HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-05-24 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa-• •
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Chaneello·r ~ldr~eh .. Puts ~p 1900 Bail . . . . •
·-To Free UC Irvine Group at Berkeley
. . -,
'Burn Was Beautiful'
:,.<; ..... ::A: .....
* * * 10' * * *
SATURDAY. MAY 24, "1969
Apollo ·1·'0··· . ' . . . . Free
VOL. U. NO. 124, 4 Sl!CTIONS, 61 ~AGEi
Airport to Get Of Moon, Heads . Home
ILS Y~ar -Ea£lf
Orange County supervisors \Viii get
good news from Director of AviaUon
Robert J. Bresnahan 'J;'uesday when he
reports Orange County Airport's long·
liOUgbt Instrument Landing System (lLS)
Armed B~!ldit
Gets $30,000
In Market Holdup
' Will be lnsl.alle4__ aoe year earlier than ex·
~ed. _
The Federal Aviation AdminlstraUon
told Bresnahan that the ~ fou.1 weather
safety equipment will probably be con·
tracted for in June and installation com·
Ctish Frees
UCI Group
pleted by late fall of this year. By THOMAS, FORTUNE
Previously it had been believed that the 01 •~• 0e11y Pijiot '""
.. •
ILS would not be installed unUI late 1970. Ten students and an administrator
To facilitate the installation Bresnahan from UC Irvine· will be bailed out of
will ask the supervisors to approve con-ja1l near Berke1ey with $900 of UCI
struction of new plane t;iedown facilities Chancellor Daniel G. Aldrich's own
at the north end of the airport. money.
'"There are now·172 aircraft parked in The sum was loaned by the chancellor
a tiedown area at the south end of the Friday to the student government, and
airport which must be removed for in-students began soliciting money to pay
stallation of an lLS structure there," the chancellor back.
An armed robber held up the manager Bresnahan says. Earlier word had laeen received that
of a Los Alamitos market Friday even Student A 1· ·t· Ad · N ·1 M Imber He as.ts board approval for the north c 1v1 1es v1ser et a g
ing and escaped with more; than $30;000 end tied.own facilities to accommodate and 10 students bad been arrested on
cash, while employes and a score of charges f u law! J bl · the displaced planes: Work will include a o n u assem Y in a sweep customers looked on helplessly. 2-inch asphalt overlay and restrooms at by lawmen of the Berkeley scene. !
He struck minutes after the money 'an estimated cost of $225,000. The contingent was in Berkeley "to
had been delivered to the store. Bresnahan says there is $175,000 in the gather infonnation" and presumably will
Police said .a man described only as airport budget for the current fiscal year be freed in time to address a UCI cam-
'F8nta8ti~' . . \
Lunar Views . .
SPACE CENTER, H....ton (AP) -The •
ApoIIo 10 utronauts ended their dreso
~sat. for a moon landing today.
bi.sting them!elve< safely out al lunar
orbit to start tile ~ journey back to pl-t earth,
Air Force Col Themas P. Stafford
and Navy Cmdrl. Jd!n W. Young and
Eugene A. Ceman Btirted the Mllou•
homeward voyage at !:25 a.m. PDT,
firing Apollo lD'1 '"8ine to hurtle their
ship O<lt al !hi! clutch al lunar sr1vlty.
The critical firhw occurred behind the
moon's backside, out of radio contacL
Mission control center in Houston waif...
ed a &Wlpense!ul rune minutes before
Apollo 10 rounded the edge and 10ashed
down reassuring radio signals.
a male Mexican threatened manager that can be transferred for this use and pus assemblage Monday, when classes
T. J. Knight of the Thrifty Mart super the balance included in the 1969-70 will be dismissed for four hours. """'"-
market, 11322 Los Alamitos--Blvd .,-with-i;uaget. A--rally-catled-brstlR!entstiike.rs .
"We are returning to earth ," were
the first words from an obv:lously happy
"Glad to have you on the way back "'
a hand gun and left with cash neatly · The federal government will pay all day noon lasted two hours and turned into
bound in Brink's Inc. wrappers. coots of the n.s installation. what may have been a Drevlew of the
The bandits timed lhe holdup well, Monday conclave.
the .manager told police, as a Brink's Several normally quiet, non-activist
armoced car had just delivered the cash Jam· es Turner •lud•nts were goaded into taking the to the store for weekend business. microphone and there was a lively give
WbUe tile tooe band,it held up ,Knight,. and take over whether students should or
an ~~ 'l'l\ited outside in ~~ C.8!,' I:\{ 1' .... · , • l\I should not strike
wi-. saiil'. · · · · · · · · 1 '.';# _JAf.!!Wa ~,e\f. , The campus strike began Friday and
Shortly afteithe;robbery''offl'oefS'f~d~ : 4 -•·• ~~v;,-~. ' ' . .'.'·;'will continue Monday and Tuesday.
8 vebiCJe' previo($fy~.repin1Qif...stqlen, jn WT ,•,~ . .t"'-~~"'·ty' ... : ; d-·; ,_Professors reported no significant drop t.os .Angeles ;·llf>endbried~anitJS tAllim'ltoS: ll'~.'~ ;· 1m· . ;J·U g e ".o!f tn class attend~ Frkiay when most
Boultvard and Howard' Stteel.. · • • -. L. • ·~ ;. ,. .of the students on strike appeared to be
A '-packet of currency sealed in . a._ ..._ Orange. ~Ccunl~ Deputy District 'X'-· ~~pie of dozen manning lhe i*:ket
Brink's wrapper was· found on the,;frpn,!.: torney JamiS ~ 'l\inter has been ~.;
..eat··of. the car. Police said the arDounl .Paln\ed a judle i&the West"Oraogt cO.rq; ~ ·• F~ hundred students out of the 3,500
oC Jlll!oeY recovered waS' undetermined 1 if .Judicial Di8trid Court by,Gov.. ~ ~on ~JlUI aUended the rally. Les,, than
this morning.,. Hea~ Sa1",9m"1to '°*"" ~ Fridtj, 100 agreed lo Well' black crepe· paper
• -, • 1 , "Oh·bofi~· s~!ct'Tu:r.r '~ .O. Xiamlr arm . bands mourning the death of a
Night and morning low cloudJ
with fog and drizsle. Little tem·
perature chani:e.
"How Faith Sovcd.J').c. Crt.to
of The Pueblo.'' a rptciafMem~
rial DcJI aalute to unwavering
courage, Family Wetklll cover
A n o t h t r nighttime ''tallt
show" hitr the network!. It!
host, Dick Cauttt, U the covtr
1ubject fn t000111s TV WEEK .
·•M L.M.n " --" """" •• -" ........ ,,.tt ·--' ·-" 11:"4 ~tt.fll ' -.M -ll•U ......... ,._ • --.. • •• ·--" ,,,_ " -' lhocll L• ..
Ori , "-\.•• n .. ~ "~• "''··~'· • yooth at ll<rkeley. ve.• ~ ..... ~. WJ11JU ..:-.vnus11CU Gr-Holfm N ~ Harbor Hi h by newsmen. · -e an, a ewpo. • g
He ,.., no1 exuJUnc over the new post, School srlduate, argued on behaU of the
but said tht amouocemeat w• iuppoaed strike, ~. "GoJng to school ts not a
to come Monday and• be w~ 1'0nied neutral Id. Chancellor Heyns called in
because 90DleOne had jumped the gun. the. polict at .Berkeley knowing v.·hat
The 40-year-old Republican ts to sue pohce do. That is the decision we are pro-
ceed Judge Hannon Scoville, o f testing." .
Wesbnlnater, who iJ being elevated to the However, Mike Sholer, a senior from
Orange County Superior Court by Gov. San Jose, aakt the People's Park is a
Reagan. pboriy illue thought up by Berkek!y ac.
The new job for Turner will poy '21,121 tlvlJll to procNce·• c:onlrontatlon.
annually. acccrding to tbe announcement" He Aki activtsb. would have people
in Sacramento. (lee ua BAIL, Page J)
He hu been a!ligned to the Oronge
County Juvenile Court in biJ Clpaclt.J u
deputy dU.trict attorney.
Submarine Officers' •
Pay Hiked by Senat~
\VASHTNGTON (UP I) "-The Senate
Friday'J)Ulled by voice -111d oent to the II-1 bUI lnteided to .llllt the
, Navy's nuclear submarine offictn trom.
The bill woold ~de SUICI I :rear in
addltliinal poy ror Such olficen with leu
than 10 yean of service wbO sign up'for
an additional four ye.an.
A Colla II... potiol ollk:er WU crull-
lnc by •' auppooedly vacant home oo 1
rouune "vacation check" assignment
Frldoy nI&Jll When he nollced the lei"
viskMI lft WU Ott.
Tiie ollk:er. got tbe keys to the borne
lrom 1 neighbor and eatered cattlully.
Alter 1. rew mlnOI,. he dlacovered !hit
the Rt hid been activ1ted by an auto.
matic ••on-ort" twltdt
"Tina," a P.OO<ll• owned by Mr. and M~~Gary. R. McDougall ol Costa
Mesa_, !\•• a<!opted McDougall_ family's Easter duckling .. "Puppy," who obviously enj~s dog food. "Tina" has tried duck food, but can't
seem I<> develop a taste for it, the McDougall• report. . ,
misalon control replied. ' ~"Ibe bum was absolutely be•l\•Wul
and we've got a fantastic view of the
moon now," Stafford called out.
'nle astronauts shared the view wttli
earthlings, pointing tbelr color television
camera out the window to show the cteso.
late desert satellite receding in the . dis-
They panned the camera across the
surface and ahowed a clear view of the
horizon wllh )hoosands of jagged craters
In the foreground .
The moon coukl be seen fallinc away
from them on TV, giving earthlinp .a
definite feeling of l'* rate Apollo 10
w111 departing. •
"The moon looks a brownish tan to
us,'.' Stafford aald.
"It's absolutely incredible," Young
said of the vsew.
"It's a faolaltic view, leaving the
moon here," Stafford sakl. \
• T t I W Sbowin& their enthusiasm for the re-. a~ e 0 ar tum home, the astrooaub played a tapo ~ recording <i tho song_ "Cl9inl Back to
_. ·. ~ Houston."
Marine's Note Mo ves Cookie .Crew -~~.&:.i~=.~.v:."":"i! • of,tbe moon'• bleak wilderness and fret.
Men In the milita!l' say things In d~
fcreat :way!ll, and ~~ the rank,
~ llJO!'! formal •"Ii dl!tillt lh.<Y tend
to become. '
LeUeri Md lonn think·,.. 'cards hive
l>etn noad!Jig the miubox at lbe.llOIDe ti
Mn. Darrilyo Oliver, <i ll077 Y-Ave.,
Colla MeA. who Gl'pnir.ed the We Core
Cooldellll of .A~ll.
One In particular te!la a lol about -In w-.r.
Marine ~I. J1me1 D. ltlne1 says
more thin lhe reptlta by 1 clolou
chaplains Ind cok»nela combined.
"I'm writing thil for the -ol-Thlnl Squad, 'l1llrd ~ L Compoiif, ._._
cookies are -were _..wry l'Od· Tbq
didn't last-' blit tbeJ were JDOCI." • Haney i. with the Flllh R<au-, l'lnt
• Marine Divtsion, ai An Hoa, 25 miles · ted about .pollible 1colUaion with thelr
. oouth o1 DI Nang. dllcanled IUMr vehicle.
"we operate 1n t&. mountalnt and in • Apello 10 whlPl>ed beblnd the moon t~ flatlands. Tomori'.ow we go on a s.i1• for the Slit: and Jut Ume at 2:57 a.m.
· dat sweep tben ,,. 'ro to Arizona Ter-Twentyqbt mlnales titer tho qJno
rltory, a~ bid apof," be conlinUed. exploded to life for I mloule.s 44 teeonda "FllnnY thin( Jr ' molt al lho Marines to -the cnll'e ll!l'ed l'n1ln 3,llO to
over hen!, e1cluding-offlcen and di! I,~ 6illeo 11" llour. ' °NCOI are under 20. This war matom We'N IO hen!. See ,.. Oil Ibo way you~ much." . home," Staffwd aak: 11 Apollo 10 di.s--•
l'MYl'!ll rm 11 and I com< lfom appemd ~ view.
MoIJne IlL I "" atatloned at Comp Had the ename failed to lire, the .,.
Pendleton 1nd Monta-ey, Ca.tit., the latter trooaut.s would have been stranded II
to learn VletnlmHe 1t the Army mooo orbit. with °" -.e poatble.
Language School. 'lbe a'8CCWful maneuver propeUed
"I have a girl (whom I pion to IDltT)' the ...,_uts aloq I Ml~"-
When I _return to !be real -id) who eorth ltteway. Th<Y _.. lo Ind tllll•
Uva. DUr,._Moa&lre)', la Pacif1c GN¥t...-· luner adtenture wtlll a spl1•t1owa ln
"I'd ballerqull," be llldJn clboinc· the Peclllc Ooun near PllO Pop 11
'\! ba•• to I".., an ambulh in 'one hour t :SI p.m. 11\0DlllJ. Iii '11111~ jaanlty,
and hlven,11ten ill doy .•. " that illcluded ti\ doya CJiCuns Ult-
' l I
Mlllon Tonenboum'• pet macaw
was making so much noise that the
N"" Yori: artilicial limb manut.c-
turer decided be better go to his
nest.<l<lor factory and see whit was
gotn1 oo. Sure enough, t.bleves had
-. there. They •tole a Ji.foot
.. 111wtt which they got out through
a large, second·floor window and
then carried across a 100.foot, saw-
tooth rooftop before lowering it to
a parking lot. •
Th~ wont round '" tM fir•& dav of the AtlanlO Golf Claulc,
a 12·oor1'-par 84, waa turned in
by Dorul Open Champion T.,,..
m11 Shaw who comts from Golf~
GROl,l!ID CHECK OUT -Costa Mesa High School
aviation students learn1lrom flight Instructor Pat
Schaefer about plane they will pilot Sunday. Stu-
dents who will take their turn at the controls are
(left to right) David Hartwig, Carlos Martinez,
Clarke Draheim and Jobn GuevretnO!ll
' Flying Course
• lowa State Rep. V•M a.nn.trs
metliod of eliminating long legisla-
tive debates -removing cords
from the microphones of three oth·
er representatives-bad some suc-
cess this week. "I took this action
in the interest of the House," the
Des Moines Democrat said before
returning the cords.
25 Mesa High Students
To Take Stick Sunday
Of lltt C.lly f'lttt St.if
Twenty.five Costa Mesa Wgb School
'students will lake turns: flying an airplane
Sunday in the climai: of a COOJ'5' on av?-
AIDllllg the pilots for a few mlnultl will
be four girls. Tl"!' are student. In a clasa taught by
Robert Perrin who during the year has
Instructed them In all aspects of flying.
Next fall, with 90 students signed up,
Perrin will leach three aviation classes.
He is phasing into this new program as
the old agriculture program he taught 18
years, first at Newport Harbor and then
at Mesa lilgh, phases oul
Animals are too much of a problem and
interest in farming haa fallen oil, said
Top Composer
Giomou• Grondmou..r -v-•. Jimmy McHugh
orandmothtrl -of Bit' war ii KatltJI
El.itaf!ttl& R.otl&ack~ -43 ..-year • old S hs 74 1wusturife fr.,,. C111cinnaii. Sh< re· llCCtJID at
ceived a mtnk 1tolt from Josej)h Tf.. ,._, 1
man. preridtnt of tlte Hofftim Cofp., BEVERLY HILLS (AP) _ Composer
as part of the honors. Spomored by Jimmy McHugh, who leaves a monu-
the Horizon Corp. ond Mld m Horizon ment of melodies such as "I Can't
City, Tex., the C01Zte1t had ovtr 5,00() Give You Anything But Love" and "On
applicant.!. Mrs. Rothacker toill f't· The Sunny Slde of the Street," got an
ceive over $15,000 in prizes and a Idea for a tune one sleepless ·night in IJtar's public apptorance contract.
• 1913.
Next mcmln( at Paramount Studio
Tommy Brl911, 53, was cruising his lyricist partner, Harold Adamson,
along when his car suffered a blow-urged Mcllugb to send for the sheet.
out near Memphis, Teno , ·He took . Jimmy phoned home; II had gone 14 a
his jack from the auto's trum: but laWl!ry. A m««cyde m-re-l~~ t cl "•lid H a1' ed trieved ii, and the SOlll became a hit, neg~-0 ~ -· • er • "I Could'nt Sleep a Wlok Liit Nllh~" the car and took o!1 the flat.tire. 6Wl( by Frank sJiuitra 1n his first movie
Then the jack slipped., pinnlnf hla .. _ and Higher." . '
Perrin. But aviation seems to interest the
Perrin, a former Air Force pilot, said
he has been giving flying lessons for 25
But the Sunday flying instruction will
be given by M.iSllon Beechcraft, at reduc·
ed rates bec:aU1e rugbt instructors art
giving their time free.
Perrin said he bas been taking students
in small groups to Orange County Airport
and sltUng in the cockpit of Torbet
Aircraft planes "leaching them what
airplanes are all about."
The class also has been about five
times as a group to the airport. The class
also has visited El Toro Marine Corps Air
Statton and the Marine helicopter facility
at the old Lightf!!' Than Air Base in Santa 1 Ana.
"There i,, a tremendous opportunity for
a youngster who starts early in flying,"
says Perrin. "And aircraft knowledge is
needed in related occupations.''
lit aald be ha, three s111denla who will
take aeronauttcal engiJleerlq next fall al
college. 'Three ol hiJ students already are
working toward a pilot'1 llcenae and five
more will tab Oyln' 1....,.. this llllll1'
mer, be aald.
Perrin A.Id all bis students tell him
they want lo go Into flying but be aald be
hopes, realiatJcally, that one--third of
them will follow through.
The Costa Meaa aviation class, he said,
ls one of only three in the county, the
others being at San Clemente Hl&h School
and at Bolsa Grande High School in
Garden Grove.
WOMEN'S PRISON foot beneath the wheel. A pbllce MCHu&h, wbo died In bed Fridoy of a
car came lilong. O!llcers jaclled · heart attack at age 71, recently aald
the car up again and~freed Briggs' thal compoaitloll Is "JO percenl insplra· ST. GABRIEL, LA. (UPI) -Joe Bob root. Helping Briggs slo',v ,wax 1be · Ii'!? and 90 peroent perspiration.'' ~au=1:~~~sel!
Tanks Smash
Red Attack
On Outpost
SAIGON (UPI) Racing to the rescue,
a colwnn ol American tanks crushed a
North Vietnamese attack on a South
Vietnamese outpost north of Saigon and
killed 53 guerrillas, military spokesmen
said today.
The Communists charged lhe camp
IS m1lu from Sai&on beblnd a JOO.round
mortar barrage bef<re dawn Friday.
Saigon ~dquarters said losses were
light among I.he government defenders.
Stalling the opening charge, the South
Vleblamese troopers radioed for rein-
forcements and called in artillery strik-
es, helicopter gunships and warplanes
against the North Vietnamese unit .
'lbe Communists attacked again in an
unusual daylight thrust and the U.S.
tanks rumbled in, cannons blazing, and
took up the battle on three fronts outside
lhe South Vietnamese outpost.
U.S. headquarters said two tankers
died in the rezcue, which broke the
NtXlh Vietnamese attack and !ient the
guerrilla survivors retttating. The allies
picked up two Communist antiaircraft
guns from the battlef1eld.
The South Vietnamese outpost sit$ on
the i:dge of a Communist infiltr8tion
route leading from Cambodia toward
Saigon, according to allied intelligence
U.S. B52 bombers went after Commu-
niat J>03llionS along similar routes north·
west of Saigoo overnight, hitUng near
Tay Ninh City, 60 miles from the cap-
ital, and near Xuan Loe, 38 miles away,
Viet Cong and North Vietnamese gun-
ners · fired mortar and rocket barrages
that caused damage or casualties at
eight allied towns and bases late Friday
and early today. mllitary spokesmen
said. Losses were light.
jack, they looked jn!O. th• wen Oncehl ·~-lhaledshlngles, trying to eseape from a '"""''"' prlaon.
trunk d . ht _,. 1 · . write a 11•1 ·~. . M I . T II R an saw e1g gauODJ 0 corn " ms toil produced a bonanza of popular otficlals at !Aul.Sana state Prison for a ays1a 0 iscs
whisky. Briggs was bodked on a tunes: "When My Sugar Walks Down Women said Patter'liJn walked away
charge of violating the 1tate liquor the Street," "Don't Blame Me," "I'm from the institution Wiieen. KUALA LUMPUR (UPI)_ The death
law. · in the Mood for Love.." "Euctly Like He had been aslgoed to work at the toll in the Malay.Chinese race war rase
• . You," "It11 a Most Uunaual Day." female instltutkm. While. aerving •three-to 167 today and authorities s11i d more Year sentence for ""·-'·-in Monroe,
. Ir
~atomy of .a : Ruaj.~r:
.. Cobra in -Supermarket
By ART VINSEL at .. DeltJ .. ..., .....
'Ille ll"al, bul pnviOUliy unpublicized cobra In 1 aupennarid car ~
bu been lilDed.
11 ...., w.tad, lo Id lhlnp olraight.
Autopoying lbe anal-cl a wild ru-Is difficult al best, but It should
be traced In thll cue from Ila 'Jnnooepl origin 14 Ila freaky
finale. ,
* "Did• you hear the awful 1tory about that poor ~oman
at the supennarket in Tustin?" asked Costa Mesa Pohce De-
partment records clerk Diane Marwin. Tustin has no such
market, It developed .
The victim supposedly tried on a car coat imported
from India, felt a sllP.t 9Cl'atcb as though from an overlook·
ed pin and tbouP1 nothing m«e aboul It. Soon, ahe wu IWOIJen like a balloon, bitten by a small
cobra caddied in the coat sleeve. She was dying in agony.
11Je story came from 8n authorlll.tive source: Mrs. Marwin's husband,
an lnvtltfa:ator fw the Orange County Dlltrlct Attorney's Office.
Newamen mneDed a story to uy the least.
CooperaUve effcrta to track dow!' the facts during the zany cobra bunt
resulted In a musical jqling of tefephones which charmed none of the squirm-
ing eources who might know something:. . . .
The trek Jed through a jungle of telephone lines, lighting up switchboards
at the,, Tustin, Orange and Costa Mesa Police Departments: .orange County
district attorney's, sheriff's and coroner's offices: county medical center and J>Ublic bealtb service. • Not to mention tlie anguilhed store management in Orange.
M the wlird tale conUnued Its 1IIOUtb-to-moulh and · receiver-to-ear cir-
culation the DA't Wife herself had been bitten, an entire nest Of cobra eas
had ~ dilcoVered in the co'at and details were still developing. • •
"You've got evwy newsp'aper, radio and television station ln the c~untry . "ealllnt." moaned Coeta Miii Police Capt. Dean Pollom as Mrs. Marwin Mt
priml1 ID his olflce. · Tiii ~ formar model wu then given a bit ol detective work lo do: Incl dilw1',lllal -cobra In the car coat ,P,ry and atrancle k
-If at all pomlble. ,
I .
0 * "sh ed "Don't 1111 ward to me, I have no news tips, e warn newsrMD
llopplq by --nlday morning. .
The story of the grotesque incident which-if ~e-would have po~cd a
rather sharp financial Joss to any department store 1n the car coat business,
not to even mention liability lawsuit! emerging therefrom .
Diane's husband heard it from #arry Block, senior special investigator
In th~ DA 's office.
Block heard it trom his little boy.
He had heard it from a little girl, who was hard up for material during
show-and-tell Ume at a Tustin area elementary school.
So did a lot of other children who listened to the horror story bul their
parents a'nd associates did not have such close contact wilh the press.
· Mrs. Marwin says now she plans to confine herself to saying Hi and
handing out official reports written by patrolmen when newspapermen drop
by to check the Jog.
'.'I have no more hot leads, but 1 do have a new nickname, she said with
a giggle; T·T, for telety.pe."
'U • J •
Solons Demand Douglas'
Resignation From Bench
liam O. IJou&}as' resignation under fire
as paid head rl. 1 foundation linked wllh
Las Vegas casinos has fueled new cries
ln Congress for a full probe of bis out-
side inC1>me.
Rep. H. R. Gross, (R..Iowa), said
Doug las should resign from the Supreme
CCJJrt where he has served for 30 years.
1 he white-haired jurist bowed out Fri-
d:..y from his $12,000·plus post as presi-
dent of the Albert Parvin Foundation
which recently sold far $2 million Its
stock in a firm owning three Las Vegas
gambling casinos.
Supreme Court in a storm of criticism
over a $20,000 check ·from the family
foundation of jailed financier Louis E:
Sen. John J. Williams. (R-Dcl.), a
leading critic of Douglas' foundation ties,
met privately late Thursday with Atty.
Gen. John N. Mitchell, but wouldn't dis--
close what they discussed.
\Villiams refused Friday to say wheth-
er he had asked for a Just.ice Depart.
ment invest.igation and said he had no
comment on the session.
British nudist3 1$ild t:h6f' ·would ...... 5 ... ,. than 150 other Malaysians still were f--co~lashOW. er any. pil!plll·g-th:· :;,.';----=c::-cc---;;:~::--c;----_...'-----------mliSlng. -
hoping to crash thli!r World Natur-From Page 1
DougJas' action came a week after
Justice Abe Fortarresigned-fronr the
Douglas, who underwent a minor heart
operation last June, told a r:ewsman,
''I've been trying to get a repJacement
for the job for about a year since I
had the surgery and wasn 't quite up
to par." .
isl Congress at Opplngton, Eng-UCI BAIL land. Deleg11tes will carry special · • • •
nudist passport& and no one el se
will be admitted to the 50 acre
--· .... k .... ---_,..., --· CAUPOUllA.
' OltANOI COMl l'Ual1$HINO <OM,.AH'f
l.Mrt N. W••'
"""""" .,,.. Nllllllllf
J.c• L Cwtr,
vu ,.,.Nillllt '"" r...• Mtlllftf
Tll""'" ktt¥11 .. w
Th11t111 A. M...-,~lftt
MIMIT119 li•llw -C:.11 ~I -Wat .. ., llrM~ ....,; '9tdl: m1 ._, ..... 1w......,..
l-INcfl:Jn'-'"'-HWltllllt.rl .... I .. 1111 l"WI
believe It wu a spontaneous sltuaUon,
but the park was improved only in the
last month and concrete blocks wer.e
stockpiled on top of buildings for thrwr·
Ing at police.
Terrie Fleming, a Junior coed who lives
on campua1 Aid lhe is neutral but she
will strike becllUle abe doeah 't believe in
violence by fJlYOne, lncladlng police.
"J wouldn't put It past SOS to have in·
lliated thls park deal," she said. "lf I see
this strike will lead to violenee -oi hurt
anyone else, I won't wear ·this -(arm· ·
band), I won 't strike."
Neil Burns said the strike is calcu1atro lo extort violence from the ad~
ministraUon. "We are only being used as
pawns in the game," he said .
Coed Jackie Rust said, "Police are the
mosl uneducated people .•. who would
just as soon close all universities down." · ·
She argued she doesn't want to give
them that satisfaction bY going on strike.
She said she is paying to go to cl asses
and will continue to do so.
A young man who Identified hbnsell as
a Berkeley student but would not give bis
name said be understood there were 2,$00
John Doe warrants out 1n Btrkele)' and
fearing be might get arrested "came
down here because it is middle. cl&11 and
Alslslant Professor of Phyak8 George
Reiter uid he doem 't buy the argument
that 1 professor Is obligated to offer clus
for tu1 st.udentl. "I'm hired to teach .my
students. The decision to follow my con-
science ls mine."
Aaaociate Prof..,., or P!!YchalotY
M)'f'Of1 Braunsteln said he would rtad to
"the threat.a to ktep the Berkeley camp_us
open at the polnl cl bayonet. Tbil ii one
tJniver1ltJt'' he aald. "All nine c1mpute1
have to act as one to eet our rl&hts."
Newport Woman,
93, to Rebuild
Beachfront Home
Of Ille Detlr l'llel Still
' A fisherman's shack on a lot, bought
together for $10 back in 1943 and now
wbrth $18,000, is being demolished
because it's about time for a new home
for one of Newport Beach's oldest
The structure at 1912 Court Ave., will
be replaced by a larger howie for Mrs.
H. P. Starck, 93, htr daughter, Mn. El-
sle Pa tterson and her husbsnd.
The 25-foot lot once right on the beach
has been In the family 56 years, sincft
fltrs. Patterson's father, late restaurateur
H. P. Starck, booght the land and hand·
hewn lumber house.
"H1s place was callt'd Starek'• Cafe,
but It was really a saloon in those days,"
says Mn. Patterson. "it was on 21st
Street and everyone knew it."
"The bouie WU rlibl 00 the beach in
19131" aha cdnUnues. "all four chlldru
were born here if you can call it lhlt."
"II WU Lonf Beach where Ibey had lbe
cloee1t hoopltal and the ooly road 11 lhol
tlme wenL through Santa An• before It
turned lo Long lleacll."
Mn. P1ttenon.'1 mot.htr, Mrs; st.rck,
wu bom in lUYa'Sk.le and came to
Newport Beach during the 1umm<r. 1
two-d1y lrlp lnvolvinJ an oveml&ht cam-
pout In Santa Ana Canyon.
ThC)l illl)'ed on the beach In Bllboo.
''Mot.her bu been htre for 75 years
now, I aue11 1he Uket Newport,11 uJd
Mfl. P1Umon.
Ono of City's Otdaot Raoldoncao llow1 to fllhor Timi
He said, "The work of the foundation
was increasing so much . And this was
a postponed action -postponed by rea--
sons of the fact that I had appendiciti.s
a month ago."
The Parvin Foundation said the 70.
year-old justice had written more than
a month ago that he would resign, but
a meeting April 9 was called off when
Douglas was hospitalized.
Prof. Fred Warner Neal of ·Ctaremont,
Call!., who was named as Douglas' suC-:
cessor, said the foundation 's dirtctori
were reluctant this week to accept, the
rcslgnaUon because of "the whole fuss'
growing out of the Fortas thing."
Neal said, "I think some of them
thought this would make some peopHt:
think that this was tied up In the resi&·
nation, which it wasn't."
Girl Bicyclist
Killed in Crash
• >
A nine-year.old Yorba Linda girl was
killed Friday afternoon when her bicycle
collided with a car at Buena VJsta and .
Highland Avenues, the Orange CoWltY .
Sheriff's Department r<ported. '•
Linda Turnquist, daughter of Mr. end
I"' 71
' ·'
C...ty. Traffic
Deadi Toll
lilrs. Kenneth Turnquist or 18031 An-.
Maria Road . wa1 dead on arrival at Si.,,
Jude Hasplta11 Fullerton. ..
Sheriff's depuUa Jald the &irl rodo,
her blcycla lhrough a boulavard llop.~
onto 1 through ctreet and Into the path
of a car driven by Patricia Ann Thill,
JI, of 5642 Grandview Ave,
I --j • '
I Weekend
YOL:. '62, NO. J24, ·4 SECTIONS, 68 PAGES
DAIL.Y PRAT ..... .,,LM '°'"" •
Ev erything's .Just Ducky
"Tina," ~ poodle owned by Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. McDougall of Costa
Mesa, bas adopted McDougall family's Easter duckling, "Puppy,"
\vho obviously enjoys dog food. "Tina" has tried duck food1 but can't
seem to develop a taste for it, the McDougalls report. ·.
BerkeleY; F acuity Wants
Remo val ·of Polioo,Guimds ·
BERKELEY (AP) -Tbe faculty of
tpe embattled University of Ca1i!ornia
!5erkeley campus passed a resolution
Friday rtighl calling for immediale with
drawal of armed fon:es on and around
campus and a "simultaneous cessation
of all acts oC belligerency and provoca·
lion by demonstrations."
But they rejected an amendment call-
'.Armed Bandit
Get$ $30,000
In Market Holdup,
An armed robber held up the manager
of a Los A1amltos market Friday even-
jng and es.ca.pe<t wilh more than $30,000
cash, while employes and a score of
customers looked on helplessly.
in& for the resigTW.Uon ol. Chancdlor
Roger Heyns after Heyns in an emo-
tional speech said he had asked that
National Guardsmen be k-ept oil campus.
The resolutk>n drawn up by the Aca-
demic Senate's policy committee con-
demned the use of guardsmen aod tear
The resolution, which passed 642-95,
Yoith 45 abstentions, called for an in-
vestigation by U.S. Atty. Gftl. Thomas
Lynch and the Justice Department "into
the police and military lawlessness com-
Jl}itted in the past eight days in the name
or maintaining law and arder."
11 asked that a program oC 11Se for
the "people's park" that touched off
the disturbaDces May ll be wOrked OUI aoo that a fence put up around the uni-
versity property an that date be re·
moved when an agreement is reached.
I • • • .-
A p"9 I lo 10 Heading Home
Spaceship B"!asts Snfely Out o'f Moo n's Clutcli
. .
SPACE"CENTER, Hou>lo\1 (AP) -'!be
Apollo JO. utronauta ended their dr<SS
rehearsal for a moon landing today,
blasting themselve·s safely out of lunar
orbit to start the long journey back to
planet earth. r
Air Force Col. Thomas P. Stafford
and N1vy Cmdn. John W. Young and
Eugene A. Ceman started the 54-hout
homeward voya,e at 3:25 a.m. PDT,
firing Apollo IO'a engtne. to hurtle Ultlr
ship out of· the clutch ol lunar gravity.
The critical firing occtirred behind the
moon's backside, oot ar radio cootact.
Mission control center in Housten wait-
ed a suspenseful nine minutes before
Apollo 10 rounded the edge and flashed
Cash Frees
VCI Group
Of ... !Mitt PllM SI.rt
Ten students and an administrator
from UC Irvine will be bailed out of
jail near Berkeley today with $900 of
UCI Chancellor Daniel C. Aldrich's own
down reu.uring radio slinal•.
"We are returning to earth,,,• were
the first words from an obviously happy
"Glad to have yac. an the Way back,"
mission control replied.
"The burn waa abeolutely beautiful
and we 've got a fantuUc view af the
moon now," Stafford called out.
The astronauts .ahared the view with
-earlhllnga, polnliilg their colo< television
camera, ®t the wtndow to show the deso-
late desert satellite receding in the dis·
1bey panned the camera across the
surface and lbowed a clear view of tbe
horizon wltht,Ulouaands of jqged craters
in the foreground.
The moon could be seen falling away
from them on TV, giving earthlings a
definite feeling of the rate Apollo 10
WU departing.
"tt's absolutely incredible," Young
said of the view.
*'It's a fantaaUc vJew, leaving the
moon here,'' Stafford said.
ShoWing their enthusiasm for .the re--
tum home, the utronauta played a tape
recording ol th~ aong "Gaing Back to
Four hours earljer the astronauts
beamed a final close-in television shaw
of the moon's bleak. wilderness and fret-
ted about poaslble collision with their
discarded lunar vehicle.
Apollo 10 whipped behind lbe moon
Airport to Get
ILS Year .Early
for the 31st and last Ume at 2:~7 Lm.
·Twenty-eight minutes later the enetne
exploded to life for 2 minutes 44. secocxls
to l:x>ost lbe craft's speed from 3,leO tO·
6,100 miles per hour.
"We're go here. See you on tbe waY,
home," Stafford sak: as Apollo JO db-o
appeared from view.
Had the engine failed to fire, the as.
tronauts would have been atnnded in
moon arbil, with oo rescue pos.siblt.
The succesaful maneuver propelled
the astronauts along a 248.213-mile tru.
earth freew•y . They wez:e to end tbtit
lunar adventure with a splaahdown in
the Pacific Ocean near Pago Pago at
9,53 p.m. Monday, an eighl-<iay )Ounle1,
that inclu~ 21h days circling the moon.
* * * Snoopr, Dogs
Apollo, But
No Collision
SPACE CENTER, Houston (AP)" -
Apollo 10 astronauts bad an uneasy
hMmted r..ling during their final laps
around the moon IOOay.
Orange County supervisors will 1et 2·1nch asphalt overlay and restrooms a'.t A OOUnk ol metal junk kept showing
good news from Director of AvlaUon an estimated cost of $2t.S,OOO. up nearby u the apeceship burtJed along
Robert J. Branahan Tuelday when he Brt.mahan says there ls '175,000 in the on tta 3,700-mlle orbit eome 70 miles
money. reports Orange County Airport's lopg· airport budget for the current fiscal year above tbe1iinar surface. It was tbe diJ..
The sum was loaned by the chancellor sought lnltrument IA1ndinc System (US) that can be transferred for this use and ' carded Wer rocket stage for "Snoopy, ..
Friday to the student 1overnment, and will be installed ooe year earlier than U· the balance lncluded in the 1969-70 · their ~ lander tPaoecrafL
student. began 301!c!Ung money to pay peeled. budget. "It'• hlgbly hnj>IOOable -a col!Jslon "
the chancellor back. The Federal AvlaUon AdmlniltraUon The federal governme~t will pay all radioed Air .Foft.e Col. Tbomu P. sW.
Earlie!' word had been received that told Bresaahan that~-¥ faut.wulllot ·"°''\of.the ll.\l lnslall!>Uoo.. loi:<I, "but it would. sure ruin yoor whole
Student AcUviUes Advl>er Nell Mabnberg llfe\r equljqeot will ~·1-;-. . day H It bappenecl." =.:.::tr";:w1u1~1;f.~,;. =··"~..,~7 TJt1SB}! Gffl ·~,'· •J~'f · : conlriil at Houston was ,....
by lawmen of the Berk~ scene. Prmousl)'·ltbOdbien beu.WiliJi«·Oi · ' · 'GOOD DOG'
Dr. Aldrich •old he fell ..... ,... ll.'l ...wd 1111 bo.-iled Ullil'lato ll'lt. v ;.f T '117 PICTURE pCIOSibilllj !Or il>e ..,... atiic< he :ro laCilltali,·· . dii·'u.Celtloi ~.... i ·.n4"''!'· , "Ole Snoop'• Just a ·fOOd old bowld
.. ---i -i Uaat ..._ to ill ait u.e --'-!-.. -~ ' doe. Tum," said capsule communicator ... -to a,...,._. _, .. w ' ...,...._o lo ~Ott con-~Cool.I Meta patrol olfictr WU crW.. Cl>Flle Duke. "He'll '"'1babty try to
Ber1 keley (: i:•lhft inlormatloo 00 de· s~"! ~ol.p19nethe' ~ faclUUet ll1li by • suppoeedly vacant home on a follow you back home." ·
ve opmen ere. a ...,. ... ~ -!""•· routine "vacaUon cbect" aui1nment Despite the levity, mission control
CONCLAVE MONDA y ·on-. are .... 112 alrcrolt parted In Friday night When he noUc:ed tbe tel.. WIS ...-ambling • cheeking every -
The co n t l n g e n t presumably will a tledown ·area at tbe 90Ulh. end oL the vision set was on. fi.i.ble Way to pinpoint the eccentric orbit
be freed in time to 8ddreal a UCI cam-a:ru.n"111o1cb ~.ebe ~ .t°!_!~ The olfloer got tbe keys· to the home of the; abandoned bit of moon ~er. -1-----5 an ~ •ww..l>W"l: "'~~. from a ne1""bor and .... ___, ---L.n... "W don' Ilk be pus assemblage Monday, when ~ Bresnahan aaya. "'"-f •m1n' he~~·~ ~"...,, e 1ure t e to around here
will be dism1Ssed for four hours. He uta: board approval for the north n.i.ci • ew uta. mscovered that play.Ing footsie with that rascal," said
A rally called by student strlkers Fri-end tledown, .f~llUes . to accommodate =H~~.!:!,f~!t~vated by an auto-Stafford.
day noon lasted two hgurs and \pmed into the dlsplai:ed planes. Wart wW include a Snoopy was Ure radio name given the
what IllllY ¥have been a preview of the moon linder which carTied Stafford and
Monday coi\ClaVe. Nayy Cmdr. Eugene A. Ceman on a
Several nonnally quiet, Mn-activist T N 0 R • separate moon «bit that dipped within
students were goaded· into taking the op egot1ator eturn·mg 9.4 miles of the surface. microphone and there wu a lively give . . · • '!be lower rocket stage ol the lander
and take over whether studenta should or was abandoned Thursday when the cabin
•bookl no1 strike. stage of the craft, which had It. own
The campus sttike began Friday and T H N s ·d Du ? separate propulsim. system, rocketed
will continue Monday and Tu..tay. , o· ano1",•· ew tan e. backtothecommandshlp. Professors reported M significant drop After decking with the command ship,
off in class attendance Friday when most the astronauts cast the cat;.in stage of
of the students on strike appeared to be Snoopy adrift. Its rockets were switched
the couple of dozen manning the picket PARIS (UPI) -Chief North Viet-er wu stopping In MosCOw en route on and It "took off like a scalded for,.•
lines. namese iiegoUator Xuan Thuy beaded home. headed for the sun. But the lower stage
He struck minutes after the money
_had..been...deli vered..to-lhe~re.
Protest aver the guardsmen at Berke-
ley appeared to be spreading as many
students on t:he nine University of ~
fomia campuses said they will boycott
classes Monday and Tuesday aver the
BLACK AR.l\f BANDS home to' Hliooi today for con!UltaUons A diplomat close to the talks said it was sUll out the:JT• tumbling in its own. our-hundred-students-out~ot-the--9;500-wtt!rPlliltlent Ho CJUMifilllliiICOOICf appeared.....'lbuy.....wa.s-retur.nlngJ ot.....dc-roud.!Lor~bi~•·~---,----------1
tended th all Less th tailed dlscuiaions on the eight-point plan 'RIGHT IN PLANE'
PoUce said a man described only as
a male Mexican threatened manager
T. J. Knight of the Thrifty Mart super
market, 11322 Las A1amitos Blvd., with
a hand gun and left with cash neatly
bound in Brink's Inc. wrappers.
The bandits Urned the holdup well,
lbe manager told police, as a Brink's
armored car had just delivered the cash
to the store for weekend business.
While the lone bandit held up Knight,
an accomplice waited outside in a car,
witnesses said.
Shortly after the robbery afficers found
a vehicle previously reported stolen in
Los Angeles abandoned at Los Alamitos
Boulevard and Howard Street.
A packet of Currency sealed In a
Brink's wripper WjlS found, on the front
seat ol the Car. P.oli~ said . the amount
of money recovued was undetermined
th.is morning.
I,,eary to Take
Campaig11, Train
othy Leary, whci "advocit'5 flying on
LSD, says he will "take the train to cam
(>llgn foe governor ol California.
' '!be former !larvard psydloiocisl open
ed his campa.lgn it tM predominently
COl'lll!!l'VIUv8 C8Ufomla State Polyteeh
n)c College here before a crowd of QJle 3,i!IO persons Fridoy night. Leary said ooe fealllre ol hb campaign
will be the US:! of an old raahioned
"whistle stop" train tour o! the trtate.
'(be event was shifted 1o the men's
pm whel'l a large ·crowd ahm(ed up to
au.,id the speocil. 01lllnallY ocfl<duled
~ ;::'P'U theater accommodating
. '
At UC Davis, 75 miles east of Berke-
ley, Chancelk>r-deslgoate James H. Mey-
er said be gees a1oog with the boycott
adding the time will be uSed for student...
laoully·-inistraUon discussion ol the
Berkeley issue.
an campus at er Y· an bring a change In the Cmununlst bar· """"""-'by President· Nixon May 14. 100 agreed to wear black crepe paper . rvrv"""" . "Originally, we lhooght he might be arm bands mourning the death of a g.alning position. The Communiat aide has said the Nir-out of plane on a diHerent flying lev.el
youth at Berkeley. . It was the first tlme for Thuy to leave on plan Lt unacceptable while the United but that sure didn't look very far out of
Greg Hoffman, a Newport Harbor High smce the talks opene<! May 13, 1.MI, and States lnsl.sts on mutual withdrawal of plane to me when we ~ found hbn.
School graduate, argued on behal£ af the the announcement of bis trip to North foreign troops from South V~etriam. and he's getting awfully close," said
strike, saying, "Gaing to school is oot a Vietnam wu a surprise. Staffard. ' · When told of Meyers' posit.loo, Gov.
Ronald Reagan muttered "just sicken-
ing, just sickening .•• This is the very
kind ol lh!ni that precipitates more
neutral act. Chancellor Heyns called in Thuy bad been ICbeduled to ipeak "There he is!'' he added, "right be-
the police at Berkeley knowing what Sunday, •long .with Tran Buu Kiem, Rogers Expects low us ... and that raacal is right in
police do. That is the decision we are pro-ctllef negoUator tor the Viet Cong's Na-plane with U!." ~
tesllng." tiooaf Liberation Front (NLF). to a rally Mission control later Hid It was be--
"When ~ In cbarte and 'lhooe with
the respooslbUlty • adult& • ..,_. • •
further incite thls kind of a<Uvity, I
just can't find the words for. my con.
tempt for them and for what they're,
doing," ~an. sai<i.
However Mike Sholer a senior from of pro-Haool Vietnamese who ... live 'Some' P rog· ress' lieved that the sighting reported by Stal· San Jose, 'aaid ~the PeoPle'& Part Ja a in France. • 1 • ford woo Id ·be Snoopy's clqsest approach
phoiiy"luue thought up by Berkeley IC• A North Vleldam,.. spokesman •aid _ and that the bit ol dant!m>WI junk
Uvlstl to prodUce a COQfrontat.loo. the trip wu "rouUne for consultaUons" Soon in Talks would wind up S9fDe 500 to 600 milq
He said act.ivi&ts woa1d have people but cou1d not r~y when 'nluy wou1d re-behind the spaces.hi ·up.. ,
turn or whether he would stop in Peking.
(lloe UC! BAIL, P11• Z) He did say the North v~ lead-. NEW DELHI (AP) -Secretary of
State William P. Rogers said today, there
Taste of War
Marine's Note Moves Cookie Cr ew
would soon be "eome pragress" toward
James Turner a Vletoam peace settlement.
Rogen, in an lddresl to the families
and staff of the U.S. Embassy as he Of La N neared the end ol a 21-hour visit to New · guna ew ~!l'\e~; U..1 ••• ,...." of the ,...
£' _ J d cent speech by Pre11dent Nixon' on Viel· W. UJUllly U ge nam, and the talks we 'have had with • Praldent Thieu lUld Ills .. v..-t last liten in the mllltary NY things in dif Marine Otvllion, at An Hoa, 2$ miles week and the talks we m 10mg to have
ferenL ways. and the higher the rank, aouth of DI. Nang. Orange County Deputy Dlatrlct. Al· June a on Mldway, that we can hope
the f I and 111·•·~ ,...., ~· "We openle In the mountains and in torney Jamt1 K. Turner hu been op. more orma ......,~ ..... , -the n.11"""' ·Tomorrow we IO on a Gx· polJlled a iudl! In th!! West Orange Coun-for tome progru1 looklng towml peace."
to bocomt. UJ, .....,, then '"' .. to Arlzou r.... ty Judlclal'Diitrk:t coon by Gov. -8-• cautioned his audience about
Letters and form thank'you Clrdl haft rltory, 8 Vflrf bad &pol," he c:ontinued. Jleaian, sacramento-..S said Friday; becomintl overly oPllmiltlc regarding
been Oooding the matlbox at die bome 'ol "Furmy thlng ii, most of the Mltinf9 ""Oh boy,'' ll:id Tu:n)er, of 2505 Ahamar Vletnam "betaute we think there were ~~· -bett -•-'•·· omcm and llalf Drive. La~·.•·. Belcll, when lelephonecl too many "predictions !lllde In the put, Mrs. ~uyn Oliver, of 30'l7 Y-A.... ..,.. ' --~ -•--m•-of which did nol come to -u," ~-M .~ -··•-~ · NCO., are under IO. This '"' m1tutes by newunen. -., ~
"""WI eaa, .,,..., .......... RU the Wt Clre· )'Clll wry much." Hew• not~aultin(oyer the DIW polt, "But," be added, "we are encourased
Cookielift of·Aprll. ''M,.u: I'af 11" at I mne ftam but aaid the annoo;ncement w11 ~ by 1lrtaat ""ft bml Heft. We are parUcu--....
One in portlcu1ar lelll 1 lol -men Mallnl, iiJ. I wu --I! c;.mp • to ...,. Molidly 1J1Cf he wu -rtOcf larly _. by the 1Ultude of the
In ""· -llid Mooteny, Cl)ll., tbt lallu becaute ...-hid jum~ Ille tun. i ilOVllmmelll of South Vietnam, port!~ ~-J..Cpl. J.-D. lllneJ Ill)'& to tewn V-11 tbt Amq Tiie ·~· Repabll<u ii to -larly tbt altllUde o1 Preold"tnt Thieu. more than tbt reptia by I -La-8ci1oo1. coed J..,,. Harmon 8oovllle, of ' "He hu Indicate<!, I& YOU knoW, I
chaplalns Ind -fl-. "fboie • llrl (....,, 1 p1m to morry w-wbo llliolnge-totbt wllllngneu to negoUate wlth NLF Na·
"I'm wrillnl thll for the men of Third L wbtm I ,.... lo tho nil world) wbo llrlllP ~ SUperMr coon by O...-llooill:i.lherlllooJ'ront. Ha also hu In-
Squad, 'l1llnl Platoon, L Com-, Your Uva near Maot&W), ID Piclnc Qmt. lloapli. · • dlCltad 1 'WIW,,.,..,a to bove elecllonl
cookies are -....,.. -Vfr1 gtid. They "I'd belier quit," he lllld In •loolol· He hll -iaicnod torthe·~ and ....... te 1lloal the type: ol el ...
didn't 1aJt looa. M they wm IOOd-" "I bove to IO on on llllbU&b In -bour Comly Ju...ue c-t'la'bil ~ a-· U... lbll·wlll be held. wbeo Ibey will be
Honey ii willl Ille l'lfUI llelknell; Pini iild blvoa'l -111 dq ••• " . deputy dillricl llldnleJ. beld-lloW ~ will bo -"8ed·" -
• • <~ ,. ... ,.
Night and momtng low clouds
with fog and driDle. Lillle lem-
perature. chan1e.
"How Fait1~ Saw:d The CrelD
of The Piublo," o ipedal Mrmo-
rla.l Doll talute to -unWOVfring
courage, Fomilv Weekll/ coofr
A. n o t h • r tt!ohtHme ""talk
allow" hits th• n<IWOrkl. Its
ho1t, Dick Covcit. ii tht COWf'
iubJect in <odaJf• TV WEEK. ... .__ " -" ....... ... -.. .. ...,.. II·:~ --• --·-, ·-M -1>U ......... , ... • --.. ... , .. I I .. -" -• -... ..
.• I
Mitton Tenenbaum'• pet macaw
wu makliig so inuch noise that th•
New York artificial limb manufac-
turer decided he better go lo his
next.door factory and see what was
going on. Sure enough, thieves had
been there. 'They stole a U..loot
sailboat which they got out through
a Jarge, secood·floor window and
then carried across a 100-foot, saw-
tooth rooftop before Jowering it to
a parking lot.
. -'·-~:::::;:;=,....,,. --
I .
Anatomy of a Rumor:
. . -....... .., "' ' . -·' ~ ,. ' • • ! ••
Sup~rmarket Cobra • Ill
ly ART VINSE L °' 111t Dtltr ,.., 111n
The lff:at, btt prevjously unpublicized cobra in a supermarket car coat
baa been killed.
It never existed, to 1et tNnp straight. Autopoylnl the anatomy of a wild rumor Is dUficult al best, but It should
be traced Ill this ~ !tom lis innocent origin to iis fr<:aky
finale . .
* "Did you hear the awful story about that poor woman
r.---... ·----.~ ~ The worat rou~ in tht firat l day of th• A tlanlO Golf Cltusic,
GROUND CHEC I( OUT -Costa Mesa High School
aviation atudoota learn from flight Instructor Pat
Schaefer about plane they will pilot Sunday. Stu-
' dents who will take their turn at the controls are
(left to right) David Hartwig, Cer!os Martinez,
Clarke Draheim and John Guevremont.
at t.be supermarket in Tultln?'' uked Costa Mesa Police [)e..
partment recordl clerk Diane Marwin. TUstin has no such
market. ll developed.
The victim 1uppoeedly tried on a car coat imported
from lndla, felt a •ll&ht scratch as though from an overtook··
ed pin and tbOught nothing more about it.
a 12-over-par 84, waa turned in.
by Doral Open Champion Tom-
my Shaw who· comes from Golf. m.
• Iowa State Rep. Vern Bennett'•
method of eliminating long legisla-
tive debates -removing cords
from the microphones of. three oth-
er representatives-ha~ some suc-
cess this week. "I took tbls action
in the interest of the House, .. the
Des _Moines Democrat said before
returning the cords. •
Glamoln' Grandmoth.er -yes,
grandmotMrt -of tM year U Kathy
Eli:abtth Rothacktr, 4$ • 11tar • old
housewife from Cincinnati. She re·
eeived a mink stole from Jo1eph Ti--
man, prelide1i't of the Horiton Corp.,
os part of the honors. Sponsored by
the Horizon Corp. and Mld in Horizon
City, Ttz., tM contest had over 5,000
applicants. Mrs. Rothacker wiU re·
ceive over $15,000 in prizes and a
11ear's public appearance contract. • Tommy Briggs, 53, was cruising
along when his car suffered a blow·
out near Memphis, Tenn. Ile took
his jack from the auto's trunk, but
neglected to close the lid. He raised
tile car and took off the flat tire.
Then the jack slipped, pinning his
fool beneath the wheel. A police
car came along. Officers jacked
the car up again and freed Briggs '
foot. Helping Btiggs Stow away the
jack, they loo.ked into the open
trunk and saw eight gallons of com
whisky. Briggs was booked on a
charge of violating the state liquor
Jaw. • British nudists said they would
cold shoulder any ~e~ng toms
hoptng to crashthelr Worli!Na!ur·
ls! Congress at Oppington, Eng.
land. Delegates will carry spec ial
nudist passports and no one else
\vill be admitted to the 50 acre
""1-t ..... H1111tf ..... IHdi ........... ........ , .... , c--
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Flying Coarse
25 Mesa High Students
To Take Stick Sunday
Of ni. o.nw Pllilt s1ttt
Twenty.five ·Costa Mesa High School
&t.udent:s will take turns flying an airplane
Sunday in the climax of a course on avia·
Among the pllots f~ a few minutes wU1
be four gtrls.
They are students in a class taught by
Robert Perrin who during the year has
instructed them in all aspecta ot. flying .
Next fall, with 90 students signed up,
Perrin will teach three avlaUon classes.
He Is phasing into Ulis new program as
the old agriculture program he taught IB
years, first at Newport Harbor and then
at Mesa High, phases out.
Animals are too much of a problem and
interest in !arming bu fallen off, said
Top Composer
Jimmy McHugh
Succumbs at 74
Jimmy 1tfcHugh, who leaves a monu·
meat of melodies such as "J-Can't
Give You Anything But Love" and "On
The SuMy Side of the Street," got an
idea for a tune one sleepless night in
1943 .
Next morning at Paramount Studio
his lyricist partner, Harold Adamson,
urged McHugb to send for the sheet.
Jimmy phoned borne; it had gone to a
laundry. A motorcycle messenger re-
trieved it, and the song became a llil,
"I C.OOld'nt Sleep a Wink Last Night,"
sung by Frank Sinatra in his first movie,
"Higher and Higher."
McHugh, who died Ill bed Friday of a
.heart attack at age 74, recenUy said
that com~ition is "10 percent inspira·
Uon and 90 percent' perspiration."
"Once I got the shingles, trying to
\\'rite a hit," he said.
Hi! toil produced a bonanza of popular
tunes: "'\\'hen My Sugar Walks Down
the Street," "Don't Blame Me." "I'm
in the Mood Cor Love," "Exactly Llke
You," "It's a Mo.st Uunsual Day."
-Fro 11t-PGfJe I
believe it was a !pontaneous si tuation.
but the · park was improved only in the
last month and concrete block.5 were
stockpiled on top of buildings for throw·
ing at police.
Terrie Fleming, a junior coed who lives
on campus, said she is neutral but she
will strike because she doesn't belteve in
violence by anyone, including police .
"I wouldn't put it put SDS·to have in·
iliatcd th.is park deal,'' she said. "li I Re
this strike will le'"ad to violence or hurt
anyone else, I won 't wear this (ann·
band), I won't strike."
Neil Burns said the strike is calculated
to extort violence from the ad·
ministration. "We are only being used as
pawns in the game," he said.
Coed Jackie Rust said, "Police are the
mosl uneducated people •.. who would
just as soon close au universiUes down."
She argued &he doesn't want to give
them that aU&facUon by 1oing on alrlke.
She said abe ls pa.ylng to go to classes
and will cooUnue to do so.
A young man who ldenUfled himself as
• Berkeley student but would ~l give his
name a.aid be understood there were 2,500
John Doe wmanls out in Berke..ley and
fearing be mtaht get arrtSttd "came
down here because it is middle class and
bairtut. ..
Aaistant Prolesaor of Pt\yaics George
Reiter said he doean'l bey the otllWJl<Til
that a prclesaor is obligat.d to olJrr cilSI
for Ilia 5tudent.s. "J'm hi.red to teach my
atudenta. The dtdsloo to follow my eon-
1Cience is mine."
Asaociat. Prof..,.r ol PsycholoCY
Myron Braunsi.lll said be """Id met lo
"the Ulrea1i to keep the Berkelt'y campus
opeo al the Poinl ol ba.Yontl. This Is one
univmJly,'' he aa.kl ... All nine campuaca
bave to act as one to get our rights."
Perrin. But' aviation seems to interest the
Perrin, a former Air Force pilot, uld
lie has been giving flying lessons for 25
But the Sunday Clying instruction will
be given by Mlasion Beechcraft, at reduc-
ed rates because flight instructors are
giving their time free. •
Perrin saJd he bas been taking students
in small groups to Orange County Airport
and sitting in the cockpit of Torbet
Aircraft planes "teaching them what
airplanes are all about."
The class also has been about five
times as a group to the airport. The clas s
also has visited El Toro Marine Corps Air
Station and the Marine helicopter facility
at the old Lighter Than Air Base in Santa
"There ls a tremendous opportunity for
a youngster who starts early in flying,"
says Perrin. "And aircraft knowledge is
needed in related occupations."
He said he bas three studenta who will
take aeronauUcal engineering next fall at
colleae. Three ol his students already are
working toward a pilot'a license and five
mol'e will take flying lessons this sum·
mer, he said.
Perrin said all his students tell him
they want to go 111!0 Dying but he &aid be
hopes, realistically, that one-third of
them will follow through.
The Costa Mesa aviaUon class, he said,
ls one of only.three in the county, the
others being at San Clemente High School
and at Jk>ba Grande High School in
Garden Grove.
PaUerson Friday distinguished himself
as possibly the first man In history to
escape from a women's prism.
Officials at Imisiana state Prison for
\Yomen said PaUenon walked away
from the institution unseen.
He had been asiped to work at the
fcwale institution While serving a three·
year sentence for burg1ary in Monroe,
Ne,vp ort Woman,
93, to Rebuild
Beachfront Hom e
Of flle Dtllr l'lltt Sltfl
A fisherman 's shack on a lot, bought
logelher for $10 back in 1943 .and now
worth $18,000, is being demolished
because it's about time for a new home
for one or Newport Beach·s oldest
The structure at 1912 ~urt Ave., wlll
he replaced by a larger house for 1i1rs.
1-1. P. Starck, 93, her daughter. Mrs. El·
sie Patterson and her llusband,
The 25-foot lot once right on the beach
lu1s been in the family S6 years, since
f.1rs . Patterson's father , late restaurateur
II. P. Starck, bought the land and hand·
hewn lumber house.
"His place wa,., called Starck's Cafe,
but It was rtally a saloon in those days,"
says Mn. Patterson, "il was on 21st
Street and everyone knew it."
''The house was right on the beach ln
1913," she continues, "all four children
were born here If you can call It that."
"lL WU Long Beach where they had the
closest bolpital and the only road al lilat
time went through Santa Ana before it
lumed to Long Beach."
Mrs. Patterson'• mother, Mn. St.arck.
wu born in Rlvtn1de and came to
Newport Beach during the summer, a
tw1>11ay trip Involvlng an ovemlght cam-
pout In Santa Ana Csnyon.
They stayed on the beach in Balboa.
"Mothtr haa been here !or 7$ yesrs
now, I l\JW she likes Newport.'' .1akl
fltrs. Patterson.
Tanks Smash
Red Attack
On Outpost
SAIGON (UPI) Racing lo the rescue,
a column ol American tanks crushed a
North Vietnamese attack on a South
Vietnamese <Mpost DOl'tb of Saigon and
killed 53 guerrillas, military spokesmen
said today.
The Comm unists charged the camp
55 miles from Saigon behind a 100-round
mortar barrage before dawn Friday.
Saigon headquarters said losses were
Ught among the goverrment defend ers.
Stalling the opening charge, the South
Vietnamese troopers radioed for rein.
forcements and called in artillery strik·
es, helicopter gunsh.ips and warplanes
against the North Vietnamese unit.
The Communlsts attacked again in an
unusua l daylight thrust and the U.S.
tanks rum bled in·, cannons blazing, and
took up the battle on three fronts outside
the South Vietnamese outpost.
U.S. headquarters said two tankers
died in tbe rescue, which broke the
North Vietnamese attack and sent the
guerrilla survivors retreating. The allies
picked. up two Communist antiaircraft
guns from the battlefield.
The South Vietnamese outpost sits on
the edge of a Communist infiltration
route leading from Cambodia toward
Saigon , according to allied intelligence
U.S. B52 bombers went after Commu-
nist positions along similar routes north·
west or Saigon overnight, hltUng near
Tay Ninh City, 60 miles from the ca~
Ital, and near Xuan Loe, 38 miles away.
Viet Cong and North Vietnamese gun--
ncrs fired mortar and rock~t barrages
that caused damage or casualties at
eight allied towns and bases late Friday
arid early today. military spokesmen
said. Losses were light.
Malaysia Toll Ri ses
KUALA LUri.tPUR (UPI ) -The death
loll in the Malay.Chinese race \lo'ar ros:::
to 167 today and author llies said more
than 150 orher fl.1alaysians still °""·ere
missing .
Soon, abe waa tw0Uen like a balloon, bitten by a small
cobra cuddled ln the coat sleeve, Sbe was dying in agony.
The story came from an aulhoritaUve source: Mrs. Marwin's husband,
an Investigator for the Oranae County District Attorney's Office.
Newsmen smelled a story to say the least .
CooperaUve efforta to track dot the facts during the zany cobra bunt
resulted in a musical jangling of telephones which charmed none o( the sq~
Ina IOU1'Cel -who might know something.
The trek led throu&h a jungle of telephone lines, lighUng up switchboards
~t the TUsUn, Orange and Costa Mesa Police Departments ; .orange County
district att«ney's, aberilf's and coroner's offices ; county medical center and
public bealth aervlce.
Not to mention the anguished store management in Orange.
·M the weird tale conUnued it! moulh-t1>mouth and receiver.to--ear cir-
culaUon the DA's wife herself had been bitten, an entire nest of cobra eggs
bad betit dlscovered. in the coat and details were sUll developing,
"You've 1.:it every newapaper, radio and television station in the country
calllng,'' moaned Costa Mesa Police Capt. Dean Pollom as Mrs. Marwin sat
primly In bis ~. The aubum-hiirtd former model was then given a bit of detective work
to do: tract down· that coNounded cobra in the car coat story and strangle it
-il al all pooaible. ·
"Don't say a word to me, I lla!' no news tips," she warned newsm~
stopplhg by headquarters Friday morning.
!Jbe story of the grotesque incident which-if true-would have po~ed a
ralher sllarp financial Joss to any department store in the car coal Uusrncss,
not to even mention liability lawsuits emerging therefrom.
* Diane's husband heard it from Harry Block , senior spe<:ial investig ator
in the DA 's office.
Block heard it from his litUe boy.
1 He had heard it from a little girl. who was hard up for material during
show·and-tell llme at a Tustin area elementary school.
So did a lot of other children who listened to the hor ror story but lheir
parents and associates did nol have such close contact with the press.
Mrs. ~1arwin says now she plans to coofine herself to saying Hi and
handing out official reports written by patrolmen when newspapermen drop
by to check the log.·
"I ha\•e no more hot leads, but 1 do have a new nickname, she said with
a giggle : T·T, for teletype."
Solons Demand Douglas'
Resignation From Bench
\VASHJNGTON (AP) - Justice Wil·
Ham O. Douglas' resignation under fi re
as paid head ol a foundation linked with
Las Vegas casinos has fueled new cries
in Congress for a full probe of his out·
side inco1ne.
Rep. H. R. Gross, (R·lowa), said
Douglas should resign from the Supreme
Court where he has served for 30 years.
The white·haired jurist bowed oul Fri·
1~.:y from his $12 ,000·plus post as presi·
r!cnt of the Albert Parvi n Foundation
\vhich recently sold for $2 million lts
stock in a firm owning three Las Vegas
gam bling casinos.
Douglas' action came a 1veek after
Justice Abe f orlas resigne<l from the
Supreme C-Ourt in a stonn of criticism
over a $20,000 check from U1e fami ly
foundation of jaile<l financier Louis E.
Sen. John J. Williams. (R·Dcl.). 1.
leading critic of Douglas' foundation lies,
met privately late Thursday with Atty.
Gen. John N. Mitchell , but wouldn't dis-
close what they discu ssed. ·
\Villiams refused Friday to say wheth-
er he had asked for a Justice Depa.rt~
ment investigation and said he had no
comment on the session.
Douglas, who underwent a minor heart
operation last June, told a newsman,
"I've been trying to get a replacement
for the job for about a year sinoe l
had the surgery and wasn't quite up
to par."
He said, ''The work or the foundation
was increasing so much. And this was
a postponed a<!tion ~ postponed by rea.
som of the fact that I had appendicitis
a month ago."
The Parvin Foundation said the 70.
year-old justice had written more than
a month ago that he would resigo. but
a meeUng April 9 was called off whea
Douglas was hospitalized.
Prof. Fred Warner Neal of Claremont,
calif., who was named as Douglas' suc-
cessor, said the foondation's dirtttc.ra
were reluctant tbis •week, to ~pt the
resignation because of "the whole fu9
growing ·out ol the Foria$ thing,"
Neal said, "1 think sorne of them
lhOugbt this would make some people
,thi~k that ~his .was ti<;d up in tbe rt?!ig·
nation, which it v.·asn·1.··
Girl Bicyclist
Killed in C1·ash
A nine-year-old Yorba Linda girl was
killed Friday afternoon when her bicycle
collided with a car at Buena Vista and
Hlahland Avenues. the Orange County
Sherlf(1, Department reported.
Unda Turnqllist, daughter of Mr. jntf
11• 7S
Counly Traffic
D< ... Toti
1111 n
Mrs. Kenneth Turnquist of 18031 Ana
Pttaria Road. was dead on arrival a1 St.
Jude Hospital, FuUerton.
DAILY,.....,, .... """
Ont of City's Oldest Rtsid1nc11 Bows to F•lhtr Tlmt
Shtrlll'• dtpllUes said the girl rodo
her bicycle lhrod'i a boµlevard 1top
on\o a through st.fttt and Into the path
of a car drivrn by Patricia Ann Thill
18, of 564~ Grand\•icw /\vt . '
• DAILY rtLOf1 fl
• • •
)leet the P.eople
Mayor's Work Never D9ne·
Of lflt IMllJ' l"!IOI Stiff
lt WI$ 1:1~ ln the morning, and already
the papers were pilina: up on her desk. , ,
elaborate, wordy reports, nlaps and let-
ters.• sl{lcked near a brl&ht, ostrich--
feather pen.
Newport Beach's Mayor .Doreen
' Mlrshall bad. arrived • half Jlour before.
lt was early tor an intenJew, b\Jt, ahe
conceded, ii was about lbe only time she
had to spare that day.
Time is an ever-important factor in her
To calculate the hours spent as a
mayor for a growing, busy city beset by
pressing issues would be impossible, even
for the mayor herselr.
"Let's see, this week it's been a UUle
sJow for dinner meetings, but I've made.
two 7:30 breakfasts and a couple of
lunches," she said with a smile.
Some wee.ks she must altend a dif·
ferent Uinner function each n i g h l •
several official luncheons and perhaps a
breakfast or two. And she still manages
somehow to stay trim.
They'll Join Eight Others Jn Monitoring Nuclear Detonations on Earth, in Sp•c•
Couple tl'lose appointment& with trips to
the county seal to appear before the
board of supervisors or fl ights to
Sacramento and an insight into the tiring
job of mayor comt!S more sharply into
focus. 1
Mrs. Mershell's Office Door Is Rarely Closed
I • Velas ID Orbit
:Valley Man Sees Nuclear 'S pies' Off
01 tl'le O.llr Plllt Sll'ff
Fountain Valley's Fred Seybold spent a
'ong night at Cape Kennedy Thursday
waiting on his bird.
· But at 3:30 a.m. Frfaay orange flames
!it up the dark skies as a m i g h t y
Titan Ill-C blasted off the launching pad
and carried hls twin Vela satellites into
Qfbit 00,000 nauticaJ miles above the
earth. 1
The Vela satellites have the important
duty af infonning the U.S. Air-Force
about any nuclear hanky-panky that's
going on in space or on earth. They are
speciflcally designed to provide detection
o,I nuclear blasts.
Seybold, a Lieutenant Colonel who lives
at 9132 El Colorado Ave., with hls wife
Marie and their eight children, ts direc-t« of the Vela Program for the Air Force
Space and Mlsslle S)'Sl<ms Organlzatioo
In L<ls Angeles.
Since 1963 the organization has' been
tiusy detecting-atomic explosiOtl!lhrotigh
the Vela spacecraft. but for the first time
with this launch, Seybold has revealed
how they are expected to provide im·
porlant information when Ameticfi's
astronauts attempt a landing on the moon
with Apollo 11.
"At the present time," said Seybold.
"the ground based solar observatories
and the Vela satellites are the only
signi£icant reat-time sources of natural
space environmental data.
"Information furnished by the Vela
spacecraft has served lhe last two Apollo
flights as \veil as an international au-
dience lhrou~h the Solar Forecasting
Network." ·
He explained that during the long flight
to the moon the astronauts are at the
mercy of invisible space weather.
If, for example, a ·solar Oare or other
rlisturbance On the sun produced a large
amount of radiation or kicked off a clourl
of hazardous energy particles, the Vela
spacecraft would sense them and warn
the astronauts through Houston control.
Such a solar "storm" could cut short
any planned space walks and descent to
the moon, according to Seybold. If it
were e:r:tremely severe, the spaceship's
heat shield could be turned against it and
provide great.er shielding and protection
against i"n c I em en l extra-terrestrial
Originally developed to support the
Limited Test Ban Treaty, the Vela
satellites have detection equipment on
board which enable them lo "see" X-ray,
Gamma-ray, Neutron.'i, optical and elec-
tromagnetic pulses.
These are of sufficient sensitivity to
detect solar flares and nuclear explosions
within the earth's atmosphere and
farther than 100 million miles into spact.
The Vela 1atellites are j o i n I I y
i;poosored and funded by the Departmellt
of Defeme Advanced ReRarch Projects
Agency {ARPA} and the Atomic Energy
Commission (AEC):
Seybold) a resident of FouritcUn Valley
for mare than four years, has been direc-
tor of the Vela Program since 1968. For
Fountain Valley's Seybold
three years before lhat he served as an
astronautical engineer with the Vela pro-
The 42-year old Air Force officer is a
native New Yorker. He is a graduate of
Bronx High School and the New York
State College of Forestry. He has done
graduate work at the Air Force
Residence School in Tempe, Ariz.
He has been in the Air Force since 1946
when he enlisted in what was then known
as the Army Air Corps.
Hypnotist, Films
Club's Program
A hypnotist and two movie shorts will
be the progran1 for . the Laguna J\1en 's
Club Tuesday at the Woman's Clubhouse
beginning at 7:30 p.m.
Dr. Samuel H. Stanley, director of the
Orange County Hypnosis Center in
Tustin. will tell whether .hypnosis against
the i;ubject's will is possible, \vhelher
criminal acts-can be induced and if harm
can result from hypnosis.
Stanley has been a professional hyp-
notist for more than 25 years. lie became
interested in the subject while in China
prior to World War II.
~ fiim ~ill featw-e four Walt Disney
arUsts painting the same subject with
'?lfiere.n.t ~ia and each explaining his
Unique wildlife photographed J n
Australia and Taamania will ~ be screened. ....
Laguria Plans Art Show,
Dance for Memorial Day
Laguna Beach will have 1 YoUtll st...t
dance and probably • aidenlk art &how
during its Memorial Day holiday.
C<:tmOlmen have unanJtnou11y
appioved a request tor a Forest Avenue
dance May 31 fr<1m 8 p.m. until mldn>ght.
ll will be sponsored by the Sooth Orange
County YMCA.
Mayor Glenn Vedder aaid the Y MC A
had agreed to move tht barricade etst
cl lhe Cellar Restauranr so aceess would
not be impeded. There will be more
chaperones, two security olficen and
cleanup anerwatds, he ukl.
Vedder laughed when bl explained that
the •PPU<anta had promJged to point the
bandstand west to cul down the "noise."
He said be bad been criticized WI"'*
lor referring to the music as noiat.
The couocil also agreed to atlCt'ft' a
sidewalk art show tw-local artists pro;
vided the chamber of commer"" will
spon&or the event and liability insurance
Is provided. •
Artist Elain T. Wart had requested city approval tor use of Park Avenue ~ween
Glcnneyre Street ~ South Cosst
Highway from 9 a.m: to 11.m. Memorial Day. _
Rqitlratlon will be on l'I rlrst-<:ome-
fimc!frved basis, the mayor said.
2 More Claims
Lodged Against
County Jet Noise
Two more claims have been added IG
the more than 900 filed against Orange
County because or jet flights at the coun.
ty airport,
Latest to add their names to the list
are Alan V. and Mary Elizabeth
Andrews, 1620 Lincoln Lane. Newport
Beach, $60,000, and Herbert J. Aurecht,
20351 S\V Birch St., Santa Ana Heights,
Both property owners are represented
by Kindel and Anderson or Santa Ana, the
law finn which has handled most of the
complaints and filed more than SUI
million in actual lawsuits against the
county over the airport jet flighLs,
As in previous complaints. t h e
homeowners charge that since Sept. I,
1967 (first jet flighLs) they have been sub-
ject to. "great vibrations, deafening noise,
emission Q.f nauseaUng vapors, dust , soot
and oil."
The latest pair, as have been the more
than 900 preceding them, were denied by
the Board oi Supervisors and referred to
the County Counsel.
"I really expected. most of this when t
accepted the job'' she said, "so I couldn·t
say it hit me as a surprise ."
But !here are a few aspects She \\'Ould
like to change.
''I really \vould like to have more time.
probably like everyone else. You find if
you go to too many dedications and
groundbreakings, some other part of your
job suffers.
"As for any extracurricular social ac-
ti vities like clubs and serviCe organiza-
tion s .. , well they just have to get along
without me most of the time."
Mrs. Marshall Is not Newport's rirst
woman mayor. The pioneer in that
respect. about a dozen years ago \Vas
Dora Hill.
''She really set lhe precedent ," ~fayor
1.1arshall said. "It seemed she brought
chivalry back into the council chan1-
bers. ''
f\1using on that point, an observer of ci-
ty councils-the all-male councils--can
envision a heated conference or meeting,
the gallery empty, when typically
masculine words would abound ,
The lady mayor's presence seems to
have a temperiog effect on at least the
tone,of a meeting,
"Then there's always the Instance
\11hen I'm speaking wlU1 a woman while
some of my fellow councilmen are
nearby; The woman might SQY _to rn~
'well I'm sure glad we have YOU a~ our
mayor,' and I know that grates a little on
the men." she observed.
Despite the hours spend on wearing of-
ficia l tasks Mrs. Marshall 8dhe res to one
daily rule.
•·1 always make it a point to be here In 1 my office liler door rarely is closed) for
at lea.st three hours a day. Thal 's awfully
!l's easy to become aloof 1n a mayor's
chair, but Newport's chief executive just
doesn't do it.
Two letters she answered this w~k
prove it,
One came from a lJOmetown boy now in
the service in Germany who wanted city
stickers for his car when he tours Europe
after his hitch is up.
He got a batch of stickers and a "have
a good time" message from Newport's
Another serviceman, a Marine with no
Beauty Contest
Starts in CdM
The annual SC'arch for Corona de! Mar
girls to compete for the Miss Corona del
J\.'lar Litle was launched this week by the
sponsoring chamber of commerce.
Merchants and businesses were urged
to select their candidate for the contest·
installation dinner scbeduled for late Ju-
Girls between 16 and 20 yea rs old are
(!ligible to compete. The applicat1on
deadline is July 14, acc:ording to Bob
Bartholemew, chairman.
Application blanks and further In-
formation are available through the
Corona de! Mar chamber office, 673-4050.
particular ties to Newport Mked .. some-
one at city hall" to s e n d him a
postcard or photo of Newport to keep his
mind on something beautiful as he camps
in the jungles of Vietnam.
She sent him dozens, along with a
personal let.lcr that probably showed him
-in words, at least -her tradWon.11
trademark: a smile that Is, well, just
plain~· .. .. r., ,.
Future Spacemen '
Souglit in Theft
One, ilfm which failed to go Into orblt
has been recovered by Costa Mesa police
but a space station and lunar surface tra-
vel vehicle today are mi.Sling somewhere.
Mrs. Barbara A. Hoxle , of 645 Victoria
St., temporarily lost a •10 wig, accordlng
to Patrolman John C. White, but it wis
found \brown atop a 1arage roof.
The· tay sp~ce station and miniatlll'.e 1 moo[\~4wllng machine vilhied at $2a are
still ·sought-alo~g'Wifh'a trio of amall 1~
beings rePorted by witnesses to have
Visited the Hoxie rt$1dence.
Police notified propet •utborities and
said 'the UU'ee might feq~ire heat shield!
for thclr fail sectlons_when they _returned
to home base.
The Opportunity _is yours ... to own
valuable residential/recreational land
Beautiful 2.5 to 3 acre sites. Liberal Financing terms available.
Rancho C3)>istrano, d•l!Jl in Uie great oak region ol the Cleve-
land National Forest. provides your opportunity to invest in
• the fabulous growth of Southern Calliorilla.
Beautiful sites on gently rolling, grass·covercd terrain ate
sbaded by giant Spanish Oaks-located only three miles
from th e palh of the proposed Ortega Freeway yet comp1etely
secluded by private entry ga tes and national f oresUand on all
sides, The rural charm and quiet seclusion of Rancho Ga"Qi•·
trano can :nl!Ver be aestroyed, as thla·deed-restricted island of
beauty can never be redivided or commercialized..
Oaly 30 minutes drive from coastal recreation areas, at a
Blrf CID
Writ• Jor olll' free, illustrated
4S?I c.,.. Driff, ..... Ii
N ....... -Celll.-11UlHI-""
; ....
dellghlCul, '1Dog-£roe elevation of 3,300 rt., Rancho Cap!Jtra'.llo
provides the perfect combination of accessability to a dynamic
growth area and a rural Jocation where you f;4n enjoy hiking,
swimming, riding, and picnicking all year long. ,
Rancho Capistrano sites ,re priced from only $8,000 with
liberal tenns requiring only 10o/c. down. payments as low ••
$48 pet month.15 year, 6o/o .financing available. Just23 scenic
miles from rapi,dly-growing San Juan capislrano, Rmcho
Capistrano is •~n investment opportunity which can neve? be
duplicatod again. Dzivo lip uy day from e to &. Yau11 be
welcomed I
r "..,..
f !!-., t
Ple11anl Sconlc Ddn
Sant• Anal Sen Diogo Freew~ytohlltDrla
San Juan Capjslrano, then eut on HWJ. 74
(Ortega Hwy.) andloDowthe1i8J11. Or
drive to Corona, then rutonHwr. 71 to
Hwy. 74, lhen southJo entrance lill'IL
' I
·' '·
' '
. • • '
~ -I l .,
t l l • • . • •
• •
-------------_ __,_ ------.
' Pulpit and Pew Christi 8118
In U.S.
... •
-" ... c.-oW will -Simd01 U a.m. 1t Podllc View Chapel, Corona ...,_,
· "Fallb la NOi Shrlnldng
-· II the UtJe ol Dr. Vin·
--·· ..,,,,... Child cmla,...lded.
"On SAyln& 'Ye1' To Cod" Is
the """"" Subject Dr.D.W.
Mc&lray will .p r e. a c h at
-C..1-.,. ...... =:!!;· di)', 10:41 a.m. MemDtra or
Ibo dlardt meet each Sunday
11 Harper Et<mentaey School,
11$ !:: 11th St., Costa Mesa.
a.ch School is at 9:t$ a.m.
Youth Night . will be
celebraltd at Wa.nter Avt9Ut
&.ptllt a.rdl, W a r n e r
Atenue at Gothard Street,
Hunllngton Beach Sunday, 7
p.m. Youth ol the church wlll
be featured In St>ttlal music,
tesUmonlts and programs.
David H. Wood, asslslanl
pastor, will bring the evening
message .
Sunday school classes !or all
ages meet at t :45 a.m. Dr.
Edwin R. Greene will bring
the morning message at 11
a.m. Children's church and
nursery cart are 'PfOvided,
0 0n Mef:Ung Trouble
T!h.ttnpb~ntly" will be the.
message giv.en by the Rev .
Willis J. Loar at Finl llajlllst
Oatttl of Ha:alil,_ Badi.
He will speak at both the 9:30
a.m. service at Peeks Chapel,
7801 Bolsa Ave., Westminster
and the 11 a.m. service at the
downtown Chapel at 6th and
Orange, Huntington Beach.
At the Family evening
servi~. 7 o'clock a camping r i 1 m of lhe Thousand Pines
Baptist Campgrounds will be
shown. Also, graduates from
junior high , 1senJor h.igh and
college will be honored and
given gifts. Refreshments will
~served. ---. Fint Chrislian Churtb ol
Fairview Rd. At f1ir Dr., Costa Meta
9 A.M.-ChU<ch School 10 A.M.-Wo,.hlp
Dr1111 S1•ltltlt1 Dip .. llW. StHy .,..,.,
' • Pri"'9 ..... ,.., c....11.. 141·461 I :~;:====~·====================================! :: HARBOR TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH 1
~ 12JO loller It. et hlrwW., C"'° M... I a.... COMll• wa... Pfliter I
Sunday SchoOl 9:45 1.m. Morning WorsbJp 11:00 a.m.
B1ptlst Training Union 6 p.m. Evening service 1 p.m.
Wednesday Bible Study & Prayer ........... 7:00 p.m. ,
S11n41y Sth•ol • , , • , , , 9:41
Mon1l111 W•rthl, • • • • 11 :00 ' ..... 642.9111
Tr1i11in9 U11iofl ••• , •• , •• 6:00
E¥•ni119 Wor•hi, •..•• , , , 7:00 1
WM. E.,.•11in9 S•rYit1 • , •• 7:00
"....., Atw..,. ........
Dll s. I. rAU~Dn ID.
SANTA ANA Hll•KTS suflDAY KNDOL ····· ............................. 1141 A.M. MOltNIW• WOl'l:IHIP ........... , ..................... II A.M.
•VINING WDl'l:INIP .. ., ................. _... 1 P.M.
MIOllRlK •••v1c11: 'l'llDffllDAY ................ ''" P.M. WUlll<YI I. ACIM. Pll,_,. CIMltdl f'IMn• MWtn
Victoria&: Placentia Ave. I
Costa Mest.~
....... E. Piercy
Clll&a Mell, 7tl Victoria St.,
will commemorate the btlln·
nlna of lhe churth of Jesus
Christ on Pentecost Sunday.
Piilot Jame1 E. Plmy will
speak oa. .. ,,,fl Ettrna.I Faith
for a Modern World."
Followinl the 1 n c I e n t
custom of the church of shar·
lng 1 common meal, the
church wUI meet at S:30 p.m.
.for a fellowship dinner. At 7
p.m. M.r. and Mrs. William
Gates, missionaries lo Alaska
)¥111 apeak: to,tbe church about
the work of the Alaska
Chlldren's Home at Homer,
tlngton 8-b;-will eaollnn
Joan Blank, Al .. Blank, Janel
Beck, Jonatbon Rooeothout
and Dlaoe Simon.
Luncheon wilt rollow the service.
Hours or worship are al I
and 10:30 a.m. Sunday at
Re1urrecllto LG:Utena
Churdl, 9812 Hamllton Ave.,
Huntllll!lon Beach wltb Sunday
school for all ages at t 1.m.
Adult discussion group also
meets at 9 a.m.
Pa·stor Arthur R. Tingley
will speak on '"1\e Prtsel')Ce
or Go<l In Life'' at both
Sunday aL Cemm••ily
United Metbodist Cburch, IM2
Heil Ave., Huntington Beach,
the Rev. Roger G: Betsworth
' Prejudiced
American cfuuttona • .,. -pre-
Jildlced racially or ~ly
and resist efforts by !he
clergy to root out thefr pre.
Judice, a University o f
CaWornla sociologist claims.
Prof. Charles Y. Glock told
a world racism conferen«:
that hair of the U.S. ChrisUans
still blame Jews for the
crucirWon. "
The Rev. Lothar V. Tornow
will bring a message lo the
memben of Cllrist Lutheran
Ce•rtb, 760 Victoria, Costa
Mesa, on the theme, "The
Comforter Shall Teach You"
when the church observes the
Pentecost Sunday.
will preach al both the 9 and p l n• -i 10:30 a.m. services. The title apa 1-e88 fig
of his sermon is "Deceptive
He said nearly half of those
interviewed in a San Fran.
cisco study said they would
move lf several Negroes came
to their block. and about one-
lhlrd said they did not want
Negroes In their churches.
"ChrisUan laymen, as a
group. are a rather prejudiced
lot," Glock said. "Most of the
laity continue lo bear lll ' will
towards other r a c e s and
Sunda y school and Bible
claMes wlll meet at 9:30 a.m.
and m.irsery care Is provided
at all services. ·
words ." \Vearing fhe red robes of papal mourning, Pope Paul VI sprinkles Holy Water
Church school classes for all on the coffin of Cardinal Josef Beran of Czechoslovakia during funeral serv·
ages and nursery care for the ices in St. Peter~s Basilica Tf\ur.sday. Cardinal Beran died of cancer in Rome
very young are also held at last Saturday after four years of exile in Italy.
both hours. -~~~~.:.....~~~...:.~~~--'--'--'-'-''-~~~~~~~~~~~-"They may claim to love
their brothers but they arc
very finicky about whom they
will cail brother." Temple Hillel of HunUngton
Beach will hold Its first con-
finTlatlon today at 9:30 a.m.
The ceremony, to be held al
t h e Community Methodist
Church, 6662 Heil Ave., Hun·
"The Architects" a clBS! for
adults continues to meet at the
10:30 a.m. hour only, in the
church chapel .
New members will b e
received at both services and
will be honored at a lijncheon
in the church social hall at
The Rev, G. Russell Shaw of
the First Ualted Methodist
Church, 2721 Seventeenth St.,
Huntington Beach wlll present
the second in a aeries of
messages based on t h e
Sermon on the Mount. The
sermon topic ror the two Sun·
day worship services at 9:30
and 11 a.m. will be .. The Ra.
dlant Life". Church school will
meet at 9:30 a.m. with classes
for all ages.
Junior a'hd senior uruted
(See PULPIT. Page 5)
Glock said his find1ngs are
based on Interviews with 3,000
San Francisca~ and 2,000
(See RACISM, Page 5)
Subject of Lesson -May 25
Cost1 Mesi -First Church of Christ, Scien tist
2110 MeM VniM Dr., Co,,g Mag
S1t!Mley khoo._9:15 A.M.
CMrc• Sen&c.-11 A.M.
I ..... IH111, 2150 M•MI Verde Dr .
Huntington Be1ch-First Church of Christ, Scientist
110 on..
CMirch & S.!Nhry kltoo._9:30 & 11 :00
111_.. 1 .. --e10 0tm
L19un1 Be1ch -First Church of Christ, Scientist
• 6JS Hit' Or.
Welcomes You.
ST. JAMIS, lZlt9 Y1<1 tu., NitwpMt ~
s...y s.ntCM-7:JO, t :Of, 11 :00
,....., I O:JO -........,, 1:00 p.a.
H.tw E.u.mt l Heall .. ~
Newport Harbor
Lutheran, Chu<eh
2501 CliH Dr. LI 11-4293
.,.. .... -•.•~.-I
,... ......... J. l1sdildilr
. --IKl•r. tt.. Rn. Jokti P.A..., II; ....... Tllo 111 ... Dftld C,..,
ww.tllp .....,.. . . . . . l:Jt.t1• 1.111, ~ _______ Pc.hc.•:.""c.::.:..: 675-0210 '"""' .......... " ftU.U•4S ...... I
-ST. MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS 11 w=s:t":~~ :~:i1\2~~Je
Luthe.an Chu.ch
of the Maste;
2900 Pacific View Dr.
· Phono OR 3·5022
1:45 A.M.-F1mily Wot1hl,
9:45 A.M.-Suncl•y Ch11,ch
School Pacific View Dr. at Marguerite, Corona del Mar 1 at all services
Sundays: 8:00, 9:30-Child Care at 9:30 WELCOME , rr :oo ,t,,M.-F11t1 .... Worthl,
floly Days as announced All R""" W•k•m• 11 ·-1 Nurwry rrG•ldel
111.c:tor. Tho le,. Joh11 Ro91rs D•tls -rho• 644.f46J 1f========::=:o===~============:
Sundays 7:30 & 9:30 Church School -9:30 Missouri Synod Thursdays: 6:30 &: 10 a.m.; Holy Days as announced 760 Victoria St., C0&ta Me11
Ylar. n. h¥. , ... w. Dii.i._ ,._ l4WJl6 Lothar V. TornGw, P11stor 541.5404 EPISCOPAL Wtnll/P Jnvlcn1 t :U ~ 11 A.M. Sllllft~ k!IHI: f:Jt A.M. .-..it llbll °""' ,,. A.M.
lll:llt It. " a,.,.. LIM J ...... 9f "'" l"'lllltl • .,.,.,.. -. ..._. PRINCE OF PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH
Tlll ltt¥. J-c. C.ln". ....... M V ·' D · & • C'""4 & ~ SU.•l-9:30 & 11 :00
............ 214 Pored .....
Newport S.1ch -First Church of Christ, Scientist
111 •ro1 rov1 81ktr Streit, Co1'1 M111 C11if
::: =::: :::.!;-'"' •••AA =r::."f ..._., CWcll al Mlr'rlMllWwMI~: l lCO.f:Xl .. 11:00 ~WIMI: r:ot:t:lO•"U:OI I
Sunday Services 1• _ AND•E• c. •NDUSDN. • .. .,.. · •
,,. P.M. E1IKllJll 11 :11 A.M. Mtm111 W..... 1 Print• of '•1c1 L11th1r111 Sc~ool -Mi11 Etth1r Ol1Gfl, Prlllclpol ]303 Vie lhle I' Y-1 Cllumi,_ ltili'se" Clrt PrtYlllMI 011
c11.rc• , s •• , kh•oJ-9:15 , 11 :00 lr====~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~===ill~~~··~·~""~'"~·~· ~"~·~-·~·~,,~~~~~~'f''~·~·'~'~'~··~·~· ~ .. ~,~-·~·~·~· ~1 R...tl .. IMt11, 3~15 VI• Udo I'
Newpo•t Beach-Second Chu<eh of Ch•lst, Sciontist 11, First Assembly of God Church
:1100 Pecffk View Dr., C1r•H •r Mor 146 E. 22nd St., Costa Mes• 548.3761 , w. l1li•v• In Yo~ . 1,l'11 Attend the church
Cll11rch l S•MllY School-10 A.M. M. C. Cronic, Pastor UNITARIAN
Rudl•1. lll••-216J E. C..st Hwy. R1y Nickeson, Mlni1t1r of Yo11th UNIVERSALIST I
All are cordlall.v invited to attend the church services i SCHfDULE OF SERVICES I CHURCH I s I 125f Victori1 St .. Co1t1 M•11 and enjoy the privileges of the Readin~ Rooms ~11"1y-Cll11rcll Scllo•I • • • • • • • • • • • • · · • • • • • • • • · • 9:1(1 •.111. 646-4652 suno1Y1 F•t11lly W•nlll' •••••••• , • 10:50 •'.111. & 7:00 '·"'• : 1~:» A.No.
Clllld Core Pr•'w.d AT ALL SERVICES 11
of your choice
on Sunday _, hm.I• V.ttey
l.\!TIWIUll •1,Httl
17411 M ... _. ... ....... .....,
1'11¥, D-H•W.
D•itt!OI Hedfn
11~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:11 Y••tll M11111tw Ii a.nr ..... ,. ........ , 11• I .Ill. .................... •1•1.ffl . Mwflllll Wtnlff .... ,, It:• 1.lfl.
Y..tli .,_ .. . .. • .. . • 4 •·"'·
Church Choir -Shtdl P111l11n, Oir1clor !
Yblten Wekof!lll -N•IWf'Y Att•lldawt I
STATE LICENSED rlllE.SCHOOl-PHI WllllaMS, Dlroct•r I A Cordial Welcome from • S~11d1y School ••• , t :ll &11 ....... : '45·2J23
•; Mo111 in9 Wor1hip • , 9:JI & 11 CHURCH OF CHRIST -1
Ii r.
Huntington B•ach
Mornint Wor1hip
l :JO l 11 :fl AM
l ibl1 Stftool .• , , • , • , 9:45 AM
Youth Group• ••• , . , • 6:00 'M
E••11i119 Worship ••• , • 7:00 ,M
111111 lllHI~ ..,.._, -WM. -, '·"'-
;er,·· car"e PiOVid;d· 11
S4M771 · Ml-6J41
Cfturdi of th1 D•ilY Word
Lll'tll D. Plkk"""' Mllllltll'
1 I 15th I l,..lnt, N1wport l11th
: tknlw Ctll1m1 811lldl"11)
I 1145 A.M. S11ncl1.., Sch••I
I f ·to:OOA .M. Ot¥tlio111I S1rvlc1
°""ICI!: * w, CMlt l11Qtlw1v. N.8.
i DIAL·A·PIAYEl-64M639
SUNDAY MORNING lllLE STUDY . , ..... , , .....•. f :45 AM
SUNDAY EVENING WORSH IP ...... , .. , , • , , •• , •• 6:00 P.M.
WED NESDAY EVENING lllLE STUDY ~· •.•.•• , •••. 7:10 PM
OHM 0. Msyflt:hl
Mio ....
Phono: 548·5711
I~ '
' fmph,1i1ing:
• · The Pb.n of God
The Person of oirilt ,
The Power of thJ! Holy Spiri t
Si.ond"' School 9 Ml ,\4ominJ WiITThip ' •nd 10;.)(I t\M (Wt11Jn1 ~Mu~ 7 PM 1
Thllnd1r Blblt $1ud~
•nd Pra~r 7 PM
N"u•~rr du1ln3 )<Crvia:J
A full Youth rrogr'm
, Cm. of Oran~ '"d 23rd, St.
Co11.1 Mew
P_,IOI It C. Jo~; IFCA Mbr.
D. G. Hitnt
Aueclott Ml"lster
Doy or Night
meeting 1t a St. James Episcopal Church
3209 Via Lido, Ntwport Beach
l'l:Alll •• ,,. LalNDW ilo• IN~OIMAtlOfh CALL t1W441
15th & Monrovia, Newport Beach
I Vi 11~11 Wnt •f ""' HGtpl,ol) 646·66ZO ., 146-7166
9:41 A.M-S...drr School, 111rHry cer• m ... ,.., J9"ico
11:51 A.M.-''TM T•Mp5-•f r..-fec:r:•11" H •• 2
S•r111011 by P1ito1
7:00 P.M-a.,.. D. Al""-11 ... ,,...,.
