HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-05-22 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa..
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. . . ·~t:IR'SD'~'f i'fTBINpolir, ~Y'~~. "!1469. • ~
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Mesa· Digs $10,000 • Ill
,Pow• to Moon
C. a .. .
, . ' . ' ' ' ' . . . · : · , 1~ , . ·-, fS r B@ftt·, .. ;· v.eire~s . .,~. . '. 'I . I . ' . ' • • ,·, .• , ~'.; •i.:"j .... , , •.•• ,1~ ..... • l' ... ,.i.fl'. • . ' ··• • ' '
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BULLETIN ' ' 50,0QO jee)·of \he SI\' of Tranquility,· .c.:. '
SP..iCE 'CENTER, H~lon>'(UPll · J~st i•h. ~ be'fore ~·For'i"··Qi\'I .
AltrOnaslts Tbom•• p •SC&Uocd and Elil' Thomas Ar ,St.afford and Navy_, Crhdr.
1eae :A. cl'nw1 cat the Apollo 'ti m<Nfti ' Ellgene•A. ceman were'ti> ·~~8*itt?le '
lander •! .... li'om Job• w. y.,,;,g ID· jbe luo;>r module, "' ~. frol)l '.ihe APoUo
........i:lldp lodOy. ' 10 collimanq shi~. they repOrtlil ·~
' · · venling oiyg.,! .from a \hree'to01 1!unhe1 , SPACE. CENTER, Houslon '(AP) -~'' hi • , conned\ng the-'wo,s l>Sr-• • 1.. • •
Two lllOOIHll'lilting Apollo 10 astronauts · ;r~y !JM: f;,,;,W, .. J;i\fo. ~ LEAi ,
overcame a ~tiaUy b a.z a rd o us thrClfg\l~~lllollra earlier, ·prepar. depr~rizatioo p~•ll). loda•, !!)!I i~g 'to se~aie from NaVy:Ciiidi .. ~
"' ·o IV. YclOilg fu.llie'~"'''•'to)illirt ' pre"""'11" fly.a lragil< hmar i,nrling ,' the n~I.~~ ![!~I I ~-==·::re!e: :;~~ Apo!lcY~~~~." staffom~ .. ~i
· · · • ' • I pressed clpcerli ,..,.,,. , !!< -1«id ~
11 \ cb(ttro1: ., ~: '•) i 1f : ,J· '\l
N •' B "We're .haYlli! iro<rble\~iQ,,,,i w;xon to aJ• the tunnel.: I '.~l>n'f think it ,.,;.,Ii be al
"' l!q)d -tO ...... the ....,;:.-;Ur pre<.!
' Friends From ,
H~ .. -·h ·c·-.. -...... ·-ig .ourt
\VASHINGTON (AP) -President Nix-
on said Thursday he will never nominate
a personal or political friend for the
Supreme Court and will not consider
race, religion or geography in making
iUch selectiorul.
stlte•in the iunnel." ,..-\ •. ' " .. ' 'He refmed,to the .B<row·~e'clookms ,
mecharii!\lll. tnit helpa bold ute two 1
91Ce!hips , tog~r. ·A sudd~, ·IOSs of '
preiow:e .. aflll!lilockin'g.Cotil<Hlamaie ttil!
. .prol>e and .make it impOssl.ble for a re-
docklng af~ ~ta!ford al14 .You.Dg,dip, :<See APOµ<>,• t:ag~·t l). :·
Students l'rade
Punches in Flag,
Fracas . at Irvine ·
' -. '
• ' .sh.~·oi.n~e.I Node
-.: I ' ___ .;. • -~-• .• ,,.;...J.1 -'•·•---L -!_ ' • . ~ : '
Nixon met informally with newsmen in
his oval office and, at what t.umell out to
be a.single-subject news conference, talk-
ed at length about lhe court and bill
nominaUon of Warren E. Burger to be
chief j\IDice. However, the President
&sked that he not be quoted directly and
-• The :t-J.S.:Flag .was, foughf_over,, ra~
and lowered three times Weduesday -o,n 1 the UC Irvine campus by Warriic;.
Mldlcala and patriots. • . CAROL TOOK IT ALL OFF FO!t ,T~E JURY
Justice. Pagt 4 half staff_ '1
Came:ra Shop Th,eft S~d : .
· .. ,u;.ah)y· Prof eseion~1 Jo1h·~·~ -~ . ,_.,,J 11ff!_1 ..
' ' I . • ' : • • ) . :
. lR'l'llUlt Rl.~ ,\ ' J lice.~ IM1 ~ •t mJtP.nf.
, OI "' -~-""' ~. who d~vered lbe ~ A Coit.a Mesa c;amera .~ _who on:ce al 1:1~ l.m., satd all his s5 tnillimetir
capt\lftd. -•·Ille rool orrl* •. h~ ~ -~· a,DlllDW~ . shop loo 1111A! ~. ~ 1batll .... !IGO ..-.ier., ga'1C~t bags and ot&r ~ ~e~ ~ · in a ne~t, twine I nient ir "1tsslng. : . . ~ . · · :
job burtWY Ir o m In ad/m~ Met The loot · was apparently carrjed olit
brotera1e firmi 1 • through the brokerage office door. :
Dave Roberls, ow ner of Dave I Camera . "t know· it's-at Je8st •$7,~ and J'in
E:Xchange, 434, E. 17lh ·St., iakl ih!S loea gu.,.1ng at about $10,0QO, but It's goln1 fo
would· run asitilgh as flO,~. while aboUt take a long tiine to figure Out" Jaid 'the $3~~ in ,loot ':as·taken fro~ the"b~er'1 victifn. '
·;:~ job a"peare<I · to be highly ·prO-· TJ>o, burglar, als,o hU(~ an <Xpensi'('
· . I r -''"" t d ··-~• u-. cash register to lhe.floor of tile j{lsplay fessiona • ~cco., ..... '6 ° ~~-wve ~ ar1e4 to stnub it open IJJd ~·Mo CUb
Broad,· ~ ~pparently no ~ _swtes In cotrtaJ~ inside , 4 ' , •
the mulU~1t ~erdal ~ding wer:e . "'Ibat reaJJy ucla me ""'·"·he suaned. , entered durmg the predawn burglary. .. th caah ister _...,... * t.o 1iave -Entry was made by allpPlRJ: ellht 1taas . e reg comi;an>' YS, ,
I01.i1vers out of a window beilde Uwi, door it-utllocked.so tb;al won ·t happen -IDd I
r-};futizalFtmdbi'oken lbc· 'arld rcrawl-didr-but~_juita-~as,~_!..!. ,: -• ? . • _......, . Investipton 1t tlie aceoe iili!11be el* ~~~the :5t;11te at _the rear, "" ........... oer ttiWty ~shut off autmnaU~ at 10'~:"-~
Once iruide, the Jntruders smashed every rugbt; at lea1t1 partially ~~.
their way rlghtithrough .1bt Indian Ocean succ_w of the burglaty on thia •d1r:~J
of a-'Ooor-to-c¢1ing.rtmp "coverjng ·a•thin r~;~1., •. t 1>cg•-•-·1o ! t wallbOard partition. u-c:w:.;\4 .-es w,ere }US ........ & • cov .. '
"They got a typewriter and a· tape ; the a~ f°?t by-foot for .cl~., ~ sa!d ,
recorder we just, houglrt Tu""8y'" said , ._ .of Ille .. other. suites -, inphiil\Di .. l
J, Clay Hendricks, rell!Ollil, ll)apager. of cbmmercla! pboto~aplty studio. -'t ·
the firm "I hav~·, betll ·losldt ye~, but peared i~ be vJctim~e.t. . ·, .••
l'm cert:iln they "got my oWn cainefas." . . RObertS; aler.te(I l:iy) a aUent bw:gtae
A sma1l brass "bell evidently yanked alann, went to his . old shop at t JU); •
from its mounting on the offlce"door t.o N~~Por:t ~lyd:,_four f~r aao a~ ~f.
avoid accidental nolle lay In lhe hole tatr¥a~7-year~l~!>°y~n~r~ftdpm.•
wh • the louYen mnoved as po-break-in attempt. · 1 -• • ·•. ere W8l"e "He had) his hands ·up. when .the. poli~ r
got there, but brought them dciwo td 'No •
waist sudi:lenly for some reason and he
cOuld hive Ileen lillled'just liJie tharlild'a
couple of IDGlllhs qo," &berts observed.
--'· -----~ "i-~ .. Honest , Officer
' ' . ~ .
It Was ·Tliis B~g
.A 13-year10kl Garden Grove boy·
Wednesday -pnbably, found one .of . the
best ways~ to iubstanUa~ 1 fish, story -'
report II to the l)Oilce. ,
And, Newport BeaCh officers -ltted,
it was a whopper.
The boy called poll~ Crom ""8S:: ,the
Balboa pier to report llie1hefl of bit fish,
which he said he left urlattended for five
Customers arrivtng at lbe scene found
lbe shop darkened today and a sign
saying it was closed due to robbery tapilid tO th8 ~dQot. ' '
"fust tl!low lt,lh 1/1~ slo\ aod.~'11 get to
It when I can,",Jie iald.to1a man with a
roll of snapshot$ to be developed," 111
probably be}a·day-behiad.now.'! l
' . '
Ni.soo Pleb Law ·and Ortftr M'ost of the afternoon thi Flag new at Her Sn.•k•t Were Ml.H/nel So w.· 1 1 Mini-dress
minutts .. that publication of reports of the con The universi~y adminisll1tion, \withl ] • • • > • -· ' . The catch?
f-~ w1··~·ld for.several hOufs. ChaRCi!llor Damel--0-t -A. lddch ·Jr: OUI cil ' ' • "· • .,.~··~ ............. ~·a~· I--~. ' ; ' : •\. 1 ' 'I~ ••. ' I .. A flve-fOOt-long ,'sahhon" wtlghin1 ~ 4CF "'''""-",~. \uuNcl kl ·t'-JCP town,.dldnotmoveto1ntercede.Campus1 1 • 'T •' · ...... ·. al At this time, xon sa ' ·~·•Uprtlll... poli '"' ' t' d th 'lio .a.nfod.' -r' ' . orr1 r1a1 pounds, hes d.. aal " Court needs an Infusion of members , c~~ separa e • ,ose w . ia"tioi su., • I" • Speculation ran h1ah that the" mon The sun's sWI ihy, so cloudy '
whose nominations raJse no ques'tions but did not a~ to change the eleva on of 'j missed a tum at the Santa Ana RJvei' skies 'frill,· prei>, ail .mos.t' of 'rtktav, .' • ~"-' f~•-"' liU I the Ftag. · • · • • · llJOlltb lale for tbe le-••ry annual • _;,1....: ,, ~.............,. •-N~•P"'PP ·°'"ell' •, •·'!111''1~.r.,,;, out 'of,an·Ai!i1~: .... ~ spawning run.: ' , •-e-. . woth'morcury .~ ... of 16111008 .,
sideriljali,. '. ~"'~.lual-: ;~~.-~~'!,t;llall,., ... ~:,:r, . ,!J>ancer Dnes ;'N ude'. Thing f(>r _Jur y · · , , . . · · ~.:.ang• Coast ond 74 •farther -~·~·-.tlili<~ r'1·~r~'11 •"'~J~" ' i' .... '. ... ~-·.-' c ..... 'RE FOR 'C-.4'0 ? : <i~nled -ioslonce~olft . ~h...<!Wi~Y".;)1!11_.,lllinf~ '''' By TOM BAllLEY t Mlsl ·Cybulskl:·:i:, promised jurort .tt. 4' INSIDE ,TODAY ; •
wtlicb Xbe Fort.u. long.rd:lse Miid ~ i.rMI •-~ • ii· .Ji;. t'ff!~' t ot llM o.11y '""" Stllff before stie~d!d •her bottomless number A. TetiietO of-the lak1t UC • wocjo~of former President ~yndottp. , Radical ;ilWents Oll 'Cl¥DJ"!S .,.,_.,i.u tCqrvoceou1 Carol Cybulski of Laguna that 't '. ld •-ct1 ; CffEf;K INSIDE lrvihe:')>rod•ctlcm-.mci·a-11c _ • ~-JO:.':d~;: r:=, =~eianJ~. ;~ "'t~~U: ~~~ .. ~-.t~ ~1:"~~· m~~f,;~hJ~ a1w~ :,,o:cd U:n ~hep =~u ;ta~ T~ -told '°summer drlYinC Pteuore ~~C~~:,~.~=::J~~: ; i
the ••Jewish seat'' on lbet~ ~ '~bol of mourning. -~ j ' ~<lience of her co1or!u1 Jlfe Wednesday Weatminster Boulevard bar. But me bfd" can be just a 'llWe... qnoothi!r for lhe, I d41t:. niCtr.tamminc pagtt,_ II : 8 1 ·
NIIllll llkl he~iho ~.; ~[Ill&:. :..J1i1ueH. tho.0>an.lelt'ln.c0ari1, sAld i.-f ~ MWllclpal Court Judp.1'11111 Mast and ID go ""'°'1gb her pubatlng gyr-c11mr -lmowl •bout -ond does <m<1, l9: , , , ' : , • •
Ing arJewish, Ci. Uc '"~et ~ day be~ Vt!)' hm;I all edn11~et 'the ;;,J2 urors who may have to rule on w"""-·t ... _·-·""ea lhll""''•' .. 1-'-rt --...1i..-.. .. a.bOUf,-car care. 1 • ........ t . • .. ... I Iha ' • he~ '. ........ fr;~ -lnW-~ llti... M.UUU UJC .. laJI -J' ""-r--~..... In I .I ~ 0 ,t, ,..,,.... ,... I • ., tony J~ . 't.I· ~·..,.. ,~ .. ;:!,'l"~:"'.".,T:i~~-•.' ,.., t 0< lln~}~~_.tpt>J. . -11 not aU -el h(r ~171t;geauu1, Tllo DAILY .. P[LOr, . 1 ~.~l!: .. -:1• 1 • \"I r ::::t;,:ci , ~. • sefectedloadneverocll iCloUSar • • ·",;..,111uauoo .,,.,. Tue .exo Al'! ......,·t.lertalritl'' 'url ., .~• ']lqetablokloOcUon,IDdoy , , """"' , ., •--geographic balance on the court. Wllat would )'Dll suU.11'htn:y"" .. ~~ ~ ,.,_wcman, six-111~n panel Her v'lslble meo d n& ucr tavau automoUve main~, ~ar lJlvtl apd, 0::-:.ic.. · • t ,!ci; _.. ,.~
(!#a<e ~ng Weifn<aday t ,o gol a.sltuaUO. Jo wbldl _,, ha~ ~I -,Jpst wh\t If (ilkes to get-hobked eight rooUne normolly \9!'1ud• •II-foot python. .pl><es }'j)Uri f1mlly'1 wheela can ~ke you. -• .., • """ ' •·•
nominate Bo.r~r1 he reported, he rulcll fere:nt polms of'riew and.arel'aislng and times on lewd condUct and obscenity' .. two cqbtal· and a· ralU,snake. M.l$t-this sun\mer:befn You. tuN evtr;YCM"1 =~ .:~.~ .r=~ ~
out a close trieoo and Duke Law School lowering It.?" Charges by thrqo.fing ber.undulhting 36-24-Cybu1skl norrpally Insists On ftaiid.Uni: the thgine to bectn yeur1 vaca~lan ,trip, ,&urn ~ :: ==: ' . ..-~
classmale. CJ!orles E. Rhyne; precil<ty It waa suggested oae •liert11Uve.mlght . 31 frame •round the Apartmel>t A-Oo-Oo r<J>tileo hertelf and , she explained tbal u-Pll'• 111\d read the aeCllqn ,-inlkll' -, ""?' ~ ,. it:~i~:·~~r:,~-~~'=~~tti:~aira1'."''!'lr.u; ::=:.r:.·~ey•popplog/~.1J1•1111. ih•~~11\"~it')~T1tom, -r.·, ,. ... ~", ... ·.· ~· --~ ·-...... ....,... ......, ....,,;; ..--.. -•=:o......-==~;..--,,..;;i..--~1"--,,.!:=~-'--....:..:...,-J •• -~ '\ ' . .. . ' .. ,.... • .~ ,. ' I A ..) • .II"' ' .,. ~ f
.,, 1 ,\f!l> ,•i.\ f~'' I.;_ '6.i ~."' .' ·~·1""i 'ft'~. "'.~I• • ' f, ._, fl-" l:u'"lio. ., '/) J ·J: <>~··11'~# 4 } .,. I ~:.:-.. : ••• .r ·-: ,~. • .. • ~ " .. • (
I • :' ,. .. •
-:.S -
'7e Pool
P.nm ·Sued
~~ -1oc.·~cani.c..!..
-bo Ille stale Tueoday. In ,.,,.! • Gm. Tbomu C. Lynch deacribed u
'"tint m a 9tries ot· suits" over coo-. \=· ~ In the·.swimmlng pool in-
..... Oruce County fian was ....-1
......... udmilleadlng~and
Cl r'nn of state lan on iDltallmeat
. -wo1bacl&. ,,._ aull cbarg..t the company ml!led
lqBs by clalmlni It coold provide a
Pail .... -• -· 11111-i.ould be DO· down payment ud lhat the
eompuJ did not engage subcontractors.
The lull further cbarg..t lhat Autoina-llPn'• poola were not compleled within. 30
... ~ "1"'.,,UOO. u d•lmed by u..
:-. uiol ,.i. _..... did DOI
. llinw -cbarJOI m1 1noa11111 paymenlo. u roqulred by law. •
The •to sougbl eumplary .ia.._
•bich caulil amount to 12,500 for deb
violatloe.1ho IUll WU baaed( OD JIOO!I
bollt ... ~~~.J)ownOJ, Granoda l!Wa; :11.....,.., Sa·a1u,, =· Ebcino, Laog Beach and ·1.os
:;,>; I ~ .... •• _J'\ !. -· Fre111 PGffe 1 ·
' NUDE DANCE •• -.
lier Lquna aoutmenl for the 1pedll
iourt....ioo. I
Sbe does oot. il II -· allow -to baodlo ber up. . Tbe ndlcal d~ from nnmldplil peulutd. .ea m e when botb pro-
m! c1e1 .... c.'oumel agreed in ~ the jury sboUJd see the dance
w~ ~ have described as "lewd,
suggeative, and plainly filthy." Judge
~ agreed to lhe change of venue with ~tj after WISUC<e8Slully seeking ob-
~to the move.
·'ilteluctant newsmen •creed to ac-~-the.court to the wal 5anta Ana .illtertna place.
·ll<MJlll tlllOWN I
Juron 11114 court olflciala and Jlldge Mail were placed In otrateglc posittons
around the tavern while the movies that
nmnally pncede the Cybulni a ct
Oidw•cf-oa a smen adjecont to the dim·
ly lit stage. . I
Tbooe --not Included in the court ban on nude dancing at Harry
lftseDi '1 tavern and jurors were beard to
ntr jolt wby they enjoy ~xcluslon lrom
lhe court onler ..
I NJ Mia Cyhtlskl dilrobed in a back , + room, the ft1m depicted a naked woman
cavortlng on a bed. apparenUy enacting
the ltmala -to a "" act. The wide ranee camera emurad thal all
aspeda ol the aubjed were COll""l'ed to
lbe -1-audlenoe. • •. Severi! ....... Jum't reluaed to 1o\,t
· Mber at the film after watcblq: ln-'.ClitiulousJy for a few momenta:. · 11. patrad who was aIJOftd to remain in
th~ bar wblle the impromptu court
ldlion was In progreaa chuckled to a
-oar~ that, "They ain't aeen nothing
-~:ro the aooompanlement or a iaJ>illnc .iul<e bu and the plaW!ve wall from the · 13tiiu.., the IU!lly Mia Cybulski toot the
m!nlatqe to go tbroUgb a tiWlaU.ng strip·
itiae IUIUne tbat involved the swill &hed-
·dq ~ bor flimsy ~-type attire.
~ nude. &he then adopted a ...W ~ _. and body twisting routines
that bave been colorlully deecrlbed by
Vice mvatlptn. lllm>rod walls ........i
thol Ibo Jann IOI a good loot at all por •
tiool ~ Mia Cyhtl&l;i'1 anatomy.
Tho Laguna Beach girl tb<n writhed .on
acarpet ID a mies ol borl!Cllltal routines
l>ll!le a jute bu combo wailed ml
grom:Wd~1~get "On bOird." She ended her
ad · by picking up bef ecattered
ts, llashing. --· al the ~ ~ qulc,kly 1o~lbe ~~·s
;wu no applause, . .
\1'lio .IDllJ.-Miu Cybulltl:ll back'
lo ·cocnt-y for the tlllrd dq ol bor .
trial. Atlorney11erri<a'Mocn Cpecl& to
omdDde ..b'l 1 Oamination of deCense
lt'itne.18t!S· llt«~t.erlaY. . . ' ..
DA ILY PltOT ..,,.., ..... , ............. ------CALIPOllllJ.
CllUMOa (QU'l l"UlllSHING CC*O .. \lt't
R.wtN.W•-4 ........,., .... '* .....
J ..... c., .. , Yk1t,,,... ... OtMrll MINIW
D-• Klfttl ·-n ...... A. M11t,l.I-. .............. -c.t9 ,..., -........ .,.,
............... t Jiii ""-' ..... ........... ......,....,_1m...,...-.-
11z•:rs1~1 ••...,..
• DAILY PILOT ......... .,,,._ """-GRAPP~ING AT UCI -Unscheduled wroetling Dial.di •I q c;irvme
w~ f~ freshman James Ervin (left), wllo W'lllt"d flag at hall ~-and ;bODStudOnt Scott Wlncheoter of Tustin, "'10 dldn'L
Campus pouce nlled puabing and lhoving_ match a draw.
From Page I
staff and have the campus police sllnd
"My wboJe being as a human being la
oriented toward solving situatlons other
than by force,'' Russell said. "I don 't
think in the whole history or mankind we
have seen a situation where force alone
bas .solved a aitu&tion."
'J'be Flag WU flying al full Jtafl ~y
with students standing guard to reason
with anyone bent on lowering it. Thal
solution was agreed to Wednesday even-
ing by studenls meettng wtlb Russell.
. 'White Eagle'
•• Fears Apoll-0 ... , . ~
DENVER (UPI) -The "Voice o( ·
White Eagle" warned the nation Wecl· ,
nesday that the ApoUo 10 and olher space
shots would upset the balance or the
universe and create "catastrophic
e;torms!' around Ute world.
Tire "voice!• idenUfied himself as John
Jobnson of Brii!>ton0 Colo., a suburb DI ·
lleover. Jolm!oo ¥kl he wu speaking for
White Eagle, an M-y~ld Dakota Sioux
"Don't mUe·tbese trips to the moon,"
the voice Mid. ''It UJ>Rtl the balance of
the univ~' \ ·
He said th& A Pollo lbot, """Pied· with
the planned lmmching ol . Tlton Ill and
recent Soviet launchings, ''will create
very serious storms for the next five or
six weekl -wind, ball and rain."
The voice said ii the Titan launch was
delayed it C!OUkl keep the ·storms from
·beooming cawtr.phic.
Another Sioux Indian, Chief William
Red FO%, 991 of ~elphla, aald the
Apollo 10 was ruining the rainfall.
STANDING GUARD -Camp-°' police officer guards UC
Irvine flag pole . Wednesday
alter breaking up scuffle over
whether or not ftag should re-
main al half staff while !tu· dents di&cl!&' next move. Flag
flies at full staff today.
W estminsrer Trmrees OK
Family Sex. Clms Guide
Westminster ScOOol Dlcitricl tram.
TuesdaJ nlg1!I voted S to I to appn1,. . a
C)l1tlculmn plde fir family We and aex
..tucatkn ....,... now being taught In
...-GI eiglWb grade cWse3.
W .atchman Says
Sub Sank Whil.e
Crew at Dinner
MARE !St.AND, Calif. (UPI) - A
civilian secwity watch otfictr testifled
Wedneaday the $50 million nuclear sub-
marine Galllaro Hnl: at dockside last
week while workers supervising her refit·
ttng....,, out for dinner.
The SO.page booklet, drawn ap by
school nurses ~ aptr0\191 by a citizens
committee, became lbe aubjecl ~
lengthy d<bete ....,, paronla In the au-
dience ud the-·
VoUng ln favor o( the guide were
trusteee Ada Clegg, Frank Eastwood and
Ray Schmitt, with Matthew Weyuter
casting the 0 nay" vote.
Tape recon:.lers set_ up in the board
room were removed before the agenda
Items were discussed following a motion
by Schmitt, who said he bad never seen
one at a meeilng before.
Parent Fred Barber objected to the
guide, which was "designed to emphasize
the family uiUt and IDIX'a1 values''
because he wanted to know whoM! moral
values the guide would lollow,
Dlll&.lf PICOT, ... ....,. • aiiiiiiiM _.., Richard L. Kaufenberg told a naval ~-" ..,.... .._ --~ board ol inquiry the G.ulUmi sank In 35
A motlier ~ two cblldren demanded to
kMw wbere the di9trict IOI a filure in·
dicattng that IO percent ol lhe paronts
were tn favor of the su education pro-
· _. • _... ....,. .., ....-.,... fett ol water tn about nv~ minutes Just ........ """"' c... .... ........... _,,._ "'-.. --..1 to • .... .. ,....... Y.....,, -... .... -..ICI" .us re~. war •. ,..._. _._ a.-.. c... ,,..... unat bow WM under when l arrived
gram. •
Superlntendet Jobn Land told her tbal
bll admlolslrall>n md"with•all lbe f.TA
BERKELEY (UPI) -11beri11 Fl'aot
Madigan aid todoJ bis lriYutlpllon
allowed Jamos -Wfll faially -by
a police ollleor dmiD( Jaot "llnnllY'•
rioting. •
The AlaP*k Count)' -aald the inquiry Is ~ to delennine how
·many -were fired 11114 by whom. But
he said !hero was no poooibllity the
buckshol which tilled Rector WU fired
~y demoostral<!n.
Rector, 25, San Jose, died Monday from
thre"e shotgun pelleta Which entered his heart: .
Rector and wiloeslu tokl authoritffl:
be wu lbot while watcliing the battle
between police ml demonstrators from a -.we rcoftop. Mlchaer Meo, another
onlooker, teoial:IV<ly ~ed the olflcor
using the shotgun as an Alameda County
&herlff'• deputy.
Madlpn acain defmled the use ol
sbotgunl during the riot, but xaid be hod
authcrized only the use cl. birdshot -not -· "We were pelted with at.etl ban, pipe
fittings, rocks, bricks, ohunh of cement
and other deadly weapom:,'' s a I d
Modlpn. ""Wben Uva .. tlnalened, u
wu the caa bllllt 'lbunday, Glficm are
just!lled In retumlnc fin ...
y:_,.i,o.. -·a pmnls filed •
$100.000 • ..._ claim agalDot lbe state.
coan1y, dty ant1 -Jcm Does "respomlble rm-hls deaUr:"
Reder, wbo WU 00 probation followlng
bis conviction lut December for burglsry
and -Ion ol ~. Wll atayln(
with lri«tde In Berkeley. A graduate of
Sant.a Cli<a Hl&h Schoof, be was not a
1tlldont at the university.
2 /3 of Californians
Favor Death Penalty
SAN FRANC!liCO (UPI) -Nearly two-
lhlrdl m Calllornla'• mldents favor
retenUon m the death penalty for pmllh-
ment of aa1ous crlmea, the Mervin D.
Field Poll aid today.
Field &aid a rocent public opinlop
sampling ~ 1,011 penoas indicated IS
percent favored the death penalty, :Iii
per<ent opposed tt and I pen:enl bad DO
·"''' •
.t!lJ-. "I wwkl like tit•bear who you m" .d ' ' ' '. -~'I ::r.:i Wofsy. Oby? Are you hip-
"You bet I'm happy ," said .Reqtln.
"And you bet you won't say anything that
wW surprise me."
Tbe delegation of eight faculty, headed
by Owen <lwnberla!n, a Nobel p<tze.wJn.
nlng pliya!cllt, came to the Capito! to
penonally1 at IJ,elpn to remove na-
lklnal pardamen lrom the camplll.
.Reagan 'aid 'be "WOOld never pull out
~ foreea · whhout · a pledge lhat
dtinixisti-a!On ''>r< ready to lay down
their violent technlqueo and ta<:tica and
acts and then we could withdraw the
necessary protection force ••. "
Alter that, Rea1an returned to hb
private. inner office. The profesaon
'l'!!eUy laid "shame, shame." Tba
-pvemor wu applauded by members ol
bll staff ml • ddeP!IOD d visltiog -
--Son lllolO. '
* * * * * * War on 'People's Park'
Spremh to UC Camp~es
The nr t:NW • "~'I Put'' at the
University of Callf«ma In llerWq n&·
ed into Ila aecond week tol!ay after
touching mr lncldenla on other uc ·cim·
puses. •
Tbe death d J ..... R•clcr, "'• ol lunsbot wocmdl IU!lencfln the lnl~ rint
llut Thuraday WU cited by the protesting
A strike waa voted by 500 youths at UC
San Diego. UCLA's main' adminiitraUon
building was the teene of a long: ai\-in. UC
Riverside's chancellor canceJed clasles
Friday for "mourning and ndlectlon."
Sklrmiahea con-behioen llludenls
and "street people" cm cine side and
Betbley j>Olice and UDO Nattonal Guard
troops on the other. ·
More · thin 20 · pet&Ons were arrested
Wednesday for blocking traffic and
obstructing officers, bringing the total to
more than Z50 aince last Thw-sday's
vlol<o<e whldl left Reckr, a ..,.,...
!nm san Joee, -from &belpn pal-1<0.
Tbe police. ald..t by Alam..ta Coonly
sheriff's deputies, use birdabot to qucfl a
dlaturballoe after the -.,.tty -otructed a cbaln lint fence around oll-
<ampus land that young people tr1ed to
claim for a .. people's park." Three
persons remained OOspltalized from
gunshot woUnds, all in satisfactory con·
About 2,000 demonstrators w e r e
dispersed Wednesday when they made a
serpentine march aroimd the campus.
About 30 fclculty memben led the parade
amid haDdcJapping and shouts of •·we
want the park."
Later, .about 1,000 chanted outside the
ho m e of Berkeley O!ancel!oit Roger
Heyns and then filtered off into the
business area, where they were dispersed
after blocking streets.
Frona Page 1
APOLW. • •
down to their cklle approKb to the After an hour, In which minor com.
surface.. munications problems were cleared up,
Sta!ford said some lnsula1im tbal Ceman reported : "Snoopy Is all IO· I
broke off In the tunnel when it wu found nothing Wl'Ollg with it."
preuurlzed early in the nlghl might have Snoopy is the radio code name far the
cJoepd a vent valve. LEM. The command ship, manned by
Ground controllefs ponclera:I the pro-Navy Cmdr. John W. Young, 11 called
Charlle Brown. blem •few minutes and radioed a backup St.afford and Ceman leave Young alone
· procedure for tlumping the oxygen in the command vessel at 12:05 p.m. PDT
overboard. to awo9p down toward a land.scape which
With Stafford in the twmel and Ceman they described Wednesday in terms such
in the LEM, the astronaut.a carried out as "rugged planet," "fantutlc," and
the procedure and successfully lowered "out of this world."·
lhe pressure. In the most perilous moments of the
"We're doing fine," SlaHord reported. , .. 'inission, they twice are to skim at nine
0 That'a good enOj.lgh for us," the times the speed of sound just 9.3 miles
ground radioed. "Presa on." over a landing l!iite they are scouting for
The insulation that broke off was a July · landing by two Apollo 11
floating around both cabins Md lhe tun-astronauts.
nel, providing IOU\e tnitatlon for the The two spaceships were to be apart
astronauts. 1nore than eight hours, with Young coo-
"Thls ii like llrlnl in Chicago." linuing to circle the moon at an altitude
~joked. "lbere's snow all over the of 69 miles, ready to Dy a rescue missioQ
plact. if stafford and Ceman eooounter trouble.
Earlier, the utronauta rtported all During the two flights over the landing
systems in the LEM operaUns and ready site, the LEM pilots hope to obtain a total
f!X' the separaUm. ICheduled to last eight of 13 hours of radar ranging, photographs
hours. and visual observations.
al JJ. J. garrell
FROM $129 "to $149 ..• NOW!
.... Ill:... ..n..,----•
Your /IWOrfll daigner IOiU be happr to GS&iit !IO• ••• •
!::-!~!.::'"\..:: ..-.:. ':. W:: bid," Rautenberg teltlfted. ··it lhooll: WW ........ C••..... 1.._imlnd•-'U..• •
:: ·: mn......., meup. -_,... C1xia1 M:aiw.; t4J..N11 He Aid tb.ll di.YI before the tinkinR: he ~ ~ .,.. er ... c..t ,. .. ,.,... notk:ed water comln('tnto1.he sub'a bull .... ~ ~ ,.. -,..., ............ ~•n--1 ... ....._allyc'~bya ... ........., ..... ., .......... Is ..... ........-.. UVIU! .,,_ "'" • ·mr ...,..,,. _.. -mill plate.
... ~ 11114·1-oaly-agllmt tL
ol~=r.~::.«:ted: H.J.GADDlm fUDNrJlJDIE gram bU 1>een taughl oo a votuntary I\ I\ I~ I\
ba.m In lhe Westminster !Cbool d~trict " · = !.~--~' ....._. ..... "'JD ,?Ma l tried to tell Ute people on .. , ""' c.a. -... .._...,... • bmd to do IOIDethinc about Jt ncnr ~ •·"' 1 ., ,...,, ... ....-r, rather than btlOl't I\ became too late, .. 1 --1.;,..,,::::""'::"'::.:"-':::":" :;:"':;:"':"-;:';;'·":.:"""::::;::'":.· ---'-Kauleol>era·latllled.---
slnct 19$5. It 11 not • coeducaUonal PIOflSllONAI. 2211 HAAIOA ILVD.
couraeu:t, and~~"\~~~...:! ll_~_..::"""'r:~·"'::::"=u= ....... :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::°"':::::M .. ::.:"'""::::l:M:.: .... ::.::::::::::::CO:::ST:A:M:!:S~::CJ.::U:'·:::!~--.J thelf cb1Jd UWil..~ '4 .. 021S 646.0276 ' -
111 I I
Reagan Calls
Prof 'Liar-,
SACR>IMENTO (AP) -Pounding a
desk with his hand and shouting "liar!"
Gov. Reaprl angrily refused a request by
professors to pull national guardsmen off
the University of California at Berkeley
-"" .... .,.~~~-!'.'"'!':T. .............. ~--'' ..... --
-:: . -! -
,-" .
N. Y. ~t .. ek• :
City Hall Nod Du~
. 4rchitect~ to ~.e .Na~d Monday
Several years ,of' work, \VOtl'Y and'
w~ should bear .frult Monday with ap-
Jdob>...: " either John B. Parkin
Auociates or Kurt Me~r Asaociates as
the ai<bltecta to deeign the """' Hun-
tington Buch City Hall.
Councilmen will lnler:view the two
arcllltects In a ~ m .. ling In the Id·
minlltrative annex of· City Hall, 5th
Street at Main· Street. Interviews begin at
6:30 p.m. ·
ceni.r with financing ol the project UWy
to be by sale " booda under a joint powers agreement with ,the COUDty 'ct.
school diatrlcts and repayment from tbe
capital fund created by collec:llon "lraah
removal fees .
ting\on Shores Moe.I east " Lit ~
and the second block ioland belWeill llli
aiid 5t.h Streets as well as a strip·Q(jai\d.
from Pacific Coast Highway intand Oil the~'
east. aide of L:ake Street.
~e ·of the ban on building is to
preVent construction while ~ city' con-
templates a parking authority: prO}ed bf
the area. . ' '
A similar ban expired two wteU qo.
Jn a haJf-hour argument marked by ~it·
temess on both sides, Reagan told a
delegation of Berkeley facully rueSday
tht;"gu-ant must remain. until violence has
ended. His face was pale with fury. Both
he and the professors continually in·
terrupted each other in lot.id voices.
The site for the new civic center is at
-Main Street and Manison Avenue on U
acres acroa from Huntington Beach
Cotlncllmen are hoping to begin ttl'e
design work right away on the '6 million
Councilmen last Monday placed a· 111-
month· moratorium on issuance of. boil<f..
ing permits for a large area of the old
downtown :south of the present civic
center and oi'dered a 'report «t the
posaibllity of such a moratotjum oo lands
surrounding the new center lite.
The downtown mcratoribm covers the
first block inland from Pacific Cout
Highway from 6th Street lo the ~·
Banning construcUon around the eel_ .
of the new civic center woulil tii itriiifi:f -~
prevention of possible construction nOt
compatible ·with the civic bulldlngs, ac·
·He ·exploded in anger when one of the
visitors accused him of making a political
speech and trying to fire campus
chancellors who oppose his ideas.
With a resounding bang that ethoed
through his outer office, the governor
slammed his hand down on the desk and
shouted at Prof. Leon Wofsy: "Listen,
you are a liar!
, "Now don't you talk about politica1
&peeches. Don't you make a political
6peecb of that kind and charge me with
going and trying to fire chancellors. I've
fought to keep politics out of the running
of the university and Will continue to do
Wofsy interrupted: "We are · pleading
with you and J won't be angry. I'm
pleading with you to .. ~
Reagan broke in: "Who are you by the
way? Who are you?" ,
"Will you let me finish," replied Wofsy,
a professor o'f bacteriology.
"I would like to bear who you are,"
said Reag;in.
·-"I am Leon Wofsy. Okay? Are you hap-
py?" "You bet J!m happy," said Reagan.
"And "1-bet you won't say anything that
will surprise me."
.DAILY ftlLOT ........ II., T-,.,.._I
GRAPPLING AT UC) -Unscheduled 1NTesUing mal<:h at UC.Irvine
Wednesday featured freshman James. Ervin (left)/wbo want~ flag
at half staff, and nonstudent Scott Wmch·ester of Tusti!f: who didn.,t.
Campus -1'0tice ruled pushing and shoving .matcli ·a draw-. . ' .
FltJM Flap 'l~t~•
cording to Mayor Jack Green.
'Miracle Boy' Recovers·
Undock From But Doctor Bills Mount
Command Shi · · . : ·
2 Astronauts
P Thi> lut thing S.year old Danny -
remembers about April 30 is a warm ·and ,
sunny afternoon and catching fiop' arid ·
lizards beneath the Santa Ana Rivet
bridge on a busy Hunt1n1ton Beach
Astronauts Tboian P. Stafford aad Ea·
a:eae A. Ce,rnia cut the Apollo 10 moon
lander loose from Jobn W. Young In the
command ship Coday,
Then he was rt.ruck by an automobile
during ru~h-hour traffic on Adams
Avenue while attempting to ~ the
bridge .
The ptjce. paid for an afternoon of.
pleasure was high.
He now lies at Cosla ~1esa Memorial
Hoqtltal, with mulliple injo.-ies, ~
brokeo arm Ind ~ad, iIJjuries. , ' . ,
Ooctots. have .~med him ~;Miricle · ·
ljoY''. s~ he, .. ~!!fi~ i>J1/Y.11Yen ·
sevel) bQOn to uve. · . · .
The ~tion or eight faculty ' headed • 1 ., ' bj' Owen Chamberlain, a Nobel prize-win· "\
ning physicist, came to the Capitol to /
personally ask Reagan to remove na-
tional cuardsmen from the ca~pus. ,,
Banner f;oes Up, Down at l r,v itte
They were sent there Thuraday ..-by
Reagan when violence Oared in a dispute
between the university, students and non-
student "street people" over whether. a
site proposed for an athletic field should
nie.u.s. f1~ was f.oughi~. raised
and JoWeted three 'iimes Wednesday on
the UG Irvine campus by warring
' .
SPACE CEm'ER. Houston (AP) -
Two moon-orbiting Apollo 10 astronauts
overcame a potentially h a z a rd o u a
depreaur~tion problem . ~iy and
prepared to Oy a fragile. llll)af laDdlol
craft on man'• cloee.t approacb:to-,tbe
lunar surface, a darlnB de9c:ent~~wfthia
IO.oeO !~ o( the 51iw,c!I TronqUjl!ty. • • :.tllit'l~ :li<M 'llllµre Aft F,dtce'1:c>I.
Tl¥fnu 'A. ~{.,.d ·and ' Nayj. enidt.
Eucene ""·Cei:nan .,.. .. to oepara~ :the
lunar m6dult. ot rtEM, frotn the Apollo
10 cpmm.and sbtif, they r~rted trouble
V!"/ting OXJ'Po ~·a three.loot tunnel
. cOnnecting the two -ahips.
. Allhouah Damiy I/II• -.re<9•1'th1& well. tt,wm lake 'onot~lf .mlJ:etje to Pf'f"'
the d0ctor bill, ·which has a~dy JU"
ceeded IS,000. '
Danny, is the son of Mr.· and Mrs,.
Joseph' Ram~. o.f 10391 Shangri-la Drive;·
Huntington Beach. He Ls one of seven
childttn and because or its slzta:~
ly has been unable to arrord mtaical in..
be used as a park. ,
The professors also told Reagan that
Alameda County sheriff's deputies and
other officers from outside Berkeley
should be removed. They were called -
and a curfew imposed by Reag8.n -when
demonstrators marehed against the fieJd
Reagan said he would never pull ®t
the forces without a pledge that
demonstrators "are ready to la y down
their violent techniques and tactics and
acts and then we could withdraw the
necessary protection force ... "
After that. Reagan returned to his
private, inner office. The professors
quieUy said 0 shame, shame." The
governor was applauded by members of
his staff and a delegation of visiting civic
leaders from San Diego.
'People's Park'
Warf are Spreads
To UC. Campuses
The war over a "People's Park" at the
University of California in Berkeley rag-
ed into its second week today after
toUching oU incidents on other UC cam·
The death 01 James Rector. 25, of
gunshot wounds suffered in the initial riot
last Thursday was cited by the protesting
A strike was voted by 500 youths at UC
San Diego. UCLA's main administration
building was the scene of a long sit·in. UC
Riverside's ch;;lncellor canceled classes
Friday for "m&urning and reflection."
~llimishes continued between students
and "street people" on one side and
Berkeley police and 2,200 National Guard
trpops on the other.
More than 20 persons were arrested
Wednesday for bloc.king traffic and
obstructing orflcers, bringing t,he total to
more than 250 since last Thursday's
vtoi<n« which left Rector. a bytsander
from San Jose. dead from shotgun J>ef··
The police, aided by Alameda County
sberiff'• deputies. use birdshot to quell a
disturbance after the uniVtrsity con·
1tructed' a chain .link fence around off-·
campus land that young people tmd to
claim for a "people'• park.11 Three
penons remained hospilalized from
(Unshot wounds, all In ,a.Uslactory c:on-
~Uon. .
radicals and patriots. ·
Most of the afternoon the Flag· Oew at
hall stall.
the univeraity administration, with
Chancellor Daniel G. Aldrich Jr. out of
town. did not move to ibteJ'Cede. Campus
policemen separated those wbO acuffled,
but did not <act to change the elevation of
the Flag.
The situation arose qut or an Aldrich
order Tuesday to half staff flags, later
countermanded by Vice Chancellor Roger
W. Ritssell when it was learned a youth
who died at Bt;!rkeley was a non-student
and a convicted felon.
Radical students on eptipus disagreed
with pie vice chancellor and tool it upon
themSeJves to lowerthe U.S. standard as
a symbol of mourning.
Russell, the man left in charge, said to-
day he worked very hard all Wednesday
afternoon to. straighten things out.
He said, "The situation was confused.
What would you suggest when you have
got a situation in which people have dlf·
ferent poiriis of view and are raising and
lowering it?"
It was suggested one alternative might
have been to order the flag rai!U to full
staff and have the campus police &tand
"My whole being as a human being is
oriented toward solving situations other
than by force,'' Russell said. "I don't
think in the whole history of mankind we
have sttn a situation where force alone
has solved a situation.':
The Flag was flying at, lull stall ~
with students standiflg guard to re.llbn
with anyone bent on 19wering it. , 'lbat
solution was agreed 'to, Wednesday emr
ing by students meeUng wi~ ltusseD.
Stoek MarkeU
NEW YORK (AP) -An early adva·nce
petered out today. and the stock market
closed on a k>wer note tn active trading .
(See quotations, Pages 2$-27).
The Dow Jones industrial average \Vas
off 1.22 at 950.56 ..
us police officer guards UC
IJ'Vine flag pole Wednesday
after breaking up scuffle over
whether or not flag should re-main ~ at half staff while stu-
dents discuss next move. Flag ~es at lull stall today.
No Political Appoiµtees
' ' ~ <I I
They had crawled Into the LEM
through the tunnel' houn earlier, prepar4
ing to &eparate from Navy Cmdr. John
W. Young In the command ship to start
the most dangerous part of the mission.
Apollo 10 commander Stafford ex-
pressed' co~m when he told mission
"We're havina: trouble depressurizlng
the tunnel. I don't think .It would· be a
good idea to release lhe probe with ptt$•
sure. in the t'U~l."
. J1e. r~ei:red to the arrow-like docking
mechanism thH helps hold the two
sp•ceships together. A sudden loss of p~ssure at· undocking could damage the
probe and make it impopible for a re·
dockil'lg after Stafford and Young dip
down to their close approach to the
Stafford said ' some insulation that
broke off tn tht tUMel when it was
pressurized early In the flight might have
clogged a vent valve. ·
Ground controllers pondered the pro--
blem a few minutes and radioed a backup
procedure fOr dumplng the oxygen
With Stafford in the tunnel and Cernan
In the LEM, the astronaut! carried out
the procedure and successfully lowered
the pressure. .
"We,'re doing fine," Stalford reported .
-"That's &ood enough for us," the
ground radioed. 11Press on."
The hisulation that broke off was
floating ~ both cabins and the tun-
nel, providing aome irritation for the
astronaut.. ·
"1'1.i.9 ls like spring in Chicago."
Ceman joked. '1Tbere's snow all over the .
Earlier, the astroriauts reported all'
systems tn the LEM operating and ready
for the aeparauon,,echeduled to Jast·eight hours. 1 •
At'kr an hour~ in. which minor ccnn.
muf\l.catlons problems wett cleared up.
Ceman reported : "Snoopy Is all go. I
found nothing wrong with it."
. . .
•Miracle. Boy' D"""Y ·R.•"*'·
' ' .
' I ! • : ; " I :
Gmde Appro~ed . \
In W estUiinster
Westminster 'School ~~ict . trustees
Tuesday night voted 3 to 1 to.approve: a
cUrriculu:m guide for .family Ilfe acil sex:
education courses now being taught in
seventh aild eighth grade clui>es.
The 50-p'age booklet, cfrawn . up by
school nurses an<I approved by a citizens
commjttee, became· the subj'ect of ·
1engtbY debate among parents in the aii~
-dience and the trus(ees:
Voting· in Javor pf, the illiPE! were
trustee's Ad,a Clegg, Frapk ,J!!utw~ ~nd
Ray Sc.tuni,t, w·ith MattbeW Weyuker
casting the "nay" vote.
Tape recorders . set up in· the board
room ·were removed before •. the agenda
items were cUscussed foJiowl:Dg a .moticin
by S<1lmitt, who said he had never seen
one at a meeUng before.
Parent Fred Barber objected tp ·'the
guide, which wu: "designed ·to emphuise
the family unit and moral values''
because he wanted to know whole moral
values the guide would follow.
A·mother (If two children demanded to
. know wberf the diJtrict-got • {ig\irt i.Jl.
dkating that• 90 percent of Ule •:parenla
w,ere in favor ·of. the sex edtkation pro-'
gram. •
SuperintendCJ)l John Land told her that
his adminiatratqrs :met wilh aH the .PTA
presl4ents and IOl.lld only, oae qafn.!l.n.
"I i.ve to ·auume tbty represented all
ol the pl)re1lts," he lllld.
· The family• life and tex1edut1tlon pro:-parents' y; "µJS gram• h;is been· 1augbt on a voluntary
""' bula lo lbe w-ICboor dialrlcl
• ·-. 1855~ It Is not • -utatlooll On Dress Sought :;i.ft1,.~':J:.!7..m~~...°! 'F s . J c· . N. A ~ton -ey designed to pm-•I any .u,n.. : . ' : or upreme onrt-ixon t·r.r~=~~==· M ·.\·!s.ru'· .. "'·: •1· -p·t. .. n • · Ci I , SdtoOI• Dlitrict llli how J/oi11g maDed !JO . 1:18~C. . 0:~ 8 ·':r"'
, · · · • • l mothtrt and 1athei1 ot lih thrbiiih mli ' ·Ii' ih.d . Ra" · ;"; , " :.; 1-· • WASHlNGToN (AP) -President' Nit-be' a sin&l .. aubjtct news ooole ...... : \.Jli. 1 grade l{ucfenti: ' • '.' · -"j. l utJDg i:!B ~ ·
orrsakt Thursday he will never nominate ed at length about..,._~l.lf!>url and his Tfi.e.code, which ii being de~ektped'by ' • ! .... .;.4 •• r • , 1
At least for. the , next few y.ears the
young boy will be left with the paralylia
of tine arm and leg and speech problems. • ~ ~nd medical exi)enses are ~ ·to .
mount. '
Parents and teachers ~nd the goftrn..
Ing board ol !he Arevalos School P.T!J ·
have established a trust fund for· the'
youngster to help pay for the hlgb i:oll ot
-contlmbus mecllcal care,
They )Viii kicW bll their project at ~·,311
p1m. June 18 with a ·music&t ·al)d hiaglc
aet vai'tetY 1hoW which la' intended tO,
raise thf! first fl!W dollars for Danny'i.
future. . · ·
Other conlribu_Uons can be made
dlrtdly' to the· "Arevalos PTQ.Daniel
Rariios Fund" by ri\8.iling checks to tbe ·
Bank o·r America, BroOkhurst Street and
Adams Avenue Brahch, Hu:l)UnJtOil:
lleach. ' ·
Additional information about· the trUst
fund 'and the variety show .Is av8il1ble
froin Toby Llbidinsky at 908327 flr• ·
Diana' Peel at 9&2-4028.
C~i~agc;i's Teacher11
Stage . Fiist· Strike · -
CHICAGO (UPI) -Cliicago's lint
teamer strike began toclfY. gjvln1f!OO,llOO
public school .pupils al ·1eut·a hn>day
holiday. •
Negotiator! reportedly were closing'
fast on an agr~ment but the Chicqo.
Teaohets ·Union said tha't· eveh tff a. Iii!\..,
Uement wbe to come inlmediately today,
tbete would " be no ' t,ime tp Jlojd .a
membership vQte tQ reopen the schools
before Monday. · 1 •
The sun'S still shy, so cloudy
skies wit~ prevall most of ~8)'.
with mercury readings of If ~
the or.,,,. 'cou\ and 74 lurtlW
·fntand~ -" ... •
iNslDE TODA'Y ·-··
A reeiitw ~o/ tM ltitt1t. VC
1 /~ine pr,od)'Ctloii • .a~ «11 ~., • 'I ".,.t~11oi;o.tWJl."l!.ni< toi:,1114 ~ Goo1t ·are ~&urtd. M to-
~1,1'1 enttrtom,.,.1 J)Off,,_..11
aod I~. • •
' a person;! or (>Ollllcal friend lor the nomlnalion ol w1,... £ Burger to be sludtnl lead.,.,, campus ldminlslrators H;M~~~~ac:b~ ~ ~ew1 ~ School lo. . . • •, and faculty melnben from aJstrict hlgt\ Un .. ,,...,,,. U'll; -Are e IRDlOI a l&r~t C .. ftnlt1 I ,_... ...... '•
Supreme Court and wUI ~ CGha1dtt diltf jusUce. H~. the President schoOla ooven ldCh controvenla1 Items 11aJe June 6-7 'to raise, tundl for 'mdilc · :-»: :'.: ~
NIXc.PlebLawandOrder a<edthathenot~quoteddirtcttyand u }on
g hltr, aide~; b-ta·rd1 , equtpment1titbeacbooL ~.... =•=...-': ='=='° J
About 2,000 demoiistrators w e r e
ll!f'Pentine march ll'OUDd the campus.
AboutJO lacully members led Ibo parlde
J .~ .. Page 1 thll publlcotton oi reporl& ol the coo· muitacbes and .... uv.ulh ~: • , L1:; wll(,~;!!'!d' ~~ ~.~ •--• -• ,..
• · erence..M-wWtMl4-ror,N!Jtf.fJ bowie. A.'tei adtqu._ utne.Jot.Lpubllc... atJ_ ~~!!!~:"-;lih.i..---1..,,1'=•::•:1~"!'-J:'•~"~l:: .. :••:,,_:•~ .. !!-..!-~.-l--
race, religion or geography In making At this Ume, N · · -"' the Supreme Uon, ~lnlolhton incl• llucfi!iit ~_..... . 'cM!b"~~ 111!1111' ...... ioa'IO '"II be '~ · '"~ -.. .,
~+· --•mli111afti!Clapplllf-..i<1-aboll1r; e
want the park."
auch seleclloas. Coor! • • ,,,..., ~wlll apta.-.....:.-i.:.:;;;;;:. l<Ol\l'm ~~ ........ ~' '" .._ " ;::::-_ J . aon mel lii!Oi'iiiilly wi!li ......, •• l n whose nomlna · r1fie no qumlons · mendalton lo !be ~ i<ihool · ao•erillnc ol tbe Hew Ind· Maile-• dliib: Clll =' ,.,;
his oval office and, It whltJUrned O.UllO (lloa COUllT, hCO I) • 1 l>Oanl at 1111 !llY 17 •June lO nioiitq. l!!Wlll• C... fil1ber ~ .. '
• . ' (
• , ., .
DAll.V'8.0T •
!!;J • •
• . ·!
• • t;..-AumaUon Peole lnc. of Garden Grove
_ ' Wu sued by the state Tuesday in what
-_;f,MJ.y. Gen. Thomas C. Lynch ducrlbell as
~ .. firlt ln a aeries ol lults .. over con-
·'--In the swimming pool 111-•'fillbr. I .
; 'The Orinp County firl" WU accu>ed or !Ille and mlnleadlng ~vertblng and
violation o( state laws (Ill installmmt \lales CUltr..U. I The .Wt cbaried the compuy, milled
buyen by dalmlnl It could proride a
)lOOI !or $!,Oii with a beal<r, lhat there J'Ould be no down payment and lhat the
~-did nol-·IUbc:mtradon.
: . The mil -~led that -• tlOn'• pools ...... not ,'Ompletod within 30
daya d ...,.vaUon, u clllmod by the
eampany, and sales contracts dkl not
llhow finance cbargea and monlbly
paymeola, u ~by ......
'!be ataln ..upt u9plary dama(eo
which could· UllCIWlt to $Z,IOO for each
violation. The llllt was baaed oo pools jiuill by Automation In Covina, Downey. ~ ~.:0, \Vbllller, S i.u I U I, ~ • Looi Blach and Los
Orange Freeway
To. Be Discussed
.At. Jo~t Mee~g .... ,
;: :A Jolat ada<llCe"' stala and local of. fid¥1 oo 1111-future rnula d the Cli'qe
Freeway down the Santo Ana River has
..... arpmDod for July 31 by • Colla
~~---. • .lnvllollmo bava al""8dy hem accepted ~ Or-. Coanly Jeclalallln, spokesmen
• -...f91 tm atlte Dlvtdon of. Hlghwaya and
'dv1c leede!'s from Newport Beech, Hun-
lfuat.., Beach and Fquntaln Valley.
Mesa ·Verde HomeowDetS Association
~'8fl>e Bergeron announced the to the Coela Mesa City Coun-
cil M.-y and M~ Alvin L. Pinkley
appointed b!m chairman d a atuctr com-mittee. .
'!be~ Freeway couldnln the IS. h>le Mesa Verde Country Club goU
. ~ and ...... 'llllllY other pn>l>lemJ
m the eaat Ude of the river, while ,...-. are equally opposed.
-d1 .... m. has alniody begun
-roollll8 the freeway rlfjlt down the
..river m a cancnte eaDIMrlY md thus ' ' e'lnn...U.,-Newpcrt lleocl! ofllclab
eall an open sewer.
' ... , ..• ·~
., Fl'OM P8fJe I
~toURT ...
: O)loul personal lrleod!hlp or poliUcal con·
.. iideratlons.
-.; ~~ clllef o:ecutive said ~ feels
.~IJ strongly about Ibis llecauae
·Of the uopncodeulad lnstaoce recenUy In
wlllcb Abe Fortu, long a clooe lrtend and
llJIOClala ol fonner Prelld<nt Lyndon B.
Jolmooo was forced to rellp.
~ .Fonaa held what baa hem rqanled u ibe ''Jewilb IN1'' or. the ODart.
Nixon uld ·be does not belie .. In hav·
Ing a Jewish, CatholJc or Nefll'I seat and
that aey jUltices 1lo nominates will oot be
eelected to achieve rac.iaJ, religious or
geographic balanc< on the court.
Be!oro deciding W-y to -mnate Burger, be reported, he ruled
·out a clooe friend and Duh Law School
claalmala, Charles E. ~. ~ly
becaose he and Rhyne have teen friends
for many years. '
i:;ln additlm, Nisoo ·aaid; foar othe's
-be OOOllderl quaJ!!l!d'fO< the cble! fljotlceohlp let hlm knoli" they did· DOI
Want1 to be coosktered for the job. He
lislnd tlieoe u Assodala JUllice Po!Ur
Slawarl; fGnDer Gov. ,,,..... E. DOwey ·
of New Yett, !aimer Atty. G<n. Herbert
Brownell. And ~ pre 1 en t attorney
general, Solln.N. Mitcl!ell.
..... L c-'°' vie."'-*"'_, ~ti...._., n.-·· x ••. ,u """" n-.. ,._ M ... .t.r11• -·-... ,..rt w. ..... Wlll1111 "''" ~· .... ~ ........ " -...,_ ................ ,,,..
lotltll St...t
M.trt111 Ailm,.i r.o. a.. nt, !2•41 ...... _
-....-..01m1w.1 .. .,.....,..... 0... ... : .... ...,.,.. L-,,_,.. nt ,.,.. ..._
DAILY ,ILOT SI.it l" ... t.
Htr .,_., Wtre Ml11ing-So Was Mini-dress;
Torrid Trial
Dancer Does 'Nude' Thing for Jury
. ' By TOM BARLEY around the tavern .while the movies lhat °' 1t1e D&11y ""' ,..... normally precede th e Cybulski 1 c t
Curvaceous Carol Cy~Ol.:JAIUJ1a flickered on a screen adjacent to the dim·
Beach did Iler torrid, all-nc.da. thing ly lit sle.ge, .
belore the smallest but most~ant Those movies are not inc1uded in the
udi of •-colorful Ii! .., court ban on nude dancing, at Harry a ence l ie!" e ned.oesday MaseDi's ta.mt and Jurors were heard to
-Munlclpal C.ourt Judge Paul Mast and ask just why they enjoy <exclusion from
the 12 fQiorl Who may have -to· nlle on the court order.
her guilt or lnDocence later today. As Miss Cybulski disrobed in a back
The notic Art Colony entertainer room, tbe' film .depicted a naked woman ~ the six·woinan, six-man ~nel cavorting on a ,bed. appare.fttly enacting
Just what U takea lo get booked ••t!ht the female contribution lo a ser ad. The
time3 on 'lewd cm:fuct and obccenity wide range camera · ensured that all
charies by tbrowbC her undulating 38-U. ¥pecl8 of the subject were conveyed to 36_mme around the Apamm A-Oo-Oo the asfonlsbed .U<li~
ll1iJUata&O foe Ill eya po!ff and blllilv . '. s..mi>IO>lnall jti'Oti. N!used to loo~
educatiooal 30 mlnu\ee. f' r f.:1. 'l ..r;-· forttief Tit thel~fllrit after · watching in·
Miu Cybulski, ~. pronilled, iW,ors credulotl!ly for .a few ifttfulents.
before she dJd ha' bottomleu '.number A patron who. Was allowed to remain in
that it would be euctly the way ll ls the bar whlle the impromptu court
always. performed in the po p u I a r session. was in progres! chuckled to a
Westminster Boulevard bar. But she had newsman that, "They ain't seen nofhing to. go through her pulsating gyralioris yet.'' ·
w11;hoot the anakea lhat usually form .pert . To the accompaniment of a jangling
-if not all -of ber ICallty stage attire. juke box and tbe plalntlve wail from the H~ visible as,,ets during her tavern Beatles, the sultry Miss Cybulski took the
routine normally lnClude a 12-f~t python, n;iinistage·to go through a tit.illating strip
two cOOras and • rattlesnake. Miss tease routine Ufa( involved the swift shed·
Cybulski normally lnslsta oo handling the ding ofber flinisy harem-type attire.
reptiles berse~ and she explained that ·eomptetely nude. she then adopted a
she did not ~ft·~e to bring them from series ol poses ·anc1 body twisting routines
her Laguna Qlrtm!nt for the special that have been colorfully described by
court session. vice investigators. Mirrored wall.3 ensur-
She does not, 1t ls understood, allow ed that the jurors got a good look at all
anyone to handle her asp. portions of Miss Cybuiski's anatomy.
The radJca1 departure from municipal ·The Laguna Beach girt then writhed on
court protocol ca me when both pro-a carpet in a series of horizontal routines
secutlng and defense counsel agreed in while a juke box combo wailed and
court ~t the jufy shou1d see the dance groaned "get on board." She ended her
which witnesses have described as "lewd, act by picking up her scattered
suggestive, and plalnly filthY.'' Judge garments, flashing a nervous smile at the
Mast.agreed to the change of venue with jury and walking quickly to the tavern's ~acnty 8ft.ef unsuccessfully seeking ob-back room.
Jections to the move. There was no applause.
Relucpnt newamen agl'ftd to ac-The fully dressed Miss Cybulski Is back
comp~ the court to the west Santa Ana tn court today for the third day of her
watering place. trial. Attorney Berrien Moore e1pecta to
Jurors and court officials ·and Judge conclude hi 1 examination of defeme
. Mast were plaC!d in strategic posJUons wilnelSeS later today.
Parks Bond Group Nears
~Countdown' for Yes Vote
otWe are rapidly approachl.nc the
'count.down' It.age In our efforts to
acbie\te a yt1 vote on the We9tmln5te:r
~k bond propocal," John Seymour,
chairman of the West.minster Park Bond '
Omrnlttee declared today .
Campalgo Chalnnan 8al GuneUa, has
been leading the commltlae through the active~ of the dri\re for 1'yes" votes on the $1.99 million bond proposal.
"The enUre community will benefit
from our proposal,'' said Seymour. •'We
are tatting about a network ol 19
nelghborbood parks -development of 13
park lites we now have and the llC9
qulalUoo and clevetopmeot d m more
neighborhood park sites with suitable
equipment and facllltles.
"Ftr less than the cost of a cup of co£ •
fee a day, Wtstmi.DfJter residents can~
vide a more-beautiful, positive--minded
community -one where youth and
families are servelf through a well·
developed neighborhood park system,'' he
concluded .
Valley Slo-pitch
Sof thall Begins
"Tennb court lilbting at La Quinta
DU,.\' Mm ..... 91111C11 11 ~ h ' HJgh Sc:bool Js aJao planned. ••=.._.,. ..-.... ..,., -... ..,. ''lnltallatton d water 1ine and
Sl4>jlMdl aoftball gets under way Tues-
day 1n FOUlltain Valley wilb sir !Wiii
enl<ftd 1n this year's race.
Three ...,., haw names, the otben
are only known by lbtlr number. Names
and rosters doo 't have to be aubmitted
unUl tbe. first game at I: 15 p.m. at Los
Amigos HillJ School .
... _... ....... u..... ...... w ....._ c.e. ...._ .. ,... , minimal .. i .... u.... In •··--h t h e ......................... =-;;;.... )<'W'OM-lft ~
_ --~\. "-'.."""·~, .. ~ ~. -beautiOcaUon of Beach Bou I e var d •. •. between the San Diego and Ganlen Grove
.,.. ,.., -:...._ c.. :.' .,.. a F?eewa:ys is a1ao plannpi" noted ,, .• ,e . 111•, .. a .. •11 Seymour. ,,_.I .... Wl4t-lUI
..!..." .! ... .:=~'":!.'!.... Police Seek Sus~cls ~ ...... , •• 1 ........ ....... t-~!1-::::,:--~-=-*! ... -1 _ _..r .. m .. -.ANGJCLF.S (UPJ) --P a-today •......,. ..... ~for one or more ~who ::::-"---:f Ji-=:'.:::=..,."": drove by 'ihe '/NJ Divlaiol! Poli« StaUon =:;, 11:,. ... .._1 L"""....=,:--• Wednt.ld1y night and hurled a homem.de bomb device Oil the rod.
'!be Fountain Volley c It y employes
will oquare off qalnst lbe Fwntaln
Valley Jaycees in that contest •
Olbor learns Include a ,,...P lrom the
First BapUst Church: team No. 1, last
Ytar'<-cbamploM-made·Up-of ·locol
residents: tram No. J, composed of local
hllh-IChool and coUep·plt)let>, and loam
No. I, a group from one Fountain Valley
.. ' . ~.
~-L~I I N~~~ors Ira~ W~n . . oject Not D~nied
Cl •1lloc1 ' }.port. led Founlalo support a!....;~. the .. Ii> C!\y:Attomi, F.dwln Martin told plan·
Vllllt ftidll 'commiatonm Wed· dicalil!g H)lllllhol !ID dirt would lli*f. -lha!._~1~ be <liUlcull to lt&all1 ~ n!l)it to dolav COlllldoraUon of a ed to support houaea. ' t _' ~~"'"-·"' a t"""'1i becauae lb. ... \."~·· ' ' ' · . • Chairman Jaroes ·Dick oplQlljt ' Con-1 gave bhth to a child in an adult llvini:t '!!"bile ""!M park -lad !er J'!!'!'<rlY tiJ1Wng the public --.Con· the~ iir d!(volol>n!eol'' ·-· ·~
oa Ehli Avenue, teO feet west of Bushard the applicant.I could reaibmtt · re-" The at1Plicantl were asked to conduct 1 Streel · quest when. they could prove the la a further IOI'"' ... to de•-•-· ,,,. ·-or -AbOul :Iii rilldtnli --• to -~ aliil 1ill-.. -tlaf~...., !or a 1 ""= "-""''-' -~ .,,._....._~~ ~-· r--r-..,_, I)' .. ., --,1 'llili,....,;•fhiiii l'i!lutn Oil)'Une II to <On· tat the pNjMod trailer part llMI '•x-mobile home devaiopment. tlnoe the Jiubllc hearing, ~ dlaappolr•-t that the Idea wu Ana home owners, re~ by • not dlaapprovod entirely. • , Dave llulllnlton, protesled .the ~ 1
• ~ -$-I In di!., a trailu park 'becauae U,would "~~ oc· Grand )n•.y decllloo ~ the rwqo..i anlll """'"' d the value" ol their "'-and two other au;
the ,property coa1d -mi accUrala trailer courta already eriJt In ill' area. , ~
oolla reporl lbal ahond the JnP<rty A auanntoe that the park woold be all 'AJ '
UJUllble 1or hCmt8 .. no. zonea~ ~ · "adult living" wu challenged by But-omni Group
'lbe eomml-bad bet!> .._. two n.,ton who asked, "How do you JeBiJlate
llOila ,_u.,.. ~the ..U able to qainst motherhood." Now Organized
SDS Planning Hot Time
For Rafferty at OCC
A new organization was formed
\Vednesday evening by memben of
former Orange ~ty grand:juries.
"'About 35 to 40 former jury inembers
were present at the organizing meeting in
Department One of the Superior Court,"
re~rted spokesman David Ring, a
member of the 1967 Grand Jury.
Ca 11 for n la' 1 ever·Jn.the..gpotllght
Superintendent d Public ~ Mu
Rafferty may expect • gredln& from
Students !0< a DemocraUc Soclely (SD5)
when he speaks Tuetday at Orange Coe.st
College In Coeta Mesa.
The officially unrecognized dissident
campus group is said to be planning some
soct or demonstration.
Rafferty will speak at II a.m. ln the
OCC audJtoriwn on "Education and the
Individual" The talk is open to tbe
public. Admiaion will be free.
Wednelday in Sacramento, Rafferty
suggested University of Ca 1iforn1 a
feg.U should· metL In hiJ headquarters
instead of on •a:riou~ campuses.
Junior Gu.ards
To Learn Beach
Skills in Summer
Boys from the age at I tc IS will splash
into the waler thls summer under the
dlNJCtlOa or Hllllllngton Beach lilquards
to learn water safety tactics In the ocean.
They are part of the Junior Lifeguard
program put on each year by the Hun·
tington Beach Harbors and Beaches
Department, with experienced lifeguards
!Or instructon. .
'111e boys learn all the skills or a
lifeguard from towing .a victim out of
rough surf to making a boat rescue.
Last year more than 150 boys took part
in the program which runs from July 1 to
Aug. 22. Swim tryouts will be held from
11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday In the Hun~
tlngton Beach Hi&Jt Schoo\ pool. Tryouts
also will be conducted al the same time
and place June 7.
Boys interested ln the program must
pass the swim tryout and should bring
registration forms to the tryouts.
Actual registration will be open from t
a.m. to 5 p.m., June 14 and 21 at the
Harbors and Beaches Dept., 103 Pacific
Coast Highway.
Enrollment fee for the course is $S.
Classes wlll be Monday through Thursday
in either morning or afternoon sessions
with competition on Fridays.
In addJlion to water safety, skills wUI
also be developed ln recreational ac-
tivities such as competitive racing,
volleyball and surfing.
He gave his "personal assurances that
any attempts at violent disruption of
~~In the atala educaUon building
will be 1evere1y and summarily dealt
wt~" ' Rafferty wu elected st.aie superin·
teodent of pablic instrucUon Jn 1911S and
reelected in JIM. Last year he ran for the
U.S. Senatr, defeating lncum~t Thomas
Kochel In the Republican grlmary but
losing out in November to Democrat Alan
He also is author ol the a)l-time best
adling book on education, 0 Suffer Llttle
Purpose of the new group, according to
Ring, will be to assist grand jlD'ies in
support of good government.
The group formed the Orange County
Grand Jurors Association by a voice vote
and elected Richard W. Basse of Brea,
foreman of the 1961 jury, as temporary
Ring said letters of inviation to the
meeting had been sent to about SO
persons, nembers ·of cowtty grand jUries
from 1964 through 1968.
rung said the new group will be pat.
terned after a similar organization in Los
Angeles County which has existed for ftve
years. AU previous members of county
grand juries are eligible for membership.
DAIL T ,lLOT lltff , .....
SPLASH, SPLASH -John King, 15, takes directions from Lt. Mark
Bodenbender of Huntington Beech Harbors and Beaches Department
as he warms up for his 1Sixth year in department's junior lifeguard
program. Swim tryouts for sununer program start Saturday.
al JJ. J. (Jarrell
FROM $129 to $149 •• : NOWI $9 9 00
--111& kA110• 1tVD. ,ROFISSIONAl
'· . -
-~~· 6':'0275--PJ:Off4
----------------~ -------,------
• •
t Thu...iv. Mv 22, 1969 ,,,.., '11.0T •
Once Around Or_ange Coast Ar.ea Greens
C·aroly~ .. Ma.r vin Wins El Nigµel Cro~n Palmer -
Carolyn Marvin Is th e Ross Miller (Paradise. CC). Hend~rson and Bill and MYrtle couples partners ,best ban A lie for third resulted Webster and Cella Neth at ei
women's club cbaml>ion of El Flrst day's play was two Obarr" and Barney and Edith event ~·· a ... •• at b-·cbo be ·•• Niguel Country Club In b 11 ot 1 "'"" ~"" n.cu1 tween Jack Frazier' (71-10. klllowed by Fran Lewi.9 •nu
Laguna Nigue'.I, posting a tow best a s d>ursome. and Robertson at 56. San JMQuin Country Club. 68) and Art Noel (ll·1HI) Martha McClure at a. •
honors Jn the filth Jnnual El' -18 under pat. l and Marilyn JQneS 1t 66 69}, Len Porter (83-tut), Marty Schneider aod SbirleY
Sinct the right hal'ld folloM
iht guidat1ceo'f the !eh through-
out nwxt of the swinlt-until it
fashos:thrciu51hthe ball in the hit ..
tlng arto _._you. want a delieat~ ''fl•• of feel with thii hand.
Wfienev_eryou want lo hold iome ..
·H i---·1-thtng dell-cat1ly, you dcr1rWith
yOAJr finger• -..J,t your palm. /.rid thGt~ howy:u ~old.IP• club
gross score of 276 to capturo Scodeller's team posted 1 128 Se•ellff Second pl~ went to Lund \followed by Les Jones (14-15-Other high Unllhen went
Nlgue.I classic. Ii They shot~ 12.under par 60 · Rosemary Erickson shot a fc¥~ by1 Orrin •'!d.~Do~y Herb go J di te tn (80-l~7.0J._ ..DalJaP.n· (M}, Bev..Bll
The dlampioruhi~ tourna.-on the second 18. \ 64 TuesdJy to Win thF b1ind .. w..i. .... , ..• -. ·£ · -J!ient was delayed due to In-. ,_.., "'-t Jack Towle (7M-70) and Dun ahd M lZI Smilb (85),
clement weather, with the BMati~tl Beacla ~e~ eve.:1t In women's club fo Aaher· Marv Joh on McClaPaha~ '(8.1·1S.70i. _ Janelll ~and Ma(ion
-nnantaY'iPtllY 01-the 54"1'iote, , activity --with-Yula Tolle!fSon ttr11n-titiiif -tOUi'Oe--h Others wer~rRoy MOOre-(9:=" -c6'L~ JoYce capi~-liid
• three-day event hn1shing up A Field Day is scheduled for second at 88. ~~ net'bole-in-ooes~' 21·71), Fred Fredensburg (8l· Schwaige.r (66), Rita '
with the right hand .... in th.e fin·
gers(sH illustrationlJ forproper
¥.'hen this ·right-hand grip is
clc»ed, the "V" formed by the
thumb and forefingershoold point
·to your right sboulder (i I lusfrution
12). If it points to the leftof
thii.shoolder, you are fiolding the
club too much in the palm, nither
than jn your fingers.
last week. Sunday for the Men's Club at Men's club action over the In .a twilight scotch hi-lo Jt).71), Frank Bartosh (75+ and Agnes Bellmore (rt)~
As this year's winner, she Huntington Be&t::b Countcy weekend ended up with Don dertiy for the men's club last 71), Don Keener (84-12-72} and Martha Ciampa and Va;?
automaticaJly receives an in-Club. Goddard taking the week, it wu Carl Benson and Pete Peterson (17·15-72). Falrthild (87). ~1_.
vitation to play in the Mickey }'oiirsomes, three best balls ~weepstakes tiUe with a 67. Frank Smith outlasting 15 Women's action Monday In Following that field ftN
Wright Invitational touma· with run handicap will prevail. Ed Allen was second with a other two-man teams.· an. "Jf" tourney on the Lake Betty Brown and Sam Dif
ment to be held at Lake San Teams wtll be made up from 68 followed by Joe Costa's 69. Two teams with the highest Course was won by Nadine Wyne (68), Nell Miller lifta
Marcos in early October. ~ draw.· TeeoU is slated for Les Rosenthal and Jim score were eliminated on each Maze {83..S-75-38) and Adrian· Ann Rutledge (61), SbbW
Winner In the low net '1:30 ~m. Thompson tied for fourth with hole until a winner was resoJv. na Coote (91 -18-73-38) in A Hawkes and Nan Oevine.1(-~
division of the championship A Hi-lo calcu~ta follows din· 70s. ed. flight competition. Dorothy Roberts and 1~
fiight was Adina Phillips with ner in the everul\I. 'Il\ the Calloway Oigbt it was Paul Runge and Dave Davey Marylee Dungan followed Murphy (68), Dorothy ·o· ~
r. 228. ~ George Chelllus on top with finished second. with a 102-21-tll (38 in). aod Jean Wilson (69 ), ¥iflv.
A flight leaders were Marion Jfif:Sa Verde his 68 followed by Marvin Con-Marion Keeler scored a 75 B Flight honors were also Grose and Cathy Macel~
Emerson with 302 and Lillian Two quartets tied for fi~st Ion's 71 and G. B. Cloutman re~tly to take low net honors lied. Joyce Caplis scored a (69), Lenor Wahrenbrock~
DeZinno at 303 (gross). place in a best-ball 0 f and Bernie Parrymarl at 72. in women's club action. 102·~77 (37 1h ) to Ue Maxine Bea Blanchard (19). ,.., j
Buddy Roude was low net foursome event at Mesa Verde A.men's club tournament is Yvonne Haig fol1owed with a Assmus.' 110-31-79 ( 3 7 in) . Hoskins and Helene B ·• a
wiMer with a-score of 231.. COuntry Club Sunday. scheduled for Monday through . Tl a~d Zola Bartholomew was Rosemary Skillion followed (69) 8-nd Helen Burda (Ul.aail
Edith Carpen~r took first June I. Utird with 78. with a 93-26-72 (38). . Maxine Assmus and Irli&
place in B n;"bt activity with BobKen andd PhEIYl,lls LeasM"~"~dll The event, for men's club '· Nina Danielson won the C Beek (69). , , ~"6 an ame ..... Vl .. 'f" C t .. fll b 'lh be I """"" a gross score of 295 and Jackie shared the honors with Dr. members only, will be a J&.. OS a 1r•e•c g t w1 r 117-33-84 (35%) Haze Webster's gross -.U
Herman Was Second card'". "°a hole 1·nd1·v1d I J I t ahead of Shirley Hawke"'s' 11~ of 78 highligh'~ t•• ev~n\.' ' ' 5 Lawrence and Jill Grey and au ow ne our-Darrell Benedict took low ~ ~ ' '"' ney with •i:M · · 35-77 (361h) and Barbara Shep. was her first-ever .,..,,. ~ J<>e Greta Simpson with 55s. .,,_ in prizes. .,...,..,,., honors over the weekend ' Low net Was tak by ,,.,_, ardson s 115-3&-79 (38). round. .!: en Sec<ind place was tUen by · ' I b V. ·n1 wh·1· gt t 229 R anAh o in mep s cu action on the Mary Evelyn Imler and Goll classes will be open 1·. irgi a 1 18 on a · Bob .and Verda Shii:-ley and .._ Lake Course with a 72. Billie MacKenzie won C Carl and Gloria Bowden at 57. Low net"'Ue went to Frank Mickey Willey took low gross the public. Infonnation can~. fll.ght ho rs 1·1h a 311 f II Sn•• Joa quin :~ u in-the women's club Member-obtained by calllng .• 540-
d b no w . 0 ow-In third p I ace were the · 1..e1·s1er w·1th •n 82·1"'" and c y Jean Carrick's 328 u-w guest tourney Friday with a Juniors.are welcomed. . .. Lbb p · teams of Paul and Doris Bill and Jo A.sher took Cirst Dick Hitzeman was second at 75 l d If balls m Laguna Bonanza-
3 7 · at Workouts
i y rentice captured the Buckles and Jim and Pt>ggy place in Sundzy's mJX· ed 79·12 .. 7. . pmen ·an go 7
lov; net with 238. i------------;--------"----------------.:L::.:•w.:n=e:.l .::w.:as:_:ta::k.:en:_.:bY'....::H::az:•::l__:f.:urn:.::::is::h:ed:· _____ _,.··~·
Numbers are a primary con-
cern for Laguna Be.ach High
School football fortunes and at
the moment coach Hal Akins
is basking in the sun.Wne with
a team roster of 37 -a dozen
or so more than what the
Artists started with last fall en
Troy Cage
Slate Out
LOS .ANGELES -use. has
r~leased ~ 1969-70 basketball
,!Chedule.. which features 13
home games at the SpOrts
A~a on the 26-game menu.
~ fl'tojans are entered in
the ·· Far WeSt ,· Bui-etball'
Classie -Decooiber 26"30 at,
Po~ad with Oregon, Oregon
State, Washington, Washington-
state, Temple, Illinois and :
At:ichigan Stale.
The schedule:
route to 'picking up the
CreatvieW League Utle.
And, ·although 3lrrfost the' en-
tire starting lineup i s
graduating this spring from
the Artists' title team,. Aklns
is back in business desPite·the
lack of a junior . varsity learn
from last year.·
Included in lhe list of
returning start\ng lettermen
are Mike Abbey, Chri s
Bowman, Steve Palmer and
Roland McE\hany.
Paul ScQdeller, head pro at
El Niguel, won first place in
the recent Dunes Pro-Am GoU
tournament at the Dunes
Emerald Green Club in· Las
VegaS. ·
Other members of the win-
ning· team · w~ Scodeller's
amateur partner, Bob .Murphy
of Riviera CG, C h ~.r 1 t-,1·
Sexton (·Wilshire CO), and
Try Pro-I •
F orn1 ation, · Other lettermen are Dale
Anderson, Jerry Flahive, Gre'
Kessler, M i k e McMurray; A switch in Offensive forma-
Steve Northcuttr Bart Tabor lions has been made at
and Mike Wiezbo\vslti. Marina High Schoo~ where the
Up• from the Bee team t.o Vikings' football team is
help ' out oonsiiierably are undergoing spring drtll$.
Steve Brooks, Btian Ottme~, 'The Yikes, who hitve -been
and Scott Al'en. · t ~ using f4e double Wjog for th~ Aki~Sayg~he~hopes to ~ past two seasons, wlll 'be goWg
comphsb a ~at d~al dur1jig With a ' Pro-I with a !tanker
spring prsctice. ~espit'e the . back.
fact pads and h~tt1ng are bar-· · Coach Jim Coon has 14
re~ from the drills. < returning lettermen among a
Yfe ~ally ~ a lot~. ex-turnout of 52 for varsity and
pertmentqlg ~nng the spr,1~, · junior varsity positions.
but we wont do much . this Returning monogram win·
v ... 'Fiw.,u ~ear. We'.p s~ m~t~,,o_f our ners ·are ends Steve 1ow}.E~llT tune on offensive tmnng, a Hernandez Tom Richmond
•1 u.ui.i.i" d fen · revi· d po1· h. · • 5~r J H~ • e s1v~ ew ~n ls .mg and Bob Witt; tackles Dennis
,, ~•r .wti_t ins r the passmg, puntmg and kick-Kennedy Bob Jackson and ~l0e'}tSN l~t ing games,_" _says. Akins. . .. Bob tar:casler; guards John
" 0 The Artists will . be domg Reed, Dave Teel and Steve mu~h of~the san_ie 1n the _fall Abbott: cenler John Stratton;
11 w1: as tn the past w1~ a s~ra1ght backs Steve O'Hare. Joe Ven-
w ... sHiNi'~o re ~ fu~l·house I formation w~th the timiglia and Dave Lacy; and
•• o.:.:Jrs~ tail.b~ck (Ab!>'y) occas1onally Tyler Van Aken, a defensive cAL1FoRN1.., sphtt1ng out 1n the slot. back STANFORD Ak. hi h · h. · · •• ~~~ ins was g .1n 1s praise Quarterback candidates are
MVP Goes
of freshman candidate Telford Dave Campbell up from the Cot~1n, a 5-10, !SS.pound Bees and junior varsity let-
spr1nter w_ho has recorded a terman Rick Seeman.
10.6 100 in lhe past track The Vikings have picked up
season. a transfer in Tim Jennings,
To Whitaker The Artists usually wind up who played defensive end for
their spring practice with an CoslJl Mesa .last year.
intrasquad game but it may "We try to teach our entire
Costa Mesa High School held not come off this year because o[ftnsive and defensive pat-
U.s annual awards banquet for or renovation of the football terns during spring drills and
the swiriiming team Monday field. we work ·a great deal on tim-
night at the school's cafeteria ing. It's a good time to judge
and Chris Gammon and Dave the speed of ydur personnel,"
Whitaker wer"e the top in-4 f j,nishes says Coon.
dividuals. Speed may be the key word
Gammon was named cap-1''our finish lines will be for the Yikes in the fall with
lain and Whlt::iker most utilized at the Orange County Joe Ventimiglia and Pave
valuable for the varsity. lnvitational track meet Satur· Lacy slated for heavy work in
sw4mm11111 the backfield. virsllY _ ca1>ta1n: Ch•lt G1mman1 day, June 14, according to Lacy has a 9.8 100 10 his Mv: 01ve WhUekeri Most 1mprovl!d: meet director Earl Engman. o.... 81nnon; Most IMPlfallunal; cred1·1 and has the '·e I Cr•lil Rotm•n. Most of the finishes will be s... 0 go
tiff -ca1>teln: llt•ndY ll lnt1 MV: on the e•·t s·ide of the with it while Ventimiglia is. a lltlld Klnvon; Mo$1 lmP•tWd: Matt "" be f lh k M waklellth1 .Mo•I lnSPlr1111:1n11: Roc1 stadiU!Jl, but finishes for the . mem r o e crac anna R~!t-c1p11111: John C••Penttr1 MV : 100, 220 and 120 high hurdles 44{t relay tea!". · .
em MtAMrlf.'11 Mo$t 1m11111"nd: Mike ~·ill be at lines on the north Both are. 1nvolv.ed Ill CIF , ~~1 fo\Olt 1111,rrerion.1: eri.n end or the east straightaway. track and t1eld action and are 1 ------------------""'"-= not expected to tum out for 't
SOFT SELL SAM By Marvin Mytn
( (
football drills until Monday.
The Yikes-will finish up
their session with an in-
trasquad game on June 7,
Top Honors
To Seymour
Track star Jim Seymour
walked off with lhree top
honors Wednesday nigh~ at
Golden West College.'s spring
sports awards banquet.
Seymour. Eastern Con-
ference and Southern
CaU!ornia 440 i nlermediate
hurdles champion, wa"I named
RuStle"r of the Year in track,
most insiprational athlete and
team C1Kaptain.
., ..
Buy first 3 tires Get 4111 tire
SIZE at this price· for this
each price·
6.50113 $30.00
7.75114 $33.00
8.25114 $38.00
8.15115 $38.00
'"i"~ l!E"'-.., .. r: S~ll!O\lr~ <o tlP!• .. ., 'ltTlllUI': •I'd OOn ~ 1111: "°'' •!IVllTll •I: 'kY""°"'I ""' im: IH'0¥1d; $11 I 0. .. AT All
1slanJ ~f. .,;,.
. .1.f
"' : ~,)
!' ;?
il •
.. 'i·
f •t-
,. ,
,] .
-~·' 'df • ;C
~ '!I.' ~..,~
' ~· ' ·if•
""' .~?
"'1:1 ,1e,1
•'d ,..,.;.,
' ! 1;t-
•• ~V.
····~ ' , ·~.,, ~ ,
Our finest !Ires-tam~• Atlas Pl~cron Whitt
Slripe-now •t tremendotlS u-vlngsl See box at
left lor selected PORUllr 11zes lh•t fit most,
Fords, ChtvtO.lett. Plymo,\'ths, B.uicks, Oodgtl,
Ponliacs, Ramblers, ~rcucys, Old1mabl!e1.
Chrplera. Buy 3-91t l:'le'*rh for 1'·
Mk about lht·Mvlnge' on all other f>tycron sizes.
11t~s11:r. °'""' :.\t 1uc1tardsOll · \= • "-'' Mll!t 611e1111 •llCI rtli!i
SwlftlMI,,_ c.:r.~\tt' sf. :"'~~ ICr~ sw..,~ STANDARD STATIONS ,::l.c1PanNa CHEVRON DEALERS ·Ac 11/A/J. Y. 5Al1. IT) !WT A ,f ~11 PE WT r.r.::i.. .r:",~..::r.11' .:r ....
, ___ __,-I 1 • 1twtter-*4 111t l'.l:rk""" ~..irttu .. I L-~~--------==-;:iSJTAeN!'j'!!;D~AR!B!;D[:O~IL~COM"<QIM!R~i1Yt'..l;OtEF~MJIECll'il:IM.._ ____ -;----------~~
,. 7J7iP!JtYr-:/l'nrHotez~r . •w""·""".' 'w· ·~ , ~ loW •ll'rtrir. 'bfi tli11be11 • --='--"-------"'"'--l --:~.~~·-IM_flll'ftitlll \••W'f1 f=;;:::::::::=::::==--......:=======-=:::::!:·==-=====~=-:;====:...::.======-------------
• .. • «
.---~-··--.,.......--,....,....-----..... --~""'-•,...~1T'r
Wp.rtla • '91UMACY
• Stocks:Up Only -Way to Go
' _g nuY GIANT, .......
·I OM.-_ ~ in every lt.n
tto,000,000 in the United Stal~) bas '°me form of
_..__mentaJ or: ~QtlooaJ Jllnf'J! "-t nffds psychiatric treat·
~L • • • ~Ue aoll h1 ~tlU 1he most
popular :sporl, tt-nnis Is com·
lrq: M fMI. Tht' t'XCrcise ts ... greattr, the cnmc 1 .. J~
eq..nslvt', and thAnkJ lO in·
door court.!, thrre are no Masons. It 1s also Jess time cohswning-;--;-. • • •
Where will stock prlc<S be
on average JO years from
Wh.al's lhe ouUook for jobs
and youriaycheck!
And w t about the pro-
spects for our business' saies
aod nel p fits? _
begin to .... oswer-the questions,
you must make soroe assum~
lions about the new decade of
the 1970s and tbe following
seem reasonable: no more
"Vietnams" but a world of
uneasy peace i.n which our
military spending remains
ve:ry high; notb.ing worse thari
mUd and short business
recessions with ~ployment
averaging a.round 4 per cent;
a conUnulq: rise in the cost of
living averaging about ZIA per
ttnl a year; a few substantial
tax cuts ; sufficient social '
~.omen are oveN.·f'ii:hl more
rrtquenUy than men. J/:l
of -a.II Amf"riCBn women over
3t1 are at least , 10'7e heavier ttan standard. 75% or .... -om -
ell beh\-i.-cn 45 and 55 are
o~rv.·eight. • • •
Tpday'1 doctor-lo-be t;pcnda
about $20,000 t.o earn h.111
M.D., including collrge and
medical !«:hoot. s • • •
For modern servl~ with old-faShtonOO courtesy, brin&
yoUr prescriptions to:
Corporations Buying
Own Luxury Jetliners
_;:___ UI H__,ltal loM
corporations,_!Ylni ·10 stay on
lhe global pace of b I g
business, today are investing
in more and more flying com·
ma nd posts.
....,,.... leech 642--1511
Some 900 private jetliners
are in operations , and sales
are booming even though an
executive jet ranges up to $S.
millioo and maintenance is
around $200,000 per year.
Fifth ctirp0rations h a v e
bought Grumman's big
Gulfstream n, a 3-passenger
twin jet. Twenty Oy the
Fairchild-Hiller Corporation'.s
40-passenger F ·27, a turbine
powered plane. Llog-Temco-
Vought of Dallas flies a
Boeing '137, and Stavros S.
Nlarchos, Greek shipping ty-
COO(I,' has ordered one. or.
ficials of tbe International
Brotherhood of Teamsters jet
to negoUalions a n d eon·
rerences in a private craft.
And Frank Sinatra's personal
jet seats six.
A much -discussed late entry,
test nown but not yet In
. service, is Playboy' magazine's
$>million all-black beauty, a
McDonnell Douglas DC 9"30
which can fly 40 and sleep 15.
This stretched version of. the
commercial jet liner has a
sunken bath and a sii: by eight
foot circular bed in publisher
Hugh Hefntr's private
quarters. ,
Customized interiors are de
rigueur in these flying "bug
proof'' executive suites. Aside
Ne\¥ Fa~ility
' At Irvine
The Hydraulic Specialties
Co. has purchased praperty
for a new plant al the comer
of Dttre and Ashton Streets in
lhe Irvine Industrial Complex.
Almon Lock•bty It fh t only
f11ll -tim1 boetin• 11d itor ~wotlrin9 011 a11y "'""P'P''
111 Oron90 Co11nty. Hi1 •••
c:lu1i"• c:• .. •r•9• of bo•t·
; ln9 anJ yac:hffn9 11•wt 11 a
•dally f•ahir• of th• DAILY
Company premdent Thomas
Ii. Smith said total con-
sideration for land-a n d
buildings is expected to exceed
The initial facility will cover
24,000 square feet or manufac-
turing and office SJ>ioce, with
room for future expansion.
Architectural and engineer·
Ing services are being handled
through Novikoff Engineers of ' .
• • ,
; • •
• t
Los Angeles. '
wlalownilga . . m:e car was
Those ftrt the dtYSl S!lldtnts
Wtft bttl!r behm:d. Ai1pl1net
wettn't so noisy. freeways were
Ins frowd!d. Yrs, lhtrt wn 1
timf trhtn own1n11 smart cat wJS
tllt smut thin& ta do. But li!l'lfs
hM. Clllnctd. Arid •Ion& will! llieft\
lfttS tfld SNll busJnm pfKliets.
Now, leisSic's !he thlllf. A pod .
~ fa.ftllr'J'Olle lllCtSSlfily,
bet flll7be fOJ p, Te f!lllf ~I.
ult or dtu, Irr lbeHonrd Ltts~
Get I CGJ1Y el OW hind)' quntiolto
lf!NM• fekttr. No ~t No obi.-. lots ol lalll41 ... -
from pleasing the b o a r d
chairman or president, they
must impress customers and
double as airborne display
cases ir necessary .
t!efner's jet will reek with
Playboy's philosophy of the
"goOd life." Pacific Airmotive
of Burbank is busy outfitting it
to II e r n e r ' s specifications.
Aside from the roman bath
and kingsized bed, it will have
stereo music. movies, a bar,
conference room and the bun-
ny insignia on the tail.
Cabin configur3Uon is a pro-
blem because of the many
subtle functions of such flying
offices. 'J'hey must be roomy
enough for Comfort , but in·
lirnate enough to provide the
proper setting for selling a big
customer, avoiding a merger
or wooing stock shares from
an hnportant holder. Enter.
tainn1ent facilities such a!
bars, movies , mu sic, card
rooms are standard equip-
ment. Walk in closets. standup
bars and even artificial fire
places ar'e part of the bold,
futuristic planning. Such in·
'teiiors run anywhere from
$100,000 to $500,000 .
But lhe general corporate
reeling is th at jetliner
dividends are well worth the
expel\.51!:. when a few hours can
spell the difference betw~
being taken over in a merger
or avoiding one.
Di Giorgio
Okays Split
Di Giorgio Corp. directors
nave ap pro ve d a 3·for·2
slock spilt and a 12.5 percent
increase in common slock
The adctilionai shares will be
issued July II lo stockholders
of record June 20.
Commencing Aug . 15
quarterly dh•idends of 15 cents
will be paid to common
Presidenl Robert Di Giorgio
said, •·Tue termination of un·
profitable agricultural opera·
lions, coupled with our present
expansion programs in nl'W
areas of business, h a v e
created a substantially in·
creased corporate earnings
. ·~ ..
• • -,
~. Mq n, 1969 -H JT • Thu~y's Closing Prices-complete New.· York ' -·
• '
List •
. •
~MT JONES BOY -Tom Jones and John David·
J· iet their heads togellier to work out a special
arrangetnmt for tqnigllt's "This Is Tom Joo.es"
ow to be seen at 9 p.m. on Channel 7. Other
eots include George Burns and Sally Ann Howes
ho join in \he musical treat.
No Furor
Over Bard •
' . · . . By RICK DU BROW
HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -All tbroogb the recent
furor over sex on teievision, I kept waiting for
ICllllelhing to happen that never did.
What 1 was W9iting for was fur 60tneooe to ila.rt
a fuss wet the fad that CBS-TV's ·Bri1ish produc-
tion Of ·''A MidswmDer ,Night's ·Dream" was rather
fnint and plentiful~ nudity. . .
AA I remember, in fact -before the show was
-seen here tb.ia season -.someone in England olr
viowlly tried to get some promotion out of the
nudity ~e were going to get a look at.
YET NOBODY -or hardly anybody -com·
plained When it finally aired. And the subsequent
contretemps over video sex and violence found
more fruitful fields to exploit.
Well, what wes the reason for this lack of furor
over "A Midsummer Night's Dr.eaJ.D"?
One obvious answer is that no one had the guts
or Intellectual stamina to ettaek Sllekespeare. An· i other amwer is that the production was without • I trace of vulgarity.
1 I wonder, though: Coold the real reason be that
•the nudity was geierall.y ~ to any «dem·
: porary comment cballengtng current social V'81ues? • I I MEAN, \he nude scenes may have taken
•slight advantage ol the new-found leniency in tho 3 arts. But they w.~re, after au. wrapped in the pro-
i tectioo ol Shakespeare's words. And no one was
,speaking out about eotabllshment attitudes, \hose
:tliat relate specifically to our times.
•"I On the other hand, take the controversy over
!the stage musioa.1 ''Hair," one of the great an~ i revoJUUooary prodocti<>M of the. American theater.
, Much .of the.eerlyJ>Ublicfty abOOt lhe ohow cen-
gterec1 on a veey rillnoo -and artfully done -bit.of
,numty, which is so trivial \hat you can miss it if you
j don't watch caretully.
: THERE WAS so much of an uproar about this
:trivia that too many persons overlooked. the mar-
~velous music by Galt MacDermot, the lyrics of
i Gerome Ragni and James Rado, and the almoot·un·
' £earthly emotional power of some of tbe orcbestra-
,. Uon. '
t But the real aUack on the nudity, one can be-
: lieve, was -and is -related primarily to the fact i !bat "Hair" flatly challenges some of the most re-
: vered. social, political and economic values of our
•Mldety. · ·
I We all koow plenty of respect.able peopie who ~ atand in line at movie theaters to watch frankly
: ..-, popular films. To many persoos, in short,
: suggestiveness may well offend Jess than views that
: attack their politics or way of life. This is a simple
l fact, oot a judgment.
! THE LAST time I saw Hffair," for instance, i IO!IIO well-<lressed mlddleaged persons sitting be-
~hind me got infuriated with the £how about a third
t1 of the way through. One of them said : 3 "Who the heU do these creeps think they are?
.. Let's get out of here and go to 'Tbe 1'>sers.' "
' "The Losers" is a topless nightclub in Los An-
',.ies, end presumably that's where they went be-
• cause they got up and left. i As for television, there Ls a tremeodous amount
•of. vulgarity OD it -end moot of it bas -g to do i-oez or violence, ... oll!er popular lnues. I meen
• jpot plain -I pollution.
• •
• •• .. ...
' . -.------... -
' . -
. . -·""'-
• •
• -
ly -ctiaifes M~ -Scliull
---::n ....... -------. r---'7lm. mi-!:·;s -·
fSt'<lll.lt11" •
~ ....
~I . I
lOGETHNOW. 1 ER . -·
.......... --..... -·~---
ftfU :s•
• ly Saunders at1d0Yergard
~~..;-K1/tt; A61.or:K
_._--..:'!f,GJ'/E "4E TitE
a.ICIC f't.L WNrlT
ly John Miles
By Harold Le Doux
··ly Tom K. Ryan
.,...,._ ... -
By Al Smith
By GllS Aniola
By MeH
---..... -· -
' .
MAY 22
SUifl 1t1 a ~. wrin. "' P1\llZl .. ~1~
11111\ar...OI........., ..
NMt frial'i4Wth '" iMNll IW· phf11. &rvbwlmM. HtlM cellDOt •
.., .. "' ttlt c.6d. lnttlltdutl .. -N ti • ....... 11-. to slit mekat frlHb with the .i.
Jhlll, who "'""' lo tatk tt •l'IJOlll but bet. (JI)
811-1 (C)
m PUTNAM-MIUER·KELLY t>J>D ID tl flll lliiowo <Cl <IOI ~lq:,...':Afonw"'1c ..
1111n """ lt Wlllt 1 ft'H.llWll' ti Jlldict, lalpfl ~ and Clu Gill> I!' (llllt. (II)
NEWS AT 4:30 P.M.
1:00 II TM Ill MIWI (t) (60) Jerry
am •-•"'"" <Cl <so>
0"'" UM a.. CC) (90) Tom
Rtddll, Dita; Cl1lr i. *1n1. Mdh-
ho11. hul Willc]ltll, Tht fllpp!111
Foth, and .kllnM Vlllt 1llt5l
D .. WC ... _ (C) "Qld
CrllJ' ""'*-" (•~trft) '5~Vlctor
Mature, Swun 8111.
GI Spy (C) (60)
m ,., cm cc1 t30l
...... (C) (30)
('j}J (}) MtrV C1IUll (C)
m WWI New? (30) "The P.tPfl
Plieon." A But11ri1n 11011·dltlo1ut
fil m showin1 JOUnll$ler1 1t11kln1
Jlljltl piJ!on1 in lt!t SUnt WIY
American dllldren m1kt JllPlr 1ir·
fl) U11 Color P1r1 Est,1 Pltl
QJ 111'\.M MIWI (C)
5:30 0 MK NtffMl'Vict (CJ (60)
m I LM l11q (30)
Q) YOJ• Iii tllt tettt11 ti tM S.1 (C) (60) •
ID 00 • ....,.""'"" !Cl
fO M.,. l9r '"' MOMf (30) "'You1
sttoppl111 C.rt." M1rit H11rlntton
brin11 1 lhop1)!111 c1rt hlto tllt llu-
dlo to iltustrtt1 erocery st011 pur·
1J .... (C) (to) TOl!I H1,_.
t!W! MlcUy Onln 111 ri11pidt.
o @m111-<Cl c30l "I 0on·1 W•llt Te Bt I TOid. I
W111l To Bl I lutbrfly.~ S.111 •nd
D1rrl11 '"' !tit conuq11111U1 wbnt T lbath; tnters . 1111t11tJ· ldlto( tC
Gr1ndmotlllr sttpfln' · ~
mM"' ~·1 -(C) (IO) A lllllk pmMw ol 'the lllW 1111'11'
lo 1ir on KTTV. SU. bfllF, Jac;kM
\lvnon,tfld otlt YMftl ~
... "' , .. Ufl .(Q, (60) . ,
81•-' r.wi..
,,.,1.1 .. ·mc:as -"""' (C) 41 lie Cool'" llli --(drlo ma) '63-l"1r Flneb, .Je111 F.11111,
Anaet• 1..tnsbWJ, NthlJf Hiit ....
01t ttio MYlll br Su•• Ertl '"' tilmtd In ll!ldon. Ptris IM Gf'llCI.
this film lt!l1 tile lfOfJ' tf """
p11110nS lmprisontl by llftOtiol, Ht~in1 In tlusivo loitt. J fll
o @m m1>•. , .. -(CJ (60)Jolln O.vldmn. S.11~ Mn
"Howa 1M Gto11• BllrM 1t1•al
5!1 El MaHt !:R' _LMI
t :30 B @{i) fl'} Dr1111t . C) (~
"lUvtnilt--01="19.'' Fri4tf 1"6 Cd·
non ill'Mtiplt 1 un of ciltd
1bu11. (111
m 1.! .,_ ..... (IO) • ID•-" -<Cl (10)
ch1st1 thtt tnq not 10 onto ttit 10:00 B ta Cl) m a,.11t 10 -.rt
!able. (t) {&!)
13 (1J !l)ll:l• ... (C)
7:00 IJ CIS £nn1n1 Nm (C) (JO)
Willer Cronkite.
O w1wir1 Mr Line? (Cl (30)
m PtllWlnl (C) (30)
~ 00 Kifll 11111 Wild (C)
,._...,,, (C) (!O)
B ...... (CJ (30)
llll CI1 F1Ji111 Mrm (ti
m T11t11r1 1.11 (30)
tll Mtritnt
m '1Sfi•1 Ille ;wibr (30) 'ti11do
Techniqu1." Fo!lowinc 1 rWllW ol ·
the first position l!Olts, FrlCMrlck
fB '""""-II T rMI (C)
NOid d1monslr1t11 th• joinin1 Of ~1:30 fJ Mtniul DillH (30)
"sh1rri11(' elf two or more ftOlu ti . produce 1 nootll musltal lffltt. at.._ (C) (SO) 81!~ >ohnt.
a (IJ "'"*• .., @m "" "" (C)
C)Trw1 AIMtn (C)
0 All,,,. Hltdad OIDm mDanill "'"' tel (60) •'ftil 8111." Lois Htttltlon
1uests IS I pretty 1Chooll11ther e Mwit: "1111 M ,,... (hon'tr)
-..ho rtve1!s 11tr·tru1 ehtrtcll!I" when '64-John S..:on. lttitl1 RDllllll.
s.11• rolls D1nlef Boone tnd otJ11r!: . " ""'°''" (11> '.m LAUREL I. HARDY FILM
.,@@111, '""'"'' -· * FESTIVAL-11·00 PM han Crvstd1 (C) (60) • ' '
0 m Thi f lrtn1 "" (t) (3(1) ·""lfwo Bid [.us."' Sister Blrtri111
· ·hides two ille11t baby h"'ks from
Captain romtnto. (R)
m Ullrll I HdJ m. flllllt:
'"Sons ol tti1 Dtetrt"' (l!lll) 11111
'"P1tk Up Your Troubles" (1932).
. m "'"" ..... ..,. '""""" ., -J1mes M11Dn, Barti1r1 1111 GtHu. 0 C.lpte Tlluh: (C) "Tllt Mii·
nilictrit Seven" (1dvtnlure) '6G-
Yul Brynner! S~l'le McQuten, .limes
~burn, RDDtn V1u1hn, EH W11-
11th, l111rlu Bronson. Allllrit.ln
1untlrbttr1 111 hlrld 11 protect 1 11:30 IJ llhlil: "My lb: CtnicW' (drt-
Slllall M•lctri lcwm from outlns. ma) '5Z-Mi111rd Mltclltl~ Gilbtrt
ID Trvtll ..-~-m (ltl) Rol1nd.
Q) PtrlJ M•11 (60)
m 11Kt Plnpedi" 1Jo)
iE El C11111 M111dltllllfl1I
a 113 00 m '""" -(C) 0 Mtrrir. "MH fll tlll f1"rll T,..
~ (tomldy) '35-W. C. fllk!L
O O})CD !!l""l""'(C)
1:001J 9 CJ) Jtn1t11tn WlnM (C) m ,, 160) Comtcty •nd music b1 Tht 1?;30 Adi•• n.trl: Codi tf Sl·
Smolhtrs Brott\111. M1rvin Ga11, lene1."
The Micki• Finn Show, i nd Paul
Lynde 1r1 hla:hllrf!ts Ill to~flhl's 11:SO O c..irmWll'tr l ull1tln IMri (Cl show. (R)
0 Ef) Tll1t ;r1 ft) (30) "Tht
f1ct in th• Shower Room Doat."
A ch1rmln1 ind tmOll)UI continen-
tal resltunleur fi'lds tlfnpor1!J
11ndltdy Ann M•ri• lnlri(uini. much
to Don Hotlin111'1 disolusurt. C..
sare 01"°"1 111Ub. (R)
m""" (t) (30)
0 MIYlt: "Sllltllrtd Y1,. n. Ir.
Mlbne" (mysttryHritith ult.
I :00 0 0 "'" (C)
1:15 8 MIN: •san.blll" (drt1111) 'St
-lfllrid '""''1111.
m•n -<Cl oo .,,., 1,30m'"""" -. ..,. M,_.
Mt H11r You Wbbptr." Ruth Whitt bin," "Volell'IO."
t :oo D <C> "'Miii( Mt "'* t11t ..,.. (m111ictl) '51-ertty Grtblt, MK·
dolltld c.n,.
t:M D "'*' II .. 1t1• (ffrrfteturt)
·~ flirtMIMI Jr. "(C) .._ -1.-0 ·~ ;,.bit, c.. """""
12:001J "lnl Trlla frHlfll~ ("1·
mt) '37 -l• AJrn. Dorattrr la· mour.
12:30 ID CCI "'MJl.M. ar (dr11111) 'IS
-f>ltr Anltfi...,tl YNllll fl .....
(drtm1) '4&-.lotn ltttlt.
1:00 m ..... Saitr1 l lrt ,,...,. <*'·
m1) 'M -loub HIJftl'll, M_.I """" .
l:• a "lllttr 111n• tdflfrll> '51-""" "'· __, ..... 4:JI, _,.,_ T,.......,. (.,.._.)
~M 1tbwtt WtillMllt«, F,_
Q1111lty Prl11th1t t 114 D•pencf1blt S•r.ltt
fif 111••• th111 • Q"1rt1r ef a C.11tvry,
• •
·~ • • • • 1 ' -
--. -•
• • • . -,
• . ' • tain V-alley· ·-• • --·
I • ' . ~ .. 'tr. Sm•• .. . .
VOL 62, NO. :122, 4 SECTIONS, 52 PAGES .
Reagan Calls
Prof 'Liar'
SACRAMENTO (AP). -Pounding a
des:k with. his band and shouting .. liar!"
Gov. Reagan angrily refused a request by
professors to pull national guard.sJnen off
the· University of califomia at Berkeley
In 1 half-hour argument marked by hll·
terness on both sides. Reagan told a
delegation of Berkeley faculty TUesday
the gliard must ren1ain_ until violence has
ended. His fact was pale with fury. Both
he and the professors continually in-
terrupted each other in loud voices.
. -
City Hall Nod ·~Du ~
: -~ -Ar~hitects to -B.e ~amed Monday • ' ! .. Several years of work, worry and
'\'onla should beor fruit Moodily with •P;
pointmenl of either John B. Park111
Aaaociates or Kurt Meyer Assoclale$ as
the arclUtetcta (o design the new Hun-
tington BeaclrCity Hall.
Councilmen wW interview the two
architects in a special meeting in the_ ad·
min&traUve annex of City Hall, sth
Street at Main Street. Interviews begin at
6:30 p.m.
