HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-05-23 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa• • • • • • • . • • • • ., • Two · ·iun $r_ ·S.Wootts. ~o&i-11 ·snoopy'·. .. • • Assure-.Lan.Ung • '• . .. • ' Rot(e111less. Belle F~roJD Laguna C~Ils ·Dan~e •Artistic~· • . ' ' • use~s -~ance asse·s , • • • ' . . 'FRIDAY: AFTERNOON, MA Y'21,dl96'9· · VOl. Q. MO. 1U. 4 S•CTtoNS. 4l 1"Ae•1. " 10 ArJ.ested? {J. CI ' ., ' .. Pickets . - At Berk~!~1 , .. , . I , . . ' " '=' 117 TllOllAS ftml'VNE Of .. Dlltr '""" stlll . Pick"'·-were set "IP ""' tho UC mne .,,mpus today by about two - .Wd-in·Pr-. of• p011Ce. banllllng o( Uoorders•at 8erln!Jey. . . ' ... mtefa=ID J&~Me!....,,..,_ dml ' , lllpla _, ... "ti ~ * * * ~ 'fi * -~ . . : -· . Pr()mi ses 2 S~chool~ Shut Down uc Strife Mallilbat.'"". 'Ill 1 'iq•i-- ded ·up -Wiih '°':.t:"' -at• tendlntl ·•'• · · 'lir·.tll'luon ol Gov. llanal4 B.cm'r-dlol'and llate O! emerpncy. :µew fuel for Ille UCI campus ·protest ru added by rilporls -., yet ..,. ~ -that 10 UCI studenf.I and an MlministnltJon official hive been ar .. reoted at Ille Bay Area UC campus. The UC! • cont!nienl was said to be In lerkeley to gatber information. lt'appeared that the great majority of uci-n...i ol SlodOitb•liotim: tawrence said "" bad Jdd e111r ..... -them ~ . d!ltl!rbiasi;.tbe peace ancl resisti@g arrest.. AD -bis .information, bewever, came from student IQUr'CeS, UCLA ~ Riverside Refwct on Berkewy Trouble he S,lllJO' UCI stodeots croosed picket liDes to attend classes today. Cliaocellor <Daniil G. Aldrich Jr. sancelled a scheduled appearaftce at ~aY's inauguratipn of UCLA Chancellor Charles Young to remain on ,bis own iioubled campus. 'Ibe chancellor said: "When one con- 1lden the lntensityfwith which ideas are otinl battled acl'OSI the country,; 00r -ts are . making thotr struggJ. in a pretty considerate fashion." The chancellor defeoded V1<e Cb,.. cellar Roger W. Ruasell's action Wed- oeoday aod Thursday regarding the up- ll!ld-down the Pole Americao Flag c:on-~o~~.l while he hlmleU wu 'in WU1UD8LOD. De UCI administrator··~Y at· '•' . ' ' Dean Lawrence said he h89 been unable·to coofirm the itory with lawmen. He said' there teeml toi be I p-eat deal of c<>iifiJllOn · attbt Alameda County Sher- ill' a office_ to -arr..u.· S!ndents · reportedly • armted 1'ith Malmberg ID.tludli Dcmovan '1>ontv, a junior fr'om Ne 'w fto·f t1 Beich. Dianne Miller, ·a junior from~ del Mar; , Catby Bell, a julll« from Laguna Beach: Joe w._~ekl, a. topbomore from Balboa! Stacy Wlddicoalb, .J jwlior from Corona de! Mar; Philip True, a junior from Saota Aoa .Heights; T o n y Fernandez, a sophomore from Orange ; Bruno Battostoli, a freehman who lives on the UCI camptll; Barbara Connolly aod Richard Seia•l. LOS ANGELF.S (UPI) -ClaslOf at two, Southern Calllornia compusea of the University of California were: canceled to- day as concern for events at the Berkeley campus spread. • UCLA Chancellor Charles Young, who was to be inauaurated today, canceled classes Thursday and said be would make the inauguration an "act or sofemn dedication to the dee_p issues which coo· front us." - Classes aleo iv-ere-. ahceltd at the ·Riverside campus wtwre Chancellor Iv¥ Hinderaker set aside the day as one of "mourning and reflection " on the trouble at Berteley, • NaUonal Guardsmen with f i zed bayOnets surrounded a crowd o f demonstrators in a parking lot near the University Of c.itfornia at Berkeley .....,,.--......,. ....... UC JRVINE PROTESTOllS WALK PIC!riT LINI AT, MAIN INTRANCE TO CAMPUS Cl!anoollot AWrldl ~ -···· p, ....... "' ._., ~ .......... . { "· . Thursday -pollee -.. Jn. the first mass roundup since violenct erupted in this troubled Citj el&ht days ago. The arrests came after 1,500 ,protesters marching to tlie downtown area Ignored .. several "81Ungs over police· loud speakets theywere violating Gov. Ronald Reagan's emergency ban on public gal!JeMngs. . Pollet vans took 439 adult! to the coun- ty jail, where they' were beld for $1,000 bail each on charges of unlawful assembly and blocking a street. Forty· three juveniles were turned over to juvf!nlle authortue.s. The arrests brought to 815 the total taken into custody since a d1spule over the fencing of a "People's Park" by the universltY erupted May 15 in 1 batlle (See CAMPUSES, Pase Z) Si:wopy's Closeup Look AtMoonAssures Landing SPACE CENTER, Houston · (UPll - 0 Sneezing and coughing'' from floating ~:= ~oU:~u't:Y!w': = from two tr:ailblaztng luMr swoops whlcb all but 'aSsuted an American riloon ·Jan. dinj aftempt In JUiy. "Good old Snoopy," the lunlr landing mathµ>e that carried Thomas P. Staf,ford and Eugene A. Ceman to wl~ln 9.5 mUes of the moon Thursday, ooared ,toward the wn, Its part of the mission ended. Inside their "Charlie Brown .. command ship, Stafford, Ceman and John W. Youn& turned to navla:aUqn tuks that will help the Apollo 11 spacecraft find its laodlng Bile ne1t July 20. Stafford reported that p u 1 v er I z e d kick out or lunar orbit and start home. Monday they wilL plow into the al· m0&phere at nearly 2$,000 mph in the crucla I rerentry. 11Pretty saUtfying," Cetnan said. "Pretty challenging." Stafford, Ceman and "Snoopy" made the closest manned approach yet , to lhe moon -t.5 miles. They pr~ffd that the lunar lander can ·take 11Jf!O to ihe verge of a lunar touchdown aod bring them back (Seo APOLLO, Page Z) Bottomless Belle fiberglass 1ns111at1on blown off 111e eorn-S N d ·n rnand sJµp hitch by a blast of oiygen ays u e anee from.a vent valve has had the astroi'lauts "Itching and scratching ' ' .sneeilng aod . Has 'True Value' coogh!ng Jn bere for about three days.• "You aure, want t(I fix that before the • next J command module fUes," Stafford . Bottomless belly dancer Clrol eybu'lakl told growid conlrollen. He was UIUl'ed tt , o1 t,quna Beach toot tbe stand Tburlday would be: fixed.• • • • -to defend her nude e1per that hss pro- Stallard saJ!l ll wu "lrrttaling and duced . JO -ty charges u a daoce Itchy.. bl4 that Ul6 astronauts ;tVml , that lhe claima bu ••true a1isUc value." generally In nn. 1p1rtt., •••Hine health. .le tst1mony that come acrooo In a The ~auls wok~ early in. the. 21st c1 uwded munlclpaLcourtroom u deflnlte- lunar <rilt fer 'a col\liderably more ly antl-cllmactic to her· 1Wllog nude relaxed day than the II p-uelllng hours . performance of 14 boon earlier before tJiey put 1n 'l'lnlredaf w1111 nro1 br'ealhtak· ImJlftlied 1 ....... s11e lltraled tllat obe Iii( low -...... the,-··. had --o( ......... paaao,ia harrowlnc '11Jf1tlim" af tbitlr ...,....an when lhe e1nrted naked cwi bet mMlr'· ..... by. -la. cbectllol rored stqt. Told that "E~ 'Ii ravla( about The a"""7 l.apla eetertainor denied 'PX parfli111ance," C-said' "Pr<!· that she !ell compelled to conipele with If atllfylnc. l1retlY dllJloncine." eaney -tbllt are ~ to ao-Tl!O _,, crltleal .-..... left di.-, -her atrlp -~ o11.ma Ii •. -., ApOIJo It qlaahei down at 1:13 In Jll'llllW· Tllw ...... oera1ai fllma a.m. PD!' lfOoday in the Soutb. Padflc . depict naked -in varloua stacec ol near PalO Pago. Alnerlcan Slanilo. ..i:ua1 stlmolatloO. '1111 J!!ronaull will l1rl um m:oln Miu Cyliu]1kl, 31, -ttted before APollo ...... II 1:11 • Sallfta1. to . (8't ·0.T ' P ... I) True Story By TOM BARLEY Of .. D161;'Nlt' ..... A new wave of rldicll terrorist ldkn Is brewing for this sulJUIMl,t',, but California is prepared to meet it ~ nose, Gov. Ronald Relpn told wlldlJ: cheering Repuhllcans Thunday oJ¢ In Aoaheim. • Blaming whit be termed ·a •mthJ unde~ground nelf@IW, . and:~-~ l •;!>1, milquitoasl faculty """"""· ..-"'I' , couraging rioting UC J!erkeley·,m-., the governor alao pmnlaed to -·ll!o real facts IOOOI , Reagao -traced whl~ be ·said, ...., Illa true story behind ...,.. r'.-' ofli!la to prevent . the unlvenlty from &111111 ' over so:caued Peoplt:a Pllt an tbe "'1 Area campus. 1-• · He crlticized the 8erteJ.y llirb - derground plptr, aylnf I baa .,.-.JJa afttr lie • inciting di ....... I to .... police over the recrution ... 1'Mllt tlls long beee slated for developmenl· by UC trustees. · ' The governor cl!aqed alao thalJ...., Rector,, 25, of Sao J-, ldJled by police shotgun ·firi .cJurinC tliil"-.ice -himleK canylnc· a .riJt, 11111 tlot1rooles . auivrillance gear In Ida _. .. ' "Thepol!ce dldn~'tlll the,.,.,....-;• · Reagan c;IW:gid, '"He ,,.. tll!!<I. by tile lint c01Jeie -~ whoaald ..... (Seo REAGAN.""" I) 0r ..... we.c•er . ''Scattered IUlllNne"'ll' tbe for.. cast for the w11'R alone" &M. ) Orll!)Ce 'COul, -.. --rulllig the day nl Utile ... In ' temperMe. .. INSmB TO•AY I How lung "'" JIO" go wlthowl • •iup? Tllal'1 J>01'1' [rorro C°""' Mesa reader aftllOfftd HJ ''Cil.«kiJ&Q Up" col1mta °" pafe 7 tbdov. • -" ·C......,., t -... =.. :: --.. --. lallll ' I I t1 .... ,...... "'" ........ ,. ,_ """'"' 11 ==-,. -... __ ..... --.. --.. =-.. !-.. ......... lil'll ::: ....... ::r -· . ---. :M" r-..: . . ' , -i D.111.Y l'llOT s ' PILOT ' ' LOGBOOK Doh't Look fo r DA Deal H You're Peddling LSD By TOM llARLEV Of ... Daltr l'lllt Steff Y...it, your 'DA fa a dealin' man-but not tt your court docket carries a string of inlUala that nowoday1 spell poison to tbe Qrange Cowlty Superior Court prooecutor -I.SD. • Tber<'ll be no wb,.l!ng and d<alllll for you ll a hankering for ,.111ng "add" put your name on tile arraiplment calmllr .. Superior Court judgOI "I-hive poe out of their WIY to avoid court concesUon by inslitutln.g a varlet)' DI prHria1 procodllra -but lbelr charity doesn 't exteod to I.SD peddfen. * The day1 of huddles and haggling between prosecutor and defellder in LSD possession UUgation are gooe forever as far aa the DA's office is conctmed, sayg Deputy Dis- trict Attorney Al Welb1. The veteran prosecutor makes no secret of ~ fact \bit he prefer• it that way and wanted it exacitJ.y that w1y long before the pretent t.clt under- •-betwoen his office and the iudits took effect. "We've seen too many J.nstlnces· of what LSD can do to a vlcllm'i twlln," the blunt, forceful WeDI said. "We fee.I thlt anyone COll\'fded DI peddling thla kind of dynamite should get aD that's coming to him." Wells will talk "cop out'' (pleading to a reduced charp) over coffee with the defender of any accused burglar, rapist, tldnsper. con man or killer. BUt all ·JOQ1JI get, lf you're one of the growing number of LSD purveyors, Ls a qulct trial date fn>m the judge and a stony llm lrom tbe DA~ rnan. * This dosen 't mean that the acid salesman can't plead guilty there and then. The Department Five jurlst will be ready and willing to take hls plea and put him in state prison for the full one to five year term. • He'll do so with tbe full underltlndlili. though, that his caoe 11 non· negotiable. He gets bis UcU on IN facts that go 'beljft tile JU<fl• and tbe DA will have nothing to offer towards • more liberal ruling. , LSD cases have been on a non-negotiable bull, for the put lb: months now and a check of Superior Court records indic..tes• that there's bfton only one variation rrom the Iron-clad rule -. l!llf tha\ defendant got. und,er cir. cumstances which alloWed Wells to ease up; one yelf Jn the count, jail and three years probation. ' · • • • · All the others -ind there were more than 50 of them ..,. w1p1t to stale\ prison via the trial courts and the "cop out" calendar. * Wells has all the support he wants £or the "get tough" approach from muy.Superier Court judges, among them W~m Speirs and Byron K,' Nc- Mlllai, bOtb of whom have served long atinll on the criminal court beach: And It may be paying off, if the prosecutor's latest aaz;nplin1 of LSD statlltlcl la ~ be the criterion. For there bu been a definite drop. in Orange CourltJ arrests of this nature during recent months. . JudpSpeirs believe! tblt tke Jeason is being hammered home. He thinks that ,.mpters are Jeamifta, if .,metimtf Jt Ls by the hard way, that they an dealllg;,.with a ~erciua. IJld ~t menace to society. 1Welll j'a)iUcally compares I.SD to heroin. "Heroin's bad enough," he ~ "blll .. lt's like drtnkiDf milk compared to the harm that's done by a trip on LSD. ii • . Wells has 1 new meaning for a dread set of initials. LSD, to him, spells out "Let's Stop Dealing." , ' . Frem r-.e 1 BOTIOMLESS DANCER ••• Judge Paul Masi that she "consciously writhes and controls her body" during her dance. And the flexing, curving and arching ol her naked lees play a major part In her delivery cf the uninhibited routine to Apartment A-Go-Go audiences, ohe sold. The $300 a week entertainer told the jury that she had been dancing pri> fesslcmally for the past four year1 and ' had supplemented her choreographic reportolre by taking thre. l"'°ns in belly dancing. Laid off by tbe current ban on bottomless performances at the West Santa Ana tavern, she Ls currently dancing bi I Reno, Nev. night.spot. Tht customarily sn&keclad artist has aeveral time• eipf't!:SSed ber fear o! con· victioo on any one of I.he 10 count! flied against ber. Such a convictJon would, she clalm1, brand her as a sex offender and spell finis to her dancing career. · She ls the central figure In what b: ob- viously a landmark case for the pro- secution. Convittlon of. Miu Cybulski ls seen by the District Attomey'a Office as "must" U DA Ceclt HickJ ts to maintain his cur4 rent driVe against bottomless establishments and .their perfonners. DAILY PllOT ........... " ............... --_,...., --·CAUfOIHIA C*ANGI (QM.1 ,uatl~HINQ (.CIMl'ANY k•lt•'t ~· "'••ti l'f'Hltlt!!I M l''*!I*' .. JKli I . Cwlty \Ike rra.._. -OtMtai Mf~tct Tli-a1 l(,,,u .... Th-a1 A. Mwrphh1t MIM91M l•!lllr Miss Cybulski Ls one of more lhan 20 such alleged perfonner11 who must face trial on lewd conduct and indecent ex· posure charges. Harry Muelll's Apartment A-O<Kio Is one of five allegedly bottomlw bars in tbl'! county that are currently chafinl under a ban imposed by Ricki and back· ed by the courts. Maselll also face! contempt charges fll· ed after he allegedly defied Judge Claude Ow<ns' edict and conUnued to Ital• tile Controversial dances. Judge MUI receaed tbe Cybullkt trial . unW Mooclay. Both prosecution and defense counsel expect to put rtbuttal witnesses on the stand but it ls unlikely, newsmen learned, that the trial will be concluded before Tuesday. hom Page 1 CAMPUSES ••• between rock·throwing demonstrators and riot-equipped police which resu1ted in fat.al injuries to ooe man. Meanwhile the governor. who came under fire from some members of the faculty for a massive tear gas attack by the National Guard Tuesday, aa.ld guardsmen would remain at the campus until order ls restored. However, be lilted some of the reslr1¢tions bnpoHfl a week ago. SUpporl for demonatralan and foculty at the troubled bay atta ICbool alJo cunt from student.I and faculty members ~t the San Diego and Santa Barbar• cam· puses and San Diego State College Thurs- day. More than 600 of I.he l,&00 UCLA faculty members held 111 emergency session 111unday and passed four reaolu· tions supportine: "our brethren on the Berkeley cempw:" and calling tor law and order at UCLA. More thtn 100 UCLA faculty members signed a peUll<in agreelne: to continue meeting lflth their cla&les nut week, but callb'lg for discussion of the problems which confront the untvenlty systtrn ralber than nomW coune 1Ubjed m1t· t.r. . A delegation from the Unlnnlty of Calllornla at San Dlqo loday propooecl evacuatinj: faeulty and 1tudeuta from the Berkeley campu1 and r<locadna thorn elstwhtre u 1 toluUon to the strtf1 at Berkele1. Tbe deiqatton w .. to prevent tile plan, which won CONlderabk IUpporl at San Diego and other campuset in • -ol telephone confttenet1 1'rund111 at tod1y'1 meetlng ot the 8 erk 1I11 academic eenatt. "\l'e will evlC\llte tile fl<lllty and studenta 1rorn ...,.ktley to other cam· pu.1e1,0 Slid Paul Saltman, pNVOlt ot Revelle Collea:e 1t UCSO. "Tht univertlty cannot QPtt•tl In the clrcums~ that -pttVlil lb Btrkt1'11 .. he added. ' OAILY I'll.OT Mtft ,._ CLASSROOM OBSERVER Future Taachtr Vaughn SDS Advocate Sits in at .. High School John L; Vaughn, 27·year~ld Studenb for a Democratic Society (SDS) advocate with fritz)' k>ng hair, sits in oo classes at Newport Harbor High School as a student obst.rver. , Som< pmnts, learning of thla, hav,1 wondered what 1.s I01n& on. ~ HarbOr High Principal Cbarles Godlilal1 1111 there have been no call! of P.fOt.esl The uplmallon fa that Vaugbn· II working toward a teachinl credentlll from Cal Stale Long Beach and II o-., ing classroom method!. Several other Cal State Long Beach education majon also are observing at Harbor High. Vaughn was a candidate for the Newport-Mesa Unified and Orange Coast Junior College governing boards in the April 15 elections. He JOit bofb raca. Later, be turned up in"'tbe forefront of •ludenls appealing to tho Orange Coast Junlor College board far ~on of sos. Durin& tbe eloctioo campaign, Vaughn indicated he · was • studtnt •t Oranse CoMt Collesf:. He wU taking only one evening elm Md, u It d<velo~ bid dropped that clw April 1. Meanwhile, be has been a student at Cal State Long Beach and since the start of lhe spring semester a student observer at Harbor High. Vaughn observes two houn per week, an hour each in the senior civica class of \Vayne Horowitz and lB the junior U.S. blstory class of Fablln Giroux. Principal Godshall said, ''We bad a recommend1Uon from the college which means he is currently enrolled in courses and acceptable in their eyes." From Pqe I REAGAN.-•. time ago It was all rl&bt to break lam ln the name cl. diaaellt." The 1overnor, looking tired Ind atr•in-- ed under tbe cJaring Anaheim Cooventlon Center Ugbt.I, promiled some 500 GOP supporters 1t the $100 a plate diMer that the "lull 1tory behind the people'• pork battle" will be contained ~ an ~ white paper. Reagan said he hopes ·to have the docu· merlt released before the end of the year and urged thlt "everyone rud whit we slncertly believe to be the full hlltory and subsequent distortions of the campus troubles and then judge for themselves." And the· governor again blasted ad· mlnlstrators and trustees for refualn1 to make those changea "llO obviously demanded by these disturbances" and en· couraglng campus strlle by "falllna: to utilize the widespread powers of e1· pulsion and surpenslon that they do in- deed have despite the convlnclng Im· presslon that they don't have them.'' It has come to a almple question, Rugan aaJd, Ind that qUestlon Is: "who shall control our lnStitutiom of teaming and their property aod for wbat purpose? "I promise you this," Req:m said, "It will not be the diuldentl." He :wa.lted for cheen to subside and ftnt oo; "and I am convinced that rilany studenta even now are begl.nnlng to re.aU:e that all ts not as those who are committed to violence would mike It 1ppe1r to be. "'l11ey are being told that It ls all right to brea'r: the law ln the name cf aoclll Pl"Olresa," R.e3.gan sald. "And It ls our duly to ensure that we separate the few dissidents from the many students and faculty members who want to get on with the job of ••lting and providing a decent educaUon." The governor conceded th1t the "overwhelmlnl majority of students do have legltlmete complaints. "Our university operations b 1 v t be<ome so big that the studf!lta rilbtly feel that they are now mere 11umben oa computer Cltrd!, We haven't moved fut OllO\lgb to provide the conc!IUOOI that are domancfed today In a rapidly changing unlven11ty euvlnmmenl • "But." the 10Vtmor .tressed, "we can't cM at thtm while thete bands o! rtbels hold us up in thls .n1nner. We can't begin to provide the condl.Uons th•t both lldea neod and demand wblle the campus ls bum.Ing." 1 Re11an w1n>ed "all Callfomlant .. to bt ready for a "new wan: Of SDS 11>- fUtratlon" ~ring tllese sumn;ter months. He had' eV!dence. he sold, that lllllll' members of lj)e militant Sludlnta for, • Democratic SOclety "plan to cet baircUtl, ..... t!l .. ir111111.-1ftd-Set tape<lobll Jobll In prtvete bu>lness and tndutdry. I ' . • • 'r. -. ,. ' Dotiglas Q1:1its Bo~rd ~ Resigns Founda'f,ion Post After Fee Flap LOS ANG~ (UPI) -flP11Uf COllrt Jllltlce William 0. Dauilai, • ._ flrt for ·~ $1Z1UIO a yuf aa the only paid officer of a charitable f- daUGo, hal reslPed that peot, 11 •• ... llOllllC<d lod"JI. Tbe /Jberl Pal'\'ln FoundauOn sold DollllM bid llldlcated tarly bl April that he wllhed in be reifmld u pmtdf!lt and board member but an appendlcltit opera· tlon on tbe justice delayed • meeting of the board. • The foundatloo sold the board accepted • lbt ...... lion ,._ deep relJ'<I" at a meetln( at Sonia Barbala, Ca!lf., on May ll. Freel W-r Neal, pri>f"'°' of fn· t.-i 'Nia*"' and· , .. _t •t the coQocM G( the filal"mont (Clllf.) ~ldloolwu..,.....ted to.-lloucJas u president Of the fOWldaUoo, a Loo ~ pl1llanlht0py. Tbe foundaUon aJinouncod ,...,.,,tly that tt hid severed v1rlually Ill Its Uea with Las Vegaa gambling intmsls. It sold all it.I shares in the Puvin-Dohrt!Wlll Co., owner of tbrft Lu Vqaa caaiftOI. Aetlng Chief .~lares ' LA Police W.o.~'t Wait For College. 'Invitation' lly JOUN VAI.TZllZA •late Of MlchlJan 11• ~lfUng lows that ot .. Dallr ,_ ..... keep 101M ~ed offenders behind Loo Anleleo' deputy pollce chief and a bars without bill while~ await trial. candidate for tne top police po1t aid . "Thia ls very, VUJ tuUonal," he 'l'hun!lj' hlJ deportment • ._ not w.it 1&id, "•Ince tbe c.mtltutlcm says tt you for any chancellor to uk,·we would move 11e arreited fer .a capital offtntt, you in regardleu, if lives and property are cannot be free on bail. but we have to threatened on college campuse3 in Los realize that'at the lime the ~nt was Angele.s." enacted, robbery was a capitaLdefense." In a strongly-worded address before the He urged his audience to press for • Newport Harbor E1cbanCe Club, Deputy similar law fQr C31lfornla, "to keep peo- Cbief Edward M. DaVll &amed, the cut• pie with a strong potential to keep on rent period of bitter Campus con. commiting crimes from :oaming free trontations "a sad, .-d dly tn America.'' whili they wait !or their trial." ' "Los Angeles oollNfl and universitlu He then touched on the current outcries will not become bul:iclM for revolu--against environmental pollution with, tionarles to spread the1r actlvlUes," be what ~ said was one important irr ftd .. · gredient missing. · vo'l'be . statements had_ 'apeclal impact, "Everybody's uptight Ibo" t en. since student unrest at UCLA is reachlr\g vironmental polluUon, . . • smo1 and ever larger proporUana. polluted water~ ·but ttiey're not speakln1 Davis said only federally controlled out against the more important pollution. land or facllilles required formal r~ Take popular music, for instance. Have quesla before police co19<1 move in. He you listened to the worQ~ lflely .. Turn _on cited the San FrancillCO Army Prelldlo 81 Bob Dylan for example, and examine 1 ease tn point. !" • what he's telling people." "'lbe colleges and unl'i'enitiea are dif .. ferent ;" he sald. 'R d B ' T ·' ds Davil, whose deep-throated, animated e aron l.Al.U deliveey contrast.1 with hia former· boss, Tom Reddin, now. a television penonall· ty, dwelled on campus unrest in his prnentaUon. · He then called for a return to 'the legalistic system of social conduct, in· 1tead of the theory that every individual should determine personally whether an action Js right or wrong. "The greateal threat to this society is not the black threat,"-he-aaid, "but the deterioration of ethics, morals Ind values of white society." He aald he believes the goal of hit deputment should be similar to that in Great Britain. "There, the police are the people, and the people are the police ... but police, no matter how perfect they were made, 11Ull wouldn't solve the problem." He fiayed the courts for "taking the hell out of the judicial system." He said that being arrested these da"ys Is "• rather innocuow uperience," then cited current legal technlques attempting to resolve that problem. He said that Washington, D.C., and the 'Astronauts -for Junking Snoopy c, SPACE CENTER, HoW!ton (UPI) - Apollo lO'a utranauta today were CQn· gratulatOd oii ~ oometblnr tile !\ti Baron Md bea1 1rfing:to dil for yt111J<t. they golirid of Snoopy. The lipm m~,, nicknamed after ~e . Charlq Scfiu1li ~c atrlp ~og, w~ Jet· tisoned t«iar Ind Jate·.tn the momlh1. It was 23,000 inlles away Ind buded toward sun ortilt. ! . . Ground corrummlcator · J1ek Loulma told the Apollo lit astl:ON.ut.s: "l'\11! I'.~-• congrattilatory rtie.saag! tor you here. It says congr1tul1Uons on doing what I've been trying to do for a long lime. Signed the Red Baron.'' . The Red Baron Is the imaginary World War I flying ace of the comic ltrip and Snoopy for yean baa waged m.ake-beQeve battlu with hla arcll enemy. MAY SPICIAL 1'le Securities and Exchange Com· mission annoonced this month It was con· ductl.ng a roulfne inquiry into the affalra of Parvin-Dohrmann, which underwent a change in coiltrol la.st Qctober. ,. Part of ·the SEO's concern bad been the :· 1tock's qu1ck rise stnce tbe·new comp.ant management, headed by Delbert W. Coleman, purchued a 9)fltrollinl interest for $35 a share. The foundatior. 'sold its shares through" a New York '"brokerage house for $1 ,999,324. The sdliDg price was $91.75 • sh.are. • From Pege I APOLLO. •• safely to a mothership. Mo.st dramatically,, Stafford a n d Ceman showed that men trained f!)r tht job could successfully deal with malfunc- tions -the worst one born of human er- ror -which threaten them 250,000 mlles • • from home. Now it will be up to Apollo 1 t, the U.S. mission to land men on the moon July 20, to take It from there. Ground controllers told the astronauts that "Snoopy" was 23,000 mlle.s away, "heading straight up" After "Snoopy11 rendeivoused with the "Charlie Brown" Apollo 10 mothership later Thursday, Stafford and Ceman re- joined Young in it. Then "Snoopy" was cut loose, turned nose up, and its rocket en11:ine touched off. · "We haven't been able to tell yet whether it's going into orbit arouDd th' sun or whether it's going to head straight at the sun." controller Jack Lousma said. "Old Snoop, he doesn't give up." The astronauts were a little testy, however, about some changes in the.it •• flight plan. "You can tell it like it is, Jack," Staf. ford said. "I knew you guys couldn't •• resist wailing until we got airborne and • then changing all the formal s." Cernan also tinkered with a faulty camera for taking some closeup pictures of the moon wh.ich were COMidered important in shedding light on its origin, and possibly that of the earth ltseU. "Rember, Jack, the right kind of J)ic· tur<! might find out how all Uli4 started ," ·~ Stafford said. The Astronauts had an afternoon of practicing maneuvers to improve moon navigation techniques for Apollo 11, a 4:20 p.m. POT live television show from the moon and an evening rest period. Douglas Case Goes To Ethics Committee . < WASHINGTON (UPJ)-The American Bar Association said Wednesday it wu • referrini;; to its ethics committee a 1 senator's request for an opinion on whether Justice William 0. Dougla1 violated judicial canons by accepting pay ., from .a foundation with gambling irr terests. The ABA acted a day after Sen. John J. Williams (R·Del.), asked the association to investigate Douglas' relationship with the Albert Parvin Foundation, which drew 5Cme of its income from gambling houses in Las Vegas. Chairs .from 20% to 50% off OUTSTANDING; VALUES ON DISCONTINUED FLOOR SAMl'LES NOW IN STOCK .• , LARIOi SELECTIONS OF QUALITY CHAIRS . FROM THE FOUQWIN& LINES : NATIONAL, MAR&E CARSON, HllRITAN, ,CENTURY, MONTEREY, JAMESTOWN LOUN&E, PACIFIC,' QUALITY, AND MANY ·MORl H AMON$ THE FIRST TO MAKE YOUR SELECTIONS •AT THESE UNIELl~AILE PRICES , •• AUO MANY PAIRS TO CHOOSE FROM. < · INlalOU • NIWP'ORT' llAOt 1727 WMklflf Dr. 64240!0 OPllll NIDAY 11L t LAGUNA llACH \ • l .. • • 1 • . • l . . . ' , •. '• .. :· . •• :-" .. , . • . . - 'I I I I I , I I I I . I • Bn••tington eh YOI:. 62, NO. ;12~. O! SECTIONS, i42 PA6ES ·. ees llAK.Y ""°''""",,.... , ore GOP. Cheer. ' Goyernor. In ·county By TOM BARLEV Of "" O.lfr f'llll staff A new wave er radical terrorist action ls brewing for this summer, but California is prepared to meet it nose--to- nose, Gov. Ronald Reagan told wildly cheering Republicans Thursday night ln Anaheim. Blaming what he termed a filthy underground bewapaper and a I s o ~ racuity members for en- couraglnc rioting UC Berkeley students. the govmior -promised to expose the real (li:cts soon. Reagan traced what he said was the true story behind angry students' efforts to prtYent the uniVers.ity from laking over fib.called People's Park on the Bay Area CIJMPUI. He criticized the Berkeley Barb un· derground paper, saying it has printed lie after lie inciting dissidents to battle police over the recreation area which h~s long bem llated for development b)I UC trustees. ' ' . . ' Di1LTPILOT ..... ,... UC JRVINE PROTESTORS WALK l'lcKET LINE AT MAIN ENTRANCE TO CAMPUS Chanctllor Aldrich Says Skidtnt1 Protesting in 'Pretty Consldtr•t• Fashion~ The governor charged also that J4mes Rector. 2$,.of San JOle', kiJl!d by police shotgun fire during the distarbance was himself CUT)'lng a rifle and electrQJPcs aurvelllaoce ·llW In bjs cir. "'nle'politt didn't kill the yoong<man,'1 ~pn cw~. ·:Jl• .... killed ~y Cl• llili ... n.;.:lOIDlllllU81or wbo ~ llO\D• time ago it was all right to break laws in tHe name of. dissent .. ' ' , IN ANAHEIM -.Governor Ronald •Reagan rece1v.,,,•pla9"" honoring. hilJll !fO!!l GOP leaden cruriag, lrls oppeanince ~ Jlllht In• orenre epwitx • .M ldt is ~bll'l!!4!1l Robi!rt.E. Badham-f~New­ port !!each). At right is Newport Beach attorney Dennis Carpenter, state Republican Central CMunittee chairman. ' --·Picket Line~ Up at UCI . Majority Attend Cl,a,Sses a.S Protest Mounts By THOMAS FORTUNE Of ... Delly l"lltf Staff Picket lines were set up on the UC Irvine campus today by about two dozen student5 iil protest of police handling of disorders at Berkeley. said police would )JOI guard the flag- pole but woold pul the Fial up when- ever ttiey saw it down. trover", while he IUmself was in Washington. The UCI a.dm lnlstrator ar· rested In Berkeley is Neil Malmberg, stu· dent actiVities adviser. Reports were that Malmberj and the 10 st.Udents were roun- ded up with iseyeral hundred others at· tending a public gathetjng in vl9lation of Gov. Ronald Reagan's declared state of emergency. 'Ibe ~ looking tired and strain· ed und<i tbe slarlnc ,\naheim Convention Center lijllti, ~· rome IOO GOP supporters II !fie 11811 a plala dinner !hit the "lull rtorY behind the people's park battle" will be -.Jned in an upcommg white peper. Reagan said he hopes to have the docu· ment· releued before the end of the year and urged ·thet 11everyone read what We olncerely believe lo be the lull ·hlalory and sublequent distortion! of the campws troubles and~ judge for themselvts." Snoopy's.C~os~up L~ok AtMoonAssure~Land_ing· New fuel for tlie UCI campus protest was added by reports thai 10 UCI stil· dents a n d an administration official have been arrested at lhe Bay Area UC ca.mpus. 1be UCI contingent was said to bti ln Berkeley to gather information. It appeared that the great majority of lh.e 3,000 UCL students cr0$.$Cd picket lines to attend cla5Sf5 today. SWd<nts lowered the U.S. Flag again this morning and Otancellor Daniel G. Aldrich, Jr., ordered campus police to put the F1ag back up and keep it up. He , . .. Schools 'frihute • Dr. Sa u.Jerman I IL was "Or. Willard h . Sauctrman Day" Thursday al the Orange County Board of EducaUon offices and the veteran educator wb honored for 21 years' service al special cemnorues. Among the gilts received by the retir· Ing assistant superintendent for edUcatioo. -he Ieav~ his post June 30-ftre a desk clock and an alt.ache case. And depicted on the huge cake. be. cu\ with trustees was a school made of iclng and bearing a tiny .pennant embla.iifted with the words: "Saucerman SchOol No. I." That extra bit of icing was an obvious rererellce to the private elementary school that Saucerman, a, Newport Beach residenl, will operate w~n he quits coun- ty service. Scheduled to open Sept. 15, the Saucerman School 1 will be. located in Co6ta Mesa. County Districts Get Federal Fupds Feder a 11.00. totalling Pn,111'1 wlll · be peid to loor Orqe eoont1 ocbool distridl, the Deparlment of Health, EducaUon and Welfare announced todty. The Fountain Val)ey School District wiU. rective '$10t231 ol a t.en•Uve en~ tlllemcnt ii 111,169, wblle· the H\oilington Beach City Scbool Dlalttct w111 recei"" fJ0,211 or an enthlement of $36,590. Alto .cbeduled to recttve mooey under . Tiiie I of Publlc Law 174 which provides lllllstancO io tchools In ledtraD\' 11fected .,.., .,. the Ginlen GtoVo Unlned •S<hool Diltrlct which wlll r<eeivo •111,etl .,,., ·lhl ....... SclwJol .Dialrl(I ·-budget will be boosted by 131,051. Al\lrlch indicated Iha! several ol the nine Un:iverstty ol. California campuses are flying their colors at hllf staff .. Chancellor Aldrich cancelled a sched· uled appearance at today's ihauguration of UCLA Chancellor Charles Young to remain on his own troubled campus. The chmcellor said: "When one con. siders the intensity with which ideas are being battled acrou the country, our students are making their struggle in a pretty conslderala fashion." The chancellor defended Vice Chan· ceUor Roger w. Russell's . action Wed- nesday and Thunday rqardlng the up- ancklown-the "pole A_.,... Flag con· UCI Dean of Students Robert Lawrence said he had heard charges agal.nlt them included disturbing the peace and resisting arrest. Cl>ancellor Aldrich confirmed lhat the student actlvi1ies adviaer and student.\ from UCI have been atrested aDd are in Santa Rita jail, a minimum security fa· (Seo Sl'BIKE, Pqe Z) And -tbe governor again b185ted a.d· mlnistrators ind trustees for refusing to make those changes "so obviously demanded by these disturbances" aod en. couraging campus strife by "failing to (See REAGAN, Page Z) ,. SPACE CENTER, Houston (UPI) "Sneezing and coughing'' froin floatlr)g fiberglus Qn their last day I~ moon orbit, the Apollo 10 astronauts unwound today from two trailblazing lun'1" swooJI; wbi~b all ·but assured an · American moon lan· ding attempt in Joly. . "Good old Snoopy /' the lunar landing machine thal carried 111.omu P. stafford .and Eugene "A. Cemiln 'to within 9.5,inilea of the moon Thursday, eoared·toward the sun, .Its part of the-ended. * * * *'* * Bottomless Belle Says Nude Dance Has 'True Value' lnaide ~ir 11Charlie Brown" command •hip,_ Stafford;'· Ceman and John w. Y()Wl' ~ to navig.Uon las.ks ~at will lletp tbe· Apollo 11 spacecraft find i~ lariding Site next,..July 20. UCLA, u ·iverside Close BoUomless belly dancer Carol Cybulski of Laguqa Beach took the stand Thqrsday tq defend her nude caper that has pro- ducOO 10 obscenity charges as a dance that she claima has "true artistic value." Stafford reported th'at p u I v .e·r I z·e d fi~rg_Jass .insulation bJpwn •off the com~ mancr ship hatch b)' a blast of oxygen from a ven1 valve "t111s had the: aStfohauts "itching and scratching ... sneezing and coughing In here for about three days." Over Berkeley Turmoil In testimony that came across in a crowded municipal courtroom as definite· iy anti-climactic to her siuling nude performance of 24 hours earlier before "You sure want tu fix that·b«;fore the next coinmand module flies," Stafford to ld ground con~iler's. He was ~ It would be flm!· . . UlS · ANGEhES· (V!'J) -~ '-~ ~~·"~ 'ColilonllO-"""' •,",., 1M """'OnllY.of Cal\ldnU W.. ..... 1eo1i.. clay u concern for ""'°" at the Ber-y campus ojJr<od, • Ul:LA Chancollor Charles Young, who was to be inaugurated ~ay, canceled classes tbunday and said he woukt make the inauguration .an "act of solemn dedication to the deep 'issues which con· front us." · ' Classes also were canceled at the Riverside camptJ.s,where Chancellor Ivan Hinderaier set aside the 'day as one of "mourning and reflecUon'' on the trouble at· Berkeley.. . National Guardameh with f 11 e d bayooets aurr..ted: a crowd o f demonstrators in a parking }ot, near UM Univetstty of Calitornla at Berkeley 'l'lrursday and pollce -4111 in tbe first mus roundup lince Ylolence eruplld lo lllil lroubled city elpt..,. .... The --a(W 1,111 prolallerl "'artlling lo tbe down\OWD ............. aeveral wm rinp ever· . piotke laud speakers Ibey wmo Tlolatlng Got. Ronald Reagan's eme1 l'fEJ bin on public gatherings. -. Police vans look 411 adulll to tho cot.,,. ty ~ ~ Ibey·~ bel( for fl• .lllll ...... • .. -...-ol ..,_ assembly and blockln( a llreet. Forty· lhret juVenOei were turned over to juvenile autbortUa:. The arrests bmllJ>I to llS the tolol ttkm Into cllAlody Since I dJl]lUla OVtt tbe fenctne of a "People11 Park" bJ the university erupted M11 JI In a battle between rock-4hrowtn&' demonltr1ton: and riot-equipped pollco which mulled impreued jurors,, ahe stressed that ~be Jn faa,J Injuries to one.·man. had no intention of arousing passions .,_bile tbe ..,,.._, •• ...,. when she cavorted wed .. her mlor· und!il' lire from ..... members ol the rored sta;e. faculty for a-ma!Siv'laar cu atllct by The lhapely Laruna enWW-denied the National Guard, Tueaday, •aid that she felt compelled to compete with earthy movies that are displayed to au· guanl!men would remain at the campus diencel whlle her strip tease offering ls unUJ order is restored. However, hO lifted in progress. Those controversial films some of the. rest:ricUons imposed a week depict naked women in various stages of ago. sexual stimulation. Support for demonstrat.on and fpculty ?tflss , Cybulakl, 31, admitted before at the troubled bay area school also came Judge Paul Mast that she "consciously from students and faculty members at writhe.a and controls her body" during lhe San Diego and Sant.a Barbara cam· her dance. And ttie'flexing, curving and puses and San Diego State College Thurs· archin1 of her nak~ J~gs play a major day. part ln her deli'(ery of the uninhibited More than IOO of the 1,600 UCLA routine lO Apartment A-Go-Go audleooes, faculty members held an emergency ahe said. ....ion Tbmdaj and pl»ed four raolu-The PIO a wtet entertainer told the SW/ord · aaid ,It, """ "irritating and it&y•: but. lbit the ~ ~ wez:e generali)'. lb iine.IJlitf!a and' lilie Jiealth. The· utronl!uts wok•· eirly' ill the 21st lunar orbit for ·a cdnsi(lerab\y more relaied day than the It gruelling hours they put·ln.thur.sclay :.Ith two1breathtak· ing low passes across the moon yld a harro..,-lng "gyration", of lheir~'1>1Ceaaft caused by av ~ialonJn i.~kllst. Told that "Everyone ls ravmg about your performanct,-f' Ceman said : \'Pr~t4 ty salisfyi111. PreUy challengina. '1 Two more. critical events w~e. left berore ApcllG 10 splashes down 'at t,1;3 a.m. PM Monda'y In the South ·Pacu1C near Pago Pago, American ~· T1:le astronauts will fire ~ir main . . ' tlool -llnr "oor llmhren on the jury that ,she hid ·been dancing pro- Berllolq ~and calling '"' 1a.. fwlonally for the put '""' 1ean anc1 • v aUey ·t.o ope· n , ~,:"' ~ 111 UCLA lacul"' members had supJ)lemenulcf her, "'-'pl)lc " reoertoire by laking tJu<e leo8ons. in , , I , lilned a pdttion ._In( to 'ClllllUnuo belly dancing. Laid oil by the cunent , ~CW' UVl•C ."-ter meetlng, willi their cl-iiexi woek, but ball on bottom'-partormancos at 1he \I.., \.;ell calUnl for ' discnuloo of the problemo w..i Senta Ano 1avm1, lbe ~ curmrtly , · · ' • which ""1lront tbe 'unlvmlty lyllem clancllli ill a Reno, Nev. nlghtspo<., . JUJ\e, JI LI Ilic dote set for· oll/911 rather -normal "°""" subject mat· 'l'l]e ~ ...tedad ~ has , cledi<atlp<J ol Foonlaln Villey'a ll mllUOn ter. · • • 1e\1tl'al Umea e1p1eaed bet fear of con. ~~We ~ ·~·· , A deleption from tbe unlvlllltY oil vktloo .. ~o1 ,u.. ~o ....,.. !iled • 9IM •'Id ~~tr ~tatl~ are ~~!T~'f._~1 =~:ii<d -~~~::l.Z. :=: :i.i: wlR ·1~.t·-~·f;, Berkeley ClmJlllS and relocatln1 them opel) llnlt ta hit danCN -· IUatlon ol Foontain' Valley's ,/rtw mod- elsewbere u a' oolulloo ta the llrifo· at She II tht c:etnJ ~ jn ·What ii oO-acl!ltur") Jou•. . .Berkeley. · , J vlouJIJ a londmario-for-tbo pro. -li'wi''I""~ wtll·be dodliolod, tbo The delegallan WM lO ..,...1 ~ plan, · te<utlop. , • , · •• · ""'1tb! opelail ~tee ~. the wttld! )'Git «fl\lldlr""'° .support al San 1 ~= ~ _,. iy illrlry ..., ·~~ Ylllll. Ahd. Jhe Dlqo and olhlr"._1.ln a~ of l •• ~ ~ U.0:.'1 u "mlll\~ -1..,..i _,,,,unlty . .-r. telephone «>riNno6or ~~ •• a11 -. II lll<Jocll· "'ir."" · ·~~ , . -~ "°'"r· With tbe IOd17'1 -.. <1 · k .. Jh r) ~ l.e)lj 'nt.F' dr~ a_.. u:al~~i I . · ;'41f lh ... ""'l"" , center academic aenate. •flH ~ t1 . • ii ilMr\11( COin • ~ ' iJ I ( •' ' . I ,. AJ>(lllo engine at 3:11 a.m. ~ t.o kick out of lunar orbit and nut h:me. Monday they will plow lntoi the it-i mosphere at nearly 25,000 'niph in the crucial re-entry. 0 i>rettf satisfying," Ceman said, "Pretty challe:nglng." Stafford,· Ceman and "Snoopy" maidi the closest maMed approach yet ta tht mooo ;;-'·U miles. They proved thlt tho . lunar·ti.lnder can take~ to the ,Ye.r&e: Or a lunar touchdown ind brln& .thOm ltiCll ("8e APIJµA), Pop I) .. Parks Committe~ . ' ' Set La st ~eeting Final meeting of the Hunllnston· Be:ac:H People for Parks !teering'committee Will be conducted at 6:30 o'clock toolght fn the admin.i!tration annex. ' No more meetings of the commit~ · are sch~uled before lhe , May 3l '8 million park bond fally al Hunlingt!JQ Center. ' · , Toniglit, SUb<ommitttt cbalrmen wlD ; report on 1variool ,aspects or the· cWive\11 aid passage of the larte parks bond'illl.ie. Plans !or' the' bcio\d'r all)' on tbe HQno lingtoo Center mall will a)9b be linAHrAld. . ' ' Orulf• c.Uc l -· ... INSmB TOD.\ Y • /!Ow long c:cm J10U go iDft"51•t '•i<rpr That'• po1ef ,,_ eoo1a , 111"4 rrader annocrcd m • "Checkjng Up'' colvm1t on J>G9C 7 to&!~. ... ,. . ~ . ) ...... ~., 1 ~f •• -..... .,_, ~ ~~--: ............. ' 117 Ill••=• n .. ---.. , .... ~ , . -. ·=:ll'." ..: ( ·~a' _._ .. """ ,.,.., ") •••• , -1MI .... ...... ,., . ..... ,..,, ----·• --==-~ t I ;I • J ..... , "101 " . ' PILOT • LOGBOOK · Don't Look' for DA Deal H You're Peddling LSD 811'0M BARLEY Of .. _.,. ,. "'" Yeaslt, your DA 11 a deaUn' man-but not U your court docket carries a ltrln& of ln!Uall that nowlldaJI spell pollon to the Orange C«mty Superior C-* ........ tor -LSD. · ' 'lbert'll be no wh,.llng and deallng for you il a hankering for oelllng "ICid" put your name on the arralgnmeot calendar. Superior Court judges have gone out of their way to avoid court congestion by tnsUtuting a variety ol p<Kial prococlura -but their charity doem't mead lo LSD poddlen. * 1be d.,a ol huddJa and hauling bet...e. .,._ ... and defend« ln UD poa11elm UUgaUoa are ~er u far 11 the DA 11. office ii concerned, M)'I Dll- trlcl Attarney Al Welll. 1be veteran ~ . no !IOC:!"Ot ol the lac! that he pref"' H that w.; and wanlad It exactly that way long belcre the -1 ladt under- llllldl .. betw ... hll office and Ille jtidgeo toolc afloct. • "We've 1een too many .lnltancel of w_tmt' LSD ean do to • victim'• brain," the blunt, forceful, Wells laid. "We feel that lnyode coovlcted of peddling thll kind of dynamite lhouJd l!el all that'• camtrig lo btm." Welll will talk "cop oot" (pleadlng lo a reduced charp) over eolfee with the defender of any ICC\lled burglar, rapltt, kldnaper, con man "' killer. But all yoa'U eet, lf you're one of the lfOWlng number of LSD puneyon, ii a quick trial dato lrom Ille judp and a atony store from the DA'a man. * 4 Thia doten 't mean that Ille. add ul-an can't plead guilty tllere and then. 1be Depar1ment ·Five lurllt will be ready and wllllng to take hll plaa ud put bJm In atoto priaoo (or Ille fuD one lo five year tmn. ' · He'll do oo with the lull undoratoncllll(, though, that hll -ii noo- llOl(Ollable. He l!elt his Uckl'oo Ille fadl that gn l!'fore Ille Judle'and Ille DA will -DOlhlag lo oiler towards •. --lll>en1 nillnl. LsD .,... hire been .. a no._.ilal>te -'"" Ille ~ m -now and a dioct of Superi« doiirt recmil lndlcalol tJ\11 U..'a been ool1 -nelatlon lrom Ille iron<:lad rule. · and that -..i got, -dl'-c:umaloilca whlcb all.-! Welll lo W. 1!p, .0.. ,_ In Ille c:oomty jail and -yean probation. . • All the others -and there were more than l50 of them -went to Rate prilon via the trial courts and the "cop out'' dlendar. * Wellll has all the support he wants ror the "&et toua:b" approach from many Superior Court judges, among them Wllllam Spelr1 and Byron K. Mc- Mlllan, both of whom have served Jong atiritl OQ. the crimlnaJ court beach. And It may be paying off, If the prooecutor'o lateot 11111pllng of LSD ltlUlticl ls to be the criterion. For there has been 1 definite drop in Oranae County arresll of this nature during recent months. Judp Spetn believ" that the 1 ..... la being hammei;ed home. He tblnta that yo<mpton are leaming, U anmetlmes It i.s by Ille bani way, lhlt tlley are deallnl with a dangeroua and potent menace to ooctety. Welil grapbtoally compare1 LSD to heroin. "l!eroln'a bid fDOUlll," he aaya. "but It's lite drlntlng milt compand to the harm that'• done by a trip on LSD." Wells bu a new muntng for 1 dread Rt of lnitiala. UD, to him, spells out "Lei's Stop De.alfng." , l'rcnjtPqe ,1 , \. '• REAGAN SEES MO:itE ROlTS •.. utiliu the widespread powers of ex- pulsion and suspension that they do In- deed have despite the convincing im- press.Ion that they don't have tbem." It bu come to a almple question, Reagan said, and that question is: "who shall control our institutions of learning and lhe1r property and for what purpose? "[ promiat you this," Reagan said, "it will not be the dissidents." He waited for cheers to subside and went on ; "and I am convinced that many students even now are beginning to realiie that all ls not as those wbo are committed to vlolence would make it appear to be. 'T.!.ey are being told that it ls all right to break the law in the name of social progress," Reagan said. 11And it ls our duty to emure that we separate the few dissldentt: from the many students and faculty member1 who want to Set on with the job of Jtetting and providing a decent education ." The governor conceded that ~e "overwhelming majority of students do have legitimate complaints. "Our university operations h a v e become so big that the studcnb rightly fet) that they are now mere numbers on computer c.11rds. We haven't moved fast ~ougb to prtvlde the conditlona that are demanded today l.n a rapidly changing DAILi PILOT ORA.NOi COMl 1"\191..ISHING COMl'AN'I' l•M,t N. W••tl ..... "'9111 ..... 1"111111""1 .n.cii l. c ... i.., Yid JOr91Wft1 -Gt!wrll N.MtMf 1'1-•• IC1a..;t l!diler n-A. Mvr,hlna ~l!dllw >JIM;,, W, l•tft Wil i1m laM . ......... tlllllfllla'°" ..... •dllw c11, t.•l1t ............... °"'-Jot ltlt Sttaat M.iift119 .Y"•wr r.o. h• no, t2641 --......., 9Mcrl1 U'll W..I ..... ._...,.,. C'Ml9 --~ DI W.1 In S"-1 l.AelN -.~ m ,_., "- university environment. "But," the governor stressed, ••we can't get at them while these banda of rebels hold us up in this .nanner. We can't' ~gin to provide the cond!Unna that both sldes need and demand whUe the campus is burning." Reagan warned "all Californians" to be ready for a "new wave of SOS in- filtration" during these summer months. He had evidence, he aa1d, that many members of the militant Students for a Democratic Society "plan to 1et twrcutl, wear clean shirts and 1et respectable jobs in private businesa and industry. f.ost of Living ·Hike Sets Record WASHINGTON (UPI) -The cost of living of Americans rose sil'·tenths of . l · percent. in April, lhe government reported today. At the same tlme, tbe Labor Derart· ment said real spendable earnings o the nation's rank and file workers dropped six-tenths of 1 percent to the lowest level in a year. The April rise ln the consumer price in- dex brought the over-the-year increase ·since April, 1968, to 5.4 pereent -hlgbelt U.month increase since 1951. Slnce January, the lnde1 bu risen at an annual rate of 7.f percent That ls the steepest lncreue for a comparable period since mid· 1958. From P•ge J DANCER .•. establishmenl.a and !Mir perfonners. Mlss Cybulski IJ one of more than 20 such allq:ed perfonners who mutt fa ce trial on lewd conduct and indecent ex- posure charges. Harry Ma,.lll's Apartment A~ Is one of five allegedly boltomleaS bars in thfl county that are curmiUy chafing under a ban imposed by Hieb and back- ed b' the courts. Maselli a1Jo faces contempt charges nl- ed oner be allegedly defied Judge Claude °"""'' edict and cootlnued lo atage Ille controvttlial dances. Judg~ lolut recessed the .Cybulatl biol Ulllll Mond>y. Both .......,iton and def..,. COlllllOI erpect lo put nbultal wltnems on the atond but It Is unlikely, newsmen learned, lhl\ the trial wtll be concluded belor• Tlleadoy. Rescued by Deslroyer MARTHA'S VINEYARD,. M•"· (UPll . -A N:lvy destr<>yer early today located 1 floundering 1loop with four doctors aboerd 1n heavy st.as IOmfl JO mlles ooutbwest of Martha'• Vlntyard. , . .. --.... _ ..... ·-~-.... • -.... J • • • .. ' , . • .. NewHqme '• ' Fora ·Sirllan 1., SAN QUENTIN (AP) -Sirhan Blabara Slrllan, aentenc:od lo deatll for • the 8ISUl!natlon of Sen. -rt P. Kennecly, was spirited In oecret lo Sin QueoU. Prison early today and 1oclpd In tjie,llny cdl that could be bll home for Ille not of hil Ille. Lea thin • mlnulol Iller hll 5::10 a.m. an!Yal lrvrn Lal AJJtelea, 1h< 1$- year-<>ld -alayer wu lockecl In-to Cell It on Death Row In thll pri1on IS miles north of San Francisco. · Sirhan was taken from the Los Angtles Hall of JusUce at S a.m. and Oown by helicopter to Van Nuys. Flom Ibero a t_... -plane Oew him lo the Marin Coo!J111 Al/Porl: 11% miles from San Quenlin:,. and be wu driven to the prison. The huge concrete ind steel prilton, painted yellow, loomed formidably In tht fog of Saa ~nUn Point juttlllg Into San Francbco Bay. A!ISOC!ate Warden James Park uld the slight Jordanian w111 alert and very in- terested In Ille lmtttutlon and lb hlalory. H~ cefl ln the IOUtbside ' condemned unit Is isolated from those of other men awalUn& their dates w:lth the apple-green gas chamber. On each aide of Cell 33 there are lock· ed, empty celll. An exercise ma dlndly out.Ide meuuraAby..15-feet. No other prisoner can get closer to SI-than 15 feet. Park said Sirhan wu given a normal Death Row brealdast, of !rut~ rolled t ' Stildenu Honored Huntington Beech Exchange Club Tbunday honor- ed four Marina and Huntington Beech High School 1tudenta -the club's selectiODI as outstanding boy and girl of the year at their respective achools. OAl~Y PILOT lllH Pllele • From left, are Bill Terzenbacb , Exchange Club president and students Vince Moll (Marlna), Kristi Dillon (liuntingtoo), Richard Derby ()funtington) and Claudia Orlisld (Marina). Douglas Q.uits Foundation ;:,1s~.:,<;:',;e ome1e1. bae<m, toast, co1-Justice Resigns Chal'~table Post Over Fee Flap Seventy-seven other men in the con. . dtmned unit. had limllar meall. L08 ANGELES (U)'I) -Suprtme Since be obol Sen. KtDlledj> lo death In ~-~ J·~ W'"'·-O "-·-'-·-~ the Ambaaudor Hotal tn Lal Angeiea last ~' -~· • .,,,......, -Juna 5, Slrllan bu been ooe ol Ille mOI\ fin I« """'l'lh>I llJ,000 a year u tlie heavtly guanled p"-n In Calllomta ool1 paid o1J1eer ol a ¢aritoble 1..,,,. history. datlm, bu ni1gned that pool, H wu 111- 'nle """ of hil trial and cooflnement • DOUllCOd today. :ufk:'n. bu been ertbn4ted at up to fl The -Albert . P1rvtn Foundation aald He was formally sentenced Wedne1day Douglu bad lndlc11ted early In April that to eiecution in the chamber which has he wished to be relieved u president and t.a,qo 19f llvc before him. board member but an ippendici~ opera-.· Uoo on the julltce delayed a m-. of the boanl. 'RedBaron' Lauds 'l'be foundailoo aaJd !be board accepted • the reliCn&Ufn "With deep regrtt" at a m .. Ung.at SOnta Barbara, Calli., oa Ma' 21. " • . . F'"4 w..M Neal, prof-r ol tn- t.matlooal rilaltona and -ent at the ~.of the Claremont (Calli.) graduat. icllOol wu appointed to llUCCOed Douglu aa president of the IOUlldaltnn, a Los AngeleFbaaed pbllantbropy. Th'e foundation announced recently that It had aevered virtually ·~ Ill UeS with Lu Vegas gambling Interest.. It sold all Its ahares in the 1Parvfn.Dohrmazm C.O., owner of three Lu Vegu caalnol. , The Securities and Etthange COm· · mlsslon announoed this monlh It wu con-: · ducting a roullne inquiry into the attain: of Parvin·Dohnnann, which underwmt a change In control 18'1 October. : Part of the SEC's concern had been t11e stock's quick rise since the new company management, beaded by Delbert W .. - Coleman1 purchased a controlling interest for $35 a share. The foundalior. sold its shares through . a New York brokerage house for •t,999,324. The selling price was $91.75 • ah are. · Astronauts for Junking Snoopy From Pqe 1 Tradition Broken: SPACE CENTER, -{UPI) -Apollo 1011 utronauta today wtrt con- gratuloted on doing sqmetbln• Ille Red Baron had been trying to do I« yean - they got rid of Snoopy. -;-·•• The lunar module, nlckna!l1ed after the Charles SchultJ comic strip <log, wu jo~ tisoned today and late in the momJng it wu 23,000 miles away and he1ded toward 1Un orbJt. Ground conununlcator Jact Lousma told the Apollo 10 astronauts: "I've got a congratulatory mea.sage for you here. It aaya conaratulat.ions on doing what I've been trying lo do for a IOllll time. Signed the Red Baron." The Red Baron ta the imaginary World War J f1fin1 ace of the comic atrtp and Snoopy for years bu waged make-believe battles -hll arch enemy. From P .. e 1 STRIKE~ •• c!lity oi>erated by Alameda County. Studenta a r r e 1 t e d with Malm- berg t n c I u de Donovan · Dorsey, a junior from N e w po r t Bea.ch, Dianne Miller, a junior from Corona del Mar; Cathy Bell,·a junior from Laguna Beach; Joe Westerfield, a sophomore from · Balboa;'Sta'cy WJddJco.inb, a junior from Corona del Mar; Philip True, a junior from Sanla Ana Heights : Tony Fernandez, a sophomore from Oran1e; Bruno Battostoll, a freshman who Uves on the UCI campua; Barbara Connolly and Rlcbord Seigel. Picket lines were mamed today at several entranct1 to the campw by perilapo lwn doaen lludenil. They Carried alps reading "Strift," 1'Disarm Campua Cops," "People Over Poverty," and "End Murder on the Campus.' Not many -la seemed lo be turned back by Ille ptcteta, but a fair number accepled bladt ann hands of crepe paper In mourning I« UC Berkeley nonatudalt James Rector. He died Monday ol lholj1m WOllllda Ir> filcted by police near the Berkeley cam· pwi last week and was ldenUfled by Gov. Req:an Tburaday night as a convicted felon who carried a rille tnd electronics survelllance gear in hts car at the time. Tbfl governor mlde the rernaru at a Republican rally ln Anaheim. Somt UC! studento wore stencilled "Sllike"' T-,shlN and slgna .,,.,. pooled about the campue with a railld r!d fl.al made popular at Harvard d u r I n c dtmonatratlons then. A rall1 wu acbe- duled '"' -today. Soviets., Red Chinese Move on ·Talk Plans M~W (AP) -The SO.ietp<= not1n1 Chine'!> acceptinct ol 1 I« mtvtng Joint talta on no•lgatlon of bonier rlvtn, pr_.i today that Ille talka btgt n June II In the Sovttt city of Klt1barovst . • Th< prop<)Sll .... the ilillt It.II Iowan! the !~at fonnol ~ talta on .., 111bject atnc:o -ol tbe twn .. , Uoos l!1ot ti nch -In bloody -clashe.t last March. ~l APOLLO ••• llfely lo • mothenhlp. Most dramaUt.illy, Stafford and Cernan ahowed that men trained for the job could succeufully deal with maUune. tiona -the worst one ~ of ~ er· ror -which threaten them 250,000 miles from home. Now it will be up to Apallo It, the U.S. mission to land men on the moon July 20, to take It from there. Ground controllers told the astronaut! that "Snoopy" was 23,000 miles away, "headir)g stra.ight ,up" Alter "Snoopy" nndezvoused with the "Charlie Brown'' Apollo 10 mothership later Tburaday, Stalford and Ceman re- joined Youna: ln Jt. Then "Snoopy" was cut I001e, turned note up, and it! rocket engln< touched off. Chairs "We havni't been able to tell yet For Valley Girl wbether li'akgolng into orbit around the Students at Loretto Heights College In SWl or whether it 's going to head straight Denver have broken a 47-year tradition to at the sun" Cf!ntr.o~ack Lousma i··~ honor the memory of a fellow student, 'lOld Sooapt ~ '• ~ ut:''; Katy Campbell of Fountain Valley, who the ..ulronautl -lnri I little ( , d.ied of Hodgkins disease last year. • however, about llOlltt changes in their Miss Campbell was the daughter of Mr; flight plan. ~ and Mrs. A. J. Campbell, of 10800 La ·~You can tell it Dke it is, Jack," Star-Balista Ave. ford said. "! kne-,i you guys couldn1t Heights students voted to ca~! thi( restst wailing until we got airborne and ye ar's "Miss Loretto" banquet in favor of ~n changing all ~formats." . contributing, in Katy's name, the $250 in Ceritap also ~ with a faulty banquet funds to the American Medical camera for takl'ng ~e closeup pictures Center in Denver, a nationa1 hospital fol' .. of the moon whlcll were considered the treatment of cancer and chest' important in shed.din« light on Its origin, diseases. · and possibly that of.the earth itself. They also presented an engraved p1a· "Rember, Jack, the right kind of pie. que in Miss Campbell's name, which will· turc might find out how all this started," be placed on the wall at the Center. I Stafford 118.id. _4, __ s_hec:_w_:as_a_m_em_ber __ of_thec:_c.:.l.:.•ssc:...:.of:..1...:969...:;.. MAY SPICtAL from 20% to 50% off OUTSTANDING VALUES ON DISCONTINUED R.OOR SAMPLES NOW IN STOC~ ••• LARGE SELECTIONS OF QUALITY CHAIRS FROM THE FOLLOWING LINES, 'NATIONAL, MARGE CARSON, HIBRITAN, CENTURY, MONTE~EY. JAMESTOWN LOllN6E, PAt::lFIC, QUALITY, AND MANY MORE. IE AMONG THE FIRST TO MAKE YOUR SELECTIONS AT THESE l/NIELIEVAILE PRICES , , , ALSO MANY PAIRS TO CHOOSE FROM. • ) ' .. Frld.11, M11 2J, l969, DAILY 'llOT J7 .l Cutumuruia Before uncl Alter." Gilbert Iwamoto , owner of Gil's Catamarans, had ·~nly a shQ<t·vlew of this 41> foot catamaran (aQove) ~efore he had to take a saw and cut it in half for ship- ment to Chicago. The Hugo Meyer-Oesigned· car will be shipped by truck to its owner Bill Lee of Chicago. where it will be reassembled .. First Day Parade Set Aloha Race Aronow Wins Power Marathon in Florida The Association of Newport Harbor Yacht Clubs' Opening Day parade will start at 2 p.m. Saturday off Harbor Island, according to Morrie Kirk. ANHYC commodore. The parade will be led by a Harbor Department fireboat followed by power yachts of the Shark Island Yacht Club. Leading the SIYC fleet will be Jerry Sparks' S7·foot Chris Craft, Sparkler, \Yi th the Hawthorne Youth Band aboard. The parade , which will be joined by power and sail yachts from o!Jier area clubs will pass by and salute all of the yacht clubs affiliated with the ANHYC. The procession \Viii end at SIYC. Ensenada Protest Disallowed Miamlan Don Aronow con- tinued his march by sea toward an unprecedented third straight U.S. offshore power boat racing championship by winning the brutal sixth an- nual 200..mile Gateway Maratbon from West Palm Beach to the Grand Bahamas last Saturday. Aronow drove the same high-powered Cigarette i n which he set a \vorld offshore record in the Long Beach to Ensenada race a fe\v weeks ago. The new record \Vas 67.1 miles per 'hour. The Cigarette is a 32·foot Cary Marine hull with twin 475 horsepower Mer c·r u is eT~ engines. In the Gatev:ay Marathon Aronow took four hours and 35 minutes to twice cross the turbulent Gulf stream w i t h seas running as high as 12 feet. ' Aronow was world champ. Ion offshore driver in 1967 and national king or the sport both last year and in 1967. The race proved another clean sweep for 'F 1 or id a G1·in nell Wins The protest agalnst Carlton Viking Class Rogers' ketch, Te Amo. win-llugh Grinnell's Dimas was ner of the Pacific Handicap the winner of the Viking Cla~s Racing Fleet division of the race last Sunday. Ensenada race has been The colorful '2Q..foot sloops drivers and Kiefhaefer powered boats as Wayne Vicker of St. Cloud, Fla. drove his 27-foot Magnum with three or the hot new 140-horsepower Mercurys to a second overall and f i r s t in the outboard divislo'n, finishing only seven minute~ behind' the winner. Balboa Yf<ht Club bas issued invit8Uons fqr )ts . an- . nual Memorial Day Rej.atta May 31, June t. Seventeen classes have been lnviled to race on outBide courses and sev~ on iltside courses. Race schedules on out.side courses include two re.cf's Saturday. May St, the first slartlng at qoon, aDd one on Sunday, JW'ie 1, starUng at· 1 p.m. There Will be three inside races Saturday -the , first starting al noon -and ll\'O on Sunday stanting at l p.m, Outside classes included in the invitation are Ocean Mc· Ing, P-Cat, Rhodes-33, PC , Sol- ing, Thistle, PHRF, MORF, Luders·16 Endeavol' f~x­ calibur, Santana, MettUry, Cal·20, Finn, Snipe and Lid~ 14A. Inside classes are Metcalf, Lido-14 B, Kite A, Kite B, Sabot A, Sabot B and Sabot C. Six yachts must start..in lhe first race to establish a s.Jass. Outside classes wil l start off the Balboa , Pier and inside classes wiU .. start off the BYC cOmmittee ~ower, Tuneup for Transpac OnSatur~ay Los Angeles Yacht Ctu'b has announced its biennial Aloha Series tuneup races for yachts planning to make t h e Transpacific race to Honolulu starting July 4. The two tuneup races are the West End Cross Channel Race June 28 and the Marineland race June 29. The West End Race will start at the Point Fermin buoy and ' turn a flag buoy one mile east of the west eTid of Cata1ina lslana before return- ing to the finish line in Los Angeles Harbor. The coastwise Marineland race wiU start in, Los Angeles Harbor, leave the P o i n t r~ermin buoy to· starboard then round the M11.rineland spar buoy port, 1he La harbor en· trance buoy to port. 600 Indians Die In Heavy Flood NEW DELHI (UPI ) -The toll rose steadily past 600 to- day in the wake or a cyclone and heavy flooding in the coastal districts of Andhra Pradesh State. New Race Laurels . -r ,. 2 Trophies Added to Trunspac's 19 Two.new trophies will be: ad- ded this year "to Uie traditional 19 awarded In the Transpac{nc Yacht Race. The Conunodore Harold G. Dillingham Troph) will so. to the first Hawaiian fb.g to reach the finish line 0\1 a cor- rected ti.me baiS8. This award in effect crtates a apecial clali1 for yachts own.ed by residents ol Hawalt. 'ftie winner will receive his oWo ~ke·homt trophy as well as the perpetuat traveUng trophy. Founder of, the award is a former commodore of the Transplclflc Yacht Club. Now In his 80s, he la a prominent HawJ.ilan businessman. The Transpacific Yacbl Club wlll award the new Interna· Uonal Trophy for the rirst fln- WUng yacht owned by a rest. dent of a couotry other than the United States, Thls year there are entries from Japan, and Canada~ TME $1GW OllJ .c),ATtNG PL.u.!UAI YOio! .,..,.,...,. t tener tiw:llr .. .._ THIS WllK'I S'ICIA.L •LASP41. CHAI.II ~"' ot Ill•• ,. ... ,, lit Mtl'Ct•IMr """"' J l'f". warrtnty • .....,_ ..it w.ftt. pllo!I ... is, {1111 Cln\IH. """""' I•"°"" lrtll9r, llti. tw-•vtt' '1111. COMPAll-SPtl 19+ fO CHOOll! F-ltOM GltJNWOr, SM aay, ll111WtfW1 lM v...., Wriedt, ·-· Dtlt °""''' Glfttf*'I, M~ OMrl 1 0.'t"o e;..,., ttl1 s ..... " .,._ ,..... nit 'l'ra.nspac celebrates Its sliver annl'!ersary this year. The workl'I k>ngeat. regularly ~uled ocean sailing race begins July 4 from the Point Fermin Buoy off Los Ang~tea Harbor. The finish line is off Diamond Head on the island of Oahu. Gloomy Gus Tells it As You See it JOHNSON & SON SIMPl.iflES LEASING 'Long Beach Home Of Outrigger Canoes ~ . Famous Free t...faintenanc9 Lease av1il.ble to in· summer and which this sum- mer ¥(ill be an event of the dividuals and business firms in O range County at fourth annuaJ California ln· Johnson & Son Lincoln -Mercury. Cougar; 2~26 ternalional Sea Festival at Horbor, Costa Mesa. 540.5630. Ask for FREE Long Beach. A Hawailan all- star team or two is expected Booklet ·on the lease that provides: Free Oil to enter for the lOth straight Changes; Fre~ubrication; Free Tune·up1; Free year. As a preview to the regular Replacement Parts; Free Labor. regatta program, member C · t t L' 8 h Mg on ac : .. ~oc u, . r. clubs raced last Saturday 1!;:::;::;:::;::;:::;::;:::;::;:::;::;:::;::;:::;::;:::;::;:::;::;:::;::;:::;::;:::;::;;::;i;::;i~;::;i;::;i;::;i~;::;i~ from Balboa'to Laguna Beach, Ii with a Newport team , com· • pletlng the se.ven-mile distance in 64 minutes for first place. Another race Is scheduled May 31 from Marina del Rey to Redondo Beach Pier. Can You Seu Mecli~Comp ? Do You Want To Earn Hl1h Commi11lons? PhOfte 213/872·070 or 714/642-5011 for reHnotlons te free seminar held Mch ... k HARBOR CENTER PRESENTS 1969 SPORTS VACATION SHOW FRIDAY -SATURDAY MAY 23 ·24 An Old Forester· kind of day is when your favorite bartender greetsy9u byname. And remembers your old friend. ft. May is National Tavern Month . Renew old acquaintances. ''There is nothing better in the market" disallowed. hold races perlodically Crom The protest c 0 m m i 1 tee Viking's Port on C o a s I SLI~ AND FAST 7 Don Aronow of Mi.ami is not about to kick the "cigarette" threw out the protest when Highway . habit. He named his 32-foot Cary Marine hull the Cigarette and became hook- J.EKntll' STIAICIT •• .., •• -• '" -1muo "' •• llM.f\llWI llSIUUS CllllUM• ., t....W: • IBlfllf•• those who claimed Te Amo us· Second in the race wa~ ed h d · th · when it started wirnli.ng offshore nnwer boat races in Southern California ed er po'ver ur1ng e race Howard Ap~J's Saga, and and Florida. ,, ... admitted they were unable to ;1h~i~rd~w~as~A~l~le~n~~~lo~l~ho~'s~G~ho~s~t.J-~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'===========~===============~==============:;== positively identiry the boat F believed to be under power WAS Te Amo. lOCAL Tc Amo u·as the winner of the President of U.S. Trophy as the overall "'inner in PHRF. No ot~tr new1p1p1• t1U1 yo1 "'or•, ev1ry i:l1y, tbout wh1t'1 9oing on in tht Gr11ttr J r1n91 Co11t thin th• DAil Y PllOT. ' Win a free Apache Trailer! CAMPER & TRAILER SHOW free ln the air conditioned m•ll thru Set. 2"4th Mey, 1t Huntin9ton Ctnt•r • •• re9ister for frM cfr1win9 of Apedte T,._. I courf••Y Alpint fr11Jers I plu1 $100·te '""4 in H1.1ntin9ton Center Dr1wln9 June 10th !winner will bt not ifltcfl Huntin9ton Center et le•'h •ncl Edin9er tt,.St.n Diego Freewty. ns 114 Black Nylon Cord, Tubeless Mobil M.3 You 'll delight in the Mobil M•3 .workaday tires, featuring ;1qng·life wear, plus sure-grip tire tread. Other famous Mobil Tires are listed: MOBIL lllO[-Offers 25% mere tr1ction1 25% quicker stops, better 1ti mileeae. MOBIL CUSHION-Of· fers bit mHeage, driw· · lng comfort-a realfl· tough Ure. llllll POLTUTU PIUllH -A runod tou1h tire !hit hurs the rood smootll~. NO MONEY DOWN -1 2 MONTHS TO PAY · ~ l'tut '""'JI ~rl')'l~t ell"ft·) Uta your MobH Cfed.i\, C1rd. Present this td to• YOl.lf •o,"Wn Mob It Detter and 11ve even rfio" on your nett aet of Mobil Pol)'e'ter Prtmler Tlrtt. • Ask about Mob i/1s "T!RE-IFFIC" money sav.fng bonus coupon. All Mob/I 0.11111 1111rve 1ne right to Hl•blith rhtfr own prlct. -• l ) .. :- " -;, . ·I ,. " ! .... -.. "' .. ·, ,. • ... • • \ ' 'I JI ·oA!LV l'ILOf ~ H Frld.V, U., 23.1'!1>9 Vw Monef's Wortla ·"' OVER THE· COUNTER . ·;~ Single ·Taxpayer Gets Crqel Deal NASO listings for Thursdoy, Moy 22, 196' "By SYLVIA J>OR.Tm l lt.t.,_I..,.,_ ..,._..., ....._ ti •"""1ll"'*""' t A.M. tf"fm HASD. (3) OOLLAJ\ TOTALS. 'Jbt particular reference to 1he Prtc. " "" *...._ nt•ll .-,,..rtr;.., .........._ ., c•rnml..S.•· You, ~rlca's 19 Million f600 e U t d i -·-··· t ~y·-. h •v. back , ... !~Ip .• R.elenw,•1 .. ' slyvorels· $ nale lndlvidu1J 35 years ol _ N.,'1:' ~~:.~~"lJ ~~~ t~' fi. nit ti~ I~· l'Yi ~vi ~~i:T Ill'! nlt. Abatv' .•91 un&"> r-... ~ " . age and olde.r. '"" •skfd oUOt .. Dl!lt(I I ~::::.f o.. 1k, lfll ~ wi.ri f'• !?-~Lfi~ 1,10 ,"1rtualty no chance to get Jng llv\ng coslll sinee then But a more intelligent 31>" itN11t:'ll1~'7. ..,. Af,f:Zr "I.I c~ ~~~I "' ?t.'7 nv. .-.r:~ $1 :~1~ lr· :~,Jlt(~ 1. 1 .: reJJef ln the Initial instalment have reduced il in effect to un-proach might be tl)rough the ~M~ .~~1~~ om 6~11 ,r-,m ~t,. Tw ~: """ ~1r!i! 01 1 ~;, ~~~~'.Jr' of tbe tu retonn bi!J from the dc.r $400. That's piUfully out-system of p e" so n a 1 ex-:=.1Kn..1 tr111Mc· omw 'r'.1 :rt\.\ m; I~ a." M-lili U "'"'~~rv11 t~'' ~ .... !:d<"':fl11~1 l' moded -and es"""'ially for emptions. By '8rying per•-at ~~ .. 'W:, 811 tn':.: rnotr ~nd Jil'I J" lr:tf'~ 1 1 81 'in! P11~111 I:~ 1~ !J° x ·: ~mlr~~ ,· .. ~Y, our tax la¥lS openly lb• . I .--. h r . . ""'" dffler Ofl~HI OJ ol omo MH'I 1 ., ln!f"-'.. 3'1\ ~ p (t PllJ • ,~. -·IML•I -dilCrlminate agairntt yOU. The . Slng e person Wit ew e1emphOD$ according t 0 ·~~ll'MI~ t moll' "l'<fl »VI 271/o Jn1 9li WUt 1,.,. l:t'.11 ~ 1111<..-t~K ~\'> n\lf fSlll!f~ CJ. Ni:ron Administrallon didn't other dedu.ctlons to claim. marital status and income ~.;;.1~~ w11 ~~ :'If::. 1t~ ii"' .~: H~'~ ril4 §;,., •1,1Pll~ 211·, Yil ;if11;.0111 :i:: ewn Pf9pose a move for you \Yhen you get to lbe_ details, levels, t h e discrimination ~ti!~" mt..,,°';"; s::.,~m" l!~ ll~ 1~11:: 111 111.~ ~ ~iii ~!" r,;; ~ Ala 'r,-:•t; •s In u. refonn ••ckage And '"e !n1·ust1"ce is· e•en cle T ·•ht be t · It , d •&td (l>ldl. 1 .. 1er-G;;1r•n •1~ "' n~Toc. .t '' 1>s l!.....,,, It~. lJ\' Akioc. .n !~ r-. u~ ar. o m11:1 au omat1ca y Y.lpe a~~'•• m6r•""' -· L 10\-i ,,14 n ,.1 ,-,1~ Mi~ i>ubl.i.nn H 'i~ Atc11Mlu 1.11 there. 's no sign '"at Wilbur illus trate, an u n m a r r i e d out th•'""" 111•0tl(lh !rawtOl'd n•;, .,,11o ron 4 l11t ,,'!'! ,., ,Pu•~K 11 1~ 61!\\ All" c" ,:io. UJ • OUI ""' div. Prlt.. -~ Ca l'"" 3" . !~ solm lj' 32 8•111'1!1 r. I~ Allt91.iir) ~--Mills' House Way·s and Meal>' woman supporting the elderly What should you do' Join a ao ricu 1ne1uc1, ru1c11 R•1 \1& 11\i Jc.bi l ;t '" ~~v c5 1r '!•ml"~~ "" Co a t h · ed h . ' "'~ll m•rlluo. VIM"H C ~ 1't.o) J•C<:lll n C 121,? U i.<. P 1 •0 j § > Ajlttl w I.a mntittee is cons!derina this un w o rats er in a group which already has m~nidOwn "' ,o,,,.. n..1111"1 In " 21~ J•m W•t •\~ 1;N ~!lit~""' 77'-, A 111~11 1.:ie · ·~ t h h Id Is , , t111n1.,.., Ouil~ Mc~ l\OA iA\' J•rntflb'I' II• u < ·.w,i Al '!" ·" aspect sertousJy durina its separa e ouse o taxed at orgaruzed to lobby for this AAI c"'a n 11 o,.~ DWI '° 21 J"'11eri• 1114 1; .~ 1 [""' !! 'lu M 11 .71 ·~ h h . t th h . Ac.mt f;! U\'o 1~% ~It Fii U~\ 17~ Jlfj\< Flis .,, I .~ .. ,, ,.,. A I.cl Pll Mi current closed door sessions. a muc eav1er ra t: an t . e refonn or organ1v: one on Arm,. vR1 31v. l!: Y Mir ,.,~ '~" ic~1~ s1 u . ,~~ 11=:,:11 i: , "11ecis1r 1.1• But in the second 1n-unmarried woman supporting your own, Sign petitions jr you :r r;11 n ..• H1 "' l(:f"l(~ndi 'r' 1,;, ~:.~...-,!If rti2ll ::T.11Mi 4 ~ ~ ~mrst:.im.a Stafment, there is teason for her elderly mother in a prefer thJS approach. ?>,fail :1~~:_ Fol :i. U~ ~~'f"~~~r ,t{ •= ~:ri;;', 'lo t~'4 ~•i lt=$E• ~ij fi,,. :~Pf.to"'°' you to expect adjustments in separate household. your protests and-or petitions ::rto 5i'.: ~\~ i~ ... iS:i r:ii, ;!"" l~ ~~;rr ~r: ~~? ::e 1~_, • .i: t 'll ti~ ~;'it' Jo6G the .tax rates and pe-·nal ex-To illustrate further, the gressmen and senators_ and "''~ 11, .. uv, 11't ~v E1 1•1'.i U\O ic;ey~ Fib ,..., ~\o,. ""'" ~:ov JI\)" AtnMEl 1.20 """ -AlltO Ptll ~!\ f lit alfl Cry ~'• J'l l(~Y'I f•"I ,111'; ., " 11~111 HIM ~ 3:1• A11vEi 01160 emption rules which so heavily also in our syslem for personal exe1nption system keep mailing. Send copies of "1td A~·0 6'1 1. « 101t 11 ""~"'' PC 11 11•4 s1 camo ~ 2ro. Ame14d• 3 d . . Alllecl Ea ,~ 1~') O«u!el ll ~ lfl ... El 11~ IOV, 1c!!lu IV. nv. AAlrFll!r ao dl.sCriminate against you, the personal exemptions. To be was create to protect very oyur protests and-or petitions :100, •~ ~.,:~ ',•,·~ .. Ooollv fMd :u·1•,,~·,•, Kinas"' ,, ,..,., ,.I':~·'" 1ns1 t•~'t 1s·1> Am 1.1r11n ·.1a 'ed h ·f· I-• 1·ncome le d t t '" ff w d M ma •t •• °""' Jo-.es w:~o Voqi •1 l~ ~c1~111n El ttt ~· Al'l"I Saker 1 never-maJ'r1 , t e widow. the s pec1 tc : .,.,. peop an .coup es o u1e ouse ays an cans Am 0111 1.,,, ,.~ oov11 oa lit\• 11• ~· '!l<I 1iu-5c1"tQ11 *'\~ 11 Amiu. Nol• 1 WI.dower (I) RATES Th w1"th man" ch'ldt 't ti I c "t'·· d th Se ""'Et L~b ~ 101~ !)rew Niii 11 ' c °"' ·~ ~J Mnal ~o ., ..,m80cst \ 60 . , e married / I en: I U er y omm1 """" an e nale Am F.~or 66li i1v. 8::" 8rrd ~v. fl i>e:<' 3')' J~·~ Sci COflrr! l? Jl Am C•n 1 ·:111 A TREASURY spokesman couple has the enormous ad-ignores l he middle-income Finance Committee, fi1akc :~ ~~~t ~!; ~~ 0:~~ 0 :ri,.. m' c:::::•w13 J~ J ~[ ~.r"'g !s~! ~6~ :~'(,P' 1~s ,.ys, "'The need for this· •antage of be1·ng able "· split single person. Income splitting yoor voice be he8'd ' ..,m Hfrii n v. 19 E•"" R~c i.·~ ,\! u'* 1na 0-.. 1~'-l 1111 M 6 '' "c1111~m 1 "60 .., . ""' lno!O ,.,,, 31V, E1u ShC II''' 19\1; L~l'I CO.I 7 11; rloM H 21'/t Vo AmC•edll ' 90 reform is very much r-gn;~. income for tax n11~. was adopted in 1948 to TIDS IS WHAT other grnups Am Medi 7•VJ ''"' Ec,.n L~o 17 "' lf'I~"'"~ G •1 .. r11110 " r:1:1 l0 . ACrvSua i"oo "'""' ... r-r--.., Mln1>1 }ft 11 Ed~D sn 26\'o 21·~ Levin T~ ll I' Plrl• DI \ ' Am('v, ,·,s ed." A powerful congressman Thus, if vou're married, you equalize the situation between lobbying for tax laws do and Am PIN 2.3'1 2•11 Educ SY~ u v; 15..., L•wi. si= J9'A '°'' EOCO 261'1 21111 Am 0~"r11• 1 l , ' All'! St"Gotl 7~1 1•4 El P~S<I El 111'1 II~ Lib Eoull '' 7111 1\$ Cmo • ''. . 1' adds that "heavy pre"C'>.'"""""' nov taxes at subs tantiallv eommunity property and non· their success may be Am s1G0111 'I El Hlt~ 11 2:1 u11v 1~~ 19~1 v•~ so 51 :gv•ivi ,.,no .,.,..,.,.,.,, r-l 1 • ,o,n,hor C11 16\lt 1 \lo El Hue! 2~ jll~ L&bl•w Jl~ rn rven U/ .. " uei P ·"' from representatives of the lower rates than if you're commuroty property states : it measured by the extent to .-,nr.eUlt• 10\• 11 Eltcrcoy 11 Jl.ll L1111 C•<ld• • 9~ hep NI ... ~9 1.me,1Pw 1.51 I • . Allk'°" CF 8'1< t•t. Ell~o >RV. t \li LYnth C l~ '.Joi lemt•" H 10:W. 71tl Am n~;J 1 single taxpayer "are being single. There is no logic to a so ignores the single person. which our tax Jaws are loaded Arc•H N 1~Yr ... v. EL« c~P • mo MH G.O..E 13~ 1~Yl lonei to 10'« Am E•P 1n<1 I I " . this .. ~E MOST 1 'th I f bl ,t,ra Ind :M 'II El c Svs Vt 1v. MllOk (~ 3• l5. ru p.., '8 n AmHol~r .10 et. Objective ~ experts ; 1t s patently unfair.~ 1n. popu ar pro-w1 c ause.s avor a e to ,o,...i•n M 11•, 111• El o~M 5' 51'~ Mal R11v u•; 131, oG• ,!tG l•"• :t" Home 1 oo '-IJ . . . (2) p ER s 0 NA posals to er th . •t th y d . th Arden ot"f •3 • E1 Mad)l.I 10 ICl'I~ M•lntkl 54.,, S6 (•I ... i "'• I "' A Home Pl 1 i..i:: me it 1.S tune to return to L EX· ase e 1nequ1 Y em. ou eserve to win IS ""' MQP 13•1. u E.mos 011 ~J""i ,~"'Ma"" "• 1,~ 1v NE tel '-'1• '-''• Am Ho•11 .12 my fight for this taXtiayer. EMPTIONS. The single tax-would broaden the head of relief -and lf you fight, you ~~~y:., H i1~l ~,. E~:~ ~"e 'i ·~~• ~ ~:;,!..ni: :,,,,,. ... ~:; vl1ne1cl~ fH: if~ z:;:;~~. 1·Ji In fact. l·t could be that ·11 payer h" 0 e perso I household sta tu s , wil.h will ~ cc ea1 31 11>.i Eoo co •l~ 1•. ~d sh1~0 ,, 31"' per~ , , 1 0.,.,, uu. AMe1 c1 l '° n na eX· --------------------·-----------IAu!O F!rt JI YJ 31\'t Equllv Olt 11 11\>: •J.avtu" 0 ~l"• 1••1t !~ ~"" 1 ~)'h r.~'~ Am Motor5 '"e tax package I d I ed emption of ·-Th . d AulO Sci I ' Erle TK~ 211'• ')l"'J Wus1 cc 11'0 2i ""w .... AmtJa!G~5 2 UI S e ay ijf}-.,,,._, e marr1e A~ernco 1111 11'\ Esttr11~ 1•-..:. tS'I Mcll.,•v Jl' ~ ~ :•;H tid n si AmPflol Qt9 11·1 197• '71 , th1"s reform m1"ght couple.has a rru·n1'mum of two •vM c.. 16 ui• Fa c~o 9'1-o •t. •A""'' H l• '' ~ •. w Tv ,, ,,, AResrc~ ·,,. .,. -• Alie:; 011 18 11;0 F~brl T•~ l? I?'' 'A"tltronc 31 3'Y, ~f ;:,,, II . 11\lt Am Se•• I be part of it. Here. ••erefo-. 0 or 11200 Again the log1·cJ·s 9,,bl!Jll 12''> H'~ F~lrfld r ,~ •• 11 •, ""''""' ••• ' I ~ '' ,,,, ,, Am S~o 61.1 · lll ,,,. · " · • Id c sh &a"d At 1\\, !6'• FBav r<1r •21. <J" Mfd"a Cao 111., 11 ~a.:Wa>: IM 191 A Smtl! 190 JS a progress report to aJl Of QUeSliOnable; it's nonsense On ea ars on ow. B~ter M ll'" 11'1 F~cl adr n 1t M:dle~ l't 1:i. T~noe1 10'> 21''1 AlflSeA!r 10 h h f f 9,1 P•m! 1 1;. F1 .. 1na 3~. 31 i.l•dw•I GT,, ~ 1•PO•" ,,~. 11'· Am Sid ,. you w o are directly involved l c ace o it to assume that it llPunt w• 10•1t 11 ~ Ff'dN Mia 1'1, vi Mlft Pov 25'1t :!!!Vi .,.e11e 11 13•, AmStd pit 1s Or ••ho care about 1·ust1·ce 1·0 cosls tw1·ce as much for tl>e :••:-rk~ l'"• 15"'" F•n Sf!<.,., 91' 10 "~'• G~~ l?"> J1'1t 1•v1oe w (18 69h Am s1t,.1 •1 ,. ~l•n 2Vo U''i Fs!&~ Co 69 11 Miu V"G 211·~ )1 ex AmSul 10 !J A S.•!lar 1 60 Our ta I arr.ed I t ,. •1 B04VlfSI 171• 114 FilGen RE 21 20 Mo 1!1(~ 6'• 6~ Tt>e•m Air 11''1 U''I AmSUQ o! 6' x aws. m I coupe o 1ve as I~ B N H • h ....:hi>m ¥'• 11 F1t Mtll• 31'"1 111~ Mc~•wl<: 11 ,. ll Tllt•nv J11. »'" Am TILT 1·,0 Th~ dl . ._n"m1'nat1'on aga1"nst does for th e Sl"ngie petSOn -ut ot on ig wav B~lle h!e U lll'O F1t l!ePCa 6 6'~ Manm P~ 16'~ l1 Tltln l~li 11\!• Am T ba 7 ,,... Belm Ind H 16 F•I Wt1TF 11\ ™ ~lnott Pd 11 1~ l2 Tr&nJ Cs! 6~1 1'-t a c the single taxpa.ver i~ Ob•ious, and the more children, the l01'1't.."' R i2.; n1, Fllqht s11 21 21t Moore. s 1••• I!\\ Trios Gt' 20" 21i,;. !~~~s 1·ft l "" ..... H 34 J1 FlllldF Pl'& •. ,,, I'll! Motch M 1114 "'~ Tr111>11 M l:R• ""' AW harsh -and apparent not on\v more exemptions and lhe bi<>· ., 6'1' Lab st1 '° Fo-1 Grant "'~ 1•·~ 11.oror c1ob u~ i1:i,:; Trend 1ric1 2• 21 P•t' 1 '5 l I) 11!11.,gs W 10"'1 11 Folochm • ~ Nartao C 1l'4 u1r. Trlco Pd ll 31 AW . 111! I '3 in our tax rate structure but ge r the inequity. DETROIT (AP) -General could be mad ·1 bl f 8"d Son '5 4 Fr~"""" 11" n:i.:. NI e·~n11s ~ ~ Trld•lr 16Vt 1w. Am zinc --------~--'----· _ _;o ____ _:.__:c_______ e ava1 a c or etr1chr 1•; ' Frari1e1 co 1, u N 1 EQ 11 ,1 7 unner. 1•11t 11v, Amftek ~1otors took the wraps off production" Bt8c~ H11 l7 :11 F~!n E'K 1• "2!i N:1 F611Pd 31;;; ,g11< UnArt ,,. w,i, lWi .-,rn11c1nc ~ loi115 PRC Paul .J. Hegener, o( Newport Beach, h a s j·o i n e d Property Re- search Corp., Los An- geles-based investment management firm, as an investment man a g e r. He \Vas a zone sales manager for Ford Ma.- tor Co. LTV Contract DALLAS IU Pll -Ling· Temco-Vought, Inc., has ob- tained a conlract from the Moroccan government t o formulate a development pro- gram for the Souss River valley in southern Morocco. The study will cover fanning, fishing, tourism and light in· dustry prospects. • &00111! El 511= ' Frnk1 R!y ll'4 ll'f• Ntl G&O lo lJ Un Ooolllr ll lZ AMK Cp lO some ol its experiment.at· cars Two steam cars were among &olt &er N 1s 1~• Funv.ew '}• 101• Net Lbiv XtU, 3,,,., un rnum '°"' 31 AMP 111e 11 8onTl>e C l-1 JJ larflnkl ll llilo N 1 s II:• 11v, 1 Un MCGlt 11~ 11'.l Amlle• Co"' today but made it clear they the top attention getters at the e.,. Cao11 '.Joi''> 11v. 1s Svc 16"• 16 .. N!t s~wsv •·~ 1~ un R.lfQ 17 11"' An·"led 1 "° b h . eaw11er 6'-t 1'~ Aird• 101<. 11'~ N~lol p ~ 1..., ul &•Nl)t1 27 2lYr Amtel :n \Vere years away from ecom· s ow. One was a mocbhed :969 sniw•Y G '''-~ t01• 0ev1ce1 s1'• ~ "'E"" Gt; "'': :10l1. u C•ow11 111. R A""cand 130 · I' h h p · Brown A• ll 32 n · G-llbert ~v, 5 NJ N t(; 76 , U F.nvet 2J1h Af"I(~ Hocit n 1ng a rea 1ty on the ig 1vay. ont1ac Grand Prix, the other B11.11h aer JS'~ 36"1 Kin~11t1 s"' 5•~ ,..;e111i;~ ;. :i.1·~ J1"' u suo•• 551<'1 .s ""° c1~v 1 "' Th d of "' t969 Ch II d flvtilf!Ye u:i;. 11:<,< RI E1t 10 11 ,..1 1 A 36 1 ,, U Tr1'cL ~\;''Vi A11eao11 1 ,21 e para e ~ tX· a eve e se an. &u•nua s ,. HV:. eottl 6"11 1v. N1:i: 8 ,. 3;" uo "!"" !'" J7 A~u~ C~l'm pe I t I I I ded th Th I h. h h &uslness F ll" 1~v, ilno'• '.Joi'~ 31"• N A R I'" Ul~ti hld 1\IJ j ARA svc 1 • r men a cars nc u rec e s earn car, \V IC :.:is ~·1 w.~1 sv 31 31 •;, 11ne11 '°''• 11'4 1Jr./""'r;"11~ ,;,.., urn 1nc1 H f t~ Al'ctiD~n 1:60 wheelers and models· po\VeraJ been One Of ~ri,,t's top pr1nrily ~:~~ M ::: ~ j~:;,nlll:~b 't' ~ ~~~::-;; 8il l~~ ,:~ ~:~J~n j~ ?!~ :.:.l!~'b5;( ,,.\ by steam, electricity and research projects, was satfl lt> r:~,,~~1 ~ ~! ~~ .. ~~~~ )~7 ~1~ ~~.,.,, ~w H~10 11 11~ v ·=wQ 'l~ 7'~ :•mQI~,' •~ h b "d I l. 1· I lh d r I ~~ , Saw n•\ 2l'4 G OL , ·~ ,.wP\lb Sv :n .. ,3 tdwlh p 1 .,.,,,....,. f!T'(O ti •'I y r1 e ec r1c·gaso inc power 1aye c a vanta~c o 01v :~g· T~cti 1 ... , G~:p;n~f r.,~ 1';;{ ~"f'r R111 3.j :11 Re1oe 11~ 11r1 :;.~r '·'° plants. Nearly all of them noise level, IO\V air polulanl =~·1e &01 1c IG'• Grn!ld 1u 21v. ll'/o 11~1° s~~t ~"' ~ w!'~n ,.':; ~ ~t Arm•1c'i! t~ h II . C~1 •• ll'o 1$1~ Grln ... 1< 111 !IQ 1Jrm11nt H l " f T t ;,t """"'' Ck I were mu c sma er th an tendencies and ~ood tor:iue f.~" vl P5 ll., (i:J Grovt Prs JO~ ~1·.~ nuer TP 1'l\I ,;\; w!bb 'R~1 ~u l~~ Arm.Pub 1.':~ today's cars and soinc were characteristics 11 s disad c~~tnl)'~~m 1•' 111 g~':"rd 't.~1 1i~1. :~ riven NA ·'·1 l~ w11111<~ 1J1J• 1,v. Ar" Coro .l'O . • Ci'I<> UUI 11' 19·' G :11 Teti J•t 1;: O:tv Ct-1 1• I~ .~ellint> M 311h 33 Ar'l''l'I Ind I almost t<iylike in size. vantages include ad rl e d Ch• &r&I 1, a.1 c;~i1 !1,,1 10,. 11t ~•bs• Br s1·~ s1 W•ll• 111ch 11•~ Hv. A·~·~ 011 1.~ · (l'lrl'!1 S 1711 Ill G od !l>~ u .' a~ 1'utm' 1'• 71~ Wstn NA UV. lS ~-.hl"lll n!140 • GM said it had ex· 1ve1e:ht, freezing or the w;1tr.r c11r1,r 1111 rn\, 111,, ~~;.. t:e l~>.l :o•h ~:~(:are mt ~;~ w"~u~l~fi ~~ ~:'" ~~~ 0~'f •a perimented with a nuclear· needed for the. steam o•;eia· ~l:r,11•u1 .., ,,_, 2;4 ~=~v~ 1t 7 ~,11aco1 1 1•,v. 17 ws111 s..1es 11'• "'"A.a~.,. 1."lll"> ed t b d d h . 'ff" . ' . Cltll U! II 1 I' '' ' " ll kWY 0. , 16 Wno Wll!• IA•, ns:. A~!ITr•l'I '" power au o ut roppe t e lion , and d1 1cu!tlcs . • 1 n Ciiv N Pn 1~ • 11 !."l~1f;•"M1nd 1•,,: 1 ~""~a~i~v P ur, 115"o w1n"bl"" J~'" 3911, 1'lY>(l~v f.•o · t be. · · I I b · , cl ~Ml 1 ., 0• .,.. 1vt1, n l\~Wlns• T l'~ •''< ~ur•vFI 1•0 pro Jee as mg 1mpract1ca . u r1catlon. "' l'~ 21 H~nredn "' "'" J1v, P Dl•L~a 1-. 1"' w1•r. Pt. 211h ,., •• A•citvei ~,, Edwa'fd N. Cole, GM presi· ~\i.,""/OflMc~ ,1:i:. 1i'li ~~\~"EP l~ ll ~! l~'W"' ,;:~ ,:'" ~t-".':;'~,¥" 1~ ,.p~ A'1 Rich '·~ SHORT DISTANCES CllMon 0 n~• ""' H009er 21',~ ?•Mo PE( hrltl lJ''> ,,,~Yard E.lte 6'l 1\• A!lll~h p!] II dent, told newsmen at G?>.-1 's C•ow is ?& Houst Fl• 101 • "'" lil•<h r• ~ huge Technical 'fr a in in g The problem of the com-coiimin E 1 1'~ Huck ""• is !!i~sc~ .. :~·s? h . '.a ...... , c~ .. Center in suburban \Varren muter w o needs lransporta· ~i "c" r• 1•~ h d . II .. t" f h t d' t I MUTUAL "-111'"'• P1~, t at esp1te a u1e ex· ion or s or IS ances v:n 1 Au•s11~1r oe~ perimcnts, the auto firm was lltt1e freewfiy.._e:lriving came in State Files ~~:~',"""1~1 convincal the inlernal com-for attention as fi ve limitP.d :~~ ~;_1~20 bust.ion ehgine -the..,,...... that urban transportation c;;-FUNDS "v~v P.r · 3' •.Tl"-• ~Vf'f!l!nc -'~ powers your car today -is per1mental vehicles \\' c r c s ,. A • tw"" Pd i.~ the bc·st unit available. shown. Ult !!31DSl Two were gasoline polver~d . u v--~ ~t,;~~.)t 1.11' ADVANTAGES one was electric poweref'I. " T Bel!Gr;: 1.10 "Ail th d c t Mtt H Him l'ld• S.611 '·" j•,~P4',"',·~,, ese a vance power fourth was driven bv a huhri~ ex-0 e IH Gm 16 31 1111 '"' ' h . J NEW 't'Ol!K (AP) M:~ver 1·.18 1:61 S1rbOll 1.lSI concepts ave advantages -gasoline.electric system an -Tne 1a11ow•na Q'-"> H••b•" in.6.t n.6J g:~rc ~! -~ real or potential -over the the fifth was a mockup body 1~1111n1. sull4l11e<1 bY ten;c~b s.•s ,.20 111ie1 Mio · · t I b LOS ANGELES IUPI) _ A lhe N8tional A••OCI· Knie~ Gtl'I Dl.211•.ll Ba:h Incl in ema com ustion engine and chassis with a hv. brifl •t!on a1 securitl" Le.r,..,, 11.:l'l 11.1~ eeu•thLb 10 ' "I.th I II t t . . $100000 suit ha s b-n f'1ied '1n Otll!rs, Irie., ar~ ~e1 .. ·.•.~c~ 1,1 1",",·~ Bl•lrLab :11 • ower po u an emissions system pow" plant. Four · ...... 1hP orkes ~' w111cn... v .-. ·" 81vu1<Ci<1 . .so be. · -I · · II s · · I · l~esr s~curl!it.S l !te Slk I.~ 6.61 lleirlnq5 1 1ng a ma1or pus Jn virtua y were built to carry hl"O u Pe r l 0 r cou r against cov1c1 ~ve ~n L<le Jnv I.fa 1.i1 eea1 Fm 1 • " Col 'd . d h . 1old [bill\"' b0ua1'1 ll"'I 1.65 9.15 BP•I Fds ol I -very case, e sa1 . passengers only while the fi fth texture ousc coattn n cal!ed •11<e10 """01v. Lonmis s1v19 , Fd•: flqc•m•n . .so "But a h f th I h . " ll!d •s~ c~n'd •1.t6 11.96 BK1 Olcl< .l'l e c o em a so as had two adults in the front Inc., which manufactures 8 At>e•<l?e" 1.11 '·"' ~~n ll'~ jl-~ erer.h Air .1s major disadvantages which seal and two children in the Advi~rro 1.~1 t ,.¥' M ~ 1· '· eeec11 Crk ' redu.ce its practical value ao back. textured house coa ling ac.lled ~:~/!~1ea 1!·;~ i~·r: M:r, '~"" n."11? it~ ~:11fo.f:! ·n ·• -T Ct II.II Amer 1:1~ 1'.?1 Mau f.lh "·~I loJ)!l &el IM~.rcOn an all-around competitor to Oi>e called the 512 ll•b•··,d CX· o e. .A.1~h~ 13.11•1• 1.1a,, Tr 1~.6°11."1 1lcm1~ co 1 ' . . Ame·" 1;.1 1·111 M~te• '·"7 8.DI ll~ndi• 1.611 the internal com bu s t i o n Gasoline-Electric , .. 05 nnl" 66 The suit filed by the stale Am e~ ,.,, f 1• M~ihrro n.9• ll." ae ... 1F1n 1.60 • r • Am Oi,.ln 1•:n111:1• Y.$00n 11,01 17.ll BenflF o!•.llt engine. If any new power inches long \Vilh a 50 ir.ch anornry general's 0 fr i cl' ~m Gr~h 1.10 1.,1 M,d.i. Mui 1.Jl 1.01 EfnF so12 . .so •lat t h" b d h I . Am lnv 1n.6<1n.~'MM~v,,C,•115••,,•,•,·.~!",',~~e,•,,. ,, n s are o ac 1eve roa \I" ec base and cu•b >"c1·g111 of allc•es th f d r I d An1 M"t 10 <.s 11" """ ""' ·~u ,. ' I) e 1rm USC! a SC an Am NGw i~i .1:00 Morton< Fu....;,: Ber~Pho 711 usage -with no reductions in J,250 pounds. Its height \\RS ·I d" . . Am P~c ,,1 ,., Grwtn 11.un.a• llo•me~ corn safety, econo1ny and con· only Mi inches and its width 52 mis ea ing ~advertising to sell ACa"',.'" Gro,•oi•;, 11°v :~:i' :·~i i·ll ~~.C. 511~d 1~ v e n i e n c e m a 1· o r inches -far smaller than ao, v the product. r.rwth 1~:,, 1·1:'' ~l~ ~1~ 1::~ 21:~ li~oi'b:e 1 J8 Inv ~.I"> 16.l1 M OmG!h 5" . Bll L • 1 t cchnological breakthroughs American car on the roacJ . · Alty. Gen. Thomas C. Lynch A:,0~':id 1:·l~ 1\·;; M~Om rn 11:!: 1t~ !l1u~iser1u'i.~ will be requ1'red It · h k d th t t . . ""• o·-Mon· · "lu• Stirs n.s~ 21.l? flluS •I o'• 75 · can operate e1t er as an as e e cour o issue :\JI 111· "'F und,,-1 :it 0 11 Mur Trv.1 2.82 2.118 &ot:ble '-•<• "\Ve do not c 18 i m electric car or as a gasol•'ne · · F nr:1 e 1n·:io11·,;. NE.., Mui 12.lf 11.12 ereina 1.1t1 Junction preventing the com-s1".:r.1; I.Oii 1:ii Na1 w~c 11.•6 n.lfl P.01.c~, 1~h breakthroughs for any of these hybrid. JI driven as a h)'~,rid, sc1 CD 6 ~5 1 n NII Ind 11,n n.n Bo11~c D! c'd · ts d · pany from continuing to 1nake e•ti<o" •>1 ,:i• ~·' ;n~1 .. JR t.ot Bend str5 1 pro1ec an obviously COil· its peak hors~po,ver is 13.8, its · 11onc1•·~ 1.m 1.1.1 W 1,ec "'j·1 P.oekM1~ 1.~ "d bl dd 't' I I the rai se claims Bos! Slk 11.°' 12.11 ~~n s"s~ l2.St l!orclf~ 1.iD • SI era e a l 1ona deve Op· top speed 35 miles an hour and · l!Cl!lton 9.1, '·" rvid s·~ ~-~ eoroW•• 1.~s rnent is necessary before any it covers 150 miles on three According to the comJllaint, B~T1~•st 11:~~ 1~:1~ iic~ ~;f, 1::~ R:~~~'i': 2:= Of the •eh1'cles o d1"spl II f 1· II 1· CG Fd 10 n 11."' st '" ,.M 6· Bourn• lric · . C1toll f!'K1.•1 lG.31 Hit W.-.;I foo 6:.J flrl~qS1 1 ~ In which pt o s p e c t j "I e ei.1111 ~h• 1.98 1.7• Neuwr111 71'11 ,111 flrl•• Mv l 70 Ctn! Stir 1).1111.:16 l'ifW Ena 1~·~ fi"72 Brls!Mv Df 7 SHEA.RSON. JIA~l~lll,L & CO., Jnr. I n ay ga ons o gasoine. le 1rm made telephone calls 1Mdl•n 11:n21.s• r.~!~ 10·,;\~-~ Br1n11A1r .1n L d h customers 1vere told !heir c11~nnlF111 Funds : New Hor 29:" ,.;" ll!lw• H~I~ 1 • Ch d 91l~n 13.Sl \._)'II ijew Wld \S.111~.St &wvH& "' >-1 '1 ea e1·s 111 ange homes had been selected to in-a~11.st1t ~.Wi \·:U N~i'i.:1 1t:" lf·g ~~~uG'~-:i~ Cordinll )'· lnuites You To Attend A Se1ninar Concerning ·-•, \ SAN FRANCISCO -John \Viller has stepped doY:n fron1 the post of chairman of tht' board and chief executive of- ficer of Dean \Vittcr & Co., Inc., turning over t h e leadership or the investment firm to Eaton Taylor. Both men are from San Francisco. The directors also elected \\lilliam l\I. \Viller of Chicago to succeed Taylor as president of the firn1. The change v.·as lubclcd 11 semi-retire1t1cnt mo\•e r or John \V ilter, 67, \\'ho asked to be relievt'd of Ills executive duties . He 1~·ill re1t1ain with the firm in an advisory capacity. WJllcr has spent lhe entire 44-plus yea rs of his businrss career Y.'ilh !the firn1 . He join- rd the firm the year after its founding, 192.5, following his graduation from the Universi· ty of Cali!ornia at Berkeley. Taylor was a member of the board of governors of the New York Stock Exchange from 1964 to 1967. He is past governor of lhe National ;\ssociatlon of S e c u r i t y Dealers and !hl' lnvcstm~nt Bunkers Associa tion. \Villlant \\litter has been with the firm sincr 1947 y,·hen he joined the San Franci.~co office as an account executive, lie moved lo the firm 's Ne1v York office in 195.1 and \\'l'nt tu Chicago a year later to head up the midwcst division. 1 od . h'll:om ~.ll • -· ~naoll t.•$ 1o"3l fl•l>Wn r.o ' d utche tathn~wh house co:illni;: c~~1G'ra<.>~;_. l.lt ioo e;_!?S 1 'l:i'1 •'1'.~ t~"s~~~" D: an a cir ouse \\IOU id be Fvricf. n.•• H.'' IG1 XSnd 1 .c I .OJ l\WflS~"" I ~~ · ted f I !O•O'"I 111.IOJH.l~ r.~ WmS ! .•01 .10 llrun•w~ 5ll"I pain as part o I le ad-Shr~'d 11.10 11.,,. ""<tll 11.31 1t.~I <iu<•E· 1 '~ vc•tisi·ng progr'am c""' ... 1c•1 H.u1t1.tl oo~rtim t,00 9.11 "ul"d ci ·~· · Cft"nn1•!: ~ Sa t.U 9A~ "u.-"•11" •i Lynch satd that the coalmg ~~~tv 1~_~1~J~P~1·~"' \tnH:~ :1':'?~~r9 1ri.10 was not a new product mi ght r.rwlh 0 1·f, ~-i~ ~ligf m ::~ 11.'8 Ru0~ R.•-n I• ' · Vtnl · • Pll"le St lj S6 l;·S6 Ru~~'I pl]<" not 1ve up to company claims rMn,.,,•t ,,·U '~·~: PIC<>t!!r 1 :in 1,:12 Ru•1 Ind '·1o t 'j d b'ti h CnmS! lld 5.. · P •n tnv H 11 U.<1, llum!lv 711 O t s ura I ty, I at there comtnl);;ut1 ~1\',' 1, Price Tr 'l:~ 2!·'° Rur•a~• · ~~ was no advertising prO""nm f.:C'iim 11:12 12:1• ~ra Id 1 .11 1 .17 l!htounv 1.211 d h . •• 1nvt1! lft S' 11 J7 Pu~ nt ,.S6 •.a! an I at the representatives ....ct: 11:02 n.o~ Pur:J:.:i Fu~ 11·'° c~tiat CP 60 making the telephone calls ?wl:~ t:~ l·?: ~-~ 1111;1 ,'"'n· 11.~ ca• 1'1,,ani" . W l~ 1' .,,j"(IO Q 1·~ 16. Ctltll\M 1JI were simply salesmen. . , fc~~f1 1,;:,, 11)2 .r~"' /2·: U· c1moRL -•s. "~ome improvement rrauds ~:~: '~ l~:~~ H:~ ~~:;! f'.r. •f~ l~t.~ R~101 conlinue to plague California " CO"'st~ ,t·~ ,f·Z: ~1,1a jJ,o! 11.21 ~g~ 8~!'; 3'0 L h Id Th. . · ' C:on<o"ll · · ·"" ovea O.U 11.tl Cd~ P•c '" J ync sa . " is is the se· ront '"" 1•.~· "., •,fll lee.~ 6.10 6.61 cenalR:d 1 1, · d . h on•m Inv ~.~1 •. n-ere U.39161j C~o C Bd . 1 con action we ave bro•lt"ht ro•n L<"I 11.?111•."' Rb5•nthl 10.02 10:, r~•"•un 1c•• . . .. fnlrv (""a!<.!• 1•"" (~u•ler u,n lt sa . . . ag:11nst a textured house rrn'"" w • . ..,. t.10 tudd~r Fvnct5: · r,~·1,1•,•,," I. f' · r'" w 1., 1'"' 1•" !nt Inv Ui\llvail ~ro ~ S t'Oa 1ng 1r1n In recent weeks. ~·vr"~ •1 ,,.,.. r•,.., M<I 11.,. •'·'' c,1rr PLr 1.•t 1.h I lh · 'l·"I I"<. 1•"" 1• .,, •I l6.M M ~ C~roTc~ 1 60 roug 1 cse action~. \l"C ..,.. ....... e 1• •• n P am s1 n.1111: '""i~~ 60 h t I I I .., •.•. ~. 1 " 1•,. ~~c Div 13.65 h:ll (<1,, oU.25 opr o ta I t 1cse part;cu1ar "'"'' .. sr-, ,, , ,. ~ Eav11 A.:;, ,. r,.,,G• 1.nQ sche1nes "lld to alert th "-lwTfl 1n '" •" ~"f •~v 1.11 •.•• c~··~w .'oa '.. e ., •• Y" ""'l7"'~{1 •m11.2111.U'"~·~J I llllblic" "'•v'"• 11" u:6' $~ DKS u.~ f.i·'' c11~e ~r A1.u • <:· .... ·~:-ID\ ··~· 'l/;;' I!" 1 ·11 C~<"lftk"\ 10 -1\•I~~· •1•t\•O"('n" .~Ill.I (~l~rTr 119 r:rw'~ \>,. l•,o• l,'•'"'o 'i~·'! lt.19 CC: M~r~11 1'}(1>'"'1 '•1 1 •'Im .A l~J.I 1CI M oil JI ~-..-,:•~I 1~ '' J•,11 W ln•l"•I ~.J 1J,11 'l(a Cl' 10 S1,.1 k 1•·~ '~-~r 1tr.:i. 'C1h 1.-1~ 16·~; ~1~neiccr ' Dividends ""'"' 11.'ll ''·•• 1,1, sr s.i'sa~s"Ooi '"''" P!AI •a ""''' 1,.n 16.6' "'""'9" F!"s· · c,r<t'J 1"' .lO """'"' $.( '~110.~; ..,Ir. Ind I ~-u,, C!ll'l'<Jv .'Xie! "n1rn 1~ .. • 15.,., ~ , · !·16 c"' H•Hi t.•8 I ,,,,, .... ~,. 1a.~ 11.,, rn .. .. Cl!ll rttLI 1,JJ d '2tiv1"' lO.t111.t.1$1f'"~"'~lli.cb ·" C IUL' oU~ ncrease F.cun Glh !'·" 11-'1 ~11 ·"'11¥,' (ft'llt!PS 1 12 Eut• 1,2' .. .• 111 OD ,2t 7 · C!n•L'll:I U EV'!rll 1n )A.tO 11.17 tock ltM 'l I Ctf!MPw I 1? 1':1'11111' ,.,Ml '.ICl.ll ,1111 l!>Gtfl ·1 ·11 CriT! SW l.lfl LOS ANGELES CPA) -Oc-~~~.,:t 11·121s.j.j M'l' ,,~'"' "· I.~ c:;:~:fJt ~ c\dental Petroleum Corp ·~11 &Mi) ,.,_,, l'·j1 "'~ fl 1111 ~ ..... a 1.61.ib · "' F~ Gt1fl l~·j'l 6. , tehnd 1. .91 Ctrl·lffCI .IG n"v increased dividends on its F,d c~a n. 1 u,,. Jedi"' I· . c..-..1t<1 o1.to ·~ I~ FuNI 1•.'M ''·'' ~:w .t ··" c"""~"lr to preferred ·and common stock 111 Trill 't.1110.7' """ •1 i1'·'•2j.11 fF1 s11 .110 • l""nt •I p.,....,m, T~ It .r,& M l'w:ll>rft 1 ' spoltesman says. l)v""' ~~ 1 ~ !""{'° ,i-!A 'ffs "'-"'os 1'.'1\ The company v.1111 }my $1 on l~::!: fl' l!t.'; ~",, ~1h !''i 'j·'J ~~~~'i[~v, .1 ~ preferred stock, 90 cents on ~!l "1".}.',11 12:1~ h:}; r,~~M:l'>t I :~ l :n S:~':' n't~ 13611 pref d d s~ ''' ~'1' •.~, 1~·•1 8nl"' 1.111 -•l1C1••"•11t1v t'.fo err<' an · ctn ts on F"\I tt,11111 11-ri , ':ff ~:'" "u"",i~1 '~'m"'"'"' 10 $l.16 preferred. The dl\'idend ~:.,1 ~ .. ;, f·~! • .1 ~ .. '; 1,.15 ll-}f'i11t1 ~~ · •0 on commOtt stock will go up 20 fl: r., 1,:;_ ;·t! ~n ~'".f<£•n i;~S ,:,.: ~~lhl-:'c\,; cents to $1 a share. ~~ ;:P!. 1t-if ~:, u~ ~~u)''·~' ~~~ur1~1r1~ This is the second increase ~=1" "u{\ l:n ~°¥11 1•: ·~ 11111o1;~"t f1 01ts year. The dividends will S.~c'11c':f:.:1t:uv:=i,'°' ~~fjtj:~'J ~!'"at~J be paid July J to stockholders }ID!' 1:M I vr."7noP1 'ffi'.~ :n ~ll~ c~~ Of record June 10, ,,: l'fi I .' ~kt~-e 's m· 111 Tltie 2.~ Dr. Arma.nd H 1 m m er , ~~ Am IZ·tt l!: ~1ft'J: l! j~· ~(,~" .. ·tt ('halnnan of the h91rd. $8id =';r iit.U 1 · t1~1r:;: ll'.ao i~ 1 f~~· .1 the Increases ttfiectcd "con· ~= N 1'·fl lt·.;; '°"fld 1.ui 1 ~ 8;::'A'r i' 11t Hnued internal arowlh tn an 91~·'1:3 J:a1~1; ~ l;:Jlll' · l~Gl,~&1~1~ prlncipn.I operating di visions." ir.m~ ~-[;: .lf:. l~t1 b._ ~~~111i°A -A--C- ~,~, -•; 11 -·~ )'I'• -•• 301, ... " ll>o .l.., l1 l!o -'· "" -'• "·-'• . " ,..., ... ·~ ?\'\ .... , ,,, I' ' • '• l''• j .. II -1 Ill'• .. ~ 11 o 1 "'0 .. I 1-!': ~I'\ "" .,. . . ' 'I" I ' ... "I )l'• ~ 1 ,.,,, 11 ..... " )/'• ... ·~ t l .... '\ Jl' ..... . '1'1 I'• 1•'• + 'I )1\, 1:•\ -t\ I, I I ·I ..... " ·-~ ... .. ----·- Friday's Uosing. Priees-Complete New York Stock Exchange List I Ii H • -DAll.V 11l.OT 19 List •I ) • He ttth1f lt9Wt,,,., fell• .,., 1f19fl 1 ..... .., ,.,, •lt911t ...... . LOCAL '°''' .... Oh .... ... Ort nt• C.111 fti1• tt.1 DAil Y PILOT. • ____ , ___________________ ,... ______ ..,.. ______ ... ..,,. ..... ----------.,,--~·-------.. ·-~ ·~· •• v ' •• • ' . If llAll.Y. !MT Jrldll. ,,..,.~l. 1,,n . • • . {'" ~ Piants not al Scars \·r r1no111 ~SA VE 44o/o ! I-Gal. Plants Sun Azalea, JUniper Tam Regular $1.19 Your Choice -. • 66~ e Bee.,.;r.i flow· ering1110nalu1 ••• •ery hardy .pl1nta. e•yoeare •Tam ••• cxetJ• Jeni ('or •~•d· 1capinr; ., a foundation or r.ro_nnd coT.cr .SAVE 24%.to 37~! 1-Gal. Plants Regular 99c to $1.19 Your Choice 75:c a Your •bolce. ol Cold n..r. Goldell Arbor v;. tac. Bleck PiM·or Cir· .. deniu ;.,,.~·' -.-•llentiful -·.-... ' , .. .,. .......... "' ..... • r..,. to care' Cot ftef'o ...,.,, pl111U SAVE46%! Fuchsia or Bedding Plants Regular59c YourCboiu <i CHAR CE IT on St1n Rt:\'oh·inJ Ch11"1t! $2.99, 70.lbs. Peal MolS 2" • :AU. pURPOSE fERl\l\ZER f ~,:-;: •• • .~ iN~ • lli5 ~ .. •!,..,. ~:#. --. -~-.--. ~· "' Rei. 2 for $2.78 ,6-lb. Snail Pellets 2 ....J.97 • Snlphate or Ammonia •·20.lbt. .••• -forlf"iclt_.. up on bwaorprden • llopid ..,, .. t11 •• an<•·-· eOlor · · •Formulation 21.o.& . ' Getden and Lawn Fertilizer a 20 U.. ... ,en to :ZOOCl-tq, 1• •For ue on-1ftes9, prden1, · 1hruht Ud' llwni ·•·A ...eni-·r...ru.!r! e :formUlatin ll-84 ' . .. . .. ~·' GnienGlade .Dichondra Food Stip&fiDe::;<:r DichCJildneanrl La-WU Food' j • Lislitw•igh~eHP•ed•r· lt:8 and .,., "·handle •Coven 4,000 to8,000eq. f• • Cr1nalar form ••• ean be applied any time of lhe year •Will not b1rm newly -.led lawn• · • Form alWon 25.5-10 Rer;ular 99c 74c Regular$l.99 29 SAVE 70' "· Regular $5.99 Save 2.20 . ' '. .. ' ¥}:. •' . : ·, i '. f' . ~ I ' \.' I Regular$9.99 ·,: I 49 .·~·· Big Four Dichondra or Lawn Food • Big • ldlh weed•, enh- gats a~d haleell~ Feeds dichondn or lawm • ConlinD011t feed.ins up to 6 months after appli• ea ti on • Coven 2500 aquare feel • F or;mut1tion 16-8-4 Save 2.50 Rubber Hose Remnants 244 Super Value! • 5/S.in. diamet'.t by 20-fL Ion~ • Doable ninfo ement pro•idet bant 1tnar;tb 20 time.•..,~ city pru- 111replunperiorwarud.reai&tance • Dnit:1ted 1peclfic1lly for 1re1ter p ......... ;·. ~~~(. I ,,,,,,.1 '"" · 1 '!' I ">l"'!, ' ·. J • ' •• ,, " ' ' • } ·. ' I '•;i ' :. ,-----------------------------------~-------------, -Pl#. TA 8·4400, 521"'4530 II MONll GI 3-3911 lOl«I lfACH HE 5-4121 PICO WE IM262 SANTA IE -f#«IH VNJZf PO 3-1461, 98'·2220 I C»IOCIAP-340.0661 GllNIWIOI 5-lOCM, a 4"'4611 lllTMllC&SOTOAN ~211 POMONA ED 2.1us, HA t-5161, YU""751 SAHTAMqllCAEX .ur11 _.Pl 9.1911 I I C-NE 6-2581, NE 2·5761 HOUl'WOOO HO f.5941 OWIOE 637-210\i SANTA -kl 7-3371 ' SOUTH COAST~ ~3333 I COVINA "6-0611 IHGUWOCO OI 1·2521 '""°'""NU 1-3211, El 5-1211 J I TOllAICI 542.1511 '-• --..:. _ --------------- --.Sears -----·-----.. ~--------_, "Sati ........ Guanllll11dorYaurM..,aadt" -.•• «•• ... ....., Manili!rdlics#&Sllfs2-.-.30A.M.,l9NOP.M.: I , ·,. • . I j .~ . ' 1 ' ' ' • . " ' I I ! ,, • '1 ' • • , lain Valley , ' • . Ted•y'• .Y.. S•t"'ti .. • :voe 62, Ne. 't23, <I· SECTIONS, '42 PA"&Es. ORAN6E tolt!G.Y, 'CACIFORNI>;· · I , fR'"'A':!'. )ijAY 21, J969. -!.'I' • ~ JEN .eanf ' .. • ·an ees 1 ~ ¥-ILY f'ILOT ... rw. UC .IRVINE PROTESTORS WAL K PICK ET LINE AT MAIN ENTRANCE TO CAMPUS Chancel lor Aldrich Says: ~lnts ,Pr:otesting in 'Pretty Con1id1r•t• F11hion1 ore' GOP Cheer Governor In County By TOM BARLEY Of "" Dttlr ...... ...., A new wave of radical terrorlat action Is brewing for this aummer, but Calilomia is prepared to meet it nose-~ nose, Gov. Ronald ·Reagan told wildly cheering Republicans Thursday night in Anaheim. · Blaming what he termed a filthy underground newspaper a11!1 a I s o rnllqueloasl faculty members for en- courqlng rioting. UC Berkeley atud<ilt&, the lovertlOf also promised to expose the real facts IOOn. · Reagan traced what he said· .was the true sto<y ~·angry llWdenh'. efforts· to prevent the university rrom taking over so-called People 's Puk oo the Bay Area carnpue. , He criticized the Berkeley Barb un- derground paper, saying it has printed lie after lie incltinc diaaidents to batUe PQtice over the recreation area which has li>Dg been slated for developmenl by UC trustees. The governor charged also that James Rector, ·:15, or s.n Jile, killed by pol!ce shotgun lire during th< dlslurbance waa himself carrying a rifle and e1ectroolcs surveillance ,_,ID bis .., ' "The pollce didn't kill the yoong man," Reapn cbarpd, ':Ht wu killed by t.'>e • I ., Picke.t '· . • )j' ; :at lJCI ,' ·~~~~~~i: IN ANAHEIM -Gbvernor·RO!ial~ Rea~'!')~~· .. plague liorjorrng him from GOP leaders during his appearance Thursday· night m , Qr~~'l"ly •. ALJel\1il,"'8~blyinan,Jlobert.E. lladham .(R·New, w.rJ>'. . 1)-. .\.t >:IOJ:~N~·~'.attorney Demus CaJplllimr, Slate J\epublican C'eiittal C«ninittee tj>amnan. Majority Attend Clas ses as Protest Mo ~nts 117 THOMAS FORTUNE or tM 0e11r f'li.t s,.,_ 1. Pictet lines were set up on the UC Irvine campus today by about tw.o dozen aludellta in protest ·of police handling of dilordtn at Berkeley. New fuel for the UCI campus protest was ailded by reports that' 10 UCI stu- dents ·a-n d an administration official have been arrested ~t. th< Bay .Area UC cwi;npw The UCI contingent was said to be tb Beri:eJey to gather information. It appeared that lfle great majority of the 3,000 U€I students crossed picket lines to attend clasRs today. Students lowered the U.S. Flag again 1lris morning and Chancellor ~iel G. Aldrich, Jr., ordered campus police to pqt"tbe Flag back up and keep it up. He Schools Tribute Dr. Saucerman lt was "Dr. Willard H. Saucerman Dlf' Thursday at the Orange County Board or F.ducation oUices and the veteran educator was honored !or 21 y~· 'service at special ceremonies. Among the gifl.9 received by the reti[ 1al: assistant superintendent for educ.ation ..'..be leaves his post June ~were a desk CJock and an1attacbe case. And depicted oe the huge, cake he cut with trustees was a ichool made or icing and bearing a tiny ~ emblazoned with th< words: 1'8ucemwi School No, 1." 'That eitra bit of 1clng was an obvious ,,rerence to the private elementary lebool that Saucerman, a Newport Beach ni:ident, will operale when he quits COUA-tf l!!f'Vke, Scheduled to open Sept. 15, the Saucerman School, will be located in COota Meaa. .. t.ounty Districts {fe~ f ~ral Funds !J' e de Jta I ruoda..totalllog $&'1,817 will i.1 poid "' foilr Ortnge County school d....,.,, the Department al Health, Ebatlon and Wellare l.llDOUllCOd today. .Tiie FOllJ\taln Valley Scllool Olslrict "'1 rective $JO,pt of • llntath'e en- ~t al 171,8111, whlle111t Runllogton 8lilch Cily School DiJtricr will receive '11;231 of an enUUemonl of $311,590. ~ ICbeduled to rteeive. moae)' under ll'llle I al Public Law '174-..Bicll provides -to odlooll In federally aJfecled llWI m the Garden Grove Unified School Dllllrlcl whi<h will receive $189,127 1nc1 tTll Si-.-_-DlitrlCtwliOse budset will bo boolt<d by ~1,0>1 .. said police· would not guard the flag- pole but would pill th< Flag up when- ever they· saw it down. Aldrich indicated that .several of the nine University of California campuses are flying-their colors at half staff. Chancellor Aldrich cancelled a sched- uled appearance at tOday'•s inauguration of UCLA Cb:anceUor Charles Young to remain on his own troubled campus. -The chancellor slid: •lWhen ooe con- sider's the intensity with whim ideas are beini: bittled acroiS lhe country, our students are ma.kin& their struggle in a pretty considerate-fashion." The chancellor defended Vice Chair cellor Roger W. Russell's action Wed- nesday and Thursday regarding the up- and-down the pole American Flag con- troversy, ..while l}e bimsell was ln Washington. The UCI admlnistratOr ar- rested in Berkeley il·Neil•Malmberg, 1\u-' dent activities adviser. Reportt were tblt' Malmberg 11DCf·the IP studebta:rwere roun- ded up ,with several hundred 'others at- tending a public gatberingiin violation of Gov. Ronald Reagan'! c!a:lared llllte of emergency. . , . UC! Dean or Students Robert Lawrence said he had beard charges against them included disturbing the peace and resisting """'1. ' Chancellilr Aldrtch coilflnned that th< student acUvides adviSer and 1tudents from UCI have been arrested and are In Santa Rita jail, a minimum security fa· (See STRIKE, Pogo II * * * * ,. ·* --.:r UCLA , Riverside Close • .. Over Berkeley Turimoil LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Classes at In fatal injuries to one man. two Southern California campuses of the Meanwhile the governor, who came University of California Wete canceled ~ under fire from some members of the day as,ooncem for events at Uie Berkeley campus·spread. !acully for a massive tear gas attack by UCLA Chancellor Charles Young, who the National Guard Tuesday, aa..ld was to be inaugurated today, canceled guardsmen would remain at the campus classes 'I'hundiy and said be would make until order is restored. However, he llited the inauguration an "act of solemn 8<1lle of the restrl~ imposed 1 week dedication to the deep issµes which coo-ago. front us." Support for demonstrators and racuJty Classes also were 1 canceled at the at tbe lroubled bay 1rea school also came I,tiversi~ campu.s. where Chancellor Ivan · from students and faculty memberr at Hinderaker set uide'the day ·u one.of Ule San Diego and Santa Barbara cam· "m9lJrning and reflection" on the trouble puses and San Dl9 State College Thurs- 1 at Berkeley. day. National Guanfstnen wllh f I zed More thin • •of the 1,eoo UCLA ·bayonets surrounded a crowd · of faculty memben held an emerpncy demonstrators in · a parking lot near the session 1'lnndaJ ad passed four reeolu- University or CalllotnMl at Berkeley Uons IUPPOl"tbit ''our brethren on the1 Thursday and police arrested 498 ln the BefkeleJ caqMa'' aDd calling for law 'tint mw niuodup since violence '"'f>led ud order II UCLA. In tllio tmibled dty_etlllit ~ qo. Mo,. than 100 UCLA faculty members ni. :meats C1111< Ollir 1.!00 pro1<11<r1 •i&lled • petltioo -1q lo.c:onlinue marchhii to the clowuloWe ~ '-'od meeting wllh tllelr clauel next weff, but ... era1 wrinp over polJce loud calling for -of the problemJ rpe:akers they were violalJng Gov. Ronald whlcb con'front the univenlt;y lyllem Reagan's ernergtneJ bl_!\ oo publlc nther tbm 11111n1l COUr1e subject 1111t- &•lh<rlngs. · ler. Police vw -at ldults to the "°""' A delepllon from th< Unlvmfly of ty Jall, ·-!My ""' bold for It.GOO California .at San Diego today propoosed ball aach oe charges al unlnlul •••cuotlol fooulty and -·~ tliis assembly and blocking a atreet. Forty-Berkeley campus and reloca\lnr :tbejii' three juverllle& w«e tumed over to dlewhere as a .901¥tftii *"tti: ~ F juvenile authoritJes. ' • Berkeley. J i .\~ .. 1 1'he amsts 6.oucl>t lo 115 ihe total Thodelqotlon waaio . .,..-.tbe plan, taken into cualOdy slnce 1 dlaput. over wlllch won CONider1ble ~ ..._ San· the feocln1 of 1 "People's P1rk" by the Dleao and other campuses In -.~ ot university erupted MIY 15 tn 1 battle telephone conferences 1'hunell1.-et 121W"" rocMlim!ng -rotm-loday•, m..illlf al. -llirt.Ji •I• y and riot-eqW,pped Police wbkb ruulled academic sena~. ( ' The ........ looklna llrod .and - ed -the &larfng Amb!'liD Coavenlion Cda D1bU; ~ -IOI GOP ~al tllo '1•. plalo dimer that th• "lull slo<y bo\l'lnd the people'.• park batUe" will be coiltained in an upcoming white poper, , . 1 • · · Reagan aaid he hopes lo have the docu· ment reteaaed llt.t9re the end of the year and urged that "everyone r~ wh{lt ... Yf'e &incerely ~ve lo be the lull ~ and subSequi!:nt diltoftions of ,the campus troubles and then Judie for themael~:" And the ~ agaiJi blasted .ad- minl;tratora ud trustees for rejus!ag to ll}ake thost ~ "so .ob'{i~ clemonded hy the!e dldurbaiiees" and en- couraging campus. sltlle by "failing to (See.RUQAN, Pip I) Bottomless Belle Says Nude Dance I Has 'True Valu e' Botlomless belly dancer.carol Cyhulakl of Laguna .Beach took the stand Thursday to defend her nude caper that has pro- duced JO obscenity cbaraes as a dance that she claims ha1 "true artiRic va1ue.'' In teritimmy that came aeroes in a crowded municipal courtroom u definite.- Sy antk:Umldlc to ber sialing nude perfcrmance of 24 hours earlier before impreaaed juron, lihe stresm that ahe had DO inll:ntion of arousing .passions when the cavorted naked on her mior· rored stage. ' The shapely Lquna entertainer denied that llhe !eh compelled lo C0111pele with earthy movies that ore d~ to. au· dlencea whlle her llrlp tuR,oflering "lo in progreaa. Thole contrqvenial films doplcl naked '""""" In vorioul stages of sexual RlmulaUon. Miu Cyhulakl, 32, -itted befONI Judge Paul Mui that she "COD!Cioully wrltheo and controla her body:' during her donce, And th< flexing, curving and arcl\lntl of her naked lop play a major part ·Jn her ~,llvefy of the uninhibited routine lo ~1111 .\.-Oc>Go 1udience6, ahe Aid. • ' The .