret Miller, MS Junlpero Drive. Oc- tjdellla!. Carson anc! Thomas P . ca rs on, 113 Verano Place. use. BALBOA: Richard A . Griswold, 2043 Seville Ave., UCLA; ~an A. SlnrT; 101' Pearl Ave., UC Berkeley. CORONA CEL. M A'I\: Steven E. Lev~, 40I ~vocado s1.. use. NEWPORT BE-~CH : llicl)ard J. Coble, 1500 DoYtt flr!ye, Stanford; Wllllam D. Hivert, 1806 Toyon Lane, Claremont. LAGUNA !!EACH: ~ J. Holste, 2145' LaguDI 'can- yon Road, Claier!>onl. ' SAN CLEMENTE: Eric A. Olaoo, Ill E. Loboii Matnoa. use. WESTMINSTER: Poul T. Attner, lPlJ Lava W1y, llCLA. : IRV~; Chrlslopher ~~~~· ~"~·,..+,.-~~~~-'-~~~- ·aoN'T BUY A P.OOL UNTIL.~ ~-. -· . . 'v;ou iu,ow ~J!!~~ •.~ t!t• .. p0ol you Intend to build as "'- man who Is contracting for you? . - : , MISSION POOLS FIRMLY BELIEVES THAT ; I YOU ARE ENTITLED TO A COMPLETE ESTI- : MATION AND SUM.M""TtON .Of All .. : \ COSTS BASED ON THE P 0 0 l .DE516N, ' : { LOCATION AND DETAILED EQUIPMENT . SIZING. . . r :. . /'\' ! . ,, ' I : ·FOR EXAMPLE: KNOWING THE ANSWER l TO THESE QUESTIONS f CAN SAYp J OU HOM $1&0.'41 TO $5o0.DO IN "HIDDEN .COSTS" AT THE TIME OF CONTRACTING \YOUR POOLI '· . ; I ' ' l I ' . WHAT DOIS "ELICTllCAL lt~OK· I. UP INCLUDED" MIAN -1 · • ' WHAT DOU "1'110 HIATll IN· :2. CLUDED -INSTALLATION EXTRA~ RIAUY MIAN? • WHAT DOO "1111-UXE FILTER AND 3. PUMP NIAN? 4. WHAT DOE S ''POOL ARIA" MIAN? 'S. HOW CAN YOU INSURI YOUR· SIU' THAT THl'IUILDER WIU ' HONOR A "21 DAT COMPLmON" i Cl.AUii? • , lH'5E AND MANY OTHER $ J M I LA R QVESTIONS RE6/\RDI~ POol ADS AND OONTRACTUA~ TERMS' ARE CLEA~LY OE- Fl)lfD FOR YOU IN C>µR "GLOSSARY OF .. MS POl Tiii POOL-IUYH. '~ oa wam .a• YOUR COPY TODAY ; , •• lll'OH IUYIN• PION ANYONE . " " Sears · . . OUT THEY GO. . ,. • • • Constructed in asaorted fiben, multi-colon for any, decor, •Room Si1e1 •Scalier St.es e Oblongs · . •Ronn~: . . . •All dra1tically reduced ••• But Quantitiei are Limited! ··Phon~ Sea,,. ' .forTb .. e IN-HOME CLEANING SERVICES,, •• • eup. .. , . .··.Jt:!.'!.:. • Funlllp." ....,,. e Wlbct.. .. 0.-.,.riet ·" eWalli 1,. .. J~, e AM -y 111ort: . ,.._QJ,JS71 f.r t"ltEEr.ei11!$! ' . I Reduced 'l-70! , · i I . l . (• ' . ' ' 9 ' ., ~ .. ; • ' . " .. .. .. 9xl2-Ft. All-W<>bl !9vat ·~aU.g ·. i . • /; ' •t ~I "t" ' • • I','•." . r ··l National Treasure <;ollection of CoJPniat" W · · aO e!O , ., ·Rugs gives your home viarmth and cl},\rm.: as, ·· ~'1.. I ~ ~ • • l .---Other Sizea in--"' All-Wool Colonial Rugs Si&e Were Now 24x26" Sl2 4.99 27x48" Sl ' 6.49 3xs• $30 11.99 '4x6' S40 18.99 6x9' $125 49. 99 8xlli' Sl50 59.99 " .t~. . "·99 • ' " Check These Great Buys! ''Williamsburg" in duribl~ lCJP.96 Nylon. In Green, led, .• Gol~~~p~ )Ji1~ti<el~~~I colors in each.sroup • 1.,.. Siz~. .. ._'t. ,Were ,:,~ Now 1• "'22x34tt 4 I • J ' ,99 '·~ 1.69 ,. ,.. ·1··.... 6 99 . 4x~, ~ .,._ .-1 ... n . . • ·6x9' .. , ' 34.99 · . 15.99 8xl0' · ,·.. c · 19.99 I 24.99 ,9xl2"" 64.,99' 2.99 10x14' 9.99 44.99 , 22x68" 6.99 .49 ... ;. ' ' > if 'surrJ Gro•p i . '97% Wool 3% Misc. Fib<r. Casual · foomc.bc~ in Bidwn, Green, Red, Blue and Gold. ..i Size --t.(: . .;.J Were Now I 27x48" .99 .19 3x5' 1.49 4.99 4x6• 7 .99 . a,99 ' 8x10' ' . 59.IJll; ., 12~99 L,9xl2'• >,ii •1<&.9t" ._ '34;t9 1ox14· :.-109t'l9. · ,, · ·~~ 72"Roun"1 • ''~99 I " ' ~2.99 102"Ronildf •· .S9:9'f;i ... ""' 4!99 4. i,t"' 1' 1 " • , 1,. .-·, I '1.exin&ton" i• l;l7% vo6t'391i ' iic. Fiber. 'llevenible Colonial 1tyltt Cbmplement uy room stttiQS.· In Brown, 1 Gree!'! ~I~ an4,.Plllflr!"· Size 1 ' Jr' " .Were Now 4x6; 'f · 1 .diu.99 8.99 ~~6x9~ i'. ~~ i,.\.'29.99 ~ 20.99 ·sxro· "" ·>" ''.' a<i.99 -27.99 ,'-9xl2' i' } "iS'l.99 9.88 "" ' f fJ .,,..~!I i' ,. . ., ' .. .. "4. ~ ... ·.:~: r .. J ·-· ,~.~ ~ ~. ~ " . ':>....· I••• ,,,, '·• "' ., ... .. . '" •.. ·"·· . ' ·~ \ ~·I ~ "'· __ , ... "::~ "i·r ~ :"'\ tt#f ;A, •. , . ~.,. .~--":';".) . .-·. . ."; ...,.. '"· , .. ' 't •t "' -........ Mi96ton :Poole ' L~9!4• • ., : . $$315050 .. 109.99 .II." .:bout Sean , L~"·~-;;;;;;;;;:-:=;-;;;;..,.;;;;;;59;;.;·,;,; 99~. " c di PI , Conv~.l re l aD1 .. . .. • . , , "·-. , ____ · .. ..;." _________ ;:.-------~---"'!"-------------~---..;.-':"',, . ' - 441 .SOUTH "D" smn TUSTIN, CAUF. (U .... M hi .... la•ff•••c!c ,..._, ~Q-~1 .. • .. •• r • , . ' "\ . ...,._, ...... nr'"'° • ....,<W .. n•• _,.um ""'wt"'"' -.. --, --~~1.i.1 ' I -I ~MCUO.oMi Cll8fWf Oi s.1004, a...,.,, «'l'MP,ca "°"°'"" a.n·11 flOMClllM, m i.11~ N4 Nttt, w ...,., ---·• 4o#11 t ,~ _....,.. !"''!'' I a.ftlf .. •2111, HI 2·'161 HCIUYWOOO HO f·ffAI CIU.NOf: 637-2100 • . ._,,.AM«l 74171 .-_;_~~MIA,... 11.., 4 .. --· """'"°°"°' '""' i/.WIM<Mln~1, ll.Mlll rs:==i ,' . ~l,p!Sl1 • , _______________________ ~ ----------------~-~-~-,.,.. "SetltlactienGuara~mdorY-Moaeylock't · --.-• ...,,....,.,. •;"""""Sot II 1N1A&1o,,.P& ·' ... . -. -. -I ---· .. .. -----• • -.-\ .. ! " • • ~.! • ... '"""' .. be llcl: aod get ~Ill aod sym-mfrun 'yoof own family. i .... W<ll'le to be 'lin- ,. ·and .. be scornfully J ·~· ·• MJ "limocent" bec;ause I ~ hundredl of thousands ........, unhappy people tbroti&h their days aod · b t s. completely m.isurr 1".,;::i FAMILIES and .,_ say, "Pull y""!self loptber, there'• ~not bl n g _,..... wn you except your ber'V•. Yo6're nof1in1 but a ,, MUl'Olic.'' ~ Complete!y overlooked is ~e jioo&lbllity 111a1 the surr ...... ~ actually Umping tl1lOOgb t~e --• lazy tbyroid•glaod ~ . cuts his elqc.leney ' OOiysicil ud. -talj by. SO to 15 p00 eent. • 1 · He bas what we cal hypotbyn>ldlam. 11 c a n be DOC TO R I N THE HOUSE helped, once diloovered1 but. • ~ the trooblt is that we are all too quick to pin cm the falae label : ,psyc-....ic.. · Here is a parUal case history which is s e I f • c X· plan1lory: DEAR DR. STEINCROHN: I had """"31> symptoms to be Cal)ed a oeurotk: .by. ev~. Never did I show 1ny evktence of having any real organic iJ. Joess. All I took were tranquilizers, 1 pat on the back and reassurance like ' ' n e r v e S never ldlled anyone." As I a~ only 33, and a mother With three small children to take Cart of, you can imagine the private hell I lived through for many years. Pt.iy list ot symptoms will amaze even you. I guess tbat'1i .t hy they called me a neurotic: I was~ and slug-.:Dstt and sieePY aJI the lime. 'Had 1o fight ~.stay awake. I , • 1tad muscular achet and pains ' ...... all over. I complained of cOo. • ttnual exhaustion, l o 1 s of lnemory •· b e c •'Ill, e" aliihtly d'verwelght. ahdr11 ~ 1.,d ·ill· cllg"tloo and c..littpatlOO. I was nervOUI., coulrJn't sleep '!!id com~ of-, d ~ i I y -·· CAN YOU JllAllE them foe Calling .... poyC!IOneurotlc! Bui ooe day, I ~ I'd try ~-· (1-1 been m. cDe Jn a few yun because J UXiugtt mine was a bppeless .,_,) He became suspicious that my thyroid 1land might be un- d.er¥:tive. He took a blood test , . caned a· PBI. It was low. He aid,. "Yes, you ha ve h)'pOthyroidi!m. No, you're not I .oeorolic." · RI put me on thyroid ex- tract'. I've been taking three irraiDI every day for the past 11 modhll. I'm a new woman. At least my hu!band, childr and friends I.ell ~ so. I AM WRITING thi.t letter, w\>idJ I hope you'll publi9h in your column for the beoefit of thousands who s u f f e r 1~ly. J.ly heart goes out tO the real neurotic ; but ev more :t0 to the overlooked low; thyroid patient who Is called neWTtlc Ulrough no fault of tu O'\tm. -Mrs. D. ' ·rCOMMENT: Mrs. D., you've Mid it all : the importance ol. comct diagnosis ol t h e 1"Jtel'Vous" person; and thff pod autlopt for improvement afttr lrimple treatment. U 4 many 11hqpeless neurotics'' will Mke new counae and go 1q for a Chh:k\!p on their tllyrold &laod. ont never tpoWi how maay Will begin to liirl·U.lng 11a1n. • .roa MIU!. V.: Although tbeN' m11 be many other 1 !&ab, when • patient like JOUNelf complains ol a sore .. lie li!c that doesn1 beal and jo bo<unli>g 1n ulcer, I think of -lbi¥: , ,Dael Che: ,,.uent h 1 ., e diUetet!' Doet lhe have trou-ble·-lier lee arteries! Does '*-lpive vv:ICOR veins? Why npt .chect on these pomlbllltiec! •• • • • CTA Ho_.ors ' I Cc>ast Man ·.· , Ralph c. "Chuck'' Jilqmelr jeurnoll.sm teadier al Newport -Hl ... ~hu-­.. IWard fNm Cll.lfGndl ~· AMCJrlltlm r or .. rttlnc and ~ edllGHallnattac:henaaoocla' tloa Detnlttter. " Stesmei'• ed I tor I 1I1~ -I a • Newpart·MeA ·1~. ea t I 0 n Allocfatlon's ........ -· wr1u .. bllll'I the 1ucce 1 sful ,..... ., bond 11tue, It urged .._a.1 not to under~Rlmate 1 t1Mwl!ltw W te uae their )lafll!<ol muocJe and cont•ct ~1 to cet Clat 11yes" -. • HA'tl 'IOI flUla OUI tllW ll'Oll ~Tl ~lRBOR I. VD. at EDINGER I 9• 29c Val.e! Color ·Reprints Reg. $2.69 , .. . . WOMEl'S U.AL Tennis Shoes ' CotCm W •P••r•, bullt·I• 8reh clllhion, fuU castnmed' iD101e. White, Bllct, Colon, H. Bali.J ·Dolls or ~waltz Iowas YHra.ice Di1CONt Price •;s'llyi.i .Jtickets ... c~f:. :~1,a· Ligbtwe.iahu · :.. button coll1r, zipper front. · Water repel· ~ le'nt. Mod desipr, 7-inlY colors., Many com· Jia~ent.s. ......... , •. . Kllff ·Slllrts 98•· Sltliag . Al•1 · 42tllCll•lrTles . _l'!f2~F$3 sn. ·0 ' ff< R Cool rabrict/abort . aleeves.-moct turtl• · o> crew neck. SCri"'1, solidt: 8-18. wi.tli PINdMINtf ........ ,°' . '.ltotll For . 98' Slim tip, &li'le · withotilptt.ssure.. Tab to rough,... 'per. Mlrbrs, ~' Choice or i,. nsna or n ln- bow naYOn. lkL 12 lncli Ntwtlty - SIHllept ..... , tic lo bot brown,,.!'. lowr red. JADI' arms. Jep, laJl 1dj\11t• for b•nt- lng ••• woodeD held_..,,. with. tail Cboo1e from •oor•· .ucta, bal drop11 pollc do~!L · clip • h.U., 11an1 •Uier "in" ltfles. 11n l.._x l..ut.ry Nilptilu "ith this coupon. Umlt on• per f'aldll.7. Vold afttrKq2?'. l tet. ' .~-$J06 •• ----~---· ------ ' . . ' . . ' . JI DAILY ,ltOT ..... , ..... ' ,Salli• .. .. , ..... ....... ·49c ' t.oc:-.N• •r rre••1. ,,.,...,, $7.tS liloi-1 ..... • •ltt!iit ..... . LI..., ...... ,_ ... Set . • ..... ........ I each:' U.O.. ltiever-• ,. · Z.el9.>ne Js makiftr' "$• •re, JS.Oz. cooler. s41c " fl owers ••. the •bs~ 2"" l~1.ontlleJOCl:1. . . lute,ragetoday! . • •····• ..... .... ... ,.. ' ' ' ' 111130". . .-..,' ......._ ... ~ , 'Lihlike DH .. •lw ... ~ ...,... ...... So' lire • 'H~"" ~ , ~ • • ,B...,. ,.._.,.,. ·s1""' 'yet'•• hue• 6 ·t $119' dealca. for Aa111 , 77' )'DD bow they r or , re1nofwur. • area6treal! . n.:v ',.., Plntlc 111111, lief n..,,. dutr. an-22 •kid. protect.a tloch • •Ddt:upebt ' • • ' $J4'~nl -...:...,~...., Beach Towels . $,, •. • • $4.oo·v.i..1 ... 1 P.t.i..lnW. A!IOrted jangle pa~ · '2-tetm OVlel' foam ftlled ~ ' t:uahiorL 13:lll'~~ or , JSd:r.". _ 17dr'.S.iJe."'41, ' • • • • • • • , --------------------------------------.----~- ' 'I - ' 'l~ • .Ma-n~s .: Orde·r ' . . 1, I • ' ........ ..., ..... ·ThQrnpson · APm~ Bat beads ,.CdM to ·5·3 Playoff Victory ·-· . ~ •An&f:iope Valley rjpped in v ad I u I , Rlftrllde, 74, 10< the right lo mett : Corooa Frldoy. \ Pitcher Qlris Thompson WIS the hero -of the aftmlOOl1 for Corona de1 Mar at UO,A, Broncs Vie SANTA CLA11A (API -\J<l.A and Santa Clara 'ban --., lo boUlo ii th< District I co11ep -I playol!I lhil weekend. The ~ .ra.. b<IMl.u.r..._ lleries wm r-1 the dlllricl •l tho Coller• W0<1d Sertea bl Omabl. Nd>. • OLYMPICS TO LA? (c-u.M ,_ Pqe ll) .....,.,;;_w,,. a.-Ol modeni hlllory. "We also teU people lhlt U the five coilnties lo the LA area were a ca.mtry, ll'd lie Ibo IOU. ....... notion an Earth." And then there's television. "'l'eleviaion re•w for the '?& games In LA wou ld be in e1cesa of ~ million and a oubllantlal part of thal -kl go lo lhe lwlll dlT· "Los Anceles bu !lad tile Gamea onct, .. tt baa pnictkolly all lbe ,,..,...,, laclllilel alnadJ llalll lllld wouldn't ... lo ......... _.um, OOlll aplmt lhe o..nari- K11ro1 "°"" lo have lactled the pro. lecl -• ...., -· 111111• aod ll'• dlfllcult fo ilncl a wut llllt In LA'a presentalloo. He w11 llked about llDOI· '"!'be lmoS ll'Oblem 111>'1 ..... lo - 111. Ev<ry large clll In the world baa m'nog. JI aQyooe asb WI about I~ we tell them we're facing lhe problem and we're trylne to aolve it." "' .. -...1o the Los ~lei Jlllllor a..n11er of Commerce Tuetc!Qy, Kilroy said ·LA -..Id "'8llae lbree 111nlf1C111I bencfill 'kom hosling.lhe Olj>mpics. "Fint of all, you ~ve the tmnendowl Jll'fSll&• fer Loo AQplel llld lbe United S.tes. Tllen lhlre'• Ille ~Impact upon the .....,unity wblcb 1'0Uld go lolo lhe-of-ol4loflan. "And llnally, the lmpocl the Olymplc.1 wauld hHe on llOr tldl ii ~ JOU can't~" Killoy b11 come a 19o1· way In the ()tympic -Al • bof of 10, be aold newspapers lo aped.tron 11 tho Collsellm dllljn( the 'SS Gama. ] ___ ,___ __ _ l DAILY PM.OT ........... four wins In CIF action a\ Loara Hi~ Tuesday afternoon. Sailors advanced to the semifinals with Arcadia after disposing of l<>ara, 191>-7\0. Tar Banquet Set . Newporl Harbor High School will honor its bueball and iennls team. Mcmday evening at 1:11 ln the ICbool calolerla. Sclerolil Society will be llagGd June '¥1 al Mission Viejo Goll Club. Several hundred invitations .ate being malled to top executives in major Orms lhrougbout the Southland. En.tries are limited to 100 players ha'I'· lng SoCa1 Golf Assoc;:iatioo handicaps. It will be a shot gun ev~t with 18 holes of goU on tap, followed . by a goU clinic featuring Jack Fleck, former Nation~ Open clwnpion. Further information can be o~ained by calling (711) Ml-1359. Two hole in ones were recorded at Mission VJejo recently. James Reddle, playing in the Pruden- tial Insurance tourney May 10, turned the trick on the 'tnyard fourth hole. And, Wes Dy.e turned in a 170-yard ef· fort on the lSth hole Thursday while com· peting in the Reynolds Aluminum tourna· ment. Rosauer, Malec Grab Honors Dan Rl»auer <10U) and Torn Malec (1.e.nnls) were named most valuable In their mpecLive sports Tuesday night at Costa Mesa High School's spring_ sports awards bra.Qqu.tt honoring the gull and tennla t.eamL ... .. Major League Sy_,,ndings NATIONAL LEAGUE Eul Dh11kii , "II L Pct. GB CHICAGO ·15 13 .8$8 PITTSBURGH . 11 II .500 Nl'W YQRK · 17 11 .411 ST. LOUIS 17 19 .m Pl!JLADELPRIA 15 19 .4tl MONTREAL 11 22 •• l,11: ATLANTA Wiit-.- H 10 .70ll LOS ANGELES SAN P'!IANCISCO CINCINNATI S,\N .DIEGO HOUSTON ~ i: ·:: ~ll 11 II .487 I ll 16 •24 .IOO 11 16 II .IOO II ·~ • •t AllJll!ICAN LEAGUE :SUI Dlvtsla. · WLPct.GB BAI. TIMOllE '¥1 13 .675 BOSTO!I "-. 21 l3 .618 DETROn' : II 16 .519 WASillllGION 20 20 .500 ' 6 7 NEW YORK . JI II .462 ft 'I a.EvtL.AND a 23 .251 141<.i • ll'nt lllvltiGo OAKLANJ}" 21 13 .611 ,MfNNESOti · 20 13 .606 CHICA,GO"; IS 16 .481 KAN5.IS Cl'rY 16 20 .441 SEATrLli: · IS 20 .429 CALIFORNIA 11 22 .313 ·~ ....... C.Ulwnll ~=!""· ralll Dttf91l 7, ' M""'-" • .. ntmer. I (11 lrwlklltll H• V*'i"'ll; -..Ci.1111 I C......._.4,.,-..,..Clf'( WWI ... i; ~ttt. J -" -T ... .,...._ owtr.ft f\altdl ,f.I) el Olie..to (H'/'IMll 1 .. tr l!Hls MJ, ldl!llf ilarMt ~ INtl*I WI 11 CltYtlArld l'M 1•11. llllM M"'-" •fO.W:• J.0 et hftrn.r. (l"tlolbw ..01, i,Nlflt ' ' ' Stitfitl ftllifl !11 •t Wtth,,.,_ iCo""911 J~I, l\itl'll .L.~J-'_ -• Ollt~ {~ Ml et New nit !a.Ms"' ..... _ . C.~~~IOllllll M Ml ~, J.O et eot• (...._..., M a!ld SltbWt N ), t. twl.ftlttlf AUTHOltfZ l!D · , FU LL SERVIC E AND PARTS FOR ALL IMPOltTED AUTOMOBILES Sailor Netters Dump Loara; Face Arcadia Newport Harbor High School's Sunset League champion tennis team rallied from an early setback and went on lo post an easy 19'h-8Yi victory over host Loara High Tuesday afternoon. Victory sends the Sailors ipto the semifinals of CIF large schools playoffs against Arcadia Friday afternoon. The Apache& defeated Fullerton, 20~· 7y, to gain the~ semis. Robbie Cunningham and Bijl Hart, tbe Sailors' No. 1 doubles teal)l, spearheaded the victory with convincing victories in doubles action alter the Tars' No. z doubles . ouUit ,lost its first match to the Irvine League champions. Singles aces Bob Ogle and Glenn Cripe added Uleir touch to complete the romp. NtwPOrt H•rtlor (lt\IJ) (IV.) U.r• Slnt1ln .. f'..(:8f;'Wl t1_ MeleY IL) •2. G,~nwood H, lur~ 2.S111e6-0~N~lm~~ tl~ley (l) .. 2, Gremwood f..l, P1lev (NHI lot! I'll Mell'Y fl ) M o Gl'9ff!Mod U , Zurlli: 1•; !led Mellboff 7.1: llrodi: (NH I losl lo M1lev \LI U : dtf GrfttlWIDOCI •·1; losl lo Zurell; ""'; dtf Mel boff •'-• 0..bln Cunl'lllltlh-I nd Hirt CNH) Mt Norrn!Mtolt """ Pol1nd (LI •1, •1 : dtf Fr•111et1 &ltd NI-.. ,, M . Per!t!O end CPl .. les fNHl dtf Norl'ftl•hlll • ..., Poli"" CLJ •l. 6-3; 11111 lo Fr1111et1 •od NI-14. J• •• Pirates Honor Rowers, Sailors Joe Flynn was named Pirate ol the year and varsity team captain in rowing at the first of three spring sports ban- quets held at Orange Coast College. Len Warneke was named captain of lhe freshman crew, John Scruggs was selected as Pirate of the year in sailing while Gary Hasson was named team captain . 1969 ....... ... , liOUI "lfAI. UUD CAIS ftNUT .snaenoN Oli USID SPORT CAU IN SOUTHQ N CAUI'OllN _l~l'l llllL'! I .il111pL11 [ o. JllO' ~OAST H~~AY -NIWPOIT MACH .. . s ' . IA0-1764 Atlltoyolwol Ma e AumN-HIALIT Deo1or ~ ..... PlllAll -· -• - .. • • .. • I • • •, ' l J ' ' j l . ( .. ,. I t Two Ran1k - Favorites· ~ l I ' ·m Sabots 'J'llr...tlme former cham- pioQ Heoa SChofleld o r ~Alamitos Bay Yadllt,Club and defending chanijlion B r I 1 n Thomas, Mbaioil Bay Yael>! Cl\ib are ranked as ~ favoriles to ea~ tt)e D&· • Uonal Sabol chaJt>pfonshlp ·lo tho }Olh annual NaUonal Sabol RA!gatta. Three races are schedu'led ._, for Saturday and tl'o on Sun- ' <jay: starting botll days at II!~ a.m. on Alamllos Bay. The Sabot irugubated in the Long Beach area of Southern Calilornia, hence the 11ame Naples (rom the recrea- tion area on Long Beach Harbor. The I-foot pram is a heavy favorite of youngsters just learning to s a i I, bul many skippers remain active in lhe class long after they go on to hi8her perofrmance dinghies or larger and more expensive boats. Invitations for lhls year's nationals were sent to the 10 leading senior (over 181 skip- pers of the 16 neets of the International ·Noples Sabot Association. Some five doi.en entrants are expected to com· pete. acetlrding to George Hardie Jr .. commodore of the association. The sporty 8-fool prams represent one or the world's largest one~esign clas.'ies with mora..J,han 6,200 regi sl'!red in the United States alone "It's a popular class for beginWn'g s a i I o r s and yoWlgsters." says H a r d i e , ';but the little boats are so easy to maintain and so much fun to sail that many skippers continue in the class in~o adult years. The largest number of Saboteers is fro1n Southern California, but there are now active fleets in such places as Tulsa, Okla .; While Bear Lake, Mich.; Malvern, Pa. nd Castellon de la Plana, Spain, among othrs. The intemallonal regatta for the class will also be held at Long Beach Aug . 1·5 as an event of th e Califo rn ia International Sea Festival NEV. TO FLEE1 -Ericson-32 is new Bruce King design being campaigned in local waters. Odin. skippered by Rod Lippold is bei~g sail ed in Newport Harbor Yacht Cl ub'i Ahmanson Series. Ericson-32 Newest In King Ycicht Li11e The Ericson·32 is the newe6t of the Bruce King designs t<> combine high perfonnafl('(' with esthetie lines and crui!i- i n g aCjOIMlodations. ac- cording to Ericson Yachts or Orange. Manufactured by hand layup 66 Series BYC Race Set Sunday • Thad race of Balboa Yacht Club's 66 Series will get under way Sunday at noon when the Ocean Racing and Midget Ocean Racing Fleet takes off Qn the Huntington 20-Fathom race. fiberglas~. lhe 1lcveloped from a series hydrodynamic lank tests al St~vcns Institute. The yacht's predicted hig performance is attained by a number of advanced features -a split cockpit for crew ef- ficiency, a high ba lla st- displaccmenl ratio for stabili- ty. a swept-back fin keel for minin1um drag, a b1,1 lanced spade rudder. a ventral fin to reduce cross flow and quarter \Vavc effects, a wide beam ca rried well art for stiffness, a powerful mastnead sail plan with double spreaders for minimum weight aloft, in- board !owe~ shrouds for ef- ficient heads'! sheeting, and a large fore -triangle for max· imum sai l power and easy handling under all conditions. Beklw decks the Ericson-32 is alm ost entirely finished \11ith varnished mahogany, with rull standi ng headroom from com pa n ion way to fwward ca~in. In the main c•bin the boat will seat eight Ericson · Acids -Four Dealers Appoinunent ol four new dealerships for .Ericson Yachts has been announced by Del Walton, marketing vice presi· dent. The new additions bring the total number of dealers to 30, CO\'ering every major yachting area in the U.S. and Hawaii. ' . • H•rhor :fluhs, Op~n·. ~easoji ~ix J~ining for Boat Parade, Ceremonies 'Six yldll cluli• making up will lnltodUC< the ""'1'eDI nai the mo)or portion of the olfloos aod a I II f com· AJ;soclalion ol N • w p o r l m:-~,. Sallil1g Club wlll ljarbor Yacht Clubc will joil1 , take the oe<aslon to dodlcale 'lorces Slturo.y In aeason ' Opening ceremoniff. The gala oven! wlll fealU<• a Boat-Mishaps boal pa'ade i!ld by Ille Ha- Dcparl menl fireboat and lb• 'On n power yac Is r -u ecrease- lsland Yacht Club. Each club will hold its own The U.S. Coast Guard's nag-raising ceremonies a t 1ale6t. report on boating ac- various times ol lhe day and cldents lrdlcates 1 further several \•lilt follow the rites decline ln the acc.ldent rate 1'.':'.h formal dinner meetings while boat registraUons show- in the evening. ett i sharp increase. Voyagers Yacht Club will The 1968 stat1stia showed lead off the flag raising an increase of 2 percenl in ac· ceremonies in the morning cidents versus an increa~ of ronowing an &:30 a . m . 6.4 percent in boet registra- breakfast at the club's head lions. quarters above the BI u e .......__ F~UUes were • Up 1.3 ·per· D,o Ip h In Restaurant. Com ceni, injury acciderU dropped modore Tony D' Arey will of 5.9 percent, but property ficiate at the flag raising and damage was up 9.5 percent. I • ' . lls new olubllOuie on Ille Pal OOIJgan will be lh ch..,.. ba)'front al 2537 W. C-0ast Opening day ceremonies are HJabway. CommorJoie-Georce al.so scheduled at Lido Isle Y.cht Club where Roy 8. P. Carver will ofOclate and Woolsey wilt prt$1de over Uic ereet members and guests. flag ra!&ing and preaent.atlon SSSC will lead orf 1ti or (Jag pfCicer1 and staff com- c:eremonlea with a band con-modort~. , cert at 12 :80 p.m. The riot')!\ Shark Island Ya<:ht Club will cutUnc and dedication of lhe bokj jl.8 lradlllonal ceremoni es new clybbouse is ~t for ~ R:m,' a_!___ Lile clubjlquJe at 847 A lout of the new~faclUty will Bayside Drive with Com· be provided ~ore club yachts modore Albert H. Mathews in join tn lbe fesUve parade. charge. The club boats will Balboa Yacht Club will hoJd then fonn the JeAd of the Its annual yicbt inspection at ~ade which will pa.11 by 10 a.m .• ~ollowed by a ~($ eaCh yacht club before break- IUnch al the clubhouse at noon, fng up. The parade iJ expected nag rallllng at I :XI and trophy to gef under way at 2 p.m. presentaUon for inspecUoo• '°;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;, winners it 2 pnn. Cotnmodbre·• Dave Smiley wlll ollidale. C:.. T•,Sel Motif-Comp? Bahia Corinlhlan Yacht Club CM Y.u WMt T• lar:R wiU CJlebrate Its firit opening Hitll C•••...,°"'' d I ·1s I b "head' Pllooo 21l/172-0743 or •Y " 1 new ~ u , • 714/~2.sen lor quart.en at · the fqt'frier -Richardson Yacht 'A~..1t.. .. on .....,..,._. te free Mlllln.r 1.411<.uug Mt4' NCh w.tk Bayside Drive. Copunodore , • . , ' r , -.. . ' ' 72 Entries Boost Fleet Of Transpac The race will start off the Balboa Pier and ·the course will lake the sailors around the Huntington Beach bell buoy. a n o th e r government bu oy five miles cff the Hun- lington Qeach Pier, around t~ bell buoy off Newport Pier and finish back at the starting point. Distance of the race is 20 nautical miles. around a U-shaped dinette and I WJC..r opposing setee. The boat has sleeping accommodations for Latest entries In t he Transpacific yacht race to Honolulu swelled lhe fleet to 72, just three short of the limit set for the race. The race starts July 4 and only two more weeks remain for adWtional entries, ac- cording to Walter Hoffman, chainn111 of the race com- mittee. \Vhen the race gels under way it will be the 25th rene..-.·al of the world 's longest regular· ly scheduled yacht raC1!. The 2.225-mile course is from Los Angeles Harbor to Diamond Hea d on the island of Oahu. The 66 Serles was originally six races of approximately six hours duration. In the past two years an additional race has been added. The best five of the seven races 111il\ t>e used in scoring the series winners. The fleet is divided in!o four divisions of Ocean Racing - A. B, C. and D and MORF. Power Boat Slate Bared four and a large galley. Man Walks Under Bay SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - Don Hughes kepl his promise. The ~8-year-old fie Id engineer inspector Monday became the rirst person to "'aik through the e n t I r e tran.5bay tube of Lhe Bay Area Rapid Transit System. It look Hughes one-hour and 52 minutes lO make the 3.6 mile journey -but that in- cluded .a 53·minute wail nea r the center section south of the Verba Buena Island where workmen pumped the joints The latest entries: Blan- quita, Robert E. A m o s , Oakland ; Finnesse II. W. G. Andrew, Belvedere ; Argonaut, Mortlmer Andron, San la Barbara: Dare, \Valler Beck. Long Beach; Valyrie II, Reed A. Christensen, Carmichael : dr:y . The American Power Boat , liiiii•~~ijij'P.~~iiiiiii Association has reltased its I .- ' . • l ; ' ; ) J ! l J Destiny II , John P. Hooten . Newpo rt Beach: Pursuit, Ron J\1acAnnon. San Francisca : Nimble. William A. Nickerson . Portland, Ore.; Va I er I e . Robert' C. Oldham, ~n Dle~o ; Xanth.ippe, Alan B. Simpkins. Los Altos; Numse 11, Maurie Smith, Kenlfield; Bon Homme Richard, fleet c,>mmunications ship, Rlchar~ Slee.It, Newport Beach, and Rascal, William H. Wilson, Santa Barbara. TV Antifreeze Ad Misleading WASHINGTON (UPI) The Ff:dcral T r a d e Con1 mission says an •·acid tesr· television comnie rcial f o r Prestone brand antifreeze q>n· stitutes· false, misleading arid deci:ptiYe adv.ertising. ln the commerci als, two met.al strips are dlppeO 11'1 acid but one strip, coated with lhe an- tifreeze, survives whUc lhti se· cond, coated with "ordinary" antifreeze •. Is de$troyed. The FTC said neither the acid nor the metal IS the samr kind found rn car radiators. predicted)og contest schedule for lliis sh.son. Among the many trophies in competition is the James Craig, established in 1907 by the National Association of Eni:ine and Boat Manufac- turers. It is slated May 30 out of Long Beach. Other Southern California races scheduled are: Del Rey YC Prilikan con· test. June 21 . Schulb: Night Contest, July 19. Lipton San Diego Conte.st, Ailg. Z2. • San Diego Yacht Club In· ternatiOnal Ense'nada race, Aug. 13. Long ~Jl..SColt race, Sept. 6-7. Gaboon -;lSthmus Contest, Oct. II. Channel Island YC Isthmus· Channel Island race, Oct. 12. ChaMel Island-Del Rey, Oct. 11. I 'COMPACT llit DAILY' ll'ILOT ftll1 yo11 lftllf"t -i11 lttl 1pOCt -O•try doy tbt1f yt11r c.tmm11nity tht fl •fl'f tthtr flt••P•ll'et t lo,... ....... 6tt1! 0r.,. •• Cot 1f. ,, HARBOR CEN TER PRESENTS 1969 SPO.RTS V•CATION SHOW FRIDAY"'-SATU•DAY MAY 23 .24 i l HARIOll SHOf'PI ... CINTllt 2JOO MAltlOI ILYD.' !.'-----------------~ • !xtn. tough Tufsyn n1bbet adds alrlqth to the body aod milea to the trei'd • More than 11,000 srfppin1 edaa give good · tnction to at.art -1top -nin or ahin.e ~ Modem wrap-a.rov.nd u.d pio-ndn •~ring control in the tuma WW. DfFEI • IUCKWAU TllES Oii.Yi , ..... .._.. b . Tar --~~ .. ~ ·---8.5()..13 $17.55 • 1.75 $1.79 7.35-14 $1UI • 1.40 . $2.07 7.75-14 $11.15 • t.IO $2.20 8.25-14 -$11.211 $2.311 ' BUY NOW ON OUR £ASV PAY PLAN..:...FREE MOUNTiNGI ·········································~································ .._ SERVING ALL SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA " • YOUNG & LANE TIRE CO. . . a YOUNG & LANE TIRe C.O. . ' -.. '~}'·. f TMIODORE . ROBINS FORD • --------~~ 412 OC1AN AWL .......... ,,. • COSTA MESA. ~GUNA .. ' • _,, MIY 21, 1'169 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Cnnf'ICATI.. ....... Uftdllfll(lll ....... It 11t ..Wtt ACt1M ..._ Mtncl'.~~ •tn'mlUI ..... Ill' U•TMSICA1'11 .. .....ail .._.. It ,'::; TN 111• •• .. -.,..., ha It c. he.iii¢: Vodl t1111 5iW9fl •IC'fltlCMtt tu.Ml ......., .ct!. . _... 1 ...._ et 119' I . #iMNll. 1 .. I . Chit~ i t. Tiit -W= .... ~ hit la _. = ::-,._,.._.,;i1.' 911~ ~ r:: '=--~.J~ ":.Y""= ktlM .w. C.JJI, ftltl =.:. ~ ~~~ 0...-~·-... 'i ~ 1111. IW91N-.'J..r;;M.~.-~ • r .... _. .. .,.~W.11 mt .• ... If .. ........ ,...... ..... I, 1• °"""'-1.9' ,..IU.. ... M .... b r )II _. ' ~ Milita_ry ·Stud~ .................. -............. ""' Mttl l.91 '9\414 ..... .......... ...... ..... ¥ c..r 9"" "'"" l a. ~ ~ Lit ,...... ..,... 111 fllll Mii 'llMll ~ It • 11N1 ti, ftt JW ffto# A. •-.ut. WI ... ~ 4. ._ ... LM ,_,, Na ...... 1 j ~- ..-.,: ' • S. -._-LM ~II ·-~ It-* ~ '"' AlfMiNill,---~-'-'--------\ ... "' '!! .. ."~ "w. "· K* LM ,_,.. !!-~ DI'""-' .... .....,. NOit t1i11111WM1. ' LMAL NOnCa ........... ~ -'· .. ,,..,. .... ,..... an °" ... ~~ . ~ ,. ~~0:,'it-.. IA ~.. ~.=-:-t:r.:n..: • -~~: ~ Emergency Plans W.AllllNGTON CAP) -The """' -ta lfu41tnl a plln .......... tie ..... - 'N.ttaW Guardsmen ' 1 n d .__ more cll*li' to -m ~c.pl~. -' ~the fobtlh eUoi't -!fa to Improve lhe Humphrey Enjoying Two Jobs MIN!IEAPOLIS, Minn. (AP) -Rubert H. Humphrey i$ eii-Jo1inc h1s new twin i:olts of professor and cobnnl!t 90 much he Is now a card.ear· rying member or both lhe Americln Asaocialioo o f Univl!raity Prolessora and tbe Americab Newapaper Guild. The efferve1~ent · Democnllc .)ll'elldmQal ·can- didate 1of Jiii uaed ···~~ night with coll .. e joOmolbm studenta Tlluraday to talk on teachin&. "'1th\&, ~ a m p u s vlolenot and jtlll llbout any other •ject that .,.-to him or to hit IJllelllnl · ''Ld." be 1114• Ii> lllljCk wamlnir .to -.Dnlm· mood, Las Angeles Times oJn. dlcated columnlll who hap- pened by and jolaad.Jhe party, ''I'm tUlng om br the col· umnltt business." B ts id 11 wrllln& his own , i,i>dic.l.d coJmnn! the form.er .Mlnnelota staator Is .......... at -.i.0t.r Co1Jq-;'iD"Si. Paul and tbe VnlvenllJ' of lilll> ......,, LONG LECl'\Jlllli . 11umilbreY pftlliiued ~ f.up,d by .. houn ol ,.., tuJw ml foii"houn ol llu· dent bllervlew1 at Maca.lelter Thundly, Jhen acted anything but. He had itann words. for J>....-i Nlun, the man who heal ldin (or the praldeocy, and ~ lor riolence _. \ngoollqe--. 11um11pc,, .aald be °"""1t Nbm,tftdd.''ftlld a W9f ~" ol Jhe. V1'-. -· llrl!'i that <be be pen time. Hwnl#er ~the Praldmt· .. ~ ......... wednUd11 11... "ltDlible, ...... ble, lhoqbtlul, end hopefyl." In fore!Jlll. policy, he said lie thought N!Ion his pro- ceeded', "cautioualy and wise- ly." Hum'phrey reported he had been rt4dy to protest Thurs- day onr access by 1 , black couple to an apartment near. the M.acalester ampus. but '"we used lhe power of peaceful persuasion. We won." He added, "When I see junior storm lmop<rs taking over a campus, I say that.. lt is a dqerous ij1reat t o everything freedom means. Violence destroys the meaning of words.'' MORB CONTROL Humphrey said he was all for tneruBed coot.rol of non acade8nlc actlvltle1 by students, "but I do not intend an 11-year-old freshman to tell me what the courses of 1tudy should he." "I fought ROTC on the Unlvmtty of Minnesota cam· pua bllwe you ever lhoulht of It. I'd.have beftl in 1 lot more trouble at Minnesota except that I lf'U starving. Students today seem· to have more 1 lime.," Jlumpllrq agreed w\Jh a queatioaer ·~ news media ::i -;:;:::::.ng .. vlol= -and etaewflenl llltl ad-ded wltb I taup. "You ""' see I'm DOI lllllllinl for ~.":.---~~ on hll tenOw· teacbon; 'Too many Pn> feaon set i.., in the mlddl• of the p!M. Not me. I'll die on the Job.• HumplvoJ ~ the Jiii · campalcn to 1 i.otboll came! "Some ol Iba bell tadtl• weren't m• by the. op- posJUon. '' ANIMAlogk --.. -- readlne.ss of guard-reserve backup forces. PlN10ers ire shooting for. deplayment ~ some units ovene.as rour weeks a(ter lh!Y are. mobJli>- ed. J 'Jl>AAt~ pn> txlbb' mNn jbe end .of fotmer Def..;...~ Robar! s. ·MCNNQ1t11S\ 0 ~~~1elecfed Relei+e Force''. r-137 ,000 " mb1 in Wllta theory ' prepared to y elgllt weeb after q.D.up, r- However, tn · ~.limited g u a r d-reserit .-mobOluUon 1"1 year, Jhe ih'it ol ·13 units _,, " . activated did .not reach VJtl· nam u 0 n\'tt ·15 weeks after callup. That unit was a dental detachment-. NEW PROPOSAL • The new propc:16J1 takes on ad!led;mportanoe•because the N-adzn!nlalr-ts look· Ing ~ to . .• poulble mUllm>man , redliCl!on l n rtgul'1' f~·tMr a three-. ,rear period amir Nlelnam. Unlike past.aiovts, the new propoSaJ dad. not involve ellmJnaUng 11!/Y more guar~ or ~~ units. ...... ''J;ll«I IRlll'iuf or oboolele • ilutfl!I , . ~ called out Of !be guanl· rexrve structµre . iD a :ieries . ' of'teo~~ ~ are secret, ~t Pen· laF.D -said die new plan tleo a)l<Cified ~d and ftaervt, ,ilnlts to BJ*iflc war plans, and changes tlie com· poomon ol the. backup rorees' 11,naUcmal• CO:nungeDcy plans change. ' All guard1 add ·reserve units would bf 1ntped missions which would imolve their ~lble deployment witP four, elgh~ 12, 11, or more week& post.mobillzaUon active duty trainlnl. Pentagon planning calls for 3'5,000 National Guard .and 258,000 reserve troOps next y.ar. Under lhe McNamara plan, ilnlts ....,. destgnatM Ult tpt<dal priodty in . .qutpinent · ind mr. training. Olli _., ti. "9. ...... -. I ......., W, .kM ._.. LM illN WM , Oii .. a. \M,fi-o ..... ""~~ ................. !'*le Iii ..i fir .................... T1 .. -'II et~ J-..""" -.. l'l!Mc. • -"' __., 0iA11iiiiiM·ijiii--;<in11T .. __.... JAMii .... ,IUJ(. ._ " -,I» '""' t•f'MtYl , .................. I( ~ -....... r .... Ml ... !If .. .__.. ..._ -.. II ...,.. __.. A.-. ._ It N ft '9 IJlt ..._, -It TMK!fJlOU'U ·-· :"!!. -.. " ......... ~ ...... .._.. ...... .,... ..... Ille """-' --,,-..._,,-ir M .,-twl9f "" -. _ C.. ._ ciilf, fW .... , .. ..-..... 1111,..-, ,• = :-'.0 -~..:,; ~ !°''K!,..,.,~~:~ -'~~' ~-~ Clll.t Dt"''~l .. t, (Of''l~=r~, , 111'11'1.AWtf -~c._.-_, ..... ,,.. tWlic.c.bt.tll. . ,..,.., .-•• ,,., ti.-1Ht. .... l'ull?le~• ~It.. .... ,;. = .r= ~~~-,· __ ...._.-·r "' · ~ ,..._.· :. NOT!~ 4. ··ij=·~=:~ . flaliowiN""' ~ ~,.. fllll •,.. '*' '-"""' .,,.,,,.:-'a-r""' "'"' , 0imm1M1ti11,. ~· -r -t1 11 • ,.,.,....., fl0owft1 NO¥ ... lfn ~~"" t. ltn • ,...,.~Kvrt, HJ ftli: •t11iw• l'lltllltlMo?l.111 tM Or ,c..lil 011 I I -'! ,.,..; ~ Or~,.'CIMI (lilltr l>lllt. '=.-;;;Hu-., C.~ MUI, :.:.~·'4. "· •.,.. .,_,,...,__ ,~~r.m-·-. ..,,,.1 ... "··· .,.,.-_.... llNIW --~--::.r,1 .. ~ *:."':.~ i--------~·o-,---·r ,.. • ...,... ..... ~ ,. ,., .., LEGAL 1WTJCE' t '"'"" °' ~k.non llltf'W, 1.,.. .. " .. LEGAL NaMCE Mtltll I ...... • 121• w. ..... Ill ·------_,, .J:. CIUlllV' Clft " < :_iw.ri...:r: """a:. c;:tt llG '" .P••lm = i::fM Choll :.. ~ ti J------o,c-°"r,-----•t.,.. ¥ Mllf """ ii ......... tt ..._ IUHlttoa CMln' °"nil "#ITHEh "" -lllfld fhll -U y .i <laTWlCATI CW •U•lliUI ........... ...,_, ..._. -Ill fU M 1t1f ITATI Ofl ICAUNIUllA ~ ~~ !.... i ,tcTITIOW IU.MI .i.. f11 ~ 11 ,. ....... Tiii OAAMN: "-'II J, J(,ij!'I Tiie ~ CIO ~fho Wlft -..._ A. ~. lflt 'V/ ...... "tiM: I _,. ... ~· ""'" allWctlne • llutJMM " ma t~ --. -.._, t.tdll ""· • 1'lf Ora •• ..,..,. A"' L-. _tf......,.,.,. had!. C.llfllnllt, • ....., -............ tt I,.. ' ._ 1>--, C1PMwllll JN ffctltlew flrftl -llf KINlP , ""WlllMI /,.. K_,., I.WI l'UblltMd Or1111111 CMlt Otlf¥ f'I!. ... " · KOU>al"MOMICS ""' "* .. w "'"'•II ITAT'I! ~ ~IFOl:NIA I · 1: ..... .-'"" MC'' • 1. 14 n. a. IHf ., -4 llf IM 191 ... IN ,.,._.,, ..,..... ~ Ofl OIUJ!fGlf It ,,,_.. kiln. 1 J, M. ~ • Upt,......... IMl'!'lft Ill fllN 11111 ...... ~ .,.. .... 2t 1 ............. -• ~ ,CM.... LEGAL NOTJcE u ~: ,.._."' uJ tw .... Sletit .,.._1i., HOTICf. IS Ml!llEIY ONl!N n...J--------~~--' . Swi.._itlfJr Prince.• , A minllkirted Princess' Anne t>Oint& Oii! somelbln& to her 'tatber's uncle, Earl ,Monutbatten cif B~J a sthe)'·•all through a line of NATO ships abtla'!I the ro»iJ yacht Brilannlf'. '(J'h ... Princesi wa1 onliaDd . as her mother, Queen· Eliiabeth II, reviewetf"6j/ ships of the NATO fleet as P!'r1 of the 2Dtb annvtra- ary of the Atlantic alliance.· . , ~ ' w .. i.v •11t1 ~. ltm T,.._ ....... Wll.LlAM.A, KOValY ..,_. 11 TONY &OAltf.$ fin flied~,.•~ ".JW' l • L1rw. Kw!HllWIOn ... c.11.-Callfot115'. -· • IA tf1e __ , ..... Mll'A Iii,., ........ ~lf..~nd fL' ~...,t' ClltTP,ICATI! KfMflfl I,., Ktlllrtet', 1330 l>•lllNlt ,. , .... ""' WMllln """"""'"' .... ~~-'"T.::':b -=~-IT IS Ml•••Y c1aT1~0 AS ~ .. , N1, 61, S.11t1 /4M, C.llfw11le, ~ IA ...... 1'hl ..n., fVrtlltf' ' ... JMI ..... -t!Mt 9lld '01.1.0'WS; ~ lllf .,MMY-r. !Htl( ltwf' (Qf<ll'.ICIAI. SV.LI •IHil ,,_. ~ Pin t..11 Ml -~-~II.it~ ~~I It,.":< "' .,.. "' MfN I(. H<tnN lot Jlll'A f. 1 , II t.• a.111., In t'l'll c ~~ llfld9t 1'hl fkll Wlllrf •• "-"r Nffll"f' ~R+ot"11l1 CWt'ltO&n el 0.0.r~,t Ho. ~ et Nici "JACIF?C FUNEllAI. SEltVI S" "'fl: , ...... C•"'*""'· °"• C~: "'Jll(~I Offk• 111 Cllllllf, II"'° w"' i~ "'"" Ill"" I Pllcit el b!nlrwu ·,i.e. Oii Mfr nit, 1Hf, ""'9 fl'lit.. • ~,., -°''"" ~ 1 Cllr. fll.knl• rf.•t.£.1 II, d m o1 .. 111 eo,...1 1Dc11H "*It Ill ......... Nloll ...,., ..,.,..11¥ Mr C-IUlon l!urr., ,.., Mf' 1, fl' JOHN If 110 Eut lroldw1:r. c-r, ""*'· :-L"K= :!:n1~+:. :W.-K:; .... I~~ t~ 011 ,.Uel cW...:, Cltrt • °'&W'to~°':."''l~~~ 9 • l't,,_ Wl'IOM ,_._. ¥1 '*<Tiiied i. ""11 .... "9r 7, 14 n,'1_, flW'i f~L.W:.~!l:!;; !SEAt.Jl'11CIFIC FUNERAL SlltVIClS Ille wlttll11, "'-tn11Mn1 •llf Kl<Mwltdl.. U:,:::: hl(.11. 1 · 8_y: tffll .t.llr1m-. Prulflnl -,.,,.,, • ..-,., ...... ,, .. -· LEGAL NOTICE T1h '*91111 $TATE Of CAl.IFOltNIA I I "' AMl'IAY ..,. l>.t!lllMt. COUNTY OF ORAtrt<;E • '.!! ·= ~~1=11t,r11r, 1------•• -----~--·l,J~b~l!~ ~f;A' "''' 011"' ~~.'; ..3:11:::-.1~01~·,.~,111 ~;or ~f:i ~rlfldMt CNflcot "' • c••TUllCATI 0, •USIH'\'I Shote, P91'tolllll'I' .... rid ,;;a Abr .... t \o Orw. c.vntJ" flCTl!IOUS MAM• LEGAL NOTICE kl'IOIWll IO me I• ti. ~ Prn,_,, of 11111 E , Id R• ~ "° Nrr ~ ...,_ ' TM '\lnOrnllJMil ..,. «rlil'f ti. la co•" :r.;per1tiorl ~I •~ecuflcl in. rwl~,. 1 .... X:-g " · h • T Jt MM'Cfl l&. 1m dve1m. 1 MlllUJ 11 11111 "F" •AkYHrll . ="1;,..,:, .::';'..,"'tr:" ~"';' 'ti! 0 Y 1.Q O"' alJ ~· ;w,..,... Ill "" or-.,,c-1 ar.11r c1ri:11. 1rv1n1. c.11fen\l1. llN!tt':rtiW fie· '.uot ·' •tr11mtnt on beNilf of ni. m ''''°"' • • 9 l4iO IN ' Plllt, -· '" n.11.w JutA .... , ...... ltflws fl•ll'I -"'""' of "A~UltATE Cl!ltTIFICA·TI! OF_aull .. EH 11Mr1ln nimed •nd 1cknot1r...:?°to 1'19 . ., ' • • • JAHIT01t1At. SEllVICE" ind """"' Mid PICTITIOUS HAMl fll1I Wdl-COf'llO•ltler! u~M •the Wlttlt., > 1·-ni. 11ndert1pnld doel QtrlllY he " COl\r Instrument ..;rw1111 lo 11 byrt.wl or e llrm 11 ClllTIH:IKI el tht! follow!• ~ dUdlnl 1 bllll,.... II ll?J N.wpert resolllflon DI Ill bcwlrd el dlrl(fcn 0 M B • 1 LEGAi, NOTICE w11o1e. l'llmt Ill 11111 ~· J>ll(t of r1110enc1 lkiulr~•rd, NtWPott Buth. C1111om11, WITNESS mr llllld 1rld ottlcltil .. 11. n, ce• ore oom .. ng ' II 11 lollo,.i: llllCle-r Ille fll:llllous trm1 monw of "ZIN0'1 ISEA~j •• • ' • "' ', ua.uM t.ID-,d J, Dllmts. 1,... PUt•I Covrl, 1'1ZU." 1rld 1111t 11?d nrm Is cempoud ol Ml~! A. C~ HOTIC• TO Calotfeat ltlvlnlde, C1Ufor~ll. 11M follow!"' ~ w1'lllt -1ro full Nolin Publlc In 11111 for SU~lttolt CCMMT °" -™' 0.lld ........ 2', ,,.,, llld 'Ila of "91dtr>ce 11 u 1ellewl: ;;~ l~~c~~rtt _... • ITAT• °' CAL........ .... UOyoJ J, o~ Jallll Kllenblnk. "' JMM strwl, Oct ,. 1f10 FAIRBANKS:. A1aa:ka (AP) ~t ·will ~ oil from, • the , TNI cewTY ., OltAIMI S11tw. o1 c.r1tw11•. O...rt11e CD\H'll'I : c .. 1. ,,,,..., c1 r11om11. 1>A1tK•11. S1i11.v • ,1tosT """'-•---.... w ---'-1-.. Ml. A.... .• • Oft ~ tf, 1• btfor9 m1, 1 Nol••!' 01tul Mir 5, lMt. A""""" et ...... , -•111111 ~ ...... lur-.tl._...., North mope. to a Gulf · i..... of MlltlE 0. Vll.l.A,ANA. l'llL>llc 111 11111 fer '•Ill Stttl, PIFIOlllllr Jofwi M~-• H1t111 M1111 Sll'ftf now '..Mu of 30 GOO ii: boom ~ • ,, .' .... ~ . 1l ~ ·-"" l.lo'rll J OUmll known 1e .... St• .. of C.llfotnl1. °'""'" Gounlr' ""''' AN; (lllfwRlll "'" ;no oCliJ~n-n.:-'o:..:__~-.. • Alata port.-Via F41rDU.U. NOTICI IS Ht:lll•Y GIVfJt fl> ttw .. bt IM,.,_· wt-. .....,. 11 tubr 0.. Mfr J, !Ht, bmrt rrw. I '"'911n ',, .... O T.fl~. .. oe """" w~ uvui • ~ .• • • . • Ulllrton ., "" """" MIMd ""'"""' -• _ "" -• ,,. ,.u1111c 111 1nd for 11111 51111, .,.,..,,,,rrv u ,,...,.. r'"'' ~" o;u, ,!!l_to!1 Oi) ~ike, 18 dUe to be fQUabed ID 1172. th•I 1U ... ,._. 111¥1 ... clltw. ... INt WW Kl' """ W 11 m rulM UICI IP!lell'ICI John tu1eftblnl! krlll'll'ft 1e 1111 to~ 21, M. Juf\11 .i, 11. 1Mt .. ,_ -, .... ; •• to ~ boom' "·-Nlil ..... ltl rMUIHid ~ "" .....,., •duwwllldlld he IXl(l/l9d tM -· bl! lhl --'Nhol• ........ hi-~ . AUintic-ftlclifield Co. an-............ ""1111: •was '"'IC wltll lhl ~ _,.., .. .-"""" 9'flo IOl"FICIAI. SEAi.) 1e llM wt .. ln '"'''"'™"' W.-'llduoowledDr LEGAL NOTICE· ed i F •-··-' 1..-announcement l!Arlitr th Is "',,. ci.r11 .. "" ....... .,..lttlll '*'"· • Jo11t1111 E. 011i. ed ,... ••KutM "" 111n1. 1---,:::::==c-:-::o:::--=oc-==--nounc n e,..,...,, vvr, Jh• Jh t -fl...O.-1e l>f"Mfllf """"-Witt! t111 -rr Nolin Publlc · C1l!fcrnll !OFFICIAi. SeAt.I JU .. HIOlt COUllT OF TM• that It and the Humble Oil " mon a a re u~., pro-'lf!Udltr1, ,. ,,. ....,.11"" " ... .trie. l'rlnci...r ottu '" J~ E. 01111 sTATt oc cA1.11'0111uA"o11 Ref'""'" Co, •-• •· Oil at dUCin8 Up to 10 Q00 bufel.9 I el rtdlr '""""'' ,llANK M.' NtOOltl!, 0rlll9f ~ry Nol1r1 Publlc.C1lltornl1 ~HE CO .::1 .. 0JnOllA I •-'6 •-W bui ' lh• .. OJ 1.11'9 h.m llvf .. .._ elldl, M1 c:ommllllon ettPl•"l' Prtncl11>1I otllct Ill 0 1 0 Prudhoe Ba 'area day w ~ 11 ne•, "'rt by c.1Heni11•. w111c11 1s "" ,11c• ., 11u11,_ J,,.... 21, 1•11 o.,,,.. cau"IY 11~~ ~.J..Hos:v, ~'A'UI • o(y'!"a.. ~.,:,:. 1972 ;1' .; el~ ulllltl'SllMd llJ 111 tnllten "r-l>ublWled Ori"" Col1I Dllll' PllDI. M1 CommlHlon E•11lrd In tl'lt Miiie r of IM ADDll(ltloR If hundreds ~· '"*"• Jhe I:'. 1 ~--' F' alrba-t.-111111 ... " fl'lt ···-.., .... -.cltftt, Al'l'lf lit •1111 ~I',, It 21. '"' '™' June ?I. 1•111 CAROLE A. MAlllTMAN lot lot•vt 111 'ftlart' SI h1·g11' .-~ .. 'Oil many yar!, I~ wtll'lln fol.Ir...,,... 1f19r fti. f'lrsl ~blla· Pvb!h.tleO Or.,191 CHI! t;)tlf¥ r"llot, Chlnff 1'?)tl nllmt of htr IU"'h!« fl I.IN· d · nded · i... Jilillt lfen et ltlh 'flftlU. LEGAL NOTICE MIY 1, ''· JI, i1. IMt 11'49 DA ELIZABETH HARTMAN, Fir Cl'llMll \Oil consul said the'find a•ri CIP. nt.IJt:i • ary 011 .. .W.-r '· ,,,.., °'fti!me•PPll<•tlOll of CAROLE A. COUid run to •I 'blWon ___ ,.. lndallatlOJll.-•W ... ..:.•its Itraest ...,,..,,, V1111flM .... ,. LEGAL NOTICE HARTMAN tor ... ,. ID cll•"l!• w n~~ 1-.i~~ '"'-•la · • .:.1; ' J .. --1 V1lllf1M of her do,.hl ... • 1••0• ' " of .oil ~ one of the llreat ... 1.-: aoUJUt':"' _revenue. t C:-.ktcu'-., tt11 w111 su••111011t cou11T 011 THI' aA1t·1tni HA11T/MN, ~~1.;; ~ flied .. ~c..ur1, ~~ ····u in Uie fhal lz1tle ·t~Ji .,, .... JblNI "''""''wt lfATI 0, CALlllORNIA Pelt SUl"lltlOllt COUllT 0 .. TH• •1'111 II ·-•rlne I~ ••Id 1p11l!c:lllo11 .,...otJdn aCC~~ Ol'll -• Fi ··-llAHK M.. .. ~ltl, I"'; TKI C0~:~:_!!.._011'41110• STATI O" CAl.U!Olt)llA ,Oa r1't:oiA:efz'i8'ET~A~J~r61. ~1\,1111 ,f~ w LEG.t.1~ OflCE ·--·.. TH• COUNTY OF ORANGE ....... , ,.. ' ' "'" l)•....._._·oil d~' , 1....-od.a.'I ,-.. LIM a-II •Ml., lfOTICI OF MIAlllHG OF ... TITION Cl"'" pr-~ ' ' • lliiii are ~ ' . '-•••. c....,.11 ...., 9 fOlt l>ltO•AT• OF Wit.I. AND llDlt MOT\CI' 01' ... ~.~~. FOii Al'· ft.~'&'E1T.f"lr.:111~A'~~"' 1e ~INO~ On Alaska'i \ Slope and ""-<•RTll'ICA".:••UllNISt T .. 1 11111 4J""1 1.1n•11s TISTAMINfAnl' l>OINTMIHT 01' s u. s TIT u T Ii -How. lhertforr. II IJ l'lertbr ordered 1fld • flCTIT.IOUI KAMI: AftOtMJ for -•IClli.rt E•llN Gt STANLEY I., Mii(MILLAN. TltUSTlt cr...cted, !IWll •11 ,.,...,,,, lnlitrt,lld I' near the AN'tlc Ocean over Tll9 unc1er1111M11 e11 UttHr ttiev ,,,, l'11bllshM °'""'" ce111 °''" ,1111 MtY Oecttm, cs.ctllll 11u. citH ,.,. .... , c..llJ ••!11 m111Kdo •-•brio,.. 1111i '°"" n 300 -"-ti>,";;'~-_ft.,.1. ·' cofiiM:tlfot 1 ....... M 19· NfWllOll Wll' , .. ti, tt 1Pld J-4. 1Mf • ..... ,NOTICE IS HElt.EtY GIVEN Thi! E r f fOf AlFllEO M COKER Oo1rrm.nl 3 on !lie lr(dlv of Jul1, 1'6t uu.ic. ~ INI u.i. ~ ,_,.. -"'-• c::z~-~---... .. .:_ Hlbtl A. M1cMUl1n 1111 !UM ltl!rern ' 0 I • ' . • II ,,,. o'CIOdi: A.M.\ of ••Id dn" to 1M1<t , -, • _,. .,,. ,..,.. ..,,-"' "'' • ''' KMMd. uuse whr SIX!> •PP lutlon for tlllnae of '"*'-firm~ ilf!~ipOA-INITllU· LEAAL NO'l1CE ""' Ill 1 w •nd tor NOTICE IS HElll!IY GIVEN Thi! 1111mt 'lllould not be •••nl~. ,STAGGBRING PROBLEM Ml!NT •CO, 91111 ---~ 11 'f. • . '"'11ne1 ol letttrl lest1ment•l"I' 10 tM Htlrl!tt tot lite -1lllmtnl or THE It II lurlltef Ordol'M 11111 , COPY of !~It , •• . ~of Ille fol..... wi-t HflllMer. reh!'tnee IO wlllrh h l"ide tor IANIC OF CAt.1FQllHIA. N 1 t I Q..11 I I Ordff TQ ~ C1111r be 11t1brllhl<I !n I~• At last count at least •14 11111n111,,it1 fUH W lllllca tf I IA' NGt.l. •.:oR·r::~..,...:... turtt!Ot Plrlkullr1. Ind ttlll 11\t llm1 1/ld Auocllllon 11 SU8,TITUTE TltUS'lEE Orenee CHll 0•11¥ l'lkll I MWJllMr of . . . ' ~ .. -...,1io.