Tbe site for the new CiviC center is at
Main Street"..and-Manlson Avenue on 12
acmi: acrosi from Hunfington Beach
Councilmen are hoping to begin the
design work right away on tbe·'6 million
center with linanc)ng Or the project ltke)y
to be by safe of borida under a joint
,powers agreemen\ with the county' or
school districts and repayment from the
cap.ital fund created by collection of tr~
remoy11l fees.
Couocllmerl last Monday placed a a.ix-
month mOratorium on iSsuMce of build-
ing permits !or a large . area of the old
downtown south o£ the present civic
center and ordered a report on the
possibility of such a moratorium on lands
-surrounding the new·c:enter aite.
The downtown moratorium coven the
fii'St-blocli inland !roiµ. .Pacific Cout
IUghway from 6th Street to the Hun·
tinglon Sbora Motel ea! 0(14! !tnel
and the second block inland -llli
and 5th Streets· as well 11 a ltrip of.JDii
from P?cific Coast Highway lnland on di'
east side of Lake Street. ' •
Purpose or the ban on bu,ilding 11-~ t8
preye.nt constru<j.lion while the dty COO:: .
t~mplates a parking authority projeet iii
the area.-;
A similar ban expiri!d two wetb a&o: ;·
f!anning construction. around the m"ft
ot ·the new civic ~nter would be"~~t
prevention or possible COMtruct1on oOt
compatible with the civic bulldinp, ac1
cording to 1"1ayor "Jack Green. • • He exploded in' ang.er wb~n one O! _the
visitors accused him Of makmg a political
speech and trying to fire -campus
chancellors who oppose bis ideas. _
With a resounding bang .that echoed
through bis outer office, the governor
s!Bmmed his hand down on the desk and
shouted ~ Prof. Leon Wofsy : "Llsten,
you are a liar!
2 Astronauts ·'Miracle Boy' Recovers
"Now· don 't you talk about political
speeches. Dou't you make a political
speech of that kind and charge me with
going and trying to fire chilncellors. I've
fought to keep politics out of the running
or the university and will continue to do
Wofsy Interrupted :. "We are pleading
with you and l won't be angry. l'm
pleading with you to . . •
Reagan broke in: ·"Who arc you by the
way!'Who are you?"
"Will you let me finish," replied w_ofsy,
a professor of bacteriology. ·
"I would like to bear who you are,:1
1aid Reagan.
"lam Leon Wo£sy. Okay? Are you ~ap-
py?" .
"You bet I'm happy," said Reagan.
0 And you bet you won't say anything that-
will surprile me." ·
The delepiloo of eight faculty, headed
by owen Chamber~ a Nobel prize-win-
1 ning physlcist., came to the Capitol to
' ['"~. ;peqGD&lJ,y ask Beapn to remove na·
1 tional guardsmen from the campus.
They were sent there Thursday by
· Reagan when violence flared in a dispute
between the unlvi!rsity, students and non-
student "strtet people" over whether a
site proposed for an athletic field should
be uaed as a park.
'lbe professors also told Reagan that
Alatfteda County sheriff's deputies and
other officers from outside Berkeley
should be removed. They were called -
and a curfew impoaed by Reagan -when
demonstrators marched against the fie1d
Reagan said he would never pull out
the forces without a pledge that
demonstrators "are ready to lay down
their violent technJQues and tactics and
acts and then we could withdraw the
necesaary protection rorce ... ·•
After that. Reagan returned to his
private, inner office. The professors
quietly said "shame, shame ." The
governor was applauded by members of
his staff and a delegation of visiting civic
leaders from San Diego.
* * * 'People's Park'
Warf are Spreads
To UC Campuses
The war over a "People's Park" at the
University of California in Berkeley rag·
ed into its second , week today after
touching off incidents on other. UC cam·
pu~ The death of James Rector. 25, of
gunshot wounds suffered in the initial riot
last Thursday was cited by the protesting
A strike was voted by 500 youths at UC
San Diego. UCLA's main administration
building was the scene of a Jong sit-in. UC
Riverside'! chancellor canceled classes
Friday for "mourning-and reflection."
Skirmishes continued between students
and ".street people" on one $ide and
Berkeley police and Z,200 NatlonaJ Guard
ttoope on the other.
More than 20 persons were arrested
Wednesday fO< blocking traffic and
obatructing officers, bringing the total to
more than 250 since last ThW'Sday 's
vlolenct which left Rector, a bytsander
from San Jose, dead lrom shotgun pe.1. Im. .
DAILY l'ILOT '°""tw •r. T9fll ~ GRAPPLING AT UCI -Unscheduled wrestling match qt UC Irvine
Wednesday featured freshman James Ervin (Jell), Who Jll'~ted flag
at hal! staff, and nonstudent Scott Winchester of Tustin,' who didn't.
Campus police ruJed pushfng and shoving match a draw.
Undock From B t D t . B "lls M t-u oc or i · oun Co1iunand Ship . ·· ..
' ' ThC 12.st thing &-year old Danny Ramos
rernembers about April 30 is a warm aM
sunny afternoon and catching froas and
1itards beneath 1the Santa Ana Rivet
bri<lle on a bU!y Huntmgton Beicb streel. . .
SPACE CENTER, Bou1top •. {UPI) -
Attruaull Tltema1' P: Staff~rd and Eu-
gue A. Ctrnan cut the Apollo 11 moon
lander loose from Jolm W. Y~g In the
command •hlP, \od•Y·
, SPACE CENTER, 'Houston '(AP) -
Two moon-orbiting Apollo 10 aslrona1.1ts
oyercame a Potentially b a z a r d o u s
depressurization problem loday , and
prepared to fly a fragile . Junar landing
craft on min1s closes\ approa'ch to the
~ he was rtruck by an automobili.
dufing rush-hour traffic on AdamJ
Avettue while atte~pting to cross thl
bridge.. · . •
The price paid-' for an · ~ternoon of
pleasure was high.
Flad Flap Fla· ·f. e~ ~:::a:u::~~-:::u~:within -@!t ~ · -~ -· '" JUlt 2* bDurs~before Air Force Col.
· . . " > ' • · : • . ' ThOmai }' St8ff«d aDd Na' • Cm4r.
B', ;_ " . °"¥'< U-D '>. .. -, : , , : ~El ' J \f -'~,,/;. ¢.IHi'wer.I!~; '. . -
He now lies at Costa Mesa Memorial
Hospital with multiple injuries. includtiic
a lacerated lung, frad.ured pelvic bone.
fra~ hip, broken leg; dillocat.ed heel,
broten. lll1D and head injw-ies. , · . _ _/_ .
Doctors have named him 0 Miracl•
B9>'"'"""-)le.wu :or~ only·p~
sevtn ·houn to ·llve. •
Allllough ~, haa been .recnver!ri1
wen; II wUHan anQ!&ehnir~le lo .-Y
the doctor bJll, wltich hu r~ ex·
<eeded ~.GOO.
ahner-b-oes p,-o·..vn~t . rvi~e 1i)oU'~:.t~. irom -
10 loniiiiond jliip, tlM!i repo .The U.S. Flag ris fooijbt OVl'f, raised
and lowered three times w~ Oil the IJC 1"iDe _...,.,,.. by' warring
radleals and piltiOCl. · ~
Most of tbe·aftemooa the Flag Oew at
half stall.
The univeraity administration, with
Chancellor Daniel· G. Aldrich Jr. out or
town, did not move to intercede. Clmpus
policemen separated those who scUffled.
bot did not act to change the elevation of
the Flag.
The situation anise out of an AJdrich
order Tuesday to half staff Oags, later
countennanded by Vice Chancellor Roger w. 1Russell when it was learned a youth
who died at Berkeley was a non-student
and a convicted felon.
Radleal stlldenla on campus disagreed
\'l'iQJ the vice chaDcellor and took it upon
themselves to lower the U.S. standard as
a symbol of mourning.
Russell, the man left in charge, said to-
day he worked very bard all Wednesday
afternoon to straighten things oul
He said, "The situation was·conlused.
\Vhat would you suggest when you have
got a situation in which people have dif·
ferent points of view and are raising and
lowering it?"
It was suggested .one alternat.ive might
have been to order the nag raise<! to. full
staff and have the campus police stand
"My whole being as a human being is
oriented toward solving situations other
than by force," Russell said. "I don't
think in the whole history of mankind we
have seen a situation where force alone
has solved a situation:'~
The Flag w·as Oying at full staff today
with students standing guard to reason
with anyone bent orr lowering it. Thal
solutioo was agreed Lo Wednelday eveO-
ing by students meeUng with ~II.
us" police officer guards UC
Jzyine flag pole Wednesday
NEW YORK (AP) -An early advance atCe r'breaking up sclJ.ffle over
petered out today, and the st6ct market whether or not flag should re-
closed on a lower note in active trading. 1• main at hall staff while stu-(Se~ quotations, Pages~~). · ' · · de~""'dtst:OSs 'Ilext move. Flag
The Dow Jones iodustrial.a_verage was • ·rues 'af·fuU staff today. off 1.22 at 950.56. -.,,--.,..-,-,.-.....,., __ .._:. __ _
' I
No Political .Appoint~~~
ForSuprem.eCourt-Nixon .
" .
Danny is the son of Mr. -and Mdl. ventiOg oxylen irOm a three-foot tunnel
~ini lbO ttio •hill'.
They hiwl <rawled Into U\e L~M
'throUgb the tunnel hours earlier. prepar·
ing to aeparaie from Navy Cmdr. John
W. Young in the commani:l 'ship to start
the most danaerous part of the. missi9n.
J01epb Ramot, or 10391 ShancrMI Drive:
Huntington Beach. He is one of RVtn
-, -chltdttn -because or uu""';thefaml.
· ly ""'! been uaable 4o afford mildlcal l!>-
Apqllo, ·10 ·commander stafford ex-
pressed conctm· when be told mission
control : ·
"We're having trouble depressurizing
the tunnel. I don't think it would be a
good idea· to release the probe with pres·
.sure in the tunnel."
He referred to the arrow·llke docking
mechanism that helps hold the two
spaceships together, A sudden loss of
p~ at undOcking could damage Ule probe and make it impossible for a re·
docking after Stafford and Young dip
down to their close approach to the
Stafford said some insuJaUon that
briike off in the tunnel when it was
pressurized early ln the flight might have
clogged a vent valve.
Ground controllers pondered the pre>-
blem a few minutes and radioed a backup
procedure for dumping the oxygen
With Stafford in U>e tlnulel and Cernan
in the LEM, the astronauts carried out
the procedure and successfully lowe red
the pressure. J
"We're doitlg qne ;" Stafford rewrtcd.
11Th8t'1 goodr enough for us," the
ground radJoed. "Press on."
The insulation that broke off was
floating arO(m(f both cabins and the tun--
nel. pr~ some irritation for the
''This is like spring in Chicago,''
Ceman .joked. "There1s snow all over the
Earlier, the J,Stronauta reported all
systems in the.LEM operating and ready
for tHe aeP,araUori,. scheduled to 'laS"t eight
hours'. ... ,
After ah hour, in which minor com-
munications. problems were cleared up.
Cernan reported: "Snoopy is all go~ I
round nothlng wrong with It."
INJURE°D ao\'l!l~Eqs':14iLP .
'Miira~le , Boy~ .O.nf'Y. ~mos
' .
Se:x Edncaiion .
' .
Guide Approved
In Westminster
' Westminster School District trustees
Tuesday night voted 3 to.1 to appme a
curriculum guide for family life and sex
educatibn coursts now being taught in
seventh and eighth grade cfasses.
The 50-page booklet, dr81Vn up by
school nurses and approved by a citizens
committee·. became the: subject of
lengthy debate among-parents in the au-
dience and the trustees.
Votin·i in favor of the guide were
trustees Ada Clegg, Frank EaslWOod and
Ray Schmitt, with Matthew We)'llker
c~sting the "nay" vote. •
Tape r.ecqrders St;t up in .the board
room .were removed before the "agenda items~were discUSSed foltowib(a mOUon
by Schmitt, who said he had never seen
one at a meeting before. •
Parel)t, Freet BiftiieT o~jN:te<l to-u>e
guide. which was "desJgned to.einphuire
the fdnilly unit and moral values"
becau~ ~e wanted to know whose moral
value~ the ,gui<le wquld fotlo"!. ,
A IJ1'lther of. t"a"o.children dem~ed to
knoW where· p:~ d~tfict ,got a ,flgure in·
dicating that 90 percent of the parmts
were ln favor Of the sex education pro.. . . gram. · , ,
Superintendent John La~ tOld her that \
his administiators'met will\ 'all the PTA ,
presidents 1'Jld ~ound Only °"" alalnlt· it.
"f• have to -me. l)ley'represented all
of the .paren~,'''he said. . T~e fa'mlly life and sex 'educition Pfi>
Parents' y;"'WS ·gram has been i.ught on .a volimtary """ bas!J in-the 'wesunwter ·school district
• . since l~. lt iSj not a coed~ 0 lJ-,' S 1' ·cours.;,Jnd 'parents .ba've lhe.'!1'1i0n 'o! ~ .. .r~s~. oug it ~~~&,~/" chll.drin'lrom ~cw...
A IO;ql,tflioll 8111'Vef pesig°"" to !8m· , . '\ · . , '
ple parent.1opinion ton •· ne~ clreu code ' ·
ror1 the ·Hip\tlngloo Belich-Uttlon !Ugh Mus. ic .S•uden•a Plan' . · School .DlNli:fl> -' ljeing milled to • ..,
At' least for the next few yeara ·~
young boy will be left with the poralywi1
of one arm and leg and speech problems.
And medical expenses are_ ~ to
mount. .... ·
Parents and teacher~ and the --a:ove:n>-
lng board of the Arevalos School. Fro
hav'e establllbed a trust flmd 1fl(lr ~
· youngst<r to help pay for Ill" h!ib,-·o(
continuous medical cart~ ' , · ..
They will kk:k off their ~ject al 7::111
p.m. June 11 with a musical.and,~
act variety show .which Js lot8nded tO
ralae ·the fiist few ·dollirs ·for' Dazin)?1
fUture. ' ·
Other contributions can be made
directly to the "Arevalos PTO,Dudel
Ramos Fllnd" by mailing checks to tJwt
Bank . or AmerJca, BroOkhurst Street _,
Adame Avenue Branch, HuntJnglOe
Be8ch. . ·
Additional information about the trust
fund and the variety sboW is avail'able
from Toby Llbldinsky at ~ .or
Diana Peel at 962-4028.
Chicago's Teachers
Stage First'_ Strike
CIUCACO (UPI) -Cbica8o's first
teacher strike began today, giving 608,Q
public school pupils II leut a tw<><lal
Negotiators reportedly were cloelri&
Jast, on an. agreement bQt ~ ~
Teachers Union said that even if· a 15
Uement were to·conie immediately ioda7,
Uiere would be no time to bo&d a
mem~rs,\tlp vote to reopen the ICbooll
before Monda~. · . ..4
~ea ... w
The sun's ltUI sh)', 90 cloudy ,
sklea wtU jlmall molt of Friday, , wllh..ine~ mdhip ol 15 along
the Orange Coast and 74 further• I
Tb< police, aided by Alameda County
~r.-deplitiea, uSe bi:rdshot.to quell a
dlsturbence afttt the univeraity Clon-
structed a chain Unit fence around off. WASHINGTON (AP) -President Nix· molllers 'ind falhers •oJ•llh lbroogh 11th v i 'd -...... -s' be a slngie-siibiect -· ci>nference, talk: IJl1lde ~ • ' . • , · . '.rUD •1 na1smg • ale _
"' at "l.,,gth ·--the"·~ and hla The c:oc1.; which ~ b<lni developed by , 1 "t '· ; '' • •
-lnaUon...,f,.-Warren -Ec .....,., to "'-. -11~-~ adm~tcatllrs i MOS!c"pudeo~ at .Newlah<I $dloolJJli , , " " , ., . • :-r -·..::: • i•.nd fa<:J,11~ membert. rl'OIU ,district htsh Huntington aeac& are plprun,.1 ~ c....._ • ,._) 11 ·~~~ • ,
chief' Justice. However, tll+ .Pre!ident schools ~ ~·<lll*OVmlolt~ sale "'""".1<7 to raise lunc!s lot mllllc: 1 ~ ,~,'!&· ·o;;i;;".=' i .; aa}l:td~he'110t ·beq09ttd-\iirect.tfand :a r.,.;,~hilr,.·~. b.e·•·~dlJ, ~uipmne;nt.~l.he~1.,1 ~ • · ·, 0C1 ~. ,; == ,,..;t '
that publlcailon <JI reports 'ol the """' nio1jacl1•u1nd aee:throu&l11ll-: ' lteiar< wln "" sold lhrollghOuV tlW-111)" I -, • , !!!.!' _ • ~•
fererteebewtthheldforeev_eralbours.· , Afier aMquate Ume-tor public 'rtac;-·G:t1~ffk:kocy,Lfqe,~lelth.J ;:j• · :::; ;;:_w -:.'
campwi land that young people trifd to oo said '11luraday )le will never oomatte
daim. for a :·people's .ear,k.'' ~ a personal...-• poUUcaL-fritnd for ·4he· ~ remained "1i0Sp11al1..a--1rom _ gUnshit wounds, all In satisfactory con-Supreme Court and "111 not -
About l .000 demonstraton w er e
dlspened Wedaetday when 1bey made a
serpentine mai'ch around Ibo campua. ll--AbiJlll-IO·.flwll---led.~paAdt 1mkt hai'ldclapning and shoots· oJ "Wt WllnL~k.''
race, religion or geograPbY in maklng •Al this Ume~ Mi.ion llidi lhe Supreme 'Uon. 'tldmJalltraton 1nd iatudtnt' leede:rs ConLrl.but10N to·the P1IO sdewlll * ...,._,. ,. ,......,, ... .,
1tteb Mloot._~....,,_,,:=---,=-..<Jourl-neocla-ao-Wuolonl.,jl.-m<m---lpiltt.-.....i"~-•'-. ~_.,,Mn J~st.MI·....... -::..,..._,_ 'l :::-.-. Ji+:•L--~ ~ Nixon met Informally wlUi newsmen la whose nominations rllle no questions ·menda,tbt to the ~ tehoo1: gov,llnlioe <if the Ne.,.'81)d MUS1c 8oolfe:rl Qub. 'Call ..,,_ ,._1, \ ,
J\1$ ovaLorfice "1d, !ilc-w.bat turned Oii!-(liee eou&T, P.ap4) boud II! ti. M.,-S7"W Jlllll' 10-~ 968-2H:l~l~llll..,...,DltdlollltlUllDr..Tf--::--t:===:::::=::;:::::::;::;;;:;=::J--!I
I ·-
'I ,_.,
I \.
\ • .f -•
--. ---..
=-· ---.. •' rl ONLY PllOf ", ~~ve-J?ool
-Firm Sued . .
~-AukmaUon Pools IDc. of Garden Grove
~· sued by the otate Tuesday in what
. j.\l)'. Gtn. 'l'bomaa C. Lrn<b de>cribed u 'Jl>e 11flnt in a Mdts ot. suits" over cm-
. "!"""': abdaas lo the n1mmlng pool In-
. *"'f.
• ~1'l"be Orange C.Ounty ftnn wu act'Uled
<#' lalae end mlaleadlng advertising end
'fJ&a.Uon or state laws on installment
-cuitracts. Tho sult charged the company inlsled
buyers by cl•bnlnl ti c:ould pnmde •
pool lor $2,l1815 wtlh a beater; that there
would be DO down payment and that the
company did nol~age subcontractors.
• Tho suit lurtbei-charged that Automa-
jbi'a potls were not ..unpleted wttb1n ~ . dlJI of escavation,: 81 clalmed by the
dlmpany, end aalet cootracll did . not ehow finance chargu and mOlllhly
paymenta, u required by law.
'!be alate llOUgbt exemplary damages
which could amount to '2,500 for each
violation. '!be sutt was baaed '!!! ponla built by Autom.allon in Covina, DOwney,
j;nmada Hdll, Whittler, s au g us ,
Jlqrbenk, Endno, Loog Beach and Los
~: .
Orange Freeway
To Be Discussed
At Joint Meeting
_ A joint cinfnnce cl It.le '"1d local cl· ~ m the -!utuno niute of the Orange
• kiieeway dowri the Santa Ana River has beOii org-for July 31 by a Costa
M"8 ·groop.
, lnvltallons bave already been acoept"1
• b)'. Orange County lf41blal«s, ll!10kesmen .!iii-the alate Division cl llighwa)'I and
··Ctfie Jeaders from Newport Beach, Hun-
: 'i>lton Beach '"1d Foonlaln Valley.
,''M ... Verde Homeownen ASsoclalloo
· Ms1cknt Eull'"I" Bergeron announced
the meeting lo the Coote MesA City Coun-
cil Monday aJld M~ Alvin L. Pinkley
appolnt.ed him c:hainnan of a study com-
mittee. .
Tho Orange Freeway could ruin the 13-
llole Mesa V!l'de Country Club golf
oouree and create many other pn:iblems
~ the east side of the river, while
:west.skiers are equally opposed. . -some discmsion has already . begun
about roWl1g the freeway rlgllt down the
river on a concrete cauaeway md. thus
•Ilm1na1lng what Newport Beod> officials
call an Opeb 1e1rer.
F""" p_,e I
_(:OURT .•• ·. ~personal lrtendStllp or political con·
. -"Ibe chlef executive said be:. feels
'"1Ucular1y lln>ogly about thll beqause
QJ .the unprecedented in.stance recently In
~ Abe Forlu, long a clooe friend and
-ft8oclate of former President Lyndon B.
Johnson was forced to resign.
Fertal held whit bas been regarded as
the "Jewiab seat" oc the court.
_ · · NiJ:on said De does not believt in hav-· lrJi a Jewish, Catholic or Negro 11t.1t and
that any justices be nominates will not be
etleded to achieve racial, religious or
seographic balance on the court.
Before deciding Wednesday to
nominete Burgtt, he reported, he ruled
cut a close friend and Duke Law School
das!m•te, Charles E. Rhyne, precisely
because be and Rhyne have teen friends
for many years.
In addlUon, Nixon ~. four others
w)!om be consld<rll quallfled {Or the chief
jilstl"""1p Jet· him know they did not
i s.fttlt to be coosidered for the job. He
!ited these u Aaoclate Justlce Pott.er Slewart. former Gov. Thomaa E. Dewey
of 1'ew Tart, ·r.nner Ally. G«L Herl>erl
B~, ;9.nd the p-r e 1 en t attorney
general, JOim N1 Mltd>eD.
' DAii V PllOT
•.ai.rt N. W"4 ---..... .. """" YQ..,......... .. a......J,...., . ""-·· . ...,, Edtlw no-"'· MY•~fH """'"'"' ., .......
Afbttt W. l•k• WJ"11• •••4
AMKl .. 1 "11111""""" I.ell flfllw (!Ir flllt•
........... OM.
J Of ltt. Str11I
Mti"Tillf J.lllJr.Mr P.O. lo• 7to. tl•41
. --....... -.o~ !111 *"'' .. ..,. ......... ...._Mm! 1111 W.1..., f"-1 UMlll ...,.I tn ....... II-
' \
Her Snaba·Were Ml11ing--5o' Was Mlnl-dre11
Torrid Trial
Dancer Does 'Nude' Thing for Jury
Of ... Dltly ..... ""'
CUrvlCeOUI Carol <;ytJullld-o! Laguna
Beach did her t<rrld. alklllde tblng
before the amallest but moll lmport1nt
audltnce ol her colcr!ul Ille Wedneoday
-Municipal Court Judge Poul Mall ind
the 12 jurors who may have to rule on
her guilt or Lnoocence later today.
The exotic Art Colony entertainer
showed the 11x·woman, alx-man panel
jUJI wbat it llW to get booked ei~t times on lewd conduct and obscenity
chargea by lhrowlng ber undulating :i.24-
36 frame aroond the Apartment A-Go-Go
minillage for ao eye popptq and blply
-311 mlnulea. · Mill C)'bulakl, 31, · pmnloed Jmors
before ·w did ber bollomlea -ber
that It woold be eDdly the way tt Is
alwaya performed .In the p o p u la r
Westmlnsler Bouleval'd bar. But llhe had
to go through her pulsatl.ng gyraUons
without the snakes that t111ually form part
-if not. all -of her scanty stage atlire.
Her visible asset'.s during her tavern
routine normally include a 12-foot pYthon,
two cobras and a rattlesnake. Mias
Cybolskl normally lnslals on handling the
replies herself and she explained that
she did not have time. to bring them from
her Laguna apartment !oc the l)J<Cla1
court tes3ion.
She does not, tt l! undentood, allow
anycme to handle bu up. ·
The radical departure from ·municJpal
court protocol c a m e when both ~
searting and defe.rm counsel agreed in
court that the jucy ahould ... the dance
which witnesses have described u "lewd,
suggestive, and plainly filthy." Judge
Mast agreed to the chanp of venue wJth
alacrity oiler unsuccesafully aeeklng ob-
1ecUona to the move. ·
Reluctant oewamen agreed to ac·
company the court to the west Santa Ana
watering place.
Juron and court officlall and Judge
A1ast were placed In atrategic poeiUons
around. the tavern while' the movies that
normally precede .I b 'e ~ti 1 c t
flickered on 1 ICfeell adjaeenl to the dJm.
ly lit !tage. ·
Thoae movies Ire not lncluljed In the
court ban on nude dancing at Harry
Muelll'• tavern and jur.ortwere beard to
ask just wby they eojoy 'Uclu&ion from
the court order.
As Miss Cybulski disrobed Jn a -back
room, the f1lm depicted a naked woman
cavorting on a bed, apparently enactJ,ng
the female contribution to a su act. The
wide range camera ensured that all
aspects of the subject were conveyed to
the astonished audience. ·
Several woman jurors .reru-1 to loot
further •I -~ film a!tet watcblng in·
credulaasly tar ~ , .. ~
A pa~ w}ao~wu aUOWed to rtmain in
the bar wlille the· ,Impromptu court
!ealon wu :,in prqg?eas chuckled to a
newsman that, "They ain't seen noUtinc yet." .
To the acoompanim<nt o! a Jangling
juke box and the plaln!l .. wall from the
Beatles, the 11lltry Mias C)'bulskl took the
·minlatage to go through a titillating strip
teue routine that Involved the swift abed·
ding ol her 11lmsy harem-type altlre.
Completely nude, she then adopted a
series ol po,.. and body twbUng routines
that have been colorfullyi delcribed by
vloe tnvesU&atora. Mirrored walls ensur-
, ed that the jurors got a good look at all
poriloas cl lWs8 ~ti's anatomy.
'!be Laguna Beach gJrJ tben writhed on
I carpet in I aeries of borir.ontaJ roat1nes
wtrlle a juke bot: combo wailed and
groaned "get on board." She ended her
act by picking up her scattered
garments, flashing a nervous emile at the
jtay and walking quickly to the tavern's
back room.
There was no applause.
The fully drtssed Mias Cybulski 1' back
In court today for the third day of her
trial. Attorney Berrien Moore expecta to
conclude h i 111 ez:amlnaUon of defense
wttnt.fle~ later today.
Parks Bond Group Nears
'Countdown' for Yes Vote
"We ore rapidly ap)ll'Oaclilng tile
.'counl.<lorm' slap In "" elforta to achieve a y11 vOte on ~ Westminlltr
park bond _.... John Seymour,
chah'man cl 1ho W-Park Bond
Committee cleelared ·today.
Campatp Oia1rman Sal GumUa, has
been leading the axnmillee thn>uah the
active stag9 of the drive tor "ym" votes
on the 11.99 m1lllon bond propooal.
"Tbe entire community will btnellt
from our proposal," said Seymour, "We
are talJdnc about a network or lt
nei.<bborheod parka -development ol 11 park lites we now have and the •~
quillt1on and development cl alx more
netghborbood park sllel with suitable
equipment and lacmu ...
"Ttnoll court tigh!hlg at La Qu1ntt
Hlgb School Ii aloo planned.
"F« less than the cost ol a cup of cof •
!ee a claJ, Westmlnller rosldenb can pro-
vide a ~utl!ul, postU ... minded
community -one where youth and
families are served through a wel1-
developed neigbbo,,_ park llY"lem," be
Valley Slo-pitch
Softball Begins
Sk>ptlcll eollbell g<ls under way Tues-
do,y In Foanlaln Valley with alx teams
entered in lbll ym-'1 ,_,
'ntree teams have names, the othe.n
ani ani, known by tbdr number. Names
nd -doo~ have to be IObmitled unUI the nm. game at f:tS p.m. at Laa
Am1p Blgb School.
.. 1 • • ... ~
ei:1 bar' _Irat.e W~ Rr4'ject N-0tDenie4
~Pott a hea.i:~ the ~ In· Ctty Allonloy Edwin ~arthr told plan-
dlcatlng expe ..... !IU dht -Id be --nn:s that K •oold be dilllcull to lecally
ed to support howlM. . • , • . lljlllold eylcllon ol a tenant lle<awe oho
Chairman James Dick QPPOled •con-, i•w birth to a child In '"° -adul~ Uvtnr
Unulng the public ~ oothe ll®nds devdopment.
the ,applicant.. could resubmit their re-The &pplic;anls Wert asked lo conduct I
quest when they could pro.., the area II a lor)!ler soil• tell tp determine the uae ol
problem and .ooly aatlllactorY !or a. il.!'i·llnd, tbOo,rtlurn on June 18 td COD•
mobile home deve1-0L tiilue U. 0l>ubllc bealjlll. Nu home owners, represented by
Dave Buffington, proleoled the propoeed
trailer park ~ ti would "~aoe
the value" of tbelr bomet and two other
trailer courts already emt In lhe ......
A guarantee that the park woold be all
0 tdu.J.t living" was cballtnged by Bu!-flnctm who uked, "How do you legislate
aplnst motberbOod."
OC Grand Jury
'Alumni' Group
No\¥ Organized
SDS Planning Hot Time A new organi%8llon was fonned
Wednesday eveni..oi: by members ol
former Orange County grand jw-les .
For Rafferty at OCC
"Ab9ut 35 to 40 former jury members
were present at the organizing meeting in
. "Department One of the Superior Court,"
reported spokesman David Ring, a
member of the 1967 Grand Jury.
ca 11 r or n I a' 1 ever-ln-thHpotUght
Superlnlendenl cl Publlc IDltruclloo Max
Rallerty may expect • creetlnl from
Stud-!or a Democnllc Soclely (SDS)
when be lpeala TUelday at Onmge eoa.t
·Coilege ln Coota Meaa.
'!be ol.Ddally llDHCOgniud dilaldenl
-group II Aid to be planning llO!lle
Rallerty will _.. at 11 a.m. In the
oa; auditorium on "EducaUoo and the
Individual." 'lbe talk ii open to the
public. . will be free.
Wedneoclay Sacramemo, Rallerty
auggeoled Uni cl C a II Io r n la
,.,_ ahould meet h1a headquarter•
lnateed o! Cll •ll'l9ul puaes.
J~or Guartls
To Learn Beach
Skills in Summer
Boys from the age cl 9 to 15 wm spWh
lnto the water this summer under the
direCtlon o! HIDIUnglon Beach li!eguarda
to learn water safety tactics in the ocean.
Threy are part or the Junior Lifeguard _
program put oa each year by the Hun·
tinglon Beacb Harbora and Beacbes
Department, with uper1enced li!eguards
for imtructors.
The boy• learn all the skills or a lilecuord from towing a vlcllm out of
roup surf to making a boat reacue.
Last year more than 150 boys took part
In the program whJch runs from July 1 to
Aug. 22. Swim tryouts will be held from
11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday In the Hun·
lingtnn Beach ll1gh Scbnol pool. Tryouts
also will be conducted at the same time
and place June 7.
Boys lntereated in the program must
paa the swim tryout and sbould bring
regist.raUon forms to the tryouts.
Actual registration will be open from t
a.m. to 5 p.m .• June 14 and 21 at the
Harbors and Beaches Dept., 103 Pacific
Coast Highway.
Enrollment fee for the course is $5.
ct ..... will be Monday through Thunclay
in either morning or afternoon stsslons
with compeUtion on Fridays.
In addlUon to water safety, 1kllls will
also be developed in recreational sc-
Uv:ltles such u .p:mpetitlve racing,
volleyball and 111rfini.
He gave his "person.al assurances that
any aUempll st violent disruption of
meetingl in tbe st.ate educaUon building
will be severely and summarily dealt
Rafferty wu elected stale 11upcrin·
lendmt ol public tnstruclloo In 1962 and
reelected la 19156. Wt year be ran for the q.s. Senate, defeating incumbent Thomas
Kucbd In the Republican primary but
losln« out in November to DemoctBt Alan er ... ton.
lie aloo la author of the all-time best
Slll1ng book en educaUon, "Suffer Little
C\illdren. ti
Purpose of the new group, according to
Ring, will be to assist grand juries in
support of good government. '
The group formed the Orange County
Grand Jurors Association by a voice vote
and elected Richard W. Basse of Btta,
foreman of the 1967 jury, as temporary
Ring said letters of inviation to the
meeting had ~ been sent to about 90
persons, members of county grand juries
from 1964 through 1968.
Ring said the new group will be pat.
terned alter a similar organization in Los
Angeles County which bas existed for five
years. All previous members of county
grand juries are eligible for membership.
OAILY PJLOT St.it Pllltt
SPLASH, SPLASH -John King. 15, takes directions from Lt. Mark
Bodenbender of Huntington Beach Harbors and Beaches Department
as he warms up for his sixth year in department's junior lifeguard
program. Swim tryouts for summer program start Saturday.
al JJ. J. Qarrell
FROM $129 to $149. , NOW! .... ,.. ·--
"lmtallatioa ol "ate r line and
mlnlmll planting to launch l h •
buutif'iclUon of Bt.acb 8 0 U 1 ~. 'f a r cf
between lht San Diego and Garden Grove
~aya la aloo planned," noted
Police Seek Suspects
• LOS ANGELES (UPI) .,. Poitce lodoy
IMJ'Ched fCl' one or more suspects "'ho
dim 111 Ut.-'l'llllDIVlllfiii Pollce Slltliii\
W-y !'!el and hurled 1 homemade
Doinl>clmce on Uie root.
Tho Founr'ain v~ 1 t y empioyff ~~a~;~ . HaJaGARREfT fURNf]11RE
=~nta; ~o. ~.corn!'!... O:.r =~ "'°'1'SSIOMAI. • • 2111 HAUOI. I LVD. "'.....-.;;; c:=. INTlllOA-OISNMftftS ' COSTA MESA, CALIF.
''-'&" iai001 irid collegi!i Pfaym, iJialiim . OiiTM•11>TTl'ii'r.""I ~;~ 646-4275 '"•.021• ~~!Tomo~.J:ounllinYallq L_~_'.:==:=:=:=::=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:==::=:=:=:=======j
\/ )
-------· -----------------
I. •
.. ,
• ~ .... -1'!
Sad lheha ek
' .
VOl. 62, NO. 122, 4 SECTIONS, 52 PAGES
. ---
• -1 -:-r ,
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• •
• .. .
. NaY'9'·1'1•al
0 OOD· n oc.
Down the
Capo Trustees
.To Talk Salaries
the CJ!pistrano Unified School District
will meet Monday to establish salaries
!Of' about 340 teachers and the remain·
der of the employes in the district.
Teacher representatives and the board
have bitd closed meetings for several
weeks. Teachers initially asked for SIOOO
more at the top of the salary schedule,
$500 more at the bottom-and a number of
other benefits.
About 275 non.teaching employes asked
for a seven percent pay increase and paid
medical an_d hospitalization insurance.
• Se..,.,r Fees Raised
crease in sewer hookups for new
buildings will go into effect June 15 in the
Capistrano Beach Sanitary District.
Charges for single dwellings, duplexes
and triplexes will go from a present fee
of $25 to $100 per unit. Commercial
t;iuilding, apartment, and manufacturing
plant charges will also be hiked pro..
portionally. ·
Members of the sanitary district board
termed the bike Jong overdue ind noted
that the district till! been low in its
charges, The district serV'es Caplstraoo
Beach and portions of San Clemente.
.• Shufflers' Sco re
LAGUNA HILLS -The California
shuffieboard . championship has been won
by a couple from Leisure World, Laguna
ffills, following a three-day competition
against more than too contestants in
Hemet, Calif.
Martine Etchepare and Ruth Ditto,
both relative newcomers to shufneboard
competition with only about two years
experience, defeated the seasoned
veterans of the state.
e C•po F o lks Qui::ed
o( the U.S. Cmsus Bureau in the area
this week will be asking residents ques-
tions about second jobs, overtime pay
and work.
· The government will use the in·
fomi'ation to estimate on a nationwide
basis of random sampling the number of
persons holding second jobs. their pay,
the kinds of work they do and why they
take second jobs.
e Pai111i11gs Displayed -. .
SAN CLEMENTE -Members of the
San Clemente Arts and Crafts Club may
register their paintings Saturday from
l2!30 to 5 p.m. for possible disp lay at the
San Clemente Art Gallery's summer ex·
hi bi ti on. .
All paintings are juried. Those ac-
cepted will hang in the gallery for three
swnmer mOOths. The gallery wlll offer a
cash prize of $5 i'or a first place in each
category and $25 for the best painting
oi the show.
Re agan Call s
Berkele y
Pr of 'Liar '
SACRAMENTO (AP) -Ppundlng a
desk with' his hand and sllouting "liar!"
Gov. Reagan angrily re_fused a request by
professors to pull national guardsmen off
the University of California af Berkeley
In a half-hour argument marked by bit-
terness on both sides, Reagan told a
de legation of Berkeley faculty .Tuesday
the guard must remain until violence bas
ended. His face was pale with fury. Both
he and the professOrs continually in·
terrupled each other in loud voices.
--i:reexploded in anger when one of the
vis itors accused him of making a political
speech and trying to fire campus
chancellors who oppose his ideas .
With a resounding bang that echoed
through his outer office. the governor
slamm~ his hand down on the· desk and
shouted at Prof. Leon Wofsy ; "Listen,
you are a liar! 1
"Now don't you talk· about political
speeches. Don't you make a polltic,al
speech of that, kind and charge me with
going and trying to fire chancellors. I've
foughl to keep nopties oilr of the runnjng ' • 'I\. • iii' ' of the university ·and wi ·cilptlnue to do
\l(ofsy inW:rrupted: "We are pleadi~g
with you and I woq'L be anlJ'Y. I m
pleadlog wiUl you to .••
Reagan btoke in: "Who •re ;.iou by the
way? Who are·you?"
"Will you let me finish ," replied Wofsy,
a profeasor of bacteriology.
"I would like to hear who you are,"
said Reagan. "' "I am Leon Wofsy. Okay? Are you hap-
"You bet I'm bapp):," said Reagan.
"And you bet you won't say anything that
will surprise me."
The delegation of eight faculty, headed
by OWen Chamberlain, a Nobel prize-win--
ning physicist, came to the Capitol to
personally ask Reagan to remove na-
tional guardsmen from the campus.
They were sept there Thursday by
Reagan when violence flared in a dispute
between the university, students and non-
student "street people" over whether a
site proposed for an athletic field should
be used as a park.
~ professors also told Reagan that
Alameda County sheriff's deputies and
0th.er cfficers from outside Berkeley
should be removed. They were called -
and a curfew imposed by Reagan -when
de1nonstrators marched against the field
Reagan said he would never pull out
the forces without a pledge that
demonstrators "are ready to lay down
their violent techniques and tactics and
acts and then we could withdraw the
necessary prottttion force ... "
After that, Reagan returned to his
private? inner office. The professors
quietly said "shame, shame." The
govttnor wa s applauded by members of
his staff and a delegation of visiting civic
leaders from San Diego.
Lagunan Nude for Jury
Curvaceous Carol Does Da nce-Sans. Snakes · · -=
By TOM BARLEY or fh• o.1tr "" st.tt
CUrvaceOUs Carol Cjbulakl of Laguna .
Beach did her torrid, all-nude -0\ing
before the smallest but most important
audience of ber colorful life W~y
-Municipal Court Judge Paul Kut and
the 12 juron wbo may have to rule on
her guilt or innocence later foday.,
The exotic Art Colony entertainer
showed the siJ:-wcman, six-mail panel
just what it takes to get booked eight
times on lewd conduct and ob.scenlty
charges by throwing her undulating ··~
36 frame around the Apartment A-Oo-Go
ministage for an eye popping and highly
educaUonal 30 minutes.
Miss Cybulski-, S'l, promised . jurors
before she did her bottomless number
that it would be eJ:actly the way it. is
always performed in the p o p u I a r
Westminster Boulevard bar. But she had
to go through her pulsating gyrations
w!Lhout the snakes that usually form part
-if not all -of her scanty stage attire.
Her visible asse(s during her tavern
routine normally include •· 12-foot python,
two cpbras and a ratUesnab. MW
Cybulski nonnally insists on handling the
repUles herself and she explained that
she did not have Ume to bring them from
her Laguna apartment for the special
court session.
She does not, it is understood, allow
anyone to handle her 'asp. ·
Th·e radical departure frpm miUUcipal
court p~ c a .me when ~-~
t and '··1~fi, ~""f1he f~~:. ~~..: w!Ucb witttesses baVe ctesCribeCI q :nnd
suggeall•e, and· )lliiiilY lilthy.".'JUifl~
Mast agreed to ~·change of venue With
alaorily &{tor wisuccwfully see~ ob-
jections to the move. --7
Rfluctaftt· newsmen agreed to ac-
company ~ court to the west Santa Ana
waterio« place.. ·
Jurors and court officials and Judge
Maat were placed in strategic positions
around the tavern while the movlea: 1hat
nonnally precede t he Cybulski a c t
flickered on a acreen adjaceot to tbe dim·
ly lit stage.
Thoae movies are Mt included in the
court ban on nude dancm, at Harry
Maselli's tavern and juron were heard td
(See NUDE DANCE, Pas• !)
OAiL Y Pl\.O,T , .... P~
.Hi r Sn•k•I Were Mluing--So. Wa" Mini-dress 1 • . ' ' .
No Political Appointees·
For Supreme Court-N ixon
.. Counc il men Act
To Put Utilities
B~low Grounl/.
WAsHINGTON (AP) -Preaident Nix·
on said Thursday he will never nominate
a personal or political friend for the
Supreme Court and will not consider
Nl•on Pleb Law and Order
Junta:. Pare 4
race, religion or geography in making
such selections.
Nixon met informally with newsmen in
his oval office and, at what turned out to
be a single-subject news conference, talk·
ed at length about ·the court and his . •
nomination of Warren E. Burger to be
chief iUsttee. 'However, ttie President
asked that be oot be quoted directly and
that publication of reports of the con·
ference be withheld for several hours.
At this' time, 'Nixon nid, the Stlpreme
Court 'needs ail infusion of. members
whose nominations raise no questions
about personal friendship or political con-
siderations. ' · ·
A first step tow~r~. ~!?rp-~uQ,cling
utilities in downtown .LagU1lia Beach was
taken by city ct1oncilmen Wednesday.
The council approved the recom.
mendation of Joseph Sweany, city direc-
tor or public· works, . that · ·southern
Californ ia Edison CO. place .underground
higti voltage disµ-ibuUor,i lines:
Area jnvolved Is alley b·e h Ind
busiraesSes fronUng onforep ·Aveoue ai1d
South Coa~ · Highway from Mennaid
'Street to..a.~t 150 feet .sou~h ~f. Laguna
Avet'ltJe. · .
Ma yor Doubts Fund ·Gift
. '
The chief e:recutive said he feels
perti<ularly aironlly about ·mis i>e(ause
of tM unprecedented ins'ta1'ee recently in
which Abe Fortas, IOng a clG.'e friend and
a~~ ot form~r Preslilent Lyndon B .
Johnaoo was forced to resign.
Fortu heid'.What has been regarded as
the 0 Jewi!ih seat'' or. tJle court.
NIJ:on n.td he does not ~li:fve in hav-
tnc a Jew!Wi, Catholic or Negro seat and
that any j\LIUces he nominates will not be
Councilmen seemed entliusiasllc 1t
m?kibg a start tow aid ridding the
downtown of poles and overhead wjre s .
''There are now . hute. tialismlssion
poles set in this right-of-way whlch
reduce the effective tra·vel lane and are
no joy to the· eye or ' tJie · beholder,"
Sweany re~. ·
'Free Unive rsity' Backer Pus hes Project
Fix Snags· ,
Ori Module
' ' ' SPACE CENTER, llOU>lon_(AP) -Tl!! tunar landing craft, carryin& ~
Thomas P. Stafford and Ettgme ces:nan
undoCked from the Apollo 10 spac:ecr1ft
today, llirttng the (lnal phaae ,of man'i
cloaest approach to the moon. A ·last
minute problem had threatened to cancel
or delay the separation. I
, Navy_Cmdr.John Young stayed behind
in the mother -ship, ready to rt9CUe the
lunar module, if necessary, during their
eight-hour separaUon and.the LEM•s des-
cent to 9.3 miles over the surfa~ .•
A prt>blem in alignment of the two
spacecra!t in · the dockeC position bad
developed just before the scheduled un•
docking maneuver. Apollo 10 was be~
the moon and olit of ground contact at
the scheduled time of separation.
"Read you loud and clear. We're about
30 or 40·feet awaY. and station keeping,"
Ceman radioed as the spaeecraft came
out rrom behind the moon. ' Just 21h: hours before the three astro-
pauts. were ·to --separate. ·the IUDat mod:
ule, qr.-. LEM.· fro:m lhe Apollo 10. com•
mand>oJ!lp, ·they reported trouble venl>
Ing •01J1g<I! lni!)i 'I •lhne'foot· 1111111")
~connecting the two. ·ships. , • '
They • ha~ ' ~awled ,Into thO LEM.
thJ'oui~1the tunnel Hours earlier, prepar·
Ing Ul separate from Na'1"'€mdr; John w. Young in the conu:nand. ship to. start tkniOll, dangerou1.1>8tl of II/< mlloiqn.
Ai!Ollo--10 -COl!lllWlder SWIOO!J ~· presS~ concern whep he told mi,alion
control : •
"We're tiaving trouble .de~
tht tu.noel. I don't think ·it ,w90fd' be a
good' Idea UI release tht probe with pres-
sure Jn the iunnel. 1'
He .i::eferred to the· arroW-llke dockinJ
mecha!llsm lhal helps bold ,the two
spaceshlpg together. A sudden losa of
preS3Ul'e at undock.ing could damqe. tbo
probe .~d make it impossible.for a re:-
docldng afler Stalford and Younc dip
down to their close approach to · the
StaUord said some insulation that
broke off in the tunnel w~ it. wu
Pressurized early In the flight, might bavt
clogged a vent vaJve.
Ground controllers pondered the pr.
blem alew minytes and radioed a backup
procedure for dumping the oxygen
overboard. . •
With Stafford in the tunnel and Ceman
.ln.J.he LEM, the astronauts carried out
tKe procedure and successfully lowered
the pressure.
"We're doing fine," Stafford reported ..
"That's good Uough for us1" the
ground radioed. "Preas ~·"
The irisulatiOn that broke off· was
float.Ing -arou~ bolb. cabins and'~ tuo-
nel, providing .._ sOrn~ irritation for the
"This is like ·spring in Chicago,"
Cerna.rt joked. "There's snow aU over the
~lace." · Earlier, the astronaut! •rtpor1ed all
systems In the LEM oPetaUng &nd ready
for the separation: scheduled to last ei&~
hours. , : .
After an hour, in which minor com-
munications problenis were cleared uP,
C<rnan rePorted : "Snoopy io all go. ·I
found nothing Wrong 'with it."
Oruge . C::Ou&
.. , ...... to achieve racial, religious or Sex Rdu, cati. on
Mayor Glenn Vedder doubted Wed-Wallace. Vedder said from bed ta:res, not dreary and unproductive existence. geogr1phlC balance on lhe court. f"
nesday night ·whether Laguna Beach property taxes. A side bmefit, ahe said. would be a new Before decidliig . Wednesday to · ., Wader
could make an outright gift of public Councilman ruchard Goldberg. a workt for lbe older citizens many of norrunlte Bur.ger, ·he. reported; he ruled E,xpert Spe'aks .;
funds to a "free university" that would former chamber .. ,pttsident,. said, "the whom are to kme1y they have to ruorl to out 1 close friend and Duke Law School The sun's still' ahy, so cloudy
minister to community ills as well as chamber of commerce actr. as an ad· the pretext of calling the police to have claumate, Charles E. Rhyne, precisely Laguna Beach ' DenioCraiJc Club Mon-skies will prevail ritoit of Frid1Y,
educate. vertising agency to promote tourt.sm someone· lo talk with. becauie he and Rhyne hat/e t,een rrietlds day will have as feature ~er 1 con-with mercury readinp of 65 along
Dr. 'John Wallace, proponent of the pro--which is the bu&ine$S of the city." • "It's not a nlce picture, tha,-Olought of for many years. sulttnt oh Famlly'lJre and Se:i·Educalion the Orange Cout and 74 further
ject, countered with the statement, "I un-WallaCe replied, "yes, but( lhe people elderly persons in large numbers sltting In ldditlOn, Nlr.on said, folir ot~ers for the Aila)le.lm Union School ,Distr~. inland. •
derstand that the council gives $35,000 a are your buainesS trio." Goldberg told around and waiting fot dtalb." whom be eoftaiden qualified for the cNef Mrs. Sany Willian\s, a.lchool none ror
year to the chamber of commerce." WaUace he did 1'0I see how the two en· Mro. Gunn, the mother of seven, spoke Jlllllceihip let him kllOY! they did not 15 years, "111 speak al the 1·p.m. m,.ifnfi INSIDE TODAY
wanace,aUCi associateprofessor.had titieswererelated. also about "unimaginative local Wiii' io .. be-•'"'"'-~ for· the job. He In the communl .. ··room 'of'the La~.,,.... • .,_ , U" I ••· ,......_, •·· • ta•••-·•·-• har ··• the , ·-· •~·~ ., •··-A reuiol10 of ,.,_ ~'"' • asked that the city counci recognJze. en-Vedder ·Mted that u~ st.a...,.~.,. uaed ~uauts' uw1& .uuu~ "°"",ng _ lilted thne u Aaocl.ete JUatiCe Potter Fa1eral1bui~• Ocean.Av~. , h"vine proch•Ctton-hlu:l a 1Jatcw,
done and help finance the fledgling non-in writing the city for support bore a hippies Olll of town. She. said her.family, sli1HR ~-Gtv. ·'l'liOinai 1 .. Dew<y · !Mril. '{aliift • •club ~eildenl I ,.,.
prom project be caUed. "Free Uni.ersity University or cauromia.Jetlerhead and had owned property ud U11ed, Jn the com~ of Nn 'vork, former ~llY. ten. Herbert sala illie 'toriiC' bi-'11'\intfy• Wfe ind ! tp<•k<fc:::.';;~".\;::::,'i//;..~
or Laguna Beach." asked if the univer~ly supPorted the IJl'O< munlly llinct ltM. Siie deocrijied the pro-1 ll-'I 'ind the •pr ii ~ 11'1 •• u....,.1 sex Educatlon '" '"" PubU~·SC~." · °'°"' ,.._~ '~ • · ,. , It would, 11e-had staled, include a 2" jtct. ' 1 ~ -_,,._ -Ject .,..._ •o1-1o1a1· .,.,oumd\y inJ ..:.;.:;.T'iOhii·Nf Mllcjltl'r."'-'-i-'~r-"--.-,· TM"inn!ml-.Wt111 lif"Ofl1Cftila'a1ao ~dal!'i «•t,,_....imtnt_:pcglf,_._~ · -
hour crisis ..,nter and limited dlagnoolic \Vallaoe •ald there wu no.rdatiomhip voMmeol tblt could blnelll IM 111Uona! •-..,,-' . , • · • • ~ed. '.Mrs.' niarnq Mo l,b .ew ' and J.P. • '
facilities staffed by vo luq.teer physicians. between the two. He 1aid he hJd in--imace '.fl .l..fl!lna •• a plece1 ol. freedom • I St ... -k ..... tee... MmlttaUng chai.rp\~n. w~l ~f as •. ~ ..;: ~::..: . z:
Cooncllmen generally agreed they would structed his secretary to use a plain let-and artlsttc endeavor. 1 .., tr• ~ 1 <flate· Pattle.k Birkett/ ~~t;. Jtmfl ca.la • °"""' c:...r t
need to study the matter at length in terhead but sfle.had ased UC llatlonery. Wallace had stated the actJ IUes .of thti 6~,· lint flee ~t; 'James ::"'"',...... '; f"':': = l).n
some future study session a.s yet Reading a statement in behalf of the unh1traity would lnclode·-.C•tion, .CC>fnol 'NEW· YOIUO (AP~ -Aft W1y -#Vance Pei ... second ·Vlct'.iftstden\; 1bomU: ...,... '"' • _.., ,.,.
WllChedulcd. free university, Mrs. Gordon L. Gunn munity bWtb, trtl· ...... lt'ld 1~munity l ~---·y;~Ute~AOtlr.Tiartet Friione~"r lfeasfirtr;. ----~-Rli1 01 • ...,... 14 ... ,. .... w....,
--Vedder tosa-wauac , 9'4 -varrtJyke-spQXe of tile alieifa~t~ . , ' · 1 • , a .-~ : r~ ~~~Rilftijt-; -~"=-r 1 ~-==-• !Jrlu,JbaL-thc~btL.Jipends Ule-communil)'-and,,.uld....no_raource..::ts...CauncllmttLqr_._ ~ ._14..J:agj I set ....... ~\1-(1>;' • : ~ . ~!"!"~ ... • • t . :.....~ 1: :i; .. ;, .:
$35,000 under cijy supervislon. "Where valuable as the youn1 pt(lflle. She said it eonsidtrably more inkJiinatkm • Ut, ·~· 0.. ,.,,.. ~ -.. Wu '~ RerftitM;llii: 1Mlf i11.iidll 1-~ ...... 1•1•
does Ille money come from?" 3'ked is imporl1nt lo retrieve them from project. ell 1.11 >11 ..... foOow U.procrr:..!be Jlllbllcil lllvfled •
1 I • ·' I I 1, \
'• ~
-.a--.. -~ ell~ :: ~Halt ·-Masted . . ' ~;"
. ' 'lkU. llllc•ira.fiiuill! ..... ,.,lllaod l!tve i-.o IO .~lbe llq *to f~l
.-.. icim"lbnit llmii 'Widileilfly cm 11111 OJi! • II» campus pclice stand
lllli -bl ·tnt. -by ... ._ pud! . .
n ...... ~... -~ ,• l ''»f ....... b!lliit• I~-la
...... _ ... ' ,,.'Ilea.iii ·-...... ~111qa-·-......., __ ,' I _' ' ' • ,'.: •• thaa "1 •;.,..,• illwen said. "I c!M't'
'111e univeraily adminlstraUon, with thlnk in tbe 'ill'boZe history of mankind we
Qaocellot Daniel G. Aldrich Jr~ out of bav& _een a. sitµation wbert, force alone town. dld not move to intercede.. Campas .bas solved a situation."
pol!<:anee "'Plflted -wbo -The Fl• WU flJrlilg,at fUlJ sllll today buf did not act to change the elevallan of with students 5tauding guard to reason
lbe Flag. with anyone bent on lowering il That
'lbe sUultion arose out of an Aldrlch solution was agreed to Wednesday even-
order Tuelday to half ~taff flap, .later inc by studen~ meeting with Russell.
counterman4ed by Vice Chucellgr Racer Russell Wd bfe:. Was in touch twice
W, llllssell wben It WU leamed,LY®th"" Wecl!le$y with CllpnoelJor Aldric!J,. who
who died at Berkeley was a non-student is in Washbt«lon, D.Q .• u Chair,rnan of
and a convk:ted felon. · the NaUonaf Aaociatk>n fl S ta t e
Radical students on campus disagreed. ~un.1versity'1 comallttee on water
with the vice chancellor and tooil. it Upon resources.
thernse)ves to lower the U.S. st.andari1 as -He said Aldrich a.greed with his
a symbol of mourning. • • • decision to reverse the flag lowering
Russell, the man left in charge\:said ~ order after learning full particulars Qn
day he w..oi-ked very hard all W~Y the Berkeley death.
afternoon to straighten things ·out. ·• The Flag started out Wednesday al full
He said. "'lbe situation was confused. staff. It was lowered by a group of about
What would You suggest wheD you have to radical students about 1 p.m.
got a situation in which people have di£· Scott Winchester, 24, TuStin, on cam·
ferent po1m8 of view and are raising and pus, he said, to register as a student for
lowering it?" next fall, raised It.
It was.r;uaested one alternaUve might A girl student al UCI who would not
glvobername-h. EiVIJf, .. ,QI:! lre&hm<n, .. ..
tho pile to ..... .... ii ... ,.... ., rtJ,,;,ijllili~
'""1 ICldDedUd ~p;ki-11 up. Neltber wa llQured, nellher ,,,_,
A camPus pollcanan stood guard for 1
while wttb the fiag at five-eJgbths s~f
wher:e it bid ended up. after tbe ~t. He
left shortly tber¢ler.
J. E. JohN5oll, a UC! receMnc·depm-t·
menl employe, came along 1be. raised
the flag. ·
TWo Negro students low~ it whert it
remaiQed the rest of lhe day.
A girl, wbo declined lo ldenU!y herllell,
e1plained .the radical students• Jetlb}gs.
Slie lia!d : ·
.. This it one token gesture of grief or
•hame. Maybe be Cthe Berkeley youlhl
wasn't the most heroic figure in lhe
world, but the point is be was murdered.
Thts· was caused· by the University of
California administrator who called in
the police. And we are part of the
University .1' •.
Russell said 111 classes will be canceJed
from 10 am. lo 2 p.m. Monday for a con.
clave to diJcuss the Berkeley aituation
and the flag situation on the UCI campus.
"This is the typical American 'way of
handling issues that come up," he said.
From Pqe I
ask just why they enjoy exclusion from
the court order.
Al Mi5I Cybulski . dilrobe\I In a back
room. the film depicted a naked woman
cavorting on a bed, appsrenUy enacting
the female contribuUoo to·.a..aex act. The
wide range camera en.mred that all
aspects of the subject were· cOnveyed to
S~JoaquinExpl~~ns ~y
Override Tax Rate Drops
the utonisbed audience. •
Just bow much are resident& of San
Joaquin Elrmentary School District
voting to tu thema.!Vts if they approve
a '/3.calt override measure n e x t
_;.: ·->;' • ,_ •• DAILV,tLOT ....... -. ........
, '.GRl,J>P!,:ING AT UCI -Unscheduled wresUing match at· UC Irvine
WednesdiJ. featured fresb,m4n James Erv)n (left), who wanted flag
at ball staff, and nonstudent Scott Winchester of Tustin, wbo didn't
r CampWI police ruled pushing and shoving match a draw.
Several woman jurors ~used to look
further at the film after watching in·
cfeduJouaJy for-a few mQDleQts.
Capo ResUknts
Ask County Aid
As election date bas neared lbe amount
of ta1 increase scbi>ol authorities say the
board will need to levy next year has
shriveled from 53 cents to 34 cents to
about 20 cents.
They have an explan3.tion.
us police officer guards UC
Irvine flag pole Wedn esday
after breaking up scuffle over
whether or not flag should r~
main at half staff while stir
dents discuss next move. F1ag
; .
A patr<m who was alJowed to remain in
the bar while the impromptu court
session was in progress dmctled to a
newsmaa .that. "They ain't 9ttD nothing
:Festival Budgef,s Funds
. .1
yet." .
To the accomponiioent « a jangling
Juke box and the pla!nllvo. waIJ from the Beau.,, the sultry M1M Cyliulskl toot the
ministage to go ~ 8'1lllllating strip
tease routine that tnVolved the swill shed·
ding of ber flimay barenHype attire. For Sundays on Green Completely nude, ahe theo adopted a
series of pooes and body twisting roulin<s
that have been colorfully described by.
vice investigators. Mirrored walls ensur·
ed that the jurors got a tood loot at all
portions of Miss Cybulslri's anatomy.
Laguna Bea<b Festival of Arts dinc-
ton 'lllesday OV«TUled the inclination ol
-grounds committee to --the oeasonal free enterlairunent known as
Sunday on the Green.
The board budieted l500 for the
Feollval -.Je directed by Mitzi
Inl<rlandl f« performances fl. "~ .
Nixo~Trip Plans Told ·
• , ·:WASHINGTON CAP) -President Nix-. io Will ljleod par! ol this weekend al bis
Oamp .Daftd, Md., retreat and will go to
~ bciDe at Key Biscayne, Fla., fo r
Memorta(' Day. ·
·:pl'# secretary Ronald·.!.. Ziegler.said
-~ Naon will fly by belic:opl<r to
tmip Dovld early Friday ·-and ' 11ill · return late Saturday for Sunday
.~ White House church service con·
ducted by Terence Cardinal Coot of New
, York, Roman <;,lhollc arehblohop of New :!orl<.
Folk Mas" m Aug. 3, 10 and 17.
Dlred4r Richard Brooks, grounds com-
niiitee chaiiman, saJd past enteriainmenl
bu 4 included ethnie dance groups, bag
The Laguna Beach girt then writhed on
a carpet in a series of borimntal routines
while a juke box combo walled and pipes, ballet and the~. He sakl the groaned "get on board." She ended her
grounds commltlee this year bad In-aft by picking up ber scattered
tmled lo omit H becauoe of lack of public 1-. Bashing a n<cyl!UI smile at the
respcme. . . __ •. _.(. .-.. • P,y ·~ walkipg q~kly ~ tbe tavern's ~r Helen -¥.eele, ~"'-~ ~-fOOin.=.9._ ±.__ :_._
lnterlandi felt the Festival ·wil!iO.it ·aie· 1liOi'< waa no.applause.
Sunday performing art. would become The fully-l\lia.Cybulsk! Is back
too conunaclal ud lose the "vlllqe lo court today ·ror the !hJn! day ol ber
touch." trial. Attorney l!errien Moore expects to
Director David Yoong said a December conclude b Is examlnatiOn of defense
perfonnaoce of tbe Spanish Folk Mass witneJSeS later today.
was ooe of the best performances done in
Laguna far many yeari. Poor jlllblictty
he said, resulted in an attendance of only
about 40 persms.
Director Paul Griom said he could hot
understand ~ -•led the grounds commiUee to make 8UCh a decision.
Brooks replied that be had discussed the
mat ter earlier with Griem.
Hitghes Buys Club
LAS VEGAS ,(U PI) -Howard Hughes
has purchased the Paradise Valley C.Oun·
try CJub and Golf Cotne for $2.25 million
from newspaper publisher H. M •
' .
again this year.
The mo& recent st.a.ff change was cort-
finned at Wednelday night's SJll'intl
Spans Banquet. Track Coach Jack Lytb·
goe told the packed aU<liet!c:e of about
500 penono .that he will not coach the
spin' he loves'° deeply next year. In an
emotlonal speech, be di>cussed bix past
;n track and field a\ the high school No
reason f<r tbe. ltaff·change waJ.Offered. tt was a trag14: loss to the tTactmen of
a very capable, and dedicated, cooch.
* * * Earfier this year, it was learned that
admlnlstraton Wbo eoacb sports would
bave to Vldlte theit .-g positions
and devote .run ttme to administrative
dirties. This cbange ·10 policy affected
Gary Nortoo (buketbell), Art Wahl (len·
nls), and Welt L{waon (c<e football and
junior vanity baseball).
. ENGUSB . INS'l'RlJt'TOR C h a r J es
Whilechurcb will leave LBRS at the end
of lhls year:. h1 order to earn his doctaratt .
degree. Fn!!d Pratley, a science in-
structor, states he' a f:rusb"Ued with
school financing and that he too wm
resign at tbe close of the year. Another
reoignatlon • came from English teocber
John Brendel. He had no plans for bix im-
mediate future at the time of his mtgna-
they wished to expand their present
knowledge, This idea of "optional educa.
tion" was received with great enthusiasm
by students.
The Youth Council, just having return-
ed from a human relations Jab (an educa-
ti<lnal experience in inter-personal rela-
tionships) last weekend, is planning a
street dance for May 31 ••
In addition. two poUce-yoath encounters
wert held by the Y Council to discuss
tran'sient youth, while teens are plaMing
a cu?tural etthange with about 40 young
people from Eut Los Angeles this sum-
mer. Preoident Rici Sm is na1q. keep.
ing the ball rolling.
tomorrow.night at tht Junior.senior prom
at the Balboa Pavilion. 'l1le guys are fit.-
ling their dinner jackets, and the girl>
will be hitting the hair styu.ts tomorrow
aflernoon, It should be quite a unique
prom, according to Junior Class Prexy
Wajne Organ.
Just seven more school days remain
for the clas5 ol 1969. Th~ bJ!sy scbedu!e
ahead of them Includes lhe ..,,ior awarc!J
assembly (complete with thousands of
dollan to ocholanhlpo lo be banded out).
senkr luncheon, baccalaureate, gradua.
IJoo rebearall, linala, ud the graduation
eaerclsa Jmie 12 In !rvlne Bowl.
Brace ;tounelf, world. Bue we .come.
In Flood Loss
About 100 San Juan Capistrarto
homeowners who suffered 11lope damage
on the.Ir properties during this year's
rai.nstonn! wm petition the county board
of supervisors for aid, which owners will
pay for, it was decided during a meeting
Wednesday night.
The decision was made during a con·
frontaUon between the homeowners and
. G: 8. M:cLellan, couniy director of
buiJc!Jng 8l'4 salety.
B;q_b lfFst, Lagun.a J'iiguet Homeowners Asioclatlon presldeo~ said bix group will
initiate the petition which calls for the
county to hire' at least one soil engineer
or geologist to inspect 'bd recommend
the degree and type of ftpaira required
·for each· damaged..:slope.-~L~· ·
The,n ' each property owner would be
assessed on his property tax· for reim-
bursement to the county,.Hurst said the .
method would still be far less experu;ive
than if each property owner hired his own
soils consultant
During the gathering McLellan had to
deal with angry owners who bad received
letters from his depahment ordering
them to make repairs on slopes im·
McLellan apologized, explaining that
the letter was "terribly misunderstood,"
and was simply an attempt to advise
owners the slopes must be repaired far
ihe sake of s¢ety,
The directors said his department
would waive fees for grading permits and
would assist owners in every way short of
financial assistance. He also agreed to
give property owners unUI NO'<·ember to
c~plete repairs.
Rex. S .. Neri.son, a3Si.stant superin-
tendent in charge of business, says the
first figure -53 cents -was just a
rough calculaUon and proved to be
wrong. 'Ibirty-four t"ents, he said, was the
Mon! realistie figure.
But then state officials reduced the
amount of required repeyment next year
on state school building loans and the
district will be saved another 16 cents on
its t.ai: rate.
So when: teacher salaries are setUed
and final lax ba5t BDd entotlin8nt figures
in, &0metbing like al ~cents should take
care of the school d.istrid's· needs,
Neri.son said. ·, • ·
Al.! this financial ·21peculatioo d~ not
negate that sHoukl voter! give better than
50 percent approval .to the ov~ Tues-
!lil' tbt .. boar<Lmay· -· ~ 73 • above the ~ rate"ilt •.• ~for ea'ch' otilie nett' tTlrte ,....._ ·
But that is what would be ~ible and tbere!-is oo· .. the board has
W such lnlellUmi 'J'riily ilent3, <Which ~i9Qn ----~ •l'l!!>ldd C<l.'I the owner of-i ~.Q(lo home• $12.50 in· crease on biJ tax bjfl. . -
"The C.Ommil~ for Qulllily Educa-
tion," a Citizens ·j-OOp, argUes that the
ovtrfide is· needs! becaUse dwing the
next three' years the scbQOI district is ex-
pected to: incre~ in enrollment from
6,200 lo U,000 ~entt • t.
Fav9r D~th Penalty
SAN FRANci&h (UPI) -Ne.;ly tw ...
thirds of California's residents favor
retention of the death penalty for punish·
ment of serious crimes, the Mervin D.
Field Poll said today.
Field said a recent public opinion
sampling of t ,Oll persons indicat~d CS
percent favored the death penalty. 26
percent opposed it 8.nd 9 percent had no
. flies at full staH today.
Leary AU Ready
To Campaign
Vp, Down State
BERKELEY (UPI) -Dr. Timothy
Leary said today he would carry his
"joyous, merry campaign" for governor
up and down California.
Leary, the outspoken advocate o.f mari-
juana, LSD and other "psychedelic'"
drugs, held .a "humorous" news con-
ference in the offices of the Berkeley
Barb, an underp:ound newspaper.
He appeared dres.sed in a buck!tin ~
flt and a blue shirt with a leather thong
around his longish gray hair.
•·1 have had more education and more
experience -both with a capital E and a
small E -than Ronnie (Gov. Ronald
Reagan) did when he unleashed his dogs
of war," Leary said.
fie said his campaign would have many
slogans before it v.·as finished, but right
now the slogan was "Let's All Come
Together and Join the Party."
Leary said the present situalion in
Berkeley is "a classic, almost perfect.
example of the clash between genera-
tions. The young people wanted to take a
dum.p and make a garden of it. ~ 11
no excuse for people to be UJ>'tlght about
Lea ry was accompanied by his wife,
Flos.-1nary, 34. of whom he quipped: "I
v.•qn·l s;iy she's going to be my rumdng
mate, but we're going to fJ.y to Sacrameri·
to together ."
al JJ. J. (Jarrell
FROM $129 to $149 •.• NOW!
In addilioo to !Wing four coaching ud
two teadlllw poofllons, the -tlon ii Tootlnc 1or additional lnalructon to
carry out the txpu>ded can1cuJtJm .....
ta~velr'planned foe -:rWo £=:~:.::~= ~=:~~~~t:88 H.J.GAR~m fURNm 1RE
IJUva « UCl'1 Free llnlvenlty »
1 I \.I
di'eaoed the blgh ocbool't Student ROSAlllO, Arfenllna (AP) -The -SIOIW. Ull HAllOl tLYD. 1 ............. ;~toda-t-f...-mablbb-•"'"'-iook mdnlt-ot-a---...'rsecond--1----1-M'H:IOI DafCNtlt$ COSTA MUA, CAUf.. _, __ _ • """'6',... 1 ""'...,~ ~u -"""I '""•"'"_. o,..a \I~ n-. a~."-· "46-027,l MM276 ·VolnnUiry_!Ullllller c1....._ 18'1'11.~ln the wake ol lluden~ · '-
~ mdil ....id be ·,IM!n, Ii> pclk:e bittlol -left .... youth c!Ud i.n.taf atodenll would 1u.nil cnly U and I IUDber m othe; penona Injured.
J. I
I .. I
I ·I
' Laguna Bea eh
VOL 62, NO. ·122, 4 SECTIONS,. 52 PAGES
Down the
Capo Trustees
.To Talk Salaries
the Capistrano Unified School District
will meet Monday to establish salaries
for about 340 teachers and the remain-
der o( the employes in the distri~.
T~acher repr~ntatives and Uie board
have had closed meetings for several
weeks. Teachers initially asked ror $1000
more at the top of the salary schedule.
$500 more at the bottom and a number of
other benefjts.
About 275 non-teachiflg employes asked
for a seven percent pay increase and paid
meiiical and hospitaliz.at.ion insurance.
e Semer Fees Raised
crease in sewer hookups for new
buildings will go into etre<:t June 15 in the
Capistrano Beach Sanitary District.
Charges for single dwellings, duplexes
11od triplexes will go from a present fee
of $$ to . $100 per ·unit. Commercial
building, apartment, and manufacturing
plant cllargey will also be hiked pr<>-
~ of the sanitary district board tenntd the hike lOh"i overdue and noted
t~ the district has been low In its
charges. The district serves Capistrano
Beach and portions of San Clemente.
e />hutflers S core
LAGUNA HILLS·r -•The California
shuffleboard championship has been won
by a Ctlllple from Leisure World, Laguna
Hills, following a three-day compeptioo ·
against more than 400 contestantS in
Hemet, Calif.
~1artine Etchepare and Ruth Ditto,
both relative newcomers to shuffleboard
competition with only about two years
experience, defeated the s e a s o n e d
veterans of the state.
e Capo Folks q11i::::ed
of the U.S. Census Bureau in the area
this week will be asking residents ques·
lions about sectlftd jobs, ()vertime pay
and work .
The government will use the in-
formation to estimate on a nationwide
basis (){ random sampling the number of
persons holding second jobs, their pay,
the kinds or work they do and why they
take second jobs.
e Paintings Displayed
SAN CLEMENTE -fi1embers of the
San Clemente Arts and Crafts Club may
register their paintings Saturday from
12:30 to 5 p.m. for possible display at the
San Clemente Art Gallery's summer ex·
AU paintings are juried. Those ac-
cepted will hang in the gallery for three
summer months. Tbe gallery will offer a
cash prize of $5 for a first plae1! in each
category and $2.'l for the best painting
CJ( the show.
Reagan Calls
Prof 'Liar'
SACRAMENTO !AP) -Pounding a
desk With his hand and shouting "liar r"
Gov. Reagan angrily refused a request .by
professors to pull national guardsmen off
the University of California at Berkeley
ln a half·i')our argument marked by bit-
terness on both sides. Reagan tol~ a
delegation of Berkeley faculty Tuesday
the guard must remain until violence has
ended. His face was pale with fary. Both
he and the professors continually in-
terrupted each other in loud voices.
~le exploded in anger when one of the
visit.ors accused him of making a political
speech and trying to fire campus
Chancellors ~·ho oppose bis ideas ..
With a resounding bang that echoed
through his outer office, the governor
slammed his hand down on tbe,de.sk and
shouted at Prof. Leon Wofsy : "Listen,
you are a liar! ·
"Now don't you Lalk about political
speeches.· Don't you make a political
speech of that kind 'and charge me with
going and trying to fir8 'cianee11m, '1 ...
fought to keep politi~ oul of the running
of tbe_uni.Yersi~apl will fOO~e to do
Wofsy interrupttd: "We are pleading
with you and I won't be angry. l'm
pleading with you to ..•
Reagan broke in: "Who are· you by the
way? Who are you?"
. ··will you Jet me finish," replied Wofsy,
a professor of bacteriology.
"I would like to hear who you lire,"
said Reagan.
."f am Leon Wofsy. Okay? Are you hap-
"You bet I'm happy," said Reagan.
"And you bet you won't say anything that
will surprise me."
The delegation of eight faculty, beaded
by Owen Chamberlain, a Nobel prize.win-
ning physicist, came to the Capitol to
personally ask Reagan to remove na-
tional guardsmen from the campus.
They were sent there Thursday by
Reagan when violence Oared in a dispute
bet~·een tbe university, student.s and non·
student "street people" over whether a
site proposed for an athletic field should
be used as a park.
Tht professors also told Reagan that
Alameda County sheriff's deputies and
other officers from out.side Berkeley
should be removed. They were called -
and a curfew imposed by Reagan -when
demonstrators man:hed against the field
Reagan said he would never pull out
the forces without a pledge that
demonstrators "are ready to lay down
their Violent techniques and tactics and
acts and then we could withdraw the
necessary protection force •.. "
Aft.er that, Reagan returned to his
private, inner office. The professors
quietly said "shame, shame." The
governor was applauded by members qf
his sl8H and a delegation of visiting civic
leaders from San Diego.
Lagunan Nude for Ju.ry
· Curvaceous Carol Does Dance-Sans Snakes
Of Ille IMily l"!f" ....,
Curvaceous Carol Cybulsti of Loguna
Beach did her torrid, all-flude thing
before the smallest but most important
audience of her colorful life Wedoesday
-Mw11cipal COurt Judge Paul Masi and
.the 11 -jurors who may have to rule on
her guilt or innoce.nce later today.
The exotic Art Colony entertainer
showed the six-woman, sir·man panel
just what it takes to &<t booked ellht
times on lewd cooduct and obicenity
cllarges by lhnJwlni ber undulatirig 11-M-
3' frame around the'Aporlmen~ MJo.Go
ministage for an eye popping and bi&hJy
edtN:atiooal 30 minutes.
Miss Cybulski, 32, proinlsed juron
before she did he!' h<t&om1eas number
that it would be exacUy the way it is
always performed in the pop u I a r
Westmlmru Boulevard bar. But she bid
to go through her pulsating gyrations
without the snakes that usually form part
-if not all -of her scanty st.age attire.
Her visible assets during her tavern
routine normally include a ~foot pyt.boo,
two cobras and a raUleioake. Miss
Cybulski normally insists "' hudllng the
reptiles herseH and she exp!llned U..:t
she did not have time to britw them from
her Laguna apartment for' the· special
court session. · ·
She .does . not, U is understood,-~ ·
aj!yooe to handle }?er .,P. .
•rrhe radi~ de · • IPnin nm~
coort proi.boot .. ~ ... ~ secuting and .defem.:E:-· '!ii'
cqirt that the jucy. . ... -
wbitjl wltneol<S bave . ·bOc! u "lewd.
sugpstlve, and~lai,;j)\ filthy." Judge MUI qr...i·to the, of venili with
alacrity ~ y ,..king ob-
j~ to the move. ~ -...4.--
Reluctant newsmen agreed to ac-
company the court to .tbe west Santa Ana
watering plf,ce.
Jurors and court officials and Judi'
Aiast were placed in stnteglc poeitions
around the . Lavern while the movies that
ncnnaJly )M'ecede t h e Cybolsti a•e t
fliCkered on a screen adjacent to the dim-
ly lit stage. •
Tboee .movies are not included in the
court ban on nude dancing at Harry
Mase.IU'1 tavern and jaron: wtre beard to
#, ..... t;i
o.\l~y, PILOT fltff '""""
HOr Sno1cn·wero Mi11!Rf-So Wu Mini-drH.• · ...
No Political Appointees
For Supreme Court-Nixon
Councilmen Act
To Put Vtiliti.es
Below Ground
WASHINGTON (AP) -President NiI-
on said Thursday he will never nominate
a personal or political friend for the
Supreme Court and will not consider
Niua PlcU Lew ud Order
JuUce. Page '
race, religion or geography in making
sucll select.ionJ.
Nixon met informally with newsmen in
hia oval office and, at what turned out to
be a singlHUbject news cooference, talk·
ed at length about tbe court and bis
ncmination or Warren E. Burger tO be
chief justice. However. lhe President
asked that be not be q®led directly and
that publication " reports of the con-
ference be withheld for several hours.
At thls time, Nixon said, the Supreme
Court needs ·an infusion of members
whose nominations raise no questions
about personal friendship or political con-
A !irst step toward undergrounding
utilities in downtown, Laguna Beach wu
taken by city councilmen Wedriesday.'
The council approved the recom·
mendation of Joseph Sweany, city dlrec-
tor of public works. thal Southern
California Edison Co. place underground
high voltage distribution lines.
Area involved is alley b e h I n d
busi~ fronting on Forest Avenue and
South Coa..t lligltway from . Mermaid
Str..t to 1 point 159 feet aouth of Laguna Avenue.
Mayor Doubts Fund Gift
1'e chief executive said he feels
particularly rtrongly about this because
<lf the unRTtetdented ins~ce recently in
wbiCh Abe Fortai, long a close friend and
associate of former President Lyndon B.
Jotmlon was forctd to resign.
P'ortu held what has been regarded as
the "JeWieh seal" or. the court.
NJJ:on said he dbes no& believe In hav-
ing a Jewish, catbOuc or Negro teat and
that any justices he nominates will not be
COWtcilmen seemed enthusiastic at
making a start · toward-ridfilng the
downtown of poles and oVerhtad wires.
''There are now huge trJMDli.sikln
poles set ln this right-<f·way which
reduce the effecUve trave11ane and a:re
no joy to the f!'fe of the behOJder.''
Sweany reporltd.
.. leded t• achieye ,.c1.1, religious or Sex Education .
Mayor Glenn Vedder doubted Wed-Wallace. Vedder said from bed taxes, not dreary and unproductive existence. aeograpbi.c balance on th:e court.. ·
ne&day night whether Laguna Beach property taxes. A side beneftt, lht said, would -be a new Before deckling Wednesday t 0 E S ks
could make an outright gill of public Councilman Richard Goldberg. • w~id for the oidel' dtizenl 111111y of norniDate Burger,. be ,.ported. ,be ruled ~.pert . pea .
fUnds to a "(ree university" that wouki former chamber president, said, "the whom are to lonely they have to-ruort to out• cloee. .trleni aOO OOe LIW School
minister to community ills as well as chamber or commerce acts as an ad· the pretext of calling the police to have classmate1 Ol~1es E. Rhyne. J>fe9rl'siely La~ ·~each ~qcratic Club• MOI\<>
educate. vertisinc agency· to prtheornote ,.tourism ~n~.~A1?.~~.~.··"-tbou•"' of tiecauseiJle adcf·lO!yrle have teen f ends d~y wlll ·h4vt 'M fea.ture speaker:'a'coo-Dr. John \Vallace. proponent of lhe pro·~• is the business 1l city. 1-""'~ ...,.......... ....~ .... f-· 1· e·..:. ' · sitltant on Farru·ly Lile a-"A-•.a..c..atlon . . bu ... •• Id ly In I ··-11.-'l+l..a "' many ..... Ull~ ~ jecl, countered with the statement. "I un-Wallace replied, "yes... t wio:: peop~ t er penons arge nwu.,ic1 11 SJ .. ••ie · 1n addition Nixon said four others IOr the Anaheim Uilion ·SChool'~
derstaod \hal the council gives $35.000 a are your business too." Goldberg told am.md and waiting for death.'' wt>om he ~idm qualrned (ot ole, dUef • · Mri. Salir,~WDliarDs, sl l¢hOOl nurst for
year to lhe chamber ol commerce." Wallace he did not ,.. bow tbe two en-Mrs. Gwm, the molber of seven, apol<e jlllllcetlllp let him know they did not IS'yurs.'will sl>Oat at the I p.m . ....Ung
Wallace., a UCI associate professor, had lilies were.related. allO about "unimaginaUve Io ca 1 Want to' be constckred for the job: He IQ -~·comm~ly ~i of· the La8'1DI
asked that the city council recognize, en· Vedder noted that the staUonery used merchants" lalkina: about ~ ~ tiSted these' u i Aaoclate Jultk:e Polter FeQ!ral balldfng, a ocean Ave .•
dorse and help finance the Oedgllng non-in writing the city for 1Upport bort a hippies out ()f town. She AUi ~...,-ti ~e,,._ar( former Gov. Thomas .E. Dewey · 'Mrs. James SweeneJ, club ~l
profit (!Oject he called, "Free University University of Calif?"118 tetterhead and had~ property and lived iDllf t:Otn--Of New Vort, former Atty. Gen'! Herbert Bid1the ~ wlll be "Fiun,U~ i.l:ft,and
of Laguna Beachc' askect1~-mily>upporlad·tb1r___, -ltM. She~. pro-r Brownell 11n1i the p re 1 e n t attorney S.X Eilucation In the Pub!!<! llchOll!il!"-
'Free University' Backer Pushes. Project
hour crisll center and limited diagnootic WaJJace said there waJ no rtlaUonshlp volv<!ment tlllt could -• • schedttlt<t. Mn. Thomd Ill• I b4 w,
w ...r s···· ... : l: ..... _ .... --
FiX Snags
On Module
SPACE CENTER, J!ouslon (APJ-The:
lunar landing craft. carrying: utronauts'
TbOmas P. Stafford and Eugene Ceman·
.IUlllOcked from the Apollo IO -all,
today, otartinl the linal pbue .,.,....,:
-approach to the moon. A Jut
minute problem had Ulreatened to cancel
or delay the separation.
Navy Cmdr. John Young 111191 behird
in tbt mother ship, ready to re11:1ae the
lunar module, if n~ary. durinl their
eigb!-!Jour separatlorl a,nd tl!e.~'a des-
Clell1' lo 9.f miles. over the surface.
A probleJi! in alignment Of· the two
spacecraft in the Clocked position bid ' developed just before the scheduled ~
docking maneuver. Apollo 10 was behind
the moon and out of ground qmtact at
the scheduled time of separation.
"Read you loud and clear. We'~e about
30 or 40 feet away and station keeping," 1
Ceman radioed as ttie spacecraft c8me
out f~~ behind the mOC!ri·· '
Jwit. 2\~ hours before the three astro-~
nauts were to separate the lunar m~
ule, 0. U:M; itoni llio ApollO IO com-
• m...ci· Oliip, tiroy' ~..,•trouble ""11·
ing oxygen from a three-foot tunnel
connecting tbo two · ships. ~.
They .~ crawled _..to the LEM tl\Jculh ttie'timMfhoun ~ • ..._.
ltjl :to oeparate from ~i"1 ,Cmdr. Jolm
W. Y otmg in the comtnlild alllp to ltart
\he most dangerous part of th6 miasfoo.
Apollo IO commander ·Stafford a·
pres8fld coocern when ht told miaicn
control :
·"We're bavirig trou~le ~
!\le tumei. I don't think it W<lul<fbe a
good Idea to release lhe. probe Willi pre<.
aure ih the tunnel." ·He referred to· the arroW-like d9cking
mechanism that helps hold tb9 two
spacWiips together. A •udclm· looa· af
pres.sure at undocJdng could· darnap tbe
probe and make it impossible for a re-·
docJdng ali.t Stafford and YOllllC clip
down to the1r close approach tQ the
Stafford said some insulation that
broke off ln the tunnel when it wu
preaurized early in the light might Iii,.
clogged 1 vent valve.
Ground controllers pondered the Jn-'
blent a few minutes and radioed a backup
procedure for dumping. the OIJleD'"
With Stafford In the t~ 'ard. Ceman
In the LEM, the astronauts carried out
tbe procedW'e and successfully }9wered
the pressure.
"We're doing fine ," Stafford reported.
"That's good enough for us," the
ground radioed. "Press on."
The insulalion that br:oke oil ""'
Ooating around both cabins and tho -nelo providing some irritaUoo for the
astronauts. . . •
"This is like spring In Chicago,"
Ceman joked. "There's anow all over the
Earlier. the astronaut.I .reported all
systems in the LEM operating_ and ready
hr the separation. schedultd to last eigbt
hours. · · '
After an hour. in which minor com-
munications problems: were cleared -up.
Ceman reported : "Snoopy is all 'go. I
round nothing wrong with it. ..
The sun1s SUU shy, so cloudy
skies wlll prevlil mOsl of Friday,
with mercury readings• of 15 along
the Orange Coar! and 71 further
inland ,
INSID.E TODAl' -A . revfew o/ the lot11t'\ -OC
Trvffte produc"°" o:nd a llenvy ' wftlund t1aeatrlcat menu for CM
<mm~ Coaat arc /eat11.rcd in to-daw't cntcrtofnment' pagf1, J!
""" 19. lt would, he had stated, Include a 24-ject. Ject aa one of l<ilal. ~· In-generaJ,.John N. Mlicbell. . The 1nnual election of~)a·also
facilities .Wied by volunteor physician!. between the two. Hee said lie bad In· imoge of Lieu» as • pt.e al .,,_,. 111.,.LeU nonma~ cbalnnln wlm·,.-. .. a
Councilmen generally agreed l~ Woold struded his &eeretary to use a plain It!· and ortlllic -•vor. • " . ~ .!' slate Patrick .ilmi( ~. ~-•
Med to stud• the matter at length in terhead but she had used UC s1au_,, Wallac< had stated the ICll 'of Ille .,___,., lfnt v'-NJ>..... •-··
, -··· ~ •• ly...... ""'~'.'>'' .. ~ ~-···· -' "°"'' futu,. study .... 100 as yet _Reading~ in bebaU ~the_, univereity_~ !"dud< ""!'" __l!.EWYgRK !Al!)--ear '"''·lllCO· Peot ... R!COnl! vi& ~;_'l'bonlu
unscheduled. frtt univenuty, lofu. GordOn 1.. Gwn mUnlly htillli, arts llif.· unity. jiiei'iil out toaoy, ion<l11ii-.ioot ~"!\ f'Tliooe, ~; ~ . .,. r,.t, 1 v...,. 101<1· wa11ace • ...864 Van__flY~ spo•e•l 1be.a1ienated.JOW1&f!e0Pkin the ~ !'1' .<19oed on.• iow.r -.In 1<11"·.:..;~~r· i-;rf.li"");'"ild~"11:~~; -~ Rft. DrJ~· that the chamber opcni!s the communily llnd said no re•o111'Ce Jo so Counclimen th01 111t-(!!ft quotaUons, hi!'~. I cor~I~" · ·
Iii• Wldor cl13 supervision. "Whttt valuable ;., the YOUllJ peop\<. Sbe said IL. cooaid«abt1 nae infonntlion Ille The Dow JO... uilultilal' ~!'?' lWmbmenls . Ind a ..... hQur• jllll m. the money come from?" askl!d Is important to retrieve them from projeqt. ott IJ:t It •·• .. foUOw ~ 'l'he. Pubic ti ilmted. : .. .. " . ~-,.. ... "-,.,
• • f . t • l
. ~-----;....•"""*~•-1 .:•;._--,-·-rr•·•·•1s-·•"-•-·--•-·-•-·~••·=-"'""''-~·-....-, " _ .
----· ... ------':"c~ .... , .. , ........... ·lit-~ •
. . .
.L 7-,llOJ.Zf.lW .
.. f .-Fl' aisetf~;·:.~. '1wei-ed,
• ' . f
. "i-,-. DAILY PILOT ....... ..,_ ........
• GRAPPL!~G AT UCI -Unecheduled wrestling matcll at ·uc Irvine
Wedneecla1..featured freshman James Ervin (left), who wanted flag
at half staff, and nonstudent Scott Winchester of Tustin, who didn't.
• •. Canipu$ police ruled pushing arid. shoving matcll a draw.
. · ..
:Festival Budgets Funds
For_ Sundays on Green
~ .ffJ. ftlc-i!aPI. .. ,.., ~ ..... ._I. ..a.r~ !Ilg rai...: In !ult give her name l<\i'ef$1,;c ·
and ....... lbreo·tlolea ·•""•eidoy.. 111111811 -the campus police stud James Ervin, • utiffrt,bl!lell, •w.-
••• ... •~ ;[' \,-...i., -··... ' · standln& at ~ pole. lo JJlaluo """ 11 -"" a~ •> ·• ·"''"" ·~-""""· ·~_,.l... .: •• • , • noyed clown '.lllllm Wlml II,!!: nlaoed . ........ ~~: · '~-"!!)'.~~~-·nt-.,,ollee~ll -II the ......,... tlie~ llft ot ~ towd oofvlng situations other up. Neilher w .. ll>jor<d, neilher ~. hair ~ '..,, than bY: torte," Rilssell sald. 111 doo't A campo1 pobnan stood ~ fiJr a nw: umyenUy admi$~UOn, ~lth ~ in'.tJ;i~ whole history 9t m~ we while with Ule nag at fivw1~ staff
Chancellor Daniel G. ~ldrich, Jr. Q!l.J-,of ba'le seen: ·a sJtua\iOn where force aJoDe 'vhert It had ended up after the-~!-He ~wn. did oo\ move to tiite.rceae. ~eus has..solved a situation." left shortly ·thereafter, • -
pollcemen separated those" who scufn,m, ''Ibe Flag was flying at full stall today J .E. Johnson , a UCI recelvtng dep.art·
bl.itlfiCI n6t act to change the ·ei.evat1or1.~ot with students-stan·dlng guard to reason men! employe, came along 1he r!(l.,;sed
the Flag: · "'. · with anyone bent on lowering ll. 'Ibat the fla,g. . • .
The s:it.uaUon arose out of an Aldl1ch solution was agreed to Wednesday ·even· Two Negro students lowered Jt w\Jett it
order ·Tu~ to hall staff fl&IJ,' later ~by students meeting witb ~· remained the rest or the day. •
. coo~lUJ!!ed by vice .~cit Roger • .llus!ell. said be.'. was in touch twice A 11r1, wbo declined to ldent~y herielf,
W. Ruasell when It was leanied a youth Wedbesday wttb Chancellor Ak1ricb, Who explained the radical students feelings.
who died at Berkeley was a DotHtudent ii fu Wasbinaton, D.C .• as chairman of She said :
and a convicted felon. the National Asiociation of· St ate "This is one token gesture of gr.let or
Radical students on campus disa_greed University's committee on water shame. Maybe he (the. Be~keley youth)
with the vice chancellor and took it upon resourees. wasn't the mos~ h~ro1c figure in the
themselves to lower the U.S. standard as He s a Id Aldrich agreed with hls world, but the pomt ts he was .mur?ered.
a symbol of mourning. • decision to reverse the flag. h>wering Thi~ w~s c~u~. by the Un1vers1ly ?f
Russell, the man left In charge, saJd•to-order after learning full particulars on California aam1n.tstrator who called in
day he worked very hard all Wednesday the Berkeley death. the. pol~ce .• And \Ve are part of the
afternoon to straighten things out, The Flag started out Wednesday al full .Un1vers.ity.' He said "The &ituaUon was confused. staff. It.was lowet'fld by a group of about Russell said all cl~ will be canceled
What w;:.Jd-you suggest. when you bave . 40 radli:al 'students lboUt t p.m. from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday for a ron-
got a situation in whlch people have dif-ScOtt 'Winchester, 24, Tustih. on cam-clave to discuss the Berkelef situation
ferent pointS of view and are raising and j>us, be Said, to register as a sludent for and the flag situation on the UCJ campus.
lowierlng it?" "next fall, rai~ it. "This is the typical American way of
It wu qg~ one alternative~ A gill student at UCI wbo would not handling issues tbat come up," Jle .said.
From POfle J
ask just why they enjoy exclusion from
the court order.
As Miss Cybulski disrobed tn a back
room, the film depicted a naked: woman
cavorting on a bed, apparently ena¢1ng
the female contribution to a ~ act. nie
wide range camera ensured ~ that all
aspecU of the 1Ubject were conveyed to
the astonished audience.
Severo! woman juror! relused In look
further at ·the film after watching in·
credulous1y for a few·nioments.
A pafr!m who was allowed to remain in
the bar while the impromptu court
sesi;ion was in. progress chuckled to a
newsman that, "They ain't seen nothing
yet." -
To the accompaniment of a jangling
juke box and the plalntlv<! ,..D Crom the
Beatles, the sultry Mils Ciliuiskl took the
ministage to go tbrougb a titillating strip
tease routine that involved the swift shed·
ding ol ber f1lmsy barem-type aWre.
SanJoaqQinExplaiµs Why
Override Tax Rate Drops
Just. bow much are residents of San
Joaquin Elementary School District
voting to tax themselves if they approve
a 7kent ovEttlde measure. n e .1 t
Capo Residents
Ask County Aid
In Flood Loss
About 100 San Juan Capistra·t1
homeowners who suffered slope damage
on their properties d\Jrlng thls year's
raiMtorms will petition the counfy board
of supervisors for aid, which owners will
pay for, it was decided during a meeting
Wedne5day night.
As election dale has neared the amount
of tax increase school authorities say the
board wiH need to levy next year has
shriveled from 53 cents to 34 cents to
about 20 cents .
They have an explanation.
Rex. S. Neispi, assislant iuperin-
tendent in ~t' of businesS , say! the
first figure -~ cents -was just a
rough calculation and pi'oved lo be
wrong. Thirty.four cents, he. said, was the
more realistic figure.
But then state officials reduced the
amount of required repayment next year
on state school building loans and the
district will be saved another 16 cents on
its ta.x rate. · .~ ·
So When ~-· salaries' are settled
and final ~x and.enro~ent figures
in, something l e 20 cents: sbouJd take
care of the · atbooJ ·disb:ict's, need s,
Neri!oo said. 1 · .
Completely nude, !he tbeo adopted a
series ot poses and body twisting routines
that have been coJorfully described by
vice investigators. Mirrored walls eJJSUr-.Lqlml Beach Festival of Arb dJrec. Folk Mala" cm Alli: :t, 10 and 17. ed that the jurors got a good look at all
•'llloodl:1•••n1le1hhe-ol-··-lltltdtrl!l!cblnlBrooks>grotmcln:onF· ·portions of Min Cylrulsld's ·anatomy.·
. ?he decision was made during a con-
tnmtation between the homeowners and
G. B. Mclellan, county director of
All this tinandal _.il;llion, doe,s nol
~~ ~ lhoqld YOter'I give better Utan
>O ~I •!'Jl!!V~ ~ lf(e overri~e_'!\le•
day Ui'e bQard!" may fuerease taxes 73
cerib above tW prMt· rate of n:• for
each of th'e ne~ µiree' "·ars.
their crauod• commJ~ to dllcontlnue mittee chairman, said past entertainment The Laguna Beach girl then wr.ithed on
the seasonal free entertainment known as h included Uull d b . a carpet in a series of horizontal routines
Sunday <11 the Green. as e c ance groups, ag while a juke box combo wailed and "
7he board budgeted $500 for the pipes, ballet and the chorale. He said the groan'1 ••get on bo~" She ended her
FMllvaj .<!Ion!~ directed by , . Mi!A • grounds committee this year lui40;.~ • "'". ~ p~ .ii her scattered InterllDdli"* ja!fonDihtk ol 0SjJi:alllPJ tended to omit Jt because of Jack of pµ~· p~:.ftutllhg a~ smile at the
_ _ _ ~ .. response. ? jun' ~ walk!ng quf&kly to the tavern's m Director ll<lm Keeley sa1d Ml'I. back J'OOID. • Nixon .l rip Plam Told · Interlandl felt the Festival wltho\Jt th'e Th}'h wu no applause.
• . SUnday pennnning ·om would become Tbe·lully drt'9ed Min Cybulski is back
:'-WASIQNGTON (AP) -President Nil:· too commerclal ind. lose the "village in comt today for ttie third day of her Oi!:wlB IP<!ld part el this weekend at his toucl!." trial ~Attorney B<rrieii Moore eipects In
Camp David, Md., retreat and wlO IO to Director David Young said a Dectmber conclude hi fl exam.lnation of defense bis home at Key BUtcayne, Fla., for performance ol the Spanlah Folt Masa witneJses later today.
Memorial Day. wu ooe ol tho best perlonnanca done in ~--.!MY Rcma1d L. Ziegler aald Laguna for many y ..... Poor publicity ·~ Nixon will fly hr bellCopter to be said, MU!ted·ln an attendance ol ooly !lmlJ> DeY!d early Frid,ay .atl..-noon and a boot ~ personi.-, . .>iJD retum late Satunlay !or Sunday Director Paul Giiein •ai<He cwld nol
'ln6rnlng Whtie House~ service con-understand what :i>Cm!1sed .the Poonda
duded by Terence Cardinal C.ook of New committee to mate such a decllion.
York, Roman Catholic archbishop of New Brooks replied t:hat be had discussed the
'iork. matter earlier with Griem. ·
Hughes Buys Chili
LAS, VEGAS -(UPI) -Howard Hughes
· has--purehased the Paradise Valley Coun-
try Club and Golf Course for $2.25 million
from newspaper publisher 11 M ,
~uili!lng 8n4 •alety. .
Bob Hurst, Laguna Niguel Homeowners
Association president, said his group will
iriitiate the petition which calls for the
county to hire .at least one soil el'lgineer
or geologist to inspect and recommend
the degrtt and type of repairs required
for each damaged slope. '
Then e&cb property owner would be
assessed on his property tax for reim-
bursement to the county, Hurst said lhe
method would sUll be far less expensiVe
than if each property owner hired his own
soils coosultant. .
During the gathering Mclellan had Jo
deal with angry owners who had receiv!d
letters from bis department orde rmg
them to make repairs on slopes tt·
~1cLellan apologized, explaining that
the letter wa s "ter.;ibly misunderstood,"
and ':Vas simply an attempt to advfse
owners the slopes must be repaired tor
the We of safety . ,
The dir.ectors said his department
would waive fees ror grading permits and
would assist owners in every way short of
financial assistance. He also agreed to
give property owners until November to
complete repairs.
J!\lt that ia·'[ibot;~'bo,,)lll'Jnlssible
and lthere Is ni> inaica!foii ·the ·board has
apy such in~Uon. Twenty cents, which
Nerlson sees 'for next ·year, would cost
the owner of a $2.S,000 home a $12.50 in·
qease on hi.I tat bill. :
"The Committee rot Quality Educa-
t!On," a clt12ena groupJ arglies that the
override is needed because during the
next 'three yeafa Uie schk>I district is ex-~ted to increase in O:ironment from
s,200 ,to 12;ooo ·stoo.en1s: •· . .
Favor Death Penalty
SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -Nearly two-
lhirds of California's residents favor
retention of the death penalty for punish·
ment of serious crimes, the Mervin D.
Field Poll said today.
Field said a recent pubUC1 opinion
sampling of 1,01 1 persons indicated 65
percent favored the death penalty, 26
percent opposed it and 9 percent had no
. . , -· . I astid
I ..... j . , ... ,
us police Officer guards UC
Irvine flag pole Wednesday
after breaking up scuffie over
whether or not ":!if should re-
main at .half s while stu·
dents . dis.cuss ~exi m~ve. F1ag
flies at full .<taff today.
Leary All Ready
To Campaign
Up., Down State
BERKELEY (UPI) -Dr. Timothy
Leary said today he would carry his
"joyous, merry campaign" for governor
up and down California.
Leary, the outspoken advocate of rq.arl-
juana, LSD and other "psychedelic"
drugs, held a "humorous" news con.
ference in the offices 6f the Berkeley
Barb, an underground new spaper.
He appeared dressed in a buckskin out-
fit and a blue shirt with a leather thong
around his longish gray hair.
"I have had more education and more
experience -both with a capital E and a
small E -than Ronnie (Gov. Ronald
Reagan) did when he unleashed his dogs
of war," Leary said.
He said his campaign would have many
slogans before it was finished, but right
rlow the slogan was ·"Let's All Come
Together and J oin the Party."
Leary Said the present situation in
Berkeley is "a classic, almost perfect.,
example of the clash between genera·
tions. The young people wanted to take a
dump and make a garden of it. There is
no excuse for people to be up-tight about
Leary was accompanied by his wife,
Rosemary, 34, of whom he quipped: "X
woo't say she's going to be my numing
mate, but we're going to Oy to Sacramen·
to together."
ql .JJ. J. 9arre(l
\ MMiJ:amER LAST YEAR'S 1"11 :ol ' · again this year. ifismisuti~ :resign.it.Ions, of Laguna , The most recent at.aff change was con.·
Belch 'l!lgh School -11en a b d firmed al · Wedne.c!ay nll!ht's Spring
aministraton? Well, things are perking Sports Banquet. Track Coad! Jack Lyth-
. goe told the · packed audience of about
KolMrt N. W1..t -... -• JM\: It. c......,
Vb~ -Geller• ........,
'Til•l'l'"a A. M1rphifto
IM"'9l1111 Edl'V
Kkll•r4 P. Nill --·-City Ef1*" __ ..,,,..
211 F1t11t A••·
M•l""' Ail<lllMI; P.O •••• "" 92,&Z --Clllll9 ... , -... .., .....
500 penoos ·that be will not coach the
spcrt he loves oo dee!>lr next year. In an
emotiollal spe«h, he discussed b~ put
in track and fleld lt.tbe higb scllOol., No .reason f<r tile lllall change wu o!lefed.
It ...... tragic Joos In the --ol a v..-y capable, ond dedicsled, coach. * * '* Earlier thls .)'ear. it· was learned that
admJnl!lrataJ >WJio ~ sport& would
have to. Viticate·thdr·coeching posiUons and "deyotl!i· run· time ~ administrative
duties. This Change in policy affected
Ga& Norton (baslretbali), Art Wahl (ten·
·Tiis). and 'Walt Lawson Ccee football and
jUnior vanity baseball).
they wished ta expand their present
knowledge. This idea of "optional educa-
tion" was received with great enthusiasm
by students. · ·
The Youth Council, just having retui'n-
cd from 21 human relations lab (an educa-
tional experience in inter-personal· rela-
tionships) Jast weekend, Is plannirig a
s.treet dance for May 31.
In addition, two police-youth enC{lunters
were held by the Y Council to discuss
transient youth, while teens are planning
a cultural exchange with about 40 young
people from East Los Angeles this sum·
mer. President Rick Barr ls really keep-
ing the ball rolling. .
PEPPERLAND Wll.L BE experienced
tomorrow night at the Junior-Senior prom
at the Balboa Pavilion. The guys are fit·
ting their dinner jackets, and the girls
will be hitting the hair stylists tomorrow
afternoon, It should be quite a unique
prom. according to Junior Class Prexy
Wayne Organ.
FROM $129 to $149 .•• NOW!
--...·-··1 H'll W.! ...... ~ ....... ! ... ... . .
~-.Ji __ """
\Vhitechurch will leave LBHS at the end
or this year bl Order to earn his doctOrate
degree. Fred Pnt)ey, a science in-
structor, states be'i frustrated with
6Cbool financing and that be too will
resign al the clooe of the year. Another ""8n&Uoo came from ED1llsb teacher
John Brendel. e. hod .., plans !or his im·
mediate Mun at tha time ol his resign•·
Just seven more school days remain
ror the cl~ of '1969. The bully schedule
ahead of them iDcludes the senior awards
assembly (comple\e with· tboulands or
dollan'ln l<!bolanhlpo In be bandiid oot),
seojor luncbeon, baccalaureate, grad.,..
lion rebeanila, llnals, arid tho graduatloo
exerclles June 12 ln Irvine Bowt
• .
In additlpn to lllling four cooching and
two teadllil« poolt.lons, tho admlnlnraUon
Is looking 10/ addltloaal inMlcton to
carry oot the UPIDded curriculum t.,.. utivdy planned for nm year.
Brace youraelt1 world. ttere we eome.
Your f avorite dcdgMr wiU k happr to asNt 11ou . , •
'lllla oil means • lot ol .. ., 1..... Argentjoa Army Has H J GADD Im f U D N ~DE . £:o1or:::. :pr:'. Control Over-City ' ' 1\1~ ' . I\
laltve ol UCl'1 Free Unlvenlty Id· . iliiiil-tlJi -ltlgh--rr studenr-ROSAlUO;-ArgenUna(AP)-=-'i'li--• ~+---1-,lO IS IOllAL 12l'-HAUOl ILVO. r--· .......... on~ to utabliih "' .......... took eontrol of Ar1entina'1 second JNT(ltJOlt DES'6N~ltS COSTA Mt.SA. CALIF. -..-~ -··v ~ .. w. .... .,....._LM • ..&.... M•·t!·11 :..'.~7, ~ff -· largest City tiJclay ln-ihe wolie ol llludimh -• HO eoilolO credit would be Ii...,, JD. police boltles whlcb Jell one yooth deod
~· - - - - - - - - - ------0 --------
-llud..., .would . l1kDd Oll4' u '•od a number ol other -Injured.
I '
I jl
I •
S.herif( ,Sa~~
. . '
Police Shot
UC Victim
BERKELEY (UPI) -Sherllf Frank
Modlgon said \Oday his lnv.stilatlon
&how~ Jamel Rector was fatally shot bY
a ~~ <iffle<r during last Thunday's
rioting. • ~
The Alameda County sherif! said tJio
lnqiliry is con'Unuing to dtt~ how
me,ny shots were fired and by wbOm. But
tfe said there was no po.1slbility the
buckshot which killed Rector was fired
by demonstratorS'.
Rectof, 25, San Jose, died Monday from
three shotgu,n pellets which entered his
R...oetor and witnesies told authorities
tie was shot whilt: watching the battle
between poii'ce a1id demonstrators from a
bookstore rooftop. Michael Meo, another
onlooker, tent'atively identified 'the offictr
using the sQotgun as an Alanleila County
sheriff's deputy.
Madigan again defended the use of
shotguns during the riot, but said be bad
authorized enly the·use of birdshot -not
"We were pelted with steel bars. pipe
fittings, rocks, bricks, chunks of, cement
and other deadly · weapons;", saJ-d
Madig8n. "When lives are threatened, 1s
was·the case last Thursday, Officers are
justified in returning fire."
· Meanwhile, Rector's parents filed a
$100,000 damage claim against the st~te,
county, city · and various Joftn. Does ·
"responsible for his death."
Rector, who w~ on probation following
his conviction last December for burglary
.l!-nd possession of marijuana, was staying
with friends in Berkeley. A graduate of
Santa Clara High Scbool, he was not •
student at the university.
Lo"e In
Blossoins, baseball and Y.Oung
love ,-tbe elements of spring
-come toge1her in this scene
on Mfcblgan Slille University
campus in East !,ansing.
' --. _., --
Domesti.£· .......
' -<;unf~ght
8' TD AllOCIA'l'ID Pim
' ; .
Jails Two
Tbe war over a "People'• Perk .. It the
UJ!h1nlty of C1Ulomla In Berkaley ..,.
ed !h(O ii. . lltCOlld _weeLlodly~
-titucbln(-ofl Incidents on·other UO cam-
Gunfire broke out early tod•r between
couples ' pledged to ](Ive. cberilh, honor
and obey, leaving one woman c:rlttql11y
WOIJl!dec( and two i\ulhtnda ~ Oil
suspicion ol asaault wllb intaot to commll
Dennis H. Carr, 19, ol 417 S. ~lla
St., Anaheim, i. held fotlo\V.!JJ&, ~
shot(l,ln wounding-of ~ _wue l)orma, 27,
-whQ is in critical condiUon at Orana:e
The death of J"111<1 Rector, 25, of
alllllbot wounds aullered In the lniltal riot fut Thursday WIS Cftad by the proluling
'lf::t. .... -J>y-100 ywthl a1·uc San Dieg0. UCLA'a main lldminlltntlon
blllJd'"I wu' the tcene of a loq lff,,ln. UC
Riverside's cbancellor -clauer Fr.itlY.Jor "moumln&:.and. reOecUm."