Cllofr Slltfl or botll S11Ml11Y kr¥k"
Mtt1. 7:JI P.M-c.tt.t-,,..,_, Meetl..-.46.J760
WM. 7:11 r.M-a..., MM Wlftl-.
740 W. Wilson, Costa Men no....._. ... 2:JI AfMrHM s.mc. 9t
CALVARY CHAPEL .............. 1:===============:::::;i i 611 • HELIOTROPE
¥. l. HIRTWICK, Pnt•r
141-471M CARL •ENTRY
Ml ..... flfMnk
utt ci11t °""' ,,....,_. hid!
TM wit llM Cllrltllff L-. 5""" •1t1t 1'ffclllrl9, 11111 ''"'1rtflt ...,,.. Mltk. c""'" u... 11 .. , .... ,. .... , ,""'9IMll!t11 c""rc:• .,,..,. ,...
c.111 _. whtl ,._ """'* .. _,,.II ... .
647-4783 644-9517 ---
.J.Ja,.t,o,. (;hritJtian Church
~ l1111tmty ...,.. lt•1alm I s....!
4U L 1 ... It .. C:.... ..._
Church School -9:45 AM.
Wonhip -10:45 A.M.m ......,e.. ........ ,
Ufllted Ci.tell •f
420 10th St .. H1111lin9to11 lt1ch
Phon• 5)6·2120
Adult l Yo11!h S1rvlc11-
l I !OO A.M,
WoMb-10:00 A.M.
c1111r/' ~1-10:00 A.M.
DI. ,.,.1r,. G, MUtrlT, Mlllllllf
Miu s111r11r 111Mt. o.c.a.
Seventh-Day Adventist Churches
Ce"9 ...... l ..... Nltdf
c ..... .., ... ....
10:50A.M.-"Wh9f We WI ... " H•. I . --. ~ ,....,
6:00 ,.M. -YOllth s.r.ice
7:00 P.M. -"'Tllh Lat 0.., H.iy G ... , ..........
..,.SCMel -11;.....,..,.. -.............. -cw c-
171 A .... Strett _.,,.... '-'"" '"•••"· ,.,,., '""' -.. -c..... RRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH '"'•II•: S41·6196 JZna er... v.n., "-trny tl41 T•l'*1 A ... IT.m.t & .......... POUNTAIN WA.WY
.....,.. le ........ t :JI AM A. f. AlwtOft.o '•1l•t UNl,IED SllYICf • $11'1d1y School 91JO-WORSHI, • IOiJO
M..i.t w....., .. 11 iff AM • 'ho1111 49J.J9J6 W1nhl, A Yo1U1 CHflps. 6;JO ,,111, ~ klleel • • •• t :lt AM N1tr1•ry ,, • .,.1111cl •t 1U 111¥icti
• • 'i
f'llinlster. Or. O. \V, Mt:Elroy ,,_,... ......_..wH-7:Jo PM M~ w.,.w, •• 1t:so AM • c_..,. c.ui. -v111t1n.,. ,,... ... w--. ~~~~~~~~lllF~~====~"======~'========~--~~==~rrl
fMluo11rt Swfloll l
••'1hiplnj 11 th1
S1ndb11r9 1t M1tlh1w1 in UtJl.,.•r1lty ,irk.
' WOISHlrt 10:10 A.M.
le•. H. Nl1rm•111to '••t-ol' IJJ.fllt
81 lbo1 lil1nd
115 A91t1 675-0950
1:15 l11form1f Worship
f :)O Tr1d ition1I Wor$hip
I Sunc/1y School
Co1t1 M•t•
r 9th St & H11bor llvcl.
Wor1hi,1 I Church Scho1I
9:)0 I 11 AM
Co1t1 t.4111 North
M111 Ytrd1 I laktr St.
W•nhip I: Church Sch11I
f :OO I 10:10 AM
H11ntl11gto11 l11ch
.. 272( I 7ffl St ..... 5l6-JIJ7
S1rvlc11 -9:10 I 11 '·""·
N11n•ry tin 21111 9r1dt • 11
0.11rch Sch•ol -9:30 1.111.
Huntin9ton ltach-Norlh
6662 H1il A••·· .142.4461
Worship I Church School
9 I 10:10 AM
lrvln-E11t l l11ff
Wo11hip •••• l :lO AM
M11lint t1111por1rlly 111
St~ M1r lt rr11byltri1n
E1itbl111f Or. I
J1mbort1 Rd.
L•tun1 l11ch
21632 W11l1y Dr In
So. L19r.r11t
Wonhip •:lO & 11 AM
Ch11rch School 9:10 AM
N1wport lt•ch
1400 w. l1lb•• 11...J.
671-1 1015
Wor1hlp I Ch11rch Sth••I
9 I 10:10 A.~.
of the Coastal Areas
Christ Church Presbyterian
10111 w..,.on. '""' • .._, ".....," 1Mc• a... Ahl 0 , ""'""° l11Mr1111 ,_..,
S.ltley W...W,: t:JO AM Cllorcll SdiMt: l0:4l A.M,
Of'fk9 JI I JN It. ,.._ t6Mt40 .~-~;'=~-7-~~-'=="-"'---Ch•rch of the Covenant
JISl ........ l ..... C.... .....
lntt• A. Kr.rrrl1, r11tor
S.., w.,.,, & a.di s..I: t:JO 11•1" MMJl4
St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church ...... .._ ..... ....,..._
WorsMp & a.ct. ~! I. t :Jt I 11 AM .... ,, .. ,
St. Marie Presbyterian Church
c.,.. JsflltiltW & h.tWllff om.. c .........
.lo-. ...... IOrt. r...t
WenW, I Cltltrdi Sc•Ml-10 AM
Communi9'( Presbyt-e~ria-n~c=h-u-rc~h-
411 Fomt A.,... lot hd St.J, ........ 1Mc.11
Worth!,· l iJO a I01H A.M.-C'9rcll SCilffl. 910G A1M •
' '
RACISM ---• • •
• Pulpit and Pew other Amerlcanl and are to be
publilbed In i book next
ICoodD1ed lrom Pap 41
lfl«lhodi.t Youth Fellowships
will meet at. l :SO p.m. and t.&e
Wealey Fell...mtlp lot colle&e
age youth wUI meet at 7 p.m.
Women's Society of Chris-
tian Service will hold IL<1
geoeral meeUna on We~
nesday. Beginning w.ilh Quiet
Time at 9:f5 a.m. followed by
the business meeting at 10
o'clock, the meeting will be
conducted by Mr.I. Harry
Sallide. presi'dent. The pro-
gram will include a sbor1
pledge service which will be
cooducled &y Mrs. Raymond
Ki'bet, treasurer, followed by a
program on "Women'' which
will Include some members
rela:Uug ways of doing things
In Christian work.
Luncheon will follow at 11 :30 a.m.
"A Session With Abraham
Maslow,'' featuring 3elections
from a tape recording recently
made al Kairos by Laguna
resident Mrs. Gwen Barrett,
~I be heard Sunday at the
meeting of the Unltarian-
Unlversalilt Fellowabip o r
Laguna Beach to be held at
10:30 a.m. at 148 LaBrea St.,
Laguna Beach.
Kalros is the Southern
California branch of the famed
Esalen lnstilute, known for
group therapy.
The Sunday ev ening
meeting, 8 o'cloc k. wlfl be a
musical evening at 1377 Dun·
ning Dri ve, Laguna Bench.
Famed Swedish director
Jngmar Berman's latest mo-
tion picture, "Persona," will
be coupled with Woody Allen 's
Gets Honor
Costa Mesa Church of
Christ's Pastor Duane
0. Mayfield has been
named lo the 1969-70
"Dictionary of Interna-
tional Biography." Jn
1968 he was named in
the U. S. Junior Cham-
ber of Commerce's
"Outstanding You n g
Men of America." The
''Biography'' circulates
In 109 C011Dtries.
COQ'led)I, 1'Wllat's Up Tiger
Lily!" a( ll!O -eo.11 ~ter ~y 1:46 t::Jdi!; a 1>eoe11t r,.-tile
Fund of the Fellowsblp. .
ObsetVillf' PeoteCost Su11<
~SL Joluo tile DM ..
Cllardl, 100 or•• A e.~f ~ Mela., will JotfJr communion at ·both 7:30 and
9:30 a.m. services. "The
Meahlng• ol. Pentecost" Is the
eermon to be delivered. Class-
es for nursery through higl\
school meet at 9:30 a.m. Youth
ol the church gathtr at 7 p.m,
A special Bar Mitivah
servk:e will be held today for
Harllr;tr Reform. Temp&e at St.
J ame:s Episcopal Clwreh. 120t
Via Lido. Newport Beach.
Jonathan Rynn, son of Dr. and
Mrs. Nathan Rynn of Laguna
Beach, will be honored. He
will read from the Torah, glve
the Haftorah partion of the
servire. and speak on "Social
Problems in America ."
"The Desire for Brother-
hood " will be preached
by the Rev. Joseph McShane
at 9 and 10 :30 a.m. services
for Mesa Verde Vatted
Methodist Church, 1701 Baker
St., Costa Me.<ia,
Seven young people will be
presented as candidates for
confirmation at LatberJn
Cbn"tcb of tbe Master. 2900
Pacific View Drive, Corona
de! lt1ar, Sunday. Families will
also be received into mem·
bership at the II o'clock hour.
Communion will be
relebrated at 8:45 and 11 a.m,
su.,er ·¥liar .,
The Rev . Gerald J,
Moschel o1 Saint Cath·
crine of Siena Church
in Laguna B~ach , will
mark hi s silver anni-
versary of ordination
into the priesthOOd Sun-
day. Mass of thanksgiv-
ing is set for noon fol-
lowed by a reception
at the home of Charles
Payne3;30 ·1o 5:30 p.m.
and .Dr, William R. Ella. will
speak on "Man's Crutest
1-Beach Hilb Scbool's band will play al Sunday
aervices at C•m.m•ally
Proolly1erlu ~ I : 3 0
a.m. The, aervi<e Is 0114UM .. nie sl.i: °"1' of ~·7
and features original musiC
accompanying abstract art in.
terpretations dooe by Lajuna
Beach High art students Glen
Handy, Janet Harvey, Andy
Chambers, Patty Houts, Art
Brewer and Keith Rall. The
Rev. Willlarl-Eckel will read
from the scriptures during this
The Rev. Dallas Turner will
preach .. Keep Your "Cool'' at
the 10 a.m. service.
The church will C'.oaduct a
daily vacation Bit !e scbool
beginning June 23.
An evening of music will
highlight. tbe 7:30 p.m. service
at Calvary BapUst Cb.arch,
8281 Garfield Ave .. Huntlnglon
Beach. Rudy Atwood, or
~dio's "Old Fashion e d
Revival Hour," will b e
At the ll'a.m. worship hour
Pastor Dolin will speak on
"The Reward of Reality." His
evening service message will
be "The Distinctives of a Bap-
tist Church." .
Church scOOol meets at 9:45
a.m. and little church 'meets
at II a.m.
~ Ffrst Uniled .Metbodisl
CbarO, 420 W. 19th St., Costa
Mesa, will hold duplicate
worship services at 9:30 and
Lect ure. set
Presenting a series of
three lectures, nr. John
F. W.alvoord, president
of Dallas TheqJogical
Seminary will speak
Monday. Tuesday and
Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.
at Central Bible Church
in Costa Mesa. His top--
ics de;iJ with Russia
and C ommunism.
peace on earth and the
coming world church.
11 1.m. The l!<v. llJchanl J.
Dwllap will prOlch "' "Holy MlllrimooJ In Toc!ay•s World."
Nurlety and churdl school
daaaes " meet durlnc both
hoors. Youth fellowship con-
venes at 8:30 p.m. and the
young adult group 1athers at
1:15 p.m.
"The Wuls and Woes of
Forei,p M.issiONJ" is the title
of the 11 a.m. sermon at Foun.
&al.a Valley Presbyterian
Cburdi, 9420 Talbert. Bible
classes convene al 9:45 Lm.
The family hour, 7:• p.m.,
thii V{eek will be "Music
The Rev. Loren Dale Flick·
inger wiU address the cqn·
gregation of Newport l)nUy
Cburcll on "Complying With
the Inevitable" at 10 a.m. Sun·
day services. The church
moets at Senior Citizens
Building, 15th and Irvine,
Newport Beach.
Pastor Flickinger will lead a
c ommunity "singspiration"
Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.
A special promotion day
service for St. Georce'11
Episcopal Church School will
be held Sunday, 9:30 a.m.
Children, teachers and hosts
of church school classes will
be rea>gnlzed.
"Pentecost Sunday will be
marked at Finl Cbri1tian
Cbllfdl. 235 Legion s t .,
Laguna Beach. The Rev.
Bruce CUshing will preach "A
Glorious Church" during the
10:45 morning worship hour.
A musical ~rt will be
heard at the 7 p.m. service .
A reception tea will be held
for Mr. and Mrs. Pal
McNulty, parents of S t •
Joachim Cburcll's assistant
Pastor Gerard McNulty at
1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Sunday.
Location for the tea will be the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Quakers OK
AFSC Paper
On Viet War
Orange Counly F r I e n d
Meeting Quaker peace and
social order committee has
endorsed an American Friend
Service Committee ''white
paper on ending the war," ac·
cording to David A. Munro.
The ~per, which is primari·
ly a factual report, calls for
immediate unilateral
montb, "Prejudice U.S.A.''I"'.__...., ____ -'
The rmarch waa llnanced by e MATTRISSH e
:: ~:rlth Anti·Defarna-1..---MA-TT_R_E-SS_E_S __
Glock said prejudice Js bot. BOATS~ .i.'!!!""iU
treMtd by t r aditional o.taMe........_c:io.
American belie( that each llM Newport 11m1.
man controls bls own destiny. U'"-8-1303 He iiald th!J»eacb to the, vlew,.__.-'i"'"_rty __ . __ _,
that poor Negroes, for ex·•-
ample, ahnply have made bad • UPHOLSTERY 9
choices lo llfe. 1..----------,
pr'!l:i~k'::.d ~1= Mew Upholstery
to be the p00re&t chur<!igoer, 1 IL-M?ll and lidded, "oom!O<Weeken ..... rty
coosUtute the bult of the most 2JIO NIWPOn 11..n. I
·ll 1 H
act!Ye Quis:tian laity." I"::::::=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=~ Clock said churches must 1;
decide whether lo seek suc-
cess In terms ol building! and
budgets or take moral risk
that could lose them man·
H•.,. • II • , 'y w••k•ll4. ,
St•rt it ~ r••4int ftt• Wilie..
ENDE• In iii• OAll'f lllDT
Sm Ith 1950 Tustin Ave.
Parishioners are invited.
Holding worship services
and chureh school al 10 a.m.,
Comm11alty Coagreptional
O arcb, 611 Heliotrope Ave.,
Corona del Mar, will feature a
sermon by Dr. Philip G. Mur-
ray entitled "Four Anchors."
"The Impact of the Baha'i
Faith on Life in an Indian
Village" wil be discussed by
Or. Alfred Neumann, chief of
the international health pro-
gram in the school of public
health, UCLA. tooight at I
o'ctock: He wlll speak at the
hospitality room of t h e
Allaclena Federal Savings and
Loan Building, 17th Street
near the Newport Freeway.
The free public lecture is
spoosored by the Bab'! Com·
molly of Oruae Couty.
Worship wU be held at 9 and
10:30 a.m. at Central Bible
Church, 23rd Street a n d
Orange Avenue, Costa Mesa.
Pastor Henry Jones will
preach "'l'he Holy Spirit and
,~ missionary to Japan, Don
M~pine will speak at the 7
p.m. service Sunday.
members encouraged to fiU
out membership cards to join
that interdenominational COTTI·
munity organization.
The Bible l~n-sennon {or
all area Cbrlldan Sdence
Claarcbt1 this week will be
"Soul and Body."
Speaking at both 1:30 and 11
a.m. services, the Rev, George
J. Busdiecker, will preach
"Your Lile Is a Fight" at
Newport Harbor Latberu
Chard, 2501 Cliff Dr • ,
Newport Beach. At the 11 a.m.
hour 14 young people or the
church will be conflnned.
Reservations for the father.
son banquet slated for June 5
may be made by calling Gary
Gillette at 545-t710.
Vacation Bible school will be
held June 16 to Junt! 27.
Old World
Spanish Furniture
Items as follows : Gorgeous 8 ft. custom
quilted sofa with separate loose pillows with
heavy oak trim decor and matching chair,
3 matching oak occasional tables, (2) 58''
tall decorator lamps, banging,, chain swag
Rea>gniz.ing the eslabllsh· lamps in wrought iron, an 8 pi~e king size
the O.wab master bedroom suite in pecan panelled The Rev. J, Michael Moot-menr tRelof ·..1!.e ra1~! a.tth Mediterr$1nean style with top quality 15 yr, gomery will preach al 9:30 and 0 l&-S ""~tt of -,
11 a.m. at Calvary Church· of Newport Beach, a special wananty king size mattress & box springs. "--~ service wm be held Suodoy 4 Spanish decor dining set, etc. Laguna oca•l this Sunday. • Whii."lloUi9fill.. ulllr S1 5'i.li ....... Pastor. Dooald Jun .. I Shoup -p.m .•. at tbe Newport BOilch MUST SACllFICI . s"' , .
will pnRQt a special service Ebell Club, 515 W. Balboa 698 00 at the 7 o'clock worship hour. Blvd_ •. .on .iElmer...ll ~G~ord FOi ONLY~al..i..f. •••. _._. •
administrator of the depart· Any PIK. ca. ·a. Pwt••lll l..n,td '1
ment of member diurches of Ttn111 ANflaWe -Ntw 11•n,. c.llf. c.atn1 a.pu11 Cborcli, 7661 the uruied church or Reuruou• ~--~ • .., • .......... ~ Warner Ave., Huntington ,,,..._,, ""ppl'OY 111111wvm.., Science in Los Angeles, w U be
Beach. will hold worship the guest speaker. r I ._ /J . ~ervices Sunday at 11 a.m. and The regular Sunday morning • F it 7 p.m. with Pastor Thomas service, 11 o'clock, will be held .... lll'e
Ray preaching . at the Griffith Chapel of the - - - -
Primary church is heJd,dur-Orange Coast YMCA, 2300 At Harbor Blvd.
lng the morning worship hour University Drive, NeWport , · ·
and regular Sunday school Beach.TheRev.AlbertBurke 1844 New rt~ "'-~ •1 -a. claS.!es meet at 9:45 a.m. will speak on "Memor1ble rypor •YU· '-Vanl rva• -.-
Youth Training Union and Memories.'' E.,..., fllllht 'IQ f -Wtd. s.t. &• S-. "1t1 4t. choir rehearsal are slated for1-.'.::::'.::'..:= _______ ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday 8 p.m.
withdrawal or U.S. troops in Missionary-elect W 1111 a m
Vietnam stating that "the Smallman will be g u es t
U.S. and its allies have speaker Sunday, a p.m. at
nothing to neg~te but the lhmttl,...Valley B •Pl I I t
rate and · manner' of their Foanta.ln Valley.
Taurus: Day Is Stimulating
withdrawal." Sunday services also include
However the authors of the classes, 9:45 a.m.: mom-
paper con~e that after the ing worship, 11 oclock; youth
American pull-out "there will hour~ 5 p.m. Nu~ care is
be suffering and turmoil •.. · provided at a11 services.
' .
Sunday, Mey 25
Recreadon Hint: Mu1lc and
fublon1 provide stfmu1ating
outlet for CJ'!;&dve drive.
Dining in new restaurant this
eveniq tops what should be a
meaiagflll day.
ARJES (March 2l·April 19):
Pleasant day if you are recep-
tive to rriendly overtures. One
associated with you in work,
special project wants to be lik·
ed. Be understanding. But go
no further than lea and sym·
TAURUS (April 20-May 20):
Day is stimulating a n d
creative. S t u d y recreation
hint. You can rediscover loved
one. Include children, young
persons i n entertainment
plans, Let words of spiritual
counselor sink in.
GEMINI (May 21.June 20):
Details need attention. Big
tas ks will take ca re of
themselves. lmPortant to han·
die one thing at ,_ time. Steady
pace beals seMatlonal leaps.
Restrictions come down if you
are persistent .
CANCER (June. 21-July 22 );
Short journey involving viii& to
relative could p r o v't d e
pleasure. You ire acti ve. You
~ ollle to 11'!1 ldeM .. papor.
Accent on how you react to
surprise situation.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Give
special attention to domestic
area. There is talk of v8ca·
Hon, change ol residence.
Money potential is highlighted.
You can add to possessions via
genuine bargain.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 221:
Cycle remains high, but avoid
self-deception. See p e o p·t e,
si tuations in realistic Light.
Being idealistic is fine, but
don't close eyes to facts . Con-
tinue with recent project.
LIBRA (Sept. 23 ·Oct. 22):
Friends aid in unobtrusive
manner. You have more alUes
than might be imagined. What
appears_.now to be a burden
turns to blessing in disguise.
Reaijze this and relax.
SCORPIO (Oct. IS-Nov. 21):
You put finishing touches on
exciting i>lans· -involves
but that whatever happens will
lines ·clear. Catch up on cor-be preferable to going on with "God's Great Guarantee•• Is
respondence". Get in touch with the present agony.P the sermon theme selected by
nne at a distance. Make up for 'Jbe pamphlet, signed by Dr. Charles H. Dierenfield for
previous neglect. Th~ ahead. Gilbert F. White, AF SC 1. 9;30 and II a.m. S~y
AQUARIUS (Jan. 2G-Feb. chairman. and Bronson P. services at St. Andrew's
181 : You are tntrlgued with Clark. executive secretary, Pmbyteriaa Clrarc•, 600 St.
unusual subjects -could calls for the U.S. to "replace a Andrew's Road. N e w po r t
mark start of unique hobby. d ft+r u et t v e American Beach. Thls Sunday is uFISH"
Be versatile, alert. What presence with a constructive membenhlp recruitment Sun-
st.arts as fun may tum lo pr1>-one." day with St. Andre,.., s
fit. Give full play to in-1--------------------1
lellectual curioSity.
PISCES (Feb. 19-Matth 20):
Slick within boundaries orl[(G'J{;
rules, regulations. Don't rockl:lij~I:
boaL Your potential !J great.
But this L!i not a day to discard
convtntions. Your ally is pa-
tience. .
U TNay U Your Birdiday.
you tend to be introspectivt.
You enjoy solving puules. You
are attracted to history,
teaching and writing. A new'"u.
start proves beneficial.
combination of business and lo 111111 w t who'• 1uct.v 1or ,...... '"
pleasure. Accent on fulfillment =¥~'.~,":"=~:-1Zi,:1:;~a
of, tiapes, wishes. 10 om1rr Aslra!Dn Sla.ia. 11111 oAILYI ... ~"' SAGI'M'ARIUS (Nov. 22-P•Lor. eox :12.io. G••M '"'"'"' si .. Dec. 21 ): Accept challenge.1------------------------------
Exude air of confidence. Don't
back ,down from principles .
Stand tall. One in authority
expttsses admiratioo. Ex-
cellent for entertaining boss at
CAPRICORN 10.C. n.Jan.
19): Keep communication
flemoriol )larlt
-· NOVod -'*"' .....
U MONTHS TO JIAY ...... ..,...~
See the Mobil
"Culhlon", "Wide"
a"d "Premier"
line of !Ires.
The Sou1h/,m,r1 Most &mi/Ill
Mn11oritJs s1370 ----·· "TIRE·IFFIC"
-~~ITREES°"~:!o~ ..._ ......... ~:
........ ,.. .......... .....
SETOF·4-.... ~
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Y• • ........... ., ....... 1 lot ..... ., ..
.,... .1111' I Ill at• ..... ilywPadlicRl~111a11ir
Auts1': .. e:ll 'I 1••1Ja.nlr11dfsltll•.._•,...._ -neq aD•r ..... eveq d!f It Ula
~ar PaolBc Aclcloaat-
nea lor J!l!: •• dq.
"' I Iii. p I llA11 1 .II I I I I.., ... ,, • ..,
l•rlDll ••a ;a._ • Miill ntll.
111111111,..111 u•ll11Uilll'• ... 1111r.,.a.1111tur ..... ........... ., .. ..
• f;OJDmeni Page ' . ' I
Pieces, Parts Are Fitting Together
From a l'Uroey taken by the Famfty
Economics Bureau of the Northwest,.
ern Nationol Life Insurance Co.
U you ever feel there aren't many
•1rea1" people lelt anymore, yoU might be
closer to the truth than you reali1.c.
"Real" people, physiCally speaking,
may, within the lifetimes of most of us,
be no more numerous than "synthetic"
The age of the cyborg -half man, half
machine -seems to be approaching.
Already with us are people made of
metal elbows, finger and knee joinls; or
metal ppper anns, knee plates and tibias,
metal cranium plates; silicone tracbeas
or tendons; or plastic heart valves and
WITHIN 3t YEAM, says ape renowne:d
Herman Kahn, director of the Hudlon
Institute "lhlnk tank,' people who would
die today will live wjth artificial lunp.
Physician-enginetrs wUI flt their patients
with mechaniZed artificial limbs as
versatile as natural anns, legs and hands
and electronic substitutes for all the
&enses, including sight and touch.
By 191>, says Kahn. failing heart! will
be replaced by completely artificial
hearts made of silicone or natural rubber
with a syntiletic valve system. CartoonistS surely will be Pictwing the
"operating room of·the future": a physi·
cian, bent over a spread-eagled patient,
and a rack labeled "Spare Parts" in the
background. The physician will be calling
for "heart ••• lung ••• artery ••• knee."
The aging process actually is, to a
large degree, a "wearing out" process,
doctors say; so the 0 spare parts''
metaphor I!' an ac_curale one, though it
equates ~ple with used cars.
Replacement of worn parts almost cer·
tainly will prolong life. Says Kahn: "The
person may already be born who will live
for several hundred years." (Would you
believe UiO?)
"Synthetic people" are here today, the
Northwestern National Life survey show·
ed. They walk the streets with their fake
shapes, hair, teeth ••• and tnuscles, and
even fake facial features. They are crea·
tions of their own vanity.
SlXTY·FlVE PERCENT of American
women wear "foundation·gannenls" and
15 percent of the men wear girdles to
make it appear to others that they are
something they aren't. .
Nowadays women qiange hair almost
aS often as dresses. They have even
begun to wear mustaches, a.$ Vima Llsi
_ do:es in a . current movie •. Men wear.
touptts to renore tl1e lost appearance of
vigor and hair in the form or sideburns,
beards and mustaches -and even chest
hair. The hair business grosses more
than $500 million a year in sales.
Changing people's faces by plastic
surgery is big business too. Dr. Benito
Rush. a plastic surgeon. recently
reported a great demand by women for
"sexy dimples." Men want the "Kirk
Douglas cleft" in their chins, says Dr.
Rush. ·women go to pla&tie surgeohs to
havl'! their noses bobbed , their faces lilt·
eel and their skins peeled.
ifonroe was wmoticed unW a plastic
;·.-----Our Malt i1t -Salt Francisco ------.,
From the H-ashes
SAN FRANCISCO -A very rich
-•ancl..g\OileJ•l!Q' IJ<jy iLq11i_elly_buyjng
·up chunks of property in the Hasbbury
(under her maiden name) on the as-
·sumption that when the last hippie is
gone, the sectioµ will blossom intn
another Union Street. •. Union, by the
way, is rapidly becoming loo suc-
cessful for its own good. Going plasli-
que at a great rate. Polk.6lrasse is still
, largely unstll.eonscious, but it could
be doomed, too.
I journalis1s, sponsored by the World :Preas Jnst.itut.e, descended on S.F.
with one burning request: they wanted
•• "clandesline" interview w Ith
JEkkidge Cleaver, and promised to
(safeguanl" his hiding ploco. HOJ'
1nalve cin youse get? I
1 lGNA'nUS LVNCR. a retired I.disabled p:iliceman who now works as
.a Janitof ai Golden Gate Fields, round
la moneybag there conlaininfJ ts500 in
1 smaD bibs -and immediately turned
lt ht. The. mutuel clerks, who would
bow beeri stuck, chipped in a $50 mr.-d. Swell? • R. Halperin, me vtco-pres. of
Raychem Corp.. lo fluffy blonde wUe
ol new • ...,, "Well, bow do you like
being" a «rpor&Uon wite!" Wife: "I
don't !mow ,.t -I have not been lo
bed witb enough mtmbcrs of tbe cor· ", "fjihl!on.. -
r 1"RE t't.JRR.INT headlines remind
!lln. l4lile c. 8111WJ> ol llttkeley lllal ~ upotar11 have lone been a pr-. al P'air llarurcl. Quota:
·~ II tbt wearing o( Long
Haft afttt tbe maoner of uncouth
r]llllw and Barbariano bas begun lo
7 -!Iii CO\llllry, eon1nry-14 God's : * ...... and to tilt l"Ottal curtorn or
.-people, we magtprat.ea do declart
mr Mill! again.st the wvhic of such
... ...,. as • thine uodvU ind ,,,,. -.,, .....,,by nfm do deform f6 • .._ and do offend lood men
I , I
and corrupt good manners." The
foregoing, accdg. to I.he Harvard
Alumni Bulletin, appeared in· the Stu·
in 1649 -apparently one of the more
uptight years of recent history.
CAENFETII : Give us thjs day, our-,
foolish filler (from the Chicago Trlb):
''The White House did not have ·a
bathtub until 1891 ." H a 1-f -s a f e
Presidenls are nothing new?
BOW THE WEST was won on Taylor
St. betwttn Post and Sutter, witnessed
by Frank Whitaker the other af·
ternoon: As a black car started to
back into a parking place, a white car
t!riven by 8 sailor nosed in behind it.
Neither car would budge - a real
Mexican standoff. For 35 minutes,
they remained in thal position -one
car nosed in, one car nosed out -as
both drivers calmly sat behind their
wheels. At last the car parked behind
the sailor moved out. whereupon he
backed In and emerged with a
revolver, which he twirled on a finger
In the manner of JoiJn Wayne. Tbe
other driver glanced at the gun and
went rl.ght on reading his paper (this
bu to be quite a cool customer).
Finally, the sailor pocketed bis gun
and 1tro0ed oU ••• "A cop on a thn!e--
wheeltr came by a couple of times
while all this wu going on, .. reports
Whitaker, "but I guess he didn't want to get involved." -
ADD INSIDEMS• Wby wasn't Ron·
nie JVo.apn In Clltll\tl Valley lo
'ckdk:ate the Jame.burg Earth Station,
California termlo1I for the Com·
murrleaUons Satellite Network! Well.
his stafr turned down the lnvllaUon
with one. rhetorical questJoo : "How
many votm are thtrt in James.
burlt" Answtt: Only 3 handful. but
1lnce tbe !arth StaUon.s are owned by
COMSAT and link lhe U.S. to 8 na~
lions, RollUie 's absence at the dedlca·
lion lifted' tytibrow1 In nverat ~
surgeon shortened and shaped her chin.
Many of the perfect rows of white teeth
visible 1n broad smiles are removable.
Dentures·or bridges are wom by 50,8 per-
Ci!Dt of the women of America, and 47 .2
percent of the men. Within the next
decade, say dental researchers, plastic
teeth will be inserted iflto sockets
minutes after original teeth have been
There are no statistics let tell the
number of make-believe he-men in
America -men who wear strap-on
muscles or heavily-padded coats, but the
number is surprisingly large. Most men
know other men who seem to shri_vel ill
the shower room.
Beside the future of synthetic man,
however, the present is the i:iabbling of a
The cyborg man of the future, having
worn out'the heart be was born with, will
be powered by a synlhetic heart run by
an engine that will be fueled by a
miniature nuclear furnace. ·
which the Atomic Energy Commission
participated has resulted in developmenl
of a nuclear pov.•er plant that consists of
a minute amount of the radioisotope
Plutoniiim-238. The radioisotope would
power a tiny "engine" for a lifetime
(current average length) while emitting
no more radiation than the radium on a
wristwatch dial.
It is to be .hoped that patients will not
begin quoting Macbeth who s8id, in
Shakespeare's play, "I wOuld not have ·
such a heart in my bosom for the dignity
of the whole body."
New tn~ of operating artificial limbs
are even · more exoUc, if .that's con·
ceivable. Three different systems begin
re:Jpecllvely, with a tiny "radio station''
embedded in aetive muscle tissue, elec·
trlc cudent produced when a muScle con-
tracts.. and signals from the brain. The
restilt In eacll case is limb movement
starUlngly similar in its complexity and
sophistication to natural limbs. An
artificial leg with nonnal walking opera-
tion programmed into the leg mechanism
is conceivable, scienUsts say.
IN ONE OF TllK artificial limb
systems, thought impulsl!S from the brain
are transmitted, through electrodes plac·
ed on muscles. to a miniature computer
In the active muscle tissue. The computer
~mplifies ~ f~eds impulses to a tiny
motor within the artificial limb. A person
simply . will think about picking up a
spoon-and his artificial ann wlll obey.
A human being in the synthetic race or
the future, it appears, will be capable of
losing his lungs, kidneys and heart to
disease and will still survive, a cyborg.
Here are more of the "spare parts'' that
ure aVailable now or are eiq>ected to be
--Kidneys. De.velopment of an
artificial kidney will' be one of the first
projects or a medical-engineering
laboratory. recently established at
Columbia UnJversily. New York.
-Arteries and heart \'&Ives. Thou-
sands or Americans already are wear-
ing arteries that are knit. tubing made
of Dacron. Today surgeons are sewing in-
lo their patients' hearts leaflet·type
valves made of soft silicone rubber
around a mesh of tough polypropylene,
all impregnated with Heparin, a drug
that reduces clotting.
-Corneas a11d coatact lenses. A new
material, Ideal for manufacfurlng eye
corneas and contact tenses because i~ Is
"non-reactive" to tissue. was announced
<it a ,recent meeting or the American
Oltmlcat Society. Contact lenses made or
the material would not cause eyes to
water and would need to be removed ror
cleaning only three or rour times a year.
-Silicone nose and ear cartilages, tbla
1llleofte enr drum~. and plasUc Coniails,
ail available today.
But the human brain never wiU be
duplicated, medical ICientisU agree. For
that we should be grateful. Our brain
may be our only superiority over the
computerized robot, that aim~& cer·
talnly wlll be the culmination or the cur·
r<nt dcdlcaUon lo duplicallon o l
anatomical parts,
I •
Schools Lc)sing
. '
Chan~e \
' r
• -I ! j -:'t
They're Not ·Using Availab"le Techniques
Copyright 1969, Notional
League of Cities
Many or us consider education a
backward industry.
It spends least for research, develop-
ment, and evaluation of its own processes
-onJy a small fraction of 1 percent.
It lacks any .effective agency for get-
ting schools to know nod use what little
research it does. (This iJ a job the
schools of education shou1d be doing but
an!: not.)
lts standards of professional Com·
pensalion, both starting 'pay and top
salary, are the lowest and its professional
turnover is the tughest, with one-third ot
the teaching force dropping out every
five years.
It lacks any accepted and reliable
evaluation technique by which to judge
the scope and quality of its service.
IT SPENDS ONLY 3.3 percent of its
budgets fOr all instructional materials,
equlpment, and supplies -compared
with more than 60 percent for salari~.
It lacks any orderly pattern for ef·
fective cooperation among s c h o o I
districts, state school o r f i c e s ,
universities, and the federal funding
Public school budgets have 5oared
from 'lZ billion in 1957 to $28 billion in
1968, ma_\cing education by far the big-
gest charge on local government. And
now the U.S. ·Education Office says this cos< wi)J climb 37 percent higher by 1975.
Taxpayers have shown g r11 w i n g
resistance to rising education costs by
blindly voting down a third of the school
bonds put on the ballot in 1966·67.
We recognize the need for more rather
than less individual contact between
teacher and pupil, including particularly
the need for more sma ll-'group
discussions. But many teaching functions
can be performed just as well wllh
much larger groups than the present 26
average; in some advanced schools the
basic instructional unit has been in-
creased to 90 or even 120 students and the
cerUfied-teacher ratio increased as high
as 50 to 1, with staff 'dollars redeployed to
employ assistants and buy better
teaching equipment, and permit higher
pay for top teachers.
INSTEAD OF expecting all teachers to
be all things to all pupiJs and paying all
teachers more or less ali,ke, we think it is
high time to recoghlze the great diversity
of teaching talent and qualification by
putting ins·truction on a team basis and
·introducirlg such categories as master
teacher, teacher, assistant teacher, in-
tern, and media technician, with dif·
ferential and incentive pay for each
gradation. We deplore today 's simple
standardization of teacher classification,
certification, and pay scales, with
teacher salaries baaed mostly on senlori·
ty and the aCcumulaUon of college
Obviously any such educational relonn
as this is far beyond the means or the
capaciUes of any iingle city or school
district. It can be achieved only under the
leadership or the state and'federal educa-
tion offices working together.
With ten times as many boys and' girls
io high school and twenty times as many
in colleges, we are trying to mass pro-
duce a cultured and educated citizenry
without taking anything like full ad·
vantage of the revolutionary new audio
visual and -electronic teaching aids thut
are now available.
FOR SOME STUDIES -like language
and mathematics -the more expensive
of these inventions make it possible to
ptit mass education, not. on a mass pro-
duction basis, but paradoxically on a
much better individualized basis by let-
ting each student absorb the lesson at a
pace he c<1n set to fit his own capacity to
learn, instead of forcing him to the faster
or slower average learning rate of the
other 25 pupils in the class.
P11t Napoleon on Scree11-
Let Bhn Tell Bis Stor11
For other subjects Hke history,
geography, physiology, 11 t e r a t u r e ,
science, and art, other and less costly
equipment offers three great new ad·
vantages: (I ) they make it passible 'to
bring great teachers right into the room
on audio-visual tape or film to help the
class teacher; (2) they make it possible
for these great teachers to reach and
teach millions instead of dozens of pupils ;
and (3) they give all teachers a never·
before-possible means to make their sub-
ject doubly interesting by bringing it to
life before their pupils' eyes and ears.
For example:
Shakespeare and Hamlet they could bring
Hamlet on stage in every classroom. In
telling them about Napoleon tbey could
le't \he class watch Napoleon in triumph
at Austerlitz and in frozen retreat from
Moscow. In telling Ulem about .~e st.1!_rs
they cou1d bring the Palomar Telescope
right into the classroom to let the cla ss
s~e the galaxies in all their splendor. ln
telling the class about the human heart
they could take their pupils into the
operating amphitheatre to watch Dr.
DeBakey make a living transplant.
Children have been quick to accept the
new sight·and-sound medium. Every boy
and girl, white and black, spends every
spare minute in rapt silence before TV -
far more time than they willingly devote
to yesterday~s written-word medium..'.
Another question a review. of education :
waste might well consider is how much
longer we should make grade school
teachers waste a quarter o( their time
teaching and make grade school puplls
waste a quarter or their study Ume
deciphering and memorizing the r;iyri.ad
absurdities of Dr. Samuel Johnson s still·
almost-uncflrrected 18th Century ideas of •
how English should be spelled. These are
just a few such spelling absurdities:
\Vas rhymes with buzz, but
not with as or ha.s
Love rhymes with of, but not
with move or drovt -
To rhymes with you, due,
few , woo. thro uglL and
queue, but not with go or
Dear rllymes with here, pier,
weir, and queer, but not
with bear
\Vhy should we make our boys and girls
learn to spell some words the Norlh or
England way, some tht1 South of England
way, some the French way, some the
German way, some the Greek way, some
the Spanish way, and a few a New
American way? Why must they learn to
write "write" with a "w" we havea't
spo_ken since Anglo-Saxon times and
"right" with a "gh" we slopped gargling
many centuries ago? ,
' CHILDREN OF illiterate It a Ii a.n
peasants learn to read in two years, and
children ill Italy, Spain, and Germany
don't have to study spelling at all,
because almost all their words are spell-
ed just as they are spoken.
But in America children rrom cultured
fa1nilies must still struggle with spelling
in sixth grade; many college graduates
still can't spell; and millions of dropouts
in the slums quit school because they still
find English reading too hard in the 10th
and 11th grades.
Since World War II Japa n has made Its
language easy to read and write by
switching rrom pictograms to phonetics,
thereby leaving English and Chinese the
only major languages with thousands of
common words written with pictograms
that have little to do with how the word is
So we think it is high time educators
got together io_dQ SQ..metbij)g_3hout_ the •
obvious answer to "Why Can't Johnny
Johnny can't read because English
(which may well be th,e world's easiest
language to speak) is the world 's hardest
language to rtad and write, and our
schools are wasting billions of dolta~ a
year teaching a reading and spelling
anachronism t h a t should have been
modernized and rationalized 150 years
ago when Noah Webster sought in vain to
do it.
Why Do Kids-· Sniff Glue?
Health Alagazine
In the short period of seven years a
highly dangerous habit has become the
vogue among children ranging in age
from· seven to 17. The practice of glue.
sniffing, almost unheard of before 1960, is
npw so prevalent in port.ions of the United
St.ates that there appears to be reason for
In one . Utah town aulhorities report
that virtually all of the boys and a
number or girls .are habituated to g)ue·
!Sniffing. Teachers are di:scovering sleepy1 dreamy-eyed children Jn their clas.ses
who are unable to concentrate on
schoolwork. Mothers have been surprised
to find piles of glue-smeared r'ags and
empty cement tubes in their children's
rooms. Juvenile authorities have had
glue-sniffers brought to their attention ·
because or their resemblance to acute
JUST EXACTLY wllat is glue-snif[ing?'
It is the practice of inhaling the fumes of
p~lic cements to induce sensations of
euphoria and exhilaration. The most
common method used to inhale cement
vapors is to e)(pel the glue from the tube
into a rag. handkerchief, gauze. or old
sock, and then hold it up to the nose and
mouth. This Inhaling is conlinuM until
the child reaches the desired slate of
sensation, or until all of the vapors have
evaporated. Olller methods. although not
as common, are also used. These include
squeezing the ghre into a pan and heating
it~ Heating causes more rapid and con~
centrate<I vaporization of the cenient •
The materials used ln this perilous
practice are round in almost every
drugstore, in variet.y stores. markets. and
hobby shops. The substance Is called
plasuc cement or airplane glue ..
THERE ARE a number'or reasons why
a chlld may begin such a habtt as glue..
,.,Uflng. T h e first experience m a y be
purely an accident. In work1ng with a
model alrptane, a boy may btamlc in·
terested in the unusual odor of cemf!nt
vapon;. If he is ln a room with poor ven-.
t.Uatioo, he may experience come of the
first stnSatlons of euphor!a or txtreme
well-being. In other cases his curloslt.y or
dari11g may lead to his rirst attempt to
tnhale the rumes. From the first ex·
pcritnce, the child mtcy find the need for
tbt stimulant so strong that he does oot
wlsb to a:in: It up.
A child wltb ,.,.,. psychological pro-
blems may find it easy to become
habituated to glue-sniffing.
One pertinent reason why some
children start the habit is the pressure or
salesmanship from other boys already on
the practice. In order to "belong,.. he
may con(orm to the group even though he
has no real desire to practice glue--snif·
GLUE SOLVENTS are not believed to
be addictive. TtJat is, they are not
·physically necessary to the ~y once
they are introduced, as are opium or barbiturates~ They are, h o w e v e r ,
habituating or necessary to the .J>syches
of many children. A great number of the
Children who are treated for thls habit
state that they are perfectly willing to
give it up if a satisfactory substitUte can
be givep to them. This habit can be so
strong that th.ey 'Will steal the material or
fight over it, sometimes leading to their
The sensations these children find so
pleasant range from a state ol mild in-
toxication to complete disorielitation and
even unconsciousness. The child may
begin to act drunk, be unable to
coordinate his body movements, and ex·
hibit slurred speech. During this s\age he
may experience tinnitus (ringing of bells,
or the howling of sirens). This stage may
last as long as forty minutes. He then
may become drowsy, stuporous, or go in·
to a coma for an hour or longer: _,
IN ONE CASE a boy reported, lhat he
"felt very Light, like floating in the
breeze. I saw two of everything and
everyth.lng far away looked real near. J
had ringing in my ears like a firecracker
going off near me. then I blacked out."
Another boy staled that even though he
WM ''high'' from glue, his actions were
at all times normal. Later, however, his
companions reported \hat he had stag-
gt red and acted "funny."
There are several unpleasant side ef.
rects to the habit of glue-sni£fing. n)C
user maiy develoP a disagreeable odor to
his breath. He may have excessive oru\
secretions that result front irritation to
the m1JCOU11 membranes. Nausea n1'1Y
plague the chronic U!ier alon' with weight
loss, irritability. and inattentlventss.
CIULDR&N WHO BEGIN t h e h•bir,
especially &hole with emoUonal problems,
m•y progress to othtr habit& such as
alcohol. marijuana, addkthlg drugs, and
hallucinogenic: agents, Many childretl •ho
find it ...,....,,. lo steal to support thJs
habit will start life patterns that 1 hey
may nOt be able to break.
Since the practice is so new, very little
is yet known about possible damage to
organ systems. However, there is much
speculation that the danger in prolonged
usage may be great. A number of deaths
have been attributed to the practice.
There is belief that the toxic effects uf
the solvents used in cerµents may cause
damage to kidneys, !iVf!, and perhaps _
brain tissue. Jt Will take. many years to
find conclusive evidence in. thls regard,
but in the meantime many youngsters
are being e:tposed to these potentiaJ
WHAT CAN BE DONE to discourage.
this practice among children? To begin •
with, there is a need for closer
superviSion of the child's habits, notice ol 'l
how he spends his money, and an.!
awareness of the. symptoms by both ~
parents and teachers. AcUviUes should be •
stressed that will take the child Qqt of the
gang which might have a detrimental in-of'.
fluence. A child should be watched'°When •
he is jnvc>Jved in a' hribby requiring glue, '
and' adequate ventilat1on shi>uid-~ia--:.-
slsted upon.
A-1anufacturers of plastic cements and
other prod\Jcts eetntaining toxic Solvents
may be able to find substitute substances
that will not have the toxic effect that is
present now. It has been sugge$ted' tha\ •
manufacturers add very unpleasant
smelling substances Or ooe that Will
cause extreme nausea after prolonged in·
The Sou ther n Califo rnia
Pha:rmaceut.lcal Assooiation has already
asked all of iLs members to keep c:~ts
off the counter where they cannot be
---1--· •
Sa.turday, May 2(, 1969
The Comment Page of the
Daily PUol seeks to inform
and stJmulate readers by
presenting a variety of com-
mentary on topics of lnttr·
est. and significance from inform-ed observers a a d
·-H. WMd, ruWlsllor
Quesfion1 ·
•nd .
I ' Realtor
Randall McCardle
Beach· Center Slated
Arcliitect W riglit Designing Project
S.t~. MoY 24, 1'169
Mess Hall
Described ·
OAIL Y I'll.OT 1
MOTtc.• Ofl lutil: 'l'UllN'D
1'-''"""' u,c.c.1 "'-11«-" ...... .._ " .. , ...... "' DOlllO'nn' .WT1'E• C>"1I 'TMf ~ ,y 'l..A(I, T,...,._., _... ........
..,.. " ,,,. E. CMll """-· , __ Ml MM, ,_.., _, Or-. Stflot "'
C.llfo(M...-.: • ti.lk tt...-II . ...., R .,...... to • HAll!L $l.UY1'1•1
\'ENILllf Mt:OltO'lllCY, 'n"~
""-llW-..,,.... la 1•1 All._..
The son ol Frank. Uoyd wlUch handled the sale of the Lria11gular·shaped pteee o( pro-The $800,000 mesa haJI at the ~~tfl!:1"' c_."' « ~ . .,. .. .,
Wright ls now de si gn i ~ g proP'rtY and b: the ~1·. ~· All' four aldts of the \J 8 Marl r.-Air r ·1:. ™ -"" 1t • .,~ " ......, service staUons in Huntington ••ent I d'···-that ... ' . ne """'I"' ICJ,,.y.,. .mt It C0111t Hlvl!W•r· ,.,_ ... -. • n ~ w pu-·din"" ~n •-ve lro·•·ge I Santa •--•--~--"'' '-• " .,,_ "'" " Beach. ~ cent of the total noor space •-.. ~ ·~ . 1-. 11 lUMI i. ne .. .,. com· c.11.;...,... ' .,
Architect Lloyd W r l g h t , has been leased' prior to con· facadea, and lbe servu:e units plellon, it wu noted this !ietk •• ~~. :-.:::'::' .,.i:.o.";:.:e'.., ':..:::.~
noted for his design ()f strucUon. Silfewa,y St '1r es will be surrounded by reflec-by Robert_ M. 'lbomu, pr,'CSi· :=..,. toOd" wr~~':! ~";;-~·~c":"'";;: .
·Waylarer's Chapel ln Palos lnc.., .and Thrifty Drug st.ort'S tion pools and p I anted dent of Thom.u-Richardson: ._..., 1r mt 11• c.-• H'911wn, '41'111•
Ver<:le.s and the Hollywood will occupy a total of 41,000 parkways. Parking areas will Associates, architect on the ti~. '°""'"' ot Or_., •'-1• af
Bowl, bas designed a unique square feet. Other 'tenants in· be located on a temk:ircular project. .,~ 1111• '''"""' w111 • _.._........
, shoppi.Dg center wtuch will be elude Baskin-Robbins -31 maU a~ the rear of the ctnter To be completed in June, the:;',-:_·~~ 't:::Z ~ .. "~'d;;.
D • d cooslrucled oo the northwest Flavon, Stanton Sales and as well' as It the front aide. 2 500 .., .,, 0r-"'"' .i C.Ufwnla. laJDOfi corner of Springdale and 11.M .S. Cod, flsh and chips. Bicb lot coostrUction will be ~ill hi~~:le~':' a~n::::t~ 11ut5t.!: ~..: ::.1:.":'"i::· ·~
1 rac:ently purcna1ed a new tract home north of here. Warner streets. AtlanUc Rlchfield Co. will let this month, with com· areas, l>lus kitchen and baking!;"!~~': ::,..";'9' .,..,. 1t11 •1•
'1n't there 1ome kind of Important information I am Called West Fair Shopping construct a service station, 'J)letlon schedu)ed for late 1969. facilities to provide 8 com-o.••: """'n. '""·
1uppo1ed to receive concerning th. tract from the 1tate B o Center. it will be constructed also <kslgned by Wright, on a Handling the sale and leasing plete menu for 1,730 enJist.ed ~,::i:":~r
" Celifornla? When should I receive this Information? ar pens on a six·acre site and have a half-acre site at the apex of lrlll$aetiOIU ror c 0 Id we 11 • men. Thomas noted that a Publl~:;..r:-. COid 0.11¥ Pl..:i
0 . 0 . Huntington Beach a total floor space of 67,000 the lbopplog center. Banker's South Bl.y office are special feature Is a separate ~r 1" ittt , 101
."."ou shout~ always receive a copy of the final sub-N H sq~fd fljt. Bank West Fah' Is symmetrically Del D. Stanton and stanley E. "flight galJey" which provi~s LEGAL NOTICE
l1vtsion p~bl.1c report whep buying a home or lot in a ew omes _ we ' er & Co., designed to fully develop the Jewtll. packaged meals for night lioe1----------·t
!lew subdivs1on personnel. NOTtc1 TO c•IOfTOI:•
Th al th d I t · O! 1uP•111ot. couaT °" TM• e s esman on e eve opmen is required by law N contemporary design. the sT.a.T• o• cali•o.M1.t. ..o•
lo give you a copy of this document. You must have~n A 1,400-acre expanse of N ld -M CdM G single-noor. concrete and stee.J TH• toi:,:TY~O:.Oll.t."• _ ~ppo~unity. to read and approve it before you make a Wooded foothills and gi'assy 0 ew anager ' roup building features pre· Ca St £1i.1e ti bLAOVs e. lt'EUI., o-t ....
mepos1t or sign any contract to purchase. This vital data meadows that has remalned a decorative exterior panels itnd i.:0:,~"'~ i:,t, ';:" !~~ .. ': ~oncerning the project is compiled by the California secluded horse and cattle Of Mesa RE Offi'ce Now Headed . largeexpanseso(glassatdin·lllfuldd1h1lnlhl1~f//f1MC Department of Real Estate. ranch iri the eastern San lng areas. :'! ::: ~~~i:'~°:i'W: ~·;i~_. , h Gabriel Valley since the year 1------------lsvm ....... Cll(l11111" «orkll'l111."" s.it Here 11omet Ing you might like to use sometime. It's 1••• hll th all , l LEGAL NOTICE S.tlr>t s"'"'· S1Jti. 100, !ft ..,. cttv of~
• copy of a letter GEORGE WASHINGTON wrote to his t;:;; ~k=ledet; l.2e~~1J:~:~ Forest E. Olson, Inc. has By woman "~:-~11o:"i!. .C:13·..1l::. '-:r~
stepson about the vlue of land. Although the letter is its p'review opening t 0 promoted Robert \V. Nold to ct1tTt"ica;~01: •usiMrss ~·~1:1•1n ~ ""Z:.,..-.;f:W aearly 200 years old, it is still very timely. homesite buyers this weekend. b h . P1CT1T1ous N.t.Ma necesury YOUCl'lt"" "'lid • niw •
D ranc manager of the firm's For lhe hrst time •In Its 12 T11s u"""""" ~ <•rtlf'r r.e •• con-•-tld •• 1fa..-Jd, -1t11111 .... 1 • K. Corona del Ma r The Country in Diamond Costa Mesa residential sales years of existenCe the Corona ductln• • 1:1111n1u1 •' 1en Whllti.r. cost1o '"°"""' •lt1r ,,. ""1 t111blltlt1011 ., 1111
October 12 1778 . Meq, C1t1torn11. und•t ... fldlllous flt"' notlu. • Bar, a private, guard-gated office al 2299 Harbor Highlands Property Owners'"""' &r POrtT10N PACK Foocs co.,,.. Dated AHH '· lNt. A moment's reflection must convince you of two residential community, will Boulevard al'1'nl'di t Association Is headed by a 111e1 Mid n,,,, 1t ~ of thf 1011ow-Marr rt, 1t11t1r
things; first, that lands are of permanent value; that combine 1,000 fully improved Forest E. 'otson:'P~es~:ent. o woman !7'~":~~ ~i:ti:.rn hilt""' •lk• ::uldtr::'.c-:O,":, w111 •
there is scarcely a possibility of their falling in price. estat .. si'ze ~mesi'tes with ex-p · 1 h' · l t · . WALTErt. M.. T•L1ErtT. u1 Conte• TlltrH. s11111•1111• cw""'••'""°"'"
b ,..., r1or o 1s appom men fi.1rs. Betty Gebhard pres1-s1, cos11 Mn.1 011evtt1 s.n .. 11 .. 111111 111
ut almost a moral certainty of their rising exceedingly tensive equestrian and recrea-Nold was sales representative dent and owner of LA Type. D~'9d ,::~uM it;!lllm' ~:.!:;:-:.<•If. :!1
1n value. And secondly, that our paper currency is flue-tional facilities. at the finn's East Anaheim of-founders Co., 440 De, Sola Ter-STAT!! OF ca.Lll'OINIA I Pl,lb41:!d'Nr c " r
luating, that it has depreciated considerable, and that The Country In Diamond fice. Before entering the real race, sue~ ~ i 11 i 1 l'!1 c:,N,:r ~. ?,::,N~ore ,,,., ~ ::«.,..,. ~., l'I. 11, 2.._ ~1,.,aa 0 •11" ~
DO human· foresight can, with precision, tell how low it Bar, which is the valley's first estate profession in 1966 he Kloeckner , a three-time presi-•uo11c 111 .,.. i. ••lei s11te, ---.ii~ LEGAL NOTICE
Jlay get, as the rise or fall of it depends upon con· private estate community, is worked in off-shore oil ex-dent •-•·"' Walhlr M. Talbert kMwn 10 · ,,,. NI bt the Ptrson ""'-llfl'llll! l1j------------tingencieS which the utmost stretch of human sagacity now under construction as a ploration. Don O. Bolton, head of the lublc:•fbed 1o 111e w1r111 .. 11111ru1"11V1t •lld P..nns
tan neither foresee nor prevent •. , • multi-million dollar project of Nold hoJA"' a degree in in-Newport Floor Covering Co ., ~';'.~td''~~·JrKUtot11 '"" •-: c1:11T1.,1caTt. °" c:01tPO•AT1011 PO•
T · De I t d · I ':!< · f th .... TrtAMS.t.CTl<l'ol oft ausffll•ss UMDI• By parting from your lands, you give a certainty for ransamer1ca ve opmen ustr1a en.,.neer1ng rom e will serve as vice.president. M.,., K. """ l'ICTITtous MAM•
rtaint b 't · t th · I · ·1 Company, a whooly owned University of Southern Bru-p tte-· hos "'°''" P111111c-e111tor111• T~E UNDEllSIGNEO co11:..orta.T10M In unce y, ecause 1 1s no e norruna pnce -1 """ a • .,.,,n was c en 11r111e1"1 Ot11« 111 doe• 11sr.bJ' artirr "''' 11 .. Clllduetln• !s not ten, fifteen, or. twenty pounds an acre _ but the subsidiary of Tr ansamerica California, and a marine as secretary-treasurer at the o •• ,., eo..n,... • 111111"'" 1oe111d " DD w .. 1 c.out
C ti Pro ......ti . . d f th I b . nd d' Mr c ........ 1111o11 Eulres Hlllllw1r NnPOtt Blldl C1Ulor11!1 .,..... ~eiative value of this sum to specie, or something of or po r a on. st"" ..... ve eng1neer1ng egree rom e annua us.iness a inner Nov. 2~. 1tn °"' 111e 'tk•l11otn nrm .,._ ., ~ •. ,
substantial worth, that is to constitute a good price. • • buyers are being offered fully-University of Michigan. He !!'_~ttrying Cat1 . ..1.the Irvine Coast Pub111.,... 0rir111~f:11 o..i11o Pilot_, li~~E:N~1..111 1:,;·i:.::1,:-;.,~!
rhe advice I give is that you do not convert the lands improved homesites ranging has served in the Air Force as ...uu~ 1n1. 11. 2~. n ,,.. Jun• J, '"' "1,. illoft. WhDM llfinelPll ,llcil of tMl!wq, •~, from one-half acre to five a bombardler, and in the Directors are Mrs. Jane 11 1o11aw1: vou now hold into cash faster than ••• a certain pro-1 . l 1. l Coast Guard as assi·stant Coon Mrs Irene Fri d LEGAL NOTICE COl'l'tf)r11n111cs-11111u11"'"1a 1 .. ttt'tll-1pect of vesting it in other lands more convenient re-acres a prices s ar ing a PROMOTED ' · en • tlon11. •nc .. Jll3 weai CNll Hllnwa,, . f $9,990 with 5 percent down engineer. He ls a lieutenant Elmer Gobrueggc, William LIGAL NOTICI! NNiPOl'I 8e1cn, Callfarn1"•, , """ lulres 0 You ' h US C Ki k J S 'th d WITNESS Ill hind It'll• 5 are .... T .. · · payment. Robert W. Nold commander 1n t e . . oast oec ner. ra m1 an Nl!w,011T·M•s.t. uN1i=1r:o '"'· !..:,,
This will, in effect, exchange land for land, for it is a With its guarded entrance------------Guard Rese rve. Elden Wilson. !~':c'!°~n ... fi\:!'•~~~ tCo•P<l••te ~~·~~" L•,,.
matter of moonshine to you, considered in that point of located at the intersection of NOTICE 11 HErtEeY Give~ 111.1 the Pre1ic11ni
riew simply, how much the money depreciates, if you Diamond Bar Boulevard and ~:;1!dof~,<~[::',1~ :'o:!.~2=~ :;:::.,ih,0~!;.'::' Smit"
:an discharge one point with another, and get land of Shadow canyon Road. just R h R • H c1111orn1•. wm l'Ktlv• M11ec1 btds ,,,. 10 sTa.Te OF ca.LIFOrtN•A 1
•.qualvalueto thatyou se.11. hf h Po F anc 0 eaping arvest 11 :00A.M.l'll""'l•d d~~ ... Jun~.1'H9 •1couNTY OF OrtANGE )SS. !'q . soul o t e mona reeway, 111e ot!lce or a.Id School 0111rk1, loYttd 0n this ut~ d•~ of ~~. A.O. '""·
But tar different from this is the case of those who sell the new community is quickly
; •1 1"1 Pla<»nfl• ""''""'' ca.ta MM.I, ii.tor• me LLIMll Undlll"llll'I • "'0'-" C1Uloml1, II wtlk:fl 11 ...... Id llld1 Wiii be Public: In .... for a.Id c-IY .... Sl•lt...-,. ror cash and keep that cash by them, put it to interest, accessible to major shopping 11ublkl¥' ot>entd •M , .. d 16r: ru1c11n11 1tte<11n, dulY conwn1uloMd ,,,.~. . 't . al l f . 'th f th d I I t b l SCHOOL IUS sworn. ~._.attr _,.. L.. c-L•Mo er receive i m an nu paymen s; or, m e1 er o ose an emp oymen cen ers u An bldl ,,, ,., 11e 1t1 ec:e11111~.w:e .,,1111 H••,., DltlLou 1m1111 1nc1 Dor1111Y Norlti ~ases, if our currency should unfortunately continue to geographically protected from Owners and visitors to crews have installed water Although more than half or condi11om. 1 .. 1rvc11ot11 '"" s1>Kll1C.1llOl'll t-1o ""' to • ""' P•nldlroi .. :1 "· · · f ha I I' t h h d . wlllch .,. "°"' Git flit In ,.,. ltlllce o1 11'4 c11a1~11 of 11'11 BOlrd ..W ,S.C:rt11nr,., Jeyreciate in the manner it has done in the course of the tnc 1ntrus1on o ur n spraw Rancho Capistrano deep in side 1ne.! o eac raoc o, an the enhre property has been Purw11nt """' of a.Id Sc11oa1 D1str1c1. ,_.1 ... 11r ot .,. ~•tltltl fl'llf , .. -
!ast two years, a pound may not, iri the span of two by surrounding hills that are the Cleveland National Froest sch~ules11ha.ve bee.1 n dra1wn,~p sold, visitors to Ra n ch o ~-:;ritw:~~111 ,.,.,......,., Clt'lta Mesi.::""' ~:\::.11 ~"="' ::"~!
Vea rs more be Worth a Shil!ID. g too· ruaaed for development. for 1nsta at1on o a e ec r1c . . . . E1dl bl~r ""-'SI 1utwntt • llld a.-11 ldtrwwied9td 1o "" _, tiUCh __..""' , · • · · -. are being greeted by a bustle Capistrano will still find an 111 ""' torrn o1 .• c~1~ or u1s11~r·1 uta1ted 1t.e a.me. '!.a It may be said that our money may receive a proper As in the San Fernando power and · telephone service. 11 1 1 ti 1 bo h dlldl or• bid l:ioitd 111ua1 fa u.DOG.!IO or 1n w1tnei1 w11••"'· 1 "'"" ,_,_,o •' . h . Id b d , t Valley. prime acreage for of farming and construction The barley grain was sown exce en se ec on o t llWI .. , ""' 11~1 o1 the 1:mun1 c1 "" "'' htnlll •nd 11t1•• ... r ottk111 1N1 ""' tone again, and in t at case it wou e an a van~age o 1 for two reasons_ first to pro-level and hill sites each oc tile!. midi Pl'•blt 111 111e ~· c1 tne Hr •Nt , .. , 1n.1111t cer11nui. 11rt1 • ..,. ~rn lands, eti: .. into cash for the benefit of the rise. In residential development has apcrotigrviarnty a~en~s ~:;=h~ 18: :~ vide feed for U1e riding stable cupylng' an expansive~211: t~ '~=" ,,!';1~~.':°~:·;:~,.. i ·(;~~Ei . .;. - . : ·ll( 1:nswer.to th.is, I shall only observe that this is a lottery; diminished rapidly in the San . .-1oc1 of '°"""'"" Id! •YV~ 111rr the LIM• l , .... ,...... I· ,1
th · h th t ·r .1 sh id h Gabn'e! Valley dur1·ng t•· past phase. Sown in barley.· the 300-and paddOck maintained by three· acres. The ancient oai. 1e1 1or ..... _1,.. """°'· · ,,,,_ ,,-,, ...... 11'°'" 1 at it may. or may not, a ppen: · a . l 1 ou , pp-ne S · h k till stand 1 Tiie 1o1n11ii Ed11e.1t1on "' tr.e Nftlit6rt· P 1 · Jiia1"Cffk:• iif r ~· >en, you have lost nothing ·, if it should not. you have decade as the region's popula· acre· property is yielding a Rancho Capistrano on the pro-.parus oa s s a MIN Ullfflttl kllool 011.,.~ •estrvn 1t>e L~ 11e,_.1a eovnlY ,1 tion boomed from 830,000 In rich crop of the luxuriant perty, aod, second., to protect Rancho Capistrano. spread r1111t fa •elec:t •nr or 111 b!d~, .,,. Mt MY cornm1111on E•11tr•
iaved your estate. which in the other case, might have 1950 to J.235,620 in January, grain. the lovely natural contours of over 70 percent of the rancho =:!1'!~~ ~:.!.~~ ":,~,',!1!i.:1r;: ~ Ju...,~· ~'t: · ':
Jeen sunk. . . George Washington 1969. Jn addition, pipe layi ng the land. sites. an0•,!!! ~~.","', .,_, Pub11~11ec1 o.,,.e caat!..,0,111¥' p11o1 ... ~r-·
~DITOrt'S NOTE: rtltldall R. Mccardle 11 1n lnvestm1nl aMtVlt, Praldent ofj-------------------'-'----'-'--,----~-----------------/ '"" ....., ' .. · 17 .. 11, J1, and J,,.... 7, J.,. ......,.., .:;. 1>tt lttll Ellllt.,. 1 collffe toec;tur•r, 1 d!rKlor of lhfl C1lllorn!1 i\$.IOC:ltllon 111 NEWPORT·MESI. UNIF IED SCHOOL DISTrtlCT of qe~I E1t•I• T••™••· 1Vflwor ol "R•al Esllte In C•lllornlt." Send vour -tlrMi• 0••1'at COlllllY, Catlfornll '"" (Oll'lmenh 19 rtandall R. McCtrdll, c/o the DAIL'!' PILOT, Bo• 1160. Coitt llJ Dorvthr t1arvev DEATH NOTICES .''
Ole••· '2626 Purch11t111 ,.,,.,., •I"
Us ___ ......... -
Pl ·---__ ...... -, __ ... --· ·-__ .. :.. ... -·~=--···---
_,GJlTIONI 1., __ .... __ _..__ ... -·-
... -·--··· --· --···-"'""--":':":.::o-.,:•---·----·-'-" ......... ~ .... ----_,.... __
-ULlllD AT Slt,IGO IN THE 1"9 OUN$1 CO.
Shopping_new ·.
home developments?
Mary Medallion can show you a shortcut. Free.
r·•--·----------------~ ' I ( Hou•huntefl Computer Input Form OFflCE USE ONLY 0 0 0 0 ''" °"' •llf ... ~ 19; S..U-• C.hlo,... £•-ce.o .. n,
-$otl«l!Of> So-• lhl'I ~ P.O 80> lST, U>to ........... c.ldonl'"_,;,
Who 1' Miry Me<bllion?She'a thc
AJl,Eltt:tric Girl, 1hat'1 who. And
1hccan a~ yO\l from traffic jamJ,
~ndJr.,tdriving and 105t wttkcnd,.
Jutt fill In 1M HOU&e.-huntcrs
Compllccr Input form. It will l~d
y_ou to ncwly<on&tructtd Medall ion
Ell'CtTic: Homo in new hou~lnt::
d~lopmcnu In Ctnrral and
Sou1 hcrn California. All the
o( avad1bltnew Mtdal Uon Homes
that suit your requlttmcnu. Abo,
15kyourlocal Rt1hortoehowyou
hil M:lectioo o(Mcclallion Homd .
Sun! btau driYln11ll over with 1 car
fuU of kids and mapt.docs.n 'tit!
compuu:r need. to know b what
kind of homCYO\I want, and It will
nl;ltdi you up. Thouunds o( homa
arclbtCdby •ize,prict and area. •
At Edu.on \•1c call it our SHE"
p~oivam. SH£.1ttnd1 for Select•
+lomcs-Elcctronially. And SH~ can ao to wOTk fm you r\aht n·o... And th\f (Otnrutcft«Vk t won't
A fcwdt'fl arrcr ftT'dir\1 tn t+w: form, coo t you' cent.
l'OU'll receive t computer prlntQUt ComplimtntJof'Edb<>n.
Soulhe1n C•lllo1n;1 fdl1on sG
P111111~11~,."" COtll O•llV P!tol , BARBER ,,,
Mt• 17, 1~, lHf •r.t'6f MlrY Elltlbet~ a .. blr. Alie 07, ol 1't ~. !--'-----'---------M•!n St., Huntl"'IOll klC:lt. Dat. " r<. d""'· ,...., n. SUtvlllfd bJ' 11u111111d. f~ F. llltbet1 !hr .. MUlhttrt, I,_ f . w-, -----------Rat, Mlf'Y Tollen, Pl'lrlti3 ""°""'" INT9 Ponll» 'WIS. Fred Jr., Fr-11 l1ICI Jtc-f •1
cr•TIP ICA1'E 01' •UllNISS n111thet Len• Sll'""""lttt' ,... ....... """'. ll'ICTITIOU5 llf.&MI! nl1 LeWll 111d G4G'ei. Clat111 l2 _,.. 0:.
Tiii undlnltlned _.. crrtifl' lhe Ii con-dl lllllTll 1nd 2t ,, .. 1 .. r1ndclllldt9o. llfY-.~ dudllll I blllll'll:ls 11 111!2 Chn18tbtook 1ce1 ~r I P.M .. lmllhl CM!lel, • .,. L.MM, Huntlnllon !111dl. C1Hlwn1A, lllldtt _.,..:...,1, P.CJ!lc View: #IOll'lorlll .... , lt
lllt tktltloul lltm l'llmt of CREATIVE Smfltos Mort\11,., Dlrldon. , FA.SHIONf •Y DONNA OEE 1111f 11\tt T
Mtcl """ Is CarnllOled of "" tol'•I"' BOONE ~ u.. ""°"' whoM ntme Ill 11111 llld 11111« ol R-mat1' K 9_,., USl Cll'IArdr retldena' 11 ., tallows: ,._, ·.. DI ... of 11t1lll M•• DOffNA JUNE PEllltY, 21152 Cllesl-Pllct, .__I .... -. r• • -
.,Waoll LIN, tt1111H1111fflll 8t1dl, Ctll-21. Sunl\'ed b't l'lulbel'ld, O.vl01 '°"" . Jl<Ml1 ,... d111ghl9t1. AM9 .... L-..1 .... lorMIA. ,...,,ts, Mr. I .... Mii. Jarnff •. Ktm .. j D1ltd MIY U. Ifft Alilllmai tirotPler Jamel it:•~ llOlltfo , DoMa J. Ptit'Y • • "' STATE OF CALIFOrtNIA ) S..tunlar, 1 PM. St. John !hi NI COUNTY Of' CrtAMGE I 1s C1lhollc: ClllirCll, Se"'!C91. lflcl 1nltt!! o.. /Mr u, ,,.,, ttet.~ me, • No1•fY wlM be llt1d 111 F1lrftoM, Allbem&. P1.*llc In .,.. lot , Mid Slit•, 11el'IOl\llh' Brlllldwtr Morill•!'l'· 111 9"DlllW1r, ·
..,..'" QOlll\I J\lne ''"' kttOWll 'lo ,..._, iw....tdltil dfn<i..s. • !.
m1 to bt 1111 .. ._, wtme ,.,.mt 15 GREER ~lb9cl lo 11'1• w1m111 l111lr11men1 alllf ~i.deld she t•Kt.rted,.,. i.mne, Grl(t M. GrNr. 6't W, lflft St •• COfla tOPf'ICIAL. SEAL.I M1s1. D1t• ol ctealh, M .. 22 SIJNl\off JtlN\ L, Jobll II'/' d•u•hlt!r, Mr1. J1111 Altlt•lldtri '°"' Nof•tf P11lllkoC1!!for11l1 Wltllam ~. GHtlr, COiia Mtsa1 .,,_,...,., PrlnClllll OfnQ In rtow Gfff!Ofl, Sai.la .Ml/ lt'llOI •lllln. Otu1'• C-l't Finnie Hlll9ft, o1 llldlana1 0...1 A,_.
Mr Commb•lol'I E.olrt1 Ind MyrtM Dotwrt. llllNlll and • M••Ch ,, 1•73 grlndiOl'I. Se ..... lca Wiii bt: ht!d Mondrf,
H-17'1• 11 AM. 11<111 ltOl(ffllr Cl'llMI. 110 •l'lltld-P11bl!11>1d Ora111e CO.ti Dall'/' Plklt .,..,, COiia MUI, with lhl OtO.r of ~ MIJ 17, ,,, 11 111d Jur'lt 7, 19'6' '6$-6t E1sl~n Slit offl(latlr'lt. Oll'Kt!d 11Y 9'11
8t~I· Morll/I,.,, • !
WestclW Mortury
m E. 17&11 St., Cotta Med -BALTZ MORTUARIES
Coron• del Mor OR M4St
CO.U Meae Ml t-MU
111 8roaclWIJ', Colla M ...
Uundnrt01 Valley
17tll Beat• Blvd.
Jhtndarton Beacb
C<metery e M'"-J
3* Plldl~lew DrM
Newport -. Callltnla -
t.opoo -•1111 Saaae-.ee &1111·
SMITH'S MOllTUAllY .,,.... ...
Rut11,uo -
I 1 DAILY PtlllT
~. "" ;:iQ
"" 1h .• ...
51turi111 M•r 24 1969
,. ..... ,
Mit h 1.ew
New York Stocks Conlinued from Page ii
S1ltt H•I Ttanl
tll•• I Hllll Llwt U ft Cfl .. •Otfl LOW i llll 11111 ''""' (hft.I H\111 Ltw l.lll Cf11 Mltfl LW
-~---...,,,,,------~ .. ----~---------· .. I
Euterpe Awards .. .
Top Musicians
Ofl 1969 :Cited
MoTie Beats· BOOk
" 'Chairman' Film ' Due Out Bef-0~e Novel
" . . ._ ..
~ + HEY KIDS! * I .
·1'11Met sprlna m.n a vulety
or sources : orJglna1
acreenpllyi: Broadway tJts:
JU l ftMAL Wiii
Sl•v• Mc0111 .. 111
111 nove.b, short 1 tor I e..s, CREW"
wifb D •• Mt,tll1
OI .. ~ P1l9t s1 .. _i
\ Music hath .charms, as the pofl righUy said, but the
task of picking Ute DAILY PILOT'S music makers of
1969 has been fur from the delightful labor of Jove !irst
envisioned by this critic.
It wasn't until we started leafing through the moun-
tain of 1~9 reviP.ws and took an astonished look at the
long list of candidates we'd unearthed that we realized
the true signi!icancf' of the knowing grin on the !ace of
entertain1nent edjtor Tom Titus.
He's been through the same mill with his highly
acclaimed ''OP" ·awards. All we can hope, after a Uber-
al expenditure of the mid-
night oil. is that our "Eu-
terpe" trophies will win a
comparable measure of ac-
ceptance in our Orange
C o a s t world o! music,
among artists and audi-
ences alike.
It was good to re-read
our dossier of reviews and
to realize again what a
splendid season we have
been privileged to witness.
And the 1nany artists and
organizations who made it
possible left us \vith a long
list of names from which
we can pick but four -no
mean task, we can assure
you. JEAN TANOOWSKY 1 But those music cli~
pings have been re-read many tirq_es, the many highs
and relatively fe,v lows of our concert critiques have
been revisited and the "Euterpes" are ready for their
first distribution. And the longer we look at the final
listing. the more we beUeve that concertgoers will wel-
come our choice of the names we must now list.
Jean Tando\v~ky's is a familiar name to many con-
certgoers who have never had the privilege of meeting
this gracious Lido Isle lady. It has been our personal
pleasure on man)' occasions to encounter her on both
sides of the footlights and we have never ceased to
\.onder at the uJJfl agging energy and devotion displayed
~Y th.is gifted m<Jsician.
Our happiest memories, perhaps, are of the gay,
lilting music that did so much towards makinR the
Children's Guild's "Simple Simon'' the map:ni!icent
~hildren's show that it was. But we cannot overlook the
)ignal efforts that she puts into her work for the Orange
County Pbilharmon'ic Society. in which she is a tremen-
dously active and dedicated vice president.
With no more ado then, our mistress of music for
1969 -Jean Tandowsky.
Talk of un!laJ!ging energy and we immediately have
to think of Joseph Pearlman, our DAILY PILOT music
man of 1969 and a "natural" for the "Euterpe" given to
the best male performer in music,
The Orange Coast College music teacher has -and
we have told him this many. many times -converted
the Orange Coast College Community Symphony Or-
chestra from the struggling
ensemble that first a ssail-
ed our critical ears to the
splendid, disciplined orches-
tra which is so delighting
concert audiences today.
This, to our mind. is a
long overdue recognition of
the hard work and long
hours that Mr. Pearlman
has put into his direction of
the orchestra. Our congrat·
ulations, maestro. and \VC
will see you soon, Euterpe
in hand!
What's good for the
man with the baton is
equally good for the people
under his direction and that
Symphony Orchestra tops
Coast groups who were eligible for our list of Orange
the third Euterpe.
There has been .evident in recent seasons an en-
thusiasm and energy -and a veritabl e fount of talent -
that persuades us to surrender our trophy to this gifted
orchestra with no reservations whatever. It is a scant
reward for the hours of pleasu.re they have given us in
their successful concerts.
On to our fourth award, a Euterpe whose destination
was pretty well <!ctermined on a glorious April evening
at the Unjversity of California et Irvine. This trophy \s
earmarked for the best single performance by any
group and our choice in this category -unlike the
earlier awards -far outstripped its rivals.
UCI's School of Fine Arts gets this honor for its
presentation last April 12 and 13 of glorious ''Catulli
Carmina," the S\\'irling, demanding Carl Orff choral
work and "The Party." a \Vild, mod scramble that pro·
ved to be the ideal vehicle for the considerable
choreographic talents of Eugene l.,oring.
What a magnificent evening's entertainment that
was! \Ve intend to pick no favorites from the overall
cast of director Mourtce Allard. the University Chorus.
Loring and his ~uperb s tudent dancers. It \Vas truly a
team effort and our award "'ill fairly reflect that
There they are. ladies and gentlemen, our first
Eulefl>es and we hope that their destinations will pro-
voke no dissension or adverse discussion. We have given
deep thought to what we hope will be a coveted award
antf the merits oi each recipient.
It Is recorded on each Euterpe: "For Service to
Music." •
That speaks for lt•ell.
Recital Se t for ColJege Sunday
The music depart1ne.nt or
Soutbtm Ctlllomla COll•ge In
Colla Mes. will present 11. du1I
~Ital Sund1y afterno o n
feat.urine Evi Martyn, roooerl
planisl, and Philip ~1artyn,
operatic tenor.
The redtal is 9Cheduled for
3 p.m. fn the collegt'a Coat of
..\nns Room. Admission Is free
and the pubUc is Invited.
biographies and n o t In-
frequently madness.
' But producer Arthur P.
Jacobs has come up with a
new wrinkle in ' ' Th e
Cha.ir1nan," Jn which G~gory
PecfJ vis.its Mao Tse-tung.
-"I bought the story from a
c..tl._ ~ 1iJO ,... 1
lreatmenl ot an unpobUshed ......... ~ ., ~ ... o.•. "'TIMo I Z0.. ............... , , , L.A. T'-"
novel," Jacobs uid of his mm "ROOM SERVICE" which is due for ... 1 .... this Producer Set summer. Tiie ...._A s:tcw ,_ c....,
"-!'~ J Richa d 11• ,.._,...,.. , ........ IMJJM-\111 N......, tpyS-c ... Mw
tut DO'lt -· • r HOLL YWOOO (UPI) iO"'" COAST Rlfl!U.TM'f Cffll0111Ws TMUT•I Kennedy, guaranteed us a 1. "PINOCCHIO.'' manuscrlpl on April l, 19&7. A Richard FKiscber will produce s-..y. mt ,J' • i .., .. ...,.. ..., 21
year later the script was com· and direct the new lrvlngl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lj pleted, but the novel was still Wallace novel , "7 Minutes," If
incomplete. Now, still another1_f_or_m __ een __ tu_ry~·-F0_•_· ___ 11 year later, the book hasn't1~•;:'':':S;::; :;:: been published." 11
Thus lhe cart will come two
weeks before the horse, ac-11•11""'
cording to producer Jacobs.
The movie version of "'Ibe
Chairman" wiU be in theaters
a fortnight before the novel ia
in the bookstalls.
Jaco"18 is just the sort of
quirk movie people come to
expect. . ,
Doubtless if the book had
been published, say, several
months belore the plcture's
release, it might have helped
sell tickets.
But once you've seen the
plot of "The Cbainnan" the.re
appears to be little reason for
a pre-sell.
In the framework of a
classic spy thriller, the movie
is an u1H<>-the-minute story of
an American spy in C.om-
munlst China. It involves tbe
And At 8:10 Only
; ......... ....... 111Nr•• ... ~·· --.. Tht~St
A("D lsaDtllt · --· --· -
51.t.M SJ.GI
tmptantauon or a m 1 n -i ·1r;:=;~~;;;;:;;;:=;111 transplitler in Peck's skull
which includes an explosive
device . Il he blows the assign-
ment, his superiors jn the spy
business blow his head off.
The picture is filled with ac-
tion and violence and Includes
battles between Soviet and
Chinese troops along their
common border.
"I chose the story because I
thought it had a unique
background and elements that
haven't betn used ln suspense
stories befote," Jacobs said
after screening a 17-minute
New Drama
Has Christ
As Hippie
Aho -NEW YORK IAP) -An up-I :~~~"!'~~"f%:!~~1 :~;='. -tmiPe11 ''I!' "The Transgressor R i d e s
Again," opened Tuesday night om.Shartf Clhrt1lo.r..Ne
11.t off·Braodway's Martinique 8-=~ 0 -
Theater. Eve Show Starts 6:45
Author Aldo Giunta, a Cont. Sun. From 2 P.M.
newcomer , faces up to a!=iiiiiiii~~~iii~ji~'ll fa miliar question -what
would happen If Christ reaps
peared on earth? His answer
does run on beyond peak ef,
fecliveness and splashes with
more melodramatic g<ire than
necessary, but an un-
dercurrent of s inceri ty
balances such mistakes.
Into the jail of a very small
Southern town, a thomcrown-
ed stranger ls brought by a
deputy, charged with having
insUgated a sPontaneous Jn-
surrection. ChurWes.~11 burn-
ing, looters are JirO.fJlng and a
mob is ad.vancing with a
mounting chant or "Give us
The prisoner, performed
with gusty wild vlaor by David
CarradJne , taunts his captors
with Biblical quot at ions,
cact&es booze, very gradua11y
shifts the mood from hippie
caricature into a catechism ol
contemporary Christianity.
Giunta leaves out no obvious:
sardonic touches, yet. keeps
tuned to validity with a remin-
der, "Don't you know a lot of
people out the.re are asking
these same questions?"
Giving himself an out. the
author ever¢ual\y reveals a
mundane ldenllty lo keep
allegory within bounds, but
provides a 1nordant ending
that doesn't let spectators off
nearly so easily.
Hal Raywln has directed it
with all the moody touches of
a boondockl movies. Patrick
McVey br14lhes heavily as a
shtrlff wbo has betn coached
by Rod Steipr. Jolin Ntwtoo
enacts 1 sanctlmoni~ cleric,
while Aurelia De Felice hu
her hands full with 1 comptu
assignment as a woman ol de-
f iant faith.
"The Tr&nsgrt550r Rides
Again" with provocative ttal.
George Signs
OeorgF Maharis signed ,with
Danny Thomas and Aaron
Spelll na 10 .,., Ip "You c.n·1
Judge a Book, • .''
M-ooi. Sn!lrlt COl.0111
JEAN llODlr'
Ton,-Cllnla COLOR ..,... ....... , ... ,,,, ..
-.... -• 141·l5tl
·~"'-'""' .U.thl C." YOU t.iit IWQ I" one "lvht?
ll.7J" c ......
~•-r9WllMltr .... M ..... I
Clltl 11:~ COi.Oft
"C.HAll.Y .. s111"'1' ...in., c~o
"FOR \Oft OF In" .....................
•• •
-............. h
~Cs ~·=::t!!r!l I
St1rt1 Wednesd1y
.._ c. ....... •-'cl ..
r&.s ..,....., 4ihtl• I•
St1rts Wedn11day
"""" 11)9 I
SECOND fUTUlll 1 ·
A.-dlotl P'nHkK• Mlt'l'ln lk$1 • ~ aw1 Sclttlmtl:
Dir.clOf' MKk l ln(. Ser-play Leo v. Gonion
''ALL THE ,~
A tr11•llft hu1b·hu11J f ..... ut rt•I ptot"\' «~'
be a frlor, I 0'1 ·-'")O l'C'•Y d .. , or' reJ1tiYt .•. or a n••
You're J){Obably "HEP '.' •. LOVE is their lhing! - ------
!llbl!J Bltke • lynn r..rtwri(hl • Pa~I Col'Pli • Sco_n G1Mi1m • 'paul l1P11bt:rt
C!tiil M1n011 • J.tef;ot RllSstM • Norm1n Al6u ts Mitt~
~ '11HOV11c COUPlif .. 1.00 • 1t.1s '"'
"THI! SWINOl!l'I" ot 9:45 rM
SAN~A ANA • H1tW ...._ at ~-AN,
"'ltNe IOtMl VS. IOHll.U." , ... _,,,, __
.......... _.MMe! ........ SM: .. ..,.._,
Or•nve County's
Blltflf Combln•tionl
Aw-4 Wl..&.t •••
A.«; 'oown·
SAT. MAT. 2 P.M.
7ffl.lol ...
hlMI PntlnlMlll
.• ·'"· 1' ... CTOI\ ... --
-·-''.! SIZZI.ER
llAkes'TBB FOX' look
lil:e a milk·fed PDPP1· j
'Therese &nd Isabelle'
will be the mqat talked·
about movie&tvund."
I_ ·--#JS"
~~ -~ lt&SYPEllllllON r~A~, -'"'--' .............. a..1 -~ i
"'iUl-~{Aa_V_ M..,"°"' ,.,,,._ P'ro<l--P1-· l ... Dl,ll;YM~Jl ... _ .. _ .... _ -·tL--·-li'i1 .o.i.;w-P'lu..• , ___ .... ___ ,
ALSO ------
Marcello Mastroianni
Pamela Tiffin
"Kiss lhe Other Sheik"
Now in Our Family:
Family Weekly
NOW-Ends Tu1sd1y
San Diqoi'f'HWIJ ll Bristol • 546-2711
Th• Two Part Production of Leo TDlstoy'1
PEACE ----------··-·-.. -·
-·u.ut .... ..,.. or JW'OU.Ofll ll[ATN.JAIO"' GIMO(Ut Of T91t
-.«OOMD t1' ITS lWUOI! Pwct IA4l AS 1'MOUSMllS DMCQj
PART 11:."::.:'::::.:. STARTS MAY 2111
W'~1n1o .. .,, .. 4_,.,, M.., 21 , , .••••••••••••• , , •.• , , , •• l 1H , •••
ni.rNey, M., 2J , •, • • • • • • .•• · . , ...••..... , . , l tff ,,_,
"'49r, M"' JI • •• •. • • • ·, •••• • ••••••• •:Jo I 10:00 ,.-..
tet..-,, 111_, 24 ••• ••,. •··· ••••••• J:00·61l O·IO:IO ''"'·
'-4.y, 111.., 21 ••• ,, ·•·, ••• , ,, ••.•. 1JiJ0•4:JO.l :OO ,,111,
MeM.,, M.,. 2fi ••••••••• 'I .••.. ' . . . . . . . . • . . . • 1:10 , .••
,.....,, M., 11 •••••••••. I •••••••••••••••• ' •• 1100 , •••
' I
I •
r BY Phll lnterlancll
"We had. a poll and you ,..,., select..<! as tho
dicti.tor we feared most ••• " • ------I
Ann Landers
DAILY 10 • 10
SUNDAY 10 • 7
Former Hippie
Sha.res Diet
1 BASKETBALL HI· TOPS ~ Suntle11 Onl11 J44 ~ Boys' ruli!ged black cotton
canvas s~ ~th court-DEAR ANN LANDERS : I've found an easy way gripping rubber'°'"" 81;-6. .R 1 IHI to lose weight and I want to pass it on to others_ who '-tachlne washable? ef• •
love food , hate to count calories, are afraid of diet :::::;;;;;:::::::::i::::=i pills and don't care for vigorous exercise. I'm not say~
mg my method will work for everybody, but it work·
ed. for me and it also worked for two of my friends.
Step One : Take about two-
lhirds the site helping you
would nonnally take. Don't
cut anything out of your diet
that you thoroughly enjoy.
J ust take one-third less.
Step Two: Eat slowly. t
discovered that by eating
1dowly I finish my meal with
the others and I put away a lot
less food. Fast eaters eat
12-year-old son got a front
tooth knocked out playing
baseball. My neighbor said If
the boy had brought !he toolh
to tbe dentist it could have
been transplanted. Is this
1 more. They usually go ror
Seeonds and thirds because
they find it difficult to sit at a
table and oot eal while Qthers
.,. eatlni:
DEAR NO : f'm not ln-
tem&ed In I01ing welgbt but l
layjte lbose who are to lry
your method and let me know
in two weeks if it worked.
DEAR WANT: In many
(utl, yes -depeodlng on tbe
condition of the tooft. So pay
attention, kids -if you get
your teeth tn.ecked oat, 1ave ~
•em for the de~d1t. . I.~
Whol Is Frencti kll1ln1? b 11 wront? 1'111
wrio si-kl set IM !Wdi:lng Om111 -~ 3' x 5', 50 STAR FLAG
t11e Do" Dr ttii. 1ir1? c•n • "'°"""" Wftl-S utadoy Onl11 othlO sue~? Reid Ann luldtrs' .
booklet, "T"""a•• stx -Tui w1v1 '° Colton U.S. flag with 2 Coal U." Send !O Cltltf lt1 uln ind •
1Dn9. Hl4clcl• .. •· '""""" fllmotlol. section, 6' metal pole and Ann Lat!Oers wm IM tlad of l'Mlp vou d
with l'Ol.I• problem$. Strid tlltm ID l\tf bracket. Hardware inclu . In cert of the DAILY PILOT, t11Closl119
DEAR ANN LANDERS: T~1 •'•M·--~·e..ci~··"ii'";;;-!ft~jiiijj-jjjj' ii ll ed.
day was my birthday . Whenj lll!..,P"k;g,. oiJl!f"'3".'F"l"ag"s"8C"x"1112•".,7•8:Jc-i;.11,•. --.... -... Earl left for work he didn't Ill
say anything. All day ·1 kept
listening for the telephone or
lbe doorbell . Neither one rang.
At 6:30 Earl walked through
the door aod greeted me with,
"What 's to eat'?" After dinne r
T couldn't stand it any longer.
I 1ald in a (aim, civilized tone,
"¢arl, dear, do you know what
day it is?" He replied, '.:.Yes,
ifs Saturday." I then asked,
"Is there anything special
about this Saturday?" He
thoucht a minute and said,
"It's the fourth ' Saturday of
the month." I finally shrieked,
"It's my birthday, yt>u jerk,"
Earl mumbled something
about not being very good at
rememberillB dates and ad-
ded, "Go buy yourself a nice
fift and give me the bill ."
What is your opinion of a
husband who forgets his wife's
birthday after she has given
him four children and the best
years of her life ?"
don'tltticli much l mportanct
lo birthdays. Since you do,
why didn't you remind blm a
couple of wee.ks In advance?
To all you gals oat there to
'Whom dates are lmpOrtant,
&IVe the py1 a fighting
cbinct. A lltUe hint In ad-
vance caa 1ave a whale of an
DEAR ANN: La!t wee< our
' -
I-See By Today's
Want Ads:
DAY 111
F.col T ... wood
Jlold 6-200 fl. re<>ls
!~ $2.17
400-ft. cans
30160'' JACQUARD
Sund•11 Onl11
Re9. 2.77
30"60" cotton terey ~ach
towels with hemmed ends,
choice of patterns. Soft, Ouf·
fy a must for swlmmlng.
".Re9. 3.94
Sun. Onl11
I ql capacity, 4 pc. 6'
24.'' bru.ltt trill with Iar10 hood.
1" black ltHI legs, mot.or, 5"
"'h~ and ~rm1 Wt grid. Olar&t
It al Kmart
An 1uortment ef
S11nda11 Onl11
Re9. to 2.78
ln a variety of stylea, colors & prints. lOO~b cotton.
Slzof 8 to18 · · ' :
Dlaeo1111t Prlee
New miracle holding Alberto
V05 hair lpr'l)' with Mh·el,
Choice ol Rerular or Hard·
To-Hold. Just HY Charge lt.
'AllOlt, Llmllld CW.nllrla . N-Yid lo clMlerL
8'6" x 11'6" RAYON RUG
Sunday I 088 Reg~7~.BB
Full size, 1009' Vlscose rayon loop plle rug wlth pol)
foam backlng. Rieb tweed colors for you to choose
from . Charge It.
f 112' CAl"1' UNDllLA'r
9x12' Poty~foam underlay CU4hlons carpet.. 4.88
2 for $3
011r .Re9. J .97
?tfen'1 Aizes. Select Pel'-
manent prcgs solids or '-.. plaids In reiiular collar •:O
styles. Color fut. No Iron.
S11•d•11 Onl11
Tums lights and appli-
ances ON, OFF automati-
ca1ly. No special wiring,
just plug it In . Sa ve. . .
.Re9. 8.88 544
24160"' m e t a l folding
Re9. 5.88
Re9. 7.88 5uu
25 x 32 x 6 !Ji" size whttlblf..o
row with 3 cu. ft. cai-.d~. Graphite bearings, baked
Cr\ltllcl finlth. "Charle lt' ..
.Re,. 2.97
S11nda11 Onl11
Lantern floats. Pwih button,
Patio Dept. Will Be Open at 9 a.m.
3 i 97c
Just In time tor 1ummer planlln1
.. . _,..,, __ _ ..
J t DMLY PILOT S•lU'll<Y, May 24, 1%t
• ' ' j
Angels Now 0-8 on Road, 0-12 vs Southpaws,
' '
Giant C1·owd
Will Watch
Indy Trials
lNDIANAPOLIS, tncl . (AP) -One ot
the biggest crowds in sports history,
swollen by an estimated 250,000 holders
of rain checks from last weekend, pro-
bably will see a historic battle today for
the pole position in the S3rd 500-mile race
May 30 at the Indianapolis Moter
The scheduled opening sessions last
Saturday and Sunday. wltich might have
filled the 33-car starting field, were a
watery bJank.
The No. 1 or pole position goes to the
fastest driver on the opening day o( the
trials, now today.
Best prospects for pole position winner
and about $20,000 in special prizes thal go
with lt, are three·time winner A. J. Foyt
Jr. former nalional champion Mario
Andretti or veteran Roger McCluskey.
That trio and Al Unser. who was
sidelined by a motorcycle accident last
weekend, have dominated three weeks of
practice for the time trials Saturday and
Andretti lost his original 500 car, a new
Lotus-Ford. in a fiery wreck Wednesday
but he came back Thursday in a Hawk-
Ford and soon was running only a couple
miles an hour slower than the 171.789
miles an hour he had done with the
He was thoroughly familiar with the
Hawk, his winning car in a USAC cham·
pionsh.ip race at Hanford , Calif., April 13.
"It's hard to tell whether the Hawk has
the potential of the Lotus," the Italian·
born driver said. "The Hawk is lighter
and has tw<rwheel drive to the Lotus's
four·wheel drive.