· I' I -COUttT .. ftl Pll« OI l\Mr!ng Ille lllM hH llffn "1 °' ""' T • ..; •• trl•ted ""*' ll>e U SI WHI ~"' clrwl•tloll ... 111ted In ••Id tou~t.o. ',drilling rigs Wer'C: 0 On • !~ I'. c..Aw •rif';"'Mlrlor1-1,., :~::: ... CAl.Wff•IA FOii fer Ml1 2t, 1H,, II f:.)D 1.m .. In 11\f, Ind Tetllmenl of ftN1 dtcHH!t, r..1 been ~~1v':t.:e ~~ io-:e t;~;fo~t' ::i'd the North Slope, I · the c.arwt, 22M Cl!'nMI ,.,_. .... .,nm.c:euMTY., eu•• ::r.rm:";J w~~1~~ s':°·,!;: ,1•~ "'I lor Frld11, Ju,..·•· lfff, 11 t:JI '""· 11e~r' ..... l....,.;.H,.;. ~ • ,.. .,..,. CeHforll11. ,l ,,, l .. , Ml, ........ •• • es I ·• "' 1 "' li'o ttlt courtr-'I of Ottttlf!lftlnl No. 2 of O•led ttif1 ·ltrh ci.v ol ~v "°'' ' "&""'-rt:-----;-·· ,II':.,.-.~ 1,llld Mn U, lf'ff, , ,if!.d;:_ • 1UiAN M. .KIMI, 01cMf-°'= ..:"''i~·~'::;"le. 111d court, 11 7(111 W: l!lellfll·ll•HI, In lltl! lllYITIO!ld TlwmPIOPI ' . g-'nll' J. ~ -, t· ~ M.lrlorll l. c.,.,.,, ,~ j----,,.. ~ '-'~ •• ST-.. City o1 S.nl• AM, <;1lllomla. Ptetidtlw JUOH ol ,.ld --._, • .. If .!'..:1~ ·~ l Gier" I>. Ctntr T•C<)ll Hlltl.•°" GIVllt to llw · · ~....,...", 01ted MIY r. 1Ht. SWM!Ot Ccilirf ~Virtually ~' ·f1~ft ' j.S 111111 fll C.Vfomll, ~ c-t!'1 ~ ..... MmM ~ . CovnW Cieri!, W. f , ST Jm!N, C-IY Cl9rll STIEl'MEN' "'-MAC AllTMUI, airfilted to the~' 1r=' ()pi, MIY U, lWlto-...,1 ~I . tlr=~lll,ec:lllin. ~--~~·=:,AOfllHSOH 1.0•llllTSOlll, MOWSlll • eAltl.AlllD r:.s:=~'"H 1 '~ , , ~ ln 111111 for\ Miiii Stitt; If , ,,_,lftid fl flll ~ ' UM C1m-DflY ... , ' AllOt!AY -~-some was truckeif w .,._ ...,..,.. M¥Jcrlt L. c.,...., .,. • "' ,.,. ~ -..cMrt. lft tt11 ~ :'.:-1".!.ii c.t. N_.-t •'-"'· ~ """ P11111~ cOl'lt 011tY .,"11~11 for Jhe fir•· ·11~ .. 1!.~, wt..1.-.i.:.. I", ,c.,.,.,. --flt -" llJt'4tl',,.,.... ,.,. c1Mt.'.t'.,..,.11o¥1 ""1tlld court:.... ,.,,,...,:--"~"'.._. T11: 01u wtr""9 f. ,. Mu 21. 21. J<MM 11, 1tff -\ 'tlf~ -j mwr ~n&ntl .... ~''91INt .. Ill ...... ~ wf"' the ~ • I"'" AllOtlll'l'I ' .. :~of.OW l tt!'. on a Lem~ .-e lie f,t.tit 1 •nd .c:kMW.....tfMlr 191"9' liMlnllllld 1, ffll ·~In Or1111• c ... Jt D1111 1111o1. Pubnshed 0r1,,.. c.ui o.1w 1111o1. lEGAL' NOTI<li: u_,;:..!'!.-' o"!" Vleinam· • th"• ' ___ , t ~ ~~ ?rii-,,.. lllTMI, ~ \. ~-~ OUllYIA. CAlti-E • 1" IS. Ind 11. 1Nt "'"' MIY ''· rs. 71. 1Hf I ~ nwt, --~--'"'-'-' ~·....c· ~=~=~-~ Cill"YW OU a "'4'"M~I (OF ICIAL SIEAl) • ' '•8A~· .. Olm' Orlvt H · • 1· lt&ected Redr\rt -Force has Cira '' ~1 r. ., Miry ••tti MDI',_. tlikti. ~ .W!lldl i. ~ ~r.-11 !$GAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE 11101~~ r.i ·~~~.,T~~c'ffilR only el ' -., KllllfY i-lolbllc<dfotl'IM ' 114i1.,._ fl ... -.......... In 111 rnttNn Nolie~ Is l'lfl'ttiv •1•11'1 to IM Crflllters about 50 percent the Newcomers are overt.axing "'1r11:1,.1 Otflctl In '; -4' """"""'.,,. 11t ..i.M "' "Pd dtt""'1. . 1>-:wM . aA11.,.., 0, eorotll'r R<>tftlf' !ft.. THE MAP1>V equipment.Ji TIU su--d to the city's bote)J ....... causlna a °''"" C.UllW • ... Wllllll ..,,~ ........ eltlr"" 11 .. 1 ~ublklr Cl•Tll>ICliTI. 01' IU SINISS NOTlcW TD CltlDITOl.S PLACE, Tr•nt!erot, Wl\o"' b~i1PlfH Id• rr--~~-D MY Comm!UIM RQl,.. Ill!'! .If flll Mlleet , flCTftlOUS MAME •Ul'l!lll!Olt COUl.T 0' TKI dress II 3379 . E. c ... 11 Hl9hwll', Ctron.t receive.'The rtJt wtm.instead shortage in r'·"'""'t""'t hOUS-... ,II t, 1tn "'-out vt\N, ~ Jt, lN,. Thr IMMllrtllil'lli ·doll c1rtH1 .,._v Ire STAT• 01" CAt.PllOltMIA 11011: ~tllf~I~, ~°'j"',"'11111':_ l~::,'l:~'h ~:C:,. f! ·to· new ..;...1 .. r Army units i . ' . PubllltM!d kl '"' er ...... ~\. -10•llY ......... Mi• M•~fltloll Toll tOfldudlnl I bvlti-u II llJlll kKh THI COUNTY 01' OU.NOi" ... s .. 11 ........ ng. ~ ' f'llof, MIY U, 21, 2111"111/Ulll.'4. l'*r. nt• ~Iii: Of 1111 Will 81vd .. M\l!\Hl\ffon hlch, C1rllornla, undfr NI t2716 ~k'i.~1·f11Tr1rtff!r~'?''!.'.e,,.ij ~;rtllt$~ f(lflfled durln& the war Sternwheeten no l 0 n·g e·r • ~ "';. ' re= .. ,,. .WV. ,..,,," dtnftnl Ille flclllkM _ijrm ""!'It of AUTO-MAGIC E1!1te or cu.Uoe H IUCl(AROS, •ddress 11 '14m1 Altll/'Q Avtnt.11, TUii!"· L.n• .. p'. • • paddle up ··•-A'-•-.. f'lv1ers to LEG" NOTI' CE ·,r I ·.·~1:..'·,.","•'•.llT"•'···'" .. · '''' SERVICE •M .tti.i llld !!rm II mtnllOll!d Oece1i.td 9 Cou"'' ol Or1nee, $1•1e of C1!1fornl1. LIWUIU NIUMIU•"J•\l tu.1 • -_ ol tl\f,lal ...... ffte ,..,_.,whole 11o1m~ 111 OT ' E y GI EN lo lh Tltt pr-rtll le ti. lr1n1lertcl 11 loc1I~ • ~.... of Jhe VieJnam ·d'-··-· ·m' lnen and aun.. . ! ... L.. lull •lld •IKfl or· ruldtnce lr9 ·~ N ICE IS H RES v t •I lJ2f E11t Cout HlsihW•V· tii'G"I d~I ~ .. ........... ,., Ot'l'lr.,..... i.itows· -trtcll!or1 of ll'lt 1bov1 nemed dtcl'llent Mir. ""-" letdl. COIH!lr bl Ortnet. budget. Plnc,h $a te8.di~ pliers here. Today, oil com· NOTICI %11·t~OIT01tt ': , .o. eu ,,_, , _ • Rob.rt E aou·r1anc1 tnd Eilell e 11111 •ti "r10<11 rwivlne c1e1m1 •••!ml !ht Sl•I• of c..r11or1111. •~n--•·• l ' "/ 11*1 •-~ '°'"*"" 6°"''Wlnttrt:rHn OrPYt Mun'. llld c!Krden! ltt •lllulr«d 1o Ilk-11\em, Slid ••-•h" Is described In p111r1I w"'6 were e~ De<U',. y a pany executives whlik in and suN•IOA cou11T o, T"' tm•.....,;. ,·· , , 1 • wtth tl'lt ntc:•tMfY vt1udllt1.·ln 1'?!tl ot11ce "' . ITATI OP CA,Ll""MlA Nl a...m. tlnetell tldl. II orn I, = ..... c:tttt. ol ... ...... lllltd OIH"I Alt slOclt In lrldt fl~lurn. t<lui.tnent year .,-o. out ln private.jets. THI COUHTT-OF o•AM••'• i ..... •.,...,. c--1 ••<• 1., O.lld Mir 12. 1•. ,v·,. _ _. ..1 · wi•IO.._ L :.!'.: . -•-wm 91 ttift ctrltln re111ur•~I Mill Iha to ,..'A"'711 · .--'"'' '-..: 11"""1 IE. lkiurllnd ""'""'" ""''"· ............. _,, bllllnn11<nown•Tl'ltHIPPrl'1lcw 1nd tary SOUrCeS Sll;y t, The biggest impact Of the Elllll! of VICT.Olt.IA L, IOI.OU, IQ tf*' r, 1 .. 71, 21, Ifft tJ-...... E1N1I (, leurlllld ~rJ. 1" llHI! unotn lened •I tile' llfll« located 1! :mt E11t Co.it Hlt11W1v0 lmpltmenl the nrnposed "tar• .. black ooJd strike is feH at VICTI>lllA t.ORD PLOSS. 1u VICTORIA . • LEG" NOTICE Stitt of C.IH0rnl1. Or1ne1 CauntJ: of 11\efr ittor11t~J. HARMON .o.wo cor-11e1 ,,,.r, Counlr of Or•ne•. I .~. f ",.... 'Ube F l b• k I le ti l Pt.OSS, DtocNMd. ~-.. , • tu.1 On MIY n btlorl ,,... , Nol1N l'ubllc JE NsiN. • Norll\ -.in Strert, SU!tl Slllt of c11tfornll. y re....,, orce .• money WI • 1' an s n ma ona NOTICE ?$ M!llE•'f GIVEN .. ""\I 111 l'ld far .. Id '""· M~IONll1r ·-•rKI IOOS...,'1111!1 ""'· C•llfotni., wllltll I• .,.. Tht bulk lrlNft• w\11 ,lie COMUflVMltd ~..i---vid xtr . •A1t·IM1 ltllbtrt IE 8ovrle!ld 11'4 IEslt:ll E plKf DI 111111111• DI '"' 111'1dtr1l9Md Jn all on or '"'' the 2' d•Y Of Mlt1. lMt, •I 1~ -to pro e e a Airport, where over 100 huge credlfon °' 111t .. .'De¥11111 dl"f'*' ~ · ,,101,011 ._1,1111 .:,_"'m•1o bo flll ~.....i tnfl1¥• ,.r111111,.. 1o r11t ntite of Nkl •'"'o·'•~'N!"'s'1i~"'C:,"c~:i:!'rni~-· Coun.tv tralnllla:•bey0nd the present 41; planes leased or owned by oil ::~ :C::" .;;''r:,.-r .. "':., ':f.lluit lllf t ,:::~~ ~ltT ., TKI! wtwu 111mn ,,. wllKribld 1o ..,. wHllln dlCICl~t. wltllln ,_ "'°""" elltr tile SI· i•;.-a. kllD-to Ille Tri~. I' drill. and two W8'ks Of active com•••<es Joad Jhous·-•s Of wlll\ lhl IOtCftllf'Y ~l'L Ill 1M _ , , IT,.ta 8' CAl.IPMllllA 1'011 t"'trumtnl 11111 KkMWltdsied Iller I •· nm PUbliallen fOf 11111 notlcie. boll""5 nemtt llMI lddrn1et Ulf'd V , .-.U <Ill" el !hi cllft. d .. 1tioYe fPltlllW court, &' ... OkAHel KUtrd 1'?)tl t.1mt. Oiled MIY t, lKt. T"l!lferot for the IPl!'e9 'ftl'I 1911 N sf, (f duty summer training a year. tona of supplies for the North to P1'ntltl tlltlTI. Wltll flll MCHMl'Y ~ THI ceu,.M"!_.aHI , fOFF ICIAt. sE.t.l l u n11...i C•Hto•nl• een1< dllfr •tnl ''°"' tltl! 1bo•''" •ro: . und ·-I "' ..... J11n L. Jot>sl A C11itornf1 Corpar1 tlori 0 ~;;i,.,.. 1$ 1H9 Thus, to make th~ new P!an Slope· drill .sl~. ~1~ Roll1tT~, ~Sift ~ °' CLAUDE E, A M ts · Nol•fY Pub11c.c.111cm11 E•~1110t 11 · = tt9'ttor Work', the f'entagoli CiVtlian '\ I. GAltl..AHO, 4IO '-D1:t NOTK'i IS "l1tt•V GIVEN 1e !tie ~nclH~ CW:' 1" ~~ ::: :::Cldet11 /OFFICIAL s•ie1lrH Jeadenip would have to a~ SHOW PROFIT Ntwoorl ••Id!· C•1"""'11• ..tilell 11 ~ ot 11'11 ""'" nemM dKedenl M '"l:m.,,outu.1111 E,.11re1 MAlllMOH ANO JENlfN w111;.,.,. M. Sch"'ldt a·-pllte el bullnlu el ffll undt,..,... Ill .. fMl,All,.,...... lllVIPlll Cllirnl 1t1lldf"" 1 rd'I 2. ltn """""'" •I t.1w Hol•,v l"uflllc , C•Ufor11ll to i!'k Congress for ·the· ruridS: The state-owned alrport Is '"'""'' "4~~h'llto! ':.:."".,::, r..: .... ftc'Mtfll 1r1 tMUll'ICI .. fll9 1htfrl, l>ubll;~ 0.111111 CH If Dll?Y l'llcl .... "°"" MllR 1'tMI Prl"'i,11 Ofllte Pn -something they inight ' be" expected to show a profit Utli 1;~1c:11on "o1 1t11s 1101lc1. ' :1~~1t~W: •=-~~;,I:.':;..~ Mllv u. 21. 21 ~ J11n1 '-'"' m.41 :::_ 1,:., C.M,_11 tl1t1 2:;'l~~~l:., IE•lllro willing to doronly 'U'°the U.S:-1"' yeard« the first time. 0....,., .. ,1 '· ''r.ou "'' l'f"tl'll """" ~ t11t lllC1111r'1 LEGAL NOTICE T11, 147·7~ NOY. 11. itn ltm t I V • t '; ........ t J "h .. l!'l'lft ~ .. tllt ......,..MCI It '¥ ofll« Alfll'MYI ..,. f~KVlll' PUbtbl\fd Qrlnte CHI! Olllt l'llOI comm en n l e n a ffi nu t""r manacer c 0 ~l"l1tr1flt of 1111 f1l1N fl ltlt llto,,...,.. MOUSlll AND• •fAM, Pu"411IHl!d Ortne1 c ... 11 01111 l'llol.!M•V 11, 1'6t "2 .. 1 . declines. Garland says the nuniM!t ·of 110111::"~~~ .. .-. ~NO r.; rA:i.n~ A= 11 1.:: .::~ c•1tTl•ICA~r= •UllHllS Mir u . n . 'll •Pod Jvnt •• lHt t 41Mt (1141 Nationa! Guard authorities pasaengers usin1 the facility At11"""' 11 ...... ~1~ •.,, ,,.. ;,.,.,.191'dd '" .11 ~"'" '''T1T1ous ,....,,., LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE I I hel , Jh UI h t a't thl 'II t tal "" -a 041 a...-on,,., ..n.1111111 to 111t 1111te e1 "Id ~. Tfll 11f'ldlni111\ed • et111" ll'ltv' .,. '°"' 1eve ey w ave 0 w I -I year WI 0 '~·UVl" "--' ._ ... Clllltnl• ~ wtltl flur """'"" ""' "" nrsl itvPIUCI· fUclll!f • bUSIMI• II "' W, 1't~ It '1--------•cc===-=-==--=-:O:'.::--------uotil the war ends before they 100,0llD ·· increase' Over last ,.~':!. Aihfftl 1..., 11111 ., ttil• ""'"'· . Cotti INN. c.uto,.,.11, under Ille 1!dl. NOTICE OF HEARING can •et the equipment needed year·1 , · A p., ........... ·0r1ne• 'C11111 011,., "'"" -011111 Mii' '· 1"' 11ou1 11rm 111me °' c1:oA1t suMMiT ind NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board or Supervisors D • ", "' • ..... ..., ,) .,._.; oi.11 0. JOl'llll 11'1•1 Nill firm It compeuod ol !ht kllill)I'-• to, mate ttie 'backup ~rces He says the ~mount or Mllr 14. 2!, 21 ..... J-.... Hf -A*"llll11Alor IM ,.,...,,., wllllt """" 111 "'" Ind of the County of Orange, State or Callforma, has by Rtsolutlon truly combat TeAdy a n d frelght ~ncQed will lncrea1c LEGAL NOTICE ~ ... "': =: ~'="'' •11c:,;: ~:,:.1~4~ ~~ ~~~n1vr•, dated the 6th day of May, 1969, declared it(! intention to a Mex: responsive to the war plans, to abo\lt-I0,000 tons from one-... ,..... HOv1111 !.N~IAM Allen G. 11m11. m: w, 1'11111 .. c.-the noncontiguous unincorporat.e(! ,territory, hereinafter describ- third that amount in 1968. CIRTllllCATI 0, .u.1111111 :.."Tr::..c A...... • " ~=; J, H-'lo I'. o, M .m •iv ea to Orange County Street LigH'.lin1 Main~ District No. 12 FairNriks' dozen m a j o r •1Cr1tt0u1 llAM• ,""• ,rt',~~;-"" 1.1kt. and 'has rixed Wednesday, the 1 ltb day or June, 1969. at the hour h I 'nd ot·'-1 ed T"' llj'ldtQI•'*' c1o11 attlfr w II -1 . Oltlll AHii '1S. 1Hf. of I f Id d . t Jhe Ch ~~ f ••· •-· d ote s a .m CR!, accus on1 c1uct1M , 11umeU 11.., wnt ""' """"· Atttrwn • "'* 1r1 11.... Pllol .o.11tn G. 11r1111 9;30 o'c ock A,M. o sa ay a am-.., o un;; ouar to a lull ctuiinl the cold wint• = ri::-"~11.;ott~co~OLO ,,:~~ ,.°'.:"Jvn. c..:'~,J·111 '41..,· =: 2: :·,.~ of Supervisors of the County of Qrange at ~ 'O!ange County months,\Mft been operat TY~t:" '"" .:':t"':.lf nl'l'll '' ~., G.. NOTICE STATE °' CALn•o11N•A 1. Administration Building, 515 N. Sycamore. str~, 1n the City of t ·11y . 1--t. 1111'1elllllwlllll i~ ...... Mll'A In""' LE ""' OllANGI COUNTY • SS Sa ta A Calif ' the ,,.. and pl f Jhe h .• a near capac amce ""'-allll-...C• of "'"""'" 11 ... ,.. .. 1 ~ °" .,.11 u. 1,., bmre ,.., 1 Hot.,., n na, , orrua, ~ . ,.11J1_e •Ct;! .or ear me. autumn. The' room short.ace · htfr ........ 1111,.... ,,.,, Cltl'ltt''"" . ... •. w. "uitlic "' ..... "' MN s11i.. ,.,--1rr upon the question or said annexation and· II\ Ob1ect1ons thtreto wu so acute. at Uma that !1't1• (••...._Miii. ct11"'1111· 1v1>•R1H COURT .,. TM• ......., """' .... ""*"'·AR•. G ... r. at which lime and place all interested ""'"""" may appear and . DtMd Ari·..,, lttt.1 STAT• Of' CM. ..... MIA fOlt tlll,~flmtf J. IMllfln llnHM 1e ll'A ho r--·- IOMe b\111~ bad to 10 ,_ ... ~ ...... TKI COVMTT -....... .. ----..,_ ,,_ •r• .. be heard. as far u · AncbOracr. to s'--g:J.1 Ofl' ~'01111111~ ' c. ......., .,._ Krl111'111 • "" with!" ,,.'"""*" ind K · At any time prior to the time fixed lDt hearing any interested . .-. • •~ ""'-'t'1 TV OF MANOI l SS ..,...,.. ·~ '"w••llJ tr111' •1ll(Vtld h -· ' theD ,~ .. MCh, d&YJ,: °" """ ,,,..,,.,, .,_, ""· • "'";., MA•1t:TTA a. l"IW'llt.IH, 1>11lnllfl v1. to,F1C'1•1. II.At.I 1 persons may file with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of The Oraqe Coast YMCA ts 350 mUea betw'een.tht stale'•~,..: .. ~~:' ::.,~':':i.ow.."":'!: 11,.1.J;,~i'~.f~r·.~ 0,1.1. =,. ";~~ c.11tot~i.' the County of Orance written objections to the proposed annua· hol.11 .... lta annual membership lwt1 largest dtlet. II 111 "" ,..,._ wl'A;tl "'-11 1ulll(r• 'OllHIA ,. "" ..... ,.._, Defllldlnti l'l'lnc1N1 0tt1c1 111 lion which objectlons will be considered by the Board of Super--.. Kl .f't "" • Wlll\lfl 1M~ ... Yw .,. fltfWf <llrectl'I .. n11 I writ-°""" C-tr . h . drt~ during the month o~ SllORT 'G ... "'RITJO'' tdllewiMIH .ht.,_.,..""..,,... ,.. ,..,.1119 111 ,.....,... ,. "" ....,111" 11<r c-1"1°" &11rrn visors at the time and place Uxed for hearing. T e boundaries M ·· n i:. " ,.,., fOFFICIAL SIALI cen.111111 ., ,.,. .....,.. nuMd •i.1111111 .H.Y. ,., 1m of ·•-terr·11ory propo-~ to be aMe1ed a-d•...,......, aa follow1 · 1Y· AJ p •-• •~·I Q')lftl&U' -'-"' l , Dfih. wlttl the,clft fll H lbdltlt tlllll\tlll _, "ubllllWJ Ortntt Co11I 0.11¥ "Ito!, Ur\: ~ '" """"''P"" ' The Y's new facilities, nd arrQU· ;enl ot the ,.. .. ,., ~. C11!1et11l1 IR ........... ~ K'*' ,,, .... M """'. 11111 MIY 7, , .. 11, ''" m..t LEG AL DtscRlPTION OF A PARCEL OF LAND TO BE loclted 90 University Drive, ~al ~~cec:_ ber \cil ro-.. ~~ 111 1 =~tn.1--~~':.~:J\~:.,~ LEGAL NOTJCE ANNEXED TO THE ORANGE COUNTY STREET UGlrI'-ovetlooklDC"Nl!WJIOrt iJay, are r m vv~~ M., c-t111cw1 E~tit -11: wt111111 """ .....,. "'!Md ING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 11 merce, says th-tbodlge of J!l!\t "· 1'11 covritrr • wt1t1111 '!'H l!TY din If w rv111 '""···-TRA-NO ·-(TENTATIVE) open to men, women and ~ls crlttcaf 1"11111111*1 ~.,. c-• 011i., 1>11o1. ,,......,... ..._.. i..' . - children, permanent ho \ WH » &'111MAr/I,t4 11' lHf mfl Yw '"' ~ 1101tAM 11111 llfll•u -ct11J:.~~ ,OR A parcel or land lying with.in Lot 226 and Lot 238 of Newport Rep. Howa onack (H· E IO 1119. WtLllM,.,..,..,.,. llllMdlrM, .... T1tAMIACT10frl °" eu11 ... •1 H 9 h ho h f record The Y Includes two olympic Alaska), told a lfOUP ul LEGAL NOTIC ~·1;~~~~ ''!:n!.'::"'~ to~h!'l',:ti': uMo•• ,,ttrtJOus NA.Ml 1,e1ofg ~'11'. as11s wn oMn a map t dereof ·~ edC Jn1 booc~1411, P',1c sile ,pools, outdoor volleyball businessmen recen\ly Uiat up ..,,... -•""" .. •r•.i"' ~ contr..:t, or wn1 THE UNOlMttNlo ... httltl• "!II. 1• 1scc aneous aps, recor :s o vi ange oun y, cu orn1a, and basketball coum , tram-to 16 000 persons may be ad· c.t1tt1i-1cAT• °"' •ut1M11s :'",,.::.. ':" :~ ~ •:,.:=:1 NUllt :=.,. "':~.';:1i!. ::'~"'1oc:~io:,~ more particularly described as follows: poline, a gym, a game roo1n <led io the laUoo .in the T...._ ..,.:~cr;;::,:0~ ~ii! "" ,,1 ~!-, ~ th.'..,1n ~•ft """""~..,:. =~ c':i'i~~. •....:.,. °:":. Beginning at the inters~lion ol the centerline or 21st Street and nursery and i ndo o r next two or ::: ye,.,. COl'IMt1111 • Plrlftt 11 1s:io E. e::li"'"' ~117 ~:' '.::';:. "i.e': tillellt fir"' -., "'LTON cA1tl'ET with the centerllne of Tustin Avenue as ~bown on said map o( ha.ndball courts. . ..,.. lilf'ltl Ar111. e1111orft1•· ""'*' '"' nc1111o1t• _, ", •., " ,., •1111111 i:. 11r1w se:•vicl '"',....Mid""" 11 corMiOKd New ......... Heights · thence South n • 41' 00" w-along Said .. -. p a r t of the lnflut'Vtll oe """' nl!M °' OEt.OUA INC.. 0...... " -.. .. h ~ ,.,_, "'*' Mll'd ·'" ...... • ' .._ ....... 1be activities offered span a workers needed to bblld a ==~J:,AH~W::,::. .,,,... 11 e~~";::.,l~ 1111~ a;;:::::,:,1111111 ~-.J~ of ,.JlftPlcl 11 •• terllne of TusUn Avenue. SH.43 feet; t~enct North 50• 11' 41'' wide range of interests. In· 800·mlle $900 mill ion plpcfioe ,,._. "' '-'' """ '11e" o1 '",,_. ,,. 011!!1 M1rir.11 ~. 1... LMTY 1o111o11, ~ .. ~.-. ...,,..,... West, 30.00 ffft to the true poU\t ol be&i.Minl of the land tterein cludlng gmynastics, s e I r. . . •• lei~; w, •. •T JOH . Clorlo (•""""''' described ; thence South st• ... 00" \VW, 2M. 00 feet; thcDce defense. yoga, tum b I Ing, H:.:=-MI~ ~.~.·~1'1t1:: ~·rt.~ 1tN11t.-1~TNEU'"'...,.. flllt,.. "'"""'·North !IO" II' 48" West, 315.00 feet; thence North st~ 48' oou a-t.-. basketball. dantt, The l"LKI. NIWMrt .. Kk. C.Wfomll, WlnMAlll AMO SCMMIDT L••"f Hll* East., 264 00 fttt· thence SOuth oo· 11' 48" c...... 315 00 feet to '"'rg ~ O•IMI Mkt f, lM, UU W .... llff DrfW t11i. tf C•ll"""'I.. -I Jh ' , of 'he"'•-••• --' ogginc, 1tl.n divina and ~· 0 .,.96 Coast's 1c.n.. •n 1v1i. m (,eunf'J "°""'" 1 .. e true pcmt ........... . • r"'" 01"'°"'" INC. .......,, ......., c....,. ,.... o. Mtrl '· '"'· befW• '"'· .. ""' DATED lhls •th day ot May tlllt Mo5t Comlete .,..,.,, L. Mt..i. ,.,,.....,,, ""''"' .....,... • ,....,.., 1'...Mk "'•for Mid • lfl!M for jwiior hi&h "* ., ~~ k<T'tttc.euZt,1 ~-Or~ ~1 94J1¥ 1tiw, ~ ~ ..=, .,:.= ... = B! l?RDER OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Qi' and high achorol atDdenta ln-PRINTING °"' M,llr '· 1M.; . ....,,, -· • "°"",,...., 1(. •1. ti.,.,, J11rw 4.1Mt HNt +a!IM ""'"" t. ll'A to M "" ~ Orvu~OE COUNTY, CALlf'Ol:L'ltA cludfl caravan t\eld trips and PUlilk 1n ..,.. rw a1fll ''"" _,_11Y • ...._ """"' " ..,_,..., " * .,.""' W E ST JOHN tiWtl and r the . ...,,... ....., ,,...,.. tt ....... L N I E '""""'""" .., lduAWt••t• • _,,. ""' , . ~lhll'· or Y')U"'" SERVICE =.:=.:.::.,>:... .. "".:':.:.: ear y very9ne_ w1$( .. ":...-:. ...... , .... • County Clerk •nd u-orn«o.ctert an Indian Gulde ud INdN•••d .,.. , r .... .., ,....., • (°''"AL 11>.1.~ ot the Board ol &1pervban of Maidens croups. ........1..1 :t'rte'::.'m'1.i 'li'sten~~ =~, ~1"""'' Cs.&ALl <>ranee County, cauton11 A vrriety G( mem~p .,.. --JI ~r"'* ... ~ • ~t Olfk9 111 By r-11bel Li CN&elx ranjtmtnll MIJ' be -m1de.q• w.,., Nik<•~'· Cwoh" Dt""''Y ' F inlonnaU tad he --·-'"""''"' Olfl(I i. " L d Mi c.wn1111111 ....,,. • l"'I" <Ir Oil. con t . --..., °'"' ""' • 10 an 9CS ....i:: !!,·~;; -°'"' ""' Publl•hed Oraftlc Coa1t D~lly l'llot · ~ CollSI YMCA at ·4tl· Phone 64i:..J2t ~:~ .r:;:,,,. .-1.., fiNI -,, •• "·"' "' · iM1 May If and 28, Jiff t9i0, L-~~~~~~~_;;;_;,:=:;~:_;;;.:._;;;_;;1-~~~~~~l"-'--'--:'""'-'--~~,-"--I-'---~~:--~~~~~~~~ YMCA Holds Membership . Drive Now ' r l 1. I ' ' . ,. I • ' • ' ,, -, FABIJLOIJS ZODYS FASHIONS: Mlll'S COTTON RIB SHIRTS A. S.V. 4611Jltl Colifomio styl•d sport shirts witt. mock turtlel'lftk and ttripe V-neck in.-rt OMI short slHVes. Washable cotton knit in blue, gold, green or rust: sizes S._ M, l, XL. 2.99 ., •••• 1'' NO.IRON CASUAL SLACKS L Sav• 37~1 Ivy style casual slacb of· 3•7 PElMANENT PRESS cotton and po.,....r · with fhtished h.nt1. Choose blue, 9old,.grMn, \ MV"JJ 30 to 42 woi5t. 5." ~•IM IOYS' NEW-LOOK BUSHJACKDI 12.99 8'' value A.. I•" 35,.,I H.,... fmh· ion rage hush ictebts with four l!Mff9d-pl9cr1 pod~ all around Nit, wood buf. fl)ftS. Tan cotton, Uftllned or flonntl ltned. Sites I to 20. a. I••• ia~I Yolte tN.a bell beffM ,..;. ol !wo:Pl'I polyest.r and cottoft caft'll'Dt cloth. WUh P-flMANfNT P~£SS fiftiah, af .. , au ... whhli:ey; tlzn I to 11. INCIAL ....... ,, IAIYM .. I _ ---~ SHIF·TS • :a." ........ .87 A., I., C. Sava ~S'f>I, ir.; a savin~. of 1.umm1r 1hlltsl1 .Tako Y)>Ur .. ~Oleo. ot te~t sffapes, snop coats, ~ef coab a.II ,in cool s1H¥e- leu styling for summer wear. Neat 1n tidy $tri~s, polka dots, checkered patterns and dainty or splash floral prints in all cotton, cotton·A.vril• rayon, cotton·polyest.r.·Frfth and bright emu.al wear; sizes S,M, l . • ·' · llOll"ALK ..... LO•• lllACll W••··-· •Ab .. , •• ~ ~· al 1JVD1Um 1. IOVTM lflllf Af OIRIT lucM ll'l9. a UllCOUI ............ ''" .. OMINlllnlNAt...., . . ' .. / .;. ' . ' . ' . ' . ' " I ,¥ t } ; ' .,._~ wdT.CIVlb Al.VIA AYI. At """"" c. YOILI & WHITI MIXABLll D. ••411 L hw ~7~1 Sift .,..pck, long •leeve S." wal" 11M1rblouse bocrsb colorful Gypsy styling. 3- Cofo,.d to IMlkh th• Mllh on sailcloth coordi· • • natn. Shffr co~n voila in blackt navy, rune, .. yellow, light blue; crvailable in sizes 6 to 16. ' S~LCLOTH CAPRI sn . f. s.-16'611 lolera ·jacket and wide leg 11·" Ml• pants. with 22 .. opening, ,Crisp whit• cotton 7 67 saikloth with voile. Kish to Match owtrbloVM lhownJ sizn 6 to 16. SAILCLOTH JAMAICAS 4'ff volN o. ,..,. 44'MJI Neat and trim tailored JOlllClf 2" ica ahorh In whfte cotton H1i1cloth tadted in '°olla to 111Glch the U¥erblOVM. Sizes 6-16. DIOP WAIST DRESS 7.tt wol" H. In• 2KI CooleNI'°'' boas~ dMN<f s·' print .a....1 .. IOflg liN bodb .nth fla,.. blca cvt whhtl lkirt. ltoWll •nd whltti • ...., , •l:r .. 5 to 1$, ' • r.:•r · ~ ,_, ··- A. S... ''"'' HJ..fOlhlon top ltos _, ........... kindhMnd ;hlnod -.......... ~-... Mal:re, liN1 pink ., .mtt. cottM bit h1 liz• I to 1<1. lllU' •llllli WIDE LR POIS :.:r:. .. I'' a. -an.1 an1h1 •"" 1io1<1 fleral ancl ••1111h1c prfnt cotton ..... ..,.... -""' , .. , .... -' .... Awail.b{e i• reel, blue, pin~ Dral'tf•· .tntJ .u.. 7 to 14. • ' a. ... ....... . lllAWl'llOINI KW.at li*Y Cllftll • ,IW MR. At 9"11.NIM .. J POUlllAI• VAUIY L••• •UCH MAllOI nYD. iT IDtNOft LOI COYOtd, SP1t1Ne A WOOOIUff H•ll•T••UCll ~WUfA-NOll ' IAiltAAllA ... Ma. AYLAT tn111rmr ............ y •. CllAIMUI • 111 DmTllUI ·---.... UWH• Kft AT IUll&N& ·"TOIW -~···· .. "I SRO• & .IAYI AT ZODft MOJL TllRU PllL 10 a;~ TO 9 •.&1 IAT. & •UJL -10 TO 7 ••• • - • " • .. r c a;;:: n \ •e UllTl'UT • f' , ' ' 0 " • . Wtd-. Mu 21, 1969 1.60 tlz• i.oo 49c , v•lu• _ 97c P9k •• 12 Uftiq111 for11111• Wool yarn. lo. Gi'lfl a 12 faahion htohhy tan &. colors. 4'2" protection. 10119. SAVI 6:1c! 5AYIS1cl LOnON COLGATE '100' MOUTHWASH 3.SI 1l1e 1.49 ti&• I'' 69c 'rot1cl1 from clrynf:tl. leau· Mouthwa1h .. tif;.. the akin. 9or9lt. 17-or. No greasy 1ur· bottle. foc:t . .C.or. b1I. $AVI IOcl SAVI 1.511 PLAfiU-............. . . tk .. I•• 43~. • WlfH COUPON I .... 11 ..... , ,, .... ,,.,, .. ,..., .... .... ,., .. ,,,.,,. ............. ......... ··-~,,. .. lt1gulor or hord- to·holcl forr11Ulo. 11 o~M• can. SAVI 6011 CDal POAMING OATH OIL ahr:e C "'39 '4 dtrightful fro« gronc11 of foom- . ing bath oil. 32· Guaranteed or. bottlt. byGooCI SAVI ilcl HeUMlrte in ' •Checks pen· piralion 01 well os oc!or SAVI 61c! DI& SCROLL'S fOOTPOWDI• ' -' "" ---·--·~·----1 •• _; 9Gc 1l1e Ketpa fe•I dry. oll doy Lorg• 7-01. '°" SAVI 41c MIN'S fABRIC SLIP·ON CASUALS 3.99 value 271 •Comfortable slip.o" 1tyl • • HeoyY fabric upper1 • lo1t9·waering, thiclt rubber soles I Choic• of ~00% HUMAN HAIR BANG LETS PILOT • • INfANTS' & C:HILHIN'•! TINNIS OXFORDS z ... ,.. I 1 Low Price! 71 j •Quality co!IYOS upP41r:. I •Cushion o rch insolt •Red or blue, sites 6 to 12 •Girls' sii.es 1 2V2to3in~ choice of colort 1 IMPlllSSROOM fJIESHINIR Ste 111• alSI HOT LATHla SlllAYECalAM 1.25 111• · LYSOL LIQUID 80WL CLEANER Ste aize 2'7 value 9.95 Pin•, Lo"ttnd•r, louqu1t. 6·01. con. SAVI .Ocl 29c ·Well-known moke, d isinfects o nd deans toil et bowl. Eosy-to-uie pli:utK bottle. SAY~ JDcl · Pre·ltyled, reody-to-weor. hu- man hoir bangles. Simpl• lo ottoch for o hig h fo1hion look. 36 popular .hode$. 100~ HUMAN HAii LONG 2f7 CUil$, f .9$ ••lw1 ., ••••. ..-_,,, HUMAN HAllt WIOlIT whit l•l•1c..,l119 ..... , .. ''·'' ..... ., •............ ."i i 1•1:1r ."i '' l\fi ."i ''' ''''·~ ~\ ,,,.,,,r,.,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,"i 1·1· .,,,,,,,,.,.! BOYi' OR GIRLS'· Hl·RlllR BIKE 36.95 value 6 fT. DIA.ETER ·x 15 INCHES DEEP STEEL WALL WADING POOL 9.50 , PADDID FOLDING ALUMINUM BED 14.17 value 2497 517 t larg1 botkyord 6 fool diometer pool •"Weolher·lreoted" ru1t-resi1tont corru- gated sleel sidewolls •Printed hea"'I duly 101•1 ll•t ... .. ,., 1ro1••• ··118 .SAVE $61 •full iuspension interl ock ing chairt link springs! i • Camfortabl1 podded mat!reu • 8righlly poi11t1d lifttimt from• • Durabl1 "Saft Stop" coast•r brok11 • Heo"'I punctur•proof typ• r1or tir1 •Comfort 1oddl11•ot •Kid: stand •Beautiful f1o1'1boyont linish DILUXI BAllBALL PITCHBACK FOR INDOORS-OR OUTDOORS •Angl1 of nal is odjustoblt 4'' 1.00 value • D1vtlop1 th rowing ond catching 1kill1 •Lorge 37"~37" squor1 with ru1t·proof resili•nt 1te1l sp1ings •Strong knolless nylon net • Doublt sleel tubulor supports ond 1!111 bracing plastit lin•r wil h droin plug •Worm weather kiddie fun! PINN STAR DRAG REIL WITH DILUXI HOLLOW GLAll ROD 9'' 19.74 value • ldeol combination for boot or pie: fishing •REEL features: f ree spooling, star drog, "Eosy (011" no n·corrosive spool, 1le•I geors r-. ~. ~ •ROD feoture1: 81/211. overoll glon ~~~ rod, cork fo regrip, .S guide1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii .t.tf•f·.'("f' \('I I , \I( .... \\ l\(~S (,\ I ·' \llf)I S ll \hi·; II l I( 111·,'S! FULLY AUTOMATIC CALlNDAR > ~,::11:~ .... 1911 •llMl'1Ylltlf "·~ 1111 l•llKt . f1ll\ l~t Ult 1~11>-2t.tS iMlltlllJ, '''" TODAY'S FASHION LOOK '•nd1ftt 101cht, '" lht bti. ioa-. W1dt 11l1tlio:1 al 1t11u lor '"'fl tntr t 11ft b11u!1t•Jlt 1•11 ba•td. h t'lhY llS<•~~, ,rlCI •.. I.II 4s1 with the famous Waltham 4'eM&< cfoo ~ 1 ·Men's w•!er~roaf' er l~die~· • un ra.pe1ite dre~~ °"iltl1 w1lll W•l1ham's l1le.J 1me Gua1Jn· 34"x80" HAMMOCK AND STAND' IOLL-AiOUT WHEELS 5-POSITION PADDED CH41SE LOUNGE 917 16.17 value •Full helical springs • Tubu lcr orm1 •:li·position adjustment •Colorful florol print pod1 SAVE $7! ALUMINUM FRAME PATIO WEB CHAIR 5.87 247 value !:i:~ 10 1 ~ •4 pciinl 1u1pension •All weather duck canvos! • Greol for 1ummer 1noo1eli! SAVE $6! S POSITION ,rJ ADJUSTMENT:. .. ALUMINUM &·WEB CHAISE LOUNGE ~ 517. 1.17 value •Adiu•ll to 5 di fferent pot.il ion1' •All olumlnum rustproof fra me •Strong, weolher· re1i1tont we bbing LONG HANDLE GA•DEN TOOLS 99 : ' YOUR CHOICE •Sow rak• • Garde.1ing h04! •Shovel SAVI SO,_! . AUTO AIR-COOLED ADDITIVES CUSHION SPIN-ON 1.67 69!. 1.91 &Jc ·' value• value OIL FILTER ! ,...,. t lHMlll """ , ... , ~ ... ..,. tt.•t '1~ ...... "'" ,.,., '""""' 11-1 Prk• •'-•' • Co1ite motor tun .. up •Sturdy construclion 1.91 a7c 5•!.,, 1311 411 94 3911 •Casile Motor Honey, value 1lop1 smoking un11IA&,1.,1 "'-97" • fih 1957·'68 Ford cars •Alemit• CD-2 • fih 't:IJ-"67 Chrysler • • l " t • . ' . :1 l, i ~ :• -. t ~1 f l • . NO•WALIC NHTll LON• 81ACH A .. AHllM•8UINA PARK AllAHllM•PULLlaTON WIST COVINA AJVIA AVI. AT PUINTI NO•THRIDGI RUONDO 81ACH , IMPlllA&.WWY. At ITUDC~Altll I. SOUTH ITlln AT CHlllY llACH ILYD. a LINCOLN OIUNGITHO•H Al llMON atSIDA ltva. AT DIVONSHIAI HAWJMOINI 11.Vl>.AT so.IAY <INnl ; ,. HUllTIN8TON 81ACll GOLDIN WOT A. IDINllll SAllTAAllA H. llANI AVI. Af lntt In.Ill •ARDIN ••OYI OU•OANK CHAPMAN .& llOOIMUISI UN fllNANDO ILVD. At IUllANI IPOUllTAIN YALLIY LOflO 81ACH 11"8ot I LVD. AT ltfNlll LOI COTOJll, IPltNe a WOOllU•f ~A .PAaK · 10PA•A CANYON II.VD. Af IOSCOI • • -• • • . - • .. ,, , • • ; • I ~. ... PILOT Wtdnesday, May 211 196'9 . IAVlf lOLID ITATI AM TABLI RADIO 9,95 value 4'4 •Solid stale AM table radio •Great for Do1eball listening pleasure •large lp9oker . .. . ... ' ' . AM·•M SOLID ITATI ' ·PORTABLE RADIO 19.95 value 1217 •Big v•r1lca1 style luggage rC11dio •Ac CD with buill·in line cor"d •Earphone, JMnlite batteriet t ~: : •ULL SIZE · ~-FOLK GUITAR ~ wn" S·PIECE KIT 29.951·711 total ·•folk guitar with mellow'tone •Steel 1tring1 •Geared tuni119 pegs •Mahogany finish klT INCLUDES: . •Guitar 1Jrap •Guitar pick' • lnstructio11 book •Extra airing •et IM4t•t•osaM PORTABLE .AM ~ND POLICE BAND RADIO 15.95 9•1 value . • 10 lra111islor •Telescopic 'anlen~a • ll•ten t~ your standard. AM btoodcast band or local police . bond 147·174 MC •Complete with batteries, eorpho11e COLOR TV UHF-VHF• FM ANTENNA KIT ~=i:! 1 '0'1 COMPLETE • R..:•i.,.1 on 11 d1onn•l1 •1011 .. up lo 120 !llilo1-VHf • longe .up lo 60.111ile~-UHf • 10111• up .. ao Mile1-FM •ICit i..Jvd"' polo, so.ft. twin 1.od, $0.ft.._aur wir• and oU n.ceuory hor<lwor.I . AM SOLID STATE POCKET RADIO t.: \,: :$,OLID ST ATE WALKIE TALKIE WITH VOLUME CONTROL 15.95 2 ~R 887 value ' •With Volume ~ntrol •High 1ensitivily • T elestoping on.tenna 9.95 3•1 val·ue •Solid stole 1.C potket 1i1e radio •With earphone •With carrying case •With battery •Plus gift box HOOVER DELUXE Ei.EURIC HIGH DOME FRY PAN LADY YANITY 14·CURLER HAIRSTYLER. &., .value ·--..:---..17.9510•1 • 12·inch fry po11 ·• lmmenible for eosy cleaning , •High dom• for extra cooking capacity •Temperotu~ control .for perfect cooking 19.9510'7 value •Curls or 1troighte111 hair. , , and in minulet •No wot,r-no lotion- no waiting •Compltt• in convenient 11oroge/t.0rry cos. ~ JAMOUS MAKI AUTOMATIC SGUIBB BROXODENT •• SftAM·DRY IRON 4·SLICE TOASTER ELEURIC TOOTHBRUSH ;-:·. 12.95 544 19.95 9•1 19.95 10'1 t l value v•lue value . . t 'lightweight, ea1y lo handle t Toads A 1l ices ot the 1om1 lime for fo"!ilY 1ervi1191 : • 1ron1 1ttom or dry : 1' Hand>' fabric dial with 1ettin91 • Adju1ts (ram light to dork for 41 tooll the way you like it • fot all fabrics : '•Incredible low, low price! • *utiful chrotne finish I ' • Del uKe colibrat.d pressur• •Opens any site Of shape diol household con •Recommended by • Harden.d sltel cutting tdt• the\11aftd1 of detitlsbl ~ tow:he1 <•"' contentl •Water Pi•• carries on the •Knife thorpener built ;nto unit •Recommended by more dentish than all other outomotic toothbru1he1 combined •Approved by Cou11cil on Dental Therapeutics of the American D•ntol Auociation cleaning job ~ur tooth· •One year unconditional ·-llfftl ~t bru1h begin• guorontff -..1 t101 ~:· ~· J_...,.. VareNitlettel Gatcsraatee O•.ifle·SpotEft•••frf!: •• Tr•fffe Appflaae~•! . . RIOHTOUARD DIODOllAln I .... 49c·1 , • " .. ¥ • . . : .. -, DAILY PILOT 1 23' . . . • • • PACKARD BELL SOI.ID STA'l'.I ST.RIO WITH AM·FM STEREO TUNIR·, Compare at 299' ·7·· ; 399.95 .' .. •High fidelity eight·speoker so~nd 1yil•nt • Ouol chonnel solid slale amplifier with 30 ~alls peak power •Solid 1tole AM/FM and FM sl•reo tuner wilh Supe1he1erodyne circuitry ,. •All har'dwo od acointical 1ound chamb•fl for optimum performance • Ha,.,d1om• Scandinavian design in rich, mellow wolnut finish. PACKARD BELL PORTABLE TV WITH BIG 15"* COLOR PICTURE lMftlCl414 - Zodys Low Price 279 87. •Full l5·inch 118-sq;-in. picture •Front facing Sx3 hi-fi speaker • •Dipole ante nna built-in •Set 'n forget fine tuning •Desert beige compact cabinet with deluxe carrying handle \ti lltl \ f .'\' lltl\\ \ ... 'I' \K 1-; ll0.\:1'11S 1 '0 1• \ \ ! WESTINGHOUSE 2·DOO• 12 CU. FT. RlfRIGERATOR ZODYS I ·8 8 87 LOW PRICE · •Completely automatic defroit' refrigerator '•Big 100 lb. sepqrate freezer with separate i.n.sulation for consistent·temperi;:iture · , •full width crisper with porcela in enamel finish •Adjustable two.position shelf ·•Built-in storage fo r 33 eggs PLAY·YARD SANDBOX WITH CANOPY 15.00 value 9'' •Colorful vinyl top protecll agaln1t 1un •Sturdy con1truction •Two-woy odjustoble 1triped canopy top • GolYoniied 1teel ba1e •High gloss fini1h •full 36",.36" site MDAL COYEIED FOOT LOCKER 12.95 6'7 value • H•O'I"/ plywood fram• e r_. Mcwy duty handles •full 30"'•16."•12" tiz• ~~•la~ enaMI fini•h e lfat1 plat.ct locU, i hcrrdwo re •t~in!~·~ comers. WESTINGHOUSI 2·1PllD DOUBLE ACTION WASHER ZODY5 LOW PRICE 18811 • Hµge 14 pound capacity •Two speed automatic wa1hing •Five position water saver •Four water temperature selection •Porcelain finish top and safety lid HALF·GALLONI SALll'. I ,, 99 . YOUR CHOICE 1f:i 9al,: . • " • 6oYll. OLD DOU--•, Superb le1ington 6·Yeor aid . ·~: straight bourbon whi1key. Ultimale flqvo r, Yery rare. Compare •t t.tl Z!1.Y$ V ODKA -Zod'y. ow~· So hora Dry Vodka ; PfP· ci1io n charcoal filtered. ---Compare at 9.2t FOR THE BEST IN MIXED DRINKSf " 3'' YOUR CHOICE fifth 91.S PROOF IMPOllRD VODKA -Cambridge Co1- tle vadko, imported from Eng· lo11d, Charcoal fillered and · brea1hle1lly light. ' Compare •t 6.4t ZODYS KENTUCKY IOND - ;odys Gold Star bottl.d In bGMI liou rbon, 100 proof .,r,thi1...,, Ma kes delicou1 Ma11hatt.111. CeMpor• ot '·'1 • J ·-.. ~ -. ' . . . i .• I' WITH ZODYI CONVIJillllNT CREDIT OR YOUR BANKAMIRICARD ••• tATll•ACTION GUARANTllD ALWAYll -: .-)HOP ·& l"Y.1 AT ZODYI MOIL THau •Rl.10 A.M. TO 9 11'.M.1 •AT. & IUN. 10 TO J •• •.LOTS OF fRll PARKINOI • •I • -·. , GOOD Will Y SEZ: H•w. ~ ev.r made • 911Ait& tour? Thous.Ind• rfo Mch y • • r, and tr• lfat•'9hed at the scope of 811 •wlll Industries op- ~-· <:omo •nY -k· l!>y fer • guided tour of Goodwill's tr1ining C.n- i.r, Call 547~301. 590 w. 19th St., Cost• Mes• ()pea Mon. thru. Fri. 9.9 Sot. 9 tnl 5:30-446-2479 Your .Dollar Buys More At The I GOODWILL STORE SPECIALS 'THIS WEEK! }4(>LL VWOOD BED FRAMES .. ~695 NfW OFFICE DESK .$4495 ;GREEN TAGS · . . 1 /2 PRICE BOOK CASES $9.95 ~LL lU~DS BOOKS 29' Special! •ox SPRINGS & MATIRESS $]1.90 PILLOWS $2.75 •.. BABY CRIBS .... $10 ,95 Please Use· These Booths In Your Neithborhood c.11 646-2479 f.,. ll'iclcv,• S.rvlct ••••••••••••••• OVAL POOL 2-4ft.*16ft , •;;: ~~~ 20---·\'IAI~ YI N,,, PUW • IAllM MTll wnM U.criit'ASM YAt't'I • ti ft. ..........-nr Pf ltrl mr err • ~ SHl!\D • IOnOM...DUM • .,.a: ...... SAVE NOW! ONLY .. ·$589 • SAVE NOW! 36.; x 1! FT. ·• 529" 111 FT. x: 48" '°"' POOl -.a.i DOUGHBOY SECARD POOL ~~-=- /Ul'IMSIRIJr 2 .... s. " Ct•p ISi • pi\, 5.)2-1 "2 . . . " ..... 6 M'ft ll JO 11 ,.._, 11 lO 6 8£.4'1'flltS SLl•ES CllEMl<:ALS-• LA••flrtS I I P"I Talt&eti be! . -CC----------------------------------------~------- -----·--- ·A· .. '., . .. New York : American .. ......... j , • ·, : •••• ._...;._ .. ·• IMI DAILY "LOT -- • + ' -" r I'":;:' - + + ffll '"·~· ~i J: ll"' = ~· iP ~~·' !I!! -m;-' ~I. -' ~. -I '!1 + . -. :;;li ~ ..... ~·~· ·:t; !::tt -. ' ~·~· .. -.. + ~·11-_, -~ • I I . ' • ' r .. ·' . . ... , I'll.IT e IDT ACTOI e NOW-Enda T_ ... t I JOf'•ACAOIMI AWAit WINNll NliPOIMANCU ' JAC!o. ALBERTSON ..... t1ppc:•let ~. FOR ADULTS SHOW rlMIS "11i1r1t1 1ttd h1b11!1 '' 7: •nd 10:]0 "ICiu 111, other Sh1i•" ,, 91 "IF you are wondering just bow far films are able to go these days. 'Therese aud Isabell e' should provide an adequate answer.." -ROLLIS ALPllT. s,i.TUJ.DAY Jlt\IJIW "A SIZZLER FROM FRANCE. Makes 'THE FOX' look like a milk-fed puppy . 'Therese aud Isabell e' will be the most ta lked-about movie around." ~11.01l1lr •AL•Aoo1. ' w1•s IAI>IO •I 1, I ' '1)1----" eurrtl'I• t:SSY PERSSON r t.A "-'omul1 M ,,,_ l"roclur.d and Dlrecc.d by RADLEY M liITZGlilR • ..,..._,_,_ -""""--'"-'" l,IL'nl,lt.9C'Clt'9 i _..,__..rA,~AUDU80NFILMS Fo·-:-wsouTH COAST !A PLAZA TH-IAE Son Diop FIMWly ot Bristol • 546-2711 ACRES OF FREE PARKING WE ARE PROUD ro PRESE!IT THE ACADEMY AWARD WINNER BEST FOREIGN FILM The Two Port Produc ticn of Lff Tolstoy's ~~ro~W~ PEACE -.... _ ... ____ .. -......... __ , • •. -... ~c1AllO u•r OF MAl"Ol(ON p;1t(ATil·lAIUllG; IOIAJtOlUll bf TME -.llDON[D IY ITS lWCRORI P•I "'C( IAlt AS OIOU5¥0$ DAllCQ THE. f.NTlll PllODUCTION Of "W/itR ANO PEACE." WILL ll SHOWN IN TW~ll.-t.ACH PAIT W~.l IE SHOWN' FOlt ONE Wl EICl 1, PART 11 ;::·:::~·=.:.. STARTS MAY 2hl SC:HEDUW OF ruFORMANC:ES w.~. ,.., z1 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ''" , ... . n..,.,., .... 2:2 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1:00 , .... . ""'9, ..... jJ , ••.•••••••••••••••••. l iJO & lO:N '""· s..,,._,, -., J4 ••.••••••••••••••• J:tt4:Jl·1Ditt ,.-. s..&.y, ,..,. JI .•••...••••••• , .•. : • 1J:Sf.4:JM:lt ,,., M....,, M., H •••••••···•·•···•••········) •• 1:00 P-"'• T......,, .... 't ·········;·············· .. ·· ... t :tt , .•. The Grec;it • No. Orange Coast's 1 Poper! " • -1t'ee eal ·Lag-an Oweu I I • He 's Still After That Frier'tdly ,'Drelb' By VERNON SC01T • HOLLYWOOD cuer) Cary OWem ii the nut on "Rowan aod Martin's La ugti- ln " who 8t4nd's In front of a PACl,IC: 011.1\11! IN TMEATl•S Sl'•CIAL HOTICI TO Ol.llt ,ATltOKS ' Th• pk1ur1 l'1'td In tlllt bOJI ""Y bl consldlrecl ~ loG"" lo oe 11Mulr1bl1 tor dllldr• 11'1111 _..., llOOl!l• -1N1 reqvlrfl ~r.,,t•I dlKr•llor>. c onrr1ry Jo advtrlltjnf beyOnd Olll' c '" 1 r o I 1M ~rlnv 11Hwf11r1. ,1 YW"ll ~ undef' 11 !NOT 161 will '< OCH bl ldmllltd lo PACIFIC'S W-'R· NE:R. DRIVE IN TME:ArRa lo "" 11>11 plcn1,.. Hllld ln this bO• 11111111 1ccomp11nltd bV p 1 ''" t °" •dull 9U11rdk!~; "'ALL THI LOVING courLIS .. "THIT CAMI TO IOI u.s v1•.t.s" -I ll1cem..-..-,.,. Mlullll MM')le Smllll COLOR "'THI rllME OF MISS JIAN llODll" TIWl1 Cunis COLOR •on. ...._ Stro1tllf" microphone, holding a cupped ba~d to his ear, and opens the · show by announcing "Morgul aa the friendly drelb." There .is no MorguL A drelb • ls a furry, sic k -looking abominable snowman. But Owens -a weekend Lagunan -is real enough al\d eve.n ' ~hows flashes of sanity, 1-n ad<lltlon to his PtiJ.V.lng il(aighL-ma11-to -the-resldenl- dlngalings on the shqw , Owens is a disc jockey ,fot rad.kl sta· Uon KM.PC in Holly.wood from 3 to 6 p.m. daily. \\"'hen be isn't taping the ''Laugh-In'' or s p in n Ing records, t~ South Dakota nati\'e is doing commercials. Last year his voice was heard In oo fewer than 350 oom- mercJal pitches in ~dition to providing the vocal chords for cartoon characters •·space Ghost" and "Roger Ramjet." Owens is married to a pl"ilt· ty girl named Arleta whom he met On the campus or Dakota Wesleyan University. They ex- changed vows in 1956. They are the parentc; ol ScoU, 9, aild Christopher, 5. Their Encino estate in lhe San Fernando valley is com· plete with swimming pool, a fulJ..time maid and three dogs: two dachshunds, Julie and Rosebud , and a t.errier who answers to Skoshi. Owens is proud of the fact that he began broadca::.ting in the Dakotas when he was onl y 16. He did hi!: first announcing job with another Dakotan, Lawrence Welk. they are Cary's favor ite1 . Oweni manages to .juggle! his blioy achedule be<auie the1 r>ioducen ol the NBC-O'V comedy..sensaUon allow Wm te "wUdtrack" h1s "Laugh-In'' bit on "pe. Tuesday Ill°'"""'· ffe returns Wednesday ve· nlnjs-after hls radio .show- to tape scenes Wi I t h other ................ mOt't'fljf lhe-wac~y 1lalf. - To relleye the tenllons o~ h!J I · last-paced Ille. OWens play• ~ ~ basketball on a regulation out.- 1 ·door C1>U1't flanking his borne. 'STRAIGHT MAN' Annour>eer Owens \ each of the rooms in their home in a different era and color scheme. One room 1.$ French regency, anolher early Greek, another mcxli:ini. She also rules the ' kitchen, and specializes in a variety or hamburger d i s h e s because Ste•• McOu••" in "8ULLtn" plu1 "THE WRECKING CREW" with 01111 M1rti11 CMtl~llOllK s.-.., 1 :ll '""· Weekends he-packa the ranUly up a n d heads for Laguna Beach and the lnoguid life ln the sunshillf: there. He I hopes to buy a home overlook- ing the surf as a hideaway. The many -(aeeted Owen.s has three offices, one at home, another at KMPC. and a third in a Hollyw(l()d office building which is f.illed with filingl~;:::;:::=;::;:::;:::;:::;::::':;:;:::~~=========; "'-r.: .. • 11 .. '""""' ~ • d · I, "All THI LOVING cabinets of gags, trivia an 1n- courLEt" formation ror his radio sho\v. coLoA At the n1oment he is com·I At>n..V.1r;r11 COLOlt pleling his first book, "Garyl ''THI SWING!•" Owens Look.$ at Radio." a ----.-. ~-·•o 1 tome on humor scheduled' for ._.. pubUcation in September. · 147'3"1 Arleta is'a brilliant amateur ' ! decorator and has furnished C1n \'OU Hkl lwo In one nl9hl1 "THI WITCHMAICI•" C°"9ftl l'.CIFIC cour ftlOfMAT & ml n "EVIL O• ;~~~·UNSTEIN" l ~i ...... -;:;;--1· rinitl ..... y No O•• . Ult6ef 11 If....,.._ Ad111irtld Tlii1 llMJ .. IMeflf. AU llZ-l411 Hal'I Tlii1 Prot,_ $2.00. I' , ·o ".l&WJ.DROlfWCI'.. .... 'Tllm.,.111111'.w,_-,• --- -=---,-~-...... t: .t.clQrllw •• ,,,. w111 ..... -•111 AClotl Clllf ltoberllon COl..OR "CHA•LY" Sklney Pollltr COLOll "fOI LOYl-OF IVY" ll111:1mm"'4itf I'll" "'""' ··················~· Crossword Puzzle A.CROSS 1 Supe1· in tendtnl 5 Tht family I b1radw lnner 9 P1;1ctica l ioke 14 Gem 15 Word or so1r mn ratification 16 Las VtgJS iroduction 17 Gathering news 19 Oxygen com pound 20 loo ~ fo r somrth ing blind ly 21 Sta-bird 23 Boy Scout group 24 Srnse of ht Bring 2.5 YtlfS of exi stence 28 Part of a house 30 Grown·uP 32 Coercion 3& Plant •i\11 lil yl1kt flowtr~ 40 U.S. ·---Acadrmy 41 Peacrtul 42. Ea~ily fltxtd 44 Hall: Comb. rorm 45 Pitct of mrtal 47 Quaktd 49 Mort !Jrtclous 51 Biblic al pl act 52. Timt pl!fiod 5~ Ch i1dr rn's game 55 Respetlful !erm of address 58 The Lion &l A1chaic pronoun l:i3 Harshly brilliant b5 Egyptian dancing girl l:i7 In lht natural sh1\t 70 U11sophisli- cattd 71 Use a S'lll Zl It Slick 72. Completed 73 Come int o 74 Slyl lsh: Sl ang 75 Unusu~1 blow: Sla11y DOWN ' 13 Pierc ing 18 Prepartd 22. Item of Ii sh Ing tqulpmenl 21:i Bird 27 -····Island 2't Bfiti sll Columb ia river JO Storagr place for 1 Victor --wfapons 2. "La Bohrmt" 31 Tmth part or" la Tosca" 33 Al <1nytlme 3 Flavor 3<\ Oltto 4 Soft mud 3~ Pass rd 5 Boy's or rasi1y g,,l's 36 laboratory nickname chtmica l b f 11rn d: Fr. 37 Hair 7 Shut up around tht 8 An fl!IOl•On nect 1J You or mt 38 frtsh 10 Mardi G1as or sail VI P water pl<1nt 11 C1avlng 31J Elt tlrical ragtrly conductor 12 Gi rll t (J Icelandic maga zint l1lfra ry 'leaturt work. 5r21, ~' <\6 Ring for culling mo!ars 48 Out of si ght: !ilang 50 Stad iu111 ~Olllld SJ Rou t out of bed: Dial 55 Roo111 5& Pt1sonilic a· lion of peact 57 --·-Cup, go 1f trophy 58 Pa ssage betw''" hrdges 51J 1m3rtuouc ar or 60 Fait to inctudt l:i2 Preposition b4 ltahan 1eso1t &6 l horough· la1e; Abbr. &8 Trans- ~rfssi on of di vint law blJ Br ovtrly lnqulslv• 'TELEPHONE 541-1552 FPR INFOIMAT(ON HELD OVER! * 1: r • I ' _j ·I ORANGE COUNTY'S BIGGEST COMBINATIONI ACADEMY Al(VARD WINNING- ~ooUJTT' l<O&l<T YM.J(;flN llCQU[lJKE BISS£! NO ONE UNDER 18 WILL BE ADMITTED! conAGE FILMS Ml!ESCNT$ A MllO 0. ntANK P'flODOCTION UCCUTI\I[ "'ODIJC[R HAROLD NEIENZAl A1toei1t1 rrotiucw M1l"t'in IHI • 'roduc..-I ii Schw1rtl Olrtctor Mtcll l l"C • SC;~pl'J lM \I. GOtdCll'I "ALL THE ,~ \t\VING COUP\\'?). /II. tru1·lif1 hush o9\1 • • . ·huSIJ .story 1bout r••' ~ tio"<'· .,,.,yb• • friend rie1ct' ···or 1 rel1tive .•• or 1 You 're ~robably "HEP ::.LOVE is their thing! ------- B111b111 811~•. '"'" tan•1111tl • P111l Co1111 . Stolt <lfW !ll. P1ul Llmtortf Glor11 liltllon • JIU1e Aus.sel • JtounM Aldin n Mite• ' ~ ' PLUs '5+Z,:a-. ..... ',~-· I ~lifflt>KT'S SHOWTIMIS ., \\ lME UIV/#s CDUPlEf .. U>O • 11,15 rM "THE SWINGER" ot 9'45 rM MARBOR BLVD. DRIVE-IN ******************** RRST RUN! .. ,., .• rM.ggieSmith SITMNs· FRAN'iiUN. l'.~N. JOHN~JN '"""" "'11""" ,i"fo "'~"'"0·11 &:.\....,. GC.O.::e.,~I ....:::::"" .. ~:..-=-:.. lll:!F!f:f'.:=1: OMA• SHAllF, CATHE•INI DINIUYI JAMES MASON MGM presents Terence Young's "Mayerling .. PANAVISION' ANO TECHNICOLOR". _....,.. _____ _...... Wiil NIGHTS AT 1:15 P.M. CONTINUOUS SHOWS ON SAT, & SUN . IDD<Wsamrst>lnlder .• Tht-~tl'i<Uir<C1<r! . . Mt'IDQSfllNIOO _,..IUflCAMT "'1tll(1JJ CWIK GABLE -;;-;:l , VMEN LEIGH •= ~ UlSIJE H0\11\RD I 01.IVIAdeHAVILLAl\1]) S!Ul[~!.lll'll~ ·h!.:lli~ l!led: • • ••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• * COAST HWY. AT MACARTHUR BLVO . • "EWPORT BEACH • 644-0760 EXCLUSIVE . AREA . ENGAGEMENT • 1111 Hlllill .. IUIRI llillM il fW BRADBURYS mast.erpiece of the supernatural! ~ ~~ Wd • ~-----~-· - I I· • ' I • ' . ' .. ' ., "' • , I OAmME MOVIES • JOB PRli'ITING '.' ,,-.f 1 ~ • PUBLIC~~_, , , . ,. ~ ; .• NIW$P,W$ . ' O••llty Ptl11t\fl1 ·~ °"''"''~'• .s.m .. ' I ,,, "'.,. th•~ • 91i., .. , ••• C.fthfry, ' Nh!•C>llT HACH ' -.... MOON MUWNS 11111/llJn • --:c--c;~-----------~--~--;o--.-,.-,.---,,.-,,,,-·----------------------,-~- TME POOll: W06AAN DOESN'T PO VOU 10rM>W WMfff 10 TURN,~! 1l41NK IT TME LU5T 'fOll W DO IS W~HT lEr "iER ~ YOIJ'~ MELP IF t , .AV"llAll.E Tt> HEi.P! WERE lO •NI--.-• lM.K Wint lHEJU~ • ' • ' py Jom' K. Ryan ' ~ . "-' -!1 11 'ORJI.IS .1 JI ·l'Wf·ER ~REAKS . DOWN ly Gas Anlola ij, MtiD I . • t. I , " l!VERYBOD'l''S Klilo -Yui~pbove;'will be seen tonlglit as 1he kiJ\g In'~-~ pictbre ~King and I" on Channel 7 at'8:11'p,m. Deoorah Kerr., 1Jbow1,1 with JVynner~ .. i.s .~.,E.DJU.sh· gover- ness, X\ma Leonowens, BJ'YDll•f '!'OD » Academy Award lo< bis ·rble 'm llli& ~\IOlllll-•' • •• ('~ J ' ' " ' • ·i P.rime Tll:ne1 '. ; . .. 