CoUnty Medical b:nter. ~ ------------Anaheim POllce Sgt. John_Flaflagan-
chased Carr, who Ded i,y::Wlb aftU his
wife was shot in the face , but the suspect
lost bis pursuer before being caug~t by
another lawman, police said.
Patrolman Carl Fooceca ifttercepted
the escaping suspect at Santa Ana Street
and Manchester Avenue, forclng him to
stop and placing Carr under arrest.
Investigators said a shotgun wu. found
thrown in the swimming .pool of Ille
' ,
••••• •
·. . .... LIKE rr ... CHARGE. It!
apartment house, w ~:!!'.~~~-j-1'--~------------•• __ .,,_ ~~!i:u~";;~; Beautiful gardens start at ··
Ferguson, 26, of. lim Buena St.,· irith ,
asSault to comnut murder In a case m-p ' G · d ~ · .. t " ·1 voi~~~u~~:i!';.w • sacau~ revolver . en n ey S a. :r .. ·e ft·'-1 e I I er· n 0 W •
shot missed Peggie Ferguaon, ''· when tired into her car as she attempted to
leave her husband fallowing a 1:30 a.m:
fight. The slug struck the window on· the
ather side and ricochted hann~ly to
the floor oJ. the car aftu-the-suspiet
allegedly stuck ltlSsinJI>..-revolver in·
to the car and fired.
Investipton took Ferguson i n t o
custody ·~ the scene·without incident.
Gardenias ---Fragipt~ilfdtnil plants--. . • Mysterj' or Vettdli ••• I
'Separatism the Answer'
CORE Director -Hits Integration in OCC Address
Plant these exotic gardenias. tn
I gallon containers in your own
yard! Enjoy glouy foliage and
swee.t, fragrant b I o o m s t~t
ypu've 9rown yourself! By' JANICE BERMAN
Of lfll 0.llY Plltl Sl.tf
Roy Jonis, national director oJ. the Con-
gress of Racial Equality (CORE), said
Wednesday that black separatism is tht:
"Only alternativt: to the present path of
confrontation and chaos."
Speaking before 500 students at Orange
Coast College in Costa Mesa, Innis said
that integration is "tot'liiY irrelevant in
terms of satisfying the black people."
He said that if the entire nation were
integrate<!, Negroes, who constitute 12
percent of the population, would havt no
more control of ·goods, services, arij in-
stitutions than they have today.
Innis said that CORE and other black
groups believe there is a need for such
community control because blacks are a
distinct group of people who should think
of themselves as "distinct political en
ti ties."
"1[ we kid ourselves for one moment
that blacks and whites are one people, we
will make some serious errors of
analysis," Innis said.
"Blacks constitute a large minority
without political status. Wilhjn black
communit ies, the flow of goods and
services is controlled by whites. Schools
in black communities are controlled by
white school boards. \Vhat you have is
segregation," Innis said.
He said that black community control
would be attained by a "three-pronged
attack" on political, social and e(Onomic
problems, that would result in "two
groups working side by side, each group.
black and white, $erving its own needs."
Innis said CORE is sponsoring legisla-
tion on the national level ta create such
cainmwUty contra!, He said "The Com·
CORE Dirutor Innis
munily Self-Determination Bill" is the
first such measure ever sought by a civ il
rights group. Tbe bill would :
-Create business corporat.ions and
researcll facilities in black areas that
would have a "centralizing effect," draw-
ing the community claser together.
-Create a "community development
bank" that would extend ctedit to blacks
and tax protection to.industry locating in
hla<:k communities.
-Gain management control of in·
Jtitutions of health and education in black
-Establish black political control or
t>lack communiUes. .
' 99 5GAL~'2 .. .. .. ,,
-Change the U.S. Constitu_µon "to
make it poMible for black.s to m~
Lheir political power" by appor)ionlng the 1-------..,-------------,-,---------..,.----.... ~ House an d 'Senate to lndUde U. percent · :;
Negroes, which Innis said would mean 12 :\ l ::
senators aod 50 representatives. . ·i:
Innis did not indicate what kind of rectptlon the proposed legislation iJ &•t·
ting from congress. ,,
When asked what means he would use
to implement his goals, Innis said, "If l
can win with.in the law, fine. But I'm not
concerned with 'means' when I see the
unpleasantness of the preaent wn·
Egyptians Down
Israeli Fighter
1 By U11ted Press lnternatlnal
Egyptian MIG2ls 1hot down an Israeli
fighter plane and drove off five others in
a dogfight over the Red Sea today, an
EcYptian military communique reported.
It was the secand Egyptian-Israeli air
battle in as many days.
The communique issued in Cairo 5aid.
lhe Sovle~built MIGa Intercepted a fiig!it
of six Israeli Mirage jets over the town of
Hurghada, about 250 miles south of Suez
Ctty on the southern end of the Suez
canal. The town jg the site of major Egy·
lian oil installations.
Pfilier or Tam 1 gal.I · .. .. ,
CttOICE ·~ . "' . .
' -"' For .~•sic profe11ionil t y p • lo~
sc1pe pl1ntin9 with little uplc~;
plant evergreens ••. now pri<ed f'·
qu1ntity buying ind pl1nting n~ .. -~
. ·~
lt11i1n Cypress and J1peno,. Bio~
Pino for teller evergreen grow+~; ~ ·
' hi. ... ' 79'
Bir~hers Using •smut'?
Decorative ground
cover wilh Sequoia Barie
J Cl.
hi 1.77
Society Mounts Drive to Abolish Sex Education
Coor,., medium end p1thw1y
si1e lo choose from for border
Birch Society, sometimes using such tac-
tics as abusive telephone calls and smut
literature, is operating in at least 27
states to abolish sex education in the
schools, accordina to an official of• the
National Education Association.
The NEA 's PaUJ Putnam said in an in-
terview the Birch Society is using a front
group ca,Jled the "Movement to Restore
Decency" ta attack all sex education in
the schools on grounds that Communists
are behind the programs.
U.S. Education Commissioner James
E. Allen, former education commissioner
in New York State, said he is aware. of.
the anU-sex education activities. "We
saw it in New York," be said.
"We found peop)e coming around with
literature -10me of it the filthlest JOU
have ever seen -saying it will be used in
,\, J o b n Birch Society spokesman
1<knowledjJed the connection betwetn the
society and the Movement to Relton
Decency, but denied that any of Ill
members had used Improper tacttcs.
and materials to enable parents to sup-
plement at home the sex education given
their children in Catholic schools. A
spokesman saJd one-third of the n!tian's
di~ .include sex education in their
parochial school programs ..
In an interview with UP I, Allen said,
"The.re has been an effort to mislead the
pqelPle about what .the scOOols are doin1.
The advice we've been giving in this: Sex
education is essential. It's part of health
and family Jiving. ·
"But before any community goes into
it, the schools ought to work with the
community and parents," Allen con-
tinued. "The biggest problem in se1
education is not the children, but the
damn parents. Peopk get blind spots
=~~ talk about Oris. They think tt's
Pulnani, staU member ol the NEA ·s
prolessibnai filbi. and responsibilities
commission, said in a recent edition of tJwi pubUcatlon, NEA RePort<r, "attacks
by extremist organizations on family life
and sez education courses art disrupting
the aooools and educational climate ••. the~11sual extremist tactics of abusive
pbitie calls to schoOI boards and achool
petJonnel and of factually inaccurate and
sensational material Ooodint1 the. com·
lty are being employed to condemn
education courses)." ". BArn.E
_ Ll~rature distributed by the John ·
Blich Society ttates: "It ls our ambition
in time to cJo battle with those forces of
evil oo every front. But oUr (int concern
is with our teboo\.age children. For it iJ a
matter ol reoord that the Communbts
are behind a massive effort to destroy
the moral charac1<r ol the upcoming
leneraUon, In ordtt to mab ua helpl,..
ai'ainsl their llrategy of conqutsl."
1be lea0ef conUnues: "By lat the most
Scott's Turf .
Builder or Scott's
Bonus for Dichondr1
.!:'.:. 9. 95
I 0,000 sq. #. si1e Turf Buildar
2500 sq. #. siIO Scott" Bonus
'Planter.Mix ..................................................................... .
Unversity Compost ........................................ : . : ........... : .
.... ft.1.09
,, ...... 2.19 ="°"' and dlwtn>us step In thi& 98
N rth C I. Hik •Procramtopromoted•a-acyi. Topper Top Dressing ...................................................... , ...... 1 .• 0 aro ma es the pn!S•nt lncr<aslngly wldespru<l ol·
• fort to Jnlroduce '1e.1 ectucatioa' into our Gromulch 1 98 State Gasoline Tax schools, all the way I~ ldndergamn . ·························~·· .... ~······ ...................................... .
thtougll hlgll !Chool." 1.39
RALEIGH, N.c. !.'P) _ Nonh TheNEAomcJalsaJdan"orianluda~ Nitro H11mus .................. .' ......................... 1 •••••••••• .' •••••••••••• • ... "·
' "'" ~
i t
• l ! I
·l • •
• ' .
• • . ;
l Caroline motorists to0n 1'111 be paying tack" on sex education is undtt way In at 0 L' lei. p Foo · , ,.. ~98·
the hiChelt state , ... u .. tax in th• n•· 1eas1 n states: """""· caurorn11, eo1. rtho·Gro IQU lant d or Ortho Lawn Green --..
lion, _IV. centa a gallon. orado, Connecticut. Florida, HawaU, ...,,. ' !
. !
"There is no secret about our pro-,
moUng the movement," said Reed
BenlOn, the toclety'a spokesman. "One of
the first major projects of that move·
ment ls to get . sex educaUon out fl the
llCbooi. and Into the ilomet where U
t---llfT1"1'1"ll'lf•vt-l--wodliHd . .,...,,.. ay, The Jegil11ture enacted Wednesday a Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, low1, Kansas, '---------~------:----------.,.....--------.. =----~~· bill ina..otnrthe lax two coni. a gallon, Kentucky, Loulllana, Ma.!Yi.,l!'I. Mid> tr_ _-L
elficl!VtJilli 1. The additlbnll -·-"'11a""n;-N-..Joney, New York, Niva • F b I I d N B b
will ao lor l'Oldl. North c.tollna clilms North Dllola, OhlO.-Okllhoma, 'Oregon, as 'ion 5 ·an ..... ewpo~ eac
the u.s. catholic Con!""'""' 'announced
that It has etltabllshed l'1Mk lorct'"' IU
cifucalion to develop teaching methods the larpat ltite~e<f tOii! mDoap PennoyJVilUa.-Te!f-; T • '"' • · '"' '"'·---~--1--•
tn ll>e naOon. Washington and Utah. "------------------------------------_.-.... ,-
NEW YORK -Mayor John V.
In 1st Week . '
SAIGON !Ul'll -'lbO u:s. mllltory
comn\ond II.tel! 4!0 Gh ldlle<t and 2,11$
wounded Im week -a three-month blCh ;
-In the openinl ,...., daya of '/'< lat.ti
Viet Cong and North Vietnam<.. of·
£eruiive. ,
I ' . '
Midwesterner ·li.urg~r to . Be Chief Justice ~-' ' ,-WASHINGTON (AP ) -Preoldent NII· Harl&~ F. Stooe and Charles ~v1ns ~ l<jlool and practiced-law for 21
on hes selected hls kind o( "law and HUlhtst all had national reput.al.ioos years before p1nc-OD the bench. ·
order" judge Warren E. Burger to sue· when tbef were Jicked to be chief Burger's background suggests, but by
ceed Earl W~rren and serve as i.he 15th justice. ' no means assures, that the Court's breed
chief justice or the U'"nlted States. Nixon ,.nnounced the nominaUon tO the ezpansion ol the riehts of aimlnaJ
The gray·haired, 81-ye-ar-Old co~try from the .~te HOUie Wed· sus~ts~def~dantscould~
mid_westemer, a veteran ot 13 years Oil ' ntlday nilbt. He said 1t was ·the mo;at lm-,town. .
the 0.S. Circuit Court bere. is known as a po\10Jll .. • PreJ!dst can mate., 1bouah th{ \Y,l\l'!eit Co\lrl lw ~IL
strld construcUonlst who has criticized While Cimf>llgnln~ for tho. pr~, predomlnanOy liberal, the b_al~ In
"appellate nit-picking." Nixon aald ~ decis1ona "ere JtllOUS.-crunmal law C':R' hu sometimes been . ly hamstringing the peace forces in our deli~te. For ~ce. it ~!IS a ~ ~a_tors, parbculaily -conservaUvu, society· and strtngthening the criminal decision~ ln-tbe 196' ·Miranda cue that
hailed Burger's selection. forces.,. • • asaO:ied peop1e ~d or crime the rlght
Uad"3', who is running for anoth· er lOill<'year term •• mayor;-ap-
ptl'IJltfy ~6elieves e n o u g h ls
..__enougp, When told ~by . ¥isitin~ lil~r ·ToJ1'1'.0::AMu ~lslnlu
that msjob is appointive and last-
ed for life. Lindsay quipped: •jFor
a lifetime? That's a sentence, not
a term.••
The wave or 1belllngs and ground at-
ta<:ks pushed losses on both 11ides to their
-..Jrigtrest"polnt ·sincnmnveekor Feb. it,-
vl'ith 5,686 guerrillas slain to bring their
losses for the war to 500,sot.
Despite the heavy losses, 'Hanoi raWo
today broadcast an appeal from Presi-
Il confirmation is as swift and easy as He called for vindication oI "the first .to remain silent Under palice qu~
appeara..Jlkely, Burler wilt step i.rn ieJt-civilf iihTtfivery Americah, the rigbrto and to have 'a lawyer"'s "help.-=---
term fc;ir Warren, w}!o is retiring at '13' protectlOn in h1s home, business and This delicate. balance could be tipped ~fter piloling the Supreme Court thr~h person from 1',omesUc violence." the other way if Burger takes an opposite
11.s most active and liberal period. , Burier, whOse Wstinguisbed good looks position from ~arre.n. At the same time
The choice was a relatively obacure fit anyone'• idea rJ,.~ judge, Ur a n:atiye of Burger is considered a liberal on cl.U
~e. though B_urger has a solid reputation St. Paul, M!M., a graduate Of the rights. and an advOcate ~ s~y !Jials, a • dent Ho Chi Minh ol North Vietnam for
his men to fight until the Allies are
"completely defeated" and t h e
Americans have withdrawn.
in 1 e g a J circles. ffts immediate pre. University of MiMesota and the St. Paul Jong-tune. goal or most liberal Jurists.
deceuors, Warren, Fred. M. Vinson, College of Law. He worked his way
Trying a bit of royal persua.rion,
Britain's Princtu"' Anne coaus fam-
ily'& Corgi pet dogs onto aircraf1
jot ~ht to Scotland froni London.
T.lie! princess and her mother, Qtuen
EUtibtth 11, looking on, went to Ed.-
inbUrgh for the annual Generat As-
stmblU of the Church of Scotland.
' .
Last week' Johnny Moohlmon, a
Manhattan grocer, !01t his billfold.
He placed an ad in the Manhattan
Mercury's lost and found depart-
merit. Three days 1ater he had his
bi~ld back, contents intact. The
flllder had clipped the want ad
!ro111 the paper, taped it to, the
billfold and dropped the bi!lfol~ in
a mailbox. The mailman delivered.
it to the store, apparently getting
the ·address from the identification
card in the wallet. • -: Astr0114ut Frank· Borman ar·
lived t1r;•.PragU to recotmt hi•
·orbits .aound the moon last
qhistmas to acientirtl·from EMt
and West. Borman wa.s invited
tO the annual congress of Co$-Pa.r, tht Jntematio?ial Commit-
tie for Space Research, now un-
dc way in Prague. He will 1'e·
ctive the gold medal of the
'Czechoslovak . Ai cad e m ti of Scitnces Thursday for service
• tt> 1cttnce "and humani ty, the
"'fjrJt American and one of the
·few Westerner& so honored. . '
• ¥alcolm Tricker of Ipswich,
England received 45,000 pounds
($108,000) from 1he British Mu·
seum three months ago and he
drove to pick up 11 pounds ($26.40)
in qnemployment·pay in a new car.
"It ~is a bit of a giggle really, get-
ting this dole mone}!," he said af-
ter the construction company he
worked for let him go. The 27-
year-<>ld laborer collected the mon-
ey from the museum for five gold
necklets be unearthed while• driv·
ing ·• steam shovel. . . •
U.S. Militapt ~mm.,-iders said the
_.lalest-COmnumi.aL-oUena:ive.. following
closely behind the one that began in
February, was designed to enhance the
Viet Cong and NOrlh Vletn1meae po1ltion
at the peace talks.· .. .-
Allied ·negotiators at Paris went fnto
the lath 11essi.on of the conference today
v.tth w}lat aaurcee II.id WIJ OP.timlrm
that the Communlala would be Wlllinll lo
diacuu President Nixon's Plan for peace.
South Vietnamese troopers Jost more
men kill«I last week than American
fttrcts. The aovernm~t put its casualties
at 527 killed and 1,634 wounded,
In -Weshinclon Defense ~ Secretary
Melvin R. Laird tAl4 ·today the Com·
munlm greatly stepped up !heir attack•
.in ·vietnam just one day :after the Viet
.Cong iAued a j!elCe plu, raising doubt.o
whether they really ~'Pf•ce. •
Laird said latest cuualty figuru
reflected "an Increased level of 11pring
combat initiated by the North Viet·
namese and the Viet Cona."
* *· *
Lodge Optimistic,
But Reds Again
Reject U.S. Plan
PARIS (UPI).-U.S. chief negotiator
Henry Cabot Lodge expressed hope today
that after_l8 week.6 of deadlock the Viet·
nart} peace talks could get down "im·
mediately" to productive negotiations
toward ending the war. He met renewed
Communist oppoSitioq.
The Communist side again rejected.
with added emphasis the main provl!ion
of President Nixon's eight-point peace
plan -the mutual withdrawal of all
Allied and North Vietnameae troops Crom
South Vietnam.
Thi AIHed and Communist negotiatOrs
spent almost £ive hours exchanginc
arguments over their rival peace plans.
Lodge told the Communists enough
common ground had been broken to start
striking military and political baraains.
But the North Vietnamese and NatiOnal
Liberation Front <NLF) ne'gOtiatora held
out against any immediate givt and take.
Observers believed the Communists want
to wait until after the June 8 Midway
Island summit between President Nixon
and South Vietnamese Pruident NltJYen
Van Thieu. ,
While insisting on full compliance with
their own 10-paint peace plan outlined by
the NLF on May 8, Hanoi and NLF
negotiators agreed to go on discussing it
along with Nixon's peace piickage of May
~th North Vlelnam's Xuan Thuy and
the NLF's "foreign min ister," Tran Buu
Kiem, turned thumbs doWn on the pro-
posal for mutual troop withdrawal. Thuy
said It was an "absurd demand" and
vowed Hanoi will "never" accept it.
~ur91r'a the One
Negro Youth
Shot to Death
On Campus
By United Pren International
A Negro freshman, believed 'to be the
second fa&ality in the~ current round of
campus revolt, was shot to death today at
North Cat!>lina A&:T University, the scene
of . a gun battle between National
Gµardsrnen, police and.snipers.
Students carried Willie Ernest Grimes.
•20, from the campus of the
predominantly Negro Greensboro. N.C.,
school t.o a hospital where he was pro-
nounced dead. He had been shot in the
It was not clear if Grimes was killed in
the battle.
"We have nothing to idd until th~ in-
vestigation is complete," Mayor Jack
Elam said. Elam declared a state of
emergency and placed the city under an 8
p.m. to 5 a.m. curlew.
The reason for the gun battle was
uncertain._ There have been no major pro-
tests at the A&:T campus 'since a March
cafeteria strike. The strike was settled .
The sniper fire from two dormitories
and a classroom building of the mostly
Negro achool ended shortly after 4 a.m.,.
'arid police withdrew all but a few patrars
around the campus. National Guardsmen
r.etumed to lhe annory.
Gov. Robert Scott ordered 150 Nalional
Guardsmen to duty ·Wednesday night
after Greensboro police used tear gas to
break up rock and bOttJe..throwing ram-
pagea by Negro youth.! after a disorder
during a demonatration at all-Negro
Dudley High School.
The disorder spread to the campus of
the 1.000;,atudent college when 100 persons
1toned 11\rtomobiles and police. Tear gas
WU Uled again, youths apparently fled
into dormitories and sniper fire later oc·
cnrred .
In New York, a committee of students,
admini!traUon and faculty members said
Wedneaday night there wtll be no failures ·
at City College or New York this
semester. Other demands by black and
Puerto Rican students were being worked
out and militant students set midn ight
tonight as a deadline for the school to
answer them .
In California, the teargas spraying of
the University of California 's Berkeley
campus from a National Guard helicopter
and the death of a student who died ¢
gunshot wounds allegedly inflicted by a
policeman totiched off demonslrations at
several universities.
Jtain,. Hail Pound Mjdwest
Storms Reported From Panhandle to Illinois
bl"9fll C.11'°"'1' """ t\llWIY IM
wtm'I tod•Y e~csl to, loW daudt 11141
dr!D'lit 1I01tt ~ ca.ti d11r1,... ni.111 tlld
-Int ft(l'llr..
Mrs. Mery Sirhan Fights Tears et Ken~tdy Ltttar
Sirhan Re111:ai~ 'Calm
At Sentencq of Death
LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Sirhan 8.
Sirhan just sat there, chewing on a
cellophane-wrapped cigar, as the jucf,:e
• &entenced him to death for the murder ~f
Robert F. Kennedy. ,
, The melodramatic reading by his
defense attorney of a letter from Sen.
Edward M. Kennedy asking lhat Sirhan's
life be spared did not move him at all. He
said nothing and he showed nothing.
\Vithin a few days he will be taken.to
Death Row in San Quentin Prison. There,
he wilt--wait while ap peals go up to tlle
United States Supreme Court over a
period of more than a year. lo
What was expected to be a routt'
for mal sentencing of the 25-year-0ld A • 'b
immigrant turned into suspense whtn e
Los Angeles district attorney introduefd
a letter from lhe youngest brother of tile
Kennedy clan. 1 ·~
~ .l
In a hand-written note, Ted Kennedy
reci:lmmended clemency.
"My brother was a man or Jove and
11entiment and compassion," Kennedy
wrote. "He would not have wanted his
death to be cause for the taking of
anothe.t life."
Superior Court Judge Herbert V.
\Valktr ml\_de no mention of the letter in
passing se ntence.
''It is the feeling of this court that the
jury \Vas right and I have no reason ot
change my opiaion now,'' Walker said.
Then he turned to Sirhan and said,
"Stand up."
"It is the judgment and sente nce of this
court t.)lat for the crime. in the first
degree you are to die in the manner
prescribed by law."
\Valker ordered that Sirhan be
transparted to San Quentin within JD
days. tt Is expected that the tiny former
racehorse exercise b<ly be moved there
~ecrelly within the next · few days and
ISOiated from prisoners who might try to
attack him.
1r1 LO!' """'"' tM 111n 1hcin.t l'llrllY
'" -. 111tt-. lo ""'" 1'"' """n:11ry llP !ff 74. .. H ,._ 11 Wed""" If , l aw
etsmtrc• 'Slick' Species
~ i
;; ;; Breedui2 Normal,
After the sentence was imposed, chief
defense counsel Grant Cooper and his co-
defense attorney Russell E. Parsons ap.
proached the judge's beMch to ask for a
stay or execution on sending Sirhan to
San Quentin.
'°°""~' .... m tM '°· L!tlll to moMr11• ,,.,.. ~ centr1t 11'1d ln!111d 1re•~
of -.,. LDJ ""''~' ll11rn. ~ Wli'"!'ned IO 11$1f '! wll'I l~ .. .., ., 61.
Mwnl1fn """"" 111<1 ~lt"'s In 1"-* tlld cleer sli:1t1.
o..tt cemft'lllnlllft ....,.. but!tteil ""' ~ ...... INll,11111111 --Wiii! "'-~ ... rltlnt lo n 1., 11-r v1\.
,.,... ittd tO 100 111 '°"""' ..... ,. S.... flit'tl Wldlll$d1V I nd IOIJI V
llldl*t Lont ~ 11·11. knit ~ kt 6Ul, SUr1NIJllt 7J.7•, Ml. WllJ.o~
n.11, ~.-..." .,.92, ltlYeuklt l•"· ~·"" """"' UIO>IOO, hk9"fltld .,. •4 $111 0.... .,,,.. 4'1111 .. ,...., .... ...
Hltflt f//flld "*""" lew <laudt wlt~ kK.fl tltlll'1-11\/t Ml'I' IV ... ~iht Ill 11·
...,,.... t,ltttJ tM'ltitrtNtt Clle~.
Htvh ,_, 1L I.• IOlllll\t 40.
CMSTAL A.MD · IHTliltMEDIATe' VM.l.IVI -t.ow clollft wlflil 1«t 1 fM
.,,_ d,.... nltflf """""" mNl'llCll'fl1111 •M Mn> M'llft:ltlt In .tl'tfMOM, l 11111
,.....,..... dlll""1" ..... " to , ..
..... '81ilffl'I Jt i. ''· MQUNT,tltol Al:EAS -"""'"' t1r, "'"""' ~ ""' i.te f'lltiflf • " " •If¥ ""°""""" fOll •"" -..1 lllrluW! "°"""" ........... l«N: ,,,.,.....
'"""" ,_,...._ ,..,...... "" nwctt .................... ~
llfTtlt.IOtl AJIO ~'fl:T "'UGIOHS
-......, ... , 1f!P'Wlll """'1'-•''" .......... "°'* Ml'lll ,...i,.., ("""""" ~ .. ,., .,,,. hlfl'!il •
i. ,. WMr ... ..,.,. • '° ......... " ..... i...~-,..,~ v-~••«t...,__.•• .,.~t-Yili'lll7 -,.
.._ ________ -
c ... , ..
Cloudr -lfl lhll '"'"''"' ""!!ti 1t11 UWl l 11111 •lll'IS!llllf ....... 1Hl"9 t'-
ff\f: tOlll ttllt ·~· Wlndt 1"11· f •ty, I te lJ ..... TodtY1 1119'1, 6' ,.
'" Y"lff4•'1"t ~Mr1!uret r1,,..ff '""'" • """ ., .. '° • low ,,, 51. '"" Jaf\d lflll•tl lilfC f l"" Wll 76 ffl Sf.
TM, wcttt "'""''"lllff w11 •1.1 .,,. ""'" Swn, Moon, Tide• -~ llltll .•• .. . •. , ,.U 11,111, J.4
~ 1eW ••• ,. .• ,,, 11M ~m. I.I ,.,.., ., . ,,,.., "*'" ............. l :C' '·"'· '·'
fif"lt ,.... •·•••· •.••• •:tt '·"'· '·' ~ llltlt ._ •••• ,..,..,, S;ii ,,1'11. l.1
l4cCl'lf ......... ~ •• ..-.,. ••• ll:tt '·"'· '·' M-. ,._ M:U •-"'· llH •
-""! ,.._ J;O •·"'· .... 1;11 '·"'• ~,ll'lt ...... U flt O. Nf'W "'.,-1 .., ,__l\llW F I~ II
V .S. S11m-r11
HtlV'I' rtffl, Jrotll tl'ICI ,,,_ wllldl
h.IVI 1111 llfrhi of h l'lfllon't ll'lldffc• tron.
lt•ll'I& of -to mor1 tM" two 1~11-«-• r.tt tl<JTlM I 11•11o\/r pttlod Ill llM'lll
of KtnNt. I nd l>\l-rl ttrlY fodlV •nd Wfdl!Q(lfiy btouthl 1 ltlreet of
·-Ioctl flood! ....
H .. .,., tt TnUlt lfl~I !~ 1r 1 t
CMMl!f fllt!d r~ lft 11,..t lfll t'"ll tl'#o
trt, ~ W"tt>er l lllMU tffMlll!d.
.\I. 1,.tul1•1 l 1mliot•I l<ielO -I II •
c11,-, ,...lcr t l...or! -rtcordfd t n
Ind! fl ,..111 ff! '" l!ovr WldntSdt'I' llltl'lt, wlll'I "*' of lt ft lllnt II'! I .10>
ll)lll\/1e ~I .floM!tour.
'Tl'lllnden,.,.,... ,......... l lOl'll ' l!'"Ol'll
ltll'l'I h TUllJ ,l fll'lti'llCll' to ~lrtl
111111oft. ~llfl\f 11t1v, 1fll0\lfll'I of
fllcl1111 ....
Htll. ¥tfY1nt ,,.... • ""'"""" lnrtt Ill llll•iMter 11 9CltlblH •IH . •lid wt;rlf
91n1t ""-• t r.I ,. mlla ,;. "°"'' ~":-·:~ tr_ "" •loML
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ltar1 Wol'lfl
KtftMI C:ll'V
L•t \'ffll
l• ·~" MICll'll
Mll!NtMlli .,..,. °'~• N•W Yort
Marlfrl l'Lltte ...... ......
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l'1'1llcd4lll!'ll1 ,, """'"'" \ Pllhb\lr1~
.-: .. 16 C:lto,
""" t ivtf ··~ S1Ct1""nlf St. l.wlt
St lfl\fl
hi! Lal\t c 11,
St n D~•
Sfl\ ,,,nc.~o
Stl'lt lltl'b4r1
5t111i. --""""'' w-
' -
n ~ ~ ~I
51 '' ~ ;: :: .~: Say Researcher
,, 0 ·''
The request was denied. Cooper said
later. "The judge said he didn't want to ~ !O .~1
LOS ANGELES (UP'I ) -Seve '. I change his order." I! 65
tt " ., " u 1J ,, 11 •• •• CS I] " ,. " " . ,. . '. ~ " " . ,, ., . " ...
~ » ,, .
" " .. .
" " d " ff .. ~ " u !l " " '1 SJ ,, u
11 5t
" " " » " .. •" "
species of marine life tha t abound in al Walker also turned down a inotion fnr J
areas of the Santa Barbara Channel see new trial. '
, ,, to be breeding normally, except wh Sirhan's mother, Mary, sp, bro-e Into
the ocean is gtill badly polluted with oil. \eat$ when &he was shown the letter from
,,o an oceanographic research t.eam reporteii Ttd Kennedy.
• $-1 today. "We alwiySknew he (Ted ) was a good
·" ..A man like his brothtrs." she said . But fewer sea wonns, starfl&h *:·:1 Sirhan, shown the Jetter, only nodded other fauna that dwell on the ocean bot·~ tu h d H ·d thin
, ~1 tom and provld«i food for fi sh hat e beerl' 1 e,;1 • e 15111 no g, found as compared with 10 years ago. ,. Mrs. Sirhan aafd she had always felt • terribly sorry th.at Robert Ktnntdy waa
tt .is dou~tlul wbe!htr this has any con-~ killed.
necllon \VJth the 011 slick rrom an un-i' "Of course we m w ry.'' 1he said.
.:111 dersea v.·cll that began leaking four "How can J make It plain"?"
rnonlhs ago. accord ing to preliminery fJn. ~I Cooper said he had l.sked UM: 1(6nnedy
"' dlnp of a study being ~onducled by, the ~!amity tf they WI-IO 'tattf)' ot-tho
University of South<m Ca!tflll\\!a. • penalty phm of lbe trial bef""' the jury
The researchers ire attempting to recommended tbe dealb pellJlty.
determi~ what effectt.._if ~nx~e oil Asked abcMJt Ted Kennedy's letter,
Pollution 1lad on animal and plant IJft. C-ooper 1Jid: · ·
Oelinlte findings are not expe<:tM tor "As far u wt are conctrned, It came a ·
another Ila Molith!. -ne bu-1atf",,.
* * * Burger Cal~d
WASHINGTON (UPJ) -With the ap.
pojntment of Waven E. Bura:er to bf!
chief justice, 'President Nixon ha5
redeemed his campaign pledge to appoint
to the Supreme Court a "strict in·
The president of the American Bar
Association calls Burger "an enlightened
A lawyer who has argued hundreds of
cases before Burger called him "one of
the most judicious men in the ~try • , .
a totally objective individual within the
concept of moral law."
Several legal sources said h i s
philosophy was more conservative than
most of the. preseat Supreme Court.
During his campaign Nixon set two
criteria by which he would make ap-
pointments to the Supreme Court -l. A
man believing in strict ialerpretation of
the court's role, and 2. A man thoroughly
experienced and versed in criminal Jaws
and its prob lems.
In a statement issued by Sen. John G.
Tower's office within minutes after Nixon
named Burger, the Texas Republican
said the nomination "represents fulfill· •
ment or Presidfuit Nixon's campaign
pledge to appoint a man with a teputation
as a hard-liner on c1iminals. He is con-
as a hlird-liner on criminals. He is ain·
sidered a strict constructionist on con·
stitutional matters.''
Prof. Alexander tit Bickel of the Yale
Law School predicted Burger "will
employ a more modest and restrained
use of judicial power than (retiring Chief
Justice Earl ) Warren." Bickel also said
Burger \voulci be "more inclined to give
police a freer hand and less inclined to
draw strict rules of criminal procedure
favoring, the defendant."
A sour1.'e at the Harvard Law School
said Burger was perha~ best known for
his criticisms of the insanity defense. In
Blocker vs. U.S .• in which a murder
defendant" was appealing for a new trial.
Burger wrote hmany valid criticisms"
could be made cif the so-called Durham
rule, which hokls that one cannot be con·
victed of acts that are the product ii
mental disease or defect.
Burger wtote: "From ancient times,
the development or the yaw was always
on the basic idea that man should be held
criminally responsible for his voluntary
acts resulting from the exercise of hi5
will. While we have said this was our
'basic postulate' our 'disease-produd' in·
struction to the jury totally ignores will
or choice."
Burger is chairman of the American
Bar Association's special co:nmittee on
minimum standards for criminal justice.
Said William T. Gossett of Detroit, presi-
dent of the ABA and former general
counsel of the Ford Motor Co.:
"Mr. Burger, I thiok, is an enlightened
conservative, and will be a strong chief
justice. His views on criminal justice are
good. He believes in prompt and fair
trials and humane lreQtment of accused
and convicted criminals.''
In announcing the nomination, Nixon
said Burger was "qualified intellectually,
qualified from the standpoint of jtidicial
temperment, qualified from the stand·
point of his legal philosophy . , . "
Sydney: A City
Without Beer
SYDNEY !UPI) -Syd ney 's 2.5 million
citizens walked and even rowed OOata to-
day to overcome the worst tra&it 1trike
in the city's !~year history. What they
couldn 't forgive was that nobody could
buy a beer.
Thousands or bartenders and barmaids
joined 100,000 workers in New South
Wales province in a 24-hour mike aplnsl
a hew labor law which would Pro~
fines ror unions on strike.
More Utan 1,000 bars shut down .
"It's hard to describe the feeling."· said
one Sydney man describinf the idei of a
betrleu &0elety~ "It's somelhin1Jike ~
unconscious depression Ausltalian1 get
when Englarid beats Ultm et C:rlc.tet -
unbeUevablt, &o unttal."
Fund Bill Approved
-.. ' . W ASHfNGTON !UPI\ -The Housa
Appropriations Committee today ·~
provtd lhe first regular money bill of thi
91!1 ~n IU billion meo..r. IO
cover a ye1r11 operstion ofj _he_Po.st Of.
fice Uid l're&5111)' aepU!iiientJ.
... , '"l • .. ~ -.
, '
·Newport llarh•r --. · :N.Y. Steek• r
... -
VOL. 62, NO. 122, 4 SECTIONS, 52 PAGES OIV.NGE 1~Nt'r·, E:Al'.IFOllN!A---_..
, ,,
Apollo Mod"Qle UndockS
·lunar Desc~nt Begins After 40 Minutes' Suspemtd;
SPACE CENTER, Houalool (AP) -
Arter keeping the -Id hi -10.
IO mlootes, two mOOll,<lfblllnt, Apollo 10
astronauts undocked a fragile lunar lan-
ding machine from thel_r command ship
today and prepared to f'1 it on a daring
~scent to within 50,000 reet of the
The f I r s t word on the successful
separation came froµi Navy .;;nidr.
Eugene A. Ceman ln the lunar module, or
H No Court,
lrviile to Get
Land Back
Of "'' 0911¥ ...... .. ... If Newport Beach buys Newport Center
land for a civi~ Ci!nter-cuJtural ,complex
site, what happens to acreage set uide
ror a regional courthouse if the County
doesn't want it? "
City Attorney Tully Seyrriour said todiy
tl1at quest!on is covered in . proposed
purchase asfeemenls now under study by
the City COuncil. .
LEM, with Air Force Col. 1llomu P.
"We read you loud ind clear/• Ceman
radioed to the ground. "We're about SI to
40 feet •l'IY 1iOm Qwlle llrow• and
"Very good; Snoopy.'' i.a rellev~
mllSkln control commentator replied.
Cha.rile Brown and Snoopy are the
radfo can names for the two craft during
the fijht.-Oour ~eparallott in which Staf·
lard and eema.n were to swoop twice to
wllhin 9.3 miles of the sU,oL.Tranqullity
to scout a landing aU.e ftere two
Ame~s hope to lan4 in .two months.
Clear evidence of the undoctlna came
just secood.s later when a lift color
television picturi or •the spklel'J i.EM
was flashed more than a quarter-million
miles to earth. ,
• 'The camera was pointed out of the w.ln·
dow of the· command ship. manned alone
by Navy Cmdr. John W. Young.
Tiie odd-Jookilll, fnillle 11n41n1,.cnl(
rotaled •lowl7 with '""""11 rtllecllllf o(f
Ila alumlnwn-coaled ildu.
The two ships neW close formaW
severtl • minutes while st.afford and
Cem&n cheoked ali syste:n\i TheJ, fle'lt
circles in a sort of stately orbital bellet ..
, The astrooauu did not want 1o 'commit
themselves to rpake the' h~ clo!Mt
approach to the surface unw 'tbe1 wert
certain everything was workfn&.
i •
. No Politi~· -App0intees ·f.or :
WASHINGTON (AP) -PrUident Nbt>-
on lax! Thursday he will never noininate
a ~ or political friend for the
Supreme Court and win not COlllider
Nl:soa elcb Law ud Onkr
.J11tlce. P-te •·
r.ace, . religlo11 or geogr~phy in makilli
auch selection&. ;
DAILY ,ILOT ....... .-, .,._ trerftlM
GRAPPLING AT UCI .-Unscheduled wrestling match at, UC Irvine
WOdnesday featured freshplan James Ervin (left). who wanled flag
at half staff, and nonstudent Scott Winchester of .Tustin, who didn't.
eampus police ruled pushing and shoving match a-draw •.
The four acres or so of courthouse land
-aj>out one-liltli of the· total 19.5-ocre
)fackage _,will very likely be reeold to
the lfvlne Cmlj>any.
S<ymour esplaln<d Um the~
give the Irvine cOmpiny the '~· to rep~chase the land, at the price'it was
NIJ:on met Informally with newsmen·b)
hi! OYll .oflice and, at what tumect· oat to
~ a.1~gle-'11bJect news conference, taJt ..
ed at 'length about the court and' "if
nominaUon of Warren E. Burger to bi
chlet jUJUct, However, the PresideilC
-'lhat he not be Uot.ci ,....,.,,; ani
Flag Flap .. Flares Originally llOld to~ clty,'' .
. This und.ntandins1 · he jlidi<O!ell,
""""'lll•the lalld ii-' lo Ult •
p<iMd •t'.I' mllu.jl-tTiillotiion.• ' t r"'
in otiler words, ·wi.t ... dly ...,.;i
use will llO hack 'lo 1lle' llivine toa\mty.
If the 'Comp4n7 choosu.to exeiCbe the
. ( ' ' q , -"i""-V 'tUl :~licollGn -0! r~·o1 _111a COO:
f....ce be wi-1<1for1<veral bciln. '
"t. -At this t.lme, Nt:soo said:·the supnme
Banner Goes Vp, Down ac lr~me option to repuJipha.se. '
In the milil:el)' •VOJJt that the Irvine
Company doesn't want the land back. the
city wOtlkl be able to aell or lease it to
public and private agencies ror whatever
il can get. · · · ·
' f Court needa an lniusion of membert ' ~ . · who'8 nominattoM raile no ,~
" abaut:personal frlend'shlP. or poIJUCil cono
aidir.u.n.. Tiie U.S. FJai was loo)lht ovet .. rai!ed
and lowered three times Wednesday on
the UC Irvine campus by warring
radicals and patriots.
Most of the afternoon the Flag Uew at
hall staff.
The university administration, with
·Chancellor Daniel G. Aldrich Jr. out of rown. did not move to intercede. campus
policemen separated those who scuffled.
but did not act to change the elevation of
the Flag.
The: situation arose out of an Aldrich
order Tuesday to half staff nags, later
countermanded by Vice Chancellor Roger
W. Russell when it was learned a youth
who died at Berkeley was a non-student
and a convicted felon.
Radical students on campus disagreed
with lhe ·vice chancellor and took it upon
themselves to lower the U.S. standard as
a symbol of mou rning .
Russell, the man left in charge, said to-
day he worked very hard all Wednesday
afternoon to straighten things out.
He said, "The situation was confused.
What would you suggest when you have
got a situation in which people have dif·
ferent points of view and are raising and
lowering it?"
It was suggested one alternative might
have been to order the flag raisK to full
staff and have the campus police stand
IU"d-"My whole being u a hmnan being is
oriented toward solving situaUons other
than by force," Russell said ... I don 't
think in the whole history of mankind we
have seen a situ aticn where force alcine
b8! solved a situation.''
The Flag was flying at full staff today
with students standing guard to reuon
with anyone bent on lowering it. 1bat
solution was agreed to Wednesday even·
ing by students meeting with Russell.
Russell said he was in touch twice
Wednesday with Chancellor Aldrich, who
is in Washington. D.C., as chairman of
the National Associl:l.tion of S t a t e
University's committee on w ate r
.. sources.
He said Aldrich agreed ~ with his
decilion to reverse '1.be flag lowering
order afttt learning full particulars on
the Btrkeley death.
Tha Flag llarted out Wednesday al'full
elafl. It WU lowered by a gnMlp of about
(See FLAG FLAP, "°" I)
The road lo summer driving pleasure
can be just a little smoother for · the
driver who knows about -and dOtS
iomdhtng about -tar, car,. J
us police officer· guards UC
Irvine flag pole Wednesday
after breaking up scuffle over
whether or not flag should re-
main at half staff wbile stu ..
dents discuss nezt move. Fla&
flies at lull staff today. . . . '
The entire 19.>acre site Is iOned C-N-
H. This is a commercia.J nelghborhomt
zoning that llmlla bulldJnc hell!bla lo 35
feel and allows · Profesaiona:I offices,
socil!I hails, Jodie&, clube, bub and
small retall and service abope:.
City councilmen Monday are upeclld
to decide whether to accept tbe:purchase
propou.1, which wu neptiated by a city
committee headed by Mayor Doreen
The city would have four yean to pay
for the land under tenm Df the aaree-
Gruber Wants
To Put Lid on
'Can of Berms'
Newport Beach City Councilman Paul
J . Gruber Monday Intends to ""1U'1'eCt
the Great Bump Controversy.
In oo doing, acconJlng to Councilman
Howard Roten, Gruber "will be opening
up a can or ·berm.I."
But Gruber says what he really intends
to do is to put'the lid on it
The issue of whether the city should in-
stall asphalt berms In public roadways
as a speed deterrent was "tabled" by
lbe council in a 4-3 vote t'wo weeks ago.
Gruber, who is against the bumps.
voted with the majority. He explained
why he wants to reopen the matter Mon·
"Our tabling it didn't dispose of th!;
issue. It's still not resolved. What I want
to do b to get a majority vote frcrn the
councll eslablislling a formal policy
against lhe berms, ao the city staff will
have tome direcUon. As it is now they don'l" • • I
Gruber b expected lo 1<t that majorily Monday. '
OAlt.Y ,IL.OT ttetf ,...._
Her Snattn Yiara Ml11ing-So .W.a1 ·Mfnl~re11 · ;
Torrid Trial.·
I . , ..
Dancer Does 'Nude' Thing f(!'I: Jury
' .
~f TOM BARLEY °' .... Dllll'I' "'"' 51•11
Quvaceous Carol Cybulski of Laguna
lleach did her torrid, all-nude thing
belO.. the smallest but most Important
a~, of. her ClllorfuJ life Wednesday
-Munle1pal Court Judge ·Paul Masi and
the ·u jtaora who may have to rule on
ber guilt .or, imiocence later: today, 11ie.: "'911c . 1'I Col~ erilertalner shoW"1 'the all-womari. six-man , panel
just ·what Jt takes fo get booked eight
times on lewd conduct and obscenity
charg'\bY throwing her undulating 36·24-
38 frame ·aroonct. ~he A-partment A-Go-Go ·
miniitage for an eye popping and highly
NEW'YORX (AP) -An early advance
patore<I out today,•and the stock markel
clomd on a J6iftr nOte ln active tradinl·
(See quotaU..., pq,. JI.fl).
The DcJi'-1• Joriet industrial average was
all ~:21 "' ll0.11.
educational 30 minutes.
Miss Cybulski, 32, prOmiled Jurors
before ahe did her bottolhless number
that it would be exactly the waf it is
always performed in the p op u I 1 r
Wmmlnsler Boulevard bar. But lbe bod
Ip go lbrou)lh bar pulsating , ~
wilhou) the anak¥ that uoually form pm
-i£-qot al(-ot her ~ty stage aut:re.
,.!fer vilil>le _... jlurlng"hel' lav•rn ~o~llpe· 'l""""'ilY' loci~ Jo lt-loo.t python,
two ·cobras 1and a·· ratlleauake. Mia
Cybulski norn}ally insbts an ba:ndllng the
reptiles herKlf and she eqila.ined that
sh~ did not have time. to brirfg them from
her Laguna1 apartment tdr the special
oourt sestlon. . . 1 She does not, It ls understood ; allow
anypne to flandle lleT asp.· ·
The radical departure from municipal
court protocol c a m e. when • both pro-
secuting and defeme counsel· agreed in
court ilia! the jury llhould .... the dance
which wlf.nelles have del!::ribed 11 "lewd.
"'ggesttn, and ~Y filthy.'" Judge
ISee·NUDE ·l>ANCE, hp I} . ..
'nie chief e:secutive uld be. feell
portJcularly •lroo&ly 'about thil ....
Of the. ~•nled inalance r.c.nafy In
whlcb,Ahe Fqrtas, long a cloll friend 111111 . . '. '' . associate of f<rnier President Lyndan B.
JOhnlon wu forced lo resign. · •
FcrtuJ1eld what haa been reprdid u
ll>e •Jewllll •t" oo the couri. Naon said he does not t1e11e .. In hlv.
In& a Jtwiah, Catholic er N~ -Ud
lhat Ill)' julllces he nomlnalel wlll·not l>a
seJectett to achJeve racial,. reIJcloul or
g-aphlc balance ca the·oourt. ·
Before decl<llni Wodii<odaY to
nomloale Burger. he reported, he ruloil
oul a clOM lrteacl and. Duke 1-lcbool
cll!'llllle, Owles E. Rhyne, pncllaly
because he and Rhyne have "t.em frliadi
for many years.
Honest, Officer .
It Was This Big
A 13-yw-<ld Garden Grove ·boy
w~ "'"1>al>lY lllWld ... c1 111a
heat Waya lo lllbalanUaJe a fiah llotJ -
report JI to the police. Allil.' lf....,..-i Btac11 orr ..... mltl<d.
It wu a whopper. ·
Tiie boy call<d po11ce !rem -u. Balboa pier to' .._t the tl)ell oL hll lbll.
which he laid he leli wMlancled far !ho
The catch! ,
A · five-fOOt:long. s,aJm'on wei&hlnl t>
pounds, he said. .
Speculation ran high that the "salmon ..
missed a turu 1t ·the Santa An·• Rivv,.,
mouth, late for lhe legendary ·amaial
spawning run.
eo..c ·
! I • ,
Weatller '
n.e 11.1n'1 sttn• ahr.' '° rjoudy •
aklai'wlll prenlf miolt ot trlday,
with nmcw1 ~ of. • akin& ljli Orup Cout and 74 IUrtbe<
Awell·known~mpusathieteandtht eagalf 11 ·Calls' Prof 'Li·ar' ,A~t~l=~I !~~~::~
mosl radical of UC Jrvlne'11ludent body TruiHe prod11etion ond a hco1>y
Ath~te, RaJ.ical
Seek VCI ·Re~1'8
president candidates will face tiach other S ~· .. ENTO ~ • t ~\" •T • , .. .. .• .. , ... · · .. ~ -,a.~ t0fcbn4 thectrkal mel'l• for the . • A"~ (Ar). ~""""otliarlri1iuJ ~ · ......._,.,.,'.tJiit~•-• adill'"~ -"-'w'th Orattge Coo•t ere ftat•rtdl• to-• '"a runoff electlCll Friday. d,.,k with his ha~ -I • lie • .-. 'inc•••--•~•-··~ of th•. .,._,.,"I ""' -"""" °'" ' •··"~ enlerlnO.~•t I"'-18 , w 1 1 1ar F-'-11~ • ·~ = I -• -~-~·~" -!:and •·1·"~ 11,,_...........__ l'T• """ · •·r""• ~·· acrpoo1 ... ,.,..mmeul-Gov.!Wlpn= ... 111 1· ~~lllol"ol~jiollllUJ 14 ,,..., tk;,;;,d';j~llii',.,.,.._,, • ._~, 1 ~.'IP•· i. '• ,.,.:.,,,,, , <poH~ rodlcll feno,t , D-•..tlft P.t« -'ptolmon lo F ' • · '-'--, ' · • ...... ' •-w ""~' " · Herma11"41ol91amoora11eldofflv• lheun1vera11y« 11 t . ·-~£:lbia ~ .c-• .,..•_ ~ ... nn11~1 Y ,•nd.~u1 c:on "!":'°"; 1=: ...: :i=."C. !:
Jn YatJDg late last --comNM, ,._ ' ""'"' ...,_ .) ' ' ' -• --• _.,._ -·~ . 1~ ... NI"'.. ~ t1Mt echoed WOfsy .tntetn,tpled · "'~:W~an •.,...1 ~ " ~ ,.._-"
u-grerecandidal .. Jam,. Heynt, In a Jialf-ncur. t m.ihec/by bil. -~ bln!fd« omoo.•111t ..,.,.., wUji· ypu~llld .I ,w;.,,~. he ·~:' t'nl :...."";<:;. l· = =-:t:
JU votetf ~ K1nc, 102, and Bruce , .. ternea on bodl Rlliian • ~Wtilnddowft11118ttdelktnd r.;;· 11"°1o '.'..\'. ~_,_ l ' •••ua••• ,.,., ... ....
Milli. 91. deleptjon ol ~Jtw fiCUIIy ~ f 6'W 'it 1'nt. Leon 1~WOfsy( ~·lJllen,, ReqD·~ ln:•M_,;, ir'e ~ ... ttire' re~, *'"fi ~ .. : 1
Abo In the runcll .-\U be -bc!l!L the ....... mml'nlllalii antll hu Jllill ... ~ llorf , ' ,..i ·~· ~-~UJ..Jf!!!l'.l!U"'!"' • . • 1--7 ... .._ " -•
. ' .
The DAILY• PILOT, In a spc\:l•I 16-
pap tabloid section, today often Ups on
automolive maintenance, car travel •nd
plaeeS your fam ily's whffla ca take you
lhit .....,..,., Btfon Y1"' tin over yot1r
engine to be&in your va<:atlon trip, tum
11\ese Pit"' and read the -. -t0d17. ice president condldalel Jim GOU!niil;-...i.t. llli.JiCe,... }*11r!Ui .llOth ' ,~'Y"U tal~ abOiii-polltlcal · "Wlll,..lef ... lliiliilii~ -:" ,.,,
ilt -and Din Ma)'lleld :111 vM. he w · u. pulnlon . , 1 ~ ~~ 1!1' _pn a ~· !Ila •s~,i'.l'l;j.7 "r""""'.._---===....;;;==---t--t .. '
•• c '
• -x::x--,.,.,...,-, ~·w •-o · · M= tr e =· m· ·+·, ... w--·..:•
------'-"-------·-----.......... ·---------•
arhigf StiH',NO~-~Verdict
~ ·--
-1tt ---• .. ~ -.
. ~· ·rij JAa iiaoll&ci: -. • .., JOiat ~ ~ .. . .... ....,..,.... -! -~dllNil ··111' ' 1A._ u.-~ ~ t::= ~:;: =~ ~:.'t :;'.:~ ... ,lioolied _, 0::, problem ol a IUllJre '.Orm ""'*::.t, ID 'mo ._ 91:8 ~-.Cowt alln !or .. -~ "*' -~ without* In the Pill" 1 ' ·
• Coo1a Ma& oc N port -~ aald six c:ourls are necesaary };;i; lflo WU delayed pending llOW wilh the ability to npond lo 12,,
o\udy ol _the-matw_wblcb · ouddonly -The~ 1\lm. land -151evel while e confUaed before: 11 wu coo-the Newport .Beach future Civic Center
' 'l'uesdoy. 1P!"'J>'rly Is doph>g. An advantqe In
:; fads emqec1 from lhe loo& bWJdlng com to Costa M-~· •
1 11 , , . -&lperviJorAlton.E. Allen ,lsbolheftd '-lloOI 11Uper9iJors flvoc the Cool& by lhe pvklng sltuetton at the Colla Mesa loootlon on the Oranae Coonly M,.. alln (Falrvlnw Road and ArUnaton
Jl'airgrounds because of the obvious cost Drive near Orange Coast College and
factor. (A saving to the county of about f.fesa High School). "l'm afraid the kids fl milllan). would U3e the p1rking spaces." Krause
-Real Properties Services Director said design could overtome thi! ob-
Slanlq Xrauae aald the two moot fm. Jeetloa.
por11D1 determining factors were coot ol -Mayor Doreen Mu:>hell of Newport
:'.:: ~ole Gets Grant
Rotarians, Gridder Buoy Youth
Of"tlll\. ~ "l"f Steft Awed by the attention Crom Rotiriim
former football star, Cot.ton Hale,
skipped part of class today to hear f# ~ college ·educallon he has
lf'Oweid to accomplish.
"Cole," who resumed his classes at
Newport Harbor High ~t about two
weeks alter he lost several fmgers in a
waterfroot accident, heard preliminarY .W. loc a llCholonbip fund set up for
him by tho, 8ewport Btacb-Bolboo.
ROtiry Club.
Former pro-football -kicking star Ben
~ajaniu .... 08 hand -lo buoy C9le'l
opirlts. . • Dowo tbe way from Harbor High, some
...,. ~.c@d aomethinc "" their own ·lli:he]p !><rt 1JIUl>g Cole today. · SIUileilta of.a special educatton c1aas at
Horaee Ensign lntermediale Sehool have
.raised $39 for YOUill Hale by selling
·llo~ eoalriea to lbelr claaamalea.
: They took their ~-earned con·
· tf;tlbution to Cole's guardians on Balboa
:~la· .... .,c.ote met with officers of the Rotary
• "erab, who<e fund is steadily growing
lbmlgb penooaJ contrlllutlooo m>m
private citizena and from tht club'•
To daln, tho .ned&llD& fund lollls aboul
f700. I ... Rotarian · Frid Swt11110n, ~ho with
fellow club member Rob HWon is
spearheading the drive, said the project
will become a ~or]lll club. · "Wi b)iie tba\ we'Q._ tie 8ble to add to it
on a long-nnge buia, 11 be saU!.
Al°'1&, with Rotary effarts, other
Harbor fftl orpnlzations are being con-
tacted for help.
.I Jn lhe-, Cole Hale atr.ad}' i>
per-a, lhollklnl _.. ""' helped him JluwCb·lbo -ol his JnJruJea. "Yestefda1, I went® vlalt a lady on
Lido ble wtio -me a nice leller and a cmtributlod,' •• be Aid. '
"l!lle told nli ff l!lode her wbole yw,
not onlT her clay. -'Ifill ruily made me
1ce1 areal". ,
~ mumed cl.uoea it achoal U..t Mon·
day, he aid, a clay alter he !ell Hoag
Memorial lfospital.
Cole'• &gers, all bu! his -and one int;Sex finger, were ripped from his
hands last May 10 in a freak dock ac--
cidenl at Art's Landing Iii Balboa.
Doctors worked in vain to attach the
aevered diiJla alter they were torn oU by a boat's docking line.
Swenaoa urged clubl and c!Ur.;ns to
add" to his club'• fmld b)' lleDdlng con·
tributlonl lo Cole Hale Fund, P.O. Box
285, Balboa hllnd, C?alif. -·
:::' .. -Olo "'dlioe "j II~ -~ Ooiq', ... "'-~,.-a:~i\~.:::. , .,.__ID eodJ .. Idol! e .. _
-Mayor Alvin L. Pink!~ of Costa
Mesa disagfted with llupervllor All<ll't
contentions on parking: "1he couru do
not open until 9 a.m. alter ,the studenb
have already gone , to acbooL We can
Police lhe pvklng and realrlct tt to court
Pinkley emphasized thi grut coat aav·
Ing to the county in tM Col&a Mesa pro-
posal: "You are talking about $l
million." He said some of Krause's
remarks about "balanclnt out ad·
vantages" were "not true." ~
-County Fair Board President C«:il J.
Marks said any lease for the falljromds
CAIL Y PILOT .,_,. ,...,.
Student Pre1ld.nt Cummin91 . '
Runoff Decides
CdM High Race;
Cummings Wins
Jeff Cun1minl!;, 16, a Juhi6r, I! neW
student body president of Corona del Mar
Ambulance Firm for City . ~-::::~wec1nesday1narun .. 11
· elituon w11h ~'Newton.
,.,.· '.•· I ~r1,: . , ,, ~ .,,,..l'l'llbll~-~ !611owina a day,
New]lOC't j!eoch has• uoond lll· -.. 'llleoalloelllilflrl~ i:Joiig ~llieicll'lli the boys' gym,
bullnce liim today. ' : ' said Ibey had no ~-ir.iiliirdid ·-nu!um. 1
. It Is Schaeffer's Ambulance Servtce, the city nwiqer'I -· 'o! Ii< •-dates '1llDnc !or the lop
•. ·.6.·.'ic1 lt ~-" aoon move ·~-a ~ .... _ . .J CM. Scbaeffer'a, lite. SNl'1, will aho serve !ud t bod off" ,,_ __ , d ww. ww .,............. ... -Costa M "---"-.. •'--s en y ice, '-tUllllWngs an ft NeWport Blvd., near the Seal( Am· the firm e:-a 44~1.11:~ W.::pproved Newton came wfihln two votes of each
bolance llervlce office at ~ N. Newport Seat's has been omlng Newport u sole other during the first balloting. In lhe
Blvd. ambulance operalo<11ince Bayahom Am-run.of!,. Cummings received 3S8 votes; :·City CClllllcilmen unanimously 8J'Jll'O"ed bulance ftDloat of-..S shout a year Newton, 271.
,_ ,WI!Pt for the new firm at thetr last. ago. other offictn elected were Arnold
.. Clark. vice president; Cris Eoggia,
aec:retary; Keo Neisser, treasurer;
Barbara Katz, campus commissioner;
and Pat stow, commissioner <X rallies.
F,...... Pagel
f4a!1 agreed ~ lhe ~hang~ ol V<nae with
olbicrtty after 1ll1SllCCeSSIUI seeking ob-
jeetlom lo lhe move.
Boat Deckhand
Faces Drug Rap
I ' . '
-" .. lftllllli'llltb'~be IUbjec:t lo I •• , •• ,. dW -LinDiallialf't( ...
---lbt...,1111. lie ., 11tt r.ir bia n ..,.
-llo!o -ed...,, ... Ud""8 .-! Ille'-moved about il !he
county wlahed. I
M11tr. empba""'1 that the !'air Board
prolerred a Jona tmn -ralher lhan a
ilale °'-t!>e properlf to -brlna -to tbe·lllir.
-Fair Board member Ro~ Hum·
phries said thal I aale WU J)Ollible. "The
final 111lllortty II the G<netol..Servlces
Ad.mln1'ti'aUoo." He added : "All parking
rules wUI be enforCed by the city -Or Costa
~fesa as it does now aJ l)9C and the high
-Muks (after a statement by Dew
Fair Board member Thomas ll98en lhat
"lhe state'• ttind Ii clear. 'rbO property
<Cannot revert to Ule county at the end of
the lease. Wt •lll.JllJ~ to get Jlie,Jill&i _ -..1na1111AH1164'~llll•. 11p1 ljdoolloo ,nil ,. ,...w,.u,,.'
...:Supervtoor David Balu!r; "'Tb.e
Fairriri>uooh afte. 11 not 1..-1a1e1y
available be<auae-ol l<caf oomt>l!ta~
We need an &OSWf'J' aoon. I favor lba:t site
on lhe imporfont coat' laCt&': Also lhe
land is oot-M'llle lb rolll-OOW·l8 Is the
Newpocl BetcJt.oller.
Supervlior Allee qreed with; -"We
can1 laugh off ca.to M..,. aa lhe bull of coot. There are adv._ .., beinl;ad·
jaoent to lhe Newport ,Beo<h Civic. ~er
but I agree oo preference tar the Costa
Mesa location.
He moved that lhe matter be rt/emd
back lo the Reol l'r<!perties Depil1ment,
lhe County Counsel ..... the Raad Depart·
ment f0< further lludy. ~ mntlou pass.
ed, u with no time let b' a answer.
. .
SDS Planning Hot Time
For Rafferty at occ ·
C all l o r n i a ' 1 ever.Jn.the-spotllght
Superintendent of Public lnstruction Max
Rafferty may ezpect a greeting from
Students for a Democratic Society (SOS)
Work Starts
Monday on
Island Bridge
Workers will .begin byJlding a tempor·
ary bridge· to N,wport Island Mondai.
. the span at Marcus Avenue wW J>rT;-
vide access to the triangular-shaped
Island whie tile old wooden -and slowly
ainktng -38th Street bridge is replaced.
The fl.U,302 project will be undertakea
by Croft &: Neville Co., marine con-
tractors hired by the city.
Derek Whitt, city ,designer engineer,
Aid the temporary bridge at Marcwi: will
have only one lane. It is ezpeded to take
about a -k to build and will probably
not have auff.iclent headroom to allow
boat passage.
Deniolltion of the existing two-lane
hr~(~,. which is about four decades old,
wtll llF! aa -'!f the tempo<ary bridge ls completed. The new o;mcrete
replacement _ btjd&e is expected to be
completed by the end of September, at
which time ~"temporary span wUl be
• dbinantled.
when be speab Tueiday at Oran1e Coast
College lo Costa Meaa.
The ofliciaUy unr.cognited diasident
campus group is aa1d to be planning some
sort of demonstration.
Rafferty will speak at 11 a.m. in the
OCX: auditorium on "F.ducation and the
Individual" The ta1t ls open .to lhe
publtc. Admlsaloo will be free.
Wednesday In ~amealo, Rallerty
suggeated University d Ca II for JI la
regents should meet In his beadquarters
instead of on various campuses.
He gave hia "peraonal assurances that
any attempts at violent disruption of
meetinp in tbe state education building
wilt be seven!ly and aummar\ly dealt
with." ,
Ratttrty was "electtd state su~
tendent of public instiudion in 1962 and'
reelected in 1986. Last year he ran for the
U.S. Senate, defeating intumbent Thomas
Kuchel in the Republjcan primary but
losing out in NOftmber to Democrat Alan
Cranston. •
He a1IO is author of the &II-time best
seWng boot •on. edacation, "Suffer LitUe
Children:" • ' I .
. ,-. I • ! ' A.rgen~· Anny .Has
Control Qve~ Cj ty ,-;.if ·~ l .. ,, .. h: .~ ~o. . , '(Al'1'··""'"'rhe lllllll' ton!< cootral ol.Argenlina:s second
largest city today in the wake of Btudenl-
J>OUet baUlrl~~~ o~ youU1 dead and a ~Of -..-periOns thiured . .. , "i"T"": t " ~ •t.1~ ~ ,'·.;!''"'~,,tr
Page· l
, -. : -\ .
40 radical stud~nts about 1 p.m. TWo Necro students lowered It where lt
Scotl W"mchester, 24, Tustin, on cam· remained t!ie ':i:Lt ll!e .dald y. 'f he If
Pus, be Uid. to register as a student for A. girl, who d to enh Y rse • explained the rac:UJ:al students' feelings .
next fall, raised ii. She said: :
A girl student at UCI who v.•ould not "This is ont tokfl' gesture o( grief or
give tir n'ame lowered it. shame. Maybe he ',(the Berkeley youth)
James Ervin, a UCI freshmen , was wasn'L the most heroic figure in the
Mam all!I County Counsel K!IYIW
.... to' IDO!I todly to -• qDllllon
to tho Allonley -.... _ the
Fair Board C,fJ1. do." The~ concluded on thla'"note :
Harvey t. Hurlburt, Newport Beach Cl·
ly Manager: "Have you written l"1 the
Newport Beach sit<!"
Chairman of the Boerd William Hir-
stein!' "No, but we favor the Cost.a 'Mesa
site on a cost basis."
Hurlburt : "Newport Beach bas mJDY
cost. advaat.qes which we have not
covered. We will send you a leUer
outllnlng them.
Krause: "In analyzing we made
several different valuations. To put a
dollar value on many of the ptOSlble aav-
i.Dgs is not easy, it depends OD·wbich Jite
you art advocating. In our case It ii just
guesswork. We did consider advantqea
Newport Beach mentioned."
County Nixes
New Market
For Richard
0. W. "Dick" Richard of Newport
Beach, a Harbor Area community leader
and supermarket Owner suffered a 11et·
back before the Orange County Planning
Commission wt.cioesday.
Richard had requested, through lhe R.
T. French Development Co., the rezone of
6.18 acres from residential t o
neighborhood coinmercial to build a ae.
colld '2 million Richard's Markel I.Dea·
tion is the northwest corner of 17th Street
and Newport Aveooe In lhe north Tustin
Arrayed against ruchard were petition!
from neighboring homeowner. bearing a
reputed 1,600 signaturu and a hostile
hearing room audience of about lSO
The Newport Beach civic leader almost
tearfUUy pleaded that "establishing a fine
market in the Tustin area is a lifelong
dr eam."
He added , in a more practical vein.
thal "we need to expand, business b: ex-
cellent in Newport Beach."
The location proposed for the market is
surrounded by a high level residential
area with homes in the $40,000 to $100,(M))
The residents present made it cryslal
clear that they did not warit any com-
merdill development nearby. There are
no stot't6 in the area at present.
Planning Commissioner John McG-i.nni!
of Orange, "nailed the coffin lid" on
Rkhard's proposal with the opinion that
it was "undesirable spot zoning."
The market owner has two avenues of
recourse. He can look for 8Jl0ther Ioca.
tion in the area or appeal the rewne re-
quest to the Board of Supervisors •
Planning aides guessed an appeal wat
almost certain.
Orange Freeway
To Be Discussed
standing at the pole to make sure it world, but the point is he was murdered.
stayed down when Winchester returned. This was caused by the University of A joint conference or state and local of.
They sCul:fled and campus police broke it CaJifomia adgllnl.strator who called in ficials en the future route of the Orange
up. Neither was injured, neilher arrested. the police. And we are part of the Freeway down the Santa Ana River has
A campus policeman stood guard for a University." been organized for July 31 by a Costa
while with the flag at .fiv~ghths staff Russell said all classes will be canceled Mesa group.
where it had ended up after.the fight He from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday for a con-Invitations have already been accepted
left shortly thertafter. clave to diacuss the Berkeley s.ituation by Orange County legislaton, spokesmen Reluctant newsmen agreed to ac-
company the court to the west'Santa Ana
watering place.
As Mi" Cybullld dlsrobeHn a bacft
room, the film deplded a naked· woman
cavorting on a bed, apparenlly enacting
the female conlributioo. to a &a act. The
wide range camera eJllUZ'ed that all
aspects of the subject Were conveyed to
the astonished audience.
J. E. JohnsoD, a .UCI receiving depart-and the Oag lituaUon on the UCI campus. for the state Division ol Highways and
State officers and Newport Beach ment' employe, came along We raised "This is tlle typical American way of civic leaden from Newport Beach, Hun·
narrot.ics detectives early this morning the nag. handling issues that come up," be said. lingtoo Beach and Fountain Valley. Jurors and cwrt officials and Judge
_Mast '!ert.Placed ln . strategic posi,Uons
around tbe tavern wblle lhe movies that
nonnally pn<ede t h e Cybulski a c t
flickered on a screen adjaci!nt to the dim·
·Severa] woman jurors refused to look
further at the film after watching in·
credulously for a few mQment:s. arrested an 18-yl!ar-old, fishing boat Ir======================================:;--deckband on heroin charges. 11
I/. lit stage. , • •, ~ mo\oies"· are DOI Included In the ~ l>in an nu<IO dincinl. at Harry
lltoie!ll'i ta.mi and Jur<rt were,~.~ as'k jJlsl why they enjoy =lusion frOni ·
the cuurt·cirder.
A patron who was allowed to remain in
the bar while tfie impromptu court
session was in progress chuckled. to a
newmnan that, "They ain't seen n0tblng
Ken Beck, 18, of 795 Shalimar St., Costa
Mesa, was to be arraigned this afternoon
on charges of possessing heroin and
furnishing: heroin to a minor.
..... ,. ... w •••
..,."""'I _... l'WIW.
Jo<li l. C.rloy
Vb Prel*ftf --~ .. """"""'
Thom•' K10¥il ·f.f;llN' •
lh''"'' ;.., M11r1>hl111
"""""'"' (dltw J''''"' F, Colli111 ~ lkHI!
C11J' Edllo!' ---2211 Wo1I l1 llu1~ lo11l1¥1rd
M1illo1 Atliirttai P.u. ~•• 1175, ,J,,l ---c.-~ ................ ....... ._.1ml"-i"'-. ......... ..... ; .. ,.,_ -
yet." .
To I.ht accompaniment a( a jang11ng
juU box and the ptl!nilve wait from lhe
Beatles, lhe 1111ley MiSI c;ybulskl took the
ministage to go through a UW!atlng &trip
lnaoe routine Iha! ln•olved lhe inrllt •hed· din& ol her fllmly hara>type ottiro.
Completely nade, 8he then adoptod .•
serieo ·o1-· mi body hriltlna ,.,._
lhat have beeft colorfully clelcr1hOll i;y
vice investigaton. Mirrored well* \ensuJo.
ed lhat lhe Jurors got a good look at all
portions ol Miss Cybulsk!'s anatomy.
The Laguna Beach girt then writhed on
a carpet in a serles of hori.tontal routines
while a juke box cambo wailed and
groaned ''get on board.'" She. ended her act by picking up her scattered
garments, fluhinl: a·OO'VOUI smile at the
jury and waltlng qulckly to the tavem·11
bact room.
. ~ was no applause.
The fully dr'8aed Miu Cybuihl Is back
In court tod•:r for the third dq: of her
· trial. Attorney Benierl Moort uPecti" to
conclude h la eumination of defense witneJ.Sea: later today .
From P•,,e l
Newport police narcotics detective Leo
Konkel said Bec:k was arrested at 4:55
a.m. before he boarded the fishing boat in
Newport Harbor.
Konkel said a small quantity of heroin
was allegedly involved ·in the caae. ·Ball
for Beck was set at $6,000.
Police said a warrant on the furnishiiig
charge bad been issued through lhe state
bureau of narcotics.
Smoking Clinic
·Starts Tonight
Onu:ige Cout smokers are h i d l n g
their ashtrays and cigarettes as the
Smoking Withdrawal Cllnlc begins Its
five-evening session tonight.
The clinic wW be held from 7:30 p.m.
to 9 p.m. in the Lyceum at <;o,,ta Mesa
High School and will continue each night
lhrough Monday.
It's free, and it's sponsored by the
Tuberculosis and Respiratory Distue
Association of Orange County.
It features films, ~ons. and
group 1'tberapy" ror smMers who have
llnolly _, the llghl -or lhe gny
patches an their lqs. bln,Y PflOT, wllll •IOI II _......,. fPlt
•-lh .... "' -~"'*' ~ ~ .... -~---... , ........ ~ 9'edl. ~ ..,,, c-.. MtM. ....,._...,. a professor of ~cteriol0£Y. F De :..-...::"'"O.::""c.:.':"'..:: "l woold like to hear who you art," a''Or ath Penalty
~ .... -. .......... mi..,. uldReqan. :-..., m:--.'-c':' ,!.~ .,... ,_ .,-tam Leon Wofsy. Oil)'? Are you be~ SAN FRANClSCO {UPI)-Nearly two-
Jf~ 1 11141 MJ .. JJI py1" third! of Clllfomia's residents favot
= _._. .Wsa11a: .. MJ.Nn "You bet i·m happy ," said Reagan. retenUon of the death penalty for pu.ni!h-
• ~ 1•; °""* c...1 ~ "And >-w bet you won't aay anythtna that ment of serioul erlmea, tlie Mervin D. '-""'· • .... · '""lt'I. ,...,...,... wlll -.--<--." Field Poll Id today ....,.... _,.. ., .. 111flw1u::11 ..,.. _.,...., ...., Iii •
:...• .. •;:...;:..: ~ .. .., _. The ddepUon of tight faculty, beaded Field said a rt<:tnl pu.blle opinion -,,_ -°l: -• .=.:.-" by 0w<n CbomberWn, a Nobel prise-win: Sllllplina ol I.OJI penms lndlcalnd 15 =:.n-:.....:":".-. ._. . ........:;~· _,_~nl"'ng._pb:yalcllt,-e&me--lo---tlM Clpt\ot.-to ptrcent favored lbt-delth penalty, M
~·......,.11-1.11 """"""· ~ aU Reagan to rmtOft na· percent oppolCd it and t percent hid no ~ '==----...-..-..-..... siJoM) ~ fnxa-11-~---eptnJon,--
' , ,, I )
al JI. J. 9arrel~ ,
FROM $129 to $149 ••• NOW!
t UQU. •••
•• •
VQI:. ·1>2, NQ. 12~. 4 SECTIONS, 52 PAGES
Mole . . -Thi-ef·
' . "
--.~ ............ -r
Digs· $10,-()00 ... .
Mesa :
• . ..
Lunar Craft Undock.ed
Photo Si,_op ..
Theft CaDoo: ·-
Apollo Duo Taking Clas_e_r Look ai Moan Professional·
SPACE CENTEJl, . Houston (AP).----
Aftef k~i)ing lhe 'worl~· in suspense for
50 minutes, two moon-orbiting Apollo 10
astronauts undocked a fragile IWlar Ian~
ding machine f.wm lhelJ"> command ship
today and ·prepared to rJy it on a ·daring
deseent ·to within 50,000 !eet of the
surf~ce ..
Tht' f l·r st word on the successrul
iteP.81'8tiop. came £rom Navy Crndr.
Eugtne' A. Ceman in the lunar module, or
LE1\1, with Air Fort-e CDI. Thomas P.
Stalford. · -
"\Ve read you loud and cl~r," <;:e::rnan
radioed to the ground.·"We're about 3D to
40 feet away from Chai-lie Br9wn . 'arid
station keeping.,, i •
"Very good, Snoopy,'~ a re!Ml~
mission control' comml;!ntator replied. '
Charlie Brown and \ &ooopY · are~ the
racilo 'call names for ,the two~Craft.during
the elght~h.oin" separ's.tion ·iri which Staf-
ford and eeFnan were to pi()Qj).twice to '. ' . . '
What ,Does Treasurer Do?
The Costa Mesa City Council is in·
iti&ttng a study of what a city treasurer
actually does in the line of duty as the
latest development following the death of
the only man who ever held the job.
California League of Cities·experts and
probably a special c;onsultant will be ask-
ed 'about what should be expected or the
JiUCcessGr to the late W. C. "Cy" Ries.
Cifi Atto~y Roy· J~ finally brought
about the new. course of actioo at ti:~
a.m.' Tuesday, alter Councilman William
L. St. Clair had read bis lengf.hy m~mo
on the JrOblem through for a· second
time. . ...
·"With the blind leading the blind, I'd
like to comment tMt We never lost a cKy
::=y.:~= w~d:f~~~:
actly what he ahould do," June said.
One of the eulogie! to the late Mr. Ries
after bi.s Mardt 26 death was that city
aides never even krlew the popular civic
leader and astute financier was around
until they found ·his work done.
Five men have since applied for the
job, a state-required post paying $100 per
Councilman St. Clair's presentation
Monday urged form8ti0n of a committee
of city department chiefs to study the
duties of the treasurer.
~tock Markets
NEW YORK (AP) -An ·earlY advance
petered out today, and the stock market
closed On a lower note in active trading.
(See quotations, Pages 26-27).
lie noted that the first city budget In
1953 was $100, a donation oC $2.0 from
each councilman elected after in·
corporation, while the coming fiscal
budget will be near $7 million.
But. he charged, -in some instaf\ces
city .business .is still being conducted as
it was l& 'years ago, despite vast in-
creases in population and entry into the
computer age. -·
Fellow·councillnen counterett:b)r· saying
that some 'tf· tM 'SU°ggested· du'ties and
responsibilities outlined in Sl Cl~ir:'s
piper.are ~<I)'~· e!lic\illtly haJl!ll·
ed by full-tiine city employes. "
Councilman St. ClaJr-was to have been
included on the 1H'Oposed -committee on
treasurer's jQb. tpeclticatklqs, but asked
to be laken off befatt tbe Wte was taken .
"l'm not so Sure l know what a
treasurer should be," he said.
"But you wrote-the paper,," murmured
a colleague.
"I'm going to stick with what we have
11tttil something better is shown," observ-
ed Vice Mayor Robert M. Wilson.
"Fellows, let me read the paper over
again," said St. Clair at 12 :21 a.m .• run-
ning through the. sheets another time as
his by then red-eyed constituents sat.
Following the city attorney•s·suggestion
to seek outside aid_, St. Clair asked If
there was a motion on the floor and was:
advised there was -til:s.
"l'JI be happy to withdraw it,'' he said,
and Councilman GeOrge A. Tucker
withdrew his original second, at which
time·st. Clair moved"to approve the new
suggestion to get professional help.
within 9.3 miles of the Sea of Ttanquility
to scoul a landing site where two
Americans hope to land in two months.
Clear evidence of the undocking-came
just seconds later when a live color
television piCture of the spide~ LEM
was £lashed more than a quarter-million
miles to earth.
The camera was Pointed out of the win·
dow of the command shiP.. manned ·alone
by Navy Cmdr. John W. Young. ·
Reagan Sh:oitts
At Professors;
Calls One ·'Liar' ,..,._ .
SACRAMENTO (AP) -Pounding o
desk with his band and shouting "liar.!''
Gov. Reagan angrily refused a request by
professors to pull national guardsmen off
the University of California at Berkeley
DAI). y' PILOT ...... 1W \M ...,_ In a half-hour argument mar~ed by bit;
terness on both sides, Reagan told a
delegation of Berkeley faculty .1'tJesday
the guard must ~)Min qntil 'Vjo~ \ll(l.S
ended. lfis f~ was' pale with ,fury.,e<>f.h
111' ~IJ<L Uie P,l'of-o: ·<;o•ti!"'"lly in-terrupted each otberln"lcpJB votoeS.
,,,..., C•mor• $"°' lul'91•.., Twmod 'Prot.o~lonal'
' ~ :./ i--• l -· • ...-' 1-~-llolitietil Appoini~~~ ~
He exploded in anger when one of the
visitors accused him of makihg a political
speech and trying to fire campus
chancellors who oppose his ideu.
With· a resounding bang that echoed
through -his outer office, the governor
slahune<t his hand down on the desk and
shouted at Prof. Leon Wofsy: ·"Listen,
ForSupremeCoUrt~Nixon _
you are a liar! ·
"Now don't you talk about political
speeches. Don't you make a poUtical
speech of that kind and charge me with
going and trying to fire chancellor•. I've
fought to keep poliUcs out of the running
of the university and will continue to do
Wofsy Interrupted: "We are pleading
with you and I won't be angry. I'm
pleading with you to ...
Reagan broke in : "Who are :vou by the
way? Who are you?"
"Will you let me finish," l'eplled Wofsy,
a professor of bacteriology.
"I woUld like to hear who you are,"
(See REAGAN, Page Z)
WASHINGTON (AP) -Presidenl Nix·
on said Thursday he will never nom!Iiate
a personal or political friend for. the
Suweme Court and will not consider·
Nixon Pleb Uw and· Order
.Ju1tlce. Page C
race, religion or geography in making
such selections.
NiJ:on met informally with newsmen in
his ovil office and, at what turned' out to
be a sin&lHUbject news conference, talk·
ed at length .about the court and his
nomination of Warren E. Burger to be
chief justice. However, !he ~resident
Torrid Trial
Da1-icer Does 'Nude' Thing for Jury
Uy T0!\1 BARLEY Jurors and court officials and Judge
0t "" lMHr 1>11.r $t.it l\.fast were placed in strategic positions
Curvaceous Carol Cyb1:1lski of Laguna around the tavern.while the movies that
Beach did her torrid, all-nude thing normally precede , t·h·e Cybulski a cl
be.fore the smallest but moSt important nickered on a scfeen·adjacerit to the dim·
audience of her colorful life Wednesday Jy lit stage.
-Municipal Court Judge Paul Mast and nose movies are. not included in the
the 12 jurors who may have to rule on court b1n on, Jiude ' dancing at Harry
her guilt or innocence later today· Masellfs tavern and jurors were heard to
The exotic Art Colony entertainer ask Just · why th~y enjoy esclusion from
showed the six-woman. six-man panel the court order.·
just what it takes to get booked ei~hl As Miss Cybulski .disrobed In a back
times on lewd conduct and obscenity, room, the filrh · depicled a naked woman
charges by throwing her undulating 34-24-cav(ltling on a bed, apparently -:nactlng
36 ·frame around the Apartment A.Go-Go the female contrµ>utiori ta a se:r act. Tb\l
ministage for an eye popping and highly wide rarig~ camera ensured ' that all
educational 30 minutes. aseects .of the ~qbject wer~ convf:y~ to
asked that he not be quoted directly and
that publication of reports of the con-
ference be withheld for several ~ours.·
At this time, Nixon said, the ~uireme
Court needs an infusion of ·members
whose nominations raise no questions
abo1.1t personaljrlendship or political con-
siderations. .
The chief executive s'ald he · feels
particul11rly strongly about this because
of the unprecedented lnltance teChitly ln
whii:h Abe Fortas, loilf·a clole friend ond
associate of former PreSMent Lyndon 'B,
Johnson was forced .UJ resign·.
Fortas held what has been regarded •as
the "Jewish se.1t" on the Court.
NixOn said he does not tielle-Ve in hav·
lng a Jewish, Catholic or Negro seat and
that any justices he nominates will not be
11elected to achieve racial. religious or
geographic balance on the court.
Before deciding Wednesday lo
nominate Burger, he report~, ·he ruled
out· a close friend· and Duke Law School
classmate, Charles E. 'Rbyne , precisely
because he and Rhyne have Leen friends
for many years.
In addition, Nixon sald. four othera
whom he considers qualified fOr the' chltf
justlcestiip let. bUn know, they did riot
want lo-be considered · for the joti. ·He
listed these as ·AsS'Gclale· JusilCe' Potter
Stew11-rt, former Gov., rtk>mas 'E. ··I>ewFY
of New' York, fqrmer, A!lri Gen. Her¥rt
Brownell, and the R r e·s·e D'l attorney gen~r.al, John N.' Mitchell. : : ·, · . .
Athlete, Radical .
Seek VC( Reius.
Mlss Cybulski.. 32, promised ,i.irors the astOnilfhed audience.
before she did her bottomless number Several womati 'jurors refused to loOk A well-known campm athlete arid , lhe
that it wouldi be exactly the way it is further at the film after watching in-most radical of UC Irvine's student body always perfomed in the p o p u I a r .
Cl;' .Ille O.Ur l"Utl IWf __
A Costa Mesa camera dealer who ODOI~
captured a thief on the roof arrived it hit·
shop toO late today, finding aboUt $10,00G:
in merchandise: taken in a neat, tunnel
j® burglary f r o m a~ adj~cent atoct:
broketa&e firm.
DaveJloberts. owner of Dave 's Camera
E•ehanie, 434 E. 17th SI .. said hiJ Jou,'
wOuld nm aS high a.s $10,tlXI, while aboUt' ..,;ooo·m Joot w~s taken from 'tbe broke'r'•
$Uite;: . .
The Job appeared to be . highly ero,,
resslonal, according to detective Roscoe'
Broad, but apparently · no Other suit~ in
the multi.unit commercial building Wm
ente~ during the i)redawn burglary.
· Entry ~as made by slipping.eight glass.
louvers out or a window beside th'e door
of Mutual Fund Brokers Inc., and Cfoiwl•
ing into the suite at lhe rear, groundfloor
office ..
drice inside, the Intruders ·smashed
theiF way 'rigiit throu~h the ~dian Ocean
of a floQr-~iling map· covering 'a thin
wallboard partition.
"They lot •a typewriter and a tape
·recO~ '!~.:just ~\ T,uesd~yf'' .aid
J. CJ&y Hendricl<s; re1ml,""!114" of
the firni, "I haven'( been inside yet, but
!'m certain they got my own cameras."
• A snioll briss bell evi.lently yanked \
(rmn _lts_mounll111 cm .the office door to
aTil:ld accidental noise lay In the hole
where ·the louvtrs were f'elllaved as P>
lice lnlpected the scene ot mid-lilorninf. Robe~. who discovered the blirglary
ll'li: ts a.m., ·said all hij ll»mlll~
cameris,·many lenses, 1 nlUlltie:r.Of tape'
rocorden. gadget bags and other equi(>(
ment is ~issing. 1 The' fool was apparently carried out
through the' brokerage office doGr. ·
"I know !l's at least fl ,OOo and I'm
~aslng at about $10.000; ~t· It's 1ohtg to taJt~ a fong time t'o figure ~t," said the1 victim.
The burglars also hurled an· expebsiVe
cash ieglster to the, floor of the dlsolay
ard U, sm$sh it open and obtain •. Cab
contained inside.
'"l'hat really tick! mt OU," be snapped,
"the cash register company says to leave
it unlocked so that won't happen -and I
did -but the juice was off."
Jnvestigators at the scene said ~e ~eo.
triclty is shut off automatically at 10 p.m.
every night, at least partially blaintng
success of the burglary on this c'arkness
factor. ·
Detectives were just beginning to cover
(See MW THEFT, Pago !) .
CHECK INSIDE ' ' The· road tO summer driving plelaure
can 19e· just a tittle amoother for the
drivel-who knows about -and doea
10111eihins _~bout -car care. . Tbe o~Y PILOT, in a special i~
page tabloid sectic;in-;--tOOaYorrers lips on
auto'rnotive nlaintenanCe', car travel and
places your fimll)''S ·whetls ~an take );'00
this summer. Before you turn over your
engine to begin your• vacation trip, tum
these pages and read the section -inside
today . •
Oraa•ti C:oast
Westminster Boulevard bar. But she had credulously for a few moments. president C'endklites Will fli:e eicti'othlr
" to go thrOugh btr pulsating gyrations A patron who waS allowed to re;naih In in a ninoff 'elfcUon Friday. ( . • ' -., ,.
without the snakes that usually form part the bar while the ·Impromptu court Waler polo star'Feidy Mi!!lmino out-neadier
-if not all -of her scanty at.age attire. session was in progress chuckled to a polled radical fellow traveler Peter '-'11\t iun's M'lll ' shy, ao cJOOdy
Her visible assets dnrina her tavern newsman that, '"Mtey ain't seen nothing Herman ~· •• -1 am~• a field ol five 'I --o\ -·d -.. -o • ,, _, "V ea ..... 1kte,1s •wDl ·preva1 1uoi.:o~ i-' •• 1 ay. routine normally inclQde ~~-foot_ python, ye.. , ' · in voling 1ate.lut we.et. 1 wltll mercury readings of 65 I.Jong
two cobras aOO a ratUesnake. Miss To the •CCO!l?~ent ·ol",• jae_cJ.ln.g Tri ilinr 'ftl'e candidate• J~ Heynt, the Orange coast and 74 further
Cybulski nonnally Insists on haodllns the luke box ond th< Pl•lllll•e ...,.,! from the !'2 ot " n--'Ki )M ond B •-•--•. repUles herself and she explained that Beatles, the tultry Miss Cybulski took the Mui: ~s, iwger ng, "4 • ruce iwauu
she did not have time to bring them from mlnistag< to .'° through a Utlllatlng slri~ , A..;, i.; jhe,n"""r '""I.be.~ body ~SIDE 'TODAY
her Laguna apartment f<W the opecl1l tease rouu,,e that involved the Rift -vlce,presideni C'fuates'lm .GOltfried,
court ,.,.Joo. ~of her Oiplly· harem~ype aW... • l"t 1 • n. u.· °'Id v• . A r<vi<w of the !oles~. UC
She does not, It ill understood, allow i;::omp1ei,li mide, s).le· then idopted a.. . 'f 'iO es, 80"' .'f;"n 1_.Y.ue -v~. rnline prod~iion arid a. hffmJ ·
anyone to handle her asp. series ~ poset and ~Y twistipg .routinear Cll.qde 0or.1,1-. 1 niitpfu~ ..ma!-e or , weektnd theat~l menu.for tile
The rad)-cal departure from municipal that tu\~ been colOrluDy described by, MassJpUno wllh .Cotilrled. was e}ected Orange Coast ate feoturtd iri to-
court proto.col c a·rn e when. both pro-vice tnvestlgalors. Mlr'rored wall! tiMur-~e'f'· .,1 .... ~l dtht -.... • •L-· dov!• fftterittmm1n't pogts, 18 -uling ___ .. , .a-rense.__coun&el a-eed ed...•i. .. .i-u .... JW'ota~ir"" ... 11 good.Joak.:at all w ~cci.eu u ~na~'"'ate~.,_~ ~ th&ilb.-~ should ,..-u; dooce po<tj~;f' Mis• <!;Jiitliii'• anatomy. . Barry ToV!Jo aiir.15iyfd fl1jm'6ij110j!~ ·-• ·
which witnesses have described as "lewd, 'l1ie Ll'&tm& beacli atrr I.hen 't'dthed on physical scidlces; .RObert' Fare~ lftii =:.= ~ =.":. ~
suggestive, and plainly filthy." Judge a clrpet' fD 8 s«iea of horizontal routlnet Gorham and Mike · Y~, \blb~I c..... • --.. c..tJ •
(Set NUDE DANCE, P.ce ti whUe a jute box combo walled and sclel'ICts; Larry l,.qtt; tine Ufa: Jo6n ~" 1; l:t :;:r 1$-n
Maal agreed to lhe cba• of yenue with ~ "@( On boanl." She eooelher Halvmon an~ Chris ''Vea111, soc 1 al ....,.., ,.,. ' =tJ' MMth :_-g
alacrity alter. u.nsucceafully .eekiog ob-act by picking up her scattered sciences: Robett Crane, Bnino-Batdslali =::1•·"1•1 :~ ,......_ •
DAIL y ,,LOT ...,, • .., jec.:Uons to the move. g_11nnenlt, Dashing 1 nervous smile at the Pat . ~ary, Joe Broido.;::,,,;ond;,;;..,;'J.-;a;.]i;l;;...+..:'~'"O:':;'';;u;,,• --'''!-' ~"~'i!i"'~"::0::-_;:"~":-4l-------~=>==~=--11eluctilrt~ · Jurn;iihl~IY'Wtll6'1)~ S~;i11mlan!Uer;A• , -, --.. -f-t-~--===-i:Ci;iAROL TOOi( IT ALL OFF EOILTHE JU peJ11-th&-"°"""° the·wtst-Santa·Aoa-btdr-roomr--· Lof!O,.,._Tlm Y01111g 1111H'redl£\l&boi'tb;--.. -, • ., ~ffw.,.. ·,;;is1il\f-So Wat-MlnMlr911 waterinf place. 'Mitre was no apPll~. 1e111tw'I at larJe. 1 ~ •
./ • ' . ..
' J ;
..:.-------------------·----·--_t'!': ---.----· --
~· G6uri-Site • Hetiriltg: Stilf :Nti:·.verdi~l
. . "\ ;
k-• r ~·: · 11J 14Ck lllOBACK . tr. •1t ·..:joint ""*""' \liio. lll'!ID -llld lhe purdiul el IU --1)' lftllllllr CIMOt be subject to 1 lhe I-. Wt WIJl ·"8):e In ltl lhe final Milks and County CounJel l<llYI*
.:.. '""'--"'" dlllt ~·oot11-to 1111".~ ·flomtllalnlDl~llrMmtlllal '\'•=•lllhelll lpellllo . =--·n=.n.:• ~1n:::,.~.~~ ''3 g"'~t ... au:.=. ~·=~a:~~~ ~~~~;$ -:"°latd1111~~~~.e, one."~ JfJ · ,.-..~11r1111~..,do~' on
·-~the problem or a luture .Ollrtnrjuli-lntbll-""" •• .,_.,.. ....... . • ---4o<1aredsurplusucilbl --SuperWcl' 'l'Vid Baker: "Jbe Thedlscus .... n:oncludedoolb!IDO!e: 'Ila¥ Jll<llclal District Court &lie for l1CIC' a-lit for evOrt ....., modi Biie llksd IO 11iiy dodilcm m lllo -""""' tile coald be moved about U lhe FairlfGUlldt lite Is nol Immediately Harvey L. Hurlburt, Newport Btach Cl· ~~"""" 'l)IO!ldoY without decltloo. . In lhe P,UI·" . . ' tl\e. I ' COllll~ •llhed. a.allable'becauae or !<Pl-pllc-. ty M-: "Have you wrlttcn oil Ibo ~~ 'ol a Coata Meoa or NewpQrt ~Kr.ue llld st. coui;ts ,,. -•'l' -Mayor Alvin' L, Rlnkley of Colla Maits emphubed that lhe Fllr Board We n<t:d 111 aoawer -.111vor·lhll alte Nowporl Btach slte!"
. llllil '"'delayed peodlnlf l\Jrlbar DOwwillllheabtJllylnapanitlOIJ. Meaa dllqreod wilh Sllporvio« Allln'a pnllqld·aloactcm..._nlllortllana on the imporlallt COii 11ctor.-A11o lhe Olalnnan of lhe'Board William IIlr-
stad)' ol. the matter which suddenly -The Costa Mesa land ts level while contenUons on park.Ing: ''The courts do sale of the properly to bring income to land is DOt 01) tbe tu rolls DOW u is le stein: "No,·but we favor the Costa Meu
·~ """"""' before I\ WU coo-Iha l'jewporl Beach f\JlUn: Civic c.nter not open \JOU! I a.m. after the .tuclenls the fair. ' Newport Beach oiler. • Site Oil a C081 baais." ~ -n-y. ' . prope<lf .ls llopiag. An ~e In ~· aln:ady I""" to oc;boo1. We can -Fair Board member Rober! Hum-Supervllor Allio ogtMI wllh, " e Hurlburt ' ''N"!l!'!.i ll<ach bu !!!!1!1Y
.. ~ facll eD\"'l.ed 1""n the loog l>WldlnJ ~ to C06la Me~. ' . police lbe J>!ifklllg_and l'!llrld If-~ cowt pbrie111Jd lblt a oale wu poaalhle. "Tbe can1·Jaugb oftColla -oe tlle1>Ula of C06t advanliges wfiich we have nol :-Ioli: .. . . .,.&lpervboo Altoo E. AlleQ ls bothered vlliton." final. aulborfty ls Ibo ~al Services cost. Tbtre ore advllilo,. on belq ad-covered. We will atnd you a letter
· • ..:.MM l\Jl)erVJaoil -lallOt the C06la by ' tjie parking si"1aUon al· lbe C06la Ptnkley empbui!"' lbe IP'eal '-·llV· Admlnlalfalioa. •He added: "AD parking Jacent 14 tile Newporl BeaclrClvic Center outllni"I them . .:X. locatloa on the -Ortnce . County M .. alte (Fairview Road and Arlington Ing to tile county lb the co.ta Meta pro-rules will be enforced by 'lhe city of Costa but I agree on preference fOr the Costa Krause: "In anaJy:dng we made Fafrsrounds because of the obviOOJ cost Drive near Orange Coast College and posal : "You art lalkinf about $1 Mesa as it doa now at OCC and the high Mesa location. several different valuaUons. To put a
factor. (A saving (o the county of about Mesa Higb School). ''I'm alra.id the kids million." He said some of Krause's school." He !llOVed that the matter be referred dollar vi.Jue on many of the p&C>aible sav· •t mllllon). would use the parking spaces." Krause remarks abOut "balancing out ad--Marks (after a statement by new back to the Real Properties Department, ings is pot easy, it depends on which site
-RW Proputies Services Director said deaiin could ovtmme Olli Ob-vantagea" wen "not true." . Fair Board member Thomas Rogers that the County Counsel and the Road Depart-you are advocating. Jn our caae it is jU5t
Stlnlq lti'aule uld tbe two IDOlt im-jedJon. -County Fair Board Presldept cetil·J. "the slate's stand is clear. The praperty ment for further study. The motion pass-guesswork. We did consider advantages
portd delennlnlnc facton were cost or '"'-Ml,JOr Doreen ~11 .of Newport Marki said any lease for the fallJr_ounds canoot revert to the county at the end of ed, 5-0 with. no Ume set for 11\ answer. Newport Beach mentioned."
;tlesa Police . . ·-
-Book Driver
On Hi"t-Rtin
~ 0oe J!!Olorist police said Wal tr~ ~ .lidllio by orailfwlm;.,.. w .. Jilied
·lllld -· penons were Injured Wed-neaday In Colla M,.. !raffle eccidtnts.
h!Wlnd-run. alter an acd<lent Whlcb ln-
vestlgaton said demolished another auto.
Pal?olmal! •D.eft Hl)'OI iaJd Cos 'called
a bieod to drive bbn back to the aoene. at
P-Rood and Newport Bouolvltd
-beiofplaced·UDder -an'llt ml be Wll laken lnln police custody.
·~--· J<tm F. Groundhofer, 30, of • -1-, Newport Btocb, had eOcl!led lojury, but his Cit WU wred<ed;
oo 'Pro _.by followed the olber
-rlthl lnlo his carport, said Of. .t-Bayes. .. . .
-A Newport Btad1 woman wu seriously
'.l)tjqm! and her 21-year-<ild 11011 suffered :iTI!nor tQJurtes late Weclnaday night
• "i(ben. their car wiped out a power Pole. at
·11th Street and Superia< Avemie, ln-
v.stigal4n uid.
Eleanor B. Klrbyamith, 48, and hor aon
Jcim, -el 4305 llila1a Way, Newport Bead!, ........ tak<n In Hooe Memorial
·Hoopltal -Ille ....... ls In -condition l4dl,y. .
She bu a lrac:lul<d arm, dlllocai.d hip
IUld molllple Jacerallons, accordlni In
. l>oo!llt.ll J!!!ea..,~~ sa14 __ ber aoo .• "II.
-i.d and,..,~.
Smoking CJinic .
s~· Tollighi I '•
Orale Coast gmoi:era are b i d l n I <tliefr ublnlyl and dlu«tea .a lhe
'l!l><*lml Withdrawal Clinic bellna its
~....ion lnoigbl
. The clinic will be'htld from 7:30 p.m. :.to I p.m. In the Lyceum 111 C06la Mesa · HJcl> &:boo! and will cooliml• each nlpt
""'"'""1 Mooday. .
, .ll'a tree. and It's spomored by lhe
: Tuberculosis and Respiratory Disease
Mloclatloo of Oranie ~ty.
Flag Flap Flares
II featun:a lllms, di!cUsalon>. and
,.eroop 11tberapy" for ~okers who have
Bann~r Goes Up , Do wn at Irvine
· ftoalJy aen the light -or the gray "t>Old>el on lheir 1111111.
Front Page 1
-· eeld Reagan.
"I am Leon Wol<y. Okay? Are you hap.
"You bet I'm happy," said Reagan.
~'~And you bet you won't say anything that
: jlll . ...,ma me." .
•:The ddepUoo of elibl faculty, htlded by Oweo Cllamberlajn, a Nobel prire.wln-
nlng phyiJcW, came 14 ihe Cepitol In per90B6llf aak Reagan to remove" na-
tiooal _.iamen from the campu1.
Oi\11 Y PllOT
l•Mrt N. W•9'
"'"llllf>t ..... PWlllhlr
J•clc R. c .. 1.,.
Viet l'r•!Otnl I nd ~ ... IMl'll_,
Th'"''' Kt"il [di-.
Th1,,.11 A. MOlr,hiR•
.,,,.. -Offlu
The U.S. Flag was fought over, railed
and lowered three· times Wednesday o~ •
the UC Irvine:_ Campus by warring
radicals and patrtou.
Mmit ()f the afternoon the F1q: flew at
hall st.arr. ·
The university administration, "·ith
Chancellor Daniel G. Aldrich Jr. out of
town, did not .move to intercede. Campus
poJicemeo eeparaled· those-who IClllDed,
but did not act to change the elevaUoo of
lhe Flag. .
Tbe situation aros& out of an Aldrich
order Tu~y to haU staff flags, later
countermanded by Vice Chancellor Roger
W. Russell when it was lea.med a yooth
who died at Berkeley was a non-student
and a convicted felon.
Radical .-on campus disagreed
with the vice ~llor M>d look. it upon
tbe.m.selves to Jower the U.S. standard as
• symbol " moomlng. Rualell, lbe man left in charge, said to-
day be workad \>er)',.hard all W-y
aftemoon 14 tlraJgblon lhlngs oul
He said, "The situation was confused.
What would you suggest when you have
got • situation in which people have dif-
ferent polm3 of view and are rai!ing and
lowering it?"
Jt was suggested one alternative might
have.,betn to Order the flag raisK. to full
staff and have the campus police stand
guard •.
"My whole being as a human being is
oriented toward solving situaUons other
than by force." Rwisell sa.ld. "I don't
think iri the who!~ history or mankind we
have seen a situation where force alone
hai solved a situation."
The Flag was flying at ruu staff today
with students standing guard to reason
with anyone bent on lowering it. That
solution was agreed lo Wednesday even·
ing by students meeting witb Russell.
Russell said he was in touch twice
Wednesday with Chancellor Aldrich, who
is in Wash ington. D.C., as chairman of
the National ~~ip.tion of S t a t e
Universlty's committee on waler
He s a id Aldrich agreed w i t b his
decision to reverse the flag lowering
order after learning full particulars on
the Berkeley death .
The Flag started out Wednesday at full
staff. It was lowered by a group of about
40 radical students about 1 p.m.
Scott Winchester, 24, Tustin, on cam-
pus, he said, to register as a student for
next faU. raised it.
A girl student at Uct who would not
give her name lowered It.
James Ervin. a UCl freshmen, was
standing at the: pole to make sure It
stayed down when Wlncbeater returned.
They 5CUffled and campus police broke it
up. Neither was injurtd, neither arrested.
JH West Sey Sfr .. t
t.feill~rAl4r11~ P.O. t" 114g~•1'
--. I .....,....,,:'211 .......... ~ ........ 1Mi1C111nt,.....,.._. , ................. , ...... ~
SQS Planning Hot Time
For Rafferty at OCC •
Cl 11 for n I a' a ever·lnolJIHpolUglit
Superlnt<ndent of PubUc lnslrucllon Mu D•tl.V Plt,.01, .SIJI _.... 11 .......,. ""' .,._n....... ......,.. U f II••"'™ 111 .......,.. ..., __. ._ naug~y may e ... t"" .... a gree ng rom
...,, • ..,..,. _.._ tw ...-""""· Studenta for a OemocraUc Society (SOS) .....,. • ...... ~ -. ..,.,,.....,. .. _ ...... "'-~--' Or Co ... ...,. ,.._... v•lillf· .,... .-... WlK"n be spe .... , ""'~«Y 1l ange ast
~ ~ = .!."": ~ College hl Costa llieN.
..... IMI~ ""-' ---. .,,. ,. The olfidally uorecognl.ied diuldent
.. _a.it '""'!..._Ce.t• MfM.. Cdfpul'll'ODJflflaia tObt plannJng IOfne
' , ': t714l ...... 111 IOlt of demooltr&Uon.
a 1' ..W1" r' I 1 w.an. Raftaty Will apeak at 11 a.m. In the
c..rt1111t. *" °'...,. c.... ,...ii 4 OCX: auditorium OD "EducaUon and the 5 . --·-... .... odlvld""'"'11 --·-1'-Is In th . ':..::. ... _ ...... _11 .... I ~' Juri:: -open c
' -•...,.... -· -pub~. "Admlasfon wlll be free. :: ----" --w ... -.... In Sac:ramenl4, Rafferty " .... Qlalll -. t.tt---. ........ .. ™'-.J --"--1--..;.;,;~;.•""·"........,.,...,.. •• a '"' ~nlViiilty of C 111 for D la , ""'"9rY .... ~ .... I t.JI ~. •· .t. ..... 1,.1 In "!· 1. • ....t;, ........ .. -:~.L------------...... ~~met! ·-.~ .... -... .
in.i.od of on -..,. eampu1es.
He gave hla ''perlonal uauranct1 that
any attempts at vl<lltnt dlmiptlon or
metUngs in the sta~ educaUon building
will be •evel'IY and summarily deatt
Rafferty was elected state auperln-
tin<lent ofj>ubllc fnatnlctJon In 1912 and
reelected In 11116. Lat! yur bl ran tor tile
U.S. S.nate, defeallng lbcwnbent Tbomu
Kuchel In lhe Bepubllcm primary but
losln1 out ln November to Democrat Alan
He at.. ls author of. the all-lime but
eelllng book on educ1Uoo. "Suiter Little
King's Inn
Wins Permit
For Dancing
The princea and the princesses today
have reluctant city permission to mingle
in d>e minuet or whatever is now
fashionable at the King 's lnn. ·
The Costa Mesa City Council has
granted a $100-per-year dance permit r~
quested by Mr1. Dorothy Gardner, new
owner ti. the bar at 7JJ Randolph St., who
said she diacouragtis dancing, but wants
protection under city law.
"Sometimes • couple may hear an old
familiar piece on the jukebox and get up
to ~" lbe explained; "I just don't
want to violate any law."
Fire department inve~tigators recom-
mended approval. \\'hile the police
department sai~ the floor' oI lhe tavern
would be too crowded, the pool table area
would be cramped and other £actors are
involved. •
Chief Roger E. Neth says there is not
even a de&Jgnated dance rloor .
"When the: poll~ chleI says the pool
playen will be crowded, then r say pr~
tect the pool playen," declared Mayor
~vin L. Pinkley during council discussion
of the matter Monday.
"Well, now," observed Councilman
William L. SI. Clair, "sometimes it
doesn't take too much room to dance."
"Well what kind of floor is it, concrete
... carptt?" asked Cooncilman George
A. Tucbr, turning In St. Clair.
"Gap, l 10 into so many hlr• I can't
remember," quipped st. CllJr, drawiDg a
roar of laughter In the council chambers.
From P.,e J
the scene foot-by·foot for clues, but said
none of the other suites -including a
commm:laJ photography studio -ap-
peared to be victimized.
Robert.!, alerted by a silent burglar
alarm, went to his old shop at 1835
Newport Blvd., four years .ago and cap-
.tured a 17·year-old boy on the rooftop rn a
brtak-in attempt.
"He had his hands up when the police
got there, but brought them down to his
waist suddenly for some re.a.son and he
could have been .killed just lite that kid a
couple of months a~o." Roberts observed.
CUstomen arrivllli at the scene found
the shop darkened today and a sign
saying it was closed due to robbery taped
to the door.
"Just throw it in the slot and I'll get to
it when I can," he said to a man with a
roll of snapshots to be developed," I'll
pro~bly be a day behind now.''
Cole Gets Grant
Rotarians,. Gridder Buoy f outh
Of 1lle hily .. OH IMtl
Awed by the attention from Rotarians
ind 1 former football star, Colston Hale,
II, •tipped part of class today In htar
plaris rOr hfl college education he has
vowed to accomplish.
"Cole," who resumed his classes at
Newport Harbor High &choo1 about two
weeks after. he lost several fingen In a
waterfront ac;cident, .heard preliminary
plans for a scholarship fund set up for
him by the Newport Beach-Balboa
Rotary Club.
Former pro-football kicking star Ben
Agajanlan was .on hand to buoy Cole's
, Down the way from Harbor: High, some
other people .did something on their own
In help out '°""'Cole IOday.
Studenll ol a special education class at
Horace Ensign Intermediate School have
raised $.19 for young Hale by selling
Five Free
home-baked cookies to their classmates.
They took their hardarned con-
tri bution to Cole'• guardians on Balboa
Cole met wi&h. officers o( the Rotary
Club, whose fWKI is steadily growing
through personal contributions from
pri vate cil.izer¥ and from the club's
treasury. !
To date, the fledgling fund lolab about
Rotarian Fred Swenson, who with
fellow club member Rob Hilson is
spearheading the drive, said the pro~
will become a perennial one for bil: dub.
"We hope !bat we'll be able In add 14 ll
on a long-range basis," be said.
Along with Rotary efforts, other
Harbor area organ.il.atiom are beine coo-
lacted for help.
In the meanUme, Cole Hale already Is
personally thanking people who helped
him through the shock of his inpuries.
Crimi~~ Charges Set
ln Hessian House Raid
1~l comp~ have ~~1$sued
nimln& 11:r·o111 Persqns arre:sted in an
LSD raid at t:Heui~ytle club
'i!f'lllwial qM · ~ "¥~ wbile
OOther five JllVt bei. · frffil Without
charge. :
The visit to 2653 Sant.a Ana Ave. last
Thursday by · state qarColics agents,
Costa Mesa and Newpot1, Beach police
netted' about flS,000 ii' contraband, in-
cluding items whose Ownership is still
being . traced. .