-1 week eiilertainer told. the Jury that she had been danc:ing pro-. feaionally tor the ,put 1four years and) had aupplemented . her • cllol-•pilic repertoi"' by tHlng Ihm. leaaom In bolly dancing. i..id oil by !be current ban .. bdtlGDlle&s ~ "at tile W'..i Sanll Ano 11vem, lhi ii cumnQy' clancinl la I fta!o,~l$!>0(. . . ,,,. Caot.miirdy --hlll ---.... -her 1 ... of COl1- vtctlon on 00)' -al tho t• -llJtd opiall bc. llucb.1-mirioliom~,, ... , dlUni; .............. _,.... .... ' . IJ>tUJidll " .... !IM'wt ........ . ' » lllll Ill tlio'--l'flaCln ... _ "' ..... , v!oUoly 1 IO!!'b1rt cue for Ille pt'.Oo; -· Coavlcllon ~-CytJolllld.la -bY' the Dlatrlcl ~llomef• Oltice • ._ .. 11 IJA cecll 11lclol lo JO. lllllololn hll <Pr•I ~· drive,.. 1111nM b dt t 01111-.1, • (8" DANCllll, P ... J) • .. ·~ • . I ' ~M.;-. I Snoopy's~'Closeup Look . . . . . A_:iMa~lii4.ssuresLand'itig ' . '. ' " ' ' . . . . SPACE CENTER. 'Housloo ·(UPI) -· l•Sneezing~and cou~ing" 'f'rrirn ·floattn(I fil>Orgtw on. their tall d1y In J110011 orb!~ the Apollo 10 utronauts unwound today• from two'ti'ailbluing'lanar lwoop. wblch all but assured an American 1moon 'Jan. ding ·attempl.Jn July. · 1 "Good old Snoopy," the lunar landing machine that ~ed. Thomas P. Staffqr~ and Eugene A.-~man to Witbtn·t .imi1• of the mQOn'Thunda)', aoared toward the suµ, ill part o' lhe mission ended. Inside their "Charlle'.Browli" command shi p, Stafford, Cernan and John W. Young turned to navlgaUon taak.s that will help the Apollo 11 spacecra!t find lta landing site nest July 20. . Stafford reported tl\at p u I v e r l z e d f_iberglass Insulation blown oJ'l the com· mand ship ha~h .h>' a blast ,of ~xygen . from a vent valve has had .the utronauts "itching and scratching .•. sne:eilng and, coughing in here fcir abOut Uiree days." "You11ure want to fix· that biefore. the next command moilule files," Staffofd·, told ground controllen-He wu aliufe:d it would be Hied. , Stalford· aaid ft was "irrlllUn& ud Itchy" hul that thto ;utrona~ts were generall,Y lnJbi! SJ1ir11s IDd. floe health. , The astronauts wqke early Jn the 21st. lunar orbit for a comk&erably more · relaxed day than th< 11 gruelling hour• they put m Tilu!odlY wltll lwo hftathtak· ing low passes" across the moon and a harrowing "gyration" of. thlilr""sp8ceCl:lfl' CBU!ed by .. -.in a ehectllal. Told that "Everyone Is raving about your .performance;"'€ernan 'sakl: ·"J>ret.., ty satlJlylng. Ptttty cllalleilJlng." . Two more critlca,1 eventa were left, before Apollo 10..1~1 down at1 9:53 a.m. PDT Moixliy In the.$9\lth· Paci(ic near·P1ao 1Paao~ American Samea. 1be ~ult wlll. Oro , tbeb:· q>ain, ' ' V illey to .open . . ~ New CiVic f.eqfer '. • Apollo engine at 3:21 a.m. Saturday to' kick: out of lunar Orbit and dart lilme... Monday . they will plow into . the ~t­ mospbere at nearly 2$,000 .iqph in, the crucial , re-entry. · "Rretty satisfying," Ceman · said.· "Pretty.' challengin& ... Stafford;,,.E:eman-·and-'!Sooopy'!-l"IJMe th< cJoaest manned approoch yet to the moon - 9.5 miles. They proved·lhat·the hmar lander can take men to tlie verp of a lllllll touchdown and brine them blck (See APOLLO, P ... ,.!I .. Parks Committee : Set La st Meeting . I Final meeting or tl\e Huntington Beach Pe0ple for Parks steerlni·cornm111't will be conducted at 6:30 o'clock. toililhh in the administration annex. No more meetings of the ·comtnttiee are BChedulad before· !be May 3t •II millioo park bond . rally 'et Huntington Center. . Tonight. sut>cmmiUee chaifmeD. will ""111 on vlllious asjletts ci! the '<!'me lo Oil! passage o( the )"le.pai:ks tmd illue. Plans for the bond~raDy Qn the Hm- Ungton Center.mall. -:ill slao be lllllliRdJ Orn~~ ' W~dler ~ ( f • • • : ' • ' ! "'Sc8.tttttd sUnshlne" 'is t e fore-CBtl for. ,th< ...ekend ~&-1!¥ otanp Cout. with overeat. sties rulini tbe'day "and UIUe ""'*In temperatin. ' . . .u ... long .am 11"¥ go wi~llt sl<ipl 'l'ha~r poaar Jrom Coota M110 rf<ldfT · ,,...,.,,d In I ''l!hccl.ing Up" col•m,; on· -• 7ttodo11. • • l ' .... ........ ,.,..,..~i.· .-... . =-.. ~ ............ .....,,, .. . ..-.. ' , .... --. " C>C>•-••"H•,• M' •1111a .--.. _,.,.... 11 .......... ,,.. ........... . ...... "'" ••lwtll::111.. n·• 1111111 ..,.... .,,, ~ 1 .. 1, ,,......... • Mw1111•1 It 1"""" ... AM.....,, 11 ....... --. ,___ ........... M ........ ..: .,., ... ~ {' • .. Ul\'r I'll.of " Frt4or, Ill)' ZJ, lM PILOT LOGBOOK Don't Looi for ,DA Deal H You're Peddling LSD 111 TO~ BARLWY Of ...... .,,. .... Ymir, )'Olll" DA la a dulln' man-but nol,JI Y'W' court clocttt carriOI a 1trinf of inlUab that nowad1y1 spell pobm lo the Or-County S~perlor Court prosecutor -LSD, • . There 'll be no wheeling and dealin1 for you U a hankering for sdling "acld" put your name on the arraignment calendar. ~perior Court judges hive gone (lUl ol their way to avoid court..aongesUon liy ,lnslltut1ng a variety of pre-trial proc<dures -but their charily doesn't exlond lo LSD peddlen. * The...,. of -and hapiinl bet•-...-ut.r and defender ta LSD pcU!llt• lltlc•Uon are'* forever u lar u the DA'1 olllce'I& ~ •. uya Deputy Dil- lrict Attorney Al Well&. The v~ ~ -no toeret ct the loct that be pnlm tt that way and wanled tt exaclly that ••Y long bet.,. the ~ tadl Wldlr- standlng between bl& olllce md the Jud111 tDok effect. "We've aieer. too many losfances of whit UD cu do to a victim's brain," the blunt, farcefUI Welll llid. "We feel thlt an)'OIWl convieled of peddling thb kind of dynamll• lhould set all that's coming lo blm." Wdll will Wk "cop out". (pleedlng lo a -ehlrle) onr colke with the defender or any accuoed burglar, npltt, kldoapor, eon man or kDler. But all you'll get, U .you're c:rae of the ll'OWinc number of LSD' JKllW)'ort, ii I quick lrlaJ date from the judp and a -y lllare !Jorn the DA'1 man. * Tblr dosen't mean that the add Alesman cu't pleld guilty tl1C!T't and the!I. The Departm.,. Five jurl&t ..UJ ·be ready and •illloc lo take bl& pla and put bJm Jn lllte prloon fir the full one lo five year term. 11e''U do ao with. the full undorstandlng, thoqh, that bl& eue la non- negotiable. He gets bis licks .., the I-that IO belate the Judi• and the DA will have nolhlnf lo offer lowarda a more liberal rullng. LSD cues have been on a .....,...uable bull for the put 111 mootho -and a ch<ck of Superior Court records -that theie'1 been only ..,. varWklll from the in>n<>lad rule -and that defendant pt, under ctr. cumlllnces which allowed Well& lo eue ap, ..,. year In the COUDty jaD qi three yean probaUon. • All the others -and there were more than SO of them -went to ltlte priloo via the trial courts and·tbe "t_!P_out" caJendar. :... . Wells hu all the 111pport he wznl& for lhe "let toup" approach from many Superior Court judgOI, omong them Willllm Speln and Byron K. Mo- Millan, both of whom have aerved long lilnll on the cr1mlnll court beach. And It may be paying oll, If the prosecutir'1 latat -ling of LSD lllaUltic:I la to be Ille criterion. For there bu been a definite drop Jn DrU11e County arrest. of this nature during recent monlhl. . Judge SJ>dra: believe;, that the lesson ii being hammered home. He th1nb that younpters are learning, If oomeUmes It b by the bard way, that they are dealing with a dangerous and potent menace to aoclety. Wells gnpbically CODIPAf" LSD lo beroln. "Heroin'• bad enough," be says, "but Jt '• like drinking milk compared to the harm that'• done by a trip on LSD." Wells bas 1 new meaning for a dread set of lnltiala. LSD, to him, spella out "Let's Stop Dealing." F"'"" P .. e l . l • REAGAN SEES MORE ROITS • • • utilize the widespread powers of ex- pulsion and suspension that they do In- deed have despite the ronvinclng im- pression that they don't have them." It has crime to a simple quesUon, Reagan said, and that quesUon l!: "who shall control our institutions of learning and their property and for what purpose? "I promise you this," Reagan said, "It will not be the dissidents." He waited for cheers to subside and went on ; "and I am c:onvinctd that many students even now are begtnning to realize that all ts not as those who are committed to violence would make it appear to be. • "They eno being told that it b all right to break the la'ff in the name of social progress," Reagan said. "And It ls our duty to eDSUre that we separate the few dissldeiita rrom the many students and faculty members who want to get on with the job of getting and providing a decent education." The governor conceded that the ''overwhelming majority of students do have legitimate complaints. "Our unlverstty operatlOM h a v e betome so big th at the students rightly feel that they are now mere numbers on computer oirds. We haven't moved fast enough to provide tlJe conditions that are demanded' today ln a rapidly chang\ng • • OAllY PILO T OftAMOI CO.Ul PUllllHIHO COM'1i,,..., ll.Mrt N. WMI ..... '-"'' 11111 l'ubll""1' Jedi a. C•rl•y Vb ,., • ._.. -Gellefll """"- n-., K11•il Edl!O< n-... A. M~r,.hl111 ""-'"" ""'* A~ W. 11111 Willli1111 ll•14 AsMC.I... Hllflll,,.1111 htdl llflllr c11, ,,_,.. ............. °""' J" lrii Stt11t Melnllf Attb• .. 1 r.o. a.. rto, 92641 --......... llllOll 1fl I """t &tlWI ......_.. C.-,.._1 m W..t tlr Slrftl L,"""'9 a....c•u U1 f'ortH Aw._ • university environment. "But,'' the governor stressed, "we can't get at them while these bandl of rebels hold us up in this .nanner. We can't begin to provide the conditions that both sides need and de:maDd while the campus Is burning." Reagan warned "all Californians" to !Se rea<ly for a "new wave of SOS ~ fUtraUon" during these summer months. He had evidence, he said, that many memben of the militant Students for • Democr•Uc Society "plan to 1et haircuts, wear clean shirts and get respectable jobs in private bwiness and industry. Cost of Living Hike Sets Record WASHINGTON (UPI) -The coot ol Ji ving of Americans rose-lil·tenths of 1 percent In April, the government reported today. At the same time, the Labor Der•rt· ment aa.ld real spendable earnlnp o the nation's rank and rue workers dropped l!llx-tenths of 1 percent to the lowest ievel in a year. The April rise in the consumer price in- dex brought the over-the-year lntttue since April, 1968, to 5.f percent -IUghelt 12-month increase since 1951. Since January, the index hu risen at an annual rate of 7.1 ptteenl That Is the steepest lncnue for a comparable period since mld·l956. From p .. ., J DANCER ••. establi&hments and tl'leir performers. Miss Cybulati ii one of more than 20 such alleaed ptrfonne:n who must face trial on lewd 'conduct and lnde«nt e1· J>08Ul'I charges. Harry Muel11'1 Aportment A-Oo-Oo lo one of fiVe 1Utlfdly. bottomless bin in t~ county thal\ are currtntly chafing under a ban impOeed by JUcks and back- ed by the coorta. Masetlt alto faees conltn\pt chargn ffi. ed after he allegedly ddled Judge Claude Owenl' edld and CC11tlnued to llage the contr\1V<nlaldan<e1. Judp Malt -the Cybullkl trial untU Monday. Bclll pnioecutloo and c1e1 .... counsel <lpecl lo put -wltn...., on the lllnd but It la unlikely, ue•11ntn Jeamtd, that the trial wlD be cooclud4d bdore 'l'Deaday. Rescued by Destroyer MARTHA'S VINEYARD, M ... (UPI ) -A Navy dellroyu tarl1 today located a ~ lloop with four doc:lon aboltd In heo')' ..., ,.... 311 mllu -••t of M-'1 Vineyard. i l}Ueritin · New Home -For Sirhan SAN QUENTIN (AP) -Slrllan BIDra Slrban.. MVINd \o duth for the asswlnaUoo iii Sal. Robert F. Kennedy, was spirited tn teerel to San Queu.Un Prtaoo .... 1y today Ind Joaiod tn Ille llB1 cell th1t could be bl& home for !be t8I! of bl& Ule. 1-!baa II mlnutoo alllr bl& 1:311 1.m. arrlnl trom Lal Anpleo, tba 15-,..,..id·....,..... 1layer •• lockad ... lo C.U SI aa Dllth Row In tbla prl&oo IS miles north of San Francisco. Sirhan "'as taken from the Los Angeles Hall of Justice at 3 a.m. and flown by helicopter to Van Nuya. From tbtre a hr<><nglne llate plane new bJm to the Merln County Airport, ... mllu fnm San Queolln, and he .... driven to the prison. The huge concrete and steel prison, palnled yellow, loomed lonnldably In the log of San QiintJn Point jutting Into San FnnciM:o Bay. I Associate Warden James Park aald the alight Jordanian was alert and very in- terested In the insUtution and lb history. His ctll ln the .:>tltbslde condemned unit is i5olated from thole of other men awaiting their dates with the apple-green gas chamber. On each aide of Cell 33 there are lock- ed, empty celll. An exm:l!e area dlrec:Uy outside meuura 10 by 15 feet. No othtr priaontr can get, closer to Sirhan than 1$ feet. Park said Slrban was-given a normal Death Row brukfut, ol lrult, rolled oats, a cheese omelet, bacon, tout, cof .. fee and milk. Seventy-sev,en other men in the con- dt-mned unita hid similar mW. Since he shot Sen. Kennedy lo death In the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles tut June 5, mman hu bee!i one of the m01t heavily (Uarded prl!ooen In California hl!lory. The ... of hll lrlaJ and ...,._ m fu: has been ulimated at up to fl mll!Jon. He was fonnally leflttnced Wednesdly to execution in the chamber which bu taken IM llvea before him. 'RedBaron' Lauds Astronauts for Junking Snoopy SPACE CENTER, HO\l!lon (UPI) - Apollo 10'1 astronauts today were con- gratulated on doing somelhtitg the Red Baron had been trying to do for yearz - they got rid of Snoopy. 1 The lunar moduJe, ructnamed after the Charles Scl!ultz comic tlrlp dog, wu jet. tfJOned today and late in' the morning It was 23,000 m1ltl away and headed toward llln orbit. Ground communicator Jack Louama told the Apollo 10 astronaut,,: "I've got a congratulatory meuap far you ~. It uys congratulations on doJng what I've been trying lo do !or a lq time. Signed the Red Baron." The Red Bu'on b Ille !Jn11lnary World War I flying ace of the conllc ttrip and Snoopy for years ha1 waged make-believe battle.I wfth bill arch enemy. Frem Page 1 STRIKE •.• cility operated by Alam~ County. Stude!ita • r r e 1 t e d with Malm- berg t n c 1 u d e Dorlovan Dorsey, a junior from N e w p o r t Beach, Dianne Miller, a junior from Corona del Mari Cathy Bell, a junior from Laguna Beach; Joe Westerfield, a tophomore from Balboa ; Stacy Wid<licomb, a jwllor from Corona <lei Mar; Philip True, a junior from Santa Ana Helghta; Tony Fernandez, a 110phomore from Orange ; Bnmo Battostoll, a freshman who lives on the UCI campus; Barbara CoMolly and Richard Se11d. Picket llnea: 'ffefe manned today at several entrances to the campUs by perhaps two dozen students. They carried slgna readlnc "Strike," "Disarm Campus Cops1" "People Over Poonrty," and "End Murder on \ht Campus.' Not many atudonla aetmed lo be turned bact by the plckel&, but a lair number accepted black arm bands Of crepe Piper In -.ming !or UC Berkeley nonstudtnt James Rector. He dled Monday of lhotgun wounds Jn. ructtd by poUce near lhe Berkeley cam· paa lut week and wu identllied by Gov. Req:an Tbunday night aa a convicted felon who carried a rifle and electronics survefllanct gear ln his car at the Ume. The governor made the n:marb at a R<lpubllcan rally Jn Anaheim. Some UCI students wore stencilled •·strike" T-ahlttl and signs were posted about the campus with • rallil!d ftd fist made popular at Harvard d u r I n g demonstrations there. A rally WU ~ duled !or ,_ today. Soviets, Red Chinese Move on Talk Plans MOSCOW (AP) -Tbe Soviet Union, notJna ~ acooplance of a P"'IJO'll klr mlvlnc Joint lalka on navilatloo of border rivers, piOJl*d today lh1t the Wka begin June 11 In the Soviet dty ol Khabanlvlk. Tbe pnipoeal was Ille latat llfp toward the fJnt lomW Sovld.CJ\Jnne Wka on any 111bjtct since aoldien ol the two na· Uona llhot at each other In bloody border cluhes !alt Man:h. DAILY r1LOT iWI',.... Students Honored Huntington Beech Exchange C\Ub Thursday honor- ed four Marina and Huntington Beach High School students -the club's selections as outstanding boy and girl of the year at their respective l!ichools. From ·left are Bill Tenenbach, Exchange Club president, and students Vince Moll (Malina), Kristi Dillon (Huntington), Richard Derby (Huntington ) and Claudia Orlisk:i (Marina). I Douglas Quits Foundation Justice Resigns Charitabl,e _Post Over Fee Flap LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Supreme Court Jlllllce Wllllem o. Douglu, under !In! !or •ccePtlni 111,000 a yeer u the only plld olJlcer of a charltnble loun- datloo, bal n!llgned that JIOll, u .... ~ nounced today. The Albert Parvin · FoundaUon iaJd llouglu had lndicllled early Jn April that he wished to be relieved u president and board member but In appendicitis opera· tloa oa the justice delayed a me<ttng of Ille board. . The foundation said tilt board accepted ' ... the reslgnaUon ':With deep regret" at • meeting at Santa Barbara, Ca!.if., on May 21. I Fred , Wamet Neal, ptt>fessor of In-, te.matfonal relaUona and government at the-colleges of the Cla""""11 (Calli.I graduate acbool wu appointed to succeed Douglu u pn!Sldent of Ille !oundatloo, a Los ~ philanthropy. The foundation announced recently·that tt had severed virtually ill Its Uea with Lu Vegu &ambling Jnter..i..: 11, sol<l 111 its shares in the Parvin-Dohrmann Co., owner of three Lu Vegu casJnoo. The SecurlUes and E1change Com- miss.Ion announced this month it wu con· ducting a routine Inquiry Into the affairs or Parvin-Dohrmann. which underwent a. change In control lut Oclober. Part of the SEC's concern had been tbe Block's quick rise since the new company . management. headed by Delbert W: Coleman, purchased a controlllna lnterat for PG a share. The foundaUot! sold its shares through a New Yori brokerage house for 11,999,324. The selling price wu 111.75 a aban. f'.rom Page J Tradition Broken · For Valley Girl ., APOLLO ••• safely to a mcMership. Most dramatically, Stafford a n d Cemao allowed that men trained for the job could succeafully deal with malfunc- tiom -the worst one born of human er- ror -wtucb threaten them %50,000 miles !rom home . Now It will be up to Apollo 11, the U.S. mission to land men oo the moon July 20, to take it from there. , Ground controllers told the astronauts that "Snoopy" was 23,000 miles away, "heading straight up" After "Snoopy" rendezv&used with the 11Charlle Brown'' Apollo JO mo\hership later Thursday, Stafford and Ceman re- joined Young in it. Then "S?JOOPY" was cut tooae, turned nose up, and ibl rocket englnO' touched of!. Chairs •·we baven't been able to tell yet whether it's going into orbit around the sun or whether it's going to head Straijht at the sun," controller Jack Lousma said~ "Old Snoop, ~ doesn't 1tv•r up. .... The •strooauts . were a . lit~ . , however, about 40me changes in tbi. flight ·plan. ' - "You can tell It like It ls, Jack," Staf- ford said. "I ..knew you guys couldn 't resist waiting unUI we got airborne and then changing all the forma ts.'' Cetnan <ii.so tinkereCi with a faUlty camera for taking some closeup pictures of the moon which were considered important in l'lheddlng light on its origin, and possibly that of the earth itself. "Rember, Jack, the right kind of plc· lure mlghl find out how all lh11 started,'' Stafford said. MAY SPECIAL' fr0111 20% to Students at Loretto Heights College In Denver have broken a 47·year trad ition to honor the memory of a fellow student, Katy Campbell of Fountain Valley, who died of Hodgkios disease last year. Miss Clmpbell was the daughter of Mr; and Mrs. A. J. Campbell , or 10«>0 La Batista Ave. Heights students voted to cancel this: year's "Miu Loretto" banquel in fa vor of contributing, in Katy's name, the $250 in banquet funds to the American Medical - Center in Denver, a national hospital for the treatment or cancer and chel!I~. diseases. They also presented an engraved pla- que in Miss Campbell's name, which will be placed on the wall at the Center. She was a member of the class of 19MI. 50% off OUTSTANDING VALUES ON DISCONTINUED FLOOR SAMPLES NOW IN STOCK ••• J..A.RGE SELECTIONS OF QUALITY CHAIRS FROM THE FOLLOWING LINES, NATIONAL, MARGE CARSON, HIBRITAN, CENTURY, MONTEREY, JAMESTOWN LOUNGE, PACIFIC, QUALITY, ANO MANY MORE. IE AMONG THE FIRST TO MAKE • YOUR SELECTIONS AT THESE UNIELIEVAILE PRICES • ; , ALSO MANY PAIRS TO CHOOSE FROM. IXCLUllVI DEALllll fOlll HENlllDON -DlllXIL -HllllTAGI 90 DAYS NO INTEREST-LONGlll TERMS AVAILAILI ON APPROVID ClllDIT' 1et1-" INTlllORS NIWPOllT IEACM P,..,_t 1-LAGUNA llACM 1721 W-llff Dr., 641-2050 DooltMn MS North C.-Hwy. 4'4aSI °"" NlhT 'Ttl t Av1llaMe AID-NSID °"" ,.,. • ., ""-t ,._. f .. ,._ .._ fll 0....,. C-.y Mt-1JU • I .,. • . . ··---·~·---------,·...,.-~., ..... ~~---~~ . ' • \ . ;.~ .Jt, NO. ;121, 'f SECnoNS, ~% ·j.A•.-~-"- \ . . I . ' ' . .... .. ------J--.... - ~ -e,a an· .. ······iH : -ftis~ion Trail- Grading Ends At Bu1Toughs MISSION VIEJO -' Grading which ha> included removal of about-900,000 cubic ' yards of earth here for the $16 million Burroucbs··. Corporation plant w a s 1Che1dn1edtfor Completion.I.Oday. f ; o.' ,, -e.es • . . . ore-. . " In Co1Jnty .· By· TOM BARLEY OI' IM DeMr f"lllt 'ft.tf A new wave Of. radical terrorist acticin b brewing for this swmner, but California is prepared to meet it M.se-to- nose, Gov. Ronald Reagan told Wildly cheering Republicans Thursday night in Anaheim. Blaming what he termed a filthy ;:a ' 1? ·, • :ill· . ,• .. I 1 .... ;; ~ ~ .. ~ - -·· . Workmen ue to start site preparation ., underground newspaper and a I so milquetoast facu1t)' members for en· . cooraging rioting UC Berkeley students, the goverhor also promised Ul expase the -to-begin,"""1ructloo Monday. The facili- .,. ' ' ty, that is to einploy 1,400'·-persons, Will manufacture bigh-tpe.ed dist file memory 4ev1e'5 for use in Burroughs. el~ c:omputer systems. The fll'Ill employs 45,000 p e r s o n • etOOnd the worfd. · ·. • . . ' 1 OA9'.l', l"tl-O'I' Shfl'1 ....... 'ARTIST CLARK,. SURFER t.IARK j,,.y, 13, PONDER 'PAINllNGS ' Jn lL11Uno, An .Arl/1tlc Nud~ for-Salt'CrMk fund ' . ' real facU aoon: . ·: Reagan. traced what he said was the true story behind angry stucie'nts' efforts lb prev.nt the university from taking ovei IO-C8lled People's Part on the· Bay Area campUs. · · · , He criUclzed the Btrkeley Barb un· derground paper , fi_aYing it has prliiled lie after · fie irtclting' disSidents to 'battle police over the recreation area wPich has long been iJated for aOvelc>pinerlt by UC trustees. 'The•govemor charged alsO that James Rector, 25, 'of San Jose, killed1ibj' police shotgun fire dlll'ing the disturbince was himaelf. cai-rytng a rine and electronia surveillance11w, in his car .. · ."'lbe~:ditdb't WI the young man;'' Reapn~charg~, "He was killed by the first c9De:P adminiitrator:. who said t0n:ie .• ~·•"1•.:-11 ..... ~ .... ~~~ .. ~)".; ~ ~--~ ~ ~~.,~ ""• '--~'\'.:. ... ' .. '. ~. {~-.$, ·*·· .. ·· .. Ar~t -HelP.s· 8¢.t. Cr.~eG Fu~,. ·Handbjlk U~ge8 i'l'be!'SA~:~'c::'red:,;;bnd'I .tarted by Corporation~wbiCti owns the 11.1rroun<Ung UC Aid B · S rwopy' s Clo$elip Lo~k ~' SQulh .>coait ~er11> i. ·lid eml)aWed p,,,.,e,ty. • . ' .. · · ·, •· '·' ·_8DDiUg i.q\ula-J;IOacltattorney·W>lliam.•Wilcoun ·currently awaiting· • decf~'"'. :tn , ~ -. ' ' . , ~ H -. . , AtM oonA'S~ures~.a.,,4.i~g gotanartjllic11udgofotWanllodoy, ' S~perinrCourt,Wlkoxenlm·IDdl•atedbe p ·1 'uc· I ·W~wn ·Laguoa;Beotb artist Joyce will 'p~ forwatd , with llliplion •t· 0 CC_ at Clark ·baa done .an.~oi1·,~UDg ,of Salt · tempurig to win baCk \he, road. . .. '. ~ ': . ' .. Creek area which" she , will reproduce. The 1,700ofoot sect.iol'l Of road, once a Pdots of the original wort will be given loop of Pacific Cout Highway, ran from A nine-Point• urislgn<d bAndllllJ ,In 8Up-SPACEl'·CENTER; Houston (uPlf ,..:; funar laDdei cin take Dien io tbeWrP~ to au -·--· who -$5 or the highway lo a polii\-near lhe tiile1Uas. part of rebelling Dl!'ke!ty factkif!S and ''Sneezing:.&nd ,cougfiirig"' from floating i-fuil@r tOOcbdOWn~ahO ;bfing'thftnt~ de~ar_Ktitlg ~ru:rri~ept of all . sta!f fiberglass 'on. their last day in moon orbit,· Sa rely tO a inCKhersh'ip. . • , • more to \bf! fund., lt was long the only route to the beach Brennan ''Hevs" McClelland, president between Dana Point aiMfThree Arcil Bay. pollCe i's in clrCulatloci-today at the itchy the: ApoUo·to:astroliauti ~oudd 'tod•Y , ·Most<~ dramatically, stafford a.n'd ~:=~~:~':; m~e~~:!,:i~~~nsat~:i.~ Wikm:en's expenses "in the continuing Coast Highway. He said checks made out UC Irv1ne campis. ' froni1two1trailblazing ,Jun8r.iwo0p1 wbitjl' c~'n ,•~-ed Iha! men trai. 'lled • ....__'""-Min1eo,i-apbed band\lills annoµncing au but :asSured· an'+American·moh!i 1lan·1 IC:I·-nuw lW-Wllll: ~y•s· So. :iidaritY Strike at UC! and ding altempl in "July.· · , job ~isuci:eulwlY dea!.wJtb,ma!fanc. battle ,fur ;~·.ri&bt· of.·lhe pUlti:c~to·11&e to the "Save Sill Creek Fund" would be the bliC tidelarids." deposited in an.account opened at Ulilted detailing the blstOry or reCent events at 1 ~'Good · okJ SiloOpy :~ ~~ bpi Ar· laqdiftc-. t;'!M.=..ttH;.'.'.,w'lC-~-*:'19!'!t$1!_~~ ~ the Berkeley. campus war ·zone are in-ll)a~hine' Uiat c&riied ~ P. StaffOl;CI -N>r' '-wbjcb 'threilten tbenr250,000 mlJu' Wficoxen, who baa "been arrayed Cali£ornia Bank's Laguna branch. . eluded. (ft!:!lated StQry1 Photo, Page 3). and· 'Eugep.~ _A.~CertJJJ.n..Jp .Tt'tWn, ~.~·m,tt.es . from home. .. . • •. Newsmen ·.c th.. UC! ... .;,.;. .. ,\!lday of the.moon 'I;hurSd•)' ,.&red·towinl the N-lt w" UJ be up"·to.Apollo 'll ••"'-u••· against a battery. of attorneys, is fighting "Contrlbuton:,'~ s ·aid ~elland, 1o °"""l:D ~,~on\ of Salt toniue 1~.~ "\vlll "haVe'.a ll!e:!lm,~ said it was · -rtain '!N~l how sbn,\i~i>Sit~o&.~'~ii.,iOire~, '.-i:'14 ~'tin~landmenon.tbimooGj~i: Creek Bold > &o jbe,•1Lg&ma Niguel fn!e pass-to salt Creek •.•• if we Win. wkt~pread ~aoce was by local 'Inside their '!Chatll~ Br°'fll• ~~-d ~ to .take..it from'lthete. stUdenl! to~ ~int paper ·outlining ship, ,Staffprd, Cei'nan . ahd Jofuf W. Ground 'Controllers tokf t!ie: astronauts ... i::. --demands by disaidenta on si.I UC .cam-Yowig turned to navigation taab th'at . thal· '!Saeopy'"" wu-~~miles-.-.wiy, puses. ~ii! help, the. AP,Ollo l l si>acecraft find' its '-'heading a:b'aigbt ~p'' This is what Lhey want : 1itocling si\e IJe,t~·.fMJy.,3{t. . .,_ . , , After "SDoopy~· rendezvoused with the -Dispersal of all National GUard and Stafford r.e~1 that p u Ive. r l z e d1 '.'Ctia,r1~ ·~" AJ)oDp ~10 "~ outside lawmen from lhe UC 'Bertetey fibergJass lio.wlaUon blown ,'offl~ com· later 'Qi~y;;~ and;~·"'" Utt Asks to Extend -County . campus. · mand sl:Up· natch! b)' a, b~t ·of·Joggen. jOined Young ip it. '.lben "~"·was, -Tearing ~own 0£ a lepce around from a•vent vaJove hU'bad th;e·11trona..ts·1 cut loose1, tumed.,nose1 up, aixl'Jls1 ri:letet People's Park, the CWTent ,crux of "itchlrig and scratehbig_.1.•.s""zing·and , engine \.oufJ>ed off. • , ~ ~ dissel)t on the Bay Area campus. coughing in here for about.threeiday,a." 1 • "We" -haven't been abie·~to. :ttll yet -Comm~ty control of that student-, .. You' sure Warit\U,:11z1thatl before·'tMe whether it'a' io~g in.to ortiit;~' the Oil Ban Into u~s. Waters ~ I . , ., seJ~ rep-ea.tion area. · next corturiand'lmodule' ote.1 "' Stafford1 sun or whether it'~ gohig to bead straight e.stab""""'-• a ........ ~bility that there'la oil -Lifting, ol the state of emergency at ol,j ... ....1.."" · ._11 ....... tu. · ec11-·1 al the sun," controller Jack Lousma aid. -~· ~.,..... u·c Berkeley, declared by Gov. Ronald t u-6'-"u.. ... ·conw_Vl.lp"~··nco-Wllassut 1 · "Old Snl:Klp,'he dolln't •1-. up.'' out there. n.·agan,· would be fixed. · ... • Th ., • -•-·u be t •-" f no;-_.... e aatniaauts. were ' a_ ,Jfttle testy, The) feel there ;,.ilUWi!' no a DCUe, -Rt):parations in terms of legal and Staffoid said It was-1'irrltating; auu OOWever, about. mm ~·ill their: but , "cleir evidence" or petroleum medical expenses for students 'injured or itt;hy " . but that lht astronauts were .fllgh••plan~, .. _ . , , ·· ") d~. Resolutions re¢en.Uy adopt«I by killed since May 15 and as action generally in fine spirits _and.fine. health. 1 "You can tell Jt;like Jt is,•Jac):," ~p the NewpOrt and Laguha1 city. coUncils demands in days ahead, paid by the UC • The'.as,~auts."~ke ~Y~\lbe ~2l$' ford said •. •;1 Dew. ""'1 &lCYS couldn1t callinl for Congressiopa action were admlrlislraUon and citf Ot Berkeley. lunar orbit_~for1 a . cqOsideritily~ more . ~t wa·1Ung.until"' p;t a.trborne:and worded a~. -Dropping of all charges against relaxed day than the 18 gruelling boors then c.,.nainl A1J1tbe 'bmal5.l'1 , Robert Geier, UU'I administr~ve demOQllratora and immediate release of they put in 'f.hut9ilay·~·~'"i , aide, confinntd in a litephone interview hundreds now Imprisoned, i1;1g low .pas.!j1t5 .acr~ the , moon , mid ·• ~ from Washing1an this -morning lhat 'the -Rtsignation of UC Berkeley Chan·· h~rrowlng .':gyi:ation".ol.lbelr._11t, ...._... -~ Coagreuman had beel uked by Onnge ce!lor Rote< Reyns, as demanded by the caused 1by an oJ!ilssjon in a cb«:W · -· -•' · Coast representaUV<t lo tighten up the American F<ileration of Teaclters' local Told thii.t "Eveeyone IS rav\!11 abou!, condWon in the orillnal draft of the bOI. , chapter in Berke.le)' and appaiJ;ltment of a yOUr ""riormance, "1 Cernf.rL~: "Pret'"' "They said Iha\' ll should have to be new chief 1Ubject lo faculty and student ty S1tj,ifyl~ Pretty ~·" proveQ that tberi ii oiJ," Geier reported. approval. -'Two more ' ·critical evenb · were left uBUt:how are you lfOlnl to prove ~·s ~ure 9f UC Regents f9I' com-belore ,Apollo, 10 spJ~1 ~ ~t t :i3 oil Unless you *fll? That isn't reallslic. mending t.l)e Berkeley administration aod a.m. ·p'Dt . Monday in the SoUth Pactbc · It's just ttR _,. there should be no act.loo by Bly Area Jaw enforcement n,ar Pago Pago, American1~' • drillinJilt au.-. any citturnstancel." agnecles in battlbig the alµiatloo . . nie U;tfon,.uts ~ip1 fire · ~i.r main -Disarmament of ,all UC • Cl\Jl\P"' Apc)llo ·engine at 3,21 a.m. SolUtd'I' to NO c:iWlcs police as called for·\>)< a recent Fac\llty . kick out of"lfuiar. orliil and llart lmle, Colol-Ald Ull lelt the measure "'!"id Senate resolutloti anC: prObll!IUOI\ of calls Mooid~itl!eY ;,will PIO"" into •. tlle. I\· ,....,.. .. _ or.f."a""JI Uwtt...,.... for outside,pollct lo en~ cam!"!' oltul , mosph<n ,t,~ly 25,0llD .m[ih in\Ule . ~ ~ total ban. ~ fede!'al pemo uons,. 1 , ~rrMntry, ,, , • , 1, l .miol, be elql[alned, -t then pro-The·--alao llJta 5~·ty ·''J'ttt!Y' ~lili • Cerna saiil .. tk1 its own bdlereltl. And you ~to ~ri eotlti~f. '" ' -: "~J~.11.' t'-1. , , ~ • , -ller.<luo!,':f'1-""' 1run,:i. ·!Pl!til1,•demonstrat\o(ji,'r , • or' '.~~...a ~·~"-' ...... 111e -Wiii .~..:~ .~·· • frn:.rdie. on~ mi'-l'!'llop , th•'cliiM!il 'm_~ ~~·u..; iaol )uot llio'Cilllomla ....,._. · 1of, ~ .'"' '"1 TIC cam"'\"& ~. m0on.:..'t.ll riJ!ltff.'l'beYiprov!<f'IM! tioe ' ·N~\CIV MjlilaJllll' l!Ul'lbur\,\Who · the'palll ..... k. < .~Ti;:-''l'' ; • " , , ·' • ,., ' • I 'Oltll'lbl "CAl'l.'1 Vlcfat'C.·Aildmii of I ~Ill i,ote -~~"~·'*J<\atlvel{• : '• _,,r, .. ,'111 .. ,.lim' i : · I..,.., 1o ~ tbe<;~for •-.Vallft '.Yiiil>I • ~iij f O'r , .~ I · > , ,. 1 • • amMO leplitlon,.,h••tecf\toHt · r ~ra1..:tY )} ~._.at ~tJt: l>lvl& • ' .... ' • It m11 have a po1n1. • , ' JoliW..., ~tlo'~ ~Ef vorur CAP)-.;,;. ilGCk~ . "l-IM-~1'lallcal SDl)ldl'llo; ......_Ulloo'lBS(f) c1'-I on.' I;, dOwDIM\il ·~,-1'Jlh ............ ~.be ·l?f' ' ' , (?! ....... k ...... u .. """"""' ~ ;;. ,-r , •· '" 'j,· '• ! ·' ~,-,.7 .. lnv~~~~-p,... u....--"" . .. ' ~J <'.if.r<,;V. crute a deficit In the m.....,.. It. will \ldna1 • !!& . Ing ,...-ll!/l'i ,,.....,. ...,.,,,., · -Ill ----~ lll'eak the from ~ ~ cam~,· the Dpw JOf'l!I ID!iu>lli}i,avmip al 1:30 AlidUily.• l~Pli><r-. ~p.mcwu-o!M,16 II 147.39. • ,,, ...... •·Scittered• ~,,~ts ihe. forel ' east IOI' the ••id 1 &!oq( the I Or.ange.Cout,'wWI ._..,_a ... _.i - rullng-tfie d>)I ·an1Mllllelcbanp In 1 temperature. ' · . ,Hqw•lin\a a1n l"•·QO ID!lllowl ! slttp1 n.crt11 ~1 from. Coata ._ -_ _,, .. I ·~;up't\c.~1;.11;!,;".J;.,.: 1~,.: .. . ' ......... ~ ,,·~=-". I C......... I -. .. CllllMlll_ ... ~...., .. = n ....,.. """' •' J • ·+' :r 7 2 .... '!!!! =--= . =·""!". ;;;; I aMot , I n"' ........... :: ,..._ "''' '--......... ,. ,...... Niii .......... II ---.t 4 i:::.' ,: = ... , ..:: -... -- L r.w.r, ,11111 23, lM PILOT LOGBOOK Don't Lo ok fo r .DA Deal · . i ....... ,' . . . ' H You're Peddling LS D BJ TOM llAIU.BY Of .. _,.," ........ Yetllr, your D.\ ts a dealln' .,,.._ bul not tt your eow1 docket carries a alflnC ti"lnltiall IJW nowadal'I apeD poi-to lhe Orllll• County Superior · Coon proae(ulor -LSD. · There'll be no wheeling and dealing for you H a hankering for aelllng .. acid" put your name on the arraignment calendar. superior Court Judges have 1one out of their way to avokl court congestion by instituUng a variety · of pte.trlal proceclurq -but their charity doean't .- lo LSD peddJan. * '11».dayo of buddlea and hlaUnl -_,.. and de(eadlr in L.!D pct111Jfon Utiptioo are.-kftvttt u far u the DA'1 oftlel 11 concerned, ay1 Depatr Olio lrlct Attorney Al Wella. ')1ie vetiran _.1or -. oe teeret ti the fact that ha ~en ~ t!lat way ad ..- It eucUr that way 1onc 1iotan· lhe _.t tadt under- standing bet-bit olllco Incl lhe judgea took •elfld. ' "We've teen too many lDltaneil of wbat lBD can do In I vlctlm'1 brain." the blun~ f<rctlul Welli, .id. ''We Itel t!lat anyaio convicted cl peddll111 thla kind ti dynamJio ~pt aD t!lat'•-1ns lo him." Wellt will talk ••roe out" (pkiadfnc to ,I nd\lced eblrp) over c:ottM with tho defender pt any ICCUled burglar, raplll;.,..,_, CCII man .. tiller. Bu_t all you'll·g~lf you're one of the growtna number ot'UD purveyors, II a quick trla! date from lhe '""''.and I -7 atan "'"' Ille DA .. man. * .. Thia do...,•t mean that lhe acid aa1....,;, ~1 plead IUllb' lhen and lhen. 'Ille Deparlmtnl Five jurtll will be readJ> and w1Q1nc lo take bit' pill and put blm In llalo prilon ·fer the full one lo f1Ve yoir 'limn. He'll do ., wllh the full IDlderatandlng, thoUCll. that bit -la non- negotiable. He gets hia llcu 0n'the·fac1a that JO 1iefon the~ and lhe DA will have nothing In ofter lowarda a -. 11beril l'!!llnl· LSD caaea ba.. been on a non_.atab1e baiia for lhe put alx months DOW and I cileck ti Superior Court r«ordl llidlcaloa that there't been oftly one varlal!nn from lhe lr«>clad Mlle -ad that defendant got, under cir· CllDlllancel w!llch allowed Wella In eaoe up, one yell' In lhe countjo jall and -,..,. prohal!nn. ' • . All the others -and there were more than so of them -"ent to ltate )riaon via the trial COW'ts and the "cop Otlt" calendar. * ' Wells ha1 all the iupport he wanta for the .. get tough'' approach from many Superior Court judges, among them William Spelra and Byron K. Mc- Millan. both of whom have served long ltintl .. on the ctimina1 court beach. . And It 'l'•Y be paying off, If tho proeecutor'a tslolt ll!llpllng of LSD ltatlltlcs ls to be the criterion. For there has been a definite drop 1n Orqe COanty arretta ol. tlliJ n1ture during recent month!. • - .. · Jadp Spein believes that the lesson ls behig hammered. home. He tbinb that youngllera are learning, If tometlmea 11 Is by the hard way, that they are dealing with a d..,...... and potent meo.ce to aociety. Welll graphlcally compares LSD to heroin. "Heroin's bad enough " he sa)'I, "bill It'• like .drinking milk compared to the harm that'• done by a trip on LSD." Wells hu a new meaning for a dread tel of lnltials. LSD, to blm, spells out "Let's Stop ~-" Jmtice Douglas , Quits Paid Foundation Post LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Supreme Court J~ce William 0. Douglas, under fire for acoeptlna: $12,<m a year u the only paid officer of a charitable fou~ daUon, has ttslgned that po!t, lt was an· oounced today. 'Ibe Albert Parvin Foundation said Douglu had !ndleotod early In Aprtl that be wished to be relieved as president and ~rd member but an appeodleitis opera- lloll on the jusUco delayed. • meeting of Meeting Discusses Problent~ of Co~ty • A day-long conference tiUed, "Who'a ln Charge of Tomorrow?" was held today under co-sponsorship of the League of, Women Voters and the American In· !tltute of Planners at Orange County Medical Center In Orange. Tbe conference discussed the popula- tion e1plo5190, growth and economic pro-' eesses, 'rapid ' trWlt, and hou.sl.ng for future populaUori growth. ---. DAILY PILO I the board. The foundation said the board 1ccepted the resignation "with deep regret" 1t a meeting at Santa Barbar•, Calif., on May 21. .Frtcl Warner Neat, professor of Jn. temaUonal relations and government 1t the colleges of the Claremont (C.W.) graduate school was appointed to succeed Douglas as pm;ident of the found1Uon, a Los Anleles.oa..c! philanthropy. The foundation announced recently that It had severed vl~y all 115 u .. 1"th Las Vegu gambling lnteresu. It IOld all ita sharia in the Parvin-Dohrmann Co., owner of three Lu Vegas casinos. The Securities and Er.chuge Com· Qllsllon &Mounced this month it was con· ducting a mutine lnqt11ry Into the· 1ffairs o.r Par:vtn-Dohnnann, which underwent a cllange In C<lntrol tut October. Part of the SEC's concern had been the stock's quick rise since the new company management, headed by Delbert W. Colemm, purchased 1 controlling lntere.st for $35 a share. · The foundatior. sold lt1 shares through a New York brokerage house for IJ,999,314. The 1elllng price was 191.7$ a shire. • •~an'•· Danee ~Ar1~ .ucLA, ucn Closed Over r..v'••:.-:..~ 0:1l!tt ri:c .~ .. ~~ UC n· rent drive -:r: bottoml,11 1spute ·a:;~.::~ ..... -.. . ,. such alleiled ·.,eitotmera WtiD mun 'face I • '· ·;r • .. "\ I tr~ 111 -........ ~ -... LOI ANGl!IJES ·(UPI) -at """"" -.... . -. om! " tho Harry Muelll'a Aputr,nont A.c.Go Is lwp ~lhenl Cale~--• a cam~ too 60a ti five allepd!y ~ bin In Um"""'ty of uwwa were ,----tho~tY that -currOnt!y chiflng day u concern for events at l!'""jl<'~ ....... bin lm!>Ollf[l>y~ ud Heir.· t:al\'.l.~ •11*'1. , '· • . • . • ec1 1iy the £0Ulll. f,, · i .r' • · · u<r' biaocilor l:harlol Y OQllC, wr» M ... lllilaof--pt ..... f!!. Wll lo Iii ~aiid 'tOclat fanoil*! ~~an:.s~~~ ·~·~anc!saldhe~IPW <'C>Olrovenlal danceL · • the :9'4uguration an .. act of solenut Judge Muf-lhe Cybulaki trlol ded!COUon lo the deep issues which con- unlil Monday. Both pr_.u. and front us." def,... COUlllel eqoed lo put rebuttal • --"'lfltnaet•Cif'lbe-..M lill.1{1i'Ulllii{Y,. 1t'tasses also 'W'ere canceled' at ure DeWIOW'l'l. )earned, tbet ~ trial '•m 68 Riverside campus where Chancell<>!' Iv1n ........... -. T , J. • " Hinderaker .. t ..Tele. tho ·dw 11 .... ti • ... ' J .... "mourning and n:OlcUon" oa the ltoUble \ "' at Berkeley. Laguna Seeks U.S. Funds ForCanyonDrainDamage • · • jNallooal Guanlsmen will), µ11 d ~karge1 ·Drop~ :r.:-~~,~~~! · •· • 1 .. University of California at Berkeley In Sa·n ·cleme-.1. ~ • "nlllr•d•y and P9lite ., ... 1ed •Iii in the ~ . R&e f.irst mass roundlip tinoe violence erupted ' ,. In W.. troubled city eli!hl daya ago. S P t · c·· The arrests came after t,500 protesters ex 03 er ase marching to the downtown area Ignored several warnings over police loud spea,ers they were violating G<iv. Ronald Reagan 's emergency ban on public Laguna Beach dty ollltlala are ... ting federal funcla that could pay for hill lhe atorm-nvq:ed Lasuaa Clnyoo dra1nlg1 channel that dumpa on lhe beacll al the foot of Broodway. The over-!Olded ditch, w bl c b. nevertheless helped save downtown Laguna, durin& tbia )'eal''I floods WU dunaged during the tomntlal ralna. J.,.ph Sweany, cily dlnctor ti publlc woru, told COWlcilmen Wednelday night lhlt financial lllllttance from the Department of Housing and Urhln Development would be avlillble by July lon I~ bull. The federal fundl, said Sweany, could mean u much at $70,000 to the city, The councll authorized the city manager In make the necesaary application Ind follow !hough. "I hope you come back wJth caab," said Mayor GleM Vedder. "1 want .to aee this ditch repaired." In other business, the council: -Approved an auction llcena June 11 for Ille of fixtures tn the WheeJhouae restaurant which I.a to become a Jack-Jn.. -Bo• drlv .. throogh fond ..mn, place. -Adopted a rao!ution, .IUQllled by Irvine to Help Playhouse With • $25 ,000 Gih Air Callfomla, enclonlna dfrect air aervlco lo Sacramento, but not~ I partJcular airline. -Autborlzed a tmall tal.I cab rate in- creue for the city, sJnce, no one ~ pro- telled lhe bike. -Authorlied operation of the -· glul rental booth for the Felllval of Arla. by lludent David A. Wolhe. -Appowed ~ aollcitaUoo from June I to Aue. 31 to aupport acboola for the mentally r<lanled. -Aooroved I poppy sale by tho Amerlean Legion Awdllary today and Saturday. -Refemid to the city m1n1ger a re- quell for salary lncreue from municipal emplo;es .. -Adopted a Newport Beach council reaolullon ... Iring additional leglllaUve proteCtiona qalnll tlfahon oil drilling or up!oraUon. -Alknved an eltemlon pf Ume on the Park Avenue (bilh achoo!) traffic alp1. Work ts to boffin June If. -Held lint rudlng ti an ordinance In make Ocean Avenue on&-way betw!en Beach Street 1nd Forest Avenue with traffic moving toward Foml. -Acreed lo purci1lle a police car from Tommy Ayrea OleWWet for the low bid of $1,357 and trade In allowance of 13T1. Cblrpa ti aelllna a poycbedtU..an ad poller lo a IS.Jeat-cld Sin Cloinenla pr! were thrown out ti court 1111 a techolcal ovenlgbt today and the lCCUled youth who ran the hippie abop with hit flaiicee WU frNd. • Judge Pbllip Schwab ckared UCI stu- dent Jame. Colwell, ao, aft. rejecting a bid by the praeecutloo In amend the gatheringL · Poli~ vana took 439 adult.s to the coun· ty jail, where they were held far $1,009 bail each on char1es o( unlawful assembly and blocking a street. Forty· three iuvenile.s wer~ turned vver to juvenile autbocities. Cll'lilDal cr1m1na1 ~ mec1 after the La G' I W. July, 11111lncldenta111ie Mind Garden 1n guna ll' lD8 San ctempte. 'Ille cue WU riltldled from So.ith Spe_ech Tr. ophy Orange County JUdklal llUtrlct Court .. - a result of a fun:r whipped up by ~ Jn F' T aervaUve San Clemente_.., lo auure ll'St ry COiwell a fair trlai ~ 'cbiiip of venue. , . Laguna Beach High School coed Lola The girl who allegedly boUpt the Oliver, In her first speaKing competition. was awarded a first place trophy for. post.a' at the cOlorful 'ctft ahop at JIU S. poetry reading during a county-wide Ola VIiia 111blequently changed her atory speech «>Diesi recently at Orange Cout and said ohe onlf ac:qulnd tt irom 1 College. ~ ncl Miss Oliver, a senior at Laguna Beach u•• . HI h g , won the event with a ~Ital of four The age of the alleged purchaser ol the poems, '"The Creation," "Incident," ~ -whl<;h depicts l couple in a sex "Mother to Son," and "Brown Baby." act -wu not menUoned but the pro. She ~ competed against students with secuUon l!ked that the original com-several years of experience. plaint be revised. The OCC eonlest lncfoded poetry, Im· Judge Schwab ruled that this should promptu, promptu, and debate. ACLU Offl'c1'a} have been done beff!li'e,:--nol at Ccilw"ell's ;1.o1a, lB, has been a chetr leader at the trial and ilJimlaaed Illa whole thlna. . high ochool, has been acllve In drama 'Ibe arresl'of Colwell, who operated the and is iii the school's Choral Readers. Talks . 'Sa~. d~y now-defunct business with his IS.year-<>ld Following graduallon, Lola will be fiapcee r.-..tl Wild,, WM preceded... ""u:. trying out for a part in a MGM motion era1 -..i:·-S Cl 'V· fifm tO be shot in.En.nee, will be working The Orange Coast O\lptern Of the 6;' aesslry · -,., ~te .City Cquµ.. in television commercial production. and American Civil Liberties Union is HuMr. eda. o.f re:ildents oet!U----' tbe ,-1~ may ap~r in@ segment of Mod Squad· In lrtall put to be held f ~· uneu if the TV show is continued next year. · lporllOI' g • coc Y ly touncU to clo84! down the shoP whJch Lola IA.id she · set out on the pm-' 1be t.guM-Moulton Pltybouae fund Saturday night at the home ot Dr· and was 8 ga\htrlnl place tor Oran1e 'Cont fesaional dramatic career course. last drive Ls to be bolstered 'Y a $25,000 donA· Mn. Haskell Shapiro, 211 Evenhlg Can-young, but time accomplilhed what the A st h tkln from ibe Irvine FoundaUon. yon Roed, Corona del Mar. municipal government couJd noL ugu w en silt. answered a newspaper G .~ k and ~ ( hono will advertisement calling for characters for City Manqer James, D. Wheaton made u~. apea er 111-. 0 r Since both operators were minors television commercials. the announcement during Wednesd1y's be A. L. Wirin, chief counlel for the under the Jaw, Miu Wlld's mother ob-Thi council aesaioo u council .u-···1on ACLU of Southern California, w~played t&lned a bullneai Uce .. •• for "· Mind • ngs went just right, she llid. --•·· I u 0--1•1 ,,_. .. io because. soon after answering the ad, Iha veered to the 1&ate c:l Laguna's 350-sut a,uuse roe ln e orta to bavt ... .,...,.....on Shop and it corhplled ' with civil law had "all kind! of calls" from agents wan. theater. 14 and California's loyalty Oltha declared before crtmlnal ICllon wu taken. ling to promote her. "The Players AsaOclaUon bas been 1n-unconatltutkmal. Colwell had been formally chara:td with Previously, the Lagunan has appeared formed by the Irvine Foundation th1t For more informalion, call~. aale ot ot.cezie literature. · .. on the Dating Game. they will receive a check for $25,000 that r-~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;~;~;;;;;:~ wW put them over the top on that restricted eacraw,., the clty muqer said. MAY IPICIAL Wheaton aald the Playera are adding h e :~= :r:J: c;:.:,..the :.~ C a 1 rs '"• 20% .•• economy. Wbeiton called tbim · "wile · chqea" that would Jiari' been more U· penslve at tome future date. · Vlce Mayor Joetph O'Sullivan !lid the Players' b>ard ha hired a full-t.lme artisUc diree\Or ind ls.lookl111 forward to June completion of the building with a September grand opening. "I think we w:lll have a world renowned playhouse," aald O'Sullivan. O'Sullivan said he did nol want poople to miaconlrtrue the altuation and believe the need for fundl had <ncled. "They lllll need ~.ooo for furn!Jhlnp .and oqulp- ment." he 1aJd. "But u far as the building itself, they're over tbe-tllll." 50% off OAAN•ll C°"5T l"Ulll'"ING ca.v,,AH'I lleNrt N. Viteri From P .. e J '"''*"' ..... "*"'- ' J•ck I. C11rl•r Via ,.,__,. -Gfflt<al ~ n ..... , 11: ••• a t:lfilor n. • .,,, A. M1rpliln1 MtNtl"' lllklr ll tc.lier4 P. N1lt ·--Cll'f I I"" __ .._ • 221 ,,,,, ....... M11Jtiit M41tM1 ,,0. I•• 666, t2611 --C..1 Mnet Ill Wnl ~ • .,... ........ , MKlll tt'lt llil'ftt ........... ~ ~ .. Ml\, .. ~''""' • REAGAN SEES MORE RIOTS ••• the name of diuent." The governor, klokfng tired and 1tr'1\n-- ed under the gla.rinc Anaheim Convention Center Ughts, prOmiRd some 500 GOP supporter• 1t the •100 a plate dinner that the "full llory behind the peop1e•1 park baWe" will be contained in an upcoming whJte piper. Reagan NJd he hope1 lo have the docu- ment rtleutd before the end of the )'ear and urged that "evecyone read what we sincerely believe to be the full history and subsequent diat.ortion1 of the campus troubles 1Dd then judge for tbemaelves." Arid the· aovemor qaln bl•sted ad· mJ.nlstraton and trulteea for rtfualn1 to make thole di~., "ao obvlollaly demanded by these cfjsturbance•" and en. couraging campus llrlfe by "falllnc to utllfn the w!desprud pcrnn ti H· pulrion and IUlpemion lhll they do 11>- deed have delplte the coovinrJnc /fA' prealon lhll lhty don' have lhem." Jt bu c<me to • simple quesUon , Rupn lald, and lhll ~uesuon la: "wllo shall cootrol our lnlllluUona ti leamhl1 and their ~ and for what f>ClrP*l ·1 prcmile JOU this," Rtapn •Jdl "tt wm not be !ht dlll!denla.'' Ho wa!tad for cbeen to 1ablfde 1nd wnt m: ••anid r ·am convinced that manY. students evm -are bogbmlng lo roallto that all Is pot as thole who ire conun.ltttd to violence would mike It appear to be. ·'They are belnc told !hat It la all rtc!lt to break the law ln the nime of toclal pro~" Rea.au said. "And tt Is our duty to ensure th11t we tepUllt the fe" dluldentl from the many students and faculty membefl who want to get m with the job of.getunc and providing a docent educaUon." The eovernor conceded that the "ovmrbebnlng majority of lludtnll do have legitimate complaints • "Our unitenlly operations b a v 1 bec<lne to btc that the lludents rtg!IUy fee.I that tbty are now mere numben: on computer cards. We haven't moved fatt eoough lo provide the coodiUom Iha! ano demanded 1oda7 In I r1pldl7 cllan&lnc U!)lvenlty .. vi-t ••aut," the eov•roor ltrtued, .. ,,.. can't l'I at them ""1lt -bendl ol ~la bold us up In thla .. .,... We can 1 begin lo p...tde lhe condltlcm 11111 both -need aOd --the c.mpw II burninc· '' Rtapn wamed ;•an catlfomllft!" to bt ttadJ for a "ntw wne al, IDS ta. rutratlon" chn1nc tbaM Mnmlr moatlla. He hod .,ldence, !It Aid, ilia! IDtD1 membon ti the mllltant -!or a DemocraUc Sodety "plsn to l'I balrcuta, wear clean ahlrto and eel mpectabla joba In privata bullnm and lndullrJ . • • OUTSTANDING VALUES ON DISCONTINUED FLOOR SAMPLES NOW IN STOCK ..• LARGE SELECTloNS OF QUAllTY CHAIRS FROM THE FOUOWING llNES: NATIONAL.,. MARGE CARSON, HllRITAN, CENTURY MONTliREY JAMESTOWN LOUNGE, PACIFIC . QUALITY AND' MANY MORE. IE AMONG THE 'FIRST TO MAKE YOU R SELECTIONS AT THESE UNIELIEVAILE PlllCES • , , ALSO MANY PAIRS TO CHOOSE ~OM. I I I I I • I ' , { s • , • .. • . . . Y.OC. ~i. NO. ;12j, '4 SECTIONS, ;(z -~AGES, • .~ -•. . -' ' "' 9RANGE COUNJY: ~IJFORNI( ) . ' , • .L '• - ' . . . .. . .D!!I?! tJae· :ifission ' ' j Grading Ends At Burroughs ' . MISSION VIEJO -Gradlng.wblcll has Jncluded removal of about 900,lnl cubic yards of earth here for the $16 million Burroughs Corporation_ plant w a s • r. • acheiluled for compleUon today. 'Workmen are to start site preparation ·to begin construction MOnday.· T1' racilj.. ty, that is-to .enploy .1;480 peisans, will manufacture high.,,peed ;diik rue memory devices for use ·in Bal'l'tllllrll electronic computer systeiµs. The firm F,Ploys 4S,OOO p e r s o n s irwnll the world. " Trike •--s1.ut1 MISSION VIEJO -A 500-lap rac. for taenagers oo tricycles will be staged W~y at 7 p.m. at the Mission :Viejo Recreation Center~ The great .tricycle iace wW include prizes for the fastest, bell 4le®faied and m"'t· modified tril<e. -~·· ' , . :. "1'9" 1'e%-8luigell . . ' . l!IJ TORO·-·,A: -o! 1( acres on ' . . ' . ' ... -... •• 1 • • • " -.. ·~ . OAILY\Pll.OT Slaff hiM . . ·. . ~ 'ARTJ ST. CLAltK, ~UR~ER.~RK JAY, 13, P,<)NDER J>~INJ:l~GS · · In .L~IU .. •iAll·A[t\•tic l(udio;fpr Solt ·cr~:FUrid' . GOe Cheers ., C.overnor In -County ,_ ·~. . ·=-. ., J • 'Ill ' . ,.;,~~~- raideiiUal' .... hai .•. sr,;-by tbli Boord" ol Superylsorl .. "Jlooellen cOnstniction Co. Ot El~~ bUildinlt' setback f0r .a . ! area ..,. ~;; ~-~ .T~ • '-• ,.,.. .,; ")ll:' . ·•·-' -· .. ,, '·111~· -.i· -. ':I e011:en -?; • -· ·-~ a!Olli £1 Toro llqad is ~ . • 1.1,,,..,.. Design Set . I MISSION VIEJO -'Ille Hunliogton Beath architectural finn of Tom and Truskler, was •appointed by the Board of Sµporvlson 14 design the ·new Missioo Viejo Couoty Library building. Tl\e lD,lilkjuare-fool, llG0,000 early ~-... Spooisll otyle structure is 14 lie located oo Matkuetite Parkway "'°'looking the Mission Viejo Coun!ty Club ., 280 leltt C•tt1pot1t S:IDIJLEBAC!t'-About 200 YMCA Jn. dlaD 'Guide fathera and aoos !rum Mission Viljo and El Toro will hold their Spring Cam pout tooll)l~.llaturday and SwldaJ' at O'Neill Park. e •Nig11el Camp Opens .LAGUNA NIGUEL -YMCA Indian <luljle ·lathers and som o1 lb<~ Nilllel Nation will be •wboopiac it DP..,.,. 1~ bold a campout bel!Jmlnl lmil<llt and continlling 14 Sunday -al the LaaYW. Ranch on the Ortega lfllbWIY. ·•· Viejo Bes#· ~ehmit~ MISSION VIEJO -state Senator Jobn Sc:limttz. (&-Tustin), .will be guest Q!Mker Sunday at 7 p.m. duflnc an old flibiooed poUUcal rally at Mlisioo Viejo Hlii!> S c h o o I. Tbt new Teen Age Republican Club of Mission Viejo· will h411i Schmllz. Guests wUI be entenalned b)I the Sing Out Amigos and by nglime miwc. ' Student Exhibits .. . Shown Saturday An exhibit ol student work! Will be on. di!Play at Laguna Beac!I Scbool 'ol Art & Diolp. 130 Laguna Canyon Raod, Satqr· day t!Jrougb May ,, lrom 1 to 4 p.m. dal- ly. •:/i\e display will be set ap In llUdlo two. ,,,. public " jnvited. It will Include oils, ac1"7:'1.Ca, watercolor· pahtUlw. --and deelgii projects, life ~ ....... , ceramics. original pcinti, -.I renderings and 9CUlpture,...._: _ _ Painting and sculpture by l h e children'• clw wW alJo be oa displa y. .. Bloodmobile to Visit li!gona Beach June 2 'Ille Red croa Bloodmobile Will be In t.opna Beach oo June I for blood dOOI- • tllm between I :,, p.m. and 1 at the ()!mm1D11ly Presl>Y1!!'11D •Clmrcll, 415 l'ciiat A.,. . Mn. John Dowoer, local bloodmobile <holnnM. "-llld the bloodmoblle visilil opco ""'7.Jait; mGIJlhl. AODoll>tmeu 11111 be mode by plliJnlng llMl67. --~ . . -' - . \ "~· ! ' ' j : .• ;*-.. ,;tr • .~ :\ 1 ,. r 'Artist flelps Salt . Cr~eli Fund " S no~py' s C.fO~eup· Look r .. The "Save Sal~Creek l\md"•slarted by · South Coa>t surfers to aid embaUled Laguna Beach attorney William Wilcm:en got an artistic Illldge forward today. Well-known Laguna· Beach artist Joye. Clark has done-on oil painting -of Salle Creek · area which she Will reproduce. Print& of the original woil< will be given to all thQi&"persons who. donate: S5 or more 14·'1<e luniJ. -Bremtan "Revs~•, McClelland, president of the United States Surfing ~ation, llld --y donated will' heljl delr•1 Wilcoxen?s expenses "in the continuing batue !or lbe riPt 'ct' the pabUc 14 use the public tidelands.11 , Wilcoxen, who bas been arrayed against a battery,of attorneys, Is flghtlDg to overturn county abmtonment of Salt Creek Road 14 the Lqwia Niguel Corporation which owns Ute surroundint pi'operty. Currently awaiUng a decisioa . In St!perior Court, .wilcolen has indiclted ~ will press forward wJtb lltitaUon· 1t· temptli1g" 14 win back"the road. The 1,700-foot section of road, once •a Joop Of Pacific Coast Highway, 'ran from the hJghway to a point near the tideland.II. lt was long the only routet to the )ltach between Dana Potnt·and Three Arch Bay. McClelland said contributions may be maile4t to Joyce-Cl.art~• studio atJ..-W s. Coast Highway. He said checks m .. out to the "Save Salt Creek Fund" would be deposited in an account opened at United California Bank's ~a branch. "CMHtiuton."' 1 a i d McClelland, tongue hi cheek, uwlll have a ~life-lime free pass 14 Sah ·Creek , , , il we will." ,. • , • • 1-• • ~ '• •• AtMoo·n4~~zire~Landing . . ' . . J ' ' Jl , • '1 I ' , , ;, A ~-point>~Bned hindblll' Jn, sll)> SPACl!:•CENTER,• U.U11on •·(Ul'I)··..,.' l11111t lander,can1Ue men'loithe: ...... ·el port ct rebelllng•Betkeley lleliOOs and "&nlezing !ahd ~ghing" from fioitina a:Junar touchdo"fl '-and bfijrg ·the~' demanding disarmament of all· starr flbei::glass on their la.st day in moon.·orbit, • sifely tor a mothership. .f · · poUCe i1 in cii-culaUOri today at the 1tchy the · Apollo 10 •·ri-naut11· unwound ,,,,..,. -.v · " · .._ ·Most . drama\lcajly,. SWford· a·n.d' UC Irvine q1mpus. 1 , fl'.om1tW-O traiJbla~R: l.ww' ~pqps w~' ,..,,._,,0• showed 'that -n ~~,-• .:. f-/.' Mimeograi>lled handbills announcin;: all bµt a~w:~ ·-an AD:lericiyi,mooo lag~ 1 'UC&.,,.. ...... ~ --_me todaf's Solklirlty Strike at UCl 1 and ding, attempt in July. .. 1 l jOb cdu!d suctessfUlly deal<wiUi malfuno. detallfug ijle history of ·recent1 event! at "Good .oldtSnoOpy1'~tHe.JUrmr~Jari11Dg Uons -the Worst' orie-bOrli·or'ittmian~er· the Ber_teley campus war. zope are In· machine tb.a( cai'rie<l 11>0matP. 'Stafford ':. ror ~ WfiiCh 1UU:eaten UJmi"B;lllliJ~nbiu eluded. (Related Story, Photo, Page 3), alld'Eui'ene•~ .. Cema.n to w:lthtn t.Smtles from home. ~e~efi at ~· UCI C4Jhpus today of tbe•moon Th'ut!iday, aoare<fctoward the Now it will be up t0 Al>Ollo•lt,'the u:s .. sa~d 1t was uncertain just how sun, ita part.of the-mission ended. mission to land men on the JnOon Julj.30, · widespread fcceptance wu b)' local <Insid'e l~~ ·.:~Ue.'-"'r;n°.~d ' to take it from there. / · •• students to the nine-point paper outlining shi_p, ')Stafford, cmum ind '-~~ '11(. Gro!lrnt controllers totd~the<utrlln4Uis"' Utt Asks to Extend County Oil Ban Into U.S. Waters d~ by dissidents on six UC cam· Yq(mg, tU~ 'tp n:hVigation· .t~t, !that . th¥t ."SoooP.Y'.' y.ras ~.090. qµi~, aw~, p4ses. will.11elp tJl~,ApplJo 11 sp~c~raJt find its ''heading straight up" J ' . Th.ls Ls what they want : landing site' next July 20. . _, ' ' After ·•ls~oOpy" ~rendezvoused With ·the' -Dispersal of all National Guard and Stafford re/,or.ied .that· p u·f V~t r li e d . 1'.Cha~lie · Bniwn" 'AP,ollo 10 m9~, outside 'lawmen from the UC Berkeley flberglw irisµlaUon lilown• off ._.,the com· l~ter T11ursday,1Sla,[ford and ·cern:an ~ campus. mand ship. hatch. ~ a blast ·of qs:ygen. joined Young jn it. Tbep ~'SnClOPY" ~~ -Tearing down of a fence around from a vent va1Ve-hu haditlie-astron&uts cut loose,, turoed nose ·up, and W f'QC.ket' People's Park, tbe current crux of "itching ·and scratcliln&. ••. sbeezipi' and e·agine touched off. · ' ' • dissent on the Bay Area campus. coughing in here for i:bout three days.'.' : "We haven't been able to._ '™l ·,y_~et --Community control o1. that student-"You·iure want w fix that before th.e whether it's 'going,into orbit around tbe' By·~ME·F. COWNS Of. tM Dally P'lltt Si.tt Rep. Jamea a. UU (R·Tustln/ lodiJ. in Washlngtoo iiitroiluced '~lfc11i/1halo would spread the thnl,O Cou1'1 a!Ul><ir• . oil .18b<:tbary1nto",feder~l waters. The bW (HR 1122&) i!n'I as toogh as local oil drilling foes would like it to be, "but we'll ~pport lt." S a i d Newport Beach City Manager Harvey L. Hurlburt. The mtdlft; 1Jrt'rpMdinl in the> ~ouse Interior and0)naular Affairs. Col)lnuttee, would preVent oil drilling on. the con-, tinental abeU both• lnoide and outside the ulreHnile llml~· with certain excepllons. . . cOND!TiOl'IS CITED fi,"'11iJd Permit Interior Department oil Jeales,if' 8D•thrie 'of thtie cortdltiellli are met: ~It is~. tst:ablistied , tMt th e re W a "p<Obablllty': ol pa and oil d'l1"'1111. -lf...111 atablished·lhat thele depo<ils are lae ·~Y other -..ia~and private -oll clrlllllW'iperatiGns. • :..11 is -Illa! the liaslllg w~ be"i~· "the best interelb" ot tHe United &t.ii:ft~ T • ; m bill, in effei:I, -Id be •aimllar to the preaenl pn>v-.. ct the ltate'a Shell- Cunolngbam Ad, Wblcll more. !ban• a dOla)eirs ·~ m oD --'••> ocqllid tllo.llda -llhlr,., .lo "'" MFJlcan border. Utt'• leglalatlon covera the aame -., i>e,...i llate-<>wned Udelanda. • NOi' RAPPY Newport llMI ........ Belch city of. fidala, 19 ... n °' the Coellal A"a l'rotectlve 1-(CAPL), arto'~haPP1 about the flnt condition, that of e6tabliahlng a probability that there ls; oil selected recreation area. h !her " ln · h d · _,..,. next ctrmmand •modulet flies," Stafford sunorw e it s go gto ea atr-T.••' -Lilting ol the 1tate of emergency at tokf, ground controllei;a. He.iwas .~ed it at' the ·sun," conlroller Jack Lousina said.. out there. ' . They !eel there should be not a heltel, but "clear evidence" of petroJeum depoO!ts. Resolullona .._uy adopted by the Newport and Lagtina city councils calling for CongressiOnal action were worded accordingly. UC Berkeley, declared by Gov. Ronald would be ~ixed. . , : "01~ Snoop, he·-'1-&i""up," Reagan, St.afford said · It was· 1'irritatlng and" The ~""'ull were a tilth~ ..testy -Reparations in l.erm.s of le~al and Itchy"-, but that .tht Mircin.R uts were ~wever, abOCl qne chlnpat ut-tbeir medical expenses for students inJured or . 'U in 11 ptrl'• and.,._ '·alth • flight1pfan_. , ~ • , ' .... ~ 1 killed since May 15 and as action generay nes "" uaJll;an:: • t"You 'cantellit 'Ji~eitls.Jaek"Stnf: demands in days ahead, paid by the UC ['he, a_Jl..,..ulil1 wolii'earlyJn·lhe 2111 · fdr<i said. "I ·~ you iu,y, ~·' admirlistraijon and clty'ol Bert4Jey. ' lunarf . ~t for i a ,~·~•~. rtSiat waiUni: until we g_ot-afrboroevand, -Dropping of all charges against relaxell day lhati the 18.gruelbng 11oui'a tlien changing a11'the rormits.'' · Robert Geier, UU's adminJstrl,tive aide, confirmed in a telephone interview from Washington this. morning that the Coegruaman had been asked by Orange Coast representatives to lighten up the condiUon in the orlcfnal draft of the bW. demoostraton and immediate release of they put in 'l'.huraday,,wtt.b ~,~ .. 1 · 1 • • ~, : hundreds now imprisoned. · • ing, low .passes acrosa tbe' mbOn and ,a ''They said that it should have to be proven that there. ii oil," Geier r~. "But how are yoO p:>ing to prove thefe's oil unless yoU drJll! That isn't realistic. It's just Ilk< llYlnc there should be no drilling ahll -any clrcum-." -ResignaJ\on ot ; up Berkeley Chan-~1"11~~ Ott'Ple.Jr ~alt , cellor R<1ler lleY"', as demanded by the causedby, ~· ~·'!':a d.tetllsl. , American Federatlqn . ol Teachers' local Tuld that "EV~one ls rayin1 •bo\lt chapter in Berkeley 111"1 appolntm, ent of a your wtorma~z: C-aaid' "Pre!• new chief oubject lo raculty arid student ty sal1'1yi)\g, Prel•y c:jlallenging>''. approval. Two more-critkal e\oents were left ~nJurt of 1.Jc· Regents for com· before APo)lo JO .spl•hes .down' 1t 9:53 / mending the Qerkeley administration aad a;m ... PDT , ·Monday Jn the 'South' Paclflc . .action ·by Bay Area Jaw enforcement near' P~ -Pago,' Apterlcap. Samoa. • agMcles-in battlJ.ng the sttuatlon. ,The ~ulil will' fire . thel; main · -otsannament of all UC camj)Us Apoljo 'l'lltjt al !:11 a.ip. Satunw 14 · NO Cll.\NCll: police ia callOd fur by a _,it Ficulty . ldc~ out of .lunar·ortilt.ahil starrlicate .. ilOter aald Utt !ek the measure would Seoate -luUOn anli prolilblUOn of calb Moodl)I they 'will plow tnlo ' Ille. al-· <land IW c:lwice ct passage tt there .,.re for oOlilld•· polR:e 1o enter campus attua-11)0S\>bere a( "1rly is,OQD. mphdn the . such a tolal ban. "The federal g-.. tlons. ciuclal rHh\ry. . . men!," be uplalned, "could.n't then pro-The paper abollits student solidarity , ."Prauy . aalllfylnc,• ~ • raid., l!"CI i1s own -· And yoo bave 14 slrlkei, cond<mhatoty molullons, tyro· "Pretty challengin(J." , ~ber ·that C.0-en from all pathy demonstrations, rallies, plena for Stafford, Ceman and •'lS!Joopy'' mlde • over Ute OOUntry will be voling on this, marchu cm SacramenlO and occupation the 1 okwl~ .maaoed approach yet-to tbe 1 not Just the Clllfornla delegation." · o1 ..,....._, on ab UC .,.,._· durlnr mooll -U,mllfir Tbey -V<d that tbe , Newport City Manager Hurlburt.'•ho !the~~:·;;.. • ' ·' 1 ' • • • , ,.. .. with "the CAl'L'I Victor c. Andrews ct I . ....· II m8de of ~ relall"1~ . • 1-,..la . .....-ing the tll!>l 'fur ..,-.·1111~'1 v...,. -...·16 ~ .·:". 8~_,,,Mf!rlcets '~ · t llllk01eg!alallon, lndicaied today Geier ~-,(YAF.) ~Pter ai UC ~' . , . , , . ' may have a poinL Sludentl for-a ~U~ Soe."'1 · .ljEW Yp!\K (AP> ~ "I tllink llie .--Ing ll 1-0glcal alill on-I anll"the1Blaeli"Sludent Uhicio l!ISY> cllll!Od "11 a 4owiilltot ; · derllaiidati1e.• hO aald. "!!'•/It !l*W to In. -.-Iii( nlljnn. I'!'~' ~auilon· ~ , pt Qorqp..,.,,;ai 1Uppu>t for bilt"""1' ~.111111111 -ct tliel< aCilGhl aqme'tnves1or1,-cs. ~ P,- 'Weadlel'' 1 ' I "Scattered sUnshihe" 11 ~tht..ror9J I cast for the ·weelcend~along the l Orang6 COast, . .,<with overt91t Riel ruling the di)'· and Utile.change Ui temperature. INS~B TO,DAY lhroueboul the <ountry. But . lt:'<loes m1 wltbdra'l!ll ol •all iit-ll·U). 1 -t create a deficit In the -~ ;,111 ~ and other oulillde pol!f! ' Tt'!!din( 111~.!.ai' tbe ~-· The '. -lie lllot l8lldl -1.-l!I" ilil' ll<rbley campua," Ui • D<ilo''~-. al"• A 1:3' sanctuary." ,.; . ;,' . ~paper straitf. ~ • p'.m, .... on 1. :1t tn,)f. .._ __________ _, . , • + 'f . IWl.Y '11.0T L PILOT ~ . . .. &OGllOOK • Don't Look for DA T Deal. H You're Ped~.g LSD --. '81 TOM lWILBY .,................. ; Yelllr, yoilr DA •II a dea!Jn' me-but oOt II your court ~et conies a string ol lailill$ ,that nowado11 IJ)Oll pollon to. the Orance County, Superior Coort J>'Olll!Clllor -LSD. Tbtre'll be no wbeeUng and dealing for you If a hankering for selling ''acid" put your name on"'the arraignment calendar. Superior Court judges have gone out ·of lbeJr way to avold c:ourt congestion by inatitulinl a variety of lft'lrial pr<>c<durts -.but their charity _, extend to LSD peddiert. · *' . . The...,. ol l\\lddltl and baql!ng --~' and deftlQdlr in LSD P'lltmr7ina lltlaiUOD·an (OQI ~ u far u tbe .DA'• of&e Ja: concerned, 11)'1 Dlp¥IJ ~ tricl Attorney Al W.U. Tbe v-an,l)<CIOOCUtor.~ oo -.t of the foci tbol be ...am K llll1 'way lll!Cl"wanted It aact11 that way lani btlGre !be ,._,i,td 'Ulldeoo standing between hlJ ofllte and the JUdpa toot effect. · "We've llee!l too mw tnst•DCH ot, ·wbat LSD cu · do to a victim's brain," the blunl, forceful wen. Aid: ''Wa fiel Giit aa1om CCllY!cled al peddl!ng tht& kind al dynamllo 'tbOu!a pf ID lbal'i eomln( lo blm.'' w.u. l'ill talk "cop out" (plea4!ng to • ieciucoil-obarp) .... col&.e wtth· the defender of Ill)' ICCllled burglar, np!ll, ~· .., -at killer. But all )'Gll'U gel, II Y'"1're ..,. al the ....m. -ill U0 pw "''"' II a qulcll . trial -from the judp and • lllooy lfare ,_ the bA'• .... • -.. . ": ·. -. * " .. , . . . .. ~· \• " .. Tbll dooen't mean that the odd aa1_.. ..,, ~ aunt,; tllart and· then. The ~ Five ·Jmist wtU be.ready Uc! 1'fDlilc· liUiii bfl plea · and put blm In otate prison for the full ..,. to Ove year.term.· , . He'll. do oo ·.with the lull understapdlng, thoogb. that illl aue. ta .... llOfOllabl<. He· gets hlJ Ilea ao the' factl llll1 p belwe the Judie @li ihe DA wtU bave ~ to offer towards a men ·Ubenl "'""'· • · !,SD c.-llave -oo 1 llOl>!1tgOtlable buis for tl\e put 11I monlho now and a chedl. ol .SUperlor Court r-. lndicot.s that U..,.•1 -Mly ooe variation from the iroft.dad. rule .., and that defendant pt, under ctr. ~ wb!ch IDowed W.U. lo we up, ooe yeu In the <OUDty• JaD and three yeen probatloo. • ' , · ' All the others -and there were more than 60 of them -went to state pieoo via the trial courts and the "cop out" cal~. * Wells has all the support he wanta: for the "cet tough" approKh from 1m1111 SuperfC>' Court judgea, amoeg them Willlam Spel,r& anc1 Byron ' K. Mo- Klllml, both. of whom have aerved long aUnta: on the crlmine) 'court beach. And It m1y be paying off, II the prosocutor'a latest oamPl!na· of LSD lfailatlcs II to be the criterion. For then! has been a definite drop tn Orange County arrests of tl1ill oat~ during recent monthJ. _ · JUC!P Speln believes that the 1....., II belnJ hammen!d home: lie thinks thal younpteno ore learning, ii tometimea Jt ts by the hard way, that they ore dealing with a d111geroua and Potent menace to IOClely. Willi graphically compares LSD to heroin. "Heroin'! bad enough," he says, "but k's like drinking milk compared to the harm that's done by a trip on LSD.u . Weijs has a new meaning for a dread set of Initials. LSD, to him, spells out "J.:el'a Stop Deallbc. ;, . . Justice Dougku. Quits Paid Foundation Post LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Supn!me Cow1 Justice William 0. Douglas, under ftre for acc:epUng JU,000 a year as the only ,.paid officer of a charitable foun- daUon, has resigned that post, it was an. nounced today. The Albert Parvin Foundation said Douglas had !ndicat..I early In April that he wished to be relieved aa president and board member but an appendicitis opera- tion OD the justice dtlayed .a meeting of Meeting Discusses Problems of County A day-Jong conference Ulled, "Who's in Charge of Tomorrow?" was held today under co-sponsorship of lhe League of Women Voters and the American In. stitute of Planners at Orange County Medical Center in Orange. The conference discussed the popula- tion exploslon , grQWth and economic pro- cesses, rapid trahsit, and housing for fublre population lrowth. DAllY PllOf the board. • The foundation said the board accepted the resignation '"with deep regret" 8.t a meeting at Santa Barbara, Calif., on May 21. Fred Warner Neai profes,,or of in· temational relations and govenunent at the colleges of the Claremont (Callf.) graduate school was aPPoiDted to succeed , Douglas as pre!idf.nt of the foundaUon, a Los Angel.,..bued philanthropy. The foundation llltlCIWlCed reoenily that It had severed virtqally all its Ut:s wlth Las Vegas gambllna !nlere$ts. It aold all its shares in the Parvin-Dohrmann Co., o~ner of ~ree Las Vegas casinos. The Securltteil and Exchange 'Com· mission announced this month it was cop. dilctlng a routine inquiry into the affairs of Parvin-DohrmaM, which underwent a change in cantrol lut October. Part of the SEC's concern bad been the stock's quick rise since the new company management, headed by Delbert W. Coleman, purchased a controlling interest for ~ a share. The foundatior. sold Ill sham through a New York brokerage house for $1,9991324. The selling price was $91.75 a ghare. -~,.,·~~. anjs Danee ·'Art' ' . B'!'uomka ~arrdom Da~r. Defends Nude Ca;per Closed Over , . wn= llellJ ...,_ O!rll C1'l!llllll , 1Jor -A8is illo ~ ...... -._. ~ • • cy1o11o1o11t -!! "1-....... Ibo ..... -....... al -....... ..., ···• llMl lilllrlol Allio..,.. Ol!floo u .... c ... II ............ lllH tM ... ,,... i.t Ill i.r _.,.,of the uilhihibltod' If DA Cocll Hieb II to llWntlln hlJ-uc· n• , t dboo« lJ ...... ., ...... M·a --roidD ............. A.(;o.Go audl....i, "11t drive apiiil , bot t Om I 1 II 1spu e that the clalml bu "t:ue utiade alue" lbe 'd eotab!Wlmento ~ll>ek perlonners. . v ; . ... .. . Ml51 Cybulald ta ene d more thu • .. • , In t.stlmony that came "°""' lo a Tbe l300 a week enlftWner told fb• tuch alltRd ~ wbo l1l1dl lace • "" ' ' ' crowded mlllllclRll coutltOOlll 11 delJi>1Je. jury thal obe-bad be.. daociiif-pro.. trial ..,.,jijiiri! .....,. aid lnd««lt .,, -bOll· .,\llGELES (UPI) ~ ei-at ly anU-cllmactlC to her •talmf nude fessionllly for !be pu; !our YWll alld poclUO dllrgeo. • of he performance of :M bours earUer beloro had supplemented her choreograpble Horry MaelU'I A'.portnleat A.(lo.Go Is two Soutliotn Califarnia com~ t unpresaecl jurors, ahe &lnoaed that Ibo repertoire by taking three le810ft8 in' lili• of five allepdlj> boflomlesa !Im lo Uruvmity of Califor¢a w~ .,_i.t fo. had oo mtentlon of ~ p1111loa1, belly dancing. !Aid all by the cumot 'tho ~IY that .. evrenlly chal!nl day as OOOOt!'JI !or events at the B<rklle1 when lbe cavorled l1ll<ed .., bor lillor· ban on bo-ped~__,!) th§ J!D!l!!!'.o ,b!l.n im~llloP ~k~ spread,-• ·-• • l'Ol'ed ....._ • West Santa Ana i. .... Ille II cvrreotiY~ id by the courts. (' ~· in.A Cliancel'..fChar"-y~"w!it Tllo sba~ Lq\1111 -denied dancing in a Keiio.· Nev. nlghtopo(t M¥>1li also laau...,,;,,,.,,i chllpl fit.-.,...,.. ' "'J · -~ ,. ' ' that ahe !ell ._ued to -pete with Tbe cusbnarily .111alted14 lrtill bu ed after he allegedltddtW'illd&e Cl~ wu to be lilaugurated lqday, . , ~ tll1by ipov1ef thal "9 dlJpla""1 lo au· sevorll -.,._.brr fur Cf..,,, (\weqo' edict ..,.i,-iauij[.1o lfaP. tile , ~ :r)i...,.i,.y al.! S!id-~'!""'d 11111!• ~ences white her strip teue.offerln.g is viction on any ooe of the 10 counts filed c..'Olltroveriial dancea. . · , 'tbe tpaug\iraCfon an "act of S()lel1)D m progress. Those controversial films against ber. Such a conviction wOtild, she Judse Mast recessed lhe Cybulski tr1'J .,_ dedlciU6n to the deep issues which cOn· depict naked women in various atagea of claims. brand her U a se1 offender and until Monday. Both prosecution •rid .. fiOnt us." sexual 6timulatioo. spell fil'lil to her dancing career. deftme-·COUnRl ~ to put rebuttal . . . M'.tso Cybulski; II, ldmllt..I be!"" llh< ll'llwcentnl flllU"< In 'llhat1s Ill>--wllli••M..-.•flhr lladil'l>llt"tr1' 1liilll<ir · flla-· llao .,,.... can<el-at-ill• Judae Paul 14.,i that she "'~y vtousty a landm.!!U .... for the f"'O' -·· teem<d. thal the trill will ~ Rtversid~ campus ~e Cl\aneellor !Yan writhes and coo1ro11 ber body durlllf oecuU.0.. '. , QJ!!Cl'""*be(!l'e'..._.,• ' Hinderaker set· Nldo ·th< 1la7 .... ID of w; "tnoumlng and reflection'' on-thl.-trWblt at Berkeley. Laguna Seeks ·U~S. Funds, .. (;harges Dropped • In, San ·:cfiment.e ;National Guardsmen with .. f l·z e d bay..... ·-ounded . a """""' i 0 f demonStrators in ·a parking< lot heat-the uhlverslty of <;alifomia at .Btrkeley Thursday and. P:O,lice arr~ .a in the first mass roundup since violenc::e erupted in Utis troubled city eight days ago. ForCanyonDrainDamage . . Sex Poster Cme · The arrests came after 11600 protesters marching to the downtown area ignored several warnings over police loud speakers they were viola ting Gov. Ronald Reagan's emergency ban on public gatherings. Laguna Belch city offlclall '" seeking federll fundl that could pay for hail the stortn-ravapd Laguna Canyon drainage channel that dumps on the beacb at th• fool of Broadway. The over-loaded ditch, w b i c b nevertheless helped save downtown Laguna, during this year's floods was damaged during the torreotill rains. Joseph Sweany, dty <llr>ctor of public work!, told coODcilmen Wednesday night that financial assistance from the Department of Housing and Urban Development would be available by Ju1y 1 on a so-.50 basis. - Tbe federal fwldl, Bild Sweany, could mean u much u $70,000 to the city. The council authorized the chy manager to make the necessary application and follow though. "I hope you come back with callh," said Ma)'Of Glenn Vedder. "I want to aee this ditch repaired." . ln other business, the council: -Approved an auction license June 11 ror sale or finures In lhe Wheelhouse restaurant which is to become a Jack-In· Th .. Bol: driv .. througb food smlng place. -Adopted a reaolution, auggested by ' l • lroilJ.e to Help ,, Playhouse With Air California, endorsing direct air service lo Sacramento, but not tpeelfy!ng a parUCIJ!ar airline. -Authorized a snall tali cab rate m.. creue for the city, zince no one had pro- tested the bl.kt. -Authorized 6perallon of the opera glass rental booth for the Festivll of AN by student DaVid A. Wolhe. · -Approved tele~ solicitation from June l to Aug. 31 to support 1ehoola for the mentally retarded. -Approved a poppy sale by the American Legion Auiiliary today and Saturday. -Referred to· the city manager a re-- quest for u1ary increase from munlclpal employes. -Adopted a Newpcrt Belch council ....,Iullon seeking addlUoUI legblaUve p.._iona against offshore oil drllllng or exploration. -Allowed an utenaion of time on the Park Avenll<! (blgh ocboot) traffic signal. Work is to begin June 1$. -Held first reading Of an ordinance to make Ocean Avenue. one-way between Beach Street and Forest Avenue with traffic moving toward Forest. -Agreed to purchase a police car from Tommy Ayres Chevrolet for the low bid of $2,357 and trade in aJlowance of '377. Cbar1ea oE selling a psychedelic aex act poot<r to a l:J.year.old San C!Om.nte girl were thrown out of court on a te<:hnical over.Jght. today and tbe 9CC'l1lfd youth who r111 the blppie ll»p wtth blJ itanc.e WU freed. ; Judge Philip Schwab cleared UC! stu· dent James Colwell, 20, after rejecting a bid J>y .the proeecuUon to amend the Police vans took 439 adults lo the coun- ty jail, where they were held for $1,000 bail each on charges of unlawful assembly and blocking a ztreet. Forty· thtte juveniles , were turned over to juvenile authortt.ie,,. ~ "11!-lnal $"'"plaint filed after the La G. I w· July, ltll lncidenl at the Mind Garden !n gun a Ir lD8 San Clemente. The case Wll swlldled from South Speech Trophy Orange Comity Judlclll District Court as a result of a fqrnr whipped up by con--I F T aervaUve San Clemeoteana, to assure ll . irst ry ~well a fair trial through change of venue. Laguna Beach High School coed Lola. The ' girl Who allegedly, boUgbt the Oliver, in her first speaking competition. was awarded a. first place trophy fot .. poster at the colorful gift @op.at 20f S. poetry reading during a county·wide Ola Vista subsequenUy changed htt story speech contest rectnUy at Orange Coast and S8:icf ahe only acqulrtd it from a College. friend. MW Oliver, a senior at Laguna Beach- High, won the event with a recital of four· The age of the alleged purchaser of the poems, ''Tht Creation." "Incident," PoSter-which depi<:ts a couple in a sex "Mother to Son," and "Brown Baby." act -wu not mentioned but the pro-She competed against students with secution ·asked that the original com-several years of experience. plaint be revised. The OCC contest included poetry, im· . Judge Schwab ruled that thls should promptu, promptu, and debate. ACLU ' 0££1·c1'a} have ~n done~ not at Colwtll's .~111 18, has been a~cheer leader at the , trial and ~ tbe whole thing. high school, has been active in drama " . The ahle.;t-.>1 Colwell, who opera!Mlil-' and.is in the lchoOJ;• Choral Rea<lers. T Iks S d • funct b · Following grildllation Lola will be 8 8 tur ' ay now"\le usmess with his 18-year-old trying out for a part m' a MGM motion fiancee Cyndi Wild, wu preceded by film to be .. shot in France, will be working aeverll <tormy Sao Clemenle City Couir 1 1 The Orange Coast CbaPter Of the ell sessloos. n te eviSlon commercial production. and American Civil Liberties Union is Hund~ or residents petitioned the Ci-may appear in a segment of Mod Squad sponsoring a cocktail party to be he14 ty council to cl~ down U)e zhop whlclt if the TV show is continued next year. -~ s turd ·g111 t the •-of Dr and -Lola said she set out on the pro- '11e Laguna-Moulton Playhouse fu.nd 8 ay TU a ill.llue • was a gathering place for Oranle Coad fesslonal dramatic career course Jast $25,000 Gift drive ls to be bolstered by a $25,000 dona. Mrs. Hukell Shapiro, 287 Evening Can-young, bUt time lccompllshed what the A h "-r the Road. Co d I M ugust w en sht. answered a newspaper UU11 rom Irvine Foundation. yon rona e ar. municipal govemment,could not. advertisement Calling for characters for City Manager James D. Wheaton made Guest speaker and guest of honor wUl Since botb operators were minors: television commercials. the armouncemeot during Wednesda:y 's be A. L. Wlrin, chief coUnsel for the under the law, Miss Wlld'a mother o• Thin ACLU of South C I" · ho I ed u-gs went just right, she said, council sesskm as councll discussion em 8 uonua, w Pay lained a businesf llcense for the Mlnd because soon after answering \hf; ad, !he veered to the state of Laguna's 35<Heat a large role In efforts to have Proposition Shop and it complied with civil law had "all kinds o( calls" from agents wan: theater. 14 and California's loyalty oath! declared before criminal action wu taken. ting to promote her. "The Players AMOCiatlon has been in-unconstitutional . Colwell bad been formally charged with Previously, the Lagunan has appeared fonned by the Irvine Foundation t.bat For more information, call 645-0200. sale of obscene Dterature. ' on the Dating Game. they will receive a check for $15,000 that r-~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;:-will put lhem over the top 9n that restricted e.scrow," the city manager · • said. MAY ·SPECIAL Wheaton said the Playen are ,addln1 h • about 112.llOO to u.e coSt of the bulld!ng C a I rs 1r... 20% by restoring earUer deletion! made for --0 economy. Wheaton called them · "wile changes'·' that ·would have been rDore ex· pensive al zome future dij,e'. Vice Mayor Joseph O'Sullivan said the Players' board has hired a full-time , artisUc director and ill looking forward to June completion of the building with a September grand opening. "l think we will have a world renowned playhouse,"' aaid O'Sullivan. O'Sullivan said he did not want people to misconstrue the zltuation and believe the need for funds hid ended: "They atlll need $65,000 for furnishings and equl~ ment," he said. "But as far as the building itself, they're over the hill." to 50% off OIV.HSE (OASl l'UtlUoHIHG CQMl'ANT ltaktf N. Wt" From p .. ., I t ,,. .. ~ l"Wllelltr • Jeck It, c.,1.., Vice ".mlfwlf ..., co-r.,. Me!lqtr ibo11111 1e,,.,if , . ., llio"''' A. M11rplrilfte MeMtl~ e111ar l ith1 r.f '· N,11 .._._ (lt'r IOl!w ---211 F.r•1t Aw,, _Mtl"-t Milr•H1 P.O. lh 6", tl6JI ..... _ c:.t. ._, ...... '" ,.,.. ,.._.,, ht(JI: t11 I ftlal ........... ...,.. .........,."" e.tdll ., ,. $tr.I I REAGAN SEES MORE RIOTS ••• the name ol. dissent." The governor, looking tired and ztrain- ed under the glaring Anaheim ConvenUon Center IJ&hll, promlaed 80llle IOO GOP supportert at the •100 a plate dinner that the "full story behind the people'z park batile" wlU be c:ontllned In on upcoming Wblt< paper. Reagan said he hopee to have the docu- ment releised beltte the end of the yt&r and urged that "everyope n&d wbat we sincerely belleve lo bt the lull hlltory and subsequen~ dittortJon1 of tbe c:~pus troubles and then judp for thtmJelves.11 And the governor again blasted ad· minlstraton and trusteet for ttfuslng to make those chaoaes .. '° obvioualy demanded by Ihm dlsturbatt<a" and en· coura(lng campus ttrile by "falltn1 to ulllbe the wldellpidd powers al U· pulslon and _..., that they do in. deed bavo despite the C011vtncin1 u.. preasioll that they doll l have tboql." It baa come lo a ohm>le qutatloo, Rman uld, and that quot!lon ii: "wbo shall c:ontrol .... !natllutioN al Jeamtnc and thtlr praper1J and fw Whit purpoot? "I prom)ae-you" thll," Be111n llkt, "It wjll ®t bt the dllliden\I." He walt..1 IOI' chin to tubl1de and ·11ttn1 on; "and I 1m cmvtnc::ed that many stadentl even now art btl!nnlng to naUa that 1U fs nOI -u those who m committed lo-- violence would make It appear to be. "They are being told that it Is all right tO break the law ln the name of &OCtal progress/' Reagan said. "And it b our duty to ensure that we separate the few dissidents from the many students and faculty members who want to get on with the job of getting and providing a decent education." · The pvemor conceded that the 00Y~helmiog mljorlty of students do have legtllmate complaints. "Our university operations h av e become IO blC that the students rtcl>tly fffi that they are now mere nurnben en computer (:lfJ'ds. We baven'I moved fut •"°""1 to provide the conditions that ,,. demanded today in a rapidly chl1lfinC university t"Ovlronment. "But," lhe 1o~r strused, "wt. can't get at them 1'hlte these bands of rebels hold us up In this .nanoer. We can't~ to provide the e<indlilons that both sides need and demalld wblle the campus ll bumtng." lltqan warned "Ill Califomiam" to bt ready for a ••new wave of SOS to-' filtration" durfng U.Se .wnmer month&. He had evld.,,..1, be lfld, that 11!1DY memben of the multant SwClenta !Or 1 Democntic Society "plan' to get htlrcuts, wear clt111 shlrll and set mpectablt Jobo ·ln-prifftO'busi--llld tndutll1. OUTSTANDING VALUES ON DISOONTINUED F\.OOR SAMPLES NOW IN STOCK ••• LAR6E SELfCTIONS OF QUALITY CHAIRS FROM THE fOL~OWIN6 LINES: NATIONAL, ' MARGE CARSON, HllRITAN, CENTURY, MONTEREY JAMESTOWN LOUN6E, PACIFIC, QUALITY. AND' M"NY MORE, IE AMON6 THE FIRST TO MAKE YOUR SEUCTIONS AT THESE UNIELIEVABLE PRICES •• , ALSO MANY PAIRS TO CHOOSE FROM. lllWl'OltT llACH I I • . ~IL Y f'ILOT lf!'f ....,_ UC IRVINE PROTESTORS WALK PICKET LINE AT MAIN ENTRANCE TO CAMPUS ·Chancellor Aldridl S.ys Students 1'rot11tint in 'Pretty Con1ld1ri1t1 'Fashion' Picket Lines Up at UCI Majority Attend Clas .ses as Protest Mounts By THOMAS FORTUNE Of ... Cltllr ...... '"" Picket line.a Wet"£ Bet up on the UC Irvine campus today by about two doun 1tudents in protest of police handling of disorders at Berkeley. New futJ· for the UCI campus protest was •~ by reporta that 10 UCI stu· dents a n d 111 administration official havt been arrested at the Bay Area UC campus. 'lbe UCI cmitingenl was said to be in Berkeley to gather information. It appeared tbal the gre.t majority or the 3,000 UC! studeni.. crossed picket lines to attend classes today. Students 1oftred the U.S. FJag agai n 1hl.s morning and Oumcellor Daniel G. Aldrich, Jr., ordered campus police to put the Flag back up and keep it UJl. He 3 Safety Projeets County Airport Allotted $165 ,567 Federal Funds . ' .. Orange County Airport· has been allotted $165,587 jo airport improvement funds by the Federal A v i a ti o n Administration, it was announced Thurs· day in-Washington. The money to the county airport was part of a $2.6 million package granted to afrports throughout the st.ale by the federal agency. Robert Bresnahan, director of aviation, Aid the money will be used for thr~ •alety projects at the airport, providing the County Board of Supervisors allocal(s matching I u n d s to cxwer the total $3.10,000 es:timated cost. Bresnahan said he had queried the FAA lasl fall on the 1vailability ol sucb fundl, bul bad not oxpeded approval and the allocation of federal mooeY m IOOD. 'Brelnaban WI the -pro)<ds b,. V1llve coomuction (I( a high .pe<d turncff to move jell rapidly on the main nmway, an enlarged holding pad for ainnlt awaiUng takeoff, and overllying: • tu· iway wttb improved surracinC. · The F AA·gianted funds will not bt available until the next fiscal year, which begins July 1, 8-nahan said. When they do become available, the d-Yid, he wiJ! go befcn 1he coanty supervi..9ors to request · matchirig local funds for the Jl'Ojed.s, &µ ol which are d<signed "to elimlnale llfely. buard> in bandllng the traUic we alrudy have.•• Sirhan Moved Secretly To San Quentin Prison SAN QUENTIN <AP) -Sirhan Bisluora Sirhan. sentenced lo death for the fasassin.ation o( Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, fi&S spirited in secret lo San Quentin Prison early today and lodged in the tiny Cell that could be his home for the rest or his life. Less than 20 minutes after b,ls $:!0 1.m. arrival . from Los Angeles, .the, 2$- ;ear-<1\d condemned slayer was locked in· 1:1 Cell 33 on Death Row in this Prtt0n 'i5 lliles north of San rrancUco. ' Sirhan was taken from the Los Ange1es "all of Just!Ce at 3 a.m. and nown by llelicopter to Van Nuys. · : From the.re a t-wo-engine st8le plane flew him to the Marin County Airport, six ililes from · San QuenUn. and be was iriven to the prl!Oll. · i The hup concrete ' and st.eel prison. painted yellow. loomed fonnidablf Ill the lb( ol Sin QdentiJI Poirit jutting into Sin PranC:i.sco Bay. · 4' AS!OCiate Warden Ji mea Park said the ltight Jordanian was atert and very in· tttested In the insUtution and lb liiltory. "'HI• cell In the '°"thsfde Olll<lemned ft.nit Is isolated from ttml!: Qf ofhtr m'.e'n . .WailJng tbelr dates with ~ apple-green fl' chamber. on each side or een 33 'there· are11ock- empty alls. An exercist area directly ide measum 10 by 1$ feet. ;No at.her prisoner can gt\ ctoser lo Sirhln than 1$ feet. . • -~•rt aiid Sirhan wu stven a normal fJeath Row breakfast, of 'fni( rolled olts, 1 cheese-omelet. bacon, tout. cor. f• and milk. &venty«ven other men lo the con- -unit. had aimllar meals. ~me. he -Sen. K""'°"1 lo duth In tile Ambassador Hotel In Las An(tles laat June 5, Sirhan has been one of the most h<llvny auardod prilonen in eau-. ltilfory. . Th< coot (I( bis trial and CIOll!lnement llO .far Ma been estimated at up to fl mlllian. He was formally -Wedneoday to execution in the chlmber whic:b :bu taUn 194 lives bef°"' him. County 'Action' Head Cleared, But on Probation The executive director ol the Orange Coonty Community Action C o u n c i I (CAC), under fin 10< the put ,..en! weeks, hu been eluted of any "fiscal lmpn>prietles" but placed on threo months probaUon to comd alleged ·"ad· ministrative weaknesses." Richard Balsc!en, preslden! of the CAC peming boani. said Thursday Director Hob lmlcefonf WU lound innocent by a majortty (I( the board In "mlluse of CAC funds." Lunceford, 3'~ of Santa Alli, had among other thiJlp been charged with dlscrtminl:Uoo .qtlnst · 1 M ex I c a q • Americtns. 'Q-. board cleared him of Ihm charaes. Baisden oaid. Lunceford, a Negro, baa held the lll,IOO pool for ..,. year. .. , lll>e CAC boon! held lour cloo<d te11sions over a period of a month hearinc d<mandl lnxn ,...., nollhbClri>ood &WI coordlnaton, all Mulcan .(mcrlcam, thal Lunceford be n ..... LoOctiord Tbu..Uy Indicated he wu not happy wtth the declllon. "The pro- baUon period will be mup on ... .,...." he uldo II• boll ...,. 10< a cllar cul dedlion to nrt1 him or retain llbn wtth at""" board avpport. said police would not guard the flag. pole but would put the Flag up when· ever they aaw it down. Aldrich indicated th.at several of the nine Univenlty of California campuses are flying their colors a( half staff. Chancellor Aldrich cancelled' a scbed;- uled appearance at today's inauguration ol. UCLA Chancellor Charles Young to remain oo his own troubled carnpwi. 'lbe chancellor said: "When one con· siders the intensity with v.·hich ideas are be.in&: battled across the country, our studenll are making their struggle in a Jll"lly coosiderate fashioo." The chancellor defended Vice Chan- cellor Roger W. Russell's action Wed-- nesday and Thuraday regarding the up- aml..cfown the pole American Flag con- trovenv, while ·1 b, . bimse:Jf "'" in wubtolton. · The UCI a dministrator ar· rested in Berkeley is Neil Malmberg, stu- dent •etiv:ides ll"iJer. Reports ~wirei t.Mt Malmber1 arxl the 10 ltudenta wert roun- ded up with averal hundred ot.ben al· tending a publlc·ptl>erinc in violaUon of Gav. Ronald Reapn.11 declared state of emergency:. UCI Dun of Student.a Robert Lawrence said he bad heard charges. aga!nlt them Included diJturbin1 the peace and ~Aldrich c:-0nfitmed that the atui:lent activit\e:S adviser and ltudents from UCI have been arrested and afe' in &mt.a RJtai jet( a minimum 1eCUrity fa. cillty operaled by Alameda County. Studtnts a r r e sted with Malm· berg i nc I u de Dooovan · Doney, a junl_or.frOm ·Ne wpor t Beach, Dianne Miller, a junior from Corona del Mar; Calby Bell, a juni<r from Laguna ljeach; Joe Weaterfi.eld, a sophomore fro m Balboa; Stacy Widd.lcomb, a junior from Corona d<I Mar: .Philip True, a junior from SaJtla 'Ana 'Hel&hts; T. on y Fernandez, a sophomore from Orange; Brulio BatLostoli, a freslunan whb lives QJl 11' UCI -~lmpos; Barbara Connolly and. Rlcliard ,Seigel. Plclet. lines were manned todv at •vtril _ enlt&J?Ce:S to the campus by perhaps lwo iloien sludentl. They carried alps ieadtna "Strike," "Disarm Campus Cope," "People.0¥er PoVerty," and "End Murder on the Campus.' Not many studentl 1«11\ed to be turned back by. tile pieletl, but ·a fair numher ~e«pted ~lack arm barids of crepe paper in mollrnhlg for UC Berkeley llOl1lludent Jtmei llectm. He cliecl Mondloy of ibotcun 1rc>md& in- flicted by police near the Berkeley cam· p6s lat W!ek and W~·idenUfied by Gov. Ragan Thursday ni&flt as a convldecl felon who carried'• rifle and electrpnk:s aurvt.lllinee gear tn hia-car at the time. The aovernor made the mnarts at a Republican rally in Anaheim. Some U€1 studenla wore ltenctlled 11Strlke'1 T ....:birts and sigm wet pbsttd about the campus with a raiaecl red fist . made popular at Hanard d u r 1 n I demonstraUons the.rt. A rally was sche- duled for noon today. Low Bid Re vealed F.or COunt y I.ink Grftn Conltnlcllon Co. of Sl<riiot. .. submiUed an apparent tow bkf of more than $10 million f« construction of a tneway llnk in Orange County. The St.ate Division of Highways an- nounced ·the1compa.ny bid t10,201 ,&11 for CON!ruCtlon of lbe eight.lane Rlvenkle Freeway from the Rlvenlde Counly llne -ard five miles Into Orange ec.m11. Other low bids. by counly, lneluded; Ventura : Eldon Rastell, S a n I a Barl>aro, 1153,474 10< "!'airs Co a br1dge on caJJfomla 111 al Sltlcoy on the Santa Clara River that wu da-ed by winter tllns. San Ditgo: A. F. Gaudentl Ltrido<aplq Corp., San Pedro. 141Q.aal.D f o r landoca-46 -0( -.... Oii lnlentala I belw.,. the San Dlt'" River •nd Btlboa Avenue. • . 1 . ,,.._ Mor•2'.:l•i . . L DAll.Y I'll.GT" f Voi~e of -f;ita,.lie ·o.:own .But New port's Peter Robbins Likei .Sll(io py Beat 1 • There Is a YOW11 man in fjewporl Beech -lrvoically wllb a frtilb bl>ct qe -who can pop a ~I omllt as be - cllea Apollo ..ironaui.. refer ·lo CharUe Brown and Snoopy. For, in ref.lily, Peter Robbins is Charlie Brwll. At least he Is Charlle'a voice on TV. Peter, 13, tivea In The Bluffs. He Is a seventh-grader at Our Lady, Queen of Angela School. Nuriing: a rriUd shiner pined durinl an afternoon sand·lot football game, the h"usky voiced bOy relaled some 1"' teresting fat."ets of his sOC-ye&r!career as Ute voic.e and penooa.Utf of the .famous ca~ character. Ke ii the Jut ortgioal cast rpe:mbu in the stable ol volcet for.the very popular animated televim;n veraions of the. Peanuta comic strip. All but Peter le£t the cast last year, victims ol that Hollywood bugaboo that haunts all performers it seems -age. "They we.re worried that my Voice would change pretty IOOll, but it.seems to be getting higher pitched rather thin deeper," he mused. "l listen to it 1 lot and I can't see any difference." Another irony centers around, the lifegi\'er to the entire Peanuts story. Peter intimated that Charles Schulli has yet to meet or even communicate with the. childttn whose voices give bi! already vivid characters even more li!e. No matter, it seems, aince Pet.er i1 as: fascinated by the Peanuts characters as any other tS-ye:ar-old. Qeing ~lie Brown has a few drawbacks, but ·the boy survives them handily. ''The kids at school AY 'good ll'ier a lot, but it doesn't bug me much," he aaid, his round face punctuated by 1 smile. He may identify with Cla.rlle, but his heart seems with another character in the strip. ''My favorite character? Snoopy, ol course.". * * * 'RedBaron' Lauds Astronauts for Junking Snoopy SPACE CENTER, Houston (UPI) - Apollo !O's utronauts today were con· gratulated on doing acmething the Red Baron had been trying to do for years - tbey got rld of Snoopy. The lunar module. nicknamed after the Charles Sclru1tz comic strip dog, WIS jet. tisoned today and late in the morning it was 23,000 mt• aw~. an~ hoaded towal!I sun orbit. Ground communicator Jack Lousma told the APQllo 10 utronaull: :·I've eot a congratulat«y message for you here. It says """lf&IUlaUona on doing wbat I've been trying to do for a long time. Si,ne:d the Red Baron." The Red Baron Is tbe Imaginary World War I flying ace of the comic atrip and Snoopy for years tiaa waged make·believe battles with llli arch enemy. Soviets Tell of Tests M05COW (AP) -The Soviet Union annuonced today it has successfully C'Ottlplettd test firings of rocteta over the Pacifte Ocean which began April 17. • 'GOOD GRIEF' Newport'• Robbins Police Arrest Seven on Drugs Anaheim police Thursday night ar- rested seven narcotics ltl!pect.s In two separate raids. At 7:30 p.m. three men were nabbed 1t 317 Water St. and charg~ with PQSSession of he.rion, possession of dangerous drugs and marijuana and in· tent to sell narcoUcs. At 11 :30'Jl.m. officers hit at 1823 Swnac Lane and arrested four men, charged· with possession and ule of marijuana and posseS!ioo ol a concealed weapon. ' ' Bungling /heft . ~ -. . Suspect Jailed' : A Santa Ana burglar who left gllring evidence ol. his bungled attfm~was~· rested early this mornlflg. • i Frank M. Trujillo, 25, of 2221 S. Halia- day St., smashed the front door window of the Liquor Bank, zm S. Main St.1 about 4 a:m., pollee charged. · Patrolllng·offlce.rs noticed the tlroken glass and found Trujillo hiding behind some boxes in the. stofe. Jn the back of tbe building, officers found Trujillo's car with a d>eck pro- t'!'\0< '~vice and money orden laten !riim w.' store. . . Trujillo' was jalled on, strong IU!plCion of bu?gJut.' . . ' •• $1 Million Set To Fix Roads Hit hr Storms One million dollar& will be aet aalde to repair Orange County bigbway d&mlfl incurred In lut winters s t o r m s, the State Highway Commission decldecl Thursday. The money will come from $30.i million In federal and stale lunds of Ibo emergency damage repair pnca llll "earmarked for stonn damage througbalt tbe slala. The feder1ll govenunent .ls upecled lo put up 125.4 million and the ltat.e IU million, to be raised by a one cent 1"' crease in gasoline ...., voled by Iii< legl~atur<. ;nie -tabs eflec'I June 1. Orange County repair projects Jnclude: -Lapa& CuJ• Road: Replace ..,. bantment,~drtinageand ­ •l--,i1n the a .... ~ -..mile ..lli"'ind u milel'no& •(l('tlle Ill Tero Road lnf<nedlon. -----· Replace AP' proachet, culverts and pan! raillnl and· lnotalLn>ck slope proteciloo cm the ....... lielwien Pallaadeo Road cd Unlverai, Drive. -.SU Die(• r ...... y: Repair ..- aod,ep>ded 8'-and ftPlanl 1J Knl of slopes between ·the intersection with the Santa Ana Freeway in El TOn> and Talbert Av•que In Fountain Valley. Aloo restore slope paving on the northb!Jund lones of the San Dleso Creek brlllrr• In Irvine, 1.5 miles ncr1bwest of the Santa Ana Freeway. · Other repair Jobs are slated for Bra Canyon !toad, Ortega Highway and tllo Rivenlde Frteway. SPRING. ·C.leara:nce . I .CAMELLIAS --~ AZALEAS BUY TWO · At 'RE.G.ULAR, PRICE-! . . . . ·! GIT THE THIRD ONE .R.E. Narne Varieties-Large Plants Plant Nmv for Summer Growth ADOBE· BUSTER! PENTREX L19UID PETUNIAS, • . . SUPER RX Buy One At Reg. Pric;e: GET 2ND GALLON FREE! IOEAL f OR OUR HEAVY SOiL- IMPROVES PENETRATION -FEEDS - COUNTERACTS ALKALINITY • REGULAR 69c TR.A Y l!QWI. BUY .ONE-GET ONE - f ·REE ~:t~ • FREE LANDSCA PE PLANNING ... ASK..A BO UT IT! HEADQUARTERS FOR SPRINKLER PARTS AQUA QUE~N OSCILLAnN~ s311 SPlllNllLEl--ltt41. $.5.95-Now ORANGE COAST NURSERY, INC.· -3IO W. WILSON COSTA... MESA ' l. The Mlchi1an House voled to urge the ,state Civil Servic~ Com- mission to rHvaluate its rule aiaimt ''r?ll.temity leave' for pregnant employes. "Motherhood is a natural function of the female and sbe should not be penalized for it," M ... Noll• Sounders, a Detroit Democrat, told her male col· leagues. -• The B'l/IOftS, HtnTJ/ and Htn- ~tl<I, of Philadelphia, CTI on<:< mon ~ti for the big mffl-1!0f'hood job of judge of ,lection.t. Henry, a 46-~tat·old ltcpu&lfc.cm, is an electronic! f't· search eichnidcm for RCA in neorbV Ptinctton, N. J. He won bv a 1Um f7MU'O'in four Jit:OTI ago -hoddfto out hb wife'•, bk1 for a fourth term. ljmrittta is a Dtmaerot and dttumintd to make a comeback th~ Novem- ber in the 211th Dlt>irion of NortMcut Philadelphia'& 4Sth Wan!. Both wcre unopposed tor their pGTtv nominatianl in the- primary. •' Tue Hove, England, City Council bas voted to build 14 .more pllblic roilets -for dogs. •An experiment with lix dog toilets in a park work· ed ao well that Councillor Lull• Sykos moved to.build more of the fenced compound• with a dummy llgbt po1t in the n\lddle. • Dcmt 'Didio, president of the Sou~h Florida NtwS Photographtr1 A11ocia- tion. plantl a kis1 on Su.an Haw. kW, 2J vcar1 old, bl~ tlltd blonde tram Colorodo, who wa1 nmMd "Miss Pitiable" by photographer• coornng tM preliminary round of th.t Miss Uniotne pageant in Miami Beach. • Die,.. Weston of Leicester, Eng- land, was nervous about the mar- riage vows her husband gave JO days ago. She made him go through a second ceremony. The first time, Tony, 25, mumbled !Jlem after receiving a concussi,on from hitting his head · on a sink after a bachelor party the night before the ceremony. "There was llO!hlng legally wrong with the first aervice," Dianne said. "It's ju· · that I 'm a bit sentimental." Gau, Gu Vsed ' - Guards Invade Carolina Campus GREENSBORO, N.C. (UPll -More thall IOO Nallonol Guardamen, firing riOes and lobbing canlater1 of J'llusea ea.s, drove mlpen from a dormitory at North Carolllla A&T Unlvenlty today, Ulen began a methodical .-p through every building oo the Negro campus. A bellcoptB and a lilbt pi>ne took part in the assault on Scott Hall where armed black militants had been holed up alnce Thunday. The aircrlfl dropped -.... canilten onto the scene u the guaro.men chupd 1be dorm. Sewral boun after the daW)'I. auault the Nltional Guard II.Id It was In control of the embattJed campus with only me casu&lty-a mllltlry pollcemon who .... Reds Renew Fighting on 'H(lmburger' ' SAIGON (UPI) --ed flibting bron out ledq atop Hamburpr Htll with U.S. pantroopen bltllq 1'09io& bmds Ii Norll V--ooidlerl arm· ed with automaUc weapons and rocket· propelled greo-. The paratroopers reported killing 21 C.Ommunists in scattered clashes along the sboutden cf the 3,000.foot mountain overlooking the A Shau Valley r>ear the border with Laos. Military SOUf'Cell said American casualties were seven dead Ind 20 wounded. A battalion or the lOlst Airborne Division captured the hill, named Dong Ap Bia on maps, on Tuesday after a 10. day battle. They nicknamed the mountain Hambur_ger Hill for its battered ap- pearance after almost constant air and , artillery strim. Military sources said at Just 838 members of North Vie tnam's tlb and 29th Infantry regiments died on the hill, ooe mile east of Laos, since May 12. Total U.S. casua1ties were reported at SJ d-1 and 310 wounded. · The clashes erupted at dayoreak when the paratroopers started another sweep across the mountain peak. ~- He said the American1 charged into delllely JW11led tree Jines to fltlah out North Vletnaotese troops who darted from poililon. to position. * * * shot In the arm. Al leui seven peraons, tncludlnc five policemen, were injured in a campus gun battle shortly after mid· night. Police said they did not. know bow many persona were aJTested durlnc the assault and sweep acrou the campus. At one point, 100 students were marched to a field and' fonled to tsy face -. under guard. They were later taken W jail in a gray bus. SJX!fa«llc sniper fire continued for about two hours after the auault but by late morning the campus wu quiel Moot of lhe 1Chool'1 4,000 students had left the campus and ooly guardsmen and policemen remained, guarding the va. cant ~buildlnge. Scott IJall, where a Negro student was killed Thuraday and where today\! action was ct11tered, bore signs of the 'battle - windows were shattered, doors: splintued and bricks rocked with bullet scars. The guard ordered everyone off cam- pus shortly after the soldiers secured Scott Hall, There was no word on when the athooJ would reopen. DurinL the height of the assault, bullets crackled through trees In the Y. ards of a dozen private hometi lining the campus of the predominantly Negro school near Scott HaH. When one resident saw 'rour armored personnel carrten: rumble into view, she sighed, '"lbanl: God for those tanks. We're getting tired of thil." 'Ibe carrien ringed the four.story, red brick dormitory where a student wu kill· ed during Thursday's gunfire. An officer warned the militants to get out, t~n a phalanx of soldJers crashed through the front door of the build.Ing as scattered gunfire sounded f r o m dormitory windows. "' The guardsman who was injured ap- parently fell -0 u ring a room -to-room sweep of the dormitory. PICK OWN GRADE IN BLACK COURSE LANCASTER, Pa. (AP) -Seven Franklin and Marshall i n 1 tr u c t o r 1 teaching the course, "The Black Ex- perience in America," yielded to student demands and canceled the final ex- amination. They also said they will permit students who have turned in term papers to give themselves a grade for tilt course. They agreed, too, to demands that they apologiu for "exploitation" of the blackness of tile Negro student.'!. Hamburger Hill Backed: 'No Increase in Activity' WASHINGTON (AP) -The While HOUie, obY!oualy rupoodinc to criticism of the COftly American usault on South Vietnam's Hamburger Hill, said today: "'Ibere has been DO inaease on oor part in tenns of military activity ordered in Vietnlm." Presa: secretary Ronald L Ziegler nls- ed the subject at a news brieflng, stating that the 430 American combat de.albs ~ for last weelt "diredly reflect the unUIUllly Intense enemy action in South Vietnam." At another point he said the United States bas not initiated a higher level of of(ensive military activity but has simply responded to enemy moves. In a Senate speech Tuesday, Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, (!).Mass.,! des<rib- ed American IOISU at Hamburger Hlll as "bath semeless and irresponsible." He called on President Nixon to gfow the pace of battle action in Vietnam. Kennedy, a potential opponent of Nixon in the next presidential election, said the level of military action conflicts with the administration's state goals in the Paris peace confirence. Zlegler'wls asked if Nixon thought the altack on Hamburger Hill overlooking lhe A Shau Valley WI! wise, proper and well handled. "The President doesn't second gues:s his Held commanders," he said, adding that Nii:on has full confidence in combat leaders. Ziegler aaid ·that Nixon, in a con- versation here last week with Gen. Crelahton Abrams, U.S. commander in Vietnam, directed that U.S. military operations be carried out with "a minimum lou of American lives." '- ,Oscoda, Michigan Freezes· '.l'emperat11rf!s Mllfl Uw ,,.._ ........ _ " " ... ·--" • ........ 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" ,, Chips Ott Old Block Handing out souvenir chips of London Bridge in a Hollywood "p~view" of the huge stones being transported to Lake Havasu City, Ariz., are Andrew Frank.Jin {left), British consul generaJ, and C. V. Wood Jr. Three tru,ckloads of the stones, weighing 1even tons apiece, were detoured through Hollywood for the "preview." Honor Sergeant Charges Suh Sinkings Suggested as General Changed Duty E M WASHINGTON (AP) -Army Sgl. Michael Sanders publicly appealed today for Gen. William C. Westmoreland "to have the C{lurage aod deeency to admit the truth" about orders that were abruptly issued to send the 22-year-old Lexington, Ky., native to Vietnam. Sanders, who was a member of the elite Tomb of the Unknown-SoldJer honor guard, said he iJ being shipped off to the war for expressing opposition to the U.S . role in Vietnam. And he contends that Westmoreland, Army chief of staff, Is responsible for it. "l bope they don't hide behind a lot ol legal talk I don't understand,'' 51.id Sanders, who has a Ja~er trying to pre- vent bis going oversea.a.~ Sanden, appearing with hi1 sidebumed lawyer, Philip Hirschkopf, at a news con· ference in nearby. Aleundria, VJ ., allo appealed ·to Secretary of the Anny Cost of Moon Voyage •Recalled By Lindbergh WASHINGTON (AP) -Charles A. Lindber&b, the "looe Eagle" of pioneer aviation says rocket pioneer Robert God-' . dard told him In 1929 a moon voyage was theofttlcally possible bub economically improbable. Jn a rare Pliblic uUerance, with rtporters and news photographers bar- red Lindbergh philosophized about th• ruuft of American aviaUon • n d reminisced about Goddard. He said Goddard told him It was possl· ble to send a mulU-stage rocket to the moon. "Then he smiled a little bit and said it might coot a million dollars and, of course, that was out," Lindbergh recall- ed. Jn the U.S. budget for fiscal year 1969 alone, the Apollo moon la!K!ing program is .estimated to cost '2.3 billion. Llndbergh'a rtmarks to a recent meeting of the Air Line Pilots Association were tape recorded with his permission and just made available far publicaUon. Since the famous kJdna~murder of bis fim.bom son Charles Jr., 37 years 1go the pUot he~ bu shunned the limelight. Clrlcago Schools To Open Monday CHICAGO (UPI) -The first teacher strike In Chicago's history was still on to- day but a tentaUve settlement has been reached and teacher ratific1Uon this weekend would reo~ schooJs Monday. The agrtement was reached Thunday night. IS hours after 1ho lllrlk• bopn. closing the city'! 