'Talk Show Due : y ·~. 1: " . . By RICK DU BRDW ', j HOLLYV\'.OOD (uPI) -Tlie ·-~~'Cavetl .ex- pe>iment will begin on ABC,-'f'V •ICoild~Y·-~ On that day Ille network will'*" OOl!r to hum-· orlst Dick c;av~ >"~-~i;i(\\~f th~ _,oa•hour pro- grams each week 111.iP e tµne. •t ' • ..i .. -~ ' TAE$E PRQ9 S ~l be of.-IJ!e talk-and-1 variety format Uiat:r.-NBC-:PV establi&lild with the "Tonlght" sbow,~t"AilC-TV imltatll!I with thel Joey Blihop ,series, and .that CBS-TV_w)II copy when the late-nigHt Merv Gtiflln entry debut,i• Aug. 18. -However.-lo repeat-'-!he difference with the Cev4tt letlei is that it will he broadcast in Ille prime vlewini boilrs -' . Hi• Jbow·will bJ-seen e&ch Monday; Tuesday. aiicl Fr!I.,-, at 7 p,.m. PDT. It is not oii ABC-TV's; i..w fall schedule however, Which means the net-I _,wo~ ls 1'94Qting 'on it mainly as a vacati~time ~V~1itJw. piec~ •.. -' , ·:·~; ·;;!,. " ,2$ "~ I,~-' ·Nil/1Ri:H·l~ESS, 1r ·U,e .series· should,,"lqie-. tiP.fl shaJ•1!hlilgs up In prlme--fur\e, and:--b_Y,f~e 4-P.iA.• .. -g'et good ratings, ft _nuglit ~b ousll";'iJve 'OOW.~ few ideas. , • ~ .1 · . The odds· against the C·avett .series' .. are , how- , e,yer, .,h\aVY, ... -th.at i? l~ a ra~n~s 1~dpoint. ~,,.,~ou.Jnay, rec811, ,,i6r-}1)8\all«~~!; the humor-· 1st b•d,f silJjilar ·seoes -e~c~ w y .IJ!orrung for llO'ril;inlites just' a while 118•~. "1d t_he -'l'llhgs knock-- ed bun off. · . · t SO, o91NG UP ag~nst ~ucb _tou'aher ~ular< l~ramllung In prime: time, _he ·IS ~ ex•\:l!Y a lood bet statistically. • · -.,• ..i· Nope of thes~ mundape facts, ·tltG.ll&h,. should1 .iurn away vi' ewers who enjoy the 'IJl~t. ~ult,. ·)Dtflligent chit-chat that ·a Cavett show. off en. ' The fact that Cave_tt has consistently suffered tn the ratings -yet still has cons1detable backing from ABC-TY_~ 'is '1i indi~Jlllqiji of the -~gh rega_rd: in which he,;1s1 be\d In th~'llJdustry, ¥4 !hat m· eludes 14• cb!nl>J>tlng netw9rk>' • HE IS, '!or ipstance, considered allpOst a sure bet to 9Qlliedjy be, ~st of one of the late night series ori the bebvorlni• If -JOhnny .Canon ever de- cides to-~·.a· ~!'!!rnt w~ f~ajllt "Tonight'" show, \:aYett woul!l ~a netural\tJ!Pi!>cement, bar-. ring cont111C\_ cOJ!!Plicatlons. ' . _ One Of 111• Ollvioo• .,.....,.. AllC:'l'V likes_. the~ notiOn of 'a thrice-weekly Cavett show in-prune time is that it is done on tape. And tape is cheaper than film -and llilt'~ three hours a week out of prime time. ~nd A_!!!;~'IY-has 'been !Jjl_yi!Jg i~ financial p~lems. · --:, · "'. or::-f ·~ • I Network jotlrces report, bowev:e• that. It is not the !int time, that ABC-TV b,ps ci!lilf '!I'~ tbe idee tor. stich·a series. For eu~le, Jt 11 sitid·tbat a furmer top .ABl:('l'V ex~".e ,~pl>ro\iCh°';I Jack Paar several years bade ,allll-~edi him -I kid you not ~ five ooe'&iiir ·~ ~ week in. prim e time, Monday tbnlljgh ji'riailY: il.~i!ryone Has ~n after Paa~, of ~se, for one.~lOCjlor ,anotb, • AT .ANY lt\'1'.!i!; Cavett ~118 ~ l~e his big !IlOV•t .,_l:li~-.:·re. ll!l~i MOllde , ;~re scbedulecUo ~ !Jza' elll;"lliir'~rated auJh· ter of Jijdy W; Cimdlct;}!e-~ c!?,lebtat-· ed daugllter of Edgar. ~ei!}'it -,. ~. the celebrated writer · d Jamto£~11ie1 celetirat,. ed actor. ~ -.--~ .... -?« - \ I lj. •• • 1 • l . ' .:. ,. ' ' ' ' -' • • -TURnE w xi !. CAR WAX Kil )33 ' .. • -.. UAMTITiil. QUAIT • • -< ........ , •• _, • . ·- ' • ' 'l · • 11.-.on, tv~olH• . ' l .'5-14 · 1.ss-u 11.u1 .i. ,".. ' ' . JI~ ~-~J.63 !~1 ,ll•"• ~ ~~l··· $3~00 ....... ~ ·:: . ~ , . J.' • .. - •• 4997 . ' PIM ltst1Uaij11 New miniature design pern\its simple install ation in any \lllii<lle l Fully ailtomalic .. 'P)us '!'•qkers. RR41T-O ' , ' °:'"·"'-wt ff~, •· . T·HE:S,E .. SPECIALS GOOD AT THESE LOCATIONS OHLY ; I • ' • t ,. . , + "-Mo • ' I. At ..... ,,,. 11441 llACM .. _.,., • . , IUENA PAllK ' IUEHA PAIK C05T.t. MESA · ''·1 '; ""'SANTA ANA . . . ~ .. ™5 IJNCOUI AW. At Vtlloy Yltw 5J01 lllACH IUD. • 8U.SIQO - . . - • 2200 HAlllOa '•'f· ~ At--. , • • fl --~-- • •• ' ' • -. 1400 •11~· M._. -546-1112 -\ •• ' . • ' • I ' ' l .. -~ ---·----.. -.---· -~--. -·-'i'""· -------·---·,.,~<=-,-..--. alf& ¥iews · · : . ' .,~ :. -~ • \' • ''!" I "'H fl. ,,, • \ .D1e1 ·1 .1ftc:Feases .· · • ... ...... ' . > .DOllQTH~ • .Wi:NCK • W~l ... ve:fllo. ll~l!!d .. ~u..ntomalle ' ... C..., .... M"- ' ' , , · · , · • · , • • • ~ tf~urn tlje ""°" on in !111$tlle~. ~ ' .• '~ , ~o13lt~•\er11-~_,_. l"J. .•. (If· )!Ollt 111~,<a tpilol--llabt ~,_ .,, Jt1, ~-' ;i-~~rr.i ·..!; ..... ,... "'-"''?' ·.'!'l ~ owould probably not 1'e·safe ~ do'lhis·a P.• .l .... • "T ~·~··· • ' ' • • !Deal would cet'tooiwann ~"'ore -11~.:.~ ..... · i « ,.~:. . . ~i\,..,:uSt>~FocJd, Ccinsump-'" oQk' I °1'> > ...... ; ... 0 '• -~,;a ~ a~ ""°· Ill( 'IQlol_ ]'!>. c, « !.. . l • .• ·"' . < ~ ~i!Pi:J?"'· t~D~ (~potl(lty,..flsb, -we e e> r-styl~areribs,bl --.... 1 1111~ .' ad;W, .S. ~es. !Dcrea,s'4 with ~a~rkrtu~ so I P\ll'tbe krauf tn.!b!I bot-; al!OUI ,_.,. ~.~·tbine1 10 )'811!'!· , . , thi:li !'f ,lh·e l!liD»wltjl li:it.m.~. 9a,jop,,P9t!I" ~ :.,._ .,..... 't• ot ~.-....... ,.__.,ad toes also 11! 111..lhe ~.11"1!m1 •"' l!l! i·i°~ .~~~~~ ''.etfli"~~~=~~1f!·~··\ ea bf . eilf: :Biiwever, .U..conswn~oll' • ·~or ·~Oc\/apjile'~'niw~r!Ot.strips:·" .. of; 'pOri< O(l·"i ~rcent; .fiili dee.Un eel ·ao. • ~ ~e·lil<e UiJ: J>'lrk ciliops baked· on top of r,f(lent_ ew:i;_-t.. • '" ~-· · · '*'""""'Pola~, ./i;'fO.-a":coot,"lbi.l•)"Oll' .. ,. · ·-far,·-. d'IQst;i•~PQlar~meat. • l ..,.U ~ 1 ~~-'lhein '<0t'.WP. ~ .iice. "" ' man ea1' abe>u I~ polilid•'• .... and ·appli Tbe~'re &6od~ Oll'flf• f'81", . to abc$t ·eo _~ qt pork. · tOd • ~ · . ,.· .. ' ~. }·; 4 •; "', 10 i of lamb~ · t . ·"_,:, ·Part· .. .:,,i. "'cli ' ._lb B •••· · I One. n fyt the.' declining poPularil)' .. ' . IS''""'!· a "· , ~""'\"" • .,_ Jliii:k r; ' notion tbiit.ifis much higher Jn •. mm, 'lbjamlne, that it. s a g<l9i1 ~ea to 9'M'.' ·fl! lballib ' . or :lha!-11 ii lll<!re difficult 'to . It at,·J'8•1. once1a.weot. The .l~ e~vo. ,, 4 , . , , · · · c~~-frpn\ hie &bou!der,and lo1n;.end afi_jus_I "', \ 111~11,.f'no l!:!'lh ~-Ille latter Idea at .an. .' ~ gi>ocl f<1r·J'.OU u .lb' more ex~v· eeqlei' ¥ We ~t,porkjU,t,aseestliasw•'di· ctitl: ,t., . , , . 11 "·, I' iost '~·the• fat content of pork is not . , 1tt• ~ liir .Just 'pu~ "I ._, ·~1t•frilin ··lbat off bee£ -jj 'yw' \ pa~'l; ''l'o'!! lltli'ariil!J! 114'"'1•·" \'oa,eBll ' ''IP• 'isl~~; ta , . ·· • -obtahi ·a ~y f¥211 cents !~the ~rt,..._... F · II•~ .a· we)J.trimated slice of. tejlll~t o~ Doc\µnen~. Wa.sliliigton, .D.€.,· ham w MY• abOut t •peic!ftl fat·compai:ld ~ &k'_fpt HoD)e and Garden Bull~tln No. 191 6. Obl fat in a welJ,tridimecl slice o! lllO., · · •. Ji<e1'. 3 A well-trimmed . pjece of pork QUlfTtOlil$ WE ARE ASKED; ~Oul,baveaboutl~petceill.fat-•the : .. ·, · -· -.. ia'me i '.comparable well-.trimlnecl 'piece.of · Q. Ive h..i.$0!1le pork cbops m my free-W-· .-JI:' whiCh also is shOWde_r}. · " zer st?Ct ]JlSt -fall. Wl!en I cooked some re-l iJi Yr at Ibis um. Of. r"k· there. Is i . cently they clld not smell good: so we didn't 8easonat· !'Crease in lhe,-price Gr' pork, and • eat them: I_ l\On't understand 119w Ibey could lleef pri~ tOllCI to dip. But Ibis year pork is have spoiled In the freezer. more .Pi!Oitful 'than usual an\r Its price has . A. Pork "t !>e<omes rancid after the nht, ~n. going up. Beel,. on ~h~ other !)and, meat .ha! bee!' froz.en. The meet IS nol:spoil· liaS'-1beeta inore scarce and beef pnces are ed -that 1s,.1l's still safe to ea.t -~ut 1t will ~i\llfU\>.~•-• , , , ... not amell.~r lJ!s~''lis .gQOd as.•it did when .it ~ ll'\lll 1Ja ;.Jlttle-fr_ft0Z9r ~··~Ii can ( WJl1 fi;e!b., ~t ~ degrees, t!Je maxi.mum . tl>!\• 'advail!afi jjf Iha si>ecial~-on . port >by ·-g ume for good' quallcy· wrt·cbOp• ,. , J,. ~g ~ . limr mealJ. p1pally _wllen ._,. _3Jo. 4 .months: At _higher frel\zer :tempera• mrt~ ·art"' special, y,CIU ail(O·-coOd · : tfu'et•t1i,.k'"111!1&·;time~wolll.<Lbe 1.... · lilly11.·on. pork c• and farmt.r style spere-· . , ti . .. •' -' , . Q. What are _cbitterfuigs? How do you f Jljy meihod Is to buy·-of eacli.•<OOk ·cook them? .;' ". . th!f pprk roastfr .. b and freeze tbe .cbop•;and « ~-€bllterlings.'are the small and large llll'lfOr\bs . '..«:'! wra~·tbe<e for flleqttg' 1<» '.\llleiUn~s .Of boil# whlcli have been e!Dplled tlfey will.fit tbe'baking pan lbey·wOfbe·c;ooi· · ·and· thoroughly cleaned. 'They must be. siJn-tkl. .iJl. Then I can cQOj tliem withoUt defrosJ~ tt,l~redrin w~!ef',for Oqe_,or. two hours· -until Jilg•lbem. -tetid'er. After Ibey have been cooked, they're ~ ,..I put the frozen chops or ribs in the oven • usUau, meet, with or without batter. • '" ... . . ~ ~ ' . l ':, ' • -· ' .. ,, .. "' j • .A co,:j'(EliPER FOR THE'FAVo'(tiTE0 0YS'l'ER CROWN I ' • • 11 , • , " • ' .,. • ·~ l ; 11 Ap~alb;g tO tli;f tastes . Of J7S fuucky eaters while )iglowing "doctors' orders" soundi like !10 easysltri#.c uit~~h:"!~ llPlomb ai>d ~u;f.i : enlhu!la:sm ls Mrs.;Doi'ollly Sl"'ll!!W'· , seati!d at her desk· in·a -Jl8semt11t cublcle··adja- cenl 14 the vast kitclleri, Ibo head dl~titian at ·Hunt- ington _liiterconimuliity Ho'Pital descrilrel ·how she and Mr · staff try to k~p lhejr 'patients·tea&ODably happy With their meals., · . The pretty bl1lJ1etle .)"ilh wldi>-sP,aced hazel eyes and a disarmi~g .grin Cl>P•• daily With 126 ·~gular, low fai, low sOdium, ~and; diabetic low calone, liquid juid controlled fat ' diets, in addlhon to ·assort- ed c~ina~ons. . "Approximately half of our patients ,are o.n re Jlll}ar diets.,''· she explaifi1, -'".l')!,e r.est are on a D)Ojli lied diet of some type," ' ' · -' ' The :W.year-old mOtber Of Danny, 71 Decame interested in her ·prese .. oCcilpation iwliile ·she·Wa·s in junior high scboOl lbroui!!i the ·effort•' Of her home economics teacher.,~ ... -:1 ,. . Sb" was •gradualed ,irifn Massachusetts . State .. College wtiere -&he-fat:eividiber ·BS·.in bomeecaoo. mies, end interned at the· tJniversity of .Otlaboma Hospital, Oklahoma City. '-1 · ·, ' · : While carryii)g out "docior'1-o~e1;1,11 she ,•tijJ tries to allow-as much individual freedom of cboicp , as possible. · . , . M~\IS are made up In .two-wed< cycles, with three ehtree selections offerec:t. for each of the three , meals. If the patient maR¥ .l!O aelection, lt'.1 the · dietitian's job to select for'bhn. Servings generally a~ pr.edete'1n!necl by the Food and NulriUon .llqait 1 of NatiOnal Research Councif whlc& m8Jl~s basic recommenclatiODJ, C.n- sidering 'tbe.lliillted acUvlty Of hospital patlents. A standard porllon; for 'nstance, wonld be· a three-ounce ('h cup) serying Of meal·Patienll just out of; surgery generally are ollered' 1mallir por-tions. · ' • ., . . Mn. Siemann ~oea bet ordering a week·ln ad· vance of menu planning and prepares a tal1f sheet which Ille balances agaiqlt the variety Of diets. Food is prepared in Jarge, unseasoned batches and then portions are allQted for assorted 1easoning accordjjig to the limited diets whlcH are so lmpol'- tant to;each patienl's 1welllire. . , Preprepared convem;nct foods such as salt free butter, low sodium !i'ults and diet drinks have been tlltl remedy for many a dietitian's' bee~; she add!!. · "SQpte patients don~t·like anything," she 1igbs. "Once J¥• had. a patient who wanted nolblng but T·bon<~0:• sheexplajnecl. l<so l"• fJit·qptlll!l;boltght . enougll .uaks for the 'duration"' ms itay. "?.loet patienU prefer the usual •tat .or roast bee! to anything way out," she adds. In addition to purcbuing, planning meniil' oDd diet flli>ervision, Mrs. Siemann al90 is respons\ble· for hiring of kltcbq )lelp•and supervises tho F.•P- aralion and serving of tr~ys to patlents. Snacks. Including fruit juices, milk and tee cream, are available, from the hospital'& ward1. but should the nurse question a request, the llnal d~slon whether to serve or itol t<r serve resti 'Filh the dletltian. · The kllchen staff at HIH consists of 19 full·tlnie abd live port-lime imployes. 'nlere are two cooks ' ' .. ) "":. , r._ i • ',-, .~ t • I -' ' • . , " Hos .. pital C· .., ' ~"'' ' . A DllTITIAN WITl;t A DREAM . 1 , • Mra..,, 00Ntl11 S1emanft· • •• ' I ... ~ ' .. . ..#{• I . ' • ' •!Id ~ ~er .. of the staff performs. gen~ml iOhices 1ucb ·•• auembllnC trays or helping ltr Iha dl4h rooin. • •'OO'r c«tkl ·~ave heel lot. of experience;" sars · !\'frJ, Siemibn... 0 Here tbere is DO tlriJe to train any· one." i The e!licient,young woman is enthusiastic about' the bolplta,1'1 newe•I method ot serving food . Temp, rite servers, an insu!ated fray with dlspou~le plas- ticlnserts to ~fain· individual' dishes, have been introduced. ' • . . Tested first on staff doctors during dinners or ·cDmmit\ee .mtletiJ1gs; the trays will keep (ood' steam. ing,hot •as ·tong as two hours. 1 'lfbe doctors were amazed -ind it's so much mere sanitary," she enthused. . ' M)'s. Slemann, whose hospi_tal experience J n'.. eludes four years ii} La Mirada and Uiree eacl;l in ~an Pedro and the Bay Area, still enjoys ~ooking big meals at home -est>e¢1alfy Thank sgiving or Cfiristmas din.6ers -·and It fsn'·t unltsulll for her to spenit a Saturday baltinJ for yC1Ung Danny. - -- - -J -~=--=--=--------· --------~ ----' ---- ... ~; Oysters c·haose; ( • . . ' . ' ·)~ Tidelands Be8 · One taste and you'll agree-peilzing bors ,dt'~i;a. here's another contender for This recipe fot1 Cz11Py· Fried the ,Favorite Oyster Crown. ' · tier ~ .a-.. Succ\Jlent, tender Pacific O~stef'SI may , • ~, ".'rer "'1""¥' oysters, more recently called fried or~ sau.~,~ ~cqoking Pacific king ·oysters, are timer Two tp th~11ffinulq in groWn and harvested by men ~p fat -a blt·1~r _I( Rill who fann the cool •. coastal fried . , • waters from Alaska to CRIS?Y . f~ ~Sr.Us 'DO.tlbern California._:--• .....:._ 1 2 cans ( 12-~ +¥Fl>- Oyster Canners · I~, .as oysters, tresh .or.frolen devoted to the cµltiv~tipn~, of l 'h cups dry br~'.'1'wD,. flavofful Paclfjc: ijng· ~ffers J 1,.2 cups flour . . as are the most C?eful ¥• CUP._ mlik, .~1 • ~· , horti'cuJturists who raise rare 2 e"gs; beaten · and exotic plants. t t:S~,.it. ' ' The greatest produe,ti.on or Da~b _pepper · 1 this West.em favorite. is 'Fat fOr fryWg ,, I; I celltered in Puget • Sou!l<t. Lemon wicfi~ Gray's Harbor and W~a:P.8 Quick.~·siuCf / Ha1bor areas of W~ '. Thaw ~n · tjystes. Drain State. The oyst~r · bedS. ,are, oys~ •. 1CQffi.bine. _c~ and carefully . chosen in wale r1s flour. COmiJUie.'mili.\eQ, aalt where the oyster growth will ahd pepW Roll .;stefs :in be the best. .,« crumb mii~re .. J)jp·oysten in Tidelands, whlcb are. under· 'en m)xtare and· roll· m crumb several feet of Wa,!er1 moat o(, ~ 1pm, · the day, are generally most : , ,...., . ....; I 1 -prOductive. SOmetimt!I' \1)1.n-, ' ~;..,'!:-r' 1 .,~•3 ning is done by remoytii~ • ii~ ~~::,• :l,.,ln!e ~ded oysters to~ bedi arer.m I ·~·1 ,....,..-. ~·3, ih order to provide· eyen deep ~3'0_.l':'ff F.,.r.f 1 growth,, . . ~'-~ ... _to I~'~.~ o)!ltel:I Pac~ oysters rucb. ~ .Bfe .. blvn1 Dnltia en11~ size ind fiavor ih ahouL,IJii'oe P8)'<"· ,7 a·W'rrit ' .'; years: -They ate. paeqil .in • "•--~ In 1 ~" three sizes -mectium, ·sm.u .t'~1 Ul...-•..., . and extra small. '1liey ma; be ' layer Iii hot Ill ~. ~ used as they col11'! ·11om the pan. Fry , !l a m~\e" can. A 12-ounce can or for-2 ~to " ml~~ Jlitll.1. mediUm·sized Paclric oy~el"4 1 'b,rown •. ~ ?~· P.1'1 I contains 7 to 9 Oysters. Tbii t9 3,. muwta, loncet! ·!H"''UDUI size is best !or frying or broil· oyafers m brown. ~ ""' ing. A 12-ounce can or small absorbent pa~r. • ~· wttb Pacific oysters contains JO to lemon wedfeS ~ti/Ii'" 13 oysters and the eslra ll""n 8'\lee· M.W ,I . • have 13 or m~re to 1 12-punce • • can. "'" , ;ii In addlllon to the PactDc There~s. an ':/'\rt oyster, th~ Eastem"4ystef·and • · ' • the rare Western or Olympl> To Hpldinn,'.t . oyst~r also are excelit!nt v-1 ........ ~-·-A Paint lfrush and mlnera1s. 'Mle me•t of all oyslefs ii too percent edible and is eaot\y d~. O)'>le!> may be fried, bait· ed, broiled, roasted, creamed, or scalloped. 1'bey generally compliment the food with which ~y are combined to ma~IDtfresting casae.roles, , riclt .oups' and chowders and unusual -stuffings. Oysters ere considered a delicacy ca~~ raw. on Ole bait .abe.IJ. served hoL or cold In a cocktail, or prestnted in a variety of ap- ' The C<JITtCt 'l•Y to hold a paint brulb: _, the - com!ortably, ...,. Ille -if the ha!ldle: -11 ....... loosely. Ooojl bur down baN, loll e~ort ~.....,. ~ .. make lri.tles _Ila ~ toward the ' Up. ~· the \ype or paint,.. .., 9't dip the brush lnle' 11115 more than one tMr• .. or-l!ristles. Twp oft paJnl Oii sldl "' -,, _ ' • • ' ( ' I ---...... ...----:-:r::-----·....-··--~ .,.. .......... -....... -.,. .. ---- --....,-~--~-----------............... -. -------------• D,\11.Y Pll.OT Wednrsdar. M•Y 21, 196t Tennis Is Truly for Charity r Adoption Guild of Southe rn Orange .€ounty is bead· ing for the courts, tennis that is, jQ~ th_e eighth an- nu~ Charity Tennis Tournament .beginnmg next Sat- urday. Trying to gel a trophy the .easy w;ay is Donald Killi an Jr. while his wife (at/elt) and Mrs. Rex R. ,,,.t' Telling It Like It Is Reno show o!f the prizes. Following the finals on Sunday, June 1, in the Newport Beach Tennis Club will be a supper dance in the Balboa Bay Club, and the presentation of trophies. America's Generosity Lau~ed country lbey are speaking of pa~r,, not in , pr~Uce.'.'. ~e , signed \be nuclear non-pro- th US Clalmed. -liferaUon tnaly,'' he Aid and as e . .,, By BEA ANDERSON O•llr !"!IOI Stc:I .. , Ellror "Today, when we are being criUcizM more from within than from the Russians and Chinese," world affa irs analyst Dr. Alonzo L. Baker feels "there still is a great deal more right than wrong with America." "1 still find some things Jn '1Alth0ri.ih "We ale 6eing fo~s ·President N~on pro-. . ws1~g the moratorium on , . lhis country wbfth saving," he lamP?Oned-ana ~n~.d 1or arms buildup when be meets The speaker, a political science professor, elaborated on this refreshing conviction before Lido Isle Woman's Club. in discussing the student unrest. Dr. Baker attacked the SOS and its secret.arY, Michael Klonsky blaming the organiza- tion for giving a "certain CO!"!· mon directorate'' to the mili- tant movements. He said, "When you listen to Klonsky and too many others who hold tbe same viewpoint, you wouldn't reCognize the counlet chBr"ed. ' the Job .we are dOUlf.• Dr. with Rumian leadqs. e; Baker contends that ' we are Defending oor civil ' rights lhe only na:Uon in the' world legislation, Dr. .Baker said, doing someltiing. "There iS no other nation with "There is no country as as good a record as we have. generOus as We are," he con- The U.S. needs to be con· tinued. . gratulated, not conder,nned." "It was the U.S. who had the A world traveler for the past formula for the ·nuclear bomb· 40 years, lhe speaker shi.rply and it was· the .U:S. with her criticized. England for ""hat great generosity and foresight she is. doing for the minority \Vho, after World War 11, of- groups: "Look at London. It fered. control of this ultimate h h It W It weapon to the U.N. asgeos ... a as. Minority g-roUps are treated ''It was Russia who rejected worse there than here because this proposal," he said blam· they make a concerted effort ing this rejection ror the arms to prevent employment," he race today. charged. Or. Baker predicted that ~·'.Jn-.Ipdia, where the caste America will initiate steps in ~was outlawed, in effect pro~ing a halt to the arms i~ h{is .only been abolished on competition. "\Ve've already "When proteitors call us a nasty, imperialistic naUon." Dr. Baker suggests they _take .another look at the record!. "Not onJy are we the richest nation but the most ,g~rous," he asserted. "We gi"'.e more in foreign aid than any other country, but more important we are1 generous in the spirit of forgiving. "What other country fn tht world has hated her enemies as bitterly as we dld jn World War II, and then after the tut gun was fired turned around and helped them rebuild so they now are the third and fourth largest ln du a trlal powers in the world," he ask· ed. Patricia June "l·nsfalled ·Queen ',. .. ._ ~ss: Patricia June will be • '\{! __ /_'~ ( crowned' . -noDor~ queen of Merle Parrish, chaplain. Messengers are the Mines Teresa Feskanlch, S u 1 a n " ... CHANGE OF•COMMA'.ND -Two changes Of command have affected the Officers Wivff' Club,: Marine Corps Air Station, El Toro, as two .members leeve anc1 a new p~dent . takes the gavel. Mrs. William G, ·'l'hra!~ · Farew~ll,·. Not G~byif (lei!), And Mrs. ·Artl>ur !f. i',dams (center1, Wives of comirandlng olllcers who have r .. ceived nei. assignmonts, bid farenll tO Mrs. Dean Wllltm;, new preoident. Q·fficers'· Wives Ho-nored According to military tradition, May ls a lime of departure, but those changing po1ts ·never soy gooclbye, for they will meet apm to renew fri'endship. Two members of the Officers.Wives' Club of the Marine Corps Air station, El· Toro, ..were honored during a luncheoo in the TUstln HWs · Ra'!l!el C)ub this afternoon pending their departure .. , Mrs. WW!am G. Th rash and Mrs. Arthur H. Adams greeted guests when the receiving -!)De Io~ at. 11: i!O a.IJl. and ,Ol?CJlpied places . o1 'b"!lt!r,dtllilii ,~ ,,e·si· 1uQc;!ieon ..... 1 .. 1 . event ot the ·Ylll" fOi' b.,:." · · Hosles•O§·~re m .fl\lm MWHG-3, heeded by,ll'lrs. G. H. Albers. She was as1i1t• ed by·1he Mmes. K....T.' Jeahy,_J:. B. Lav.elle; w. c,,'cowperthwilll, D. E. Williams, p. R. Esquerra, W. K. Terrel and C. L. Boyd. The club was docorat!ld in red, wbite and blue and the luncheon theme was Bon Voyage. Bwiness transacted during the !Deetirig Included ')'Oling on revisions lo the e</111titu- tion and election oi officers. ; Mrs. Thrash, )Vlf,e of the commanding of· ficer at the MCAS, will become an oveneas wife as her husband leaveo .fo·talte command of the !sf MAW in Vietnam. Mrs. Adams, wife of t~ ~g !'flice~ QI the Srd MAW Will fOin her husband when he ,goes oversees. • FIRST LADY ON ·THE BASE The "flrat lady" of the air s11alioil, Mrs .• , Thrub, was bOm in Nashville but bas spent moot of her life in Washinllon and California. She has travtled to Hawaii during her uso- ciatiod wi\h the' military service. --- The mother of two sons both serving in the U.S. Marine Corps, Mrs. Thrash enjoys playing bridge, gardenlng, ·playing tennis and sewing. . A gracious hostess, abe has a knack for " making her guests feel at ease and is known as a successful entertainer. She is advisor and honorary chainnan of various wives groups at El Toro, and serves as honorary c~~an Of. the American Red Cross and member of its Orange County Board of Di· rec tots. _ -· ~ she concludes her two-year stay it El Toro, M;s. '!'brash receives a reluetant fare· well from members of the owe. PARIS HOME REMEMBERED Wife of the llOCOlld in command at El Toro, Mrs. Adams is a native of Minneapolis and has Jived in Washington and Cherry Poin t, N.C. Her travels )have taken her to Paris, ·where •he stayed•with herhusband for three· years. , She is the mother of a son in the U.S. Navy, a daug!lter marri!ld to a U.S. Marine, a daughter who atttnd! Denver University and a daughter in lrvint?'Elementary School. Also a -bridge .Player·iind gardener, Mrs. Adams collects art and may be found fre- . , quently browsing In antjque shop s. -Mrs. Adams too ts known as a gracious hostess and·a1so works with numerous groups at the marine facility. A favorite with her is the Navy Relief Society, and she has 1n- CO\lflled the Overseas Wlves group, serving as a "'morale boolter.11 , • Completing Ii>: months' service ·at El Toro, Mrs. Adam• too receives an unwilling farewell. Bethel · 3 1 3 , • international Order of Job's Dau9hters dur· ing installation Ceremonies next Saturday, at 7:30 p.m. in Seafaring Masonic Temple, Newport Beach. Andrew, Debra E d w a rdt, l!l••••••••••-1111!-••m--lli-..,..,..,..,.,,. _____________ ~ Susan Culp and Valerie Lam·• TRADITIONAL CEREMONY Petrlda June ---- The daughter of City At- torney and Mrs. Roy E. June of Costa Mesa is a junior al Costa t.lcisa High School. 1-ler theme is ''You'll Never Walk Alone.'' .{ Elective officers to be • seated are the Misses Sandy French, senior p r I n c e s s : Karen Robinette. j u n I o r princess; Leslie Allen. guide, and LJnda French, marshal. Appointive officers v.•ill be the Misses Heidi Sbellen· barger and Janet Burton. guards; Bobbi Knutt! and .Jenell J ea n es, custodianll; fllelodle Ke 11 er , librartan: Gayle Jliles, m u1 le la n: Janellf W a Ito n, recor4e:r: Karla Eacht lteuurtr, anll -· me. Assisting d u r i n g the ceremony as installing officers . will be the Misses Leslie Pickrel. fttiring queen, an d former honored queens, Paula Robertson, Cathy t.tc.f(inlf.y, LaRoyce Allen, Sue Whited, Donna l!oward aQd_ DiaMa 11oward. • Olhers ~elpina out are Miss Eiletn Curry, Miu Jan Faulds . Mi ss Debbie Wilderman, Mn. F re d Sor11ba l , Mrs,._•IWph Waterman, Miss J\. at h y Waterman, Jan and Jay Adamson, Mlss O e b b i e \\'oodlt1y, Wall Farrar and lJonald Dungan. master or ce remonies. Others are tht f\.1 mes. Richard COOk, John Nu1um, Burdell. ProchUkl. Qlrl Steven.s and Robtrt WbjSUer, recqUoo -·· ' --M~S. LANGTON 1!~1"' Vowo . St .. Andrew's Setting • •• -, • " I ' l "'"'?' ., "-.In '1'1111111 l!N·'GarJ newlywedl' l>rollMr and 1111or, .......... ..i bit -. tM Mr. and Mn. Larry Wglon fonner' SUsan Buell who .ox· of Sonia Ana. chan&ed vows and rings bttore Bridesmaids were t h e t h ·e R~v. Dr. Charles H. Misses Wendy wataon of Olerenfield . in St. Andrelv's Presbyterian Chur<h. Lafayette, Meredilh Wood, '!be b!tde, daughter al Mr., Chino and Eiletn GI us, ind Mn. James W. Buell ol Fullerion. All wore oqua ~Jue gOWl)I and CltTlod coloolal NtwpOrt -WU slvtn In bouqudl ol p 0 mp 0 n s • rnaniqe by her Wber. She h ····~·-· ...... .. woh • l!bllo 0r1wo over ta!• c ry-~--..,.. • feta gown wi\h Veftlse 11te' breath. 1rim. GUllta wre uabertd to thtlr seato \>)' Herb Jaeo of 0r111,. A wrtaU\ of lact d1L!ta held and Dave Rubrf1 and Jim her veil, and •h• corrltd • Fl«kl1'1. botll of Glendale. c ~ I c a d • Qf phsloenopol• A!klnl -ts to nailtrt at orc~lds 'and blue b • b 1 '• the reeeplton In. lhe cn.rch brtalh. • was · Mn. Richard L)'1l!IS of HOllOt attetlda!lll wert Ille SU Dlnils. ~ ... , .. __ , _____ ------~------------ for Rites Special 1uut1 allondlnc were the bride 's 1rtt't• ll'andmolher, Mrs. Laur a Boylan .. 6f .. ~n"'il'h ; ~r grandpalenta, Mr. and Mrs'. J, J. 'Boylan of Laguno Hil!i: the Rn. I. V. Sllepard of,Jlldlono, the bride's uncle who ua!Nd witll \he ceremoa,, a n d HU'Old; Schuchardt 'flf s..ta Clara, lhe bridqroom's -· 'l1le bride II a £1.le of Newport Hlll1>or SCbool and Sawyer • 1.1 8111-. She also atleMtd 0rqoii Stile IJllMnl!1. Her huaband Is a jradi&alt of -High 'School and ,_ ii tlia' jalq In poydlollJO al ChaP' moo Conte-when he will ncolft hil dep 111 June. .. • \ ,,., . ' ) ' Wagrii!r-Blake' Rites · r Solemnized taguna • • In ·--MRS. JAMES M. WAGNER Hcpney"inoonint In Summer \ MRS. STEVEN H. SNYDER Home in··W.:stmin1ter Steven Snyder Claims Bride During double ring ceremonies perlonned by the Rev, Ellsworth Richardson in the Nei1bborbood Con . 1,.11Uonal Church. Laguna Beadt, Linda Jo E 11 1 o t t bec8me the bride c( Steven H. Snyder. .Parents of the bridal couple are Mr. and Mn. Joe C. Elliott of Anaheim and Mrs. Florence Snyder of WeotminlteT. Given in marriage by her fathu, the bride wore • cown of silk organia with a modified scoop 'neck 11 n.~ Chantilly lace, lrimmed witli seed pearls, formed the bodice and edged the 1leeves. A f.ab- ric bow held her iOuslon veil, Anniversary Celebrated and forming her bouquet were white roses centered with an orchid. Attending as matron cil honor was Mrs. William Smith. while bridesmaids were Mro. Fredric Snyder, Miss Merrilte Benton and Atlss Jeanille Benton They f Ore apple green linen dresses and carried y e 11 o w chrysan- themums and bells of Ireland. Serving hU brother u beat man wu Snyder and ee.atln1 guests were Wllli1m Smith. John fremdling and Richard Culshall. A reception followed in the Irvine Cove heme of the bride's sister, Mra. Ctarles Benton, CirculaUng the CU~ bbok was htr aunl, f\trs. Edith Reymcrs. • Following a Lake Tahoe hCl\eymooa, the newlyweds will reside in Westminster. The bride is I craduate GI Marina High School a n d Sllth birthday of Alliance Orange Coast College whtre Francaise de la Riv l e r a she was a member of EpsOoa Callforn i enne will be Dtlta.HerbmbandilaUCLA celebrated 1t a dinner dance alumnus and has done 'two next Friday in the Outrlggu. years o( graduate w ork at Laguna Bt:ICb. CaJJfornia State College at Tbt progr1m •ill Include 1 Lona Beach. He l.s tUlliated slide lecWTe by Dr. L<oo>nl wlll\ Si&ma Alpha Epollon. Messler. a pro(e....,. al San ;:;;..=""=======;I Die.P S1a11 Coll•1<· wbos• HAPPY klfiic will bt Fraocc Re'llslled. • llailerta'Arul Blake ...... tho br1!!o ol J-Jlltdlool "-........ doobie.;i... -perfoqned by Illa 'Rev.Dlsworth~U, ·-~-N~ ~a.ura.. '. ,,,. -Is the daogbter" Mr. and Mn.' Davie! c: Biika of Three An:b Bay, Her, busbibd11 pa.rents are Mr. and, Mrs. Dorr Wagner o·r Altadena. Given in marriqe by her falher, the new Mrs. Wacner · wore an embroidered silk · organza 1qwn create;d wtttt -.a. liUOd boiilce with · a balteou 't -. and loog puffed • sieevOI and pink, Nlln ribbon bandtn& the wailt of its lWD- tiered skirt. Conipltllng her b r I d ~ I ensembli, ahe wore; a abort lloWfil!! . veU ol 1Uk illutkin c10Wlloil by a camelot cap an<{ canW,a boaiiuet ol whi• and ~~:with bol>t•· -th. Mrl. ' \tUil Gomvlls, the brlde'l"lilter, WUtmltron of. horfor. Jlridmntlds wwe .. -Judy JeMon,. Marilee Rothschild. Gall Butler, Fran Ca~lan, Ka,tlileen LaSanct and J\1rs. Ste'ven Sande. ' For the· cere1nony Airs. Gocrwitz wore a ma#e chiffon gown. while bridesmaids wore silk chiff°' dresses in pastel colors. Crowns oC Clowers mat- ched each dress and they car- ried ·pastel French bouquets with baby's breath. Richard Ward, l\'as best man and ushers were Charles Wagner, the ,bridegroom'.!! brother, M~e Gaflney, Fred Baker. Steve Donlon, Dave Rot;iin$on and Peter Uehling. Following the ceremony. w~,Mrs. James Woody W<U the soloi6t, 250 peits gathered in Ben Brown's.restaurant for a reception where decorations of fresh flowers in a rainbow of celors were used en top of the 'chocOlate wedding cake. Special guests t n c I u de d Melvin Blake, the bride'! grandfather from L a S a 11 e Colo. and ti1r. and l\lrs. Richard Blake, her aunl and uncle from Greeley, Colo. The ne"' Mrs. \\'agner is a graduate of Muir High School, Pasadena and completed two years of study at SaIJ Diego State CoDege. Her husband is an alumnus of tbe same high school and is a junior at SDSC. The newlyweds , will make San· Di~go their _new home following .a tour of Europe·lhis ~mmer. Newport Bethel. Yo.ung "omen affiliated with Newport · Bt.ich Job'.s Daught"e.rs, Bethel 157 gather the second and fourth Mon- days at 7:36 p.m. The l\Ia· sooic Tempie is the setting for meetings. Information re- garding membership is ·ob· tained by callina: ~lrs. Walter Tuz, S<S-1755. Scimme~ r . ,. . . .. ~-,·.,z. ~. "cere·m~r: ' ~ ' .. ,-;'if,· .. sc:h~Jfed· "" it\._., ;.i1~1'.. "1111"p ..... "'f~-0 f C..oude'l•fio;~ the ~·,.i+!* .... o....... i.an-1 . to -~, ' . David Arlhilr -Lawrtnee: IOD cf Mr. and P.1rs. Arthur C. l:.aWrenct cf Upland .. i The bet~othal was disclosed during a small &~ll\erinc in the Laguna" Beach ~ome of tiliss Nichol's. •ist~, P.1iss . Nancy Nichols. The couple have selected a weddlnc date in June. The brldti -el e·cl, the daughter of the late J.!r. Clif- fcrd H. Nichols,. is· an alumna 'of Corona del l\far-Hi&h School and now is1; enrolled at California Slate ' CtiUege at l'ullertori. · Her fiance was Craduated from Pasadena City College and now is completin1 his itudi~ In the social science.1 at CSCF. Question Answered \\1hen Do -Ne Need a Lav.•ycr will be answered for Parents Without Partners nett Friday at I p.m. ln Lacuna Federal Savings and Loan Asscciation, La~ Be•ch. Answering the question will be Thomas A. Reilly, L•iuna attorney. A gra4uate or the University of San Franc:~o and Haslings College cf Law, Reilly served as 'deputy district attorney Clf Oranae County1for two YW•· s~ parent.a and anyone consi"dering Lepl aeparaUon or who is.in the proce1.'1 of divorce is invited. Refreshments and a aocial hour wilf follow the D\eetinl Friday. Anyone w I 1 hi n I . furth er information rriay call Soulh Coast Chapter pnsi· dent, 1.1rs. ti1ar1e f.1iller, 494- 2025. .. : ,. The Ma tQwiM dl.1moA~. Sf,500. SLA.VICK'S Jtwtleri Since 1117 • 11 Fa1hlon l1lanc1 N•wport •••ch -6AA: I )10. 01t•• Mtll'Mlty, f·,;~,., l~tll t1JO ,,.,. Y-CM'" A<ct¥o'4 ~ , •• hliltA,,,.,lao~ lnll MatW CM,.. "" • ltA, and French muak will be H••• • • • , "'., •••~•H. pl.,yed b7 Mn. t-t. r-y l~"~·~··~·~·~·~,~·~ .. ~·~M~·~·~'·~·~w~1~l~K·~1.!:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ l i'\ewlands. INDl• ift th. l>AILT ftflOT • W"""'1, 1117 n, IM • I ' ,• , ~---~- . .. .· ' . . . , .. ' . ---... --·'"-···-····-.--. ··--t--P ' . ' . ... ,,_ -·-.. --;--·--·--i~· -· ..... -.... -( ..·· .. . EVE OF. ROM.A BEAUTY NOW! NOWl WH£N YDU1LL. 0 a'£ A8L.E TO CONSULT WITH PilDFESSJOHALI. NOW~ WHILE £VE Of"' ftOMA IS OFFEftlNG A SPEC!AL. °clll'T WITH E\/aftY 5.00 PURCHASE. THE Gll"T? ROMAN Gt.OW PLUS YOU!lt CHOICE OPI' ON£! ACID.A l.OTJON, DEW HYDftATOft, CLEANSING EMULSION Ollt HANO AND SOOY LOTION. A80VE, WE FEATURE ACC.INTO ITALIAN09 A Cl'tEAM.8ASE AND EYESHADOW , 5 .!50. THE Pl'tOFESSIONAL? S"£1'11GI0 1 M ADAME EVE1S ASSOCIATE, ASSISTED I V MEl'lllLLA MEftEU, W l~L. 1 £ AVAILA!ILE FOA CONSULT ATIONS IN OUfll: NEWPOftT S'rOftE, MAY 22. ANOTHEfll: EVE 'OP' Jl:OMA PROfl'£1StO~t. WILL. 8£ ON HAND MAY 21 THftOUGH MAY 23. COMI IN TO•MEET11iEfll: JN OU!lt COSMETICS , ~ .. .. DAILY l'llOT it • r • •I~. ·_,. ••• . ,: ' ' I I ., I • ROBINSONS NEWPORi •FASHION ISLAN D · 644-2800 --------·-------------------.. ------------·-----'- ' • I 1 I I '~ I ' ,• .. _P-T Grou ,.) REPORTS : Sludenl t a I e n t show featuring upper grades highlighted lhe ~1ay assocloi· tion meeting. Achieve ment a ... ·ards were presented for out&land,iog .cl~ • .Buddy Lorion. -c~.,ya· . Mllr)' C$f.f~ II · ing: ~Ill\ )v. "'w'·' ~ ~ , Ellcdgt.""lil!'"' •' .1!b' , Oavid'.-fo,JJ; ~•;--"~· :W•c $1. "1'a~; S!a Alonzd. Aen t~.:., ve Bl-I, ~'11 •~1·1. ·Spec i a ~servlee{.;~y Lo<IOn, """3 ,Sta~,W. . bie Haffl il tg..o•,. DliUg . DJA Hartranll, Tom lfi~~ 9n ., '7',. Carrido, Sue. St. • '-~ W111ecr Valerie Kittle, Robe$, n. l'rl!Sidhl! ing, Jlo11 Sh~®j~: n · cfiil'iiii1G l1P: Pro1ram com4 Bailey, Miles ,ft ~) ~'". ~iinfl at l :!O '-. Cl)_eryle "fl>ompson. "Wk In the home or Mrs., St\adoweo.e Gayel ~· .Latliner chainnan. • Studf hJ1'115: ;;ob a,ol Y e ~ are Mri. ThiiTi*>zi) ·If!•" ~e, lPl!ln!a . Miller Mn.. Gary Mary . Carridd;' l4iM 1jr-~ Ke;,;ih Wa~ and rell. ilfh9,~ralilp:i,· ~e !· ~ ThonJ!'1'1"; ~ } ob' • -• ' -to(i• I . -. .,...,..,...., I • ,. 't h1a ur ee n Edgar. Jioy a\ b ll-1'1 c; •• U.vld' .,. .. n: • praldtllt; Mn. G .. r ii d )(lnplt~;·, • p;.tdent; liq; Oi'Ya il-1 I nrl n , I secretary; Biii Bl1nttn, trea.surtr, and Mrs. Dolne . OavenPQrt, faculty rtprtaen-. taUve. · ' Bliddf Lorton. Girl t~ Cheryle Thomp&on, -Nary Co.rri<j<1. OUtsl.ln<ling St!l- dent was 1:wardtd for the first year .Bnd wal P,reseot· ed to Cheryle ThoJllpson • , • Members served · terresh· m~nl! at the kfndergarten a;tr " ' • reg_ Ill au on. ~ -..:....:-... Mn. M8' ~ac.rn. · · ·-esldta' Mariners PFO ''coMi'Na uP:. il,~.1~( .. ~ R. E. And,rson meeting, iptlgi,£ tiH ~ P ·.1A l)'ri\nastict e · li9g ~ , resil.ll:'nl • 7:30 to. t :lO 'tooJPt In ' cor..11NG UP: Parents or sixth mulUpurpose ·~ Club gra;de.students are invited to Scout o. 3' wU1 fead the att.end a coffee al 9 a.m, :fill 1 ~ie; st ad eat 1 Friday, MaJ. 23. Willard partlcjpallnf• '1t.1llo')litlllnt Ree~e, pru~1pal .of Horace• . bee art. AJeft ~·~a E~s1gn Junior High ~hoot. Greenflt1C(; Cl'apalt, ~an t· will present ple.pr9gr'r;n .. ~ •' fnd ~rena WettY, (Ourth . Boy Sc'"'! , Tr o o P 1', grade; . !llaabtlli J'inJiie, !pof\SOl'Od b~ Marln<p RfO, Karen Weaver/Tom Flinn '''!!.! accept~ new fi¥Z~ aw and Julie ~ ' fifth court of~bonor::-tomOl'!oll'. grade:, Jon R~ ~ Jeff / REPORTS : ~m~rs el~ lo Hannon, Jiftl.·~' tnd ·I Sl\'V< are Clene o·noui:kt. ,Pam 'Pany, .lliaa f.~· , • J DAI LY PILOT Judges are , Mh. unes 1 ~V"'°"1. ~ .. J""' ·Tilrner, • Mra. Jtines 'Molltlt and Mrs. Helen Snlder~ taetie~~ Gyntnut!ca· UhllitUo&.~-...10 featu~ Sis· ·awc1en£s from Corona dtl Mlr'Hlah.BChool demonstratior the tram· poUne, horse, highbars i.nd rings under the direction of Ron McNlcbols, ·. pbyslCal education instructor, Students Take Center Stagej)uring Talent Show REPORTS: AJ>pl'G11matol:r 36 motheni parUcipa~ ·.in the food and game, booths at the aprina: • carnival. .Proceeds lol.IJed _$:ISO • • _, • John Killefer of the County B~rd of Supervisors and Keith Hart, Orana:e CounU' Road Department. spoke at ~e board meeting on the traffic problem at _the comer or .University and T u 1 l.l n Avenue. A study ls.pending the request for a traffic signal •.• Chaihnen,r1llfied are the Mmes. 0 a v ,i d .... program ·of P!&ys, folk e&nces, violin niusic, a iftfroducesl:l>y Mr.s.. William. Ro\vJey . retiring presi- puppet show and singing by the school chorus con· dent. Ready to show off th"1r talenls for the adults eluded the PTA year for Top of the World last weel<. are (left to light) Todd Thornlon, Carol Crumley Arnold Ladenn~n. new president and his board, \Vere and Valerie Ammann. \ -, , f ~ i: '!'.. -' ' Sounds .of Music Echoing tomorrow ... Unit meeUng at 7:30 p.m. TUeaday, May 'J7. UCI Chancellor Daniel G, Aldrich Jr. will speak on Problems in the Unlve_aity Today. ·Chorus will •D· tertain. Public is Invited to attend. Moone9, treasurer; Jamts Porrion• PTA l\loor. librarY; Bryon Breckenrida:e. inspirational and citizenship: D a v t d Goodsell, ways" and meah!; James l\fo((ett, health, tle· mentary education '.welfare and safety: Donald Greene, room mother: John Turner. honorary life membership and F.oonders Day,-and James Ellis. arl and publici· ty . , . Members to serve on the budge~.committce are 0 the 1'1mu .. , ···1'1 o one y . .. f:,-hatrmi:ft : All drf\v hlrs. Roma• SclM:ldel ~fn. Robert Miller President.a COMING UP: Panttier Island in ·Pomona Sea carnival or games, contests, prizes, food ind fun from 10 a.m. to 4 p.'m. Saturdly; May 24. Set up preparation at 7:30 p.m. Friday, fvlay 23 ••. Kin· de r g,a rd en regi.stration Lomdtrow in the muUipurpose room. ~-. tailalosh. · &bert Lacy. Rea PT A James stverson, Goodsell · ..; and Mark Morris . . . Pro-Mrs. Jlelttli Kellen gram commillee are ?i.Jrs .. '· President Grtene, chairman, 1'1 r s -COhfING U p : Association Morris, h1rs. Turner, 1'1~s.' · meeting at 7 lo n t g ht. 1'fof!ett and Don Hout. prtn-Refreshments and cruise cipal. fashion show Great Put On Win be provided by the home Paularino PTA ·economics classes. Seventh ,. :.~··~~ Mr1. Nlpel Balley :·-* .. ;,~ .·:;,-, /!,.... President \\1oodland School PFO ha s a treat in store ~ n~~\ meeting to take place' at '· '~.&OJ.UNG UP: Kindergarten 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, ~:lay 27. in the multip~e~se-roo;n1.·for' ~tudents 'vill present ' found·up and orientation for grade atudents will welcome vlsitfug si'Jth grade students. Volunteers art: needed to belp with the decorations ~or 1 T a d ultion; information may be obtlned by calling Mn. WilUam Nowak at 646- a 14-ac:t talent' sbo\v. Practicing a rWril~r lrom "Th~ ~nd of Music" are ·atUdents entering school in (left to right) Ga.yle. ~lcClay, I-Jolly Ro~ and Julie-S\veet1and. .~ tbe f&µ frOm 11 to noon " Council ~l ans lnstallatio,n c-eremony ' •.' . . 1Ea.1 ... ·1 Noto: A ~ c11V01ea •o cil ol PT.o\s at 10:30 a 1n. p re si de n I-membership: liielhardt, presid~. _.Of ~w· CooL Pf"A '~ .~ Fovnt1!n V1l1et. 141/GtlftOIM 6"1(~. I h rt ed F.tliVD!i H h · ~ ' O<;••n v .. w, s..11 auth • n a \Vcdnesdav, Ma)' 28, in Richard Honeycutt, th ird Y c a er -~· 11 •mid. 'GI ..... W•Slml1111er SthOOI O~! c.rent• School PTSA e II r a n k l•l~r Dl'O•n•r1tic;ns win I r In ''~ · · f · 'd l d : 1 fre!ident o .. 1LY PILOT •• ,~ wet11~ ,.., Golden Sails resl41urant. 0 · vice _ P!csi en -ways an Pascoe. principal , Edison , · · ;'~1~:i..e1~ 1{2"~"1'f.~,~·"&~..,u .. F!)~;:r;:-ficersi to be installed for the means~ John N e 1 s o n, ii' h Sch I ':..ii th REPO~TS . .c Ir OU I e 1 of ., lg . oo · a""' . e Fashion was theme ot an-~~:!.\P.m .... im~tar P11D1)c•11~ conJini; year by Mn;. D0n11.ld recording sec ret a r y: superintendents of ,.the five nuaJ fashion ahow lo honor HB C ·t I ;\lcugebauer, past president Charles Park er , cor· c!cm_entary and ,h~h school room mothers for their work ounc:i , a -currently council1"o•on1an rcsppndin'i:: sec r et ary ; d1strzcts cnc~mP!S'Sing the 'thrOughout the Y•· under · 1'1rs. Joseph1 Dllte of . estminster, are the Chatrles d..ipol, treasurer : C. 55 . square . m1lc~·~f th~ ~9 the ~eetion of Mn. Vernon Presidedt Mdls. Joseph Ditte, presi· 1\.'1. Knox , auditor. an d unit council. · ~'J'ti~ Childs Olion, roonP reprisentalift CO~l !NG UP: Aruiual awerds r dGJ(; Slyvan Besser , 1 firsl Jose ph Va n Bur c n. Conce~t ol ~ P~ is lhe_m_e and her asslatant, Mn •. and installation )uhcheon of v 10.e president-progra1n: par\\amentanan. S pec i <1 I of childre~ 5 .t t c~hibil Howard FOi:. Mrs. Rola.rad the Huntington u, nion Coun-.... Aft~ Brackett., second vice guests include ~!rs, Frank represe_ntallve of the city o{ w. ilk in 1 and Mr 1 , ffunttngto,~. Be~ch, Ronlld Bron, room Moy Gaiety fashion)d . Se\•enlh and e.(gbth-frade41 girls ~I st'.-Francis of Assisi Ca tholic School "'ill entertain thelT m ·other1 wtlh .. n tea and fa~hlon 'ho\v f'rlday, 111ay 2S at t p.m . Sludent!! \vlll model cnseinbles rrom thu ~1ay Co .. South Coast Plaza . SelecUn& f:·plca~tcen fashions are (!ell l o rigM) Susan Jean . Jill Johnson and Gail Posey. \ sponsored ~y ~ Huntington represent.attvu for i•70 -, ~h Departin!nt of Parks also aulsted. Judpl were ~nd Recre~tloft and t~e Hun-the Mmes. Curlis Bluemai~ t1ngton Uruo~·~nc11. Mrs. William . Clep . and Aldra George Etlir1~ge, posler and lrdmamura Prtmar1 choir cxhlbi~ j:h~ltman , w I 11 under the dlrtcl.lon or Mrs'. supervise Uje.. •mount1n1 ~f Arthur Geese entertained. ~~n~~~0~0 ~pr;res:r:~:a~~ Fulton PTO . .. ~1ay 26. ~ ~. Mn. GtnJl'lUt. FV Council Pret1c1en1 • COMING UP: Klndera""""' 1tlr1. Ro.aid 1t1arpky Roundup at 2 p.m. tomorrow President in room l. for parents of CO~IlNG OP: Speech and children attend In I kin· Hearing Eyalualion CHnics derprten ltt ·September, ~o for wes~lers ~·ho will en-acquaint them with school ter ldndewrten In Septem· personnel, practices, pro- ber 1969,:on Wednesday and cedurts Ind the kin. Thursday; ft1ay 28 and H. in .1.. • ao•~- b ., 1 nd ....::r1arten ;procram ... ~ .. Lam . · _.,. a r d o w a Uon and lmtallatlon of new Tamura ,'Schools. L a m b . offkf:ra tamomnir nicbt. Bushar~1• Arevalos and 1'tllrd gradth will Jl"U8Dt ·1 r Cisler •ents 10 to Lamb · play, "Hlnltl and Grd~ .. L. School:'~ardlow. ~ewland Bowling lt<>phla wm be and H~ ao to Wardlow prostni.d:,., the -el School; 1 Tamura, Fulton, a lea,ue ot s&udtnts who Fountlhl 1v.uey. h1cDowell I bowled to dooate funds to the and Niieb u 10 lo Tamura · h" •· du ti Schoeit!:'Health and WeUare tJg .... IJ'IU1111 I"• 1 on · ' · t.!..~ , Slxty-aevu 1tudenb, fifth volun_.-. a from each school throogb eighth a r a d e l>l'ill ~p the audlomtlrl11t ln ) quallfltd for a PrtsldenUai pr~1n1 the c h l I d r e n , Physical Flt.nw Award. , ,,_, .. the clinic. · I".-·...,..· . Lamb PTO • • • r b Mn. Eldea Bly Sorophm1st C1u 1 Prealclent I COMTllG UP : Lamb 1ij'a • Soroptimls\ Club of Hun-Gbler SchoOl1 .. m pruent \ington Beach 1.1.th~rs at jlt: 15 1 tht lt annual Spring 'Muak fl.m. fhe second and fourth FuUval •t I p.m. tomorrow Tuesdays In Fran c.o I 1 in Gisler Sd'lool. Music • restaurant. scholaral\lps will be aw1td· 1471. St. John Aux. • • Victoria PT A • > Afr1. Fred \'l'oodwortb f President , Mn. Robert Reid _. COMlNO•·UP: Program e<iQ. Presfdent " t°mitfee meeting at 10 a.IT). COMING UP: Play, "The . 'Tuesday. May 27, in the Dreadful Dwarf of Blue home of Mrs. Pele Peterson. Mountain," will take place REPORTS: Mrs. James Glenn at JO a.m. Saturday, May 24. ·hosted a meeting f Oll' in the school hall. Tickets, al mOthers working on noOn 50 cents, may be obtained by du,ty , .• Faculty and staff contacting M:':!. Terence \ · l'lono'red the: mother ~rs Clark, at 546-0147, Mrs, , at a coUee yesterday. 