Costa Mesa PoUce ~gt. Jack calnon
sald Tueaday .. thlt. IOns add!Uonal com·
plaints could be issued;' but identified the
sir Individuals awahlng preliminary
hearings and Qielr charges.
Greg E. Elshire, D, of lhe Santa Ana
Avenue address is free on $2,500 bail,
charged with possession of marl]Uana
and assault with a deadly weapon.
He allegedly leveled a shotgun al a
state narcotics agent who burst Into the
room during the raid, but there wai no
Philip J . Alfano, 23, of 4503 Seashore
Drive, Newport Beach, is free on $12,500
ball, facing three counts af SU!piclon of
aale ol. dangerous drugs and suepiclon of
committing a .felony crime while armed.
116herry L.· Rodwe!Jer, 22, and Vicki D.
Rainio, 18\ both of lhe·Santa Ana A,....,.
address, are free on ·•l,.250 bail, charlfld
with possession of dangerous drugs for
Ray W. Brown, 25, ef the same ad-
dress, Is free on 12,500 bail, charled wllh
suspicion of possession of dangerou•
drugs for sale.
Similar charges aga1nst Gary A.
Runger, 2.1, and KaUtryn E. Muaact, 20,
both of the Santa .Ana Avenue address,
were ·dropped, as were counts againlt
Thomas R Niebur, 22, of 359 Walnut St.,
Newport Beach and Michael D. Van
Noorden, 21 , of San Diml!'l.
William E. Rodweller, 22. of 2Z05 Can-
yon Drive, Costa Mesa, appeared for ar-
raignment Tuesday in Harbor District
Judicial Court. He was unable to port
$12,500 ball on his posaession-for·.sa.le
His case was continued unW May 26
and he was returned to Orange County
Unda S. Markham, 22, of 2326 Elden
Ave., Costa Mesa, wu alao freed.
a l JJ. J. (Jarrell
FROM $1;29 to $149 ••• NOW! $9 900 .
Your favorite cl<rigMr IOflJ be "am lo GUilt I/OU., •
H .J.GAl\I\~ fURNf[lJRE
'IO'lmONAL -. 2211 HAllOl ILVD.
INTlt;JOl Dl:Sf&HEAS COSTA Ml:SA, CAllF. °'" Me11 .. n.,... a Fri. kt.
.. ----------·-~-----
Tluldq, 11'1 2t lM • S IWLV-I •
Learn~~ English i:ri Hurrj
--. a pldiire of lbo-11-
of all Diane)' dlanclen, la '""" Gallco, Mn .. and II part of .. ll·momblr family
who came lo the U.S. lo -a beilO'
We. ,
T<day. lhaoU lo the ........ -lo him In the labonlory, he sptalll nearly
periect Enclisl> and doa es<ellonl wort
In all of his ci-. II hos all happened
ln a ~ier d eeven mootha.
"I am ....Uy amazed by' tllla YGU111
man-because he llal to mucl> drl... I
I think that ll he were here ,.,.lher year
hLi languace prolldency would be ec por
with the other kids," llodrtguez said
eillliilalaatlcally. Provess lor foreign natlooals loaming
' ..... . ... -" ,. .... , ,; OVERCOMING BARRIER -Spanish speaking stu· Rodnguez (tight) tc perfect English -for them, a
derrts in cultural language lal!oralory at Fountain strange, new tcngue. Students (from left) include
Valley's Tamura School work with teacher Sam Jose Salcedo, Ernesto Ruiz and Ysidro DeLatorre. __ ,.:.__ ___________________ _
. . . . ~· . . ..
CORE ·Chief Says Blnck
Separatism Only ,Choice
OI ... ~ Pilot St.fi
Roy Innis, national director cf the Con·
gress cf Racial Equality (CORE) aaid
Wednesday that black separat.ism is the
"only alternative to the present path of
confrontation and chaos."
Speaking before 500 studenls at Orang'!
Coast College in Costa Mesa. Innis said
that integration is "tot.ally irrelevant in
terms cf satisfying the bl~ck people."
He sa..id that if the entire nation were
integrated, Negroes, who . constitute 12
percent o[ the pop.ilatioo, would have no
more conlrol of goods, services, and in·
slitutions than they have today.
Innis said that CORE and other black
groups believe there is a need for such
community control because blacks are a
distinct group of people who should think
of themselves as "distinct political en·
"If we kid ourselves for one moment
that blacks and whites are one people, we
wiU make some serious errors of
analysis," Innis said.
''Black!!I constitute a large minority
without political status. Within black
communities, the now of goods and
services is controlled by whites. Schools
in black e<1mmunities are conlrolled by
white school boards. What you have is
segregatioo," Innis said.
He said that black community control
woold he attained by a "three-pronged
attack" on poMtical, social and economic
problems, that w~ re:suJt,, in "',~wo
groups working side by sifW, e8ch group.
black and white, serving i~ own needs."
Innis said CORE is sponsoring legisla·
lion oo the national level to create such
Those From A-L
To Bring Sal.ads
II your last name begins with a letter
from A to L. bring a salad.
Those are part or the instructions to
members and friendS cf the Fountain
Valley Cloverdales 4-H Club who plan to
attend the club's hay ride and pot luck
dinner Crom 2 p.m. to 10 p.m., Saturday
in Irvine Park.
The club will supply hot dogs for the
Fountain Valley Cloverdale.s Include
members from that city and from Hun·
tington Beach.
Oh yes, if your last name begins with a
letter from ti.1 to Z bring a dessert for
CORE Director lnhis
community control. He said "The Com-
munity Sell·O<terii\liiation Bill" i! lhe
first such measure ever sought by a civil
rights group. The bill would : .:..create 'busintss ·corporation! and
research facilities in tiilack. -areas that
woold have a "centralizing effect;" draw·
lng the community closer together.
-Create a "community development
bank" that would extend.credit to blacks
and tax protection to industry locating in
blaclc COJnmunities.
-Gain management conlrol of in-
stitutions of health and education in black
-Establish black wlitical control of
black communities.
-Change the U.S. Constitution "to
make. it possible for blacks to maximize
their political J>OWer" by apportioning the
House and Senate to include 12 perctnt -
Negroes, which Innis said would mean 12
senators and SO representatives.
Innis did nol indicate what kind of
reception the proposed legislation is get-
ting from Congress.
When asked wJiat means he would use
lo implement his goals, Innis said, "If I
can win within the law, fine. But l'm not
concerned with 'means' when I see the
unpleasantness of the present con-
Planners Okay
Half of Plans
For New 1'ract
Half !II developer Georae Holstekl'• six
Green Valley propogaB were accepted
Wednesday night by lhe Fowitaln ~alley
Planning Commiasl.on, while-three Ol bis
requests were put off to later dates. -,
Following a public hearing,' planlh!rs
recommended approval of Holstein's re-
quest for apartment zoning (ft.!) for'pro-
perty on the southwest corner of SJaW
Avenue and Ward Slreel.
. Tw~ slmllar ione Change requests
within the Green Valley master plan area
were continued until the commisslon 'a
Jµly 2 meeting: to allow 'the ataff ·to
review precise plans for the propoeed
Wl.its. ~
Holstein also bad submitted:t.bite ten-
tative tract· maps .for W~y's
meeting involving lot! as small u 5,000
square feet.
Two tentative tracts were approved
and Holstein withdrew the Writ'
Holstein's withdrawal of one tentative
tracl was based oo.dillgreimeni betireen
him and Ibo city rogordlng a drainage
channel to ht placed on the lft lot
development. ·•
The city wanls Holstelo lo ~.ed right·
cf-way for the channel, but he. claima be
does not want to give away tand without
condemn1tion proctdura:.
Holstein said he would wait to · auj>mit
his plans uotil the Orange Cowlty Flood
Control Dlstrict ded4es whether. it can
buy the right-of-way fbr the tlty. Holstein
5'id purthase of the area would solve lbe
problem. '
Planners also conUnued hot.her public
hearing cc a zooe chon&t lot the lack of
pi:eclse plans.
The request for hilh density apartment
zoning on the northwest corner or Slater
Avenue and Ward Street by D. and J.
Souza was continued until June 4.
Old Time Co.,cert
Planned in Valley
An old-fashioned open air band concert
is scheduled for 2 p.m. Sunday at~ the
McDowell Elementary School grotind!,
Fountain Valley.
The concert will be presented by a 66-
piece band composed of fifth through
eighth. grade students and Is open to the
putllic without charge.
.: LIKE IT ••• CHARGE 1.n:
• • • • • "'i .. . . . . . . . . . ....
. •
Beautiful gardens start at ~~R ~
Penney'sGcirdenCenternowt .
Fr1a_..1 g1rdenl1 pilnls
Mystery or Veltclti ••• I
. ., .. -••
~ .. :.--. . ,• .. ·-,
CHOICE 79·~ j
Plant these exotic gardenia~:{i;r
I gallon containers in your O>i¥ij
yard! Enjoy glossy foliage •i1;!#,
sweet, fragrant b 1 o o m 1 tlief
you've grown yourself! ' .. ,
SGAL y-299
' -•!".
.. .. . ' .,
-. . .... ,
llndSCIPI with Junipers! · . ";-
Pfflzer or 11111 t pl.I
, ..... ....
. ... . I 6:~·,:: ~ . ~. .
For bosic prolossional t y p ~ i.,,t
scape planting with tittlo upkNi,i
plont ovorgrHns ••.• now priced far;
quantity buying and planting now! ..r:j'
lt11i1n Cypress ond Japenose ~
Pino for taller overgrHn growth. '
·.~· 7ff. ' .... ._,
Peanuts, popcorn and soft drinks will l -~-----------------------------------be available to muncll and crunch and sip ~
during the concert.
The school is located al 1n10 Oak St. DecoraliYe ground -
Bir~hers Using •smut'~ cover with Sequoia Bark
J c1,
ft! 1.77
Society Mounts Drive to Abolish Sex Education
Coerse, med ium i nd pathway
siio lo ohooso from for border
Birch Society, sometimes using such tac-
tics as abusive telephone cans and smut
literature, is operating in at least 'J:7
states to abolish sex education in the
schools, according to an official r.f the
National F..dueation Association.
The NEA 's Paul Putnam said in an in·
terview the Birch ~ety is using a front·
group called the .. Movement to Restott
Decency" to attack all se.x education in
the schools on grounds lhat Communists
are beblnd the programs.
U.S. F.ducatioo Commissioner James
E. Allen, former education commissioner
in Ne.w York Slate, said he is aware of
the anU-sex education adlviUes. "We
saw it in New York," he said.
"We found people coming multi wilh
literature :..._ aome of it the filthiest yoo
have ever seen -saying it wlD be used in
• 4, J o h n Bin:Jr<Sodety spoktllman
acknowledged lhe connection between the
society and. the Movement to Rntort
Deceocy, but denied that any of i!J
members had wed improper 1.1etle1.
"There is no secret about our pro-
and materials to enable parents to sup-
plement at home the sex educaUon given
their children in Catholic schools. A
spokesman said one-third of the natiorYs
dioceses include sex education in their
parccbl.al school programs,
In an interview with UPI, Allen.said.'
"There has been an effort tn mislead the
poelple about what the schoob are doing.
The advitt we'Ve been giving in this: Sex
educaUon is essential It's part of health
and family living.
"But before any community goes into
it, the schools ought to work with the
community and parents," Allen con·
tlnued. "The biggest , problem In sex
education ia not the chlkfren, but the
damn parents. People get blind spots
when you talk about this. They think it's
Putnam, staff member oL the NEA 's
pro!essionaJ rights and responsibilities
North Carolina Hikes
State Gasoline Tax
moting ' the movement," llld Reed RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) -Norlb
Ben&on. the society's spoteaman. "One of Carolina motorists soon .viii be paying
the first illlojcr projects of that mcve· the hlgbell llale gaaollne tu In lht na·
menl Is to get stJ education out of the lion, IY• ctnti 1 gellon. ,
schools and inlO I.he homq: where it The Jeg11!1lure enacted Wednesday a
bekJngs." bill inousJng the tu two ctnts a gallon,
In a rtlat.ed development Wedneada7, effect.Jve July t. ~ additional mooey
the U.S. Cathollc Coo!erence announced will go for ....i... Nortl> Carolina claim•
tNMt h11 ettabllahe<H taok r.r.. on ... the'"IE161-lllte-suppoi\eif roadnille31e
e.ducaUon to develop te~ethods_ in_lhL.naUon.
commiMii>n, said ln a recent edillon of
the publication, NEA Reporter, "attacks
by extremist ocganizatJoM on family Jife
and sex education courses are disMipting
the scoools and educeUonal climate .•.
the usual extremist tactics of abusive
phone calls to school boards and school
· personnel'and of, factually Inaccurate and
sensational material flooding the com·
munlty are being employed to condemn
(sex education courses)."
Literature distributed by the John
Birch Society states: "It la our ambition
in time' to do battle with tho8e forcta of
Scott's TJ!..rf
Builder or Scott's
Bonus for Dichondra
ci:::. 9.95
I 0,000 sq. ft. size T url Builder
2500 sq. ft. size Scott's Bonus
evil on evefy froot. But our first concern !------------------------------------~
is with our school-age children. For It is a
matter of record that the Communl!:ts
are behind a m859ive effort to destroy
the moral character of the upcoming
generation, ln order to make u.s helpless
apinlt their atrategy ol. conquest."
The leanet continues : "By far the moet
dangerous and disastrous step in this
whole program to promote degeneracy is
the present increastngly widespread ef·
fort to introduce 'sex educaUon' into our
echools, all the way from kindergarten
lhrough hlgli school." .
Tbe NEA Official Slid an "or1anized 1t·
tack" on 8ex educaUon ii under way In at
least 27 state.: Mi""1a, Calllornl1, C.J.'
orado, COnnectlcut, Florida, H.twaU,
Planter Mix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . i "· "· 1.09
Unversi~y Compos~ ................. ~, ..................................... , ... ~.2.19
Topper Top Dressing ...................................................... a-... ~.1.98
Gr-omulc~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. 1. 98
' " • .
l. • .
. -Nitro Humus ............................................. ._ ..... , .... <"I; ............. a ..... 1~ •
Ortho-Gro LIC1ulcl Plant Food or Ortho La~n Green ':'. 4.98 "
Idaho, Illinci!, Indiana , low1, Kll\SU, '---------------------~----------------_;, Kentucky, Louisiana . Maryland, Mich-1r
lgan. New Jersey, New York, Nevad•~ f A 1 I S
'Norjh_Dak¢aJ Ohio, Oklahom•, !l!!m_ 11 ___ ~ a -S ,·eR-c ~ ·--Pennsylvania, Tennenec. Te 1 a 1 , ~ U I I
Wuhlnitoo and Utah.
-New ~rt-Bea eh,--'.1----ti ---------
• •
•;----------·-------__;;---"--~=-;;. ;-::-c:;--:
• --------
430 .Gls Die 'baw · Order' Man ' . ' . ' In 1st Week Midwesterner Burger to Be Chief Justice
'~ "" ... .,..., Ntt Sf9ftl
HEW YORK -Mayor John V.
Liodsay, who is running for anotlr
eD' fou~year term as mayor, a~
J*rently believes e n o u g h 1s
ellough. When told by visiting
Mtyor Teuvo Aur• of Helsinki
Utat his job is appointive and last· ed for li!e. Lindsay quipped : "For
a .lifetini.e? That's a sen tence, not
a1 term." •
Trying a bit of royal persuasion,
Britai71'a Princtu Anne COO%e.s jam-.
ily's Corgi pet· dogs onto aircta/C
for flioht to Scotland from London.
The princess and her mother, Queen
Elizabeth II, looking on, went to Ed-
inburgh for the annual Ge~eral As-
sembly of the Church of Scotland. • wt week Johnny Moohlm41n, a
Manhattan grocer. lost his billfold.
He placed an ad in the Manhattan
Mercury's lost and found depart.
ment. Three days later he had his
billfold back, contents intact. The
finder had clipped the want ad
from the paper, taped it to the
billfold and dropped the billfold in
a mailbox. The mailman delivered
it to the store, apparently getting
the address from the identification
card in the wallet. •
Of Offensive
' ,,
• SAIGON (UPI) -TM U.S. mlUtary
oommand 11'1"1 j30 Gia kUled a!!!I i,IJS
wouiiled lilt week -a thrff.month htlh
-In the opening seven days of the latest
Viet Cong and North Vielnamue of.
1be wave of shelUngs and ground at-
tacks pushed losses on both tktes to their
highest point since t.he week o! Feb. 23,
with 5,686 guerrlll113 slain ·to bring their
losses for the war to 500,508.
Despite the heavy lo11e1, Hanoi radio
today broadcast an appeal from Presl-
deot Ho Chi Minh of Nerth Vietnam for
hls men to fight until the Allies m
"completely defeated" and the
Americans have wilhdrawn.
U.S. military commanders said the
latest Communist offensive, following
closely behind the one that began in
February, was desiped to enhance the
Viet Colli and Nonb Vletnameoe pol!tloa
at t1le peace tatu.
Allied neeotiltors at Paris went Into
the 11th sessiOn of the conference today
with what llCJUrCel said WU optlmilm
Iha; the Communllla would be Willlnl to
discuss President Nixon's plan for peace.
South Vietnamese troopera lost more
men killed lut weet than American
forces. The government put itll cuuallies
at 527 killed and 1.134 wounded. .
In Washington Defenae Secretary
Melvin R. Laird SI.id today the Com-
munists gnatJy lll<pped up the~ attacks
in Vietnam just one day after the Viet
Cong issued a peace plan, raising doubts
whether they really ~ peace.
Laird said latest casualty figures
reflected "an Increased level of spring
combat initiated by lhe · Nortb Viet-
namese and the Viet Cong.''
* Lodge Optimistic,
But Reds Again
Reject U.S. Plan
8urpt'I the One
Negro Youth
Shot to Death
A Nepp freshman, believed to be the
second fatality in the current round of
carnpua revolt, was ~to death todiy at
North Carolina A&T University, the scene
of a gun battle -between National
Guardsmen, police and snipers.
Students carried Wlllie Ernest Grime!,
20, from the campus of t h e
predominantly Negro Greensboro, N.C.,
school to a hospital where he was pro-
nounced dead. He had been shot in the
lt wu nol clear ii Grimu was killed in
the battle.
"We have oOthing to add until the In-
vestigation ls complete," Mayor Jack
Elam Mid. Elam declared a state of
emergency and placed the city under an 8
PARIS (UPI) -U.S. chief nWJtfabM:.._ p.m, to S a.m. curfew.
Henry Cabot Lodge ei:pressed h~ today~ reason for the gun battle was
that after 18 weeks of deadlock the Viet-uncertain. There have been no major pro-
nam peace talks coold get down "im· teJts at the A&T campus since a March
mediately" to productive negotiations cafeteria strike. The strike was .settled.
toward ending the war. He met renewed The antper nre fn:m two dormitories
Communist opposition. and a clauroom building of the mostly
/ The Communist side again rejected Negro achoo! ended shorUy after 4 a.m.
with added emphasis the main provision ·and police wil.bdrew all but a few patrols
ot President Nixon's eight-point peace around the campus. National Guardsmen
plan -the mutual withdrawal of all re.turned to thl ~·
Allied and North Vietnamese troops from Go\'. Rober{ Scott ordered 150 National
South Vietnam. , Guardsmen to duty Wednesday night
The Allied and Communist negotialorl ' after Greensboro police used te.ar gas to
'II ASHING'f()N (AP) -Pnoldeot Nix·
"' bu -hla lllDd "' "In-and order" JuQ:e.-Warna E. Burpr, to tue--
ceed Zlrl Womn and ..,... u the !Ith
cble! JuoUce DI the United 6talet.
Ttae l"ltY·haired, I 1 • y e a"?~ o 1 d
micr,resti,rner. a veteran of..J.S yeari on
the 11.s. ¢trcuit Court here, II known .. a
stric!t -..:tlanlll -bu criticized ''•ppellole n\~plckln1."
5eaOton, ~l.Y conwvaUves,
hoJled llw'pr'• telecllon.
If -" .. swift and • .., .. appean lll<ety, Bur&<r will step in nm
tenn for Worren, who II retirJnc ot 11
after pilotq·the Supreme Court lllrDu&b
It.. most acUve and liberal period.,
The choice was a rdatiVety obscure
o0e. though Burger ha! a solid repbtation
in 1 e I al circles. Hts immediate pre-
deceuon, Warren, Fred M. Vinion,
Harlan F. -11111 a..rtoa g....,
!.'r!:"u,.;" ~i:: =I to'~
NIJoo aMounced tbo·DCllillnltloa to the
country fJom the WllltO -WecJ. -., nJcbt. Ho WI It w11 the -!oi-
l poiWll CNIO I Pnolden\ CID ...... '
Whlk eo-l~or "the preaicleoey,
NIJan said --1 doc ..,. were "oerloila-
ly ballllbiasJlll the pe-lm:cea In our "'°"">' IDCI llr.,,.iheolng the crlmlnal fores."
He called for vindication of 0 tbe Htlt
civil right GI every Amerlcon, the rlClil to
prD(ectlon In his . home, twin"' and
peraon from domesUc violence."
Burger, whose distinguished good lookJ
lit anyone's idea of a judge, ls a native of
St. Paul, Minn., a graduale of th~
University of Minnesota and the St. Paul
College of Law. He worked hLs way
UPI T.i.tllletl
Astronaut F.rank Borman ar-
riurd in Prague to recount his
orbits aound the moon last
Chistma.s to scientiaU ('rom East
and West. Borman was invited
to the annual congress of Co1-
par, the International Commit-
tee for Space Research, now un-
der way in Prague. He will re-
ceive the gold medal of the
Cuchoslovak A. cad e m y of
spent almost five hours exchana:in& break up rock and botUe-throwing ram-
arguments over their rival peace plans. page! by Negro yoi.llhs after a disorder
Lodge told the Communists enough during a demonstration at all·Negro
Mrs. Mary Sirhan Fights Tears at Kennedy Letter
common ground had bee.n broken to start Dudley High School. , Sciences Thursday for service ;~
to. science and humanity, the
first American · and one oJ tht
few W ie1terners sQ honored.
striking military and political bargains. The disorder spread to the campus of
But the North Vietnameae and NaUonal the f,ooo-student college when 100 persons stoiied automobUes and police. Tear gas Liberation Front (NLF) negotlators held wu med ~lain, youths apparently fled Sirhan Remains Calm
• Malcolm Tricker of Ipswich,
out against any immediate eive and take. into dormitoriea and sniper fire later OC· Observers believed the Communiltl want
to wait unW after the June I Mldway ~~York, a committee o! students .
Island summit between President Ni'lon administration and faculty members said At Sentence of Death
England received 45.000 pounds
($108,000) from the British Mu·
.seum three months ago and he
drove to pick up 11 pounds ( $26. 40 I
in unemployment pay in a ne\v car.
"It is a bit of a giggle really, gel·
ting this dole money," he said af-
ter the construction company he
worked for let him go. The 27-
year-old laborer collected the mon-
ey from the museum for five gold
necSJela he unearthed while drtv·
ing a steam shovel.
and South Vietnamese Prea!dent Nguyen Wednesday olght there will be no failures
Van Thieu. at City College or New York -this
While insisting on full compliance with semuter. Other demands by black and
their own l~point peace plan outlined by Puerto Rican students were being worked
the NLF on May 8, Hanoi and NLF out and militant students set midnight
negotiators agreed to go on discussing It toniaht as a deadline for the school to
_along with Nflon's peace package of May answer them.
14. tn California, the teargas spraying of
~th North Vietnam's Xuan Thuy and the Univen;ity of California's Berkeley
the NLF's "foreign minister," Tran Buu campus from a National Guard helicopter
Kiem, turned thumb3 down on the ,pro-and lhe death of a student who died or
posal for mutual troop withdrawal. Thuy gunshot wounds Blleged1y inflicted by a
said it ,pas an "absurd demand" and policeman touched off demonstralions at
vowed Hanoi will 0 never" accept It. several universities.
Sirhan just sat there, chewing on a
cellophane-wrapped cigar, as the judge
sentenced him to death for the murder of
Robert. F. KeMedy.
The melodramatic reading by his
defense attorney of a letter from Sen.
Edward M. Kennedy asking th8t Si.rhan's
life be spared did not move him at all . He
said nothing and he showed nothing.
Rain, Hail Pound Midwest
Within a few days he will be taken to
Death Row in San QutnUn Prison. There,
he will wait while appeals go up to the
Uni ted States Supreme Court over a
period of more than a year.
What was expected to be a routine
formal sentencing of the ~year-old Arab
immigrant turned into suspenR when the
Los Angeles distri ct attorney introduced
a letter from the youngest brother of the
KeMedy clan.
Storms Reported From Panliandle to Illinois
Seuttien'I C..lifomlt W.I •llM'J' Ind
.. ,.,, ,.,.,.., ··~' for 1-<IOI.Id• '""
dl1Plt ''°"' n1e co.st .Wrl"' llltht Ind
"'°"'1119 l'lolln.
'" Lff A/lftln, ""-1un ·-~rl"" I'll fht> ·""-to "UI" tho tnef'CUr'f ii• 111 74 '""' """' II Wed~•·· Low lotlfttlt wUt bt Ml. lltll'll '' moclertl•
•-cev.red cenlr1I •nd hilt "" lrNI .r t11t Lo. Aroeeles &11111.
teMltts ••!'Mfd to ne1r IJ wlln IN
WllW ,, ''· MoullltTll n-~ t!Mt hl9'1'11 111 lM 70I tnd clMr 1klt1. o-f1 c:omm1111!tit. ..... ,. b<.lfft!td bv
-1nd• bel• mwnl1ln 11.11ntt .,.!!II ""'
~-.tun 1111111 111 n 111 u-• "'~ 1n'5 Ind te IOI 111 iowtr 1 rt1s, .some fl'9tll WN,,._,.,., 1nd lodli¥
lrocllldl: '--Be.ct! ,1.n , s..inr1 MOft.
let ~ lu,....!lli; 7S.71. Mt. WllsOO'I 1•n. ......... '1·'1. fll""11'5c , .. 11.
"'"" ~ 1C..IOO. .. ~en111~ 'l-
"-kit Olf9t '""' S.n!1 ll1rHr1 "" ... LOS Afr4ct(l.IS J.NO \llCIHIT'I" -
l•lltfll trW """'"" """ tklWj wilPI l~I •rtull 11111 Pwl1Y WfU,.lllr Ill 1•.
..,_, LIHll IMl11trttu11! dll~.
"""' -1t. l-Wtltftl ... (0..STAl ANO IH'tEJtMetUATE
¥AU.l'YI -'-c:i.ve. •1'11 loUol "" tlld clr'lldt nflll'lt ,,.,...,... mlfntonlt!t
.-'"' "'" _. ... Ill •"""'-""' Llttlt liii"91lll•t ....... Hillll l't *' 1'L
aouov ... 111 .... "*"'Int '"''"' ~ uw•l l'l•ly •UMl'lllW ..,.loD!o>t •klnt
lt>I c.tl !tilt •n.t-. Wi""1 _,_
~,ty, I '° If l/IO'ft. T0111r'J lllfll.. "' le "· 't'~~Y"I • • ~rtlllfft t•"""" lr-I 111911 Ill' M .. t .... Ill' JI, r ...
111111 --•hit• '-""" ..... ,. "' Jt. Tiit Wfttf ._tll\ltt ... .i.I ... ·-
IJ.S. S11n1mar¥
Httv• rt l'I, n.n tNll l tf'Olll WirMb
n. ... flit "'" Ill Tiit 1>1tlofl•• "'illM<· fie .. .
llal"s OI -IO r'nOl't fM" !wt in(i.,
... frt!I "'""" • ll-llOI,, l>fl'im Ill """ f/I IWl1o» tllf MIUOll'l tlrt\I lodt•
tflll W~y trvlltlll 1 lltrHI flf
"""' i.u1 lkl0011!9.
Hffv¥ n lrllt " 1'11.............,. 1'lf I t t I
G</IH '""' rl1t1 1,. sfl'ffn'ls •11111 mo. 1rL ftllo W"""'' l u<ffll ~.
A ti.nit
Oit1 Moine• ... .. ,
"Ort Worlto
·~ .. HtltN
IC11\Mi Clt,.
1.11 ""''
Lflt """'" Mlt111I Ml!•••"*"' ..-...
Hrw Orlf9n1
Ntw \'WI!;
Ntftll l"\llthl ..... ... ......
l"llO lt401tt
l"tlli.e.lloll:lt ·-· . ,._ .......
~ 'ff
: :; ·•· 'Slick' Species
Jf 31
" ~
.. ..
55 •I Breeding Normal,
" u $1 ,,
Say Researcl1ers 54 •l .1S
57 40 1 II ,.
u .. " " " .. ..
" " " .. u ..
" .. ..
" .. " .. .. ..
•1 .n1
Kl .01 t: LOS ANGELE.5 <UPI) -Several
1& specie• of marine life that abound iii tidal
. ;: areas of the Santa Barbara Channel ~ ·
.. 1.•i to be breeding normally. except wDer•
~! the ocean ls st.Ill badly polluted with oil,
1s .io an oceanographic research team reported !: •fa •today,
~ But fewer sea worms, starfish and
'' other fauna that dweJl on the ocean bot· ?, tom ond provide food for fish have be.en I.ti • fotmd as compared with 10 yean ago. • ,, Jt ii doubUUI whether this has IJl)' co"'"
.:; nedion with lhe oU sllck from an un· L-""""" " .. Q , s .. T' ~ ----.. -----·-··· ..... _,...-. .. ... tlwW9fl """'' lluf .... Plllll'll • " •
SI. ~ll't Lt""""rt 'ltlll -I II t tlrn .,..r., t'li-lio.1 -NQINetl '"
MCl'I ti "'"' l'I 1tn lllvr WtdlltMlt'f 11ltflt, wlffl "*' Ill' II Jtlllflt Ill t • f!'l lNM torrt!llltl ...__,,
It .... '"' ... 1\lff " .. D .lll derata well that began leaking four ~ months ago, accord.Jn& to i:nllminar)• ftn-
Hrl'f '""1liN ""' 9'1111 IKtl 4rl101 1'llWlllt'!' '-" ~· ...... larftl .,,.,_ 5eC'Ol'llll """ ............ •:5' ....... , .. t-.. -"""" NllllH-H.t "'lll:fl ~ low •" · .... , .. t:M """· J.I """"'"'""" dl>e..... ,, ... , li.TIJUOtt AHO OESlltT lllGIONS !'frat lllfl'I •.•• , •• , 1:>1 •·"'· A,1
• -~ r.lr fJ!r-11 l"l'NIY Yt jlll !'Int """ '"""''"'' •:Jt1.M ..... Ml'flf ~ clwcls rw'lfl "°"""' 5«o!ld Iii.fl •. , , .• S.H •·""' ),7 " " ~ .. ,,.. -.n <Miii flllflt M 'tcolllt IOl'J' ........... "~N •.fl!. I.I
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TIW!ldtr1fwm:I te.rnH liol!e I fl'tftf
f,... 11'11 T1~1s Ptllftl!ldi. to 't.1irnl
UH!!Ola. ...... lllnt Ml~ ll'llCMl!I flf
-·~ !'NH, "'"""' fnlll'I I ..,,....,. 1f!Cll hi flt,,,...., .. '°"'"'" tit~ .... ...,.,. ...... llt'-" .. •11111 .. fl'llln '" l'IOUt ...,. 1IM _......, Irr IN vlMftf
·~· St. lt1i11'
S.lt Ult• Cll'f .......
S.11 'r•t'lltltte S.IQ .. ,,.., , ...... -.. """'"' .. _
• D n
" n
" • ..
" n ..
u dl11i1 DI a study being concluded by the
:; I.» Unlvustty of Southern California.
: The rese.arcben are attempting to
s1 determine what effect. II any, the oil i; PolluUon bad on anlml.1 and plant life.
• Definite findings a.re not expected for
:: another 1lJ mon~th.!=·----
' In a hand-written note, Ted Kennedy
recommended cliemency.
"ftfy brother was a man of love and
sentiment and c.mnpasslon," Kennedy
wrote. "He would not have wanted his
death to be cause for the taking of
another life."
Superior C.ouft Jtifge Herbert V.
Walker made no mention of the letter in
passing sentence.
"It is the feeling of this court that the
jury was right and I have no reason ot
change my opinion now," Walker said.
Then he turned to Sirhan and said,
"Stand up."
"It is the judgment and sentence of this
court that for the crime in the first
degree you are to die in the manner
pre.scribed by law."
Walker ordered that Sirhan be
transported to San Quentin within 10
days. It Is expected that lhe tiny former
racehorse exercise boy be. moved there
secretly within the ne'lt few days and
isolated from priSODffS who might try to attack him .
Alter the sentence was Imposed, chief
defense. counsel Grant Coo~ and his ~
defense attorney Russell ~· rarsons ap-
proached the judge's bench to ask for a
stay or execuUon on sending Sirhan to
San Quentin.
The ~est was denied, Cooper said
lat.er. "Tfie judge .said he didn't want lo
chan~ h1s order."
Wallter also turned down a motion for a ne" trill.
Sirhu's mother, Mary, $S, broke. lnto
tears ~en 1he was sho~'ll the letter from
Ted Kfn.edy.
"We1alwaya knew he (Ted) was a good
man like hi s brothen," she said.
Sirhan, shown the letter, only nodded
his ~ad. He Ille! nothing .
Mrs. Sirhan said. she had always felt
terribly sorry that Robe.rt Ktnntd)' was
"Of course we are aorry," sbe. said.
"How can I mate Jt plain?"
OoOper Aki he hid uktd the Kenne<ly
funll)I II Ibey wished to tesUf)' al the peob~y phaoe DI the trial belDn the Jury
recommended the death penalty.
Asked about Ted Kennedy's letter,
Cooper &aid '
"As far as we are concerned, It came 1
little bit late," "
thrcqh ICbDol and praellced tow for U
~ before IOlnc oo the bencb.
lllqer'• lloc:qrvuncl -"-but by oo mtan1 lllUl'll, thlt the Court's brold
erpaniJon GI the rlgbll DI crlmlnol
~peell lild delandantl could be slowed
down. -; ', TbouCh lbe ·WarrMI Court• has beat
predomlnont.ly llbertl1 -the balanco In
<rlmlnal tow cuoi. bu OD<Dellm"I been
delicate. For inltance, lt was a M
decislon in the JIN Mlnndo cue !bat
assured peopl' accuaed DI crime the-rilht
to remo1n 1i1eot under poU<;e queotJonlq
and to """ a lawyer-'• help, --T!lia dellcole balanco could be Upped
the olhe:r way if Burger takes an opposite
position from Warren. At the same time
Burger is corl!idtred 1 liberal on civil
rights and an advocate ol speedy trials, a
loog-time goal of most liberal jurists.
* * * Burger Called
paintment ,of Warren E. Burger to be
chief justice, President Nixon has
redeemed bis campaign pledge to appaint
to tbe Supreme Court a "strict in·
The president of the American Bar
Association calls Burger "an enlightened
A lawyer who ha! argued hundreds ot
cases before Burger called him "one of
the most judicious men in the country ••.
a totally objective indivlduaJ within the
concept of moral law."
Several legal sources said h i s
philosophy was more conservative than
most of the present Supreme Court.
During his campaign Nixon set two
criteria by which he would make ap-
pointments to the ·Supreme Court -l, A
man believing in strict interpretation of
the court's role, and 2. A man thoroughly
experienced and versed in criminal laws
and its problems.
In a statement issued by Sen. John G.
Tower's offieit within minutes after Nixon
named Burger, the Tei:as Republican
said the nomination "represents fulfill·
ment of President Nixon's campaign
pledge to appoint a man with a reputation
as a hard-liner on criminals. He is con·
as a hard-liner on criminals. He is con-
sidered a strict constructionist on con-
stitutional matters."
Prof. A!E.:rander M, Bickel of the Yale
Law School predicted Burger "will
employ a more modest and restrained
use of judicial power than (retiring Qiief
Justice Earl) Wmen." Bickel also said
Burger would be "more inclined to give
police a freer hand ·and less inclined to
draw strict rules of criminal procedure
favoring the defendant."
A sourt..-e at the Harvard Law School
said Burger was perhaps best known for
his criticisms of t.he insanity defense. ln
Blocker vs. U.S .. in which a murder
defendant was appealing for a new trial,
Burger wrote "many valid criticisms"
could be made of the so-called Durham
rule, which hol<b that one cannot be con-
victed of actS that are the product if
mental disease or defect.
Burger wrote: HFrom ancient times,
the development of the yaw was alwa.,.s
on the basic idea thal man should be held
criminally ttSpo11Sible for his voluntary
acts re.suiting from the exercise of bis
will. While we have said this was our
'basic. postulate' our 'disease-product' in-
struction to the jury totally ignores will
or choice."
BurgU Js chainnan of the Ameriejln
Bar Association's special committee pn
minimum standards for criminal justlce.
Said William T. Gossett of Detroit, presi-
dent of the ABA and fonner general
counsel of the Ford Motor Co.:
"Mr. Burger, I think,·is an enlightened
conservative, and will be a strong chief
justJce. His views on criminal justice are
good. fie believes in prompt and fa it
trials and humane treatment of accused
and convicted criminals.''
In announcing the nomination, Nixon
said Burger was "qualified intellectually.
qualified from the standpoint of judicial
tempennent, qualified from the stand·
point of his legal philosophy ... "
Sydney: A City
Witliout Beer
SYDNEY (UPI) -Sydney's 2.5 million
citizens walked and even rowed boats t~
day to overcome the worst trarult strike
in the cit)"s 199-year history . What they
couldn't forgive was that nobody could
buy a bttr.
Thousands of bartenders and bannald111
joined 100,000 worken In New South
Wales province in a 24-hour itrlke apbuit
a new labor law which would provide
rmes r<r unions on itrlke.
More than 1,000 bars shut down.
"It's bani to describe-the feeling, •,,.i.i
one Sydney man describing the idea ot a
beerless society. "It's something like the
uncon.sclous depression AustraUfM 1et
when England beat.a them 1t crickft -
unbelievable, so unreal."
Fund Bill Approved
AppropriaUons ~mmlttee today 1p.
proved the fil'll rtgular money bill or the
9!st Cqres..-..n p ,7 billion measure tt
cover 1 ytar'1 operation or ~ Post Of·
fice and 1'!1'1JW')' departmenta.
--------------. -------------
Birth Brealithrough
Government scientists recenUy kept an unborn lamb alive for 55 hours in an
artificial womb, part of a dramatic seri~s of tests unraveling soqie Of' the
mysteries of life. A National Heart Institute spokesman said such experiments
offered promise for treatment of.respiraatory aQd congen.ital heart, defetcs in
infants. · --Humphrey Aide Calls Satellite
For Denio Coalition Conipletes
top strategist in Hubert Ii .
Humphrey 's presidential cam-
paign today warned t h e
Democrats' l i be r a 1 and
moderate leadership to either
form a coalition or abandon
the party to the fringe left and
a decade of defeat.
\Villiarn Connell said the
Vegas Pla11c
Still Lost
BASE (AP) -The disap-
pearance of a gamblers
special DC3 with 35 persons
aboard last Feb. 18 remained
a mystery today .
\Vreckage found in the
Tehachapi Mounlains near
Gorman turned out to be from
a 1945 crash:
Hamilfun Air Force Base
Air Rescue Service s a i d
photographs of the wreckage,
spotted Sunday on 6,200-foot
Burnt Peak 200 feet below the
summit, show it was that of a
C47 military transport.
The gambler's special car-
rying 32 passengers and a
crew of three ~·as returning
from Hawthorne, Nev. lo
Burbank and Long Beach
when it vanished without any
distress call.
Democrats ~'bettei; ·develop
positions on the· rmigh and
mean issues of tht -day" or the
public will jump to conclusions
on the basis of slatements aad
actions by self-appointed and
aggressive spakesm~n.".
"If we cannot reform our
ranks, and put together a
coailtion of the liberal and
rnoderate leadership of our
party who will speak for the
Dtmocratic Party, then we
shall have abandoned our par·
t.v to its left fringe, and we
shall deserve what we shall
surely get in the next round of
•;J might a<ld another vote o!
'no confidence' in a national
election will mean .not merely
four more years of President
Ricllard Nixon but very· likely
another decade , or SD of
Republican 'tt<lininistration. ;, '
Connell, long a top aide lQ
}lumphrey, ma i I c d the
strongly-worded memorandu~
to party leaders May 6. ll \vas
made available lo UPI today ...
Earlier this week the Senate
Democratic policy com,mittee,
which has a liberal tinge, an·
no\tnced il wo uld l a k e
leadership positio~ on cirt'ain
issues Lo help guide Senate
The IJ..man committee in·
eludes such liberals as assi~
tant leader Edward M. Ken·
ned_Y; Massachusetts; Edmund
S. Muskie, Maine; Philip A.
Hart or Michigan; and Harold
E. Hughes. Iowa.
A new Intel sat 3 television and
telephone relay sa te 11 1 tel
looped the earth in a huge
·ellipse today, waiting to be
parked in a permanent orbit lo
complete a wor ldwide space
communications network.
The' satellite was launched
at 7 p.m. PDT \Vednesday by
a three-stage Delta rocket.
The launch was "right on the
n1oney," officia ls said and a
tracking station al Cooby
Creek, AuslraUa. confirmed
the satellite was in a proper
''Everything looks
beautiful," reported launch
director Robert Gray. . .
Blaihe1·g l{epo1·t
Very .Guarded
' CAPE TOWN, South Africa
(AP ) -Groote Sc huur
Hospital issued an extremely
guarded report today on the
cond ition of Dr. Phi I i p
Blaiberg, the world1s longest
surviving heart transplant pa·
· "The .<:-0ndition o( D r .
Baliberg varies from day to
day, but with intensive care
his condition is under control,"
the hospital annou~_ced.
You an do 1lmost 11 well by keeping 1 lot 11111 money in
· yaar chec:ting lccamt ad 1 lot man iii yaur PICific &" Plllliook
Am1at •• awilchiag lllOlllY bid! 111d forth II oftln • ·JOU IU.
Became •••l'J' dollar earns •••l'J' daf It Is In
your Pacific Aceoant-
e•en for just one da7.
l R•1llllf11 P11ll•Aa:11111_,....,,Mynd1/4"111-f ..... II dnl Jllr ••n !ICM• Ill •ntll l'ltll.
Sevi111 ii Ylll IC-II II •11rt1(1 IH 1111 f11a th Ill If lllf
... 111 .... 11uilH .., 1111 10111.
U~S~ Offers Pact
For Nuclear Ban
GENEVA ·<API -The enters Into force. The Soviet·
u'nited St.ates submitted a draft carries no provision for
draft treaty today to ban a review.
nuclear a~ and , o t be r U.~. delegate ~)Adrian S\
weapons of-maa&-deslrucUon-Fi&her sald-th·1t compared ~
from the sea ~d. the ar'ea covered by the Soviet
TTbe draft, put before the 17· drak's 11-mil~ l~lt, the U.S.
n a t,1 on disarmanlent con-ve11lon "would add roughly
ference, was in answer to a t~o million square \llllles of
Soviet draft presented March seabed to .the ar~a of pro-
18. It calls for complete probl'bi\ion. .
F ete Leav.es
Bad T~te
· . SbeeketL_. ~--~==:r~~-=ij
Ht;irwi's_ R~QMi·
' On POWs ·wcruel".
' • . ~ . .• ~ l 1
WASHINGTON (UPI) ;.., .~r.~ Jhat Hanoi 'lilD
Defenoe Secretal')' Melvin R. ·provide a ,Qsl of Amer! " . , prt.ontn and · permit a Laird ls deoply lhacl!od and flow of-mall between u.
disappointed'• tflat Hanoi 1w prisoners of wai ~and their
-turned down bis request for a families. · ·
prompt rtltase of a list of U~S~ "We continue to urge tht
prisoners of war In North immediate rele.ue of sick n4 I
Vietnam. . wounded pri10nen. neutral mt"
demilitariiatlon of 'the .sea "Thls.i&an atea, moreovcr1 RJJSTON, La. (UPI) -
bed, a concept which the wh,ere tb~ ~mplf,Uon to + ~-. ' Gfaduating-Louisiana Tech
United States rejected. . te~d ,the i:iucle~r ai:-ms .~aCe ·sen1ors attending a reception might ~ ver)I great beeause . . . . .
"Hunderds of A m er l c a n specUons of prisoner of "'.It
wives, children and parents facllities and tbe prompt--
continue to live in a tragic release of all A m e r i C:.f)t",...
slate of uncertainty caused by prisoners. • •
lac;k of h\foqnaUon concerning 1'llf' Uriiled &tates lists ·*'·
the fate of their loved ones," American · sol d iers •• ~
Laird said in· a statement prisoners ot wa r In both N(itt)f
issued WtdneSday. ' ' T h i s and South Vietnam, a rl I
needless anxiety ia caused by another 967 as "missing."
persistent refusal by North
ln addition to the restriction of its proxilnitY tO the shore .. . at• the un1vers1ty presuienl s
on weapons lo be banned, the he added. ' · ' home Wednesday got more
U.S. draft differs from the· 1Fisher said the only prae-· than i.hey bargained tor. Doc·
Soviet proposal on three key tlcal way to prevent are arms tors 'had lo trfat 115 of them
pojnts : race •on the seabed •LS :to '.· · ..
I. It would appJ.Y .to tilt: sea reskirt the treaty to . weapons f(!r fqod poiso~g. •
bed three miles from the Coast of mass destruction, including Bad mayonnaise served at
and beyond. The SovleV, b'1t nuclear arms: · the reception given by Tech
would start at l! miles . .J "Such an agreement would president Dr. Jay Taylor, was
2. Ve.riflcation ·would ~-by remove the major thn!at to blamed for the illnesses.
"ob s er vat i·o n and·; con· the peaceful use of the sea sutlation.".~eSoviet·prqpo$al bed," he said. "At the same
calls for ~procal inspection, time, il would reduce the
which U.S. officials sa;v is verification p r o b I e m to
•·amb1guous." manageable proportions and
3. The U.S. draft call~ for a would be consistent with the
review conference iii Ge'neva security intere$. of coastal
flve years after the tieaty states."
Frank J erome, ad-
ministrator at a local hospital,
said 30 extra beds were set up
in halls and wards of h1s 100-
bed facilit y to a~mmodate
the sick students. Jerome said
none .appeared seriously ill.
Vietnam to release the names
ot U.S.·prisoners of war.'"
Laird aaked for prompt
release or such a list last Mon-
day, b4t the ehie( of N~rth
Vietnam's delegation at th,e
Paris peace talks was quoted
as saying Hanoi was not
prepared .to Qo ~--
"I'm · deeply shocked and
dlsappolitted by lhb O'llel
response or ...ffanoi's repm·
entative to such a bqic re-
quest for humanjtartan ac-
tion," Laird sild.
•·J want to reaffirm the eon-
J\l!"rion . Co1ini)' . .
Jail Rent Jumps
MARION, Ohio. (AP); -
Room rent. is' goft\g up at• tht
Marion County jaN.
Colinty comm,issioners wrot•
thtif biggest customer. the .ci
t'y · of 'Marion. that due to th•
risi ng cost of food. clolhin•
and -personoel,.tbe daily room
rate will be raJsed from M lG
$.I, effective July t. -·
-· . . .
HOBBY TTO~Y:s:.:··~HC=c=··=l=i~~~' ·~· ~S~T;A~n~OH:-::s~-""!"-------------.. 1111!1~=:;.:~:;.:~:~=···. • TMUllS.. fll. ~ T. $1111, MAY JZ.JI
l llH1•nl1ws IOAtUomc --.. Ml "'MDlOJ IY MAmL• IMIOA•OS
.,. ""'" • .,_..,.... Outboard 'll"l'dlu1at • Mtft
.. . .
.. ~··,
-:----· . ··!!!!:!.~ • .._,...., on TV I P...oteion 16eta1W ~--5-99 repl!G.1• of N•I •PMdbMts.
_!.'-_.... , 4 .tyle1 ht cl'!Oo.e 3 76 • ~ from, Only •
~ ...... _ .. _ .... ,... ___ 117
-··I.I~ -.., •
Slip '. Sllcle lite 111•,ic w1ter .na. ti..r, , •• 1
1pl11hl~ fn fM
lfl .. M.
Pitc:h. N Cat'ch ......... ._
Fril~11 ,,. s-0. 1'i'
~C.., l1•1FJlll, i..ts -
hl-. ht. ..,
a.rw.. Pr 11cie, COMy, hy 1 wtftt
. .. flt'!' .... ,of ...........
a.,. 52 -11. 1-. AMT, Ml'C
-..... ,,-. s,.cw MlectieL
Pllstic Bit And 11111
4:Trt111Sistor Set of 2
Wallie T•ie ""•J!:·00
Qu1llty fmported walkie
l•lkle at • pt'iotf .. t. 9 99 te17, ll'ully IUll"-nt.Mcl. a
3 1w Sl.H 87c: -
Comes with lHMfff' W9ter
outfit, 1pcarG'Uf', boat, c..r
J1nd t railer. 5.99
Rev. 1.00 ¥111 • ..ily ·
n. t..W ,...War 1•-I M NMI gWt
for aft ...-. Jll'lnl9fttd 111 •atunl _.
wtth Net 4 Wack M19M,
C°""1*t. wtttl ... lpPMll't. .... ,. 4 97
Aeg. •11..00 Ltirt. '
l A•t£1T 1112 -i. Mlle' ......... -... "~~~.u; """°"' "-4-., ' .. • .., llfSlltt, -.. twte(
CIMri'tte oectiplt, A l'lt! """"" .... $1'.00 . J ,,.
Ult 0..., .,.
50 Fashion Island, Newnort Beach
MaRMSaf~ .....
<'-• ' ~·
.. i;. ·ONE MAH Liff . RAl!'f •. , .
M•de 9f .turdy MNl'iled., , \. .
oanv•a. •111• 4il•t2"· .• ., , .... ... 1499 . , .. V•lf.N, Only e '. ~
Pactdlts txtra •t 4.lt pr. : ,
Htavy dvty rvbbsri.tM Mii•
v•a. Twe fttHhed .....
wltft rep1lr 32.88 kit. -'r ·
P~ ••tr• at 4.11 pr. '
SURF IOAaD. • -·
A r••I wli.ner! .... ~ '·
1tyrofoam, IJtl~trt for
)'awt9'ti1r'• ""'""'9r f • 11 I' ........ .... 1 991' . Z.f7 w•fwire ...,. 1 1• ' ' --+~
h 's llli 1111 m I ,. ·
T'" watch that ...,,. Ill• J"l 4 I:
itre•"" -1 """""''' wnw~; p,..,,. luft-Pf"OO'f', ...... • .. '·
macte. 2°ye1r 1uar• 9 99 •"*· ,,, ........ ...,, • '• '
o.tuxe moctel at 1&.17 •
' . .. ...., ,___ __ ............. ...... r ... -. ... ,,,_ ... . .................
A ''•nutt pl1atlo ,__;
doll. Variety of a ft••, 1 ~
Lucy, Charlie lreWn, LM ... •
MIYabl• parts. 'r h'8h.
.,..... v~o;.~ttoJot 2. 95 .
iS ". ~ .. 1 ••• ,. ., ... ".
I !
' • • ~ -
-·· I 'I •AD·~ !DAR ~DVllL\L ·~GE I I
~ ........ Burns _and His Buddy
f I ..
• H""' :M. B11r111, D.Fnlllo,, baa been dm•q>+4 u
llale S..le•Jeeder. But this "-'t -bla ,.._.
ally ma-..! dea!J blve -cut off It lbe pano
Bams' Interest Ill aa llllurance 1fency 1114 ,.,.,..._
ago ,..,..._.."' Insurance c:ompeni• -•nc -1.,-... Blinl• IQ#!l~ -·~ ., • a-dal bcJnonr,a for' B111111. Alld I cle.rcut Clj!e oC COllGli:t
ol ldterest. I I -\
Bums kiBled off the revelallon u 1 mer. JIOlhint.
And the Senate "club" meted It u l\lcb. moct ot tho
members being beholden to Bums at the time for favors
..;>ast, present or futun.
But there was more to the story,
Senate Secretary Clarence Aleunder bas been 1
Senate employe for 22 years, the last 1S under Bu1111,
He has also been Bums' partner In the 1'booanza0
• in--1urance agency since 1961. His.~ home is the
official office ot the insurance partnenblp.
Under Burns' prodding, a bill bu been moving
through the Legislature wllicb would more thaa double
Alexander's esisling pension entitlement as he neon
retirement eligibility this fall. He was entltted to '5,400
before; this would shoot up to $14,250 under the bill.
Tbe Senate and Assembly sergeants at arms Md
tho Assembly chief clerk would also benefit by being
transferred to the generous legislators' retlmnent •Y ..
tem, but not to the same degree as ~ buddy,
-· ---out oC i.r oC ~ !rOm him. Now --llM loot .... _,_, power, eo ...
bapl· the AN1mllly can, at the last mlnlllt,.miwter
eoougb couraie to Y<lle _,._.,,. at least .Cale down--
Ibis i'OtTY bit oC cronyUm and diJ>Ping Into the public
lilL •
Common Sense From Blacks
Many members ol the blAclt community have had
their fill ot the dimlpllons and demands of a militant
minority ol l)lelr OWll'peopl-of white 'radicals, as
well. A 1 .... recent quotes:
-Justice 'Iburgood Manhall, first N••ro to ail on
the· u. S. SuptelJ!e' Court: "Anan:hy is anan:hy and it
makes no dllfm!oce whe practlees It. It is bad, ii is
~bit and It -he panislled , •. Blaclt Is beau-
tiful but It lsli't the only beautiful color. We Negro
Americans have just as. many beautiful people in mind
and body as well as skln as· any otber group-and we
haw just u many stinkers ••• You are not going lo
compete In the werld until you have training ezacUy
lilte every<111e else, !'nd bopefully better, tiecause when
you are a Negro, you hive to he helter."
-.Bayard Rustin, a leading black intellectual of the
civil right. movement, ecboinf Marshall:"'What would
be fair w~d be to say we accept young Negroes and
Puerto Ri~ans who are. not prepared into our colleges,
but we 'don't give them fake courses. We accept them
on the responsible basil, that we will give them every
· A. Alan Post, legislative budget 8Jlaly1t, estimates
the bill would cost tupayers $4M,800 durinl the -. ..
meat yeen ot the four employes. Of this ~ AIODD-
der woald receivt all -ted $132,000 beginning at
age 55 If he _,.., next fall, based on the aven1ge male
life expectancy.
' remedial opportunity we have, but they will not get a
piece of P,eper-from this university unW .we have in
faet brnuglit· then up to par."
l\NMJ~ ..... ti • -· ---
fllA NKS, CO llNS'f LOR -! ALRfADl' HAVE fij E 'fl ME. I JOSf WANT~D To BE SVR E I sriu.. J.IAVE M'( WATCH ••
Senators privat.iy admitted they went along with Common seMe knows no color line.
~ \
Did Be lnterve.e fer Wolfson: Concept of
Paving Over
Los Angeles
Quiz: Analogies
And Opposites Real ·issue • Ill Fortas Case
WAiHINGTON -0oo q-,...
...... lu'.tbe Fortas malter. It is I 'ritl1
~ 11·11 pertbm, portkuh!rly, to
the pobllc'•· --In tbe Supmne CGurl. 'Ibis qaestioo ahould he
parsued to tbe end.
Did ir did mt former Alaociate Juotlce
:Abe Fartu lntervene or make ap effort to ....,.._ lu llie criminal inv.pjpilon
e1 bis bMe!.ctor, Louis w~uooo. an.r
arranging • $2(1100().a-year iletime ·tt.i-
peocl from the Wollson family foun·
Forlal lll!Yll that he did no!. U is
roportod lhl1 the Juotlce Departmenl has
-documallu7 and other evidence
that be did. U Fortu did intervene or •l-
llmpl to .......... thlJ could be judpd
ai • criminal act.
UNFORTUNATELY,· yonas• !lbl----_ ..... -rrvelationl about hia WoUIOf'I connection
lrilte d""'"' about bis credibility under
P"e!llUl"e. His Ont datemenl on the
AD,000 stipend waa wbolly misleading u
le ila factual nalure. If his later sla.._
meats are ta tbe woe vein there is yet
modi to be leorned about bis coolada
with Wolfaon and bis reOOpt ~ material
relating to Wollson's problem. With the ~es and Exchange COmmisston
irhich evenlually led Wollson lo prison.
No amount of lnt.ellectual !Mlbbing about
tbe great tragedy of Fortaa' fall should
be permitted lo obscure the rul lasue In
tbla cut. ll Fortas did not. u be IO
!ifmJy .W.., Intercede ir lalie any part
'in tmJ legal, &dminlstrative or judicial fll8ller llledlna Mr. Wolf!Oll or anyooe
.-ociated with him," then those who say
Iba! he did should he exposed and held lo
-far their olaoder.
aggerated bJ U-who bave had a
politically' emotimll attacbmeol to the
aoggy and· prolilable ,Uberalllm which he
aOmetimea ~represented. He is not the
gr.eaten lawyer, nor even the .greatest
fixer, who ever practlced.in Washlngtoo.
He will have to take his ,plllCe in line far
behind Brandeis and · Cardozo as a
Supreme Court juotlce, .and far behind
such former luminaries as Tommy
Corcoran and Ben Cohen as legtslati'le-
draltlng experts ol llle·-or1kr.
Al a l'liomakel' and· brln&<r ol aood
tidings lo u-who hind him, an m.
vestlpllon 'inJlbl <OnCtl\>ably obow blllt
trailing bel!BI --Secrelary Clarlt M. Cllflonl and 5e<mary of Slate
William P, Jlotlen, two others of tbal
special breed, tbe Washln«ton lawyu
who rarely, if ever, goes to court.
SUCH MEN HAVE achieved a 1peclal
statua ia Wllhington, which they DO
doubt -... mt u lrlal lnytn bul
becauP their 1ervice in goftl'Tlment and
lheir conlaciS wilb public ollldall and
public policy glve1 them the aemblm>ce of
knowledgeablllty which is lmolltable lo
clients prepared to pay tarp fees.
Presidents. too, are JrOOt to t.hele types
becauae lhey seem lo be able to 1et
lblnp done.
A man with Wolfson'& problem would
naturally turn to them In the way that
Jimmy Holla and Bobby Biker turned to
a real trial lawyer, Edward Bennett
Williams. WollBOO hu not loot -wllb
thlJ world. Ila 111!1 hired the.,... who, u
a Jl<ice Department l*mecator, COD-
victed JlaRr and Hoffa -Wllllant Bil-
linger -to get him out ol pr'-Bil-
linger, after his lriumpbs In lbeM
aensatlonal cases has quite naturally
-lbe poorly paid -of lhe Jllltlce Department for more
rewarding wort.
SOMEWHERE IN this area ,the answer J.os ANG~~-It's been some Ume
lies on Fortu' behavior. Men live their •I ~!Lcw.~eles and I'm &lad
lives in relation to otben of their desired td 9ee. thil fonraril-kloklng community is
position and statu&. l.ri the world of the ....-.. 1.1..... -t -' -ll' --~·• w•·"·~-•-I lb I I .. _,. llfN ........... s oow 71.2 per·
of such as Fortas CllUcrd Williams \ ~over.,. Slh.-...~w -......16..,.. ... wyer a e eve ~t pa"~ _
Bittinger, Hogen' an income of . , ht concep\ ~ J'arinl over Los Angeles
•H0,111!1 a :r--ia menly modat Any-~ ,finl-odv_..,,... than 20 yearo
lblng le. eodugen slalus and digmly. ago by a poup ol plaMers englneen and
Tbo -for lnfluaice and power is aeslbeteo/ '
familiar lllld hebll.fonnin(. It -• Al crmnc. Portal needed botb· ample sums ler ~ ~U!Uve .'tudy of the area's
of money and the secret exultaUon of in· monumerital tnfflc Jamt, hmc-dloklnc
fluenclng largo a1fain. • -air -pollution Ind indescribable urban
The dignity of a Supreme ec.urt sprawl, they accurately foreuw that the
jUltlce wu not in itself enoug~ bul only a only conceivable solution was to pave the
part of. • aruter aura which included the who. 1 impedimenta of wealth and culture -am.· e thing over·
the ..... o1 being at the centtt of power. cSioce then,' work-bu been proaressing
Fortas lberelon! gave himseH credit for ~.
good -and public l!llritednea In ' all he did to achieve that llatua. FUNDS: AND PLANNING for the
• Herculean tau have come from the litlle-
TRE REMAINING questkln on wbetbe:r klown Pave the World Foundation, a or not ruch Intentions carrie!I him over a line which wu. invillble to him, but quite group or militant do-gooders dedicated to
visll>le to othen,. needs to be .answered · "~ing our natural heritap" as they like to say, "UDder concrete." convincingly. ll.neodl to be ltlllWaed not
alopl' on Fortis' llCCOUftt. . He II no Jn an excluslve interview aboard his
ordinary tranlgn,:llm'. What be did and mobile office while stalled on the
how he did it is pert1nmt to the larger Piudt:na Fretway, the fouOOation's ex-
question of how, tbrouch whom and to ecutive secretary, Grover Grommet, said
whose benefit power and influence are the coal waa lo make Los Ang~es "a
exercised in WuhfDiton. ' model city of the future -one dealgned l~ cope with the most pressing problem tlf: world facea.'.'
lt's time for anolber iputer wonkiuiz
today. ThiJ one will deal w i t )I
'·analogies" and "oppasites," and you
thouJd get at least. half of them without
conaulting a dictionary or any other
reference work-
1. If "optics" Is tbe tcience of vlllon.
and "acoustlct" la the IClence of toud,
what is the science dealing with toad?
2:. Speaking of the senses, what is
the name of the "sixth sense" that
tells us wbtther wt are standing or
sitting or falling?
3. A· -relaUve Oil' the father'• skle
of the family is 0 agnate"; what tJ a
relative on the mother'• aide of the
4. TBE "APOGEE" ia that point in
• the <llltbit of the moon when it is farthest
from the earth; what do we call the
point at which the moon is aeareaC
to the earth?
5. Bad digeltloo is "dyspe~a"; what
is good dlgeotlaa? t. U you borrow a rake or a tl'oom1
you have to return the same rake or
broom, but if you b>rrow money, you
don't return the same money, only its
equivalent; whit do we caU goocfl that
au freely exchangeable' .fr. replaceable
for another of the aame nature ot. kind,
but no( identical? ;
7. A living-room is !or ~. and
a dining-room is for dqaing; what wu
a "drawtnc-room" dt\lisM for?
I. "Voracity" is desiring or consuming
large quantities of fQ!'d ; what is the
clinical name for the ~\e condition
or not wanting or beinl' able to eat?
I. WHAT Ill TBE.coocluding. or IQJll-
ming-up, part or an oration?
IO. ••Monotbe.ism" is the belief in ont
god, and ''polytbeitm" is the belief in
many; wha1 ls the term to designate
the exclusive. worship of one deity without
denying the exiltence ol others?
11. A government controDed bY. the
rich ls a "plutocracy": a covetbillltnt
CO!!troUed by all lhe .p0o~ ' ,lt1 . a
"'democracy"; what· i1 a ·pvenilnfnl
in ,which a certain amount of prof!Wty
is a necessary qualification for oU.icl?
12:.. Unlike elements that blend together
completely are called "'homogenized";
what is the word describing elements
that will ,x>t blend?
13. THE ADJECnVE pertalnin& to
wood is, of course. '"wooden"; what
Is llle adjective pertaining to cork!
14. A full range of color is called
a "spectrum"; what is the full range
or compass ol a voice or instrument
15. A baby is a very young .,_ chlld;
but what is a newborn baby called?
1. Raptia. 2. ProprioceptiV<. 3. ElrsaU.
4. Perigee. 5. Eupepsia. 6 Fungibler.
1. Withdrawing to. 8. Anortria. I.
Peroration. 10 Htnothei.!771. 11. Timo-
crQcy. 12. lmmUcib~. 13. Subt"ric. 14.
Diapason. 15. Neonatu.s.
Douglas~ Outside Finances llllt -1al!Oa;.np1os1 ... ?
''Ne, tbl: automobile eiplosion," he
aild. .
"'One hundred yean ago, there were no
automobiles. Today, there ue 500
11)1111®. Under the illu!rable rale ol pro.
~aaion set forth by Malthus. we will
Mve 7.3 trillion automobiles by 1916.
For Maritime Buffs
WASHING TON -Supreme C o u rt
Jualice William 0 . llouglu Is beiD(
diloclly and blunily aatod f6' a full I<>
_,ting ol his oullide Income -t.&imated al more than $25,000 a year,
The 71.yur-old nu1iWltly libenl jurist
has jult -from • lecturl trip to 8razil for a reputed $5.000 fee.
'M>e demand for a detaiJed fllatement of bOOciaS• outside Income is being made In
J ...... to him from Rep. Clark
~. MJM.,. ranking Republican
-of the House Jodlclary c.m.
-who spearbeadfd the -tbat lid to lhe resignallon ol Justice Abe
Furtas. MacGregor Is sponsoring legls\•
lion barring federal judges from ac:-
cepUng' fees of matt than $500, and re-
qulrtng them lo make recuJar full
di• loauoe of outa6de income. llacGresor inclicatod tbal il Douglas
-DOI rapoild to his Inquiry, be Will
-the -to-the fuU Judiciary Committee 'flbh <a request for an in-
wst.iption. Thla was the c o. u r s e
MacGregor punued in
going af\er
DOIJGLAS' OUTlibE' finan<a ano
und .. widapretcl 'Cballenge in Cao&ms-
A munber· of 9'MtOfs and 1epeeeir
tativn art raising this iaoe..
One ol llle lbarpelt allacb came !nm
Rep. William Scherle, R-lowa, who wrote
Chief Justice Earl Warren 1everal weeks
ago urging that the supreme Court on its
own volition make full dlaclolure of all
oulSide Income. Scherle lndl&naullY """'11
lhal he still has not r«eived a reply from
The ""~ Iowan decland thal
while Forlal' m1'nalion Wll deslrabi<
aa far 11 ll ...nt, It did not 111 to the
heart of the "real isrue railed by this
sordid affair."
4 ''Tht American people want full
dJtclosuni ol outside income by federal
judges," said Scbe.rle, "and it ii obviom
tbe Suprane Court ;, ellber lncapabl< ...
unwilling to clean Its, own hoult. Failure
ol Jultlce. WIWam Q, Dougllf to reveal
llie delalis of hto llnanc!s Is a graphic ii·
lultraUon of lh\s.
·~ORE THAN A week 1JO I stnl a let-
ter by ipeclal rnessenlf' to Otlel Juatice
Earl Wama uklna for a 1111 ol oatalda'
Income tamed by eadl member of his
court in tMI. AJ of toc:1af, l havt yel to recem rrom him even the COW"tts1 td an
"The DOed ls clear lbal Oongnu must
act to pau leglslalion which would ,..
quire all federal judl't to dloclooe lbelr
oa1ak1e Income. By requiring lbal,
c..ci-1!G'llil lltlp 11Uafy \ the In· ..-1 pabllc COtlC<!1I lhat members ol
'------------the hllbat coort In llll' land cnmpl! wllb
the highest ethical atanclardl and avoid
pooslble conlUct ol lnlerut. ll would help
.. store confldeoce In the Integrity of the
judicial branch ...
For tome Ume it has been known that
Douglas rettives fU.000 a year from a
foundallon which derived a wbltl.ndal in-
come Crom hoklings Jn Nevada gambling
-He \4 also a di..ctor ol a s<>all· td 'cultural cmter in Callfomia that U
su-"111 by C<lltributloos from lhis
foundation and other tu-exempt IOUl'«S.
IN ADDmON, Douglas ltctum ex-
tensively. ma income from this IOUrce
alone la reported to run lnto thousands of
dollars acmually.
The New Deal jurist is eligible to retire
with tun p1y (now $60,000 a year) ror life.
He bu been on tbe bench more than 30
yean and could have retired with full
pay at IS. Married fOlD' timu, he has a
hurt condition that necessttated the
embeddl:nc of a "pacemaker" in ·his side
Ju t year.
BJ l\llbert S. AUta
aad Jolla A. Gftbmltll
Why """l lrucken who drop mud
and dlrt on pavement outalde con·
ii.ruction areas required to clean
up lhltr mt11tt? ll't unsiahtl)r,
covt.ra up cmttt line martillgs
and ln wet weather dangerous a3
T1lft ~ ....... ,.....,,.. ........ ....
Wlft """ " ,... 114& d w•r .... .... "" """" . ......,. .... -.....
''CAN THE WORLD IUpfJO!'I tbat many
automobiles? Can we aomehow fllld the
-ewlUllll to garage, gu and park
them! "That's why our Model c:tty
Program here is llO important. Everyone
blows that Loe Ance1el was desiped for tt;e. automobile. And lf we can succeed
here, we will Poim the way for oUlel' ·
communities faced wllb lhe grim pro.
spect!I of the automobile e.xplo&ion."
Grommet said that result.s so far were
"most encouraging."
• "True,'' be said. "several hundre.d
thousand buildings still ~main standing
in the Greakr Los Angeles area. But
each day more and more are be.ing
demolished to make room for partlnl
t He. happily e.ye.d a tree beiq felled by
trorkmen widerdng an access ?Old.
"Trees are the natural e.Mmy of the
automobile," he aaid. "They keep nnWnc
lnto them."
"GRABS, ON THE other band -IMI
harm. but tt -"oo good eltber. n ea'I be \ll8d for fuel and It'• ~ I!"" t
etf1c.le.nt as a parttnc surface t.....,.... ·
to iupball l'ortunately, lhere'I ltttle
Jen." •
Under the praenl rate ol ::;:-• Grommet said, Los Anplet . lie 1_,ietdJ pond .... bJ 1114.
1111 eyes gleaming, he dacrlllod the
tutu.rt model clt)' as u an bib k:lle
, net...rt of superb 24-lane rr ... .,,
~ automobiles aafely a a d
lll1CIOlbly from !Skin& lot IO ,,.,tins
It !Olll1lltd Ute a veritable utopia for
the automobile. Bul would il be fit ror
~to live In?
GcCll'lmi!t ~· .. I, nevu was." he
Bridly IMMd : Colledors of mariUme
Jore ""' -to ''11>e Jeanelle Ex·
pediUon," an -by A. A. Hoehlin( ol the ill-fated Voyage to the Amlc in
1897. ln JuJy of ihat year the little 1tum-
er Jeanette le.ft San Francisco Bay With
33 explorers. The idea was to reach !he
North Pole in her, an npedltion
spomored by James G<nlon B<omel~ the
New York newspaper publisher whose
.._.ier. H. M. Stanley, bad found Dr.
David livinplone, the mWionary -...
plottr, on the north eod of Llike
TaJ'lganyik~. during a feat of jouma1J&Uc
enterprise l. 26 ye.an previoualy. The
Jeanette "1air wu less successful Two
yean alter they sailed only a lbird of the
ship's company ret.u.nt«I. Thia is a blr-
rvwlng tale ol a marine (and ~l -·well told. (Ahelanl.sdunan; il-M .; $5).
''ULA.CK RAIN," a novel by Masujl
tbUle .balled Jn Japu u a "work dart" :=:;,., bJ the atomic bombing of
Jobn . ~ ~ ~~,:-~=:: .. ~
CIOlll,' T'*1o ud Pllo Aho (II.II). It lo
the tabled Henry the Navigator, but al.lo
by pathfinding voyages of Bvtholomeu
Dias, round the tip ol Alrica. and Ute
voyage of. Vasco da Gama lo India. Dos
PUIOI went ·to old Portuguese
ctroniclers, Azurara, Cadamo&to, Jo.ode
Castro among them. and in aome cakS
provided· his own translations from early
Portuguest records. Illustrated (Double·
day; 17.l•l
PREVIEW: Remember Ar l h u r
f'idelman, lbe Bronx-born comic artlot,
who turoad up In Bemanl Malomud'I st«Y c:oDecUons '"nte Mlgic Barrel" Ind
"ltUotl J'irat!'11 Malamud .bu taken
Fldelman (and reworked these earlier
Fidelman storitl) Into a ...... 1 titled
''P.k:turer of Fkte.lman," which Farrar.
Straus ond Cirwx will publislt lbls -· the=ofa ___ ln •··,,
IM •• ''bhd: ratn" thlt t.11 aft-...-eor,e ...,., --.
., --AlthWP· .,_ llr1tl1 Dear Ceorae: "" oc:tual _..., It II.• ~ I ha .. lalion up knllUn& and find
npotl plot a _, ol -retatlinblp&. K Yrf enjoyable, C<rtalnly the
not Wltboul -; cl the -o( a -flllCinalin& bobby I ... -
l!'"l cUy, a -alllllllUaC IP de!ul. had. My wile nap me ~
Neither p 'a"'*k w epdrnllUc. h ia. about It. however, saying it doem't a~ to 111 -· •a piclur< ol look m-llne. Whal do JOU lblnkt tlit J-mlod tbat lelll m<n than NAGGED llNITl'ER
llltllJ IDClolospl -·· IlelT N11iied : -~POlmJGAt. ll'OllY. Is 1 S!le lbould~be. happy. -tnllllftl-k,.ps YOll Olll of the poolroom. ~ cl Porwp!. but c:hidly a dnni· Howe•er. If lhe lhould penlol In
c\e of tbat natloo'• areal age ol u · •auln& 1..,, juJI teU her your knit· ~ and dl-.ry, .., the crandlon Ung ~ a gag. II she keeps up .
ol a Portucese lmm;srant, John Doa TllEN, 1ag ber wilb il. Sllo11 alnll
P-, The A-"'-nntlist, N1W tn~l-llP---'------lill11i'il;iw, is pril,apiU, li>tiliiliCfti1 .
-" , -. -
• -.
~c~-· -01 ~~~-Airlj~r: Hijacking . io~Culia· Shaws Decrewe .
. •. • !
DAILY Pll.01' 7
~ .; ... .. .
CHECKING .-UP.•.~ • 'MIAW«AP~-Altl!M Iii-' di~ ou1;• J.M. Fr.il~.Mad puiila~ by priaoniar.t fines .airlines art _. llert "' ly," he ufd. "Or .maybe tk
l••ililii to Ciitil, ·~-~-llieJre&rat A n :r1:0.n-:aiii1 .tlii -;Md.blf-potential~ and..., koob11t lqw·flod 11 lllt
dolly occurrenoe early In tiff. Administration's Miami are• Ill• are lllbjecl "' oearch; ocreanlng ' tbem .,... heavl-llOYelty Ibey _,, did.•
have dwlildled obarply and office, said Tuesday. ' .Aoolber deYl<e to cul down«~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
• • •A. goYernment olflclals II)' they 1 ~"We know there's been a &be bijacking:s Is 1 oewli
Wh I Al h I • hope the &qi 'piracy 11,on ils ' declloe In the hijacltlnp ;but · w o aporll-deledioo _._
*HARBOR CENTER ' Y' ' ·S . -CQ ' 0 1·c WI lep -.«Wint'. . -we don't really know wby. whlcb Frazier ufd .... beh>j{
The hijacking of a M41tona( _.'.~~ April Isl we dld lssue · uoecl at selected airporfj
Alrlina -plane Mon-. ..f;.~rs to air!inea and. tOOriet around 'the qoontry. 1be
day WI! ~-fifst i:incl Aprill cquuters warning that airline \ machiDe can detect · objects PRESENTS 1969
A, G .. · -s· . . ~? H, and Uie -first over this hi)acking ;., a federal cri!ll< made of metal. I . ·pt t-Q ecf-, ' ea· . I : si ·c . . e , country """"'Mardi 25. pUnlshable -by dealb. Bui , ·Another ln!Gr\ned ' iource i.I,, In January alone, II planes. w!lelb<r ·this baa ~ .. part nolod that pot e D·l ih I bl-•ete hljael:ed. t 1 :fn...the ~ is .. q~!a ~~mlPt hate been
j The fllure •--.i to live. JllOS•-" ' • dilcoilrqocLby repor11 filler,
out or 10 proposals mlg!\I be • ; each In Febnl~ and Mardi, '11_ie posters, lo i>?ld b\aek, ltlJ out al £uba that lbolr kind .SHO.W.
described as the result of : and to three ·in April. I Hii:I Md blue kUers, •lao warn are,given lea than a hero's
I FAJ)DIESOUT .. \ '·.U.t ~eoncta-led web>me.
they!re now woMering why it
is those men wiio ,tend to P,t
seasick are also a~t to be ~
fellows who can'f"hold their u .. quor. , , • UNFORTUNATELY
for a Slll'Prisingiy 1 a r g-e
number' of girlS called Peg,
says our Name Game man,
nothing' apPeals to them quite
so much aa unhappily married
men. • • • NOW THE COM-
PUTER BOl'S 1ay you have
one cbaoce Pt 7,200 of winning
a beauty contest. What do you thirik of that, mister?
mutua courtships. in which~iiJ::=:=-1J;::::::ik.:-ir-~·~~lt~'•'._!poooijJ~~-ilo~lhe-~J!~ad~,hu~~--~~~~«11~~·boo~rd~.~"-"~lll'Cra~-~~lt~ls~~-~·~·0r~.~·ll~could~~~be:_!tha~t~'~th~e~!!!!!;HA~=~Sl~MC=Of'P.1;:·:11e~C1;::1m1;;!!!!!~21~•;~";A~l=l=l=l~'IL~n.;;;.!!!!!~ bolb the groom ••d the brid• . Pia· ns Rushe are equally eager. And one
TYPING -Do you type ? If
so, can you think of any
sentence you can toucbtypc
with the right hand -only? How
about this dilly: "In July,
Molly, I'll look in upon my
jumpy polo pony up in hilly
Honolulu." Certainly is good to
know. In the event you ever
hurt your left band, but need
to say something like that to
somebody named M o 11 y .
incidentally, what's a diny?
And how does jt differ Crom a
dooz.ie? GOing to have to put
our Language man on that.
AM ASKED IF I ever saw
an albino·deer. No, sir, never
did. ~-any @UCh born? If so,
doubt ~y 'survive • ..An albino
has no sense of smell And a
deer Without its nose in the
wind doesn't stand much of a
chance. , •• THE J ARGON of
the military men · · h a s
degme:rated something awful
t in the last 50 years, i.e., what
used to be called "No man's
Land" -so. personal and
poetic -now i s stuf.
fedshirtedly known as "The
Demilitarized 1.one."
proposal in 10 originates solely
as the groom's iq_ea."
''What's the 'L' stand for in
youi initials, bud?" A. That's
for Lou which iS tor Louis. But
as I've said, pleaSe don't call
me l..ooie. It makes me feel
bad; •• , Q. !'ll'O SE'ITLE 1
6Ule· µting here,-please advise
1\,8 whether ifs'uue that Peter
TchalkovSky 'cari-ied oa an u-
1111-curriCUl!IF" 19ve affai,r with ~ widow ,l.NaliijOa· 'v on
Meck?'" A. You must' be a
xnUs'ic scholar. I bad tO·look .tO
different P.IB.ces to check up on
that T,11Tn s out~ Mr;
'tchaikovsky _never m e t
M~e Von Meck. She gave
him what today would amount
to about $150,(0), but on the
absolate condition he would
never try to sec her race .to
face. I guess he wanted Uie
MUSIC -Asked • five
musically minded c o I I e g e
scholars the other day each to
name his · or her favorite
sing~ None of the five -could
single oat such a vocalist-.
Amazing! You and I. brother,
said Nat Cole Of' Judy Garland
or Frank Sinatra er Ella
Filzge~ld . er Mr. Crosby.
Find ~ odd. that there's a
ch~tcb o( campus kittens 0now
who pay no preference to
personalities, but only listen to
sounds. Amplify the Positive
and echo box the Negative and
latch on ·to Mr. Cb or d
Machine. You and J, brother;
sat cross-legged on our bunks
with the soles of our feet in
our hands and wondered if
Billie Holidily ever cried in
her sleep ·0r Al Jolson ever
For Mea.sles
Govern;ment health . .uthoriUe%!
are organizipg· a · crash pr&-
gram to immanize eight
million people 3'ainst · .a
predicted epidemie of German
01easles .this winter:
Dr •. David J.-Sencer, direc-
tor of the National CQm·
nillnicable Disease Cent.er,
says the disease reaches
epidemic proportions every six
or se\fen years. He has asked
Congres5' for a rush ap-
propriation of $9 .6·million for
The vaccinating program
will begin this summer, ac-
roniiDg to •testimony released
today by· the Hoose Ap-
propriations Committee. It
heard Sencer in a cl~
session two months ago. _ :~ :
Gennan measles, known
.also as rubella, is a relatively
mild cbildbood disease. Bul '
there may be serious diii-
sequences for unborn children
who get the disease during the
first th?ee months of pregnan-
cy. Because. ·..of a 1t 6 4
epidemic, Senc:er said. some
20,000 children were born with
birth .defects.
'l1le new vaccine w as
developed by t h e ·
government's Pivision~ ·or -
Biologics Standards aod has
been field tested for. three
PROPOSAU -"Seven out
9f 10 maniage proposals, I am
convinced, are engineered en-
. tireJy by the brides," writes a
Lan.sing, Mich .• minister. He
says 30 years' experience in
officiating at weddings leads
him to this concluSion. "Two Yo ur questions and com-years. It will _be ready · for
menu are welcomed ·and distributioo June 30. lmmunity
wilt be used wherever pos· ~·~ted a~ lO yea~.
sibl.e in ."C~cldng •Up.•• . A. more severe ,.nndbond .U.pit~l Hill ~:i~:;.::~~1~5.;I~ ~::'~!~ w':..~ :t
--PILOT, Bor 1875, ·Newport elUninated bf a similar mm
NOW Loo kin ·1_B_e_ac_h.:.' ~c_a...:lif_ •• .,P,...2_66.,.o_. ----"':' .'-:.-..,~-"'.,....1965...,.... _Sencer __ ... _·d._1,
Like Peacoc. -·
capitol 'Hill,. once a fortress or .
paln1 t ating 1artorial -. ...
arthodoxy, Is giving grouncno " '
t he Peacock Revolution fu
men's fasliions. ·. ~
C o ngressmen's sideburns
are creeping dOwn. their suit.I
have more shaping, and Che
once . Stindard" while shirt Is
moving aside for rainbow •
At fir-st glance the cham·
bers still are a sea of
banker's gray and blue suits .
with unobtrusi ve ties on white
But with study the ex-
ceptions pop out.
Rep. M. G. Snyder, a 41-
y ea r-o Id sophom,ore
Republican from Kehtucky;
sports mid-ear black sideburns
and a midnight blue shirt.
Democratic Rep. Richard T.
Hanna, wearing a peach,
spread-eoHar shirt, strolls past
Republican Charles E. Wig·
gins, a feDow Californian in a
yellow sport coat.
Nearby, Rep. Seymour
Halpern, a RepllbJlcan
resplendent in full gr a y
sideburns a n d moustache,
chats with another N e w
Yorker, Democrat Bertram L.
Podell. Podeil's pepper-aod-
salt aidebums reach the bot-
tom of bis ears.
Rep. Abnet J, Mikva ([).
Ill.), complements his longer
sideburns with a lime shirt.
Rep. Frank J, Bra1'CI> (D-
N. Y.), adds a pink-on-pink
shirt. ·and tie combination
to his &ideburns. Rep. William
J . Scberle (R·lowa ), favol's a
mustard shirt and t I e
"It~s true," remarks Rep.
Peter N. Kyros. (0.Maine),
"sideburns are coming down
and there is more color in
shirts." His shirt. that day was
dark blue and his sideburns
noticeably longer.
' ;
\bu betlina
Green Stripe backer
Younger congressmen have
dropped the once----popular crew
cul for longer hair styles. But
notte can yet match the now·
ing white manes ol Republican
Whip Leslie C. Arends ol
llllnoil and Armed Servi... u ~ Chairman L. Mendel ru,.... SlffiR i;:J_ (D.5.C.).
fromlntf!.l rn 0 l~ s I a c l}..e 11' GREEN adorn the upper lips of llep~.
Chet Holili•ld ((){Ali!.), John SfRIPE 1-..=!i';.!;=.i H. Deni (D-P1.), Daniel J,
Flood (1>-Pa.I, Joho Cooyero
Jr. (J>.Mlch.), and Leiter-I. Since 1~ the • • -ll'ollt-(l>N•Y•).
HUsliy FuU·S.ln
Gal Size
lat y,..,,., 9•1clc c-Slieff.
6' to 7'
1ALl: ' ' REtJ. • .. ~498
6pnl1'. ~-· l>ea11.tlful :r•r4
•-' pidm. Apo. ~-y,;p~ •p Gt11 ·1t wliere
:needed. Garv. t.ank, r••tle s9
1Qss pump. 94-
..:iustable .-z:r.le.
REG. 15.00
SPECIAL ••• s11•a
Plont now for full
'ummef itnjoyment:
Larqo started tubars
. Silver $pade
• R•Vit1lla 1 WMn Out Solla e Broiko Up Adobo . e Weed Ftff, S,1lt Frn, Dustless
· e ·Wolf Quickly , .
' • lde•I F.r ~A(:id Pltn"ts
• Ideal For Mulchi"t
e LOOMns H .. vy Pi cked Soil a
• Nitfoten .(;u,1r1ntMd
·29i· I .. 2!~·
•:.. ~
REG. 1.75
Many colors-some brand
new! Excellent potted
pla nt for su n or for
part shade.
FULL·S-IZE $1·19 TH Rim
REG. 79c DOZ.
Speciel Prlcts Good thru Suncley, Mey 26th -· ,-··} '
261 Harbor Blvd • , .
CALL 546-5525
• .BB
-· ~----~-----------
• DAllY Pll.OT T)lw*y, M11 U , 1969 ~ 1 z__;__.;._ ____ ==~~~-.... -""---'--'--' QUllNll -IY "'" 1nteri.Mi-
No Va~ation
.Trip Pro1noters in Jail
LOS ANGELES (UPI> -certillc1le r<qU<'5lionl • $2S
The 51,000 penom throughout deposii within 10 days to ·~ United Sllles "ho Qllllffy. n would be lully """' refunded, ol course, on t h e
Candi.dates Trade' Cliarges ..
!Lbs ANGELES (UPI) again•l Brldley · and U!ose had not been requll'<d lo ld•n·
M&JOr Sam Yorty and his o~ about militants, then later tify themselves.
ponent fn lhe May 2?10ayoral walked out of tht session In Yorty was asked: "Your in-
rwioff, City C o u n c JI man the middle of a question. tegrily i.a under attack today.
Sorensen was a consistent con-
tributor to Yorty's "birtbday''
fund·raislng dinners.
_.Nld tbe "free v...Uoo" dly o1 depon\lre.
(ad In the April 5 1V Guide The Post Office Department
1'lom1s Bradley, eicbanged Yorty spent most of lhe con-\VI 11 you respond to those
charges Wednesda y in ference reading a. t-page posl-questions about It!"
separate appearances. lion paper renewing his ac-He reijlled: "No I'm not
Sorensen said he calers 20
or 3.0 affairs lor the city each
year. He said members of the
mayor's staff chec~ed other
catering firms b e f o r •
awarding hi.Jn the business. \ figured they couldn't lose. sajd today the deal was a
I They filled o u t • ques· pbOny.
Yorty told newsmen at his · cusa~oos that Br ad I e y 's going to respond today to any ,las~ r'gul,rJy 891edu~. news as~1ates are sympathetic to questions by the other side
cori.ference. belore .fue.relec~ion mllit;lnts. who are nlaking so many
U\al Bradle;y has '1.,mtrrounded , ~e. also Interrupted Booke~ ·outrageous statements ·that I
himself with people openly Cr~f~ of rad~ station ~G~F would spend .a11 my time
sympatheUc lo the movements aurin~ a question , demanding answering them if I tried to
and organizations which he ideoUfy himself ar.d his answer \hem." '
\~ anclseot them Jn to A posLal inspector Tuesday
·the DWse .MacatlQner Qo. in 'ied . two Cerqtan na· ttollywood. The 2,000 lucky Lio Is, Hans George Aust. t7,
winners of a drawinc would and-oland fl. Craver, 2'1, on
get free trips to Hawaii. suspicion of violating ~ta.I
Acapulco or Miami. stat~t.es. They were an-11gned
U you have new nl'l1t:hbo1,
or know of anyone movln'
to our attL please tell us
so that ~e may extend 1
friend!y Welcome ind help
µiem to tib::ome acquainted
in their new sUITOUJldin;s.
However, all o( the 57,000 Wtd.oeiday.
disrupt our campuses and organization. GrUnn. a Negro Shortly before Yorty's news
make our, streets unsafe." who bas at~ed Yorty'~ con-conference, Bradley charged
He refused to ooswer ques-fcrences previously, said .he that Yorty gave one of his a~
lions fro"' newsmen on any ~oul.d ,!'°t bow to the "10-pointed co mmissioners city
topics Otht\r than his charges digruty when other newsmen <.'(lnlracts without calling for
respondents r e c e I v e d con-~ / It was tmknown how many
cratulatory letters informing ~f the 57 ,000 respondents ac..
them they ~ad won one of the tually mailed lhe '25. but if
.. exciting travel J)liw from everybody did, the pair could
Enclosed was a "'lnner's million.
.>... \ .>... .>... .>... _,_ .>... competitive bidding .
W 'W H H H 1-4' He said Fire Commissioner
M ' p ll Russell L. Sorensen, operator ayor s 0 .. Taken or • catering service. w•• g~en a $4,900 contract to c ter a city birthday "fiesta "
In 'Selected' A\··eas in 1005. Bradley said lbe COO·
. our 1• dr~ina:." have net\ more than $1
Ass mly Battle Bretvs ~=:!:~~...;;"--'--·----_;;_· .... _ ..... _ ... ~---..... --
on T1 a R l formPl.an "Allright,Mr.Mc~~~~:~~rir~~11e r •
So. Coast Yisilor
Harbo Visitor
494 361
i \rvt°!o~7~E~:;o/~~~ ~h~
SACRAMENTO ( ) -1'h~1 post. \J , M d t R t s I. y lis favored bdy 54 pe rcent of • · 0 es 0 eco· un een VO ers SUrVeye was taken On· Jlossibility of a .battl 'betwee Committee ch air m an lJy In carefull y selected white
the Assembly's two most Willi•m T. Bagley (R·San areas, the man who directed il
powerful men over Gov. Amelmo), also re 1 e ct e d Jl;t ODES TO (AP) the official Count of the m'Clre says.
1 tr ct was signed by Yorty. ,
\ radley also chatged th~I
City Councilman Thom 'as
Bradley, is 1 a Negro and
reportedly has heavy support
in areas the poll excluded. '"--::: H~ug said the information 1.0:
Reagan's tu plan brewed to-Unrub's proposal, saying a lax Democrats and Republicans than 60,000 votes cast in , Arne F. Haug said Wed·
day in the lower house revision plan will emerge "in 1 1 lod h .M~Y he had been told by chamber. dUe time ." vralehed c ose Y ay as t e Tuesday's ·electibn still showed Y'Orty's re-election campaign
on the poll's selectivity was '.'i_CJ
released after Salvatori had \~
announced that the poll show-
ed Yo.rty leading challen~er ~ t-ll
Thomas Bradley on a city-~ QP1
Assembly o e m 0 c r a t I c Bagley argued 3 g a i n s 1 offlclal can~·ass of votes began him a few scant votes behind director, Henry Salvatori, to
Leader Jesse M. Unruh "making a circus out of tax ia a special ,.\ssqnbly elecJion Rep~blican Clare L. Berryhill. survey onl y those areas whi ch
threatened to bring the lax reform on this floor.'' to which where only 48 votes separated 'Ibe ai:IJusted semiofficiiJ Jll!"'·k;nown lo favor Yorty,
reform program to the floor If Unruh, referring lo Reagan's the two leading candidates. tally on' Wednesday gave Ber-. Haug said the poll excluded
.a committee fails to act upon explanation of his tax pro--ryhill .30,063 votes , LaCoste Negro areas and heavily
.Jt soon. Republican Speaker gram, replied : "The circus Jt appeared likely a recount ' 30,0lS and Charles. Mw-atore, Jewish areas w h 11 e c<ln-
widf basisas Tuesday"srunoff \VATCH FOR OUR
election nears.
Haug sald the pol\ was ~
designed as ''ca mpai g n\".\.
strategy·· rather than for
statistical Information. Yorty
did not comment on the mat·l,llo~i1
• Robert T. Monagan called the was .last day on television would be demanited) b0 y the American Independent .centrating on white suburban
·threat "a dangerous prece· and not on tli floor." Democrat Emest t.ICQ!te if candidate, 435. districts. Yorty's challenger.
dent."' ------"-~-----------------'------...:. ----.,----;---------------------------------
Unruh, of Inglewood , told
the Assembly Wednesday: ''If
the Revenue and Tu:aUon
Committee does not report out ·
the governor's tu program .••
it is my intention after next
week .•. to Ilk unanimous con-
sent" to shtft the debate from
the committee to the full
lower house.
Monagan. of Tracy, respond-
td that ho not onl)' ohjoC(td to
such a move but that Unnih
bimlelf hid ralsted such I C-
tiofts: during hls nine years in
lite Aalembly's top leadership
Army Must
Show Pies
Army wu WKler orders tod1y
to produce five controvenia.I
pholosraplts ol lbe lnllde ol
the San Francisco Presidio
Stockade which were liken
a.bout the time 27 prlsonen
held 1 sltdown demonstration
last fall.
Defense aUorneys for the
toldifrs, who were charged
"ith mutiny after th e
demomtration, contend the
photographs might prove their
claim that substandard con·
ditions at the stockade con-
tributed to the protest.
capt. Emmit F. Yeary,
military defense counsel for
the 14 soldiers currently on
trial, charged Wednesday that
_o(ficials at the 1,t o ct 1, d e
crdered the photoaraphs burn-
ed. Hov.·ever. Yeary said he
had learned that the negatives
still exist and asked that the
eourt martial board order the
army to produce them or "l
may move for a dismissal."
''Mle presiding o f f i c e r
iranted the request a n d
ordered the nega tiv es
delivered lo Ford Ord. The
defense said the photos were
ol a segregation cell, latrinu
and a bulletin board showing
the stockade population.
If Y•"'re • •"''' tr•4.,., "'• DiM•·A-LiM cl•••ifie4 •4•
Sat.r4ty1, M••• • Mtt.,. 411t
, •• whethtr 'o"''• 11.,,i..., el
:he DAILY PILOtS f1mout
M ll:111.
fk;wf!I' of
MAT 23·24
·Give generously!
Wear it proodl)'L
· Islaqd Cruise
'Paslliori qsJarid
on the mall Saturday, May 24
1:00 p.m.
A trip to the vacation and travel fashion world
presented in St,age Court on the mall by Mary
Webb Davis Fashion Production s.
• (
with vocalist LENNO WELLS.
- 7 iPS
' ' --•
, ..
' " ..
') ..• I ' ..
T ROPICA L SUI TS at our lowest
Right in the heart of the season, /nen.
price In years!
hert'05 your chance to get the Qr#nd new
\\'t1rnl ·\1'rather suits you \Vant at.a hard-t""'
helictc lo,v price! Strong, sh.-~ret'aining
Dac.:ron pol yester and \vOOI \VOrstcd ...
cxpcrtl)' tailorrd in fine-6tting t\\.'O and three
hutton models. Nc,,•.for:oo p tttms and
colon .. , sizes-for r~gulan:, shorts and long'I.
Comp. value '45
Costa Mesa, 1601 Newport Blvd., al 16th
Gard•n Grov• -12372 Garden Grov• Blvd .
\ 1 •
Jl to 5 I!!!!
SUNDAY liiii
--------..,----.-... ------~--~-
• rv.1n~Plan l\rlopted-
Board Okays 'Explosive Area' Study
OI .. o.ltt '°llW SI ...
S,\NTA ANA -Dev<IOJ> -ment auldelines for 7,MS acres
ot C\nlral lrvlne Ranch pro-
perty \Predicted by Planning
D' Forest D)cbson 10
be "on of the most explosive
areas &he county in the ntJt
10 yt. " we.re adopte d
Wedne y by the Board of
The p
· pleted In
study waS com·
days by the Plan-
te pper
Face . 'lrial
~:~f ~b t~zg.
·County director of a group
dedicated to rehabilitation of
ex-corivicts through private
enterprise must stand trial
July 21 on charges of pulling a
$900 cocktail Jowige holdup.
Robert R. Olin. 37, of
'Garden Grove, asked Superior
Court J udge James F. Jud e
to dismiss his inned r<i61ittj
charge but the plea was refus-
ed Wednesday. ~-_.. .. ....,
Olin, director of the famed
Seventh Step Foundation, is
accused along with Gary A.
Cecil, 22, Martinez, of robbing
Berks b ires-In-The-Sky at
Orange County Airport last
n1J11 Department Ila!! end •J>
proved by Uie COW!ll' Planning
Commiu loo last April 2.
'!'riuertng the • l u d y •
ordered by the supemaors
last Dec. 2t, was a ruone
denial for SI acres owned by
Lyman H. F.,....11 of Newport
-. north ol lhe Santa """ Fr<!way.
slnee that dale, nine other
l"l!:ZOOtS or use variancu for
Property in the vast area have
been pigeonboled awailing the
study compl~tion.
Most of tll$n have nOw beeo
cleared by the plannen and
will be before ·the supervisors
for approval soon, Dickason
The planning director said
the adopted guidelines will
"monitOr orderly growth and
provide ' for CO'mmunity
faclJ ities not pos4ible without
Uieri!." He added that Ibey
provide a framework to act .on
zoning requests while more in-
depth studies are being com-
_.The study area includes 912
acres north of the Sant'a Ana
Freeway, part of 1,600 acres in
tile plan section not owned by
the Jrvine Company.
the balance or the 7,"46
acres are bounded roughly by
the San Diego and Santa Ana
Freeways on the south and
north. and Sand Canyon Road
and the Santa Ana Marine
Corps Air Facility on the east
and west.
A "saturation" populaUon or
more than 131 ,000 is an-
Two natUJy d re s s ed
businessmen sat in the bar
from midnight until 2 a.m.
Ocl 27, then robbed the
'bartender at gunpoint, \,aped
ltis bands and mouth and left
Dim prisoner In a stockroom.
Villa Park Project
Authorities said the ex-
eeutive's alleged accomplice
will probably face prosecution
at a later date, since Cecil is
currently in jail on m11:ijuana
Charges in Nevada City.
OK' d Over Protests
million purchase and option
agreement for the proposed
Villa Park Dam Region31
Park was approved Wed-
' nesday by the Board of Nixon Toasts Supervisors despite , •me
spirited opposition f r o m
B I · K • freshman Supervisor Robert · e g1 m11 1ng w. Ballin.
The proposed park of 291 WASHINGTON (U PI ) -acres joins Irvine Park's
'President Nixon loa.sted Klng northeast boundary line and ~douin and Queen Fabiola when comb~ as planned,
olr.Belgium Tuesday and .Wd, with lbat storm-ravaged facili· ,"It tJkes 20 years -ot more of ty ww total 4'1fi '~s.
pt.ce" to !Jl8ke 'a mari ·and it The land will be purchased
t:ak;e§ only 20 seconds of war fro. m the ltviTU' Com.....,,.y in a-.... 1 destr. ~ him..'!. .. -:!t _.. ~-"~ "' .! pact calling 'lot \ buyJ01 177 ~·"So," NiJon said., ''it ls al acres now for' $1,636,391, or
BaUin first asked what the
present uses of the acreage
were by the Irvine Company.
Parks Director K e n n e t h
Sampson replied: "Sand and
gravel operations and some
recreational, such as riding
''It appears that the Irvine
Compan y could develop the
acreage in golf courses and
other recreational uses," Bat-
tin continued. "It is open land
with no other logical uae. 1
propose that we use the $1,_$
million to purchase other
tegional park sites."
Supervisors William R Hir.
tein and David L.~ Bater
leaped to the defense of tbe
proposal. which Hint.ein noted
~has been stu<tieCI fc;r 11
..ilolether appropriate th a t $5,646 plus per a~re, and a
;)if.TO -. the 1 re ates t $10,000 option pa~t on an ipiacekeepmg force -the world additiooal 'adjoin Ut acres
?has ever seen -bas ill home f« •m. or M· phis aD . yean."
'*ker said_, "We-. ·cannot
develop the lsnd now, wllhoyt
buying.it. This is the .beat dDl
and the best time to co.
iia his «JW!lry and bis -le
t,11.ave welcomed arid provided ':"'. ; • /support for it." Baudouin arid
·Fa b iol a arriv e d i n
~WasbingtOm from Cape Ken-
1Jiedy, Fla., where they watch·
J'ed lhe Apollo 10 blssloff.
30-year '.
' • 11 \ Supervisor : DEATH NOTICES .
SWANWICK Dies at 87 • Jlllln T. Sw•nwlck, !'01 Al"'°"" PJ.K~,
' N....,.orf llcWI. O.ta flt dMlll. Nll'f 20.
: s11rv1YW<1 tiv "".''•· Led.ti '°"" Jaflfl .T. '01\ANGE -Willard Smith , Jr., Ml~, ~1'1. Mn. NI PICY •
• 11:. ~ • .._. &Mc111 ~M••· -who-served as a member of
! OQrothy P\.ltt 1nd Mrs. Mer'!' A. •~ Qr Count Board f ' FrlHlnHr. boll'I d MIUl'9M; ••"'* u1it" ange Y O
: dllldren. J-,_ Doo.illln 11111 1 supervisors for almost 30
, JulJe Elluibelh Dovtl.ts, bDlh cf Ht.,.,. J ••·-oth • -' 11Hc11. Gra ... 161-~· w111 11e_ years -onger u 1a11 any er ;Mid Frklrt. 11 1 .11'1., PKffi~ V I•• man -died Tuesday nilht
, Memorl•I Par1l. """h D•. wn1i.n IL ded 'JI H , e...,... o1 ,,. LvttMr•n Church ot ""' after an exten 1 ness. e
: Ml•'""· ofl~ti111. orrKted by PK 11k was 87.
vi .... MO<lu••Y· Masonic funeral services
BOWDEN will be held Friday at 2 p.m.
: Morrl5 o. 8-de11. 4'111 "1• CorOM. at the n.-.. .. an Funeral Home HUAt1nt1on !le1t11. Ate ll 1 cl.tie ol vvu..e · ri""'· ,,,.Y n. s..rv1viec1 by wue. in Orange to be followed by
' c·i.r•i s1t>Pson1, ltO'i' c. and Lewis private -aveside servict.S at : II:. ltob!Nl'ttt. SerVkft, Thltf'Way, ,, ..
. 1.m.. 01~~ ero111tn Mor11.1•"'· Fairhaven, Cemetery ,
. We1tcUH Mortu.ary :m E. 17th St., COila ·Mes~ -' .
Corou del Mir OR S.MSI
. Costa Mes• MI S.24%4
110 Broadway, Costa Mesa
LI ~
Mr. Smith was a board
member from 1925 to 1955 and
at the time of his retirement
he was the oldest supervisor in
the sta~e in point of service.
Mr. Smith is survived by hi s
widow, Edna ; a son, Dr. G.
Abbott Smith of Qrange, and
five grandchildren .
summate it."
Batti11 hurriedly explained
that "I don't want to be
mi!understood. I'm a super--
park man all the way but I
feet the owner will' have to
develop it to r e cre a t i on
The purchase agreemenl4
approved by a 4-1 vote, calls
for coosummation by June 30,_
1969 for the first 177 acres and
complete purchase of the ad-
ditional 114 ac re s by
December 31 , 1971 , Sampson
"ViU·a Park Dam RegionaJ
P ark, combined with Irvine
Park will offer an outdoor
playground of streams, lakes,
camp and picnic grounds, a
possible executive (short) goU
course, archery areas, an
equestrian center· and.-a
childre.a 's zoo," S a m p s on
The acreage purchased will
extend down Santiago Canyon
almost to Villa Park Dam.
Initial use of camp and picnic
groands is planned by sum·
mer, 1170, Sampson promised.
HunUngloa Valley
17tll Beacb Blvd.
Himtln,Con Beach
Cemetery e Mortuary
358t Pacific Vtew Drive
Ne..;ort BUcb, Collfomla
...,.,....8 MORTUARY -.-iif Mahi SL
llimllqtoo --LEMlll
(fer Sleep) For Extractions and Fillings
UNrO~ ••
.. ..,, • ._ • O,EH ms. I SAT. PHONE §. 16 MOS. tO•l'AY-
e SE HAllA Ul-6625
ESPANOL --....... --'
•:R!OIT D!H fl\T
H~t. EDIN&Ell -&•ou,..o FLOOll -MODE-.N
· Prophy lnc,tic Bill
642 ·9990
14.6 cu. ft. Frost-Proof has a 3.56 cu. ft. Freezer.
• No fill. No spill. No forget1 ing to fi ll ice trays. Frigidaire Ice Maker Is
fully automatic. (Easily connected to available water supply.)
• No stale ice. Dial amount you want to keep handy with Cube Level Con·
trol. Ice Maker makes more as you use them. •
• Only 32• wide. Fils in same space as your present refrigerator.
• Frost-Proof. You'll never defro st again.
Fl\1dlfrt k tlitn te lililll lw llflt ...
411 L 17th St.
Costo M--646-l 684
~ Dolly 9.9, Sat. 9·6
. . ·.
I •.
· ... ..
• . . ..
.. .. ..
of elegance!
Fla.shy nickle omament
adds to up front interest.
Jn dark antique brown,
SAVE $2.00
••· • ., SA VE $2.00
•• ··...... Boldly bared for summirl All.leather
·... thong with toe ring. Hardware
dotted instep strap. Hand
•••• rubbed. Hippy brown. . ·· .. ~·· $5''
·. ·. '•.
. . .
.. ··. .. ..
. .. ".
"· " · .... ... ..
SAVE $2.00
Contoured toe. Hand tooled toe •
Insole. has notched outline. All
ln ther. Tawny antique
brown. Double strap.
SAVE $2.00
All leather buckle thong. Insole
rimmed with hardwere. Hand
rubbed. Deep, dark
hi ppy brown. Cool!
SAVE $3.00
The pet ite city sandal with dlinty
instep tit . In aoft kid, bone
and white. Comfortat>M,
cushioned insole.
SHOP DAILY 9:30 • 9:00 I SHOP SUNDAYS 10 • 5
~ ~ . .
. . • • . • .
' .. .
' I
I '
• •
\ \ ~: ~ : . . . •
Tak -ov'* ~•le ee-trt
North · KtJreaiiS 8-et '7(f Target fJ1iie-·
By PIUL NEWSOM known ol 111 i-t WO<ldnp. Pmi-Nlkolol Podgorny South Koffil al!O hs asked
u:P1 li'oreip News 4ulyJt The • SoUth Kore an tn-may be expeded to reinforce for speedy patrol boats to cut
South Korean ~ ol· telligeoce _,.,.. t1t1m11e Its the ••niillC· oil coastal inllltraton.
!leers belleft. that Mlnhal armed forces at abcld: '41,000 In Auaust.ol ttm year, the No great success has<mark· K~ II Sung, North Korei's men, with ll!l,Clll) ol them. in UnitJd St.aies will be gin ed the North's infiltr-.tion cf·
beJUcoee CommWlial. 1.ser, the around forces. 1be others deUvery to 1tbe south of a forts but It is belieVed to have
has set 1970 as lbe target dlite are dlvided amoni th e squadron of F-4 Pbantpm jets. up to 40,«>0 men drawn from
for taking over the whole of air(orce which bas an and the South Koreans want North Korea 's red guards and
Korea. ~tiplated HI planes, and the iwo to three more to acliieve trained in infillraUon and ter-
He hoRe'· io do it, navy, whJcb bas about 180 _ equality wijh the~ ~G,. ror. tactics.
not b~ 1ronta1 attack ........ 1 "=~::=:::=-5:::i~=:;:;:::::::r===::==~"I
infiltrallon, by l\SS&ssi NO PLANES -b --L l by unde~the The airforc<, which listed no Vp ;I'll t? ••• Dot1't Fight \ th.~,I mtheselves' Souathnd' Ktheorea planes at all, 11 the time of the .a: ... h 1953 Korean armlstlce, Is \ •.•• ffEAD tot1.,, ti
States and , througli a r believed 1 to include pefhaps
wearioess of the Arneri LWo ~ of the late T•e Jloekst.all JJJ 1. 11t11 sr .. Cest.·M ... , 141-4611
MORE INCIDENTS Ru!Siao-mac1e MIG 21$. "===================' To this end, both the The navy has four su~t-
Koreans and the Americans marines but most of its
believe the United States can vessels are coutal patrol
look forward to more such in-boats and gunboats slinilar to
cident.s as the Pueblo and the those used in the aeiZure of the
shooting down of the EC-121 U.S.S. Pueblo.
reconnaisacce plane. On what is known, then,
Despite officially e.zpressed grouod forces of the north
willingness to go along with would be no mat(h for the
U.S. decisions, officials of the sooth's army of SS0,000 men
SOlith have made no secret. of and the 50,IXll Americana
their disappointment over U.S. guarding the truce line.