523 public schools and giving nearl y 600.000 students two days vacation. John Desmond, president of the strik· Ing Oiicago Teachers Union. said teach•n would continue picketing today unUl 1 meeting by the union's house of delegates to nUfy the 1gret:me:nt and prteent It to tht membership Clashes Between Cong, Ca1nbodla Revealed PHNEM PENH, C.mbodla (AP) - Prince Norodom Sihanouk. Cambocl11n (hter or 1tat1, 11kl \oday Vkt Cons •nd Cambodi•n forct1 clashed °P!fa:r 17 1Dd May 21 In !he provlnct Ii S.ay 1t1en1, Sla.nley R. Resor "to have the com- pa1&ion" in his case that Secretary of the Navy John Cb.alee had toward crewmen involved in the Pueblo incident. Chafee ruled that no Pueblo crewmen should be punished u 1 result or that affair. "I am firmly convinced this action was taken as punishment for my exercising free speech," Sanders told reporters. Resor on Thursday night issued a week· long delay in Sanders' orders to go lo Vietnam. In the meantime Sanders also is seeking relief through federal court. His lawyer, llinchkopf, said be will seek to have Westmoreland testify next week <luring a hearing on a preliminary injunction be~SQught in U.S. District c:ourt in Wastimgton prevent Sanders' tran&fer. The lawyer saJd "it Is our belief he personally ordered this action.'' Mystery Epidemic ' Strikes ' Workers On Secret Job ' SHERMAN, ttx. (UPI) - A myatery epidemic of fainting, d.izzJness and nausea Thursday night swept through a. group ol women workinl on a classified mllilary / project at the Texas In- struments plant and 48 were laken to hospitals. • ' · At first, the collapse of the women was blamed on gu flowing through the air cconditioning systmi. The women became drowsy and dluy and some were nauseated. But es:perb eiamined the plant and a company spokesman reported today : "A thorough eiamination of the work area occupied by the woman indicates it \\'as well ventilatM and apparently safe. 1'Neltber ~, b11pectors, phyaiclans or others at the scene could account for the reaction." Thirty-fi·1e women remained today in Wilson N. Jones Hospital and l3 were In Community Hospital. Their oonditions a~ peared aood and all wa-e expected to be released soon. Other warner who became sick may have gone directly home or left for home after first aid. 1be plant was shut down during the nJghl, conomy ove WASHINGTQN (UPI) -Civilian analysts at the Pentagon have recom· mended the sinking 10 of the nation's tl nuclear-powered Polaris submarinu u an economy measure, but a OefenM Department spokesman said today there was no chance this wou1d be done. Commenting on reports about the recommendation, Jerry W. Friedhe.im, deputy chief of the Pentagon Information Service, said: "As you would expect, all sorts o{ proposals and alternatives are developed for consideration. '"J:Pe sustained strength of the Polarta Oeet Of., 41 ships is essentia1. This is 60 particula1'1Y. at a time when lhe Soviet Union rapidly is building up its sub- marine-launched Q1issile capabilities. "The present strength of the Polarl!' neet will be mainLaiQ.ed, subject, or course, to approval by Congress of our funding request." • This would mean that the 10 older subs referred to by the analysts in a rewrt would remain on duty with their slnjle.. warhead Polaris missiles. The other 31 are to be outfitted with the' multiple. warhead Poseidon missile after test.! have been completed. probably this sumw mer. Friedheim refused lo directly discuss the analysts' recommendation concemin& the sinking of IO.subs. The Washington Post said such a paper existed, and that it had come to the at. tention of a congressional committet, which was not named. SC HOOL RAPS MISSILE 'I/OLE' LAKE ARTHUR. N.M. (UPI) -Lake Arthur School Supt. John Havner ques- tions the federal government's missile strategy at times, particularly when h11 gazes out at an empty hole on the school grounds that cost m million. "That hole was dug to house a missile a few yellrs back, but they never put the miss.lie in, That $22 million could have run my school system for 110 years,'' Havner said at a budget hearing for lbe 200-student di strict near Ra!we\I, N.M. 2 Heroes Honored . . Both Gave Li~es to Save Buddies WASHINGTQN (UPI) -Prosident Nixon presented the naUcn's hlgbeal award for gaJlanlry today to dle famlUes ol two U.S. Afm1 enlisted men, both of whom gave the.lr IJves to protect their buddies in Vietnam combat. The Medal cA. Honor wu given to the families ot M./Sit. 011r~ E. Hosking Jr. of Ram5ey, N.J., and Spec. 4 Donald L. Michael of Florence, Ala., at a White . . Jtouse ceremony. M.lchael. only 19 when he. was kllltd April •• IM7, WU honored for single handedly attacldng dug-in Viet Cona: J)Oli· Uon.1 which bad hlJ IQU&d pinned down and WU •llmlilotlnf them. He wu with tbi 17Srd Airborne Br'-locle when bis aquad WU llll by an enemy fotee from • well ...-led hmlcer. Acwdllla tobll citation, !flchaol twlct • ..,,-himRll to withering fire and blasts from bll own artillery in u .. uccesafUI ettempts to knock out tho bunker . Out Ii .,.uctea. he returned to lrl•ndly por;IUW and IJOl eome more -one for .. ch hand --and cllorse<I . "Al be neand the bunker, an enemy 10ldler attKked him rrom • concealed position," the clt.Uon tald. "Spedallsl Michael killed him with his rifle, and, Jn spite of the enemy fire and the eqilodlng artillery rounds, was succ essful ln destroying lhe enemy position." He !lttll wasn't finished. When his bud· die. found him mortally ViOUnded, he had chased the retreatin& enemy beyond their positions. Hosking, 43, and a veteran of 24 years. was &erving with a Green Beret outfit, Company A of the 5th Special Forcu Gl'GUp in Pbuoc Long Province northwest o< Saigoo on ~tarch 21, 1967. when a cap. lured Viet Cone smpect suddenly grab. bed 1 band grenade from his belt and began running toward a command group. 'IOI.king cha.sed the man down, leaped on his back and "wtlh utter dJsregard for his own peraonal sarety," grasped the Viet Cong in a 'bear hug' forcing the grtnade apinst the enemy soldier'! chHt.," the citaUon said . "HI then wrestled lht Viel Cong to ht ground aod covtrM ttw> enemy·, bod1 with his own llnlll iho "'"''"' detooa1~ ••• by absorbtng the f111l force of the e•· plocling 11enade with his own body a.n• that of the mmny he nved the othf t members of hl1 command group fron death or serious Injury.'' ' 'I 1 ' ,, 11 -- • Vela Seldhleb ' 2 New Satellites Watch Radiatibn CAPE KENNEDY· (UPI) -, 'lbe >Jr Force ~ two advanced Vtlandl•t•/ · detectlon Sllellllea Into Gl'bll today to watch for -of the nw:lear 1111 bod. illldJo nport .. any Communl<I Chlnae nuclear upW.lcn '!be twin .,......... Vela ndlatloo aenttnell me! ~ amall hitd>htldq ·-uteW~ were MDt aloft by a Tllan IC rocket whtcb -., ed from Its pad rlabt oo time. ' ~ Heart Ills Two solid ~uel ~ plementary rockits 'llrapped to the TIWI lturled-lhe-JOiiloel I lhrough a low laytr,Gf clotldo with brilliant .....,. ·11- lraill!lC. beltlnd. Tho -' staged 'l'ltall lland to Ille about two mimitn after ~ launch. . . -------· -------- Flnanee Dlseussfon Set , Warren; Jiiilges · Convene WASIUNGTON (AP) -the United States Courts, said Judlclal Conlennce at could Cbiel Jll!llce Earl Warren, Thursday tho·committee could · appoln\ a commlU.. to ~ mo!flni I{\ the still heavy wa~e frame bard propoeall 1., con-Iba .....,_ Gf, Judlclal. ...,. of the Abe Fortas allalr, hu aid .,_ 1 !er b ... U.S d 11~;;::;. .. '=;..., called a special meeting o11~~er:!·~-~·~·~~Y~-~~~~-~~U«~N~N-~-~-~---­ federll judges to consider pro- po!ed" rules to govern the financial dealings of the U.S. judiciary. (Re I ate d story. Page 11). Warren has summoned the 11-member Court Administration Committee for a meeting Saturday, three mouths bel'ore Its: n e 1 t scheduled session. lt was obvious that Warren, who steps doW'n as cltiel justice next month, proposed the early meeting to overcome any public doubt about the na· -tion's .court-system_followtne the resignation under fire of Supreme Court J uaUce Abe Fortas. ' ' No agenda is set for the Smart glrl, ' Smart guy, @~_ i 'For Barnard t CAPE TOWN (AP) -Dr. Christian B a r n a r d , the surgeon who made the wor1d's first heart transplant, was sued for divorce in Cape Town Supreme C.Ow1 today. 'l'be tblrd otage of the Titan p1-d lllell and its S,019- poand poytoad of aatell}\el 1n-One of Intrepid Trio to an elllpttcal Gl'bH and l"'gan ~l five houn after Replica of Spanish vessel La Nina, among the fleet sailed to America in 1492 launch the third-ttage enatne-~y Christopher C~lum~us, was unloaded. in San Diego Thursday from Mex· rellred, sending the payload 1can destroyer Califonna. On loan from Mexico the 28-foot replica is being dis- into the detlred pooillon where played as pert of San Diego's :zooth anniversary 'ce1ebration. meeting, but the judges from U.S. circuit and district courta are expected to discuss bills pending in Congress that . would require judges t o disclose their income and in· vestments. SU1'fflY BROOK Justice M.E. Theron ordered Barnard to restore . conjugal rights to his wile, Aletta C.rtruida Barnard, by July 20 or to show cause by July 30 why a divorce decree should not be granted. the .W.llltes we~clepoelted~----'-----=-------;_;c.::;;c.::;;c.-.-_____ ~ Fort.as tendered his resigna· lion during the furor caused by disclosure he had received a $'20,000 fee in 1966 from the family foundation of financier Louis E. Wolf§On. Barnard was not in court. He left Wednesday for a two- month tour of Europe and North America. He is believed to be in Rome. ~ and bis wife have been married for %1 yqn and have two cblldren, a daughter 19 and a son 18. The daughter, Deirdre, is one of the world's top women water skiers. tnro ori>its ranging from 10,500 to 69,000 mlles above !be earih -nearly one-third of the way to the moon. · Launch officials said an engine aboard one V e I a satellite would be fired 24 hours after launch and the engine of the second would be fired 74 hours after launch to nudge them into pnicise posi· lions to begin their monitoring tasks. The new Velu will be spac- ed 180 degrees apart, one to watch one side of the earth and the second &he other aide. Poison Gas Stays Put ' At Airport in Denver DENVER (AP) -Some • 27,000 tons of poison gas was much moved but not removed ,. today from where it started, under the takd flight pat- -l«n of one of the, nalion'i ' -busl..t airport& ' 1lie oboc>lele nerve, mustard ' and tear gas may stay put for quite a while now, tn hundreds of canisters on the Coolrado prairie, as a panel of scientists tries to decide how best to get • rid of IL . Rep. Cornelius Gallagher (!).N.J.), said In WashlllilOn Thunday, that as for the Army's plan to dump the gas in the Atlantic Ocean, "for all intents and purposes, I view it as abandoned for this year." The gas had been loaded in l 70 open "raproad gondolas for the t r a i n 'trip to the East· C.oast w h e n congressional criticism led to a delay in its shipment. Thursday, the Anny began removing the cylinders from the ra-il cars. It said the decision waa made because rail siding fees .of '8.SOO a day had run up a $200,000 bill. The Army -has not said the trip is off for this year, however. • Two cranes are being used to lilt the cylinders from the , rail cars, then move them to stacked rows in a compound alonJside at the Rocky Moun- tain Arsenal. This will take about two week!, an Army spokesman ~d. , 'lbe storage site is jU1t north ind east al the ncrth me! of a r\ipway at Stapleton In-, ternational Airport. In lw than an hour '11nu'8day, 11 commercial jetlinen: toot off b-oJtJ: the rtDlWay. Nearly all made a banking tum over or near the area. The train shipment has been delayed while the National Academy of Sciences reviews the project. That work -to be headed by George Kistlakowsky, a H a r v a r d University chemistry ~ fessor and a science adviser to the late President Dwight D. Eisenhower -will take at least 40 days after 12 more men are named to the panel. That lag, plus the time need- ed to load derelict Liberty 9hips with gas and sink them at see, moves the project into a 9e880!I. that the Coast Guard has declared lWl.fe for such work because of bad weather, Gallagher ialcL . Earlier, Colorado interests had claimed that an airplane crash into the storage area could annihl l1 te the metropolitan Denver popula- tioo of more than one million. Malays Seize Copies Of Time, Newsweek KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia •. (UPI) -1he government : ~ed all copies of· !he ]J .~. >rnagaz!Ms Ttme and N<W>- \ft!ek today, charging s o m e things the publications said of last woe!<'• l'l!'lal riots ''would onJy make matters worse." "We have decided what is "written there Is not conducive to racial harmony" a a I d ' Sheikh Abdullah, pennaeent secretary to the ministry of ,' home allaln. over loudspeakers and boasted lhey would soon run the pvemment. 1lie government Tbunday biUllled all polHtcal publica- tions in wt.at it said was an ef~ fort to stop potentially ·in- flammatory comment. Bernstei.D. Set For 'New Life' ,' Police met planes arriving VIENNA (UPI) _ Leonanl with mrlpments of Time and Newsweek and confltcated Bernstein, after erperiencinc them. The ban applied to their four of the "saddest" weekl of ·current issues only. his life, i$ ready to "s\arl a Time said in its ed!Uon \his new life," be said Thuraday. _ week that bodles of those slain The American conductor~ • in the ri<Mlg between Malays poser said 1UJ sadhea stem- • and Chinese were put In bags med from the death of his ' and hung from. hooks in one father and his departure u :• ~ Abdullah called that conductor of !be New York , "ablUrd.11 "DlstribuU_oo cl the Phllharmonic. Bernstein said mqallnes Would only make be WU loolrlng forward to - -·m--worae,"hes&ld. work with Vltnnt ....... Philharmoolc and more time The government aald 1111 In which to compooe penoM were killed In the riots · SHARP ~~although unofficial aources . · •aid • toll was much higher. NeWlwffk said that lln<lfll If YOll'f• ..... ,, ttN ....... :~ other thln11 Chinese youth! Dlm•·A-LJ,., ..... ffl-4 •'• 'rnung port_ into the faces of l•hr41ys. M•k• • ~ ... '••I ', M 1 l 1 71 , who a Moeleml • • • ~•tfi•r yn'r• korlftt .,- Generals' Deaths Not Purge WASHINGTON (UPI ) - U.S. experts are intrigued by the deaths of 18 Soviet gepeffis since April 10. But Soviet sources here say there is nothing unusual about the deaths, and American experts ttnd to agree. analyists do not rule out the Three of the generals, whose possibility that the generals deaths were reported in the died as a resuJt of air ac-Soviet army newspaper Red cidents or some mySlerious Star, died "tragically," This untoward event. But they say terminology, according to past there Js no reason to belleve a stalin-type ptage ts in pro· experience, ·can mean they gress among the high ranks of were involved in an accident the Soviet anned forces. unrelated to their military Justice William O. Douglas also has been crlUcized in Congress for collecUng annual fees from the Parvin Foun- dation, which had business ties with legal Nevl}da gambling interests. And it was reveal~ Thursday that Chief Justice. designate Warren E. Burger · has received $7 ,500 as a trustee of the Mayo Foun- datiori since he has been a federal circuit judge. . Ernest C. Friesen, director or the administrative office of Smart buy Take one sip of lls marvelous mildnMS and you'll agree: thera:sno smoother whlikey than Sunny Brook atanyprice. s399. During 1968 Soviet generals died at a frequency varying from four to 13 a month. lo a one-month span in 1967, 17 generals were reported to have died. According to statistics service or, po5Sibly, they died gathered by U.S. e%perts, six while carrying out official STARS or the generals .. who died in duties. 1969 were in the 49 through 59 Among these was Lt. Gen. Sydney Om•"' ii on• of th• year old age bracket. The rest Anatoll L. Kadomtsev, 49, who wor1cf'1 9r••t ••holo9•rs. His SUNNY BROOK Because of the brevity or Soviet obituaries, U • S • 'de bl Id I colu"'" 11 •11• of th• DAILY were conm ra yo er, rang-was a commander n the PILOT' t 1 1 lilllft'BROOKINSTtUrr-Cl!ll.,oiuo.·-w--.111cm•""""-....... ,.. .. , ing from 61 throu=g=h:,,75;... __ _::A·:::"t::ia::ir:_:Del::::e:::nse=-.:.F::or:.:c::e'::..· __ C:=='=''="=="="=''"='=··==:::_ _____ -___ ~_ .... , .. -, ...,, __ ... _..,.~ Quality Tire Bale FORD, CHEVY PLYMOUTH OWNERS famous GENERAL Safety· Jet ALL NYLON CONSTRUCTION 4 FULL PLIES • DURAGEN Rubber ••• provides amazing mileage · • FULL·MOLDED CURV-MASTER SHOULDERS ••• give constant control on curves -easier handling • LOW PROFILE Construction greater load-carrying capacity -another extra margin cf safety $ 88 1,15 ll 11 1)5 ll 1• ...... """" W .HITEWALLS BUICK, MERCURY, PONTIAC, OLDS, CHRYSLER, etc. 8.25xl4 & l .15xl5 DODGE VAN, CHRYSLER, BUICK 8.45xl5 & l .15xl5 $2288 ......... fl .a.r. ... ...., l'.l .T. CHEVY II, CORVAIR, FALCON COMET 6.50.13 7.00.13 OLDSMOBILE LINCOLN, PONTIAC l .55x14 & l.85xl4 f'M 11.N l'.a.T. .. ... Q,JI P',l ,T. WHEEL ALIGNMENT ADDS SAFE MILES! ~~~ r ·,,~ ~r'" ---~ Let our apeci11i1t1 correct u1t1r, c1mber, toe-In, toe.out to your car m1nufac:turer'1 speclffc•tlons, -._nc1 tafoty.check ..... adlllfl your 11-1.,.. PHONI 646°5033 ' 'I '" ·•• • • Cl DON SWEDLUND The Best Brake Service in Town) Braka Ralina ••• 11 .. ell 4 ..-... • '""*'...... $ ·~-.Adi• .. hff -e AM ....... fl1ld • ,.,., • ecfl11tt ..... ,.••rv ..,.... 95 ---·~ The World's Most ADVANCED Tirel _, *"•• ........ at ..... ., ••••••• * ........ ... tile •• , If••• I * .......... , Since '1959 Hours: 7'30 to 6!00 °Dally 540.5710 ' regard pork .. unclean. "'• DAILY PILOTS f•NH It alao said Cblneae took !.;.-'_'1_11'..:'.· ______ _21------'-------,.------• • r -• • · 1 DA":Y Jl'ILOT EDITOlo..ll PAGE I Salt Creek Giveaway Oroilge ~y plBMm last l""• cone/Ude<! af!er a llJ:.~ atudy that ocean shoreline is the county'• most valuable 1Wource and one that is bMvlly over- lll<!d. Yet the Orange County Boord of Supervisors last year abandoned salt Creek Road, a public right Of WaY that provided near access to the public tidelands. be- tween Dana Point and Three Arch Bay. The conflict of opinion and action just doeS~·t blend. . The legality of .the giU of'l;'IOO feet of 8().foot right , of ,way to a corporaUon is lieink tested in .Superior .· Court by Laguna Beach attorney William Wilcoxen.' U Wllcoxen 1oses the first innings, there aTe indica· ' lions he will press on to a higher coart. Angrily denouncing th~ supervisorial action in Su· perior Court last week, wilcoxen snapPed bis fingers and commented angrily, "They dla it just like that with· out any pretense of examining tbe issues involved in the abandonment of this right of way/' He maintained that in no more than 10 seconds' dis- Cll.!Ston tbe coonty board had given away a public roaa in use for more than 35 years"' · The other Bid~ argues thet the county had no choice but to abandon the road since it served only one land o,.ner. 'lbe p:>Unty says it does not have the money to purchase beach for tbe public at tbe road's end. But others answer that surely the county could haVe found tl)e funds to push the right of way on tbe neces· sary distance to meet tbe public tidelands. More important tban the legalistic labyrinth, how· ever. is the fact that the county probably has lost a golden cpportunity to maintain access to a fine beach. The beach. upwvd from tbe mean hlgh·lide line and parking could have been provided later when money was 4vallable. · Need for publlc beach .. Jn Orange County will COO· Unue to mount as the years roll by and urban crusb becomes a reality. The COlil'Wwill nl!e.on Salt Creek. The Grand Jury may have aome pronouncement. But there is another court weighing-the matter to<> -the people: And tbe people bave !oat something. . · ·' ... Thespians Need a Honie 1. ·Mission Viejo, probably the fas~t growing new 1 town 1n the·country, may very well be "outgrowing1•1 its · community tbMter group, the Rancho Community Players. · ·' . This .Young _.nd l!mbjtlo~s band ql amaleur-tbes--~ plal1s was fOtmed two years ;1.go and has"becoine im-~ mensely popular wi!li theatergoers in the Saddlebaclt area. Recentiy the Rancho Players took t'l.!' honors for the best drama in the Soutbeht California Tournament of OllHCt plays. . . However. unl~s someone can come up with a borne for the group next season, the Rancho Players may very likely fade away for lack of facilities. The school auditoriums where they previously perfonned can no longer be used for outside activities such as comm.uni· ty theater. , . The players don't want to disband. They are search· ing dally for . a building in the Sadd.Jeback area which they can call home . They believe their area needs a little theater group and that such a group can succeed as well as those in neighboring cities. But they can't "do it alone. If they are to survive they will need help from their community. ' L "W HERE '15 1HE DE.LV&E ~,, A lcoho lism equate~ Wit h Suicide R ate Dear Gloomy Gus: No lln i lateral W ithdraw al in Disgui se d D ef eat By NORMAN NIXON, M.D. The festival board should prohibit exhibiting by artists and crafts. men tn any compeUng "le!tival" during the July ll·AUguol 14 peri- od. They can't serve two masteri and do a good job at either. Or would this involve some of the di· rectors themselves? -J. s. Tiils 1Htvl'9 ,.,IKU ,...._, ........ Mt N(ff .... 11'1' """' ef ,... ...... tlltf". ltM! rou.r 11.t ,...,.. It GIM11'1 Gut. Dtlf11 '1191. Eai::h year approximately .22,000 deaths . . ~...;...;all ttributed t ·cid A suicidal individuals ·who use motor ate' ·~1 Y a . . o SUI e. vehlcleS to express hostility and. ag- more accurate figure hes betwetn"-two -gression in their drive to harm and three times this number, for most themselves and othen. But even thouglt physicians are loath to label a deMh . a · ~ is a suicide note on a dtaa in- auidde because ol lbe stigma attadled to -dividuaJ who had threatened or at- the person who .takes bJs own life, and to tempted suicide previously; coroners bis family. In addition, at least 200,000 usually will rule the death accidental. .act?owledged suicidal attempts occur an· Matly times automobile fatalities follo\v nually in the United States. quatrels with parenls, spouse, sweetheart Wherever alcoholism rates ar~ high, or employer; quite often the deceased there always are more suicides. San wai an immature. Urlltable person with a . FrancisCo, now labeled the "suicide history of family, marital and job . capital," having led the naµozt in sell-disharmony. :· dfstruction for the past 10 years, also Most suicidal attempts are like Russian '•dalms national honors for alcoholism. roulette in that reJatively few are carried Similarly, in Las Vegas :and West Berlin, out with nothing left to chance. But the as well as in other glamorous and ex· combinaUon of a drunk driver and citing cities in the wo'rld, high suicld,e suicidal Intent is usually past the -point rates and high consuniption of alcohol of no return. Certainly' if we art to prevail. understand the causes of traffic fatalities EXCESSIVE AMOUNTS of alcohol overcome inlilbitions, reduce judgment, and depress physiological functiooing. AM more often than ls generally realized, the chronic alcoholic and the problem drinker, both dh!iturbed emotionally, use e1cessive drinking U a suicide means, frequently in combination , w i t h berbiturates. Alcoholics who have ex- perienced delirium tremens seem lo be more prone to suicidal attempts than those who have not. Last year the. Department o f Transpartation reported that alcoholics and heavy drinkers, constituting about foar percent of American drivers, are ft.spon.sible for at least half of the single vehicle accidents 111 which the drivers die. And nearly hslf ol the fatal accidents In whk:b more than one vehlcle takes pari! UNQUF.sTIONABLY. many of the M,000 highway falalitie1 each year are and do our ubnost to prevent these tragedies, we must pay more atlenUon to · the psychiatric background of highway accident victims. DR. JOHN EDLAND, professor of Pathology, University of Missouri School of Medicine, puts It this way : "There should be an examination of the Jn&erior of tbe driver, aa well as the interior _of the automobile. For those sharp abgles of the personali,ty, those p r o j e c t l n g obsessions, those ·psychological blind spots are every bit as hazardotis as trauma-producing k n o D s , unanchored seats, or lethal steering wheels." There is no doubt that thousands of highway fatalities in the United States each year are unequivocal suicides, with alcohol a contributing factor. Nor is there any question about the alcoholic's us! of alcohol as a suicidal equivalent, with or without an automobile, for he continually and literally drinks himself to death. On Stude nt _Vnres t • • • The term student unrest ls really not very accurate1 for the whole country is nstlesr and wary. There is racial animosity an<f there is political u'nrest. The young SUlpect the old and vice versa, and everyone fee.ls their taxes are too Ngh and ate being spent for the wrong purposes; the Jllustrations go on and on. But the lltudents have indeed been the euum, edge -sometimes for good, more ..-t!y for bad purposes. ' TREY RA VE BEEN more active, more bowkdgtable, more Idealistic, more ·Asterisks Dkii ... , NJ>., ~I ''An Ohio state Jeoillllor "'" ............ bill thal would a1':Jw I penon .to &Ive D ut.!:risk plactd -hla ...,. In the leltpbont dire<:· t.., lo indicate that be did oot wish fo be balllond by alb from people trying to ..a him IOllldbln(. 'l1le ldi:a .,.in un. ~ elicit rll1lial ...,....i from a lol Ill lalepbooe subecrlbm, ...i II could =it .... =:~= bowevt'J', ru'm11t tlb Giii •••• "' • loosy suqation." • pugnacious, and more obnoxious than their predecesson. so they have been more. visible and more disturbing to those• ol us in so-called straight toelefy. To the extent they have spurred o u r conscience and appealed to our sense or justice, I applaud them. To the extent they bave used Illegal and violent means and flooled the rights al olhers, I deplore ~. TO THE EXTENT they have appealed to the COU'\' and tnsbted on needed reforms ln campus diJcipllne procedures, J ~an agree that theirs ha.s been 1 con- slruCUve movtme:nL But to tbe atent that they have, by their llkonsidered. aaocUmonioul, aod wanton acte: sparked fur and repression In leglsl•Uve bod.lei ell tndongered the autonomy of the univenity, they hive performed •-moat .P"'fouodl,Y dtstrucUve disservlc< IO t.btmKlvU, to the academic communi~y. and to the country, _,._ nm1rb ioJ UC l'ft-1 a.t. I. Hlk::ll at C....mncente1t, Uullop Colle .. of Ille !Aw, Mey I, !Mt. Vietnam: Ni x on's Unpleasant Options WASHINGTON -Before President Nixon's recent television address on Viet- nam he gave an extemporaneous resume of his deti!ions to top level officials of hls administration. They responded with !P- plause and there was no doubt what they were applauding. as a massive fire bomb raid to destrov Hanoi. , • The· Nixon administration has passed thlgogh an initial period in wh.ich divided counsel create(f an atmosphere of un· \VHAT NIXON CANNOT do, under his certainty on-how Nixon would carry out own terms , is pull out of Vietna1n the United States commitment in Viet-unilaterally in a disguised defeat and let · nam. He has now decided to carry it out Asia go hang. Sec. or State \Villiam P. as a valid corrupitment and it should be Rpgers said later: "President Nixon js better' understood wliat thl! eV'entua.IJy --~ go~ .. to -~ ...... awa_y -from our could mean. · respons1bihUes in' Asia. He is not going to • If the North Vle~m* wnf;not acce pt quit." mutual phased withdrawal, ~!ch is the This was undoubtedly the ma jor heart of the whole matter, and the war decision of President Nixon's first four continues at about its present.level, Nix-months in office. He recogfilzed at the on will have several unpleasant optior.s. same time that he Is "pkdged" to end He can continue fighting· under some new the war. 1'l ~ determlntd to keep that formula' involvlng fewer ,u;s. troops, as pledge. If I fall to do so, l expect the he spoke of during the presidential cam· American people to hold me accountable paign. He can mak~ no significant for that failure," be said. mllitary changes but g!) bn the a&$Wllp-The receipt to £resident Nixon's speech tion that the Communist side· is wearing on Vietnam lw clearly giiiied him more out, while the South Vietnamese army time to fuJfill his pledge by satisfying, for grows stronger. Or, he can drastically the time being, both sides in the Vietnam e.scalate the war by SO!TM! web operation argumenL But time is all _that bas been gained. U the Communist ·side does not respood to what both hawks arid doves regard as· a reasonable U.S. proposal, the Problem will aril;e again oq hOw Nixon is lo fuliiH his "pledge" to end ttie war while avoiding a "disguised defeat." crisis comes in· the future he may be able to command greater public support than Pf'.esident Johnson an d Secretary Rust for the unpleasant alternatives to dis- guised defeat. THosE WUO HAVE taken their time in THESE COMMITMENTS may not pro-meisuring Nixon's televiskin speech ve lo be con1patible; and then Nixon may along with the explanations of it at the have to decide If the.only way .to fulfill \Vhite House and the. public reaction to it his pledge lo end the war is by military lend toward the conclusion that its main. action making it impossible for the Com-emphasis was on not quitting in Vietnant. munist side to continue or by aceepting A White House source said that wc disgui!ed defeat. · ..... meaning himself, the President and hi; In the present public atmosphere which advisers, know the difference between an seems to anticipate _ de~scalation as ff hori.orable · settlement and a disguised Nixon were in fact _bugging out (/f ·the defeat. When it ~fune to reducing forces war, a new escalation does not seem in Vietnam the same source said it would politically conceivable. However, that at-be done as a sign or conridence and mosphere could change it after months of res??nsibility and not to create a public delay in wliich new concessions were refations effect with the American made by Nixon the COmmuniSt side ·sfill people. refused to settle on some fonn of mutual These are not the kind of statements "'ithdrawal. ' likely to be made by those engaged in a Nixon has taken the gamble <>f con-: slow back out from the Vietnam com .. vincing the American public that what he mitment. They are more likely the is doing is the right thing. He has.made a statements of men who are willing to tietter ease for the. Johnson-Ru sk policy face the unpleasant alternatives the than they were able to .m.ake. When the future may bring. Too Late to Save Life on Earth? . . ' ' To the Editof i We are all tired of the pr9phets of doom and disaster. For ibis reason many people undoubtedly f.efused to .watch TV's excellent . documentary "The S I o w Gajllotine." Its message, tho~gb, is one we must face if human beings are going to continue to exist on this planet. Many scienllsts are saying that unless air pollution is ended man will become extinct in 50 years, and some give him only 25. Olhers believe the damage to our environment is irreversible and it is already too late to save life on earth. Our cities will be uninhabitable in 20 years, they tell us, and for many people they are uninhabitable now . Even the oxygen administered to patients in hospitals is polluted because of chemicals in the al· mosphere where it is prepared. TWO THIRDS OF 1HE pine trees in many of our forest resorts -for example Lake Tahoe and Lake Arrowhead -are dead Qr dY.ing because of smog, and there is no Wl'f to save the.pl. _ _ · • At a time when we are'\11 preoceupied with c8mpus violence and the ABM. it is almost tOo much to ask that we i>e<.'ome very alarmed about still another prol» lem. Yet nothing Is more lmpartant than the air we breathe and the water we drink -Md we are in danger of losing both. President Nixon ha s appointed a com· mittee to study the problem and report ne.xt. November. Obviou.:ily our govtm· ment is not aware of our peril. ' IF AIR POLLUTION is to be e 11 m i n a t e d , the gasoline-powered automoblle as the major contamlnant will have .to be dealt with, and only govern· ment at lhe federal levtl has the power 1---BIJ George-·--, Dear Gtorge : ' would like to know Lbe rirst step , involved in becominc a nudist. HEAL TH WORSHIPPER Dear Health : The first llep In becoming • nudllt ii ... wclJ. let me put it this way. You know those clothes ~u·re wwing! (W1i\t to Gto/l•.!ll<l~bavt_l'_our worry!J\g done by bls oulalandini stall of oervous wrects •. ) Letters from ttadt'rs are totlcofl'le. Normall11 writt'r1 1hould conveu thtir message in 300 wONb or ltss. The right to condrm• letten to fit ~· 0'1' eliminate libtl ii reserved. AU letter.t mtut fnclud1 signahcri and malting addrtu, bvt names mov b1 withheld on nqutst tf sufficient rea- son is apparent. and potentially lhe will to control the automobile industry. Il is up to us, the American ~le, fo insist· that ii do so. VIVIENNE MALONE llnderpasse.s To the Editor : }\eferring to your editorial of last 1.1arch 21, C1:1ncerning the dangerous en· trance to El Morro Elementary Sthool ; The school district should be able-IO do better than that and the Orange County Safety Commission should see to it,. i.e., there is no valid reason why an un· derpaM cannot be put at the turnorf to the El Morrow school. Just observe what the Irvine people were able to put In for I.heir Jrvine. Cove development. Should our children's safety be regarded any less? FOR THAT MATTER, there should be Quotes Dtbblt MJl!er, S.F. illp tdoool 1tlalhnt -"To live in doubt Is pur1atory. but to live in security and have • rude awaken-- Ina is hell." • " State Supreme Court Ju1det Stanley t.tesk -''Somehow we must gt.t through to tht dJsaidei\"fs In our&oclet}' that there ts no inconsistency, no irrecooctllble con- Rct, between (the) preserv•Uon oC order and (the) acuve m.V.-ts to lmpro-ie the lot cl the culturally Md economlca!!y deprived." one at the Leslie Drive turnoff to Aliso School and the AJ~a Beta complex serv- ing as well Treaij.re Island peqple w.ho need it badly. How . n_iggardly 'to even thiuk in terms:of:'1gnals 1which. would in- terfere with traliic p·r 0 gr es s i 0 n ,, especially aroun;d those· ·curvecf ap- proaches to the city limits, C. W.CHASE Si11ce this-leltir was wiitte"n,~treaeh­ erous El Mario •nrve has· been" the 1acene of the worst accident in it.s his· toy. Four men totre killed a1id a fift.'i remains in critical C<>ndition at Soutll Coast Comm1tnity Hospital. -Editor Patient Judge To lhe Editor : The person who wrote the title, "Tired, Impatient Judge" would have labeled I.he article, ''Tired, But Patient Judge" had he spent two days in Judge OWens' court, May 7 and MaJ. 12, u I did,. or jlad he read even the , arlitle involved more carefully. • Judge Owens pat.ientty sat through his own lunch hour on several occasions last week to my own personal knowledge, in order to expedite a very beavy calendar. , GEO. C. GILLETTE Tiie lieadlirlt ref;rred .to appeared over a news story reporting a.hearing on Lapuna Beach!s disputed Spit Cretk Road before Suptrior Court Judge Claude .Owe-ns. The storv ,.e • /erred to tht judge, as "obvio1Ult1 tired and impadtnt" and 1'tported .. he swept from t1'f: bmch ofur· tWlec Ot£. monishittg Laguna Niguel Corp. attor- ney ~fJkt McCormick ·to 'not. repet1t orguments thcU I've liauned to -ol- ready .•. '" -Editor Want• Drug \tatlstlu To the Editor: 1 Have been Collowtna )'QUr ftports on local &msts of nll'ditlC vlolator1 with in-. terest and' groWlnj concern.' M~t C!Uuns just don't rt•lbe 1,the utent or In- volvement ol our )'(IW'lg pe<iple in narco- Ucs -of ha rapid ...i. t~U)'.lni growth -of ill ol IU upedl. ~ . ' ' 1-, \ Wha( n.n we as lridl:vldual cittzcns do • ' f ~boul :this? ll'$ our -children and our city. ,What ab<lut our responsibility as parents, as ChristiaD~ parents and Christian citizens? , - BEFORE I COMPOSE my. letter to the cburches. I'd· like some statistics, such as, percentage of our youth involved. I-lave heard of estimates of 80 percent at Orange Coast, etc., ~ut want to be cor- rect. I feet th.e time is past to soft pedal these facts. ){now our police department is doing ~he" best tt ·can, but· limited in methods of curtailing their operation. FAYE FAILING Pay Boosts Azle, Ttzas, Ntws: "Our men In \Vashington raised their pay by almos~ dou~le ... · These are the same riien that set guidellnes that limit most Americans' paycl>ecks . . . the same men that .JOweted our income by increasing taxes to -halt inflation, and yet we continue to suf~er from ... galloping inllation. Our ·representatives should receive an oc· c3sional increase in salary, for services rendered. They should tell us )'<hy they deserve the,additional money, what tney have ace1>mplished to earn their pay. But forty one percent increase ... I don't know how they can aceept that kind of increase without just a little bit of em· barrassment." ----- Friday, May 23, 1969 Th• •ditori41 pau• of th• Dallu Pilot $ftkl to injorm and stim- Wa_te read.rs by pr11niting thU · t1C10spaper'1 optftiOnl and com.- 'mtttCdt'V on topict of '11tu11t and siqnificoTIC<, bu l'TOIJidlno • forum for the cil:pretrion of our readcrt' oplniom. end br prtrcnting the diocrsc tlino- points· of biformtd obserwrr and -f90kr1men on topic.t of the d<iu. Ro~ert N. Weed, ·i>ublish•r \ \ I ' I • . . --- -• • • • ,, . ,.... . . -· W~orrien · lake . ... , . - .· Styl~·,'J'lJn9e • ' . ~ -1 • • L •. " . Just wliat , l[l)ould mila8y wear ·as she enjoys the ~shlng breezei aboard her yiCht ·or Sips exotic juices out of a coconut while lounging on the brilliant beaches of Ae11pulcoor the Riviera? . . For those troubled ·with this problem, ruviera Club will pro.;de the answers with a poolside fashion show and luncheon presented in Newport Beach Tennis Club at 11:30 a.m. next Wednesday. However those who ·do not anticipate boa,rding a luxurious yacht or summering in exotic spots this year need ·not be scared away. The shoW;s parade Of a colorful assortment of sbip-tO-:sbore resort we"r promises to be just as useful to stay-at~omes. Mrs. Rock Duit!Ifan of Newport Bea,ch, Creative Living Section chairmap, will present. a bevy of ruvi0rans ·modeling the collectitio from Jean Dahl and Vela's· Intimate Appar~l-in Wesfoliff Plaza. Models who will pirouette around the pool Include· the Mmes. Bj>ron WJlliams and James c. Beasley of NewpOrt BeGch, Jim.Allen, Daniel D. Hils!On and earl E. ll.ankin of Lagµna Beach, Clifford J.E. Stanton of Emerald Bay and Gilbert. C. Hodges of· Corona del Mar. · Furtber--lnfoiJnation and reservat.ioos may. be obbained by call· ing Mrs. Wally L. Taft of Laguna Beach, 49f.6483 or Mrs. Betty Rowan · of Newport Beach, 548-4981. SHIP TO SHORE;_ ruviera Club membenl,(lelt). Mrs. Roek Duit· man ·and Mn.'Gordoo Berlin mike,~ble pons for Harry Babbitt. The.two are preparing for the club's fashion show and luiid!eon,.featuriiig' a p&J;ailet<t sblj>.tii'lbore;StYles next Wetclnes- day af•ll:30 a.m\ in Ne\vilOrt Beacli Te!Dils Oub. lljrs. Duijmaii will present the peia4e ol fllSlrloos IJliO!le1ed by Rivieralis. · · • ' . WELCOME GIFT.J... Turning over the keys to a new J2.pa11enger bus to Jim Black, state executive director for United Cerebral Palaey AHociation, are Mrs.: W.ay,ne .SUbcasty (center), new . l Spa~fic ~t~a~ue Ye~r • Has a Hqppy Endi .hg . ' . I Everyone was happy when• Ile» annual Installation luncheon of the Newport Harbor Spastic League· was over. . · . . . New officers wereanticipetlng a ·busY. next year and recipiei\ts of th• fUncls collected during the past year wen.mentally pulling their moaieo ,to work.' I ' · · · League members have 1teen busy since· AuguSt , with the tjuut:m.1 card sale, annual fall bridge brundt,, and spring King NePtune Ball, all of wbich netted $10,000•for the grooP't<> work with : . . . . During the lunch"'1n;ln; IFYine <;oast. Country Club,,represen~tiveo of several mstitutions ·w:er.e1~S~i~·r4M!eive the gift~. . · · · Mrs. Wllllam Fislii!r,·1eague·pfeiident; present0ci''5,f00 to tlie UnitlJcl Cer-ebral Palsey Association of Orange County for the purchase ot tWO'ad- ditional 12·pe!senger buses. The two new buses plus the ooe a1J:eady W. operalion will tra!16p<!rt ,45 cbildren'and young..aHults 40b•mlles a:diy inion their homes w the United CereijraJ PBl!ey Center in S&nta Ana aild bllck. " . • ; . _ .. ...Mrs •. Rut!LKotlar.of UCP teceived."300 on behalf of the young .aciuJts .. " for creating the decorations for the 11th annual King Neptune Ball .. A.total of ~78 was·prese~t'!d to Mrs. ~Ina.May Johnson. princlpai;of Carl Ha"':'ey School, Sant~. Ana,, f~r pu,rcl)a.51'.~ ~\erCSJl!I sy,st/l'ih : ";. Tbe tb~rapy departmenJ ·of Carl .. llarVey &boot was given'~l4'~r purdhase ,of numerous educ;atioiW aiia ,P.!iY.sicai iherapy items:'· •. '" • M+ , f ' ' t ' ~ I ~ ', Special thanks ~re gi,ven to -Mrs.:G: H:i Pi~rsol of the .. Tor.-Sl!op, 'Corona del Mar, and 0. W. ruchai'd ot Rlchard's Market ·for contributioos each month of gifts and"TefresbmentS'for a· p.rty ai Carl Hatvey 5cho0l 1o celebrate birthdays of tb.~ students1 • • • • : · • ' Patronesses of the. league w~ra 'lauded for their continuing efforta in helping the CerebraJ.P,alsled in Qt.ange cOulity .and were called "angels" for their contribiliions to: tlje leag~~· :. . · · . · . : . , . . New board members; installed· b)f' Mrs: Terence Hanna, Jnclude·:tiie M!Ms. WaYD1! S~bcasky, president; William Kitchen. Richard ·Pendleton, Donald Langille and Ed·Fietz, vice presidents ; Jack Carney, rec0tdfng1sec- retary; Philip Coholarr, -corresp0nding seeretaiy; George Jenleri J,\i .. aarer; William FJsber, par~amentartap ;_ T!!t'ence Hanna, patroness'\ 't • man; Ruth Hill;provisional chalrman,.and Rlcllard .Sc4umachu,.<»0nliiia- tor. . ...... . N~gays created, by Mrs. Kotlar graced. the tables and a cbamlil:lz'n• bowl .prec:edec1.-11>e .-1unche0n' arid inst.ajlationl Mrs. Langille hoopllality cbalrman, cordina!A!d. plans for the event. . · ' · ' • ' · ' ' . J T 1 . . _.,. ' ,Bridg~ Pla_yers Aced Out ._of Game. by Arrt~teur· Ho·u.r Trick: .. • '' ' ' •• t•' • ' . I , . . ' .. DEAR ANN LANDER&: Some new friendl invijed. us over ·fer an n• or brtdp.-Wbon ,., arriVe<! ... 7:~ .......... a1ndill',...d like to hear tl1elr IZ.yrir-oid .i.v )!er piano recital piece. Of_,. we~ laid "Jles."\The "piece" tum. «I out to be"lhrae ........ iDd l1l)' ..... bml WU vilfbly ll\llOyed, · SocreWJ <I Sllle; llf, -Llln!, ' OOH(-U be played a ttrribl~ 1ame Altu the piano recHal ,.. were told tbal • lhe YOIJ!ll"f boy, .Willied to "" ~ to.edimaJn'UI, ollo. SO ... Ill and -to 1'lm -lhe ... -. .. ••AJabaml, Arizona, Attanau, Catif~ , . • '111111-theGeUytburl --••raur de am ae~en )Uri •IO· .. '' NUI be nam«I all Jho cabinet mtmben ud llielr jiiiill ~ ''Iii'. 1llllliin Jlotlir .. Secrtl>r1 ol De!tnle: Mr. Dlvtd Ken-and 18 ditpoeilloo was foul. Whtn ft IOI nedy, SecritJ'7. fll the Tr...,ry .•• '' , bOme be told me: never to acetpt inoOW.r "lben 1111 lfMMld c:omo In wwinc -from thoet. peopl<l He order<ll toe 111ppert Irie! •·lill1 oOltlime. Hor me DOI to • uk them to oar place ever _. ~ ilie pleno wlllle ... -qaln. I lite lhe woman very much, Ann. for '!bit -lll<t-. What abould I do? -TRUMPED,ACI!: • Al 1:11 Ibey finlllJ llrGacbt out the urila. 81 lbat tlme milmbad ..... ' DIWl ACE: See lile "'"'"" dllilg Ille .r .. &ton. A ln11bud Us tlie' rlc'llt lo •elo c .. plel M doel IOI njey; (Alld ,. don 1 wife.) DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am wriling to you because it 11 easltt to write about an' embarralslng' problem than lo tallt lo a person ·face to fatt. I .am ·a, 11\-Y~ girl who II COO· aidered 1Jtnct1ve, ·good com,.., and I .guess you'd cl)J me popular. 1'1111'~<1111 proble.11. I'm tOo popular. Tiie wml baa ,gotJen ·...;n,ci thal I'm 1 puai1oY<r and '!l's true. I jUll .. ni AY no. Thi mull Is thal 1 eiid 'II' lleeplng with 1ff17 boy oo the very firit dtlf• . The weird •part II I don't pl lllJlhlnl out of It. And It seems to be 1etUnc wone. l'.rOI 1. bigger .thHIJ wt of being lriuecl Jn lbO swlinn\Jng pool when I was 11 lhAri r 191 1rom eoJni 1o bed wtth 111e ca\,tain·1>1 !lie _,'loom lat nl1bt. . . . " J!>ere 110\llell;ilni wrona with niet My beet (riend 11ya. Wa la not nonnll ~ I need prolnslOnal belp. U 100 l'IY olle II r1g111 111 i.u Moln 1 am h1~ -.... beaueboo and I wanl 1o' IO for -" Ing. Plwe advlae'me. -Y!'3 GIRL ' -DEA/I GIRL:, Y-lrleod II r!pl. I ~,.~,fetlMlp8twe.Pt 1 I ,.., cu t ile lllPl1 .__, ... ..., ..,......, ilet.-U,. Get ... .. goodhlCL • . CO\'IFIDENTIA\-TO Ti!YI!(G 'l:CJ ,GET .AHEAD: '.Keep Jrylng, fella. You.- one. Seodlnf the boos a copy 'ol'diit leUer ' 'l ' wu a grcm vlolalion of Coatldeoct.,Now II DO Ume to Uk mo II It's a pd~ -wll,.. bew .... 111e' ,...·...,. _...,?.Uk Aal ~-"' lier lllol!el ·'LOYe .. sei ... -.. t.I ~ atDlll-.•hada.-r..-ail ................ ,...,..,.. .. ,,., ---L Ma , , •• ,. wlll ............ ,. --.. --........ . _..et Illa DAILY PU.OT,11ell ta• ..,,...,~.~-···· ... I I ' I ' I I - ... .... ----.-.--.. -;-;-;-o-;~-.---r---,.._..,--..,_.----"""."":"--~----------,n11 KEYS TO LIADERSHIP -Unlocking the doors to · eflectlve leedenhip are (Ulll ,lo' rtpl) Ille Mui ... Nicbolal Jllll, H. J .. eph ~ t.O(d. Mer,liidl and William Donovan, Dlfllll!en.af the Oran&e CouQl Work shops Expanded • ty ~llY of Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women. 'nle. council . will bolt Its second leadership worbhopt Tuesday, May rl, in the Newporter Inn. Business ' Cut Short -Short lla1I ""' .... • Ila for IDllDben ol tbe Lido Ille Waddn( Commlttae ol Ille ~ County Pbllhannaalc SocletJ. and Ilda )'11?11 edWan will be D0 ... I coplloo. . Mn. JUdw'd McClure will ----,.,,...., I« Ille clooJng -... ol .... ,.., for the ......wee, ,midi pnmllea to be -.. .. _ bul ...... full. Tbe h-ptberlng will be hl&Nl&f!W wl&b hvd•lli@m ti olflcers. Ac c e p-t 1.a I rapcMbW~ will be tbe Mmes. Robert Vordale 1 d>alrman; Dua Latham, c:o- d>alrman;' 'lba)'<!r Crilpln, """"""'' Jolm SenJip, c:or-respntlnc teeretary, and Earl SaW)'tf, -.. •. lAmcbeoo and cock1alls will follow and eatertalmnent will WI NNING TICKET -Spril!g and.summer fashions from Ann Folger's, Fasb- be featured during the af-ion Island, have won the vote of members of Irvine Coast Republicait Wom- temooo. en's Club. Viewing a dress which will be shown at a fashion show-luncheon Ho11-will lie the Mmes. sponsored by the club Tuesday. May 27, are Mrs. W. Lee Spencer (left), ~eMyel=in G' '1:'elll~ presidenl, and Mrs. R. D. Farrar (oenler). Model is Mrs. Mirrle Bouchey, also a club member. and SaW)'tf. --------- Horoscope Good Leadership Ahead Era's End Toasted Finl Nlgbl<ra will 1oa11 lbe end of an era at the Jut open- ing night dinner party of Ille ......, In Vidor lluco Inn prior to lhe Jft1!llero of "Dylan" in taean& P1aJbouae Wedneaday nenJng, May :II. Leo: Travel Due Politics Put Asi de, Fas hions Voted Upon ' SATURDAY MAY 24 A fashion llbow-lllllCheon bas pressed with your unique · abilities. Take 1 q 1 t i a t i v e • received the unanimoul vote Ell<OUl'age new ""'1tact!. of !be Irvine c-t Republican Also serving on the board are the Mmes. Bertonneau, ways and meam chairman:· Farrar, buDetin and Robert Hoff, assistant secretary. Learnlna to bt effective a.m. aid lalroduc< Mrs. leaden wfll be members and Rlchlnl Blaod, 1t e y.n o le goats ol Ibo 0rmp County apetker ·I« the op en In g ~=-= oe::·JllaJ>d,.praidel!I of 61. _they ptb<r In the Newport..-Ann's lloliil!il Guild ml Inn Tuelday, May 27. board m«nber of the Los More than liOO regiltranll AiJ&tles ~ Council are ezpecled I« the IOCCUld ol Catbollo: ·Women, will es-ammal leadanblp _.....,. plain general tedmlqueo of wblch ha,. bem expanded Ilda n\olivatioo, lnltialive an d year to deftlop lelldenblp al other areas of hnportuce to all left}a, -Iiadlng it -· . Mn. Nell Mc E Ir at b ,. Worillbop!,, 1o11ow1ng • the '· deanery --will cal! •J"'l!DI! .-. will iDdude ;_:lbe oemlnar to order at 9:311 Servii1i 'lliroagh Unity, led bY ~" r,-Parents Invited ~ "111 be Lawrence • • -~ director, and ~ will be Ille P<rceptual ,~ Center, Orange. ll. 'lbe first session will be ti.ti· '\lid ,Ibo Cblld With a Leaming Dlslbllity .and wUl cover nomencl•tore and the role of chlld and parent. Suhoequenl oesslons wilt be -Undentandlq TUo F,.linp, ;June 2; Keep Your Cbltd Out of My Yard and the Siblings Hate Feellnp, Too, June 9; Home and School Problenu, June 16; Disdpline and Pnperlng for en Occupation, June 23. Tbe final session will be an o....i.w of the child with a leaning disability and a review of aelf-usessment. .ROBINSON'S iJAIU' ANO COiii CClllCKIU ~-··-... ..... .,.. ____ . ~._.__.,,,a,,... _.....,. ....... ,-._WITMIMI anNO-.O IO&lten, tw:ICl;Tl0 ~. c:t.T-, --MA. ., -.-•,_urr_ ~·--•-a..w-wu, VNlllO n •m PU.Tl ........... i..,...__,..,,_ncn -~ .................. .,,.,_-...-T ma a 1www ---~.,. .... -. ~-.---."FUMml ----·-· ·- the Rov. John Sammon, paStor of SL Cecelia'• Catholic Church in Tustin and Mrs. WtlDain GoodW!n, pat pred- denl of the J;Qs Angeles -cil. Mrs. Richard Faulkner, Orange, will be moderator. The workshop oo Serving Wit!> __ ConfideDce will b e tiiOiWltecrby Mn. HerbOrt G""'1 ol Anaheim and will have Mra. Robert J.mmergar'"., --president of the Los · Angeles Council a s ..,.U.r. , Serving with Imp r o' e d Battered Ch ildren Is Top ic The Battmd Oilld Syn. drome: ~tloo. Caule end Poosible ~ will be diso1W'd by a P!1nf.1 of ex- perts In Christ Pi'esbyt.rlan Church, Huntington Beach. Speaking will be Dr. John A. Guido, director of psychiatry; Dr. John Haberland, chief staff psycbologlst; M r 1 • Michael O'Donahue, and Mrs. John L. B..ii.ny, Mental Health associates. Tbe luncheon and mee~, sponsored by the Women 1 Service OrianizaUon, will take place at D0011 Tuesday, May n. 1'btre will be a n ad- mission charge, and reserva- tions may be made by calllng Mrs. \YWiam Essiil. 847-2931. Tbe dtscusston will begin at 1 p.m., and anyone who wishes may come for the panel only. The speakers a.re from the Parmt<hlld Clinic, Orange COOnty Medical Ceoter, Com- mu:nity Mental Health Ser- vices. Pulllic Jlelellcm will feature -Mary ,_ -llP!lllly rel a t Io a 1 coordtnatct' for Dllneyland u speabr and Jin. i:.c,lla -ol -u.;tm Beldl • aiiiilorat.ir. Mn. -XellJ; ""-' of the Cblldnn'• l!Glpital ~wlll~lor .~ ww .ha .. ~m:ado of Garden Gro•e u moderator. ServiJit Ille Parilh School will be discosied•by Sliter An-' ..U., prtnelp&l of SL C.!Hslul School in Garden Grove and Mrs. William Er 1ck1.0 n, volunteer from St. CeceUa's School, Tultln. Mn. Jolin Slota of Anaheim, w 111 moderate the session.. St. Cecelia's Council of Calbolie Women will be hos! CGUllCll for' ttio ... ct -will be au.oded by 39 parilhes. . . Mn. Jooeph Dyurt, -~ dent of the Los Anples c.an. cil, will be tbe hmcbeon 1peaker diJcuashlg When Do We Go from Hm? Assisting with plans Is Mn. William Donovan or Corona del Mar. Whoo Finl NJpten pther again !)<lt fall, the): "\D be at- tending play• In the .... Lquna-Moulton P~. To bridge the opan Wowww old end new, ~l"lnl NICht.r officen will carry on duties through the 'lleiJ.lO ....,,., lllllrting the party will be Mn. Harriet MoC onn e 11, ~. and -blr board members the Mmes. Violet Adams, Colin Timmons, Mary de Bui, ~ Da ... port. Glad)'a TMni,.,.1, : WW1am ~. Ella McLeod, Zacllcy MalaW: ... Donald Vand'*11111. Dlnntr will be awved at 1:45 follawlng a I p.m. IOClal -Dlnntr-may be obtalpedby~tbo ..........~ -.. Tlckell may be -"' canm, the playbooae, ~I. .~ 87 llYDNBY OMAJUI LIBRA (Sept.~. 22)' Women's Club and will tlle ARIEi (Mardi :U-April II): Good thearer nigot. ile with place Tuesday, May n, In the Get bulc chores "11 of way persons who ,.lu )loll. Bring Newport..-Inn. early ........ 1 .... t ..... , can make forth sense of . arU.stic ap-p 11"-~" &._..... .3-preeiation. o U\;11 1t'U1 be put aside meaninlful contact.s. B e temporaril •-· receptive to new ideas. Novel SCORPIO (Oct. 2S-Nov:11): y as memuo s view approach fs best. Stress on friend,,, -b~ and spring and 1ummer fashions Car toon s ·An imated TAURIJS (April SO...May 20): wishes. You get needed bacl<-from Ann Folger's of Fashion Good lunar upect today <Oln-ing. Sue<as b key ...nl for Island. cldea with romance, suc;eas in y~A~~ARIUS (NOY. 22· Mannequins will be the A cartoonist's view of the craattve effort&. Your Intuition Mm R-~ B -Dec, 21 ): Be prepared for ad-es. i;:o;\I au man, "funny paper'' will be offered riDCS true. Yw can be at right ded ass i In men t, more Barbara Lusk, Dav-id Liv-members of the Costa Mesa place ·at rlglll time. • responsibility. Important to lngston, Mirrl Bo u o h e y , Art League next Tuesday by GEMINI (May ti.June 20): put finishing touches on pet Richard Netland and Robert Laguna Beach artist Roger Home but ls acctnted. You 'ect G ,_ . . G Ba d Armstrong. · can successfully entertain one proJ · reau::r recogrullon · r · who is usually grumpy. Be due. Be persistent. Summer flowers will dee· The cart 0 0 n is .t ; Is veruWe. CAPRICORN (Dtc. 22-Jan. orate the luncheon tables and the creator of Ella Cinders, C •~c-(J "I.Jul 22) 19): Good lunar upect today a bounty o1 door prizes will Napoleon and Elby, Little Lulu Ob~ .c-hlnt ·uri~ ~min~ coincides with travel, writing offer excitement tol he event. and the Flintstones and cur· messqe. Avoid scattering and fomiulati.on of future Anyone wishing to purchase rently is working on special forct1. Leave details to others. plans. Your ideas are bright, tickets, at $5.50, may call Mrs. mate.rial for the Flintstones. EajoJ younelf without loin& original. Be confident. Success Raymond Farrar, 133-UM9, or Armstrong will lecture and to uceu. isAooQU~ (J _ veb Mn.-Ro1 ~ ~~~· m. demonstrate watercolor pain- ••"' (July 23-'"" n )· ~~ an. -· • , un~ ~-· ting and cartooning for ~ ,.... · 18): Some hidden matten are Tbe club, -'-1-mon••-~ d Empbull on per 1 on a I -VUl.f ....... ui:. memuca11 an guests 11athered ....-... Make purw-~roaghYtoulnto .open_ Be,.~ ·~~-had Ina wide varletylta of· In lbe multlpurpooe room ol wttb eye to future values. uve. pm more ...... .,...., ~ to terest memo Adams Elementary School, Vac:atloo alUnl coald stand diplomacy. One wbo II w .. d-hen. A student pollticlan ~ Costa Mesa. h1&b on lilt. st an I f I c ant vised Jumps the lllll· Don't CallfomJa State College at A naUve oi Loa Angeles, the -c1ue· that -'d Incl de compound emir. Long Beach stated bis views, Laguna artbt a t t e n d e d travtl. ~ u ~ (Feb.19-March 20): Mn. O. W. Richard described Puadena City College, Choui· VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sepl n):--~ttention centers around mar· , the inauguraUon of President Dai"d Art Institute and the Cycle hfCh. People are im· nage, partner_shlps. Yoo are 1 Nixon and Robert S. Barnes, S\leo Serisawa workshop. He m«e opdrnistic th111 U8Ual. J form e r chainnlD of the bas been a nationally syn· What you need comes to you. Orange County Republican dlci.led cartoonist since 1950 Ce!ltral Committee, apoke on and is listed in "Who's Who in party organtJatlon. . American Art," "American Double Festivities Planned by · Sailors Lea ders hip Roles Changed Officers ol the new club, Painters and Sculptors," "A which received charters from Dictionary of Artists" and the California Federation of "Wbo'1 Who in the West." Republican Women and the Presently Armstrong is In· N at 1 o n a 1 Federation of atructing at Laguna Beach Mr>. Bill Wright of Costa Republlcan Women In March, Scll .. I of Art and Desigo and ~=dent""!t r:ita ~~au~ ~ ~t WB. Lee is a member of the California u.,........., p1t:1111,1'1:"11 ; auman, Watercolor Society and Mu Eta Oiapter du r in I vice president; B a r n e s , Lagwla Beach, Los Angele!! ceremonies nut Tuesday ln aecretary; and Jack Donnell, and San Luis Obispo Art Opening Day wtll be doubly festive for the South Shore Saillng Club tomorrow ea members have two rea..,.. to celebrate. In addition to the usual excllement-marldng the opening of another season of boating, a new clubhouse will 118 dedloated. Traditional ribbon cutting oeTelDOllies will begin at 1 p.m. wllh Morris P. Kirk, commodore of the Aooclatlon of Newport Harbor Yacht Clubs and South Shore Sailing Club ~on> George Carver o!llclatlng. A champagne t08lt to the new clubhouse will follow the dedication and opening day rituals, and the two commodores will lead a tour of the lad.Illy to complete the formalities. _ Members and friend5 will join other area yacht clubs for a boat parade around the harbor at 2 p.m. and the day will be c:oocluded with a smorgasbord rupper in the new clubhpu>e, located 11 2S27 Well Coast Higllway, Newport Beach. .. HelJli!>g ensure the sucCels of the dedioation day hove been the Mmes. Richard Bauer, Robert Carolon, Hallan Gustafson, Duter Jackson and Giltner Knudson. Working under the direction of the officers, directon end committee chairmen, the distaff members have lnade social arrangements, furnished, decorated and landscaped the new building. her Othe~~ officers are tbel-;;tr.uur.r;;;;;;;;;i;i;;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiii;;;;;Assoc;;;;;;;;ia;;;il;;;ons;;;;;. ;;;;;iiiiiiiiii;;;;;;; Mmes. Betty Wilson, v1cell president : Don Nlel1on, a HARBOR REFORM recording ...,..1azy; Tom TE MPLE Wbolley, treasurer, and Ruby Ball, corresponding aecretazy. OPEN HOUSE A soda! avent ts beln& plan-RELI GIOU S SCHOOL ned for prospective n e w members. Anyone 1n1erested SATU•DAY, MAY ,._,:H a.m ... 12 noon In the sorority may call Mn. ST. JAMU IPIS~OPAL CHURCH cart Varner, MU784, or Mrs. ,., VIA LIDO NIWPORT llACH Wbolley.-7 . WI HAVI MANT ....,.,... ... ,.._Ulll:o "-.fu. • -...rD fim'ltntl: ~ IUlfSa.llQ{ -· IJe Pamper.JI Com11 lo .. , KIMBALL TRAD E-I NS ..... (_...,, ........... ,. -. n (l9ltolG) ••••••• • a.u -. m (all-IO),,,••••• ut ..... tv( .......... ,,. .. ~(II .......... .. ....... _ ... •• mmo QUMTPl..Y -... -...... ,., w a cunw, •.-oa.-) ... .... c._, ... , __ ..._... ... --.,.._ ...... ...... . _...--. .. ....... '-lNC.--._ ........... ) • malAe~ 'UAg anJ Raul'! Salon FOR JHOSE WHO PREFER THE BEST: e HARIOR AREA'S TOP BEAUTY l WIG; STYLISTS - • MANICURES l PEDICURES • VIVIANE WOODARD COSMETICS malAe~ Wig & Beauty Salon 2,...s:.J1:__ HILL&•fN SQUA-t • COSTA .... e IANKAMIRICARD e 1lne cihMra for the pl1-y "........, _" -drinks and ---gallery ir.y, rtchly ""-oenllt,wtlll plorcod ...... llywnt. ~ol ••lti--Co. m• ir.y, '7.IO 15" ir.y, tlUO SLAVICK'S ~1117 11 F1•hion lil•nd Newporl le•ch -M~·lllO YM (..,._ Actutt ~ -•• ......,_lcMll. ~IW Cllef'911 - o,.. MoM•Y• fTld•y •11tiJ t 1l O !'·"'• Kl MIA LL S .. NIT '695 PIANO -.. 1uun YOU CAM •••••• euALITY YOU CAif fJl.UIT at VERY LOW PRICES! EXAMPLES SANTA ANA ITORl PIA NOS :;:-.-~! ~·=·· 139 5 l•tey D9nhh W1lnvt ~~N:!. _ --'49.5 w........ '425 IPINIT __ _ ~RGANS ...........,. Ml ..,. •J:ttmal .............. ,5 Ucliil•"k9f It .. _ ·1 ...., ,.,., ·-w. Ollwi ~--•595 ,, ... ' .. - ' County GOP Told. ·state· Ready .for Radicals . ' Br TOM llAllLBY oi'• ...., Pllll' i1'efl A ~ wa;e of radical tefrorist action is . brew,tng tor . ,lhiS s~r, but Cli1ifoinia js prepareil to meet it ~to­ n.,., '(loy, lloolild ~ told wildly Cheerlni ·Rep0blie1ns Thuraday-nlgtit in Anaheim. Blamlng what he termed a filthy underground newspaper and a l 1 o milquetoast faculty members for en- couragjng rioting UC Berkeley 11tudenll, _Apollo Crew Set to End ~~~: 9r,~if £1 the governor allo·pm!llled·to •~pose the real facts IOOn. Reagan. traced what he said-.was the true 11ory behiad ""IP'Y lludenti' efforts to prevent tbt,·uni~sity ffOni •taldn.s over lll><8lled Peop!O'..t•art-on the Bay Area campus. · He crltidud the• Berkeley Barb un- derground paper. aaying n baa printed lie after lie . incltlng. dlasidenta to batUe police over the recreaUon irea which bas SPAC!i:' CENTER, HouatOn , (uPI) - "SneeJlng and cougll!ag" from lloolilll ~Bt iOIB!irJALTBiu.· f~·GD ta.ir·~ jn IPOCll Ol'~ Ptl .. ""! 'Mi!I ttlA' tbe ',\poll<»IO ~ ~ . 1.iq!: ... J..>.~jollcechlef>ild 1 from two trailblaing -, .,..._._"fir. 1111 fW j>Ollce poet aid all liir-lnmed· 1n Am<r\Cb -• 'llllinbli:.ila~tmiuf ""owe!' not wlit din& altompt in Joly. · for an, cllancelkll' i! au, wt would move '!Good old l!!!9!1py,'' the jwilr' ~ iil0~,Jt-Alld .property_are machine that carried 1bomu p., stiffOrd tbrel,tened on college campuses in Los anct'Eugent A. Ceman tO Within ·1,5 m\lel Angele.:" of the moon Tlianday, oomd toward the In a"str.qly..,orded addrm belo,.. the aun, 111 part GI ihe millioo ended. Newport IW'bcr ElL\:bange Club, Deputy Ini!de tbelr·1'Cbarlle Bnrim'"command Chief F.dWanl M. !lavlll ~ 1be cur- ship ·staffonl cenian and Johil W. Hiii period GI ~ campus COO· y..µ,g turned' to navtiation talks that frontatiilps "a sad, tad dily iJ!.America." will help ihe Apollo ll,lpaC<Crafl find lb ''LOI Anplel coll!!gei and universltie! Ian<linj site nut July 20. will 'not · bemne bastions for revoJu.. Stafford reported that p u I v er l z e d lijlOarjes jo spread · the1f ae\ivities," he fiberglass insulation blown off the com· v~'..;. •• ......._a_~-\. • specia' 1 impact, mand lblp. botch by a bleat GI qsygen nm •~~~ llM from a ·vent valve bu had the astronauts since student wirest at UCLA is reaching "itching and scratching , •. sneezing and ever·Jarpr 144'0lthmi. coughing in here for about three ~L" Davia said only laderally controlled "You sure want to tis: that before the land ot faclliUes fellUlted -fonual re- next command moct\aie flies,"· Stafford quest1-1before polic9..e0Wd rt)OVreside ~: He told ground conlrollen. He wis ...uied ~ cited ·the San Fr~ Army P 10 as would be fixed, a cue in point. ... staffonLsaid It waa ~lrr!14tinl and 1~.~-and unlvtrsiti., are dif- itcby'' but' that ~ utronauts wn Davis, whole deep-throated, animated gerie.rally in fine spirits and flDe ~ti!-delivery contrastt with bis former boss, 'Mte astronauts woke . early in tbe 21st Tom Reddin, now a ttlevision personali· Junllr orbit for a COlliderably more ty, dwelled on campus unrest in his relaxed day than the 1• .,...nt~ hours presentation. they put in Thursday witta two breathtak· He then called for a return to the ing tow passes across the moon. and a legalistic system of social conduct.. in· harrowing "gyration" of lMif sp~aft stead of the theory that every individual caused by an omission in a c~. abouJd ·~ personally whether an Told that "Everycme Is ravtng about action is rl&b:t or wrong. long been slated for deve)opment by UC trustee!. The goyernor charged also that -1ames Rector,'!5, oi~San Jmie1 killed by police shotgun lire iluring ihe disiurban<e .... himseU canjing a rifle and·-electl1nliCs. sqrveillanee·, gear in bis car. -. ~' "'The police didn't kill the)7oung111an," Reagan charged, uue-wu killed by t!ie , first college.administrator who said some time ago It was all rigbt to break laws in the name Of dissent." The·govemor, looking tired and strai~ ed µnder tbe.~.Ana.heipl Convention Center llgb\s, promised 11911l• 500 GOP . supporters at the •1.00 a plate dinner that' the "full story behind the ;people's park batUe" will be. contained in u ;Lipcomlng whit~ paper. .\ Reagan said htl hijpes to nave the"""dQCu .. ment released before the end ol the year and urged that "everyone'. read what we Sincerely believe to be the full history (See REAGAN, P11e I) 2 ~ampuses CwsedO'Ver ' . . lf:f} ,1'urmai'~ ,-, . l ~ .. j; !-•~t . ." > Ll!tifANGiita (UPI}.:;;:. ll!Uiits al ,.J twt ~ Cauiomia ~Pu of'-the · Univentfii·of California Wfte c.Uciletl-W:. dlf d conci~ f<r lvntl at tJi9 Berkeley campu1 spr:eod. · -· UCLA Clianeelkll' Charles YOWl(, who w.u.Jo ·i!LiMl!i1!r.J!t!d_lodaI, cucel~ ciaAes 'l'ln!r!<lay and said he·would make the inauguration an "act of _solemn dedlcaf.lon' to the deep Issues Which con- front us." Classes also were canceled at tbe Riv·~'e:campus·wbere ~llor If an ~eraker set aside the day as ~ of 0 moumJng and 'rellection" on the trouble at Berke~. ' N8tionii '·d;uCl!'dsrrien with f I 1 e d bayondl,., slirrounded a crowd o f d'flAOIJltr'aton in. a parklhg lot near: the Unl"'!"/lY of Ci>llfomia , a.t Bei:keley Thurlldiy ·and police arrested 496 1n u,e fi.rit masa rouOOup since violence erupted In tbfs'troutiled city eight dayi ago. Tbe.arresta came after J,500 J>rOtesters marching to th~ downtown area ignored several warnings over police loud speak~ they we?e violating Gov. Ronald Reagan's emergency ban on ·public gatberillgs. Police vans took 439 adulta to the cou~ ty jail, where they were held for $1,000 bail each on charges of unlawful assembly and blockin& a street. Forty· DAl\.Y .. ,LOT lr.H ,.. three ju\'enlles were turned over to (See CAMPUSES, Paa• Z) · WON'T WA:IT TO BE ASKED ·LA Pol~ Department's Divis your eerformanct.'' Ceman ~ald;, "Prtt· •0 'Jtie areaten threat.to this society ls ty salisfying. Pretty cballeng:mg. not the lllCt threat,'' be said, "but the ts · ... rather in11QCUoua experience," then 'two more critical eventll were left det.erioration Of ethicl, morall and values ci1ed current legal techniques attempting Newport ·Pol.ice ' Can't ~Represent b<!fore Apallo 10 spluhel down at I:~ Gl·wblt.e aoclety." to reoolve !hat problem. a.m. PDT Monday In the South PIC\flC • He Ald be belleve1 the goal of his 'ue saJd.tbst Washington, D.C., andthe neir Pago-Pago, American~ t1epar1men1 sbould be almilar to tbst in stat<·of Michigan ••• drafting laws that 'Ille astronauts will fire tbelr main Great-Br!taln. keep some suspected Glfendrrt behind ~Ives on Pay A]>Ollo engine at S:ll 1.m. SaturdaJ IO -"'l'ber<;.ihe pollce are the people.-and bars wllhout ball while !hey await trtal. k1cli: oot GI lunar orbit and Nrt _._ the people are lhe police ••• but police, "This is very, very constitutional," he Ne..,ort Belch poi1<e will not be able MondaJI they will plow Into the at• no malW bow perfect they were · made, said, "since the Constitution says if you to "!,~·~}• aalory neaiitlatl<IM with ~ere at nearly 25,000 mpb ln the still wouldn't solve the problem." are arrested tor a Cllpltal offense, you cjty~.- cru'.cial re-entry.· He fll)ltd the courts .tor "taking the cannot be free on bail, but we have to The couocll, on the recommendation of ·"Pretty satisfying," Ceman said. 'bell out of tbe judicial l)'stem." reatlze~that at the time the document -was City Manqer Harvey L. Hurlburt, bu ''Pretty challenging." He sakt th1t being arrested these days enacted, robbery wu a capital defense." dedded to leave the preaeut system of 'stafford, Ceman and ''Snoopy" made representation ~. u~ It, tht closest manned approach yet to tbe pollCe~ are reptaented by the1 350-memher ~ -9.5 miles. They proved t\llt the UCI H ndb ·zz A k End Cify Emplofes' AaaocU!ilon. luilarlandercantakemmtolh•v<rpGI. • • a· l S , s. DetecUveLeoK"11<el,praldontoflhe a'Uiar.toucbcloWn and llrllll them blct l._,ber Police Em!ll01a' Associa- aately to a mocbenhip. -.-. , u.,,, ball.~ that ihe police organl!a-'J.fost • ·dramadcally, St*fl«4 · and \ tltll be recoplJed as !lie departmeut's cerna· ohoWed !hat .... O'llned , .. !he T p z · S UC borplnlng _. lie aald Ibis w<Jl!)d be jOb could -1ulll' .-i;w1tluulf11nc-0 0 'l·Pe upp· o.r.* ' justified· by "Innumerable unique facets iia -_tile '1.111'&1 C!!1' ~ ~ ~~ I . K, ., · -"-• wticb .,.. oo1y be-,,_i,~tec1 ,... -wblch tbruteo..,.. _,... ..... by pollea peuomol!' fniln ]tome. • • Hurlllurl, ..,,,..,., ldvlaed counctlmen 'liow tt iriJ1 tie up to Apellcrtl;-lhe U.S. '.A 111Dof01nt ........ bandblU ht. ••P' Thia II w111t they want: · tbst 'the .,.,.,,1 proceduro GI .._ •• miiatoil to land men m lho moon JlllJ •, "pcitt al. rtb\j11n&,Be\tlo)' 'factioal and • -;Disper'iil al. all National Guan! and latton abould be retained until lh• ciiy to lake It from thn. demindlnc dilarmameot of an st~U ootside lawmen """' lhe UC Berkeley adopts formal employtr1111ploye Jegisla· Ground cmM>llen told the utroaauta .,~ . . . ,_.,_ loci 1 the Itch campus. tton. • thll "Snoopy" WU 23,800 mllel IWIJ, pou"ollmCU'CUlaUUll '1 1 y -rTeartna down 0( ~, -. -.\&~ ncJilf m• With "$"'straight up't _uc ll:vine .~JIUI< p•·• Park, the ' i.t. . .1-.P'.'!'IOdlGalb ·in · "Snoopy"~ Wlth'.the ~~llullblP• ~ ·~11D.1111!4W ri~ ' ...... ~ llellil6n;a u Jle,Brown" Apoll;-10 -Ip •, .a 1irih' 1~ ..UCI, ,.,o.i .;; -~:~. , ~ ~1'\11',lbtlrt. 'A 1tp10aen, later Tbunday, Stalford llilf Ceman re-delalllill blaloty-.f -..! e'vtiitt it &elected recreation arei, ·; ,: ~ ~ hPloJ<io :Aaiid1- jGIDM Youn& in It. Then "Snoopy" was ~Berkeley cam.Jiii war zone are In· -Lifting of the stale ol emer1eocy •I•' tf0n la rid "°"~"memB.f'~'lhi• ell! I..,. turned noae 1111. and Ill rocket cluCled. (Related 514fY, Photo, P ... I). UC BerUiey, declartd by Gov. Ronald • f"JUP, lii\d hall ~~ have e op. tl(Fne tOOcl>ed off. • . Newsmen at the UC! campus loday ~ . I portunJl.Y to • ~ Oil · ~ com- "W• ....,1 been able to ten )'tl did It· -u-ialn just ho w -tioat In !«tu GI "'11 and mliloe.' 1 • " '-t·' • , '4• wholher it'• goln( into orbll mund !he wtt1ea11uad ~ ..U by local medic expeosis for ttudenls liojund or "\l'e foe! lhla lftC1911n1"""'1d bf..,_ ,...,whetherlt'•roin1toh6adlltrllclil -IOt&e~ptperootllnln& killed since MAy I> Ind i --~ unlll lhe clly -lbt·..U.. 1t tbe~-Jadt 1-!l!!L · --11J .....,II • * uq,._ .....,. In dl7I ibead;]lilll1 ti!!>« lilalltr of em~_Nlalkm: .• .;, otd Snoop, he -·1.glw up."· -. (.,.HANDBILL, ...,.: ~ ' · (lleO PIJUCl;>ftjjll l) • • • • --... ~--~ -· -= .. '" ... . L .!.'-l ._ ~ ---"'~-.:<--~ -·-'"..;--"'' , • I \, I J_ ., ' •• .. NOT ' •• Don'tTuok for DADeal I t .... . '1 . i •. H You:re Peddling .. LSD llT '!"GM BAjlLEY -. o( ....... ""' .... Ymir, ,....'bA Is ·• deolln' men-bot not II your court docllet eames a aU1ui o1 lallt&ll 'that now.U,. 11P<ll pollon to the or..,. C<>unty Superior Court ix-aitor -.LSD. , There'll be · no lfbeellnr and dea1lnc for ,.. U • hlnnrfnl for ..W.C "acid" pql )Wr ....,. on the ~ ealeador. SUporlor Cotl!t Judltl have ,_ out of tbdr •"1 to a\'Old court ..n,..ttoo by lnlUtullnl a variety of pre-trial procedurea -. bl/I their charity doun't mend . ' toLSDpoddlen. . * · The d01I ol huddltl•and· bauUDI betw-_..- Md -defender ln LSD pt11111d0n litiPiioa are 10Dt forever u far u the DA'1 offlco lO -nod. 1011 Depqtj Dlt- biet Au.rn.y Al Wells. 'llle·-.n --mabl 1IO ~ ol the fact Iha! be . ...,... ti that yay ml w-. ' It euclly that way Jong. bt!_ore the ~ tacit ~-. standing between bis offlce,and the~ took dlact. "We'ft .... too ....._.al n.1 LSD can do. to • -·· broln." the bhml, tcredul"r.fu. laJd, '<We foil ttiit ~ cocvtctod o1 peddliq this kind o1 c1yumJ1e shoaJd set an thll'• -tnc 1e imn:·•· Wells wUl laJt "cop out" (plMdinr t0 a reduced charp) mr ealloo 'lrilh the delendll' al.any ·-llld barglor, npil!. lddn.r,.., man or ldllef,' But an ,..'ll aet. 11 ,...,. -"the~ o1 ~,...., .. .,.11 .. qaiclc·ttlal dole fromJ llo.Jadle and a 11GOJ. 111ore from the DA'• man. • . . * ' -·This dolen1 .,. .. that the acid llllesmao c:an1 pJud IPllJty --then. The Dopsrtmeol Five Jurilt will be mid)' ml wllllni to take !Iii pJu · and put him In state prison for the lull one to Ove year llrm. He'll do IO with the 11111 undentandin(, thou&h, "lhll hb wa Is non- n-ble.1He lels bis 1lcU '"' the lacll that 10 before, the fudlt ml the DA will have -, to oiler tow..U a more Uberlll run,,.. : LSD -...._ -., • ......,...u.ble·bull for the put ob: -now ml • ·cbect'<f 8aptrtar Court ncordl lndlclllel that then'• -anly ..,. -from the lnll><lld rule -llld'thet deltndant IJOI, lll1dor di' ....,._ 'wlllcb llllowed Wells to -uP. ·..,. --*In the _..._ Jiii and tbree 'lflSI prOblUGa ': ' • J-. wtaM>;f AD the O!!!crl -and thert ....,.. mon than IO al them -wmt to state pr1IOa via tbe trtaJ caurw and .lbe j•cop out" caleqdar. * Wells has an· the llllpporl be wonts for the "let loulh" appruch llOm many SuPorlor Court judge1, 0111011J them WUllom ~ and Byron It'. ·MO.• Millan, both of whom have llOrVe!I Jong llinll on the crtnihw court bucb: · · ·And II may be poyina off, If the _.,, 'Jatat Ampllng ol LStl stath4lcs II lo be the crlterlGn. For then hal beiii • dellnlts drop In or..,. Counl7 anall of this nature du!toc .-I lllllllht. • ' · - Judp Speln belleves !hit the -Is ~ Ummered home. Re thlnb Iha! younpten ""'·1earn1n1. If ...... u .... u:· .. by. the bani • .,, that a., -delllng with I .i._ and pciten\ -lo IOClety. Wells graji01eaDy compua LSD to berofn. "Heroin's bid lllOlqih " be ..,.. "but it'• like dtlnkln& mllt COlllpsnd lo 'Ibo blrm lhll'• -• .... kip On LSD." .,,1 Wells has a new munlng for • dread tel flf lnlllsll. ' ""· tsD. to him, apel1I out 0 W'1 Stop Dealq"." ·, . . --l • ' .. .. F ..... P .. e J REAGAN ·SEES WORE &10TS t ' ~ - • • • 4--. ' •n<l tublequent dlstortlom al the campus troublu and then judge for tbemaelvea." And the 1ovemor agllln bluled od- m~1ton and trurtee1 for refwliq to make those changes "so obvlOUlly demanded by-these disturbances" and en· couraglng campus strife by "Calling to u~ the widespread powen of ei· piilsloo and suspemlon that Ibey do In- deed have despite the convincing Im- press.Ion that they don't have them." It has come to a simple question, Reagan llid, and tho! qualioo 11, "who aball control our lnstltuUona of learning and the.Ir property and for what purpose? "I promise you~." Reagan 18id, "it wOi not be the dissidents." He waited for clpn to subside and went on; "111d I Alf coovlnced that many ltudedta even .._, are beginning to ruUie lhal 1U II n<1 a.s £hose who are committed to vi#~ would make it appear to be. The ioverncr conceded ·that the .. ovmrlieJm.lnc m1Jority of students do have l'lltimate complalnta. "OUr. unlvenlty operaUons h av e become so big lhlt the lludenta rlll>Uy feel th•t they are now mere numbers on · computer e&rda. We haven 't moved fut enough tO provide the conditions that are dem.anded . tOO., In 1 npldly changlna uruversity envlrooment. ""ul" th " , e governor stressed, "we can't get at them while these bands of re~ls hold u.s up in this .nanner. We can't begin to provide the conditlOM that both sides need and demand whllt lhl campu1 ts burning." Reqan warned "all Clutomians" to be teady for a "new wave of SOS in- rutrattoo" durtna: tbeae summer months. He bad_,.evidtnee, he u.id, that many memberl of the mill~ Studtnl,o for 1 DemocraUc Society "plan to get blllrcub, wear clean shlrtl and get respectable jobs lD private buslnesl and lndualr)'. Cd/ti Bltla Sttldent ·y _outh, 16, "Hel - ·"'"'" Iri! Y Bllrglaries Police thlJ ~ apcai~ a 1;y.;;. 1 M~ ~. i;.,~ the yOutb,~ Corona -old :Fgfary ;,~"'l'O:o1liP111Yad· tr"mt'"Hlglli SCl>cfol' atud<nt; lllorl1Y mlllod Jle&lln& mOr\. ~ lD caab ofttt ' LJ!'· at Tustin lnd -P1lisade1 D,l!L.Y PILOT lt.tf ....... GOOD Dl'EDS-Franlt Kingaard, chai,rman qi Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa Board of Realtors Public Service Committee, and Eagle Scout Michael Woodard, 17, Colla M.Sa, will be co-workers Saturday when reallors help out at Scout,O.Rama at Orange County FalrgroUDCla. Public Service Group Spends Time Not Money A brllld·new public oervlcs committee w-mallo II 1pencllq Ume Instead of money aoea to wort Saturday, doina ill llnl pd deed for the l!oy Scoula, of Ill people. or1anhed among memberablp of the Newport Harbor.coata Mesa Board o( Realtor11 the group will ~ booths at the Orange Cowity Fairground during a giant Scout-0-Rama. The start of operations is a fitling climax to NaUonal Realtors Week~ which ends this weekend, according to Frank Kingaard, author of the public service comrnilt.ee idea. "Because of the vut manpower within our ,orpnlz,ation. it was my feelina that 1uch a carniniUel could be effective wiUI very amllll ptrlODal sal:ruiCe," ~ Fron1 Pqe J POLICE ••• ·' ' and adopts • well·planned, ~ .. pm. gram.·" Councl1men unantmowly a c c e p t e d Hurlburt'• advice. Police .u.ociation president Konkel aald hi!: organizaUon would take a "wait· and-see" atUtude. "But U we find salary negoUatlona are dlsag:reeablei'' he uid, "we mi&ht con- sider <>ther actions within a le&al framework.'' Councilmen and c i t y employes are scheduled to talk about proposed pay boooll Saturda,y morning. Tbe Id· mlnlatraUon has recommended a 5 per- cent acrou the board hike for all employa1 plua an &V<Xqe I.& percent addlU<JnaJ adjllllment bated on,. rat.., el.Jew~. . , ' . . Pollca of Ileen are In Jl1IO /or lhe 5 per-cent lncreue, b\11 not (or any lildlUonal rate adJuatnients. II la und.r.too.l they are not happy about thl.s, nor ire other city employes about the 5 pert<n\ hike. Everybody wanta more. expallna. . ''1be arw In which Services cin be rendered are far more numerous than at fint imagined,'". Kingaard citntlnuea:, u..tlng an hnpretalve roster of thinp which need doing. The philosophy is to let the community know that·realtors are interested in more than selling land and homes. Once organized, Kingaard notUied organizations throughout · the Harbor Area that help was available for any number of projects and the Scout..().. Rama duty is the firit as.signrilent. Kingftard noted· that the Realtors' Pledge states that' men and...,... O! the profession &hall ser\Te their community and he believes the new panel will do just that. Man~s )jC}>~e Lega:1 or ~egal? A ilewp6rt-~ min bd~ K.; hi' court Thunday 111d Orange cawitf111at- •hals today .,. '.lnv .. t1g1tlng lo deter- mine H he left leglUmately aftenrard or escaped. "I don 't think there's any comment at this time," said a spakesman' ror the 1awmen's off 1 c e at Harbor Juaicial District Court today. A report to Costa M03a police Thursday Indicated the 23-year~ld man appeared in court and was apparently suppoeed to pay a fine 0< poll ball. Just what he did or did not do Is being checked out. Chairs ·· · •---the YMCt\-. and cbee~ from 9'lnlt' YMCA ~ ~l\d car pol(olin1111 ~ beodqusrien • • ... ~ .• , e c.1 ii I -l.ICfllio. 1n1iem;~- weebada. • ~·· .#' • , .....,.~ -at. lbe .. TM · Nt•·porN!eacli olflCtrr,-oicltd b~to.11 ~ bor'lltd."*'<I ~· ofllcerJcalied COitl -M ... pollce I« uslsJance, Offlcera frOm both d e p a r t ·m e n t s l'r,,,..,.POfe. ~ seai'clle\I tht ·1"~·and. f'!W'l._the·~ , · · .. hiding· tiode(i a car. PoUce.eaid be had ' a Ol·L 'BILL · .. b.ur.~.toot"'tn hJ,>_.i"" .. -_ .. • • • • ! 1]>e 3'...., '....,pec1 admfltejt ~e 'bad 1 -· • · · • . broten lnlo ,,,; ~'CA UI · · the h . 1 1 -1 • , !~"'f rm: o ces on may ave a po n . ' '. '" . weekends o1· April 11 ·19 Ind 28 · ~lice "f think th! relJ!IOiJ!g ls J!fil'al ancl"un-· sald · · ' ' I!"' !)en!Ondatile,& fie ia~. "Ylt', hlvi to, · n[f bu!aia'r ~;key and ~iJ.i tool get Congressional •llPPOl'\· bill "°"' Ii> -en&a0ce;each time. On the .W.. throughout lhe counlry ' k \lilts .. Of.' • · · ''"'-" create a deficit In the .~· 11.wm !::' ~ ~~~ 1: = .. ~; DOI\'' be that much '...,,. lo brtH the. ---•.and' -1n •-•> . " ... --... ,.~-c~ .• -~~ary. . . 'On u.... " l ' •ri·>< .. Hurlburt emphasized, bcrwever: !'1°rntni O Aprll 28, J"MVA e:i:· "Jt is our position that legislators at e:cutlve direct~ Rollen Broussard Jay in these levels or governmen.t know what it wait 1.or· a possible return of the bur~. pl f I . 1 U He dtd return and Broussard ltirt.ld =ght~, get a ece ~ egis a on ~l~g wih him. ~ut the burd,lr fled.· Geier 011id he did not know how long the -rfpollce re Ported that ilie ""'"' bill would be in the Interior and Insular IU.!peCl &a.Id he had spent most of the Affaini C-Ommittee, whoSe chairman · Is ~ mooey .on two cars, t!tt JIUl'.Chua Wayne Aspinall (0.Colo.) He suggested or.~;h wer~ nnrno~ b~ his f~rruly. that letters from citizens and public of-coo ra .~Y 1 amily ~~ being v~ £icials might help to get the measure pe U e ~~ the case. said a police swift attention. spokesman. They ar~ very much con· Among California members of the com-terned .and surprilCd. mJttee-are Craig Honner (Jl-&al Beech) .. · " and John Tunney (D-lmpe riat Valley). They can be reach!d at the House Office Building, Wasltington, D.C. Fron• PGfJe J CAMPUSES • • • ' juvenile autborlUes. From Pqe J HANDBILL ••• The arrests brought to 815 the total taken into custody since a dispute over the fencing of a "People's, Park" by the university erupted May 15 in a battJe administration and city of <Berkeley. 'between rock-throwing demonatratora -Dropping of all charges agairuit and riot.equipped police which ffiRII&ed· demonstrators and bnmedtate release of 1n fatal injuries to one man. hundreds now imprisoned. Meanwhile the governor, who camo -Resignation of UC Berkeley Chan. under fire from some members af the cellor Roger Reyn!, as demanded by the faculty for a massive tear gas attack by American Federation of Teachers' local the National Guard Tuesday, said chapter ln Berkeley and appointment of a guardsmen \vould remain at the campus new chief subject to faculty and student until order is restored . However, be lifted .approval. some of the restrictions imposed a week -Censure of UC Regents for com-ago. mending the Berkeley administration and Support for demonstrators and faculty act.ion by Bay Area law enforcement al the troubled bay area school al.90 came agnecies in battling the situation. ' from students and faculty members at -Disarmament of :au UC campus the San Diego and Santa Barbara cam- Police as called for by a r~nt Faculty puses and San Diego State Colleae Thur1- Sen1te resolution anc. prolUbition of calls day. for a&tside Police to~ttr campus sltua· More than 600 of the 1,900 UCLA lions. faculty member! held an emerctney The papU.laho lists student iil>lidarlty .. -=.•session Thursd~ nd'passed four reiolu-- strikes, condemnatory ruolutions, sym· lions supparting "our brethmi on the pathy de.monatrationa, ralllts, plans for · Berkeley ,campus" and calling for law martj>_.., on S:acr&me!\'9 •""4-!M •n<l~der,at UCLA . al buUdinga: on ab: 11.Qh(.llDpllSfl durinl ?fore than 100 UCLA faculty members . the past week. · sign!d a petition agreeing to continue Special note la maOe at the relaUvely meetir)g 'with their classes next week, but conservative Young Americana for calling for discussion of the problem1 Freedom (YAF) chapter at Ue Davis which confront the university system joining students for a:PeµiocraUc.~ltey . rather than .normal course subj«t mat.. SOS) and the ijfack Slil!lent Union (BSU) ler ... in demands for reform-. . ~ A delegatiQn from the University of "The primary demlnd of these acUons California at San Diego today proposed 11 "the immediate withdrawal Of Ill Na-evac;uaUng faculty and students from the tional Guud ·and other .. outside police Berkeley CamplU fnd relocaling them £rom the Berkeley campus," l h o elsewhere as a so Ju lion to the strife at anonymol1$ paper strnes. Berkeley. MAY sP.ICIAL ...... 20% to 50% off ll'llley are being told that Jt la 1111 rliht tolbreai: tbt law in the name of aocial plflresa," !Wian llid. "And n " our I to ensure that we eeparate the few deota fmn the many students and ty members who want to get on with ~Job ol •ettlng lllld provkllnjj a decent ..,,.tlon,'T ' I • ' DAii Y PllOT SDS Advocate 'Observing' Classes at Harbor High \ I OltAMOI CO.Ul • l•ltlft N. Wee4 ,.,..w.i,1 .,,.. l"WIW.., • • • ' l ' • ' • • J1cli It Ql•lty .... ,.,.1*nl .... Gmlr81 ,;,__. Th•1n •t Kenil , . ., TI111n1t ,._, M.,,hlite ~1•11or J,,...., F. Colli~1 --(tho 1411• ---2211 Wtlt l11\it1 l111l1w1 rd M•l~111 A4ilt1Hl P.O. ii •• 1175, tl66J • ' • --· c.t.MtM1•*-1 .... ..-. L ........... t m'-tA-~.._.1 _,M ...... John L. 'Vauahn, l7°yur.ol4 stud<ntl IOI' a Demof<aUc So¢ety (SDS) advocate wit!> lrtuy Jona hair, 1111 In on cluaes •I Newport Harbor High Scbool u • -I observer • Some parenla, learnlnl ol this, hive wooderld what ii Solnl on. But Harbor High Principal CbarlOI Gocllllall 111,)'1 there hlva been no cilia ol protest. The uplanaUon Is that Vau,ghn la workina: t~ard a teaching credenUal from.Clll Slite Long lleach and Is observ· tn& claasroom methods. Several other Cal State ·1.oog Btocb educsllon mojon a1ao are obler\>ln( at lllrbor Hlib. V augbn w a a a candidate for t h e Newport-M,.. Unliltd and orqe Coal! Junior Co°'le -""' -lD the April 15 decllonl. He lost both rOCOI. Loter, he turned up In the lore!-of students 1ppe1111n1 to the oronse Coal! Junior Collqe bolld for recopttoa al SDS. I Durtit& the tlectlon campaign, Vauahn. lndiclted he W'll a 1tudeot. It Oranp cout Colleae. He wu taklne only one •veolnl c1aA llld, u It develops<!, had • · d"'l'!lld lhll cllSI April I. Jl ..... hlll, be has been I aludonl al cat State Looi Buch and alnct the 11ar1 ol the l!'rlDI -I lludent obtmer at llJrtior R!P-V..,.. .,._.....,,._ ... 1-1 per -k1 U bour ..it In the -dYICI clla OI 'IV-11...wtta lllil In lhl Junior U.S. bb1or7 <1-ot Jl'lblsn GlrouL . ~~y PILOT" aMt ...... CLASSROOM OISIRVIR l'vtvr. Tuchar V1ufho Prlnclplll Godshall sllld, "We bad a ~ Imm the collq• wlllch me1111 be la currtl1lly enrolled In ......., aod acceptabl1 ID their qea." 1 OUTSTANOING VALUES ON DISCONTINUED FLOOR SAMPLES NOW IN STOCK ••• LARGE SELECTIONS OF QUALITY CHAIRS FROM TH~ FOLLOWING LINES, NATIONAL. MARGE CARSON, HllRITAN, CENTURY, MONTEREY JAMESTOWN LOUNGE, PACIFIC, QUALITY, AND ' MANY MORE. IE AMON& THE Fl.ST TO MAKE YOUR SELECTIONS AT tHESE UNIELIEVAILE PRICES , , , ALSO MANY PAIRS TO CHOOSE FROM. NIWPORT IEAOI 1727 w .. 1.1111 Dr. 642"20JG r ,. .. ,,,.,..., ' ----------------------------------------------- ' t I ' I • ' ' I • 2 New Satellites Watch Radiation Heart lll,s CAfE UNllEDY, 11.!Pll -'o, 'Ibo Air Fo~ launclled two , adv 1 n c e d Velandiaticla ~ de1eclion saleljlt.. ti.to ori>ll today to watch for vlolatlooa ' _ol the •llllC!ear teol bon IDd lo ' ~ on Of Cooym1ntwt . qiinese nuclear-uP.)ollam ' '!be twin ~ •Vela _ ridlallon eenllllt\I and-lhnie 8lllall, bltchh®'1 t<Oearch satellites were tent aloft by a Titan 3C rock<t which -· ed from ill pad right on time. Two solid f,u e I sup- plementary rockelt strapped to the Titan burled .... r<>dlet , ----=o;;·------- Ol.II. y I'll.Of $ Flnanee Dlscuisle• Set , . Warren, J~ges Convene WASHINGTON (AP) the United States Courla, uJll , J. c..i.,... ot could Cllltl J..Uce Earl Warren, Tbunday the commjttee coulil" · appoint a COnlmltlee lo ~ D!Ovlni In the still hoovy wake frame bard proposala f0< con· the problemt al judicial -of 'the ~J>e Fortas affair, has -· called a 11peelal ineeUng of\~lid~-~·r~ali~·on~la~ter~~by~the~~u:;.s'.:.. ~dud~~-~-~· ~-~.,..'.!:_· ___:__-__ federal judges to consider pro- posed rules to govern the financlaJ dealings of the U.S. judic\ory. (Re I a t e d story, Pase UI . Warren has swnmoned the 11-member Court Administration Committee for a meeling Saturday, three months beiore its n e :r t scheduled session. It was obvious that Warren, wbo steps down as chief justice next month, proposed the early meeting to overcome any public. doubt abou,t the na· lion's court system foJlowlng the resignation under fire of Supreme Court Justice Abe Fortas. Smart. girl, Smart ' guy, ... r For Barnard lhrougb a low la~ al_clGuds , with brilliant ....... fl- tralllog bOblDd. 'l1ie -stap! Titan flared, lo _ lif1f about two mhmtel afler laundl. '!be tblril tlqe of the ·1'.flan placed Itself and pa 2;011-· poundJ11Yloado1u1e111te11o-0-.e of lntre..:d Trio· "'"' , . ..,,.... No agenda is set for the meetirig, but the judges from U.S. circuit and district courts are expected to discuss bllls pending In Congress that would require judges t o disclose their income and in-CAPE TOWN (AP) -Dr. Christian B a r n a r d , the auraeon who made the world's fint heart transplant,. was sued for divorce in Cape Town Supreme Court today. Justice M.E. Theron ordered Barnard to reston!: conjugal rights to his wife, Aletta Gertruida Barnard, by July 20 or to show cause by July 30 why a divorce decree shou.ld not be granted. Barnard was not in court. He left Wednesday for a two. month tour of Europe and North America. He is believed to be in Rome. Baniard and hla wile have been morri<d for II years and have two children, a daughter 19 and a son 18. The!i daughter, l>eifdre, is one of the world's lop women ·water 6kiets. to an-elllptlcal ori>ll IDd bepn I'"' vestments. couting. -Almost 'five houri afte< Replica_ of Spanish vessel La Nina, among the fleet sailed to America in 1492 launch the tl\ird«age englne ~y Chnstopher ~um~w. was unloaded in San Diego Thursday from Mex- refired, sending the payload ican destroyer Califorru.a. On loan fro~ Mexico, the 28-foot replica is being dis- Fortas tendered hla re&gna- lion during lhe furor caused by disclosure he had received a $20,000 fee in 1966 from the family foundation of financier Louis E. Wolfson. ....,,,.,... IUNmmwmsm ~"""JI""'"°""'· Je>M t!"-iif-"' .. ,......,!.,.-.it into the deaired pol!liUon where __ P_la_y_ed_a_s_p_a_rt_o_f_S_an __ D_1e~go-'s_200t __ h_anru __ v_e_r_sary-=--c-el_e_b_r_ati_'o_n_. _______ _ the satellites were deposited into orbits ranging from 10,500 to 69,000 miles above the earth -nearly one-third of the way to the moon. Launch officials said an engine aboard one V e I a satellite would be fired 24 houra alter launch and the ellline of the -would be !ired 74 hours alter launch to nudge them into pttdse ~ tion11 lo begin lhetr moilltoring tub. The new Vtlaa will be apac· ed 180 degrees apart, one to watch one side of the earth and the second the other side. Generals' Deaths Not Purge Justice William 0 . Douglas also has been criticized in Congress for collecting aMual fees rrom the Parvin Foun- dation, which had business tlea WASHINGTON (UPI) _ analyists do not rule out the Three of••· 1 h with legal Nevada gambling 1..uC" genera s, w ose interests. And tt was· revealed Smart buy U.S. experts are ln!rigued by possibility that the generals death1 were reported in the Thursday that Chief Justice. the deaths of 18 Soviet died as a result of air ac-Soviet army newspaper Red designate Warren E. Burger generals ·since April 10. Bu\ cid~nts or some rny~s Star, died "tragically.'' This has received $7,500 as a TakeoneslpofltsmaNelOUS s391 Soviet sourcea bei'e s8y there untoward event. But they say terminology, according to past trustee of the Mayo Foon-mlldnessandyou'll • i~ nothing unusual about the there ia no reaaon to believe a datlon since be has been a · · de.atbs, and American expe$ Stalin-type purge is In pro-ezperience, can mean they federal circuit judge. agree: there'l l'.'O - tend to agree. gress among the high ranks of were Involved in an accident Ernest c. Friesen, director smoother whiakey than 1 _, __ _ During 1968 Soviet generals the Soviet armed forces. unrelated to their military of the administrative office of SunnyBrookatanyprice. died at a frequency varying According to stat is t I c s service or, possibly, they died~·=========::.! !~°!'n!,~~to~!na~on1':67,In1; ~~~!~e~r~bs·::r:dsl~ :~:i1:s. carrying olft official STARS SUNNY BROOK generals were reported to 1969 were in the 49 through 59 Among these was Lt. Gen. Sydn•v Om1rr is on• cof tit• have died. year old age bracket. The rest Anatoli L. Kadomtsev, 49, who wcorlli''t 9r11t a1holo9•"· Hit Becauae of the brevity of were considerably older, rang-was a commander in the t.ol~mri i1 0111 of tt.1 DAILY Poison ~as Stays Put At Airport -in Denver _ Soviet obituaries, . u. s . ing from 61 through 75. Antiair Defense Forces. PILOT'1 ia•••• f1 1tU1'11. h~NYS!!Olll111s111.unco.,«:•~:.CHIO.llUllUWHISl£'flJ9,IKWllleTIM.Nll.ll.a4/S~ ..;;;,::=--,~~~~;:;;_:::;:;::::~::__~~:::::~::=-_::::_:::::__,,__~==========o!:___~~~- DENVER (AP) -Some. 17,000 tons ol poison gas was much moved but not removed l<lday from wllere it started, under the lakeoll Oigbt pat· tern of one of the nation's dozen buslest airpJl'L!I. The obsolete nerve, mustard and tear gas may stay put for • · quite a while now, in hundreds of canisters on the Coolrado prairie, as a panel of scientists tries to decide how best to get rid of it. Rep. Qlrnelius Gallqher (Jl.N.J.), said in WashingtOn 'llnnday, that as for the Army's plan to dump the gas in the Atlantic Ckean, "1or all intents and purposes, I view it as abandoned for this year." The gas had been loaded in 170 open railroad gondolas for the t r a i n trip to the Eaat Coast w h e n congressional criticism led to a delay in its shipment. Thursday. the Army began removing the cylinders from the rail cars. It said the decision was made because rail siding fees of $8,500 a day bad nm up a $200,000 bill. The Army bas net !!'id . the trip is off for this' year, however. Two c:rmet are being used to lift tile cylinders from the rail cars, Oien move them to stacked row• In a O<mpoomd aJoniside at the Rody MOUJ>- taln Ar.Jenal. This will late about two weeks, an Anny spokesman said. -'!be Ill.crap lite ii jlJOt norlh and east of the north end of a runway ·at Stapleton tn- temational Airport. Iii leSi ·than an hour Thursday, 12 commercial jetliners took off from the runway. ,Nearly .U made a banking furn over Or near the area. The train shipment has bee!;I' delayed while the Nallorial Academy cf Sciences reviews the project. That work-to be headed by George Kistiakowsky, a H a r v a r d University chemistry p~ fessor and a science ad,vise.r to the late President I>Wight 0. Eisenhower -will take at least 40 days after 12 moit men are named to the panel. That lag, plus the time need- ed to load derelict Liberty. ships with gas and sink them at sea. moves the project Into a season that the Coast Guard bas dechlred wisafe for such work because of bad weather, Gallagher said. Earlier, Colorado Interests had claimed that an airplane crash into the storage area could annlbtlate the metropolitan Denwr _.ia- tion of more than one million. Malays Seize Copies Of Time, Newsweek KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (UPI) -The government seized all copies of the U.S. • magaztnes Time and News- ftek today, charging a o me things the publicaUons said of last week's radal riots "would on1y mate matters worse." "We have decided what is over loudspeakers and boasted they would soon run the government. The government 1burfoday banned all pollilcal publica- tions In what it said wu a ef· fort lo M<>p pol<pttally ln- nariunatory CMUnent. WTitte.n there is not conducive -· • • lo racial harmony" • •Id Bernstem Set .... Sheikh Abdullah, permanent secretary to the ministry of : home aUairs . For 'New Police met planes arriving VIENNA (UPI) _ Leonard ·with shipments of Time and Newsweek and conli1eated Bernstein, after uperiencinl them. The ban applied to their four of the ".saddesl" weeb of current bluel only. his life, ii ready to "'start a Time llld In 111 edition th~ new tile," be said Tbunday. -that -al -•lain '!be American conduclor-<om-ln 1he rioting betw ... Malays Id hi --• ~- and Chi-• were n>t In '••• pow sa II -ness -m-~ •-.... med from the death ol hla 1. and hong from hooa In one father and tu. departure u •. 1 ~· Abdullah called th1t conduct.or of the New York sheikh Phllbannonlc. Bmuteln said •. 111bsurd." "Distribution of the he was looking forward maaazines would only make w o r k w 1 t h v I e n n a matters worse," he said. Philharmonic and more time ,. The governftrent ~d 113 In hi h lo persons wert tilled in the riota ;==w='==COl='='-=·==;;;I " although unofficial ....- ' said the toll wu much hllber-SHARP Newsweek Slid that amona If Y"''• • •hatp ttff•, ... oUief lh1.n,gs tblnesa yaatbl Dtlflo-A·U.:. cl•titn.4 •4• flung pork into the faces of S.twNaye.. M•k• • Mttw 1 .. 1 Ma I a 1 s who I! Mosleml • • • wh.tt-.,...,. MYl11t •f Quality Tir' Sale l ' FORD, CHEVY PLYMOUTH OWNERS famous GENERAL Safetu· Jet ALL NYLON CONSTRUCTION 4 FULL PLIES • DURAGEN Rubber ••• p~ovides amazing_ mileage • FULL-MOLDEO CURV-MASTER SHOULDERS ••• give cons1ant control on curves -easier handling • LOW PROFILE Construction greater load-carrying capacity -another extra margin of safety 1.1S x II 1.15 I( ,. '"' .. ...... WHITEWALLS BUICK, "MntORY, $2288 CHEVY 11. PONTIAC, OL.DS, CORVAlil, FALCON CHRYSLER, •!•· COMET - 8.25x14 & 8.15x15 I'll.ti lt.:111 6.50x13 7.00x13 F,i .T. DODGE VAN, $2388 -OLDSMOBILE CHRYSLER, LINCOLN, BUICK PONTIAC l .45x15 & l.15x15 l'fft fl.St 8.55xl4 & B.85x14 l',l ,T, WHEEL ALIGNMENT ADDS SAFE MILES! Let our tpeei1tl1t1 correct c11t1r, umber, toe-In, toe-out to yow ear mMtufKtvm'• speclflc•tfoni, •nd Hloly-check ond adjust your slttrlnt. $1688 ,.,. tl.N ..a.T, $2388 , ... ti.11 l'.l .T. DON SWEDLUND PHONI 646-5033 ~ttrdpmiNnllclt1a. ~· DAILY Pft.orS _l1111e"-U---' fi also aa~ Qllneae took1.-''-'"-"'~·-~~~~~~jl----------'--'-------=============== ' , The Best BrakeSei'vice in TownJ lraka Ralina e Wlee .. 14.....,, ...... ~ $ . -e A':i!.hf1H &MNcr' ......... ,,., .. el_ ... .....,. .. , ..... 95 The World's Most ADVANCED Tire! 6::::J ' ' . * P.lewl•ia~ 8t .... -··~···· * Glw. -twloe .............. * ......... , Sfnee '1959 • ·Ho.in: 7:30 to 6:00 Dally • I ~-~-~~---~~~-~--~--- • C' fD.m,y PILOT' EDIToRIAL P~GE I An Eod to the Fending Newport Beach and Cost.a Mesa o!ficials have one more month In wlllcl> lo •ettle an annexation contro- ve..,. !bat for years bas made both cities loot pretty toousb. Tiie Hatlield·and'McCoy feuding, of course. !J over the &O-Called "Gaza Strip" area, an Irregular patch of county lerritory th.al separates Newport and Costa Mesa, west of the Upper Bay. The counl)l's Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFC) last week declined to rule on the two cities' latest overlapping annexation proposals. • LAFC Chairman James T. Workman asked that both cities "work with our execufi've officer in the hope that a oettlement a~ahle lo both mlly be reached by June 25." i If some au ch agreement can be .reached by then there is little ' doubt that a lot Of 11o'rphans" will aP: plaud. 'l\ese are the ownen of property in the area in .. volved, which Is very roughly encompassed by Orange County Airport on the nortll, Santa Ana and Tustin ave- nues on the west aQicl eas\, •arid by University Drive on tho south. Both cities, as per custom , are laying claim to por .. tiona of the 'same territory. It is, after all, highly unlikely that the L?C would appnnle eo.ta Mesa's propooed "Back Bay Aiulnatioo No. 1" as long as Newport is making a claim for a pOr- Uon ol It. 'J'!le LAFC rejected comparable overlapping an· n.exations a year ago. Commissioners, 1n voicing the de- S?re lut week for a settlement of the two cities' differ· ~. made it clear that their views hadn't changed. More important than which city get. what portion of the disputed aree, is the inter·city animosity gener· ated by the decade-old controversy. These bad feelings are carried over into other issues of mutual concern to tbe two Harbor Area communities. That. without elaboration, is why Costa Mesa coun· cilmen Robert Wilson and \Villard Jordan and Newport councilmen Lindsley Panons and Robert Shelton -all reasonable men -have such a significant task before Akoholism Equates With Suicide Rate .BJ NORMAN NIXON, l\l.D. ' Each y~ approxima,.Jy 22,llOO dealbs k;; dficially allribllt<d to suicide. A more accurate figure lies between two and tmft times this number, for ft'lOllt physicians are loath to I.abet a death a suicide because of the sUgma att.acbed to the pmoo who takes hil own life, aod to hil family. In addWon, at least n>,ooo acknowledged lllicidal attempt.I occur an· aual1y In the United Stat... Wherever alcoholism rates are bl'gh. there always 1re more suicides. San P'fancUco, . now labeled the "suicide ""'"81." having led the nation ln self. lleiitzucUoo !or the past 10 years, also l:lahnl naUonal honors tor alcoholism. Slmilorly, in Las Vegaii and Wesl Berlin, U well as ln other glamorous and ex· ciUng cities in the world, high suicide rates and high consumption or alcohol prevail EXcmrvE A~tOUNTS of alcohol O'Vercome inhibitions, reduce judgment, and depress physiological func:Uoning. And more oflM than is generally realized, the chronic alcoholic and the problem drinker, both dilturbed emotionally, use eJC'eSSive drinking as a suicide means, frequenUy in combination w I th blrbiturates. Alcoholics who have ex· perienced delirium tremens seem to be more prone to 1uic1dal attempts than those who have not. Last year the Department o ( Transportation reported that alcoholics and heavy drinkers, conrtituUng about four percent of American drivers, are responsible for at least half of the single vehicle accidents h1 which the drivers elk. And nearly hall of the fatal accidents in whidi more than one vehicle takes pert! UNQUl!'m'IONABLY, many of lhe 55,000 bi.&hWQ' falaliUes each year are ., Dear Gloomy Gus: Did you ever reallze all the free advertising ua car owners give to the dealers we bought from, with their names surrounding oUr U· cense plates? What a freeload ! -L. J. suicidal • lndiViduats who use · motor vehicles to express hostility aai:I ag- gression in their drive to ~harm . ~ and .<It.hen. But even 'lhotigh there is a -suicide note on a dead in- dividual who bad threatened or at· temp(ed suicide previously, cOroners usually will rule the death accident.al. Many times '8Utomobile fatalities follow quarrels with parents, spouse, sweetheart or employer, quite often the deceased was an immature, unstable person with a history ol laJillly, marllaf and job cllsharmony. MOit suicidal attempts are like Rusaian roulette in that relatively few are carried out Wltb nothing left to chance. But the combination of a drunk driver and suicidal intent is usuaJly past the point of no return. Certainly, if we are to understand the causes of traffic fatalities and do our utmost to prevent these tragedies, we must pay more attention to the psychiatric background of highway accident victims. DR. JOHN EDLAND, professor of Patbology, Universit) of Missouri School of lttedicine, puls it this way : "There should be an examination of the Interior of the driver, •• well •• the interior of the automobUe. For !hose :sharp angles of the personality, those p r o j e c t i n g obsessions, those psychological blind ~pots are every bit as hazardous 85 trauma-producing ); no D s , unanchored seals, or lethal steering wheels." There is no dot1bt that thousands o( highway fatalities in the United States each year are unequivocal suicides, with alcohol a contributing factor. Nor is there any question about the alcoholic's use of alcohol as a suicidal equivalent, with or without an automobile, filf' he · continually and literally drinks him.sell to deatll. On Student. Unrest. • • The tmn student unrest is rea11.)'•nol very accurate, for Ute wbole' counU,. is restlesa and wary. T:hfre is raCtal animosity and there Is political unrest. 'l"be young suspect the old and vice versa, and everyone feels their taxes are too bilh and are be1ng spent for the wrong JUPOlel; the illustrations go on and on. Bal the studenll have Indeed been lhe ~ • • 1,.i"" {, -,.. '. . .... · ' Gdest Report ' ' pugnaclOUb:, and more obnoxious than their pr~ so th4:y have been more visible and more disturbing lo thole ol ua in so-called straight t0elefy. To the extent they have spurred o u r conscience and 1ppealed to our Jen.ti!: ol justict, J applatld them. To the extent they have uaed JUecal and violent means and flouied the n,llb ol othen, I deplore them. =edge -someUmtS for good, more for bad purposes. · I TUY HA VE BEEN more acli\'e, mo~ ~blt, mere Jdealbt.ic, more Asterisks DI! •tee.•, N.D., Prtu: "An Ohio state :g•or hsl' propoised a bill that wooJd a peraon to have an a:st.msk plaetd -bil name in lhe lei<phone dln!<- 1117 lo -that he did oot wllh to be ......... bJ calb lrom people trylnc to .. blm 1111.11. The ldco will .... I •• = -llncfnl ._.. -• lot If I jl I -ben, ud JI coo1d w1 ':ft.,.. .. whl~ • -'lr 1oot. n ' 1 IOlldton. bcac••.f-nuane•••• fl I lcllllJ. ae u,,, " TO THE EXTENT they have appealed l'I the courts and Insisted Oil needed reforms in campus discipline procedurts, 1 ran· agree that theirs hl!i betn a con. !tructive moYement. But lo the e1tent thal they have, by tbelr 111-<0nlldered, lllDCllmonlooa, end WanlOll -oparked fear and reprwloo In legWallvo bodlel and tnc11111md the .......... , or the unlftrlity, they have performed 1 moot profoundly d.,lrUCtlve cllJwvtce to --to tba academic ........ity, ml to the country. -#nm remarb "1 UC Pr1zlt11C a..rliio J, -•I c.= ..... Ii-., C.lle1e If Ille Low, M11 I. lllt. I m . them u they attempt betw..,, now ,pd June 25' to !ton out the t!Mg feud. • We wiab these menbe'9 of the Inter-city committee a .. igned the job all the luck In the world. And fervently ~ that they don't need It. Good sense sbould work just as well Mesa's Oil Attitude ' ' . Speaking of the need for more Inter-city ·accord, it appears that Costa Meaa city councUmen -or at lea~t · four of them -don'lhave the_ume Uli.-<>U attitude., their Newport Beadi colleapes . Tbe eo.ta Ml!S!l councilmen made lhat evident this week wben they approved, wlth only Mayor Alvin Pink- ley dissenting, a request from Occldptal Petroleum Corp. to slant drill from county terrltoey Into the Coata Mesa city limits. · 1 It wlll be, of course, only a test operation. And the test operation wlll not be an unlovely thing lo behold. It wlll be sound-proofed, as well. So says Occidental. Occidental wu successfully represented before 'the Costa Mesa council by attorney DenniJ Carpenter of Newport Beach (oh, the irolly!). He assured the council ' that the Bakersfield firm wants only lo learn whether oil II there. "II l)OWng is there In commercial quantity, the company will fold Its tent and steel away," he said. . But what if the core h1>le slanLed deep under Pau1a· nno A venue at Bear Street does plunge into a signifi· cant pool of oil? ' The next step, ~id Carpenter. would be up to the voters of Cos ta Mesa. They would have to overrule a city ban against oil production. And what if they don't? Well, then there would o~ ~ously be more slant drilling from th~ county into the city -but for real, this time. The first step, in other words. already bas been taken. The problem may well reach into Newport Beach -for pools of oil respect no political boundaries. IN) f'WHERE 15 IHE D£Lu&E ~,, No llnilateral Withdrawal in Di•guised Defeat Vietnam: Nixon's Unpleasant Options WASHINGTON -Before President Nixon's recent television address on Viet· nam he gave an extemporaneous resume of hi$ decisions to top level officials of his adminislration. They responded with ap- plause and there was no doubt what they were applauding. .'Ille ~ administration has passed ·~ .. inltlat period In irhich dlvld<d counsel created an abnospbere of un· certainty on how Nixon would carry out the United States' commitment in Viet· nam. He baa now decidtd to carry it out as a •alid·commitment and it should be =~~ w~ this_ r:'en~y~ If the North Vietnamese will not acct pt mutual phased withdrawal, wl'l'!Ch is the heart of the whole matter, and the war continues at about Its present level, Nix- on will have several unpleasant options. He can coiitlnue fighting: under some new formula involving fewer U.S. troops, as he ~ al during the presidential cam· paign: He can-make no aignificant m!Utary dwit;es but ·go on the usump. lion that the Communist side ts wearing out, while the South Vietnamese mny grows stronger. Or, be can drastically escalate the war by some such operation ', . .,,.., Richai:d Wilson as a massive fire bomb raid to destroy Hanoi. · WHAT NIXON CANNOT do, under his own terms, is pull out of Vietnam unilaterally in .a disguised defeat and let Asi~ go hahg. Sec. of State William P. Rogers. sajd la1ier: .. Pruidtnt Nixon is oot g:o1ng to b.Kk away from our "'9pOnS!liUitlel lh Aslo. He-is oot aoing to quit." T This 11f:as undoubtedly the major decision 6t PreJk!ent Nixon's first. four months in office. He recognized at the same time that he is "pledged" to end the war. "I am determined to keep that pi<dg~ 11 I !all to do so, I expect lhe American people to hold me accountable for that failure," he said. The receipt .to President Nixon'a speech on Vietnam has clearly gained him more lime to rumn his pledge by satisfying, for the·Ume being:, both sides in the V"'tnam arcument. But Ume is all that bu been gained. Jr the CommunJst side does not respond to what both hawks and doves regard as a reasonable U.S. proposal,. the problem will arise again on how Nixon is lo fulfill his "pledge" to end the war while avoiding• "disguised defeat.'' ' THESE COMMITMENTS may not pro- ve to be compatible, and lhen Nixon may · have to decide U the· only way to fuUill his pledge to end the war is by military action making it impomible .f« the Com· munist side to oontinue .or by, accepting disguised defeat. In the present public almoophere which s~ms to anticipate dHSCalation as if· Nixon were in fact bugging out of tbe war, a new escalation does· not seem politically conceivable. However, that at· mosphere could change if after months of delay in whicb new conces&ions were made by Nixon the Communlit Si'de still· refused to settle on some form of mutual withdrawal. Nixon has taken the gamble ·of con·, vincing the American public that what he Is doing is the n,ht thing . He has made a better case for the Johnson-Rusk policy than they were able to m&ke. When the . crisis comes in the future he may be able to command greater public support than President Johnson and Secretary Rusk for the unpleasant alternatives to di&- g1,1ised defeat. THOSE· WHO HA VE taken their time ln measuring Nixon's television speech along with the explanations o! it at the White House and the public reaction to it tend toJA·ard the conclusion that its main emphasis was on not quitting in Vietnam. A \Vhite House source said that we, meaning: trlmself, the President and hi1 advisers~ know the difference between an honorable settlement and a· disguised defeat. When it. eatne to reducing forces in Vietnam the same source said It would be done as a sign or confidence and res~nsibility and no.t to create a public rel,h.ons effect with the American peap1e. · These are nol the kind of statemenl.3 likely to be made by those engaged in a slow .back out from the Vietnam com- mitment. They are more likely the statements of men wbo are willing to face the unpleasant alternatives the future may bring. Too Late to Save Life on Earth? To the Editor: We are all tired of the prophets of doom and disaster. For this nason many people undoubtedly refused to watch TV's excell~nt documentary "The SI o w Guillotine.