'l Charles Meckstroth at 549· • ·• 0504, Mrs. Emll Deyden at Wil•on PTA 546-4388 or Mrs. Robert McCormish at 540-3778 • . • Sports awards banquet at 7:30 p.m. Friday, May 23. REPORTS: Studenls in grade two B won the paper drive, ice cream treats a n d monetary aWards w e-r e given. First and firth b'ade students \Yere im'mUnizecl ... Eighth a:rade graduation picnic in Santiago Park was chairmened by the &t:essrs. aDd Mmes. Paul Doutt. James Greenwood, George Hanyak, John McGrogan and the Mmes. Thomas Dallape, Chune Lee, Robert Pace and George 00ub1edce. T eWinkle · PTA Mrs. A. A. ·Johnson President COMING UP: Rummage sale from t :lO a .m. to 6 p.m. Saturday. May 24, in front of Fad marbt in K·Mart shop- ping center. ' . ' . J\.frs. William OuUaw President REPORTS: Spelling bee awards were presented by Hubert Leathennan t o Chrystyne Kulik, r o u r t h grade; James Keating, fifth grade, and Courtney. Cargill, sixth grade. DAR awards were presented by Mrs. Donald W. Macl..eod to Susan Williams, Chris Him- melheber, Lisa Ortiz and Rebecca Weiler. Spec i a 1 awards were presented to Becky McFarland, Grace Damwijk and T a m m y Graham, orfice he I per s : Danny Briggs and J erry Markus, flag raisers: Cary Thoma s and Mark Fernandez, reco rd playing. Safety a w a r d s \\'ere presented by D o n a I d Erickson to Arthur But· teling, Susan Williams, Jen· nifer Weaver, D i a n a Crockett, Teres a Charbon· Aloha Said to Graduates nea1.1, easey Giffen, Debbie M~rland, Tammy 1'tur- ray, Tracy Schultze, David Sneed, Lisa Tucker, W:i.lter Mollan, Gail Bartko , Chryslyne Kulik, Patrick O'Hare, Karen Tomlin, Bill Pomeroy, Kim Trail, Mike \Vaiden. Jetta Gannon, Lar- ry Falke Pamela Ruth, Merle Graham, l!Uke Guil. inger, Shelly Keller, Tam- my Kendall, Cindy Loughborough, L o r e t I a Calderon, Debbie Crockett, Tim Collison, Chris Lemke, William Wilson, L i n d a Taylor, Freida Williams and Bob Loros. Oth ers receiving safely awards 'are Linda -.Avey., Qale .... ~E!.IT!er !.. _.Ken Connor, Bernice Estra-da ;····- F'rancine Gaudenti , Candi Howard, J oan Marquis, J im Skurtynski, J an Bogue, Deb~ bie Bonaface1 Lawrence Calderon, Courtney Cargill, Susanna Cervantes, Susan Hart, Leslie Collison, Arthur Galvan, Jerry Marqui s , Lorie Martin, Darla Palo!, Sandy Still, Scott Stone, Cary Thomas, J o s e p ll C h a r bon n ea u, Grace Dan1wijk, Tammy Graham, Mike Morris and Jeff Stack. NB Auxiliary Newport Beach Police Aux- iliary ga thers the last Tues- day of the month at 7:30 p.m. Location is available with Mrs. Robert Wheeler. 670- 1129. t A graduation gift to eighth graders at Fountain Valley Elelnentary School from the PTO is a Hawaiian luau to be given Tuesday, June 10. Going over plans are (left to right ) .Mrs.,,Andrew Edwards, new president ; ltfrs. \\filliam Dunn, r etirtng leader, and Llsa Speir of the student council. • ed. Wardlow PTO ~fr1. George 'Meeba• , • •• Prtsld(nt .. COMINO UP' Kindergarten orientation t.omorrow . . . Spee:ch and hei ring clinic for prtschoolers from t to 2 p.m. Wednelda y, May 28. under I.he dlrktion of Mrs. \Yilllam Mc:A,doo. REPORTS : Students in ilic orchestra, band and chor1I • I ~ perfonned al Sprlne: M~Slc-Festival. Of.flcers fon the coming year ~'tte ln• rtallcd. 'Communlty Service: J'~a.rds WC(C presented !Ji ?i.1r. ilnd ~1rs, Warren Hall and to ~1rs. Lymti.n Clower. I - = 0 0AILY ~ILOT i!il Museum Shows Off '51ew Site . . . SGUywn , Californians will become f urtber acquainted with the· Pasadena Art ~fuseum during a party plan- neil for1Saturilay, May 24, at the constrUclion site .. of Uie ~museum. ~ Ho roscope THURSDAY MAY 22 e1cbange of ideas. kttnt on ·~!"& Vlbat_you do. You_get , riew • on We. By SYDNEY OMAllR • sQqelO (Oct. 21-Nov, 11)' ·&dr 'liulii 1r'o o'A'.v., ~.~-"'f:.1!!¥.!!.l~~IJ,~or -CWklra'1 ~. 1111e1 i er g-.w..~~ aalUUoal wun your dekets, &:ti•, 1p0n; • • II ~pablllUe:i plays ~nstrum~ntal .-.... ,.t ·-•·~ If .. IJl)<,__~dl~ma!.t<!,_\>111· firm. ---~ lilee~-cOonl>lne CtiiHil-Iii =:.,. </::'J;, ~ • !'r."; ~~ (~ov 22- • barcalu •v.Uable. Dec. 21): Yqu tend to pro- ARIES (Ma,ch 21·April 19): crasllnate. Know duterence ~'"You make right moves if inner betwee'n ,crtative thinking and feelings are . bee<ied. B e mei:t stalling. Get btlsy on .. P.05ltive: Applies especially in travel or vacation plans, IC- "ae&lin}: with opposite sex. tlvJty. You get news 'f!Un a ' "Greatrve resources C1>mt to ~~~l'V\Dt.r (Dec. M •an. tore. You are reWarded for ~-~...vn.i" ~ .. doing wort you lite. • 19):. D~ features -power- , TAURUS. (April"JO."•" IO), 119th1ng hallwoY,. You make . · ·~ · decision -lt tiWlt be curled • Day to. IMll)d for_ fulure. Study • through. Mea cliin't fool with ' .. !9ol·~ange .P<OJecta. Person hallway metlloclo. Sight pl; Witll ~.: ii A~lt get cooperation fro m mate, • '!"l"·d,::,:l .:'.'.'."~,-: "= ocf partner. Get going. OC<;ot ,_,. Y· n~p. ·~es 1 AQUARIUS (Jan. IO-hb. >:OU diSP.llY r91*!91ble at-lJ): End~ of. J.-project is; tn tJ.tude. · sight. Special agreement ciD Installation To Be a Dinner Musical ·One GEMlNI (May 21.June ~): be attained. But be sure you Accent. on versatility, ability are familiar \Vlth 1 e g a I to put 1de~ to work. Exe.lent nµimces. Leave. nothing tQ for dealing with c 1 o s !! chance. Get expert advice: rel~tive~ .. Take ~tiative. Be PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): optunlshc. ~bort Journey pro-New, work procedures solve ves beneficial. dilemma. Lee individual pro- CANCER (June 21.July 22):. ves of aid. Spotlight for you is Best t1> be receptive; ruse on o b t a i n i n g cooperation. above petty annoyances. Your Steady .pace is necessary. intuitive judgment is good. Gain shown if you adhere to Answers today come from basic objectives. Members of the Harbor ·Women's Chorale will sit in the alllfiS!nft for a. change as . they ai:e entertained during ~ group's annual installation tianquet Saturday, May 24. The Villa Sweden will be the setting for the dinner, to whiCh husbands have been invited, and entertaining will be the . Mariners. a choral group from within. Money pictur,e .co~ IF TODAY IS YOUR Grandmothers Club, Newport linua f1vorable. ' BIRTHDAY ·)OU . are an Copvalescent Hospital and SL tF.O '(Juli %3-Au1. 22): unusu!l1 person, will1oi to. tear John the Baptist Church Aux· Bring• fOrth sen;. of balilnce, down m orlJe'I'. rebuild. ,Ml!ch iliarv 1 humor. You are 'in better posi· ol what .bas cal.lled yau to Tire. ou will take the 'tion 'tliatl. inlpt be imagined. ~-~ ·~ .r~ent ~li:s~wm'~ stage d~in: the ev. to Y~ can succe85;fully initiate correctect ~ang on. You wtll present favaritt,selections for .projects. Accent ~dependence emerge r Winner,,. ~ busbarids'aod t\i6sts. ... of thought, action. ~ . Ne'w 'officers inst.ailed will VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): f"" .l • 1 e•;J be the Mai~. Tony o•GOrm.n, Outline proJ~. "!pec:iaJ\Y in ~rttsans •~ · p.resld~nt;. ·"11111.m _ ~. act1v1ty co~ , ,1',1-t h , • PTllXl.l9 8~1DAl ltEGlSTRY \ ct • CEORCE MURRA .¥.:. ... , ~ .1"~,,·,h, SK.VER e ~INA ,e.CRY~TAl e AJRNl.J~~ ~ ·,;t .. :J "\ 1 nie· black,tie 'a r fa Ir , Eamide-W-eslside, Mtogetber Now, will be preceded by private dinner parties in the Pasadena homes of ri:iuseum members and friends. Marina High School directed by Terry Danne. vlci l> r e s t d e n t · Bill charitable organµaUon . Fund· South Coast I' e d e r-a t e d ~yer . ..secretar'j'· Rarr raising ide~ c a n · be Oiliia P'ainters will 11atber tn - dall Bngei: treasurer: Gary articulate. Be 'tllorough -the Laguna Beach ~ South Coast Plaza !· ~-\!.} Jetting from New York to provide music along with Ed~ die James and the Pacific IC11111 P,1191t GALE GRAHAM Future Rites · Under the baton of Mrs. Danne, the Women's Chorale bas jUst completed a busy .schedule of appearances, in· eluding concerts in Heinz Kaise.r, Paularino and Victoria cl&rt, publicity abd hbtorian, avoid .trap of jealousy. Key is fl.in. Harry Fagan . to.p:a ,; Gil Friese • .;· fashion;,, Tom objectivity. µemon~tr!Ja·~~f ~ B~~~~~ ~, 1·. McCannon and Robert Mikes .. LIB_ RA (Sept _23-0ct. 22_ ): Eudora 'uud ui: a1u::n•- telephone chairmen, a n d ~hghUul exper1e~ w l t h neit ·F'rldV:··~ ... ~ Ric hard Schmick and Fred friends 1s lndl(.!ated1 Much of ~. ~ ar. Ue;t. ~ ~ Westover, social chairmen. this ma:pe J)9SJible by frank .~~·~·~i"Ui 3.p.m.;:p;ogtam .. . - 'ar\a!PJ S~e:et ot Safi Diego .F.reewat 1 lo\.-r i" ""~ ~ • j r ,Ph_one 541~~700 f ~J ,· • , " . Ocean will be Peter Duchin ' _ ____ and hu -orchestra. Dancing Gale Grahe , 1;cbools and for the ., ...... "' ..... ' . ······w1libeginar 1o·p:m-. ----~---· · ----· Serving on the committee is w ·11 M Mrs. «i;:harles Hendrickson of I Orry Newport Beach. Camp-Fi~~-·G irls-Vi.ew -~c .. Anyone wishing reservations or information may call Mr~. Thomas. Terbell, (213) 6111- During .J\ugust Mr. and ri1rs. Fred Graham Grand Council Fire · · · 3739. . Or Newport Beach have an-The colorful pageantry of their level o'f lhe Camp Fire . 1, nounced the engagemenJ of the Grand Council F i r e program. B'ritish Called their daughter, Gale Graham · ill h Chairman of the Grand to Greg Tracer, son -·of Mr. ceremony w· be open to t e bll Council Fire is Mrs. Gene atid Mrs. Jay Tracer of Costa JlU c at 7:30 tonight in the Rosen, Westminster, and Mrs. Westward Ho ch apter. Mesa. Stacy ·Intermediate School, Ruberta Peterson, leader of Daughters of the British The couple will be married llunlington Beach . the Junior High girls is euar- Empire will meet next Mon-Aug. 23, in Our Lady Queen of Participating will be 463 dian of the fire. day at 12:30 p.m. in th e the Angels Church, Corona de! Camp Fire girls from John Snope, member of the Laguna Beach home of Mrs. 11ar. , Westminster and Midway board of directors from R. W. KeUerin~~m. f{ Miss Graham is ap alumna City. Westminster will give rec- Women of Br.1t~h ance~try of UCLA and is attending Two girls from each group qgnition for national honor!, ,~ are welcome to .101n the gr0l!P· California State College at of Blue Birds, Camp· Fire The g J r J s will s Jn g in and ~ay obtain f~rther 1n-Long Beach for her teaching Junior High and llorizori Club American Indian language and formation•. by calhng Mrs. credential. Her fiance at· will light the syinbol lights for sign language. Johil Harold, 494-9518 or the tended UCJ and now is stu· p;;;;;;;;;;;;ii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-.,1 hostess, 494-6411. dying in the UCLA School of Dentistry. Cactus Society Au xi liary Orange County Cactus and Complete Printing .Service Top Quality -~ast ·s.rVice ~1 ~u~culent Society m~ts t~e Coastline Auxiliary t o f1~ Wedn~day at ~~ in f, Veterans of Foreign Wart, Odd f~·H~ll, Costa¥~:, Post 3536 gathers the fifst and Mn. Roy J~nes al 543-6065 ~n • third Fridays al 8 p.m. Costa be contacteCit for ·addi~ m: Mesa's American Lesion Han fonnaUon. is the scene of the mee_Ungs. 1111·1111'51!16 642-4321 221 1 Weot :a.Ibo• Bfvd. DILIPlllG Chaise & 2 Chairs . 399s ~3'· ••1:1s.oo • Chaise 1.,.H.tO 21'5 · Chair 10'5 .... -20.00 " . Yiflyl MjlM!lt.fM -· l9f ..uf4 t•191f•tl. ...... _, ..... lit -i:-........ -THE LARGEST ,ATIO STOlll In o ...... Cevnty Since 1920 . .• 't Santa Ana Tent ~ Awning . . PttU DILIYOY 0,.. ..,, .. ,i,11 • __ ...... ca.-.... ., c.... • ' . '" ..... . .., ~ .. '.· ' . ' _ ___,_ j .. .1 " ' .. " .. • PHONE ~795J NaW '!'ar ~"''""' • 1 •o 7 1t1CHl S LOSI ' • ,... 90 M1MUt15 • • Oil PAY t10tllltiG ''_ ' . " • • • Clflll DAILY ' A.Iii. 111 ' , M. -.1MIUSAT . I 1626 s. Ma in St., SANTA ANA . ~ .. , ,, s.... ict ~~84l? Ill ~. 13732 S. EUCLID, GARPEN ~ OVE-(1 Ilk. So. of G.G. Frwy.{ ·~--~~~~~-------_;. __ .;,__ ____ ~~~·~--~--------~....;.-------------___;:._...i I • --------------------------- .· \ I / I l l I . ' I I • • I I~ I. DAJLV PU.OT "':_ This week ... join the S~per-Shop~n-·.1 . ·_!!~joy the savings ' • and meal planning ideas you'll find in e·verg El -Ranc ho Uepii,rtment! Ch00&e the family favori~ ••• and enjoy the utiafaction °ol know .. inr you're stirving chunky portions of California's fineat kine size birds! · • ' \Vben minutea count. count on Stouffer's ••• and El Rancho! Choose your entree from Stouffer's 'vide variety ... and round out the meal, from salad to dessert, with finer foods from El Rancho. • I I I I I I I I • I LIB'S 5 POOHD SIZE I I I I I LEGS & THIGHS • • \ 111 I EA. I 5 POUND CAN • . • Fryer Breasts ............................ ~~ I C & H Sugar ... ; ...... s ll •1• ........... 53'; I Jack Cheese ............ M0000 .......... 79fb· From king Sized &'Olden fryers • • • •we:~ tender white meat. I Pure cane ... from the en'.hantin~ b!ands ... glittering crystals ! I Smooth and creamy ... favored cookinr variety I ... by the piece. Chicken Uvers .... 59~ ,,,,,er Wlngsoodn ..... _.h2'~ 1 ··R.lelllo ........ k .............. ! ... IUd: FUVOISrts .... d ..... , •.. d ... 3 '."t-'J!/Ck up• I Nalley's Salads .. : ...... ~.~.~ ......... 3 FOi s1 Fresh .•. flavor to win favor f .. ::So much meaty r eu en I esu ar size pac ar~ • • • or esse an sa s . . . ...... . .. .. ' Your choice of varieties •.. so ea~y to se~ve ... .so delightful, too! English Cut ~oas~ _ .. $10~1~· II ~~,!~rfv~-£~!!i!! .. ;~<l·r~~~~~·-~~~~~;i~1h.~v;0:y~!, II Kosher Dills ............... GENUINE. ....... : ..... , 39C Grouu:.~p.A. chdoice Rbeec. .. dboneplesa, tfrol~ed and· tied. Pork & Beans ... VIN CAMM NO. 211 ws 3 '" 69C I Genuine .KOiber •tyle from Horna~~~==:n~::~:o~. Jar. n oun a 1es 79c I Plump tender beans in r ich .sauce! Get several to enjoy later! Precision rround and ahaped •.. each patty exactly I• I D "sh f!. ... R d 39c I El Rancho Vodka $3 69 STH tht IUlt~e •· •• and u delicioBESu•. r" "ua• ev~~er ! an1 UV-oun s .... ·NEW nOM 1£UOGG.... Smooth mixer! Quart ... 4-.;~: Half. ;.1. 8.88. FRESH ••• fOR THE ai;ru. 1 Newest touter party h~at ... delightful !or breakfnt ... or anytime! I El Ra ho Gi $3.85 Fresh ldaho Trout 39:a I Caesar Dressing ..... w1sKllOllE ... a.oi ..... 39C I lt'•ma!~time!.~q·~~~·~:~~-.·!Wta-a1.s~ .... Mill WI. I QI.... 14 I St . ht Wh' k SOUR $4 99 Rushed to UI from the icy waters of the Snake RiverJ A dressing that does juatice to your salad creations ... you save c. ra1g IS ey MASH • 5111 • El Rancho Produce I Kai Kan Dog Food NEW llEllllE 4 '" $1 I El Rancho'• ... 6 ye~rs old ... quart 5.99 U.S. H0.1 WHITE ROSE I All meat ... with nourishment yo ur pet needs. .. and flavor he loves! I El Rancho Beer 6u~L 79C 3 QUAIT89C ~ '~-Potatoes I Hills Bros. Coffee ....... 1 Le. r.1N ....... 67' I Li1htandrure•hin1 ... •njoyth'~:i1~~°'~Price,~~:inore1urna1 •1 , Save on all sizea ... 2 pound can 1.33 .•. 3 pound can 1.93 ! 1 /. I Broccolettes ...... 3 ,_ Sl Petite Peas ...... 4 ,_ $1 Household 4ids For finer produce ~ , • look to El Ran-c & w ... frozen ... 9 oz . pkg. c & \V ••• frozen ... io oz. pk£'. I pslmollve L"1quid .. ~ l. 79! Jui 4 • 01 $1 D .............. Klfl;~IZE ............ .'. , R"ice M·1xes 3 Sl Oranna ce CANS So kind to your hands ... while it make! ,t;;;,1.t:s lr. tiwware sparkltf ········ ~ -r .. I -JiiJB, all flavors, reg. 37c pkg. :hlinute Maid frozen, 12 oz. 49c Ax p Soak sr Jumbo Brown Onions .. .. . .. ................ 5~ ion re-.............. ;JM! Sllf ............. . cho .•• first! Emyme action reta rid of at&ina .•• floata them away! Flavor that'1 aulhoritati"< ... without beinr over-powering! I D 1 H $129 I f~!~ ,;i·;b ·;~;;~;j;.~!! £·P~!~k~~;;·~~;·;~;;~n~~! I ~~~t~J~~:~;t"g~.~~1price ......... · · I Ajax Detergent .............. GIMT Sllf.............. 6f : • • prVJu t/ftttivt Tlt1tr1. iJirnoh Sten. Ma:11 !2, !3, !~. ~5. No 1Glt1 to d~a.ltl'I . ..... ..... t ~ g ~ • • • • " ~ ~ ~ • l • \\'.l*HO 1-~'L I New Enju: action, ensyme power for sta1n1.1Ajax power for dirtt HUNTINGTON HARBOUR: Warner .Ave. & Algonquin St. . NEWPORT BEACH: 2727 Newport Blvd. • 2~55 Eastbl~lf Dr. (EastQluff Village Center) Also conveniently Io.cated stores in Arcadia, Pasadena and South Pasadena • • ~+---- I ! • I I ' • ' • . . " r .. '" ' . . . WodM!dq, MaY 21, lM OAll.Y 'ILR ·~ " . ' "'lie ,.....,.. by art1aU In oJii,,,, -allow and -lht~unlty witbiPI 1o es· wllq. · hlblt In the benefit. A Taste ol AdlnlAIGo II fl per ptrlOll Everythhig, 1ponaored tA11na1-. and will Include coffee, tu row by Service Leap, St. and • cblbce to win one of •1 • :.1. mcntbulO-prlzestobe M'fl' ! 'Epilcppal fiburch o1 ,ivee away durinc the al· Laguruo Beach, bu bMo lenlilon. T!Cbll may be wonderful," said Mrs. C. R. purchuod al lhe cburch door. Beck, committee chalnnan.: CGmmlllee members Include A'°oog ·!'_lists I -ow I~ 1 • lhe ~ Donald Amid, works in the Arts and Crafts Lyman KIDC, Stuart Lewl1, Section will be Bennett Brad-WllllaJD Ullom, Edmund Van bury, Robert A·~ m 1 t ~on g ,~ Deulen. c;eBoyd. Alfrtd Diana Nies, Hal Akins Oll1e Hutie, Falrchlld. Fisher. Margaret Bede~ Bet· Wllllam ' ' Le I t e r ty H.inwood, Eloille Harris, ~,JUc!Ud Mu d 1•• Helen Lewis, Sondnl Raub, 'l'bomM !ilMlck and a..r1e1 Joanne Malooe Paul Bou and ~-<-Nancy Jim Warren. JliCD& , Otherevenllfeatun!d•atlbe ~ wlll'lt loward l :>l to 4 p.m. benefit to the ~-114 -··old TURNABOUT -Cathy Sauby shows how unattrac- tive ha~\.s-ca"l be tu~ right around into appeal· \IPI T ....... ing ones. The midwestern-born beauty's job is to show people how lo improve their personality1 · • New leaders . ., church will be an utlque rectory. ~\ -· .. .l .. ; , • . ,"BITTlR CA-;~°', '( ' . '! . . . . '· \ • Peering Around · a:o""""""' ....... .__....,,.,, A DELIGHTFUL Mother 's Day weekend was enjoYF4 by 4o adults and 33 childrerjolt!)e Lido Isle Tennis Club. -:· The · group _ traveled ~ the Shadow Mouritai'1 't1ul, -tor tennis, ·swimming and s~ti.z. ing. I ' ~ .. ~ ' I Shadow Mountain C ~u b memboli hQlied ·a part)\ for the yoUniJ se1 early S~ur~,. and later,~he adults ·g~lhetfd for a cocktail· party and dinner dance. ~ ' , Everyone was on the coutts at 7 a.m. Sunday for more ten- nis. follo'A'ed by a champagne brunch co mplete with Mother's Day cards and flowers. Buddy , Richley, 12. was surprised. with a pinala in honm:-_ot Jtis.birthday Sunday afternoon, and _seen circling the dance floor were . Bill Grundy and daughter, Lisa , Jim U:luden and daughter, Barbar.a, and t;>on Jacobi with UUi<iJody. '· Also on hand were Al and Connie Quinlan (he's presi· dent l and Ray and Barbara DeMott'·L. Ray Is tournament chairman.or the coast club. l\1RS. \\'ILUA!\1 DEH1.IFF represented TOPS 00 (Overwe ight Overcome) Club of Huntington Beach during area Recognition Days in the Anaheim Convention Center. P;ersona/ity Improved I Grandmothers Sht wu selected Queen.of· the-year by her club, which meets at 9:30 a.m. each Thursday Jn, the Community Methodis t 'Church, 6662 Heil Ave. PATlllQA-ANNE RONEY, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. tbarles F. Ron ey or Hun. tington Beach, is a candidate l\1R. AND MRS. John R. tdetzger of ijuntington Beach tvill attend· graduation ceremonies for their daughter and step-daughter, Miriam \felty, at Coll~e of tbe Holy Names, Oakland. M"m Welty will receive her bachelors. degree in sociology. At noon every second Thurs- day the Newport Harbor Grandmothers' Club meets In the Costa Mesa Golf and Country Club. Mrs . Dorothy V,an Marter at 962-0'l37 may ~ called for more infonnaUon. t.HnuO!-f'otnous bLUhds SROt'i-sWebl"' i .,, __________ _ never Iron Koratro11.® < po1~.-1e17oott .. ,, f>dnt d rei~~e~ 4n.i $h,1tti3' . ' ' lemort,lim.e.,a vocll do and blue. ' 11ClUJ , • ' ., 1~q·~7.-to •2htromoos nd~ · -f · · wide·lc-g Tu.r1~ ,f.~fi,Sbqrf~ ~1(ej . SKi tot~ - Orriel;ic.olfon J4c.Jt."' ~nd, da~~~rJ!t~ -• . Hort:t.r C....ttr / 2300 H. Harlttr, Costa M.......S4S-6S24 S~uth Cep1t PS.1a _ 3333 8rls tol, Costa M1~4.5-0,24 • • --~------.....---------- ' . A new slate of officer! Jiik been selected to guide the Holiday Ayres Women's Club ... Installed during a dinner In the Captain's Table restaurant were the Mmes. Chuck Brown, prefildent; Jay • ·Rice, vice president; Paul 0 Ii v er, secretary; John Bateson, treasurer, and Earl French , historian. for BEllEK ClRPITS"-" 1 J t ' ""1 . • .r,. • • ORIENTA ' ' .•• ·REWHITENING.,ft ·, ~<"-., ' · • '~ WATER DAMAGE Phone SH-VAL .~l-~678 fORMflt INmUCTOI NATL CHIMICAi 'co. ·' . • ----------------------'. . AND HAVE THE BEST ' ' • J\ " r,, ,. . ' . ··Kraft Barbecue Sauce doesn 't ~·· • , . -• , f• \• '•1ust·sit there. It simmers real ··.· .. cq.okout flavqr all through the me~t: The flavor of 19 herbs and spices ·all through the meat; .. ~ . America's favonte t. . Regular, trtot, Garlie ·: or Hickory, SmoK~ ·'. • flavored '(K•A.+)1 I -~--~·-----------~---~----~__,__ " • • r . ' ., "• I t \ • ,. ' . ' r• • .. • . . \" .. ' \ ~,. ''! r:··~·· --t ,( ,·, ··~' • " . ' \ . I ,- I I I. ·---·-----------·-------.. ~ ---~·---·---------------------------------------------:::::.,...- . Be a Buddy, · .Buy a Poppy 1• ' . Members of the American Legion Au:riliary 455 will be selling poppies next Friday and Saturday. . Mrs. Ne.al Hougan. chairman will be assisted by :ult Mmes. Robert Fisher, Jfim W. Smith,,William Harri· JIOl'l, Robert · Willey, Charles Lauden berger, Cecil F. Inns, Mildred Salfrank and Stella Marks. Poppy days have a tw~fold p.rpose -to pay tribute to tbe war dead and to assist the living victims of war and their families. The red crepe paper f1v,vers are hand-fa shioned by tl\e, disabled veterans i n bolpitals. Annual Convention Juniors Departing for the state con- vention or California Federa- Uoo of Women's Clubs, Junior MemberShip~ tom<i'rOWAritGrp- itfg Will ~ a delejaUon •r .q Orange District o f l i c e r s , ch<iirmen and coordinator1: The El Dorado Hote l , Sacramento, will be the set- ting for the three-day event which will be opened with greetings frpm Gov. Ronald Reagan. Following the I p.m. opening session, state, off~ers will--be eletted and delegates will at-· tend an evening banquet Freedoms Foundation To Honor Countians Freedoms Foundation Award recipients for 1968 from Orange County will be h<JDOl"M during a luncheon nm. Friday in the Golden Pheasant restaurant' Ana - heim. Hosting the event will be lhe Orange County W o m e n ' s Chapter of Freedoms Foun- dation at Valley Forge. Offering the invocation will be the Rev. Claude Bunzell aaa .serving as master of ca-emonies wiU be Harry Bab- biU. ~ Jbe luncbeoh speaker will be Keith Houdysbell, vice president In charge o! public relations of BehQOat Savings and Loan AaJOciatlon. Long Beach. *hose topic wi.11 be A ~ at Gellysburg. "-wards will be presented by Ridtard{H. Foltz, Freedomll Foi:mdatlon executive v i c e ~· WeSlern Region, and Orqe County Women's Ollpt.er Offioers will be in- !lolled 'ltj'' Mrs. John B. M~ .-tlonal . dinclor, Wdmeil'• Divlslon, DeUvering the binedlotion will be the Rev. R6rt F. Williams. Area ~ resicld.S receiving 1.....i. !or u.m!lllfying the American> way Of life in some ' positive way \ inchlde, . ~· .. Magny ~.Jelllen. ~' :r.,:esa} Bill PureeU, _Laguna Bea'cti. and Charles F. Kenne y, Capistrano Beach, who was cited at an earlier presen- tation. Orange Coast residents to be installed are the Mmes. Jack E. Moore. Corona del h-1ar, vice president , com· munications; Edgar R. Hill. Newport Beach, vice presi- dent, rhembership : Henry C. Co le, Newport Beach, vice president, program; Gepi:ge Buccola, Wee. president. youth program. and Donald t. Hud· dleston, Newport B e a c h treasurer. , Las Madrinas 'Hosting B~ffet ' . ' La Ma<ftinas Chapter, South Mmes. Jack ~ Lyons, John Coe.st Community Hoip.ital Wekl, Victor-,,.~A n drew!!! J Al11iliary, will treat auxiliary , TholMs Flet~r, L e ta Jll ~ bOard membera and guesb to P..rt, R. H. *k:k. Freeman a buffet luncheon • Mooday Perrin. Don ileaI, H a r r y in the Laguna Beach home or Aowde.n, o . v.ilohnson, Hov,ej Mrs. WUllam Tracy. eox. Arthur ~gg" ~ The menu, planned by Mrs. ll&ltdtinson, Cijtdoo Fleener;, Terry Clwtain, will feature °"'"' Ke.inedt, Allred KrlM, goonnet ..dishes prepared by Timely C-Olemalo; G e r l r u d e chapter members. · Carroll, Viol. Adams and Those invited include the Mia Fern Ratpllph. • '• FULL· ~COLOR , \ ' ' ·' llORftAIT 8" x 1 O" O,.LY . ' 95., • • LIMIT ONI PER FAMILY NO .CHARGi f'!)l ~»illL 'r' •Git.OOPS ' PLUS TAX & SOc SIRVICE CHARGE PHOTO TllAIUR • ( I ;: . ., AT SHoPPERS HARBOR IAKD AND HAllOR THUltSDA "!',. • fltlDAY,-'- SATURQAY, "MAY , 2~ 23 " 24 10 a,n1.,Te 61).!11, ... . . " ' ITINERARY· HIGHLIGHTS A,....,.... dulie S' cTaYs a wttk, Plus \'isils lo: Fort MecArtbur • camping, be1Ch b1rbecUes, sw«nming, Anael basebaU ..,_, det.p tea Oshini trip, movies on bue. ' Shwpt Anny °""" · observe U.S. ARnY. on rnaneuwn, side trips to5"ruMnto, tour C1pitol buildJnp. luncheon with Caliromil c.d.t Corps officen.,12 ~r indtr:Wp cowx (certifte1te 9\c:omplehon aw•~.~·~!.:... I •. , If you're not getting mw;tied, perhaps you might enjoy some double o I d fashioned glasses with your initials frosted in white, or anY other sbipea and"sl:tes of liquid ~lresfu71.ent )'Patt on up to 8 to choose from •• er a martini pitcher, er an ice bucket. You can even have the names of people's boats t put on. Or a fa'l'Otlle toul ot Your own. Camp S.. Lcil Olillpo • swimmi .. at Morro Bay, beach Ed1llll'dl Air Forc«lat. conducted tour or &ue, tour of picnia. rutna ·on Indoor range, qualify for N11ional Rifle rocket sites., demoMtrat)Cn of survival IChooL AND WHILE WE'RE Aaoc:iatioo with medah and awards lo be presented ~y thf , ON THIS BOAT N1tional Guard, •th of July ftreworb displ1y. ' fJ,TOco MlriDe Fdy ·lour ofbue. TALKEY-00 - Air Foree ... ~'-N1ti0nal cU.11d tour or Air Camp Paodlt:tw. ,Pti.rn marine trainfua ,,rDsnm, side Till? Yacht ~p h .I. a ---1....... another book with' a11 aorts of . Defeme Miliik Syslemt, 1ttend ~k>I brief mp. 1ide I rips lo trips lo ~' ueu md San ();qo, Pldm bill pml1 Sin boaty things in )>8.per to be Su Ftlncilco to -. Giants' t>.blll. Fisherman's Whuf. Ditao Zoo, Se• Wodl. personalized with the name T1euure lsllftd, bott tow of bly, cu.lhu1.I exhibits. U.S. NP1J Slll:ioll, ~ Diep . lour of lwbor. of 1 boat, ol <.'OUJ'$C, You s.cra.ato JUnr Examioo • IWimmin&. rishin&. boatina •. ~~"'"~.luncheon banquet 11 Officen' knO\v the route· · • signal and ...... nt ... on MacDona!ds laland. ,J" Club widt ~u. °!,~·,_ ~~.:_map~:.-sht (po -·,.-.. \\'1~ .... , .....,.,,."!!' •• .....,.., enr. -.· ~~:z.~ Additional 1ctivities have bten.1mnged for !hose not~ 1~fnic work. guest towels, place mats too. '-----~·•· ,. 1 ' Hill ?i.fate11 Se1tttlons come In VMA '**891 pr lee f1." fll K'tlvlti!n llNd on ~ itlnerwy plu$ food Ind todgi,.. k $100.00 per~· , the nattiest pl boxes ••• Pwenta wlll bt~wilf! • 1111 of it*N fb bt bfouth' from homt. Weekly "tPlndint money" k O¥W Ind llbovt.,,, toyr One Is a Marine c:Msl with a pra tnd t the dllc.:rttion of thtPlf"IM. tifEM ARE NO OTHER CHARGES. &[!di~ °" the top likt a suit• 1 · ~ .., -• d • ~ and contllns 40 e91ch of forfvrther~1flllM .. fonnWowendmdtDV ,....,_,,.,~11111t• _ 3,. . ot napkins pluUe _.,.._.Roblrto.ta(~14l.2'2~707. llrnill"o1-.,•~·11. l1'l11Do.iy'«l•d1::-.: . -· ' ca:.~ 1n1ts, pi.lb. 50 ---------------~--M-l ~ TOUR 0Al£' AJNE 23 THROUGH AUGUST 1 1• I l(M.'l':la, 50 eouten and lD I~ I · . • 1 vltationa .. What a lowly thinr I ~--~-Sl\ldent'• ~ Aft-Gtlde 11'11tller variations •• One Maririe atfting chest hu rope ~ r..nt.'1 '*"" bandies . , • IUIOlher Is a .btv· eraZe !lef'\l'er 1et '"1th holel Addr9 for -the C\!pl • • 1'l"N PY. :·'. _§,p_£; -~ .• ~ .. ~ t:G t ~ 1. ~tot.re~~~ rr • .._._.,..,.,., ___ ~~---+--~f'"--...--:--"'--7":::...--·\JI tilk wttich come beauWuU,y · -a\ft boxed In sets of 4 or 6. Rtf•t11681 _________________________ Ptf'!IOnallttd prlntlnc ls ' , ,. another ot the unu11.1.1I thlnp -we do 11 ruchanls. The Peo-~ • ... -• • • _II~. U ... !" ................ ( .... --. -...... I pie ~ Newport Bte.cb •• ----------~ . •, " I . r 1 r • r . NEW! ,K~ '. , , · INDIVIOU~ Y WRA.Pl'EO SINGLES . . . v Salmi n'Cheese 11.L 65¢ I ' ' • RATH . 1 ALL ME>.t 'OR PURE BEEF BOLOGNA . 12 ... GREAT SIOE DISH FOR CHICKEN, NEAR EAST WHEAT OR RICE PILAF REESE • CHAMP'AGNE CURED Sauerkraut' ' JREESWEEl 60t. 20 ... Orange Juice· , ... 4 '01t ~ . I \ GREEN GIANT1 NllLET~ CORN ,, _ _,. \,... ' 4 ....-•1 GREEN GIANT:SLICEDj\110-oi. BEANS,.~·­ GREEN GIANT BAIY f LIMAS,.-~ ..... -li-89C " GREEN GIANT, in butfer s1uc1 · CARROT NUGPETS .~.~3 ,.;89e- STOUFFER, CHICK E$, TURKEY .OR BEEF · MEAT Pl " IOOL _ 49¢ I I . . . . . teak 12 • .. J.29 · · STOUFFER'S Salisbury DOWNEYFLAKE . . · FREf'lCH TOA OVERLAKE . I BLUEBERRIES 1! .... l9c . " . , .. Sprinkl• I cut-up fry with ·v,. t,s,. self. H1'at •1~ C, bu tt1r in skill , brown <hic:lc.n lightly, remov1. Mix 2 T. fl r, l_,'4 tip. silt, 1/1 f1~. cinnemon, de.sh ging• blend into fMn ·drippint1 to m1k1 • smooth p ste. Acid 11/1 C, oran?• juiC !I-Cook till thic~ .c1. Add '11 c.~1li~1red · I . ' blenched elmoncls, 1/2 C. r1 isi ns incl .chiclfen •. Cover, Cook over 101 h11t 45 min . Add' I C. oren9e s•ctions, heat ~hrough. S•rv• •Yer rice. Snow pees would b• tood with this. Serv•• 4. FLQWllFI SHOP IT ALIA~ BASKETS Perfect for spring ~w1rs, f(Uits, .pottecl I , . plonts. Round or oblong bosl:1ts;. plosm lined. ) I Reg) 7tc To 3.50 l/J off " ' -. ·j -- .. , 't ~ I ' ', .. · .. ~ Tho· best l11ting chicken you've . over hod -plump, FRESH, C.lifornia grown. No preservatives. Chickens rai1ed in other st_ates are shipped in ice with preservatives, which often affects tho d11icot1 _llo.vor. They cost· l1u, but w1 think only tho bost is good enough for YOU! ZACKY PARMS, FRESH, CAUfi0RNIA ·GROWN Who'e Body FRYERS .• N,N•.. 39¢ LI .• Cut-up FRYERS ~the:::~.:::· 49¢ LB. ' SPllT BROILERS .~:.;:n.. 49¢ LL ·aois11N6 · CHICKENs · . .. 59¢ LI. FO~ 0 PEOPLE>WH.O LIKE ALL 0li~ · OR'<'All•QARK.-MEAT . ', • ~h~keil BREASTS , ·,~.~~,.-1,.. 98¢ LB. ~Chicken LEGS ~.,. .. ·kid·ll~·-·" 79¢ LI. Chicken WINGS A,, .. ,ho,.d'oou•,.. 31J¢ LB. . .... ' .. " CUBE STEAKS for1t11k11ndwic~ 1,29LB. BEEF STEW tondorcubnlflHn bMI. 89¢ LI. STUFFED ROASTING CHICKEN STUFFED CHICKEN BREAST WfMI .... ·-,.,.,. ....... STUFFED Yi CORNISH GAME HENS MEAT LOAF °"' ......... "' ....... ,... U.S.D.A. rRlh4E IEEF, TOO .BAKERY 69c '" 1.09 ... 59c ... 89c ... ;r •• F ' DAILY '11.0T GROCERY YUBAN COFFEE LB. 69¢ . YUIAN COFFEE KNUDSEN LA BON BUTTER SUNSHINE CINNAMON GRAHAM WAFERS KELLOGGS 2 lb . 1.37. ... Ile 10-et. 29c Danish Go-Rounds •~· 3· ,,. '1 MOTI'S APPLE JUICE 1/• G•l. 69¢ ILUE IONNET MARGARINE , .... 4 "' '1 SHORTENING CRISCO J.111. c. 79c llG 40-0Z. BISQUICK l9c HEINZ 14.oz . ,. KETCHUP wlfll ffl•• 2 ... 49c · HEINZ 1~.oz. KETCHUP •ltti ,.u ... 2 '" 49c STAR-KIST CHUNK LIGHT TUNA #~ 4 FOR $1 GREEN GIANT Kitchen Sliced Beans ,., 5 ,.. '1 GREEN GIANT CREAM STYLE CORN ,., 5 ,., '1 NEW! SUN COLORS, BIG ROLL, 2-PL Y CHIFFON Paper Towels 3 FOR 89¢ ' I I 1 . . • ' ~ ' r • ,• BUTIERMILK BREAD"•••,,. .. - CHEESE AND ONION ROLLS Cinnamon Twist Cdffee Cake APPLE SPICE CUP CAKES '" 4lc · : i: • "°---- after..dinn1r mint SI ... BS.u._. 6 ,.. llc ... 15c 6 ... :s1c *• • i -C..u~•ton." by Cov.ntry ' SAUCER ' ' l • \lllh.lt-h 1 '3~. ~ Dan't mlu this 'll'Mk's special otr.; on C.W.lstone dlMf'!'Wattl So cokwful, so c••h-=yov'll lo~ It for flmtly 1nt1ttirne •M c.M11l ent9111illft • .-11 • 1 ; MARKET-HOME & GIFT SHOP. LIDO YACHT SHOP ANTHONY'S SHOE REPA'IR FLOWER SHOP . c;LEANERS orEN DAlL \' ,., OPEN DAILY.,., DAILY t .1,Jo, SAT. f., O,EN DAIL y' f .6 DAILY l :l0-6, SAT. 1:10-5 J ____ f~------------· --------------· -__ .____ ---" -----.. I I I I I l I '• .... ~ -, ... ,. "''---··· ea food Goes to tun.ch The UW. fish with the big 11lvet ls .ii} excellent suppl)' · a attr~Vely priced at food ....,. now: Canned Afaihe sardines are an ei:cellent ~ of)lldi~l.la)ijy protein, vltaniliiS ana-other nutrients. __ Ta~..__!L_ ty~ fro_m .the _ IliiW\S, a new~ low caloric salad, Sea Garden Antipasto. J1 ateallng the show at Jun· ·cbeons these days . • .... ine sardines are featured in this production. but equally talented ·standby stars are ready to go onstage . Lobster, tuna, crab. pick.Jed herring, or Wimp may be substituted for t:ardines to present a seafood spectacular. Th e sardines 11nd mushrooms are 1narinaled and chilled in a low-calorie French dressin g mixture 1na~e in- teresting wilh soy sau ce, ginger, garlic. and w i ne vinegar before being served on lettuct leaves with a variety of crisp. ga r de n-f r es h vegetables. se·a Garden Antipasto is one of many new ideas that make dieting fun with fi sh and shellfish. SEA GARDEN ANTIPASTO 3 cans \3o/4 or 4 ounces each) Maine sa rdines 2 cans 14 ou nces each) but- ton mush rooms f.1arinade 6 large lettuce le<1vcs 24 cucum~r slices 18 celery slicks 12 radish roses 12 tomato wed ges 6 green pepper rings Drain s ard i ne s and mushroo ms. Place in a sh all ow baking pish. Pour marinade over sardines and mushrooms and chill ror 30 minutes. Prepare \'Cgclablcs and ch ill. Remove sardines and m u s hr oo m s from marinade. Drain . Arrange all ingredients. e x c e p t the marina'de, attractively on let- tuce leaves, dividing the in· ~red.ients evenly among the servings . Appro ximately 130 calorics in each serving. Marinade i;, cu p low calorie French dressing ~ cup soy sauce 2 tablespoon$ wine vi negar 2 tablespoons water J clove garl ic, crushed Dash po•dercd ginger Dash pepper Combi ne all ingrcdicnl<; and mix thoroughly: Makes ap- proximately I cup n1arinadc. DLJnking Proves Popular Fondue is the fashionable dish at parties. lnhcrHed fron1 the Swiss. this fanciful di sh can be prepared any nun1ber of ~-ays to please the palates . of guests who love a "dunking party." Part of the appeal of this dilling delicacy Hes in the un- conventional way lhe food is eaten. The communal •·dunk- ing pot" sparks lively con- versation. Very popular is fondue boutguignonne, or beef fondue. Cooking oil is heated to 400 degrees F, Guest.i spear raw beef cubes on special, long-handled forks, and submerge the meat into the 611 until it is cooked. Then meat is dipped into specially prepared sauti!. A deUght!ul, ~angy sauce is this one made witti American blue Cheese. · AMERICAN BLUE CREESE MUSTARD SAUCE i,~ cup all-purpose nour 1~ cup beet sugar ~4 teaspoon paprika J lh lablespoons dry mustard l4 lcaspoon salt \2 cup vinegar 1 ~ cup water . ~z cup American blue cheese <about 3 ounces, crumb!· cdl 2 tablespoons bullet l egg, beaten 1h cup light cream Combine flour. s llgar , paprik•. must.ard and salt. Blend in vinegar and water. Cook over low heat, stirring consla.~tly. until thic~en~. Add chetse and huller, Stir until cheese is melted. Combine 'egg and cream. Adtf a small amount oC hot mixture to egg mixture : mix wen. Add to remaining hot mixture. stirring constantly. Heat to se r ving tc1n· perat ure, tflrrlng frequently. Serve with meat or fish, as dt#ed. Makes sbOut 2 -cups. . "'-."~ -. ·-~ ' . -. . -'. -~ ·--.... '. .. . . . . . ' . ' .. ' . . • WcdntSdOI, Mtl 21, 1969 U.S.D;A, ;_CHOICE BEIF ·ONLY FRESH FROZEN GEN UIN E SPRING LAMB ROAST SHOULDER CUT U.S.D.A. INSPECTED 491~ . HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS',· . Head & Shoulders Fl -~ ,~, .---.. / ,.,,,/,-· I \·~~'ii LOTION DANDRUFF S lltAtAPOO :11i~5 $117 li1cl. Price Off label 100 TA BLETS BA Y~llt AS P~R~N Sl.09 ~IZE !RECK BABY SHAMPOO 98< SIZf GROOM & CLEAN . LARGE 6 OZ. SIZE 1oz. ftft c "" 07 3 Ol. SIZE POND'S COLD CREAM &9c SI ZE COPE TABLETS "' 74c Of 36 DOUBLE SPRINGS A FOOD GIANT EXCLUSIVE DOUBLE SPRINGS ST RAIGHT KENTUCKY BOURBON Wtd<\t1da1, Mai 21, 1969 PILOT EN JOY TRIPLE SAVINGS AT FOOD 1GIAN l ' 3 • . WE SELL ONL y U.S.D.A; CHOICE BEEF PORK SPARERIBS , 61b~ I . •. I CHICKEN, WHOLE LEGS & t HIGHS FRYER~ ~PARTS 'EC'I' 9 -.'~1(Sf4'"" c """ .... 1--."o: -:-<'US •. · . . . O!,Al!M(llfOr 5 "'""!f:l,ll.lltllt .-lb. ~-g;.··. U.S.D.A. CHOICE-CMYOVAC PKG -RISKET 98c FIUETsoF .1 r, " · , L Jtc 1b, · FRESH RED SJiAJ,PiR ) , 1b. McCOY CORNED GEEF LUER'S QUALITY PORK $'1 lb~ CHl°CKEN GIZZAR~S '' 4 91f. U.S.D.A. !NSP., FR02 EN GENUINE SPRING SMAll LOIN LAMB CHOPS LINK SAUSAGE waso~ C~ISP?ITf SLICED BACON KERN'S 7 VA91fl1ES FRUIT NECTARS MAGIC CHEf PcAIN OP. IOOlllO TABLE SALT WtLCH'S PURE CONCORD GRAPE JELLY VITA PAK! fR02lN JUICE !.I.RS DOUBLE BU DDIES f Rf SH KIST SOUO PACK TOM ATOES f R(~H ltlSl YELLOW I.IS, 65C f ~Ci. 26-0Z, llC PKG. 20.oz. 39c ,,. "" 39c fRYtNG CHICKEN LIVERS FRESH CENTER CUT SLICES CHINOOK SALMON \, 59~. $119 lb. 3 s.oz.$'1 PKGS. WITH $5.oo MINIMUM PURCHASE . ,, · 'POPULAR BRAN,DS •~T!~~N!~ ~\..\.~" • MJB • FOLGER'S • FOOD GIANT (.Po' • HILLS BROS • MAXWELL HOUSE STORE USE ONLY $ ___ -- l .Al.IRA SCUDDER f"URE MAYONNAISE QUART 49c \""' ....... ,,, CARNATION SLENDER•PA•79c MACIC CHEF PEANUT BUTTER l:tDDIES FAVORIT E FROZEN PYRAMID MALTS \-~~· 49c 120?. I oc P!<G. • BEEF •CHICKEN •TURKEY 5 C , 10.oz. PKG. SEA PRINCf DEVf\NfD SALAD SHRIMP DETERGENT (INCL. 10c Off) •oz. 39c "" GIANT 59c PKG. ) WHITE KING "D" 45c . CLING PEACHES ~,;.,;..;;...~~~~~~~~,~~~~~~~~-~ PETUNA -4 FLAVORS FRESH KIST GREEN li:OSARITA (ENT REES 37<) MEXICAN DINJllERS CAT FOOr, PEAS or BEANS JOHNSTON APPt£, PINEAPPLf LEMON 75 C JOHNST ON PllS":~;,•:,:~iH' llANOUET $169 FRIED CHICKE!f ;;~ 4 •oz, $1 PKGS. ::~~::~,~;~~~ 8 6-0Z. $I REGULAOCUT 6 TALL$ I' • CHICKfN & KIO~EY BEANS 303 • CHOPPl~ />\l\CKEREl ' CANS CANS FOOD GIANT MONTEREY JACK CHEESE \'/ISCONSIN RICH & CREAMY ··&,If. II 7PKG, FOOD Gi.\NT BllOOKMEAO ORfGON AGED ,,,,, 89' CHEDDAR CHEESE NAllEY'SXLNT A\l !~Ef TAMA LES l• BONllA CORN TORTILLAS PltC. J.! soz, $) ... fKGS. "0· 10( Cf 12 6·P1£CE HISSHO l .... PORltO SAKE SET CROWN RUSSE VODKA REG, S9.29 • f l!IH Hl~SHO SA~E •A CUPS • SF..RVE~ $1,!.!, sn FRESH KIST PRODUCE CALIFORNIA V~LENCIA ~,J.ull o' Juice LARGE s•zE RED VELVET ITALI AN RED I 0 REGE NCY fOOM WHITE OR P1N!C (Co.., ol 12 $) 68 T c c CH .t\FnPAGNE f ;r11 .. ~1a.1 ,i r1111i '{I 0 C LE TU E LARGE •• LIQUOR BUYERS' GUIDE STATES -~:~~!~~:~,,~-~o~!CH :~,~~ ss ri .. T u.s. i lb ~LARGE, BROWN SIEAK-l'>o·LB. OBUN CH\ s 3 ,e;· '-~~--";;~.~5.~;~;~~;1,;~;·;;~~;.;,:; .. ~;:~;;,;~;:;:;~;' .. ,;~;~.'"""-G~E_R_llt\~A.~N~llt\~A.~Y~llll~IN~E.....,~ll~ll~~f.!.",ll-="=o=.='::::::::::::::::::::::·:_~"=="~:"::~S::~•:•:.:~::.::::~::.:::i::.:::_::::_:::~.) ' l""' ' •I ' L~'1h . .,.,, ., ""., '''" '" '"" ., .. ~.,,.~.' COflf( All G~INVS FOLGER'S 6'c $1,37 11.99 INSTANl COrFEE FOLGER'S &,~ $1 OS :'.,, $139 THOROFEO DOG FOOD • LT~!~ Pfll • r1•1 lri' B£tf •;.ONIYEfu ~:; 2 gc OOLORS OR OECORAllO sconOWELS :~~ 35c f.rt al! Ciifil Oraam or \Vhule Keri·.~; c~1, ... ' .. ''' .. ,loll 3£11 t~n 25c (;•en f.ianti Nihlels Corn., ..................... Ji.~ un?3c 1 Giant GrePn Pc.;~ .. , ...................... "1 30J rAi l lc 1 • • lo:t1a10 S&uce., .................... T\tl. )l·O '~' 5 1cr Sl ll~~t's lom~~o Sau1e ............. , .............. ~J ..•• ~J9r. OEOOOIWH ZEST BAR SOAP 2 ''i· 3l c 2 ''' 43 c ~.I'S B!•• Hnr!:.en\r.~t Ctiunk'\ (lJ 01, 27r. Hunts lomato Pas:e ........ '!!, ................ ~ t·: tJ" 2 !or JJc '---~~~.&---~~~~4-,;,:;;;:;;;;;;::;.::;;:;;:;.;.;.:.;.:;:J.::.:.::..t-~~~~-+~~~~~t-~~~~-'- Spic 'N Span Hea·1) DutJ Cte<lnrr., •••• , ••.••• ,.. . JJc Duncan Hines la)er Cake M1~es ................... 1 ~tr :i9: MJB fried, Indian. Herb & Butter Rice MiKes .... ,,,,,, , · ~ t :l'l: Green Giant Asparagus Spears ..................... i~.01.'3~6 lc Green Gi8f'lt Kitchen or Frenth Green Beans ........... bll:l33 r..r27c Green Giant Sliced Wax 'Beans •..••••.•••....•....•• :.1 ~·-~ir. ?9c ~OLLYWOOD SAFFLOWER MARGARI NE t•. 3lc '"'" f'!,, l I'! ourn r.rnr LIQUID IVORY '"' 59c r'~sti~ THESE PRICES EFFECTIVE THURS. thru SUN., MAY 22·25, 1969 2=--00 Harbor Bl~d. at Wiison St., • HRI'bor Shopping Center, Costa ·ltfe~n\ I ' ' . • . ' ·I • ' .. ' ' • ' ' ,. • ' •• . Wtdntsdq, Mir 21. lM DArt.Y I'll.OT h·Soup • • • • • A P 1 feet Curtain ·Raising · Dish J • J The diet menu · be&ins e1ch. .. . cucumber green . with 1 bowl ol oplrl< ielled COOL-AS-A-CUCUMBER ' I t.aspoon dried dill Ital Chill to tile COMIJ1e11e'y ol IOI.IP la bound t.o de · Cool, SOOP , I tablespoons sour creain, unbeaten egg wttlte. SUI-in haldlome, fllvotful ·celled a e n v e Jo p e 1 unflavored .opUooql cucumbers and dl.11. Turn lnto :::. ~ .:6 ~ i:u::r gelatine SprJnkJeigelaUn! on t cup of bowl or 9 inCh aquaft tpari. ' 3 CUJll cold water , dlVkted. the cold water in saucepan. c.hill.l.l!l!IJ9urs.. · Unflavored rel is the Place over Jo\f heat and stir This will ~A softer than for 1 '""t ·~--· it • f N o n -nutritive sweetener """ we .... ·wa.,. • ..., I "UY or unUI gel atine Is dissolved, 2 to molded salad . To serve, seoon every COW'lt on I.be u, and equivalent lo J/S cup sugar 3 minutes. into soup cups. U delihd,•tllip itoupl U'I no uce IJ ;:>' or llme Julee Remove n-om neat; add r&-with sour. cream IDll • D6tt.IDc calll for UtUt less Few drops green food col· nuUning 2 cups cold water' sprio ldlnc o( dill le.vff:. fabd tnute, and canny 0~.... sweetener. salt and lemon or YJeld: I aervines, 27 calorles diet« llnowt t ll ' 1 ,.,. • Gl!LLED SOUPS-DIETERS' DELIGHT ~~'j~~:1_~3~cups~~flllt~~~c ~h~op~p~•~d~l~im~•~iw~·~=·-T~m~t~a ~d~e~~·~M~e~~~r~R~r~vmc~·~~~~~~--'.!::...:._.:_~~__:"'-~__::.::::::.:..:::::::..::=::.:.:.:..:.:.::..:..:::..::.:.:;;.:;._~~~~~~~~~~ ~~-~~~ l to ....,... molntiinfn& ~ "aMmMM for rood" Jpro&ram. Tbe. rectpe that foU.ws is a. pUed . v~alon of • clasaic 8]lonllh 101111. It mok'p 111< of ~ traditional Gazp,cho in- crtdfents . , . tomat°'s, ~n pepper, cucum ber, p n 1 o n , celery and jarUc .. /and gels the mlxture for an. ~teresting tei:ture. The result ~1 gleam-tnc first, course that1can dou- ble as a salad courie, il you wish. There '1 another cbo~, too, equally delectable . .' .. ~1-n­ a-cucumber Soup. It's ~ at· tractive pale green and ~mes • to the table with a dolop or aour cream and a sprinkling oC dill. '~ The cucumber IOUP ls so easy to make you will nt to eerve it often for the f.amUy meal ... and so allradllve il will tum up often on tht com· pany buffet, too. l Unflavored gela tltie-i11'°e of the most versatile fooil pro-duct~ on the dieter's. \lbelf. , Main 'dbhes. ralw, rlllsbea, r fobu!oloa -Iii ... .,,.k~ . Inc unflavored 1elltme ll!ml Ii•) up IJf bundreds ol •Pl>Ol!ini 1 Jow.dlorie waya. Beeauae aelltlne d 11b:e s t •I Wte oo .,..t, ti>ey odd ~ to the w•t-watcher'a, meuh. I uke tile d<i>rtvMlon oul' ol I dletin&. The 'er.Mii or fld diet CAn make you loee we.lpt fast • ' .• but dieters ~n't an·1els and seldom keep them up. The j healthlul ... way to diet la to .Uck with a maintenance' pro-aram of l&w-calorle foods thll Mti.fy. And these superb gelled I vqetable poUJ>I do just that! GELLED GAZPACHO l 1 envelope unflayo r ed 1elatloe 11i'l CJ,ips 'A1te r, divlded 1 boolllon !ube '!•cu~· " t J teu uch salt Ind r paprika I> I buil 1/4 ~ around clove. ti tetlll)OM Tabuco 1 clovl 1orHc, mioced 1\ 2 ubf•-.S lhltly choP. pod °'11"' I v, cup finely chopped celel') \ 1,2 /cup finely c h op p e d cuc,;\iber I •I cup llntly cl1opped "'°" • · Pfll'"' • 1_1 lll .... lln<ly chopped if.?•loes ' ' Sprinklt:.itlatine over V., cup ol ~ cold water in aucepan. Add bouillon cube. Place ·over low beat; 1tir constaJi.Iy imlil gelatine and bouiUon cube clissolvi:. Remove from belt; 1tir in remainiqg .1 cup w a t e r , vtn<tar and ... 8ClllinC. auu unW mixture ls the con· alsteney oC unbeaten egg white. Foid In remaining in·· grtdtmtl. Tum into soup cups r1 •rvinr bowl. OUll until firm. Yield : I 1ervin1s. 20 calories Apples Cup Leftovers IM&oven needn 't be Jac:kJU&tre •• , a new twlrt, a creative touch ind 1bracadlbr1 &hey're better thin their IJnl Ume 'n>und the family dimer uble. Here clr(led chkken or turkey I! dellcately sauced wih plain -.11111e y<l(lll1, delk.lously cupptd In big red 1pplts. . . STIJPFID APPLES I red Dell .... oppill ¥c. ~p rtcOnstltuted lemon I J"""' 21Ai cups diced cooked chick• er turkey 1 cup -ctllry I 1 tab~ chopped frtsb dill I te._ CWTY powder l cup (I ounce container) Swiss Kyle plain )'OIUf't \2 CllP heavy cream, whip. pod . So~ Ind pepper to t111< Cut a thin aUc:e off blaUom tnd ti. uch .,.,.. ~ ~ will -llPfflhl; dip ~ lemon julct to pre v •; d-.Uoo. With 1 oho klllle, Clll ......i near 11m1 tnd of .. ,h ipi>le IDOlll'flllllon. Scoop and C\lt out 1 le cente.r11 dlpplns u ch In le on jui<t. ~ c:u1 Olll f for 111-d; di"'"' ....... ID r.f•ller11« . • • CHUCK ROAST 51c· .. lb IWE CUT, FUVORFUL IHO TENDER.......... • PORTERHOUSE STEAK •• ·~:'..'l~ ' . CHUCK ROAST •••• ~~! ••• .59~ SAlt$AGE ••••• =~~::: ..... 581 .. •'-'1" E-ZJl!T CUBE >1EAK........ •. GIRllR'S •ABT FOOD:::.":'.': ..... , 10' GERIER'S CDW ==::1::~ ... 35• T-BONE STEAK$1~~ ROASTING CHICKENS .. !i~'i .49,t ant LIVER •••••• ~~:= .... 631l GERlfl'S JUNIOR ~~ ........... 14• BEEF snw =1::'.~. .. ............. 61' .. MAXWEll HOUSE COFFEE ~ l~ 68c J:!.L'$JSS ~:.t. s1" ,~..:Ji (f,M!ElL HOUSE l:t'.11" I. . Yuil'N' COFFEE ."" .. 72' YUIAN 'COFm ......... 11" YUIAN INSTA_NT::;::...•1" UPTON INSTANT ru "'~ ...... '1" ···K.v&Y~-..... KRAFT'$, · BAR-B-Q SAUCE " ' Jf.OUNCE BOTfl.t a~a . D.QlE~.IT tOCKT Alt .............. 2 s• ~·-SA~ ::'.:::.':_.25• ~DARINOllANGES :;"!';:! ... 25' MOTT'S FRUIT mATS ............ 35' APPlESAua :=".:.'._·-~-·-.26• DOlf PINUPPU :'i!:..tu. ... -........... 24c . CUNG PEACHES ::-.~ .. :. .............. -29 ' DRINK ~~=--~.~.~~~~.-.. __ 34c rr., •. :.K.y~~-..... 'U' FRENCH'S MUSTARD 24-0UNCE JAl 32° Mon·s APPLE JUICE .~ ..... : .... 37' GREIN GIANT CORN :r:;::.~ ...... 23' GREEN IEANS ~:~~,:t_n;:~~~ ... 29( DEL MONn PEAs ·~~ ............... : .. 