0''" f :JO
f :SO
u,1 T•...,. failure to retaliate for either The disparity also puts some
• .,. of the two incidents thus far. 1\mits on the lengths to which :+.,Atlfltlainn for Beaut•• Since North Korea is among Kim n Sung can safely carry ;-~-:1 D the more isolated Communist. hii brinkmanship.
l: Stoic Yorkshire terriers with their hair done up in (left) and Viclar's Hessa Dandy. Owner Nancy coontries, having diplom~tic !kith of hiJ big .Commuilist
;:. waxed paper and rubber bands wait f~r openin·g of Webb of Broomall, Pa., says it takes about three ~lations .only with 'J:/ natioDS neighbors, Red China and the
• Mississippi Valley Kennel Club show in St. Louis, . hours to get dogs ready for show f nd .. recei.ving about ~ many U.S.S.R., have warned him
-; Mo. Dogs ·are-Champion Mayfair's Unbelievable----' --_ore111'.l v15Jlors _e_adl y__ear_a,, against "adventurism." A
L Albania, not too mbch is forthcoming viSit-Dy Soviet' :· . :: . • • . . • . . .
• .
Study Check
Big Vehicle
studies are now under way
: to . solve problems in the
; freeway transportation o f
: large outer space vehicles.
. • . . • •
: The investigation, sponsored
: by the CalUornia S t a t e
: Department of Public Works,
: will seek to unfold a method
:. providing for more efficient • paSiage of large components
:. over California 's main
: arteries. • .. This includes idenWication
Laguna Beach_ Major
Gets Legion of Merit
The Legion or Merit has
been earned by Aiz: Force Col.
Alexander J. Kisselburgh Jr.,
son of Mrs. Hel en S.
Kisselburgh, 134~ Cliff Drive,
Laguna Beach.
Col. Kisselburgh was
honored for his support of U.S
Military t r a i n i n g com·
mitments to Thailand where
he served as chief of o~ra·
tional training and then depi.ity
assistant chief of staff for
operations with the U . S .
Military Assistance Command
from· August 1966 to August
to~ command headquartel'! in
Currently deputy ba~ com-·
mander at Ellsworth AFB,
South Dakota , Col .
Kisselburgh also served as
liaison officer to the forward
headquarters of the Royal
Thai Supreme Command and
as an advisor to tbe RoyJtl
Thai Armed Forces Staff
The colonel has b e .e n
credited with enhancing U.S.
training objectives and gieatly
strengtlleOiog U.S.-'liilii ttla-
tions. : of a network of streets, coo.nty He was specifically cited for ;:====::::::;:==:::;:==.!
.. roads and state highways that his outstanding leadership, K
.. pennit pass41ge of hiiber loads professionalism anJ diplomacy QUIC
• and long, nuwieldy vehicles. during the fom;iation and Citc.h 11p q11ic.ldy •11 loc.il
• Cooperat¥lg w i l h the following success of the U.S.· .•v•11t1. R•.•' yo11r cilm,•c~.
Department of Public Works Thai Bilateral Training Com· "'.ompr•h1111rv• ho!Mfow11 Mi •.
will be a coounittee involving mittee while he was assigned _tt°: or th• DAI LY PILOT. lheAerospacelndustries-;;;iiiiiiio;;iiiii~:;;;;;;;;;.:;:;;:;;:;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;J : As.wciation and N o r t hi:
.. American Rockwell Corp.
: . A spokesman for Huntington
.. Beach's McDonnell Douglu
.. Corp. which regularJ·y
.. transports large components
to Los Alamitos where they
: are joined with other com·
: ponents, said his company has
: encountered "no difficulties in
: transportation." . .
' '
. . . . .
Artist Wins
~ Artes Prize
' '
FIOM S:OO to 7:00 P.M .
C:AL ROSS TRIO • • , t p.m. to C:losl"'
, Roger Kunlt l..agwia Beach --· -~ artlsti has WO~ a $300 second r················coUPON• .... •••• .... "9'!: ;: prize for his oil painting or : I ;:: ••Momin& Music." at the e GRAND OPENING WEDNESDAY, MAY 21it :
~ Eicbth Annual La Mfrada : NOW IN HUNTINGTON BEACH! :• ~ Fiesta de Artes. : ~ wi~e::. one of several local 5 WIGS by MARK i
~ Juror Alice Woodrow, direc-: CARRYING A COMPLETE L :• :: tor of the Downey Museum or • INE OF ~ 1irt. said Kunu' painting "has S WIGS • WIGLm • CASCADES :
\: the feeling of the San Fran-o A d FALLS e All 10001 H • • .... clsco School of Painting, with : n /0 uman Hair : -
:: esc.ellent use of light and I THIS WIEI ONLT I
:: shadow, r; ch , painter-like i SPECIAL.' SPECIAL!' I :. quality and immediate •
:. establ!shmenl of mood." 0 (.AS(ADES EYE ! .
:· Another juror was Tom En-•: !
:_ n\an, director of the Laguna LASHES : • D---·Art J.----· " Jn. 12"·14" ;; DC<tU1 JU:MA;tat1on. 1 i
& : other Laguna Beach win-I
:: llf".takingllOOawudsinlhe I $995 Ju's'r 10~ : ~ nDn-<lbjective category, were ,, 1
-; Herb Griswold, for his ai:rylic ONLY :
4= "Canyon View" and Mary WITH THIS COUPON :
:-: 'Riter for her "Untitled" 1 :: wnodcut. 1 UM •11r L..t·A·W., e 5-11 ~ult : ~ ~n the craft! divi s ion ,: •
•: Derett W. McDonald was 1 WIGS by MARK : ~ 'PIO winner for hi• "Gold with : : ;: on.ts " • • ~ -r.,_~--· • Expert Wig Styljng 1
.; Ken Knudson won a $100 • 158'6 E t · I H 84 H • :: anrd for his acrylic work I G • H"lml Ps'h"' Cwy, N untington Center • •• "1' 11" Kalhl Gee. f I re en • ' op tr. t ert to lorker lrn. I : !! SO.:. i4una, we: '100 1:, LA MIRADA . HUNTINGTON BEACH :
•• har ..m.ftolor "Girl in Sum-943· 1101 897-9988 • • •• • ':pt«· ,. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .,
. f . for tlte • "Artistry in Moving" • • • IEST MOYE . • -• of • . • • YOUR LIFE . . t . -Call:
i I
Sixth &·Broadway • 5522 Wilshire • 4129 Crenshaw • U.S.C. • J;,;isa:dena • De! Amo
Panorarmi City• Topanga fJ:laza •Anaheim Center • Century city • San eirNrdlno
.Santa Barbara• Newport Beach• Montclalr • La Habra •·Las Vegas • Parm Sprinss
cool, p·olished
pnt 011 the fights 11:ith Haspel,
in oisp JJentho11Se j1opli11s
Summer can be a drag without th e cool, cri sp comfort of a
popl in sui!. To give you a lift, Haspel takes durable fight . ' fortrel polyester-and-Zantrel~ rayo n and weaves a cool
popli n. The end result is Penthou >e poplins, loaded with
meticulous tailoring and styl ing, in two and three button
models. They're not only handsome to look upon, but sheer
lux ury to wear. Pickup a couple today-in tan, . 60 oo
med. olive, d~rkolive or navy. 1
SIZES 30 TO 38
AND 40.TO 44 •••
Great double value and a great size
range in the shirts you11 live in now
through fall! Crisp, easy·care cottons
with notched open collar, cool bare
anns , .. cut nice and Jong to wear
in or out Vivacious prints;
misses' and women's sizes.
11 to 5
Cosl1 Me11, 1601 N'wporl Blvd., al 161h
...... ,...._1lJ7J ·~ .,...,. ....
i .
:·When In Home •••
Motives of policeman at left are rather obscure as
he and fellow policeman try to remove youth with
bare torso from.playing field during recent soccer
matches in Rome, Italy. The boy jumped onto field
during a game. ·
Indians . . Aid Heart
CHICAGO {AP) -Mexican
Tnclia.ns noted for their ability
t.o run long distances without
tiring demonstrate that mmt
people do not develop their
cardiac systems to fullest
potential, a re sea rcher
Tfle Tarahumaras have been
known to run a race, kicking a
wooden ball the size or a ten-
nis ball, for di.stances as great
as 160 miles at an elevation of
8,000 feet.
"I've never Seen anything
Whrn (icmjni u11onauts step inco spatt, ana~ finished t0 mirror-smooth brilliance ind lubri.
orbit at more tha n 17,000 miles pct hour,-~it' 1 attd with the worki's costliest oil fO assure
wrist watches mWt rtc0rd nch mioutc with minimum friction. No wonder Omega holds
absolute accuracy. Omtga is pto\ld that ir has important honors ""°" in competitive accuracy
bcco chosen as swidard-Wue by NASA for the cont em at leading obxrvatorics. Such accuracy
S,l*X-walkiog a.stron1uts in the Gemia.i pro-also nptains whf Omega is the official watch of
gn.m. The.high.precision Omega mo•ement, 1hc 1968 Ol1mpics, to be Mid i.a Mexico. ta
acda.imed thr world ottr, undtrgoes hundttd5 1.dditiot1, Omeia wa1cht'S won first pl•ce
of miaoscopic inspmions bcfo~ i1 lcsves the hooon in d\C 1961 and 1966 Neuchatel aod
faa:ory. Macy pans att m11Chincd to rolm.ncn Gtnen Obsttvttory pr«is.ion contest!. Come
finer thaa. 1/1000 of lD indf. tntn1DOially in ucl 1tt ou: complete sdcaioa of Omega
-(ill ....i ...... chlmbm) ..ch put is :ntcber. fttm $6) 10 .... $1000.
, · No Money Down-Up Tei One Year To Pay!
545-9415 \1.1 892.SSOt II o,... Moo.W,. TllUl'ld1y a Frldoy •1;11 9 p.m.
• f
comparable to it," said Dr.
Dale Groom, a cardiologist
and professor of medicine at
the University ol Oklahoma.
He reported his findings at the
50th annual meeting of the
American College of Physi-
ln contrast l o American
athletes. the Tarahum aras of
northern Maico showed no
evidence of heart enlarge-
ment, -~ said. Tbf~IDdlana1'e ad u ran c e
seems to result from coo-d!Cliiilor, or, Groom said. Tliof ,,,-start training I D
chtlilliood for marathon nm-run,: · ..,..;. ,, .
Dif G~ examined eight
runnera ranging in age from
18 lo 48 before, during and
aft.er a 111.&-mile rice in rug-
. pd terrain. ' ~;,'l'tle average speed of lhe
, wjnriing team over the course
·.was about 6 miles ·An hour.
• While the runners lost an
) avfrage of five pounds tach
and some rises wire noted la
·.~00: ==.ui: ~
'!IOl""1'"be said: . • "
-.. _ remarllable Is lhi
iJinple fact that 11'e human
cartUovascular system can be
corxlitioned to withstand with
extreme physicaJ exertion,"
Dr. Groom laid. 11le lndiW
present • ' v e r y convi.ilclng
evidence that we develop but a
fraction o[ our c a·r d.J a c
reserve," he added.
Dr •. Groom was aided by Dr.
John Stetlquist of San Diego,
Calif., and the Rev., Jose A.
Llaguna, a priest at the Jesuit
mission in Siso qu ichl ,
Chihuahua .
Youths Given
Park Honors
In Newport
A score of Newport BUch
young people have fe~lved
the licit-ever awards o f
special recognltio n'for
noteworthy participation in
parks and recrtation sports
activities spomored by the ci-
ty .
The youngsters, their p 1 r k
at a recent study session of
the Parks, Beaches a n d
Recreation Commission.
They were selected by
department personnel in the
sports recreation program .
The youngstm, lheir J)lrk
and activity are :
Mariner·s Park -Candy
~tontgomery, Patty Baker and
Terry Eliker, girl's volleyball;
Bryan Freeman, Jim Le.Ith
and Garry Thorne, boy·s
I'll drat
those pesky
qarden pesh
with my
tnllty dratter
Do you hlYe bop thlt m<p
or crawl or nibble or paw?
C<I a hold ol younoU, go to
-your -~dial my answer-
ing 1ervk:e, and cilmly tell
your name aod number to the
voice that inners 1'tn I'll
climb out of my -bush, call YQU back, .m come over
and amihllata 'mi.
..... ,..111n
Newpert Beadl., Cotti Mell, I
Conaa del Mat, l.ep.na
Phan• 646-0458
'-· M" 22, l'l6t
Youths Join Anti-drink Movement -· ----, ,
JUVERSJDI!, c.J!I, (AJ') -Rl,.lldo WCIV. "Sllua.Ua -a put bllnJll al tltll Dil c:auld..111 ~to ... _
"I prom&e, God 1te111bt1 me are ...... oa1Y u t11oro 11... ""'*'·" 11r1. ~, -. In the IDtpariallN ltM.,;;;
Not to 001, 4riU. .. u or ii..'. 11ape." ·~1 1111 1ar:r 1uld JJON111, '*llilY bodlol; -wjtolda'I
Alo>hollc Uquon whll• 1 TJye; Today nwdl o1 the wcru·~i~-~~.,~-~~fllll~r.rfol~~~-~u~,...~~60~ .. ~ aa1e~·~"~'""~11~··~-~~·~ From Ill -I'll ·--.r In Cllllomil 11 dm>led \Aoci De\"11' take God's name la &o eblldr'm. A t1oOo la)'I:
vain... "'Work OD I foandltJon la b&d-
A handM o1 C11I1ani11 dla IDd ...,,, but the firmer
clllidreo, same u Y""'I u S. you make H, the hllher 1"U
... rocillqg thlt pledp thll · .....
dulin( "w!tlte ribbon • Tiie · chapter hero ·1s
th" ol the Women's Chris-putli:ularly •ell,. In ~
Temperance Un Ion · -dnM!lnc ~lms IDd ....,._
Cl'UJ. ' tloallmo~IDd~ • llie yoongs1'rt know -e;r.t-111119'~ ~,-·
~ or UtUe about the Pltellll wbo fledc• lbelr
cW!urs of driokJni alcohol or chlldr<!n to loll absllnence smoldng, Ibey ue being dec:lcale themlel ... 1t the
dedicated to a Ule ol total ll!De Ume. The eltlldnn .,.
-by their par<nll. 11-wblle llowon, 111111 -Children age 6 to U may rthbom .,. tlod lroond their
join the Loyalty Temperance arms.
League. There 11re a half doz-The WcrtJ hu·h.ld ID U .
en members1 in the local slr\lale a1nce 1133, w
brtWCh· Older' children may President Fr 1 Ii k If n ·
belong to the Youth Temper-· Rooaevelt lifted Prdllb
anco Couocll, which has no -To the WCl'U'a dilmly, cir'
bro.nch here. Tbe audil branch Ing alcobol Is no Ioiiger
ol the local W\m] claims 150 social evil to lllOlt -le.
mimbeni. .\ . The wcru, !Gunded tn m•
"'We never f~I de.f~t and fervently bppea for the
we can't allow ~ to-feel of ProblblUon which I t 1
that way use ~ we do members were lnOaentlal in
wb~..t's right," says Mn. bringing about in 1919.
Ralph Kester. p !dent of the "The repeal of Prohibition
r See by TodaV' s
Wiinl Alls • I ~ •• f'rte SboW! (Jn I =air ... , candW•!.••P•lll \.,11, Hlm~ . ,_._.,!.
a: Trdft' 9ioir. ; .wliit's
new lif •acalloll .........
• Summer RelnM'! Btautl. 1¥13 ...,,..., .. 111 ..... ..._ ....,. -""""""' ~ ...................
7ldp •CW 0.... bi Bir
en.r. Excdleut tlnahcin&:
•Reedy . Mtdj! l neo.me:
Owntr movlq, m~ sell
.t~ 2 BR ~r b6tb1in
.n:ctllebt condjdon,,l.Ocal ed OQ __ ......, lot. with
lepat&ft ' fenclne. 1a)oCk:
Wolt;,ohnil>Ud---Jn .qtrlet .n.OI~ #ea,
clote to lcbolil Pd~
pU.. Mart 81!e to apprec.
~· goodhft: \
·to toi and trouble
with Calorics new .
seH·cleaningoven !.
I •
· Settetean Oven ...
and Broiler!
Costs less than 3c
a cleaning!
~ ?;~~~Oven !!! broiler 1r1 1potl1ufy
~..-clun In two hours ..
~jl 1z-;.~~ Requlrts onfy two slfltPle stepa to -:;:~ opentt ...;.K..~ -:;:;.~:.... 'I//\~ ru11, mus and effort.,. tli'llinated .
--f"""''-.::. Piiar •II th• other srtit Caloric flllur11 •••
Ultn·Rlf9 lnfn·red broiler ••• Thermo-Sil• burner·
with·a-braln ••• llltolnltlc l'l•t probe ••• rolisnrl1 •••
cook ind keep.warm ov1n ••• and many morel
AS LOW AS ••••
Ill SClllllll6
NO SCll8lllG
AS LOW AS • • • • • • .$26995
-·. • SINCE 1947 •
411 E. 17th St. •
DAILY 9 • 9, SAT. 9-. 6
• 0
Costa 'MeSI
STATION -;• -. -· ·FOR-" . . .ORANGE
floor. ·ca.t.ping Show ftfer Heldl6'
l .
NOW m w •:'-"" ''" ••w • ,. ••• wa .. 1111••
AT llAlrl OlllOW
Uil,.I SllOW.UUI * Easyt~Towl * Easy Jc\ Parle!
:k Easy-ta Set-upl i '!r EasytoOwnl
FROM . $795
• ' ' , I '
·············~··············· • • • 1-GAL@,lr:r,FUEL • = FREE WHEN YOU SEE THE 1969 =
• 111• COW'l.m• NAME ....•••••.••..••. ! • • • • • • •
• .:0:::.::.. o;:r.:l. ADDRESS .• ., .. .. .. .. .. • .. • .. • • • :la~""'~ CITY . . . . . • . • • • . . . . . • . • . . . . . . • •
• " .. ,...""' Offll IXPlllS MAY 25, 1969 • ••.....• ~·············· SAVE $$$$ HOW!
Tht Col1m.1n fKIOfY MP¥ic1
lttm will lie htr. ti Gr1nt'1
for 3 d1y1I lllnt In your c.1 ..
'"'" 1pplM.'llUI for frt1· ttn· ice-you ,.,. oltl'f for n11d1tl
I , . .:·......._
:., ~[ID f1i/ S·A·V·fl
Ji""~ laJ i,.gJ $2795 ~WAY . CONVERTIBLE COOLER ffttff ~=1-.~dcicW·.~~ =~ $35.00 VALUE! )ill H•Jh·lnl'llon 1tylln1. llN1t
'"lulfttCWI. fli "llS looch ""4d
for Oiyt. "ew ftl.qt, l iH.
Poly-Lite Cole111an Coolers
llGHTWllGHT, 1111111 lto1tMr1rai11114 ,.lpth.ttM 6,5 fflitt1 1Cr1tthi"1, KUfflfll tM dtl!liti"I • • • holl11 s
C..tll 50% t."l•r thMt er41,.,,., IMUlathn, DMp,
.., 1tw111 '''' ind l1tk11rttf 11!11tk tlr1lr1, :1t1u1rt c1,11cJty.
Reg. $5.95 G.I. Folding Cots ................ $4.88
Reg. $3.69 Port•ble Toilet ................. $2.88
Reg. $1.08 Colem•n Fuel (l ·G•l.I .... , ......... 88c
Reg. $1.49 Fo1m Ice Chests .................. 98c
Reg. $4.49 Rubberized Air M•llresses ........ $3.88
Reg. $1.98 Waterproof Utility B•g ........... $1.39
1ow •• $2J95
r J
fOI'. Cooklot C..wotil-1 I
'fOU1.l SPOIL TOU•SW wltfl thil "'
MW 111 1rlll with jvink t1pacity • t
11W1 inflnitt he1t ct11tl'9! tf11t 14j111h -
lv•I th1 "W1y 7111 w1nt It. W11ther· •
proel 1n• 4eptnd1•l1 ,.r1orm1nc•· ·~----1!.J
plw>1ll ptrh 1r1 1v1rant11l1 ftlr one .
ytlr .. 11Mt l1vlty w1rtm1nd1i11 9r
m1ttrl1l1. •
t •
' . ' '
, . . --
.... ,,
By Hoflywood
· All of the glamor of a Hollywood opening night will be transported to
Orange County on the night Qf ,Tuesday, June 17, when a dual pr~miere
will be presented. ,
Spotlights scissoring u\rough the sky, red carpet spread for guests,
opulent gowns, black· ties, p&mpagne and celebrities will be the maj'or
features for the Providence Speech and Hearing Clini'C benefit.
Academy award-winning musical, "Oliver" wil I~ presented for tbe
first time in Orange County and the theater in which it1will be shown will
bf; open for the first time. Setting for the gala is the new Cinedome 20,
Tickets are being sold for $10 which includes the movie and intermis-
sion champagne and for $25, supporte:rs will be ipvited to a buffet supper
after the showing.
Patron membenlbjp, at $100, includes·two ~ tickets.
Committee m'embefs wbO have been_ working closely with Columbia
Pictures executives are the Mmes. John J. McCormick, chairman; Ed-
mund Lynch, tickets; Wal~'r &chminke, ~rt'work ;'Martin Hoy, invit~tions ;
George Glade, supper chairman, and Richard Hayden, public relations.
Others are Mr. and Mrs. J. Simon Fluor, social patrons; Earl Slush ..
er, prOg rams; -wiUiam-.roll:irs'alnt~ advertising;-.James Gallagher, treasurer •.
and Rod Fraser, intermission refreshments.
The clinic, which is affiliated with Orange Cowity Children's Hospital,
is a nonprofit organizalioo dedicliled to giving the gift of speech to chi!·
dren Lwith a communication barrier.
' •
ALL HANDS ON DECK-Willing assistants of Mrs. 0 . Lind Jones,
new president of the Women's Auxiliary to the O~ge County
Dental Society, line up to take lheir places on the new board.
Aides from the Orange Cout are (left to right) Mrs. Ri>bert M.
THEY'VE GoT THE TICKETl-The winning ticket for a fund·
raising benQfit is the bill of fare planned ·by the Providence Speech
and ~earing Clinic which will be a premiere showing of the
, . ._,. ·-~ '...;~ • I" ·~ .
H.auck, membership chairman ; Mrs. Robert G. Engman, fi rst
vice president and benefit Chairman, and Mrs. John T. Forte,
---.. ~-~
Academy award-w-inning mu sical, 4'0liver." Wrapped up in ad-
mission t_ick~ts arc (left to· rigJ:l.t) Mrs. Samuel Santange1o and
Mrs. Louis Markel. \
' "De ntal Auxilia ry " . ;.. : • /#!
Help-Pl ed~ed •.;
To New Leader
Pledging their support lo aims and purposes of the
Women 's Auxiliary to the Orange County Dental Society
are four Orange Coast members who wiU serve on the
board with Mrs. 0. Lind ~ones, newly. installed presi ..
Beach women charged with duties are the h1mes.
Robert G. Engman, Costa Mesa , first vic;:e president
and benefit chairman ; Lyle B. Greepway1 Fountain
Va,lley , second vice president-elect; 'John T. Forte.
Huntington Beach, secretary, and Thoa'ms Ray Davies,
Newport Beach, treasurer .
. Other ,executives are the Mme.s .. J. Parker Hart,
Tustin, president-elect; Anthony V. Abati, Orange, sec-
ond vice president and dentaJ ·health chairman, and
Dona1d M. Hickman. Orange, third vice president in
charge of programs.
Ceremonies were conducted dUring a dinner meet·
ing in the Reuben E. Lee.
After Mrs. Jones received the gavel she announced
chairmen of standing committees.
Orange Coast members accepting these responsi·
bilities include the Mmes. Robert M. Hauck, Newport
Beach, membership ; Gordon W. Cook , Huntington
Beach, exposure ; Les starnes, Newport Beach, legis--
Jation, and Leonard Laudenback, N.ewport Beach, con·
Others named to chairmanships are the Mmes.
Theodore E. Ediss, are B chainnan; Hugh fJ". Jones,
r eservations; R. B. Hansen and Karl K. Nishimura.
mailing; Jay D. Tesch, information library; Richard
Baker and Robert ·E. Huntiniton, speakeis panel ; Paul
W. Johnson and James E. McElenneY,, pQppets , and
Ronald Dillman, blidge club. .
-Concluding the list are the Mmes. Totn Ostman,
hygienists liaison; C. C. Graham and James B. Meyers,
amalgam; Rlcbard C. Kurtz, courtesy; John H. Harold·
son, publicity; William Bogart, corresponding secre-
tary; Robert Nyboer, historian, and Allen V. Cole,
There's Mor.e to Family Life Education Tha .n Pill Lesson . ' . \.
DEAR ANN LANDERS: Evtl'J.,llme-1
pick up a magazine J ·• ·an ..UCle ~
tilled "Should You Tell Your )lougblA!r
About lhe Pill !" I am not c:rltlc1iilll Uiiii
art.iclel, aome of them are acdent, but.
what ft really need is an article called,
"Should I Tell My DlugblA!r A-
A ll'fll ma11_. l'tld y0ur col-Most Clly ond C..Uty D e 11 t -
unm. Pie&M:, Ann Landen, do tbese""tids departmenb will treat •ltttaacers wtUiout
glories o( Hervard were more than we
could. bear. Now Wit he's at Ya~ we
keep gelling Urls static about the magic
comblriiUoo ollli<l.WolOj) schools Iii 1he
world -bla bla bla bta bla. It's
DEAi\ D. AND L : And I I,.. ~ •
IUco, ud tbe Su Juu Star ancl'U. New
Uavu Rogtmr -a1so Ille -
~Tnveler. nuu ror~I
Dtlnldng may be "in" to the kids you
run with -but It ~an put you "out" foe
keeps. You can COOi it and stay~.
What most pcpple don't -..lo lurow
Is that VD hat reached epidemic Jn-
portiona In this coim!Q': AlilDlgll-
mediW -IW detdi>ped llllHrlotics Which c:111. cure both CIJl!MJ bea ll'ld
syphilis, yoong people are contr1<1in1
Ute~ criPs:!lif\I diseases and infectln&!lne
another at 1n alarming rate.
a fa vor and tell them where \0 go-and charge ud' keep tR vlsill confidtnilal
'what to db tl the)' Wll*t they have VD. (blen *ml, evu &hoa1k lbe law uys,
-GRAVELY CONCERNED PARENT mlHn cmot be treated witltoat part.,..
111W1 PAllENT: I VJ• tftr1 ill -
DEAR ANN I.ANDERS: I simply had
to write and tell you how much my hus-
band and J enjoyed yOur answer to tbat
alt\aTWleck 0Yile student. .. Hewrote you-
that phony letter about the dope addicl
who fell in love with the necropheliac.
(fJI sl\e wanted to do was make love In
the cemeteey.) We laughed until we were
l guess one of t.be reasons wt ap-
preclol<!d your put<lown If-because my
husband 's younger brother graduated
from Harvard and now Is at Vele Law
School ... lle ls bright , there's no denying
It, but hJJ runntna commenlary. on the
My husband is In Law SChool at lh6
University of Plferto Rico wtlk:h suits us
line. Occasionally his Harvard-Yale
brother ,,.ut make some snide remark lo
i.t ua know be -~ thin't much o1 the U ol P,R. We cUpped your column oot of
tho S.n Juon Siar and S<llt It to hlm Just
ln case he miued it in the New Ha"Ven
_U.g!stu, Koop at.i~ Ann...Jl'e.love yoo. -
Read "Booze and Yoo -J For Teenqu1
Onzy." Seod 311 "'1ls in coin and 1 lonr-
"U·addreued stamped envelo,>e. with
1 prwlllsa11~M-VDtopto....,l• mf book. "An L•den Talks lD
•· Qly w ·~ llelhlr llepor1wot T_,.,. AMa1 la" I dNI lnelrly wit~
_. ut to be -1n'1 ..._ U VD. Tile._ "9W is 11 ..,.mct an<I 111
_,uy, YD II L~ ud 1 lilller, pnic«dl p to-hton.d-C!dldru-l t'>
It WUI Ht dttappnr wttlMt &rutmni. wortll if ct1tll.
y<>ur requei;L
Ann Landtn 1'111 be &lod lo lltlp you
with your probltms. Stnd them to her In
c~Lo! the DAILY PlWI', endolill& 1
1.U·•ddreued, •limped envelo!>e.
VERRRRRRY BRITISH -That's !lie way it will
be May 23-2'7 for Mrs. Virginia Luther and Mrs. Fred
Peth (left to right) wbo will be in -of course -
Britain itseU attending the District XIV Conterence
of Zonta Ipternationa1. The delegates will tour the
British Isles following the meeting. ---------
!"loroscope ·..-----
. .
~Gemini: _Ideas Payi'flg Off
MAY 23
pasitive a!Uludeo. nQ! what mlllht be. ,.mg to meet people 1111.l go
URBA (Sept. 21--0ct. 21l: IF T 0 D A Y IS YOUR plam.
Greater harmony in domestic BlRmDAY greater fiQancial ..!:i.t;~ ·~~~t::ft
By SYDNEY OMARB area ~<licated. Join with fami-rewards due, along with 8~ ~LY .. ~~.'lo. 11~. G••nd 'c""
ly in ,pec1a1 project. Fine torlf.;.•:;;m;::o;;llon:;;;:;al;_lr:;.•;;:nq~ui;::li~ly:;.· .;.Yaar:;;;•..,:r.~~;o,:::'":::' .. ~:·•"'-~'""~· ""''-''""°"~""=, ASTROLOGICAL COOKING FOR TONIGHT: Moon Is ln home entertainment. Gracious
Lie, Jupiter coo direct In guesta can bolster ego.
111.Uou la Virgo. Flee. nJPt for SCO~IO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): LEO vmoo -SCALLOPINI. Opportu ty Is present. But Ii
-Llfbtly-da& 1b V..·lncb ~ may be. too close for )'OU to
of veal ~D le..oned a.. perceive. Codctntrate on· ob-
s.ate qvkildy 1111 ~•e\ tlJ. • jectives. Know what you
1,.1 -i ~,.,.. ti wan!; chart •lraich\ coune,
. 1Ullota ...... , Then success marks .,~:r. .
1arUcclove !~cap SAGITrAR.ws (N'ov. •
of al&ced mnhl'Mlil1• Witt" Dec. 21 ): Draw line betw n ·
nal b: alcely IM--;,~• b(6 mere ratlonall.zaUon and so1ld
11des. odd PQer ti bnllcly philosophy. Practical effort.
eogn1e, ud 11.gbt ft ID pn. suceeed. Emphasis continuea
Wtim name dtts down, add 'A on travel, long-distance com-
eap of derry Md ~ CUD of munication. Clear away emo-
fsvorlte 1papettl ~ Sim-tional debris.
mer7nilalelaad,_,,... CAPRICORN (Dec. 22.lan.
yoa.'JI be ~I wtUi utro-19): Give careful attention to
lop! financial matters. H i d d e n
obstacles can b& over,s:ome. .lRIES (March 21-April 19): But you need cooperation from
Giving ln to chlldlab requests one close to you. Day to flnlsh
could prove coat1y. Coopera-rather than to begin project. ~vl~~es cl~~ :e~~ AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feh.
fident. Act in 'manner which 18): You get opportunity to present Ide as. Public feceptton inspires ~then to belleve and is good. Yciu can also patch up
trust. differences with m a t e I
TAURUS. (April 20-May 20): partner. Accent public rela·
You display creative qualities. tlons. Make views crystal
Many are pleasanUy surpris-clear.
ed. Be direct. forthright. .PISC&'I (Feb. 19·Match 20):
' Cooperation is obtained from Remember resolutions con-
ke)' people. You galr. allies at cerni.ng diet, general health.
work, place ol business. Avoid enremes. Shake off ten-
1 ..
· ---srrEna"
25% OFF
{Eac.,tlnt Swlmwtar" HOlt.ry')
a.nkAJMrlc•rd Wekem•
GEMINI (May 21-June· \:!): dency to brood. You are seeing
Ideas pay oU today. Key is to ~true~~p~i~ctur~e~. ~A~cc~e~pt~·w~ha~t:;;ls~,~==================~ follaw throuch. Avoid scat-1r
teeing efforts. Finish what you
starl Be receptive. Know that
you succeed throtfgh steady
pace aJl(1 determination.
Zonta Conference Ornaments
Dazzle Dress
Operatlom expand. Money
pote?itial' 1is heightened. Ele-
ment of tbning ls on )'Ol!r side.
You are' where-ihe. action is .
Short; journey . is v e r y
beneficial where income is Choose a timepiece from Weisfield's
concerned. 9
Tickets Read 'London' The slink dress, disarmingly
s i m p l e , devastatlngly ef.
f«tive, is contoured to the
body, flounced low over a soil
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22):
Finartdal stroke o( luck in·
dicated. 'But cfon1t 1et thls trig·
ger wave of extravagance.
Keep feet on ground. There
are details which require
special attention. Act ac·
of Santa Ana, who will bealme
the bride of Leslie Fisher of
Costa Mesa May 31, was
honored at a bridal shower in
the Costa Mesa borne of Mrs.
Richard Gould.
Assisting with hoste:il duties
were Miss Michele Williams
and Miss Frances Nathansen.
Suitcases in hand, Mrs. ~ed
Peth and Mrs. Virginia
Luther, past presidents of the
· Zonta Club of N e w a.o r t
Harbor, will be off to con-
ference May 23·27, but it will
take them a while to get there.
Their excursion won't be a
small one because the District
XIV Conference will be in
London, England, and they
will meet with fellow Zontians
from Austria, B e 1 g i u m ,
Englaifd, Scotland, France,
Ilaly, Switzerland, the
Netherlands and West Ger-
ed as a ways and means pro-
jecl of the area club. A series
of gourmet dinners w a s.
prepared from the books and
luncbeons now are served
utilizing the recipes for the
club's monthlf meeti~gs.
. Projects fi nanced fr om the
cookbook sale include the
Senior Citizens Recreation
Center, Z on ta Girls-of-the-
montJ,i, a.,scholarship award,
Hoag Memorial H. o s p i t a I ,
Presbyterian teen wing pledge
and Z o n t a International
Zonta Internat ional,
chartered in 1919, now com-
prises 33 countries, 549 clubs
and 19,601 members.
Jewelry to wear with l1 con·
s.ists of long lariats of lacy
motifs and slim c h a i n s
terminating in trios of mini·
It can be looped ?Ugh or low
in a long look, doubled around
the lhl'oat for a high tassel ef.
feet , or tied about the waist in
an extravagent belt.
Delicate ta5sel earrings and
• pair of lrtrlcately pierced
bracelets add to the air ol
sophJsticated elegance.
vmGo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22):
Air of optimism prevails. You
get inkling of potential. You
can see above, beyond petty
obstacles. Key is to f o r m
Social Set
Mrs. John Trainer of Costa
Mesa wl.11 assist the California
National Fuchsia Society ways
and means committee in
presenting a Strawberry
Social from 2 to S p.m. next
Sunday in the Anaheim home
of Mrs. Wllllam.L. TaY,lor.
Special g u e s t s attending
were Mrs. Orlando Marron.
mother of the honored guest;
M i s s Linda Marron, her
sister; Mrs. Manuel Cangston,
her grandlnothe.r ; Mrs.· Nora
Bendlin, the bridegroom-to-
be's grandmother, and Mrs.
?.farion Fisher Sr., his mother.
The Newport Harbor· envoys
will take with them gifts· from
their club to be presented to
clubs in England; Scotland andL--~---------~~~~-------~~~~===
ORANGE County Clipped
Wings attending the Lemons
and Luncheon in the La
Canada home of Mrs. Don
Rosenthal included the Mmes.
Louis Abel, James Burton.
William Davis, C 11 f f o r d
Ehr I er, Richard F're!chi,
Peter Horton, Harald Madsen,
Emmett Oehlert, Paul Sa1ata
BQ.d Paul Wagenbacb.
Ireland. Distribution of the
gifts, which will be &ets of
cookbooks, will take place on a
tour of the Btitish Isles the
delegates will make after the
The cookbooks were publish·
Rummage Sole
A rummage sale will be con-
ducted by the Women's Aux-
iliary of Anchor Lodge tomor·
row and Saturday from 9 a.m.
to 6 p.m. at 690 W. 19th St.,
Costa Mesa .
Half Sizes
worn ...... ~
tt.9-90, 1trfke
It rlcll wltll
ow cool,
milll.care ._ ..
1 .. zo
_ Coslf Mesa !!!
1805 Newport Blvd., -
•y, Ol0<k oorth el lttl! Str"I" ~
HOURS : 9:30 to 5:30, --
Frldoy to 9:00 , \l
-~"=ft. D4 0111191'9!1 M.if. hlt.rt.1 ·
stacked heel
T-str111 fashion
... bro.der IOI
soll, lupple
· 1eat~er
The perfect,
well -bred classic for
your favorite thorough·
bred fa shi ons ... the
shoe that's got every-
thing going for it! 10.88 & 12.88
Graduation or any-
time-a watch is a
gift that brings back
a. Lathin Lady's sport
watch, 17-Jewels. Water•
and shock re~isfant too t
b. Caravelle Man's caf.
endar date with 7-lewels.
Water•-, shock resistant.
e. C1r1velle Lady's 11.
jewel dress watch. Shock
protected: Anti-Magnetic.
Charge it
today at Weisfie/d's!
1.11111• (' 1)Qf} I '/'l~ 'J .">00
d. Bulova Lady's Miss America, a 17·
fewl!I dress watch. Shock .protected!
•· Jl~ques Monnat lady's self-wind-
ing calendar date watch. Sweep hand.
h. Bulova The 17·jewel Clipper for
men. Self.wint1ing . Stnart leather strap.
I. Sub Aqua 17-J ewel, self•wlndlng
s.k lndlver wa tch. With calendar date.
f. Croton Man's "Rough and Tough",
11:1ewels, water•., shock-resistant too! .
g. Timex New low price ! Man's electric
watch. Water•., shock.resistant. Great!
f •. Bulova Man's 17.jewel Sea King.
Water•., shock-resistant, Calendar too l
k. Accurron 242 The famous electric
watch for men. Water•-~ shock resistant.
IUpptr Mtll Acro1' ft•M Woelwo~'tl
COSTA MESA 540-7187
~ U..e Witlt'Riild"I l fiitilif -a.,,.: ._D.111~ ... .... ~---
• '• • •
E@age.ment Re.veal ·
At Tennis Club Party
I '
In I & C Cups
wbm ""' afllUated with ~P'J'.~~~ :!
taqbl al Eader Sc:llool In lluntlnatoo Beocb for lhrM
Her fllnce. llll ol.' Mr. and
Mra. Nell V. WUllams ol
Newport Beach, unied·biJ BS
and MS ilegroes at-Sliilrar<I
Unlvenlty. He now II senior
enjlneor w I t h ~ord
Corporation. Atnmu·
tron1e Dlvlllon, New port
Alter .. ~ ..... Aug.
I, the ""1Pie plan to booey-
moon in Hanll
To Marry
June Rites
Waverly Chapel la
Fairhaven Memorial Part.
-Ana, will be the setlfng June 28 for the wedding of
Shawn Whitaker of Costa
Mesa and Robert Miranda of
Santa Ana.
Plans Told ti!
'tickles Your Toes •••
Shella Jeanette Mc\VllllamJ, ~
Miia Corona c1e1 Mar m tll'I, "I'!
will .. ~ nddinl ......
with Georp Colvin ll\lt· .IA chlaaonmllanbattaa-~ durin& winter rtlea la Sl <ltT
Michael and All An It II <>;r
Epbcopa1 Church, Coruoa clel .6..
Mar. trf
The couple'• --,.:,. r... --:: ~ -:= \. ~~-'¥--~~
McWllliamt m Coruoa de! 1:1 "'-~ Mar, porenb ol the bride-to-'O' \l'
~Mm McWllll1m1, I ~ <\
graduate ol Corona del Mar .lh Ot
High School, • ti •• d • d 'Ill"
Colorado Slate Unlvenlty and ~
Whlt..tiarno ... Navy
preteDl!y ls a Trua World "l{z'<h Ji
Airline> ......... bued la ""'
New Yark CUy. ·""' ~e The future brldecfoom, IOl1 'V' ~
of Mr. and Mn. Gtorge ~ .. ~ Hulcllln>on of Peekskill, N.Y., .A
;., a graduate of Carne&!• "'2' <!.'>. e ,_~i..a
Institute of Tecbn01411Y. lie 'V 1•v' Jl J1
served u a Mar1ne Corpo pilot ~-lb .I!.& "" in Vietnam and DOW ii I twA · ~ W
piloL 333~ BRISTOC_ l'l!l lJll. .(Si. ~ ~
llA -·-------·-17.00
llKINI ···-·-···-.. ··-·-10.0D
HIP HUGGIR ... _ 11M
'Their engaltmeol has -IUlllOW1Ced by Mn. W. H.
Wa!Ur of Carmel and Hal P.
Whlta.ker of Costa Mesa.
porent. m the brlde<o-be.
Dresse.§. Up,ll]t ~·~~~L4~.,..~~'M,'•••r1r~.~~~'lp======1
Shirtdress -., r·
Veta's .............. ----·---.--
Miss Whitaker.. a graduate
m Clnnel 111"1 School, at-'!be '""" -· • IDOll tended Or8J11e Cout College. beguilior loot, ii you n g ,
11er -. ..., m Mr. onc1 . demure, -u.w 1 ..........
)In. AJilloay MI ran d a , Jrtlh lie billowy .._, a
1'lstln, II a graduate m Tustin ""-! bodice and wide .,.._ Hiib School and Calffornia Qr *lit.
Stale College at Long Beach, '!be jeoolry to -wllll It,
wllere be majored In business. ...,..i. M-: a layered
He lttlDded Claremont Men's necktlce feeturinl a multitude
CoUep on a f o o t b a II m slender dlab cloqrlln(
ldlolanblp. -a mlril ~ and a
TOPS Mermaids
Infmmltkln re1arding
membenb1p In TOPS Merging
Mermaids may be received by
telephoninf Mrs. Leon
TOWDllDd 1t 142·1804 ,
Meollnp tab ptac. at 7 p.m.
"'f!tJ Tbunday In WooclWtd
Scbeol, Colla Mesa.
wblrlq oua«.
N,_i drop wrklp and a
d•nub.C IWlrl pla at the "* JwJiiliten the -m !emlnity.
Ulirery Hour
Colla M-Library 11,pie ...,,. m a library ....., bilur .
ever,~ at 10:11 .....
For the fint time in
th• ttn yHr history of
Berr11, • 1tor•wicfe
sale of all ittmi is our.
W•Y of thankin9 you ftr.
our 9rowth in your,_
community. All items
in bofh ato_rH rtduced
•t ltast 10'1. in honor.
of our tenth anniv•n•ry
• , , Some 20 '1. •nd
others as "'uch ts
50 i'·. This ,, • or••t
opportunity to choos•
• gift for bride Of
9r•duete. Now i• ftie
time to meke your
selection clurin9 our
first sele rttfl Now
throu9h Moy l ht,
CRAIU!S R llAltll '
Come in end s•• the'
many special• •IMftt
th• re9u'-fy f.mw.d ~uelity pNCluct•.
20% Olf on all
culturtd pearl
20% o ..... n
tnllftelecl items.
20% Ol'I' on all zodiokt
ot relltious
mtdel1 •.
20% Ol'I' on oll 14K
bi"1. bugs ond
ena.MI pins.
11% Ol'I' on an Sier·
lint encl 1olcl
filled chenna.
20'llo Ol'I' on 111 Slor-
li"" 901d fillM
and costu"'•
men'1 lwomen'1
., .... , ... , .. ...-.c. ,.
We 1hape 7our llibtened hair into lovely curb ..
W1 careu the cw'LI with '~ice Change" -no prro:ntu.
In juat 10 mlmlt.ea 70ur neiv blonde curls take on
whiaptr..oft color-tone that luta through ,.veral
I thampooa. With no rub-oft', no retouch problem: wajuat
""""the color whenever you wish I HAii--PLUS SHAMPOO. . . • ~25
AND SIT~ 1~'1' Th.,..I ,'"I;.
CL., H•lf hh•M
Altw 5. ,......, $2.IO
Naz~._1t, C11lf. ' =.: ..... r..,. ....... ,fl.
ce.i. Maai, Cellf. lfJ'. r. 11111 .,. .. =:-• .r..~
FrJ41y, Saturday, .~ •• i ••• fMO
C....~., Cellf. Ceola -.., · C Ce.,, a= ..... . -::.:·~"""' . -~--
. 9;,.,.,.._,_ 11•--' ..._.._,.,CC.lfl""lo"' ... ---~ Hiiiilil!i Vo"""-Callr.• .,...._....... I
' V.lllr c.---·
.!Jc!!l!.....:eAll.=V-'l'l\.OT=. ;__ ______ n. ___ ..., .. u., ZZ,l'5f "
A Nafi,Ullon..._..a ..... J?i/LUser.s __ . ..-·~· ~··~ifZi=· ~-Tg;:~·~W .,.. , ,,., .. ___ .; P-arw:;-a~es :flippin~.
' ...-~ ' • • · B~aklast wlU_be serv~ by the -!>(Ille"-• hoode!I !
Con·ten" as: Drugs, Ar·~ a 'Baa Sc:ene ·· ·~=~r.~;= :rA~a:r~~:
1. "t oa lbe ~·· parking.lot, be """'pied 10< the breaklul ' '''.i • ' corner of Edwards SlrJ!e! and and dllldr<n under l ,_..1.
BJ JUDY HURST yean before ~-El&bl1 °' .. ttelW ,..... '"" million In tb.11 eoua...-, indldat and five mil1kl\ are cbronlic: : "We are llvlna ill a drug alcoholics ...
obsessed IOdelY • • · We .,. He pauaed to .,.pbillle the
so miserable tha\ w'°'seek pills risk ·invol"Fd wbeft driMing.
to make us tranquil. "More ~ JtGllO -!!'!
drugs. ooly g or )>ad uses. ~lcohoL •who:n\ you drink you ,
· "fMltuUon tb1t tbe ~itee drug ueen; U. t~ • & 1 r.1, aea • ~. p0llutf4." McP-dden Avenue, Hunlihgton age will be served free. ,
' far ~ of llfO Gf lhia ..... and -.. '1'111 DJa• -'-"' -in(ttll!d fs Beadi, / I ' ,
,_,: -... b n re 1fl1 t I c, jority .,. tut.era who will tey dangerous. Factories are tak-Co-cbalrmen .of -.1 the· evenl STARS ~I)' fer y....,, .llnt-marijOana 0< u.,ur and ... Ing care not to ..._ the .,. Mn. M •• i;:. Buclaler ""d I · , r ~Olf~ J.. pe~. Seektn are a 'll{Orkers. lf one sm·oke.s Mn.E~¥us,1~pfes!· SyllneyOmanl1011••f~~·
n .• ~"·-~·-9t-...c.... .u111 mlilller ll"OUI' .loMing·, for cigarette. and works . tn such . de, nt and_, _...,iden~ o,f ·the wMld't tr••t utr.i..-~ Hi1 ~ . .....,..~ ._...,,.. r __ .J.._ ldnif o1 la -" f,...,.,_, th odds 90 ........ t•l11JJ1• J. .,., •' .... DAILY and •ttW!:I' are •1'fbC:.tbfl ·:5Ullle Jl'M•dl ,....,. a --z f e •are league's women'14uiillary. • PILOT'i great ,.,,,,, ..
ttleiit ~P tM c!of abd to the~ to go cm "living." cancer. t;: ' • '
''There· ar:ig()\ld ... -bad the higbw~ an a ftioiJ1 jJlli
"Young are taking cut 1.0 to 15 ...,. _oil your· -"----df\ig~-indiYldualit: ute:" 1 -
and to heighO!n tbemselm. In Another• c1r11g almost u old 1 ;
older~ UlfOf'IO get llOtheOdS er ...,,..... -i times greater In contacting I ~· ~COoklng~~1be~· ~pa~~oc~ak:·~· .,.w~·~.e~=====~==i
• s , -may_·~ 'lll!!ll' DDT, another dru(. bePe!Jls VHamlns. not\llSU)lllyJ<nown~-------~~-~=-----~-I thili ophii:n 'l'beu mankind and hu 1 ave d 1 u a driig, are: ,neeaeam----u>e .
drug& can ,be subsu~ for thousands · of people from body and are the ~y~ which •
reality they are euludillg as aicobcil jii. opilqn. Thia la a. themselves from socifity,'' narcotic ~.;.inlr numtiing
These were the dlllCOW'aging et!eel. b,'Cm..r.;at! closes It
words offered by Dr1 · 5~~dt dulls the ·.....es .. rolle~ Pllj!
Sinykin, dlreet<>r o ~· and lnduea profound steep blit
Health ·Services al UCI, who in excestive doeel. ca111e1 .
spoke on Drug Use and Abuse. stupor, coma or eonwJaioal.
' ' alcohol ' end vice ver,a ' ia\d llYinc of hunter. But the price open certain traosactlODS In
'tbe P,eaidept•ilci of.'HO.lg tag Is mounting. 11 bangs the body. Withoofvitamins we
H°'1>ital medical,sta.fr.-· S:~od and' is P,icked up by . are sick:.-•
"Drugs are any ~ubstance Opium. historically 1 drug Gf
other than food. )Which, when the East, now is giywn In
taken in small "'ilmou.nts will Thailand, Laoa, nurma and
alter the functions of the or-parts cl China. Abo¢ t,000 1 ganism. 'Drugs wru ·arrect peo-tona are grown a year.
pie dlfierent1y depending • on "It used to be available, in
the dosage, environment, etc." drug stores and·one persop out
Dr. Gerek! Slnykln
the individual and the off.
Dr. Sinykin, a general prac-of 4a0 in the u s used oj,lum
litioner in Newport Beach for -at the turn ot ~ century. In
15 years, addressed .parents the past women were addicted
af!d stud~ts attending the four to one. Aceordiol to the
third session at a Health law enforcement a g e n c i e 1 MARUVANA AND LAWS·
Forum, co-sJlOOIOl"<d b Y <jnlg I<!~ ~ dropped ln Th< phyaicial> bu definite
,Orange Coast E...mg ~~e.; fii1i 'oaimlrY but· Is, fulq.'ln ~ oo 'iMrljuaoa one( the and . tbe ~~ County ·Britain.'" ' law. ~edical Association. Marijuana, an old drug, is ·~·A., 1a;~.w~ sentences a
80 MILLION IN1!11J,G1! . . not 81 p!<dldabie u aloof>olt ·-l:lnglot smoking mari-
''One of the o1delt dnllS .fs and bf the Joni!"" ls more··ex-juaOa ~ years in prison is not
alcohol. People were manufae-pensive. "We dOn't '®w what a goad ~w.''. He ~te~
luring 'beer and wine 6,000 thelongtermeffecPwilldo.to that .. tbe!'t 11 a growmg JC.,,, ••
The relatively new drug J ~D · other aniiQalJ: birds eat tiugs · VITAMJN MARKET '.·
is the "haltuclnat.ory king who hive ~ ,ipriyed b
Y "The public spent $500
whk:h is becoming a religion DDT and the bird s eggs don t million on vitamins last year
to some people. Dlacovered in batch. Dr. ~inY,kin ltl~ that and most people who took
• Swltierland, LSD. la not used DDT d .... t kill all\ the bugs, them dldo't oeed them. '
in medicine or iQ!fustry as · and those that liv~ rieed m~re "Weight pills or ~iet pills or
other drugs, 1bJa clla!ot'ter of powerful D~1o be kllll!d., as they are· called by thejids,
reality ls the mt¥t co~~ BANNED DRUG . speed, ar& pjlla wbicb make
troversial drug, and Utt1e IS Milli of i"-• died" th you ao alck lhat you don't eat known about it ons ~' lD' e d .. ~ of I . LSD TRIP ' Mississippi River s e v e r a I an ..._ , ~ YOU· ose . . . d thef had th weight. ~ year there were "There is not a legitunate ' ye:: 8:t"" .. fat . 8eY j i67 milUOn prcscriptioos for
manufacturer of LSD · in the pe c ,md 1•"!', ' t"i a drugs and slinlulants and U.S. and here it cannot be states an oreign coon res tranquilizers. ~ lep}ly.'' bav~ . .bannt<! this drug •.. And "In 1965 e spent more
He CorittDuecf on ~ evil~ of Cal~ornla .wilL SUJ~ :it•for money. on :orthless ~s
dru.gs, "LSD products.a 'high.' awhi,le: be assetted:., ' , than· tbe entire cOOntl'Y, 'spent ,
distorts thi wottd;CUb&es-"u.~ O~feting ·~amplts of ·.qt.her 00 bealtti education.'' '
senses and In 'large "d69es tiarrpful effed! of 'drugs, the The-four part series will
dl'80ivea the. ego. With 4'iD aroa· doctor ' touched . upon ""1ci\liW next Monday at 7:111
one can take a good, size trip~ ferttlizers .. ''A!lhough the Y p.rD .. m Est.ancla High SchoOI
from the amount found oo the make cultivation successful, when Dr. John Palmer""'Mille;
bead of a pin." they can get into st~eams and · discuaes your Hetlth ·and
There ~ three types .:.¢ rivers. Lake Erie 1S • dead ·f!oW to Keep It. '
' .
.. ~;1n .~e. ~.~
.--mi ... ,,....----,· :·Gi'r·ls 'found' London . ... ~ rn , Silver Sands
The first a n d third
Tuesdays at 8 p.m. members
of Silver Sands 286, Native
Daughters of the Golden West
gather for meetings. Lake
Park Clubhouse in Huntington
Beach is the meeting place for
the first session. Mrs. Jack
Wilson, 543-1479, o,yill tunpsh
location on the next meeting
You'll lov• th• flatt•ry ..... of l l1lyette'1 "See1et Fulfilment" de-
eoll•t• bt•, Soft pu1li·up p•ch 9iv• • n•w fulln•u. And the p1d1
are r•'"ov4bl• for a long lifit wa1hin9 tft•t wa1hi n9. Other
plu111: the de1p plu!WJ• frorif and low b•ck for today'• litr•
f11hion1. Sii•• BC, ll·Jt in ,,,..hite, bleck, beige, pink, l:ilu•,
mai1• l red. ltn·lon lee• efld Lvcr•. JUST 7.50
"B• Comfort1ble In Your Cups"
For a bright
new season
in the .sun
Whit• or Pl1tinum
TeKtur•d Kid
W •stcliff Pl•u -Newport l•ach
1052 IRVINE 548-1684
~~ Will ~i.ve Your Sh~es . • •
:J/ie rJew ofoo£f
Visit Any '5' Anthony Shops And
Our Staff Will Advise . . .
Corona del Mar · FROM ALL THE
•1401 E. COAST HWY. R•styl• your old Coron• d1l l.lu, •• 673-4MO
• l4U VIA LIDO 1ho•• to th• n•w Nowpori leech,,. 67l0 H20 round look. e 74 FASHION ISLAND
Newport •••~ • , • 644.7U I lrlnt 111 your e llOI ~fftVINE AVE. ,...1>1.., end we'll • w •• tcllff PIH•
Newpori leech ". 541-401> 9iv! Y".r thot1 •ROBINSON'S a.n1w-1MJc. fnhlOft l1fpd
N_,.,t laach
71 5 n
of the best places lp London"to
satisfy i~" he said. , .
"MetbOd : bring o'ut your
moat British suit , .wear a
bowler. lf'you dare, and0carry that all.Jmportant umbrella.
Remember your clip-on Rex
Harrison ·manner, too. ,\II you
need to ·do Is si! there, a
monument to the art of being
English, and ·you will be' more
than noticed." '
·Gloria Roe Booked :·
Invites You
To Join This
Friendly, Private
Club • , ,
GOOD Foti $10.00 ON
Offer Expl~ July 1, 1fft
Slntl• 0.... $11 M11tttt.
F1mlly Dues 115 te 120 Month
lrw.., lvmp1r Pool, TV, ,.._., \.NI• O.ys, lftttr.
clu~ matdtet. monthly f9Ul'ftafMfttl.
PLUS ~ •• for only $5.00 you 'il•t fl 7 worth Of it•ms
•nd ••Nie•• tn our naw uniqu• 9u•1t couPon boolt.
• COMPLl'l11T $TOClllD PRO lilcir
·rr-~ Mnmcn --
Sendy Carl101t Merl ;;;,."''
250 I -Ea" 17th St.
Hill9r•n Squ1r• b42.54l0
S"1el1li1in9 in D & DD
GNd11oN Corsetl.rn
f'f~3Yl·l50~/ f/_a.i/":#*~ 'fff·JJYj&/,,,//41. S4/f/.i;i;;i.
&!Jni_~ 613·3300 I ~.3d.r>'4'°311t/i'&z.if~s-1s:
'! !
' e
' I
" '
(,. ., • u •
" . J -~ ,·,f'
J • u
/'. ':-u t; ,·v
. '~G
• ' I
• • ' '
I• •' • •
--. • •
' '
• ' . • )
' ' . • ' •
• t
' ' • • •
November Rites
Betrothal Revealed
At Buffet Dinner
During a champagne buffet dinner party
jn their Laguna Niguel home, Mr. and Mrs.
Ellis J. Zander announced the engage--
ment of their daughter, Terry Anne Zander
to Robert. Edward Rosso, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond Rosso of Lido Isle.
Attending were 'the bride-tcrbe 's sisters
and families, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Russell of
Monarch Bay and Mr. and Mrs. ~lichael
Gaughan of Costa Mesa ; her aunt and uncle,
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Mangold, ·corona del
Mar, and her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Lane, Claremont. Also attending were her
fiance's sister, Miss Tina Rosso, Ron Van
Cleve, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rothwell.
·Miss Zander, a 1966 Children's Home
Society debutante is a graduate of Corona del
Mar High School and Orange Coest College.
Tour : European
' •
Tourlng lt1ly and Cherry red orJanu over
Swiberland before making satin· gowns and pouquets of
their first home in Germany peP.f><rmlnl stick comationll
~ Jama Al.ID HoUbwi ibd witfi babJ'• breath were
his l bride, the If.mer Teresa 5'1etttd for ~Mrs. i;C>t1 E.
Lynne L«:kw<>oil, 1 ~ Lbckwood, j her alsler-lll'Iaw
Mae Hlgh School graduate. and :matron ot honor; and for
1be daughter of Mr. the bMdesmaid,,, Miss Kalht.yn
Mrt. Devld1 A~ Lockwood of ~of!rnari; the •b"!delroof!l1S
5ant.a Ana and the. IOI). of ,Mr. sister and'Mn. Lance' f~mael
and Mrs. James A. Hofftnan of Costa' Mesa. · ' oLAnabetm :w_ere_marr:led_in_Attendlng:.Jds _ brother as
the .Bethel Lutheran Church, best man was William L. Hof~
Cypress. fman, and uatien w.e re
Given in marriage by her SteP.hen, Madsen ol Garden
father, the bride wore a lace GroVe, Eug~ne Mi. l let t ,
over aaUn goWn and ber ii· Anaheim and Ishmael.
ll(liOa vel.UN: wu .caUgbt to a The bridegroom, a iraduate
llower.Wped heod~. She ol Savanna High School,
cani~ w h l t e chrysan--~im. is servln& with the
lhemuuu and llephano!is. U.S. Air FOl'Ce in Gerqwiy ..
Evening Rites
Couple Wed-
La Habra United Methodist
Church was the s etting
selected for the we6dlng of .
Pamela Standish and Gerald
Conducting the double ring
ceremony uniting the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stan
dish of La Habra and the son
of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Buck
or Huntington Beach was the
Rev. Robert Bra.shares.
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride selected a
chantilly lace Uered gown over
a hoop skirt designed with a
nylon organza chapel train.
Bodice and bell sleeves were
of matching lace and her il-
lusion veil was held by a lace
cap with pearl-encrusted rose-
buds. She CIJ'Tied a cascade of
white carnations and yellow
Miss Lisa Standish served
her sister as maici of honor,
and bridesmai<ts were Miss
Marsha Renken, Miss Cindy
Car180fl and Mrs. Jerry Cov-
ington, all of La Habra.
The bridegooom asked his
brother', H. William Buck of
La Crescent.a, to serve as best
man, and ushers were Dennis
Gallagher, Fullerton : Michael
La Mira, Buena Park, and
Robert wasson, La Habra.
Vows Exchang.t
' . fellowship hall for the recep-
lion following the wedding.
The newlyweds were
graduated from La Habra
High Schoql, and I b e
bridegroom attends Fullerton
Junior College.
Following a wedding ~ip to
Bull Head City, Ariz., th!! cou-
0 Undtr-Co11"tt r Mod1I
0 J -r.yclt •tnitility inr.l udt1
"Rini .. I Ory" cycl1 It
lr11htn-11p 1tor.d cli1h11.
O R1dur.11 1pottin9 of
9ltn11 i nti 1il•1• wit!.
. ' Spoh~w1v 1 ~i"•
ConditioNr Di1,tn11r
0 T .. ,, 7011 ttc.~ '1t .. 1 11
c.yd 1 Fl1•il11l1 control
di1I h11 11qu1nc1
il!dicttillt fHfu,..
Clean Su~ac~ --· .. -
-... I PalliJnc ,..... • ~ 0 •• "'' DI· AND GIOOM Prepan The lllrface carefully
be/qr• liarllng.
R e m •" • rdirt ind '°'* pUticl<O ,.... .......,. •Ith •
wire brulb; remove CJ::eue
11111 oil wltll • 'deltr,.m' and
Wiler tOlutlon. Ute I , filler
-•• polntillC -IUrlaces. · i Ir--:-
Are lhe .two moot bnpcrt..
IU11, _.. lh • weddJq.
If ~·re ready lo w•
~ ,lhe 'alale, f'I the
• "How to Plan Your Wfld..
dln&'" Gulde. Send lie In ' . . coin lo P.O. Boll •• Hunt-Allenllon "ti¥.pre~ de~l will I \ lol>f-las ng, · · ~u f~ I~ ,Be~ch,. Calif. -~;l
C8'l . ~ • ' ----
. ' 1515 J. Coo~ H,.y.
et MecArtltur
Coron• d•I Mar
• ..: oo ·ov1 1Mroin~ · SAVJ. WOOL .... CAIHMUI E
Skirts, Shells,' 6"°A Blouses le Sweaten v-, O
MiX. end MATCH
. a ...
~ IJI: .. ........... ~ .....
411 E. 17th St.-Costa Mesa
I V11r W1rr.,,ty IOI' R4pllr ol /llt'f Dlflct~ Pi.. +YNr ,_
l«l!Oft Pl.In fJlllrt&°"'Y> tDr Furnllllq bijllK4i1••I,.. All't
Olfl('rlw "Plrt "lri' ..... MOtor, """" • W.fw Clrwll91 ...
Her fiance is a graduate of N_ewport Har·
bor High School and OCC.
Both plan to attend California Slat~ Col·
lege at Long Beach next fall as J>l!ysical edu-
cation majors, and '1they are'" planning a No-
Yellow and white spring
flowers, matching the church
decorations, decorated the ple will make I.heir home in LaJ-;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;;;;o;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;:;;:;~ Habra. I
vembel"'\Vedding. '
MliSA V.liR D• -
MUTI ir.NO Jl!l'l'I ....:. Cl111 A, lhe
M1T111. Wllll1m Neth, ·11•1111' llotillllOll, J2.,.U Mlt.,,.el WIJCa, )5; JDl'in 0'8r11n,
361 Jlma C1IJQfl1n, lleeln11d Otrtly,
wrm1m 0 •11rr, ~Vt1 c11u 1, IM Mmes. Ern.sl Gltl, Jl1 Rkh1rcl M\lf'l1uth, lSVt1 Wiibert Ma11d(. ..,..,.,,
lllrlllY Mumm1, :Ur J11M1 IKk. ""'" C1rl lowdln. 311 Cllu c. the Mmft. Je.-Meer9dll, :111 Rldllrd Joft!llllln,
Wllll1m WIUltml Rot>erT ~rlcb.
Harl>orlitts-Chapler, Sweet
Adelines convenes every Mon-
day at 8 p.m. for meetings in
College Park: School, Costa ·
Mesa. Mn. William Gartner,
536-3411 will answer questions
regarding Ille choral group.
20 611. $42.11
30 611. SU.II '° 611. $49.11
50 611. $6.C.ll
f;:Jews Told
Q .
At .Party
The ehgagement of Robin Lu~ett to James Robert Ew-
ing has been announced by her
mother and step-father, Mr.
and Mn. Jack O. Edgerton.
News o( an August wedding
was ·reveaJ ed during a family
diruler party in the bride-
elect's Huntington Harbour
MJsa Luckett la a graduate
_of Eagle Rock High School and
Or'ln"-Coast College. She at-
tended the University of
California, Santa Barbara and
wUI be graduated f r o m
CaWomia State College at
Li>n( Beach Ibis summer.
'Her fiance, son of Mrs.
Mildred EWlng of Anaheim,
was graduated. from Mllllkan
High Schoo~ Long Beach,
~s 'Junior College and
the University of Redlands.
Presently he is stationed at
to! Al•Jllitoll Naval Air Sta-
No'!" in Our Family:
Family Weekly
" Book Group
The Book Discussion Group
of Newport Beach Friends of
the Library gathers the last
Wednesday of the month in
Mariners Library at 10 a.m.
HOUSEHOLD . . .. ~
•OHL NO. .... s319s .... Sit.fl
OUI PllCI ••• ··~· ,, ,, •••••
.. ... JJl-1 Yr, lwUlllw
MOHL NO. 11, ' • $5495 --'"·" Oii fllCI ••••••••••••••••
..... n-11'1.lsaillllw
We've taken today's most wanted fashion sho11sand slas:hed dollars
from the regular prices .•• from party pretties to city sandals-
we have them all in our savings spree of the 'season I
LUSH LEATHERS, GLEAMING PATENTS • ., whilo •platinum, yellow• pink • powder blue • grey
• navy • Nd • blown • black
7ee ~ft
.599 5es
' IUllM£llT111E ••• 4ee
' '
u) ..
~· I 'Yli~ ...
. : ' -
.. , r: ~ '
• • • • \'• •
• •
.. • t •
COSTA MHA e South C.HI l'f•H ANl\HEIM e .... .., Shop;Jo1 C:.ntor SANTA ANA e Fe"'I'" ~ •
O=Nudies-for Fred
MacMurray Clings to 'Cl,ean Image'
"&lpposlq -uh -the direc-t« lllld, 'Oby, we're ready
for the scene: take your
Clothes of[.' I just wonder how
1 .• oWd react.11
"Oh, they send me llCrlplJ kitchen 1'1-· It'• ~ loidoo ·
now and lhell, but I c:ouldn~· ear ol corn, and I ,cl ll for
do that tort or thlog I belof In tho movie 111o1 IOld
couldn't," be said earneotly lbe moot. ID theoler
"I tried It ooco, ID '1be lobbla -'*· 'lllot Apartment' (In whldl he WU for~ ~ Doc.' But
played an olllce lecbor), and June sa;!'\° =·1 men11eo
.tbat--was a·disuter, u far~ the Popecar.-''
my following wu concuoed. 1be Macllumy televlJtnn
kapplne8s-aJ1d B11111anlfy -
Magnificent 'Madwoman' at UC Irvine
OI .. Dilltr PIW SW
U we'(i been· given a prt-
per!onnaoce blnt that cllrector
~Cohen had -..... hefty revamping ol "The
MadWGnan of Challlot." we'd
fiive ~ .. the \precauUon or ,npJ>ini an ~ rtbboa in.
tho lllOll "'°"'"' part lo the one lhln(·-they add an extra
Giradoux boot o1 plays. laaer or tc!nf to one or tho _,_ richest• cakes In t 0 d • y •• 1be ...,,. bas, or course,
more than ooe madwoman to repertory.
oUer and this particular lrvlne Another word aboUt lhat Ono
vehicle bears witness to aome young actor, ~ lirickson. °"" -fine cudaa with -& t e 11.a r and his delivery of aome of-the ~ performances by B e It y most telling · llilil' lo this JWll Ullnking about ii. Er§CI
MacMurray rtacted with vl!'rat
seemed to. be a blush, He was
talking about today's racy
movies, aDd why be isn't ap-
pearing In them.
"I wouldn't do Jt qaln. I eerie<. "'lbe Ghost and Mra.
guess I've got to pr<MtVe lbe anolher kind of award. It plao-
llisney·MY Three SOm Im-ed No. H In the al1-au-
age." • dJeace ntlng>. Thus a 10th
~·to our \lypewri~. ttady for
now be adm.Jts he will llllck some scorching coments on
with the serlei ln the eod. b l r cl-brained boardwalkera wllo think they can fool around
with the likes or a Jean
Giradooz clwlc.
Ji!, i-Tesman, Kathy Oonovu and glorious Glradoul play.
Dena Brown u a su~ Jt is a llve-mlmde scene jw;t
plementary trio of demeoted before the tni.nnlssioo and
dames. Miss Tesm.an round a the dreamirc rag picker, eyes
soft spot In this criUc's heart &hlninc with memories or what
last time aniand the caJ\>pos the world was like and what
with her sbow..topping role .. he wants lt to be. confides his
tho tattooed lady tn '.'\!'he Innermost thooghts and hopes
TickliJh Acrobat" and 1".r to the sympathetic 81"1 deeply
' prowess adds m~ moved Madwoman. \ THE
'"··~~ ,_~ --~ -·· ~-llOWI
CALL (714) l>.S SIOI
40 .
1be Fred MICMurr1y i,...,. aeuon fqr the series was
-UDCbangea. -HJ ii -· 1~puted to be a -Interview "And I thought this might
(be isnl), wealtlly (be Is, but have been our last year,"
not by Hope-Qoaby stao-MacMurray c o mm e n t e d •
dards) 1 ·an d panimonloul "NBC put 'The Ghost and
(coulJI be). Al IO be loots nwe Mrf.~lr' opposite u.s, \and chanftd from the years when tbel tatlnp were good in the
he wa,s ploying tn iromatlc be · • I thouglJI to my"1f,
comedies wMb C l a ~ e t t e 1D'ammit, maybe we ahc.Ud
eolberl Hil'-'hl'.trline ti high, have quite while we were
but his race ts smooth. ficur• ahead instead or going down
t · with a losing SU.SOD.' " run. .._ ,
When J saw him, the l!Ut "My Three Sons," hu
season's Emmy nominations most of the veteran CBS
had just been released, and be shows, rose in the ratings as
had been over}®ked again. viewers become disenchan~
"My wi f e June (Haver) with the newer opposition
was upset about !~ but I re-,...ies, ''Tiie Gboest and Mrs.
maiDed calm," be aid db a Muir" won a bunch of Emmy
-·· "I told her if they p.. nominallms but Jolt the rating an award for dnrabillty I war. It wu canceled by NBC
might gd it IOlllO day. and picbd up by ABC for next
"J have never been nomin-season. ·-
ated for an Olear, t.ilber. The la earlier seasons of "My
only award I ever go< was the 'lbree Scm,'' MacMurniy had
'Popscar ,' which I keep in my to be coaxed to continue. But
"'nle money ls 1ood and the
series takea IO little time that.
11 can't resiat," be aald. He
.iloot. all bis ..,.... durln~ tbe space of a few weeks -h
was embarruaed to aay how
few. 'lbe rest of the cast com·\
pletes the aeries over a period
ol months.
Macllumy figures that the
addition ol trlplell to the cast
helped the aerles' ratiol this
season. For the new season
he'll be acquiring a wife and
Lesley Stars
Lesley Ann Warren landed a
lead role in a 90-minute movie--
far-television, ' ' A g a J n s t
Heaven's Rand."
MAY 23-24
. AT
Presented By
Tl1URSDAY & FRIDAY, 4:00 & 8:00 P.M.
SAT. 11:00A.M.·1:00 P.M. & 4:00 P.M.
AutocOISI, C.M.
llaiflfSily Olds, C.M.
M1S1 Mini Bike, C.M.
Stockland Co., S.A.
Connel Chevrolet, . c.M.
Gem Top, An*im
Kea's Richfield lentils, H.B. Y achls Royale Inc., N.B.
I.I P11 lllGIJ Builders, S.A.
_....by lhe Greek
ENm 6' hllt1ls, C.M.
Hoffm1ns Park Udo Renllls,
Explorer COlch Co., C.M.
"Coantn" WIShbum •
lelCh City Dodge
Aris Lindina. N.P.
Dun Lewis Imports, C.M. .
Souli COISI Yachts, N.B.
Solfli COISf School, N.B.
W--DOffi, C.M. -----uli Biir,11.8.
Clifford T. Nutt Motor
HOMllS, N.I .
Glasslron/Carlson Co., G.G.
Crissman Rentals , C.M.
Evlnrude Bolls ind Molors,
Mesa Boal Cenfer, C.M.
T11vel Teens, Anaheim
Mayan Tours and
Aauallc Center, N.B. & S.A.
DM°' Stippll11 l .1-1-1
Kosl1 Kllllom Km, C.M.
In fact, a trifle suspicious,
we took on our Wedneaday
assignment with reluc-
Giradoux and b i s "~llot"\ are very \ cl• to th reviewer'\ heart
and we t sure too many
l~r lo that growing repu · Those few lshlnitig JllOmenls
tlop. \tell us whae the play is ~I\
happy memories of 4 "Cbaillots" past to have their -
•e have no fault to flnd about. U you go, watch for it:
with any member of a spJ.en. it's a magni!icent f e w
did casl It includes the lovely moments o( the'ater by two
and talented Astrid Amendt as splendid perfonners and, . for
the sir.et singer -good us, the highlight o[ this polis&.
casting this and this.gifted girl ed lrvlne play.
afterglow dimmed by any at-
tempt to juggle with this jewel
of a play,
You have our humble
apologies today, "1r. Cohen.
For your superb UC Irvine
cast gave us a "Madwoman"
that Is go!hg to gel, il ydu will
pardon the PUD, a rave re\'lew.
To be sure, you rang the
changes with gay abandon on
this time-honored script but
you did it in a way that enhan·
ced to a remarkable degree
the magnllicent message that
Giradoux wrapped up ln this
absorbing, utterly pOignant
In fact, we had never before
realized just how much ge-
nuine happiness and plain
down-to-earth humanity there
is to be found in Giradoux'
glittering dialogue. Much of
Cohen's embellisbrnent could seem µa the surface skater to
be just so much clowning
around but it has the purpose
or hammering home -and so
very success~ully -the fact
that the paths to sanity.
decency and purity have not
been obscured by the callous
confusion of modern !ill!.
That's the message as it
filtered through to us and
that's all the plot you're to
get. We have some superb
performers to bring to your
attention and we want rigbt
now to say that .this fast-pac-
ed, glowing "Challlot'' is ou r
richest experience yet in our
Orange · Coast theater ex-
Step forward for a richly
deserved solo bow, Miss Susan
Bed.sow who handles one of
the most difficult title roles in
the business with aplomb. As
Countess Aurelia, M i s s
Bed.sow was wonderfutty woo-
ly on the many occasions that
T1l9 11~ 1~11111 lfl ttlll boll; ,,..¥ be
consldel'9d Ir/' to1M 1fD M Ul'llllll•bl•
for Cl'lllOrWI •rid V(IUllll peOj>lt-and r.Qulre PlrW>l•I Ol•cr1tlan.
coritnorv "' Ml"'11•11'19 beVGnd our to" Ir o I •nd 1ppurlfia 1luwh«1,
yol.lt'lg l*flll undlr 11 (NOT UI w111
not be ldmltlld to PACIFIC'S WAil·
NEil DlttVE IN TKl!ATlti to tH
IM plctlll'I llllld Ill ttllt llo.1I; unllu
4(COmptillled Ir/' p • r • n t or ldull
OIH'nlla11: "All THI LOVIN• COUPUS.,
•tumnMMld "'' Adulht MatK!t. Smith COLOR
JlAN 11001!"
Tonv Curll• COLOR
'TM IMtM Str-aler .. ---1 Ul·WI
-... -.........
It _ _.. .. F.,. M~l!ll
Cln Y'llol llkt 1'1111;1 Ill -"iPflt?
•'b1i:'bfFUNllNSTlltf' .. ... ......
l~~~{f~.~1 Ell!•-. COlOlt
WYN.AS" _,.....,..,,.,......
. --·-, ........
l>c......, ..... ,.. ..... ..., Ac119r1
Cl!fl ltobll"lion COLOR
SW1'tV ftol11tr COLO~ "'POt LOQ Of IYY"
Su11n Bed&0w
does not betray her trust -A last word for a superb
hard working John Haggprd as piece of character work by
the prospect.or, the brilliant Sydney Cook as the lifeguard.
Mark, Ericbon as the rag Here Is clowning par ex·
pec~r and aipporting roles by cellence and as inspired a
Mich ael VanI.andingbam, piece of ca'st1ng as we've en.
Anne J>earion, Sydney Cook. c0unterod lo many a long day.
C. Stephen Nisbet and Charles But this "Challlot,. is lrom
the part calls for ~ h e Hutdllru:. first to last a solid team ef.
Madwoman's muddled mus-Many, many innovations in fort. It will stay with us as the
i.ngs. And she splendidJy cap-this pulsating "Chaillot", to be piece de resistance of a highly
lured the spirit of. those light-. _.;'"'~'·::bu=t~th=•~Y::•~c~~m~plish;' ~ju=stirc=o=mm=e=nd=a=bl=e =lrv=i=ne=seaso==n=.=; ning -bright Oashe:S of in· 1r
spiratlon tiiat so illumine tbi5
Giradoux script.
And some wonderfully zany
innovations by director Cohen
-he .injects a wacky party
serene that fractured his Irvine
Repertory Theater audience -
only serve to fw1her enhance
Miss Bedsow's inspired
rendering of wh~t i.s perhaps
New Suite
On Sunday
Composer -conductor Ken-
neth Lowman, has dedicated a
"Suite for Strings" to Adrian
Holland and the Community
String Ensemble. The suite
will be premiered during a
free concert Sunday at 2:30
p.m. in the Santa Ana Public
Library's Spurgeon Room, 8th
and Ross streets.
Orange Counfyi1
Blgge1t Combination!
Awmnl Wini .. , , •
• AS, 0011111
---------li!UMU!tQ l'6jl M•Nlfl: AiiiiHtn!
-AU O -cn .. w.._
Alt'toDkl .....
SAT. MAT. 2 P.M.
lltD t. FINAL Wi i i
Si•"• McQu11n in
with D•1n M1rt111
CHtf""111 s.d"W' 1 :30 p.111.
Poshiftfy No 0..'1-Ullder 11
AchlllttM nth -tli9191M1•. &II
SeCltl TMI Prot,_ $2.00.
NllWPOIT I Li.CH -.. tloo .. ir.-
to '•""'""" ll<lo lo!. -Ol. S.IJSO
"1....-it.W. Acedewrr: A.word
p9tf.,._.. Not t9 lie
.i...d..10-a-pUa, LA. TIMI
"Th•r11• ind h•b1ll1"
1; •nd IO:lO
"Ki11 th, olh1r Sh.iii;'' ,, ':
"IF you are wondering just how Car Olms are
able to go these days, 'Therese and Isabelle·
should provide an adequate answer."
.,_ • -JIOLLll ilPJIT. llTU).ll.l Y k!VJIW
llllkes 'THE FOX' look li ke a milk·Ced puppy.
'Therese and Isabelle' wlli be the most
talked·aboutmoviearound" -wn•WJldC1. ' WIII UDIO
• '
fteattt Notes
'Portnoy's Complaint' Boon
To Producer of 'Columbus'
ctirrent success of novelist
Philip Rolh's vastly overrated
"Portnoy's Complaint" cer-
tainly has done no hann to
young Stan1ey Jaffe's debut as
a motion picture producer, but
this wasn't a plus he counted
on when he turned Roth's
"Goodbye, Columbus" into the
much-praised ftlm now in
general release.
"lt was pure coincidence
that 'Portnoy's Complaint'
was published wiLh such
sensational impact a short
time before Paramount Pie·
tures released 'Goodbye,
Columbus,' " said the 28--year-
old· Jaffe. "We-made our film
in the summer of 1968, and I
don't believe Roth had even
finished lii.s new novel at that
time. I certainly didn't know
anything about it. _
"And if I had. who could
have known that 'Portnoy's
Complaint' w o u Id qi a k e
Roi.h's name practically a
household word ovenilght? He
had been writing good things
for, years without registering
wiUt the general public."
As things have turned out,
Jaffe's film, while it gels a fr-
inge benefit from Roth's sud-
den fame. doesn't need it.
Reviewers across the country
have praised highly t h i s
cinematic version of a
}lumorously bittersweet story
about a poor young Jew who
gets romantically involved
with the daughter of a well-off
"Actually, it was pure coin-
cidence again that I made a
picture from Roth's novella,"
Jaffe said. "After establishing
Willow Tree Productions in
1967, I went locking for
material and settled upon a
book about young people that
was popular.
"I made a bid f« the rights
and thought I bad them ..,..d
up, but there was a m.lxup
among agents, and I IO!t out.
"I had read 'Goodbye,
Colwnbus' wtien lt w a 1
published several yean ago.
In _.._discussing m y. dlJap-
pointment about the ·deal that
wUn't with an agent 'friend, I
menUoned that I was _looting
Crossword ·Puzzle
l Breakfast
food 6 Sly
10 G1oup of
animals 14 Islam
15 --fhce:
Fl1red idea 16 Zest
17 American lndla!J
18 llab!llty
19 Fac ial
20 In an un-
known place
22 Ship of 149Z
23 Business transattlon
24 Modified 26 Befoie
2'f Vessel
31 Common
contraction 32 Pennsylvania:
2 words 34 Confined lo
one's home
38 Mov e
qu ickly
39 Tai k Ince ss antly
<11 Screwy
42 Garmenl
'"' 4S Viewed relallve to something
48 Grassland
49 Listen
to with
attention SO Piece of
51 Gullln: wom by running
55 Walked on 57 Stadium
employee 58 Spoke softly
bl Plaln llff 64 Secular 65 Having an
Y11terday'1.Pui:ale Solved:
&6 Weight of 8 Mtdfter· 35 Spanish
•container rinean bull
67 -breve; salllng shi p 36 Refrigerated Musical CJ Up to now 37 Proluberanct
Instruction 10 Gaspe or 40 Written 68 Overplay · Olympic-· in vers e
a part ll At full 43 Change &9 Fam of lrais· length direction
port1Uon · 12 Division 44 Part of
70 Libedy -of society tht head 71 Passe 13 Work wl1h 46 Roman god the hands 47 Shored up
1 Buote call
2 Mixture
3 Astrln11ent
4 Filled to ovrrncwlng
5 Area of USA
and C111ida: 2 words
6 Accuracy
in details
7 River of
21 Sound of 51 Sur911
laughter 52 Cusklmary
22 Roule 53 In th1I
25 Possessive r1s11t ct word 54 Small swa111p 26 Seed 56 Skin: conUlntrs Comb . fcn11
27 Sudanese 59 Elevation monetary bO P1rt of uni t a tooth
28 Or-I 61 Bein!: Sp. JO Fruit •2 L•o• ,,,.
33 Protetled 64 Labrador:
from risks Abbi.
for &ameehing yoothful a n d
with the quality of 'Goodbye,
;'He suggested that I should
buy the rights to Roth's book.
I was amazed that in ·an the
years since it won a National
Book Award no one had ever
bought the film rig~!!. I lost
no time in doing so."
JaHe Is forging ahead with
production of films enUUed "I
Start Counting" and "Separate
Peace" now that he is oH to a
rousing start after an ap-
prenticeship in television and
films with the Seven Arts out-
fit. He is "second generation
movie'' but not of th e
Hollywood breed. His father,
Leo Jaffe, a long-time ex-
ecutive for Columbia Pictures,
has always operated from the
11home office" in New York.
"1 was born in the Bronx,
and my home now Ls in New
Rochelle," Jaffe said. "I like
it ln the East, and I intend to
operate from here and not
from Hollywood.''
'David' Set
"David Copperfield," a two-
hour television special by 20th
Century-Fox, will be directed
by Delbert Mann.
F•r th• b•1t 111/d• to whet'•
htpp•ning on TV, t•tcf TV
WEEK -di1tribuf•d wifh th•
S•furd1y •cfitio11 of th•. DAILY
WILL BE ADMITTED! -------------
~........, Mwvln Int • Ptoduter I MI Schw11U
Dlnder MKk 11111 • Scretnpl.,. Lff v. GO/don
':411 THE · ,,
\9VING COUP\\'l).
ft tru .. lit. hu11t. -o?'' · ~ hush story 1bout r••' y-'00,. ""ybl I ff/fOd 11,~ ···or a rel1tiYt ..• or 1 n
....,. Bltb • lJlft C.rtwrijlt• 1'1u1 Co111i •Scon Grtlllm • hlrl LJmbtrt
Gi.rte MtllOll • Jtcalt Rua• Honn•-Aide~ a Madi
· ~ 'lllE lOVIMB COUPli\" .. ,,oo • 11,15 rM
"THE SWINOEl'l" at 9'45 rM
IMITA AHA • ...,..... lhd. at McFaddtn .twt.
\ .. I
All Day Friday
OCC Drama Festival Set
The Two Part Production of LH Toktoy's
ana .
PEACE ,__ ..... _____ .. -··-·--~··
.._ "GllANO AllJllY• OF fllA~lON Blt(Afll·TAllllfC ;llANOfUll OF TM[
WI LL IE St:t~EWS~~w~~:~~~· ~;:i P.4RT WILL
PART 11 ::·:~.:;-:::.:.. STARTS MAY 21st
W~ey. MOJ II • ••• , •., .• , •• , ••• , , • , ,, ••, •:Ot ......
ffle.....,., Mctr U • , , , , •,.,., , , • , , •.•• , • , . , , , , l iH '''"'
Ptt...,, M., 2J •• , •• _. ••••••••• ,, ''·''. 61JO • IO:H ,,.,
s.t.rffy, M., 24 • ,,,,,,,, ••••.•.•• l ;OO.,:J .. 101H , •••
Sc11dey, Mery 21 , • , , •••• , •• , , , • , , , , , 1 J1JM1IO.l:ot ,.1111.
MMdey, Mey 16 , , , , • ,, ,, , ••••••• , , ••••••••••• l ttO '''"' -~t...-,, M..., 21 , •• ,.,, ,, ·~-· ,_._,, ,_,._, ,, ,.....,.,~, ._l rOO_,....
Patricia Lindquist with Pat
Plalfoo~ Brad Wood, Te!T)'.
Gandis and Rick Powell.
WtEK Hl•Hn AT 1:15 P.M.
CONTINUOUS SHOWS ON SAT. l SU H. In""' Strrt'll spltrnlor_Th< _ mpll!mdpidlae-1
OAVIDQSEUNICKS _..,.....tilAlllOoWT~l:s
FASHION ISLAND * NEWPOllT CENt£R • • •• •• •• • • ... ~.
Cfll.ml 'tllll[S """'*'
. -·.
\ I
. -
Holiday Travel · Just •
As Safe as Others . .. ,
'· •
Nixon Proposals ...
. ..
W ealtJ:ty. io Find -
Few Tax ·She.lters
.,.. ---1---:;; ---·:r-----~ · -. ~WIVIS-· --BJtSEJJ-A-Lf; -
_ _.Wilsdp • Dun -P • Davi 1· lancro1t\ Shoes----:' SOI 1\ \
Pennsylvania Tennis Balls \ Doz. 7 :so Mills • Balls
Wilson Xtra Duty Tennis Balls· Doz. 7. 95
. Mens Tennis Shorts •. 4.95 to 13.95
Tennis Shirts. • .. 4.95 to 6.00
' Mens
Bats • Undershirts
Little League Shoes
Caps· Masks
• Chest • Protectors
CMtt~ 7,?S ,,.. PoK~h 8,95 .YOUfYBAlU.
Mens Tennis Jackets • 8.95 to 19.95 socaR BAW
Tennis Dresses 13.95 • 14.95 • 16.95 -PLAYGROUND BAW
TETHfRBAW ' ' TENNIS SOX • 95 -.1.25 -1.45 GOLF BALLS
L--~ ---
7.25 I . F. Goodrick 7.95 PING PONG BALLS
Raleigh Bikes-Parts
.Bike Repairing
P.S. we will be closed
j)fay 30 & 31
"" FLT.
• lnctoll NIEW 1.,.t•
lonfftl I""'• llftlllt
011 All 4 WhHlt
• ,f,,. lJNINGS 1.,
PtrlM t ... t.ct with
• lnttoll f1ont Gr. S.olJ
• Co111ple._ O••rti...,1 el
4 Who.ol Cylll'Mh~
!Kitt ln<h1.t.•I
t All • tro•• Drv-
, -~:T.. SZU...:.ii: ::::n:::~ 1"6:;0 ;w l<lleMjosbooot ....... I.SO
FIOlll -luriq l'ad 100 TaW le&. Price ••••.• $13.40 b,i,.. 5.2,.·,,
' •
-=· •• • 'I.
* ~
I "
BRICKYARD CASUAL TY -This cha rred mass of iron , covered with
fire extinguisher foam , is all that remains of Mario Andretti's Lotus·
Ford racer after he survived a crackup during a Wednesday time trial.
Trade May Be B~e~g
. . ~. . ~· Between Angels, DetrQit -~~·~
\ ~ if" .. ' ' . i. ; .. ¥, ..
By, GLENN WlllTE \ wl!<n , th<:y, bllV .. 't met ,..._ loo ,~
Of o.iw """...., _\ spring tralnlng. , .• -==~Al5~::::i= -..;-:C~~i:~~i~&IF; "
is notlllfli particularly Slanifleanl about "Evef')'llo!ty's , ~' ft4' •
Angel manager Dick Walsh's arrival in whep; you fO throucb a~l!wnP: like _ ,
Baston late Wednesday n!gllt. Th™ are called \he 1'rYlnl· ~ :-.-.
• 1' '!;: °'" ~t T UPI T•""'"''-,,, ' .., 8. ...
A r~ar wfiecl hub broke, sending his car into a \Vall at 150 mph. Pieces
of h1~ car were ~ew!l ~o_ng the track for a qu~er of a mile. An·
drett1 suffered mmor tnJunes. ' ~. . ' .
1be Los Angeles Times bad hinted this that's with a T," the .Angel •kipper '~
morning that Walsh's 0 unei:pected ar· "When you lose Ute thi1 diy aftu d!f
rival" might have something to do with and the general manager lbQws ulf ·~
team manager Blll Rigney '• future with can 111a1<e 1111$c11 of things out of It,""
the club, in view of the team's si1-game dia:cl)ssed~~.'!!•Y .Wngs are Pini "~
losing streak. everyone ls coocemed. -.
H-0wever Angel traveUng secretary "Bt.it thele things ,:an tUrn ar:J$
Tom Ferguson told the DAILY PILOT , other 'fay -the balls can l1'rt ..... that Walsh's arTival Wedne.sday had been lhr-0ugh f-0t hits. yoo 1t~ hlttin1 ·~
on the team travel plans since bef-0re its men on base, the pitchers have comprlle
departure from Anaheim a week ago, games •. , things start going With 109
Walsh had been in St. Louis, looking at instead 0£ the other way or insteeif;'cl(
a prospective player before comlllg t-0 against you." ·~
Boston. He will also follow the Angels to Rigney also pointed oiut that Wat9h'i
Detroit for the weekend series. arrival Wednesday night bad been Po
· Other sources told the DAILY PILOT ned since before the trip began. ~ ·••
· that a tra'de may be brewing between the • So It looks f-Or the moment anyway nM
Angels· and Tigers. Detroit -Official Rick Rig's job ls safe. : -·•
Farrell was seen in Fenway Pari: Wed· But as he alsO points out, "If we keip
nesdaynight observing the game. 1-0Sing something's going to have to.IN
However, Rigney told the DAILY done." r :: •
PILOT that other clubs often send a scout He didn't say what "something" mllbl
t-0 observe their upcoming opponent be. -..
* * I Angel Bats Rally -. ._.
Skipper Declares _Voss •
May Be Starter Soon "
Beach's Bill Voss can e1ped to be MljDc
more action ... posaibtyi.oday and~
upcoming series at Detroit.
Slow ·cu .. ve Foy~·Goe.s ~1112 at Indy
BOSTON - Bill rugney's sanctuary un-
der the grandstands -0f Fenway Park
seem to· be about as desirable a place t.o
\'isit as a Vietnamese mine field Wed·
nesday night in view of the fact things
have not been going at all well for the
California Angels manaa:er.
Used as a pinch-hitter in the aeeoftll
gan1e Wednesday, Voss alngled to~
in a run. He was the squad's leadfn& lilt-
ter in spring practice but after a crucw
error early in lhe re:gular sqaon he ,,.
l>!nched and haJ been used only ~ ~· .. ' smce. • Gives Osteen
.I OOth Victol'v
And.retti SI."' -. ,~ ·ams into Wall
In fact, following the A n g e I s '
doubl<beader looa ($.Z, r.3) before :!5,4.19
Fenway Part faithful, five of the six
writers ll<COIDp.mying the Anpll docided
against invading the Halo akipper'1
quarters 'for tbe UJual post game in·
Rigney bad r<asoo to I>! pleased M
the tZ hits in that oecond .lill ID tllelr
" LOS ANGELES (APJ ~They 'call him
~et Pyle •. ~uSe of his Uncanny
~-to teleWicitramedian Jim
N~ but Chiude Osle.. el the Los
Mgol,."Dodgm was ,anYui;iif·~ funny
.. ho -woo lUs • .sWh gariie ~f ' '~15on
and•No1 lOO~in:bi.s·cafeel'-•. \": t: .t
of H~?l was· ki!ng of the Indianapolis •
M-0tor Speedway again today and a
favori te to pool an ~etxlented foUrth
victory in the 5<JO.mil1'taee·Maf 3(h
His No. 1 opponent, Mario Andrettl of
Nazaretb1 Pa., . lost his tar in .a fiery
crash W~.,Y. immediately after
Foyt had set an tfuofficial record for the
21h·mile asi>b:a t track. A Osteen reathed t•h e m· . "~ ed·
nesd~y~hight, ·setting· do~{' . ~ go
eulia, :1-1• and · Dodger :"'°",,,.,,,1,!"•1t;·, Seorts in Brief ~ •ys a new pitch hiMl.,,.Rl~een ~· ,._,_ _ _;_.;;.__.__;:;:.::..:::..:o::..: a new, -leue on life. -<'-;. -•• ~
Andretrhwnn't hu!t teri~f. ~
Fo)t turned a lap: at 172.315 mi\911 ·an
hoor in a Coyot.e-.Ford of bis own design.
The off,icirtl a.:lap record, • set ,._-m.
qll8lificati'-0Ds last year by Joe Leonard in
a Lotus--Pratt & Whltney turbine car, is
171.953 .
Andretti, whO had been fastest in
Speedway. practice this year at ·171.789,
''Clau:de has developed ·st sfuw cUrve
and Chat is just what he needed;.,··Atston
remMked after the victory.
'Ibe tbree-.game series eon c,l u d e s
Alcindor, Hayes Paired
tonight with Ferguson Jenkins of Chicago
t1pposing BiU Singer.
'41t used to be all h Is pitches -the
fastball, slider and hard curve -were
Dodger Slate
MllY 21 -'" vs Chfc;fOO, 7:55 p,m, K~I U!1 May 22 -$,vs Chlc&go, 7:U o.m. "'' I"°)
May .?4 -YI SI, -Lou~. 1:10 p.m. l(F '"'' just about the same speed," Alston noted
of Osteeni "Now~ slow curve ~n keep
the "hitlen oil·~."
Osteen ~ 9'-~ented last year
withfthe~:epeectJitch.with litle success. "! iulldibll~-rigbt throwing it." he
recalled: •+rtamSly Uiis season between
stan'.s in ,HOt,lstori I:tried throwing it again
on the sidelinei and everythlng seerDed fo
fall into place. It has been .a big pitch for
Not only did Osteen strike out eight
Cubs but he also lent his bat to the
J)odger attack, collecting two hits and
driving in one run.
The o~ t~o wire_. supplied by Willie-
Crawford qn a lead-of! homer, his fifth, in
the first inning and a bad-hop single in
the fifth .
CHICAeO LOS AHGEL&S ••,fllttol •rtl'lll
ktulnlll'• • I I t t CraW'fflr<I, If 1 1 2 2 eectert, 1111 <I 1 o t s 111mor1, ss • O o t •.wim1ms. It • o l I w.o.vt~, er J o o t Sa"IO.lb •020KOKCJ,rf •Olt
8111k.i. lb • t O O Russell, rl o o o t
HIM'\CllfY, <: • t o t H•l~r. c l o o t Hkllme", rf l t 1 o P•rt.er, lb 3 o o I f'hllll.-.d Jl11L~~.2b J1 10 Mio.... p I t I I l"'Olilllvldl. 2b O O o t 0 .0llwr, ,.. 1 I I 0 S ..... kl$, 3b J I l I
1'eo-n.11 OltlC.Ol'-11 101 1
Tohllt 12 1 $ I Totali 1t J 7 J
Ch~ a GOO 010 -1 Los Anfll!lt;; ,lOl \.020 oei~-l
For AstrodomeRematch
HOUSTON -Basketball stars Elvin
(The Blg E) Haye! and l..4!w Alcindor will
lead a slate of profess!-On.9.1 cagers in four
National Basketball Association gatnes in
tbe 'Astrodome.
Ben Kerner, fonner owner of the St.
Louis Hawks, announced the four.game
pa Ckage Wednesday. A doubleheader is
~lso included with the NBA deal.
Hayes, a former University or Houslon
star, plays with the San Diego Rockets,
and Alcindor. U C L A All-Amerjcan,
recently signed for a reported $1,400,000
to play with the Mjlwaukee Bucks.
The two are credited with drawing the
largest paying crowd -53·,000 -to
\vat.ch a basketball game when their col·
lege teams met in the Astroclome in 1967.
INGLEWOOO (AP) -Jo h nn y
Longden, the er~twtule champion jockey
who trains Majestic Prince, said Wed·
nesday he is planning to go to New York
where his horse will race in the Belmoot
Stakes. '
"I talked \\:ith Frank McMahon last
night arid ht said he wanted t-0 run the
Prince ln'the .Belmont if everything goes
all right." said Longdon.
"So I gueis thafs what we'll cl?·"
Rafael Os.una -0( Mexico in the first tennis
match Friday of the American zone,
North section final.
Auslz'alia's Bill Bowrey will oppase
~oaquin Loyo Mayo in th e second singles
match of the best-of-five tennis com-petition.
Osuna and Ruffels were the first two
drawn ·in the morning ceremony held in
the offices of Mayor Alfooso Corona Del
Rosal of Mexico City.
LAS VEGAS -Billionaire H:>ward
Hughes has bought the Paradise Valley
Country Club, site -0f the Sahara Invita-
tional Golf Tournament. courthouse
records showed Wednesday.
The 7,143-yard course and desert land
surrounding it were deeded to Hughes by
a flrm headed by Hank Greenspun,
publisher -0f the Las Vegas Sun.
SACRAMENTO -Chapman and Puget
Sound have split their first two meetings
at the NCAA College Division regi-0nal
baseball tourney. Tonight's rubber gan1c
will decide the title.
Chapman, which lost 3-2 lo Puget Sound
In the -Opener o{ the double filiminatlon
tourney. capitalized on seven Puget
Sound errors to win 6-3 Wednesday nigh~.
charged ootl) the track immediately arter Foyt went to the garage,
~_ndrett.i ~·t complete a lap before J~ his Jigtlt rear wheel oo the
niril!West turn, spiooing 320 feet and hit-
ting lltte wail. He leaped out Ot the car •s
it burst irlto flame and escaped with a
bum on the upper lip.
Andy Granatelti of . Northbrook. Ill.,
who entered Andretli's car and 10 others.
said the wreck was due to failure -0f a
hub which had been improperly heal·
He said he had three othe r L-Otuses like
the destroyed car but they would not be
ready immediately.
Andretti said he would be ready to g-0
again whenever he had a car.
Final time trials fer the race will be
Saturday and Sunday.
Art Pollard of Medford, Ore .. a team.
mate ol Andretti -On the 11-ear STP team ,
locked his brakes to miss the .Andrtttl
car and spun 280 feet but mi.seed the
burning racer..
, One fool -ventured forth , however,
ready t.o face what1?ver temper diaonlers
can be generated after a man baa suf·
fered through his telm'a six straU'ht
losses, anemic bltunc and hi! own
stomach problems.
And ao .men I appraecbed RI&'•
quarters I wasn't IW'e whether I should
creep and crawl through the door, waving
a white handkerchief or simply try walk·
ing through the portal.
The latter proved safe enough as it
turned out. .
Seated behind his d2sk, clad only in-
modesty, was William Joseph Rigney.
Contr.1ry to expectatiom, he w a 1
"What else .'can J be," he exclaimed
when advi3ed lhaf a dreadful welcome
had been expected.
"They (the team) cune to life that lm.t
game and started to hit the ball and that
has to pei'k us up a bit. I gotta keep the
1amp going •.• I can't Jet it burn out
because I'm brooding."
Rigney also made note that Newpart
Chamberlain Copped Out
In Seventh Grune-Russell
f\1ADISON (AP) -Bill Russell, player-
coach of the Boston Celtics, &a.id Wed·
nesday he thought Wilt Chamberlain had
"et>pped out in the last series, io the last
game" of the National Basketball
ASsoclation championships,
"Any injury short of a broken leg or a
brokeg back isn't good enough," Russell
said. "When he (Chamberlain) took him·
self out of that final game, when he hurt
his knee, well. I wouldn't have put him
back in the game either, even though I
thirik h<:'• put."
Th'e ~tics defealed the Los Angeles
Lakers and Chamberlain, IM-106, In the
final game to win the championahip.
Chamberlaln injured his knee and left
the floor with five minutes ~ in the
game. The 7.foot·2 center later criticized
Laker coach' Bill Van Vreda Kollf for not
letting hJm back into the game.
·'1 never said Chamberlain didn't have
talent," Russell said. ''But basketball ls a
team game. I go by the number of cham-
pj-OllShJps, J play to bring out the btsl in
my teammate!."
"Are you going l-0 teU me that he
(Chamberlain) brought out the best in
(Elgin) Sayler and (Jerry) West?" the
Celtic coach asked.
Russell left the question unswered.
"I'd have to say yes and no as lo
whether criticism about Wilt is justified,"
Russell said. "No, because people see b1a
po1enu11 u creater than it 11. They t1oo'1
take human !ralhleo Into C001ideration."
"Yes, because he asks f-0r It. He talks a
1-0t. about what he's going to do, What it's
all about is winning and losing. He thinks
he's a genius and he 1an't."
Russell appeared at the University of
Wisconsin to speak on black-white rela·
... •••••••••• Cll\: .....
WHI'FB .·:·
WASH .. ~,
• •
·'-•&.s•JI .... ,.. . ;,. .
previoua five games the Anaets bad ~
ed only 20 bingles (an averap cl foul:.wr
lilt). ~-;--
Hits were getting scarcer than A'1 cii··a
Donkey's report card and that dil~
w~s unnerving the bespectacled AlceJ
akipper. i
Three of lhe four Halo safetia; in jhe
first game were for e:s:tra buts. , ' .
Then came the tong-awaitld ~
through in the -hall of lhe l<nlHi1 dual bHI ., the Mg<b pick~ \fP a polr. l>I
doubles and 10 singles. However, '1w1
couldn't get the raps with men -0n baK _...:_
slranding IO"for. Ille coittest. · •
And they hurt themselves with three
bush league plays. Rick Clark miuecUho
bag while trying to tag a runner ~'4
headed fot f~st base. Then Dick s~
dropped an easy thro" to lint '-~
another Red Sox man wa.s sate. -:
Finally, when lhe Angels Joeded;.·lbf
bases in the seventh with one out, Vou
came to bat. He singled to score Bebeii
Amaro. Jay Johnstone raced around'tl\ird
and was three-quarters of the way to Utt
plate. • ;
Then he changed his mind. and he.ad
back to third, being thrown oui· easily Pd
1m-0therlng the rally. · .. ~
This afternoon the Ange-ls were c_,
out their series here in Boston .a.J
tonight they head for Detroit. '"
CALll'GANIA UITOff , • • t tt bl'tl ..,,,.,.,..
Alom~r, 7b • O ' l A'lllr•wi. ~ J J t • • Freg111J, u J O I 1 O'flrlet\. 21> I 8 • •
M\llro.H 1 1 0 00,Jonn,lb 211 1
D•vtU!lo, Ph 1 o o o Va11nem11tl, If 2 I 1 ... !I
JOllM ...... cf $ 0 1 O Ttwn-.. tf I t ,;t.."9
lteld'ltrdl, If J I t o 11.Smltl!, d t o :T JI
L.Jollftwl. rf t I t O Locll. l;f I I t ' t WrlOht, ir I I I I Pttr«eUI, Sf I I t •
llDU, pt! 1 t I I .!!Cholltld, .. I I ... i
Priddy, P 0 t t I A.Conltllll111, l'I J t, ) Stu.er!. lb • I t 0 UliOlld, rf 1 t )"
ili.lllodrlgwi, a • 1 I o kotf, 3111 ' t ' ·~·· Ea-11o c 2 I It GIOSOll. c S 1 t ~t
It.May, fJ t t t t Sltberl, 1t 2 t l •t
It.Clo,._ o I t t t ·-· 11 I e· t >.t Illa.poi, rl J • • • ~
TOllll 31 3 It J To,.rs 21 ' ~f Cttl!Orn.. 000 010 'IOI ,. t "' '"'°" JJl:I • OOJt ~ • E -L. JoMsoo\ It. (C.rlc. A. ltod!'~"
-C•lllOl'nlt I. loslOn I. LOt -(.all~ ~
'""" 4. 21 -o. J_, A. 1tocrr"*' '~ at -A. CW!lt!lt1' S -S!Nwt. 5" -It. """"'1 -' " ·'
LOS ANGELES (AP) -The winner oC
Friday night's bantamweig~t b-0 u t
between Rl.iben OliVares of 1-fex:ico and'
Jarpan'a Takao Sakurai will get a crack at
Lionel Rose, world bantamweight champ,
Rose'a manager says.
DETROIT -"J'vc always 1iked the. un·
derdog and J think I'm going to enjoy it
here," Bill Van Breda Kolil said Wed·
rn!sday as he swltched NaUonal Basket-
ball Assotjation coaching jobS -fr-0m
Ule successfuJ Los Angeles 'Lakers t.o a
perennl1l loser, the Delrolt P~tons.
"Detroit has the material and I tbink
something can be.done.'' Van Breda, Kolff
told a news conlereooe, adding : "I know
it's a cliclle, but I think we migbt
surprise a few people."
Laguna _ High Track Coach
Man.aaer 4aek Rennie, who came here
for the Olivares-Sakurai fight from
Melboun)e, Australia, ,.id Wednesday
the championship bout -be held in Los Angeiea in August.
Role has blUled at.r three cllallengerls •
for bis ll\le -Sakurai, Chucho CUtillo
and Allan Rodkin.
0Uvwt1 is 1 1M favorite oVer Sakurai,
and Is ranUd 11. Ille Ho. I ....-r for
The 4&-yeaN>ld Van Breda Kollf was
given -a. two-year contra.ct. at an
estimated $35,000 annually and became
the elgllth In • parade of Pl.ton co~Ch<!
over Lhe last 12 years.
MEXICO Crfv -Australia, In the role
o( Davis C\lp challenger for the first time
lo u,. )'tllfS, will pit Ray Rllffeli •i•ins)
• ' By ROGER CAllLSON Jack I.ythgoe, blghly sue<ellful !rack
and field coach at Laguna 'Beach High
SChooi. stunned an -0verOow crowd as the
Artlsts' spring spartt awards banquet
Wednesday night with the annOunctment
that he had been relieved clbls duties as
track boss.
Lythgoe, who 1uccteded Red Guyer a!I
track coach In 1964 after serving for
• ttvee ~ears under Gu,a:, bad one varsity
Utle In 1964 In the orange' Leoiu<-
Currently hit Bee • •tar Dav•
ljustwlck IS In Ille CIF flnols oet for Fri·
di,f 'night at Cerritos.
When asked for comment afterward,
princlpaJ Robert Reeves said, "We've
wanted a man who can coach crosa coun-
try in the fall and track in the spring.
''Lythgoe wlll remain u Cee football
coach and will be: assisting the track and
field program."
Reeves then announced that Lythgoe's
successor is Leonard Miller, head track
and field and cross country coach at Vic.
tor Valley High School jn Victorville.
Miller · will take -0ver his duties at
Loguna Beach July I.
"We decided to wan unUI lbe .,m of the
current track season before mating it -0f· r.ctat, .. Reeves added.
Cont,aCled later, Lytllaoe Indicated he
had no plana to contin.. coaching at
Laguna Beach in football -0r track.
"I'm not going to coach In anylblng. I'll
stay at Laguna teaching photograpl\y and
journalism/' be said.
"I w a s approtebed alter t he cross
country seeson was ovtr ln the fall and
U~ed If I would like to COO<h croas coun-
try along wili1 twk" but Indicated that I'd
" .
rather continue as in the pal wkh: ee.'.
football In the ran. · · •
"I foll we llft the Ylrlity footl>oll·~
gram a good llorl will>' our -to~
Cee dtvilton. 'boo,~
''Croa oountry •thletl$ ~· oolj ·•
smaU porUoo ol. aa owJ"IJl JlrVll-am '"
the SpriJI(, .. he added. . ':.'..:e
Lythgoe was chql1ned at the fact ltl!!
his llllCCWOt was hired prior to Ille i1iici
seaaon. ~
The stunned audlel)Ce incb""n(i~
fellow coachu. 1av.e ld'thaoe 1 •11 ~
ovatloo 11 the c:onclulloi ti Ille .