"We'll just ha ve to keep trying. We
(lhe STP racing team) have a spare new
Lotus but it's four days away from being
ready to run .
··1 just hope I can give A. J. a run for
his money." Andretti said.
The 33 fastest cars or 76 at the track
will be picked in IO-mile time trials this
weekend and late r if necessary .
Foyt has been fastest in practice at
172.315 in hls Coyote-Ford.
66 by Brown
Leads Atlanta;
Paln1er: 73
ATLANTA, Ga. (AP) -Leg-weary
Pele Brown, who has played 90 holes of
pressure-packed golf already this week,
bolted into the halfway lead in the Allan·
ta Classie Golf Tournament with a 66 on
a disastrous Jllack Friday that sidelined
the reigning U.S. Open and Masters
The six under par outburst by Brown
gave him a 36-hole total of 135. nine
under par on the Atlanta Country Club
<.'Oll.rse and a stroke in front of bubbling
Bob Shaw of Australia, who turned in a
66 for 136.
Brown, J.4-year-old tour veteran who
lµ1sn 't won since 1964 when he became
the first Negro to win a tour title, used a
blazing putter to offset his tired legs. He
had to play an 18-bole round Monday to
qualify for the Atlanta Classic. and on
Tuesday he played from dawn to dark in
a 36-hole qualifying t~..t 1oLa..spot .in the_ u.s~ open. -
Arnold Palmer, who opened with a 68
'vhen he followed a lady's tip on his put·
1 ing stroke, easlly made the cut but slip-
ped to a 73 and was back In the pack at
Lee Trevino, the U.S. Open champ, and
lowering George Archer. king of the 1!169
f\Jaste rs. hardly worked up a sweat.
Archer bowed out on a 78 £or a 151 total
and Trevino soared to a 79 for a 154. Both
were far above the 147 stroke cutoff for
the low 70 scorers and ties who advan«d
into the final two rounds of the $115.000
LOS ANGELES tAPJ -Unbeaten tw-
ben Ollvares, 117 \)., of Mexico City, bell~
ed. out Takao Sakurai, l 11, Tokyo, In
tfle Ith round of thetr scheduled JJ.round
fight Friday night nnd ea.med • shot at
lhe world bantamwelghL clwnplonshlp
_here in August
A dev11tating body all.Irk put lbe 27•
ydMld Jtlll Olympic Games cblmpion
dowo IMw Um,. In the 111<11\, the Orll
llme • hid ever betn knocked on his
feet, ad lhe ll·yea r-old Ofivares ~
GUNNING FOR GOLD -Jim Seymour, Golden
West College's fin e hurdler, is a strong favorite to
'vin the 440 intermediate hurdle crown tonight in
Modesto, at the State Junior College track and field
championships. Seymour, who has nation..'s fastest
jaycee intermediate tilnc, 52-flat. is also entered in
the high hurdles.
At Modesto Tonight
-Rustlers Go for Gold
In State Track Meet
.ll n.. Ollly l'lltl 11 .. 1
Six against the stale.
That's the script for coach To:n Noon
and hls Colden West track team tonight
at ~1odesto where six RusUer spikers are
entered in the state junior college cham·
pionsh.ips. ,,.
Although the Rust\er.!i ha ve no chance
at wirinir1g the team title against the likes
of Northern California champion Me1Titl
or Oakland or SoCal champion Los
Angel~s City College, Noon ls hopeful of
finish.Ing in the top 10. maybe even as
high as fifth .
first place from Seymour In lhe 440 in·
termediate hurdles .
• The lanky' RusUer hurdler clicked off a
52-flat clocking in the event last Saturday
in winning the SoCal championship and
Noon thinks Seymour can go laslcr.
"We had four watches on him in thc>
stands last week and all or them read 51.7
or 51.8," Noon said.
His 52-flat time ties hi1n for the nil·
tioh's best junior collegt' time in the
event and his t\\'O 1nos t serious
challengers are out or the slale mccl.
Shields, who had a monon ucelosis scarc>
earlier in the y,·eek, is one of the favor ites
in the high jump. He has the n:ition:il
Most of the scoring burden for Golden jaycee best or 6-11, but will fa ce stiif
Wetil will fall on the shoulders of hurdlct-~·· con1pcUtio1 fro1n SoCaJ cha n1p Steve
Jim Seymour and h.igh jumper Don Lang 16-1 0 . of East LA. Clyde Sadler ~6·
Shlelds. 101 ~) of San Francisco and Otis 1-lailc>v
Golden West should get 10 points and a (6-9~) of Pbrtervllle.
Logs KO 6th • Ill
an automatic koockout :1fter 2 minutes.
:t1 seconds.
Referee Joey Olmo.<1 did not bother lo
count on the thJrd trip lo the canvas by
Ute Japanese fighter &I~ the automat-
ic t.h.rtt knockdown rule in ooc round
Wl\I In effect.
A f~nzied pro-Olivares crowd of 12 ••
271 paid flt.ODO at the. Forum to set lhls
elhniNUOD-contest fot lht 112-pound
dJvlsioo tlUe . ·
Sit.Ung at ringzide w1t:s Jack Rennie,
manager of lhe world champ Lionel
Rose ol Australia, "'ho had pledged the
winner of lhe fight would ii:et a shot Ml
hi! little aborigine from ~telbourne
The fight Vl'&S \'ery even .going inlo
lhe sixth as Olivares aimed al his 47th
Sskur~I was awardtd a knockdown in
lhe lhird round wbcn be caught !tube:n
wilh a straitbt left rrom his souulpaw
style and lhc f\f{U;lcan went dq•rt; He
(Ol up immediately
. ,
Early . Score
Sta11ds Up;
Cards Wi11. 1-0
lAJS ANGELES (AP) -The surging
St. Louis Cardinals pushed across a rirst-
inning run Friday night and left·hander
StC\"C Carlton made ii stand up for a
1-0 victory O\'er the Los Angeles Dodger!:.
It \\'3S the seventh \'ictory fnr the Red-
llod11cr .'>lat<'
birds in their last nine gan1cs <ind the
tt-ird liPle in the last four ganres that
the Dodgers 1111\·e be en shut 011\.
Carlton. le ve ling his record at 4-t
pitched a five·hitler. struck out eight
and wnlked none.
A!an Foster. n1ak1ng his first start
~ince ~1ny 3, was the hard-luck loser.
He surrendered three bits for a run in
the first fra1ne. then did not allow a
hit until he departed for a pinch batter
In !hi! eif,!hlh inning. It was his second
defeat In as 1nany decision.<;.
$T. 1.0Ull
l rac:k I!
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Tigers Gobble Up Halos
On Stanley's Slammer
o{ 11111 O•lly ,_Itel Sltff
DETROIT -Southpa w P.1ickey Lolich
and catcher BiJI Freehan were wondering
what all the yelling from the crowd was
about in the top or the 10th inning when
Lolich was pitching to Angel first
baseman Dick Sluart at Tiger Stadium
Friday night.
There was one out, no base runn ers for
the luckless Halos and Lolich was hardly
menaced by Stuart, a fellow he had
Angel Sli.te
M•v' 1~ -· A11111h 11 Ot!rolt, 10·1' •,M. l{MPC M1w 5 -t,:!1" ., Oetrvh. !0:25 ...... KMP~ 11nfY ~1 -Anoe .... Cl•••l•nd, ];" p.m. KMP
onfY 2' -A1111tls YS Cltvellnd. 7." 11.rn. KMPC
1,nfv JO -A.1111011 ~· 11.n1more, 1,u 11.m. KM.Pc
i1nfY l l -Anvell ~· l1lllmort. 7:i5 P.•ii. l{MPC
already fanned on three previous OC·
But when he gol lhe second strike on
Stuart, the 25,990 on hand cut loose with a
wild ovation -further puzzling the
Bengal battery. Then when Lollch got the
called third strike the place can1e alive.
The really· nifty Oelrolt duo didn "l
realize until they arrived at the Tiger
dugoot moments later that Lolich had
broken the club rCCQrd for strikeouts in a
single game, bagging 16.
And the man who held the former
mark, Paul Foytack, was on hand lo see
his record erased. Ironically, it was the
first time he had gone to Tiger Stadium
this year. He had fanned 15 in a 1956 tilt.
The Tigers' 6-3 victory added new lo\\'S
for the Cherubs.
It was their eighth loss ln as nutny
starts on this road swing. And their 1969
record against lefthanders is even 1vorse
-0.12 to date.
They have the second worst winning
percentage in the American League,
.297, compared with Cleveland's .294.
Mercifully they close out the ·trek to-
day and Sunday here in Detroit then limp
As they did Thursday in Boston, the
Angels kissed away a three·run lead.
They had gone ahead 3-0 by the bottom
Spo1•ts in B1•ief
of I.he fourth inning on Bubba Morton's
solo homer, Jim Fregosl'i run-scoring
double and an infield out by Morton
which produced a run.
However, starter Andy l\1essersmith
suddenly ran inlo trouble after getting
lwo simple outs in the last of the fourth.
He walked the Tigers' seventh. eighth
and ninth men in the batting order to
jam the bases.
Then P.1ickey Stanley rocketed a 1..0
pitch into right-center field, hitting one of
the vertical steel girders on the second
deck level. His grand slam put Detroit on !
top. f-3, and made things easy for Lollch
and the defending world champions.
Tiger boss Mayo Smilh later praised
tl1cssersmith's pitching and observed that
the Angel hurler had so much movement
on the ball that it seemed to be getting
away from him in the four th when he
issued the three walks.
Lolich agreed with Freehan that he got
stronger from the sixth inning on. "Bill
said I was grunting and groaning a lot
but not getting my best out of the ball. So
I eased up a bit and got my curve work·
ing well along with the fast ball."
Lolich, now 6-1, said he figured he had
10 or 12 strikeouts. But he had no idea he
was near a record. Jn fact, he wasn't
even aware he had filnned al least one
Angel in every stanza.
Stuart took the K four times, Rich
Reichardt three tin1es, and the Halo
pitching slot three.
Clearly, it was another unhappy night
for n1anager Bill Rigney's Californians.
CALIFOlllNl.t. OETlllOIT .. r h bl " ". l\lome• " • • • • S!1nlev " ' ' ' • .t..RO<lrStl " ' • ' • MAullHe " • ' • Reichardt " ' ' • • Kill..., " ' ' • • Ftl!!IOl>I '5 • I ' ' C11h " • • ' I
STuarl " • • • • W.Hor!tln It ' • ' 1
Morl01' " ' ' ' ' Northrup ct • • ' • Egen c ' • • • Mllchlcll " ' ' • • oa~a11tro " ' • • • Frl'!!han ' ' ' ' • Mosen th • • • • Lo lkh • ' ' • • Priddy • • • • L.John"'n •• ' • • • Wrlghl • • • • • Toi.I ~ ' • ' ToT•I " • • •
Cal!!or~;• ... "" --· Octr~i! ... .. .. _.
OP-Ot1ro;1 1. L06-C~n1ornl1 3, Delrvll 1. 21-
tlo•thrup. F•Pl!Oii. ,.R-MOrton {)I, 511nltw C•J. II
-Fre90sl. S-Lollcl1. SF-W. H0tl1ln.
Cl1a1·gers, UCI to Hold
Mo11day Press Conf ah
The San Diego Cha rgers and UCJ have
schedu led a joint news conference at UCI
for 3 p.m. Monday, undoubtedly to an-
nounce the American Football League
club will conduct its summ er. training
camp there.
UCI and the Chargers have been
negotiating for such a move for the past
"Several weeks. The Cha rgers are leaving
their training base al Escondido in favor
or an Orange County site.
The AFL outfit was at one lime close to
selling up shop at Orange Coast College
but the lack of available dormitory
facilities washed out OCC's chances.
Should the Chargers wind up at UCI as
expected. there would be two major
league pro teams encamped In Orange
County this summer. The Rams train at
C.:al Stale (Fullerlon l. • NE\V YORK -,Johnny Unitns, ai1ni ns:
to reclaim his quarterbacking job £rom
Earl Morrall, is confident of a comeback
with the Baltimore Colts after· three
1nonths or hard work .
"I have been 111aking about 100 lo 1r,o
thro1vs a day, five days a week." said
L:nilas . ··1 start at 15 ya rds and move up
Arizona State University announced
f'~riday night al Irvine Coast Country
Club that it had landed two of Orange
Count y·s fine.st prep b a s II: et b a I I
players -Huntington Beach High's
~like Contreras nnd Sunn~ Hills' Brad
Both players -all CIF selcclions
last season -indicated they \vould
enroll at Arirona Slate in September,
thus ending a long rccruiUn·g war for
the two prized prospects that began
even before last season began.
Contreras, an all·league player for
three years running under Elmer
Combs at Huntington High, Is a 6--1
guard with fluid, easy moves and a
radar·llke jump shol. lhal he com·
plemenll!I with driving layups.
r..1cNa.mara. slx feel, led his team to
the CIF cahmpion~hip game last
P.tarch before finally bowing to mighty
Compton .
Both players are guard~.
Contreras hnd betn courted bv
\'irlually every major 1>3.ikelball
po"'er in the weal. McNamara had
signed a letter of lotr:nl with Oregon
lwo w~ks ago but ch11nged his mind
in ravor of the Sun Devlls.
Both \Vt.re named to lhe 196&-69 -1111·
CIF team.
Contreras h'~ been 3 starter lindcr
to 25, 30, 40 and I have thrown 60 yards. T
do have a lot of speed on the ball . I think
I can get that qutside stuff again.'' • LOS ANGELES -Despite reeruiting
l'.'fforts by All-American basketball star
Lew Alcindor on behalf of UCLA , West
Texas Stale announced Friday that it has
a signed letter of intent from a Los
Angeles high school player to enroll there
this fall .
The lad is KeM.h Baliste, 6-5, a center
and an all-city selection from Verbum
Dei High. Alcindor. according to West
T.?Xas' publicity director, Tex Blake,
personally urged Batiste to enroll at
UCLA. • MODESTO. Calif. -UCLA 's Pacific·8
pole \'8Ult chan1pion , Dick Railsback,
sees !he possibility of an 18-foot leap in
tonight's California Relays.
"I'm poihting for the Modesto meel."
said Railsback, who cleared 17 feet 61/.1
inches lo beat Southern California's Bob
Seagren for the conference title.
"Maybe we'll get 18-feet this lime," be
Combs sinct his sophomore scuon
Rnd was thought of by college coaches
us a blue chip prospect even then. 'The
Oilers won their league chan1• ' •
plonshlp every )'ear C o n t r e r a s
performed for the varsity
.. • '
Wild Two-mile at CIF Mee~;
Dreiling Only Area Winner
CERRITOS -A lremeodous two-mlle
race and one double winner highlighted
the CIF track 4lld Oeld flnala Friday
night at Cerritos College with ,the first.
five places ln varsity corilpetitioo' quaU·
fying for the slate f1nals al UCLA In two
Marina High School's 440 relay team of
J im Gaughan, Joe 4lld Toey Venllmlg!JA
and Dave Lacy was the only cootlngent
to quallly fot the UCLA spike!est from
the Orange Coast Area.
The quart.I sped to a school reconl of
42.5 for third place.
~farilll's Bob Dreiling wa.s the only
area performer to pick up a first place
with. a ·55-0 ~4 effort in the Bee shotput,
The two-mile was dramatized by the
fact that the eighth place finisher -well
oot ol the money -ran a 9:10.i.
Ruben Cbapplm ol Excelisior success·
fUIIy delended !)is CIF UUe of last year
with a great finish i• set •. CIF mark to
the -~yent -9:00.1. before 10,428. '
El Modeoa's Dave White, who had led
all quallfien with a 9:02.8 in I.be semi.!11
was second with a t :Ol.4.
-WbtWe:r High!• BUI-Sima came through
with a doulile 'lrin, laking the 220 (21.1)
and the l40 (48.t). The llmes wore Ident1-
cal with bis semi efforts last weei.
Compton wm tta tint varsity title since
1952, dJalting up 20 points to nlnnerup
Ceotennial's US.
other area pl&oers in the weigh~ divi-
sions ;
Paley Sparks Sallors
Face Titans for Crown
Thanks to a clutch perrormanct? by Bill
Paley, Newport Harbor High School's
tennis team will be represented in the
CIF's championshlp tennis match for the
third straight year Tuesday . ~ In a semifinal match at Newport Fri-
Oiler Golf Team
CIF Favored • ID
Matcl1 Monday
ltuntington Beach High School's Sunset
l,,eague golf champions wlll assume the
favorite's role Monday at Lag1ma Nlguel
Country Club in El Niguel for the CIF
team championship.
Coach Bill Ridenour's Oilers, led by the
Sunset League's outstanding golfer of the
year, John Bitting, will be out to claim
the title that eluded them last year in
Ri verside.
The Oilers finished fifth behind Cham·
pion Estancia after leading at the half·
way point.
Eslancia's juggernaut, however, finish·
ed strong while Huntington faltered In the
oppressive heat. .l ·
Leading tbfefta to Huntlngton are
Riverside Poly, Palos Verdes, Palm
Springs. San Clemente. Santa Barbara,
Morro Bay and the defending champion,
Estancia. ·
'f~e championships begin at 8 a.m.
day afternoon, a crov.'d or about 200
v.·atched the Tars nip Arcadia , 15-13, to
hike their 1969 record to 22·1.
And that one loss was dealt by the
t~am the Tars must beat Tue9day lo win
thelr second CIF crown In three years -
Rolling Hills, winners over Santa Monica
Friday in the other semifinal, 2.11h1 'h:.
In fact, Rolling Hills has two straJght
decisions over the Sailors. That was the
team Newport lost to in last aeuon's CIF
final and the Tit.aru. did it again lhi.s year
in an early-season match, 15~12'1.i:.
Newport coach Pat Wilson says Paley
deserves the lion's share of Ute credit for
Friday's victory. It was Paley who
defeated Arcadia's No. 2 singles man,
Rick Cross, by a 6·3 margin.
"That was the point we had to have lo
win," the coach said.
"It was lied then and we knew if he
lost we'd have to add up games end that
would 've made it real close."
Wilson also singled out Sob Ogle and
Glenn Cripe for winning all their singles
matches and allowing just seven points
between them.
And he lauded the doubles team of Kim
Perino and Bruce Charles for splitting a
'key match.
0411.Y PILOT lllft PMtt
BITTI NG THE BELTER -Huntington Beach High School's John
Bitting 1oes through his paces In preparation for CIF team champion-
ships Monday at El Nl~el Country Club. BiUlng, the SunMI wgue's
outstandlng golfer; will also be at the individual championships in
early June at Montedto CC ·tn Santa Barbara.
Laguna Beach's Dave Hl.lStwtck was
flllm In the Bee ~ with a I :11.9 after
!alllng to eiglllh a!tee the first lap.
Brian Baylees of Huntln«too Beach
picked up a filth In I!!• Cee oih~t with
a toss of 51·101n and Estancia s Dave
Neuman was fourth in the Cee long Jump
(IQ.S %). •
C011t1 Mela's Deve Davts was fourth
ln the Bee pole vault with a 13-0 effor\
and Corona dtl Mar's Nie~ Rose wu
lilth In the Bee 1320 (3:0U).
Bolsa Gnnde'a TerT)I Lamb w.S the
only Orange County performer io take
a first in Vll'Sity action, !'Wiling a f :I0.4 mile. ... ~
no HH -1. 0-ld$0n tCOfTIPIOl'I) U,I 1. M(. NI.Ill (hlct#ln ,a111;1 10 i_ "-(fl'timorwll h ,J I, J0Mton (s.nt1 """"l(a) I•.$ $. Lamb (Santa
•• ~ ... , 1•.J
i.IO R1ll-, -1. Ctn~Mlll d ,l 1. WU!Orr G,4 J. Mt.•111_!1 (GMI~ J, and T, V•nllmlt ll .. l1e-,1 U.J 4 ~la11.1 4 ,J S. POI'( '2 ....
UO -1. Lanos!Ofl jMllllklnl 1:53.t :l. FrM\111; ri:lle!ll) l:S..J i_ K•ll!9 (lwlornlntll*I \:kl 1. rlH fl lilloP Motiteome,..,.J l:Sl.I ~ ~
omp'°"I 1:u.s. $hol Pll -1. Cunnlftlfl.m CS..nt1 e1rti.r1) U.t J. Ellctll cs. ... J ~ ], LIUrla.-o ll.aUwood)
.0.51,11 •. Sctlllllr IMllH~1n ) :il-Ji\.'a Ji. Murr1r (low·
t ll) $7~. "'!" Jump -I, •~ (Compton) •·10 2. Tl1 AU'1 n (POl\l'J1. BrMJflY (Muir) "-' .&. Lldcl'9 (Wiiii• liar) w. ~. IJ(edlty jCOITl_plOn) ....
P.!:t.T .~, 3~o:Jt='1l~J-::ri~0J~2tsr1~11~1 t .t s. Rico CWon.tnanJ 10.t. l.Oflill lump -1. Lr.,... IC..ltnnlal) 2U I, A* (Muir I n..tv.i s. JIClt50n Barfi-, Ktn.I 22~.
Mlle -I, L.rnb (BG! 4:,0.( 2, $orMtOr1 IL.it• WOOOJ 4:12.S l. U..O.rwaod Siluth TorraM•) •:n .6 •,. """!"'ford ICh•n""°I l•l•ndsl •:n .7 $. Man-• .,,, A-..SO) ~:U.6.
Polt 1/91111 -1. Smlttt (Soull! Torr•Me) lS-3 2. Tll r..l111rl01 lA111111111Gl tnO Gr1_y tCl•rtmanl) I•• 1~Stm1111111 ( a HtbraJ I._.. $, Ollll"lln (W••f9111 ""° -I. Sims IWl\Cllletl ... 1 1. L11!9tlon (MllN· klnJ •·\ J, ICko tW~1n1 ...,,, I . L-((OfTIPIOll) 49.l ~ 0111 (Cr-11 V1 Ill') ~.J. Ila l 11 -1. ~,~_, t!"oor) it.I ~. l ow !Pomona!
1'.1 3. McN.iU l811dwln Pirkl 19.2 ~ JOlllUOll \)40n1• Monica! 19.1 S. Lamb lSant1 S1<.barl n .l. 220 -I, ~im• (Wlllttltr~ ¥1.I 2. Wn11t (SA.I 21.t J. l ukH'd (C...tenn.laJ 21,t •. Roblnwn (El cenrro)
12.0 5. Mlln !Lt Pvlnltl 22.2.
1-Mlle -I. Ch-Cit$ CEacttlslorl J;OO.I (CIF rec· oroJ l. WhJq (c l -!>&) 9:01 .~ J.. ll1101tr1.011 l$aletlanl t :CM..O .C. Jotlnson (West Torrance) t :IMA ), Miila (LI Habfal ';CM.I.
Miit ll:tl•r -I. Centtnnl1I 3:1',J 2, Complol1 3:11.I .3 PPtr l:1t.4 4, Wnlnlf'f J;21.' J. Ontario J:12.J.
Flrial xorlnt: ComplOll l'O, C1ntUM1l1I U. Whll· lier 1'-J>11t-, lll't. ...
120 HH - 1, Gordfnllt tGlendor1) U ,J 2 J..0:-IL.omPOC) 1'.0 Jj H-... (W"' Torraneel 15.I .. Ht'lldrlct; (MOrn llSlllde) 15.A S. G11lorl Mllrn-lntllelt) lJ.4. ~t M -1, Drtlllnl IMlrlr>al ~ 2.Af•• oon CL.W•I Sl-01':1 J. Culmer tC1n~ 4 Ar-n. (ll:fdo!ldo) .s.tvt J. Gr1ttan I a ll·lOi ~ lump -l. w.clr:lle ITtmJ>le ll'rl n ..
2. 0.-ew 1s.rra} 21-t ~ Carroll (Lil Mlrld1I 22·1 ~. W-0. 1'1111) 21'4 J. torll'IOI' (Cfnttnn1111 tt•I, Hltll Jump -1. Kotlnfdi: CMtlUken ~.,. 2, V11K1 {L•k•WOOcl\ 6-314 l. Do1-.rld !A.vlallon) 6·Jl4 •· H1llk11r (No. orr•nte) Ullo S. Grllll•m t111111 .. WOOCI/ 6-ll\(o,
Poll vault -Tuektr IG1ntst11J u~ 1. Dow (Gllfld111 14-0 J, l'll!rc1 S.nta S•rbtra ) 1).6 .c.
Tie 01vl1 ((OSI• Me11t) and Whit• <Cen1ennl1tJ u.o.
100 -1 1(11 .. .,. tBurr-ntJ 10.1 1. JKObl tC~1,.. nel 1111nd1) 10.I J. C.O.lu (PolY I 10.l •. KundJOn tro.,•nc•l 10.2 s. Brlctr.nw tlomPOC/ 10.1. 660 -l. wn111 tE• OorldoJ 1:21.4 2. s1n1or !""'" Clal<I 1:11.1 l. Hlllrwoctr. \L8Vlln& 811d\) ·1: l,f '• l!~f:J1i,ii~'.t1 Loma) 1:2_.f 5. APCll..-.11 (CarPin-
110 LH -Smllrl (San Mal'Cflll) 11.1 1. Hutrd
tNol'!n. lllv.t U.I J, H•'l'nn (Ven1ur1l 131, •· H1ndr (\¥QI TGtTt«i) 13,1 J. Jl(Qon ll.imtlPc. 13.l
120 -I, JICOb5 CChlnMI l1lan011 2'1.1 2. C a"'f• C~) 22.l J. Kelley 18Ul'rGU!illU 22..S '· Coe!H l .. olrl 22A S. PflllUPS tMt, Cal'mlU 22.6.
1120 -1. Tul>b (Cam1rll1DJ J :OS.t 2. TuITT119 lWnt TPrr1nai) l;Q7 .. J, Cour1ns1 ($an G1Wlll J:01.I 4. Couture CW~nl ,, ... J. Aose (CdM l :•.t.
MCI R1l1r -I. Comll!On 1:2t..S ICIF ,._di ?. Lakewood l:lo.J 3, PotnlnaU1J; l ;JO.• I. f'oty l :JO.t
S. 8urrou.ii1 1:i1.2 FllJo'I l<Qrlllf~ 1, fie B~ 18u~), QI-
M l llland1 10 Md!, 3, Tit w111 Torranc1, Poh' ' '""· . -1220 -1. Hfnwdez (Kue-) J:ll6.t :l. •r...o-
bur1h tTor-) 3:01.l 3, Wooler (El Modeoiil
J:OJ .... DWll IP~) a:n.7 s. Sllu• (Ktnnld)",
B1n..1 l !11.1.
100 -1. P.epp4rs (Comptgnt 11.1 ·2. W19fll11S1lon I01n1rGI 10.2 J. Tllomtl IComptOI') 10.2 (, Tomtu P1u1 Xl 10.2 S, Holll1 IE!~rl 10.1. ~I Put -1, Fl&Mrl'f ((r1JPll $7.( 1. Mliillo C L.it;~) 11·2'111 3. Ml:'lende! tLa Puenlt) '4 •. SPino11t CMllll~•n) !2~ s, Ba11tU iHun Jn., ton Bffd'll !J.IOl'J.
e.60 -l. Pow I••-CC!llremorul 1 :22.0 l . Grallal'l! ICr"pl) l:UI 3. Benet (Dlwrt l :U,t I. 1"1rA ll
H1wtnorne) 1:11.1 s. e111r1n co""'J ,,,,,~ 120 LH -1. L.-V!r CO.n11'(1) I .3 2. r1 (Anaheim) 13.6 J. Cox CA.nl•ICPI Vallrf') 1t' •· lair tNortnvfewl 13.' 5, $1k1molo IP1n<1en1 ll,7< llO -I, 1'epp1r1 !Compton) \7,, 2. Ho llt IE!un-hower) 1•.1 3. Tnom1• fCompton) 1• 1 1, W1stt-1n11100 !OXnl<G) 11.l 5. 1'omeu (Plus )(t 11.3. Poll VIUll -1. FOl<x tMonlt Vl•ta/ 1 t 2. Gor· min 4AMll•lm1 ll-2 3. Arc;e (Indio 1 '4 '· Tit Plldlw (Aildlllnd•/, S1no:M! (SQ. MIWon), C1tl1r lCrHPO 11-0, ....., •-1,:-I. LIW'J'll' IOllnerd) 22·5. 2. s-.r .. '1 (Wll'l'll'I 21-4 3, Alc;e Tullllll 21., ~. M1111man
I ':,l)' l1J S\O. 5. MINnt !Omarll) JO.S. ..0 •!fol' -1. Chtt11rd '1. 1. Clir'nPkwl '4.1 3.
Alh a '4.t 4. Ctnl9Mlll '4. $/ 81.,_ Amat '4.7, H!ttl lvmp -I. Fulk.,._ Sant• 1"1) ~ 2.
Gorclon tl• H1br1l 6-2 l . SIOl'Ws (G'9nd1lll a.1
'· JctflM«I (B'flrl.I/ "'° J. KlclWIU !L11nr..,...1 H . Fiii.ii Korint: , 0.ft.lrd 2S. 1. (omplOn 22. 3. Crnpl 11.
No Dodgers,
But Angels
On TV Scr~~n
The sizzling Dodgers will be in the na-
tion's TV spotlight Saturday -all of the
nation, that is, except the greater Los
Angeles area.
While the Dodger-St. Louis game from
Dodger Stadium will be carried as Nec·s
ga me ol the week show, Southland fans
will have to be conlent with the San
Francisoo-PitlSburgh match f r o m
Candlestick Park.
Game time is l p.m. on Channel 4.
The Angels dra1v some TV exposure
Sunday from Detroi t where their game
will be shown over Channel 5 starting at
11 a.m.
Saturday's golf Jeature is the Atlanta
Classic, worth SllS,000, at 2 p.m. on
Channel 9.
Channel 7 carries what promises to be
a good fight atttacUon Saturday at 5 p.m.
with Bob Foster taking on Andy Kendall
for thl'i Light-heavyweight championship.
lloward Cosell calls the act.ion .
A tape of the CalJJornia Relays fro~m
Modesto hits the tu be Sunday at noon on
Channel 2.
O<\ILY ,II.OT ,...... 11r I.al P1n19
I' I
MAN OF THE HOUR-Corona de! Mar High short-
stop Dean Wiese is mobbed by teammates John
Palmer (9), Don Snyder (10) and Mike Ezzell (5)
after Wiese's bases-loaded single gave CdM a 2-1
CIF viclory over Antelope Valley Friday. Wiese'•
blow came in the 14th inning alte< 10 straight score-
less irmings.
CdM Beats Antelope in 14th, 2-1
Wiese Gives Cd M Victory
OI ltte O•HV Piii! Stall
.. Dean Wlese's dramatic lingle with the
bases loaded in the bottom ol the 14th in-
ning gave Corona del Mar High School a
heart-stopping 2-1 CJF AAA baseball vic-
~~riday aM!moon over Antelope
The victory aerlds coach Tom Trager's
gully ootfiL Into the aemilloals o! the
ellminaU...S acainSt Blahap Amal Tuea-
day afternoon.
The Lancers deieated EI Segwido, &-!,
In Friday action. · , .
Wiese was the man of the hour at the
Corona del Mar diiimond with his clUtch
hit. It capped a thJ1!e..hoUr, SS.minute
struggle that saw Corona del Mar on the
ropes on three separate occasions OfllY to
scramble back each time.
But first, the winning run. In the 14th,
after 10 consecutive scoreless innings,
Trager11 Irvine League contingent got
started when John Palmer walked with
one out.
Kim Wllbrecht was out trying to bunt
on a third strike but Don Snyder followed
with an infield sinJ:le to deep short.
Antelope Valley stratigy dictated an in-
tentional walk to Ru: Snyder to get to
Wiese, who was hitless: in fh'e trips to the
Wiese tagged pitcher Rob Turner's 0-l
pitch (or a clean single over secood
base and Antelope Valley's perfect 19-0
M1llh11n S, Venlura l
Are.ala J, ~v111111 I
S..nt1 F1 •· C1m1rlll0 o L1ktw11Dd J, Ool'nlnlllel I "'-' Coron1 dtl Mir 1. A"teloPt V1!11~ I
l 111\C9 "'"" •· El ~ I Serr1 l. G1reltn tSrow o '
51. "IUI 3, LllUI J ..
Worllmen 4, lllooff'lln1ton 0
Ch1nn1t l1l1rrd• 4, f'1lm S,rlflli I • H1rv1rd 1, llorot1 o
Bl.no. 11, Wlllllllr ChrlMl1n I
season was al an end.
The dramatic climax gave Rex Snyder
the victory after completing the last two
innings in reUef or Chris Thompson.
Thompson had another remarkable
performance in playof( competition.
He struck out 13 through 11 innings of
stellar hurling and had two aafetles In
lhe offensive department.
The story behind Wiese'• I-.mome:nt
heroics, however, was the lnablllty of the
Goldea Leap cbampi<los r-Lanc:u<
tet t6 capftatie With runnen on base.
ln Lhe fourth frame the Antelopes load-ed .the' bbes' wlth no one out.
Thon'IPIOO was more than equal to the
occa..ion. He struck out the side.
In the 13th frame, the Invaders were
burnt thrice on trementlous defensive
plays by the Sea Kings.
Antelope Valley had put ruMera on first
and second with no one out 'and Sl\Yder
came in to relieve Thompson. -
First Jt waa Snyder making a great
play off the mound to get the runner at
third on an attempted sacrince.
A walk loaded the bases again but
Snyder, with a beauUful move, picked off
the baserunner at third.
Then the back-breaker.
Dan Massarl's steaming line drive to
right<:enter was backhanded by
Wilbrecht in a leaping effort to kill the
All>acore Signup
Deadline for entering the third annual
Pacific Anglers' Jnvltatlonal albadore
IOOrnaminfliJUnc 15, 8Ccording to R:'D.
J ohnson, tourney chairman.
The tournament will be held Saturday,
Aug. 9. An added feature of this year's
tournament ls the added special class for
boats measuring 30 reet and under.
Major League Standings
Elli Dlvllloa Eut Dlvl1lon
w L Pct. GB w L Pet. GB
CHICAGO' 26 14 .650 BALTIMORE :JO 13 .698
PITI'SBURGH 20 19 .513 511 BOSTON 25 13 .154 21\
NEW YORK 18 20 .474 7 DETROIT 19 17 .518 711
ST. LOUIS 19 20 .481 6\\ NEW YORK 20 21 .488 • PHILADELPHIA 16 20 .444 8 WASHINGTON 20 23 .465 JO
MONTREAL II 25 .306 13 CLEVELAND 10 24 .284 151,l
West w .. ,
LOS ANGELES 22 16 .519 '" MINNESOTA 20 16 .S56 I
SAN FllANCISCO 22 17 .564 4 CHICAGO 16 17 .185 3>.I
CINCINNATI 18 19 .488 7 KANSAS CITY 18 21 .447 4\\ HOUSTON 19 24 .442 9 SEATl'LE 17 21 .447 I SAN DIEGO 18 28 .981 11 \.!! CALIFORNIA II 26 ?297 1011
ll•t.uttl R11ult1
c1nc1n11.1u " Mtntn11 ~ llOJIOll 4, Cillcl90 2
HwllOn 7, NN Y..-. ' Dlltrou 6, Ctlllllml• I
"'llttft4'111• .. ""*"'' 2 K~ Cit'/' 4 Wttlllntlln J
hn ,.,.._, ... I. P'ltl-..,,..fir t 1•"1morl 4 011111..i )
II. 1.auta l, Loe Nite11t I H.W Yl<tl ). Min.-t1 1· ,
T ....... ._. Cltft\Md 7, ... ttll t •• .::...._1, IW-WI at AllMl1 CR• Sol), ,_.. ..... ' . i,ll~l~!r.'~1).!1 ltc'ErUT.'1••; ~I Clrtftt l·S) 11 CltldnMll {CIM'll!lfff J•S. ..... .n ( .,_ I• I 11 C le I °""" M}, ~-Yttlf IK-111 T-n " Hou.Ion (01tt1ttr i.11, 1114111, " . ~tkllnd ltfllftlw HJ et 11ntll'llrl 1eve11ar 6.4), ii"l":1 ·~~l"'~ ... F'\'. !!:'"" ·~ ' '· I, -.i1( r:" II r":r I 'hip:"'\. Ktt111tt (lf'r IHtltlund l·U 11 WltN"""' (Btrlallll t.....i== (1. ~.Ille tfl ttflCIKO 1·2).
MllW!ltOl1 (ICall Wl ti Ntw Y ... (lurbiclt J-41.
il1 11p1li I'•
'4J·MOI H0-1764
A-laod l'lllltARI -· Wot a -
P1lmer, It
W!lbr.chl, <f
0, ln'f(I••· c R. Sn'rGer, llH>
WllM, u
Wlrd. lb
8•'9. lb
.. '
' I • • • • • • • • ' . ' . ' .
'" • I • • I • • • • LNCll, rf
Tl'lornl>llotl. P.lb
SI-IL lb
Emll, lbolto , .... ' ' ' . I 0 .. '
• • I
I • I
I • • ' • • ' i ~
A"ITILO'°I VAi.Liv ill .. ' 8echrllh. cf
TuN11r, 1w
SlebNor, rf
A.Ill~. lb
Catton. II
Miner!, !II Barton. 2bou
Bra*'>burg, ' Molf11t, I
Jar!e, lb
o·conner, lb
47 r. " . " . ' . • • • ' • I
' . • • ' • I
• • " ' . ' . ' . • • • •
""telope V1Jlrr
Caron. del Mar
• • • I
• • I . ". 001 000 000 OOC1 06-1 I o
001 000 000 000 01--J , ~
Cardinal Tryouts
Slated Sunday
The Fountain Valley Cardinals buebill
team will hold tryout.s Sunday afternoon
at I at Los Amigos High School.
Coach Bob Chavarria'• oulfit will com-
pete in the American dlvlsion of th e
Soothern California baseball league dur~
ing the summer, st.artina in nUd.June.
Players must be 17 years or older. The
school.is located.at..Newhope-and-Warner -·-
ip Fountain Valley.
Further tryouls will be held a week
later at the same site. Candidates are re-
quired to bring their own cleats and
1969 Agerte Awrk.a
AvaSlabl• w/A~toma'uc Trarwmimc.
.. NUT uucnON
' ..
' !
;~ I·
. \
' '
1 ·
> '
J" emv PILOT
Wins Honor
Tim Jooes, of 339--3U Costa
Mesa St., Costa Mesa., a stu-
dent at Newport Harbor High
School, has been n a m e d
Treasurer o( the Year in the
J u n i or Achievement com-
petition sponsored by the Na·
tional Association of Ac-
countants Los A n g e l e s
Jones was sponsored by
Philoo.Ford Aeronutronic Di-
vision, as treasurer of "Wood-
peckers Amalgamated," man-
ufacturing novelty wood pro-
ducts, and has been an Achie-
ver for three years.
He is a member of the
Spanish Club and American
Field Service, Is high school I rep re se ntative to the
Broadway Key-Man Council,
• and speaks publicly on behalf
of Junior Achievement His
hobbies are electronics. out-
door sports and camping.
Action, Thrills,
1 Spills, Laughs
Jr. Bareback Bronc
Sr. laftbacl< Bronc
Jr. Steer Ridln9
Sr. BuU Ridin9
Girl's Barrel Racin9
Girl's Goat Tyin9
Team Ropl119
(Myt .,, ti"'' Boy and Gilt
Team RopillCJ
l~ints-100 Bo-Ont ... County
Chaplet', IM>AA. Inc,
Orange County
M4.r ..... , ......... , .... .
s.tw...,., M., Jl--4 & I p ... .
H• l w111• Al IMtl o .. ha -.. .Mit1b SJ.Of C..... 11 .M
·l!llT Wll Jll
YOUR POCXD • Sell unwanted Items
.ttb a DAILY pn.cr
Clu&llJ.O Ad,
Sllurdq, May 24, 1969
·-~ , I
·-......... -.-* "7. tna 11 I.II. lo I P.11.
·Big Boy 121/2' BBQ
'llJmllU Hill ......... 3 29 areea filisll bowl and •illd ~.
picl-up Wies, 7 ·Inell lets. I
Double Grill Hibachi ' ..
1.11p 1rl2f' ••• fie! ...,. 1 --9 -inn J.way llfj1s1Jlfo. <>St ·
1,. fll'ebOwl. -~ handles. ! ldeitl for --. picnic. · · •:
Petite Patio Table
MGU£1PUSl1C •• ,19\\" ~-• 14¥4. -. i6eal f(r Pillo. pool·
side', will 11(11 rast, mildew, dlip.
Chaise Lounge Pad
1-ioc>. b!IH 1111 , •• MuJU-0>!-5 88 omi t1in1 filrl oriRt. lhredded 1re-
ttn fm filled. ideal tor duise touage or '1 ~ llf. l .41 1
Alu11i11B1 · f Jlding Chair
·-... ! "'1ica!Webs,& 3 49· llorizantal wells, lialllr fnwne With
flat arm re;sts. 01alit)'-bl!ilt for
yearn of semce. I
Folding .Chaise Lounge
double tubular arm rests, 5-PGSition -
"ACAPULCO" ••• Soutf'l.of-tll!l-Border colors in !t!!id
tones. Aluminum fram e with 6 99 adfustment. 1 vertical wells, 16
horizontal far e~t1a strength. •
• t -_,
• ·~~~ ~~ .~1~,w ~~<t of"''' f::;,i;~=d ':d 2 -~ 1 00 op-art designs. •
' .
0 ' .
!_'Hawaiian" SUrf Rider
21lCf"iwLATElo •• 2separateair 4 89 cllilmbf!ft.' 2 Sell3fite air,-valves,
aitton-vinyt l~minate, Wide diam-
eter rope. •
5-Foot_ Super Water Surfer
·IOI BDCll DI PGOL ••• Maho1an• 3 98 wood stringers are molded inside
foam to make ii practically ~n
breakable. Rq1l1rly 4.19 •
191/2 Inch Swim Ring
MOLIEI SIYIGflllll ••• Uuffo:l!d Iv. 66C S1111, Salt or Chlafinalell llits. kleal for '--,
~ or Pool -light, toaP, rotpl,
unsinkable. '
...lh!DOS" Pjcnic Jug
1111£ ~R lllN:EI , , . ~ ....... ~: 269 llllt!'S, fibl!r glass insulafal.
· · . •tt~larlJ 111 •
Styrofoam Ice Chest
31 WAIT ,Sil£ • , • Lar1e 20¥• ' 1 66 IJVz-xlJIJ•" si1e styled witll dome
cover, patented twin carrying han-
.dles. Re1111arly2.19 •
' l"i1£C._....-..-.,..Jll..., ,,~---·-_......._.. •. ............--._.,.-"""'-t, ' Daisy Floral Decorated Kitchen ' Accessories
Dep Styling Gel
HAii STYUNC lasts loA1er when
it mrts wilh "Oep".
Crystal PWlk or Blue 111 77c Bl°'""' 1 II. Jor
6x6' Shower Curtain
LL ~:.!~.~~.!~~ !!.s!~.~~.~~~.~!~.~!R~
-drag, OOlds 270 ya1ds 20 lb. test line, "Tuna 15 88 ~ing'' 8\lz ft tob~lar glass rod.
• , ...I. • Ci,if11e•ltl• E\ .
'""" quail~ •i~I lilm i• .,. BBC sWd a>kri llMf deaintor de-::::;;::=========:: sips, rvstlfllOf aromrnets. 6x6' Shilwer Curtain
302 Spinning Reel GAIOA MITCHELL
fir Slit latar -Pbunalic gems, corntiine advm-~:~ai:i'aJ~~~~ 19 95 Pretty Feet Lotion
feet, hands, elbows. Snmot~ l«t ttlat ·
won't ruin stoclillgs -119· soft feet as iretty as lhe
-,.. luUJ)ic~·•P.~!dsCOOyards 17 lb. line. 1
!~:n~~ t~ee~E~~~m . ......... ................. 39c
Penrai1 Oriti•al Mar.1ba1 Jir flies 53c
Cboite of rolofs -~igned !or Cr1pp1~s ............•.•....•• ,.
Hedd .. 385 "Sonic" Siakinr Lms 98c
-% ox., I*·intll, 2 number 6 IIellle boo~s .................... ..
~:~i:i:~:~~:1~~!s ~'.~~·~. ~.~~~~~ .~~.~~ ................. 93c
~i!r::i.ir~.~:::r.:1iir~ ................... 2.59
~:1--m•_01_, .. _._•L_841_11•_· __ _. 48x84" Table Cloth
~---------~----, ~~~~,~~i~~~il~i 1 88
P di C Id C Me side-stripes c11 other, . . ;;:i on S 0 ream rns 1-6 ft t.b1" ,
Dl£PCWllS ••• r.-.lmand 60" Round r·able Cloth · '39 'eye make-Ip. lipstd. • Try Pond's
' W " :7-0oy e...~ l'fln fl> 1 09 r.~ 36""8" round table• R>-1 88 ~.r·~·:-r: , ftfSlble floral Jnd mpe pat.
•-""' wiffl "'"'ped Id!'-I
"My Biddy" "Old Pal " "Umco"
Tackle Box Tackle Box Lure Box
.....__ ____ _, 48x84" Table Cloth ••
Neet Hair Remover
LOTION ••• facial quality CIUl\S
unwan~ llair away from 69C lace. legs arid ufldem'ts.
4 1z. LOTION, It(. 19e
Denture Brush
America's ~l4i111 2 88 dt1!al plato •r1sh. : C Cames. ift 1ssorteo 1 pastel colors.
Folding Syringe
"S,.ctra" -over 2 quart e1pacity,
lh<eaded littinzs, fealt. 2 29 ~I toftfleelof. 4 !'¥ au.aranttt. 111• .st •
fllllllSS -... TlGll .
RMM:le so!id ulor ~d 1 88 checls al Stllllffer ~ifty1 film.
Fits s.6 ft tlbtes. •
._., • ...,,,,. "T . tlida-~. ""'"" flfilll. •n Dfl
"* 111111'/SJ!llp , ~
.._ :'!'; Ailtdl 1 59 Secret" ,
ConotM l:.'1'.• • -Wllfl ¥""" sfyfe f« OrlN t AM h 11 PM -1 DAYS A W1R •••"'"-'"D
·Pm1CT1011 "" Ind !& CfM ol Blocl NEWPORT BEACH --~-HDasebold Gloves « , .... wlf) Goy i-s. "" llYINI tN WISTCLI .........
HUNTINGTON BEACH ~ ,.. bleflOK Witll lleOIJeae ADAMS & llOOIHUIST ::::J",:l:; 0fi/':l 'JOc COOl·HY hla11 il 4 9l HUNTINGTON I .EACH If;,. S4l --·~;. . "ftl Smit" . • SPlllN•DAU I IDIN•1•· w;;;...::.;:;;....:::.::::.=i . _..,. _____ ..... _..ill
~ . lr!Ptn••ltlr kltc ... witll llllA c...,,._ 11.n1-.1im11 •x""8U celtn I• nll:ll,..Mnr! l Azalea aiid Avoc311t! ~ Gii white pJa,,t~ •. : white 31'(!1.yellow fklwett '!' ntte ... Bl11e 111d Uiae
en 1o!d ••• ltlfQOO~ ll!d fem mi 131'1 ••• ]'Jlow and orMge·on o.een~ · .. : .
Memo 99c
' Matches &
Tooth Picks 99c
II , '. ' Cigar11t1 •
Dispenser. ggc ,. .. ~-..,._ _____ .._........__. ..... u..---... ...... · ..... ,_,.. .. .......... -~""
Decorated Wall 0 ·-··--......_..
Switch Plates Teflon Fry ·Pan · ·'
In CDSf 1111etol
With IJ'IY le11ses i~ black, •• Of
Veto CIJ'l>I, Ito with 7 00 fasl!klll lt?tll '81ses in
&feel CIJSI~ •
• •
'.'Ille ..
.. MtlRO" ·11-IWCH ••• Thie~. even·'
heating akimirnln finidl
with SU~·lough TeUon.1 97 Cleanup is -easr -ao
scra!llng or scouring. a
CHOCKS Chewable Vitamins
Frozen Treats
R£1Z£ 'DI l UI 'II , .. Boxof 10 nlort<d f-llqo;d-M
:n ':: r= 4: 1-00 Cpl: Owt Ma$k. • • •
Electric Clocks
• , Snooze Alarm ;~ ~'" ~ '°" ltts ~ ' . POile, tW wM ,
I ' " aj1io. .,,., ~ 3· ·98 . e-• I
S•z ~lann
u dill to"''" o!ll · · "UIUI s..t' W/UIM· 4 79
SW.., Send""'· •
Snooz Alarm
' '
I r
' -.
THE ' . \ WEW 1969 MUSTANG .
' '
. .
· BRAND NIW 1969 .
S .
$99 53 13
48 Months Fin1nclng on Appro~ed Credit .
thru C.111. Funclint
lu99•9• Reck •nd Wh ite W1ll1
Tires Optional
, ' ' . . .
Sa......,, Mil·~ 1'169
11'-!1. .
-.Hug, Seleetion .
OF · · . 1969 F. ·•~ND N•w . -.
A1,......, .~RD TRUCKS ........... ~°' ......,,_I '
""-•· OIHf ·,;,c;.;'°"' call • s~":..~"9: Crew <all • 4 ..,, .. ._.•f Camper Sp~ • lroec°' • c,.,,:!-
. En'S tOO CAMP ~.eel ................. 1•
. --' •• c:or ...... ~ .... ~· ...., • ,..ww -""'"' "':".< .... ........ .... . ....., -·~: -·--:,.. ...... -·~ .. • • ...... 111"9· ~ .. ,..., • "
oiDn NOW._
; . >~ .. _....__. .......... .• ..c.:t -~,,.... .......... -.... ~·-~ • ---••*****'*•'ii*********J\*i1t •····~·••'1e'*•'.~•·t••'it*l'•i•-;•i *••······
*: . ON THtS COMING MEMORIAL~ DAY • • • . . -E
. ":i .... ,...,. ~ . ...... ........ . "° ,..._ ----._,steel E PRICE' e .. .,. 1°' ~.....--· ACKAG ' OM;ARE OUR p the LOWEST Prl~•
YI• c;._ure the BEST ~ , · •.• we urge you to pame and pay tribute to those. self-sacrificing Americans who have :;
given their lives to preserve our heritage of freedom. . 11:
-*·** ************************r:.:*********************'**** * *** -A 'Dunton Deal' •• '(our Guarantee . al the Best$$ Buy Anywhere
' . ' . . . ' .
Av•ll•ble Th'°""' Collf; Funcllnt
on Approved Cr~it '
XIJ HAIDT0r '4.ANDAU COUNTRY SIDJ.N t PASI. v .... • 5.lod .. 1tr cond., R.alo, HMhlr, Chromt wheeb. lPDrt dtdl rwr -1. lltlY 1171.
V-1, Aulonwllk. ~-., 11..,.1ng, Pow.,-brtkn, \llnyt
1°", Oe111u lntwlor, ltclol'y '" cond, (PGF 2'1).
' door Htl'dtop. VI, t l>lon'ltlk "tn1ml11lon, lttdlo, Hut·
t r. Ll' WYW ••·
V-1, A""9. trtn&.. AMIFM radio. llQttr, r#Wflf tl..,lnt.
, , CON.,ITllLI
V.f,, ~tic, l"oWW 1i.-111o. ltedlo, HMfer. iMWJ
IOIJ . $995
...... A\llOmOtk, r~fllr't' oh'", ~ •~Int. ll.r ... Heilll'. IUO aa .
'68 FoRD
COUHTl1' 1911U 11 PAii. · .. ,
V.f. i\utonlttlc:, F~MrY •Ir, ,,,,_. 11Wrlflt, ,.._ •.it-. lllMl9. .... ..,. .. L.,..... rock. lwwY M l. •
. $2695
'67 CAMA!lO
1 door Htrdtoll. "l»"' \IL t~tk 1ru11mlulon, pow.
tr 1tttrlflg. Radio, H•tw, lk, TVT 0'9
V4 ~ .,...., r.ctlt. """"· lOLW•Ol'I.
...... IUlofftlllc:, ................... '""°-Mltw, .. 111.,1 Iott. (TUil 07'1, •
v.1, •utom1tic, pow•r ·•••rin9, p_ow•r br•k•1, $16 9 5
r1dio, b••f•r, whit•w1lh. I RPP 199},
• ' .
Dll.UXE 2-000R
4 ·SDeed, h1•t1r.1 etc. RYN '176
'4 sp••d tr•n1., radio, h••f•r. TSM 377
•Loi in .. ito1 1 q111 ""''" 1 DUNTON FOID, ,.,. 1111• h19en 11
mojor 'olftpfl 41 u1 ¥i41. T1n•11tM prMiOIM lt1jo1 y •-cel111t•
1•niic.io d11p1111 4 1 111 ••nt11, E1t111to1 .q1" p•r• 11,..•irto1. ~
,, ' '
$2595 -..
2 DOOi
4 Spd., lttdlG, HHlll". lSSI( nu.
. Z DOOi
~ f.Pffd, ,_,.,., !llVN Ji61.
'65 THUNDERllll.D
l•M•ll 2 dr • .......,., A1111t. tr-., Jt<tory 1lr c:cnt., Power stftrlnp, ,.~ lw•Ma. ,. • .,......._ '"-'• '"llWI
roof, 1,0H 171).
4 DOOi ot.1110. lr-•• ~ 1twr1nt. radio, Metier. lTOll tOOI
$1 395
4 Ddol HAIDTOf'
Auto. !no.,.., l"actory •Ir coM .. .,._. 1i-"'9 & w--. rNIO. ,_Mr, (Tl"C *I
$1 695
' '
. '68 FORD XL . ' 2 DOoa NAIOfOP
lf4 ""'"'· tr-.. ,..,., ... COllll .. ,._.. ........... 1 w.:-. radio. llM!w, ...,. ,..... ..,.,._ (YOO '901
' . ' v.a , •utom•tic +r•nsmission, 'pow•r ••••ring •nd ·$1195
. :.! .. . •
. .
. .
" . .
• •'
..... • .......... •-.• ... c SWi i!S " t 4
. · Hello 0000 aaait>. boys and
Iris, and welcome to anothtr
turday morning of fun llld
ames in Uncle Len's Comer.
Our Apollo 10 astronaut art
i..i really cauati• oo tllls
with many boys and
ls sendinl In their venlions
f the space fligbt and what it
ould be lib ~ the moon. Jt
as most difficWt to choole a
r, but 16-year-old KN
emstrom seemed to sum up
whole pjcture with her
ANOTHER local youngster
as "made it'' wltb the Ask
y column. Ten-fear-old
Reed of Costa Mesa e.am-
a World Book Atlas for his
uestion, N!printed be I o w ,
·was there ever a country
ailed Prussia?"
Next week's art contest .-----,.....------------------------.1 heme will be Memorial Day,
hlch fa Us next Friday. Tbb
ffers a number of ideas -
e honoring of our nation's
artime dead. the big In·
ianapoli~ Speedway race or
e first big weekend cf the
umrner season.
i · HONORABLE mention win-
rs in this week's art coolest .,
Steve Williams, I, Fountain
* PRIZE WINNER * ' 'This week's contest winner is Kris Fernstrom, JO,
323 Bowling Green Drive, Costa Mesa
Any child under 12 can enter Uncle Len 's Art Contest. Here's all you
do: (1) Draw picture on piece of plain, white paper 51h inches wide and
4 inches deep. Use black ink and make lines black. (2) Do not copy or trace
picture. It must be your own work. (3) Put your name, age and address
on back of drawing. Mail it to Uncle Len's-Art~ntest, Box 1560, DAILY
PILOT, Costa Mesa. Winner will re<:eive Kennedy half dollar.
alley; -.., Pembtr10!!, 9, '----------------------------'! OlJliain Valley; Robert van
7, Costa Mesa; Michael
rahmaa , San Juan
piltnmo; John Y o"u n g,
Eric Kenison, 7, Corona del /) A' /)
Mar; f•ter. Plounl u. rn, 1-----Larol J Lto•nn·-----.t ewport Beach ; Caroline
ord, a, Newport Beach: Jef.
ery Allen, 9, Irvine; Heidi van ·
"et. c.ost8 Mesa; Ke I It
enison, i, Corona de! Mar;
Costa Me1a : Steven Plourd, , · .,
6'h, Costa Mesa; Mike 'Mar·
quez, 10, Huntingtoll Beach, RIDDLES AND JOKES
and Rachel MacFarlane, lOlh,
Newport Beach.
1 have a cat named Dumb Dumb
Who's really very bright;
lie wiggl~ his way into my bed
But I keep him oot of Bight;
Mother says that animals
Belong ootside at night,
But I let Dumb Dumb in
And cuddle up real tight.
A K_., Mii ...., ... t. TIMft.a •1111. 11, IUl T-
Clf'C ... ~ ._., tw fllll .......... ~ -~-...,.,
..... ,..... --· ,Miii --., """ .. u ... L.Mll. ~· lUt. c..t• Miu. C.,.,.,,,,la.
SeH ,._ _. ........ te AA ANf,
•I• ONip ·-.. --. IM , , .... .__.:;a -
.t.nrdv s.enc11 • ._ .. .,. ._. &rlM to II .. , ... 11, Of C01l1 Met.I,
1tlfomll, for 1111 •11t$llM:
u there ever a couatry CIJI.
The ii.ory of Pru6sia is ooe
military mlght, oooquest
final disaster. It began in
1400's wben the German
ohenzoUern family gained
trol o{ a sizeable section in
e«&ral Europe. These
·llary-m.inded men ru1ed
nMa with iroo fl!ts unUI
country was defeated in
First Wor}d War.
Prussia's way ol life was
arfare and is bou'hdal'\e!
anged as its armies 111et
ith vidory or defeat. The
·an empire reached its
k In the 1890'&.
The 11ohenrollern k I n g
ame Emperor ol Germany
the empire reached from
Jeium and Holland eestwant
Russia. from the Baltic to
North Sea and south to
ustria and Hungary, It in-
uded the .-tW<><hirds
Workl War l, Pnaia
broi<m !IP and no llign of
appears «I modern maps,
battered people ol Europe
hoped tbot the Pruloian
y d. life also was endtd
ver. The PnlllMa peop)e
' ere rigidly ruled by tome 200
es v.."ho owned all the
and provkled generals ror
mighty armies.
The rest ol. the men o(
....... WOl'lred Oil ti>• laM
or foUt montht a year
. .,..ed Ille mt ol tbelr
~~--~· r etrict mJlitary :I ,,., brutal hlltory
-..-once .m r.. ,,.. ___ who b7 to
Ir. tbt -Id by mllhry
... -to dbll>--t.d•--
iron at.cxns are still there.
'Ibey hive merely combined
widl. oxygen aklms to form
molecWes·of iron oxide.
You might not suspect that
rating is related to a blazing
fire. But it is. And both are
related to the met.hods used by
the body to eonvert food lrto
energy. All these chemical ac·
tivities are types of burning
and because they all use ox·
ygen as fuel they are called
processes of oxklatioo. A b\az·
ing fire oxidizes in a great
hurry, Rusting and the ox·
ldation withbt livihg ctlls pro.
eeed at a slow~ rate. The fire
woo:I , the food and the rusted
iron seem to vanish. But ac·
tually oxidation mere I y
changes them inlo difrerent
Oxklelioo is a chemi cal pro-
cess and chemicals are made
or atoms. lron is a chemical
elemf!l'lt and its atoms at-e all
alike. Rust~ a chemical com·
pound caDed iron oxide. Its
molecules are packages o(
iron and oxyg91 atoms. The
original iron atoms are stil I
there tn the flakey rust But
they are combined i n t o
moletUJe packages with atoms
ci oxygen. ~ the orjgtnal
'iron atoms and a quota cl Oll·
ygen atoms from the alt seem
to disappear. But tht>y have
merely been remodeled.
This remodtling is les.<1
surpria~ wheo you think ot
baking a cak('. The eggs and
sugar. nour aod butter and
other ingredierws in the recipe
do not resemble the finished
produ~ af all. The mixing and
balilJi procesoes chanLU::" ivto-... quite l
Something like tlUo '-"' --"'* ..... -.... -Ollde. ,,., oxldatlon pro-.-_a»wly 11111 rdtntiessly .
wflen I pl«e ol IOlid iron
mdll ts left unprot<et<d in
ttie alr outdoors. 'Rlere it
llw•y1 I certain ~ of
moil!llure in the atmolphere.
el10<lfh to dillol•• a r ....
atoms ol peeous oxyaeo.
Wh<n molll air touch<t the
aurr,.. ol tlie ooUd irul. this
diOIOIV.,t Olf"'1 tr!Qtn ihe
rusting proc:em, Oxygen atoms
and Iron lbM 1-1 tore<btr
to ,_ moloculeo " Nlt7 troo oxide.
* Dear Carol: What becomes longer by
being cut· at both ends?
PRIZE '"t:tl!P 'r/ :.1tMIU'rf
Dear Oarol : What did the rug say to the_ !loor7 .,.,,.
~A" no.( fOl eA,1 1nq 'MOU >fOOI f,UO(J :.1eMIU'f
J-.P'li.r .......... IHdl
Dear Carol: What did the billy goot say to the
'1.t:x1t1~ '!P"""". '~W :.a••IUY .... l&MM.t, ,_....,. •• ...,
Dear Carol : Why did the animal lover want it to .
pu• ···~ •1.t• •• , 01 ,,..UeM 'lf tSnli':Jtg : JtMIU'f
Miii T'"9W•ll. HU11lll'$ftll hftll
Dear Carol : \Vhat would you call it if everyone
had pink automobiles?
'UO!l•U .11t:i >1u1d y :JtMtuy
P'rl<H1 J•"'lt. H11fttl"t.n 111<11
Crossword Puzzle
1 Flout and
b Expert
111 food
preparallon 10 H11usewlf r's
14 "-··· Jlm1ny V1lent ln r"
15 Turnin g:
lb Within:
Comb . form
17 Ha'llng no
01nament s
18 Chill'ilCtfr istic
19 Man's name
20 Small birds
22 Proltttlori
insects 24 Octupy
pl e~s•ntl y
2b •••.•• Fair
27 Unit of
JO Gone by
31 Grrtk 1'' 32 Ac!s o ltrachery 37 Rrtrea led
)8 Alr Force
.l!D EJpresslon
of dl sgu~l .lll Private
3 words
.4) Sittnt
44 Alas:
~5 Ltarntd
~I Pt1'ld1n1
omamtnl 51 C1pltal of
Stnegill 52 Nt;lecttd
111 menll11n
54 Rt1trvt
2 words
51 Tht Elernal
City 59 Mint1al
·bl HtaddrfSS
&2 Sull!1 used
w!th 1111
and cytlo
63 lakt dis·
tll~fr'd by
Joliet &4 C11mt 11ut .. . . -:
2 wo•ds
65 Cause to 110
Ii~ 011r who
li7 Closed
l Belonging
to a lor111tr
l lmt 2 Singing
3 Locale of Rod;ers and
rnu slc al
4 Certain
Russi ans
5 Af1sk1 or
b Capabl e of
br!n; forded
Yestttday1t Putrlt Solved: ..
7 Plaslrrer's
I English
' Caution In advance
10 Raze
11 Up to thP.
time that
12 Hold A
caur$e at
"' 13 Or iental
21 Can!a111tr 23 C.1rmenlS
or old
25 Bui lt
21 Plier for
""rin g and sr ling 21 "Oits -":
Oay of
29 Coin
JJ Bal ltt
2 words
34 Touth
35 After lh t
agre rd tfm t
Jli Structure
)8 Small pl1nt
surlac e
39 Bab Hayts
and Nancy
42 Loridon
src lion:
2 words
CJ Cocktail
~Ii lnstrum,nl:
Info rma l c 1 ••••..
characters: 2 words
48 Nrgllgenc1
and trespass,
t .g.
49 lOYt, lrt
,0 -Fr1str;:
In C;11nld1
SJ Chall tno• SS Df'lour s
Sb Cave: Pott.
57 Spaces
60 Br prostr1tr
• ~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~------~---~~-~~~~~~~~~~~
tL;JU•C (Mot 60 (-+¥ Ji • P .... _,, .... --· . -_ ..... _
~ • "' I
' ' , 'I ' : r I • I
\• I •f ' I
( ;II ! I: i
111 I
: I! \1 ' I . ' .
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' " ;
....,..__ -------
I I, I~
" CIMirlel M. ScWI
I !tilfPO'SE ntE:
NEJr l\llM6 'tt>IU
. By John Mil~
By Ferd JohMOn
liCLl/'Sf' ...
By Tom K. Ryan
By Al Smith
ly Ga Arriola
By Mell
I l... ...... _.._ --"'--~=----------~~·
E DAJL Y PILOT WANT A~S 1 .;::::;!'·""··~' ;;;;::;;;;'000~G•;;;;,;••r•• ~1000 G~-..
1 ~1
General lOOOG..,.ral 1000
1/4 ACRE
Custom Built
Over 1600 sq 11, excellent NORTH
' COSTA MESA area, 4 big bdrms,
Roman sun.ken tub. completely bliilt-
i.n kitChen with PANTRY·. 20 year
guarantee stainless steel dishwash·
er. patio-kit'eben, choice ot carpets
& tile colors etc. No\v under con-
slrliction. VA NO DOWN FHA or
; $109 P.i.T.t.
That's right 514% interest, 3 bdrms,
w ;,,, carpeting. good area. close to
au schools, churches & shopping.
l'vl.iture neighborhood with tau. tall
trees & big lot . Fhll price $20, 750.
General lOOO General ---' 1000
Decorator's Hon1e. 3 &d-
rooms 2 Baths. Fireplace,
2000 sq. ft. living space.
Ideal hon1c for professional
wife \l'ho will appreciate
this modern decor. S:U.500
A Large· Sunken Den 1vllh
Fireplace adds lo thC: charn1
of this fJel'.'ly decorated 3
B«!room hontc on land you
own. Key to pJil'ale Shorc-
cl!U Beaches! Out of IOl\'n
owner open lo offers. S-13.500
!Good neighborhood near Bak-
er a nd Harbor.· 3 Bedrpon1s
2 Balt1s. firep!aCT'. flard1vd
I fil':'I. modern kitChen com-
plele 11•ith disf1.1rasher. '1
Car garage. Comer Lot
$23,450 Flexible tf'nns . G.J.
or F.H.A. if desired.
Bay & Beach
' 67S.JOOO
24C.~ L. Coos! l·hvy., Cdl\f
Fcat141'lng th<' finest Newport
Beach area homes, present-
ed by the professional real
psta!c marketing ot'gll.niza·
lion that oilers:
l. Hon11lrl! 2. Duplexes
3. Properly Managen1cnt
t l'tcsar1 Property
5. Investments
10'.!S Ba.yslde Or.
Ne'o\.:po11 Beach· 6r.r'II30
'Jus1 al 1hC enli:ance to Bal-
boa lsluod. al Jan1bot"Cc Ii.
Bayside Dr.
"Properties lis!et.! 11•ith Pro1>-
C1ties \Vest, are Properties
1518 Dolphin Terr
May 24th & 2Slh
SpoUess 2 BH, 21 ~ ba, den,
clec kitchen. PLUS hug:~
co1·e1"t'd boat-por!, min. land-scafl(' maintr.nanf'f'.
Sl•Shed to $39,SOO
CURT DOSH, Reallor
Only for those who want, and .can afford,
the finest! Bay & ocean, view from living
room, family room Jin!! modern kitchen. Four
big bedrooms and lllree full bjlths.plus pow·
dcr room. Gorgeous easy care gro\lnds with
Completely \\:ailed-' big full pool. On1(. a few
bllx:ks !rom Irvine Country Club. Lis d with
us at $115.000. 0\\-·ner \vants to 1nove NOW
and "\Vill carry own financing!
OPEN Sat. 1 ·5 2015 Galatea .Terrace
Super 3 bedroom, 21;.! bath \Vith super ap-
pointments in superb Bluffs area. Slrown by
appointment .................... ' ... $47,500
Be our guest for a preview of this deligh,tful
executive home. It's too beautiful to leave,
but ,OY.'ner has been t.z:an11ferred and must
sel l. Everythiog is imn1aculate and thought-
fully planned in every detail. 4 be(lrooms plus
fami ly room \vith wet bar. 1'1aster bedroo1n
is 15xl7 \vith cozy fjreplace. Loads of cup-
board$, c;Joset space galore & mod~rn kit-
chen plus large formal dining room. $67,900
OPEN Sa t. & Sun. 11 to.6
1700 Wavec rest -Harbor View Hills
BOOK. Older 2 story Colonial 4 bedroon1 4
bath. Key access to beach/jetty & ocean
vie\v from upper story. OPEN Sunday 1 to 5
2828 E. Coast Hiwoy
Corona del Mar
General 1000 General ===;;;;;;;; 1000
U Paint & Save
Big family home -large Co-
lonial 5 BR wilh Anthony
pool. family room & dining
roon1 . Nearly Z!OO sq fl.
11•alki11g di~lancr tu Mesa
Vertie Country Club. ()\yner
relocating ou! or a1-ca-mus1
546 ·5880 (near cintma tmalrt)
LLEGE REALTY !1500 Adams·.i Hlfbor,CM.
2112 Windward Lane
Da ily 1-5
A truly charming large '1 BR
hon1c. !-'orn1al dining rn1.
Ganie rm, <leluxe islaud
ki1chen 11•/ brea~a.st area.
I111n1aC'ulate! f3:aycrest buy
at $69.750. ()\vn/agt. 548-8112. DAILY PIW'f WAN'f-.ADS 1730 .\V. Coasl. High1vay·
BRING RESULTS-'·· -:-642-&17'1'-Eves. 673·3-lGS ----_ ~ . . .. 1,. ~ Di&I 642-5618 ra,. ~uLTS Dial 6'42-5678 for ~ iu..SULTS
I G.neral 1000 General 1000 Gen•rar IOOOGen•r•I ' 1000
No·t every cook
is a chef.
There's • world of difference between being "Mother'i Little Helper" end en·
joying the profe,sionel slrill •nd ~now-how of en experienced, bon• fide . chef.
And just •s every cook is not • chef, neither is every reel estate broker •
Realtor®. A Realtor is the "pro" of his profe11 ion ... schooled, tr•ined and ex-
perienced ... he must qualify before he is permitted to use the word Re•/to,..
Once qualified , he is pledged to • strict Code of Ethics wh ich demends of him
the highest professionel ttenderds.
Buying .end selling reel property is not • job for other then• reel r,rofestionel.
For fe1t, efficient end completely satisfying reel ettete assistance, et e Realtor
serve yo11r every home buying or 1ellin9 need, Loolc for the Realtor emblem.
~-, ... :·•--'lW-' ~ .. -
1000Gene r•I 1000
roon1, forced air heat and built-In electric
kitchen. All ne\v carpels, comnletely redecor-
ated in and out. Divided single garages, well
landscaped front yard. separate rear yards.
TOP VALUE AT $27 ,500. wjth financing
Three bedfoom, tYiO bath townhome with t\vo
bedrooms and bath cl ow n, and large bed·
·room. and bath up. No yard work, no main-
tenance. Your O\Yn putting green, swimming_
pool and activi~y house too! Boys club. and
park ~ block : 2 minute drive to ~ Y.M.C.A
Sound great -It is!! CALL US, we have the
key! ONLY $25.950.
A bit of So a i n. FORMAL DINING ROOM
\Vith MASSTVE ARCH\VAYS ; a classic kitch·
en Wilh WROUGHT IRON breakfast nook .
'vith hand fitted \Vall i;hutters and excitina
hanging lan1ps! 1\vo bedrooms-plus detached
den for teenager or inlaWs \vith private bath.
ASSU:P.1E excellent $21,100 -SIX Cf, FIN·
ANCJNG and pav $156 .00 total nayment~
ror ~25.950!
BATH HO~tE. Large living room with fire-
place, built-in kitchen, dining area. separate
service porch. Detached enclosed patio run1-
pus room \Vith fireplace and bar-be-que. A
Corner lot. tvro car garage and boat storage
area. Assume exi sting loans. Here is a sleep-
er -ACT NO\\'!
YOU WON 'T BELIEVE IT -Make us prove
rootns, Dining room plus 20x24 recreat ion
room with Benjamin Franklin fi:replace. \Yill
easily accommodate pool table -sliding
alass doors to patio and larJle rear yard.
Two separate single garages. FULL PRICE
ONLY $22,500 -Act Now before a believer
heats you to it!!
220 E. Se'f'eftteenth St.
IE. 17th St. Shopf>lng Ctr.)
you'll like our friendly service
Evenings Cell 545·8723 or 646-1050
Gener ii
Newport Heights
GI Loan 182.00 mo
No qualiling, assume 6~
loan, do you 11o'l1nl oprn
bc:un c<!lllngs, brick fire-
pla~. hardwood floors, 3rt
studio. or guest room, boat
or trailer access, ivy cover-
ed patio localed in Nr1vport
Hrights ?'Then call today.
29J E. 17th St. 646-4494
Enjoy living on a quiet
!'llrect. Beauliful ash pancJ.
llng in living&' family room,
bui11 -ins. fireplace, n Ice
l11rge back yard. Asking only
$21.950 • goad financing .
1860 Ne11·port Blvd .• Ci\1
Rltr. 646-3928 Eve. 6'1'1-11i55
General 1000 General 1000
IT," and 11·e can't blamt-
thcm. This is really a
culie, so much charm.
11 I g h beamed ceilings
lhruout: 2 Bdrm., wood
panelling in kitchen, bit -
ins, nice dining a1·eu -
P1·etty waJ I paper, dutch
door l.o covered patio -
uSf'd brick frplc. In llv-
lng rm. Quality carpet-
ing -Good housekeeper
a l $41.500. It's • goner
-Nothing bettt>r on
Newport Island. Belter
lllOYe fast'
JANI KI LLY Ac.cevntlnt Dt,41rtlMflt
Jn lhls nearly nrw -<I
BR., 3 bath, top valur,
2-story ho1ne for $39.900.
Large family rm. opens
tu coYerrd and licret•nt'<I
patio. The lot i.~ 60xl00.
You o"'n it. Real pridr
of ownership -Under-
ground utilities -Benu-
tJful perk planned for
at't'll. Owner wllJ tradt'
for Corona dt'I JI.Tar du-
plex. A very pleasant
surp rise awaiU your in·
s1icctlon of this S11nta
Ana bargain.
A good way to go -
-Talk to one of our
tradr rxpe1·t~. Co-oper·
ation y,•it.h over 30 ln-
trr ·state Red Ceri>el
Mcmtx.-r @Cfi«'f; plw; a
wide choice or local
• or Wt"ll Sell It ror
you lhc Red carpet
It ENT ALI ,,,....,
TI1is liJ)Ollcu ~tesa Vc1'l'lr.
lwn1c, first Umc lisll'd. hns
fovcly quality w/w t•ar-
::. I s~;L,DI :: l'r kl l O\'.
en & wm
has 1 ths •
Cl0S4' ;hop.
ping. Price $26.800. (list-
ed &: sold In 4 da)'S. , •
~Jake yours next! l S.1&-5-UO
This vacant -2 story, 4
bedroon1 borne h.::i.s Uecn
GI 11pprai~e<l -11<'1'.'IY re-
pu.inled interior -rich
nylon \\'/11• carpets -lcr-
mced bit-in kilehcn 111!h
electric 01·{'n &. range.
Dish\\'nsht•r h u g e
1n11ster \Jcdrooru has own
pril'ate bath, llrustock
seamlt>ss sho1\·cr -e .... tra
Jarg(' 11·ardrobf-closets.
No1v only $29.700 546-5-110
You will fall In loYe 11ith
this firs! time oUered 3
BR tleM. Venle borne
Ih a ! ow11 e rs h ave
~:1sr1 ·~:
bath It-in
kllch ~ vini:-
ruon &
landscaPf'd front &. rl'.!ar &
look at pric:r only S21.9j0
!-~\IA !crml' Ol\'D. Hurry.
It won't last. 516-5'MO
tn IK>nutifol Lag u n a
Niguel. 1''ully lmprovl'.!d
N'ady to build. 70x124
\Vilh vie1Y -outstanding
location in c x /I a n d I n g
area. $11,lXXI l'.!ach -S2200
Nef'd elbow room?' Ideal
for lar;e family -5
bedroon1s -2 bath~ -
needs son1e paint & fLx-
lng. Bui can pw<t:haSI.' at
IOIY pl'ic.re of $29,000 -with
to~; do1vn -cflll for sho11·-
lngs ~5440
Jus·r LISTED-In !>ltesa
V{'rdc. 01vner transfl'r·
tl'd and 1vants a quick
salr>. N1.•1vly painled in-
terior. all electric built·
in kitchE'n 1vith dl~H-
11·asher, l~ baths -stall
~hu11·('r. l<I -'' 20' living
roon1 "'ith fireplace.
Lo"' main1cnance rard.
Tcrrifie custom pool
11"ith 11.uton1fltic swcep-
('r. Price only S27,500
Ex<:cltC'nl financing.
Eastridge F.i;tatt'. 2 story
conleni[Xlrary. ~ BR k.
c!l'n, fa1nl!y room 1111d
l'US!Olll ['NJOl. 2 1 ~ baths,
rront enclosed court yard,
unusual Slone fireplo.Cf'.
built-in kitchen 11 s h
c·abincL~. Price $36,500.
Sc<' for ~ure. ~~'10
Charn1ing ?i Bit -2 balh
home -n!drcoratPd anrt
con1pletcly re-conditioned
only $28,950. No loan fees
or Escro1Y charge!'!. l'-.lar-
blc i;ink lop -gleaming
Tiled splash -blt-lns -JO
y.?ar financing at 7'-i.',;, to
anyone wi!h good credit.
Vacunl & ready for ~ .
cupnncy 546-5-140
thru .
This 3 bdrm Ii: family
room home In Mesa Verde
\ti today's best bU)'. Func-
tionaJ floor plan has l '6.
bath.11, till ele<:t. built-in
oven le range, n Ice
service porch, spack>us Jiving room wilh W/W
carpets & drapes. 1'~enced
rear yard. Good location
near !lhopplng center. On-
ly $24.950 -VA or FHA
lenns. 5'46-6440
}~amily fun in )'OUl' own
pool. Jdelll spotless 3 BR
home & family room, in ·
choice Westcliff Iocatlon.
2 blocks to 11111.in !!hopping
c.-c nter. A truly 1varm S:. ,
friendly ho1ne 1vith 11-'0od
& brick front . 2
ti1"Cplat.-cs, gas lighter.
Spacious living room look· '
Int: out on pool. Ladiel 1
drean1 kitchen, natural
11"00d cabinets, e I e c .
bu ii t-ins, dishwasher '
Good size bedroorru:, 2
baths. Professiona l
landscuping. whole yard '
completely lighted. First "
!in1c offct"('{I al last year'11
fit·ic.-e -Only S44,950. Call
!10\V~ 546-544()
Auume 51/1•/o Loan
TI~n inspect this 4 large
bedroom executive home •
in Ne1vport Bea ch:.
designed for easy livi ng.
Terrific kitchen with aU '
elecfl·lc biltin oven I:
l'ange, dishwasher, ex-pensive tiled tops &:
splash, extra I a r g e
service roon1, 2% baths.
trafllc fret' living room
\vith fireplace. I a r g e
lamlly room wilh
lireplace opens out to
patio 11·ith f !r epl t.
Separate 14xl0 formal
dining room. You'll not
find a ni('('r homl' al only
$53,9;,Q_ CALL NOW
in Newport Beach-Solid
3 BR home. hard11r'Ood
lloonl' - 2 baths -lovpJy
spaciou!'I living room. has
fireplace -w/w cpls &. •
· drapes -step -·saver :
kitchen • '~rvloe porch • :
r,nced )"ii.rd plus mvertd :
patio. ' 'Low ·price al :
S28,500 546-5440 1
l •. o.P_E_N_H_o.u.s.E.s ••• ·.·.•0.-il ~
Orup by aller church and
inspccl this older 2
Hr.droon1 hon1e In
Nl.'wporl 1-lcights. Has
great po ss i hi l l l !es.
llard1\'00CI floors -stone
fil"f'plu cc -light bright
kitchen -75 x 127' 101 to
1111 >\lie~. Priced a I
S32. 750 546-5440
425 Lenwood Dr.
~ltcr huny. ThiR line
h0n1c In choice location
1\'011'! las! -3 blks. lro111
Harbor Hlgh & \Veslcliff
Shopping Center. l .:1_;
baths, larg:E', all clttlric
bit-in kit .. bn!akfast bar.
Extra large bedrooms.
Owner just repainted ex-
terior &. interior -askini;
$3 1,950, make or.
fer ~6-5440
611 Kl"'J• l'lace
This excellent 3 bedroom • + 18 x 20' southern fami-
ly rootn Is a line buy at
$34,000. Choice Newport
sCach location -near
llarbor !Iigh & Wcstclilf
Center -spacious living. ·
room 1vlth corne r "
fireplaCt'. Carpets &
drapes. &>to !his for SW'!:
Suoda.v 546-5441)
~· ---C._O_N __ D_O_M_l_N ... 1_u_M_s __ .-'!1
In line quiet area. Only 35
unils In complt'x. 19 :ii: 25'
living room with
fireplace. Spa r kling
kilchen. Ample c I o 11 <' t
SPllCC'. l~ baths. Ex-
cellent lundscaping. Pool
-t 1-ccreaUon area. Only
$22,750. 10'/,,'
ln lovely Lido Parle:. The
best location in Ne1vporl
Bench. 3 large bedrooms,
212 baths. Ideal living lor
aclive people. 21 fool liv-
ing room , f'irepla<.'1'. Step
savrr kitchen \\' i I h
dl.!ihwashel' & built in.~.
8 c a u t l rui landscaping
\1•lth scrmrale J)80o that
opens to pool. E.'<ceUent
flnancln1. Price on I y
$2!1.500. llurry. ~~6-5440
In thfo Newport Btu.fls.
Like new 3 BR -2}~ bath
home. Red tiled roof 14 x
28' livnig room with
f\replat-e -c x pc n s Iv e ·
1v/w carpets + custom
drape11. Bright kitchen
wlU1 blf·ln oven & range -
custon1 cabinets. Quick
possession. Price $32,500.
EZ terms. 54G-5'40
Excellenl opportunity for sales personnel (experjenced or not)
lo join "old-line" Company -Immediate employment. Com-
plete training program (classrodht .and on -the· jolt). Profit
Sharing, Bonus, Medical Insurance!!
fteauu Co.
rr-.-----.... .---------·----------------~ .... ,.,.,,,....,,,,.......,,..,,,.,.,., ,,-·-:-i·rrr•"''~f'*~µ~.~·!~.·-:-.~"~':::-.•"::"'.:".'"'"~·,;:-:.s-:: .. ~;:r,-:.'!•.:.-:~::·.";•:'.!!':". "'.'.:c.•::::;--·-::·::::~::::=-.::;·:.::-.: •. :--:.-: .. ;--;,:;;_;;:;-----. -~. -•. +· •• _;;;:~-91
!' ; ... . lt~s Realtor Week ' •• -time ••• aside ••c;h y•tr to roc111 att1ntion on the prof•••lonally qualifi•d
'topl1 who i;st, 1111, r11"1t, mt nt t • and 1pprait1 r11I property •• , the R..,.ltor •
~•n Yl\I b~ ar s•ll real pry1rty, you will 1lw1y1 do batter by cfoln9 bus iness
wlth an •illP,r11nc1d and qualified m1mb1r of your Newport H1rbor-Co1t1 M111
IMrd of R1alt1n.
I •
.). .. r
al 1000 General 1000 G1n1r1I 100001ner11 t• Gonorol 1000 Gonoral 1000Genertl 1100 Gononl 1 OOOGtnor1(· 1000
c. Incomparable ne\v exclusive 5 bedroom 4
bath, family roon1 hon1e. on Newport Har-
l 'bor's most unusual island. Self-cleaning
ovens, electric garage door opener, pier &
slip for large boat. $125,000. Choice of 3
magnificent exclusively listed bayfront homes
on this beautiful island. OPEN HOUSE SAT.
• & SUN., 101 LINDA ISLE DR.
.-.. \ Charming 4 bedroon1 home, excellent floor
plan, sunken living room, extra large master
t • suite. 600 sq. ·fl. covered patio, removable
fence separates pool & home. $74,000.
.,, i Large 3 bedroom home with formal dining
~ · room, large'living room, walnut paneled den,
· ii' elegant master bedroom with fireplace &
.1; walk-in closets. Beamed celings. Asking
;, , $69,500. Call for app't.
; ''. Charming 5 bedroom home \vith arge living ~ '. room, formal dining room, enocmous mas·
ter bedroo1n ; sunny breakfast room with
, :: view : handsome exterior. Asking $1251000.
.1 1· Call to see.
~; High on a hill, spectacular 1801 ocean view
,;.from all major room s of spacious 4 bedroom,
I -If.a bath, family• room. custom built home;
modern kitchen. $68,000. Call for app 't.
• I•' ! ., ; CUSTOM HOME . .
1 Beautiful Baycrest 4 bedroom honle with
t family roo1n & formal dinin~ room. large n1as-
; t {'·ter suite with cedar lined close ls; open beam
ceilings: landscaped for easy mainte.nance.
-Swimming pool. Separate yard for children,
:away from pool area. $98,500. Call for app'l.
ioh1i. macnab
901 Dover Dr., Suite 120
Coldwell, Banker
,. 301 EVENING STAR. Spacious 2-story 3
O< BR. borne; dining rm., paneled den w/
1rplc, b3yside garden filled w/gorgeous
' -•1 Roses & Orchids. Pier & float .... $155,000
l~<t , Mrs. Raulston I ' : SLIP & PIER-$79,500
1· -Beautiful twcrstory 3 bedroom, dining, 2
Ii bath home plus lov.ely 1-.bdrm. apt. "Open
--for offers". Good f1nanc1ng. ! ~1ary Lou Marion
' . •Enjoy spectacular private beaches plus
!. canyon and ocean view from this immacu-
. '' late 3 BR. home, priced very low at $62,500.
v ,. Call for app 't.
\Valter Haase
' Beamed ceiling Iiv. & master Bdrtn. \V/
I great outlook of Bluffs & Bay. 3 Bdrm. &
fam. rm. Easy maintenance ........ $54,500
~ · l\1rs. Harvey
'l, 1 Spacious 4 BR . 21h balh home 'vi th family l rm., din. rm. Fantastic Day & Night view
1• from living rm. & master BR. Pool-&ized
I"' yard. All this for only ...... ,, ...... $53,500
Chuck Place
;. Attractive 3 bedroom. dining, 2 bath home.
extra large lot, room to add on . Room for
\·pool. Quiet street.
Mary Lou A-tarion
3 BR. 2 Ba. plus !am. rm. & pool in fenced
yd. w/sep. play yard . \Veil decorated &
• rpaintained ; min. yard \vork. Owner mov·
: ing. Asking ...................... $48, 750
J. Clarkson
OPEN SAT. & SUN. 1·5
"2333 ARALI.-'\. Gracious Eastblulf view
::t:usk borne. 2"" .Ba., 4 Bd r1n., fam. rm.
Enclosed courtyard \v/prof. landscaping.
Close to tennis club ............... $45,960
Mrs. Davies
_ Co_uples h_ome. 2 BR'~· w/beamcd ceilings,
1:-rai.sed brick frplc. Big lot. Plenty ·or room
. to add . Freshly painted. Vacant. Move
~· right ln ! .. .. .. . .. .. .. .......... $39.500
·Mrs. Raulston
546·23l3 * 6~717J
Would You Believe
16x45 entertainment room with wet bar ana
used brick fireplace. -4 large Bedi'ooms
31h baths, all custom built on private drive ..
-3600 •q. ft. of beauty ............... ,'5f,500
with 10% DOWN .
· Eostsld• Estate With Pool
Imagine a 20x30 Living roOm-Wltti fileptace,
3 Baths on a lot 125x300. Zoned for horses.
5 car garage part couJd be used for stable
\Vitb Jarge work area. E·lectric kitchen -
Hardwood noors. ALI this plus a 20x40 pool
completely fenced. -.............. i19,500
Owner will finance.
Beautiful Mesa Verde Pacesetter
Surrounded by a peaceful garden.atmosphere
-actually "Flooreating Clean" -3 Bed·
rooms, slate entry, Rock fireplace-Antique
mirrors in hall and Dining room. . ... $34,950
FHA Approved -It Must Be Good
3 Bedroom s, 2 baths. Ne\v carpet. Large lot
and 2 car garage. -................ $21,500
-$1300 Down. Don 't \\'ait -CalJ now . -_,
'l Bedroom Townhous•
As little as $600 down FHA for th.is economy
~pecial -Living room with fireplace. -Din-
ing room -2 baths, Tennis Courts, Swim
Pool F.P. . ......................... $18,950.
646· 7171 • Op•n Sunday • 546-2313
• We Nud Salffnt~
Bet!n looking for a place lo
put one? HeM! it i~,.. Beau-
tiful family home in elegant
locallon with separate 18 x
20 foot rumpW1 room tn ac-
comodate regulation size
pool l!lble, pin~ plenty of
l'oom left over for f'njoying
TV and the mammoth s!bne
fireplace. l..n1xe bedroo1nii.
2 Queen si~.e baths, dit1ing
room and SP.parale room for
office or hohby, Assume low
interest 5\, •,; FHA loan.
Payments of S18J per month,
Include e\•erything. Submit
your :iimaller home on our
gual'anl~ s.i.les plan. we SELL A HOME
Walker & Lee
2tH3 \VestcliH Dr.
616-ffil 0JX'n Eve11.
Pool in Exclusive
N11wport Beach
Located near upper Newporl
Bay. This lu..-.;urlous execu.
tl\•e hon1e features a spark-
ling 38' s.,.,imming pool,
la?'lie patio. huge living
roon1, panelled family room
wi!h 11'0Qd burning fireplace.
4 spacious bed1"00ms and 3
baths. For appointment call
I OHi 'I I Ol \O\
\Vill someone please come &.
buy me? I'm a niee <1 bdrm
(amity hom~ !rt Bayshof'C's &
\~·ould really niake you hap.
py, My present owners have
outgrown me & with a little
TLC I eould shine Jikr ne1v
Pf!nny, Look me over. I will ,,.
2622 Viste Drive, N.B.
ASKING $55,000
PERRON n " • ....,,...--..-, ...
* 642·177! Anytime*
IR only !l!eps away from this
3 BR 2 bath CQRONA DEL
J\1AR home located on Dah-
Ha Street (above big Cor-
Vldor i1
Pete LrreH RNlty
dHigned to take advant-
ace of cllm&le, 11un, view
&: the indoor-outdoor con-
cept o1 beach living. 4
bdrma, dellghtf\ll patios.
prlwte pier k slip &
lovfly Jandacaplnc. PriCe
ml.uced. Out of lawn own-
er will lease for summer
lmm&cUlate 3 bdrm 2
baUi home in prestige
area near Dover Shotts.
Dttam kitchen with many
cupboards, Jars:e tarnlly
room -a gt'!at home.
Priced at $38, 750, call for
JAL. R·3 Jot with comfor-
table 2 bdrm home. dote
lo 17th Street Shopping
Center. La r 1 e fenced
y a r d, alley in rear.
CORNER. A circular
drive will lead yOu to this
hospitable 3 .bdrm home.
It has an "open feelinr,"
a spacious muter bed·
room !lulte with a lus~y
planted atrium. Drama.
Uze thlll hQme with your
own personaJlty le lux.
11rl11;te in JU elqance
OPEN StJN. 1-5
l 11305 \\'estclill Dr.
~ 642-5200
close to all schools. lgc, liv.
rm. fireplace, 3 bc:lnns. 11,;
baths, Ja:e. patio • Monthly
pymnts. ONLY ru9 -ASK·
ING $27,000.
BUY NOW for aun1mer OC·
cupancy • 3 bdmui., extra
lre. liv. rm, din. a.tta, nice
enrl. patio • room Jor boat •
REDUCED $3,000 for a quick
w~. Ch\ner JMVing, Lee. 4
bdnn. fam. rm. 2~ baths,
bit-In's, 16x23 !Iv. rm. POOL
w/ Jacuui. ?.tAKE OFTER
on $f9,500 ASIONG PRICE.
Choice location, now vacant
for immed. occupancy,
Lowly 4 bdnn. 2 baths,
sunken llv. rm. Hl·Fi, Cen-
tral vacuum system. be11;u.
tifully landscaped • $54.500.
Z24 \V, Cout Hwy 548-5527
Nf'\vport Beach, Eve. 5-15-.5643
"6~0 GI ASSUME" 4
bedrooms. 2 baths, family
room. fireplace e I e c t r i c
kltehen, 2% yrs old 223
I "'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I~ I month pay!!. Boggs Realty
' l " l ' u ,, \
645..0303 Dial &12..567S CliARGE )'Otlr want ad now.
lOOOGener1I 1000
Solve a Sim pl< Smnnbled Word Puule fOT a Clui<kla
O 1.arra"P9 the; 6 la'Olf'lblld
won:lt below to rnok• 6
alrnpJs WOtdl. Print Jeitt.n· of
.0th In lb nn. of ICIUCf91.
I' I I' I I
~l'-E"'J;..R;;,A;.;.;,lj;,..._~-11 faahlor>-trend w1tchVs
I I 11 I comment, "The way her
;::::::'.:::::'.:::::'.::::'.:::: neck II n e k e ep1 going
IC u ND IE I down ind her hemline go-..-.1.,.., ...
--1 Ing up, I hope to be hong.
._ ... _ __._-'-~ .... _... _ _,lng.~round when both -
~N_E ... r;..RnU'-D..-..-Tr-1,-•. "-""' ... u._s;:,. ~ I I' I I' ,... ~~'t:.; 1:1= ·-·....... .. e r:i~:.r~~!fS r r r t r r I' 1· 1
o ~~'t'"'1 '0'1 lo I I I I 11 l
View of Ba,y ~ mountainl.
• bdrm!!. extra Jara:e llv1n£: room, hua:e recreation rm.
5000 sq ft of comfort. 4 tar
1arace. One of a kind
Phone for appointment to ""·
Owner movinr Ea• t will take $62,500 for lovely 5
bdrm. BaycrHt home wtth beamed ceillni in living
room. Hurry for thh one.
* •
S bdrm. 31Ai hlth Baycttgt
home. All lar&e rooms.
Lovely master suite. A
home or re&I character for
the rounr ex~ut'.tve with
growing: family.
A dellghtfuJ 4 bdrm home
with family rOom and !le~
&rate dining room. Spark-
ling pool with Jarce patio and outdoor y,·et bar.
Saturday & Sunday: 1 to 5 P.M .
Tv.·o charming BIUffs homes with many owner im·
provementJ;. next to green bl!IU, 3 BR. each, 2 ba.
Competltlvely ~iced at $29,000 &: $45,()()0....-$5,000 dn.
Swecr,ing ocean view, CUS•
tom and.seaping, new car-
peting, choicl"l:it home com-
munity, pr Iv ate beaches.
Reduced to ..,6,950.
Back Bay charmer -de·
light!ul corner. brightness.
Mo\'e In next "·e-ek on cre-
dit approval $4,100 d<>"·n.
675-4392 ( anyf i'"f)
JERRY PRl!UD -CHARLES ARNOLD Gon1r11 1000 o.noral 1000 1.;;;=:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=:;~1-~~~~Assocletet
3 88 E. I 7th Street, C.M.
Realtors 646 -7755
Open Houses
• .., tMll ....., , A•lef1 •"' '" tllh w""4 • ,.. ... ._, ....... Al .................... .
.. ,,,,...,.. .. ...., .,_,. .., ~ .. tbl I ..._.
.-. la ....,., DAILY "l.01' WANT Ats. P91tNft ..... .,......_ ................. lWPll
..... di ............................ FtW.y.