22 ' PR1NCEUA YAMS " ................. -.33 ' GREIN IEANS :=:r. .. ~~.~-~--.. 24' HUNT'S TOMATOES ................. 22 ' TOMATOJUICt :::r'/.~.'. ............... 28 ' GRON IWIS':=~.~.~--... 25 < ... t;yB.yf. . ' sconPAPER VIVA.NAPKINS 150 COUNT .. G. ~-.· .... - llKTUSOl :::.. sa· TIDIASll~-~ ' 8737~ D "'I lllvut I -----DUZ DITllGINT ::lrl:..~-17' IVORY SNOW =.~ .. '.._-.... 79' Ill PRE-SOAK :=l::O 61' JOT UGllD ~ sa• Tilf' JOI OPJlll :.. 66' ZIST TORrr SOAP ~----20· CARNATION TUNA ;.~I\': ........ JS• SWER PICKLES ~~~~-~~ .......... _ .. f7'· WISHBONE DRESSING :::::~ .. 36' GARLIC SPREAD ::.:'w ........ 33' MAYONNAISE :r.~ ..... _____ ,49• rr., .... K.y~~-..... 'U' HUNT'S PORK & BEANS 30·0UNCE CAN 23° lllllllli ' ...,. MARSHMAllOWS :::.T:. .... 23' PAPER PlARS ~~-.............. 49• VIV~ PAP.IR TOWELS ,~ ........ 33' POMPEIAN OLIVE Oil ,"" ........ 81•· vrn DOG FOOO ...... , ... _ .... _ ..... . RICI MIXES .,. .. ____ 35 ' . Olllltnl ~i:m-•••H•H·--· BRIQUmEs ::::.-: ............. H_ ....... -69' JIF PfANUT BUTllR ·~-............ 61' CAKE MIX ~:.:> ................ -... 35' .,.. CRISCO !::'.=..... ...-............... 79' SOFT WEVE TISSUE i-::· .. -.-.... 26 ' 111~Van de· Kamp's•1YT AN OUTSTANDING YARIITT OF FRESH BAKERY TREATS! fAf NIOST ltKIY STOllU! Ill lllWll llWIUlll111 llJWlllJ WW '·< __ ,,,_,,.. I' tao ~la~] ,'" ,. " CREAM PIES '"'~..... . .......... 27' '"lllT1..,.1111~oun<1nD'.,..,.C9t-n BEAN BURRITO ::t:"0: ................... 36• FISH FRY aTr~::. ......... :. __ , __ ,95c BREADED SHRIMP m'~-..... 71 ' BRF SRAKS :.~=.."': ..... H_65c BEEF suas ~::.'.~.'.'.'.-... -43 ' MORTON MACARONI ::r::.. .. _.23• CHOW MDN =.-=.~~~.-75c JOHN'S PIZZA r.=-.::::...~9.• · VEGETAIUS ::l'.IL ........ --........ 31' '"Q.UT M•i&m , ...... fttf!MUS.A• .. Hf'! .... ~IU,tMlltnJ SUPER SANDWICHES ::::'.,._ ...... 79' ~l ~IES lm'.: ......................... 21•· IRIAI DOUGH :.'Ir='!. ................ 60• LfM~DI ;::,~~---·--.. "---· 25' ... 1;;yB,yt--. . FlliNCHIE'S SHOESTRING POTATOES 4·0UHC!CAH a:1.o ORANGE JUICE ~L. __ 29• VEGITAILIS =·---21' m ... w-m,,u._,_ 1r1 WW- .. SllllU tr.:i ... --·-·-35• , TlllS REMOVED, LUCKY BONDED ............... . !.: f.~.~·; ~JD!.U~E~~U~Y~NDED ...... 89~ . r.~ ~ ; .. ~~~. GROUND BEEF ·s 3c ... . t;•·" FRESH AND LEAN, EXCELLENTfOR PATTIES.... lb, . £~~~~ F~~y~~RITE .. :: .... 89~ . . ~~~~~ T~!~~~D SO FLAVOIFUL ............ 911i.. RUMP ROAST ...... .\"',,\',, .... 91 ,:. Tl!llllY' HINDQUARTERS:;:::,29,:, SIREOIN TIP STEAK ......... 111~ GROUND CHUCK .... .:::::., .. 73,:. CHUCK STWC ••••• !~~c:t •.. 63 tt . "···l:At&t~-...... TRffSWEET PINK . GRAPEfRUlr JUICE 46-0UNCE CA"'! ~ -;MGDICYS .... PREMIUM fCE CREAM ~'l'.ril ...... .79' ORANGE JUICE :m'IJ::' ......... 79' EAGLE 8RAND MILK ............... 36' PARKAY MARGARINE ::-: .......... 42' MARGARINE ::':m:'..:'.'.'.~ ............ 32' BLUE BONNn ~::~~.~~~~ ....... _ .. 2ac rr. ..... 1;;y~~-...... 'U' EARLY CALIFORNIA LARGE OLIVES PITTED-6-0UNCE CAN fllESH TAS1Y EVllYOAY Dl$COUN1 PRICED OllfCATISSfN ITIMSI WILSON'S MAIN MEAL MEATS CORNED BEE~ BRISKfi ".'~::'.'4" TURKEY & DRESSING.'!':~ :~.'3" SMOKED PORK LOIN ••• ::: •. '" '2" ~· .... K.y~/-...... AUNT JANE'S ICEBERG PICKLE STIX 49° IOOK FORKEY BUYS ' GROUND ROUND ••• ~..:.": ... 19~. PORK CHOPS •••••• -:~t?' •••• ,69.t. FRESH COD Flllfi ........... 791. . BACON LUCKTllAND l·POUND · PACU5163C SLKIO ~.!~:,!~~~.~~~'..~'.1.~~ 69c ~.~~~!,~~~l~~-................... 79c ~~.~~~.~'.!.~.~~.~~··-···79c ~.~~~.~~!~!A,~~ ........ 79c f·~ ~!~~!~.~~~-.... ~ ........... .; .. $4 4t Our LOW E><r)day Price! All MEAT LUCKY FRANKS &"& I 12.0UNCI PKO. 4Jt) ~2~!!~.~.~.~.~~~~.!-.... ~·-·lkL,... 831 SllCED COOKED HAM 491 ll11rf ............................................. '"· fAISH flUIFS ANO Vl011AILIS AR4 .THI llNIST YOU CAN IUY ... ANO fHIT Alf DISCOUNT ,llCID IVIRYDAY ••• SHOP AHO COMl'A•I •. BANANAS ' '1 ~; ~~~~~IT1AIOIAJID ( I b•t1•11• Y•• ~ <••burl r•. U.S. NO. 1 RUSSET POTATOES lO'c~~: 55c 390 "<:..;.t:O' lDW DISCOUNT PAICcS ON HOUSEWARES 8 BfAUTY AiOS • • Mcua10111. , ""' !:BIML~!~O.IJ~S ~ ....... _35• TIEAff"cBMlr:£ .. ~.---... 3ac VANILLA WAFERS :::.~:.. ..... _ ... 36' RAISIN IRW ::::.-.::: ... -......... 33' BRW -.... ! ........ , 31 < ..a.MAl. ~ ------ IUNS = ..... ~! .. ~ ........ 31' m'!I '•1" ""'. .-a . 1..1. • • • .w. .• J • TS KING SIZE T.V. TRAYS AS50ll1D DfSIGNS l~~:YL::,. 88< le-<::f"' Pll<l 20 .. 0UNCI IOTILI . LISTERINE ORAL ANTISEPTIC . MOUTHWASH I CAKE COOUR 5 7c . Th• ••utti .. s11 tbt hlll• "'1111., •• ..,.. ..., WlllW:r-PACIDft................ CetllteCt. A ........ r•lld ftr11nt ............... FDS "::.,';'' ' $) 03 C•t• .... tit, J.Dl.IOffif(Prkt5-d ,1ktff),.,. OUILO*IVIRYIA'r $11 $ woo URY t DISCOUNT P•KI •ovoc1D!m1 ... '.~~ .......... 51 c ....... •• r.'"' ., _, ,• ...... Glllmt ·~:.~• STAIMLllS STiil IAZOI BLADES ....... 15 $156 or ro• -~~~j·~~~~-....... ~...:..~--"' ....... '-'-"'-·~-~·~---~-~· ..... ·--~·~·--~·~-.~ -----------·-----------~----.-----------~---. -0 •• ... = ••. 0. --• -------0 0 - ' • , ' ' l I \ ) \ ! I ' 1 • I f , •• --i--..... -...... ,,. __ ........... · .... \ .. ~-.,,, ... "" i:; •• ~,. . _ ... --· 0 ........ A as• 4 ·--= Wedntsdq, Mu 21,.1969 ··~veg·· t·abfe <3,~ow~·rs· eypti·mist'ic ~o~a.rc;i ~4f.D·mer' s 1arvest \ 11 , '. ' Tba~:..:.i""''ar Ires~ i cups hot'~ er '·• •111!1>11)< tblcl<en.!d: ~\ir'L! ~· flavord ~Un • of •u,tiuY ollecl,'.I", '11i etip' 'fu\m. Unmold ;,,.™. i;.;:.; ' ~pal"*~ onlo111 vq1t-IUlfl ~ bf,ve 1 · %~\1 teaspOOn &lit ~ ric;. .__p~e l'n d • cut19 wa~ rtnc mold.; L._of lceberg JetlUce. 10 · • cup 41ced American pollthr, llSlh"'e toWa'id a sum· ~·cup grat:ed''C&J'rols aJD:ioDds; 1old.ln ~ ¥4. COP' orange•seaments ~ oraqp ~, seWtnp. .. · , · met of Jlbundant harvest. I cup cooked rice turn into t.quart mold or in· 1,~ cup sliced ctlery • and celery slices to-iOTIQ--rl CANT~· ~ . -. ~ ~ 1linW' rains did damage 11 cup _ci:-ushed canned_ dl vidµal molds; chill until 3 cups ~celery ~ttem. Chill un!" .almost DINNER ... • . ~~p -'lced'bl~ck olives Dmdq-v. ,f.rp p.ayonnal$A JuJi ot lilemon Combine ·, rqayonnalse ano mii(i"9,UQ1..bu•.•11e P'-'"d"l'Jlf' •... ftQD) ~d .~·-... l\!'IP~l'l\ll!:'l!el'~.·fll111 ... :,;. ! , ·!!""'4.0ll .• b~" ·!!Pll'~:"lery • .,.. . . 1 'fO' make, Up ~. cup <!iv ~e,d · criili --g'leltill;< ,.iij,'# . lj l"'ll <!lil!ld a~ . ' ' ~··~'"\'ll'l'lli!it -~ ,' . ojaliicax .... ~ • :ii• Jolllite .. d break into le d_uice:+~ over ula!I a • ' • iao'.. ol;these ll"'L ~il\10(llls ,; . " ' . d~M"!"!!'illi• ~· ~ !\;"~ ~ ! . I' f~. ··llli; -· 11'""'1 qlif' ~ If -· dict<I" · " bi •l*!l!i<,l'foos with re-'.,. ...,.pi ... ,~' L?-"'P ma~a~e>" , ~'..y,.. • -• ~ .,..,,.,e·phrtin·fo ~Qt. '"Ii ~ l:Nd ~.ih7 ~ ·,.~1!11111) ' 1 .._.,;,.. ~IB and cniil biut-~oitlli.SifW.-I~g -Jett""· <, , ..;:.,~~Y~ . hot ."'!R•·:'Mil a;,m il,ofd, ~.~ ........ -""'I'.,.. ... -...... , -\ml. before serving, toss ra Nevada Mountains iS still a D~olve gelatin _In ~t AUn MOLD · water ~ stir ~n: ,Pwr ple. . ~ ovii almOlt:flrm -1 7-amce .can. tubil, ~ained With dressing, Makes 6 serv~ , p>tenlifl threat to · the sa_n water, add salt, chill until 1 6-ouoce pkg. orange-about in of gelaUn-illlo bue eeiatin m tin& mold. Cbi!J ~UI and broken m ~ tngs . 4oaquib Valley farms should '1t swell the reservoirs and rivers ~forUL·their capacity. ·The following crops predic· lieQs are being made : Aaparag~s shoul.d be in good SIW(>ly frwn the Della are~. locat~d below Sacramento tn the San Joaquin Valley, during May. " Broccoli may be more ex- pensive due to the limited . Spring production. The green bunches are mo11in1 in $ o o d .. J volume rrom lhe S3l!fta.s-,Watsonvllle, SalJla. Ma r·i Ii;· l'Oceano ·areas. , t Cabbaie nO! "i,s: be l ri. i harvested in Arjzona. A~ i"'f v9lume is exP¢\(ld in ~ay from Salinas v;auey and other coastal areas of Soulhei:n ·C81ifornia. Canlaloupes Will ht. !JUti(rom the vines abou.t .mid-May in 'the Imperial and Y u m a valleys. The acreage ·hiis hi!en expanded so a good supp is .• expected. I"· Carroll will be in moderate supply · during May from the Californ1a desert areas, the'n the supply shifts ~o the Salinas , Valley: Ca~Oowtr will be ·available . , , . through May but on the more ~ cxpensive,Side. The producfion :;,.·, is alm05t SO percent below last ' year. ' , .. · Celery llarvesUng is in full t 1 swing along ·th~ southern ~.al, ... ~.eµ ·,Pf, _--C,alifprni·a with ~Jk S'Jpply in May. ~~ plants are 1r1aturing rapidlf in Callfornia-W1th cui. tingi.I m Oxnard, ~ta M•m .disldcp:. Th'e voluine will pi~ up considerably when the plants 'read!. ·mablrity in the Sali.,..'VaUerj~te May, eatly lone: ,. ' ' ! 1'9rftattMllJ ari""ot ·the -chetjji varietyJn ,the Imwtal va11ey but &ir i~~ is •expected during May and a Switch to the regular round types the end of that month. SPRING GARDEN SALAD ' I ~nee package lime- navored gelatin ·' ' Cross Stitch . ~Qe.e.~ • • Inspire a girl'1.o leam cm- . broidery with these charming pets she'll cherish. E.asy -.all 8-1.o-inch er~· • stitch. Make colorful pillO\YS, pict.uret. Pattern 74.19: dog transfer·tOWx 12%"; cat ti.¥:! ~ J.131,2" I Color chart, ltey, FIFTY CENTS' '(coins) for each pattern -add 15 cents for each pattern fGt first·"class mailing' owl special handling: olhmflsel Cbiid.class deli very will talre three weeks or more. 'Send lo Aiie< Brool<s, the DAI· LY Pum'.. 105 Needlecraft Dept., Box ta, Old Chelsea Station, Ne$ York, N.Y. 10011. Print Name, Addrep{ Zip, Pattera Narober. Gia_n , new Jin N~ ~!Of•.'-. over ?.(lO designs to c~ 3 lcee ,patterns printed ·· • • Send 50 cents ilow. • • • • l!E\ll! "50 I~S.t~T GlifTS• -fabulout lllNons. t0)'8. de(Orator acct.190fjes, llQe It today , give it tomot' -J blal IW au occaskm·iO ...... "J!J. JlffJ RU.Ji" to ,'inif., --~ .... hoOlt. ~ cen1s. r · Boote d 12 Prj>e Afgllans, SO cents. .. Sarp.in! Qolll -I has 16 be1uUfuJ 5'tteral· 50 cents. M.,._ Qlllll -1-pal, . ·tern. ror lJ llQ)Orb qulll.5. 50 Cenl.4. .. Book 3. "QuUIB'lor Today'• . UYing." 15 pattel'lll. iO ....... .. ' . . ... WIENERS Hom~ IJIM,.t,. •• ,.,.,.., ••••• 12;,,.,45C '· 179 CANNED HAM """"' ...... ; ... ,.,12-n.:--' ~ . ~A;V:A; CO_FJ,E • ...... ·-··-:.. ·~-86< CATS'UP , • ...,.,..;,, ..................... 10 .. 28c ' • • t AIR FRESHNER :::";o:;:., .•••• , .......... 56~ · (REM' 01·.-,.,,. . 68' ( ' -~Coff.C-.. •••••••••• -. ,, ••. FRESlfGRADE 'A: CUT~UP Oul·Ml. toSTON ' Sl'OTIOmE . '\ ,\ 6YEAR PRICIS OOD MAY2 ,t : hru27 ' I itQOR WAX "'"""'''~ .... :;.,; ...... ,, ... aac • •' . ' \ . ., J. • GIA,NJ11li.~~-................ :· ... -.... 79.< BOURBON OLD ...... . R.E"WOOD CHIP<'"'~"'""'' ·t1t . :U · ~-Mu1th· ············"°' . Gf·ANT .Sll'V0--...... -..... ::., ..•• 79< GIANT <;ffEEi ........... -.............. 7~ GIANT DREF.T ........ , .......... : ....... 79C JO'f. LiQUID-.~: ........................ ,, .. sac ORANGE JUICE ;_.;.,"'"· ........... 69< ·MARGARINE .,,.~ .... :.: .. ~ .......... ,,, l~C CAMPBELL'S SOUP""'""'""'"""'" 16< PEANUT BUTTER "' ................... 61 c THRILL LIQUID ..................... Ha sac SPAGHETTIO'S ,.'."' ... ~ .............. " 19< SAFEGUARD BAR SOAP •. _ ...... 2oc BAND-AID Royal· Hosiess Iron Pad & Cover MENNEN ·· 'DULOFT Piu.Jy lld,se . .SHEER STRIP.S ...... k .~8 ~ VAlil-tAK. #:' y .. ~.68~ .., .. , . Anti.Perspirant ' llG.,UIDIT96~ DfOOOtrl•T . "'· 138 1.U f!All "DOUBLE DEAL" Produce Sp eci als .. ·•· . ·,., , .,.'. ' ' . " " ' ORANGES I -t '· ~ ' < •.• .s\NUT0 1ASY TONUit.nd FJll.ot Jui<a ••• • LAn CHANCE. SAYE 1.so ' • • Earfy Times :a~~ Bourbon ............ . CL. .. 1" ... mpagpe cfipt-.. 4-;r°"·•·;f!h Miller'Hilife ,,;,, .. "~ ...... 2" Clianti Wine,_,,,,. •.• "• 99c I .Beef ~!% ..... ..'.6/l1or.co~79C ' . . ' ·vodlt 'Albtmon'1 Chartlll.I 7'' G ~;11.,td •··~··f:• Holf<?"Do~ · (qnodian ~sk'1~~~~1"" 5''. . -Lemonacle1-'.; ... •~ ... 11•" ·tfiilth.toast ~: ,,.,.36c AJIPle Pie ,......;· ............ 74< P;otatoes =.!',!~~ .... 36< Bluelier,Y Pie ,,._., ·"'";79, ~~~ tream :;;;:o~.+ .. 69< Shrm, ..... ....,. ............. 111" J~eBars ..,,,...,,-l..,46• ... , ................. 6'9t.• Wu .. ,,...._. 1MH.._--..,,...... ......... ..., __ .,.-&.,......-,...:....... J. , ............................ ~ ,................... . "1, .............. .... .. 1 . . I '' ' . • -----------·----------------=-------- ----= ---~~~-------~--_,_ • •. ;j ' ,Prl1t1d Pattern , • • Cake Cut · "Ill"' ,t .:: • ~ I • -i For Par:ty . ' -I ~I ... • IAll.Y .ut: (J t' 19® IUIRI DftV® · -. 111111 IALITY 11118 ...-' ! DEl.MO.NTE -GOlDBI 00..M EOIN; EARLY GBDEN PUS/ CUT GmN liANS, 16-0Z. OR FRUR . COCllTAIL SUNNY FRESH BASKETS "EVERYDAY DISCOUNT PRICE ORANGE JUI.CE BLEND 48-0Z. BTL ·REGULAR PRICE f 9c U.S. NO. I REO McCLURE OR WHITE ROSE 4t POTATOES i 10s~G 55c ' . Vtta-Po~l lo Cal Oroll9f, ~horGmpe . Red Radishes · t:'t 9c Dril\ks ' • Ctntn:il Alrlltt.on -• ..... 3 3 9. C~·l.(ol;n (ltig, "') ut . c :Popcorn 2~~29c: PKG.· _ ... -=-.-·"'"·~ • I J I . I / Y-· -HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS = :Aspirin ..,.. Hair Spray -·Toothpaste l1p1 S.......111~ ~ Toothpaste Gl11t!Mtt ... 3~$1 of ZIO teltletl i. , ... Quart J1r 39¢ -----WILSHIRE POLISH PICKLES 12 oz. 8ottle1 6 ' 59~ FRESCA SODA POP ~ " TY·D·BOL -Rog. 91c 59¢ TOILET BOWL CLEANER FOREMOST COTIAGE CHEESE LAIGE CUID, SM.AU CUID 01 LOW CALORIE .. --:; • i>-29~ ~ PINT .•• CARTON VALUABLE COUPON Laura Sc:uddt!rs MAYONNAISE FULL 39c QUART W1TM TMIS COUf'OM -A• 11.M Ml!llll'Hlfft '11•<~1 ... Limit -l•r per COUPIM'I -en. cou'°"' rier Cl.I$-. AlcOMlk Snw-..S tlld Frftll Fluld 0.lry P~utli ""' ci,.Nfl• •«h.loHol ll'Ol'l'I mlnlmom 1111rmu. b'f 11w. Vaid •ltk lurid•'· ~., ts. ' GOOD ONLT AT IARGAIN IASICIT BLUE GINGHAM . •PEAS or • Cut Green BEANS "#303 CANS F 0 R Folgers Coffee I Lb. C1n .... 69c .2 Lb. C1n .... $1 .37_ American Beauty SPAGHETII 1 Z oz. .Cello Purex Bleach 112 Gallon DUN™' IMS ·CAKE Nabisco 99 , ·toASTETTES 3 Lb. Can ' • Rec.iular 49c: Bax GLASS CLEANER Rs":: Can Johnny Cat CAT ~!u1 b. LITTER '. U.S.D.A. GRADE "A" BAR M WESTERN STYLE TURKEY HINDQUARTERS NORTHERN FILET HALIBUT lb. 59~ SLICED BACON BULK STYLE EASTE~N GRA IN FED PORK STEAK 79~ -FBYERiRijsts 65[ _~~-~---· _uR ...... GE_R_rA_TT_._tE_s --· _s_. --~ _$2· __ • FROZEN FOODS FOREMOST PREMIUM ICE ~Gil. CREAM6t • 'ROSARITA FROZEN DINNERS eM--39' :\ ::.,-tc.-::.~ ..• , e C...., ~·llN Di11Hf SWISS MISS FROZEN .... INCH llU PIES=~~ .. C=•'""' ~ Cntn £7;.. LIQUOR DEPT. YOUR CHOICE LIGHT ' All~Y Imported .Scotch fifth ISLANDER Imported RUM Virgin Island 9uart ' KENTUCKY Straight Bourbon TOWN 86 Proof fifth LIBBY'S 0£EP BROWN PORI &. BEANS EASTERN GRAIN FED ROLLED PORK ROAST lb. PRIClS EFFECTIVE: niurs., Fri., Sat. & Sunday May 22, 23, 24, 21 Prl<n 1u~j1C1 to' 1teck on hind. WI GIVE BLUE CHIP .•. STAMPS • COSTA MESA PLAUNTIA I .. Wl1GIVE BLUE CH IP STMl,I 19th ind Pl1centlt 710 W. Clllpmaa _..__ ___________________ ... _ ..... _ w----w ~.-:~~~~-~~~~~·~-~-~·~-~~---------- ' --- ~----- WtdMtdof, Mq 21, 11)69 DAILY '"-en' Q Blue Ribbon Food Leftovers P F f B "d Tempting .: , artf are or r1 ,e 8,~~1;.:;.,~,~~~1~~ t Sprln1 ahowe.rs ~re [Ollow«I GRETCHEN'S SHRIMP. Combine water, vegetables, of chopped onion in i tab• by summer bridal ahowers ... 4 quarts water lemon, Bit and Tabasco. s~ of butter untU .t.ender . and lhere'a a. 'li\On4i!fu! new • 1 lk 1 Bring to boil. Add shrimp. Add t tea1poona of aromatic way with the <JiitW.. ~ti'" "s a s ce ery , ~ guest offi:ra tiel-7' favorite t onion, sliced Cook about 5 minutes or until bitters, t teaspoon ·bf. dry ; , j "blue·ribMn1' f~ for tbt par-1 lemOn, sliced shrimp are pink and tender. mbstard and 2 cupa finely die---~. b 4 bl It Strain shrimp, reeerving i . ed 1........... • • -. , t ty ... and 1lu~ rld~o-be totes la espoons sa ._ nan1. • home her git'\, of \hC'. ierVing 1 te.upoon Tabasco cups of shrimp atoclt', 1 Hollow out t flnn red ·~ . di!h or cooklng utensil. . S pOunds shrimp, shelled and In large skillet' or sauceP.an, . pits, fill "ltfl ham mixture., : Brides love the.kind ol prac~ develned combine shrimp stock, c'hili brush with butter and bake 30 • • tlcal presents they use every • 2 cups reserve ~Imp stock _.sauce, butter, Worcestershire mlnutes ;ln _cove~ cauerole i' , , d k ~ · t cup dill! sauce "sauce and Tabasco. Heat lQ ay, . .coo ware. serving . _..i 1 1 fl 5 bl ·d Jn "'""""-&ed 350-derrree oven j ~ ~dishes, handu utensils. And If.. cup butter simmer 811<.l e avor en , .,. .... ~ .,. . • espe<.:lally _ ro: y~ couQI~ i te.'lspoons WorcesterShire about '5 mihutes. Add $hrimp u~er and bake ~, 51 ; with 8 lfmfted ·lri&rne, daily· sauce and let simmer. Stir in cream. minutes more. Makes 6 sery. • , use kitchenware is certain to -~111~l~e~aspoon~·~"~·~~:.ibma~oco·••i~i .. i'~it 'i~i~it i~i~i;iren~t i~iii~ir'Sei'di'.•'''iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'Sii"MMiiERiBiRil DiALi'isiHiOiWiEiRiS~F~O~L~L~O~V.~S~P~R~l~NG~~S~HO~W~E~R~S~~~~~~~~~~i~np~. ~~~~·,~-+ : be most welcome. cup 51"' ... I Fine recipes are welcome, ! too. \'For the .i:tower, it's a ~lhollgHUul ide!a 'fdr each guest '. to provide ,a ;efipe to~ tqe . 1 rood she brihp. By all mea.ns . : attach your own name to. the • , recipe title ... it's a sure way : of being remerfibered fre- 1 quently. t : A d~leclable main course is • Gretchen:s Shritn"°, .a hot en-~ lree that1CQIDblheS the shrirDP ' with celery, onion, lenfOn and ! Tabasco, served in a piquant • cream .faltff over slices of : French bread . • Coleslaw '· always_ is a ~ "''elcome sight on the buffet. .. ,, and Sandy's Party Slaw is a : deluxe ven.ion. German cooks · have a masterly hand with . cabba1e. !pld this slaw recipe is 1nade German style .. .it • combines gretn and red shred- ded cabba1111,~I~" • hint bf'garnc nd sOuf creaffi. : IntQ this mix e, ~. goes "Tabasco. ; A sponge cake ~arnished ~ \\'ith whippe~C"am and , ; strawberries provideS a rous- : ing finale to the mtal ... and of . 'course the engaged girl totes home the pretty rooted platter. ; These may be the basic • recipes ... and your own guests • will want t<l fill in with their • own favorites. You 'can !Se sure ltle bridal belle v.•ill love 1 • toting home all the practical • kitchen goodies as \veil as the ; splendid recipes. Tbe Feast· and-Tote ·shower is just the • kind of party a young couple ; will remember with pleasure ~ and gratitude. SANDY'S PARTY SLAW I small green cabbage I small red cabbage , 1 cup ( ~~ pint ) sour creani 1 1/3 cup milk 3 tablespoons wine vinegar l small garlic clove, crushed (optional) t teaspoon celery seed i1i teaspoon Tabasco 1A teas~n salt -' S~ 1ei.15bage finely. In largl! bowl , combine sour cream, milk, wine vinegar, garlic~ celery seed, Tabasco and salt.'· Toss finely shred dl¥! cabbage with sour creafl dressing. Chill for 'h hour arj:I serve. Yield : 8 to 10 servings. Choose Casserole For · N1'enu 1 ' Spring is ·great for the mind and spirit but deadly on the supper schedu)e, Late sunsets and miid'"·evtnings keep lhe family scurrying here and there. To pick the perfecl ealing hour woUld take computer· type calculations. There is one salvation, however, the casserol~. •A s sist ed by canned ', macaroni and cheese, one can ,· whip together a casserole in nothing flat, then store it in : the refrigerator unUI the Hnal ; count down. . Another casserole plus, 1s that it sta,ys warm in \he oven : so stragglers can' h e I p ; \themselves when their lime is • Tight. ,' A nice spring casserole that • is not only convenient but tas-1 ~ ty, is. Salmon and Macaron · Bake. Chopped parsley. lemorl· : juice, crushed garlic and dill • .give real zjp to•this fish and ! macaroni combo. · ' ; Instead of the usual salad, , fix a reli~h tray or cold • asparagus speafs, c h e r r y '·tomatoes and deviled eggs. Your family can pick and ~ choose as they wish. ~ SALMON AND • MACARONI BAKE : 2 cans (15 ounces eacr) • macaroni & cheese : I can (7~4 ounces) salmon, .. drained and naked -: J labfelJ)OOn c )I. 0 p p' d pan;ley - 2 teaspoons lemo~ juice r . I medium c I o v e gafhc, eru1hett ''4 lea~ dried dJIJ leaves, crushed, · f. 6 thin cucllmber s1i"'9 f. Paprikl'- Jn shallow baking dish (10ltix2"), comhine ·a1 In- gredients e1cepl cucUrmbtr aod paprika. ovet 1ap cucumber slices dawn center of dish. Sprinkle with paprika. Bake al 400 de~ F. for J5 _.minutes. Makes 4 Juvlois. ' I OLD FASHIONED.SLAB BACON I Y IME "ECE, SWCET SMOKED ClJ~ED ·*·-·'. ........ -........ _ •. , ... , CENTER CUT SLICED SALMON HOFFMAN'S -SMOKED FULLY COOKED , HAMS SHANK HA(F ~BUTT 59• ' PORTION .... lb c lb LEAN PORK SPARERIBS FROM LEAN WHOLE OR IY THt PtECE 6 51 •• ······--···"···-··'""···--···-··--· ......... . MEATY EAST· 6 I C ERN PORK MEDIUM SIZE lb. C & H·SUGAR LIMIT ONE 5 LI. IAG u -n r I I I ' "'" '"' '""'°" 4 5C I lWJl' I COUPON P'lt J.Olllf CUSTOMfR, I OFUI GOOD W.Y 22 l1i•UMAY21 I ~~-~~~~~-J ma wr VAWABLE COUPON FACIAL TISSUE LADY scon-1.IMIT 2 -~ ma_yfair Ddiea.tt&sc.n. o~'~"" ~~o~Q ,~,~~ T~ ~.~'. 3 ~ $ 1 r:;------• lo.I HEN or TOM lf -~. IVORY LIQUID l TURKEYS '"' l GIANT SIZE DETERGENT-LIMIT 1 u I . ii-!, r:1o~~J .F~-~~-~-~·-·····-· ........................ 55' ARDEN CHEESE FOOD AMI~, ~""1S~ 4"' INOIVIOU ... lLY w•Ml'e-0 SU(ES ................................. , .. PIMIENTO, e oz. ., - ,1, fRESHFOOZE N :.~~ i~ I '\ ~" "" ""''°" 3 f C I! ,y YOUNG 3 I c llMll l COUPON rt• Pt UMP lb :.~ 1 \ ~~~l: ~~~~~i 11 MEATY .... M"'""' -• ' ~ C" I 1HRUM .. Y1& I t ~ l~~~:~~-----------~--------------J FRESH LIVER SAUSAGE , o< 39' OR BRAUNSCHWEIGER .10 01.-... -.... -•.. ot''"'°~" WILSON'S TAMALES Pk9 .,,, •Sc Ol..v.cl ~ SSc ,,,, cf8 ti( HEBREW NATIONAL KOSHER SALAMI ~~;~:~~~~'-·. i1oz.$1 .09 PILLSBURY CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES'"·"•·---............... 45< PILLSBURY Ci~NAMON ROLLS wi lh ICING n 01 ........................ JS. ' ARDEN INST. ,~ BREAKFAST • • jt,' -~ 6 COUNT P~G. ASSTD, FLAVORS ....................... .' ............... .. ~ti ~·t ~,ilkfil\ LARCii , .~oG . , 815llUICK ... '·: .... -I -'O oz. PAC~E ....................... M ........................................ . , 9 ;: -:: '• ' !!!,~!,!1 !!.CK . ... .. . ...................... 4Y.$1 3 ICE CHEsJ-99c !~.!~RE~.~~~~~~~111~~ .......... 6i$1 GOTHAM SIYROFOAM 300UAR1 MORTON SALT ---m!rnfair Frozc.n. Food. PLAIN., 1ooiz•0-a.oz. ...... .. •. 10' :~~~~::~E~ROZEN ':,~'..& bRS1 ~~Y.!!:~~J~~~ ...... 4i$1 SPINACM.CHOf'PEO.,.,f ... , PRESERVES !ITRAW!ER;R'I' 5nc PEA~. CUI CO~N .......................................... ,. APRICOT-Pll'IEAPPlE '7- lADY'S CHOICE 2 LB. JAR .................. ,_ ............................. , O.RANCiE JUICE MAY,R[Sli 'llOZO• 60l. (AN .... , ... POTATOES ~;!; )' 11 MEAT PIES '""'" )' 11 O•f IDi\ Hi\$H lllO\YN --f Vi\N [)f KAM~ I OZ. ~ !l:;l (f.! .• " f 41§1' D<Wtg Sp~r ARDEN ICE CREAM i'<IGM QUi\llTY H•lf Oi\UON .................. ~ ....... -•... -..... .,_, .. , .............. ____ _ 59c DOUBLE BUDDY JUICE BAllS .... '..'.~~·~ "" 3CJ' m!mlair Liquors BOURBON ROY Al OCCASJON I 0 YEARS OlD 86 PROOF 5 3~~ 54!.? I !,!!l!l!_F_!_!~~~-"" $ 319 !~J.'!!! ~"°":._ "'"O•C $1095 ~L~,l!t'!,~~~!~ -···----$ 222 - ... 59' ~~~!;, f g~N~~~L LB. CAN ..............•..... 6 7( GRAPE JELLY lAOY'S CHOICE 2 l B. JAR ..................... . GREEN GIANT NO.'" tfl(t1!N ~l1Cf0&,•£NCl1 4' s1 (Ul G~[[N lf i\N5 a WHOLE KE•Nll COllN , ...... ,..... • NO CHECK CHARGE FOR CHECKS WRITTEN IN THE AMOUNT OF THE I PURCHASE fll':! ATMAYFAIR ... llP!OOW~W l1fJifJ Van de Korn p's • SPECIALS Tk11n.-Sun., May 22·25 Ptanut 8utttr 33C Coffee Calle ... 10y.,, Apple Pie ... ., ....... -69C ~::: ".ut.... . '" 59c WW'JlllOO!OOWW" ADVERTISED PRICES EFFECTIVE 7 FULL DATS~THURS., MAY 2J " thru WED., MAT 28 MAYFAIR MARKET -175 EAST 17TH STJlEET, COSTA MESA HOFFMAN I OZ. PKG. l!M!T TWO ~i ,i\;1hfl1/;1!11;1 :I!l<•lll~·lil--- -, /. CARROTS CRISP TENDER 1-LI. PKG. llM.IT TWO Wlfl( t1flS COl.t'dN llM-lf 1 COUl'OM 'f' .-ioutr CtlSIOMU, 0"£1 G<X>0 MJ.Y 22 THlllJIAAY21 u 2030 West 1st Street, Santa Ana 9892 Westminster Avenue, Garden Grove -• .... , • - " lT 1 .. C.OtbooE Series lllAll1 BEACH, FloridJ - "Jt ,...,, thll there WC!ft just a lol ct .. w thlnp It. . see. ~ to f' Or'Jl"W poGplt to ·m11t. It wun't:tthe· biJ'thil\is lbal meaot ao mud...-' but,.11 1111 lltlle thlnp like tl1< oew focMll I'd never tasted before. ..Y--~-example, turtle sour ," Dorothy C1therlne ' ' D I d ' • ADIUt~ the reigning 1t1lss U.S.A. confided dur ing one of tbt tut stops of her year-long tour " ,\lnerica. " "It's not that my tastes have chan&ed so much. I still don~ llke peppery things, bul I've learned what 1 didn't like. l've been inti'oduced to so many new foods 1 oever_k:new ezilted. I've had a real variety U.S.A . ol eiperieocea loodwlae dllrlac the· tour. NEW EXPERIENCE ··For example, the other-day rn San Frlncisco. I had presa- ed duck witli Miss ·Ollna In Soln frdeisCo . The ciu$ 'Was modi· Joto sand1'il!let '"5ing Peking r<IJ• Jflal rounds of ·~ filled wtuti sliced, cook- ed· duck, tokled over into halt circles and steamed before serving piping-hot). "Along with CantoQCSe tea and almond cakes, it was a rfl&I authentic Chinese me@)," Didi said glancing at the notebook she has kepl to log her experiences. ••we dined at lhe !mperlal Palace, bul more astoonding was "lbe fact tha\ the girls spoke different dJalects and couldn 't un· TASl"E S HAVEN'T CHANGED Dorothy C•therine Anstett ' I d<rstand -alher," Tiie oc-ct WubJncton to"-Ille· Into nower.t.. cuion was the J 11 t e. r .. Miss·USA" contest ~-fUt· <MB anau red onlon, cut lo Chinatown be•uly contool, Ille. She hails from ~· rlop explalntd. w..i.., where her -· Mr. lmoU carrot, peeled, araled She praised lhe gleen turtle and Mrs. Francis Anslttt live Groen pepper chopped steak ol Florida. "I had mver with her elght brotbera and Reel ptppu, ~illlo ·alripl had thal before. ll'• very sisters. She partjculirly prajJ. Large bead blbb ·~ much like a breaded veal «blhe culinary talenll ct her Large bead lctbers li\luce cutlet Jn appe .... nce." mat.ernalfiranc:tmGCtW, Mrs..· 1' tll>lspoona olive oil The only tillllll sht ilidll't Gonion fiw who exceb In I lab*-Jenliin-jillae like was a wilted spfuach cooiing venilon,. • ~ teupoqn dr,,• tmlltard salad in Denver. "l't was blade "rm ·F~ and Jrilh on Salt, pepper to taste with bacon. l i"" don't happen botb sides ct lhO house so I Rub salad 'bO,rl wllll cut to like crisp things so I sup-gue'S! it's1'nltura1 that I love a~ic. Tr tin c&ullnower, pose it depeods upon your· clleele!'t..-She hid a fondness ardin& thick Malts. tastes," she said, her brown !Or French food and had her Add flowerttl, onion rings, eyes softenlq.. "But the Den-first sample of snailJ durint • ca-mt, lf'flln pepper and ver strawberries wue marve--dinner date while she was in crispened blbb and kleberJ let- lous, fixed With kirscb, supr college. tuce &o l8lad bowl. Toss'sligb&. and a UlUe twist of lemon." During btr br~ stay In New ly, cjllll ...U. LOVF.S HAM York, she lunched 'at Pierre'•, Just before strvinc prepare The best·in·fare, she ~ an elegant East S l de dressing using olive oil, lemon was still tbe smoked ham restaurant (not the hotel), and Julee, mustard, salt and pep. she'd first mentioned during · gloried in sampling the pate. per. Toss lightly to Rrve «. her initial meeting with this de fois de maison, escargots, a PIERRE'S ESCARGOT writer last December in New nipPY. cheese souffle and a nlb-PJ\OVENClLE York. "I Joye the flavor of the ble of freab strawberry Cini ol aaaill (eontalna . bomecured hams they smoke cheesecake! <:ibout 't ih. dozen snails) in W!n~. ~.C.'' "J've.gaioed a llUle weight,"· 'It pound sweet butt.er "I still don1t like too hot she satd proudly, "but onJy % finely minced sballot . seasonin~ although the hot because 1 haven't ·eurciaed u One clove garlic, pressed horseritd.iah sauce served on .J usuaUy do. I'm not as solid l teaspoon minced fresh tl\e crabs we had in Houston ai I llke to be." Didi ls an tarr:afl!l (or preserved tar· was superb. I like MexlCan outdoor butt and particularly ragon found in tarragon food, but it all depends upon likes to ski. vinegar, rinse well before hoW it's prepare~." How does she feel about chopping) Didi picked ugli -that's a returning to1<her normal way Salt, freshly ground pepper cross between a giapefruit of Hie? to taste and an orange -and 'tried to "Of course, there will be a Dash of A·l sauce collect recipes whenever she calculated let down," she said. Drain snails; rinse snails could. She seemed to find tbe "It's been fun t r av e I i n g 3.!"d shells caref~y under run- food in the South most arop.nd the country·associating rung ~ater; draip both well on memorable. with all kinds of people from absorbent paper. "I had a marvelous oyster show biz types to teenagers. Solt.en butter. Add sha1lot, sauce in North Carolina but After. the high level of ez-1arUc, parsley, tarragon, salt, couldn't get the recipe. I can citement, tbue'a, bouDll to be pepper and A·l sauce. Plact a tell you bow it's made thpugh. a let down but J'U be-glad to dab of escargot butter in each You shell the oysters and get,. back to '·school and my shell. Stuff each shell w:lth drunk them in the sauce made family." Didi who was unde-snail, seal opening with more with butter, Vinegar, Tabasco cided careerwise when she em-butter mixture. and tomato sauce. It's great!" barked on the tour, now plans Place snails on escargot pan Didi sometin)es stayed with to finish her edt.icatlon and (or metal pan). Bake in famille' !t' smal,ler towris dur-prepare to teach mentally re-preheated 500 degree F. oven ing her ,Junket. "'In Florida 1 tarded children. ~-3 ~utes (or until the ~tter stayed wJth a Greek Orthodox "People have been 50 nice to IS !izzling). Run under broiler family, Nho had a supper me even when they didn't before serving at once with dance and served a Greek know about the title." On May French bread. Serves!. salad made with feta cheese 24, Didi will relinquish her PIERRE'S CHEESE (s alty white goat cheese) crown in Miami during the SOUFFLE which was great. "Miss U.S.A.'' 8 ea u t y 4 tablespoons sweet butter "I've learned to eat chopped Pageant, which will be televis-4. tablespoons flour chicken liver with a passion ed on CBS. Pinch white pepper after I had it in Miami and in Recipes from Didi, who can ~ teaspoon salt New York . When I got into toss a mean salad, and her 2 dashes cayenne Fort Lauderdale, I went out favorite French. f~ from Pinch ground nutmeg and bought a whole pound at a Pierre's follows: 4 eggs separated 'deli.' " she giggled. DIDI ANSTE"ITS 1h: cup grated Parmesan EDUCATION INTERRUPTED TOSSED SALAD cheese The pretty coed interrupted 'h clove cut garlic Melt butter over _ve~ lo~ her schooling at the Univenity Small head caulifJowe(, l.1Jl heat, gradually stirring 1n nour. Cook strirring over low heat until smooth and thick. Add seasonings and milk. Cook, sUrring over low hut until thick and smooth. ',., Beat eu yolks until thick and lemon colored ; add tO ,. c o o I e d white-' .sauce with J Parm~11an cheese. Beat egg whites until very stiff but not dry; lightly fold into the yolk-cheese mixture. I . e one? Lightly butter a straight-sld· td souffle dish, shake a little nour over bottom of dish. Fill no more than 11/t full. Bake in preheated 350 degrees F. oven f<r 15 minutes; increase heat to 450 degrees, bake 10 min- utes longer. Serve at once. Serves 4. (Cl Ifft, ~~. Ill(. Vegetables • • Use this .coupon and save on the Sup·erior Fluoride Toothpaste. { Tn a large skillet heat 2 tablespoons oil. Add I quart slk:ed celery, cut into l·inch pieces; I pound thinly sliced fresh zucchini and Y: pound thinly sliced fre:sh mushrooms. Saute for 10 minutes. stirring frequently. Reduce heat and add l tea· spoon instant onion powder, o/t teaspoon sail. ~ teaspoon poultry seasoning and .l dash ground black pepper. Cover and simmer 15 minutes longer or until celery is just crisp. tender. J! veget'ables appear dry wbile simmering,. add a bit of water. Yield: ' to a servings • Tim ely Hin t When cookin& with cheese, lime and temperaturt can make the difference between a really appefWng dish and one that's just not so good-- for even the be!t of cheese,,· c11n become tough and stringy ir C<!Slked too long or at too hlf,h a temperature. Illu si on If 1 room Is broken up by loo many doors, windows and beams . try painting ever.J thtng including woodwork the same color, for 1 unified look. Another way to minimize defects ill to cover walb and ceilln1 in a small all-over patterned wallpaper. BOAT BUFfS ' Al1t1•11 lM~•N, t. ffl• e11ly *'ill·tllM ""~ •tla. • .,.1 .. , ... .., ._,,.,., ln Or•11t1• C.•llfy. Hla ... ch1thi• c • .,.,.,. •f •••+- Int •114 y•cll+fnt 11ewt It • 4•11y f•et.re •f flt• DAIL V PILOT. • WtdnrlCWy, Mil 21, l 969 ,lLOT.I ' I ' ' ,. . . . -mi;s. t1Yu Sill, May·22 lhru 2S P1ices Effetti"M ii Ucenitd ' .. , Seagras;n s 7Crown$ 39 ' Blended American Whiskey 11 86 H1 Proof B11lon ·I Ohl Quaker Bourbon fine Quality $419 American Y1111skeY -80 Proof tilth flftl $3 2' flltl $4" tiltl $2" fllll $2" flttl •329 1000 Bayside Dr.-Newport Beach 24 Mona r ch Bay Plaza-South La9una ' ' • PILOT ·~OVERTISElt 1~~·29« ' Bel·Alr SWeetened Of Natural. The Perteet Morning Juice • To Perk Up Yoor : 'Mwle family~ 5 FOR '1 .00 BUYS! . ~·~Air ......... O••llty ~~ . a.1 .. Afii 'Pi1•I•• ~ •.Cnn 1t11t:~:::;,.'.:'~• lnct1H S,.art 1:0:'." •l t; • lr.uels s,nm ~: •.c.rl ... 1:,:- Asparacas = ~ . French .Fries ir;.:: Co' rn 1"" r,. ..... • c.tDoped ·~ • '*y" c .. t;~~ .. ,, .• IJiuj Y11tt1$bl111':.: "' I' .,,-ft0ltol4L)Ol ""'~~.'1 ! our . ~ -~ · r.our .~ ·· , l,!~~ce·! · I~:.,_,,,,,,.~ '.. --~~!!!!, . _ for · Nlblets Manor House Van Di Kamp Corn · ft1"eat Pies Enc11Hadlis USDA Grade I Quall~ •msliW • nilehl • ' • Whole leis · , I fr)ff IOISb lb. 1!1JJb.' • Amtrican, cheese or Chitkm, tint afld Cat . · uslli Clllce Beef • f~I Ce11lr Ci1 lloilf • Fam111 Sfeak1 IL • Swiss Sleaks ... ' . ' r ., · ·-·Pork S eaks··= , : ·Rump Roast.... . or . , U.S.D.A. Choice Beef Fresh Rib End 'Pork c11ops· 79 C ! . Bone·in Roast 99c lb, Tender and flavorful Ill. ' ' ' Fresh Spareribs \~ 11.79' Bo I l R ....... T ... 89' ne es,· oast ~~f"~ ~~79' .!:' .~ ..... 79' ' Wiii tlllin ... ~ 'Round · Roast ;:..:,.":":.'tt.'. 981 '"' 11~ 99' l , . c~~sur l), , . ~~c~ "'· ~j Fresh Brisket i:i~··. 11.98'. ~~~~791 !. ' Sliced Bacon Miuio..or ;.,.590 Iowa F1m11 •tr, ' j 'Jltra· aeanlng Purex . lucem1 Sour Cream r:.i .::::. 49' Sour Half & Half = .::::. 39' Lucem1 Yot11rl ::: 5 ;: 11 Luceme Salads = .::::. 33' Bl·scult1 ~-:~=~ Jack Chffll r::.--::.:•.: MlldChH11 :== ..... 9' MO .. 79' .. 79' Safeway Garden Hoses %''xl0-fl. He .. ::w~ 1/1''xSO.ft. HoM ~ton .. Y1''xSO·fl. HoM :=-1ootM V1''lllMt. HOM ~lllUll ~ '5" ., ... ..... Skylark .Diet Bread ~~:~,.~29c l-l.1$N Addtd "" Hot Dog Buns ;:,i!t"'" Fresh Donuts !::.':' ~' ~3' :Ii 39' SllFEWllY EKTHll Vlll llES 5 ~!· '1 Ultra Brite THt~ ,_., llk Ott i..t INlt1 llitl Giw& Ytw lloutll S.1 ....... Diallt Pl'bcl. lli•IL 71• ~ Tok t1.7. Bayer Aspirin ~":.".:.::" ~-; • 1 n 'Ir~ G...-m & Clean r:::-.. :::-76' "I.:• Q. Tips ~~ ~:-~ .~ ~ 59' ':?n'rr Mlcrln Mouthw••h :: ::: •.t.0 "lrJ!' ' Ban Spray Deocloraat !:' .7t• ':11!' . laflny Flm bflh(l1 I , ..... ,,_ ...... ,... ...... ..., .... ... --.............. '1" CX.IJ1PC w aUGPC NI MHlt Fiio: Mii ......... ... -.&- PeltrtW -Alll u II I l:MI' • 11:1 nl • SUIYB RillSI I:;::"_ ',\: 691 '.:.'/' Gleem Toothpasla I'.:', •::-471 "J. .. ': ... 851 'l!l' ,1::-491 'I.,. Suan Shamooe ~..::-.1:. ·~ 591 ':.\" Binmo Saltzar :::.'!::" Cam.: GilJ !'Ills 3 =-~::. • 114~ 'I!.."' Hlir. SICIJ, :=.."':..,. I Gol .... lltnMll Just Butter And E1t ••cv V1l1ada1 s ... 1 And JlicJ. Tan 1•ffl ,,,.. Haw.ii N1t11•11 Deficlous ' . S·.~,29' 3·. ! "'19' -., . ' ' ' 8~99' --49« Ca"-p :-.=: ::;,. .. 11 Pippin Apples t:.,"' 4 .... 59' Gree11 Beans =.;\lll,,L 29-Watermelons ~ .. -=.,, .. " .. 10' Carrots ::: ... '"' 3;;, 29' Artichokes :::::-:'i 49• 01io1s ~ .. , 3 ~ 291 Spinach i::~::;,,. 2 .::t. Jt LET'S GET GROWING AGAIN ! • 211 l 171h SI., Costa Me~ 1000 Bayside Dr:, llewport Beach 24 Monarch Bay Plaza, So. lltuna 636 N. Coast H_wy., Laount &e.cii Santa An1 Freeway af La Paz, Mission VieJo Fairview Ave & Wiison Sf. • • ------ I ' ' j • • ! -. . .. -... ~ ... ... --· ------ --~- .. LADYSCOTI FACIAL TISSUES SAVE 1 s• OFF THE REGULAR PRICE OF THE pURCHASE OF 2 PACKAGES 200-COUNT TISSUES G~od Only at ST ATER BROS. GoodWeekotMAY 22·28 LlMIT ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER~~~ IONlU:SS • . U.S.D.A.-CHOICE OR ST ATER BROS. CERTIFIED BEEF LB. ·u.s.D.A. CHOICI OR ST ATER IROS. llEF 5 9 c CHUCK STEAK ................ LB. ' BEEF STEW .. u.89< CORNED "BEEF ROYAL BRAND U.S.D.A. CHO.ICE BONELESS BRISKET 79! . ' W1dntsday, May 21, 1%9 --PJLOJ·ADVUTISEJ!' 9 PORK . LINKS FARMER JOHJ'I , SKINLESS HALF.Lii. PACKAGE RUMP ROAST u:s.D.A. CHOICE OR STATER BROS. CERTIFIED BEEF . . . c 29E!. 87tB. GROUND . B,EEF SLIC,E~ BE-F ROAST BACQN FRESH-LE/IN U.S.D.A. CHOICE MORRELL YORKSHIRE DELICIOUS OR STATER BROS. 1 ·LB. REQUU.R GROUND HOURLY CERTIFIED BEEF OR 2-LB. THICK 57~. GRAPEFRUIT LARGE FANCY DESERT SWEE? . ,. PUDDING R<CH·RONI • 29' BAVARIAfll ""--·---·-"·· b \0 -0L . PORK & BEANS HuNT i ......•........... ~.0.',~ 25' NABISCO TOASTETTES :gs;; ..... c. 45' MORTDNS~LT :6~:~.&~ ... -...... 26·0Z.13' '-' -._, --· -· STAT•••llO .'•c,.,, ...... _ STATH1 • SHELF P'PER "0 •uGs 59' -~-~ · c:-· --s. 7.DA Y VALUE " .. ·,--c. ~.. •cs, 7·DAY VAW "' MllADY _ .. ,, ___ ...... ,_,_PKG. . ~ BAR SOAP w"'" "'° 7' WESSON'S . 1 vETs·ooG'Fob'i>'C1i;ii~1~:3 ;~::G21· MA YO 5 49c . BUG KILLER r.~\,',o . ___ "' 39' . N NA I E .. QUART JAR :. HOUSE &GARDEN ~~6',,lltR . 14-0Z. 79' DfLMONTE 5 $ l :~mt ............ 260UNCl 69' CATSUP 14-0Z.BOTTLE............................... FOR I DUPONT SPONGES ........ ""'39' BUBllEBATH c • ORANGES LARGE FANCY SWEET VAl!NCIA' CAT FOOD '"'"' soms 2 37' M 6 9 SUPER CLEA,NER~'~,i~'·~--1:1~: 'I" R. Bu BBL E 28 OUNCE c LBS. TOMATOES 1g~~i~~.~ ....... IZ!22'c'~~ 31' . ................ • ~ EXTRA FANCY TOMATOES ~Pt~V'u°.~~-~ .......... ,g~ 25'i~35c BEEF . LIVER• CHICKEN PEACHES :~f: ......... -....... _ ............ POUND29' fJt~~~~l~~~~~T~~ ... ,,. f:~; DOG FOOD ~~ig~~~SROUNDS LARGEEXTRA·FANCYTENDER 3 29 CONTADINASLBABYTOMATOES m1~31' SWEET CORN c CONTADINAPIZZAMIX '""'~'45' CHALLINOEORAOEA ................. EARs coNrADINABREADcRuMes .. ~~~33'-LARGE EGGS 3 9 9 c LAIGIFIUHTENDUCllSP 3 29 us NO 1 SWEET CHUNK LIGHT TUN.A ''""''l.L'"l ll• (~··. 311 D CARROTS ................ ~~~-c BROWN ONIONS4"s29" SOLIDLIGHTTUNA ...... ,,, .. ,,, . ·.;-~ 43' .............. OZ. '?"°!" '?O«t 'Vat ' .lum1.1ut1-t1. ~~;~;;~~E ~~~i~''.:·::·:··:: ,.,:~·:;;. DoRIVEDEEAL•T•c•AEoE RG ENT 73 C ...... ~-_ c·o-FF ... E. E MAGICFROSTING e&,, ........ IJo,.25· GIANT ·~"""""'"""'M" '°°'BAGS 4 $ .... , C&H SUGAR eowo"'° 2 3 ' ............................. . ,.. VEGETABLES . 0" 8'0WN --.............. ' lB 5 DITIRGENT DEAL PACKAGE WESTPAC ........... BAGS APPLESAUCE BLUE 25' 5 9 &A'8Y'i'.1MAs ____ ,,~.,89'cilrwAxeEANs .... 29' 69' PEANUTBUTTER~:.:::·~::~91 · VIM TABLETS c u"K41'iUN'S"'_"._,_ -"~' 89' ruo'Gsli:'LrS"" --.... 29' 1-LB. POPHIIT CEREAL ~::~.· ......... ' Ol 23' I ............... GIANT ""'"""'"" ·. 3 89' '-'"""" --·5· S MIXED NUTS tl~~l'.~~'' ........... '""' 55' COLD WATER ALL '"o 1.45 LIQUID AllouART 79' FINAL TOUCH .. ,,.od 5' DISHWASHER Alb o.oz.47' GREEN BEANS . --'" MEAT PIES ""·--, ., 1 FAB IMPERIAL RINSO ......... or.13' All ......... or. 77' DOV£ LIO .. noz 59' WISK LIQUID or. 75' PHASE Ill , 2BArn 49' <AlllA'""' ' · 6 9 C MARGARINE 3 7 C BREE1E ... GT 87' FLUFFY All 3-LB. 83' LUX LIOUID n oz 59' LUX SOAP . 2 AEO. 23' LIFEBUOY 3 BARS 59' SOLE RLLEl·S .... . '·"-·········· ":~;~• 31 c · TOMATOES ~~,'::,', .... _ ............. <:0 Z.% 37' ."/. · • ...... , PACIFICTREATS r.MC<IRS ......... ILB.39' :. ' FRUIT COCKTAIL DOClS ..... ~oz;, 43•'./, MARY l lt.ACKftRIV -····· S9c GLORY SPRAY fOAM " STRAWllU't ---67c CLEANER'"" .. ""'"-·" 2•-oz s1sa1, ELLEN PLUM ...... -·--···-•St JOHNSON 'S FAVOR JAM •:;~Ti·-·-·-"'' . . .............. '"°'·'I• 20.0< :,""''"' ........... 59c SUN COUNTRY ~;l;,~~\,. ........ t.o< 58' 5 14-0Z.$1 CANS 11•0.0UCT .&SST 3 SJ f:OlDK1$T CREAMPIE$ __ "" BEEFSTEW ......... _,,,,, 29' t.,.;OUll 39c 1-0lO~l~I DINNERS.u1._ ,,.oz. CHICKEN 1;Nocous -· 11 01 29c ORANG'EJU11CE_. 4 •ot SJ STROGANOFF 6 0~ 49c AUll0,,11.Ullbt'l'lOH••Y 3 9 FRUIT PIES~=:~'. ....... _ .•. ,.. ' lt0\0~,Sl 49' t.Uff,f,TlOH • ·CHICKEN ;';'J.\; ...,, FISH STICKS ___ ,." 89' CAL''"'' 11' MU.t •TUN4 5 I LEMONADE t.Lf.~ -'"'-MORTON PIES _.. "" 1 Mo11rott·~ ~o oz :19; 2 Aftc •u EX<:E!'ts11111M~ 3 MACMONl oc"u". o-ot't>I. MOITONOINNERS ,, . .,. 9' CAl F.tMI 4 s1 llOV!ftl-COOIOfl 4 s1 ORAlfl!E lUICE -'"' FISH ntct1s -.... pfMl1 CLIJM,SIL CUAIASIL ~'--•Ol(.t.l!Off ~:ni". •·OZ. 3' .•s-01. 73' 1 1.oz. 89« COL,An 100 MotJot.'i\'ASH 11.or. '1'' 'fl/<41f' & go~ //uu __: L-'PT.1«4 SUAVE HAIR SPJIAY . SUAVE SHAMPOO NORMAL-DRY 5 9 C REGULAR 5 9 HARD TO HOLD OR EGG ( 1l-OUHCI • 16 -0UNCE cu s •• _. " .. -IMO FOOD SLICEDlllElllEANSM-• ,..tf --2~ -StlKi GR&MIEm = ~ . ., ..... T ..... PICKLED SLICED BEETS....... ~26' 3 SMALL WHOLE BEm .. _,. "28' 9 C DICED BEETS _.. ..11<16·02. .!!!! OIL VAIOUISH PURIFY TOOTH PASR --TAILfTS "'0UfM.W•M 6 4'1: 9 C, (OlGA Tl Dl4L •. 't3i' .or,,' ~~·o 83· ll:a· • ,t:'"• ~~~!'o',. 76' . ~ SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE 7•FULl DAYS. THURS. THRU WED .. MAY 22nd-21th ' 1410 w. Lh1eol11, A11oheh11 15:2 Wtst111h1iter ll•d .. W•rit1IMNt 2564 W. 1..-.ay.,,/.11ohelm 1<4Z12 Ml11~ ""~ Wttrtt1., 21 eo N...,_tt 11\od., Cotto Ml'lo 1100 L CtlllM, Ornge 707 W. 1 M St .. C .. hl M•• ·· • Z•lo 14111.., St., S...hl Au •ltl Chopm111 Affllu•, Gord.111 Gr•" ( • . . ' . •-' ' . . ... .. . . .. -........ . . :a::L :llC:JL.& • f l'llOT·ADVEl!TtS[R L Wt<fn<sd1y. MlY 21. l'l69 t l!RICES end' COUPON S EFF~IVE . . THURS; thru SUN., MAY 22. 23 , 24, 25 \ f BOZEN FOODS U.S.D.A. CHOICE STEER BEEF R·ouN·D STEAK .=~·= ...... ~~'.:.•t.: · . ~DD SHllMP , , , n:,. 6•rfN1'1 ..... 4.1" • ii11H PUM ••• , •'•,. fltt. ION. IN C•rl1•ti.. l••Dl, 59' • cot "um ...... "•· ku,.rt'1 frl•d--H11! '11 fit Sf' SOU PU.LITS • • 12-01. Pk9. C ·Lp.rt'1 Frl14-H11t '11 E1t · 55' ~ PllCN Pluns., ll·IL Plt9 .• C.1111tlo111 2-lb. 95c PtsH SllAIS ••••••.• Plt9. Ko,.Hd. 8 ""'· 89' HIP STIAIS • • St11k1 FRESH SEAFOODS Sliced lt11tll1lll p•• 95• SWOIDPISH · • ,, , , , ,, • lb. Fr11h fillth 1f ptr 98' DOYll SOLi ••• , , • , •• lb. IONEUSS ROUND 105 Fr.do w .. t1r11 10-n 79' STEAK OYSTllS • , • , , ,, , , •• , J1r · •• , , , .. , , .. ,, , , , , , LI. Fr11h R.1i11b1w Ei ch 39• IONELESS TIOllT, Mi11. Wt. 1·11. Fi1h . STEW BEEF . .. . . .. . .. . . . . 81.! 'TENDEl·LU .. -LEAN. JUICY IONELESS 39 CORNED 89' BREAKFAST STEAK ....... 1 LI. ROUNDS.... .. BONELESS BOITOM U.S.D.A. CHOICE MEATS SIRLOIN TIP, CUBE, TOP ROUND BONELESS STEAK RUMP ROAST ROUND · ROAST BONE 87C IN lb MELON CUT RUMP 9 8. C ROAST ................. • 15 IONEUSS· EYE OF ROUND . 139 ROAST ................... LI. , LI. sliAiC' ~~. ~~~~.~ ......... 1 ~~ LB. • • Wod""4lY, MlY 21, l'l69 DAil y l'UT 17. TllUlllWT ~T -.J --,- SUNNY VALLEY GRAD.EA .. LARGE FRESH ' DOI. VITA-PAKT ORANGE BLEND 6ftc JUICE ....... 4.'iit 7 · . DOWNYFlAKE FRENCH 3 '1 00 l 'OAS. T 12-oL •• , . . . Pi 91 . . MORREL'S YORKSHIRE 59c SLICED BACON .... :~:.. . . . H1ASHES BROWNS .... 3 ~k~;. 51 . . . ALL GRINDS 65 l.O.LGER'S COFFEE ~~~~ c ·P-rodiiee Depl. Speeials-·'-'----.. . Pltliwl~ ' BANQUET BEE~~~CKEN.TURKEY . LARGE, SOLID HEADS . c . : VEGETABLES . PIES LETTUCE...... EL 2~\;2t~r~~1s~ RED, RIPE, SWEETI WA TERMEL.ON .... • l , SPRINGTIME -FIRST OF THE SEASON c FLRUITLADSRINKS ... 4 4t~ •1 00 • LI. FLRUIT COCKTAIL 5 f;~! '1 00 •• DOW LIQUID .. CLEANER PALMOUVI LIQUID DETERGENT c ·PEACHES MAOIO • . 4 $100 LI •. 3~i·:;· 95c 16-01. 39c . . SUNFLOWIR ·SllD .... :~ Sizo ea Btl. . 11 · ;___ _________________ _. r----Liquo1; Dept. Speeials---Delieatessen Speeials . LUER ALL MEAT ' SUNDERLAND LT. or Dark RON [je LEON OLD VIENNA FRA Ks · DRY GIN RUM BEER 6 ,·i .... 79' C.wns $299 Filth f329 Filth ' , OLD CARAVAN , · 3•t BOURBON ... ~ . . . . Fifth ' I . ' MONTEREY CHUNKS ; LEO'S BEEF, HAM, PASTRAM I, CPRNED I EEF JACK CHEESE l SLICED MEATS • . 79~ l 3 ;~ •1°0 SCOTS MIST ', . 3" SCOTCH . . . . . . . . . . . . Fltth , KENTUCKY CROWN BLEl\D . KARASOV · '·. • BOURBON . VODKA i ~ I 49 79 J kot<IACH 3 $1 00 llO'o IU .. EY" CHICKEN 45• BORSCHT ..... . .. t.i.. SUCID MEATS ....... )i;'.: -• Filth Filth PRICES EFFECTIVE THURS. thru SUN., MAY 22, 23 , 24 , 25 • ' 2701 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA e 13922 BROOKHURST. GA Rr>~N GROYE1 e 1308 W. EDINGER, SANTA ANA 5858 WARNER, HUNTINGTON BEACH I ' • • . I' .. . I I '• • . ' • t ~ ... ---...... .......... caw.mi. .... lfll _tile Ania ... ....... 'lo -SU l'Tall-...... -. 1D1111 . ol lhe etl!ll. ~ Joll_ot'••ten Oil . tilt ...._ ._ii· nmolned lo "' ... ---factor E 'tettlement on 1 bub. . l "the padres nor the "at !the Callfomli · ate beef except on l kut days until the , t1ti1: -herd readied uVe , ........ '-llme prior lo ! ... • ,:. . .. • ~:1 \. •', . 1 fftie.,:Mttican tattle 'btought '·-·~ ,(1olllolnla were ' :'.'