•• Ils message, though, is one we must face if human beings are going lo continue to exist on this planet. Many scienusts are saying that unless air pollution is ended man will become exlincl in 50 years, and some give hin1 only 25. Others believe lhe damage to our environment is irreversible and ii is already too late to save life on earth. Our cities will be uninhabitable in 20 years, they tell us, and for many people they are uninhabitable now. Even the oxygen administered to patients in hospitals is polluted because of chemicals in the at· mosp11 .... where it is ""'pared. TWO 1111RDS OF THE pine trees in many of our f«est resorts -for e1ample Lake Tahoe and Lake Arrowhead -are dead or dying because ol smos. and there ls no way to savt them. At • time wheri we -are -all preoccuP.ied \'ill\ c~pus violence and the ABM. 1t is almost too much to ask that we become .verJ alarmed about sUll another prob· lem. Vet-nothing is more Important than the air we breathe and the water we drink -and we are in danger of losing bolh. President Nixon has appointed a com- mittee to study the problem and report nut .November. Obviously our govern- ment is not aware of our peril. IF AIR POLLUTION is to be e I i m l n ate d , the gasoline-powered automobile Uthe major contaminant wiU have to be dea1I with, and. only go...,,. ment at the tederal level has the powtr 1---B• George --=· Dear George: ' would like lo know the Ur1t step involved In becomin(. A nudist. HEALTH WORSHIPPER Dear Helltb : The firsl step in becoming a nudtat LI. ..... n. lel me pu1 tt lhls "lY· You know those clothu you're we.Irina'! CW\"lta to Georst and· have '°"' •Ofr)'lnc done bf bis oulatandfn( llalf ol'llervo111 wttcb. I .l - Mailli<>x 1. ...... ....., -·-.... _, Litter. tram ,......,. --.,... Htnnaltlo wrltwrw thould '*'"' their Intl'-lfl * _... ., ,..._ TM rltft! "' ~ '"1'11'1 ti tit 111«1 tr 1llmlo n1fl Hbll 19 ...Vl'¥M. A.11 ..,.,.,. l'nUlt IMS• 11ton1tur1 ll!MI m1llln9 ldd....,. 1tvt ~,,,_ l'!llV .. wlllllleld 1111 •l<!Uftt If 111tfk.ltftt rH-It _,,....., and potentially the will to control the. automobile industry. It is up to us, the American people to insist that It do so. ' VIVIENNE MALONE Wants Drug Statistic.'. To the Editor: Have been following your repor1a f)I Joca.1 arrests of narcotic violators With m. teres.t and growing concern. Most cttizem just don't realiu the extent of In- volvement of our Youn& people 1n narco- tics -of its rapid mid terrifying grow'lh -of all of itl aspects. What can we as individual cilizens do about this"? It's our children and our city. What about our responsibility as parents. as Christian parent.s and Christian ciUiens? BEFORE ~COMPOSE my leller to the churches, I'd lll.e some statist!CS> such as, percentap. 'of !)91:.1 youth Involved. Have heard ot estimates of 80 percent at Orange Coast. etc .• but want to be cor· rect. J feel the time is past to soft pedal these facts. Know our pqlice department is ,~olng the best it can, but limited in methods oI curtailing lheir operation. FAYE FAILING P•tlent lt<1l•e To the Editor: • Tbe per&0n who wrote the title, ''Tired, lmpalienl Judge" would have labeled the article, "Tired, But Patient Judge" had he spent two days in Judge 9wens' court, ?\-fay 7 and fl.fay 12, 8S I did, or had he read even the article involved more carefully. Judge Owens patiently sat through his own lunch hour on several occasions last week to my O".'JI personal knowledge, in order to expedite a very heavy calendar. GEO. C. GILLETTE The 1i.eadtine referred to appeared Ol'er a ne1cs 1tory reporting a hearing on Lagu•1a Beach's disputed Sa lt Creek Road. before Superior Cou ri Judge Claude OweTl,T, The story rr.· /erred to the judge a! "obviously tired. and impatient" a1Ki reported "h.r !wept from the bench after t1Clict act. monUhing Laguna NigueL Corp, attar· ney Mi.kt McCorm ick to 'not repeoi argume-nts that I've Listened to ab read,v .•• '"' -Editor It's Difficult tb Fight City Hall To the elderly BaldwinS came diitress· Ing news: anrr-21 years, the city was going to change their house number. The explanation, thal it was because o( a street. widening, did not molliry them at all. Finally they took I.he maUer to court. "It's not just a question of sentJ!nent,'' they contended. 11SUch a change. would also be a serious inconvenience, an lo- vuion 0: our property rights. U they mwt take away our number, Jet them at ltut pay us eompensa;Uon -jusl as lf lhey were: taking away part ol our fron. lagt." But the court decided it cou;kt do nothing for the Baldwins. Even It the cha.nge w.., Irk.some, saJd the court, it wu &Ull within lhe proper scope of a city's dl!Crctloo. FIGllTING CITY HALL lhrollgh to1wt acUon ls not eagy. Genually speaking becBuse of the doctrine of stparatlc.i ol powers, coorta do not have a rf«ht to !-"11· COod !UOBS" clly olficllls in lhe WQ they run lhe community. AC<Ol'dfngl)< the clt7, H 1Ctin1 willdii lb lawlull7 8f'Dtod aulhorlly, llll1 d<prho ,Yoo of advantages evtn more valuable . , than your hOUll number. For eximple: In another...,., 1 bome owner llllll"!d that he bad I rtcht to )il'k on the llt>tt in front ol. bis own drtVdlJ. He Aid this wu none ol lbe dlJ!o '"~'· &Ince, by blocl;ing the-ay, lli •@he blooli· Ing only -· ' . ' .. BUT AGAIN, 1 court 1ald lhe city Md a l'ij;ht to forbid all IUCb parking without maklna excepUons -in order to give equa.1 treatment to~ all members of ,the motoring public. Still, you 11"1 eUl~ to '• court ·t btlp ogalnst the ell)' II tlie tlty tak .. wbat,lhe law calls "arbitrary" actJoh. Corl$lifer this c1se : A cllr Clfdlnlnc< banned 111 back yard reni;os ,.... lh'!I -.....i.au 1 .. t hip. 'l'hll time a ._lied home OWDef, d4UnninoCJ t0 Mn I h""" '--..., a court1~ ta.~ oul.1.be . w._,1te. ~ -·-· Un1ble to find any rhym' or rt:1son In i;uch a drastic Jimilation, lhe court ruled that the city·s ban was simply too arbJtrary to pass the test of con- slitutionalily. . 1l1~ A,me rica1l Bor Association pub- lic seTV,ite: feat&lre by .\Vill Bernard. --iW.. Friday. May 23, 1969 Tht editorial pogt of tht DoQ~ Pilot tttki to inform and rtm..- ulatt rtadt'rt bv P"'tSf'nting thU nnotpaptr"1 opf11ions and eom. JMn.tarr , on topics of inf.nt 'and rlgnfficantt, bw prwfdiitg " forum f or tht ~xprtsri°" of oitr reoda1' opfnfol'l,f, and b11 pq1t11.tirtg the diverae vino. poantt of -informed ob11rwr1 and 6polcumen on topitt of the day. • 'llbbert N~ Weed, Pub Usher -=----- . . . . .. ~0sta :·~sa • / ... ' . . :VOl. 62, NO. '123, <I SECTIONS, 42 PASES -, ORANGE· COUNTY,· CALIFORNIA-__ , I Re~gaIJ $e~s Mor~ Riots' 1' ~.. • -( ••• f -;· Co':'nty ·GQP ;f ozil,.$llit~·~~~ady for :R~dicals By TOM BARLEY Of ... Dlltr• Pllllt ..... A new wave of radical t~ act.ion IS ~ for this ,......., but Callfomla Is prepared in -tt -.to- -Gov. Ronald Reagan told' wildly -..~•bllcant ~ nlPt· in AD•beim ,......., what he 1'!rmed a filthy '"""""""" ...._ ' and a I so ~ fllCU!ty IM1lben for e .. _...., ·riollnc UC Berllley lllldenis, . . Apolln Crew Set to End jf(Jon Orbit' . SPACE CENT&R, lloolfon '(UPI) -· .... Sneeiing and cOugrung" from !loailng fiberglass on their la.st day in moon orbit, the Apollo 10: astronauts WlWound today from two trailblazing lunar swoops which all but assured an American moon Ian· ding attempt in July. "Good old Snoopy," the lunar landing machine that carried nwmas P. Stafford and Eugene A. Ceman to within 9.5 miles of the moon Tbunday, soared toward the ~un, its part of the mission ended. Inside-their ''Olarlie Brown".C{)mmand ship, Stafford, Ceri11n and J ol\11 W. Yocmr blrnod to .. vigatiOn ta.a 1hal wUIJielp the Apollo II spaceaafl find its 1anillng site· nm J a1y 20. StP'ford reported that p u J v e r t i e d fibefglaa -bloWn olf.U!e mand ship liatdi b)i r tilasrof :~ from a vent valve 1:iu .had the astronau\,11 "itching and serattJdng •••. snee;ing and coughing in here for about three d11,1." "You sure want ~ tiJ: that *"'6 the next commaod·. module run.·~ s&ttcrd told gro~ controllers. He was aalUrfd it would be fixed. Stafford said it was "irritating and Itchy" but that the astronauts ,were .-rally·in.fme spirits and lint health. "n>e i.stnmauts woke early in the 21st lunar «bit for l -ably more relaxed day than the II gruellin& houri they put In Tbunday With two brea1blak· ing low passes aCl'(m the moon and a harrowtna "gyration" of tbeit spacecnft caused by an amission in a checklist. Told that "Everyone is raving about your performance," Ceman said: ''Pret- (Sae APOLLO, P ... I) Council Sitting This One Out; Permit Delayed If you're dancing at the Kihg's 1rm in Costa Mesa, you'd better ·ait the next one out. for a few day!I at kut. Mn. DOrtthy Gardner, owner of the bar'.at 720 Randolph SL,· asked the Costa Mesa City Council Monday for a ~ance permit so she would not be breaking the law. Oceasionally, she sakl a couple takes lhO floor il they hear an old familiar tune, and she wanted protection under the law while generalfy discouraging dano cin(I. CounciJmtn Voted uomlmously, bal Oil ly to delay acUon on the matter, Mt to ...,t her Ille 'IOll-p<r-feat permit u ~Thursday. . . ' ., t; ' , ~ I F~i'ti~• · 8 · alt · .~ . Ofl ,, lruste.ts, The governor charged also that Junes Rector, is; of $an Jose, killed by,pOUce motcurr fin duriilg 'the --himsett carry!Og • TifJe and •electronics SUD'eillinCe·aear inJlil car. "™ poljce -~kill they-man," n·'-· .•. ....:. "He killed b the ·~.¥!"""....... ,..was , J , first college administtator who said some time ago it was all right lo break lawa in tbe name al diuent." · , 'Jbe•governar, lookln3 tired and atJ:aiJ>- l>avi_dHlarnjieD .. S; NewporftBeach,. an<l'NatitllO'"Esparza, 7, C-Osta M-esa; are.reigJtngrover second\annual CoSta,,.Mesa Christian Sc~ool Spring Pestivaj which. continues' unli!,_ej$_hJ ton._igh( at sch"?I; 740 W, .\f~Son ~~L ~~··fp<f ,and p~9s ~r.~ f~t~ted ai {und.raismg ev~nt. j W.;.~.-9, :v;w • • --. . -, -~~ •• !' 'T~\.'/ •·• .. ·~ • ....,., ' "' );_r..~ .' .... r-· • ~ ' U(;Lit ; Riv,erside· Close • j ,. LOS-ANGELES (UP.I) -Cla9'eS at two Southern California campusea of the University of C&li!ornia were can celed to- day aa concern for events at the Berkeley campus spread. UCLA Chance.llor Charles Young, wpo was 1'0 pe inaugurated loday, canceled clasMt 'I)uraday and said he would make \hf.. ~-aq,._"act of solemn dedicatiOn to ihe deep ialues which con.- ftont. ua." a-also ,..,.. can<eled at the RI......, campua Wiler< Chmicellor Ivan -aej,ujde· the cl§' as one of ~ llld reflecllon" Clll the trouble ii Berlollfi. . . N-.1 GuanDmon-•With fixed bayonets '1Dn'ounded a crowd a f demonstratora in' a parking lot near the UDlversity of California at Berkeley ThursdtY aod police arrested f96 in the first mass rounduri s.ince vlOlence erupted in this troubled city eight days ago. The arrests came after 1,SOO protesters marching to the downtown area ignored several warning!! over police loud a~en they were vlofating Gov. Ronald Re.Pn's· emergency ban on public ga!fldln(I, ' • POilee ftDS took 09 aduJts to the COUJloo tY Jail, where they were beld for •1.000 bail each on charges of unlawful asaembly and bloclli!>I 'I llreel .. Forty· (!lee CAMPUSES, Page I) . Lagun•-1~'s ·, D:&nee •Ari~ Bottomkss Barr0.om Dan:cer Defends Nude .Caper _ . Bottomless belly dllllCll' ~ Cybulsld 'lier Hane.. And' the ll<xing, curvlrig' and · Conviction of Mill Cybulski l• seen oy, of Liiauna BUch took llil lfand '11iindty arching oC her l\llred Jqs play a major the Djslricl Atinraey'• Ofllce as ''mllll'" defend her ude _.-., il DA Ceoll llldll II in maintain his cur· to o , caper Jll'O' port In her delivery of the uoinhiblted r1iil ·~ opid b o t t 0 m lea a dUOld 10 oblcenity cblitll·• • dlaice ( routine to Apirtment·A-Go-Go audiences, "rJtnNM Ala a aielr performers:-- that obe claims bu "true-"fllae,,. obe Aid. ,. , Mia Cybulski is ooe of mor< than IO 111 teltimGny 1hat came acroa In a Tbe, '3llD ·a ..-~ told the such allegod perloimen -lD1ISI face croildecl llllJillcllJil cOOrlrOom as ilifintte. Jury lllot otie~had bloa, danc1og pro-trial on lewd cGnduct and iod"'eot es· ly 11111-ellmactic to her ailZllll( nude ,.,...,..i; flr,tbt plll foor yeon and , pooure chiqoa. ' ' perlwn1•nce of H '-' earlier bo!Oni hail ~ her choreograph!< Harry Mwlli'• Apartment A-O&-Oo Is impmaed jurors; ahe lllraoed that lbe repertoire by -tQ1ng ·threp 1....., In ooe of fin lllqedly bollomlett bart In had no Intention of arous!na Jll!aslons ..belly danc:iq. LOid "' ~Y the current tl1I\ county that are currently chaflii& when ahe c;l'-ed oaked !Ill her mlor· bp 111!-!>ollnldi ,,,:c.ma.-.11 thl . undtt a bu Imposed by !licks and back· rored stage, · · Wat Soilta ADI llWnl, lllO fs cun'enlly "1 i., lhe eouria, The shapely Laguna enter)alntr denied ~ Jn a Reno, 'Hoo. nl(ht!pe!.• Mad illo facea contempt charw Ii~ that Aho f•lt compelled to c;ompete 1'1th The CUltomarlly --..iad artist has ed alter he allegedly clefled Judge Cl- earthy movies that are displayed to au-several ttmes eqwcatll Mr fear of con-OWChl' edict~ ~ued to stage U>e dieneea while.her str12 teue offeriol i3 victlon on any-Gl;tbt lt OOU1lll filed contmwofol -. In ~ Those «Wlln>Vtnlal !Dins apin8'1ler, SUch 1 -would, th• ,,J1ldp ,,__,.., d'l!le Cybulllltl trial deplcl·nahd-innrioustqaol• clalml,brllld,lierua--llld unlll -.,,. -~· "111 -lllimull-• .u -le .... dencil!I -· de[.... Clllme! e.,..i in put ro!Jultal Miia Cybulsll, 31. admitted· belont Shli ii Ille Cllllrll ficlr .. ln -Is ob-wlf> 1 •• 111 lhe llond but it ii -ely, J""" !WI Mui lllal lhe •.,..._,,.-~ eue fer tho ..,.. """"'*'',IMrned;a.t 0,. ta1al Wlll beo -and controls her body" durtn1 -coochllltd before ~- •i . ' , [ ... ed·under the glaring Anabelm Convention Center lights, promiled aOme 500 GOP supp.orters at tbe $100 a plate dinner that the '!,full story behind the people'• park blltle" will' he contoined In an upcoming white paper, Reagan said he hopes to have the docu- ment released before the et\d of the year and urged that "everyODe read whit-we sincerely believe to be the full history and sqOOequent,.distorUons of the campua (See REAGAN, Pap I) * * * UCI ·Students Get Handbills On Demands A n1ne-po1nt Wl!illled band~ur 1n. ••P- por1 of rebelling Berkeley , facUont and ·demanding cllaarniament of al f staff police is in circulation today at the \k:hy UC Irvine campus. Mimeographed handbilla announcing today's Solidarity Strike at UCl and delalling the history of recent events .at the Bei'teley campus war zone are in- cluded. (Related Story, Photo, Page 3). Newsmen at the UCI campus today said it was uncertain just ho w widespread acceptance was Ill' local atudenls in the nine-point paper out1ifilng dsnands by disskieota on ail: UC cam· -.nu la what they want: .--~ ... ,., • . :00~.JCI! ~lhNa!loim'M and : , J1;wm.en• fimi !lit j)(; )lriietey ·•' !!...-11:,•o ·:~ I •. .... -~t 1-l. - --·""1llld •Peoqle:•, Part, the cUr1';Q1 ~ of clisl8# . on the Bay Ai;•• campus, -,-Oommlmijy'cillllrol . of !bet liudon~ aeJedild~ncreation area..· ... ~ 4~·of ihe-atate of enierseocr-at UC ovseley, cleclaHd by Gov. Roeald n--· , , -~.. ' ' -8-atioiia In , terms or legal and mecl!Sl'l .,._ for siudenll· !nJured•or tilled slDOe MaY. 15 and a1 action demands In days ahead, paid by the UC admlnlstraUon aOO,,city of Berkeley, -Dropplq of all ·charges against demonstrators and immediate relepe of hundreds now lmprL!oned, -Realpalion of UC Berkeley Chan· cellDr ~ Reyns, as demanded by tbe Americitn FedefaUon of. TeacherJ' local chapteD in Berkeley and appoin~e~t of a new chief' Subje'ct t.o faculty, and s~udent aP,proval. ~ ' : . . ' ; ~ur, of UC Regen4' for corq- meodina tbe Ber.keley administration and action by Bay Area law ef)forcement agnecles in batUing the sitUation. -Disarmament of all UC campus police 11 called for by a rea;n.t Faculty Senate raolutian ancl: prohibition of calls for outllde ·police· to enter campus 1itua-t1on.. The paper also lista stwh,~nt aoJidarlty strikes, condemnatory resolutions, aym- pathy demoruitrations, ra1lies, plans for rnarchea on Sacramento and occupation o£ buildings on stl' UC campuses during the past week. ~peCial note is made of lbe relatively conservative Young Americans fo r Freedom (YAF) chapter at UC Davis joining Students for a Democratic Socitey SDS) and the.Black Student Union (BSU) In demands for reform:-··-.. "The pr~ demand of lhe!e actions is the immediate withdrawal of all Na· Uonal Guard and other outside , police from ~ Berkeley . camp.111" t he aDOllj'lllOlll paper llreasea. Tunnel· Burglary PrQhe Contin11es Inventory ConUnues today fo detennine the exact loss: in a tunnel'job burglary at a Colla Mesa camera shap Thursday,,in which more tban 100 Items of merchan- dise were-repOrtedly taken. Dave Roberts •. owner-of Oave'st!amtfa Exchqe, '34 E.-17th SI .. 9'1d Thunclay the fllm< could run u 'hlch as •10,000, while 11)70 il\)11.Hce madljneey "" 'tabn from .. ..,aceo1 oflk:e, . Burclan 11lppe( Iouven IF. of ,a w!Ji. dow 11t ·the Muloal Fund B.iollm lilc~, of. fice, then used the braee and bit, sa'W and ihllDll\er in break Uuwgh a wall into the •atmer• ahcp. • t'.1 1 • Looi IUtn Included more than a doz<n ~· mllllmeter camera>, tape recorders •riil various J>!ioloii'•Phlc <qulpm>nt ... -.des. . • TEN~S •1'1 , .... T~ ....... I IN ANAHEli., -Governor Ronald Reagan rec:eiveo>,plaque 'honoring L him from GOP 'leaders· during bis •PP.•arance ThW'sdliy night in Ofaoge Cnunfy, At left is, Assemblyman Rotiert E. Badhaln (Rrijew· port Beach). At rigbt•is· Ne>(JXlr,! Be'ach ·attorney Denil!J Catpente.r, ~tote Republican Central C.OJnmittee ~hai!'lll$. . A IOmpest In a co~d . ~~ -~""-• <' e """• • WI~ ,8000 ~ > Council ~ilsal. in -•· bMUiy llloii operaUon In the I~ Betbil To/rirs nttrementtdev~ · o: ' •• Mla. Grace. Kruea:er; a~~·'ot thi b""'"'1g at ."6 W.,litli st.,.~~·in open tl!e s'alon ip a,roc;m• mft9t, ~ table llY Vibration frolo ce.lial ·eciuli\' meol'ci'n the grouild n"\!" lielOw, .. nie plannlne cllliunJasion .......,,, mended the denial 1111atilmousl)t May )2 when •Mrs. Krueger appqred ~but Bethel Towers AdmYtlstrator~Rev.1 L. Er Ha!ver.son was C?h hand Mo"ay for ~ final 3 to 2 vote. ( ''l coU:ld haVe •arranged for soine of tJ>e la(lles to.appear,." ther.,\1sembliei of GOd ~i.,.r expl>11ined, asking couoclln¥!11 to at leut hold off action rather:\lWJ ·-d~ 'th! SaiOO permit. · _, · ' · He said it would be used by 1oniy l ftW QC ' llie 300 women averqlnl 14 _yws• age; waWd.beunadvertist\dr~'.~ not ' ' • Mesa Youth <Leader..Wat11s: • J ' To 1'eviveCycie:Marathou ........ ' , ; • 1 .... .. t 1·. -1 11'~· "·1· I '~ r4 • T I i I , I I I c i --LOG.BOOK • • . . . . ' • Don't.Look f()r ·DAD.eel • ' • • ! • H Y 01:1're Peddling LSD llYTOMBARl.EY • iii ... ..., , .. llltt v...ir, ,.... !>A la a dtalln' man-but oot U your court doebt cant• a *lol of lllWall lbal now~ opell polaoa to lbe Orllll(e County liUperior c;ourt ---u;o. Thn'll 'be no -... aod dealiDI ior Y"" u • hanlcerinl for oelllnl *'8Cld" put. your nllDt on the arnJ&mneat Cllendar. Superior Cow:t J~ U.. -out of their way to avoid court .,.,....UO-by !nliltullng a ,variety ol pr<>trial pn>eedurel -but tbelr charity doesn't uleDd io u;o peddlera. * . · .·: ' ' -. • The days of buddlea -" hlfllini belween ~ aod defender In LSI> po•IOili>O Utlptloo.are aoi1' r...mr u far u Ii"' DA'• ~·i!J o0nc!"l'<!!,-11Y1 DepUtj)lia-· trict A~ Al Wells, TliO•.'*""' ~·ma!\<! M .,.i of the fact Iba! lie llC'lfero tt •OOway 1111!·-ted N ~ that wa, loq.fldGro the ~ ·faclt 'und<ro l!Udlnl --bla -Ind the~ toolt llllCI. ,, • "We'"' loon too !l!ill)' )Iii!.._ 'ol .wbal !LSD cia I do. to · a. -'I brim.·-blunt, jorCelul'lrillt ~: J'Wefee\ !¥·an-· eoDvldod o1 ~lhfl kind of·cl1,liainfte iiiiuJ'd get ill lhit'• comlni fO·lilm-•• Wiik wjJl ·~ out" (pfudlnt'IO a i'educed cllir1•l -,..,_ "1111 a, ~ ant ~ l\Urllar. iatilat ~. -~~.jii;' . 11111 all ,OU'D .. fll, lf10U"i'e ..,.·ol the 1fOWfW number of·L)D·purv~ II a ~jfW·dO!i fl'i>ai.tbe Jlld&9 aod a otoq .._ l!«!t. the Jj>1>;• ....... !~ . • -.. ,.. _. I ' . * ' .. . ~.,. ... ··-•··'·"'-I;.· ... ~, Thia dooen't mean that 'the ..id sal~an · ean~t'.P.leliif-gullty-IMre ·and -· The Department Five jurial w\11 be t'tady ind Willini lo lalte bll plea • .llld put hlm In .state prison for the fµU one to five year term. · · lk'!J· do fO wilb lbe full und.ntanding, though;. that bis case Is non- .-lable. He gets Iii• Hcks on the·!-that go before the Judieand the· DA wtil bate nothlni ~ offertowarda a m<re liberal ruling. · · • ~ ~ ha"' been on a no ... egou1ble bull fat !he. paat llinMnths -a1111·a ~ of S1iperior Com1 records Indicates that there'• been only -variallon from the tron-<lad rule ~ and that defendant got, under-cir· --wbldl allowed Wella to eaae up, one year In the C01111ty .JalJ:llld · -;.rs ....-um. . . ..... AD the otben -and there were more thin 50 of them -went to state ~'fl& tlie trlll coiirtll and 1be "cop out'' cal~ar, . . -r -r' . . . * . -Wells he all the support he wants for the "gef tough" approach from many Superior Court judges, amoag them William Speirs and Byron K. Mc- Millp, both of whom have served long stints on the criminal court beach, · · And it may be paying off, if the prosecutor's lat.est sampling of LSD stailstiC$ is to be the criterion; For there bas been a deflnJte drop in Orange Coanty arrests of this nature during recent months. _ Judge Speirs believes that the lesson ls being hammered home. He thinks that youngsters are learning, if sometimes it Is by the hard way, that tttey. are dealing wllh a dangerous arid potent menace lo society, Wells grapbically com~ LSD to heroin. "Heroin's bad enough," he 11)'1, "'but 11'1 Ilk• drfnkJns nillk compared tO the harm ·that'• done by a trlP Oil· LSD." . Wells has a new meaning for a dread set of Initials. LSD, to him, spells out "Let'i Stop Dealing." " -From Page l .. REAGAN .SEES MORE .. RIOTS .. ~ ~ an4 ibell jlldgt for tllemle) .... " And the '°vernor again blasted ad- :mlnlstratara and trusteet for refusing to make those changes "ao · obviously demi!lded by there dlsturbaliees" and en- qourqing campus llrife· liy "falllng to Utwze the widespread powen of e1~ pu!aion and iruspenalon that ·they do in- deed have despite the convincing im· _pr~ lba! they d_gn't hay_!__ th~." It bas come to a limple question. Reagan aald, and that question Is; "who lhau control our institution1 of learning ¥<! ~ l"operjy and·lor"'~~l 1"'11"'!"? .s. "I promise you this,., Reagan said, "it .till not be the diuldenls." He waited for [ s to subside and tf.tnl on; "and 1 convtneea Uia( ri'lanY sttidents evt.lt are beginning to realize that all is as those who are committed to ence would make ·lt •PP.Ur to be .. •1"Tbey are being told thi.t it ii all rilbt ta break the law in the name of social progress," Reagan said. "And it is our •ty to ensure Ulat we separate the ·few -dent. from the many student. and lkulty members who want to get on with Ille job of .. ltillg and providing a decent 6lc1UoiiJi'·-~ :The p.em ... · ~~ that ihe DAIL Y PILOI . ~llANGI , (OASt P,Ul\.1$KtHO <CIM'Affl ••'"'*, ~,' W•9' ,,. ..... _.,"*I ....... J•c\ I. C.rl•y Viet l"tftifefrt 11'1111 ~ .... Mtti. .. r Th•M•t K•ewil IClilOr , ThtMtt A. M1i1r,hi11• · Mellnl"9 IOltot ..... __ JJO Witt 1.., 'Slrt•f "'41llf11r"4ihh1 •.o ... t.. 11.0. t2&?& --......... hldti nu ""-' ..... ...,,.. .. ,. ~ IWC'I: m:,..... ... ...._. Htllltlrltlwl ..... , ... ,....., "overwhelming majority of students do have Jegltlinate complaints, "Our •university operations h av e become so big that lbe students rlghUy feel that 'they are now mere numbers on computer cards. We haven't moved fut enough'~ provide the conditions that are demanded today in a rapidly changing university environment. "But," the .governor stressed, "we caii•t get at them while these bands of rebels hold us up in this .nanner. We can't begin to provide the conditions thnt both '1d~ r!efd and demand wlille the campus is burnin&." Reagan w~ .. _all:Calilornians" to be .ready for a "new . wave of SOS, ln- filtraUon" during these summer months . He had evidence, he said, that many members of the militant Students for a Oem~~Uc Society "plan to get haircUts, wear ~1Qn shirts and get respectable jobs ln private business ar.d industry. From Page 1 APOLLO •.. ty satisfylng. Pretty challenging." Two ' fl\O~ criUcal events Were le ft .before Apo!lo 10 1pluhes down at 9:53 a.m. PD'I" Monday in the South Pacific near Pago Pago, American Samoa. The astronaUt.S will fire their ma iii Apollo engine at 3:21 a.m. Saturday to kick mil of lunar. orbit and start home. .Monday they will plow Into the at· ·mosi>here at nearly 25,000 ·mph in the crucial re-entry. "Pretty . u.Usfylng," Ceman said "Pretty challenging." Stafford, Ceman and "Snoopy" made the closest manntd approach yet to the moon -·o.s rnUes. They proved that the lunar landt.r can take men to the Vertie of a lunar touchdown and bring them back safely to a motherahlp. Most dramatically, St1ffonf and Ceman showed that men trained for the job could succesafully deal with malfunc- tiona -the worst one born of human el't ror -whJcb threaten lbem 250,000 miles llom home. Now It will be up to Apollo 11, the U.S. miuim to land men on the moon July 20, to tUe II from there. • Ground t'ontro11ers told the astronaut!I that •1Snoopy" was 23,000 miles away, "heading rtraJgbt up" After .. Snoopy" rendeivoua:ed wtth the 11Char:Ue .Brown'' Apollo 10 motbtrahJp lat.tr Thurlday, Stafford and Ceman re- joined Youna In it. Then "Snoopy" was cut loooe, turned nose "Po and it. rocket l!llllne louCbed oll. • • .,... baveni been able to ·ten 7<1 -lt'a pine Into orbit around. the 11111 or whether II'• going to head straight a\ the Mm," controller Jack Loulma Aid. ~old Snoop, be d .... 't g1,. up." -~-------- . DAILY PILOT Steff PlllM Future Teach•' Vaughn CLASSROOM OBSERVER SDSAdvocate Sits in ut High School John L. Vaughn, 27·year-old Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) advocate with frir:zy long hair, sits in on classes at Newport Harbor High School as a student observer. Some parents, learning of this, have wondered, what is going ()h. But H1rbor High Principal Charles Godshall 1ay1 there have been no calls of protest. The ~planation is that Vaughn is working toward a teaching credential from Cal State Long Beach aM is observ~ ing classroom method8. Several other Cal State Long Beach education majon also are observing at Harbor High. VaUghn w a s a candidate for t fl e Newport-Mesa Unified and Orange Coast Junior College governing boards in .. the April 15 elections. He lost both races. Later, he £urned up in the forefront of students appealing to the Orange Coast Jun!Or College board for recognition of sos. . During th¢ election campaign, Vaughn indicated he was a J;tudent at orange Coast Coll~ge. He was taking only one everilni: class flld, as it developed, bad· dropped Ulat class April l, 1'1e.anwhile1 h~ has been _a atudent at Cal State Long Beach and •Ince the start of the spring semester a student observer at Hai:bor High. f Vaughn observes twO hours· per week, , an hour each in the senior civics class of Wayne Horowitz and in . the junior U.S. history class of Fabian GirOux. Principal Godshall said, "We had 11 recommendation from lhe college which means he" is currently enrolled in counes and acceptable In their eyes." From Pa9e 1 CAMPUSES ••• Douglas Qui~s Board LOS ~q~ (UPI) -Suprtme Court Juallee William 0. Dooglas, under fire for accepting 112,000 a year. as the only paid officer of a charitable foon- datioo, baa rqiiJled that pool, II. wu an. noun«d today. The Albert Parvin Fwndation said Douglu had lndiCRted early In "'pril that be.wt.bod to be nlieved u preoldimt and boan\ member but an.appendicllll open· • tloo on the ju.Uce delayed ·• meeting ol the board. The fOUl)daUl!il said the board aectpted the resignation "with deep regrtt'.' at a ~Unc al Santa Barbara. Calli., on Mn'. · ' 21. • Fred Warntr Neal, professor or la•. ternattonal relations and government aJ, the .col!<&•• of .the Cllireµiont (Calif.) graduate acbool 1'u appointed to suoceed Dooglaa u pmidenl of· ll!e foundalioo, a Los AngeleH>aaed. phl)anthropy 1 . The foundation annOunced iecenUy that II had ilevered virtually all Its Ues with Lu Vegu lflJ!lbtin(I' lnteroets. It aold ID Newport Police Arrest Cdm High Boy on Y Thefts Police this mornlnl Captured a lf..year· old burglary IUlpecl who allegedly ad- mllled •tealin' more than 11,lflO In calh and cbecka from Orange Cout YMCA headquaiters over three r e c e n t weekends. . ,. • . Newport Beach offlceB, aided by Cotta ' . .. ' ,'--' ' OAIL y io1Loi Slaff Pllltt Meoa police, arre3ted Ille youth; a Corona GOOD J;!EED~Frank Klngaard, chainnen o! Newport Harbor·Costa del Mar High · ~I ,tudO!I~ llhorlly Mesa Board o! ReallOrs Public Service Committee, and Eagle Scout after .4. a.m .. at-Tustin and Palilade1 Michael Woodard,-J.7-. Costa Mesa, will be co-workers Saturday when a~n;:::.~•:: :~trolman spot-prealutorsb.bellptc~out' ast Sceou\.r0v·Ralm 0 ca aet Orcan· g~unuty Fpairgrounds. ted tt.e teenager loittring-'lbout a closed service station at the 'iftteraed.lon. The boy fl~. and the office! ... callecJ Costa Meta Pl!ll~ for ~e. . . _ Officei:s from. both d e p a r t ni e It t 1 . seard!ed the area and found the. yoiilb s nds T ~ . N M Ti:1~~"i!=;:J~~:~ ·. pe , . ; ~ :· ~.lme ot oney . Y0\1111 ~-~~· . . t ._ · bnllriil 'Ufo th( ¥!ifCA · l>fll • on lbe ' wee~ of Aprlf 1\, 1i'. "'.' ·st, poUce A brand·new ·public servtC. _,.ittee very small personal sacrUice," Kingaard aald. _ _ _ ,·~ "" wi>of motto II~ Ume ~of •"P'lil"·. , Tbe burglar ·used I key aod P'YlDI ~I . money'·1oe1 tO work Sl.ttii'dV, dolM its · "The areas in which services can be to pin tntranct each liJ\\e. 0;q U1e mom-•first good 0dee(I for lhe !of Scout.!:•of; all "rendered are fa'r mo~ numeroUs than at inp, of Aprll 11 and 19, hf fo~ ~,fll~ people· ' · ' first imagined, ° Kingaard continues, i'1C cabinet. arid took a total of · , In · . ciib .and $85& in cbecb. ~ ' r C>rg~ ~i ~~-.tlof ... Jlle listi11;g an impressive roster of things On the morning af April 26, YM~ ex~ Nel@drl . ~arb$11'~~-~~.~ pl whlCb netd doing. ecuUve director Rollen Brouasard lay In Realtors, the group i{U_ ,JD&n .bOQttii at 'I'.JiC philosophy is to let the community waJt for a possible retum' of the burallr. the Orange County F&lr,.f'uwid i:lliriN a know that realtors arc interested in more He did return and Brouas:ard 1~ giant Scout.Q..Rami, .. '. ·_ • ··• • ~·-than ~elling land and homes. grappling wUt .him. But the burglar fled. The. lllarl of. oper . »!· •• ••• l• .. ,a fitting Once organized, Kingaard notified N li rted th the at1onl :.: organizations throughout the Harbor ewport .po ce repo at YOWll cllqlu to National Re~ltor~ ... Week,.wbich Area that help wa~ available for any suspect s&Jd he had !pent most· of the ds hi d -'t" · -• • · · -stolen money on two cars, the purchases en t s weeken , ac~ng to fr:ank nµmber of projec~ and the Scout-0- of which were unknown by his family: ~aard, author of fho public service Rama duty is the first assignment. · mitt ide 'T'" Kingaard noted that the Realtors' "The boy's family is being vuy com ee a. · . · Pledge states that men and women of the cooperative on the case," said a police "Because o( the vas~manpower within ·profession shall serve their rornmunity three juveniles were turned over to spokesman. "They are vuy much con. our organiu.tion, it waa ,my feeling that an<l be be_lieves the new panel will do ju.st juvenile authoriUes. _ce_rn_ed_an_d_sur....;.p_rl_sed __ ·".::-.::· --,----';;;-®:ch:::..a_co_mm_l.::1~.:..._coulc_..d_be.::·.::·ell::2ecUc:;.ve.:: . .::w.::ilh::__thac_..t.::. _-_·::_ _______ _ The arrest! brought to 815 the total ,- taken into custody since a dispute over the fencing of a ''People's Park" by the university erupted May. 1~ iD a ba,tUe between rock·throwlng demonatrators and rlot~uipped police which resulted in fatal injuries to one man. Meailwhile ll!,e governor, who' camo under flre from some members of the faculty for a massive tear gas attack by the National Guard Tuesday, aaid guardsmen would remain at the campus until order is restored. However, he lifted ·some of the restrictions imposed a week ago. Support for demonstrators and faculty at the troubled bay area school al.lo came from students and faculty membera at t11e San Diego and Santa Barbara cam- puses and San Diego State College Thurg.. day. More than 600 of the 1,600 UCLA faculty members held an emergency session Thursday and passed four resolu- tions supporting "our brethren on the Berkeley campus" and calling for law and order at UCLA . More than 100 UCLA facu1~y members signed a J)t!titlon agreeing to continue meeting with their classes next week, but calllng for discussion of th~ problems which confront the university tystem rather than nonnal course subject rni.t· ter. Signups Slated In Costa Mesa For Day Camps RtgistraUon for a stnes ol six summer day camp stSsions In Vista Park Mctns June 16, Com Mm Recreation Dirtctor Keith Van Holt announced today. The weekly camps begin June 2.1 and end Aug. I, at 110 per child, aged 6 lo 12, with an adjusted fee.schedule of allowing, for inslinct, four .younpters from one family to attend for a $30-<bl.J'~n rtUi. The June 30 through July 3 eenion ls a short. specially designed one for reWded children with a $.~ registration tee, recreation aldes noted. TrW1>0rlllion will be provided for tht 8:30 a.m. !O 3,30 p.m. day ca111pa. Further Information may bo obtained by calling lbe recreotloa depmntent at city ball. • .. T 2 3 • 12 1 MAY SPICIAL 'ch · airs from 20%. to 50%.off ' ' OUTSTANDING VALUES ON DISCONTINUED FLOOR SAMPLES NOW IN STOCI< ••• LAR&E SELECTIONS Of QUALITY CHAIRS FROM THE FOLLOWING LINES; NATIONAL,. MARGE CARSON, HIBRITAN, CENTURY MONTEREY JAMESTOWN LOUNGE, PACIFIC QUALITY AND' MANY MORE. BE AMON& TH'E 'FIRST TO MAKE YOUR SlLECTIONS AT THESE UNBELIEVABLE PRICES •• , ALSO MANY PAIRS TO CHOOSE FROM. . ' j 4""4SSI ----- --- - ------_.:::...::... ..... ;;.-.-;;=;1; - -, • ., 2 New Satellites Watch Radiation Heart Ills For Barnard CAPE D:NNEDY· (UPI) - The Air Force 'launclloo! two 1 d v 1 n c e d Vellndllltim 1 ·4ileclloa satellllm iillo «!Ill IOday to watcll for riolatloal of the nuclear tllt ban and to 1 ._i .. .., ~ Cl>iQele nuclur up-. Tbe twin 'l5pouncl Vela ndialfon aeotinels ad -I small btfrhhittnc ~ aatelll1es were -t aloft by ·• Titan IC rocUt '""""' -· ed lrom ill pad .... tpne. . Two • aolid f u e I 1UP-• plementary roebta 'lll'll>Pid lo the TllaD bm1ed doe nio:UI ~ '""tl«liludl trallin belW>L cn;c ''::: s12.';'l 'lllln lland to Ille about two 'minanes I ft Ir JlllDCh. "''' ....... ,. I Flndee Dlseusston-Set Warren, .Jud·ges. Convene / WASlllNGTON (AP) -ihe United States Courl1, said Judicial c.nt ..... er ~ld Chief Jlllllce Earl Warren, Tburaday the commlttee CGUJd I apjloblt 0 ~ to llud1. :l":' l"~: ~i~ frame bard ,,_i. fer...,. 1thii,.-ol judlcJol - Called 1 special -1Jng oft~lidera~~tloo~~lat.r~.'.'.:by~·_:the~U'.::.S'.:.. _:duel~~-~ .... ==""::· __ _ federal Judges to conalder pro- posed rules to govem the b.nancial deatings of the U.S. Jud!ct1ry. (Rela ted story, Page 11). Warren has summoned the 11 .. member Court Administration CommJttee for a meeUog Saturday, thrte moatbl before its n e x t scheduled sellSion. It wu obvious that Warrtn, who steps down as clUef Justice next month, propooed the early meeUng to overcome . any publlc doubt about the n> Uon's court system followtng the resignation under fire of Supreme Court Justice Abe . Fortas. Smart g lr l, Smart guy, CAPE TOWN (AP) -Dr. Tbe ~ ..... of the ·Titan placed ltaeU and ill 2,llf. pound JIOYload of aateU1teo In-One o f l ntr-1.il Trio to ao elllptlcal orl>K and bOcu °"' p .- No agenda Is set for the meetlnl. but the judges from U.S. circuit and district courts are expected to discuss bills pending in Congress that would require judges t o disclose their income and fn-1 Cbrlltian B a r n a r d • the surgeon who made the world's ftnt heart tran1plant, WU aued fQt divorce in Cape Town Supreme Court IOday. Ju!llce M.E. Ther"'1 ordered Barnard to rest«e conjugal rights to his wife, Aletta Gertruida Barnard, by July 20 or to show cause by July 30 why a divorce decree should not be granted. Barnard was not in court. ~ five boun after Replica. of Spanish vessel La Nina, among the fleet sailed to America in 1492 1 uncll th thinl<ilqe eqjDe by Chnstopher Columbus, was unloaded in San Diego Thursday from Mex· ,:fired, ~odlng the paylOad 1can d .. troyer California. On loan from Mexico, the 28-foot replica Is being dig.. into the desired pooWoo ""°"' _:.P_l•_,Y_ed:_::as.:..!;part=.:..:o::.f ::.San::::.D=..:.:1eg2.o::.'::.s :::200th=:.anni=:.v:.:•:.rsary=:....::.c=e!::eb::r:.:~:::ti::oo::· ______ _ the sateUUes were depoeHed ioO> oroiu l'aol1ni 1rom 10,500 to 69,000 miles above the earth -nearly one.third of the way '°the moon. Generals' Deaths Not Purge vestments. Fortas tendered his reaigna~ tion during the furor caued by diJcloaure he had received a $20,000 fee in 1966 from the family foundation or financier Louis E. Wolfson. .......... UNm>wmsm ~"""'lp,...llJl,I.­ • loll "_..,..-. · .. ~ ...... Smart buy He left Wednesday for a two- monUt tour of Europe and North 'America. He is believed to be in Rome. Blrnard and h!I wife have .,._married fer SI yean and have two.cblldren, a daqbt.r It and a son 115. The daughter, Deirdre, is one of the world's top women water Wera. Launch officials said an engine abo8rd one V e I a satellite would be fired 24 boun after launch and the engine of the second would be fired 74 hours after launch to nudge them into precise posi· tiollll to begin tbelr maoltortng tasks. . The new vei.. will be 1pac- ed 180 degrees apart, ooe to watch one side of the earth and the second the other side. WASHINGTON (UPI) - U .s. experts are Intrigued by the deaths of 18 Soviet generals since April 10. But Soviet sources here say there is notblJJi UTilllUll about the deaths, and Am¢can experts tend to agree. During 1968 Soviet generals died at a frequency varying frcm four to 13 a month. In a one-month span in 1967, 17 generals Wtte reported to have died. analyists do not rule ()Ut the Poslibility that the 1enerals died as a result ()f air ac- cidents or tome myMerious ~ard event. But they say there ill no reuon tO believe a Stalin-type purge is In pro- gress among the high ranks ()f the Soviet armed forces. Three of the generals, whose deaths Were reported in the Soviet army newspaper ·Red Star, died 1'tragically." This terminology, ac<:onliq lo put experience, can me~thei were involvtd in an a dent unrelated to their llitary service or, possibly, they died while carrying out official duties. Justice WilUam O. Doqlas also has been criticized in Congress for ·collecting aMual fees from the Parvin Foun- dation. which had business ties with legal Nevada gambling interests. And lt was revealed Thursday that Chief Justice- designate Warren E. Burger · has received f1 ,500 as a trustee of the Mayo Foun- dation since he has been a federil circuit ju4ge. Ernest C. Friesen, director of the administrative office ()f Take onetlpof Hs marvelous mildnesaandyou'll agree: \here'ano smoother w6lskey than Sunny Brook at any price. s3ee; ' . Poison Gas Stays Put At Airport in Denver DENVER (AP) -Some 27,000 toot of poison gas was much moved but not removed IOday from wllere it -· -the -fllgbt pal· km ol one of the nation's --~.· The obeolete nerve; mustard and tear gas may atay put for quite a while now, in hundreds. of canisters on the Coolrado prairie, ai> a panel of scientists tries to di!Olde how best to get rid cf it. llep. Cornelius Gallagher (l)-N.J.), said in Washington '11runday, that as for the Army's plan to dump the gas in the AUantic Ocean, ''for alJ intents and purposes, 1 view it as abandoned for this year." 'I1le ps had been loaded in 170 op<11 railroad gondolas for the t r a i n trip to the East Coast w h e n congressional criticism Jed to a delay 1n its ahlll'l"'t. Thursday, the Army began ~ving the cylinders from the rail cars. It said the decision was made because rail siding fees ()f $8,500 a day had n111 up a $200,000 hilt The Anny baa not said the trip is off· foc this year, , however. Two cranes are being used 1 to lift the cylinders from the , rail cars, then move them to slacked rows 1n a cmnpoU_nd aloopide al the Rocky Mooin- lain Arsenal. 'Ibis will take about two w.eks, an Army spolleoman said. The stonge site is jull Wlh ·and •ast ol the north end <ii • runway at Stapletoa'.ln- t.ernational Airport. In ted · than an hour Thursday, 12 coriimercial jetliners took off from Ille rumray. Nearly all made a banking turn over' or near the area. The train shipment haa been delayed while the NaUooal Academy of SCiences reviews the project. That Work -toobe headed by Geor•t KJstiakowsky, a H a r v a r d University chemistry pro- fessor and a science adviser to the late President Dwight D, Eisenhower -will take at least 40 &iys after 12 more men are named to the panel. That lag, plus the time need- ed to load derelict Liberty ships with gas and sink them at sea, moves the project ·tnto a season that the Coast Guard has declared unsafe for such work because ()f bad weather, Gallagher said. Earlier, Colorado tntel't!ts had claimed that an aJrpline crash into the storage area could annJbllate the metropolitan Denver popula- tion of more than one million. Malays Seize Copies O f Time, Newsweek KUALA LUMPUR. Malaysia (UPI) -The government seized all copies of the U.S. magazines Time and News- week today, charging 1 om e things the publica1ions said of last week'a racial·ri·ots ~'would only make matters wo~." over loudspeakers and boasted they would llOOCl run the government. The government Thurtday banned all political publica- tions in ~t it l8id w11 an ef· Iott to atop potentlally-ln- Oammatory comment. Bernstein Set "We have decided What is written there Is not conducive to racial barrrtony" II 11 d Sheikh Abdullah, permanent secrel2.ry 10 the ministry or For 'New Life' borne affairs. Police met planes artiving wtth tl:rlpments of Time and N<WIWeek and conlilcated them. The ban applied to their cu,...t -only. hi• life, is rea<ty to "lltart a · Time said In ib edition thi• new tde ," he aald Thunday -thal -ol lllllluilin ·•The American ~'Ondudor-<Om: in the rl~ between 141.lays poser said his sadness Item· and ~ were put I!' baga med from the deaih ol bil and bung from boob •• one father and his departure u ~ Abdullah called that conductor of the New York , •• ~.-..11 " un.i......i~·tloo of n.... Pbllharmonlc. Bermt.tln said a.-nu. UUIUUIU .. .., he WIS Jooklng forward lo · mepzlnes "~.Id only make "or t w 1th VJ en n 1 ' moum ...-. he wd. . Philharmonic and more time ' 111.e aovemmtnt llld 1-.S ln which to conipoee perlOlll """ killed in the riot& • • allboUP anolliclal ..,...... ; Aid the toll WU much bJPer. SHARP Nft'IW'lek said that amon1 I~ y•u'r• a th11rp fr•'"· ••• ' other thlnp CJtlnete you.th.I Dl1n .. A·UN •l.tMlflff •le • flu~ pork Into the flCtS of Sthlrtley1. Mek. a htht .... 1 M ~-u Moolems • • • wh.tfiw .,...,. •lftt ef I a y 1 ' "''"' th• DAILY PILOTS fal!'le111 STARS Because of the brevity of Soviet obituaries, U • S . According to statistic s gathered by U.S. experts, six of the generals who died in lNt were in the 49 through 59 year old age bracket. The rest were conaiderably older, rang- ing from 61 through 75. Among tbese was Lt. Gen. Anatol! L. Kadomtsev, 49, who was a commander in the Antiair Defense Forces. $ydnay Oman 11 an• of •Ii• world'1 ,,.,., e1hel1tar1. Hi1 c:olu"'"' i1 ori1 ef tt.1 DAILY PILOT'1 gre•t f•et11r11. SUNNY BROOK Quality Tire Sale FORD, CHEVY' PLYMOUTH OWNERS fa mous GEN ERAL Safetg- det ALL NYLON CONSTRIJCTION 4FUU PUES • OURAGEN Rub'ber ••• provides amazing mileage • FULL· MOLDED CURV-MASTER SHOULDERS ••• give constant control on curves -easier. handling • LOW PROFILE Construction greater load-carrying c1padty -another extra mugfn of ufety 88 1.15 1 II 1.11 • 14 ..... ...... WHITEWALLS BUICK, MERCURY, $2288 CHEVY II, PONTIAC, OLDS, CORVAIR. FALCON CHRYSLER. otc. COMET l.2Sx14 & 8.15x15 ,1u1 n.• 6.50x13 7.00x13 ..... T. DODGE VAN, $2388 OLDSMOBILE CHRYSLER, LINCOLN, BUICK PONTIAC l.45x 1 S & l .15x 15 '"'" U.17 , 8.55x14 & l .15x14 l".l .T. WHEEL ALIGNMENT ADDS SAFE MILES! Let our tptciall1fl correct enter, umber, foe.In, toe-ovt to your car manufecturlf''t tpttdflcatlen1, ind 11i.ty-k incl adlutt your 11-lllfl. $1688 """ ., .. l' .•. T. $2388 "'" u .11 l' ••• T, DON SWIDLUND P HONI 646·50 33 , The Best Brake Service in Townl IPaka Ralina • 1411• oil • -• ........... $ ... eMl•toM -•AM ...... 11.w ··-·-... ,,..,. .... 95 .... -COB The World's Most ADVANCED 11rel ' - c::::::::::.i ' I -. * Pi..w.c....., 11t Mp 11111ii1.1, *---... ............. I * .......... , Since '1959 Hovrr. 7•30 to 6:00 Delly 540-5710 1 regard porlr-a unclean. ••llln,. It also said .Chine# took!__._;,~~~~~-!I·~~--''--~~"--~~~'-~~:::::: J ; ~ n j ' I ' I 1'1 f DAD.Y PILOT EDITOBIA.L PAGE I • • 'Eoo Much: Nonsense All'• not well with the Costa Me.<a City Counoil. E-. lbe five members of that body must be aware lllot the orderly procedure that characterized cOsta Mesa cib' govemment for the first decide bf its: exia. tence as a munici!>alily has been replaced by personal niqilllg, petty animooity and general failure to pull t .. aether inside the sairie set of harness. U any of the five weren't aware of this drift, lb~y .should have paid close attention when a friend spoke out at.Monday n1ghVs meeting. Tbe friend w .. Denni&· Carpenter-long-time local atltomey, a national political ligur~· (currenUy Calllor· Illa •Republican Party chief), chalrmaD of the Orange County Airport Commission, among other titles. Car. penter bad appeared before the council on. be~alf of a . client and had sat through the first several hours of a ~derinf six-hour session that ~lodded and staggered .., over the landscape before it finillly wound to a weary .coodlllion. ''Perhaps I am speaking out of turn,'' he $id. "but 1 have been doing business in your store for about 10 years now. It seems from the conduct of your l"eetings now tbat ·something is wrong. You jUst don't seem to be pulling ~ether like you once did:" What Carpenter said was not out of order. It was a valid observation and one the counc:il ahoold heed. It wasn't lollg ago that the city government of New· port Beach was wracked with council dissension. Per· """"11Ueo and eg .. building moves by councilmen be-came oo much the_ order of the.day that Newport city government, almost ground to a halt while councilmen were pursuing their own vendettas. While that was going on, Costa Mesa was gaining a wide reputation as a city where things got done with a ihinlm11m oi fuas, a ·city Wllh a council that worked for a common ob)ectln. -- Now; a '""" years· lalel', the situation Is revened. Newport Is -Ing imaglDaUve-approaches and a pull· togeth.,. splri~ Costa Mesa's spli'it -as displayed again in Monday's raucous session -is moving in quite the other direction. · The two freshman members of the council -Wll· liatn t . St. Clair and George Tucker -ought to for· get thelr petty and tim.:COOsuming attention to Ille housekeeping tfivfalltles o! city government 111\d stari looking ·to Coota Mesa's broader problems. St. Cl'lif is also gµilty of pursuing personal goals at the expense of city progress and Tucker consum .. far too muQh of the council's valuable time in rambilllg pursuits of 'the un- important. · ' . • "' The otlter three councilmen could make s!rOneer contributions too. Robert Wilson might start oil by ent• ting down the length of some of his observations ·abd pronounCements, particularly those outside the iea1m ot· municipal affairs. ' ~ Willard '.I'. Jordan has more assets, capabi1~ ities and leadership than he is exercisUlg ; in fact, the canabilJties he exhibited as' mayor are too rarely seen since he stepped down fi:c>m the position. And the mayor -Alvin L. Pinkley -"'.ell, Mayor Pinkley shoiild 'be pounding his gave] a little harder and shutting off some of the extraneous nonsense that occu· pies far too much of the time of the council and th e city staff as well. None of this should be construP.d as meaning th~ Individual members of thP. Costa Mesa City Council should think alike, act alike and V<>te alike. Tt does mean they should spend morP. of their energies on the hi~ ,P.'Oal - a better citv. Th~t Q'oal current.iv is lost ai; the five men keep zipping off in separate directions. - ·.• . - (C) "Wl-IERE l51H£ D£LV&E ~,, A l.colwlism Eq~tes With Suicide · Rate Dear Gloo~y Gus: No llnilateral Withdrawal in Disguised Defeat ·91 NORMAN NIXON, M.D. ' Go stand on the comer of Harbor Blvd. and Adams and watch how many cars run red lights. lt'1 a miracle there aren't more acci- dents there! -J. L. M. ~,~J -:r-approzlmately 2Z,OllO dealbs suicidal -fndlvlauaJs who use " motor n oflidaDy attributed to suicide. A vehicles to express hostility ad g- .... acc11rate figure lies between two grtl8ion ln their chive to ..:m_ 11111 J!rroe Ii-tills lllUllbor,_i.. __ .... ~ea. and.othen .. But e...:itliourli siJysjclans ani loath it label a death a there 11 · a suicide note on a dead in- IWdde because.of the lt1cma attached to dividual ~who . hact~ ·threatened ~r at- tbe peraon who tatel bil owq Ufe, and lO' tempted IUli:Rle previously, corOners bis family. Jo addltloft,·at least 280,000 liaually will rule the death acCidtnta:I. ICtnowledged sulcldal attempts occur an-'Many woe. aubnobUe fatalities follow lll&Oy in the United States. quarrels with parents, spouse, sweetheart Wbe{'ever alcoboUsm rates are higt,, qr employer, quite often the dece8sed ~ a1way1 are' ~ suicides. San was an ililmature,,uns:table person with a Fnndaco, now labe)ed the "suicide history of famll7, marital ud job capllal." hsvlng led Ille nstloo in aeK· ,dishanoony.. , - ~ for the put 10 yean, also M,,.i Rictdal ·al\<mpl! are likt Ruui1n clabna natlonal hOnon 'for alcoholism. roulette in that relaUvely few· are ~ Similarly, in Lu Vegas and West Berlin, out with nothin( left lo chance. 1lirt the u w.ell as tn other glamarowi and ex-comhlnaUon or a drunk driver and cltlnc cities in the world, high suicide suicidal lntent is usually past the point rates and high consumption of alcohol of no return. certainly, if we are to p-evaiJ. understand the causes ;f traffic fatalities EXCESSIVE AMOUNTS of alcohol GVS'COl'nfl inhibitions, reduce judgment, and depress physiological functlonin~. And more often than is generally realizei.1, tbe chronic alcoholic and the problem drinker, both disturbed emotionally, use ucessive drinking as a suicide means, frequently in combination w i t h barbiturates. Alcoholics who have ·ex- perienced delirium trem~s seem to be men prone to 1Wcidal attempts than thole who have Mt. Last year the Department o f TransportaUon reported that alcoholics llDd heavy drinkers, constituting about four percent of American drive.rs, are responsible for at least hall of the single veMcle accidents b1 which the drivers die. And 'nearly half ot the fatal accidents tn which more than one vehicle takes part! UNQUESTIONABLY, many of the ~u,ooo highway fatalities each year are and do our ubnost to prevent these tragedies, we must pay more attention to the psychiatric background of bJghway accident victims. OR. JOHN EDLAND, professor of Pathology, University of Missouri School of Medicine. puts it thi.s way: "There should be an examination of the lnlerlor of the driver, &Ii well as lbe interior of the automobile. For those sharp angles of the personality, those project Ing obsessions, those psychological blind spots are every bit as hazardous u trauma-producing k n o o s • unanchored seats, or lethal steering wheels." There is no doubt that thousands of highway fatalities in the United States each year are unequivocal suicides, with alcohol a contributing factor. Nor is there any question about the alcoholic's use of alcohol a.s a suicidal equivalent, wilh or without an automobile, for he continually and literally drinks himseU to death, On Student Dnrest. • • The term student unrest Is r&ally nol wry accurate.. fOf' the whole country i• l'llltleu and wary. 'n\de is racial a:nlmosily and · fliere ls political unrest. The young suspect the old and vice versa, B everyone feels their taxes are too hlcb Md are be.in& spent for the wrong J1Qr110R1; the lllustratlons go on and on. Bat the students have indeed been the Cllldac edp.-sometimes for good, more ~ for bad purpo.!e!. ' !SY HAVE BEEN more active, more ~. more idu.tistlc, more Asterisks Nc+tr-, N.D .. PftA: .. An OhSo state =-baa propooecf a -Ill tbat would 1 penon to have an asUrisi placed t..sde his name in tbe ttltphone dlree- ....,. to lndJcato !hot he dld not wish to be -by cslls lrom ptople trying lo oell blm oomelblng Tbe ~.. will .... .. lllAlclly -rtnchlc -al from • lot fl~ lul>tcriben, and II could ........, II" tlle .w~Jto a ~kly .... 'l\t l f111'-...t IOUctttn. .......... ' 1111111& 111111 Giii •••• .,, ............. pugnaciou~. and more obnoxious than their predece.uors, so they have been more visible and more disturbing to those of us in so.c.alle<I straight society. To the extent they have spurred 'ti u r conscience and appuled to our sense of justict, I applaud them. To the extent they have used illegal and violent means and floo(ed the rights ol o4herl, I deplore them. TO mE EXTENT they have appealed to tllt couru and lollmd "" needed reforms In <:ampua disclptine procedures, l can agree that theln hu betn a con-'" stiuctlve movernenL But to the trtent thet they have, by their llkonsldered, sanctl:nonioos. and wanton acts sparked fear and reprffsion In legislative bodies and endangered the autonomy of the university, they have performed a moct JrOfoundJY destructive d.l.slervloe to .. tbtmlelVU, to the academic co~ty, ud to tllt country . -l'na..-bbyllC,_ a.rtet J. ua at c.. ..... , • ., ~·Cellqe ti tM Ln, Ml)' I, t• . Vietnam: Nixo~'s Unpleasant Options . WASHINGTON -Before President Nixon 's recent television address on Viet-f nam he gave an extemporaneous resume Richard i-' I of his decisions lo top level officials of his administration. They responded wilh ap- plause and there was no doubt what they were applauding. as a massive fire bomb 'raid to deslroy ,~~N~~ administration bas passed Hanoi. ' · , , · ~....,. . ..,1nilial period in which divided -, counsel created an atmosphere of un· WHAT NIXON CANNOT do, under his ~nty on bow Nixon would carry out own terms, is pull out of Vietnam the United States commitment in Viet-unilaterally in a disguised defeat and let nam. He bu now decided to carry It out A sit go hang. Sec. of ~tale. William P. u a valid commltment· t!td it &hould be RO&ers siµd later: :'!President Nixon i! bettei' understood wbat this e.ven~ , ~1 golftl. to -~ ~••_Y _ from our could, JDlP.* ,, ..J,....~ • ' •' ! j.'!'J ~nsib1;11~1·:tftAai&.!He.:.asJtot.golng. to. If tlie North Vietnamese will.not 'accipt quit." • · .. mutual phased withdrawal, whiclr.i'is 'll)e This was undoubtedly the major heart of the whole matter, and the war decision of President Nb:on'.s first four continues at about Its present JeveJ. NiJ-months in office. He recogriiied at the on will have several unpleasant options. same time that he is "plecfged" to end He can continue fighting under some new the war. "l am detennln~'to keep 'that formula involving fewer U.S. tro:ops, as pledge. lf ,l fail to do so. I expect the he spPk:~ of dW'if)g the presidentilil cam-American people to bold me actountable J>llignl He can make no siUlfic1nt for that failure," he scila. · military changes but 'go on the ~P-The receipt to ~ident Nixon's speech lion &bat the Communist siCie ii wearing on Vietnam, has clearly gained him more out, •While tbt ~utb Vietnamese army time to·tUlfiJJ his pltdge by satisfying, for grows stronger. Or, he can drastically the time &ting, 'both sides in the Vietnam escalate the war by some sucb operation argument. But time ill all ·that bu been gained. If the Communist side does not respond to what both hawks and doves regard as a reasonable U,S. proposal, th e problem will arise again on how Nixon i3 to fulfill his "pledge" to end the war \\.'hile avoiding a "disguised defeat." crisis comes in the future he may be able to command greater public support than President Johnson and Secretary Rusk for the unpleasant alternati ves to dis- guised defeat. THOSE WHO HAVE tak en their time in THES£'COMMI'rn1ENTS may oot pro-measuring Nixon's television speech ve to be con1patible, and then Nixon may along with the explanations of it at the have to decide if the only way to ·fulfill White House and the public reaction to it his pledge tc> eDfl the war is· by military tend toward the conclusion that its main action making it bnpossibJe·for the Com-emphasis was on not quitting in Vietnam.. munist side to eontinue or by accepting A White House source said that we, disguised defeat. meaning. himself, the President and his In the present~public-atmosphere which advisers, know-the dlUerence between an seems to anticipate de-escalation as if honorable· settlement and a disguised Nixon were in 'fact bagging out of the ·ae1eat. When it came to reducing forces war, a new ~caialion does not seem in Vietnam the &Dme source· said it would politicaUy conceivable. However. that al.· be done as a sign of confidence and mosphere could change if after months of responsibility and not to create a public delay in which new concessions wer.e rclatiails effect with the Americaa made by Nixon the Communist side'.stih : 'pOOp'le! refused to settle on some form of mutual These are not the kind of statements withdrawal. likely to be made by those engaged in a Nixon has taken the. gamble et COi'!· slow back out from the Vietnam com· vincing the American Pu'Dlic'tbat what be initmelit. They are more likely the is doing is the right thing. He has made a statements of men who are willing to better case fQt the Johnson-Rusk policy ,face the unpleasant alternatives the than they were able to make. When the future may bring. Too Late to Save Life on Earth? To the Editor: · We are all tired of the prophets of doom and disaster. For this reason many people undoubtedly refused to watch TV 's excellent documentary "The S I o 1v Guillotine." Its message, though, is one \Ve must face il human beings are going to contique to e1ist on this planet. l-.1any scientlsts are saying that unle ss air pollution is ended man will become extinct in SO years, and some give him only 25. Others believe the damage to our environment is irreversible and iL is already too late to save lite on earth. Our cities will be unintiabitable in 20 years. they tell us, and for many people the y are uninhabitable now. Even the oxygen administered to patients in hospitals is polluted because of chemicals in the at· mosphere where it is prepared. TWO TillROS OF THE pine trees in many of our forest resorts -for example Lake Tahoe and Lake Arrowhead -al"t'l dead or dying because of smog, and there is no way to save them. ·Al i time when we are ail preoccupied wHh campus violenct and the ABM. it ls almoSt too much to ask that we become v,ery alarmed about !till another prob· lem. Yet nothing is more Important than the air we breathe and the water \\'C drink -and v.·e arc in danger of losing both. President Nixon has appointed a cOm· mittee to study the problem and report next November. Obviou:;Jy our govern· ment j3 not aware of our peril. - IF AIR POLLUTION is to be e 11 m i n ate d , the gasoline.powered automobile as the major contaminant will have to be dealt with. and only govern- ment at \be federal level has the power 1---B11 Geerge ---, Dear George: 1 woold like lo know the first step involved in becomtnL a nudi5t. HEALTH WORSRIPPER Dear Heallh : The first step in becoming a nudist Is ••• well, let me put il this way. You know those clot.bes you're wurlng? (Write to Georie and have your worry!"' dooe by hl• oulllandin( 1tafl of~ -ti.) f ' • volvement of our young people ln narco- tics -of its rapid and terrifying growth -of all of its aspects. What can we as individual citizens do about this? It's~ children and our city. What about our responsibility as parents, as Christian parents and Christian citizens? B~FORE I COMPOSE my letter to the churches, I'd .like' some .6lS:tistics, such and potentially the will to control the -as,.. percenta&"'' of · our youth Involved. automobile industry. Have heard of ~8.teS of 80 percent at L1ttert t"'"' ~ IA -..-rM. Moml1llr' wttltfl lllOltlcl CIOllVIY tlMir -In 300 wotdt er ta" Tti.t r191\t Ill COlldoenW ..,,.,. 19 Ill IHU or 1tllnl- n•l9 llbll II rllll'Vlll. AH ~ lft\ltt tMMi •!1neh.1" Ind "11111119 ..:tdreu, Wt Mflllt mw bl Wlll\htld Of! '"""' If lllfflcltnt ,.._ II -"'"'' It is up to Ul!I, the American people, 10 (!ange Coast, e~ .• ~ut want to be cor- insist that it do so. red. I feel the time 1s past to soft pedal VIVIENNE MAOONE ll;leSe facts. Know our police department · 1s doing the best it can,· but limited in Wa11u Drug Statbtle• To the Editor : Have been followlng your reportt on local arrests of narcotic violators with In- terest and growing concern. Most cltiJens Just don't realize the extent of In- methods of curtailing t~eir operation. FAYE FAILING Patient Judge To the Editor: The person who wrote the title, "Tired, Impatient Judge" would have labeled the article, "Tired, But Patient Judge" ha:J he spent two days in Judge Owens' court, May 7 and May 12, as J did , or had he read even the article involved more carefully. Judge Owens patiently sat thrc>ugh his own lunch hour on several occasions last v:eek to my own personal knowledge, in order to expedite a very heavy calendar. GEO. C. GILLEITE Th~ l~e.adline r eferred to appeared. over a news story reporting a hearing 011 Laguna Beach's disputed Sai.t Creek · Road before Superior Court Judge Claude Owens. Tht storv rr.· /erred to the fudge as "obtnous/.!f tired and impatient" and reported "he swept from the bench after twice ad- monisliing Lagm1a Niguel Corp.-a.ttor- . ney Mike McConnick to 'not repent argument! that I've liste11ed to al· readu •• , ' " -Editor It's Difficult to Fight City Hall To the elderly Baldwins came distress- ing news: after 27 years, the city was going to change their house number, The explanation. that it was because of a street widening. did not mollify them · at all . Finally they took the matter"to court. ''ll's not just a question of sentiment." U:iey contended . ..4•such 1 change wouid also be a serious inconvtnience, an in- vasion o: our ~ ri&bts. If .fthey must take away our number, let them at least pay us conrpe:MaUon -just as if they were taking away part of our fron. Lage.·~ . , But the court decided It could ,do nothing for the Baldwins. Even , ii the change was 1rk110me, said the court. it was still within the proper scope of a city's disc rt?tion. \ FIGJl11NG CITY HALL through court ~Ion is not easy. Generally Jpeaking. because of the doctrine of ieparatJon or pc>wers, courts do oot bave a rlght to "Se- cond l1Jt'$$" city orncial& in the we.y they run the community. Accordingly the city, if acting wlll*t.lt. lawflJlly tP'l•led authorll7. m11 dtprlvo )'OU of tdvantaa:es even more ''aluabte ' I " ,!tj--L ts' • ,.taJ m;Action ·' I~ ~ • • ~~i .. than your houaei number. For examplti In another cue, a bome·owner insisted thal he had a riaht to park on the at.reel in front of. his own driveway. He said this waa none of Ille d!Y.• bul~ ~ b~ blocl<lng the ~ly, be·.~id st bt0ck· ing only himaeJll · · . BIJT -AGAIN, ; court '8id the city hsd a right to forbki all Nclt~ldng withoot mating except.tOns -1n iitdfr to give · equal t.reatmtbl to all members of the llf6toriog pub!lf. ' · Still, you .,.. eatltlOcf to • coort's •htlp again•t lhe ci1I ll lhe'ctty11k• wha(lhe la\v calls "arbitrary" Id.Ion~ Consilh!r this case : A city ordinance banned all b3Ck y1rd fences more than tJJrte.and-one-h•U rect high. This flme • disgruntled .homo owner,. determined' to have 1 hither 4t!ICI ....... court flaht to kpock ~l ~ -~I I ' ' ' ' Unable to find any rbyme or reason tn such a drastic lintit.ation. the court ruled that the city's ban was simply too arbitrary to pass the test of con- stitutionality. An America.11 Bar A .~sociation pub· Uc strvice feature by Will Btmard. • --W- Friday, May :ZS, 1969 Th,t editorial page of the DaUr Pilot Heb to i7'form, o.nd ttim. . 11Iatt rcacUr1 brt prr1rnUng thta tltl.O:Spaptr'1 opiniOtll and <!Om. 'l'nffttt'.1:'1/ on topia of. htttrest 0-nd lignificq_nce, bu r>rovfding a forum for the t.%J)re1,ion of our rtodcn' opini0tts. and by prespnting the 4'vtr&t vit'U)o. points of &1/ormtd ob.servers and apokermt1l on topics of tM day. J\ohert N, Woe4; Ptibliaber L__ --------~ -~~ ------_, __ ------------ I ( rrashTruck • Runs .Over . Beach Boy Robert Pierre Lehm, 4, of 81142 Sable Dr., was listed ln panied condi~ ~ morning at Huntington Intercommunity Hospila~ after suflertng multiple .Ira<> lures when he rode his trlcyde under the wheels of a disposal tnick Tbunday tnorning. Young Lehm's l.ajurles were suffered the same day a plea wei.1 oot for mmey to pay the hospllal .._ ol r>yw'old Danny llamo8, another Huntington Beacb youngster who b still in the hospital f- iajurie3 suffered in a aUnilar accident April 31). Driver of the disposal truek, Larry Trevino DeLeon, 19561 Beach Blvd., H~ tington Beach, told pollct he never knew he bit the boy. Police :stopped him• short distance later and informed him of the accident. DeLeon's truck struck the boy while malting a tum from St. Augustine Street onto Yannouth Slreet. Police 1aid ap. pareoUy ttie youngster rode his tricycle W1der the rear portion of the truck. The disposal truck is built with the driver's side on the right, making vision to other side difficult, said police in- vestigators. Young Ramos also suffered multiple in- juries when he was struck by a car April 30 while attempting to cross the Adams Avenue bridge over the Santa Ana River. Doctors at Hoag Memorial Hpspital termed him Ute "Miracle boy'' because he was originally given only seven hours to live. At Huntington lntercommunity Hospital doctors said young Lehm was aJert today and wen oriented. He suffered a frac. tured pelvis, fractured right leg, and bOtb hips were broken. Beach Police Slate Auction A television sel lops the list of it!!ms for sale May 31 in the Huntington Beach Police Department's auction. It starts at IO a.m. on the police parking lot at 5th and Orange Streets. Bicycles, surfboards, radlos, cameras and jewelry are some of the other articles for sale as the police department cleans out a storage room full or found, hut unclaimed, 'items. All sales must be cash, and police chlef John Seltzer urges parents to attend with children who want to buy bikes. More than JOO lost bicycles will be sotd. All objects will be on display just prior to the auction. Ed-addicts Set For GWC Class Several ex-drug addicts and pushers will "tell it like it was" at 11 a.m. next Thursday during a special student pro- gram at Golden West College. The program is open to the public without charge. It will be held in the College Forum. The speakers, all in their early twen· lies, will be accompanied by the Rev. Frank Gonzales, a one-time trumpeter with Hollywood dance bands, who is now working with addicts in East Los Angeles. Westminster Man Heads Teachers Westminster teacher Norman E. Rich, 34, ha! been elected president of the Golden West College Academic: Senate for 1969-70, Rich, a biology teacher in the mathematics-science! division, !ucceed! Thomas H. Gripp, who will be come associate dean for educational resourees July I. Other ne\Y officers are John Wadhams, Garden Grove, vice-president; Robert Sum, Westminster, parliamentarian; and 1.tiss SUsan Ryder, Huntington Beach, secretary. Rich has been with lhe Golden West faculty since the college opened in 1966. GIRL 01' THE MONTH Marine'• lender ·' Roses for a Queen City Admlltlstralor _Bob Huntl ey (left) and Bob Knox . ~resident or Westmmster K1wan1s Club. b~nor new Miss Westminster, Jayme Boyd, 17. Blue-eyed brunette is a senior at Fountain Valley Jiigh Cities Magazines Laud . Valley Ten-year Budget Fouhlain Valley's widefy pralsed JO. year budget has received recent recogni· APPOINTED TO NEW POST Golden West's Gripp Gripp Appointed Associate Dean Thomas H. Gripp, 38, Huntington Beach, has been appointed associate dean or educational resources at Golden West College. Gripp, who will assume his new duties July I, will be respons.lble for de veloping innovative teaching techniques. He also \Yill work with the faculty on student learning problems. He joined the Golden West faculty in 1966 and has been an English and German teacher. In addition to his olher duties, he will organize teacher in-service training pro- grams and coordinate the college's mulU- media center, instructional materials center and the new graphiC! laboratory. Gripp is a native of Mankato. Minn. He received his undergraduate education at the University of Puget Sound, Tacoma . He holds a master's degree from Cal Stale-Long Beach and is working on a -.a( UCLA. BOY OF THE, MONTH M1rln1'1 Lemmon tion in two professional magazine11, ··western Cities" and "Public Manage· ment," generally circulated to municipal administrators. ln "Western Cities," a magazine circulated in 12 western states,. Mayor Robert Schwerdtfeger·authored an article explaining the background to the city's unique adaptatkln of fiscal responsibility to a Joog range guideline. Wrote the mayor, "The 10..yea.r budget serves as a guideline and in -no· "'aY replaces the annual budget. It will, however, take the strain.and hand-wring. ing o u t of the annual budget' prepara- tion. .... "Public ~1.anagement" is a magazine subscribed to by more than 2,000 members· of the International City Managers' Association. ln .its ball-page article ''P.ublic Management" pointed out the factor of "no property tax increases and no bond projects" offered under the umbrella or the ten-year budget; It explained how the budget work.s on a system of figuring a ratio of employes to population and allowing flexibility each year with Ute population rather than fix· ed increases in expenditures. County 'Action' Head Cleared, But on Probation The executive dim:tor of IJ:ie Orange County Community Action C o u n c i I CCAC), under fire for the past several \Vccks, has been cleared of any "fiscal improprieties" but placed on t~ree months probation to correct alleged "ad- ministrative weaknesses." Richard Baisden, president or lhe CAC governing board, said Thursday Director Ron Lunceford was found innocent by a majority or the board in "misuse of CAC funds." Lunceford, 36, of Santa Ana, had among other things been charged with discrimination against M e x I c an • Americans:' The board cleared him of these charges, Baisden said. Lunceford, a Negro, has held the $12,600 post for one year. The CAC board held four closed se.Wons over a period of a monlh hearing demands from seven neighborhood staff coordinators, all h1exican Americans, lhat Lunceford be fired. Lunceford Thursday indicated he was not happy with the decision. "The pro- bation period will be rough on everyone." he said. He had asked for a clear cut decision to fire him or retain him with strong board support. The executive diretlor made no threat of resigning, however. Kris Bender, Robert Lemmon Tops at Marina -· Two seniors at liiarina Hi8h School have been selected by their fellow students as Boy and Girl of the month for May. Kris Bender served as senior cla.ois treasurer during tbe flnt semester and a! a member of the senior graduation commJttee. Sbe is also a member or the Natiooal Forensic League. preskicnt or the medicaJ careers club and vice pres· dent ot the medical explorers. Robert Lemmon runs the 1$'.I yard low hunfl<s 1nd 120 yanf high hurdles for the track team and takes Ume out from sports to serve on the senior graduation committee. tie ls also a mtmber of the letlerman'1 club and serves· as track club treuurer. Beach Sets ' Drug Users llelp Probe Jimmy found himself ln the upper reaches ot his mind, on a bad' trip on .a looe!Y s~I and ready to shake the misery in bis mind. He reached for a phone and dlaled·"Hot line." "Help, J want to 5hake it, but not lo jali." he told the listenu. The rc!ponse was rapid. A man talked to Jimmy, promistd the police would not be involved and asked for a personal in· tervlew. It Vo'orks that way for lhe drug users of somn cities and • group of concerned lluntington Beach citizens hope it can help here. Monday night they plan to meet at 7:30 p.m. at Golden West College to discuss formation of a local Hot Line. Involved are ministers, physicians, school counselors -professionals not ex· peeled ~o pre-judge or moralize to the drug user who needs help , A ::imJlar program was originally launched in the Cerritos Junior College District and loal backers plan to pattern their system after lhe highly successful Cerritos plan. Basically Hot Linc is a telephone service ror drug users who want heJp. It is open 2f hours a day, every day, and on the other end are professionals who c:an and will help without c:alling lhe law or giving moral lectures. ParticipanLs in Hot. Line donate their time, and when on duty must be available at all hour'3 to serve the Hot Une caller. Hot Line locally will be set up to serve Hutnington Beach, Fountain Valley, Westminster, ~lidway City and Seal Beach. Ministerial groups generally form the nuhlcuoi of Hot Line, but the medical pro- fession also provides a large quantity of expert help. The idea behind Hot Line is to provide an outlet for the drug user who really wants to• g e t off t h e habit with th e guarantee that hewon't be in trouble with the law for his admission to drug use, or told how morally wrong he is. It's strictly a help procedure. Some vital points used in the Cerritos procedure include : -Hot Line is strictly confidential. -Hot Line is open 2f. hours. nu.q, 1'q D, lM I S DAILTPUJ lt $185,587 AU.C.ted Airport Receives Federal Funds Orange County Airport has been .itotted $1~,587 in airport improvement funds by the Federal A·v 1 at I o-n DAILY ,IL.OT Sltff PMtt FIRST -City Manager James Neal accepts first tickets to Fountain Valley Days carnival from Nancy O'CoMell, 17, city's Junior Miss. Event June 12-15 sponsored by Fountain Valley Junior Chamber of Com· merce. Admlnlllntion, II WU -'l'fion. day in Waahiqtoo. The money to the county airport wu. part of a SU mlllJoa packqe 1<onted to airports throughout the alate . by the federal agency. Robert Bresnahan, director of avlalloo. Wd lbe money will be uaed for three safety project. at the olrport, pr<>vldinl the County Board or Supervllon allocatts matching f u n d s to co~r the total $330,000 estimated cost. Bresnahan said he bad queried the FAA last fall on the avalllbllity o! IUCb funds, bot bad not expected approval and the allocation of federal money so IOOfl. Bresoaban said the three projecla !no ' vo1 .. -ol • hlih speed tumoll to move jeta rapidly off the main runway, an enlarged holding pad rot •aircraft awaiting takeoff, and over~ing a tax· iway with improved surfaclng. The F AA-graoted fund• wlll not be - available until the nll!'lt filcal year, whlcb . begins July I, Bresnahan said. · When they do become available, the director said, he wU! go before the county, supervisors to request matching local funds for lhe projects, all of wblcb are designed "to eliminate safety hazard• In bandHng the traffic we already bave. '' Huntington Sets Swim Classes Youngsters who Want• to get 1n the swim this summer can start registration Saturday for the Huntington Beadi Recreation Department's summer swim- ming lessons. Registration wlll be taken from 9 a.m. to f p.m. at Marina High School pool, Goldenwest College pool and the dty'1 rect<11Uoo and gym facility, 18th ml Palm Streets. Registra.Uon will continue at Marina and Goldenwest the following Sunday and other weekends from 1 p.m. to f.:30 p.m. Signups will a1!0 be accepted weekdays from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. and from I p.m. to 9:30 p.m. in the dty recreaUon building. • -It must .be supported by civic · · J Pla • organlzatioos. a ycees nning Claua-begin June 16, nmnlnC for two -k perloda with prtceo rancin& !nm '4 1 to 16 dependinl oo the class ..w.cL Oilldren eM>lllnc in beCbJnera c1- mual • -parent at time ol registraUoa. -AU calla are direct, never ask a - caller to call back. Time is important. V ll C • l -Don't waste time with callers not a ey arniva - really seeking heJp. Too many others do want and. need·the servJce. · -Gain caller's confidence in order to set up a counseling session. -Don'L use language of users, it changes too rapjdly and wrong use can tag a person as square. -Primary need ol an addict or user is to physically "put down'' whatever he is using. -Get the caller help f85t. Time cools the moUvation to seek help. . llot Line isn't here yet, but Monday rught may go • long way toward laun-ching it. Carnival, barbecue, game bool.hs, sing:· out -it all takes place June 12·15, at the Funeral services will be held at t p.m. comer of Magnolia and Warner Avenues in Fountain Valley during the Jaycees' Saturday atl the Peet Family Co1oalll annual Fountain VaUey Days. Funeral Home in Westmlnlter lot. Rites for Youth Set A carnival reaturing 15 ride11 will be lhe Richard R. Nygaard, 18, of Yorba Unda. main attraction while a barbecue and 1 who died Wednesday of head injuries lllf .. sing-out will top the list for one day only fered in a Sunday traffic accident. on June 14. Jaycee• will be joined by other local 1be youth, a student at Troy Hl&li clubs in preparation and hosting of Foun-School in Fullerton was injured ln a twoo· tain Valley Days. Applications are atlll c:ar crash at Imperial Highway and. being accepted for game booths by Jim Valley View Avenue in the Yorba Lind& Bennett, chairman of lhe event, 839-2849. area. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii SPRING Clearance I • CAMELLIAS --AZALEAS· BUY TWO AT REGULAR GET THE THIRD ONE F Na1ne Varieties-Large Plcuits Plant Non; for Srunmer Groivth PRICE-! ADOBE· BUSTER! PENTREX LIQUID PETUNIAS REGULAR 69c TRAY I • r NOW! BUY ONE -GET ONE -SUPER RX Buy One At Reg. Price FREE GET 2ND GALLON FREE! FREE LANDSCAPE IDEAL FOR OUR HEAVY SOIL-PLANNING • • • IMPRO~S PENETRATION -FEEOS -A.SK A.BOUT IT! COUNTERACTS ALKALINITY HEADQUARTERS FOR SPRINKLER PARTS AQUA QUEE·N °;~~~~~<:.~. $5.95 Nows3aa ORANGE COAST NU.RSERY, INC. 380 W. WILSON COSTA MESA ) ., I I l 4 IWlV PILOT The Michigan House voted to urge the state Civil Service Com· mission to re--evaJuale its rule against "maternity leave' for pregnant employes. "Motherhood is a natural function ol the female and she should not be penalized for it " Mrs. Ntlil S•undtrt, a Detroit Democrat, ·told ber male col· leagues. • ' The BrySON, Htnrt1 and Hen- rietta of Philadelphia, are. unce more' oppontntl for the big neighborhood job of 111!41• of etectiom. Hmry, a "'-eM-old ·Rtpublican. ii an etectronlca rt• search technician for RCA. in nearb!( Princeton. N. J. He won by a slim margin four years aoo -knocking out hit wife's bid for a fou.Tth term. Henrietta. is a Dtm0crnt and detn111lned to moke a comeback thLT Novtm- ber in the 28th DiuUion of North.east Philadelphia'• 45th \Vard. Both were unOJJPo!ed for their party nominations in the prima~. • The Hove, England, City Council has voted to build 14 more public toilets -for dogs. ·An experiment with six dog toilets in a park work· ed '° well that Councillor Le1lie Syk11 moved to build more of the fenced compounds with a dummy light post in the middle. • • DaM Didio, preridcnt of the South Florida News PhotograpMr1 A11~ tion, planta a kils on Su.an Ho~ kin1, 23 year& old, blue eyed blonde from Colorado, who too& named "M.tas Pinabfe" by photographer• cowrmg the preUmina111 round of the Miss Univerae pageant in Miami Stach. • Dl1nn1 Weston of Leicester, Eng· land, was nervous about the mar· riage vows her husband gave 10 days ago. She made hiql go through a second ceremony. The first time, Tony, 25, mwnbled them after receiytng a concussion from hitting his head on a sink after a bachelor party the night before the ceremony. "There was nothing legally wrong 'vith the first &ervice," Dianne said. "lt's ju · that I'm a bit sentimental." • Guards Invade Carolina Campus GREENSBORO, N.C. (UPI) -More than 600 National Guardamen, firing rifles and lobbJnc canisters of nauaea ea11, drove snipers from a dormitory at North Carolina A&T University loday, then began a melhod.lcal sweep lhrOU&h every bulldlng on the Negro campus. A bellcoplu IDd a IJlht plane.took part in the assault on Scott Hall where anntd black mllllanll had been holed up lince Tlmraday. The llrcraft dropped JHr , .. canisters ooto the scene as lbe guardsmen clw'led the dorm. Se\oW8l boon after the dawn assault Lie National Guard uld It WU in control of the embattled campw: with only one casualty-a military policeman who was Reds Renew Fighting on 'Hamburger' SAIGON (UPI) -Renewed flabUng broke out today atop Hamburser Hill with U.S. poratniopen bottlln( rovln1 bands cl Nor1b Vl<lnamae IOldkn arm· ed with automaUc weapons and rocket.. propelled ~. The poratroopen reported tlllln( 21 CGmmunlltl bt 1C1.tttred c\uhes along the llbooldon cl the 1,000.foot l110lltltain o""lookJni the A Sha'\ Valley neir the -" wlth .Laol. Mllllary aourcea said Amerlcla Cl;,IUallifll were seven dead and 20 W<Jllllded. A battalion of the 101st Airborne Dtvla!on captured tbe hill, named llOng Ap Bil on map1, m Tuesday after a lG- day betUe. They nicknamed the J!lOuntaln Hamhurpr Hill for lis haltered ap- pearance after almost constant air and artillery otrllo!s. MlliLary sources said at least 838 memben of North Vietnam'• 9th and 29th Infantry reilments died on the htll, one mile ea.st of Laos, since May 12. Total U.S. casualties wtre reported at 53 dead and 310 wounded. Tbe clashes erupted at dayortak when the paratroop!!:rs started another sweep across the mountain peak. He said the Americans charged into densely jungled tree lines to flush out North Vietnamese troops who darted from poatdon to posillon. * * * shot In the arm. At leUl seven pertons, lncludlng five policemen, were injW"td In a campus gun battle shortly lfter mid-- night. Police aaid they did not know how many persons were arrested during the assault and sweep 4CJ'OQ tbe campus. At one point, 100 students wer~ marched to a field and forced to lay face down under guard. Tbey were later taken to jail In a gray bus. Sporadic aniper fire continued for about two hours after the assault but by late morning the campus wu quiet. Most of the school's 4,000 student.a had left the campus and only guar<t&men and policemen remained, guarding the va • cant buildings. SCott Hall, where a Negro student was killed Thursday and where today's •cUon was centered, bore 1igns of the battle - windows were &battered, doors spllnt.ered and bricks flic ked with bullet scars. The guard ordered everyone off cam- pus shortly after the soldiers secured · Scott Hall. There wu oo word on when the school would reopen. OurinL the height of the assault, bullets crackled through trees in the yards of a dozen private homes lining the campus of the predominantly Negro achoo! neat' Scott Hall. When one resident saw four armored personnel canim rumble into view, abe alghed, "'nlank God for those tanka. We're getting tired of OW:." The carriera.rin&ed ·tbe four4tory, red brick dormitory where a student wu iill- ed during Thursday's gunfire. An officer warned the militants to aet out, then a pbalanx of soldiers craahed through the front door of the building as scattered gunfire sounded f r o m dormitory windows. The guardsman who l'l'U injured ap- parently fell d u r i n g a room·t~room sweep of the dormitory. PICK OWN GRADE IN BL ACK CO URSE LANCASTER, Pa. (AP) -Seven Franklin and Marshall i n a t r u c t o r s teaching the course, "The Black Ex- perience in America," yielded to student demands and canceled the final ex- amination. They also said they wiU permit students who have turned in term papers to give themselves a ~ for the coorse. They agreed, too, to dem1nds that they ·apologiJe for "explottaUon" of the blackne.as of the Negro students. Hamburger Hill Backed: . 'No Increase in Activiiy' ' WASHINGTON (AP) -The Whil• House, obviously respond.in& to criticism of the costly American auault on South Vietnam's Hamburger HUI, said today: "'Ibere haa been no increase on our part in terms of military activity ordered ln VJetnam .'' Pm:! seo-etary Ronald L. Ziegler rals· ed the subject at a news brieflnc, ltlUng that the 430 American combat deaths reported for last weet "dlrectl,y reOect the unusually lntenae enemy action in South Vietnam." At another point he II.id the United States has not initiated a hl&her level of offensive military activity but has simply responded to enemy moves. In a Senate speech Tuesday, Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, (0.Mass.,) desc rib- ed American losses at Hamburger Hill as "both serl5eless and irresponsible." lie called on Pr~ident Nixon to slow the pace of battle action In Vietnam . Kennedy, a potential opponent of Nixon in the next presidtntlal election, said the level of military action conflicts with the ad ministration's state goals in the Paris peace conferen~. Ziegler was asked if Ni.ion thought the al.Lack on Hamburg« Hill.overlooking the A Shau Valley wu wl.se, proper and well handled. ~~ ~ "The President doesn't secoDd guess his field commanders," he said, adding that Nilon has fUII confidence in combat leaders. Ziegler saJd that Nixon , in a con· versatlon here last week with Gen. Creighton Abrams, U.S. commander in Vietnam, directed that U.S. military operations be carried out v.·ith •·a minimum loss of American lives." Oscoda, Michigan Freezes 150-mile -:fide Cloud Bann -New England w T exas Temperatur es ~ltt l ... "'"'" AlllU•U....~ " ... ... AJKl'IOI° ... ~ .. A11..,tt " " 91t<ntrc~ .. ,, 8111~ " " ll111ton •• " Chi'"" .. " ·" ClnCll>Mll " " ·" Cltvtltnll .. .. ·" ..,_ • " .• , . OM Molnts • .. Detroit " .. .. E:urttt1 " " '"' worrh " " ·-" " ,. ... " " ·-· " .. Coutal 11.s. s .. ,,.,,..r11 -" ,, ·-ci. " " T .... v .... " " \.ltrlt 4tiult al-. "'* ut•l Ill!• .,_.,.,,.. a.rtN .. nltlP'I' W ~ l ff ANtlti M ... , ..__ " .. " " " " .. WNl!ltt lidllrt 1<1-.. Miiton ......,, Of'I tlllWr llltft Ill 1'llt lleftf -· I .... ,. '-'>trtlvlft "' ""' .. •1111 • to tM Hwtll 1111111 Ill ,,,. • 11'111 1'h Ill f!lt a.111. T"" l'Wlllon'I l9wlSf ,_,lne ti I I.Ill. IDT.,., Ml..., trwii.... el J'I 11 0... di, A'""'9 tlllf rttlll ... 1M Ill Mlclllo '"· Wl,. '"'l!lt II .. mite• lfl llGUr KClllTIJ1111'1"4 • l!ttw ttn.1•n11eMr tfllf •lr11d !flt 11'""' fl H1Mvl1tto T-.. """ _,.,,_ Tiit wlno1 llltw 6111 1 wlM9w 111 !ht 1lr110n .....,, T• ll'lf ~'· 11111 ecamNll'"' IM hHVY r•lil M ..,__, W\IML Art. Tllw\lltl' fftlll"'. M,,_k ""0ri.. .. Htw Yott. Nor1'I "'-"' ...... ...... -·-..... _. ._ .. ,.llttburtlt ........ lll:•llf C.ltT "" '""' ·-''· lwlt kllllll Stfl Olwto S•11 ~r111et1o1:e S1111• l1rtt.r1 lttll!t , ....... ·---Wnlllflti.t ... .. " " " .. " " .. .. .. .. .. " • " '" " " ..... .. .. " .. .. .. .. .ol .. .. " ,, " " " • " " " .. .. " .. " "' ,, " ChiJtS on Oki Block - Handing out souvenir chips of London Bridge in a Hollywood "preview" of the huge stones being transported to Lake Havasu City, Ariz., are Andrew Franklin (left), British consul general, and C. V. Wood Jr. Three truckloads of the stones, weighJng seven tons apiece , were detoured through Hollywood for the "preview." Honor Sergeant Charges Sub Sinkings ha D Sugaes ted as General C nged uty E ~ M WASHINGTON !AP) -Army Sgt. Michael Sanders publlcly appealed today for Gen . Wiiiiam C. Westmoreland "to have the courage and decency to admit the truth" about orders that were abruptly issued to 1end the 22·year-old Lexington, Ky., native to Vietnam. Sanders, who was a member of the eUte Tomb o( the Unknown Soldier honor guard, said he is bdni shipped off to the war for expressing opposition to the U.S. role in Vietnam . And he contends that 'Vestmorela~d, Anny chief of staff, is responsible for 1L "I hope they don't bide behind ~lot ~f k!gal talk I don't' understand.' said Sanders, who has a lawyer trying to pre· vent his going overseas. Sanders, appearing with his sidebumed lawyer, Philip Hirschkopf, at a news con· ference in nearby Alexandria. Va,, also appealed to Secretary of the Army Cost of Moon Voy age R ecall.ed By Lindberg h . WASIDNGTON (AP) -Charles A. Lindbergh, the "Lone Eagle" of pioneer aviation, says rocket pioneer Robert God· dard told him In 11129 1 moon voyag~ was theoreUcally possible but economically improbable. tn a rare public utterance, with reporters and news photographers bar· red . Lindbergh ph\losdphized . about the future of American aviation and rtmlnisced about Goddard. • He said Goddard told him it was possi· ble to send a multi·stage rocket to the moon. "Then he smiled a little bit and said it might cost a million dollars and, of course, that was out," Lindbergh recall· ed. In the U.S. budget for fiscal year 1969 alone, the Apollo moon lending program is estimated to cost $2.3 bill.ion . Lindbergh's remarks to a ~ec~nt meeting of the Air Line Pilots Assoc1aUon \Yere tape recorded with his pennisslon and just made available for publkaUon. Since the famous kidnap-murder of his firstborn son, Charles Jr., 37 yean ago the pilot hero h11 shunned the limelight. Cl1icago Schools To Open Mond ay CHICAGO (UPI) -The first teacher strike In Ohicago's history was still on to- day but a tentalive settlement has been reached and teacher ratification this weekend woold reopen schools Monday. The agreement was reached Thursday night, 16 hours efter the stti.ke..,began. closi ng the clty111 523 public schools and givi ng nearly 600,000 students two days vacation. John Desmond. president of the strik· Ing Chicago Te11chers Union. said 1eachers would continue picketing today until 1 meeting by the unioo 's houat or delq:alt!I to ratify the agreement and pment It to the membtrWiip Clashes Between Cong, Canibodia Revealed PllNEM PENH, Cambodia (AP) - Prince Norodom Sihanouk. Cambodian chief ar state, aakt tod!ly Viet Cong and C"mbodlan rorce1 clashed May 17 and ?.fey 21 in the province ol Svay RJtng. Stanley R. Rcsor "to have the com· passion" in Ws case Lhat Secrelary of the Navy John Chi.fee had toward crewmen involved in the Pueblo incident. Chafee ruled that no Pueblo crewmen should be punished as a result of that alfair. "I am finnly convlnced this acUon was taken as punlahment for my uerdaing Cree speech," Sanders told reporters. Resor on Thursday night issued a week· long delay in Sanders' orden to go to Vietnam. In the me1ntlme Sandus also is seeking rellef throujh federal court. His lawyer, H.incbkopf, said he will seek to have Westmoreland testily next week durlnj: a bearing on a preliminary injunction btln1 sought in U.S. District Court in Wubington prevent Sanders' transfer. The lawyer uld "tt is our belief he personally ol'd*ed this action." .. Mystery Epidemic • . Strikes Workers On Secr et Job S•IERMANr Tex. (UPl ) -A my1tery epidemic of fainting, dizziness and nausea Thursday night swepl through a group of women working on a classified miUtary project ' at the Texas ln· struments plant and 48 were taken to hospilals. At first, the collapse of the women was blamed on gas flowing through the air cconclitioning system. The women became drowsy and diuy and some were 111.useated. But experts examined the plant and a company spokesman reported today: "A thorough examination of the work area occupied by the woman indicates it was well ventilated and apparently safe. "Neither safety Inspector!!, physicians or others at the scene could account for the reacUon ." Thirty.five women remained today in \Vilson N. Jones Hospital and 13 were in Community llospltal. Their conditions ap- peared good and all were expected to be released soon. Other womer who bec:ame sick may have gooe dl~Uy home or left for home after ftnt aid. The plant was shut down during the night. conomy ove WASHINGTON (UPI) -CivlUan analysts at the Pentagon have recom· mendf'd the sinking ·10 or the nation's 41 nuclear-powered Polaris submarines 11 an economy measure, but a De.fens• Department spokesman said today there was no chance this would be done. Commenting on reports about the recommendation, Jerry W. Friedheim, deputy chief of the Pentagon Information Service. sa id : "As you would expect, all sorts of proposals and alternatives are develo~ for consideraUon. "The sustained strength of lhe Polaris fleet of 41 ships is essential. This is 1<t particularly at a time when the Soviet Union rapidly is building up its sub- marine-launched missile capabilities. ''The present strength of the Polariii fleet will be . maintained, subject, of course, to approval by Congress of our funding request." This would mean Lhat the 10 older subs referred to by the analysts in a report would remain on duty with their single. warhead Polaris missiles. The other 3l are to be outfitted with the multiple.. warhead Poseidon missile after test11 have been completed. probably this sum· mer . Friedheim refused to directly discuss the analysts' recommendation concerning the sinking of 10 subs. The Washington Post said such a paper existed, and that it had come to the al· tention of a congressional committtt, which was not named . SC HOOL RAPS MISS I LE 'HOLE' LAKE ARTHUR. N.M. (UPI) -Lake Arthur School Supt. Jolin Havner quer;.. tlons the federa l government's missile strategy at times, particularly when he gazes out at an empty hole on the school grounds that cost $22 mill ion. .- "That hole was dug to house a missile a few years back, but they never put the missile in. That $22 million could have run my school system for 110 years," Havner said al a budget hearing for lhe :ZOO.student district near Rosv.·ell, N.M. 2 Heroes Honored Both Gave Lives w Save Buddies WASHINGTON (UPI) -Prlflidenl Ni.Ion preaented the n•Uon's highest award for 1allantry today to the (amiiles of two U.S . Anny enlllted men, both or Whom 1ave their lives to protect tbeir buddies In Vietnam combat. The Med•1 of Honor WIS tlven to the famines ol M./Sit. Charlts E. Hosking Jr. of Ramaey, f{J .• and Spec. 4 Donald t.. Michael of Fk>rence, Ala,, at a WhJte House ceremony. Michael, only 19 when he was killed Aprl1 1, 19'7, was honored for alngle handedly 1U.cklng dug-Jn Viel Con1 posi- tions which had hJ1 squad pinned down and wu ellmln1Ung them. He was with the 173rd Airborne Brlgade when bis oquad WI> hlt bf an enemy force from a -:vell concealed bunker. Aeconllna lo hl• cltaUon, Michael twltt .._.i hlnuolf lo wilhering fire and blull from hia own artillery in u.nwCCtA&tul auempta \o knock out the bunker. ~t of sreriade1, he returned to friendly poaltlons and got eome nwre -one for e1ch hand •• and ch1rgcd. "As he neared the bunktr. nn enemy soldlu attacked bJm from • tonctt1 lc<I position,'' the citaUon ~aid. "Speclo.lisi Michael killed him with hi s rifle, and, In spite or the enemy fire and the erploding artillery rounds, was successful In destroying the enemy position." He !!till wasn't finished. When his bud- dies found him morllJly wounded, he hart chased the retrtaUng enemy beyond their positions. Hosking, 43, and a veteran of 24 years, was serving with a Green Beret ouUil, Company A of the 5th Spe<iai Forees Group ln Phuoc Long Province northwt1t oC Saigon on March 21, 1967, when a cap- tured Viet Cong suspect suddenly grab- bed a hand grenade lrom his belt and began running toward a command group. 'loskln& chued the man down, leaped on his back and "with utter disreaal'd lot his own pertonal s•fety,'' cruptd the Viet Cong in a 'bear hu1' forclnl the grenade against the enemy aoldfer'I chest." the citation 5'kl. "He then wrestled th. Viel Con1 lo hi gn>Wld IDd covered U.. tntmy'1 bodl' with his ..... \111\11 the &?'n&do detonate<! •.• by abaorblng the lull lottt of the ... plOdlng grenade with hi~ own body an4 that of the 'enemy he saved the othet members of hit ~mmand 1roup fron death or serious Injury." • • . ·- Ver. $eatl..eb 2 -NJw Satellites ' Watch Radiation · . . Heart Ills For Barnard CAPE .KENNEDY (UPI) - Thl Air Force louncl>ed two advanced Velaradia,tioo detectlOct sateUJtel into orbit todly to watch for vlolallool · of tbe nuclear test ban and to report on any Communilt Chinese nuclear ezplosioos. The twin ~nd Vela ndlaltoo sentinels and three amal1 bitcltbj_kjng research satellites were sent_ aloft )>y a TU.In 3C roclret which struk- ed from Its pad right on tbne. Two sofid f u e I sup- , plemeotary rockets mapped. to the ntan hurled the rocUt tbr~ a low layw ol douola with mtnlant flames' trailing -~ -staged '!!tan flaiM to Ufe about two mlDutes a ·ft e r launch. · ' - DAILYmof 5 Flnanee Dlseosslon Set Warren, Judges Convene WASIUNGTON (AP) the Unlled Slates Courts, said Judicial Conference or 'COl!ld Chief JUltice Earl Wln'en, Thursday the committee could appolnt a cominlttee to ltud1 moving In. the still beayy wake frame hard proposals for con-the probloml GI judicial COO' of the Alie Forlas •!fair\ bu slderation later by the U.S. duet a..! dilcloiure. ' called a special meeUng of'i-====.....:..:_ __ :._.....:.:__,_ ____ _ federal judges to consider p~ poled rules to govern the financial deaUngs of the U.S. Judiciary. (Related story, Page 11). Warren bas swnmoned the it-member Court Admhlistration Committee for a mteling Saturday, three months be(ore its n e x t scheduled session. It was obvious that Warren, who steps down as chief justice next mopth, proposed the early 'meeting to overcome any public doubt about the na- Uoa's court system following the resignation under fire of Supreme Court Justice Abe Fortas. Smart Smart girl, guy, ,. CAPE TOWN' (AP) -Dr. Chriltlan B a r n a r d , the surgeon. who made the world's first beart transplant, was sued fc:ir divorce in Cape Town Supreme Court today. '!be third stage of the "nlan placed llleli and its 2,0lt-=efi:'~1:1 :b~!illf\:1~ 'One of Intrepid Trio • No agenda is set tor the meeting, but the judges from U.S. circuit and district courts are expected to discuss bills pending in Congress that would require judges to disclose their income and In- vestments. SUNNY BROOK co=~ five boun after Replica of Spanish vessel La Nina, among the fleet sailed to America in 1492 launch the third-ltqe engine ~y Christopher Columbus, was unloaded In San Diego Thursday _from Mex- refired. sending the payl_oad 1can destroyer Cahforn1a. On Joan from Mexico, the 28-foot replica is being dis-. into the deSired polition where -'p'-l_ay=-ed_a_s_pa,__rt_o_r_s_an_D_l..:eg::.o_'s_200th __ an_111.::·_vers.::.::.::ary:..c...::ce'l.::.::•b.::ra:.:::ti:.:on.::.:._ ______ _ Fortas tendered his resigna- tion during the furor caused by disclosure he had received a $20,000 fee in 1966 from the family foundation of financier Louis E. Wolfson. Justice M.E. Theron ordered Barnard to restore conjugal rights to his wife, Aletta Gertruida Barnard. by July 20 or to show cause by July 30 why a divorce decree should not be granted. Barnard was not in court. He ldt Wednesday for a two- month tour of Europe and North America. He is believed to be in Rome. Barnard and bis wile have been married for 21 yearll and have two children, a daughter 19 and a son 18. The daughter. Deirdre, is one or the world's top womeo water skiers. the satellites were deposited incb ori>tts ranging from 10,500 to 69,000 miles above the earth -nearly one-third of the way to the moon. Launch officials said. an engine aboard one Ve I a satellite would be fired 24 hours after launch and ' the engine or the second would be !ired 74 hours after launch to nudge them into precise 'posi- tions to begin their monitoriDg tasks. The new Velas will be spac- ed 180 degrees apar.t, one to watch one side of the earth and the second &he other side. Poison Gas Stays Put At Airport in Denver DENVER (AP) -Some stacked rows in a.compound 27,000 tool <i poison gas was aloogside at the Rocky Moun- mucb moved but not removed tain Arsenal This will take about two weeks, an Army today from ~e it. started, spokesman said. under the takeoff flight pat-The storage site is just north tern of ope d tbe nation's . alX1 east fil the north end of a dozen buaieet airport&. l'UOWaf at St a pl e t o D ln- 'Ibe obsolete nerve, muatard ternatiooal Airport. In less and teer gas may stay put for than an hour Thursday, 12 quite a while now, in hundreds commercial jeiliners took oil of canisters on the Coolrado from the rmway. Nearly all prairie, u a panel of scientists made a banking turn over or tries to decide bow best to get near the area. rid of it. The train shipment has been Rep. Cornelius Gallagher delayed while the National (D-N.J.), said in Washington Academy of Science.s reviews Thursday, that as for the the projecL That war): -to be Army's plan to dwnp the gas headed by George in the Atlantic Ocean, "for all Kistia kowsky, a Harvard intents and purposes, I view it University c;hemistry pro- as abandoned for this year." Cessor and a science adviser to The gas had been loaded in the late Preside11t Dwight D. 170 open railroad gondolas for Eisenhower -will take at the t r a i n trip to the East lea.st 40 days after 12 mo.re Coast w h e n congressional men are named to the panel. criticism Jed to a delay in its That lag, plus the time need- lhipment. ed to load derelict Liberty Thursday, tbe Anny .began ships with gas and sink them ~· removing the cylinders from at sea, moves the project Into the rail cars. It said the a season that the Coast Guard decision wu made because has declared unsafe for such rail siding fees of $8,500 a day work because of bad weather, had nm up a $200,000 bill. Gallagher said. The Army has not said the Earlier, Colorado interests trip Is off for this year, had claimed that an airplane however. crash into the storage area Two cranes are being used could an n i h 11 ate the to Wt the cylinden: from the metropolitan Denver popula~ rail cars, then move them to tion of more than one mllllon. Malnys Seize Copies Of Time, Newsweek KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia ·; (UPI) -The government .• seized an copies of the U.S. ... magazines Time and News- week today, charging some things the publications said of Jut week's racial riots 0 woold only make matters worse/' .,We have decided what is over loudspeakers and boasted they would soon run the government . The government Thursday banned all pollllcal publica- tions in what it said was an e.f· fort lo stop potentially in- flammatory oommeot. written there is not ~ve 4 • to racial harmony" .. 1 d Bernstem Set Sheikh Abdullah, permaneot oecretary to the mlni.try or For 'New Life' bome affairs. Police met planes arriving VIENNA (UPI) -Leonard with shipments of Time and Newsweek and confiscated BerMteln, after experienctng them. The bin applied to their four of the "saddest" weeks of current issues ooly. hJs life, is ready to "start a Time said in its edition this new life,'' he said '1'1ursday, week that bodies of those slain The American cooductor-com- ln-the rioClng helweeo Malays poser said his sad..,. stem- and Chinese were put In bass med from the death of hi.I and tlml from boob jn one f1ther and his de-..... -as "-ital. ,..._. Stew. Abdullah called that conductor of the New Yor~ ..... -. ...... "DlltributJon of the Philharmonlc. ~ •id -w ~ he WU ~king forward to mqulneJ would only make w o r k w I i h v I e n n a -~--,"he Mid. -~· •w-Philharmonic and more Ume Tllo ... -nid 113 in which to compooe. pe..-were killed In the rlOll ;=========;I iluiooah unolficlol -aaid the toll wu much h!Chtt. ' SHA!tP Generals' Deaths Not Purge WASHINGTON (UPI) -ana1yists do not rule out the Three of the generals, whose U.S. experts are intrigued by possibility that the generals deaths were reported in the the deaths of 18 Soviet died as· a resu1t or air ac· Soviet army newspaper Red generals since April 10. But cident.s or some mysterious· Star, died "tragically." This Soviet sources here say there untoward event. But they say tenninoloirv, according 10 past Justice William O. Douglas also has been criticized in Coogreas for collecting annual fees Crom the Parvin Fo~ dation. which had business ties with legal Nevada gambling interests. And it wcis revealed Thursday that Chief Justice- designate Warren E. Burger has received $7 ,SCIO as a trustee of the Mayo Foun- dation since he has been a federal circuit judge. Smart buy is nothing unusual about the there is no reason to believe a w agree: there's no • deaths, and American experts stalin-type pufge is in pro-experience, can mean the)r tend to agree. gress among the high ranks of were involved in an accident During 1968 Soviet generals the Soviet armed forces. unrelated to their military Ernest C. Friesen, director of the administraUve office ol Takeonesipolllsmarvelous s399 mildness and you'll smoother whlskey than Sunny Brook at any price. STARS died at a frequency varying According to s ~at is t 1 c s service or,, possibly, they died from four to 13 a month. In a gathered by U.S. experts, six while carrying out official one-month span in 1967, 17 of the generals who died in duties. generals were reported to 1969 were in the 49 through 59 Among these was Lt. Gen. have died, year old age bracket. 