(2 Bedroom)
318 "L" Street, Balboa Point
645-2000 .(Daily 1·5)
1312 Dolphin Terrace (Irvine Terr) CdM
673-6510 (Sat & Sun 1·5)
(2 Bedroom & Femily or Den)
1518 DoJphin Terrace (Irvine Terr) Cdtvl
642-6472 (Sat & Sun 1·5)
(2 Bedroom & Family or Don}
256 Broadway, Costa Mesa
548-1812/64&-0S55 (Sal & Sun 1·5)
(2 Bedroom & Guo•!)
546 El Modena, Newport Beach
646-7171 (Sun 1-5)
(3 Bedroom)
2141 Vista Entrada (The Bluffs) NB
644-2370 (Sat & Sun 1·5)
2709 San Lucas (Mesa del Mar) CM
545-1740 ( Sat & Sun 1-5)
617 St. James Place (CliffHaven) NB
548-7729 (Sun 1·5)
421 Cabrillo SL, Co•la Mesa
548-9500 (Sat & Sun)
7008 IV. Oce8J!{tont, Newport Beach
675-2503 AM & Eves. (Sal & Sun 1-5)
5541 Yuba, \Vestminster
842-6691 (Sun 1·5)
*2620 Cliff Drive, NB
(Sun 1·5)
20121 Marina Lane, Huntington Beach
(Sal 1·5)
(l B1droom & Femily or Din)
1959 Vista Caudel, Newport Beach
675-5930 (Sat & Sun 1·5)
287 Nassau Road (Collefe Park) CM
646-3255 (Sun 1·5)
*500 Morning Star Lane (Dover Shores)
NB, 642-8235 (Sun)
3100 Samoa Place (Mesa Verde) CM
549-1225 (Sat·& Sun 1·5)
2915 Ellesmere (Mesa Verde) CM
546-069! (Sat & Sun 1-5)
1014 Santiago Drive (Dover Shores) NB
642-8235 (Sat & Sun)
100 Via Florence (Lldi> I.sle) NB
673-9060 Eves: 675-S'l64 (Sun 1-5)
2813 Drake Ave., (Mesa dol Mar) CM
675-3745 (Sat & Sun 1..1)
1147 Gleneaale, Costa Mesa
540-1720 (Sun 1·5)
301 Evening Star, !Dover Shores) NB
833-0700 or 644-2430 (Sun l-5)
481 Flower, Costa Mesa
1 646-7711 (Sun 1·5)
1307 Marion Lane (\Veslcliff) NB
540-2858/646-0609 (Sat & Sun 1·5)
-:3228 lowa St. <Mesa Verdel CM
642-1771 (Sat & Sun l-5)
1901 Glonwood Lane (Baycresl) NB
642·5200 (Sun 1·5)
2025 Centella Place, Newport Beach
675-4130 (Sun 2-5)
3136 Boston \Vay, Costa Mesa
642-1771 (Sat & Sun 1·5)
1866 Rhodes, Costa Mesa
546-2313 (Sun 1-5)
2837 Tabago Road. Cos ta ~lesa
548-2313 (Sun 1..1)
1843 Tradewinds, Newport Beach
646-7171 (Sun 1..1)
19521 Aragon Circle, HB
646-717! (Sal & Sun 1..1)
2607 Ocoan Blvd .. Corona de! Mor
675-3000/Evos: 54&-8868 (SUn 1..1)
1502 Orango Avo .. Colla Mesa ~/646-1050 (Sun 1..1)
! Reidy to E1111nd ! WOULO YOU
For comfort & space see thill
5 bc:lrm 2 bath home near
OCC. Vacant • clean. No
down to Vet!! Min. dn nIA.
NOW $25, T:iO. Heritage Real
Estate f>40.ll51 (open eves)
4 BE ORM· $22,500
Natural brick patio with gag
fired BBQ. 2 baths. Seclud-
ed living room, hand!lome
fireplace in Family roorn.
Bullt-irui. 54().1720
TARBELL 2955 Harbor
SOCK IT TO 'EM! \Vhite Elephant.s !
2578 Greenbriar Lo (College Park) CM
640-8811 1 (Sat & Sun 1·5)
2612 Redlands I Back Bay) NB
'546-5460 . . (Sat & Sun 1·5)
(4 Bedrooms)
1731 To,va (Mesa Verde) CM
540-1;;!38 (Sal & Sun l-5)
*1233 Highland Drive (WestcliU) NB
642-8235 (Sal)
1148 Santiago (Dover Shores) NB
642·8235 (Sat & Sun)
298 Princeton Drive (College Park) Ctll
546-3729 (Sunday all Day)
*2015 Galatea Terrace (Irvine Terr.)
CdM, 675-3000/Eves. 548-7962 (Sun 1-5)
221 Morning Canoyn (ShorecliUsl CdM
673-3700 (Sun 1-41
*2015 Galatea Terrace (Irvine Terr) Cd?wt
673-3700 (Sun 1-5)
*6ll2 Summerdale (N• Meadowlark) HB
(213) GE 1-5268 (Open Daily)
(4 Bedroom & Family or Den)
1518 Antigua Way (Dover Shores) NB
646-3255 (Sun l-5 )
2399 Tustin Ave ., Newport Beach
646-3255 <Sun 1·5)
1380 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) _NB
642-8235 (Sal & Sun)
16501 Loire Circle (Sol Vista) NB ·
847-8089 (Sun 1·5)
2112 Windward Lane (Baycrest) NB
548-8112 (DaBy 1·5)
1338 Santiago Drive (We stcliff) NB
6'12-8235 (Sat & Sun
2026 Lemnos Drive (Mesa Verde) CM
540-57.57 .(Sat & Sun)
1430 Galaxy Drive (DOver Shores) NB
646-1550 (Daily)
1245 Surflme, Corona del Mar
675-2503 AM & Eves. tSun 1-5:30)
363 Vista Baya, Newport Beach
675-4130 (Daily 1:30-4 :30)
2341 Irvine (Back Bay) NB
540-1720 (Daily l-5 )
2333 Aralia (Easlblufl) NB
833-0700 or 644-2430 (Sat & Sun l-5)
2023 Flamingo Drive, Costa Mesa
546-2313 (Sun 1·5)
1354 E. Oceanfront, Balboa Penn .
645-2000 (Daily l-5 )
*1920 Kewamee (Irvine Terrace) CdM
675-3000/Eves: 675-0554 (Sun l-51
2700 Wavecrest (Harbor View Hills) Cdtlt
673-3700 (Sat & Sun 12-6
*17032 Buttonwood, Fountain Valley
962-4471 (Sun 12·5)
1907 Leeward Lane (Baycrest) NB
540-1720 (Sun l-5)
1948 Sanderling, Costa ?wlesa
540-1720 (Sun l-5)
1315 Antigua Way, Newport Beach
646-7711 (Sat & Sun 1·5)
2622 Vista Drive (Bayshores) NB
642-1771 . (Sun l-5)
1607 Highland, Newport Bea<h
646-7171 (Sun 1·5)
(S Bedroom & Family or Oenl
1350 E. Oceanfront. Balboa Penn.
645-2000 (Daily 1·5)
(2 Bedroom)
*1509 Cornwall Lane (Westclill) NB
54MB06/499-1606 (Sat & Sun 1-6)
620 Jasmine, Corona del Mar
706 Acacia, Corona del Mar
(Sun 1..1)
(Sun 12-5)
(l and 4 Bedroom)
3130-3120 Seaviow Drive. Corona del Mar 67~/Eves: 6'15--0M4 <Sun 1·5) ..... ............ ........... _" __
S1t.urd11, M11 N, 19"
lODOGtneral · 1000
• maculate, sunny, 4 bdrm single stOi-y homes.
Jloth ate beautifully landscaped & near the
corner ol Chios Road & Lemnos Drive in
bl:,\lutiful Mesa Verde. Botll afe priced be-
low· $38,000 (& note the convenient "one stop
, shopping.")
TWO DANO! ES. Two homes that are sharp
& clean with new carpets, squeeky clean
Doors & located close to shopping. There's
a 4 bdrm at 2854 Andros St. & a 3 bdrm just
around the corner at 1633 Minorca. Both
have signs. Both are priced at $31,95().
-Zl~O MESA 'YlRDC DR.• COSTA M£SA • PHON£ S•6 5990
............ ~
General 1000 GtMral 1000 Genorol 10000....ral 1000 MoM Verde
lavcrest Pool Home -$4S,500
Fou; bedrooms plus family room. Dramatic
rock fireplace, large side yards. Potential
show place.
Prestige Newport Be!ICll lddrus. J bedroom,
beam celling paneled family room will! roclt
fireplace and separate dining room. Beaut!·
fully landscaped, double detached garage.
Transferred owner asking $34,000.
Duplex -6:1/• 0/o
Easy financing. Newport Heights uea -
Large one bedroom units with their own
•epar~te yards , •.• '23,500. •
Cotesworthy & Co.
542-7777 •
,... • .._ "91111 .. et L...W.e1 Sek.I "-s .......... , c--.
11...-....4 hi A...., Is,_. C.-1
Cell hr 1"9rYiw.
RANCHO LA cufst A bu only 5 'homes
lefL Models are 'ORfD.• far you to tour
10 AM to 7 PM. 1 le 2 story, 3 It 4 bed·
room homes with 2 or 3 baths, Mission
tile or shake roof, fireplaces , concrete
driveways, heavy rough cut beams, built·
ins, family & dining rooms.
Such a beautiful price range ... $24,995
to $34,200 with VA or Conventional
!lnancln& as low as 10% dow n. 80% at
.!IO~JoaD1 at 7,2-.. Each succeedln_g unlL
coat.a more, ~ take advantage of these
·ptices. '
On Brookhurst at Atlant1 , .. 968-2929
Huntington 8Hch
5 BR, Trt.leve~ 2100 ~· fl.
Mtu. Ve.rde Pacttel~r. °* to bell. 1 ~ ml to roH
L"O\.LfW!I. ltu all extru!
Fabub&.t lndaeps:. 0ote to
oJl ...... "°'"••· ....,..,_. A.M ..
•BARGAIN! Mcaa Verde,
choice klc. 3 Br, l~ Ba. Irn-
maculat!!:I laving U.S ••
mut RlL Buy direct from
'"'tw>RP:r now &: save $.
ASSUME 5'4 Loan. Live in In Beautiful Irvine Terrace BALBOA PENINSULA POINT ,,. ...... 1800 ... ""BR. 2
T 1 BA, }'amlly nn, Ranch OCEAN FRONT TRIPLEX OPEN HOUSE SA .. SUN. •5 45 ,_ ef laylroot wlttr pier _, -· b'"'"' ·Near &Oil oooroc.
1312 DOLPHIN TERRACE 5 --· 31/i -.. ma! $.13.000. Owner.* 545--0694
. . .
CHOICE PROPERTY Sharp, newly painted 2 BR, 2 bath home sur. Try $l 60,000 • BR. PACDllITTER oo i,. · rounded by $100,0-00 homes. Great place lo qolot. '°""'' 101. Rm ..;
W,OµLp YOU BELIEVE $105,000 F.P.I live while the property appreciates in this lxclnlvt with boat, trlr, etc. Loll of Palos
· prestige area.,. BALBOA IA Y PROPERTIES ven1. stono. M"'' '"' SELLER WILL FINANCE AT 7%1 Hard to beat for only $39,500 135.900 51' oo ht. 546-0353
101 McFaclclen Ploct, Newport hocll MOVING East-Owner must
Stt this llllWS!J&I, nm-down
home tbat could be a man-
1'°11. 4 Br., 3 Ba., 2 kltch-
eoa. l cara&ft, &: i u e 1 I
house, on 2 k>t1 with bay
Ii: _ocean ~ from vtrandli.
"'""" 137.500.
Ni«.Hcilhts,area .. 2 Br. HW
floors. cpts. il drps., CrplC.,
dbl aar. on alley. Pool size
back ya.rd. $25,000.
E>~ ....
IEALTY Near NB Pllt Ole. '46-2414 BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES R. L. Strickler, Realtor •• tho Nowp°'t o,.,, Pi" ""' c BDRM, 111 BA.
108 McFadden Place, Newport Beach • 67.3·74ZO 673·9127 Close to «hl11, a'h p '1 , ho ~220 et th• New port Oce•n Pier 3001 E. Co•st Hlwey, CdM 673-6510 ~ ,•..,•,,=,_,™',',..' •"',.._'900=·*,..,,"'"=-·:::ms:
673-7420 67J..9187 3 BR, 1% BA. dln rm. new 4 BR. 2~ ba, nu decor, A·l
....., -_ -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Gtne rtl 1000 Gentral 1000 Gtneraf 1000 Costa Mtsa 1100 shag crpt'&, be a'll t It u I cond, nr heh l cl\ll», atreet 1------~~~~ -;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;~~;;;;;;; liiiiiiii!iiiiPW .. ~iil s BEDRM. 3 BATHS .;;;;;;:;;:;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;' ~=~~·~r, VA ~~. ~.$ 3 g, oo o. ~eneral 1000 General 10001• LINDA ISLE s,..,1o ... rooms. l•mllyroom. $11,000 . POOL 3 BR 'RA. PACESE'ITER ' FHA/v.A dream au built-In kitchen. caretree living with a pool ncwl~ decorated Inside. sY W•kllff 1230 NO DOWN VETS OR BAYRlONT Covered patio. Pool sized & rec, room. Nearly ~w 1 owner, prioc only.
$2000 DOWN FHA OR VIEW yard. :r!0.1720 Br. &: den. frplc., cpls, & $32950 * ~·I0468l CUSTOM BUILT
Assume !hi~ 5% FHA loan Sparkling new home TARBELL 2955 Har bor drps .. kitc~n bulll·ins. See l'=io'=="' ====== By owner. 2 Wings· master,
at only $151 Per month! A Lllndscaped & De-coralcd this condo. for a ~w tile, paneled den. right wing, 3
model condition, largl' 3 OPEN SUN. 1.5 J1nmediate Oecupancy EaSfSide 2BR1 Yz BA Coll!f! P•r~ 1115 Bds. lert wing, Large brldst
bedroom, 2 hath, 8£Al\1ED 1518 Antiqua Wa y 5 Bclryns., 4'i Baths 9: 6), J•BR I: den, hwd llrs, cov rm. lnsulall'<I. Instant a1>-
CATiiEDRAL CEILING Beautiful 3500' sq Jt Dovl'r Ba.yside living room .t: Condominium Sll,500 •tf •l'L patio, blk wall, close to peal. ho-· -mplet·Jy prof•••'·n· Shores cUSlom home. 4 bd. ftplil,y room '''i!h , ..,,. ......., ,,_, 1 / 1 12' ~ B R c GRE<• Rcolty "'"" ~ " .. ~.., · $14.2.JO Joan, 61:1~" available • E A L y y &u'IOO s s 101>5~ •"""' Y · • r--. ally ~,-.,, ..... Inside '"" rn1s. family rootn. 31,i: baths, professional wet bar 0 54•394-~~"" Via Lido 613-9300 •cu ... u. cu 3 1. 1 . 1 •--.1 ... "' 1 . $2000 do1vn. Call Oscar ~•,ar NB Post Of·· .. •6~ ~. wnr .,.. a .liAN surrounded by park • like n"Cp 8{'(.'s, JlL~t o nan1p a A ue«Ull ... nomc n 7 0 :=~~~~~-~· ~-~·:u ~I~-~, =~~~;:==~ l.ro''-'s •"ti '"""'-"' P''"'. fc11' fcaturt.'s. <Avner trans-An Exclusive Arca 6·12-lm eves. 646-692 wn. B h 1200 HOME -ft..~ lot. Excel
'"" " ""' er/ Agt. Ntyitport •_•c Wt•stslcl.e. 3 BP. '2~• ba. room In lovely. lovely quirt 1trca. fcrrcd. Pricrd lo sell a! $162,000 VACANT i;;;:;:;-;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;
VERY PRIVATE l\IASTf.:R $77.500. Call: John Abell 96' ON OCEAN BLVD. ;i BR Fixer . Upprr I' for C or 5 unita. 549-1623
BEDROOM with outside ac-Rel!. 673-7365 Corona del Mar; Fantastic R-2 Lot 10%. Dn. OCEANFRONT I i':ve;;'=· =======
cess. ALL ELECTRIC kitch· OPEN ua"•OR vte1v or ocean &: hnrbor -1969 Fullerton Avr. OuPieX -new unit uptitalni,
en and dishwasher! \Valer r::r-lights; French Norm. beauty Only U5,75() TERMS w/seasone'd unit downstalr1;
1oftcne1"! Trade in yo ur SUNDAY l-S or \v/tree shaded, wallC'd. gar· Call Mr. Robinaon 2 BR. 1 Ba. each. Newly
smaller hon1e on this VERY den. Loan at 6\~'iii int. may D•vis Rt•lty 6f2·7000 painted &. carpeted : com-SPECJAI~ BEAUTY:' 287 Nassau •Road be a.ssumed. Call rorapp'!. e eY O\VNERe pletely turniahecl. For prof.
WE SELL A HOME NE\V LISTING· Close to all WALKER Rlty 67S.S200 it or pleaaUre. resort living
t>chools & shopping ln good IMMAC 5 BDRM, lam nn, for $69,950. ChvMr clemandli
EVERY 31 MINUTES College Park area. $26,950. $20,'50 ·WOW! finished garage rumpus rm. action. submit!
Walker & Lee JEAN SMITH "Applo Pie" orooc. t<;"" W-Ideal lo' ltids o' '""'· 11l.C 5 MINUTES TO ed bedrooms. dream kitch· Strttl soon to dead end. ES EST REALTOR · Assume 6i,.t ',;, loan or refine PROP ERTi W 2190 Harbor Bl~·d. at Adan1s BEACH. $19,950 OPEN HOUSE en, -built • in appliances. 1028 Bayside Drive "'3255 SAT SUN I · Ha.ndsome s na ck bar. to suiL $29.900. 54Q...3&17. .,_
Irvine 1238
A wen proportioned J yr. old,
in Unlveraity Park. Proless.
lndscpd. exterior. smartly
finished Inter.; 2 Sty .. 4 Br.
2~~ Ba. A Fully fenced pri-
vate yard is viev.·ed lrom
the kitch-fam. rm. &: !iv. nn.
Priced at $32.500. By Owner. Opc~~~~l P~I <!DO r:. 17~l . Costa f\lcsa llcrc is an CXC('Ucnl oppor-281.1 oRAKE·AvaE., ~~~!~rs. boat gate, EMERGENCY SALE Nc;rs~13gch
i iiOiiOiiOiiOiiOiiOOiiiiO• I "!!~~~~~~'"!!!!!!'• I tunily for the new ly weds or r-.tcsa. Del P.1ar .,...,.. ow VACANT
,..;,,,_,.. ___ ,..!!!!'~ JltAGNIYICENT Vu on 1,; ac, -=OCEAN VIEW. lh<' retired folks to get a low· Enjoy this 3 Br., faniily nn. TARBELL 2955 Har bor of BR, 2 bath. Co~r l11t. CUSToM'iZED 3 min/UCL 4 Br, lam rm.
* • •
;; BR .. 41,-S ba!hts, P/S or
120 ft. yacht, Magnifh.,nt
view, fee simple. I
335S Vie Lido, 67S.2713
Eves: 646-7974 ,
l\llodern 6 year old 4
convert I den, sewing
Newly carpeted. Beaut
tiled entry &. dining
Ca11 f<>r Appl.
W•lker Riiy 67S.5 Imm a CU I a le prit'c home in an ideal Joea. home; lgc. cov. patio area, NEA1t \VESTCLIF'F Cos! $30.~. , Sacriht't' ff'r NE\VPORT SJfORES $49,500 by ownr. 833.-2616 $37 500 tion. ,Lat-ge lot \~·ith access r 1 BBQ 2 $26 500 Jl a7 i\erry Lane nr
• . for boa! or trail<'r nn quiet per C<."I or sumnicr 3 Lar;e Bedrooms. Baths. Fai1vi~1~• & Baker. 54&-J89o Near new horn~ with 3 BR, Eastbluff 1242 $5,000 DOWNI 1'scribes lhis J bdrm n111lic
beauty 11·hich features:
shV:c roor: plu~h Jandscap. Inc:. blol'k 1val1 fencins; &
much more, \Von't last Ions
at this price of
lien'·.~ !he buy of the year. cul de sac stret'I. Sccludcrl days. $27.500. Living roo1n &:. family roon1, pluJ glai;s family nn. Xlnl.
Elegant lamily hoUSc "-'il h country almosphcre, yet ""U 13~ both 'vilh fireplaCt's. Patio. BY OWNER cond. Enclosed patio. Jlo1inl. "LIVIN' IS EASY'' 3 Bdnn. 2 Bath Lido
panoramic vie1v of !he OC<'an ,.,n ,,,,1, lo sl<>pp•··g o~":._ new draperies, built·ins. On mum maln!enance. J min. T"-"-,,,.,, ... Bl""' homt', Buy now. & enJoyl&JJ .. .. , .,,, r11n c " 1. dc-•·c. lmmaculnte! of BR., 2 ba .. 111/playhousc. ,..., ...., ..,
, and Catalina. No · if!; NOT on t'--bt'1tch in niinulcs. ..,.., -O""n house Sun. all clay. utcs Y.'alk to beach. Near sumn1er. Only $44. . . 1 1 ... ,,, y OIVN 't''' ""' Ready to move inlo. Sl1.IJO. .~ hop · p · · · 3 BR. plus den. $51,000 LIDO REALTY INC. ease Shu... ou I . . . Should sell rasl al this lo1v ,..__ 298 Princeton Dr. 5'16-3729 s ping. r1vatc 1w1mmn1g OPEN SAT .. S'UN . J.r. , s · · b. 1J 3-111 East '-<h;IS\ Hwy, By 01vncr. 642-1679 aft 12 ( l · I b o-• b • " 6~; · pac1ous room sizes. 1g a price. Sec lcxla.i•. !College Park area) · enn1s <' u . .-.e y own-1959 VJSfA8_UDAL 3400 Via Lldo ": clcccric kitcben, 2 elegant WE SELL A HOME Corona dcl ?-.Jar fiT.>3745 noon. !~==~'=,-..,,""~~~ er. Priced al $25,001. 219 BOYO R ALTY _
ba1hs. Nothing can ht> ·built EVERY 31 MINUTES "Pacific White House" LOVELY :l BR, 1% B~Fam 62nd St. or call 642--3365. JMMACULATE ~LBr. frplq;+
to ob/itruct this fantastic Like .a ll!Ue J'O<UTI to Unobstructed ocean vlcw, rm, encl patio. bltns, beau w Open house Sunday May 3629 E, Coast 1-liway, CdM Cucat Rm. 2 ~:Ba., bu.-.
vle11•. Subn1it your smaller Wf Iker & lee MOVE IN nc1v .duplex. 1950 sq rt each, t.w crpt'g all rma. Block 18th, JO AM to 5 PM. 67S.5930 new cpt .l paint, xlnt f
home on our guarantee sale Then MOVE into this ''· BA 1· I bf fence, , frplc. ·M,500 has • NEW BLUFFS e f II d Jina ol 4 bccl.mon1 2 batb home. J BR, 2.,., • ircp ace, t. &~~'to assumable 1 0 an . FOR sale or leBse : Near oca on, Io o n · Plan. 21).13 \Vestrliff Di·. ins, t:".....,IS, drapes, Vacant. 6401614 water·back b•Y in A~·-l<le 2 Br. 2 Ba spilt level. A1a.ny O\\ffler. 675.5023 <>r 675-77 WE SE LL A HOME Large lol Jets yOu know -r-~ ~"
Open Sat./Sun. 1-S
6•1&-7711 Oprn Eves. li Ex~llcnt financing. Village.Privalc beach, pool, custom features, all elec, ~
EVERY 31 MINUTES your neighbors without v. CANON REALTY ~ft!E & business under 1 clubhouse, slip available. etc. Lowest maint. &. lease. Bilbo• l1l1nd 1 S W lk & L EASTSIDE DUPLEX ;'~~m'."12~~..,,,. lot w;th 67S.3581 ·ro.1 · k;d, '"" •wim ;, '"' 1000 .,. 11 .• 2 Batta. 2 BR, hold. MUST SELL • liY l.;;;;;:;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;:;;:;;;;:;:!l;I ==~===~i:1 a .,., e,,,,r,tclifi D,. ee Rib'. 64~9730 Ev". 54<-0120 LITTLE RANCHO Anthony pool. 4 BR, 2 BA. firepl•co. "''~· carport, OWNER. Call Dick Oyer 316 .R b SZl,5CXl no dn GI or terms. lol"Ct"d air, \V\V carpets, 5J3.«56 ext 401 or 613.5m. U y .J;. 2 modern 3 bclm1 homes on • llblNEDY Very attrllctlve small home 548--8676 bull Ins S 4,.500 UPPER BAY 6i&-m1 Open Eves. laq:;C" Eastside lot. Live in llUI on% acre. Sell or le~ op-draperies, t· · 1 :, THE BLUFFS· Fashklnable "Ovarmfiia'iarge liv nn , lb
Old<'r 3 BR family home \vilh
l.arge play yard & located on
beautiful Bay Vie w Street.
Ownt'r n1oving East &. 1vill
&ell VA or FHA flnancifli'.
Ntwport ,,
one & rent the other twin. Hon or maybe le'ase, Room DREAM LOCATION ground lease SUS per mo: condo. 2 story, 4 BDRM, 2 beamed ceiling, beaut ttJ)lc. 5 BEDROOMS ~-ulJ price just I iiiiOiiO-OiiOiiOiiOiiOii" for horses. CALL GLEN Move in cond. Spaci<>us 3 BR. or ~nt yearly $200 per mo. bath; fully . carpeted It pan den + family nn, le-.
$31 ,soo New Listing QtlEEN 54().llSl lleritage 2 BA; Wcslclill shop·1 area. Available now. Sz...3539 or draped. Frplc. Pool . patio, cluded'Pf,tio. Excellent~.
Only 1 year old Ivan Wells' Ekt!'a. extra sharp 1 bdrm Real Estate O\vn('r. $31,SCXI. a48-9500 529-3449 • weekends try bltns. $32,500. CaU aft 6 pm Just alCP! to bay and aaqb
custom built home in Dover (100/o down OK) Cond<>minium Bralkl new <>nj;"~~~~~=-:::=::liiBEEAAUUTTIFULITT~"5i:sBBedediroo;;o;;m;;:,22I ~5'15"4 k wknsd. * 644-08!6 beach. DRIVE BY '
Shores. 5 bdrms. 3 baths, the market. unusually large 3 BR 2 be.th borne:, comer 1toJY, loved family home. NEWPORT TOWERS I,
fan1ily room. bright kilch. N•wport bedroom. Adults only. Jot l30x180 • add 5 more Many extras. Priced right. Landmark of the Newport Coron. dtl Mair 1250 TllEN CALL :
f'n 1virh eating an'a, Profes. ~ 545.5110 uni!J. Drive by I~ Santa 3().'.:. E. 22nd St., CM. Open-Skyline, a 11tor1e1 of breath. SA' LIS BURY:,:
sionally landscaped. Shelter· •t (l'ltll'cnemattfttrt) Ana Ave. then call eves & \Vknds. 548--5003 taking bay & ocean vicwin1 OPEN HOUSE SUN. 1.5
I'd pool, Unobslructrcl Bay GE REALTY ... • 20 It r I . 2 BR 2 BA REALTY \•lc1v on elegant Galaxy Victori1 OLLE CM. :uanta 'Df8 Y TRlPLEX nr. College Parle, fim I uxurK1~s ·2 Htg'1u;~ 620 JASMINE
D · 18 · I & 500Adlmsat HarW, 642 ""'"" C.J\.1. 2 BR ea, kit. blt-jns: a e ec ap • J"'-.. "" 2 SEPARATE homos o" 2 673-6900 1: rive. 7.500 1nc. carpets · ..,,....,., I t bl & · " 315 >! · A B I"--1 draprs. Slfi.000 \\•ill handle. 646-881 J ,__ ... ,...,....,..,,.....,,l,:e.,;-;B;;E;;.C;;ROO;;;;;;M;;S;c .• ,..-,,.-.ba:::;-;th"'s. <"ncL garai;cs. Income $340 e. eva ors,· au crranean lo111. gives you gracious !iv-ar111e ve ., a UlHl .s.
PROVINCIAL -4 Bdrm + F•mlly Rm mo. $32,500. Owner 64:J.-9192 top deck par king. Therapeu. Ing & income ta."I: deduction. #1 covered patio, owner will ====~~·~--,ct lie pool & boat clocks. Open Tht Sky's tht Limlt11 '"""'~~~~~~,....~ $31 ,SOO finance \Vi1h \O(;ti down. BY O\VNER 3 BR Homes. 2-dao·fy. o-•, °'lea-. 31:11 w. * * * * B"l -·-
I"-potc•t'" Tired of plain plas!cr·r Ser 1 · 0 5"., L E ·c1 2-\V 'd V 1 .:>Ill ...... DUPLEX ....... ,, '"' "181 h' . JJ d 3 " A TIENTJ N 74 ,. oan ,.~uu price $25.!lOO or make . lll c, . s1 e. cry rg Coast Higbway, TI4: 642.2'102 earnings~ 3 BOOroom.11 2 ==:==:=::::::::::=:=:::::::I 1 1~ ptnc.panc e bdrnl ~ Hea vy bcamE'd ceilings, ex. offer. 962-6637. Boggs lranRferable loans 5~.fi~!i%. 3 BR. 21,;, baths each. 1600
~• bath hon1e 11·ith 2 fa1n ily YACHT OWNERS · 1 •• , h 540 11159 v L f , Bath. Iirep acc. NEW ... l'r'. A quisllc planters. Built · n Really. N .. ..,.. cas . o-• I sq. t., 3~~ Yl"S. old, S64,500 PLEX I-Ii h In. PENINSUL PT. rooms plus 16 x J.J. pool. 10· Private clock adJoins prop. bar. Glass doors ro patio 'I========= * BY OWNER..-POOL. 3 18W 0 * * * * ' . i summer n·
SEST VALUE! Don't miss $40,950 <not lease hold), crly. Cape Cod style home BBQ. Heated & filtered pool C0tt• Mt1a 1100 BR. crpt!, drps. X·Lrg Ul. 2 BDRM., den, 2 baths, cor· coCANON REAL TY seeing this 3 Br. home. New. Roy J . Ward Co. has huge living room over. waterfall & fishpond. Tropi.. Lo . t yni SJG,500 ncr loc. Tl1>-Top cond. plus
Jy painted in & out. SO X ~ Baycrest OUicc) looking water. Cozy den with cal landscaping. 54().1'7~ w m:" 646-2&ss * ' with new 4 bedroom 3 hi.th 1 BR sep, house on 2, R·2 -===='=7S.=l51:=1"':'=:'1:'I
100' Lot. J1uge patio for sun t-130 Galaxy Drive 646-1550 used brick fi~PlaCt> and 4 TARBELL 2955 H•rbor Jhree/flm/P!>OI + room for lennis court, kl.ts. fl.educed to S69.900. :
• fun? Xlnt Joe. I ~~~~~~~~~!!!' 1 iarxe bedrooms. For appoint. iiOOiiiiOiiOiiOiiOiiOiiO"'"'I OWNER. 1h Acre ':!-2 Br pool, boa.ta lr: trailer. ~ Huntintton a..ch 1
JO WEBB, "'""" DELUX DUPLEX monl call Newport· Helghis Whloh "'""' wo""' oUerlna ~. ~'ioo';'~~""'~ f o.JI• !!<al ""'" -• • ,.__ .,_,......,. j
Bolboa RHI E s tate Co. ON THE BEACH 3 BR 2 bath, han!WOOd Ooo'. • '"'"1y 3 BR, 1%. bath ~~ ; . ~ REDUCED $3SSO ·• .. a,-r ;.... . .:;;.?--Ll!Ttt!':'C:.1=ty ' 700 E. Balboa Blvd'..I Balboa home with tam nn and a 1307 Marion Lane, N.B. ~ '140 Do the ·-~ al N•wpo... fireplace. dbit garage. EX-· . CUTE 2 BR HOUSE f I ~ B • SELL 1-~ • ,,..,.... ......... " •• swimming pool al a price • . P · "'l"<'n Sat Ir. SUn 1.S, J R ..-332 P,Jarl[ueri!e, CdM w "' prvnis-I ! ... ~~~~~~!""'~I Beach is t""'~--best invest. ISTING 5~% LOAN. $29,500, . . ~-· by N m • f + ,_, . '""-I kill ~· W II M C di Rlt you will hardly behe1;e, -...e owner. r am upgn ..... 'U lea~ 1n 673-11550 ltvnt1 s I COLLEGE PAM ment buy, Upper unit has • s-c •r e , rs. c.au Ua To See: Orange. D~ 6 4 2-7 8 O O: ehoitt Westcllll. Roy E. /G:=iiZ:=i:=i:=:=i:=i:=: I THROUGH IQ\ 4 BR'A, huge living room, 1;810 Newport Blv~ .• C.M. BURR WHl t E, Rltr • Eves 642-7771 Geotae Rttr. 5*2858 ~ YOUR
balcony and ·Unrestricted -.-645.0303 ... .$48.7729~rt}ltime -2901 Newport Blvd.,..N.B. $25,950 -v~w-o...,_ "°"'°' '"" '-==.,==,.-I °==~==~~:Zl 6~ ••-Eves. 6"" •••9 Mos• Oel Mar .1105 THE BLUFFS BAY 'VIEW REAL TOR MEMBE
Optn House Sat/Sun
... 2 BR'~ b,... U.U..' -OPEN HOUSE 1• ·~ ·~ -------~.1 Overlook•"" Back Bay; 1 Y'· Huntln9ton &.•ch/
room. Moofhly """' ISSO. LOWEST PRICED a BR 2 BA/LOW.NI old oood~; 3 B•. 2\1 Ba. . Founl•ln V•lley
Priced at only $•13,500. c:au S.t. & Sun.~1 to S 2 .BR. on Li~ lslt". South .PB· MONTICELLO 't -un. cusl, cl11>1 &: carpls. 6~ Broadn1oor -llarbr Vt<'"-' m~ Lllti..... ·S. .
~vn1 616-8811 64$-0303 2033 PALOMA ho· good stzcd rooms · fi re-loan. By owner. $53,900, dcl home: 4 Br. &. ram ily "• rv1c1
Pia.et>. dining area.le ~ak· TOWNIIOUSE. ~ (roin to ·e:d~ittg hugp 6'ir.> Cl loan. 644-2370 ~;~· • .2.". '~tandlng d c ,~ la n;,· -1~· COASTLINE OCEANFRONT
I BR . hon1r, unusu..'ll design.
Open house Sat. & SU.n: 1-G
7008 \V, Ottanfront
Newport Beach
675-25G3 J\i1ol'ning &: E\.-u.
" --,NO="oo=w"'N"ro="v"'ET=1 -
J\armlng 2BR ho~. com-
pletely renovated on ·larre
E/S ~r lot. \Vorkshop,
dble st. entry tor boat, trlr
¥Ora.gt'. Only $21,000 Rltr ......,,.
Viata Del ~ 'hr Ir &Lip
avall.tble. EriClOllf!d Pf'llC'e.
G-.. William--....... m..wo EYl!a. 613-1504
$20,950 1 sv.-k Loan ·'MERU>lTH C.(ROENS." •
i'»'m..nts leu thllll re.nt. bedrooms. Split le\•f>I . 3
Sf>;lck>us bcdroolt\$, plush baths. fam Oy room. ~IO\."C
deep pile carpeting. Built.in rti;hl in. owner 1\ill help
kitchen. Patio. fina~ with IO'Ai ~11.
TARBELL 142-6691 "l\TMc oUC"r. Bogg& Rtalty
lAILY PILOT DIME-A-~-"""c=\o'=~~-..,,...,,. LINES. You can use them PLANNlNG to movt! You'U
tor jual peMies • day. Dial ti'rld .an am11.~ mimher of
642.5678 ~ in t.od•y·, Oaiailicd
OIARGE lT\ Ada,~ them now,
NORT1·1 ON IRVINE TO fut bar. Priced nly $43,950, 7 resale home~ from '$1400 S~Y.t/'!'o includes taxes &l,2,.-,B~EO=ROO=~M~~fi-,.-,-,-Pl>c~r ~""'' _ ~
20TH, LEFT ON 20'.l'H TO pe.r1.1y furn. Call now lo see. down, 2.J & 4 Bftll,fadu1l:Or Ina, Frplc, cpu, drps etc. BEACH HO'ME. Walk to the · Open Suri 2-$•30 .f. ( R'EAU ESTAT
PALoMA LEE SCHONEK, Realtor Lamlly s e c I I 0 n s. OPEN O ean, $28.500. Owner/qt. beach. Low down. Avail&bl.. 1245 surltr . ~ ! CU.11tom J bedroom, 2 balh 67J."r•r · fi46..S580 .. Cl SHIRE RE L~-&..-i..c M -'n St-t HfU HOUSE DAILY l • 5 PM at · June lat. $24.~ Call for tE A .c.i11 "'1.-n lt'I ·-dotlblt nreplace • Tmrn@diate ... _ -..2503 -• E • H'~'-ton •-~ · 10 , d .,,~~~!!!!'~~~!""1141 Yo1·,.1.own • acrosa. from 3 BR, 2 Ba, $25,500, Low dctall!I. PERRON REALTY vo;r • vet. 4 • _..... ~ posscu:ion • ~/'(> own. -T E -·• ... ...,, .............. ..,.1u~. SM~ TREES -R ES Cub House ~ <>r caU MG-~ d,,own. Lge yard, l.'\11-dH&C. &UJ..m ......,....;_, ....... ~·--• . J)6.JT17 i
• · SQrround thl.s oWer home f01' u.J e or rental intorma-2700 San Lucas. ~1740. l'IVESTCLIFF==~=~Condo~~-~,-m ... SV
"T ~-. . . . ~ ~
w/huge Uv. rm i: hdwd. tion, Heritage ReaJ Eatatf!, 2 BR. 2~ BA. Auume Joan ,....IN SUN. J2 . -11
nn. Ideal for remodelq: Mesa Vtrde 1110 n.....n Sat I: Sun l-6 pm. """'"' • 3 BR J% bath. Newvo A sprudng up. OWNER -2 BR on qUiet "t"" 706 ACACIA Wrst. 126.500, 1 FORTIN CO. banjo st. Attached gar. eul-Llve•ble -Love•blel 1509 Comwa.ll Lanr:. 2 BR. home, frplc:" tam.ib' lt!nced cul...._e lot, w
170l ·A Westclilf Dr., NB• ly oonvm. to extra room. l Open D•ily 548-.aps or f5..1806 sfZe kltch.. plaa Aall furn. cupe.tf. drt~ Palos Y
642-3XIO blk to new perk. 2 bib to \•ou must RC lhia immacu-BEAUT. BAY VIEW l Bdrm. apt, 145.ttllr. . >-fiiw~ bOll\:'.fu rvce
113 ACRE 3 bedroom, lO'Ai 17th St. ahoJ>plng. Huge late., pleuant 3 BR, 2 BA Open lloll..'le Sit 1: SI.In Or.,.. Cont Proptrtj awn, ~-'Uher, 'b a k
feDCC!d. yard on.paved alley. home, Paneled Uv nn, spec-Front• on tdp or Wutt1• 2 m Ma~rlte. ~ roof, Wawlll diatanct to
369 VI ST A BAY A down, liuye rear yard. New C&til'l'I. Zit wiring, ~ fam rm. 2 fl'plea. cus. yr old • 2 BR. 2 BA. $38, 750. be•Ch. t
(County Col'Tidorl covered patio. hardwood diapoal. Iota of tile. $18.500. drps, crpt'r, huge Plfk>. at. ~. ~ NEW .LISTING•
·t BR + POOL !loon:. New ~ c.arpe~ng. 1589 San Bernardino Pl., lrac lndscp'g, sprin.kle.n. REDUCED S2QXl..Now m , 7.)0 Coront. Hia:hlands; 0 c e a n
DAVIDSON R11lty ~sharp. Re ty CM ott 16th between Santa Owner. 3002 Ceylon Rd . 4 Br., 3 e.., fam . din. v5ew: 3 BR. 2 &. You°"'"
546-5)60 Ews. 516-8169 t -~~=~=~=~ Ana .l 1\latln S4S-3993 ~ utll/laun nn. Total 20 aq, I.be' land. 1"utl ~e '44.000.
$19,200 . S~% lo•n INVESTORS HALECREST. Hd1'i:I n .... 3 IMMACULATE • bdrm. 2 tt,.325 Vllta &ya. Owner. CORBIN-MARTIN $137 Month P •ymentsl BR., 2 BA. lam rm. largt bl. 2 trplC!t, ni ce I y ~ 646-lSU. Rt•ftort
2 pul!nu.n bl.tti.. 4 ~ma. $It tSO pa.tin. Ideally located. Walk landBcapc!d. y,-alk 10 acllool.l'B"'c"u"'•F=s~.~a..=-"'v~1ew-.-.,,-m-.. ·1 3036 t:. eo.at HW)'., CdM
AD e.lectrk built.In kitchen, f BR k lan1 ~ •. Owntr pn'!• to tc:hls • Shop'(· V~rj 21!,9!)0, Take OV~r e.xi5tins )w grttn t>eit. 3· Bt, 3 Ba, I ====~,_-1,,612=,_,;!,.,... _
Pretty ahutten, ''Appk Pil" fets to lcmM back at $185 clran, JOOJ Mumy 1.n, KI ~-· lmmed J>O•. by own. man,y. curl fe•tUrtl. Low Qt.ARMING OUPU..'X on
conditintt. for pcriOO of year. " .. _,-'4"'~==~=---er, 54().'331 Jae. "'8.500 value, S.crifice. dbl Sot, .SO. of Hwy .. Owner T':!A~R!l;B!;E~L~L~--_:111!46~°'°'~ Rw RHlty 615-2340 CHARGE rT! Wltir.,,i.....,111 Do.,...·h •SC0.500. 644-<265 151.>00. 613-4le
. '
• -------...C..------~----------
,.,,,,,...,.""'1...,,....,..,,._~.,...,,....,.,..,,._"""~·."""'·"'· '>l•"C'<'._,,_,,.,.~ •. ,..,.~.,._.--·~•=••fO•S~::tMlill Ct!!>i .w:u.:a>-xoom::s z4sose•Pf:!Ats•t*4 =• -= •P•••1••• '*'"' • '"" . '
" Celebrate With Flying Colors
Get a New Flag · For· •••
Help Yourself Help The
MAY .30th
JUNE 14th
' JULY 4th
Boys~ Clubs
Fly a new flag at your home or office during this patriotic season. Here's an offer that lets you save money and help
your Boys' Club, too. Participating in .this pu bril service offer are the Boys' Club of the Harbor Area, Boys'Club of
Huntington Beach and Laguna Beach Boys' Club. Here's how you can help them and help yourself. Just order this
beautiful deluxe flag kit, at a fraction of its retail value, and get as a bonus a California state flag -all deliver-
ed to your door by Boys' Club representatives or mailed dir~ctly to your home in time for holiday use. ·--··---
Order Now At Any of Four Boys' Club Headquarters
SM c ... ., $""'
C0&ta Meta, C.Uf.
...... So41·'317
2131 Tmtln Awenut
JHr ...... .
H•lhl .... 1-h, c.111.
...... 536-9415
175 N-Cont Hi<ilnNy
Lat-·-· Coll!. l'Moe494·2535
U10 mail order coupon below •nd 1end it directly to club hoa dqu1rter1 nHrest you. Your flag kit and bonus sl•I• flag wiU
bo denvered or m•iltd directly to your home. or office. Or you can pick them up in person at the Boys' Club he1dquerters
1n your erea.
Pidc Up Your Own Flag Kit and Get This Ft-ee Gift
5o.sTAR ,
• 3''
t1 ,. 111i.;s.1~1.,.sr•,..
Wo.t .wr, JllV_., _... ,... .. lftc lrnck·
et.S"'"", ·• i. •MM'J u~ .. ....,.cw-. •
Hol'td1y Bonus: High Qu1lity 12
liy I a.;,,.,h Cal ifornia Stolt Flog
~---------------.. I
I ,,
Just cl ip out this meil 9rclur coupon end fill it out. Sund, elon9 with
check or money order, to the Boys' Club httdquerltrs netrett you.
Meke ch~c.k1 payable to "8oy1' Club."
1'1-...., .................. AmHIUft flot klh .. $l.'5 per kit.
I Uftdlftt•Mf I wlll rtctlYe as a hofltl.y botl1t1 a Caflfenla .,., flet
wl .. -k kit.
I Neme .... ·-·····-----···················-·-····--·············· .. ·········-····-·········-······-
1 Street Address ...... ., ......................... -.................................. : ... -····-··············
I City ............................................................................. Zip ........................... .
1 ·
I Phont .... ·-··-··-·········-············-.. Enclosed i1 S-----···----·--·······--··-····-·-' I · I
Thi' 'P•Cit l holidey offer i1 e public service of the DAILY PILOT end the loy1' I Club1 of the Her\:ior ~ree , Huntington leech and le9una leech. I
Free Decal
While they last, the Boys' Clubs offer you this 1pecial, free t ift
•.• t dec~I of the American Flag like those you see e•erywher•
on «r windshields, home end office windows, or even on tht
famlty boat. Visit th·e loys' Club nttrert you l phone for houn of
optrtlion l . Buy a flag kit; 9et the decel fret. Supply of d1cal1
11 limited . Hurry. •
. • ,
l r • l .
I .
' I
• ' •
l ,.
! ' ! ' I .
'. .Are You Letting Cash
Slip Through Your Fingers
See If You Have Any
Of These Things· A
•• Sto¥1
2. Gulter
3. Biby Crib
4. E loctri~ Sow
5. C1mtr1
6.W ..... r
-'7. Outboard Motor
I. Storoo Sot
9. Couch
10. Clarlnot
11. Refrl11r1tor
12. Pickup Truck
13. Sew'"' M1chin•
14.Su .........
IS. Mochlno Tools
16. Dlthw1ther
i7. Puppy
II. Cabin Crvlaor
19. Golf Cort
20. lleromollr
21. Stomp Colloctlon
22. Dinette Sot
23. Play Pon
24. a-11., ••II
2S. Water Skla
26. Frnnr
27. Sultc111
21. Clock
Will Sell Fast!
29. Blcyclo
30. Typewriter
31. Bar Stoola
32. Encyclopodla
33. V1cuum Cl11ner
34. Troplcal fish
3S. Hot Rod Equlpm't
36. Fiio Cabinet
37. Goll Clubs
31. ~1rlln1 Sliver
39. Vlctorl1n Mirror
40. Bedroom Sot
41." Slldo Proloclor
420 L1wn Mowwr
43. Pool T1bl1
44. Tl'"
45. Plano
46. l'ur Coit
47. o .. ,...
41. Linens
49. HorH
SO. Alrplano
51. Organ
52. Exercyclo
S3. Raro lloola
S4. Ski Boot1
SS. High Chair
56. Coins
57. Electric Tr1ln
51. Kiiton
59. Cl111lc Auto
loll, Coff11 T1bl1
61. Motorcycle
62. ~CCOrdiOO
63. Skla
64. TV Sot
65. Worlcbonch
66. Dl1mond W•tch
67. G .. Kart
61. Ironer
69. Camping Trailor
70. Antlqula Furniture
71. To1po Recorder
72. Sollboat
73. Sportt Car
74. M•ttr011, lox IPfl
75. Inboard SP11dboot
76. Shotgun
77. Saddle
78. Dirt O•m•
79. Punching 119
110. B•by C•rr1ag1
11 . Drums
12. Riffe
13. O•k
14. SCUllA Goer
These or any other extra things around tho houn lllOy
bo tumed Into cash with a
so • • •
Don't Just $it There!
' .
. ,~.
Get In On The Action T ockly!
.. , ........
Owntr •· "Slcrncle sharp S Bit wl~ 30' UvUw room,
rt~ kltciwn, tlrtplai.-e
• w•rm p&ncJJifll." Only
IOO • nlA or VA temu.
Cl)l<>k w. ... locatiGj!J
811.-i:v. •. -
ENGLAND. 11111 4 BR
StraUord Home has a tlvLn&:
room I a dlnin& room. Just
like Ca1Uorn1a It ~ bi&,
covere<t pallo Ir: garden reu ~ You can t~ over t~ mA 1o1.n for '64!IO. Owner
will ' Qelp # Yott make t!)t
down payment. REX t.'.
HODGE$, Rlty 141~2525
$850 Down Fl'IA1 N9 ~j
""" beys • 3 -\; ba.th home. Look at tha111
~trul Wuhtr, l>r.YtT. Re-
~tt.tor. 8'Ut ln bu tor
titt1ertaln.lrw.1Com,Plf'te atereo
""" ·~,;: Cullom drol>. ti ~t. Pl111 thk:k,
111ce • new carpetlna. AU.
THIS t'OR ONLY $18,900
Down. First come, first
eerve. HURRY!!
Walker & Lee·
1682 Edlnler
.. H•'llM UnlumlthM
170$ C.t• --~.M=eu __ L_D_llA_Y __ , llOO Huntl""°" --
______ ,
Famlly homo, lgt, llvlna l'Rll •IJllT.l\L
w/lpl., W.llY rm, or .... SEIYICI dln. rm.; Bl Kit. w/ea"'-
are1., Mltr. •ulte le: adj. tor eu"'*, S Mdl'ooma l
baUI: 3 other BR'• A: 2Wi btthl fll5.IO -Jtr mo, Cd
• Bij, 1 Ba, rar, ,.,., \lrPO.
11!!0. >"I~. Av.U June L S
Children OK. Fio pttl.
17liil Van Burt11. I0-1123
l~BORM, 111 t>a..tlbc. C>IL,
/w"Ctpt'a, dtp1, w.nt: llD
......... !240. 982-2'M.
more b&'1. W&Uc to· btach.
Beaut ~low!. 'n1.t one bai •-.wnt. Ooly 179,500, : .• ORANGI COUNTY'S I BEDIUJ. Cl'pto. 4rpa, 1e ...
LARGEST ed. O>lld,.n, Pila OK. l200 IS YOUR GROUP
Looklnc for a loca lion lo
meet '!' See this chureb on an 2'3 E. 17th St. 646 UM I ;""=·=""=2082"'=====
R..'l lot: hu kitch., quiet G1rcl1n Gr•,,••.
room, •totaee. ~ala 1.35 so· Frontq:e, choloe.too. SGO:ooo 3 Br. 2 Ba, lryi llv • !am· 1---..;.....:..-"----
........ WO, mo on >" • ,,., , ~CE bo.,., 3 ll\L 2 batho. ·~ 2:172 Rutpr'g Dr. CM: fCblldna OK, '$W
• ' 548-$853 MADGE DAVIS iq-TOIXI
8'2-4455 or 51!'5140 L-• Nl..,.i "3707
H Py EART Open Ev... ll!O. AV AIL June ..... 3 BR 1
AP H OPEN HOUSE L ••TAT• balh,l ..... ---· EXEC ........... 3 Br. 2 wU1 love this cute 3 bdrm SAT. l·S patio, \v/w f\l&I, stove & ea.. bltnl, d1bwhr. 1~ bath with built·ins. l..ule 20121 Marina Lane N. -COUI JtlW&J, ~frtc. • New ND-Wax floor t'S'Pt/drp. Beaut view SJ)O. ::'.:tn ~1:~ Pra~~~a1 s22. 750 .i.a;,.~7.:Jic~ ~it· ChUdr-en 1, doll OK. I "-~""'"'1!10"'._,.._ __ =cc--.,--exa U1&: F.H.A .• V.A. , forappo n1.m ,,nt, Near new A1.1tonettea.
low interest GI Joan. Any. or IMMACULATE CUSI'O:'it 3 &IS.Ufl. T69 Center, C~t: Ntw 2 BR. 2 BA $22S
one can assume with low As:swne excellent 6% VA bdrm & den, wet bar, ?ilONTICELLO Condo, 2 Br., Beach, Ji:Olt, pool. ptl ... dTo:n~DEWINDS RLTY l1>11n. 3 bedroom. Carpeting b t e •th' a k Jn g v I e w l Ba., 4bl gar, drpg, crpll, ~~~.l.~une 15. No, ~ta. • ~ tlll\lghout. Vacanl , ~tor's pat,lo. S 5 O o o r~. pools &: clubhAe. $115. __,1t;11
847-BSll y I S down • owner wUI finance 2332 Richmond W a y .
ASSUME 5ll% LOAN OPEN SUNDA . • ~ at 11>1'> • OoJy """2'l5.Avall'J""' 1. San Cltmento · : 3110
OPEN DAD..Y $43,500. Perron Real1)'2BR.$lti~at>t.$17S-New -·STOM •3 BR. ~--~Jh ~·· ~·---~-•, 16501 Loi,. Circle au.1111 •-• •··t '" --<1.u. ~ ...... OUUIU cplli, ... _ aar. bt .... epta /drpa.S'eade·w
Nr Meadow Lark goll .,,.,,..._ BY OWNER ilENTA~S pl"' d•po•IJ., Judy SuNk, $260/mo. '"1 E. Sall 7""'
C.omer 2 atory, • BR & Pool SOL VJSTA •BR 2 ba, FHA!. · HOUHI Furnished Aient. 648--nn tn41 Ml-Git · w/ many extras. owner
1 ~-•·te Fl--ible tlnc Oll Conv'nt'aJ ot_ a&llill\e C I . . . 2 BR;, prqe, P!lUo: nttl.
:;",ID)""G°t 1..sia · 51,4 % FHA. 847-BC89 Ren •It to Sta.re 2005 drpa, ~. refrl&. Tloplcal, lhmlnot Unfum.' 1975 .!:~~~~~;;...--l -";p;;;&;U.;iiiiiiii'ft-1 · · · setllna: for adJdta. 1 Bllt to ~ • -·-· OPEN HOUSE TRANSFERRED GEiNT °' lady 10 •bar< 0\1l' •hops. 1160. ,.._.1!0 FOR l•·Dui!Ju _, N.B. 2
v......, attrac 6 yr old, 2 sh')', 4 M"~ ll 4 bdrm.._ ...... lovely 3 Br ·homt. Kit prlv & br bit ln al~ ,e1:r1,g ~·w ....,,. ae ,,...me, ...... washing $100 mo Nice~ ARTlSTIC unfurn 2 BR ', A·-" J'u1· 1 ' lrfJ BR on cul-de-sac. Nr pets. drape5, lqe Jot.room C M 642-.3i67 ' • <luplx ~ncl patio nr stores. ganae. v..... 1 ·
Ideal bch. Nu crpll., drps 4 for boat or trailer. GI or · · · · NO ~Ill. $150. ~2942 att { 673-2600
paint. \Vlll transf. mem. FHA lemia. Onl)' $23,000 • EMPLOYED lady will share RENTALS
bttshlp in swlm &: racket better cheo<'k this one. my borne w/ume. S16 per 3 BDRM custom home, Back A_.. F lthed
club. Owner moving out of MUTUAL REAL TY wk. ~la exchanged . Blty Atta. Fam nn. 2 ha, .,,_ urn
area • attat buy at $26,500. 842-ltlS anytime 546-3115 crpts, trplc. SS. Mo. Ge"'ril .000
536-196.i 8001 Ebbtide, HB. J\fALE 19-25 \\1Ulled to sha~ 548-m ' ASffiJ~lE 5',( FHA, near new t.1ust Sell-Bes! Oiler nice house CdM for swn. E>..'EX:'UTIVE Home 4 BR, 2 HOLIDAY PLAZA
3 BR home. Has all the 3 BR 'Townhouse, frpl., cpts.. mer. Call 675-lm. BA, bltn .ral\ie,. qven ';: DELUXE.-Sll&C\l;Mll 1-Bdrm. . drps.. bllnl. nr. beach. d. hwht' .-... 531--9563 Fum. apt. $135 Plua 1.1U1. quality fe.11.tures & extras Patio. pools. Open Sun. 2-5 $15 N1tlon1I Roomato 111 ' ·,._.,mo. ·
you want. $144 monthly. 8196 \Vildwood. 213/6a4-9611 HI Rent! Shatt! 613-1166 2 BR house' In court. Crptl, ~~~~~ ~
M7-6788. -,.======= 1========'1 drpa, prv patio. 9'16 W. 11th ~ 1965 Pomona. CM OWNER'S 3 BR 2 bi.th. Nice Huntington Newnort leach 2200 St., CM. 548-28.19 I ~~~~~c-'c-=,.-1
clean borne. A55Ume 5'A. % . ,Hirbour 1405 ~ $100. 1 Br front duplex,
FHA 1oan. 122.soo. Pmls. OCEAN FRONT Mau Verd• 3110 ,.,..... AVail now. -
$120/mo. 19802 Isthmus Ln., Wi'T,ERFRONT ·by owner · .5341980;;..:;::;:,--,-=-::::::-:::::I HB .c BR. • 2 BA .. dock, 55• on 4 BR, irpl., patio, lawn, pr, 3 BR, fin\)' I:, 2 Ba, elec bit· f130. 1 Br. ni«!)' furn, uW
I cl--• uo· "4~ 1~' BA. June 15" to Aog 14 I~ diahwashe!r. Best k>ca· pd • ..., ___ •· ....... ...._..__ GLENMAR home' 2 •~ •• 3 "''a er en """"'pa •• .......... ·-" ........, ..., ..,.._... °""""""' _., A'-· 60' -·•-·•··-·I $250. wk. Also winter $250 Uon. WW make IOT'lle f1LmU)' BR. •·-rm. 2 bath POOL. au on nMUn ~"'" 534-4191!1'.l ~" I 3 B 3 ... ...... n10. 1608 W, Oceanfront, N. very happy. Lse. $2'l5 or lse. I ,;~====== Frpl Jlo int In IU'ge r. .uta., uuuo., c, pa • new pa • SU0,000. Consider lease/op.. B. 613-2306 option. Come lo dlseu111 Cott• Meta 4100
ft.Ide. $33,950. 962-2008 a1t 6 Jur\. 592-5998 "ro'"R;;-,.-LEAS='°E,-·~Be=-ao'°'tif"' ul~I ternu. 546--5612 aft 6:45 PM
PM Bayfront 4 Br. ho u a e'1.;,•nliy:i'======::::: I NEW SPANISH $2400 Tot•I d"/Condo Faunt•in V•lley 1410 w/dock. Summel' rental orl VILLAGE APTS.
AuUme VA loan, 4 BR 2 ha ~w~IJ~J io>~no~ld~e~' ~y~e~or~le~.,.:· i·N;;1;;w;;po:,;;rt;;;;ll:uf.cfh;;;;;;;;32;;00;;; 1 I:. 2 BDRM. F\lrn or ttn• HAFFDAL Rlty 842-4405 $41,65 Beat locaUon. 642-4062. furn. AiN:ond, dshwhn, self
DOVER Shores b a )' I r on t BIB clean'a owns, patio, break-NOW's THE Monthly SavinCJS home. 6 Br, 4 Ba, large 4 Bedrooms, 3 baths unJurn-fa.st ban, private tundecks.
patio, 70' private dock. ished. Yearly -$J1S/montb. ll'I' 1torqe closets, Huted
TIME FOR 1 ON LOW 6•/. GI LOAN $1500. mo. on yriy Jse. s hown by appointment. pool. aaunu. bar·b-quta.
Immaculate 4 BR 2 bath. 213/180-5011 or ru/715..eW. Please call M'r. Arthur. Sowld proof wan.a. n1k in
Finest Fuhkln Home with _ lay & Beac:h ckleell, covered carport. QUICI(. CASH ~:;' fn!~:-T~:a!cec~ Newport Hgts. 2210 . lo•lty, Inc. AduJ~h:.:~2727
flowers & shrubs on over--3 BR, 2 BA, Jbe fenced yd. 901 Dover Or., NB Suite 126 THROUGH A slud lot. Most desirable Gardener le util included. 645-2'1'0 Eves, 642-3287 $30.00 wk. up floor plan. Walk to Hi School. Avail 6/15. $350 Mo. e Day, week, month.
DAILY PILOT ..... me $15.1100 loen. ==*"~"'"""==*====!IF ,OU need to'Wil-e Studio• Bach. Apto. Katollo Riiy 147-4061 :-lool<ed .""""' e lnd Ullll • ""°"" "'"'· eed Coron1 def M•r 2250 And you've a ' e Maki ~Mee. TV avail.
WANT AD Weeda, WNd1, W I ----~. ----1Glve Us• cat1 for •New Ca.re I: Bar
Abandoned 4 Br. 2 bath, car-CORONA del :P..fAR China yearly rentals we've found. 2376 N ........... mvd. SU.9'755 •
pell!:, drapes, brick fireplace, Cove. Pvt bch, ~ificent PROPERTIES WEST ..... ,.....~
642.5678 built-in double oven, range, view of ~. Furn 3 BR. 2 1028 Bs.y11de Drive * VIII• Pomona Aptt.
dishwasher, FA heat, l.8x30' BA. Avail June 1st to Oct. Ne1vport Beach Costa Mea'1 beWeSt at most
paflo. Reduced from $29,000 1st. $1.500 mo. 1n4) 64s-o640 675-41-30 luxurioua, turn. 1 le 2 BR.
R .. d Cl1111flutlona
In th1
to $26,995. or f714) 673-4216 !lPfJ. Adu1ts ·only:No pela.
2 BR, 2 ea + convt den + LIDO Pk., .3,BR. 2 ba .. frpl. 1760 ~mona Ave., 1Gtt south ;w_IW&JllJIHI fam rm, dbl gar., p.l'dener •Dbl pr,1 Pool. S28S "o.,,l U~lh~S~t,~_,,~~~ 'T"!!!T1111f'9 fum. $325 mo yrly lie. Da,Ys MADGE DAVIS 642-~ EXTRA larpi 2 Br. 2 Ba.
========~• 642-3582, eve a rr.J..2457, OCEANFRONT-~~ BR,'. pool, util pd. sisu. Mature
1705 6'13--0635 2 BA + Famib' R.ooai, sm. adultt,. onl,y, no pets. 2115
833-2087 eves. .,laoentla. S4&4t07
Huntington B••ch 2400
SMALL Mobile Home, \deal Unl.,.,.lty P•rk 3237
for couple or one person. YEARLY Leue-3 Bdrm. Ii: That's the best description s·-••• -·•t 5 ~ 3 ~th ...,... mo . ........,.6.loJ .. :.iv. Oen or 4 Bdnn., .... • of this mauive contempor-Covered patio, fenced yard,
ary home. UN IQ U E 2 Summer Ront1l1 2910 all electric kitchen, douh1e
STORY ARCHITECTURE, ove n, !able top stove, near
$125; LARGE l·Br., clean,
(fl.llet; a~uJta. Beaut. turn.
Nr. rnktl:. Washer/dryer.
garage. 1920-B Wallace, CM
1 BR tum. Crpll, drps, pool
~ rec. Ulil pt. AduJta, no pets. 1959 Maple, CM.
BACHELOR for quiet man.
Yard, util pd. No drink'&. at
....... 540-0059
LINES, EXTERIOR OF On Peninsula nr. jetty. 4 Diego Fwy., parkii l pools.
SAND BLASTED W 0 0 D BR., den. Xlnt cond. Sandy Weekends or weekdays after
PLANK & BRICK. Located beach. July &: All&'. $3,800. 5 p.m. By Owner 833;-2027 In the Niguel section of La-Bkr. 644-2430 BRAND now ,-.-~ .... In 1 BR, new, beaut tum. Mo. to ..,.,.,............, Mo. Sl50. Adulta only. 22'lO. s~1:.a~llng 5 BDRM, FLOOR CLEAN Balboa Beach Units. Village Ill. 3 Br. 2~ Ba. Elden. 645-1251 eves.
PLAN SERVICED BY 3 Slcepa 2 to lO; fOI' au~r h11&:e game rm, pool privls. 1 BDRM tum t la .. ...-. · re»ervaUons call li73--99t5 $315 645-2996 · ap • '"!_.,, BATHROOM~, leatures rear -3l5-E;-Balboa-S ., Balboa · . _aduJta._687 ~ ~
llv tm. with WHITE BRICK • 3231 54U138 Fi REP LACE. FROM PRIVA,TE llEACH . lrvlno REDECORATED u .. wra 2
F'LOOR 1'0 CEILING. Sep-BoBRlh ·.~:m &lloboa~-La~ 2 NEW, 3 Bednn 2 Balh, Oen bdnn apt. $150. Appt onb"·
arated DINING RM., SLfD. · 'Ii pa • c.a.Yl•N•10'· El&e. Kit. Fene<I Yd. Crpt.. * 646-6004 *
ING GLASS WAU..S OPEN July & Auguat. ~2Sn or Drapes, Pool Membership. SUMMER Rental Bach Apl.
TO TERRACED PATIO WI 834-~. Avail. Jmmed. Leaae $300.
SUNKEN FIREPii', and an • 2 BR apt, sips 6. Nr Mo . Call (213) 371-1102 :15~ih u~ No Pett.
outstanding v" of the ocean. 312 33n:I St.. NB. .;:;:~;;,;;:;:;;:;:::'=:===
green hills. This custom 6'7>21l32 East lluff 3242 Nice 2 Br. $140.
qu.llty home has w/w car· ---,.,..,.-----1;:.;c.;..=c..c----1613 Santa Ana Aw.
pell I:. drapea thnlout. En-"·•"II I AL) BEAunFUL Eutbhlfl 5 542-7279 or 543-85~ etts.
try IW1a of Del Piao tilet. HouMt Unfurnished Bedroom, 3 bath, family r,N~l~CE=i..-. "'t~bdm.,....-,,~ ... -.-,.,,,=d,
Sperkllng MODERN KITOt· Gontral 3000 room, 3 car garage. Some panelllna:. 12192 Ediiwer, nr
EN & BREAKFAST RM., furniture. $395 per mo. See Harbor. 139-5326
HDWO. CABINETS, ALL A CHANGE po St. nr CdM High school. Newport leech 4200 BlLT·lN RANGE It: OVEN, W 3 o~ and ..._.756
DI GARB e have a ucuroom a ~"'=-=======I NEW SPANISH S H W A S II R., . 4 Bedroom for leaae at $180 ... ·
DISP., >:re. This truly with buill·lnt, ,..,,.la and Carone dol Mir 3250 VILLAGE APTS.
unique home la a muat tee, drapes. o 0 u b 1 e Ganp, MODERN spilt level 1 1 & 2 BDRM. FUrn or un-olfered ·belO'w l"t'plaoement Fenced Call· ained furn. Air-cond, dshwbn, aeU
for WE SELL A HOME =I= r!:1ee, '~oven. clean'1 Oftlll, patio, break-•
$32,500 Fiii Price EVERY 31 MINUTES IUnde<k ....... n ~ -· ... , ...... prlval< -·
CALL FOR APPTI w lk & L '160 mo le•• Ira atoraa:e cloaets. Hea.1"4
Open Sunday I e( ee =?" No P • 11: ~ :::".bn~~
MISSION REAL TY 7682 Edlngei cla1ets, cownid cuport ..
985 So, Cout H\vy .. Laauna 842-4465 or &40-Slto 2 BR, 2 Ba + convt dtn + 1 AdullA, no pela.
PHONE (714) 494.0731 Open Eves. tam rm, dbl '"" ,..,,..,, ...._. $46-2727
ONARCH Y • tun1. $325 mo yrly lie. Daya * * M BA '* FORMAL execu. 3 BR 2 BA. 642-3582 e v e 1 ~T SINGLE Y~ Adulla J..wc. 2 BR, convt den, 2 beaut Enter ow:r water + hea.ttd ~ ' · ury 1a.rden aptl w1th coun.
b9'1, din nn, lge Uv nn, pool Plne fountalna. prv. 1ry club' atmolpbt!re and
Lookllv out to QJ\ltl:ftld court )Tda. Be a u t J t J y 2 BR. New tjit.., drpl. complete privacy, SOtmf ,
prden pallo, fenced yd. land1CP'd .t. llebted. 1325. Avail. Now. Sl"· BAY CLUB APTS. Irvi.m II
Thia home hu exq\lillte 6'13-7449 MADGE DAVIS 642-'Um 16th Newport Bea.ch.
charm tn deo:M'. 8}' owner. 3 MJ. from bcb, beL 2 shop'& 2 BR., cp!J, drt.pea, atow. tntl &64lJ6Q
$6SM. &-23t9 ctn. 4 BR, 2 BA. l'lfat. rd. Gara~. 1 Child OK. ll!5 YEARLY rental, ~t,
LOVELY l'Ai BR, full)' ft.Im. w/w cpfa", fpl. Glenmar. Mo .. lease. 534-T551 newb' ~ ·2 Bl'.
So. Ll.pnt-Ocean V U • a:itl"'TM. Leaae. Alt 6 PM 2 .t. 3 BDRM hou9ea. $250. W/IUlldeek, mart\fd coopll
Frplc, attluded P • t Io • 9118-4541 u p • !.f c Le od.Oevk:Jtnce only. No chiJdttn, no pe~
aundeck. \Valle to bch 6. $9(f. 1 Br, fenced yard a.Ii ulU Broker 615-«)44 S22S. mo 675--1824. 644-11234.
Shopt. Wood l*Milna·beam pd. Avail by ll'J'ffmtnt. H •···h ,.._ STEPS to bch. mod 2 Br, • ~~~900. c.u oollect Bn>ktt. 534-6960 untlngton -..... bll·U.. "'"'· ..... -
SUPERB view, newtr coal. 3 $155. S Br, 1ara,p,· 1tow. 3 BDR l~~ bl TOwnhoute. :5' A no pett. Qils cn-
Br. Sale er excbanae . w/w. Small pet O .K . Wuhc?r. dt')'tf'. retrla , ~·=""='====="'I
115 1100 1 • 7 5 t 5 9 l Brokn' S3f..GIO crpb/drapta. 19784 Cam· -...:.1161 "'",.!· • -: JllS. I Br, l•"C<CI ,.,,,, f1plc. ....... l•ne, H.B. -.S c ...... dll Mor 4250
For Expert LAGUNA Carzyoo. 90'xtQO': RIO. .,vau n:>W. Broker DON'T JUsr WISH for .me. OCEAN ~ Hwy. i Br.
ruaUc 2-.ft)i. ~;--Posllble ~ thliW to f'l.lrnlsh )'OUl' home trplc:, W/W crpta, .walk IO A1ll1tanc• c.i or M·l _, $4,000 dn. $80. 2 B• .................... find ll'tll """ In ,.. -& b<b. Ad.ill, .. --------~· BJ(r • .,,,_.1: *''1111 Rn. AvtJI 6115. Brok.tr 534-aM da)''a a.u..ultd Ad.a. ,. peta. S40-a64
, ___ ..___ ..... __ _
~ ............ , •• .,,... ... ,,,,~~'!"'":':'::_._ -':1•""17'"'"'·""',,.....,..""""""" ·. .... .. .... ···-·· ........ . 'J;'{!"i "''""'_'_'7, ~',~','l~f~.'~n~!"' ..,,~.,,~,~.·~.~' ~.~· ~.~·'·---~·-"'!''-PD•W-.,,.,,...,..,...,~,~;-·~·~\~~-~·~.9C'"'' ~·f~•1 -·-~-.-.f.~f~0~A~>~!,~~,.-,o~O~i~•'WO -·~---~.---·~·~··~• -~ .. ~.~<•,~< ~-¥H~<~1 . '*l ..... --. •• .,,,......,_,_, ... , ••--•-·-.··~...-<~
llss•JAt!'!' lwh ._ c.ta Mela S100 bntall W~ 5
FINANCIAL AdV.rtlM,.. Ma)' ,1 ... tilW a• '1 .... ,....,_.,
QUllT & 11,EAUTIFUL VERY ..... s BR 2.aths, f~lultl only, • Br, otll pd. .-Ir p al n te d, w/w srut>~~IJ'ACUl.'l'X LAGUNA ~CH
I "'°" POo. A11o ""'"'4 '"°" '""'"' drtlpn, 211 car ,,. faced aaal» wtib • ...,,. Air c:..illtlonaol
Phones An 0,.. I:~ o.11t. -S:JO p.m.
9 to Noon So~ Suniloy
DIAi: OJRECT 64'2·5618 171'16 ~ 8C7·2125 pn.re. M'tsa Vmte lftL i1W alxirtap. W~ are ukbc OH l'ORD'l AVDlUIC 1 l'URN~-1 bdrm apt. SD/mo. A&'L 5#-41.tl the oomm.unit;y to lilt an;y °'* ,.._ ..ci.w. Ill
Downtow'n lllC Bel.th. AV'lll L4RG£ 2 BR. 2 BA,. 2 1Jt1, available ruta1t summer ...,. afDot bGklbts at
luae lat. Call 53Wm blt·lm. cptl ' d ,. p • • CC' yeer round. wtth tbe bml&. )rime loeadolt ........
0-o 0-4610 Qilldre'.< """""°' $1SO . inc ottke, Pleue <all := .=..~....:
-8U'8U ,., • IU!inr /""'!. pwleol -Two
GLE Y~ Adults l.u.1'· $200 COLLEGE Pro( A wUe want enlJ'Uces: J'toltttait a,ii
,vrf prderl aptl witb" ~ Newport IMch l or 2 Br turn age c:me to rw. A.,.,. rear kadt to •
!,y club •-"""' or<l NEW SPANISH DCC. J\lne 20-Aue L ...., llllmcCPol pubto ..._ i>'1
Unllmtted ~rnaltlnl potential with your own
bua!neta as • distl'ibutoC' tor POK-0-GOLF, the new
lelaure dme game that comblnn the skill and tun
ot 1oU with tbe excitement and suapcnse of ca.rd-~
Huntineton loach 5411-ltlo LAtvna IMch 4'4-'466
IRAORlt AdYll"U9lrl lho .. 1~ ... " tf'liltp a• .. lly Ulll ,..,.,.. lrnrnfflat•ly •
er mllelwtrloltl•nt. THE DAILY PILOT ••ti..,._ 'Ualllllt)' f" errel"I onf)' t9
tlM,axtt~ et p11~llJilftt th• •dv•rtlMment c.tr"'111r .. •time. ~ cufs'"~SO= VILLAGE APTS. =~,t,. r. ~B~ ::i = :::: ... ~ Aro You Tho Rfthl Mon For Thia Opportunity?
1 auPM.AN Aw.. Garden 1 ""'-2 BDRM. FUm or un-lMley ~. 10001 3rd 8bflM9 boars ---~ Do you want to start. your own business! Do you.
Grove (114.) 636-3030 furn. AiNxu:Jd.. cbbwbn. sell Ave, Oll.kl&JXf. Calif. <US> ..n:. a....u&ble tor PO. ·wa.nt to be Your own boss! WUI ·you devote part
DEADLINI f'O" COPY AND KILLl1 l:SO P.M. the Ila)' Mfwe pullllodlort, 1xotpt fw
W•.,•nd 1.dltlon and M•n•1 ...u ... Whi• el ...... tlrM .. l:JO P.M. Friday.' • 4705 cklan'a: ovens. patio, break. B:W-6740 All dtMe palll ...,. ot your &ptt:e time to develop a buslnesa ot your 1 lafuN 8Nch fast ban, private fundedca. a...1--own? 'r=:l!::::;;;..::.;=:;....--""'-" by storage clolet&.. Heated SINGLE UCI ProL Waota; -·
'IOU MUIT HAYS KILL: NUMllRI W't-n klll ... ~·ad ._.._ .t .. lok ruultli.
IN 111,.. tti make a ....,.... of th• Ir.Ill numllef' t1ve11 ·re-•1 }f9Ur all t•lw ..
vo~.t,,......-IL I 2 art. nur brach. v\iew, ......,., sauna&. b&r-b-quea. Lrp.. Quiet A.pt. 6115 to D~T pn.or NO 'DIRECI' SELLING! NO LEADS TO FOU.OWI
• avail Jun, J'ul. Aui. Very ~ .. ...--n .. walk in 9115 ID Area. Exemp)aey 2b FOftE8T AVIJftJI: · You do no sellln&! We arrange for placement of I nice. $295 mo. 494-4925 a--.,.._ Tenant. Call 833-63M DI.Ya. LAGUNA BEAQI: machines. We 1urnI1 b all nooeuary training, cloaets. covered carport. .,.,.. ~-S·.~·u PM. -.... matmal and tquipmenL You aervl ce company Evtt)' 9fhtt fl ,..,.,. tt Ir.Ill w oerffct • now ff ttt.t Ne MM eNoNll, kt w. CM-'* .,~......,. tt d1 .. ulltll tJto ad hi• •PPt&red '" the,.,.,. NICELY Furn. 2 BR. 2 BA. Adults, no pets. v•.........., .-. aecured accounts. i Sl'IS yrly, (U/walt't' pd. Alt Phone 5'6-2727... WAHT To·•'UYiRENT PRIVATE OfflCE NO FRANClllSE FEE! You pay nothing for tho
I 5. 5.1&-3)!15 DELUXE 3 BDRM 2 bath&. Eut Bluff only. 4 or, S bdnn opportunity to represent OU1' ~mpany. Total ml.JU-
DIME·A·LINI Adi.,. '9lrlotly Ns'1 111 adv•nct by m111f •rat an11ne f/f 9t1r lf'f.._ NO,,......,.,..,
' BR ocean front, yr lae, prl fireplace. Near H 0 a e home. July 1't: pouesslon. Settetarlal service, ah-cc. mum capj,!a]. eqµipment tnYestmen.t of $9,950.00
bcb, no pets. avail July. Hospital I: Park Lido Bkl&;. 2U/474-0197. dltionlng, &: ~. wJth only $2,500.QD cash l'eQUi~ Balance Of Jn.
•Ala) itudio. 492r4l861 Adults. $210/rno. Manqer WANTED 3 Br. home In Oranee CoUnty Bank Bldc. vestment can be fllWlced.
rho DAILY PILOT ,,... ........ the"''"' t9 ., .. ,,,. odlt,.,.... •r,.,,.,.. ""' actv1 ... tlMm1nt. and tG oh•n19 ttl 111H1 •nd r.tul•tlon• wltheut prlw ootio..
Dana Point 4740
patio. endDsed gar. Adults
only. Show anytime.
4201 Hllarla Way, N.B. Nwpt vie, about June 15th. lll E. 17th Street Aver•ge E•rning Potentl•I Of $1,500.00 A Month! M•ll Addre•: lox 1175., Newport l••ch, C•llf.
~ ~~-~-m~-~~
3 BEDROOM. 2 bat b, 26-3006 aft Ma1 77tb. OFFICE 'SPACE WANTED CASH IN NOWi Our team of markeUng experts is
•--built •-e LANDLORDS e aaieo ..,P-1w.n.11 .... --..&.~ ready to U&16t YOU ~w In starting your own busi·
CLAlllFIED COUNTERI are ltlNtM' •• ftllOMI
carpets. ... _, -......, • ...._..... ................. ness. U you are looking for that once In a lifetime
fittpla.ce & just steps to FREE RENTAL SERVICE co needa 2fll to~ 1111 ft. ur oppch-tunity, write us today. FuU descriptive litera·
beach. Yearly Ieue $235 pr. Broktfo. SU6982 <>ranee Co. Al.rport iure will follow. Daily Pilot Classified
month. 642--0177 w/pbooe answerin& 6 .;;;:~===-~-:-,-1WANT < °' 5-. ~· ,....tar!al-avallable. NATIONAL POK·<MlOLF Apts. UnfrJmished •ATIRACTIVE 3 bdrm. 2 ba. tam rm, ~ .... from ,l!'Y L Call D. ~-M·t ···.--~-p 0 Box 123 e~ blt-ina. w/w cpts., drpl. 54&-ll69 .,. 213 "190-1.oou =-""' -. 10407 Liberty
Gener1I 5000 b'plc, stepe to l:!a.ch $24IJ on ot' • MODERN, · Specious., pro. St Louis, Missouri 63132
e RENT e
3 Rooms Furniture
$20 • $25 & UP.
Month-To-Month Rental.a
Appliances A TV's avail.
No Security Dl!posit
HFRC Fumiture Rental.I
517 \V. 19th, CM 548-3481
1568 w:~ Anhm 774-2800
$122.50 1 Br, good location.
All util pd. Avail 6/5.
$145. 2 Jge Br, 11,S Ba. RIO
relrig, new cpl! & drps.
Bia. S34"9lll
from $110
Heated Pools, Child Care
Center, Adj. to Sboppln& -
No pets allowed
'2700 Peterson Way, at HllI'-
, b:>r & Adams, Costa Mesa
yrty lie. 6'15-5504 ONE BDRM Unfum Apt. :for J'eWonal;ottlces ror rent on 314-423-1100 HOUSES FOR SALE N...,..T •MMTI
;,.,======,..--=--:I employed Jad:J Up s 0 Mo. buia.: Avail 8/1/&9. OIMlllAL I• NIWPOllT SMOllll
WATERFRONT, upper, 3 $110/mo. 642-0086 Contact Mr. Law. Downey Ask For Mr. Anthony c:olTA ""''"' n• ::~~'::Y PA1uc Bil, 1% J3A. married coup!e MIU. DIJ. MAa n• MCK UY
only. No pets, Jse, $275. EXEC tam o! 3 D!eds 3 Br. St: L Auoc, Miaskm Viejo. "!!~~~~~~~~~~~!!!~~~~!!!~~!1~-~-~:: un '""'" 675-27Sl den or '! by J UPe 1 or 15th. '137~11 . -: ........ ,. IUCN .. COl:ONA Dl:L MA•
Xlnt ref, leue. MS-&i82. 3345 NEWPORT BLVD. RE~L. ESTATI 111WP01:T HltsKTS 1t11 ~"""°'
2 BDRM yrcy unfum USS:--4 Ottices · 6Uit.abll! for Com General Bus. Opportvnitt.. 6300 ~.~OVl ... ~11 ,•.,ri• LIDO w...
bdrm untum )'rly $250. Roonw for Rent 5995 rcial M....i=-• De tai -----------i•AYc•••T 1m •ALMUi 11u.Ho Calvin s. Fma JU.tr. &0-3850 me ' ~ n l.AY1HORl1 1m MU"Tt"•Yot11 •RACM .:;:;:;=::==:;::====12 LOVELY room• Air-cond., crpt.s, i!lnator Ac...-6200 AFflLIATE DOV•••MHu. 1111 fOUNTAt"VALUY ~ • 35c PER SQ .FT. --· --~------CANDY SUPPLY wasYCUl'I' -1n. llM.. llACM E1st I luff 5242 Gen~eman. Ent r a. n c e . 541.5032 OR G7!;.24&t L •-ch ROUTE HA•IM: MlltU.ANDs 1t11 oa"°""•••'•~~'MTT refrig. Beach. pool. tennis. 19una 119.. UMMllrrY PAik It# GAIDIM 1..-0va e NEW DELUXE • 5.36-8518 ACCOUNTANT wiahes to ex-7 ACRES W/PERMIT (No Selling Involved) ~-...~l:E••Y ::: w•ITMIMITlll
3 Br. 2% bai apt. for lease ROOM tor rent. nice quiet chan&:e services :for olltce TO KEEP HORSES Exc:elleot income for few IASTIUll"I' na MIDWAY CITY
Incl. spac. mstr. iuJte, dill home. Workin&. P er Ion. w""""'r11 • Daalrportlly Pilot&re!:._ NMB: Adjacent subdivision one ~wee) kl~~!ill~k CD~y~,r ~~=:. "::~ ~= :~::;: M•1•11T1 rm. &. dbl:. pl'a&e, auto. Kitcbe 642-4794 e uuA. mile E of h util ail evenings . n.<: ing ..,, ......,.. aAL.oA P•NtlllULA •• run111
door ope:ne.r avail. Pool &: n pnvs. 329 ' ' wy, av ' Jectincr money from eoin op-••ACOM •AY 1• f~0•,T•"'• llAC• __ ,, no·~ • ·~ pkg tel. TV . $42,000. % Cub, bal 1st trust ~ a.AY llU.lllDS IUI -rec. area. Nr. c.aww.ic m.i:.-MaM:, • • • N B. STUDIO s 1 u • deed. Wti Box erat~ dispensers 'in Costa LIDO llll IUI U.OUN.A NllUll <luJrch A school " Corolla $50 mo + food if req'd 1024 . • pa c 0 • te 914 Laguna Mesa &: gun'OUJ1din& area. aALaOA Ill.MID..... 1151 IAN Cl•MINT• ', .... A,; P1 c M lJ 3-Dn turn. paneled W/ lav tac. Bcb._ Phone 494-4726 Owner. OAMA "°""' de! Mar High. ....,.....,. • • · Will aublet mo to mo. We est. route. (Ha.pdle1 :::'r:::~: :,.ton .:: tall'UX. -. • ONLY $260 e NICE, Clean roo'rb Io r 642-9657 FOR Sale or will trade 1or name b r an d cand,y &: POUtrTAIH vA&.UY 1•1' C:ot100M1111uM .
.837-871 Am}&os Way, N.B, employed man.' Costa Orange Co. income. 2S:t A • .e:nackll. $1450 Cash. ~it-~ ..... ~~.... 11..,• RIENTALS
M-· n• ~,._k. 6'12-7920 300 Sq. Ft. Office go of Hemet near Rancho ed F naJ tervl<W --· -·
.... -....
"" -----"" .... -... ---....
"" .... ... ---"" -~ --
=--•.u. ..... ., COSTA MESA 646-2l30 caIUam1a n4--$U-7306 • or perso 10 ca.uo1H 011:av• 1415 Apts. Unfumfshed Coron• ftl Mir 5250 irt Costa 1.fesa area, send i.o"• ••ACM 1511 ••"••.t.l ..
I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij!iiiii I Room & Board 5996 Industrial Prop. 6080 Lake Elsinore 6202 name. address & phone num· ~::':'!oUWTY :: r::.•:.A ~~10".: ::: I' _ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;~ ber to Multi-State Inc., 9075 oUT Of' coUWTY u• MN....,. ••M:N ._ .... JAPANESE ·girt wants room E Impc,;aJ Hwv Downey OUY °" ITAT• .... MN"9tT MlllKn m• • L VEL I •-..,_,_ ·. ..~·· ' n.1.NToN uu and board With American Ml· E ot ,,, ....-~ ... .., LAKE ELSINORE Calif. 90242 WllTMIMSTl'll 1flt ~~m~~ .. •MOflll ::
-Q,, ,,,,.,. family until Sept, Write P .O. Mfg area. 157%'x300 with 2 FRIGIDAIRE MIDWAY c:1rr 111e u1uv•1tStTY PAIK mJ Box 1186, Ontario, Calif. bdr hse" 2 car gar. 865 w. 20 acre11 in beautiful walnut IANTA ANA ,,. U.C:K UY n•
ON TEN ACR.Fs 91162 17th St, Costa Mesa. Call trees with major street fronl JET ACTION ~~~~~:NA HGTS. ::: gro:;U:."'l MU ::
1 &: 2 BR. Fum A Unfl:ttn ROOM -BOARD. Private, (213) 861-7660 age, Owner anxioua to di&-Frigidaire 18 min. cycle ts ~~t;: Tum" = UUOA JJM
Frplca / prtv. patios!PooZ.e:. TV & telephone. Close to C rd I pose with excellent terms. the fastest fn the industry. ANAMllM t• t":O -:S~.HOI :;
Tennll' -Contnt1 Bkfst put-beach. ~2708 omme a 6085 Full price $130,000. Try 10% 30 Frlgktaitts do the work SILYl•ADO CMYOM ~~ MUICTIHTIHll •IAC:M ...
... -n down &: Ul!Ume 6?0 'lOBn. of 40, 30 min. washers. Find ~;::~ ~ ,,,. !"OU,., ?." .. •••,,.•.•.•."T "-M •·-· · 5991 For more information call ....... ••ACM 1n1 ,_ ..... 900 SN ' ...... c.dM 6f4.26ll Guest Homes FOR LEASE out how easy it is to own ....... ,,., ••Al •IAC:M ,... .._..,., K. W. Small. Ing I und LAGUNA NIOUll 1.0llG a•AcM -(MacArthur nr. Codt H'lfl)'} E khoff & A I a pay 8 ry. SAN cl•M•WTI' 1n1 ou.H•• c:ouNT'I' ,.. HAVE A 'ACANCY will 3100 II( ft garage Bldg. on c ssoc... nc. Garden Grove, Santa Ana, l»I .IUAlll CAl'IST'IANG ,.,. Mll:Dlll ••ova .Mii
J h. 2 bdrm 2 ba give loving care to lady or Harbor mvd. 4 doubli! doors. 1818 W. Chapman Ave, Tustin, Orange. Anaheim ~~:~"::i':.~ aUC:M ~= WllTMt"n•1t. 5'11
NEW SPANISH 's~. Gr ... ~o., Bit-on' ·, ••• • man in my licensed home, $600 Per Month. Broker Orange, CallL . c . 0 M-'c <'IUIAO '"' MIDWAY CITY '"' ...... ~-C.M. area. ~n'.16 675-6591 f94.n61. eves. 541-2621. Eves-wknds 538-59TI Olft• • Ull oC1ANllDI UMTA AMA N2t VILLAGE APTS. 6tove. Side-by-side retrig. E 1 1 SAN oiaeo :~ IANYA ANA M110NY1 s.• qu pm•nt, ne. ron1H ... 1' & 2 BDRM. Furn or un-Part Drps i Cpl5. No child Ml•• Rontols _ 5999 C-> IO • l27. 1 BR •-·,. • . 1t1VIRS1D• COUNTY lM C:OAITAt. 1,. A ail Ju1 lsL -. -nuu 23341*, W. Valencia MOttlll TO•• MOVID ,,_ LA•UMA •IAC:M 111!1 furn. Air-cond, dshwhn, seU or pel5. · v Y CARPORT •-_._,. ... , __ ,_ eomm'L blclgs. $28,700 $4,000 Exchenges, R. E. 6230 FuDerton 714: 525-78!3 Cot1DOMtHIUM 1"111_ L.AOD".t. NIGUEL 1,.. clean'g ovens, patio, break-Lease fll(). Call after 6 pm. '"' .,. ...... _~ """"""'" d bal 7% S7 000 d bal '"'~=~~==~=..,-IOUl"llXl'I l"O• IAle' ·~ ...... C:L•MINTI 1711
,fas:t bars, privall! tundecks. ~1433 v · · "ty La Salle Ii MisPon, n. ' n. · ft p bl I *LITE MANUFACT* AP.1aT111•NYS l"oa IAl• 1• SAM .IUAH CAPIST'MMO sns
lrg Ito~ closets. Heated c'.~~ $5/mo. 5"5-527D 6% 551 Plumer CM. 646-1492 rroperly ro em. Need man lo handle manu-RENTALS DANA l'01NT ..,.
,peel, saunas. bar-b-ques. DEWXE 2 BR, 2 BA·+ den ~~~:;=;;:°'':::':;'-";<'.=I -'~"',.',,· ,,...===-=....,,.,,.. f.acturing dept for molded Housa Furnished REAL ESTATE, frplc, crpts, drps, patio. GARAGES for rent. Co.e:ta 150·~ '-'""'' COAST BL v D • CooJ ~c.... . G•N••AL "" ' G-·r•I Sowxl proof walls., walk in • ._.mo. • -.. r .. """' 2747 M N DCC ..,., <U.N •1•1-products. Start immediate-RINTAU .... IMAlll ---.......,., £.«:...,., v•..-esa. ear • .-per CORN~ commercial bldg. Co put M I h' '· E i1J I · '"' Tltl"l•X. .. c. 1• .closets, covered carport, mo. 962-5000 + dop-t-·'·. "-· owne" 2004 S. m er • c 1ng <¥· xp not nee, w rain. COITA M•1A 11" c:oMOOMINIUM ,,.
J.dults, no pets. Huntington Buch 5400 ""' """"' • National scope. $15,000 in-::: ::~o~· ::: ••MTAU WANT•D ,,.. • Phone '"2727 Income Property 6000 Coast Hwy. Laguna Beach. Exchange your ''DON'T vest rcq, fully secured by r;oi.1.•o• PAllk 2111 •ooMs "o• 111Mt "" ---~~;;o...;..;..;.,=-"---1 4,u ......,., aooM a MIAllo tnt .,_ iti. • I :y• ft -...-OU.... WANT" for aometbing you inventory $250 Per wk + MIWl'Oa'r ••ACH "",,,. MOTll.S, TRAii.iii COUit.Tl "" 2 BR · 2 BA Studio. Drapes, ~C · 119 Iii in., Money Machine ro=R"'°"s'"a"'1"e--"c"h'"o-t"'c-,-.,-.,.· ·want. Can accept s more equal sha.re of profits which_ ::::g:; :.:~.. "" •u•sT HOMU .,. lllltio. Adults. (213) 592..5227 In new apts. 1 bedroom, 2 cl' •• ...."'000 MISC. lllHTAU "" Look at' this invesbneDt: mercial lots From $20,000. 1en..... should return .....,, or •AYSH01111 tt21 tl'ICOM• l'll:Ol'l•TY ... 548-8301 bed.room • 2 bath. ,,~., """" Call t · Im nt F t oov•• 1MOA1J nu Commercial Bu l Id t n g in Dania Realty Co. ~ ar appom e more per year. or app w••Tt:Lll",. n11 1u11N111 "llOl'lllTY ... ELUXE 2 Br '! .... , • ......,._ $140 to $195 o. D. "B'olt" Colo ho 213 "',.= Ext 106 T'llAIU'• l'A•tes flS5 UUJU, ...... uo, 100% location near 17th p ne : ............... . U"N'lllllTT PAJlk = •USINlll RINYM. ""
..... 10pool, ~Ar;~e:961 child Swimming pool, gym, sauna. stttet & Nl!WJIOrt Blvd. The Industrial Rental 6090 Real Estate Counselor HARDWARE ~'i~':'sAY tt• °""K• ••MTAL 1t11 over yrs. ll'rV'"V'l recreation room. tenant ........ ..,...,, .......... month-. 548-4841 ~ IUT •LUPI" ttn INOUITRIAl ,.Ol'lltTY .... li";;~FURN==,...,,,-odrm,=,,,--;:2-,bo·,· IGeneral Electric Appliances. 1 .. $35 9i)fiill~ Owner FOR le~ Laguna Niguel, STORE 1•v11111 T•llRAC:• :rus f::s'J:fl!"••NTAJ. =
b will~: .. ~....:.. ~-t -·'t •-•. off San D•"""" 'I:>..~. at ero. wn R E Wont-• '240 C:OllONA Dia. MAii ,,,. "°" . ,, • crpta, drps, It-ins, patio, 2 Adults only. ........... ...... ......... ="' ~ ...... r "':f ;.c.' =· -"'="'-"----'":.::.;c.: H t' t Be h •ALIOA UM llA'MC:MIJ •1•
11.,ca,,';;;""""'== .. ==,.-">I0-337-;;;;-;'u.1 Lamplighter Apts. Cl(IO(! return. Good Jocation. Valley,. new .commercial &: un 1n9 on ac. IAY llU.NDI :; CITIIUI ••on:• •n•
DECORATED 2 BR bit Good bulldincr. Call Mr. Industrial UOLt!. Delta EICC· UR. ~:'r'rooLmY. WGAI/NTEFHAD .JMa'c't 8000 sq, ft. Busy shopping ~~~!l:SUllO 1151 AC:RIAO• .,.. • -16102 Springdale St, ..,_ I -~Mr F _,,.,..,.., tric. D•"". 831·1400. Eves. • uo:u u I Lo-I "' Good L.UC• llllNOR• ,,. I frl ts d noaU er or e •• ~. -~ cen er. "' 0 pa.-.ung, HUMTIMOYOlll •l!'AC:H u .. RllC•T ,.o,••TY '"' ns. re g, new av • rps. Phone 592-5421 ·-· O:A.i:23l.1 • 499-4198 house will has been built OVt'r l"OUNTAIM VALl.l't 1•1• OR.I.MO• co. l'll:OPlllTY '* No pets 545-0760 wuay . .,,.,,,. ==7"..,,.-=..,.,c-::=--:;-I * TI4:894-4143 * . 1 44. Fin llAL ••AC:N 1u1 OUT al' nAT• PRO... ,,.. PUT ~I l Br, 2* Ba. AT'I'~IVE 2 Br, crpts & TRIPLEX N~Y decorated 3 rm of-BUSINESS and period o years. . ~"=o~l!'~~~HTY ;: MOUNYAIN • fl•t••T ,,,, drps. 11432 Queens Ln: No. 1 ak 'ts bee m N.B. $95. Yard sp. avail. AL s~TA AMA ,.,. su•o1v11t0H U.NO <1111
Crpu, drps, blt-lns. No 962-2109. $135 mo. 2 -2 BR money m er Uf.11 avail. 64&-1724. FINANCIAL BRASHEAR RE TY #llTMINSTll "'' ••Ai. llTATI •••v1ca •ns pets, 2885 Mendoza 545-6421. .z:=:=::::;:=:==== I Ii a 3 BR 1% bath, fire-847-8531 Eves 536-2123 MIDWAY Cfl'Y ,.1, a.t:. •xc:HAlfO• ,,,. ptace. carpets & drapes, top FOR leue, 9c ft, new indus-B 0 • 1 ,.00 · u.NTA ANA MllOKTS ,.. a. a. ••MT•o ,,.. GE Bachelor, c r pt 11 , Santa Ana 5620 tria..l bid 2500 sq fl 1639 us. pportun1t" -MAN & WIFE. cook &. coAsTAL mt BUSINESS and
drps, bit-ins, no pets. 2885 .. -,-BR-. -,-BA--G-U<le--n·.~. -..... -I '!::!.n. ~m.:aca~ t:i Ma~·· CM. m9o17 WOOD Working shop, 3fm gq waitress team for complete t::~:: :~~=L = FINANCIAL
Mendma. ~ cl Ad""' rel ' ... 000 It. Good Ioca-·-·II ,-.. _ control of kitchen &. dinin& SAM C:llMINT• t11• IUllllll!ll Ol'l'0•1V"ITlll ... Very ean. WU. p . pnce .,....., . ....... ... J .. CA llTRAMO tJU IUllNlll WMnlD '* BR. W!W carpet. Elec. 546-1525 Loh 6100 vestment requlred. Wri te nn in Newport Beach ~tnu:,, .. 0 :uc:M ine IMWSTM•Nt °"""""""' 'J"
kitchen. Beaut back yard.1.:o=====;==== __ ! ~-1ft;f\1••• VIEW• LOT P.O. Box p 487 Daily Pilot restaurant. Call l\tr, Gaynor DANA POINT n• IMV•nMl!"T 1'Atn1D •JIJ
,$16.7 wJgar.~642-4296-aft-7 C:oattiil -5700 ----·-_ BEAUI'Y Sho , _ days 6T;>-4200 or ev e 11 •1va•11DI COUNTY = =::O"..:~ l":f:1 :ii:
EL BR p. £.«:8Se with 646-6489 for p I e a s a n t c' .. "4...,"'10",.,'u'M"TAU -JNILRY LOAMI .,. UXE 1 apt. Extra."1, •iiiiiiiiiiii""iii .. iiiiii•I optlon tD buy. Fully equip. c:OLU.T•RAl LOAlft "*' teJTace. Pullman BA. stno Ocean front AplS Excellent building ~He for ped. 4 b<!droom hou se. 2 .e:urprisc. cu,L1x•s ,u•tc. n ••Ai. •nAT• LOANS .,.