! ·: 'Harojf and uiod ... ~. J'IJlll, I •llity rapidif."By' 1• 111< '!. ·. 0( Cattle greatly 'et. (' ~ lhe qua!ltity needed ''!" 1 'Partly due to w1ter ·· dtortaie, the missiON did not ~ all OMlr uv..coct· at ooe ~i\ln M hit4e.,~ver•I ~-at l&vora~ lllltf.;· . 'l1ie m.bsion-. tnitiallll ~ vided ·•· rea.djt supply al Vllr queros (cawboys).· The 'work was not very hard -; it was only necessary to. pant the henb ·against natlVes not ~ troUod. by Ill< ,n\Jsiloas aod ~ TOUod•up the·betd Jor'~ng or slqlrtu. 'Sinew there weft no fences In Ille .,r1y days, the nideo, or round:Up, · was devised to ,epafate and brand the catile or different ownen. It was «inducted under' a rqulaity .-. 'iuet'.:.die 'i,C~, or fi!ld l"dP· ~-·V I r1e .d . d.ispiMs o•er. -~Ip. ·At~ tnt.ervals the rancheros •also Mid' fll90dY matanzas, bi cattle tlaupterings •. 111en rode at full speed through the hercb a.lld' llillod the .animals with DDtl mt Of•a knife "directed at I vllal•porl al the neck. ;At ttw matamu, skinners . llrtpped oil th• bides .aod Mncbers cit the meat ' intO atnP, lor Ftin&· Then ·Hbo, a ~trade of tallOW, wa ... tbered for rtnderinJ ud J*lln1: The.".manteca ·~ daoiee tallow fumlShed srease tar · eoliins·. Carcasses \\'ete ldt 1.r ·Wild uimab. · The Tllicho "family Wu • ao11·"1lllilillnl .........UC and IOdal u n l t , comparatively lsiiulod · .frtm · th< outs! hrtd. 'Ifie· ranchero was the unqu~ mwr ot hi! male. ;Meriendas or plcn.iCs>wert a P9J"Olar · entertainment · t n wblch <ntir< rancho· ""1i· -jOlnod. Tll<y featured catne a11a'da or 1'.0ailt . meat; ~ently ,~ on tplls. Endu)a\lu/~ ~ . ' also Wtl't eltta, 'theft ltle rest • ti the' lf'tel'1loon WU apenl in ...... ud danclq lo llJilar 1~t"l.u during th< Mexican re1irn• that. moat-ef lht I~ · ctanta wert made. The square IApes by "hich tt~· crant.1 were measured compriled ·a little· more thaii• 4.,431 acres elch, and a ranchcMJ(·(our or l fWe leque.: was considered ...n. Boundaries wert loose- ly defined by weU.known l&ndmarks. · ~To mark Gff a land arant, a hfrseman lt'ould be&in at a ~lnt .marked by a pile of dones, ·called a mojonera, .. plop "1 full ,,,..., wttb a root klnf reata or rope behind b1ra. 1'bt quan: ~ 1114 .... ......,,I~ "' .... e'jl .'¢ 'wtth the phrase poco liU?O"rnenol (a 1ittJe more or ltliil' being lilOd lo covet any .. Crunch' • ·--..-·· • f ' c .... iJ. "" _., "' •¥"" .... ....... • UMIUNtf • MONft .. -"IM ' ENRICHED .BREAD VONS ClllUY PIES' VONS, lli ll. LOM..,. ~ 3:$1 _,.,.;,,\ I 'J VONS DANI SN 1osm1s ~~,,, , ......... ;:~ 37' --· ..... .!.~ .;m11 IMPOMED SCOTCH 'YI'' sc9rr.$4st 1' "-'i..t "'™ 11411''"',Jl-·Wllli,llT -·11• ·~··-·· 7-C..W. ,,..,_ •. ~ .. -.. _ ·-'1241 owa. .......... ~.Jl'11.iJl;1 HEAITH & RIAllTY AIOI CAlllATION SLEIDER ~i=~&.ac REG. 89c\30U ·• • • COUPON • • •· : DOUILI ILi/i CHIP : 8 ·ST AMI'S -rhl1 _,. • e '*'' 9" tht total lmOVnt • ....... ,..,. .............. • lne 'tlquor, toitcce 'tnd • • l!fld milk prrtuch~ 1 • e CDWp1ta. p • r customtf", e 8 Cou,... ..... Thurtd1y e • thru SolMoy Moy 2.1, ·19 e • Thunioy, Moy n. • • • •·• ......... . ...... . ' .. . . . . . " ,.. , ... - ·since. 1700s l.t.vt A aMU -ltCIJMI ,MS WS ••• ._ QI~ MOO' wac .•• AMO 1Mf NQ'I' Ne 'IMf MPT. ' 'IOHS 9fT OUnl " l.f.YIHOI MHlt WJ YOj.I CAN caf~Y INC ON lfff &4\ll'Q. . lllfMIMllll 'lou IAW 'Mln'DAY 'Wini ¥IONS LOW ,.._ ~ ~.AMO \IAUM,IU-..Ut 0. If....._ CHICC MS Iii> OYlt Ne• OONVINCllD '*I'~-~ ~'MntllnlA l~ \ . . ' You Can .. r ... ,,,.. . '(lo Dm--'' \' "' Beneless Ql!idc""''.:;oa89~ Best' o' Frf,i .t~.3.U~ Shoulder (fell .,..-:::-... 98" Fresh_ ChU• Qp~ » ~huck Steaks ... ":~.~~~·.~" 5~ Fre•IJ ·Fryer· Parts :~· ~.59! .:fllmi~y Steaks ,,.~•1:~. 9e~. Hen . Turkevs ·~~~~~1:'f.%':i.' 39!. ·sirlOin TiJI Steaks ":o:~~~ ll2~ Beltsville Turkeys ~~di~ 49! I.-,. \;_E __ G_O:-:,:-:,::O:;R~K~' 1 . ;;;; .~:.i::: 1"~::~; ::;;..s . ~· lclD. iACOH . Yonr Eitra Valuer/ -s• '""'" ....... · .,. ·~· ............. 1,. ~ 69' 1 jtutt fMl,or · '7.~ · Sol1f1lt.11 •. l9;. • fWl,Krv~.. • . 'M}'l'l~li~WK . ,.!'II 5nonk ~~................... • II. 1 Kold ~111 le.t Sr.ab I!>«.~. -llt' .......... 1/9flc ()I ~~rli. l'(G ..... · · )Wi, l-"""' --"' ,,.,,,., .,~ Kold Kitt , • .,,,.,.d a..f St.ob U .01. -········ 69c YOO-uov-l~L ......... ··rr '·,.-.I• St.-• .,.,,_ 1vpe"'''r•11Chfr1tt1~r1op1 1•.ot. .. o. .......... s 1.5.5 o-· ....... ~ .... .., ... 11-"' ll.up1rt'1 f'1h Sile•~ 11.011 ........ 69c t.ou ......... 43<: IONIWS NAM 111111 SAUSAtl ,.__ .,,, 14•·--,,. . ,..,........... II. .......... ~-. ... ~,~-...................... $1.2911. •odllo i.11on sa__.,-~ "'"°"· lf.OA.,. ...... : • SN.Ir 1.-. ...... friftipn l ...... ,.~ ... H ...... Sl.09 lL Tilr•k Vul St.b .,_ Oii K,1-111.· ............ $1.09 11, ..... , Hydrox Cookies !';,r~g,·M .. , 45' Potato Chips .. l:~~~,=.~~~~ .... 59' ~Cling Peaches ~~~~~~~~ 25c · ffaw.~iian Punch .·?'ro'~'" 46 g;. •. 33c. Viva Paper Napkins ~~ .. 33c Barbecue Sauce =.;.~ w" 39' Vons Premium Coffee ~~!:::59' Fancy Farms Pens ~~g,.'""7 2:33« . . ~ • '· / Smootlt, V•lfffr T •:dur•. G4 o, ... L ], Moli•t Gooil I:.~ ' T ad1 lett•rl ·wEST PAC EGO ABLES . . ·'-·(Ill c-. C.• .._ ~ MiHtl Vtt.iel>I•, Cob c-20 ,:t, ._..,.....,,,, c ... ~1. '"• .i.o 'eMltMl.t._. Cool, J1/,.,hi,,. .A.uorl.d f/o,orr JUJCY • llCH JN VITAMIN C ''''"' Ey• O,._- ' CANTALOUPE Fresh CGrrotS '1 .. n:: JOc .::::~ 3 , $I FlrownCaOnb~!~3::-J9c ,..,.::.: .. _ : ancy .,...e ~..r.;,IO! I ·LUclO' STllllCt: ~ 6~Z.CAN ~ ORANGE JUICE . MAI> 'AIM!. LO-CAl OR CllEA#m, PllfT OM. , , SUCll MEATS • 1 UYIR u...-.J lllCI anu U.'• ...i ..... w..r , y-,... "-". ,..,. c • ..... • ,...,,,,, ).Os. ...... • s-twldl '--*-""""" """" .... tHft••T....., .. .6: 3 I '1 ... .._,._,S...,._t.11. 5~ ltV""'4 1-0.,.,., 59c I •1 ' l ·t ' I l I l l • I r I I • ' I j • I • ) ' .J • j ·1 . I I ! I 4 : ' ' , • ' I ·1 1 . .i • ' • '! • • J .. • • " :1 .. • 1 :i ·1 ' Kol•ICH,.. f._.j ... .1.W/ClllUltl ...... f. ll.ol..Wl 2/5~ -~I P..U, Sift .Moi:;p\I .. l.U. CM .................. .&)c I SCHOUNl I OU '°"'" ~, ~ ._ llMt9rtl ........ w ....... l ... lh ,....,... ............. -· .................. ~. "" ~~,._w ............... ? .. *'"" lo.&.,_-..• ................................ Sh: " LUX TOILET SOAP i.-•-sn. ... ..,,.., Wt ••• I .... . .. 2iJ1< I._...., ... -·-·-.............. :"' Sak¥1 Supremo Spong• " -~,_,..._IC"'.,., ................. 39.. .. I.My Yt;st••I• •""" ................ 1k. ~ ~Of '¥;11( 29' ' ' -............ UA. ....................... 4$t •11 -r, ' 'I ., . I 5122 Edinger AY•., at Springdale, Huntington 1leach 17950 Magnolia, Fountain Yaney , I I ' ... .. .. .. . . .. . . . . .... ,. "' ' . -" ' . . ... .,. .·· ... .. ... ... ------ I I I • ' l ' . ' l I ·1 .1 • . ! ' i I • I ' . • I l • I I ' ) ' -~ l . ' ' • • ' l ' ' • ' ' I I ' l .I ' I I i I I • 1 • • , • I • . . " :1 • • • ·: • . • '.• . .... -··----· .. . n ' ' ,, • t t· -• I 0 : ;I I ... ,.. ....... ,.,,, ... _ Wlsitl&uft',...,... ..... IUllf4"-*• ................ ....,. .. _, --H,itcl.y 8-: Hith Ou•~ty 12 by I 8·ineh Ctlilorni• Stal• Fltg t • • • == a $ 0. 0. • ••••••••••• uses ···= ..... sos St I " . . -f ' 4 ,I With . ' . llyln9 • t ... •• '' •.•. Ji, . ; \ ·~ : .. .:'; ~ ,.., ' -• • •• • • ..... o;"l"t' •> .. 1" •• 1/ - " •I ~ " •. .. • • ~ 'l'·i· • . I Stre•Wdru1 .. ___ ,. ___ ,._._ .. ,. .. __ ........ -.. -.... ·-·----• .. ---1 ·--·· I . . .. . . 1 · . Clty.;;~-·-·-·-· .... ·-·-·-···-·-............. ·-····-····llp ......... .:... ...... -.... _ .. . . . ... . \ I Ptton~ , .~nclo1td~ 11 $..-... ,_-_,._~~ ....... .-~-·-·' ll·n.~.•Pr.:•~I ~·lid•y .~lw ;, • pu~lic 1i(>; .... 11hf DAllT PlU>T •"'tho ky1' I . .., . cfu\; 'Of tha Herber 1Atie, Hw11tln9tett leeeh ·"' Leiint iHch. -I L-----~----------' \ ·' .. . I r • r.. '< ·' .,6. ~ t '") j.~:)l!':'I' '"(\ ... ._o.•'••, • !..+f~ 1· ~,Ca'°': 1 r·10··. ·:r·r'" ··s' . -~=::~':'..' •,• ''ll'.~-' ,,. ·.·~,. • " ,, • .. . . . ; f ' ~· s •,.._ '• . ' • • :~ i • .• .;t•1, l,l , .. , 1 ' .'!4 ~ I ,J '1 ' l' . • '' t ~' •' I ··' · · . r_ •• , ... ; • 1: • ~ • ' • ·1. ;i. •• - ~ '''•·' •-: .... ,,~ I• .·1", ~r:"1' )· •• ; ,1.•,,: '. '+. .~·;;-·-......-: .. ' ,f( -. . . l ... . . . . 1. • • • " ~ ' • r· , . . : : .. ·t,· _,;1 .·; \l' ~··· 1• ' )•.1···1 ,,, .. '• ... r'· • ··r. •'"ll" ·~\ ' ,,, . . " ,.~.··· .. ' 1 .::i ~ ), :" .. . ~ t .. · .. ' ... ;. : : ... ' ') "; .. . ., . . . • • , ' I • .. '' ~ ·1 i' : . ". . .. .. ' ' ' '• •I ;; . . , . . ., ' . '' :..·· ;..; :...•' ;t~·.:~.: '. .• '(, '.r. , .::·' ., . " ~ '' .· . :· . . .. . • ,. t ~ . :'l.. ~. \' ... "'~ .. . ..... . ' . .~ ' . ~ ; 'I '•1.:..:' .. , ...... · .. ~ 1 • I ' ',l•'" ,t,I ' • -: .. .,., .. ,., • i •• t ; • ~·:' ,I) .,.-, .. ,. ?.·•1 -;i : . ' ' !' i,. / ~. '. ' ( • .. • • 1 • . . . ''.'!',\,t' . I ~·· •-' '.) !. 't . . ~·.f'.· .. r~ l'j I I .' " " . . I· • Ill •• .. ~ ' ... ( ~ ·, .. " .•'' , .. "t' ~ ''I .. ! ~, 'ir";t,,.11• ...:• .J. l r~ .,,.,,.,\"l.y' 'i ~ ... ' . '' .; , ' . • ·"!'tt-l ~ + .. ' . , I • '')~ " '. . 11 "l ' ,. '"''bi .... ~.\ • •. • .i.w.• A. r ' . >' • ••• , • ,• " . • • • • • l .• J \ Wtd""'"1, M11 21, !'lit Beta"s ... Van in. Blue ~ys: • ••• ' , 1 A • 'vl ~- l •: ~' I • . '.rlfV~ ROSllllTI DllllERS' J8ti1s 44¢ CJtARal ... . ' FROZtl'I • l:.ot. cu ' TRlfSllEET OIWIU JWCl IOMEITOft!I .... CHARGEli. M" ··------ ' ILPllA IETI WJU. IE ON• IEllDlilLl'll~'Y 111.1.~JL ~:fa'{=~.· (.8) =:~ 'jiiiii{Doubfe Discounts I' ' •·~•,·en~ ,fol ' I'• Midi ·-l>f. IPOdol -lilU! ....... ·""'" 't;Ons passed Ort 'to JOU, look for tbelR thf'au&hout th• store. • save you s1 ·t .82*''·: . . . . DUBUQUE • £A!T£RN QUALITY • ltEG. IUCED IOWA MAID . ' ALfffA BETA mmr1 ns.. 0£PENDAll.E QUAUll -. ~. ' GROUND ". . iEiF - SLICED ·1u.51c BACON PKG. ' 2'8. PKS. $] ]5 ;.~it~ .... -.. IABY 16C L--------------~ . FOO~ 11• • 'f' llPlll IETl-&UllUAllDS fOI llEllOllAL DAY flOWW 'UlA [11\Lf;d"l l', !Vllil !1AY 98c 781 PACUGZ OF e • 16uNc£ FOii PLASTIC CUPS 65c 49' ' ' . swli"iowts-.. sr i tDE'llUftiiiS1 ta 99' • STOii£ tlOUll• MOit. TllROUllll fll .. 10 lM. TO t f'.fll, SAT. AMO IUlf, 10·.l.111. T07 P,M. r .. TUI Al [Jl\I [l~>j l\ ~ ~f ~ y I ! ' THICK SllCEO • IUCK I.AIU. • SWEET SlllKED HOIMIL llACON 67;. IUl1Y COOll!D • DllJCIOUS $ 29· " . • iiialiC 4!1U, 3 DUIPQVll CAii . ,,._,,,_,,; -. ·POLISH · .A,. .. ••un0t . 1r. r . LL tollCWI IOiafSI lttf" STEWING I FAllK:J I lllOBT ··' IUf STEAK .1111s f: .. ~ .19;. •10: ~3;.· 4~:\ COOK'S 1Lll!NEY' BRAllD BRISKET CORNED 77· • ,:_"''. IHF •: / I "'' ~ ·~ SOME M.PllA !£TA STOllfS GISCOUHT' CllMGl PRIC( THtSE MEAT PRICES &m:TM 1lnJl$0.IY "'°'Iii WUJNISDAY. MAY 22-21 !O-UI. !AG • CRi.~A&. COUDS IRIQUETS . . 81ttir Pr1tluc1 at DISCOUNT PRICES/ U.S. NO. l • ALL PURPOSE WHITE ROSE POTATOES L I .. s -@rm.·ii0mou35' 2z1 lS O~CE PACt.\G? • .~ ~ . . . .. WASHINGTON STATE §]WIN~SAP APPUS -61$1 00 ' • aili4uia ONIONS 3l25' . ' PRIC:-ES EFFECTIVE IN ALL AtP.HA BETA MARKETS ' fRESH • C.13'" , , ROMAlltl · I unva ,, f=rrt 10:. I ~ ... ~ .... _. -·-•• L. ···-• -• ·-.. ••-,.·a.wi11w ·eaa..e..(c\i. IMI .... NW• we w -.e. ft).,_ wn '° COMMtllCIM ._ COSTA MESA-241E.17th St. HUNTlllG,TON IEACH-9045 Ad•mo HUNTINGTON IEAC',H--11611 N. Main SI. FOUNTAIN VALLEY-1930 Worner • , 'LAGUN~ S. Coos! Hlw•y • ' ! t . ' .. I ' ' ' .. I ., • . ' . • • ... -. .. ;---·--~ • • ., Wedllt!dg;·Mal 21. 1~ "*!' * :x::£:::t _::zi;:z;: :ux.-:.c ... _..__ .! ! 1..--a:&: .. ' ' , I • , , \1' } ·$'877. 'P,•ll _ · : · l"rrc•· ' $~9 * $29 DN. MO. \'····~&& y w l • -~\· • • ~ ...... r1dlo a. Mtltr. Ul:ZK 01?1 ' ' -. . ' --·-. .:..i=. ---~~ ........,,ua:rJI; lM -;;: l I Q z O~LV. '1LOT' SJ s>--=• t ~ 4 ;14 ·t iiril · • <)')' ' ' ,. t •· nc1"'. ~'M,uc,:; 11 .. 1.,, r,· ~·~fji brH , t . wJ l"td • ., r. I -. , .:&& PLY. Barr1cud1 ' I I • '• 2. dr, ,"!f••t~~V . .ft"A.T., ltl.H.-t . Dir,..;. HC5 ~.. -• "•v . . . . ,,_ .. . I 5 ACRES Of -• ~ i • .• ..., ",: NIW & USID CARS TO CHOOSE fROr.i-' $8J1 $29 FULL PRICE DN. MO. ' c • , ~ • I -----------------.... _ ----..:-...----..... ~--------------------------------- ----------- - -------------------- -- l I - I •lll~ .......................... ~ .. '!"'.,..., .. ,...,..'!"',. ..... ~":t~~ ... ~":'~.-.. ~ ....... ~""!~P:"'!""~:::-':"'""~•="'::'~•:=~ce...->••-:;-r:-7•"'::'.~~r;-·--·-~---::::-,·--·. -~ -. p s;cs a 2accss4; sec csuscus-• ---...--..-...-....---~-------.. ----, -- ' • I • / ' . J~ ' i HoJ.1s FOR SALE HOUSIS FOR u;LI ~s l'OR SALE HOUSES F~ IAL I HOU U I l'oA IALE ,HOUSU FOR ,IALI , HOUSES FOR SAL~ i!OUSIS FOR SALE 1000 O...r•I , 1ooe-..1 1000 °""'"' 1000 o-..i laot o...rat ' · ~!?jo o.n:.n1 . . 1000 G"'"!rol 1111!1 HOUSES FOR SAL i Gtntrsl 1000 l~0~"'~"'-i"1iiiiiiiiiiiMii;/ii~~~ UDO 4 .... :... $!IMO • POOL • ~.'LUCKY "OUI IVIAI COVE GRAND c1· os-:-ING Un' it" II Wow-Are We &lldll . _...... c...,;,. b ..... ..w; • ;;oot. fl •• ·-• ''"'" PllEI It ·SUP J!-1> . -t ,., • ;i.., y.,, Y<>U ,uu .,.., ... ... 3 Badrooms It 3~ Bathe, , W~'l'9 truly pleaaed to bave 4 Blt., 314 batbr, ..,.,. new frplt.., cp'll: 1 drpl., t{C:liea BALBOA POilfT, 3 Bdrm. n... •. •---• din'--m. · h a .. t. 4 bedroom bome in the -,. 2 ·~·. -au·• ~·•"· Seo ... r_ w 1 ..., Immaculate hothe. Only few ~ • -"~ -~ ·-RANCHO LA CUE. STA bas only 5 omes --• ~ -·~ -T ~ 1 •· -• 11a 1"""' ,_, ... ...,. ......... home lowly MESA VERDE area .,.... ... 1~ -pool. Sllp Wt. t "'·"• 1._ .... ~ o ucau1, s o --v ...... ~ ,Jell Models are open lor you to tour n• y ,,. .~ , ·--\:'u • ~ -'-hea""" o1~ kltd~n, ... -~ ...... I-"--Cov<, for Vl,L ........ -. ....... ""' _._ ........ _t Custom. qtlatilY 2 I ~ &lr ~.10. l-· J;';' few f;tocfrom 10 AM to 7 P?d. 1 & 2 $tory, ~ &: 4 be;d· II** lot boat ot trailer ~ tbr:ut.";_49,500 . "' ,~. C0zy irpk. Prked no,., L -"" room homes with 2 or 3 baths, Miu.ion -nal ':-""'-.. .Ph'C, .. ,. n........... '•~ " $46,SOO. ww pus close in-private community uca....._ te -~ "' ~-· ........ I &.utiful yard &: poo1 tile or abate roof1 fireplac:el, concre . ~~ta, !!.,Y~"~t .~~a ... m:o.,.. .....,_ , I, 1 A L T Y . spect on. ' S83 700 driveways, heavy rough cut beams, built-~ ...... _.. 111:0 .......- Call: John A~ll in.s, family & dining rooms. , m;. Other features . IA. ·Ntl7. NB Pall. Ole, 646-241t ru: .......a ....,...,.,= ·dude: llEAVY SHAKE -L T y .... ··~·-Such a beautiful price.range ... $24,995 ROOF & IMMACULATELY '·'"-'-" ._.... & Co BUILDERS R E ~ • th VA C0n ti l CLEAN candltion Don't .ta._ ..... ..,...,, INlll\tr • AnENTIONI 200a W BalllOll' Bh-d., N.B. to . $34,200 .V/i -or ven ona lay to see iL . """\ 550 Newport_ Center I?r. lloroe on Jae. R·2 lot adj. to • . 675-6000 financing as low as 10% down. 80% or • •·:OATS Ne~rt Beach, Calif. "'"""''"' Good poi.ntial. 90% loao.s at 7,2%, Each succeeding unit • ·~ costs more, so take advantage of these & UJ.0700 644-:2430 Sell or excban&e for Com· 2 STt\RY · ' WALL•CE -- -merclal. ,;i:" lirrelt Rtalfy1 I Re-4yJtflHad I _. • For comlor1 &; tpace see thll ~ '. presents ...._... 5 bdrm 2 bi.~ home near 1 • ~ OCC, Vacant • clean. No !fremendous View down to Veta Mln dn FHA. OF BAY-Cliffbaven. NOW $25,1>0, Heritaa•&al S\leltered patio & en-Estate MG-ll.51 Copep eve•) ~ closed 'garden. 2 bd· __ ~. rms & 'den. W e 11 96' OCEAN FRONT priced-$43;500 Fantutic view of oceu harl>Jr ll&bts; Fr<och Honn. lG<li \Veatcl!ff Dr, NB. W-5200 beau'(y w/'trtt ahaded, wall-~ ed garden Loof, at 6111!> 2 int, may be uswned. Call ~ for app't. i W•lkar Riiy. 67SJ100 -NEW LISTING Corona Hlg'hlandi: 0 c e & n vb; 3 BR. l Be. You own the Janel Full price-$44,000. H , Pool ome " pnees. , REALTOas -. . FO~ CO. 5 BR)baU..7<Pi'\~·"'e. HURRY I 546 4141.i__ ·1·Ln -acnab ,,.,_, w: ':''· NB ::~ ~·ll;,.t'~ . .:::1' :NBr'f' /11.\if~ e (Open E-1 .... ) VD ''' 1 ........ 0;· iiiiiiii;;Oo; ... ;;;o I Walls·McCr le, Rltrs. 3 BR 2 bath -e,-"'"'°' BACK BAY LOCATION. Qrb~Mi.run, Realtors 3036 W. Coast Hwy., CdM ' 6'&11i62 ~ R SHORES PENINSULA PT. 1810 !!!wpo77'9~,a~:v1d1m .. eC.M. 'lot l.30!llso' -add 5 more DAVIDSON Reelty ~ ~ -.."""' lA nu:nA UMaf Pool In Excblsiye DOV~STATE Best value! 3 Br. home on ...._ 'V ~!tsA:;!~:n~a~54S Santa 546-5460 Eves. sa.1mB Ir So tuterully done tn this at-ll:All\llU '""""' fM'IU Newport leaCh Ultimate in gracioul family 50Xl00' lot. Enjoy beach liv. ;!g[z_23 -$22,750 -VIEW tractive 3 Bdnn -Newport Ori 11-ookhunt et Atlant•-· ;;· 961-2929"'· <.. Located near qpper Newport lMng le entertainin&, in this .:i.!:·:.1 E ~tatt: Co, :~B~=IAY.e~~?P:e_ llattia It-rally Kilt&sized bedrooms, 2 baths, Heights home wllh nl!W Huntinpon ~ ,' a .... ...,.,_. •·•u·.....a-,,. -w-• • •-•--~homo witli. i.-,, 642-6560 Kitchen with e.lticiency built. h t "'-11'"'-tful r ..._ .. , ... :u.aAuno.>....., ~-~ir -'5 " 700 E Balboa mvd Balboa plies can cnUaJ. P,ease -~ s ag carpe s. -uo;l.16~' Uve Mme features a ~ Jiving room, richly p&neled . 6n.4.140 ., call: NO matter what It is, yoo Ins. Patio. Short drive to covered out~ cni= ling SS' awimmlng poOl, family room with brk:k fire. ART GIOVINETTI 673-7420 can 11?U It with a DAILY the beach. ~nt~~':e~s ::m for 2 General 1000 Oene.r1I . 1000 mp paUo, huge living 'place. View from llll roo~.D "~AIL~Y;P~um~~w;;ANT~,,;AD~,S~!~llll~M;;:<F~•d~de;';n;,Pl;;; .. ,;;"~•;:t.~&;';h;;_.,1_,;;P~um~,;Cas~~-~,:;•;;:•·==~T~A:;;R:;;B:E=LL='==;l4~2""f§!:'ll ooals. 2 ·campn'I ,ill addi-. -. . ni:om. panelled ~Y room $144,500. -1000 • tion "'.big double ....... YCICllllt a11d ReadJ ' rum 1IADE with wood -llttplace, (714) 642-1235 Genetol ' IQOOGanerat' 1000 General 10000.naral -~ry inch irJ ~ ~ dean aM located • • ta~ ~1!ii 001 Dover Drive, suite 120 "' conchtion $33,500 with 10711 In prime Newport Beach Jo. Gu.aranteecf sale ol your mo. · · Newport ~ down. -cation. 3 Bedroonu, 2 baths, bile home. Exchan&e and '0 T HE Rf.AL '"'-ESTATl:RS panelled living room with m~ up to NEWPORT AmNTION-. wood -llttpla,,,, for. BEACH, Fine adwt !Iv""' . mat dln1nc ..... Spacious entol'loln --· 1n ... y ACHT OWNERS kitchen and separate ser· neighborhood pool • BE 40• Private doCk adjoins prop. 6415 7171 vice-room: Huge C\lltom FREE OF YARD WORK ,.. ..... --------· famDy room 1ot fun and bob.. whUe you travel! Sound 645.0303 erty, cape .._,, style home 4 BEDROOM b~. Walk to Marinml great'!' Watch your wile'• __ ..::.=...::.:.:.:..,.~~I ha.a huge 11vllw room ·ovu- , Schobl, library .... pork. ''"' uah• .. ""'" ""' •11. faslside 2BR1~ BA ~;.,~..,.rir.C::::::i~ ESA VER DE Out ol town OWner wants coven the HUGE l4ASI'ER larl:e bedrooms. For appoint. M actio~ $34,500 ~~R~!.~· :'nt~~ (ondominiii111 m•nt oall shower!! Top value for Beautiful new carpeting. Lo- caled on QUI.m' CUI-de-sac street. Has a Iarxe covered & enclc.sed FRONT PATIO, even room for boat or trail. er. Excellent v a 1 u e al $26,900. Call now as Ulla popW.ar plan will sell Jast. 546-S621. ot 540-6631. ~~· Com• lighl ,..,,. $18,500 I Olli' I I ill \II\ J. K. 'Nichols aLll'll 'Evenings Call 5t8-3T1S. ...... , "F"' ~ vilse Buy" $151 Per Month ( I ...w11ou ' ( . Ind.Wes ail dn 1.h.11 3 bed--2 Bodroom on 0 l•'""lllJ 0, room charr•••', loeatOd "" 9tx120 R2 Lot quiet tree shaded street. Er. $11,DOO 1-..-,_.i642.iiii7777iii; ___ t ceJlent opportunl<Y io "'' tn. Once in a life time 5lwlct-.l1 • flOORS te )'OW'-fint home wllb pay. Live in ihia cute hoUle and HARDWOOD ments no more than rent. watch l"INf' money grow, ,Won't, lut long at the ex- 10% dawn and this under· Larie College Parle family ~nal price of o n I Y valde:d ~ will be part ~ on c.olleae Ave. w $18.450. or )VUl' mvestment portfolio, to dxlpptna: a: scbOola Extra WE SELL A HOME but hurry, this won't 1ut sPeclal feature; ~tom EVERY 31 MtNUTES ·-· ~~~1~!"~':';:1"' .... Walker & .Lee $1f,250 loan, 6 ~% available J20l) down. Call Oscar "642-1m eves.-646-ti927 Own- er/ Aa:t. "' , 645..0303 MESA DEL MAR Absolutely Beautiful f BRs Enjoy living on a · quiet "street BeautlNI Uh describes thi1 adult ottupled panelling in living & family 3 bdnn rustle home localed room, bulll·ins, lirepl.afe, on cul-de-uc & ·close to n~ large back yard. Ask; everyUWw..* Must ace to ap. i1w only $27,950 -good .a,ic. predate. Won't last lone at 1860 NeWJf(>rt Blvd., CM this price of fUtr: Gf6.392& ' Eve. 6f4.165.5 * LACHENMYER • 4 Bdrm + Family Rm' $31,500 s;.-,.•;. Loan Heavy beamed ceilings, ex- . $26,950 •. PERRON ~ ....... ~=-, •• q11isHe planters. Built -in * 642·1nl Anytfmt * bar. Glass door.i to patio &1 "lil::=i:=i:=i~:=i:=i=I ! BBQ. Heated & tiltered pool, li- watcrlall & liahpond. Tropi. 2fH3 We11tclill Dr. cal Jandscapina-. 540-1720 646-Tnl Open Eves. TARBELL 2955 Harbor S bdnn Bayerea:t. home. $27,500 F/P (Veterans no down) 111 111'1 I 111\0\ Fabulous 645-0303 WOIJLD YOU BELIEVE? Newport •I Vldorla tMUall ------ 4 llEDRM • $22,500 Natural brick patio wlth gas fired BBQ. 2 baths. Seclud. cd livina room, handaome fireplace tn Family room. U Paint & Save BuiU-ins: 540-1720 Big family home • large eo. TARBELL 2955 Harbor lonial 5 BR with Anthony LIDO SANDS 3 Bdrm1. 2 BitM Commwilty Pool. $27,000 George Wiiiiamson REALTOR 673-~ Eves. pool, family room: &: dining room. Nearly 2900 aq· ft. \valking distance to Mesa Verde Count.ry Cub. Owner relocating out of area-must sell~ 546·5UO {Mar ca.i. tballl'I) --LLEGE REALTY $20,950 • WOWI '""-~-.Oil "Apple Ple" order. J<lng sl1..1"!!"'!"~~~!!!"'!~!!"_. ed bedrooms, dream kllch-1~ NEAR WESTCL1FF en, built • tn appllanres. 3 Large Bedrooms, 2 Bath.~. H~sqme s n a <' k bar. Living room & family room, Sprinklerl", boat gal~. , both wllh fireplaces. Patio, 540-1120 new draperies, built-Ins:. On TARBELL 2955 H•rbor cu l -dHac. Immaculate! BUS!Em' marketplace ln Ready ti move into. S33, 750. town. The DA!LY PILOT By owner, 642-1679 aft 12 aamw 9eCtlon.. Saw noon. tnOIW7, time I: e:Uorl Look P;LA=:CE~,...,,--,...-~,-ad.,..-w°"ber,-o now!!! they are lookifW'-DAILY White ek>pbants! Dlme-a.-line Pn.D'r clusifted 6C-5678 Stont Cottage unique exteriol' ol P.V. stone and heavy shakes. shlrcles. In. ~ theM!''re 4 bdnns, 3 baths, fonnaJ di!Jing and panelled lam. rm. Top condition. $41,950 ''J' ,,·,,I'.,.. I . ' .:0 " ' • • ' 1 • I .< , 546-5990 -BAYCREST 4 BR i;wlmmlna: pool homl.'. Priced to sell! For anyone Interested ln redecorating. JEAN SMITH Realtor 400 E. 17th St., Costa i\Iesn 646-3255 INVESTORS $19,950 4 BR & lam rm. Owner pre- fers to lease back al $185 for period of year. · Rand Realty 64>2340 1.:.::::.:==:...:::=.:..::c..::.:c..1 Lovely master mule. De- $55,950 GOOD TERMS 6 Units Close In signed for lal'ie fam ily, A home you will be proud lo own. Arnold & Freud Rltr. 642·9730 Eves. MS--0720 388 E. 17th St., CM e KENNEDY aea11o,., .... ,,." Price Reduced! THE ATRIU.M °"""'' "" .. s.,r11c;, , •• ,,, By Ivan Wclls'. Uruque 4 3 BR wilh 30' living room, bdnns, 3 baths & family remodeled kitchen, fireplace room. Superb vie\v. $77,450 & warm panelling." Only Roy J , Wa rd Co. $23,600 -IBA oiVA terms. (~cn:11t Office) Check this top location! 1430 Galaxy 646-1550 Paclfie Shores Realty S &. . L Repossession 847-8586 • Eves. 546·1322 S BR 2 balh home Clloice ------- location near sc~ts. Va. S ~EDRM • 3 B.~THS cant. Q u I c k possession. Spacious rooms, family room, Large bdrms, bll~ln kitchen. dream all built-In kllc~en. Price $29,IXXI • 10% down. Covered patio. Pool sized PWC 546-5440 yard. 5'10-1720 -$l9,200 _ S~°lo Loan TARBELL 2955 Harbor $1 37 Month Ptyments l STEPS TO BEACH 2 pulln1nn bath.!l. 4 Bodrrns. A.frame fixer-upper: prleed All electric built-in kitchen. at $28 600. Bring offers~ Pretty_ shutters. "Apple Pi('" Carw°ood R lty 541-1290 (.'Ondlhon. "~"" W "-·-1 11 NB TARBELL --. ~ . WY, PLANNING to move? You'll DON'T JUsr WISH for some. find an amazing number of thing to fumish )'OUl' home homes tn today's Oassified • • . find great bl()'s ln t~ Ads.~Oieck them now. day's Cla.uWed Ads. 10000...rtl • Not every typist • '1s a secretary. . . Chubby little fingers employing the hunt and peck technique a re ~ore likely to result in jammed typewriter keys end undecipherable copy then in the letter4 perfect work of a skilled secretary. And just as e.,ery typist is not a secretary, neither is eYery real estate broker a Realto r@. A Realtor is the "pro" of hi1 profession,,, schooled, trained and ex• per1anced, .• he must qualify before he is permitted to use th• word Realtor, Once qualified, he is pledged to a strict Code of Ethics which demands of him the highest professional standards. Buying and selling reel prope rty is note iob for other thane real r,rofessional. For fist, efficient and completely satisfying real estate assistance, et e Realtor serve your every home buying Or selling need. Look for the Realtor emblem. " REAL TOR WEEK -MAY 18 TO 24 NEWPORT HARBOR • COST A MESA BOARD of REALTORS 1000 Gtntr1I 1000 Gtneral 1000 NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY , NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE 646·7711 2043 Wtidcllff Dr. at Irvine Open Evenings · IAYCREST LOT -$J,000 REDUCTION Don"t miss the oPPOrtunlty to build your dream mansion among the mosl ('.X· p!nslve home-In Newport Beech. Rambling or two story. Pool site "'"llh un· tlft'l.lled carden attt tor out4oor e:nt.era!nlng on, th.IA large, large propr:orty. Will 4lellght YotJr farn.lly and frlel\de. Owner b offering this one ot a kind, quiet and, pgeous location on land you OWN for only $23.9MI. IAYClEST -$76,IOO ft11s S,i.nl&h hlldenda is • lovtt.\y family home with a sorreous Jiving room, hf&h ll8med ceilings and bM.uttfUJ SPIRlsh style fi1'f'P)..lce. Stparate DINING room A Jdal 11.Je famU7 room. 'Secluded' m.ut.er bedroom .Wte: 9iilh dttainC room and IUDken tub. 2 s~ bedrooma and 3 elegant l*ths ln"our m<>1t eKCIU1lve~area for ""'.-M YCllST -M6,000 Jun ~~ I.he market, lhil excepUonal pride of ownership home should be _.. ttmn.tia•IY· Private court yard entry_._ 1-utlful~ with '°°"" for a ---..e piiii{' ~fOi'lKjitortiiIJer;-sU~ .miIIerhOOii on our iuar- c:'CMC: =.MY.LOCATION lmmcldll .. ....-,ncy on lhb tovel1 lu'l1 custortt buUt home.. Spsd0\11 famU,y ftM>l'n plus IS . rvam. Huge_ IMdrottne. '3 c;ueetMiJe btlhl. Dwner anlioot. Wiii eell "NO fl" G.t at '32,500. Sutntl your mlltr home on our iruarantee sale..Pll.n. ,. : -~~{?: HUNTINGTON BEACH OFFICE•-842-4455 7HZ Edl"1tr POOLS GALORE! 1. 2 Bedroom. family room. Stone fireplace. carpet.a, drapes. 16:'11:40 hrated and fil~red. $21 .950. 2. 3 Bedroom, 2 bath. CUsl.Om plush Caf'J~ls and drapt!ll. Used brick firt'place. l5x30 Heated and filtered Bluehavcn. $24.400. • '4 QrOOm~Oilh. DOU61e garage. Ulfra mOdf'm 1i:ltChen:-20X35lllOClfaven-~f!:JJ. T&ke ove.r SW. VA loan for'$168 prr month. $24,900 fWI prioe. Bonus: -a Patio furnished. f. 47 otber POOL UOMES from $18,700 to $67,000, Mmt will go GJ with NO CASH DOWN, WE SELL A HOME IVERY 31 MINUTES ----~ -~--~ ~-~ -~.......__----------~ -~----------.-... COST A MESA OFFICE 545-9491 2790 HAHO::,l.:l::,LV:,:D::.. ______ ;::O:i:p..~E:.:•::: .. :::1"" 'Ill ' P.M. PANORAMIC MOU NTAIN VI EW IN NEWPORT WCH Eastblufl area! This s:raclout 5 bedroom, 3 bath home Ofl VIEW LOT oo:mi with charm! BIG, BIG i\1ASTER BEDROOi\I t Plush deep pile wall to wail Cl.rpeb! FOR1'1AL DINlNG ROOl\t ! 1'1om wUI IO\'E' fabulous view from Jts py ldtchf!n Wilh all e-lectrlc bui lt-ins. Ded u·lll appreciate " DEN or omcF.1 Mi\11~1\1'1' !l'""~ fittplace in largl.' llving room. Relax and entertain on a larg(' patio and LARO. REAR YARD \\'ilh its bea.utrul moun tain viC!\v! TRADE L'J YOUR SMALLEK HOME! ,. $17,500 COSTA MESA -OPl'OITUNITY KNOCKS! 'J'hb gay little 2 b«lroom homt' on t'a..~t aide will provide a great future with opportunity for addina on or ROOi\t F'OR UJ\TI'S? On quiet lowttin_J shade ltte·lln('(f 1tN!('t, ~r 9Chools and ~hopping! Room for bolt and traUe:r! Try only 10% down to qun.liried bu.>'t'rs. ONLY $121 per monlh plu.!: LQ\V, LO\V TAXES. It \\·on't lut ... so IIURR''. HURRY'! $10~ DOWN INCL COSTS VA ~ l lG, l lG 4 BEDROOM -RAMILI NG RANCHElOI One story slick u !I whi&tlt ~ For the (l'OWinc yoong auccusful !am.U,1 th)ls bceu\y oottll wl!h pride of ownership. Beautltully kepl PARK LIKE GROUNDS on ne3l ~~t of well · kept home!. LUSll CARPETS and c:uatom draptt throughout! ALL ELECTRIC "fEDALLt'ON KITCHEN 6 dlabwuher. Cov nREo- PLACE! 2 PULLMAN BATIIS! Pool sh:rd lot &: LARGE COVERED PATIOJ Trade in your amaJler home. ~!?: ? i ~ I. ~ I I • I ~ ~ I • i l i ~ s. ~ ! • i • ; i • t • I ; • • l J ( l c l ! I I ; ------------,---------------~-----------·~-~---~-.,-.----- j % PILOT-ADVERTISE~ Wldne!dq, Mll1 21. 1'69 • What Is A Realtor A Realtor is a professi ona l in rea1 estate who subscribes to a strict cO d ... f"'f r:th !c~ a~ a member·of the·loc.Sl-and state boards and of the . . N · ··" of Real Estate Board s. • .. . -·· ..., 21, 196.9 DAILY '1LOT WHAT THE REALTOR DOES For The Buyer • • . For The Seller . . . H91ps 'you to decide on the type of property that 11 best f~r you through 1n1ly1i1 of your indivldu1I needs. 1 Advises you as to tht highest and best use of your, property. . . The term Rea ltor is l)Ot a synonym tor "real estate. agent." It ls the distinctiYe and exc lusiv e de~ignation for ind ividuals who are mem- ~rs of the National Association of Real Estate Boards. 1 2 3 Helps you to determine the price you c1n afford to pay, depe.nd· ing On yOur indebtedness, how much you uH your horM for •n· '9rt1inment, how much you travel. H.I~ ·you finance your Purch1se, helps you to fill out 1 fin1n· ci1I at1tement, secures you the best loan 1v1i11ble at the best terms. 2. Advertises your P.roperty In such• way ·11 to apP.11 to"the u• ow11er who wi.11 p1y your price. 3 Gives y o u r property listing maximum exposure by llstlng In Multiple Listing Service and paying t~t processing charget {In- cluding photographs to 111 p1rticipttint t,rokers) for you. Supervises the drawing of all docUmtnis, •1«ow lnstruction1, notes 1n~rust deeds ind follows through on all the details of the sale until its completion. • li a person is uncertain as to whether a real 'estate agent is a Re•ltor, Saves you time by eliminating 'properties that do nOt mftt your requirements. 4 the local Board ot Realt ors should be con tacted. 4 WHETHER YOU ARE BUYING OR SELLING, FOR YOUR OWN PROTECTION, DEAL WITH ·A REAL TORI i Presented in the Public Interest by the Newport Harbor · Costa · Mesa Board of ~ealtors I ' l l ., ' • • BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES I Of McF•dd11n Pl., N1 ... pod ll1•ch b7J.7420 BALBOA REAL ESTATE CO. 700 E. l•lbo1 Bl•d .. ll•lbo1 67J -J59b PETE BARRETI REALTY 1605 W~stclill Or .• NI I lSO E. 17th St., CM '642·5200 641·4)5) BAY & BEACH REALTY INC. 901 Dove r Dr., Suit• 126, Newport ll11cfl 645-2000 BAY & BEACH REALTY INC. 2407 E. Co11t Hwy., Coron1 d1! Mir 675-JOOO 8'AYVIEW PROPERTIES Jl0°J W. B1lf101 11...d ., N1wporl l11d1 671·01110 BERRY REALTY 1411 E. Coell Hwv~ Coron• d1I Mer 671·1745 BOYD REALTY 362' E. Co1tt H.,,y., CdM ft?S ·S•lO BRASHEAR REALTY 17420 l11ch 11....:1., Huntingl1n l 11ch . ,'I LO UIS W. ;;1~~S RE AL TOR ~ H1111 Jon11, Anoci•I• .r -~ 71 4 E. l1lbo1 l l•d., l 1lbo1 67 1-1110 CANON REALTY JOl4 E. Co11t Hwy., Coron• d1 t Mir 675 -1 111 CH ESHIRE REAL ESTATE 27 r I E. Co11f Hwy .. Coron• d1I M •• 675-2101 COA STLINE RE AL ESTATE M1rv D. "•Yt1o!d1 222 '/J M11ln Shttl, Hw!'llin9!011 l11ch 516-1777 536-1166 • C. F. COLESWORTHY & CO. 1'0' H1 rbor lllvd., C.M. 1142·7777 COLLEGE REALTY 1500 Ad1 m1 1t H1rbor, Co.ti Mtt• ln11• Cin1m1 The1 lr1l 5•6·5110 DeLANCY REAL ESTATE 2121 E. Co11I Hwy., Coron• d1I Mer '7J.J770 DOYLE COMPANY 270 E. 17th Str11t, Co1t1 M1111 S•l -11,1 EASTBLUFF R~ALTY 2' I' V11f11 D1I Oro, N1wport l11ch 64'-1 ll] • FARROW REALTY 291 E. I 7th, C.M. 646·449• • H. F. FREDERICK REALTY lll E. 17th Strt1!, Cotl• °"'''' ' 541-5501 • R. C. GREER, REALTY J155 Vii lido, N1wpqrt a.id 67J.tl00 HAFFDA L REALTY ''Home1 lo Milch l11c.om1" 17•0 W1r111r, Founl1in V1ll1y 1•2·•405 HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. Realtors 1141 E. Co11t Hwy., Corofl 1 d1I Mt t 671·4400 HERITAGE REAL ESTATE 2911 Li1fol, Cod11 M111 1'40-11 11 !CATELLA REALTY 11011 l 11ch 11.0 .. Hu11fin9l•11 l11ch 147-6061 FRANK KINGAARD REALTOR JJJ E, 17th $tr••'· Co1t1 Me•• _ Ml f.2?22 M. M. LABORDE 2 20 E. 17th, C.M. 11146·0555 HOWARD LAWSON JR. REALTO R 1•1 6 Vi1 lido, N1wport l11ch 67!.-45112 C. ROBERT. NATIRESS REALTOR 210 E. 17th Str11t, Co1t1 M11• 642-1415 FOREST E. OLSON • '22 99 H1r.bor ll11J,. C.M. -645-0JOl ORANGE C OAST PROPERTY J l2 M1r9111rit1, Cor0tt1 d1I Mir 671·1550 P. A. PALMER INCORPORATED · ll77 Vii Lido, Newport l11ch 67).7)00 BOB PETIIT, REALTOR Sp1ti11ili11t 111 U11tw1riity P1r~ I T11rtl1 Rock Prop1rli11 l ]].0101 HAL PINCHIN & ASSOCIATES 1900 E. Co11I Hwy., Coron1 del M11r 675-4192 FANNIE PRICE REALTOR 1716 Ol-11191 A"'·· Co1l1 M1t11 541·1209 PROPERTIES WEST I 011 l1Yti41 D•., ~1wport l11ch 675-4130 RAND REALTY "210 E. l7ffl Str"'· Suitt IC. Co1!1 M111 6'45-2J•O ED RIDDLE REALTOR, Inc. 201 W. Vl1tor!1, Colli M 1111 1~ 646-111 I SATTLER MORTE!AGE CO. IS.r..-!t19 H~rbor Ar11 JO "''"' ))6 E. 17th St., C.M. 642·2171 CLAUDE SHIFF?R, REALTOR 777 Avoc1d1, No. 17, Coron • dtl Mir 111 75·0471 ' JEAN SMITH , REALTOR 400 E. J 7th Str11t, Co1t1 M1t1 646-1255 "C" THOMAS, REALTOR 224 W. C111t Hwy,, Newport l11ch 541.5527 ' TRADEWINDS REALTY. 1,7•1 I l11ch l lwd,, H11nli119t.11 lt1cll 147-tSI I . ' VILLAGE REAL ESTATE 1•1,42 l ro•khunl, Hunti119!011 l11ch 962·4•11 WALKER REALTY lJl6 Vit Lido, N1wp1rt l11cli . . .. 675-5200 FAREL WALKER, REAtro~ JOO N. N-p•rt lltod., N1wport l 11ch 646·7• 14 WALKER & LEE 10•1 We1lcliff Dr., C.M. ••6·1711 WELLS-McCAROLE REALTORS 1110 N1wport 11.4 .. C.1t11 Mot• 541 .7729 BURR WHITE, REALTOR 2901 N1wport 11"4 .. N1wpott l1ch 67$04610 GEORGE WILLI AMSON , REALTOR Jt O• N•iiport 11-..il .. N-porl l1•Ch 67S--4JIO 1 ' .. • • ' : •• . ' •• •. •• • • •• •• •" "· t: ., "' I • 'I . . • ' ' l ' ' ,··· ;J' ' ' •• I. Ir- • ' !· I . I ~ l .. l . ' • !. " ~ I l • I • • • ~ I I • -· It's Mota dol Mar 110S . 1200 , ANOTljER . 'FINE OFFERING ADULTS ONLY but you won't be lonely. Westclift location. A living Vacation nr. '$hopi;: & pools : a rare •find jewcl, S3fi,500." Ul6) By . Pl!Ol'Ell'TIES WEST 1028 Bayside Drive Newport Beach . 67>4130 BY Owner; 4 Br., j11.1t ~ecorated home, In choice Newport I !eights loc. Mam· tMth front yanl, open beam cciJinp, new carpets, paint 6: drapes. Incl: matched '•tove i re~rii:. ·Nteds only simple exterior painting. Xlnt fm.utmenl at $26.900. ·~ ' •• fr .! :. , 1 •• •• • • R~lltaF:! We • • ' ' . TllE~ (;,ALL: SALISBURY • " 5100 ' Huntington !each 5400 LIVE RIGHT ON THE BEACH FJ.Sl~, SURF, SWIM In your own front yard Private clubhouse, beated pool, saunas, pri\'ale gate with 24-bour security gUard. fi.Yediterranean adult 'livinr· COLLEGE Prof & \Vife want 1 or 2 Br furn apl close to OCC, June 20-Aug 1. Pref pool & air cond. Call or writr: R. S. Bidlem'an. l.a.rK-y College, 10001 3rd Ave. Oakland, Calif. 1415) 83+0740 UNFURNISHED J BR apt \\'ith stove &. relrigerator. Up to $115 \V(Util 22024',2 S. Main. Torrance S100 CONSTRUCTION JUST COMPLETING HARBOR HEIGHTS ~OUI' LUXUR IOUS l A 3 BEDROOM APTS. 5990 HA VE A VACANCY for lady er man in ~.-pleuant home. C.M. area. Lic'd. 64&-1206 HAVE A VACANCY will give loving: care to 1&dy or nian in my licensed home, c .ri.t. area. ~'l'Zl6 Income Proptrfy. 6000 A PLEASURE TO LIVE IN A PROFIT TOOWN ..... Drive slowly by 2:501 Orange Avenue {corner ti.Jonte Vis. ta) You'll see 9 deluxe units 1vith shake roofs, Jireplaces & private garden patios. Jo"or details call Mr. Fergu- son or fl.tr. Krauter. 546-2313 \O THEREAL '(' ~ST,l\.TERS ------ Bu1ines1 Property 6050 * * TE WINKLE BUILDING FOR SALE OR LWE 1800 Newport Blvd. CALL BILI.. SCOTT OR l{ER?t1IT RIGGS ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. MMCM Bu1intu Rental 6060 400J SQ F.T. M-1 space with oUlccs. New bldg. Im- mediate occupancy. Logan Avr. Costa Mesa. 54&'530 e LAGUNA OFFICE e AllractiVt: modern bid&, cen- ~al loc, air cond. $95 mo. on lsc. 49424616 MODERN 3 rm office. Newly dccoraetd. drps &: crpts. S\.00-Mo. N.B. 640-1724 ' Office Rental 6070 I • • ) f. '· r i . I i I I I 5 I I i • 1 l • i • • ! ' ' . i ' • ! l • f ' ' I I I ' • ' I ' ~ • ~ r ,., '. ' • • ' I ! ' ~ • I ! ' '" l . ' " < • • " t ~ 1 ' • • •ILOT ,( .i --• i5 --~· .. n"i" w~. ~'' ·l'• 196t ., ............... i ............. IUllNlu * * f * ' ?,{: * i'INAl!CIA'-- . ~ •. ll!f,P, lM' , QAILY~ ~NCtMDm lliM«llilCTilll'i'· JOU'l IM-~ . .,.. -·-· ~ .... .. .. ' 11111 NOTICll ChlW Caro ~It Mt w......_ &,My lua, Oppol1•nlllol 6300 LMt '401 •. ILDCAl\E. c d M , , "F , CH Ir You -o ._, EX- l'lloMI Are Ope!l 8;00 11.m. -5:30 p.m. J, .1 ~ Noon Sat ... day-Cl-9 Sund1y ' ' FllGIDAIRE PART Scbho-' ••• , houleWll•, '9l' home. 13.lO ECtJTlllE llECJIETAl!i .. JIT ACTION w/hatr cut. t mo .* ma!<. por dlj. aiu,day1 IT"""'8 ....,.. ·lulJ' -._i. ~.ll 'M'" eydt It Y~-~Jn ~:!.'.!; C111INill(f "20 ~ -'!'\,!..PA!tl' 'mlE tlit ,..,.,. ... ;;;.~ 1nc11ut1r1. -~ ••• __ , - - • "' t' • • f . ·;-:. DIAL DIRECT 642-5678 1WESTMINST1iR & NORTH COUNTY DIAL FREE 540-1220 lO ~ dt tbo ...n -"""""'· ~ -'!IEPAIRS n&t 1:1tau. Brol<er ....., ol 40, so rn1n. Wubtn. f1nd a!l:.J:• r I r JtEMODEl.J.NG , l&lft wort w\th "A'tll iu..n out bow el..Q' It la to own FF.JliAii Coc:bf..poodle mix Detlplns • ~ loc•I firm. AM or ew:W.. a ~ laundry. lolt P.1Q S. Lq. B. Blade KllcbtM-8Jlba. e~ cMi-0222:.=-='------ c I Hu~ luch 540.1220 La9un1 -h 494-"'6 Hours-Reguletion1-Deea'1ln11 Garden Grove, Santa Ana, w/whJte, tan chtlt 6 paws. Llc'd i Bonded. Fretcrt~ BA.8YSl1'TlNC, EXPERJ. Tultln, Orult. Anaheim "Yoly". Y.'carilll expired A a B CONSTRU -~~ ENCED. Rdlable. Uve out. lft1ftO~r ~d_!l_!flilf'! ~eu'i cf\t~k ttlllr ~di ••111 1"111 ,. .. l't lrn~lately er..;rt .,.,,.....,. ... tffeetlonL THE. DAILY' Pl'LOT.ieseumet ll••lllty '"' ......... en•r .. tne ••tent .t;PUbll1hln1 t he advert*11'*'t .. ,,_.,, ene tlm. WlltUwi" Wint? Whaddyo Golt »ECIAI. CLASSIPICATION l'Oa NATURAL -N SWAPPIRS- Cola.().~ sac ram en t,o tac• • 1122 :PalllarWo. CM SU.1'IS , •1 ~ _..... REWARD. ~11'3t.-r ·-*5'5 49"1•. ·-l.,i:,,,.,,~~-,~~~·I lqulpriMrit, nc. iiUCi( • brown Gemwu DESIGN Dhl.-. ....... TEENA'S Conu>teto Typlnc DEADLI NI FOft COPV AND KILLl1'f:90 P.M. ttt1 ._, .,.._,.. JMt•UoeWeri, 1:ao1,e f.; w .. fl.l nd Edttlon •"d Mond•)' aectlone wft1t1 ol•htt u,,.,. trl:30 P.M. F"Pidir. 23!4\i W. Valencia -ploo· ! Loat v~ ,,_ PIC _, a•Mtoll-S.rvla<. Prompt, ......... ~ .._ n•: sz.1133 19th • l'ttctnU.. Tot sick. tiii.lUli·Sr-; &Ts.1191 ~hie. 546-(MS9 -,Sp1clal Rite · SLl--5H.,.-Sloucb ll:VLtl -AD MUST IMC\.iJbl *LITE MANUFACT* Rewvd. -· GOVERNESS. .,,._, . VOU MUIT HAVI KILL NUMIERI Wheft tdlll1t9 an •d t1eotU111 9f 41ulet1 l'eMI~ ' bf 9Ul't t• mike a NOOrd of the klll numMr t lYMt .,. .. 111.; ~r •d talc-tr '• verlflc•tlo" ef Y"IUr e111. Noed nw. to bandle man"" LOST Wblto ...,... cal .............. 66111 German alrl wl"' Call!. factutirw dept J~r molded I.Jehl blue e)'ff, ~ coUu. ;y;-.z d(iwn. liat~. ~ producta. Start immediat• Nff.r Ht& Harbor. Reward. PRACTICAL NURSE. Jy, Exp not .... wlD train. ICU111 tm-229! OTIIOllY'S Avail. """ .. - ........ ,.. MY9 .. ........ a...wi..t ,.. -111 "' ,, ..... >-YOl.I••,.._. tMI., ..... t ........... tf,~i.IN> -a-NOTHING 'Oil SA.la -TllAOll Otill,,1'1 EV1ry 1ffort I• made te kill er correct • n..., ad tti1i ft&& ,.... ffdtrwl. lllut we °'"" "•t gu•ranU. to do IO untll th11d hu .,,..rwc11 In the,.,.,, · PHONI 642-S6n ' 11 To ·Ploce Your Trodor'1 PorodlM Ad Natkinali KOPt. $11'l;OOO in. LOST·· 0 bnl00! bto n t.ocal ftf, 8JS.BI vtlt req, fully eecuml by • • w . ~ti DIME·A·l_l.~E Adi •re ltrlctly oa1h '" 1dvance by mall er 1t 1n)' ent., eur efffoe& ·NO ph•,..·el'd1,._ ,t ·' Thi DAILY PILOT reterv" the right to cla11Hy, edit, o.nlOf' et f'llfUM any adv1,. tl.ement, •ntJ to 6h1n11 It• r1t11 •nd ,..,ulatlon1 wltheut pr~ Htlol. Mill Addr111: eell 1175, Newpert luclt, CllN. CLAISIFIED COUNTEllll •re toe1ted u follew11 Daily Pilot Clanified CLASSIFIED INDEX inventory. $TJO Ptr wk + hairpiece ~c; White Front, 100 ACRES, clear, $35,001 Beach home, stone'• throw equl.I &hate ot profits which CM, ·or B Wt¥, Fuh b . Eqult)', Want lneome prop. lo ocean. Exchana:e for should return '25..000 or Rew. 615'-4054 erty, ~ 1ubmlt off1'!rs, 1man hOuse Ip 'Costa Meu more per )'tar. For a.ppt MAL E Po o d I e -m I 11 Art·G'°v\ftltti, Realtor or· San Diego. pho~ 213: 433-4468 Ext, 10& w/Schnaµau-like ha:.ftut; 646-1941 The Besj. costs no more? Expirien<:id Main ....... Budpt i.and1c1:plng Graduate, Horticulturilrt 613-7420 FORTIN CO, 642-S<m MAN ' WIFE, cook 'I; moa.Uy lfl't)'. Fam. &lievill&. HAVE: 24' Cl.bin-Cruistt.Sharpo ---,-,~.~B~R~.~ .. -•. -.~ .. -rm-,t waitress team lot oonipJe~I;!"";•~· ~642-0017~~~----l---------- A·l oonil. _135 hp crtY ma· In town. Showp~ yard w/ control of kitchen I: dinina; LARGE brown Gmnan short AWN ROS. rlne enc, ~ v&h:ie. Trade cltvet" pa.doll, l.igbtfrw le nn in Newport Beacti oalr PVlnler do(. Name fox property or '!11'!?. ldacpb'lf. $39,950. Want: restaurant.CallMr.'Gaynot GU.r. Reward. 548-2111 0.......,1 ~ Call 6'1>1909 sm.,Uer home. Agt. 546-5580 days 6'15-GQ'J or eve 1 att 4 PM wotkblrc .way thru coUele. GOOD &-n GM marine dje.. Xlnt opportunlt,y-take over 646--6489 for P 1 ea• an t1 .. ,"i"~WK=-old""'-.,.-,-,A-wlll"'"',.-I 1 Elcp, Llc, Rtat! Terms set e.nalni:., Trade for late clean': Bea\lt)' Salon, Udo surprise. tiatt striptd . kitten, short Phol'le 6t6-G03 Or 546-2531 modd % T.J?ick Up, Econ. area, ~!'I establ, 6 1ta· GUL~ OIL · hair. Vtc Pom0na A Willbn,I~=~=~~~~,.. oUne, Ranchero, or El ca. tlorts. Trade for lot or sub-C.M; &C-8817 MOW •? 1Weed. Labor by mlno. Consider VW Bi.c ml!. ~/broker.·548-7711 Service Station for least SCARED little .Qrlbuahua. capa¥e O>JJ.ere Students. Geom Allen BYiand ..,_, -~~­!06-8 E. -SA Ill .. aw.. l1yHm. aw-tlal Pmnanenl --HOUSES FOR SALE MIWl'Oll:T M•l•MTI e•M•AAL ... lll•Wf'Ol:T IMn••s COST& MIU 1111 W•ITCLl,11' Ml!SA Oil MAil 1111 U•fltllll:llTY l'Altlt mo ,,. ... ... 642-4610 Freeway Location Mate *artnc c0na.r a: 2 Reu. Call t15-~ M PM. =~~~=~:: a1NTAU :: ~.· •• ~~.· .. ~~e~~ ~.',· Paid Dealer Trlininr; Btlls'. Vk Dover' l41d'i.ntr. AL'S r.. .. -. ........ Serv,le• u-1p W --..I "-MM. fl•NC•M• .,... Llj:una. Beach, clear a.pt. oc .. •"" Pl -.. ••• Insurance plans available ._..~...... '""' ln•-.i 1,,_.,.,,..~ ,l..00«1 ..,. bldj'.. Will take m o d e 1 t for 1st I: 2nd lnl&t deeds. c.ontact Ron Hampton 642--1979 Lawn ~. Pfdeno Fu East A,eney MU'J03 aA(f( llAY MllA •11101! nu IAIT •LU.., COLLIOI l'A•lt UIS. COllOfllA Oil MAil NEWPO•T 1114::111 U.. •ALAOA M•WJOOll:Y HlleHTI 1111 •AY ISU.NOI IALIOA COVES 1fll LIDO llLI! "IWl'OllT SHO•ll" Ult IAL•O.. llU.ND IAYc•asT na l~YSHOJtl9 1211 MUlllTIJMTON l lACH OOVl!ll I HOll:ll 1121· =-Nt~'!lw~LllY W•ITCLll'll Inf LOH •IACH HAlllOR MIGMLANot UU OWAMCla COUNTY UNl\ll!ltllTY l'Altk 1m MilDI" ~·ov• tltVINI! lnl IACk 1.t\' IHI ~·STMlllll II ~ST•LUl'P 1141 111110W4Y CITY lllYINa TlllltACI 1141 IUTll AlllA COllONA OIL MA• llSI IAfllTA AlilA Hl .. HTI •ALIOA l'l!NINSUL.A 1• TIISTIN l tACON •AY 1211 CO.llT.t.&. I AY ISL.ANOS 1:1541 U.GUMA llACM LIDO llLI llSl LAGUlllA Nl•U•L IAL•OA ISi.ANO 11'5 Miii CLl!MIMT• HUMTIMGTOM llACM Hit OANA POIMT HUNTINGTON H.tAIOUA 1• Tltlf'LIX. Iii:. fl'OUMTAIM VALUY 1411 COlllDOMllillUM IE.t.&. •U.CH 14111 R£NTALS •• .., ---"" .... -.... -... ... 4'11 ... .... ... ... ... .,. .,. "" •111 .,. --~~~~·~ ·~~~1 11~151 Aph. Unfwni1hed LOMe IEACH lJ .. GlllllllAL MM U.ltlWOOO UM COIYA MIU 1111 OllAHGI COUNTY ,... MllA VlltOE sn• OUT 01' COUNTY 1.-lillWP'OA:T 11.t.CH 5211 OUT 01' ITATI 1 .. lllSWlll'Oll:T HllGHTS ltl• STANTOM lf11 NIWPOllT MtOlll!S 1221 WEITMIMSTl lt lflt 'IWllTCl.ll'P St• MI OWAY CITY lfl6 IJllllVS•IITT PAlllt 5tJ1 SANTA ANA 148' 1tACC U.Y JMll SANTA ANA HOTS. lut IAST •LUl"lll na OllANGl0 lf11 COltoJIA DIL MAii JHe fUSTIN U+I &ALNA SHI NOllTM TUSTI,. 1'4.5 IAY llLAflOI IHI ANAM l.IM lUI LIDO nLI JlSI 11LV'EltAOO c ... NYON ,_,, HUNTlllOTGM lt"ACH 54" H.r.V.r.su LAkl! lf1S ~UMTAIM YALLl!Y S4H LAGUNA HILLS 1111 Su.&OA ISi.ANO JJ5f ,.UltNAC• ••l'AlltS, Ek. ..,. home dHtl't area or Vista PETITTE, Realtor 547 ~~· '"' -~ -~.. LOST Gt'l.Jtey half -tna:. deu U1)8. 645-3829. l'Ult•ITUlta ltU1'01ttlll• • · .,.~-u .,. ~- & 1tEl'lllllHIH un in exchange. 5'8-0022 BEAUTY Sho Le• with VX: l'Jlh St. Cbsta Meta: CL&\M.t1P 9pecialbt! Mow-==~::t•~alYICQ :: Broker 49+1330 '58 nwnes Van &: '59 Sta-option to oo}: i\llly cqui~ Reward. ~ i-. edilnc. odd job•· •UDIMtr. DltlCUMI ... 3 ApU:., Palm Springs and/ lion Wagon. $150 v a I u e ped, ' bedroom house, 2 LT. brown Chihuahua. Red Reuonable. 54&-«m =~~. TllUM9 !: or 19l 1crn N. Dakota FOR eac~. TRADE loi power baths, like new. Bk r, leather collar. E. aide CM. JAPANESE p.rdetier Ccmpl euN '"~ 1111 income prop., Orange Co. tools. oxy-aoet outfit, or ~U5 $ii Reward. 548--7Cl5 serv. , Expe_r.. depm4ble, HUI.TH CLUh ,,,. Fortin Co. 642-5000 martrre .. 'h8.rdware. 546-l(lll --, .... ·-MAULIN• .,. DESIGNER-BUILDER ,u-.:.:.es . __,J HOu11c1..u111lf9 a• 1701-A Wesldii.. Dr .. NB Six Unit-apartinents, Hlg~ Business .-...ration It: ,. .. 1-., PeFMnal1 MOS CUt&F.dpL&wn INTl:ltlOI DKMATINe 6111 DE 1 old b il ~~ -' IHCOM• Tll · •'• MESA VER land Pk. yrs ., u t-Ettab. 