'Ibe rest Anatoli L. Kadomtsev, 49, who Because of the brevity of were considerably older, rang-was a commander in the Soviet obituaries, U . S • ing from 61 through '15. Antiair Detense Forces. Syclney Om•rr i1 on• of the worlcl'1 vr••t orlrelot•r1. Hll col11m" 11 one ef the DAILY PllOr1 9reet f•oture'" SUNNY BROOK --~--=----....::.~ __ ::.:::::.:::.::....::.:::::.:::::.:::.::.::.:__ Quality Tire Bale FORD, CHEVY PLYMOUTH OWNERS famous GENERAL Safetu- Jet AU NYLON CONSTIIUCTION 4FUUPUES • DURAGEN Rubber ... provides amazing mileage • FULL·MOLDED CURV·MASTER SHOULDERS ••• give conslllnt control on curves -easier handling • LOW PROFILE Construction greater load-carrying capacity -another extra margin of safety $ 88 1.15 )I 1• 1.1$ • 14 pllll 111 - WHITEWALLS BUICK, MERCURY, PONTIAC, OLDS, CHRYSLER, etc. l.25xl4 & l .!SxlS DODGE VAN, CHRYSLER, BUICK l .45xl5 & l.ISxlS $2288 l"l!n 12.• P:.l .T. PM S2.S1 P.1.T. CHEVY II, CORVAIR, FALCON COMET 6.50xl3 7.00x13 OLDSMOBILE LINCOLN, PONTIAC 8.55x14 & 8.85x14 WHEEL ALIGNMENT ADDS SAFE MILES! Let our tpeel1llat1 correct ca1ttr, gmbtr, toe-In, toe.out to tour car m1nufacturw'1 .,.clflc1tlon1, , end .. foty-check ind adlust your -ring. ,_ tl.N 11'.l .T • ..... A:.P' P:.l .T, DON SWEDLUND PHONI 646·5033 The Best Brake Service in Towni Brake Ralina . ... , ....... ......... . ''"'"' .... . ..... • Mid' .. h ll -• Mlf..Wfhld .. ..,.. .... , ... ......... ,~ 95 The World's Most ADVANCED Tirel Fl '. ' * Pl•tl••--at ...... , ....... . •• Since ·1959 Hours: 7:1D lo 6:00 Dally 540-5710 Newswttk a&ld that amon1 If yn'r• • ''""' tfilitr, "' other thlngs Chinese youths Dhn•-A·Lffi• •l•••ai..t •-'• flung pork into the faces of S•t•rtl•ya. M•U • h+t•r .i •• 1 1,f a J 111 ' who u Moefemt • • . whetfi.,. .,.,.,, M!l"I ef regard pork Q unc1ean. !ke . DAILY PILOT'S •M•" ft 1)50 tald ChJneae took,__"_'_"·-·-· -------'·----,------------.....:.-= \ I - • ( - !DARY PILOT l!DITOllJAX PA~E 1-, Settle It N~xt April Two juggemGu!J bent on"open warfanl are ruablng at each other in Fountain Valley. Each clabns It, and only i~ has the right view. Each appan!nll,y ls ready to risk seriou&Jy damaging the city rather than baci: down an inch. A recall election with all its potential for hann finds Eugene Van Dask and his followers trying to oust May· or Robert Schwerdtfeger and Councilmen Donald Fr.,. geau and Joseph Courreges. The stated issue la small· size standard building lots. _ Ironically, while the city is headed for a summer of political mudslinging, the city manager is preparing to go to Europe at taxpayer expense to nplain his plan for municipal fiscal responsibility. Once on top of the world and boasting to olher cities how best to serve the taxpayers, Fountain Valley ap- pears likely to assume a new role -one of immaturity and inability to solve its problems. The size of building loll is only part of the Issue. Hardheaded stubbornness on the part of the ruling trio ot council has agitated the problem. But even deeper, the foment stems from the conflict-of-interest possibili- ties based on the actions of this trio. -A -By discretion alone, they could have prevented the entire episode. Van Dask disclaims any political ambitions. He did at one point indicate be would step out of the recall campaign if S chwerdUeger's crew Indicated willing· ness to meet him hali way, But Mayor Schwerdtfeger appears to be welcoming the recall action. Whet.her his vanity is involved or whether he wants to fight for the sake of a fight, the fact is he did not accept the opportunity to keep the city out of a serious and far-reaching battle. Schwerdtfeger, Fregeau and Courreges are close enough to municipal affairs to have learned a lesson. from the dissension that wracked the neighboring city of Westminster. Further, they should have Jear11ed. from Buena Parle, wher~ bitter Jn.fl«htinJ has preventod a promising city from reecblng ft.I poten\!al. On the otller aide, Van DaJt and the recall move- ment could well have waited unW the April munlclpal elections to fuUlll their pledge to change the dlrectlon of Fountain Valley government Schwerdtfeger has 1ald he will not run again and energl .. put into the TtCall movement could well have been saved for next 1prtng11 election. So. down the line it goes. Two stubborn factions In· volved with personal egoa".00 int~rpretations appear to be hell-bent on making Fountain Valley a battle- ground to prove their point!. - The recall movement 1hould be ababdoned by its promoters. In return, the three councilmen in ·their gun. sight sbould face up to their nsporulblllty-for helping correct a terrible rill -a M which Is very much ol · their own making. • Then the direction of city government C8ll be 'sei- tled, as it property should be, at the April munlcipal election. Downey's Golden Deeds The. Book of Golden Deeds award given last week to Hwmngton Beach Boys' Club Director Pat Downey was a well~earned reflection of the real golden deeds Downey has contributed to this city. \Vhen Huntington Beach Exchange Club members mad~ the presentation to Downey, they correctly term· ed hun a man who has made significant contributions to the betterment of his community. The Boys' Club still needs operational funds and money to build at least two~ more Boys' Club facilities. Pat Downey needs the community's support to reach that goal. s "Wl-l~RE 15 IHE D£LUGrE ~,, Alcoholism Equates With Suicide Rate Dear Gloomy Gus: No Vnilateral Withdrawal in Disguised Defeat By .NORMAN NIXON, M.D. Each year approxirnat~ly 2%,000 deaths ·are officially attributed to suicide. A more accurate figure lies between two and threi times this number, for moil }lhysicians are loath l<l label a death a suicide because of the sUgma a~hed to the per900 who takes his own W'e, and to his family. ln addition, at least 200,000 acknowledged suicidal attempts occur an- ooally in the United States. Wherever alcoholism rates are hlgb, there always are more suicides. San Francisco, now labeled the "suicide capital," having led the naUon in aell- destructi~ for the put 10 ye~, also claims national honors for alcoholism. Similarly, in Las Vegas and West Berlin, as well as in other glamorous and ex- citing cities in the world, high suicide rates and high conswnption or alcohol prevail. EXCESSIVE lu'\IOUNTS of alcohol overcome inhibitions, reduce judgment. and depress physiological funcUonlng. And more often than is generally reaUzed, the chronic al coholic and the problem drinker, both disturbed emotionally, use excessive drinking as a suicide means, frequenlly in combinaUon w i t h barbiturales. AJcoholics who have ex- periellced deliriwn tremens seem to be more prone to suicida1 attempts than those who have not. Last year the Department o f Transportation reported that alcoholi cs and heavy drinkers, OMlStituting about four percent of American drivers, are responsible for at least hall of the single vehicle accidents in which the drivers die. Aod nearly ball of the fatal accidents in which more than one vehicle takes part! UNQUESTIONABLY. many nf the 65,000 highway fataliUes each year are The owners of the ljlnd across f r o m HunUngton Beach High School would do well to donate it to the city for a civic center. All their other surrounding land would shoot up in value. The Irvine Co. did that in the case of UC, Irvine -1,000 free acres. -E.G. P. Tlllt ,..._ nfllch ,_.... ........ ... --llf ,,... .. ftll ...... ,, ..... '"' Ht "'"-'-GlllMY Ow. P.llf PllM. suicidal individuals Vt>ho use motor vehicles to express hostility and ag. gression in their drive to harm themselves ~ _othen. But even tbwgh. there Is a aweidt note on a dead in- dividual wtto had threatened or at- tempted auiclde previously, coroners UIUally will rule the death accidental. Many Umes automobile fatalities follow quarn:ll wltb parents, spouse, swtttbeart or employer, quite often the deceased was an immature, unstable person with a history of family, marital and job dlshannony. MOit IUicldal attempts are like Russian ~e in tbat relatively few are carried out with nothing left to chance. But the ~bi.Dallon of a drunk driver and suicidal Intent ~ wually past the point of no rrium. Certainly, if we are to understand the causes of traffic fataUUes and do our ubnost to prevent these tragedjes, we must pay more attention to the psychiatric background of highway accident victims. DR. JOHN EDLAND. prof.....-of Pathology, University of Missouri School of Medicine, puts it this way: ''There should be an examination of the lnttrlor of the driver, 11 well 11 the Interior Gt the automobile. For those sharp angles of the ~sonalily, those pro j ~ct t n g obsessions, those psychological blind spots. are every bit as hazardous as trauma-producing k n o b s , unanchored seats, or lethal steering wheel!." There is no doubt that thousands of highway fatalities in the United States eadl year are uneqWvocal suicides, v;ith alcohol a contributing factor . Nor is there any question about the alcoholic 's use of alcohol as a suicidal equivalent, with or without an automobile, for he continually and literally drinks himsell to dealh. Vietnam: Nixon's Unpleasant Opt-ions WASHINGTON -Before President Nixon's recent television addreS.!I on Viet- nam he gave an extemporaneous resume <i his decisions to top level officials of his administration. They responded with ap. plause. and there was no doubt what they were applauding. The N,ixon administraUon has passed tbrOugh an Initial period in which divided counsel created ·an atmospbere of Ull- certainty on how Nixon-would carry out the United States commitment in Viet- nam. He has now decided l<l carry it out as a valid commitment•and it should be better understood what this eveotU&Uy could me-. . ' ' • j If the North Vietnam• will no~ accePt mutual phased withdrawal/which Is tbe heart or the whole matter, and the war continues at about its present level, NU:- on will have ,everal unpleasant options. He can continue fighting under some new formula involving fewer U.S. troops; as he, spo~e of during the presidential cam- paign. He 'can make no fignificant military changes. but go on the aaump. tion that the Corilmunist. aide Is wearing out. while tilt South Vietnamese army grows stronger. Or, he can drastically escalate the war by some such operation _,_ .,,,. ',~.·-M!.-•:t:!;/. _ -'~""'P'" '·-\ -~>•"""? ":l:,.-~ ~1 . '1: ' ; ' ' ,' . ,Richard · Wil1on . • f j, . ~ ' ~ ' ~ ' ';11..Ulll&\ii,.;..- as a massive fire bomb raid tQ destroy Hanoi.. WHAT NIXON CANNoT do, under his own terms, is pull out of Vietnam u~laterally in a disguised defeat and let Asia go hang. Sec. of State William P. Rogers said later: "Presldent Nixon is not going to bM::k away from our •. relpOosiijllUes'lri Mia. Her. not goinl to quit." .. This wu undoubtedly the major decision of President Nixon's first !our monlhs in office. He recognbtd at the same time that be is "pWA:iged" to end the war. "l am determined to keep that pledge. If I fail to do IO, I expect the American people to hold me accountable for that failure," he said. The receipt to President Nixon's speech on Vietnam has clearly gained him more time to fulflll hi! pledge by oatl!fylng, for the time bdng, both sides In the Vietnam argument. But time is all that has been gained. If the Communist :!licle does not respond to what both hawks and doves regard as a reasmable U.S. proposaJ, ',the problem will arise again on how Nixon ia to fulfill his "pledge" to end the war while avoiding a "disguised defeat." Tl1&41E COM!\1ITMENTS may not pro- \'e to be compatible, and then Nixon may have to decide if the only way to fullill his pledge to end the war is by military action making it impossible for the Com- munist side to coniinue or by accepting disguised defeal , In the presenf public atm~phere which semis to anticipate de-escalation as if Nixon were In (1ct bugging out of the war, a new ~scalalion does not seem politically conceit able·. However, that at· mosphere could ~ge if after months of delay in which new concessions wert made by Nixon ~ Communist side still refused to settle.,oo some form of mutual withdrawal. Nixon has ta\m the gamble ot con· vincing the Ametican public that what he~ is doing is the right thing. He has made a better ca se for the Johnson-Rusk policy than they were ,able to make. When the Too Late to Save Life on To the Editor: We are all tirtd or the prophets of doom and disaster. For this reason many people undoubtedly refused to watch TV's eicellent documentary "The S 1 o w Guillotine." Its message, though, is one we must face if buman beings are going to continue to exist on this planet. Many scientists are saying that unless air pollution is ended man will become extinct in 50 years, and some give him only 25. Others believe the damage to our environment is irreversible and it is already too late to save life on earth. Our cities will be uninhabitable Jn 20 years, they tell us. and for many people they are uninhabitable now. Even the oxygen administered l<l patients in hospitals is polluted because of chemicals in the al· mosphere where it Is prepared. m:~f~~~s~~s:~ !if: !~:p\~ Letter' from rtadtri art totleomt, Norm.all~ toritfri ahould conwv their messag1 in 300 toordt or le11. Th• righi to concltmt Utter• to fiS apace or eliminat. libel b reierwd. AU Letter1 must mczwi. rignah.lrt and mailing addre••· buc name• mav b. withheld on reqtust if 1ufjident ffGo son Lt apparent. It is up l<l us, lhe American people, to insist that it <lo 80. VIVIENNE MALONE tington Beach. Mr. Smith and Mr. Rollins of Huntington High were also most cooperative. 1be students made all the tickets, posters, printed circulars, and made the light show for each event. They also stayed after each dance to clean up. Contrary to rumors reported by the Fountain Valley Parks and Recreation Commission, there have Oeen no extra poliCe called in, no dist4fban~s. and no arrests. 1 am disappointed that more adults (who are quick l<l crilicize youth events where they are not present) did not accept CASL's invitations to attend. crisis comes in the future be may be able to command greater public sU()port than President Johnson and Secre tary R~k for the unpleasant alternalives to dis- guised defeat. THOSE WHO HAVE taken their .time in measuring Nixon's television speech along with the explanations of it at the \Vhile House and the public reaction to it tend toward the conclusion that its ma in emphasis was on not quitting in Vietnam. A White House source said that we, meaning himself, the President and his advisers; know the difference between an honorable settlement arid a disguised defeat. When it came to reducing forces in Vietnam the same source said it would be done 3.!I a sign of confidence and responsibility and not to create a public relatioos effect with the American l'fOl!le. ''I'hese are not U1e kind of statements likely to be made by those engaged in a sklw back qut from the Vietnam com- mitment: They are more likely the statements of men who are willing to face the unpleasant alternatives the future may bring. Earth? Judge Claude Owens. T he story re· f erred to the judge as "obviou.!l!I tired and impatient" and reported "he swept from tlie bench after twice ad- monishing Laguna Niguel Corp. attar· ney /.fike McCorm ick to 'no t r epeot orgumeiit.! th.at I've lis tened to al· r eady , , • • " · -Editor Wnnl• Drug Sl•tlstles To the Edilor: Have been following your reports on local anests of narcotic violators with in- terest and growing concern. Most citizens just don't realize the extent of in- volvement of our young people in narco. tics -of its rapid and terrifying growth -of all of Jts aspects. On Student Vnrest • • • Lake Tahoe and Lilke Arrowhead -are dead or dying because of smog, and Ulere is no way to save them . The11 De•er"e Credit To the Editor : A· SPEClAL letter of lnvlt.aUon was ~to Casey Spensor, student advisor to the Fountain Valley Department of Parks and Recreation, by Linda B 1 a i r • Fortunately, Dr. Dale Coogan, whoSe daughter is active in CASL, was able to refute the rumors circulating. The Hun· tington Beach police officers on duty at our dances, commented that these students weN! "a good group of kids." What can we as indi\'idual citizens do about this? Irs our children and our city. \\lhal about our responsibility as parents, as Christian parents and Chris:tiin citizens? The tenn student unrest is really not very accurate, tor the whole country ls rest.less and wary . There is racial animosity and there is. political unrest. The young 1USped. the old aad vice. versa, aod everyone feels their taxes are too high and are being spent fOrl' tbe wrong pQrposes; the illustrations go on and on. But the students have indeed been the cuttlng edge -sometime.s for good, more recenUy for bad purposes. THEY llAVE BEEN more 8ctivt, mort bowlfdleal>Je, more ideaU.Uc. more Asterisks .l)ktfss11, N.D.1 Prul: "An Oh'° state =tcr bal Jl'OPOled 1 bill that would a penon · ao have an asteri.U pllced 1llllde llll Mme In the telephone direc> tory lo lndlclle tllll he did not wiah to be ......... by calll -people trylns to 1111 ... IOlllOlhlng. Tbe "idco wUI ... d It= 111* -1 fmn a Ill fl ~. and H could _....., /Ifft the "Et:' a 'l""k'1 loct;-" r•ednl IOlicltara. bow:o•, ,... Jim one •••• ol a 1oa11 •-S Im • I At a time when we are all preoccupied with campus violence and the AB'-f, it is almost too much to ask Uiat we become ' very alarmed about still another prob- lem. Yet nothing is more important than the air we breathe and the water we drink -and we are In danger of losing both. pugnacious, and more obnoxious than their prtdecessors. so they have been more visible and more disturblng to thole of us in 90-Called straight 110Ciefy. To the utent t.hey have spurred o u r consclenee and appealed to OW' tensie of justice, I apPlaud them. To the extent they have used iUtpl and violent means and flouied the ripll of othen, I deplore lll<m. TO THE EXTENT they havt appealed lo lhe COW'U and Insisted on llffdcd rtfO!JM In ClJDpu& dilclpllne procedure•, I can qre< lhlt thtlrs hu been a <00- 1tnJcUve movement. But lo lht extent lhal they hav., by their m-.re<1. andbnol'llous, and wanton Ids tparked fear and ..........., In leglllau,. ·bodies and encllng<r<d the aui-ny of the uni'$fllty, they ..... l"rfonnod • -prolGundJy destrucilve dllMn1ct to themselvu, to the acodemlc community, and to the country. _,.,.... ~ "1 UC P111lfell a... J. aw " C...•cear.t, R ........ Colltp fl &a Ln.11187 S, IJll. ~idenl Ni~on has appointed a com· mittee-to study the problem and report next November. Obvlou:;ly our govern· ment is not aware of our perU. IF AIR POLLUTION is to be t I I m i n a t e d , the gasoline-powered automobile as the major contaminant will have to be dealt with, and only govern· ment al the federaJ level has the power and potentially the wUJ to control the automobile lodustry. •---B11 George .. __ ..., Dear George: ' would like to know the first step involved in becomlf\G a nudist. HEAL TR WORSIDPPER Dear Health : The flnt sttp in bet'OmlnJ 1 nudiJl IL .. well, let me put~ lhll qy, You know those clotha yoo"" wtM'lng? ' (Write to George and have your worry!n~ don< by hi. outatandlng mer of nervoua wreckl. I I The Community Action S l u d e n t s League (CASL) wishes to thank you and others in the community for asslstfng them. The students have worked llrelessly tor three months promoting their dancu, which have achieved. their goaJ. These students found that these dance• would have been far more successful in the high school gym. Summer dances will· be sponsored by the Recreation Deparimenl in the Huntington Kiah gym every Satur- day evening from June 21 lhrougb Auoist I. Tap bands wW be eng1pd. The Fridar. night danC<3 wW he held at ·Martna lllgh as usual. CASL members helped pro\tll to the city lhat dance.s for YoUtb are dalred and can be IUt<eafUI wllh proper -. munication.' I HOPE CASL students are given cretill for their effor!J. They deoeM It. 'Iller hive provm that U &f•m a project; they will work wltb entj>usluni to IC<Omplilh a goal. Thanka should allO go to Mifor Green and memben or the City Council (or their interest In the youth of IJun. Quotes O.bbM Miller, S.F. 1111• t<llool ~ -"To Uve In doubt ts purgatory.-~-to Uve In aeairlty and hive a rude aw.a. lnt la bell." The members of CASL hope to work with the city In future projects. They plan to walk the Precincts distributing brochures to promOte the passa1e or the park pond, I CASL Committee'. 1t1embers are Linda BWr, Barbara Nelson, Nancy Coogan, Mike Blair, Omar White, RJc Jlolt, Gary Hun, Cary Prathtr, Debbie Biles, Carol Kaspe.Jik, Gary Hafen. Karen Flskness, Bob Vaden. Dive Goeltner, Unda Allison and many othen. MRS. R. L. BLAIR r .. 1e1ot "'"''e To lhe F..ditor: Tbe person who wrote the title, "Tired, Impatient Ju<1Bt"1would have labeled the article. "Tired, .But Patient Judge" had -he spent two Uyt In Judge Owelllll' court, May 7 and May II, u I did, ot bad he rUd even tb4! artiCle invol ved more . refully. Judge Ow<111 J>!IUenUy nt lhiough his own lunch hour ~ eeveral occas.1on5 lalll . week to my own ·ptl'IOnal lmowltdge, ln ordtt t.o opedlte a very heavy e11tnda:r. GEO. C. GILLETTE Tht headllnt rt/trrt.d to apptartd ever a MWt 1tory reporting a hearing on Lav•"° Bta<h'• di.pui.d Sall Crtt1c R.oad bi/ore SuptriOr Co111t BEFORE I COf\tPOSE my letter to the churches., I'd like some statlsLlcs, sucb as, percentage ol our youth involved. 1tave heard of estimates of 80 percent at Orange Coast, etc., but want to be cor- rect. J feel the lime is past to soft pedal these facts. Know our police departmeht Is doing the best It can. but Umited 1n methods of curtailing their QJ>eration. -FAYE FAll.lNG --iiiUl- Fr l day, May 23, 1969 Th• tditorfol .page of the Doll' Pilot ieekl to inform and •fiM.. ulaU readtrt by pre.smtlng thU tltw~·· OptniOft.I 'and coi. mtntaftt 07\ topic• of infant ond &fgntftcance , bu prootdtng a fDMlm · 10r th• •aprcu1... of our t"eadtrr' Opiniom. and br .Prest neing the divtrtt vit10o pofnt.s of informed ob11rwn. oll<i JPOI<"""" on topiti oJ tM dau. Robert N. Weed,.PubUlher - , CHECKING , .. • ·UP • \ Man Was :.Never : 1 • • Cauglii Napping By L M. BOYD STILL ~baye trouble getUng It througb my head that Reno, Nev., is farijler ''est than Los Angeles, Cal1 •.. ALL RlGIIT, swift conversationalists, let's see you ratiie off this one the first time You try: "Have a proper cup of coffee in ·a cop- per coffee cup." . '. • • AVERAGE FREE\!'AY SPEED of passenger cars is now said to run 60.5 qiiles per hour. , , .WBY ANYBODY would want to do thia.. '1 don't know, but a inedico says y(!U can ·register four pounds lighter when standi,ng on a ~es by pu~t~g a 11 your we.iiJ'~·.on your left heel •• ts THERE ANY ready mad e Engli;ih. word lhat rhymes with "cilrpet"? Doubt it. SLEEP-~ "Has any man ever been knqwn to' go WithOut' sleep for as much as a month?" inquires a Costa Mesa, Cal., customer. Only one--I-ever heard about was Albert Admelare Herpin, the sleepless wonder of Trenton, N.J. He lived in a shack without a bed in it ·on a railroad siding. When he wanted to rest, he read books in a rocking chair. He was bospitalized on five different occasionsfor e1tended periOds '\if time; and hospital officials who kept close watch on him certified he had never been caught napping. He died at the age of 95. BLOSSOM TALK -When a y9ung fellow sends h is ladyfriend a bouquet of yellow roses, he is telling her in the l~ngt14ge qf flowers, "Look, kid, stop horsing around with other characters if you want to see my anymore." Or so say the florists. CUSTOMER SERVICE ' Q. "What's the biggest ·1o11 charge ever levied against a ship for passage thru the Panama Cana1?1' A. Now there you have me,. sir. All I know is the smallest-toll ever Mike the Brunette ... , Princeton'·s ,.1st Coed PRINCETON; N,J. (UPI) -. Princeton Univeisity is a· ccepting coeds this fall for the first time. The first to learn of her ac- ceptance was Michael A. Turner. Yes, Michael It is a decidedly male name, but Michael is a decidedly female coed. The attractive, S. foot -four brunette works as a secretary in the university ad- missions office and mailed out her own acceptance. ·.Mike, as she likes to be call ed, is the daughter of Gordon B. Turner, who taught military history at Princeton for 10 years before he became FOR FUN OR DINING OCTAGON TABLE Vaccine Discovered with one 18"' leaf -tex1ured oak Formica top. Chairs o., o i Io b I e in )"OUf' choice of crushed Ye I vet, JUST 29900 96U631 • OAILY PILOT 7 - Seene of Summit I Midw0;y ,Island-for Birds and Gls t,000 airplanes l>nd and lake senator, at (,Jen. Beadle Slate On June 7 the Ni1o0 porty ofl f'rom Midway eact» {llonth. Colle~. Tlle:y will fly to w\11 fly to Honolulu where, the Ni:s:on will be Oft Midway for Colorado Springs, Colo., ror White House said .. Mrs. Nixon only a few hours for the' actual the night. hopes to "do a lot of, surfing." meeting. But around tbe The' next day Nlx:on will The President. wUI remain in meetlng he has built what has deliver I.he comm~emen Honolulu overnight June 7 and turned out to be a sprawling address at the Air Force Oy to Midway the following seve:~ trip, Aca_~my and will fly th~ day, returning that evening to M'rs. Ni.J:on will be aJoog for same-day lo San Clemente, Ha•ail lot another ove.rniaht the wllole • trlp, remaining in Calif., for two days of rest at rest. Hawaii while her husband rues his new home on the Pacific The party will re\Urn to to Midway. She may be j<ilned·~~c~lil~l~s.~~~~~~~~~W~asl\lngtll~· ~~n~JWl~e~·'~· ~~~ in Hawaii by her daughters, Tricia, and Julie Eisenhower, and her husband David. The journey for Nixon and his wife will begin June 3 when Ibey fly to Madison, S.D. where Nixon will dedicate the Karl Mundt Library, named for South Dakota's senior HARBOR CENTER We're going to make the shortest hop since Kitty Hawk. UC B's Orange County Airport Office will make a ·short hop down the street from 4525 MacArthur Blvd. io 4667 MacAr- thur Blvd., and you're invited to be part of the welcoming comnilttee at the Open House celebration on May 26, from I 0 a.m. to·6 p.m. · bur landing PQiot is the whole gl()und ftoor of the Bircher Building. We decided to make·lhis move.bec&use we need more space to better serve the banlcing needs of the fast·grOWing Irvine Industrial Com- plex and'the surroilllding area. ' Manager Don Miller, and Assi.itan t Manage• Fred de Boom, will be hosts for a day with refreshments and gifts for all. There will be drawings held every hour from noon on for the~ wonderful prizes: ' TWO round trip ticliets for .. two 10 San Francisco via Air California! TWO poly.fiber decorative table cen· • I teqneces . .. TWO $25.00 Gift Certificates from Top Drawer, the specialty shop for ladies' spom and beal:h wear r . GRAND PR1ZE of a 'l'echnicolor com· bination home movie kit contlllning:· a movie camera, movie light, projector, camera caxrying case and movie screen I I \ Donald A. Miller ,w.,...,., Frederick A. de Boom Mtl•l•nl .Wan1~r Don, Fred an<l the whole staff o( UCB bankers cordially invite you and all your family to come down and make the occa- sion a festive one-and maybe win a prize. See you there, May 26, at 4667 MacAr- thur Boulevard. UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK Tile ban~ers who do a little more for )'OU ' • • l I l , I - I • --- a OAA.V PILOT Noguchi Defended By Aide , Modesto Election Probed by Demo~ • LOS ANGELES (\IP!) -A · defense witness says ousted Los Angeles County coroner ·Dr. 'Thomas Noguchi was stunned when he learned that Sen. R<>bert F. Kennedy had been shot. • Mrs. Thelma Graham Clark, a coroner's aide, said Noguchi ' blurted "Oh. no!" when be Seamed of lbe shooting last .June 5. She testified Thursday al lbe County Civil Service Corn· mission hearing on Nogucbl's request for reinMatement that the Japanese-born coroner had a normal respoose ' '9'! resignation" when he learned later that Kennedy wru: dead. Other wilnesses had temfied that the pathologist hoped that Kennedy would die so he could enhance h i s international reputation by performing the autopsy. They also had testilied Noguchi prayed for more disasters to bring him fame. Earlier Thursday. De p . County Counsel Martin Weeks recalled Or. Frederick J. Hacker of Beverly Hills who had testified he 'found Noguchi normal after exairuning him. Mare Is1and Crew Gives Time for Sub MARE ISLAND fUPI) - Civilian employes at Mare Island Naval Shipyard have pledged a donation of 3,100 days of annual leave to help hold down rutoration costs of the atomic submarine USS Guittaro. The new "50 million sub- marine sank last week at dockside as it was being out· fitted. Twenty w o r k e r s scrambled to safety and there was no injury, but millions of dollars in electronic equip- SACRAMENTO (AP) - What was ' already a hot I y conteslA!d elecllon -tile Oght fer a vaeanl Assembly &eat - moved closer to the bolling point today with allegaUona of pasaible ''miaconduct." Republican Clare L. Berry· hill emerged as the apparent winner by a slim ff votes o v er Democrat Ernest La· Co&te in Tuesday's apeclaJ election to fill the 30tb A&sem}).. ly District seat in San Joaquin and Stanislaus counties. A recount -already a virtal certalnty after Thunday's canvass by election officials of the more than 60,000 votes cast -took on added signi fi ca n ce as state Democratic leaders said they had launched an investigation of the race. Assembly Democratic Caucus Chairman G e o r g e Zeoovich of Fresno and at. tomey Leon Cooper., Southern Q:tatrman of the Democratic State Central Committee, said Thursday night they would definitely ask for the recount Reagan's Tax Reforms Weeks asked Hacker i[ Noguchi might have had enough psychiatric knowledge to bluff his way through the examination and if he bad ask- ed Noguchi whether he had any psychiatric training dur· ing his medical course at tbe University of Nippon in Japan ment was damaged. A Navy l'f' Co s s h ) :::~1.glnquiry is problng_-,1,-0 -_ . st-ome c QO s Many employes fear the mishap could tarnish their reputation as muter · ship- builders. The donated days represent some $100,000 in SACRAMENTO (AP) -The would lose money, the bureau ' or during bis i.ntership. time. St.ate Education Department says 10 of 16 school districts surveyed would lose money under Gov. Reagan's proposed tu reform program. · Hacker said Noguchi said he had taken one course in psychiatry. He said also that Noguchi denied having ever had any psychiatric treat· menl Film Rea~tton SAN FRMC!SCO (UPI) - The Swedish film shocker "I Am Curious Yellow'' had its local opening um week with a full house OD hand. Eight patrons walked out of the llni showing of the movie, ,wblcb was triggered munerou1 court actions because of Ill apllclt ,.. scenes. Long Beach diltricta would get more money, according to figures prepared this month by the Division of School Administration's Bureau of School Apportiooments a n d Reports. Nearly Everyone 'Listens' • to Landers But San Francisco, Berkeley, Oakland, Pasadena and San Rafael school districts NOW! 1\.special KitchenAid dishwasher for· special people. l! you 'Wllllt" dishwaslu!r of outstanding durability, KitchenAfd Superba model KDSS-16 is for you. It's a KitclienAid built;.in dishwasher with etainlees st.el wash chamber. Wat.r withalrlghmi-.Icontent, hot water action or strong detergents won't bother it. EXCHANGE INSTALLATION $25 CHECK OUR LOW PRICE Paylnents Al Low as $2.50 f'•r Week NO DOWN UP TO 36 P~YMINT MONTHS TO PAY • - TV & APPLIANCE ·i .. • says. Legislative Analyst A. Alan Post has released · similar figures on eight s c h o o 1 districts, showing a gain for Los· Angeles but losses for most others. Reagan's tax refonn pro- posal would raise state income taxes in order to provide more money fOf" schools plus a lowering of the residential property tax. In school districts where losses are esUmated, the figures show that Josses in local property t a x revenue would be greater than in· creases in state aid. Tbe Education Department and its chief, Supt. r,tax Raf- ferty, alruc:ty have disagreed with Reagan over separate proposals to provide extr{l school aid . Reagan's budget contains $105.5 mllilon for additional school money bot Rafferty and the California T e a c h e r s ' Association favor a $372· million program. YoubetI)na Green Stripe backer -·---- • Yorty: ''Get Tough' I • ~. Militants Issue Heaiing Up Campaign IJled in Los Angeles Superior Court by f\fichael TtuJlllo, Harbor Department r e a I estate manager fired from t-Js job and then later reinstated by court order. ~ M e a n while., Assemblyman Robert 1';.. Ba<tbam of Newport B e a c h, and Assembl.yman Robert H. Bunce of Huntington Beach endorsed Yorty. Bradley was endorsed by Norris Poulsen .. who bad been unseated as mayor by Yorty. Southern California Costs Rising Slower ~StampMansays: Did You ever Hold a Renoir in Your Hand and Discover Its Beauty Under a Magnifying Glass? (We have r eproductions ol Art on Stamps.) I-~~IRCHILD STA:\IPS 2'7·PBroadway •Laguna Beach • {7J4J 494-0544 Open Noon to ':30 •Closed Wednesdays & Sundaya Edmund Fairchild • Walt Mensch, CWO USMC Ret. with new Bonus Balance checking BONUS BALANCE checking means just what it says. Whenever you need extra money, you've got It. Right In the old checking account Bonus Balance costs you nothing until you use ll You're not forced to borrow one penny more than you need. And you don't pay finance charges one day longer than you . hove so. It's Ilka writing your own terms on your personal cn!dlt card; It's not only cheap, It's C01M1nienl More convenient than credit cards or· other similar bank syatemL lnllead of wrlUng one piece of paper so you know exactly where you stand. There's a built in se .. curity to Bonus Balance. In the event or the borrower's death, the money used from Bonus Balan'ce is insured. The out· standing balance is paid off in full with no obligation to the survivors. := even more checks, you pay back your Bonus Balance otters a bonus too. A United States National Bank Courtesy .card. Uae it to cash checks at any of our 52 Full Service offices. Use ii Ilka caah. ·If you need extra money for two or three days before payday-or two or three months or more-don't live off your credit cards. Don't spend time fumbling through 1 wallet full of plastic. Just uae Bonus Balance with low United States National Bank finance charges. tl'a cheaper and more convenleiit. • loan the senolble way. You almpty make a deposit In your checking account. And you get only one monthly olatement to cope with. It Includes your cMcklng j" and Sonua Balance tranaactions-all on 'l: ~ ' } i -CENTER lO ,,Oil HARBOR I USHER'S ':'.!:."!!"~~ ~ GREEN '=~="' .. :-~~=i-l STRIPE ~ UNITED llS' ,,oa lO 6 tlOU sot·'''° SHOPPING CENTER 2300 HarlMlr llvd. Ph. 540·71 JI Costa Mesa Since 1853, the 121ildnil light Sco1tb 1 I ----------------------------------------------------------'-------- ···--~ -------,. /. Frida.)', M.u 23, lM DAILY PILOT 9 Jefferson's Manual May Yet Decide AB'M's Future By JORN HALL WASHINP'l;ON (UPI) - Glorious coottoversy that it is, the autlbJilllstlc milSJ1e bsue In one lmporiant respecl ls no dift .... 1 than Potato Labeling Act ol 1981: It will ev-ally be settled•by the rulebook and he wbo knows the rules best will win. • substitute men who could be enough to defeat U. But In the send the measure back to con-the ABA1, the Senate can lhen the Senate act first . npectect to figJlt \he ABM in House, ther.e Js currently a, rerence -re¢001.lDll it -once pasa its own bUI, send it back That is not all that ls tn- coore"oce. But that tw been Jops)Cled majority lrl favor. the other body has already ap-to the House and waU for Ute volved. The ABM is such an dooe previously only on two or Thus, when the military pro-· proved the conference version. other body to demand a con-utraordlnary issue t b a t three occasions and would curement blll emerges fr.om Tbu.s, all that the senate ference. Jegilllton on both sldea Will almost certainly fail if tried the Senate sometime w. sum-. could do to aloj> the ABM. at The h-requesllng the undoublodly be looting for thia time becauae of the mer, it' probably will contain, thls polnt ,ww.ld-be to defeat conference mU.st let the other oew · methods to test the closeness of the contest. no funds for tbe ABM, but the the entire Conference report. house act fi.rsl on the bill arter rulebook and establish new After the conlereoce, the House version will include $900· Many ABM opjionents would it emerges from tht con-precedents. symphonic movement enters a mUUon. A conference com-· ,be.reluctant to do.this because ference committee. But in the eod, after all the soft and subtle passage. The mlttee wUl be fonnecf. the procurement ~ ls filled This is one reason why glamorous wonts aboljt "first bill, presumably with the ABM Two tricky factors are in-with itellll they support. . House suppm1e.ra of the ABM strike," and "assured de$t'Nc- YES MAM We do have the largest stack of SHAG CARPET at the lowest prices! DON'S CARPET SHOP mooey back in it, is returned volved in this proctss that ;'pparenUy the way to avoid are demanding that . the tlon'' and "counterforce to both houses. A criilcal ques-could quickly tum the tide for this problem. would be for the mililar)' procurement bill be capabWty'' pus lnto blstory, tion arises: Whlcb houae acts or agaimt the ABM: The Senate to let \be House take brought up in the Senate first. Polito Labelh;ig Act -will be first on the con!eren<:e report? membersllip of the C(lllference up the p~ment ¥JI first. It would be a distinct ad· measured by the tough, dry 12 11.w N.nti et ........ ,._.1 The rules governing the houses of Congress, obtcure and dry as they art, can be a symphony if played perfectly. That is one reaaoo why Sen. Richard Ru•••ll, (D-Ga.), is the conductor of t h i s particular orchestra. That is wily Sen. -.t Byrd, (ll-W. Va.), may lrequenlly be .... reading a boot ,entitled "Senate Procedttre." It is a b ea u t I' u 11 y committee and the question of . Ir ~e R~se acts nm on the vantage from a parliamentary languac.• or J e If e rs o n ' s 426 SOU TH MAIN ORANGE or<'.heslrated section, filled which house takes up the bill bill, mcluding the money .f::•'~'="and:::::pm=:.•:::t·...:'::°"'::e::_::feel=:,•_:"'::....::l•::t_::manual==·------~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~. liery passages. first. - :; • ' l ,• STENNIS KEY Jn this case, it will be Sen. John Stennis, (D 4 Miss,). chainnan of the A r m e d Servia!S Committee and a supporter of the ABM. He will send to the pruiding officer, Vice President Spiro T . Agoew, a resolution and a pink slip. 'lbe resolution states that the s.nate dlaagr<ea with the HOUJe Ind oulhorbes the chair to appoint the conferees. After paasa&e ol that reaolution, Agnew then wW pick up the pink sllp and read Stennis' list of COQferees. The Senate can give its con· ference managers all the in· 'structlons it cho&es, basically they cao do wha! they wish - and wttat-a· majority of them undoubtedly wiah will be the ABM. Tecbnically, a majority of Coast Woman BILLS CONSIGNED The odsd are that the con- It ill to conference com-ference committee will be mittees that bills are con-packed with senators who s~ when the two houses ravor the ABM, even lf the have passed di sa greeing Senate rejects the ABM. This versions: It is here that the ls because, traditionally, the ABM issue along with the · chairman of the committee Potato Labeling Act in all p~ who handles the bill names the babillty wlll ingloriously meet conferees. destiny. U the House does, the The ABM now has 49 o~ Senate's hands are virtuaJly ponents in the Senate -near-tied. The reason is that, under ly a majority and possibly Senate rules a majority can Sunday Night • 8 P.M. MAY 23rd "Evening tor Youth" '} ~ Receives Grant FEATURING •• , .. • GERALD HAYES, Tenor AND GIOU, SINGING .. Patricia Gordon, dauehter of ; Mrs. Frankie Gordon al Cosla "I-Meaa and William Gordon of : Newport Beach, a student at ~ the UnJvenity of Arizona, has nceived a $2,000 fellowship for study of mental retarda--~ lion. "THE UTILE CHURCH by the SEA" T1ke L'llM .tr S. (Nit Hwy. te corner M throu1h 1tr•et ~ A junior, Miss Gord-On is a l member of Delta Delta Della :; .. sorority; Symposium, a senior ~ women's honorary. and the LAGUNA BEACH COME IAILY -ONLY 20I SU.TS Tucson 99's, a national women's pilots organization. the Senate could Uu-ow out Stennis' list of conferttt ·and Ne Mmlulen Ch.re-I • , • lefrNhments We don't have to start from saalch each year. ·We've been making the some bosic VW for so long now, You'd thin( we 'd be bo1ed with tho whole thing. Bui the fact is, we're still learning. For no ma tter how perfecl we th ink one yea r's model is, there 's always on engineer who "'wonts 10 make it more perfect. You see. ot the Volkswagen factory we spend 1003 of ovr time making our car work better ond 0% ma king it look better. Any change is on improvement. And when we do mo~e new porls we try to make them fit older models. So there's noth ing to stop o V ol~swogen from running foreve r. !Which may exp loin why Volkswag ens ore wo rth so much ot frode -in lime.I Starting fr om scrolch each yeor con get In the way of oll tho!. Just when they've ironed out the kinks in the current model, they hove to fac e the kinks in the neKt. We'll never understand all the hoopla over the "big change s" for neKI year's models. Weren't they pr ovd of this yeor'si NEWPORT• llACH Chick lvonon, Inc. 445 (. Cout Hwy. SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO 81! Y oles Inc. HUNTINGTON BEACH • H1rbour Volkswogen 11711 leech Boulev1rd 32152 Vallo Rd. (7HI '73.o900 \ 499-2261 (714) 142-443S THE BEST • TOVATT'·S NO-FROST ICE llAGIC9 REFRIGERATOR.fllEEZER ·--lofif 15.1CLIL ......... wllli117 h loo ...., _ _. lc:llllilk: Aa-.uc 1ca llWW. r.-.. llllf zl1U4 ----,.;·-·---... fllE If f'C. lifltlllBIAllll IWlil SET ""' tlis _,_ 00 CHOICE ••• Of Whirlpool's famous No· frost Ice Magic or Connoisseur twin refrigerator.freezers or the work·saver washer and dryer Per· manent Pms pair! • NO.FROST CONNOISSEUR 'IWIN REFRIGERATOR.fREEZER "'•111m10ltitll;oti'•ewr, 1ldHNide toaR• Im_, flllt JZ' WW.I no-·-lioJdi 111 lbs. r-.. _...,... tm cotlro~ Jet.coJ49Nl Pll llld pcftllain crisper. FREE ICE MAGIC INSTALLATION • FREE COLORS ON ALL APPLIANCES ON ALL Wlliflpool lc:eMaalc Rofrisentors Whirlpool AUTOMATIC "') c- WASHER · lif.,Y }'l\f.SS ollAlif.'N Bil~ 2 spood wuhor foo. _a....,1om,..-con1ro1s, y y . Ma&k>Mbc lint Filter, Cool·down c:.N fof Permanent Pru.s fabrics. Get the m1tchinc washer, too- specialwluel __ lit•~ LT,._5540 Visit the 1birlpool ,.,_ ='""'""" -II -ASIU -4-pwshbutflM "!ties .... two revolYillC ..,. 1rm. lncktdls self-deal!'( fitter, dull dtttfftllt Mid rfl'IM conditlo11er dltPtnsm, dual swi"'°' rteU llld ltml111tel ""'"'· LA. HOME SHOW •I Pin P1clffc Audfforium M1y 1 S lhru MIJ 26 ' ~ ~ Whmpoo1· AUTOMATIC -:i DRYER Malehinc S.eytle Dll'Of hol 3 h.et setectkins. Features mn larae lint tcMn, tuml>M pniu oontrol, speclal cool-down Cite 1or Permanent Pt9ss fabrics. Buy tbe patr-.save time, work, moaey1 0,,., Modtl LTt-5500 •uelWtlW eoMf'ol '"" 4 .......... ""'"" .., ..S, lltlOINtic rim-conditioner •.-.is. pgrc:Wli• -......... _..,._ ... 1.-.twfatttse ( ) .. ' I I ~ I ' ' , ' . 1' ~ : . .. ,, . " ,. ;· ' ' I ,. ' • ' I ! j • • T ' . ' ' I Utt Seeking Curb On Com1: Powers TUSTIN -~n James B. Utt !R-'lllslin) has sponsored a bill to limit the supreme Court'• Jurisdiction in appeal cases concen1in~ ap- portionment of Congress10nal Districts. The proposed law would add a new section to the U.S. Code ftStricUng the Suprtme Court to action in apportionment cases only if 1) the trial court found a Congressiooal District to vary more than ten percent from lht State's largest district ; 2) the colli1 is 83ked to review a question of erroneous population count, boundary lines discriminating against racial or ethnic groups, or Local School Boards Win procedural or evidentlary er- rors being committed ln the trial court. The bill would Um.it basic j1,1risdiction to lhe state level, removing the likelihood of reapportionmen' at Ute federal level or having all Congressional seats in a state declared "at large," Utt ex- plained. Twin Mall Cost OK'd By County SANTA ANA -An agree- ment for financing two malls 1 in the Orange County-City of Santa Ana Civic Center al an NEA A d estimated cost of $1.1 million wa19 s ' hlis ·0een approved by the Two local school boards - Newport-Mesa Unified and Fountain Valley Elementary -have won national honors for "outstanding achievement in public education." Only five school boards in CaWomia were so recogniied by ~the National Education Association and the Thom McAn shoe company . Newport-Mesa received a certificate of merit for ill research a n d development project through which ideas far innovation are turned into .practical plans. Fountain Valley was given the award for its program in training teachers for deci!ion making. The boards were nominated for the honor by lhe teacher associations in their districts through the Association of Classroom Teachers of Na· tional Education Association. Other award winning boards in California are located in Temple City. Port Hueneme and h1ountain View. 97th Birthday PENRtiYN, \Vales (AP ) - Bertrand Russell, the mathematician and philosopher, celebrated his 97th birthday with a cham- pagne party for relatives aod friends Sunday. DEATH NOTICES GLAVIN H•1Tl10.-. M. Gl1v!n. IH W. 15th St., "ll!WPorl INci'I. De'9 Of clnltl, M11 n. S11rvlvK by wlk, ~ry Gl1vln1 moth- er. Mrl, Atnu G!1vln1 R-vl!lt. Mld'llMnl l lllO M .i1t.n Ind 0 n f bRl~r In MktllMn. F11ner11 HrYlc•l· S.lu/"drt, 11 1.m •• 81llJ Cotl1 Mel• ChlHf, w1Jt1 R ..... Eotw.rd G. Relit of· f'..:llfll!ll. lntwmenl, PtcHlc View Me- m6ri1t P1rt.. leltr. M1.V1u1ry, COii• Morw, DlrKI0'1. WEBER R~rd .r.. Wtt>er. Alt ,., of fOCI S. h'ff~•. 111D01 l$i.nd. Survived bv wife, Vlrtlnl1; d11J11llleo, C1rol M, Mec11rl1, of Wbcon1ln; l1r~r1 Ford. Huntlnlrt ... leedl; $1.1..,, H1rvev of Gu1nt1R1mo l1y, Cllb11 1nd Judy Web- er or 111e l!Ome; -IN<. Edmond, Pa- l!Jli V..-del E1f1ln; 1l1ttr, AnrudR Ra;f. l1r1boo. Wls.J ll'ftl 1r1ndd!Udren' •nd molt!.,, Mn. Rldlilrd A. w•r .sc .. a1 L-l&Nch. Ml•odc .ervinl. S11llrWv, J 1.m., PKlfk VllW ChlP• e l. F1m11y i lllUllHls lllDM wlsll\111 m•V mev make "'"""'111 contrlblltlont to "Ille Amtrkln QflCll' Soek'M. EnfOmtt. mMI P1c1111; View ,,.,.uloftum. P•clt.c view' Mortu1ry. Director .. STAFFORD k1ren D. s:1110\"d. t7n i l•b1 Avt • Gii~ Grow. &\frv l....ci by l'IUSIMnd. John I. Slolford; dlvtl'lt..-, Liu S.; 11rent1, Mr. 1nd Mrl. Ant!M> Lin.,_ sfn,111 1l1ttt, S~1ron Let L1rov1!ni1t1 9r11ndl>1renh. Mni .... ,"" L•l!llSl1'9U ind Mr. ctilf"lts. W. N..,.ltl. ~vie'"' ~lllnN'f, 1o:JD 1.m., Pft'k F1mllv c~ 1oni.1 FUMl"ll Harne. ARBUCKLE & WELSH Westclilf Mortuary U7 E. 17111 St.. Costa Mesa - I BALTZ MORTUARIES Certu del Mu OR U450 Cata Mesa Ml f.-Z.CU BELL BROADWAY :llORTUARY \ ut Bndway, C.1ta Alea LIWa3 . DILDAY BR0111ERS HutlDtce• Valley Mortuary 11'11 Bue~ Blvd. nudntto• Beach MZ-7171 PACIFIC VIEW lllEMOBJAL PARll: CemelttJ e Mertnry Clla,.i Siii Pld&c View Drive Ne..,.rt a-l, Ol!Jlonla .. - PEES FAlllLY c:OllDNIAL FUNEllAL llOJIB Mt 6t1M Ave. "---SllBri IA MOmlARY. ._-IN-IA5 s.a I ...... SMml'S MOllTVAllY CJ-SL Ba'',,_ .... U:Nm county, city and the Civic Center Commission. Bids will be opened Monday for the Plaza of the Flags, south of the new county Courthouse, and the Plaza of the Sun, west of t h e courthouse between the county library and tbe Santa Ana Police Facility. Joins IJCI Professor 1-Ierbert 1-1. Lehnert of the Univer- sity .of Kansas is the new chairman of the Department of German and .Jlu,ssi.an a_ JJC Ir.._ vine. Underground parking for 21() cars will be provided. ----------- The plazas are the first in· crement of Civic Center mall development. A third, Ute Plar.a of the Fountains, to be located south of the Plaza of the Flags is planned for con- struction in the early 1970s. J. Thompson Oldest SA Man, Buried SANTA ANA -Funeral services were held lhis morn- ing for Joseph Presley Thompson , reputed to be &in- t.a Ana's oldest living native. }le died Wednesday at the age of 93. Mr. Thompson was born on the James McFadden Ranch. south of Warner Avenue and Main Street, Nov. 13, 1873. He was employed by the Santa Ana Post Office for 32 years and has lived since retirement at his home, 1406 S. Maple Ave .• less than a mile from his birthplace. His father drove a mail coach in Orange County before the tum of the century and his son, Delbert Thompson is car- rying on the family tradition as a local mail carrier. As a youth, ~1r . Thompson r o d e horseback across t h e pastures that now f o r m downtown Santa Ana. He was the first baby bap- tized in the Trinity United Presbyterian Church. fl1r. Thompson is survived by his 'vile, Cora; son, Delbert , and two grandchildren. Lagunan Sues Over Dog Bite SANTA ANA -A Laguna Beach \VOman ·is · suing her neighbors for $75,000 in a Superior Court action which claims that their dog · bit her 10...year-old son . Named as de!endants in the suit are Mr. and Mrs. Philip T. Rutkowski. 2101 Crestview Drive. Mrs. Joan McMillion, 2120 Crestview, alleges that their negligence and failure to control their Chesapeake Bay retriever led to its biting young Sherwood Mcfltillion. Shrine Due For-QJurt SANTA ANA -The in· stallationof a ''freedom shrine" consisting of 2 8 replicas of U.S. historical documents in the main lobby of the West Orange County Judicial District Courthouse in Westminster has been ap- proved by lhe county Board of Supervisors. The display is being donated by the Huntington Beach Ex- change Club. It is similar to displays donated recently by Exchange Clubs for use al Orange Cou.'lty Airport and the Huntington Beach Public Library. • Lab School Invites Registration Monday IRVI NE -Parents in- terested in enrolling their children at the University of California at I r v i n e • s laboratory elementary school and preschool are invited to attend a meeting ~1onday at 7:30 p.m .. in Room 101 of UCl 's Phys ical Sci enc~ s Building. The laboratory elementary school is scheduled to open with classes f r o m kin· dergarten throogh sixth grade next fall. The school wilt be located on the UCI campus. • The laboratory preschool has been in existence for the past school year. Both schools charge tuition. At ' the meeting. Proressor Benjamin Colby will explain the purpoae of the schools and their plans for the future. He will also answer any ques- tions. Parents who w a n I ln- (ormation about the schools, but who cannot attend the m e e t i n g should write Professor Colby at the School or Social Sciences, University of Callfornia. Irvine. I See by Today's Wanf Ads e }~fet' b1M>1v: 111 lhe air cundltioned mall a ! l·lunl- tngton C.enter, a CAmper .fr: Trailer Shnw .. ,\\•hat's rte\\• In vacation i:ooc\ies. ' e Suntmcr Retreat: BeauU,. ful 3 bcdroon1, l~I ba. lire.. plBL't'. par1Jy furnl$hed ho,[!lC. A,·rosi; from M~ ridil' Golf Cou~ In Big Brar. E.-.:Ct'llent llnanclna: avallttblr. e Hc1u.ly • ~ta.de I n c om c: Ownrr mov1n... mUKt aell lwo 2 BR OOUJt•11, boU1 In txcellen l colldlUon. LocRt. ed on gmc Jars .. lot. with M'PtU1llc fC'ncina. bJot'k "''all, 1hrub and fn1lt frt!e1. Jn rtllk>I rMldt'nlial 11rea, ckla;e to achools and lhop. plnJ!:. J.fu!l.I l<'C' IQ llPl'll'CC· l111r. • ' :Visiting ~ge Ceanty . Australian Official Carries Heavy Load By JACK &ROBACK °' ... Dlllr ''"' ltlfl SANT A ANA -A smallbh, smiling man, five feet, seven Inches tall and weJghing about IZ stone (168 pounds) who hails from Down Under was lhe guest of the Orance Coun- ty Board of Supervisors this week. J. H. Mi~ll. s h I re secretary of the Shire ot Ballarat, Victoria, Australia is toorlng the Unlt<d Statet wtth his wife on a Stale Deparbnent-sponsored visit. \ A shire, he explained, i3 , s.imllar to ooe of. our cou.g.ties. His encompuses 1116 5quare miles and haa ·a population ot about 12,51». He advised t h a t a municipality In Victoria Ia a corporate loc.iil government unit and can be a city, town, borough or shire. "All our cootrolled by varioua state statue1 and each has the same powers, duUes .. aod reatflctlons u aoy other,'' And u lf that were not MJtchtU revealed. ''A sblre eaoucb: -may have a la'rge area ind. ~~pare budgd. each year may com~letely ~ a ci~· and preaent to couDCll giving ty bul II hos !10 jurlsdiclion J'ti1llar ~ rtports on whatsoever over that city. the shlre's·fWal ~Uqn. They are 1 e par ate -Prepare annual;.atat~ent munlcipaliUes." \ of o.ccouot.s and balance sheet' He tn'tefiupted h I s ex· for adult and presentation to planations to say, "My wife the council. and I are overwhi!Imed by -sign ·anc1 seal all legal, what we have seen in your documents on behalf of the COW1by. And tt'• just begin· council.· Ding." (We w.ould wager that there The shire secretary is lhe are not many clty or county chief executlve o r ad. clerks in California who woukl ministraUve officecr and his want to rwap joba wllh duties are wide and varied. Mitchell, and there's more). Amorig them : -Prtpare by-laws a n d -C o n t r o I t h e a d~ regulation! at the request of ministration. Receive aJI cor. the council. reapondence and present it to -Negotiate loarui and follow the Shire Council. -Prepare agendas a n. d reports for council mettings. At\,end and record minutes of meetings. -Advise councillors cf the eUeht of their powers IQd responsibWUes. LOC .... l H• •th•r 11._..,.,,., t1/l1 r•u IMN, •••ry 41y, 1bowt wh1t'i to111t 1t1 h1 tli1 t••·•t•' Of11191 Co11f th111 th1. DAILY PILOT. lhe·reci.ulrtd procedW'e to bor· row. --Organize all functions as required by the council or the Shire prtsident. Accompany lhe. president to official func· tlons. -Control the staff of !he shire secretary's department and (whew) attend lo the day- to-c;Jay, duties of running a mtmicipality. And then the good !r1r. Mitcbell concluded hi.s ex· planaUon with : ''Besides my mun le I pa I duUts I am an Honorary, Justice ol the Peact for l1i. State of Victoria. This allow! me to witness the signlDgi ot certain legal documents, ~a:n bail documenls, sit on the bell· ch of the court of petty sessions and ad minister justice." With a smile, Mitchell ad· ded "Thls is only a brief ouuine bul will, I trust, give a small idea or my present duties and position." And be baa held the job lor more !,ban seven years. ' UNCLAIMED STORAGE AUCTION Hasty Movi"9 & Stor•g• Company at their war.- hous• at 4101 S. Main, Santa Ana. SATURDAY, MAY 24TH • 9 P.M. Larg• •ale of furnltur•, applianc•s, sp0rting goods,' ate., plus many mar• unopened barrels, boxes ancf:· crat•s. GRAND OPENING :Qf IVERSON'S ~EW PAD! • • • It's finally happened to Newport Beach (and to the world) ~a genuine, honest-to-goodness BUG-A- BALOO! Nobody's ever had one before but, it was bound to happen, and Iverson thought of it! lverson's "pad'' is his brand new Volkswagen building which is the largest and most beautiful in tt)e United States. Conceived with an artistic flair, it houses the very lat~st in service and diagnostic equipment, and is a perfect showcase for dis- playing the latest changes in the Volkswagen line (that is. if you can spot the changes). A FREE BUG! During the world's first BUG-A-BALOO, Iverson will give away a sparkling new 1969 Volkswagen (otherwise known as "The Bug"). All you have to do is pay us a visit . If you've never been to a BUG-A-BALOO, now is your opportunity to be among ... the first! At the BUG·A -BALOO, you'll see the latest in V olkswagens and P6rsches. within a layout the likes of which you've never seen before! BUG·A·BALOO refreshments await those that CARE to see something different! N ow's the time to put a 1'8ug" in your house! - r--:~.;;... ~ . The harbor aNa's onfy authorized Volkawa1en dealer. • '-L-===-=c.:__::...:..._ _ _.._ ________ __:_~=·;;;;;:-=~-------- • Suh Seeks LEGAL NOTICE - • I ' DAILY "LOT JJ LEGAL NOTICE •-.. ........ NOT"'I TO Cl ... , .. , T-'M t ,. -·;kTI".;-. ..... .. ... IUl .. ,.....,... lllOYKI. 1'0 Cit ..... . ons er n. ~-. ~ .... CM-.............. 11.c.c.., °" ••Ut ftMUa .... o ~. ~., t• ...... ww. Mrllc. It ......., '"""' ..... ~ "°''" ..... , ..... ~., ... 'fl1t* ~. """"" ,,_ flctltlM ~I HAlltOlD 'W, iCAlllltll o\1110 >0 ,.,,._ O• Ltlf.IOI: LtCIJfSI M LtC'l•lll MEMPHIS T-(UPI) llflTI ·-" vtolO onltTIOM M11t11t1t,.'i;::::A• _.WIN, Tr....,..,. NOTICI 1s tt rarav Otvllt "' IN! • -IYITIMl -w..t ,M" .,_ ti ~ ~ ...,.. II nit If~ C"'411!0f1 If .. ,._ L. c.Gk .,.. l-•d Du S Taulor Jr wtU take hll of • .......,. w--. ..._ -111 ....... """'"" htdl. C-l't' " Or.,.., E c.. s..111 """"" .... .,...1...,.. • I " tul al\lll a!Ht OI ......._ .. " ......... ' ttlM of ta•llrlllt, -.1 a l!vlll It.,.,. II tL t •••t• ti Tt~ 1~ ydlow 1ubmarlne into tbe Wl lLWl'I ~ l.t .... Y, -1 • , .......... M,,.. .. JAY CMltMIA MCI LletiMM> ..... .:...i.... ....... -~ _.... We~, Tuttln. ~. JOYCI OA•Nt•, .......,.,, trod ...... N, ,,.._... llWI., C.~ ,.,,_, 1111 lflt CITY wattr of Scotluid'a Loch N611 Pt*""""' 11. •• T.,.,_..r-. -.... IM.,... .-. "., c.t•,.... ~ ot Qrll'Mt 11a1t .t J 1¥1111111\ ~ llMWI ' ........... ,11'#111., NtWMff '"°" C-0 C.llttnlle. ""'. "'Ill; traMttt .. •*" .. tn IQ efiort. to flDCI "Nessie'' nATI Olf (.AllFOIUU,t. ,l .,., .. 0r ............... tarlfio"'l•. "" MMt Ill ~· IN'Tt•••1S1t. INC .• •"'· COUNTY Of' OltAf'IGI , ~ ti. Ila _,,., f9 M tr~ It llc.etM C111fori!ll c:o;wltloll. lldtl IK""""' Wftl monsttr, O!'I M9~ 11, Ifft, .... ..,., I ..... l"f' !:,~ N....,. I M., .......,, IM(h, NO.. Tr-'-... If! ...... T~._, T 1,111dc ._ •11111 tw ...,. ....., ..,...ll't' __,,,., ot 0r....-. lt11t of c.01or111t. ~ Min-. ...,_, 11 lP fdwantt. aylor, 21, left New York by ....,.. wu11f1,., w. U!ldtt'I --a.1c1 ~ 11 ..,...,.. 111 ...,,1 111 111a c;1,.,. ot Hwftli111ton hMll. CWnlt' lrellhter a week qo with bis ::..= "''":. 't ":'..,."; ==.: :-,.:, ~ w111"'•''::;· ~':.C';,,f!:! of ,tt;':.J;'t.':.f:.V:t~· ..,.....,1 .. ~ I d h 11 .... ~ ,_ 1_,. h .. ,,., ..,,_ .. JlfllY'I l.ltTAl.lltANT lllO Att •-' 111 Wffl• t!~fll, ... ~I WO •&ft ·ODI• • -ton CO!"•.Ci'At11AL) .... II,,.~~. NtwNr,i ....... Wiii -·· (ltMlll C:ockl1lf homemade craft to partSdpett '"""'"'-.,._ IMcll. c-.... f1f o...... i llle el LOUflt• llllslllft• kftOWll •• (OOKlf' In the project' tlnanctd by :'*~ ~:.,~IHW111• c:.Tt';:;'1k tr_,.,.""' 1111 COlll\ll'I\~ ~~~~1i1MI~'" ~'"c1i:1 vlt«Jtc.a~• F'·ld E = P~ •• !Ion I MY C-...it.tl!wi ._ "" "' •lltr !tit ,,.. Mr o1 Jllftt, Ifft, al Mnl C-JY o1 Or1111t. 111tt 11 fl!: R"'f ~· & J\11\> 17 lf1t ~..,.. )I AM. al Wtttw11 ~I l!KNW c.r.,, Ctllf9m)I eM 1ra111flr ttlt fl!IOw!,,. Corp. of cap lfWl!Mltd o; • .,.. c.t. Dlflll ,. • .., ~m w..tcutt °''"' N.....,. "'-"· •ltoflOllc ....._._ 1ic.-cw 11un1n1, ' Mrs. Dayton ~th, Taylor's IM~ t '· 1'· n. 1"" ...,. -:t:' H°':.i '::\:' .f:.=t. ,11 "" Mlt ~ ": ~1~ iw: mother, said it probably wwld LEGAL NaMCE :'re:':'.:."""','!": .. ";"' "'~ ~ 19 :::;;..,c.::._.r::-;1 c;a~fflnl~~ be mid-August before the fltst Nmi .,.0:.:-'~ ,, ,,.. Ntwwt '"""'' 111 ,.. c1tv of c:oa1• divea could be made beeaust Cla'Tt•tCATI °" IUll•IU ~_,.,.~.'Tr--.. ~ii""""" .. Otlftftl, Sl•l9 "' of the ··-peril"-of the •temfOVt; MAM• ""'-G-r. 'Tt•ttifllrM ,... • I of -d'l•tl Pfla Of Hall ... .., TIM ~leMCI t1Ms c•rtlfy he Is '*"' PuMtihall O\'ll'lf' C:-1 OlllY Piie!, t ln'IOUl'I tlln wll!I .-.Id water. She·Aid her IOll plan-Ml'"'•....._"·'" hdltllJW, C.tto Mtr n. !Mt ~ =:;-•!,*'Mw"'"~ .. ~1 •"" ned a series of tuts and trial Mtu, c.•lfot11••· IJM« "" fld!"-11"11 Mi. IM"-' 11 tM """ 'Ill oe.-.oo. "''"" .. COST~MI lt(PIUG!ll:A-wflidl ear1tl1l1 11 !tit followlflt: rum before that Ume. TIOH ·'!IC 111at MW 1 ~ o1 LEGAL NOTICE "°·'°'·°' ,,.,,, ••1111ni1 CMWltklN'I -------------1"" ......... .......... ~ Ill full Mi.I COlllrlCI M.UIM P.-l-.. Hott LEG., NOTICE -~oftft .... ,...., SJ IU .54 n.u PAUL G. 0 !. Ml ,_ IM. ~ Ali ofMf 1Mlnft1 MIMI lllCI _..,_, ------------·I .. , C•lt IMH, Clll:Tll'lt.lr.TI 01' C:CltPO•ATIOtt ule4 bJ ftlt TttMfllro<" wlllll" llVtt rttrs U•·t11a Otleid Mmor. it. oout1 11:11sifU.U u .. ~11: 11., ,.11 ,. '•' ., .._" 111 ..,. ...,.... lftul O. Of'..,... lflCTITIOVI tu.Ml Tnria,.,... 1r.1 CIAT11'1CAT9 Of' cotlPOU.TtOtt ITATIE OF CALll'O•NIA 1 TME UNOlll:llONIEO (Olll'OllATION NOffE DOii .. IUll .. 111 Uflll>llt COUN'TY 01' OAANOI!: I • .. lltt*t ettflfY thlt II ll col"lll.lcll .... I '"'"'' It flH bttfl t1rMd 1111,....,. .. ~ ,IC'TITIOUI Jtl.MI Oft ,,,,_, 20. Ifft, Mfor9 IM, 1 ~ltrr lttllll 111t• tl"ll stnlce o1 aulomollolln, MctMN 11111 lnltnded 1ri1111r1r" llS , .. 'TIU: UNOl!l.SIGNEO C:OltPOllA'TION lf\IOllc In •nd for ••Ill S!tlt, --tlr -l'on:l1 trid uMd Cll'"I of otht!" IMktl 1111ull'"lld br $tC 2'111~ of lflot 1111111\otu 1nd deolJ httl!ilrl' ctfllf'r thll It Ii ~uc:llne I...,..,.... PAUL G. QMOEll klW)\l(ll to. llllllMH ti $.MCI Gird"' Grove llaullvard, ProfeHIOl'I ~' ltwil the c-llMratlon Pl-lthtralll 11111'-11 llCO W, LI IM 19 blo Ille ~ wllal4I ,.." Is WnlmfMllf", Catlforn\1, under 11-.e lie· tot tt._ t••Mfllr o1 11!d blUllllu ~nd VIII AWllUt, Sulit ,11. 0 r I" t •. 1ul!Krllltd lo "'• 'Wl"'lll his~ t l'IO 11"°"9 llrM lll!nt ol' SUNSET FOflO Ind triim.r 'Ill M~ 1ktnP 11 IG be Hld on\r Ctllh)t"ff, lllldw 1111 lklrt'-firm 111m. adlllOWl.oflld ht exea1U1d tltt lllM. 11111 11\t lllmt of Mid C01"POr•ll111 tllcl ltl tlli!r Mid tr•l'll!tr h•• """ '""""" llY "' Oll:ANGf!: PLAl.M4 CEN'Tl!ll: ..... ""' {OPFICtAL &eALI P!"lllc:IPll tllC• of bullMH 11 ., follows: Mid Oeilertm.nl of Akoholl( ••n•••• !he -of Mkl ~lllall 1"'5 lh tflflo . MIN K.. 1-+enrr SUNSET FOllD, INC,. 54.o Gll'dl!'ll CMl•OI '1 ' CINI llllaetl .. bl.oll!ltl• .... tot1ttw.: N1t•rr P\lbllc-C1llfor11l1 Gto•• aoui.walll, w I I I,., I fl.,. r . Thtl ·, .. 1 •• ''""''' Jncl 1111(t>Mlalll rJf R •• .,Ja:n... Di .. p•-,, Airliner IMMU N0-5CIENCI: CQlPOll:ATION. lfrlndptl Olfl(I In C:1llfornlt, ... ltfotnald ll'Kk kl tr10t, flxlu•••· ....... G' ~ '41 ll03 Wlllhlrt l lvf,. lOI Allttln, or.""' C.unlY Otllld: .... ,II 21', 1Nf. 91111UISltTlt111 alld 9ood wlll tf 111<1 bullAtll CtllPomll. Mr COIT\mluklll £x111lm !CORP. SIEAL) wUI be m.O., lfld tht (:Oflllol1r1tklll • OttM: Mty "· IHf. NOU. 2~. nn SUNll!T ll"OllO, INC. llltttf'llf" to.ttMr wllfl "" ~···'""' The TU~144 the Soviet Union's faster-than-sound making 8 demonstration takeoff an· d two fly.bys. 1MMUH0-sc1£NCE c:o1u•D11. ... r10H Pu11111het1 o.,,... c111•t c111y P11o1, J•mn M. anow, ''"'""' '°' the tr•llJ''' '"" "*1"'"''"' °' "'• airliner, put on di splay for the first time for foreign ~11:1*:nr· A••: Mir,,, 10• JuM '· 13' lNt "°"'' sTAT t ~ ~'tl;:J:~n-'' l =~!:".': 0:.01,J~"'.:11,,: .':, ~ • d t d di I M The Soviets said that the airliner is already in a s-!COAP. s11:AL1 LEGAL NOTICE ccuNTY oF Los ANGe1..~1 .. J\llW. 1,.., 1, "'* a.crow t1tNrtr.-t111 of correspon en s an p omats at osco\v's Shere-sembly line production and woUld be ready :for sale STA'TE oF tALIFc11:N1 A 1 Oft 1h11 ,,,,.. 111, of ...,,11, A.D. ,,.., 1.1N10M '""K. ,, 1 u1111r1 ew s.1""" myetevo International Airport this week prior to in two years. COUNTY OF OitANGI! I II NOTIC• CIP •UILl( MIAAIMO ""'" 1119. I Nolan< ''*'" 111 '""' for Ill ""' '"" tf Or1111t, C-1~ ol Or111 .... . -~-----------'------=...!.:..:.::::__:::__:::_:::_:.:._=:.::-----..:_------------·I 9fl tltll llU dlr Gt Ml'f, lfft, ....,. NOTICE IS HIEJIEIY GIVEH thflt ,,_.-Id C:ounlY ... 1111 ltaf9, 111trtoNll!f' • Milt. .tf Ctllforftlt, l>MIYkll'd that IM ml, I HotlrY Plbllc 1111 allll tw 11141 C-Cltl' Cau II of lllt Cltv ol' Onie MtM Mind J11"ft M. SMW tfllll 81111 Alldll o...tmtnl at ,f.leoflollc ..... r ... C1111trol fY fNI Sia"' --11'1' ......... TilllNf Wiii htlcl ~ Molk; /lelflflf Oii J\IM 2 !Mt knoWll IG 11'11 ,. 1111 IM ,,_lclWll n 11 .. _.,... Ml41 ~ ot MM! 11CIMI, M. ....,.,.,. kl-.. le -19 be 1111 ,.... If! Illa Colmcll Ollmbl<" 11 the Cit( Hill'. &autttr'f of the cor'llOf"tflon ,_., lxacvtacl Dttld Mll"I , .. lfft dent .r "" '*'-•""" lllat n..:uhid flll n Fi li OrlY• Cost• Mii• ,1 1111 '*'' tf t11t w1111111 l~t 111 ii.tlllf fll IM ~"' E. ca wttMll ,...,,_, lift IMMN of fllt ... J. r '• ' llllf"Mftlf cotPOtlllof! ltlertlil l\ll'fttlCI, I II ti T ........ or 1nd L~I _....., IMf9l!t lllfnll. 11111 kk--: Clock. .M. •• or • -ldo-••d •• '° "" 11111 Midi corwalllcl ... -, ,.,. • !!It tnttt.M -be ......... "" tM ~ • ·-• H "' IN ltlll Midi -.atllf! tMCVllllf follow.. ...IHM· IClltrl'd ,,_ 11111!11. Tnmftrol' 1nd Ll«<oKt tl'll -· rllON · WtTHISS "'' hind Mii 11111, K O E N 1 In< W"ITMllS my l\tnd Md -I Rt-P!'llllOOI Na. lt•Mt, lltWll fllt (Oflll(IAL llALI 1' n ~~-· !OFFICIAL SIEAl) . ~lllOll "' A;AY STANS•U•Y. ,07 Adlllflt ftrlllrtdls '"''lfllft~ hi! Nixon Bolds Candid Meet Cl\lrltl A. Wldtn Do1Plll11 Ttrrttt, c ..... ,,::_ "'*:; ~ Maten< P11lllk:-C1llfl>Nll1 ~n'f~ldll:.i•'l::,t'::ri Hatt.., f'utillC·C.IHor111t :;"'~'Ion~ ;:: \~ .,.. I.I Prlf'IC!tltl Ollln "' Pl'llll"'"' ~~~~~~ Ill T~F:.::llY Rnldlfllltl Ollirlct, '-P: ~'; =uf.:7i.l'lrt1 UNION l~N~llltlt ltlplrf ~~.';;loll E.olrn ·::.:~~lf.· -.tell •I w Ctbtlllo ea..ut =:·..,t'Li:'Aitn. :;_c. ~:,_ ,.... News m en Impressed at In formalit y of Court Talk (l<llllot'I Ncit1: Pr11~nl NllUlll c1n· !'d '"'"'-lnlo 1111 ottlcl Thuridt' ~llcl tolcl tlltm wlly and haw ht had cllosM Watrton \· 1!11rttr to llKonl9 !ht nnt . clllll u1llc• of 'lhe Unlled Sttt•. Tiie UriOor tf ,,.. Prt11drnt aMa!lld kwl•llme Whitt Ho u I e llb1.,vrr1. •" 1he 1o11-111t dl111-'tch. Mfl"'l"'•n Smith. d•" of Whllll. Ho;Mltt corrftllalllle11tl dnalbH Whit hi~ pened TMtdll' -arid ""'· By MERRIMAN S1ij!Tll UPI White Haus~ Rtporltr WASHINGTON Presi- dent Nixon broke precedent when he discussed with about 50 reporters the reasons behind his 11eJecUon of Circuit Judge Warren Earl Burger to be the new chief jwtiet: of the United Slates. Normally, prtsideoLI over the past 30 or 40 years have been most reluctant to go Into any sort of detail about why they select a prominent American for a particular job. With little warning Thurs- day, Ni.Ion called reporters In- to hi!. office and began to ex- plain why · he had se1ecled Burger for the nation's highest judicial p>St and furthermore, the standards which would guide him In filllng future high cciurt vacancies. Nixon said that In naming future ju11Ucu he would look to federal appeUate a n d district judges as well as legal scholars and constitutional lawyers. He said he would not be bound by attempting to create a racial, religious or geographical balance on 'the court. • Nixon alsp said that because of the Abe Fortas matltr he was determined the appointee should not be a personal friend and close adviser - a con- sideration which in varying degrees eliminated former At· ty. Gen. Herbert Brownell, At- ty. Gen. John N. MitcheU, and Charles Rhyne, a classmate at Duke and former president of the American Bar Association lABA). Nixon said he felt strongly t h e relationship between the President aqd ~ justices should be "at arms length." This was a "oew" Nixon. The chief e1ecutive, since tak- ing office Jan. 20. has been relatively formal in his con· tacts with the press, confining them largely to network, carefully studied news con- ferences. Thursday, there was no television, no radio -just reporters armed principally with notebooks and pencils. The President admHted the format was experimental. He did not lmlst the quesUonlng be eclllfifted to one subject. But the "inhrence was strong - keep It on one 11Ubjed and we will an be hippier together. Subjectively, it turned out that way. Objectively, a cursory look at history books and a test of relatively modern memory showed that no chief executive ever before had spoken in so much detail and appareoUy so much feel-lna about his choice of a chief jurist of the United Statu. The aceoe was the clulic oval office of the ~sldent in the west wing or the White _House, with the 50 reporten, grouped around his dealt. Normally, the rationale of a pmldtntial d e c i st o n con· ceming an appointment to such a hlgh level positlon as the Supreme Court Is a matter or guarded secrecy which usually come! out yean later Jn the memoirs of the chief ex- ecutive involved. This was not the case Thursday with Nixon, who spoke almost as it he were involved in a con- fessionaJ. M"ubtrl~ 0:-11111 C:011t 01lly Pllol, S~~f1~:"''~s ~~THl!ll OIVt:N thtl ti r:i· :-.::... I;,. IK: Ha. •Mn.IL P-h'aps the f ., ' JUlll '· 13, ,... l0D1.IJ the llml .,.. Pleet ...... mt11llOnld. 111'1' ....... i;. ... ,. .. tG4J' Pllbl1$Md Otlrt9t C-1 Otlhl' Pllllt, ,., case o LE ,,... •M "''._ 1111t,..te11 l'lllr .,..... in:M>C: M•v n, ,..., ,....., Associate Justice Abe Fortas GAL NOTICE ™ be hMl'd 11v 1111 titY c-n "' the •ll9111111tc1 Ot•ne• c.o.it 0111Y P11o1 . .I------------ -City "' Co.I• """' Oii ""' .~ 11\Q' .. 14, n. "" lfff toMt LEGAL NOTICE was JilnA 1bi. his mind Nixon ~~'"', ICI Of NON·ltl1P'O Nll l 1LITY tlOl'IM '"-f'ltltlon. P •~ . ~· ..... ct 11 lltnby •lvr11 ~ lllt ""' c K. Prlftl gave ·~"appearance of~i~11':.'.:111?r~i:,,;t:11:.~•"• citv c~r• 011w p11ct. LEGAL NOTICE NOT•c• Of •u•L1c MI AlttNo -..:., to ........ t WU on h" alllt, "''" r.~1•ff, on or lfltr lhll' cit~ •1.1llU1hl'd Otll'll' c-1 "'""" ''""' THI CITY COUNCIL OP" w3uo 1 ', . , 01tld lh1 211 d•r of Mtr. 1' '· Mt'f 23, lfff 'T"I CITY Olf lfOUNTAIN VAL.LIV mind, and ,,til!lt entered in 11 :1t t>ubl~11~r"' 11. su111.,." LEGAL NOTICE •A•·•~ NO'TICE 1s 11E1t1ev GIVE N th•• ~fl his selecUon of • rtlaUvely Coil• Mt1•, C:~llf. ,,•,•,T,'.'o'• T,o~:., o~i;.ci;.~. Tunt11r, JMIW J, Ifft, II l:OD P.M. '" ·~· kno ........ , •• f A I Pubtl1hed o Col I COllllCll Chlmllttt, C11V Htll, llnOO S!1t'~ un wn. .. v ....... e,,,.era M • .,,.. II 0.11'1' Pict . MOTIC:I 0 1' ,UILIC MIAllOI• ., ... ,. o• CALt•OllNIA Al*lut, FOUllltl!I V1Ut1, C•llfor11!1, th• . dge w E 1:1: t tr 11• 22. ,,, 1Hf ft1-4f NOTICE IS Hl!ll.llY GIVl!H "''' tl!t '0 11. 'THI COUNTY 0' Oll:Alllltl C!IY (Olll\Cll wlll l'lolcl. PUllllc hMrl0!1 IHI JU • arren ' . • 0 City Cau11<U tf TIM CllV Of C•tt """' ....... ...,... "" fallowtr111 • be the higbe&t ju• the LEGAL NOTICE Wiii llold , pybllc Mtr1M 111 J""' "' !.1111t ot IMAGAAIT T, FOll:D, 1, z.... c ..:.... ""· 1n _ ""nutlof! 1.-..i IW, In Ille Col.lllCll Cl\Mlllto' al IM Cll't' l>tcfflld. wllrftllled bY J. 1(1nroo, 11 OWMr, , .. -..u. NOTICW TO C:AIDITOll.I H1U, 11 Ftlr Orlvt. C.lt, JMM, al !ht NOT1CI 1S HIEltE8Y GtVE N lo ltMI _!!,.. chtl!Ot ol' 1,,... on llrw>tr1Y Perha \...&.-t confounded "'JP5RIOll: COUll:T Olf THI l'\Ollt el 7:30 a'clod;, P.M.., "' It ICIOll crld lfora of tht 11>ov1 lltmed dec:lldent klCll'lld llOl'th at 51thir ..,....,..., .. at of , ps :Wllil STATI" 01' f"ALlfOANIA l'Olt ll'ltn"lltr I t the rr11tttn ,...,. Ill ht1rd, lhtl tll PtrMrlll ~tvl<!ll t1tlm1 11111!)1 !ht C•ll• Z1r1tou "°"' Cl L~I l 1t1!111u S 0 me O .f the m Ore 'THI" COUNTY 01' Oll:ANOI! Oii !hi folloWh"19 "'10111 •ellllon: .. td Mctdelll lrl ret111lred IG flit then!, District lo RJ Medium Oen1l1Y MulllPla h. t' d Wh'l H NI A-417W lhtoM Pelllla" No. lt•Mt. lltlllt !ht wll!I lht FllUIMN vOIJ(hers, 111 !ht aff~ o-m118 Oltlrlct sop IS !Cale le 0 u s e E1l1!e"' IVER. 4S8JORM ORAGl$ET pttllloll al GENJI lt.AWAMURA, 11• 51. of lt.e cit"-of"" 1111:¥e tn111ted COUrl, or I. z..... (l\lfttl• .... \ti -A11alk1tlon watcb_ers was the fad Nixon ... IVIA .... Oll:AGlllT •kll IV'tlt Jaf"lllfl PIK'. "-' '-"· !Or ,. ....... , """'· •!Ill !ht FIKIUIN lllllmlltfd br lttPUbtlc: Homa, .. - h d -I.I--.:.1 ~1-f Oll:AOllET, Otctatl>d IJlt'lft\niof!• '-rt--"' ~ \'IUdlln, t9 lllt lll"ldtr....,..., II lllt ollla PllCf!ll. l'lllllUt111"' clll""' of lDfle II" a ~ iu.a ~ecU1,11111 0 NDTtCE II HEltliY GIVIN to ""' ... , Strllt .... Stn•lltV •oM, "°"" tf .. Mr llllll'ntn. IJIOXON 11111 lllOXON, ll"OHl1Y lac•tld 111111111 of w ..... , a Dew chief jusllee with cnt1tw1 et 1111 •IMvl lllfMt da(.llll!tt flll s.11 01... ,.........,, "'• r • lllllt Ka. WO. dll Glftuwe Dl't'A, •-· '"° more or 1ttt '"" ,1,. o1 ' -'"-"' f I u -"'-.I 11191 all --l'llYlnf clllrnt M•IMt "-MrtltullrlY f9tctlbild Ill • -911 n~ '""""" 9Mdl. Ctl110r11t1 ,.,._, ""ldl '* lf"OOllllvnl StrNt, "'°"' Al Sl"'I• re 1:u.1Ycif ew peop e. P>::: 1-.i .... .......,, 1r1 '"""'"" "' 1111 """'· aM .,,.n"'" w .wtlc ~ 11 "" 11111ct ot IMkiau ot w.. "'*"I•"'" "' FafftllY lmll5t!ICI .,,. 11::..Po Med l11rn not consulted the ABA · he had •Ill!"" lltCftst.., Ylllldltt1, Ill the llf1c1 ""affk• "',,... CllY Cltt1!, ''""" Al,'" M11ttr1"r11m1n1to1111 •t•t. of ••Id Oerut•l' Mu1111111t OWetll"' •nd Pl•n-• • • !If tM cltrt If ftlt ·~ ffltltfld allill"I, • A1~ll11r1I Ol1trltt, ta •~. Tilr ... dtudf/11, wllll'" 10W "9111M •tttr 111t llld ~w1op.._1 Comb'"!"' Olllrkl made no poht1cal clearances; 1o "'"*"" 111tm. w1111 .1111.. -...... !'•rn.11Y 1J11~,"•'•,."'oiVIN -.tat r1rar M nuTton ·Of lfll• notlct. 11""'1e111n• 1o 11:• Hltll 0.11111'1' Mvni-, t Wh.I H st ff did ¥Oll>d'Mtti, to lllt u~ ti Law Of-.1..ftOTICI 15 Fl.IA M DllW Ml, 1. 1Nt 11~ OMlll Olilrlct mo.s I e ouse a ers "e1 of GtlYln 11:. K-. Altamt, ,. LAw, "" ,,_ lllCI 11111tc• abo\'t fl'tlllfJoMd, 111r M .. 1111 T. Htwllt 3 : Cll,.. ,.., i• Hu not know ,,. Nwt'll """'-' . ..,.,,,..., .....,.. .,.. 111 --lllJWntl'd ,...r _,, 5Mtt111r111 . · - --"" •lol'! ' . llffdt C1llfernl1 wtlldl h !!It Jae ail aM 1111 hoNnl W 'the C:ll't' Cwricll .t .... .t 111t Witt ot 111>1 ''°"11ettlnt c!ll"" lff -"" ,,_,., Apparently, his mort con-tMnln.t. "'""--.._..In'"',...;,,.,.. C'llY .i Cit!• Mnl "" ""' ·~ 111ow """" 1.ctMl!t ~= ~,:' =''~1~': •.,::,~; tinuing contact was Mitchell Hrt•llllflt la the l1laJ1 of Mlll lllleldlnl, lionld A'-flt'llllall. l ll:OllON Mf i •OXON Gef!frll A1rlcu1Nral District "' lll·PO The Pres'1den t a Ii au med :,:ii:,~,,"= lftrw "" first MllW-~if.tl(.e/::~' ::'r"'...:.:: ~ ... WIN,.. mo 51"'" F•ml~ llt110111" •rid Pll.,. Oll'lld Mey 11 '"' J>vDltlll.i Or111111 COM! 0111"1 Ptlcll, N-1 •tac~ Calltnlll ft"9 "" Ot\<tlcPmef'I, Cl loul l u1!MU, Mitchell was able to deal free-0tt11 e'ii11bii!t 0r.1_, MIY ii. 1"' "'"" ''" i11•1 .Mt-ti• •nd 1;3 Medium DtnsllV M11tt•t. Dwttl- 1 ·th Ed H e:i.aclltrl• """"""" fir l•tclllrhr lilt Ol1trk:l1. y wt J. gar oover, el"" w1u °'.,.. •llDY• LEGAL NOTICE P1111n111H Or•rio• C..tt o111y t'llot, ._ ,_ Clltfllil ,.., ," -A•l!c•tlof! director of the Federal Bureau N• " ft<tdal'lt M11 2 • " n lfft u1~ •u11m1w.ci iw Morll• & K••nvthl, '' •I o twltt A "' · ' ' ' ' re<1utttl111 cll•"9t Ill IDM on ''°"''"' o( Investigation who, in turn, ... ~rMY ·a1Kt: l"'»IH IDUlttd 111 111t .ou1h~1t 11"' of H•ll d J., h 't I T...._. n CIAT lll"ICAT• OI' •u11Nlll LEGAL NOTICE ..,,,_ iN..i Nrwl'lat>t strNI, l'Hlrlh M con Uo.."l.CU w a ' n govern· tit ,.,.. I '*1 I •ICTITIOUI NAMI "" wart"Mr ClllllMI '""" Al GllW•tl ment circles would be regard-""""' 1~n=''111 .'nit 111\d.nltf'ld don c1r111r ht 1• _,, Atrk11J111re1 D111r1c1 1a 11:1.po 77m d ' · ,,1. Id 1M A"'""" ftr •DQll I dllcllnr 1 11111111111 •I 1711 C1brlllo SI., ,.,,... Slfltl9 lf1"'11' Rtsld•"ct 11111 Pl•ft"td e as a routine 1e ur lflllllltlltd 0 ,,.. 'c!.., O.llY ,.!lot c~tt Meta. ea111or"''' und~• th• lie· Cllll:Tll"IC..,Ta 011 COAl'OltA'TIOM o .... 1opm1r11 C:omD1n1"' DI• 1 r 1 ct vest.igation." Mal' n, ... ,:;:. .. Ii.,,., 1aOwt :=J'ri,.,~; c~. ~~1'i:,~ .!~A,r~ 110• TRA NSACTION 011 IUSINISI ~.It'':;.." •re lltlrit aRK111~ . • II CllftlPDRd ol' !hi lollaWI"' Ml'IOll, UMIJIR l"IC:'TITIOU1 NAMI PUIWllll IG lht f'ltftn!nt Llwt of th• LEGAL NOTICE .,_ Mml lft lull 1nd elect tf rnkll!'Q THE UNDEltSIGNIO C:OltPOllATION Sltlt 'Ill Cttllarn1a cGov•t. Cod• 6S.llOO Pt 1-------------li." fol1Dw1 : d>otl 11tr•lt¥ c•r111Y thet ~ 1• COl\(fll~'1.: -.1 ..., "'' Foun111" v11i.v z ... 1,,. ""3Mll 80b R-rs. 101n Sl1111rllr'Ollll, HIJfto ~n;11,11oct~1i:,.11~ 11 ~Ille fie'. Ord l111nce. Thi lonlflt Ordln1ftct, ?onlftl Clll:TllflC ... T& 01' •USINl ll llflflon 811Ch, CtH!orftla. llllou ti ti!,-ol ,t...All..I •LUMllNG ,,.,..., Ind t i.lllllli. 1r1 on 1111 I" "" lflCTITIOUS NAMI Oatlcl MIV .. 1Mt & H:Ai1':G1 CO ll\lll !htl Mid 11"" It P(ll'lfll"9 0$trlrnonl llld lrt IVllllbla '"' vnd•rsl1rwcl "° Ctr111Y ""' ,,. 91111 Aotlf• . (llll'l9>ltld ., "" followlM c:.otilNlr•tlon, lor 1111/lOI\( JfttHC!IGll .... 111mlf!tllon. War Support Lessens Hanoi Has ProblemsonHome tortdtidlflt . lllll!IWU If tll2 ••ttlloll 11 .• ll•lt' ot Callfor11l1, tr"'" CO\lftlY.Hot•rr whOM artllCIHI ,._ ., M l-11 •• '"'"°'"' 6fllrl111 Iii, .... ,., lft ,._.or It\ F Cotti Mo111, C1tlloml1. Vlldtt lht lie· Oii Mty L !Mt, -""' 1 falitwl -l!lon fo 1'lltlMI ......... Wiii Ila t lYlfl ront lltlCIO./I flrM Mml ot C & C: lGUIPMll"NT Public Ill al\lll for llld lllltt,, "'""':'\::: lll~NA •AJllC PLUM11NG, 6171 ti\ -IUllll't' '-do Ill. II .fW!htr 1 .... co ...... that Mid firm II ~ ol lllt ·-•red aott 11: ... ,. ~~bid la Mlltdtftftr, 111"111 ••tk. C•llforlll•. flrlNllell 11 ... , ... , --r Ciinltd "" 1Gllowl"9 '""'°"'' wlae Mll'lll Ill Nn 1111 ,.,._ .,_ nll'l'll nd .n-11d911d Wl'TNEI& lhl rt.rid #111 2"'11 H l' DI lfllllf\11111 0-rlrMnt 11 ff2·l'24 Ind ttflt tllcl 111l1tt1 of rHldtntl 1n 1• folloWI : lht wll!lln lllllr\lll'lffll I --7·· U•n:fl IMI 19 11!t tlxrv9 lllrnt. SAIGON (AP) -For the last five months, the lightly conlrolltd Communist prus of North Vietnam has been washing an unprecedented amOunt of dirty linen in public. One expert says this shows that public support of the war has lessened since the Un-ited States stopped bombing the North. Almost daily, the party <1rgans have been trumpeting a campaign against black marketers, corruption, theft o( government property, slacken· ing party d.iacipline, public in- difference and a host of economic sins. To believe the Hanoi press -and in this case it Is doubUui that it has any reason to lie -''spo n ta n eous capitalism" is breaking out all over. Consumer goods are so scarce that a man with a simple little press (or making plastic buttons can get rich by ltanoi standards. ' Hanoi's newspaper s generally reach the outside world in leu than a week, although Hanoi tries Lo restrict them. The !act thet the North Vie~ namese are i.1 adept 1t mak· ing a capitalist profit amid the disruptions of war does not surpr~ the small band of Hanai-watchen in S a I 1 o n . \\bat does surprise thtm somewhat ll tbe openness of 1 he curnnl ump&lgn and Ill Umlog. "It ts by far Uie biggest. sus. tained campaign I have ever lletn," Aki an upC!rt who has been re•dlnt the luflld Hlnol prose lot more than 1lx ytars. The f.rpttls are not lnclJMd to md the 1lgns hopofufly 1J1 terms of any weakmlng by Hanoi It the Pltb polCI talk1, however. Tho r,e1*18 ore viewed ln- slca&f a• lhe outward 1l1n of a new hard-line policy to Ughl!n tontrol11. The campatgn ls sttn ns an Wlpopular but necessary ,f.llce "· Cotw.11. 2Ul l.•l•lth St .. 114: •lK\111111 "" -i"cl.tW11t lnu CITY COUNCIL OF TMe C:o1t1 M1$1, C1llfor11ll (0FFIC l"L SE.t.ll IUINA lfA1tK •LUMl lHG C1'TY OF FOUNTAIN V,t.LLEY I t ert th d f "lh-·gh the wall," the ac-'talis " It told I r Leo J. Cale. 1515 S..1111 ...... AWml.M. • .. ,,..., "io .. ~-Ctllforfl!• tr Gllllrtlll'\I Komtr., •rardltlt Ml.., I. Coll, Clh' Clt'1t s ep 0 reass e ogma 0 '"'"' cap! m. a so 0 B ~i:. MtM. Ctllfom!1. p~~7,., Olfl~ Ill st ... TI! 01" CALl,OltN IA ) P11~ll/'t °'"""' Cot•t 0111¥ l"llol. MIV doctrinaire communism as the cepted phrase for pilferage. smaU factory that was sup-... ~:: ~·· i~11 or1n9e c111n1Y couNTY oF 011.ANGE 1 ss. 2). Ifft 100Ht nation's salva11·on . . Hanoi Moi (New Hanoi) ~ to make railroad 1pika \.,. J c... Mt eomnit•IDll IE.Jllol•t1 °" "'1' i•111 ••r of M1rt11. A.O. Ifft. ,_........ SI el c · 0 C NoY 2(. 1'72 lltfv,. !I'll • NoltrY Plllltlc 1n •11111 !'Or Slld LEGAL NOTICE WhDe the campaign has not compJ.ailled that one study but instead used its small steel :i INl' •:~r:;; :;::: ,.:nz:Not•rr "'11ns11.ct· °'"'"" c-1 o.ur P\'°'· caur11Y anc1 111i., r111c11111 ""''111, •ul'I', ------------- featured public e:recutlons or lhowtd «I percent of a group railon to make hoes ror Pl.llMk 1fl end • ' .... 111tt.' Htt011•l1Y Mal' '· "· u. ., 1~ " """:111=:~11rnom.-:'::1Y,. :•· 'how lti·a1, _ at least none or cooperatives "followed the farmers and sell them on the :,...~ At1ct "· tltwlll ",L .. J~ LEGAL NOTICE 111t Prt1ldmt "' "" ~111on "''' ••· 01.A~~V c~t:::;~ ... t~11':.N1A of b,_ • k 111": .·,. ~...:r.:.. lh~ ;. .e:'1111r11 1... tcUMd 1111 w'llhln IMlrvment ... btl!lll of NOTICI IMVITtN• llOI . has been revealed -It has way s p 0 n tan e 0 us 1.11c ... mar et. ''""""" and 1dlnoWl1d11d fllt1 ·~ICUlld •..u»i Ille COl'"llDrllloll """''" M!llltl. Ind NOTICE 15 HEA;t:IY GIVEN ""'' "''' displayed an implicit fear thati1r=========================.l1111 Ulml. CIRTll'ICATI 01' I USINllS ldll'IOWledlld IG"" lhll lllCh carPO<ttlon e<I ,,_.!I w!!I lie rtalvl'd lrY !ht Cl11 I . d (OlfFIC .. IAL SE'AC"I f lCTl'TtoUI ,,RM NAMI -. ·~::~~tr!::;,:~;,,,,' htve hereunlo 91!1 ~le<c:·~~ "'fi:1c~~ ·~.1~· f.r!"'or~!~y Hanoi's control s 1 PP e Wh LEASE rY • '"" Tiil uNDE1ts1GNEO aa.1 11,,..,, ml' .,.1111 •rid 1111 • .., mr offld11 st•• "'' c 1 M c u1omi '11111 "'-11tt oi dangerOUSly d UT j n g the y your ~~'7 ~i:1~·:::om1• CtrilfY lhtl illt 11 (O!lducl\flt ~ r;;ll~I !Mt and rur Ill "'II ctrlllk1lt llrtt IDOVt 1~001 •. :.·~" ~rl\!I:: ~UM 1,, 1.: ti A · born bin Ori":: C.U111V =-~wo'..!'ii!',,..".""'r;r"...!t l•dt; wrll!M. Wlllcll llmt 111ty wUI bl -llld .utiticrv merJcan gs. Mr Cornll'l!lllon IM,ll"ft etlllotllle 1,1Jtftr 1111 llctllloul trrm "''"' (01f,t(::;~~Lb..til and Nld 11aud In tllf (OllllCll Ollmt11r1 The expert who says the Nov. ,4, 1tn ., LIOO 'IAHOS !AUN ....... lilt! ••Id Nat IN ;ubuc-C:t1Kornlt lar Fu .. N I s H I HG ALL l A • 0 .. bombl'ng halt brought a f 24 h lf\llltltl'llcl Ortnoa CDltl OtllY lfllot, """ Iii """'°..., .. lh• fclllowk"IO plfllOI\, Prll!Cllll•I OH!ct '" MA Te It I ... L • ' E QI.I ' PHM E ~ T • d ln. bli I c I r o· r mont s Mn 1', U, :io •nd J11111 '• ltff .,,..., wtlOtl "'"" '" !vii t r.O 11.ca DI Ora11te COllnlY ~rc:t~;?:,TAl~O~A.:'01:u~IQi1~i~ ecrease pu c suppor , .... ra .... fallow-.. t.Wlll M, Canvnlnloll EXlllNI ll"OR THE IMPROVEME NT OF ARL- sugg"ts that the propaganda LEGAL NOTICE AL•CI HAMILTON, m N. Nirwaort A,..1111, ,,,. INOTOM o11:t ve F1tDM l'Ai 11v11:w l aule'<'t"'• ,.._, lt1ch, Ca11tomlt. Mllaf! M. °"'"' ... .,.,,.,.. 11:0,f.O TO NEWPORT 80ULIVARO. also shows that Hanoi fee.ls Clll'TllfltAT• o• I UUN l ll Wl'TNl:SS M~ hind Ihle Ulh "~ 'Ill SUlll 421 Ullllll 1•...... ... Ill of tlllll. 1111ttNlutloM .... o""'' tro g enough to age SUch a t.I I t • d .t l'IC:TfTtOUI NA.Ml Mtll. 1M. Ortnn. Cl!"''"·'• confrKI ~ti ll'lll' be lllllltlntd ., s n w ,,,. undtnle>flllli ... Cll"lffy .. ,. -Allct' Hemltton Tth 1110 .. ,,.. Phi ot'lla of tllf Cll't' Cllf"t. n Fifi" Orl..e campaign in public and is un I you ve r1e I llluc!IM • M"'-at .. w. 11111 It., nATt OF CALIFOllNl,t. I •lllll•lltd Or•lltt ,_, 0.11'1' Pila!. (Mii Mell, Ctllfor11l1. ""*' • ._," "' detennlned to control its .......... lldt, Ho. 1, Coll• MtM. C•lllol"lll•. \l!ldlt' tCJtJ.,.•TYT••'• ',1',,"",NG~ ..,!.1111..., 0 ,,.. """ .,, '" n. ., 1"' tGMt su,oe. A t1111'1• ., 11.00 wtn 111 ,,..... 11 t'~v tllf flctlfleUe """ -ot OlllONS IY IY "' "" • · · lllfldlld llY ,.,.11. PlEASI: IMIL Pie and prosecute the war at l'VAM •fld ,_., uild """ 11 __.,., of """" ""• ODtolltt E. 2'""11111· • Htt•rv OTICE $EPAAATt CHICKS. f 6 MONTHS' !ht fallawlftt ,.,.Oii, wi-1111M Ill tull PUtlllc: In •"'5 !Cr !ht 111d C111nty 11141 LEGAL N lid! llW lfllll IMt ""'* 111 the _ _. the same Ume. or tllCI •lie• tf rttldfntl It •• tattows: """ m!lllllM llll!'rtlft. tl!h camml...... ..,.,.. Mii ., ... --l'MIYllllllll "' , ... -e campa1'gn to date has • CIYtllt G. V•fl .,,.., ail Mtrdlflt •llO 1wom. fle,._11, .. "'"" Al.. NOTICI °" TAUIT'll'I U.LI Cll'lll"l<I ~ Mii 11'111 bf .... 1 u Wll'f, Cosll Mtil, Calltornla. Hll'!'lllltll ll"""' IG t'lla fo lie 1111 Ml'Mfl .... ...... _.... bl< 1 ~ I' Usllltr'1 ~relied largely on patriotic, O•lld ,.,.,., n, ,,.._ ..... ,,,..._. 11 M.llll<rllltd 1o "" w1111111 °" Mal\INY, J1111t 14, '"'· •t n:• d'ltO 1r • llld band "'" ..et , .. """ 11 Cll1rlt1 G. Vt11 'Tffts In!'"'"""'' and mriowlellllted lo IM lflll fo,M., P•OPIATY FINANCIAL COA· Ntelfll et !hf ll'l'IOUlll ot ti. Ille!, m.oc1t Commun.isl exhortailons, with $1afl 'Ill c111rar~1 •. Or•lltl! (Clllfll'I': 1111 ntc1ltld lht --IN WtTNISI llOll:A'TION, I c;.,_111o11 .. dvl't .,.. NYM'I,. ""CllY °' COii• Mew. I lltl. plied th e ts of pun1s1.. M1~e1 senso, doesn't it7 It's o ur low "get.. °"Ma., :n. '"'· btfor• ""· • Not•rv wHllf!:OF. 1 h•vt tiereunta 111""' 11a1111 .....,... Trwttt uncMI" .,., awwtrtt '-NO'TtCE ts 111.11ttH111: Gl\f&!ol 111t1 ,~ on y r a 1r lfll&lk Ill .... fllw Mltl sr.i., "flOl\flSIJ 1!1111 atflltlld rny otfltl•I 11•1 "" "" ..,.. °"" "' Ttwt .. led Autu•I 211, llM Ill• CllY COllllCll of llld Cll't' 11111 PIU~ ment for ''bad elements." ocn uo"inlod " o ffor. A nd t here's nover been •-••f!lf c11.,1n o. v1" '"'~ 111-11 i. ,.,., 1n 11111 ctttllk.I'-nrst '"°"' writ-~ .,.,. JACK 1. ll:ATC:tL •nd Dl,t.NA n t•blb.Mfl • •rtV•lll"' r11t ,.,... 1>t11t of One rt beu "-t th , "'9 Ill Ill! t1lt ptrtoro Wl'a. "'"" I• 1111, • AA'TCIL, lutlbtfld llllCI wtfl tnd rtcOtded watts. If!~-with law. tt llt pl1lll e:rpe eves Lu• e h ou11scrltltd to 111t w1111111 1"'"'-' 11M1 IOl'FIC:l,t.l 11,t.Ll Stitllnlllto' n, 1ttt. 111 book 111•. -™· 1ri. file Cllflitr'Vclton DI ""' atMM et1tltltd absence of trials and punlah-a nyt in9 like it in c ir '91sin9 histo ry! Now ltd:-1111119td "'txtcUlfd""' """· o-tll"r 1, i.,,.,.,. ot ON1c;1.i lttcaftl 111 '"" lffic'a °' lhl .....__,.,..,._ '"""' ""' ••It .,.. xalt men' I. D d ,. cat e . ho·-(0Fl'1CIAL Sl!,f.Ll N11t1ry l"ulllle-t•lllofllll C:eu~IY 11:-rlllllf" of Ottnee C-IY, Wff adaottd llY !fie CllV COll"'c:ll 11'1' " • th I · f d • • full MIN I( • .;...., Or..,.. Ce11mlY C.111..-nl•, Wit.I.. SELL AT PUILIC AUC· lle.oMlan No, 4t-M .,, Ille lMPI dtr "' w 1de 11 pread "spontaneour you c.n en1oy • uxury o r1v1 ng • Y """l'I' 1"11M1c-tt11111tnt• Ml' c-1111C111 1x11ru T10N TO HIOHlllT e1001!1t FOJI c,t.SH Olcan'lt1er, '""· '"' " IHI 111t 1ri. t11t Of· • d 96 F d f h Prll'ldNI 0Hlc9 "" Mlrdl JO. 1'11 l••rtblll .. t1fM ., .... "" lewflll ~ Ila flf "" Cltv Cltl"ll tf Mid Cit'!'. 'Th•• capitalism" is. "Their own equ1ppe , new I 9 o r o your c oice °''"" ,_,.,. coM1" ""o u 11111 11 11)1 u111111t """"' 11 "" St\lth ""-'" 111c1 ,1,. ..w tt.tll 11 11ct1111 rt11 rr.<:1 10 Papers have repeatedly..;•~ f Mr Commlnlon EM111lrn Al"'""" It LaW tfltniflCJt to lllt Orlf'llll C:ounlY tnd ldOPllld 1n lfll• Mtkl" """" tulflo .... lC.'1-1 or 11"x month•-! our low "net .. cnu•'nt "'"'· 1~. 1•n t<•lffl ..,.... ~ "' ,,. c;11, of Slftta M• • .,., -111tw Mt""""' "'~'"· ""' 11111 many cases of such things,'' ---?II ,-1 • Pullll5hM1 O••llH CD111t Otllr p11o1 . ........,. ...,_ o.-Ct\11\lY, Ct1Herft11, an r1tht, 11111 t1llf Kill. .. .-.... iw .-1• 1te.01u11on. he said, "and when they say ed" rate. You mike just sht low monthly pay~ Mir 'J. 30' J1111t J. 11' 1"' 1*"' ;~0':;:,S:1""""1 ""' tM~IM"':11dct111o::'l('1T:::i ":' J:111 .!: ";:5' •c::~r. '::~':. v, :'''!'~';, 'manv' they usually mean e1-h h I LEGAL NOTICE f'llblltitlllc ~..... c:.nt 0111Y •1111, "''' • tad 111 t11t C•IY o1 Cost• M .... """''"'-11 "" -k •nd ,,.,.. 1 ments-t en return t e cer c een end un~ ""''a.'· 1t u. ,.., .... 11111141 and sttN <itwlllltd .. 1 ~,.. _,_ to lht U"9r c°"° 1ctly that." II ·--~,,,.-,c0-~-,c0-.~.-.---IC:::..C:.;;:::::::::;:..:;::..c ____ .:=::: lat el' TrKf ~. "'" 11111tt Cltv ol of "" 1111t rA Cellfwllt1 w 1111tt -· Thoi Su Pho (Popular Cur-damaged w itho ut further o bliga t ion. O ffer 1teT1c1 01" tNfaH"T10" ro LEGAL NartCE c:o.11,_.,"1111w11 e11 • ,,... flltf"tlol., "" Sitt• of etllforflt• ~11u1t1t Cll:IATI llC:URIT"I INTlllllT l'ICOrHlli 111 .... 1', ""' 41 Mill 4, ftllrllt, Wllll 1111 -11111 °"IY Gt 111Cll rent Evtnts), clrculated main-d f I itt d +· I NOTICE 11 "' br 1....., '° !hi .,__ Mttm111-Mlllll. ,_,,. ot Mlllll var1111on1 •• mw 11t '""''"" llllCl'et the ly among party fWlCUonaries , 900 o r m1 e imt o n y. CmlNrl " JAY 0:11:NE: AHO JOYCE Clllt'TlflCATI Oji I UllJtl U ::-~·" ll'INI ltUt wfthWt =~·z,~""'=":.t':i -:.Sidi...:: tarted the pm1a in J OAll:ttl•. Pl\lllllnlt _. •tit. oe~ •ICTlltoU~ ,.... Gl'ttNflf .. II" -rnnl't' tJI,.,. ... ""-'"" II-fltf ti.toll ,_,..,... "" IN ·- ll re anuary Check these low monthly retes: :"" ~ ~ ="c """"'":~"':'=...•.,~;:it'..!::~ ,...,.1111 "Ill. '°""'""" • ~ vw--' "" ... .., toilt. ,,...f'lflC* " when It complained: "The lree =•· tta1t'"ot c:itttornl•. ~1 ~HCM'i. sirttt, ~ w. e.•flwflje W4lll' "" w_..•1t11. to "',.:' .:::'~ ~;; =..=-~ ~,_ """' '" lht -- market e.xpaods and even f ll DS 1Y klltl'"' " 111eu1 ,. 111 tr••* iw 0ttt-11c"'..,. "'"" -" ,.,....f••·KLllN = .wr;,:, ":,.111 111•1,.,eo. """' 111o '"'"' Qlf!fl'tctW .,,..11 1111 ...,,., ""' d •• ,_ In ........ com1'0• under .. • ••••••••••. SIJf POlD 19 Ulll ••••.•• S12f tar •nd 1rt111ed '°"'""OU> w. HAll:lt l5 Ind """ Mlllll """ It ---.. """"" --· 1 , ........... llJI ........ ~ ,.,. ..... ~ llt ""' ,_ liVVW · ,,. IA"'4:1; •11111•) 110 ,....,., ..... ) ANO JO "HN H,t.Rl.1S. llcutad Pini.,. flllltwtM ........, "'-' ...,... Ill lllM ,..._ .,p111Cift,'1t 1!11 Wf!W • 1J111tiM ltttn _,... '""' MlllWflclll'tll It.Ile man11emcot, and jn •ALA.Ill ···········'''' LTD •....•..•.••..•. Slit whOla ..... -"',.,'~~. ,.._~tc11•111~.,--1•·•11111T•-1KttrA,..!!!1~, ..................... ,,,_~ ..... o... .. rm1.1"..dl9r't9"""teflttl !MnU'flJU111t'td ... """"""" g~--~-•·llh r I w -···o H ..... -. _ .. , ' .......... ' ' .. '"" utfl>ttt " ,,... 'TMM Ind ..... tltte. t\1111111'111•1" •" ,_ ,.,.,.,...,. ~ llHN'C 1v " • • • •• •• •• • • .llOJ MUST AN• ••••.••.• , SH 1t11t tf canfonlll. cit. "-1•111 V111tY, ctillftrlll., 1 i: 1H W Mlf o...t ot Trvtt ~ 111 !flt Ullll'lld lllltl,. 111 w.. mattrlals stolen) !rom the Au ..,. ...,..... ..,. Y .... .., ..... ,......., ,..., 1~...,. ,.,.., wt11t1 T11t llfllll"r"' '" wllldt 111e Sl(llrftr Jot111 "''"'-' 1-""' Ft1i.. 'l~ ~ ~ .... amt .. tfflan'MllCit " .,,. e1111,llCI, 'l ate." ... .. ..... .... lfllertil WIN M UMlfd la, fill _. .. Ill '"'"""" Vl0ty, ~flit. T1"" lW """' oty a ~ ... dlleVM M bllll Wll be Clll\llOHM ...... It fl CALL MR. MAL COM REIO ~ "" to1ulpf!\lllt, "'""""' .,., °"'"MM>'" IM. 111 "'-111111 ,..,,, war,... ._.,, m111t 11t1 •.~1t1111"""' f\rrftlllllll "' ""' In •.. --~ve edl'-lit-~llftt111t ot Dtlllllr Ol'Wl1llt ..,....,,, "-'" Tlleltt -"' .. _ -,. C:"" tf eo.11 MtM n Is .,... Ir!. ff-""""'"Ml WI Ill FOR FULL DITAILS HOWi """ lfcallll •1 nee N""""1 l l'#lll.. Jll!n Marti• ,_....,._ • .... ... o.c......: "~~ wlt'll 1"' ;...v..,..." tllf ..... newspapen: • t t 1 c k e d ~ .....,.,, llacfl. c-tfl' " °""""' S1'tl ""' "' c.~ Lit ...,..... Clufttr1 """' • ...i ......,.,_"" rupllon , ~-ta-, theft and lax L~2 • 0010 " c.n1w111t • .,.,. lM.IMlt ~ • °"#ill, o. ""· """' ""•' ,....,., Ot1•V11 '1111 Otirllltl • ""'-.,.. wrtfo. Eldl ....... , _, 1111~11111 •• ~ ·-~ Jffll"V'I Al lTAUllANT, lfllMk hi lfllll fer Miiii ltttl, --llY"" fllft<:e al llfWch .,,,, If • ...-..llfllll .. rt11111rM .... "W man•~ent , ttansport.aUon POID .A.UTHOllllD ·• ••11N~ ,.._. n.. .......w MCVt'lfl' '"-'~ ""'.....,.. ""'"" Twllw • J11J111 iw. rt¥M "" ui•••'" to "'" •i. ~ n.. c;1,.,. CtvoocH "' tM c;1.; 'Ill c.-.-..1.-:::·.·· the drut •-~~r/, ..,... • , .,.... 111 COllWflWNllM aft•"""" " "'*..., "* ~ " '"' 111 w IN --. wtY " .. ,..,.. ..., aM1N11tna.,.. "" .. ._ _ .,,. ,19111 111 ,.!Kl 111., .,. WU>l\UJ<I llNlllll .._... .. """-'........... ff Jillll{ '"'' ,, 11 A.M. at W."°l"I aollllt,.....,. wtlwlbellll ft"" "1111111 ....,..,..,, Oii '""""""· •• 1 • ell ... . constnictlon worken, alcohol THEODOR£ lillS ~ lllO'llW ~. ''*' wt:kfill 1MsNi111111 w ~ ...,. • """'1~ calltlllll M.,w,,:.":c,"•llrtitdl .0 .... 1 Mio¥ 11,,... O,.._ .......,. ~ Caillianlll, tci.1• 1111 '*!'II>. Mf If ~ Ill ... IV O•Oll. C)I' T~ plant.I, stole atores, dockers, ....... ~ ,. "" llanf.:= IOfll'ICIAL. SIAL *'·"" -tf Miii otnclt f ltfcorft. CITY COUl>ic:IL Of' 1"11! II --•aUYK I nd pr"'""· •II MIMM llflrW lltf!'tlt tlld '"""°' H. Allllll Ollllf Mn t, IM (t'TY Ofl cot'TA Ml.IA ama """Y"""' .... -ROBINS FORD 1111'11""" ,,....,, ,.. ltlt ..,,.. "'" ftol1rr '""1ioc.111tm1t ,.,..,.,. FlnMcl.i CALtlfOR!oll,t. tlcally every segmtnt of. In· i.1 "'"-.,., H-. .,~ Olflw "" c..,....11a11 c x ,•••rr du~·y, _._...___ ·DAllOt Mff It, 1.... I.• A~ltl twnl't' II tald Tt\11... citv" CLll,lt (It! 'TH~ l!IU ~ ll!!C:UltlO lfAltTY M' ~tnlofl ~lrtt ., Giii. W, H..,..,_ (fTY Cl!'" cotTA Ml.So' At nnl! alcohol plant, a Hanoi tt•l'IW w. "•"'\' Jllfll "· ,,,. •1111'"" •' L•• ~L'"°'"'"' riew11p1~ said, too much ot '* HACR0•101R. IMOU11~!VARD 642·001 O l"uttn:o~.·:_~· c-. D•llY Pl"'· """"'"*' 0r...::1'r-1 o.u., '•1<>1. •uhH-'*' 0r:n': '~• 0111Y •n111, ...Jv•w1tH11111 °Mtlllf".,. c::: °"'"' .,t,... the product "'llt passing "" "' fM, 2:1. llilt tOOIMt Mir '" n. • •""' J\llW " '"' "'"" ,.,..,,. it, ti. :io. '"' t:Qoff • .., • '' ftt.6t I ,, I j : I l . ,~ I JI DAILY Ptl01' 2 I Frldq, MiY 2', 19" :a: as • ' MUST RED.UCE TY·Sl·ERE~. INYENTOR'.Y: $134,6.751 . ~ ~ -... "I. ' QUALITY DISCOUNT DEPARTMENT STORES WESTINGHOUSE .BIG-SCRE•N WESTINGHOUSE CONSOLES WITH UHF·YHF COLOR TY cON·~DL-S fW\ . AUTOMATI~ FINE TUNING! LARGEST COLOR TV PICTUllE 'TUBE MADE! \:=! '588.87· VALUES · Zody1 low price ZODYS REGULAR LOW'Pl!ICE ' . f,~OM •SSl •. 17 !'•.ti 57~;17 SA:YE' UP TO •1401 •295 square inches of thrilling .color • lnsta rlt-on color, sou nd at once •New. improved color chassis •Instant color fi delity • lllum;nated pop-up UHF & VHF j numbers •Contemporary· walnut Or Early _ .... .,. .. ~erican maple veneers NO MONEY DOWN, MONTHS TO PAY '.SAVE '140 ' $. •World 's largest bright TV picture (29S sq. ;n,) tAu_io.m.atic.lin.t.:t-'l...n i ng contr_?I s •Separate VHF/UHF channel sele.c;to~ •Exclusive "Chciisii 22" •Instant automatic color fidelity with fingertip co~trol , • f.ine funitura cabinetry. . '· LARGEST COLOR TY PICTURE MADEi · . IS f,ITTl,f~ t .~ \f) llf)\l~l f)f)ll \ ••• 'I '. tKf; llf).\ J'llS J'f) 1• 11·! WES'J.JJtG.•OU$1· N•N.l ~CO.~'-f :1:~~~~ . T1(, PHONO AND AM•FM RADIO l ., ~ '· l '• ~ ."Ii .. ...i ............... t $229;95 VALUE SAVE •1101 •Jet set screen •Insta nt-On TV with 74 sq. inch .picture area •Solid state AM-FM transistor radio with ~ake-to-music • 4-speed phonograph with automatic changer , I WESTINGHOUSE 12''* PORTABLE TV Wiiii ALL CHANNiL TUNING ......... - 'Di•1-•I ....... ,..., ... ; l . '99.95 VALUE SAVE , $30! •74 sqJgdjies ~of Pkture , ·•lightweight, weight less than :Y • .. ..i111u. ··~· · ;\ . ' . ,,. . •~II channel UHF a. VHF !.;ngle knob tuning'· · _· . •Front mounted full fideli.ty · ,· . ,, . . . , speaker ·· ' WESTINGHOUSE Jl,T .SET VHF·UHF . WESTINGHOUSE 18·1RCH* ALL CHANNEL i @ PORTABLE COLOR TV SAVE •45! PORTABLE 19''* TV • • • $)69.95 VALUE SAVE $50! ·--• 171 sq. inches.of picture area · •New color chassis with major improvements •Instant color fidelity •High bright pictu.re tube •Separate VHF/UHF channel .selectors •Memory fine·tuning ·•Beautiful off and beautiful on •Instant-On®, no waiting; no walk·ba'ck · •Illuminated UHF/VHF channel numbers •Full 19" diagonal picture •Walnut groin finish with deluxe handle •Queen of the portables at a ·low: low price! WESTINGHOUSE ALL SOLID STATE STEREO CONSOLE IN CHOICE OF 3 FINE FURNITURE CABINE.TS • •AM/FM/FM-stereo multiplex with FM tuning meter @ •Tape input-output jocks and external speaker jacks - • !n Contemporary walnut, Spanish Pecan, French Provincial fruitwood • 300 watts peak music power .. ... 5795.00 VALUE SAVE '347! HURRYI SOME QUANTITIES LIM111D ••• SOME MODELS NOT AYAll,ABLiE AT ALL STORES! NORWALK NORTN LONG •IACH ANAHllM·•UINA PARK ANA•IM•PULLIRTON WIST COVINA NORTNRIKI' RIDONDO 81ACN IMPlliAl HWY • .\f STUDllAllll f . SOUTH STll[f AT C.MfllY • 11.t.CM llVD, A LINCOLN OU.NGITHOllP_l AT llMON AIUSA AYI. AT llUlfriTI 'llSIDA ILVD. AT DIYONSHlll HAWTHOINI llYD. AT 50.IAT CINfll · POUNTAIN YAUIY LONG •IACN NUNTiNGTON •IACN SANTA AU G4lRDIN 'GROYI •UR•ANK CANOGA PARK MAllOI llVD. At IDINGll LOS COYOflS,$,llNG a wOoolUJf OOLDIN WISf a tlNNOll N. GUHD AYL A1' 1nH STlllT CHAPMAN & 110091.HUIST SAN fllMANDO 14"0· Af IUllANll fO,ANGA CANTON IL"D, A1' IOJC.OI SHOP & SAYE AT ZODYS MON. THRU PRl.10 TO 9 P.M.-IAT. & SUN.10 TO 7, ... PLENTY OP FREE PARKING! . . ' • I • I I ·--NIVER TOO LATE:_ Turnlng out in sombrero< and serapes to dine and dance to Ute music o! a mariachi band tomorrow will be members· of the Huntington Harl>our Yacht Club wbo are·plan- ning a Qinco i de Mayocparty. Trying to rouse Jim Martin from hi> sieota are (~!,tii:ilglit) Dr. Eugene Furlong, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Arnold 1:ffii!I~· 141"r.-.J\'llrlonf and Meodooa. 'The Junkie' Offered Former Addicts Relive Dr.u~ Hqrr or in Play . ~ ,. ~· -, 11' 0 Offerjng · •· c o n v I n c·l)l J under ~·~P of Les perf~ are me~ of Femmes ·Cr~-«al ol Hun- tht cut:of· 0 The JUl\lde," a. ·t.fneton~. -1 play which• will be ~ted Con!Jl!!abli.,l!it cast ol tbe ;•;>; . l Jnformal play, whicll uses slz scenes to r<veaJ the•atages a drug addict must p a 111 through, are former addictl now fl!'IDly converted to Qlris- -~is"°' admission ; and · the public is in- to attend the performance at 7:30 p.m. Monday •. May 2$, in the Hun- tington Continen\al Townhouse Clubhouse. The 1ame p l a y with the original cast toured Europe and Canada as well as this country. ·"It's euy to put on a c~ vlncing performance when you are just reliving some ·of your ' own life," says Tony Lopez. mainstay of the ai:ea group. other former addicts acting oot the real-life drama Ire Kenny Mata, Gilbert Garavito, Ninfa Garcia, Fr:ed Garcia, John Takai and James Ortiz. Tony's l!fe ii the best e:r· ample of the play's message. Now l L'Ollege student. be wu ' • ' • 6et I JOOIAN J:!ASTINGI, '64111 ,,...,,..,..... t ,... .. .JI Cinco de Mayo Sounds Mariachi Notes Echo It may be a !ew day• past Cinco de Mayo, but Hunt· ingt.on Harbour Yacht Club members still think the Mexican holiday is a great reason for celebration. Members must have contracted a litUe of the manana spirit from South of the Border, because their party will take place tomorrow in·the ·Long Beach Elks' Club. . With the club's Ensenada race-participanll home and rested from the contest, members and guests will gather !or cocktails between 6:30,and 7:30 p.m. At 8, a savory, spicy dli!ner of Meil can delicacies will be served, but for ·more CODJer:vative tastes, typi· cal American dishes will be available. ..1. • Following dinner, there.will be.~g to the music o( La Pajaritos' Marimba Band, b;ettel"" known as "The Li1Ue Birds." Well-known in Southern CalUornia, the group foe· t\!]"es a brass seetiOll, traditional guitars, and especlal· ly marimbas. : ' 1 Serving as chairmen for the first social event of the year are· Mr. and Mrs. Jim Martin, while assisting Bl'.• Dr. and Mrs.~u1ene Furlong, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Olaen and 'Mr .. an<1~Mt1. Aniold Mendoza. • Dress'. style fi>r the perty will be .llP to the guests. with either· Spa'niSh 8nd Mexican na~~ ~es, or semlfonnal ya<;hting garb equally. appropnate. ' . . • In Green Valley Members Increasing Feminine real-of G.-, Valley are invited ·to ol!eod a membership t<a "'"-eel by the Green Valle)< w-·1 Club which will take place between 2 and 4 p.ln. SUnday, May.25, In the adultclu-. On.hand to greet prospective new memben will be the newJy .. tected olficerl ol the club. They will be lnllalled at a p.m. Monday, June 2, by Mn. WUUam PuUonl, olfioer of the Calllorn!a Fed<ralloo of Wonien's Clubs, Oranp Dis. trict. Taking oUice will be the Mmes. John H. · Summers, president; Gregory Forrut. first vice president; Charla Scbouw, second vice prni· dent; Charles Jones, C«OnUnc secretary, and Samuel Lidell, treasurer. Appointed to commltleel by the new president were the Mmes. Robert Holleron, w.y1 &n4 means; Arthur Sa1bn.ln. membershlp ; T. ·M. Smith, publicity, and Harry Fockler, parliamentarian. J,i.dditional Honors Mrs. R. Quentin Royer, of Huntington Beach, has been elected to serve as president of the Women's Auxilary to the Harbor Denial Association. She, with her board, was installed during a luncheon taking place on the SS Princess Louise. Mrs. Royer aJso bas been active with the American.Field Serv· ice program in Huntington Vall•~· a casual rriarljuana U8er in . hlib ICbool before procre1Sin1 ' through all the stages to com- plete addiction. None d the conventional C u r e a worked prior, \o hil turning a. nllclon. Ill• deacrlblng the )"OCOS•, the plly•s · meSsage auggeN that this ii the airest way to break the drug habtt. l!X~IC TEAS SAMPLED.-Prospective members 'I"" Invited lo attend a tea sponsored by the Green • Valley Women's Club taking place on Sunday, May rest, first vice president, and I cliarlet 8cltouw, second vfce president. During Ute. afternoon pros· pective members will 1 ... m of .the tw~year-old • J?uring the tea prospective ' members will learn of the .:- tivities 'of the club and the social, cultural and phi.Jin· thropic opportunities k ol!en to the community. More thaJ! .llOll P09Ple al· tended the Pl•Y when It WIS ..--ted inJGaraia recently. 25, in Ute adult clubbouse. On hand to welcome proipects will be new ,o!ficers (loft to 'right) Mrs. John H. Summers, pre~d~t; Mrs; Greg9ry . For· . . club's social, cultural° and philanthropic opportuni· ' . ties.• • • • The club wis org¢zed In September of 1181, •wtth Its first offictn beinf'.lmtalled·in October • Bridge Players A~ed Out -of Game by Amateur . Hour Trick DEAR ANN LANDERS: Some new trlends invited UI over for an evening of bridle· When we arrived 1t 7:30 we were asked H we'd like to bear their U-yev--~~ old play her piano recital piece. OI COll'M we PolltdJ.Nid ••yes.'! Tbe"piece",AUrn .. ed oa1; to be three plecet.. and 1111' ..... band WU visibly annoyed. Alter the piano recital we """ told that tht younger boy wanled tt do ~to entertain us, allo. So ft ul and llatened to him"name the 50-. "~mt. Arlr.(lna, Attmsu, CaUfarnla. .... 'l'llen Cline the Geitylbarl -- ''Four ICOl'e and seven years api . . " Nm bo named all the cabinet 11lll1ll><r> and -pJlll -"Mr. William ....... ANN LANDERS ~ S.C....,. of Slale; Mr. Melvin t.ird, 8emtar)' " Defem; Mr. Dmd Ktt>o nedJ, SecrU1 ot· tbt Trtllury ••• '' • ' . Then the ..,_-old -In wwlol toe '1ippen Ind I fairy --· llor motherl'lo1"1 Iha.._ __ _ l!'f What ·-tlko formr. At 1:11 they flllally bnqht out Ille CJnb. BJ tllal -1111' -...... ·--wb be played • tmible , .... and hb diapooltloo WU l0oL'WJien W<oaot · bcal be told me never to tceept another --thole people. He -tn1 DOI to ult them to ...-place' ever aplt:. I llkt the woman VUj' mu.cb. Ann. Whit lhouJd I do? -TRUMPED ACE D&.\R ACE: ... 1M -..... , Ille . __ A..._1111 .. r!Pllo ..W ...,... M -IOI eojoy. (And oo don a wife.) DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am wrjllng to you because it la easier to write about an embatrllllinc problem than to talk to Dill. of it. And II seems to be geltinl worae. I got a biper' thrlU' out of being kl"ed in Lile ,..linmlnl pool wben I was H tban1 got fl<lll ioq lo bed with the caj>taln ~the 110Cat team Jut nllbl. 1 -face to lace. la there aometlllng wrong with me! My . be1t filend ay1 111i1 la not normal and I 1. am a ll'yeor;old girl who 11 COil· • need. pro(Ma!liii&J belp. u you uy· Iba la liderec! attracUve, good company tn4 I . right l'll 0tell, Mom I am.l!tvilll - ...... you'd <all me popularJ Thl;l'• 1111' .headadia .... t want to,llO for ...... pr•llje;n, I'm' too popular. Tbe w<>nl baa ing: ~~ "4V1ae me. -YES GIRL aotten around that I'm a pulhover and il'• tru<. I just can't aay no. The reault ls . • DllAR GIRL: Y"'1 lrteod la '!Pl~ I that I end up 11,.plnf with erny boy on . ""P 7"'1o pl llelp at -. Pt t 1 Tu) the .... ·~date ... .. lllPl7 ·--· ... ...,. v • ., ·~~ . • .-r*"11111ot•lliat111 .,.Gelpllt .. Tbe weird port ii I d<lt>'l gtt anytbinC pd locl<. CONFIDENTIAL TO TRYING TO G111r AHEAD: Keep trying, fella." You ...S one. Sending the ~ , Co.,, cii UIOl- was a ll'Oll viol1tion,of M•"cliaft, Mow ii no lime tout me U lt'a a llJOCl ldla. Rowwll:rw--.. ~­ amtl: alcllf? AH..._ I 11•1i1. ._. ,_ lier -•<te.e w llu ...,.., lo NI .. -..... ·-·-...... I...., .. 7•• 1 11•,.. 11• •NllFI ..... ,..~ ... ··~-..... · ...... ,.. ... ,..,.211-.......... .. m"I tf .. DAILY PILOT w I ' J a ...., tell 11 ..W. ....... UllllL • - • . Business · Cut Short • ~-°""'-""' .. 1111 fer ,....... ., Ibo r Lldo Ille Wcftln( °'""""'"', cl Ille · Or-Coun11 __ _,, andlllll _..-,will be ..... .... -, . vlln. 1llcliard lkChn will -ber ---TbeedoJ fer Ibo .,...... -... ., lilt .,.. for tbe, cmvn"'ee, wblda ~lo be -... bi• .... • but ._ 1111 fun. • ... 1 \ . 'Jlle "'* 711 ....... will be hlpHal"od wllb •"''-of ofllcen_ Accept1n1 -Ehl-will bO Ille 1 Mmel. Robert Vorilale, ' ' chairman; lloDI Lolhain. co' dlaliQlln; n..,., Cl'llpln, .......,,, JOiin Sc-. .,... relp!RUng aeerew,,, and Elrl Sawj>er, -· ~ I I 11odwn and ""'*"'' will ~ , . follow and -will WINNING TICKET -Spring aDd summer i3shlons from Ann Fo!Jler's, l':alh- be 1 .. twoc1 durllll 1lle al-ion bland, have won the -vote of members of Irvine Coast, Republican W~ _,, _ en's Club. Viewing a dress which will be shown at a fashion sbow·lnnd>eOD -will· be tbe Mmes. -orecl by the dttb Tqesday, May Tl, are Mrs. W. Lee Spencer (left), Don ~. Gleli ·Tbomu, president, and urs., R. D. Farrar (center). Model is Mrs. Mirrle Bouchey, also KEYS TO LEADERSHIP -Unlocking the doors to effective leader$bip are Oefl_ to; right) the Mmes: Nlcbolas Jus\, H. Jooeph l!mi>antlez. !mi• MQfandi · and William Donovan, memben of the-Orang~ Cowr ty Deanery of Archdioce8811 Council ol Catbollc -Women. 'The COWJCil will host iu second leadenhlp wortabops Tuesd~, May'!/, In the N~ Inn. Stanley Bun1ll, Neill Davis d b be r __ "· a u . mem. r. ..~ ~.-"1•· ~~~~~~--'--~- . ' ' -.. -Horoscope Era's End Workshops Expanded ' ' .. ' ' ~Good Leade_ r,s_hin Ahead -T oastec:l Leo: ,Travel Due Politics Put Aside,, Fashions Voted Upon J!"' SATURDAY . . . l'lrrN'""'--wlll -'-'IMr--~ ~rning to be effective un. <ind -.C. Mrs._ l')lbllc lit~ will leotuno , end ol ao =j the 1111 ;... 1141.'Y"l4-- leaders will be rnembeni and Rlcl!ard · Bland,-·keynote ,Miii Mary,Joaea, community i._ nl&bt dinner party cl lilt By SYDNEY OMARR guests of the Orange County speaker. for the opeolng rel11l'o111 ·coordlnator f,.. -in '"~ u .. -Inn ··-("-~••-April ti)·. Deanery, Archdiocesan Coon-IHIU!on. • · ' ~land speabr and ·~-..... --~ ~ cil ol Catholic Wcmen, when Mn. Blantl,'iresident o1 St.· 'Mri. Lo.ill l'l.randl 'of But> prior to tbe premlm ol Get bulc cbora ou1 of way they, gather in the Newporter Ann'• llospltal Guild and . ttncton Bettcha moderalor. "Dylan" in Laguna Playhouse early. Tun!Pt )'OU can make Inn Tuesday, May 27. boird member' ol lhe Loo ' l4n."WHuaai Kellr,. loueder W"'-•Y evening, Moy 211. meanlttiful --· Be More than soo reglstranll Aqeles ~-.CGundl ol : the : t:ltl!dmt'•. llolpl!al Wbea First Mibt-gather receptive lo new Idell. Novel "" expedA!d far the second ol ~~ Womon. will es· gUildo,.'wllflglOairl'far SerVlng approach II belt. aonuaJ leadership workshops plain l!'neral_ ~ (!(. 