1st & last. 548-2039, 646-4760 Skip totho.Be•chl -•n•om •·--,Located in de-ha"· "" GULF OIL RENTALS MO'tTOMll, Tr..r ~ •.~J
al.KTlllCAL IOUl,MIMT' •IMTAL.S ..... c: .... . .... PUaHACa •• ,AlaL U.. PlfaMIT\lll:I aaTOalMe ....... 11111• ... &U:Ol"IM .... OINllU.l llltYICll ..0 etuDlll .. OllCINe U. ...... .... ...... TltUMI ,,...
.UN SHOf' ''" Nm.t.LTN CLUll U. "4Ul1He ,,.
ttOUllCJ.IA"IN• '1l5 utTl•to• DKO•ATINe flU IMCOMI TAX f141 1ao". or-...... •tc. u11 1•ot11INe UQ IMIUU.TIMe ., .. INIUllANC• 67" lllV•ITIGAYIM .. Olflt1lft ,,.
JAJUTOll:IAL "" J•nL•Y all'Alll. Ile. ....
LAllDICAl'lll• .... ............. -MAIMl:Y, ••ICC ... lllO\'Me a ITOllAP ... "Ann1"e. .. ..-. •• 1 • ... rAlllTDleo ._.. ... MYI01 ... l'MO'TMIU,MY elJlt 1'1..AIT•RIM& l' .. cll. ......... ,LUM.alNG .... l'IT GIOOMIHe .... POOL s1•v1ca "u POW•ll sw•ll'l"e •U PUMP l•ltVIC:I "" 11001"1Me "" JlAOM). • .,. ..... lie. fnf a1MOOll!MG a aa .. AI• .,_ llMOOlll"•• krTCMIMI '9'41 ...... --SIWIM• •NII SDINe MACHI"• ll:lll'AIQ '"1 lll"TIC T»llU. S.W.-. Ee. Me TAn.olltllO .,,.
T••Mfl'• C:OllTllOL lltn Tll.m, C.-lc ffM Tll.. U..-A Ml""9 "11 T••• e•aVtc:e .,_ TILHlllOM, ....,. wtc. .,.
UPMDUn:aY '"" W•L.Dllle ""
JOI WANno. Mlllll
J09 WAMTIO. W_,.
JOS WMTWD, Ml" A WOM•M ,._ DOMllTIC M•ll' 1W AG•MClllS, Mtt1 11 ..
Ml'U' WANTIO, M9ll 1*
AO•NClllS, ·-1* MllP WANftO, W-1411
JCMl-Malli a ...... 1JM A .. NCIU, Miii a W-• JIM
IOI , •• ,ARATION nll
trU•Nfl'UR• -01",IC• ,.Ull:"fl'Vll:I #le Ol"l"ICe •OUlf'MIMT Mlt ITORI .CWll'MIMT •12 CA,I, •ISTAUllNIT In• IAll HUl,MllCT •I
llOU11MOLD· 900D1 -DU.&01 u.J.• Im
lfUINITW• AUCTIOtl -Al'ftl.JANCU fl• .....,. .. U•S l'IN INl"G MACMIN•I 1111 MUllCAL ••ntUMl"T ens
l't.ANOI A CNllANS 11• IUDIO 1211 T•l•VtllOfl -.. ,.,, a STlllO 1111 TA"e •ICOIO•ll:I ant CAMll.U a IGUl,M•NT hll Hot•Y IU,..Lll• .... ll'ORTIMI OOODI -llHOC:UU.111. ICOl'IS IUI MllCIJ.&.ANIOUI .... MISC. WANY•D MU MAC:MIMllY, •le. .,.. LUMt•R e111 JtOaAOI .,,. IUll.DtN• MATlalAI.$ rM IWA"I me
,ITS. llH••AL -C:ATS an .... -MO•S•I ... llV•ITOC:lr ..
2 BDRM. APT. $1111 l BR modem·11tuceo &. ~':ble '';e"'a ot Laguna. 64;:gi15 ..,., Jl('w. Bk t . Housn Unfumi1hed Moi.AN•N•OwU•N•nc•EMENTS ""
1 New • Deluxe l!xcellent rental on large "'0,000. submit ~er m s. Service Station for lease Ol!Nltui. ,.. Nu•••••••
~1:!.so:~:J:ts (714l S36-46l6 'roxl40' a.2 lot in top con. ~70 BUSIEST marketplace In FJ'(!t?wa.y Location ~~11~A J':i~IAMAI: ri: and NOTICES ::r.:"'' l'OOLI "'' "•
4) 5u1 ••7 dition, Only $37,950 with Stuart t: Robbins Rea1ton town. The DAILY PILOT Paid Dealer Training MISA Vlll:OI 1111 L'OUMO ,,,... ...... ... AWlllNn "'' ... ... 2 BR unturn. $130 (71 --Cla.uilied sec·=A.. :~ .... '"'""anc pla-· available C:OLll!'OI PAIK lllS L.OIT ..e1 VACATIONS 10% dowlL Don't mm out .,2 • ,._ 1 --·-· .,A_ ........ ""''~ --~~ • c "'' MEWl"O•t tlACM ,.. "••soNALs ...., PORTA 0 oaM St. Costa Mesa DAILY PILOT WANT ADS thl ,._ rtunlty "'" .....,. • ._..._ .:xach, """"' money, time & effort, Look O:intact Ron Hampton ,...wl"O•T MOTS. aa .. NINOUNCIM•Nl'I t411 TRANS Tl N
Call ·~ ••31 BRING RESULTS•. an • g~u.=n oppo • ... It. Nr beach 4: shop• now•.•.·-547 •141 "' 894-""~ '"""' '411 •OAn a YAC:NYS ,.. ~~ Pacilic ~ ··olty .... ...... """" MIWl'OIT IMO••s 1111 ...... u .. 12 u.n•OATI "" ........,,..,~ """ $20,fXXI. Owner ( 714 ) -==========-"==========:llAYIMOlllS Intl 847-8586 E\>ea 5J6.J240 ... • DO'WIR l"Dlllll mr PAIO O•ITUAll:Y 64U POWI• C:llUISIJlS =· 1~1 ;;c;; .. ;;';;';;M;;;"';;;;;;;;;;;;;S;;;lOO:;;;;C;;"';;;';;;M;•;•;•;;;;;;;;;;;S;l;;OO~· · .365-2254 or write Daily Pilot Bus. Opportunities 6300Bu1. Opportunitin 6300 w11TCLtl"P n• PUN••AL Di••c:To•s ''" :::~o.;::1~1•::T• MOI
4-2 BR units 1 mile from Box M--327. I iiii!iiiiii:~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ,u:;;'..•.111rn PA•K = ~:1~: TMANQ ~! •~T MAIHTINA"C• "" Dis.,_larxl. ••o.500• Terrific R-.5 cor 150 x 55 net, 5 rt set II •Ac:K •AY u. H1 MIMDll:tAM ... , •OAT u.u11tc:K1N• mt
• Fireplaces • Spacious cabinets
• Ga!fl!n A: Sattler&
Pl bullt·lna:
• Diah"Ve.sher
• M.anunoth mast~
• Balanced P<>"'·er li vfnc """'°°""' • 2 Bathroom!I e Central IOl"Ofd
atr beotin&
• Encloaed p&rking
e c.rp.toAC!npn
3117..A Clnnomen A .. ., Costa MoH
(1 block \\.U l of Jta.rbct Blvd.
2 blocks south or ~ Su Pl!°(O Jree111--ay > ..
·~~ ......, be. k SW G field I.UT ILU,,. na C:IMSTIRY Lon '411 MM!:, ... IOUI... ... financing, $37,700 lat TD. e ' cor ar & 11v1H• TIRU.CI .. cun••'f CRYm .... •OAT ILi~. MOOklM• ,.,.
$256/mo., 6~% int " no Hunijngton Ave., HB Salf! or c:ocOHA ••L w.a ... :i=~':l.u = :::; :'.~!~: :: 8CC(!ltratkm cost Income trade for units. OwnrfBkr IAl.IO.\ -AUCTIONI .... IOAT CNA•T•ll tut
irctU./mo. 1 nice owner apt 968-<ll04 CANDY SUPPLY ROUTE •AY '"""°' '*AVIATION •••vtc:a fdll l'llMt"•SOAn ,.. _.. LIOO lll,9 '211 nAVll .W IOAT MOVIMO ...
'15xl31' Jot. Coeta Mea.-Npt C-2 plans. 16 apls or 3) unit :=.~T ·= ..... , T•ANll'O•T•Tto" .... MIAT ITOllAO• ....
Rlt;y. 646-9666, 642.-2221 motel, f"l!model pr~. en t 'IUNTlMGfOll IUCll ... AUTO ~ATIOll, .... llOln WAHTIO ... 'la t t k t . d" LIU.L '901'.c.I .. AllCIAn ,,.. DUPLEX $55,WI ~% ~ houSI? lot buainesg harp.in. ll n or woman 0 res oc nc\V ype COin JS• MUMT~ ......... -... MAit • TVTO•u• .... 1"1.YIN• J.tllDMS ,,,.
t---. 514 Feml.i!af. CdM. 53S-3SS2 pensers with high quality package candy ;;~T::~AJ.IAY :J: SERVICE DIRECTORY M0••1• MGat111:1 '* ~=· rod MOTO• MOMll nu s. ot hwy. 675-6044 Broker. l ADJ. lots; room for 11 p ucts. NO SELLING! •A•o•M e1ev1 >in accouNY1"• • •1eYcL11 "" LOlte alACM -AllSWllll"e S•htC• uel llSCYltlC: Ull ,,,. units. 333 E. 21st St., Costa ....... COVfilTT ... ~l'Ll•Nr• •• , .............. Ul• Mllfl OlklS ----"" Business Rent ii 6060 l\le1111.. Owner 494-0072 eve. Df PEN LE JAlfTA A"A "" ArPU.lllMI "1t MOT011:cvc11s '"' ,.. DAB "°''ON (AN w11TM1Mnea :wn UPMALT, Olla QM ll'IOTOllKOOT••• nM
STREET FRONTAGE M-1 lol good c. M. location. nlU MIOWAT cm ' .... AUTO ....... -.... """" .... n ...
On Beach Blvd, l~ Sq. Ft. 50 x 300. Bargain Sll,500. \ ~=At"A M•ttfm = =~~t,;;' ... ~ .T-. ms. = t:ZOu'"':°%!A~l~ou1,, :::
Mod·• ~-id""' 1-, ....... , Sulllvao S48-616l EARN UP TO $.800.00 A MOHJH '-"l•HA •OAaO -... T MA••-• -,.,. • .,. •• """ -.,. ,..,.,..,. CL\ "' .... u.auMA 111""1 "" .a.etc. ..,.... • .,, -. .-nuo;1 .,..
Ritt., etc. (Bet, Ka.tells •nd A 6200 uo11cT•,.•M .. •..,... "'-' •uS1M•st smrvtcu.· "" ,..... "" ~ ) s I Ind .. -creage CAI' IUll.OIQ .. CAMP••• .,.. ~,.-,ro. .in s. "'-t"-'·• Part or fUU time positions needed in this u.P11TllHIO tuai '"' u t 111... ...,, CAMN• ••NTAU
$250 mo. 10050 &acb mw. R . 0.1.M "°""" "* cA1t11nMA•o"• ""' °"'"• 1uee1,1 : ·~=-•'-63&-ruO"-~:.,,•,,...--I SOUTHERN CAL area. eqwres car, exchange of references, cot101111l11t11UM Mt CAal'UTU•• • •MPO•T•o .wYos ,.. = '1450 to $2990 cash, secured by in ventory RiNJ~LS-"' '"' ::to""U.C:.-:.... ::: ~~~SICS ;:
WISH to ""' lO • IO' """"' CATTLE RANCH and equipment ·~ F 1-L~ .........., ... ,. .. CA•s. •oos -for catcrl.: Wsiness. 213:;;:~..,~~ .,. . um -u.a"•T CLIA,..... ,.. AUTO •vnn tGI '1'9B-MK or R. Hobm. lll tel;J 360 acres at .... llAL -U.lll'n' lAYIHI a lffAla ..,. AUTOS WAlllTIO .,.. Foothill. LaCanada lCYel to roll1J:w land fn tuwr. Write for personal Interview. giving phone cona MnA ;:: o.....,..a1u~ ..... ,. CA••
============I Bide County near RedlandL ber to MIU naH , MMDI.PT'°" -MrT'O Ll.A.SiM9 '"' num . : ....... , •Mefl .. OUPTMe 1e1rva • .,... CMt .,.
Olfl .. Rent01 '470 Hu home, """'· "'""" -----'----~ preul1I'f/ llYSfl!m Ir p"nly
DELUXE OfOce ln Costa of water, Thia it wondttfta
Meu. 15«1 aq ft (33c). Air country wllb. @UY ecceu.
cond. Crpu • drps. 548-67S1 Hu 2600' ol !rontap on pav.
11iE SUN NEVm SEri..on ad· l'Old. wru !ldl or tnldo
QusWed't .c&n powtt. $1000, per aett. For further
For an ad to aen around infonnaUon c • 11 Glenn tho clock, dta1 ~ Thom __
IS YOUR AD IN Q.ASSt. Eckhoff & Assoc., Inc •
. nEl>t Sorriione .ul be l&lS W. Ol.'1f'!Wt Avt.
IDoldna lot tt. Diol 6U$18 ~"621. ~ i;ai.m! ... ___ _
500 South Ervay ·Suite 629 A
Dollas, Texas 75201
• " : • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • II • • n • • • ·• • • • " • g • • II • • • • •
!!llm-~--lflli!lll.-!--.. --. I . '""""·Mu 24, 1'169 -DAILY "!Ir .. I
,1; * * . . * * * ~~sNT• ~ lllVltl DlllCTOlY JOU .. IMPL!JYM•!I.! JOIS" l/Ol,OYMINT JOU &,IMPLOY '"~. ~o JO~' !!QI -
• ' '' ' ·.. ·~, ~I~ ~ .::J ... :::W:=o:!nlod,""".::L'-'lll:'y'.:':;-70':'.:IO~IHo:::::!lp:_W::::••::led.:::,_::lf=•:::0_:7,:IG:;4 Hol' W1ntod, Moq 7200 Help W1nfM, Mon '11qo Halo ~1ntM, -,,_1 tp ~ ,.,....... ... :.. . .:.
I, AL'S~ ·lter•lct MOTIIER'S AID, SUNMER •tKD&l•s CYlllftllll:ll , 'l!Al!AGEll!!' I I •
"'. .
COUPLES. •IOliet: Jonell? Lawn rrW.lltcnanot, p.rden. ~. H.S." SENlOR. 1125 ~ Ulr\.VKUl -Oii
Newlnll'tt!Jolntb.,wina inalcittnupL"6-,1629, MONTI!. (1131 3'6-4120 • IU .. rllAyr • CAN YOU QUALl ..U
IO !Un 4 pJ<uw>o CL&AN-OP Sjieclalllt! ,._ EVES. llWPORJ MOJGIHOME CORP -I TO r \ e li3042ll e .... fdllnc. odd job1. PRACTJCAL NURSE. , ; ' (Diys a Nithbl EARN * P.l.AN~ T'k:bt. U. liD ReUONble. 5*-Ral ~ • Avail. ~ or rrltl!. N I t • • NUDS I $11 UA """""4'< ~. ~ JAPANDE -Qnpl 1.oca1 m. ll3W02S ow n ervtew1ng ,_
13th. $140. -.... : -· -· LADY With Exper. ....... CLOTHIN,., * ILICTRICIAH$ • DISHWASHERS • ' '~'51'? Al.OlllOUCS ---eat. -like ""-'"9ril by the°'>'· "' * MILL MEN ' P-00.ttlt .,. -lo 1--" 9 '° • Sii. l!U34< SALESMEN * CARPINTERS (Deya A Nlehlll --
por year
At Man ... r's With '
' ! •
f -• Whodil.1 W'ontt Whoddy1 Clel?
Spo<l•I Roh
P,O.Boxml~ ..... !f.au!I.. '711! Do ..... lcHole 7035 • : ~~1;::sMAKIRS APPLY IN PERSON
Announc-nll 6410 QIN:~~~ll:J'.!'INQ ' LADIES SHOE * QINIR'AL HELP llBIBat E. LEE The N•tfon'1 Ltr191!t
Carry-out Rest1Ur1nt • TllE COIN CHES!' * w .,., Joad, • HOUSEKEEPER OR SALESMEN * LINOLEUM MEN ' Chain -· s Llnos-511,..._ 5 buck1
ltUllil -40 MU$t lNCLUOt ; 1-w11e1 ~ lltve to tr•ot. a-vni .. \'O<I .-.M ~ ff•..,
1 Jo-YOUR ~ tntllor •Mr•._ ~ 11111 o1 eh9!11t1111.
Rare coins-, sets, 'mall auc. 962-6846 aft. 3 A ,Vkends. COMPANION available for ' * CARPET MEN
tlon, etc. 741 S. Cout, )A. HAULING . . famlb' care or •lnfle lad,i, FULL Tll\iE 151 E. Coa1t Highway
N•WPort hach gw.w. Bch 494-M85. • patnl:ing, odd ~ftnt ~fettncea. dl'ive. It ~ou have been aocua-
. · Jr>ba, ffae<:ln&. You name It Avail. now. 101na; to w ... ~-. with
A T ,.,. wo do ill 612-3398 HOMEMAKERS --. uto r1n1port -~ tM finest dientel& and
Ovarllm• -Doy Shilt
~oeUent Ir l na: e bcnc1ita, POSITIONS AVAJ.LABL$
lllo fnlur""", pold hollday1, DRAFTSMAN SENIOR
Average bla.e aa.lary ··,; Avense bonUJI ...... $2,
Avenae total .....• SU .
""-HOTHINO l'Oll $All! -fllADE5 C»IL'f'I HA.UUNC, General. Top, 547..6611 merchandise, yw will en-~HONE 642-5671 M,\N nei!dS ride to L.A. Tuel trim, tel'DOYt. trees It WORKING Wife need1:1 cll'an-joy the ex.oeUent oppor-etc. INTERMEO!ATE To. Pl1c1 Your Trader's ParadltLAd tht'\I 1-'ri. S:-t:i lo 6 AM. hed.&ea. Bi&: John 642--4030 hW tunlties and company
\\'estmlnster area. 89Z..Q60 YARD/pr. clnup. JWnove or ~ !::·.,~ ~~1~ benefits offll":red via these DRAFTSMAN
GOOD 6-n GM rna.rtne die.
Mrl .,.tne.; 'l'rade for J.l.le
modol \I T Pick Up, Ea>n.
o~ ~hero, ot El Ca-
mino. Oinsldet "'v eic 142-4610
• l.quna Beach, clear apt. ., bldl'. WW take modest
home desert area or Vista
~ In exchana:e.
~ Broker 49-1·1330
~ 3 Apt1., Palm Sprlnis and/
~ or 1110 acres N. Dakota Ji''OR
f income prop., Orange Co.
I: Fortin Co. 542.5000 ~ 1701-A \Ve1tclill Or., NB
; MESA vikoE
, Want: lndu..triat,. conlnter.
clal, Income or ? ! SUbmH
to oWJJer. 6.f2.-4Il5.
3 BR, 3 BA, f4m-din rm.,
; covered patio, rinlshed gar. ~: age, dlahwasl~er, laundr')',
fl'Plc, sprinklers, Trade eq
' for trlr, car or ? ? 531·5250
·, TO\VNHOUSE 3 Br: 2~ ba.
. Beaut. appt'd, Prtiv. patio,
' pool; nr. bay. Val. $.12,iJOO,
' for T.D., car, camper or ! ? · Owner 646-6654
·. WORTH $250.
' 96M614
HAVE : 22' iab.rd Cabin
'.: Cruiar; lrlr, 200 hp V-8,
j ~ad, galley1 ,sl~ '2-4, slip.
. \VANT: Eq.' In hM, lo!. In-
, come prop,'546-2011
1, 12 M-1 shops in 2 lilt-u p 1' Pldgs on Placel)t1-, C.M,
" va1u" sm.oOO. Trad" pa.rt
) . for property. &Janet 1
' Call owner 5'8-1542
Good vacant lots in tlunt. SERVICE DIRECTORY tl°'t'l's, ivy, dirt, tractnr back Heh. References required. positions.
Be«ch It 0:tsta Mea. 'n'ade hoe ,,,_,.1 .... """ -.. r. 11:-1--•-6 for l$t • 2nd trait deeds. Appllartce 1.,.1,.. c•~-··--.· ~,..... _,._... 11.&Q IUIC'r p.m .
P£111"t£.,ftqltor Pam '6510 ... n Up •nd H•uli"I ~rge Allen Byland Aj:ency Apply Jn person only
Intrrviews belv.-eeo 2-5 PA!
• ~ · · · SlD•Jl"r toad. 646-2528 EtnpO)'tt P~a,ya Fee
==----.,,..-'·°""'=~ SUPREME Appliance Re. 106-8 E. 16th, SA 547~
'58 Thames Van "" '59 jta-pair. Rll":!ric, "Yube:n, dry. HOUHCS..nfnfl 6735 <blnete Uve-bm.. Oieerful
lion Wagon, $lSO Y • I u e ers. Tom. 546-1363, 541-6691 Perma~nt. I;,cperienced
e'-,ch. TRADE for powtr CARPETS, \Vind0Yn1. nrs. Far ~-t •--61,,.703 La"e Orange Coun!y co~ 'la • AUTOr.tATJC WASHER n--..,... 1>6~·-.1 "'"" too • • oxy-acet outllt, or REPAIID.{AN etc. ~ or Comc'J. Xlnt ce\'n haJ openings for five
marine liardware. 546-HXU .._~.._ 11:oAa y,'OJ'k Reas! Refs. 548--4lll H I you~, aggreuive n1 en. -• p Wonted, Mon 7200 ·~ Six Unit-apartments, Hl&h. Must have a car and be
land Pk. 7 yrs old., built-Babyslttinl 6550 Ironing 6755 PART·Thne try cook. 'l'op ablelyto start \\'Ork lmmedi-ins, air-cond, cpls, drps. --""'-...;.-"' ____ ..;;.;;:;;.;: wages. Abo Man over 21 to ate . No experience neces-
\Vill trade for Jot jn Beach CHILD care, fend yard, JRONING done in my home; WOl'k snack bar Saturday !: ary. We will train. $511. pet
Cities. 213-796-1210 lunches. Vic Wamer ~ ~~n~Pte!!.1 ~~lw n SUnda,y. 8 brs. mo. as per written agree.
TRADE Sailboat Sprindole, ;:s 846-()839, Call \Vayno ment. Call Mon only,
Value $300, good condition, BABYSITTER MY HOME. Janltorl•I 6790 Rancho San Joaquin 5~'215
Ftlr pool table, dirt bike, 4~l yt,..or older. Nr, 19th It l802l eu~!~ ~~!ar UCI l\fanagemcnt Traine"'s
or oUice equipment. Ha'm!Uon, C.M. 646-6859 WAIJ..S, \Vindows, fl00rs, 833-0ll2 FULL OR PART TIME
call: 545-5107 CHILD Care in my home, vie carpets. Commercial &. --c===~=~-$3.25 HOUR Lake Arrowhead watl!rfronl Bl!ach Blvd & \Varner, HB. residential. Dally, \\'fi'kly DISHWASHER Xlnt care. 847-3431 and/or l\fo. ~-7350 frl'" & cir, $50,000 val. P a-
cific Palisades ocean vu lot , CHI.LO Care ll'IY hdtnc, nr Paperhanging
ft'eC & cir, 527,SOD \-al. Beach & Ed!Jtaer. Oa,y, P1inting
\Vant: lncomr. Bkr. 548;.ml night, "'eekends. 147-J868 6850
San Cl~n1enle Income 2 \\'ILL "'alch 'childttn in IJ1Y
stores • 2 Ioli; 2 oUiccs :! home days. Fountain Valley
Apts -\VIII take TD'8 or area. !}62...8956.
PAINTING Int-&: E."(I Loo;i,1est
contracted prices. Fully ins.
Satisfaction g1Jar. Free eii:L
Jim Weeks fi73-.ll66
\\'e nct'd ten part lime
anrl working ro11dilion~. nien and five full linie
MANNINGS, INC. men in1mediatrly. No e.'l;-
EIToro Rd. !Leisure \\'orldl P<!rience nee.
Laguna 1-1u1s 837-1014 CALL 547-nt2
4:30-1 AM shill, Good pay
DELIVERY BOY-AIM. -Sa1. ~tr. Gold
1malll'r property_ Make oU.
er. Call • 49-1-l262
PIU truck, sailboat, Cadil-
lac w/air, &: CB radio.
\-Van!: Van w/wndwa, if
possible. Boat, gas dryer
O\' ? Cal! aft 6 pm. MS-0077
Brick, Masonry. etc.. PAINTING, Pa~ring 16 yn ______ _;6;:5.:.:60 1n Harbor area. Uc 6 bond-
ed. Refs fum. 6f2..2356
MUST BE DEPENDABLE wit h n1cchanica l
Apply 8 to 4 P.M. backpoond lo take over
Ora.nae Cout Plutia testing and a variety ol
100 ACRES, c)ear. $35,000
Eq uily. \Vant income Pl'OP.
crty, Please submit oUers.
BUILD, Remodel, Repair
er;ck, block, conc r ete,
crpntry, no job loo sm&ll.
Lie Contr. 962-6945
* GOOD pa Inti n g & 850 \V. Uth St, C.M. relaled duties tor a irowing
reasonable prices. 10 yr in -,E"'X=P'~D~MA""-"C"H~l"°N"IS.;T~I te1t equipment manufao-
area. 6424127 {ChuckcrJ • Pn!cision para-turer in Costa Mesa. Good
PAINTING & maintenance, 'close tolerance. salary & excellent op.
C•rpenterfng 6590 tnterk:Jr &. e x t er 10 r . 831-1477 or 492-4938 portunity for ambitious, in-
Reasonable n.tes. 646-3185 Niguel Peraonnl!l Agency dus!rlous man. Send brief
CARPENTRY 26Clll Getty Road \I.Wk history & personal
302l Ntwpqrt .IJ:t,d. {All poalUOn:s In Corona del
=c-°'...,':-a_Mo_ .. _.,,c_._ll"'f_. -I P.1ar oalcitl -·
The Newporter Inn
Send ~ or .call collect
David N. Leslie
\Vllllam L. Pereira &: ASliOC.
5657 \Vilshlre Blvd.
Lo& Arl£elet, c.aJif, 90036
213: 933-8341
Cooks, Steward, CUSTOMER SAU;s
,Holport, lie. SERVICE STATION
For 100<1 men, lop salary, Service can at pumps, be
security, advancemenl, Fine alert to customer's "needs.
health prog:ram. Sell & service; motor oil,
Telephone tlre1, batteries, access. Pitusl
Mr. Oscar Zink be friendly neat, have good
Executive Chef._ between \vo1-k record. Good income •
9 AM·ll AM or 2 PM-4 PM good chance for advancc-
644-1100 menl, Apply btwn S-11 am.
Fairview Rd., 01.
Join tod•n faitest gruwini:
profetslon-Mutull Fund l&les
Immediate openincs for men No experience necessary-
'vlth experience in plwnb-\Ve train. Ml or p_art time
Ing, electrteaJ, walls, cabin.. Mutual Fund Advi..,..
ets Md finish • or we wW Inc. '
train you, 1tfU1t have 10me Npt B. 1003 WestcUU 642-6422
hand tool!. See Ride, 2135 S.A. 1212 N. Broadway
Canyon Drive, Costa ?.ll'sa s.t7-8331
Part Um" & full time, cven-
ing~perienced only, Ap-
ply' a!ler 3)>.m . At1 Giovinetti, Reaitor
673-7420 l\llNOR REPAm.s. No Job e INT • EXT, ANY SIZE Laguna NlgtJ(!I details to Daily Pilot Box
T S all Cab'--In JOB. Xlnt \vork, refs. free ===~===-~I l\f-328. Retail groce1"' ex""rience, Of' m · '""'1 &at· est. JL\t 642~1669, 646-37-19 JANITORS SERVICE needs --oc=~~==~-~ ,..~ FIVE rnow"S l!i Prlnie income unils in
t•llolce Joe.: xlnt rental rec-
ord: S75,QOO equity; Trade
up ror units or '!?
age8 & other cabinet.!. good, rclinblc, f!Xperienccd DISH MACHINE rlay or night shill. Paid vnt·, RESTA~UR "'· 54• -75 "no ··--1 NEAT exp Painl:er no OPERATO insur etc. A1nt Oppt)" Call ANTS ,,..,i • u .......... .,r eave ' · ' men to work ""ti time In R
m.. .I '" ,_ I! 0 drinkinf. Colle.. student. ,.... for appl, 6~2-8520 3801 E. Pael!lc Coast H"'-'Y. ,,,,_....,,... · · Santa Ana area. Must have Union scale. Hospital. su...,.i. ~="'==~-'=--~I Anderson Low prices? Steve 548-4549 .,. ;;;EXPANDING Ca-t & Corona del Mar car & telephone_ Write Box cal, medical, dental plan. ·,..,,. N Pho Call Pl
-Sornf' managers cam •
as much a. SlS,CQJ
-Startlna llllary U Mar
ager Trainee S6mO tO"S7!51
-Pro!ll lharinc. paid v&c•
lion, liJ,, Insurance, allj
full medical plan.
-Tta!Jtlng time to manage
l to 1 \1 years.
lntet"view• Monday:
Moy 261h
From 9 a.m. to 7:30 p.n
JumpltHJ Jack
Motel '
2180 P1<lflc (;..., Hw
Torrance, Calif.
Apply in Person
lllS W. Adom• •
COit• Mtaai
unless you can train for A
monlhs laclory sponsel'I program, and pc able lo u~
on $512 .. pei-month laa ~
\Yrit!en agt<ecmenl) durir '
the training period. Also Yo
mu81 he able to &tart woi
Immediately. Call tralnil1
dil'l'Ctor for per50nal lnte
vie\\'. ' I~--~----~ I Afove patients lrom bed to
1" Chair lo bath easily \\•ilh
Hoyer Hydrolic Liff (S575
BOYD REAL TY 67~5930
4 Units Yucca Valley, goof!
~ar-rour.d income. Will
trade for house or trailer +
cash for $18,000 eq. Bal
Oll'ing $10,(KXJ. 675-6!137
Duplex, Balboa Peninsula.
3 Bdrm. &: 2 Bdrm., value
$41,SOO. Trade equity for
T.0.'ll &. '! 1
REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS M~ DAILY PILOT paid varation. over time pay, 1-louscclcani.ng firm, needs 0 ne s Casf' CABIN~ 4 .... • . b Pl•stering, R--ir 6UO -Appl · h\-o """"'' men to stnrt. ,,.., JHE NEWPORJER INN Call r.ton & Tues. 8:30-2 pn M•~ ........ l.l1ll! JO • ._ NurHry S•les $500.00 y In person. h""" ' 54~9215
25 yrs, exper. . s.t8-67.l3 ePATCH PLASI'ERING. All Exp, .....,ulred, maturo ""t-1~1. A real opr>0rtun1ty for >'ULL Tl>!E_O_R;;--Ao, ·-• ~ Howtrd'1 R t t right ptl'IOn. No exp. nee. .. MASTER carpenter, S4 per types. F'rtt estimate. Call &On. Call Dan, A1erchants fl aur 1n f
hour. Remodell,.,..·Repain. 54o..6825 p"_ ......... , .& .... ......,, ~, w.,t.. 4001 \V. Coast Hwy, NB We train. I you want a real Two •ood nien needed PRENTICE. Will train rig IJl!!w). Trade ror chairs, an-
tiques, rues, 54&9358 £42-6409 536-.3900 -========='I '"""""°' "'"'-" ~ future ln the s e r v I cc . as man. Musi be )'OWlC an ===°'-'=="'-'=-~~ -cliff Dr .. N.B. 645-2'n0 * MANUFACTURING bWJincss, call 54~2425 bet. doormc:n. Good startittg sal-clean cut. App: Al'' 66, 5 Du,plex, lop loc. Ne.,..•port
Beach; 2 BR. & J BR, Val.
~· $41,500. Ta,kt late model car
REPAIR, Partttions, Small Plumbint 6190 OLDER man ru,bt security NEW,. growing co., needs 3-S PM. ary, fnni:" benefits. E Balboa Bl d N~wpc
Remodel, etc. Nile or day, ftenai-& Remod•11..,. clerk,. small hotel. Police or ertaUve pet'SOnnel In the ~ h " · e
l &. T.D,'s for equib'.
Reas! Call ~ StJ..48T9 _.,~ ..... '6 Commissioned 0 f I l c er following areas: Technical SUPER.VISOR to $650 Telephone ac l
Elee. sewer c leanln it . a.nd Electro 1 T-..... ·. lleavy e:<perience in plant r.rr. Ingle or Mr. Roa'! Credit u ... r. to$150.•
:· ~l'wport Beac;h 'Rlty 6~*1142 ,1Newport Bea.Ch Rlty 67$.1642· Cement, Concm. 6600 Re:i:identla.l & m o b 11 ~ bacJrarotmd Impeccable n c <;;\:11n1eians. roductton RHU . tr .... ._ home .._ .. ., ""'0., charact"°. fm...94to SENSIT.RON INC. P · me requ -644-1700 . 4 to -5 yrs.--exp. in credtl ,: • * s . ..,...__, 225 Paularino AYe, ed. Mcrc-han!11 Pcmnnel 11 A}.f lo 5 Pi\! \\'Ork. Call Dan. Merchan * * * • CONCRJ!..·1E work all PLUMBING REPAIR •Assemblers Co«ta Mesa, Cali!. Aj:ency, 2().11 WestcllU Dr., \\'ANTED Men for lite Personnel Agency2'M3 Wes r~$ond ._ types. Pool declts "Cllitom. No job too small • Night Shi~ l'o,..man --,*;"-.5.'Ai<Li'Ei.=S~M;.:..E;;NTC*.--N.B. 64~2770 a<1sentbl;, warehouR & cliff Dr., N.B. 645-2770
ANNOUNCtMENTS-·· -=Call-,,_S<&-_,,,1324..,~-~--* 6'2-3128 e 6'2-6830 (Part Time> Boats l!hippintduties. 887 W. 16th TIIE QUICKER YOu""CALit 1· FINANCIAL and NOTICES • Concre1" firs, patios etc. PLUMBING REPAffi EXCELLENT man, to do With car, Leads rumiihed. EXPERIENCED St. N.B. Calif. THE QUICKER YOU SEtf.
Concrete & blk top sawlnz. DRAIN CLEANING finish yacht work and dock Work any four holll'll and * BOAT ASSEMBLERS l' Bus. Opportunlll11 6.300 Found (F,... Adt) ,6400 Reas:. Don, 642-8514 546-.2387 or 54G-.721.T m.a.intenanco. Call 548-22U average Sl!». per \vcck & * BOAT BONDERS Help W•nted, M9ft 7200Help Wanted, Men ~ * CONCRETE,.,'Orlc, bonded I========= ext. 239 up, Call aft, 5 PM for int. O'DAY YACHTS 1-~;;;;iiii~iiiiiiijiiiiiiij~iiijiiij~~~~l I' ' CANDY SUPPLY
(Part or Full Time}
~cellcnt T~me for lew hrs. i .w!'!ck'7 wwt (days or eves)
FOUND: KEYS vie parking
lot or Wet seal, 17th St.,
Costa J\.fesa. ldentlfy &
,:h~;~ C~~C:te~na-:~ ~:v:, Ex:.~;: ~~~~ :;:~~~~~t~~P~~1'SER:°'~44-!Xi91=v"'1CE"='-,"'ta~lio-· -.-.,,~.,~· m-an ~E~~n, ;~~~OM;a ~ r,~
• CUSl'OM PATIOS e reliable! Tony Tayk>r Pool in ~n. Meniclt'a Shell BOrne mechanical e" ~ HELP: Two men full time, -·~
claim concrete sawing&: removal SerVice. 968-4818 Station. 2800 W. Coasl Hwy, desirable. Salary & com· experienced. One man for
State Uc.•&U-1010 NB. 548.32S2 mWion. SUndaya oU. Apply graveyard shift. NO phone ; refilling &, collecting money MEN'S bifocals tortoise shell
, lron1 coin operated dlspen-frames. Vic. Irvine & t I sen1 in Costa Mesa & sur-.Walnut, C.?tt. ~-
-=========' [ Sewtnp 6960 SERVICE station attendant, In person. PflBter Union calls. RICHFIELD, l!tth &:
Child C1re "10 e~··-·"'•• _ Altera..,..~-exper., full time, eves. Service, 2248 Harbor Bh'tl., Newport Blvd., C.M.
',rounding areas. No M!Wrig. 1 'ro=UND=~,-A-d-ies_p_tt_oai~-ption-· -(ll~s name brand candy Jt. snacks). $1650 total cash s-.ui gl..a.Mes. Near beach in
..,,.,_........,. .....,..., Union Station, Santa Ana Ir: Col'la lrlesa FULL TIME, day man. E."(·
OllLDCARE. c d M Custom Desi gm PallMdes Rd, Santa Ht.I. --=s"'T"'oc=K''c=L"'E"'R~K~S~ pr. pret'd. Apply:
housewife, my home. $3.50 •646-6446* EXPERIENCED lull Ume $450. J>t!r month to start. No Jli.1AT'l1fEWS UNION SERV. °requ!ml. For peraonaJ in·~·· 'Laguna. 494-39(@
vie1" in your area, send LI'ITLE black puppy, trim-
name. addn!" & phone num-med & healthy, poodle tail,
per day. Call dl.)'ll 675-12'8 Altoration· ...... _ .. ,._... 10 · ta1 t tic · -·~ •1 ~ -n---c d • .--" ~ man main n au oma expenence ,,.,.,,,..,.,., ~· o....,ay .>::ru. E. ~t Hwy. ..1.
Contractors 6620 Neat, accurate, 20 )TS. exp, lawn sprlnkier 1y1 t ems . thru Friday. Chance to ad.. EXPEJt Uquar store mies
54~1688 or 6f4..2937 VMCe. Write: Box M-506 'n1" cle1-k, flexible houn. salary
COOK \VANTED. App I y1 _D_&il~y_Pl=lo"t.===--open, bondablc. 1043 N. her to: long eat'!!. Male, 962-5896
"ROUTE DEPARTl\1ENT'' DOG, r.1ixed lV i L h Ena:lish
P.O. Box 2938, Seller. Vic. Old Newport &
Anaheim. California 928CJ.1 15th SL 642-3848
Money to Lo,1n _ 6320
!B. & 2nd loanA for quick
i, cash. Borrow on your pro-
1 ... perty eq without dlsturbin&:
f• your low lnt"rest ls: TDs.
1 •· .·Also bu.yen for 2nd TDs. •
•• , 1Si\ttler Mortgqe Co. Inc.
1 Servlng Ilarbor ~a 20 yrs.
I 336 E. J7U. St.
:142-2171 ' 1545-0611
"NE\V 2nd LOANS 'AR.-
• RANGED'' Top cash fur
• •uoned 2rwls.
543-13'1 Bkr.
Business Operation & equip.
· Estab. 10 yn. Balboa
{' ,i 3land. 67J-s5oo, e v c s
• 673-1551.
• POSTER'S FreeM at ore,
: high l?ifi<: loc nr hi l:(hol.
, park It lake. RctlriJlr. -""""°' -1-..--,.--"'"'-,--.-.. Beer B•r-S•nte An•
FOUND gold grandmother's
bracelet. Call lo identify.
675-6773 !5/24
Lost 6401
REW ARD, Light Ian 3 mo.
part Labrador & ~nnan
Shepherd, wbHe flea collar,
"Sia," vie Glenneyre It.
Flora, Lag Bch. 494--J839
DARK Grey 11triped male
cat, vie. Dahlia Pl. CdM.
Qcsperate need of surgery.
3 l\fo. female puppy small
black & ta.n. 'Ai German
shepherd. 642-:1292
LOST: !\In.le Irish setter,
Mesa Verde area. . *cau ~1347 *
F'ull prlee S?tnl. Basic Bo.ting Cl•11••
1 * £75-!lll • Offered to the public
\VANTED: ott-sala liquor by the BaJboa Pow-
.,, llcel»ic., Orange C.Ounty. er Sqqadron starting
:, · .can: £4UJ39 7 P .M. Monday June ~ 'Money Wine.ct 6350 2. Newport.Har b or • Yacht Club, 720 West
Oesipina: &: . Plannini?
Kitchens-Balbi, etc.
Llc'd It Bonded. Free ei;t.
ll22 Paularino, Cl\.f
ADDITIONS, remode l,
naaonable; get o t he r
estlmatn, Then Ca 11
Draftlnp Service 6637
DESIGN DnJtina, electro
mech P/C ~t A: detail-
ing. Ken Sr. 675-1191
The Best. costs no mott!
Experie.notd Malnteninoe
Bud.pt LandJcapina:
Graduate llortlcul.tufbt
G•rdenera Stucltntt
'~-orklng \Va;y thru collea;e. ·
Exp. Lie. Rust Tenns
PllONE 646-4XO
'EXCELLENT Sl2.too. ·note Bay Ave.. Newpo rt CUI &:.Edge Lawn ~: ·on local m0r1uat)'. Tnlerest Beech. En r o 1 l a t Maintenance, Llcentcd ;i payable monthl1 at 1't'A Will class. For additional 5CS-4808/64.>-2310 aft 4
,1 tell note at -~ discount i"fOntlation p b&UJi e Dlck'1 Gatdm'..;,,.Rel. ~ 'and will buy back at full ., ...
, va.lu~ In u mo'•· nut will 675-0467 or 673-1 • Arte 1' )Tl. Comm'l, ftll· ~
dd 30>'' lnl I 18 ' ~Attractln Expert d<otlol, ~: "ltt711 l ~nanclal 19
1 I ~ t ~ m err: t'~ YOUNG WOMAN e EXPER l • P ant a•' 'avall1bh~. Write to Box ltM. dancer will fnch ,.., all GardeJ>n' Cbmp&et.e .me..
NP"Jl(rt Deida. C&llf, lab.'lt ate pc, C1J1 Ardell F'rM ntlmlte. Call, 51)-Ull
R~PONSIBLE party WJ11nl11 1--:ru='~5'01"=.Q~~'=·',,,o -'-P-'-M'--• DEPENDABLE
$5.IOJ ~··-krr ol#n LICliNSID • ~~,.'~:;,'; :f.:-010
nsMWioe, Laguna Btach. Spiritual lleadi•· advice
' ~ aner 6 P.~t. on all matten, lei s. D MOW I:. WE.ED. Labor ~
WANT $11,0IO AT -10% Camino Reol, SU a ..... ,. ........ C1ol1oao Slut!<nti.
Substantial clle.rit wlll KUO"" 49'Z·rui. 10 AM·lO PM m.nu. M PM v.icdu of'lb'f
anlct. Call Attorl'lf:)' ~11·9319 SPECIAL S2'READlNG JAPANESE Gudtter, ~
Jf1 Bet~h hot1se \t~. 811• CAiI Ron Wood for a~ pN~ Yard RrVltw. trM
sr1I telktion tvtrl 5" the m~ al the YMCA. ttUm.tilft. 5t1J..,J,332
CZYKOSKl'S Cu.st. Uhol.
Europellfl Cratsmanship
100% lin! 642-1454
b"lwecn 2 -!;> Odi~'s DOORMAN Coast 11wy, Laguna Bae
1881 Newport Bl., c.~t.
Restauran1 , Z12 E.17th St., PARKING ATTND'T ONE,Alcrtupholsterer 1 ,,,c~•,,1 =----~--Full or part lime, day or evt:. lntlntt. Apply in person to
YOUNG man to I ea r n lie. Calli. driver. Neat ap· Johansen &: ChNtenae.'n
Job Wanted, ~ 7000
HAND need.I Joh weekends
& Summer. Newport (213) 693-5188 ~
realdentlal house painting. pearanct, refs, Call 644-1700, 898 \V. 16th SI. N.B.
Some exp n e c e 11 a r y . c:'<t 5$, 4 to 6 p.m. (corner 16th l-Monrovial
549--2808 Need a Ga.rdenstangle ? Find It with. a want ad!
KENNEL m11.n, over l'i.i-;======""=~=========
Must live In l.qun' &!o.ch.
_H_•_lp':;W-on~l~od~, ~M~ton~~72~00~H~o~ln~W~•~n~l•jjd~,jjM~•n;;;;7:l~OO-Apply in penon, SPCA,
20612 Lquna Canyon Road
REAL Estate Broktt wants
sales work with well known
local firm. call AM or even.
mas 642-Cll22.
DECK HAND, wants to ~hip
out to Soulh Pacific. €all Tony (n4J 773--44TI
Job WJ..ttit, Liiiy 7020
TRAINED Mothen Helper,
lookina for Sununer jeib,
likes children, ·w i 11 i n C worker. Cd. swimmer.
Write: O a n a Ottlnwaki
P.O. Box 219, Alt. Pleuant,
Utah, MMT. Ph; 8 01 :
Operators, pressers, silk,
l\'001 & combination ,
For land8cape OOG5truction
Atrl"O Upholsterer for i1JOp
in Hnl&'. Bcb. Oe Gudle ~
Sons Glul. &36-.o:;Gl
HELPER for cabinet shop.
Full or part time. 6CJ.6MO
S.~ ot Sun betw 9 lcS.
""""""""' part limo T·V Technician.
Call 531-751'5
462-2509. Ref's. avail, BOY or handyman to help
PLACE your wo.nt ad where with aardenlng &: v.'t!edfn&.
they are k>okin1 -DAILY Hourly hula. 673-2!kll
Puqt' cla.nlfied M2-66'J8 DAILY Pttm \VANT ADS!
Hole W1ntM, Mon 7:100Holp W1ntall, Mon 726o
_ Ap ply in Ptrto11
"15192 Golden Wett Circle
P1rror"' eontr1ct e11t 1n1ly1i1 1MI Jll'''''' •J11tel1I
job e11f r1porlt, 1tti1t in pt1p1r1tlon of 11H111thl., •Jll•
•!•lint ll1ft fl'l onh, '"'i"t1in eo1t r•etril1 o" eon·
t+ruct!1n In J11•09r111 job1 for e1pi11l11 1tlon 11pon
co,,,pl1ti1n i nd propara ov1rh11cl ,,,.t.,,;, for 1111
i11 tv1rht1cl rift n19oli1t/0111 witil 9ov1r11,,,1nt 111di·
fof'I . Wl11 1110 do IJllHll l a111 fy 111 II r1q11ir11• i..,
111an191111tnt. D'trff i11 Aec111Ml119 111d 11v1r1I
y11N ••Jlltrilflct •• coif 1cco11nft nf with •111wl1d91
of 90 ... 1r11M111t eontr1ch.
Will bt r11,.on1lbl1 for ttl1 op1r1tl111 of ca,,,plolo
cotl J11t•pot1lt for 1111jor •n9in111ln9 eil1n9a1 1n4
n•w b11ti11111 fraM hlttotic11 .!1t1 or dr1wir191 ln-
clll4lin9 1t1!1M1nl of worlr 1n4 coif n1rl'1liv11. M111t
b1 ••J111ri1nc1d ;,, •ti phltlt of cost propot•I pt1p-
1r•li1n &0111 r1c1ipt 1f RfO to contt1Ch 1w1"il.
Coll1ci1 ~19••• 11!d tOVl fll y11r1 11p1d1nc1 ••·
Will b1 r11pa1ulbl1 for de•elopln9, clll'IJ11!lln9 1"d
J11t•11nlin9 eott 111••1 1i.d budt•• r1,.orh. Potlllo11
1lt1 111t•U• 1111np1w1r 11'14 ff1 1t1r!1I pr1jectio111 1114
th11r r1l•tfo1uhlp1, pl111 '11Mil11t req11i'1"'111tt ond
r1t1 a111ly1l1. Shoul' IN ftll'l itit r witli PE•T cot!
fl'ltlh,.1, ·-~t•r lochnl4111111 aMI 1 fflco 1J11chi1111 •
Ploasa Mnd ,.._ lncludl"I
''lary hlt16ry to LIE KELLEY
(714) 54' llJO
UI Harbot ....... Cnto MoH, C.111.
Mliallo ~ Dlvftlon
A Oivi1ion or the ii> ·
Susqu1h·1nna Co,p. l(E"\
Ii~ f•.U ~ l~rM/, I DAILY PJLOT Ol11llled :ml Univcl'Si'1 Or .. Npt THE QUl~R YOU~
':"""°"NO'!! Bel> 64i.o$ Pf 14-'1214 TllP: QutCK:tll 'l:OU nu; j~~~~~~~~!!::!!!~~~~~~L~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Atlantic Research
& M'anufacturing
e MANUFACTU•ING ENGINEE• wHil 1~p1rl1nc1
;" oilhtr eloclrtriie or "'1c~1nictl "'•n11f1cl11r!11f
,,,1111.111.. -
• SENIOR EST#oU.TOR to pr1p1ro et1I 11tirP1 tl11.
• SENIOR PLA NNER to d1!1r,,,i11e d11i9n fetti•
pr1t "'''••iii 1rid p1oc111 tJ11t ciflc1lion1.
e fOll.EMAN MACHINE SHOP to 111p1r•ito pr•·
tlvcff1n o{ "'h1il1 ind 0Hi1r 11ro1p1co 1111'111,
• EXPER IMENTAL MACH INISTS with ••1t•rionc1 111
protolvp1 inti Ill 1rticl1 f,brieation,
e ASSEMILE•S "I" I 1lochoniel to 11111111111 1M
in1!1U 1loc!tictl er 1l1ctroni<. (,Oll'IJllOlll llh t!MI
• ELECTRONIC TECHl'llCIAN "A". bporioncM 111
UHF/VHF co..,,,,unlc1llon1 111tl FM/fM !1f1t111hy,
• PRODUCTION INSPECTOR to ,erfor"' "''ch111I·
c1I a111mbly 111<!1 i11-J11roc111 i"sp octi•n .
• TECHNICAL W•ITE• 11 writ1 pro,.011lt 1'"6
t11h11fc1I Jll•ptrt,
e kEPRO TYPISTS "A' to typ1 prop011l1 f1t11t
h111dwr ill1n eepv ft~pi"t 1,..4 60 ,,,..,,,,1 •
111ltt ;,, all p•odMclion t ntl 1tl"'lnhtr1tl ... t f1111t•
tion1 of P11llllc1lio11 01pl,
e MAIL CLE•IC lo ·,,,, ind d11i"''
C1Ufor11l1 Or1v-111 l lct n11 roci11fr1d •
"'iii. Vi114
_Contact Employm ant Of.fie•
1714) 5U.10l0
llll Htrbor IJ.,..d,. Cotta Mitt
M!nne Syattmt DM•lon
lTLlflllC MSUllll
A Olilislon oflh• ~
Susqu9hanna Corp. IC!'
~·~ ----~-~~-~ .. ---''--------~------~------------
r I
o-.ipie.• -. ......
""'""'"'"~""'""'"""""""""'"'====.,.,c=•"'"'"'' """'™""""'"'' "'•"'-"'"'.""''"'",."'""" __ ,,, ___ ., __ ~-... "~-....... ~-·--.--,.._.,........-""" t ,, ....... --.. •• ,, , .,• \'.;.•,,, ~·,•.~· •..,' ,, .'····;,,_, \",'."•',, ~.:c,, '•' -·• \,r\'J·· ."!~-··~;.,_ ,. ,\',\'.\' .l'"''"•'l • ;<!', ,.",'l'•'l'l, "'•~f I ',, ·'
* '~-..uou.11 ... ,,... ....... Astney,
Welk:lltt Dr., N.B.
u·e have ID\mediate need
lot eltctroftSc ...,mbMTI
w1lh a muimum ol one ,.., ....
llOOIKllPEi/ J.C.-Oo. ~
Fuhlon llland
N ....... ltacb
Te.,.'"8 Dow;. ...,ktlnall
l~lnt Mont -V,EN
THE BUILDING ·19 rneko
,_ for -Nl!W STOREll
* I'-. J. C. Penney Co.
l• Fashion Island
You OHaal be willitw to work
on the tint shift from 1:30
AM to 4:00 PM, or iecond
llhUt 4:15 PM io J.2:-ti AM.
Knowledp oi color code, _ .. _and_
erins ts .mandatory.
Good atartin& rate plus eX·
ceJl<nt benetll> -twelve d~ vaci..UolJ dlft\o
Ing tint year pl employ-
-Ne~'port Bea.ch
• • 2722 Mlchol .... Drm
v1ri1a. dil1·
1N.u,1wiw:S & Mol'9n (Ml. Or ..... Co.
,... ,..,.. • , ... 1>oun: ' ·Ai.w-tt:· ·
ch day and add to the ·~·P"-~f!rtf· P"f· I l:y income at the s&me
I ? Stibedulea conveqient (No phoile calla plea,&el
.()'Oil. momi.np. &her· ,,;\,:., , ,t.': ~rliOns, eveninp or combina. An equal opportumty
rUons of all, Work in a Iun employer M·F •
1stott under ~ finest ol ---~-----
1 conditions and top aupervis-l aion,
Sbould, know mQJ.Hpa.
,bot.rd, PBX, a.ml have.
two yean prtvate U. u-
PI"°""'· JO All to ,,aq
PM llhilt. ··
?i1ust be experienced' on
multiple board, PBX
and Ule· typtoc', 1 :30 P~f
to 10:00PM'11hlft. -
.. ~~·~h ·.·
Eq~ opporful)ily'employer·
' '
Temporary Employment
• Clerks
• Typists
• Repro Typists FASHION ISLAND I· 10 AM to 5 Phf OPERATOR e e Secretaries ' 1. Monday thru Frid.,-UNITED CALIFORNIA • Keypunchers
BANK • PBX Op.rs. All student pocitions filled.
ua1 opportunity employer
' RECEPTIONIST ,. · iv. pod phone voice,
3029 Herbor Blvd.
Cost• IMH
Equal opportunity employer ~ tO • 50, 7-4 p.m. Beach
a. $350. C a 11 Doris, 7796 SECRETA RIA L . Ex·
1 ARGUS AGENCIES cepllonal opportunity foJ' • c N BJvd c M mature woma,n who ha8 c"'PDrl. " · · co nstruction background,
*SECRETARY* business oriented & able to
eavy typlna:, shorthand, cope with pressure. This in-
neral office duties. Ma· divldual shou l d be
e person whose atten-specifically familiar '4ith ~~can he counled on. payable, receivables. trust
);art;ng ,.,.,,. $400 • $450. tuod reporu • all p....., o!
~I S«M241 bet. 10 I-2 PM. payroll 1f yoo are currently
CDVENTRY ha.a em»loyed, immediate even.
ninp far full or part ing appointments 91•ill be tr·
e sales. Min. •ee 11. ranged.
ease.nt work, no invest, no .BOLEE MECHANICAL
liwri". For jnterview OONTRACl'ORS
S41).-061-f/ 837..f7491 1 ____ .. _1= ___ ~
~YN ~ Experienced. eon. ~ Hospital. Costa
lcsa. Excellent working
"tions, 3-ll pm 5hift.
6(2-(1381 f o t ap. ......
United California
.fjZ MacArthur•Blvd.
Equal opportunity employer
BEAtrrIClAN '•~•• 1u11 tim• eo..a ,..,. SEAMSTRESSES
Paid vacations, etc.
• Assemble15
Work whtin & where
you went!
445 E. 17th St.
Costa Mese, C•lif.
Mon. thru F r i ..
I a.m. to 5 p.m .
Equal opportunity employer
$510.$620 per month
($a.16-$651 Reoornrnended
for July l , 1969)
New position in I.be Ma·
rine Safety Department
requires 100 wpm shart-
hand. 50 wpm typtna,I J
yean recent full time ex·
pcricnce In advanced
clerical am stetiographic
work. Apply before 5
p.m., Friday, June fi.
1969 ID the Personnel
O I l I c e, l300 ""Newport
mvd., Newport Beilcb, •
.JC~~-~ near C>nJwe Oxmty airport
ha• an lmmediat11 require.
1 \merit tor a full cbarse Book.-
,kttper/ ACCOUh~t to handle
,J>4Yn>ll. -· cenerat !edc· er and financial st&temtnlt.
1MUST be experienced id
~ent contract ac.
oountinr and billin&.
Pay com.me:naurate with u.
perience and ability. -
Will handle accounts pay-
able, insurant'e cWnu. cost
report.In&. Should be exper-
ienced lil covenuMnt con.
tract aceountin& and be able
to type COil repOrb.
Pay commensurate with ex.
perleooe and ability. , .
For appoir1tm~t, C-.-11
Mr1. Bl•kHn.
9 A.M. • II A.M.
71, 5"·5771 -·-SysteMed Corp.
Hu opooWwl for
WAnaESS , ... ,..,,. . ' ~J:,. n9C1aa...,,... °""'" ........... •tanclins btneftb iDclo-
d .. ,...,..-.
10 AM to I PM
Monday thru 1'ridoY -J. (. PBlllY co.
24 Feshlon lslend
An equal opporwnit¥ em-.r
* *
SECRETARY ,. ' . .. .. " UNltED·CALll'ORNIA
~141 .1'.. Coost· Hwy
c~ron· c1o1 ~· 67:1-mll
Equ11l opportunlt)' employer
'-ii .. .,
~;_wif~~ some ~f!. the nice1f. 9'!YI-
\ you'll ever meet • • , • • •
B e e a o 1 e of our continued
growth and fut.~ etj>antlon pllna
we are in need et ..,.., ~ Jncl
women to enlat2e r ~ur p.tc:uU\lt
management staff. T\vo·yem of col·
lege preferred.
That's our need. Now, wJiat's
yours?1-Perb&1>4.it's ~urity, a·good
salary, a<-substa ntl'al .medlca1"6urgi-
cal family program, lUe insunnce,
paid· vacations, promotional eppor·
tunity AND an unusually a:enerous
sharing of profits.
We'll gladly swap these for
'your'abill!les and call ii a deal .
You've probably read poetry
like this befor~ BUT .•• we just
.. don't know how else to say it, ex·
A-cept; come in and convince your·
self. You'll be glad you did.
call in per&<>n
8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
(C--Wents to lulld lmmodl•toly)
, $75,000 CUARANCE
• Game Sets • Dining rm sets • Bedroom
sets • Llvjng room sets • Corner units
• Tables • Lamps • Recliner chairs • Dec-
orative Sl!"flish chairs • Buffet w/china
tops, Medi!erranean • Pictures •" Wrought Iron
No ,:.lawn -terms to mMt yow bud•t -
bank fine ; Master Ch•~· lenk of America.
or Store Ch1rge.
• This S•le For Stock on Hand Only •
F._•:;. m:,:.:;;lhl:.::;.r•:_....,,..,.....:14:0-::::00 Furniture
RE'IVRNn> fiOUt model EIOUISITU home. di.splay. Exquisite
Eaateni brand n a m e s ,
Con1plete housefuls of quali·
ly furniture, king size
bedrooms, full or twin,
custom quilted sofas & love
seats, lamps, tables, beauti-
ful dining sets, Otina & 6
chairs, automatic refrigera-
tors. Will separate. Terms.
4500 C•mput Orlvt:,
Suite .cn
Newport Beech, Celif.
An equal op~ity
CASHIER F W S I AU for a klw S589 complete. ar est ervices, nc. AOK wAREHouSE. 1122
Eastern brand names, corn-
plete houseful! of quality
fumilure, king size bed-
rooms. full or twin, custom
quilted sofas & love seats,
lamps, tables. beautiful din-
ing sets, china &: 6 chairs,
1.:olor TV's, automatic re.trig.
erators, washers & dryers.
Will separate. Tennl!I. All on
sale al sacrifice prices.
' For"Coftei Sho .. . .P . 1672 Reynolds. Santa AM, CaUf. G.G .. '-1 block w.,t from
the corner cf Bl!ach mvc1.,
ADVERTISING Morni"&' •hlfl Experieoce ( 714) 540-9892 NEAR G.G. F>wy.
S I necessary. Apply in person, Open 10 to 9 Sun. 11}.6 ecretary An equal opportunil,y employer. MUST ..U rompl•I< living T&..IE (Snack Shops, Coco's, Reubens, room set, modem, cost over AOK Warehouse
Bookkeeper . I ' Reuben E.•Lee and Wu Ben's Restaurants) 11000. now, will '8crilioe tor 7122 Gani<" Grov• Blvd., GG NEWPO~TER INN $300. 622 SL '"""' R<f.. II bio<k w .. t from tho Co~
Responsible, top level .1107 J~ticfte 8oad , N.B. 642-2621 after 6 p.m. ner or Beaeh Blvd .• near
I ion fo ah L -Newport Beach,, Calil • Mon thN tn. Anytime G.G. Frwy.
pos I r .,p, t•-·1-TE,,:,;,:ll.:;:::E:::R:.=·-='-= •iN=EE-1 ... """"" Opoo 10 to 9 Suo ,..,
ch11rge 9irl. Must heve 11\.M ~~.-=~====;;;:;;~!';;;:;;;;:!=;;0'11~;;;;~~:====~~~~t;====~~1 excellent skills incl. "! Fumiture 8000Fumlture 8000
ahorthMMI; h11ndle lite \Vill train apable P.'l for Help WantN } . Joltl M•, Wom. 7500 I ii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;iiiiiiiii;;i;iiiiii~~~~~~\
bkkpg; bllllnt. Under Teller/New Accounts work. Women 7400 11
30. Call a.irbara. (714) Some ,\·orldng experience --"'-------*'DRIVERS*
No Ez,,-rienc:e
642.3910 and typing akill ~~-Po1ltlo n immcdiatel:y
• Good working rondiUona/ available ·tor a Typist
lt eW!JOlt .
'· -.. For top' J>afillf,:remporary .
Positions see Jarie Cargill"
in our Temporary Division.
Ill Oqver Dr, N.1.
'642~~0 549-270
benttita. Clerk to work In our Es-
!92 So.'Cout Hwy
lAltma Beach
MERR-Y with a lelnl-part
lime job. Easy, tun.\no ex·
per. • Ile<:., no inV'e\t or
deliveries, Must be (Iver 18.
(or appt, 546-7122 o r
crow Department. Exper-
ie1112 preferred,
Pieue' apply at Ollr New-
port Cmter Branch, 550
Newport ~r Dr., New·
port Beach.
Equal oppofunity emplo~r
r.fust have clean california
drlvin& record. Apply
186 E.. 16th St.
Costa Mesa '
A.dvertiaing Agency
PRODUCTION * ARTIST * Exp'd. production artist for
Ne:wpcrt Beach a 1 e n c y ,
Mun have agency ex·
' pmeno, and_ .be v.-ell vened
1n all pha.aie's ot ad pro.
ductlon. Send ~ to Box
M-488 DaUy Pilot PAOFIC SAVINGS bu an Some retd credit~
opening for a legal siec:tt-preferred. 40 Hours a week, UNFURN Apt, telephone &.
tary. Should t)'Pe minimum salary plLll bnefu:. Lawson's APPLY IN PERSON Cb:anlng teea for couple to
70 \VPM & take !borthand Jewelers, Huntington C.ent· manage 18 deJuxe 3 Br Apts
al a minimum of 80. For an er Huntington Beach. ·REUDDI E, LEE in the Eaat BluU Area of apopj~ef!t · call 523-5532 GE
NERAL OFFICE, part Kn N«!Wport Beach. Li t e
r.tr. Rockofl. ti G. I -'" Know!"' -·'ole··-• clearu·,... '" PACIFIC me. II" .. ~......... ge 1'1 E p If" C H ...... • ....... "' • •-a• ne of accounts receivable •and ;1 • •c IC · It WV rent to children. Complete
SAVltrfGS and LQAN litt shorthand helpful. 20 Newport Beach resume to Box M 861 Daily
Equal opportunity employer Hour week. Mon.Fri. Apply: ---------..:.P:oilo::'~~-=~~-
WOOD IJ~H1tNG CO. '°"' Typlot Fff Pd. $476.67 SALES (4) NEEDED
Spanish & Mediterr1n11n Fumiturt
'--. Mlollt•r-,...,._ $\!"-IA ,_ lilOW" fl ...
l•lfl; ·'3:::..~l111·e:~··u ""Stiii •""i11 miildi'liiil 'sMt-• ~L 1., o.au111u1 11bfiu ~ ... Sfit.ts• .......... m 'm'.!t i~~~f1a~ r~r"·Md'COnN t•~-.: ·:::::::::::::::~~ t1tlt :;r f:ij o.artlar Tll>le l1mPS fRN. Mr.t'il ....... •• •• •. .... OS• s""""' Mt1Wi11119 s .... lltl'IPl l•tt. Mr.ffi .•.• ;: ..•••..
A decorator dream house on dis play -3,
rooms of gorgeous Spanish furniture (Wa$
reg. $1295.00
SACRIFICE . . . . • • $398
HO MQftEY 1)11$. •l!!OU•llEO -WI!: CA•av ou• OWM .&.CCTS.. m·m FURNITURE
1844 Newp0rt Blvd.""~:,, 11...i.1
Costa Mesa only
o clientele ~ Exp'd ~er machine oper-----------1 irads \\>elcoroed. C a 11 alon to sew naugahyde boat
f'anaaer 548-9919 cushions • ·canvass ~
;lilEDICAL AS&srANT * ducts. Top wages, pd holi-
-Ped I at r I c ex· days. vacations, ins. Xlnt
rience preferred. Front & working !=Qoditions. Appl,y
k office. Send resume: J ack Cole Co., 1763 Pla~
, e:qi. etc to Daily Pilot tia Aw., CM. 646-2431
Campw1 Dr.. New Port A top c.o. b looking ior a Expandlnc demanckreated
Beach. 546-2901 yoq cal with iood t;ypiz:lg territories call far represen-
SEWING machine operalon. Kills who can also handle taUves. Serve customers in
To markctini manager of Trainee jobs a v a i I a b I e . phones and customers. can 1 of 4 choice areas. Act at
growlh divl,lion of a multi-Eia.rn as you learn to Loraine, f.ferchants Person-once. c all for interview.
hery '"9ht 'TM 9 -w ... Sot. & Sun. 'T~ 6
, COOK * Plil ahift. for
Ing homo. -~f~. Apply, Lagwia
peadl Nursin& H o me
f'4-$15 ERY-Work room ex·
nee. Variou11 openlnga.
lime + p/time: eve&
ch 'Drapery Ser.rice, 900
ft. 17th St., CM. 540-&l64
Answcrlnr service. up
I, must be able to v.-ork
shifts. Steady work.
aolimiteC> agency
Quality PositiOns for
Qualified Applicants
4SB E. 17tti st.. Suite 2'l-C
Apply In person ·
1981 Placentia Ave.
Costa Mesa
Coata Me11a 642-1470 ---------
Po11ition available for
new Laguna Hills Le i·
11ure \Vorld oHice or New-
port National Bank.
Experienced Apply
151 E P 'I' C 1 H MANNINGS, INC. • ac1 1c 1 wy El Toro Rd. (Leisure \Vorld)
Newport S.ach Laguna Hills 837-1014
million dollar corp. Excel. become a highly paid sail nel Agency, 20C3 Westclill FULLER BRUSH. 531-4948, , ___ ::.8000= Furniture
tent secrelarial skills and at seamstress. Dr., N.B. &LS-2770 (abo fee ~155 M 0 v 1 NG ~H 0 u 5 e ( u 1
least (ive years experienct HANNA SAILMAKERS jobs) FOOD WAITERS
as a secretary requii-ed. 161 W. 18th St. 1 ~~1 --------I: WAITRESSES fumitu~. Porch. den. Uv,
Plue send delails of p?ev· Costa lflesa. 548-3464 HOSTESS din &. breakfast rm s . Lunch &: Dinner Lamps, frplc equip., antique FOR BANKS-FINANCE co·s
lous employment including OFFICE 1.tANAGER, for Experlel>Ced, must be over Apply marble top library table, ESTATES-MODEL HOMES
salary to Box M-507 Daily amall ' buslnwi in Harbor 21· Apply in pel'90ll to Mn. FELICIA.NO'S ladder back ch airs. Ou•llty Furniture
Pilot. &reL General secretarial A: Baker alt 1 pm. 1617 WestcliU Or., Jardlneer, pictures. etc. B•nks C•n't bookkeepi~ exper. req'd. The FISHERMEN Newport Buch 2045 Irvine Ave., Ne\\'PO'°I Deposit Furn. • WAITRESS • Salary open. Send resume Restauran: to: P.O. Box s.n Balboa, 317 ~Blvd.. HOUSE a.EANING Beach They Damand Ca1hl
Calil Hunhngton Beach 'HRS SAT. ONLY O.sks•De:s kseDesks Regardless Of Lossl -===*="='':;=::::=*=== Filing cabinets. office chairs. Spanish-Medite rrane11n Cashittr/Hostess Jobt-Men, Wom. 7500 ; Must sell all at sacrilice! Maple-Mohogany·Modern
Schoolfolnstructlon 7600 AOK \VAREHOUSE, 7i22 Brand name bedrooms I
Prohulonal Garden Grove mvd., G.G. king or any size box springs
Employment Educational Vacation 4th % blck West from the corner & mattress, .custom made
A11i1t11nce graders'·• Sr Cl.tiuns OtU.. of BEACH BLVD., NEAR .90fas & love seals, c:-.:quisitc
COASTAL AGENCY ~ 1~~= 1~ ~ GG f)wy. Open 10 to 9. dining rooms k hutches.
A be f SUnday 1().6 Guannteed frosUree refrig.
Apply in person
RfUBBI E. llf
8000 Furnltura
Sovth Coest Drut
J3l3 Bristol
Costa Mesa
•-"· B Ul:l\l(Al OfflCE mem r o C.M. 548-2859 . I -• TV ' I le .x:e '""'tty Nee aJ l"IW Snelling .l Snelling, Inc. SECTIONAL D a v e n po r t era ors, .. v.ior s. a mo.
TELLERS Ex · __ .. · _,..,;..,,n1·,1 popular or claaical s.irwi...... S>l 2 au on s.alc at sacrilice """ • pene111..""" 1n ''"~ .. .,-Television -.-. wing chairs Yl/ot· .......
EXPERIENCED m l 2790 Harbor Bl, C.M. S4().6(6.; VOICE pttp&ratiotJ. for brown. $40. Maple love. seat. del washers &: dryen are
F'ar appointment call l~~ Xt!C duties including med.teal in. I I oduct' W k Beginner th r u advanced tomarui, 115 each. Zenith es. * R E C E PT I 0 N I S T A Mr Hau or Mt Stogsdill ~surance call 646-3003 n_ r ton or lralnin&. 6U-551J. 494-9340 TV .,. M ,_ d '" I BUY ANY PIECE l~~~To~~;p;;;;u;';;n:I Admlttinc clerk. part time. &l2-3UJ Agency for career Girls · ltelp introduce cable T. V In ' .,,.,.,. ap"' rop "'a OR HOUSEF'Ul-• 11 Job · Keep your Im-Mature woman for con· ---------410 w, O>ast Hwy., N. a. Opportunity tur lady with ex. North Tustin. £ves & w~'lt. MERCHANDISE FOR dining table. perfect cond. 1:! rb ci: :1ew~ valeace.nt hospital, 3 9 3 By appoint G-fG.393! perlettce In sales and know· ends, Salary or commis~n. SALE AND' TRAD& $50. 2 Captain's chairs $7.50 Warehouse Sale
544-38.St. ~97 Hospital Rd., New po r I lfGAl TRAINEE '"""~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!I ledge 01 ~neral ->ttice work, call Sandy at 54-f..778$ for Fumlture IOOO eadl. 545-8998
Beach. · . SECRETARY Relerences. Pk!ue call CM. interview. MAHOGANY breald:ront ,$65. •• AOK
EXP'D Waitresses for coffee Work at Newport• Center, Shorthand ~ssary, some lUO lor appointment. . 1-1n.P WANTED: ·Man or LOVELY Med.L Dining room Snlall nauphyde chair $35. n22 G•rden Grove Bl.
shop .t dini~ room. Apply start .$400/mo . ..,elWires see. lite b!<kl>g, Beach area. HOUSEKEEPER &: child -~ii.n fOr w h 0 1 e 1 a I e «I w/6 hlgb be.ck avocado 1\vlo box sprinr & milt \Veslminster (~ Block West
in penon an 6 pm&e Jbn, rttarial experiellee. Type , &11-1471 or 492-49.18 care, liw in, ~ days. bakery. Noe x Pt: t le n c e vtlwt chrs. CoAt $ID), aell $20. Roll-a-way bed $3). ltom comer of Beacb Blvd.
USEKEEPER -Good Ba.Yside Inn Restaurant. l.'tl RI WPM. lite shorthand. Al· NJtUel ~nncl Agency Private room A bath. Refs. l'leeellAI')'. Apply Gennan ka" $3()0. '73-M.!7. Sm a I I ma PI e I In i g b near G.C. Freeway) Open . ~ ~ * E. Cout Hwy, NB. tomey Roland S. Barculllf' 21iC!l Getty Road $50 v.•ft w/ periodic raises. Home Baker)' 13-f eon,. RND Oiled Walnut dining set ~~· ~ 3 10-9, SUnda.y, la.ti. '=b=~~~~~== I~ ccomMPiPiANiNi!OO'NN'"1ioo"ltu,;; ... ;;innc1r.;or 644-002.l. Laguna Niguel S-f0-9212 merc\al Wa,y, Costa Meaa. w/4 uphol chra .• 2 leaves. co . SPANISH Returned rrom
T Sports\ftar Shop young lady with &ligbt hart--'*"'-,,,-.,,--..,~=~ 1 Teller $450 + HOUSEKEEPER. live _ in: 60-SJ03 Like new $145. 642-2351 <>ak Dinette Set Model flomes on sale at t<c~-.: attr saleslady, 0 dic11p. f.tust be excellent Sec. Eng. Fl'le Pd. $550 2 yn. bruiking or Sl!Vina &: motherless home, beach SEEKING ambitious couple GOOD nnall (OUCIJ $40. Never-Mar top. 4 chalni $50. less than wholesale! Groop
f!. ~Ira. Jetkrl &r~ driver. Prefer girl 25 to 35. Top co. in beach area is look· loan exp, required. PIU.!h are1.. l tee.nap cbldm. 8g\!S 45 to 55,, u assistant Child'• a.nnchatr $.'). T.V. l>«nish modern desk 525. includes beautUul 9 6 ''
SHAMPOO GIRL Good t1a.lary. call &ll-893! Ing for sec. \vi1'1 good skills bench orriceit. Call Lorai.ne, Woman w/_ 1 small child mgrg ln 1ge complex. M11.n stand Sl. S-f5..5122 Dbl bed, hMdboal'd, white quilted aofa & Jove seat.
Uceme 675-4100 BARMAID. y 0 u n g . at· and engr. ex p. Can Loraine, lwlen:ha.Ma Pe~I. 2(H3 OK. Prd u/'5. 542-122l muat have U:Wde paintin: DECORATOR Desk, cherry, neve~mar top ST. Aft 4 3 Spanlsh oak deoorator
Alk ltll' JoAr:ln tractive. Apply after 6 PM, Men:bllnU Personncl. A.gen. \Yestclilt Dr., N.B. 645-27'{0 LlCENSED Shampoo Girl exp, Salary $Sl0. ~fo. + inlaid top. 2906 Alta Vlsta p.m. S46-l-f5:1 ho.hies, swq oc table lampa, :~ p. r I ~law.rick, rm Newport C)', 20l3 \Ve1tcliU Dr .. N.B.. EXP~RJ1'.NCED and PART nine R@tep-Sobmlt ~e • rt{s. Box (Eutbhdt} NB. 644--0780 G.E.. Sll'!tl:O $66. Sony tape wall placque, king, queen.
avs. S2.50 per hour to Bl\-'d., C.M. 645-2778 Caito f~ jobs) *COUNTER GIRL* tionlst. Top pay. Newport P 880 Daily Pilot. LARGE 3 pc sectiona.I, bone recorder ~. Naugah)'de or luU me bedroom suite
Ovt:r 21. Cal 56S745 EXP'D Sta..w.-. S a I e.s MANAGER tor ll lumished for dr")'clwru. shop. Beach &reL Call 60:-6857 Ta:HNICAL Illuatrator-ex· .,•hlte nylon. xlnt cood. $19S. couch $lS. 2 end this & chr comp&ele ind ~ spr.tz:ws.
...,.,,...1 2 BR units. adults only C.0.la Mesa. CALL WOMAN for an 1 wtr 1n 1 p&odtd vif.ws. acbematks:, "'£" _, S>tll. Dlnetteo set $7.50. All mattress. linens 6 boudoir 1 • owr 30, peim/PAf'C. Lad~ "''8.l'lted for eic-pool 1 ....u-.o••• klnm of baby ~ lam.pa. Spanish oak 6 pc
, 5 du/wk. Lac Bcb pandlng stationery atan. :,'aln~ ~ ~,.! l<'AIRW:! ~ llttYicetl ~~ .. Ml. ot ~ ~ time'a.ndot ~ HOUSEHOLD fumishlnp· pricn, 540-2540 dlnine M!l prteed e:l.9ewbere $1.15 be. et 8s:D Colin wm ~ .... _.....,,_ pert me .... ,g,.....,, eves. • .,..., 1Jv Din....._ .,... t ..,· •t a-..,.~.oo ALL unless )'OU pre.fe-r. Plcaae --,:--.--,=~~-I ff'r-"601G titM ~ • ._.,,,...,.~,1-tc. MASSrv.E carved walnut din. r...---~
srM'ER Id' 2 bo)'l 5 A: BABYSITI'ER. I hou!leketp. rttpOnd Daily Pilot Box M Tra inee $325..IO ' 8Ulwe Ln, Balboa. 6'/.,...1003 ina I.bi, 6 uphobh:fttl chts FOR ONLY $399, $2D down,
TNiwba)'I 1-5:30; Fountain er, live-In fOf' school Al'! 4 Top oo in beach area la Joi,k. EXPERIENCED Ttlltt" and MANAGER; clbc. apt. Q)sta $400.. OUve tWttd tola bed $4.99 per *f!l:Jc , out of
ey 5.11T.l!l hild Nffd b 6/l.l::'::l-;;.==--=--,,,-~ 1111 fo~ flS (Mld wltb l>'P-~atfonn Stem. Seeurit)I ?.ftsa Cempletc ~ QuaUty~bed,quilted, II.It• mdil OK. Wll1 • -c rcn. Y \Y~ Daya. Ex-p·d ing lkil111 ot 4S' lo 50 \VPM Pacifle National Bank , tel'lal'IOe .t P"in.Ulie· mmplete, wruaed $93; 'Awtb $10. Dt.rk gold k"1e Rat iSl5-separate h1r qvl.ck salt. 3llh ~~ MAID, full Ume, 533-189T L'Oektallll. Sm. dinner howse, Ca.ll Loraine, Metthanla 5J6..8371 CaJJlomia Manaaement .$250. Aft 5 or wknda. 847-0«l6 8f.2..6C61. I C'.tntury Ji\lrnlhlrfl. 91;
t llUl"l'VUndinp, , DENTAL OFFICE OIM. Alert, nea1, J)Jeuant. Pertorirlt'I Apricy, 2043 \Vffl· HOUSEKEEPER It COOK a&-8940 (ftl) 7lW180 SOFA. A OWr, Jtl!'fl, never LARGE. c\lslof"I ma. cf.e. Garden Grow B 1 v d ••
r 494-1196 T--fteocptlonlsL $C8.S$O 61S-li2l cliff Dr .. N.B. 640-2'1'10 1 'Take full rup. AU adults. ELDERLY couple, aL-o lady u!Jt!C:!. :Pitab otter, 5t8-602S 1'0W'ld dlnlrw tbrle., .muble c;;arden Crow Oa.Uy 1Q.9,
DINTAL ASSISTANT ~ OealiliW Bay front DRAPERY WORKROOM DR.Y Cl..EANINC preqers Hoffman Home 538-3555 or man tor bake'l'y •'Ol'lt. orrneft:l'cmty. ~uat 1ee! Sacrifiee. S.I 101, sun U.S Q:w
Newport 8t&cb a..5l1l Tftller. ILi). 8 bn wk Etperitnced I: tnmea. exotr'd &Uk. y."QO( I com· OPERATORS· Call 543--5001 Jarm&{I Home 8EAl.mFUL Frt.ld Provtn-ln or all ('214> ~
nJRE-Waman fol' u '° 7 Own tr.m. stW33.t AJiply in penon. blnatk>n. t.undty help alto. • MAat. Steady. Top Bahry. 134 Commm:ial dal dlnirw nn ltL 1'bl. • ~ '-llPh>'de aimer 9!f.t. MOVING SALE! Sat ' sun.
llllUt tn SAWTEil HOME. w~ WANTED 1'D52 Annstrone: A\lt!, tmne 5'1~ pa.y. Cr'ml MJp-. &e-• Wu. o.ta •tesa. din. buffet. $250, ~mt lika new. $4S. Kohler ta:un-}"Umlt~ " mllc household ~ MH1W Ste SbaDt7 Rertaurant GJRL ~ fOr stock wartr. WOMAN for lite housed~ MA.nJRE ·\\"Omall. 11 t e A.Pr Manapr IOr It unit EUROPE-8owld. tood. quaU· dry ~ $!. 6TS-3539. llcma. 1502: Ora.nee A.vt.,
DON'T at.t f!. any, pt 630 Udlt P'ti: Dr, NB 67SaUla lnttrv1ewit11 U PM . I~ 4 or 5 hrs, J d&¥ v.-.ek. l>AkP&. to nan oUiot lOr -.pla. Exp'd •I ftb. Cpl t1 f'Urnfture-muat lfll! fl», ~MBIN.+TION desk;· c:be$l. CM •
... euh tor It wtlll • PVI Hme ~tel mUt APROPOS No. 29 F.ahlon II.JI.. attL -..1as &mall Mfa. stO.JljO pn.L '*"22% &73-ml all 6:90 p.m:. maple MS. ExollJml con-S~EE~L-v-s~ • .i~.--~-ml\l--ll-... -·
Da1J Noc want Adt I:• to 12:30 Isl. N.B. ' f'w n.ily PiloC l"ant Ada For Dau, "91: Want Mt dlUon. 61$-5202 A bo:c 11prlnp $2S. Exoelltnt
---QIARGE,.... _, .. ,_, W.tt. ~f -.un. W!tli, (l<phanfill. ot._,....ifnl ""'! -Dial '°"'71 for 11"8UL'lll ~DAILY PlWr WANT.ADS! O)Odilton. m,s:m ..
I -
• I
lt\lltCHANDlll l'Olt
~·..i-1 ·1011 • <
• •
1'0PMl1 :11: .... llEUUil I uit1 ' •••• • • S IP
Rent 'n~tiin .g
~·111111 · '. AND TIADI &ALI AND TllMll
-. •1111111• .MIO -.w...-·· 1610
Gor•po Silo 1012
VANITY $'8 Ctftt o t
d:rawva., nr. new $22.!IO..
Biby bed $11. Pio>""' II·
Dmbw .. ~ •• -· 125 .• Spanish. 'hand-carved c:hni.
$26. Dinette 'A: ctn $25. Sota
$.l. 3 bar •took $6 e.. .. Skwe~
• dryen, 1¥, il elec.
Wedie~. Uri.Iv. O'Kede
A: ~nrnore: Bed&. Ille A
d""' l20 • $.15. Oi>lclopol 11'
,.fria: $20 • $.15, '°"'"""""' chair $28. Recliner ~
Modmi tofa fi. Jona colfet-
table $42, cabinet $6.50. Gun
rack $20, Se Hable F.apanol
1'.be Gareae. 1~ S\ulerior,
CM. 646-9188
in our new store for $ WE BUY $ ; FREE TO YOU
$ FURNITURE $ · 5 PUpPIES. _,,... a
A'1LIANCES Do1~11o:"'iC:\' !"" "'ady .tor neW' h>mea. ~Iii c:.a. T'r ..... ,. ••• ·--s ...... •, ~o ~ a·poo mother. 56-MU '1!
1· dollar
for 1 day.
~r,;s:'M~~~s FREE klttent. 2 b1iek. 2 -~= 'C:a'i ~~.: , • 51' f ...fC] I '• calico: Hoole bro k •-n G P!.r SIX 11 _:...:.._::...:.._:· -'".;:..;.....;·_ J5IUUS !Im wAN'fiD: .Rili' door ..,. 159 "''. Pn.E boardl. 1164 ·W, ALL Whitit kitten,-except 'ltJt
HIU""" -'51o:'W..... l8lh St. CM ·-blacl< ?*on hood,'tema .
t -' ' . w~ Soll).,7834 Vlfl
WANTED** Q;lod Uted 2 PC SectionU A cha.It. PUP.P.10..,, .put Collie.
(X)NSOLE PIANO 968-4183 5124 wb!I ftrnak!. 29M Javat e ~7316 e FREE Puppies -Sm. breed. C.M. 540-5779 5rn
--.:..~.r.;;;;:..,.;;_~-1 m-&984 . (Orru9:l 1 YR. old brown Dutch rabbit
IT'S Bciach hOuse timt. Bl&· FEMALE black Y.. SWnese M&-2938-5/%7
... .elecUaD ""' See Ute DAILY PILOT . O•u'fled ,kic,;,lle'°'n~ . ..,-==='==,_.,=
6 MONTH okJ black C.OCk• ·
poo puppy. 548-4032 W27
OO!ing estate, Sat le Sun
10 am • 5 pm. 232 Tustin,
Newfiort Beal'.!h, Twin dbl
do0r relrig, washer/dryer,
stove, pool table, color 1V,
power table saw, tools, wln.
dow air.cond. c.amper ahell
&. misc.
Yes, you rud theheadllno.naht. tho sickroom, for 1xere1slnc. Yo~ ""'Y pt 1 blfsht Id• for ·
Now through Sunday, you can camping, prdenins ond brirc· 1 now home projoct or that bis
rent ilnythinc in our new store, ing up baby. party youtre pl1nnlnc. Bro-.
k••P. it for 1 day and pay only Tools are a United speciotty around 1ndtoklyourplck. Vol,
one dollar. · ... power tools, plumbers' tools, we have thole, too.
2 WHEEL utility tra~ter ~
$20. 1507 B. Alabama, H.~~
FIRE('ROOF Glasa Doon
We're new in town a net we painters' tools, cpr:istruc'tion sorQ., r\O . ..,,_...dl#fnftM'••pecial STUDENT desk $lS 'Lovely BAR stoola $6.. Electrl.:
wan t you to know about us. tools. We even have tools you :offtr. Nor,../del/vwy11rvictth...ttw. roae bedspre11.d, dacron nt· heater ss. Electric sign
You'll find we're a big help when may never have heard of. Post Offer upiNS IM. pa.id $.U. ~· tot uo · timer S15. Store fixtu.tts s1.
you want those practical items hole augers, sump pumps', Artltlclal tose1, 10 tor Sl 3 $25. Sat to 5 P.M. 548-3881
you oc~asionally need in your fence stretchers and oscillating pillows that ooonllnaJe with AtfioMATIC waaher. good
home, but don't care to pur· sanders. How.do those grab bedspread S1 each Lo\iely condiUon $25. Lawn mower
P•tio S.le chase ind store.· you, do-it·yourselfers? lol'lC dark blonde human hair SS. Dr)tt, u is, electric $15. Friday, Sat. & Sun. 10 AM wig $15 Sin&er aewina ma•, 711 w. :l)th St., C.M. oll lil dark. Quality items: Here at United is I rental SOme of the items are one· chi~ cablnet S'l.50 8 day Placentia Ave.
Fumilure, silver, plct\ll'el, supermarket of all t~ose things of·a·kind, so the sooner you Coe• m...i 11wi...., clock., antiqUe eold, needs TWO Ea.Item hard roc!c
dishes, l inens, clothing, you mayneedforparties,for Comeinthlswttk,th1better • ....,,.,Nntt::Un1WRtd.":....,, ~ S2 ~of mater-. .Maple 4 poster beadboarda
kitchen utensils, books, roU. ial, new · a:: yard. Have $25 each. Finn mattresS A :C8:'e~~~~l~acemrauc~ R ~':::pr~:~d,•:; C: boxh.a~ full: $25.
mucti more. 18'19 Iowa St • e·n t taina for I i l t 1 e lx>y't ::n:a ~:on oo jaeke;er ~
"CaHlomlaSt,C.M. UNITED ALL "'"""-•at,...,,.,., 17-"'-FlttP!ace..,..nS\O. WHITE ELEPHANTS U51 care fabric paid SU. canes $3 1 .net. $5. Medicine
AND ANTIQUES M!ll for $5. ~ .cordur.'I)' cabinet with mirror $2.
Pewter, surfboard, picture Hollywood bed cover $2. ~ frame couch,
frames, pa.Jntings, lan1ps ~ ~· m:own human makes two beds. n 0
lOc up. 3157 Kerry Lane, 3 710 w 19th St c t M 645 0760 hair poll,)' tail', pmkf $30. sell cuahlons $25. Oak chair blocko "'"' of n;rv~w . • • ., • OS 0:-· esa • for $5. ChUdi H•mp ly ·l~SO. Infra~ lamp 17.so.
near Baker. Saturday af-Dumpty l~p, paid $ll, tell Mqnztne....tack $10. Artist
ternoon for $2. Baby s wiclctt c:lothei euel $2. 310 Femlea f. Cd1't
!PATIO SaJe • May 23-25tb. Appli•ncM 1100 Pianos & Orgent 1130 Miicell•neoua 'l600 Mlteell1neou1 M00Miscell1neow l600 hamper $l. MS-4213· OR 3-41i68, Park In alley.
I S . 0 ' P<>RTABl..E Slnif:r sewing LAMPS $2 • $5. Glassware ~a;u~al 1.i am everyday. wtsTINGHOUSE F u 11 y ---------LAW Lib machine SZ ., G.E. ateam and dishes 5c • $3. Screen
•1 I .~~ ~t ne$wl $50. au l'o mat i c portable . ., RENT NEW . llornerary for~n. Retir-F u R N I T u R E iron $4. ~ door $3. ·~· 110 -112. "_ang e -'· ..... apes UJI. dishwasher. Hold 16 place SPINET PIANOS ing a Y "111 I• an ~
Dishes. end table, lamp, settings. 3 cycle, 2 spttd. from $10 per month library consist.ill&. or full CAR top 1~ carrier $10. Unens $1.50. Radio i;;. coli~ table, pi ct u r~ s, Top lid opeiling, wh.ite, Purchase Optional Pacific and C&l. Rtpcc1e:r. 3 golf woods · $3 each. Doors $.1.. Clothing slze
clothing &: !:!le; 303 Flower fonnica top. Vay ucellent ***** Cal. Digest, U.S. Code and 1.::536-:::'1!111l=-------12/14 il · $10. New &hoes
St., 0.1. 646-0()j! condition. $Th Firm. 646-0836 ./ SALE USED inisc. Calif. code;s. etc. to VACUUM cleaner, tank type silie 1 $1 • $3. Potted tree U.
GA_RAGE SAL. .E • Sat & Sun. GE AlITOMATIC wa:me..., HAMMOND ORGANS qualified counsel, . M. A. A u c T I 0 N $15. Iron board. $5. Dartt nOWer b.llbl , 25c doztn.