19 )TS_ • B&lboo f REE' fo.t&intenance, Lloen!ed 11GM, cn1 IA •i.. mt FAIRWAY LOT ins, air-oond, cpta;, drps. Island. 6'1J..5500, eves 5'8-4808/66-:WO aft· 4 l::'t:;,... !: Want: lndustrlaJ, commer. Will trade for lot in Beach ~1551. • •, 'l:'V'D"PD , Jrpane.:ie INIUllAflfCI mt cial, income Ot ! ! Submil Cities. 213-'J96..l210 loilc 111--f&... ClelHI ~¥" QJrii.pllita ll!'?'rioe. llllV.ITIMT ............... '"' to owner 642-4n5 BOAT BUlLDER, no inwlt -.. ,. '""'TotlAL .,,.1 c:~...;,:<',;-~,.;-· ,,.---TRADE Sailboat require<t, need exp. Klass Offered to the public ·:tftt e1Umate. Call 5'0-1332 ~:;:." .. ,::•••it.· llL ::: 3 BR., S :BA, fii'lli-din rm., Value $300," good condition, builder lo Mfg line of small by the Balboa POW· uPANESE ~. cam- LOC1t1Mn" '"' awued patio, tinished gu F or p6ol table, dirt bike, DaYsallers. Write D a 11 y er S~uadron starting , ,.... yard ..rY-. he MAIOMllY. ••k1t ... age, dishwasher, laundry, or office equipmenl. Pilot Bo" M-413 M d ~.,. •-•- MOYlff • 1T01tA•• .. Call· ... °"'""' 7 P. . on ay June l::-::;:~-:=:;:L:.,:-:;-~;:;===-I ~,, anrinklen. Trade eq ........., vo PA1NT1NO. ,_........ UM .. ~ -.--· WOOD Wor1.i .. n 1hop, 3000 -2,· NewportH arbor •A•NT .. •r.; ._ !or trlr, car or T? 531-5250 "''"6 ..... Lt .. 'ul1!'11 1 • • 1 6730 l'ATio•1 • , "" Lake Arrowhead \Yaterlront ft. Good location, small in. Yacht Club, 720 \Vest "" _ PHOTOOllA HY AJt What do·)'OU haw to~! free .&: ~ • .._SS0.000 val. Pa· ve1tme:nt requlred. Write B A N 1111V1.rt · ~ LING PLASTl'-1111 .. ,..,. ._..,.,. ,,_. 11 .. _ -·tn .....____ c'lflc Pahaaaesoceanvulot, P.O. Box p 487 Daily Pilot ay v_e., e"t""' GENIRAL. HAU JOLU .. 1111•1 .... ~l ...,.,. ...,....... Beach. ED r 011 at "CLE'NUP ,..,. •ROOM•• ... Cowltf'• l&rrcnt ?'Nd trad-lree &. cit, $21,500 val. iMr a.1'-lanh AM d"' ~ l'ooL s11V1c1 ''1• Inc poll-aM make a deal. want; Income. Bkr, MS-rnt class. For • ¥£tional '$12 Per )Oad. =~·s:::.~~1111• ::: Full Jlrice '300J, information phone 962-6846 art. s A: wkrnds. ....... -'I\ * * * * * * 6""131 * 675--0467 or 11'13-185S. HAULING, ·Genenl, Top, ::::o.~=--:,.A,• ::: $1700 BUYS Auto Repair LICINSID trim, mnon trees A :::•~ arttNlllll !: REAL ISTATI lllAL ESTATI = C-2 lot and bou!e. Spiritual ReadlJWI, advice hed&H. Bir JoM gq.t03D SIWING ffff Gener•I Gener.I :0=i;;======I on all matters, 1(m S. El YARD/pr, clm.q>, Remove ~:;~':: T';!~:,'r:.::;:;:' = 6100 lut. Wintecl 6305 Camlno Real, Sin Chmente trees, ivy, dirt, tractor back TA•LOtlN• ,.,. Office Rent•I 6070 Lota 492·9136, 10 AM·.10 PM hoe, gradlh&. 96i-tr•s ITT UBSCO JUN1ol1 " IUYER Apply, wilh.mwne W./ 0<ln-,11a~e.. peri!!'ICe and ullry ft• qulrtments, to ftrtcmll Dept. ' , AN EQUAL OPPOl!TIJNITY · EMPLOYER (Male or Female) 1485 Dale Way, Costa Mesi. Calllomia 92626 tn4l~ T11tM1T1 coHtllOL "" \VANTED: 1~ ~wbeol SPECIAL S2 READING II 'rn:. .. cw-1c .,,. Cle•n Up end H1u nt ~~':i ~~= & MarMe !:!: PRIVA" OffKE 3 ADJ. lals; room for 11 dump truck in good con. Attr'1etlve Expert $10 per Joad. 64$.~ . It uni ti. 333 E. 2lat St., Costa ditlon, preferabl)' with job. l.AOUNA llACN 11M llAL ••ACH J4M ':i' LAGUNA H1$U'EL· 1111 LONe •IACH SS• ;,i J.r.N CLIMIHTI Int OltANOa COUNTY SMf l SAM JUAN CAl"llTllAHO lnt o.t.llD•N GllOYI Mlt CAl"llTIAHO IUGN I~ WISTMlr.ITEll !Ull DANA l'OIHT 1, .. MIDW'AY CITY 1111 .. ~ u.•U•f.O 11+1 ... TA ANA IY' OCIANSIOJ 11M IANTA AKA ttl .. tlTI Ult ' ,, ' ' I '' I ( IAlil DIEOO 177S Tillfllll 1641 Jtl\llJtllo• COUHTY 1• COASTAL 1711 HOUSIS TO •• MOVIO u.. u.eu"A llACH 1111 CONOOM1NIUM '..,,"' LAeVlllA ,.IGUI«. 11'1 OUl'LIXIS '0Jt IALI! 1Nf CLIMEJfTIE Sf'lt Al'AllTMliMTS ,.011 IAU 1Ht U.Ji 'UAN CAl'ISTllAHO Jl1S RENTALS OAlllA POJMT .,. HouNs Furnished REAL ESTATE. GINllt•L HM General lll!HTALS TO IHAltl 2llJ n t'111ux. "'" ,... COSTA MESA flit COl\IDOMllUUM ffSI MISA O•L MA• 11H llaNTAU WAMTl!D S,,. M•IA v•1101 1111 IOOMI l"O• ltllilT sm COLLIOI! l'Alllt tlll aOOM & IOAllO nN NIWPOllT •&AC M mt MOTaU. TllAlllR COUllTt Jtn NIWf'OllT HGTI. n1• QUIST HOMIS I"' N&Wl'OllT IHOlllS 1nt MtlC. lllNTAU "'9 IAYSHOllE5 tnS lllCOMI l'JtOf'E•TY ... DOVIEll Sl+Olll!I Dl7 IUll,.ISS l'llOf'E•TY ... WISTCLll'I' Hiii Tll:AILI• l'Allltl ... UMIVEll'1TW l'Allll ttJF •UllNUI lllHTAL "" lllYIH I -CH'l'IC• ll•lilTAL #JI IACK IAY 11411 lftPUSTlllAL llllOJ>altT'f' ... l .. .ST •\.Uf l' H4t COMMlltCIAL 6111 tllVIN• TEllllACI !MS IMOU1TlllAL lllfllTAL UN COltOHA Dl!l MAit t2N LOn 11W IAL•OA U. IANCHES 6111 a11y ISLANDS nMm• CITltUS G•0¥1!1 '171 LIDO ISL& ACltlAGI •Mt IALIOA ISL.tlllO 1m , LAkli ELSIMOlta ,. HUNTUfGTON 11.ACN 1<Mll ltUOllT l'ltOl'lltT'I' 'tit FOUNTAIM VALLEY "', .. 11 Dll,AMGI CO. f'ltOPEllTt '"' llAL I UCM OUT o• STATI JOIOf'. U .. ~~:.~·~~~MT'I' = MOUNTAIN I DIS"l!IY •111 :t':s~~.~~~l!I ::; :i~~·"s'=~~~I i.:::YICI :~:: MIOWAY CITY SIU It.I. EXCNAHGI tut "' ."Ts MM It. a. W.r.MTliO ,,. ~:I:AtNA 1 mt BUSINESS and t::~:: :~:~:L ,,.,",",· ,' 1uf.~~~~~~T~lfnlEI .... SAN CLIMINTe S .. H JOAN CAPISTllANO 111S •USIHESS WAHTIO tJtl .T •••••• ACM Jl:lt IMVllTMENT O!ll>eti\MHlel 1111 CAP1 >>• INVllSTMINT WANTIO · tJU DANA l'OIHT lllY•llSIDI COUNTY , .. MOMIT TO LO .. lt tJ2' VACATION •INTALI Mt l'llllONAL LOAMI tnf CONOOMIMIUM mt 'IWI L•Y LOANS iUJt Ix •• •UIO •7f COUJ.Ta•AL LOANS UU OUl'L ' JtlAL llTATI LOANS O• RENTALS MOltTG .. .01!1, Trtllll OHfs .,. "J HoUMI Unfurnished MDM•v wAMT•o m1 .., . ••NllAL ,... ANNOUNCEMENTS cosTA MISA ... "•~ •nd NOTICES MISA Oa\. MAit • .., MUA YllOli lllt f'OUNO IP,.. ....., ""' COlLIQa l'Alt« 101 LOST 6411 NliWl'OllT •ACM 2* PlltllOlllALI .. NIWl'OllT ...-rs. bit MllilOUHCIMalllTS 64\t M•Wl'O•T VtO••s me tlllTHI '411 ' ' : ' ms l'UNaltAU "lt I' IAYIMOlllS nl1 l'AID O•ITUAIT '4tl ~~u :::~:L~::ltll J'IM l'UNlllAL OlllCTOll ! 6'1t I UNIYlllSIT'Y l'Altll JU1 ,LOtlllSTI 6411 !llVINI = f:~~::-Ml(t :::; I ::1: =~~l"I' Utt CIMITl!lll LOTS t'ill lltYINa Tl!••AC• :n•• CIMITElll CllYl"TI '411 NA o•• Mllll me c••MATOlllll ..... COllO 1,. MIMOlllAL l'AllKt 6111 Mt..•OA \ mt "-UCTIONI 64• I IAY nLANOI ~ tlll AYIATION NllYIC• tUr LIOO IS\.a TllAVIL 64• tAL•OA llUllO Jltl Alll: T•Alfll'Olt"f.tTtoN .... 111•wl'o•T WPT -mi AUTO TltAllSl'OlllfATtO• ..... \lllN1'1 NQTOlll l l ACM LaML lllOTK•t tUf HUNTINGTOll HAnOllll Ml ealMAM a fVTtll:tfl• 6419 ;;~~T:~~c:ALLIY = SERVICE 011tECT0RY; OA1t'illlil OttOVa SOI .r.CCOUtl'TtN• .,. LOMG •I ACH UM AlilS1"1llMO Sl•YKO ... OllNtQa COUNTY MM Al'I'~ fjfirl! llll'AlllS, l'IM'lt ••11 I' SANTA ANA >411 A.l'l"ll:AllllilO tl1I ~ .. f, WISTMllillTU MU All'MALT, Olt ua , MI OWAY c1n "" AUTO •IJ>Alltt .. ! , SANTA AMA 111110'"1 i&M AUTO. ........ T-Ole. U• CO.STAl ll'Nt IA•YllTTI... tUI • UNA t i.Kt! I* IOU MAINfttl.tlllC• dN IU.MlilA 11111etttt *"' l ltlCll, MAIOftllY,.. tMI I .,r.N CL•Ml111T• 111• •USIHISS llltYICll •JU ~· JCAl'ISTILUIO PU •UILDllU mt ,-tAPIU'a.tMO 11.tf'lll ml CATl•I... tlPll A"" l'OllfT .JJ• CAllNliTMAlttM• ... CM!OOM!ttfWI "91 CAltPl.lftfllltle '"' OUf'UX•t u•l'V•... 1fl'I CIMIRT, c.cr-. .... RENT ''$ "' CHIL• c;.&lll, U-.0. ... I • -CONTlt.lCTOtlt 6'• Apts. FurnfshM ' cNt,•T·C.LIAll.. .,. I ••••• L .. CAlllln' lATftf9 & lllPAt• MM • • ., .. o.Al'llllll -COSTA M•SA II> fllllllll VllOI •1M OIMOL"KHlll .... • J lllWl'Ml lllACM ... DAAll'Tlft• llaYK• 6'W TILIVllKllV ~ etc. .,.. f.-1eu. °'"'"' 49i-ao?2 eve. * 837-1733 * YOUNG WOJiµN :~•Y ' ::;: Sec:retarlal service, .air co~ dancer wU1 leach you all HOUHClilnlftt ' 6735 STOCI MAii JOIS A EMPLOYMENT dltionlnJ, I: parkin&. MsQl lot~~~· 1':1~· Money te Lean 6320 latest .-pi. 001 ~Ardell CA1tPETS, wtndow9 fits JO• ·wA'tnio. • · ,.. etr.nre CoUnt;y Bank Bld&:. x · am · · 213: 591-45311 1·10 PM etci Res • Comc'i. xmi. J'U1L TIM.t • «I HR. WK. ::: c:::::: ._. ,.. 230·E. 17th Street SUUivan ~l ts: oCi: 2nd Joans for quick COUPLES. slllgles; lonefy? work Reu! Reil. Ml-41.ll I TO 5, S DAYS Mllil. WOMIM ... cmta Mesa 642.-1485 Acre•ge 6200 .cub.· BomJw on. your PIO-New in area! Join the rwina::I-::======== DOM1tr•c .. ,.., -1111 FREE RENT perty eq without disturbtnc to run 1: pleuure Papo~--'nt AMMCllS. ~ '1• low irrtere ls TDs. JfMI• .. • H•Lf' wANT•o. Mett "" Lat"1Y Beach ,)-our It t • 635-9291 • P•lntl . AG•HC•11..... '* 7 ACRES W/PERMIT A~ buyers for 2nd TOI. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous "I ~:.'"f..!!.NT:~=-::: 'Til June 15, 1968 on a years TO KEEP HORSES MtU¥" Mortpge Co. Inc. Phone SC.721T Iii' wr1'e lo PAINI'ING Irit I: Ext Lowest· :~::f~:'a-:;T~n~~;;:. ~= ~=· c:'~rn~ne1:a '~!~n. Ad~acent 1ubdlvl!ion ' ~. ~rving~~~lr.~. 20 yn. P.Q,_Box 1223 Costa Mesa.' contracted. prices. Fully in.1. ~o. 1111•rA1tATIOtf ,... ED RIDDLE Rlfr. 64&88ll mile E. of hwy, utll aval!· Mirnn . · 545--06ll • . Sltlsfa~ lflW'· Free est MET•uRTc'H"".'No'rsE FOR'"' m.ooo. 14 Cash, ba1 l,st tMllt , .. · Trevel 6435 Jim Weeki ~1166 " OF!FICE SPACE WANTED, deed. wrife Box 91-t l.aguna "NEW ~ LOANS AR-. PAINI'ING.:commercial &:. SALE ANO TRADE Nin np, building produe:ts Sch . Phone 494-4726 Owner. RANGED Top cub for WANTED: Rider 1o he.Ip lid tial. l'UltlilrTU.a -co needs 250 to 300 sq ft. nr ' · teuoned 2001. drive to Dallas. Call Mn. re en • 23 yr exp. Ol',.IC• l'UlflfT'Ull• 1111 0 ,......., Co. A i rpor t FOR Sale or .ru trade U. cA• ... 1 llkr. Stephens, S9l-2l54. Average exterior 1tucco It: CH'PICI l.Ulf'MllfT •n --.. ~ Orange Co. income. 2MJ A. --trim 3 Br. $250. Joe ~1021 ~~~~ •'=~ :! :~ =-e~b:. so of He"met near Rancho SERVICE DIRECTORY PAINTINdl PaperWa' 16 yn •Alt eCH1111MSWT' wis ·-California n'-684-m Mortpges, T.0.'1 6345 R I In Harbor area. Lk: '-. -1tOu11MOLD MOO& ..,. Call D. Moffat 213: 866-3~. Appll1nce epa rt eA•A•• ML• mt wru.. PAY roP s tor lt•rts 6510 ed. Rets twn. 642--2356 PU•N"u111 AUCTIOM 1tU ,3345 NEWPORT BLVD. Put of St,te Pr.op. 6208 TRUST DEEDS. PAINTING le-maintenance, =~~~:~u ~: Office~ suitable for 'Com· 1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. *642-7898• * 'ffiE COIN CHESf * interior ' ext e r I or • SEWIMI MACHIN•• llM mercial, Medkal, Dental.11 ft---_, __ ... mail ••• 3'°" MUllCAL ""•T•UMINT 11n Atr-cond., crpts, elevator Central Oreaon 850 acre ir. ........., ... vu,,., . •, ... Reuonable ntes. M&--:; :l~".:~ a o••Alill :: 35c PER SQ .FT. rigated -~ch. S651o ~• Money W1nted 6350 It:;. :h 7~~ Cast, La-Palntlnf & Electrical TILl\llSIOfll 11111 541-5032 OR ~2464 deeded, "°" a cres ng lenn EXCELLENT $12,000. noll! · · Licensed A. mBUmt 111-•1 a ST•ll•o 1111 nd tti lell.!!e w1th option, Can run on local mortuary. Interest SUPREM:e Appllanee Re. * 642--0427 * TAli'I ••co•o•IS mt BEAUT. a.ir<'O . 0 ces. 1000 .,,.1,. provide full feed, bl I 'H Will .... 1.. R '"""' 1VIAhe-..1-. CAMl'•.U • IOUlf'MINT .,.. w a I n u t paliel'r, ample J• paya e monthly a 1• .-... e .. ~. • ... UJ.;J• • INT • EXT, ANY SIZE Ho••Y IUPl'Lt•S .... paric'f, util I: malnt. 1·1160 or rrow specialty crop. 1'hll 1tll no.le al a?% discount en:. Tom. 54&-1363, S47-6i91 JOB. Xlnt work, re•· tree Sl'OITIM• MODI .,.. Is • •how plate; ran,cb with ...... will ~-· ··cl< t .... -•1HocULAllS, KOl'IS ISM aq, It. 1-smllJ. :?Sc sq. fl. ..,..., ~ .,. ~ i,,... • AUTOf.-tATJC \VASHER est. Jll'lt 642-4669, 646-3749 MIKILU.NIOUI .... 673--2102 realistic real est.ale potent. value In 11 mo'•. This wW REPAllUtiAN MISC. WANTIO .. ,. I~===~~-~--,,-,. lal' that will be tl01d ... a y1eld Xl.5% int. in lS mo'•· 646-5848 NEAT, q;p. Painter. h:) 6150 Escollont,EmployM Bonoftt1 APPLY PersOnn.I Offlc.~ Third Floor Tlf BROADWAY NEWPORT BEACX 47 Court• of '•lhllli FASHION ISLAND Nowportlooch Manqement Trai~•, FULL OR PART TIME $3.25 PER HOU ~~~:~~lllY, •1e. :: DELUXE Olfice in Colla profitable ranch busineu. Financial 11 a 1ement 1 drWdn(, Collqe student. sTOaAo• 1m Mesa, ,1500 sq ft (33c). Air PenonaL ,1ituations make 1.vallable. Write to Box 14", libue.lttlnt' 6550 Low pricn! Steve 54&-45S We ne:ect ten pa.rt t:lq,M: ::l~~,,.. MAT••tALt :;;: cond. Crpts & drps. 543-6761 sale tn ~or pJrt Ul'Jent. Newport Beach, Caltf. ,.. , men and live tun time PETS incl LIVESTOCK 300 Sq. Ft. Office Ni~ hom,1& out-bidit. For MD and partner need •hort CHILD care, lend yard, Pl11terl!!f• rt.,,_lr 6180 men immedJatety. No., l'ITI. OIMlllAL -i ro=ST=A=MESA.==== .... ="=!O; mdrt lnfo(ma.1!011 call Ernest term UT 000 1st Trust Deed lunches, Vie Warner &. •PATCH PLASTERING. All perfence nee. CAn ... Eekhott. J.. • , on 8 'actts close to Sprlnda1e, =~ 846-0839. types. Free estimate. Call CALL 547 .. 7712 ~=:•s : Comntercl•I 60IS 'EckJ).off<a~ •• Inc. do\mtown Bl&: ~ \\'Orth BABYSI'M'ING l or 2 m)' 540--6825 1'ton .• Sat. Mt. CoW L1v1sToc1t *' · lB,1.S' \f. 'Oia;priiah Ave. over $80,001. can Mr . hOine. Day & night, & dQ•l:=:::;:::=====o I CALIFORNIA LNING FOR LEA' SE · ~. c.Jif. Bartelt Day• 642-1515 Eve week. C.M. ~1101 'lumMnt 111ua1•11111 1t11 541$1, ~wimds GJ3.6974 543-lCS ~~~:;"'•Hal :: 3100 llq ft prage Bld&. on "!!~~~~~~~~~I :.:fi~=.iUJ::-"'i:;s.im!. le Mii PLUMBING REfAIR ~... -8 •• ~-81.~. 4 •-·••-•-. -: ATT'Y. Hu 3, $15,0CO 1st Irle , sonry, etc. "" ......... -YI.I uuvi.m:: ""'" E h R E 6230 ~. w-·t to borrow m,ooo 6560 No )lb too small TIOlfl '""" n-r Mon .. Brokor MC •nt•1• • -• ,..,.. .... ....., * •-"-e TRANSPORTATION ~ mnfil. evts. at 10% each. 547-9379 BUILD, Remodel, Rl!pairl -=,.,;;,;-;;.,:;::::,,::=,_ ::i11:0:ny~ = S.111"9 Your Homt?? ANNOUNCEMENTS Brick, block, c<.ncrete, P;~~~ f'OW•ll c11u1H11t ,... FOR s a I e. Cho Ice com· 1. We have over 300 Sales.. •nd NOTICES crpntry, no job too lmAIJ. 1"1•._.1 •oAn ... _ merclal lots From 120,000. , people. Lt• ~-tr. 962445 . *'2381 Of ,5*-12ll IOA!' TllAn,l•tJ 1 .. -0 ' ~ =: ~~~~· = Dahia Really Co. 642-6560 . W:a:~\:--•est in r-FourMJ (FrM AdtJ 6400 ltMI S.rwlc9 6910 :::4":L1:~,.::0..1Mo = lnclvltrlif Rentel e can GOARANTEE to doc: ~ound. Sun. ~U, vtc. Cerpentwlftf '590 e lST Mo. Frtt! Expa, lie. *Busboy Apply In,.,_ ' REUBEN'S COCO'$, llOAt •1tvteH -1~;"';:::--;:;::-;;;;r:~it RU )'Our home. 39th' a JUver Av., .N.B., . CARPENTRY nllablel TOiiy TQlor' Pool 1SllC_'! 1 • ~,. =~ ~=i::~ = FOR leue 1,.quna C. \Ve sell a home every 31 female, vanilla co I o t e d , MINOR REPAIRS. No Joll 1~-~~~-~~~=== I irL'iCffii-iij;'iic;,;:;~iii;j;iii;;;j ..... ,.. MM1't ,.. oU San Dlero FWJI at minutes. GREAT DANE. l o 0 k • Too Small. ~ in pr-. ELECTRONIC 5~~~ 5 ~i:~ ne:ru~nec-Walker &~Lee ~~ cldcr oillat. eau ~~ J:!:!n.:'1:~r'!!'!"P""':::z:-'s.;;;. :;""..:;; ... :.:.._...;m,;,;;.;o ~m~c~•e• :t~:111~110M:1 r.: trtc. Day1 • m -lm Evtl. • 7682 ~r FOUND: Pregnant Cat, all Dlll at '*'372. H.. o . Repatn I: Remodeline tellina &tld a ~ et MOllLI '"*•• "" 4~· · M2..f456 or 54041~ bl.a.ck, ~ry beautiful, wear-Anderaon Elec. tewtt c I e • n I n I • ttlated dtrnel 6:lf a PaWlhr ::mEi;-n ::f FOR Rent 1,000 IQ ft Open Eves. in& flea collar; v ie. 15th -REPAIRS. ALTERATIONS Rnldentlal &: mob 11 e test equipment .,._ ..., .... IL•CTttt u.11 "" warehouse space in Irvine 1 -~-~-0:0--,-.,--PowtU PJ., N~ Beach, CABINEI'S, Alf1 II.le job. homtt, 6f.M583 turtt In O:.ta y...., Good" :,~~=~";.~·Lii ::: I rid u. t t I a 1c0 rn p I ex P1operty Problemt Nr. N 'pt Harbor H11h SchJ, 25 )'II. txptt. SM1l.S --,,._ u.lahr. 4c ~ 00- MOTOllCOOTIAI flit... Newport 546-5294 . 6G-l'l96 alter 4; p.n). •• _. _..,.... --... -. .. _,·•;:;-:::.:;:"I;.., ____ :;,•=~ portunlQr ... un¥tlou. ht-AU'TO llJtVICl!S a P.'111"1 ,_,,, 'tl:N\ 5000 JU inno•a:.n. ._..,...,,.... " r-1' dullriout 1nlll, 9-9 &U'To TOOU a 1eu1I' tflll M-1 SPACES .uoN, _,.,, CN1t-t.Coe1t FOUND near Enai1n Jr. • hour. Remodellnc·Repejn, LJC!?(SED Rqof1nc Cootr. ' ru1L•it. T~w1. _,.. aq fl . new b&q. .1~ aq I\ com-.... r ~khlnt Part Beacle pnan male dos 64)..M)9 or ...._ • ...... " •,_,.,. -"--won tar M:ll'tr hlalil:ll')' • ,......-. tkAILlllS. llftlllt pt In , _., et. t""'• WNI ,._.. ,avllUlll ltttt.0. to tt..n.. Pilof: n:ucu h': com e1* June, -· ~ , , Ihde A tan, no tao.. REPAIR, PutltloN,, Small bf; auto ar t IG-GlilO --.., ~::,S.11 .,: C. M. M&-06I . ., ~ x ,c ha n I e )'OW' "DON'T 548-0aJ aft 5:30, Rllnodtl, etc, Nlte or dat .. M-329 ' CAM ... a ••NTAU = FOR 18ae, &_W; indultl'W WANT" for 90mtthirw JOU JOUND Lldiel pmaiptioa Rful Cd 1Q:N ~ ' ........ 6MO C i:;: ;""*•• blda.. 2 5 O O · tq, It. 1639 want. Can acoept $ more An ~ Near beult in dons OPPOITUNITYJ ~: g.,MITot = Moittovia, CM. CTM017 clients. ~ et.m ce..... Cenc1 .. e .... ~. Alttnl& &lfTIWI&,. CLAQj(I '411 CAll for appoirltlTM!nt ' Cmtom I>Mlp :~: ~~.. = Leh 6100 o. D. "Bnr• Cole MALE Irish Settet, must • NO job loo amall, I do *'4Mt4&* AUJOI WANT•• ,,.. ~al E11ate Counselor -~· 6t&47l5 tbem e.lU s 1 d « w a I lr • • ... ... ,..... 642 1145 NI oPtril!ftOI -,. ::;-0 ~":..· = Jt.2 LOT tcuna .Beach, _., "1M84;1 ~ drvwy1, cor1c saw ~tc. Nut, accurate. 20 yn. e>{p. We tr11n • fllll « e- usw:o CAU .,. 911. ft. .r;r t;ir:ach It: sh0p1 L"t '401 ~1~ ...,_, Fvn4 Wen "' ( ' I ' I . • • • :::. ,::::::o.i1.1.;:J R. 'I. Wonltd •240 • !XlNCRJ:TE ...n .u !!!!!!!!!..-, 6"0 Inc. I Box>!-m HAVECUhduwn-$100 lleward ................ ,_. aYKOSkl'sOat ·Uld NJIB.llOlW ... d.i,1111::=-~ HAVE I YOU 'LOOKED FOR . ... -ct """ bl lllldc min-...... "GI-Coll 511-lJM -er....--; l,A. W !I, ii:-., I , . IW cor·UO • $5 nct, ~ ft ,., nn,.. Oo l')ftmld Ex-sl" Ml lie tall iJH. Vic * CONCllrrE _.., bclludtd ' ''°" lint IQ.lei In- t ~.:=: ..._.,M.312!l ' ,._,Oil!.NB.Pleaoe l Ile. Oonimo awtac .. 1!11-81.,CM. THE HIDDEN DOLLARS ....., tor umui'. OwnrlBkr IUSIN•SS lflll "'"~' 543-5064 Pllllllpo c.mOtit. 54M3IO S & LOY NT / ' -"IWICIAL · ll_~LI:~..!·1rm, '·~~'!..."-•. co!,.~"::,,.•:: Jn w.-, ...., 7llOO LACUNA~ Yb loll. ,,_ .,...,., -. ..,..v IN YOUR HOME LATELY'• ' ............. utllltln. pv1, luo, Opporlwlhl• 000 Vic: C.tallnaJ Dr., !"'· Statt Llo.•80,IOIO l:XPElllENCED Dl:CM • H.IOO a ~.M ~,._9'148 W&N'l'ED: olWalo liquor "3-2''19 DAILY PILOT WANT "'IS HAND -Job-- I• ' -DAIL'!' PJLOT WANT .&l>St ' 11...,.., °""" Coon~-CllAl\GE -""" .. -· Atrla>t • a.Go! ' Summer. N"'-1. Clu) -~L " ...., .,,,. ~ . _______ ,,,., ___ ca_n_:_l<Ul __ 39__ ~ RESIJLTS! DA!Ll' PILOT.lf.ANT ADS! Bl-ll!I I !'9 .. !""' .. ..,""!' ............. 1!11111! ................. '911 .. "'!9 ... ~""",... ...... ...,,.. ... ,...,... ....... ..., ... _,..,..,,... .. ..,..,...,..,...,._,...__,.,.....,.,..~-~~~-r---~~ • \ ' .,, I • ~. 11oJ 21, 1'6' Wt......,, lby 2~ 1'169 • • PILOf , ~ii~i~~~~~-~~ ··-I IMl'l.OY"!ff! JOU l IMPLOYMIN1' JOU 'I ~OYMINT JOIS I IMl'\.QYMINT JOIS & IMPLOYMINT JOll'l IMPLOYMINT JOii i IMPLOYiilfilT Holit w-. Miil-ntlll '""'-W.cllll: • .,.._·Help . -Help Wo--Help Wontod ..,.,-Help. W....... -Holp W•- . MAINT>;IW<CE .W-7400 74!JO rW-7400 W°'""' . 7400 W-7400 ...;.W;:.;0<;;;m;.;;11"-n ___ 7_400_. • lll•AL O,porll1ity * * r.tAaljNIST oma; olk. ,.._.,, "Enu>Joyment SALEs CLERK WOMAN for answerln• <Two Optnine1> le A W......1 ... .-1 • * • . servb operator, run or J .C. Ptnn<J Co. PRECISION CASTINGS Dodi pmliO 00 haYlns .e1rw11nes , ( No ... llmlt&tloll, "' ..,. ..... time, alternoon & '""· Fuhioft lal&nd Or CALir. INC. extr. mwy when )'OU ~y.,,.,,, J, C. Penney Co. or Sun. ,.1..f0'76 Newpart S.C. ZN Paleentla. C.M. need it E&m it now on a Typists Fuhlon Island AP, in penon I ·w"'=oMAN""'""'1or...,,li'"i."'°hll<=pe-.:1n=u ~• -e C'...._ N -" •···b a.ta Nna Sta&nera HEEDS -~•• sood -.._ --•w~. ~ Bea,.._ 1Jw "''·ow•...,.._ DISlfW l flKB job. 270 E. llih .st., C.M. .,... '5, -er. S3lll -"'L _,ICI SKILLS e fl,,,llfl NEEDS PART TIME ---_.. S 1r P.ECEPlTONIST&: '-mo='°·--_,~·~·--,,--~~· •· hpro Typists SALE.SLADIE Ml\llltins clerk. pan time. AID -molher 5 da WE NIEDI e Typl,n 4:»1 AM ahln, Yood Pl1 and work1n& condltlonA. • Secnt•r'-• ... , ...... ,... tARN MOii!! wrm us 'e Secretaries Mafure womu for con-wk, U to s PM. Lile bskpc, HouHwlvea & Mothtn valeacent hospltaJ, 3 9 3 own transp. Mature womu. MANNll'IGS, ·INC. EITorG Rd. (Leisure Worldl i.aauna Hilla &11'·1014 e KoypUnCh Djiri Cl!1111111gae • Keyp•chers C&ll )'OU spare a,feir boun Hospital Rd., Ne w p 0, t call a.It. 6 PM lm-1'158 • PIX n..o.... em ""' and ad4 lo tbe :Baoh. -EXPEIUENCED Toller and aovs·lt · 14 Cltrl6r a.. ... jpll T emporlrf Help -r-• • tamlly lncotne' a the aame Platform Steno. Security • Allembltrs timt ! Scbedule1 ccimenitflt ()pportuntty Joi' 1ady with ex-Pacific National Ba n k , INT!:RVJE'\V HOURS 1,30 Aloi TO 2,30 PM ' for you, monlilWI. alter-puieDce in l&Jea and k.Dow· S36--9371 fl'I .... ~ between 10 am • ? ---"'' lllanl · J ,._ •turm.Y lot appoint. lot Larw>allea4.SQ.1- 0AILY P,llPt COME lN TODAY .utAHEIM ns W. Lo Polmo Work-I who .. you wentl noons, eveniDp or "9"'birL kd&e of 1ent...i ottice wort. 11-008~~EKEEP==E~R~.~~coo=K"' lion\ at aD. W<rt In a fn.n JWett:ncn. Pleue c&ll 494. Take lull rap. All ad\alta. ~ under the &est ol. lto611 lor appalzrtmm. Hollin.an Hotne 536-35a5 -Apply tn person 10 A.M.. to 9 P .M. ?ilondq'" tbru Friday -TRAlNDS Flall <1t part time. COOK • FOUNTAIN • DISH M.AOUNE. T H E ZOO, W. Coast Hwy It: NIWl'OltTliACH _ ...... _ llllERIM PIRSOIOll. BVKE r 445 E. f71h ~_i', " ;c..i. MoM. Callf. ~tions and top ~ HOUSEKEEPER, liw • in: 1ton. molbut61 home, beach NEED bab)l'Utter weekdays for children 1 6' 6 )Tl. 50c puhour.'~ lntemaUonU Temporal')' SANTA ANA Help s.mc. 161 .. ,, E. ,..,rlh MacArtlnir, N.B. 534-1701 J, (, P.BllEY co. :·PLASTICS ·' " ' t.19LDING MACHINE OPERATORS 24 Foohlen lslond An equal opportunity empJO)'er CLEANUP MAN. over 11. Start 6· AM. No ex,. ·wm * train. 11IE zoo. E. Coast !""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hwy l MlcArthur N.8. EIPlAlll:ll WANT -.e boy o' • Watch .(ot our billboards. J40.7)U J.nabeoim 17M w. Lincoln . . Sant.I Ana Ph. 5t().f325 c>-.. ,.__ .... , .. 1 0.la Me:a 2700 Harbor An ......,.,..( '"'lo'-.... ul)' An F.qual ()pp>rtaai~ 1---Em.....o......,~· _ _,._ • ---... mol.i nlcbt Emp&o)itt ' I ! --A-0-VEll.:..'I'ISIN.c.:....;._G __ •1 MW WC AG8KY ' -Ptml. position. X I n t warlcinl cond'•. OYertime MOTOllHOME CORP. I "~""'-"!1'155::..'!' _·-_· _ ... _ ... _ .. _t YOUNG MAN ia.tetested In learnbw trade. Must. hi.ft 1d. ref'•· Gd. pay " ben'• Steady emplmL 646--'l'l21 CLASS.,llD SALES Seety/Etaow : ..... co 151S lmmedl.ate pc)al.Uon avdablie Secty/Personoel •••• to S57S ~our H~ Beacb .o4f· Sec/Corp or Exec :..'to $550 ... .1: aD frtn&e benefits. Jm. mlldiate ~· an 2nd --1 ' Srd shlfta. Experienced \ildtt1e:d,. No Pbone calls ~5PM. NEEDS * ELECTRICIANS *MILL MEN *CARP.INTERS CALIFORNIA * CAllNE1' MAKERS lnloctlon Molding * WELDERS :m BriUI Ave. * GENERAL HELP c.t.t, ':i -"':"' * Ll.NOLEUM MEN ._.. * cARPET ,MEN llWPOllHR Dtl( O.ortl,,,. • Doy Shift Two &ood men needed as doonnaa, Good ~ aaJ. 117. frlrwe be:nrfita. T-Mr. Iiwle Gr ·11r. Rou Excellent fr In 1 e beDetits, lite insurance. pUi holid~·· etc. APPLY IN PERSON 3011 _,... ...... Costo MoM, Coll!. .... 1 ... , __ u= .... ~'°--' ,,.. __ 1 Th lliwporter Inn MOTOR .HOME , • ASSEMllflS , . KITCHEN STAFF WANTED • llUIDEIS. Cooks, Steword, Helpers, etc. • le ~ for men F• rood men, top salary, ·W1121 ~ in plumb. attUril;y advancement Fint . ilW. dectricll, wall&, ca.bi~ healtb Pro.ram. :•ta ud fiaiah • or \\"e will Telephonr paiD )'OU. :a&u.t have some Mr. Oscar Zink Hixlon Metal Ji1niabin& • AsNmlilirs e Nltht Shift fo....,.n ...__ EXCELLENT man, to do finlsb 7ac:bt 1'0tk and dock rnainter1U10t. can s.u.2211 ext. 239 , SE•RVICE STATION SALESMAN. Apply' 3100 E. Coast Hwy. Corona de1 Mar, Calif. YMCA bulldl1':; custodian, 36 hr wk, :z.1:311 am. Employee benefitz.. 80-80 for ........ al°"1 Seecy/Leulns ........ · 1SOO sal~ with ~ Secb'/SUes ••••••• , to $500 penonallcy lor lnllde o\ ""' -/C.Otnct$ . .. . . . ISOO ~e aaks. M.uat have~ ~ Secty/EQiineeri.Qc • ••• $500 pQer OaeWed SaW pper. rte B<dtk.etper •.•••• ura ie~. Luera~ territory Receptionist , •••••• , • • $425 with ....., + a:mmlssSotl. F.quip Control Ok • • to $416 Stat. inaurlnce, paid vaca-Secty/Jun\or .......... $400 tion, Alr-oondttioned otooe. Girt Fri ~ •••••• to $400 A.II company bebefit.J. Call En-ow Tn.I'nee • . • • • . • • S350 Ernia Uzzardo for app't. Clerk Typilit • .. ••••••• $350 ORANGE ro. EVENING A&aillaot Bookkeeper •..... NEWS-INDEPENDENT Medical Secretary •.•••.•••• 537.7510 Secretaey/Le&al ........... . TELLER TitAINEE "" w. °'"'' 1r,.hw., Newport Beach &t&-3939 Will train capab1t &irf. for • • • • Help W1nt.d' Telltt/Nrw Ao:launta work. w-n. 7400 ~ .... ~= REPRO TYPIST __ .;.._"----'-"'-' Good -conditions/ MllYVWt benefits. n•n:t-' • Profidency with IBM 1~ee. -·· j)llagtllC'flSannti WORLD SAVINGS l LOAN trlc lyp<writer p..iomd. 292 So. Coast Hwy i .......,. Beach MARSlfAll R.l.1 DOVER DJµVE NEWPORT BEACH 642.3870 .. The1t Positions Avi1ll•ble Nowl I BOOKKEEPING MACHINE OPERATOR CDMMUNICATIDNS ~19 W. \VARNER Sant.a Ana, Calli. !77CM incl 540-212f1· An Equal Opportwtity Lookins for a sharp girl lo Employer opera~ Burrourlull E400 key. • e • Order Desk to $500 punch, 10 key adder, type l--------- M2·75D lnt.rvlowlng ·-thN Fr~ I e.m. f9 5 p.m. Equal -ly ... ,,.,.., ·GBIRAl PRODUOIOll Apply fn fMrton THE HAR1UY CO. l!llJT Placentia Ave. C.OSta Mesa ADVERTISING Secretary/ Bookkeeper Responsible, top e, .. 1 pooltlon '°' ohorp, tok .. ch•rte g1rl. Must h•vt excellent skills incl. shorth•nd; h•ndle lite llkkJ>I ; billing. Under 30. Coll Borboro. (714) 642-3910. * HOSTESS. CASHIER For C.olfee Shop hand toola. See ~ 2135 Ex!!Cutlve Chef. betv.-etn :caro-Drift, Costa Mes'.a 9 AM-11 AM or ? PM-4 PM Prefrr Order Desk experi· 60 wpm. Experience on Bur. , r-.torning shift. Experience ICU'l5I 644-1700 encc for a new company 10 rough~&: keypunch 1 neees-PROOF nece.uary, ,Apply in person. this area. P.leaaant working sily. Call Mr. Larcome eQIPClftl)I ~ EmPoYznent · UR6BfflT NEEDED • Spniy Painter '•""'""''' 54s.n17• OPERATOR neec1!'ctE.!'~~rne~er Order Processor to $425 -PBX-OPER-S-:-(2)- ol moat deluxe sell«:rvice Type 60 wpm, 1er>P.ral oUir-e Night shifts laundl}' in Calil (carpeted. dutlea, compose own lellen. I exper, no typing color 1V, etc) tie will wol'k Very congtnial croup. 1 cood typist, will train from Wed. noo1t tbru Sat Girl Frklliy to $450 S350 & S375 Beach area. i.w....n-.1-A two girt o(fice Involved in 0\11 Do"·. rn -~·---·""''""'• ~nlng onJ,y each week. J-Je '"' .....,..,,..., Mon Uvu l)i., .J.5 P.M. mut be sober • reliable • pllblic relations activilie,:. ARGUS AGENCIES INTERIM Wceable. have~ in Billing Clerk t• $475 1869 c Newport Illvd., C.l\f. P ·----• •-Work In a ........ but ··run" -...--... -rvice meettnc the public t; Uw .....,. · TRAINEE eM1..oo · lob lbGp It mil spec exp. EXPERIENCED Unit.cl CeUfornii1 Bi1nk ~ MacArthur Blvd. ......... THE NEWPORTER INN U01 Jamboree Road Newport Beach, Calif. Poa!Uon available for ne\Y Laguna Hill.5 Lei· 1ure World office of New • rt National Ba!lk. ~ 1-1...... • · ...,_ ·•--lo Che •·-y office. TYPe 50 wpm + ,..._ 'C'tt al -. ..... -w.. 1~ • .-. ~ •""""'· er)', very Top co. in beach area. is Jook. ~u opportunity employe m~·-t ··•·-· o-Che blDlng experience. EXPERIENCED ASSJSl'ANT , ....._ --.or. <JIC'lll: store "·-"y Trnoe lo ._,._ Ing tor HS irad. with typ. ORDER PROCESSING beforrcafiln&atMeaa NorUt _, -r-· k"R r i1.; TELLERS • Part Time EVM. .a.......i.... te Bake Woodtrful apportunlty 10 1nr s 1 s o to 50 wpm. CLERK 1. be dependable'. 19-25, -..._u05 cen r, r at Call Loraine, Merchants Per. Some office expert en e e F'or appolntmt".nt can Fairview, CM, Then call train for executiw ~n!IJu'y sonnel A ...... , ~~ M be ?itr Haas or Mr St-"'ill -tbarp in mind&: appearance, John Briscoe bern.-een 5 '-spot. Sh. can b! light, type gency, ...,.., West· to"""'"'''""'· ust good "5"'-' aru reaidtnt 5 mo's., have 50 accuratdy. cliff Dr., N.B, ~mo iyilist Penn. position in ____ 6<_2_-3_1l_t __ _ . ...., and money -vated.1!!5'!!J30!!Jp!\!m!!!,!!..._!!IJ!!1!!307!!!·!!!!!!!!!!!!!I Rocoptlenisl $351 -.-SECRETARYT .,__.,, ..... 00· Xlnc. $3.50 PER HR. IPART-Time try cook. Top Pleasant pel'IOl\llily plus J-leavy typing, shorthand, be,.:fit~ty· a~~e~; op. - • ..i..---...v...-te, ..,_ ienerat o!lice dutir1. Ma· Wlndl~ . n c r s . , Jlft. dept, 5f7."l"ll2 5 pm ~8, AJao Man G\'tt n to· 't""'"""-""'...,.-' Vl'"<' lngt't' to I pm. Mon. thru Fri. work snack bar &turd~ ft SO wpm. lure pert0n who6e atten-DISC INSTRUMENTS CNC Sunday S tin Lt1•I S.Crtt•ry ~ can be> count!<! on • s;ERV. STA. ATJ'NDNT. · · Startina: aalacy '$4«1 • ~ 2701 S. Hallady SI. S.A. ~veyard 1hift. Must be DARAC&llho o"!....,.,.,~•um' F Tr•lnee, ... $550, ..l. Call 540-4241bet.10" 2 PM. ... 'd -r 0••-m ..... , ~ -..... or corpora ea orney n pc. ~ . · "" · =• ... eou eoune """' .,,..,,..,,.. Sh. 90, """ SARAH <X>V£NTRY 1w SEAMSTRESSES 1 SERV STA A1TNDNT, lSOZI Culyer Rd, neu UCl iO, will train in le1al wptk. openinp for full or part lfGAL TRAINEE Work at Ntwport Center, •tart $400/mo. "'equires ste. relarial experir:nce. Type liO WPM, Ute ahorthancl. At. tcmey Rc1and S. Jlarcume 644-0023. ~ ~. 1bift, 2 PM to micl-S33-10ll2 2 Secty1 te $525 time u.les. Min. age IJ. Exp'd power machine ope.r. ·mot. Mull be ap'd. Ap-EXPANDING Carpet It. for two of our bell Newport P1e.uant work. no im>ei;t, no alOf'I to iew nauphyde boat -------- ilJbo: Qievron Station nt Housecleanin& firm, needs Beach linns. dehverles. For interview cushions l canvus pro-Accnt. Clerk $4.u.33 ;Bmtxr .I: San Dieec> Ftwy. two iood men to start JWW! call 540-0614/ 137-'4749/ duel&, Top wqes, pd boli· A top Co. in Beach area is 'Ollla Meta. lsl A real opportunit;y tor M7..a960 days, vacations. Ins. Xlnt lookina; for an accnt.s. rec. aYICE.STATION ril:ht penon. No exp. nee. SECRETARY For Lquna workinc conditions.. Apply cierk able to do credit check. TTEN AN We train. U YoU want a real Hilla law cHice. Corporate Jack Cole Co., 1163 Plaoen. Ing and bank deposits. Call A D T future tn tht' 1 er v Ice JTJ JABSCO or prot..te exp er I enc e lia Ave., CM. 646-2451 Loraine. Merchants Person. fir mt tale terv. 1ta. Older .~ lft(etTed. Must be bustness, can 54~2425 bet. preferred but not ttqtlired. CAFETERIA HELP nel Agency, 21'.Ml WeatcliU 11..--.IOl.1..1-.... .a.. job lo 3-5 PM. Cood akills, u.lary com· p . work aJlaL.1-• Dr., N.B. 64!>-2Tro -· ,........,. r the KEYPUNCH rnemurate with ability art time av uor m 1---------,rllht-.man. Apply in pel"llOD Ucemed Real E1tate SaD 2,j to <CO. Telephone s:iG.o~ modern convenience. style EXP'D TELEPHONE --.,,,,, man needed for lm~edial• . OPERATOR for appt """" 1" °""' Mesa. INTERVIEWERS , SA.V·MOR SfATION employment New urut now Meals, wUforuu 1: other D Ocun Aw. Hunt Sch ldlinc in "RE 0 Har PBX AN:v.-e.rin& service, exp be:ndita. Hours 10 AM tn Work from home. hours lo ' · ' · · TRACT". IBM Alpha A Numeri-....... r, cnu.11 be ab1e to __.. suit YoW' achedule. Oxnmis-llEN To 'tlllWlt ill ta! ""'...i ... ~ ...,. .... 2:30 PM, S dt,yS per week. One faD. tJ:me ~~ ";;i Four S.atont Homes :~ ~~ -:!~ ~itts. Steady wcrk. Call Mr. U4o ~ Ext :'1ai Call btwn 10 & 2. time. Must be neat in •P-Huntington Btach working conditions and ~~"'--==-.,..-,-62, bet 12: 30 Ii: 3 PM for 1--"-"===~--~ • ., liq: b&.ir, and "8 4500 benefill. E XPERlENCED cbainide irl"'rvie\\'. BEAlrrIClAN t.ve neat handwritina. INSPECTOR-$39o.OO denial asa:iltant for ~·--K~E=y=p~U~N~C~H--lo \\'Ork full time Costa l\Icsa ·n.65 na. WW tn1n. Some Clut A, to inspect machine EQUAL OPPORTUNITY Practict office. La 1 u n a salon. Paid vacations, etc . . APPLY .IN <ff!!'SON "' PEN ... J'J, ;, FASHION ~ND '10' AM to'$ PM Monday ihrP, Fnday l' All student poailiooa mled. Equal opportunity em.ployf:r • EXPERIENCED e TELLER e EXPERIENCED e PROOF OPERATOR e • UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK :io2t Horbor Blvd. Cott• Me.. 546-20U Equal opportunity employu * • J. C. Penney Co. Fashion llland Ne wport Beach Has openlrcs for WAl11lESS Full' Tl"" E."l;pcrience _....,,., Competitive wqes., oot· 11tandina benefits inclu- ding profit lharln&. APPLY IN PERSON 10 Mf tot PM l\tonda.y lhn:a Friday J,. C. PENNEY CO. 24 Foshlon lslond . An equal oppcl'tUnity ~mployer EXPERIENCED TELLER • • UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK #6 Mon.1rch lay Plaza South L..,...• 4ff.1271 Equal opportunity em~ EXPERIENCED e ESCROW e SECRETARY UNITED CALIFDllNIA BANK 3141 E. CNlt Hwy Corona dtl Mer 67:1-9240 F.qu•I opportun!'Y empl(l)'t:J' . midiudcll lr1iowleClr~ and tool ......... Call Da" EMPLOYER Beach, 5 day/wk. 494--9737 OPERATOR No cllcntele ttqulrcd-ne1l' ~ od. ·~-193 ~~ "" BEAUTY oP~"'TOR -ads welcomed. Call Pl· ... ~" ~0, i*Wi~ n.rr-r 0 Merchants Pel'IOllnd Asen. c~faJe or Fer.We) ™ need· -'" ..._ •' ,Newport, (~Jl&eta. cy, 2043 We1tclllf Dr., N.8. ed. applf In person. Call for Experienced In IBM 02lm, Manager 541h99lS li;:=::::A:n:A:::ippoinl!il:ltm;z!ent. , STOCIC ClEltKS 51:?no 1485 DALE W4Y appt. 545--0209 Butrouahs EtOO and. varied LVN • Experienced, Con. Ii U511. per 1D1nfk to all.rt. No iii\Cri)Ry Trainee. small COSTA.MESA, CALIF. '2626 PART TIME General omce. duties In accounting office. val~cent Hospital. Costa ..,e:ienoi llellded. Monday adh ettves manufacturer. IT14) 54&1151. Good with ll1urea . Hours ltl AM lo 6:30 Plat. M~Sll . Exctllr.nt \Yorldng 'tmv: J"ti411. Qsance: to ad. Full time,•·-,· .. , .... _.__, Shorthand helpful 615-5333 CaJ.1 Mr. Larcomc. ao.n17. conditiom:. l-U pm shift ~· ...... lllUIUUI --can 642-mST I 0 r ap- ftiXl9. Writr. llox' MG The grad.: S' 10" or aver. S2.25 * CASHIER * Exec. Ste, $500.0I pointment Dlfl7 PiJot To $2..50 Per hr., hued on SECRETARY• Plu:shJ Put time. Car wash. A top co. In beach aret, is ===~~---DOORMAN ~noe. 541-512> Newport Beach Co, friendly CALL 645-mz. arowinx and ~s a sharp DRAPERY-\Vork room ex. ,,ARKING ATI'ND'T SERVICE STATION yoonr , co"'wma. $500 up. OPERA'JORS gal with sood skllls to"';,'* ~~~~-ilvar;~s A0f~i~~ .. --~ -•··or--HELP: Two men full timt, Call Edee, 54G-S410, Juon SPEC. MACH. Steady. Top in corparatt": office!!. Good abilities a12Limiteo agenCjY Quality Potltklns fur Qualified Applk&nts 488 E. 17th St, SWte 2'2.f Costa ~IC"sa 642-1470 -· , -r ~.... 0--1 Employm•nl •-~ d t Call,. I SERVICE. !MXl \V . 17lh SI. Calil. cbiftro Neat .,,.. e:xpcritnced. One man for .':'",,!So al ., __ "'5""-.r• pt.y. Gr'mt ~1fgr. 643-2666 Pl vanocmen ~ ...... ra ne, 0 540-6464 ~-~~·ft/$. Can 6"-1700, pveyard a.bill. NO phone ~ • M n, ,,..,ta Ana DENTAL ASSISTANT f\.terchants Personnel /\gen. .,_~'·=c--,..-,=~~--t 166. 4 to I p.m. call&. RIOiFIELD. 19th .I: TELEPllONE, Solicitor • PedodonLcs. N . B . Ex: ~· 21>l1 We1tcllU Dr., N.B, * COOK * Pl\I shift, for TRAIN~E·Attlg. Good c~ l!l~~~~~fijiiiiOL· ~N~ew~""~"~Bl~"'-"!:;·~C:!.M.~--o.ra or evenlnp, from Olll' ........ nee deaittd. N,, n" ='"-="'='"""=~---nur1~ng home. Experience porlunily \\'Ith xlnt oo. in So. I Guenl $111.• COLLEGE Student, full time: otfi«. permanent Salary ~ '44-0Sll '15FJ:REl'ARY: Part time for Jft.ferred. Apply, IA.guna Santa Ana. Earn while tumilhtd. do not !'atnlmr '*" time .a.-i-Sl.15 per hour. Call 10 · oonsultlnr e~. Exp in Beach Nuning Home learning! QIO. Call Edee pn&. Call D9n, Mft'. -=bl. at 'a.nnm su.b": 7-1323 UCENSED Shampoo pt. ae:rospue du. Salary ~ "-=~~-,.~~-,.-. ~10. Ja s o D But Ji:~ Jctmt:'t, BMd! tn Lqwa. NO liq EXP'D Waitre:wt tor eatfff Top Pt.f. Newport Beach memm.le with exp . WANT Babysitter for 1 yr ~~~:~~· t11l !!'..! " DrM. N.B. tmr. Muat be 11. 4'M003 llbop 1. din!,. room. Apply area. &U-aS'1 ~ • --.,. .. ~· 2 da)'I wk. lhrclean'c I..,:~=;:..,:;:::::;,,;;;;;,=- -·.. I aft' pm.see Jim, SAIESl.AnY tot~ MR DONUT opUon11l. Laguna tl re a . • l\IEDICAL ASSisrANr * 1filWi Dl+l9r $*.• J~ I:,.; ~O 0 W ;.;::" lDft R.Hta-..nt. 35.1 store. <>wr 31 years. 25-45. no eXJI ~ ~r: ='=_,.,~==--,=~--I ?.faturt'-P e d I a tr I c: ex· ... ~ know ()r. one ...... ---•on0' _":',. E. Olaat Hwy, NB. 54&-3403 Apply ~n 135 E . 17th. OOUNTER GlRL I\' i th pcriek nee preferft'd.. f'mnt A °""'1" CID Dan, M _. • .,....,.. ,.,,.. 1.fOTEL MAIDS. f\tll I. C al · b.tc office. Send rrM1me: ..... • fr· tiDft. F:xperlenced. C 1 t 1 COMPANION to Uve,.in fur part · .M. tttabon ex~licncr for al;(!, exp, elc to Daily Pilot .... Pa: 11 I ~. $tl-l73T ~nc lady with aliibt hl.n-time. Apply \n penion 19&7 EXP'D Stationery S I cleani.ng acency. 1636.1 Bollltl Im. P.JZ ... W a' Hll Ortw, N.B. ONE. Alm b I dlcap. M1111 be uce1Jent Newport Blvd., O.f. Ladles wanted 1oc • :x• Chic., lLB. ===-~.,,..,~~- _,,,. ll'Qft. A.::..: .,::,:;:or dri~. Pr<tJt:r slrl 25 to 33. DF.NTAL SECIRF.cPT ,puding staHonerJ 11..:e.: e ruLI..ERE"M'ES. par I TYPIST. Statistlcal, amaTI CU• ~D ~ A ~ Cood l&l&rJ, Call~ S&rwle 25 to 45 exp. nee. Calin Wetl 549-3389 Time, avr:. ~.50 pe:r hour to stable Newport Buch Co. •~week. 19 W'. Jfth 8t. K.B: Prr motbf!r'1 be:lper . •5*-3Cm• SHAMPOO Girt tr exclusive: start. Over 2l Call 546-S'i45 =~ ~~ ~ ClllM.ml (fOr'DfrllaiA~· w1•ted . (Pre:l•r PART time houaeierper BnutJ Salon. MiJtl haveMAIO "='°.-....,--,30=,-' .. -,-111/_partc..:; Edtt. 5t&-6(10, Juoa Btat t~~·~··;~·~~~Qili~~~SERVICE 1taUoa antod&ntl,· grandn~ t;yl)I'!) Meta w/tn.nsportabon. VIC &Ith Calif. Coaneto!opt 11 c . time, I ,t&llwk. Lq Bch Employmnrt Apncy, m:> ._ J1. all tbilb: optft. Call Oi' apti.y V~ aJ'ft. 546471 St., N.B. '6>.oon "2--0lM motel. s:f.'l'S hr. &-8!S2i So. !\fain, Santa AN. -~ ~·hi ...... Wtrl'IS'• 51*1 BARMAID, 1oun1 , at-ff01JSEKEEPER -GoodWAITRESS, e~ .. mormna 1..epJJttl"tlarytralnee EXPERIENCD> hrt ti.mt ~ • Sta.tton. _., W'. O:ut HW)', rtactlw. AJ)"1 &ftf!r ·9 PM, cook. All adUltt. • shin. Sa.ddlebadr bm, &'96 S. Nt."-port Center, At.torne1 ma.id!:: poutblt: tun time. oliA lllf .... -. OI. NI!. -2 Mo......._ 1'21 ,.,.,._ • -* OoHI HWl(, I.Ir Bch wfll tn.to. 6«-0<0. G<i-XTD ~ put -Blvd., C.M. • PR.F.SSER • Silk Gr MO'l'EL Maida. prtFtrably MAT1JRE \\'oman ;o;-:i,:u 1 EJ"K~P~ER=1=EN~CEO=~Sc~ ... -.~--. T·V Techn\dta. DAILY P'Il.OJ' WANT ADS comb. GU&i'&nletd MIU>'-with txperienCI:. MESA &hflt"':"ftf SAWYER llOME. tw'~((i. $2.DO hr Uft Reva's Call SU,m.1 Dill MIJlll ltlll BESI', Olll. mJ3fll MOTEL. lllMtlU Call &16-6711 Fuhlons. '1>-5111 ' ------------- · aru. 2 . teenaie cb1dm. Woma"b w/ 1 mutll child OK. Pref u/45. 542-1223 SHAMPOO GIRL WOMAN to dean '4 or s•wlthli~N~ houri ewry Fri. $10 per day. Rec ent reten!:ncea. DENTAL ASSISTANT .646-5116 Newport Beach 64StU No Matter What It Is j l l I ' YOU CAN SELL IT WITH A DAILY PILOT WANT ' AD! 642-5678 1 )' .~ PllOTt , ' WtdM1daf, May ll1•l96• 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~r~~~~~f~;=~~~i~~~~::i~=~=! Mittour.NDlll illll· MERCHANDllll FOi Ml~l$1-!FOlt , • MEltCHANl>1'1 FOlt MDCllAHDlll ~--. MlltC:MA~!._ "P,!. h~!.::::!l!l=z:T..i:! :::..-1 T ~~SALiEiAN~D;"l'ltii•i'°'iiS~AiLiE~A~Nl>itnl>i~l~r.~S~'°"-!LEll~ AN~iD~TUll~~l~·~SA!·L~l~AN05~TIADl~!tj~SA~Ll~AND~~Tl:~A~Dl~"'~~SA~L~l~ANP~~;.•-~~1 -.-a y-,. ~;. .... ~ ' ....... -.... -FIEE! imw Pl'JllllN8 Jlll'ft• ... •• J.1 ,,.,.. ••••• Oolltl.---SA'VE 1..,s OF SSSSSSS . , NOW You CAN SAVI MONIY ..... ''"'"" c .... • 1mt u l/>o Neb hH• ~ doiQf all 'Oflerod to the public •Tnrlnt O.W.. lvl"11ntl I 1be1e ,..ntl We have flnilly,lnereuetl by the Balboa Power ... t SUp-'!"f f03jJ -1 wrtth1nt Must O.EVEN , our lloCk .O:tll!>re Is enouab for every. Squadron ~ 7 WANTED: Boot sllp 1or 31' DlCOIATOI Gm U~ll!JlllTIOll ifH& BUI LDING .fo .,..ko body -not only the Rlch1 P:M. Moo~ J-"""°'· Ba1bOa qr lit_. • OF 18 tuvo-» , COME V11W OUI 2.Newp0rtH'arbo'r 1 .;;ee::;,..;:,ana.;;;;:;;,~===:=== ' ""'"'' , •,toom fw our NEW JTI)Rlll , , Y··•t Cl b -W t " s ish I......,._ fllnlltUre CLUTTIRED SHOW ROOM -u ' ·-es Piii .. ..-(C...lr""tw W-to lvlld lrnmotll.WV) Bay A.v e., Newport ._...Yoe\" -... llllND NEW . , •"' . , -·-;• (wtllth hu out gtOWn Its Ila) Beach .. E,nroll a.t a...-9039 llllOl!arborBIY\I. --~=::_; .... .,.,.,Mi SPANISH ~* MEDITEUANIAN •nil:fil:f'.:=..'!~.~:.'.lTY, 1 clan. For adtlltlqnal NEWPOJU' 8 _.1180 1' o-ta-.. -.no ,,_ '"'·"' .......... .~$75;000 CLEAIANC ' -1llOd ..., _ information p b·o n • --·m~ CX>ACH-TJW1'Ea , ·;i:;·...,.~·:.:.:.:.:.:::.:.:.:::.:·=* -e Game Sets e Dining rm setre ~. ' =iy, 'Hot~'Z-.~~\r iu\l'1 ~~!~~ SC87S-016'1R.AoMr im:l. :USSE_ TS. !':.&.: .. -•:md, ?'.:'\:.:. 'RENTALS -~.,.. .. ~a.s)............ sets e· Living room sets • Comer units d •--._....,. =r:-lt'• aone tDO earl.)' to mdt .A decorator dream h011se on display -3 •Table• e Lamps e Recliner chairs e ne.,. toe · ~ • BLUJ:WATER OIARi'liM ,_ ... 11ooa lot -ffol. ! rooms of gorgeous Spanish 'furniture (was r~:~·:i.~t~~~.~ai~·P~t=: ~~:.:: You'll find It bere':il~~.1 ANSWERS [.~sau--~ri<.~~WEEKLY j ~· $1295.00 Iron .: · · • Dia-·• Guns • Gull.,. ~· -· I IFICE $'398 • This S.lo For Stock.., He.:d Dnly • e C.mer .. e Surf boor<lse T .. ls l1H <Id ... )'.• Ol>loln -Gdmy -C....k -. r CABOYER Col• ca_, SACR • • • • • • • Witches • w .. 1 .... A Wolnett.. . --ROMANCE _ .. _ 9200 Fullyequ;pped.$1110or""t ' I -·-lo .... --'HOME '~ . llO#ION~Y DM.•l!!00t1tm-'M!!c>A•YOU1tOW1tAc:cn. lOOO's o ttem.s to chOO&e from ~"White Utt, like ted LE ~. ' II D l'OltS, are very important 1n * 642;TI40 * ... ' RJRNITURE... BORROW ~ BUY. SEU OR SWAP ROMANCE.'' $10,000 ~~··!!~ ' . ~ Costa Mett's Fint & Larg9tt ii:'~~i~~ MEYERS MlllX 1961-. 1844 =~~:~,:~~~·-> 8022 Pianos&Ortlno 1130 RAJ~EIWT~E~sl. WRCOYN s,1°alp.O.MEAN. SA ~~~ $illOU·5:0.SE~1 " '~Tf~ 1 lV<ry Nitht '1119-Wed., Sat. l S... 'T1 6 Gor•g• Sal•' , ~°l;!!1 f:;.. "'°'c:r! I• . • u ...... ,....;,,. ~ _. I . . · GULBRANSEN ,...IOOOml""'-"10,tltll Oloe In .... llld ,_ ,.,.. cmtd. Sacrllice for 1411 or j JOBS&· EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT GARAGE 'SAL:E; PlumbJnr, ORGANS Located in the heart of downtown Ooola Mesa Clll San Dl<to> -er ary -&t -lo eo1'lll belt oiler • ..._ l • muung tools, b>lu. stoves, WURLITZ.&R 1131 ·Newport Blvd., ftr lroedw•y '46-n41 m380!. -E---""" I-rt~ ·-· ,.._ 1. ---------------- ·Help Wanted Joe. "·n. Wom. 7500 """"'· rs, tires, tubes & Plenty of Parking • Free C""lee every day ---~ -• ~.._, 9U ~ ~ W 7400 -miscl. )Tl °"1a M•,. st.. PIANOS & ORliANS y• 21' Chris C.v•ller .d .~ -..::::::.,_";:!~ , ""'9n OFFICE CLERK c .M. · Piano<1<0._._ ***Come & Browse Around*** '115Twinl8'5''-IO"''" .. ......., ~,.. A~FA IOMIO" 1 Reliable trainee needed as GARAGE SALE EVERYTHING IN, MUSIC Brll1ol t:ondmon. '500 ~ettlO 11111e";':!''tel1. I STORE , ~·-boo••'-•~•. 'llOy .~-:c.,... ._ ALFA Romeo -1 perm,aricpt clerk in Editor-JUNK TO ANTIQUE PETS nd IVI._ """""" "'~ ....._... ' ' MANAGER ial Olli<-'" ol tho DAILY 336 A. Victoria, €Min rear Beach Music Center Mlscelloneovo MOO •• L ....... K J~~-~·~R MoWr.·-S.los ;;<~: $1~. ~. ... .. I E . d Onl PILOT. Some typing and n...-1125 -·~ ~~ 1--St. ,xpeFrote,ncNee·w y tililiS experience helpful Appli1nces 8100 F •·•-• Sc . Qll i--.. °"'"°""•Harbor, Clllf. ti bklck::' .... o1n.:...a....!..m-J ALPINE .t ' ~· Musi have car. H""' 6 AM a<tory ~ K M<e * AUCTI * 11<: m.M5I • ~ -.. n.~--'-• 3 PM Monda Daily 12 noon 'll '9) Sat 9-5 GERMAN Shepherd male 6 ==,.,;.;;::,..=='--~ LANZ ~· · tp. • Y throUgh N E W Fri g I d a ire 174.04 Beach Blvd., ffiwy 39) wks. Sbota,, blact 6 tan PQNTOON boat lS'xl' wide. Colta Mesa <n-4) Sf0.9470 '62 ALPINE. 2 foPa. ..... - R " Ftid&yan~ .. ..,:SeeMn11,.2M".'"'cl·tok.r dishw1ashers, speCial tract 1%ml.So.SanD!egoFwy: FRIOAY·7d:30 AKCCall642--0139 f-ibaz~,:.~ W.\H'I'ED. : Mobile bome to wb!lal&..NG'~•,;~*',OiDl I l:ADIES AP.PA,, E\.. __.""'ns a r O OC surpus,$148.Del i vered Huntington!kach 847-8336 MAY23r -~-AUtl~ · ..,,_.,,.,...._,, J I -NO PHONE CAtLS. W/seIVice or swapPed out Thomuville le Martinsville COLLIE .male 6 mo&. AKC 'l'Ut tr1r A: Jobnlon moklr f'!!!Dt with CJP.tion to buy. -·-·--:--::· -:==:-::-"--tl STORE . ' D•ily Pilot $113. Alt; pm -1588 Hi.Fi & Sl•NO 8210 lledn>0m ""· d l v & n 1, :<!.,~"'·u_Al8l -. iz. Alldns $61S. ~ • = ;'t!:*";-2 08;':\: AUSTIN , "• 330•W. Bay St. MAYTAG Washer , chairs, Jove seats, chnta, ,,_......,, au.,r p.m. 25' QER1'R,AM" "65 Hard .. tnp s. Mata. Torrance. ...~ JN Costa Mesa FRIGIDAIRE electri c ***FISHER m recetv.er, cocktail tables, curio, c.abi· twin Meic UO JO. Oean AUS"I'JN Cooper S, DD c:c, FASHION ISLAND '* DRIVERS * dry.,, both excolloot con-Garrod OJ lab turntable, °'" d""""· ,bulle1' FREE JO YOU b'U,. .. costly <mu. llob MO~ -lf><50, aaod very-mxi. t'ti-Call collect (213) '934-1325 , dition $40 ea. 540-1507 Sony 500-D tape fe'OOl'der, 2 lamps. dreuers, rolor TV's, ()&r· 114: Ml$19 , condi Xlnt location, ldaltl Tire&. 489-:«d No Experience FisherxP-6~llpe~k e;r,1 . retngerab:in, stoves, M.Sh. 3Frlto&.ndhlot1 ' only, 2 •t:orap lbl!dl •=========I LEGAL • ~.E. W"'her • Dtyor, Rick, -2131 ' ' · en. dryers & MUCH MORE! We ,_, a home, our mom S..11.... 9010 •-; 19UJ.4T AUSTIN HEALEY SECRETARY Necessary! $50. ror both. CL t300 COME BROWSE AROUND has bad it w/ UI! We aft 3 VERY Cleao=~ah\I ... Must have clean California 1t'_&14-4265• STEREO console, beautiful 3 . lcq hair kittens. rm the wtth 1azle ' ' "·~ '61 HEALEY. · fWb PACIFIC SAVINGS has en a"'""" record. Apply • WHIRLPOOL aotomatic pioco walnut oab""L ll!5. WINDY'S AUCTION boos; malo, ...,, • white $5495 with -A '°""'" A equ;p. · ~ ~ ~J~o~~,~~~=~ YE~~0:1~:~.CO. ::r.e~.1:t~~~el, xlnt 673-7:s>· ~i Newport Btvd. ~:ru~b~r00;;;;~ 23·'r 1G'Aux =·~E1:!·~ ~~· : NB. at a mininium of 80. For an Costa Mesa WASHER &.electric dryer in T1pe Recorders 1220 ee~u: 1ony'' ~~Ls. 'vhite, the other ftutt,y char. u 1s •• ,.,; •.