'llu'oilib ' ~, wblch , aplnnext !all, they will be at-TA11111JS (April Z.May 20): which have been e%p8Dded this -m'!ll•~U"'!.: .initlailve , and will· hne'Mra. Bit' Mercado ,tendlol plays !n--. the. new Good hmlr aspect todly coin- year lo develop leadership at. other ..... ol importance lo cf. Ginla , Gr .o v e as i.qw.M!XJllo!i !'~ To ddes with -. ......., in all ]evels. . those Ieadinc a1group. ~1 • • bridge the span bdw.U old outlve eft'orts. Your intuition ~ N;!,;!,~,E !,fu•~ 0~ lo~ · ~arlob School andnew,p"'8)1FlntNlghter =ir:·.r:ce.~trlghl the oemlnar to order at 9:30 Serring~U~ led by will be bySJmrAI> ol!lcen will oorry on duties GEMINI (Moy II.June 20): . : l Parents .'Invited " ~ A six-week series on Home 1 Mma""""'I cl Cl1lldren With + LearoT;;C'Iilsahilities will be o I f e r • d by the Academic 1.J Addnemmt and Learning .. Gr.upbelftinlncMonday; May ~ 26. " ~ will be Lawrence '.}, Y. s.......,.i,, diredor, and r, Jocall6D ;,I!! be the Perceptual ! 'l'nltd!I( Cenl>er, Orqe. I The -'riiot iiasion wilt be llll· , i ed the alild With a Learning ~ Dilabllity and will cover nomenClature and the role of child and parent. \ Sableqoent sessions will be U-.ianding Those Feelings, June 2; Keep Your Child Out ol My Yard and the Siblings Have Feelings. Too, June 9; Home and School Problems, June 15; Discipline a n d Preparing !or an OccupaUon, June 23. The final session will be an overview of the child with' a learning disability and a review or self~l ROBINSON'S ITAMPAND"COllmwcl'OU 'MlllCC ....... ~ ... ,.,.. ___ ., __ . ~,_ .. ..,.,..,. .... .. ..rm ST.cT91o ...... W.'r'ICMI .,.,._....,,,.. ... ,..,...~. cunrM0 CAT-0 ..... -"'4 Li ijlDo ___ Yr_ canrn:a:ll PElllCINllllo ..... wat. UNIRD S1AfH KAii 11.0C11AIOUMI ..... -.-....... PlltlTmn.:n ............. ~...., ...,__..... .. , ..... _.__.,..,..um~. ATTJIMl'1lllllt --..... .._.. ~--......,,,...,.._ --. ""a' ...... .-. .. ....,....,-mr ...... .. .-&WWDllSo -.in.-......... --1. yCtJ'u, 1K __,.. tfmt .,_ .,_ PUn"C -.ow ....... ...... (19 .... 7) ........... ,. vai... H{P....:l)ooo••••• I.IS W&.., ltl (lltft.«I). ....... ..... \Q-. rv CM"4ii0 •••••••• , ... _...... <•,.....,,······· "' IMNICUS SJ AN .IOUINAL Plla.&SH'ED QUA~LV --.~ • ...-ww. ·~<ta-> .... •-<-.-J ... ,,..._ .......... ( •AMPMIWS ·--~..,_ ., .............. Git~ ,.. a.tffO.--""" · ........ 3,00•-.) tlieRtv.'.r .. ~pillor =.~~~"= ~the11111'70llUIOll. Hmne bue 11 -led. You Of SL Cecelia's Ca I h o II c Mrs Willllm E r I c It 1 Hooting the party will be can ouccesslully enlertalo one Church in Tustbt and Mn. · . · , 0 ~ • Mr who is USually grumpy. Be William Goodwin. put presl-volunteff from St. ~ 1 1. Harritt M c C o n n e 11 , versaWe. dent ol the Loo •·-'--Schoo!, '~ Mn. Joi\n presldeot, and ber boaM CANCER (June 21.July 2%)· cH. Mn. ~~~.:r-•=-Slota fit A'!'it"m; -w U,l -.lien tbe .,__ ••-•~ . will~ -~· -die -- . ' --·-· Obtain blnl !ram Gemini Orqo, _ be-.~ St. <*ella'i CliltiiiaJ'"li! Adams, °'l!!n 'J'h>:tn-, Mory ..-.. Avoid tc1tlerlng w.'\J."' ~cm,.::~ ~-Will be l.,.i de Btu, Dorolb,y Davenport, =;~~~g mociaoled, bf lln. llerbert :;um:,. fer tbe .,_ w1t1cb Glldy1 ~ Wllllam lo exeea. Gru,.i ol 'A-iln .and will ..• lllmded· bf It Brug .. , Ela McLeod, LEO (July .23-Atll. 2%): hav.11n,.Rabert1wpr~ por;idtel..:__· _ · . ~.llo!Qy:and..Donald Emphul• on peuonal tecGDd vice pnllldmt Cl( tb1 "' Mn.,J-.., DJurt, .]ll"llio-Van&lerbllt. ~ Jllll!11icm. Mab purcbaes Loo '"""'"' 'Cameli •• dmtcl·liltf.aiAlllOl<aom. D!nner"11lbe ...... itl:t5 --.,. lo ~ yaJues, speaker. • di,' will be the ....._ following a I p.m. llOC!al Vacation all1re c:oold stand 8lnlnc wllb Imp r o v 1 d opeabr --Wiien Do -. Dtt..r nlonau.no hJP OD' list. S lg n l r I can t Battered Children Is Topic The -OtOd Syn-drome: Jltmlnltlon, cw aod-~wlll be dbcussed by a penoi ., ... perts in Cltrlll l!relbyterlan Olureb, H!lldlnglott lleldl. SJ>eOklnl will be Dr. J ... A. Guido, dlredor cl paydlially; Dr. John llaberlaod, chtel alaff pOychologlll; M r I , Mlcboel O'Dmahue, IDd Mrs. John L. Bnhaoy, Mental Health wod1tel -,,,. luncheclll and m~, llpoosorod bf tbe Womm I Semco Oqaolsation, will lake placo at .... Tuesday, May 27' There will be a " Id-mission charp, and mtrfa.. Uons may be made bf calJlng Mn. Wllllam Ealg, 147-39111. The ciW>-will heiln II 1 p.m., and lll)'ODe who wilbes may come ll)f the panel only. The spea1<m are 1nm tbe Pareot-chlld alnlc, Orqt County Medical c..ter, Con>- lllllllliy Mental Beallh Ser· -- We GO ltQm &re! mai be elalnod by caJllng the chan«es due that c:oold include ~ii lln. ~ -· Tlcln!I& travel. de Wllllaml .. _ ., eon.,. IDl1.lto! tutlL-bf calling VIJIGO (Alli. 23-Sept. 2%): ~. Ille piaJboale, -· Cycle hJP. People .,. irn· Double Festivities Planned by Sailors Opmln1 Day will be doubly fesUve for the Soutlt Shore sailing Club "llDt~no-,,.-o-w u memben have two reasons to celebrate. In add!Uon to Ute usW!I escltement marking the opening of another season ol boating, a new dulibouse will be declicatecL • Tradllional ribbon cutting cemnooles will begin at 1 p.m. wilb Morris P, Itlrlt, commodore of the Association of Newport Harbor Yacht Clubs and South Shore Sailing Club Commodore George Carver officlatiDB· A cllampagne toast-to the new dubbouse will foll_ow the dedication and opemng day nluals, and the two commodores will lead a tour of the facility to complete the formaliUes. Members and friends will join otlter area yacht clubs for a boat parade around the harbor at 2 p.m. and the day will be conclud«I with a smorgasbord oupper In the new clubhOUJe, located at 2527 Weot Coast Highway, Newport Beach. He!Jli:ng ensnre the success of the declicallon dll)' ban been the Mmes. Richard Bauer, Robert Carolan, Harlan Gustafson, Dexter Jackson and Giltner Knudaon. • • · Working under the direction of the officers, directors and cocnmittee chalnnen, the diJtaff members have made social arrangemenis, furnished, decorated and landscaped the new building. - Be PampereJ/ Come lo .. , rrJa/fie~ U/ig anJ &aul'i Salon - FOR JHOSE WHO PREFER THE BEST: e HARBOR AREA'S TOP BEAUTY & WIG STYLISTS e MANICURES & PEDICURES e VIVIANE WOODARD COSMETICS malfie~ Wig & Beauty Salon s• J4t6 _. ... ,,,._ HILl$AIN SOUAltl COSTA MllA •IANKAMlatcA•D• - nn. d!Nrs for the pilll'J A IPIOldd WJ to -drfollo and --gallerytray, tlcN1 ..,ma111d Ollrtllr,wllh pllrOICI""" • By w... llogelw "' lnlott--Co. 9l!1W tray, Sf,IO 1!" tray, $14,00 SLAVICK'S .a..-n-1111 Jt F11hioft lslend Newport IHch -1>44-lllO Y-~ ~ ~-~,MM!W (Mrtf, .... 0,.. M•Ml•y, Frt'•Y 11ltil t :lO p.ffl. ' ------. ------------------- pressed with your unique A fasblon show-I-bas abillUes. Take n t t at 'Ve • recetved the unarumous vote Encoorqe ~ eonlactl. -or-tbe-IrVtne c.o.t Republican LIBRA (Sept. 2S-Oct, 2%): Women's .Club and will take Good theater nlCbl-Be wllh place Tueoday, May 27, in the -who relax you. Bring Newporler hm forth sense of artbtlc ap-P ll"-~·; be t 'd preclation. • · · -• o 1.U:a 1'JU pu aSJ. e SCORPIO (Oct. is.NOY. 21): temporarily u members view Stress mi -lriendi.' 1-and spring and SUIJUlW' fashions wlalles. y.., got Moded back-from Ann Folger'• of Fashioo ing. 5\1.ccess is key W:ord for Island. · Also serving oo the -d are the Mmes. ~' ways and means _~: Farrar, bulletin and, Rob<rt Ho![, assistanf secretary. Cartoons Animated you today. ' ' .. __ ,,;_. ill b th SAGmAJUUS {Nov : 2Z-~weq........ w e e A cartoonist's view of the Dec. 21): Be prepan;i:i :tor ad-Mmes. Reed B au m a n , "funny paj>er" will be offered ded assignment, more Barbara Lusk, David Liv· members of the Costa ,Mesa responsibility. Important to tngston, Mirrl Bouchey, Art League next Tuesday by put Onjahlng touches cm pet Richard Netland and Robert Laguna Beach artist Roger project. Greater recognition G. Bard. Anns!rong. due. Be persistenl Summer flowers will dee-The cartoonist -Is CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. orate the luncheon tables and the creator of EUa Cinders, 19): Good lunar aspect today a bounty of door prizes will Napoleon· and Elby, Little:Lul11 coincides with travel, writing offer excitement tot he eveflt. and the Flinfstones and cur· and formulation of future Anyone wishing to purchase rently is working on special plans. Your ideas are bright, tickets, at,$5.50, may call Mrs. material for the Flintstones. origina]. Be confident. Su~ Raymond Farrar, 833-1049, or Armstrong will lecture and is on horizon. Mrs. Boland Bertonneau, 673-demonstrate watercolor pain- AQUWUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 4816, luncheon chairman. ting and cartooning f o r 18): Some hidden matters are Tbe club, on]y four months members and guests gathered brought itlto open. Be recep-old, has bad a wide variety of in the multipUrpose room of live. You gain more through meetings to interest its mem· AdartJS Elementary School, diplomacy. One who ls ill-ad-bers. A student politician from Co.st.a Mesa . vised jumps the gun. Don't California State College at A native of. Los Angelel, the compound error. Long Beach stated his views. Laguna artist at t e n·d e d PISCF.S (Feb.19-March ?ti): Mrs. 0. W. Richard described Pasadena City College, Choui- Attenilon centers around mar· the inauguration of President nard Art Institute and the riqe, partoershlps. Yoo are Nixon and Robert S. Barnes. Sueo Serisawa workshop. He more opOmiltic Oum usual. form er-chairman of the has been a nationally syn- What you need comes .to you . Orange County Republican 'dicated cartoonist since 1950 Central Committee, spoke on and is listed in "Who's Who in Leadership Roles Changed party organization. American Art," "American Officers of the new club, Painters and Sculptors," "A wttich reCeived charters frqm Dictionary o( Artists" and the California Federation of "Who's Who in the West" Republican Women and the Presently Armstrong is in· N a t I o n a l Fei:ieration of structing at Laguna Beach Mrs. Bill Wright of Costa Republican Women in March, School of Art and Design and Mesa will be .Installed ' as are the Mmes. W. Lee is a member of the California president of Delta Theta Tau's Spencer, preiident; Bauman, Watercolor Society and Mu Eta Chapter d u r i n g vice president; B a r n e s..,.--1.aguna Beach, Los Angeles ceremonies neit Tuesday in secretary; and Jack Donnell, and San Luis Obispo Art her home. treasurer. Associations. Other new offlcen are llie1'i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;m.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o Mmes. Betty Wilson, vicell - president; Don Nielson, a HARBOR REFORM reconling secretary; Tom . TEMPLE Wbolley, treasurer, and Ruby Ball, co=spondlng secretary. OPEN HOUSE A soda! event 11 being plan-RELIGIOUS SCHOOL ~em~. =~ SATURDAY, MAY 24-9:30 •.m. • 12 noon in tbe sorority moy call Mrs. ST. JAMES EPIS~OPAL CHU"CH Carl Varner, 6IU7l4, or Mrs. • Wholley, W-9457. J20t VIA LIDO NIWPORT llACH •U.UTY YOU CAM Siil •• , OUM.ITV YOU CAN l"-U" .ANKl~S Im )Wt ....,., wt the C9mpftt9 1todc:1 .,. :.2 ...., .._ ••• ,.,. .......-iatt ll19ultlatlM at PAHTAITIC SAVINGI t. JMI 0,.0 M11I 1 m Fridof 'tll t ...... I WI HAVE MANY . KIMBALL TRADE-INS at VERY LOW PRICES! EXAMPLES SANTA ANA &TORI PIANOS· lltt:y 0.nlah Walnvt tr~:!:.. ____ •495 Wurl!her '425 l'INIT .,. ___ _ ORGANS . HafnlMIMI MS wttt\ ......... .... '""' ........ -95 u .. ,,,~ •t _ -I • ..., ,.,,, ........... OfWt ............ '191 All-T,.Mhtor ·- , I DAllY ~llOT J S No One In Danger' of ,Losing Joh-Y.et-W alsh U~I Tt """",. TELL-TALE SIGN -The sign tells lhe story at lhe 15lh hole of the ."i.Uanta Classic Thursday as Jacky Cupit watches his putt rim the cup. Cupit recovered from the setback and went on to log a 67 and tie Canadian George Knudson for the fi.rst·rouod lead. Regains Old Touch Living Room Workout Gives Ar11ie 68 Round ATLANTA (AP ) -Arnold Palmer is pulling like the Palmer or the past in the $115,000 Allanta Classic Golf Touma· ment, and if he keeps it up his rivals pro- bably will claim he has ''a lady's touch" en the greens. The slumping king of the pro tour knocked in birdie pulls of 15, 10, 10, a, 2. and 2 feet for a four-under-par 68 which left him only a shot off the lead shared by Jacky Cupit and George Knudson aoing into today's second round. Tbe multimillionaire, who made a fortune out of golf but ha sn't won since last September, didn 't spread the word. SEYMOUR, SHIELDS HEAD FOR MEXICO Golden West College's talented track and field stars Jim Seymour and Don Shields have received bid! to compete in an All-Star meet in Mexico City, June 2S. 21, Ille DAILY PILOT ezclusively learned toda7. High jumper Shields (6-11) and hurdler Seymour (14.4 and 52-flat) who have posted the nation's best junior college times of the year in the ir specialties, will be members o( an all-California team which will compete against a Mexican' all-ttar squad. The m<et ~ bclng eo-sponso«d by the U.S. State Department and the Mezican government. But it got out anyway that he took a tip from a lady about putting on the eve of Thursday 's opening round. Palmer had dinner Wednesday night at the home of Tom Brown, an Atlanta et.· ecutive in the Arnold Palmer Golf Co., whose wife, Dodie, is a former Georgia women's champion. The Browns showed Palmer their living room where the carpeting Is designed to simulate a putting green, and a regula· tion goll cup is sunk in the floor . Mrs. Brown said she thought she could help Palmer's putting, which has been his downfall in recent months. She stepped up and knocked In 10 straight putts from 10 feet. "Amie's eyes lighted up," and he grab- bed the putter, Brown said. "Then he knocked in 35 putts in a row from 10 feet away, and the only reason he missed then was because we were all giggling and laughing, and Amie Hnally broke down laughing," Brown said. Palmer still was grinnlng broadly after the opening round, which he said was "the best I've had in • long time." The tip Mrs. Brown passed on was that Palmer shou)d keep tbe putter down when he follows l.hrough. Palmer took her putter to the course with him for the opening round, but ex· perimented with another he hadn't useJ for two years and decided to try it. '1 think I'll use tt for at least another round," said Palmer, who conceded he had "co~ntrated on hitUng the putts more solidly." 7th Straight Loss Leaves Rig Ba·ffled By GLENN WHITE 01 tflt o./ly' PllM Staff DETROIT -Angels' general manager Diet Walsh reassUttd the pres~ that it was status quo for bis players and thelr ma~er -at least for tQe time being - following the Halos' ~venth straight loss Angel St.te Mtl' I' -Mo-tb ti O.Srolt, 4:$$ •·"'· !CMPC: (1101 ~~ 1• -A"ffh; ti De!rolt, 10:21 t .m. !CMPC M9!1 ff -A/'Qeb •I Oortnlt, lt1H t.m. !CMPC ol this cunent road disaster, a 4--3 set· back •t Boston Thursday afternoon. So at this lime no one's job appears to be in imn1ediate jeopardy, although \Yalsh did admit he and everyone else connected with club management is con· cemed over the unhappy string ot defeats. · Manager Bill Rigney seemed to have fu nerals in mind followill8 the loss, although he didn 't elaborate on who's. As the members Of the press filtered F ergy Follows Advice, Trips Dodgers, 3-0 LOS ANGELES (AP) -The message of Ferguson Jenkiru: from his Chicago Cubs teammates was clea.r and simple. "You just throw strikes," it said, "and v.·e'll get you the runs." Both parties lived up to their bargain. Jen kins yielded only four hits and struck out seven Thursday night while his mates manufactured three runs off Bill Singer Dodger Slate M•~ n -Dodi!~ VI Cl'lk•VO· 1:15 o.m. KFI 1•.0l May 2~ -ODdl!trl w ' $1. Loul1, 1:11 p.m. KFJ of the Los Angeles Dodgers as the Cubs collected a 3--0 victory. Jenkins, the National Le agu e ' s strikeout leader with 72, might have end· ed up with a two-hitter but two ground balls which bouncea off first baseman Ernie Banks' glove were ruled base hits. "It was one of his better gan1es of the year,'' enthused Cub Manager lA'o l>urocher. "When he gets by the rirsl couple of innings Fergy is awful tough." The Dodgers and St. L®is Cardinals open a three-game series here tonighl. v;ith Steve Carlton, J.4. opposing th e Dodgers' Alan Foster, 0.1, making his first start since ~1ay 3. In the Thursday night battle. the Cub.:1 broke a scoreless pitching duel between Singer and Jenkins with a tainted run in the sixth. CHICAGO L01 ANGILl.5 ... , " f'bi Kn1lnver. 11 J 0 2 0 CrfW!llrd, rl 8 K ktfl, :lb S 0 2 I Slltmort, H 15.Wlltlemt. (f s o 2 o W.O•vls, cf S.nto, Jb 4 o I o 1<:01<:0, tr l!i•nln, lb J 1 o o Hallrr, c Hundley, c l o o o Parker. II> S1111no1,r, ti ' 1 I 0 Ltfellvrl. 2D HlcluTlln, rf o o o o s11111kl1; Jb PhllllPI, cl 1 I I 0 Slrtger, p HHlh, pl! 0 0 0 0 G•brlelJ"", pl\ Younv. c1 1 o o o Jeti~ll\I, .. J 0 0 0 •• r h rltl • 0 I 0 ' 0 0 0 4 0 I 0 l 0 0 0 l o I 0 J 0 0 0 l 0 ' 0 J 0 0 0 I O o o I 0 0 I To!tll 35 l t J TOl•l1 ll:I 0 4 0 Cllk:•vo ooo 001 100 -l Los AnVtlt• 000 000 000 -0 E -J1nkk\I, Sud•khl, 15tnk•. DP -Cllktl<I 1. LOl5 -ChUOO t, LOf Afr9tlft J, 21 -Phllllpl, '· Wllll•ma. $p!lnQllt. IPH•1.•1•so Jrilfll tW .. 21 t ' a o 0 1 Slntff IL.l-'l t t l J 4 t Tlmt -l :U. AttenMnc:• -11,f1l, Baseball Eyes New Setup MILWAUKEE (AP) -Arthur Allyn, owner of the Chicago White Sox, said Thursday the American and Natlonal baseball leagues will merge in the near future. Allyn predicted the merger could occur in December at the winter meetings. "The merglng would result in three eight-team divisions," Allyn aald. "The new setup would be ca1led just 'baseball.'" "There would be West, Central Vld Eastern divisions, and woukl be created on a geographical basis. A look at the map would provide the key as to the loca· lion of the respective teams." he told newsmen. The White Sox owner said the lhinkinc of j'independent people" as well u those in ~It is along tbe lines of• merger. JJe explained that the new structure would be headed by a president of baseball in the fonn of today's com- missioner. and "with the same powers." The present commissioner is Bowle Kuhn. Into his quarters., Rig asked, "\\'ho are y~. the pall bearers~" ''Don't come in here shaking your heads at me .. .it's happeued before;• he snapped. However, it hadn't happened · Delore VI thls season -not seven tosses in suc- ctulon. And it had never before hap. pcned on the road, that an Angel te:am would drop seven straight. ''l'l•e told them (lhe team) ev~rything I kno\I' -now I'm trying to think ol something else to do," he said. "It seems like we're going to pieces. The thing that makes me maddest is los- ing the :HI lead. There see.Olli to be a law oc this club -'No one is going to get a hit with the bases full.' " Somehow, lhrcrugh the agony of it all. RJgney has retained his sharp sense of hu1nor. Asked what he planned to do in view of Jay Johnstone'' loss to the ~farines this v.'eekend, Rig said, "I told him to see 1r Ibey n~ed any add!tlonaJ help." _ The AngeJs, who face Mickey I,.olich tonight at 1>etrolt's Tiger Stadium, have suirered every frustration imaginable on thls swing east. \Vhen th,e pitchers were pitching well, the hitters seemed to be on . vacation. Then it was vice versa when batting pick- td up. In between, 1nental lapses on dercnse and faulty basc-runnlng v•ercn't helping the cause. Take the last tvoo engagements in Boston -witnessed by 40,000 rans. The Angels outhit the Red Sox. 19·10. Yet they fl>iit lhose games, 1-3, and 4-3. Thursday they were shot down by "'alks {10 or lhem) and their inability to capitalize on numerous early-iMh:u:i scor- ing chances. Boslon had three hill, yet scored tour timq. It was 3-3 going into the last of the ninth . Then a wal k, sacrifice and Reggie Smith 's single with two out brought the debacle to a close. Rig commented afterward, "You can'l have bod thoughts In bosel>oll, but I had one today. I thought thal young man tAngel starl<r Tom Murpby) was IOiDll to pitch a no.hitter. ti Murphy went four and two-thirds Inning before yielding a blngle. So, tonight it's the defending world champions for Rigney and his battle- weary forces. CALIFOllMIA •oSTOH , •b •llf111 t~rllrtll Alem.tr. 2b 4 o 1 o .-...dr...,., 111 2 t 1 Fr~I, u l 0 I 0 O.Jolln. I~ l I I Jo!\11$two.. (I l I I I Yntr,.f'llWl'.1, It l 2 ' \'Ou, ti 1 O D I 11.lmilfl, Cl l I t RtkMrdl, If 4 l I 0 PC"troc.tl1J, U J 0 I R~. 1~ l 0 0 0 A.(OOlig .. ro, rt l 0 I A.Rlldr19ver. a. 1 o I o S<.111t, Jb l O O '41r;..1111,c Jo I l An...-. c ' t t O.vtlillo. rf 1 O I t Nl>QV, p I I t L,._JOl><uOn, rl l 0 I 0 Ltfldb, P I t t MUlfflhi, O 1 I I 0 LtHoull, If\ I t t McGlolhllf\, o 1 o o I J••~is, P 0 • • SllloJrl, pi, I 0 0 I S<.rw.llolld, 1111 0 t t Wiiheim, p I I t t 0'15tl..., '11 I t • Toi~!• JI J 1 1 Totl ll 2' ~ I Two tu! '*""" ~1119 rV!'I KOflll. c111ro..n>io «11 am OOll -J &o.IOtl 000 lt20 101 -• How Do · l'ou Lil~e That, Chief? The mascot of the AUanta Braves, Chief Nokahoma, puts the evil eye on Mets' outfielder Cleon Jones bul il didn't work Thursday night because Jones made a sensational catch of a sure home run drive by Hank Aaron. And lhat's not all . The next batter, Orla.ndo Cepeda. also sent a shot in the same direction and Jones made a great catch of that one, too. But the Braves won anyhow, J.5.3. Burned Once, He Rolls Again Andretti Trying New Car t N D I AN AP 0 LIS (AP) -Marin Andretti , his face still blistered from a fiery v.·reck Wednesday, returned to the Indianapolis Motor Speedway Thursday in another car atld immediately began running with lhe fastest drivers, The little Italian-born racer turned laps al more .than 169 miles an hour in the Hawk·Ford with which be won the U.S. Auto Club championship race at Hanford, Calif., April 13. "It's hard to tell whether the Hawk has the potential of the Lotus," he said. ''The Hawk Is llgbler and has only two-wheel· drive to the Lotus' four-wheel-Orive. "We have the spare Lotus, but it's four days .away from being ready to run, and there's no chance to use it," he said. Andretti had been up to 171.789 m.p.h. in the new Lotu1'·ford which was demolilhed Wedne!day. Tbe car threw its right rear wheel and skidded against a wall at high speed, then broke Into flames. Only 10 drivers have qualified for the race May 30. A. J. Foyt Jr. or Houston, a three·time winner of the 500, has been fastest at 172.315 in his Coyote.ford. Spcrts 111 Brief \\'ally Dallenbach of East Brunswick, N.J., moved into the 168 m.p.h. class Thursday \1.:ith a lap of 168.887 in an Eagle powered by a turbocharged Of· lenhauser engine. Banty Slugger Olivares Favored Over Sakurai North's coach in Orange County's second annual Orange County all ·slar prep prde at La Palma Part June 19. The South coach hasn't yet bct:n chosen. • Toomey Says Preps Need De.cathlon l,.OS ANGgLES -Knockout specialist Ruben Olivares of Mexico, who has stop- ped 47 oppo,nents In 49 ring appearances, remains a IM favorite to whip Takao SUkural o( Tokyo In their 12-round ban· tamweight fight at the Forum Friday night. A turnout of 1o;ooo and gate receipts or around $70,000 are' expected by promoter George Pamauus. Both lights have been ganct:looed by the Callfornia Athletic Commlsslon as tille elimlnaUont and U'lc winner between Olivares and Sak1.1ral has ' b e e n guaranteed a championship match with Uonel Ron of Australia. SACRAMENTO -Dave Beba's f.lve !JI. nings of rellet pitchJng and Jim Bern. stein's two-run doubie paced Pugel Sound to a 7-2 victory Thursday night ovtr Chapman for the NCAA Pacific Regi~ college division bNeball title. SANTA BARBARA iAP) -Bill Toomey, fofh"titrt! 'rlltional decat!'ilon cUmpion from Laguna Beach, says the ~tblon will die in America if ..... thing l.m'l clone to -it in hlgb school• "Yoo can't expect. 2 $·ye• r -o Id schoolttacben to t•ke up the decathJon •nd beat the Russians," said the 30-yur. old Toomey, who llarled hi< deulhlon cllmb ""' )'<On ...,. "In Mier to elev.lop l!1eal decathlon 1thlelet, Yo" hlwe to llarl -· A ]ll"O-lfllll bu. to be started In the high schools arKf a juiilbl' national cham· plonshtp should he h<ld. OtherwlR, the decathlon Is doomed." "Aftf'.r all." hr: said, "how many athletes get discouraged at Injuries and never come back! But, aa a decathlon rn&I). you've got to ezpect injuries. Jt'a part of the game." Toomey hu won lbe naUorW tkvenl title each yur since tt6S. He hu wrutJ. ed -the id .. ol qultllnfr and Uling his master's d e g r e e In educ•UOR u • springboard tc> an acadtm\c career. "I might even 80 aller a doctor•tt," he says. "But it sure would be nic< to go oot by winnfn& a fifth national Utle. And I'd like to be on the U.S. team when we meet !be Russians ... In 19'$1 Toomey w•• t-i In decathlon competitions but won the natkmal lllle. ln 1986 be was 2·1, in 11117 he was 4·1 •nd 6-1 last leaSOll. Ht dropped out or Southern Catifornia'it ML San Antonio decathlon Jut April 26-27 becau1t of an Injured left le&. "So I guess I'm 0.1 this year. But there wu no lle09e taking any chancel an get-tina a letious injury," he aid in an In--· . "lt'1 pins \o lake me about ai1 wttks. lo pt blcl< to the point Whero I think I CID brak the -Id """"· I l\ltA I toUld Co out richt now and tc0re 1,000 polnll but there'• n<>I -... "' thll." The world m.,t' ol 1,n1 -oet by Wttt. Gtrmanf?• IGd1 Bendlln two ye1rs· qo. Whal does Toomey think It will take Lo break the world mark? "I'll hive to run the too metm lo 10.1, Iona Jump betttr than 1$ feel, throw the shot about 41 feet, hJgh jump at leut U and nin a 47.0 quarter." • Toomey, one o( the world'i fastest de- cathlon men, ·bu run CS.t ln the 400-meter dash. "Then on the IOCOOd day, I'll have to run a I u hl«b blrdtes and toss the dilcus lit or ... l'D 1ttlle IOI' I lH pole v•uk but I'll have to throw lhe javelin at least 220 feel. Theo. If I'm feelblg all Mght, 1 think I can run the 1,500 meters in 4:20." lf he's on thPl timetable by the end of J une. 8111 Toonicy may crack 9,000 points. • • MINNEAPO~IS -Truslee5 ol the American Ba•klball Aaoclatlon toted Thtir5day \o move lhe league's office from Minneapolis tc New York and to r•lse COrrunluloner George Mika.n's Wary. MiJr:an received $50,COI ln each of the lirsl twG yeera of his three-year contract. He will recelve $79,00C' for the thlrd year. • Ktnnedy 11igll School basebatt coach Dick Stucli has betn named as tbc • NEW YORK -Tbe New York Giants ol I.be NaUon.al Football League sent 1 a hlflh, lfi1I draft chol<t to San FrandS<O Thunday for Clart Miller. captain of Ille 49ers' defensive unit and tbe regular rigbl end. ' SANT A CLARA -Rieb Tr<M!dsoo, tho Santa Clara-· bot left-lllndor, goes 'qalnst Iigbt-hander Al Hoops of UCLA ih~ af\emooo In the firtl of tlie NCM District a bl!tball pl1yofrs. It's a two-ool..of-lhree aerltl, with the .. se<."Ond gazntL and If rKlCi!Uary the thlro, to ba plll)'eil on lbe Brul111' home di;. • mond at Westwood Saturday. ..------------"":"""'--~-~------------~---·-·--· ''""· ..., u. 1'69 MV Pro After .Ope••» :Berth TOM HMS Lagunan Trains Grid Kickers For Pro Jobs The scene is: the k>cker room or any major league pro football tee.m after any Sunday game. The coach and his asslstanls go Into a huddle. The team'• 117 &Alli. GUS'l'XEY ........ ,. ...... Qualllytnc !or tbe' U.S. Open 1011 to1nmt111fla't what )'OU could Clll a piece of can. It's 1 IOn&. hJrd pull and '1"" lllCI< ,mllll be 11 leut the eq\111 of ,..... Htll. On ~. S,447 proc plhered al "'""°' aniund 1111 country !or rqlon· al qlllllf1lnl ........ Only llt ~ that hurdle to advance to Ibo June 2-3 aeclil>oll quolllying ""'nds, from which tbe Open O.ld will bO oelecltd. One of -who qualified Monday was Bob Unger, an -~ pro repruentlq Mlalon Viejo Coontry Club. Unc<r not ooly qu1U!led -bo postal tbe 1owe11-..... In lbe naUoo Monday, a 'llMl--ISI. He lopJ>ed the lklon qualifying lielcla •l Loe An&eleo Country Club and Bel Aire by a fat four strokes. Terry Diii quolllled In Dall"' wUh a 138, the clolest IOlft to Unpr'a. "l'm really ucKed about It 111," Unger uld. "Now If I can do as well 1t· the sec- Ll<>nll qualifyinl I'll r01lly be hippy." The CllllorriJa. ttdloolll will be held 11 the Riviera ~ Club ID Loa Angeles. , A ber\h In the U.S. Open !leld (June 11-15 at Dallu) would smooth over iOmt ot1ht 1t1n u._.. bem for io. ing out in a tourn1mtnt two weekl aco In Palm BtlCll, Fla. Since Uncer. II, j111uurned pro In January, he needed to allend lhe PGA'o rookie 9cbool In Palm Belcl1 and qualify in 1 aublequent tourna- ment to be ellalble for the PGA tour. Una:er needed to. flnilh sixth lo ma~e it but missed out on a third extra hole playoff and wound up aeventll. Now he h11 to wait unW out ytar to IO throug)l 11 all over a&ain. ·'That'• a big tmcUe to clear for 1 beglnninC pro like myself," he ex· plains, "particularly so because it cosbl $1,200 to co to that scbool." Una:er grew up in Milwaukee, where he wu state 1mateur champion and runnerup In tht naUonal Publlnx tournament last year. At Cerritos T oniglit Ke returned a month a10 with five other yoonc Ameri<lc p<o1 who pi.yed in teven tournament.I in seven ~·eeU wlth atopl e.l Tokyo, Hong Kong, Sln&tpore and Ma1ay1la. Since lhtn, he's .. leornlni some of the 1ame'1 more 19phlsilcated sklU. from veteran craftsman Jeck- Fie<k, winner ol tbe lliii U.S. Open and currently bead pro 11 Mbolon Vie- jo. ~ -- "Jack hu been teachlna; me way11 to control my mental outlook on the course and oow to develop a wiMing atUWde. He'1 abown me how I ean prevent myaeU from letllng lhinp set me down.'' Un1er rdlectl the poslUve ouU09k Fleck hu Implanted in him . "I feel I'll make it to the Open now," he uy1. ' "l'm swln1ln1 a lot better and my game 1how1 IL Consklertnc the two dtmandlna; COW'les I pl1yed at to qualify Monday, I'd say that wu the best golf I've ever played." field goal ldcker or punter was injured and they need a replacement. Who do they turn to? Chances are they might call Tom Hau, a Laguna Beach High School electronics Marina Heads Area CIFers teacher. • . What's the connection ? Haas and A small bind of Oraqe Cout area former pro rootball kicker Ben Agajanian athletea are entered ln tanlaht'• nwdna run the world's only pro football kicking ol the CIF !rid ond O.ld llnall al Cer· clinic al Cal ·Slate (Long Beach). . ritos College. Now in lls third year, Haas. 26, and Field evenll begin at 7 and the first A1aJaniai'I, 50,-are invtting~anybody-whl>-race ls b~ for!:~ thinks Ibey could develop into a pro C.olenlllil aiiil COmpton liljb ochoolJ klcker to their camp. ll's a labor or love, are the 5eading candklatea for vanity there's no money involved. · twn. ~· Haas himself i& a taxi squad punter for Individual attention focuaea on WhiUler Ille Dalla! Cowboys. High'• Bill Sims ond • remarbble·fleld In the l·mlle. S1m1 rln!lhed lint In lhe aemlllnall lut week in lhe DO and 440 with llmea ol IU ond 41.1. ~ 2-mile race, the last runninl event before the relays, bu -10 entrants with semtlli>ll Um .. o19,:io or bell<r. El Modenl High'• Dave Whlle leads the field with his CIF record 9,ou. Area competitors in varsity com- peUUoo are the varsity '40 relay team of "We generally have about 20 guys at our Clinic every Wednesday a.ftemoon, starling at aboul 4:30," Haas reports. Best Chance E.,er "We're really starting to or1aniie ounelves now to the point where every pro club knows about us. We'll be holding our clinics right up until the pro teams begin their summer training campa." Haas played football at Cal State (Long Deach)' for a season and averqed U.1 yards per punt in 1965. He was drafted by 1he Cowboys and has been kept <Jn standby ever since. Agajanian, or course played for over 10 years in the National Football League. Their track record isn't impressive yet due to growth pains -only one of their students has been picked up by the pre. <the Rams) and he's still a taxi squad mon. Haas says if a punter can keep the ball In the alr for 4.~ seconds he's got a chance. "It's not reaUy lhe di.ltance that mat- ters so much as how high you can punt - to give the defense Ume to get to the receiver." Haas handles the punters while A1•· janlan works with placement kickm. The ronner opines that the weak llnk in prb football's massive scouting system is It& recruitment of kickers. "The pros will set a guy kick 4>yard field goals in college and sign him up right away, give him a $10,000 bon\15 and then rind out in camp he can't do the job. \Ye can give them a heller line c.n a guy b!fare they pay him anything, so they're really encouragin& us." He a,dds that Aiajanlan is working with a lield goal kicker £rom Torrance who may wind up in the big leagues this summci•. "This feUow, John Goldberg, kicked five-for-five from the SO lest week and I think he's got a real chance." A chance is what he and Age.jenian of- fer . "There's a lot of good kickers around who never went to college that the pros don't know about. II any guy hes a desire to kick in the pros and wanls to work at it, we can steer him in the right direc- tion." Blood Named Ne,vport's MVP Dare! Blood was named most valuable on Newport Harbor High School's track team at an award• banquet for lbe SaHors' cinder squad ln the school cafeteria ThUr!lday night. Award winn ers: V•rslftl -C11>11ln: Bob Adem11 MV: D1rel lloodl Most lmr,;-= lio'W~ ~flitt• IM -r.ltlfl: lrM -kl!Ull(I MV: ,,..,. Arl'Nnd 1..0 IUdl Itri Moll t"'Pf'0'1'911: llldr. l"lttdMr Cn -111t1!11: Man Hot .. ltl MY: Grlf .V..itU Moot Im........,: NII l r"""11. . Only Bad Luck Can Stop ' Gurney From ·Indy Win By DEKE HOULGATE OI .. Dllr ,_ lteff (-lo 1M llal la a oerleo al arilelet -Orup C-1 --com· peUaa la* -........... 111.1 On May SI, t•._Coola Mesa will be lbe auto ricing caJlltll of the world. That's the: day after Din Gurney wins the In · clianapolil 500, ot course. He'll win il That ii, he'll wln It U there are sUil st.an to the sty,• moon in June. a pipe and sllpper• for Dad on Father's Dey, rain in lndianapolil in tbe sum- mertime and God Blea America. The hometown folks may ctlebrate to their hearts' content, but Gurney belonaa to the muses . He i& a1 much a bouJehold name in Ktokuk , la., and Fran- corchamps,..Be.l&lum, as he is on Harbor Blvd. DanJel Sexton Gurney goes into his eighth Indianapolis 500 on Memorial Day . with a better cha.nee to win than he has ever had. He will drive an Olsonite Eagle be bad built in his own Santa Ana shops, and the car has all the earmarks of a ~inner. Add to the mecbanlcal excellence of the Ea1le a driver of Gurney'11 credentials, and the only thing that can ketp them out of the winner's circle is poor racing luck: First, let's look at the car. It's lower and wider than any Eagle ever setn before. The purpose or sculpturtn1 tile profile of the car In a radical new way is to take advantage of new areodynamic knowledge th at sloping flat frontal area helps the car stay on the ground . Tile new concept is called a "wedge," and while it is in VOBUe todll)' at the speedway, very few car builders have carried the design to the extent of sophislicatlon that Gurney has. An aerodynamtc cowl covers his re1r- mounted Ford engine, further smoothing the flow of air over the racer. The car ii one inch shy of It feet Jong. To the top of the rollbar It is only 3t in· ches high, whJch is to say that the car doesn't quite reach Dan's kneecap when he ii standing alongside. Wheelbase is sllghlly under 100 Inches. For pawer Gurney plans to use his 32D cu. ln. stock block For4, but be will have a turbo-Ford (1111 cu. in.) in cue ht has to UJe it To help acbieve the ,flat profile. fuel tankJ e11eod outward from both sides or tilt body, aort ol Uke IP amendment lo the car. (Let's see now,.where'll we .bang the lanb!) In reality, they were planned that way. after entnsive tW at Rivenlde and Hanford. Now, u if it Wert nettlaary, let 's look at the driver. He's only the greatest. Indy wiMer Bobby Unser said, "The two belt drivers in the world today are Jim Clark and Dan Gurney, and Clark is dead." Gurney ls returning to the speedway after finishing second In a car that wa11n'l given more than a pusi.ng chance to make the top five. His Indianapolis record, which began in 1962, Is as follows : 20th, 1th , 17th, 26th, flth, 21st and 2nd. ._ His worst finish was cauSed by the \Yeird first lap accident in 1966, and his best two flnishes were achieved because he wa1 stUI running at the end. In every other Indy appearance, however, Gurney's attention was being diverted from h.is largtr purpose in rac· Ing, the grind prix circuit. 'l'hb year, for the first time, be won·t be interruptjng his Indianapolis schedule with a flight to the Monte Carlo Grand Prix. Gurney is concentrating on Indianapolis in 1969. That bodes wen for appl~ pie and the Slers and Stripes. If Gurney wins, \Vall Disney Studios will have to produce a movie about it. It will be: the kind of show you can take your children to. Diahlo Banquet 1'1isslon Viejo Hi1h School will hold its ann1t1l spring Sports Awards: banqutt Tuesday night In the school cafeteria. Festivities 1et under way at 7. Tht baseba11 and track and fiekl. teama wlU be honored. DAllTIN' DAN -An Improvement. over His finish In lbe 19113 Indianapolis 500 will mean a trip down _vlclory lane !or CoJta Meu's Da.n Gurney Ib is Ume. Th• lnlemaUonally known racing. driver ls shown here after a tesl run al Orange County In- ternational Race\vay last month. He's added a unique design to his Olsonite Eagle for this year's race-a cover for lhe efijlne. Marina and lhe Vikings' Dave Lacy in the 100. The team of Jim Gaughan, Joe and Tony Ventimiglia am Lacy made it to the finals with a splendid 43.0 clocking in thtlr heal Friday in lhe semifinals. Lacy·1 10.0 earned him 1 shot at the finals In the 100. Laguna Beach Higb'1 Dave Hustwick is the best bet for a first place finish in the U1ht weight divisions with his entry in the Bee MO. Hustwicll: ran a 1;22.S in capturin1 his beat in the semis. Another real threat for first place in Bees Ls Marina's Bob Drehllng. Drehllng tOMed. the shot SS-81/, In the semis for the best. mark of the night. Others with good shots at honors in Bee acUon are Ralph Deu of Coflta Mesa in the MO (1:23.0) and mates Dave Da\•ls and Jon Marctliorlattl. Davis pole vaulted 13-0 in the semis to qualUy for the finals and Martbiorlatti made the top eight with a S.O qualifying leap In Ibo high jump. Estancia'~ Crai1 Nomura also qualifled in the pole vault at 13-0. Corona del Mar High School is represehted in the flnala by Nick Roseo who was third in hls Bee 1320 heat with a 3'1M!.I. Gene Taylor of Marina, in the Cee 120 hleh hurd}es and Briati'Bayleu of Hun· tlngton Beach, in the Cee shot put round out Oran1e Coast area performers. 120 HH •• Miit •• Ill LH "' 2·Mltt Milt "tltr P'oW V1111! Mith Jurn1 Sl'lol l'ut LOnt Jump Cll" •1co11DS f 1rl MCCullaudl, Polr ll.7 o;.. •rvc• GrlllltlJ. Nor1hvl1w U.7 1'611 Canlitnnltl 41.J 1'~ Smith, c""'''°" l:il.1 lf4' JOMI. ""' 1:11.1 lttl Grlffl11, Cenltnnltl '·S If'~ llt1tr, HMvlf" t.5 1ti2 l 111b)I, Muir '·S tKS Trtnllld\111, W11lrnl1151tr •:Of.J 1'6.S Wllll111u, Compton 4'.I 1to1 McCulltl/dl, Polr 11.1 1'"4 Pl11rrt1, Anthtlrn 11.( 1"61 White, El Motlfftl 9;02.1 tfff Clll1t11nltl 1:16.6 1t'8 Smith, Se. Ttrrtnct U-4\) lttt arlMllorlf, Co,,.,.!011 •11 1'68 Hu~u. "'"" '1-J\lo 1'64 P'l'Otlor, MUlf U.1 1'61 Raymond Gets Eagle Award Bob Raymond of Estancia High School \Vas named "Eagle of the Year" at the school 's honor awards banquet Thursday ni1ht . Raymond, who lettered in varsiLy wrestling and football for four years and twice earned his monogram in varsity track, copped the honor with a 3.01 1fade avera1e. He's the only Eslancla athlete to ever letter in a varsity 1port for four years. U.S. OP-EN-,OUND? -Bob Unger, associate pro representing Mission Viejo Country Club, hopes to qualify next month for the U.S. Oped. By posting a 7iJ.66-.136 in regional qualifying lhis week, be posted the lowest score of over 500 qualifier.s through- out the nation. Out•ol·State Bids JC Coaches Discover Success Is Expe11sive The price of success runs pretty steep and the last people who have to be remin- ded of that are Golden WP.St College track coach Tom Noon and Orange Coast crew boss Dave Grant. Both have some pretty fair athletes on hand this year and success can be a pret· *************** JOEL SCHWARZ *************** ty eipensive thing, particularly lt you get an invitation to compete out of California . Grant's four-man shell has been invited to compete in the Intercollegiate Rowing Association championships June lt-14 on Lake Onondaga near Syracuse, N.Y. And Noon's talented duo of hurdler Jim Seymour and high jumper Don Shields are qualified to enter the U.S. Track and Field Federation's championship meet in Lexington, Ky., le.ter this sea3on. However, the fly in the oihtment is money. TI1e Orange Coas t Junior College District has a policy of not providing any funds for alh.letlc competition beyond the slate·meet level. So both coaches and their athletes are strapped for funds trt provide them wi th lransportation e:r• penses. • Noon and Grant arc rece ptive lo fund raising ideas and \\'Ou ld welco me don a· lions. Both can be contacte<i in their of· fices. * * Former Golden West quarterback John lnglehart sparkled in Fresno State's foot· ball drills and capped orr the spring by thro\ving three touchdown passes last Saturday night. The performance was even more remarkabl e c o n s i d e r I n g lnglehart was sufferi ng from a bad at· tack of hayfe ver. Salurday baseball seems 10 be lbe com- ing tbiog In juolor college baseball. The Desert Conference, which Saddlebaek joins oeil season, bas a 1970 1cbedule nu. ed witb Saturday doubleheaden. The Southern California Conference where Golden West will be at home' doesn't ha ve any Saturday game1 on taP yet. but Rusller Coac h Fred Hoover It trying to get them shifted. Hoover 1e.y1 Saturday games \rill have more fan ape peal and thinks most of the conference coache1 ~·Ill go along with him. Major League Standings NATIONAL LEAGUE East DIYllloe W L Pct. CHICAGO 26 II .~ PITISBURGH 20 18 .52G NEW YORK II 11 .1311 ST. LOUIS ll 20 .474 PHILADELPHIA 15 20 .429 MONTREAL 11 II .314 West Dlvl1tn ATLANTA LOS ANGELES SAN FRANCISCO CINCINNATI HOUSTON SAN. DIEGO la JI .694 22 15 .595 21 17 .SM 17 19 .472 II 21 .429 16 26 .381 T'"""IV't lltMlh It. l011l1 a. kin Fr~IK9 J 111 llW!l"9d Alltntto II, New Y9'1t i HOl/'ltton 1, MtlltrMI' Cllk • >lo ............ "' • PU11ilur'fll 1, s111 oreve 1 Golly lflMS Klltd\lllO. T9Nr'1 Otfftb GD s 6~i 1 3,. ·' 5 8 10 I! ~Ut<hl1ptolll \J1ck.o11 J.~I 11 "11t1111 (Pff'MI J·JI, nlfhl Mllf\ll'UI (W ........ I.fl 11 C-lroclMlll (Melilnt'f J.-11. 111i!1t Ntw Ttn f~trr WI 11 HWs..,. (Orltllll t-n. """' llltfltOik,tft IS.IN >-)1 11 S.11 D1919 Clltn 141, It. i...ub !Ctfttoll J..Q 11 t.b Milin (Ftsltr .. o. l'i,t't: "'""""" lllltt ,_,., 11 1H l<rll'c1ett IJl6lltr'I· tffl M l, 111iM AMERICAN LEAGUE East Division BALTIMORE BOSTON DETROIT WASHINGTON NEW YORK CLEVELAND w L Pct. on ?9 13 .690 24 13 .849 18 17 .514 20 22 .476 19 21 .47S 9 24 .273 Wnt Dtvl1lon 21 14 20 15 16 18 OAKLAND MINNESOTA CHICAGO SEATTLE KANSAS CITY CALlF'ORNIA 17 20 17 21 11 2.i Tll11....-1y•1 lttW~I 8oston 4, C•llf11•~ll l C.:hlct90 7, 0.tnlfl ' C ..... !1nf 4 Ktn..s (lly I llNllmotl 6, M l"M:!!Oll 1 5t1t1lt 1. W11lllnglllll ' 0~1, !ll'met J.(!lf1111!to11 .600 .571 .500 .<159 A77 .JOO 20. 71: 9 ' J $~j J'1 ' ,,, 10 Ttdlr'I Olmtt &9110n ((1110 .. ,, 11 Chlcevt liofftt l111 J ll "ifll' C...llto•11i. tM-,..rntlfl 0-JJ 11 Otlrolt iio11tri S·ll. nfthl S.11111 !Mlrlofll ll ).•) 11 Clro>tltnd Cllt111 0-1) 11191'1! • ().alil.Jf'AJ !Odom 1·11 11 81!11,_.t (1'1!~ S.11 nltfll ' .,,_ Cll'f cau11tr 1·11 •t Wnt>in.1111 IMmr• 2~1. """' NlirlMMll IHlll J.11 fl Mtw Ylri! !Stenlert!yrt ~l. r[fftl AUTHORIZED 'ULL $11tYICI AND P'ARTS FOR All IMPORTED AUTOMOBILES !\ lt'1'1i: I 111 i l ~I LI I : ·_, 1100 WIST COrUT 'lllGHWAY -NIWPOIT llACH '42·'405 M0.17'4 A--MG e AUSTIN·HEALEY D .. lor ....._..... NA.Mii D~or, Salts f, Serrico 1969 Austin!meriu A\'ailable \\"/AutomRttc Trtlmmlsslon GOLD S~L USID CAIS I FINEST SELECTIOll or USED SPOIT CAH IN SOUTHEIN CALll'ottNIA J1 r tt1 po rt 31111p o rt s ---·-------- Catamaran Bef..,.e and Alter Gilbert Iwamoto , owner oC Gil's Catamarans, had only a· short view· of this 40. foot catamaran (above) before he bad to take a saw and cut it in hall for ship. ment to Chicago. The Hugo Meyer-designed car,wilt 'be shipped by t ruck to its owner Bill Lee of Chicago wh'ere it will be reassembled. First Day Parade Set Alol1a Race Aronow Wins Power M arathort in Floridci The Association of Newpo rt llarbor Yacht Clubs' Opening Day parade will st.art at 2 p.m. Saturday off Harbor Island, according to Morrie Kirk, ANHYC commodore. The parade will be led by a llarbor Department fireboat follo\ved by poWer yachts of lhe Shark Island Yacht Club. Leading the SIYC fleet will be .Jerry Sparks' 57-foot Chris Craft, Sparkler, with the 1-lawthorne Youth Band aboa rd . The parade, which will be Joined by power and sail yachts Crom other area clubs will pass by and salute all of the yacht clubs affiliated with the ANHYC . The procession will end at SIYC. Ensenada Protest Disallowed Miamian Don Aronow con· tinued his march by sea toward an unprecedented third straight U.S. o!fshore power boat racing championship by winning the brutal sixth an- nual 200-mile G a t e w a y Marathon rrom West Palm Beach to the Grand Bahamas ta st Saturday. Aronow drove the same high-powered Cigarette i ·n which he set a world o!fshore record in the Long Beach 'to Ensenada race a few weeks ago. The new record was 67. I miles per hour. The Cigarette is a 32-foot Cary Marine hull with twi n 47S horsepower Mercr u iser engines. In the Gateway Marathon Aronow took four hours and 35 1ninutes to twice cross the turbulent Gulf stream w I t h seas running as high as 12 feel. Aronow was world champ- ion offshore driver in 1987 and national king of the sport both last year and in 1967, The race proved another clean sweep for F lorida LOCAL No ot h•r l'll Wlfl•P•f t.u. YOlol "'or•, •v•ry cf•y, •bout whi t'• 911119 on ilf th1 Gr1•I•• .Jr•119e Coett the11 tht DAllY •llOT. Win a free Apache Trailer! I CAMPER & TRAILER SHOW free in the •ir conditioned m•ll thr1,1 S•t. 2•th M•y, •t Huntington Center ... register for free ~r•wln9 ' of Apoclte TNlftr lc:ovrte1y Alpine +r•iler1l plus $100N1""411 in Huntington Center Drawing June I Oth lwinfl•r will it• notlfl•tJ I Huntin9ton Center •t B••c.h •nd EtJing•r 1t S•n Oie90 Freew1y. drivers and K ie fh ae fer po\vered boats as Wayne Vicker of St. Cloud, Fla. drove his 27-foot Magnum with three of the hot new 140-horsepower Mercurys to a second overall and first in the outboard division, finishing only seven minutes behind the winner. •• BYC Slates •I Memorial ' ' Dav n_..ce •. ' . Balboa Yacht Club h" Issued lhvttatiOna for Its a.n~ nual Memorial DaY Reg'i&ua- May 3t) JllllO t. ' Sevent~ cluses hav~ been invited to race on outside counes and seYeQ. on Inside courses. Race schedules on ~lSide courses include two ratts Saturday, May 31, the first starting at noon, and un~ on Sunday, June I, starUng at l p.m. 'there will be three inside races Saturday -the first starting al noon -and !l\'O on Sunday starting at 1 p.m. Outside class.es included in the invitation are Ocean Rac- ing. P-Cat. Rhoiles.J3, PC, Sul· Ing, Tru..Ue. PHRF. MORF. Luders·l& Endeavor Ex- caUbur, Santana, Me,rcury, Cal-20, Finn, Snipe and Lid1>- 14A. Inside classes are Metcalf, LidG-14 8, Kite A, Kite B, Sabot A, Sabot B and Sabot C. Six yachts must st.a.rt in the first race to establish a class. Outside classes will start off the Balboa· Pier and inside classes wiU st"l{'t off the BYC committee tower. Tuneup fo;r Transpac On Saturday Los Angeles Yacht Club bas announced its biennial Aloha Series tuneup races !or yachts planning to make t h e Transpacific race to Honolulu staz;ting ' July 4. The two tuneup races are the West End Cross Channel Race June 28 and the Marineland ratt June 29. The West End Race will start·at the Point Fennin buoy and tClrn a flag buoy one mile east of the \\.'est end of Catalina Island before return· ing to the finish line in Los Angeles Harbor. The coastwise . Marineland race will start in Los Angeles Harbor, leave the P o i n l Fermin buoy t.o starboard then rou nd t h e Marineland s p a r buoy port, the La harbor en- trance buoy to port. <>00 Indians Die In Heavy Flood NEW DE LHI (UPll -The tol\ rose steadily past 600 tG- day in the wake or a cyclone and heavy !loading in the coastal districts of Andhra Pradesh St"ate. • t.111. v. Pll.OT •ll' l New Rac·e Laurels t , 2 Trophies· A.Jlded to Transpac's 19 Two new trophies will be ad· ded this year to the traditional 19 awarded In I.ht Transpacific Yacht Race. The CommOdo:e Harokl C. Dillln&ham .TroPl» wUI 10 to the Urs! Hawaiian fia& to reach the flnith Une on a cor· rected time baiss. This aWard In effect create! a _ apecial , class for ~ach~ owned by resldentl of 1 Hawaii. The wlmer will rtceive his own take-home trophy u well as tht!i perpetual traveling trophy. Founder ot the aw,rd is a runner commodore of the Tranaplclfic Yacht Club. Now in his Ills, he iJ a prominent Hawaiian buslnesaman. The Transpacific Yaclll Club will award the new tnterna· Ilona! Trophy '"' u .. first, n .. lilting yacht owoed by a res!. dent ot a country other than the United States. 'nlis yw there tte tntries (rom Japan, and Can1da. T .. ll~IGN °" toATllotG ''-•MUJt• 'l"W ctn't lllolY t '*'-'" e.111 .,...._ 1.Hll WllK'I IPICIAL ,. •LASSIAI CHA•Ui ~ ,, ... of '"" .It.I, 141 M.C,,,._, ,._, J .,.., ...... ,,~,., • ..,,. .. ...,, ~llt. Ill•• ...... ""'' '9f!llO•· ....... """"" lr'•lt.,., tills fOr ,....,. ., .... COMPA•I -Sllfl ,. .... TO CHOOll FJIO.M Cii.u,.r. S.. l!:ey, li..w.Nr, L• v..... llilrkltt. ·-0.11 °"""' Git•~ ¥eft, 0.... 1 O.~ e ...... Ul1 ... ""'"' .. ·-~,.... Long Beach Home The l'f'rlfllP8.c ctlebratee its sliver annlVtraary this year. The workJ'i IQJ!lest rt1ularly scheduled ocean sailing race be;ilu J\ll)t 4 froril the Point Fei'min Buoy off Los Angeles Harbor . The finish line is off Diamond Head on the Island ot Oah~. Gloomy Gus Tells ii As You See it Of Outr,igger Canoes I . The traditional sport of -swnmer and which thls sum_I Polynesia -outrigger canoe mer will be an event of the racing -will headquarter In fourth annual California In· Long Beach for the 11econd tematlonal Sea Festival at straight summer. it was an-Lon Be h A Ha .. 11 nounced by .tie sport's United l ac · wauan 8 · Statu sponsor, the Kallforhia star team or two is expected Outrigger Association (KOA). to enter for the 10th straight JOHNSON & SOii SIMPUflES' LEASING Taking lts unusual spelling year. from the tropical tree from As a preview to the regular which canoes were historically regatta program, member fas hiOr'led., tbe koa, the 200-clubs raced last Saturday memb"r organization -'' i 11 from Balboa to Laguna Beach, stage four regatta programs with a Newport team com· in June and July, ils st.ate pleting the seven-mile distance championship Aug. 9 and itS in 64 minutes Jor first place. . second annual Long Beach-Another race is scheduled May Famous Free Maintenance LeeJe availa ble to in· dividuals and business firms in Orange County, at Johnson & Son Lincoln · Mercury · Cou91r; 2626 Harbor, Cosio Mesa. 540-5630. Ask for FREE Booklet on the leose thol provide.: Free Oil Cheng.es; Free Lubrication; Fret Tune-ups; Fr" Re placement Parts; .Free Labor. Cont•cl: L. Brochu, Mgr. HARBOR CENTER Ava)Qn Harbor race Aug. 16. 3l from Marina del Rey to Regattas -four races for 1\edondo Beach Pier. PRESENTS 1969 SPORTS VACATION SHOW C. Y" 5•11 Metll·C-pl 0. Y•u Wint To E•rn Hlth Comml11ien1t , .... 213/172·0743 or 714 / '42-5011 "" ru.rvatl•n• t• free 1emln•r ~~fi'ehf ••ch week- FRIDAY -SATURDAY MAY 23 ·24 women's teams, seven for men -will be staged June 7, June 21, July 12 and July 26 on a triangular course in Long Beach Harbor opposite the Cherry Street Lifeguard Sta· lion. The same course will be used for thestate ctiam· pionship. !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now bult of fiberglass, rac· Ing canoes are designed for six paddlers, are 40 feet long and weigh between 350 and 400 pounds. Canoes carved from koa trees -there is no letter "C" in the Hawaiian alphabet - are the vessels in which th e ancient Polynesians migrated from Tahiti to the Hawaiian Islands and throughout the Pacific centuries ago. Rival kings maintained ou trigger teams until reCenl times, and elaborate religious ceremonies \Vere involved. Canoe racing fl ourished In Hawaii until the early 1900's, then was revived following World War LI. The sport was introduced to the Balboa area of Southern Califosnia in 1959, and has since spread to Australia . Long Beach Harbor became the center of U.S. activity a year ago, and KOA today ip- clu<Jes flve clubs repre.wnting Newport Harbor, Ba Ibo a , Marina de! Rey, Laguna Beach and Huntington Beach. Annual highlight of lhe KOA calendar is tbe race to Avalon, staged from Long Beach to Catalina for the first time last An Old Forester kind of day is when your favorite bartender greets you byname. And remembers your old friend. ~ May is National Tavern Month. Renew old acquaintances •. "There is nothing betterin the market." llJllCIY llmr-mt··· •• 1111'111 taJIUI t• ••Mll.f8IMAllDISTUEIS ClllPIU••AT lllS'flU I IUllCl'f•& ns x 14 Black Nylon Cord, Tubeless Mobil M·3 s13!~. 11tu1 12,to ••ol•• 1u 1111111 ••it• i.11. .. You 'll delight In the Mobil M·3 workaday tires, featuring long-life wear, plus sure·gr.ip tire tread. Other famou s Mobil Tires ~re lisleq: llOllL WID£ -Offers .2s" more tr1ction, 25% qUicket stop s. bettet res m!lea1e. MOBIL CUSHION-Of· fers bif mileqe, drlv· ini cornfort!!.a rutly. tou1h tire. . MOllL POLYlUU PRIMIH -A iuUtd ioulh tire thal hup the rOtd $h\OOth~. NO MONEY DOWN ·12 .~,9.~~T,~~.,Y.9~.fAY UM yo11r Uobll Crldll Cafd, Preaenl .this ad lo )'Oitt, own Mobil De1ler ertd tlW even more on your ne11.t ••t ol f.rioblt PO!Yfl!tt Pr•ml.r Tirt1. ... Offer ljmlttd, OM H Pl' cuitomtr. , O!ftr n.plrt$ Mtt lit 1"9. Ask about Mobil's 11 T/RE-lff/C " money saving bonus coupon. A.tr Mob/I Dt1lt11 ,, •• ,~. th• 1/ghl to Nftb//th ,,.,;, OWrt f>l/Ct. \ ( _t .• ,, , ,\f •• , , • " " ' I r " " . ' .. I I llMLY Pll.OT s y...,. M!!leJI'• Worth t'. ,. • -- Single Taxpayer Get s Cruel Deal Jol111 P R C Paul J . Hegener. of Newport Beach, h a s j o i n e d Property Re- search Corp., Los An- geles-based inve:;tment management firm, as an investment man ager. He was a zone sa1es manager for Ford Mo- tor Co . LTV Contract DALLAS IUPI) -Ling· Tcmro.Vought , lnc., ha s ob-- lained a contract from the ~1oroccan government t o formulate a development pro- gram for the Sooss River valley in southern Morocco. The: study will cover tarming, fishing, tourism and light in· dustry prospects. SUEMlSON. llAM~ULL A CO., l ne. Cordiall )· Invites You To Atte nd A Se minar Concerning ADVANTAGES "All these advance power concepts have advantages - real or potential -over the inlernal combustion engine 'vilh lower pollutant emissions being a major plus in virtually every case." Cole said. "But each of them also has major disadvant.ages which reduce its practical value as an all-around competitor to tbe internal eom bu stion engine. If any new po\ver plants are to achieve broad usage -with no reductions in .safety, economy and con- v enience major l echnological breakthroughs 1vill be required. "We do not c I a i m breakthroughs for any of these projects and obviously con- siderable addilional develop. 1nent is necessary before a11y oI the vehicles on display Leader ship Changed SAN r~RANCISCO -John Witter has stepped down from the post of chairman of the board and chief executive of- ficer of Dean Witter & Co .• Inc., turning over th e leadership of the Investment firm to Eaton Taylor. Both men are frum San Francisco. The directors also clecled William M. Willer of Chicago to suceeed Taylor as president of the firm. 44-plus years of his business career with the flm1. He join- ed the firm the year after its founding, 1925, following his graduation from the Universi· ty of California at Berkeley. Taylor was a member of the board of governors of the Ney,· York Stock Exchange from 1964 to 1967. He is past governor of the ,. National Assoeiation o( S e c u r I t y Dealers and the Investmen t Bankers Association. The change was labeled a · William Witter has been semi-retirement move ( o r \Viih the firnt since 1947 "'hen John Witter, 67 , who asked to he joined the San Frahcisco be relieved of nhi executive oCfice as an account uecuUve. duties. He "'ill remain with He moved to the finn's New the firm in an advisory York office in 1953 and went to capacity. Chicago a ytar later to head Witter has spent the e.nUre up the midwesl division. •:-~~~'--~~~..:__~ ••••••••••••• , • OVE'R THE COUNTER NASD Llatlnt• hr Thu...iay, Moy 22, 1Mt -A- "' " " ,~ .. l6'i ,,,~ " )):, 71'1 -'· ,,,., 76'1 "'• t !~ '~" " ?6' 1 • ' "'' 7711 ,, ... , -., ••• " ~;~ i :: 1r . a11• W • " 1(11 ~ .... " "·· " ,,.,, + ., 36'• l''. 36•' + J''· ll'. 3''·~ -!'~ • ''• n, "· ' ,,, ' "" 111, "'" .... ,., 11·, '"· 111, -·~ " 17:, n•, + ·~ 1l'l ,.,. ~·. JO, ,,., J1•. ' ,, ., " s.i'o -" " '"' " _, ~-. "'· ssi. -•1 ~,,, ''" j''•-'• " J~·. JO•'t -., " ll>o Jl" + '• " J.••' ~,,. " '''• " .. , ]••· " l••· ' '• ,. "'• )r., -'l ,,, . " " -'• l."• !I'~ J\l'o ... 141. "" n•. -'' "'· "'• ~,, ' '• " "'· "'··-,., 51'• 51', 51" -'• ,,., 11" ltlo + '• l l'• ... ll>'o -'• ... • ~·, + '• ,,, , • " -" 17' I 17'~ 11'• -'• 11''• 11·~ " • '• "" , .. ) l''> -'• tl •• " 1J -'• 71 .. ,, ~·. ,,,, "'• :I'~ -•1 ?Ho "" ?)•o -'I " " 'F o -i11 '0'1i Jt'1i 59<', -'• "" • :ill -'I '" 11'~ 11·· -" "" '" ,~,, .... , ''" '"' 2.!"'t -i , "" ... ll•o + " -¥ s:;qs:w ¢ 4 W 4 ¥ ~· ¥$ SJ!&Qe& u:a::zecn:az;s p; f'!Z!!._. a..:: scow ;.!.._..!. :1_.}_ a • .'£ • -DAILY l'IUT _Jf • Thursday's Closing Prices-Complete New York Stoek Exchange List -- I ) ' l . . ears ' . . . ' SAVE 44%! I-Gal. Plants Snn Azalea, Jliniper Tam Regruar $1.19 Your Choice • Beautifol flo"'· eriog.unazalen ... ."very h1rdy f)l.nt!, easy-care •Tam ••• excel .. Jent for l1nd· •capi n~ •I • foundation Gr ~round cover SAVE 24o/o to 37%! I-Gal. Plants Regular 9'Jc to $1.19 Your Choice •Your 4:bo'iee of Cold Daat, Goldou A?liiir Vi· tae, Black P.ine· or Car· denia1 • Be11utilul accent pltt1l1 tor yoar pnlen or a.-e • ·E.y to· e.,.. for ertr· cuen plants ' SAVE 46%! Fuchsia or Bedding Plants Regular 59c Your Choice ' ~ CHARGE IT on Sein R,.,olti"J: Chirp:! • , A\L PURPC>SE " :t:ERl\l\ZER !N.1J~ !.., .. =:a "=' --.·,,,.._-. ·.•. Re~. 2 for $2.78 6-lb. Snail Pellets 2 "''"I97 ·. 4 taM1ROI.\ C\,INIQl\VIS cnwml"' ; u"otUJS Htf .. Salpbate of•Ammonia • »lh&. ... -forqaick l"•n· •p OU J.wa·or prden • Ropicl .,_i, and·ridi .....,, -color, · • Fornnihlian·%.l.0.0 Garden.and Lawn Fertilizer • 20 u..· _ ... "' 2000 l<(. ft. •For u.14 oa' lteM. gudem, · 1bnrb.ondlawno · ' •A 1eneral •• fertlliur! •Formulation 11.8-4 Green Glade Dichondra Food er..e&.r....,.11p1o~ .ii'!T~r ............. 1 of i111t:e& • FOrmulatiOn l'-3·3 Superfif\e J)icbondra .and Lawn'FO!)d • Light~•i&h~~n1od•r•. leM aad .. ;,. ~•die • C-n 4,000 •• s;ooo "I· !t. . • Gnnulm-fona ••• can be applie'1 ariy lime of the year •Will not harm newly seeded lawn• · • }~onuulation 25-5-10 1 ~ Big Four Dichondra or Lawn Food • Big 4 kills weeds. enh· gntfiS a!ld insec1-. Feed• dichondra or bwm • Continaou1 fecdi.og up to 6 months after appli· cation • Coven 2500 1quare f ee1- • Formulation 16-84 ·Regular$J.99 29 SAVE 70• Regul1r $5. 99 Save 2.20 Save 2.50 Remnants • 5(8..in. diameter by 20.Jt. ion~ •Doable reinfon:cruent pro-rides bant 1lreoJth 20 1iracs aven.-e city pres- t ure pla11uperiorwc1r and reaistance • De1i11ned 1pecific1ll1 for 1rc11e:r praeans ~-------------------------------------------------·, -'* T,I, 8·4400, 521..4530 ll _.GI 3-3911 lONG lfAOI HE ~121 l'ICO WE 8-4262 s.\NIA 1£ SPllNGS '"'8011 VAll£f PO 3-8461, 98>1-2220 I ~•MK340.0661 GllNDo\llOIS.1004,Q4..C611 Ol.YMllC&S010AHl·5211 POMOl<AED2·1145,HA?4161,YU"'1'51 -A-.cAEX>f.6711 -Pl9-1911 I I -RJllNE 6-2581, NE 2-'761 HOU\'WOOO HO ?-5941 OIAHGf437·2100 SANTA .... Kl 7-3371 SOUlllCOASUIAZA ~333 I CO¥INA "6-(1611 1HOUWOOD ow a.2521 -PAIADlllA MU 1-3211, a s..c211 IS I 1C111AHC1542-1511 '------------------------ears _---------------------' "Satisfadlon Guaranteed orYourMoneylack" -·-"-°"' si.,• 11tt11 M•n•rr tlwweh SllUr.., 9'.JOA.M..• NIP.M. • Frldiy, Mar 2', 1169 , DE R • .. ~ • l • • ' ... : ~ C:o#JI: p I et i,: Gu·; tie ·-· .. Where.· to . . ' PATR~CK JOHNSON, 6, PA.~D A V~~,,"FUNNY FACE " ;,, ... ·' . ' ' . ' RONDA CAMPBELL, f, HAS CREAT.D A "SPRING OARDEN" i' INTERMISSION 'Me.sa·-.:!f inx' Hits Again 1400 Schools Put Art on Display In Plam Exliibit More than 400 acboolJ in Orange Cotin- ty IJ't showina over 1,200 pieces of art in the largeat 1ingle show of ill kind in lhe coonty. If David Paul never sbows up for another audiUoo at the Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse, theatergoers there couJd hardly blame him. Lllte the comic strip character with the unpronouncable name, David has seemed to attract a black cloud of ill fortune every time he ventures up the coast from Laguna Beach to perform in a Costa Mesa production. Unlike Joe Wbats- hisname, however, David draws the bad luck on his o w n head. It was some- thing to ponder this week as he lay in the Costa M e s a Memorial Hospital w i t h the opening night of . his latest OA'llD P'AUL &how only 48 hours away. . 1)lere was his first Costa Mesa show~ .. Arsenic .and Old Lace," in 1986. What happened then was laughable in retro. apecL All ·he did, with the help d an- ., .. ~ WEEKENDER INSW E FEATlJBES Whether your interest ls a rock 'n roll conctrt, classical music or . a Scout-0-Rama, you'll find Orange c· County special events listed in Gulde to Fun, Page 22. Travtl ! Ice ea.-, ........ Ballel OOCCao<ert I Dl-tud Band1 In Ille Galler1es out 'N'" Abwt Pagett Pag.22 I r.~n Pare 12 Pap tz P•pU Pa1ca J3.ll P ... 11 P•1e JS other actor, was deJiver rive minutes of third act dialogue. during the. second act -a natural, and hardly ominous mistake. But then, the. foliowing year, he played the leading role in "The Best Man " for the_civic Playhouse. On the day of the third performance his house burned to the ground. Trouper that he. is, David went on ·that night and the next -and a short Ume later the playhouse took the show to Laguna for a fund-raising benefit to belp Wm and his wife, Betsy, get back on their feet. This apparentJy cured him of coming lo Costa Mesa, but UriJ year Paddy Cheyefsky's "Middle of the. Night" lured him back. Monday night, as he drove.. to a rehearsa1, hi.I car was struck broadside; he suffered a broken rib and a lacerated bead. The accide~t happened Just four-days away from opening nl&bt, but· the p~y will go on as scheduled thlS evening. 'U David ii able, hi will ·perfonn;' if not, Hip Graham will walk throogb the part, reading his lines. lt will, however, probably lake a couple doctors holding him down with holh hands lo keep him off the stage t.onight. Hi.! first words to a highway patrohnan at tbe. scene or the accident Monday were : "My God, and I bad all my linea." * SPEAKING OF THE Civic Playhou><, as David Paul won 't likely be doing I« a while, tonight'• production ot "Middle ,o( the Nigl1t" wraps up four ye.an of ac- tivity for the Costa Mesa group in the old (circa 00) bulldJq which bowel the cily1t . recr~on department on the Orange County .Falrp-ounds. And, while the Community Center audll<>rll1111 has not beep the most Claire is-Chorclcss •. Ill)' D:ults Uvi'l'beator ,,.. Balterll)' • (;-.. P'tlJDt C-..onll'mk f, Qate1le P• l5 C1atre Bloom Hves in a house with no I c...rn TV \IW:w1 Ttlevblon Los Pop U cleaning or coo1<1111 chore& In "The 11· P11e St luatrated Man," Warner Bros.-5e.vm Art.a P•1e n plcturt In which she start with her hus- P~p 17 -1--b&ld' Rod Steiger. '"Pife 11 The house 11 In a century In the fUture. Pop 17 llelign«I by art director Joel Schiller, tt e.=====-=::===ro:l bai DO ..... and M dilhet. stored in tubular bins and bot or cold meals are obtained by pressing a button. aesthetic site in the area for the. pro- duction of community theater 0Uertn111 it hu allowed the. Mesa players aome latitude aod divenilicaUon in ltaginc which would be prohibitive in Die smaller, more functional houses. ' For instance, with "The Women" and "Dream Girl," director P•ti Tambeltmi used virtually every comer of the auditorium, "'tting the shows ~tbe audience and between rewa of aeatl. ImaginaUon in set deaigning alaa• bu come into play with producilom 1 bkt "Mister Roberts" and ''The Remarkable Mr. Pennypacker." Tonight, however, the theater unveil& 1 new atta of ingenWty wtth t t 1 "doubleheader" set for "Mlddle of the Night." The play ia performed In two locatio~, with two distinft' Rtl, each employmg the entire pro;<:Cmun arta. Credit for this flex!Ne r'· ! ;c>esito the · playbOW1e'1 resident t cal director, W arre.n Conde. ' Many addiUoos-and iri1proveme.nts have. accomparUed UM! first f o u r formative years of the Civic Playhouse with the ac:qu.lait~~portable rlae.r~ from the Patrons' tion the litest and most welcome stq forwar\t. Next. season the CoN liua productionl will be enhanced by cycloramo type of backdrop curtain, another lilt from the patrops. ' Four years l!I relaUvely mt span, bet the Costa M Civic Playbouoe hu c•m•»o lcq •• ln>m the daya wbcn tile -.. t -l<> print mapo lo the aUdJIAlrtum on Iha bock of the tlckell. "'""'1nv, this la onl• Ibo betrihnlnc. r -~ ' * BACKSTAGE -U you lllilMd the Laguno Playhoule'I superior pn>d1IClion °' "PhUadeljHa, Heu t Come," 10U * catch a colJtsitie ven.ioa tJU8 weekend. • ... the Brian Friel play ta on 11afe ot Cal St.lie FullerloO tonight tlnlJlh Swlday .• South 0...t Reoe-. rarely )eta ao actor or actrus oUc. of Ill &14htt but the Co$1.a ~f~ company lw "lotntd out," Pat Brown lo play, the ftm1le let\d in "Dylan," 01•m'-' Wednesday lit Iha Ll&VA&P~ . It il!I goin& on now In the carousel area of South Cout Plaza, 3333 Bristol, in Costa ~e.sa and la called "Ten Days ln May." Polly Gralner, art coordinator for the Oranie County Schools is t z h i b i t chairman of the. event which includes the best .,..ork of students In kindergarten through grade 12. Categories ioclude oil p a i n t i n g s , • wa.tercolor, collages, mosaiai, stitchery and pen, pencil, cbalk and crayon draw· ings. A special catt:gory for the top 150 1enior, high 1ehool studenll to exhibit their art wort hu been included in tbe show. From this large e.zhibition of acbool art, the aelect.lonl for the Anna Mary Beck Jr. Gallery at the Featival of Arts tn Laguna,' will be mode. Each yw ~s of school children have submitted their art work for judg.- lng. Last year brou&bt mort than 4,000 entries with IOO betn1 ..Secl<d for the Festival rrrouncfa. The "Ten Doya tn May'' ahow irovldea "" oppcirlunlty t<> hrlnl t<>rrether all of the creaUve W«k the atudenta hlVe been doing for tbe put year •nd n11lr:et an·u- celleot llaglng '"' the pre-judJing of art lo be llOOwn In Lquno In July and August. The ......... -be obowp alao tn other l!Jhlblla tn the....,.,. The Plau ""'"' lla·-.n exhibit of -·· art wblcb la • <ollectiao uoembled by·,_... ol the Orqe County Ari EducatlOo AaaoclaU.... Emily Plmleul tile Huntlnglon Buch EJement.ary Schoola and -Clark of the OCun View School D!ltric! havt been ot ·gmit UllaluJce t<> Mra, Gratuer tn dlaplayq the ahow. The artlsll llOOwn In the phololfapbs -· ..... ln>m two of Ille acbool dis· tr1c11 In 0.-. caunty. Tony Mullen, _ np~ la o lllth rrade atudellt at tile Smith School Jn Huntlngl<>n Beach, ""'" Rondo Campbell. center, abo attends the tecond grade, Patrltk Jobmon, abown above If Jtft, b a 111 year-old lludanl of the <lakvi<w l!cllool 111 tho OoMD View l!cllool, Dtllrld. ' ' What · to ilo '•. DAIL'r'f'ILOT ,,..,.._"' ·~ lfwtlW TONY MULLEN, 11, MADE AN ENCHANTING FRIEND, "JOE" Channel 28 to Air Show For Preschool Children · Non .. ~mmercial KCET-Chawael 28 will broadcast a unique experimental 26-week series of daily, hour-tong, shows designed , to stimulate the intellectual and social growth of Southern California's thousands of preschool children beginning next fall , For tht! programs, produced by the Children '!! Television Workshop in partnership with the Clrnegie Cor· poration, the Ford Foundation and the U.S. Office ot EducatiOn, KCET has cleared the 11 :30 a.m. lime with a repeat showing at 4:30 p.m., according lo station General Manager James L. Loper. The morning time was secured through the cooperation of the Los Ange.Jes City Schools and the Regional EdUcational Television Advisory CouncU (L.A. County and independent school systems), who contract day-time instructional pro· graming with KCET , Leiper said. The CTW and the three underwriting agencies note that the availability of TV --even in the poorest.homes-among the . age group of up to jive years who spend a staggering amourit of time each day glued to the .et. provides probably• the best single means: of upoeing children lo specially<lealgned pmchool programing, It i1 anticipated that the show will have a mMulne format composed of short • segmenlS including story readings, pup. pet dramas, short fllms, cartoon-like animation and one-minute spots as a device to teach letters, numben and ideas. Pace, humor and repet!Uon win be. the. ·guiding principles in the pro. duct.ion, whose Utle is "Se.same Street," ' . ' R ~4grave Signs Co-Star Role In 'Bloo d Kin ' Lynn Redgrave has been signed ·by Warner Bro1.-Seven Arts to star with James Coburn and Robert Hooks io. "Blood Kin," It was announced by Ken- neth Hyman. the company's executi'le vice-president In charge. of world-wide production . Miss Redgrave will portray aa e1- showg\rl married t<> o Mlssitalppi Della f annu in the film veraion ot Tmneaee Williams' play, "The Se•tn lltoctnu of Myrtle." '\ Weekend Highlights . SCOUT -0.RAMA -The Orange Empire Council of Bo7 Scouts Is sponsoring a Scout-0-1!.ama at the Orange County Fairground! Saturday, May 24, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Ellhlblta will be dlspiayecl in more than 400 _.,, showing skilJJ the scoutJ have mastered. Many of the scouts will be demonalra- Ung these 1killa on the ground;. " 'IRON BUTIERFLY -A concert bea<lllnecl by the Iron Butterfif group will be on staj_e Iii the Arena of the Anaheim Convention Center, Saturday, May 24 al I p.m. l\ppearln1 with them will be the Chicago Tranlit Authority and the lllues Image. Rock music In most of its fonns will be perlormecl. CONCERT -The Costa Mesa Hl&h Scliool mlllic depart. ment will present ltJ spring concert In the Orange C°"st Col- lege Auditorium on Monday, May 29 al 7:30 p.m. The Concert Band, Concert Choir and the Stage Band will perfonn during the evening.- II I I I ~ ' . ' 1 I-- I I I I ••• ! ' ' . .. .. --.-.-·-·- • .. ,IJ O.\ll.V PllOT i.l'IUVEI. • :: . Guatamala: ' . . Sunny ·Life ay 'STAN 011.APLANE GUATEMALA HIGHLANDS -On a cool moun· tain road 1n the Guatemala highlands, I saw a Maya Indian chasing his wife with a three-foot cane Jcnlfe. (It was Sunday, and he was drunk as a fiddler of course. They make a cane sugar alcohol called 0 guaro" that would blow a safe.) We didn 't stop. She seemed an active dodger. And who wants to get Jnvolved in a family fight! This is the on1y action I've seen that you'd ~all violent. This in answer to several letters: "Is 1t safe to go to Guatemala?" * It's spring in Guatemala. Lacy jacaranda trees in smoke-blue blossom: The volcano cones "Fire" and "Water" float in a Chinese blue sky. Best \own is th.e old Spanish capital, Antigua. (l don't care much for Guatemala City.) DR IVE DOWN through Mexico, and you have good roads and interesting country all the way. Tum to the hil!hlands when you pass the border. The coast road is ' shorter, but it's hot. Go up to Quezaltenago at 7700 cool fed. A pleasant colonial town with a good hotel in colonial style. Good market. * This is a country like Mexico used to be. No Acapulcos or Puerto Vallartas, but a nice, slow· paced sunny life. Food i5 good -the thin broiled steak in bot sauce with ma.shed black beans is better than Mexico's came asada. There's internal trouble all right. But I don 't think it hits the tourist. * '1How do you get inform•tion on the P•n Amer· ican Hlehway th.rough C.ntral Americ1?" Best by writing Pan American Union, Wash- ington, D.C. I must say I didn't get with the coun· tries below Guatemala. Foo.nd the capitals infernally dull. The sea ports hot and sticky. But oo question these coontries are going to take off some day and be as popular as Muico. Maybe you -.Jd see it now. Most likely place Is the port of Punlarenas in Costa Rica. This is a sleeper for fishennen who are so cagey about it, they only tell !heir best friends. . ; * ''We would like to send my fNl'9nt• t o some vacation pl.ce. They are 1lcl1r ly. It shoukl he com· fortable and very, very nice ••. " U I were doing this, I'd look for sun and sand · · and a place to· get off it when they feel tired of it. The place is Mauna Kea Beach Hotel oo the Big Island in Hawaii A Rocl:eleller resort and ebso- '· lutely luxurious -but In mi lll'CMI UJive way. .. * ·; It's a big b~ bOtel -eve!'Ytlling Is open to the trade wind, A aea oo blue you could dip' a brush in it and paint. --beach. The beat butt.t lunch In the Wanda, I opent a ....it "-llDd wept when they made me put -en ogaln mid leave. * Give them two days -the last two -in H<>11<r lulu. Make that at the Illkai. Get a high up room . A't>out floor 22. The view is the greatest. Room scr- -~ vice is excellent. Good ·restaurants -three of them. ;!:-Brudda, day come home, geev you beeg kees. '. * ''I've heard I can buy good toy soldiars for my grandson in England ••. " Never bought any myseli, but I saw a shop in Shepherds Market in London. I have an idea these are collection pie,:es -very, very good. Shepherds Market is a little stage set district behind bustling Piccadilly. . Start from the London Hilton. Wallr aloog Cur· zon street a few hundred yards. Tu rn into Shepherds Market. In t!Je tiny street you'U run into a pub called Shepherds. (Very good restaurant uj>stairs. G<>Od pub downst.airS~) The shop is ten steps across · the street on the <:Orner. ' .. .,. •• "Is it true you don 't h•ve to be 21 to drink In England?" • -At-age 16 you can shout yourself a pint of. bitter. * \ "Where does the youn9 swinging crowd hang out in GrHCe?" To meet. young people? About 10 in the morning at the sidew alk cafes near American Express. They're waitiag for the mail to come in with money from home. (Same holds for all countries. Hang around Big ~1ama and you'll meet all your friends.) World Chanapioa ' KRISTI MOORHl!AD. AND GI NE WILKES IN l,;CHOPINIANA" . I Five Ballets Slated Laguna Association Plans 1 ~rogram An evenJ.o.a: of f 1 v t diversified ballet items will be presenled Satunlay, May 31 at 8 p.m., In the Laguna Beach Higb.SchoolA u di t oriu m. Works cborqraphed to mlllic by TdWkovaty, Corelli, Prokofiev and Chopin will make up the fourth ~­ bership ' program of t h e Laguna Beach Civic Ballet ComP1113'. Featured dancer will be Mary &nl, wbo f"' the pet two yeara bu been touring the Unitad states with the lluth Page International Ballet. She will perfwm the Pas de Deux OCC Con cert To Feature Madrigals 'Ibe am.ial Orange Coast Ooilel" spring concert will be JftSEllled in the s c h o o I auditorium et 8 p.m. May 25. Featured will be the OCC Ohorale and Maru-;gal Sqm under the direct!on d Walter E. Gleckler d the OCC music departmeri:. A varied proefam desi~ to fb1w the many """""' ol the groups, will have the r7- member Chorale open the pro- gram rib rive religious numbers then follow with ex- cerpts fran "La Boh«ne." Soloists will be Brent Abncn:t, tenor, of Westrn.insler and Debra Toner, soprano, of COl9ta Mesa. ~ Madrigals will then present three Elizabethan S<qtS plus nne modem numbers including "l bought Me a Cat," '"Ibc Roed Not Taken" and "La CUceracha." There are 19 members in the Madrigal Sqers group. Larry Paul ol Coot.a Mesa will present iieveral classical guitar numbers aOO Larry Duke d Westminster will play a trumpet solo. There is no admission charge and the Jlllblic is in- vited. from the lecond act of "Nut· cracker," partnered by Hal O'Neal. . For the openlaa lllm oo the prosram, famed dancer Paul Petrov b a 1 ¢io,_aplled "Chopiniana" (after Fotme), which is "Les Sylpbides" without , the corps de ballet. Dancers will be M e r i I e e MagDUll0'1, Cheryl M a D n • Kriltl ·Moorllead and Gene Wilkos. The Pas de Trots from "Swan Lake" wUI feature Odlle de Witte, Hope Sogawa and Hal O'Neal. . I ~nn "Ba11et Portraits lath Century." 'l1Jh b a I I et, cboreograpbed by Lila Zall, bu beee adopted by the Sacramento Civic Ballet and is belDI received enthusiastically In· that area , acconllng to B~ Crockett, director of the group .. , 'Ille upcoming program wil l cl"" with an uperlmenlal version of "Peter and the Woll." Admissim i! free t 0 members. 'ncket.s at $2 for ·adUJts and Sl for studenu: will be available at the box ctiict Eifb!een dancers w 1 ll for non-membera. IN GALLERIES 'People'8' Graphic8 Displayed in Newport GRAPIDCS ExmBIT --Tbe People's Gallery, a travel· ing show of commercial and ~mmerclal art, is on ex- hibit in the mall at Fashion Island Shopping Center, New- port Beach, through June 7. Displayed on triangular kiosks will be 20 serigraphl and 20 grapblc designs. No charge for admission. UCI STUDENT EXHIBIT -The third annual UCI Stu· denta Art Show, aponaored by the University Gallery Asso- ciates is on exhibit in the Fine Arts Gallery on campus, 7601 Irvine Ave., Irvine. Paintings, sculpture, ceramics and other media are represented. Hours: I to 5 p.m. Tues. -Sun. Closed Mon. Admission free. ' MARINER'S LIBRARY -2005 Dover Drive, Newport Beach. On exhibit, through May in the Jr. Ebell Exhibit dur- ing reltJlar library houri, oil painpngs by Wade Zint and oils and mou.lcs by Joyce Clark. NEWPORT NATIONAL BANK -1090 Bayside Drive, Newport Beach. Currently on exhibit through June, during regular business hours marine oil paintings by Gerald Loring. COFFEE GARDEN GALLERY -262S E. Coast High· way. Corona dtl Mar. Hours 10;)) a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Mon- Sat. No ad m is s i on charge. On exhibit through June 25, oil and water color paintings of James Warren. MUTUAL SAVINGS =-2867 e. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. On exhibit through May, photographs of the peo- ple of Thailand by photographer-Jon Klngaard , who was stationed in Southern Thailand while In the service. Open during regular business hours. NEWPORT HARBOR ART ML'SEUM -400 Main St, Balboa. Open Wed. • Sun. f lo $ p.m. Monday 1 -9 p.m. CwTently on exhibit art of seven Southern California artists eiploring new materials and ideas in a show liUed "The Ap-· pearing/Dillappearing -rmage/Object. A1ESA VERDE LIBRARY-2969 Mesa Verde Drive East, Costa Mesa. Currently on exhibit during regular library hours, through May, oil paintings by Jane Huffman. . COSTA MESA LIBRARY -566 Center St., Costa Mesa. On exhibit during regular library hours, through May oil paintings by Ola Meredllh. ' CROCKER cmZENS BANK-l300 Harbor Blvd., Costa ~esa. On e:ihibtt during rtruJar business houra, oil paint- 1np by Fem Miller and Betty McCJellan. ZULCH GAUERY -1835 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. CurrenUy on elh.iblt. American artists who art honorary members of the Am"1can institute of Fine Arts. Hours : 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tues. through Sat. Sun. t-6 p.m. C.M. ART LEAGUE -Members or the Colt• 1.ie.aa Art Lugue, 511 Center St., Costa Mesa. Hours: S•t. and Sun. I to 5 p.m. Continuous phi bit or art work In various 'media by Art League members. No admission charge. 0CC ART GALLERY -mt Fairview Drive Costa Mesa ·Hours: I a.m. to 4 p.m. daily ; 7 to 9 p.m. MM. No admis- ~ charie. Currenlly on exhibit through May, the annual :a:i::::. of class work paintings, drawln,s. erapbics SO. ·CALIF. FIRST NAT'L BANK -17111 Buch Bhil., Huntington Beach. On ahlbit during regular buslnw hours through May. oil painUnp by Lillian Call). ' LAGUNA. ART GALLEllY -:m _CIKI Drive, Laguna Beach. Ad.miss.Ion 50 cent.a. Members and one guest fret. Hours: 1.fon,-sat. noon to 5 p.m.; Sun. l·S p.m. On exhibit, WW through June 2l, a show combining the annual mem- bers Sculpture Show and the works of Tapestry West, a group ot 30 So. Calif. artlsta lfho banded togethtr to revive the ancient art of weaving, lilto a contemporary ~. Peruvian textllt1, art ot Africa and ttramtc and sculpture of Jt:erineth Bnmn, •loo are on exhibit HaD«aome Tommy Litz, world hee style champion and U.S. National figure •• skallng Champion, duplays hi• out.ltanding style and showmanship during the • ~run of Ice Capades in lhe Long Beach Arena through Sunday, May ~. LAGUNA SAVIN~ GALLERY -111 Ocun Ave., Lao guna Beach. On ahlblt during regular bus'-hours through May, arts and crafts ol the Lajpm• BeJcl> Hi&h School Adult Education clasaes and the "°'k ol their lnJtruc. tor, Nelly Allan. Collaget, papltr n1aChe, melted craydn painUnp, 1CUJpture ind block palntin11 art ln~ludtd. --~-..!-- "GlJIDE TO FVN • 'Butt~.-fly '· ~ -Rock~in Set . - i MAY II IJlON BU'ITERFLY -Anabe1m Convention Center Arena will rock. May 24 when the Iron Butterfly concert goes on at 8• p.m. Others appearing wilh them art the Chicago 7l'anall Aulhortly llld the Bluea Image. Tb,.. lbree groups will be p1ayinc nick 'n roll, rock-blues.· aoUd rock, folkfltk, pop.rock and whatever else the audience wanta to bear. Tk:teta, $3.50 • $5.60 are available at the box office or titket agencies. MAY ZS.ZS a.ASSIC FllM8 -Open End Theater, 211~ Villa Way, New· port Beach 11 preaenling orlilm of the gonpter hero in a serits of clualc ill>Pler fllml. Show Umes are Fri. llld Sat. at 8:30 p.m. aod Sun. at 2:00-p.m. n.e ''Maltese Fal· con'' with Bocart, ls scheduled for May JS.25. Tickets art IZ.50 for adulll •ncl $1,50 .for lludenll • .Phone m-1120. • MAYIWI DODGER BASEB.U.L -Dodger Stadium, mo Sladium Way, Los Anceles. Day BllJJ10I lltarl al I p.m.; Nishi games at I p.m. and Twi-tUgbt double beaden at f p.m. Dodgers-. VI Cards, May 23 (N), M and 25 (0). For ticket information phone (213) 215-1411 or Ucket agendes. MAY IWl CHILDREN'S ART -More than 400 JCboola in Orange County will diaplay over 1200 pieces of art 1n the largest ling]e show of its tlnd in the county at South Cout Plaza, May 21 through 31. Grades kindergarten through 12 will be represented in varied media. The 300 winning entries will be eshibited in the Anna Mary Beck JunlOl' GaBery at the Fes- Uval of AIU, from July II throujlh AUi'L't 24. A display of teachers' art will be included in the South Coast Plaza's "T~ Days in May" exhibit MAY 24-%5 FES11V AL OF SOUNDS -Taleeled young Soutbland pet· formers will present entertainment May 24-25 in the Festi- val of SouodJ at Knott's Berry Farm, on Beach Blvd. in Buena Park· juat JOUUi of the Sanla Ana Freeway. Shows are scheduled for 2:30, f and 5:30 p.m. Sat., and Sun. in the Wqoa Camp area. MA'YU SCOUT-0-RAMA -M,000 Scouts are ezpected to participate in the Orange Empire Council sponsored Scout-0-Rama ICheduled for tbt orange County Fairgrounds, 88 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, M_, 24 from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Skills learned by the Scouts will be demOllltrated and eihibits will be shown In 400 booths. Admission $1.00. MAY!Ul PADUA ~ PLAY -11te Padua Hills Theatre is pre-- aenUq "Fiesta a San Ysidro" with authentic music and dances rrom Mexico, through May 31 at 2:30 and 8:30 p.m. on Wed. and Sat: Adjolning the 300 seat air-eoociltioned theater is the Padul dining room where the players entertain during lunch and dinner. Mexican and American food is serv- ed dally, except Moo. Padua Hills is located on Padua Ave. three miles north · of Foolhill Blvd. in Claremonl Phon~ I-. MAY 25 SUNDAY CONCERT -Works by Hindemith and Mozart _ijandel, Stra.,. and SCbubert WIU be perform<d by wey· Gordm>, pianilt; Darlene Hafenrichter, soprano; and James Phi1llp, flautist in Room,171 in the Fine Arts Bldg. at 8 p.m • Sund:ay, May.JS, on the UCI campus, 7801 Irvine Ave., Irvine. No admission charge~ MAY II BANJl.a!OIR CONCERT -The Coot.a M!Pa High School Miiiie Depl Will pr...nt a spring coocert ·m Orange c.a.1 Collep audilorium, May 2' at 7:30 p.m. Performing will be the CClncert Band, Concert Choir llld the stage Band. The bands will perform the works of Bordin, Mancini and Dick Fermo and the choir, the works of Randell 'ThompsoO and Houston Bright. Tickets, at the door, $1.50. ~fAY za HACKE'IT-MURRA.Y -Comedians Buddy Hackett and Jan ~furray wi ll share the stage at Melodyland Theater 10 Freedm~n Wa y, Anaheim, May 26 at 8:30 p.m., to pre'.sent an everung of comedy. No other act.s or mw.lc will be pre- sented on this evening. Tickets, $3.~.50 at the box office or ticket agencies. MAY ZHS ANGEL BASEBALL -In lhe Anaheim ·Stadium 2000 Stale College Blvd., Anaheim .. AD iliifit games are at i p.m.; day games start at 1 p.m. Tickets avaJlable at all ticket agenciet and the box office. Phone 633-2000. Angels vs. Cleveland, May 27 and 28; Baltimore May 30-31. All night games. MAY 29 NOON CONCERT -Room 178, Fine Arts Bldg. UCI campus 7601 Ir~ine Ave., Irvine, at noon, Thur., May' 29. "Le Con: servatoire grognant," works for diverse instruments by various com~s played by members of the University Orchestra, wind and chamber ensembles. No admission charge. l\tAY 38 INDIANAPOUS sot -The Indianapolis 500 race will be shown over closed circuit television in the Arena of th.e Anaheim Convention Center, 800 W. Katella Ave., Anaheim May 30 at 8:30 a.m. Doors open at 7:30 a.m. Tickets $7° a.re available at the box office and most ticket agencies'. ' SWING AND SWAY With Sammy K•ye Kin gdom's Big Band Night Set Count Basie, Don Ellis, Har- ry James aod Sammy Kaye with their world famous mwie makers wUI be the stars of Disneyland's 1"9 edition of The Big Bond Festlv1I, begin- ning Memorial Day. All four aggregations will perfonn at different JocaUon.s in the "Magic Kingdom" Fri· day and. Saturday eveninp. Aiay 30-31, from 9 p.m. to l a.m. Herb Shriner and his big brass band, a musical variety revue, also will be presented both days, and on Sunday, June I. Curtaia times for the show are I, 3 and S p.m. all three days on Tomorrowland Stage. Recognized as the most ex- plosive force in Jazz, Count Buie and his orchestra brine back the irresistible rhythmic punch and unique sound that have made Basie the basic of jazz since 1936. Thh: ap- pearance, their second in the Park, will be at Tomorrowland Terrace. Just across the way, on Tomorrowland Stage, D o n Ellis and hls orchestra will perfonn his especially ap- pealing, high-voltage j a z z . Much of the Ellis style relies onbisgeneiousu.seofelectric instruments, including piano and woodwinds. Harry James and h I s orchestra return (or their sixth participation in the Big Band Festival tradition. They were a major reUOQ why the sounds of ,large groups bmo become "" popular with the all-age Disneyland audience. James and Co. will put together their musical bou- quets in the Plaza Gardens. Tops since the late '30's, Sammy .Kaye and h is orchestra will swing and sway in the Golden Hotseshoe Saloon during the FestivaJ. The Kay organization, which made classics of "Daddy" and "Hai:bor Lights,'' are playing their first Disneyland qqe. meq.t. And as he has done with more than 100,000 amateur conductors, Kaye is ezpeded to hand over his braton to guests who can't resist the urge to lead a big band. An established Disneyland institution, the Big Band Festival has betn enlarged this year to include most ma- jor types of bands. On hand will be marching Dixieland ensembles, yooth b a n d 1 , bagpipe corps, drum and bu~le units, a n d award-winrung musical org anizations from California Colleges and high schools. AH OPEN LETTER TO All DOCTORS, LAWYERS, BANKERS, RESTAURATEURS, EXECUTIVES AND All BUSlllESS MOH Deer Sir: .He~e is,,• new s•rvic.e from NEWPORT PRODUCE "you cen't •fford not looking into. I person•lly go to the m11rket •very mornin9 •t 2 A.M. end the "flower 'h1rgein1" I get ire the "envy ol the tr11del'' We sell thou••nds ol them .every.d•y •tour ret1il store on Newport Blvd., on the Peninsule. Now .,. ~e will del1ve; ! fresh ~ouquet of fl~wers once or twic• • w•ek (we're doin9 it now on • l1m1ted h1s11 I, but st1rt1ng tod•y you c•n get this service for • f•w do1l.1rs • w••~l l1n't it 9re1t .to .h~v• fr•sh flow•rs lor • ~otted plant) in your .office 1t •II t1tn•1l And •t this r1d1culously low/ric•I You II love them end •o will your custom•rs. c.n me for mor• det•ils •n c.u•tomer ••stimoni1ls. Sinc.•rely, ERNEST CAMP 673-8715 Newport Produce FOl OUl ll'IAIL CUSTOMHS-COUPON SPICIALS . .......••.........•........• - • SANTA ANA • In 0 11r Flow9r She, GIANT $111 a : ~o!!,IR.,! • CARNATIONS : ICEBERG LETTUCE : • 5 $1 00 • IO,IGlfwThlo E ... t • 10 • : t:.1t1 .. ~ : 25 tor 96c : Lim~,•• • Witt. Thi• c..,,... a With Thl1 Ceupen a With Thl1 cou,_,. a ~ ................•...•..•..... COUPONS llXl'll lS MAT 21111 Con9r1tul1tion1 to the•• 5 r••f•vr•nf1 for sterling with NIWPOIT PttODUCI l•st w•e•I LeSahtt T...,_; FellclcMot: S1d•1•adc I•, Letua: ChWew Chll. H11f11tff'91 leoc•: l lcMrds, Hntlnttoft hocll. P1tron ize th1ml ___ H_OW AI OUT YOU CAWNG US ? PHONE: NE w p 0 RT r---2-'1-,----. 673·1715 PR 0 DUCE "ii::" ..... , .. _ ~­ Y• 1ic o! of ,,_ ill ns rt-1•. 1 ,;g ty ed ,y, he Ill "' oc- nt ,, de at of p- he .. on '" ill .p-.. .. ic no Is ~ir ig ~ .. he •• ut· ·- ••• is •Y .. 11. ch "' Ill :e- . th 111" ed io he od "' ed :a- od od I' :le lg m !ii ,. .. • < • ( ORANGE COUNTY'S An Opening , Next Tu~sday., May 'fl, heralds the opening· of that exciting new enterprise -Off Broadway West -prOmising Orange Countians a to~ranking spot for entertainment, relaxation and fun. From advance indications this showroom at Anaheim's Grand Hotel looms in show·biz parlance as an SRO attraction. Certain1y tb06e wanting to score a "first" during the maiden-week a~tion bet- ter· call for reservations pronto. VERSATILE Off Broadway West was selected as the name most appropriate to management's concept o( pre- senting all forms of entertainment from night club revues to shows and celebrity concerts. Design and construction of the Uieater was keynoted by ver4 satility in order to vary the offerings. Encompassing 12,000-square-feet. the show- room's elegant interior makes striking use of pinks, royal purple and reds, accented by crystal chande- liers. n will seat an audience of 450, all with a, close view of the stage. LET THERE BE Features of the room include a most elaborate theater lighting system utilizing 90 theatrical lamps controlled through a master switchboard providing a n unlimited array of lighting effects. A mezzanine-level orchestra plaUonn "floats" the musicians in and out of visual attention as be- fits the production, and a revo1ving circular stage permits unusual special effects and maximum flexi- bility. There's also an .. observation lounge" in the back of the room where the show can be viewed from a cocktail bar. A multi-level terraced floor is sight-engineered for unobstructed viewing from any . seat in the audience. VALUABLE COUPON SPECIAL ONE WEEK ONLY THRU MAY 29th Sirloin Steak Dinner 011' Fronti•r St••k Dinn•r i11· c:lude1 R•nch Hou1• to11t : 1•l•d with c:hoic:• of dr111i119; Choic1 of b•lc•d, whipp.d or Fr1nc~ fri1d pol•to1s or • 1id1 of tp19h•tti. Pedecily aged USDA OIOICB com-fed beet. ,........., Family dining at ifs best. OPEN 11 ..... t• • ..... 2267 Fairview llqttr lllursr 1Juu Costa Mesa 642-0732 3295 Newport Blvd., Newport Beac:h 673·1374 CATl:RIHG FOR All OCCASIONS SPECIAL ATTRACTION THE MARK DAVIDSON TRIO fRIDAY & SATURDAY OPENING. JUNE 3rd Mickey and Kurt MONDAY NIGHT SPECIAL . $295 • • • • • • PRIME RIB By I NORM STANLEY R E s_ T A u R A N T, NIG HT C LU·B AND ENTERTAINMENT SCENE , •STEREO.ACOUSTICS The cabaret theatre is unusual in shape. By placing the orchestra above floor level , the booths and tables are brought , closer to the stage and to the dance floor, which adjoins the stage in a semi- circle. A "surround-sound • system has been install- ed to provide stereo-effect acoustics thi'oughout. OPENING SHOW Off Broadway West's initial show \vill be a nightclub revue headlined by Dr. Giovanni, an in- ternationally known artist who incorporates sleight ' of hand, pickpocket and memory feats into his act. The lightning-fast performer has appeared in major theaters throughout the world. Sharing star-billing with Dr. Giovanni will be the highly-popular comedian Rex Benson. They'll be supported by songstress Pegi Boucher: Tommy Cooper. bright new nightclub sensation; and record- ing and nightclub artists Stormie and Sunny, a pair Dh .. ng with An Ocean View SEAFOOD, STEAKS AND GOURMET ENTREES * * * * fROM $3.25 * WAYNE GABRIEL Gultarlst-Vocall1t l :JO tto 1 :lO TueL thru Sit. BANQUET FACILITIES AVAILABLE PHONE 536-2155 ll7 OCEAN AYE. HUNTINGTON IEACH Overlookin9 The Pacific Oce•n At Th e Pier }iyin9 .Butler DINNElt SPECIALS .. , s.rfld Z fo 10 '·"'· l"'h1d•: S.1p CH" Solad, Cholc:e of Potato, Roll & l11tter, Deuert • MONDAY .. , ~b l/, FRIED CHICKEN .......................... $1 .39 ...:_ TUESOAY •.• FISH & CHIPS, Hal ;b,+ ···········-······· $1.19 WEONESOAY •.. TOP SIRLOIN STEAK. U.S.D.A. Cho;" ............ $1.89 THURSDAY , , . PEPPER STEAK, Served over Rice ·-·····-···--·-····-$1.39 FRIOAY ... RAINBOW TROUT or SWORDFISH STEAK .... $1.49 SATUll.OAY , , . JUMBO SHRIMP .................... . ................ $1.89 SUNOAY , .• NEW YORK STEAK, U.S.D.A. Choice .............. $2.19 _ C!tlLDR.EM'S DINNERS Fried Chicken, Drumsticks 12) French Fries, Beverage, Dessert .. SoMP •• s111o1,_ 99c Fish and Chips, 3ever19e, Oe,,ert .. "'"'~ •r s.1""" t9c Spetlal1 not dl'Yld on Hollday1 or Holld1y Wffk~ndt 1101 Newport llYd., Newport IMch -Open 24 Hn. The Jolly Roger PRESENTS • ENTERTAINMENT IN THE LOUNGE THE JIM DIFFIE DUO SENSATIONAL GUITAR SOUNOS & VOCAL ARRANGEMENTS MONDAY THRU SATUROAY 8:30 p.m. -1:30 1.m. SERVING Breakfast * Lunch * Dinner Combln1tlon STEAK & LOBSTER s495 2300 HARBOR BLVD. <Costa Mesa 540-8535 of 21-year-old beauties \who were recently signed by International Artists for · a sertes of records. Dick Stabile and 'b\s orchestra and the Nonn · Majgr Trio will provide "music for the :mow and dancing. Stabile has conducted and arranged for many show business per'fonalities including Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Jerry Lewis and Sammy Davis Jr. He also has.played extended engagements 'for dinner-dancing at the Newporter Inn, Newport Beach. ' SHOW TIMES Show times will be 8:30 and 11 p.m .. Tues- day through Saturday, with one show Sunday at 8:30 p.m. Dark on Monday. An entertainment charge of $2 will include ad~ mission, dancing before and between the shows, and the revue. There'll be cocktails, of course. but no food. • x..· .; .• •• • DINNER IN MATAOOR' ROOM Anyone wanting to precede this full evening's entertainment with dinner won 't go 'vrong by head- ing first to lhe Grand Hotel's Matador Room. A ~enu with, many tempting dishes always awaits diners here. Location for the whole works is 7 Freedman Way, Anaheim. c;.;i We Get Letters Noting that while the ladies drift in on occa- sion -"this is really a man's place" -B. E. Bailey of Huntington Beach writes the following recom- mendation for the Outers lnn1 Harbor-Baker Center Costa Mesa. · ' "The Outers Inn is not fancy and is certainly not a family spa, but the food is good and what's inore the price is right. The bill of fare consists of BALBOA BAY FRONT DINING STEAKS -SEAFOOD -RACK OF LAMB Sffsatl-i BOBBY HOUIDA Y VOCAL-GUITARIST Tue1. thru S•t. -t t. 1 :30 OPEN DAILY 11 :301.m. to 2:00 1.m, 2601 W. Co1st Hiw1y, Newport Be•ch-5-48-1166 , rH=l.lwersR ...... "~;:~ 4~~~74 e u . LUNCHEON • e DINNER • amAUU.NT AND • SUNDAY eRUNCH • COCITAIL LOUNGE e LATE SUPPER • DINING KATE PORTER, Guit•rist ••• Pl•ys & Sings Wedltes4ey ti!,. Setunl., Ewoh1p t :l0-1 :JO.,.. OCEANFRONT DINING, ATOP TOWERS WING OF SURF ANO SANO HOTEL IUJ SOUTH COAST HIGHWAY LAGUNA llACH, CALIPOlllUA IN THE LIDO LOUl'>IGE BILL McCLURE DUO 5:00 -I 0:30 p.m. -Mond1y thru Frid•y 8:00 p.m. -I :00 a.m, -Sund1y r~- the noontime ''daily special", served with bread and salad -aU for $1.00. other sandwiches are available around·the--clock, and an ample sized pitcher of beer is only $1.00. "Two pool tables provide local entertainment and there is a color TV -for sports events only. "As in an eateries, the people are the back~ne o[ the operation. Gene, the proprietor, as of this moment, doubles as the cook -a round of applause for his culinary sldll -Jean is the barmaid, Pearl fills the barmaid role at night. ·' 'urhe customers wear many costumes. There are those in hard hats and work clothes; the retired ones, keeping companionship alive; and the white shirt and tie crew. 1'There is a certain group at Atlantic Research Corp. who refer to the Outers Inn as Building 5." Thanks for your vitws, Mr. Baitty. f.fay wt prt- s111ne inntrs are equally welcome at the Outtrs l'nn~ Amigo's Two veteran restaurateurs, Al Ward and Frank Garduno, have taken over partnership management of the Amigos Family Restaurant in Costa Mesa. With a combined 42 years in the business, they should indeed bring a storehouse of experience to the operation. AJong with the ne\v menu recently introduced by Amigos, Ward and Garduno are gearing the bill of fare to be more closely in line with the authentic dishes of old Mexico. Emphasis, they say, will be placed on spicing the food "just right" to the aver .. age American taste. Together with all the other changes, the restau- rant has added a couple of mirthfully -named "secret" cocktails and a refreshing apple-fizz bever· age. Continued on Page 24 VILLA ROMA SpecializhtcJ in Italian Dinnen HAVING A PARTY, A GATHERING OR FAMILY DINNER? Our st1ndard special sp19hetti dinner consists of our delicious meat s1uce ind me1t balls, topped with im- ported parmeien cheese, •nd in,Judei our delicious 9•rlic toait. No 1'ith•s to w11h with our d;1po1abl• •lurninurn conl•intr1, N1Mbet ef dlHen wid "tc-T• 90 Hly • 100 -Sl41.00 6 -Sl.70 50 -72.SO 4 -5.10 JS -l6.00 J -2.90 10 -14.SO I - 1.45 '4'45 North Newport Boulev ard, Newport Be1ch Opeo 4 p.m .• 12 p.m. Ml 6-4929 CLOSED TUESDAY ENTERTAINMENT IN THE LOUNGE FEATURING MARY LOU TUES. THRU SAT. PIANO.VOCAL STYLIST NUiHTLY L:0U ·N0RR1s-&1k8e---1(I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JERRY ROSS TRIO /I 8:30 p.m .• I :3 0 •.m. -Mondey thru Saturday Mike• night of it-Dine in tho beeutiful MARINE RESTAURANT 6'4'4-1700, ellf. 55-4 for resorv1tions I I 07 Jamboree Rd., Newport Beach -JOSEF'S- D1x1ELAND BAND EVERY FRIDAY AmRNOON FROM 5:00 to 7:00 P.M. CAL ROSS TRIO • • • 9 P·"'· to CI01l09 e LUNCHEON e DINNER e LA TE SUPPER e SUN DAY BRUNCH e 2121 E. COAST HIGHWAY AT THE JAMAICA INN 47J.11IO NOW APPEARING • • • RENOWNEO HAYDEN fe•turlng VOCAL STYLINGS .., ·JOSIE ond the Plono Artistry of CHARLIE Nltely Except Monday 3201 E. COAST HWY. e C R A For Reservation -C•ll 675-1476 l l I I· I \I • I d I I , I i 1 I I 'I !f • °"'1'' rt\.OT ' "Where It's Happening!" tlLl MARTINI COCKTAIL LOU!'46l ~-----.., IJO I. 11tfl COSTA ~ Bill Mirtinl • Pr•Jtnt1 ·WAYNE AND DQN ' TRIO For Your Dancing ana Us!ening Pleasure PRIVATE BILLIARD ROOM ••• LADIES W ELCOME Dinner DINI' IN FlllENOLY SNUG SUllllOUNOINOS ••• U<1lq~l1 rl<le<:or•lfld In the (Olorlul, lnforfll/ll •!mos-~err of i loe "'ff! Son frlncloc:a, FUN & ~IC I AT7HE • PIANO BAR I 673-7 72 2 ,_.._o:.:.,RIGINAL OILS ART ly LEADING COAST ARTISTS Gallery Vina Harmer Trio Mike Jordan Duo Sunday Monday thru Saturday I 37 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT ctNTER Betw•n Bllffuma & Broadwa Ample P•rklng 1l.-rv11tl1n1 ..... 2030• Open to the Public ~ _Newly Enlarged ~~~;;;; Popular ... LARK ROOM Entertainment Nightly Tu,sd ay through Saturday THE FABU L OUS GEORGE and LARRY DUO * BANQUET FACILITIES FOR 450 * SERVING LUNCH AND DINNER DAILY MEADOWLARK country club GOMER SIMS, CECIL HOLLINGSWORTH, Co.Own1r1 · 16712 GRAHAM STRW HUNTINGTON IEACH For Reservations Call 846-1186 or 846-1416 - -- ------------·----------------------------- WEE.KENDJ; Continued from Page 23 The "Amigor!ta" cocktail, inspired by the popu· Jar Margarita and served in a salted glass , is made from an imported wine. The remainder of the re-. ~ipe is being kept under wraps. The "Bloody Maria" is a zesty blending of to- mato juice and spices, laced with ~ ... well, again \ . .i\migos p.reters to keep the rest confident!~!. But « both drinks are certainly peppy variations pf farnil-p iar themes. ,. 1· FO~ KIDS . Last of the new beverages is "Apple Ole," pure apple juice gently fizzed and splashed on· cruSbed ice. This one the youngsters can tie into and Amigos serves it by the glass or. pitcher. . , Ail three of these refreshments were created especially to complement Mexican food . NEW ADDITION Keeping it quite separate from the family end of the business, Ward and Garduno also plan to open a cocktail lounge in the near future. To be housed in a new addition to the present building, this attraction also will feature entertainment. On the new dinner menu, six special combina· lion plate~ are P.ric~ from $1.35 to $3.50. All are served with tortillas and butter, corn chips and saJsa picante. On the $1.35 Tostada, you receive a crisp tortilla filled with meat and beans, covered with crisp let· tuce, salsa dressing, tomatoes and topped with grated cheese. On the $1.50 Tampico, $1.95 Guadalajara and franeois' CONTINENTAL CUISINE Fam o~ For FLAMING DUCK ·Open 11 :00 A.M. -Closed Monday. HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA 1815 1 BEACH BLVD. 842-1 919 OPEN FOR LUNCH ;;::~'"'' 11 :30 to 2 p.m. DINNERS Tun. thru 5 30 t 1 o ,,.,,, : 0 D.m. 9!E~C~~~NT 540 • 3641 Corner of llu4olph • lristol, Co1to Meta Ah o ill LefUllO IHch 494· 191 I OUT 'N ABOUT $~.45 Acapulco, there's Monterrey rice, refried beans, albondigas so\Jp or mixed green salad, and a choice of one, two and thiee, re'spectively, between beef taco, beef burrito, cheese enchilada , beef tamale or chile relleno. PARFAITS, TOO Served on the Fiesta for $2.95 is albondigas soup or mixed green salad, guacamole dip,' beef enchilada, chile relleno, Monterrey rice, refried beans, "Flag of Mexico" parfait or rainbow sherbet. The $3.50 Amigos steak dinner consists of al· bondigas sou'p or mixed green salad~ choice top sir· loin char-broiled to order, sliced tomato, Monterrey 1l rice or French fried potatoes and guacamole. Mexican a la carte items extend from 55 cents for the beef taco to $1.45 for the Spanish omel ette Taxco. Norte Americano dishes range from th e . ..\migos twinburger for 75 cents to a sirloin steak \sandwich for $2.25. This handsomely · designed restaurant a 1 s o features a nice selection of appetizers, soups, salads and desserts, together with a complete food to go service. The Costa Mesa Amigos is located at 428 E. 17th St. It opens daily for lunch at 11 a.m. and closes at 9 p.m·., Sunday through Thursday, and 10 p.m. on Friday and Saturday. Recent diners here, looking as thou gh th ey eµjoyed .every bite of their Fiesta dinners, were Tony Martin and Cyd Charisse. Kaplan's A thr~in"°ne Orange County restaurant, bak· ery and deli that meets every provision of far·famed Canter's Fairfax in Los Angeles is Kaplan's House of Corned Beef, South Coast Plaza, Costa Mesa. Jn addition. to their great corned beef, Kaplan's offers the best in all those other delicacies associ· ated with such an ,establishment. You'll never go wrong whether it's pastrami, pickled tongue, hot brisket of bee!, salaml, Chicago bologna, chopped liver, Kosher knockwurst, liver· wurst, sturgeon, lox and cream cheese, cheese blintzes, potato pancakes, cold borscht or kreplach soup. All baking ls done on the premises and food is al so prepared to take.out. For dinner ther~'s such offerings as southern fried chicken, $1.85: breaded veal cuUet, $1.95; grilled liver and onions, $2.10 ; salmon steak , $2.20; lilet sleak. $2.35. Next time window-shopping or otherwise takes you to South Coast Plaza, hit Kaplan's for either a snack or full meal. Don't be surprised if you have to wait a few minutes as mobs jam this li vely spot every day. Out 'n' Abouter solicits comments, criticism and praise about Orange Coast restaurants and night clubs. If you have something you would like to say. write Out 'n' Abouter, Weekender, Box 1875, Newport Be.ach, California, 92663 WE'RE ONE YEAR . O.LD TH' DO.HYMEN [luncheon weekdays Mention This Ad To Enjoy Our FIRST ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL May 26th thru May 29th LUNCHEON SANDWICH SPECIALS S<rVtd in the Grand MQ11111!r FISH SANDWICH, CHIPS, IEYERAGE ............................................... . HAMBURGER, CHIPS, BEYERAGE .................................................... . • DINNElt SPECIAL YOUR CHOICE ••. CHICKEN OR FISH 'N CHIPS .................................................. . S71 S. MAIN, ORANGE lltsorv-: S4Z.3.l9S (a-I Sanday) AND SOMETHING NEW NOW SERVING TAP BEER 2100 W t 0 m! nt Phono 673·2200 es CeQft o:FO 11 ·o.m,-t p.m~So"n Doyl o Wffk Locatl'CI 11t th• Foot of NltWport Pi•r, Newport Buch ~ ~uthlailfls ~estc:JJ.ILdtAfost Pabulous ~howroom TH_E GREATEST ENTERTAINMENT VALUE OPENI NG MAY 27th HARRY ZEVIN "'"ES~ A STELLAR NIGHTCLUB REVUE STARRING: THE AMAZING DR. 610VlNNI THE COMEDY OF REI BEISOI S W•NG•NG 90NGSTR""• r£61 BOUCHER SENSAT>ONAL NRW STAR TOMMY COOPER THE TALENT o• STORMIE IND SUNNJ NORM fUR TRIO DICK STABILE i HIS OICHESTRI I SHOW TIMES 8:30 AND l 1 :00 SUNDAY AT 8:30 ftMEM l'!E5TAUftANT Continental Cuisine Cockt1il1 Serving L1,ncli.con and Dinner Monday through Satu,.dau. Closed SumtauS Open for Private Parties Only OPIN FOR DINNfl 5 TO 10 P.M. We are located next to th e M..,.--Co, in , South Co•1f Pl•za. llll 5. lrhtol 540.Jl40 Joi• i1 tho~ fio• •• Co..,, ... lltlth Sen..a r. • ••11~--~· CH~JCE PR!llf Ill ff IEEF, CHAICOAL UOIW STEAlS, lOISTEl, RACI 11 LtWI A•D ClllelEI. 11 llr COCKTAILS-E11terl•inMont\1 I with But• M1 llin91r I\ * B11uliful B1nqu1! Room1 YOUlt HOSTS I DICK llA.TSARIS ·~ t:RA Nlt: KlSSUI llESlllV.t.TtOHS 11~1 Wrrn.aurr 169~~!~! AVE. Huntington !eac:h IN HUNTING10M HARBOUR YIARNfR 11 ILGONOUIM G. CHARLES H1 i11ro ch, Pr11 u:l1nl of !ht corportl•o11 th1 t op1r1l11 th1 f1mou1 i nd 1ucceuful CAPTAINS' INN R.ESTA URANT 1t the l ong Be1ch M1r;111 it, 11rly ti! J u111, op111in9 1 n1w 0 ;11n1r Hou1t iO'I Coron1 d1I Mtr to bo ~nown 11 CHARLES BISTRO, A d11i9hlful. inlim1 l1 1pol with " touch of PARIS, 1 touch of SAN FR,r..NC ISCO i nd a lol of •tll•u· r1 nt KNOW HOW. Thero will bt •n •~c•Uont opporlu11itv for PERM"· NENT, SECURE po1ition1 for 1 J>mited "~..,ber of tap W ail1t1·, W1itr111e1 ind J ui .3oy1, INTERVIEWING UN'fH.ll PllEJU.liSES Monday thru Fr iday ' Noon to 3 P.M. DANCE TIME: befo re and after perform ances ENTERTA(NMEN7 CH ARGE $2.00 pe r person (inclUdes admission., dancing and show) Or Call For An Interview At Your Convenience 1714) 673-8267 • , llBSBRV ATIONS ACCEl'TED but not • ......,.Y :(714) 772-7777 'GRAND HOTEL 7 F~MAN WAY • ANAHEIJ\t ACROSS FROM DISNEYLAND 1213) 438-8406 • I I Re.i Cin141ne$e food ' eat ~,.. or I t1k• home. STAG ' CHINESE WINO 111 21st pl .. lffwport. Beech OIUole 3-9560_ o,. .. , ......... ..,., 11-12 -frf ....... 'ti J .... fl/) n PHONE 646'5At Cl /-' orron NOW 1H NEW LOCATION 6600 W. CO'AST HWY., NEWPORT BEACH • ~J;."