. ~-
p ays Go by
!foo Slowly
CM .. D11tr I'~ twt nus ls the ~ ot year when the days,
-anl lllOlltla_plod by tDo slowlY for
1)ID Tift .
,. tbrft Weeb qG1 be WIS appojmtd
IJQ •• bead basketball oooch. But 'ntl Is
-ol -types who fil1ns buket· bell's only· weak feature b: that it's not *""' tbe year round.
•"I'm rMdy to play righl now," be says,
t\llnking ahead to UCI's 1969 opener at
H*aska December I.
. Tift shakes his head In dllbeliel when
Oodmipl>tlng his station In tbe coochin(
protession. 1'lree years ago he was
c:Mcbinl, teaching driver education and
nailing the attendance office at Dom-
laguez Hl&f! In Compton. ~!(oday, at zt, be finds himself at the top ai"' I buketbal1 program at a ·branch of
tb&'Unlvenity of Calllornla.
H's ~ a rapid ascent and it all siaitecl ... mornia( In his a-..:e ol· fici at Domloguez 'wbeo be piclled up 1
. ond ffild tmt Danny ~ ;:;o::r..,.. as UCl'1 hood coach and
~ repla<ed by his auistant, Dick
Di.vis. '
A quick call to Davi. revealed that ap-
p!ieatlen were beiog accepfed for the
fll#ktllDt•.s position IOd four weeks later
lie had tbe job.
In two eeaeona with UCl's freshman
'i.ns Tift wmt 33-13. But until one of
tbole iames last ailuon. an ~vertime. 45-
43 loa to undefeated USC, Tift wa:i JUSt
mother frosh coach among :scciru 1n the
Southland. Tll . But after tha1 PD»' twas seen m a
obu!>er lialil ... w• -• --dldate '"' tbe -job when DIYll IC· .,,.,iii! tbe ooaclllng pool al San Diego
State last month. . . ·Since moving intO the c8'llm's chair at
UC! 'J'llt Is findini ncruHlng llCIDOWIW dit&ttnt than be did ·as the No. 2 man
,,_. Divis. '"f .....i to get a transcript ol a high
•• p«11pect we wlllled. pve ti In
and say: 'OK, this kid 'l"alifiee,
..... him In.' .
"Now tl>e buck stops wllll me -.I wind
dolll& tbe peper work an! all Ille rat
the stuff I took ror granted UDder ..
1 nft ts up to his elban ln tterWUng. tit pr112 caldl so tar b Paul LowTyk, •
...,. all-city -out ol l!<ll
Loi Aqieles. lie'• • &-1 guard bring a J3..point !COrh'lg average to
s UCI frosh team.
gem is all.CtFtr Garrick Barr
(M-1\) out ol Aviation Hill>· 'll>ey'll join
T'1t•1 Bob Black ('-5), BiDp'1 Rod
Smilll (~10) ...S Lomg -Poly'1 Tom
-(W) an what will~ be UCI11 flDelt frOllll tam mrt year.
'J1ii bell <l the JC .,_,... Tiii b
omt1n1 on ii Les ~ a ""-center
from LA City College.
In CIF J\iRClb at Cerritos
r •
CdM Aiming Bats
At Antelope Nine
· Corona del Mar llllli Sdloc>1'1 vmilf
blseball ttim bu bem a club-. for
111 lbllity In come tbmlP Wider 6lmne
adveillUu.. •.
lborlltop Bob Turner, a .400 batter with
a W pltclilnc r-.t. ~ Jn the heavy bitting all• for the In·
vlders from L4ne11ter re Turner1
Wayne A11iJoo (.47GJ , Chrb t:Olton (.431),
Biii Slebler (.374) and ~n Muarl (.340), The Sea Klnp barely made tbe CIF
AAA bueball playolfJ with 1 Ue for ,..
• cond p-In the Irvine Ltaaue and were
matdled qalnll Garden Grove Loque
power Saollqo In tbe opening roond.
Jones A)'I the former rour plus his two
no&War pltci>era are all-league Clll·
n-aeer will uae hurler Chris Thompson
q:ain on Friday if the rlgbthander is
pbyaically •bte. .
Santlqo, with Ill heavy bitten and top-
rated pitching staff, wu tumed away,
however, 1.0.
Pomona's San Antonio Le:que ctwn-.
pJons were ~And cotch Tom 'n'agu's
outfit rlPtied lied Devil pllcblng foe 13
hits en route to a 54 win.
Now tt's Antelope Valley, cbamptons ol
the Golden "'-· tbe Sea K(n&s-lace
Friday II CdAI. Game time Is S p.m.
1be Antelopes, under coach ~arl JODf:5,
pouesa a remarkable 1M record for the
year, are In the CIF playoffs for the
St.Venth consecutive year, have won tbe.ir
leque champioosbJp sevm years in a
row and won tbelr aecond-round test with
Riverside Poly, 7.0.
Lut year &Ile Red and Black was 22-4
!0< the .._., Joalng In tbe semlflnal> lo
Bishop Amal
Jones will start Jim Moffett on the
mound against Corona. Moffett is M for
the year with a 1.38 ERA while backup
pitcher Jack Wat.tins, a n o t b e r
rlgblhander, Is J<i with I U ERA.
Jooea: says be doesn't use his besl
pitcher uru... ablolulelY """""'Y· He's
Baeklne b1m up are Ra Snyder (3.2)
and Steve Leech (4-1}. SDyder's two
io&KI were t.O deteall at the hands of
Estancia and Loara .
ANTll.Of'I VALU''f
o. Sit~
fl. SllVO-r
WO~ w ....
·~· , __
' " " " " " " ,, • AlllTILOPI VAl.LIY flMI
' So. lekt.mil'ld
4 .... , ... llfld
I H•rt
I ,.,. .. V•llrr
J Clloltlfll'I 11i.llds
•I ••niow 2 Q11ertt Hiii
1 Vklor V•lln'
1 Blll'IM/9M !Chi,.. l•kt)
J Quertz HUI
' 11.nfOW 14 ICitnnldt' (llrtloW)
1 P'•Jf!'ICltlt
12 Vklor Vtlltly
1! OU.rtz Hiii
11 .. ,..tow
• ktl\l'lfdr
2 PelmHle
1 ltlvtrlktl l"OIY
,,_ ........ ··-"""" T11mtr c ....
• ' ' ' • ' • • , • ' • • • • • • • •
In C:IF SeDliflnals
Arcadia High Hurdle
For Tar Tenni,s Team
Arcadia IDgh School looms as the final
huidle blocking a rtmatch between
Newport Harbor and defending champion
Rolling Hills for lhe ClF large school ten-
nis crown.
The Apaches will roll into Newport Fri·
day afternoon to do battle with coach Pal
Wibon's Sailor forces in CIF semifinals
play and indications are that the hosts
will ht strong favorites to dllpooe ol tbe
Pacific Leque cbamploOI and 80 Into the
CIF finals for the third cooseeutlve year.
The Sailors lost the champlon!hip last
year to Rolling Hills and defeated Santa
Monica in 1917. for the UUe.
Arcadia, however, possesses Im·
pressive credentials.
Included in the Apaches' 21·1 season
record is a 6-3 win over San Marino, the
odds-on favorite for the small schools U..
Host Newport has an identical 21·1
mark -lhe only loss a 15%·121h decision
to Rolling Hills early in t~.season.
San Marino has been m the small
schools fmals for the last 10 years, win·
ning seven times.
Coach Dick Leach's Arcadia team
lost to Mark Keppel in PaciUc League ac·
tlon. The defeat, 15\.2--12"2, was at.Keppel
where the Apaches have failed to win in
the put five years.
The win over San Marino was the first
In 11 yurs of compeUUoo with the
But all of this, to Tift, ls like the JireHmmr1 eame. 'lbe opener is a little
over Ill months distant and for Tift, it'"
a Ion&, long Ume from May to December.
Marin.a ·High ~l's Dave Lacy \Vill be in the crF
track end field flilals Friday night al Cerritos Col·
Jege. Lacy qualified for the 100 and anchors the
Vikings' 440 relay team. He has a best ol 9.8 in the
100. First running event gets under .way at 7:45.
OCC Crewmen
Invited Again
To IRA Classic
Leach was dismayed lo learn that the
semifinal" match with Newport Harbor
would be the latter's home match.
"Playing down there I'd say we have
no chance. I thought we might have a
chance with them at t\Ome," he said.
'I Have to Produce'
Grant on The Spot at Indy
CM ,._ D11tJ rn.t Stefl
(ftll ls ta Wrd In a stries of IO'IU'
artlcJet about Onm1e Cout U'U per•••"tlel competlnc la the 1111 hi·
dluaflllla 511. )
lndiaMpnli6 Motor Speedway can be a
ln<nting ptice for even the best driver,
but in the case of. Jerry Grant , it's almost
a jinL
Grant goes to Indianapolis this year not
merely as a race driver, but ahnost like
a missionary to the Hottentots. He bas to
...,. IC>lllellllng, most of t)l In bimsell.
He'll drive 10me ol the most radical
<qUipmenl housed In Gasoline Alley,
nery nut lOd bolt of it manufactured in
Colla Mesa at the shad~-drawn super·
leCftt headquarters of Jerry Eisert. Both
car pd driver are longshots.
M fCll' the car. It is a Chevrolet·
powwed Eilert, with the most promising
modeol.~ a turbc>atevy.Nearly
everyone else in lncUanapolis is driving
...,.thing powered by Fctd.
"1be most important thing to me right
now is winning the Indianapolis net,"
G-llld. "I have In produce, and I
bow I can."
Jerry Grant
about problems wllh the car\ then a five
minute pit stop to try to stop an oil leak .
He retired hJs Car arter 51 laps.
The rest ol Grant's career has been
marked by a series of ups and downs. He
started racing moclifieds and midgets in
Seattle in the early 1950's. He spent two
years in the arm y -hi s assignment,
personal chauff eur to a general -then
returned to civilian life in 1958 to take up
road racing.
Grant tore up everything in the
Northwest driving a Y..1odel A roadster
a.gainst the sophisticated sports cars or
that time. His talent earned hint a suc-
cession or rides. first Alan Green. then
Ole Bardahl, that led him to become a
protege of Dan Curney,
Gurney and Grant were a team in long
distance rac ing from 1964 to '66. They
won lhe '66 Daytona Continental in a
Jerry's other major wins include the
Bridgehampton USRRC in '66. .ftfost o(
his notoriety comes from setting course
records, which he has done from coast to
coast. "
Giant is now 34 aiKt lives at Solana
Beach. He is ani1ous ~tor· an important
victory to pa,y· bact· car e1.wner Tom
Friedkin fo r the faith ht h a s
demonstrated Jn hls driver ,
THe victory Grant wants most of all is
lhe lndianapolis 500.
1be J05..polmd amiable giant, who
lhnmt to that size by rigorous dieting,
hu deve'°Ped the reputation of being a
bard charger who lddom linlshes a race.
He has a good finishing record at Jnd y,
Edi,son Grid Drills Start
but they only give you a gold star there if Coach Bill Vail ol Edison High School
)'GI win has welcomed 80 football aspirants for
Jf!nJ pmed hil rookie: test at lhe sprinc drills in the t:mbryon1c stage ol
Spotdw., In JtM, but wu yellow·lia(l1ld tbe lnilllll football campaign for the
after ..q two ol bi.a four qualifying laps
blca1ue he CIJ.lld only manage 149 mph in Chargers.
tht car he was drivinr. That was too slow Workouts were to be held at Edison
to llWe the -· lligh, but has been llWltcbed to Hun·
Ha 1ulad anq ~ In the 1965 rac<.. tinglon lfeach High School after one day
DrlUlc a GanllJ' In 'M, Grant was ol workoub because of conttactural pro-
b' tlcllpp1d by blYtng to make five pit blems at Edi.son where work is not com· ...,. darlnl the nm for 1 toll! of S5
--. All that littfllg around during plete.
the rae _... hlm blick to loth In the Vall hu no varsity lettermen and only
finilblng order. a lian-atul or seniors (In the fall) lo work
la 1117 Grom ....,_ through a pit with.
lllGp tbat llltecf near1y eight minutes, "There 11 Ullle lri the way of U ·
flMDy fin1lbed 20tb. This w a 1 ptrltnee in the turnout so wt hive lo go
~ corwiderinc he llarted 30th. vtry alow and lake our time to makt cure
II -tbe...,. ll«y lul !by. F'lnl 1 that lhe!e kids get a stroog background
qui:k duck hilo~he pill In teD his cnow In rootbill," says Vall.
·, ,
"\\1e·11 be putting a lot of stress on the
passlng game along with the orientation
"We'~ a typical young team," he ad· .
Usually, "typical" means no speed and
lltlle heft. , .aod for the most port that i~
how things stack up for Edison lligh·s
grid fortunes in its initial year of opera-
tions .
One athlete noted I o o k i n g good
In drills was Lyle Raymond , a transfer
from Fountain Valley High School.
He'k a cand idate for a backfield posi·
The Chargers will be ~-orking out five
da)'s • wtek and will wrap it up June 7
\vfth.an inter&Quad Spring game..
Scodeller Team
Wins at Irvine
Emil Scodeller, club pro at Annandale
Golf Club in Pasadena, led his team ~
victory Wednesday in Irvine Coast Coim-
try Club's 5th annual Pro-Am Invita-
On Scodeller's winning team were Joe
W. Poole, Costa M~; Mark Soden, Cor-
ona del Mar, Gene Bell, Annandale, and
John Hoyt, Cost.a Mesa.
The team posted a winning two-ball net
score of 121 to capture the 18-hole event.
Willie Barber, former touring pro, and
now owner of his own golf center in
Anaheim, blistered the Irvine links with a
three-under-par 69 for the lowest pro
score o( lhe day.
Two hundred contestants, including 40
PGA club pros, competed.
Orange COast College's crew was ln-
Yited Wednesday to compete in lhe
Intercollegiate Rowing Association's 1969
champklllships June IJ.14 at Lake Onon-
daga, near Syracuse University.
Il 's the second straight year coach
Dave Grant 's oarsmen have been Invited
to lhe pest.igiow; rowing classic. Last
year Coast's eight-oar shell placed second
behind Penn.
Ptfak.ing the trip with Grant will be
crewmen Dave Allen, Brad Shoemaker,
Len Warneke., Joe Flyn, Bevan Harvey,
Rocky Raun, stroke; John Niel!OO, cox'n,
and an as-yet unnamed alternate.
Both Penn and Syracuse are other ear·
ly entries for lbe IRA meet.
The college -began trying to ~
money Wednesday through public dooa-
lion to cover transportation cosls to
Syracuse. An OCC spokesman pointed out
that contributions earmarked for the
crew and made cut to the OCC Foun-
dation are tu deductlble.
Major League Standings
Eul Dtvl1lon
W L Pct.
CHICAGO 2S 14 .6'1
PITTSBURGH 19 18 -:.514
NEW YORK 18 18 .500
ST. LOUIS t7 20 .4$9
PlllLADELPHIA IS 211 .429
MONTREAL ti 23 .321
West OivltlOD
21 ti .686
22 14 .Sii
21 16 .568
17 19 .471
17 24 .415
16 25 .390
w...,..,.r, 11nv111
~lft Fr1nc:lt<.11 I. SI. LOU11 J
llll'W v..-S, A.IJ.911!1 0
Clnclf!l\1rl 1. l"t!llMthlfli.o I Haul..... J, Monl .... al 1
Pl~ 11, kn 0'-l
LOI A"'"lft J. Cl'llc:8t0 I
TM1'1"1 01...,
5 s•· _,
2~; • i ·· " 10
"" Y1rt IM<Gr1w Ml 11 A!l1~t1 IP1PN1 ).1). llllhl
MofttN1I (JMI« l·tl 11 liOvtlerl CWIJIMot ).4), flitl\I
l'ltt11Jllr1olt l l19n J.tJ .t Sell Olotte fltfrtlr Wl.11111M
C!llUM C ~ $.)) 11 l.M Mtllft !...,...
WI, l'ltthl
.Iii. lMI (W......... )·41 11 IM l"rtfldlce
l/qrk:MI WI °""' •-' ktledUled.
Eut Dlvlll•
w L Pct.
BALTIMORE 23 13 .1113
BOSTON 23 13 .639
DETROIT 11 I& .529
WASHINGTON "" Zl .. 488
NEW YORK 19 21 .475
CLEVELAND I 24 .2511
West Dlvllfoa
CALIFORNIA 11· 24 . .......,.... .....
1111......... 4 Mw-.t1 J
... """ M. C..ijfronili J.,J
Ntw Yer'tf 4 Dlill11nd S. ll lntll!lfl
ktttlt 4 W•llll• I
1(1,,..1 c,.., " c ...... *"' • 0.trtl'I 11 ClllU116. ttlll
, ... V'. ··-
2'1 ... " 8
8 1~
" ·• • s . .,
0tt .. 1t (Utldl Sii W. (Ilk-If ~,,.11,11!"
~Nrmwt 1 .. 1. l'littlt
K-. Cttr !Onto t-1) M CM""°" !flllworlfl 1-11, 1'111111
M!Mettr• l'tn'T >11 .t 9•1t.,,,.,. {~~In 14), nleM
SMltlt 19.it M ) ti W•illlllll1'1M C'•K!.111 1-tl, ....
Ctlifwlll• c~ >ti *" ..... !NHr HI °""' ··-"'*flllH.
Leading singles player for Arcadia ls
Rusa Greiner, whom Leach describes as
being on the same par with Newport's top
singles threats.
Leach considers his aggregation the
best-ever at Arcadia. In 1958 lhe Apaches
went ta the CIF semis and a year later to
the finals before fa1Ung·to La Jolla.
It's the first time ever that Newport
Harbor and Arcadia will meet in tennis,
All:CAOIA _(1'1· ll NIW'1llll:T Ctl·I) • Pa...teM • ' P•lol Verdes • :IOI\ WHI COYN .. , • l.B Wll5011 • 21111 MonltblllD '" • P•sadtn1 ,
' --• 12\IJ Rolllno Hlllt ... • Sin Merino ' " So. Torri~ • in• So. P•••n• ... 16'.4 Slnl• Mon!U "" " Alh1mbt1 ' 261'1 M1rlN '" 121'l ~r-K-1 15V.. u SA V11lt' ' " ··-, .. W11ftm ' 21\lo El Monlt .. 2lYI $anl1 Alll •• 'H\\11:--' 11'1 21 Anllwlm ' 1Jl't Monrevl• 2'1.1 1S Wntmlm!tr ,
H Siii G1brill • " H1111tll!fl0n • ~ Ath.mbrl l'~ 21 M1rl"1 ' n,,.~l'll ,_, ~ )FYI SA V111tr " t4YI Arror11 Jl'I 24\'I WnRrn ,., .. El Monlt ' n Slnl1 A~• • .. ·~ .. • " An1r..1m ' 20\o'i Monmv\1 11'1 2J W11tmln1ltr ' .. 1111 G1ltr!t l • " Hun!ll!flO<I ' " So. T1rraiw:t ' " Bel11 Gr1ndt ,
20V• Futlrnon "' lfV. l.11r1 '"
1969 UahlAmericJ
Available w/Automaue Transmission
J~rt llplll I
il111p l11 I·-,
J1f19 WIST COAST Ht•HWAT -NIWPOlT llACH J 1 r lt1 p o rt
31111por1 s Mi-MOI -17M
A.1 .... loo4 M• e AUSTIN·HIALIT -.................... ·-·-·-·
Refleetlens, en a Season. ·-·. Europeans
LaguM Track Meet-Ruted-Compeie-
Area's B~st-maiwged Show In Meet
European champions
Track and field In high school circles
has just about gone the route for the year
with only Friday's action at Ce rritos
College (CIF fina.IJ) and the stale cham·
pionships at UCLA left on the agenda.
After viewing, among others, the
Southern CounUes Meet at Westminster
(Huntington Beach was the host school},
the Chaffey High Invitalional, the Beach
Cities Meet at Newport Harbor, Laguna
Beach's Tropby Meet, league finaJs and
CIF prelims plus several dual meets, this
corner has come lo the conclusion that
'''"'"'"'"''''"' ROGER
the best of them all in terms of organiza-
tion and planning W&J the Laguna Beach
Trophy Meet run by that school's track
eoach, Jack Lythgoe.
Lythgoe and his cohorts have the good
sense to run Cee field event finals on the
'Preliminary day to give the varsity and
Bee entrants in field events all the time
they need on the final day of action.
Jt works to perfection. When the 1varsi·
ty mile relay is run -the last scheduled
event of the afternoon -it is indeed the
final event.
Track meets are notorious f0r running
off schedule with pole vaulters and higb,
jumpers still compeUng long after the
mile relay has been run.
The Laguna meet has been run 30
times over the years and Is designed
specifically for small schools athJetes.
* * * Newport Harbor High'1 Beach Cities
and the Southern Counties Meet were
also run off in good fashion.
The Beach Cilles, which aCC1>mmodaled
10 Orange Coast area teams, will expand
to include 12 schools next year, probably
under the Ccrona del Mar High School
banner because of penalties levied
agal.nat Newport Harbor by the CIF of·
* * * lt'1 presumed that Use reltrlclJOll CNt
oil Huallllctoo Buell Sc ... I Dhlrlcl
atllletes lrom compet1a1 ·tm the dllcus 11
based primarily on nfety 1t.andanl1.
When a discus tbrower tell loose -bis
errort is usually over the 100..foot mark
and cenerally encompasses • width of
somewhere in the neighborhood of 61
Let's hope the. occasJonal bad l'IUlt by
pole vauHen mlllti.ng ia some nagged
falls at the base ol tbe event does not put
&bat event in jeopardy for HBSD athletes.
It's Ironical that RBSD 1cbool Marina
High has no protedioa for basebt!ll
players 08 the bench from the roul line
ft.fest high scbool fields have a &hrtt or
fou r-foot wire fence in front of the
benches to give protection to tbefr
players from llne~rive b11Uels. ·
Frankly, I think I'd juat u 500ll be hit
with • wild discus as get It l.n lbe lemplo
with a baseball.
* * * Reports out of Anaheim say Santa Ana
Valley High transfers Joe and Jim
·McCulley ·will man-the~quarterb~k-and
end positions in varsity football come this
fall for Anaheim High School and veteran
George Fraser will be moved from his qb
post to balfback.
Fraser advanced to the CIF ·track
1emiflnals in the varsity 440.
&other name to keep in mind in
Anaheim's backfield -Bob McQueen.
He's tabbed for big things at the Colony.
* * * Stunner of the month: Jack Lythgoe·
of Laguna Beach has been replaced as
head track and field coach. Official rea ·
son : The Artists wanted a track coech
wtio also tutored cross country in the
fall .
100 Candidates Working Out
In Westminster's Grid Camp
Ne.arly 100 football can·
didales are participating in
spring football drills a t
Westmimter High School, but
coach Bill Boswell is the first
to admit mo.st of them are
new and inexperienced.
Gone are such standouts as
All.CIF player of the year
Darryl Berg, All • CIF
performers John McLaughlin,
Greg Mc.Cants and Ro n
Shepherd along with 31 other
t1enior members of the Lions'
1968 Sunset League cham·
pionship squad.
"We've only got two starters
back and they were the
smallest players on last year's
club," said B,oswell.
However one of t h o s e
players is quarterback Ed
Bane, a two-year starter for
Westminster, and his presence
gives Boswell a firm anchor
point to build his offense.
The other returning starter
ls guard John Biaze.
Also included in t h e
Westminster turnout are nine
other lettermen, but most of
them .saw limited action last
The monogram winners in·
elude linemen Al Dages, Jim
McNaughton , Dan Passalec-
qua, Carey Smith, Dan
Wieczorek an~ Dino Aldridge,
along with backs Doug Milne.
Greg Newhouse, Mark Wilbur
and Kurt Dedrick, who also
was the Lion punter last year.
Westminster also has one
transfer in camp. 8 o b
Williams, a defensive,end and
tailback from Mater Dei.
Williams translerred last year
during the .f~ll season and
won't be eligible until the
Lions' third game this fall.
''We 11ave lot s or
sophomores work:ing ou.t, but
they don't have any size com·
pared to list year's team and
we're a whole lot greener,"
says Boswell.
"Right now we are teaching
our kids how to move -it's
kind d a remedial program.
"It's bard to w~ through
all of these kids right now and
select any new standouts.
"What is encouraging is tht
number of good sophomores
we bave out and their attitude.
Ir they maintain that attitude
we can look to the future with
a few smiles."
Boswell said he has no plans
to change the Lions' Pro-I of
fense. "We'll look the same,
but we'll just have a lot of new
people in the lineup."
The Lions will conclude their
spring drills with a June 6
night game against a squad
composed or last season's
"They'll kill us,.. s a y s
Boswell, bu t then l h o s e
players killed just about
everybody they met in 1968.
Huge Triton Turnout
Bolsters Grid Hope s
A new coach, a new system
and a 1-8 record for San
Clemente High School football
is in the past.
Varsity coach Tom Eads has
120 grid applicanta out for the
spring drills and forsees bet-
ter things in 2969 for the
By Marvin Myers
"It's a lot different this
year. Last year I was a new
coach in a new school and had
to start from the ground up in
every phase.
"The biggest thing about
being a coach is kllOwing your
personnel. It's a different
situation altogether this year.
"Our coaches feel we'l'f: ac-
complishing a great deal more
this year," says Eads.
San Clemente drills are
being run four days a week
wrapping up w I t h a spring
game June 7.
"We're trying to teach as
much knowledge of o u r
system as possible. Spring
practice isn't for conditioning.
We just try to teach the. team
Lhe system and practice the
drills and format of our prac-
tice in the fall," Eads adds.
San Clemente will have 20
lettermen back from last
¥ear's CreslvJew Le ague
cellar team .
A transfer from Foothill
I Ugh School showed up in Jack
Kalota, a 200-pound, 6.0 senior
jn the fall.
He's working out In the
fullback slot
And, speed has shown its
way into the Triton backfiekl
with ruck Geddes. a 9.9
sprinter looking impressive in
He's penciled In as a run-
Ludwle Danek of
Czechoslo~akJa and Eddy Ot-
toz of JtalY have been added lo
the growing lisf ol entries for
the Orange County Invitational
track meet Saturday, June 14,
at El Modena Stadium, ~
cording to p>e<t director Earl
Danek, the former world
record holder and European
champion io the discus throw,
will be meeting his nemesis,
Jay Silvester o{ Utah, in the
afternoon meet.
Silvester, the current world
record bolder, is one of few
men to conquer the Czech
strongman in the last four
Danek's best mark land
former world record) is 216 ft.
9 in., a distance he threw in
Long Beach in 1.960.
Ottoz, like Danek, was a
bronze medal winner at last
fall 's Olympic Games in Mex-
ico City. And, like Danek, he
will be meeting a familiar ri-
val at the Orange County meet.
When ottoz gained his
bronze medal in Atexico, he
nipped Leoli Coleman of the
United States for third place.
Coleman will be one of the
competitors he 'll race at El
The European high hurdles
champion will be making his
ri rsl outdoor appearance in
the United States in the
Orange County Invitational.
He competed here indoors in
1965 with good suceess, but ad·
mitted that the 60 yard
distance was a little short ror
He has been rinked In the
top four in the world in the
last four years and has a best
mark of 13 .4 for 110 meters
(identical to Coleman's best
Gunning for Mare IJ()nors
This trio of Es'iancia High School tennis players,
coached by Jtm J enne r, (right) will be entered in
the CIF individual net championships J une 2. Steve
!., .;,
Emery and Jerry \Vinter (from left) are the class.; -
Cee CIF doubles champions while Atilio Rosetti W.,.i•·
the Irvine League varsity singles champion. -1!.,'i'
The addition of. Danek and
Ottoi to the Or&n1e C9unty
entry list billies the num6er of
international stars entered in
the meet to nine.
Irvine Lake Trout Biting
The trout are jumping at
Irvine Lake.
At Jeasl, that's the word
from lake operator Russ
Cleary, who reports catches in
the three pounds-plus rangi>.
says the best bait to date has
been cheese and red. salmon
The weekl y trout plant totals
3,500 pounds.
. "'
The meet is ~sponsored by
the Southern California
Striders and the Pacific Coast
Club track teams for the
benefit of the Chi ldre n s
Hospital of Orange County.
L. M. Stevens of La
Crescenla boated the week's
biggest catch, a three-pound,
12-ouncer last week. Cleary
Cleary also report'! catfish
have been active in the area
near Sierra Cove. Tom Rhodes
of Huntington Beach landed a
12-pounder with cheese. HAl:IOlt SHOPPING CENTER 2JOO HAR.IOI ILYD. ¢ ,
No other popular pickup goes
to the lengths Chevy
to save you money.
Several lengths, In flCt. Like: offering pickup boxes
that r.-.ge In length from six-and-one-hall feet \o
a king-size nine-footer.
No matter what 1l2• you prefer, you 're going lo
get • full .neawre of Chevy's Pacesetter Value with
each mod"'° For Ntanee: lhe blggefil power choice
among popu~ plclwpt. Six or V8. Including a hfll-
cilmbing 35<ku...fn. V8.
You're •Ito gotng '° get the smoothest ride 11111
skte ot 1 pusenger car. Thanks to ., 1ll·11leel Wide·
pendent front auspension thl! refuaes to acknowl·
edgo bumps.
Inside the double-steel cabs, you're going .to find
such Pacesetter Values as thlck loam seata. Which
provide strelch--out room tor three. And you'll dis·
cover thal safety' features surroond you like a
security blanket: four·way flashers, seat belts, dual
brakil"IQ sy&tem, padded sun visors and tnOfe.
Besides all the built-in Pacesetter Values, !here's
plenty you can order. Everything lrom power steer·
Ing to chrome wheel covers.
Wrap It all up In • small price and tt becomes
pretty clear : Chevy will go 10 great lengths to
please you.
. "
• " ..
, ,.
'• ...,.
" .~
" . ......
" . . "
' •'· ..
,;_(. .. . , ...
' '· ~ ,1•
:,. ~
. 111£ AFFl OfliT fSTAllll~HMENT~
ning back and •lt ern•l • ' ,.,.,.
quar1<ri>ack 1n 111e fau after • Chevrolet Pacesetter Values :t·' spending time b ~ . ..--. e e n •i'""''~.'
q·uarterbtck and end Iast ye&r.1--------------------------------'~----------------...-
' ..
T~, May 22, 196'
;;.;, hy Deke Hou l!i!afe '<"~'·'
~ moll !amoos birthday party Jn Indianapolis will be
t wh@i&. aubdued next • week. The Ufl9ef' ckan will gather in
..-.seaa motel near the speedway the night bSort the 500-mile--.....s ce1ebratt the 30th anniversary ol the birth ol one ol its
:Fgyz T racing SOOS, Al.
~a.De lucky stro'ke oC (ate dictated that Al Unser was to be
v the day before Memorial Day in l!t39. lfis bil;tbday
•,..ovided lbe rallying point for one ol the closest kindships in .-world d. alto racing. ~plide lbe private room where they med to honor Al the talk
be as somber and reflective at times as tt is joyous ood
E . Nobody attempts to deny that nerves are taut the rflgbt
the most importaM auto race in the wurkl.
'-'. year they'll kid Al. but not abou.t his chances in the race. ~11 ~ bim iood naturedJy to bide their colleftlve disap-
~ at hrs midortune. +
~ .'1 Jost his dlance to drive in the 500-mile Memorial Day race ~ be was clowning around on a motorcycle last week
F om~ High Schools · Honor. .
Toj) Athletes at Banqllets
Orange ~ area spring
sports athleles at four high
schools were feted Wednesday
nlgl't. ' A H!Jntingt.oo Beach High,
Mik Contrer~ was named
Al.hi le ot the Year and Tony
Bonwell garnered the lnspifa-
tionaJ Athlete of the Year
Most valuable awards went
t.o Bob Ryder (basebaU), John
Bitting (golf), Lance Norris
(swimming), Garth Wise
(track) and Keith Orahood
At Laguna Beach ii was
Dave Hustwick ( t r a c k ) ,
Charlie Ware (swimining ),
Blair Bollas (baseball), Rick
England (tennis) and Brian
Wainwright (golf) winning
most valuable awards.
er~~~t l~~ injury from a pbysi<:al standpoint, but it
~!>< Ille ,_., only !750,000 !Joo.boo. . CHALK TALK -Saddlebaclr College athletic director George.Hartman ·(right)
and St. Louis Cardinal receiver Dave Williams go over plans for Saddleback's sports clinic, to be held Saturday at the coilege.
Mark Heumann was named
Triton of the Year at San
Clemente High School.
Most valuable titles went to
Bruce Jones (baseball), Rick.
Geddes ttrack), Terr y
Plowden (tennis) and Scott
Renfro (swimming).
Tt""ls \l•rsllY -MY; Ric~ Enal1nd: Most
Trout Plants
• •• ~that niFt will turn to brUhe!-Bobby, who will keep
\.dlraan Ille strq: ol Umer appearances at the Speedway that.
.... ua. It's unlikely lhlt anyone will "'"'"" Ille feeling ~ Al's .x:ideot f<ftbodes some terrible everi. during the race,
liut;the • • Rioo ie there.
,. "l.ib! all racing people, tile Uosers are supentitioos.
~1 G.fte Umin Jolt one d. their oldest 9Cfti, Jerry, in a r-ace c.ar
<ll!lbe apeed*"t In 195&. Both Bobby · and Al hove survived in-c ·¢1.Je accidedl' at Indiarapolis.
Gaucho Grid Oinic Slatecl Costa ~1esa High honored ilS
baseball team and Dan Clark
'valked away with the top
prizes, being named captain
and most valuable 9n the
l\luslangs' team. ··~~.lklbby was 9Jvoived ~ tbt Darning crash tbat took the lives of
RMie SaeJw . .d-Dave·MacOonald in1964.-Al hit the wall last }'ear
dUr'1g the race !hat Bobby woo.
• -SO when they get together Aext Thursday night for that quiet famiJ1 dimer, away from the throngs of drivers, mechanics,
manafa:turu representatives, reporters and fans. the Unser
fan;illy will wonder about what rate might have he.Id for A1 Unser
In the ...,. 1bis year.
la411 ·c,....,. -A-some Sl9ht
1f y•'ve ever bee111\. ~polis ~fotor Spttdway oa race
day, yoa bow Uw: fediaf ,of awe tllat 1weeps through the stands.
Jt Nllldimes seerm u if~tbe crowd is a5 mucb lnlplml by its
.,.. enormity u it ls by.the 33 can on the starting: I.Ute.
Nobody who bas merely been to a Rose Bowl game or seen a
Ha'JftlPt cbam.pioubip rigllt e1.11 rellU:"ito the site of the
crnd. im.pw for a momeat two Rose ~ct! with Pffl)le.
_. fw tlMe O"Vttflow, pack u ......, as,,_ eat,. onte the football
fleldl tllauelwa. ;rt.e§lia te 1tmd 11p W lit. n.t's bow
JaU1 r ... dleft."" 11. . at hldy oa Memorial Day. lncllanaMfis MeelrS)ieedw• is Ole or die \even wonders ol
tft modma......W,---1-l·only 1111 dlly:
Tbe nen darl~~polis M• ~~way was ·~u s~ a~
C011crete, .aintd •r ·c1kcarded papc!t. bottles nd can~and caked
witll aplotdtes ef · rintd. lt was · a ®mpy streetdre wtth no fit
purpose. . ..,
Aft.er last ye.a:F.':s ·nee, as DeW:smeD wert filing out for lhe
prtss box and d.,.,_ a. r.aUter optD stairway. tbe immensit~ Of the
crewd coukl be seei., ·as1 people !tlrged In all directions over the
1idewalk1 and slrtell below .
Jlirfolls ott Car• Prorol«•s Tnrmo!J
The controversy over airfoils on race cars cortinues ·10 rage,
here aOO abroad. Aerodynamic wings attached to race cars are
not allowed at Indianapolis'. but they are permitted by the!SJX>rl!
Car Club of America on fonnula A cars. which are similar to Indy
cars, and on Group 7 sports cars. Wings are the rage i"n Europe Vri
focrnula ooe· grand prix cars. .
There was an outcry to ban all wings following the Spanish
Grand Prix at Barcelooa earlier this month,-in the wake of two
accidents blamed oo faulty wings. ·
Graham Hill crashed his car. apparently when his wing
r;tarted to come off. lie was on foot. headed back to the pit.~ to
warn that lrQUble was: ahead for Lotus teammate Jo Rindt when
fue Austrl'ti:I experienced wing failure. went out of control and
bounced off'Miu;s damaged machine,
Observers ,c~ that the Lotus wings. bigeer than any seen
previously oo fonn~one cars, created so much pressure on the
upright bars holdin~ ~ that collapse was inevitable.
With coDapee of 4tle struts holding up the wings. race cirs
under them were no Jonger stable enough to hold the road. caus·
ing the crdles.
Other si milar accidenlS ha\'~n noted in fo rmula A rare~
ort this continent. and the problern"bl._ wing failure has brought
about three sugg&ed solutions: .-
(I) The anti·wing people want .them ou\\a'lf.._M.
N_oted _.,_persooalities
from the college and pro level
will be the featured guests at
Saddlebock College's all-day
Gauchb Athletic Clinic Satur-
~ for the clinic
WiU be head at 9:JJ a.m. at the
college cariipus, J'ocated east
of. the Sen Diego Freeway On
Crown Valley P•kway.
All area high school
coaches, athletic directors.
trainers and equipment
manager:s 1a,e jnvited.
Scheduk!:t to speak are • pro
football pray e r s Dave
\Villiams. St •. Louis Cardinals: Rod~.Cin cin nati
llengais, ...J !'red H i 11 ,
Bob Boyd .. is the m~
speaker cm.~·basketball ~
gram. The.iUSC head coaeh
wil l bring his asststant, Bob
Baseball Tilt
Set June 19
The second annual Orange
County Norlh VS South All.Star
~seball game has b e e n
stheduled for June 19 al La
Palma Stadiun1 acCording to
the K.iWanis Club or .Anaheim,
sponsor of th!! event.
~· game pits the oulSLan·
dinf' prep graduates from
Orange County in a nine·in ning
game beginning at 8 p.m.
Eai;b team will carry 18
--playl!n; with no more than two ,
players Jroin any one school.
Should the game go into ex·
Ira innings. players may re-
enter the game to gi ve
coaches a free hand in usin g
up it.heir rnanpov;er during the
regiib:tion nine innings.
(2) Some competitors want n.ile makqs"'-to-1> set up more
l>pf!ci:(ic guidelines·on where a wing can,:be, how b1g, bow it must
be built and in.!i:atled and how man:v can be put on a car.. r _JM. S}
(3) The pro-wing peopl< Sap <Mt wir1I! f<rilures ui'natural \.Al ates
penalties of progress, that eoch failure teat'fles man how to llll~
a better, more fail-5afe Wing. ·' S F
Nobody yet has asked the ran what he likes. Do wings add or •• ports ete
detract from the spectacle of raci nt::? Why? Shoold the wing be ·
distlarded as "bad for the sport." like~the turbine engine? Is it The seveolh annual Corona
f~·progress, making cars more like airplanes and less ap· de! Mar High School Boosters
pe;:ilng? Does the wing add a neY.' dimenskin to auto racing? Club steak • ,(ey and sports
•H anybody out there is a speciat«' with an opinion. we'd like a wards prisentations is
to bow, and we'll pass the information lo the right people. Write scheduled for Siiturday af.
to !care o( this newspaper. ternoon at the s c h o o I
e don'l expect to get a flood of letters, because not many cafeteria.
ha ~seen a wing in actioo. Aside from Jim Hall's Chaparral there DiMer begins at S wilh the
baVtn"t been many winged cars around. awards presentations slated to
ormula one cars now have wings in front. as well as wings ~gin at 7 p.m. ·
the driver. Two wings per car, a stridly European gim Outstanding aU1letes of each
will scQI be tht_ rule in this country, unless the rules d rac-sport in the school's 10.sport
inf'lal'e chmged. ' program will be honored.
Sound of
103.1 FM
Head basebaU coach JOOil cran ror ro years. 5addletia<:k
Scolinos: from Cal Po I y trainer Bill Otta will also
(Pomooa) wiJJ also appear. make a presentation.
Speaking at the clinic's The clinic will conclude 'A'ith
general sessioo will be Dr. a steak fry at Mission Viejo
Robert Ralls, a team physi-ranch.
l .IMb&ll var~llv -C•ola!n; Chris Sere: MY: 6<>0 lht:er Junior V~r~llV -Cao!1ln! C•!v1n A~~J; MY: Ra~/vlrt .
VIM"•l"' -C1olaln! Larrv Evnoni MV: Jo~~ BltlhlQ, Swl"""I.,. VlnifY -C1olalf1; lloOerl Sdlffr1
when you buy one for regular trade-in price
ilvertown HT 77
e HT no has a wider, deeper tread
than even our new-car tires!
• So you get even greater mileage.
And an extra margin of safety!-
Second tire $1422 as low as ·
1100, .. 111, l!il>tlm. $in l.OO·ll. '"'' rt<t f• 111 Ill Jl.'4 Ille! lltfH!t. Wltti ..... 1111111•~, ~·1~ ...
Easy budget terms!
•n ... ill M ~illd•lt'r·...!r 1.,Si. llll l•tdl#ll hrtt. T~r ~"~""" "l"""''"'" IMll'* lfl'> • tht ~Wlld•dst1•tJ.G*oo:• Titt Co"'f).1•1. UMnID TIME OfFER !
* FREE *
........ ~-BRAKE RELINE
UP TO 10% MORE M~tuS•I
• SIJOng, bruise·m~ting
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polye.ster cor1,t
• Big wide tread lor bencr
trachori 11nd br11~inri.
L. J. LITTLE'S Big 0 Tire
PHONE 893-5572
DAILY 8 am • 7 pm • Sat. Til 5 pm
-,., ·-· ---··-·------................... -.-. ________ ....... J ____ ~ ____ ........................... _. ___________ ~ ... ---..... -------:-..,..------:c----:---:"~-...,~-.,..-----
Tltundiy, .... 22. 1969
l 01'U .4round-Orange Coast A.rea ·Greens . '
• Sine• th• right hand follows •
Carolyn ~.arvin Wins El Niguel CroWd
Carolyn Marvin, ls the Ross Miller (Pafadlse OC). lienderson apct Bill and Myrtle oou.ples partners best. +' A tie for third resulted Webster and Ct1ta Neth at •
women's club champion of El IN-t d ' ·•·• t Oba d t d Nu• Niauel C.ountry Club 1 n" "'u~ ay s ......,. waa wo rr f1l rney an .i:JUJU.1 event Wllh a ~ 15 at Ran between Jack Frazier (71-lO-followed by Fran Lewis and
Laguna Niguel, posUng a low best balls ol foursome Jnd Roh<rbon a SS. San Joaquin CoUnlry Club. 68) alJ<I Art Noel (SHUii Martha llcClun II a.
grou score of 276 to capture SCodeller's team PoSted a 121 Seulftf Second place went to Lund followed by Les Jones (M-1> Other hiah flilllben: were
honors In the filth annual El -18 under par. and Marilyn Jona at 68 69), Len Porter (13-14-89), Marty Sc-. and SldOll1
Niguel classic . They shot a ·J.2.un par 69 Ro!emary Erickson shot a followed by Orrin and Dorothy Herb Go Id s t e In (1(1..10.70), Calla~ (M), Bev Ba&tilliMI
ih• guldonceOf.the lert through ..
out most of th• swl('lg -until it
l•htlthrciughthe ball in the hit·
til\g or.a -·you wa.nt a delicate
sen•• of feel with this hand.
~eneveryouwontto hold •ome·
thing delicately, you do it with
your f i ng e r1 -not your palm.
And that's how y:u hold .lhe club
m'!:: w:=~~ to;:': on the second 18. ~Tuesday .to "in th~ blind Wrtgbl's '1. Jack Towle (7H-70) and Dean and Mitzi Smith (15), Qiill
llt\,t__clenienT weatber,W Uh--ui B•tttfiljion Beaen -_:-;e.:eveot-in-women s---club-Jo Allherand"""Marr.Jbhnson~ -Mt€1anahan -(t3=13-10). --ianelli-and-Mal'ion-C--.
final day's play of the M-bole, . activity with Yula Tolleffson highllefited the" tourney, each Others were Roy Moort (in.. (66), Joyce Clplb and M
with the right hond--in tht fin•
gtrs($M ill1,111hation f l rorproptr
three-day event fini.shlng up A Field Day ls scheduled for second at 68. posting oet hole-in-ones. 21-71), Fred Fredensbura: (St-Schwaiger (88), Rita ~
last week. Sunday fgr the Men's Club at Mqi's club aclion over the In a twilight scotch hi·lo ID-71 ), Frank Bartosh (7$+ and Agne.ti Bellmore (17)'°_.
AJ this year's winner, she Huntington Beath Country weekend ended up with Don derby for the men's club last 71), Don Keentr (~12-7'l) and Martha Ciampa and VM
automatically receives ao In-Club. Goddard ta k I ng the week. it was Carl Benson and Pete Petersoo (87·15-72). Fairchild (17). • ,l
vitatlon to play in the Mickey Foursomes, three best balls sweepstakes title with a 67. Frank Smith outlasting 15 Women's action Monday ln Following that field .._
Wright Invitational tnuma· with full handicap will prevail. Ed .\.lien was second with 8 other two-mao teams. an "If" tourney on the Lake Betty Brown and Slla ,al
Marcos in early October. a draw. Teeoff is slated for Les Rosenthal and J i m score were eliminated on each Maze (BU-75-31) and Adrian-Ann Rutledge (SI), •
When thi• riaht•hond grip i1
clcaea_, th~rii•d by Hle
thumbaod forefingershould paint
to your right.shouJder (ill1,111t"ration
12). If it points to the leftof
this shoulder, you are holding th•
club too much in the palm, rother
than jn your fingers.
ment to be he.Id at Lake San Teams will be made up from 68 followed by Joe Costa's 69. Two teams with the highest Course was won by Nadine Wyne (68), Nell Miller=!
Winner in the low net 8:30 a.m. Thompson tied for (ourth with hole 11nW a winner was resolv-na Coote (9l-IS-7:J.38) in A Hawkes and Nan Devine
_5)i'lbion of the.~e.tomhi...D A Hi-kt calcl.ltta follows dln~ 70s. ed. U1ght competition. Dorothy Roberts and '
flight was Adilia Phlllfps wiih ner iD UiTWBmil". tne Calloway fllgfin was -PauTRWife'"iirallaVel>~ee oongarr ''fttUowed-:---Mttrphy-(•);-Dorotlly rt'
.. C lff' HAT\, Mo-..,.,..
Large Grid Turnout
Laguna Bonanza-
37 at Workouts
Numbers are a primary con-
cern for Laguna Beach High
School football fortunes and at
the moment coach Hal Akins
is basking in the sunshine with
a team roster of 37 -a dozen
or so more than what the
Artists started with last fall en
Troy Cage-
Slate Out
released it! 1969·70 basketball
schedule, which features 13
home games at _lhe Sports
Arena on the 26-game menu .
The Trojans are entered in
the Far West ·Basket.ball
Classic December 26-30 at
Portland with Oregon, Oregon
State, Washington, Washington
State. Temple, Illinois and
Michigan State.
The schedule :
~! : 1'/
. " 1i. Jen. l Ji n. • 1:~: ~·: Jiii. J'!•. J FtO. 1 Ftb. t F10. ll Ftll. U
'··· u F ... I •tt. '"· MM. j /11111.
MVP Goes
To Whitaker
Costa Mesa High School held
its annual awards banquet for
the swimming team Monday
night at the school's cafeteria
and Chris Gammon and Dave
Whitaker were the top In·
Gammon was named cap-
tain and Whitaker m o s t
valuable for the varsity.
V1r•I .... -C..,taln: Ch,11 Glf'l)mon: MV: 0.Ye Whlt1kro: Moll lmPr-.
011'1! l91nl'IOl'll MOii lnseilr1t~I; Cr•lw llolfNn.
&tt -C10!1!11: ltll'IOY Klntl MY:
ltad Kl-; Motl lm..,o .. eo: ,...n W•~ll<:fl; Moll IRl1olr1!Jenal: ltod
11:011. CH -CIPlllll; John C1t"Pl!flier1 MY:
l !ll MCAIWM''I Mm! lmP,.,...d! Ml-t V1r'#lllllJ Moll lnulr1tloMl: l rllft
route to pfck.ing up the
Crestview League title.
And, although almost the en·
tire starting lineup i s
graduating this spring from
the Artists' title team, Akins
is back in business despite the
lack of a junior varsity team
fron1 last year,.
__!ncluded in the Ii.st of
returning starting lettermen
are Milte Abbey, Ch r Is
Bowman, Steve Palmer and
Roland McElhany .
Other lettermen are Dale
Anderson, Jerry Flahive, Grq
Kessler, Mike McMurray,
Steve Northcutt, Bart Tabor
and Mike Wieibowski.
Up from the Bee team to
help out considerably are
Steve Brooks, Brian Ottmer,
and ScoU Allen.
Akins says he hopes to ac-
complish a great deal during
spring practice despite the
fact pads and hitting are bar·
red from the drills. ·
"We usually do a lot of ex-
perimenting during the spring,
but we won't do much this
year. We'll spend mo.st of our
time .on offensive timing, a
defensive review and pOlighing
the passing, punting and kick·
ing games," says Akins.
The Artists will be doing
much of the same in the fall
as in the past with a straight
full-house I formation with the
tailback (Abbey) occasionally
~lilting out in the slot.
Akins was high in bis praise
of freshman candidate Telford
Cottam, a S-JO, 16s-pound
sprinter who has recorded a
10.6 100 in the past track
The Artists usually wind up
their spring practice with an
intrasquad game but it may
not come off this year because
or renovalion of the football
4 Finishes
Four finish lines will be
utilized at the Orange County
Invitational track meet Satur·
day, June 14, according to
meet director Earl Engman.
~lost of the finishes wlll be
oo the east side of the
stadiu:n, but finishes for lhe
100, 220 and 120 high hurdles
will be at Una on the north
end of the east straightaway.
~s .. ~..::=--T~
'ACT//A~i t 5Aft /T) AIJT A lr.4'1 M" WT
1~ AP!> CIY~!T'I> Bf /rffiiff L/l(f A CA6F.I'
~ 221. .._
"erde Gi:orge Chellius on top wtth finished second. with a taz.21.a1 (3a'h:). and Jean Wilson (II), .
A flight leaden were Marion ,, • .,. .-his 63 followed by Marvin Con-Marion Keeler scored a 75 B Flight honors were. also Grose and cathy M
Emersop with 302 and Lillian Two Quartets tied for first Ion's 71 and G. B. Cloutman recently to take low net honors tied. Joyce Caplis scored a (69), _Lenor Wahrenbroct 1M
DeZinno at 303 (Kross). place in 8 best-ball 0 r and Bernie Parryma11 at 72. in women's club action. 101-~77 (37'h:J to tie Maline Bea . Blanchard (99), ~.., Bu~dy Roode was low net foursome event at Mesa Verde >. men's club toornament is Yvonne Haig followed with a Assrnu..' 110-31-79 ( 3 7 'h) . Hoskins and Helene BdMll.
winner with a score of 231. Country Club Sunday. scheduled for ·Monday through n and Zola Bartholomew was Rosemary Skilllon followed 16') and Helen Burda <•l'.lM
Edith Carpenter took first June 1. third with 78. with a 98-26-72 (38). Maxine Assmus and INM: Ken and Phyllis Leasure and N el place in B flight activity with Bob and Elaine McDonnell The event, for men's club 1> Ina Dani son won the C Beck t69). ! • \·
iii gross score of 295 and Jackie shared the honors with Dr. members only, will be a 36-... on.a /tfesa flight .with her 117-33-84 (35 'h:l Hazel Webster's grou '""'
Herman was second, carding a Lawrence and Jill Grey and hole lndividaul low net tour-ahead of Shirley Hawkes' l12· of 78 highJighted the ev~lt
303. J ney with $500 in prizes. Darrell Benedict took low 35-77 (36~'i) and Barbara Shep-was her first-ever ......
Low net was taken by oe Greta Simpson with 5Ss. gross honors over the weekend ardson's 115--36-79 (38). round. • -r /4
Second plaee was taken by ftan-;;ho in men's club action on the M E I I J d G u 1 Ill be t Virginia Whllington at 229. Bob and Verda Sblrley and '-ary ve yn m er an o c asses w o~ O
Billie MacK~nzie n C Carl and Gloria Bowden at 57. Lake Course with a 72. Mickey Willey took low gross the public. InformaUon c.a~ie
. night honors wl follow· Sn11 Joaqu·in Low net Utle went to Frank in the women's club Member· obtained by calling 540--ln third p I ace were the Leister with an 82·16-66 and guest t Fr.d ·th •· · 1~ r...o.L ed by Jean Carrick's 328. teams of Paul and ~--B ourney 1 ay w1 a ..... ruors are we '""'u~. _,_,
Libb P . _, th uv•1.11 ill and Jo Asher took first Dick Hitzeman was second at 7S t nd JI baJ'· -y rentice caplurcv e B .. ..i.1es and Jim and Peo1JV 1 . S d , . A-' · pmen a 10 1.11 low net with 238. ~ .,...... P 8~ in un ay s m1xo:u 79-12-67. Low net wa! taken by Hazel furnished.
Paul Scodeller, head pro at
El Niguel, won first place in
the recent Dunes Pr.Am Goll
tournament al the Dunes
Emerald Green Club in Las
Other members of the win-
ning team were ScodeUer's
amateur partner, Bob Murphy
of Rlv~era CC, Charles
Sexlon (Wilshire CC), and
Vike Grids
Try Pro-I
A switch in offensive fonna-
tions has been made at
Marina High School where the
Vikings' football team ls
undergoing spring drills.
The Yikes, who have been
using the double wing for the
past two seasons, will be going
with a Pro-I with a Danker
back .
Coach Jim Coon has 14
returning lettermen among a
turnout of 52 for varsity and
junior varsity Positions.
Return.Ing monogram win·
ners are ends Steve
Hernandez, Tom Richmond
and Bob Witt: tackles Dennis
Kennedy, Bob J 3ckson and
Bob Lancaster; guards John
Reed, Dave Teel and Steve
Abbott; center John Stratton;
backs Steve O'Hare, Joe Ven-
timiglia and Dave Lacy; and
Tyler Van Aken, a defensive
Quarterback candidates are
Dave Campbell up from the
Bees and junior varsity let·
lennan Rick Saeman.
The Vikings have picked up
a transfer In Tim Jennings,
who played defensive end for
Costa Mesa last year.
"We try to teach oor entire
offensive and defensive pat·
terns during 11pring drills and
we work a' great deal on Um·
ing. It's a good time to judge
the speed of your personnel,"
says Coon.
Speed may be the key word
for the Vikes in the fall with
Joe Ventimiglia and Dave
Lacf slated for heavy work in
the backfielc{.
Lacy has 11 9.1 100 to his
credit and has the size to go
with It while Ventimiglia is a
member o( the crack Marina
44G relay tum.
Both are involved in ClF
track and field action and are
not expected to tum out for
football drills unUI Monday.
The Vtkts will finish up
their sessk>n with an ln·
trasquad game on June 7.
Top Honors
To Seymour
Track star Jim Seymour
walked o[f with three top
honors Wednesday night at
Golden West O>llege 's spring
sPorts awards banquet.
Seymour, Ea 1 tern CC»
ference and Southern
California 440 I ntermediate
hurdlet champlon, was named
R.u3Uer of the Y tar In track,
mOlt lnslpraUon.I athlete and
team co-captain . ...... c:ff'-i. ~':.ii ~:; ::'""""r'~l ~, ....., .: ........ ,,.'::,•;\ .. ·--· r.:,11lftl; Mlli.1 Jllttllle " Ill'"
~ ,. ~t-:--a . ~~~~~
Buy first 3 tires
at this price'
ATlll ·
' '.
. ··Ii.
;\ft, .. .,,.,,.
. .
'·"' j•.'
1r:Jr. ,~$,.
"'~ . ...,.
I a.1r ·' . ·~ ~.r
~-•., .... ,
·• A ,. "
White StripQ f~
Plycron tlre81~:
.... get the 4th:·:
_, for .c·
Our lines! lires.-famous Atlas Ptycron Wl'llt•
Stripe-now at tremendous MVlngal 9" bo11: at
lelt for select•d.populer alt•• that f~ moat
Fords. Chevroiets, ~rnouttte, Buie~ Dodges,
Pontlecs. R•mbl•rs, Mercuryt, Oldtmobiles.
Ch-. Buy 3-got iho '"' '°' '" Atk about the aavlngs on ell ofhet Ptycron eires.
STANDARD OIL COMPANY.OF CALIFORNIA • ,.:r.ii,:r l~r:-4 """· °"""""''
~ ""' •YW-1 Kl!\ t:rltfl1 ~f~'U!Ji:::'.W"t11Ctlollrftll'Mn1 ••tt11:1 __ ...,... ___ ~;------~---~--~~---~~-~---.....:· ___ ~--------~-~-~----~
' -------------
~ ....,, ?c •• :::.--:::::• " --...... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~.-. .. ~~ ... •·~·-~~~..,,-"',...,""'>"~'"""·"'"·"'" .... ,..,,e..., ..... '>~~•"""·""'Y"~"."'..,.l'~~•.•'""•·•'"'"'"'"·00\""0"""'•""""""'"''~"''•'""''""""'""'"~"'"""'~''""'"""''"""'..,..~~··•••••<~~~~~..,...,.~...,.~-,,~~~~,,,.,...,,r,~~~~~~~~~ ,.-..
1 ·
D.\11.V PUT s
Yotir Worth
TOPICS Stocks:Up Only Way to Go
, n•tY CMAHT, l .fth.
QIJI! pcnon in l'\lt'r)' trn
(.ap.CXJQ.000 ln the United SJ#n) hU fOinr Torm-Or
mbt.aJ or emotional illMs& tbil fttt'ds Jl!i)'Chiatrlc tn. .. t·
""fL • •
W~le ~If 1s •UU lht> f1\0llt
110jMllar sport, 11'.'nnis Is com-'!"f on fa.'\t. 1lie rxrrcilf'
ls 40"i>• ter, lhc J,';tme '" bi e~Jve, and thRnkll 10 ln-
doilli' courts. thl'n-arf' no setions-It ls also 165 timP
C'QJtSUming •.• • •
Where will stock prices ~
on average JO years troaf
What's lhe ouUook for jobs
and your paycheck!
And what about the pro-
spects for your bu.sines.s' sales
and oeLP'OiiW-
BEFORE YOO even can
begin to answer the questioo&,
you must mate some assump-
tions about the new decade of
the 1970s and the following
seem reasonable: no (FIOJ'e
"Vietnams" but a world of
uneasy peace in whidi our
military speodin& remains
very high: oothing wone than
mild and short b o sin e s s
recessiiolls witA •anenplo)mwn'
averaging ~ 4 ;ier cent;
a continuing rise in the cost of
living averaging about 2¥. pa
cent a ytar:-r~al
tu rots ; sufficient social
\V-~n IT'!""o\'f'N'f'itht mo"'
r,...uently than m<'R. l /:'t
nf~U ~rican wom('n o\Tr 3fi tU"f' at Ice.st 10"1-hca\•ier' t~ standard. 15-,. of "om·
f'IJ,I. bet"''('eR 45 and 55 a rt
()\T/"Vo'eighl. ' . . .
Tolla,y's dottor-to-bf. sp._.nds
a.IJOut $20,000 to earn bis
'.\I)?., lnclud.inl: cul.lf'ge and
mildical M!hool. 1-• • •
' rc*fmodcrn .servi~ \\'il.h old-
Corporations Buying
Own Luxury Jetliners
falbioned courtesy. · brinc-
)~r pructlptions to:
corporations, vying to stay on
the global pa~ of b I g
business, today are investing
in mott and more flying com-
mand posts.
·l 3$1 ~·-~ IMch M2-ISll
Some 900 privalt jtlliners
are in opcralions. and sales
are booming · even though an
executive jet ranges up lo SS-
million and maintenance is
around $2.00,000 per year.
Fifth corporations 'h a v e
bought Grumman's big
Gulfstream TI, a :J.passenger
1win jet. Twenty Oy the
Fairehild·Hi\ler Corporation's
46-passenger F -tl, a turbine
powered plane. Ung·Temco-
Vougbt .of Dallai flies a
Boeing m, on<! Stavros s.
Niarcho&. Gred: shipping ty·
fOOO. has ordered one. Of-
fteials of I.be Internalional
Brotherhood of Teamsters jet tO negotiations a n d con-
fertnetS in a private craft.
And Frank Sinatra's personal
jet seats srx.
A muclHliscussed late enlty.
test nown but not yet in
servitt, is Playboy magazine's
$>million all-black beauty. a
McDonnell Douglas DC 9-30
which can ny 40 and sleep 15.
This strelched ve-sion ot the
commercial jd. liner . has A
sunken bath and a six by ~ght.
foot circular bed in publisher
Hugh Hefner's private
quarters. •
Customiz.ed interiors are de
rigueur in lhese f1y\pg "bug
proof " executive suites. Aside
New Facility
At Irvine
The ll}'draulic Speciallies
Co. has purcbased property
ior a new plant at the comer
of Oeert and Ashton Streets in
the Irvine Industrial Complex..
~!mon lo(~•b•y Ii 1111 only
f11ll . ti mo bo•tin9 editor
1-rkin9 on •ny 11•w,p•P••
if,; Or•n9• Co11nty. Hi1 ••·
<f:'lu1i"' co"'''9' of bo•I·
•hif e nd y•chtin9 """'' 11 • ~dllly it1t1.1ro tf tho DAil Y
Company presilieot Thomas
II. Smith said total con·
side.ration for I:ind a n d
buildings is expected to exceed
The initial facility will cover
24.000 square feet of manufac-
turing and office space, with
room for future expansion.
Arcltilectural and engineer·
Ing services are being handled
through Novikoff Engineers of
Los Angeles. "
" r ' • ,.
' . •
•• ,
I ,.
when orrilg a
• mce car was
' fashionable?"
l hou W!rt Ille d1ys! Sllldt:n1s
v.ere btller beh1-rd. Altpl1nts
we11n'I sa llOis r. rree•11s wert
Im CTO'ltdtd. Yes, lhtrt ·~ a
llCllC .tlen ownint 1.\IN1 \ tft ••s
the s.matt thine lo do. But lim1~
Nft thln&td. And a!Gnf: wi!h the111,
11,H mt! ~I !Mines' pracltttL
Now, teuin1's the tbinf:. A Rood
thine. Hot lor everyone riecess¥11f,
but lllf)'be tor )'Oil, To l11!d out.
tin or dfop by MacHow11d Leni•·
Ccl a t.OllY of our l'llNfJ outsl1ot-
1Nl..lftSll'tt' foldtf. fCo cost. No
eblcita loti of ftttu1I -· OpM Won. thru S.I.
Mac HowaRb
from pleasing the board
chairman or preaiclent. they
must impress customers and
double as airborne display
cases If necessary.
Hefner's jet will reek with
Playboy's philosophy of the
"good life." Pacific Airmotive
of Burbank is busy outfitting il
lo H e f n e r ' s specifications.
Aside from the roman bath
and kingsized bed, it will have
stereo music, movies, a bar.
conference room and the bun-
ny UWgnia oo the tail.
Cabin configuration ls a pre>-
blem because of the many
subtle functions of such flying
offices. Tbty must be roomy
enough for comfort. but in:
timate enough to provide the
proper setting for selling a big
customer, avoiding a merger
or wooing stock shares from
an important · bolder. Enter·
tainmenl facilities such as
bars, movie!, music, card
rooms are standard equip-
ment. Walk in closelS, standup
bars and even artificial lire
places are part of the bold,
futuristic planning. Such in·
leriOfS run anywhere from
$100,000 to $500.000.
But the general cwporate
feeling ls that Jetli n er
dividends are welt worth the
expense when a few hours can
.spell the difference between
beW, taken over in a merger
or avoiding one.
Di Gio1·gio
Oka ys Split
l __
124 No. Harbor at Bolsa • Santa Ana
Telephone (714) 531 ·0607
DECISION.MAKERS -Nonna.-Slocb (left). rt-
crultmen! m•nagcr of McDonnell-:Dollilas, HunUn1·
ton Beach. talks over Golden West College's now
mld·management program with Fred Weber. GWC
teacher and program coordinator, and Joel 1'font·
gmnery, Montgomery, fiuntington Beach, a sopho-
more, l!i lhr nC\\"ly elected president or Golden
\\lcst's l\1id -~1anagemenl Club.
Wednesday's Closing -... ----------.......... L .. ci.<111.
Tlwldtr. M11 U, 196'
, ¥ 4!±
O.lll Y "1.IJT ~· I
. ~*J(
• • New York Stoek Exchange List
Anierican Stock Excliange List
' • •
I '
' No Fti.ror
Over Bard
HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -All through the recent l~~o~v~er sex on television, I kept waiting for
· g to happen tb:at never did.
What I was waiting for was for .wmeone to start
fuss aver the fact that CBS-TV's British produc-
ol. uA MidlWDIBl" Night'• Dr~' was rather
and )ile<>llfUl..willt"'11Clity.· ' ' ' , . '.MI remember. '!n't..,t-belol)'1be show was
em here this season -someone in England ob-
iously tried U. get some promotion oot of the
udity we were g<ing to get a 1ook at.
YET NOBOQV -or banlly anybody -com-
lalned wben ft finally &Ired. And the subsequent
it=~~: over video sex and violence found ii fruitful fields u. exploit.
Weil, what was the reason for this lack of furor
er "A Midsummer Night's Dream"?
One obviow answer is that no ooe had the guts
lnlellectual stami"" to attack Shakespeare. An-
answer is that the production was without a
of vulgartty.
I wonder, though: Could the rt!el reason be that
1 nudity was gemerally unrelated to any contem-
commelll challenging ctirnnt social values? ·
I MEAN, the nude scenes may have taken
light advantage at .lb• new-found leniency In the
• But llley w...,, eftB ell, wrapped In tbe P""
-of Sbatespeare'• words. And no -was -mg out aOOUI establishment attitudes, those
· I ntate specillcally to our times.
On the otheT" hand, take the controversy over
est.age musical ''Hair," one of the great and
utionary productions of the American theater.
Much of the ~rly publicity aboot Che show Cf1!1-•-~ on a·Ver)' minor -and artluDy done -bit O(
udily, wbi'Cb iS 101rivlal1hat you can miss it if you
't watch canfully.
THERE WAS so much of an uproar about this
rivia that too many persons overlooked the mar·
tiOllS mUJic by Galt Macilerm<Jt, the lyrics of ~~::;' Ragni and Janies Rado, and tile almost \DI· ~ y emotional pawer of some of the orchestra--'"'-But the rea1 attack on the nudity, one can be-
ieve, was -and is -related primarily to the fact
t "Hair" :flatly challenges some of the most re--
ered social, political and economic values of our
ety. --
We Bil know plenty of respect.able people who
-:::~in:', line at movie theaters to watch . frankJy I popular films, To many penons, in short.
uggestiveness may well offend Jess than views that lotf&i:k: their politics or way of Jife. This is a simple
IC!, not a judgment,
THE LAST time I saw ••Hair," for lnslance,
e we!J.<lressed middl..,ged persons sitting he-
me got Infuriated witb the show about a third
f Ille way tbroul!h. One of them said:
"Wbo the beil do these creeps think they are?
l's get out of here and go to 'The L<>sers.' "
"The Looen" is a topless nightclub in Los An·
es, and presumably that's wbei'e they went be--
use they got up and left.
~ for televisioo, there is a tremendous amount
vulgarity on it -end most of it·bas nothing to do
'th sex or violence, or other popular issues. J mean
t plain mental pollutioo.
,Dennis the .1'fetMSCe
-?'"-..... •
...... -
' •
-------~--____ __. ___ ~
GIVE rr AU. 'tdU'vE
TOGETHER ......... , ~ .... 111 ·o· I a·,.,
"'"'--·--.... -.J ......... -
ly Jolin .,.An
ly H•old Le Dou
By Tom K. Ryan
ly Gas Arriola
.,.,~ .... --
T H .j I' ) -t... f
MAY 22
....,. 111 • cm..,, •lllM W
'•Ill Zkrlil( abtut • tu ......
Ill '9 I rftllldi 1lbornerJ .. "'*' JrllMt ...... 111,llW "'· -~"""'"-............ h•.,...., ll· ~··....-ell~ 10 IM ....... MMdl wltl flt ....
tf1111, wllo rtluta tt Ulk ft M!fOllf
blll lllt. (II)
·Ill'"'""' (C)---
"'' -~lO llll ll)GJllllrH•i4• IC) coil
• PUTIIAM·MILLE~·KEU Y 'liko "" lliot>." • •-"'"• -*'9\HO .!,'MI~ RONA~-+-1!"'.,st:~l:..r.!f ,rrlfiii ..
NEWS AT 4:30 P.M . 1« .... IOI
8..., (C) (IO) Tt111 H11111011 .. 8 DI lie ..... ft) (50) 11111 MicMr Ol'l'ln ''' riqsldt. ........ D IHICIH!l-(() C!Dl 81D....,.lfldllr (C) (lO) "I Don't W111t T1 It 1 TIM. I
a 11111 M. Slllw -1611) ,0,. Wint To 8t • 'luttwfr,." Slr1 1M
\"' \"" Dttf\ft f•r the COllSllfllllUS wbt" Re-DK:ll C.ir ' Jenna McM•· T 1btlht tlll:•• IUlltlJ pool .. holl. l"ul Wl9chltt. Tht Rippin1 Cr1ndmotUr 1 st.,tlw' lr''rtuce.
full, .IM 1oltlnt Vent illtll (I )
.. .._ -(() ....., p, ·~ ..-. ·-~ --.,.__...,~u•~•-= -• ·~ ,_, ""-'wr----'" llllilrlfM11-11 tht tiff ----Mltutl, SUS11 l1!L to iir Otl KTTV. Sue Ruq, *lll
0 I S,, (C) (60) Vuno11 l!ld oti1 '1'01111 pelt.
.. ,., .... (() (30) Ill ... "' '"' .... (() (60)
• ...... 1C> 130> m .,., ' tdr"'8I
@(JJ-Crilfil(() -,.. ~00 D QI rJl Cll ........ "'"" l)Mlt's ,._, (30) "Tbt P11111 ("l) "11 till t.-1 fl.lil,lif-(drt·
p .. A •• .,_ ~•-i..... m1) '63-Ptter nnctt. ,_,. folldl, 11to11. p ... n • .,,...,...,, ••••• Unlbu"', Arthur HllL lmd film lllOwin1 )'llllnolln mtkiftl ''
P'Pf' pl1110M 111 !tie lfllll '"~ Oft tt11 n0¥1t by !uSll Ertl "' . Americln chlldrtn make piper 1lr· h\l!lld In London. Plfis tnd Gnect,
plane&. th•s film ltlls the llCWJ ol ttir .. persollS lmprbonld by tnlOtion,
IE U1 c.llr P11t (Ill Piel Stekilll 111 etusiYe kn. (W)
fillll\ll -IC> D @(J)Ql nlo • T• -(C") (60) Joh11 "Onldll)n, Stlly Ann
~•DMK "*•••la (C) (60) m1 .._ l_, (30)
Howu •1111 Gwt1• Bum1 rum.
flt D Mtt'ldt lltl. Laa
.,., ............. •f .. t :JO O @ @ mDr1111I C) CJIJ)
S. It) (60) .. Jwen11._oT-19." fridlJ •nd 6111-
~ ~ -IP\ MO lll'l'esti1111 • ea• at dli!d -~"·· \•I lbLlllt._J'!.>
f£J Mtrt fir l• .. ,.., (30) "You1 ID lZ O'Clld: HIP (60). SllOC'PillC Cart'' Merill H11JinflOll
brinp • 111otipln1 cert into the llu· m .....,... lit ..... (Q (30~
dio to illllltnt• sruc:trJ Jtorl pw·
thaws th1I 11111 l!Ol fO onto tbs 10:00 8 9 (J) g, Aptlll 10 a..t
t1blt. (e) (6o)
a C1J mm•m <•> am-1ci 1"1
7:00 8 CIS [•111ln1 NIWI (C) (30)
W1tttr CIOl'lkilt.
0 wtltl'1 Mr LIM? (C) (30)
m P.....rd (C) (30)
Q) llJ H;p 1114 Willi (C)
0 NM (C) (30)
ll1l m ""'' •• (C) m Tlllm 11t1 t3oi
fD Plarltl1 61 Cultlf 130) "ll11do
Ttdlniqut." Fortowini: • rtvit'# or
1h1 first position natn, Ftldtrick
Nold demoNtrllll tt11 joiftl111 or 10:30 CJ N1~ Dt11t1 (30)
"1h11rin(' ol two or more notas to .
produt• 1 an.th mlllicll etftct. ID""* (C) (30) 8111 ..loh111.
Iii CIJ """"'' ..., -@CD not "" IC>
QJDr ........ (C)
Ill @ (i] Ill) "'"' "'" (C) (liO) ~ Bait" Lois Mettltton
1uuts u 1 pretty schoolteacher
wlto m•ll hlr l{Vt character when
sh1 robs DlflW. lODM and olhtrs -« 1unpoint, (R}
e \ni oo'•iir ,,. ..... """"' lil1 C:n1udt (C) (GO) •
fJ (E TM flyina Mlfll (C) (30)
•'fwo Bid [Us." Sisttr Bertrille
h!de1 two i!lta•I b1b1 htwts from
t:apllln fl)mento. (RJ
m It YM WWI Pm!Mnt (C) {30)
"Would You l rt To Reio: Tllftt
Mon&~r· P•ul S.mutlson alld SlMn
M1r(l1n 1uest.
Ill fall• C.V.1
tiDTwli&M z ...
O Mo•it: "Tiit [vii (fl" (horrw)
• '64--.IOhn Sixon, l1tit11 Roman,
m L•111•1 ' H•rQ n1. Ftlllwlf:
'"Sons of tht 0..rt" (1931) Ind
''Pttk Up Yaur Troubles" (1932).
ID Mtwit: "taapt" (mystlfj) '4t
-James M1son, 81rtiu1 Bet Geddel. 0 """' ....... (C) ........ ;,. ~ilicenl Sewn" (1dvtntu11) ·~
Yul 81Jnntf, Stft1 McQvn11 • .lames
C4bu1n, Robert V1u1lln. l li Wal·
lach, O!arltl l r0111011. Amtricl11
1unli&liters 1r. hi1e4 to piottd 1 11 :301J Movie: "My SU CtnicW' (dt•
11111M Mnicln towll from outlan. 11'11) '52-Millull Miltlllll, Glib.rt
m Tnrltl « C....._ (C) (30)
Ill...,_, (60) m llldt , • .,... (30>
Ill llJ til ID"'"'°' -IC> a MeN: ...... "' .. f1Jllll ,,.
pen:• (comedy) '35--W. C. FltldL
D @CIJ QI Joorl"'°'(()
1:00 II Q!IJ (j) '8uthtll Wlnllrt (t) . ,, (60) Comedy and music by Tht 12:30 GI Action n.tlrt: Cod• of Sl-
Smotb11s Brothen, Mtf'lfn CIJll, ltntr."
The Micki1 flnn Show, and Paul
lyndt trt hiehliahti ol to11i1hl'1 11:50 g CM111unity l 1tlttl11 IHN (C) show. (R) a m TMt cm (t) <10> "Tht o Moww. ~1ct111111111 ,_ ... •·
fa in tlll SN>wt1 Room Door." M._,. (mysttry}-llrttlsll ce1t.
A t11annin1 111d ainort1wi contine11-
tal rtttauraleur tlllds lempottry 1:00 DO Mm (C)
l•odlldJ An11 Maril in11ftuina. much
to Oon Kollilltf'1 disp1easurt. C• l:IS fJ. Morie: ''Steaibtli" (dtami) '1 sa11 Danowa luesls. (It) -ln1rid Btrtma•.
..... (C) (30)
..... ~(Cl (90) '1.11 I:JOmAll·Mipt. Shew: "I.ti Millf'"
Mt Httr You '#lllSl)t1.'' Rlflll Whitt blH.-"Volcano.~
U:Oo D '\.Ill Tiil• Frt11 Mlfrir (drt·
11'11) '37-Lew Ayyts, Oorott!J LI·
'""'· 12:30 m <C> "'11.M.M. ar ldtt1111)-'IS
-Pier An1tli. "T• 't'Mlllll T1.....,.
(d1•1111) '4&-Jo,in Lt11it.
?:00 GJ "'rtlt llltt'1 Clt1 rrilW° (~11-
111a) '54 -loul1 HI,_., N..nl a. ....
l:ot a ......._ .,_ <••""> ,._ MYm• loY. Montaotnwy Clll
4:30 • ..,.., .. y,...,.... ( ....... )
'43 -Jofl11111 WliulftuRlf, Ff"MC:tf
Q1o11lity rril1ti11t tn4 D1p111d1bl1 s.,..1~1
IOI' "'.,.. tli111 • Outrttt of 1 Cet1hlry.
• •
• . -• •
• • •
• ' •
' -•
' \ --1
' •
' . .
• ..
•• I
,, .
-----~ ---~---------------<o. • -
'-, -
W.illi • Flying ColOrs ..
' . , I •!
• '<" ! t ;+ r -.•
----.... ----4
I. • \
+----1111•~ •
.Ir-• ·----• .----~-. . '
.. -.
---'"---~ ~------
FLAG DAY • • •
JUNE 14th .
JULY 4th
LABOR 'DAY. • • .
• • •
' i
D~IP ... Yourself .. Delp The Boys~ Clubs
Fly a new flag at your home or office during this patriotic; season. Here's an offer that lets you save money and help
your Boys'· Club, too. Participating in th is · public service offer are the Boys' Club of the Harbor Area, Boys' CI u b of
H.untington Bea.ch and Laguna· Beach Boys' Club.. Here's how you can help them and help yourself. Just order t,his
' ' beautiful deluxe flag kit, at a fraction of its retail value, and get as a bonus a California state flag -all delive~~
ed to your door by Boys' Club . representatives or mailed directly to your home in time for holiday use.
Order Now ~t ~ny of Four Boys' Club Headquarters
Phetto 541-Hl7
21J1T-.t. ..... ~,M-c:Ollf.
"""'" '42 .. J7J
IOYS' CLUI 31t y........ '
· H .. ~~ ·-· C•lll.
175 ~ C:-H'4"-f
'"""• 494.zsn .
Uso mail order ~pon.,bolow ind sericl il ·diroctly·to club h1~dqu1mrs no1rost you. Your fl19 kit and bonus state fl~9 wi,H
be delivered ·or moiled cliroc~y to y0ur homo or .ciff'ico. Or y,ou·ci1n pick them up in person 1t the Boys' Club. h11dqu1rtors
in your area.
' Pid< Up Your Own Flag Kit a·nd Get This Fr'9 Gift
·uN-111-0 STATIS RA•
3'' .,..,,....FlllSct-3., s , .. ~
Uootltlff,,.,...IWCtll•• ak:c"-ts
··-~··· ia•larrUll ........ -~mtoe. '
Holid1y . Bonus:, High ·Quolity ·IZ
by rS·inch d atrfomi1 ·Stiff Fli9,
r----------~-----. I
Just clip out t~it.·fft•il ·orcltr coupon •nd fill' it out. s.nd, •long with
check or moneyl•rder, .to the loyt' ·Club hetclqutrfer1> neerest you.
Meke checks peyeble to. "loys' Club." '
-.......................... ·--11"11 ""' et'fl.'tl ,., kit. I ndel1ta1 d I wll rllhlff • • .... .., ._. • C.......,,...,. flilt
wftio -kit. . -
I Nem•···········-··-····-··· .. ·-·-···--· .. -"" ... ···-·· .. -··· .. ·····-···········-··-··-··-
' I Strfft Acldress ......... -···--·-·--.. ·~-·-· .. ···:--··-·-~·······-···-··-···
I c ;1y ........................... ___ ••••• _ ..... _ •• _ .. __ • ..z;P. ..................... __ .. .
, I
. I
I Phon•·········--·"···-···-·--··----....... Enclosecf f1 ......... --.. ··-·-... -.......... _. ...... 1...1
I This 1ptcl1I holidoy off or i• 1 pu~!ic '""'ice of th• D1'1l Y Pl~OT end !ht IOy1'
1 ._ I Clubs of the H•rbor Are•, Hunttn~n lt•ch •nd lA9un• l11c:h. _. _
._ -----~------~ --_, ..!.. • •
Fre.e Decal .
While they le st, th1 loys' Clul,1 offar y,;u 1hls •P-'iel, free t ift
. ~ • • heal of tht Amtrictn Fl19 like th~•• you ••• tYtrywh•r•
on ctr win~shields, home •nd office windows , or '"'" Oft the ' f1m1ly lioot. Visit the Boyt' Club notrHf you I phone f.,. ~ .. ,.of
O(J-.. ) .. 1uy 1 1119· ktt~9ot lhe-dtcof-lroo S.pply of ••I•
is limited.' H.rry •
' I • ,,
' .
. I
'"'"""' .. .,...,._....,.,,....,._..,.,~..,--,..,-,-... -,-.,..,-.,-,"'-----;.----:~-.~--~~ .......... -~"--fiif.'·l<l<'~'.04'0:-.•~·•·i;;:;~.;;·.:i~r.:;"~lr..~:t~.lt:.~::;-:.:--::•'~"*""~lf~.i<•""'"'"·"•ll'l¥"'1+•,...,.,.,._..,,,._..,~"ti..,O•t'""'~'•i~l•o•••••ut•auaz••""*'""""'"--•••·----------·------·
• • • •
" I
SACl\AMEN'l'O (AP) -Tllo manel valuo of the operaU..
properties of Col~omla's tt
top privately owned public
uUllUts hu betn assessed at a
record -but the aggregate
assessed value-is below last
year's figure.
The State-Board .o r
Equalization 111ea1ect lb e
11nna Wtdoesday 11 swn
Dillion;-nwly l8IO ml1llon ..-
five percent above the amount
of a year ago. I
But because the assessment
ratio was trimmed from 35 to
33 percent, the lxlar" said, the
aggrtgate assessed \.a lue will
be '37 m1llion loWer than last year.
State Controller Houston ·r.
Flournoy said the assessment
ratio droppe(t two percent "in
keeping with the board's
policy to reduce the difference
between board-as.se:ssect and
locally assessed percentag-
es ... " The boantnoted each
uUllty may appeal its as.
sessed value prior to the
board 's final assessment in
Pacific Telephone a n d
Telegraph Co. led the list with
a market value of $4.135
billion and an useszed value
es:ceeding $1.364 bUJJon.
...other top. firms Included
acific Gas and Electric Co ..
Southern California Edison Co.
and General Telephone Co. of
Hl!WPOllT·Ml!S.t. UN1t1t•O SC1400L OISTlllCT
NOTICE IS HEllE8Y GIVEN t~tl the 80.rd of Educ1llon ol tht N"""•l·Mn• LEGAL NOTJCE '
Piiot, .... .,
U11\llfd k'-1 011t.KI of O•t"9t CO\lnty, C1Ufornlt w!11 rec;a1,,. Ult to. bllt no••------:;:::::------
ll!lu !~I" S:OO P'.M., Frld1Y. Junt .. Ifft, lft>IFllt Rlltld Prwo»ls If"" offktl ~
., ""' ~f F11<n!!lts. 2000 cnlf Ortw. NtwPClrf Bt..ch, Ct llforl'llt lor: C•lll'fl,.ICAT• 01" •UJtNISS
,r,n blch mu•I c""lorm Incl be rt1.P0<11lv• to 111 ~ ·perfll'ltnl C011t••t docu-T1'e unoersltnH 1111 cert"" 1'heY •rt
-1111, Co.Its t rt -°" l!t. incl -" to ll'llllllc lnlHCtlon tncl ..,.., be 011!1 lned COFldvcllng • bva1111u ti 7001 Clllt Or ..
I I lhs olf~t DI WUUtm 81urvck .. Ptrtr>er1 ,litcl1af!C1t U50 81\l'lldt Orl~t. Co .. Nr;;pci,T 8Hch, C1lllornl1, Uflder 11\e fl(·
• ' _. ' Ill "" tltlava firm NIM "' 0 .. 5 l!H· 1111 6111 Mllr. C1Uleml1, bv d$G1ll!"" 110.CO for Nd! RI '" Of"41rl I> "1 1 TEJIPJllSES Incl tti.I Hid firm ls c--lflc"'°"'· Two C?l Sfl1 le bo IHI.ltd lo GeN!r•I Contradon 01'11v. Th• dt· -d ol fflt followl,,. 1>1roon1 whose
1>!!311 will be r11u..-onl1 H ll'>e Rh 1r1 re!urned .con>olt~ Incl In llOCd <on-ntmQ In full 1no 1>l1c" of rtll~nct lrl
lllliOn wllhln !Ive d•vl al!•r !hi bid 0119nln1. 11 tollow.:
1!1tll bldller must submit 1 bid 11 ..... 111 !n tM form of t c'r'flllt<I or c&'h. Hlrold 8 , DIWHn, 2001 Cl!!f Drl~t.
ltir's cMck or 1 bill bond e<1111I le 11\ltl 119r c..it IS~•) of the 11mt1unl ol the bkl, NtWPOrt Betel\, Ctl!I.
rn.oe 11v1blti lo I~ O!'dtr of tht N-l'l·MMI Unllled Sd'lool Dll!r1d . Wllll1m 8. 5"Mtr, 20G1 Cllll Or .•
L.ix>r Incl Mekrltll l and Ind Pl'rfom!IMI leond wlll be rtllulrtcl of !hf, NtwPOtl Inell, C.!11.
((l!ltriclor MllCl9d'. Otlld Al>rll 4, Ifft
Ho bkkltt '"'., "'lthfr1w hl1 b .. "' ' period ol forh>·flvr !UI II•~• 1111r ~~!, •a.0s•.:~~r
fflt ll1tt. HI for ft:te CIPtl!l1119 lt!treDI. . STATE Of" CA.LIFOll!Nl,r, I Tl'tt ker'll DI E~liOn DI' the N1-rf-M111 U11llled St-I Dlslr1d rf>t"'..i toUNTY OF OJl.t.NGE ) SS.
!hf! riehl to rtlf!CI '"" or 1U bids. 1nd not "4ICe111rl1v ICC!"' tlle lowt1t bid, Oil Mrll 6. 1Nf, bcllore mt , 1 /lottrv
•<>d lo w1l'ff lrlY lntorm11lty or !rr1911l1r11'1' In ..,¥ bid ttctivtll. Public In incl fer 111d 5111f, pert0ftt l1v
WAOl •ATl.h ll>Pflred l41rfltd I . OtWlCn 11\d Wlll1im
Pun.utnl lo lf>e L~bor C""e of !hf! Stitt ol C1Ulornl1, Southcrn Ct!ltorn\1 I . S1>tnctr. -nown la mt le be tllt
l ulldl119 1...i Con1truttkwl Trldes CovM:lll. llulld1"9 i ncl CIH'lllr~cllo" Tr#Ck1 l>ttllH'I• whole nemn lrt sub1tr!11t<t ro
C111111tl1 of Orifl9t County Ille 1.1kl &otnl ol Tru•"91 hi• 11ctrl1lll"d 11'111 11111-!he wllhln ln•lrumffll I nd tcil110Wled1ed • _, """""" ~ th1~ •~«uled fl'le 1.1m1 • "''I •>1'lvllllrlt rift O' -llittrl -· fw lld'I cr1n or h>ff "' Robert 8 JIUbl t I te uecvi. tht clH'llr1Clt whkll wm bt IWl!'dtd !tit 1ucceu1UI bidder., Mid lhtM Notart" l"iibllc ."::!ii'1c1r1111 prev11ll1111 r1tn ire cont11Md ln ltld ~c!llc1llon1 tdot!"'<I bv !ht llotrd. find PrlnclPll Otflct In ·•r• 11 1111«1 blitow: Orol\ft Counlv '
• "'"' ctaulllc111on "°' 1nlkho1ted ind lxlow lllted sh•ll be 1111d •t lh1 curr1nl My Com.,,lnlon I~11lri1
: Wit• rllll tor '"" IPPllctble lrllle Ind cllHllk•Hon In fllffi wllll "" A\lcVt JUl'lt '· 19n 111~ l'rtets Coundl" II 1ny r1t•~ 111!.cl bellow ire nctl currtnl or 1r1 rt Ylll'd ll'ubllshed Or1n1e c ... 11 Otlll' Piiot,
lw ltbcrr lllrtt!Nfll• dur1n1 IM blddl"' llmt or c:orutruction flmt, 'uch rtvl• Mil' I, U, 22, "7f, lHt "'"''
"'"' t1111I "' COllSldl!rC!d I , ... ef ,,.,. bf-low 111'-ll •Alts .... ,, ... hc1lttl. w1111 ...
• ¥tc1!1on. •romc!lon or oll>t'r bfn~flts 111111 be In .clditlon lo tho bfklw Ulled LEGAL NOTICE •w.,. 1e11t!,. A""rtnllcts th•ll bt 11m11lo~ed "!n canl'Ormlh> with So<I~ un.5 011-------;:-;;;::------
ll'HI C1ll!Orfll1 Lt bor todl, l"-Wl4
, Owrtl-~Ill be pjtd lo< wo'1t H rlOrm!'d Ill f~tlSS cl ~ '"ul1r ~y·1 t•1tTU1l(A"fl 0, IUllN•JJ
\ll'lltlr. Incl ti 1M rtle lor overtl..,. ot lht ell! Involved. Hal;clt Yt slltll be tll ll'ICTITIOllS NAMI
'llollllnl ,_nlied tn tlle tolll'f.llve btro1lnl1111 ,, .. ,,,.,,.,., 1~nc.tble to 1ht Thi Undt r1l1111td doll ~lrllfy hc II c-
' Nrtltult r cr11!. cl1n!l;c111oti or 1¥p1 ot worl<mt~ t rmilOvtll °" Tiit -ltct. ::::-~~11 ~~11 2~ 1~i;,,l': Str,:1
11 111111 be "'Mldatory uoon tM CO<llrK'lo• ttt wMm ft contrAd It ftWt rllf'll t~t 11cni1ou:' ~rm~~ .. 'c1 s1LE~EO
, 1not 111111n t it •ubcoritracrors uMtr hi,...,, lo 1>tY ""t 1~'3 t~.., ~•Id 1ene-•~I ,,,... INDUSTRIAL PROPERTIES 1..a !!\It
, v1111119 r1t11. ot per dlem w19e1 lo 111 workme<> tmolovll<I In lh« t xec:vt!o<I ol Hiii llrm I• CO!'l'IPOlf'CI .,, ll!t follow!"'
' tht contr1cl person. Wllose """' 111 f~ll 1nd pllce ot 'Sltl(l(LAY l!lt HOll•I¥ lttte rtJldence II II fOllow~:
, Forem1n !tmol.,.,. It~! than S r11tnl-no! ltu lhan 17 00 otr ~m C. Trube • ._., Jllvtr AY1,,
• dtY 1boY1 JOUrl>f!vm1n rtlf. Ntw1111rt l11ch, C11Jlornl1.
'Brlc-l1ver & Stone Ma~n ........... , ...... ·•••• •. ,. ... , ~.~l Ott.cl M1y lt, 196t.
C '.
Sem C. Trubo Sltl I( NOl!JI STATE OF C,1il1FORNl,li \ ~~~~'::;~JIS ................. '··· .... ......... ......... •.l7 COUHTY OF ORANGE In
Ct~""' .. • , • .. •• •• • , •• .. . . •. • • . , . •. . , , . ~ 13 Oil MllY It,. lNf, ~ me, 1 Notuy
' •.. ,. --· ••• -···· • '' Publ~ !n lrld ,.,. "Id Stilt. l>U ...... 111\' ""' ~~.. ~~" • • · "· · · · · t l!llftrecl SAM C. TRUllO lul<JWOI to mt to
MHl'Wrl9hl .• .. . •. •. .. ..•• •· •• ·• .. i.n bt lhll Ptt'Ml'I ..,._ ''"'" It 1ublcr!bttl
N1tt.r fPMVm•llcl ll.lt to !ht Wfffll" lnttr-1 incl Kit-'""· ,,,_,. 60( per ftoll• mott lh•n hltllt<I cl1~s1llt1Hon td M t~llCVtold 11\1 llfl'll.
..,,l>tr¥1iftl • .,rctol OMUm111t ntllrr. COFFtCtAL SEA.LI
'"""'' Muon, llo1t1n9 1...i l'9Vft'll119 "'ttl'tr..-~r810r • ') Noftrt" l"utll!C · Ct lllarnlt
CtfMnt Mt'IOn JoutMYm1n , •• , , S 1~ ri~~":.::•~:,:~• ln
Fortman tOc:. ""' hour nt>ovt Jourl!l'vmtft r1lr. MY Commlultn E.•11,..1 I L!CTltlCIANS M1y lS, 1'7G
G-r•! Fortmtn • · ! ~· ll'~bltilhed Otlflfl• c ... 11 01lt't> Piiot, Fort<'l'ltn . , ·• •. •. •• . . . • . .. , . , • · · •• · • .. · •• · ·•• 1.H MIY t2, '9, 'Ju ... J, 12, Ifft fU.1'
JC1t1rnevm1n wr ........ an .............. ...... .. ...... ,.,., ............. ,. lOSj ---,..,~--~~~---
F1rt<'l'l111 Ctbk i•li(tr .......... .,... .• ..... .......... s11 LEGAL NOTICE
Cablti Ullc•r .• •• • .................... •• •. r "1 -------------Ctrl!fltll Wi lder :'<\ ................................................... '"" , 1.0l ~SS
lttl11forcl119 lnl" Wllri.tr •.• . I. 10 'ICTITR'.IUl IUllllt
F-n d e. p., titur ""''e ltl•n h ~~·11 (lts~tl!c~lio" ll>ot'rvl~. n. ~ltMd,lllon cotllfY "' Is ((Mio
L.&SOltlJIS cllltllf'lt I """'*' 11 IUD I . Chcllllll!
Ltt>offi'I, -r~l or ctntlrvc:I""' ...... •.1.U SI .. Slllll AM, C1lltonllt. !lllller !he lie·
0Pt-rt l9n Ind 1~r11 ,,, '""'""II( 11'11 1tedrk twll. tlliwt flmi '*"' Ill SHOW ll!JIYtCf OF
vlllr1tlorl m8ch)IW'1 ""' 11mlt•• rr11Cilt11lt1I toelt CAL.IFOflNIA tncl 11\tl .. Id llrm II (om.
' ' ' '
... , OH ~ Ill "" followlftt M--. ~ nco~ "" -••Ill" c t H " ,,,,~ .... tn 11.11! ttld pllte " mlilltftce 11 II '°" C.t>n<"" Cur.,-lmc>«rt"lous mf,,.brtne W ''"" e lltr . , , •.• (,JSJ itwii•
Wt1Cllm1r1· .. •·• ·• •·· •• ·• •·• •· •· ·• ...... ••• .... ·• ••·• J . ..S c).,,. Cl'llH't!I, ,,.. FfrllWOfMll Aw ..
F1 ....... ~n llk. ""' "'>llf fl'MIA f!\111 hi.htll CllNlllUlloft ~Nllfd. Otflltf, Ctlllofft!t ,
OfllltATINO ENGINElltl O.ttll MIY lt. !Ht, G,_ 1 ••• ... . _ .. . .• • 4.#1 Oflll C111-.in
G._ r • ., ••.• ,. ........ ·•••·•·••·· ., ·••••••··•• .... ., ............. ,,., SlATI! Of' CALlf'OltHIA. l
G,_ 3 .,., ............................................... , •. ,,,,.,, ••• ,.., •.•.• J.I' COllNfY OF OltANGI! I u
Q,-• ................................................ ,, ........................ J'r On Mi~ lt, 1Ht, llefwt mt,• N"11ry
G......, 5 •. .. • •. ,, •• ,. ,. ., .•• , , •••• , ..... J 14 f'Wth: In 1r!d,,,fttlr 11141 11111, .....--11v 0.--' .. ,, .• ,, ,, S.U -•l'f'll Gl!N .. CH.tJ'Plll I<:-to"''
F-lrl lk ~· llt>ur !Mft 11111! hlthlJI (11.11Llleilltn ~utl1f¥11H. It be ""' --wftOt4 fllflle It l llbw.«1> l"AINT•lll• td to !tie wlltll11 Intl""""'"' tlMI tdlllow~
ltttVi.r br\l!.h ••llllw ....... "... ... , .. J..... ... .... S•• rtr:L:"' uecvlld lf!>t ,-. JlvrM•"'"' Sor•• .. " .. · • •• ·· ··• • •· •• ·• "· 5.~t 11:-~t l(civ-d ~~,..in:;;.:--· ... •Wint 1"'' ·--.. • • ' ~ •• ~~~"'o. "<:111~ftl•
p~ 1-w 1n1~rt •• -..................................... ,,.. , .... J.n l"rll\clft.ltl OffM:• Ill
GtMr•I ffoffl'lln~ ·~ .,.., JturfttY'"tll ,_... 0r.,,,. c-tr •-llN. ~ ,,..~ .leufllft'l"lt " ,.,,, Mv CernmluiOl'I 11,1r"
Utlllf'r ,.l1111llM '°"'"'¥!''"" S ~, OK. I . lNt ! u110" ,..._,Int Ftrtme11--... ···-~···~····· ...... ~ ................... a.u r vtinV!tol or111'M '°'" 'O.l!~ P!lo'! flOOPllll Mty-n, tt, JU!lf S. lt •• IM • "6 ff
'"""""""""' 1... . .... ... • •• • • . • . ..................................... '.... l '' ... ~ .. ... ... .. .. .. .. .. ... . ................... '·'' ~ ...... " .. .. . ............. , ....................... ,. .... ,
JHllf,M&TAI. WOltJC ll!ltS •
lllett 111\t!l.I Wort!..-....... _.... ...... • ......... '·''
"91M!lll lft •lllrtt .............,,,..~ ro,,
TIAMtfllU ,. __ »c W ... '""""' tl'llft ~~I d H11'k f!IOn .,_.....ltl'll.
Ofiwn "' ..,,. frvC.t1. '**' tti .... '141. •• ···-· .............. ..
DtMG f11 ..,... tr.cb. • "'· but ltu n,,... t ~ . . ••••....• 'M DI'""'" If frlll'(U. hil.t "'loff C-lh' lett tfllfl ' '°"" ·•, ..... ... . .. I.IS
Dr1Wrt ., mo .. ~ ,.,...... ~"' btfWfffl ' 1111t1 11 tettt ......... •.M
Of!wrl If '"'-""'""* ""°' ""'""" J ...... . " • •••• .•.•• • . • ••• ... '41¥fPOltT·MIEIA UPOll'llO ICHOOI. OllTfll(T ti OI'-C.U..W. Cllllerftl•
ly °"9f~y Hlf',Tf
--~-t""~"·"" 1es;1t• ~
OefM """ 11, ""' .... ~ or.ii.. CMtt Otllr ,,...
MW ..__ INlt. ft. '"'
Ordn91 Co1st1s
Most Comlete
1ii*''f 41.l'
Pl:onu 642.4321
2 -
' '
. '
Tiie Blf9e•t's1,..1e lll•rketpl11ee on Tiie Or•119e Co•lt • Plaone 642·5611
Gonorol IOOI ~•I 1000 Guntrol 1000 Guntrol 1000 General ' 1000 ------,...-f' oo 1 In E1C:lusfve DUPLEX • $23,500 f . .ff.A •• Np!. Heights Newport Beach Newport 1-Je!ahta Area . 1pac.
· lou.s and clean one bedroon1 PRJCE REDUCED $1,fXIO! ~tedThlnl!ar upper Newporl unltt with prlvate yards. Yonur famUy will be thrilled r·b--~ /UXUliOUJ Wlt-ll· )'{f.lk lo shoppifll from this \Ylth UliS lhrl!t bedroom, IV.'O
tve '""':e eaturts a piel U-ee lined strrel. n. bath, JIARDWOOD FLOOR ?:'!... 38 ~:1~ .~· .tr ~·ill finance '!ll i" ~ home ln Ulla nne NE\V. -• peliu, llYllll' \ PORT BEA.Of NEJGHBO~ room. ~ laml1)I """" ·W\ch.wOOcl.LburlWll ti~. HOOD! Break away ~-
4 Pde bedrooms •nd 3 the crowd an!I appreciate
us from )'Ollr llytnc room, the btilhl, For appointment call serene view ol fruit trees.
111111 \I I 111 \II \
. , '
Larze College Park family
home on College Ave. Walk
"f or A \Ville Buy"
Colesworthy & Co.
to shopping I& schools. Extra SU.Tm
spe<:1U featuroe: CUilom I .,;iiiiili .. iiiiiiiiiiiii ........ , I ~:!'~'o;.m11,.;.';"'.~~"h •'"' Pacesetter Reducld
·s21;500 F/r
{V•~r&n! no down)
Bee.\!tllul new carpeUng. Lo-
cated on QUIET cul.de-sac
street, Hu a lllJ'le covered
&. encl05td FRONT PATIO,
even l"OOm for boat or traiL
er. E . ...:L'f:llent v a I u e at
$26,900, Call now &.! this
popular ·plan '''iii sell fast. M&-9521 or· 540-6631.
J. K: Nichols
2 BeclroOm on
91xl20 R2 Lot
Unusual value In, a 4 BR. +
added !amUy .nxim, &incle
floor home. Ulll!d'brick .fire.
place & L1'nt trUn. Gru.t
landscapi!JK • with covered
paUo. Beat Meu. Verde v&l
I.le at m.6'0.
Jf!iila.. COATS ~WA~LAC!
--><54116 ... 414.1-
(Clpun E-l"fll
2 modem J bdrm homes on
Larae Eut!lde lot. Live in
one .A rent the other twin.
!"'UIJ •prtce Ju.st
( 10°!. down OK )
Once in a life tin1e chantt.
Live In this cute house and I"""""""""'"'"""""""""" \\'Rich your money g1-011'.
10% down aM this under·
\"alued p1'0IK'l'ty \vill be par1
of you1· investrncnt portlolio,
but hurry, !his "'on'I last
I OHi \I 1 111 'Ii \
A great space for child~n:
11Cparate hobby room !or all
In oventied l'ara&e; alley
accea tor your boat. See us
lq..t lor a family tun! $26,600 ·
, f'ARTY f'OOL
Fantullc home wllh 1orie-
ous pool and .patio Ire& for
the' summertime parties.
ABSOLUTEJ..:Y immac:ulat.e
In every detail. Ht11t wm.
dow1 over-looking l!tllertaln.
ment 41'ff. King~ muter
~auue include! drtulrw room
and bath with a "Roman"
tub. ~utiful }ooatlon. Room
for boat or trailer In over-
sizt' yard. A must. see!
SJ-t,950. Submit your smaller
home on our guarantee sale
Walker & Lee
204.J \Vestclill Dr.
646-rnt Opcon Evl!!I.
Spacklua &: lovely,
3 Bedroorr11 A 3\S Baths,
Den &: formal dining room,
ExpcnsiW?ly decorated home
in exclusive Irvine Cove,
JIM 1. few fttt rrom
private community bc.>ach.
Beautiful yard &. pool
Call: John Abell
Rea. 673.736.i
RANCHO LA CUESTA hag only 5 homes
left. ~fodels are open for you to tour
10 AM to 7 PM. I & 2 story, 3 & 4 bed-•
-room ho1nes with 2 or 3 baths, Mission
tile or shak·e roOr,-rireplaces. concrete
driveways, heavy rough f Ut beams , built·
ins, famjl y & dining roo1ns.
Such a beautiful priice range ... $24,995
l.O $84,200 with /I A or Conventio nal
financing as low as 10% do\vn. 80% or
90 % loans at 7.2%. Each succeeding unit
costs more, so take advantage of these
On lrookhur1t at Atlanta , •• 968-2929
Huntington Be1ch
General 1000 General 1000
john macnab
Owner illYJ, "sell", th is
Dover Shores 5 bedroon1
ho1ne with pier&. noat. Jo'or.
mal dining room. large
breakfas1 a~a: exceptional-
ly spaciou11 \\"aterfront ter·
race. $125.000. Call !or app't.
(714) 642-8235
901 Dover Drive, Suite 110
Newport Beach
This Could Ba It I
\Ve kno\v Hoinc Buyir!l; can
be ll0me11,·hat frustrating,
aO(f. the n "Bingo·• .. you
find just the onc. Ho1v docs
this souM? Very best resi.
dentla.1 loca1i011: 4 bdm1.,
''Top Cabin" details, d!?ep
lot, expansive vie1v. $79,500.
Your family \\'Ould love it.
21115 \\'. Balboa Blvd .. N.8.
Owner l'Z, '·Sa.crficie sharp
3 BR. with 30' living room.
remodeled kitchen, fireplacc
4 BR., J~~ baths; 11car new
Spanish on 2 lots; \valll?d
patio 11·ith 18.fl:c pool. Sli p
for 50' boat. eu.~ton1 qualily
thruout. S149,500
Joe Clarkson
Coldwell, Banker & Co.
550 Newport Center Dr.
Newport Beach, Calif.
833-0700 644-2430
40' Private dock adjoins prop.
crty, Cape Cod style home
has hui;:e Jiving room over·
lookini;: \11atcr. Co7.y den with
used brick fireplace lUld '4
la1i;e bedrooms. for appoint.
me11t call
IOHl.\I I 01\11\
"£,...,_ ·01•
. -
Sit In 32 It. living roo1n and
see all t~ 11•ay to ~tali na.
Absolutely perfect condition
throughout with attractive
shac carpets and demrator
drapes. Q\vner is \VOrking
out of area and ofrcrs at
~.::ioo. "=!!!I &: wann panelling." Only
iri $23,600 ·· Fl-!A or VA terms. describes this adult occupied
Absolutely Beautiful.
Lgc. 4 Bdrm., fam. rm., din.
11rea, 211~ baths, elec. bit-ins.
l &-<23 Jiv. rm. P<X>L w/Ja.
cuzzi, cpts. & drapes • 0 \\11t'r
leaving area .. BEST BUY.
22~ \V. Coast 1-Twy 548-5527
Newpol1 Beach, Evl'. 5'J~5643
4 BR8. Enjoy living on .11
quirt slreet Beautiful ash
pa.ncllina-in living &: family
room, built-ins, firepl~.
nice large back yard. Ask-
ing only S77.950 • good fi ne.
1860 Nr.wpo1·t Bl11d., CM
JULI-. &IG.J9'l8 Eve. 644-1655
5 bclnn Baycrcst home.
Lowly ms.ster suite. De-
signed for la1-ge IAmily, A
home you 1vill be proud lo
"\.. l:STATERS
848•7171 • 548-2313
Cozy 4 bdrm PaceM!t·
!er, upper area, lush
la.ndscaplng, mslr. suite
separate from other
bdrm11. $34,9.10
"J' .. 1' -\. l~ . ' '·•·'' \,[\,. \\,l,.
546-599 0 .
NE\V LISTING • Close lo
alt 11chool~ & shopping in
1ood CoUci;c Park al'ea.
616-3255 or ~."r2i:l7
} Barrett Really
Thia 3 bdrm l bath home bas
all lhf. extras! Large, fully
landscaped yard, separate
formal dining roon1, pa.ncl-
100 f1.mily room 'vith fire-
place. Kitchen has big break.
fAst area + bar/counter.
Note: Owner moving, price
reduced to sell.
1605 \VcslcliU Dr, NB 6.JS.J200
U Paint & Savi
Bii: family home • large Co-
lonial 5 BR \\'Ith Anthony
pool, family rootn & dining
room. Nearly 2900 sq tt.
1~·alking distance to t.tesa
Verde Country Club. Owner
rt"locatini:: out of area-must
(ntllf cinema 11\alnl)
4 Bdrm+ Fomily Rm $22,750 _VIEW-l ~•$3;.,~n King slzed bedroon1s, 2 baths.
Check this top location! 3 bdnn rustic home local
Pacific Shores Heally on cul-dc·Sl:IC & close to
841-8586 Eves. 5·16·1'.::t2 evCt'Ylhini;;. l\lust lice to ap.
"ii=========~ I 'precialc. 'Von"t Jasl long al
0\his price of
$26,950 N•wport Hei9hts
3 BR 2 bath. hai,l"'OOd floor,
fireplace. db Jc garagc. EX.
!STING s~yr,o LOAN. !li'.?9,JO(),
W1lls-McCardle, Rltrs.
1810 Nc11'JXli1 Blvd., C.l\t
548-1i79 anylin1c
6% FHA RE.SAlf
Total pym nts just SI31/mo.
3 BR home on lari:;e Jor.
Rltr. :!i;)() H01·bor 18. O f
5-16o~6fl E\'es. 54&-8169
Corona llighlands: ace a n
\'icw; 3 BR. 2 B11. You 011•11
!hr land. Full price $44..000.
Col'Liin-1\lartln. Rcallors
:;c).l6 \V, Coas! lhvy., Cd:\t
3 Bf! 2 bath hon1c, corner
lot 130x180 • add 5 mo1-e
units. Driv' by 1:>45 Santa
AM Ave. then call
* 642-1771 Anytime* --Blushin9ly Low
.dO\l'n payment moves you in-
to a spacious 4 BR 2 bath
f\f{'sa Verde hon1c. ENJOY
lhe double lirt"pla~. tile en..
li'Y, tintc<.I glass 11·indo11·s.
l'Xlra storagr, sprinklers
front & \"car & large patio.
Easy to assun1c S2 1,000-5\t %
lonn, Sl!l9/mo pays every.
thing. Don't miss !his n1ost
popular "rnodcl. CALL the
n1 an lroni llrritagc a!