•• ; ••• when la ~ ~hillt water , 1 ... ~ • apopintrnent.: call S23-5G32 MANA~; dlx. apt., C.OSta :work.int condition. $50 for OPEN~A'rLY'9'1o 4. ~~ ... ·~·~ ... ~~r ePAl~~etlCch.YA~•~.,..: tanlc.s--•~~Walr .••• ~-NB • CITROEN RockoU Mesa C 0 mp I e t c main-both. 642-9197 7:30 to ID PM. ./ TAPE Recorder.. htw'i~~~~~~~~~ I '-«LI J.ut" -v""'n:: -"".-., ....,.. 11..ni ---..--~ ....-. -.. uui Mr. · .• _ . . . Wollensak, JM, cusette.1; • at 673-6434. S/%l 3446 v· ""'---N -· .-.. _..CAL· J.!1.L_ W PACIFIC tenan,ce ·"'.patnting. * ~.E. Refrig-lttezer •. $60. with all &ttac:hment.s. $80MINI-Bike, gre a t hill • u.~ ..... ewpart 27' MAYFLOWER 1 BR. ~ ~ SAVINGS and LOAN P.,hfonua 1.1anag<'-ment Misc. R 1 .t tan :furniture. !original cost $13tll. 8.30-079l clim.,ber, b!&: whls., jack FREE to lood kWift& ~. 213: 597.s668 714: 8'B-1510 Sleeps .t. New alum awning. 1953 Citroen in ,pid Equa,t opportunity employer 826-9940 (213) 774-6180 540-672!1 shaft, 4 HP, $80. Gem Top, Female Sc:~UJer. Atlerzic DESIGNERS' c:..111 ..... 0u....i--Fully furrt. $1250. 60-2198 running oondltlpl\_ ' ADMINl~TRATIVE e SECRtoTARY e To ~ marketing manager of growth division of a multi- miq:ion dollar corp. Excel- lent secretarial skills and at least live years experience as a secretary required. .Plue send dct.ails ot ~tev·­louS employment incltiding lalarY to &x M·507 DaiJY ·Pilot. , Typist Fee Pd. $476.67 A top Co. is looking for a young gal wilh good typing skill.s who can aJso handle pttOnes and customers. Call Lcraine, Merehants Person- nel Agency, 2CM3 Wcstelill Dr., N.B. 645-mO (also Ice jobs) M'is-llonoous 8600 .t mos.. old GTC 24" ";..,, must find home. Ca 11 . ..._ ..... ~ .... ·-2 BR lD -~ -~·•t • 642-028.1 • ,' •-• 1:• t d ' 7600A 1110 ... • ' ._ ... .., ..... -. 5/..., ~r for ale. Featllrell: l. ""•-. ., ..... ~.,~ '"1=='°""===-=::;I ~noc _.ns ~.u_ ion ntiques ·;::::::;:::;;.::;::. _ _;:::=1 white &: walnut, s 2 6 S. _,_,_ 1-;j part. crpta. drpl, semi--.' I •,-"Tho Newport oo·=LLS=,;:;AU:.....-ldnds.--,-,,.::ign.c.;.;; • • MIXED' BAG • • "'6-0318 .PUPPIES, "'"· boa!..,, ~ ~m""::'i"~ $3150. 5'M8llO DAJSUN. ~ of Business oriental, antique, modern. Household and p e r 1 0 n a I L IKE Ne w • F •mo u • mxd bfted, .me:L • la e reefing -4. Exbemely dry l FEA~: MiniattJre &: doll access. items including Honeywell "Stroll-O-OWr" o u t f l t pntle, cbedtent Pa 1". hiking platform 5, Th.Ber. Bl~cl.. 9225 DATSlJN e ~c 'fypewritfrs Helen's Antiques, 2 4 2 8 Hie!~ Strobe with battery complete . .l~ -dd. Paid 56-l632.atter 2 P1.I 5123 Excellent condiHon. FUily SCHWINN boy' like . 5 '61 PICKUP $1"5 I .a ot~ equiJ>ment Ne\f!POrt BJvd., store J, case 4 x S film holden $32'l DeW, -ie11. IDr $175 4 MASKED Bandits, white ~· ~1197 speed. .Ji t~untatariew'8s. · 4 ,l))eed Lie # VWV5ll • Bl'\l&b UlJ Greg Sh. . C.~:642-92M conv'ertible bar and ~ FIRM.•&t6:.211l ·1 ~",.._ mask. c:beg~ k feet 2 WINDMILL clul doop With * 641-m a ·• N~'-SIO.AI ~M.$Jm~I 4t Modern0Wce procedure , stooa.polaroidswiJ:w:ercam-ANTIQUE &Ius mirror, canco, ~ Buff ·tipr-etrlped, trailer, xlnt c::Omition. $C50 nc W."'\JC ..,. e M!!Or writing •kill• Sowl .. t.\Khi-lf20 era, maple chest and mirror, '1"x49" -·hand oal'V· Joni halred. 5'6o!'965 5123 or best · otkt. -El&dTI Ca 9250 '66 j¥AGOH $13'5 • YOur" ioaJs can be achiev-.!'. · cue and bowlin& ball, full ed t:rame. $40. 3429 Sea 3 REAL cute klttem. put 6'73-497l or 5'>:.ao2o · c rs 1 4 dr~. ln lu .. dtrai _..__. -~ in • -'-'-um of 3 1969 Sl.NGER with 2ig-zag &: . __ .. 1 ..... ..,._.,,_ , ..... ,.....,,.. ~· .,,,..o , .,... uu1.uLu W1&' auu cue, map e ~ ,...-=-........,,, ......., ... ~""'° Pen.tan. 6 wb. o Id. ll' SJ).. daCIQI\ aux. tnJler GMC '>' Ton pldmp, llick.'• • tJe # SQV553 1 11~ e·k '· maxim""' 6 walm!t "'°""°"'· Makes but· tram., dbbe~ bod ..,.ac1, UPHOLSl'ERJ:R'S• Special' 897-831. tMll'J Sa1oora Land, -btua ft-XJo.i eyl. r 6 h. 3800 acluel mJln, ''5 PICKUP·$11t5 ij~ \Veeks. Ask. for Nona toq }KileJI, 4ealgns.t;tc., SS . .Z rug, b~rd cage; utensils, and Sofa $75. Custom stereo HB 5/23 cond. Great family boat and NEW sleeper camper. J..ittle workhone. • Hor:ftnan at 642-3870 for mo. or $36.00 cash. 526-QilG other items. 9C6 Park Ave., cabinet $125 w/ spkn. SIAMESE Female 2 yean ISl.700/otter. ~7301 $2295 or best offt'!'. Z!2 W. Lie # 1Qi!W452 I ftill -=c:PoRT Mu1ic1l ln1t. 1125 Laguna Beach. 646--4619 old. Declawed, apayed. SAILFISH 12' wlrlte hull w/ WllllDn CM, M8-tl343 ' f.IAIJia• TOllEI' Am. Std A-1 $15. S" TABLE .aw&: joiner, Needs new home . red &:; white ulla:. New Mini II~ SCHOOL OF BUSINESS KENT ~:t b&se, snare, ~ry 1n;Y' C. in_m SB. complete Qn pedestal. new 5(3..7107 5/23 , paint. $250. 6 7 3 -16 9 I, I ::::::..;::::•::..--~_;= 833 Dover Dr., Newport Bch. tom tom. cymbals, music Single C.I. sink $7. Oisp $7. $150 coat S2&). 282 E. 20th. 7 ASSORTW Kittens llDDHl 675-71B7 '69 OONANZA Hodaka 100 , I~ - Ed"""tional Vacation 4th stand. Minor ' reprs. $100. Elec oven $10 42" kit hood CM "'"2'1<l hort hair 1....!. L-.__ 1 • HTUn r -'1 ......,. . . ......-s IO!De .....,.. ,,...-18' MALlB . 0:. in warranty, w/utru. ~TOY. OT·-· YO ' graders_ •• Sr Citizens OiiL 83o-t300 $8 Rollawa,y bed S 2 o ·. Free iood bo CaJi U OUtriatt, 5 yrs - coat 10 lesson typing. Sehl!) ;::RU:.MS,::::C.s----~,-.81-.-,-Sl-i-.. .,._ B ·a.r be c: u .•. 110 .. Spi~ * POO __ LT~ * 646--2l: 1 me. 5_, old ~ 10me work $475. Xlnt cond. Aak'g $25(), Will ,'CM. 646-Di: ) Trial Lesson. 173 Del b1ar erland. ~i:ie. ' • .., cabinets, sliding wmdo\YS, Custom antique ~ '416' 548--6087, 66-2381 trade tor larger b ike. '69 DATSUN C.M, 548--2859 * S4&-l334. * and other items to clean (lut -used. ·SPORTS '100 • WANT good home fer 'n 23' STAR clus with sail.I I: 64J.Qi11 eves. Big sedan, 96 hp, ~ I MANAGER for 12 furnished ==;-===__.-..,---,1.--.::...:.:::.:='-C:--garage. Some are new. No (7141 636-2730 12-3 pm Si am es e kl t ten a. trlr. S900 or bf!st oHer. · ~ 9300 -~-.• dlt, f ~ -I 2 BR units, adults (In ly VOICE preparation f or At'CORDIAN, 120 bass con-hers 64.~ 5122 Motorcycfea -.--w/pool Jor part rent. No popular or classical singing. tello. 9 mo old. take Junk! )JI week after 5 PM. BARGAIN! Mem hip in 6'J3.Q75 evn A weekends. heater, ww ttrM. loldad! J . l . •-· th d ___ _. 282 E. 20th, CM·. 647-2741 Newport Bea.ch TeMis Oub. 3. FWFFY ic:jttens are look-HOURLY n--ALS -YAMAHA ~ -. Z!OO Miles. UDdeT ... ...._ unless you prefer. Please tniuung. 642-5512, 494-9340 GhlSON Les Paul ...,,;tar FULL Marquette tune-up $ you pay · ing for happy h:nne. Pis call, * Rbodea 19'a * Dble rail trailer $10), 1turdy warranty. Bal to 1iDc. $1.'m. maintenance or c caning ~u_mer r u a v ....... ~ o/payments 642--0052 700 transfer fee nu" 1 -.,...._... ..-........ _, ' """"nd Dailu Pilot Box: M c E ·-equip s mo's old snoo. 642-3417 aft 3 pm. 673-lDn !i/23 ·Fun 1.lJnl!' Bol.1 eo: Bilbo. constr. fully wired, Jg 13" Take S'15 cash del&. ot oldil: I , MER HANDIS FOR w/hard ""· NUt new. ND -~•1 2 at LB YNW 087 Coll BlD '14 ~"LE •ND TRADE Snap-on air chlsle le Impact DIAMO _..... nc tet FREE kittens, 8 weeks (lid. -· CAT. ~. d••I•• whls, both mint cond. '69 c · . . • , · _._ ,.. '$350. Call 54&-252.1 $235 ~ ~-T w ~-• o •--...t "" ......,, Firm or.Ml .-..: 49'-91'll or 5G-4634 SECRETARY exec., good wrench , ....,,.,pl. Jet "'"'' . .. .--c., llW"l'ss. To 11...uu home. Box tralnl!d. Enae~ vet Extra& $8000 Llc'a. ~~ • ! . aif-.o:>nd'ing equip 4: stock Appt $2350, sac SB 5 0 • 962-756() SI~ val. sac $5995. '1141193--101.9 '67 Rivenide Motorcycle '66 DATSUN PICKUP, , ::~ing~iu(l~:c:e~!:, Fy111iture 8000 Pf1nos & Org1na 1130 ~~Mo:;;~~ll cau aft. 613-360) . Olll'SIDE kittens. 8 weekl PLASTREND SOLING so cc. Xlnt eond. Only S80. $1075 Xlnt condition. • mittee on spec. six mo. pn> SPANISH Returned from ./ RENT NEW 3 MARBLE tables $50. Lamp old. Twins, black and white 142-1925 54S-M87. 1 1 ject Corona de! Mar, salary r.ti:idet Homes on sale al ~PINET PIANOS OZARK'S Hickory chlps 1or $10. Chair $5. Bosawood and I PY· "6-2:1?9 5123 SCH~~~wee~2050 '67 300 Y·AMAHA Scrambler '68 DATSUN Spart Cl.r open. 675-&t4D less than 'vbolesale! Group from $10 per month smoking & B-B-Que, 3 lrg-3 SUrlboard $15. 540-llTO COCK-a·poo, black male t COLUMBIA 29 l/~ ,_ Excel. cond. Many extru. 'Prm,te ~·Must' Seal I includes beautiful 9 6' • Purchase Optional lb bags $2. Includes partial yr old Affectionate gd • .n-u "" Call eve. 646-6441 • 66-ll65 • Jobs-Men, Wom. ·7500 quilted sofa & Jove seat, ***** delivery. Send check 01' Misc. W1nted 8610 willi child. 8U-4309 '5122 terest Top cond, extru. 3 Spanish oak decorator I SALE USED M.O. to H.A. Komulaino, 11000 .... 642-3295, 673-7211 '61 HONDA 305 Scnmblu ENGIJSH' FGID l?_bles, swag or table lamps, 1-lAMMOND ORGANS 209 W. Carlton. Ontario, w A N T E D ADORABLE, Cap u e h in NEW .-Na.plq Sabot 8"fblta. XLNT Corid. Lo-mi. $500. *COOKS* EXPERIENCED and NON-EXPEIUENCED positions ~ ' Apply in .~r5on wall ·•-kin •New ""''""'ntee Cal. 91761 monkey to wry good home. d·-·-...;---". -• 167;.~Tl56~~126~2'1tb~~Sl.~N~B---l·~~~;;;~~~~;I J ..-cque. g, queen, ·--84.2-1502 5/23 .......... ......... .au '-«LI ..: TY' (Ir full size bedroom suite e Liberal terms GEIGER Counter, Oarinet, we need quality (no junk 87~ll47 '61HONDA450 ORANGE C9UN S .. complete incl box springs, ~J's. C-2, A-lOO's. M·lOO's, Teaching machine wit b pteue). Furniturt, co lor 4 LI'M'LE darlu.g kittens, LOA l7'j aleeps 2. aJ;l" t?rtr'U Must ~Sell! $550. ~77 VOLUME ENGLISH mattress. linens &: boudoir L-lOO's from · ·• ·· ·••• • S695 Spanish eoune, Projector TV's. 1ttreoa. aPPliancal, healthy, need good h:nne. w/slip,, $1395. Term a . 'fi6 BSA FORD PEALER lamps, .Spanisb oak 6 pc _ HM:U'10NC stand with plug in, other tools a.nd attic:e equipment. 642-UOS 5/22 Per!ect'cond.·M&-1489 Rea! clean• chopped,! SALES .. SERVICI! dilling set priced elsewhere in CORONA DEL MAR small ilems. 54g...()53() or 2546 TOP CASH JN 3() Minutest 3 AOORABLE Kittens, all Call art 5 PM, S4S-8098 '69 MODELS ' at approx. Sll95.00 ALL 7854 E. Coast 11wy 673.s930 Greenbrier (College Pa r kl 531-1212 * 893-m55 Males. 1 Black, .2 Tabby. * 24' CHARAC'l'ER Sloop. Immediate dellvel'J FOR ONLY $399. S:ll down, WE'RE back in our new C.M. 548-0179 S/:ti •F/G'd hull, new dacs, llPt Tr1l'9r, Travel. •425 LARGE SELECTloN' $4.~ per 11eek I out ol store me C~braUOn -Big s WE BUY $ 2 • 6 WK. Old Weaned Kit· 2 + 3· $2250. • 8-47•7509 Theodor• •ta!' Cl«lil ,OK. W 111 Sal•.' · • KNITTED FABRICS $ FURNITURE $ t<ns, gray • Jong lialrod. p C I 9020 DELUXE Tnlvct Tr&ll••'. ROBINS FORD se;parate for 1111,kk sale. 2Dth CLOSEOUT ot console Pian-962-6886 5/22 ower ru Mn :JJ', sell contained, carpeted, Century F)tm1ture, 9112 os · at savings to ••.••• S<SOO """FOR SALE APPLIAN~,ES, 1 15. FIBERGLAS Boat, 35 color TV, hydraulic ~· 2000 Harbor Bl~: • ..!..1.1 Garden Gryve BI v d., CLOSEOU'I' of Baldwin over. Remnants, samp\es & Mill c.r., 1V"•-"•11o't-Sf1t110'1 2 KITTENS 1 wk!. old need Hrs. E\ltmWe W 1 tl'1 r, 537--8032 Colla Mesa ~ ~ Carden Grove 'Dail,y 10-S, .... , poanos· at ,..,._, to •'>.on. entls Sat. Only B a m to 2 I "•e• °' HfllM 'fttll new h 0 me • long-haired, N•--or n~ ofl-l 1555 w. Adams Sat ""-Sun J.2.5 Come MSEOUT of iii o,;:;;;. p.m. 929 Bal<.,. Costa;.,,... .CASH54'N1 .'4•5"3'"1111•.s gray/wht. S<&-5atl6 5122 oor;,,,;; 61>-"33' -· T,.llors, Utility 9450 FEllARI' .. C M in or ea.II CUO 530-5240 t ···•--to • .,.,.,. 4 FREE cute kittens to good , ·· ost• es• a, ......... _ .......... _,,., SOCC HONDA. dirt or street . ·horn 17822 Elm St rv 20 CABIN cruiser, twin WANTED: Ueed util i t y ' j REUBEN'S COCO'S --A"'V°'O"°N,-,CALLIN=-.-="G"!--)i(:\HOCANY breakfront $65. No dOwn 6ac:. °Si!Yrs. fO Pf.t. S10D (Ir best aUer. F(lmliea Plfi Md LiVISTOCK..,-.. ;n ., 5izi Gn.ys. 2 bunk.<i, bead, radio traller, 1mJ,ll, prefer l FERRAii tnc:reas~ demand ~ newly ~~ :x~.b~ne .. chall'& • m:: !,~:_:~:: ~~~~· top table A: 4 chairs $10. . . __ , n .. _.._,_. • bait tank. $1950. 546-6755 wheel. * 5M-..5SS6 . Newiut lmpaN Ltd.. ~ l ted tcrrito · 11 f ... ~ ~..--., • ~ Youth bed. complete $10. Pefl General • llOO BLACK Feu ... e uac._. ... 1958 22, CABIN · T Comd:1'• onl.Y "'dlm<.j! ::,•re Rep:':en':tivc~~ $20. RolJ-a.way ~ $20. • SPECIAL PURCHASE • Mlsc. 614 W. Bay St., C.M. , necilf; older person to love Condit)on. Call crui;::· ao: Trucks 9500 : &el -:i ·1 Serve cu.'>tomera ln teqitory S m a 11 ma p I e f In t sh WURLITZER PIANOS 646-2191 , PW-.Talled ~" Monkey her. 548-8215 5/%J polntment 6'1S-6l33 SALES-:iaVJcg.pARTS of )'OUr nwn. Act at 1 pnce.! ~tary $40. Swag lamp 3 Whlle they 1ut' 9'8" JEFFERY D a I e $50. or beat ofrer.-M~ aee FREE Terripoo, fe m a I e . '5'l OIEV % Ton plclt up. 3100 W. COut ~· Call 540-104l or 546-5.,,_1 for cOkftd globe $SS. 644--033Z 5945 Walnut contoles · surfboard, m. Ol:Oce de'1t to believe. ~~ 5'8-5927 5/22 Sf!••d Ski Boeh: 9030 Erw rteently 0 ' ha u 1 e d · Newport_:;& intttvicw in yoqr home. ANJ'IQUE ·harid1 c arv ed now .............. <" .... $699 sia. VERY )'(IWll', Atr1cal'I grey 4 id'M'ENS ~2 Persian 6 _;. Helper s pri ng s , .b.d ~9'PS ,_. · . 1 ,t NEED ambitious ( ra i nee Span~~ T~~BDRM ·:!i plus bench 6.TI-6783 =. =~·Se~rl~~l weeks old.~ 5122 14' SKI boat. SK=~ levelers. $425. 549-2044 Au:thorlired MG 1. couplt', ages 4:; to 55, who comp <' c: . apprai. S1'9S Spinets all BOYS Schwinn l5 speed, us-us • 3 LONG ha.ired Jdtt .. n• 2 blk, hp ~ OU ' "'• WANTED: ~ lo-wheel FIAT I --uld l'1ko to loarn to v a I u e. sacrifice $850. linl$bei • •. 'fiord $549 to Sjf9 ed. ·~" Ze I h l TV _ _, wheel fntUer. Sell « trade dump, truck in &ood con-..., 545--1046 plUJ bench -...... n t portab e , t?of' A25 1 gray. M6-8739 S/22 fOt" Dune bum'· Ca 11 d1tiant ~ w'llJ1 job. 1----. ....,-------1 become apt m~ ~ 'R'.~HnLD lumlsh'· .. ·. Terms Uke "'-nt S4l. 675-«187 a.m. FREE Kittens: cute • ttid-66-0114 .. m.1153 * ,,, Flat .. ,.__ Ii must have lhs ide pain...... ""' v "' iw f GOODYEAR /a/' tire GERMAN Shepherd pqpples, ......, exp. Submit• resume & , Din. BdJ:m. TV, etc . .tlJ9 Gould Music Comp•ny • w 5· · · 'Cfly. 646-1907 atterSPMS/22 ,58 FORD ~ T P/U New Black atntar • t:Merior: 4 refettnces. Box p •-'1>llilY lJell"'le Ln. Balboa. 61~1003 204~ N. Main, SA 547.Q6Sl ~~h~:. ~if~~~~ !~'::!t. ~ ~ FREE kittens. Rudy lo ~ BOit ~nee -paint. ijrel. aen. ' Good ::;., dlrft..m~ .. i PUol . Qualitykingbed,quilled, HAMMOND·~ ~-,. Qutllityldngbed quilted ecf.4g&..2],14 P&O· S4S--8422 Sl;l llAJUNEllt.inle nanCt Iba~ cashdeltwoldtrtradt. I HOMEWORKERS w a n te d; cximplete. unused S98: worth maha • t1e1"1 6 1*d, planot comJllete anueed i91. ~ BOXER. femak, GREASE F« maldnl *P .....,.. ... ..mt A wrnilb; 549--0544 ftne. Ddr "'1. ta VJ1E , Info. send stamped iieU-ad-$250. Aft Sor wknds, 847-0406 of all ntai.. Best blow tn $250 Ari S wkndt in.-1 mo. $15. only. ~ 5122 , taallt:F wart. nu. nltao tm Ford ~ T P/U;i 0.. can Bill._.,,, or drm!cd eave I~ P-i ({) fOFA le Cbair. flew, nll!ver So. ~ri&h~ ~·CO. ... "rlS ,.: lCa1 J1ab e e &U-54.53 • 5/8'' PINE bo&rdt. ,8N W. 54$-9731 ab. R/H, auto tnu'ls. ~ ~ Mlsnor's.l'741~~ olO<l.~.,otr.r . ........, 190'r'NMUMalo. ,• -Oponing'~tJunoht ADORABLEDaoh•b•nd l!thSL.C.M. 5/28 9035 tlrea.Mak•of!er ..... 186T GUAR CostaM...,Cll. ..~ ..... only. San~Ana E'ountalnValley 842"530 pups. blatk A tan, Al<C. TRANSPOATATIDN Merlne,lqulp. .• '61 RAl{CllERO. • TECHNICAL lllustratdr-ex-BEAUTIFUL FT'encl:' Provino . .. ~ .. 81'f.'l29'J . _ MERCURY: ProJ11, 50 HP to k utooiatlctransmialkla. 'If ~ Btqunib:.: plodtd v.lews, .:Mmatles, clal dining rm set Tb!, 6 •5~= ~~· AL~~ :GINE White male Samoyed $1T5. lolts & Yechtt ~ 121 HP. Filhinc _.. '&ftd. radio I hntl!'l'. ~ 1 ODB116o11 $2IOO. ·•mil ortho, mil-spec aod corn-chrs. buffet. $250. 962--7651 ., • 548-f.&IS • Registered Atttt 5.30 . -· • buellet eeata. AD. ttmts are fl20 after 1:3) t ~'.."~~ time or pen ,FURNlTIJRE MUlt go, R:n~ ~~!·~ ~ DIAMOND .Solitaln wedd'-'""' 548-4"8 . even-io~,;.. 8:;..." ~ -· -lda. im-d C.mpen ..-C·D~ IBll lu110;". tf • ~ ov.tr $25. Couch, .ft ..... I~ le C . .. _ .. .., , . ,_.___ IU• .,.,. -... _ ... tuD. 1 to 1 wlvtt R • C ""'"" __ __ COUNTER HELP ........ S 1'.V; chair, etc.. 61>-f210 -N mlll • """""Y -~ -aptJrt '"5, sell .RETR!EVEl\. -Liit iJlilO --~---IP.,., ""t ~ .emper br wk. Days. Apply TAaJ -20C5 N. Main, ~ 547.(1681 $250 cuh. 115--0ll .l WeimUal!lf' CJ5 6 $:ll; '&:.l TROJAN 3)' T~ X1nt. HP. Alrpkle blltl,,....ta, * CX)RY CRUIS£1tS t1r BOX, 2853 11-tbor, C.M. Office Equl-1 10}1 MAllOGMll( Splnct~noto NEW8' .. ur-"'use<lonly * M?-!liU * e<nt. AD llftL '11111· -,. .,,huh &lld ~~~=bi.~"' 9:30toll:30PM. , -'Bencb.GoOdacdonl!Ont. once,$85. Grad.Uon-Tather'10., 61$442orW!l.af.l22T l.DefnhUt.l.c o ntrolta monui. ~ APT M..,..., 1or 12 11.,11 TYPEWRITER. .!961. mM mo. 64f..<lm • ll42·'1!11T 1r S11Wr 'l'OJ' POodln r inE """' d,,.,., ,,, ..---.._ op1S. ~'d w/ ..ts. tj>I t:x«U~ve $373. ""'ll!., ~ UPIUCHT PJ>;NO FM Ste"°~ Philco 'Q ~. M?-3411 ..,.. A --1811. --'-"' 6 l4'll N. ~lo A ... pref. &fM:W' • llttle due to-:~~ Stoey A Cl .... llllS. • RA>ftltf, boll rrttw. EleC IRISH Setltr -. B&lt !ft * 6Ga2'I * .._..-. All -· --.. ,.nil HOUSE CLEANING . ADDRESSOGRAPH • 5'3--03<3 * Bloll mn etc. 541-219$ Show Sire. $!50 a up. Terms JACK'S Eltclronk Smllco. -llO D>Oller ""'! It lir;"Jdll f HRS SA'!:· ONLY 'l'i~lfl. n.--TilE QU\CKER YOU CALL, DAILY Pll;iOT Wlil!T ADS a..0...61M01$_ --_..~ -· "".Doll1 Pilol Wont Ada OIO Ill! lt .,ta. & DAILY • M?,2125 • CHARGE ,..., want Id now, THE QUICKER 'JOU S1:1L lllUNO llnJLTSl • •awlGJI m ..,. ---Diil MUlll lor atsvl."TS l'l1br W»ft AIHJ - I ' . \ I • - - ------,___ ---~'---... ~--• ......... + • ; ··+· . •• .. • • • .----~ ................ ;..:;.;. ________ .,,..,,, ...... ,_..., .... .;.; .... ..:;.~::._ I I 1· .. ' BRAND NEW 1969 VAUANT-2 DOOR 1'he Rilnest Compact '67 .DATSUN SEDAN 4 1pNd. Full f;ctorv tquipptd. TUP f.1,295 . ' '64 PONTIA~ GTO 'tllfOIJ'ltfic., f1~ • .. ;,, r1dio, · heifer, white 1id1 w1 1i· tir~1. !OPS· . . . ' . '64 MJ.RcURY • .. COMET i:ALIENTE . V.1, 4 1p11d, pow1r 1t11ri11<J1 r1dio, heater, whll1 w1ll1 .. 00L .. 96. ·$895 '66 PLYMOUTH BARRACUDA V-1, 1utOmetic, r1dio1 ht1t1r. En~!~ lent ccndition. l ow iril11. ITIZ 59tt) • '6B yo1:.K~WAGEN Utt1e r•d ~I wi~h redio •nd h••+•r, 1vGz 1191 $1695 '65 CHRYSLER SEDAN AuM1111tic, r1dio, he1t1r, power 1!11r· i119, pow!lr briik11, 1ir condilio~in9. IPKA 614 ) '68 PLYMOUTH SATELLITE "· r1dio, h11 t1r, 1ulom1tic. power· 1l11rin9, 1ir conditionin9. CWFHllZI $2295 '67 PLYMOUTH VALIANT COUPE Equipped wit~ r1dio, he1l1• i nd full f1cloty 1quipm1nl, fTX R 111 1 · The ~ari.ple< above are but a smaW pa_rt-<>f our huge selection of top qua li ty-trouble free used cars- All edvertised cars carry e free 5 ·.day free trial exchange privilege. GOOD TIL .10,00 P.M., SUNDAY , MAY 25th OPEN · DAILY & SUNDAY . til 1op .m. Imported Autos -lmporlod 'Autoi 960Q l_mported Autos 9600 Imported Autos 9600 Imported Abtos: 9600 lmoOrted Autos 9600 Imported Autos l'-'-~-M-.. ~-PORSCHE TOYOTA VOLKSWAGEN VOLKSWAGEN VOLKSWAGEN •59 MGA "°"" cond. 1969 PORSCHE 912 E coupo. '67 TOYOTA Gpl/<G tp ~! 'Ji\ vw, '68 vw.~nt condiu.n, Low '69 VW's Drafted! $400 or comfort group. tinted glaas. ' '65 ~blt·eng. Mech perfect. 1nlleagc. ·NeW car warrant)'. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY best ofter. 673-2330 AM/FM radio. $68 95 . Corona 4 Door $400 -or make of1er. 1535 Lite blue w/blk Interior. Banlt Financing 534-2284..or-892.-5551 4 to ~SC!-Superior Space 26 NB. Loaded w/extms. Must seU $213 DOWN 1966 MGB Hdtp convert. Witt --------lthoiCt'.! ot rtick or automaUc. 5'18--350l ' · _ S1850. &44-4020 whls, $1575 or take over TRJ017. --------I S44.03 * · 36 ml'Y!I pymta. 536-8640, 1166-5684. SUBARU. $1399 .66 VW "Bug" $1.295. XI.NT '67 SEDAN Blk w/blk side P01u"' •. 'Fullfinat2 ~. ~.: v.'llllil, cus. blk-tan Int. AM-3 • MGB MG Sales, Service, Parts Immediate DellvHy, All Models cond. See to appreciate! ~~r.l vent "''ndws. COCQ ml "''8Jia11ty. Avail only at Subaru of Calif. ti'"'" L•1..:1 A•k '"' Lan;o. 549-1068, m•t>. M•"Y """'· X"lt T & M MOTORS lnc.--etail Div. t4IA UUIO 642-lll3 cond. \\'kdays 8 J 6-3 2 3 4 . 8081 Garden Grove Blvd. eves. 673-4313. 534-2284 al Beach 892.s55l $1297 POE • IMPORTS '68' vw. AM/FM moo. --------1 OPEN SUNDAY Opt eqUip S30. Freight $14.fiO TOYOTA·YOLYO Porsche Exhaust. XI n t '65 V\V u .... u;-$49 Del $1390.SO cond Porsche c:l\rome \Vhcels ·68 V\V SUNROOF . VOLVO VOLVO NEW 164 ,. NEW 1800 NOW ON DISPLAY tGll l.emiA IMPORTS TOYOTA0 YOLYO 1966 Harbor, C.ltl 646-9303 '68 Cad CdV, full pwr. air, 15,500 mi, n39 per mo. '69 Cougar, 2 dr, -'67 CAD CdV, IOJ1dcd, all hamtop, SSfi.94 mo. \Vhite, vinyl top. Jthr, adj· '66 Contineri'tal sedan, steer. air, xlnl ~on d . air & Jthr. $99.75-mo. 642-lS42 SOUtH COAST 1963 CADILLAC Sedan de CAR LEASING Ville. Air rond, pol\·er. 300 W. Cst Hwy, NB 645-2182 _5'_6-3~595~· ~°'~"~· ~~~­·ro Cad Convt. '69 Used C1rs 9900 lie. Good 2nd cu. $22). * &12-3878 J~l'lllPLll I 31 J ll p Ll rJ ~' ,...,+Tax ~ Li'cense 1966 Harbor, CM. &16-930.J • · * 675-3125 * SU:OO * 64&-3196 rh, ww $1695 alt 5 673-4984 1~ est *Hi~~B. TRIUMPH J -=lm=P!=rt=ed=A=u=t=o,==,600:..:l.=m:po=rt=ed=A=y=to=s==,=600=-l~m=po=r=t=ed=A=u=to=s ==9600== l-:A-n-:ti-qu-.. -.-c=1-:.-.,-:;c-,9:-6::-l S. '62 SIGNET 2 dr, HT. $36. mo .• Stock No. 131. '62 F85, 2 dr .. $32.50 mo .. stock No. 151. '61 T-Bird S37. OKI., Stock No. 1·12. G-MAC MOTORS It's Beach house time. Big- gest selection ever! See the DAILY PILOT O<wified section NO\Y! I PLACE your want ad \\'he~ 3630 \V. 1st St. they are looking -DAILY S100 W. Coul Hwy .. N.B. &a-&«15 5f0.176t Authorized MG Dealer PORSCHE "67 PORSCHE mod 912, 4 spd. AM/FM rad, white w/blck int $3800. 213: - TOYOTA TOYOTA $ SAVE $ '66 TR-4A, IRS. clean, excel cond, low mileage. $1825. 6r<>-1364 VOLKSWAGEN vw CAMPERS A: BUS'S ExKUtive Car Sale '67 Camper Hurry While They Listi '66 Bus Deluxe ~ '64 7 pa&:. Bus .... ' • '63 "''""' ""' How does Fiat do it? FORD J930 Standard Coupe. Santa Ana 531-9183 PlLOT classified! 642-5678 Rust free body, reblt eng. ========-~=======' $61Xl. 4'*-8200 Imported Autos 9600Jmported Autos 9600 Autos Wanted 9700 WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR CAR .................. ~0 ELMORE WfL _ 0500 E-) c.. '601"" SUPER, """""''· "" IMPORTS ........ paint-red, nu tires. rebl.t 30 E x T R A s Test CONNELL CHEVROLET eng. $ZIX). 540--95S3 TOYOTA·YOLYO OONT J1)ST W"..:iH lot &0me. thine *>-flll"lrlsb your home • • • find snat bu)'1 in to- da.Y'• Caalified Ads. . IT'S WONDERFUL the maD1 buys in appllaDrH )'OU ftnd tn the O•nusec1 Ml. 0ect them DOW! 1966 Harbor, C.M'. 646-9303 11111 BEACH BLVD. 61l<llCIO Ext. fl61 Hunt. Buch 147 .. 55$ mo HARBOR BLVD. S ~ N. ot O>ut Hwy. on Bcb COSI'A MESA ,_. . 1961 VW !SOC ..,.. AM/FM Imported' Autoe 9uw Imported ,Aut-; 9600 radio. Wht w/ b1k deluxe .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ·• • • 1 Int $1650. Xlnt c on d. '..~ • TEMmD BY : 1:-':. """' ""'" ""w :ITJ101oo~OOfAJI? : .~;~~~:~;: •• SEE DEAN LEWIS TODAY! • mo. S«>-<56.1 Ev.s • '65 VW Pt!rfect cond. Clean, • ,69 s, 790 sunrf. 1tueo AM/FM radio. • TOY OT A ••OM • SllOO/offe" 613-<'16 evH. • • H SAYIN•s • • vw '66 Van 1500 cc. Many 1 • EXJCUTIVE CAI SALE NOW! : !~:"~~r.so""""""'' ""'' "" TOYOTA HAIDTOP ·······-·-· $20lt 1 • '59 vw. xlnt '°""· 14\15. Low • •69J YOLYO SIDAN, A .. 1"'11tfc ---$2975. • mileage; good tim; ndio. • Call,M.....,. 4112°/e BANK RNANCING • =,,..,.,...,.,vw~eon..'--,..=.bl-•. -E~.,.-.1 " "''"OVAi. • recenUy overhauled. $195. WI NllD YOUI TllADl~IN • ,,,5'0-~1969=,,...,.~--~ Pott OUll LAIGI ,U,110 CAI DIP'T. • '62 VW-Radio. new tircL • -·. DEAN LEVI. IS • Clttn. $6:15. S48-S725 afl 5 pm. • 0"'66~vw=.-<hrom0""'....-"',+u...-"---w~ld, • oval& '-!•"'. maoy ••· ~ &4•·fJQ • tru. $1400. c.aJI 6'16-8t26 T.,.r• • Yefw H4:11fn., , 54~~ • 1S16S VW C.onver.til>Je.. at no e""X ... tr.""a cost a Fiat. the850 Spider , ONLY $2178 Think ''Fiat'' : Friedlander . 537•7177 FIAT TRADE INS · 994.3333 • ... . .. 'lJYOLYO ....... 'U YW ''4 YW ,._ ·-· "122~1 Lo ... a.,, RtH. v • ..., Spitfir1, Rw11t I lo•k w:,, ... ~ •• ,, 19.000'1'1'11. Gt1tt. """ ll1dlo. er ..... lo~ tops. $1499 $399 $199 $1499 $1399 $999 · HERB FRIEDLANDER IMPOR-TS 9625 GARDEN GROVE ILYD., GARDEN GROVE 2828 Harbor alvd. Costa Mesa 546-uotl WE PAY .. CASH for uaed cal"I le trucks just call' us for free estimate. GROTH CHEVROlfT Ask for Sales Mana;tt 1871.J Beach 81\-d. Huntington Beach Kl ~3331 Will Buy Your Volkswaiien cir Poncbe 6: P81 top dollars. Paid fOI or DOt. Call Ralpb 673-1190 Il\!PORI'S WANl"DJ O..~llountl .. TOP i BUYER 8Il.L ?. TOYat'A 18SS1 Betdi Blvd.. H. Beach. Ph. 847..&15S Auto Leasing 9810 .. --"----' FIRST TIME? Lease a New '69 for 6 Months " It return •"Ith no obligaUon. Call Mr. Malcolm Reid for Full Details Now, - j &l2.ol10 Ford AulhoriJ:cd Leasil'I& Syslem Tf'.odor• ROBINS -FORD Largest Exclusive Toyota Dealer Anywhere ! ! ! ! Largest' Service Facilities Largest Selection NICUT Ull D CAlS IN OU.N•I COUNrT • All Colon • All MOll•I• • --· -- ,. ' I IOUUYAID;-~OSTA MISA • Xl,. CONllllon. Orli. o""'r. -* Complete foreign Car ~ * mGO Harbor Blvd. • .. • •• • • • • • •968-2517* J • • C~I• ?.teN. 6@.0010 ' • " ; s '. . ' ·I ' < ', ... •• • ' l f . · 1 : : ; t " . , '~ • ;j • .~ , '~ ' '.. ., ,, . : ~ ' .. ' . ' · l ". ... ,,, •· . -~·j '. •. ~. I "' ' .. • -· j . ~ ... . . ~; ',,.1 ., ~ ~ !: ,• \~(~ . . 4 _:1 ;,.~,: . 1 ~ ,;....: " . . . ;..: ,., ·El~ '\;.' r • • • ,, ~1"' ' • .. . ---... --·~--------.--------------. ' • I . CADILLAC-.~· , ' • . -.. .. • .. ,; . ,, • f.,. • , . ~ • • • " . • .. ' • . . I ..... I . . I l . NINETEEN SIX'E:Y~NINE ;. ~ '. . • 1966 .CADILLAC Sedan DeViDe. Shimmering silver with silver cloth and leather interior, full power, factory air conditioning, AM-F?..t: radio, cruise control, pwl-, vent windows, pwr. door locks. (RRN297) 1967 CADILLAC Coupe DeVillc. Phantom blue with blue leather interior. Full power equipm('nt plus factory alr conditioning. One O\Vner. (UJA357) 1967 OLDSMOBILE qtstom Delt8 ·4 Door Hardtop. Spanish silver with matching JnteriOr. Automatic, P.S., P.B., factory air conditioning, 'vhite side walls. CUER479) '-. 1965 CADILLAC ,SedaJt. ;De~ille, Grecian gold 'wilh matching cloth and leather interior. Full power. factory air conditioning. si&nal seeking r;;i.dio, e tc . dPS141) · .~: 'l ... 1963 ~DILLAC Coupe DeVille. Blue exterior With matt:hing blue cloth and l'ther interior. Has full pow• el' equipment ... ~.cadillac •faetpry •Ill.fro· eon•· '" diUoning, (RDV3d9.j .. 1965 CADILLAC Coupe DeV:illc. Royal blue exterior with mat- ching cloth and lea'ther infi"rlOr. Fii)I poWi-r, factory air, tilt and telescopic steering, shows exceptional Jo,v mileage. (PGN663) "'i ·ON DISPLAY AND READY FOR DELIVERY TODAY! . . . . ' • , " SALE $2777 PRICE SALE $3999 PRICE SALE $2444 PRICE SALE $1999 · PRl.CI . SALE .~111 .1~ PRICE SALE $2111 PRICE ' OVER 80 QUALITY AUTOMOBILES TO SELECT FROM • • .. ' . NABERS CADILLAC,:~ Where Used Cars Ar~. More 5 • "'· )\. • ltl'an ;~f;4 nsport,ti.~.n -· . ... ·TIIJEY~RE A .... ): ·...-· ·~ .~ .. G.:O.OD INVESTMENT! ~ ' .. 1968 CADILLAC Coupe DeVille. Royal blue with white padded roof and blue Jeathtt hiti!rior. FuD power, factory air, AA1-FM, tllt-~lescoplc 1teenng wheel, etc,,.(XSS788) ' .. $4§Lg-g~T: PRICE '· ... . . ,j -'-------~------~--------"-'-', 1966 TORONADO · Custom. Forest green with dark ireen cloth and vinyl interior, ful power, factory air con· ditloning, tut steeri111. w~I. (SVX120) 1966 CONTINENTAL . ' Goddess gold with gold top and gold leather 'interior. Full po\Ver aM. factory air, 1t.treo tape, local, one owner. <SVY7101 SALE , . $2222 PRICE' SALE $2444. ·. PRICE ( 1967_ Rlvi·E~ . . • $.3 .. 2S·A·L·2E ·2·._ Foret1t greftt exterior 'wlth1 blaek tV.lnYl in:- t.erior. Ha!.full power equiPmt.rit plua·~tpry ,, -air conditioning, tilt a~eering whet.I. (TSD498) PRICE . t ~.; • r.;~ . '. 1t6.6i~' , 1966 CORVEI 1.E ,,,_~ ,, Removable .ffardtop.-,~~~J.lldio, hca~r1 ., -· , • , .. -1 4 power ateerina:. whl~ Side wall tlrrs, yellow 1 • • with black interior, wi<!e:ovai Urn. (TXU568) PRIC. M-r' •• • 1967 JAGUAR XKE 2 plus 2 coupe. Automatic, air conditioning, \\tire wheels, A1r.FM r&OiO, h@ater, Se4lfoam ,erccn with natural leather interior. 23,000 milns, one owner. (VCI..361) SALE $4666 PRICE ~~~~~~~~~~-SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN~~~~~~~~~~- sALe PRIC ES EFFECTIVE THROUGH TUESDAY, MAY 27, 1949 8:30 AM to 9:00 PM MONDAY thru FRIDAY -9:00 AM to 6:00 PM SATURDAY and SUNDAY Your Factory, Authorized Cadillac Dealer Se_rving The Orange Coast Ha1·bor Area . , ' NABERS 2600 Harhor .;Blvd., Costa Mesa '540-9100 9900 CHEVROLET U _Hd __ c.._rs ___ 9900..;.c;;01Uood C..rs 9900 l.'sod c ... 9900 Usod C•rs 9900 Usod Cors FORD 9900 u...t c.r. ... . 99GO • CORYAIR i::c>RD •. FORD FORD OLD$MOBILE PONTIAC '64 CAD CQnvertiblc El Dorado. Xlnt cmx!. Prv ,~ ty. 646-4967 ~ves 5:»7:30 .flED A CARI 1963 CORVAIR. Good mech '64 FORD. ",ilirt cond, auto . , oolld. ~"' tires, clean in ~ Repo sale. J&OO. Private. WE CAN HElP YOU out. Pl1Ced" to aell! Phone 540-~ • U others haye turned )'OU , ::;g...7200 e"'! 4 wkncb -' , 'G;i__.,..~'OJU) Country Sq. 10 'J>OliS ~. ~. full pwr, fact -air. Sltl95. -· '66 FORD Gala."(}' 500. 4 dr, V-8. auto, R&l-1, air. xlnt cond. lo niiles. Pri ply. 893-5528 '59 F'ORO station wag ., 6 , 1111vr:111rnv '67 G.T.O., Maroon/Bllc brt1 cyl., stand. trans.. good IUUll I PIS, P/.B 4 spd. Fae &iri tires, l10 dent! $125. 540--456:1 R&.H. w/ warranty. MUST Eve. -SAL•s _ .. SIRVICE SELL 12250. 516 Fer.i.id, ' CAMARO -'68 Camaro SS, ps. auto, V..S, vinyl tOp, wiiw, down • U YO:U havt no down 64 CORVAIR Monza, RIH, Is Your Ad in our,claailieds 'r pa.yirien1 • It ;you 8.l'!: em. ,4 Spd. ml.Ill see. exceJJent Someone will be looking tor ployed. • condition l care. 5.16-2221 il Dial 642-$678 ** MANY MODELS '65 CORVAIR Mom:a; auto., ; . '67 FOO' Galaxy,,., dr, p/b, pis. R.&'.H. air, good cond. $1750. LI &-al96 ·etta • '64 CONVERTIBLE Ga)a.-<ie _ OlD5MOBllf CdM. 611H117 . / XL. Orig owner. nu top, xlnt '65 G'l'O, all power, fa:c arr, cond! Beal offer. 673-5000 ·, 2850 Hu1u Blvd. AM/FM, vibruiUle. aJr lift ' '67 FORD Galaxie 500, 2 dr, 54G-9640 ~ ~ 5C<M881 =~ se~~=: HT, dJr, run pwr, tact air. 646-3108 • ~ v. _,TSV:;;,;_;363~, 11999==·=.....ro8====-l'63 OLDS HT, P/1, Plb,1.:-;;:==;;-;;;-:-=---,- ; \ •$2295. ;,.i&-277 4 ,. TO CHOOOE FROM * * needs paint. S500. .. ... . • .... Call M.f, Ulme1 540-4563 After 6 PJ\f CHEVROLET '66 MALIBU "396" Super.Sport 4 speed, sharp: Lie SJ<f22'1 $1675 * 893-5038 * '66 1.1ALIBU 2 t>r. ftT, V-8 iUck. blk bucltct seats, t owner, mu91. sell leav'g country. S1495. .-mo an s. . . , ~ : '65 CHEV. nnp. Very clean, • 00'1' brakes. muffler , shocks. Rtblt .uto trarut, pwr. &tr. ~. Call ~1672 TOTOTA:YOL-'fO 1966 Harbor, C.M. ~931l3 COM!'T ---~---'62 CHEVY SllpN'-~· ,m. '6.l Cold Comet Convert w/ enc. M~~~t~ :~"'' while top. Good condition. ~ * 6l!>:uos • 1955 m:t: AlR-4""Dr.mnnft', indiv OWQl!d. S2Si> ptb. After S pm. $4i4S12 CONTINENTAL FORD '68 SHLE BY GT 500 Conv. P$, fire engine red/ black top. One Qr a kind ! VXY"'7 , $2599 • ~,l~I W .~.~~r~fO 1~ Ha1-bor, C.M. &16-9303 '66 FORD WAGON 9 -pass Ctry. Squire. Auto., PQwer !_'£er Ura~Ulli RPL 237 · WI CllEVY Bel A;r, -'66 CONTJNl:l<rAL Coupe, ....... Fully loaded.,............. ... . . · ..... * MS-7'19 • dedc. stlll. Utlder\ warranty. -..,;;; · .,,.. ,.. t I I '61 CHEV~ J dr H.T. See 10 Make oUer'cr tn.lte tor late . Ojpieelate. ~ lnodel Sia >Vas: -. iiri:iio" ~64;'iUOU;;;;ii'.:il;;;;::iiii;:L~~ ; ~lt. i:-~~ -IT'S-___ _. __ -;;; R/H. 44,200 miles. Call '68 PONTIAC Te~,pett . MERCURY Ste-. at 96'U639 alt 6 pni. Custom V-8. P/S. 14,..., ml. '68 ~LOS 98 4. door, HT. full)' = attCS-n 1'2'2 8 5 • '60 ?ifkRC. lu; Parlda~. air equlP.. 16,~ mi. ~7 l t: I-========= cond.. nu tr tires. ;.I !,i-:-=.;:::i:'ialt'ii:'T:'":::m::,-.-,=,-I A · ,.,-,,1.,..,, .$235. 54s--OJ91, . ·61 OLDS super 88 Holiday _ _!1~-~li!!;~·!U~R~­. MUSTANG - h8ril rop. Full pwr. ll95. ~· Aft 4 .l_ wlteads • '55 Olds, auto, P .S., -,Gi Must•ng Hardtop dlr •• ~~ FActoRY AlR a>ND, Auto 1---------trans on the Ooor, J».V8. Vinyl roof. New premfum PLYMOUTH tires. Del_u.xe lnt~rlor. Entire... '61 PLY. G.T.X, Xlnt c:oe- car In rnu11 c":oJWHUon. dlt!On s:-,oo dn Take OVtr ' 8!i15f'!f . AW.ali>:Ui FROMSl95. $1595 ..,... ..... ~ Holiday 19119 llarbor Blvd. ·oo PLYMOU'nf V-8, aood 6GaU Ci'!i&-M..._ 64:-GQll trttnl. call lot -l!M. ========= '65 MUSTANG. For We by 9ll8-3014 T -lllD owner. auto trans. p,..-ltr, -------_______ .,; new ttru. peak cond: PONTIAC 00 T,BJRD. Fllll -· s:Jl.5938 , , ... w - 11!17 Sl~a.-~. Ful-~ IAPW ._ W:r.t ~··"' ---.... ~ ..-..-..... S1S euh •••• ,- back, V-a. beaut. 3 on the' nttds mech. wcrk. Bat nr. llUclret _(,_ 1""' tnL i.r. Martba, -:im TOIONADo '°"' '!<>00-Sl695'~-11IE lfuB " OCU:..ty ~ ~ • ; • "'tG'lo!OSTAHO v!;i;i !iii>. -.,_... , •· 1t ·~ '68 CiitVY &lill'ili. ·AD pwr, •a Ol'.llVERT .. clean a NII &tit trel.ecdon ewr! SN tflt AM·FM radio, at r·eo n d . .,00. U7i. Financlrc can be DAILY PlL0'1' Oauilld Vinyl top. Prv prt.y. m-3030 -· 60.Srnt .:..t::tion=' ~HOW=!!">"· ---·--· -----l..------'----'------l'uitct -Call Ooplf!o" Ada..Jllol Ml.ssll -~ ... ,.. t, !1!l. 11· t lo .iii;' >OOr to"1ot !IQW., .Jr. YR\I 111111, -· ~ -------------~---___ ., __ ~..___ ~--------~-----------------_.._ __ ·-. -~ -----------· -· ---~ ... ·----·--~ --- -------·--r--..-------~--~fOW~ ..... -~----···-·-·-···,...... ...... ~.._..~ ..... ---------------~ .... -~----' . ---------' ~ r--~ -.•~--'· ~---_ __.,.----,---1·-..0.::T--•--~·--~ -··~----~··--------'----~ -· --"' ---· ----·---~ •• .---·-- • NOW THROUGH : SUNDAY EVENING THEODORE ROBINS' GREATEST OUTDOOR SHOW EVER -AND THA rs · SA tlNG SOMETHING! FOR THOSE. WHO LIKE -A CHANGE OF PLACE! STATION WAGON. SHOW .. ' . . O ne of Southern Califo rnia's most c·ompl et e ·inventorie s of new & used Stati~~ Wagons. Ch oose a six or ten passenger for a carefr ee vaca tion. ' :f:IRES FOR TRUCK AND CAMPER Complete Sales And Se rvice In Our Own GOODYEAR TIRE CENTER ,, . RENT YOUR VACATION " HOME ON WHEELS ' . • I You go where you want, stay \vhere you want without schedules ~ reservations when you rent a Robins Oe- lu.xe Picku~Camper or Condor Motor Home. REASONABLE RATES -RESERVE EARLY • BIG 8 f.T. FULL CAB-OVER BARBCUDA CAMPER·!· Complete with 3-burner stove , SO.lb. ice box, 2 double beds, large waler lank, butane and alee· tric lights, fi ber glass insulation, sink and d;ein, deluxe mattresses, lifetime baked enamel. 00 FULL PRICE NO TRUCK PURCHASE NECESSARY ! See Everything That's New In Pickup Campers, Chanis Campers, Minihomes; Super . Van Con~el'Sions, .Pickup Camper Shells, Ranchero Camper Shells, •• ~ Plus Boats and Camping_ EQ.ltlpment.. I CAMPER VACATION! \Vin a free \Veekend in a deluxe pickup camper for 4. We even fill the tank with gas. · NO PURCHASE NECESSARY DIAGNOSTIC CHECKS · Rta'ltter to w1n a compll'te check of your car's condition in South- ern California's first Ford Diagnostic Center. Over 130 electronic t6tl for safety, reliability and performance. Drlve this vacation without v.·orry. TEN CHECKS TO BE GIVEN FREE! NO PURCHASE NECESSARY ·FREE ••• FACTORY AUT90RIZED DEALER OUTLET FOR -., EL DORADO BARRACUDA FOUR WINDS MINIHOME GOLDLINE . SUNDIAL SCOTSMAN GEM TOP MORE THAN A CAMPER , HOT DOGS & PEPSI COLA FOR ALL! A COMPACT MOTOR HOME , I SATURDAY· SUNDAY ONLY! EXAMPLE! 1968 FORD F-250 PICKUP WITH NEW EL DORADO CAMPER Fu!!y •quipp•d .... ith VI •n9in1, ,,d;o, h11t1r, reedy t1 t• ..,.ilh IO'/•' c1b over Mohewk Sp1ci1I c1mp1r fully 1quipp1cl .... !th 1tov1, lc1b1x, dinette, owen. Slee pt -4. Dr1p11, w1rdrob1, pl111 much mor1. 25"!. dew" or tr1d1. IQ919 21) $89 , .. " MONTHS For Both BOAT DISPLAY BY MESA BOAT CENTER 1595 NEWPORT BLVD. < · COSTA MESA Camping · Equipment Display By GRANT'S SURPLUS 1750 NEWPORT BLVD. COSTA MESA EXAMPLE! 1966 FORD f.250 PICKUP WITH NEW SCOTSMAN CAMPER V.8 , automatic, radio, heater, camper sleeps 6, equipped with stove, ice box, dinette, drapes, wardrobes, ete. 25 -;.1 down or trade. I U49792) $89 ..... MONTHS , For Both · ' Truck' & Camper ~------·----~"---------~-~--··---·-----------·· ----~ --- • • • • ,. • I I • ·--------"---·.-...,...__ ---~>-..:.=:.:....-W 1 1 t. Q"2!;"1,.. , • • ' ' • I • • • AN!> WE 'HAVE THE FINEST .SELECTJON·OF NEW & USID CARS IN ORANGE C~UNTY ••• HERE & NOW·i ---~ ....... -----. ' J .. . USED CAR DEPT. 5411-5635 MANY OF THE FINE RESALE .CARS AT JOHNSON I. SON WUE Oll&INALLY SOLD AND UINw TAE FA~LY IN AND LOOI( "EM OVER TODAY .•• IUY TODA YI 1965 MUSTANG C0\1119, 811ullful "'11c WllHt 111111111 wflll tllrtdlYe Red buc.k.t 1Mj1. EowliiPed wlll! 111tamatlc tr1nsmis.1on. lltadlo., H"ttt:, Poftr S!eerlng, Low M119'. Orlg!nal 1llr111J111\o out, Ind bMvllfultr malnltlllfld. OTM «16. $1595 1966 FALCON FUTURA $pert eou,.. Artie Whitt wl!ll ll11r;undY Buektl Se111. Funy IKIOry equ1pPid, Auro. tr1tlle Tr1111ll'lbalorl. llt.cllo. HMttr, FKIQry Alr Condlliorllnv. "'· Showroom ''""' $1495 1966 CADILLAC SEDAN DE VILLE Sfl'lil!fttl trlk wl'llM wllll blKll: Interior & bi.ck ltrldt\t "'Of. Fully I~ 91111lpped, aulo. '"'-· 111.H, PS. PW ....... ., sellt, ltc•orv •Ir Cond., tk. tWD 1$:.1). $3395 1966 MERCURY STA. WGN. COLONY PARK f pene119tr e .. untvl llffm\.dl mkt meUol1lc llnbll w!lll rMldllno lnltrlor. Lu•ury equlP!*ll. Milo lrtns., 1111.H, PS. PB, PW, ltKludl"ll .. _, 1 .. 1. l"Kt. tlr. DI.lei t cllon Ttll ,alt. TOP lllPll~t -rtck t k . One 01 I~ UIWlll&I -_..., low ml!MQ9 ct rs. , $2895 ·')967 coR'llEnE STIRG RAY A bMutlhtl orlgl,..r Brlll!h rtcll'llll erNn l!Wlt!Uc flrlhh with wl'lllt tllJlllcluMllKk 11'1- ltrlor, 41 t11111M. A ~ trans., AM-FM. IK . ..c. Dl'lvtn °"'Y 2•.000 ~I. by -OWl'l<lr. tmmacuL.11• Cllf!Clllion. UXV t5f. s.11 Prk:e. $3795 HAVl.lllN sUYICED i'i .JlllM :".i ANOTHER REASON WHY THEY ARE . • c . · lt61V.W, FASTBACK ' i . . Attrecttwe Mitt flllllh w111'1 ll'Mlkhlng lnllrlor. F1etory 1lr, rHllO; lk. Loeb llkt ntW. VTS 111. ..,_, $1795 1964 PONTIAC G.T.O. CONVERTIBLE l11ullM -•I flllllh Wllll IJl'hli. budctt Ifft I. lll'hlhl loJ. • M*d tr1111., PGWar 1t"'ff!O, JllcllD & ..._..,.. 1k. Ulllitull1ty ei.t". tJll:J J60. $1395 ' I I 1967 FORD GALAXIE 500 2 door H•nllDI'. A!lrlcllft S.P1.er1 klQof txterlor wilt! '-'-nMtdllng lfttwllr. •uto..,tr•"'·• Jta.H, PS. Pll, 11rivtn only :n.ooa mllll by orlg1Ml -.. l.oob 111d clrtvu Ut.1 lltW. tUZE .UI. $1895 1966 THUNDERBl'RD HT. CPE. lllut. 90lcl bron11 •~t. w..:ototr. llllel Int .. lux. equip!. !hruout. Full pwr. Ind. a. tr111$., R&H, 1lr . 1 own .. c1rriully ctr!v1t11. Lie SIN nt. ' $2395 :================:::c:====: ;.;. ;==:;:===========: lt61 MERCURY . ·1966 CONTlliENTALS , ' I! lo dloonll fnlm). AnrKllw 111n1-. m,p..'a. • cloor 1M1~,..U11ful 11l1dlon ti .. «111:1-. I. lnft•lar&. All ,,. lulwry 11<1111""°' lnclllcllnt 11c10ry ..... ,.fft!u!ly rM1"ftilneci. • '" Ser. No. .m112. Prk:fll ll1rt II \ . . . . $2595 '. . 1961 TOYOTA CORONA HARDTOP CPE. C.nllMI RM tlnldi with blldt budr.lf "'"' •llfo... tr-.. r9dlo & hllltr. Ont ,,_ ctrlYtn only t,GDD mlles. A ,_I blluty !WIC :WI. " .$19.95,·---.. 1967 COUGAR GT Aeoun ~lllt lln!1h W·P1rchment com!Or't wuw u111 &. blltk ll~u top, "ulO. lrtM., rlCllD a. stereo llpoi, hul1r. l...:tory 1lr. • ntw E·1b14 tlrn, PS, Powv dli.c' br1kn, conMlt. A bHuUlul U.000 milt cir. (TRH 1151, $2595 . . 1961 COUGAR XR7 COUPE . AttrKllv• ICl~m lvr-lw !Tlllllllc lln"'1 wllh f'lrel'll'IM!ll INIMr Wdiill iff"' Ind bl1ck Llnilll.t ""1/t. •.J Liff• Y.f, lf'IOllll wlll'I 1uto. lrtn1 .• •lcllo a. !Iffier, -ll~r­ lnf, "'*"' dllc b"kn. F...:torv Air Collet. This bM1,1tlhll t1r drl...., only 11,00Q ml, lftlf ~r rettlVll t'"' blllllKI o! Thi Mw ctr F1c1Qry W1rr1nly. WOW loll. $3295 1961 CONTINENTALS 2 to ~· ''°""· At! c:Dm91tlety ~ """rll09d. Allli. tl'lns. I. radio, hater, F•ct-ory •Ir Cond .. powtr 11nrlftl, pe-bl'tkn, llWf". window,,, •-Y ... ,, landlu rooh, 11<;. Very low mllft encl lllMltllully rNln"I'*'· 11.,.,_r rectrv" TM blllatH:I II Thi new ur Fectory W1rr1nty, An,..etlv1 ~10r1. ¥0ll" d!Ok•. No . ..:io:a. No. IMJ, $5295 MONTI WO 4• "'\ *Ir I ...,. I\ ,• . 'Hold, more thin 92 cubic: fe1t of c:1rgol Th• du1l-1c:tio11 t1ilg1t1 js standard as is th• big 25Q. 11l" and all 1y~·c:ro ,tran1mi1sion. Options7 Montego has th1m all lik1 a luggag1 rack,,.yacht dick p1n11ing and Select-Shift tren,mi1,ion. ' , :ORDER' -TODAY!·· • ,, , ' • •• PR~ All l'l.lfl ' · LICo,,SE l TAX Colony Park ' ' • • • •• COLONY PARK • ' Nevet 1 wa9on so rich in ,tyll ng •.• 390 v.a •ngln• is 1t1nd1rd 11 is th• ~l991nt p1n9'in9 ind hide-1~W1y h•1dli9hts. Options +o spKify 111 many .. , • Lu991ge rack1,_,loun91 r1ctinif't 1i1t1, power 111i1ts and' many mor•I .. \ WAGON • • • . ' ,. A • ~.. . - 1969 Continentals, Lincolns, Mercury11 !nid Cougars are wa!~~g.for you •.. today •.• 11t Johnson and Son, great .cafs, great pr1cet, great terms -and· great people to buy from? -{ft- . • ~ [E [ffi © ruJ [ffi w D © ®. [!JJ@& lffi • ~6,6 .HARIOR IOULEVARD, COSTA MESA . ( , ( • ••• ' • • • .. I ( -------- l L ~ ~~ "'· ' . ..-. . " j < ·-'• ... ~ ..i:X .. .I ·t . ~ • . ' • . • .; :· .·. ·= . " • .1-" • • t-1 -•• 1 ... • --~ _-.:::J _h ; ~'-' ..... I• .__ : . ..... '~.: ' .· ·. , . . . .. ..... . ... It"" .. ;.! • •' :~ ~. : .-, .-. -1!1 . , .. i:. • .. ~ ··~ .. ••• ~.· -. ~ .. :; .: •: ·>· " . -~; . .• ,, . . ·~ . ,,. ~.,. · .. ~ .. .. :., ..... ;•t :·t~. 'I -~· .. .. . '" ~: . . l ' • ·~ I ' •:.;t: " ~: ~! ~: ! ~-,.. .,.,: ~~· .-:,.: -: ~-~-I ~:·I ~; f I if' I ,.: ~: '"<; 1 ..,. . ' :>· ~ ~ • • ~~ ;:!: ·:.;: ' . ; ~ :t ... ~ , ...... . -. :·~· :• •• ·"' .~:.· ~ • . .. . . ... .-·: +<..."',.. ~ ... ~::; .~ • ' ~ ,,. + • .c • I .. -~ '" ·~ -r-· I . • ·- - ~ -· _,_ ! • -~- "I . • ' -- " • '-"! . -· . • • ... .• f -' I ' ' ' J . " • . • ' , .. • '1· ' . • ~ ~ " . '• ... .:....--~ ---:,.J . ... ~ ...... , .. ~·· -~ _:--1; ~ _--=__-.. t, ' , '• . :· ' .. .. ... ......... 'S: ' ~ '( -~ .. 'l. -........ <' ... "! ,... ~ :~ "i>-·' ,-. J:ii' !) -··--1,)~~ . hr'''-"f ft.'1;•1 j "'~. ·•'",;;4"~ 'Jr-'"'h • ' • ,., ...., · ·. ',? t . l' 1~ . r ', = , , ~.wi,:a,.· ._ . ~ '. ~ .. • • • .; . 'tl·~\~~.'·~ .... , ~-~~-~ , ~ ~j ,{r:r L.; -.~· -. . · , . -;;R ~·:1:r_:··: .~fl • 1 .. ! .~.j~ ----:..,..-,.,,';.....~·.,;·~o/.4-~'7".....,.,,_.'T'CI'' ~""" ; .. • , ~·~:--:___.,. " W:7-v. ' , ~ . · ::_ ··· · ;:-'. ·~1s.·"1y~~. '..~• ·itfte .. 1'.ia.'a · ~·number .~t1 1G1-.· .. ;.t .. l oy, 1~J.. ·-. :'·:ii ...... , ..... ~-·-,·~·· ...... ,:-.. '"\· _ .. --...{" . • . ... ~=;'i. ".'....... ,,. ~ ... '"'«., ·::. · -:,.-,..,, •· .. ~,. .. Poiitldt "Ei"di thne-aheit we· had one,. we ~w•lilil:$erecflllle .. ,. · -. ·~ ' • • " ... ' ' • '" ~G:.:.. . . ,,,,,, .... ~ . ---' .. ' f-I · cci~~.~ei. s~y ~ GranCI PW~;·~ ~r;.a~:. 1 •• ~. :·.. ::·.; •(11; • , · ; • .. bir.d ~ and ·~·~·we wolild ',est.U~!f ~: ~1.-~" ..... ''.:,"~·'~; .. tf\l .. . co--titive nrie•-IJ · t ".,..-m ..... el...:...i.a .. v•...a.:ke i~: Us · -.:.· ~ .. ;·: .~ .. :::~-~·· '.f> .. :Y,.JI'. :; ; ; •••r"'." -r !'_,._ .'P ,,J!-,_ --~ VI, .. JI ,,..-n l. . ..... • 1 Q : ... -~ ,._.,. . ..4-...f<--._,. ... ,.~-·--~....J • ., • ~f'-c-··1· ··"'r-.('. '.',\•.-·' .i.· •1 l'• • • .... , •. '.1.1., ....... ,,..,.. ~ .. ~ .·.::i we offered ~ ... sale ·..f: ··'.·cars~:.~~·-·:~ i.~..:r ;--1• ..:...s ··: " ': · "'·"' ··.;; ... · , ... '~, ·; · ~~ .. ,_ t:!';ll!"~t.;i !!l~-~n .li'.1.;..·~~·'°"~..:,. ,, .. _ ~ ... -·· ., ...:; Now it's just about the'ftildeifei' or l he '. .:W.ollef '-iear •. :A11~. ' .... ,.,,.,·~''.t ,:;;: we've got a lot of ·can •. AU mo~els: that Is. 1iJ fil je . 5. ~ (;,.,:·'. 1 } Station wagons and GT Os and Bonilevdtes ·~~d·ius+ abOut · · · · · ··" · ·· ·-' · ' · · every model and car that Pontiac mak~S. ·~ • .. .> ... Now we ar.e going to have an AU-Star Sale. Every ~ Of · · ' • I" • our Pontlacs is a star in its own right, so it Wolilcln't lte ,. ---·fair t'!_ leave any one of-th+11f o_..t. ~"'.:p All of them are on sale ••• the Cafcdlnas, the ExecUtives, Le • •• --~ • '•-r·~ -• " . Mans and Custom SS as wt.II as. the Gran cf Prixs al'!d Fi,.. .. IRAND NEW 1969 birds.~ -We'.-.· having a real AU-Star Sale! You can $GYe a lot of'-"'Oliey if yo•.·hf ..... w;. • • GRAND PRIX ·· 8i9 400 C.l.D. •1;19Tne with turbo hydremettc tren1mi11ion, AIR CONO ITIONIN6, power disc bralc•s, cu1to1T1 sport st.erin9 wheel, push button redio, hiddH windihiaW -radio •ntenu, d•lux e •••t belts, white side well tires, deluxe whaal discs, cockpit instrument panel, tinted 91111. l"utlful l imelight ' 9reen exterior with black knit vinyl interior. IZ7H19P221619l , PLUS ·LICENSE & TAX " •• t ·' , ... ,.. .:. ~~· , '· . . " " ! J ' • ... -' ;, I ' ' 1 I•, .... • • I • I 1 . ' "• ). '°' CJ Li SP.A~l A-.. ceac i\. lander•h -SPAC) Two mo ovucam depres,,u pre"°"' cn11 •• ) ...... Ni: Fri Hij WASH on said · a perso: &ij>remE race, re wch se~ Nixon his oval be a.sinf ed at 11 nominali chief ju asked th NJ: that pul 1 ....... 1 At Uili Court n wboae r •boolllie si~ = wllicb Al -· JolnOn Fort.. lbe"m Nixlli log •;J• that any sel<clt<t -apl ~ore nominat1 out I ck classmat CZ 't: .. • ---·-;.;,