$Mfr ·~ '. COMING SOON ~ CORONA DEL MAR ~ ~~~ J. J. MACK ENTERTAINING NIGHTLY TUESDAY THROU~H SUNDAY SHYING· SUNDAY IRUNCH Alon9 with Our Retular Men• 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. (Across from the Arches and next door to Villa Nova) 642-4298 Huntington Beach TOWN & COUNTRY 1UH llffcll slVd. tU·5tU ~ Costa Mes• H!LLGREH SOUAAE llEHIND TEXACO STAl)ON E1a1 17111 & S111t1 ~Ill '4J·Un CHILD'S PORTION Hllf PRICE (ChiWren undtr 12) PHONE IN ... Ill ITEMS IVllLABLE TO TAKE OUT ------ .. -------------...,,,--------------~~------:"'""."---.--,. 1 Frld'1, M«I, 2J, 1969 DAILY 'ILDT .S :!. II 'Revue 69' Featµre s Charles Ray Charles 1s currently playing at Melodyland Theatre in An)lheim where he Is present.lng a full stale show spotlighted by d a n c e r s , singers and a ventriloquist. The production, c a 11 e d "Revue '89," includes tbe Lon Fontaine Danc,ws.; four girl singers -the Raeletts; ven- triloquist, Aaron Wllliarns: Charles' 13-piece orchestra, and the unlqlie vocal stylings of Charles himself. Live ' Theater "Room Service" A WU' comedy about. the mad, mad 30',s wUl be on stage at South Coast Repertory, 1827 NOW-Inds T-, 1 tO,_.ACAllMY AWAM WINNll PUPOIAl.UtCD JACK ALllR~ .... "",...,_. • ~ . : :j . : • Newport Blvd., Coota Mesa, I ttu"oQgh May 31. Performances ~ ~ ; Thurs. -Sun. at 1:30 p.m. . _id11, _ '.,. Reservations -466-1363. Wl'Uii . J "Madwomaa of CbaWot" 11..d~ .,0 .,....,. , , A French comedy by the 'ft& ~ Jrvlne Repertory Theater on "'Cl.JAi".] 1 '11 ~/IMl'I"' stage ln the Studio Theater on TT, 71 '-7 0 campus, 7601 [ r vine Ave.,,Jl:::=::!•~oa::r~A~CT~O~l~•:,:=='=,:~-~-=~~~-~l~I~ Irvine. "Madwoman of Chall; I~ lot,'' Fri.-Sat., M1y 2.1, Z4 and Wed.-Sat., May %8-31. Reserva-* Uons -833-6817. "Once ror tbe Alktng'' NO ONE UNDER ia WILL BE ADMITTEDI ------------- CO'TTME FILMS PRUCHT1AMll.O0. fl:AMK PMllUCTMll WCUTIVE "'4>DUCl:I HAJtOlD NQINZM. -.. , • . • . j j I His latest hit song "I'm All Yours Baby," updates such standards as ''Mak l n g Whoopee" and "Indian Love · Cali." The production will have five perfonnances this weekend, May 23-25 -Friday at 8:30 p.m.; Saturday at 7 and 10 p.m., and Sunday at 5 and 8:30 p.m. A modem fantasy will be on stage at the Westminster Com· munity Theater, Westminster Center Mall, GOiden West at Westminster Ave., Fr:I. and Sat. at 8:30, through May 24. Reservations 893-5602. ' "'lbe Teadtr Trap" Alloclatl l"nldllctr....,... .... ,,...... .. ....._ Dlnclor Madi. llnt: • Sc,_,,i., U. ·y, GoJM ' .. ·; IRON BUTIERFLY TO ROCK ANAHEIM AREA A romantic comedy by Max Shulman will be on stage at the San Clemente Community Theater, 202 Avenida Cabrillo, Sari Clemente, Thurs. -Sat., through June 7. Reservations On May 26 Buddy Hacketl and Jan Murray will move In- to the theater-in-the-round for a two-man-show with no other acts involved a n d no orchestra. They will present a full evening of c om e d y starting at 8:30 p.m. Iron Butterfly: • • -1-492-0465. 'jMiddle of lbe Night" Song Comes First A romantic drama will be on stage at lhe Cosla Mesa Civic Playhouse on the Ora'1ge County Fairgrounds, F ri. and Sat. at 8:30 p.m. May 24. • 31. Reservations -BM-5303. Tickets are available at the box office or most ticket agen- cies. For centuries a fierce argu- ment has been going on as to which came first, the chicken or the egg? The s a m e tke FLING ENnRTAINMENT • 7 NlliHTS A WEEK DANCING * HAP HALL DUO Wilh .lollll 111 ..... 1 ti! Sall Thur. tllr11 51111. MON .. lUES.·WID. ' * Larry Lake Singer Guitarist Rear-Me11 ThHter MESA SQUAR.E Cost• Mela 145 £. 1 fth St. J111t off N•wport llwd. DON JOSE' -proudty pre-senh - The Excitin9 SANDRA ALEXANDER DUO DANCING FRIDAY & SATURDAY discussion pertains to song writing; \'lhich C1>mes first : "-Ords, title or music? In the case of the Iron But- terfly, a successful quartet of enlertainers, musicians and recording arlists, who will play A.n ah e i m Convention Center May 24, the song com- es first, followed by the title and then the lyrics. All four young men, Doug Ingle, organist and leader of the group, Ron Bushy, drum- mer; Erik Brann, lead guitar; and Lee Dorman, bass guitar, work-closely together grinding out a melody at a series of cram and jam sessions. "Dylan" A biograph.ical d r a m a presented at Laguna Playhouse, . 319 Ocean Ave., Laguna Beach, Wed -Sat. at 8:30 p.m. May 28 -June 14. Reservations -494-8061. "Breath or Sprln1" An English comedy on stage at the Huntington Beach P layhouse, 2110 Main St, Hun- tington Beach, Fri. -Sat, at 8:30 p.m., May 311 -June 28. Reservations -847-1631. 7 ·Ai·ts Doing Brisson Film What comes out is usually a hit song, followed by a best- selling album. It's a fairly un- complicated way to make a Frederick Brisson has slgn- couplc of million dollars in this ed with Warner Bros.-5even day and age and anyone who Arts to film h.is Sonnis Prrr \Yants to, can follow the same ductions' feature, "The Unex~ recipe. pected Mrs. Fo11Uax/! at the Warner Bros.-Seven A r t s The na1ne of the group ls Studios In Burbank. ''All THE "' \tlVING COUP\\CO .. /. tr~l.if~ hu,h.huJJi story ibollt ,.,1 ~~ ..,,,y_ 1 rttnd ,.. .... · • • or • rtl1Uv1 ••• or 1 811bl1181ak1• lynn l'.lrtMithl• Pnl f.olnl •Scall GrM • )Wum.t Glo!it Minon • Wit RllSSIH • Nor111111 Aldlft • ~ TONIGHT'S SHOWTIMU .,.~ 11\E lOVINB t:OUPlEI' .. UMI • n:LS PM .. THE SWINGl!R.11 ..-MS PM --------------- HARBOR BLVD. DRIVE;IN SANTA ANA • Hlrbor llYd. It Mcfadd.n Aw. ******************** ' . . ' .. . . .- . ' •. ,., ... ··: • • .. • .. .. .. ' . ... . : : . .. 11 to 2 P.M. ENCHILADA & TACO . . . . . $1.30 CHILI RELLENO·ENCHILADA . . $1.45 symbolic of the music it plays. Brisson is currently working '·Iron" denotes a heavy rock at the studio as producer or sound and "butterfly" means Avco-Embassy Productions' light, versatile a n d im-"Generation," now being fllm- aginative. ed. "The Unexpected Mrs.I~~~;;;;;;~;;~~~~~~~;;~~~ The group was formed in Pollifax," which will starJf 1967 when they all lived in the Rosalind Russell, will begin JlrATIOIW. -Fiix-SOUTH COAST Hollywood hills and got filming about J une 15. together to practice 12 hours a Seven companies have prrr COR~fllH PLAZA~ day. They almost starved duced at Warner Bros.-5even San Dileo ffffWIJ It Brfltof • 546-2711 e COCKTAILS e doing it, but eventually they Arts on multiple-picture faclli-ACRES OF FREE PARKING got, their break. ty deals, or have signed for 9093 E. Adams Cat Magnolia) Hunt. Beach 962-791·1 1'i1ey will be the headliners future production, in the year WE ARE PROUD TO PRESENT at this Saturday's bash at the since the studio opened its THE ACADEMY AWARD WINNER ,, ·Anaheim Convention Ci!nter. -gates to non-WI film makers. BEST FOREIGN FILM . SOUTH SEAS TROPICAL ASH Largest Selection of Tropical F i s h & Supplies in the area. Now 2 Locotlo11s 71t W, WILSON, COSTA M£S,l fotf F1~i'w Rd., '"°1'61 1n.c;, Rlver11o;1, Dr.-NewJ>Orl lleKh SUNDAY BRUNCH CHAMPAGNE BUFFET SUNDAY, MAY 25th Served I 0 a.m. to 2 ADULTS $2 .50 p.m. In Th• Caribe Room CHILDREN $1 .50 Cbehind tt11 Post Olflc.J 6.U·l5J6 ~~~IL(§)&'~~--~ RESERVATIONS 536·1421 12 P.M. TO 4 l'.M. JFM~ fine Di11i1111 Sinci: 1965 3801 E.o.sT Com l·f1<J11\VAr U,1110NA 01~1. MAR, 0.Lll'Oll.f'll,\ 1'1tONE: (71'4) 675-1374 IMIM . COllYEITION CENTER -DlltlmAllO - HAlllllG (~llllM<lllrflrl GAYLORD ' HOUDAY ALAll SUES RlllH BUZZI DY CIBSOll HIGA llEILSEll DAYE 1W111EJ1 ,,..., W.mor. DON RIA ONE NIGHT ONLY Sat,MAY31 •••w,. . SEATS llOll, II la Ollict • So. taliL -C., lil7 s. Hiii 31.. LA. • lllllidl'• Miiiie ClfJ's • Bu-· • Ill Mollltl ..... Phone (714) 635-5000 The Two Part Produc tion ol Lto Tolltoy'I ~ .... _ ... _____ .. _,...,;.,...~·' • .,, "GIANO Altl•t' OF: NAPOl[Ofll 81UiTM·f"*IH UAMltVI OF Tiil _..,.DOlf(O 11' ITS 9'f'f:M l'Al.ACC IAll AS TIICIUIAm ~1 THE ENTJltE 'ltODUCTION OF "WAI. AND ,~CE .. ' • Wit.I. IE SHOWN IN TWO '-"ltTS. EACH ,AltT WILL IE SHOWN FOlt ON E WE~ICI PART 11::.•=::::.:. STARTS MAY 21st SCHIDULIS OF l'HFOWMANCIS -: ............ 1ri1.,121 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• J .. ,.... rti•"""t M.., U , ••·•••••••\•••·•••••·· ..•• , 1111 , ... frfd9J, M-.13 .. ,;,.,,,,,,, •••.••••. •:30&11:11,.._ lmirffy, Met 14 , , , • ._., •• ,, ••••••• J:oo.•:>1o1•M ,... ,....,.,., M•r JI ••••• 1 , •• , ••• ,, , •••• 12:JOo4tllol:ll , ... M•IUley, M91 2i •• , , , •••• , ••• , • , , , , , , •• , , , • , , , l 1N p.-. 1~. M.,. 27 ... , ...•• , • , • , .....••• , , , ••• , • t 1M ,.-. • • i .. .J I I : I : I ) ' I I l • • • • • ' .. 28 DAILV PILOT F:l.d•r, May 23, 1969 ~~.::::._---:::Y::-:O=lJ-::R:-:::G;;lJ~IDE TO JIOViES " THf "'OTION PICTU~f ~ODE AND RATING PROGRAM - Ttl• Mti;•" Pitfvr• Cod• 111d k_tthig A411'ilf' ttf•tfo11 1ppU1t th-• foJlowlt19 rtttngt lo fi1111t dldr4b11t1d '" ff11 U.S.A. Pl¢· f•ret r•t•d 6 , M or R. <11111if)o Steiger 'Illustrated' ........ $""9 If KlllNW' •.• °''· "'Tttt ....... 1.!111'1elll-" .•• U , Time "ROOM SERVICE" fot th• Code s •• 1. .. Pkhlr•• rtl\d X do 1101 ricer,,, 1 Siel. T~• rellflg• 1pply to pict11re1 11l1111ecl 1flet Nov•l!'I• Mt 1, 1961. P,ict1111• r1le11•d befor• th1t del• •r• d•1trib· 1d .; pr11tio11ily ( f9 1Md/or SMA ). 19)-Su'f~1ted for G!NlltAL eud1eMc e1. 1 l!ll-s119g11t1d for MATUll:E •ud!enc•• !Perent1I di1. crelion •dvi1edl . lnl-IUTll:ICTED -P1non1 l!!l 11nclir 16 not •clmilted, ut1itH 1tcomp1ni11cl by p•rinl or 1dult guercl· i1n. ©--P•rson 11111dft 16 1101 odmltted. Thi1 111• ••· dri,tio11 m•y be high1r in cert1in 1r1a1. Chick th11!1t1 Of 1d1t1rti1in9. Junior Matinee Sat. At 2 P.M. "FLIPPERS NEW ADVENTURE" -In Color- Also Cartoons And Prins ALL SEATS SOc I ,A~dAt8,100nly I ' ".l m1JD ROI FlillZ. I ....,.,.. .. ,...,.~ "'fhtrtSt 1sab:t11 .. --· --· - POSITIYELY NO ONE UNDER 11 ADMIMD THIS ENGAGE- MENT. ALL SEATS THIS PRO· GRAM S2.00 <Editor'• Nou: Thi • movif guid.. U prepared by the film committee of Rorbor Covncil PT A. Mrs. John Clark is president and Mrs. Hart Swttn.ty is committee cliairmcm. It U inttnded as a reference in determining suitable jUms for certam a g e oroupt and wiU appear weekly. Your views are soiicited. Mail them to Mo- vie Guide . care of th.e DAILY PILOT.) • * * ADULTS AU the Loving Couples (R): A sexploitation film which dramatizes the misery and disillusionment of wife-swap- ping. Barbara Blake . Kiss the other S h e l k : Shallow Italian sex comedy about a bank clerk who tries to sell his young wife to a wealthy sheik. Marc e 11_ o Mastroianni and Pamela Tif. nn. Point Blank: A brutal and lusty tale of underworld vengeance in which L e e Marvin portrays a thug who uses his sister-in-law (Angie Dickinson) as bait. The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie (M): English-made film with Maggie Smith in t~e starring role as an eccentric but captivating teacher at an Edinburgh girls' school in the mid-30s. The Sergeant t R): A taut drama set in contemporary U.S. Anny. Rod Steiger is cast as the Sergeant who is drawn to a tortured youth (John Philip Law) in an abnonna! relationship. Therese and Isabelle: French Oashbacks of gay. young times in private school and the love of two girls for each other. They Came to Rob Las Vegas (R): Out s ider s challenge the syndicate .in their own backyard by devis- ing a heist with an armored car. Gary Lockwood, Elke Sommer, Lee J. Cobb and Jack Palance. MATURE TEENS AND ADULTS The Boston Strangle r (SMAl : This film traces the events leading to the arrest of a psychotic who has .ne~er been tried for the multlat1on and murder of 13 women. Th~ probe of a diseased personali- ty follows. Tony Curtis . and Henry Fonda. Bullitt (M): Steve McQuee11 is BuUitt, a San Fran~isco police detective, assigned to protect a Chicago mob~ter needed by politician as pnme witness in a Senate crime hea ring. Robert Vaughn. For Love or Ivy: Romantic Midas Run (M): Adventure 'lloo------·~· ....,,_Titlnt a. ,,_,~,,.,_,m N....,.. .,.,.. .. '"'' ,,., ... toUTH COAST llfl'l'•TOllY C'i!LDlll.H'S THl!ATlll "PINOCCHIO" comedy in which t w o yam set In ~uros>e-Anoe teenagers set up a date for Heywood, Richard Crenna, their housekeeper ln order to Fred Astaire. !':::~ keep her from leaving the Sam Wlliskey (M): Widow household. Sidney Poitier, Ab-wants to recover gold bars bey Lincoln. from a steamboa_t wreck and $11fllll'tl 11 I ... l it.I'll. ,..,_ MIJ JS Ulosita&td Man (Pit): Rod pu\ them back into a Deof.er St.eigei-stars in his elaborate n;i.Int before anybody tniSleS and b i z a r r e science-fiction them and discovers her hfe film or the supematura1. bas-ht.t9band 's Only faU f~ ed on several Ray Bradbury gra~. Burt. Reynolds, Ahgle short stories. Claire Bloom. Dicltin.$on, Clint Walker. Llot:& In Wio.ter: Clash of two 1\e Subject Was Rose. (Gj: strong-willed monarchs, Henry A family drama a.bout a 11 or England and his queen, housewife who for years car, EleaoOr of Aquitaine, makes a rie:s personal crosses thal brilliant explosive drama out have kept her tiusband at cf fragments of t2lh centuryd arms length. Adapted from history. Peter O'Toole ao the Pulitzer Prize winniDg Katharine Hepbu;n. play. Patricia Neal, Jatk UCIShowing Graphic Arts Graphic arts of Mauricio Lasansky and his students ~re on display in t h e UC Irvine Student Health Center through June 12. The works help toil-. lustrate the acceptance of print making as a major art form , according to Mrs. B. N. Desenberg of t h e UCI '!own and Gown art sec tion , sponsors of the exhibit. "Lasansky has a I w a y s fought for the acceptance . of print making as a ma1or creative art form. It seems to us that this battle is largely won,'' Mrs. Desenberg said .. ' Albertson and Marlin Sheen. TEENS AND ADULTS Cbarly: Cliff Robertson is Charly, a mentally retarded young man who, with the help of a night school teacher- psychologist, has experimental brain surgery. He becomes a thoughtful, brilliant adult with new and serious problems. Claire Bloom. Gone with the W i n d : Margaret Mite!hell's brilliant novel of the Old South during the Civil War era returns to the screen. Clark Gable, Vi· vien Leigh. Mayer ling (M): Lavish new version of the Jate. 19th Cen- tury Viennese r o m a n t i c tragedy about a dissipated Hapsburg Prince who finds fulfillment . in a tragically doomed love afaflr. Omar Sharif, James Mason, Ava Gardner, Catherine Deveuve. tl1e-rnesa T· 1·, ' f 1· .. '"'V A~p: 1r1trn.-nts Nf~'/l'ORl AfljD 11,~RBO~ !N 1..0S TA MESA lELEPHONI 541·1$52 FOi INFOIMATION HELD OVER! ORANGE COUNTY'S BIGGEST COMBINATION! ACAOEMY AWARO WINNING- Lasansky was b o r n 1n Buenos Aires in 191'.4 and came to the United States on a Gug- genheim fellows~i~ in 1943. He studied under. William Hayter· who taught Picasso the a:t. o( printmaking. lasansky JOl~­ ed the University of Iowa in J945 and reorganiwl the department of ,graphic arts to become · bne of the major training schools in America . PeoduluJJl (1'1-1): An engross-ll~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ing suspense thrille r in which a Police captain, who resents the acquittal of a rapist- m u r de rer on legal technicalities, Cinds himseU chief suspect in a double murder. George Peppa r d , Richard Kiley, F orn1e1· U 111pire ToPl.ay Convict Former American Leagu e base b al l wnpire Art Passarella. who turned actor after his baseball career, has War. and Peace: Superb, d e t a i 1 e d , English-dubbed Russian dramatization o f Tolstoy's novel about Czarist Russia at the lime o f Napoleon. This six and one- half hou r film is broken into two showings. Ludmila Sav· .e\yeva, Sergei Bondarchuk. * * * been set to portray one of Tiie Utter immediately I.he convicts in "There Was after the title indicates the A Crooked Man .•.• " Joseph rating give1i the picture by L. Mankiewicz Production for the A-fotion Picture Code. Warner Bros. -Seven Arts The A-fotion Picture Code now ~ filmed on location And Rating Program may in. the desert near Indio, Calif. be found on th.e . motion Kirk Douglas and Henry . Fonda star ·in the territorial p1cture page. , prison drama which J~ph CG~• einc COAST llKtKWav & ST11 n . L. Mankiewicz is producmg 11 -.. 111111 • and directing. C. 0 . (Doc) :.ill Erickson is the executi ve pro-~ ~\m= due<r. * HEY KIDSI * FOR ADULTS SHOW TIMlS "Th11111111 incl h1b1lt1'' 7: end 10:30 "Kin Jh1 oth1r Sheik'' at 9: "IF you are wondering just how far film s are able to go these days, 'Therese and Isabelle' should provide an adequate ans wer.'' -HOLLIS ALPEJ.T, IATUJl.flA Y l!YIJ;W Crossword Puzzle "'KING KONG VS. GODZILLA" 1 full llo11r of YO•r fn•rlte CA"TOONS Ir COMIDllS -Pf111 - Acldtmy Aw1rd Wln1111' 8HI AdOfl (Ii" 11-.1$0!1 COL.OR "CH.ARLY" !>":!MY Po1111!'r tOLOll. f.FOR LOYE OF IVY" llecamrMndi!'d For Adv!ll1 PA'CIFIC ACROSS 1 Stts of I rut It whetls: ColloQ. 6 Texas city 10 Tarzan's friends L,,._J Al\. DltlVli·IH STARTS AT DUSK --\l-14 Opposite o! a llability 15 Sleeping . 10 Uninlerest111g person -_ ..... M5'llll 11-m!Mftdell fo• Adu11" Mt911lt !mllll COL.OR "THI PltlME OF MISS JEAN IRODIE"' TOiiy Curll1 COLOll .. Tiie loltoll StrG'"Jict"" --""-I 531·12'71 17 local ad- ministrator 18 far: Prefix 19 Flop 20 0t'(l01 sound: I 2 words 22 Ontario communitv I 23 Make a hit 24 Cook in certain w~y 25 l iquor 28 Possesses 29 Exchangt in fivalry H• on• 11fMl•r 11 -''"!".., 1 30 Opposite of "ALL THE LOVING 1 "forward'' COUPLES" 33 Cetebes COL.OR mammal AM-Ma111ret COLOR 35 How somt ''THE SWINGER" coats may -,,,-..,,.,-, bt worn w.nww,., .38 Pass off '-" as genuine . M7-Jstt •O Si9 nalljr at thr UN 11.-111-0911 ...,. Mvlf•! c.n "l'OIJ i.11e ~ 111 -nl;M~ "THE WITCHMAKIR" COLOR "IVIL OF JlANllENSTl'IH"' $l.1$ A C1"11H 41 Kind of 11tssel 1 42 An9le1's ·accessory · 2 '/IOldS 45 Enlitr 4b Fo~y ~7 Leave this vale or tears ~a Kin cl of toy 50 Youngster 51 Part of a toolil paste lube 52 ~l ore sec uie 54 Stable division 57 AQua\it sportsman: 2 words bl Mr. Porter b2 Mata ·--· 03 Shaped like an e99 b4 -·-· Majer or Mi1101 bs Girl's name bb Rt1a tln g. to birth b7 Open to 11oestion t.8 Part of "to b,'' &9 Of a graylsh t~S\ OOWN 1 t~lssile 2 Ont puttin g 1 thing in strv!tt 3 Ou t on lhe ote1n 4 Clly on \ht St. l awrent f' 5 Unp lr8sant smtll Ii ShoreHnt: Z 'llOtd S 7 Whitt popla, B B~tte_1_)' !>ttllon 9 \le1se form 10 We~tm inslet 11 Supply copiously lZ Al on' time: Archait 1) Bro ther of Cain 1nd Abtl 21 Male an imal 2Z Crowd o! peopl' 24 Tr'' 2~ fishin g hooks 2~ Boiltd -----: 2 wo1ds 21 Clamorous Z9 One with certain tood habits JO More or less 3l Plants of 11n area JZ Oid steno· yraphit wor~ 5/23 /69 34 R~5i du' of combustion 3!:r Ve111cle 37 Sick J'J Pt1L lo cfr- tairi wa\trs 43 Short drink 44 Oulle 4'f Jt1illl and Eva 51 Proj etticn on. foo!ba!ler's boot SZ An onward r11 sh 53 Ha ving tl1t 5amP tla1ms 5• Ra bble 55 ···-br~vo; Fighting b11!1 56 111 addition 57 Bargain strkers' militu 58 Establishtd facts 51J St~tt: Fr. bO O'pend on 02 Cutting tool Free Grob hg1 Ir Mori! l ltffft Sot. ~how .A11ywher.I -lRD. & FINAL WEEK Stt¥t McQut1n !n "BULLITT" plu1 "THE WRECKl!'IG t REW'' with Oetn M•rlin Co11tl1111it111 S1111dQY l :10 p.m. ' l • i-n,r-r•a -nr 11 13 ...................... TAKE IN A MOVIE Tf;jlS , W,EEKEND .. .. '• ·~ . . ... " ~.. ~· ----------- .. . ' CiARKGABLE VIVIEN LEIGH LESLIE HOWARD_QLIVIAde!M.TIµA@ A SElZNIOK INTERNATIONAL PICIURE · ~CTOO flEMll«l ~-M£1RO·GOLDWIN·MAYER,. ·--· 0 Sl!REOl'HON~OOUNO·MEn!OCOIDR ..... -,,.e..,,. • Ptrform1nce Schtdult WMknights Al 8,15 S1turd1y & Sund•y Continuous From 1 P.M. -~ ~ - ... ,. . 3~~Awards BEST ACTRESS · Katharine Hepburn WINNER-"BEST PtCTliitE ~!!.11,E YlA!l" P€r€R~·--"',..'K'AnwuNe OTOOLE ~ H€P~R,tf 1H€ UON IN WINTER ~;\\,":':;::,'=' RESU'l£D st\TS NOW AT BOX OFFICE 01 IT MAil! (XCLUSIVl OlAfNI( l il; .. b ...... et SI. t•M*"•• ~ :..·~~~~~ COUNTY lESElVlD .i1 •~1"1 tk -.i Aif'Kln 1~ .,.:..,., ~ *-ti ... SEAT CNWOIOIT " 111'172'"°2 w ,..., -• TONIGHT AT 8:30 /&@s CfNlUR~ 21 111119.0IClJIM.• ..... •TtWtlll ALSO AT UA 4-STAR THEATRE, L08 ANGELES ..... ........................ .. 1 ~la ,Jo N.~~o=oR.:J.:8,35!0E' ~.CH :.:· • ctlUt "'"'"' "'° "" ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• .1 FIRST RUN! 011btudlitg Filn1 Fir Tiie Monti! of Moy! "M•••i• Smith ti~ll 1 lupirTor itriin p1rform1nc1 ind •n ·,·•• ' d · ,. t ve•r 1101 lo • •wilebl 1 ac1demy 1w1r 110'"'"• •on neJ • • : • L 1. . d " Cherle1 Ch1mpl,11, .A. •me1 !flltl• . 2o.--... -• 'Jlie :Prime Qf CAfiss :Je1111 !iJJrodie ·-A ~·~--Ah ~~~~ft ~-~-'• l: . ··--· .. ·~ /J.J.....,.....,....&£-t !"-h.-;.;;:;. ....... _ ... f-" 'i"-'· <Maggie Smith ffi'ii1ENs' FRANKUN. JACKSoN. JOHNSa~. "'""'"'' .,,.,. .. ,,, X-tr.. -~---... .~.. "\~J·~. -=J --....... _ .. .,., 1~--~-;; Jll'li'<(Wl!1U1ll·ll'1-11.W1 ·r:c~ -_ ..... ...,,,. .• ,.."_ .~· OMAR SHARIF, CATHERINE DlHEUVE JAMES MASON MGM presents Terence Young's "Mayerling .. PANAVISION' AND TECHNICOLOR" THE GRANDEST CINEMA OF THEM ALLI FASHION ISLAND .* NEWPORT CENTER •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ... ~. ca.lllllll PICTUMS PTlll'lh GEORGE PEPPARD .IEANSEBERG RICHARD KILEY . ~II·• l".dlrtli-11.1\tl l'U'ib: 1~111q:11-ne ...... ~ l.EEMARVIN "POINT BLANK" ANGIE DICKINSON MAY-21·27 :!!:~::=.':.!!ttr1111et EXCLUSIVE SO. ORANGE COUNTY RUN This is a robbery picture .• . 'Wut~_..111!1(111'.l St!'[Q PIQOll ~ ..... M)!Ol ltflll lllD*JOllL• RJCHARO ANNE OONA HEY'Mm FREDAfil~.~ MIDASRIJN • • ' -•- a JOB PRINTING • PUBLICATIONS ' a NEWSPAPERS Qw•llfr Pr111hf •114 Dt1Kn4•bl• S1"lt:t f.r ~ •• t Qwtrftt tf 1 C.t1l•l"f· U11 WDr IA&.IOA Aft. NIWPOlr llACH PEANUTS TUMB.LEWEEDS ., , I ;. • ' . • <__;•'--"' . ._ ___ _.., • ..:'....;·co.• __ _, '-"'---'--IW I - f•~ll'. M" 2', IM By Tom K. Ryan AAAGHl ti' , • .• 11 .• s~1,. ·------- : I .. By Al Smltti ~~-AAPPEN 16 A - DOGI QULR ByPhll ........ , TELEVISION VIEWS Shows Heli}ed By Surgery By RICK DU BROW ,. HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -Maintainln~ a bit tel .. vision series over the years often reqwres ,a face. lift for a show. Many series returning next s~ have undergone format surgery. And sometimes the human problems involved are similar to those ·that any company personnel director would Understand. Some years back, for instance, "G~ote'' seemed to be in reel trouble when Denrus Weaver -the famed· "Chester" of the •how -decided he bad enough of,the part and quit. After carefuf screening, a fellow named Ken CurUs was pro~ ed into prominence on the program, anil Mw bia role of "Festus" bas made, •u!llencea,fQrget Chester. ''I LOVE LUCY'' was one .of video's all·ilm• hits, but when the star, Lucille Ball, and her coata" -husband Desi Arnaz -broke up, there were t.boa~ who wondered whether the comedinue could ~ ta in her popularity. She has, of course, in several variations on her original: series, including the lat- est, which features her childreri by Desi. ·, Andy Griffith quit bis series this ·past season, but careful selection of a new l~ding man, Ken Berry -and emphasis on tb.e other characten - have ~ept ~e show going s~?=essfulJy under its fresh titre: Mayberry RF.D. "The Virgiruan" has bad its cast changes, as I can attest very personaUy. Sever:al months ago, I was sold a cab1e television cootract"for lXiY. sets at home by a salesman who turned out .to be Gary Clarke a former regular on "The Viriginan.'1 He. aloog With others, is out of the program, but it keeps rolling aloog. ''THE GHOST and Mrs. Muir" was canceled from NBC.TV after one season, but this fall it will turn up on ABC-TV, at an earlier hour. And an ABC-- TV executive says the network figures the beJt. war to make a bit of it ls to stress more slapstick,. wbidl will be sharp change. "Daniel Boone" lost one of its· key regu!ars,. singer Ed Ames, who played an. Indian to ·Fess: Parker's leading role. There were some pretty: strained feelings because ·of Ames'· desi~e ,to get: out o !the series. But get out he did, an4 yet the. ratings indicate audiences. still love the show. : ''DRAGNET,'' when first on the air, bad Ben. Alexander as the sidekick to Jack (Sgt. Friday). Webb. Now returned to NBC.TV, Harry Morgan;, Webb's right-hand man, and· the popularity of the program Is still there. Jackie Gleason's series ~as had severe ~ 8nd: downs , as the comedian himself admits . With ·bis cusu.nary frankness. The high point1 of the .•er!•• Invariably have been related to the regular-ap~ar·­ ances of Art Carney as Gleason's pal in 11Th.e Honeymooners" segments, Whenever the show bas relied on straight variety, the difference bas been. all too clear, and Carney's presences sorely mJ1Hd. ' "MY THREE SONS" his Fred MacM1irray, of C course. But once jt also had the late, incomparable.· William Frawley as a regular. When Frawley pus. ed on, the venerable yet eternally youthful William Demarest signed on, and "My Three Sons" seems set for another SO years or so. . The Walt Disney series built up sticb a rese"e of goodwill that,even after the death of the carlOCJll· i1t bMt it has earned audience attention. And 11.Bo-• nanza," of course, survived the resignation of one . of its four original stars, Pernell Roberts, who in middle age felt silly going around saying "Pa" to ~J'."De Greene. Dennis the Metaace · ·. , ' ! I ' ..... ~--------- Lapnaa Hoiiored .r..,k Lewis (center), Laguna Beach resident, re- ce!ived miniature Marine officer's sword from Brig. Gen. Jay Hubbard (left), director of division of in· formation , in appreciation Qf efforts 001 behalf of Ille Marine Coll'•· Lewis, president of Gallant Pub- ll!IUng Co. is also president of the Southland chap- ter of the Marine Coll'• Combat Correspondents AJsn. and a fonner Marine Captain. \Vith them is Robert Suhosky, president of MCCCA. Aiwther Revolution Hits U.S. Campuses Hidden by the smokescreen· of ,protetts and sit-ins, a very real ftV01ution is spreading across American campuses to- dly -a revtilution that i! positive in its approach to education and BOCiety. '!bat's the opinion of college a n d university presjdents throughOut the country who _.. 11ked by 1be Associated Press Managing E d t tor I "-ialion wbat they thought waa happening in American hilba' education that the turmoU was obscuring. "Higher education ls in a wild stale or fiux ," said Thomas F. Jones, president of the University o( S o u t b Carolina at Columbia. "'It has a total population that ls mou articulate, more opinionated and g e n e r a I I y more Cilmmitted to the pro- blems of our time than any other aegment of society," 'be aald. SMALL MINORITY changes 10 colleges a n d universities. Nonnan Topping, president of the University of Southern California in Loe Angeles, said studenb already have a say on the !llbject matter an d method of presentation of coones. "Some of our sb.ldtnts and even some professors ·go so far a.a to say: 'Let's throw ()Ut all the courses presently being taught and start ()Ver again.• The fact tbat it. is even being suggested reflects the tenor of the times. We are going about it less precipitously, breaking down th e compartmented walls U\al have been built u_p between departments over the past decades, comb in l n g department! a n d academic discip1ines." ~ A spokesman. for t'h e University of Connectlcut at Storrs said there was· an in- cr.eas:i111 demand for less specialized programs a n d more interdisciplinary work. Northeastern University in Boston reported "a developing trend away from specializa- tion at the undergraduate. level." "Unfortunately," said Jones, "1 great deal of space is given to the dissidents , . , who ac· tually represent a s m a I I minority of the C I m p U S population." Ei'De9t L. Wilkinson, presl-SWEEPING CHANGF.S dent of Brigham Y o u n g At lndiana University In Univenlty In Provo, Utah, Bloomington, P r e s i d e n t said "Enoup bas been written Joseph L. Sutton said that a about the hippies, the Yippies, special study committee had the kooks, the nihllists and recommended s w e e p I n g an&fChlats. changes in the p r o gr am .. How about something or leadin, to the bachelor of arts the majority? These are the degree, including elimination man knowledgeable, the most of rigid departmental lines, serious the most heart-warm est ab Ii sh men t or new, ing a;;d exciting young men problem~e.nted courses and and women ever to enter our the seUing up of special of hoc untvers!Ues." programs to discuss such Many administrators com-· things as the Soviet-led in· plained that the posklve, if vasion of Czechoslovakia. less spectacular, ettorts of Sutlon also was one or a stiiliitliia-ra-culty meifibers-Titnnber -or -co11ege p~dents are ignored in favor of suggesting that more in· takeovers and demonstrations. formatiol'I be provided on 'Ibey cited social programs cultur.aJ p r o g r a m s at being conducted by American schools. u niffl'SIUes, financial pro "I seriously doubt," ne said, blems faced by the schools, "that the general public has new teaching Ideas and chang-any Idea or t r e m e n d o u s Ing curricula as examples ()f growth in the fine arts at our subjects the public shoold be large state universitJes." . toad aboul A spokesman for Eastern Several officials proposed Michigan U n i v e r s I t y in bni.d educational tr e n d s Ypsilanti said, "There is a which should be studied. fascinating story Jn art. , •. ls FIND RELAnONSHIP "Let me suggest," said W. Cla(ke Wescoe, chancellor of the University of Ka~s at Lawrence, "that you ask yourself: What are the in· t.errtlltJonahips of colleges and"'anlvenities with the rest ol~ ... "To Sol specif~• How are caDeces a n d universities ..._... themselvts to social pnlileiiia! Whal are they ~ ht the .-. and the -? What do they think Ibey lbould be doing! Wbat --do they need lo be .... to do it!" m. ollldals clle<I spoclllc --whereby -and (.culty members work wb tho community, bdpln& • yompters, for example. J. R. SmUey, president of tllHfm-ally of Colorado 11 -· dlod "the lncreubtg --of blpr educe--pntd 1 d in many in- "-by lludenla, in l!Oclal ...... _..and other p, ftilm ti a con at r u ct l'v e ----............ sala the ................... ,.la buecf ,.-.i..icun1c111um . ' 'mod' and 'pop' the ofder of the day at art schools1 ... " "l have been most im· pressed by the tremendous in- crease of student interest in art," said Richard A. Harvill, president of the University of Arizona at Tucson. Several college off le I a \ s noted that many steps have already been taken to let students participate in major adrninlstraUon decisions. A l'(l'.Okesman for t h e Unlvomly of Utah ht Satt Laa City aald that l!Chool had 1 special coune in which students are studying the university and plan to make concrete reconunendlUons for Its imlR'OVtment. Albert W. Brown, presldenl of Iha Stile UnMrsity College al Brockport, N.Y., said lb.It among several trends in the admbtlMralion of Iha achoo! was one toward a greater faculty-partklpollon in ninnlng thing!. Many odmln!Naton aald major changeJ wm being made In the mothods of col· le1• luchln&. They cited loc:hnlcal advancements and efforts lo 1ncre .... the conlld betw..,, lludenlli and !acuity. • ., • . Mexico -StaPts H-u-nting f-or President • '. OR'MAWT09BLVD11 Nt#ilt11_E.,Dll N1 GEtf :;; ; .::: ::-:-::~: ~ ~= =r:::.:t._ ;-.:J:.!!/E, =·=:::: \• """':>". t • l* ................. rp •. c.ew ...... w • .... ',, ."-~---. '• .,,........,11 ... ~ .... c.ew ........ v...., J' e .nwi Vlllf.'lllW • n r • ca ; .,.... ...._-... e ...o •...., .....,_ Usiillr air ..... ~cm.. Hll••t"''"""' -lo • ' } • 1~ Million Dollar Shoe Sale ... • • •• .. ' ChAdnn's Tennis Shoes 'I'' Lady Wiishire Casual Slippers ' • I ' . 1 ... ·sp Women's cOlUi ful, casual, Canu Tennis · Shoes . . . ' , . . ' " •r..,c..MldJ ... w .. i1:11 • ci..,e1w...... ..... .... •luilMnM1ic•1oo • ..... w.. ' $ 89 Mlues' TenftisShoes s1•• , Men'J, Youths',loys' Basketball Shoes: s2•• . ' M1111'11oyJ', Yoolhs' iOcit Shoes . si• italian Style Vinyl Sandals ~enulne Leather ' Italian Sandals Sl;ppo,. fm .,.... ... --lo Ibo .... brighlmt .... -----'I'' .... o..i.,.. "'!'li< ... -i-. oijl& -....._ ... J.-lod<- a-... ...,._ ,.no.. plok -~""" __ , __ 99c S2'' J,aclles Shaggy Plush Slippen • '· r " ' • • • ' I • . • .. · .. : · WILSON . FORD SALES 118255 •EACH 'IOU'LiVARD . ... .... • . (Hiwby ·J!) I HUNTINGTON BEACH . ' D~·~· .. . :; . ·• OP.EN . t~A.M. YO l'O'P.M.~-:7 ~-YS : · ' . " . " .. " •• . ' , I ' ~ "i .. " . . ., .. DEALER .... FJRST OF THE 70'1 . AT IMO PRICES BRAND NEW 1969 FAIRLANE •228:8 . ' 199 ;::::. * 170" ,. ... _ . BRAND' NEW 1969 ' ¢0RtlNA · $1 ·888 199 ..... * 159'" ... q.""' ,, ,... BRAND NEW 1969 GALAXIE 500 $2488 199 ::::. * 177'° ,.'";.;. MAKE YOUR CHOICE AND · SAVE AT WILSON FORDTODA Y -·-.. . ' \ 18255 BEACH .BOULEVARD OlJNTING.TON BEACli IHIWAY 391 842-6611 , .. ~~:o~~;o.,. =:;~!r5:iw .r-:,:o,.sa; .. o;;~MIPM. 592·5511 t 1 ' ~ . ----------------------'---'-'~----'-----------~-·-----.:.....-. • I I .1 ) , 'l I I I • ' • .. • I . • • ' . ' .. ~ • ... ......... .. • ·t · ..... ·~ ; • ' tf.~SES fOR SALE HOUSIS FOR SALE HOUSES POR SALE HOUS•S FOR SAL'I HOUll!S FOR'IALE HouslS POil SALi , HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOil SALi 'HOUSES FOil ~I , .. -r•I , , .. ~°"'~-~r~~l~-~~~l~ .. ~·Gi~~~.,.~r~·~l~~~~j .. ~Ge~ne~r~•l~~~~l~!~'!.'!~4~~~1!'~'·~1~~~·~1~000~1 GRAND CLOSING Unit II ~~·,!'pie~~ Bay & Bea.ch Realty, Inc. General 1000°""'"1 1000 General l~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-- ,. ' PETE BARRE 11 presents WATERFRONT HOME designed lo take advantage of climate, sun, view & the indoor-cutdoor concept of beach living. 4 bdrms, delightful patios, prJvate pier & slip & lovely landscaping. Price re- • duced. Out of town owner will lease for summer season. OPPORTUNITY NOWll Immaculate 3 • RAN~CLA CUESTA has oaly 5 homea left. Mode!S' ue. open for you to \o~ 10 AM to 7 PM. 1 & 2 story, 3 a. 4 bed· room homes with '2 or 31baths, Mission We or shake roof, fireplaces, concrete driveways, heavy rough cut beams, built. ins, family & dining rooms . ~~·==·.: ' .. NATIONAL RW TOR WEEK :· ••.. 'TIMI! SET Allbl! EACH YEAR '°' ONLY .'31• ~ . TO FOCUS ATtlNTION ON PROFl!SSIOHALLY·QU~IFllO PEOPLE. •pace tor boot o• -. A 1 SOMETIMIS IT'S WHO YOU HEAR IT PROM THAT MAKES IT IMPOR· pro!•nlooll ~; TANT. IT'TAKIS QUA~ITATIVE ADVICll. TO Kl!EP'AN INVESTMENT 10o. U YoU neod BIG BEO. PROORAM ON A SOUND COURSE. SOME INVESTORS START IN A ROOMS, don't fill to let SMALL WAY ••.••.••.• , .••• this nne. Other features in. clud<o HEAVY SHAKE .WHY NOT CHECK THESE l/ALUES OVER THE WEEKEND? ROOF ~ IMMACULATELY C1iEAN condition. 1>on•t ,.. CORONA DEL MAR 0Ff1C.E NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE lay ~llee it. t ! I .. bdrm 2 bath home in prestige area near Dover Shores. Dream kitchen with many cupboards, large famUy room -a great home. Priced al $38, 750, call for appoint· ment. , Such a beautiful price range •.. i24,995 to .$34,200 with VA or Conventional financing as low a. 10% down. 80 % or 90% loans at •7.2%. l!Jach inli:ceeCllDg Wlll cqetl more,, io take ad\'l\nlage of 1beee 1pnces. I & . • C.:OAT~ . WALLACI *** 'TAX $HELTERS , VAt:ANT.-1.0~I . R-1 lot • View of Ba~Iiai~ il'rlce rncludes plans lor.Z or 3 b .. m ~··~ .... $25,000 EXCELLENT POTENTIAL: R·3 lot wiih comfortable 2 bdrm home, close to 17th Street Shopping Center. Large fenced yard, alJey in rear. $15,000. CHOICEST BAYCREST CORNER. A circular drive will lead you to this hospit· able 3 bdrm home. It has an ('open feel· Jng," a spacious master .bedroom suite J with a lushly planted atrium. Drama· tize this home with your own personality & luxuriate in its elegance ....... $57,900. 1901 Glenwood Ln. Open Sun. 1·5 OFFICE OPEN Sot. & Sun. PETE BARRETI . REAL TY 1605 Wt1tclllf Dr .• N.8. 642°5200 HURRY! RAllCHO·LA CUESTA HOMES 0.. BioOld.unt et Atlonll ..• 96S.2'2t Huntington Buch ------------·- • WCKY JOU 4 BEDROOM . '""' ii.led. Vac 3 bcfrm & lam rm, all newly painted MESA DE' ... AR .xterioc, nc H>U'lm Hi & Ii '"' Westclill Center. E1ec1 bit-in Enjoy living on •"qUiel kltch, 2 frpics. $31,950 street. Beautiful uh pl)1tl. PWC • ~~ Ung in living &: family room, built·ins, flrep~. n Ice $20,9501 51/4% Loan large back yard. Alkina onJ,y P~ments lesa than rent $27.950 • iood financirl&, Spacious bedrooms, plush 1860 Newpl'lrt Blvd., CM deep pile carpeting. Built.in Rltr. 646-39'.lS Eve. 64f..1655 "~:R:Ett 142""' · Lachenmyet Need a Gardenstangle? l>ln!! it witb a wut ad! TEN WAYS.YOU CAN HELP YOUR REALTOR SELL YOUR HOUSE MORE PROFITABLY. REALTollS ' " · "In Coron1 Del"Mar " S464141-(Clpon .,,...1,,..) When the freeway comes, you are aBSurecl that I •••••Ill!••\. tht>Slate will purchase this very neat duplex at IRI~ YO\IR a price equal or better than preaent asking CHECK.,BOOK price. In the meantime, you can enjoy 5, 6 or You will fall in Jove/with this 7 years of tax benefits. A sharp 2 bedroom , . tint time otfe~ 3 BR ?tfeea Vm:le home that ownen home with fireplace. Forced Air · Heat Also a hive • ..,....,. m bright 2 bedroom unit completely furnished, loc,ted happy tone colon ' thruout. above over·sized single garages • an e:rcelle11t Immaculate condition • 11Ai bathll • sparklina: built.in buy at .............................. $34,960. kitchen • spacious livina: Also. see a'lOngei' range investment cOn~istthg room, w/w cp~ &: dra,pa • Beautilully tar.dscaped front of 2 houses on an ~2 corner. lot. Ample garage I: rear &: look at price only & parking space. Excellent income of $395 per $24,0C.O FHA terms OK'D. month. Price $43,500 with flexible terms. kfurry, it won't lut. PWC 546-5440 -----~-------- STEPS TO BEACH A·Fnune fixer-upper; priced at $28,600. Bflnr oHera! Ciywoocl Rlty 541-1290 6306 W. Co&l!lt Hwy, NB ------- Another prime property for the tax-oriented buyer on a beautiful corner lot 1 block from the Ocean, consists of two separate homes. A 3 ~m. 2 bath residence, both fronting on the Street. Excellent for summer.winter rent. ~s. .. ..................... : .......... $81),500 -· O,EN. SUNDAY 1·5 ~ 2015 G•l1te1, Irvine T.err., CdM 1 Magnifi~ent 'ocean•harbor view. Areatige, cus· i11m 4 Br. 'ho me w/htd. & fill pool. $115,000,'. ' RETIRE TO BEAUTY ~I· Corona del Mar •.. easy walk to ocean . Yiews and parks. An easily maintained 2 bed· ·~m "doll·house" on a corner lot that you own ·(Dot leasehold ). Price just reduced. Bay l Inch Realty, Inc. 2407 E. Cout Highway, CdM '7S.JOOO Evo. 541 1111 ' ~ " . . . . ~ .... 25x9S lot close to city HaU. Terms! ''' .•.....•..•...................... $24,009 Waterfront • Fee Simple Lot • 30x80 Newport Shores .............................. $27,500 .., ~ Approximat'!IJ •12,000 equify in fy!, CJ!rner West Newport ne.,r Ocean. iW,lll' J~"-"&• for ihcome property • Corolla, del Mar n ;IFuil price ................................. $19,500 Please cali Mrs. Fay· Eves. 548-8966 ATTENTION PROSPECTIVE BUYERS & BROKERS I Open Daily 1·5 P.M. 1354 E. Oceanfront. 4 bed r ooms , 3 baths & den. ALS0-1350 E. Oceanfront. 5 bedrooms, 4 baths & den. Many extras. OWNER HAS ASKED ALL REASON· ABLE OFFERS BE SUBMITIED TO THIS OFFICE. Hostess Lucile Bastedo • Eves. 646-6001 PERFECT FOR SOMEONE WHO CARESI BALBOA POINTI Open dail y 1-5 P.M. 318 "L" Street. Attractive, charming and enchanting 2 bedroom home with 2 secluded paUo,f, ~amed ·ceiling living room, fireplace. OU~ ~location • out· standing value for only' ... '..:.:.....-...... $37,500. Please call Dick Tryon. Eves. 673-71199 ..-. .. • WISlC~IFF I•~ 1 Interest consclbUa! Tlleil· don'.~ overlook this I very attractive 3 belli:ibm hffine. Room on I large pool·size corner lot for expansion. Extra large living room and all .new kitchen. Reduced to ........................ : .......... $48,500. I Owner's health reason for sale. Existing T.D. j can be assum ed at 5.5% Please call Mrs. Fay i lay & Beach Realty, Inc. " .I 901 Dover Drive, Suite 126, NB If '4S-2QCIO Evo .. 54Mlff 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;';;000~ C!_-r•I • IOGI 'Clenerol IDOO Goneral 1000 ~ VIEW UABX ISd Vacant and Rndy MESA 1 VERDE Sparkling clean alld -located l OPEN SUN. J.5 1511 Antique Woy Bea utiful 3500 sq ft Dover Shor!s custom home. 4 bd. rm11, family room, 3% balhll, 3 fireplaces, just to name a few fee.tu1". Owner tran&- feJTed. Priced to sell al $77,500. OPEN SUNDAY 1.5 217 Ntssau Reid NEW LJmNG • Close to al! BA YFRONT m,prtme N"'Fl 8'"<:I>. Jo. LARGE COMrl)R. Sparltlifl& new home ~ 3 Bedrooms,"lbatha, TABLE BEDROOMS, 1% Lancltcapod I< Decon.ted : !IOllOl!od living ,.... with bathJ, Omvenlently .,..,... J Immediate Occupancy , WoOd bumii:w .~~. (or. ed electric built-in kitchen 5 &Inns., 41Ai Bathfi ~ rQl1 dlninc uea. · Siitcioul and Jara:P Family Room. Bay~ llvina:: ~m A kl~hen and. ~~Pll"lte lleJ'o Roomy living room with fire. faqilly room with v.iCe room. nua:e custom place Spacious well land- profeuional wet bar , ~ l'DOm tor fun and hob. scaped front & rear yardll A s,&utifill Home In b.. Wilk ' Jo Marinen FULL PRICE ONLY $26,SOO. An ExchWve Afta1 • S<W; libl"IZ')" and park. F.H.A. will loan $2'3,900 • 1 $182,00cr 't ~ town o'vner y,·antti 1%% _ 30 YRS Calli. John Abell )' +.• $31.500 . • Res. Gn.ne. HAR•Oll t -acbools A shopping in good .{ t Remember the ugly duckling? Nobody loved him until he became a beautiful swan. It's Ooller• Park area. 12£,950. mtW> , _ i' much the same with houses. Just a bout the only th ing your Realtor can 't do iS'Wave a JEAN SMITH REAL TORS Eveoii\!it fiu'6*.1000 • magic wand and change an ugly duckling of a house into a showplace. So here are 10 REALTOR 673-4400 HERE'S YOUR F quick tiP,S to help you and your Realtor show your hou se to its very best advantage. Many Mi-3255 DOLL HOUSE I <OO E. 171h SI., cos•• Mo" 5 BEDRO. OMS : of them arethe little things that often get overlooked. But your Realtor will tell you what a 1r1 .. , "'be thocutm-!• big difference they can make in helping him sell your house at the best possible price. Newport Heithts 0,!..;.'::rlt ..::~:~ ;:'~, "Fo. A \VI" Buy" :,,:m~a':"."'.\~n,2.:. r Limber up your ~•wnmower. First Im · pressions are often last(ing) ones. Be sure _your lawn is trimmed and edged : flower beds cultivated; and your lawn clear of debris. -----+·~1 ~~~·.~~ n;i: fa'°~· ;.,:n:.:. kite~ -Colesworlhf&-Co. ~-=:~~~. :! [i; loan, do you want open en with eatlna' area. Profes. ble prage, imm&Culale -a Optical lllu•lon. Closets will also appear beam cetllngs, brick .tire· aionally landscaped. Shelter. 51i.m7 tt:ady to be lived in. 1 Place. hardwood noora. art ed pool. Uooi»tructed Bay more spacious when they are neatly arran&ed itudlo, or rue-st room, boat vie1v on eiea:ant Galaxy FRIENDLY •• -clothes hunc properly; shoes. hats, and or trailer access, ivy cover-Drive.$87.500 lncL carpets &: AS A KISSI !i other articles placed in an orderly way. ed 1>4tio located in Newport drapes. $15,000 will handle, This 5 Bdrm. plus den w/4 I\ H•lahU? Then call today. PROVINCIAL bat"-', •ight in lhe be•t Pen. ORANGE COUNTY'S II insula POlnt area near LARGEST ' 14 Sll•d•• upl Ch.eek, double·check. and • triplo·check all bathrooms and bedrooms. 1, These are probably your most important ~ rooms . Be sure they are bright and airy. • Don't be lljdrlp, Oripp ina water may be due only to a worn washer-but your pros- pec t may worry about faulty plumbing. f ix . ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST Tired ol plaln pluter! See beaches. 2-Story plan; 3 Br. 2f• E. 17~ St. ,,, ·-' this pinf!-paneBed 3 bdnn 2 • 1n _......7't t both home wtlh 2 family 3 Ba. up, 1-B•, A I Ba. tow. $151 PER MONTH er. •luge stone fireplace, i,n., rooms plus 16· x 35' pool. vlling dining rm. Just reduc. Include1 all on thb J bed· $40.950 (not I~ hold). R J W ed $5,000. No1v the buy of room charmer Socalai on oy • •rd Co. the year at $74,500. Get in Quiet tfee aha~ street. Ex. 1 {8a,ycrest Office) line, this can't 18.!ll! cellent opportunlt1 to jfP.t in. 1, · thQse leaky faucets. 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 1430 Ga.laxy Drive 646-1550 I OPEN HOUSE llODllRJ to,..., ftnt home with Pl>· SAT S metttl no more than rent. " UN. 1-5 2 D-,room on -R E A L T y Won't Jut l01ll at the ex-, 2813 DRAKE AVE., 91x120 R2 Lot cebtionaJ.prtceoton1y$18.450. ;, Mesa Del Mlr $11,000 2025 \V. BalboR Blvd., N.8. WE SELL A HOME ', Enjoy this 3 Br., family rm. 0 1 675-6000 ho 1.. • nee n a lite time chance.. EVERY 31 MINUTES ~1 ~ • N•Y•r undereallm•t• th• p0wer ol ' ••• a gleaming, spOtless kitchen. Ladies fre· · quently make the tinal decision: make 'em • For w•nt or • n•ll. Sticklnc drawers. ' want to move right in! Cheery curtains that loose doorknobs , warped cibinet doors will ' harmonize with floor and counter tops will upset prospects. H1ve 1 carpenter take care impress and •nchant them. of them; the cost will be small. • • I - Brlgllt•r tll•n springtime, Check your walls. ceilings, and woodwork. If they are dirty or faded, consider• thorough washing ' --even repainting where needed. A small in · ' vestment in redecoration frequently brines an early sale at a higher price. ' a Tip to toe. Makt a clun sweep of all un· necessary articlea In ybur 1ttic and base· men!. Then arrange neatly to show off this storage and utility space to best advantaae. a Scrub! Clean, bright windows and spotless rooms ,will help. Arrange furniture carefully. And don 't start disposinc cf it beforehand ; empty rooms can be depressina. • Don't spare th• kllow•tta. For after- dark showlnc. tum on all your li111t1, from the front entry throucttout the hodsa. This gives an immediate impression of friendly, gl.Wina warmth. When "'( ou Buy Or Sell Property , Always Deal Through A Realtor •• IT PAYS ! ! . . ---------------------- me; '6e. cov. patio area, Live in thls cute house and w lk & L perfect for summer BBQ ch a er ee de>•. 127.500 ~~ •• ;;;:"" .,:·:;: .!!]'.';': -M w.-.. -~. II valued properV will be pvt a I I S\IW Hl,:WJ. ..,, TY ol -lovestm•nt porUolio, ·oen ...HoUde 646-Tnl Opon """' I' but hurry, this v.tin't last ,- 341 1 Ea111 Coasl llwy, long. 2112 Wlndw1rd L•n• '' eorona ,,, .,.,. sr"''" Dolly 1.5 1518 Dolphin Terr l A b'Ul1 c~armlna tarae 4 BR 1 Fabulous S bdrm Ba,vett1t bom,, Lovety m.aster suite. !» signed !01• large family. A home you will be mM»d to own. Arnold & Preud' 388 E, 17th Sl., CM Realtors 646-7756 lde1I hmily Home in Mesa Verde 4 BR 21,i bath!!, rlen, din!~ room. pool-~lt<'d y11rd. DAVIDSON Rutty ~ F.v~. MUJS!I SOCK IT TO "E?.U 645-0303 wUb kitchen. that owr- lookf family room. quaJ.. lf)tappoJntmen t• throughout, 4 bdrm plus delightlul paUo area. EIQ lo Ree, 2076 PhaJ. aropt Court. $43.SQ) ')1:~·s,1 \~r~1 )\\.1l t1' 54 6-5990 ' --- - home. Formal. dining rm, Mly 24th & 25th · Ga:rz\t. rm. delu.w island Spotless 2 BR, 21,S ha. den, I kitchen w/ brftktllat &n!L t?lec kitchen, PLUS hure 4 Immaeulate; ~t buy covered boe.t-port, min. land. I at $69, 750, Own/a.gl. 5t8-8112. SCA!'>\' n111.intenance . SIHhtd 10 $39,500 . ' BIAU'QPUL HOME CURT DOSH Re1llor ~ Pk'turelr,rUia Strert. 3 large ' bcdrfl?ms + family room~ 1730 \V, Cout Highway Rad10 and Inleroom. lm· MU472 Ewa. 673-3411 medlale pom!ssion -ownt"rs !!!!~~~~~~!!!!!\ hive purchased ne1v horn!! OCEANFRONT ll and Ill~ anxious. lO'il. dO\vn J BR. honie, unusual deaip. f • 134.900. Open ilouM? Sa.t 1c sun. 1.s ~ w. "-"front l 'J'I 11 ·!~I 'AL iz l.c , 'I i I'" .rr. "--OIFJSJ!DIE RQ1i SSl"ATE , _'M....,.,•1'v·~ 646®!J ANYTIME ----------------~~·---·-·--·--------·~·---· frldlJ, Mil 2J, 19" • - / It's Rea· tor Week •,. • tim e 11t ~1id1 ••~h year to focus attentton on the prof111ion1lly qu.llfit4' p•op.le_who litt, ttll, r1nt, rn1n191 •nd •pprtlt e rtel property , •. the R11M or. Wh•n you buy or 1111 reel property, you will 1 lwty1 clo bttftr by doin9 bu1in111 with an experienced end qu1lifi1d member of your Newport Harbor-Coste Mesa lotrd of Reeltors. ' HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE ·· HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE I KOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE ------"'---""~"'"'-~'----~ HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSBS l'OR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE General 1000 Gener,& 1.,0 Gener1I 1000Gt,,,r1I locio Gener•I 1000Gtner•I 1000 Gtner11t t0000.Mrtl 1000 1------~---~1 ~,---~~-----~,~~~~~~1~--~-~-~--~---~-~-~--~-~--~­Mesa Verde .1110 FINER HOMES LINDA ISLE WATERFRONT lncompar~ble new exclu!ive 5 bedroom 4 bath, famJly room home. on Newport Har- bor's most unusual island . Sell-cleaning ovens, electric garage door opener. pier & slip !or large boar. $125,000. Choice of 3 · magnificent exclusively listed bayfront homes on this beautifu~ island. OPEN HOUSE SAT. & SUN., 101 LINDA ISLE DR. WESTCLIFF Charmin g 4 bedroom home , excellent floor plan, sunken liv ing room, extra large master suite, 600 sq. ft. co vered patio. removable fence separates pool & hon1e . $74.000. OPEN HOUSE SAT. & SUN . 1332 SANTI- AGO DR. BAYCREST Large 3 bedroon1 home with fcir1nal dining room, large living room. walnut paneled den, elegant master bedroon1 with fireplace & walk-in closets. Beamed celin~s. Asking $69,50-0 . Call !or app't. DOVER SHORES BAYFRONT Charming 5 bedroom home \Vilh arge livin g. roo1n , formal dining room. enocn1ous mas· ter bedroom; su.nny breakfast room 'vith view : handsome exterior. Asking $125.000. Call to see. CORONA HIGHLANDS J-ligh on a hill, spectacular 180' ocean vie'v from all major room s of spacious 4 bedroorn, 31h bath. family room , custom built hon1e; modEfr n kitchen. $68,000. Call for app't. CUSTOM HOME . Beautiful Baycrest 4 bedroom ho1ne \vith fa 1nily roon1 & formal dining room, large mas- ter suite with cedar lined closets; open bean1 ceilings: landscaped for easy maintenance. S\vimming pool. Separate yard ror children, away from pool area. $98,500. Call for app't. john macnab REAL TY COMPANY 901 Dover Dr., Suite 120 642-8235 Coldwell, Banker OFFERS: DOVER SHORES OPEN HOUSE SUN . 1·5 301 EVENING STAR. Spacious 2·slory 3 BR. home ; dining r1n ., paneled den w/ frplc, bayside garden filled w/gorgeous Roses & Orchids. Pier & float .... $155.000 Mrs. Raulston SLIP & PIER -$79 ,500 Beautiful t\vo-story 3 bedroom. dinin g. 1 bath home plus lovel y I-bdrm. apt. "Open for offers". Good financing. Mary Lou Marion CORONA DEL MAR -INCOME 2 UNITS ONE BLOCK TO OCEAN $69,SOO 2 attractive. homes. Good loc ation. 1'.lain home 4 BR's. fam. rm., pool. 2nd Home 3 BR's. Asking .................... $68,500 Mary Lou Marion LOVELY CAMEO SHORES Enjoy spectacular private beaches plus canyon and ocean view fr_om this..immacu-- late 3 BR . home, priced very low at $62,500 . Call for app't. Walter flaase BAY VIEW Beamed ceiling !iv. & master Bdr1n. \VI great outlook of Bluffs & Bay. 3 Bdrm. & fam. rm. Easy maintenance ........ $54 .500 Mrs. Harvey FANTASTIC BAY VIEW Spacious 4 BR. 21h ha.th home 'vi~h fan:tily rm., din. rm. Fantastic Day &. Night view from living rm. &. master BR. Pool-sized yard. All this for only .............. $53,500 Chuck Place WESTCLIFF BEST BUY 3 BR. 2 Ba . plus !am. rm. & pool in fenced yd. \v/sep. play yard. \Veil decorated & maintained ; min. yard \vork . Owner mov- ing. Asking "" ......... $48.750 J. Clarkson OPEN SAT. & SUN . 1·5 2333 ARAL! . .&... Gracious Eastbluff vie\v Lusk home. 2th Ba., 4 Bdrm., lam . rm . Enclosed courtyard w/prol. landscapin g. Close to tennis club ........ , ...... $45,950 Mrs. Davies BRIGHT & SHINY Couples home. 2 BR's. w/be amed ce ilings. raised br ick lrplc. Bi g lot. Plenty of room to add. Freshly painted. Vacant. Move right in! . . . . . . . . . . .. $39.500 Mrs. Raulston COLDWELL, BANKER & CO. 550 NEWPORT CENTER DR., NEWPORT BEACH l:IS-0700 • Sales through the Multiple Listing Service of the Newport Harbor- Co1ta M11a Board of Realtors totaled $21,012 ,995 for the first 4 months of 1969. This represents 63_4 unit sales. List your property • with a Realtor today. U Paint & Save Big fainily home . largC' Co- lonial 5 BR wilh Anthony pool, family roo1n A: dining room. Nearly 2900 sq fl . walking distance to t.1esa Verde Country Club. Owner relocating out of area·rnust sell! 54&·5180 (nearcioeml ~!rt) LLEGE REALTY l500AllMIS 1t Harber, CM. • NEAR \VESTCLIF~· 3 Large Bedrooni8. 2 Bath.~. Living roo1n & family room, bo1h \Yil h fireplaces. Patio, new draper ies, built-ins. On c).l J ·de-sac. lmmaculale! Ready lo move Into. $33. 750. By OWll('r. 642-1679 alt 12 noon. WESTCLIFF- $41 ,950~ A truly charming hon1c, lolided with extras. A largr bright living room w I t h hran1ed i:eilings and mas· sive used brick fireplatt. Nice family rocnn looks out to lovely l'nclosed patio. Bright su11ny ki1c hr11 c."Om· plcle \vith over-size isr1vicc romn. Huge bedroom~~ E.1t- lra lafl;r It for privacy. A lw:m1e y.·ith lots of cham1 anti warmth. Our exclusive, Silif>. r:iit yow· sn1aller hon1<' on our l.';Uarant<>r s~ I<' plan. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUT.ES Walker & Lee Wl3 \\'estcliff Or. &16-7711 Open Eve~. Open Houses THIS WEEKEND K•ep this h•ndy dlritCtory with you this W!9k· end •• you go houn-huntln1. All the locet1ons li1tecl IM!ow •N dffcribed In 1r••t•r deteil by edvertlsint eluwhero In todey's DAILY ll'ILOT WANT ADS. P•trons showing open houMI for s•I• or to rent •r• urtocl to list 1uch Inform•· t ion In thit column ••ch frid•y. 12 Bedroom) 318 "L" St reel. Balboa Point 645'2000 I Daily 1-5\ 1312 Dolphi.n Terrace (Irvine Terr) CdM 673-6510 (Sal & Sun 1·5 ) 12 Bedroom & Family or Den) 1518 Dolphin Terrace (Irvine Terr) Cdtvf 642-6472 (Sal & Sun I-SJ 13 Bedroom·) 2141 Vista Enlrada (The Bluffs) NB 644-2370 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 2709 San Lucas (Mesa del Mar) CM 545'1740 ( Sal & Sun 1·5) 617 St. James Place (Cli!fHaven) NB 548-7729 (Sun 1·5) 421 Cabrillo St., Costa l\.1esa 548-9500 I Sal & Sun) 7008 W. Oceanfront, Ne\vport Beach 675'2503 AM & Eves. (Sal & Sun 1-5) 13 Bedroom & Family or Den) 1959 Vista Caudel, Ne,vport Beach 675'5930 (Sal & Sun l·SJ 287 Nassau Road (College Park) CM 646-3255 (Sun 1-5) *500 1'.1orning Star Lane (Dover Shores) NB, 642-8235 (SunJ 3100 Samoa Place (ti.1 esa Verde ) CM 54M225 (Sal & Sun 1·5) 2915 Ellesmere (f\1esa Verde} CM 545--0694 !Sal & Sun 1·5) 1014 Santiago Drive (Dover Shores ) NB 642-8235 (Sal & Sun) -100 V.ia.Elorence (.Lido.Jsle) No_ __ _ 673-9060 ~;ves: 675'5764 (Sun 1·5) 2813 Drake Ave., (Mesa del Mar) CM 675'3745 (Sal & Sun 1-5) 1147 Gleneagle, Costa f\.1esa 540·1720 !Sun 1·51 301 Evening Slar. (Dover Shores) NB 833-0700 or 644-2430 !Sun 1-5) 1731 Iowa (Me sa Verde) CM 54()..6338 (Sat & Sun 1·51 * 1233 Highland Drive (Westcliff) NB 642-8235 CSal) 1148 Santiago (Dove r Shores) NB 612-11235 (Sal & Sun ) TOP EXECUTIVE Only for those who want, and can afford. the finest! Bay & ocean view from Jiving room, fan1il y room and modern kitchen. Four big bedrooms and three fuJI baths plus pow- der room. Gori:eous easy car-.e grounds with completely walled, big fun pool. Only a few bloc¥s from Irvine Country Club. Li sted \Vith us at $115,000. Owner wants to n1ove NO\V and will carry own financing ~ BALBOA PENINSULA POINT 5 BR, Tri-levt'I, 2100 IQ, II . 1'1esa VeN.le Pacnetle_r. Clos~ to bch, \~ mi to iou cout'SC!s. Hu all ~JCtn.1! Fabulous lndSCJ'i. Close to 1 all schl1, collea:e, lrwya. A.'-1. 4S Int of lay"-wlttl pl• Mii float. 5 ledroom, )l/J ..,.. Mmtf Try $160,000 ......,., hc:ludwe with BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES OPEN Sat. 1 • S 2015 G•latea Terrace 101 McFodd"' Ploc:e, Newport leodl •t th. N•wport Oc••n Pi•r '7J·7420 67J·t127 • Ofc. 631-3930 *BY OWNER* , SUPER VIEW Super 3 bedroo1n, 21f.i bath with super a p- pointments in superb Bluffs area. Shown by 1000 Costa Maia 1100 MeA Venk-dccoratonr lv.'O j story euterri 1tyle hon~. J 4 Bedrooms, 3 baths, u!led 1 brick family room , minored dining room, used brick fer-1 race: pl'ofeuJonally · land-1 scaped. lmmaculatr. Be • sure to llCC'. Open Sal. &: : appointment ........................ $47.500 GRAND PREVIEW Be our guest !or a preview of this delightful executive home. It's too beautiful to leave. but owner has been transferred and tnust sell . Everything is itnmaculate and thought4 fully planned in every detail. 4 bedrOoms plus family room with wet bar. Master bedroom is 15x17 with cozy fireplace . Loads of cup- boards. closet space galore & modern kit- chen plus large formal dining room. $67.900 OPENS.it. & Sun. 12 to 6 2700 Wavecre1t -Harbor View Hills SHORECLIFFS 221 MORNING CANYON BRING YOUR PAINT BRUSH & CHECK BOOK. Older 2 story Colonial, 4 bedroom 4 bath. Key access to beach/jetty & ocean vie\v from upper story. OPEN Sunday l to 5 1.;.;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;== WTSIDE DUPlfX 2 modern 3 bdnn ho1nel! on large Eastside lot , lJive in one & rent Ille. other lwln. Full prlet' just $31 ,500 (100/. down OKI Newport •• Victorl1 646-1111 WOULD YOU-- BELIEVE? 4 BEDRM • $22,SOO Natural brick patio wi th gu fired BBQ. 2 bath.!!. Scclud- <'d living roon1. handsome fireplace in Family room. Built-ins. 540.1720 TARBELL 2955 Horbor 2828 E. Coast Hiway Corona del Mar 673-3770 -.:INVhTORS Pool in Exclusive Newport Beach Localed near upj)('r Ncwpo1·1 Bay. This luxurious e:.:ccu. li\'e home features a spark. ling 38' swimmlnr pool, large patio, huge living room, panelled family roon1 with wO(Kf burning Uttplace. 4 spacious bcdrooln.ll and 3 baths . f'or appoinlmC'n! call ' ~19,950 4 BR & ran1 rn.·. Owner p~­ fers 10 lease back ar $185 for peiiod of year. 1000 ~and Realty_ 645-2340 -4-B-ED_R_O_O_M_S_ s BEDRM • l BATHS Spaciq\l.!I l'OOll1s, fa1nily roo1n, PLUS' urca.m au bui11-1n kitchen. . . • Co\'t'l'NI patio. Pool sized Tl11s 1111{' IS br-11<'1' lht!ll 11<'\\'. , •'fl ;).1~1~20 al\ elec kilc~n. i:ix:o l.."OV· -i-ARaeL l 2955 Herbor <'rC'd patio. 0 1g roon1 addl· __ lion aboV(' garai;e, S\\'cdlsh •· fi rC'placC', look.~ lik<' a mo· $55,950 drl home. 100•: financing availablf' lo vels or small GOOD TER~fS 1lown FHA. Hurry. i1 won't 6 Units Close In Ja.~t. Rltr. 64Z.973Q •Eves. SJ8....0720 e KEHHEDY Three/Fam/Pool \Vhich means we are offering a lovely J BR, 1% bath home \Vith fam rm, and a swimn1ing pool at a prict you will hardly believe. Call Us To Sec: BURR WHITE, Rltr. 2901 Newpo11 BIW., N.8. 675-4630 EvH. 67).0859 SUn. W26 Lcmnot1 Dr., C.M. 1 54().5 T;i 7 . ' *BARGAIN! Mesa Verde, choice loc. 3 Br, 1-,. Ba. Im- maculate! Leaving U.S.- mual seU. Buy d.lrect from ' ~~ now Ir; save $ .. ASSUl\tE 5% Loan. Llve In ' OWNER -2 BR on quiet spacious l9:XI sq. fl. 3 BR, 2 banjo st. Attached gar. easi-BA, Family rm, Ranch ly converts to extra room. 1 borne. Near golf a>Unle. blk lo new park. 2 blks 10 $33,000. (}.vner. * 545-0694 17th St. shopping. Huge 4 BR PACESE:TI'ER on lrg, lC'nced yard on paved alley. quiet corner lot. Rm for New carpet, W wirinr, boat, trlr, etc. Lots Ct PalO!! dispot;.al, Iota of tile. $18,500. Verdt' stone. Must ·'see! 1589 San Bernardino Pl., $35.900 5~i 011 1st. !)46-035.1 Ct.1 oU 16th between Santa 3 BR, l% BA. din rm. new Ana &: Tustin 548-3993 shag crpt'g, b e a u t t f u I VACANT landscaping. By Ow1>tr, VA 3 BR Fi-le'r ~ Upper acceptable. 5'19-4225 R·2 Lo1 10"..f, On. 3 BR , 2 BA, PACESLTrER. 1969 Fullerton Ave. newly decoraled tnskle. By Only $15,~ TERAtS owner, princ only. Call Mr. Roblnson $32 950 * M0-4681 Davis Rulfy 642-7000 ~·=-====== itALECREST, Hdwd flrs. 3 COiiege Par~ __ ..;1.:1;.;15 BR., 2 BA. fam rm, large patio. ldeaUy located. \Valk to sch!" & Shop'g. Very clran, 309\ MUIT3y Ln. Kl !"1-9111 e ey OWN ERe Th1~tAC 5 BDRrt1, iam rm, finished garagto rumpus rm. Ideal lor kkl s or le<-ns. St.rect soon lo dead end. Assun1e 6~ <µ, 1oan ar reline 10 sui1. $29,900. 540-3647. B\' O\\'NER. leaving state! llomt' & income (2) 2 BR houses in 'xlnt cond., on l't Joi, lncd teparately. Block wall , shrub & fruit 1rees. Qul~t reskl~ntiaJ, citlse to Nlorel'l & school. SC'c lo •P. 3 BR & den, hwd nn, cov patio, blk \val\, c\011e ro schools/shop8. $26,900. By O\vnr :>45-394:1 Newport Be.ch 1200 I OHi \I I 01 \II\ ,, ., ' .. ORANGE'COUNTY'S -Ea-sl-side-f Uc-:-1 '-ccVi1-::Bc:-A ~'-rec_;•.,._''-' .... ..,........14-"'-,-- B Y OWNER F'OR sale or tease: Neal' \Valer-back bay In ~ide VillagC'-Private beach, pool. clubhoUM'. slip avallable, 1000 sq. ft., .2 BaUia, 2 BR, lireplace. patio. carport, forced air. WW '·carpela, • draperies. buUt-irui. $14;500; ground lea11e $ll5 per mo; ar rent yearly S200 per mo. Available no1v. 525-8539 or 529-3449 • weekends try 673--5454 645·0303 LARGEST Condominium $11,500 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 293 E . 17fh St. 646-4494 $14,250 loan. fi~~?I· available 4 BR., 2 ba-. w/playhouse. Open house Sun. all day. BUY OF THE YEAR ' Only 2 yrs. old, 1v/4 bdrm~. 1 3 baths, dining rm. & family rm. w/irplc. & wet bat, Beaut. yard w/easy upkeep; top financing. $53,500. 142-C PROPERTIES WEST 298 Princeton Dr. 546-3729 tCoUege Park area) D OOD l iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiOiiiiiiOiiiiiiiiii S2000 dO\\'n. Call Oscar HAR w F OORS Immaculate ~7~~~ ~v ........ ,, 0w,. Large Collegf' Park fan1ily home on Collegr Ave. \Valk lo shopping & !Jehools. Extra special featutt; custo1n buill family room "'"ilh ~lass doors to large patio. $27,500 F/P Newport •• 4 BEDROOM. MESA VERDE Beautiful TICI\' carpeting. Lo- cated on QUIET ('til-dC'·SllC street. Hal! a large <."Ovrred & enclosed Jo'RONT PATIO, even room ror boat or !rail. er. f:XC<'llent v a I u (' 111 S26,900. Call now all this popular plan \\'Ill sell fast. 546-9521 or 54(4jlj3J. J. K. Nichols describes this 3 bdm1 rustic fOiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiO bea uty 1vhich fearures: LIDO SANDS shake roof. plush landscap. 3 Bdrm&. 2 Balhl ing. block 11•alJ fencing & Con1munlty Pool. t.n,000 mUC'h morr. \Von'! la!l to~ G.orge Williamson at !his prlcl' of REAL TOH . $26,950 613-4350 <T.l·I"" Ev". LOVELY 3 BR, 1* BA . Fam rm, encl patio, bltns, beau 1v /w crpr 'g all nns. Block f<>nCt', frplc. $21,500 hal! 5·'>' 'ii assumable J o a n . 642-1614 110 1\1.E &: business under 1 roof • kids can sY.im in lrg An thony pool. 4 BR, 2 BA. S?l.500 no dn GI or tC'rms. 548-867< DREAM LOCATION Move In cond. SpacioUs 3 BR.· 2 BA; \Ve.stcli.U shop'g area. Chvner. $31,500, 5'i8-9':;Q(I 4 BR, 2 BA, paooramic ocean LIDO 4 BDRM. view. Lgo '"'"'" '""· PIER & SLIP patio. Lois of privacy. Sell , PENINSULA PT, '" lca,;e. $190 mo. ''"" o•· l (t28 Bayside Drive NC'wport Beach 675-4130 NEWPORT TOWERS Landmark of lhe Newport Skyline. 8 stories of breath. taking bay &: ocean vlewin&: from luxurious 2 B~, 2 BA., all elec apts. 2 H11hspeed elevators, subterranean & top deck parking. T'ha"apceu. 1 tic pool & boat dock&. Open daily. Sale or lease, 3121 W. Coast Hiahway, TI4: 642-2200 New Home 4. BR ... 3_,i baths: ll('ar ll('W Best value! 3 Br. honlc on $2<1,500 sell . n4: 755-9233 SpanlHh . on 2 lols: wall~'<.! JOXIOO' lot. Enjoy beach Jiv. BEAUTIFUL 4-5 Bedroom, 2 Patio wr!h Jarg pool Shp Private cul-de·sac street. 4 • C' · ·. ing! $42.500 s10"", loved fa1nlly home. f I' 50 bo I C t lllll I 'J bedroon1s 3 bath, 75xl25 lot 0 a · us Onl q 1 Y Balboa R11t Estate Co. f,1nny c:.:lras. Priced right. th '\lout $149 500 lorcver view oC Back Bay. 1 · ' 700 E Balboa Blvd Balboa 303 E. 22nd St., 01. Open· Delta Real Estntc 6464414 J oe Clarkson · 6734140 ., eves & Wknds. 54&-5003 -REDUCED $3SSO TRl'PLEX nr. College Park, 1307 Ma1ion Lane, N.B. $20,950. WOWI c.r.1. 2 BR ea, kit bit-ins: Open Sat & Sun 1-5, 3 BR I: "Apple P~" order. Kl,.,.. ilz.. encl, gara~s. Income. $340 ·~ 132 2-9!9" fam + upgraded features.Jn Coldwell, Banker & Co. ed hfi!1:ooms: drcan1. kitcll-mo. ,500. Owner 64 w i:-hoiC<' Westclllt. Roy~ E. 550 Newport Center Dr. en, built • 111 applia nces. O\VNER. ~', Acre + 2 Br C.eo11te Rl!r. S.1G-2'8S8 ~ N B h C rr Handsome 11 n a ck bar. house, Easl side. Takes 6 --ewport eac , a I • Sprinklers boat rate units. S24,900.• <S2500 dn1 THE BLUFFS 133-0700 644.2430 5fil.1720 ' · KJ 9-053.l Overlooking Back Bay: l yr. •""'""~""~~ .... ..,~I TARBELL 295S H1rbor old condo.~ J Br, 2'>9 Ba. 14 Bedroom & Femily or Den) 1518 Antigua Way (Dover Shores) NB 646-3255 cSun 1·5 ) 2399 Tustin Ave., Ne\vport Beach I Rt'al lvr N CtrrE, 2 B}l HOUSE. fpl. AnENTIO ----CWit, drpi\ & Carptl, 6% LITTLE RANCHO Sal• by o.,,.,, Nr 20th • C NERS loan. By owner. $5.1.900. YA HT OW Very •ltrJctlve small home Orange. Days 6 4 2 -7 8 0 0 ; 644-2370 ' 64&.3255 (Suo l·oJ 1380 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB 642--8235 (Sat & Su n1 16501 Loire Circle (Sol Vi sta) NB 847-B-089 (Sun 1-51 2112 \Vindward Lane (8aycrest) NB 548-811 2 (Daily I-51 1338 Santiago Drive (\Veslcliff) NB 642-8235 (Sal & Sun 20~ Lemnos Drive ff!.1e sa Verdel CM Mo-5757 . (Sat & Sun ) 1430 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB• 64&.1550 (Daily) 1245 SurOine, Corona del Mar 675-2503 AM & Eves. 1Sun 1·5:30) 363 Vista Baya, Ne,v port Beach · 67S-4130 !Daily 1:30-4 :30 ) 2341 lrvlne !Back Bay) NB 540-1720 (Daily 1·5) 233.! Aralla {Eastbluf!) NB 833--0700 or 644-24:!0 (Sal & Sun 1·5) 15 Bedroom & F•miiy or Den) 1350 F:. Oceanfront, Ba lbon Peon. . 645'2000 !Daily 1·5) 1 ..... 4 Bdrm +FamilY Rm 40' Prtva~ dock adjoim prop. on 1~ ac!"f", ~II or lease op. Eves &12-7171. 2 BEDROOM fixer l.IPJle:r $31 ,500 C'rly. Cape Cod alyle home lion or maybr lease. Roon1 BY OWNER 3 BR Hornc11. 2-BEACH HOME. Walk to the SV.,.t,I• Loan has huge living room ovt':r· for horses. CALL GLEN E. side, 2-W. i lde. Very lrg beach. Low down. Available Jl!'U\') lM':1111,,!I l.'{'ilini;::11, <'X· looking watrr. Coty dt':n 1vlth QUEEN 54D-l15l lierilag~ transferable Joans 5~-6%?0. Junr lst $24,500 Call tor 11 ul~i!c r1l11 nrcrrc. Bull! • in uS<'CI brick fireplace and -t Real Estalc Need cash. 548'1.059 dlltalls. PERRON REALTY bul'. <;1n~q .iooi·a lo palio &: largt bed rooml'l. For appoinf.l ;B"A..-L"B"'O"A'°B"A"Y~P"'R=o~p,...., -===='======= &12-lnt BBQ. Ht<o icd $.· rlll1•1'l'd pool, nicnt rall NcedH saleRpeop~: .all re. Mesa Del Mar 1105 ~B"E~A"U=T-, ~B~A"Y~v=1E~w~·1 1va!crra11 .t· rl11h1>11n11. Tropl. plie~ conrldcnllal. Please • Ol)(!n House Sat & sun 1•nt lu11rll!cnpl11•· .. ·1•11.1i'Z11 call: 3 BR, 2 Ba, $25,500. I.Aw 'f.l'Clnlll on ed,ie ot Blulfa 2 TARBELL 2955 Harbor I ART GIOVINETTI 673-7420 down. Lge yard, cuJ-de-«ac. yr ~d. 2 BR. 2llA. m.7So. I l!lJ Mcfadden Pl,. Np!, Bch. 2709 San Lucu . ~1740. Owner. 675-0021 . Price Reducitdl ----- 0 I NEW LISTING Mesa Varda 1110 Wttl'CLIFF ~-~--'-•·-o wncr .set, •·s:u:rlic c ~hllrp ....,......,.,"',...,, 3 BR with 30• llvinK IWm. 645·0303 Coronn Highlands; 0 c e • n 2 8R. 2% BA, Assume loan 1remodC'lC'd kilchcn, rlrcplnca --BUILDERS view; 3 BR. 2 BA. You o"'" LIVAILE Open sat 1r; Sun 1-6 mp. , • 1~m1 piu'IC'lling.'· Only lht land. F\tll Price $44.000. LOVABLE l509 Cornwall Lane. $23.llOO . tl lA or VA ll'nnis. ATTENTION I Corbin-Martin. Real tors Open Dally 54M806 (II" 499-1808 Chc:<ck l hi.!i top kx:atlon! llinnc on lgt. R·2 lot adj, to 3036 W. Coast Hwy., Cd~f You m1111 att th\! lmmacu-REDUCED $2000-Now $S8,T;iO Comm('rc. Good .-J(lttntial. m.1662 2 BA I Pacific Sho~1 Realty Sell h C lale. pleasant 3 BR., 4 Br.. 3 Ba., fm. din, 1847-8586 Eves. f>.16.1322 ?r cxc llnge fo r om 3 BR 2 bath home, comer home. Pane.Jed llv nn. •pac-11Ul/laun nn. Tojel 29 •· niercial. lot 130xlllll • add S more lous lam nn, 2 itplcs, cus. ft, 3l5 Vista ~ Owner. FORTIN CO. unila Drive by 1545 Santa dT'J>' Cf])I'~. hlJI~ paUO. at-eves 646-15"12. ! Newport HeH)hts J70l-A w:;;~ Dr •• NB Ana Ave. then CAii tn:r l~scp'1, sprirl,kJen. OPEN DAILY 3 BR 2 ba th. llardtWOd floor, II .. w It C>Ymtr. 3062 Ceylon Rd. lUAM to 2PN nreplatt, dble..a•raet. f:X. "Pacific White Hou1e" 8tt18 •lt8 11 54.>8156 3 bedroom, dlnlnr room IST'IN(;. 519~1 LOAN. $29.500. UnoM;h~led ~an VK!W, 64Uj6() IMMACU~TE 4 bdrm, 2 Bullt-lnl, larp k>t Wells·McC1rdle, Rltrs. """'duple;,:, .ljt(l 11q fl tnCh, Slt,200. 5~,..-Lffft bl, 2 trplcs. n Ice I y $23,900. 629 St. James Rd. 1810 N€?Wport Blvd., C.f,1. 3 BR, 21\ BA, flrtp)aC(". bll. $137 Month Payments! la.rw:l!!Caped, walk to tehool. Aroold •Freud. Rtaltonr ~il$.11'29 anyUmt Ina, <:1u~l8. drape1, Vacanl. 2 pulltnan 1>111/'M 4 8t drm1. 28,900. Take OVflr ex~1tn: HAWAII BOUND. MUlt sieU ,\-. W4'Mffr•llf ··"'" ,..I .... w.,.,,,.... •..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,~I Exctllent rlnancfng. · . 5"4 % fntmf'd -by own. CANON REAL TY All t.l~trlc buil ~;ln kitche~; · • my Pai·k Lido Condo. 2 BR IPL.ACE your want ad whcni ~7w.3w..1 Pntt';Y 5huttr11. Apple Pie er. ~ , 2 ba, trplc., l'OOJ -~ 11\v are lookln&' -DA It.. Y • ~ -mnd1Uon. Tl IE QU1 CKER YOU CALL, 1 Law down. O W n I A I I , PILOT cl•nined "2~ \Vl'llle1 'EtcphantJ T TARBELL 14&-0604 1'Jtl:~ QUICKER YOU ,SEU.. 646--0'132 ----~~---· -~--~----·~------- _ ..... ________________________________________ ~----------------~------------------ \ • I I I I I I , I ~~y.;.;., 23, 1169 HOUSlS FOii s<i:L'E l!OUSES FOR SALE Newpert B•.ch 1200 l•llaoa Penlnsul1 1300 Hunlln9ton Buch 1400 ~ $LUf'r5 • Bay Vlrw, on ma- ~ jnr green belt. l Qr, 3 &. ~ lnan)' CU51 ftl.tilret. Low l.8t'. s-as,soo value-, Sacrifice M $46,500. Sf4..-C265 -· BA YFRONT 3 Br beach 11 bo~. pvt beach, $a.)'1ihott P a r k, le~hOJd $13.500. .,....,,,, --,N-ST-,,.-~-H-o_µ_s~-. -I LESS .1'.HAN 3 Br.' fam. "''' RENT OPEN SUN. 1..$ 1743 OCEA.N (Immediate ()ceupa11cy) BETTY DAVIDSON Shore Propertltt 6Tl-9D60 6~3Gri& Lido Isle 1351 SllM Pt'r Month includ" tax. ea 6: lriaurJnce .• Neat 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath, ho1nro with fireplace I dining room. Oov.•n pa.y1nen1 ? • How r1bout $3000 ?? See U1is tt111 llllvl'.!r l«I~)'. HOUSES FOii SALE RENTALS RENTALS RENTALS RENTALS LIVE Ii~ ONE IA'I ten&Jtt11 helJ> buy lhcie 3 M.I: hon\ bah, bet. 2 llhoi>'i OCEANFRON'f.J..ovety 3 ea: 3 ~ unfl1 on ial'l:e q>r· «!ln. 4 BR, 2 BA, n(cd. ytC 2 BA + >"R $3.15 N\ce ~Br. $lt0. ntrlolw/arealview; 2b!b, Wl'fl rcpta. fpl . Glr:ipnar. ~~ 1613 $arlla Ana Ave. HARBOR to btach; top cood. lhl'1Jo S2:50 PIO· Leait. Aft I PM'!•========= 1 _:5"~·'1219~~1>'~543-IS~~~72!.;•~-~ out, Cood tu Mclttt &om 963-4511 New"rt Heiehh 3210 NICE lge:. 1 bdm:l. prl yard, dl'Prcclu11on. 165.500 _VERY ·bkc 3 BR 2. be.th$ paneJ.linc. 12192 F..dk:lrer, nr GREENS ENC!4UNO REAL £stATE good 11,rea l2'20 mo. A,:t'. N'PT. H&hlll., 2 Bdrm .• cpl., c"o:"'="°='=· ==s:J>..1.12==26"==== i 31il 1 ha.Ila SI. <194-8093 ~l~~ nf!\V paint, L-U.'it. drs-. nice ... BACHE.LOR UN~~UR.~. gardl'n $180 A d u I t 1 • Newport Beach 4200 3\12 ACRES l20fl .. 3 8', ' bo, lrpl< .. "8-9>16 . --"-'--==--from $110 5100 Houan UnfurnfshM Hol.IMI Unfurnishecf Apt1. Furnishtd Gener•I 3000 Newport B .. ;h · 3200 1-c""..,""•=M-'.,.""'"==-4-1-00 AplL Unfurnished 1705 Cotta MMa RENTALS ~pis. Unlurnlshod E1st Bluff 5242 e NEW DELUXE e 3 Br. m ba apt, Jor 1ca.v Incl. f'P&C. m1tr. auite, dln mt. & dbl. prage, auto. door opener 1\11.U. Pool I: ~. area. Nr. catholic Church & scOO::ll &: Col.'Olll, del Mar J-ligh. e ONLY $260 e 837-811 Ami&OI \Vay, N.B. Newport H•lthti 1210 OPEN SUN. 1..S Undeveloped land, City of W/W. Beach area. Children'!:;======== I NEW SPANISH ALSO AVAILAB1$ ~ 100 VIA FLORENCE Laguna. 9 Blkil. to beach. & pet OJC. Broker~ Un iwrfity Park 3237 VILLAGE APTS. 1. 2 "l BDRM. Corona de.I Mar 5 I C.Omer of Solid. Dramatic Ocean v\ews. Should divide Sl.50. 2 Br. It. den. 220 wiring, 1 &: 2 BDRM. Furn or Wl-ti.eat~ Pools. Cblld Cart l ~~iiii~iiiiii;;iiiiiiiiil -0 THE REAL "-ESTATERS Cozy u.u..e , 1 3 546-2313 • 648·717~. into 13 lots. Price $40,000; fenced yard. Close lo dlop. Bf.AND new townhouse In tum Air-cond dshwhn .cU Center, Ad~to Shoppin& -, ""'" OOlht'tnporaty, a re e -~· o A ,·,... e-ker ~~~ .......,. Villa.... 111. 3 Br, 2','• Ba, ' ' ' ~ Nier Heights lltt•. 2 Br, J>W Bdnn., fan1.Uy rm., den LOOK Jicrc! 3 BR ilun-•"" "· real s.lttper. '" ~ •-clean'r ovens, patio, btta.k. No pe llllowed •v I.: drps 1 1 home. 3,!d> Sq. Fl. Ocslghl'd tington Village hon)(' with ~l.~ION RLTY. 494-0731 luige p.mt: nn. pool privll. Wt ban, private fuhdecks, 2'lOO Petenon Way. at Ha?\> ~ 1 ~~~~alley. PooJrp~ by Browne.II; u.nk(ur, tune. S~'.* GI loan. Out of town C __ .. _,_•_Mo_ .. ____ ~3_1.;_00 $315. 645-2996. ltg stora&e closets. Heated bor & Adams, Costa Mesa 'fl,. . IJl'l"C• •--• ~ ~ 000 tiona1.. Ideal for iruilde, ou1. owner 1s a1L'6owl .., _,,, 1 .. u ROOM for 1 n\Ore apt. on FREE RENTAL 11:;.~!.;'"!c... ____ _:3~:!;8 pool, m~u. ba.N).quea. ~!!!!!'!!!!!!!\!54&-03ii!~'~'!!!!!!!!!!!!' I .-. )'l•u. •~· · --· this level R-2 lot "''' BR. Sound f "-alk · :tldl'l entt.rt.ainirlg. Qua.Ill)' him what kind ol a •In -· proo wau, w 111 ON TEN ACRES e 1:t1nlllruction. Many bulll·ln pymnt YoU want to lllllkr & Mi,ne; spac. living rnt. SERVICE NE\V, 3 Bedml 2 Balh, Den closets, covered carpo.rl. • RENT • 1 I: 2 BR. f'um It. Unfum ""'... rra1ures. lnel. color 1V < ho"' ""U want him tn "'''Y \Valk 10 beach. Build apl., El "'t F -~• Adult.II. no pel-1. 3 R F ~•-I prl•· patioo/PoolS. "" " tenants wUI help i..... for example ! •-•---· 2 ec. ""· er ... -u Yd. Ctpt.. Ph .. ,2n7 oom1 urnitur• ,.,"' .... J.~~i & _, bar, rtl'. i'"lo&tin.,. the 2nd . )'OU ""J • ' uo:\Ul,IU,.... "-Pool •t on• ~ Tennis· Contnl1 Bldsl ... It [ A L t Y ·-. rca.t buy at $30,000. baths ~.00 per mo. Call ...... ~·· "embership. $20 $25 & UP staiN 'ell; hugf' mslr. bdrm., R r x, L . JI o U ~ r I ENGLUND REA Avail. Tmmed. Lease $300. SINGLE Young Adults LUX· • tin; i:rttn. Nrar NB Post ore. !;46-241-1 f""'IC., "P. chiklrrn·, '"""• Real'" 847-25""' L ESTATf: M "·Ii (213 3n 02 Month-To--Month Rental.I """ ., __ I ---OIM ... -· .,ba •• v .:,J 318 'Jllalia St. il!H·80!l3 o...... J ·11 ury garden apts with coun. -.-... ......,..,,, .,,......~ & lh; 3 C•r gara1f': Pri· OPEN SUlll\AY l-S try club alnM>•phere and \VlDE SELECTION (MacArthur nr. Collt ffwy) Westcllff 1230 vacy, Truly a sienl at $98.000 nu: WVELY l~t BR. fully rurn, Eist Blufl-3242 complete privacy, SOUTH Appliwl(lf!a & 'IV's avail. ;cc=;;;.;.;.______ ·rer111s. Wilt lt'AM lopUon. So. Laguna-OCean VU . ORANGE COUNTY'S t----'"-----BAY CLUB APTS. Irvine at No sfuuity Deposit I BLK. fr. Sch. 2 bdrm, 2 ba. i HOME • JL..2 lot. Excel lmmed. possess. 16501 Loire Circl• J.l'pl.e, ::14.•cludcd Pat 1 o. LARGEST BEAUTI.rUL Ea.stbluU 5 16th Newport Beacti:" HFRC FUrnlture Rentals Snrm. Garage, Blt·in 2 ovn 1 \Vt'Stsk!e. 3 BR 21M. ba, room SHORE PROPERTIE:!S BY OWNER sundeck. W&lk to heh & 293 E . 17th St. 646--4494 Bedroom. 3 balh, family tn4) 64.s.<155Q 5l7 \V, 19th. CM 54&.l481 1love. Side--by-slde refrig. , 1 for 4 m: s unlta. ~1623 3116 Newport Blv., NB shops. \\'ood paneling.beam room, 3 caJ' g~. Some YEARLY rent&I, Oceanfront, 1568 \V . Lncln, Anhm 774--2800 Part. Drps & CPU. No child !,;:""";;:';,· =======I •67J.iiii~0060~~--ii6iiJ~~5~76ii<iiEveiiij;iis.I ~t6,l:J.~t'~~R o~ ba~~~~~ ~~~tn~~~fm. Call collect MONTICELLO ~npi~Sa~3!5 S~~ 9~Ai:: newly furnished ·2 Br. NEW SPANISH or pe11. Ac'a1''1' 1July6 ls!. ;"~ -;;;=====~~~ TOWNHOUS .,. \v/sundeck. married couple VILLAGE APTS. Lease $210. a ter pm. Irvine 1238 .~ NEW LISTING'. i.·1t1 FHA. 847-8089 CONTEMPORARY 2 Bdrm, E. Choose from po Sl. nr Cc!M High school. . Gl3-1433 ....-TRANSFERRED 2 Sr., con,1 den. CJCcel cond. 7 resaJe homes from $1400 646-8756 only, No children, 1no pets, 1 &: 2 BDR?\f. Furn or un-=~==~=~~~~• HANDSOME HOME Modem 6 year okl . ii BR. . beaut garden. patio. One of down. 2.3 &. 4 BR.~. adult or·I =====-====='I $225. mo 6'7>1824. &«--0234. lum. Air--cond, dshy,•hn;, sell DELUXE 2 BR, 2 BA +den A. 11 rtioned 3 yr old L'OIM!r1. I den, sewing rm. ?\Iuat sell 4 bdrm ho~. car. Monarch Bay's lineal. Save family s e c t I 0 n s. OPEN Coror1a del Mllr 3250 STEPS to bch, mod 2 Br. 811 clean'g ovtn-', patio, break-Irplc, crpts, drps, patio, in~ni~=ty Park. p~ress: N1.1e-~ly c~~red•. d~~ulifuUy 1ptt.•1\.~Mrapes, largile lolG·roo1n thousands buy direct Crom HOUSE DAn..Y I.:. PM at bit-ins, lrplc, beam celg. fas! bars/ private fundccks , S'JSO mo. Le&lt' ~Zl!7 I-• pd 1 . . ril I"'-' en..... · nung rm. or ....,..1 or tra er. I or 1 165 000 141 Yorktown -across from 2 BR, 2 Ba + convt den + $215 .. yrly, no pets. Cpls on· lrg storage closets. HeatC!d 1 BR, lrg 11~ rm, frplc, dbl '."'.sc ·. ex e~r. '"18 Y $76,500. FHA 1e1m1J. Only $23,000 owner a · · 499-2349 C1ub House . or call 54().llSl !am rm. dbl gar., gardener Jy. 64Z-3490 pool, .saunas, bar-b-ques. gar, 11•f\V crpts. Yr lse. $185 ;~LS:.d :l~~l • ~~ :~· Call for Appt. tX'Ul'r t'heck this one SUPERB view, newer cust. 3 for sail' or rental informa-furn. $325 mo yrly lllt'. Day!! Sound proof \Vtl.lls, \Valk in mo. Adults, ref. 646-4095 · . Y. · Walk•r Rlty 675-5200 MUTUAL REAL TY Rr. Sale or ex c h an r. r · tion. lleritage Rea\ Estate. 6'12-3582, e v rs. 673--2-157, Corona dtl M•r 4250 closets, rovered carport. ,. va1f' yard IS viewed Crom 1 .::::z:=zz~== $15,(0) equity. 615-6 5 9 I : 673--0635 Adults, no ""ls. the kitch--lam. rm .~ !iv, mi. --~·~·~=1~4~18:..,::•~ny~t=lm='=--'194-TI6l Re BLOCK b ..... Prittd al $.'U,500. By OV.·ner. $5,000 OOWNI OPEN HOUSE ==--'-·-----$180. AVAIL J~ne ~5th. 3 BR l 2 BR. New cpl&., drps. Ocean &. a y ' Phon• ~2727 ""1120 VIE\V Monarch Bay home, c bath, Jarae k1ng111cd yanl .'i: Avail. Now. 1180. Spanish 1 br, beams, sha:!N '~E=w~L~Y~~D~E=c~o=R=A'-oT~E~D-~ 3 Bdr•>>. 2 Both L>.do 1,1n Very allrnc 6 yr old, 2 stry. 4 I t d It · " $150 ' BR, 2 BA, dining rm, family patio, w/w rugs, stO\'f' ,'.: MADGE DAVIS 642-1000 cps, a u • no pe..,. · ?\1AGN1FICENT Vu 011 1.~ ac, 3 mln/UCJ. .i Br, fam rm. $49,.500 by ownt. &33-lli.16 homl". Buy now, & enjoy a.II ~rg BH on cul-de-sac. Nr rm. Owner. 499-3411 refrig. New No--Wax Uoor 2 BR opt• d--• •tov• 'yr'-'lyc...61'-_7_6_'11 _____ '0~~1",' ,','.,",1,',","!'.",'.·t Ns1,1~~ summer. Only $44,fiOO. idt;al bch._ Nu crpts, drps "-l"OOO D tiles. Children & dogs OK. ·• ' _ ... ,..... • "': OCEAN side H\\")', 2 Br. ~.......... "" .... LIDO REALTY, INC. paint .. \~111 t~nsr. niem. B~R. 1 UPLEXt' 2mod~-.} cau for appoint me n 1 Gara.gf'. 1 Child OK .• $l0Ci tcplc, w/w crpts. "'alk to sc2lh~s.C , 3400 Via Lido 673 """" bershtp In swim &. rackel • v e\v, )US re e..,.,,._ 646-l34l 769 rAnler C'! · Mo., least". 534-1553 ~ " • Placentia Ave. Eiatbluff 1242 1...,.,..,.._.,. ___ -_,~ club. °'''TICr moving out of pvt, u>tld kltctii!M! 494-97'8 ~~'.'.':,· ~C'~~~·c.':'"~-l>i:-'i°>Um;;.-;;;;;;:;;;;,;;;;-I shops & l:!ch. Adults, no e 6364120 e I,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, I &. area. great buy at S26.500. ENTAL MONTICELW Condo 2 Bi·. 2 &. 3 BDRM houses .. $250. ,pe~"~·~54f>.1864~~===== ;;-;;;;,...0::'-"".:..:::.:_~~~ 60 BEAUTIFUL FEET .. ~,,1~". 8031 Ebbt>.de, HB. i S 2 ea dbl ' ' u P. Me Le od-Oev1dent"e o; 2 BR. studia apt; 1~~ ba, BLUFFS BEST BUYS -~ H °' F I h-~ ., g11r, drps, crpti>. B k s= ""'4 ••~ I & No . Bayfrt. Lovely 3 Bel i''OR 1 ous uro I -rangl", pools & clublL~C'. $Ill\ l="='=r=·~======' I Huntington B••ch ....,., enc· gar. patio; epts, home takes full advantage Sll t', lcilSI' or lrade. 2332 R. h nd T drps & bltns. $140. Days; ' Popular Estrelita, 3 huge BR., 2lit ba., many, many extras, 2'100 sq. fl. in a val- uable loc. overlooking pro. posed marina. This prop. is $5,000 under market al $38,500. of ba.Y vu. tcrracf', garden. CUston\ home, 2 lrg BR :'' Rentals to Shar• 2005 545-52'ia. ~v~oJune 1~ a Y • Huntington Beach 3400 QUI ET & BEAUTIFUL 542-352>1; eves 54&--0689 l ·Slory spacious $245 000 dc•n, WI rumpus roorn 1n GENT or lady to share our Adults only, 2 Br, ulil pd. QUIET, deluxe 3 Br. studio R. C~ GREER~ Reaity ~ar. on 1-' ;1,cre acroAS fron1 1 1 3 B ho . 2 BR. $145-J bl'. $115-New 3 BDR l ~ ba Townhouse. Pool, $200. Also single $150. w/sundeck, pool·. n r, Meadow Lark """if COUl"!W ove Y r me. Klt ,priv & cpts, drp•, 0 ar. 1st & last \\lasher, d"""'r. t et rt g , 17676 e. 335.'i Via Lido 673-9300 ,.,~ · · · \\"ashing. $100 mo. Niet:! loc, b ·.r~ ....... meron. shop'g. Adults only, no pet~. -~~~=-----! Shown Sat only. ] 6 :;~ t plus deposit. Judy Susak, crpts/drapcs. 19784 Cam· QUIET & BEAUTIFUL 1117 Santa Ana Ave. 6<" ~c..2 fMMACULATE 2 Br. frplc + Grahan1, Hntg Bch., or Call I =C7.=M=·~"'=2-=Jl~677~-~~-Agent. 6'16-7171 bridge l .. 'lne, H.B. 962-6346 ........,., Gurst Rm. 2 Ba., blt-in.s, 524-TI87 E?\1PLOYEO J .. A .. will share 2 BR B 2 Adults only; 2 Br •• uW. paid. $130. 2 BR studio garden, 2 1 & . 1 1 Lid •~---------~ : garage, patio: cpts. 4. R. Ba, gar, cpts. drps, Pool S200 8412125 Ba d··' fl . new _cp . paint, ~ n . 0 O\VNER'S 3 BR 2 bath N" Oty home wJsame. Sl6 per cl.rps, 1tov-e, refrig. Tropical $150. yrly. Avail June 1. 3 · · • · a "'13• infant OKI. IO<'a!Wln, good hnanc1ng. ·p 1~ "'k. Rel• . .,,. han<•d. ~ 1 d 1 1 Blk Ch.Id OK 17676 Cruneron. Hunt. Bch.. Crpts, drps. 5-16-8866. c!C'an home Assum• :J~·e seoung or au ts. to 1 ren . no pels. -,:;""7.,'~:::_::.::,.:o::::_~~ Owner. 6'1>5023 or 6'J5..7709 · ' ~A" ~..,p 1 BR new oa-t~ & d,a-•, 0uNFURN carmellta, 1o1ery livable 4 Br., FHA loan. tl1.500. Pmts. .,...,...__..;, slWlpll. $100. 544-4780 17658 Van Buren. 842-7823 .,..... ., ,..... 3 odrm, 2 ba. 3 Ba. BluUs lqest living 1355 SllO/mo. 19802 ·bthmus Ln., MALE 19.25 watited lo sh8.l'C! ARTISTIC uufurn 2 BR 3 'BDRr-1. l%. ba. 'l'lcc. kit., util. pd. $125/mo. cau crpts, drps, bit-ins, patio, 2 nn .• poolside loc. Decorator I ,B;;;•;lbo;;;a;;ls;l;a;nd;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;l~l~IB"'™'°-.::;:::-o-:;:::::.:.,' ,,.,, hou•• CdM for Sum. / Tradewinds Rily. 841-85U car garage S225. 5'ffi...3.174 = duplli:, C!f'ICI patio, nr ~torrs. \f w crpl"s, drps, walk to extras. 1950 Sq_ Ft. Under GLEN?\1AR home, 2 story, 3 mer. Call 6~1'(71. NO pers. $150. 67>294.2 all 4 bch & sehls. rl.40. 982.2534_ f'URN 2 bdrm a PI· REDECORATED 2 BR, blt- markct at $39,500. 316 Ruby . FB't-p]R. ,',•m,armtio,· ""2 ~thpaPOOinl .,,.L ROOMMATE "'anted t n Do"·nto"·n Htg Beach. Avail ins, I"elrig, new crpts, drps. EASTBLUFF • 3 BDRM custom home, Back 3 BEDRM. Crpts.. drps, fenc-June 1st. Call 536-2877 No pets, 545-0760 Cha 1 1 1 share 3 Br furn apt near Bay Area. Fam mi, 2 ba, ed, Children, pets OK, $200 REALTY rming ~~e tv rm "''11 .~ide. $33,950. 962-2008 aft 6 beach. 643-0'JGO 1 !rpl s2:i0 ~1 mo 842--'''\C'" EX. lge studio, 2~~ ba, ,,.. hean1cd ceiling, beaut Jrple. p•f ~---crp s, c. · 0• · ~ Garden Grov• 4610 & d 1 1 2414 Vista Del Oro pan dc.n ·t-family rn1. !\("·!--"~-~~~----$15 N1tional Roomate 5'18-2li8? ========== ~=="-"-''-'---'-crpts · rps. 180. A so N~"rPORT BEACH •·luded palio. Excellent coOO. t.1ui;t Sell-Bes! Offer Hi Rerlt ? Share! 613-1166 2 BR houM" in court. Crp!A. Garden Grov• 3475 SINGLE Young Adults Lux-bach. 2885 l\1cndoza 545.5'121. 64f..ll3.1 &14·2626 Evrs .. Just iteps 10 bay and sandy 3 BR Townhouse. lrpl., ept~., drps. prv.patio.,976 \V. l7!h NICE home, 3 BR. 2 balhs. ury garden ;1,pts 1vith coun· 2 BR. \V/\V carpet. Elcc. tX'ach. DRIVE BY d~., blrns .. .nr. beach. Mesa Verd• 2110 St., Cl\!. a-18-2&1. ChUdron OK. 1,0~ try club atnlosphere and kitchen. Beaut. back yard. "LIVIN' IS EASY" The beautiful BluHs 3 BR. plus den. $51.000 OPEN SAT., SUN. 1-5 1959 VISTA CAUDAL BOYD REALTY 3629 E. C.oast Hiy,•ay, C.'di\1 675-5930 TllEN CALL: SALISBURY RF.ALTY 67U900 Palio. pooli;:. Oprn Sun. 2-5 .L.oJ complete privacy: SOUTH $165 \V/gar. 642-4296 alt 7 8196 \Vild"'OOd . 213/654-9611 AVAIL June 15 to Sept 15, 4 Mes• Verd• 3110 MADGE DAVIS. 6-12-1000 BAY CLUB APTS. 13t00 DELUXE l BR apt. Extra~, $2400 Total dn/Condo BR. 2 BA. b!1-in~. 1•nc l CHAPMAN Ave .. Garden terraCf!. Pullman BA. $lOO Assunie VA loan. •-'BR 2 ba patio, ram rm. new crpts. 3 BR, fmly & 2 Ba, ~lee bit· Laguna Niguel 3707 Grove 17141 636-3030 1st & la.st. 548-20l9, 646-4760 lfAFFDAL RJty ~.12-44<'t'.i Club privileg!'s. R e n t ins & dishwasher. Best loca· EXEC ide 3 B 2 ".· BDRM. APT. lllO negotiable. 345-776.i lion. \Viii make some f;i.m il)' I"eS nee • r. laaona Beach -4705 ''ely happy, Lse. $225 or lse. Ba.. bltru, d ~ h \V hr• I ~::..:.:;:.;;:..;;;_::;:.:c;_ _ _;,..:;.;: 1 Sn1all child OK. No pets 315 r.f11.1ine Ave., Balboa Js. Huntington 3 BR. 2 BA, lbc lern;t>d Yd. option. Come & dlscuS!! ctpt!drp. "Beaut Vle\v $300. 0 f f A 538-9462 Eves & \vkC!nds H1rbour 1405 ~~~fie~~S. ~~!i~foi.nclud~rl. 1ern1s. 546-ti6l2 ar1 6:4!; PM ~iT:JO, 542-1215 tean rOR pf 2 BR unfurn. $130 Th• Sky's th• L imit I '4'--0 only. Near ne\v Aulonelics Joann St Costa l\Icsa But none on 1'--nn1ential WATERFRONT -by owner· * :.. 207• Small cottage studio. $160 · ·r-·~ -2 New 2 BR. 2 BA I"" 0 -11 ''" "~ •• -,·ng•'· .' "·•room, '-4 BR. -BA .• dock, 55' on 3 BR 2 bath 2 c· la month include• utilities &: ........ .,.,,......,...,,, ... ,, ~ · s, irtp CH, Beach, golf, pool privilege!! Bath, fittplal'.~. NEW DU. '''ater enclosed patio $74,500. N•wport Baach 2200 fncd yard, cov. patio. 3121 Avail Ju~ l5. No pets. furnished. Perfect for sin&le PLEX. Bigh summer , ... _ Also GO' on main i;:hanncl Bermuda Dr 12 2 5 /mo adults or elderly coupl~. •c la 3 3 -'--i''OR LEASE -Be:auliful . ' 644-4100 oomf'. 1ge Br. Ba .. uuck, ij4z..&187, !'J<lft-4412 ::...;.:.:;_______ 49.f..3949 or 675-40'10 CANON REALTY SU0,000. Consider lease/op. Bayfront 4 Br. house1 0:=========,ISin Cl•mtnte 3710 Stuart & Robbil'IS Reallors '···n 59"5998 \\•/dock. Sumn1er -nlrl '' 67'3581 -'="=· =~====== " " N rt Be ch 3200 2 · ~ • \11ill eon.~ider year lease. ewpo ii CUS'fOr.I J BR 2 bath BR ocean front, yr lsc, pr1 N•wpor~ ~·'~ · 5200 NEW SPANISH VILLAGE APTS. 1 & 2 BDRr-.f. Furn Oll un· fun1. Air<ond, dshwhrs. seH Huntington B••ch S400 LIVE RIGHT ON THE BEACH FISH, SURF, SWL'I In your own front )'ard Priva!e clubhouse, he1ted pool, saunas, private a;ate .. vitb Zif.hour security guard. Mediterranean adult livina. 2 Bedrooms, 2 Baths From $250 INa..UDES W/\V shag car- peting, G.E. built..ins. with refrigerator & dish1v!1-5her. Huntington Pacific Apartm•nts ill Oc<!an Ave. ~3 Blks. \V. oI Huntington Beach Pier) PHONE: (TI41 536-1487 Exciting Uving Jn new apts. 1 bedroom. 2 bedroom • 2 bath. $140 to $195 Swirnming pool. gyn1, sauna, rec.Nation roon1. General Electric Appliances. Adu.llS only. Lamplighter Apts. 16102 Spril\idale St. Phone S!l2-0l21 CHEZ ORO APARTMENTS 8234 Atlanta r-'e1v 1-2 Bedrooms. Pay ~ electric only , 53fio.3S27 or 53S-272'l Pool-Washers-Dryers g Private Ganges ATI'RAOTIVE 2 Br, crpll!I & drps. 17432 Queens Ln. No. l 962--2109. $135 mo. S•nta An1 5620 e NEW BLU=F=Fs~.~ 2 Br. 2 Ba split level. f\l11n)' custom f(lalures, all rle<_·. f'IC. Ui~·rst n\ain1. & leallf!'. hold . ?\!UST SELL • BY OWNER. ('all Dick Oy!'r 5334456 ext 401 or 673.-5777. THE BLUf.FS 1''ashionablr <.'Ondo. 2 story, 4. BDR?\I, 2 bat11; fully carpelcd I: Urapcd. 1-'rplc. Pool, patio. bltns. S.12,500. Call aft 6 pm 6.· \\'kJU<I. * 644-0816 Huntington Be1ch 1400 Founttin V•llty 1410 ~"'~'~'~""~•7tt_o_n._64_2-4...c;00~2~.-bch, no pel5, avail July. : cpls/drps.Seavlew Also studio. 492-8861 DOVER Shores b a y r r o n I B / 8 $260 /mo. il03 E. San Juan $41.65 $20,950 FULL PRICE 4 Bcdroo1ns, 2 full bulh~. Plush carpets & drapes Monthly Savinqs 1hroughout. DouUI, Carage. ON LOW 60~ GI LOAN homr. 6 Br. 4 BR, lnrJ:"c TOWNHOUSE ITI4}-M4-4:19~ patio, 70' private dock. SPLrT LEVEi J Bd 2 $1500. mo. on yrly lse. bath . UniL 'Faces ~·o l, 1 D;;..:;v~p~l•~•~·~•-U_;__n~f~v~rn~.;...3~9~7..c5 SPACIOUS 2 BR"s. Lrg D•n• Point 4740 clean'g ovens, patio, bttak-* 2 BR, 2 BA Garden apt&. fast bars. private fundecks, Very clean. Adults pref. lrg storage \'losets. J-leated ,54~' =6-71752.5....,===~---I pool, saunas, har·b-Ques. REAL ESTATE Coron1 d•I Mar 1250 BAY VIEW Broadmoor Barill Vit'w in<r del home: 4 Br. l-family rm. Outstanding d r s i i:; n. $6:>,!XXI. Open Sun. 2-5:30 1245 Su.rfHnr OIESHlRE REAL E!STATE 67r>-2503 ?\loring &. E:vcs 6-16-2S29 Ai'iYTlllE PRETZELS & BEER · Around the pool in SC!J B-ir· ronditioned comror1. 2 BR. fun houac w/mod('rn island kitch. Easy on lhr pocket- book. 100. Sl300 Do"'" put! you 111 altl.'r the t!'nanl on Aug. ls1. H•I Pinchin & Assoc. 3900 E. Coast Hwy, 67">-092 CUSTOM BUILT 2' Bdrma .• den, 2 halhs, l'Or· 1 ner loc. Tip.. Top <o.:1nd, Plus , 1-Br. sr p. IM>U."t• nn :!, H-~ • lot.s. $75,00'} Orang• Coast Prof>t!rly 332 ?\1a111:lll'1"1!r ti1::-85:i1.J • 2 NE\\1 duplexe~ lo be coffi- pl elcd In Juflf', L,"N'al loc;i.- llon So. of Hiway. 3 BR & 2 BR un!Ls. open beamed ceiJ. ings, frplcs, bll-in!'I. Cllf'P('t:< &. lanclscapnii;. $66,500 e11t.h By O"'ner. 644-03if; 1 INVE ST NEAR THI:: OCEAN l BR, 31i ba, den. 2 frpln, 3 gai-agc11. brick. 1 b e am/celling~. chtmnlng home or UM' as Duplex, or build 2nd hon1e on big kl1 , 8kr 673--2010 HORECLIFr" 3 BR. 7 BA. ~l tree lined a.n!I by lhrl' ltlA. Fee almple. Acee"-~ to 2 br.r&chrel, Under $50.000. By er.met. 673-3681 OWNER• Open Dtlily. Vlt'W· ' Btt.ul. 2 Br, 2 BA -dl'fl. ~ llaJ1tl, CdM. 6'7~9 CHARMING DUPLEX •in 6bl iot. So. of IJwy. Ownrr, 158,500. 11).416'1 For DI.Uy .Pilot W&lll Ad' 01&1 Hl.:l6'1t tor' ttatn:r.:: OOHT 1UST WlSff /or toh'W!· lfliDI to funtiab your l)on')e . . • llrwf ~lt ~ In b> da1'• a..wncd Ms. I 213/780-:.0JJ or 21:i/l!l5-G.1.1.l carpets, drape1;, fireplat't!, FOR !st' Duplex lower N.B. 2 patio, enclosed gar. Adults C!lec bit-ins, S265/1no. br, blt in sto\'e, relrit;, only. Show an Y time . ~und proof 'vaUs, walk in G•n1r1I closets. covrred carport. Cul-de-sac stl"!'t'I, \\lalk 10 1~ schools. GI nu rash needed. lmn1aculale 4 BR 2 bath. SIOO Derv>sit refundable or Finest F;i.shion Hom., wUh Corona del Mar 2250 Please call l\tn. Fny garage. Avail July l .1 _•~9&-367::..::::.:•c._ _____ _ Ad ults. no pets. Rentals W1nted S990 -d Id 1· • 2 BR. 2 Ba + convt den + lake O\."Cr ~~fa' f'llA Joan rep go carpe 1ng « cus-• I Ah d • f fain rn1, dbl gar .. "'!ll'dl'nr•r wilh 1111.ymenls ur $124 per on1 crapes, un an e o ..,, n • h "" e furn. $325 mo yrly \sr. Dai·, nionth. owl'r11 ' s ru...., on ov r· WE SELL A HOME sized 101. i\tol't d_esirable = c v e s 673-2457. EVERY 31 MINUTES floor plan. :valk to 111 School. -========= Asl>ume S2a,000 loan. · Bay & Beach ,_sn-_2606 ______ RENTALS Realty, Inc. RENTALS Apts. Unfurnished 901 Dover Dr., NB Suite 126 Apts. Furnlsh•d Gen•rll 5000 &tl-'.!000 Eves. 548~966 G•neral 4000 Sl20. l Br. \V/W, drps, bab)' BIB llOLIDA'i PLAZA 0 .K. Avail June 15tb. Bro ker Phon• 546-2727 DELUXE J BDRJ\i 2 baUL<>, fireplace. Near H o a i; Hospital &. Park Lido Bid~. Adults. $210/mo. Manager 4201 Hilaria \Va y, N.B. 642-4387 " RESPONSIBLE cple. desltts 3 Br. uni. house or a pt., \v/modern kitch. ,vfblt-in.s; nerd encl. rear yd. for 2 1,·ell behaved cats. Ref's. a\'ail, 51G-8812 After 6 P1.1 1veekdays. Walker & Lee K.1.11~R1ty_l41-606~ 4 BDROOM + POOL 768.2. Edinger. ~ sq ft . J full Uaths, l:u'J:t. 8.\2-41a.> or 54()..)140 enlry, forn1al separate llv. Open E\r~. ing & dining room. large Huntington Beach 2400 SMALL Moblll.' Honie. ideal for oouplc or one person. $150 mo. &t4-023.1 11fl :i:30. Summ•r R•ntals 2910 LIST your P,opertY den with \Y~t bar, e."tensive with confid•nce mas!er suite \\•itt privaie ---------- SELL sundeck, his I.: hers accomo. CLEAN Balboa Beach Unils. . , , DELUXE. spacious 1-Sdrm. -=53~·1-<i.:::980::_ _____ _ 4 Bc<hoorns, .• baths unrutn· F' 1 ,135 Pl r l · h t Yr i Sl7S/ nlh urn. ap . ., us u l . $135. 2 Br, l~i ba, studio. 1~ rr · ai· Y • . mo · Heated pool. Ample parking Patio, \\'/\V. Children & pet S h o iv 11 by appointmenl. No rhildren -No pets O.K. Broker ~ Plt'aSC' 1·al1 ~11·. Arthur. 1-o Po ~1 Boy & Bear:h = mona, c" Sl3J. 1 Br. nicely furn. Wl\V. R•alty, Inc. Avail no'''· f'amily 901 Dover Dr .. NB Suil r 126 \velr.onie. Broker 534-6980 Costil Mui 5100 LARGE 2 BR, 2·sA, 2 sty, bit-in~. l'pls & d rps. 3 BEDROOl\l. 2 h a t h . COLLEGE Prof &: wile wan~ carpets, drapes, built-ins. ] or 2 Br fum apt close to, fircplaC'C & just step! to occ. June 20-Aug 1. ~t beach. Yearly Jea.sc..$2J:i pr --pool-a air conct.--caJI o month. 642--0177 \ITlle : R. S. Bidlema.n, 2 BR upr. duplx, range, ref. Laney O:.llege, 10001 3~ $11:). yrly. C'pl.~. Avail 6/1. A\"C. Oakland, Calif. (4lj) with profe•-dalion ~hO\\'er, private sinks Sleeps 2 lo 10: (or sun1mer 6~5.2000 Evrs. 6tl-:1287 $250. 3 Br. 2 ba. patio. 3091h 36th St. 213: 21S·l921 8.14-5740 s'7.1N~G~L~E,...,U"'C~t--,Pro=r". "''"" .-,7.,' Lrge. Quiet Apt. 6/Ij 1 9/15 In Area. Exe1nplary Tenant. C&ll 8.13--6.\'W Days, 67.'K'i649 9:30-1.1 P~l. sional skill rnrh. lien!~ filtered pool. reSl?rvations call 61J-994j THROUGH $42,500 full price plus rxisl· 315 E. Balboa Bh•., Balboa YOUR in~ pool loan, PRIVATEB EACH-IF you Tlt'f'd to N'n l · Garage, pool. children & pet f'. K. B1"Gker 534-o'SSO ChildN'.1 \\"ClCOm,. $ 1 JD· 2 BDR.1\1 yrly unfu.rn $165. 4 :-'40--0336 bdrnl unlurn yrly ;iso. 2 BR · 2 BA Sludio. Drapea, Calvin S. Foss Rltr. 642-3850 patio. Adults. (2131 592.sm CHARGE your \vant aci now. or 5'18-CQ_l JS YOUR AD L.'l CLASSJ- REALTOR MEMBER Bo!h s11·in1 .~ boat . Largr 2 Huntington B•ach/ l,!1' ~~~= t!~JI,· BR, Uii,: 11atio, na.v~hort•<i. Fountain Valley July S: Augu~•. li·IU-257'1 or 834-~. l isting S•rvic• TH.E QUICll."ER YOU CALL. CI RCLE L1gun1 B••ch 1705 THE QU ICKER YOU SELi. Anri )'Ou'vc looked 1\rounri. Gi\·i• 1111 A call for yearly 1"t'ntn!s 11·r•1·r fo11 nrl . PROPERTIES WEST 102!t Bay~1dc Drh•e Nr11·riort Bcaeh 675·4130 ' REALTY 1 LAGUNA CanYon. 90'x-100': DAtLY PILOT Dl?o.l &A 1 .... ~ ..................... .... ·. ' rustic 2-sty. house·, Possible LlNES. You can u•e the~ · LIDO Pk., :: BR. 2 bn .. rrpl. C-1 or l\1-1 1.onc: $.ol,000 dn. for jU!'ll pennies a day. Dial Obi. a-er .. Pool. S~ Bkr. 615--G:J9t : 494-7161 Res. 642-5678 ~tADGE DAVIS 642·7000 11917 Magnolia Ave. Fountain Valley 962·2475 ~=~ ----_ 1G~•.o."-•..;r_•_l _-:::::::2:000:::G:•:n•:•:•:l=====2=000=:G:•:":•:r:•l===:---=2:.00;.0:_ $19,500 FULL PRICE Nc\vlywt'ds! Plannlni; yuUI' fururr 111 sln1plr in 1h1s <·utr 4 year old Ranchero. :t Bed. moms 0U.-M1 room for famil)' aro1\1h plus 2 baths. Brick f'l1'f'pln1·r. Electrir hullt ln11, Dish\\'rt!lhet'! Curpt'I~ & Dr111w.~. J~o CAjh Do"·n Cl RI $Jl)j includes all. FllA $900 l>o11·11. No C1osint Co,;i...,, WE SELL A HOME EVERY .JI MINUTES Walker & Lee i682 Ldlf'Ctr ll ~ or 54(hll IO Open Evt'I. DIVORCE Marillt' Ill ScOOoJ, 70' eortK'r IOI w /block k~. l l&:o BR&, 12xl.S' tam mi, VA/'11A 1rnn' or cuh to 51~ .... ~ l<'lliln, BRASHEAR REAL TY 1147-8Sll t:vra, 54.1-2442 ASmJME 514 fllA, nt:11r nev.· 3 BR horrW'. If a • aJJ thr qualil)' fell\lttll • ~irtru YoU wanL fl~ monthly. "4T~7M. $©\l~~-2't~S8 Solve a Simplt Scrambled Word Puuk /or a Chuckle 0 R9Cl1ro119t l.uers or lh• IOI.It scrumbled words be· low 10 form fovr simpl. WOfdi. INIGNEE l '1111'1. IGOCIL I I I I'. ~S_Arl_,Hi-AC:..-.-~-ll Army .sergean1's remark I I J• Is about a recruit: 'Wken they '::=· ::::·:::-=::·:::~~~ VQve him the IQ fest, he not r · lS only hod •very onsw.r wrong ltl I A N C A I but ho even mlupelled _ -:: ... .....,.,-,l;.;;,,;lr-,.,l ,,......-1 9 """•"'" "'' """"' •""'"' • • • by llUinst In the mJNlno words • )'Ol.I ~ from .i.,. No. 3 bobor. 8 ~~,~~f~~~~1i£nEIS 11 r I) r 11 I' I' I e ey,sc,·~s:A L!ll!lS I I I s • I I I I ' Co1t1 Mesil 4100 N EW SPANISH DELUXI': 2 Br 1tudio, cl'pt1. FIED? Someone 'vill be VILLAGE APTS. clrps, pool, prefer 1 chlld looking fr it. Dial 642.:i618 .t., 2 BORr.-1. Fum or un· over 10 yn. 646--0496 \Vhite Elephant,;? furn. Air--cond, dsh1\'hr:s. self ==~='-=~'===="-'====='===== clC!an 'Jt ovens. pano, break. Cott• Mu• SlOOCosta Mesa 5100 last bars. private lunrlecks. ;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; lrg sloras::c l"losels. llratcd pool, 1>11u11as. bar-b-ques. Sound proof walls, walk in C1(1$('tS. l'OVered C/ll"j)Or\. Adul1~. no pr1i>. Phone 5'6·2727 ---$30.00 wk. up e Day, 11·c>ck. month, e !'tu1\io & Bach. Apl s. • Incl Utils l: Phone SCIV. • l\l1tid Serv\Cf'. TV avail. • New Cale & Bar 2316 Ne1vport Blvd. 5.U-97:>5 * Viii• Pomona Apts. Costa i\lesa 's ne~"est & mo1t luxurious. rum. 1 & 2 BR. apts. Adults only. No pet3. 1760 Po1noM A\."T., Just south of 18th SI. EXTRA l:i-rJ;<'--,-,..-. -,-Ila-. pool. uril pd. Sl5u. ?.lalurr adulls only, no pels. 2ll5 Pla~ntia.. 548-2~7 M : l..AHGE I-Br., clean, qUitol; 11dulls. Beaut. rum. Nr. n1kr1. '-''41:!1her/deyot-r. g11ragc. l9'JO.B W&llact, CM 1 BR rum. Crpls, drps, 110l11 ) l't~·. Ulil pd. Adults, no pet:<. 19:"19 ?\taple. 0.t. BACHELOR l()t quic'I man. Y11'CI. utll pU. No drink'g, nr IJhop'g, 5-IS.0059 CONSTRUCTION JUST COMPLETING • Jour HARBOR HfJGHTS LUXURIOUS 2 & 3 BEDROOM APTS. e firepl11~1 e Dishwasher e ~1ammoth mas·ttr b«lroon>s • 2 B11.throoim •Central forced 1.ir hl'atlnf HARBOR HEIGHTS e Spacioua cabineU e Ge.ffcrs k Sa.ttler1 gas bullt·ins e Balanced J)O\ver li\.i.ng e EnclOf;ed pRrking e Carpel& & drapes Jour, 3117-A Clnn•mon A v•., Costa M.sa ( 1 block ""'Ml or l·larbor Blvd. 2 blocks south or I.he San Di'go i''rttwa)') WANT TO BUYIRENli East Bluff only. 4 Of" 5 bdrn1 home. J uly Isl possession, 213/414-0197. e LANDLORDS e FREE R.ENTAL SERVICE Broker 534--6982 \VANT 4 or 5 bdrm homf'.', J,.,r,1 rm, yr Jse from July 1. 5'G--1.l69 or 213: 'i90-1280 ONE BDRM Unturn Apt. tor employtd lady up to SUO/mo. 6-12-0>86 EXEC fam ol 3 needs 3 Br. rlen or ? by June l or 15th, Xlnt ref, 11!8.lle. 548-6682. ' Rooms for Rent 5995 2 LOVELY room~1 Gentleman. Entratlcf!, retrlg. Beach, pool, teMla, 536--8518 ROO~I for rrnt, nice quiet homt. \Vorklng person, Kitchen privii. 642-t794 NICE. Clct1n room lot en1pl0)-·cd man. Co 11 " Mesa $12 Per 1vcek. 6'12·79'10 ll00~1 ror ren"' C.M. for U'Oti<ing lady. Sl5 Wkly, 642-1691 111 ' P~I. 1 Sltc'pirta &droom 1\i lh priw~ bath" A entt;tnce Nice. 673--0946 Room & Boord 5996 JAPAi~E.lli\E ps want.I room and board with Amtriean /a.mily until S(J>t. Writr-P .0 ., Bo.x 1136. Ontario, Calif,1 For Dally PUot \Vant Ads Dial 6G-567I \ • 1 DR, Fl('"'• bC!aut rurn. ?.to. 10 Mo. S1~. Arhdts only, 2220- Eldtn. 66-1251 ~ ... .,. .. l!IB""'"""""""""""" .. """""""""'"""""l-m_i~ _______ . ' . . ) I , ! ; CARPORT & atc»-.p locker Vk:inlb' La s..lle l Mission, J C.M. $5/mo. 545-5270 11n-Propony ~ Skip t. the Boochl 3 BR modern 1tucco &. excell~t renlal on lar&e ' TOK140' R-2 lot in top ~ ditlon. Only $31,960 with toe_.. down. Don 't miss out on this l(llden opportunity. Pacific Shores Realty ( 147..&all6 Eves. 53&J240 ! *~HOUSH* I $11,SIO F,ULL PRICE j On 2 Jots ln Wilmington -l want to sell or trade $14,000 C!<tUity_ Bkr/part owner. 646-9666 anytime 642-2221 I DUPLEX $.55,000 6~~% in- 1 tert11t. 514 Femleat. CdM. S. of hwy. 615--6044'Brok~. luain ... lent•I 6060 400'J SQ }~.T. J.f-1 space with ofticetl. New bldg. Im- 1 mediate occupancy. Logan Aw.. Costa M~. 546-6530 WISH to rent 20 x 60' s~ ; for catering business. 213: 1 19G-&'M4 or R. Hohm. 907 ' Foothill, 't:.aCanada 6070 PRIVAT! OFFICE Secretarial aervice, Ur COD- ditioninl, a: paridfw. <lnn&• County -Bide. DJ E. 11th Street Costa Mesa 642-1'85 FREE RENT 'Til June: 15, 1969 on a years lease. $80/m(lnth for down. 1own Costa Mesa ofiice. ED RIDDLE Rltr. 646-8811 OFFICE SPACE WANTED, 1&11!11 ttP. buiklinc products co needs 250 to 300 sq fl. nr Orangr Co. A irport w/pho~ ansv.·~ & Sl!Cl'f!tarial service ava.ilabb.?. Call D. MoUat 213: 866-3122. MODERN, Spaeious, pro- fCMKlllal offices for ttnt Oil Mo. basis. Avail 8/U69. Contact Mr. Lapp, Downl!y S i:_ L Assoc, Mission Vil!jo. 831-49ll 3345 NEWPORT BLVD. lllAL ESTATI O..r1I c .. .......c .. st Comput1r M1tchlft1 'Ex ch an re your "OON'T \VANT" lot IOlllf!tbin& you \\'ant. Can accept S moft clients. Call for appointmf!nt 0. D. "Bill" Cole Real Estate Counsek>r ,......, ..._ R. E. Wini.ti 6240 URGENTLY \VANTED 3 or 4 Bedroom, Gl/nlA tn.ct -* n4:894---4TC • BUSINESS •nd FINANCIAL lus. Opportunltioo ~ FRIGIDAIRE JET ACTION Frl&:idalre 18 nrln. cycle ta the futest In the industry. 30 Frlgidairl!s do tbe work ol 40, 30 min. washers. Find out ho1,1,1 easy It is to own a paying laundry. Gardl!n Grovl!, Santa Ana. Tustin, Orana:e, Anaheim Coln-0-Matlc Equlprnont, Inc. 23341,i W. Valencia Fullerton U4 : 52~1833 "!*--*11!111-•*ll)lm-•*"""-•*.--•;1 ~~~~~NTS P9"ton1lt MOS COUPLES. -; -Nf!W'ln am! Join tbe awtna: .. ..,. •. _ • 6J$.9291 • AllTIDIY'S 646-1941 UNUSUAL Opportunity EDlGIB MOTORllOME COIP, ALCOHOLICS .............. "-so.mt or wrtte to P.O. b lm O>Sta 'Mesa. 'l'be Beat, C'Otts DO IOOft! t;xperiuced Maintl!nanoe &dstt Land1eaptQa: Gnidlilte HorUculturtat Tho --°"1tr ., * ELICTltlCIANS Fomltn bawo -• * MILL MIN 1-• .;;;;;,;.;;;.==nt,;,:•_..;64.;.l;.;0 ===~----1 -oUice Ill Onlwo CotlD. * CAlll'INTERS """ • THE OOIN CHESr * JAPANESE G&nm!r, ....,_ ty. Roqutre ~·man * 'tAllNIT MAKERS ~ coins, sets, mall auc: •. p!ete yud Rl'Vfet. ~ 25 -59· CoUese not l'ltC-* WELDERS tion, etc. 141 s. Coa1t, La. ~-==i...::::-:::54f>.l::::;::"':===I ~ S~o~~~bl~~ * GENERAL Hl!LP auoa lkh, -· H1ull':I 6730 Dlptftod Ille time pooltlon. * LINOLEUM MIN Whaddya Wantt Whatldy1 Got? SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS Spoclal it.i. Earnh1c commences iouned.. * CARPET MEN Tro..i 6435 GINlllAL HAULING !atoly. Should ba in"'""" S u--s tlmol-S llucb RULES -.r.o MUil tNCLuoe \\'ANTED' RJdor to !>elP A CLliANUP al $250 -kly. 0..rtlmo • Day Shi~ drive to Dallq, Call Mn. $12 per load. ~1191 --.. .,,.. ..wMt ... _.., "' ..... a-YQIJk ..... MMll• ........ .... ... _, ~Ills. ~OTHING FOR SALi -T•AOE.I OHL YI PHONE 642.$671 Step~na, 89'r"'215t. .,... alt. 3 le wkendt, Tl!lephont between 10 &qt ~ J l=='=='=====:::=IHAULING, painting, odd pm, t,ton, Utrufri.: loam :. Auto Tranaport 6445 joba, Haeclna. Yw. name it 1 pm Saturday for appoint. Excdlent I r I n r e bf!Mfi~ Ute insurance, paid holiday( etc. we do It! 642..J,198 J~~ ?.IAN needs tidl! to L.A. Tuf!I _.....,""' 534-1101 APPLY IN PERSON Beach homl! itooe'!!. throw thru 1''tl. 5:6 to 6 A.lat. HAUJ.JNp, Gemra1, Tl>p, 3021 N•wport llvcl. To Piece Your TrMer'a P1r1diM ~ GOOD g.. n GM marine di(>,. set engine, Trade 1.or lale ~ ~~ T Pick Up, Econ. olme, Ranchero, or El Ca.. mino. Consider VW Bue 642-4610 to ocean. 0Excha.nge far We.tmlnsttt area. 892-6860 trim, reqMI trees 1:1.,..,..,,.. .. ..,..,..,..,,I COit• Meu, Celtf. .,,,.u "°"" m Oocta Mega SERVICE DIRECTORY bodps. Bia lohn M>4030 =,-,.,--~,-...,...~I or San Dil!fo. YARD/pr. claup. Remove • •••ru.ys • Tlie ........... I• FORTIN co. 642-5000 Applionce R1p1lrs -Ivy ....... -back llU.v ...... - Good vacant lols in Hunt. Parts 6510 hoe. sndtnr. ta..rl45 Laguna Beach, clear apt. Bf!ach &: Costa Ml!sa. Trade SUPREME Applia.nce Re. CIMn Up end Heull"' bljg, \Vill take mode !It for lst &: 2nd tnat df!f!d1. pair, Refl1c, -vaSbe~ dry-$10 per Jold. 646.Z28 ' • DISHWlfUU!f • home desf!J't area or Vista PETI'M'E, ReaJtor ers. Tom. 546.136!, 541-691 AMIUU (D1y1 & Nlthtsl KITCHEN STAFF, WANTED in exchangr. ~ e AtrrOMATIC WASHER Heua•clMnlnt 6735 Broker 494-1330 '58 Thames Van' '59 Sta· REPAIRMAN CARPETS. Windows. fin. Cooks# Stew•nl, !r~~;C:~.tl:~~~ ~~~h.w~D~:~'-===;64&0848====== etc. n. or O>lrtc'L Xlnt APPLY IN PERSON For ~:.·::--aalarJ, (0.p & Nithtsl ..-··-• 1 • work fteu! Refl. 5'Mll1 uri"; ad ~-income prop., Orange Co. toob, oxy·acet outfit, or &.byslttint '550 sec v. vancemenl £" .... Forti• Co. 642-5000 m.,..,,. harowar•. 546.1031 -=-""-"--....;= l'IPl'hlftll"I RBJBBI £, lf£ boaltb ,.,,.,..., l10l·A Westcliff Or., NB Six Unit-apartml!nts High. CHILD care, fend yard, Pilntint 6850 Mr:=nk MESA VERDE land Pk. 7 yrs old.: built· luncbell. lf.lc WarMr A , • 151 E . Coast Hlthwey E.'Cecutivl! a.t. between FAIRWAY LOT In.~. air-cond. cpt1, drp11. Sprindale, •• B 840#39. P.AIN'nNG Int I: Ext l..owHt N•wport a..ch 9 AM·ll AM or 2 PM-4 PY Want : Industr!al, comrner. \Vlll lradl! for lot in Bf!ach BABYSI'M'ER MY HOME, contracted prices. Fully ins. 6H-l100 cial, income or '?!submit Citil!s. 21J..196-1no 4 ~ yr or Older. Nr, 19tb le Satisfaction suar"n,t eat.b===_,,,=,..,.,=,_ ---------1 lo owner. 6424Il5. u·-"ton C.M t!At! "'6"" Jim Weeb 6'13-116& POSITIONS AVAILABLE TRADE Sallboot ~·-=~=::..· =::.·.=-::..:=._1=-,· =='-'='-''---1 DRAFTSMAN SENIOR 3 BR, 3 BA, fam.cJin rm., Value S300. good condition, CHILD care tn my home, vie P~INTI?i'G, Papert,rw 11 yrs INTERMIOIATE covered patio, finished gar. Jo'or pool table, dirt bike, Beach Blvd I: Wuner, HB. ln Harbor area. Lk: I: bond· DRAFTSMAN age, dishv.•ashl'r, laundry, or oWce ~ulpment. Xlnt care. 841-3431 ea. Rell film. 6Q.23S6 HARDWARE frplc, sprinklen. Trade eq Call: 545-5101 OULD Care my home, nr ~AJN'!'ING le maintenance, (All ~ltk>na in Corona dd for trlr. car or ! ! 531.s250 Lake Arro1,•:head wate:dront Beach &: Edin~r. Day, intenor I: e xt er Io r, ~tar ottiCI!) MOlOR HOME ..• ASSEM8URs -. BUKDERS STORE TOWNHOUSE 3 Br, 2~ ba. frt!f' &: cir, $50,to> val. Pa· night, ,.,'t!ekenda. 841-3868 Reasonable rates. 646-3IB5 Otticell auitable for Com- mercial, Medical, Dental. 1 ACCOUNTANT wishes to ex-. nd .el t I change services for oHice Air-co ·• crpl.s, eva or Huntington Beach Beaut, appt'd, Priv. patio, cific Palisades ocean w lot, WILL watch children in my Painting l Electrical Send ttsume or call eoUl!Ct lmmedlate op1!11h1&s for men pool: nr. bay. VaJ. $32,500, fn!I! le cir. $21,500 val. home da,ya. Fountain Valley Llcf!nsed le insured David N. t.Alie ~:·i.:~ 0~~~= ~D.~amptt or ! ! Want: Income. Bkr. ~171l area, 962-8956. * 642-0427 * \Villlam L. Pereira & Anoe. ~~ =~~ .. '!:! . NB 35c PER SQ .IT. space, &ll'JlOrl a~. · 541-5032 OR 61>2464 \vtll has been bllilt over r san Ctemenr~ Income 2 BABYSrrrING 1 or 2 my • INT • EXT ANY SIZE 5651 Wilshire Blvd. eta and fini&h • or we will period of 44 years. Fin. '58 CHEVROLET V..S stort1 • 2 lots 2 ot.rlce1 2 home. Day & night, 6 da,y JOB. Xlnt woric. refs, free Loa Angeles, CalU. 90036 train )'OU. MUil have IOZ'dt , Write Daily Pilot Box M· 1---=.::.::;::..,.;:.:...:.::=,:-- I 329. DELUXE Office in Costa i N.B. STUDIO.S p act o u • • Meta, 1500 aq ft (l3cJ. Air ! furn, panel~ w/ h1v fac. rond. Crpts I: drps. ~761 avail . WORTH $250. Apts • \Viii take TD's or wee:k. C.M. ~2101 Ht. JfM 642-4669, 646-3749 213: 933-834! hand tools. Stt RJek, 2135 BRASHEAR REALTY TRADE FOR AtOTOR-sn1allcr properly. Make oH. · NEAT. exp. Painter, no CAREER Canyon Drive, Costa Ml!A 847-85.11 Eves. 5J6..2123 CYCLE Or EQUAL VALUE er. ca.11 _ 49'1·3262 Brick, Masonry, etc. drinking. Collere &ludl!nt. 642.9158 MAN &. WI l ==~-=-,.c;l:_~-6S60 J.o,v price!!.! Stevl! 548-45f9 OPPORTUNITY! Will sublet mo to mo.1---------rE, <.'OOk I 1-IAVE: 22' iribrd QI.bin P/U truck, sailboat, Cadil· _______ .;:,;c:.: EXPANDING Carpet I 1 60-9657 300 Sq. Ft. Offic• COSTA MESA 646-2130 NOW'S THE TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD 642-5678 Commarciel 60IS FOR LEASE 3100 sq ft garage Bldg. on .Harbor Blvd. 4 double doorz. $600 Per Month.. Broker 67~1 494--n61 eves. !-1)R Sale-Choice com- mercial lots From $20,<XKI. Dania ReaJty Co. 64i..o560 lnclustrial Rent1I 60tO FOR lease Laguna Niguel, oil San Dil!go Fwy at Crown Valley, new conunercial le industriaJ writs. Delta Ell!C· tric. Days· 831-1400. Eves, • 49'3--4198. FOR lease. ne1,v industrial hldg., 2 5 0 0 SQ, ft. 1639 ~fonrovia, CM. 673-9011 RENT M·l, iOO sq. fL $10 mo. 2944 Randolph, 0'1. Call collect 213: 7~ waitress team ror complete Jae w/air, &: CB radi~. BUILD, Remodel, Rl!pair Jolp todays fastest ll'OWinl Housecleaning lirnl, flf!f!ds control <11 kitchen le dirl.ing ~a!t~e~~1:.· 11: 2~ :i!: Wan!: Van w/wndw11, II Brick, block, c 0 ,. er t t e. Pl•at•ri!!• Rep.1ir 6880 profession-Mutual Fund aaleai two gOOd men to start Junt rm in Ne1vpcrt Beach \VANT: Eq. in hse, Jot, 1.,.. possible. Boat, gas dryer crpntry, no job too amall. •PATCH PLASTERING. All :: :.~o~';:~~. ht. A reaJ opportunity far restaurant. Call ?t1r. Gaynor ""mo prop .... 2011 or ? call &ft 6 pm. 64>0071 Lie Contr. 962..s945 .._8 }"'rff n"--t• Call right person. No l!xp. ntt, days 615-4200 or eves .. v .....,. ~ ua• .. ' Mvtual Fund Advisors, WI! train. U You want a reaJ 646-6489 for pleaiant 12 M·l shops in 2 tilt-up 100 ACRES, clear, $ll5,000 C -~rt 65901=========1 Inc, futurt' in !he serv ic e · bl•• · Pl · C '' Equity. Wa.nl inco~ pro~ a • .,... .... "I b · all ...... ~ surprise. "6s on aoentia, . . Pl b .1 U Plumbiftl 6l90 N.pt B. 1603 WeatcliH 642-6422 us1ness, c "" ft6il bet. Gulf OIL Vallie $150,000. Trade pa.rt erty, e~ su. mi 0 ers. CARPENTRY' S.A. 1212 N. Broadway 3-5 PM. for property, Bal~? Art Gio~;!;o ReaJlor ~1INOR REPAIRS. No Job PLUMBING REPAIR 5'7.a:tll ~ ... =.,,.