MUTOt 3 x6 , $25. Blue mi ni. b a 5 k et 2 5~"' • New· guarantee ~~i Zll,9 Fortuna, NB. ' Mediterranean end table1 ~~c ~~·n ca:~ !C:1:°" $~: velve~ chrS,. pi c tures, permanent Pf'HS 'cycle. j • Liberal !enm $20. Colfee table $20. Record Housewarn Sc. • $1. 425 pat 1 o furn,, co u ch, Repossessions. From $l29 S.J's, C2, A:100•1, M·lOO's, KNlrnD f 181W'r "Player $20. 615-4308 HeUotropf: CdM
decorator's & mi1e !ems. Dunlap's, 1815 N~ lr-lOO's from ••.•.....• $69S ADIO\.J DAVEN1PORT $10. s~:pur, CdM. 673-4487 C.M. 548-7788 In co~:!'gr:f MAR ..,.FOR SALE SATURDAY NIGHT =~Uy a:S1!lie~ ~ ~ ~~~t~~ 1k·, ;~Ito~ co::1:~ Ud~~~. U:~ '::i~ 2854 E. Qiut Hwy m.8830 ~m:a:.':.-=P~~.m'. Mill'" 2 _ _ • amplllien -~tc .. hed12V Jo r heat lamp, $25. Portable
to 2. Fum.!~. bedcJm&, Good co nd·.i t ion. ,.$65. · 'GULBRA~SEN · ~ R.m. 9'l9 .sak";:_,...0>st. llitesa. = :. = .. •tereo ~ ~ ta1:~i!'!:~=-~
came..., gills. m...,. Fr> O.nlap"· lBl5 Nowport, ORGANS 6. 30 P.M. SHARP• I Ca 5000 RMP $25. ,Medwtical day PM&: Sat. 23-24 May. t.M. 548-7788 WURLITZER FULL l'll&rquette· tuJ\e-Up •• e • ee Skif:n tote bq $4. nyas tach o.3000 RPM ~.-Record 330 Poppy, Cd~t. PIANOS & 0. RG•.,S equip 6 mo's okl $1100. car-COW!' $5, V.W. dtltcb ..i.,,....,_ ~,,.. 1
GE DRYER. el~ con-..,.,. Sn.ip..on air cblsle & impac1 (1200} $6. canteen $2. Table player, auto ...,_.. _ _,.
trol. Reposs1?ssion. Bert '69 Pianos &: Orp.ns Rented: wrench Sl35, Compl. Jet 1ami-$2. 10' IUl'fboard $25. gallon weed sp~f $4. 2.3"
BluUs, 2318 Vista Hogar, Sat model SAVE. Dunlap's, EVERYTHING IN MUSIC air--cond'ing equip &. st~k Inspect EARLY 1301 eurlboard $25. cm San-black/while TV~ ProvlnciaJ
& SW>, 10 AM. Movln& m"'' 1815 Nowport. 543-;7118 .. ll\O. ou..,, mi...U. Call all. As Wt W "'UICKLYI liaaO "'·· N:e . 642--0116 cabinet $25. 32.V goneralor ~u many lt~ms. AUTOMATIC washer. 2 cy. D ..... ch Music' Center 5 PM 897-4837 . .... CRIB with matlres• $15. $10. 32.v au t 0 m. t I c
24th & 25th MOVING -KG I bilge/1howtt r)ump $20. I . ' liV yr , cle $&;" or Bl'!st offer. OZARK'S Hickory chips Jor Bookcue headboard. itna: e i h I S5
coJlectlon; Jurniture, tools, 548-7427. 2MIH i g b J'a·n d. Factory SaJes &: Servi~ smoking & B-s.Qut, J .lrJt.J AOK Commluion Gallery ss. Picture window, 5 ft .JI: 8 ~=~Id ~t:~ l~D. $10:
l hardware, truck, electrica1 N.B. Daily 12 noon 'tll 9, Sat 9-5 lb bags $2. Includes partial QU EV ft '$2.S.' Dinlrll' table $S. 503 carnation Ave, CdM
I & plumbin&. misc photo. 206 GAS DRYER uSf:d N lT40t 91'.!ach Blvd., (Hwy J9l delivery. Send cbec:k ar 7722 GARDIN GROVE I L . ARD Typerwlter 1tand $2. I,.awn 140 L~ J'•t ~lbel'Jl'.lJs
Lillian Pl, 0.1. ~14 e X,C e 11 en i condi:: 1% ml So. San Dif:a:o Fwy. l'ri.O: to' 'H.A.' Kbmulaiiie, '1 Block west of Beach Blvd., off G.G. Frwy. mowtt $20. Rtf.riprator vaulting pole SU. 613-'rnO
\Vestclift shop l'.!1!'nter. MlsC Newport, c.M. ~7788 WE'RE Daek In our new Cat. 91761 T.V. $15. 2lS2 Orchard ., in gu range a
Firescreen 34">'34" $20, COit
$80. Maple earner dnk sz;.
Desk chai r $15. i.,.rse
maple captain chair '20·
\Vingback ovenrut!~
SJ.51 Lamp table '3· 0
mixer $i Q\Udl reconl
player and re<*'!I~ $3.
Barbie dolls and cues St.
Ceramics 25c, -St. Child~
rocter $4. % HP e•leclrllH
motor $6. ~tttric .......
door operallOr ~ 14 ·
lionary shutters 851:, euM!
Attac~ bag. SJ., "EXWl'J:iinl
gate Jar:_ chil~ $1: ~
table and benehn m. 30CIO
Seaview 613--0252 '
W Al.NUT coffee table Jl •
New tent $10. TV table $1 ..
8'x7' oyster nylon rue Sl.
4'xti' b.lue shq ru& $.1. ,
Used brick' 8c each. Shb1l
an.:I panti 2Se • $L Old trul\i'
$19. Pole lamp $5. "1 $2. Textbooks 25c ••
Narciuust CdM. 673-2951
MOVING: SUoday only 11
AP..f: tables, chain, ~
ltoolt SS • $15 each. Wt~
model GE va~um cl~
and atlacl:lme.nts $5. Dis~
curtains, hol.ISf:Wal"eS ~
$4. Clothlna: 25c • $5.
15c. Record albums 25c.
Pro!Rect, Newport Shafta.'...
NEW swim Oollt .$6,' 2 ~
bar ftooiJ" S1S each. Qµld''
maple' desk ana chair $
litaple telcp~ stand wl
chalk boan! $1~. B~.
maple step table J20 ..
~:r~~.:~ :: r
Books, •toy&, I'.! h e ni l 0 ';;,",;.;·ij glusware, carbide
$5:••Jce cream lreeier $10.
Campine f quipment;. 2 ltWl
nylon tent $25, poles J2.
Primas 1tove $(. Dow1t l>l~ping bar' 518. 2 msn
mountain tent $5. 2 stadlUIJt 1
chairs, new $2 e a c n •
64<-1102, ""' .....,.. '!',·
East BluU
't480 CABRILLO bk>ck ~ 'Guaranteed. Dunlap's, 1815 Huntington Beach 847-8536 209 W. Carlton, Ontario, $15. Pai.nt 1prayer Sl.5. ~ BUILT . nd
Items, [um, incl rattan bar, , , lo "'" "·' b lio u<. M1SC A . . Sri Ml•-llo-l600 ·Ml-llo-l600 Near O.C. air"Porl 546--1980 OYf:n, yellow. clean $2:> so e antiques Sat-$un only P.IOVING, must sell. 69 s re . ....,. '-""'e ra n • ...,. • ntique c..a-Brac,. --each. Boy'& bike $UI. Girl's ~ m · · Maytag washer 1: dryer, ·7 Sale. Full length Ermine Coat e SALE e SfOVE, Ken~. dean with blke ~. Kroehler club chair 2 SW..\NS for lawn $5 each;:
DRAITING table $ 3 5 . mos old. 53&-m> CLOSEX>trr of coosole Pian. $250. Other Furs, Much GRAND OPENING• PLATE Ml RR ORS . extra middle burner $25. G , New nomar kitchen table End table $3.. Large pluttc.
Trundl bed $30 Sod I · 6'x16"x18", 4'.5',6' Old time Maple: cabinet "" e s . a oun-os at &av1ngs to •••..• $400 Misc. 2315 Pacific Dr. End Bud LB 1 Mach·. $10. Eltctric lawn mower shadeR $3 e"ch. Cothes ve
tain $40. 100' of small Antl'UH 1110 CLOSEOUT of Baldwin o~. of 'Acacia · CdM Sat J: Sun a:e us nesi ines RAn AN radio. klnl ~p, beautiful $12. 17441 J effer&On Lane, good 25c • 13. Dishes Z5c •
1hings.. 3017 Ceylon Rd. age pianos at savinp to $3.49 aft 10 M l ' ~s?teRgr~veb.'.i.N:ta DAVENPORT BED lofl! ~~~ = H.B. 842.-8249 $5. wanfe lmn $L Iron
Pitesa Verde. Fri-Sat-Sun OOU.S: All kinds, foreign, CLOSEOUT ol 1968 Organs AC Co R ,0 -1 AN l20 bas 6t2#11 Lrae i Small. aw.". ~Pc -pa.tio WASHING machine SlO. 22 Iron.Ing board $1. TOu .•
4 PC sectional 1 0 a m oriental, antique, modem at savings· to •••.••••.• $236 Contello used.. only -4 moa.. Sect. E>c~pt. Qua!. Kardu alter 5: 30 $U.SO W Ids $G $L Ti'mer $3. 1'"'rame
cushions $50, 2 e~ lt 1 Cllf· htlniature & doll ~· No down oac, 5 yrs to pay. 9.6 _ Gordon &; S m 1 th Port typewrtten $1%.50 UJl It Mile Stull. TOASTER 2·11!~ It 4 slice $3 ::u~ a~ns a n d twin btd $2. Old trunk $3..
fee table $20, 2 table lamps ~:e~ Man~i.i~ An~j \VARD'S BALDWIN STUDIO surfboard. 962-0402 aft 5:~ ~:=mad~= :J~: u': l15 Diamond, B.r. and $.S. 1'1'Y ·~ ... ~ I~ roUuerlf: $5. Cart $ 4. Y!~.", .. !1-ballBed•i:.Pll!. '1.,
$15. Can del. 493-4708 C M ~l ., 1 tt ' 18U Newport, C.M. 64U484 p.m. & wlmds. Print'a: eaJccltn $89.50 up Doughboy fryer $4. Jee ;'$2 5 0 Gllllliwa" and dishes 10e to ...... .,.. ...... ..,. -·
ANTIQUES &. other good . . . e SPECIAL PURCHASE e . * POOL TABLES *' Rotary calculators $29.50 ap ~ Pool Hot dotl: coo • • 50c. Tools 2Sc to $2. ~~.ice;..se~blepeT $25.. toot
turn Bea: 10 AM Sun thni ANTIQUE Coll. item, 1&50 WURLlnER PIANOS Custom -annqu~ • modern Cash Registers '39.50 up Filter =e m.lxu $ 2 • 5 o. SUrfbollrd $20. !kit reductr lamps $3. Stereo' parta
week. 2tis Hi&;h.land Dr., Victorian couch & chair, While they last! • USf:d, SPORTS "100". THURS, May 22 lhru $35 $20. Maple tables $12.50. 642--77'19
NB. co m pl e l e I y restored. ~ Walnut consoles (7lfl 636-!'130 iU pm SUN .Ma.y 25 • onJy Call 8S'J-3681 BATTERY wall clock $3. 400 Lamps $20: Material and -===~----~l
536-3339 now ·~ Al ... ..:_ .... ~ day domed clock $12.SO. I lio lOc I 12 G" I' 4' RATTAN bar stools 9"' HOUSEFUL of furniture, ·" .. ·····•••·•··· • ~" DOUBLE d n.~. /'~ I mac1w""s i'IU'all'""""· no ns o · 11' S +.:> . Sal/S plus bench · oor •~'6· u=t-Patio ulf: Sun May 25th. day df:COl'lltor dock $5. clothe• siie 10 and U SOc to each. Station waaon tent $.'
tools & eqUlpment. un S.wi-Machines 1120 er $65. O'Keele le: Men'itt • • MIXED BAG • • Maple dining Bet, rattan AJarm clock $1. 5's.9B70 Assorted electric garnet $1 or aft 6 pm. 5021 McFadden, ··• $'195 Spinets, all stove $50. 6.string guitar & $2. Books 10c to %ic.
HB 1969 SINGER with zig.mg It finishes ••• lrom $549 lo $51'.9 case $35. 646-9T29 Household and p e r'I on a I ~~r ~.=~:.~te!c:'. AKC Labnidor pup, mali;, ~7983, 90S2 Kabulul Dr. each. canvaa wood ca -
-I I M-•· bul plus bench llomo, •"nclad'-Ho-·-" 3,, mon"· · ·~ M"•I KO H.B. ii. Bra58 tray and ercamef ~ATE pragf: sale. 1>ll w como ~· ......,s • • Tr.rms Like Rtnt DWfOND weddJ.na: tel 2 .... '"'"".,.""' 40f Jasmine. CdM ~1540 n .,,,. _.. .... • and sugar $3.. 2 children~
paintings. books, f u r n . • Ion holeA, demgns etc .• $5.2S Gould Mu1ic Com "".. Cts. T. W .. perfecl, flawlellS. Hleland Slrobe, with battery 9'8" JEFFERY D a I e 96U737 . Vacuum celaner, tank type deep inf 'hap $2 each. ~ ,
misc. Sat/Sun. JIM. M'J. mo. or $36.00 Cll!lh. 526-6616 ~ N. Mair\ SA Ji..o&t. Appr S2JSO, sac $gs o . =~~b~ 5 barlllm andholdet: surfboard $75. omce desk FORMALS. used only once, ~ ~~~:.· = Nebraska Lane Sal only. -'1
Larlu;pur, CdM. Musical Inst. 1125 HAMMOND . Steinway ••1• 673--3600 stools. polarold swtnrer cam. $25. ' slu:s l~U.. NCrlfice $10-$15. utel\&llt 0c $3. 2 2 \tCA clock radio& $6 • $S.
BLOCK Garaie. Sale, 1283 . mah& • ne,., 1; Used planos SILVERWARE, Ch._'.ef $1400. era, maple chest and mirror', 617"783 6'2--1106 typewrilf:n $20. Portable Dlshmute:r, good $22. •
C.Onway Ave, 1n Hal~t DRUMS. Sparkle Blue, Slin&· of all m&kes, Best w,y. in ol beautiful Gorham silver. case and bowlirW b&ll, full REFRIGERATOR, so r a , CHAIR $1D. Braided rub $15. $20. Untvenal car radk>, door Jocks $1 • $3. 2 ~~
area, C.M. Yo·i name 11, erland. Comple:te. So CalH r\ahl here: Priced for quick sale $950. wig and cue, maple bed oVft"ltufltd chair, Scott hi-ti Red ahas rug $5. Pl&Uorm t r a n s I t \ o r $25. 25101 players -45 Web ~ $8. CoC:
y.·e've got it. Sat~ Sun. * &48-1334 * Sau.Uor MUSIC' 0),. or best oiler, 544-1246 ~. dishes. bed spread, eooaole, ~washer, mllct scale $25. Pole lamp $12.50. Qwnplaln Rd., Lag una ff!f: table 12x36 16. ~
PATIO SALE • All kinds ol ACCORDIAN. 120 bass con-1907 N. Main. • FOR Sale: Balboa Ba)' Club l'.lll. bird ca,ae. \&k.Ol1l&, and Hems. 425 Heliotrope, CdM Disbea z;c.ss, Vue. SOc-13. HUis, ~1062. all dQ' Silt "POlisher• $6 . .2 imall rad~ -
Goodies. FRI Ir SAT. tel.lo. 9 mo old. take santa Ana Mf:mbttship. w . ~r other Items. 9(6 Park Ave., 2 NEW 3 sPff(I bikes. l Oothl.rv . 50c:-$5. 1761-4 and Sun. r~:a:m %1~~~ ~ ~
900 W. 19th St., O t' o/paJ>"ments 6f,2....()(l)2 pays transfer ftt. mg l..quna &ach, C94-8ll22 man'• I: 1 woman's. $.10 Came-ron · St., Huntlncton
GARAGE SALE B FLAT Martinique C&rinet Hi-Fl & StwM '210 Fortuna, NB. 644-~ .9PANISH wall IOOflCe 5 llaht each. 2U X1tb St Apt D, Beacb. 147-Ull 40 CAR maprines $2 .. 2:1 :;:c ~~r $!n;e:~ c;:, :
JUNK TO ·ANTIQUE $70 or best oiler. Xlnt c:ond. ST'ERJ.JNG Silver, A J le n wrou&hl lnm and baOO N.S. Playboya $3.!iO. Bunk bed'!. 336 .A. Victorta, CM In rear 84fi..1494 *** FISHER 220 ttttl'l{er, Adi Mod r--i .... .....i-blown Klua $40 1t1-mt PET crow PJ. Surfboard $31. Cllmplete top Sl8. Bottom 3910~ Channel Place, N8l
Ga.trod II> lab turntable, er: · ~..-·; ...... headboard • M•";t $1). S2T ~ 4 ~·Good,yur Tu-lS foot puachuta $ 3 . $1!. Portable TVs $2S and 613--lr.Gl · ~ H
HID E ABED, D esk, GIBSON -Les Paul-l'li4ar Sony 58'.J..D tape reu:itder,•2 price $722: .1 a c r I J l c e., Framed Early -AlDtl1can· ra.. tirtl:, 15 wide + rims 540-t101 fteUnds and $20. Marine UV beltery SJO. DANISH ltvina: room Rt
·type w rltcr. refrigtrator w/hard ca.sf:, Nur new. Fisher XP.ga ape a k er s. 6'r.MOO&-m:52400 -mirror $ID. 26., i.,y•a bike • wl tuba Make otter. everrinp. va•Cuum Cleaner $5. Hait each piece. Coffee table. sa,
$12..50 uch. &U-9414 $350. Call 548--2523 Jt.iclr, 494-2737 BARGAIN! Mf:n1benhlp In needs repalr $5. c • 11 M-ZlD'l dryer minus hcJ9d $Z. Blue Single bed SU. Matchlni' e
GARAGE Sa.le-Misc articles. Martin 12 string guitar. Newport Beacb Tennil Cub. 837"'587! 10' x 10' ecreen bouR with AMEJ\ICAN Tourlster 2 ttamp book.a · $2. C'lmp dte•il'I& table with< btnc:b
Open dally. lJll Klnp Rd.. Excellent condition. $250. Tape Recorder1 1220 $700 )'OU pay tra.nsfer !ff. outside Jrame, water sulter $25 Guitar ~ Baby 1tooll 'ISc·. AU klrxts of $2Q. Matchtn& ni;bl stal\t '
NB. &15-"'61 •S<S-2915* &IW<l7 alt 3 pm. * AUCTION * ..,..ii.nt Cost l'lO ..., $40. Delwce car bed 112 _u,,. fln'nllU,. 50c 'ID 110. H1m 15, z ''""" .,., ...........
GARCIA FLAMENCO ~oll~ ~~~: Quality king bed. quilted, 11 .vou will •U or bQ)' MS.'WS bill, bq and shoea $15 H.O. cover books $1 to $%. Sott !~ :_~1 2908 Clltf Dr. N. 0, ~ ~pplltncet 1100 aultax, $200, 6'15-6(86 NB with all '•ttachments, ieS complete, WllU'!'d $98: worth s1V• Wtnd)t a tr:: FOi Siie Jtf.wpcrt: Beach d~~i-packllOWooden We to 30c:. Skateboard .u, ir'Nl"'Vw
(ong. inal cott n "M1, m-0791 S250. Aft 5 or wkndl 847-0406 Auctions n1dQ T:ll p.m. , Te a n.'11 c I u b fa m t 11 lrila\d chtu board $12. 455 Btnt. l..afuna· <up Park lo=AN~~1SH='°'1"1v1"',_-,,-1U01-u-,.-.,=~
SERVEL Ga1 rebiaeralor. . ·--.. ,..,_ .,-·-w· d ' Auct" B -~ ... "'--"--,._ -Ave, l block pul 3rdl ·~ ,...,, ..... •
· a o o d 'condllion. ru. 312 Planot ..... •"" '" · ~~ ~J=: 1n y 1 t0n .,... 5;:iG.....,. _..uo ....... -· ;:;;:; Stlnan.Y bike ,16 Evel')'thl111 roes. g..9 pm. ;~~lep'b:d $ls. ee ~""" · ,
Al)Olena, Balhm l&Jand. e PIANO RENTALS e ~P!rtf"I (foods 1500 Folllllain Vlllley M2-610 Beblnd Tony'1 BJdc', Mat1. BOOKCASE $12, dbl bed. $10. M.lqlL! roclrer $21). 8*-3880 Ca.sh ~y C~d too) .dresalnc table with
NORGE automatic Wasber, SVMMFJt SPECLUS Mt CARBlNE ........... nd. 2075% N~ CM...... ' $29 lQ• ..... 1--s-t Ila
late model, xlnt cond. *Low u fl.95 per mo. • • •""" c:p DIAMOND Solitaire wedcfinc DUMOND ---· __,,_ lilmpl $5 fr. 0rpe.·21t''dt'' 250 YAMAHA enil!Mi '25. SATURDAY IAguna. Beach, S5 ·2 .~lect.'"°!'~t• .,5 117 M 1r.: ... ·-• ......... ...__.. __ • Jtm w/ e!rtru. $'l5. Id, have awr"' $TE, .ti •u.ewu-.. _,. Jona $15. Otlwr JtlmM:tielf. M&4H atttt 10 am. Pair trend! • .. . ... •cu a . ...en .... a.,,,. to rwu-...:: 548-a669 S250 cash. 61S-4U1 aet. 1 cL p!l'ftct, I~ $1)..~ ,,..... nt. • 8lllL doon dl Two amaU . end S15 ffdv -am Dr. ,,.
l '-cu. Fl R.efrl.pnlor with Goukl Musk Compeny SURf'BOARD f'2'' . f'Oltnd have apprt ,.. l&C 1515. TENT ldJ ta. ..,, ....,, 35 MM ARGUS « Air.t'Pt tiblftl-..0 ftdt, Oectne. 5tM1Sl I • • • ..
ke maker ex~Uent conl. 204S N. Mail\ SA 541.(1681 tall. 13 lbs, rio dines, tx· l'M Stereo~ Plillol 'D Diamond pi.rted ~ 6 duty $4$. tent a ... 9 Sil, ahlmtnam ti.Ide chanprt: motor '4 hp S3. 1/3 hp lflec--C'ROCRETED/S-$3 '
$90, 53&-3339 ELEC orpn. two manual Crileht. S50 ~ '~. bott freezrr. Eltc pendant liD ma~ T.W. l ct. ,._ --:"' ..._ e.cb. 2 .._., «iltl Ilk• Irie _...._ •1:• u~~ ..... 5-. Bniil oVe.n tic'.~ .......,. ...... --·~ ,,,,.,,. """"""'--l" ........... ._. GAS ~ w/aell btdn>nic on,tnal • ~ $1Slll. now -··-. ' new. m. 11 and 18 $10.ricl chair $3. Uphols~ wing macblne US. , ....,. • ·timtr,thermobumtt.own S7'XJMoving,mu1tKll,u.ve W.C.Htn1ew MOO BURNSWJCK Ptlol table, CA.<iHRqtsttt$3S,DtlllTS.12x:ll Wool wcMn ru1 . euh.Kodakcamtrsmodel c.halr J5 . Woman"• traineet .• mf ODOdltto.1"14.
size brolltr. $80. 6'B-4265 tax. bu7 thls! «Wi E. l>lb. -·-···.+. Qtptnok. Balls. cues .. «llXI lb Forkllft $ T 0 0, nau~ ~tt~ ... !'!'!!.... No. lA film lln lll M.75. 15 1shI•e11 ht b&e SlS. lncftCllble. edibl. ..._ ..t
WltrRLl!OOL ~dryer, late CM s.6-4411. uvl'V\l'lr. 3S MM auklmalic Wiii radc.-$1T;,. KMISTS Plywood " lumber at eo1t. pu-. ......,. .. ..-...,...._ new ~ lads 30c AMon.d t.nd !ooh lOc 10 ~ SL. •t. '**I
C>Odel. xlnl o)nd. --SA-cRITTO:. n.w "Ctll..... •lri•~~ -SUIUllOAAD ---10'.-Chev INCk. 3030--l'OOl. 'l'I* Cd.-llllt."'"11. Oldl..JO.iZI -'°" ----<looo-U. ud.o<llor .... k: • U. llori
S60. MT-3115 een Master Conde ~. * MT...a21T • Good ft.pe, SSIS.. C.M. w/tdiltl ttnnia '°P-$TS. Mf. .ft VW all tranallllClr ndio S*laJI bromt 1htpt 1letl $10. dothn .. l&JD lit ·IL
1RLPOOL Uf tic $59S. At\S:l.S. 541)..7119 WOR L D BO'OK EN· + 5.1&-6!!07 3 power saoweri; 0'47, 563397 wtUt .,.ar $25. Co-co $1Jp'1 mMt Jlif't on tfaod' =.::::-chain..:.
*wa:!. tale ~~xlnt UPRIGHT PIANO CYa.ol'EDlA. Ne....wl in BANDSAW, l/S HP 1nO*°f, Kl~L&wn, R•mko. I" f'8GU 0Mrw board WI mat1 front and mr Sl't SU. Tw bronze 1ltkfp 96Wlm ma •
cond. $50. &4T"'11S Story • Oark $1$5. box. mo. • S6«a48 Electron1c pnie opentt + Cn.ftaman. AU ldllt. ~ tt.ln4. Mrw, newr-llltld $10. chrfnt kntDclllDUt w he• I 1amtM $11 ach. A.....-i ~~iiiJ·iiia:--;p;;;;;;;-o;iJ~I
DON'T JUST WISH far~ * S4a.oH3 • HOUSEHOLD • " ... her. 2 tn.nemltten $50' --~ Ml-6241 can Sil.-? aft. Dim-CWSI .. fV..JZ./ oonwalft' hardware ~ new lOc'W AQOIJU\Jii& llW'lfl'
1h1,_ to flfnd.ab l10'll' lwnt (X)NN CAPRICE electric marb&e tables, d.lneUie, BP. 3 GOLF' mrt whttll w/ tint " Sack Ml:ur, electrie SINGLE ......... M NB .. ~ ~1!!_ t ab J • ~ 1,~__!=. HIUt ::-S!i IO IJ I ·' If
...... Sacriftct.1""" rum. Misc It.ma. M)..46t• sa. TR 3 p.t"!aM $.1.· Compltt.9 MobUe unit $10t Tennis a.. '"'°" 1ne1.-'••l11'ftt-....,..._,~ "('•Y~• .... -•
.•. ftod-lbonlnk> oraan. .,_. ~MIT ·-· -... ---•• 'a~·1 QIAlfled Adi. * MJ.17A2 * -DAU.Y PILOT WMn' ADS? * .,.,_,. * ~ ·-.. ,
f-<!'. I • ·-" 4 I •< -IFl_,,.,r " •-:·•roMo_.,.,..., ........ ""'_...,.,,.~.-~-~-o<V= -·---::~~"':"''":"-"::'°!'-""'" .. -~'!'°'!'~'":' -::-•~··~·~---..,.,.,"!:' ---·,•-•::--:....,....,,..:7""'"-c•~•=·::••':·~:::~:;::;;;:;;;;;wlillll!IF''l'"': • '.... ...,... ;..... •••••• ' ............ 1o ........ t·-·· ..,_..,.,. ~ ••1·t•oo 'I •l•I• ..... ,,. 0 ''~"''' -•·•••·••••••••••~•·•·•••••••••••• i••f"-.•••"••••••• •• .__ ........ , i.. ................ ·-+1,•• .. ,__ ........ , ................. f ..................... ,.. •• • .. .......... ·-·· • ...... .. •• • • .... '~ •
H-'• How YM Can Use FOUi CONVE"11Nt Ol!f'CES
' . . . 'NIWr"blT llACH --22'11 -.. llN.
0 COl1A M1SA -. lJO WOii lop
o HUlfTlllOTON llACH. '..:._ JOt --
O U.OUNA llACH ·-·-:IJ2 -A•-
NlGlft! I 1\SQda j '$3.rio'tJ.ftf:b· SU.VER. k'vwana '•bout 10
.WIUle vlJ"'1. lliadliioid $6. '"""" to.., $28, 543-!1622 ';pdam:t~·:.-=~ ~1-2:~~~::~.l:fi'F.:DON.'T PINCH '."uare table &la.u baU claw $3. Bunk spreads S2 each. ~ ~ • t ',~. 1iet $1l. l.at"Ke corner t•ble Deep fryer $2.50. I c e j ff. pool fl~ ta, Pool ·a=i'~li~~ §t~J~~~~~~~on:~: YOURSELF Jim $1. l &allon to 10 gallon $1.50. ~ whttll $1.50. new condition, European •I '.llld mUk c a n 1 good for 2 men a sweaters I 3 . etl'!:tch aki panta., •lr.e 14 : ,decorator or quaint ~p Ashtra,y, pua.lca, nowcn, ... ., p-~-,, Aft•r ·'" • 13 to $9, n pieces books. curtain rods, skates, ......... ....,,,.. · ..., l Wcd&cwood c h i n a Hedge pitch-back, food cutter, pat-boots, 1b:e 7-7%, S7 I>res&es.
l "'rW pattern JU Girl'• terns 5c to SJ. Pk:turei 25c>-size 14 $5. Blouses $3--$5.
8cbwlM bicycle m In or lo $25. 8911 Shore Cir. H.B. ~"'.., .. ="~lB'-~~-..,--,-
p&ir $5. Outdoor barbeale 962--TI78 MOVING Costume ' jeWl!'lty
,.._ -llector old bottles ""'-a>.-n.--<t<:-~ a.I" -'" •~ ~-. ruo~• -~· ~ I :p, 0then $1 each to $3. PROMOTION \ime! ~ ... ""I lOc 25c. Ladlel. me 38.
I Good box 1pri.ngs and mat· chltfon sheet ler:gth a~ novelty wool and orion
1crcu lor double bed SS caclt. S25. Call be tore 8 p.m. sweaters U-$,1. Lad t e,
,"'Glassware and an ti q u e ~1319 sluts. orlon lhelll, bkJultl
China lOc lo $3. Coppertone ANTIQUE rocker $15. Ant\. 'lSc-$1. Skirt, auita.. jackell I molds 35c each. 2 old no.er que cant rocker sis. A.nU-$1~2. Dre88e1· $244. Whl~
:bu)tels mel&l inside 75c que cane Chad, matchVig b'mal, gold trim SS. Boy'1
I ,nch. Loll ot pk-lure frame• $15. 3 tiedrOOm chain sa shirtl, shorts, slie 12-14
50c lo Sl.75. Back t~a each. 535-03n 50Nl. Good but ou~.
ma&azinel 5c each. Hobb1e1, New yardage and remna.nte,
antique joumal l.s&ue1 25c ENLARGER 2X3 $20. Easel SOc-$1..50. Older Underwood ! "ea.ch. Sat and SUn. 24th and $4. Lena $15. Lamp 13.50, ty~wrlte?; $8.50. A 1 n e J I !!h:..,..~ Memphll SL H.B. Timer $10. Dryer S l O . ~eta dark bro"'1\ n.·,a.ean
~... 962.-5278 1 mn The. 2136 Preajdent ~ E kittens, males SMALLWestinghouse rt .. C.M. • j "Seal Point 16 weeks. train-rdrigerator. Works good 1052 Palisades Rd., S.A..
I #(), must go $25, with CFA SlO. 673-6071 HeightJ. Motonoooter $25.
"pa:::!'.:pen.::::...:962-486<::..=..,.,.-::::-". IHID&A·BED couch $25. End ~°;'· V8bod:ngi~· s:.
j D.J.A.C parts Sl to '25. 4 tables $25 eadl. OR 5-1797 Starter SID. Generator SlO. ~ck-~szi.~Sm ~~ BOX spring and mattreu, Auto tranamlSBion S 2 O.
... ~ twin lize. Used. Cood mat· Radiator 112.50. All b' S25. Cabinr:t for tress S20 · for the set. same, also body partl amt $25. 15 gallon "iquar!.um $15. Steel gulbu' ti4t-M68 s:>-41l1. 57 Ford 312 engine
&am bottles SS each. PORTABLE t y Pe w r i t e r $25. Auto transmiulon $20.
197-7350 Smith Cmona t10 Virtue Brakes $10. Star~ $10. ;:::::::::...------1 aet. white formica and light Generator. $10 Body Jlltfs
blue chairs $15. Rattan patio $$.$lo; 1all far imhe. 51 Cev
chairs and iron -table $15. 6-&0Qll'body and,Booob?r;no
New expensive stainless ~·$25. 57 i;>lymrutlr ef:an-
steel cook set $15. Toys Sc-ltard transmw!On ·SIS. 64 11';!:....=:..::.:.:.:=~-~= 1 fl. LUggage 20c-Sl. High Chev 6 motor S25. Starlt?t
chair la Stroller 5 O c . $31. Generator S20. all for
Trame• Sl-$3. Hand vacuum same.
tl. Wonder horse S2. Pole =so"'c"m=--M°'""ap-.1-c,-:,:;:..,::,::-,-:oc;f l
lamp 25c. Dog bed 75c, drawers ]71Ai x 64 x 37 HI 8
Clock radio SI. Painting drawers $25. 3 speed G.E .
euel SOc. Clothes hamper n" fan for 1 um me r
SL Clothes 5c-S25c. Antique coolness S7. Touter $2.50.
frame & mirror SS. Plate Table ndio, works · $2.50.
mim>n 11-$2. Vases, dishes, 'I.ove-eeat, good eonetruction
carxiles Sc-$3. Saturday. 325 ineedJ sll~ $10. 2 maple
TRUMPET, very good, gold Fullerton, Newport Beach. arm chain with 2 cushlans
hnisb $25. Cuc a n d U S-1413 each -need cleanlnc $5 and
mouthp\ece and muaic Liar PO'ITERS's wheel, electric SIS. Prov. ceiling ll&ht fix·
1'15-Comet $25. C a s e , $15. Child's 2 Bided easel $3. ture w/ red glass shade
iOmou.thplece and music L~ 12 ft. x 6 tt. chain link fence $3.00. ?a.1a.gnavox ID-Ft arxt
$10. Want string ~. with gate $10. 2 twin Maple record player, needs work ~net excellent, ebony spool bedstead.!! S4 each. no. 4 CIYJtd elec. organ ft
11"00d $25, CUt IL n d Metal adjustable' lroning 3 Unique garden chairs,
mouthpiece $10.. Clarinet board $2. Padded perclse need euy to make coven $2
_eomplete $1.8. 536-8541 slant board $4. rz arm each. 8 shutters 7% x 26, 50c:
ARD shaped 3 pica! chaises, no pads $2 each. each. Telephone shell $3.:iO.
i.ning table, antiqued green Wooden typewriter table $2. 422 Heliotrope, Corona• del ll,.,"""'1. wrought iron lep. 26D Nassau Road, C.M. Mar 6'5-597'1 -
(You're Not Dreaming)
But You Can
with a
Classifi·ed Ad
Large eectlon 66" long $25. SELLING fttate itenu in-6 "VENETIAN 'blinds,. \IRd,
End ~tio1111 22'' long S8 cludina: many oil paintings vuk>ua 1lze1 SS· Arm:I cot ~acb. 6 ~n · nsugahyde SJ..$7. Relrigeralor $1 o. $2. 9 used Jlahing poles, no
dining chain SS each. Books 25c Today. s o 7 reels and 14 spoole of lines
Hardwood work table with Larkspur. CdM. $5. Folding veneer door, 61Ai A N • K• d f w t drawer <42x70 $7. Snow sklis <' at--' t i: Metal ew lft 0 an TYPEWRITER. U~e-·~ x , .. ~. new ~· S8. Full Aile R 0 y a I ..... • ............ double sliding door, 6' x 6' x =;1
therltems. ~=':!d5::611· x ~-:!'hi:::=;~~Ad Thal Really Gives
DRAFi'ING table S l 5 . 27', useable $25.. Maple not a g1a.u door $1.5. Hand y E p I
Polaroid Big Swinger $10. =it~~ co~;e ::~e ~ mowing machin!. used .. 'l:l. OU very enny 5
'hie "phonograph SlO. ool •s Magazine rack, used 35 x ~ girl'• dolhhl&' 25c lampg SS each. Bar at .. . 98" S3. Plumbing rack $5. Worth • $5. Hair dryer $8. Fur Picturei., gold and white frames •c. each. p~ 54~5143, call from 7AM to .jllol. e $33. Records 10c • $1. .., 7PM ~dmlral TV S25. 968--4758 lraroel $1 each. Box spring and mattress am trame.13'~AREA=~,,....--.-,..=,-.,,"1"'00,
14" PORTABLE G.E. T .V. 1 double $15. CheltJ $10 each. good condition $20. 2906 Alta ~ar old 115. Packard &!-U eurtains, yellow sheer tier Visla EastbluU 644-0780
speaker b}'Stem with pre-$l. :z pair whit~ 5heer $2. PORT·~ m .,. Sinner eewlng amp 2 years old $15. Green Drapes $4. Traverse rods, IU>J,d;. ,..,
,.Maul 8'6 aurfboa.rd ;25. All 11.ll sizes 52 and s3. \Vall machine, complete w I t h
ilJllendid condition.~ hung 1t.·ash .bowl with faucet case and attachments $\S.
1i7.e J.flnolta camera $8. Hampt!rs S1 a.nd $2. Ceil· Counter top fl I e c tr I c
with case $9.50. Polaroid ing fixture SOc. Copper & washin& machine $10. Kiddy
bmera with e. I I at· brass hanging lamp S2. car S2. Wall 1helf $1, Elec-
1t.s.chmcnl.!I and case $25. Area rug, .ii x 6, $1. tric mixer S2. Pel can')'ing
'told candelabra $ 6 . 5 O . Sllvertone Hi • fl and rccortl ba.-;ket $5. Bookl :isc. Old oil
Polaroid copier SS. Men"s cabinet $10. Webcor Hl·!I ~mp $7. Old ·caboose lamp
'Jou clubs-bag $12.50. Euro-$20. Po r t a· a· c rib S:>. JS· Cast iro"n. owl andirons 1
;?.Can halr.\\>\g $22.50. 3 pain-Playpen, wooden $4. Mesh eomplcte wlU( JOc 'rack ss. ,
tings $15 each. 2 stel"'l!O $5. CollCO training seat $1.50. i1', hone electric motor ti.
apeaken S20 pair. Portable lntant seat SL50. Bottle Iron "I-tome Sweet Home·•
tape ttcorder S2S. BW>Ch 1terUizer Sl.50. Car seat Sign Sl2. Old H a r p e r
'.'3a:s' 50c each. Sl:r:e 12 $1.50. Doessea. 9-10. S143. . 11 ch ~-, skirts. d Te Is c s ' Shoe nd bags matc;1ing $2 magu:1ne11 ea . -.-t
, '"5We&ters The 10 $2. 2 minlc and ~a Set lam'J)ll SI and $2. Iron !!k:illct St: 'Guitar S3.
ts $3.50. Day bed $6.50. Toaite~ S3. Clock radk> $4. Coca Cola C®ler 1$3. Antique .:!lndow 1 fan $5. 18650 Artificial {lo~n. Sc. Vues picture frame $10. 'Pottery .. Brookhuht, 968-4910 and bowh1 50c-$f. Toys and jUgl $4. Fern stand Sl•.
ERA couch·bed s 1 o . games l<lc-$.1. 225 Tulane Shirley Temple doll $25. 480
~S. v 11. s e 1 ar.d Rd., Costa J..leu.. .. CabriHo, b I o c k from
ttramlce JOc to $4. Slnil'r RED Shag cotton 6 x 9 rug \VestcliU Shopping Center, ·
portable scwtng machine $1.50. Tape recorder S!i. C.M~
$10. Ladles 11\Jltca.se SJ.. needi ~k. 2 chil4 life .,...~=.r"M.,.._"""°'-~.-,-,...,.,~ .... ....,~, 1
Ledie1 11hocs .6% and 'T t1 flrt'51!.1'Yf!tl'I S2.50 each Pr ~ reoord pl~r $17.
pair. 1'ile prescrvt'r $2. Tom ~ antique satin drapes Gtn',1 bike SJO. Boy'• blft
&. Jerry set $3. Radio, ele::-fill 9 ft window $5. 646-2882 fT,50.1 Portable dilhWUber
tric and elf!Ctronlc parts :!!le TURQUOISE Twin spreads, PJ. Lawn mowt.r $5. PoM.r
to S3. Soldering iron Sl. New beautiful condition 2 for ,15. l'riCtwer $25. r>owfir mo'Net,
Anaco Cadet lit f 1 a.• h 2 pa.ir turquoise floor length net?ds· vaJve ,.. b 11 0 . ca!Ml1l kit, 4-burncr r.ltt-tric hot plate $5. T.V. lined dre.pr.1 $.1 pr. Oval Upbal1lered tockt'r. need&
. monitor $7. PluUc arcny white linen cloth fill 88" l'C«'lvering SS. Portable car
men apd equ1pment & Pt•r table $5. Oval gold linen a ir eOndltioner S10. Hoovwr
bag. ~lyv.'t'IOd bed 1rame1 cloth fit1 · 68'• ta,ble plUA 8 uprlaht V«cuum SS. BUii
$.l.60 pieces p)pe nipple• $1 napkir11, ~t $6 Coa!ter aet $Wttpcr $2. r. ll 1' h l IP.' 50c. Pyre" bo\vl iiC I SOc. 3 and S1 2.116 Delaw•~ yards new (ab;ric Sl.SO. dispoQLI $1. 1513 Orange
1'70 famllk:s hllw V&S<l-artificial flowers. $1 AW. 642-5666 ·~~-~-~~-~"' doaated choice items fllr Punch jug and glasses $3. 1V for Ale. jOOd picture ;ri.
thil P . Motorcycle Place mall lOc each . M5489S
wtndltrleJd $3. Motorcycle Oilldren'• car 1eall $1 eact1.1,,~_ro=RD=-..,,.-:'.~, .. ~.,-~1~,.,..l.
lllln'on 50c nch. Lawn N9t new chUdren'• sa.f.ely •M> M'~~
moWft-"•(lood\ $.l. Kantnt btltf' SL5IT' e&eh. -Dctftt1..--=:-==....,,==::: car bed $2.50. Table toP baby food wanner St. SilYC!'l' 3 HP, eleciric underwater IDlll< $1D. 8831 Coral Aw. water pitcher 17. WOCM11'1 pump $25. 646-4644 ~ • M-'>• H.B. I ha-...te lkl booU. ""SI> MOVt& P"Ol!<tar 12 I .
a.a lo 1 p.m. $8. Framed pOstcr Sl. EQ\aU Portable movie IO"ffn $12.
ARJAl<T -ts; 2'-. I ook chal< SL Sprtalder $2. eimoi,._ C.,. 16. D<yllght _125 -. ...,.,,eano.ir eamp1rc ...,.hie toilAlt •SJ . ..i...,.13 ·Ill Aluminum
~parts $5 to 125. Tun-Oilld'I stool 50c. Crib pad ex:tNdona, 2'' x l·~" X 6 ft
fd --•ndooure OOc. l'Oriable plailpen $1. • as. Oi:nlilr doors 110. &by Ji.Imp 1eat $1.SO. Mital ~· Trawnel roch 12,.· 111
O.CO bed i10. Yciuth hed r~ SUD. Mower ~r new C4tT}' 08 or mp
sll. °""" 1n...,.1t s;. sat. 110. un Edon! Lano, ...., 5· 6'>61JJS
A Jlmt. S)f..7193 WestdlU ~77 21 '' TV 1251 1T'' p:rtable TV -'
R. 3Smm. ca..w DlNETJ'E Tittle with e~tn $%>; wotidtg OK.' Electric
Sl0c ~ ,$$: SCrttn lt11.f arill 4..,.~ cbairl. bt1tcr $5; 1'able nmo SJ.
• All m. new. ~ ...,.. ud aol<I $25 6*-J.19l S.nctwlch .,.Ule 13. "6oJSl5
Any Item For Sale
$~0 or Less!
Will Work For You/
o.. ,._. D.1.... ·A· Un ..
·~-...... -... --_ .. _4_ .......... . .... ~ ....... -
• IMlo 11 .. -M pri~ wllll oo 11 ......
$31. c-u ................ ,., ...
llOM!f boat butld e r1 :
Ma"'*'"¥ aDd teak ICllkl tlP'
to 11' 10111 tor moldltWS.
Ai.lo ~ plywood llCl'apS
lOc • $2. Daily Until tlOld.
GREEN Philco rtt;ri&erator WALNlll' cof1~ tabl• an4
Sli Norse gas deyer $2$. e:nd tablea $20. Bl.by ~
Aecc...wies $10. 2 desks SS rial' sis. st0-3286
each. H~a·bed S 2 0 • BOAT 8 fout dingh)t, ~ ~f a t c b In g chair SS. reUnishlni SlD. Slot car n.~
Aquariwn. 5 gallon $5. me set, complete runA. SUli
Aspect -' !l'rowel -Ei;nbryo Camper Honda carrier $15. 675-5689. 300 36th, Ne~
OOUBL.E J~ollywood bed, -Ban~.~-1nd~ -'En-.22 rUle &nd case. S17.5D. lO Beach
1oam mattress $25. TMn dlflie--ENDS~ rpeed bike, needs work $10 . .::::='-------!
bed, com"i..te $25. ~le Fubion. ,trend watcher'• r 168'ii E. 21.s.t SL C.M, rear. SD4MONS 1tOO.io couch S15i .,... nt 'The be.rl 64>-2740 Kitchen set $2(), Fotm,ica «!incite table, 1 leat, $20, cormuie : _.,. .... table $5. China cabinet Pl
palr Maple bunk bed neclcHne keepl &olnc down LOVELY creen glass a.... 642.-5570 ~es S2S Maple rocker and her hemline a:oin&: up, black W'J'OOgbt iron swag .:::;;:_::.;:_ _____ ~,I
S25. Maple . eoUee and end ~~:e ~ ~~ lamp and chain. Large and SCHWINN boy's bike $2>.
tables $20 each. Pair Early ""-===~=-'"=-~· 1-auttable 1or indoor or out, 5'8-8676 American sp1m1.nc 'libeeJ WESTINGHOUSE •utomalic $%), 2 i.vy" duty Hollywood LOVEL~=~Y:,...t-ee-,-.,,.~-m-~lae-, I
lamps $25. 3 drawtt c:heft .wubtr S25. Portable TV bed frame• and castors SS clothes. I. M&i'lln. Bullock'I
$15. 5 dta'Ner cbeSt $25. $15. 11163 Samu Dr. C.M. each, Antique pine rocker $1 • $15. Sewing machine
Walnut delk $25. Maple &tu-DRAPE:i; 32.• Jong by UO" sz. Bueball c a t c he r ' s $25. fm..5824
dent desk S20. Maple cksk wide. Beige, good material ma1k.. glove for 11 tt1 eo ct.D--Sa-.-tunl-.,-Eve--,.,-,-..,._.,
chair SlO. 6421186 Includes btaM rod, rinas leaguer $2. Free TV for n. 642.-1320
and brackets SID Round parts (you remove from 1 --------~
LARGE bullet S2S. Tier table -con59le}, pJue custom 018.de 6 PIECES, 4' x 8' ~ v,:alnut table with ncvamar w••"rn boo'· 115. Daybed 518" thi"i. exterior plus 2•Ji with doors . SIO. Drapes 'l:l fin'·' •-r---or din in,,. "" ......, ..... ""'t-' uaii"" -.. St. Jewelry, books, 25c to 4'11 and shelving wood. $2&
pair. Curtains SOc. Shoel, table for 4, S:ZS. 540-86.18 SJ. Dreues, s weal er s, 64&-$416
size 6 $1 pair. Punel $1 CLEANING Sale. Dilhes 5()c.. alcl..t•, qUilted house coat,co ~:,:Z;.Y.:.:;:M:.e~'p-l•_d_l,,.-tto~'t_ab_le-.~cl each. Maguinea, Llle, Bet-II P'·"-en......., 1:11 c..-.i-·.,. 15 '
'" ""-·
11""'book, n...., ··-II "' Tr ~·13 I W O
· ._.,.. • .,. ~~·"" ..... v..,. s~• 12 to 16, 75c lo · feet diameter, $211. Mat-•~
,._... -... P~-.::s ...,, ay1 ........ ~ Hc:istess M!t, 8 glass P all'! maple chairs, 2, $15. -
books 15c f!a.ch. Dresses candle holden 2 0 c -7 5 e , and cups for S2. Salt and eellent condition. M a p If l'~>. 50c • $2. Jackets $3, Some 1Uver, 1tain1Ctl! and peppen, pol!! and pa~s, hlgh chair $8. Net erlb/pe;
Sweaters 25c. 2 ladles coam, crysW pieces 20c-$5 Linens, dJ.ahea, ~ to $3. 380 Mll'8. $5. Maple bunk bed w\
nice, 16~. $1£1. Oocka $5 many hand embroldered -'"'"""=·:,,C.~M.""=546-9358:=::::'-;;;;-;;;:; I mattress $20. 204. Sapphire, each. Radio $10. '2633 Elden, 25c-$1 Desk lamp, modem, SCHWINN'° S"-SID 19" Balboa Island. 673-7•~9 '
0 rear, pleue park oUt&ide. like new $10 Oothing, ex-uugTay ' .._.
WASHER S25. Refrigerator cellent condition, 8-10.12-14 portable TV $25. TV stand EXCELLENT used carpet,
bloo"'· skirts, sweaten $3. Frigidaire c u 8 1 0 m light and dark coJon. 16x21,. $25. Small refrigerator $10. 1m ·ai dish asher S25 s 110 362 E. 20t.b CM and dresse1 50c-SS M~n·:s pen w • 10xl0. 12xl2, lOc sq, ft. 30"
love · · · shirts and jackets SOc-$2 271 Mangle $15. 3l 4 Villanova Mattens $3. Glass coff~
M&-"7862 E. 16th St., C.M. ,;Rd;:c""c,,..M~. ~~==o---table $5. 234 Knox St. CM 6i-
'5:i FORD.% ton pickup truck GOOD buys. Ant\quts: Se\v· %" DRil.L Sl8. 6Zl-8801 1 Evenings.
parts Sl • $25. 548-7862 ing machine $2.50 P..lason OLD G.E. re!rigerator S8. DINING table, 6 White
jars Sl Horse bridle $3 Ele<:tric fan S2. Heavy naugah,yde chairs, 2 leaf eX-
Swing set ·ss Lawn mo\\-er quilts for camp $3. Kool box tension, buffet to match $25.
$4. Regina Door poli&her and SOc. Ironing b o a rd U. Stauffer table $25. White
lhampoocr $25 Hlah cha.Ir $3 Chain; 50c. Old iron stove chest. formic& lop $2(1. I
Folding chairs p · ll&ch $6. Lamps SOc-$8. Electric dra"'-cr. Twin bed bol:
OOG house 21 x 27 x 19H $20.
DOG buket $2. Twin box
•Pl'inl and mattreu $20.
Roekitli c:halr $5. Living
room cha.tr SS. Table lamJ>fo
SS • SUI. Hanging lamps $18
• $25 • .ii foot round mirror $5.
Crutches, adjustable $ 6 •
Double peel rail Sl G.
Vacuum cleaner. l Toover
$10. SIO\V ski Jlnd poles. $6.
Projecting table . tor movie
camera $5. Timer-time-o-
lite SlD. Photo-ehlarger $18.
Photo reprinter S.S:
Guitar $15 18" sidewalk bike bot water heater S 5 • springs and mattre11 likf
$8 Clothing 50c·Sl. 855 San.. Dresses, suits 50ci25· Shoes new $25. 644--0228
tiago Rd. C.M. Mesa Del SOc-.$5. Old sewing machine
Mar. $25. Playpen $5. Apelco 2
MOVING to traUer. 2 plece way radio, 8 crystals SS
sectional and m a t c h 1 D I e.acn.. 12V light plant-motor
chain $25 each. Dual head· U). Generator· $20. 1973
boan'I and 2 night com-Federal, Sat-Sun.
Armadillo purse $10. New
tire: 815 x 15 s 8 .
lterrt&'eratolt, 2 doCr SS.
64.5-0071. 8llfi Towne St, C.M.
modes S25 each. Several RATTAN Furniture w It h
twin bed box sprinp and wrought iron lramcs. 2
maltresses $7 each. Sidi MW chairs and 2 tables '16'. high
and extra blade $12. Down $10 each. Sears outdoor
filled Cha.lac lounge $15. 2 clothes dryer $10. Gradeo
gallon outboard gas tank $9. hose feel with spr~~ $5.
Uig liter and log1 $20. G.E.. Lar&e metal trunk $8..
mangle $25. Lampe $5 • $15.. Singer portable s e w i n g
2-700 x 14 truck tires $2 machine $15. 2859 Serang
DINE'ITE set, table and 4i
chain 1211. Tu<qoobe ;
piece sectional SI.5 "tacli.
Good condition. ~llSer s20.
Beautiful Vicky Va u i'h ii
white dres11, worn once to
wedding, siz.e 718. be ~
for graduation $20. 10181
Halawa Dr. HB. 546-9758 ·
ANTIQUES -Little round top
trunk dated 1872 $ 2 O
Deronted milk and cream
cans f].5, Wagon wheel SU.
Fruit pictures 1$4 • SS. Metal
bank $4. Several dea:n.tm"
plaques dated 1843 and U90
$4. Whiskey jugs $2 -$4.
Kerosene lamp Sl. Frame
$7. Set o1 4 train pictures #.
Child's ice cream puior
chair $.l!i. Glass butter dish,
(domed) $4.1 OJd !Nit Jan
11· 13. Sat-SUo 1o!~ ff.
Bayfront Bl (Garage in
SAT &: SUJv:lay only 9-S. Odd eac:h. Trailer hitch and Pl., Melf:-Verde.
antique chairs S2 and 13. Hellwig overload spring1 ANTIQUE Mirror, oval, 44. x
Picture frames 1Dc-50c Old $15. Heavy mmmerctaJ two 21 120. Small antique mir-
Plchire fiimes $0c-50c Old chain SlO. 545-4412. 3129 ror 24" x 12 $5. Double bed
violin $10 RefripratDr S25 Bermuda Dr. C.M. $ 2 o . M a t t res 11 a n
Goll cart $2 Old Steins lOc-26'" PAPER bike b&Uon sprtng1$25. Vanity $15. End
$1.75 Touter and .irons 50c-tires, good condition $21).. table.&, 2, SlO. Shelves $5. AU
Sl. Lola of clothing lOc-~ 2020 Continen'tal c M. nearly new neVermar ~nd
Jewelry 5c.a>c 3 old trunkli ' ' tables. modem $5. Twin bed
SIO and $15. 208'1 l\.larian 23 INCH mack and white box: spring and frame. $10
Way, near 2lst & Orange, TV, maple cabinet, new pio-G'---..... -.., .• .:. 646-8774 CM tur.e tUbe f25. Bmm mov;ie ...,... .. _ .. _..., SIAMESE, female, bluepoint.
camera and projector m MOVING. Dinette set $%5. born Xmas, need1 poc1
1WO Scuba diving reulalions 644-0198 Lamps $1.75 to $7.50. T.V., dogless hom~. Scratch pole
Sl0.S25. 40 lb hunting bow ~~~-~~~-~ works .........., ttn, Storaae included $10. 962.-1898
5 ~ ho $""' CAR cooler SlS. Suiteases $3. ..,........ ,..., 1 ;0;;""""'""=':;.,:;;:~-I $1 .w gal.Ale s t gun ...,, chtst5 Sl.50. C o o k i n g "l'VPEWRITER 1-. Boy's 642-4337 Lamps $2. Old records Sc .,. 4 s.J each. 106 • 9th St. Newport utenilUs 'lSc-$3. Glasses 20c. . bike no. 8 drawer cheat $lO.
GLASS shelves, 50 pieces 31" Beach. 675-4508 "'"""""'Ral;;;;•,;ig"h:,SC:l::'..,=C"-.M=. z.= 1 iron bench with vinyl seat
x 12~" paid $5.65 each, sell.1 ===-~---~ BEAUTIFUL Larie medium $10. Boy'i,; clothes, toys 35c.
for $2.50 Excenent con-ELEVEN concrete P a t 1 0 bl 3 12 307 E 191 ••• ~·· nd 24" 36" 4 g, • 1>tyle dining set, ta e, . . b SI. .....,...,~ dltlon, not a R c rat ch. rou s ' · leaves $25. 6 chairs $17
646-0045. 2'71 E. 16th SL diamete~. Exposed pebble each. Chrome dinette, red, 4
C.M. finish $20, Mfrll38 chairs $25. Divan $25. Easy
SUNDAY only. 540-7590. TENl969proof setJ S10each. chair no. Toaster $3,
China dishes S4 Bathinette :543--,,,.,21"71~=""""~-,,--~ Portable record player $5.
S7 French Provincial chair 2 ROI.J..AWAY beds and Mixmaster $5. Double waf·
S2S Bookcase $15 Playtex mattress $25. 2 army cots fie iron ST. % ton com·
nUrMr set $l Clolhe1, siu' 9 and pads $10. Will sell preasor $25. Large b1ower
& 10, Sl·S8 Baby jump seat &eparate. 548-7349 coil $25. %. motor $25. 4 x 8
S4. 19" PACKARD Bell portable x 2 sheet, at;vrofoam $7.50
FULL size crib and new TV with stand, worioi good each. StoolS, odd chairs
mattress S20 22" x 23" x 33" $25. Maple coUee table $5. 7Sc-S5. Electric ha.it clip-
s 8 ~5223 pet11, electric razor SIS
BOY'S 20" Stinjray bike ~
etillent condition $17. Many
extra stingray parta: t1 • ca
8081 Yorktown, HB. 962r7898
DINING table $15. 2 cha.in:
S5 each. 646--0726
90 CAR magazines $2. Blue
chlp books S2. Playboys, 20
for $3.50. Portable TV1 $25
and $15. 12V battery Sl. 455
Bent, Laguna alret 5:30
BELLY boards, kneeboard1,
$5 • $31. 6'1 0'" gun $25.
Shaped blank S20. 49S--OiJ
SETTEE 6'9", rlch vel"Vti:
'''il't! animal cage each. Clothes. shoes, 25c-S5. Silverplatc Sc a piece High 0o~MN=~G-w_a_to~h-7171~T-.5~0~. 541H1467. l966 Wallace, Apt.
chalr SJ. 3017 Ceylon Rd. 540-99911
l\tesa Verde ~=-==-~~~,._,-..,.-D., C.M. LARGE deep double laundry
WALNUT ol!lce swivel arm !'iink S7. Typewriter S20.
chair, like new t20 2432 J eep cana $2.!iO. Rug 11ham·
Bowdoin Pl. Costa Mesa oU pooer $2. 54().9990
Fair Drive. ··" ~'f71 ~, "c~t~l\~V~A~Y~-..,,c'",-,~.,.-
QUALITY baby items. like camper, as is S25. 646--0688
ne1v. bathlnette-dressinettc
with new penna tub $9 G.E. OFFICE copier $25. Bed
eleclrlc feeding dish $5 frame and apring f1 . Phone
Baby walker $3. 2432 Bow-11tand $1. Men's 1hoes, roller
doin Pl .. Costa l\fesa oJr skatcg $4.. Children's shoe
Fiir Drive ~ !'ikal~ $1. Push lawn mower
St. 54()..JTh!I. 7184 Albatrms,
4 HUB caps fit older Chev C.P.1.
Md P.1G 13 Dishwasher SlS I==,,.--,,,--..,-,,,---:;;=
\Yonder horse, as new $5. STEEL oUk:e desk S25.
67:>-0338 Utility tra.ller. licensed 69,
S25 Cl"lb, very nice S25 P.fat·
tress 1$5 Playpen $5 Stroller,
very good quality S15 Baby
Items $1-$3 Feeder tablt S7
Beautiful ash head and loot
board with bed fNunt $25
El..:trlc broorn SU. 321.
Pirate Road. 646-1149 "a
ROCKING chaiT SlB WickeT
cha.it $3 Double bookca&e
headboard · $7 Chairs fo
reflnli1h $1 Card ta Ille. $1 OU
palriting S3 Step stool $1.15
Pair lamJU SJ Btdroom
lamp St ChUd'3 chair $1.75
Bueball bat [I Maple eof'o
Ou:rBOARD motor $25. Goll
bag cart $10. Larae Ian
lamp ahade 13, Golf clube n
each. Small 6 cubic foot
quick frttttr u n I t, needs
frlon Sl~. Toy.11 lOc -$1.
Large ti.by buggy $10.
Bathlnette S.S. Hi1h chair SI.
Gun nriek $3. 9 x 12 pad for
rug $2. Portable era.die for
baby $.'>. Alumlnurn 1nme
bathrOom wlr\dow S 5 .
Chlld'1 peg taj>I~ Sl. Early
Al'{lct lcan chair $4. 540-1889
or 3287 Grorgia Pl. C.?o-1. 8-5
PJ\f. Sat and Sun only
iw..r table $7 Flttscrecn 13 USED build~ s u p p 11 c 11 :
COffte ta.bl~ $3 Floor lamn \Vlndow 2' hiab x 8' w\de
S4.SO Electric coHH pot with center Uxed panel, two
U .!SO Pewter campote S7 aides roil out no. 4 door
Pole lamp $3. 3157 Kerry fol~lng doon h:ll' •nl~
L&Po. 3 block:& west of TllOw x 6/Th x l.J/8 S14 A
F.~w near Baker, Satur-5/lOw x S/8h x 1-311 112.
daY ef---. RCA T.V. Lal'g(' llCf't"en 1 ' .. ""ov"IN"°"G~.-m-.... ...,..., ... =t.-;N"lce::
..._.. cabinet. gooil -$25 Desk chair SS.
condition $25 P.tahopny (Of.. Rl!OWd a.lhw'nl 11 • SZ. eorne
fee table $15 Naupb1de nOt ~· Kltchtn ta~e
1Mp-rodcl"I chair 125 $7C"Clutalm II a"4 12. I
lamp, J&ra1! $1.50 Knick· Antique Pft11 nlafit 11.t1ndt:
knack 2 Wh~• $4 Plcturts $4 each. Ladlt• M.lu P11.t
13 •nrf S4. Jarge. eo.,,,nnc skirts and drctM:•. 11:r:e lo
ball 'tlftd .me. SS Coleman or $12 St • SJO. All Un tx·
camp 1tove $5 Br a • • ttllcnl oondlOon. Posten
pl!'nten. pair 50c. TWiri :l!le. Wom~n·1 11hots, 111lic
beds, t.hest of dral\Wl UJ. fili-T, 50c • Sl palr. ~
}'till et:r:e bed !l'pring and bro,..11 braided oval rug $)0.
maltress $10 2161 Pl1eentfl ~ Azur. Aw., Santa Ana
near ViclClfla. &n-79111 l~el1ht1. f,40-1307
WRECKED 1960 Cornet Sta· good condition S19. Quality
lion wagon for parts $25. venetian blinds, as new: 82'"
548-89SS x 64" $9. :m" x 64" $5, 20" ll
COUCH, Kroehler. 1 ft 64" SJ. 499-4 153
modern, good co n·d i It 0 n MUSIC cabinet S8. 2 dinttte
beige $25. 548-1204 chairs $5. 6 chairs $2. 5 fJoor
2 PIECE brown sectional tlmps $3. lron bed and mat·
$15. c.ockt&il table $10. Win-tress .$5. Oak library table
<low car cooler S7.50-Iron-SW. Large gas heater $5. 2
ing board with pad and over small ones $1. Steamer
$3. 2 kitchen cl'lllirs $1 each. trunk $5. Plate gllL.!ll door
2 glrl's bikts 20'' and 26", '14''11:•71,~" $10. \Vood door •
$7.50 each. Old wire grocery. 32"x:19·• $i 1ii potted planl.!I
rack $1. Old Girard t.-l\angtt lSc each. Iron patio ta.bit'
$3. Barbie dOUs. case and $3. 2315 Pacific Drive End
clothe• $2. Hamster cage of Acacia Cdr..1 after 10 A.1't
OOc. Near Costa h1eaa Parle. BOOKCASE $1. F1oot lamy
548-8882 $5. Utility table $2. Stereo
BLACK decorator chelts, 11land $2. TV SID. Card table
pair $25 eaeh. Small (laA Sl.25. Attache c.aac J2. Hair
lamp $2.50. White tub, dl')'er $2. Crutches $$.
i9hower and window curtain TeleK"Ope $2.50. Twin s2. 'New beiae lan1p shade bed.Jrnad1, gold and whlte s1. 543-6288 $12. OUlise lounge trarne $1
CLASSICAL record.o:;, mono-Water jug 1Sc. Cofftt auv.
phonic, used 2Sc-50c. 11'0'2 Ing set SJ. Lantern 'f:l. Cur·
Drake. Costa Mesa. $45-3073 lairui $2. Electric eoUee. Pol Sl. Pursts 25c. Clothing :;()(>
POWER mower, Briggs &: • $1. lfnts 25<-. JeWelry 15c.
Stratton motor SlO. 64:J-18S8 Vues. dishes 25c:. Boob 3
MEDIUM 1 I z e ha.ndllOmt for 25c:. 528 Redlands Ave,,
black and white Samoyed NB. ~1092
5 month.~ old. \Vant.s a boy Ip '"'•"RAKE'""""ET""s'". -,;-.,,,-,-d,..on-,...,,
10 ·boune@ wilh. Pay for Albino fRomeo & Juliet)
Mots onl)>, US. Rclri&:er· with modern 3 foot leftlth
alor, dose-top hft:r:er. $20, cage and food . $12.
ID• Continettfal. C.M. Beautiful new 1Mn box
TWO 9 x 12 braided tugs SS • ~ngs 114. Nlct f()ul@J' $l
SW. ""'-chest 18. Rock· 613-4439 •
titg c:hllr $5. 3 x 4 m.lm:ir 2 SlAMESE cats, beautlflll
$10. Wacon whttl $20. New Sttlpolnt ~male. (.'b)colate
hanging lamp $10. Two male. Ln:rinc e o u n try,
maple tables $3. TUt m: ~.!,._ll"ll tor l!t. M1cQJ8
d'lllr"" $10. Drl'ttt,.· BIRD etget1 or 1mall antm;I
$25. Dnfllna: table lamp tmmsler, nt SI ult. <>then
$10. ~2707 $l . $10. 67>2«5
UPRIGl-l'J'• Underwood RABBrrs. Mick 1rwt doc, typt"l\TI~ s20. 6i3-i316 En,lbh spot. <1xct>.lltnt as
OtROME dinette. 4 cbajt'!I bttedlne r>alT M.00 for bolh.
Sal. lotaple lr1m bed dl\~n· 1 ~615=":;..2"°""6,;,,.,~~----I
pert $10. 548-5768 DRESSES, 11l11f' t2 :\ O c .
YOITT'lt bed. contour 1heets P't~n $.'l. S~1 10%9. $8.
lnc:huled $15. '73--1~ 84)-2037 ....:.=.;.:..;==-'----.
' ) '
• ' t
' ' B
• 0 ;
" "
' "
• r
I· • 2
r r .
' • d
0 • r
•• • • L ,.
' " • .
b . .· • ~ .
i •
-j • . ,,
• ..
' ,,
=~sM~ll'i~.-~~,ll.1ir~~~~·~1969~~~~~~~~11A11.~Y~'1l01'~~ FREE TO YOU-l!JTS .... LIVllTOCK TUllSIOITATION 1'lANSPOITATION TRANll'OATATION t ltAHSllOllTAtlON TIANSIORTAT fllAN5'0llTAT
Dip ll2S S.1-lw 9011 -le -n0o Trucltt 9500 tmo1rtad A-HOO ''."•!~ ._ HOO lmpomd Alrtoo 1toO Im ~..::" ....:.:.:·: llUlll ---.. -·~ .......... ,.. DATIU-N . IAiiilli ' ''... POUCNI
IA. Whit. -to $11owSitt.$1$06 ... -~~J.!!!.•,;:':r , . 1'oATsqK-°"' 118t-Hd .. ,,,,,_Wl1o
Ol&tdl.'l'nlnod,-tnd tvall.&4Mflll5 ,. ::......~C••l•Y. Y~TONllCIUP i'llftio"-.M...,.lll wbb.lll?.le<talooovu l'Ol.SCHIS
allriolt tilQ wU old. TREEING Walka' Coon JI' F/G AUX M11l1tta• ~ .. 4 *Pt dlr $1$ C-. dell, e 66-.1165 e.. PYIOll. -...,, *46'4. 29 to choole. trcm. 1..aritfl
'ff VW's
IMMEDIATE Da.IVJ:al . 111 .. ,._
.... T&n ,SIM hllw>clt. \a an. can aft !i u ,JI .-.............. ~II £. Baia')laa. Ila PJUU1U '36.a1 mo,. -'fl DATSUN UOO a.ct.Wt. 111J 11GA New r.-w., BIL ltlfcUon ol qutllty....-Ultd
J'REE Wood -wood t n pm. fl) 493--4000 1~ "*fl. tralltr $8 aTnudino. TN: ~ (Jail Ken, $4m ~nt cond. Jl,. mUet. S~tt. Needsr;)~-work. P\w:bes in Solilthtru Cal.
' $211 DOWN · u..ro • 31 moe
Plua l final pymnt for
UUe. l'\ill 2 )'f, U.•' r::;·..,Y:: A:.=: u -·~cs::;;:,..":=~/· 3 liiilftll'.iii -,GMC ,j4 .1't0'--· 6 ,&rJ.-.,..,._afl6 PM. Uomla. -s.-. DaUY Pilot,....,_ ll!O m,•"1'.-· ·Ti1,·m.u11 -·-"'"""""·h 'cytr.th,.3e!l0oct..imu.., -••a.USM FORD ~.t!J, 5124 PASTURE Fee..._ · -Drlll><tod beach club. Pool, and NEW ........ oam,,... .... ,. MGI
ianENs . barn., raiaied tn ru -...aoo ans. D£SlGNl:ltS' aantw Outrt&· """' bath. IQil ..,.., -$22915 or btst otter. m w.I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;; ========lnr 1o<-,.,.,..., '-~ to.,...••••• wu..nCM.~ ..., ..... 1-·NTY'S bl>Ult. To 8'>0d homes only! ' SS.mt. ~ .....,.
I 11 1 >It ' I ' • -l l i t I '
1111; f' l: I '•
ml v.vral1ty. Av.a ._
lllll Canion c.....
~1 at Beach ' .,., a. whl,., 2 t!tltt. 1 LI-I< IMO Seit bollbtc -1).,0u•o------~~ '!T a<EV K Ton pid< up. VOLUME l lllOLISH
White w/black: are 1 • QUAIL, p•---• otraln . boa.rd well in hull 3. Roller BUOGER Expando ~. Ena recenQy o'b•uled . PORD OULl,R ,· 3100 W,·Cout Hwy. ,67 VW "Weatfalla"
&f&-1IM, S/2T ,_......,. !ftfilC 4. ~!Y dry 2~ BR.~ includh:il Ht:lpu 1 ~ r In & •. Jo.d •~ I Newport Beaeh ~ Y~ mature birda for hUdDc>:Jl.iidomi Sl i Tniler. washer A ctrytr, ~. It ~rs. $Ui. $.6-_. t SALIS.._• J llt•IC "2-MCXi Ml).l7&t Ooo Owntr! Lib
2 KITI'ENS 4 pure \vhite 19,)'inr, ~ or eaUnc. Ex~ condition. F\llly 23" 'coLot 'l'V. Cail art I pru. ·~ wnRD Pk:k Up. !i'iv.i '6!;.·~JILs , Autborl~ MG ewer Orl.gl..oal 16050 m 11 e •
mother cat l yr old. n-et to n each. 5'8--66lS --aotrlc. 173-U9T &n....sJ!M aud;,t ~ aood tifts. 1mml:Qlatai cllltverji, Tnunltlc heater. Must SM ...a "°"''· 673-021 aft M•"""" ducl<1inp $I. bol)o $600 fOJO LARGE set.ECTJON ""'Poncb< l.600 N. fll'lll. Dir. 6U-Ql38 . . ,,30 5121 1~..;;,;;l, mal1ar<h 11.so. SAIOTS $265 VERY Clean 10 •SO Slcyllno R/H. Clean . . Theodore 11493. After 6 pm owner. MOVING Must .. u '65
ADORABLE kilt-weanol -pain $6. 54IM!Oll N•w * a.n,lele ::~ ~"!""" ~m~ Unden PL, CM~ ROllNS FOlD * 6"'3673 * l850, •Inl a>nd,
A: trained. 2 ~ & white w~" e~ 2912 W. Cout lfi&hw1.1 Jllltlo awntnp!Call 536-2081 C•mpln 9S20 _,Harbor Blvd. ~· O:iut Rwy.;;,~ '60 1600 SUPER, sunroor. nu t,rkl/tlrei. RJH, mat~ 1
dk. grey & 9o'hite TRANSPORTATION Ne.WPQrtfltacb i6-0810 J .;;;;~~~~i;;;;;~ll~f-'oola~~lll;;••;;!!!~~64~un~1~0 1 Autbor11ed MG Dealer pa.int~ nt.i tlreti:, reblt1~a~"~6~'30,.-;,•~m.,. • ..,,,-=,_.....,.. len1ale. 546-.1330 512-1 , U' MINJSAIL Monaoo No. Motorcycles HOO,. iin~~;if-;;f,:"°;;;;;;i''-i;;< 1,;'=:,ng·=;;:· ;;54~0-""1::;:,== ·~ VW. Xlnt condition.
2 GER. Shep., male & rem. 2 loltt & YHhtt 9000 1C64. Fib!rxlu., Dae s .• •---'.-.-----CAMPER MB '68 250, air, auto, Ft.I. SUIARU 'mileage. New car wa yrs old. Have a house but seU~baU, klckup rud., like YAHAMA 80, dirt blke. Good Sales • Rentals FERRARI like new, private party. 714: Ute blue wtbUc
need a lar&f! yard . FREE'. new $350, 142-3722 oond. Many xttu. $175 or Autboriz.ed Dealer ~ 1"cled w/extru. MUlt
-5/21 SfAR No. <188, three ""'~ heal oUor. Gh;752 Eldondo • Four Wlndl FERRARI MORRIS Subaru of Cont. -IJ8l0,· -
2 PUREBRED ,.,,,....,,, B111c a..11"' Clu a11 sail• """'· 11ou.... Good Scotaman -8&<Taouda Nowport 1m....,. Ltd. °" lni:,--tletail Div. i ,,.;;;"""~.:::;;;,.-,,,.,,....,,.
female kittens. 64&-4698 &ft Offered \.o the publi~ n.dl1:'. record. ruJ4r eqp'd, '67 River&idci Motorcycle 8' Ca.hover Low Al anae Counb"• onl.)' author-l ·,-10-R_RJ_S_MIN __ O_R_'Con--vl-. -40 $1297 POE
5 PM tor ,mo r e In-by the Balboa Powa• ready to Mil. flfiOO, 67>7563 ~ CC. X1nl CQDd, Onl.Y $80. ;1'!19 i~ dealtt. mil gal N 1 tlo 5126 ,... M2--1925 Model # 600 SALES-SERVlCE·PARTS ea per • ew nt, ext. Opt equip $30, f'relghl $14.50 torma fl Squadron starting 7 WINDMILL clus sloop with 1 3100 w. COut HW)': Jtebl.t eng. Like n e '" llanclling S49. Del, U390.ao GOOO holDC! be.ina looked·ln· p M M ncl Jt trailer. ltlnt rondltion. $450 '67 ':t.05 YAMAHA Sc.Tambler Theodore ' , N t lStach mechanically. Xlnl buy. + Ta1C and License to far pet'llOflallty filled, half ' • 0 · ay une Ol' best offer. Zimmer Excel. c:ond. Many extru. ,.OllNS FO!lD 1542:940.5ewpor f 540--176' 2 Newporl·H a r b o r Call ,.. ... 7 · c644-<18'1:;~';:•,,""::"=::· === 1000 w. C.0..11 Hlwiy, N.B. Slam e le k 11 S . Ca 11 ' 6'l3-09T1 or 540-3D> eve . .........-u"T'O 2060 Harbor Wvd. !Authorized ltfG Dealt:t: ... 615-<XllO *' :wtl.2733
646-5458 sm Yacht Club, 72o West SAILFISH " whl1e buU w/ '6T TRIUMPH 650, 6. .. Coota Mesa 642-0010 l 962 Perrui 2 + 2 ' l'ORSCHE
4 PLAYFUL s wk. old kit· B 8 Y Ave., Newport red Ir white illls. New mile&. extra clean, $780. 646-4801, 673-2916 --------ttnl:. black with specks of Beach. E n r o 11 a t painl isi. 6 7 3 -16 9 8 , Call Gary 494-8325
White. stB-7672 atter 6:30 class. For additional ~tl87 .66 BSA
PM. 5126 infoimation ~Ph o·n e COLUMBIA 29, l/3rd tn-Real clean & chopped!
PUPPIES. cute, healthy, 675-0467 or 673-las:t tertst. Top cond, extra.I. Call art 5 PM. S.18-8098 , _ '64 JAGUAR XKE. beautiful
Mlx2d brftd, med. size, Comc'I Flihing BHt $1000 dn. 642-329o>. 673-Tlll 'GG SUZUKI, rebuilt; luggage Cimper &. Trall•r Show black Roadster, xl.nt cond:
senUe, obedient p •rent . Ultra modem design 6S' NEW -Nap).ea Sabot 8' fbgls, rack, eood tires; 600 ml. on ntRU SAT :w. FREE S2150. Mf>.3842
JAGUAR '65 Pon che S,C.
2 to choose from. One ~.
one green. Both are Oawless
Poncbe Exbawit.
ccnd. '62 ALPINE, wire whlll,
wfs/w. $350 or bc$t offer. ~..,,,,,*:;,;6'>3.::..:='"';:,.:*c.. __ * ~iJ&.Rb42 ~ VOLKS -Iwry,
SELL Or lr8de for V\V: 'fi6 <.-one!. Also '67 VW,
Sunbeam, klw mileage. Cail sunroof. Al\1-FM, xlnt ~1632 alter 2 p.m. 5/27 long, 38 ton capas, wooden. dacron racin& sail. Call new mtr. $340. 548-39911 In the air m ndltloned l\1all al '6' XKE, Burgulldy, Good
KITTENS. 2 black twins, Can be converted to oUshore 87~1747 MOVING, mu.st sell '64 lluntlngton Center, Beach & condlltln · $2100. 673-1233 1964 Sunbean1 Alpine, Tlll!\v
J1 rlllPL11 l
31111pL1rl •i
673-3465 644-2389
housebroken, ~ n1othtr. Cruiser euily, Diesel enga. 18' S.B., dacron, motor, tra.U. Ttiumph 350 cc. $550. Call Edin g c r, San D~1 _a_f,._r_6_''°------paint, tiger pa.1V11, xlnt cond.
ll)6'1 VW 150e enc. AMI
radio. Wht w/ blJt de
Int. $1650. Xlnt con d 67l-3261 '
646-0623 51'!1 2 radars, 2 Lor&.!\S, Auto DI er, Xlnt cond. Great family aft 5, (l} 491-1459 F'reevn1y. '56 XK140 $600 • 9()2..6921 *
4 BLK/WHT kittens, 6 wks. F, Pilot, full galley, slps 9• boat. Sl7cp/oUer. 536-'llll YAMAHA $)·CC Dirt 'bike. Rebuilt Engine 5~8-3754 sJ~05W, Coast Hwy:·s.~0.~7tw ========
old and ~aned. ca 11 spiv brine thruout. Crsi Over sized tires. Good cond. --Rent A-Cimper Authorized t.1G Dcalr:r TOYOTA
673-5134 Sunday ~e,: o~e&~·~ Power CtvlMrt 9020 4 spd box. $150. 5'-1255 ' • CORY CRUIS~RS * KARMANN GHIA '67 Porsche 912 Cpe.
'66 V\V, chrome rim.. w
ovals, headen, many
tras. ~equity. 6t&3ta i
t.1UST sell '63 VW
2 SMAIL female mixed 297-3807, lS' FIBERGLAS Boat. 3.51967 SUZUKI x..&'liusUer, R,:~th~ ~°:bJ.ew:1~.?r1---------''Air"
breed dogs, short ha.ired. Disa>UNT Marine catalog Hrs. Ev1nrude W I T r I r , 2SOcc, G speed, xlnt cond. SaddleHck Dodne 'fi2 KARMAN Ghia, xlnt 4 speed, AM/FM, chl"Of1Jf ""' A986 5121 5350 64fr7605 . • cond.. nc, w ures. Orig 11 1 .,._..... si.ve up to 00% on finest Nice. $500 or Best oUer. · · 1401 N. Tustlri A\'C. wheels, polar w 1 le. ~ac.
BEAU'tlFUL kittens, all col-known brands in marine 962-9927 or 673-1233 1959 INDIAN 692 CC XLNT Phone 547.9311 oy.71Cr. 615-206l 1301 Kings 14Ate condltiGn. Also 1966.912
ors:· eaa:er to find homes, 6 elcctrooig, hardware, yacht ,=o 22, CABIN ,·-·loe•. Top CONDmON. Call Sunday 1--,==-;;=..,,.--ll ''""c;·:;.·.:N::8::.· --~---1 w/alr cond. ' •~ •183° · 5""' -..._ ...... • "•"-....... COACll -TRAILER '""' KARMAN Gh'•. ,,0 wks. .,_.,, ' -gear, fishing aear, all ac-.,,~~-. ca· u r-,,,,_ '"""'"...... ..., -• ,.....,uuu ""' ~'-========= RENTALS oondr Yellow \V/ blk in· BAMBOO, Small p I a n t 1 • cessorif':I for power or sail. po•·-·-L ~ ~33 . " l ~ $100 I•=="";:'~=:;··=·~=·=== 1Moto t 9350 It'• none too ear1" to make terlo•. I -. ·Call aft6 pm, Peach Tree. You Dig. !>~or Your copy R~ . to r1coo era v • wv
..,.,....i ,.,_ resezvatlons for Sprlni: Hol. 968-2812 M2-45U 5-26 Dtscount Marine ._.l"y......, Spe.,.:_SkJ lo1ts 9030 '63 VESPA 150, excel. rond. idays! i========~ ARLING Lona::-ha.lred kit 24.10 w: Coaaf H ~ y ' _.;,. R 75 EN 0 5,0 2 black 3 .... ~-Newport Beach, Calif. 92660 14' SKI boat, SK design, 100 WIS &n'a~l .. s,,1,,· WEEK· c~r,.!,WEEKLY MERCEDES BENZ SlOO \V. Coast H"')'·, N.8. f:ll!!I, • Su.1.,...,,.. b M ,........... 1-......,... ~ ltAft '" Housebroken. 646--6922 5/24 SACRIFtcE P ercucy ou uucu~ ... ., 642-9~00 ......,.1
J1 rtupor t
31 lllP L1 rt~·
1967 26. Saber Cruiser, 75 \Vheel trailer. Sell or trade Aut S I . CAMPER-Merced ~. c ab '67 Mercedes e.nz: 250 S Authorized r.tG Dealer
PICK up free wood (glalis .. _ tot~• lime. Like new, for · Dulle buu)', Ca 11 o erv C9I over, sips 4, like new $6.iO. Deep. ebony black tint.sh with 1 -----~---
cases) 646-3231 Model Glass •u~ ... 645-0114 & P1rt1 9400 '64 Chevy 1r.1 T Ptck Up, rich contrasting full glove 161 Porsche Targa'1
Co. 5/24 sleeps 5. \Valk-in head, ra· 50,IXXl miles. Xnlt cond $900 leather Interior. All M.B. ex. 3 lo choose from . Beige !.111,
2 BLUEPOINTS i a me se.
altered male 1'11 yrs.,
female 1 yr. 64frllm 5/24
dio, covers. 714: 536-3821 14' CRESTLINER, 40 hp ANSEN Sprint wheels, 15'' tinn. 540-3385 lr8a including automaUc Green 912 & Yellow 912. All
22• Pt1creu..,, Cruiser 112 H.P. Evinrude, clec slar1. Trlr, Corvette or Chevy. New , __ ,_ fUU are In ihowroom condillon tow ropes, Mtis, 4 preservers condition. 540-6247 '67 DODGE CAMPER VAN. transm._...ns, po"'-er, ·
Gra.y marine· Sleeps two· llncl~ud~ed~. ~$600~-~84~7~-4945~-~~f;~~,=· =;:::~·==;,:~ Wamlilteed. 15,000 mi's. AM/FM radk>, factory air
JUST. 1 l"ft, fluffy kitten, 2
mo old. Female. 54S.8669
head, bait lank, etc. In slip ~ DORSETT '151,i: ft., till Trailer, Tr•vel. 9425 J,.uto, air-oond. s46-o468 condltlonlnir. Ablolutely {law.
at Newport, .$1495 finn. ._,, 75 h J •-·--"'"' Econol"1n•V1n Com-r leae Qiruout. J1rtuport
31111por1•, Days 642-7052 Eve. 673-3828 ~e:; .. NV:.P2 o,.,.....,.,. ~· 30• AIRSTREAM Traller. r--
PONTOON boat 16'x8' wide, ,;~;;;~~~~====d Self CQnlained. Good cond. ==~*="6-S=,,71,..1.,,*== 3 FEMALE Kittens, 1 ugly, 1 liberglassed -mahogany u_ • E ,
$6500. Call 642-9671 after S .TENT CAMPING TRAILER
cute, l unusual. 12 2 4 trim & amsole ~ xlnt cond. ,...rane quip. p.m. 2 yrs. old. Cost $400,
Conway, Of. 54(>..~ 5126 Tilt trlr I: Johnaon motor. 1957 35hp Evinrude, gear 16' FlRE.8Al:J.., Trailer Like sell $l9S. S49--3802
3 YR old ma!. r.m., ·•69 lie A .,i,;..,. K'71:. 673-.8044 ~ n.......15 ...,,.. shift, cable controls, motor new oondldon. Many E.'t-~ shota, lows Pe o·p I e • "1r-F~ANT"=~ASY=~!965~. -w~,,.-t-atand. As is. Irwin Frlel:I Ira.II! Call after 4 weekdays. Dune BUfll•
847-4945 5/27 bel'kl 8 0 hp. \Vindsbields ~~7870. 962.2737 2 ~KITI'ENS, black le \Vhite, lounge seats. trir wtMnchl J,N,;EW;;.;;:;P"'ERKIN~""s"o"'IES=Et;=-.-:,,,,1 ~O;E'.:'.LU'.::X'.,:E~' -rra-.~.,-Tra-1-ler,
potty trained, WQned, 6 Lots of extras. See to a p. 107. 2-1 Warner gear. 30', self contained. carpeted,
wkll. 962-59!G 5-26 ;pc,crec~lac,cl•c,c·_:G4~&-..:9_ll_7~~~ Crated, $1700. n4: 879-5044 color TV, hydraulic jacks.
f DARLING Kittens. 8 Wks. ai· CABIN Cruiser, 1/8, encl 537-8032
Old. Black/\Vht Pt'l'lian. head, galley, dual contr.. loet Slip Mooring 9036 16' SEU' contained trlr
sioo w. Cout Hwy., N.B.
MU4lli 5'0J. 764
J1nup ,111
31111pn 1 t~; Authorized MG Dealer
'61 Portche Super
Snow white fini1h w/black
Interior. One ownor. Only
-'--"'==..::.:."-----1 68,000 miles, Mint!
962-7558 5-26 $1950 or best ofier. Take WANTED: Boat-sllp for i · a\vnln~, jack!, drps, nooo: lmp.. .... rtw.f Autot
GER SHEP. Male, abL 1 oYCr pymnt.s. 6f2..24Gl cruiser. BaJtiot or Newport _54_18_44_>1_. ------I AUSTIN 3 Coa H N
Yr . Old. Good temperrnent 28' Chris Sptlisher. F/B, ~acb area. 615-CrJ67 17' AWO self cont: gu, app, 642~':iroW, st wy.S..o.i~64
ID right home 642-3820 5-26 bait tank, head & galley. A/C •-•-h't 1 Ir ' ' Good cond. Must sell. best WANTED: Boat slip for 42' • ,.....,s, 1 Cl, in .. AUSTIN Cooper S, 1275 «, Authorized ti.1G Dealer
Pl'. POODLE I Cocker I otter takes. 673-579S boat wf 14' beam. 525-8539 ron. $2175. 968-4910. very Clean, S2JXI, Firestone MERCEDES Benz'" 3 0 O'D , ,60 PORSCHE 1600 Super,
Shepherd, sz. or Cocker, 2 or 529-3449 23• TRLR, A-1 cond! Not Tires. 499-4008 Classic Fuel Injection, Auto -'d' maI ·~ ••93 5126 25' BERTRAM '64 Hard top '-=========I F AJr AM FM find new clutch, trans, brakes, yrs, uo ' e. ~ twin Mere 13'.l IO. Clean WANTED: Boat mooring in self-contain!(!. 1 bdr, be w/ 1 . ac. • .. er, dllf, reblt eng.1, extl'1ll!I. t.1w;t
5 UVU.Y Kittens, long bilge, C011tly extru. :&lake Catalina I.sthmus or vicini· shwr $900. 548-6332 AUmN HEALEY 1 .•_lc'-._544--0Jl85_.-""-----· 1 sell this week. $1900 or best
Blh&;redk'/_:.•' ... ~~~ 1 l't!d5,,.,? Otter. 714: 548-5919 ty. 673-3823 1968 SELF • CONT. travel ,61 HEALEY Cle f II 19661 .. n':~ ~uSElp Cmexpece. llmmB.co>de. offer . M4-!)300/633-4449
., • ..,,. ,,_.....,.,.. 1 ~ 40' BOAT slip, In the bay. trailcr.prv prt. Eq. $%(!, · ' an u y ....., ~., ., . 1969 PORSCHE 91.1 E coupe,
'63 TROJAN 30' T-S. Xlnt. Also 30' narro\v beam slip. T .O.P. Call S48-3877 equip, pvt party, 211 2 $?j8()(), 548-l.D36 comfort group, lintcd glass, PALM tree, rubber trees &:
misc. shrubs. You dig.
847-5055 5/24 oond. All xtras. $7900. * 673-1570 * 30' MAYFLO\•~ 1961. llighland Dr, NB. 548-9436 AM/~t radio. $689 5. 6'1S.aW2 or (213) 434-1227 ·T "'"· all 6 pm MG "' litany Xtras, on nice quiet ' 534-2284. or 892-5551
FREE kilteru;, cute, house JACK 'S Electronic Service Bo•f·Yecht ail.ult park. 5'8J.1108 1966 PORSOIE 912, 4 spd.
trained. 962-65.18 5/24 Elec~cal re~. remod, Charters 90391-========= BMW 1954 :r.tG, asklng SlBXI. r.takc AM-FPtt Rad1al Ures. Best
FREE lop sou. WW help .. 11... ,..,v mstallation. 543-8329 T r•iler1, Utility 9450 --------offel', completely restored. offer o/S3800. 830-3418
""'e 25' GO'IHIC Scow, a real NE.WP 0 RT 11 AR 8 0 R '68 BM\V 1600. At.f /Fl\I 496-9876.==~=--I
& load. 8-42-4825
Poverty ni'"' classic. First CRUlSE WANTED to buy, UUI. tape. Sunroof. Xlnt ::~SOCK:;·~IT~TO~';;E~M:;,! ==..'..:=::::Wh::::il'::::E::~::ph::an::~::'== FREE kittens. Call 892-"l.137 S1500 takes It! 531-6825 dys. In your own yacht, 6 pass trailer, light "'fight frame, cone!. 675-3334 ..:__ _
aft 5 5/2.J 2 DINGHYS Lic'd/Ins'd, res 64&-9000 abt $25. 837-8868 aft 12:30 ======== Imported Autos 9600 Imported Autos
PETS i nd LIVESTOCK Molded. 8' sro. 10· 165: Good BWEWATER CHARTERS PM DATSUN -'-"==:...:.;=:...._;_===='------9600
. --cond. * 962-4370 27' Trojan, Power 9500 PP•l!!l!i••c,!Ge:!!!n~e~ro!!l __ ,!8!800~ II i:Amifilli''"inbO&nild.O: 26. Thunderbird. Sail T.r;.;•c:•.:.:k>:..... ____ .;;_;_: '69 DATSUN -LAUNCII 18' inboard. Ideal I ,,.~ _..,. -Big scd81l, 96 hp, over,Pead RABBrrS Flemish Giants.· be.)' boat, niet: c on d, Skipper aval · .,. ............... '51 FORD panel tru c k .
,. 3 2 1 CH TER "Good vi~-" be 1 u cam eng., dlr, t spd, radkl, ~•-, t:xhibit or bteed. n .. -.. ~" at POQt· fi'l3..631S CAL 4 or AR ~ s o er. r~...,..--............. _.,,, heater. wiw tires, loaded!
mos, $7.50 ea. 646-0117 14· ALUMINm'I MI rt or -S30 day. $l80 wk. 54.9-4329 afternoons 2200 Miles; under factory
8820 Craft, ski or fi!1hlna;. Llkt ===*="="-=295=-='*== '57 CHEVY Pickup, \\'arranty. Bal tr fine. $17'15: Col.~•-----=~ I new. $325. 838-l OOCJ Bo S 9041 6 cylinder, $350. Take $75 ca.sh dels, or older
SILVER blue Persian kit-=;========I :::.:'';....:::'•c.r;;,090.:.. __ ;.:...;; ~--"*,....:548-.::..:29;.:Ic.5 ~•~-car. LB YNW 087. Call Bill
tens. Black fur with sil\'e.rS "-•l_lbo_1_clso_ ___ 90_10 BOAT STORAGE '56 FORD ~S T P I ck 494-9773 or 56-0634
undel'ooal. Striped races. nn 26. ENDEAVOR sloop, good Sail or power up to 20' Fenc-Up. Outstandi~ condition. '67 Datsun
papen. $15 male. S 1 0 condition, Schock bu 11 t; ed yard. Newport Ba,yfront. Many c:ctl'1ll!I. "'""· 54M233
female. Housebroken. F irst w/moorin& $4.0CIO. 64&-4370 Monthly rates include. . . '64 CHEV ~~ T P.U. Station Wagon
cOme basis 546-3634 1169 Use of Holst 6 cyl. 8' bed. Good cond. All original, 4 spJ, Uir, radio,
Dorset Ln. C.1.1. Shorcgoer-8allin:;: Dinghy Launching e 642-0381 e healer, like new! $75 cash
'·' Sl65 Call Anthony's dcls, pymnla $39.00 mo. MALE Siamese ... uen, • li'Th-2336 * ....,. _1 '52 FORD Panel. Gd. cond. 10 weeks. Sl5. No papers. ====~=====I SJ)). Pvt. party ca I I VUG 014, call Kett, 49l-9773 * 646-S7S9 * LOA 17', sletps 2, all extra, 968-5748 '&6 DATSUN PICKUP
w/sllp, Sl.3$. Te r m 1 . Mobile Homes 9200 --------XI ndl lo P E R S I AN K I t t e n I , Perfect ccnd. 8ffrl'89 1963 Cl>ev truclt ~1 ron $1075 nt co t n.
registered. $Zi to ;so. Silver,"..::.:..,=. ::~,:::: ,=,. • •CTER'==""'Sloop~. U.,.llf HOME stake. Excellent $600 545-4481'
ft-males. 7 \Via. 962-1296 " '"" ~ l'IUDll e 546-0761 • \Vhlte clephanU! Dlme-..-line
FIG'd hull, new dacs. tiP1 '-=====;.';;==;oj_;;;======='°I Burme .. Kiiton• $50. ' + 3. $2250. * 84'1·T5<11 $10,000 1 '
546-0010 or 962.26,13 23' SI'AR ~ with aaJls I Imported Autos -9600 Imported Aut•
Dop 1125 trlr. S900 or best of:ftr. _OR ~ : • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ • • • :
AT snm, belutiM mai. :=,.-;;ac:..;:~"" $35 000 • -TEMmD IY ~~~::?~~ ~i:f~:~ . HOUSE! :1m[Qlr?J~[!]fjJI ?
, °"""' Ln, c.M. ""' "°"" Boat 0o. Batbca ';:'.;'0:,;.. ":~d::: ::" .,::;<• •. SEE DEAN LEWIS TODA YI " GERMAN shOl't h a I re d E'·--'-"·· pointer. AKC. reiistered. 28' CAT. Choy de11a, prices,~....., now dur. ~
Obedi•""" trained, 10,... ~::";:. =..:: ~..:..,. ~":,.,~: 169 TOYOTA ••oM s1790
fanalf:, tifUll .u to aood ·-
bome. 84$-lt9S PLASTREND SOLING """" '° ..n lmmedtald7. • • 11• SAYINliS •'
"1-===.;:;;...-==-A..U.ble • _.. PorU !'.~y1eHb1e•~ ... ., • EXECUTIVE CAR SA, LE NOW!, " White 11\&Hl SI~ $175. SCHOCK. Newp«t m.aso -r8Vf" ·
' ...,.,_, Afttr !'30 ,_ Moblla Home Soles • 'ii TOYOTA HAIDTDP ··-·-· .. ·-···-$21119 • I" lno 543-4l48 --• a • ~.;~ ~ '"!.i_ "'=: 112! Bal<er St. • 'H VOLVO ~AN, -tic -....... $2971 i ",!;_.,T0{i ,.=."s0s. whit• "m-"='m='"1._,S1&-~185I-=-:=~ 1 ~block~~::bcr 81""· • 41/2•/o IANK FINANCING
~ • 893-37ll * * KIT£ No. 735, H w Y a.ta Mesa (TI4) S«»f10 • °" ,.,,.,._!WM
: POODLE Cock•·Poo puppy, tra.lkro. near\)' new. Maey • DELUXE double wide • WI NllD YOUI Ta.ADl·IN ~ -~113 bla.c~ fe.~.t._7 1,,,•,..xt_,..._==$!1115=."6TS-.I01T-:=,-.,-,; n.'.lbile... br:lnw, _new parlc, • F04l OUI U..GI Ull D CAI Dl,T.