540.11;1\ ~open t\<'SI.
By Ivan \Veil~·. Unique '4
bclnns. 3 barhs S.· ramily
roon1. Supt'rh vic11'. $17.450
Roy.J . W•rd Co.
~Ba) en: st OUicr 1
Arnold & Freud
~ E, 17th St., CM
Kitchen with efficiency buil t.
!fcavy beamed ceilings, <'X· in.~. Patio. Short drive to
quisl!c planteni. Built • In the beach.
~ania \Eralt11
642.G;;6() \.1JO Galaxy 6-16-1550 ;
Realtors 6'16-71..S
bar. Gius dool'll to patio&: TARBELL 842·6691
BBQ. Heated & filtered pool.1 .-..-~· ~~~~~ ..........
"'a!erfall & ti11hpon11. Tropl. STEPS TO BEACH
4 BEDRM • $22,500
Nnl11r;1l bdck patio \l'ith gall
fired BBQ. 2 bath!-~ Seclud-
ed living room. handson1c
firep\acc in Fan1ily room.
I lon1e on lgc. R·2 Jot adj. to .
Conimerc. Good potential. 1
Sell or cxchnogr for Com. '
rnl lnnd~tipl/11"", ~10·17:!11
TARBELL 2955 Harbor A·Frame fb:cr-upprr: pril.'l'd _ Al $28,600. Bring ofr('n;! INVESTORS
$1',950 . NEAR WESTCLIFF Caywood Rlty 541--1290
3 Lara• Bedroorru. 2 Balhs. 6306 \V. Coast H'A'Y, NB BuU1.in1. 540.1720 ,
ror.TIN O"I.
J70l ·A \Vcllclifl Dr .. NB
612-500! 4 BR I.: lam m1, 0 \\'Uer Fl!'
fcrs to· ieue bAck at $185
for rierlod of year.
Rand RNlty 645-2340
S?a.cious 1oom&. la.Jul4' room.
dre11n\ all buUl·in kitchen.
Covered patio. Pool sized
yam. 5M).1120
TARBELL 2955,Harbor
6 Units Close In
nltr. 61:2.9730 t ves. S.fS.ni20 e KEllllEDY
Eastside 2 BR 11h BA
Condominium $18,500
$1-1.2.iO IOfln, 6\i% t1r\•ailablc
Living l"OOm & family roon1,
both v.·ith f\repla.tts. Patio,
new draperie1, bullt·ins. On
r u I · <IE-·MC. rmmaculale!
R<'ady to IT)01/f' Into. $33, 150.
By ov.'11Cr. 642-1679 aft l2
Corona del Mar. Fanta1Uc
view ol ooean It harbor
li&hts: French Norm. bt11uty
y.•/tree shadf.od. waUIN'I a:ar·
den. Loan 11 l'i~lo int. mlJI
be u!umM. C.U for app'I.
WALKER Riiy 675·5200
Stat valutl 3 Br. home Of!_
500\.'100' lot. Enjoy beach lhr.
Ing! So!.2.500
Balboa Real E1tate Co.
TOO E. Balboa tll\'d., BAJboA
S2f.lOO dO'lffn, Call 05car I "'""'!!!!!"l'~"l':~~..,. 6'12-1711 CW!, &t$.69'27 Own. $20,HO . WOWI
er/Agt. "Apple Pie" orM:r. King slf.. I .............. ..,.., ... ,..,I ~ bldroom1, drtam kitch·
LIDO SANDS ·~ oom · 1" appll•nt0• I landaome 11 n • c k bkr.
3 Bdmis. 2 Baths Spr!nklen, boat pte.
Community Poot. $17,tQl H).1720
<Nor,. Wllllomaon TARIELL-2955 Ha rbor
673-116< ~'· Diil "2.1611
TARBELL 2955 Harbor
0 l!.eorral'lg• !ttten of the t-10!.lf 1C10mbi.d word• b.
low .. iomo """ ....,,,. -
I I' I I
Is 110 v I Comment about an a ttorney
II I' I on Idol, "Hr It such 0 .,,.
_ . . . si5tent kJwyer he &pent 0
whole evtnin g frying to bNC~ ICAIGIL I 0 --." 1·21 h'"l'l!l'i ..,.1,-rl-r-f 0 c-..... ~-""""" ...... d by tilllno In the ~ "'°'di
you dw.kil! from lfep No. ! b•'°""·
I' I' 1.' r I' I' I' I' I
•:i1:t• I I I I I • I LO
• ' ,
' ,.
' '
It's Realtor -., ,,
• • • • • tlm• ••+ 11l4e Nch y .. r te focu1 •ff••+I-. •n th• 111'efn1Ton1Ry 4111alifie4
pMPI• who U1t1 11111 ,.nt, m11t•t• an.I •fl'pr•1tt ,..,, ,,.,.rty' ... th• RN~or.
When roU'bu1 « 1111 ,..1 ,,.,wty. you wlll 1lw1yt 41 Mtfet ~ fflttt ltutin111
with In 1x,.ri1ttc:e4 1"41 ••hfit4 mtmMt 1f your N.w,.,. H1rMr.C..t1 M.w
IMrd of R .. ~ ....
~950 DOWN
G_.-.1-1000" Costa MaH 1100 1 c;os;;;t•;;MaM;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;11;00;1~-;;;·:;;'°;";;;l~N;Hh~;;;;l2;;00 .LI• l.r.
$19,100 -5'4% Loon HUGE I'
L,.,.. IMch 1705 H1u111 UjtfumWMcl Apts. ,Ur,nlahetl
H01'£ OF GREAT OWU1 c:..t1 ~ 1100, OIMral ,
-Itre ls a repoue-ssion with
cxeellen\ lermt for the wise
shopper. 4 l>l!droonu, 1
baths, separalc family room,
wock.P.ving built.in kitchen
and cheerful fireplace. Ideal-
ly located in walking dis-
tance to llChoob and shop.
p)ng. This one can't last.
Walker & Lee
20t3 Wcst.cli U Dr.
646-ml ' Open Evt's.
'VA Repossession
3 BR 2 bath home rcdecora-
tl!d & reconditioned. $28.950
• 0250 d<lwn -no loan C05I
or escrow charg<'s, 30 year
Itri. Vacant. CALL NO\V!
PWC 546-5440
Needs salespeople; all re-
plies confidential. Plca.se
l~ Mcf adden Pl., Npt. Bch.
, -
$137 Month Poymanhl FAMILY ROOM 2 Pullman ha.th&. '4 Bedims.
All eleclrie built-ii\ kl1.chcn. An enormous :!G'xlT-famUy
Pretty &huttet'!I, "Apple Pie" l'OOIU Y.'hh Uied brick wall
conditloJI. a.nd fi~plac;-e Li Ieature ol
TARBELL ~0604 this attractive Mesa Del =======::;==. Mar home, Four bedrooml. Coste Mes• 1!100 1% baths, lara:e ki\~n ...,.Ith ';;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;j;;; all built-in appliahees. Just
• painted out.side. Owner says Three /Fam/Pool sell F1iA, VA, «inventional,
or assume present 5~ %
Which means "''e arc oUerlng loan.
a lovely 3 BR, 1 ~ bath l•llm:l'IT:ll'.~l':I~! Ill =~7: ~~~ .. a ~~ire -C-11111
you will hardly believe. ---1--
Call Us To See: 546·2313 • 646·7171
TOE-IOUSE, Choose from ~ Very attr. 3 Br. A 2 Ba. viirwl or All90 Cove and ra55 " r..----dllldft
7 1--hcuiies lrorn il400 -ADUL~ ONLY f on ~trett.fO.ftreet Sot. JwdlaM1, IAlxlllioul A SllYICI __ ............ . n &_pit
dow 2-3 &, 4'BRs, adult or but )'OU won~ be Jone · am oella., le'P. din, &l'l!a. private aun 11&tio off l • (l.K; Brolctt 5rM4m
famlJ,y • e c t io n s OPEN WestcllU k>cabOn.. A llvlrW t . bedroom A. ~ laqe ~ for ex= .l DNIOOIDS 2 Ced Mele 100
HOUSE 'DAILY 1.5PM at vacadon.._nr<: ~A pooJ1: $55,950 patio ott tamllf room. baths pw ,~.Clll a 4
141 Yotk!f..,; •· ..... ,. lrom , ...,. """ Jowd. 136,500. LIDO REAL TY, INC. -· ,..,, 'o ,..,, $J0.00 wk. llfl '
Club HO!Lf or call .540-1151 (116) By • l4<XI Via Udo 673-8830 Jocation. l:nb with ~. ,0, ..,, or ·.,,,1a1 lnlonna-PROPERTIES W.EST "!11111--!!!1111!!11•/ 3 ......._I""""· <1<11. 1arp •°""·wee!<. IDOll!h.
tion" Hm .... 1':.at Eatato. lOll -Driw lelbN Island 1355 dnr ....._ bit-In kllcllm. OllAHCll C.OUNTY'S • Studio A Boch. APlL
-N......-i ....... -· dbl ....... with LAllOIST • Incl utllt • --· BY OWNER 3 BR Home~ z. ~75:4130 -opwr. 2t3 I . 111h It. 64' 1tM e Mold S.rvlce. TV avall.
2 W
316 Rub -.!II& EXCLUSIVE -• Nrw Cate A Bar · • -· · Verytra y -JlSOtAVAILJuneUfh.3D0 1 -im.Jerabl• loans 5\H \1%" FOR ..i. .. """" Near l<AllSIUU. •. ROPP -~~ Newprt BM!. -Need~U\. 548-1 ter--bt&k .~Y '!_Bayside Charm.1,.-lars:e llv. rm with SU Ocnn Ave. '9f..l02l _ !:!:;. ~.~~=-: * Villa PomoM Apt..
Village-Prin.te beac~. ~n ce~1'!:...~~ h'pl' :;_ LIVE IN ON ~fri&. New NO:.Wu Door Coda Mea'a lll'Wm It JDOll
Ml=w::...;:d•:.;l_Me='-r-...:1..:10:;5:l clubhoule, allp available, eluded pa.Uo. ~tcoM. Lri tena"nta hllp buy theae ll1a. Childttn I: dop OK. luxuriol.ll. tum. 1 lc 2 Bil.
2 S'IURY 5 BDRM, 3 Baths. 1000 sq. ft., 2 Batba, 2 BR, JustatepS to bty and ........... 3Span!ahunltaonl.arre cor. Call for appointment. apts, Adults only. No Plfa.
2901 NeWpOrt Blvd., N.B.
675-4630 Eves. 67:i.oa59
Wa ti:-1' softener, elcc bltN, fireplace, patio, carport. beach. DRIVE BY .... ...., ner kit w/sr-t V'Ww; 2 blka. ~13'1.179 Oent&!r, CM 1760 Pomona Ave., JQlt..a:b
BY OWNER, leaving state! covered patio. Walk to all forced air, WW carpets , to beach; top cond. tbJu. 2 BR. S14S -! Bt. $1'15 _New of.18th st.
Home & income (2) 2 BR sc.hls. Priced below market draperlea. bulll·iM. ii4•500: TIIEN CAi-L: out. ~ tax ahdter tram ........ --.. -... lit .... :.1 EXT="RA"'°°'!up,---,2,....,Br,_ • ..,,-._~I
l-IOP..1E & businQSS under 1
roor • kids can swim in lrg
Anthony pool. 4 BR, 2 BA.
$23,500 no dn GI or terms. ,.....76
• BR, 2 BA. panoramic ocean
view. Lge fenced yard.
patio. Lots of privacy, Sell
or lease. $190 mo. lease <lr
S24.500 sell. TI4: ~;i&.9233
houses in xlnt cond., on J~ 1 8 54 .. ,92 a round lea.a $115 per mo; .... ~.... .. lkAA ..... _ ...... .,.. •-• .... 1 va ue. y owner. -... o• -nt -orly ID> P'' mo" SALISBURY -"''"'"_.,on. _,,llUU plus depoalt. JudY Smak, poo . uW pd. $150. 141.IQN lot, rnc.'t.I separately. BJock • '" 1.. ENGLUND REAL ESTATE -•u11 -"· ~--·· wall, shrub & fruit trees. EXTRA large corner loL 3 Available now. 525-8539 or A&t-nt. 646--nn ~ .... I ... ..;,. no .,... ........., BORM 's w/ enclosed patio, s-•A9 kend ._, REALTY· 3lJ Thalia St. •9'-8003 Placenlia. MS--2407 Quiet residential, close to -=--3..... • Wtt 1 w.1 . 2 BR; pnae, patio; cpb,
stores & sctVJOJ. See to ap. /,;boa:::;',:':;:"';:'::" ,.._=="="=== 673-M5.4 67M900 SVJ ACRES drpt. atove, refrl&. "Tropical REDECORATED Upstaira 2 preciate! --1480 lllD Dandy Fixer-Upper 315 Marine Ave., Balboa Ia. Undeveloped Ja.nd. City of setttrw f« adult&. 1 8lk to bdrm apt $150. Appt onO'.
BY OWNERM -..o•.o.••'-V ... •;.r.;.d.;.• __ ...;.;.;.;1R.amblina: 4 bedroom with Lquna. 9 Blb. to btach.. a&opa. $00. 5"--4781!1 * ~ *
*BARGAIN! Mesa Verde, a:araa:e workshop • 1torqe Huntf""°" leach 1\400 Octan viewa. Should dlvf'cle 3 BR. den, 2 BA. Opts, drpl. $15 BACHELOR. Refris. a
4 BR., 2 ba., w/playhouse. choice loc::. 3 Br, l i,ii Ba. Im-shed, IPl'Md ovt"r 2 full 11ze Into 13 lots. Priee $40,IXO; blbm, f:rplc. I.Aue $275. hot plate, utll "91d. Woman Open Dou~ Sun. all da.Y. lo'· wlth ·" ld LIST your ,...,.rty 29~ Dn. A _, D...., .... _., only. 6f2.-50i6 aft 8 p.m. maculate! Leauino U.S.-~ auey ot I e ac-1• r.1 .. -... -~:=;;·:-;;,.::::•-:..,..-~~~I-~~--~----• 298 Princeton Dr. 546-3729 ·--o __ .. -. with confidenct UT.,..,.. ~~~ ':' .-must sell. Buy direct from ceu. SheltCRU .,.,ck porch. -~ON RLTY, 49U'731 ARTISI'IC unfum 2 BR 1 BR apt. Adult.. only, No lCollege Park an.-al Q b ..... SELL Ith _ _._ 0\•1ncr now & save s. es. BB , sunny re ......... t W ,........ duplx, encl patio, nr atores. dop. $100/mo.··,ltWHea ID-54~ room. Priced at land value alonel tklll ROOlof for 1 more apt, on NO ·peta. $ISO. f75..29C aft 4 eluded. MU560 ~ BR PACESE'ITER on lrg, with $3200 down of trade up THROUGH th1a level R-2 }Gt w/3 BR./~========== I
quiet corner lot Rm for for i"ncome. I . YOUR home; apac. llvlna: rni. Meu Verde 3110 boat, trlr, etc. Lota ot Paloi Hal· Pinch n & Assoc. Walk to beach. Build apt, _______ ..:.;..;.::
Verde stone. Must see! 3900 E. Coaat H11o')' ~ REAL TOR MEMBER tenants will help YoU buy a 3 BR.. fmly I; 2 Ba. dee lllt.
135.000 511 °" "I· 546-0.1>3 NEWPORT TOWERS Hunt ........ loach/ ....i boy at Pl.GOO. ""'A dlsb......,,_ BHt iooa-Fountalw Valley ENGLUND REAL ESTATE lion. Will malcie .a.ne family
Nice 2 81'. $140.
1613 Santa An1 Aw.
5CJ. 7219 or 543-8572 ew ..
1 BR tum. "Crpta. drpo. pool
A rec. Utll p:l. Multi. a&
pets. 1959 Ma~. CM. 3 BR, ~ BA, PACESETIER, Landmark of the Newport Listi .. Service 318 Thalia St. 49f...m3 wry happy. Lie. $225 or lse.
ne1.11Jy decorated inaide. By Skyline, 8 stoma ot breath. 8 l.OVEL"t 1~ BR, Ml1 tum. option. Come a: dtscuu •LGE .furn 1 BR upper, mw
owner, princ only. takina: bay &: OCt!lfl viewlnc THE So, Lquna-Ocean vu . terms. st6-56l2 att &;C5 PM paint, carport, lndey rm.
$32.950 * S4G-4681 from luxurious 2 BR, 2 BA, BRENNAN CO. Frplc; secluded ".at 10 , onO'. $125/mo. 545o-52'?'D all elec apta, 2 Hiahspeed It; S. ch 1200 elevaton, 1ubterranean &: sundeck. Walk to bch A 3 BR 2 baths, l fireplacet, BACHELOR I.or quiet man. 1-"N:=•w=po::rt:.:.:.· ::;::•::::;:.........::: top deck parldn&. Thtnpeu.. 11544 Beach llvd. a.hops. ~ PMtlinl-beam fncd. yard, cov. pi.tio. 3129 Yard, util pd. No drlnk'1, nr
OPEN DAil..Y tic pool A: boat docks. Open Huntiftffon leach ce~ $23,900. Call co1lect Bermuda Dr. $ 2 2"5 /mo . abop'1. MS-0059 .
l DAM to 2PM dally, Sale or leue, 3121 W. 147-"51 2U: Z&-23&& 64U487,. 545-4412 'DELUXE 2 Br •tudk>, crpts,
3 bodroom. dlni"8 "'°"' Cout H,...woy, 714, 642-2202 BE IMPRESSED CONTEMPORARY 2 Bdrm. drpo, pool, ""'" 1 child
Built-irui. Large lot THE BLUFFS 2 Ba, convt den, excel cond,1 ,New;;;;:pot:.;i1;;;1;N;<;h;;;;;;32;00;; "°"'='-lO~yn. __ ...._ ____ 1 $28,900. 629 St. James Rd. n.-! Id Back Bl ! \Ve juat Jllted the moi;t ~ beaut sardtn. paUo. One ot 1,-NICE lie 1 bdrm, prt nnt
Arnold & Freud Realtors v""'r 00 na: y: yr. taatie -4 BR 3 bath pool Monarch ~· tined:. Save . Ill ' 12192 F.dlnpl' ' ,,,:.:cc""°~"'=='-" :=:=~d old condo.: 3 Br, 2% Ba, homo Just 1 b'• -~ ,,........ ttw•••nch: ...... dlrttt ...__ I/I pane ne. • nr HA\VAIT BO_UND. Must 1ell cust. d""'I' a: c•""ts. 5a1 • 46 ,,....~ """"' "w:1 uvu1 Harbor. 839-6326 p k L"do c.ondo ., BR ... -.. "' • poo1 table room, bat"room. owner at $65.000. 499-2349 lOWNHOUSE ~iy ba ar lrpl~ poo1 " '$il.!ibo loan. By owner. S53,900. formal dlnina l livirc room, SUPERB view, ~ cuat. 3 SPUT·LEVEL .3 Bdrm, 2
'd ·• 0 / A 1 &M-237o den, f1mily room I kitchen D. o-• h bath Unit Faces p 0 0 t, Newport leach 4200
6'::.w "732own. . ~ ~ a: • 'RED=~u-CE=D~l""°"=-N-ow-138-.-750-t combination. $80,000 -·~"' DI". -..e. or ex c an I e • . ~ -$15.00lloqulty.!15 ·159 1 ; carpetr, --~ -· SINGLE Y~ll Luz.
BLUFFS ; Bay View. '<>n ma·
jor green bell. a Br, 3 Ba,
n11rny cust reatureo;. Low
lse. $48,500 value. Sacrihce
~16,500. 6~
-4 Br., 3 Ba., fam. din, ace FOR ONLY $45,000. It 494-T161 Rea, elec bat·inl, $265/mo. ,...., --v.n .~. ~th .,...
util/laun rm. Total 2400 aq, can't be beat. Pleue caD Mn F -• •----.. , LAGUNA Cln)'Oll. 90'x400': · ay ..., club atmoa"i....-aM ft. 325 Vilt& Baya, Owner. la &: •---h "' ~· "'" 646-1542" """" :kty. ''""" "'°'Ible IY -romploto privacy. 8011111
BA YFRONT 3 Br beach Welte II ff 1230
house, pvt beach, Bayshore 8-0-l<E~--~,,..ft.~l,-lel.-..,...Elcal-
p • r k, leasebald $13,500. wnbide. l ·BR 2'.4k nom
548-7391 for t or $ iuntta.· se:..im . "
Cl or M·l IOIW; M.000 dn. l( .. lty Inc. BAY CLUB APTS. bvlne at .
Bkr. 615-81.; fM-1111 Ra. 901 Dover Dr.,' NS ~&lite Di 16th NewPOrt Beach..
VIEW ........,, """ ...... •, _145-'!!!1!2000!11!'!!!!!!!!""!1!,,__B!!'....,••e,;•o; 1 cm• -BR.2BA.dlnfnlrm.lemlly1; YEARLY....W.~
Must .ell 4 bdnn home, en. rm. Oner, s.M1l UDO Pit., 3 BR. 2 b&., frpL newly fUrDllhed 2 Br •
peta, drape1, lup lot.room Dbl. pr,, Pool. fill5 w/sundeck. married couple
for boat or trailer, Gt or 1---------MADGE DAVIS ~'JOXI only. No childftn,, no pita,
FHA terma. Only 123.000 • Apwlmenh O&ANriiONT-Lowly 3 BR, 1225" mo .,.__ -.
better check thla one, Far Siie 1980 2 BA + FR, $375. 11: J BJ\.-Bachelor Apt&.
lOOO(Mner1I 1000 General TOOOGeneral 1000 ......
' . .,
Not every spaceman . " 1s an astronaut.
Lh•lng.room-floor 1p•c•men mey dre am o' e future fill ed with 1dventure e nd
excitement, but to the hendful of reel 11tron1uts the "now" i1 e life of uf11e lli1 h
d edlcefion end total cornmitment.
And ju1t es eYery spac eman is not en e 1troneut, neither is every ree l e state
broke r • Realtor@.~ Realtor i1 the'"pro" of his profe11ion .,. schooled, tra ined
e nd ••perionced ••. he must qualify before he is permitt ed t o use the word
Reeltor. On,• qU1lified, ha i5 pledged to a ,trict C 3de of E-th ic' which ifem1ndl
af him the hi9he1t professiona l standards.
8uyin9 end 1elUn9 real p ro perty is l\Ot a job for other then e ree l r,r•fe11ionel.
For fa•t, efficient and colftpletely safi1fyin9 real e1tete ••sistance, et a Reeltor
1erve your every hom• buying or selling ne ed. look for the Re1ltor emblem. -
Irvine 12H MUTUAL RiAL TY s UNrr ipt houae, 2 mo old. m.m evn. Kit-TV-Pool-Maid Str.
842-ltU anytime Gl'Ol1 $900 per month. Con· THE MESA MAGNIFICENT Vu mi 1li ac, 1---o"'P°'EN="u"'o~u=SE~-tact Dave at &f5..12S1 Newport Hel9hb 3210 415 N. NWpt Blvd '46-IUl.
3 min/~':1· -4 Br, tam rm. Very attnc 6 yr old, 2 atry, 4 LUXURIOUS 5th Door ·1 Br
$4D,SOO "'3 ownr. m.2916 1-BR. on cul~t-tac. Nr llNTALS N'PT. ff&hta., 2 Bdrm., cpt., w .... a... .. 1 ks:aJ bch new paint, cuat. drpa, rUce Apt olloo-. ~· yr i.e
TifE BLUFFS • Fuhkmable
condo. 2 ltor)', 4 BDRM, 2
ba1h: f\illy carpeted ~
draped. Frplc. Pool, patio,
bltns. $32,500. Call an 6 pm
"' wknad. * M4-0815
. Nu crptl, drpl A Hf'Ulll Purnllhed prden. Sll'.I. Adu 1 t' . nq'd. $450. Util lnc1. Adults,
paint. wm tranat. mtm. · no pell. 67~1471 or Zl3ITR
bershlp in swim I: ncket Jteftttl1 te SheN 2005 548--~ 7""'332.
club. Owner! ~"'1 .!''..,°' GENT or 1 • ..1-to , .............. W•tcllff 3230 :ST=EPS="w"""oc"'h'", °"m"'°""""2°'a.=-,-,,oll
&fta • &ft& ~ a -· · 1&U1 -.i-o: ....... bit-ins, frplc, be1m etJa.
53frl985. 8031 EbbUde, HB. lovely 3 Br home. KJt prlv. LEASE W/ option ' BR, 2'4 $215. yrly, no pets.. Cpla OD>
T ferred wuhlnc. $100 mo. Nice loe, baths, Pool. Rt!a. $450 mo. 1 &42--JC90 rans C.M. 64>-3167 * '41-947'1 Alt 5 p"m. * .::.:.>"_.:.;:_.:.;:;_ __ _
MALE~ wonted ID....,.,===~===== --------
Coron. •• Mar 1250 nice -Oii< tor SUJll. Corona •1 Mtr 3250 CoNn• dal Mtr 4250 Lnvins UN lmmediattly mer, C&U 175-lm..
8 'F1orida bound. Must sell. ,:ROOc;:,.llOl:.,;;:;AT,,;Eo;;..;cc,...c=.._ted __ t_ol 2 BR, 2Ba + convt den+ BLOCK Ocean &: bar. CUSTOM UILT Dalla R11I l1tete obui 3 Br tum apt "'"' lam rm, db! I"'··..,.,..,, S,....h 1 br, boOnll. -:z '&Irma .. den, 2 batha., cot· 6464fl4 . btacb 645-0260 turn. $325 mo yrly be. Oay1 cpta. 1 adu1t, no pets $150.
nt:r loc, Tip-Top col1d. PJUI . &42-3S8l, c v e L '73--2t57, )'rly 673-7629 FOR sale, leue or tnM. $15 Natlenel Roomate 673...(1635 I,,:.,:======-=
l-Br, sep. houae on 2• ft.% Cultom borne, 2 Ire BR & HI Rentf Slmel f1J.U88 1,:;::;,.;:::::..,,...-----Huntf .......... IMch 4400
Iota. $75,000 den, w/ rumpus room in 2 BR. New cpta., dJi>$. ~
Or ... • Coast Property au. on •4..,. """" l!<>m --------Avail. Now. ll*J. QUIET & BEAUTIFUL
332 Marrucrilc 6'f3~ Meadow .Lark roll coone. Me1a Verde 2110 MADGE DAVIS 642-7000 Adults onl)!; 2 Br., util. paid.
-' t £ ___ --Shown Sat only. 1 6551 AVAILJ U to-..1.S 4 2 BR., cptl, drapn, 1tove. PooLS200.M7·2125 HARD TO FIND Grahllm, Hnt; Bch., or Call une _...,. • Garap. 1 Child OK. ll95 17671 ~ Hunt Bch.
U kc new 4 Br. plu1 family 524-7187 8R, 2 BA, blt.lnl, encl Mo., leue. SU.7551
,m. tn "Hacbo.-v .. w HlUs.1 -""-':;D,;_.,IY-O~R-C~--polio, lam nn. new a-pb. 2 I BR new "°""" " clropoa. lmmac, !!'om 1lt!m to a tern. E Club pr:tvUeps. Re n t a: 3 BDRM bouae1. $250. uW. pd. $125/mo. Call
S67.900 , Marine Ht School, 70' corner fttlOliable:. s.ts-7115 ~ M~:c1-0evideoce Tradewinda Rlty. 847-1511
Delancy Reil Estate lot w/block W>ot, 3 Jae BRa, 1 :========:1,~=~~~====-·---------
2828 E. Cout Hwy, CdM 12"15" lam nn, VA/FHA u-•. __. Botch 2200 Huntl--· looch ••-Garden Gro.. 4610 673-lno temu or cub to 5% ~ loan. rww..-• ........ -
2 NEW duplexea to be com-BRASHEAR ~EAL TY D0VEJt Sbcnl b a>' r ro n t 3.;..BD'"'-'RM=.:;.l;.;%o..;;bo;.;;.;;.olec;.;.;.. . .:;..:kl;..:L, SINGLE Youn& Adults I.we.
plettd In June, l"at loca· 147-8531 Eves, 541·2'42 home. 6 Br, 4 Bl, 1arp w/w crpt'1, walk to bch A 111')" prdcn apll with eoun-
tion So. of Hlway. 3 BR • 2 OWNER'S 3 BR 2 bath. Nke patio. 'lO' private dock. llChla. 1225 pu mo 962-258-4 try club atrnolpbere . and ...,""" ..,,.,, ,_ • · complete privacy". SOUTH BR unit.a, open beamed ceU.. clean home. Aaume 5'% .............. mo, on l'Y ..... 3 BEDRM. Crptl, drpe:, fer» BAY CLUB APTS. mm
lnp. frplca, bll·ln.I. carpel.I ntA Joan. $22,'°". Pmta. mmo.so:t3 or 213/11M311. ed. Odldrtn, pets OK. l200 OiAPMAN Aw., Gudrn
& landscapnJe. S&&.500 each ll.20/mo. 198U2 IsthmUI Ln., .:"'°;;:· ;;IG-;,;D2;;;===== Grow fn4) 638-JJ30 By Owner. 6f4..-0Ji4 HB · Clf9ne HI Mir 2150 _
INV-Es T NEAR THE GLENMAR home, 2 atory, l 2 IR, 2 Ba + convt dtn + 0.,..,. Grove
OCEAN 3 BR, 3" t., Mn. 2 SFl, tam rm. 2 ·bath POOL. tam rm, dbl pr., PJ'd:tntt fr>lca. 3 1....,,, brlcl<. f>pic polio, ..,, pe1nt 11> furn. l32S mo 1'iY lie. 0oyS NICE home. 3 BR. 2 bo""-
be am/ceillnp, chumh!c "kle '$.13.950 90-XIOI dt t ~ •Yea f1J.Ul7, ChlldrenOK.$185 .
OOme or uae u Duplex, or PM' , l'1S435 · MADGE DAVIS lf2.71Xll
build 2nd OOme on bia k>t.
Bkr 673-:.110 ... lllnt•le 2910 Santa An• 3610
OZAN Bal1-llMeh Uni D4MAC 3 Sr., 2 Ba. Xlnt
WATERl'RONT . by OWMr • m..,. 2 to 10. fGr ~ neiabborhood, nr. S . C.
Harliavr 1405
Ocunfront Apt
Small eotta&e atudlo, Sl&O
month iacludel udlitia A:
lumlobod. P.rle<t ... -adulta or tlduly couple. SHORECL!FF 3 ell; 2 BA.
Qui1t trft lined area by q»e
aea. Fee 1\mple. Acce11 to ll
beaches. Under ,00,«XI. By
o·.vrier. 67J..l681
4 BR. -2 BA., doclc, 51• on ... ...!.11 --.1: Plua. IM f250, A S: t • ttttrva,.,111 ,...... v•-962-811117 -
water •nclolCd patio fl4,500. / 23.1$~!E:..· !Bol~boe~Bl!!!!•::·•..!llel~bea!!!_Ji.:======== 2 BR ocean front, yr i., prt
Stuart A Robblna Realton
dbl lot, So. of Hwy. Owner.
'51,500. 673--4169
Alto eo· '"' msln3 •-<howl •••• tAL• ': ........ N'--1 ~ bcb. "' oeta. ova!I JUIJ. larat: 3 Br. -·· dock, H 11.-..1..._ ......... _ _. ~ ..-AJIO atudkl. 4»-1911.
$110,000. Consider k•/op-IU ... """'""""99 EXEC naktenct. 3 Br. 21=========-1
don. 592-5991 Oenerel MOO Ba., bltm, d 1 h" b r , Dana hint 4740
Balboa Penln_!"91• 1300 Feuntein V•l .. y 1410 "11Vdrp. Booul -ISQO. SPACIOUS 2 Bl\'L Lrs
3 w..trom ..... bet ' ....... 13Ul!O, 50-lJIS Jio --·~ -· ...... .... • BR. 2 BA, nl<:d. ,.. .. • ·~ -• -INVESTMINT \1(111 $41.65 .,,,;, CJ11S, ·1p1. -· Near new Autonttlot only. Show oo ytlmo.
w ...... • '"°'" d1tpi«•• Moltfllly Sawin91 1210--I.we. All • Pr.i ~"'.!ii~ BA,.~... ~u_,.;;,.;NT""'ID.,..,.-~---1
from 123.000 ll !'I.IOI> tor 0 ON LOW 6% 01 LOAN Avotl '""" 15. NO poll. &oodfnoltttmult ad!ftu:ad. Immaallate 4 BJt. 2 bath. \Jriy me. i a'i ll&tlll, l44-f700 .,.._ Unfwrr ...... ·-·Cell ... Finni FUhloll H-with eood ._ 11111 -All-K•NTAl.S q.,.,ol Ci)' dHp ..,;! carpe""" A "'> !MMlU Af!110. "'"'-:i;:::::.::..----==1
• .... IOm drapes, Abundance o1 PJO •• 3 JtiO, 2 ... frpl.C., S12). 1 81', W/W, drpa. babf
-" -llow<h A..,,,,,. on on~ W/W. -.,.._ Ollldn1t °"''"'"' 4000 0.X.A..U Jitne l!<h.Bt.Mi-t
I I A l T 'I' liMd lot. Matt dtlltab&t 6 ptt 0.X, ..... U..-=-=--,.,.,_-,,,,-;--._,.,=-I
P<_NB .... tO!c. .... ,, -ploll.Wallt lD HISctlool. iiiifir.aden.50-.o~~Wldno. $135. 2 .... 111 ... -
•urLY H;:nl 4""""' '25,000 lou. -,...._ a... ID --·-~ "• -tit Patio. W/W. Clllldnn •pet ~ ""' Kmlle lllly M7'*1 .i. --·~'" 1
'" -• o.K. --Ntu Boy A oew1. 4 -f u=======C.: ;,1110; Heated -Ample ]IUldnr =======""'1
Mui" Bdntl. lt hUI'.' 3 L~ ... ch ,1705 C:...~,.. • llOO N~~ NbL!'!ll Coote -5100 Bathl. famUy room, ctoubl11 -._ • v .. ....,_, CM
Jplc. Patio. »!.... 135.ooo DUPLEX. J and I. 2(81l'.-lo --°"" $1'>. I Br. 111ct.Y """· wfii.
R. C. GR.EER. Realty Oft. vtew. just ~ a,,., Pn' pado. 9"' W. 17th Av a 11 ne w . FA M l 11
2 BR • 2 BA Sludlo. "'""" patio. Adults. (DJ) 9Ull7 ... -'-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" 3.1Sr5-VI~ Ltdo rn.9Jm pvt, Will! kltchtnat 49M748 St., CM. 50-U -.'dcomt. &oka' 5344980
T -'
,. .... ------,..------~ .. ~-~ ........... ~ .. --... ---.................. ~ .• • • •
O.il.Y PB.OT
«&NTALS ~rNl'I~> Rl!ii'.L !STATE --111!--li!lll __ *,__.*,_ _ _.., IUSINISs ... 4HlioUJttlMINTS 511MCE DlltECTOltY JOIS & I Ml'LOYMINT * * * * FINANCIAL ind NOTICES ·=· AlllL U""""""°" AptL Unfumlr.hod _Gone;.;...;..'_•_I ----Oordonln! • 66IO Help Won!M, Mon 121111
Ceoto -SIOO Co..,... dol Mar 5250 Misc. Rontola 59'19 luo. Opportunilloo UGO Pwraonolt 6405 oo~A;,:r-T ~.o;;t~i1. ~~l.;;;,r;;Rirr~·Pi,.0i==i---.~1S
DELnn:-2'81l; 1: BA T dell CAR;PQRT & stoouio kd«lr
!rplr., CJ1>ls, drps. patio. Vicinity La SaJI~ 4 MIWon. 1-requ1red. need ~ 1m. . K;i~! an'""" r ltt JABSCO $250 mo. Uase ~:nt7 C.M. SS/mo. 545-S270 ~Ml~~~ a.lie loo""9 c1 .. ,..' 646-1948 GREENS O BR, bx h• '"'• lrpk, d";! In_,. Pro .. rty 6000 gar, w/w crpts. Yl' Jee. S185 r;..; '-
mo. Adults, ref. 64&--4095
Pitot Box K..tU Offered to 1.be p"bllc The Btst, costa no more!
woop Wcrting thop, 31QJ 11q by the 'Balboa P,OW• Experleoced ldalntenal'l(.-e JUNIOR
• ... ,
' from $110 Huntington Boo ch 5400
Al.SO AVAILABLE LIVE RIGHT 1.2113BORM. H,.,., Poot•. °'"" care ON THE BEACH
C.cnter, Adj. to ShoPPhir -FJSJ{, SURF, S\\l'Bl
No pets allowed Iii YoW'" owa tront.'yard 2700 PeLenon \V&Y, at J:(,.,....
bor I Adams, Cotta Mesa Private clubhouse, heated K!!!!!!!!!!!!\l!!!Sl6-0310j!fi!jii!~!!!!!!!!!! I poot. · a.unu, prl\llllle r•te ti with U.bour .sccuri1y gua.r<t,. • t RENT • Medllerrane&n odult llvinj:.1 3 Rooms Furniture
$20-$25 & UP 2 Bed"°"". 2 Bath> fn?m $250 , Monlb-To-Mnnlh Renta.l.s
Applianees &: TV's avail. peting. • G.E. built·lns, with
No Security Deposit 1'ehigeralot & dU:hwasber. HFRC 1""'umiture Rentals
'9th CM "'~"~A... Huntington P~cific : 517 \V. . , ............,.
1568 \V. I;ncJn. Anhm 714-2800 Apartments •
NEWLY DECORATED m Ocean Ave. ll Blks. \V. of Huntington Beach Pier) , 2 bedroom with carport sno. PHONE !TI4) 536-1487 Disposal, waler. -p&id:-Near : -
";~":c .. p\,,,.,i;, Avo. 3 BDRMS. • 3 BATH
• 4J6.4120' • $175/Mo. $146 if stay 1 yr,
FURN & uruum 1 bdnn. Un-POOL, cpVdrps, Kids OK
turn 2 bdrm. Melill del Mar Delaware Studio Apts,
Apts. 998 El Camino Dr. 2620 Delaware. H.B.
C.M, 546--0451 642-2221 anytime 5.16-1816
2 BR. studio apt; l'A: ha, CHEZ ORO APARTMENTS _, & · 8234 Atlanta , euu, gar. patiO; cpts,
, dcps & bltns. n40. Days: New 1-2 Bedrooms • Pay ~
542-3524: eves 546-0089 electric only
5?.6-3927 or 536-2721
QUIET, deluxe J Br. studio Pool-\Vasbers-Dryers Q
\V/sundeck, 'pool; n r • Private Gaf'llges
shop'g. Adults ooly, no pets. =='°"'==-"=-"---tm Santa Ana Ave. 646-5542 ATI'RACTIVE 2 Br. crpts &
drpi;. 17432 Queens Ln. No. l
jl3tl 2dBulR stu1di? ,•""''o"K· 12 962-2l09. $!35 mo. Ba, a ts. f in ant . ===='====== Ctpts, drps, 54&.S866. Santa Ana 5620 UNFURN 3 odrm, 2 ba,
crpts, drps, bit-ins, patio, 2 * 2 BR. 2 BA Garden apts.
car garage $225. 540-3374 Very clean. Adults pref,
REDECORATED 2 BR, bit-_54&-__ 15_2_5 ___ -::;.:: __
ins, l"Ctrig, new crpts, drps.
No pets. 54!Ml760
EX. lge studio, 21i! ba. new
<:rpls & <Jrps. · $180. Also
bach. 2885 Mendoza 545-5421.
Rentals Wantid 5990
2 BR. \V /\V carpel Elec. RESPONSIBLE cple. desires
kitchen. Beaut. back yard. 3 Br. uni. house or apt.,
$165 w/gar. 642--4296 aft 1 wlmodern kitch. wtblt-ins; need encl. rear yd. for . 2
DELUXE 1 BR ap1. Exira.~. well behaved cats. Ref's.
terrace. Pullman BA. SlOO avail. 54()-8812 Altei; 6 PM
1st It last. 548-2039, 646-4760 weekdays.
=~=~,..,...-=Sl55; LGE. dbi. 2 Br. llf.i ba. COLLEGE Prof & \Vtfe want
G.E. kit. Adults, no pets. l or 2 Br Jurn apl close lo
240 E. 16th Place 54s-6432 OCC, June 20-Aug 1. Pre!
2 BDRM. APT, $110 pool & air cond. Call or
1 Smalt child OK. No pets write: R. S. Bidleman,
538-9462 Eves & \Vkends Laney College, 10001 ,lrd
Ave, Oakla11d, Calif. (415)
Newport Beach 5200 UNFURNISHED l BR apt
3 'BEDROOM. 2 bath·, with stCM! & 'l'tfrigerator.
carpets, drapes, built-ins, Up to $115 w/util. 22024¥,i
f.ireplace & ji.Lllt stepi; to -'-·~'~lru7·~"·~T~'~"~'~"'~'=~obcach. Yearly lease $235 pr. e LANDLORDS e
month. 642--0lT7 . FREE RENTAL SERVICE
DECORATOR 2 BR. house Broker 534-6982
near ocean. $225 Per" mo. _W_AN_T_4_o_c_5 _bd_rm_hom __ '·
arid. 2 Br. 2 ba. $185 Bkr. far11 rn1, yr Jse from July 1.
673-7420 545-1169 or 213: 790-7280
: 2 BR upr. duptx, range, ref. ONE BDRM Unfurn ApL for
, $175. yrly, cpti>. Ava~! ~/l. employed lady up to
, 3091,, 36th St. 213: 248-1921 SUO/mo. 642-0086
East Bluf:f 5242 Rooms for Rent l---'------5995
3 Br. 2.\4 ba apt. for lease
Ind :spat. mslr. suite, din
rm. & dbl. garage, auto.
door opener avail. Pool &
rec. area. Nr, Catholic
Church & :school &: Corona
del Mar High. e ONLY $,260 ~
837-BTI Amigoz Way, N.B.
Corona del Mir 5250
2 LOV ELY rooms.
Gentleman. Entrance,
refrig. Beach, JlOOI, tennii.
ROOM for rent, nice quiet
home, \Vorking fl e r s o n •
Kitchen priVR. 642-4794
1 Sleeping Bedroom 'vith
private bath & t>n1rance
Nice. 67~6
Room & Board 5996
Skip to tha Beach I
3 BR nlOdern stucco It
cXL'C.ilent ttnlal on iru'ge
76"140' R·f lot in lop con.
dllioo.. Only .S37,950 w.ith
101.' down. J:lol:1't m~ out
on lhla gokki'IJ oppori'unlty,.
Paci.fie Sbotu. Real(1
847-8586 Eves. 536.32-40
DUPLJP< $56.000 6\1% In-
terest. 514 FernleaJ, CdM.
$, O( hwy. 615-0044 Broker.
BusineH Rental 6060
400; SQ F.T. M·l spacie with
offices, New bldg. Jm..
mediate occupancy. Logan
Ave. Costa Mesa. S46-6500
MODERN 3 rm office. Newl y
decotaeld, drps & crpts.
$100. Mo. N.B. 646-172.f.
Office Rental 6070
Air Conditioned
Desk spaces avail.able 1n
newest office building a:
prime location in downtown
Laguna Beach. Air-condj..
tioned, carpeted, beautiful
ft. Cood location, amaU In. er Squadron startinc Budiet Lanclscapina:
veatment required. Write 7 P .M . Monday June Graduate Horticulturist
P.O. Bos p -487 Daily Pilot 2. Newport H a r b 0 r
-i:; ·---~·. -~ . ~ .... · Yacht Club, 720 West
Money to Loan 6320 Bay A~e.. Newport ·AWN BROS.
• \Ve need aomeooe for pro--
curement followup work.,
and backup tor our two..
man J!Urchuiftf d~._
ment. Requires buyb:W,
experience _and )ftler:::
W1i.ldt1YJ, Wont?[ Whoddyo 0ot?\
1s: • 2nd \toa.. .., QUlck Beach. E)l r o ll a t
cub." BorrOw on )'OU1' pro-class. For additional
perly cq Without dlsturbi11_i _infQ.i:_m_~J.iQ.J! -1! ... h one ,.~ '°"' 1n ... at 1s1 TDt. -~ or. 67a:)~.
Go-I Studenti
workine w~ lhru collet;e.
Exp,, lJc. Reas! Term:s
Phone 646-4203 or 546-2531
rably so~ fonnal . pur;
chaslne training. .. Spoclol ilote I ·
5 blnea -5 tim11 ,... S ~di• I
lilULIES -.t.O MUST fMCt.\.iO!
Al'° buyen "" 2nd ro.. -Alt I-E,..,.--
Sattler Mort&aa:e Co. Inc. rKt ve xptrt \=========
1-wtltt Voll "'"-to 1r..,., 1-Wfltt ....., Ill trltda. Serving Barbot-Atti. 20 yn, YOUNG WOMAN Apply, with resume and/
336 £. rru. St. dancer WUJ teach )IOU lll Hauline 6730 or in person, 1taUn1 ex.. :t-Y0Ull pflOM •NJ/Of Kdl'tll. ~J liMI el' M Yttflt'-
s--HOTHING FOR SA Le -TtADEi ONL YI 642-%111 545--06tJ latest steps, Can Ardell peritnce and salary r~ PHONE 642-5,78 'N;,;w:;;;;-uwiSAit:l,d,2!~3~:~59~1~-<538~;_i.;:cio~PM~:,-GENERAL HAULING quirtmenta, to Personntl "NEW 2nd WANS AR-To Place Yl)jlr Trfftr'1 P1r1dlM Ad RANGED" Top cash tor OOUP~. slngle1: lone!y? la CLEANUP Depl.
100 ACRES, clear. S35LOOJ Eq'uit)i. Want income -prop.·
erty. Please submit otters.
Art Giovine.tti, Realtor
!{A VE:. 24' C&bin Cntlser,
A-1 cond. 135 hp grey ma-
rine eog, $3000 value. Trade
!or property or ? ? ? ? 1.
Call 6£:;1909
GOOD S.11 GM n1arine die-
sel engine. Trade ror late
model lJ T P ick Up. Econ.
oline, J?.nchero. or El ea.
n1iqo. Consider VW Bug
seasoned 2ods. New 1n al'ea? Join the 15'1\'lJl& $12 per load. Bcai;b home, stone's throw r.t• •-i Bk to tun & pleasure 96U84fi a.ft. 3 A: wkends. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY
to ocean. Exchange for --r. e 63S-929l e EMPLOYER snl8.0 house in Costa Mesa -::::;===:::;::====1--__::_:~~c..!:--.l~ULING, General, Top. {Male or Female)
or San Diego. Mort.-ves, T.D.'a 6345 ~ ~ ~s « .
FORTIN 00. 642-5000 Announcements 6410 Q.16""'• ,,. John 642-4030 1485 Dale. Way, Costa Mna
::::-=c-.=.-=-u,.-,-IWIIJ.. PAY .TOP $ for YARD/pr. elnup, Remove California 92626
Sharpest 4 BR, den, dln nn, TRUST DEEDS. * THE COIN CHESf * trees, ivy, d~· tractor b&ek (~'\ uoo= in town, Showpiece.yard W/ •642-7898* o.-..... 1... t -A" .. _A ·~ "'~~
.stever patios. lighting & ;;;;;,."';;=-,=,..-,;--:-i •-.ao:: .. ........, se 8• ....... aue 1·~~·.J&rad~~ing~.~'::;"~,,_-l•iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii .... l"'I WlLL ··P"AY TOP • $ for tion. etc. 741 S. Cout. La--Clean Up and Hauli,.,. ' ldscpir)g. $39,950. Want: -.u~ DEEDS m••• Bch. ~ .-~ ··•
Jl'\ ~· ·--~ $10 per load . ~2528 UNUSUAL ""'""" homo. Agt. 5<6-5580 * "~""' *
Good vacant Jots in Hunt. T
Boaoh & c,.1, M•sa. Trade Money W;,tod 6350 revel 6435 Hou-leanlnt '73S OppOrtUhl"ly
for 1st & 2nd trust deeds. WANTED· 0 •de •-he! PETITTE, Rea1tor EXCELl..ENT SU,000. note drive to. 00as r 00. ~ CARPFI'S. Wlndows, Ors, ~ on local mortuary. Interest Stephens 89'1-21.M ' etc. Res or Comc'L Xlnt The Independent Order ~or
-payable monthly at 7% Will ' · work Reas! Rets. 548-4lll Foresters have opened a '58 Thame!:I Van &: '59 Sta-
' ., Be h "'"'' •pt sell oo.te at 20c1o discount Auto Tro••-rt ... 5 new office in "--e Coun. ._una ac ' u .. • tion \Vagon. Sl50 v a 1 u e and will buy back at full "~----·~...:...-~--__; ty, Require mf;~~t man
paneled partitionllig. T w o .,---,,--,.-..,c-c-,.'7
entrances: i'rontaae on
Forerrt Ave., rear leads to
Munc!pal p<rking lots. $50
per month for apace. Desk
and chain available for $5.
Busine:;:, houra answering
service avall&.ble-t'or $10.
All utili ties pald except
Secretarial service, air con-
ditioning, & parking;
Orange County Bank Bldg,
230 E. Nth Street
C.osta ~lesa 642-1485
bldg. Will take m o d e s t each, TRADE for power value in 18 mo's. This will MAN needa ride to L.A. Tues P1perhan9ing 25 -59. College not nec-
!:0m,,•,hd•e!c,,rt. area or Vis~ tools, ox.y-acet outfit, or yield 30.5% int. in 18 mo'1. thru Fri. 5:45 to 6 Ah1. Painting 6150 esw:v. Should bave ex.
u• " marine hardware, 546-1031 y· · l • Broker 4M.1330 manc1a s tate men I s Westminster area. 892-6860 pe.rience Jn meeting public,
Six Unit-apllJ1.me.nts, High.. available. Write to ~x 1464, SERVICE DIRECTORY P=~ lnpnt·!s~Fully~ Dignified life time position" 3 Apts., Palm Springs and/ land Pk. 7 yrs old., built-Newport Beach, Cahf. . Earning commences immed.
or 160 acres N. Dakota FOR · i -·• Is d \ ,,=-~~~-'--~..,-Satisfaction guar, Free est. ins, a r-co ..... , cp • rps. MD and partner need short Applience Repairs Jim Weeks 673-ll66 lately. Should be in execess
income prop., Orange Co. Will trade for lol in Beach term $37,UOO 1st Trust Deed Parts 4510 of $250 \Veekly.
Fortin Co. 642-5000 Cities. 213-796-1210 on 8 acres close t 0 PAINTING, Papering 16 yrs
1701-A Westcliff Dr., NB SUPREME t tn H bo Li & bo"" TRADE Sailboat dO\Vlltown Big Bear \\'Orth App iance • Re-ar r area, C •.u-Telephone bel\veen 10 am _ 2
MESA VERDE Value $300, good condi tion, over $80,000. Call Mr . pair. Rebig, <vashers, dry. eel. Refs furn. 642-2356 pm, Mon. thru fri.: 10 am -
1'~AlRWAY LOt ror pool table, dirt bike, Bartelt Days 642-1515 Eve er!. Tom, 546-1363, 547-6691 PAINTING & maintenance, 1 pm Saturday lot appoint.
\Vant: lndustri.il, ooriln1er. or office equlpmentr 548-1439 e AUTOMATIC WASHER intetior & ex ter io r . mettt.
cial, income or ? 1 Submit Call: 54>5107 RES.PONSIBLE party \Yant~ REPAIRMAN Reasonable n..tes. 646-3185 49'l-870o
to 01vner. 642-4715. 6'"58•8 cal Lake Arrowhead wa1erfront $5,(0) 2nd Mortgage for own ,.,.. Painting & Electri
3 BR, 3 BA, fam-din rn1., free & clr. $50,000 val.· Pa-residence, Laguna Beach.I'=========" I Llcensed & in.!lur~
covered patio, finished gar. cilic Palisades oceap vu lot, 494-3456 after S P.M. Babysitting 6550 * 642-0427 *
age, distiWa:sher, laundry, :o=;:--;;;;;i;'-"':=-,,;:;;;I w if h me ch an l e a I
r-'c. spru· t'·'ors. Trado _ Wft~e &1 cir, 127,500 . val. A~~OUNCtMENTS CHILD care, fend yard. e INT -EXT,-ANY SIZE background to take over
'P' 11.j ~·• ant: ncome. Bkr. 54JJ.7TI1 d NOTICES JOB Xlnt work refs free for trlr, car or ? ? 531-5250 . an lunches. Vic Warner & · • • testing and a variety of san Clemente Income 2 SprindaJe, ::s 846-0839 est. JIM 642-4669, 646-3749 related duties for a gro1vlrig
What d0 you have to trade? atores -2 lots 2 of!ices 2 found (Frff Ads) 6400 BABYSITTING 1 or i my NEAT, exp. Painter, no test equipment manufac-
List it here -in Orange ')Pts • Will take TD's or DOG: Found, Sun. 5-l8, vlc. home, Day & night, 6 day drinking. College student. turer in Costa 'Mesa. Good
Cou nty's Larxest read trad-smaJler property, Make oft-l9th & River Av .• N.B., ,veek. C.M. 646-2101 U:i\v prices! S!eve 548-4549 salary & e"cellent op...
'Tit J une 15, 1969 on a years ing post -aM ~ke. a deal. er. C:all _ 494-3262 female. vanilla e 0 1 0 r,. d , portunity for ambitious, in-
lease, $80/month for down. TOWNliOUSE 3 Br. 2~!: ba. P/U truck, 'sailboat, Cadil-GREAT DANE, 100 ks Brick, Maiwnry, etc. Pl•stering, Repair 6880 dustriou.~ man. Send brief toivn Costa Mesa ollice. · work history & personal ED RIDDLE R1 646-88ll Beaut. appt'd. Priv. patio, Jae w/air, & CB radio. young, choke collar. Call 6560 e PATCH PLASTERING. All ti
lr. pool : nr. bay. Val. $32,500. \Vant: Van w/wodws, it 673-1050 types. free estimate. G_all etails to Daily Pilot Box'
OFFICE SPACE WANTED, for T.D., car, camper or ? ? pos~iblc, Boat, gas~ dryer ==~~--~~~1BUlLD, Remodel, Repair .540-682S 1 _M_"'8 ________ 1 sal(!s rep, building products Owner 646-6654 ur ? Call aft 6 pm. 645-0077 FOUND: Prcgnan~ Cat, ~all eiick, block, co n c re t e , l=========I
i.:o needs 250 lp 300 sq ft nr ~l~ek, very beauh!ul, \~ar-crpntry, no job too :small. CAREER
Orange Co. Air P 0 r t ..a. . * * * * * 1ng Ilea collar; vic. 15th -Lie Contr 962-69A5 Plumbing 6890
iv/phone answering & I ~"'!!!!!J!!!'!!!~'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!t'!!'!!!!!'!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Powell Pl .. Ne1vport Beach. . . "PLUMBING REPAIR OPPORTUNITY!
secretarial service availabl~. I' Nr. N'pt Harbor lUgh Sehl. C•rpontering 6590 Join todays futert zrowin1 REAL ESTATE BUSINESS and 642--1796 after -4 p.m. No job too small .... _.a ca11 D. Moffat 213: 8fi6..3122. • General FINANCIAL * 642-JW" e profession-Mutual rWXI &ales
3345 NEWPORT BLVD. 6-8 \VK old grey & 11•hite CARPENTRY No experience necessary.
Offices suitable. tor Com· !·:•:r;ea~n.~·;;;; .;.o;;;;;;;;·;62;;0;;0: I Bus. Opportunitlu 6300 tiger striped kitten. short MINOR REPAffiS. No Job P5~1N~~gt \~e f!a]n. run or iiart time. mercial, Medicali Dental. ~ hair. Vic Pomona & Wilson, Too Small. Oi:tiinet in gar-~2387 or ~7217 Mutu1I Fund Advisors,
Air-cond., crpts. elevator FRIGIDAIRE C.~1. 642-8817 ages & o t bet cabinets. ::;=o::;::=,:,;:=,===I Inc.
35c: PER SQ .FT. SOUTHER,. CAL. JET A"CTION FOUND, Placentia & 19th S45-817:i,t u,:,,"""',, "uleaveo Pool Service 6910 Npt B. 1603 Westcliff 64U422
541.fil12 OR 675-2464 CAmE RANCH C.M. fema1e, small, shaggy. msg a · • • S.A. 1212 N. Broadw-.y
BEAtrr. air-c::ond. offices.
W a In u t pancl'g, ample
pal'k'g, util & mhlnt. 1-1160
!lqc ft. 1-smllr. 35c sq. fl.
N.B. STUDIO.Sp a c io u s ,
furn, paneled w/ lav fac.
Will sublet mo to mo.
DELUXE Olftce in Costa
Mesa, 1500 sq It t33c::l , Air
cond. Crpts & drps. 548-6'7Sl
300 Sq. Ft. Office.
COh1'A Mh:SA 646-2130
Small Medical
Rex L. Hodges Rlty
Frigidaire 18 min. ,cycle ls lite colored dog. Call aft 5 Anderson • lST Mo. Free! Exper, lie, 547-8331
the fastest Jn the industry. """'7A"• o """AIRS AL~ERA o ~-·
F d p.m. u1..-....., ,...,;. , ·~ Tl NS ~lrvi.ibcel•.! .J.!''!Y818Taylor ruu.i JHE NEWPORJER IHI 30 rigi aires do the work CAB .,., .,.,.,....., of 40. 30 min. washef"S. Find LITrLE black puppy, trim· !NETS, Any size job,
med &: heal'1.", poodle tail, 25 yrs. exper. 54~3 out bow ea:sy it is to O\Vn ._,.,,
11 paying laundry. long ear5. Male. 962-5896 MASTER carpenter, $4 per
Garden Grove, Santa Ana, 1''0UND gold grandmother's hour. Remodeling-Repairs.
Tustin, Orange, Anaheim bracelet. Call lo identify. 64~09 or 536-3900 ,
Coin-0-Matic 675-677:) 5124 REPAIR, Partitions, small
Pump Service 6920 . ~
Two good men needed as ~pairs 4 RemodcliQg doormen. Good starting saJ.
Elec. sewer c 1 ea n in g · ary; fringe benefits.
Residential &. mo b i I e
homes .. 642--6583 Equipment, Inc.
233'1 ~ W. Valencia
FOUND Ladies prescriptio n Remodel, etc. Nite or day, S"Jn glasses. Near beach in Reas! Olli Kl!:N S40-4679 I=========' I
Sewing 6960
Telephone r-.tr. Ingle or Ml'. Ro.u
644-1700 Laguna. 494-3908 Fullerton 11~: 525-1833
11 AM to s Pr.r Altorotionl-M2·5145
Neat, accurate, 20 yrs. exp. Temporary Employment
Upholatery 6990 URGENtl Y NEEDED
-~b JAPANESE girl want. room I ....... F"o"R""'LE""'A""'s"E""' and board with American
family until Sept. \Vrite P.O. 3100 sq It garage Bldg. on.
Box llSti, Ontario, Cali!. tlarbor Blvd, 4 double doors.
ON TEN ACRES 91762 $600 Per 1t1onth. Broker
: I A 2 BR. Fum &: Unfurn ---------
' Fri>lcs I priv. patios /Pools, Guest Homes 5998 Terlbia -Contnt 'l Bid.st. put·
' ting erttn.. 1-IAVE A \o AC ANCY \Viii
give loving care to ladY or
man in my licen!SEd home,
c.M. area. 646-7206
In! See Lane, CdM 644-26U
{MacArthur nr. Coast Hwyl
. APt5. Unfurnished Aph. Unfurnished
' ; Cost• Mna 5100 Cost• Me•• 5100
' ' "
' ' I
• f'ircplacrr • DIAAwasber e Mammoth me5ter
"'"''"'""' • 2 Bathroom11
• Cenlr8.I forctd •
air bc&Uni:
• Sp11cious cabinets
• GQ!fen & Sattler; gas built.ins
• Balanced power living
• Enclosed parklni; 1
•Carpets & drapes
1\ent.al ~f~Mrs. Chritticmen
J117-A Cinn1mon Ave., Costa Me sa
(1 block west or t-larbor Blvd.
3 bioclu 'fOUth of. the San Diep Prec"'a,)')
61::>-659.1 1JM-n61 eves.
FORSnle-Cholc e con1-
mcrcial lots From S20.000.
I,>anin Realty Co. &12-6560
lndustriel Rental 6090
Lots 6100
R-2 LOT Laguna Beach, -48()()
i;~. ft. Nr OOsch & tJwps
$a>,OOO. 0\\'ll<'r ( 7 l 4 )
36.>-~ or write DaUy Pilot
Box M-327.
R-5 <.1>r 150 x 55 net. !'I ft !!t'I
back, S\V <.'Ol' Garlleld &
Huntington Avt> .. flB ~"lie or
trade ror unit_,, O\\'l\r/Bkr
9tfS.41\04 •
LAGUNA \\'OOdll')' vlcw lots,
undcri:round utilities, pvt.
SG,950 & $9,250. -494-9748
3 ADJ. lots: l'OOm tor 11
unllll. 3.l'J E, 2lsl $!., CM!a
Mesa. Owner 494..r.G'n cvt•.
M-1 lol, i:ood C. f.t. location.
50 x :ioo. -m.soo. SUllivan '4S-6761 ·
DON 'T JIJSl' WISll lor aomc. uw. to f'lil'ftish .. .YOW' homt
• • • find grMt btb'1 in to. ...... °"""'"" .....
'7S82 Edi~r
U24"55 or 540-Sl•lO
Opt>n Eves.
Property Problem!
Co•1t·to-Co.a st
Computer Mttching
EJI c h an ~C)'Our "DON 'T
WANT" for someUUna yoU
ws..nt, Can accept 5 mare
C..ll for Appointment
0 . D. "BiJ\!!. Cole
nw Estate Coun~k'ir
!'t'8--llJ41 &t;..(8.10
Pl.ACE your not ed where.
they ate tookinr -DAlLY
PILOT cli.~ ~-5671
' • ,
' " I
l .,
• ' -
1 • l
--! • • . .
---·-·--------~-----------------~-----------.:-----...,,...------~ ...
•Mill MEN
Exccllent fr t n g e benefits,
lilt-insurance, paid holidays,
• 3021 Newport Blvd.
Cent• Mesa, C•lif.
lhe Hewporler Inn
Cooks,...Steward, .
~ Helpers, ~ ·
For good men, top alarY,
1ecurity, advancement. Fine
,..health program.
..., ' Telephone
. f.tr. Oscar Zink
. j!:xeculive Chef, between
9. AM-11 AM. or 2 PM-f PM
!D•yr & Ni9hhl
llBll8t E. Uf
Ill E. CH1t"Hl9hw•y
N•wport BNch
ll you have the ability I
desire to woric with peoplt
in pleasant sU1TOunillng1 It
have had sales ar public
contact r.xpericnce we are
looking for you. We wiU
train. Rapid promotions.
Good management oppty,
Potential $8,000 to Sl0,000. cau Mr Richard.II Mgr.
A member ol
279> Harbor'BI, C.M . .54CHi005
t8M Alpha I: Numert.
cal, Verity and 10me re·
laled cleric'1 dutJea._Cood worldn& a:;ndltkn, and
CJ.ta.le or Jo'emalc)
D•y & E~.o. slil"'.
Proficiency with IBM sdee-
trlc typewriter preferred,
·Management Trai~s COMMUNICATIONS
$3.25 HOUR ·· :E·e:
J. "-""""' °'· Fuhloo _Jiian\t
Nrwport Beach
Hou11wlve1 & Mothers
Can you 1pare a few hours
eacb day and &tt.d to 1ht
larnUY hlcolne ·a~·the aime
time? &-hedules convenient
for you, mornings, after-
noon.a, evenings or combina-
tions ol all. WCll'k in a fun
&tore under lbe finest of
CO'ndltiona ~ top"-1Upe!'Vls-•ioo.
• Monday thru. Fri<tq
An alude.nl poa;ition, tilled.
Equal opportunity employer
• Clerks • !fP!sts
• lepro Typi1ts • s.c .... rl ..
• Keypunchers
• PIX ·Open.
• Assemblers
Work when & where
you wonll
445 E. 17th St.
Coot• Mtu. c.111.
A omal! 0>~ located
near Orange Ci>u;nty a1rport
hl1 an immediate requb'I!.
ment for• lUll ch&rle l!ool:.
keeper/ Accountant to handle
J>Vroll. blulnr ... -l<da· t'!r am financial •tatemenl.!.
MUSI' be experlenced In
aOYemment contract ac.
countioi and bWilla-
P•-Y commensural• whh ex.
perie:ncc and abUit)'.
1. c. ,.....,, c..
Fuh\on la1&nd
Newpcn Beach
J laa openins1 far
Full Time
• Experience neceuary.
ComPl!litlve WA&~. out.
atandini benefits lnclu.
ding profit •ha.rina·
Monday thru Friday
Spilllsh t. ~ Ftnlla•
~~~ij;;o..-•r;··-~;;;;--~---·-·'i'l···:~:::::·~:·::::;;;;j .. -... ' ·~··--·--····:.. ................ .... ....... -,
ACCOUllTlllG J, C. PBlllEY CO.
A decorator dream house on_ di¢1'y -r 31
rooms of gorgeous Spanish furniture fwasl
reg. $1295.00
24 Foohlon l•l•nd SACRIFICE · ....... sm:
Cl mlf flO MOlll'r Dtt. "lOUUlllD -ft CMUtY O'la OMI MCft. lUU\ An equal opponunity ~::.. ~":.,.:!'; """!* ~·mpi~o)'Or~*1 m ID RJRNITURE
.. -. Shollld be -PROFESSIONAL 1844 • Bl d lat -lntorvlowlng i<nc<d in ..,..n.m.nt ""'-EMPLOYMENT n8Wport y ,-... --) Mon thru Fri tract accountinc and be able COUNSELLOR
• •• ..;. to s ,.~. -~~=:,:::with t1'-~~ ~:n tbew1:ru~ -. COsli Mesa only
* Equal oppm:t1111lty employer perience and ability, I ~--··
ban ~_--,,..•I -~'"""bi'~ l"'Y Night 'Tll 9 -Wed., Sat. & s .. '116 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ve -...es or pu ,.. • For appointment, call contact experience w. are
Mr1. Bl•kdon 1ooiWw !or you. w, will JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Gar-S.lo I022
9 A.M •• II A.M. tnin. Rapid pmmotlona. --~-"--..-."---~
71, ra115771 Good manapment oppty, Jobt M9n, Worn. 7500 Patios. ..
;MU" Ppoenilal 18.000 to 11~000. OFFICE CLERK Friday, sa~ • &P>. 10 AM
_._ Call Mr Rldmd1 M&r. Reliable trainee needed lS tll dark. Quality Jtema:
Sut .... _ _. C COASTAL AGENCY permanont clerk in Eollto~ Fumlluro, m.r, plctureo.· e PROOF ,.......... orp. (!-iu~-~'of 1.... ial Offices of the. DAILY dl.ahel, linens. clothifw. OPERATOR e Apply In poroon m<IH..:... 111.C'.'M"'o.,:-;-;,.. PIWl'. Some typq and kitcbon u""'8o, ...... roll-
4500 Cempus Drive, -· · ~ ~ experience helpful away bed, car luaa&e rack,
We nefd ttn part time
men and five full time
men Immediately, No ex-
UNITED CALIFORNIA THf HARJUY CO, S..lt.i 472 Muoi have car. H.,.. 6 AM bucket """· and mudt, e ESCROW e BANK Newport llNch, Calif, • llOfftrur • to 3 PM. M ...... through much mo ... 1829 Iowa st
SECRETARY 1987 Pb.ctntla Avr.. An equal oppxtwUtf .Jiu.JU Frida.Y. See Mrs. McAllste.r at Callfornla St, 'CM.
J02t H•rbor Blvd. Costa Mesa em(lllo)'er a.ftentoolll after 2 o'clock. GARAGE Cluranol! Sai.
UNITED CALIFORNIA c .. to Mt.. A,PPLY IN PERSON' NO PHONE CALL'l. Wubu/ dryer combo,
BANK ~2033 * BOOKKEEPING ·Dolly Piiot Giboon ....... 1 inc rood. CALL 541.7712
~ton .• Sat. ?.ir. Gold 330 W. Bay St. Cho<~ cboap chain, -
..i;,n, openlog• for'""' DIJffWlfUClll 3141 E HOSTESS . MACHINE Mllllal E. LEE Costa Mc,. other irem• ....... a with experience in plumb-AHtUl • Coillt Hwy Equal opportunity employer "'"""' -*-~Do-R=-=IVE==R~S-*--1 Holml'i'OOd, CM. aUey btwn
i'J8. '1octncru, wan., cabi~ CorONt def Mar CASHIER OPERATOR 151 E. P•clflc CsfHwy--Catalina & Ho Im wood. ;its and finish -or we 'vill f:J0..1 AM sb.i.ft.,Good pay 6lla'240 SEC1t-ETA..RlAL . Elr· N E • .,._7370 tnlin you. Must have some and workillg conditions. For Catlee Shop Looking for a iharp &irl to Newport Beach O xper1ence ==~--~-~~
,hand tools. See rucJ,, 2135 MANNINGS, INC. &ploCIP<rtunt~employer :!::1 :':W.!o tor~ operate-BU1T0U£h!Ef00key-Necessary! PATIO Sale -Ma.Y Zl-25th.
Canyon Drive, Costa Mes& ElToro Rd. (Leisure WorJd) construction · baclciitwnd, Morning lhift. Experience punch, 10 key adder, type G~ OFFICE, part Must have clean California ~~~ ~=te:w~· ~42-9758 Laguna Hills 837•lal..f. TELL business oHented & able· to necessary. Apply in person. 60 wpm. Experience on Bur. time. Girl %1-35. _Kmwledp drivin& record. Apply M 1 -~ 11 -
'ASSISTANT BOYS 10-14 ER TJlAINEE cope wfth "'""'°' Tltio in-roug., k keyponcb • """" 01 """"'"'' ,...,.able and YELLOW CAB CO. D=•'. ';'.,d ~.;::,:: W: r. Part Time Eves. CtrTieTRoutesOpen divid~"'&~~!;d rbe THE slty. Call Mr. Laroome lite shorthand helptul. ~ 186E.16lh St. coffee table, plcture1, 'f4ust be dcpcllda.bJc, 19-25, Wr Will ll'ain capable girl for specltleally . with NEWPORTER INN1-S<-~_m_1_.______ Hour ~k. Mon-Frt. Apply : Costa Mesa clothlne A: etc. 300 no
ihaip in miM le appe&nUICf!, Laj'una Beach, So. l.aiuna ~::/N=1.~?'!_1!,::!; payable, reeetvablea, trust llDT Jambone Road ~~D LlgffTINNG CO. 10201---------St., CM. 64&-0051
, area resident 6 mo•1., have' DAILY PILOT ...... ., -.... fund reports A: all phucs o! ~ pus r., e w Port School1°ln1truction 7600 ="'==,_.,---,~~-
'a)lto, and money motivated. 64'2...mt ~typing skill preferred. ·~. ll you are currenUy 1--N-•_w--'"'°"----'-ch,-'-C&l=il;;.. -1 nawpor'I a i Beach. 546-2!1>1 Th N--I ~~~~Ito~~
$ .. 50 PER HR workinr conditional employed, immediate eveD-al SEWING machine operatoni. • ewpor
• • 01• • Janitors $2 pr hr benefits. 1ng appointments will bear-Pollition avallabJe for p&rSOM Trainee jobs av a 11ab1 e. School of Bu1fnu1 to .2. Furniture, bedd.lnc.
eat.I pf.rs, dept. 547-7182 5 pm All shilt:a. No e."'<perienct ranged. new i.,una HWs Lei-8Q8f1&y Earn as you learn to FEATURES: ~me;:, A~· =·.:: '. to 8 pm, Mon, thru Fri, nessc. Calf Dan. Merchants WORLD SAVINGS &: LOAN -ac>LEE ?i;fEgIANICAL &urt World~ ot New-become 1. hiihty paid saJJ e Electric Typewriters t. '
PN:lT-Time try cooJc. Top Penionnel Age n c Y. 314.1 292 So. Coe.st Hwy CONTRACTORS port National Bank. seamstress. e Dictating equipment 330 Poppy, O:IM.
wage$. Also Man·o~ 2l lo Weatcliff IDr .• N.B, 64$.2TIO Laguna Beach 847-8613 For lop paying Temporary HANNA SAILMAKERS e Bruab up Grega: Sh. 2-4th & 25th · MOVING, 2J yr
'WOt1c snack bar Saturday l.: TRAINEES. Full or part KEYPUNCH EXPERIENCED Positions ace-Jane CargUJ 861 W. 18th St. •Modern Office procedure collection; furniture, .. tool&, ' Jlwoday. 8 ""'-limo. COOK • FOUNTAIN • OPERATOR PROOF TELLERS in our Tomporacy DivWon. C..ta M...__ 54"'464 • Letior writing •kills hanlw.,,,. truck, •lectricol Call Wayne DISH MACHINE. THE i-~or appointment call 133 Dover Dr, N.B. . Your goala can be achiev-& plumbing, misc photo. D
R.ancbo San Joaquin zoo. w. Coast Hwy &: OPERATOR Mr Haaa or Mr Stopdi.11 642-3170 .549-2743 Cashier/Hostess eel in a minimum ol 3 Lillian Pl, Of. 54S-3914
, iSMi c;,flf ~urse MacArthur, N.B. ~~ed In IBM aJSB, 642-3lll LEGAL ExPtti w c ~k s,Ask~ 6 B~ ~arage in~
; vet , near UCI cu;ANUP MAN, ovu 18. WTOugha E400 a~ vaJjed EXPERIENCED SECRETARY ·er>CM Apply ~ wee . or ona , way w,
, 1 , 833-l(Ul2 start 6 AM. No up. Will duties i.J:i accountinc office. MANNINGS INC Hallinan at 642-3870 for -area. C.M .. You name it,
'.EXPANDING C&rpe.t & train. TIIE zoo; E. c.oast .HOW'S 10 AM to 6:30 PM. United CalHomia lfGAL JRAllf PACIFIC SAVINGS has an El Toro Rd. (Le~ Wo~ldl full particulars. ~·ve got it. Sat&: SWt.
, Housecleaning firm. r;icMs 'Hwt & MacArthtljr"N.B. Call Mr. Larcome, SCS.nl7. B•nk ' opening !Or a legaJ 9f!<ft. Laguna Hillll 837-1014 THE NEWPORT * 2437 Duke Pl. C.M ·*
1 !Wu good men to start June YOUNG MAN i:Jeres1ed la Exec, Sec. $500.00 Work at Newport Center, tary. Shoald t)IPe minimum Op · -sdIOOL OF BUSINE5.S Relrig, piano, surfboardl. 1 ~ A real opportunity for learning .. trade:"MU6t have A lop co. in beach are11. ts 625 MacArthur Blvd. start $400/mo. '."equ.lrea &cc. 70 WPM & take shorthand pe=?'n t:i~::e.::1,833~°'""'--' ~D-'-~· ~N_•WJ>O~_rt_Bc~h. T.V., pool & ping-pong UU.
right ~rson. No t!;qJ. nee. gd. ref's. Gd, ~ • hen'• growlna: and ~11 a sharp 54!M424 · retarial experience. Tn>e at a minimum of 80. For an ledge of general office work Educational Vacation 4th Coffee lblc, che!!t of drwa.
We train. If you \Yant a real Steady emplml..HJ..7121. cal ,with good ikills to work 60 WPM, lite 1horihand, At-apapintment caU ~ Referenon:, Pli;ate call 494: graders ••• Sr Citlttnl Chil. PAnO SALE ~ Ali kind.I ot
'uture in the 6 er v Ice ~n Metal~ in corporate otti~s. Good Equal opportunity emplayer tomey Roland S. Barcume Mr, RockoU. 1440 for appointment. coat 10 Jeuon typ~ Sehl Goodies. FRI&: SJ\T. ~~~~· call 549-2425 bet. .• Assetnlile~rl advancements, c.an Loraine iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim I 644-0023. PACI Fl C HOUSEKEEPER &: child ~~~ ~~~ 173 Del Mat 900 W. 19th St., CM
• Nl_g~i Shll(For•ln•n M...Chanb """°""'' .,,,;_ SAVINGS •"" LOAN '""· 11 .. in, 51; • .,.. • GARAGE '&\LE MAINTENANCE ;~ 64U830 . cy$ 2043 Westcllil Dr .• N.B. PBX OPE RS. (2) Equal opportunity employer Ptivate mom .t: bath. Refs. VOICE preparation for JUNK TO ANTIQUE
MACHINIST &15-2770 T ,-p. J Night ihllt• . $50 wk VI/ periodic ral8es: popular or Cl.usical lingiJJe, 3.36 A. Victoriit. CM in rear (Two Openings) EXCELLENT man, to do1--,-, ""H"O=S"'TES=~S~-- -1 expcr, notypinc ADMINISTRATIVE 540-9212 Bcglnncr thru advanced
PRECISION CASTINGS linish. yacbt work.and dock T J . l rood typillt, wtll train e SECRETARY e HOUSEKEEPER, II · training. 642-551.2, ~!M.934<1
. OF CALIF. INC. maintenance. Call 54WZ11 ~Art:!=~=~ ....&.... ""'-' $3:!0 & S375 Beach ~a. motherless home,ve be~ M"""E"R"C""H"A"N-,,D"'l"'S"E"'F"'O"'R:--IA=.PPLl;;;l•::.n~cn.;;.. __ -'l'-'1~00
:-::: 2044 Placentia, C.M. ext. 239 ur a.a,,ous • ,._.,, ~ Call Doris, 548-7796 T -~-•-o1 ...._ 2 ~ ... , ... , .. _ SALE AND TRADE CE AUTOMATIC --~ i .... 548.-2278 &ker alt 1 pm. "'°° c_,., "'· • ,,..,,.,, ..., o m............... ma.naaer """' uuwn. .. _ The-FISHERMEN A...._~~'1'fl"",.,, ARGUSAGENCIES IP'OwthdivisionofamulU. Woman w/ l 1mall child mini-ba1ket , 2 spd.
Bc:*1s Help W•nted R.Htaurant ,.,,_ 11 1869 C Ne1vport Blvd .• C.P.f, million dollar corp. Excel. OK. Pref u/45. 5'2-7223 Furnltur• 8000 permanent preu cyc:le. a
..... EXPERIENCED Women , 7400 317 Ocean Blvd.. Please Call For TRAINEE $ttS.OO • lent ll!Ctetarial Udlls a.nd at WOMAN for an II we r I n I SPANJSH Returned from RepoMea1io111. From Sl29. :_~ ~~:=i:sRS liuntin&ton Beach An Appoi.J:itment. Top co. tn beach area is look-leut five years experience service operator, full or Model Homes on a.le at Dunlap's, l81S N~
O'DAY YACHTS Hf!~ SE~~.TA!~. SECRETARY , Pluihy Ing 1Dr HS grad. with typ. ~ 1eer:ils required. Putli~ afternoon & eves. lea than wholl?Slle! Group C.~1. 548-7788
Nrwport Beach Co, frieod.I)' ORDER P~G Ing lkilla of 45 to 50 Wpm. send of prev-847..&016 mcludes beautiful 9 6 ' • USED, GE under counter
3181 Pullman, Com Mesa general oUice duties, Na-young coworkers. $Sl) up. CLERK Call Loraine, Merchants ~r. ious employment includina; AID worki.n& mother s da quilted so.ta & love seat, dishwasher. deb: model
: FACTORY l'r'alnee, $mall ~~~be ~le:~~ Call Edee, 546-5410, Jaaon Some office ex p e r I e n c e llO~nel Aaency, Xlt3 Wesl-~i:?' to Box M·S07 Daily wk, 12 to 5 PM. Lite hskpg, 3 Spanish oak .decorator Good c on d I t I o n • $65.
: ad h ~ives mamdac~r. Starting aalary S40o • $450, ~tSoEmJ~Sannt Agmcy, preferred. Must be rood clitt Dr., N.B. 64&-2770 ownCali trn.nsp. Mature woman. ~·1a"'a& orki.table lamps. ~~71:15 Newport,
, ,.}'ulJ time, days; high ICbJol Call 54!M241 bet. JO A 2 PM. '.ulJ • ......... ., ta Ana typist. Perm. position i.J:i * WAITRESS * 1tl 6 PM 839-1759 w ..... P CQUC, nr. queen, · ·
+ -srad.: 5' 10" or over. $2.25 *RECEPTIONIST&: irowtng Mfg. co. Xlnl 18 10 35, neat appearing. • WAITRESS • EXPER.IENCE.'D Teller and or full me bedroom suite GE DRYER, electronic cmfi. ; 10 $2.50 Per hr., baRd oa ~peninp ~~!'r = Admitting clerk, part time. benefits. advancement op.. Full time. No experience Platform Steno. Securitf oomplcle Ind bolt :sprinp, trol. R.e~ssion. BHt ••
eXl)erience. 548-5125 _., Mature woman for con-portnnlty. Contact Mr I. necessary. Apply fn ptt"llOn. Apply In person Pacific N1tiona.I Bank. mattress, Unena & boudoir model. SAVE. Dunlap'a,
SERVICE STATION time saleL Min. age 18. valeacent hospital, 3 9 3 Wlndlinger 536-9371 lamps, Spanish oak 6 pc 1815 Newport. 548--7788
Pleasant work, no invest. no DISC INSTRUMENTS !NC. ~====--=~I d'·•-"' pr•'ced ·'··wbe,. HELP: Two men full time, deliveries. For interview Hoapital Rd., Newport BOB'S BIG BOY HOUSEKEEPER & COOK al"':pprox. Sll95J;;' ALL MAYTAG' \Va1 her,
, :~Xpericnced. One man for call 540--0614/ 837-4749/ i .,,"'="=h=. ==~~~-Z701 S. Hal.lady Sl S.A. 154 E. 17th, C.~f . REUBEN ,,E. LfE Take full resp. All adultt. FOR ONLY' $399. $20 down, FRIGIDAIRE c I e ctr I c
i -graveyard shift. NO phone 847~ TELEPHONE Solicitor SEAMSTR_ESSES Accnt. Clerk $433.33 151 E. Padfic Cst Hwy Hof.Iman Home 538-S:SSS $4.99 pet ·o1.eek ' out ot ~~~·~:.. ;::~nt COl)o
.cNalls. n;~IE~M 19th A DRAPERY-Work room ex. D:S or evenings, from our A lop Co. ln Beach area is Ntwport Be•ch NEED babysitter \\'CCkdaya state credit Olt W 111
" rwpor ·• · · pericnce. Various opt:nillgll. 0 ce, permanent. Salary looldn( for an accnta, rrc. fot chlldlen 1 & 6 yrs. 50c M:parate for qUick sale. 20th GAS DRYER, used N~
: COlLEGE Student. full time Full time + p/time eves. St65 per hour. Call Kl E."'<p'd power machine opu-clerk able to do credit check. per boor. 673-5546 Century Furniture, 9 7 7 2 ex c e 11 en t condition.
• -Summer, part time during Beach Drapery Setvitt, 500 1,,7,.-13"23"'"'"'"',------aton: to aew flalllabyde boat ing and bank depoaitl;, C&IJ See Betti Bruce at =========! Garden Grove BI v d., Guaranteed. Dunl&p'a. 1815
; ,IChl, at Chevron Station on W. 17th St., CM. 540-6464 EXP'D Wai~ae1 for coffee cushions ' canvau pro-Loraine, Merchanf& Penon. m fl Jobt-Men, Wom. 7500 Garden Grove Daily 1().9, Newport, C.M. 543-7188
Beach in Lqu.na. NO long ,PBX AnsweriJJg BttVice, exp shop & dinina: room. Apply ducts, Top wa&ea, pd holi· nel Aa:ency, 200 Westclttt • C ; ---------1 Sat )()..6, Sun 12·5 Come COMBO relrig/freczcr. Xlnl
, :~.Must be 18. 494-!003 pref, must be able 10 work in person aft 6 pm.see J im, day&, vacations, Ins. Xlnt Dr., N.B. 645-2nO l66 XSC N~ amb1Uou1 tr• In e e in or call (714) SJG.-~ cond. Nl"W 24" ftarbecue.
, JANITOR ' W I N D 0 W all shifts. Steady work. Ba,y1ide Inn Restaurant, 35J ~·orklna: coDditions, Apply EXP'D TELEPHONE Aiefte)'. for Caret"r Girls . coup e, 8:ges 45 to 55, who MAHOGANY breakfront $65. • 673-7452 *
Q..E.UofER. Full Ume, and 53&8881 E, Cout Hwy, NB. Jack Cole Co., 1763 Plaoen. INTERVIEWERS 4.10 W. Cout Hwy., N. B. would like to learn to Small naugahydc chair $3j.1 -.~WH=1=RLPOO==L-,-,~1n-,..-... "l
one pert time weekf!"lld posi• I 'E=XPERIEN===c=:•=:r~, -----. SECREI'ARY: Part time fer ti.a Ave., CM. 646-2451 Work from home, hoW'I to By appoint 646-3939 beoome apt !"11grs· . ~an Twin ~ aprlng & matt. Washer, late model,
'tton. Experienced. Ca 11 ... _ .. _, --'-'--t L-_1 ronsulttn& enatneer. Exp. in , ... 1 ...,.,,. ............. ,_ Com-•-m:t ~~bm• .1
11Wde pamtlnc• ~. Roll-a-way bed ;20. cond. $50. &17-3115 5'18-8737 ua•u:u......,....., MIC"•'"'"" .... aertJSpaOecles.Salarycom-'b "l ~ -..... ., .. ,.,._..,..,..we, .,...,.. c-,.. >3'.I 1 reaunie Smal l maple fini1bl ----'-------I practi~ office, La 1 an a 0 ] JfJ es !Ion. Call btwn 10 Ii 2 Typist FM Pd. •j76.t.7· ref_ erences. Box P 486 Dally .. .......,,_..., .... n_ -· lamp a Antt -1110 ONE, Ale.rt u p ho I 1 t e r e r Beach. 5 day/wk. 4M--97J7 tnelll\JT'B.le with e JC P · l ~ 84U402 .,... Pilot .................. ~ "'"~ 1---''-------'"tnlinee. AppQr in per90n to 548-58.17 [J fl J m j fe() A lop Co. is b:Jki1ig for a · colored globe $35. ~
J ohanSC"n & Cbri!tenaen DENTAL ASSISTANT,l:co=MP=ANI="'o"'N~to-.-ii~,,_-;n--:-lor agencv BEAlfl'IClAN )'0Ull£ gal with good typin( Television G.E. Stueo $65. Sony tape~~~. ~t~=~· = ~ W 16th St NB Pedodonks. N. 8' Ex-lad wi h II t7 ID wc.rk full tlme_ Costa Mesa skills who can also handle ·Introduction Work ---"·r 135. Na---•-~-.. °"" · · • · perience des~. N 0 n young Y 1 5 ght ban. Qualily, Posltieng !or 5&.lon. Pakl vacations, etc. Phonea: and customers cau Hel. 1 ...... v•uo: __.,,...., Miniature I doll ac:ceu. • 'foorner 16th &: Monrovia)' .!mOker. 64f...-OGU dlcap. Must be excellent Qualified Applicant& No clientelc required-new Loraine, t.terchanb: PE.raon-P ntroduce cable T. V. In rouch $15, 2 end tbls ' chr Helcn'i Antiques', 2 f 2 I
SERVICE station attendants, COUNTER GIRL Wit b driver. Prefer girl ~ to JS. 4,8g E. 17th SL, Suite 224 ends welcomed. C • 11 nel Agency, .tK3 Westclitf Ni!trth =· Evt:1 A: week. $S-all. Dinette aet ST.SO. All Newport Blvd,. it<n J,
-ill shlfu 'open. Call or apply Good lalary. can 642-«133 Costa Mesa 642-1470 Manager ,548-9919 Dr., N.B. 645-2TIO faJso fee t 1· or commiu.ioo, kinds of baby •~various C.M. &42-9251
jn ~. Merrlck'i Shell alten.Uon ~ tor Pfr mother'• he IP c r LVN -Experienced, Con. jobs! Cali sandy at 544-TlBS for prices. 540-Z40 !-'==;;..;;=----
' ,$fa,tlon,,2800W.O>astHwy, cleBllillgagency.l63638olsa wanted. (Prefer TRAINEE-Acctg. Good op-al H -1 intervlA'. ANTIQUE hand ca rved S.Wi,!'l!MachkMa 1J20
' NB. Sfi.3252 Chica, H.B. &randmolhcr type) Meaa portun1ty with xlnt co. in SO. v cscent ospita . Colla MANAGER for 12 ftttnilhed HOMEWORKE~ an led: Spanish Twin BDfl,P.f set,
SERVICE station attendant, UCENSED Shampoo girl. Verde area, M6-t678 Santa Ana. Earn while: ::tio:cc~~nt,mwo:~: 2
1 BRI •,nits. adl ultst oniyN Info, eel>d 1 . , tell·ad· complete; 01500 app.raised
Top .... v. Ne.-Beach•~==~-----•· -•~• c ' · wpoo or par ren . 0 dressed env lope to valu•, "'""-00~. cx ..... r.. lull time, cws. ,...... "1''"' .., • ro .... ~ ..... , • o u " r . •l--=arrunc! ......... all &tee Call 642.-0387 to r •P-mnin'·•·•• or I 1 '~' -.... A.n?a. 642--6857 ~ " .,.,, ,.. ..,,...,"'e c ea.n ng Mlsncr'I, 1741 Pomona "-' .i:r, "'"10'" ; Y11ion Station, Santa Ana&: tractive. Apply after 6 PM, · ,,..,,.....,..10. Ja s on Belt polntment unle1s you prefer. Please Cos M ~ •~~~~=·w ______ _
• .\sades Rd. Santa Hts. SALESLADY for ~ry Maw.rick, 1723 Newport Employmeni Agency, 7l2l * COOK .,, pr,1 shift, for res(Xlntl Dally Pilot Box M ta eu., Cal. 92627 l.ARGE, custom ma If e,
1969 SINGER with Zic·D.S A
walnut col'llO!e. Makel bQt..
ton holes, de1tans etc., $5.25
mo. or $36.00 cuh. 5:1Mi618
Musical ln1t. 1121 '. ·EXPERIENCED tull llmt sfo~. Over ll years. Blvd., C.M. SO. Main, Santa Ana nursing home. Expcrlenct 414. TECHNICAL mutntor-ex· round dining thle., marble
.man to maintain a.uloiNtiC ~ EXP'D Stationery Salc 1 *MEDICAL ASSISTANT* prefefftd. Apply, Lagunal'w"AJ=TR"ESS=-w-an"'t'"•d.-,-a&-e"':n"'-~ed mivl~~ acbemaod ticl, ~~·~wit !!eel Sacrltlce. KENT Drums: but,.,.,., l :lawn.1prinkltt 1 yl'le:Q'1s. MOTELMAIDS.f\tll·&:patt Ladies Wanted for ex. Mature-Ped i atric fl:· Beach NW'!ifng Home 35. Good waies. App&y in ' .-.."'°""a oom· V'IU""\ll•~ tom tom, cymbals. rftuaic
• ~1688 or 644-ZJ37 time, Apply in penon 1967 pandinr' ttationrty 1tore. perience preferred, Front I: 49f.-IJ'75 Jl(TMln. l2 noon to 10 pm. ~ time or part HOUSEHOLD fum.tahinp: stand. Minor ftpn;, $100.
, t()QK WANTED. App 171 =-N~'="';.'°'-",-,:;Bl_W._.;.;_'°"CM=·--Colin We1t. ~ ~k oWce. Send resume: • rotLERE'IT£S. part 17201 Brookhunt, acroa =====--,----,,--,-I Uv. Din, Bdnn. TV, etc. 409 830-UXI
be t we e n 2. 5 o d i e • 1 PART I t m ~ "bowlie:lrleeper SHAMPOO Gld 1cr aclUJive aae. exp, etc to Dally Pilot Tlme, avr. $2.50 per hour to from Gemco. F. V. MANAGER; dlx. apt., Costa Bellvue Ln, Balboa. &7>-7003D ='=a°"UMs,="''-Sparlde~~-Bl=-ue-.~51"'1'",.-.1
Jtnta,urant, 212 E. l7ttl St., w/transpmabon. Vic 64th Be&Ub' SUon-M\alt have I =Bax=='='3'5__,,,_.,~~-~-1tart. <>vtr 2l Call N&-574$ 962-00SS :~c: ~!1~ e maln· Quality king bed, quilted, erland, Complete.
CM St., N.B. M5-G089 Calif. Coame~t 11 c . TYPIST, Statistical. amall MAID ovtr 30 pmn/part SECRETARY ~e<:., good CallJomta Manaiement complete, unulled S98: worth * MS-1334 *
OUiJO man to I e a r n JlOUSEKEEPER. -Good ~ ltab&e Newport Stach Co. time.' 6 du/.,&, Lq Bcb atcno akilla, office mamt., 82&-99i'.l l2l3} 7'7'1l80 $250. Mt 5 at wknds, 847..()1()6 ACCOJU>UN. u:i bus ,....
rnidtntial hoOle pe.in~. cook. AD !!'11!;., I 'BABrii;;..TFistii'rt1MERi'R":1;;;.,.,;;;;;,lf'kft:.;:;P-~ I ::r· 0;;:;~. ~ rnottl, SJ.75 hr. fM.4l52l ~Lrw v o I u n t • • r com-~LOERLY -....i... alJO lady SOFA • Chalt, """ new:r-te1Jo. 9 mo old, talll
Some tx,p n e c e 1 1 a r Y • * ....--* er, lhle-ln for school art Eckoe, 546-Sf10, Juon Si!sl LepJ traiD!'le mlttee on spec. alx mo. ~ or man ho"'"~ won:. ued. Make offct. S48-6025 O/l*)'mellll 6G4)$2
549-m e ~ e SIIll: « ddldrtn. Need by 611. Em.pklyme.nt J\lel'IC)', 21JJ Newport~ Attnme)' jecl Corona dtl Mar, ..W, Call &e:M003, JIJ'mf.n Home ct 96l-3059 nu Mly. GIBSON Lf!!t: Paul aultar
DR>J"T'St.1AN Sl!rn\.nitlred mm:b. Glw:antttd salary. 531-l.S97 So. Main. Santa Ana will train. 6WISll. open. G75-&«0 Baktty. 13t Comml!rclsl BEAtrrrroL French Provin-wlbard C9.l4. Neat nrw.
for pa.rt t1mc d:rartil!i lit N. MR. BF.sT, CdM. 67S.m DRAPERY WORKROOM. EXPERIENCED Part time MATURE Woman tor 3-ll MATURE •"OmaJI, 11 tt Way, O,.ta MK&. clal dlnins rm tet. 'l'bl. I S35Q. C.aJl 548-Z2J
·Hirtg Bch Ml-4488 SMART Spoibrw.u Sbop ~need A trainees __ , .. _ ... ,_ .._,. ••~ ...,.,It In SAWYER HOME. bldcps, fD run oUlc:e for • .,.,,. u .. --tr 12 unit ctn! bUffet. $250. 962-1651 . -•· I , ........ : PCIAlUtll< :i.wo. ..,...,, """ •mall Mtg ~ • ---.::• Pl • ,,__ II 'CRUCK-Orivtr, mw;t kmw mcda anr lll.letMecly, rl A,,.,.;r n penon. lfl-2670 c.u fM.6716 c.all 5't0-U50 apt&. Elrp'd ...,1 rtfs. Cpl FURNITURE Mu.at r o , •nos • ..... ...,. ..
.,.,_,._ Coun• .. , must be time. Mn J"eflen 6Th-#lO lm:J Armltrool: Aw,· tMne --,,===---,=-== 1 _, r.-~-nolhl-O\l!'I' ..,.. ,..,....,,..
• "'• .. '40" "' QCPERIENCED Sumlb'Qs BABYSJTl'ER for 2 ban S 4 w~ . Df,Jrl. Ellp'd ... -. ......._.. '"" _.. ............., SAOUflCE, ntw-GWbftn.. • ftllsble. 6'1r-2100 SHAMPOO GIRL DENTAL OfrP:ICE riffded. $3.00 hr up nevv,.•4 7: ~ 1-5:00; Fountain cocldaU.. Sm. dinrll'r houle, HOUSE CLEANING T.V. ct\A1r, etc.~ aen Mum-Qaole Piano, ~~ pert timi wf!h llcenee m-.aoo Rett:ptionlat H.oS590 Fuh~ flS.{1781.. Valley. 531 .. 7523 CdM. Alort, rteaf, pleasant. 4 HRS SAT. ONLY Office Equi-nt tol 1 '"-131S_,.-=Att=$"':=L\~$11.=mt"'=---1
1 .'~~· T-V Technleb.n.' Alk tot JoAm DENTAL· Aut. OPERA'fURS WAITR&5S/ DAYS. Youn&:, 673-1'722 ~=;_*~M~7-~2325~;;*~="1''":'.::'.::::::'.:=-::::-::-;::--;-,. \IPRIG~O
Call 531·7575 DENTAL ASS[STA!IT SinaJe 2$ to 4' np • ..., SPE;C. MACH. Study. Top ottnctiV<, IOCld .,.....,..,.,, DAILlr PILal' WANT ADS ADDRESSOGRAl'H Sil>ey ._ . • .. -
CXA.R.GE IT! New;iort Belch '4S-S411 *St&-3000* ~· Gr'ml Mfcr. 642-2666 Top aaluy, M&--Ol1J3 CHARGE. m BRJ.f"G RESUt.TS? 'llf/IUW]\t1, 77.f.S~ *
MiilCH1Hi51si FOi MIRCHANOl~E FOA 1'\lltCHANDl51 POii
,_ IOOO FumlhlN IOOOFurnlhl,. IOOO • • furniture IOOO NGO
TearinCJ Down
BuildinCJ -"Must
Be Out RiCJht
Away'' ..••••
Contractor Says.
Rent anytl1ing
in ~ur new store for •
1· dollar
for 1 day.
Yes, you rud the head lino right.
Now through Sunday, you can
rent anything in our new store,
keep it tor 1 day and pay only
one dollar. ·
We're new in town and we
want you to know about us.
You'll find we're 1 big help when
you want those practical ltems
you occasionally need in your
home, but don't care to pur·
chase and store.
Hert at United is a rental
supermarket of all those things
you may need for parties, for
th• sickroom, for exercising,
campinc. gardenin1 and bring·
ing up baby. ·
Tools art a United specialty
... power tools. plumbers' tools,
painters' tools, coostruCtion
tools. We evefi haye tools you
may n,ver have heard of. Post
hole . aug~rs, _sump pumps.
fence stretchers and oscillating
sanders. How.do those grab
you, do-it·yourselfers?
Some of the items are one-
of·a·kind, so the sooner you
come in this week, the better.
You may cet a hl11ht Idea for ·
a new home projeot or that bic
par\)' you're planning. BrowM
around and take your pick. Yes,
we have those';' too.
. Sorry, no dlllWrin dutlnt Ws •pecill
·Off.,.. Hormel d«lvtty ,.,,;ee f'*-fter. Off"-
ti ....
Collt to C0Mt. )IOU li¥t i.tlw, NW! lnCM)',
"""' )'(Kl '*" from Unlttd R..i:...U.
SPECIALS 710 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa,
also matching coffee table
and commode-same price
TOO .~ANY ITEMS TO LIST ALL • • • • • • • •
• Game Sets
• Dining Room Sets
• Bedroom Sets
• living Room Sets
• Corner Units
• Lampr.
• Rediners
• Decoretive
Spanish Choirs
• Buffet w /china
• Pictu res
• Wrought Iron
• Coffee Tables
• Commodes
• Tables tops, Mediterranean THE BUILDING!
• •
Misal11neous 8600
FRIDAY· 7:30
MAY 23rd
Thomasville &. Martinsville
Bedroom se!s, d Iv a n s,
chairs, love seats. chests,
cocktail. tables, curio, cabi-
nets, dinettes, b u t f e t s,
lamps, dressers, color TV's,
refrigerators, stoves, WllSh.
ers, dryen; & MUCH MORE!
2075•h Newport Blvd.
Behind Tony's Bldg. Mat'ls.
Costa Mesa * 646-8686
3 Frito Bandidosl
We nttd a home, our mom
has had it w/ us! We are 3
long hair kittens. I'm the
boss: male, grey & while
tiger striped, handsome, etc.
My little 11.ster is grey &
white, )he other Dully char.
coaJ grey w/ bJ&ck frosting.
Call for us anytime alter 5
at 673-&l34. 5/22
FREE lo good loving home,
Female Schnauzer. Allergic
must find home. Ca 11
540-6089. 5/23
PUPPIES, cute, healthy,
mxd brttd. med. 1 i z e
gentle, obedient par,
545-1632 afler 2 PM 51!3
PICK up fret' wood (glass
cases) 646-3231 Model Glass
Co. 5/24
2 BLUEPOINTS i a me 1e ,
altered male 11t~ yrs.,
female 1 yr, 64f>..1807 5124
PALM tree, rubber trees &
misc. shrubll. You dig.
847-5155 5/24
FREE kittens, cute, house
trained. 962-6538 5/24
FREE top soil. Will help dig
& load. 842-4825 5/24
Pets, General 1800
VERY ~. African grey
paJTOt. tame, world'g best
talkers. Must Sell! 539--3U9
lloah r. Yachts 9000 Sailboats 9010
Basic BNting Classes
Offered to the public
by the Balboa Power
Squadron starting 7
P.M. Monday Jone
2, Newport Harbor
Yacht Club, 720 West
B a y A v e., Newport
Beach. Enroll at
class. For additional
infonnation p h o n e
67&-0467 or 673-1855
Comc'I Fishing &o.t
Ultra modem design 65'
long, 38 ton capas, wooden,
Can be converted to oUshore
Cruiser easily. Diesel engs,
2 radars, 2 Lorarui. Auto •O/
F, Pilot, full galley, 5lp1 9,
DESIGNERS' Sailing Ou1rii-
ge:r for aale. Featurta: L
Sell bailing cockpit 2. Out-
board well in hull 3. Roller
ree:fing 4. Extremely drY
hiking platfonn 5. Trailer .
Excellent condiUOJ'I. Fully
i;eagoing. ~1197
New * c:Otnplete
2912 w. Coast Highway
NewportBeaeh 645-0810
WINDMILL clau sloop with
trailer. xlnt condition.
or best offer. Zlmmq m-0m ... ,...,.,.
DAILY 9.9, SUNDAY 10.5 -12 yeal'5 same location -
2 HAND drills. 12x13 beige
rug $25. Ouelette Sylvania
TV. xlnt cond $'75. Reallone
trans. radio SW $ 5 O • same owners Polaroid camera, new $73.
4 MASKED Bandits, white
mMk, chest & feet. 2
Calico, 2 Buff tiger-striped,
Jong haired. 546-9965 5/23
3 REAL Cute kittens, part
Persian, 6 wks. ·o I d ,
897-6937. 14492 Sahara Land,
HB 5/23
SIAMESE Female 2 yeat'!
old. Dcclawed, Ill payed.
3 BLUEPOINT Siainese. ~ spray brlne thruout. Crsg
weeks old. $12 · each. call range 9(0) mi Owner $50,000
Pow1r CruiHrs 9020
15' FIBERGLAS Boat, 35
Hrs. Evi.nrude W I Tr Ir .
Nice. $500 or Best ofter.
962.-9927 or ~1233
1958 22' CABIN cruiser, Top
condition. Call · for a~
pointmenL 675-6133
Check certifier. new $51).
Viking tape recorder &
tapes, xlnt cond. 642-9087
after 5, &IS-1807 C.aU San Diego 222-836.5 or
Burmese Kittens $.SO. 297-3807.
. 1P,_.1p"""'""'"'a_o_rg:.•_n_• __ a_13_0 Hi-Fl & Stereo 8210 Miscell1neou1 8600Ml1cell1neou1 1600 am & talc pm .
546-0010 or 962-2633 25' GOTifIC &ow, a real
from $10 per month
Purchase Optional
**• FISHER 220 receiver,
Garrod 80 lab turntable,
So 0 tape recorder, 2
1sher XP-68 s pea ke r 1.
Rick. 4M--2737
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; IBOOr:CASE $12, dbl bed SIO.
lamps $S 'pr. Drps, 200"x90"
Need& new home .
543-TI07 5/23
~S~ia-m-.-,-.~K~it~t.-n-s~$1~5~.-poverty row clasalc. First
No papers. 6.13-7~0 $1500 takes ii! 531-6825 d)'l'I.
Sp...t-Sld Boots 9030
14' SKI boat. SK design, 100
hp Mercury outboard, lr;
wheel trailer. Sell or trade
for Dune bun:Y. C a 11
64~ll4 FURNITUR E long $25. Other ilcrr\~ap.
540-7653'Tburs. Fri, & Sun.
SET of 4 u&ed Goodyear Tur·
ra tires, 15" wide + rims
w/ tUbes. Make oUer.
1 ~ED Kittens, some
sld-t hair, IOme long hair. ~"-s-----"1"'82°"5 Sailboah 9010
***** f/ SALE USED
• New guarantee
e Liberal terms
B.3'1. C-2, A·l00'1. M -100'!!,
L-100'1 from •••••••••• S695
in a>RONA DEL f\1AR
2854 E. Coast Hwy 67J.8930
Pianos & Organs Rented
Beach Music Center
Futmy Sales & Service
Deily 12 noon 'ti! 9. Sat 9-5
174CK Beach Blvd .. (ttwy 39)
t'i-S nrl. So. San Diego Fwy.
Huntine!M Beach 847-8536
WE'RE Deck ln our new
sbn, Bia Celebration -Big
a.oSEOtrr of coiisole Pian-
os at aa~ to ...... $400
O.OSEOtrr or Baldwin ove:r.
ao pianol at savings to $349
a.DSEOUT ot 1968 Or¥ans
at savings to .......... $236
No down oac. 5 yn to pay.
1819 Newport. C.M, 642-8484
While thl!y last!
SNS Walnut consoles
now .................. , $699
pl.us bench 1195 Spu;,ts, oil
finhhts ••• from $549 to $579
..... bench
Temu Like RLnt
Oeuld Music com,..ny
2015 N. Main, SA • 547--0681
HAllM.OND • Steirnny •• ,_
maha • he\·1 • uad pJanol
"' oll ....,... B..t buys In
So. Calli. ...,,. -· saDaoT MUSIC CO ..
-N.MtJo. --
STEREO console, beautiful 3
piece walnut cabinet. $175.
&14-2107: 673-7260. .
Tape Recorders 8220
./ TAPE Rerorder, new
Wollensak, J.M, cassette.
wi1 h all attachments, S80
toriginal COit $130). R30-07!ll
Mi1cell1neou1 8600
7 P .M. SHARP!!
l\llNI-Bike, g r e 11. t
climber, big whls.,
shaft, 4 HP, $80.
S .. TABLE s;iw k joiner,
complete on pedC11tal, Ol"\V
1150, cost $260. 282 E. 20th,
Ci\1. &12-2741
8' FBGl..S Diving board w/
i;tand. New, ne\·er used $70.
can 531-9697 alt 6 pm.
Free to good home. Call GERMAN Shepherd puppies,
646-2169 5122 AKC, imported sire, sci-
2 KIITENS Ir. pure while entifically raised, Iara:e bon-
mother cat I yr old. F'ree lo 1-,',,,'·.,4,..,.__21.,"~~-~=
good home. 673-4221 aft White male Samoyed $175.
6:30 5124 Registered. After 5;30 even.
AOORABLE kittens, "'~aned ing:s 548-4448
& trained. 2 orange &. white Graduation-Fatber'g Day
males, 1 dk. grey & white Silver Tay Poodles
female. 546-3330 5/2-l S50. 847-34n
2 GER. Shep .. male & fem. 2 GERMAN Shepherd pu,ps to
yrs old. Have a house but good homes. :-i Weeks old.
n<'Ni a large y a rd . $10. Beautiful. 548-3935
894-5820 5/24 AKC Toy Poodle, while
GOOD home being looked Jn. female. 11 \\'eeks, $65.
to for per!IOnality filled, half • 893-3783 •
Misc. W1nted 8610 Inspect EARLY "'FOR SALE
Remnants, aamplea & 1.till
ends SaL Only 8 a..m. to 2
p.m. 929 Baker, Costa l\lei;;a. As We Sell 9UICKL Y ! WANTED
Sian1ese kits. Cal l IRISH Setter pup&, Best in
646-5458 5124 Show Sire. Sl50 & up. Terms
PUPPIES, part Collie. 5 avail. 642-5005
wks., female. 2934 Java. TREEING • Walker Coon
C.r-.f. S.10-5779 d/24 hounds. UCK rt'g. call aft 5
WANT good hon1e for 1: pm. (11 493-4000
\Ve need quality (no junk * POOL TABLES *
Custom -antique -1noder n
-used . SPORTS "100".
ITI4l 6.16-7730 12-8 pm AOK Commission ~allery
plrase), FumitUl'e, co Io r
TV's, slereofl. appliaflC('S,
tools and ollic:e equipment.
TOP CASH IN 30 Minutes!
Siamese kitten s. GERMAN Shepherd male 6
M2-6206 5122 wks. Shots, bl11.ck & tan
BARGAIN! Membenhip i.n
Ne1vport Beach Tennis Club.
$700 you pay transfer fee.
642-3417 aft 3 pm.