---.-----! Service Station for ll!all': Can owner 548-1542 -----"----1 Too Small. Cabinet in 1ar· No job too small EXPERIENCED Freeway Location Move patients from bed to 16 Prime income unilll in ages l:: othe r ca.biDl!ts. -~=~*=""3U8=~""'·~~-iJH£ llNIN\ftftR IJIN 1t BOAT ASSEMBLERS Paid DeaJu Tl'a.ininr ... 1 hath ·1 ; h ho! 1 1 1a1 "'" 01~ u •·-'"rU'lln I c 1r o eas1 y ..., I c ce oc.: x nt ren rec· _,.... 1:>, no answer u=o.ve PLUMBING REPAIR • BOAT BONDERS Insurance plans avail.able Hoyer Hydrolic Lift ($S'75 ord; sra.ooo equity, Trade nug at 646-2372. H. O. DRAIN CLEANING O'DAY YACHTS Cootact Ron Hampton l T ad t · t ·1 • • °""· new . r e or cilairs. aD-up or uni 11 or · . .ru~rson 546-2381 or "'"" 1217 T 547.fil.fl or 894-2656 · M&-9358 BOYD REALTY 675 59.101~=-=~~==-~· ======-====I wo good mrn needed as 3000 Pullman, Co!!.ta Mesa~ bques. ~· a-Ri:PAIRS. ALTERATIONS doormen. Good !!.tarting sa.J. BOAT BUILDER, no invest ..a.. * * * * * CABINETS. Any aize job. Pool Service 6910 ary, frinJ:e benl!fill. FACTORY l'ralncc, small l'l!qUired, need exp. clu! i,"~!!!J!!~~!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!l!!!!!~~~~l!!!!!!!J!!!!!!!!!!!!! 25 yrs, eA-per. · 548--6U3 adhesives n\anufa.ctuttr builder to ~1fg linl! of small ~!AS'l""t'u • 1ST Alo. Free! &:per, lie, T 1 ho Jo"ull time, days: high achoo! Oaysailers. \Vrite Dai l y BUSINESS end ANNOUNCl:MENTS " • ......,. carpenter. S·1 per reliable!! Tony Taylol' Pool e ep ne grad.: 5' 10" or over. $2.25 Pik>t lJoj M-tlJ ... FINANCIAL 1nd NOTICES :i~ ~~~-Repairs. l ="'=""=."=·=!168-4==81='====I Mr. Ina~~f~lr. Ross To $2.50 Pu hr., build .., WOOD Working 1hop, 3000 sq ---------l;c==,-,,,-,=-~~ 11 AM to 5 PM P_xperience. S48-512S ft, Good location, 1mall in-Money to Loin 6320 Found (free AdsJ 6400 REPAIR. P~ns, Small Pump StrW"ice 69201--..::...::::::..:::..:..:..:::__ SERVICE STATION vestment fl!quittd. Writo ""':::...!..c.:;....;:.:.::::..._.;:.:c::.: I Remodel, etc. Niie or day, --'-------'.=: 1 SER HELP: T\\'O men full -· "NE\V 2nd LOANS AR DOG _, s Rea!!.' Call 17L'"' "A" A..-Repain & Remodeling • V. STA. ATTNONT, P.O. Box p 481 Daily Pilot -: Fou'"'· un. 5-18, v1c. · ~· ;n.1""t1H~ ard l cxp!?rienced. One man tor RANGED" Top ca.sh ror 39th &: n· A NB Elec. sewer c I ea n in 2. gravl!y sh ft. !.lust be BEAUTY Shop. Lease with ivf!r v., · ·• C Re1Jidl!ntiaJ . &: m 0 b ,. 1, exp'd, Pre r. older man, graveyard lhi1t. NO phone seasoned 2nds. female, vanillll co Io red, ement. Concrete 6600 caJla. RICHFIELD. 19th A option to buy, Fully equip. 543-UIJ Bkr. GREAT DANE, Io o k s homes. &42-6583 2 SERV ST N....,.,,..rt Blvd., C.M. pcd. 4 bedroom house, 21===;;:===''=<== yoong, choke t.'Ollar. Call• CONCRt>..JE work all · A A'ITNONT,l =~--,..;.·~==,...;----~1 battm, like new, Bk r, Mortg/"..:: T.Ji.:;:='345 -'~'~""~1050;.c-=--~~~"' typtos. Pool dl!cka &: cwtom. -Sew,::,::;;lftli _____ 6;:NO.::;I eve. 1hllt. 2 PM to mid-FULL TIME, day man. Ex li"'=~-==-~=-.INEWLY'decoraled 3 nn ol- ... PLAllNlllG TO REMODEL! 4 ' ,.: . ·\ ,. •' • ' - ·. °&i R•acl Cl11alfieet""' 6500·6900 In tt.o DAILY PILOT For Expert Aulstance fice in .N.B. $95. Yard 1p. •avail 646-172'4. 642-6ll5 ;: CaD 54~1324 ... nlsht. Must be l!XP'd. Ap. pr. lft/d. Apply: G WILL PAY · rnp FOUND, PlaOl!ntia. I: 19th . •Dftssmakine • Altttatlona ply: Chevron Statkm at MATIHEWS UNION SERV. Loh 6100 DESl NER.BUILDER v $ for C f.1 femall! small Mflaggy e Concrete .an, patioa et.c. C111tom Deslg"' Harbor I San Qi ....... ~ ... , 3928 E Coa t H C d M Businee Operation & equip. TRUST DEEDS Jiie ·<.'Olottd 'do&". CaJ1 a.rt ~ Coocretl! Ir. blk top sawin1. •646-6446• Costa Meaa. ~.~ ~ ""3 • !I wy. · Estab. 10 yr11. Balboa • 642-1898 * p.m. 615-7464 Reas. Don. 642-8514 EXPER. liquor store Alf!s R-2 LOT Laguna Beach, 4800 Island. 673-5.500, ir v es ===o====== ~~;::;:;::'.;_-----J:*;fcomiNCRCRiEii·Iri'Ei' .. ;;;;:~;;-..bo:;;.;;;;;;,., Alter•tlons-642-5145 DISH MACH E clerk, flexible hours, salary liq. ft. Nr beach le sho~ 613-1551. Moft9Y W1nf'..t 6350 ·LITTLE black puppy, trim· le lie Co~;·• '":"""' Nl!al, accurate, 20 yn:, exp. IN open, bondabJe, 100 N. $20,000. 0Y.'llel' l 714) ==='"°',.-----I __ .:_ __ c:.____ med 1.: heaJthy poodle tail · saWlll&'. OPERATOR coast Hwy, Laguna Bae • 36;)..2254. or Mite Daily Pilot FOSTER'S Freeze 5 l 0 re • EXCELLENT $12,000. ooll! kmg ean. ~tal;. 962-5896 ' PhilllJ>,R CeJMnt. S4U380 Upholtt•.., 6990 Union scale. Hoflpital, 1u-'. high traffic loc nr hi schot. 1-•• .-;;CU;;STO;;;;;;u--,p;:<;;"";-,;;:-I :::i::.::::=:::L--....!:!!: ••• ONE, Alert.u p ho 1 s t ere r Box M-32'7. park It lake-. Retiring. on local mortuary. Intert'st l''OUNO golt1 grandmother's ~ ATIOS • C:ZYKOSKI' CUs cal, mt!dical, dl!ntal plan, traintt. Apply in penon ID ft..-5 oor 150 ll 55 net, 5 ft tel 633--6409 payable monthly at 7% Will braet'.!ll!I, Call to identify. concrete u.wmg & rei;noval S I, ~1• paid vacation, aver time pay. Johansen le Ouiltensen back, SW oor Garfield .11..:;:..=:,._~----sell note at J:l'k discount 6T':>-677J 5124 Stall! Lic.1t8U-1010 European Crat11man1h1p Appl.y in person Be•r B•r-Santa An• and will buy· back at full 100% fin! 642-14a4 ' 898 W. 16th St N.B. Huntington Ave .. HB Sale or 1881 N a (corner 16th A: MomvviaY trade for units. Ownr/Bkr . Full price SJ(Ql. vaJue-in 18 mo's. This will 6401 Child Care 6610 l!wport I.. C.M. Howard's RHt•ur1nt 96.\-4001 * 615-3131 • yield 30.5% int. in 18 mo's. =L"'os.:.t'------~" JOBS & IMPL0YMENT 4001 w. Coast Hwy; NB SERVICE station attend•nta, WANTED: off-sall! liquor FinanciaJ s I ate m ! n t I CHJLOCARE, c d M all shifts open. cau or apply LAGUNA woodsy view lot.1, li ~ available. Write lo Box 1464. REWARD. Light lan l Jll(I, houaewifr, my borne. S3.50 Job W1,nted, Min 7000 STOCK CLERKS. in ptta0n. Merrick'• .. -.1.A-• ...:i utiliti.._ ..... Cl!lllC. v111nge County. Lab ~ • h. ' ULOUc.15•.,........ .,... Call: 642-8139 Newport Beach, Ca)if. part rauv1 uo::nnan per day. Call days 6'7~7248 S450 Station, 2800 W. Cout Hwy, $6,950 &: $9,250. 494-9148 Shepherd, 1vh.ite flea collar, EXPERIENCED DECK · .JN!r month to start. No NB. 543-3252 •·-tJo $1700 ·BUYS Auto Repair RESPONSIBLE party Y,•Jllnls "Sia." vie G\etlrll':""" & C0tttracton 6620 HAND rief!ds joh wee.kl!nds l!xperil!nce needed, ~londay . ?of-1 lot. good C. M . ..,.;a n, business, C-2 lot , •• bou,.. $5,000 2nd Mortgage for ovm Fl Lag Bch 4'" .;~ le Summer. New .... (213) tht'U Friday .. Chance to ad. SERVICE ·•lation, attl!ndant 50 x 300. Bargain $13,500. 548-8405 .,,,. n!sidence, Laguna Se8ch. ora, · :;J"l-.,Hl,);l ADDITIONS.REPAIRS 69J.-5l88 po,. vance. Wnte : Box ?tf-506 The ex~.. full time, eve11. ~s;u;;t1;;;v;;'";;;"';;""";;;;";;;'===""l-====:;:;:=;;:;~~cj~,l!"ll':'13~456~af~t~•'='~'~P~.M~. === LOST White female cat.1 __ ~1\E~M~Ql2UJN.G , . ~ .Daily Pilotr--_Uwon..Station,-Santa Ana~·.r.1----1 -;; "" Light blue eyes, red Ci:ilfar. Designil\g &: Plannine REAI:.~stil.e-Broker y,•anla DOO MA PaJisades Rd, Santa HI.II. ~A;;•;;••;;1;ga;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;6;;2;;;;00 Money te L•en 6320 ANNOUNCEMENTS Near Htg !{arbor. Reward. Kitchens-Baths, etc. sales wotk with well knmm R N EXPE IENCED fill • 1s1 &: 2nd loan!!. tor qulck and NOTICES 842-8118, 52'7-2297 Lic'd &:: Bonded. Fre' e1t. ~ocal firm. can AM or even.. PARKING ATTND'T man~ maintain au~:Ue SOUTHERN CAL cuh. Borrow on your pro-Found (Fr" Adt) 6400 DARK Grey striped 1nale A&: B CONSTRUCTION •ngs &12-0222. ~Uor~ttl~e,dayoreve. lawn sprlnklf!r1y 1 tem1, rt 'thou d' b cat. vie. Dahlia Pl. CdM. 1122 Paularipo, Cl-ii lie. ca.1d. driver, Neat ap.. 5'19-1688 or 644-2931 CAmE RANCH ~ 1:, ~~tl!re:t ~~t~!" AfEN'S bifocals tortoitl! shell Desperate nct'!d of gurgery. •56-4941• Job W1nted, Ledy 7020 pearantf!, refs. Call 644-1100, Appmximatl!ly 360 acre s of frames. Vic. Irvine & " """" ext SSS. 4 lo 6 p.nl. Al!!.o hlcyera for 2nd TDs. 67,,._,.,., A001TIONS, r' mode I , PRACTICAL NURSE. C od•t M .. ,0 levd to rolling land in River. Mttler Mortgage Co. Inc. \Va.lnut, C.~t. 642-6978. 8 MO. female puppy lookll rea.'JON.ble; gtt 0 1 her Avail, day or nlte:. r I gr. to ~ .00 side County near Redlands. Serving Harbor Al'l!l 20 yn. FOUND Ladies pre!!.Cl'iption like small black & la.n Mtima.tc1, Thl!n ca 11 tacaJ ref. &36-8028 4 to S' yrs. exp, in credit Hu home. barn, corral. 336 E. 17tt' st. 1an glasses. Near beach in German Shepherd. G4Z..l292 841-2416 I .,,=;;;;;:_;;;;;:==I ~'Ork. Call Dan. !\ferchants pressure !!.ystem I: plenty 64~nn 5(5..(l61,1 Laguna. 494-3S08 6637 Demesttc H.lp 7035 Personne:I Agency 2M3 Wei t. of waler. 'J'tris is wonderful I=========;:.!.~::;;~:==;:;,,=== LOST': P.fale Irish 5ettcr, Dr•ftin! S.rvic• c!IU Dr., NB. 645-2110 country with easy acctu. lus. Oppo~~t.i~t 6300 lus.. Opportuniti• 6300 ~tesa V~c ~7341 ===-.;;.:'-=-="-SECURITY GUARD Has 2600' of frontagl! on pav-* * DESIGN Onl.fting, electro • HOUSEKEEPER OR 40 hour .,...ttk. ed road. Will »ell or trade LOST: Blk. maJe. Poodko, mech P/C layout le detail-alMPANION avallabll! for Call 54S-22l.l $1000. per aCfl!. For further Toy; vk. Estancia le Swan fn¥. Ken Sr. ~ll91 family care or •inell! lady lnforma.lion c a 11 Gll!nn Dr .. C.M. Reward. 56-5165 Excdlent rdl!l'f!ncel, driv,:1,,,~B~i~l~bo~i_B_i_y,_C_l.:cu.:cb_ Thompson. 66IO A val!. now. Y ARO Salesman, OV\!1' 21, 5 .Edchelfl...__,lnc. CANDY SUPPLY ROUTE -------640-DSG_i_rde_n_I_,,.._ ____ HOMEMAKERS ..,.,..,.So,,,.moclumicat 1818 IV. Chapm'" AV<.. , • P.=••,;:;-"°'1ls;:.___ . ..;;.= 547-1 ............. REI>£.RENT. Orange .. Calif. ' MS. 2167 Hlr'b<lr Blvd., CM. 541-262!. E....-s.lM127 Ml\' or woman to reatock new type coin dis· FR EEi. G~~~• :~~ "'°Tm:,: Bt'~"" :::""" GARDENER-HANDY MAN, --L-·-· Baach--penseo with high qu1lity package candy 106-B E. l6th, SA 541-0395 once6.,., ~!. wee.k, Balbot. 1!!.land. COOK \V ANTED. A p p I b ~tw een 2.s Odll!'a Restauranl, 212 E. 17th St., CM YOUNG man to I e a)' residential house pain~. Some exp nl!ce11ary . 54>-2808 ORArl'SMAN Sem .. tttlttd for pe.rt lime draltin& in N 1 Hnlg Bcll. w..+188 TRUCK·DriVtt, must know Orangt O:.Unty. mwit be reliable. 646-2700 E.xpe:ril!nctd part time T-V Technician. CaJI 531·15'15 -·--.. -.d ts NO SELLING' working way lhru oollege. •.r-oooo 7 •rJtES W/PERMIT r;-oU~ • ' . Basic Boating Clest•t Exp. Lie. Rl!u! Tenn1 ChineM live-Ins. Cl'iettful -ed the b11.... e LABORER BOY « handyman to hl!I TO KIEP HORSIS Ofitr to pu ~ PHONE 64l>4203 ........,.,, Expene""d For l•nd!cape constnoction wltb -oing £ ......... AdJa.ccnt subdivision one DEPBIDW PERSON CAN by the Balboa Pow· 1~=~-~~---I Far East Agency 64UJ03 M&-3429 Hqurl,y bPla. 673-211)1 mlle' E. or hw.y,. util avail. er Squadron starting AL'S Gardenlna Ser v l c • H 1 W od 142.otlll,.li Cuh, ba1 lit-t1Rf1 UP JO $800.00 A Wlll1U 7 P.M. Monday JUD• IAwn main.....,,... -.. • P, Int •Mon 7200 H~lp w1ntod, Mon 7200 Hotp w.....,., Mon 7200 deed. wrtte Box 914 Laguni UI r1vn1n 2, Newport Har bo r in&' I: dean ups. 846-3629. Nur·nry Sal•• $500.00 Bch, Phone 494-4726 O\!.'fll!r. Yacht Club, 71/J West CLEAN·UP Speclallst! MOW· Exp, required, m11.ture per· roi'i Salt or will tnde w Part or full time l'W\alU.'ons needed~ .. this· Bay Ave., Newport ~. edg\nJ, odd j ob •. aon. Can Dan, ?tfl!rchanla IOAT MFG. ,__ Co. Income. 2111 A. ,....... "' Beach. E n r o 11 a t Rft.9oriahlo. • 51M955 P·--· •·•-. 21>13 W••' ...... -.... 1re1. Requkres car, t'lchange of references, ~ ..... ,.,., .... ·-3 .. '° or flemet near Rancho '1450 to $2990 cash, secured by inllentory class. For additional JAPANF.SE gardener Comp! ctW Dr., N.B. 645-2770 C&Ubnle n~ aDd equipment. · inlormation p h on e RTV. Expel'. dependable, Janitors $2 pr hr 675-0467 or 673-1855. fret nt. 642-4389 All shtftJ. No NPerienct Like E1'1Mn 6202 LAKE ILSINOIE 20 acres In betutilul v.·alnut tn!el with m~ Mrftt 'rroot. age. 0...'hf!r anxlou!!. to ·dlJ. pose .. ith e:xcet~ tenna. Full ..... $130,000, Try 101i do\rn i usurM 8~ loan. i"or more lnlormation call K. W, Sm.oil Eckhoff & A110C., IM. 1SJ8 \\1. Chl,pman A~.· ~@,OlllU. Write for pe.rsonat Interview. givln& phone number, to: S1UTE61C FRAllCHISES DEPT. 25 500 South Enay • Suite 629 A Dallas, Texas 75201 AttrKtfffExpert-Cut l Edat Lawn neuc. Call Dan. Merchants YOUNG \VOMAN Maintl!nanct, l.Jom9l"d Pf!nonMI A I en e y, 200 dancer will teach you an ~/&U-2ll.O aft 4 Westcµtr Dr., N.B. 662111 latl!at 1tepS. Call Ardell Dick 's Gardfning-~I. Ol.DF.Jt. man night ll!CW'lty 213: 591~ 1·10 PM Arca 1·yn, Comm'l, ttat-clttk. small hotel. Pollet! or _..;::::,L..:;lc,:C,.;Eo;Ni;SiiEiiD:0.:-"--1 dt:ntia.l. clt'an-ups. 642-<M13 CommlWMl!d of It c er Spiritual Readinp, MMce • EXPER J r p a n e • • ~. fmPKUble on aJ1 matll!n, 111 s. El Cardel'll!I' Oornplete lel'Vice. chan.cttt. 613-ltlO Camino Real, San am.cnte rree tstimate. Can SfO...tm e A1...,,ltQ>1 49'l-9UG. 10 AM·lO Pl,< e DEPENDABLE e Nl ... l Shift p......,ln SPEOAL S2 READING FlnPst yard care at lofodera l!t 642-6830 CALL Ron Wood for a good Ra~ 64$--1931 nltea EXCEtJ:ljri .m~ to do * MOLD SHOP FOREMAN * .MIL.l MEN * BOAT CARPENTERS * TOUCH UP MEN * GEL COATERS * ENGINE MEN TOP WAGES Apply tn P•non . . HARBOUR YACHTS '1s1t2 6o~•n Weit Clrcl• WESTMINSTER, CALIFORNIA st! 4621, Ew•wkr'ldl 5.13.69'71 m•auae ·at the YMCA. MOW 4 WEED. -Labor by finish yachl wc*k anct dock 2:m Unhmn:\ty Or., Npt eapebl1t Collt!ge Student.-. malntl!nance. Cs.ll 54&-22U Reh. &u-9990 or 548--12.lf 6li>-1180, M Pllf wkdu onb'I _!•~xt:__::239!!_ _____ _i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~J- j • -- --------------------~-~---~---------------------------------------------~--- I '' J • I I I , .• i ....... , ... . . " " • Celebrate With Flying ' Colors Get a ew For ••• MEMORIAL DAY ••• MAY 30th FLAG DAY ••• . JUNE 14th INDEPENDENCE DAY •• : JULY 4th . LABOR DAY. • • SEPTEMBER 1st -· Delp Yourself Delp The ' Boys~ Clubs Fly a new flag at your home or office during this patriotic season. Here's an offer that lets you save money and help • your Boys' Club, too. Participating in th is public service offer are the Boys' Club of the Harbor Area, Boys' CI u b of Huntington Beach and Laguna Beach Boys' Club. Here's how you can help them and help yourself. Just order this beautiful deluxe flag kit, at a fraction of its retail value, and get as a bonus a California state flag -all deliver- ed to your door by Boys' Club representatives or mailed directly to your home in time for holiday use. ------------------- Order Now At Ji..ny of Four Boys' Club Headquarters HAllOR AREA I C:INTRAL IRANC:H l SM c .. ttr Street C:-Most, C:.01. ...... 541·tll7 HAllOR AREA IUl'Pll IAYI 2131 Tustin Avenue C:osta Most, C:.111. """'' MZ-1372 HUNTINCOTON IEAC:H IOYS' C:LUI 319 Yorktown Huntl119toe lte<h, C:.111. ri...1 SJ6.t415 LACOUNA BEACH BOYS' CLUI 175 North C-t Highway Lagune IMch, C..111 • Pho•.• 494.z535 Use mail order coupon below and send it directly to club headquarters nearest you. Your flag kit and bonus 1t1te f119 win be delivered er mailed directly le ycur home er office. Or ycu can pick !hem up in person •I ihe Beys' Club hHdquarters 1n your 1re1. Pick Up Your Own Flag Kit and Get This Free Gift .----------------. I I I I Just clip out thi1 mail order coupon and fil l it out, S•nd, along with ch.ck or mo~•Y ordtr, to th• Boy1' Club h••dquart•r• n•ar•st you, Mak• ch•cks payable to "Boys' Club." "--d ..................... A ........ flat klh .. $3.'5 ,.. k~. I ••clentnd I wfll recef•• • a ltollffy bo11111 o Ca0for11Ja state flDt wl .. •ch kit. . 5NTAR .. I Ntmt .......................... -.................................................... , ................. . UNl1ID STATIS PLAG I I I I I I I .. 3 _95 C1 t'ttAeM ...... 3tlfSr-t .. ....... ...,.. ...... , ........ .. .. --. ••••• ....,cwAwwwcl ... ....... . Holid•y Bonus: Hi9h Quality 12 by 18-i nch Calilorni• Si•I• Fl•9 I Stre•t Addr•••·············-·····-····································-··················-···········- · I c ;1y ...................................... _ ................ "" ............... .z1p ........................... .. I Phon• .....•• -.. ···-·····-········--·······Enclo1ad i• $ .......... ·-···················-····-········-· I I This spacial holidey off•r it a pub lic ser¥ic• of the DAILY PILOT and the Boy'' I I Cfub t of the Harbor Area , Huntington l •ach and Lagvna Beach. I '---------------..J ITHIS IS ACTUAL DICAL SIDI Free Decal While they last, the Boys' Cl ubs offer you this 1pecial, fr•• qift , . , • decal of the Ameri can Flag Ilk• thosa you sae ''•rywher• on car windshields ... home and o.ffl1;a windows, or even on th• fam ily boat, Visit the Boys' Clu b r.aare1t you I phone for ho urs of operation J. Buy e flag kit: gat th e decal frae. Supply of dec1fs It limitff. Hurry. • .. ••• - ---·----··-·-··-----··-----·----------~-- JOIS & IMl'LOYMINT JOIS & IMPLOYMINT ~OIS & IMPLOYMINT JOU & lf!ll'LOYMINT JOIS & IMl'LOYMINT JOIS & EMl'LOYMINf Help Wonted. Mon 7200 He,lj..!.,"""" Ma.na,gemeot Tr&.lne-1 7400 Help w ...... w ..... .,,._1 ACCOUNTING SHARE AN INTERESTING AND PROFITABLE CAREER GARAGE Sale • T"1ll Im sprti:ws 6 foam mattrtll, FULL OR PART TIME * * T"""'°""" $3~25 HOUR We need te-n part time men and five full time ruen immediately. No eic- perlence nee. CALL 541.nn t.fon .• Sat. Mr. Gold Assistant Manager Retail g~ry experlenct, day or night shift. Paid vac, lruur etc. Xlnt Oppty. Call for appt. 642-8520 DISHWASHER 4 ~30-1 Al<.f shift. Good pay and v.'Oridng conditions. MANNINGS, INC. El.Toro Rd, (Leisure \Vorld) Laguna liills 837-1014 DELIVERY BOY- GENERAL HELPER MUSf BE DEPENDABLE Apply 8 to 4 P .M. Orange Coast Pwlict 850 \V, }8th St., C.M. : Security Guard ~.DO ' Unltorms ftirnishe<f.. do not carry guns, call Dan, Mer-. chants Personnel Agency, 2().13 \Vestcliff Dr.. N.B. 645-2770 BOYS 10 -14 Carrier Routes Operi '°' Laguna Beach, So. Lagwia DAILY PILOT 6424321 ERV. ST.SA LESMEN : Full time, graveyard 5hift. Age 25 or older. Neat in ap- pearance and hand\\Titing. Apply 2500 Ne11i1>0rt Blvd., c.~t J . c. Ptnney Co. Fu.hkln ls.land NtwPOrt Bead! NEEDS PART TIME SALESLADIES Hou1ewive1 & Mothtor1 Can )'OU llPll'f a Jew bows each day and add to the family income at the same Ume t Srhedules convenient for )'OU, motnings, after- noons, evenings or combJna. tiona of all. Work in a fun stof'!! Wider the fine.st cl conditions arid top supervis- •ion. APPLY IN PERSON PENNEY'S FASHION ISLAND lOAM toSPM l\fonday thru Friday All student positions filled. Equal opportuniiy e:roployer 116Bm.Y llEEDfD .. •Clem • Typlltl • llepro Typists • Secretaries • Keypunchers • PBX Opers. • Auemblers Work when & where you w11ntl INTERIM PfRSONNR SERVKE 4U E. 17th St. C01t11 Mesi, C111lf. '42·7513 Interviewing Mon. thru Fri. I a .m . to 5 p.m. .,*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!* Equal opportunity employer EXPERIENCED e TELLER e EXPERIENCED e PROOF OPERATOR e UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK 3029 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 546-2033 Equal opportunity employer * HOSTESS- BOOU&PER/ ACCOUNlAIJ A ml!-Oxooratl<I> -llol net.t Orange County airport baa an immediate require. me.nt for a full ~e: Book· keeper I Ac:coo.ntant to hl.ndle peyn>ll, blll,,,., .. -Jedc· er and financial 1t.a~ment1. MUST be experienced in goverilmen1 (.'(llltnd ac. counfuw a.bd billinc. PU comme:nwnte wltb u. puimce and abDU1. ACCOUllTIN6 (llRK WW handle ac:counfl Plf- able. insurance claims, toat reporting_ Should be cper-- \eneed in government con. trac:t ac:-counting and be able to type co.st reports.. Pay commensura.te with vc. perlence and ability. For 11ppointment, cell Mrs. Bl11kden 9 A.M. -11 A.M. 71' 540-5771 -·-Syste Med Corp. 4500 C11mpu1 Drlve1 Suite 472 Newport Be11ch, Calif. An equal opportunity employer with some of the niceat guy1 you'll ever meet ...... , B e c a u s e or our continued growth and future exp1n1ion plans we are in need ~of young men and women to enlargt our executive .. management staff. Two yem of col· lege preferred. That's our need. Now, what's yours! Perhaps it's security, a good salary, a substantial medical-IUJ'gi· cal family program, life insurance, p'aid vacations, promotional oppor. tunity AND an unusually generous sharing of profits. \Ve'll gladly s w a p these for your abilities and call it a del). You 've probably read poetry_ like this before, BUT .•. we just don't know how else to say it. ex· cept; come in and convince your- self. You'll be glad you did. ca ll in person 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. J Far West Service$, Inc. .1672 Reynolds, 5cHlta .Ana, Cant. 17141 540-9892 Help W11nted Women 7400 Help W1nted Women 7400 DECORATOR Gm CAllCIU•TIOM Of 11 WXUIY APAITMlllTS Sponish & Mtdltwl .. M funlltw1 AU WNO ~EW .... ,,, 't"""'·'""'~""'·---,,,.-Wrili·r• ... t.a¥.tiil1 ......... . -~--·-!\.! .. _._.,.~. ····l'l·······""".3 ........ . ' i"1 -.. .. ............ . ........... ~---.titi .......... ,. A ~ecorator dream-hliuse on display -3 : rooms of gorgeous Spanish furn iture (was reg. $I 295.00 S~_!!!!~.:_:. ~.· .. ~~I mm RJRNITURE 1844 lewport Blvd.~.-·> Costa Mesi only r...., *"" '1119-w..i. s.t.1 s... 'Tl' ..... """"'A-~ -..... blth c:ablnoll. ......,. ..... kll. o1ok. _. al -· ---~ 1&-1' tome new. lbortt. dothine • man)' other i.kma:. No Junk! Vsry reuona.ble in priCe to clean our pnp. Sat-Sun. 312 E1 2Pt.b. CM. 6G-27U Patio Salo ' Fr1dl,y, Silt. A Sun., ]0 Ar.( tD dark, Qualltf it,ml:• JOIS & EMPLOYMENT Fumltutt, &llver, plct ...... · fumlture IOOO dithts, 11 n en t. clothlns. -----~ ------------ Sc•--•-·~·-1 1L-kitchen uwDIBI. books, ~ --·~ .. -· ... ---------1 . ..., ....... ._.,.a; Eduoollollll V•cotlon 4th EXQUISITE! bucket '"" Uld muc"1 sracfe:n ••• Sr cttizenl Qill. much more, 1829 Iowa St · coat 10 leDOD typ1.r!a: Sc:hl. SPANISH • at CaUfamia st., c.M. '1'rta1 ~. 173 Del Mar MEDITERRANEAN CH ARMING EA R Li' C.M. ~ FROM MODEL HOMES AMERICAN cupboard Cf.aifi. vo=ICE=,--..,=pen.="'t1c'"n-°'1"0-r I Eutem brand names, com-l)' old). amber &lua but PQPUlar or CJ,aica' aln&tlW. plete houleJuh of qu&llty Lamp Tm molds b&nrl pa.Into. Be&ilmn' t b r u advanced fumitutt..?" kilW tiie bed.. ed ~ and 6mER OLQ tomna. ~~ or twin. costom GOODl'.ES. 318 Ordrld A~ tralnlna. 6'2-5512, 49f.B340 quilted ..... love ..... Cbrcnl. del Mar Sat • Sun MERCHANDISE FOR lamp" tab!os, beaulUlll dll> :14-25. ' • SAL! AND TRAD! '°" ""· china ~ 6 cbaln, 1,,,-,~~~~-~~ I ~ TV'a, automatic ltfric· GA.RAGE Clearance Sal"' Fumrture 8000 eratot"ll, washers a: dr,ren. Wuher/ ~ ~om b o , ---------1 wm 1eparate. Tenis. All on Gii.>n rebig, f 1ne oond. UOUIDATMr '"" It aacrillce prlceL Chest, ~heap "'"""'· ""'""· UIU other items 1Alore. 40I Help W•nted SECRET ARIAL -Ex· ceptlonal opportunity for a Women 7400 mature woman >who has CASHIER For Coffee Shop *· Looklnc for a sharp 111'1: lo operat.e Burroughs" E«XI &y. punch, 10 key 'adder. type J. C. Penney Co, Fashion Island Newport Beach * P o s i t Io n immediatel,y availa.ble for a Typist Clerk. io wqrk 1n our i;s- crow Department, ~r­ ience preferred, FOR BANl<S-FINANCE 00'1 ESTATES.M.ODEJ. llOMES Qu11ity Furnltui:r' Banks Can't O.posit Furn. AOK Warehouse Holm_., CM. '"'' ....,, Catalina 6 Holmwood . I-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ I co nstruction background, CUSTOMER SALES bu5inen oriented & a.ble to Morning shift. Experience nece~. Apply in person, 60 wpm. Experience on"Bar- roughs: A bypunc:b it. necw- 1ity. Call Mr. Larcome 56-7117. i722 Garden Grove Blvd., GG 646-7310 % block West fro1n the c.or-1'P"A°"TI~o"""Sal~e-.~...,~~,..,,2S=th. ner of Beach Blvd,. near Starttnc at 10 am everyday. SERVICE STATION ·cope with"""'""· Tbls tn- Service cars al pumps, be dividual shoul d be alert to customer's needs. specifically familiar with Sell & servict; motor oil, payable, receivables, trust tires, batlf!ries, access. Muat fund reports &; all phases of be friendly, neat, have good pa,yroll. lf )'OU are currently work record. Good income • employed, immediate even.. good chance for artvance-ing appoinbnents will be ar- mcnt. Apply btwn S-11 am. ~~-E MEOIANICAL F Affi ENCO SERVICE, 2490 CONI'RACTORS THE NEWPORTER INN ll07 Jamboree Road Newport Beach, Calif. Po&.ition available for new Laguna Hills Lei- sure World office of New. port National Bank. ,A= jj,)_agency lias openin1s for WArntESS Full Time Experience necessary. Competitive wqes, out. •tandlrw beneflll lncluJ dinl profit sharlna:. Ple:Ue aPP}y at our New. port Center Branch, 550 Newport Center Dr., New- port Beach. SECURITY PACIFIC NATIONAL BANK Equal opporuntty employer They Demond Co sh I Reg11rdle11 Of Loss I $piini1h.-Mecliterr11ne11n Maple-Mahogany.Modern Brand name bedrooms & kin&: or any size box aprl.ns1 A matb'HI, custom made llOfas It love seats, exquisite dining rooms & hutc:he1. Guaranteed trostfree refrig. erators, color 1V's, late mo. del 11iuhers & dl')'eni are all on sale Al sacrifice pric. G.G. Frwy. • BW1k beds, almolt nrw $50. ()pen 10 to 9 Sun 10-4 Man&Je $25. Drapes Sl up. SPANISH Returned-from Dllhes, end table, lamp, Model Homes OD Ale lit coftee table, p i C I Ure I , less than wholesale! Group clothing A etc. 303 Flower inc:ludet beautiful t 8 • • St., CM. 646-«61 quilted so1a & low eeat. GARAGE SALE • Sat 11: SUn. 3 Spanish oak deeoratar Mirror 3'x6', $25. Blue U.blea, 1wag or table iaml>s, velvet chn. p I c t 11 r e 1, wall placque, king. Queen. pat io furn ., cou ch , or tull tile bedroom lu.lte decorator'• I: mile: .lemJI. complete incl box springs, 512 Larkspur, CdM. 673-f.m rnattraa, ~ &: boudoir 24.th It 25th • MOVING 2> yr lamps. Spanilb. oak 6 pc: c:ollectton· furni • -1. Fairview Rd., 0.1. 847~13 For top paying Temporary PQsitions see Janie earpil in our Temporary Division. APPLY IN PERSON • tt0sruru • *SECRETARY* Heavy typing, shorthand, general office duties. Ma· tul'l! pe111Dn whose atten- dance c:an be counted on. Starting .,Jacy l400 • $<50. Call 5404241 bet. 10 & 2 PM. SARAH COVENTRY bu openings for full or part time salea. Min. age 18. Pleasant work. no invest. no deliveries. For Jnterview call 540--0614/ 837--4749/ 847-8950 JANITORS SERVICE needs good, reliable, expi!rienc:cd men to work part time , in . Santa Ana area. Must have car & telephone. Write Box ' M-630 DAILY P ILOT LVN • Experienced, Con- valescent Hospital. Costa M~. Excellent \~'Ot'king conditions. 3-ll pm shift. Call 642--0387 J o r ap. pointment * COOK * PM shill. for nursing home. Experience preferred. Apply, Laguna Beac:h Nu.rsing ll o m e 4 ..... IS PROOF OPERATOR ' EXPERIENCED United California Bank 4525 MacArthur Blvd. 540-4424 Equal opportunity employer ExP'd piower machine oper. at.ors to sew naugahyde boat cushion& . & c:anva.s1 pro- ducts. Top \Vages, pd holi- days, vacations, Ins, Xlnl working conditions. Apply Jacl< Cole Co., 1763 Pla~ tia Ave., CM. ~2'51 abilities unlimitei} agencN EXPERIENCED TELLERS F'or appolntment c:all ?.tr lfau or Mr Sloisdill 642:Jlli lfGAL TRAINEE Work at Newport Cuter, •tart S400/mo. '."equirea eec.. relarial experience, Type 60 WPM, lite shorthand. At· torney Roland S. Barcume 644-""3. Toller $450 + 2 yrs. banking or sav1ng &: loan exp. required. Pluah beach otlic:e&, Call Loraine, Merchants Personnel, 2043 Westclilf Dr., N.B. 64>2770 EXPERIENCED *COUNTER GIRL* for dl')'cl~ shop. Costa Mesa. CALL FAIR.WAY CLEANERS 54Cl-0734 TralnH $325.00 133 Dover Or, N.8. lOAMto9PM Monday thru Friday 642-3170 549-2743 LEGAL SECRETARY J. C. PBINEY CO. PACIFIC SAVINGS bas an opening blr a legal aecre-*' 24 F11hlon blond An equal opportunity employer * tary. Sbou1d tJrPe minimum I~~~~"'!!~~~~ :, :!~.,! .... ~ ;,00~ TELLEll TRAINEE apopintment call 523-5532 Mr. Rockolf. Will tnt.ln capable eirt for PACIFIC Teller/New Accounts work. SAVINGS •ncl LOAN Some worklria experience and t;ypil'I&' skill preferred. 'Equal opportunity employer Good workine conditions/ benefits. ADMINISTRATIVE e SECRETARY e WORLD SAVINGS & LOAN 292 So. Coa1t Hwy. To marketing manager of Lquna Beac:h : :·.:~.·:::CREDIT GIRL lent IOCI'rlarial akills and at leaat five years experience Some l"@ta.il credit experience 11.s a secretary required. prefa'ft'CI. 40 Hours a week, Plue send deta:Jls of PMV· salary p!Us b~. Lawaon's ious employment including Jewelers, Huntington Cent- Mlal')' to Bax M-507 Daily er, Huntlrvton Beac:h. APPLY IN PERSON REUBEN E. LEE 151 E. P11cific Cit Hwy Newport BH'ch AIATURE woman, 11 te bkkpg, 1o run ollic:e fur small M1g. MG.ll50 ... BUY ANY PIECE OR llOUSEFU L Warehouse Sale AOK 7722 Garden Grove Bl. Westminster C 1Ai Block Wea! from corner ot Bea.ch Blvd. near G.G. Freeway) Open llJ.!I, Sunday, l'-'. RETURNED from model Jobi-Men, Wom. 7500 home dirplay. ExqulalW Eastern brand n 11. m e a , OFFICE CLERK Complete hou.eluls or qua)i- Reliable trainee needed u ty furniture king sb.c pennanent clerk in Editor-bedrooms f~l or twin i.al Offices of the DA.ll..Y eu1tom qiillted sofas & lo~ PfLOT, Some typing and seats lamps tables beaull- tUJqi experience belpful ful dinlrll ~ll, Oiina & 8 Must have car. Houn 6 AM c:bairs automatk refrlgera- to l P~f. Monday through tors. Will separate. Terms. Friday. See Mrs, McAllster All for a low $589 complete aflmioons after 2 o'clock. AOK WAREHOUSE, rn2 NO PHONE CALLS. GARDEN GROVE BLVD D11ily Piiot G.G., ~ block Wnt fro~ 330 W. Bay St. the corner of Beach Blvd., Costa Mesa NEAR G.G. Frwy. Open 10 to 9 Sun. 10-6 ····-... priced el.oewh'1'e • ture, ~ .......,. hardware, truck., electrical at QPl"l}X. $1195.00 Al.L & plumbing, miac photo. XIS . FOR ONL:r $399. ~ down, Lillian Pl, CM. ~4 $4.99 per. 11-eek , out ofl.,,,,....,===,..-,.,...-,-,,- atate credit OK. W 11 1 480 CABRILLO block from .epua.te tor quick sale. 1Dth Westclitt shop c:enter. Miac Century Furniture, 9 7 7 2 items, furn, incl rattan ber, Carden Grove s Iv d , , some antiques. Sat-&ln (lfl!y. Garden Grove Dally 1()...9, DRAFTING table S 3 S. Sat IM, Sun ll-5 O>me Trundle beds $30. Soda foun- 1n or call (n4> 500-5240 taJn $40. 100' of amaU SECTIONAL D a. v en p 0 rt thln&I. 3017 Ceylon Rd. brown, $40. Maple love seat, Me• Verde. Fri-Sat-sun $20. 2 wing chairs w/ot-GARA.GE SALE JD am-J pm. lomans, 415 each. 1.enith Sat. Furn., books, kit ware, TV. $35. Maple drop 1eu rni.sc. items. 192 Senate SL, dining table~ perfect cone!, C.M. _ $50. 2 Captain's chain $1.sol·ANTI=°"Q~U'°ES=--"'1<,_.o~lblr----cl each. 54s..89911 furn. Be&". 10 AM Sun thlu MUST l8ll complete livina week. 2118 Hi&,bl.ud Dr., room set, modern, <mt over NB. $1000. new, will sacritic:e 1orl'H"o"us=E"FUL=-0"'1~...,.,....~ ..... ~-1 $350. m St. James Rd ., tools I: equlprMnt.. S.~ N.B. 642-2621 •!!er 6 p.m. or aft fi pm. 5021 McFadden, Mon thru Fri. Anytime HB weekends. MAHOGANY bftakfront $65 F.STATE lara&e sale, oil S il -"•"' _ .. _,_ 135. painlin8'1, booka, turn ., n~ na.ug ..... ,,"e '""'"·" . misc. Sau.sun. J.M. JOT Twin box sprin& & matt. Lark.!pur Q1M DRAPERY-Work room ex· Quallty Positions for perlence. Various openings. Qualified Applicants Top co. in beac:h area is took- in&: for HS grad, with typ- ing skills of 45 to SO WPM Call Loraine, Merchants Personnel Agency, 2043 West. cliff Dr., N.B. 645-2770 Pilot. GENERAL OFFICE, part * DRIVERS * time, Girl ;ll-3.S. Knowledge MOVING -Hou 1 e f u I • WArntESS • or """"""" receivable and No E,.,....ience sro. Roll-a-way bed $2). • • Smal l maple fini s h BLOCK Gange Sale, 1213 secretary $41), Swag IJ.mp 3 Conwa,y Ave, In Hlllecrest lite shorthand helpful. 20 -r-· furniture. Porch, den, liv, N -·-I din & breakfast r m s . Hour week. Mon-Frl. Apply: ec.--ry. Lamps, lrplc: ...,uip., anti"'•e Full time + p/time eves. 488 E. 17th St, SWte 224 Beac:h Drapery Service, 900 Costa Mesa 642-1470 colored globe $35 644-0.132 area, C.M. YooJ name it, G E St 165 ·So Is we've got It. Sat & Sun. w .-17th St.;-CM. 540-6464------ PBX Answering service, exp pref, must be able to work all shifts. Steady work. 536-8881 E XPERIENCED chairside den1al assistant for general practice oUJc:e, La g u n a Beach, 5 day/wk. 494-9737 DREAM J ob • Keep your im· portant job as wife & mother &: earn a wkly paycheck. 544-38.S4, ~97 SALESLADY for jewe.lry store. Over 31 yean. 548-340.1 MOTEL MAIDS. Full .l part Hmc. Apply In permn 1967 Newport Blvd., CM. HOUSEKEEPER -Good c:ook. All 11.dul l.'li. * 53&-3555 * e PRESSER e Silk or comb. Guarante<!d Wary. AtR BE.5T, CdM. 615-J306 SMART Sportswe!ll' Shop noeds atir saleslady, 0 time. Mts. Jelfen r8'75-2870 SHAMPOO GIRL with license 675--000 Ask for JoAn11 Apply in person WOOD LIGHTING CO. 4020 Must have clean Ca.lilornia ~., "" Y-R-E-C E-PT-J·o ·N-r-s T & -------• Cimpw ~Di'., Newport driVlng ~. Appry--=:~e ':c:klibr~ a ~se: Admitting c:lerk, part time. RfUBDI f lfE Beach 546-2901 YELLOW CAB CO Young, good phone voice, Mature woman for con-, · • Jardineer, pictures, etc:. type 40. 50, 14 p.m. Bea.ch valesc:ent hospital, 3 9 3 SEWING machine operaton. l~. l~. »is Irvine Ave,, Newport area. $350. Cal l Doris. Hospital Rd .. Newport 151 E. P11clfic Ctt Hwy Traineejobsavai l ab l e . t.a Beac:h 548-7796 Beach. Newport Be11ch F.a.rn u ~ou lea~ 1.0 Televi1lon -D~.-,k-,-.~D~.-,k-,-e=D-.-,k-,-ARGUS AGENCIES =====-~~--•iiiiiiii ... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil become a hi.gh1y paid sail I trod·•-1 W k TELEPHONE Solicitor -se&mstreas. n ..;.., on or F~ cabinets, office chairs. 1869 C Newport Blvd., C.M. Days or evenings, from our See Sett)' Bruce at HANNA SAILMAKERS Help introduce cable T.V. In Must sell an at sacrillc:e! RECEPTIONIST 18 to 35, neat appearing. $1.80 per hour. Call KI , Costa Mesa. 548-3464 ends, Salary or oommisskin. Gan:len Grove mvd., G.G. . . ereo • ny pe recorder $.15. Naiigabyde * 24.31 Duke Pl;-C~l---+I oouch SlS. 2 e:nd Ulla .l chr Refrig, pl.a.no, surfboards, $5-all. Dinette set $7.!iO. All T.V., pool&:: Pln&:-pone tbls. kinds of baby furn-varioua CoUee Ible, c:best of drwL prices. ~2540 PATIO SALE • All klnd1 of MASSIVE carved walnut din-Goodlca. FRf &: SAT. tng tbl, 6 upholstered c:hrs 1 __ ..,=w= . .,,IBlh,,,..-=st,, .• .,.CM,..._ $400. Ollve tweed 10f1. bt-d GARAGE SALE $70. Dark gold love aeat S:SS. JUNK TO ANTIQUE 842-5084. 336 A. Victoria. CM in rear * WAITRESS * oUlce, permMe11t. Salary m 6 861 w. Uth St. North Tu.etin. Eves&: week.. AOK WAREHOUSE, 7722 Full time. No experience 7-1.173 t.di~ ~4/C Call Sandy at 544-77&5 for ~ii blc:k We11t from the c:omer necessary. Apply in person. I"=°""'"°',-----,-.,.-...,,.-Ca,hier/Ho,tess interview. of BEAOI BLVD., NEAR ANTIQUE hand car Ve d . EXP'D Waitrnses for colfee Agency for Carttr Chit HELP WANTED; Man or GG Frwy. Cpen JO to 9, Spanish Twin BDRM set, Aepll1ncet 11!0 BOB'S BIG BOY 15-1 E. 17th, c.M. shop &: dining room. Apply 410 W. Coast Hwy .. N. B. , ..... 00 l".. complete· $1500 appralsed in person aft 6 pm-See Jim, By appoint. MG-3939 Experienced Appl,y "1Dn1an for w ho 1 e 1 a I e """ &Y !Mj, ' USED, GE under cauntv a. .. .,..ide Inn Restaurant,.3.\l ~""'~~~~"!"~~! bakery. Noe x Per I e n c e llfOVING SALE! Sat &: Sun. v a J,u e, sac:rUice $&i0. di.sbwuher, delx modti. ~· ~ MANNINGS, INC. ....,..,.,,,, Apply 'Gwnan 54>-IM6 Cood d It l SE. Sec. Eng. Fee Pd, $525.00 I "'E"."C"ou=t-=H"wy""', ,.NB~.~--,,-Typist fM Pd, $476.67 El Toro Rd. {Leisure World) Horne Bakery 134 Com· 1'"urniture & misc household LARGE. CUltom made, Dunlap~~ n 1J15 o;~ Top co. in beach area is look· SECRETARY; Part lime tor A top Co. Is looking for a Laguna Hills ll'l-1014 me:rcial W~, Costa Mesa. ~ms. 1502 Ora.nae Ave., round dining tble., marble C.M. 548-1'188 ing lor sec. w,ith IQOd skills conaultlni engineer. Exp. in young gal with rood typing MEDICAL OfflCf 6U-5303 ' top t • Sacrifioe =~==-:-,.-,--1 and engr. exf. can t:.oraine, aerospace des. Salary com-AldD.a who can also handlf LOVELY Medt. Dininr room ~UI see. · GE DRYER, electronic: OOP- Merchants Personnel A.gen. mensuratc with ex p ~ phones and CUllomms_ Call SEEKING ambitioua, coup.le ll!!t w/6 h!ah back avocado · trol. Repoaeukin. Bnt '69 cy, 2043 Westclill Dr., N.B. S4S-S837 Loraine, Mucha.nts Penon-Experlenc:ed in receptionlst ag'' 45 to 55, as uaiatant velvet chn. c.oit $800, sell RED naugahyde oomer Mat. model. SAVE. Dunlap's, 645-Z170 (al.ab fee jobs) COMPANtON lo live·ln for ne1 Agency, 2043 Westcllff dulie1 including medical la mgn In lge complex. Man for $300. 67)...U87. like new.~$45. Kohler Wm-1815 Newport. SU.-7'111 C.neraJ Olfice Trn. $330.00 )'Ollng lady with slight ban-Dr., N.B. 64.5-2170 (also fee IU111nce. Ca.It 646-3903 mU1t have inllde painting RND OUed WalniJt dlnlng sel dry tray $5.. 675-3539. GAS DRYER, uted Norse, Top S.A. co. is looking tor a dice.p. Must be excellent joba) Opportunity lur ladJ with u.. exp. Salary $500. ?ifo. ' w/4 Uphol cbrt. &: 2 leaves. ex c e 11 en t condltlon. girl who is willing to learn, drlwr. Prefer girl 25 to 35. ---,H=o=s"TESS==--·I perlence In u.lea and know· SUbmlt ~ " rd.A. Box Llke new $145. 642--2357 Offlce Furniture 8010 Guarutred. DunJap'1, 111' no typlng fe<ru~. Call J..o.. Good aaluy. Call ~ Ex-•---• t i.... Jectae of aeneraJ otflc:e work. P 860 Dally Pilot. GOOD lttl&l.I cpuc:h $-tO. STEEL company relee.le• Newport. 'C.M. 548-71811 raine, Merchants Pet8011nel ~ •c..<..._~, mua ""= over Rderences. Pleue call 494. Profeulwl · Ii .1Ul1)1us Q;t.fice Iurnllt\ll'f. MOVING, mU1t Belli •i Agency, 2043 Wettclilf Dr., 8:0..\pJ°y0 :f;:: 6 ~: ~~~P~1 ~ ~n to Mrs. 1440 for appointment. Employment A1sl1 tance =·"2.~ SS-T.V. e Files e Delkl e awn, Ma,vlaa' waaber a: deyer, 1 ~N~.B~·~-~:p""'o~===-I Maverick, 1728 Newport The FISHERMEN HOUSEKEEPER A child COASTAL AGENCY DECORATOR Desk, chttl')', elc. mos old.~ EXP1 D T ELEPHONE m vd., C.M. Re-ttaun.nt can!, live in, 51Ai day1. A member of lnlald top. 2906 Alta Villa McMAHAN1S m-1450 SERVEL Gu retrlpralor, INTERVIEW.ER$ EXPO Stationery Sal es 317 Ocean Blvd., Private room&: bath. Rets. Soelling A SMllilw, Inc. CEutblutt) NB. 644-0780 1830 S. Anaheim Blvd., in 1ood ooodltk>li, $15. 112 Work fl'Orn home, how's to Ladies wanted for n-HuntU:wtJ;in Beach S50 wk w/ periodic nl.ae1. 2"l'90 Harbor 81, C.M. 54o.6m5 LARGE 3 pc sectlonal, bone Anaheim Cakm&iide: S.A. ~ Balboa 181and. HELPER for cabinet ~hop. suit your lclx!dule: CoDunil-p&nding stationery slcft. MANAGER tar 12 fumished ~ TECHNICAL Illustrwto!'--ex-White nylon, x1nt cood. $1..oS. Freeway at KatellaJ NORGE . aufnmatlc Wiiber, Full or p&rl ttme. 64i.a«J ~ C&ll btwn 10 & 2. O>lln Weit. 549--3389 2 BR u.nits, adulll only HOUSEKEEPER, ll ve • ln: ploded vieW1, schtmatica. 540-2771 Offlc. £q· Ui.._nt IOl l I&~ ~. ,*lC!Mbll~S· Sat or Sun betw 9, ti. BABYSITTER I houaeketi>-w/pool for put rent. No mother.Ins home, beach ortho, mu~ and com-llOUSEHOLO ~-·-,........ .,,. ...... • FULLE .. ~ Part BSAUTICIAN u. live-in lor lchool age maintenance « cle .... , .... area. 2 teenage chldm. merclal. Full ume or put . •urnuihtnai: ADDRESSOGRAPH 14 cu FL •-~--llh Time, avg.Ji.SO;; hour kl t.o ~ fu.l! time Costa Mna. chlldre:n. N~ by 6/1. unleu )'OU prefer. p; Woman w/ 1 ima.11 (:hild time. m-.2777 ~=~:i-~·~~ w/1ruppUe1. 174-9)0 ice ~·~-~ •tart. Over 21 Call 5'S-$745 Un. hid vat:at:loM, etc. 538-1897 mpond Daily Pilot Sox: M OK. Pref u/45. SQ.'7223 MANAGER; dlx. apt.., Cotta n.. •• 11~ ulli ~ ill-" $90, 6.Jl...3339 "7'-=~--,"· -~·:-= No clie;tele. rtQulrwJ..new 414.. "-'OMAN for a n 1 "er I D g Me.a C o m p I e t • maio-~ v •• ucu, qu ~ --MAID, over 30, penn1,,.n gndJ """"""°"' · e 1 I I DENTAL OFPICE WAl'l'RES.S ""'1ee opmitor full or tenanee & polnti,._ complote, unm<l 1911: .-Gorllfl! Sole -.. OOllllO --· Xlllt time, 6 du/wk. Lag Bcb P.fanagtt 548-S919 Receptionbt 548-5580 SS.. Good ..;..fed.~ ~ put time, ~A evn:. Cl.Jlfornia Ma.m.pment $250. Aft 5 or wtmd&. 147~ MOVING! I need help. 4 cond. N:-.::;~ mote.I. $1.Th hr. 49H52l 1 .• .::::MED~~,CAL~:::ASS:::;:;,ST=ANT=-.-l·--.D;-;;ENT;:;:;:.,_..--_.All-::;L--peflOD, 12 noon to 10 pm. lf1..fm9 l2J.:.9!MO (213) 'n4-618J SOFA. au, new. never CR'• have to be c:oodel..t1~~"""....;,;.;.;..:,,_~-~ BABYSII IER ror 2 bo)'l 5 & &fa.lure-Pe dl at r I c a -Sirllle ~to 45 up. nee. 11201 Brookhtirit. acroa: AID woddns motb!!r 5 da EI.J)ERLY oouplt, allo lady oted. ~ke ofter. 541-«m to 2. Fumlture, beddfnl, GAS n,rwe w/lt>U t:leetrmdc 7; wkll.n S.S::t'.); Fountain ptrienc:e prdm-ed. Front &. *Stft..300)* from Gt.moo, F .V. wit, 12 to 5 PM. Lite l'llkpfc, or man fDI' baktry wiort. or~ iww onty. carn«U. a lf't.I, mite. f'tl. timer, thm:no \lumc!r, °"° Valley. 5ll-"ffi22 back otnoe. Send t'MUIM: LITE Cl~ning Ba 1 front 96l«S own lnfllP, Matun: woman. Call~ Jarman Home BEAUTIFUL Frtnch Provifl-day PM A ·Slt. 2W4 Ml)'. Ille broiler. $81).. m..- WAITR.&5S/ DAYS. Young, qt, exp, etc to Jlajly Pilot Trailtt. Sl.IO. 6 hn y.•k,. w~ . ~ Erp'd Call aft. 6 PM aJi..1759 BaJcaoy. 134 ~ dal dlnirw rm .et. Tbl. ' 330 Poppy, Cd.Ml WHIRLPOOL SU dr)c, 1111 a.ttrac:tlve, cood ~nality. Box P-325 Own trans. MS-7331 a:Jdrtal1a. Sm. dlnMr houle, EXPEJUENCED TeUer a.nd Way, <:bib. Mesa. Chn. buttet. S250. m-.76M GARAGE SALE mocltl, xlnt coml. Top ..t&ry. MS-0693 EXPERIENCED Seam1trua WAITRESSES WANTED CdM .. Alt.rt, ntat, pltua.nt. Plattarm Steno. Security AP!' ~nagtr for 12 '!Jlil FtJRNiTURE 'Murt & o, Blurts, 1111 vt1ta H~. Sat ' SllO. 14T4US • HOTEi'~ MA.l'D. full time, needed. u.oo· w up lteva'a Sta Shanty Restaurant m,...1722 Pacl.ric Natlol\l.I Bank . t1ptl. Exp'd w/ rd.. CpJ noUUna over $2.'l. Coucb, A: Swl, 10 AM. Mov1rW must • WRJRLPOOL auteatlc ptcuam Sum>Uodinp. F\tahlonl. 615--5761 I 630 Lido Pk Dr. NB 675-0100 DRAPERY WORKROOM 536-93ll prcl. 6'6--6222 T.V. chair, elc. 673-C200 1t11 many 1tema. Wuher, late model, .int * 494-1196 * t.fATVRE Woman fCJl' 11 to i Put !lme motel maid Experieoced 4 tralneu. 1f0USEKEEPER It CX>OK HOUSE CLEANING EUROPE--Bound, IO(l(1 quail· GARAGE: Sale-M19C uflclet. cohd. ~ a.t·J..U.U DENTAL ASSISTANT !lb.lit tn SAWYER HOME. 1;30 to U:~ Apply tn PtnlOft; Talfe full "IP• All Adult•. • HRS-SAT. ONLY ty f\rmtflJ!'MTllllt Mell! m . Open daUy. 1301 Kb'lp Rd., atARCll )'OU.I' '"211 ad ... NewP!"'l Beach "6-5<11,_Cal_l_64¥'J!_,_,-'----------""-6'1>--~~-17152 ~ Avt, 1riW Homo ~ :t..111T·2:32$ Jlt, rn-1:121 alt f,30 ,1!.m, NB. ~l Diil "*'11 tor llESllill'S ----------------------------~------------•L-----~-..... -- I l ~ 11 . _...,. . .. \ JS "llAIU .PILOT FridiY, 1111·2'1196• "iilllCIWIDISI POI MERCIWiDiil POI MllCHANDlll 'l'Olt" · MUCflANDISI ._, ' SALi ANO TRADE SALE.AND TllADI SALi AND 'RADE ,SALi AND nADE ANOTHER LANDMARK GOING TO MAKE ROOM FOR "NEW BLDG. ' VALUES NEYER . BEFORE SEEN!!! . Tea~ng · Down ·Building ~."Must •. Be Out .. Right Awt;Jy'' e e e e • • Contractor Says. SALE-Stock On Hand Only * SPANISH and MEDITERRANEAN * .. \ AT UNBELIEVABLE PRICES!! No Down, Terms To Meet Your Budget. Bank Flnancl!19; Mallt•.r __ C~4'1rg!, . Bonk of Am•~.~r Stot• Chai:tJe, . \. ' . . .. $38 .88 \~ .Q~ .. ~ANY 1 -'"''~SPECIALS .. . l " . also matc~ing coffe. table and commode·..;. lame ·pr1c•- TOO . MANY ITEMS TO LIST ALL • • • • • • • • • • • • Game Sets • Lamps • Pictures • Dining Roo.m Sets • Recliners • Wrought Iron • CoffH Tables • Commodes • Bedr<>1>m Sets • Decor1tive • Li~ing Ro~m Sets Spanish Chair1 • Corner Unit1 • Buffet w/china • Tables tops, Mediterr1nean ' . e EVEN THE BUILDING! . * Room . Groups at Terrific SGvil)gs! . * APPROVED FURNITURE 2159 HARBOR. COSTA . MESA, Plf0ft£ 548-9660 MlllCMANlllSI -· · MlllCHANDISI l'Olt· • MlllCMANDISI l'Oll I MlllCHANDISI ''Oii MlllCHANDISI l'Oll SALi ~ND TllAl!I 1 SALi AND ~· SALi AND TllADI SALi AND T!IADI SALi AND TllADI Mlacellan11111 MOO Mbaf......_ NOOMJIOtllMMUt UGO M1tcell•neou1 NOOMltcell•MOVS MOO S'ECIAL GRAND-OPENING OFFER ••• • Rent anything in o·ur new store for ' 1 dollar for 1 day •. Yes, you read tire headline right. Now through Sunday, you can rent anything in our news.tore, keep it for a day and. pay only one dollar. · We're new ln town and .we wa nt ydu to know a,bout us. You'll fi~ we're a blg help when you want thos-_practical items you occasionally need in your home, but don't care to pur- chase and store. Here at United is a rental supermarket of all those things you may need for parties, for the aickroom, for .'exercising, camping, gardenlnc and bring· Ing up baby. Tools are a United specialty ••. power tools, plumbers' tools, painters' tools, construclion tools. We even hawe tools you may never hive heard of. Post hole augers, sump pumps, fence stretchers and oscillating sanders. How .do those grab you, d1>it:Yourselfftl'!? Some of the items are one· of·a·kind, so the· sooner you come in this week, the better. You may get 1 bright idea for · a new home project or t11at big party you're planning. Browse around and take your pick. Yes, we have those, too. Sorry, no dtliverit• dorint tlli• apecial 'offer. Nonn1/ defiveryservfce thefHtt.,.. Ofter upireJ ~ U.Nl,TED Rent ALL. 645-0760 . ' 710-_ ~<:'19th St., Cosio Mesa 1600 Ml..Oll~neous 1-~~~~~~-.. 8600 Ml1cell•neou1 e SALE e ,. ' GRAND OP~ING! , Budiet Business M'al:hiriel'I 149-G Riverside Ave.: NB opposite Greyhound 'bus sla 642-8811 Port typewriters SU.50 up ElK" add'a: mach. ~ up Stand typewrtn n 5.95 up Print'a: calculln Slla.50 up Rotary calculators $29.50 up Cash Registers S39.5(1 up THURS, lrtay 22 thru SUN May 25 • only All machines l\W'Mleed. • • MIXED BAG • • Household and p e r 1 o n a I items, including Honeywell ll~land Strobe with battery c;~, 4 x: S fi1m hOideni, convertible bar' and rn·o stools, poliJ.rold swinger cam· el'a, maple chest and mirror, case and bowling ball, full wig and case, maple bed frame, dishes, bed spread, BOO--K"°'c"'.\s"°'E,-!12-.-~-bl-bed--$1-0, -~""~ JOO"xllll" .~~~.,~·· ~-,~. n,.. &: sun. 8! FBGLS •Dlvj.ng board w/ ·stana. NiW; "riever ~ $70. call 531-i697 a.ft 6 pm. Misc. Wantect 16t0 WANTED $ FURNITURE $ APPLIANCES Ce/or TV'1-,.l1110'-Ster10'1 I Piece or H•u10 Full CASH 4 N JO MINUTES FREE ro ·vou FREE lo good loving home, Female Schnauzer. Allergic must find home. C a 11 5'l-0-6089. 5/23 PUPPIES, cute, 1 healthy, mxd breed, n1~ s i :t e gentle, obedient par. 545-1632 after 2 PM 5123 4 MASKED Bandits, while mask, chest & feet. 2 Calico'. 2 Buff tiger-striped, long haired. 546-0065 5123 PETS end LIVESTOCK TRANSPORTATl~N Peta, Gener1I 8800 Booto & Y1chl1 9000 RABBITS Flemish Giants. Pedigree, exhibit or breed. 3 mos, $7.50 ea. 64fHlll7 VERY young, African grey parrot, tame, world's best talkers. Musi Sell! ~3ll9 Cats 8820 ------ FREE! Basic Boating Cl11st1 Offered to the public by the Balboa Power Squadron starting 7 P.M. Monday June 2. Newport Harbor 1 Yacht Club, 720 West I Ba y A v e., Newport Beach. E nroll atj class. For additional infonnation p h o n e 675-0467 or 673-1855 Comc'I Fishing Bo1t Ultra modern de.sign 65' long, 38 ton capas, wooden. Can be co nverted to offahore Cruiser eulty, Diesel eng1, 2 radars, 2 Lorans, Auto . DAILY 9-9, SUNDAY 10·5 -12 years same location same owners rug, bird cage, utensils, and • 541-4531 • ADORABLE kittens, weaned Ir; trained. 2 orange &: while males, l dk. grey &. white female. 54&-3330 5/2.a Siames1 Kittens $JS-. No paPl';rs. 633-7040 F, Pilol, full galley, ilps . spray bririe thruout. Crsg range 9000 mi. Owner $50,000 Cali San Diego 222-8365 -0r 297-3807. other Items. 900 Park Ave., Laguna Beach. 494-9822 o09_, _____ 8_n_s 2 HAND drills, 12x13 beige Free kittens 8600 rug $25. Ouelette Sylvania WANTED * * Good Used 2073 Monrovia, C.?if. I AT STUD, beautilul male I 8210 Mi1cell•neou1 Appliancn 8100 Pianos & Ort•na · 1130 Hi.Fl & Sterff •""=='-'-------GE AUTOMATIC washers, mini-baskt>l , 2 spd. permanent press cycle. J Repossessions. From $129. Dunlap's, 1815 Ne'A'JXlrl. C.M. 548-77'88 Antique•· 8110 I RENT NEW , SPINET PIANOS from SIO per month Purehase Optional ***** '° I SALE USED llAMMOND ORGANS • New guarantee e Liberal ~Cl'ms DOLLS: All kinds, foreign, B-J's. C-2, A·lOO's, 11·100's, oriental, antique, modern. L-lOO's from , ... , . , .. , $695 TV, xlnt cond $75. Realtonc CONSOLE PIANO 646-4237 Plihuahua, fa1vn short hair * * * FISl:JER 220 receiver, · trans. radio SW $ 5 0. e 64&-73l6 e S/23 with Ruby eyes & nose. Stud Garrod 80 lab turntable. KNITTED fABRKS P-Olaroid cantl?l'a, new $75. 2 GER She __ ,_ fee S3.l or choice 0 f Sony 56().D tape recorder. 2 Cht>ck tif •"" UPRIGHT or ch es I· type · p., n1«>C & fem. 2 · ctr 1er, new ....... 1 __ 11848 )TS old. Have a house but Pedigree litter 54&-363ol 1169 J."ishe.rXP~B1peakers . ""'FOR ·SALE Viking tape recorder & u=:zer. Oak St. F.V, Do t•· C R. k 4n• ....,.... 968-3220 need 11. large yard. rse ""''· .r.1. 1c • :n-61.>+ Remnants, ,.mples & Mill tapes, xlnt cond. 642-9087 <NLIS820 51 •• ========= .......-w<t GERMAN short ha ired ends ~t.~ ~.m?.tto 2 am & late prn. FREE TO YOU ~2-..,P"UR=E°'B°"R"EO=-~F-""'-,~..,..,,~nt pointer. AKC. registered. p.rn. er, ta esa. SPANISH wall sconce S light female kittens. 646-469B aft Obedie nce trained, 10 mos FiJLl. P.1arquette tune-up ~ught iron ~ ~ 2 Free kittens black & 5 PM for m 0 re in-fen1ale. Must sell to good equip 6 .mo·~ old $1100, =~lasa: ~· k~ sl20ize white. Male has unusua1 formation 5/26 _ho=m,,•_· 64=5-c-ll-o'c-'--c~~ Tape Recorders 1220 28' C"h-r'is--,C'"1-v-1"1i'"1_r_1 '65 Twin 185's, 60 hrs. Bristol Condition. $500 belO\V book, Loaded! JOHN V. BARR l.1arine Centre Oceanside 11arbor, Calif. TI4: 722-4454 22' l\Iercury cruiser 112 H.P. Gray marine -Sleeps two - head. bait tank, etc. In 11.ip • at Newport. $1495 bnn. 1-~---1-Mini&tu~-acce"· l---HAMMOND- I TAPE Recorder. new \Vollensak, 3M, cassett~. with all attachmcnls, $65 -torigina!-t0al $130),-~1. Snap.on air chisle & impact -ar · k . do bl f T . '\"'h·1 Sa d $175 wrench....$235.~ L Jet ~ Framed EArly A.~~·lcan mar ings, u e ur, o GOOD home being ~ooked in· •• 1 e mate moye . a~nd'ing equip & stock mlm'ir$10. 26' ... 00y 1~ good-h-Ome..-642-4.148-5123. -lo.lot-pe.rsonality.lilled.Ji.alf Registered. After 5:30 even- $150. Other mlscell. Gall aft. needs repair S:i. Ca 11 LIVELY 6 "'k. old kitten." to SI a"! es e k Its. Ca 11 1 ;c.'""'=~"""'=-o"=-.,-::_..,_--..,.. Days 642-7052 Eve. 673-3828 PONTOON boat 16'x8' wide, fibe!'Elassed -.mahoa:aJ:IY. trim & COl1501e • xlnt cond. Till trlr & Johnson motor. Asking $675. 673-8044 I I ! • I -• Helen Manning -Antiques, In CORONA DEL MAR 2.428 Newport. ruvd., store J, 2854 E. Coast H\\'Y 673-8930 C.M. 64"-9251 GULBRANSEN ANTIQUE C.011. i!em, 1850 ORGANS Victorian cciuch k chair. WURLITZER comp 1ete1 y restoml PIANOS & ORGANS 536-3339 Sewing M•chin .. lt20 1969 SINGER with zig-zag & walnut con5-01e. Makel but· ton holeA, desigm etc., $5.2S mo. ot $36.00 'CUh. sa;.6616 Musical Inst. 1125 KENT Drums: base, snare, tom tom. cymbals. music •t=md· Minor reprs. $100. 1131>-1'00 DRUMS, Sparkle Blue, Sling· erland. Complete. . * 548-1334 .. ACCORDIAN. al ba.!iS con- tello. 9 mo ,i>ld, take o/paymenti; '64:z..oo&l Piano!; &: Organs Rented EVERYTIIJNG IN MUSlC Beach Music Center Factory Sales & Servict Daily 12 noon 'til 9, Sat 9-5 174<M Beach Blvd., (Hwy 39) 1~i mi. So. San Diego Fwy. Huntington Beach Ml-3536 WE'RE oack in our rte\v store, Bi&: Celebration -Bi& Sale. CLOSEOtrr of coMOle Pian- ~ at u.vings to • • .. • . $400 CLOSEOtrr ol Baldwin over. age pianos at saving1 to $349 CLOSEOtrl' of 1968 Organs at savings to , .......... S236 1500 M·l CARBINE, good contl. ltlon w/ extras, $75. 548-8669 SURFBOARD 6'2" rottnd tail, , 13 Iba, no dings, ex- cellent. $50. 842-3548 5 PM' 897-4837 837-5878 lake home-. 203~ S W 646-54:>8 5/24 GERl\1AN Shepherd pups to * AUCTION * Cypt'E'as, SA Heigb,ts. 4 PLAYFUL 8 wk. old kit· gootl homes, 5 \Veeks old. OZARK'S Hicko-chips fOI" "6-~' 51"" 110 B 1·1 t ""39" •.1 .,.. ...-.. ~ tens, black with specks of · eau 1 u . '""" ,,., smoking & B-B-Que, 3 lrg.J If you will sell -0r buy RABBIT & hutch v.•hite. 548-7672 after 6:30 AKC Toy Poodle, 1\•hit~ lb bags $2. Includes partiaJ ' .i::ive \Vindy a tr:· 66-29o::i PM. 5/26 female. 11 \\'t'eks, ~. delivery. Send check or Auctions Friday 7:30 p.m. 893-83 J\i.O. to lLA. Komulaine, w· d ' A t• B =~~--~~-=':.c"'::1 BEAtrl'IFUL kittens. II.II col. • 37 * 209 w. Carlton. Ontario, In y 5 UC ion arn GER. Shep. mixed. 7 1nos. o". eager to rind hon1es, 6 Graduation-Father's Day Cal. 91761 Behind Tony's mct.i::. Mal'I. old, had shots, !em. good 1\'ks. 5'1~3183 5126 SILVER TOY POODLES Miscellaneous 8600 MISC. Antique Bric-a-Brae, 207S'ii Newpoprt. CM 646.8686 with children. 540-i184 5/23 3 ADORABLE Killens, all AKC. S50. 847-3471 Quality king bed, quilted, Full length Ermine Coot DIAJ\!OND TiUany "'edding 6 Kittens, beautiful 8 wks. P.1ales. 1 Black, 2 Tabby. OUTSTANDING. black n1ale, complete, unust"d S98; worth $250. Other Furs. Much se:t, 1 ct. perfect, na\vle!I.~. old. \Vill lo,,·e children. 548-0179 5123 6 wks, Cock-a·poo puppies. $'250. Aft 5 or wknda 847-MO!i P.fisc. 2315 Pacific Dr. End have apprl $2000, sac $575. f>48...8993 5/26 BAMBOO, Small p I an 11 . $20. 540-J828 4 'TIS Trop1Cal f'ish e -01 Acacia QIJl,f Sal & Sun Diamond pierced eanings l: j FLUFFY kittens, various Peach Trtt. You Dig. IRISff Setter pups, Best in Opening 'bout June 111 alt 10 AJl.1 .. pendant to match, T.\V. 1 ct. colors, ready for new S1Z-4518 S.26 Show Sire. SI56 & up. Terms Fountain Valley 842-4530 A CC 0 R D I A N 120 bas $250. 673-3600 twMnel'I. 54i-6'.m 5126 Olfl'SIDE kittens, 8 weeks avail. ~ DIAMOND, Solitaire wedding ConteUo used only 4 mos. CASH RedJlter $35, ~ SI;,, Dqum:E bed, box spring &: old. Twins, black am 11o'hite TREEING -\Valker Coon set, have apprl Si15, sell 9'6 Gordon k S m I t h 4000 ' lb Forklift S l 0 0 , mattress. Call 67~141 after ' and 1 a:rey. 646-2179 5/23 hounds. UCK reg. Call aft j $250 cash. 6Th-4Ul surfboard. 962-0402 aft 5:30 PIY"'OOd & lumber at coat. 6 PM 5/26 ADORABLE, Ca Puc hi n pm .. Ill 493-4000 ==----,,.=,-==-;;;;I p.m. &. wknds. Chev truck. lJ30 Brbtol, monkey to ve-~ homo. FM Stereo Conaole, Philco '68 C ALL White kitten. f'xcept for •cs •""" Rd:rig. bolt treeaer. Ele<: ff' POOL TABLES * 1~·~•~1.---~~~~=~ blrick spol on head, female. 84Z-7502 5/23 Broil oven etc. ~2195 C\lstorn • antique -modern PatKl sale Sun Pila~ 25th. ~7834 5/26 p CK • u.sed . SPORTS ''100". Extn. nlct maple dinette 1 up free "'OOd fglas.1 8' x 10' PORTABLE 1lau (n4l 636-2730 12-8 pm set, rattan divan, other PUPPIES, part Collit'. 5 ta.sea) 646-3231 Model Glass Horses 8830 PASTURE Fpr horses. fl) 493-4!XXI alt.5 . ...- 28' Chris SpUtsher . FIB, bait tank, head le &alley. Good cond. l.lust sell. bes\ offer takes. 673-5795 25' BERTRAM '64 Hard top twin Mere UO IO. Oean bilge, coslly extras. Make Oller. 714: 548-5979 '63 TROJAN 30' T-S. Xlnt. cond. All xtras. $7900. 6i5-0M2 or (213) 4.14-1221 JACK'S Electronic Service Electrical repair. remod, new Installation. 5U-8329 25' GOTHIC Scow, a rea1 poverty l'0\11 claMIC. Finl Sl500 take11 lt! 5311825 dys. 2 DINGHYS hlolded. 8' SSO. 10' $65. Good cond. • 962-1370 LAUNCH 18' inboard. Ideal ' GliiSON Le• Paul eWtar wf'ba,rd case. Near new. $.150. c.Jl !>13-2.523 No down oac, 5 yrs to p&31. WARD'S BALDWIN STUDIO 1819 Newport, CM. 642-84St e SPEOAL PURCHASE e WURLITZER PIANOS house, $49. You haul. Days. fumiture mlscl Items. v.•lrs., fmale. 2934. Java. Co. 5/24 642-5200, eves. 548-4583 DOUBLE door Reiria;./Creei. C.M. 54G-5Tl9 5/24 2 BLUEPOI er $65, O'Kee[e &: l.terr\tt 404 Jasmine, CdM 67>1540 NT SI am e a e. Livestock 8840 bay boat, nice c -0 n d . Martin l2 rotring gUitar. £xcellent condition. $%ill. *5484915* GARCIA FLAMENCO ... tar, 1200. ~ NB 'wh.Ue they lut! "'5 Walnut coneolcs now • • • • • • • • • .. • • .. .. .. $699 PORTABLE d\ah14·ashel' Sa>. stow $50. g string guitar &: SET of.fused Goodyear Ter-3 FLUFFY kitlens-are look-altet'ed male l1; yrs., Gu stove $15. Port C,f.t' air caM! $35; 64&Wl9 I'll tires. 13 .. \Vide + rinis ing for 00.ppy home. Pis call femaJc 1 yr. 64&-l~ 5/24 conditioner $10. 642-5666 STERLING Silver, A I Jen \\'/ lubes, htake offer. 673-1071 5/23 JUST I !Pft, fluffy kitten, 2 LAWNMO\VER $5. AM·FM 4 Adler: htod; Georgian: orig.,_,,64~4--_21-oO~T,_--..,,---.,,, 3 FEMALE·Klttens,1 ugly, l mo old. Female. 5'l8-S669 1p ~rd player coTI10le 1; cute.· 1 unusual. 1224 5/26 U). Girl's btke SlO. 60-5666 ~~: 1~~~ I Ice ' 1!ii:kl~o· =· hou:a ~!1~ Conway, 01. S4G-M 5/26 PALM tree, rubber ttveA & plus bench BlIRNSWJCK Pool table. BARGAIN! 1.fembership in repe:lla:it. COO S70 new $40. rnEE kittens, 8 \\'eeks old. mlac. shnlbs. You dig. S~ Spioeta:, all Ed,gtbrook. Ball!'!, cues ii. Newport Beach Tennis Club. 646-7535 To good honte. Box traJoed. 847-&lS $/24 , ... nos & 01'9'ftt. 1130 flnisbes ••• from S5r9 lo·S5i'9 wall rack. $175. !H9--0576 $100 )'OU pay transfer fee.1'9"°·3"°··--JEF="FE°"""'R"'Y,-""'D~•,-,I ~ 962-7'560 5123 FREE kifle~. cute, house l'--"'-"-'--0-"-'NT-A_LS_e_ pJwi bench SURFBOARD . Moyer 10', &t)...3(17 aft 3 pm. surtbo&rd, $15. Olllce desk 2 KITT'ENS, blade &. white, tre..intd. OOl-65311 5124 e PIAN RE Terrm Llke Rent . __ ., SUMMER sPEClAl.S kl • C '¥ Good lhape, $55. DfAMOND weddina set 2 $25. potty train~:'" weaned, 6 lo'"lll:E top IOll. Will M:lp dig * Law u $7.95 per .mo. Gou =·~ °"':-~ • 536-87 Ct&. T.W .. perfect. &wless.1,.==-631c--.-m=::--:-=~ wka. ~ S-26 & ·load . M2-m5 5/2-1 fte'nlAI applb to Purchue 21)"5 N. . • POOL Table 4JC3,. xnlt com. Appr $2350, sac S 6 5 0 . 3 GOLF cart whffla w/ tires 4 DARLING Kittens. 8 Wks. .FREE kfttens. Call ~5.'37 0.Uld Music CompilftY HAMMOND · Steinway •·'" wlta.ble tennis top. $7S. ~ 6"13...m:i FOR Sale Newport lkacb <Md. Bladt/\\'tLt Pttslan. elt 5 · 5121 11,M5 N, .Maln, SA 5'74JBI rnaba • De\7 I: uad planot 0447, S4S-3397 Sll.VER\VARE, Ovrr Sl400. Tenn I a CI u b f I n1 11 ,Y 962-7'"358 l>-26 S/8" PINE l»ards, 86'1 W. _,R"trr Gu1t;nn. ol all .makes. Rm buys In BANDSAW, VJ J{P motor. -0f beautiful Gorbam 1ilvu. membe'rahlp. S.criflce $600. GER SREP Mak< abl t • SA ... n.u ,......, new So. Calif. rfght heft. Electronic 1araae ~ner + Priced fer quick sale ~··--==''°',..,..,.=,....,=-c-= Yr .. Old. ~ te~~nl lBth st .. C.?l:I, o512S -Muttr Conaoie PiaDo, SCHMID'J"Mt.ISIC CO., 2 transmitters $50 646-75.t; or beat oHer. ~u.6 1i'ENT 9xU like new heavy to right hom.: 642-3820 s.26 2 PC SectionaJ & chair. . Alt "1'. ~-ISIJT N. Main. I =-'"'=-----1 9'18-4Ttl 5124 UPRIGJIT PIANO Santa Ant $15. TR 3 gas tank $3. DUKANE 35 MM automatic duty $.f5. ent 9 :t 9 ~. PT. POODLE I Cocker I SIOl7 I: Clarie $195. * 847-8217 * flln1 strip projector S35. 536-3339 Shepherd, 111. of Cocker. 2 rnEE Puppie1 -Sm. brttd. • CH MJ! 11 El.EC orpn. two -manlll\f IT 'S "-ch •-···· tlm•. Big· * &47-8117 • l":i."1"&-..,W"oot"'°-,-... ..,=n--=r"'u-1. fMI. old. rnale. 836-4493 5126 6.1.1--8984 (Qnu~l .,_,..,., original price $1500, • rlCl\V ~ llVU.'!IC • I I bet CXlNN CA.PRICE t lectri:e $700 Movitll, m!L'lt aetl. nve i(!lf ael.ection ever! Set I.he \\1 O R L D BOOK r. N· nauttca Pl tern, IP" k 5 LIVELY Kittens, Jong r~tALE black Y SiAn1eK b his ~ • 20th DAIL\' P" FW> Caul.fied C\'CLOPCDIA. New-.!tUl in pastel eolMll. '45· ~9MZ htiired. 3 Calico, l red. 7 kitten. 61.>-01~ . ....... S.OU~! $rlO; • tax, uy I ! ._ ....,. , ,.....,.. _.. su.~ * .:C>f:::...:.64&::..:•;::111.:.... ____ ,.;;""'1k>n;...=;.;..NO;..W_.;...t ----tiox. S150, • 5u.<M., w_hl_1o_.i_•~p11An--1a:_• _0_1lll<l+l_~l'!'_.,_m_•_1•~""~·-'l<H5ll--·---sn_• SOCK IT TO 'E~f! ---------Bargain at Sl&i 67Ul.15 QUAIL. Pharoah strain . Young mature . bird!'! for laying, breeding or eaLing. fl each, j48.6678 TRANSPORTATION Booto & Yachts 9000 9010 COLUMBIA 29, l/3rd in. terest. Top rond, e)lltru. $1~ dn. &12-3295, 67l-72ll NEW -Naples Sabol 8' fbgls. SCRAM-LETS ~~' ... ci .... ". 00 18' S.B .. dacron, rootor, tn.U. ANSWERS "'· Xlnt cond. c .... 1 lamilY boat. Sl700/-0Uer. 53&'1»1 Engine :... Lacie -Abash -26' ENDEAVOR sloop. aood l\laniac -HIS NA"tE condition. Schock b u 11 t ; Army l!er&eant'.l remark w/mooring $4,000. 646--4311 about a recruit: .. \fht-11 they Shorcgoer-81!.lllna: 01"*'17 gave hhn Ille IQ teal, he not $165 only had every ans11o·tr * 6JS...1136 • wrong, but he ewn misspell. LOA 17', s1eep1 2. all utnJll ..i ..... .,117IS-;;N=",,1E=:·,..,,~--I w/11llp. St~ Term•· 11' i\LU~tlNUM M,i r r o r · Pr.rlect rond. M&-l489 Crall, Aki or fishing, Like • 21' CHARACTF.R Sloop. ne\v, S3%j,~8:'8-16{1.I f'IG'd hull, ne1v da.et. alpi \Vblte Ele[ll'llnj& ! 2 + l. $2250. * M'lL75C$ .. J ' d . ' . ' ' .. • DAILY mot A , T~l!TATIOH TltANSl'qRTATION TllANSPORTATION 1 .T;;RA=N::S:.;l'O:;RT=A~T::ION::::........:.T.:RAN::::;;S::.l'O,:::::ln':,:A::.:~=:::.__1 ;T:_:ll~At:~:::Sl'OR=~TA::.n:,::::ON:!._._1 1 l!rlAN=::•='RT::.:.::A::,:::::.:._ Sllllloa'1 fOIO *loile H0moa 9211 , ,. 9520 lmportod AulOI -l~Nod Auto. 'MOO Im~ A-H0t ""'°""' --Uooil Ca,. _ '900 Uood C1t1 9'00 mobile ...... new ..... 10,,.r. ''"" .. '"" n•w $6SO. .............. '" CADIUAC $5495 "1 DEL\IXE double -~AMP ER-Merced Ii c • b "v-· u-.6 ..... IN I UOLVO =z.C.;.;H;;,;IVl;._O_LIT"""""' I Co6ta ~A. 646-16$) "1 Ml ,'64 Q)evy ~» T Pick Ua. ,., •: :w FIG AUX am. tJ!•ll!O onJJta. XJ>lt cond $900 ~ • '' 1 • • 'UNUO !leach Clty.Codlll,cs '88 CHEVY C ..... ce. All-, $t0.-338S' ' , IVL ., • • BIC OISCOUJi(rS * AM-FM ndki, a Jr· e o e 4 , hi u S. .............. where Is '641 1ox:iO 2 BR in quiet adult · .a '69 ,.,.· .... 11 1 ,.k ui-·l t.w.. Prv-. I 14' K<tch, trailer $499 park; """' --8' CABOVER c.iu eam...-. fllW IM .,.,. ·~~\-> ' <"~ -·· ~~· •1 e PACIFJC YACHT SJJ..ESa, fUm. Sl,TSQ. 548-8680 1uUy equipped. f700 or be$I -'& All i'Wl Power-Fact. Air J.Z1 CHEVROLET for. ale -Via Oport N • ' NE '' '69d,e,vw., ............ 16195 l!O-·~ I, 213 ·-~ ~. "!!"!:'_ "-~ In -~r. -, , • . W lllO '68 Sed. .............. 14$15 • I' '-·-·~= .. ~~ .. ~rcyc •-h •SG-1140• · ''6VW~' NOWONDISPLAY_ ;6T ,s<id ... ! ....... : ... _silro CHRYSLER 1, DESIGNERS' 8allinc OulJ1&-YAHAMA IO, dirt bike. Good T¥T CAKPIN(l TRAILER Ur REVSM ' ' l.,.,f, 66 s.11. "" .......... = · i self bailirlg cockpit 2. Out· beat oiler. ot-5752 ..:.. -· ~ r 'fl .. . ""' &KAMP~ ',..,... I ... for oale. F••"""" ,L cond. Ma,.. ...... n7S .. 2 ~ .~ ~~ 1 ·~lllll .$1"5 ' • 'IS Sodso.M·:.:"'·'""';·~.. ,'64 Ch-i- bo8r<I weq in hull 3. Roller ....._ -9525 • • I I • Uc \YT>Jl83 IHPORTS :tf:Jn~'W~ CiOOSE Newport --4. Exteemely dry '69-KAWASAlQ 1"1, do-= • .,.!!!-• $1195 • -TOTOT.MOLVO e WY CREDIT 4 Dr, Sod. V-3, auto, P.S.,. biking platform 5. Trailer. ~ady. many utru, putect MEYDtS Manx 1961 chaula, #65 $qu•l'9 lft:k 19116 HarbCit C.111. ~· -.·.ru:o FMANCINC" P.e., Faet. air. A fiDe tam. Excellent "°"'"-Ful4' com. Sat.rillce lor $125 • dark -w/flofal buckell. 'l297 PO~ /~~66 MPG PI0015 1916 votvd w ' ,,_-Well . ·on •'ppl'OY<d ""'"' Uy w!or so Iltti.. ¥FG61J lleQ'Oing. m..lllJ'I' bn.t ofter. ~ Hard top. Aam ~ iotl $15'5 maintained ~ car A Ottk with U1 before YoU 00,-$lDf5 SAIOTS $265 '<r RI-lloloreyclo ti ......, It """'"· Call o,. "'""' SJI $) .,M§Q hi '6$ VW !11•1 Boy at 11:195 .... 1'121 • ·~a.cs · 847-Wl JOHNSON & SON Now * Complote SO CC. Xlal ...a. Only .. e.o761&!1'rl:3'PM -· ....... . .iJ'J'V' +Toal .Uc RFIS2(>; 1981 ,V6LV0-122. 'S,J .dri•--11281, Be••"' Bf, . Lblcoln-M•reouy 1. 2912 IV. Coast Highway -19:1$ I ,,.,... Aufoo HOO ~-... $4t, $1195 clean. 16$. * S39-94H, ~· 11\11 l9U Harbor 81"'1. 6jl-7U50 1: N._rt 8'ach 64S<J810 '~311;· YAMAHA ........... -!!'r:'-'---"'-"-----' 'Q .... HUNTINGTON BEA CJ I '68 CHRyS Nwpt, ;13,oqo ml. Ii 13' MIN!SAIL Monaoo No, "'4 ""'!!· Ma,....-. AUmN WEL09t Aul• WinMd · '100 •e OPEN SUNDAYS e ps, pb, >h'.r • h, under I 1164. Fiberglu. D•"·· Call~.-·suBARUofC111f. lnc.-IW•llOlvlalon ' $1'5 . '66 EUXlRADO C.nv. blue warran!Y.sm>+""' 1 1elt~bail, kiclrup rud., like '67 TRftJMPH. 650, 6,IOO AUSTIN OlOper S, 1275 ce, 1000 W. Co.st Hwy. -Newport luch "61 a... WE1 PAY CASH w/wht top. Blue II.hr Int. trade. &6--l~ 645--0l65 !I WIND_. !::i. ":3.".221oo ~;'(;.;;'~"" mo. ~ •. "~· Firea~ ===·~·==!64~-~·=..so~:;*~510'~·2~7~n~==== ~~~76 llM y'OUR W ~.™-"'11r,..""~.· .~.',' CONTINENTAL i.1 trailer • .int";°..:u • .:'. !': '"HONDA •so Ausn· N-HEALEY MERCEDES ilNZ PORSCHE f"" ;;;;;,, ''Tw. a:':'."' iiiOO. •1 673--0977 or 540-3020 ---~,66""=BSA:="·.:..:;..::,.;_l ,61 HF.AC '61 Mer~I Benz 25d $ 1969 PORSCHE 112 E couJe. '67 CAD CdV, loadr<I, all 4 Dr, Sed. Full power, Fact 'I or ... t oUer. Zimmer Must Soll! l550 54>'0577 ' @ CON NEU 5'"'348 • 64 C,olltlnental !,/ SAILFISH 11' white hull w/ Real clean le chopped! ~.i., p·~Y ..... ~~an 2lull11Y2 Deep ebon)' black finlab with comfort ll'QUP, tinted slaa. . • , CHM"Ln' white, vinyl top, !thr adj· air. Pebble ~fgc'. w/matcb. red & white sails. New Calla1t5PM, 548-8098 ~...,.,., v• ~·J· rich contra!till&' full glove AM/FM radio. $6895 . 2828 Harbar..,.Blvd. steer,' air, .. lllnt c0nd . Ula lnl 1EZ3'12. ll,! painl $250. 6 7 3-16 9 8, ====-c,--""-= Hia:bland Dr, NB. su.-9436 IeS:ther interior. All M.B, ex. 534--2284 or 89'J..S55l ,._...._ .. ~ ••• ·-642--1842 $1295.00 '66 SUZUKI, rebuilt: luggap aft 6 pm -HARBOU '-UBUI --~ 61>-7137 rack, good tire" 600 mi 00 • Iraa ""'"""°" automatic 1959'Poncbe 1600 N.' · · R ' '53 CAD. Great Iraruoporta-JOHNSON & SON 23• STAR cl.u.s with sail& & new mtr. $340. Ms.-8998 1 IMW transmissions .. full power, $1495. After 6.pm owner.~ VQLKSWAGEN.,·INC. ~E'.PACY 'A" SH' tion; x1.nt mtr., 15 MPG. LincolO..Mercury !; trlr. $900 or best oHer. MOVING, must sell '"A ----~----AM/FM radlo. factory air , * 675-3673 * · Authorlzed' · Sl.95-Flnn. 66-m7 l94J. Harbor Blvd, 642-7000 ,: 673-6275 eves &: weekends ~ condJtioning. Absolutely flaw. '60 1600 SUPER, ' Salts 0and Bervlce · TriumPh 350 cc. $550. Call '68 BMW HOO. AM/FM less thruout. sunroo .. nu irnt Bea, ch Bl"" .• -· '6' CAD CoaVerti.ble El IMM.ACULAT,;E 1968 18' MALIBU Outrigger, 5 yn &ft 5, U) 497-1459 tape. &woof. Xlnt paint·red, nu tires. reblt .. ,,.-·::i Dondo. Xlnt cond. Prv pr-tlnl!:nl&l Coupe. All opUonal old needs 110me work ,1415. y .... u • ..; CC Dirt .. ~. cond. '15-3334: eng, $1995, ~ ---------• tcr med can• ti'9dm just ty. 64&-4961 eves 5:30-7::J> · "-ll •-•:::tt1n take 548-6087 64 ~ ""' -'67 SEDAN Blk · •lbUt aldt call aa for tree estlinate. equip, ~ -~ .........,. or • ~2381 Over li1ed tires. Good cood. wal\et C\IJ, blk·tae lilt Alit · OtmOllT over m,y full maintenance HOURLY RENTALS <•pdbox.$150.,,...1255 tlTROE,N RENAULT FM' ·~nt -GROlH ' CAMARO l•uelor-2yrs.Canbo -* Rhodes 19's * __ ,,;_;,;..:;.:;..-"".,;_-'. ... ' "*• coco ______ ;__,I at m Yorktown. nn 131. Fun Zone Boat '-. Balboa 1967 SUZUKI x..o Hustler. ,... •ss1CAL LINES '64 RENAULT C&ravelle, JNbl. ,Many .. extru. Xnlt . ' '68 ,____ H B ·-m• ....., 250cc, 6 &peed, xlnt c:oorf. ~ cond.Wkdays83&-S2S4 , Aaktor!IJeaMlnapr YUtwuvSS,ps,auto,~ -=-·-·==-====°""="I I -• CAT Choy d -••• 7IYllll:. 1933'Cltroen in ~ 3100 W, Coast Hwy., N.B. good condition. Make otter. .,_ ~-1GU Bach Blvd. V-8, vinyl top, wsw, .~66 CONTINENTAL '-·pe • "° . , ea g n • ......,., ~ """' •"""" 642-9405 540.1764 * 673--0727 eves: v•-•.i. *$2295. ~2'114* ......,.. ' II Ensenada vet. Extras. '$8000 ========= J rvRning condition MG Deal •68 vw. vtnt conditian. Low H1141trq(tw Bl&Cb !=====~=='I Fully loaded + stem:t tape , val, anc $5995, 714/893.-1019 MOtoncooten 9350 ! 642-q283 • Authorized er mileap;New car warranty; ----'IQ::..;&,1331:..:=::...--deck, SUll under WalTl.Dt)o. ll PLASTREND SOLING .63 ·~·PA•=, ··-t. -nd. ==".====:: SUNBEAM Lite blue w/blk """""· wm ..... CHEVROLET MAkemod 1cotterS1aorwtride•~:: -"-bl 6 ....... ·= ~ -·· '" DATSUN MG Loaded .. ,~ •• M--·· ... _, ... !... a&· ":"" •,' . Av......, e w~s Runs great! Sl75. 646-9113 • '62 ALPINE, wltt wbls, ~ ... -. ....,. ~I llllzi\ A CAR! -~ SCHOCK, Newport 673-2050 ---,-65-D-.-,,-.-n--'59 MGA good cond. w/s/w, $350 or best · otter. -$1850. IGf.-fOJl f<D Votksitqe9 ar Pwlcllt · Y """ ! LIDO 14, new ails, rigging. Auto S.rvices ·I Dr. PEV536 Drafted! $400 or * 536-8642 '59 VW Bim,. reblt t'Jll., x!nt ,; pay top cWlan. hid Im , WE. CAN HELP' yQu ·~~~~ 6: be ~~.i:~nd. ~ AN~·~t w~~':. '67~:~.un lWG~~~:~·::e~Witt 1:4tnt~{~p~ico°: ~crrr:~F -~.7a-lfto ~no:e~:v:a~;~ ~-=·=·;;;·;:·642-5~::·110=~=""==1 , Corvette or Che ...... New \VAGON .PWP'JSO wills, $1575 or take over ,!66".:::.VW!.!!:::,.8~ .. ::..::w,::.~~-:::_~XLNT:__l •-;IMPOR==TS=--:w"4NTD>=="'·-pa)'.Jllent e U yoll are em· CORYAIR ;' !:.I P.ower Cruistrs 9020 condition. 540-6247 w-1 Stns PYnllS> ~. "6 ·-Onnp ComsUea ployed. 15• FIBERGLAS Boat, 35 HARBOUR 19.54 )IG1 _ _,,,•Make TOYOTA :"':" i See 1 ~-.ap~!'-,!1 "rt>P S Btrn:R ** MANY MODELS ·'65 CORVAiJt, Moma; auto .. Hn. Evinrude WI Tri r. Triller, Trivet 9425 . VOLKSWAGEN, INC~ ofter, oOm~ ly iy.e~. -----'----642-11:f ,_,,~i· ..-~, BILL MAXEY TOYOlA TO CHOOSE FROM ** needs paint. $500. Nice. $500 or Best o~r. Authorized .f~9876. JOYOJA tiai a.ell Blvd. •• , .-Call Mr, Ulmer &40-1563 After S PM .;l 962-9971 or Gn-1233 30' AIRSTREAM Trailer, Salta and s.rv;,. i']W ~ ifi '61 -VW, .wLFM -'-&oBeachl Pia. 11478 * 893•5038 * '62'ClORVAIR. :,II ''J958="22"·"CAB="IN""'cnnse=·-r."'T'""op ::X,.co~~ att~5 18711 B=hDABITS,;,UN. 842-4435 ! Ii·. ~M~ ii $ SAVE $ =~~. EW.ust. X 1 n t ~. used, tt000mical New tires, reblt eng., tnnL condition. Call Jor ap. pm ,..... •• -.19kt--1xecutive Car S.ite * ~67>Sl.25 *· ltJ:lh'.._!'r. 1c1"vw· $ ~:~ ~S95 O O .l: • .,=1"'MP=ALA.-,-,"'1_0_aervl-,-ce-m_ust_ t~'""'""=l400'=,.,· .,,-,....,1369-=-= ' pointment 675-6133 =· ,.,·=,..-,=-=--=c-c~ I Big sedan, 96 hp, overhead 'Jbiht: .............. ~ aell 19lp. OORy Am, au t o, good : DELUXE Travel Trailer, cam eog., dlr, ~ spd,. radio, Sales, _Ser;vjqt.,,Parta Hurry While They Last I '65 ndvo~ ;611:•· bgot!dl • w/tll~r tn:111;: e Yq eJi! 0 ; tires, good trans. car, $125. I'· Sn!!d=~ki Bo•ts 9030 30', self contained, carpeted, heater, wsw tires, loaded! Immediate Delivery, fl L co • ~' .. w, ue, Auto Leasing 9110 • ·, e 646-UU 1 -s:; ___ _: color TV, hydraulic jacks. %200 Mile nde ta -... AD.Model# ..... j.:1 sunroof, AM·FM. xlnt c:ond. pymnta. Muat qu&lify ior 1 14" SKI boat. SK dffign, 100 53'l..w2 • s,. u r c ...... J ' 19\ UlllCI 6"-2389 ~ FM TIME! loan. $93.03 pet mo:c.alJ aft ~~=-----• warrufy. Bal'" nnc. um. ' 546-3481 CORVETTE hp Mercury outboard, lrg 16' SELF contained trlr, Take $15 cash dels, or older IHPORTS 1961 VW J.50&..eft&., AM/FM Leue I.~ '69 for 6 Monµa ;;;,.• ;i;iii''==-=~~ I wheel trailer. Sell or trade ' . Al.~ ,._ nooo ~· YNW tm, Call Bill radio. Wht w/ blk deluxe 6: retum with no obligation. '62 CHEVY Impala Sedan. V-___ ._ ______ , ~ ~---b 1 awrung, Ja......., ... t's• . .. · Reid 1 8 p G '66 (orvett• 2 Tops lUf .VW>i: uggy. ca I 548-4454 or 545--0634 TOTOTA·YOL .. o int. $1650. Xlnt c 0 n d. CaU Pi.Ir. Malcolm or • I • PIS. P/B, air 645--0114 · 'J.966 Harbor, CM. 646-!B0.1 613-3261 , Full Details Now . cond. Must sell, full price Sebring lilver w/black inter. '67 DORSETT 15% ft., till 1~,~~~!s~n~t:~· = !67 Datsun ''66 Toyot• 'SS. vw . Ford~ $495. 642-77ll aft 2 pm ~;:.~ti~=.:::: i trailer, 75 hp Johnson. $ll95. rors. $2175. 968-4910. Station Wagon ~· a.at Rwy,S:t:M CROWN WAGON Pl99 Excellent condltjonl LtuirW System '68utoMALIBU 2 door hdtp 307 ditionlne. 29,000 local miles. t Call 546-0062 All~· 4 pd dl d' A·---• ·-Dealer $199 $375. * ~ · a m, pow. steering, wide MU.&t see &: drive to believe. 1968 SELF • CONT. travel , • • ' r, ra. 10, uWOIUWU aau HARBOUR . Theodore oval, h 39.tal08-426pokc 1·· il01t Moinhln•nco 9033 trailor-prv prt. Eq. 13J(), ""'e , like new! $15 """ MB '68 250 ~ auto FM G NC '66 VW Red Bue. Cl<an & ROllNS 'FORD oval, black lop, !162-3108 , T.O.P: Call 548-3877 d@Js, .pymnts $39.00 mo. like new, priVa~ ~. n 4; VOLKSWA EN, I • sharp. 1 owner. Low _ Cbe J~rtuporl 31111pot'l:1 ~ MARINEM~~ntenan_ce 30• MAYFLOWER 1961 • VHG 10lf,callKen,494-9773 S42-6677 . Authorized mlleage-.$12)):84To.33M -20&0-HarborBlvd. '55 .?:! Bel-AU', '63 -~work, paint & varrush; Many Xtru, on nice quiet '66 DATSUN PICKUP Sales and Service .60 · vw SUnroof, new paint Costa Mesa. 642-0010 Mercury Monterey, '6 6 ·quality work, reas. rate. adult park. 548-9108 5 Xlnt condition, MOU.IS 1871l Beach Blvd. 842-4435 job. Needs tntemr work. .,..; L.EASE ""' Mercury ' Park La. n e • ~ ,,........, BILL MAXEY $350, Aft 7 PM, 833-<12911 '8 Cad cdv lull ..... air, 847~~ 3100 w: Coal! Hwy., N.B;., f -' r-·· '68 at:EVELLE wagon-&U-9400 540-t .. ,.. True~ 9500 DATSUN Sport Car MORRIS MINOR ~nvt, '0 •~~--~~--t '6T VW Pickup, oxcell _,..__ 15,500 mi, $139 per mo. ...__,_ l Mlrln• Equip. 9Q3S 1---~---,.--= ate Pt.y. Must Sell! miles per gal. N:int, ~ ITJOIYIOITIAI nine concf, Needs mi;; ... ~~•~p, $86"· •• ~ drm,o. XLNT-V-8, AutH>S/PB· Authorized MG """au:r '66 a~· JSU' lN • 6'~1165 • Reblt eng. Like n e... paint. $1000 or best o&r. ntuuw ~ radio-tint. glass-Elec. rear '61 CORVEITE, FIB. 32'1 f ! 195? 35hp Evinrude, ge~, • , I=""'==,.,,=-=-..,..,-""echanically. )Ont buy. J.i.iioll ... loiiiloiolo.iill. -..rrra :66 .Conti»enta,J ~. wlnd~·WSW· $2850 673-6609 ·apc1, make •offer ! Ex_ ahdt. cable controls, motor ~~ -. ATSUN 1600 Roadster. ,_ 11811 BEACH ILYD. · -1~.•-lthr --,_, BEL ·~ st tio w · tional nditi ... -·1 tand . 1rw· Fr'-> •u ~,eves ~,.....,, VW v-~-n·t Sq..,. ....... ~ . ..., ..... lllO. ..-~"' a 11 ,.. eep co on • .,..,_.., k168;.~0~' "' = -vz::TON°1"1QKUP ·-"~-='·'°·000 fnile•,1 .::.,....,...=='==·==== ~n:..:~H:.1~ &ck Bl~Radto x1nt SOUTH COAST · ott,alrcond;exceJ.cond:l815 I' NEW PERKINS DIESEL. 4-( sl'Cl ... ""· '17; Ca•h deb, PORSCHE cond: Moving! 536-39is CAR LEASING:1 ,;•1:::5-3;::16t);:.~~---COUGAR 101. 2·1 Warner gear T ~$36.l&.Jn.9· ENGLISH FORD ·~TOYorA2door,4t!~ '68 VW, white w/red _int. 300W.Cftff'N)l',NB 645-2182 '58 BEL Air <;bevy, 4 Dr. f Crated. $1700, m , 819-5044 Ill '~ "'"'t4&t-977J I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ I PORSCHES pty.'~ poym•n ' 16~~02m1, cl•on, 1 owner. Uil<I Cii'I .9900 Good ':"".!'.~4l"!· '67 COUGAR l; GM~,;.~ Toii pl_~e,.sti.r.k, 61'tbRANGE COUNTY'S 29 to cboole from. Large.st ,;:;;;:::::;===== ,_, Owned by little 'ole banker Boot Slip Moorin9 9036 q i,.•• h,IB\!i '!Cblal !nil.., '1yo'LUME ENGLISH "1.ctlon ol qUalify "'ed TRIUMPH '66 VW chrome rtms; wUle 1955 BEL AIR. 4 Dr. "" mtr, troni San Juan. Canary ye!-~· and NEW sleeper C@JnPtl'. Porsches in Southern Cal· ----~----ovals 'headers many ex· MISTER ••r• ind.Iv owned. $250 C8..!1h. iow ext., plush black int .. 1 WANTED: Boat slip for 36' • W95 or bes~.ofltt. 222 W. 1 FORD DEALER ilornla. 'li6 TR4A. mS. clean, excel tras. $400 equity', 6f6.8f26 Cannot' u~ 'theSe tratfe.lnsil,;,Afl~er;,c•;..pm:;·~·:,:548-==.,=23=12:..· ~~ fact air, pwr drt atrg, $125 f· ::!~t· Bal~rewport Wllaon CM, 548--0343 SALES. SERVICE cond, low mileage. $1825. MUST sell '63 VW Sedan. on his bteh ~rfonnance '69• EL CAMINO, very low ca.sh delA or take fofeig:n • area. '57 CHEV %. Ton pick up. '69 MODELS ~1364 $695 or best oUer Xlnt Jot. So •• , you can buy mileage, 4 speed, 396. trade.. WW fine' prvt prty. ~ WANTED: Boat slip for 42' Eng recently o 'ha u Jed , Immediate delivery cond. 646-81S1, 675-1492 them at O~R COST!! ' 832-3668 bet 10 & 3 VRE ?.a. Call Ktn. 494-9Tl3 • boat w/ 14' beam. 5~ Helper spri ng s, load LARGE SELECTION '63 Sprite, '64 engine, reblt ,65 T _ IRO ·-CHEVY Bel A'-__.. or 56-06.14. • or 5;!9-3449 levelers. $425. ~?.044 Theodore trans, new generator, '450, '57 VW 11uf, 63' 'cyncro 4 sp. ·Ill • .....,.,., u;-, 5"""' l"'========I Ro.INS FORD Needs work 546-3585 Looks.' runs aOod: R/H. Convertible. Full power &: motor. 40' BOAT slip, In the bay. Allo 30' namiw beam slip. * 67J.1570 * 'SS FORD p;ck Up, 312 V-8. j100 W. C.art Hwy. '68 TRIUMPH MK-3 Spitfire 4395. 645-2140 oh', Llc. NNW!l.'15 ' * 543-73<9 • FALCON :mket scats, good tit-es. 2060 Harbor Blvd. Newport Beach Convert. Like new $1800. '6;j VW BUS $1099 It's Bea.ch hou. time. Big· ---------1 Ll.nd· Clepan CMbody. $600. 1030 Costa Mesa 642-0010 642-94C6 540,1764 644-2768 ..,._tr& •"·-1 ...... gest ttlec:tion ever! See the '64 FALCON 2 Dr., 6, auto. 'f~'"iij~l.,~;·~5~48~8~439:7;~1~~~~~~~~!1 Authorlr.ed MG Dealer ======== ~ , ... t'• .,_..., '66 CADILLAC DAILY Pn.oT Classified R/H. New battery & tires. 8cNt-Y1cht ·51 · FORD panel -tr u Ck. split tront. 549-ZlS COUPE DeVILLE section NOW! $595. 675-17&1. 548-7854 ·charters 9039 "Good v;"'•" ""' '""· FERRARI '65 Porscho s.c. VOLKSWAGEN '6S vw Perteet con<l. CI•an. 7 11 aJ .,_,410 .==.=::====~~:;,:=::=;=:=:=I 1---------54• •329 I ---------2 to choose from. 0"-red, aunrf, stereo AMJFM radio. u power A: r. •,---:--. ·l!Ll:-NE WP 0 RT H ARBO R-1--~~~·-'~""--oo_n_s _~ one green, Both are fl.~wlesa '69 VW'1 $1100/ofla. 673-4518 ews. $2899 1-''l.;.;mpo=;.;it.;od;:;,,;A,::u;;tos.:;;._;,NOO::;:;l;:.m:i:po::::.;rtod;::;.;A;,;ut;,;;;;OI:...-· '-"""'=·! CRUISE '57 CHEVY Pickup, FERRARI thruout IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Radio ,,., ,1. Inyourownyacht,6pass 6cylinder,$350. Newport Imports Ltd. Qr.. . BanJc Financ:lna '62 VW· • new titta, :6s C,..EYf\.L~ .JJc.'.d/lMJl, .res 646-9000 * 548-2915 * ange County's on1.Y author-_ -$213-DO.WN __ ~-aft---___ fMLl108lLUL, __ 1 -:.-1,~BLUEW~~~AT"'E"R~CHAR~~T"'ERS~~h.""6'"""F"o"R;;D~\;i_l~TC-,P;;-·''"'.c..,.-k -~~~~in.VICE-PARTS $44.03 * 36 mot 5-pm. Power steering, automatic, zr Trojan, Power Up. Outstanding co~1t1on. 3l00 w. Coast Hwy. '•"Plus 1 final pymnt tor 1965 VW Convertible. radio, heater. Uc. DFC 26' Thunderbird, Sall Many exltall. $795. 549-4233 NewPort Beach title FWJ.2 yr 24.000 Xlnt condition.. Ori&. owner. 676 Skipper avail. 64&-9000 '"' CHEV % T P.U. 642-9405 54().1764 nti w.m..fy, Avd nn)y at *9'8-"5l7* SAVE $ $ $ CAL 24 for CHARTER 6 cyl. 8' bed. Gooct cond. · Authorized MG.Dealer 3100 W, Coast Hwy:, N.B.• T & M MOTORS '65 VW ,66 SUNBaAM $30 day. $180 wk. a 642-0381 • 1962 F1rr•ri 2 + 2 642-94CXi 540-1764 8081 Garden Grove Blvd. Porsche chrome wheel• '" * 846-2957 * 646-4801, 673-2916 Authorized MG Dealer 53f.-2284 at Beach 892-S$1 $1000 * 646-3196 f-speed, plus goOdln. Uc. C1mpors 9520 ======""== '67 Porsche 912 Cpo. OPEN SUNDAY VW '66 Van 1500 cc. Many SUGl30 5599 9200 l,;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.I JAGUAR ''Air'' '67 vw "Westfalia" camper extras! Xlntcondltiol'lt Best ---------14 speed, AWFM, chrome One Owner! Like New! co="::"':::·..:.6::14-:..16jt):::::;_ ___ I '' Mobile Hornet ( MOBllf HOM£ $10,000 . CAMPER S•ln • Rent•ll Aut:horiud Dealer '64 JAGUAR XKE. beauWuJ wheels, polar white. lmmac-OriKinal 16000 m 11 ea I '83 VW, new eni; new tires black Roadster, xlnt cond. ulate condition, Also 1966 912 Trurnalic heater. Mu11t Seel I: battery. Needs body work '63 RAMBLER CONVERTIB.LE Lie. IFZICO Eldorado • Four Winds ScotJman • Barracuda 8' Catover Low Ai $2150. 646-3842 w/air cone!. $2695. Dir. 6f2-0l38 I: paint. $595. 645-00.0 $399 '64 XKE, Burgundy. Good MOVING Mil.It sell '6.5 VW '61 VW, Rollhlc· chi.ult w/ -OR -condition $2100. 613-1233 $950, xlnt cond, nu tranaaXle, !II'.> eQC.' or body. Our Summer S.le itart.9 alter 6:30 brb/tires. R/H. 67J...4221 $150. 540-4563 Eve• · now!! Buy any, one of our $35,000 1199 Modtl.# 660 '56 XK140 $600 aft 6:30 pm. DAILY PILOT WANT ADS trade-ins at dealtr's cost. Rebuilt Engine ·MS-3754 DAILY.PILOT WANT ADS! BRJNG RnJLTSI Fu I I financing a~le HOUSEi 3100 w. Coast Hwy., N.B. 1-"'====~===-==;:;i;:,;;;;;,;;;;;==::...J O.A.C. .. ~-540-1761 Bl",!';,_, KARMANN GHIA , __ A_utho_ri•_ .. _M_a_o._a1_er_ Come fn today and see JU."(· ...........,.. '61 Porsche Targa'a ury living at down to earth ~=;l;•=====J ·62 KARMAN' Chla,1 xlnt 3 to choose trnm. Beige 9ll, prices. EspeclaDy now dur. ii G 912 &: y.11-.. All ing our clearanoe sale on cond.. new tires. Orig reen cµvw 912. owner. ~2001 1301 vi .. -are in showroom conditlcn. eJl display mode.,.tbey're 5 ..... '6;o prioed to sell immedtatel,y. Rd, NB. Parks availablft in all &n!U '''6',.-"KARMAN==,,.--,c"h'"la-, -,.-, 1 Bay Harbor cond. Yellow w/ blk tn- Mobile Home Sales terk>r. SlOEIO. can aft 6 pm. J~rtupo11 31111po11 ~, 1425 Baktt St. OOS-2812 11 bloclt East ot Harbor Blvd. =ER======= I 3IOll IV, Coal! Hwy., N.B. on Baker M CEDES. IENZ &G-94iti 540-1761 Costa Mesa: (n4) Slo.9470 j~~i;t~~;;;'~~~ I .Aulhorized MG Dealer WANTED: 2 BR. l> wide ... ·TRAIL.ER '63 Porsche Super locat£d near water. WW pa,)' ENTAL:S' SMw while finish w/black to $12,000; part rent. etc. too earl)' to make interior. One owner. Onl)' Inland bfobile Ce n I f: r, IH!r\'t!joN for sPrirW HoL M,00> miles. Mini! Wlleelestafe Division. 25055 E, Baseline, S•a Beman!lno. Tl4 : 884-ll9il •••••••••••••••••••• MISTER "T' : TEMmD IY · • 2100 HARBOR, C.M. r-ri I . . . 645-1441 :J]IOfYJIOllTllAll? :·~~i~i..tn.~~ : SEE DEAN LEWIS TODAY! • ~-r",'f~e':" ~~ !~: · • Stock No. 142, • '69 TOYOTA ,.OM '1790. G-MAC MOTORS • • 3630 W. lit St. • e llG SAVIHM e •Santa Am 53.l-di ' • EXECUTIVE CAR SAU NOW! • IUICK - • '6' TOYOTA HAROTOP ........... -.. ~---$20lf • -------• '6' VOLVO SIDAH, A1t1•1tlc --~---$2971 • ·113 ELECTRA. Loaded • • 4'12°/o IANK FINANCING atn.11 MUlf aeU $815. • 144.1132 Make offtr. °" Af'N"'AL _ • + 'Q LE SABRE * ' 2 le 3 BEDROOM Vildno, R I A C " completely turnishOO 1 n , •mper J:c tupu1 I .il111p111 J1, • WI NllD YOUllt TaA ..... IM • 69,000 Mf, Btautlful car . • FOR OUR LAR•I Ul.JD CAii Dal\'f, • 1143-8584 Drtltv.-ood beach club. Pool, * y CR\11SERS * SI.UNI bath, &tllf COUrM. Rent the d1Y, week. « Rtad.y to move i n t 0 • month. ble nits. s:J&.zr3l S• loliock 0"'9e :::::: J N, 'l\ut\n Ave. V1'KY a ... 1ll x 50 Skyline "'-. 547-t:lll_l Wftb large cabana. Compl ~-= 1 with 1klrtlnc If carport .&:. Ee lne-V1n Cam.-r MERCEDES Bfta I 0 OD, Clualc 1""1 lnjedion. Auto 3IOo W. ~I Hwy., NJI. • DEAN LEWIS" , . • '511 BUICK, p/b, p I ' • Fae. Alr, AM·FM finder, ~ 54().1764 a • ~tnlbber, new • bot k I • etc. 544o-0885 Authoriied MG De&lu • tla.rtft, x'lnt trans: f46:!73 • BUSIEST marltetplace In 1966'' 250 SE Coupe. lmtn~e. 1966-PORSCHE 912, 4 t<pd. • .... tJn • ~ 'Mle DAILY PILOT 'ELMORE Largest Ex,dilslve Toyota Dealer Anywhere I!!! Largest~ Facm+ies ' Largest 'Se~tlori'_ tocat .... CAii SN OIAfet.I COINTT pstio a-.nlnp. Call 53f..D1 '---i'l-6457 __ 1_1_• __ fully equip., noel cord. AM·FM Radial t1rt!1. Bellt • Or•nt• C.uMJ Tey•t• .. V.t.. ..._,.. ••MP • Qaulfied ~n Saw $58ll0. S<!-1936 oflor o/l3800, 830-3411 • ltH HAUOR IOUUVA~D .. COSTA MBA • "'°""'• llnle a elf.;,,, Look DAILY PIUJI' IVAl'll' ADS! Wblte -bl Dtme-o.tine _I •••••••• • • • I I I I a I I I -111 ---~===========-:_• ~ • . •.' • • • . , . . --.. • .1 . ·-· .. ·--·. ~ I • • • J • I . I ... I ,....-,----.:----, ---....--~ TllANSllOITATIOM TRAHSPOltTATION TRANSPORTATION' Utod Cors 9900 Uood Con 9900 Uood Con 9900 ,t l!!:::.J::ldl'Oll'=.::::.::::i::.TION=::.....l..:ftl.:;:.0::~:.:::JiOliT~;.:;i::TIOH=~ TltANsPOltTATION ' Tl-TATION i U. Cora -~tin '900 u...i C--No!wC... FORD FORD FORD I l FALCON POID FOID I a.ASS\' ... """"' """*' .,;,}FORD ~ '!00 •• dr. l XJJC COIMI-e • • r y th In r '$ FORD atatlcm wq., g V-3. autD. Riff, &lr, xlat ....._! 5CS-3335 er Ml·T5ll ~ .!,~ ~~ cond. So mllcL Prt l)C1, Ext."' -~-~~~-~,--...,,.. ; l!Q FALCON R.anchfto. DON'TJUSl'WISHfcrlCWfo '6'1 FOO Galu:)t, f dr, p/b, M.y .. The : v.., ll1nt condltm ....., ~ '' tllmlob ,..... ...... •'~ IWI. alt, ..,. cood. Me•lh For FINEST SELEOION OF PREVIOUSLY OWNED AUTOMOBILES '61 FORD Torino GT. Ertn ONE Ownrr 'ST Ford V.S, 2 1.966 }"'ORD Country Sedan. sharp! A1Nlond. $ 21 5 O. dr Jn', pg. r A h. auto, .A-1 factor)' alt, 3.52 qin!, P/1 . .....,-n attf:• pm. eond. 1nslde/out 96S-39U radio, auto .trana. 10 pua. '&t 00NVERTIBLE GaJuie alt 1 PM, a.n,ytime on Very aood cond. $2.D. XL. Orte owneri, nu top, a:lnt weekiendl. ,:;614-.::,:ll!J2""'===~= cond.l Best Qtt!r. 613-afiO DAD..Y Pnm WANT ADS! DAILY PILOT WANT ADS! """· ~ ••• !Ind ..... -"' ... Sl!IO. u ...-.... -- 1 Wld• -· Dlnle.itno W' "•oilt!eil Ads. SOC!! rr m 'EM• Trading! _ 1........,_ Autos 9600 Imported Auios -lmportocl Auloo ' l.,,..md Autao 96001mportocl Autos -lmportocl Autos -1 ;.Wn.•,.-~-"·lilllt .._ " ...... --•Wllit ..... v.;..._ o.,... at no extra cost ONLY 52178 Think ''Fiat'' : Friedlander _5_37_·7777 __ FIAT TRADE-IN.s,_BM-_3_33_3 -... ,_ 'If '12 YOLYO 'M Mal· 'II 'IW ·-· "122" Std•it w;,, wheels klH. Very c:1 •• 11. Spitfira, 19,0001111. lot\ topt. .S.;.;,1499.;.;..;.._.Sl;.;,;99:...m. 99 $1499 $1399 Sf!' HERB FRIEDLANDER IMPORTS 9625 fiARDEN GROVE II.YD., GARDEN GltOYE * Coqilete Forelfl Car Senlce * BEF19q YOU IUY Check Our : SaYfllllJS i YOU CAN'T BEAT THEM ANYWHERE ' • 1UT DRtYE THE Mllll • BRUTE ••. JUST ARRIVED ANOTHER BIG SHIPMEN'T OF 1969 OPE LS -AuToMATIC TRANSMISSION '68 ELDORADO local c•r, ell• ow111r, f1ct •ir, full pow1r, '''''o te~Uo, ... t cir w1rf1~ty, XCJ 461. 2 .. . '67 Ul\~OLN COUPI f1111 l"OW•t, fact~ elr, ,.,.._ lit, •I~ top, M,. w/t•• litt. TPX flt ' $J297 t ·•::~":ADIUAC f CAI.All COUPI • 65 FORD : Full pow1r, feet •fr, 14,090 STAnON WA~N • 111ti1 .. , llt• bl•• w/lll•ft l>I•• O,.. •w-. 11,000 ,..n.., •Tr Int, N •• .GlllJIJO co..d, &uptlN•llY, fl•• c•r • '$4725, k$i'7 45 '68 PONTIAC '66 CADIUAC IONNIYIW STA. w••· COUPI DI YILLI f '••••11t•'· air c•!Mfitie1t.lll, Jl,000 ml, factory air lo•d· AM/FM r•lllle, pwr door lock• • , LI• I •WH pwr wind•wt, pwr ••ah, naw -1 ' 11•• ~ SO?. tfr••· Lo1ded !I Sollll II•• for • $J475 '$')79 :5 A,LLE'N OLDSMOBILE -CADILLAC oua om PRICES i 1150 SOUTH COAST HIGHWAY . START AT • LAGUNA BEACH : IMMIDIATI ~ : DIUYUY 1 .~ ,lllAND NEW -----·--=~--~ -- '6' IUIC.K . i Uooil C 9900 Uoocl 9fii " 9900 ,$2444 1=::.="".=..--.o.;..;.; ;..;.;.;;..,_""'FO'--R-~-.., - OllD•• YDUllS FORD TDDAYI i '63· Fo.:d-G-alc-,,.-f-e POOLE'S FINE USED CARS • 500 '66 FORD WMloN 9-Cl>t. -Auto .. Power •teer. Brab& $1195, RPL 2.11 • AUTO AIR CONDmONING UNIT WITH PURCHASE OF: FIAT 124 Sedan • Price includes full family seating, 4-wheel disc brakes, 4 speed synchromesh gear box, vinyl upholstery, under coating, seat belts. FIAT 124 Wagon • Price· includes 4 wheel disc brakes, 4 speed synchromesh gear box, lifetime lubrication, undercoating, seat bells and chrome roof luggage rack, and loads of extras. SEE JHESE AND OTHER FIAT MODELS i 4 Dr. 5ed. VB, auto., P.S., f. ,65 IUICK Ml. Shoy,·s meticulous cur and very very low rnllag!. Imported •utos 9600 Imported AutOf 9600 Imported Autos 9600 Elacfr• coupe. Full pow•r, SGS 349 ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,I actory •ir cofHI. NCI· $195 WHEN YOU SEE THESE BEAUTIFUL BUGS $3,99 To $1899 Chklt ,.,..,..... e..,Mt Mii Hl'lll •utL H• Is avtherlnll not te. Mttftlr el' fart he chM:b aM rechMb his wed cert. hM• them throuth evthorlncl cllnk where th9y pt that famous 16 potnt clMck-up and any repairs nMNd. Then he checks an4 rtchecks tMm •taln and then 1veu what? H• put them In tht ,.,.,1 (,,,.,. II a aut.k.tM.tl,.. '41-Make.yw . .....,. .••• W.. .. t..aold·t• a111tMr~4Nler) • OTHER IYERSON SPECIALS AT NEAR WHOLESALE '66 VW BUS '62 GHIA CPE. '66 VW Camper Deluxe 7 passenge r. Lie. No. KGK m Split aeat. Radio. Tent. RM:lio, waw lif'ft. Ex· tra ~ Uc. No. SQR "Your Best Buy" Low mileage, .,Musl 496 Sec." Uc. No. SNE 691 $1999 $1099 $2399 '66 ALPINE '66 DATSUN '67 TOYOTA IOADSTIR 1600 ROADSTllt COIOHA Removable Hardtop. "At \Vholtsa..le:• Uc. 4 Or. SedBn. Automatic transmission. R ad i o. Lie. No. SLD 734. No. SQX 871 Lie. No. UDE 872 $1199 $1299 $1299 '66 OPEL '67 RIVIERA '66 CHEVY KADIT COUflE Full power, air. "Al· MALllU Sii 2ff Automatic transmla· MQirome whttlL" I.Jc. most Wholf!Saie.'' Uc. alon. Ra d Io, heater, No. SPM 885 No. \VXM 232 ~ow er steering. Uc. o. TFS 87l $799 $2999 $1599 1970 HARBOR BLVD.::: PHONE 673"0900, .ht. 66 or 67 ' ~ # .. '" $1795 : JOH~~~ON : ''5 OLDSMOllU I l94l Harl>or Blw. S<2-71r.tl '65 GALAXIE soo. 2 DR. HT. i4 llloor H.J. F•ctory ,;,, '49 FORD engine & body Silver-blue, 390 V-8. aulo pow1r ·1taari119 I brakes, pArb. $125 or make otter. full pwr, AM·FM.· air.(.'()nd. aut•. tMOY 1461 5t3-20ll New tires, battery. M8-652'l $1395 1~-;;,-;;,~CHAR;;;~c~E~rr~1-;;,-;;,-:_:..=~CHARG~~E~m~.==~=========:::::==-=======:====~:::==::~====;;::; '67 MUSTANG · New Con 9100N-Con 9100N-Con 9IOO New Cira. 9800Now Cus 9800 onvart. 4 sp11d, radio, h1•t1r. TXS 163 $1995 '66 IUICK t Wlldctf 4 door. Factory •ir, •uto., pow1r 1kari119, RIH. ISVX 0161 $2395 i '66 TEMPEST C1nto111 cpt. ll:IH, 111to., P.S., factory air colldition• 1119. ISTDl771 $1595 '61 CADILLAC Sad, D1Vlll1. ~ti powar.,. fact, air. IHXS 742) + $995 i '66 THUNDElll-D Factory e!r cond. full pow. ar, vinyl top. XLV491 $2791•5-,, i '65 SKYLARK 4 dr. A11tom1tic, powar 1faaring, r1d io, h1al1t, !RWV414l' $1395 '61 MUSTANG Radio, h11lar, l 1paad. IWTAOlll $1995 'H CHaYSLEI Maw Yerka' C,., full p-. Factory •ir co·M. MHA 354 $1795 '67 CAMAaO H.T. Cpt. A1itto., ~. Fact, air, RIH. ITFX 7691 $2295 '66 CHAa•H A11 .. tra111, radio, ha1tar. SRWI06 $1695 'U WAGON R•ftlbl.,. "Ai 1, ... OKN691 $495 • -'H CAPRICI · A11t•M•tit. fa~f. air, powar arl'ftt, radie, haata,. ISIM271l $1995 f? / f IRIN• THE FAMILY IN AND LOOK 'IM OVU TODAY ... IUY TODAYI • "'~ • 11-. Safe Buy .~ .r;.H RCLI'" Used Cars 1NCOLN ' . ·-.... ·-• ' Many Of Th• Fine Resale Cars At Johnson & Son Were Ori9inally Sold And Have BHn Serviced By Them ••• Another Reasson Why They Are "SAFE BUYS." 1967 Ford Galaxie 500 1968 Continentals 1968 Y.W. Fastback Allr1ctiva b•iga flni1h wi"th m•tchi"'!I i11tar• ior. Fotc lory air, rad io, etc. l oolr1 lilca naw. ? door Hardtop. Attractiv1 Sahara lai9• alfft rior with two.ton• matchi11g inlaricir. Auto. tr1nt., RIH, PS, PB, driva" only 21 ,000 miles by ori9in•I ownar. l oo•1 and driv1t lilr1 "'w. IUZE 4151. ? to choo1a fro111. All co111p lata\y l111<ury aquipp.d. Auto. tran1., l r•dio, ha•l•r, F•c· tory Air Co,,d., p-•r •laarln'jl, pwr bro1~11, pwr. window1, 6-way taotf, landau rooh, l'ic. V,ry low mil•1 •nd ~a111tifully rrioti,,tai,,ed. Sl!is B11yar racaiv11 Iha lial•,,t• of tht naw e•r factory Warranty. Attracliva colort, you r ----~~~~====--!-choiea. N~ 6l0J, No, lbll. !.!!6,.~h~=~·:.~i:c! •• ~.;~~~: s5295 111•. aq11ipt. th•11011I. F11ll pwr. t11d, •· trant., RIH, air, I own o, c•rafulty driv1n. ISI N5291 s2395 1967 CDUCJar GT A•'!l•a11 bron11 finith w·parchrri•nf comfort wa•va 1t•h I bl.cir landa11 top. A11to, lro1"1,, radio &-t!1r10 to1p1, h1at•r. factory air, 4 naw E-71:114 lir11, PS. Pow1r ditt bralr•1, con1ola, A b•o111lif11I 1S,OOO 111ila ca1. IT•H 7l5J. 1968 CDUCJGr XR7 CDupe Allr•ctiva 1aafoa111 t11rq11oit• mat1Uic flni1h with P•rchmant laa1htr b11clr1t 1aah and blo1ck land•11 roof. 6.5 lilra V-1 angi11a with •11to. lra111., r1dio &: haaltr, powar tlt•ri119, powar dhc bralras. Fact•rv Air Co11d. Tlii1 ha•11tif11I car driva11 011ly 12,000 mil•1 and h11V•r ,.c•i••• th• bale11c1 of th1 naw car , f•clory W•rr•nty. !WOW 3411, s3295 1965 Mustan9 Ce11pa, l1o111tif11I Arctic Whtta with attr1c• t1•a l~ b11c•at saah. Eq .. lppH with •11!0• 111atit lt•Mmit•ioA, RMia, H•afat, Po-r St1arl119, Low Milts. Ori9i11al throu9ho11t, 111111 btautif11lly n1al11!alnM. IOTM 406 1. 1966 Falcon Futura Sport Coupa. Arctic Wliilt with !111r91111dy B11ek•I S••h. Fully aq11ipptd, Autom atic Tra111min ici11, R•dio, H1al•r, F1ctory Air Cond itio,,iriq, t ic. Showr<10111 fr•1h, s1495 1966 Cadillac S.da11 D• Villa. Strilci119 1rclic whila will! black i11larior I bl1clr lalld1 u reof. Fully lux· "ry aq11ipp1cl, a11to. tro1111 ., RlH, llS, PW, 6-w•y ta•t, fac;fory air conJ., ale. IS MD , 15)). 53395 1966 Mercury Sta. W9n. Colony P1rlr 9 J1<11t. Baavt, !larmuda 111itl 1n1!1t1ic fini1fl w·mll(h !flt. l11111rv aq11ipl. A11to. tra111., RIH, PS, Pl,_ llW, l11cl11din9 6· way ta•t, Fact, Air. 01111 action Tail 9at1. Top lu99191 r•ck ale. On• of th• 11n11tuo1I 011• ownar low mu ... ,. ''"' s2995 1968 Toyota Corona Hardtop Co11p1. Cardinal red fin ish with b11c•at, •~t.. trant., 1a4i• &-ha•ftt, Ona •w11ar, lllrinn allly t ,000 ~llt1. A rtel baaw• ty, tWIC J571 s1995 USED CAR DEPT. 540.5635 IVTS 3 I 71. 1964 PDntiac G.T.O. Co11v•riibl •• B;;utif11I toral fini1h with whila buc••t sa1t and whit• top. 4 sp1•d Irani., power 1ta1 ri"'!I· rotdio & h•1i•r, ale. Un11111· i lly claotn. !JRJ 561 ) s1395 1968 Mercury P•rlc ltn• c;onvarlibl1. ll•111tiful J1mo1ic1 Y1t1-fiNsh with black inlarior •nd black top. Auto, lra111., r1dici I htaltr. Factory •ir cond .. pow•r sla1•ill'!I-pow1r br1ka1, po war window1, •le, Oriva11 o"ly I 0,000 mil••· Thi1 ouhtandl119 car cciuld ba ea1 ily 111itt•••• for bra11d 111w. B~v•r ••c•i••s Iha balanc• of th1 n1w c•r f.,tory w.1ranty. WPC 3611, s3595 1 66 CDntinentals fl TP C OOSI FlOMI. Attr•tlivt ha rd. top, cowp otnd 4 door t 1dan1. lea11lif11I 1al•clion o colo" ,,,d i11t1rior1. All ara 111•· urv otquip d i11cl11ding f1clory •ir. Ca••· f11lly m1 inl i11e<I . Serial No. 429212. Prie•• 1t1rt 11 I 1967 l~~!!~ri"CJ Ray A b••uliful ori9in1! !lriti1h t•Cin9 9raa11 mal•llic fi,,; with whit• •ppli11111t-bl1c• in. tarior, 427 111•, 4 1paed h a11t .. AM-FM , fac. a-c, Ori 11 only 24,000 111i, b., e11a own· e r. h11m1c11l1 cortditio, .. ( U)(V 9S9 I. ......... 3395 Johnson.so ~1111u11t.i! c1n1111E1l!'ri1t. • 111£111 :m • 111m11m=n. can111~& -HA!llOll IOUUYAD, COITA MDA fr\dar, M" 2', 1969 DAILY 1'1LOT p 'TUNSPOIT.OTION TRANSPORTATION -Caro tlOli -Caro TltANSPOllTATION --ea ... TIANSPOITATION -fWllPOllTATION ruNIPOllTlTICll ' .. _ c.. flllll•• c-.... • CADILLAC • . NINETEEN SIXTY-NINE 1966 CADILLAC Sedan DeVille. Shimmering silver Y.'ilh silvrr cloth and leather interior, full power, factory air conditioning, AM-FM radio, cruise control, pwr. vent windOY.'Jl, pwr. door Jocks. (RRN297) 1967 CADILLAC Coupe OeVille. Phantom blue with blue leather interior. Full power equipm~t plus factory air conditionllli. One O\vner. (UJA357) 1967 OLDSMOBILE Custom Delta 4 Door Hardtop. Spanish silvl.'1 with matching inlerior. Automatic, P.S., P.B~ factory air conditioning, white side wans CUER479) 1965 CADILLAC Sedan DeVllle. Grecian gold with matching cloth and leather interior. Full power, factory air conditioning, signal seeking radio, etc. CYPS141 J 1963 CADILLAC Coupe DeVille. Blue exterior with matchini: blue cloth and leather Interior. Has full PQ\Y• er equipment plllll Cadillac factory air con- ditioning. CRDV309) 1965 CADILLAC " Coupe DcVillc. Royal blue exterior with mat- chinr cloth and leather interior. Full power, factory air, tilt and tekacopic a~. shows exceptional low mlleagt". {PCN668) ON DISPLAY AND READY FOR DELIVERY TODAY! SALE $2777 PRICE SALE $3999 PRICE SALE $2444" PRICE SALE $1999 PRICE SALE $1111 PRIC~ SALE ·$2111 PRICE OYER 80 QUALITY AUTOMOBILES TO SELECT FROM 8 NlBERS CADILLAC, Where Used Cars Are More Than Transportation ... THEY'RE A GOOD INVESTMENT! . - 1961 CADILLAC Coupe DeVille. Royal blue with white padded roof and blue leather Interior. Full po"·er, fat:tory air, AM·F~f. Wt-telescopic 1teering y,•hffl, etc:. (XSS788J 1966 TORONADO Custom. Fore1t ireen with dark ll'ftn cloth and vinyl lnterfor, tu! power, factory air con- ditioning, tilt steering wheel. {SVX120) 1966 CONTINENTAL GoddeSlii gold with a:old ~P and aold leather interior. Full power and factory air, stereo tape, local, one owner, (SVYTIO) 1967 RIVIERA Forest green utertor with black vinyl In- terior. Has full power equipment plus factory air condltionlng, tilt •tffrlna: wheel. (TSD498) 1966 CORVll IE Removable Hardtop. AUtomaUc, radio, heater, pov.·er 1teerin1, v.·hite side wall tires, yellow with black interior, "'Ide oval tire1. (TXU568) , 1967 JAGUAR XKE 2 plus 2 cou~. Automatic, air conditioning, wire wheel1, AM-FM radio. he&ter, Seatoam green with natural leather interior, 23,000 miles, one owner. (VCL361) SALE $4999 PRICE SALE $2222 PRICE SALE - $2444 PRICE SALE $3222 PRICE SALE $2666 PRICE SALE $A666 PRICE ---··.....__-------SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN----------- sALE PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH TUESDAY. MAY 27, 1969 8:30 Alfi, to 9:00 PM MONDAY thru FRIDAY -9:00 AM to 6:00 PM SATURDAY and SUNDAY FORD MUSTANG MUSTANG '66 MU!l'ANC V~ hard top. ' Perfect thruout1 Sl595 Call -· '68 MUSTANG, I tyl. PIS. Xlnt """""""' Aaltirc QOO, ·~ 'f.6 FA.Yr-BACK, Hl-Perf. CT !\10d. Pwr. Slrg. Slk. DiM.' Rrks. Must .._u 6'13-8436 Vhlte elephanlll DtmH-Jlne- Your Factory Authorized Cadillac Dealer Serving The Orange Coast Hai bor Area • NABERS 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 9900 MUSTANG 540-9100 • • BRAND NEW '69 CUTWS Plu.sh Tax & Uc. P ll.Ylllcnll Include tax and license and finance dut.l'lff on 48 monthL Approved credit. Serial No. 331mzu. -University · O~smobile '64 Olds Clltla11 Co~ V.3, auto, PS, Riii, l'lct. air, Sb&rp • Low nine.. ~ 29). • $12'5 JOHNSON & SON Llncoln-Mt!rcur')' l!Mt Uarbor Blvd. 642-7000 OLDSMOBILE lll62 OLDS Delta 88, 2 dr h.t. R&H, P/S, P/B, white side walls. top cond. S 5 0 0. ~ or 646-3654. 1963 Oldlmoblle J e t f l r e (converted> $125 under bb book or best cffer. 536-9672 PLYMOUTH '55 PLYMOUTH V-8, good trans, call for infonnatinn. """""14 '6'1 PLY. G.T.X. Xlnt con.. dltlon. $500 kn. Take over p11.yment1. • 642-aiS'l PONTIAC '67 G.T.O. 1llar<>aoJlllk Int p Ill, p /B • spd. Fae olr, R.lH. w/wananty, MUST SEU. $22!0. SIS r.mJea1. Cd». 8'1Mll9 'M PONTIAC Ttm,Pett, ~ V-1. P/S. 14,000 mL v~ .,... '2215. -&115. '69 GRAND Pr!X, Ex\>. Bm. -· 'll>p. -Olla .... $311G. -belwn 2 • 5 '62 TEMPEST, 4 eyl, auto, _ .. _llAB, Gd ... mL m. ... 1111 mo. 'G LAM.UIS ~ ""· • ...,. p/1, Id ...... Good car. S150. Pvt. pty. 962--9773 '59 SAFARI Station Wagon, rieed5 mech. work. Best of. ftr. Martha, 494-2'137 PRE-OWNED BIG SELECJ'ION '61 THRU '68'• AU. MODEL3 FROM $293. · ~ 642-4022 STUDEBAKER '57 STUDEBAKER H&\Vk, good transportation, 1'15. Alt 7 pm, 8l3-0290 - 1983 T-BIRD. J\lb power, olr, ..., ...... -..,_ lllS<Ub.~. 'IT T-BIRD 2 door Landau, t.ac. alt, F/P, dllC brakel. Priced .. o'1L ~'1 1"7 T·llnl Cla11lc BES!' OFFER-613-illOI e 'D THUNDERBIRD, aiD -·-·-...... ... Oller. -.1211 AMBASSADOR · FROM AMERICAN MOTORS WEEKEND SPECIAL llAND NIW 1 Ht ~~~$3286 Full., •qulppM lncluii119 •Ir ctllef., V-1, •ut.. tr•"" 5110210 I -·· NIW '" IAMILll $1998 .... 6 NOf4-111 H.P. • lit DllCOUnlt On 37 lrond - AMX • JAVELINS • lllllLS • llAMILlltS Tho Action ·siwo For o,..,... sm.,. ID CAltPIT SllVlCI l'Ol YOUR CAI HOLIDAY AMlllCAN MOToa Sales & Senlce IA.LU OflN 1 IAYI AND ftUll .... POI TOUI c:mn9lllllCI tMt Hnor, Cosll Mesi, ·6t2-40ll IS YOUll AD IN <Um 11---i nEO! Someone ...W be lookt,. for It. Dill 6C2-6678 tor quick, e!llclent ,.ou1,., 68,972 Whl .. E,.,...,taf HOMES EACH WEEK ~ . .. . . ... .. . . _., ... -. ----· :-. ~-~~·-·-.. -. -, .. . . .. , \:=·'<'•"· .... ""'<'l'l'·"="·;;;:=;:.;;_:;;.~. ;;-,:-;. ·="·-""·=~=7';',~";.,....., ... ;;;:;-:.-:7. -~;-;. ;'.", :::;-:-=:;:-.::-:--:.-:;:: .• :-.~. :; •. :-:.-:.:-:.::":":. :-.:.:-:.:-:.::: .. ".'. 7.":':". -.:::.':'. ':' .. :":.-:.-:.::=-~==-.. ~ .. ":""."":";: •. :":'.';", "":"'. =---'=.~;-' ....... .,..., . • ' • • • . THE · AbL ST~B ·sALE-Con-tfnties ' : > I ,; BRAND NEW 1969 .. , . ' GRAND ·PRIX ·~ . ' l ig ~00 c.1.0~ engin• with t urbo hy· . dr•m•tic tr•nsmission, AIR CON.. "'' '·' OIT"IONING, po"'!•r disc br•lres, cu•· torn sport steering whe•I, push but· ton radio, hidden windshield , radio antenna, 'deluxe s••t b~ts, 'white side wall tires, deluxe whetl· dis ct, cock· pit instrument p•nal, t int·ad qless. Beautiful Limelight g r a • n exterior wi th black knit vinyl interior, '1276579'228579 I s t I 1 1 BRAND Ntw· ·1969 CATALINA WAGON D•cor 9roup, turbo hydr1m1tic, pu1h butlqn r1dio, d11u111 b•lh, powor 1te1r- in9, power .. ilc brek11, tinted 91•11, power t1il t •lo wind-,. All COl'JIDI• TIONING, whit1 1ido well tir11: 252l69C I t 7420. . $4428 ' -' BRAND NEW 1969 .. "'t , I • • I, . BONN~VILLE WAGO~ I ] 1111, t 111rbo liydr1motic, puthb1,1tton r1dio, d1lux1 b1lh, •W. h11I cli1c1, lllu11 011h1u1h. power 1!11ri119, pow1r di1c br1k11, linlt d 9l'tn, powt r wi11- dow1, AIR CONDITIONING, po~tr t1il 91t1 window, whilt w1ll 1. 162469C- l 21 4J I . Wi11dow 1tic:ker pric• $5547.07 j . . BRAND NEW 1969 EXECUTIVE WAGON "21 1119in•, turbo hyd r•m1tic, 11f1-l·h•c:k, pow1r' •~l•nn1 , AM -FM, r11r Itel 1p11•1•, fo1m c:111hion front, r1mol1 l!'lirror, cl1l11r• b1tl1, wir1 wh1el di1c1, cut tom 1+11ri n9 wh11!, power 1t11ri119-d<1c .br•••1-winclow1·11••. AIR CONDITIONING plus much, muc h mor1. 25649C12l 77), WiiWlow 1lic:k1r pric1 $609).SI • BRAND NEW 1969 LE MANS SAFARI W19on. 1$0 on9i111, t urbo hvdrorn1tic, r1molo ouh ido ITlirror, pu11! butto11 r1dio, d1luJ10 bolts, wl11 wh eel di1c1, pow ... 1t11ri119, poWor t.r1ko1, ti11t1d , 9l1u, power windo"!•·~~IR C,ONOIJ ION ING, front floor ffllh, whi11 1ido w1ll1, du1I hin91 !iii 9iit1. 2l9369Zl214'91 BRAND .~NEW 1969 custOM s 4 Door h•rdtop. D•lulle lt••rf119 wh•el, d~cor 9roup, 150 VI 1ngin1. Auto. m1 tic: fr en1ffti11io11, pu.!ft bullon r1dio, pOw•r 1f11rin9, tinted wi11d1hi1ld, fte1d ,..itrei11h, white tJd• well ti/11.: 2)6l99Rl)5~9 1 EVE~Y ONE -oF ·ouR BRAND NEW 1191 PON.ti ACS· ·~ · -' . "' . -~~··. IS A STAR IN ITS OWH-RICOHT, SO PLE/l.SE ·~JN:TODAY FOR A DEMONSTR/l.ION DRIVE AND , • , r ff.I . . : $AVE· SAVE· 5.A • ' • • • and for the best of local trade.;ins, look ·at· these .resale: ~pec~ials! '68 CHEVROLET EL CAMINO v .1, power steerin9, radio, heater, white wall tires, fectory a ir condition. ( 111 MC I '68 PON'O~C Executive '4 Door 6 p111 . wa9on, automatic, redio, heeter, power ste•ring, fectory i ir. New Car Warrenty. . IVHB559 1 $3677 '68 PONTIAC LeMANS 2 IDoor Hardtop. V-1, 1utomat ic, power steering, r •cl i o, heater, white side wall tires, factory •ir conditionin g. I UTL 506 I '68 VOLKSWAGEN 8u9. 4 speed transmiss ion with radio i nd heater. IX DC86l I '68 PONTIAC GTO VS , hydramatic, po;..,er steerif'l9, power brakes, radio, heater, WSW, factory air conclitionin9. ·IVTM860 1 . . '68 PONTIAC $2777 LeM1 ns 4 door hardtop. V8, hy- clramatic, power steerin9 and b•akos, "dio, hut.,, WSW, 10<- tory 1ir cenditioning. IVCL950 1 6-'7--p()NTIAC-Catalina-$Jgn--'68-BARRACUDA----ct-2 5 7 7---'-68 CHEVY CA:MA:RO 6 p•&&enl)•r stetion we9 on. V-1, Fast~eck. VS ,, eutoma t ic, po~e r ~ ' .... . v.s, a utomatic, power steering , $287 7 Hydr•m•tic, ·power st••ri~9 , ra· •!•er1 ng , r.ad10, heater1 wh ite radio, heater, white side wall d io, heat•r. wsw, fa ctory e 1r con· side walls f1re1. IWAB58S ) t ires, factory air, W1rwick blue d'.~;i •::c;;:;.~~1 LeMans $ 22 .. _ 7 7 --,-67-PO-NT1_A_C ___ $_2_c..;__c...·'"--7--7-with whito vinyl top. 1Hl2A I 2 . 1 LoM"' <onnrtiblo. vs . hyd"· '68 MUSTANG $ 677 4 Door V ·I , Hydrametic, power matic, power steering, radio, Coupe. Radio, heater •. •utomatic, st•erin9, radio, heitir, white wall heater, white side walls. IVCL power steering , fa ctory air IWIP -- faes. ITUP1161 ~31!.!l.!..J -----------------569 1 , "65 BONNEVILl.:E $197. 7 ·~CHEVROLET Impala $1777 '66 CATALINA $24. ·77 Sf•tion wa9on. Hydremetic, pow-Hardtop Coupe. Radie, h•ater, · · 4 -door .9 pass. V-S; Hydra., pwr, ' •r '1t•erin9, rjdlo, h•eter, white •.utomatic, power steerin9, fac-• steer., radio, h11ater, white walls , · . ·":_•II•'. f~ctory air cortd. IXPP I ]6 J , tory air. Ive ry. I PIG 247 1 factory a ir conclitiOn, !NA Y966) ""A~X .................................... llllliiill!ii ..... .. I " 0 • • • • ..... _...__;...:..,-:,..:...;...;..-.;. ______________________ ~-----~-----------------------· ------ .. • • l \ Spectacular savings are yours during Atlas Chrysler, Plym0uth fabulous sale. Atlas' entire stoc k of new '69 and reconditioned used automobiles, priced ' ''With n\<Q"'uin'savings for you .•. ~ \J .. > "~J.:\ J. t • ~. ~ "' . ~ . ~. j. l's If ~ Serie! •l'l.21-A9£-1'9919 , I• DAILY l'llOT jJ ' ,. -Tall niE" WORRY oUT: eF YOUR usd 'CAR .. + • ... ~f,C ,... PURCHASE , , • ·au. ATUS ADYEITllD USED CARS cARRY A FREE Ii DiY n.w. EICH ... t . '15 Dodge '65 C•rysler DUY SIDA!j'c·r , I V-8,' 1u tom1t~, power st11f'inq, power Autom.tie, rad io &: huter. YCN 020. brakes, radio & hetter, N!il. COHO. PKAo 614. . ' '68 Mercury '67 Plylllo1th VlUAllT COUl'I Radio, heater. Fully ftctory equipptd'. rm aan. •1395 1: .. •• Plyjl11t• . ' UUACUDA V~. 1utom1tic, radio, hMttr. Excel· lent condil ion. low miles. (TBZ 596). .'64 Mercury COMIT U UlllTI v~, " lpltd, power ltttring, l'ldlo, h•t· "· wfll-11~ OOl 896. •895 .- • ~65 Plymoath 1:-. • ., ~.. i.; ~IAC!»l , ~'° l hNlt<, NBV 892. . . ''1195~ '67 Datsun SEDAN • ' ' 4 speed. full foctory equipped. TUP 945., •1295 . · '88 Plymouth fUlT Ill 4 DR. HAlDTOP V-8, 1utom1tic, factory t ir, power lfffr· ing, power brake1, radio, hetter, whit~ walls. YO!' 033. '81 "Volkawasen · . -4 speed, radio & hoot0<. Shirpl VGZ 189. 11695 ; '8'4 Plymo1th f • ·:t ... ~ 1· '\_.l srAT19'1 ,w~ Aute!Mt~· r1dio & hattr, >JR ~ , • I ·t ' POI 076 •. . . •895. . . '64 Pontiac· BTO Y·S, 1utorn1tlc, ftetory air, r1dio, h11t1r, wflltew1ll~ OPS 355. •249-S -1295 '85 Rambler sunOH WAGON . . Autometlc, radio & helter. b tremtly tlMnl pa:; 852. l ., All prim p1 ... , .. ' , ..... FREE 'S .DAY ·TRIAL'· ' .fXGHANGE ..._ .. --1or.M.s.May,111yu, 1Mt. CHRYSLER . . .·.PtflifDfJTH l•PERIA'L I .... .. . ' .... . ' -' -. . . ' I • l ' ·! ' . ~ ~ . ~ · . .: ' • • • • • ' . • , • t ~ ~ I -~ • t I ;; ,., • 4 ' . '; t •• j i ! ~ . . "i " -~ . I .-1 ... ' -! I' l ~ . I • l! I I I . ' . I I . • •• j • • • . ·I ' ~ ' .. , ., . . ! ~ .. -· . ~ • • ' I ' . . . 7 •• NOW THROUGH . -SUN.DAY EVENING .. ' .; .. ' THEODoai ·1°"8S' GWTIST . OUTDOOR' ~-· . SHOW EYIR-ANQ ' l1:JATS ·SAYING $C?M~ING!_ , .. . -. I •• • • • • -·--. • : • ;, !. --;.·" -~~ .. ..· _ _: • ·;·FGR -'tHbsE -WHO lllE-l ·OIANGE ··of pt~·1·· ---~ on!~~~~:" ::~= ~~~~=•t• See Ev~rything · Th~t's , N~•· r~>~tbp, ~mJerr, . ~ "9•i~ ;c,,pei:s, -Mihi.hottrel,-.:Japer inventories of new " used Station wagons. Van c_tnve~ons,-P1ckap Camper· s•ens, ·1 anchero Ca llfPer Shells, ~ •• Pl us Bqalt. •••. Choose a six or ·te11 'passenger ' Camping Eqai_p,.ient. , . . for a .carefree. vacation. . ' TIRES _FOR l'RUCK AND CAMPER . ' -Complm s.s .. , ..... Sir¥1Ce 1n'°"1' ~~- GOODYEAR TIRE CENTER - RENT YOUR VACATION ' HOJy1E _ ON WJ:tEELS You-go where you want, stay where you want without . ICbectules or reservations when )'OU rent a Robins Oe- lme-Plckup camper or Condor Motor Home. UASO~RA'iis~ERYE EARLY ... ' ---.. llG 8 FT. F-ULL CAB-OVER . -. -BARRACUDA CAMPER! 1 l . • _Complete w~h 3-burner stovo, SO.lb. ico box, 2 cloublo beds, Iorgo · woler•lonk, butane ond elec- tric tights, fiber gloss insulotion, sink and droin, Cltluxo moltrMses, t.fotimo bokod onomol 00 FULL PRICE NO. TRUCK PURCHASE NECESSARY I . -~MPElt 'VACATION! Win a·fr:ee weekend in a deluxe pickup camper for 4. We even fill the tank with g,.._ NO PURCHASE NECESSARY F~~tQ .. Y. AUTH .. 116 ~LIR '0\ITLIT' flOlt. · ELDORADO· BARRACUDA FOUR 'WINDS MINJffOME SCOTSMAN. . SUNDIAL , -· GEMTOP , l>IAGNO$.JIC ~HECKS ., , ~· . R,tlNter te~ a 4*ftp1eW!'diick oflyour dirla.0tndttlon t'n South.o ,·, ~ e~ ~onm·~ first Fonl Dllitnottk! Ctnttt: 0vef' 130 electronic ' \ ' • ~ta 'for·'Slftt;, ttliabWtr Md p.rtOnnance. -Drive1 thia -vacatioo without WOITJ. ' TIN CHECKS TO II GIYEN FREE! · NO PUR¢HAU NECESSARY • • • • • • • • -HOT DOGS • PEHi COlA THI · MINlltOMI: ••• ALL-I ' Mottr TlfAH. A CAMPER,. A COMPACT MOTOR HOME- (SATURDAY ·SUNDAT ONLYI . CHICK OUR· USED TRUCK EXAMPLE! -. BOA,. .. DISP ... Y BY · MESA ~104T' CEMTER 1595 IUWPOIT ·ILVP. · COSTA M~A . ' . Camping .Eq11Jp111ept Display ,By GRANT'$· ·~UIP. ·. -s: ./·· --- 1750 NM,Q --D. CO$T~<MESA r• 4' ' • -NEW CAMPEl~1 . NIS ; _,. ' .~ . ' .. ,. EXAMP_LE!' ' I ' ~, \ ~ 1968 . FORD F-250. PICKUP 1966 FORD F-250 PICKUP· ' . . . " WITH . ' WITH .. , .(,,, ................ ,.. ·--NEW Ev DORA-D&CAMPERD--a---til W'-CiCQTS~fil :c~ltl, ....--~ 'Folly "'!'"'d wltli 'VI '"""'· $3. 495 V.a·,.1ulom1Hc, t1dio, hHlor, ·2· 89'5,_. .·." _· ''''" hooh•, "°'' -to 10 with . ;p tO l/a ' ••"' o.,.., MoJiewk Sl"'titf cemper 1leep1 61 9qUipped C•fll,... fully •~11ip,.4 with 1t.11-. f:eo m U with stove, ice box, dinette, . .Ai. Pll • JI ~ t ' lc •Nx, 'h••"•· 0••11o sl .. pi 4, .,._,, MONTHS .fCI~ ,ll-dro1pis1 werdrob.s, etc. 25 r.: Drep•I, w1Nllrobe, pl111 mvclt lft9< .. 25 '4 ffWll Of tJ1d •• fQfl927) . . For· llotli Tr.uck Ir C~r down or tro1dt. ( U49792 I For Both • -~ ...