I\ • 'ft"'ttks. $20. 49-l-Wi9 21' VENnJRE. Very Mii Costa Mesa. 6f6..46&0 aft 10 •
1 Cr.a.duaUon-Fa lher'1 Day equip. See to 1pprec\ate. am. •
SJLVER TOY POOOl.ES Ownl!t mcrvlng up. ~ 77' MAYFLO\YER. I BR.
AKC. $50. 841..3~11 * COLUMBIA 15 "'J l Ji. Slttps 4. Nt111 atum awnb11. •
O\ll'STANDlNG. bl&dt QlAJe, lrf.llr!r. Exotllent condlUon Full)' hlm. t1250, SU.• • 646,fJD 8
Largest Exdusive
T~yata Dealer
Largest Service
Lartes.t 'Selecffon
•1cm "'!~ a tN ou.M•• COll"n'
:,,,~•-poo pttpp1es. lt,060. c:-4:#'75 ~~,:.~1:i:•=.: mr~Tt-=~taD~OSrA~ •
·DAILY PIWT WANT ADS! v~ clfan. $3200 6'73-3823 rum. P.150. $44680 I • • • • • • ..:..-===================~
$ SAVE $ S695 or best oiler.
cond. 646-8'l57, G'la-1492
Extcutive Car Sa le
Hurry While They la1tl
fJ tultmiA
'57 vw b\ig. 63' eyncro t
Looks, runs l(lod. RJ
$395. 645-2740 . i
1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-9303
'66 Toyota
Sales and Servlt-e
'65 VW BUS 1 Extra sharp, 'l pa.sa. ,
split l'..ronl. 549-3615 •
'56 vw
Excellent cohilUonl 1 ,
$375. * 54Q-.9642 "
'SJ VW Perfect cond. 0
sunrf, stereo AM/FM ,
$1100/offer. 673-4S16 ews..
'62 VW-Radio.· new
Clean. $625.
548-5725 alt 5 pm.
137U Beach Blvd. 8424435 1985 V\V ConV!rtible. •
BILL MAXEY Xln• ""'!~:,,~· •
VW 'fi6 Van 1500 cc. ITIOIYIQ!T!AI :~·~~""'1illon!
Hunt, Balch 147.tSU
3 ml N. of CoU« Rwy. on Bc::h
'63 VW., new q:....new
I: battery. Needa body
" palnl $595. """'"'° '68 TOY OT A 3 door, 4 speed.
Take over paymenta. Pri
ply. &12-3362
'61 VW, Rolling chalaia w
trarwude, oo eng. or '
$150. 540-4563 Eves
'66 TR-4A, lRS. clean, e1Ccel
cond, low mUeaae. $1825.
'63 Sprllc, '64 engtne, rcblt J
trans, new generator, $450.
Needs work 5'16-3585
'68 TRIUMPH MK-3 Spitfire
Conver1. Like new $1.bl.
'67 SPITFIRE fl'top. Uc No.
ROG 921. Priced to sell, xlnt
in e\'ery way 641)..8713
'66 TR+A, Clean. new pa.In!
&; top. Make oiler. On
'66 V\V Red Bug. Clean &
sharp. l owner. Low
mileage. Sl»l. 8-47-3351
CL&Slllt •• VOLVO
1961 VOLV0-122 S, t dr. V
clHo_ $695. • 539-9494 •.
1966 VOLVO Wqon. , W
maintained company car.
Bey at $1295. SU-7722'
'67 V\V Pickup, ~cell run-Sport Cars . rilng cond. Needs minor 1.:i:;:;_:...:;;::.::.... __ .:...:;.;..11
paint. SlOCIO or best offer. '67 MGB
646-1773 Rd.s t. \Vilh cover &
1965 VW Variant Square wheels. Excellent coodtti(fl
Sack, Blpnkt/Radio; xlnt Onl)r 33,0CXI miles. Lie, C
cond. MGYltig! 536-8965 023.
'68 VW, white wired Int.
17,CO> ml, clean, l owner.
D:JdJ Mesa
Hewe ... . 9100Newc ...
lllAND NIW Hff
Fully •~ul pptd l11c.litJl""t •Ir ca ..... ¥.I, •11te. Jr•Mo
........... IWllUll $1998
S.... 6 NOT 4 -tn""'H,.
. Big DI-On 37 lreftcl N-
AMX -JAYILll>lt;· 1Rllll LS • ~ILlllS
Tho Actton Store For GrHIW Snl,,_.
HOLIDAY ·---Siies ' Serikl __ , ....
... 115£1111 ~
POI YOltl COIUZ&ll•I~_.
'"' llllhr, (ISll Mesi. 642""2)"
.. ••
OltDllt Y0UU
'55 Chevy ee1:.A1r, ·es
Mercury Monterey, • 6 6
• •
. . ------------------
CHEVROLET CHEVROLET i Mercury Park L a n t ,
'68 CHEVEJ.J..E w a r o n •
XL N T-v.a; Auto-PS/PB-'58 BEL Atr Chevy, 4 Dr. 19~ CHEVY Bel Air, aood
radic>-tlnL alass-Elec. rear Good condition. $195. motor.
window-WSW-$2850 673-6609 * 548-7147 * * 54g...1349 e
1963 BEL Alre Station Was-'89 EL CAMINO, very low 1966 CHEVY Bel Air, air
on, air eond, excel. cond. $875 mlleap, 4 speed, 396. cond, auto, btue, ~at cond.
1"1>3:WO 132--3688 bet 10 • 3 $1315. 642-5288, 545-9909
Cannot use ~ -w ·. !61-tlnCK • ·
on his h1lh performatK'9: Electro ff.;. 1~11 ,rw•r, Import.cl Auto& MOO lmportlcl Autos 96QOlmported Autos '606 '
! lot. So • , • you can, bUJ •cte>rv~.•t~~ --.~. NCf.• 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;p;~1 them at OUR COST.I 420 I 11 •
. '65 T0 8IRD . . '$17f 5 .
Convertible. Fu_U _ power A I
alr. Uc. NN"'9J5 •65 Ol.DiMollu-$ 1099 4 doo; H.1. F1cfory 1lr1
,66 c•DI'' al'! ,...,,, 1t11ri11t l . br1U1, """' ""' .... ,..."° 111 .. CMO'I'• 141.. '--
Full power' I: air. RW410 i-..:?:~;::.:;..=:__+11
$2899 '67 MUSTANC5
MALIBU h11tor. TXS t6J ,65 CHEVILLE i C011v1rt. 4 1p11cl, r1d'io,
Power steering, automatic, $199 5
radio, heater. Lie. DFC
Will'c•t 4 door, F1ct.ry
1lr, <1111to., power 1t.1ri119,
4 • .....,, plus •oodles. !Jo. $239 5 SUG130 .__;::_ ____ ,
Uc. IFZ105 $399
Cu1tom ep•. R&H. •uf•.,
P.S., f•cfory •ir coruliti•n·
1111. I STD 177 I
Our Summer Sftle itarts t '61 CADILLAC
now!! Buy any one of our t sed. D1Vill•· Fr.ill pow•r ..
t l'nde-ins at dealer's COl!t. tf1ct. •Ir. IHXS 7421
Fu 11 financing avaUable t $99 5 O.A.C.
F1cl•rt..J1 \f eond. Full pow-
''• vinYl 1op. XLV 491
2100 HARBOR, C.M. $2795 i
i ''5 SKYLARK t
'62 SIGNET 2 dr, HT, $36. 4 dr. Aufom•fic, pow•r1
mo., Stock No. 131. '62 F85, ''''''"'' r•dio, h11t1r, 2 dr., S32.50 mo., stock No. IR6V4t.,r
151. '61 T·Binl $37. mo., t $ 1395
Stock No. 142. t>---'-----
G-MAC MOTORS i '6t MUSTANC5 36.10 W. 1st St. O d' h 1 l d t
Santa Ana 531·9183 1Yn-~011 j• ''· •p•• 't
BUICK t $1995 :
'fi3 ELECTRA. Loaded 'V/ IN'" Yorl'.11 Cp1. F,,11 pW1'. extras! Muat sell ;1175. ~cfory i ir c•ll4. MHA 314
644-1732 Mak• ou.,. $ 1 795 * '62 LE SABRE *
&9,000 f.1I. :::1 Car. . '67 CA.MAIO
, H.T, Cp1. A11to., PS, Feet.
59 BUICK, p/b, P / s, t ir, RIH. ITF)( 7lf1
xl,Inib"''· "'w 'h 0 ' k 1' $2295 starter, xlnt trans. 54&-3:i73
a. ... BlllC'k
'62 Invlcta Sta. wagon runs
· terrific, Iota of room S500.
Auto ft1n1. t•dl•, h1~ftr.
SRW 106
'U WA.liON
'66 ELDORADO Conv. blue Rtmbl•r. "At 11." OKN,tl
w/wht top. Blue Jthr int. *495 '
AM/FM &tt1:reo, alr, f\illlt---~~.:..::...=, __ i>ll
pwr, pwr dr kicks, cnis •'6' CAPllCI
cont.. 1W, ctnt. U090. A h ti I I I 5t8-Q48 11 fl'lt c, tc • • r, pow9r
t.•rl"f, r•'l•, lr.11+.r. "67 CAD CdV, loaded, all IS IMJ711
white, vln)ol top, llhr. •dJ· I $ 1 995.
steer. air. xlnt cond .1 ~--:?:..:..::.=..=.._.lll 642--1842 IJ
·53 CAO. G..... ....._... 23' E. 17111 ST.
tlon: xlnt "'"" 15 MPG. M••n6S Sl95-F'tnn. 66-2377
'64 CAD Convtrt1ble1 El OPlll1 ·f ... I ...... t
Dorado. Xlnt cond. PrV pt.
t)'. £t6...4967 ews S:30-7:30
Qualtled'I I Cl:ion pcnm".
For. an ad to tell uomid
the clock, can ~
s399 To s1899
Chick lv.,.on cannot Mii tfrW ~ He II 1uthorl1M net t.. Mitter er fact ht
checkl ind rechecks 1'111 vald c1rs. SMMI• tbern thf'OUlh 1uthorlnd clinic wMr• th7 ,., tl'l•t famoua 16 ,.int cltec:k..vp and any repairs MICIM. Then M cltec:kl
an rechecks them a11ln 1"41 then tWM wtwitf H1 put them In tM ,.._,,
(P.I . If 1 1"11 11 tM tlrlill t. m1kt you hl"1 ••• HI ttt• ~11111 t• •nothw Nier)
'66 VW BUS
Deluxe 7 paaseng"r. Radio, wsw tires. Ex-
trft nice. U c. No. SQn
Removable Hardtop.
Lie No. SLD 734
'66 Ol'EL '
"Chrome wheels." l.Jc.
No. SPl-1: 885
Llc. No. KGK 727
''Your Best Buy"
.. At Wholesale." Uc.
No. SQX 871
'66 VW Camper
Split seat. Radio. Tent.
Low mileage, "flfust
See." Lie. No. SNE 691
4 or. Sedan. Automltle
transmission. Rad Jo.
Uc. No. UDE m
'64 vw
Full power, air. "Al· Radio, heater, wsw tlrts. m~i \Vholesalc." Lie. Sold and serviced ~-
No. \VXM 232 viously by us. Uc. No.
REF 209.
$799 $2999 $ 1399
1970 HARBOR BLVD. C::.':
l'HON~ '673.0900, Ext. 66 or 67
' ~
• '
' • I
• '
• •
• ' ' r
' .
' •
f ,
I , ' . I '
.. • • . : • , •• r;:
• •
• • I ' '
• .
• I ! • •
. I
' t
' ,
' . ' . . . . ' I : •• ••
• '
s.t-. ""' 24, 1969
The Honest
FIAT 124 Sedan
• Price indudes full fa mily seating, 4-wheel disc brakes, 4 speed
synchrome5" gear box, vinyl upholsrery, lKlde r coatirig, seat belts .
FIAT 124 Wagon
Price includes 4 wheel disc brakes, 4 speed synchromesh gear
box, lifetime lubrication, undercoat ing, seat belts and chrome
roof luggage rack, and loads of extras.
The Great Orange Coast's
No. 1 Paper!
V-8, 111to111ttlc, ft ctory t it, fNW.,
dttrin9, powtr brt kt t, r1tlio, h11t1r,
white w1ll1, YOP Oll.
4 1p11d. Full fa1dory .q11ippM. TU I'
, .. 5.
111tom1tic, f1ctory 1lr, r1dio,
het ter, whit1 1illl1 well tire1. !OPS-
9IOO -Con 9IOq
A.1h11n1tic, rttlle, hw ftr, eir ~Mii·
tlonin9. f POI 0671'. R1dio t rwl h11t1t. CVTP' 4511
s995 s995
COMET CALIENTE Lltfr, red l.111 •ith r1die ind h11t1r,
Y.I , 4 1p11cl, power 1t11rJnt, r1dio. tVGZ llt l
h11t1r, white w1ll1. OOL 196.
' Auf•m•tlc, t•lllte, he•ter, power tfeer• V.I , t ulo1111lic, redio, h1et1r. Exc1I· frt9, power l.r1kes, 1ir conditl•rtl119,
lerit c11nditio". low miles. ITIZ 5'61 l ,ICA 6 14l
$1495 $1195
2 Doer h1 rdtop, v.1, 111tom.1tic, h11t..
tory 1ir. lo•d1d. fm 646)
\'I , r1clio, h11t1r, 111tom1ti1, po<w1r
d11ring, 1ir corw:l itionin9, IWFHllJ)
Equipped with r1di11, h1el1r •"Ill full
ftclory 1quipm1"!. ITXR 1111
• The examples above are but a small part of our huge selection of top quality-trouble frH used-cors-
All advertised c:1rs c:arry a fr ee 5 day free trial exchange privilege. ~:
'64 c· h le '67 .CORVETl'E, F/8 , 327 4 • wow rys r •pd. make o !fer ! Ex-Newport ceptlonal cond!Uon. 540-6247
CLASSY '&f Futuni. Convert
Xlnt cond· eve r y t hin~
work!! 548-3335 or 547-7511
Ext. 263
, _ IS66 .FORD Co1111try Sedon,
68 F01RD Torino GT. Extra factory air, 352 Jinglne, P /a,
sharp. Air-cond. $ 2 7 5 0 • radio, auto trans, .10 .,...
&tS-8077 aft 5:30 pm. Very good cond. $2;200.
'64 CONVERTIBLE Galaxie 6#-1102
4 Dr. Sod. V-8, aulo, P .S., '64 DODGE
P.B., Fact. air. A fine fam. COUGAR "" 1953 1''ALCON Ranchero,
ily car for so little MFG615 · (N 1 "" 822) V-8, xlnt condition. Make XL. Olii: owner, nu top, xlnt o"'N°'E'°"Ow-,,.-,-,,,,=-,-=,-ord.,..,.v"':a'""'2I •
condl Best <1tfer. 673-5050 dr HT, ps, r & h, auto,~ A~t I
'49 FORD engine & body concl. inside/out. 962-3916 I ,
part11. $125 or make olicr. art 7 PM, anytime on ! 1
• $1095 • '67 COUGAR $888 Full Price offor. 675-5987
JOHNSON & SON Ow""'! by littlo 'ole """'" 29 DOWN $29 MONTH from San Juan. Canary yet. incl tax & license DArLY PILOT OIM&.A·
Lincoln-Mercury low ext., plush black int., f~ 36 months IJNES. You can use ~m
1941 Harbor Blvd. 642-7lrill fact air, pwr drl :strg. $125 • CHANEY'S • for Jmt pewrle. a day. Dial
cash dets or take foreign CAR CENTER 642-5678 COMET
~3lll weekends. • * '62 Ford Wag, 9 pass. Air '67 FOO Galaxy. 4 dr, p/b,
low mi. Xlnl cond. $475. p/s. R&H, a ir, good. cxmd.
642-6820 $1750. LI 8-2096 eves. trade. Will line plVt prt,y. 300 So. Main. S.A. 8.15-2S451'r"'HE;;;.-,Q"'u"'rCK=E"°R'"'Y"o"'u"CA=L""L.
,62 C0fi.1ET, 6 cyJ, stlck, ~~~Call Ken, 494-ml IT'S Buch bpme time. Bi&· j;T=HE=Qo:U=!CKER:=':=Y=O=U=SE~LL::"==SOCK=='IT'='TO"'=''EM=!=-'==\Yhi=ie=oE=iop::han=~=' :::::: j ~
eood tr!.'1~1:U * Tl-IE 11ue. or activity .for ~;:L~1ec;o~ver~i:;1_1_m.,_po_r1_oc1 __ A...:u.;.;tos~....:.9.::.600:.:....:l...:m:!:po.::.r:.;ted:.:..::.A:.:u;.::to::.•_..:'.::.600::..:l:.:m:!:po::.r:.;l:;ocl::...:.A:.:u;.::I•:.:•_..:_;;;::; I
sruvtce bualnesses ••• the eectlon NOW!
CONTINENTAL O..•Uled Ad•. Dial 642-5618
to oUer )'OU1' aervice NOW. MAKE A MEMO to· p ther
up toys You no lonaer need,
sell them for cuh with
CHARGE )'OUr want ad now.
BRING RESULTS! '64 Continental
4 Dr. Sed. Full power, Fact.
air. Pl?bble beige w/match. UHCI Cart 9900Utecl Cira 9900
ing inL IEZ372. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil sim.oo
:!:~:.;:,:!"'"'" ""= STOCK REDUCTION
tinental Coupe. AU optlonaJ
t'(Juip. SeU lor $5600. or take
over m,y full maintenance
lease for 2 yrs. Can be seen
at 727 Yorktown, nn 131,
H.B. 536-7114
Fully loaded + stereo tape
deck. SlUI under warranty.
Make oiler or trade for late
model Sta Wq. M5-2026, -CORY AIR
'65 CORVAffi Moma; auto.,
nced11 painL $500 .
~563 Aller 6 PP.I
New Ures, reblt eng., trans.
4 spd $100. ~1369
1961, OORV AIR, a u t o. good
tires, aood trans. car. $125.
.... ,813
'" Corv1tte 1 Tops Sebrtne silver wlblack lnter.
ktr, automatic transmission,
full power &: factory air cOn..
dltlonln&'. 29,000 1oca1 mUea.
Muat see .r. drlw: to bellevt.
J1 r lt1 po rt
3l111µort ci
noo w. Cout Hwy., N.8.
-OIG.11" Authorbed MG Dt&1er
DIAL dl:rect 642-5671. OWp
YolD' ad, the Dt beck lftd , ........... -" .. '
'67 CHIY~OUT ¥• Too Plcbp S 1·899
V -8 1Uck shift, factory air condi·
tlonlng. OK inside out. Guaranteed
In writing 24 montha. Plua unconditlonal mpnq
back guaranteed. Q74620. · •..
•'4 CHIYltOUT ¥• Too Plctuip S 1299
V-8, gtJck shift, radio, heater. OK
Inside out. Guaranteed In wrltJng · tor 24 montha. A real bargaJn. Stock No. P122.
'66 VOLKSWAIHN llois t P•s. $ 1799 .
4 11pei!d, radio, hf!ater. Not many
left of this model so hurry, Exef:I·
lent condition inside and out. Stock No. P111A.
''4 FORD Gcolnlo 500 Spl. Cpe. s799
V-8, automatic, power steer. Good
value. Runs like a dream~moolh
a11 glass. Llc. No. PCA 253.
'65 CHIYROUT S ...... w ... '1299 V-8, stk:k 1hllt. "'OK" c::ar, a:uaran-
t~ In writing for 24 months. Also
-canies our uncondlUonal money back cuarantee.
Uc. No. NGN 667.
''7 CAMARO Sport C:..pe $A 199
V-8. stick shllt, radio, heater, pow-A
er •leering, white-wall tires, vinyl
~ gtau. "OK" tn r.ery wa1. Cuannteed
In writina for 24 month&. Uc. No. lJ'n{ 145.
'H TOYOTA 2 -Hardtop '-299 Automatic, radio, heater. Cummt Al
motlel, Just a few 11'10nllu old -
Comt Ste It and drive IL A rHJ good value. U c.
No. XUB 921.
11211 leech Blvd.-Hunt. looch (Hwy. Jtl
'4S UU Open 7 Doy1 'TH t P.M.-441-
How does Fiat do it?
E x
A s at no extra cost
$2178 '
Think ''Fiat'' : Friedlander
' 537.7777 FIAT TRADE-INS 194-3333 ... "" ~62toLWO 'MM•I 'U YW ''4 YW ----Sl'ltfir., R1111t I Jeo• "122" wi~.i..o•I ... 11ti111, RIH. V,ry
''·"°"''· . ,.. ... ...... ltt4ft. er •• " • •·tti t., .. • $1399 $1499 ''" $999
t6ZS GAllDIN 6110¥1 II.YD., GARDIN GlOYI * C..iete ... Car Senlce *
•• 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!1!!11 .... llil .. llmlll I ' ·-------------.
. '
~' . '
• •
' -
' . • I ••
'' ' '
' ' '
Sedan De Ville. Shlmmerina: gUvf!r with silver $ 2 7 7 7
cloth and leather interior, run power, factory '
air conditioning, AM-FM radio, cruise control,
pwr. vent windowa, pwr. door Jocks. CRRN297) PRICE. ··~~~~:__~~~~~~~--::"'."'."'::-----~
1967 CADILLAC $39sAL9E 9 Coupe DeViJle, Phantom blue with blue leathtt
interior. Full powf!r equipment plus factory air
condilioninit. One o"·ner. (UJA357) PRICE
Custom Delta 4 Door Jllrdtop. Spahlsh silver '
'vlth matching intetior. Automatic, _P.S., P.B.,
factory air conditionln&, white s:idt walb.
tUER.79) •~ "-·. -·'
Sed~n DeVille; .Grecian !"Old 'IVith matc.h.illi:
cloth and liit.tbu-.intetior.-Full power, factory
air conditioflin&", til1rtal sttkin&' radio. etc.
Coupe DeVille. Blue ex\erlor with matchinc-
blue cloth and leather interior. Has full pow.
_er equipment .plus CadlUao -factOry &it-eon. -
ditloning. (RDV309l _ . ,
Coupe Deville. Roya) blue exterior wifl'i mat·
ahinr cloth and leather Interior. Full po~:er,
factory air. ~ilt and tel"coptc slttrina:. shpw•
exceptional low mileage. <PGN663) '
SALE $2444
SALE _$1-999
SALE $2111
Where Used Cars Are More
Than Transportatif1f:·
' ' -
... THEY~RK.K .
' ---GQOD
Coupe DeVille. Royal blue with white padded
roof and blue leather interior. Full power,
factory air, AM-FJ..1, tilt-telescopic steering
v.•heel, etc. (XSS788l
Custom. Forest green with dark &reen cloth
and vinyl interior, ful power, factory air con-
dilioning, tilt steerin& wheel. (SVX120)
Goddess U"old "''ilh gold top and gold leather
interior. Full J)(l\VCr and factory air, slt'reo
tape, local, one owner. CSVY710l
Forest green exterior with black vinyl in·
terlor. Has full power equipment pJm factory
... air conditioning, tilt steering wheel. (TSD498)
Removable Hardtop. Automatic, radio, ht'ater,
pcl\\'Cr stcet'lng, white side wall tltts, yellow
with black interior, wide oval tires. (TXU568l
2 plus 2 ~oupe. Automatic,' air conditioning,
"''ire wheels, AM-Fi\1 radio. heater, ~Seafoa.m
g1wn u•llh natul'al leather interior. 23,000
miles, one O\vner. (VCL361}
SALE $4999
SALE $2222
SALE $3222
SALE $2666
. · S)ILE $4666
----------SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN----,--------
8:30 AM to 9:QO .. PM MONDAY thru FRIDAY -9:00 "AM ·to 6i00 PM ,SA TU RDA Y and SUNDAY -
Your Factory Authorized Cadillac Dealer Serving The Orange Coast Harbor Area
• 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa
540·9100 '
~i ewowe :1 . .
~; ',66 GALAXIE 500
(SQA 662)
$1388 Full Price
1 .. incl. ta:x &. license
for 36 monl.hs e OiANEY'S •
30) So. Mahl., S.A. ~5
t: '63 F9rd Galaxie ' sOo . ' . •
:" ;t Dr. Sed. V8, aulo:, P.S .• : · Mi. Shows metk:Ulou6 care
:: ... WT)' WD' low milap.
, BOS 349 •
·: 1111" ' JOHNSQN Ir .S.ON
:· Lmoo!J>.-'
1,o H~ ~'""·· Sfl . .,
"8' FORD "l'AGON
.,, 9 pa5I Ctry. Squire. Aute...
Powe &teer" Braka Sl795.
RPL 237
• ..
• . '42-6011
'i'l'Oiill Country Sq. Sia-
•' - -(10 pea). pa. -; .,... -air. dlt. 1161$. :;---::.·
'59 FORD station wq .• 6 '65 FORD. Fae air, P /s, '67CONTJNENTALsdan, ful-'65 Mere . Parklane
C)'I,, ltan4. trW., l'QQl:I P,/b, auto tnns, like new Jy k>Bded, xlnt cond. 'lt1u:o.t • Q, ff 1 V8 a tomalic
ti--~.-,, .... .:-~ca.. nd "·" ••• ••to •··--•] I --•• U ' r. . . • u ' ... ., ----. -.....-CO • ~ '""""" .....,.,, ....... m1nc:watcly. Wi ar-·p 5 p ~,. air Except Eve. , 9fi2..l!J6 aft .g, ask for Ted range financing, aJio · t.ilkt' ·cl· ., PB 'a43 · ·
• •
1963 Oldsmoblle Jetf l r c ,--------·I • Wow • (converted) $1Zi under blue 67 G.T.O. Maroon/Blk int
book or best offer. 536-9672 P/S, P/B 4 tipd. Fae aiJ:, BRAND NEW 1------R&ll, w/wur.rnty, MUsr
'68 1'0RD Ga1uY ii ' cit, '65 GALAXlE s<IO. 2 DR. In'. trade. 494.-S7 . can~ $1~.oo
v.a. auto, !WI, air, xlni Sil•n-bl"', 3'0 v.a. auto DIAL di..ct ..,-""11, Clu•<t:o JOHNSON & SON
cond. lo milea. .Fri pt;y. full pwr, AM·FM, air-cond. )'OW' ad, then sit back and
893--5328 Nt'\Y lin!s, 'batte ..... 548-6527 listen t •L-'--~-· , Lincoln-Merclll')' I ~======;==='='===="'·'==~;.,;=::=;0=:""~'';;;;;;~.• ;;;;";;"•;;· = 1941 Harbor Blvd. 642-7ifi0
Convertible (RV"l'i6,j)
$I 688 Full Pri ce
~7 00\VN Sj 7 lifONTH
incl. ta." & license
for ?of; 1nonlhs e "Cl.{ANEY'S e '65 Mustang H•rdtop CAR CENTER
FACTORY AIR COND. Auto 300 So. Main, S.A. 835..i;-)~J !rans on the floor. 289-VS.
Vinyl 1J>Of. New premium '66 FAST·BACK, Hi·Pcrf. GT
lires. Dcltt."<t' \rlterlor. Entire ?.foci. P\\JT. Strg. Stk. Disc
car in mini condilion. Brits. J\1usl sell 673-6436
$1595 '66 MUSTANG. Xlnt cond.
llotiday 1969 Harbor Blvd. Air cone.I.; yellow w/black
Costa ?ifesa 6"2.fi023 lnl. Radio. 645-1377
'67 MUSTANG HT =o=L=D=s=M=O=B=ILE=
Goddess gold v.:t, plush
black int., pwr 1teerif\(. dJr,
auto. "'"'''"' """'· "' '64 Olds Cutlau cash dels. or lake foreign
car. Fine prvt prty. LB Coupe
UOE 393. can Kt'n 494-S'TlJ V.S. auto, PS, R/H, Fact.
or 5"l5-0634. air, Sharp. Low miles. RAS.
'li6 ~lUSTANG V-8 hard top. 260.
Perteet thruout! $1500 Call • $1295 ...-. JOHNSON & SON
'68 lttUSTANG, 8 cy,, PIS. Llncoln.?i1ertW')'
Xlnt condition. AsklnQ: S2500. l!Hl ! .. arbor Blvd, 642-70.lO '* 50-5215 '65 OLDS. CU!la.u, 2 dr .
BUSIEST marketplAce In hrdlop, whl with red In!. "°""'· The DAILY Pllm 41.lm miles, 4 S'pd. trans .. ca¥mec:1 Jeci1oo. S.w 8fJOl'tJ C'OMOie. PB. PS. money. time l etrort. Look" clulJll1C whetls and many
DOWlll extrwS1$5. 6!16--250
'69 CUTLASS PLYMOUTH SELL. S2250. 516 Frnu•aJ. CdM. 6Ta-Cll9
'67 PLY. G.T.K. Xlnt oon-1========= F.a.I SPTS. CPE . dition. $500 dn. Take ovt'r RAMBLER
Dt-Juxe bell~ front £! rear, payments. * 642-2657 --------
padded dash, fully faclory ===---=='---·I
'61 TllRU '68'1
!-'ROi\f $29.').
$199 ON. $65 Mo. -------
$2399 NEED A CAR ?
\Vt' Can Help You~
• If others have turned you
d0\\11 • If you have no do1~'fl
Plush Tax & Lie. payment. e U )'OU are.em-
Payn1ents include ta.>: and ployed.
llcl!.nse and tlnance ch~s ?\tany models 1o choose from
on 48 monlhs. App * * Ce.JI Mr, Ulmer
credit. Serial No. 331779Z • • &9l-S031 '42-602J
'68 PONTIAC Tempe 1 t . '68 JAVELIN. V-3 290, 4
Custom V..t PIS. 14,tm mi. ~. S2.fOO &42-8647
Verdugo green S 2 2 8 S ·1"'=======9'1
-all S, T·llRD
'69 GRAND Prix, Exp. Bm.1---------
Vlnyl Top. Beat OUcr owr 1963 T·BlRD. Full power,
$3200. 173-Cfkll betwn 2 &: 5 •Ir , new !ires. landau toP.
'62 TEMPEST, 4 eyl, auto, S875 cash. 968-2249
28.:i(I llarbor Coota •teu nhugahyde a. ~ra. R&H, tifcCUUJX:'H super char,:4!r.
540-9640 Gd p.s ml. $325. 8-IS-llTI for '56 T·Blrd or any Ford
'S4 OLDS 98. sport cpe, 'S9 CATALINA Wag, 9 pass. V-8. SlOO. 6T:>-mS!
Loaded, fact air. full pwr, Pis. P/b, good tires, new '67 T-BIRD 2 door Lllnd&U,
nc\v tires. Xlnt cone!. SllJ:J.i. brka. Best offer. 96}-0797 fac. air, 1'./P. disc bra~.
536-11::11 SlSO. '62 Li\1\lANS <I. air. ?riced to sell. 675-0141
11162 OLDS Della as. 2 dr h.t auto, p/1, gd tires. Good 1957 T·Bird Cla11ic
R&H, PIS. PIB. while lirle c.r. SlSO. Pvt. pty, 962-9m BEST OF'f'ER.. 673-4156
~ ': ~ S 5 0 0 · 'S9 SAFARI Station Wqon, a '62 THUNDER.BIRD. fUJl
="~""'="""""""''==~! needs mecb. "'tt'k. Belt of· power, looks & n1ns lflOd. Dial 64%-5618 for R.&SULTS fer. Mart~. 4SW737 S&aO. Offet. 49.l-1252
. • • ------------------~--· ____ ..._}_' ____ .,
-I -
' -nL
k , st .,,
... . ,
er. oil.
One of Southern California's most com.p1ete ,See Everyt~ing . Thal~• New In ' Pickup 'Campen,.''Cials& ~Campen, Mini homes, Sa per .
inventories of new & used Station Wagons. Va,n Convenions, Pickup Camper Sh~lls, Ranchtu'o 'Camper Shells, ••• Plus Boats and .;
. _£~·~'!'~! a •.i.~ .. or_ te,n_.ean_e~_ger
•' for-a carefree vacat\qn.
·Complete Soles And
Siorvtce In Our Own
GOODYEAR TIRE · CENTER ,_, :'. ;·--.;
~ -. . .
You go where you want, stay where yo . -Mt without ' .. \ ' .
schedules or reservations when you rent a Robina I)&. ,. ~· ~ .. . ~· l'lekuJ> Camjler or Condor-Motor Ho~. -"T, ~_____.,.,,. -·-___._ --
.. ~ . ' •'
-· -. -·-
Complete with 3-burner stove, SO.Iii. ice liox, 2
double beds, large waler tank, butene end ·elec·
tric lights, fiber 9lass irJsulation, sink ancl drain,
aeluxe ma ttresses, lifetime bake'd en1mel.
· Ciinping" Eq'uiphtent·. · · ·' · ·
... " .
. ' . '
' ~
• • • , ll •
Win a free weekend in a deluxe pickup camper for 4. ·We even lill lhe link with gas. . . . .
•i r ,t
' . '
Retllter to win a complete cht'ck of J'O\lf' car's condiHOD hi iOu~
em Cl.Ufomia'• flrat ton:! Diqnoltic Center. OYW.130~ tn tl tor ~~ty1 reli&bllity and pe~. Drive thll~ ~on
'' ·, ·"""r'n"i"C:Hlct(S TO Ill GIVl!N ·.:Rlir
. . •.R 11 " • • . .
•'OR AlLLI .
.... ····---~----.....---. ·"··~· -... ~-..__ ___ ,'
MOAl!'THAlll <lltAMP.l1l.' ,
A COMPACT·MOTOll HOMI " . . . . . . . ' '
. '
~"· ... _ ....... ""~ ·~ '"'~·· ,·$3495 rffl•, h11f1r, r1.dy t• t• Jitti' ' • · ' ,
I 0 Vt' c1\, O"-r Moh.wk s,.c11f
' c1111,-full.-~11fpptd with. ... .,..,· . $89\ · ,. i,,
ic•li•x. clln1ft1, O¥tn. s1 •• ,, ... MONTHS
Dr1p11, wenlroll•, plu1 '"11ch "'"ff•·
25 % d1w11 ., tr.a •. c9tet27, For loth
Tnack &,Camper
COSTA . MESA::~_: ..
catnping · Equtpmen1 -·Display BY.
1750 .. Nl!WP.ORT ILVD.
EXAMPLE! . . .
1966 .FORD' f.llSO PICKUP
· , .. WITH
v.1, autometic, red io, hteter, $2895
c1rnp•r sloops 6, 1qulppod ..
wl•h .1on.:1c. l)o!l':.din•tt•, . '\ :1 .sa9···~10 :-· .. '
drapes, wardrobes, .tc. 21 "/.: · . M,ONTHS
down or l;1do. IU497921 . fcl;'a,th '
.Jnacll & C•..-
' -'"'. -!'" "".: T
·20&0 Hartio.r
p' ' •.• " " . • . . ' PART\ & \EPv:u HOURI ~ PART\ ONl v
• •
. . . e . , . . , ',
• •
) I ,, • . ' '
• . l .
l. . • •
1 h
Th Pli.,. e. ce . ' . .. . ,~
VOU:U.Me · D~A.~l:Jl · ~~~ h.Alw~
y.._ .. IUll' lew, low., ... ~ts __ .... __
new · Cliryslln, Plr-*.. •""-' Ind . Used Am.1bl11 tlNn any
. o!W~1f11hl\Nllr. .
1PRE ••••
' • • .. . f d 1 • . = ' = ' ---
, . .
, . . .
-. "
' "'"::;r.~"4.1 .. _.M!!I_ __ ... __ -~-....._. .... . H.EADQUARTERS .... ::.... .. ~:ll'.d·~~v•r.r.:· .....,.;-.. .D. ''*'-a .. iNrt .. .H.O. : ' ', " ' ' ' • , ' ' "'. 77 =.., .* $77 ~ : ::~~II, I
fO~· -•11•r-~ · • , ....,_. ''"""'' • No Pick.., l'llh. 1 I ~ , 1" I ·~ , ~'rl.~ 171 111 ":,.;,":;:---,'t!'fljlftt .. 177 ""'9' ...... ll!Olltblr Mfmilflt,' .! Ii .. \ . , ~· ~ ~ ~ . . -, . ~ , . •••.fl'IDJ. .. .e.ir.a .mdNOTOfEP'INHY {
NEW· '69 PLYM.SU'tk
· '11 UTlll
' Ch'llf ~ .... It .... llffiV, ~· • J D111r, ..... Mtlll'. • ..... _.. •GU 111. $877 F~ll $677 Fu!I · . Pnce Price
$29 * $29 $23~* $23 Dtf, MO. DN. ~ •
'83 v.w .. 2.or.
"-'• . .
. '84 v.w. . ........ ... ...... .... osu ""'
.' ~ ' (-+---' -vr/7 ~'!.
$26 * $26
DN. MO •
' ' '
• . .,
How Faith Saved
The Crew of
The Pueblo
" ..• every effort to take away
their faith in God only
caused them to move in the
. direction of God."
-~Chief of a.apw ..
ASk Them YourseH
"'R D81D DlflfBDr,
Sectw""1 •I de Trs.r1 r,.., ,. IA. -.r •Jin
dte ..n.r -.hr .,. • ,,_,,,,r WU_,..,,,,._,..
ai/y1-D•fJor•la 'r•ali,
.... ......,.,NJ.
• When a note ie mutilated in tbe coune
of manufacture, it bu 10 be replaced. To
. do 80 _.would require the oae of a special
machfne and would be cosily and delay·
inc. So .. star" notes are 1ubstituted. On
U.S. Notes, tbe star is substituted for the
pre&s let&rr; on Fede.sal Resene Notee,
for the sul&x letter. A ......... DOie aho i9
ieeued for the IOO·millionlb note in a
eeriea, sinc:e eight digitt are the maxi·
mwn for nam.bering machine&.
'Tlae ... N "aqrdn" u •
...... ..,,,, ....,, lottl.y.
Or u .,,__,,,... Jfrcbr
.4r.....,., S.. Cate, /¥.f.
e The aae of .. Esq." haa virtually gOn.e
out of 1eaeral uee in the U.S., except
a.mon1 the more conaeJTati•e older peo..
ple. lawyen. and justices of the peace.
Its co_rrect use ii confu.liDg. For exam·
ple: forma.Dy engrHed invitations are
always addreteed to Mr. Stanley Smith
on both in•itation and enveloPe. Written
invitations may be addreseed to Stanley
s~ F.eq.
e It was Tom who ahaved his mu.tache
ofl. I keep mine became it keep. my
lip warm when I'm racing my can. ..
IOA L E. PIS~ 'inc1or.
LiMol,. Pari Zoo, CltiaJIO ,,,..,..&Mli/• .......
lollela • .u .. ,,,. ..... ...,, .... ...,.., •"' •h...r.a "1-Mn. B,,..
•rly RowlUuoa, lrnlaoU, flt.].
~ • It is true U. many caeee. Thie may be
due to the bwnan ecent on the baby or
becauee the mother is 1pooked by the
proximity of man. Certain species like
antetope may react more stroagly than
other species .
St, LHi6 Clll'lliah
rr..t Haer l.o yoe /•r
...., •M• pll.eM,..1-
~.W. •• '41Nfenoa, r ... ,, \Irr«, m.
e rd eay Pete Roee.
... ..
'Oft FllfTOlf M. BUJfJNT, p.,,_.,,.a CeNrfll
II J-11 .. 11-.re ...,,,,-, ...w .. -"II..-........
t:rflflMHI ,,..,., ,..,..,_
Ber~ .4..in.oa, De.IP.a
I.Ab, lf.D.
• Elimination of third-clue bulk mail
could ha-..: an ad•ene elect oa poetal
6naaca. Some of the eoeta now allocated
to it w~ coaliaae becauee there An!
c•-· eGllt3 anaeiatie4 with the pro-
cessing of other mail cluaes. So, while
the cMts wouJcl continue, they would not
be SMtcbed with revenues from bulk
mail The result would be an increue in
the postal deficit. O.er the long term,
the immediate impact would probalily be
·a inaeae in die-6na.dua poetal rate.
b c1ae llar of BrofUl..y
Wt., • .., u YO#U' /•.or-
... roN1-.A.ltl97 '4doade
City, NJ.
e Although I will always be eent:imental
about playing Maria in .. West Side
Story," I must admit that my favorite w,.
Agna in "l Doi I Do!" Tbe put waa
an actor's dream--only two characten
in the play and a chance to age 40 years
rE.4LB • · ..
laotHr·N iso• '"'''••. '~ 'YOfU' es,.erie1tee
-""' ... ,..,.lioA, ..... ,..
• /er. hne J-:tora ~
Mry for • ~' lurppy ... rrlefl
Ufe1--IA.lie E. D1111liia, Bn ... a,
'""'· e I have prepared t~n rules for su«:esa·
fol matrimony. Tb~ mo11t important arc:
realDe that marriage requires mutual re-
1pouibility; both muat <'Ontribute equal-
ly lo the-partnership; alwa1s try to bring
out the best in each other and think first
of the other; pray tog~ther before going
to sleep every night. Couplee who pray
together, grow and stick together.
'Oa '1'110/tlAS K. ClJICETON,
pliysk9/-~11te&J uper1
.. su.ee J-wP-6 u aarrelllly
poJlfll.r' ....U yoa ,,r....
e*plaia i&a laeallla NJN-
/ila 1-ll o•.,.' Ne•ell,
• ........, NJ.
• While 1 do not coneider walking and
jogging totally adequate, they arc the
e.uicel thing for most people to get into.
A combination of footwork and swim·
min& howoner, is. poeeibly the moet fu.
eible combination.
~-...... 1-...-•c •11 fY __ .._.. .... ......__._ .. ... -r.-... "" ! .. ,.._ ,... •• 11 'I .... .. al i ....,....., .. .
.... .... .. A.IJ ,.._ Y...-, w.-., W..W,, 6'1 a..· llW A-. N.w Y ..... N.Y.
lMll. ,, ....... -..... 6 el ..... " ........ ,_ ... -....
....... u. .......... If you want
your /baby to hoYe the longest life,
let It be a girt born In bland. She
can then expect 76 yeon, according
to the United NcrtioM' Demogrophk
Yearbook. In the U.S., female life ex·
pectoncy is 73.8; male, 66.7. Boys are
Whind gltls. all O¥W the world.
Walle Not, Wont Not ~ holy,
hen tofved two problems In one, oc·
cording to Forbes magazine-removing
garbage 'and suppfytng electricity. It
opened a plant to convert burning
garbage into electric power. ly 1975,
Milan expects to have five plants In op-
eration, burning 2.5 million tons of
refute annually and meeting all its
needs for electricity.
Space Shaver Perhaps we've seen
our last bewhislcered astronaut. For·
metfy spacemen didn't shove in their
capsule becoute, without gravity, the
cut whiskers would float around, chok-
ing and blind'ing them. Inventor Glenn
Ainsworth, dvilian engineer for the Air
Force, tolved the problem simply by
making a combined shaver and vac-
uum cleaner. A cup on the shaver sucks
up and holds enough whhkers to allow
three astronauts to shave every day
for three weeks. Ainsworth'• next proj·
ect-a massage attachment which will
allow astronauts Jo scrokh scalp or
skin without shedding loose dandruff
and dry slcJn.
AnilllCll,....., Tip The best way to
groom on anilllal, accordlno to Dr.
J. Y. Hendet10n, for 30 yean In charve
of 200 performing animals with Ring-
ling Bros. and larnum " lailey Qr.
CUI, is "from the imlde out. Giwe the
beoat a good diet, protect him With
inoculations, vitamins, and ~ls."
Very little grooming will be neceuary.
"Hones ftourish If ~ hove a ...,..
of home," Doc continue&. '1 give each
his own stoll. And not too many blan-
kets-some owners 4iterally smother
them." Makes hone sense, huh?
Love the Umpl This ls the 1 OOth an-
niversary of professional baseball. The
first paid team, the Cincinnati Red
Stodtings, were considered unbeat-
able. A gambler, however, bet $60,000
that a Troy (N.Y.) team could tie or
beat them-ond told the Troy players
to win -Gt any cost. Troy tried every
trick until, with the score 17-17, umpire
John BrOckway ruled its catcher hod
faked a supposed caught foul. Troy
tried to halt the game (sincle a tie was
as good en a 'Win), but ltockwoy or·
clerecf the game forfett.d to Cincinnati.
Home-town fons mobbed Brodtway,
threatening him with mayhem. Through
a day and evening of turmoil, Brock·
way stood his ground, and Tray finally
admitted he was right. Two 100-yeor
traditions had begun: the incorrupt-
ibility of umpires-and the fact they
never lose an argument .
loueh Ottter World Glenn Ford-his 128th
film is "Smith" -ts seriously interested in the
scientific aspects of hypnosis and ESP. He vol-
unteered for experiments at a university in
which he was regress.ad under hypnosis to "pre-
vious lives." One was In Scotland, where he
was killed in a sword ftght, run through his
abdomen. Oki you feel it? we asked. "Feel itl''
he exclolmecl. '1've got a birthmark therel"
JllflRllJ' Hee.kV ,.. ....... 14 ......
....................... , ..... ________________________ ~
h, to be a Gorgeous Brunette
and never have to worry about
a single gray hair again. Ever
Loving Care is the one that makes it happen.
Without changing your natural hair color.
Now that's kind of fabulous. It's all because
Loving Care is a rich, rich color lotion that
washes away only the gray. (And makes your first gray hair
your last gray hairO Loving Care is gentle because it has
no peroxide in it. So there's no brassiness in it, either.
Leaves your own natural brunette hair fresh and glowing
with a beautiful new gleam.
If you're a brunette, be a gorgeous un-gray-
. haired brunette. There are Loving CarJ? shades
to match you hair for hair. Whatever brand of
brunette you are.
How about Smokey Ash Brown or
Honey Gold Brown. They're brand new.
Be a Loving Care brunette. And you'll never
have to worry about a single gray hair again. Ever.
... Loving Care even comes with.its
own special creme after-rinse to keep
your gorgeous brunette hair soft and
shining. Without ·a trace of dryness.
Brunettes are partial
to Loving Care.
Twice as many use it
as any other hair color.
Loving Care
hair color lotion
from Clairol
,_ ........ .....
: .... , ., ?~ -.__· . . I .St ,__::: ........
____________ ...._lllliiii ... ~=::::=t::;::;_~..:__~-
Family Hee/cV / Ma11 16, 1989
How Faith Saved the Crew o
Memorial Day, 1969
I• ca ti~ of 'l"QtiOflixg au d...,._
chcu1tfM1tt, A•triCGAa 100. IOillfH"'<'•
CIQCIHa to lOtlOr tlaoie tOM (14H tlam
live. /or tltftr belief•. 0. tlia COMiag
Memorial Da11 (Fridot1), mu 10 re-
membered will be DtlaM Bod.ou, ca
sailor killed 10~ N ortl KoreaM
aei:..~d tlte U. S. N4t1N'• Pueblo Joa.
1a, 1968. Hu Meri/lee CUld 1'ia feUoWJ·
CT6fOM,,_'I f oit/& add M10 __,.iwg to
thia troditi<ntal dar of 1'nlttMbro•ce.
0 N A COLD, barren field in
the middle of a prison
compound in the North Kore-
an capit.al of Pyongyang last
year, 40 men from the cap-'
tured U.S. intelligence ship
Pueblo played volleyball un-
der the watchful eyes of their
Communist guards.
Communications Technician Don-
ald R. Peppard, 31, of Bremerton,
Wash., noticed a discarded ammuni-
tion box lying at the edge of the ball
fteld. When the game waa over, he
caaually picked up the empty wooden
box .ind took it witb him into bis cell.
Using a small penknife with a hm-
inch blade, Peppard laboriously
carved a croea, bef on which be
prayed every nirbt for his loved ones
at home and that he might be aet
free to return to them.
Durinl' a routine search of Pep-
panl'a cell, the handmade cross wu
discovered. The North Ko~ guanh
ftew into a rage, breakina the reli-
gious 11JD.bolp kicking the piecee an-
• Faallf Wfllklw. ll•w U, Jiii
Taunted and beaten for their belief in God, these brave Novy m
grily acroea the floor, and cuJftng
him about. Peppard loet hia croe&-
but he continued to pray.
Peppard'• experience wu typical
among the 82 oftleera, enlisted men,
and civilfana from the Ptublo during
the 11 montha they were held captive
in North Korea. To the strict regi-
men of poor food. cold quarters, and
endless interrogations, accompanied
by beatina-and torture, the Com-
munists added nligious persecution.
The men were conatantly admon-
ished that "this la not a chureh.'' To
men starved for newa of the outaide
world, the North Koreans announced
the latest Soviet apace achievement
by sayin«p "God wu abot out of the
sky yesterday by a Rouian rocket.''
Lt. Stephen Barria, 80, Melrose,
Maas., recalls t~t being found with
any religious artide ''was worth a
few bnieee.. w
Cathollcs who had rosaries bad
these taken away when they entend
the prison camp. This did not stop
Chief Electronica Technician James
F. Kell, 82, Honolulu. from leading
the four other Catholics in reciting
the roeary dailY by ticking off the
prayers on his ftngera.
Communications Technician
Cbarlee R. Sterlina, 29, Stratford,
Conn., was hauled out of the meu
hall when a guard caorht him iM>ftly
aayinr snce before bis meal of riee,
turnips. and rancid pork. Two oft\cers
questioned him cloeely on what be
had been doing. Sterlinr told them
he had simply said, "Lord, we thank
Yoo for the• bleaeinp, and all of us
ask for Christ'• mercy. Amen." It w~
a p~v taupt him by bis fat.bu.
an unforgettable message for this comi
"They had me repeat the prayel'
several times," steru.q later told a u.s: Navy chaplain.. .. They uked me
to explain what 'bleuinl' meant.
They told me that the food was a
lift from the K.oraa people, not
from God. They told me, 'Yoo are
laqhlna atock. Yoo make fool of
younelf.' Alter mHins me stand at
attention for a time, they dismiued
me and to1d me not to pray apin.''
................ the warning only
to the extent that be waa more cir-
cumapeet in hie prayen after that.
For under the taunts and beatinp of
tbe1r Communist capton, the heblo
crew's religious faith aeaned actual-
1,y to srow atronaer.
Few of theae men had ever thought
of tbemaelvea u religious. Lieutenant
Harris wu the ship's Protestant lay
leader, and be said that after several
occuiona before their capture when
only two or three men ahowed up, be
had abandoned efforts to hold ser-
vices at sea on Sundays.
Yet, in captivity, the reli~oos
tralni.na' of their youth came to the
tore, and lll&ll)' o! the men credit
their faith and their prayers for aee-
i.na' thea throqh their ordeal. As
one told a chaplain afte.r his release,
"All we bad left was religion."
One of the men who never attended
shipboard eervicea, for example, was
Hoepital Corpsman Herman P. Bald-
ridge, 37. ..Doc/' u be was known
to hta shipmates, baa an attractive
wife, Nobuko (Japueee for ""Trust-
ful Daughter") tn Suebo. Japan,
and two small children. Although abe
was reared u a Buddhist. Nobuko
bad been sendi.nr the children to Sun-
day acbool
....... my captivity, and even for
a time after we were captured, I
wun't what you would call a reli-
gioua man," Baldridge eaid recently.
.. Bot when tbinp rot really rough,
I turned to prayer. It didn't lessen
the beatinp. bat it pve me some-
thin• to rely on. Somehow, it made
tb.inp better.
"SometiJDN the ruya would be
standina around talking about their
feAr and aaylnr that they bad prayed.
One clay 1 joiJ\ed ill and said. 'I
prayed, too.' One of the guys turned
to me and aaid. 'I knew it belpell. •
"I left Hligion out of my llfe when
I joined the Navy," he explained. "'I
hadn't helped my wife to become a
Christian or encouraged the chil-
dren. But now that's going to cbaqe..
I want to do all that I ean to en-
coarat'e Nobuko to understand the
Christian faith and embraee it for
herMlf. And I want to make sure
that the children are attending Sun-
day 8Chool and that they continue:•
When the Ptteblo wu brought into
W oDMn harbor on Jan. 28, 1968, the
crew was taken to Pyongyanr and
jailed in a big, bAdly heated barracb
which the men called "the barn." Foor
enlisted men shared each 14-.by-16-
foot cell, while the oftlcen were held
separately in single cells.
In March, the men were moved to
a building in the Korean capital. Otn-
cers again were tocked up singly. in
rooms 12 by 18 feet, according to
Lieutenant HarriA. who reca1la pac-
ing it off night after nirht.
The enlisted men were placed in
18-by-24-foot rooms. with eiglrt men
to a cell. Each man bad a bed, a
chair. and a nigb.tatand. and the en-
listed men's cells had lart'e tables in
the center. Each wood-8oored, plas-
ter-walled room was lighted by a
bulb in a glus globe in the ceilinr.
a.c.i •• they wen locked up at
night in groupe, the enlisted men
could join in informal prayer ser-
vice~._ somet~g that wu denied
the o~ut the Americua bad
to exercise great care not to be
caught praying by their ruarda.
Rather than kneel together, they
prayed lying in their bunb. The
men called it, "talking with Com-
WorldFleet" -Navy jarson for the
Commander of the World's Fleets .
Every night. from their bunks in the
prison camp, the Ptteblo's qew re-
ported to ·"Com'WorldFleet.''
Blows and ridicule failed to shake
the crew's faith. Storekeeper Ramon
Rosales, 20, wu severely beaten by
his guards, who thought he wu a
South Korean. By speaking only
Spanish, he ftnally convinced them
he was a Mexican-American. A North
Korean officer. whom the men called
"Colonel Speca" becau.e of bis
gla88e9, laughed at ~lee for ~
Jieviq in God.
the Pueblo
never wavered, giving us
Memorial Day
. .
"I told him there wu a God, and
Colonel Specs aaked. 'Do you see
Him?" Rosales testified duriq the
Navy court of inquiry into the Pv.e-
blo'a seizure. "I told him I aee Him
every day in the ftowera, in the trees.
God waa life."
The c. • ....-.. were equally un-
succesaful in eff orte to destroy the
crew's unity. When Dr. Martin Lu-
ther King, Jr. wu uaaseinated in
April 1968, the North Koreana made
a •bow of extending sympathy to one
of the Negro sailors. commiserating
with him O'Ver the fate of his down-
trodden pe.ople.
The aailor waa no't taken in and
told them that be, too, wu an Ameri-
can and that Neg-roes in the United
States were making considerable
prOl'feU. The attempt to drive a
wedge between him and his white
cellmates failed.
A symbol of both their faith and
their unity was the ''Pueblo Bible."
M:rape written oat from memory and
jotted down on toilet paper or on
pieces of paper that had been given
the men to write the "conf eaaiona"
their captors beat them .to obtain.
The "Bible" wu kept by Lieutenant
H&rris, Who found it ea.fest to keep
the piecee of paper in his pockets so
they wouldn't be found.
Once there wu a body search, anCi
the papers were taken from Barria
&nd destroyed. He wu knocked
around for his trouble. But as 8000
as he got his handa on aome more
paper, Rarria wrote it all down apin.
In remembering the names of the
boob of the Bible and many venee,
he wu aided particularly by Donnie
Tuck. 31, Richmond, Va., a civilian
oceanographer, and Radioman
Charlee Crandell. 24, El Reno, Okla.
Other membera of the crew chipped
in f rqments from time to time,
eometimee pualng them back and
forth and compariq notee while on
the ball field, deapite the constant
preaence of their parda.
Harris wu beaten aeverely on
many occuiona and to1d the Na~ in-
quiry at Coronado, Calif., that be
had want.eel to take hit lite while a
prisoner to eecape the brutalitJ that
finally wrung from him a "oonfee-
aion" that the Ptublo bad intruded
into Xor,an territorial waters. (The
ship'• ~ 1bowed it had not.)
The cMr aaid it was only "the help
of the Lord" that aaw him through
hi• captivity.
"It eeemed that when the going
got hardeet, when the hour wu
blackeat. the ~ comfort would
come," Barria related after bis ~
lea84!. "In an unexplainable way, we
would feel that God wu taldng care
of us. Others felt this ltronrly, too."
He aaid that in the prieon camp, free-
dom eeemed completely remote.
"Before October, the Kore&M acted
u though we wouJd be releued
100n, .. be aa.id. "'We could tell by their
actiona. F..:e-eaving wu s--big thin&'
for them. They 1'ere concerned about
not bruiaing us. But in October, the
nesotiatiou fell through. And in De-
cember, they were no longer con-
eerned at all about not hurting ua.
"'"We went through 'Hell Week' in
December. I felt our releue had to
Cr~a" Dtu&M
Rodge•, killed
i" tlt.e Nortlt.
Korta attad;,
t• bHrietl
IDitlt. f Hll
, Milit.ar11 lunlor1.
be now or nner. I~ lntea.ly. I
uked the Lord to let the men set
home for Chriatmu. Tbe praJ'er
aeemed eo abeurd at the time, bat I
felt I should prq for that. Tbe ph~
nomenal note is that when thill&'I
eeemed blackelt. the IUD •bone
through. We were told that we would
be releaaed 'aoon.' The nat day we
were repatriated.''
Mo.t of ... men tbared Barria'
conviction that God had amwend
their prqen. But thie did not 1tt
well with tbe Korean aruarda, and
when the men thanked Goel for Mt..
tinr them free, an of&cer told them :
"Thia ia a matter between the United
Statee and the Democratic People's
Republic of Korea, and third partiea
are not weleome. The eommancliq
aeneral of the People'• A.rlQ1 f1 in
charp, and be can handle thil."
Nonetheleu, u aoon aa the men
were turned over to tbe Navy Eacort
Team at Panmunjom. many of the
P.ublo crew aabd to eee a chaplain
so they could properly give tbanb.
A rabbi wu found for the two Jew-
ilb members of the abip'1 company,
and a minilt.er and a priest admin-
istered to the remainder of the crew.
The f oUowing day, au ecumenical
Chriatmaa Eve eervice wu held at
the U.S. Anny 1211t Evacuation
Hoepital at .UCom. South Korea, a~
tended by every member of the ~
blo'a crew. It included a memorial
service for the only crewman not
present. Dama,e Controlman Duane
D. Roclsea, Creswell, On.
Hodges bad died in captivity of
the wounds he recelftd when the
North Koreana ftred on and boarded
the Publo at eea. In the priloa camp,
Hodges had been remenbered pri-
vate(y by Ilia •b4n•tee JD tWr
prayen, but the Communi8tl had not
allowed eervicee for him.
Newy cWef of cb.aplaina, Re.I'
Adm. Jamee W. Kelly. ftttingly IUIDI
up the experienee of tbe Pablo'•
crew: " ... every e«ort to take away
their faith in God only caused them
to move in the direction of God. Ev-
ery etf ort to subvert their faith only
caused them to reaft\rm it. I am cer-
tain that tbe men of the Ptub1'J would
want to give full credit for thia to
Almighty God.'' +
If your hemorrhoids
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e•ective daaa Pazo• •••
maybe it'l lllflel'Y.
Pazo not·ooly shrinks hem-
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1n t.ct, this toathina relief
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And, Pazo lubricates the
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Try Pazo, in suppository ar
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If 10fl' M'""""°"'' ued .amethU.. """e e6ec1lve than
PtWJ ... ,,..yH V1~.
Someday, somebody may build a car
. to rival Ptlntiac's &rand Prix.
But it'll cost more than $3,8&&:
And it still won't be a Pontiac.
Which means no Wide-Track ride.
And precious little of the engineering ingenuity
which made Pontiac first with the Grand Prix to
begin with.
Noodle It out for yourself. Name another car
maker clever enough to come up with hidden
windshield wipers, ventless side windows, a hid-
den radio antenna and an honest-to-gosh cockpit
for a car ~ng before anybody else was even
dreaming of same.
Name another car maker clever enough to
come up with a car that's as much at home with
performance lingo as it is with luxury.
Name another car mak.er who puts it all
together, calls it Grand Prix and prices it at $3,866.
As we said,. someday some---....----....
body may catch on. But they'll
never catch up. So why wait?
Break Away in a 1969 Pontiac
Grand Prix. Now. ' GM --....... -
Pa.,. Plrts Up the krMna
Alter he loan the bardw•re etoree
Aad Hl• hia laneh •nd bathee and ehaves
A.d rlga • radio outdoon
To hear Ille Dodgere play the Brnee
And ~h•b with everyone in town,
11aen ap the bdder he careene
And ewean~ when d .. ·kaeee drivee him down,
"It l•kee all d•y to h•ng two Kreene!"
-Beuy BiWpp
Two travelers 1haAd a hotel room.
Durin• tbe ni1bt. one man foud that
he wu unable to 1leep becau1e of the
other'• anorin1. Be tried eveTythin&'.
but nothi~ worked. Finally be de.
cided to snap hi• ftngen. The other
man woke up and atopped 1norin1.
and the first man dropped oft to sleep
immediately. Some time later. awak-
ened by the 1noree again, he tried
hia ·finger-napping ruse and it
worked. Thia went on all night. The
next morning the snorer said:
"You're a nice guy, but you've aot
the worst sleeping habit.a. Did you
know you were snapping your ftngen
all night long?" -Daft. Beuett
"'bi hawe until May 31st to get all the tnnelen checks )QI want-
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Finl Nrtioml Oly liaw:len Oaecka
(The ~Oleek)
Two unemployed actors were moan-
ing about how touch tbJqa wert in
Hollywood. "I haven't had a part In
t1'ree yeare. .. aaid one.
"I haven't bad a part in seven
yean, '' said the other.
"Tbat'a terrible.''
"It aure ia. I wiah I could ftsure
out .ame way to ret eot of this busi-
neaa." -Dorotlteo. Kntt
Tit• OU fN""'" 10M d<>Uft't, M1't.
to 1oait to Ht tltt doctor tltt1t da1111
it lti• ""'~"fl portMr.
-Bn Cu1tU
Mrs. Adams wu touring
Germany. Her German
wasn't very good, but she
waa trylnl'. One day she
met eome people on the
street. She listened to them
ask directions and under-
stood them: ahe then gave
the .directions they wanted
in German. As they walked
away, one of them said in
English, "That's the ftnt
German I've been abie to
-Gmt YaaeMk
What'a 1rr-<ntg roitlt to-
da11' • 11mtth i.3 11e1tnd.a.11' •
1"Jf'eftt1! --Jtatt Fa.rri~
Quick Lunch
''Catt 11°" 'Jldf'e 60 cnu
f Of' Cl IJtlft.dWielt ?"
end Author of
E.dllild by 8EOR8E SUWVAN
Lam the Secrets of Bowline Strikes!
HIM Your AVWlll9 30 ••• 50 ••• 100 Points a Game!
F ~ our bow me experia do 1c in di.is bi& ·~ "Cllam-JllOft'• Guide to 8owtiQa." Briaaa JOG fthuihle ti_,a OD bow to
........ )our .....-ch ... 6ow to rdeaae ball UDOOWy ••. bow to faGow 1iaroalll IO JOG lft IDlrlmPID "wood" ewry 1imef Here ... )lr. 8owtiq." IWmelf, ebowq )'OU tbe simple, eh:tm
~to imDlo¥e your pme.
Diet W., now raab as ooe of bowlins'• aJJ..time pau. He bM
twice been named "Bowler ot tbe Year." Jn two aucce.iwi yean Ille
woa tbe Nadooal AU scar Townameat. ~·· toucbea& toanul-..... tllt. nm. tilMI he Ila sbared the oa · doubles.
Now Dict Webet reftala die imide aecrets that bavo made bim a
champion bowler. He eulaim llow aQY bowler, witb a little tnowledae ol tbe pme, and a dellre to improw, can learn to throw COClllistent
lb'iba and ..,.,., and brins hie avo,. up to """ owr 200.
Diet te• JOG about 'farioua pipa that let you control )'OW' ball more etrectiwly. Enlaim how to make your IPJ>ro•ch so YoU ,n
faU bocb' action. Gfvea you aim .. counts to follow that belp you ~J:' deliwry, and ma.kea YOW' relew smoother aad mon
He ~ bow to hook yow ball, and bow to mab it roll ~i.u,..,,..!~>:dlt=-~.~!'~~~~~ natural ~ ia )'OW' del.iftry that may duowiaa you elf
Mon bnponaa&, he Ii,_ orofCllioaal tipe OD talJittiJIS. PClinea
out tbe euct lpotl to aim /:' wltn UoociJta for a ltrite. And wU&
adjultmeata to mate OD YOW .ec:oad bal to lnat.e IUle of pictina up
~. Bwmlaia. ia lileN that will help you realim.7'0Qr muim11111 bowm., ~. Dkt Weber bows wblll will, and will ltOI, ~ impnniC
70U1 pme. He piapodta tbe c.cmaaon mistakes moat besiWJ• mab,
and .,.... )'OU bow to qaickly correct them. One fQlJ eectioo of ..
hook (19 paaea) .• dnoW tmelY to bowlilla problems. In it. be abowa ~ bow to panl ...... "clrifti111. •• "cboDDed pim," "cl\anslilll tbe
ball," ~ bits," and otber bowlina maldea a.at can keep JOU from bowUna your bat pme.
•I.-..... ~ ... ?.--............... dm9t .. ... _ ........ .,...._.. ...., ....... ,.. .... ......
•nm. ................... ...... ___ .,.._,.. ... ,.. ....... ._ ..... _ ............ ...... ~. ----•!.-.._ • dledl • -.., ,_ •Lear• th "M«r•t• ., ... •• CG 1' ................. _ ...............
T~ milHom of Americans .,. avid bowlen. It's a pme &bat doem't require apedal lkilb to p1-J. Just a bowled,e of lhe ~ ~ daat Diet Weber tullY outJina in his book, "THE
OIAMPION'S GUIDE TO BOWLING." Here is Tlluable imbucdoo fM e\lelfODe -bepmen as well as_ ~rieo:ed bowlen·-wlao ...m to baw more run. and bowl the laillMcore, ,.. • ...,.,....., "118¥·
1Mi informativo. M11-1o-We book MUST abow JOU bow to bowl mon l&rikee .•. MUST im:mite 100r awrqe points per pme ...
MUST Ii"" up to eYery claim ia this ad. or it ce»ta t:,::: one red ceall Get more fun C*t ol bowlinsf Mail No-Jliak al ODCDf
DICK WElllll 3 tima wiancr of the Pro-
fessional Bowler of the
Year, .. Georse Youa1
Awud." BPAA National
AU Star Champion, Dou-
bles Champion, and Team
Champion. Hu woo indi·
vidua.I cbampiombips in
pncticaJly Oftl'Y big open
ID the country. keprded
, by fellow Jl"OI aa the finest
tournament bowler on the profe11ioaal cin:uit.
• • • • • • • • • • Mall No-Risk Coupon NOW I •••••••••• • • • NA110NAL COl1NKUNG .. VICE. ...... nn-u .. -P.D.• ... New y .... N.Y. 1.U •
• ,.._ rwll -a _CIOllf of Dkft Wftet'1 ..,_ • . -~It eooa.''11190=-··a... • • to ......... die llooll .... .. -buWt ,._ • .................... ., ........ 1 ., •• , •
• ... ...... -..... to _., dallll, e 1..,._.,....,. ........... IHhlll....... A-.. e • ... ,..... -..a utll .. ooee -_..,.., •
: o =: rr.:. ~~ ....... ..,.. °" :
e 0 •Ji!* ~ 1'I*' ~ lftt C.O.D., CHl!JCS. e e ,llllalM ...._ SI IOOOIMril dnclltl. p_, ..... -. e ..................... ..,............... -. • ......,.____,ebaci:...,_._,ot~l OCllecl-a.ere ..a eac1oee fJ.00 tot"'° oot*s. • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
I\ Mirror of To·day's
Anxious Youth?
vorite "big voice" sing-
er of the under-25 gen-
eration, recently married
Jackie Miller, a pretty sing-
er with the New Christy
John, very much a reftection of
the reneration be appeals to, is
a 26-year-old who i1 "painfully
aware" of life, 10 much 10 he
looks for problems where few
may even exiat.
'"I've always wondered,'' be la-
ments, "whether I'm At for mar-
riage. You lff, I came from 1uch
a happy family life. Can I cope
with marital problems!"
Davidson ia handsome, with a
boyishly-charming smile. As a per-
son, though, he la u much a rebel
aa a preacher's son can be without
offending (he isn't the offending
John (who bu an ABC summer
series coming up) feels ruilty
about his happy baekvound; he
rejoices in the nonpreacher lyrics
he sings to campus audiences but
not sophisticated nirht.-club ones
("They are not obacene lyric&-
just about wonderful relation-
ships."); he equates pot with cock-
tails; and-at leaat before hi.A
maniage-he advooated Jepl mar-
riare only between couples desir-
ing children. ("Until I was mar-
ried, I lived in a large, lonely house,
but to think I lived as a bachelor
would be unnatural.")
Somehow, still, John remains
the polite son his preacher-father
and musician-mother expected
him to be. And it worries him.
"Our family actually bad a
family band and p)ayed together
in the parlor, Mother on piano,
Dad on clarinet, and the four
boys ainginr or playing,
"I was shy but was forced to
sing in public even though my
voice would crack with tension.
Eventually. though. I r ot hooked
on audiences.
"By the time I was in college,
I was on a team that toured Ohio
to preach the Gospel. I loved it
until one day I realised 1 wasn't
following in Sl Paul'• footsteps.
• Familr Wnlcl'fl, Ma'tl 15, I Iii
:~ .... .iii ....
John Dtit1idaonan.d h.ia brick Jackie.
I wasn't practicing Christianity.
All I loved waa performing."
Davideon glows with enthusi-
b m when discussing hia guilt. "I
was a hypocrite!" he says. "So
I joined the college theater group
to become what I really was-a
Television akyrocket9cl John
to a t-0p-ranked campus and night.
club personality. "1 was a star be-
fore I knew it, but, you know,
there's eometbing WTong with it
all. When photographers were tak-
ing pictures of my family and me
for my New York debut, they told
my two older bfothera to step
aside. One is a s\a.rgeon doing work
in liver tTansplants; the other, a
teacher doing basic research in bis
fteld. But all the photographers
wanted waa me-almoet the black
sheep .
"l went to a small, conservative
college (Deni11on in Ohio) and
was all caught up in winning
adult approval. But I influenced
my younger brother to go to a
larger college (Duke), where
there was greater diversity. When
they had student trouble there.
I knew I had directed him right."
Now John must worry about
his own life and marriage. threat-
ened as it is by fultlllment and
that happy childhood. •
lillllkans work harder than any other people on earth to 1n1ke . ·
• 111ate financial provision for their famlies after they are goae
BUf much ef their hard-earned money Is wasted, siphoned off by a
scandalous probate system before it ever reaches their loved ones
Why Haven't You and Your FaiR'iiY
Been · Told These Facts?
• On average, it takes one to five years to dose out an estate. During that
time ~ spouse can, draw a pitifully-small "widow's allowance" bat
yuar children can't draw a cent.
•It CG&ts three to ten times u mueh proportionately to settle a poor
man's estate as that of a millionaire.
• Under the exiatinc .... te system, complete stnngers may share your
estate with your family.
But, in th.e nezt 60seconda1 will tell you of an att<>"nishingly simple way
to tra:1111fe-r 4baolutel11 everything you noto own to your loved onea after
your d«Jth. without delay, without red tape and without the excesaive
probate coat.a which. your eltcite ma.11 otherwise be ca.Ued upcm to bear.
If you c1on·t tab the sups I sugat, my ad-
•icc to )'OU is "Don't die," because complic:a·
tiom will start the moment you do. Yow cswe
will come under the jwildictioa of a special
coun. Sometimes caUed the "orpbans," "c:baa-
cery" or ~surrop.l.CI·· oourt, ils most common
name is "probate"' court. If you'¥e left no will.
il will d.iclate oae for you in &C4.'0rd&nce wJtb
your atate'1 l1tf which won·, nec:aurily rod as
l!f!!. would wish. Now rour dlildrat can atart
illelr Jona one-to-liw:-year wail to ll'l what is
left of their iDbcriaancc aflef the apprailcr feea,
executor or edminiatntor feel and probate
court COids are dedllc:led.
A United Stat.ea Senator rec:e8tly dwwecl tlW
('.OW1I baJMllina probate ate "shot tbrousb WJtJI
leaDCial, ICllDda.I tbat baa beetl docwmnted OYCI
Fiorello LaGuardia called the probate 1ys-
tem "tbe ID05t upemlYC undertakjq al8b-
lilbme.at iD tbe world." The New York. H1rohl·
T rlb1Ut1 editorially denounced thOle .. dub-
house lawyers" wbo "profit to the es&ent of one
million dollan aanually in fees. many takell, at
a WI£ pcn:entqc, from small iuardiamhiP'
Wbeft nery ~ is needed." The 8rid8cport
f'Olt c:alled tbe probate syatem a "aravy train."
AD artide iD the Journal ol tbe AmericaD Bar
AllOCiation called the Connecticut probate
s,.cem "one of the most vidoualy corrupt."
Probate jud9e1 oa averqe are the bjpest
paid Judeca in America. Many of them work on
perceatqe and ma, earn mon than tbe 1DY·
emon of their states. The income or one judte
wa1 20" biaber than that of the Chief Juaticc m Wlllhiqloo
The derk of I Cbicqo probate court ap-
poiated 691 "specW pardiaas" in a nine-
moath period. Olle of bis friends IOI 76 par6-
iamhips-aa averqe of two a week. A probate
judae bas reported that 909' of the appraisers
appointed by a probate court perform no .,..
ice ~ for lbe fee they nc:eift. Many
CODKiclltious members of the bar are worried
about the c:omaption built into our probate •Yl-
lelD but most blclt the courqe to apeat. OUL
It ii op to yo" to do somethlna to help your-
•lf. Sooner or later some of your o.-n f.amily's
moaey will he ia.olved. Don't wait IDd Jet your &milJ and ~ dilct ... &a 1hil ...,.,.....
l.elrD DOY bow t.o POid the probeile Q'l&elD.
How a.. YoU "" ,ow lo..t oc. ... "'Y ......... a&8le iD the ¥elY ......... time
Vinuatb ~rythiDa )'OD llOW OWD CM lie quick·
ly and easily tnuasferred to your bein after
your death-and e:uctly •you specify, without &n>: red tape, without public:ily, without stran.
sen meddliq in your aJfaJn and ~lat off
the ftDIDCial security you worked 50 bard to
build for your family.
You can acbicft all tba very simply by a
method which few laymen know about Cl11ed
an "inter •ivos" or "IJ.ina'" 1ruat. Indeed, only
a small proponion of lawyers fuUy undetl&and
i1s use-the American 8tr Ayociatiog lw iUll
ilsued a trainiaa lllm to be abown to logl bu
modations to edUCiiC tbaD OD Q edY!Dt!pl.
TrtNblM ... lltll
Stitt nit wu TlllOWM OUT -, ..... ,.,. .......... _. ................
.,..., ....... f.
..., ilsJsb " ... C" ... ':.t "= nt~ ......... ............ w. .. ..,_. 1ep1 .. ,.. .... "' e11 nn
JI. ..... Wllldl lat ... t• run.
It's amazinJly s.imple: Let's usume that you
own a piece of real cstaae which you Ob IO
leave to your wife It your death. In a aimple
"declaration of tnllt" you say ia put: "l de-
clare that I am holdma tbil property in tnat
for my wife. Upon my death my succeuor trua..
tee ii to tum the property over to the beDeftci..
ary and terminate 1hil ttuat. I hereby eppoim •
S:UCCellOI' trultee the beaeftdary bemmder."
Upon your death. your .wife, actiaa in her ca.-
pecity • ll.ICCC90f trustee, Nnlply tun11 the
property over to heneU • beneftciary. She Is
tbcts lmroe•Uatcly the complete and ~
ownu of tlae property. That's aU there ii to it-
ao eJ1eeutor'1 feea, no appniler't fees, DO pro-
bate court COii. No one-to-ftve.yeu nil. No
piece in the paper tellina aJl your bulineu.
,_.., • a small btaiDea. incol'porMed or
UD.incotporated, to rd.UWS or ~ca is n -tmnd:J import.-&. u .. y, your .,....
can be qt.aictly IOld by tho beeeficAary...,.... ii
that ii your led ....... Odllenrill. i& CllMlld
be tiecl QP la probelc COW1 for,_... A dillNI
Ille under probGe ~ ..., produce Ut-
tle or notlal.a ..• .._,. twn CreMe obl'c#lom
Widl an "inWr rivw" tnlR, your M~ t,.._
tee can quietly, pri•ately and 1m,;,..uatety JD.
veltip1e ~ blqera ... then we hia time
to make the deal that will live your family the
very maximum, wi&b ao UDdelirable publicity
to harm the aale. .
l wrocc thB boot to leU a few friends and
dlrnts how to avoid probaie. They told tlttir
frimdl ... and ii zoomed 10 lbe top of the beat-
tellcr Illa because American5 everywhen dil.-
coveftd that it fren them from the bondqe of
lhe iniquitoua probat~ system.
In k you will find an explanatioe of why it
is vitally imponant &o you and your family I.bat
1011 avoid probate. Neat, you'll find the~
tnut lnsl"41Mnu needed to exempt your "'liiiiim
or OiJiler reil eltale, your saviap or cbectiaa
account.. yow stocks, your mutual fund abuea,
yow unalJ unincorporated businesa, your dole
corporation ... even your perMJllal dfec:u web
•jewelry, antiques, paiatinlll, etc:.
With each imtrument ue instructioa& that
even a school child can Wldentand, and a pie;..
lure of how the instrument should look when
it ia cocnpletcd. AU of tbe inltrwnetlll are apo.
cially perforated for easy removal from the
book and tctMI HK·
In llddition, you'll find precise a«Mc:e on a
wide raqe of family financial plMnq -..
sioaa which you are called upoa to make oa
matten of life Jmuraacc, tua, inftsuneats IDd
tho lib . . . the ~ thinp you and I would
talk about if we Ml down in your on bolne to
diac&m your 8naDeial .. aae problem.
l'U ibow you 1 apec:ill way .to alYe aupport
to an elderly relative or to a arowma child. I'll
ahow you bow you aod the bmeftc:iary can pin
valulble tu benefits. 111 show you how to
make sifts to charity to take effect at your
death-but aive you important tu beneftll thia
year. 111 even tell you exactly what you do if
you c:baner your mind about any of tho tnat
•~ts or want to cban1e a beneficiary
.•• and provJde necc:saary fonm.
It means that you're aoina to le1m how to
make tbe money you earn aafer and more pro-
ductitt, you're 1Dina to pas it oa to your fem-
lly at yow death with a minimum -of wear end
ieu from tues -and you~ 11>ina to noid
complt'tely the up.to-104)(, or 20* coat.. the
one-to-6vc year delay and the unwelcome
Your own ~ iu,y not lib 1bil man
becaUIO Of bis COU,..... ftabt ap.imt
the probate syatem.. (On the other band.
he miabt be om of tbole enlishtened lawyen who will POSitivdY &IRIC with Mr.
Dacey's flabt.) ht in a· bunched boob
and artidt:i, in more than than .500 broad·
casts, Norman F. 0.C.y baa brouabl bis
case for the atreamlined puaifta of per-
iOnal property to the Ameri&:an ~·
The American people have ~po . Norman F. Dacey is bombehell news 10·
day. He ii Ame.rica's best known profn.
sional atate plannu. Senate commiuees.
the Jl&Slb Department. the Defenae De·
partmeat, the 1.,... comumer orpniza.
tioa ID America have all soulM hill pro-
fe11ional wif.t1nce. At the ill•lultion of
the U.S. Air Force, be h• delivered 1
series of lectura on awe plannina at the
Air Force Actldemy. Now you can obtain
his pacs.nce in pluaiftt l1!ll!. estate. We ::=,~ to haft publ~ ·this historic
Tbe author lw aJlo inlisted that you
be permitted 10 examine the book at no
risk to your Mil. Aecordina:ly, you may
examine it in your own home for cen days
and return it if it la DOI all tbait ~ claam It to be.
Since its pubUcation we hive printed and completely 50ld out ,,.,~,,,,..,.,,,~ edi-
tions. It is cona&an1ly In ..hon supply.
It has been ftnt come, fln1 Ae~rd. Ofder
it today on our special moner·blClt suar.
antee. It .:osts nothina at al unless you a~ rompktrly satilfted, and otberwR
only S4.9.5. Send the coupon below.
publicity wbktt wlD lttract tbe llteatioo of un-
scrupulow penom to your bein. And you're
IDina to keep the aticky fi•f\.Of any pl"obMc
recteteera out of your f1mily'a dain.
To my lcaowled1r, there's De"1" been a book
lib th.ii bef0te. It 9 truly a "do-lt.younelf kit"
which will eftlble eny literate American to. ad-
m.inialer bis own eatalll. If you came by your
money easily and you don't 111ucb care who ICb
it when you're tom. the book im't for you.
But if you're a bard-workin1 American and
you want to decide for youneJf, with a coo-
sciimtioua lawyer if you like, who ii to Id your
atak When you're IOftt, and if you have DO
intention of bequeathina a chunk of it to Che
local probate cowt, thia book w• written for
.-----MAIL JIO.lllSK COUPOI TODAY ___ c_c.o_._, • .,.,
.. -P.O. •111nell ..... New Y ... N.Y. ltlJJ
P~ .a.q, -yow boot .. How 10 A•otcl hobl1t .. lnctudlna full iafonnadon ••to bowl may pa• on fft1 PfOPef1Y without Probei. aJtta ud.delayt. l uNkntand tllal tha boot!; It l)rinled
Oii tpeelal bolld doculllftll J19per and lncludn the kpl fonna I ... and whkh I wfll be a~
10 ftll ill. If ..,. ddithUd ' may ....,.,, wit* let! day• lot full Nfud.
O 54.9' peymnt cndo•d-pkale 1blp po.tpaJd. I aawe poteu charpa.
0 If )'OU wlah yow Ol'dcr -• C.O.D.1,CHECK HEllEI Enclow SI ,oocl-wlll ckpc>Mt Pll)' pote· -tle.l.aaee, plua poarap and llanduna charsa. S.-me>MJ-bKll .-nntee. of rounrl
ADDllEll~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-crrv~~~~~~~~~~~~~--·AT&~~~~~~~-DP~---I .____.___ ____________ _
Your Beauty
Can Blossom Anew
The ma of • young child u
enp;Uaitely &e.a.. cJeu ud ••
•et-textured, •• near perfect.ion
u anything in creation and,
through the ecieolific evolution
of a tropical ftuid that has a "'"
markable, beautifyin1 influence
oa the eudAee texture of the
ek.in, f:'lfZ'J woman of today can
recapture thie original emooth·
neee and lovelinas which graced
her akin ill her younpr da)'a.
The compla.ioo• of American
women ~ inclined to be dry
and delicate, and dmelop ~
mature 1inee and wrinkles. A
JOUAI oomples.ioe ii IUlta.iaed
by a naturally high content of
what ii bown u moist oil. Dur· in& the achancanent towuds
maturity, howewer, the primary
oil and moisture content of the
Kin tend1 to decreue eteadity,
· and natu.re particularly appreci-
ates the ~ of this trop-
ical luicl to ltimulate celJaJar
Becauae it represent. a per·
f ectly balanced eupply of eJe.
mente wlaich clo.ely approxi-
.mate nature'• unique Akin food,
the beauty ftuid ie able to help
re-create the conditions under
Qich the childhood comple1:ion ~ in fulleet glory.
The tropical moill oil ba1 an
importaat .. ieoton ic" action,
wla.ich JDC:aU that it has &D ideal
oaaotic pre.we to balance with
die Min'• own ftuida. Then, too.
tile moilt oil u "'peeled" of the
aealiaa elemeate contained in ordinarJ oib, IO that the ekin ie ... ...., ..o., &Del thoT'OUlhl1 able
to atru. it.I rich bene6ta. A rcM1e
placed iD a nae of water graph-
ically illwitratee the importance
of dUe ~ -once the roee-
._ it CMted with ordinary oil
the bloom lt9elf i1 Teadered ............ .-,b life.Pinc
moUture. n.e oompledoa, bow·
ner, thd.e• when cherished
with tbe ""peel6d" tropical fluid.
SU. epecialieta ba•e fOU.Dd
daat tbie rmoW!i-vy JDDi1a ail
electively promotes the natural
stimulation and replflllilhment
of the ekin's tiny wa~ carri.en
( pluma colloids), brinpq into
operation an external hy1ro·
ecopic actioa which attract•
moilltun: &om the atJnospbue
and draws it t.o the comples.ion
to help overcome dehydration
of the epidermal layer of lkiD..
Thus, the tendency for the oell1
to ebrink or came wrlnldin1 of
the surface texture ii leaaeaed
and the ek.in u eacow"qed to
maintain ita smoothw ud ni-
silience in epite of the eeuonal
onslaught of inclement weather
and the puaing of the years.
In tropical coantries thi1
beautifying moist oil is known
as oil of Ulan. in England and
other parts of the world u oil
of Ulay. In America it u nai1·
able &om draggillta u oil of
Olay. By NDOOlb.i.ng ii over your
face and neck nery day before
applying make-up, you lamb on
your skin both oil and moisture
of nactJy the right type. and for
this reaeon the moist oil pro-
vides a truly superb foundation
that guards qain8t conditions
wh.icb lead to wrinkJe-drynees.
Beauty is now, in fact, within
the reach of f:'lery woman who d~sires the d ewy freabne11
and flawleuneu of a lo•ely
• • •
... ty SIUa.c.re ~
To 1ive 1o•r complesion
t0rinkle free clearness '"'' yOlllltful lotielin~u, mtootll Oft
t.lte i.lolonic oil of {)ltzy before
MOlrin1 up. TAU tropicol "'°'6·
hlriz~ oil tl1ill prOfttl qaUut
IA~ d~ef«U of 111et11Mr DJ
COlrndic pip.nab tolkA C9Ue .1'.~ralU.Ualion ( coar•enin1 of
tM Milt).
~· c for Ewryday Meats
MILANI! DI PROFI' Food Bclitor
• Ripe .UY• are like -o«hfat ~ we••e
aa.IM. TMi:r •pedal IHor magically
ara..1--.._pie enryday fare lato the
emw .... ,. WI., 11e1 eajeJ ripe eliw.
~ oftea?
Ripe Olive'Omelet
! ea,. eaaaed pittell ri11e
4 tw._..s .. eleta
(J..,. fa..wlte !9dpe)
t . .Besene 4 olives tor prnish. Slice re-
maining olives and set aside.
!. Bet ore folding each omelet, sprinkle
with pated Panaean claeeee and lemon
...,er aariDade. Spoon about a fourth
ot the sliced ripe olives along center,
bring two opposite edgu f.ol'ether, over-
lappinl' slightly, and secure with an
olive-decorated wooden pick (see photo).
J.. U desired., prniah with chopped hard-
cooked egg. Serve with lettuce, t4•ato,
Mafeecl. and teated prlic-battered
Ji'Nedl bread slice& .4 onuleu
Eggs Farci
(SW.fled 11111• a"4 14""4ge ea.1aerole)
8 hard.ftObli e"SP· ettt i11 ltat."
Y, ~•P leu
l ~•P Upt ereaa
t eaa (13% -.).elearchkkn ...
i eau <• ... en) chottlled ..... ~ .. ...,,_
1._.....w~ .. llft
1 CllJllA&Wri~·-4....ner.lleqillwiae
l ._pork uaap liab er
.-elde Hal .... ,.., .......
1 ... ·---. ... &Ilia .......
1. fill the ea white halves with a deviled
mixture of aay•naJae, sieve~ egg yolks,
Worcestenlllre sauce, dry •ustard. salt,
and pepper to taste. Arrange deviled egg
halves in an ungreased aballow 2...qt. bak-
ing diah; set aside.
2. Jleanwhile, blend enough cream with
flour in a saucepan to make a paste. Set
over beat. Stirring C01UJtantly to keep
mixture amooth, sradually add remaining
crum. then chicken broth and liquid
from canned muahrooma. Stir occasional-
ly until mixture becina to thicken, then
stir c<metantly until it bubbles: continue
to cook 2 to ! min .
S. Blend in the onion, Worcestershire
sauce, mushroom.a. and olives. Heat
tborouchly and pour over stuffed ears in
the bak.Jn• dish .
"-Alternate browned sausage link& and
tomat9 wedpa over top, b.rusb tomatoes
The delirofe flavor of aeafood ~
Oti• olive-~lhd omelet oantulted ttPitA.
ktture, tomato, CUld cltopped egg.
with oil, and sprinkle with Accent and
eeuoned pepper. Spoon coarse battered
bread crua... (about 1~ cup crumbs
mixed with 1 tablespoon melted butter or
marl'arine) over all.
6. Set under broiler about 6 in. from beat
source until crumbs are browned. Gar-
nish with snipped parsley.
8 to 10 H"1iaga
•If desired, use drained canned sliced to-
matoes or tomato wedges •
Note: Celery, thinly sliced on th~ diaJo-
nal, may be cooked until criap-tender in
a small amount of the chicken broth and
mixed into the sauce with mushrooms
and olives.
Stuffed Ripe Olive Bites
PiUecl ripe eli'Yee, u-t 11
Filliq (.-e •Ii ti-)
Pie crut ab <.-.II for u.e eqainlent of ... t-ia. .-•n> ~ t •• , •• ..., .........
Few rraiu cayaae
l np alaredded •har11 Oleddar
l. Prepare pie cruet mix as directed on
pkg. for quantity and method of adding
liquid, blending remaining ingredient8
with mix before adding liquid.
Z. Usinr about a teaspoonful of the dough
for each, shape dough around filled olives
and place on an ungreased balrln~ sheet.
3. Bake at 400°F . about 10 m.iD. Serve
warm. Abo.a J dos. appetiur1
Fill.iJtg-Softened creaa ct.eeee blended
with prepared bacon-like pieces (a soy
protein product), minced onto.. or dev-
iled haa. Or, use onion OT deviled ham
without che~e.
20 Giant Wall Display Decorations
In Full Color For Your Horne
Complete Set of Wide-Eyed Dancers and Decorations ·
Magically Converts Walls Into Gaily Colored Room Setting
ALL 20 ONLY $1
Imagine decorating your home with these full-color, dynamic wide-eyed youths. You get 6
dancers, an electric guitar and a strummin' guitar, a portable record pla.yer, 2 albums plus
2 records, a cherry flip soda, a phone, musical notes, an exciting sign and even a big tran-
sistor radio! The moment you mount these decorations in your room, you change its whole
appearance and the entire romp jumps with color and new excitement.
It's impoyible for you to get the full effect of these
spectacu)ar decorations from the small black and
white illustrationa here. Only when you mount
them on the walla of your own home can you fully
appreciate their color, impact, and charm. And
you can make literally hundreds of combinations
to suit your own taste. We urge you to order now,
wbife the supply lute.
Offer Will Not Be Repeated This Season
This beautiful, giant, wall diaplay of 20 magnift-
cent, fuU color art prints will fill a wall at least
10 feet wide, and comes complete with decorating
instructions for easy mounting! So be the first in
your neighborhood to decorate your room with
these colorful, exciting dancing youth8. Hurry,
order now! This offer will not be repeated thia
MUOD in Family Weekly.
P--------------------· The BOKESTEAD, Dept. Bw .. n I
P.O. Box J26t, Hom•t•acl BWs. I
Naah•ille, Tenn. 37Z02 I
Pluae Mnd me the 20 wide-eyed 1outh1 and wall
decorations for onl1 'l plu1 26' for postage and han-
dling on full moaey-1-ck ruarantee If not ckltrh~.
Encloeed •• ·----Name _____________ _
Clt:r-----State, __ ztp, __ _
O SA VB I Order 2 ..U of wall decoration• for onl1
Q. (Y w aaTe Poe~.) ktra Mt mak .. a perfect
I rift. . l GUZ .l e!IO I ·------------------·
I .I
----~----~---------=-~ . .;.._---iiiiiiil ..................... ...
THE PATIENT was 50 years
C\ld, 5-feet-4 inches, and
tipped the scales at 158, some
38 pounds overweight Her
blood sugar level was alarm-
ingly high.
".Maturity-onset diabetes,'' the doc-
tor diagnosed, and then designed a
apecia1 diet of 1,600 calorie.a daily for
the woman.
Unfortunately, obeee penons who
develop ·diabetes after 40 are noted
tor their chronic inability to stay on
a diet steadily. Mra. Cranston was no
Her dodor prescribed pbenformin
hydrochloride (DBI-TD), a drug
which bypaaaes the pancreas, stimu-
lates the metabolism of rlucoi.e within
cells, producing an effect quite simi-
lar to that of exercise without pro-
moting fat.
Eventually, when Mrs. Cranston"s
weight dropped to normal, the dia-
beta symptoms were eliminated. Al-
thouab the diaease wH not cured-
it never is-it was no longer tuidettf.
A few years later, however. when
11 fi'••lll WHlcl~, llilat115, 1111
she became obese apin, the diabetic
symptoms returned. The treatment
that had been previously preaeribed
by her doctbr was repeated ; since
then it bas been neceeury for her
to stay on this regimen to keep the
disease arrested.
One out of every four persona--
SO mmion Amerlcans--either devel-
ops diabetes or hyperglycemia (ab-
normal decreaae of sugar in the
blood) during his lifetime, according
to Dr.·T. S. Danowski, professor of
medicine at the University of Pitts-
burgh Medical School. Of thele, 6
percent are diabetic, 19 percent are
carriers. and many carriers d~velop
into diabetics u they are.
Previously, diabetes bad been
thought of as an insulin-deficiency
disease. the only control being regu-
lar insulin injections.
But diabetes is ttof always an in-
sulin-deficiency disease when it de-
velops in overweight adults; many
of these diabetics produce insulin in
normal or greater than normal
In.sulin, whether injected or pro-
duced naturally by the pancreas, can
Drugs and Diet:
New Hope for
One of four Americans may be victims of this
illness-but now it can be controlled
promote weight gain. It helps the
body to change sugar into tissue pr<r
tein, body fat, and energy for cell
functiona. So, while the middle-aged
diabetic tends to be plump, it ia
not· necessarily the overweight that
caused the diabetes; the obeaity may
&1ao be the result of the high insulin
levels in the blood. Researchers at
Habnemann Medical College, Phila-
delphia, found that foul' out of five
ot>e.e adults are latent diabetic~.
Aceonlh• to Dr. Arthur Kros-
nick of the University of Pennsyl-
vania. 75 percent ol all diabetics do
~not ueed inaulin at all; 25 percent
can be maintained by diet alone. for
60 percent of the adult-onaet diabet-
ics, tbe condition can be controlled
by prescribed diet plul oral drugs.
The oral drugs. so-called "diabetes
pills," are of two types. The earlier
and widely used drugs are sulfonyl-
ureas compounds. The first wa.s tol--
butamide (Orinaae). The eecond is
chlorpropamide (Diabinese). Both of
these drugs aid in control of diabetes.
Both 11timulate the pancreu to se-
crete insulin.
'Ille tWnl, pbenfonnin (DBI-TO),
ja quite different. It does not stimu-
late in.sulin production but does clear
sugar from the blood.
Insulin in the blood tends to lower
blood sugar by converting it into fat.
Therefore. the fat diabetic with ex-
cessive circulating blood insulin tends
to gain weight or to maintain al-
ready-acquired excess weight. Phen-
formin breaks this cycle by reducing
excessive levels of blood sugar, which
stimulates insulin product.ion. Unlike
insulin which leads to depositing of
fat, phenfonnin lowers blood sugar
by converting it into muscle. Pa-
tients rece1v1ng DBI-TD, and even
those receiving a combination of DBI-
TD and a sulfonylureaa drug, gen-
erally lose weight.