7722 GARDEN GROVE BOULEVARD 3 FLUFFY kittens are look-AKC Call 642--0'739 1 Block West of Beach Blvd., oil G.G. Frwy. 531.1212 * 893.QS55 ing for happy home. Pis call
673-1071 5/23
FREE kittens., 8 "''et.ks old.
To good home. Box &ained.
963.-7560 5/2.1
OlTTSIDE klllens. 8 weeks
old. Twina. black and while
and I grey. 64&-2179 5/23
COCK-a-poo. black male l
yr. old. AHecUonate. ¥d
wilh chUd. 842-4309 5122
ADORABLE. Capuchin
monkey lo \'t'r)' good home.
842--7S02 5(23
$WE BUY .$ Horses 8830
8600 DIAMOND wedding set 2 Mlscell1neous 8600 Miscell1neous
Cts. T.\\'., perfect. flawless. TO-!L-~--A--d---$ FURNITURE $
11) 493--4000 an s.
Appr S2350, sac $650. ""' m. St A-1 $1fi. 673-3600 Laundry tray C. iron i,,.
Single C.I. !link ST. Dlsp $7.
3 MARBLE; tablc1 $50. Lamp Elee own $10. 42" kit. hood
$10. Chair $5. Bosi!v.uod $8. Roll aY.'<I)' ~ $ 2 O,
SUrfboard $1:'1. 540-ll70 Ba Tb f!_ c u[' $10. Spice
Quality king bed. quilted, l'.'abinels, slidi ng windov.·s,
complete. unused $98: worth and other ite!TL'I lo clean out
$250. Aft 5 or \11knds M7-0QI garage. Som!'.' are new, No
• 'TIS Troplcal t~ish e Junk! All y,·~k after 5 P~t.
Opening 'bout J une l !ft 2.82 E 1()th, Of. &t2·274t
Fountain Valley 842-453(] FULL f.larquette tune-up
DIAMOND Solitaire wedding equip 6 rno·1 old SUOO,
!C!l, have apprl $TIS, sell Sflil.J)-On ntr chi sle & Impact
$250 eash. ii'l'S-4lll "'-rench S235. Comp!. Jet
N-E\11~~8~.,-wrlboaro-------0-.,-Y I alH"Ond'ing equip l stock
$150. Otbe.r miscell. Call aft. oner, $85. 5 PM R97-4S3i ... 64l-794i ...
f"M Stereo Omsole. Philco '68 OZARK'S Hickory chips for
R.tfrig, bolt fret'l('r. Elec 11moking It 8-8-Que, :l lrg-3
BroU oven etc. 546-219~ lb bags S2. Includes partial
dclive1-y. ~nd 1;heck or g· x 10' PORTABLE gJ.1511 ~'LO. lo H.A. Komulalno,
house, $49. You haul. Days. 209 \II. Carlton, OntatlO,
e SALE e
Buf\gr.1 Blt~iness 1'1achines
149-G Rivel"filde Ave., NB
oppoir;i!r Greyhound bus sl.a
C•lor TV'-~·~·.-St.r10'1
I l'i•c• ., Hw11 full
• 541.4531 •
6·12-8Sll \YANTED: Rear door .for '59
Porl typewriters $12.50 up Milln1an Husky Sia, \Vagon.
E1t>e add'g mach, S24.50 up &12-4689
Stand typewrtns $15.96 up !=:::::::::::::::::::::=
Pri nt 'g calcullr.! $89.50 up
Ro1ary ca:Jculators S'l9.50 up FREE TO YOU 4 LT11'LE dannc klltens,
FREE kittens. Call 89J..5.\'l7 healthy, necl'I good home.
Boeh & Yechh 9000
21' Chris Cav1li1r,
'65 Twin l.85's, 60 hrs.
BrlstOI C.Ondltion. $500
hi-low book. Loaded!
Marine Centre
Oceanside Harbor, Ca.lit
714: 722M54 Cash Registers $39.5() up
TllURS, "1ay 22 thru
SUN l\fa,y 25 • only
All mAchln<!S gUaranlecd.
alt ;, 5/24 &12-1608 5/22 =PO=NTOO==N"""boa-,t""1"'6~'>°"8'""w"""ld""o.
FREE Ten-lpoo, fem a I e . 3 ADORABLE Kittens, all fi~uscd • mahopn)'
548-5927 5122 Males. 1 Black. 2 Tabby. trim &: CONIOl.e • xlot eond.
• • MIXED BAG • • 4 KITTENS, ~~ Pcr1ian. 6 MS-0119 S/23 Tilt 1rtr k Johnlon rnolDr.
HouM?hold and p e t II 0 n A I \\"Ceks old. Ml-45511 5122 2 . 6 WK. Old Weaned Kit· I ~""'-'~""~1615_,_._l1>-t044~--
it~mll, lnclud~ HoOl')""-ell 3 LONG haired kit~ns, 2 blk Ir~ p.., A: ~flit haired. 25' BERTRAM '&t Hard top
llieland Slrobe: w11h bRttery l gr S4(i...8tl9 5,..n 962-61186 S/22 twin Men: 13) IO. CJellll
c"M!· 4 x S film tiold1H'I. It,)'. ' 2 KJTI'ENS 1 wk:s. old need bllg!!, costly e.."<l.Tu Make eon~rtiblc har f.Jld two FRE:E Kittens; cute & cud-OHer. 714: 548-5979
!lloolt Polaroid swll'!Q'.rir ca1n-rlly. 6f6.1907 1fttor 6 Pl'ot 5122 new h 0 me• long-ha.ired, lf&)'/Whl. M&-5806 5122 era, nlapl(' chest and mirror, FREE k.ittcM. Ready lo ~ ct1~ and bowllna ball. full i:o-go. ~ 5122 4 l"R.EE cute ktttem to good
'6.1 TROJAN 3>' T.S. XJnt.
rond. All xtras. s~.
6f!t.M42 or (213) 434-1221 wig and case maple bed GREASE F male! Mmes. 11822 Elm St .• r.v
fran\f!, dishes.' bed spread, only. &16-~ nE ~~ 962.-1222 S/22 3' UTE "'-eight dJ.ncey w/
l'li· bird C&,gC', utensil&. and .. S LJVEl..Y Ktltent, long oan A oar lockl $60.
--"-""""'==·~""'~-·-54S-4583_~~~1 cat . 91i61 • PlAMO RENTALS • PORTABLE dlshv.uhor $3). ~,."',.~. -,~EF=r~"~.R~Y~~o-.~,.
~ SPEOAL& Ge.1 stove Sl5. Port. OU' atr surfboard, $75. OUice desk + Low u S1.95 per mo. condlliont:r $10. M:z...56616 $25.
6.17""78.1 RtntaJ 1,pplln to Purduue LAWNMOWER $5. AM·Ff>t 4
-GeiM -k .c...i,..ny• •P noonl '''''" -JDC5 N. Ma1' SA 547.(161] PJ, Glrl't bike SlO. st~, __ SOCK...;..;c.._IT_TO_'_E_M_, _
. --tr a = -· -0 • '
olht>r items. ~ l"•rk Ave .• SIS PINE board&. 1164 W. hatred, a C:ali<:o. I red, 2 * 642-292'1' *
Laguna Bc.wh. 49~ ISth St .. C.M. 5128 BlklJ"l". MMSS: 1/24
2 re Sectional It chair.
CHARGE your WAlll ad now. !168-4183 5124 Whil11 eie:phantii! Oune-.a-Une
J~'S Electronic Servkt
tricat rr:paiT. ~mod.
new in11taI\aHon. S.tl-8329
Bellow -Wince -Visor -
Comment about an attor·
ney on trial; "He is such a
persistent lawyer he spent a
Whole evening trying to break
28' FI G AUX
as ill .............. v.•here ia
14' Ketch, trailer $499
3446 Via Oporto, Newport
213; 597-5568 TI4: 673-1570
18' S.B:, dacron. aux. trailer,
trapeze, brass titlingg. Xlnl
cond. Great family boat.
11700/oHer. ~7301
Boat Mlinten1ne9 9033
MARINE Ml' lntenance
woodwork, paint It •arni!h':
quality work, re:as. rate.
M1rine Equip. 903~
107. 2·1 \Varner ge ar.
Crated. $1700. TI4 : ~
Boat Slip Moorinv 9036
WANTED: Boat alip foc.3£'
cruiser. Balboa or Ne:W)IOC'f
Beaclt.area. 615-056'1
WANTED: Boat slip fot: 42'
boat w/ 14' beam. 52$-85J9
or 529-3449 1
«l' BOAT slip, In the be.J.
Also 30' narro1v beam allp.
• 613-1510 *
SAILFISH 12' white hull w/ 801t-'f tcht
red ·A: whlte sails. New Charters 903f
paint. $250. 673-16911,
18' MALIBU Outrigger, S )'T1 In your own yacht. 6 P&5I ~
old needs !!Orne work $415. i..ic'd/Jns'd, rH 646-$0llO St3-6081, ~2381 BWEWATER CHARTERS· 23' STAR clau with Aila Ir; 27• Trojan, Powe:r ~ "
trlr. $900 or be1t ofter. 26• Thunderbird, Sail
67l-6275 eves .t weekends. Skipper avail. ~900U
• Rhodes 19'1 • Mobile Homes 92oi)
Fun Zo!W! Boat Co, Balboa
11-fOBILE home lOdO, ~ 28' CAT. P'°Y de 11 n ' eond. Xlnt location, adults ErlRDllda vet Extra.I. $lKXXl
vtU, aae $5995. n41893-1019 only. 2 11ton.ge •Mttl • aW111np. 892-8147 ~
PLAST REN 0 SOL I Nct1T.v'1'K>l'yo"rr:,.::.:-;1c;;0 '=-,-;c00::-51ey=i'"i.-" I
Available 6 wetks with large_ cabana. Otmpl
SC1-IOCK, Nowport &n.2050 with aklrting It. carport l
LIOO 14, ne:w sails, rial~. patio awnings. Call 531j..-
Tratltt. Xlnl cond. $9!!S. 20XSS DBL. Exp.ani1o ,
675-1781, S.1&-1154 redeeon.ll!d, nf!W hot .... ta
COLU?lmtA 29. )/3rd in-tank, dn.pt's. air ooola.
len.osl. Top mnd. extras. Spacr 108, 890 W. l.Sth JB
$1000 dn, 642-3295, 613-tru * DELUXE double wide
NE\Y -Naples Sabot II' tb(ls, mobllt home. new putt.
daeron n clnc aail. CaJ1 Costa Mesa. 646-4660 aft 10
LO~ tr, aleq.: 1, all n:tra'
w/alip, b395. T e: rm 1 .
Pufec:t cond. M&-1489 "' * 24' OIARACTER Sloop.
F /G'd hull, new daa. &lpa
2 + 3, '2250. • 11·11·75lll
'64. lOXSO 2 BR in"'lluitt adult
"""' '"!)II. -.... ,. "'"'· 13. r.,.. -n· MAYFLOWER I BR.
SJttpa 4. New alum awnlni.
•'u!Jy turn. nrio. &e-2093
>t· .. .;.
"· .Jy
35 r . ,,
"' ..
" "' ti
• ~ ..
l -I •
• ,,
' .
R • ' .
" •
4 • l
• • l
. • • I
1'11'ndaJ, M., 22, 1'169 CAILV Pll.OT
M61Mle it.-•9200 Compo,.. I'-9520 lmportod Autos -frnpot'fld .Auloo~· -Im~ --lmponod .CU... . -Auto Looolng f llO Usod C1" 9900 flew t.,. ftGO
~' 2''l!R. ~ wJ4• c··2 m -FIAT PORSCHE VOLKSWAGEN VOU<sw··GEN FIRST TmEi PORD ~ted nen water. Wiii ~ "M ,,. Leue a New '69 tor 6 MonlhtJ ---------~ruZ:·~:1 cr:~:·t:~ S•les-Rentals '67 ,F lat &50. Couf)9 1?69 PORSCHE 912 E COUJI', ; -, VW •. '67, SED~. B1k \"/bl.% aid!! ~~turn wltb no obl.1£apon. '66 FORD.WAGON
\""--'-·tale l)lvlslon, 250M Authorized Dealer· Black exterior le interior. 4 mmlart croup, tinted glua, OAMPE:JtS .t BUS'S wallJ, cua. 'olk-tan fnt. AM· Mr. Malcolm Re1d 1or 9 put ctry. Squlro. 3'uto., y~ Eldorado· Four \Ylnds Spd dlr -• 1--• AMJ~ nldlo I i1"5 '67 ~-,. ''M, ·-nt .• -....,,.--Full Dttatll Now p •-• •-~ 11-i::. B•tellD e, San Scotaman.Bamc\Jda • • Pn!:•~P a~ rw. • • • _.,, r r ..... ,""_., ........... 642-001 owtr•""""'•~ .,., ..
Bernardino. 7lif: 884-1296 8, Cabo"cr , ~·· •:. wheda. Pli'elll ti.m, $155 534..J:28A ot m.5.$1 'M Bua DelllXe mall, Many 1utru. XnJt 0 ft.PL %11 ,1 j 1 • -~ <asbd<boroldcrtradc.WW ·~~-~-·~N. '64 7-.B"' O>nd,W....,.,U&,-3·1$4, F°"'Aulhorhed !May •• ---WANTED: Mobile home lo S'l99 fine prlv prty, LB VHE 74.1, fie,' Mt;;'°& pm'"""';vmtr, \ •gs DcJuxe Bus ewL 67M1'll. Leal,lnc System I ..
""' w11• option to buy. Modo1 # t110 eau Bill,...._.,,, o• -.. ~-.. moo "'Wind GOING 1o ~.-1 .,1 vw. Thoodo.e Month •--"""' own tumltute. Bea<h ThlOdoro ··~·· M--ROBINS FO D rvr
..... ptt!.-. 22021 11 ROBINS FORD u '60 lOll SUPER."""""·... • . ~ '6> .. bit ..... Med>........ R .... ....:... ~' '.,P ~ ..... 'I s. Main. Tanan<e. . JAG AR palot-red, ... u.... reblt l400 or ...... olltt. 1535 20IO Hubo• Blvd. --..,,.. . ra .. ...
2000 llerbor Wvd, q, $2200 5t0-9583 0 °" &lperlor Space 26.. I N.B. C'olta. 1'1ea &t2.«n0 642.-4013 We•• off-:,.,~
==-'-----92-25 Costa Mesa 6t3-0llO ·~oo~~ ~Sn-~ RE.N ~ .:-:.1 Rolllne cbulis 'W/ uted c·,,, 9900 1966 FORD Countzy SedM mca °" dw
SCHWINN, boy's, like new: 5 GMC % ~ickup, gUCk, ti altec &!SO-AULT . ' ~ traflllllle, no enr. or body. 62 ·~ .~. 9S2 •nslnej Pf,: r-•·;~.!...· ,,. ~ alt ati.clunent.s •er: cyl, '1.· " a•tual -u· "· ...,.. ,..__. ' a 1•~ .,.... .. ~ .,.,._,. ' SlONET 2 dr, HT, $36. radio, auto tn.ns, 10 ""ii. ._ -.,~ ~ 1: ·~· -· and NEW, ~ .. ..;, .,.;;;...,. KARMANN GHIA ~ RENAULT ~~"'11" I WI, .J ~. ~-~~ .,.., Sto<k No. 131· '62 ns. ve.;. aood "'""· s£iio. IEFORf' YOU t , * 64&-2628 $2295 or best oUer. 222 W. ~~lion. ?I-take oUer. ,,, VOLVO 2 dr., m,:,o mo., sfo& 'No. 644--1102 ~ ,. 1fti ' t
Motorcycles 9300 Wil.&00 CM, 548--034.1 '63 KA.RMAN Ghia, exc lSL 'Ill T·Blrd $37. mo., '59 FORD station wq., 6 i' • a,,,, t nd Y llo blk ·-. ~ -Exl 661 Stock No. 142. _, land -'~ c~' O' . • "' . • w WI ... "'"B"R" . ··~ VOLVO ~ ... c MOTORS . "!"' • . ...... '·-ur t '69 KA\VASAKI U'.1, desert Dune Bupgles 9525 terlot. SUllO:-'Cill aft'& ppi. --av "' :w-U10 HARBOR BLVD; ""'""" Urea, no dents $125. 540-456.J • ,_!1_,lt
ready, many extras, per1cct 968-2812 · -COSTA MESA 36.10 \~, ht St. r ~-, t ~· :;:;;:'·0,';:."""..:.:~ 1425 •• ~!! ~..:1 =: Subaru fit. cant. 'ff VW'a NEW 164 Santa Ana SJI-91!3 '66 FORD Galuy .soo. '-"'· • YOU, CAN'T
,61 Rf..,.... "°'-"" Hud top, Amer mqs. loll MERCEDES IENZ lnc.-lletaff Dfy, DOIP!Dl4TE DBLIVERY & IUICK v.s. auto, R!JI, a1r, xlnt t BJC AT '"'"M
• ., CC. Xlnt "'f"I· Only SS>. of '"""''" • "°""· Call • $12'1 f'OI! ' ---' NI'# 1... <Ond. lo mUes. Pri pcy. i ..., ''"'" . 80-1'25 49Z--0768 alltt6'30 PM : Mo,:;t".:.,~ 2501! Opt oqulp qi. Fftlsht llUO • ~1' DOWN NOW ON DISPLAY' '&:I ELECMV.. W.d<d WI 893""28 ANYWHERE •
I '67 Sos YAMAHA SCram'bler MODEL A Fbl'd Dune Buggy rle: ~nlnlSttng i:uu r.'fove H&ndllrv $41. Del. t13llUO WQI * 35 l'DOI ~ LIJDU• extrul M111t lltll '875 '67 FOO GalMY,.4 dr, p/b, •• / ' t
for sale or trade. t •-• AllMB i· Tax and Ucense Pi,..,.·-::~'·P'""""tfor 144.lm Make off~r. p/s. R&:H, air, good cond. '•' i Excel. cond. Many extru. * 646-3688 * eat.""r 1nlerlor. . . ex. 1000 \Y. Cst 1-liway, N.B. "' ... ,,_. $1750. LI S-2096 eves. t
,61 HONDA 450 transipissklns~ full '."power, * · ' ·' 'm} '~1 Avd only at S 69,000 Mi. BeautttuJ Car. '4!> FORD engine &: bod.)' , I JK cau .,..,. 646-6447 t<a• "'"'""""' aulQJnati< 64><l050 ""'2133 title, 2 yr, 24.<>Xl IHPORt * '12 J.,E WlRE * 1· IDT DRIVE ftlE
P.tust Sell! $550. 545-0577 Im~ Autos 9600 ~~u::~o~~~~7n! SUNBEAM IKISI ~ ~~~-1966 Harbo;,r~tAr:,.:~ 6d.at =J"5 or make otrtt. MINI • BRUTE t
:: ""'"''""!'!;'peel, ALPINE 1
"" """°"'-"' ALPINE, .,.. """'· 53'-~"' =•~ 1966 ·voLvo W•gon. w.u CADILLAC MERCURY : ... jusr ARRIVED 1•
: Call alt 5 PM, · . ~ '62 ALPINE, 2 lops, spc1ke. w/1/w. S350 or 'best otter. maintained company car. A '67 CAJ> cdv : ANOTHER BIG
; li10VINC, must sell '&t ~~~~-1~ eltt O.O: * ~2 ~ii~ ~!v ~~11; Buy at $1295. 642--'lm white, vllt)'l t'op~~~· a~ 'tiClndMEn.c, luxf Pa.~ane,j~~ •· SH
0F +
1 Triumph 350 cc. $550. Call TOYOTA Ute bllit w/blk interior.
, 700 at.eer, . air, xlnt eon d , co :• nu. r ua.:S, "'.'"'" t
;; aft 5, (l) 497~1459 AUSTIN Loaded W/extru. Must sell Autoe W1ntMI , 6C-l842 · ~iced. $235. 518-0391 f i , · ' t
; Trailer, Tr1Yll 9425 AU•'TlN ""°"'' s. 12'15 '" .d.':oow. Coast Hwy .. ,::;_~;,,. TOYOTA ·~ ~ .. k 11295. XI.NT WE PAY CASH ~~:xc . .,, .. ~~w:: MUST1NG : . o·PEl.r .:
" very clean, $2'l00. Firestone AuthOrlzed MG Oea1er $ oond. &le to appreciate! ' M H d t 1~ ',. DELUXE Tnl"t Tnlilor, Tl= ,~ '008 $ SAVE •-• 1., '--· "'S.1-FOR YOIJR CAR '60 "-' "· L '69 65 ustang or top + 30', sell contained, carpeted, . .,.,..... .....,. ~.,. "" ,,..;io, lie.~.....,~ car. FACTORY AIR COND. Auto +• with AUTOMATIC +
. color 1V, hydraulic jacks. Executive C.r Sele 60--1133 • .. 1225. * ~·~8 tnut1 on the Door. ~VB. t 'TR.-.'SMISSION t ; 537-8032 . AUSTIN HEALEY Hurry Wiilie They Lodi '68 vw; liiJrn """" CONNELL ..,..... v1n,1 root. N, w ....,iom t "'" · · ·-,. ' ~ "' L Ponchl Exha~L XI n t CtiEVROLET '&I CAD Omwrtible El tires, Deluxe interiai. Entire t 1 t .. .9'450 '61 IfEALEY. Cleu fully ..... ,.;, cond. Don.do. Xlet CGDd. Prv pr. car ln mint con<\iticm. ., .
;' Tnilen, Utility equip, pvt party. 2112 """ UUIG . • 6'53125 * 28Z1 Harbor Blvd. 11. 6f6-t!IBT1evu 5:30-7:3:1 $1595 . i i 'liigh.land Dr, NB. 54819436 ;;a;: Costa Mesa ~1200 ,. ' \VANTED: Used u ti 11 t y flfOftTS '65 VO,,.:; • Ivory, good · liolida.Y 1969 Harbor Blvd.
:, trailer, small, prefer l aft 6 pm. cond . .\1lo '67 V\V, blue, WE PAY . . . CA~O CoRla Mesa M2-61JZ3 t t
,. wheel.* S.18-5656 TOTOTA·YOLYO sunroof, ,\M-1'~M. xlnt cond. CASH '65 MUSTANU, For aale by I t " CITROEN 1966 Harbor, CM. 6f6.S303 644-2389.-'68 Cam!U\'I S$, ps, auto, owiicr. auto tr*ris, pwr str, OUR OPEL PRICES t
Tru<k• 9500 BILL MAXEY 1967 Vi\lble '"'· AMJFM V-8, vleyl top,""" "'" t"'•· P'•k <e n d , START AT t
' •57 CHEV ,.., T ·ck 1953 Citroen in good • tor used cars • trucb Jud L CLASSICAL LINES radio. Wtit w/ blk deluxe •S2'l!l5. 546-2TI4• &8-5938 s 1777 .
Eng receniJ;. o ?~:~It 't: ~Ji.=li:n I T~:V81TIAI ~ SllSJ. Xlnt. con d . call UI tar free estimate. CHIVIOLET 1:~k,Sl~. ~':~ .,:~ . :
· H•IP'r 'Pr 1n•1 • load MG • ' --· GROTH CHMO. lfl + . levelers. $425. 549-3'.>44 1Ull IA /..8LVD lll6l VW, new tires, new NEED A CAR? nr. Bucket sea~g, Low mi. t IMMIDIATI
J: '58 1'~RD ~~ T P/U. New DATSUN '59 MCA good eond. Hunt. Bttctt_~ 14~ ~ ~· Ca1J. ~ter 5 Ask for Salea Manfltt We Can Ht.IP You! Xlnt conct. Sl695. 548--0303 + DEL.IYUY :
· t r Good Drafted! $400 or ] ml N. or Qui-Hwy. on Bc.h •......-: 1B2ll Beach Blvd. • U others have ttll11cd you '66 MUSI' ANG V-8 han1 top. + : :i,m~. ires, gen. '69 DATSUN best otter. 673-2330 '68 TOYOTA 2 door.~,1~ '66 VW MG Bug. Clean '-l!unttnatob Beacb. down • U YoU h&W? no down Perfect thniout! $1595 CaJJ •• .IRA.ND NEW
549-05« Bl;: sedan, 96 hp, overhead 1966 MGB Hdtp mnverl Wire Take oMt ..... .....:i:.i.". Prt sharp. 1 owner. L 0 w KI 9-3331 payment, • U )'OU are em. 644-0985. '69 IUICK, + I
·04 CHEV ~i 'i' P.U. cam eng., dlr, 4 gpd, radio, whls, $1575 or take 0 v er pty • .a.m.v<V;•-; ~ mileage.r M7-33Sl w·11 B Maployed. ode'-·-'68 MUSTANG, 8 cyl, P/S, : • $24.... •
heater, wsw tires, loaded! 536-8640 866-5684 '80 VW .9W'OQI, new paint I UJ ny m .. to choose uvm Xlrit condition. Asking '2500, t ...,. i
'cyl. ! ~.O~ "'""· :..":.'Bai-:::'~"'1~~ pymts. M~B . TRIUMPH ~ ~~ ~."~""'· y,.,. Vo--•"""""° * * ~ Ulmor ·=:::.CK. HI-Pm. G7 i 00~~.~~u
:Au t ~6~ a~=ssion, Take S7S ea.sh dels, or older MUST iift '63 VW Sedan. A pay top dDllan. PaJd ior '65 OIEV. Imp. Very clean, Mod. Pwr. Strg. Stk. Disc t t
car. LB YNW 087, Call BUI ~tG 'SE TR.fA. IRS; clean, excel ::t.' Or bnt oiler. Xlnt or not. Call Ralpb new brak~1, mu fr I er , Brk!. Must sell 673-8436 t t ,~io & heater. 549-1058 4*-9TI3 ooM.>063(,.. Sales. Servict, Parts ~iJM~ ~~" SWS. , 64R757, 675-1492 673-1190 shocks. Reb!t auto trans. -+ i
C1mpors . 9520 '66 DATSUN PICKUP lmmedtata Doliwry, '66 VW BUS IMPORTS WANTED P""· str. $1500. Call 499-1612 OLDSMOBILE +
$1075 Xlnt condition. AU hfodels Extn. sharp, 7 pass, 19.55 BEL AIR fi Dr. nu mtr, t '65 IUICK
545-4487 VOU<SWAGEN split .front. S.2615 Oranpi Coun.tits lndiv owned, $250 cash. • • t El1<tr1 <Oup1. Full powe r, TOP $ BUYER Aller 5 pm. 54&-2'U Fictory ,;, co11d, NCl-'68 DATSUN Sport Car '6S VW Ptrtect mnd. Clean, en.L MAXEY TOYOTA 420 t
, Camper & Tr,ailer Show
Private Ply. Must Sell! '62 VW·Radio, new tires. sunrf, Rreo AM/FM radio. 18881 Beach Blvd. 1956motoCH•·. E:VY Bel Air, good BRAND NEW + $1795 t e 645-1165 e .. Clean. S625. SUOO/offer. 673-4516 eves. ll. Beach. Pb. 847..a555 '69 (UJLASS t ' +
5't8-S725 aft 5 pm. vw '66 van 1500 cc. Many * 518-7349 e . + t
1• lt1:the air conditioned 1.-Jall a1
; i'lluntington Center. Beach &
'Edinge r , San Diego
' ;Freeway.
; ;·_. RENTALS
It's none too early to mak~
, •l'l!flC!rvations for Sprlne Hol.
" I Rent A Camper * CORY CRUISERS *
Rent by the day, w~k. or
Onth. Reasonable rates,
.. SaddlobOck Dodgo
,; , 1.fOl N. Tustin Ave.
, Phone 547-9381
• 1 a: CABOVER Calif Camper
' Fully equipped, S700 or best
offer. . ·· * 642-n40 *
:· ·: 2 yrs. old. Cost $400,
sell $195. 549-3802
Immedia~ delivery
' .. ._,Th' ...... • >,
2(JiO Harbor Blvd.
Costa Mesa &12-0010
Newport Importa Ud. Qr.
ange County's only autho~
tzed dealer.
3100 \V. Coast HWy.
Newport Beach
642.9405 540.li64
Authorized MG Dealer
9600 fmported Autos 9600
Lcirgest Exclusive
Toyota Dealer
Anywhere ! ! ! !
Largest ServiC.
Largest 'Selection
~ -.
, I
T olophonoo ff4.3J22
3100 \V. Coast Hwy., N:B. '66 V\V, chrome fbng, Wide extra.1!--xlnt eondition! Best Auto le11lng 9810 '61 CHEVY 2 dt H.T. See to t, ,'65 OHLTDSFM~llLET i
642-9411.i 540-1764 ovals. headers, many ex· oHtr. ~1650 .,, LEASE .,. appreciate. uoo. F-85 SPTS. CPE. + oor · · e~,orv e '·
Aolhori:red hlC Dealer tras. $1400. Call M6-M26 •548-7806• Deluxe ·belts front & rear .• po wer 1t•erln9 & brek•i.. _:;::'.:'.'.'.~~~=::;,~ 1..:..:7.;;,..:;::;,.:;;=.;:=,oi:i'"-'59 VW, xlnt corxl_. $495 •. Low '68 Cad CdV,.;tull pwr, air., , padd!tl da..sh, fully lactory t•ulo. IMOY 1461 t
MB '68 250, air, auto, F'M, 1965 VW Corwertib!L mileage; good tin!Si 1 ~· 1S 500 ml $139 per mQ.. 68 CHEVY Caprice. All pwr, equipped. : $1395 + Hk~ new, priYate party. nit: XJnt condition. Orig. owner. Call: 80-5969 ~-__:. '69 u;~ :,i dr ,_ . AM-FM radio, a Ir -con d . $l9' DN $6S M : "'° ~11 •!168-2517• · ' ' • ,~ Vln,yl top Prv ....-. 642-JOOO • o. ~ '63 VW, new eng; new tires hOlrdtop, $86.SI m<ll• · t"•v· $2399 t '67 MUSTANG
'65 VW &: battery. Needs body 1WJl'k '66 Continental sedan, -~ ;!!,_~Lf;'f for ~ , tcoll••rt, 4 •P••d, reclio, t
PORSCHE Porsche chrome wheels &: paint. $595. 645-0Blil air & lthr. $99.75 mo. ,.,., ... ~ . t h•il•r. l¥$ 161 +
$1000 * 64&Jlll6 l964 vw c. rtibl En SOUTH COAST t
'68 VW SUNROOF ,_,Uy ~ I~ CAR LIAllNG COMET,.· p.;,h Tu & LI<. ' , : , $1995 t • .,.'6;5 Porsche S.C.
2 la11choos!'.' from, One red,
one 1reen. Both are Dawless
' J}rllljJOrl
31Jnport c;
3100 W, Coast Hwy., N.B.
642-9405 S41).17&t
A11thorized MG Dealer
'67 Porsche 912 Cpe~
4 speed, A?i-t/Ff\f, chrome
\Vhce.ls, polar white. Jn1mae.
ulate condition. A1so 1966 912
w/&ir cond.
31111 orts
. :noo \Y. Coast Hwy., N.B.
&12-!M(l; ; 541).1764
Authorized ~1G Dealer
'61 Porsche Targa's
3 lo choose from. Beige 911.
Green 912 & YcllO\V 912. All
arc in sbowroom condition.
31111 p Ll rt ~i
3100 \Y. Coast Hwy., N.B.
&t2-94(1) 54(). l 7&t
Authorized 1'.fG Dealer
'63 Porgche . .Super ..
Snow 'while linish w/black
interior. Ooo owner. Only
68.000 miles, 1'fJnt!
:noo \V. Coast Hwy .. N.B.
&12·9400 541).1764
,\uthorized r-.tc Ol':'alcr
29 to Choose from. LarFsl
RlecUon of Pol"!dlel in
Southern Calilomia.
)hn p o l I '.i
ll.O> W. Coa.at Hwy.
Newport Beach
&12-94(1 541).1764
Autborlzed MG Dealer
FIED! Somrone will be
IOl')k'TC for It. Dial ·642..5$7t
tor qukk, eUJcieut re&Wta.
PJ,AQ:,,,... ..... od. -lhry 1.re Jookf'1, -DAU.Y
PILOT claa&lfiedl 642-S678
rh, ww $1695 aft 5 673-4984 540-1969 300 W. Cat Jiwy, NB 645-2182 Payments includa tax and i , t
'65 Gold C.Omet~Cot>vert w/ llceme and finance charges 66 IUICK i Imported Autos 9600 Imported Autos 9600 Imported Autos 9600 white lop. Good condition. on 48 nionths. Approved Wlld,et 4 door. F•dO"f * 67S-2408 * credit SerlaJ No 33171'9ZU. 1Jr, 111to., pow1r •l••rlftf, 6351. ' . , R.l:H. I SVX 0161
~b~~:~:~ University • c,.:;;~~~ ... ..i
FIAT 124 Sedan
• Price includes full family seoting, 4-wheel disc brakes, 4 speed
synchromesh gear box, vinyl uphol stery, under coating, seat bells.
FIAT 124 Wagon
Price includes 4 wheel disc brakes, 4 speed syochromesh gear
box, lifetime lubrication, undercoaling, seat belts and chrome
roof luggage rack, and loads of extras.
SPORTS CARS = Ltlllft~lfNirAAM 818 -
@IJUip. Sell Jor $5600. or take Old b"I f P.S .. f•elory elr <011~litl•11·t
..... '0' 2 :;n. Can "" ""'" $1595 . over nly full maintenance smo I e in9. ISTDt711 I
at m YorktoW1', rm lll, •·---':::..."-"--'--'---
.1-1.e. 536-771if 2850 Harbor Co6ta Mesa t ,61 CADILLAC
'66 CONTINENTAL C.oupc. ~9640 :s.d. o.Vill1. Full .,_,,1
Fully loaded + stereo tape '64 OLDS 98, sport cpe, fie!. 1;,. IHXS 1421
deck. Shll under warranty. Loaded, fact air, full pwr, t $995
MUI! offer or trade for I.ate new tires. Xlnt cond. $1D95. + t
model Sta waa. 645-2026, 536-1131 i •
......,, '62 OLDS Supe 88 H liday '66 THUNDRlllD
'61 CONVERT., clean & runs hard top. t~ pwr. 0 $395. f1<tory eir <011cl, Full pow-..:
&ood. $475. f lnanclng can be 540-20JO. Aft 4 & wkcnds. +er, •inyl top. XLV491 +
.......... 64~ : $2795 •
" CORVAIR ·ss !~!0:uv~~ ""°" :, ,.·6~,~.~~~·~.w .. i
'$5 CORVAl'R Monza: auto., trans, call for in!ormalinn. =•l•1ri~9. r1di•, h1et1r.t
nttdg paint. $500. 968-30l<t t l RGV414l t
540-4563 After 6 PM t $1395 t
New Litts, reblt eng., trans. i '68 MUSTANG t
4 1pd S400. 644-1919 '67 C.T.O. Maroon/Blk int . Redio he•+•r l ,jited.+
P/S, P/B 4 s:pd. Fae air. 1wrA011 > ' i CORVETTE IWI. w/wsrranl>'. MUST t $1995 ---------1 SELL. S2250. 516 Fern1eaf. :
'66 Corvette 2 Topt CdM, 875-4119 --• ..::::...::..:....::....:=--:
Sebring si!Vt'r w/black inter. '68 PONTIAC T empe s t . t 65 CHRYSLER I I · I ~. to Vo PIS 14 -· i N'w York•r C,a. Full P""·· , or, automal c transm1ss on, ..... s m -a. • ,llW m1. F 1 · d MHA !!4t
fullpower&factotyalrmn. Verdugo green s22s a. ~cor$, .. 1 .. 7.,9. 5 +
dltloninr. 29,00> JocaJ miles. 646-41l15 alt S.
Must see I: drhe to believe, '59 SAFARI StatiDn Wagon :
needs mech. work. Best ot'. : '67 CAMARO + J1rltt po rt
~r. Martha. 494-2737 H.T. Cp•. A11to., PS, Feet ••
RAMBLER '''· '$2'i9s : ,
BIG SELECfJOH A11to '''"'' recllo, ~••t1r.t :::z~~OUD~~ SRW 's°' 1695 :
3100 W, C.0.st Hwy., N.B.
642.94(6 540-1764
Aulhorlzed MC Dtaler
FALCON 1'-R01't ~"95. i
CLAsSY 'M "'""" Coovert : 0 'U WAGON
XJnt cond-e Ye f'y th t n ~ :· A1111lllers.''
works! 548--3335 CC' 547-7511
Ext. :El •
'64 FALCON 2 Dr-. 6, auto. Ml-602l t ''6 CAPllCI t
R/H. New batlll'f &; tln-5. rA11+.lft1tlc, feel. 1lr, p•_, •
$595. 675-17Kl, 54-'854 I---------te•rl.tt9, reel!•, fie1t1r.1+
STUDEIAKER tsi.im i ·
PORD . $1995. 1----.c..;_.;;..___ '51 S'ruDEBAKtR Ht\vk, i
'68 FORD Tu<lna CT. Exti'O ......... ..,......Uon, 1'15. Ml 23• E t 7111 ST at\artll AIJ'.<xln4. s 2., s 0 . 7 pm, 03-0290 : 0 •
__,on s,30 pm. -T·BIRD 548•7765 t
''4 CONVERTIBLS Galo.'<k • XL. Oris owner, na top, xlnt A Ofl~i 7 '-"a .........
condt Best otter. 1173-60SO 1963 T-Bnto. F'oll po"-W.
alt, new Um. landau lop
liAa: A MEMO 111 cathcr sm cash. 968-22f9
up loYI )"Dll no lonctr need. McCULLOClt auper ~.
sell tkcm ror caJb with for '56 T~Bln1 qr ._w-. Fent
DAILY Pllnf \YANT ADS! V-1, !1(!0. ~
• ' • -•
• -•
1 --,Ji r ..Ill. '.,. • • • 2666 HUBOR BtVD. ' l ' .. . . . . .... ' ' .
5'6'1'7080 ·cosTl· MESA ' (' ' ' " . } ·' . • WEEDlYS 9 J+.;,: ·
SATUIDAY 9toW ! s,~•\;• ~IDAY . 10 to MO; ,
Ju1t 1lo•h 011 th• briqutft.
Ft1t 1t1rt 9ur111tt1d
0 A bit ••ck of 1111991'1
for 1 1m1U pric1.
0 Sf'oC1c-vp now M VOii
don't •r1111 1horf •fld
91t 0Y1rch1r91d
0 Hi·li11f, 1low \i1,1n1i11t,
9iy1· fnlf fl l Ylto
Cl1mp·o11 tv!" '"' pr1ctietlly 1nywh1r1. wai-. 10 foot cor4 hi
1111"y0_1i1 clOfl't 11•·· it
n~wtlere 111d wHt to
m0¥1 It. Dot't~r91t to "'' ··~ .. lliilM. 22'
0 Oup11• r1c1pt1d11 for
r1mod1li119. or: t dditi•M. "
0 Ground1d for 11f1ty loh, I
fh9119hf lllll'fb. jf Wtl W
buuiitt th1 •i,....rt.1
fifty f11I ef 1pl1ndid
11 911,HJI, with clieic•
of tol.n, •
Now, -11·1 11..,.Wit
,1 •••• ti ll .... wh•f ••
lt't for.
69c son.
' f• ' ... .... •
, ····1 '; '.
'' •I ~ •
' .. : , ' ~·.
D C-P:•cf mod•I for . ..,,cJi, _ p.tcti•,1, l»•Y
1till h•vl119 tho..21
0 Gr••t for c•mftfrlt)
trip1, or b•cky•td
0 11'' di-.t•ro 1-.1
fold, .•dJu1t•bf• trill.
4 59
0 Srrtffth l•tn ,,..~.,
pelnt tffl .N' like,10~
hutt•r i11tf • hot biscuit. 0 For9•t·th•· p•intin9, I'm .
hu111jry. 0 In whit• ,,.4 ··,,.o, .. t1'•1I
2,000 decor•t., c.olori.
COLORED MEfmlNG . ' , .. TAPE · .
0 Stretchy~ ••lfriiclo:lnt•
w,t.rpr•of, .h•~ '
1il\io:ilr' Vl•I. • ~
O In colors to mil~
ju1t •bo11t •nvlhi119
you',, torn up l•t•ly, ...
· 1sc· %":11111" •.. -.... . ' ·~-., .. __ .19c
'. 1-.. •
5 Year Guaran•eed
Water Heaters
0 r.n., eutem•tlc, ,1 ••• "•"·
D ll•pkl re pl•c:•m1nfl..ef het'
wet•r m11r11 no weili119.
.• 40 6AL .. _ ...... __ 49t1
0 FIPilile \'l'fl'VI l'l~•I
r•f11fotu4 h"•t_+o;
~ ... Y.•f 4ry ....
0 ,, ..... .m "'.,.,... •M li11t h1 tltt elr.
0 ("U11t !11 th• Air,"
whet • tr.if ••119
tiff•..! ' 44cn ..
0 Mo1t e ut4Ht 1tuff
t•h r••I thinty,
10 "'""'" ''"" '" each. 9•11efl edd ·up.'._ · '
Q Gi,•1 MW lif• f•
outtlo.r, funtihir ..
f•nc:•I, pl•llf•n .
wh •t.Hf,
····~L ' '
LON P•T.;·;
. -;-', •', ..
0 A 9ood lirlilh h r ~it''
,;fti., incloon or ,Mt ••. , '1 ' .. D St1.,. fl••ibl• .,~ •.~ · · .. ~ r•p•1t1d 111•1. ..i '\. ,-;; ~ 1
[3 C Un l11l you fort:t .t., c1n.fi.Jt,
.... J • ,
D H••f •Ml 1tal1 ,...;.1,111 4~...,.. .. ,.. ,,, 111...__.."t...,;1
411hw•1h1r i1'f•, "" --~
0 MM-••"1c4' f.or •itht t"'1i1t of I •atl\ <Ii,..,)'; ....
....... /b11Het ,,.~ CllpJ, ••vt.•rt. ... , •. ,i,. I i.,..
••"' itl•H•r, I •~iAt bowl, I ctHm•r, I wtef .....
•Ml I 1119•r tl•wl co••r• ' ,
• I
' I
.· ....
·The road tQ pleasant motoring starts with-· · -. ".a smoOth-nmninr car. · ·;
Here's bow to travel in safety, economy, and . comf orl.
I IT'S STILL THERE -The broad rolllng countryside ... p
r<>ads of America Of a few years ago are ltill there for • 1 ' •
who take-the time and trouble to get olf tbe freeway• ul-a'•Z~=
state highways to rediscover their country -and the fun el.._
' '
"8W GA" HPT. -...?070• UelD CA" D•ftT· M•707e .
Sammer showers, especially
after a long dry spell. can
mike road surfaces as slip-
,.ry as winter tee, a special
ufety bulleUn issued by the
lllbberManufacturer s
Association warns. ' .
The danger of sldddlng ls
greatest, says the trade goup,
during the first 15 · to ~
mmutes after it start~ to rain;
up to an hour or more in a
light drizzle.
This~ due to the little~
known fact that rain tends to
float up onto the road surface
Electronic Tune Up & Brake Specialists
FREE Weekly Lube Jobs
FREE Pick up & Delivery .
. · Conw 11tlt l.flacefttia, Costa Mesa .
Open 6 a.m. to 10 p.m •
Ownet, Pat
.,,__,, ______ ·-~---=-----::-:-:------·---------~------.
, .......... " ................ ...,. ......
A. WW el~ lad 1>alalCt 1 t
• • • . -
.......... c.i..-.....
D. Dtmmer"""""
• AN1Wm11 I) ~ i) A. S) I. f 0. I) A. C) I . 1) C. I) I . '> C. &GD D.
Phone 642-6373
Complete faclities for relt1ilcliftCJ eftflnes, transmissions,
generaton, starten & brakes. Year 'round maintenance can
save you money.
Peter H~ Schlepphorst
Four FREE . Spark ~lup
............ &. T ... of ycMll C•.
. Pete's ·foreign . Car Semce
2073......, loulevanl
:( R•tr of 9ener1I Tr11nml11lon J'
---CAR CARI ACTION -· -Miy II, -tMt .-... a .
NYLON CORD ......... ....... ""' , .... ,.. ................ "
then apply the brakes with
,Our ..... ol1 tbt lleerllta
wheel. U the car pulls to GM
aide, ~...Dlll-1Mll.li.....Jll""!!1l!.... ____ _.
In any case, have JOUf
lll"ricemln perf onn a eom-
pWe 1mpect1oa ol 1he braD
l)'ltem every llx months.
Strvfni Costa Meta,
IAST 17th ST.
C"ta Meta -'46-2444
Pa .. 4 May U, 1"9
Robert Frost said It. "There
ls somethlng that doesn't like
a feooe." Now ll'• my tam.
There le eomethlng t h a t
doesn't like a woman. And
that's an a u t o m o b l l e
mechanlca. That's at least U
he's 6'1" in his old army
boots, has uncertain blue eyes
and goes by the name of
Now, I guess I know as
much about cars as the next
League of Women Voters
Foreign Polley Committee
chairman. After all, it was I
who •spent lhree hours in the
library looking up t r a d e
· r esfrictlons o n automotive
replacement parta. So, I'm not
• exactly a babe In tbe woods on
&he subject.
But to lalk to Hank, you'd
think I was dumb. l say "Talk
to Hank" advisedly. Every
lime I drive in, be mumbles
something about test-driving a
manifold and takeJ off in bla ·
car, leaving me standing
there. You'd th.Ink we were
married, the way he carries
My last non-communication
with Hank happened just last
week. I was late ror a hair
dresaer's appointment, it wu
raininl and my car wouldn't
Naturally, I was frantic. If
you mISs an appointment w1tb
Mr. Gino he demotes you from
Friday afternoon to Monday
momiJli. And do I have•to tell
you what kind of mood Mr.
Gino ls in on Monday morn-
So, I called Hank. My tears
must have moved him because
be was out in five minutes.
Hank was u n u s u a 11 y
talkative when be came. H1
actually said, ''Hi." He 1ot me
started and I made it to Mr.
Gino's with fl aecoodl to
spare. Which WU fortwaat.
1ince it meant l only bad to
wait 45 mhwtea before the
matstro could take c~ of
But woWdn'l you know Jhat
as I tried to start my car
•iain, noth1Qc h a p p e n e d • Notb1ne, that la, except my
hairdo bepn to dili.mepte In
tbe downpour.
"RI... Instead be pushed D)1
car into the station, popped up
the hood and left me to peruse
hls ap:iple a~)>) 1 y of
eutomottn ro.apD1el. You'd
think they'd publlsb a few
articles a gal could ap-
preciate ! . Just ·as I was absorbed 111 a
piece about "How to Sell More
Upholstery Stiampoot" Hant
approached me: It was evtdent
he was about to speak to me
because his Adam's apple was
• ''When's 1 tbe last Ume you
had your car tuned up," he
challenged. By hls serioua
look, I thoogbt I'd humor hlm.
"The last time the piano tuner
came throUgb town," I quip-
He manaaed to blde his
amusement manf llDJ a 1te
didn't even crack a smile.
"Miss Benson." be iclen-
tltled, "YOIJ'Ve get a cracked
dl8tributor cap and your apart
plug• ar.e fouled: No wonder If you hear yCYflf tires talk· you couldn't siart.., J bit my •.toque before . I lng, perUpl a few daya
could blur\ ~ an· lodlgnani fistJag will help -or a week
that's no way to talk tD a lady. in the moUntalna.
Inafad 1 told him \o (ii lt, : Ob the~ band, u yoc,a see
which he 'did: · .. them talldn.g, you"re tlre-wfSe,' I really can't be too mad at Hank. He even thanked me and you'll heed' their message.
when l pllld for two service Talking tires. They'll tell
calls and a COtnplete tW*tlp. you. when your pocketbook is
And he was po~ enoup not
lo mention \hat my Mr. Gino
Special looked like a wet
cocker spaniel. But one thlng SIVed the day.
I sUU have Friday afternoons
at Mr. Gino's.
Economy Cars. f4re .
Often tUxury Cars
Are you driving an economy gasoline mHeaie. Underinflat.-
car on a luxury car bud8et? ed tires, especially, are thiev-
Cl\ances are this ii tbe e111. es of &asoline. WMa ... *' 11.,.. 11,....,
If you are* drivinC and 'In addlUon to Pt:OPU in~ ~ • .. ~· 11
servicing your car properly. nation, balancing the wheels (I) tli• brtk•• tend to arab
Getting tbe best performance and correct wheel allpmelll (2) the tirt ii out of b1l1ncc from your car at tbe least are essenUal to matlmum tire (3) the tJrt it overinftaied
possible -expenditure depends wear. Experta esllmite lhal --
on how you drive 8lld how you tires subjected to unbalancing
care for your car. and wrq allpment could
'fake the matter·of guoline easily 1'ear oul m months.
consumption. Tests ~ J>remature1y.
oo an international bas11 last Another 1 n Ired lent to
year showed how oonditJon of econonUcal drt'1nl is uslnc
the car affects I a a o 11 n e tbe best trades of ail av~le
milea,e. <and chanpg that' oil and
Resaltl •f Testa filter at recommended m.
Cars were tested for tervals. Good oD, propettJ
gaaoline consumPtion before maintained, can aave ln-
tune-up, ar~ installation of estbnabll yet aubltanUal wear
-new ~rt plup and after a ol\ vital englDe parta. Neglect ·
complete tune...up. Avence im· : of • oil could lead to a
provemeot after iDNDatlcm of premltore deterioration of
new spark plugs alone was U rods and pbton.s and could "°
percent 1n «ht U.S. and . quire a major .. n I t n e
Canada. Av e.r 111 im· overhaul. provemeat after ct m-p let• In fact, aD,Y proaram of
tunHp' wu l.J percent. ~ve malllteDanct la the
beint hit. And in most cases -somelhine that's even more
they can tell you eucUy who important than' the monty you
I.he culprit is, too. Like im-may waste.
proper allpmeut, w o r n What are the Urea on your
lb o ck a , over~tion, un-car telllna you? Study the plc-
derlnfl.uon, and many other conditions that rob you of the tureJI and try the lltue test
lire mileage that you pay for. below, then ~k the answer!
Besides accelerated w e a r • to find out bow tire-wise you
there's also °'e safety f aclor_ar_e_. __
. ....................... ................. _
(1) the tlrt ia ovtridatecl
(2) too much front end tot·in
(3) you tau comer• too fut
...._ ............ ,... ae..c::r_._ .... ....,.
11 ~ llaocb art Deeded
(li) lloW doWll °" corners (~ tit rod " 1ooee
'lbua, clOM to'two galloos io iDoa4 economkal lavestment
every tankful of 1uoUne can you can make. IAlbrtcatton
be saved when the encme is performed on tlmt • aaves
kept ill tune; ateertnc and cbusla com-How do you rate with !your tire talk?
So, I called Hank again. Thia
Umt bl took I half hour to
eomt and didn't bother wlth a
Proplr' malntenaaee can pooeab. AttenlioD to brake
abo 11ve u mucb u IO pet· CODdlUoa mabl ucb tenlce
cent ta tlrt Ufe, Jteeplnc Ura rtuoaably priced IDltead of
at recommended air preuures excesslvely COltly u ln Cllea
not only saves wear on tirtl where clruma are scored----------------------------but actually be1pl improve thmlab ne&)ect.
Complete Am Parts Ir Accessorln
e CyHncltr Htlds
• Crankahafts
• Short llocks
• Cam ·shafts
• Engine RobUlkllng Kits
• Valvo Grlncllnt
e Ho.cl Mllllnt
lnkAm•rlur4 -Mattw C._..
1761 NEWPORT ILYD:, COSTA MESA, CAUF. ..........
Air ConditioninCJ • EnCJine Overhaul
EnCJIM Tune-up e lrake Work
Starters & Gfferaton
CALL 148·4511
DAVID I. FITCH, P,..,,ietor
-.~--------~------,---=---------------------1-.------·-------· ~------~ -
~,·'lei•! .• ,, •
-· '" ~· ..;· ... # f
.: • .;~·:t~•\ ..... , t ~
IL# o11t\.•: ~~' •,r•lf,.{"t
--·-· .-...
. ~~:,,.; .. WE MAKE SURE THAT
f • • .. -. • . : -.~. THE FINES'f CARS .
· .· : · .. =·A, Caaillac. ~eJitfship ·to J~ke care of all your automotive . needs.
• • .. # , • , 't} t • • • •
'! ~, >~ .r.-~: :=:Our. facilities were -tailored ~rticularly for (adillnc owners with
t l ... ·1 • "' . • • "\ ·~ . -~ -.. i .·~=,·:...:special toois .:and equi'pmelll to better serve you. Won'i you
......... '(.-·j ·• ~ .. visif us .sooo ~ ••
ran.~.,.,s ,,~....-~·; ! .. . :. .
~n.~""--:io• .. • I
.. ~; .. ·~f,. .. ii~,,. . .
\("''~ ...... ~
. .... "
f , ~ •
•• , • .... .;I .. -...
S • t t ~. •' \\ \ \ l\ \t I •
' r
, 'J.
SERVICE DEPARTMENT HOURS: 7:30 a·m· to 6 p.m~· l\lon.-Fri •
. ' . ... . ...
. ~i .--' .
. . . '
Your Factory Authorized Cadillac Dealer Serving The Oran·ge __ i Coast Harbor Area
N-ABER5 . ..
2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa ._Mesa
540-9100 ..... . .
6 ··Major TroUb~e Spats 1n Cars
Jn planning your c a r
roatntewmce, il's wise to know
where trouble ls likely to
strike. A list of the most fre·
quent causes of trouble is con•
tained in a survey of the
Missouri Auto Club ln the U.S.
The Club's recently opened
St. Louis diagnostic · centcf
COIL TIP -This one
was so badly eroded,
half of it disappeared.
Plastic tape to rescue
• , • for awhile. ~
tabulated detecu lound on the
Lirst 1,803 cara to pua tm.gb
Jts ...... Aceardlna to tbl results revealed by F. B.
Oldham, Club t e c b n I c a l
ser\'lces director, these were
the most frequent, critical
faults :
1. IGNITION -(polntl
condenser, dwell and varia-
it gets so dirty you
have to ventilate it like
this, it isn't filtering
much air •
Uon, coll, Umin&. IPll'k pluc
performance, Ignition under
bd) -1,IOt defecta or .M per car.
(lncJtvlfnl allpnent, front
mspemkla pivots and abocb)
-1, 450 defectl or . 90 pe-car. a. B~ -(inchlding
brake lining tblcbesl and
plug is so encrusted
with deposits it only
fife$ ·when it feels like
it • • • not often. -
CCIDdWan. ad Ju at men t,
hlDdbrake,' dna or dilc con-
cUtlm, brUe bales, pedal
prmure, Ink• balance and pr~) -1,354 or .15
def ecta per car.
(including candle power, aim, WanUna li&bta and retraction)
-l,051 ar .• defecta per car.
oil filler cap was sup-
poeed to breathe t:bniuah w:fre mesh fil-ter; !t smothered to
5. TIRES -·(lncJudlna Ure pressure, tread depth and
,Walla) -Ill Cll' .SI per CU.
(including steering b9z, tie.
rods, steering arm and ball
joints) -to1 or .25 per car.
The St. Louis facility, first
of its kind ever nm by an Auto
Club, performs only diagnostie
CRACKED -Tac. will
hGld togelaer en
spa.rt plag innlator;
juat don't fttare It's a
lifetime repair Job.
Drugri and Driving
Drugs and driving don't
mix, says the Natl o na l
A s s o c i a t i o n of Retail
So important is re~ for
drugs in insuring blghway
safety that N.A.R.D. is pro-
viding fact sheets for driver
education ~)lchers in and out
of high school, according to
executive secretary Willard B.
Simmons, w b o represents
to,000 Independent drugstore
Druggists are liichlng the
public the power of drugs.
Drugs save lives, Simmons
points out. He adds.facts 9( i&
Eight and one h.lf 1cf'ff of ultr1-modern
wleJ and Mrvice f acilttles. C11ifoml•'1 finestl
When you brl111 your or In for lb diegnoah, you'll bt trut.d te • true wonder of title
modern electronic autometion 191 , •• California's flnt Ford Rotu11C11 Diagnostic C111t.r,
It's the fint 9rut "bruit through'' in automotive performance anelyais. In minutes, It do11
en l11fi11itely better 1111ly1l1 of • or's collClitlon, than • crew of erp1rh could do, witft
ordinery 91119 .. and l111tru111enta 111 davsl
From • climetlied 9lu1 ob11rv1tlo11 room, you'll watch akilleil operetors perform el1ctro11lc
t .. t after t11t, In 111 111111ln9ly ahort time, aod ,1ccuret1 elmo at beyollCI belief. for lmmedl·
at• rHulh from uch test, you'll be provided with your ow11 remote controlled dlela and
lndicetors et uch t .. t stetion, You 11e.d 111 mechenicel knowl1d91 to vftd1rat1ncf Helt per-
formence check, ah1ce uch eperetion ta upleinecl h1 1lmple, u11derat1ndable l1119ua9e.
In len then half en hoor, u 011e ur owner put it, "they te1t.d everything b11t Illy uh tr1yl ..
135 vital tut pointt will be covered by electronic "delving," both while your ur la et 1
atandatill encf while It h bein9 "driven" at 111chorecl 1pHd1 up to 70 mil .. per hour
Whe11 these tHh ere c-pJetocl, you'll roc1lvo • wrltt .. repori 011 tfie results. Awv 111eded
work or 1dju1hne11t will be furltter uplefn.d, end, If you wish, 1 cost e1ti1111to 1111de, If any
work 11etda to be done, or service i1 roquir.d.
i~LL FOR $995 1
TODAY Compa.te (EtlTER
Service end repair baya for worki119 011 75 SERVICE CENTER
can 1irnulta11eou1ly, plu1 co111plete body end
pai1t thopa.
Our perh dapertment hH over 10,000
aqu1re f .. t of apace stocked 'With over
SI 00,000 worth of the moat complete lnve..-
toriH of Ford parts end 1cceuoriu on ftie
Fectory eutfioriud ulu, aervice, 011d puh
for Ford-built hi9h-perform111ee ""· bclu•
aiv1 Ou119e dHltr for Shell>y-A111erlca11 GT· HO, GT-500.
Foctory H~rl1.d 11111. 11rvice al!d p1rt1
for Ford teOflOtfty cert, i11cludl1tt febulout
11ew En9li1h Fords.
Our S,.clelia" worki"t with ultr• 111ocl1r11
toolt ere eq•ipped to .. rv1ce •nd r•p•ir
Hy the fnlck f, .. , litht pickups to fiH vy
•Ml erira ltoovy •11tv 1111ih.
011t own mod1n1 INH1 IHve every half
'--fot fNo tr1111,.rt1tio11 t1 •eel fr.111 ~Ollr won, fio1"' er echool white yovr cer It
Mf1tt ••rvic:M.
2060 HARBOR -COSTA MESA -642-0010
f AA ft t •.»..*"MY e J A.IA. TO' •.M. TUUDAY • 'llOAY I A.M. 10 6 P.M. IATVUAY
teresl lo all drivers.
"When doctors prescribe
some valuable medications
they Insist that no driving be
done for a specified number of
hou:a,". be aays. "Heed their
advice and the ldrice of the
druailt wbo ttmlnds you ol
that lad.''
In additlon ,to urging respect
for the llfe-a.vlnc drup of
dally llff, membel'.I o f
N.A.R.D~ _... 1endinl their
profess.tonal efforts to schools
to f onvard the wort of drug
e&lcation. Tbe dangen of
drug abuse are being brought
to students' attention at the
request of the Bureau of
Narcotics and D a n g e r o u s
Drugs of the Department of
BARBITUA~, for ex·
ample -known as "goof-
balls'' and by o&Aer terms -
produce slurred speech, im·
paired motor responses,
sensory distortion and more. A
person withdrawing f r o m
barbiturate abuse may have
spasms a n d convulsions,
particularly dangerous behind
a car wheel. Barbiturate
overuse plus alcohol can
cause sudden death.
stimulants w b l c b bave
respected medical .. •
are bown u "pep ,cnt' • "co-pilots" to drq aa..r. -
can caUS1 severe 1tallucbla-
tions OD the fOld. T:ruck
drivers, vacatloaen, 1 o n g
distance driven IM1 tab too
many aml>hetamlnel to ata1
awake. too frequently the
Gas Mileage Due
To Many Factors
Two drivers of the same
automobile may ret different
gas mileage due to the dif •
fereoces in drlviftl habits..
Other facton lnclDde drl'fin«
coodiUoiw and mechanical
condiUon of the automobile.
It costa almost IO percent
more to drive IO mph than lt
doe.s to drive 50 mph. Cost of
driving f8 mph b 25 percent
higher than cost of driving 30
-Wet drlvina coDdlUons:
Slow'ing down under wet or
IJ'ltJflY cooditlons t'Olllll"Vet
fuel. Wet pavement c a n
reduce mileage by 1 mile per ,anon.
-W'besl parked, CUrn oil
engine. One minute al lidllng
uses more fuel then restartina uses. --smtJnc &Jl 4 .. ,,...,,,
Avoid "jack rabb.it" starts,
sudden stopping and racinc on the green light.
-Wlndy coodiUOGS. Drive
slower U you're interested ln
better Cuel economy.
Here are some sugesUons
oo cart and mechlnlcal con·
ditloa of JOU? car for better
fuel economy:
-Use good grade of gasoline
r e c o m m e n d e d by tl\e
maaul•cturer of your
•utomobl.Je. -Be IU:re the thermostat
Isn't stuck in the open posi·
tion. A warm-runolng engine
ls more efficient (uaes less
fuel) than a cold-running
-Be sure tires are Inflated
properly. -•llnce IDd _allp tlru.
wor~. Repairs, lf needed, are
performed a& area faciliUes
with tbe a.lb mUinC DO
recommendations on where to
The Club will perform
rechecks of work perfonned.
consulUng, on request, with
the mechanic doing the repaJr
STRING? -Yes, it
worked for a little
while when this distri-
butor rotor started to
fall apart, but not long.
driver will then hear "volcea,"
tee "ghost vehicles'' and have
other aberrations t h a t ·can
cause a crash.
MARIJUANA, thought by
some teens to be harmless, b
a major villain when it comes
to highway safety. Unlike an
ordinary cigarette, "grus"
cause sensory distortions. A
car 10 feet away may seem
100 feet away. Sideswipe AC•
ddents.are common and more
serious coWsloos can ()CCUI'.
· LID presents double danger.
Not only does taking it cause
Ill I m m e d I a t e disoriented
.,high" and bizarre ha.lluclna-
tioM, but the same effects can
tccur with no warning lis
months or a year later. '1be
0 afterflash1' e f f e c t can
jeopardize not only tl)e drivtr
bat his passengers as well u
other drivers and pedestrians
U a driver exnibits drunbn
behavior but there ts DO
aroma of alcobo~ drug abuse
may be suspected.
These and other facts are
being called to the attention ~
students and facuJtles at Ill
schools as well as to con-
cerned parent groups.
What can th.e safe driver do
to prot«t against t b ea t
Students are being urged to
seek medlcaJ facts and studJ
recent cllnlcal research IO
that objective data can be
given to all. Poster contests
and slogan contests in ht,la
schools and other student ef
forta are being eocouraged,
turn tbe cold light of reason oa
drug abuse. And par
teacben and all adults
being urged to call for
education in the schools.
Every parent. can aid
cbectlng bl1 cbl ld'
whereabouts. knowing t It
ldentlty of lfOUP drivers,
maklQI atrk& rules about
.~ .............
t ,, '
•Q '
Horns In your. •rs· ••• 1 missed appoint• )'ou'U feel the difference pronto. Trouble.
ment , • , 1 tow-tr\lck ride 4 ~:a pounding hea~ 1 Q starting. Qulcker ecceleritlon for ..W highe
and a lot of other things to spoil your dri¥fng. • ~.Motl power. Dependlbtl P*fonn.
That'$ what an untuned car is. anct. And an awrage 11vlno of fNtl .i g1llon of
Untuned car trou. ble results from old worn I gas per ~~(:..proved in United ·Stas Auto
spark plugs In an untuned engine. The cure 11 l Club certified tests. ·
quick and effective. tt'1 • Chlmplon Tune-Upr l ... for trouble-fret driving, get a Chlmplorl
a ~ set of Champio'n spark Plugs pf us othe( M .unt-Up now~lnd MtY 10,000 mltee: a.
basic tune-up items you may need. cause •n untuned car Is trouble!
t (I ' ;
• -.--·--
l .
' '1
;::s ' a =•
-May ti, '"'
Getting there -to a vaca-car. And It JOU lnelude one ol
tlon, th3t is -can be more a handful .of Ametb'1 ~'
than half the fun, if you go by drives In your route.
i 'lrHE NEW : ! • • • • • ~ SIJPEB i •• • ••••••••••••••••••
:················ • : GET READY
: TIME ••• • • • • • • • • • •
use wcrn
Once accesalble to en1y I aapld-sdctW motorilt catch
In who f\a4 uaftm.it~ time, bJI bNldl It lealt o a c • a
all tbese drivel are now easy mQiQle. ·
to reacb for moet Americabs · Blasted out of sheer rock,
and Canadians on a two-week this road tffers just eoougb
vacation, thanks to distance-room for two cars to pass in
· whlttllag limited acceas", diVitl-placa, -1 a ecardty di ~d
ed Interstate h1&hwaya. rails. ID places top of the cWf
Tbe writer hat not drimi caanot be 11en from one side, ev~ m1M of North ~enca or botWnt ol the canyon on the
roads, or e'ven every route other. Its spectacular switch·
that has some fame or ls · backs keep one constantly in
beauti!uJ. But I will recom· view of soaring peak!.
mend the following 10 as
outstanding on anyone's llst of
areat motoring experiences •
* * *
* * * ..
WGJIW AY -One can go over
the Atlantic Ocean bl his cat
<:ALJFORNIA'S 0 C E A N fir m o 1 t of the way from
ROAD -Numbered US 101 Miami to Key West on US l,
with frequent cuts west on Taking off on a series of
California 1, U1il road curves hurdles aametlmts Jkipping at
through a variety of .,ee~ water level, s o m e t 1 m e s
tacular ICel>ery from sea level vauJUng 75 fed above the
to 2.000 f~t and down ~ala ocean. thil ecmcl"fte thread
on the way from Los Angeles holds together a necklace of
to San Francisco. 750 keys, or small, low, nar·
lt aoes-through or past sand, row tPits' d Hmtstooe, eoral
mountains, cttrrs, a r r o y o s , . and sand that poke their heads
ocean, fishing villages, onion a few feet above salt water in
fields, grape arbors, remote the btgbway's path o r
and beautltul Big Sur country, alongside tt. 'There are 49
rock coves, crooked cypress bridges totallin& nearly 11
trees (among the world'• miles.
oldest living things) and plen-* *·. * ty of palms.
J.slanda offer. Far tMf art aJl Many call &hi! dtlve on State
lovely, aqd mo.t feature 11 the "road that beat the
essentially the ..in. things; sand $meS," for it makes ac--
breathtak:ing vistas of the cessibte a remote, 150-mlle
ocean in its many colors, ac. stretch of pencil-thin 1and
cessibillty to beaches which islands constantly m o v e d
are llt11e-used, roads edged about by the wind from the
with everything from stately AUanUc Ocean on U1e east. To
cocoanut palm trees to flowers the west ls Pamlico sound,
ranging in color from white to which separates tbe islands
red aeemingly growing wild, from the mainland by'eight to
roads which <;Ut through lush 30 miles of water. From its in·
green sugar cane fields higher land end at Elizabeth City It
than one's car, or which edge goes through lowns with salty
sugar pineapple fields rich and names like Nags Head, Hat...
red. Volcano country witlt teras, Ocracoke.
black rock alongshore, rock There are 70 miles of clean,
crumbling to red and turning white, uncrowded sand beacb.
into ricb earth Inland. for surf and boat fishing,
* * * bathing and just beacbcornb-
lng 'tn this National Seashore
M O NT ANA '8 GOING-'l'O-park. There are two free and
'Jll&SUN BIGHW AY -Of all one toll ferry rides of 45
the roads I've ever driven, minutes each. One can explore
this one bisectiq Glacier Na· quaint 1ishing vlllages, hear
tlaaal 'Pm JI _, jlel'&mail) Bankers c o n v e r s e in
fawdtie. I me ..,_ It beth Elizabetlum-Oavored English,
w~ eW ..._-.......,. emlfor a vmety..t ocean fish
see .,...,..._ -· 1ble J.ale at Gmmefiab .Junction, where
Stephen T. llldber', ._~ .wasive warm and l:Old ocean
tor of the. Jh4Mm1 -JWt .wrests cOllide, ace th e
Service, wn* ti it! . .....,reck«udded b e a c b
''It Is •W Jf la allJ _... Jbe "Graveyard of the
other N.t ill A111erim mLil • •llntir" ..-cl five o t
tti' w ~ mhli • ~ • __.lea.. Jllhthouses, in·
such a 'lflDd -mv Ii cl. • • ..a.:-g its tallest beautitul foresta, ,....,, tar· llUIL\ •
rents, WODdedul .....-_. * * * valleys, towerinC dn)aes, ad I a vista of bold, ace~ NOJml CAROLINA-TEN·
mountains and 1 e r r at e d NESSE& VIRGINIA l BLUE
escarpmeatl ••• " It's pro-RIDGE PARKWAY • Some
bably .the only road in the of the most gracefuJ mountain
world so engineered that one eceoery in the wqrld ii un·
caa clbnb 4.000 feet with folded from a car window on
numercus switchbacks in less thls motortna thrill ride which
tbaD 25 miles, crosa the Con-often tiles one through or
tlnental Divide, descead 4,000 above the clouds. When corn·
feet ln 25 miles, d never pteted. it will be a 470-~•
C A N AD A '~ • A NP F • SUPEBIOl\ DRlvE -'lbe
JASPER DRIVE -~ road essential appeal of this drive
seems to bave been built over rs it mates wilderness easily
animal traib. jt turns so often accesDble. lt me a.n de r a u It follows five great river through muskeg, r l f l e s
valley1 through a v 1 r 11 n tbrougb rock, snakes through
wlldeneu aJcmc-the ·mos& IWampl, curves tbrougb rock
spectacular p o r t i o n of eanyam, roan through rock
America's grandest moantaio gorges, 11 IGIDttirnes smooth
chain -the C a n a d i a n as a billiard table, aomeUmes
RockJes. burilpier than a chuckhole-fill.
, Banff.Juper bas been called ed street lo. sptlnc.
· the most scenlc bi&bWIJ In. U. From It _. tees ~
world, and bundredl of vari-etnt .weep. ot Lake Superior,
shaped mountain peaks, from vast vistu ol mountain and
needled spires and lnverted valley, 1Umpaea of gem-like
Ice cream cones to aaw-tootb-lakes bidden in the trees,
ed pUea and r~ edcet maD1 of which have never
give this clahri credence 11 been ftlbed, and which are
they stand watch on both vilUed by moost and bears
ha "-"-'-~ drive c Q n n e c t in I ve to cha.Qee ~ t.aDjel • ; I & J!latinnal Park In once. EV!ll .._. wi. feK. .
FULL UDll"! L.w Al ••• '20
sides. regutarty.
1bls ls a drive of such varie-
ty that everyone will bring
home a dlfferent lmpmaion. * * * COLORADO'S MILL I ON
Anyone who pleb Ju.st OQ8
CoJcndo blihway #Ul ;ec a'f1\DDents, tfaele ... IO ..... ste•t ones. But us Mt-fnd Daraaco to Omar .. got ...
...U •vta Q.e me1i
OjllU" l8UND DRIVE -~ JOb· J had WU
cli:ld(il -~ to describe of maat: driwt the Hawallaa
mGUDtaln ctmt.w li-1d llPe. =.~~ p:o~
DO trouble here. ;. ---~ md Tennessee.
.... _-.. V.B. Jqllways ~
.-=t .. ""' portions not
T 'P d
.... _Wld twiatl lad tUl'DI
--........-----~-,...... ... I 9 ::a;m;'!41.:::. ~
What'~ ...... 1 ... .. ....... .It ....
follow Dltllel' art P & II •. I , , a, ..._ .... Jwt ..
reei M!l!d!-ar--• -fC r ••.... ..,,
ever/ J O mfl!s lift' _, el
lpee4 ...... d(y l'Ol4k. When
roedl are . slippery, t b •
distance b«ween lbould be
Average 1'ee~
No Mr. Clean
Wortlng on vlntaee can It
)Ult "doin' what c o m e ~
naturally" for the teen i And, naturally, there'• p)en
Overhaul ....... & va1 ... Speclallsts
lxc .......... 111 .. ne Reliull ...
• • .. • ) " • te. --~;
• IXCR~~·· . : .. ' i
·:.' e CRANKSHAPT Kf't&
• 'I
.r IDell coaaected "11b
~ ndnld detbel . and
Ma ~ tbee'• tH ··-~·If ...... .u . ................ partud
,.reel of nery O'f'll'Mu). c.,..
fialnl the mea to= one ana • ., • lone wwanl "'11ttw ap dellHlp •
1 ed
• To
•l to
3 in-
y it
.c b
.. UE
un-i on
llll• DI [ in
~ not
~· rom .. qa
I fl
1e-1 ~. =
Ill •
4 r;> -.. .-.
(Cea.-... tnm Pace I)
part, by more persons than
any of the other drives listed
DRIVE -CbooMg on t
among the many great drives
lo this area is not easy. But
the one which circlea Olympic
Natioilal Park offers pouibly
more variety than the others.
The park's 888,000 acres are
1prawled over the ext(eme
northwestern pob,t on the Co-
ntinental United s t I t e I •
bordered by Canad& to the
north and the Pacific Ocean to
the west. Much of th1I drive
follows the ocean, and to get
to know much about the park
one must detour IDland in a
number of places.
It ls a land of contrasts,
with the northeast section of
the park baviJaC one of the
. .
wes~ coast'• drlest c;lbnateJ. Yet a scant eo• milel west . KM .,........_ ~lllM ....a.
over the Olympic peaks •"-Up~ ,'hlacu ... , ....
upwards of 150 ibdlet Of .ala Mlelal1•• • Upper Peal'.a••'-( ... ) ... dae ._...__,TIO falls annually, mak:IDl-tbilthe u,. ..._. ., .,_..,1 0...
greatest rain forest area tn .... ......., (llotttlm). 1 the U.S.
·. .,
~ f •
. • . r. ...
. . . . .
New, MoCfern, Compfefe
~uthortzed For Your ·Prot.ctton the
.,.,. ..... ,. ........ (w"'lilMl&6ii~~'6lil~~"'-m••AMIMliljM!MllliilMMIMlllllMl•iill•lliiliiiilll lilltilllilllili'9J!iil1'•il'•MMl!llMMiii•Ml --~
• j
1 • j
. j
I ' ' t
. ,,,
May n, , ... CAR CAii llCTIOM
~ov c~n try, bvt I doubt if he'll ()ip you double or nothing for fhe funt u1>
-It Always Helps"· to .. · Pl'l!riie
Car 'Dottoi' Corrett F11tts
Ift certain respects the
automotive service man and
the famlly doctor have much
in common. One notable
ai.milartty b in the prob~ of
interpreting the patierit's com·
plaints. Often, it is not easy
for a person to describe bis
body's ailments, or t h e
ailments of his car.
Independent Garage Owners
of America offer some adtice
for car owners regarding the
portrayal and interpretation
of their car troubles. Most may be the clrcumsWices
mechanical problems follow under which that miss occurs.
set bebavlorial patterns, they Some critical clues:
say, and often It is easier for ROAD SURFACES ••• ls
the owner to observe and the symptom more noticeable
recognize these characteristics on asphalt or c o n c r e t e ?
than it ls for the mechanic. Washboard? High crowned
Some problems. foe et· road or frat?
ample, occur only in wet • SPEED ... this bas a bear·
weather; others disappear in iJll on most diagnoses.
dampness. An elusive engine LOAD . • . is the trouble
miss may come and go under more pronounced wit.ti full
certain specific conditions and passenger k>acl1 Ou a long
a real tipoff to yOW' mechanic grade? Downhill!
50,000 MILES
Premium High Performance
~olcf th• treed firm for more milug• ••• up
t• too % 111or•! •
ht 1rnooth.r, more comfortal>'•, ••fer ridi"t
• ~11aliti11.
•n •ltonv protector which •limin1tu
th. h111td1 of 111dd•n tir• cfefletion.
The lower profil•, up to 2-inchea wider treed,
Is compourtd•d end d11l9n•d to ltae, your
rid• sur• on tha 1trei9hl-1woy, conlroll.d on
the turn. 1,000 br1wnv ad9e1 grip the ro1d
Hcur•lv, in w•t w .. lhf'r or dry, for impro .. •d
t r.ction ••• up lo 15 ~ more l
Compare Price & 6Uar1nlee
F71-14 ········-····-·-·····.$16.71
G71·14 Ir 15 Jl.71
H78·1 4 & 15 _ -41.71
J71-14' 15 G.71
L71-15 ···-.....
ladle T• l.U .. l.M
A long winter of commut'
back and forth to work,
IChoola and lbops bas le
yoor automobile "out of
dlUon,. just at I time wbe
you're all let fCll' tbe pleasurel
tript of sprtnc and summer.
To plan well tor wa
weather travel you need
bow what bu happened
your automobile during
streues of trimer, and bow
help 1mure that the trips y
plan to take will be safe
spark plugs, battery, voltase
regulator' eenerator and an
wirinc cbecked.
tbotougb lubrication Job will
leslell wear on vital moving
parts. Change to the grade of on rec:ommended for the driv· iDI condiUons you expect to
tDCOWaer. Install a new oil
filter cartridge. Check all
bydraulic fluid levels.
the cooling system ~leaned
and Oushed; refill with a good
permanent-type antifreeze or
add a rost inhibitor. Have the
thermostat, fan belt and water
pump checked.
Nearly 72 million U . S .
motorists bad acme problem
wttb their automobile in 1987,
the A m e r l c a n .\utomobDe
Aslodatioa'a annual 9W'Vey :
showed. Fort!Hbree percent of -BRAKES, TIRES AND
them were clue to batter1 WHE~. Have the brake
ltarler and Ignition iysteni lln1np inspected and check
failures, an lDcteue ol 20 per. the wheel alignment and
cent om-the previous year. balance -unaligned and on.
The 14 million Oat tires balanced t.ires cause ex.cessive
motorists had in 1967 was the .and uneven wear.
Beccnd bilbest fiaure on the Be sure shock absorbers are
list of all troubles. There also in good condition. In addition
were 511,000 incidences of to causing discomfort, bad
brake failure. shoct absorbers can b e
'lbe Emergency R o a d dangerous.
Service Department of the . .
AAA suggests you consolt a -VISION. W_ 1 n d s h 1 e 1 d
good auto mechanic early this wipers, headlights, t u r n
season. s.lgnals. backup and bnke
A checklist has b e e n lights should all _be checked
developed for your use in for perfect operation.
working with him to discover That is a fairly thorough ex·
and correct any problems amination! You may have wbi?i may have developed reason to believe that your car dur~g the colder months. is essentially in good working
Sixty years of H:perience In order _ that you do not have
auto re~, and day.to.day the time or the need for the
observation of ~ • repair entire cheek-up routine. needs of 11 million AAA Th . . . driver-members, lead to these ere. are certain muumum
recommendations· precautions AAA s uggests
· before a n y long-distaDce
-TUNEUP. An e n g i ri e travel by a u to m o b ii e ,
tuneup is a wise investmenL however. They also can be
Have the ignilion, points, presented as a checklist,
all fan~
-LOAD TEST bettllJ IDd
clean terminals.
all hoses.
YOU should consider these
additional services, and bavt
your mechanic perform them
accord.Ing to your c a r
m a o u fa c t u rer's recom·
lng system, adding rust in-
hibitor with refill
--cRANGE motor oil.
gas and oil filters.
crankcase venWation system.
transmission and differential
front wheel bearing.
These are the preventive
measures, taken frequently,
which ·wru not only give you
peace of mind while traveling
this summer, bul will also In·
crease the life of your car and
help lt to give you top-not.ch
perfonnance in all seasons
and under all conditions.
Batteries Don't Always
Cause Starting Problems
' Blaming starting trouble on
the battery can. be like blam-
ing a broken leg oo bone
faDatt. lo both c a s e s •
up and a voltage test every six maximum efficiency battery
months should assure you life. = ~ ='lheb ~r~ That Roar
·fectH part is causing the
problem. Is E h t A well-maintained battery X QU$
that hasn't outlived i t s
usefulness should not cause Has your family sedan
starling problems. More likely started to develop a sports car
some other electrical com· ''rap"? lnst.ead of taking it to
ponent is at fault and is Watkins Glen or Lemans, bet·
draining the battery power. ter check your exhaust
For example, faulty wir ing, system. That deep-throated
worn spark plugs or malfunc· roar under the chassis un.
tloning distributor may be doubtedly means your exhaust OftrWCll'tlnf the battery dur-system Is defecUve.
iDg ltartbll. Not only might it earn you a
Aa a result the battery traffic ticket for maklng too •ears don ,tea a point ll]at It much noise but it could mean
roay aeem dead. The alert a death sentence for you and -nc. man. will look beyond your family. A leaky exhaust
die ..._, u the CIUle or the is a potential source or letha1 ltlltinc I a 1 J u r e , especially carbon monol:lde.
It's a simple job for the
service attendant to check
battery water level and con-
dition of cables and terminals.
This should be done at least
once a week to guard against
premature deterforaUon.
Twice a year, the battery
should be tested. At the same
time , tennJnals 1houJd be
cleaned thoroughly to get rid
of corrosive materials and
dirt. Foreign matter on the
terminals or cable clamps ean
cause battery failure.
lf the battery • h o w s
prtmature Joss of power,
chances are other componalll
may be at fault. For example,
wiring may be short circuiting
or you may have a problem in
the charging. Have )'OUt
service man conduct an elec·
trical check. when be ls rtmtoded to do so When you bear a noisy u. CORONA del Mii Tll·E • TEXACO •IVICE .,,To~=b.at.,. in top ~:~~tehe~:a~~~~ors:
s ... AI E. CO .a ~T HWY e 67r226' e COi..._ .1.-1 u.__ oper.U. .,......_, bert are yet) have a mechanic d:leck
Corroded terminal! c a ft
aborten effectivt llfe of JOUf
battery. Clean off the cor-
roliea wUb • MluUon of '8.t·
Ina IOda. and water, 1~ed '..-:,1illll•...,llilflll•..iwiiij11i~liiliililliiillilllli1lllilllliiirlliiiiiiM•llliiMii•V'lllllilm.iif1V9"liiili.....-iiiiM;i1l~IOIDlllllil'iipolntllll!llers .. : .. Alllqak·k-vis~ua-l your erhallM system nest tlme . ,,,_.., . '
Join t-/Je-
PfltfJde TO
Strong 4 Ply
Nylon Cord
Ser.,b .. l'lle JJ.....W. PaWle f.,. U
¥r1. hr Jtf.U. la hr .aep11c.tlea.
"SEaVICE FllU'P , ......... .
892-45611 or 636-2100
$~24 . ""'"-.
BUY 2nd
-#•· • • .. ' ....
M.,11.1Mf Pap"
TM l11eomparable
GOLD STRIPE _ Whltewal
. ~n
The Daytona 4 + 2 is the crowning
achievement of years of research in
design, engineering and construction
techniques. It sets a standard of ex-
ceUence in safety 1 performance end
• I
styling that no other tire ava~able to-j
day can surpass. -I
2 fiber 9fau trHd 4 /'Y Potyester
P.iles for tremen-cor body for ••·
dous impact re-ceptlonel stren9th
sistance and trHd end q u I • t, non-
1+1bility. f11t-spottin9 ride.
Mon MDes-50 to 75°10
more than conventionally
bi a s constructed tires!
These tires will probably
outlast your earl
Sav• Gas -f u • I con-
sumption is decreased by
some 6°lo• More miles
f tom the tread -mor.e
miles from the tank!
,_.,Stops -12 °lo _bet.
ter braking action than
with ordinary tires!
llowom· aac1 R,ts Ylr-
. hlClly . Elmldecl -In
actual tests, more than
tea tilMI the resistance
of ordinary tires!
HlgWy ......_, to Hy-
•oplalllnt ••• the Day-
tona 4 + 2 belttd con-
struction keeps your ff rtt
• ... ,....in wet weath-
er and high speeds.
,. .
(leach llvcl. at Gscle11 &rove ""way) •
t· I
May 22, 1Ht CAR CAH ieertON
' -•WHERE IT'S AT' -If the average Motorist could get this view of Ws car, be
might better appreciate the many-pos~ible trouble spots which could develQp ill
this complex aystem of moving pa~s, especially if they are not properly main·
tained and serviced. -·
Make Use Of · Seat Belts
Young people, supposedly at
odds with the older generation,
have at least one area of
agreement with their parents.
Both are ignoring the Ulesav-.
1ng use of car seat bt:lts.
Cbamplon Spark Plug Com-
pany, through Its Highway
Safety Program, queried n~
ly 11,000 high school seniors on
seat belt wearing habits: rn
cars equip~ ~ith belts, well
under 50 percent use the
restrainir;ig devices.
Ooty lU percent said they
always use belts. Another 29.8
per<?ef!t ~ they used them
most or the time. The biggest
percentage, 37 .5, said they
seldom used belts. Some 17.7
percent said they never used
.AT ONE 01:
seat belts.
There was little difference.
In use between boys and glrls,
with less than a percentage
point difference in t h e i r
Jn a~Uon to youngsters
driving-cars equipped with
seat belts bui not using them,
large percentages ire driving
cars which ·1ave no seat belts.
Of · those drlvin& their own
cars, less· than half of that
v~c!es __ are equipped with
~lts. Over 63.t percent of all
cars, includinJ those belonging
to ~. were equipped with
The students' failure lo wear
se4t belts )Vas not because oI
their failure to recopize the
Lllllll. Gl.,Tl~E~TAl • lilllM• JMiHISIY •e
14 •IHI
consequences, the s u r v e y
found. Almost two-thirds of
them identified not wearing
bells as a major contributing
cause to traffic f ataUtles.
Estimates by the National
Safety Council show that about
one out of five fatalities could
have been avoided if seat belts
were being worn.
A c c o r d i n i to J. .R.
McGeorce: Champion's Public
Relation& Manager and Dir~
t.or of t~ ,!figbway Safety
Program, "lri DIC presentation
to school groups we have In.
dlanapolis race drivers stress
the responsibilities as well as
the skills of operating a car.
Last yea r the ".S. Motor
Vehicle Bureau registered
over 80 mlWon passenger
cars, and that number is in-
creasing everY' year with a
total of 1141h mlllion predicled
for 1985.
Cars need care, and 01e
Aerosol Division, Chemical
S p'e c i allies Manufacturers
Association, lists dozens of
products now packaged in
spray Conn to do the various
jobs needed to keep your auto
in the best possible running
The place to start your car
care is under the hood, with
an aerosol engine cleaner. A
de-rusting spray will loosen
nuts and bolts and remove any
rust, and carburetor and
choke cleaner will spray away
the carbon buildup.
You can stop here if you
wish, or go on with some of
the protective items that help
keep the motor and other
working rarts in condition.
A higb-heat engine enamel,
specially made for cars, will
make the oldest engine look
factory·fresh, and also provide
protection againt rust and
You can alsi> buy aerosol
coating for your b a t t e r y
terminal, fan belt and ignition
. .
• IR
system which will cut the
wear and tear on these parts,
saving you some costly repairs
and a lot or annoyance.
JI , I brak\!~ 11nd clutch peclialsnt.Qll
many others. Finall)ip blct ,.
car deodorizer spray into )'our
glove colnparlment anct·~~ Now you can tum your at-ready to roll. . 01 1&n" 11·1
tentloo to protecting and pret-., 1 ~i · tifying the outside of the car. Or are Y.OIJ . • &\\ Your de-ruster is handy here remember alllhe ae~i,~., te-
too, for loosening nuts 00 the ty products that add ~ ~~a
wheels. Has the paint been 1 plus .to your own safe drtViJ:l&"t
marred or sc.raped? You can A hre extinguisher is . iih'·
buy touch-up paint to match portant, and an aeroso~ tlte fit.
L S flator so easy a 'woman ~h a most any U .. -made car, a ·t . ht be "lU •• lot cheaper than 8 bodysbop use 1 nug a esaver
paint job. for ~ght drlVing ..
A combination cleaner-wax Wwter brings 1ls own pro.
will save you the time and blems -and the aerosol in·
trouble of scrubbing the car, dustry bas solutlon.s to many
and for a really high sheen. of them. Do you have trouble
use your clean~wax first and starting your engine in cold
spray over it with plain auto weather? Spray some starting
wax. Then ~pray a chrome fl uid into the carburetor and
protector on your fenders and listen to it tum over. Defog·
other metalwork. ging and d~icinl agents are a
An aerosol w i n d s b i e I d must, and the latest aerosol
washer ls next -antifreeze item on the automotive
additives make this another shelves is a traction spray for double~uty product -and it's the tires, to drive yourself out
time for the finishing touches. of that snowbank.
Tbere are aerosol .cleaners for Aerosols can handle almost
almost every type o f all your car care, except
upholstery, and a tlre cleaner perhaps to drive to the service
to brtghten up t h o s e station and fill up the tank.
whitewalls. The CSMA gives these tips for
Tenon spray.glide can be proper use: (1) read the label;
belpfui in dozens of places -(2) store away from heat; and
window frames, hood, trunk (3) keep out of thr reach of
and door latches, accelerator, children.
' Warranty No Pay-all
In Condition o f Car
While s o m e controversy for 12-mouth or 12,000 mile
rages over new ·car warcanty coverage. In 1968, the war-
provlslon.s tor 1969 cars, there ranty c~lled for two-ye~r or
is one area in whJch there is 24,000 males
agreement. The motorist will Still intact is the five.year or
bear more responsibility for 50,000-mile protection on com,-
keeplng his car In condition. ponenls generally referred to
Ac_tually, even with the ~s the dri ve tr~i.n. (Items Uke
more liberal warranties of internal engme p a c t s .
previous years, routine yet u;ansmis_sion, rear axle and
Important maintenance was d1IferenUal.)
always the responsibllJty of To protect their wa1n nties,
\he ·new car owner. However. motorists must do the follow-
in many instances the owner ing:
lulled himself into believing I. Change engine oil and oil
the warranty was a pay-all in filter and clean the filler cap
case of trouble. This is not the at periods specified by the
c~. manufacturer. (TypicalJy,
The major difference In 1969 every six monU1s or 6,000
new car warranties lies in the mUes.)
length of time most parts (ex· 2. Clean the carburetor air
eluding ti.rel, and tubes) are filter and replace it at
covered. New provisions call speclfied intervals. (Usually,
six months or 6,000 miles for
cleaning; 24 months or 24,00G
miles for replacing an ~ght
cylinder engine -12 month.I
or 12,000 miles for six-cylinder
3. Service the crankcase
emission contro~ .system every
six months or 6,000 miles and
replacing the emissJon control
valve every 12 months or l?,·
000 miles. -Parts must be
cleaned or replaeed when
4. Replact the t n g i n •
coolant at .recommended I.ft.
tervals. (Typically, every t,Jo
Other owner responsibilities
for service are vital to good
operaUon but no tlme periods
are specified.
Amoe E. ~yNri, fot more
than 35 years a tireless ~
ba.Uador for tralflc aaf ety. ~'Ms.field'1o a tbree.Jet-
Cecl atDo1 I •
!'Yoo take a P. roper I y
educateq ._driver, ilVe tum ~
well-eO.gined ve~ iuMi then
design f..P.odern hig~way that
Ciql bfflle ~ .tr~c 1 ~ ~<>U'U .MP a terrific reducUon
m .~ acciqent rate," says the
dtfector emeritus ot t be
~Htite ~ l'lit>llc .Safety at ~ .~~ylvanla $ ( ~ ~ e \Jniversn.y.
"Eliminate one of these fac-
tors and you're In trouble. It's
Ulce a three -legged stool, ·
knock a leg out and the stool ·
will tall."
For all his considerable
achlevements in bis c~
profession, Neyhart is best
renowned as the father of
driver education in the nation.
For it was in 1933 that
Neyhart, equipping bis 1929
Graham Paige with dual con-
trols and footing the bills
himself, taught the first driver
education course in the coun-
There were 34 Slate College
High School pupils in that
dasa. Today the estimate is
that almost 15 million students
have learned to drive from
courses modeled after
Neyhart'•~ edition o!-3f
yean ago.
At last count, 13,SU of the
nation's 1,,964 hl&'b IChools -
or 7• percent -offer ap-
proved . courses 1n driver
train\ng. By the same token,
latest ptist.ica ~ show that
65 percent o~ the nation's pupil
population -1,725,380 of
3,983,348 students -a r e
enrolled. in driver education
Ho~ .did the whole thing
Drl~tr Education F•ther
Auto Mechanics -. Now Technicians
Tavlor and Janus Bradtey;
Richard Rosen Pres's. Inc.
138 pp:
"Service tecboidam' wates
compare favorably With those
of other skilled ·tradea and
should continue to do so in the
The days have passed wben In a surv~y taken by the
the automobile mechanic was authors, wages of $200 or '2SO
called a crease monkey and or more were offered in
rin,ed low on t h • oc-newspaper ads. Some tecbni· cians interviewed were earn-cupaUonal ladder. Today, with Inc around ,15,000 a year.
tht automobile being an In-A technician's job ia a atep-
~ complex machine, plnj' stone to bu s in e s s
tremenCkiua 1 k l l l a and ownershq>. "Many a IUC· tbarouP tralnln& are re-cessful dealer or independent
quired. ror the man servidnc businessman can trace hia
1M' IQOdern car, the term start back to experience as an
tecbnidan ls more appropriate automot.ive senice tecbni·
than mechanic. clan," they state.
Qne bldlcation q_f JM>w • the. With the . veal demand for .. ser'nct man'• itature bis qulllfted tichillci.ans, more
riMn la the advent of this firms are offerinc technicaJ
volume by Dawson Taylor and training, often ~t no cost to
James Bradley. Taylor Is an the trainee.
auto dealer as well aa a Many high acbools offer
writer. Bradley is the Director automotive lbop trainina and
of the Automotive Hiltory some schools devote entire
Collection at tl)e Qetroit curricula in a u t o m o t i v t
Publlc Library. So It is witb tech no lo I y. QualUied
authority that ute authors ap-craduatet of these courses
proach their subject. usually receive several offers
In deacrlblng auto service each from repair facilities to
careers, the authors polnt ou& come to work 11 trainees.
that there are 33,000 {ran-On-the-job education often
chiaed car dealers, 72,000 tovolvet advanced counes at
general repair outlets and tralntn1 sebools, pa.id for by •.ooo 1asoline service •'-" Ute com,..ue.. All major' au\o
tioN that have techntclans on , makers have such traJnlnl
tbelr ~oll. One automotive schools. Independent organit.a·
firm esUm1tes that lt wUJ tlons Uke the Independent
need 29,000 techniclans th.II Garage Owners Alaoclatlon
yur to replace norm a I (IGOA) also have tralnin1
personnel Joats al l t 1 f aclllUes with I n d 1 v i d u a l
dealershlps aJone. 1araces, often payinc tuition
As ror tarnin( ~tenUaJ, for tralnet5.
come al>out!
"Well," sald Neyhpt as he
sipped a cup of coffee ln the
campus offices ol \be lnstJtu~.
"I'm an industrial engineer by
"But from my years in In-
dustry, · I· learne«r that ~ou
made no headway with your
safety programs until you con-
vinced the employee that he
had a personal stake in ac-
cident prevention.
'''Mle same thing applied to
driving. ·If we were goin1 to
make traffic Sflf ety work, we
had to work w i t h the in-
"We had to get 'em before
Lhey lea.med bad habits. And
when was the best time for
that? Just as sooo as they're
old enough to drive, and that
meant high school."
Today, at an age (69) when
most men would be th1nk.ing of
a relaxing afternoon on the
front porch, Neyhart I s
almost, if not qulle as active.
"l just can't sit back when
there's a lot of wor.k to be
done and-potentiaJly a Jot of
lives to hos saved," he said at
!be.lime of his r~Urement.
Looking back,.while Neyhart
Is lmpressid with the variety
of sophlsticatect aids and
macb.inery \o be ulili.zed
through the years In the
teaching of safety education,
he still acknowledges ~me
"Why don't we teach people
how to drink and drive?" he
aaked recently. "Wt nowJp...;.;;;;;;;;~~~~-~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-iiiiiiiiiiii ___ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-iiii
they're not going to lltop
drinking so why don't we
teach 'em tbat it takes the
physical A,Yatem l lh boun" to ~.otf I Jiu« of Wtdakb? : 'Tot l h e incorrigibltl,
~·s <m)y ooe way l9 ~
them · -wUh a stiff lail
sentence-and a hlgb flne."
~ ar e a wbicb bu
been·left unexplored, Neyhart .'
says, is teachirig people to
drive at high speeds. "With
these n e w 1uperbiFWlJI,
evfl'Yont should know how to
decelerate a vehicle from the
le,al apeed Jirnlt," be
And fmally, be advocates
the construction of community
drlvtni areu -almulated
obstacle counes to 1 t ' e drivers experience in bandUnc
an automobile when ''they Co ~' ! l~t/ • 1Mlr' Ulte. I !.I bloW ; when tbeJ rWi fllf h --:
shoulder; when tlleir brakes
glvt out on a wtncly roadway,
thlncl like dlaL"
Re aaya: ''We've been teacbf.nl manipulatlve sklDI;
bow to start, steer, back 1p,
make tuml. We have not been
teacblnc accident preventlon
uills. '1111a Is a criticism l..'!
the prosram I accept. ~e
haven't 1otten into this, and I won't be satisfied until we
.To Neyhart, then Is only
Oftt way •for a youngster to
learn .bow to drive and Uiat's
the rl&bi way.
. .. J
"What cood ls 1eometry er_
chemistry to a young boy wno
get.a killed on the hipway?"
be asts. "'Driver education tsl
not merely a preparaUon for ~-~·~to-.
alive." li'!'~"'"'"'~"'"'"""~~!i!!~l!i!!i!!fi!i!•li!!~~l,l!liallm~----.. ,·. :J
~ car Cart takes OD ad-
ded lmportlDct tbelt ..,. -
to JOU. .JfAJf ~ and
thl a1r ,.. ...... Thll ..
etpedal)y • JI JOU OWD I car
-bunt Mini tbl put ....
)'earl, Wdbil tbl tM
AmericlD Petroleum lmtl&ute. •
If '/tNr car II I -• War Hel-
m61, 1t II equipped wlda a !fP'
dnlce to c.mll'ol pArtwl· A··~ that would otb1nra ea1111 1DV
from the ..... cnMc-H
you own a Iill • • model, tt Ibo bu • IJ*m fGr redllc-lna tailplpe em•"'°'li.
Tbete devlc:ea -.,.., however, will coatlllle to WW'k
properly -IDd. wbat'1 mare.
allow the enclae to perfarm
satisfactorily -only if you
have your car c he c k e d
regularly. A periodic tune-up
will save you money in fuel
and repair costa, tJve you 1
smoother numlQI car, and
help cut down oa air pollution.
ua: ereete.. c.trt1a
The flnt device to control
automotive poUuUoa wu ln-
atalled Dltioaa1l7 In all lta
cars. '!be-device -called tbe "positive crank ca 1 t ven-
tilation," or PCV valve -WU -dest,Ded to recirculate un-
burned bJdrocarbom back to
the qiDe n,r.·111q have
aootber cbance to burn.
rormer11. tbele uaburned
lllel (cetfed . blowbJ .... )
escaped put tbt piston rlnp
Into the crankcue; Where ~
Wblt llMllt can ma today
haft ... IJlteJDI .......
"lllled" .In .. fa:tiary' .....
motGrtll ltUI ... sncaa-
tl on a ac1ln1t •nctne
oftrheet'nl Here IN 1amt
baste precauttom to take to
~ sure )'OU? car keeps Its cool
Test the anti-freeze to mate
Sift it bun 't lost ltl rut ln-blbltfn& elemedl. u it bu,
dram anc1 Oulb tbe COOlinl
IJl&e.m before inst.tlltq DeW•
Teat die caodMion and
temloa of .ii drive beltl 11
well 11 radlatar balel. Oleck the ndWar and boles ,.
leab. Allo ~ pump
.... .. tjptnea ol Ill pane, bub Oil tbe •• .,. pump.
~to see M ttaere .. m
,...... llLIUez' Oil Jhl cooDnl nm mt lblt the overflow tube
ii not obltruc!ted.
• ...
• "* • .....
• • •
'lbe auto and oil industries
are cootimdne to work to
further recmee auto pollution.
Thi 1m models will liavt Jm.
proved exhaust controls to
reduct bydrocarbcm ID d
carbor monoxide emtaslons
by aome 38 percent below the
levels ol the lMI and lt&t
The 1'71 models are ex-
pected to have devices that
wW virtually e Ii m l n a te
evaporation ~ fuel from the
carburet« and fuel tank. With
thla ' .tee, total hydrocarbon
emlllkm will have been
~ by around 85 percent.
And fadber Oii don the !'Old
aN l)'lteml, DOW Ja the tx•
perimeldal a&qe, that bave
tbt potentlal to CGDtrol auto
polJuUon even more.
Toda;y, less than half tht
can on tbl road do DOt baft
any pollution coutroll. Ia
another w years. um wm bt
true of only 21 percent ol tbe
nation•• can. Al more pre..
1183 C I rt Ire scraped, at
led one part of the IUto
p 0 11 U ti 0 D problem -
"Cretule emislkm -wOl M
fully solved before too Jana.
MelftWle, evet1 If ,.. ar ............. ~ ..
wW em.I& tewer ••••taeta If tt'• bpt .. pod .........
Ct9 ......
Aa~-....... ....
ltaqe-d ...... ......
..... will .. ..., ,.,..
poorly; It may alM em11., ti
ZS Uma ... llJdnearlMM tUa.,...,.,., ...........
AH a fldy earlmet.r er
9eb adjuUnellt ea etlt Jt9 .....,. ., ~ ..
........ ruefine -tl evtl'J tukfvJ .. ,... ........ air ..
Whether you car is old or
new. It will perform better
last loncer, caU9t less air
pollutloo, and -m~ Jm.
port8Dt -save you money la
tht Joni run, lf you mab IUl"I
it receives proper, ~
Pick a iob-
any job from A to Z-
and find it in the want Ads
..., Ww Ms daulflcatl .. 1 7H0·750e te
11114111 tlie le~ •f , .. , c~c..
Acce111tt111t Nllf'Mry SlfP"YiMr
lrldd-rw Office W...._
CepyMltet' ,........, .. ,
D,...._ 9•9n'Y Wertitf
E"fleMf ..,..,_ ,..,.. ...........
•.-,ctM Teet 11l11
... ...., '"......, , ......... ,,....., c.. ....
keyhMI! w.aw
°''""• l~T"W. ...
a.. .. Y-4......_ .. .... ,. ...... z.....,.
• • • OR CAU 642·56 78 AND 11LL
"' . .. ' .... '
~ ar~ aeveraf subject,, May, Involving approximately ordered 3':1 vehicles through
·~ , are more commonly one thousancl can, showed the tat equipment -vehicles ~ ~ ~ ¢er_' that fem out ol ten WI were that Were obvteualJ 1n
tahlJy 09trtai6'1ds~·~ mechanically UD$1fe. Major disrepair, and f r o m ap.
.m~A~t.~~ghway safety. defects center«l around W. pearances, unsate. Fifty-smn ao{pu~~ lnlpeCtlon. proper wheel aligmneot anct were approved, H5 were re-
And ~, ~ quest.Iona steering assembly. Other com· jected and bad to ba\te repairs
.,., raised ponents .iha! ~on teams_, ~e 125 were totally
Like '°"" .dld' .you pass? check closely tor detects In--• • ~
· 'Jbe query Lt-often poled by elude shock a b s o r b e r s , Accldeeta Jledoced ~ who bu r«ently been er-windshield wipers, headlight It would seem, after a lot of -t: :2:.1· ._. .... " . , aim and wheel vibration. talk about automobile safety ~ to rm Y.& -.pen()dic • Without question, they all and vehicle inspection,
motor vehicl~ inspection .. And affect the safe operation of a something really coocrete is
the answer, m a surprisingly -"''-' being dooe about it. All states high percentage of cases, is vgu\;Je, now are required to tm-
no! However, the answer may Aaaul la 0.tarje plement a program of veWcJe
not be 90 surprising, when you Just acrosa the border from ~on, •itt\lo guidcliDes
consider one expert's opinion. Detroit, in Windsor, Ontario, issUed by tbe Nat 1 on al
la testimony before Use automobile in.specUon b a 1 Highway Safety Bur~a -or
Boue Interstate and Fordp been an annual occurrence for take the chance of losing some
Commerce Commlt&ee, B. C. the past six years. It's con-of their Federal highway con-
Stinn, then president of the ducted both on a voluntary ilnlctlon funds.
M.._ and E q u l p m e • t basis, and in spot checks dur· In some Canadian Provinces
Ma nfacturers A11oclailoe, ing May. (like the law that was passed
etUmat.ed that 4Z percent of The vehicle test equipment in Ontario e f f e c t i v e
Ille can on the klpways u ve Is owned by the Provincial November, 1968) motor
tlefects Wat affect u.e safe government; tests .are con· vehicles must be Inspected
eperaUon of the vehicle. ducted by Windsor police. and certified sate before the
&lpportlng this figure is a Police Chief ~rdon Preston vehicle Utle call be transter-IWJ conducted by t ta e and his department are very red to another owner.
Windsor, Ont., Pollce Officer Y1nks T191 After Inspection
laRruce In s t I ta t e for pleased by the I r o w 1n g Does that sound 11 k e
BIPw•Y Safety. It reperta numbers of Wmd.sor motorists blackmail ? .Consider th e iiiiiiijiii~iiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,iiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiii dW a percent of tbe vellldes who volunteer their cars for benefits. Under PMVJ, •<>
JlrtlP& la for lupeclloa, Inspection. cldeots .and. more Important,
•ellmtarfly or la Qlt dlecb, Their most recent test fatal.Wes are Nduced.
de Mt ,... tlle .t.lmmn re-period abowecf that of 4700 A ........ b N y t ll*'emats for meclaaaJcal owners who voluntarily put .-u3 Y 1 ew or con-
afetJ. tbeit can throucb die cbeet f:1~ ~;':; =
'lbe lnstitute'a study was lanes, almoet baH couldn't plan UM fatality rate ,...
eat.ecorized In four groupe: pua the test. Owners f allinc nearly 10 percent hlCber' than .Vebiclel up to one year old (25 the test were ~ to In areas with a veblcle Jn-
pel'Cellt rejectlca"8&e); two to have their can repilred to apect1on )ll'OCmll. n.t 11 five years ( e percent re-bring them back up to the mllbfy strq evideme In
jectioo rate); Ill to ten years standards let down by the favor ol PMVl.
(51 percent rejection rate); Provlnc1al goyemment. And with new lqlslation lo
and 11 yean or older (53 per-However, the point ii that encourage safety 1ospection
cait rejection rate). by volunteering, motorists are procrama tocetber rib a
In another report, the City lhowin& their concern with the mcn aware and 1ncreaDclY
of Detroit utilbed a specLally safety of their vehicles -concerned motortna public,
developed teat lane to ferret moreover, they're d o l n I • the wheels are lo moUon to
out defects in automobiles. A IOlllething about it. help mate our IJi&bwaY• safer
voluntary lnspectlon program In tbe Wiodaor program last from automobile mlabl .. due
of two weeks duraUoo last year, ·safety officials also to mechanical failures.
STATES llQUllllC llSPKTI• OF ALL VlllCLD ~,.... '"'r."" '~ &-. ""S:'°" '•1;:;.· tt:. !~!J :;: A N.W. t.OO ~~WU.·i
tJ>ela. . NOit AD JW l. N. Y. ::wide AD,_,
1.00 All 7'lf N. CU. ~ l-'O All ,_,
1.7J AD JW . Okla. 1.00 To '9 ~
Haftli ;:!m :·:-it... =~A'~•: dwa $1 ... SUO . .I.Ju. '1 tin $4 : l .00 AD year M. t-Aaw • .30:
1.$0 AD ,..r, ~I-Oct. 31
Not °"' AD JW l. L J.00 Al JW
suo 'si .......... -ua··"' a. car. Not.,,.. To lit cWenDlacd Not CMr ..-....... ~ tb1a St.7'
l.00 AD Jtal' I. DU. Net MC
1.00 April 1..Way U; .......... I 7• ... l.()d. J3 I &-' ~
NotbMW Jn: SlJO ......
J•MAl'dl U&U 1.2.S
AD yeu Vt. Not to ti•
l>dcrmbledb)'DMV " ceed Sl Va. 2.00
W. Va. US May-Oct.
Wro. ~'Lu-
Not let
l.,c. l•Aalril 1$
Feb. IS·May IS
May ud Odobtr
AU year
Dltmnlned by
Dept. of bvcnue
State ~Yecl
..... J .................... .... ............. , .. .
..... 14Ml4t " 64""'411
.. .. -..
:... ·over :100 :corYeites and
Ir . • . ~ ·
Supe~· S~~~ks -~·vailqbl,. ot · a1, time$ . ;" ... w a ·R ·R A N::f .Y .~
• j • • • • •• • ••
. :-30 mollihs Or l0,000 milt ·Written Warr~nly.::·.' . . . .. . . . . .
C.plete ftund111 .11M1 fuU · 1nsii11et= ·~~ .1.viilill~
·..-~ . :-. . .. ---
~. 2100 HARBOR BLVD.
COST A 11ESA 645.1441 580 S. CITRUS
COVINA 599-1613