On the other hand, a solf onylurea
drug would be required for the thin
or normal-weight person who bu
atable diabetes :witb ouet .a.fUf' ma-
turity. This drug increases blood lev-
els of insulin· in the body and conse-
quent fat deposits.
But. the patient with gr01Ct1Hnutf
diabetes muat have insulin injections.
Con.sidered the most debilitating
form, it develops before the age of
16. With thia type, there ia llO obeaity
but often underweight.
The cliet for the growth-onset dia-
abetic should be individually pre-
scribed to make the best balance with
the individual amount of insulin. The
new patient, looking at the carefully
specified amount8 of food in his diet
prescription, may consider it limited
and boring. It contains, however. the
buic nutriment&-milk, eggs, meat
or fish, fruits, vegetables, breads or
cereals, f at&-that every normal per-
son should eat to maintain good
health and energy.
A patient can obtain an ... exchange
list." which gives the amounts of
carbohydrates, protein, fat, and cal-
ories in several foods, so that a
liked food can be substituted for a
much disliked one. Thus the proper
balance can still be maintained .. The
goal-maximum energy with mini-
mum weight gain.
According to a prominenf"iiidwest-
ern internist and specialist in meta-
bolic medicine and endocrinology,
there is a four-stage progression in
the development of this diseue: 1 )
prediabetee; 2 l subclinical diabetes;
1. Does diabetes run in your fomify? (The tendency toward diabetes ii
inherited, a~h the diseme itself is not.)
2 . If you are a mother, did your baby weigh 91h pounds or more?
3. Are you 15-20 percent overweight?
4. Do you always eat a lot, yet lose weight and energy?
5. Do you drink o lot of water yet feel constantly thirsty?
tf you answer yes to any of these questions, '" your doc1or. The test
for diabetes is simple and easy.
.. •
3) latent or chemical diabetes; 4) overt.
Now it is known that the patient can
move either way on this ladder. Fast.ors
that can push the patient up toward overt
diabetee-in which morning blood aupr
level after an overnight faat is abnormally
1) Emotional or physical stress, includ-
ing dieeue and infection euch u pneu-
monia or heart attack; 2) prepancy; 3)
overweight; 4) me.of certain drugs such
u steroids (cortisone, for ex.ample) . If
one of theee fact.on ia remoftd, however,
very often the patient can move down a
rung to a 1eaa eerioua stage.
Ther"e are women, for inatanct, who will
show elevated blood supr and sugar in
·the urine only durinr pregnancy. Often
diabetee symptoms manifest themselves
only at thil time and then eeem to diaap-
pear afterward. Today the physician can
apply preventive medicine.
A cue in point: Barbara, 28 yean old,
waa roi~ to have a aecond child. During
her ftnrt pregnancy, a year and a half
earlier, test. showed no ercea supr, and
she pve birth normally.
Thia time, the routine checkup revealed
a d~ftnite cue of "reatational diabetes."
Her doctor put her on a strict diet and
treated her with in.eulin (oral drup are
usually not prescribed d.urm. Prea'D&DCY)
uatil &be pve binb. She aublequeatl,y
gained wei1bt and. with it, her blood ausar
went up; DBI-TD waa preec:ribed. The
presnant woman wu able to reduce her
weirbt and maintain it at a stable lnel
while beplna ber b&oocl aqpr at a ..U.
factory level-thus keeping the diabetes
under control
Recently, Dr. David L. Rimoin, wist.ant
prof tlMOr of medicine and pediatrics at
Wubin.rton Univenity, St. Louia, ltudled
the clinical and metabolic characteriltica
of diabetes in two very different ethnic
rroupe. He concluded that diabetes may
actually consist of a number of distinct
genetic dl.leuee.
In testinr the Arisona Navaj.o Indiana
and the Old Order Pennsylvania Amiah,
he found that diabetee wu quite prevalent
but mild amons the Indiana; enere and
frequently fatal among the Amiab-whoee
symptoms were quite different.
When more ii known about wt{y such
phenomena occur, reaeareh may be a 1tep
cloeer to lbe hoped-tor cure for diabetes.
In the meantime. medicine baa made lt poe-
aible to ''live with" tbia diaeue. •
How to Lhe wflh Dlali.el•
Read.,.. dmf'tti11 /tW'tlt_. picla•c• oa Aow t.
d•al """1 ... f•UN ttrltlt dioh~ pn>&,._. ••ti
.. kd /t:w OT. Edwar:rf Tol.t41i•• l>oo~, "Lttm.11
wntlt Diakt• ... Moil n.so to F . W. Boob,
Drpt. A~OI, Ben 10'1, GnlfWI Cfttnl SNtio•,
N~ Y.U. N.Y. 19011.
,...,. W.Mlw, Jlaw U, lHI
Loos befoft a.iia came upoo -.id WM: '"Pray"-"·"
the ~mm were ~ to He meaot that we maa pay
pnyer for cmioe help. with the ialintioa tbar God is
Realizing the powu ol prayer, auly our Padw:r .•• dw His name
the people ol lsnel pn,.m oftm ftll be mered U DO other .•.
in appeal fot God's Ne-i"IS aad d-.r HO will is t0 be doae bett
in gratitude fcx His &TOD. Al-a.od baafta ... tbar we are to
molt everyone, in fact. iostinc-be ttuly -.ry for our injustices
tivety fem the need fot prayer-to others, and forgi•ing of me.
especially in times of danger and who injure us ..• a.od thar we att
cmugmcy. to a.oid &iA.
Ir might teem, therefore, that Peope who cpsion the value
cveryooe knows how tO pray. . • ol prayer Jrill ohm ay they bne
tb111 the form, laaguage a.od ob-cried ir a.od "it didn't work." They
jectiTa oE prayer are not impor-mean by this, of ooune. that God
taor ... that God will · lisreo as clid not granr the things for which
taidily t0 the prayers of rhe uo-lhrJ payed. With a beau uo-
tt.ligioos UCO moee ol the dnout. denr•Mi. oE trtJJI# tf~,
Prayer, some will undoubtedly chey would rali2e that ao appeal
say, is prayu "aDCI ool.ly aeeil for GOd"s fnur is ooJy one of
reJI us bow co pray." various kinds of prayer .•. and
And yer the Apostles, wacch-that God does not grant evay
iog a.a Jesus prayed, became faV« we may waot or mink we
aware for chC first rime of the ~
mjgbcy power ol a proper prayer. Proper payer is not merely a
They cuuJd see oo che S.vior's petitiao for ble-iop It is abo ao
face as He prayed. the rrflccticlG expttssioo of our love, our devo-
of a grat inoa peace and ~· tioo a.od oar gn.rinade ao God . ho.
fttshmenr. a dedanrion oE our~ of
So they said to Jesus: "lad, God as our Pamer, a sulwninioa
teach us t0 pay! .. And OWst re-ol our wishes and our will tO His
.J :.-.i ··p wishes a.od will .-cu: ray thus ... Our Father,
who an in ba.wo, hallowed be Tbe words ol many beautiful
Thy name. Thy kiogdom come, puyea ue radilJ anilable io
Thy will be dooc. oo earth as it ia maoy fonm and ~ Bur
in. ba.'fCIL Give us this daJ om tbe importMI dHag ii to unda-
daily brad. a.od fot8M us our ~ the cruc mrening of f>n>ll#
debcs as we abo forgn-e our prayer. To help you we ban
ddxcn. Aod ieed US oot into pqmcd a lp«ia1 pamphlet OD
canpwioG, but deliver us from prayer which will be mefu1 to
C'9il." people o{ flll'f or DO rrljginos af.
The words of die I.ad's Pray-filiarioo ... and we will gladly
rr. of couae, att mebrined in die ICDll JOU a C11PJ free apcm J0111
bans ol Ottistiam naywbett. request. It will be mailed iml'M-
Yu Ovisc, in gi•iog us this molt diardy; nobody will all on you.
beautiful prayer ol all, did oot Write today ... ult for Pamphla
tell us co "pay 1llis." Whac He No. FM-~9.
-----FREE-Moil Coupon Today/-----.,
,,.._ ...,, -,,.. ~ ........... ..., u. ,.,., .. .... ,..,,. ____________________________________ ~
Addrwa;.__ __________________________________ __
City .... Vp
J471 IOUTH QlltAND, IT •. LOUii, 1110. IHU •
---------------------------~--~ CllDITS
eo..... c,_._ 0-a-'°' lloci sw. ,... 2. At....,..., cas.
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ACHING BACK lfaat-s ..................... _ ClllaradMC ........... __ ............... _...,_,, .......... .,, _,...,..__......._u..._._.
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And If you do not own a cartridge player, we wlll give you thl•
8-Track Tape Cartridge Player
~ :ys19~
With this beautiful, top·per·
fonnlna Player, ,ou'I be ebfe
to add the c:omranlence and fuH
stereo sound of 8·track car·
b1dps to ,our Pf9Mnt .,...,
record system! Our rqular
price forthe ,..,.. Is $69.95,
yet ,ou m111 haw It for only
$19.95, when you purchaH
,our first thrM tapes for only
$5.95, and then..,.. to pur·
chase .. few •• twetw addl·
tionat tapes durin1 the comin1
year. Check the box In the COU·
pon at rilht, and not. that you
m111 charp the ~ to one
of ,our ct9dlt cards, If ,ou wish.
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U JOU w'8b '° cbarp UM tltM for JOW' Oohaabla PlaJ'• to a c:Nd.lt QI.rd. cblclt one and au ln rour MlCOUDt number belo'IF:
0 ~ asp..-0 Dtnen Clul» OUDJ-<:11.rd
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THERE'S NOTHING so frighten-
ing to a bride as setting her
first table-be it for a buffet, sit-
down dinner, or even that intimate
brunch with her new husband.
How to cope with it? Plan ahead. Decide
on a theme or color scheme. It your china
ia simple and unpatterned, use textured
acceseoriea; if flowered, pick up the cue by
repeatinr tbe motif in a centerpiece or in
pretty vaaes of freab-eµt bloMoms. Next,
figure out the number of "components"
you'll need and whether you have enough
table apace; if not, eliminate!
Here, we've followed our own advice and
selected some of the newest china and flat-
ware pattema--which in turn suggested
the surrounding decor. +
A Mtcl111ced brt:tJkfa•f rnmt• "P dai8'iu.
Eu tablu /told Oruida'• gf'eex back-
grot1wd "Siu Lovet Me" dixtteri~:are of
Melamitae. Fl.atMJO.re: Orwida'1 1tairtleu
"Ca,,Utra?lo"; platic tumblera by Stotter.
le a ''Tlffony'' Expert on Tobie Setting
s .. lo"1 Mrs. Vi,.cn& A•tor, Mr•. William
Ra7Ul0lpll H•r.t, Mra. Hncru L•c• do it I
0 /ta ta ,.,..en• oolor. Saw. I• ow 1-«U•ttt.
volttM•. Mait-,.oJ f)1'61td.,-'a pric• of 115-
ht II to F. W. Boob, Dqt. A!04 , Bo" 1D1,
Grawd Cncral Stotiow, NftlJ Y orlc, N. Y. 10011.
vtr aftd diu-Caatletmt'• "Bolero"-
bordered in plafiflHPH with a wider
ba11d of eobalt blue. Flat1NJre:
Otteida'• "Wt11 O' Wiap"; tabterlotlr:
K.C Prod1tct11; cmtdlea: Parag<nc.
L e<rparda: Patrhi" PIMe E•JH>rillm.
Sit-dollJft di1'Hr 1tor1 1pri"g ff orrtr•.
Tile cltiu pattena, "SltaJaOll4i,"
froni Spode htu a bloHQmixg brand in
tlte enter, f fflMrea roi1ed ab-
8f~t ftmrer1 mt border. Flaltrart .'
OJuidtl'• "Goldn Cltateau"; Ille
gold-rimtNeil 11la1i0Gre: Fo1foria.
F••U. W..._,., II .. U, IHI 11
I UNIVERSAL MOTEL SCHOOLS. Dept. fW l I 1872 N. W. 7 St., ,..,,.., Fkwtdl 33125 I
: ~--~-.~~~-sc..--~~~~~Zip~~~---:
L ,.._ 11CC•••u macaw...,. ..J -----------------~---~-----
. .
• J I • • ~ ' t '
DeclorS rmd ~~.
Shrink Hemorrhoids
And PromptlJ Btop Itching.
BelJeve Pain In lloet r.aee.
Science bas found a medrcat.iou
with the ability, in mOtJt ca11et1-
to st.op burning it.ch, reHeve pain
and actually shrink hemorrhoid.I.
• In t'ase after case doctors
proved, while gently relieving
pain and it.chine, actual reduc-
tion (ahrinkap) took place.
The answer is Prqaroti01' ~
-there is no o~r fd'nnala like it
for hemorrhoids. Preparation H
aleo aoothea in1tamed, irritated tissues and helpa prennt further
infection. In ointment or 1uppom-
t.o17 form.
lail IH• f,.. family ltllly ................ .., ........ .....,.
Tiit .. -,..... .., ,....... -.-lft.
Tiit ktlM _, Cllff -UldlM .. rtfl· Mllltp .. , .. ., .... ., ...... ff ,...,. .,
.......... -· .... lint --~ Sfr,lcit ~. r-111 WtftlJ, Ml La .... ._, h YM, •.Y. 10022.
v.1--.-.. ..,......,.ir,..., .. . .. ,_ ..... m .. ..-,.. ........ ...
............ ,.. ....... ,_.;c.i,......,. .............. ,...,...,...,,_, O.'t
.. ,_..-.-....... 1i.:-.. .....-• ,. .......... "'r--··· .,.,__
~"'' u,,;>1111
I { ~ l ,
', .. '. f RH~
lllllJrlt,_. ..... .. ~ ....... ..... .................... .......... ~ cal.,.........._ ...
........... klhJMwMI .................. ........ ..,, ..,.,..,.~ _., . ..,.
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• ----lllLHIH: Jll r.. ....._. ... ----..... :llwlt--r//Cf~ ... ---·-: =------~ ............ lllM.: • • :~ : • • =--: • • •Cltr • • • :..... ;a, : • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Tww io.. of now., .. prefltl. ~ n.-n ••
wtlfide ............... ..,.... .... c........, lrWel
......... .,, ...... , ............... iw.t.y.
~......., ... ,__...,..uc.a. ..... ...... ,_ .......... ,. ....... ,,
,.__ ..,, ....... -,.__ Sllep Owl«•"-· AIM. flU. ,.._,.. ....._.__ .. ....._ , .. H,
... ,sUcotl• fof .._. .... ••l1nra. ,..,...
Mt c--,..._ St-'Y Dfv.). o.e .... 16211.
MI01wol IW.. ........ A.ta. UDD6.
' r
FAMOUS ~.Dept. 412
c/o Wnl«n Union, lox 7620, Phlledelphie, Pe. 19101
l'lene Mtld M 1 fr11 roll of cofor tll• in Ute 11D I ""' clltc'*f btlow. It fits '"' a Of 12 espoaure c:emere. I un· dtratalld I 111we no ollli11tl011 to buy 1111t111111. I enclose 25~ for posta11 lfld lllltdlin1.
Chedl "* 0 IZO 0 127 0 126 CMtridp
(fill ICodil l~llc -•I
, _ _,
__ I
L----------------------------------------~ MMOU1 IMHO A OIVISION Of FILM COlll'OUTION Of AMElllCA 0 COf'YtlGHf 1049, Fll.M COltPOtATION Of AMERICA
AT 1f60·
IT'S A LITTLE GAS -Mttverld!. prlcld to rlY•I "'• Imports. ''"'" YoV • bettw.l "'°'' prutlAI ar. AMllY people -·t ~t 1111 extr• cent lnlO Mllwrldl ~-It'• .... "*'•· A •Mslc MllYerldc .. rnw• IMn • belle cu ,
111111111 I SS iiTMG HARDTOP $2298
$71.30 36 mo.
--• flt••• ................... ,.. ......... .-......r • . ...., -. _, www...;· lfl 14.,... ~,.... _. _.--. w· 0 '1N ............. ~........., $gg· Total RequlNd Down ftayment On Any
"-IW.TRUCK .. .,,, .. ~ ..
llAMI NIW lt6t
llAlll MIW I Ht •
TOllNO G. T.
u ...
"9 Down '64.45 36 ,....
"•• T •• I Uca11H 011 .,, ..... Ii .....
"' Down $11.65 .......
..... T .. I u ..... Oii .,, ...... t .,e41t. ......... ..., ...... ...... -v ........ ,....... ..,_ ........................... ..,.. ..,_, N• ladlt I ..... ...._ ...... ,. • ,.., .................. .......
......... ~ ....... Cellf .....
., ~ ... .., Cerp. .... ,.., .. ,......,. ,,,.,,.. .
5 YEA.I or
50,000 MILE
from FORD
.-. ''I I-,.,_ air i.eier & 4llelnellr, Mcll-W ,._ .... ........, ...... M ,,..,. ...... .... ~ ...... -... •illn. ., ,., ........... t ........ .
. 51988 HAND NIW
CORTINA $99 Down ~ $62.20 36 mo.
Pkls0TH & L~ on QllrO¥lll beM credit
SALIS DIP1. ' ...... , .. , ...
1 hp
Ttl9S. tin M ,. I e.v ... I P·•·
Mo:t., I•·•· .. t P·•· 592-5511
=· :: ...
11:30 AM IJ A!llefs Baseball (C) California Angel5 vs. Detroit Tigers at Detroit.
12:00 R ,MU Track •nd Field (C) California Relays from Modesto,
1:00 II RETURN NFL Action (C) The opening program of the 16·
week series covering National Football League subjects fo·
cuses on the New York Jets' stunning upset of the Baltimore
Colts in the Super Bowl Game at the Orange Bowl in Miami
last January. Pat Summerall is host and narrator.
0 Att•nt• Golf Clusic (Cf The final round of the $115,000
tourn~ment is aired live from the Atlanta Country Club In
Georgia. Defending champion Bob Lunn joins the country's
oth~ top golfers when he tries for the $25,000 first prize.
7:00 0 Boxing (C) Live from New York's Madison Square Garden
is a 1Q,round Light Heavyweight Eliminat ion bout between
World Middleweight Champ Nino Benvenuti and ex·light Mid·
dleweight champ Dick Tiger. The winner will fight reigning
champ Bob Foster for the Light Heavyweight Championship.
Forty·year·old Tiger from B1afra holds a long·tenn fight
record that stands at 59 wins, 16 losses, 3 draws and 26
KO's. Benvenuti, at age 31, moves up a notch on the weight
ladder (to 160 lbs.) and enters tM ring with a record of 79
wins, 2 losses and 30 KO's.
Don Dunphy and Wynn Elliot report the action from ring·
8:301J Boxing (C) Ten·round heavyweight bout between Ken Nor·
ton and Bill McMurray.
11:00 AM D Q100 M•ior League B•seball (C) Detroit Tigers vs. Se·
attle Pilots at Seattle.
5:00 0 @ CI) ABC's Wide World of Sports (C)
iiY Movies of tile Week I
7:00 O @ CV "Caprice." A 1967 comedy starring Doris Day, Rich·
ard Harris, Michael J. Pollard and Ray Walston, this film Is
the story of a young lady involved in business spying and
narcotics intrique at the same time.
9:00 D 9 00 "Any Second Now." A "World Premiere" movie pro·
duced for release on television this year, this one stars Stewart
Granger, Lois Nettleton and Dana Wynter in the story of a
philandering photographer who attempts to murct,er his wife.
9:00 D Q3 00 "A Herd Day's Night." This· black·and·white British
flick stars none other than The Beatles, and is a look into
their hectic and somewhat comedic daily routine.
9:00 O @ 00 ''The Pumpkin Eater." Anne Bancroft, James Mason,
Peter Finch and Sir Cedric Hardwicke star in the drama of the
plight of one woman's marriage.
9;00 fJ ti!) (j) "Tuzan Goes to India." The ape man adventure star!b
Jock Mahoney, Mark Dana and Leo Gordon and was produced
in 1962.
9:00 f.I ~ (j) "When the Boys Meet the Girfs." Connie Francis,
Harve Presnell and Sue Ane Langdon star in the boy·meets·girl
9:00 O ~ 00 "Dragnet." Jack Webb and Harry Morgan star in the
"World Premiere'' movie made in 1968. Qfficers Friday and
Gannon are involved in ·a mystery about a photographer who
murders his models.
$1.00 ..........
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Pase 3
Pap 4
~· ~ -·
MAY 24
F V r ~'.J I •'.J C
•:00 I"' ....... (C) (60) U 00 m H...U.,.lrtntitJ <C) (30) 11 hrW Wll'Of* (C) (30) Hank
Snow guests. fJ .... City (C) {60) Sam Riddle
hosts. I "' lnndtn (C) (60) &:lO Alollo 10 Spedal (C) (30)
Melody lbndl (C) {60) Dick
floocf and Joan Harris are featured.
.... (C) (30'°
(i1) 1llt l.nnnce ""' ~ f ) The Chlmpelftt
Music Makers salute Memorial Day
end Hit lndlenapollt 5()() Race. m •• °""'* (C) <30> t:008Jl1~Hoca11'•...,,... <c> t3o> D NIC Saturdly .....
ii: lrldt Welbt"' (drama)
'62 -Petty Dulie, Anne Bancroft,
Victory Jory, lnp Swenson, Andrew
&J Bill Anderson (C) (30)
fii) Critique (C) (60) Host Stanley
Kauffmann Interviews the archltec·
tural team of Kevin Roche and John
Olnkeloo. Critical analysla of the
firm's work is provided by .a panel
of architecture authorities.
1toMJ 8t'llr (C) (30) Mickey @ CI) GB Hollywoed P.a.c. (C) ,..30 I a Cl) Petllc:Nt ••IC'tlotl (C) !ney auests. ( ) Host Van· JOhnson welcoma 11 Lew LllCJ (30) ruests The Beatles. Mickey Rooney
"""'' tile Cuitlr (30) (R) Liza Minnelll. George Cartin •nd Entertalnlfttnt Spedala (C) Chris Noel. (R)
S19t Farrar (C) I ""' (C) (30) Lany Burrell. 7:00 9 ()) CIS SabwdlJ News (C) Tiie stionetan falltlly (C) (30)
0) Roger Mudd. 9:55 Woodlrlll World of s..rt (C)
• MIC SlntJ <C> (30) 10:00 eij (j) is Mm USA I Tiit Altnlnrsary Came (C) (30) utr Paftlatlf 'tfd) June Lock·
PHameJ hosts. hart and Bob Barker co-host the ! Dutll Valley D171 (C) (SO) festivities from the Miami Belch Sllotllaltt Wltlt Biii Dana (C) (Fla.) Auditorium to select the Unit-
( ) Vikki Carr and Frankie Vaughn ed States entry to the Miss Universe
guest. (R) pleant • &J Wonders of Ult WOfld (C) (30) Tiit '.oetenc1trs (60)
"Bird Fishermen of Japan." On the • ~iH<iA t Pnlflla (C) (30)
Nagara River, the Linkers ride In a Paul ewman talks openly and per.
native fishing boat at night to film sonally about his acting Clrter on
the activities of the trained cormo-this year's first in a series of pro-
rants that fish for their masters. grams exploring the views of noted Em NET Journ1I (60) "The Last persons. Lany King hosts. ·
Campaign of Robert Kennedy." (R) , ..... (C) (30)
• ExltD1111tro Emest Tlbb (C) (30)
7:30 Jactit Cleason (.C) (60) : m ,..,...._ (C) (90) "Let IUfEm-.12 <C> <30) , "'"You Wh .... r." <•> 11 SOFT-SPOKEN, SURE-18o• cit Mexico * SHOT SPECIAL AGENT 10:30 lllE Cat (C) (30) SHOOTS IT OUT WITH • W1Mlfa My Line? (C) (30) Wally ' Bruner hosts. TRAIN ROBBERS NOW! m Mallrice Woodrutt Pndicts (C) U Movie: ''Wlllsptrl11g Smith" {60) Vidal Sassoon hosts.
(western) '48--Alan Ladd, Brenda I SWfnlfn' Cot,el (C) (30) Marshall. . Hollywood and tlt9 Stan
U@ CI) &J The Datin1 Ca• 11:00 · D llHB N ... (C) ~ (30) Jim Lange hosts. 0. S&p S.,Ond fJ Minion $ Movit: (C) "The Ken· • Movie: "Ale1and11's Ractt-tuckian" (adventure) '55 -Burt nd'" (musical) '38-Tyrone Power,
Lancaster, Diana Lynn. Allee Faye. m I IPlclA I Santi Cataliu (C) 11:15 u s.tllrdlJ Ntctrt Morie: "Anlt·
{60) Hal and Halla Linker and son OIQ of a Mardtl" (drama) '59-
David visit the annual Santa Cata· James Stewart, Lee Remick.
llna fiuta on the vacation resort 11:301 Newa (C)
located Just 26 miles from Los An· ' m Tonlpt Slaow (C)
pies. MOvit: (C) "Appoiltt!Mnt In Hoft..
I Lot. Caudlllos d1ras" (adventure) '53--0lenn Ford,
l.1JO I (i) m Qet Snlart (C) (30) Ann Sheridan.
CIJ m n.. Nnrlywtd c .. "' I '"""'' <C> 30) Bob Eubanks hosts. TIM Empress (C) ~ Mowlt: ''Prlvate's Proare11" 11:45 fabaloa 5Z Movie: (C) "Pillow
{comedy) 'SS -Richard Attenbor-Talk" (comedy) '59 -Doris DIJ,
ough, Dennis Prlce. Rock Hud.son. £m NET Festival (60) "The Wot1d &J Movie: "Saltrt Joan" (drama)
of William Blake." (R) '57-Jean Sebef'I, Richard Widmart.
€1) Noelle cit &trtno lZ:OO m n Sllnset Strip
l:30 II ea CJ) I IPIC!AL I Qartle Brown 1Z:30 fJ Movie: '"Jaiwp Into Hell" (dra-
and Cfuirtes Sclluf,z (C) (30) Char· ma) '5~Jacques Semas. Kurt Kasz-
lie Brown and his creator, artist-nar.
writer Charles Schulz are seen to-12:40 0 News (C)
gether for the first time when they 1;00 m All·NllM SllOr. "Claudia," "Cln·
co·star in this speclaL Guests In-derella Jones," and "A Kiss' in the
elude Rod McKuen, Vince Guaraldi, Dark."
The Royal Guardsmen and the San 1:30 II Movie: (C) ''Crttn fn" (ad-
Franclsco cast of "Y~u're a Good venture) '54-Grace Kelly, Stewart
Man,. Charlie Brown!" Also appear-Granger.
Ing is Robert Short, author of "The U Movie: Uf1y bJ NlaM" (sus-
• Gospel According to Peanuts." pense) '42-Richard Carlson. 0 ~ Ci) &?:) The ;11od and Mrs. 2:15 U Adventuru of tlle Seapray·(C)
k • ,
' j
·.i 0 p '• I ~ (' (JZl Cil ...,...,. ........ (C)
9:45 D Mewtt: See Daytirt1• Movies on
Frrdly only •
10:00 ~ AadY triffitll (C) tB • ........, (C) Host
rry Bl~en welcomes auests Garry
Moore, Dorothy Loudon, ind Soupy
Siies who discuss the Inner • per·
sonallties of Alan Kini. Estelle
Parsons, Mel Tonne, lnaer Stevens
and Alp Wilson. m Tndll Of tensequettees (C)
@ @ Sall., Today (C)
10:15 ID £Alucation1I Fll.., Monday.
6:00 -Su11111tr Semester (C) l0:3011 ~ Diet Van o,te • aJ 6 • Holtywoed Sqara
l:AS 0 llowle: See Daytime Movies on ) · ost s 'eter Mushall.
Friday only. m Fnt• t11e laide o.t (C) 6:301 Odymy (C) m .., ltopn
Eduadion Eldla11p (C) 11:001'-~l.Gwe •f Uf• (C) Tueller ln..S..W. • 6 m1..,.,.,, (C)
EAIUCltional FH11t1 e lopfna Cour..t (C) Gra·
Tedlnlcal Corner ham Kerr.
7:00 I C8S ..... (C) Joseph Bentl. m Slleriff Joltn (C) • · QI 6 • T1te T9day ._., (C) OJ Ro•per Room (C) El~~ Cloria (C) 11:15 0 News (C) Dou& Dudley.
Mr. WiaMM (C) 11:25116 (j) CIS News (C) Douatas ID Fm tile Cat (C) Edwards.
EE Commodity /Stod Report The 11:30 8 ~ Ci) Surcll for Tomorrow (C) market is closed on Friday and • taJ@ m Eye Cu111 (C) Biii
Ch9nnel 22 will be off the air that Cullen hosts.
d9Y· . • . D Movie! See Daytime Movies, 7:30 IJ Movie: See Daytime Movl8S on Fnday only.
Fnday only. fJ Tiie AllnimsafJ IHI• (C) AJ I TIM EAi NtllH Sl9ow (C) Hamel hosts.
Relilio_al Fll• 0 T .. po (C) Roy Elwell and Bob n.. Fliabtoftts (C) Doman co-host.
C•bJ (C) m Slteriff .aot.n (C) Friday only.
1:0019 Cl) Captain llnpNO (C) OJ leat tlM Odds (C) -
• Abbott l Coat.Ho Car1aons (C) 11:45 D Coetittf Wltll Corris (C) M• ..._ (C) Wednesday only. Roclet Rebln Hood (C)
1:15 p Movie: See Daytime Movies on .'\f fl p•J()()'J
Fndai_ only.
(ill W Video Direst (C) 12:001 ~ (C) · · fD@ m Hidden Faces (C) l:ZS IJ Co•munity lull1tin .... d (C) Movie: See Daytime Movies.
1:30 I Stiniray (C) @ rn lewitdttd • Po1>17t Cartoons (C) 0) News (C)
Bup Bunny (C) Office of tilt President
Cumby (C) Qt Ci) Unklttttr S11ow (C)
CI) Webster Webfoot (C) 12:15 ID stretdl ud Stw (C) Wednesday
9:00 IJ Tht Lucy Show (C) only.
0 @@ m It Tabs Two (C) 12:JO 1J Qj Ci) As tllt World Tums (C) Vin Scully hosts. Shelley Bennan, Joe Flynn, Buddy Greco and their 0 9 (6) m 0.,S of 0.r Liva
wives are auests. (~ MacdOnald Clrey stars.
1J Johnny Crant Show (C) On 0 @ (3) hnny You Sllollld AP
Thursday, Johnny .. offers a public (C) UoydThaxton hosts.
service film called "Song of the m Movie: See Daytime Movies. Ben
Rails," in which the Mormon Tab· Hunter hosts.
ernacle Choir commemorates the ID Dialittl lor Dellars (C) Alan
Golden Spike Centennl~I. Sloine hosts.
I M_owit: See Daytime Movies. &"f:\ Tec!Mlal Cioni• Diet Traq Cartoons (C) gi1
@ (I) Jedi La Lannt (C) 12:55 fJ @ 00 Qllclm's Doctor (C)
Undtn1o1 (C) Tues.-Thurs. Lendon H. Smith, M.0.
Ci) Andy Griffith (C); Ann Gut-1:00 tJ a Cl) lovt Is a Many Splen-
cher Show (C) f~iday only. dortd Tllln& (C) 9:3011 w lewrly Hillbillies (C) D fD @. m TIM DoctOl'I (C) • 6 m Con~ _(C) B lilty C,..•'1 Allllnlllia Cl'-.
• 6wlt: See Daytime MO'llet. Nde (C) Monct.,-Wedntsday only. Dennis tM Menace; McMt: See
Daytime Movies on Friday only. U @Cll Dr .. HMM (C) Mike ID Bozo (C); Eduutional Films, Oarow hosts: •
Tues.-Fri. EE Co111111odity/Stoct Report
l:lOll (l)l'lle ...... , UcM (C) oo m---Wend <C>
atller .... l..t; llMli••,.11• PlfMe (C) Friday only.
m@ (j) El) ltt'a Malt a Deal
Monty Hill hosts.
Jun RM11 SllOw (C)
2:00 IJ " (I) Sec:nt sto,. (C) D @ m Yoa Dell't Say (C)
Tom ennedy welcomes auest celtb·
rlties Dina Merrill and Allan Sher· man, B Lewt Tiaat Beb; Coollna Around tit World (C} Wednesday only.
fJ Ci7l CI> al Newl'ftd 81• (C)
Bob Tubanks hosts. ID Mowit: See Daytime Movies.
Z:301~ Cl) n.. £Alce ot Nl&lrt CC> · @ m Tit• Matdl C1 .. (C)
Host ene Rayburn wtlt4met Shani
Wallis and Orson Bean to the ~O'l'I.
I Clrl T1lll (C)
(fiH }) al Datln& G•• (C)
Lanae hosts.
2;45 0 News (C) Ted Meyers.
3:00 I Tit• Unllettar Show (C) P.D.Q. (C) Dennis James hosts.
Hl,.._ay Patrol (C); Movie: See
Daytime Movies on Friday only.
8 @ @ al Ceneral Hospital (C)
Movie: See Daytime Movies.
Tom Frandsen hosts. ID Zoora1111 (C) Monday; Ftllx tllt
Cat ~) 16 Matinee: Don Rodewald.
Dlalin1 fw Dolln Movie
Matinet: Don Wilson.
3:30 IJ lq Pair (C) Geoff Edwards
I Mille Dou&ln (C)
DhrOf'ce Court (C)
@ (3) q) Ona Lift To Lin (C)
M' ~e.. MarUu (C)
Hobo Kally (C)
4:00 R Mr. EAi; Movie: See Daytime
Movies on Wednesday and Friday •
I Ozzie and twrilt crn oo m o..-SIMdews <C> ftM Flintstones (C) 4:301 Mewle: See Daytime Movies. Mist• Roberls (C) Monday;
News (C) Bill Bonds.
News (t) George Putnam. e.ze•s Bil Tep Sltew (C)
~ Mia Douctas (C)
Slldty's Pim Party (C)
own T 1111 (C)
5:00 · KNIC Ntwllrvica (C)
News (C) Tom Reddin.
Thi ''°"' Show (C) Tltt Adda111 F .. ltJ
W Ji.•_, Tltollatn Dew (C) Tltt ..., .. (C)
• lttMn
• Funny You Should Alt (C)
5:30 O @ (!).a> News (C) Frank
le r~~iitrt i.ne
Tiit MeMJ1111Urs (C)
Clllipn's Isa.cl (C)
Tltls °" 1969 (C) ......,. (C)
Drtain& .,, Dalin (C) Monday
AGES 3 to 19
and Movie Presentation
NMe4 H9"Pff4 T.._. c..,..
........ .. ............... Y....-
'"" wltll ,_....,"1 wh c.
hlke41rwct ....
F.,.,0111 Actor, Produur, 01r•C·
tor offfrin9 opp~unity to kicls
•nd young edulh to b• repr•·
sented in the TV I FILM IN·
$100.00 PER DAY. P.R. CO.
..... 5
SPO"f ltG .. t"f
The circus comes to town, with
Arthur Godfrey as host, as NBC
presents "Highlights of Ringling
Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus"
1in color, Monday at 8 PM.
Many great acts new to the
U.S.A. are presented along with
notable returning attractions, in-
cluding the Great Gaonas, tra-
peze artists. Colorful costume pa-
rades, clowning, and high wire,
balancing and other daredevil
feats are included in the hour.
Arthur Godfrey also performs
with his own horse Goldie, and
sings "Be a Clown" as part of a
production number. This year for
the ~rs+ time the circus special
includes stop action, slow motion
and instant replay photography
in its production technique.
The Ont
from the<
from 7 to
In the ri
Page intro
with a dra
/oq Clwvrc the boy nn
(AlllMs Ou
~allet Version of 'Little Wonien'
Geraldine Paae, award-winning actress of stage, screen and
levision. is the narrator in the NBC Children's 'Theatre produc-
Nl of "Little Women," a new ballet venioo for 1V of the cluaic
r Louisa May Alcott. .Sunday at 6:30 PM.
Mrs. MllTClt, ""''r (port~d b1_ Paddy Toon) ls surrou111Ud by lttr
/our """'11t1n (I. to r.J M11 (Htidi C0t), lo (Alison Our). Amy
(AdrklllN Mulln) ond Bttlt (Robln Wtlltr) in tltb sctnt from "LJJtlt Wo,,..,., ..
The one-hour live-on-tape special features 63 young dancers
om the Children's Ballet Theatre in New York. ranging in ages
om 7 to 16. Christi.De Neubert was the choreographer.
In the role of an older Mrs. March recalling the time when her
~ugbters were youna and her husband was away at war, Miss
lge introduoc:s each act-and in some cases a. ~g)e ~uencc-
ith a dramatic monologue. Each monologue 10 itself lS a recol-
tty Cltevru who portrq1 Law~.
!ti boy MJCI door, danc11 wltli Jo lllsMt Our).
!J1ltt) Award-wlnni~ act1Ys1 of
311, scrttn oltd ttlevl.rlon G1r-
di111 P~ ls tltt ltlU'rotor of
'.Jttw Wom1n."
lection of a memorable mo-
ment from the immortal
classic which is in its cen-
tennial year.
After she has shared the
memory with the viewer,
the dancers interpret it to
an original ballet score com-
posed and conducted by
Robert Maxwell and per-
formed by the NBC Sym-
TRUE COMPANIONSHIP ... bringing people who
feel alike ond think alike together: that's what
computer selection is all about. Nor is it just for
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(714) 547 .. 5645 -(213) 860-2714
11AMte11 PM
MAY 29
... lJ p ", ','1 (,
' All 1tatlon1 reserve th•
rflht to change proeram·
m1n1 without advance no-
All ,,.., ••• , ........ ......
.. .... ... ti ...... 10 ........
IE''·~~.::, 11:: w.. ~ 1111£1 (C) , ... Hall ....... , (C) n. ...... (C) c.a.. t:OO C..m nr.. (I) • Wlllp • Mwewt•• (C)
My fnortll S... (C) Tiit lO:JD 11 Stepa ft 1 ...... 1 (C)
aht Rw. Robert C. Rusact. Suf· @@Ci) a;, llWlllM (C) "Ract
fraaan Blthop of the ~lscopal Dio-and theChurch." A discussion of cese of Loa Anreles, cums. the tensions exlatln( between black 0., of ........., (C) people and white people and what
Q1hqll hopes there are of findin& loYe
...,.. Male (C) beneath •the h1tred.
I A.. A. .. (C) I cm Cf) auJ ....... (C) -..,.. hlliliae (C) Flillller Ted«r (C)
1 .. Md Jt"' (C) Ci) fMttn (C)
uewa Cltl 11:00 n Pteiect Mead Start (C) Fellce
• Cod 111d Man la tile ZOllil C.. MC>OMJ Maddi, hostess .
1:55 7:00
G)~I ~ (C) 1:..: ::!'~ ~~ t:301111a1c, ..... .... <C> AYe (17) CI> m .......... <C>
Tiie Qrist9pMrs folksinrera from St. Louis are fea· Mowlt: "'JOM111 lellndl" (dra· ne lit.le Allswtl1 tured. ma) '48 -Jane Wyman, Charles
Slwt u. lllis DIJ (C) D ECHOllia fot All Apa (C) "Re· Bickford.
T• Hd Jeny (C) aources in the United Statu." fifth. I Qefdl la tltt Ho11t (C)
Sad., funnia (C) graders from the la' Merced School ~first a.ptlst Cllurdl
7:JO ••• (C) (Montebello, C.lif.) discuss the dlf· Wmtliq (C)
...,_ Tlbemlde Qo1r (C) .Jf'erent 1re1S of the United States .,.. (C)
7:45 Tiie Clwistoplltra (C) IS to climate, IOll, resources, airl· 11:30 IJ Tell It Ute tt Was (C) "African
1:00 9 (fHftibnay Spedal (C) ~~ltu~e and their effects on the Slave Trade.'' Studied Is how Nlorii · iliij About Believlnf." Hiltl· ,.. .. encan economy. can kln1doms were brutally exp t·
lllhll of Duke Elli11(ton's ''Sacred I Cent ~ ed by. E.urope1n merchants. Concert." (R) I Cil .,.., O.RIPt (C) D ,,... ltlVtl (C)
· ID1'1 cta1llhrfltl:1111 .. -. .. 1n (C) Onil (C) D ANGELS in big
eltlitlilral tt TOllOmlW <C> .!':''M!.<t..,. * TIGER TILT Today! ::,::<c," (C) n.ia Is tM Life (C) 11 Allpts lallblll (C) Calltoml1
Allen lwtnl Hotlt (C) 10:00 IJ To4q's Rlll&iOtt (C) With host· Anaels vs. Detroit TI1ers 1t Detroit. ~Ced la t1M Aaa.tf (C) ess Ruth Ashton Taylor. 0 [i.1} CI) al DilcowefJ (C) "Puer·
f .... e ~Alriceltllfl USA (C) to Rico: Americans of the Clrib·
8:30 • rbl11 Ex*••• (C) Holltb..,.,.a Culdt (C) bean." Story of the island, its pro&·
Rebels .-a Cine (C) (l1J Cl) GHiul (C) • -ress and iu people and their spe·
Mevit: (C) "Wer Drt•" (west· Movie: i'file Tll1M S-.. 111 cill rel1tionship with mainland
em) '57-lex Bartcer, Joan Taylor. ' (comedy) '62 -The ThrH United States. (R) OJ l(dryn 191'1.. (C) stooges. fJ Movie: (C) "Tiit Cu111 of Juana _ __..;::_ _ _:_ ___ ....:..;_______________ Callo" (drama) '58-M1ri1 Felix,
C BS News Correspondent David Scboumacher, a former SAC
flier still holds a commercial pilot's license with an instrument rating. • • •
Ed Sullivan has presented on his CBS Television Network show
more than t 00 scenes from Broadway plays while they were still
running in New York. The first, in 1950, involved Ethel Waters,
Julie Harris and Brandon De Wilde in a sequence from Carson
McCullers' "The Member of the Wedding.'' • • •
"There's one disadvantage to being a fat actor," says Sebastian
Cabot, co-star of Family Affair on C BS. "you never get to play
romantic scenes with beautiful leading ladies.'' • • •
NBC star Dean Martin thought he'd blown a song. took another
look at bis cue cards and kidded the cue card boys: "You guys are
right. I'm wrong-you're both fi red.'' But when Dean tried the
song again he discovered that the cards actually were wrong. "Hey,
( waa right,'' he exclaimed, "you were wrong. You're rehired." • • •
Jorie Mistral. m AccHt on Action (C)
/\Fl f RNOO~
lZ:OO (219 Ci) AAU TrlCt lftcl FleW (C)
Th. Cillfomia Relays from Modesto,
! Read Ri&lrt (C)
Movie: "Tht Llwleaa Uptltt"
estern) '57-Suster Crabbe, John
I lntelltcent '"tnt ~ Stories of SUccaa (C) SandlJ ...
lat en Su Cesa
Pnlflles of Pf9rreu (C)
Armed Fttta Hjpllpts (C)
1Z:30 D Qal'lders In tbt Arts (C) "The
Vamp." or. Stem lllUltrates the
V1mp es 1 "Character In the Arts."
I lV Wonlllp of Ult Wiit (C)
(I)N., Fil• Qeeat r. Adwewt•rt (C) , .. ..,.. (C)
1:00119 Ci) R£TURJt NFL Action (C)
Hi&hilitits of the Super Bowl Game
betwHn the New York Jets and Bal·
tlmore Colts is the openinl pro-
rram of a 16-week series cowerin1
1 variety of National Footb1ll L11rue
sub}ects. Pat Summerall Is host and
lm .... t .. "'-<C> (l1J Cil Q) Directions (C)
Westlm St.r Tlaeetrt
Rwtval F1m (C)
@ F .... e
1:30 II C.IWlltiou Witll • Plrdlil·
b1lt (C) ''On Takinf Your Own
life" Is the subject for diacuaJon
by Or. Edward Stainbrook.
e YOUTH AND THE POLICE * .. Powder Puffs & Badges"
l ............... (C)
( ) 'Ww ~f::: c!1':ae--=::
apondents, who hive been c:overinc
e1mpus unrest. wilt 1ppur on thlt
~ecl•I edition of the allow • U ~@AtSuta W Clmk (C)
Final round of the $115,000 toume-
ment from Atl1nll Countiy Club In
Geor1ia. Dtfendln& chimp Bob Lunn Z:OOll~~~i!-
m Colllf'SllOn1I Report (C) iewll: ............. (western) '51
yrone Power. Susan H1yw1rd. O Press Conftt'tllU (C) Sam Yorty
and Tom Bredley iuest.
I Roller °'"" (C) (3) Llr1111i. treurto 1i1anc1 .. 1ento
Lidia D1J (C)
2:30 lntidtr/OUtsldtr (C)
from Occidental College 0 On Clapua (C) "Ralph Bunche,
World St1tesman." One of the
world 's greet hum1nitari1ns, Relph
Bunche, and. Occidental Colleee
students discuss some of the world's
most pressinr needs.
I HolldlJ (C)
America Probleas (C)
3:00 Ylewpelet (C)
Movie: "The Last Sunset" (west-
ern) '61-Rocil Hudson, Kirtc Dour-
las, Dorothy Malone, Joseph Cotten.
I Tel• of tM Coldtt1 Wiit
Movie: (C) Ufo Hell Ind a.cl"
(adVenture) '55 -Audie Murphy,
Ma11hall Thompson. fJ Million $ Mwle: (C) "St9pl
You're 11111111 Mt" (comedy) '53-
Brodericil Crawford. Claire Trevor.
I Outer Ualts
HNl•ld (C)
CI) Sewtll Arts Tlteltrt: '1he
Virgin Queen."
@ ~ Ft1ture (C) "Brid1in1 the
I (j) Fact tM Nation (C)
Mcletwtt' l tltt Coloett
Scope (C)
3:30 QI Ci) Hew Ytftl "llurmonlc
Youn( People's C:O.C.lt (C) Leonard
Bernstein narrates and conducti
Hector ·Berlioz's "Symphonie F1n-
tastlque." The French composer's
symphony Is subtitled "An Episode
In the Life of an Mist," WIS his
first major wortc, and is today his
"'°'t populu wort.
Hnt Cun, Will Trnel
@ Cottrreaional Report (C)
: R&D Review (R)
• The Rat htrol (C)
· · Lidia Day (C)
4:00 M111 Froa UNCLE (C)
@ Future (C) "Essay on Vi-
• Ytntlna Sobn loS Hilts
• Ensip O'Toolt
• Mtricall rr.bltas (C)
4:30 N...-en (C)
Ci) I Dru• of Je111nle (C) : ilitt..,..... ............... (j) ,.,... hrlde (C)
fif"nu 1 P•labru . n.. Debtas
. Scope (C)
.. ....
ph re
I · n. , ..
s e
4:91....., ......., (C) ......... w.w " ..... (C)
(C) BUI~ l:tllfi=i:-· ..............
..,ta ) ROGlld Rtallfl aoes 011 the air to dbcuss tua
and hit suuaHons that have been
aubmltt.d to the State l..qillature. ............ , .. c..;'
(iiipteiy) '63-ht Boone, Ba~ra
..... (C)
..... lrtff• (C)
H1•1• .. (C)
CJ) .... tw. llw. (C)
...... " Clllrill CJ)Meettlle l'Tw (C) . -.rs New? (C) (R) r .. a. fer ,.., Ufe (C)
s:JO ea Ci)......, .... <C> au oo m r,.. .... <C>
., ..... ,. .. (C)
8 _.,, (C) Clancy Metrick. the
ir.mmond family's housesuest. fails
to 1'9tum from horae~ rldin1 la
time to meet her mother. Uu
Goddard and Jessie.a Noad are· fu.
0) Tiie .... Sel9d (C) ............ ....,....
fll) s,a.. (C) (R)
f V f NI l\J r;
1:00 • 41 Ci) Tiie 21st t.tllry (C)
Cl<>) "An Incredible Vora1•." An
uploration of the major orpns of
the human body ~na a new mtd·
ical tool called the endoscope, a
1on1 narrow tube the lensth of a
sword that can be inserted into
body cavities to enable docto11 to 'R) . inside without major sura..y. i QJ Ci) @E Colltre hwt (C)
~)-(30) m Wllert It's ........ lltt-(C) (60) Bill Burrud
travels Sunset Blvd. (R)
i (]) Tiie Siqwl-TWI PrefU.
leM a.et (C) (30) (R)
11111 F ... UllCU (Q
l:lO ..... ., (C) (30)
II U Ci) ID NIC Cllll~rea's tlieliff (C) (60) "Little Women."
Geraldine Pase narrates a new bll·
let version for TV of Louisa May
Alcott's classic. The proaram fea·
tures 63 youn1 dancers from the
Children's Ballet Theatre In New
York. II Steve Alita Sllow (C) (90) Steve
aoei on the air six niahts 1 wetll,
be&innina toni&hl His aunts a,.
Tim Conway. Karen Chandler, Bob
Thomas and Dr. Julius Sumner Mii·
ltr. fJ I S,, (C) (60) GI I l.ewe Uicy (30) m11.,.... 22 m Tiit r .. nc11 Qef (30) Julia
Child demonstrates how to prepa"
mayonnaise. a (I) Sllpp1 CC>
7:00 • 9 (I) Laait (C) (30) Lissie
ind Jason, a bloodhound, care fOf
a mothtr1ess foal and find an un·
upecttd ally when tral*'Y strikes
a quartemorae ranch. Part I of a
two-part story. (R)
''°~.~~~.~ Eartftllqs ~ I f-aed UIUI•
lilt Nn who clallll he la 1 cut·
IWIJ llU them. (R)
I ~lt'~INi. 't. ~ t:>>tl*f
nwsiul tour of ttle Los Ana ..
II) htlptrt a. TrMI (C) (30)
"B"ritaln. Lind of Yeatentay." Hal
Sawyer visits vllllpa, c:astlea and
lncltnt townahlpa. ~ DWlpt (60) "lanel and lier·
tin Buber." A docwntntaiy com·
parlna the ideal of tilt late Israeli
philosopher to tM ~t·day real·
ilia In his home sbtt. Apptarlna
a" Dmd Ben-Gurion, former prime
mlnllt• of lllMI, an Nrj) member ot the Israeli partllment and 1
Cl'OSS·Section of lsl'Hll cttlzena. (R)
7:301J 9 (I) lntll ... (C) (30)
The disappearance of Marti's pet
raccoon and Boomhauets doc leads
to the discovery of 111 llle1al pm•
runnina operation In the EvtraJIClea. ~ QJ (6) fe Walt IMIMJ (C) (60) ~lroy.''third episode of a four·
part stDry. Olcat Kiiroy, an tx·
Marine hero who ha Hopted the
home town ot a war buddy, be·
comes a doacatcher and bunai•
the Job. (R) B Milliea $ Mowie: (C) .........
ll&aDd" (dra ma) '62 -James Ma·
son, Rip Tom.
&l lite Claal'"ai•I SN (C) (30)
''The Porpoise Poast." Bill Burrud SVSPECl'--Gaat mr Dine VUll
comes aecler. IUIPtdotl ID '"CCMD-pater M-*r" Oii NBC'1 Mr
llYlelMI Toar, ~)' •• .. PM.
Medical or Dentel
• Approved and Accredited
• Student loins
• Day ind Evening Cla.sses
• lifetime Placement Service
• For Women of All Ages
• Profession1lly Staffed Oent1I
Clinic Open To The Public
(714) 645-2922 • joins the cntw of St Auaustine,
Florida's Marineland, as they set
out to captur1 these lov•bl• ctowns of the dttp. 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
fE lie Pidllr9 "The Passina of a Kint." Ben Cart· 10:30 0 Wedd T...,._ (C) (30) E a.. e-s11191 •riltlt is bilked out of a valuable m JM ,,_ cC> (2 hr)
1:00 1J Qi Ci) Ed s.tllvaa (C) (60) bull by the crafty son of an lflYllid 0) Wild AdvttltltTI (C) (30) '1'rtas·
Theodore Sikel end Richard Pryor cattle baron. Jeremy Slate, Denver ure Below." Th• wreck of a
auest. i' and Diana Muldaur auest. (R) trusure . lilted Spanish plleon,
1J ROLLER GAMES-LIVE! (C) @ (f) f>CAICedSUdlf) ,67-Do~: camoufl•aed by centurtes of coral ~ com ay ns arowth Is discovered off tht coast * T-BIRDS vs. NEW YORK Day, Richard Harris, Michael J. Pol· of Bermuda II .... c .... (C) (2 hr) Dick l~rd, Ray Wal~on. An 1dventure· fl) It's a . fUllftJ 0.lt·You..tf
lane reports. T·Birda vs. Ntw York. filled comedy about the nether· WOftd • world ot Industrial spytna. A de· G FORD PRESENTS AN sianer for a European cosmet.ics 11:00 IJ D fJ a> N1111 (C) * FBI CLASSIC firm t.kes I Job with an American a~· or T ........ (C) competitor and becomes a spy foe &J Tiie Ellpras (C) D Ci1J (]) G Tiit Fii (C) (60) her first bou--lnd 111 the while @ CI) ~ @9 (I) Newa (C) •"1'Jie Gold Card." EJ'Sldnt aains ad· is really tiyina to uncover a nar· 11:15 fJ Mowte: (C) "£.aJ To lAlft" (n>·
mission to a *"'· hleb stakes cotlcs rina. (R) ) •c.. .,_.h w·111a v card 1a!111 to obsttvt Mafia chief· I lilly lrallul Crnaclt (C) (60) J:':n. ~· er 1 ms, an
taln Paul Nichols Involved with In· r.ttr IH• 0) Mwlr. "Sen•" (dama) •57
terstate race bettin1. (R) Detain.-Hetdez -Merta Schell. m llowit· .. ,..Iv•'· "'°irm'° , 30 I (COmedy) • '55 -Richard Attenbor· : • Ntw1 (C} (30) Lany Burrell. U:JO IJ Mowie: (C) ''Ta•., Ind U.
ouah Terry-Thomas Mr. ' Mrs. NOl'UI ladtelot' (romance) '57 -Debbie ID Wa•clerlut (C). (30) "Lovtlet· : Dnld SullkMd :> <i hr) "O~ Reynolds, Leslie Nielsen.
ter to France " Bill Burrud viJlta Parents Were Bia and White D 5400 SECON OS OF Parts · and "Who's Maklna Money on Wall
fB 1'. Fillltr FlllMJ streetr· * BLESSED RELIEF!
tJi) Pll (C} (90) "Llw and Disor lO:OO B 9 Ci) lllslM: , ...... It (C} LOH MAN and BAR KLEY
der." A portrait of th• bi&·cilJ Po: (~) Tht IMF, led by Jim Phelps, D IAll ... & lartlef (C) liceman 111 action (R) seh ts 11out toofpersuadt the trusted • ,,,. -·-F. 1_ (C) 6 .. _._ · enc man a crim. syndicate .., .,_ -~ @E CalTMIOI llcUcaM leader to testify aaainst his boss. are former reporttf, now Nixon·
l:JO II 9 (j) ID Tiie llotlltflol1.U. (R) aide P1trick Buchanan, and Raf·
(l} (30) "Double Trouble in the B@ CJ) m lly Fritlld TOllJ (C) mond Prtce, one·time chief editor·
Nursery.'' be and Kaye di1COVtr (lll) "COmputlt Murder." Olene 111 writer for the Republican New
the troubles of takina care of their Varsl ind Sheree North auest in a Yor11 Herald Tribune, and 1l10 a
month-old hrin arandchildrtn. (R) drama of an lnvestl11tion Into a ~lal assistant to the President.
0) Tiie Sports Set (C) (30) series of acld·throwina assaults on ~ @ h111Pt (C)
fl) Tiie Wend Te•nw malt auiton. U:CIO D hllllc Ser¥icl (C)
t:00 a 9 Cl) s-t1atr1 ,,.....,. <C> am,.... <C> <3o> 12:30 GI Nabd c:ttJ
(ll!) hldy Willilms and his partnta, fJ ""'** Net ... (90) 1:00 IJ Mewit: "f\et Uacartlla fllAIC"
The Clin1m and Lti1h French a» LIMr lttl*t (C} (30) (comedy) '41-Mer1t Oberon, Mtt-
auest. (R) f8 M•IN F.,../SIM.y toot vyn 0ou11as. a~oo m.....,. (C) <60> .,,.... a,. ... <C>
Choose Heathkit Marine Electronics
kit Ml-11 A Heathkit A.I So'1d-State. Depth Sounder
Awe;4 fhe •"''-•'''""'•"t--4'"9•''-""0't of 1u111•i•9 •9ro1r11H •.. the Ml·I IA .... " .....
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I 00' oo 1eft ,..~Jy lietto"'' , , • •••• 1poh tchoeh of fi1h.
kit MR-21 A Heathkit "Mariner" 3-land Radio
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Al:_•'t'• thowt yow the wey hoffle ••. thowt yow •••ctly wh•ro you er• t~rou'f' eccur•te
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M t l'tt. li•*•"i"t to AM , etlio or for M01fllaorift9 the fl"arifte 'h'""'"· •
SoAd-State Fvel Vapor Detector
Your '-••• '""''"«• •t •hut ••plotioft '"' fir• at •••· Met., ,,.J, "t•fe-cla!'l9erov1·
e•pfoti••·. a-.4 elarfft tovfHlt •"•" fuMt t ere (IH'ottftt. I Yild ettd i1'1tall i• ifll i'l•t J ho""·
NEW All Solld -St•t•
T 11ehometer •..
FM Any Boat
C•n be connected to 1ny
sp11k-type engine With 1nv
kind ol 1gn111on o siem
Comes w ith splu h ·proof
cu • or without use 10< jMnel
Send for Our HU99 Cet•lot
It's FrN te Yov f~ the Aaklng.
HI ~111.fi"HF
Te •Heh Hoeth•ll Eloctrooi< Cuter to•• Herbor 11•1'. to loM A ... eut o• lell • low
ohorl liloc•1 lo ))0 E .. t l alf or toko S .. to A~• F. .. woy lo H.,bor 11•1'., Hori.or l l•tl.
fo loll, • few 1hort liloch ••' 10•'•• ••••·
776-9420 330 EAST IALL, A.NA.HEM
Pap 10
MAY 2'
For morning and afternoon
listings, please see DAY·
for your convenience, are
the day's movies. All sta-
tions reserve the right to
change programming with·
out advance notice.
9:00 D (C) "Aaron Slick From Punkin
tnck" (comedy) '52-Alan Young,
Dinah Shore.
9:30 1J "Practically Yours" (comedy) '44 -Fred MacMunay, Claudette
Colbert. D "A Double lift" (drama) '47-
Ronald Colman, Signe Hasso.
12:00 D "lofdtf hn1en'' (western) •so
-Don Barry, Robert Lowery.
12:30 m (C) "Tbt Half·Brttd" (west·
ern) '52 -Robert Young. "Public
Ene•J" (drama) '31-James Cagney.
2:00 m "Ttlts of Adventure" (adven-
ture) '54 -Don Defore. Lon Cha-
ney Jr.
3:00 O "Soutfl Sta Wo•1n" (adven-
ture) '53-Burt Lancaster. Virtinia
4:30 6 (C) "Mister Cory" (comedy) '57
-Tony Curtis, Kathryn Grant.
0 TOM REDDIN NEWS! * News that IS News!
6:00 6 The Big News (C) (60) Jerry -
Dunphy. 0 m Huntley·Brinktey (C) (30) fJ Steve Allen Show (C) (90) Steve's
gu,esls are Rip Taxlor, Phil Foster
and Sue Raney. O Six O'Clock Movie: "Who Was
That Ladyr • Part I (comedy) ·~
Tony Curtis, Dean Martin, Janet
Leigh. B I Spy (C) (60)
Mondoy. Port I. Tuesdoy, Port II. . fa
m PaSSWOfd (C) (30) Barbara Rush
and John Forsythe guest. Ill 00 MondlJ Movie
@1) Eastern Wisdom and Modem
Life (30) "Recollection." Alan Watts
discusses the Indian idea that man
has forgotten who or what he is by
identifying himself with his indl·
vidual personality, which Is only a
mask for playing a social role.
I (j) f1mily Affair (C)
Cesar's World (C)
Dream House (C)
I Pay Clrds (C) (30) Art James.
·Batman (C) (30)
3 Mtrt Griffin (C) ~it's New? (30) "Skiing." First
part of a series showing how skiing
can be both safe and fun. In·
structor Cyrus Smythe illustrates •
fundamental techniques.
1:30 6 ~@. Gunsmob (C) (60) Two
loutish hillbilly brothers turn their
103·year-old uncle over to actin1
deputy Festus Haggen for a bounty
and use the money to open a saloon
in Codee City. (R) B m I DrtaM of Jeannie (C) (30)
"Ojinn·Diinn, Go Home." Jeannie is
visited by her genie dog that at·
tacks anything and anyone In uni-
form. (R)
@Ii) Un Cofor Par1 Est.I Piel
(E) KPt.M News (C)
6:30 m KNBC Newservi'9 (C) (60)
I Love Lucy (30)
Vo711e to the "41ttom of the
Sea~) (60) 6 HunUey-Brinkley (C) fa hallenges (30) "Voices From
the Community." A report on the
activities of the Citizens Compensa-
tory Education Advisory Committee.
~ (jJ @Ii) m News (C)
7:00 6 CBS Evenln& News (C) (30)
Walter Cronkite. O Bo1ln1 (C) (60) Nino Benvenuti,
former World Middleweight Cham·
pion, takes on veteran slugger, Die
Tiger, in a lO·round light heavy·
weight elimination bout set to air
tonirht from New York's Madison
Square Garden.
0 Election Exclusive! * YORTY /BRADLEY! In Candid Interviews
0 ISJlcjALI YortJ/lrldley CC)
(60) Mayor Sam Yorty and Council·
man Tom Bradley are Interviewed
separately by newsman Tom Reddin
on the eve of a very imPortant Los
Angeles mayoralty race. 0 @ CV Q) The Aven1m (C)
{60) "from Venus With Love."
I Truth or Consequences (C) (30)
Perry Mason (60)
lnnovltions (30) "Chemiluml·
nescence." Or. fVchard Brenneman
and guests demonstrate chemically
lit rescue equipment, weather ob·
uct .,
th• ist
*T' T1
I s.
Ta to
tl • c:
THR portr
color Nlsb
Mrvetion equipment end other prod. Dr. Miies his story; Sil Walker
ucts usln1 chemlell li1ht sntem.s. advises Or. Miles that thert Is 1 a> Newll wamint for Lew's arrest; 1 dis·
a:OO II 8' I KWa1t,.1 ~ If tile trwuaht Rite visits Dr. Rossi.
6,ili1 £&1 eid iant• & I Merv lrfffla (C) (90) lalllJ arc. (C) (60) A pro1ram h. • fer y.., Ufe (C) (60)
of top ects from the newest edition 1Y Mlllicll hurt
of the entertainment spectacle for 9:00 !..IJMn1 RfD (C) (30)
children of all a111. Arthur Godfrey Y. Ci) 8' NIC lliMdaJ lhwie:
is host end also ptlfonns with his AllJ Stcielld ,._.. (mystery)
horse Goldie. Circus stars appear· '69-Stewert Gran19r, Lois Netti•·
in1 are aiiimel trainer Gunther ton, Dana Wynter, Joseph Cam·
Gebel·Williams; Ro11na, the Queen p1nell1, Katy Jurado.
of Balance; the Flyln1 Gaones; the • 11 l•rae Jnsers Hert C:... tile
Heraottls; the Klnr Charles Troupe; Stars (C) (60) Robert Taylor Is 1uest
th• Bardutte troupe of trampolln· of honor as Ursula Thless. Alan
ists; the Four Brizios clown 1ct; Drake, Jackie Kahane, Pat O'Brien,
the Lindstroms hlah wire unlcycl· Adam West. Marauerlte Piazza and ists; ind the Mickey Antllek William Shatner attend the "roast."
Chimps. Veteran rinamaster Harold D @ (!) m Tiit o.tcats (C) Ronk announces the acts. {m) "A Ride to Venaeance.'' The
..a YORTY/BRADLEY' bounty hunters l11m that Jemal _. • David is w1nted for murder In a * Tell It To town called Hale's Landinr. (R)
TOM REDDIN! Now! Ell> l1ac* JMm.I (C) (60) A TV B Millioe $ llowie: "'f1wt Miies to ma1azine devoted to Ne110 culture,
ilrdnlpt" (mystery) '63 -Sophia rh~o problems and black·whlte
Loren, Anthony Perkins, Gia Younr. relat10nships. m "M (30) I {)) ..... Fro• UNCU (C) fii) Tiie Wor1cl of C.rt LI lruja Maldlte
SallcllMtrt ( ) A tele¥islon version 9:JO Fa•llJ Affair (C) (30)
of the orl1inal Broadway production lilly Cra~ Cr_. (C) (60)
with Uta Ha1en, Fritz Weaver, The Ravlsta Mutal
Terriers and Carolyn Hester per· 10:00 QI (I) Carol llff'Mtt (C) (60)
formlna Sandbufts 1prote, poetry Martha Rlye and Mel Torme 1uest.
and sonp. (R)
8:30 I a{))...... lacy (C) (30) * News that IS News!
Colden Yopp (~. (30) "Pie· u News (C) (60)
ture Postcard Mtxico. (jJ) (l)Q) PIOHERE Ti.t Diet
D @(l)Gl ,._ ~. (C) 5'ew (C) (60) Humorist Didt
(l{>) M1rsha and Dr. Rossi dtJCuss Cavett, whose earlier-in·the·season
plans for an Immediate wecldlnr; mornini show has been nominated
Norman tells off steven; Lew aim for an Emmy, ta~es on the chores
THRESHOLD -Ste~ Grurr Portra1' a Pla1bo1 J*OtolnlPlltr
wbo plots die ......,. ol .... weaffatJ
wtlt (LcMI NeCdttoll) a. die •Jlftr'J
drama, "A•J SeeOllCI Now," ellCOft cok>Kut Oii die NBC MOIMla1 NJc1U MoYle at f PM.
of ni1httime host three times a
week (Mondays, Tuesdays ind Fri·
days) at 10:00 PM. Tonilht's pre·
miere show features Trum1n Capote,
Lia Martinelli, Candice Beraen and
James Coburn.
ermcifJ!(30) m s.. a• u.. c..nnt Edllcatioll M (C) (90) KCET
covers the Ninth Annual Institute
for Teachers by the tos Anreles
~hoanalytic Society·lnstitute.
UJ Marilaa
lO:JO fJ I lflc!A I y_,. (C) (60) A
rebroadcast of this momin(s pro·
rram that featured the 14 runoff
candidates for Los Anaetes' newly
cre1ted Junior Colleae Board of
Trustees and the six finalists for
LA.'s Board of Gtucation.
I News (C) (30) Bill Johns.
Fallastt Coruoe
11:00 BIJll)@E&)News (C) AifrtT Mdacl
Deulcl O'Celt111r (C)
Movie: "HUlldlM·"°"r H•nt" (mystery) '35-Anthony Stet!. ll:JOl~~~u!)ti,::S~ .. redy) '58-Sir Alec Guinness.
9(i)mT•l&trt SMw (C) • iihwii: "Ii Ewil, My Leve" (dre·
MiniilDfflH Im•) ~8ci)~ :;n:i.:'; lC:d.
~~""' 12:00 fllewit: "f"111 Cates Ill Htr ( ama) ·s~evme Brend.
12:JO m Adie• Theatre: "Blue, White
and Perfect."
Ntn(C) .. 1:001~1 FrMly (C)
1:15 Movie: ...... Clf...t J.nalt"
(drama) '57-lee J. Cobb.
1:20 a Co•••nltJ lutletin ..... d (C)
MAln8IAllCI llT IOTTOM.._ SWIMMING POOL· • 18 n. POOL -a•'ICAl --
...-. llPIACIMaT cam ALL S11D
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MAY 27
for morninc and afternoon
llstinp, please see DAY·
for your convenience, are
the day's movies. All sta·
tiOlls reserve the richt to
. chanp prOlf'amming with· out advance notice.
t:ilO D "A Nlpt To .... ...,.. (mys-
tery) '42 -Brian Aheme, Loretta
1:30 B ..,,. Yo" Town" (comedy) '41
-fred MacMurray, Mary Martin. IJ (C) ............. .,...
•1 him" (comedy) '53 -Mitzi
Gaynof', Wiiiiam lundiaan.
U:ilO 11......., el ....,...... (west-
ern) '49 -Jimmy Ellison, Russell
12:30 m "Al~ Uprlll•I" (western) ·~John Wayne. "Train ef Eftllts"
(dr1ma) 52-Valerle Hobson.
2:00 m "C'-l Ten" (western) '56-
.JOlin Smith, Kent Taylor.
l:OOfJ "f...._ • Stir" (comedy) '61
-Norman Wisdom, June lavericlt.
4:30 II (C) .,,., of tll• ..........
(wutern) '58 -Fred MacMurray,
John Ericson.
f V f ~i I ~-(,
D TOM REDDIN NEWS! * News that IS News!
1:00 "Tiit lit ..... (C) (60) Jerry Dun~.
I 8' HutltJ-lrNlk&tf (C) (30)
Sll¥t Allen sa... (C) (90) The
Ir sh Rovers, Allin Sherman ind
Shari l ewis visit Steverino tonlaht. 0 Sil O'C1oct Movie: ''Wllo Wu nlat lAdy1" Part II (comedy) '60-
Tony Curtis, Dean Martin, Janet
11 S,, (C) (60)
,., Cards (C) (30)
lltM• (C) (30)
(3) Merv Crlffl11 (C} fiara N .. ? (30) "Sklinr.''
Second proaram on safe skiing for
younasters. Im Un Color rara Elb Piel m lPt.M ..... <C>
,:30 D DIC ........ (C) (60) m I Lowe I.Aley (30) m Voya19 .. ... lettD• of die
SN (C) (60)
9 00 Hunt111-lrlnk11J (C)
fJl) DEBUT focus on s..den (C)
(30) "Free Hands-An Art School of
Tomorrow." An exploration of a
unique school of art In SWeden
where students are allowed com·
plete freedom. Teachers act only as
advisors. and director Per Foss has
built the film around correspondinr
rhythms of students and work, and
popular rock music. 9 Ci) @I) 8' NIWS (C)
HORSE OF ANOTHER COLOR -Doris Day as Doris ~art!n, and Dmver Pyle, as Grandpa, hold a stra1tegy mut-
'"I in the barn before having a heart-to-heart talk with
Doris' uput son, on The Doris Day Show, Tuesday at 9:30
PM, in col r on CBS.
7:00 R CIS &Mlq News (C) (30) lester. The film features 11 10n1s.
Wilter Cronkite. KNXT presents earty all written by Lennon and McCart-
electlon returns bl1fonln1 at 7;00 ~· (R)
PM via electronlc "crawl'' (the line U SMwcut 5 (C) (60) Pew Lee
of words across the bottom of your Is featured in an hour of musical
TV screen). entertainment O Wlllt's MJ Liiie? (C) (30) Arlene fJl) NET festival (60) "Merely Play·
rnnds, Alin Alda, Patti Deutsch ers.'' Actor Barry Morse In a 101o
and Gene Rayburn are panelists. performance pays tribute to the act·
Wally Bruner Is host·moderator. in& profession across thr .. centur·
I Passwerd (C) (30) ies, re·creatina roles made famous
(]) -.UI (C) ~ David Garrick and Henry lrvlna,
M..-.a 0,... Hol&M (30) W Cl9uco Avella .. t (C)
.merlcan Primitive Masterpieces.·· 9:30 119 (I) Defis DIJ (C) (30) Even
Host Russell Conner tours an exhl· thouah he can't sina. Toby pretends
bitlon of American primitive paint-he's In the school c:holr to Impress
Ina from the collection of Ed&ar his molher and the rut of U..
William and Bernice Chrysler Gar· family. (R)
bi1th. D ct111t... 7 Elldioft ~ (C) I (I) TM hod Qup (C) (30) Bill Bonds reports.
lslaadl l.n tllt Sull (C) I """ (C) (30) Ted Meyers. Dm11 HoUM (C) llU, 8ralaa• Crusade (C) (60)
7:30 llfB 00 lanctr (C) (60) Scott's (])a> NYPD (C) (30) '1ht
attempt to befriend 1 recently wi-1ht Watch." Detectives Mike
dowed airl backfires when the airl's HalMs, Jeff Werd and John Corio
Irate in-laws charae the lancers search for a misled health·food
with abductin& her and 11~ sieae "1ddic:r' whose fanaticism resulted
to the ranch. R. G. Atmstrona and In murder . .line Alexander and James
Lynn Lorin& auest. (R) Tolkan auest. (R)
D Qj 00 @I) Jeny LMI (C} (60) II) "°' Connie Stevens end The Osmond 10:00 8 KUT Eltction Special (C) (60)
Brothers auest. (R) Continued coven11e of the Los An·
Lost In S,act (C) (60) 1eles City Election. includinr the
@(]).EB Mod Sqtilll (C) (60) bettle for Mayor, and Interviews
nd Tara Chapman!" Yvonne with available candidates. Jerry
Crair plays a &irl on the run who Dunphy is anchorman.
is unaware that .she has meninailis. II TOM REDDIN NEWS! ~~e ~~~~ ~:~r~~:i~~~~~~~~ * News that IS News!
is belna aiven emeraency treatment B ~ ~~C) (60) for the dread disease. Della Reese l.Jl.I """ Didi CavtU (C) (60) plllys a niahtclub proprietress. (R) Joe amath, Jane Fonda, Tom O Miiiion $ Movie: ''Tiie lrid&•" Jones aue~t.
(drama) '61-Volker Bohnet. Fritz 0 MalMaJ Diiien (30) Wepper. fB USC Miiiie festival (60) John
I Tr.U. or Coasequences (C) (30) Cro~n hosts a proaram featu1in1
PtrTJ M..-a (60) pianist James Cook of the USC
Tiit fre11dl C ... f (30) (R) School of Music. Selections are
Novell "Toccata. Opus 7," by Schumann;
and "Ludus Tonalls'' by Hindemith.
1:00 m Haltf (C) (30) 9 Ci) a.eratioq Apart (C) (60)
fI!) World Preu (C) (60) ''The Youth International:" f11 Happenlna a Qo-Co @I) Marian•
1:30119 (I) Rid SbttDn (C) (60) 10:30 IJ Mw~: ''Tiie Qeorp Raft SllfY'"
Skelton presents sinaina star Lana (drama) 61 -Ray Danton, Jayne
Cantrell, poses as con man San Mansfield.
Fernando Red in a crooked real-Cl) Mlle Sefvice/News (C)
estllte deal, pantomimes a clumsy @I) fallute eon...
male nurse and pleys the lead sin&· 11:0010 0@1) ~EB News (C)
er in a quartet called The Glaolos AIJreirHltdlcodl
in a vaudeville routine. (R) Uata Club (C) D ~Ci) m Julia (C) (30) "How Mwie: "Mid at Ille WoM"
Sharper Than a Baby's Tooth.'' Julia (drama) 'SS-Frank Lovejoy, Keefe
is baffled and su59icious when son Brasselle.
Corey overpanics at havina 1 tooth @ (]) ~ 00 9 Cl) ..... (C)
pulled. (R) fJl) ii1P11 News Coof•eac.
1J Ji••it lodl'fl 111tw (C) (30) 11:30 CJ ta) CiH1" Tonlclrt Sllew (C)
Ro1er Smith is host to The Shen· II Movie: MSIHJ O'RHIU" (drl·
andoah Trio, Terrea Lea and Hoyt ma) '49--Alan Ladd, Gail RuSllll.
Axton. ' U @ @ .m JeeJ llsalop <C> 0 El) It Tabs a Tllltf (C) (60) m DoAald O'CenMr (C)
''The Packaaer." News comme~ta-12:00 8 Mwlt: "Tar1wa lwtlbnd"
tor Alex .o~eier auests as ~~sh1n1· (adventure) '53-Kerwin Mathews.
ton soc11lite Ambrose B1lhncton. 12.20 ~Movie· "Ille FlnlNlr (d ) suspected by the SIA of sellinr • , . • . r1ma
state secrets to foreian 11ents. (R) Mickey Rooney, Marilyn Mon·
I Merv Criffin (C) (90) roe.
Run for Your Lift (C) (60) 12:30 Q) Action TllNtl-1: "Green Finr·
(]) SpoUipt Wltlt Abbt Lane era."
< > t:ool D ..... <C>
9:00 0 ~ 00 m NBC Tutlday Movie: Co••••itJ klletill leant (C) NA Hard DaJ'a Nlpt" (t*n·musi· f,... Ille. lllSidt 0.t (C)
eel) '64-The Beatles, Wilfred Bram· 1:3011 Mowit: '"Wllirl,..r' (susptnJI)
btll. The musical · comtdy·fantaay ·~ene Tierney, Jose Ferrer.
traces 36 hectic hours In the lives m n Suaet Strip
of The Beetles uslnr the special 2:30 m All-Nl&lrt 5'ew: "Jnsy" and
camera work of director Rich.rd '°COnfesslon."
~lo t-
i· ,.
IS ..
I) ..
d ..
I) .. • $
) ,
Allen Rich
Now tnat the regular television aeason has come to in
unlamented end and the reruns are among us a backward loot at
what, U anything, the put seven months proved may be in order.
The medium proved once more that the thing It does best is
coverege ot major news events. But then there has never been
any argument about that. It excelled In the election, with the
astrooauts and unhappily in the death of a greet American -
Dwlgtlt D. Eisenhower, and with many excellent documentaries.
Lagging far behind, as usual, was the
ntght-by-nigbt programming, which Is
television's backbone.
It is perhaps significant that seven of
the Top 10 Nielsen shows were comedies,
placing no strain on either die net4rorlcl
or the viewers.
If you were lookJ.n& tor standouts, in
this respect, you could go as far -and
no turther -than Rowan and Martin's
Laugh-In and Julia .
Ordinarily, the Rowan and Martin1
Show would be great news for the
"creative" people in television, on the
theory that It would only be necessary to
Rich copy it and you'd come up with a slmiliar
hit or hits. That is par for the course with
the folks who produce television shows.
But untortuna~y for them (the Imitators) Laugh-In delies
imitation. It is in a class by itself.
The extraordinary 1Ucce9 ot Dlabaan Carroll and Julia In-
dicates tba.t a situation comedy dealing wl&b black family IUe hi.I
lq been overdue. But bere again tbe special lnaredientl Of the
star. tbe wrtdng and tbe producdon will be WJ'Y bani to dupUcate.
Mlss Carroll's smash probably opened the door for another
black singer ot great eppeal, Leslie Uggams, who takes over the
CBS spot viacated by the Smothers Bros. next fall, with a variety
show of ber own.
And the electronic demise of The Smothers Bros. proves one
incontrovertible fact That fact: It's one thing to 0 tell it like it
is," but quite anocher to successfully argue with a big network. It
simply can't be done. (Or have YOU ever tried to tell the boss
MW to, run bis business?)
An unusual facet of the past season Is that televised
movies, which bad been clobbering almost everything in s.lght the
previous year, slipped badly. No one bas yet come up with a real
explanation for the near debacle. My own thought on the matter is
that the networks weighted even the best films down with so
many silly commercials that the movies became unpalatable to
many viewers. ·
Tbe Idea that It Is anly aec\ssary to tm1l tbe camera oa a big
S1ar and you'll come up wltb a ~t wu dlsp~ved dd.s put season
in tbe cues of Pbytlla Dlller, Jerry Lewis md Doris Day.
Phyllis, of course, is long gone. 1erry ls out for next year and
Miss Day has failed to set any worlds on fire.
On tbe other band. three unknown younpters, Michael Cole,
Clueace Wlll1ams III and Peggy Lipton registered solid bltl wltb
tbeU Mod Squad.
Then there was the case Of Ken Berry and Maybery R.F.D.,
an offshoot of the Andy Griffith Show -but without Andy. l't
finished an amazing tourth In the ratings, despite a lack of mar-
qee value in BerT}', who is however a top performer.
Not so fortunate were Otis Young and Don Murray in The
Outcasts, ·a Western. The stories were frequently excellent and,.
Young appeared to be one of the finds of the season. But the
project got nowhere.
More pleasant was die emeraence of two Laugh-In glrll,
Goldie Hawn and Judy Carne as major stars, and the establish-
ment of Glen campbell u something other than a· summer re-
It was a goad year for police drama with Ironside, Adam-12,
Dragnet and the aforementioned Mod Squad all doing nicely.
The John Davidson Show
The John Davidson Show premieres thia woct oo ABC, Friday
at 8 PM. a,
John once lhoupt be would follow in bis father's f oot1w:p1
and become a miJllater. Instead of enterina a seminary. however,
be responded to a different callina and aot a de1ree in theater ana.
Davidson's theatrical career zoomed when be mowd to New
York in 1963 after araduatina from Denison Univenity, Oraa-
ville, Ohio". He made his debut in show business on Broadway,
co-starrina in "Foxy," a musical atarrina Ben Lahr. While doiq
"Foxy," be landed a contract to appear in The ~ a
John Davidson. star and host of The Joi'" Davidson Show.
Funch cltanteuse Mireille Mathieu, comedian Rich f.ittk
and comedienne Aimi Macdonald are featur«i.
weekly TV variety series starring Carol Burnett annd Caterina
Valente. Concurrently, be was signed to do a starrina role in
the Hallmark Hall of Fame production of "The Pantasticb."
He went on to win critical success in the Now York.City Cen-
ter's revival of "Oklahoma!" Shonty after the musical opened be
was signed to an exclusive rccordfoa contract by Columbia. He
has recorded several tor-selling albums, amooa them "A Kind
of Hush," "The Time o My Life" and "'My Best to You."
Io 1966 he starred on and hosted his first television variety
aeries, The Kraft Summer Musical Hall.
Davidson did his first television specir.1 in 1967, ABC's John
.Davidson at Notre Dame. By Thank.saiv~ his ftrst film, "The
Happiest Millionaire," was in nationwide distribution. A second
film. ''The One and Only, Genuine, Ori&inal Family Band," was
the J 968 Easter attraction at Radio City Music Hall 10 New York.
That year he also hosted "Class ,of '68" for The Kraft Music
He has played nightclubs in Miami, Washington, D.C., Colum·
bus, Ohio, Boston, Las Vegas, Los Anaeles aod San Francisco.
He has also appeared at the Plaza Hotel io New York.
Recent TV appearances were on Daniel Boone and The Carol
Burnett Show.
Davidson is married to the former Jackie Miller, who was the
other half of tbe singing team "Jackie and Gayle."
When not on tour, he lives on a ranch in Hidden Hilla, Calif.
He enjoys handball, tennis, skiing. horseback ridiQ& and buket-
ball. He also plays the auitar.
MAY 28
For morninc and afternoon
listings, please· see DAY-
for your convenience, are
the day's movies. All sta·
tions reserve the right to
change programming with·
out advance notice.
9:00 0 (C) "T1lt ltMlifll ..... r,..
lasllful ltnd'' (comedy) '50--Betty
Grable, Cesar Romero.
9:30 8 "Jbnd1 Acrou tllt T1blt" (ro·
mince) '35-fred M1cMurray, Car·
ole Lombard. fJ "Tiit Clrl Fro• AHcltra" (drt·
ma) '63-Maximlllan Schell, Nlcolt
lZ:OO 8 "Flnltf1lrfnts Dt11't Lie" (mya· tery) 'SI-Richard Travis.
1Z:30 m "f"nt Yank Into T'*Yo" (ad·
venture) '45-Tom Neel. "JthnllJ Rocco" (drama) '58-Stephen Mc·
Z:OO ID "Hucfill' for HNVtn" (comedy)
'47-Stuut Erwin, Irene Ryan.
3:00 fJ "T1lt lloonrltlr" (drama) '57
-Georre Baker. SyMa Syms.
4:00 rn (C) "Son1 of SchelMtuadt"
(Orama) '47 -Jean-Pierre Aumont,
Yvon11e De Car1o.
1 v F .._, 1 •• r
J:OO 8 Tiie 111 ..... (C) ..(60) Jeny Dune!!J. I m 111nt1.,..arlcltlef <C> c3o> Stlvt Alita ... (C) (90) net.re l Ullett, Gerri Granier.
Mickey Rooney, Sid Gould and
Ohar1es Snow 1uest. u Sill o-cltc* Mewit: .........
to. stDrf' (drama) '52-Van John·
son, Patricia Neal.
11 Spr (C) (60)
Ply Cards (C) (30)
Bataan (C) (30)
CJ) Mtrv Qriffi1 (C)
Mara ....i (30) "Science
Fare." First of three pro1rams with
Georee FIShbeek, who teaches
younpters scientific principles that
they can turn Into home projects. 8) Ua Color ,,,.. Esta Pit!
G!)kPUI Ntw1 (C)
6:30 I ""IC Ntwlervla (C) (60) I lMe Lucy (30)
Ytfllt to Ult a.u.. of UM
Ste LC>' (60)
• ~ 00 Hutlty·lriftllty (C) : let's Tall About Ttta (30)
" an It Really Happen?" LA City
Schools spokesmen look at how
parents can deal with teenarers
who are encounterine a problem
with .drues. Students use role-
playinf technique.s to Illustrate var·
lous attitudes parents can assume.
IB OO &m8'Ntws <C>
7:00 II cas EveUtl News (C) (30)
Walter Cronkite.
I What's My lillt? (C) (30)
'lltWOrd (C) (30)
t You Allltd for It ~ Peraptivt '•rent (30) "In·
Tim Matheson on 'The Virginian'
Tim Matheson bas been
signed for a rqoJar series · role
on NBC's The Virginian.
..... 14
Matbeloa, •bo bu bees act·
in& aha the ... of 13. will
portray Jim ff0m, an itinerant
teen-ate cowboy who arri\ICI at
Shiloh Ranch witb an older
aidetJck and then stays OD as
• wfallller.
Matbaon.. motion picture
c:redill include "Youn. Mine
and Oun ... witb Henry Fonda
anU Lucilla Ball; "Divorce
Americaa Style•• and. more re-
cendy, .. How To Commit Mar·
riql," ...m.., Bob Hope.
On tekviaion, Mubesoo baa
appeared iri 1be Twililflt 7.one,
My Three Sons, Leave It to
Bea"" and McKener and Tho eoa.et. He was a re,wat on
.. Window on Main Street."
Matt.on alto bu been the
voice Jor teVeral Hanna-Barbera
canoon charac1er1 and hu
wriuea tcrlpcs fot the same
company. ,
He d join Mries 1tan John
Mdnd.re, Dous M'°ure, Jeu-
oette Nalaa. Sara Lane and title
roll star J-. Drury wbeo the
Illies premieres ha eiahtb sea·
IOD In September (Wednesdays,
in color at 7:30 PM) •
telltctual Growth." Betty Smith con· funds In · • small city.
alders a child's intellectual rrowth It W,..._, (C) (60) Dick line
from the parent's standpoint-that calls the action from the Olympie.
of provldine 9X111riences that foster 0 (ft) (]) 01 AIC Wtd....., .... dev~ment and a utldyine life. N : 1'i flll•'*1tl Elter" (drama) I ltwerty HIUbilliel (C) '64-Anne Bancroft, James Mason,
111dtftmt (C) Peter Rnch, Sir Cedric Herdwlcke ..
Dfa9l9 Hoat (C) After finding true happiness with
7:30 CJtft Ca..., (C) (60) Jim her fourth husband and knowledae
abors, Bobble Gentry and Pat ol preinancy, Jo is sheltered to dis·
Paulsen ~-(R) • cover her husband's Infidelity. (R) D QJ 00 m Tiie Ylr,.U.1111 (C) I 'Mf Dollar's Wd (C) (60)
(90) "Bi& Tiny." Julie Sommers Spja 1 Eariqut
and Ro1er Torrey auest in story 9:30 QI Ci) Cr•n Aerts (C) (30)
about a Youna ah1 who schemes to • County aeent Hank Kimball learns
slow down a persistent admirer. that an aaricultural student Is b1in1
Shortly after Trampas and David n nt to Hooterville to observe his
Sutton arrive in Duranro on a bull· work. (R)
buyine mission, David accidentally IN.., (C) (30) Ted Meyers.
bumps Into Martha, who asks that 12 O'Cloct Hip (60)
he pretend to be eneaaed to her in 10:00 9 00 Hawaii riv.o (C) (60)
order to ward off Tiny Mor1an's Mc:Garrett infiltrates a hifhly SO·
wooing. (R) ' phlstlcated international syndicate
bost itl Space (C) (55) led by ruest Antoinette Bower by
@ CJ) G) fftrt Co• tilt assumine the identity Of a hoodlum (?) (60) ''The Man of the nltro expert-specializina in blow.
Family." Clancey's ship brinas in Ing safes. (Rl
I ye>un1 boy who Is disturbed that 0 ~ 00 m Tiie Oubidtr (C)
his mother, Polly Blake, is plannine {ro) "A Time To Run." While
to many the Rev. Gaddln1s. William trackin1 down a mlssine witness in
Schallert and Loretta Leversee a murder trial, Ross is tht uo·
ruest. (R) wlttlne accomplice to another homi· fJ Million $ Movie: "If Every Cuy cide. Brenda Scott and Don Stroud
!ft tll1 World" (adventure) '55 -i est. (R)
Georees Poumouly, Jean-Louis Trin· m News (C) (60)
inant. • IJOvit: "Tiit FountalnlMad"
Trvtll or Consequtttea (C) (30) (drama) '49--0ary Cooper, Patricia hnJ llnon (60) Neal.
: IETURN Joya Clttn Cooks (30) fD feiature (30) "Educational Tur·
Joyce Chen takes the mystery out moll." Coveraae of a symposium
of Chinese cookine by preparina on innovations in university under·
restaurant dishes In her 1V kitchen. araduate education held recently
In the first pro1ram, she prepares at Occidental Collea•. Participants
•U too yuna with eus. celery, discuss student motivation and com·
mushrooms and bean sprouts. puters In education.
19 (i) ltlt of Hollywood i Mlriau
f!) ....... 10:30 Public S.W./Nttn (C)
1:00 ~Haar (C) (30) : TIM Creatiwt Uft (30) "Sdlweit·
: Sptctru• (C) (30) "A Talk With zer and the Search for Humanity."
• arold Urey." David Prowitt sits Three 1uests join Dr. Rene Belle
In on a lecture about the orlein of and Dr. Frederick Mayer for a dis-
the solar system riven by Nobel cusslon of Dr. Albert Schweltzer's
Prize winner Dr. Harold Urey at role as a humanitarian In con·
the University of California at San t1mpor1ry society.
Diero. I f1ttuta Corazoa f!) Mltrcot11 Maicll 11:00 0 0 II) @E aJ News (C)
1:25 8 Wendttful Wtrtd of Sport (C) AifrtT HitdM:oci
l:30 8 TIM Cood CllJS (C) (30) Rufus Liln Cltlb (C)
and Bert part company when Rufus Movie: "TIM w.,.ard Cilt"
fills In love with a pretty waitress irama) •57 -Marcia Henderson.
(M1rllyn Dervin) and Bert tries to C11 QJ @Qt) Cl) NIWI (C)
break up the romance. (R) 11:30 liiientlon1 Apart (C) ''The D Win W"ltll UN Stara (C) (30) Youth lnt1m1tional." The second
llttty White ind Forrest Tucker broadcast of a three--part series
euest. dulina with the wor1dwlde prob·
D @(])G) TIM Kille ra.;ty (C) lem of the "aeneration l•P" ex·
{lO) "Hello, Goodbye" opens a amines lhe differences between
musical potpourri toniaht. generations in Great Britain, Mulco
I MtfY Criffm (C) (90) and Japan. The show focuses on the
Run for Your Uft (C) (60) 1lienated youth of these three
loo• Ital (C) (30) Host Robert nations, relatin1 how the "1enera·
Cromie talks with John Hunt, author tion 1ap" transcends both lflOlrt·
ot "A Wor1d Full of Animals." phy and ideoloo.
fl) So11risu II u (j) m TtniPf .. (C)
9:00 II lf!trlJ Hillbi1Ht1 (C) (30) Jeth· Mftw. :""""alt a ~. Dartlo,-
ro b111ns dressine and adina like imedy) 42 -Rosal111d Ruaell,
the noblest Roman of them alt to @ma> Joey lblllep (C)
win the hand of Maria (Maria Dtnlli O'teuitr (C)
Mlrka), the beautiful Italian cook. 11:45 • Western Star Tilleetre
12:15 fJ MOVft: "I Wu a C..•allt u (!) m ,rudutial'• 01 for .... Fii" (drama) '51-Fran•
(C) (~) ". . . The Skirts Lovejoy, Dorothy Hart.
of Happy Chance . . ." William 1Z:30 II Mewit: "ITHe"" (comedy) '40--
Shatner and Elizabeth Ashley star Ray Milland. Anna Neaete.
IS a War hero and a poor &ir1 who m Aditti 111eatn: "Escape by
with a politician played by Everett N!iht."
Cotton, are all members of an anti· 1:001 O Nn1 (C)
poverty pro(Tlm ciommittH and C0nt••lty lullttla lowd (C)
differ in views .of how to administer r ..... the llltidt Out (C)
R s
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Cup o/ 'Cavetl '
It's back to night work for Dick Cavett.
Starting Monday (May 26) the 32-year-
old wit out of Nebraska, Yale, and the Jack
Paar comedy writing corps, starts a unique
thr~sbows-a-week series on ABC. The
Dick Cavett Show is the first network of-
fering of a talk-variety series in prime-time
and one of the rare prime-time shows'
taped fresh only hours before air time--
10-11 PM, Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays.
He started in television as a comedy
writer for Jack Paar, and later provided
laughs for Johnny Carson, Merv Griffin and
many others starring in the nocturnal hours.
Actually, Dick made an earlier debut on
television. As an extra on the very last
production of Playhouse 90 while he was
still an aspiring actor. It was as an aspiring
-and unemployed-actor that be bad the
notion to submit a comedy monologue to
Paar, a notion that was a turning point in
Dick's career. Paar accepted the material
and later added Dick to his staff.
Eventually, he became his own comedian,
at first working the small avant-garde night
spots. later television guest shots, a couple
of specials for ABC and last season's day-
time series, The Dick Cavett Show on ABC,
which is nominated for an Emmy award.
That weekday series was Dick's longest
run on television and seldom bas any per-
former on the tube been so widely and
warmly hailed by the nation's critics. The
praise ran so thick it even included one
writer's plea for ". . , another cup of
More Cavett it will be and, for the first
week of shows, an impressive roster of
guests to work with. For Monday, May 26.
Truman Capote, Candice Bergen, James
Coburn, and Liza Mfonelli. On Tuesday, May
27, Joe Namath, Jane Fonda and Tom Jones.
Friday, May 30, Dick Benjamin. Paula Pren-
tiss, Sterfing Moss, and the cast of the ofI-
Broadway musical, "You're a Good Man
Charlie Brown."
, Now Dick faces the challenge of a prime-
time audience.
WiU he be a different Cavett at night
than he was in the morning?
"I hope I won't feel any difference," he
says. "I don't plan to."
It would be difficult in any event to
change his style--somewhat shy, a bit im-
pudent at times, but always sharp and an
ace ad libber.
When New York's Mayor John Lindsay
was a guest on his show last summer, Dick
twitted him about the city's air pollution
problem. Dick defended Lindsay from some
of his critics by saying, "Well. I wouldn't
want to breathe air I couldn't see." His
Honor has since used that joke on himself.
Returning with Dick from the a.m. series
is musical conductor Bobby Rosengarden,
once the drummer for The Tonight Show
band, and announcer Fred Foy, whose deep
tones date back to the heyday of radio when ,...1.
be introduced episodes of "'The Lone Rang-
er" with the well·remembered announce>-
ment that concluded with "Heigh-yo Silver!"
Another element of that morning show
will also be seen again-questions from the
studio audience, submitted on cards, and
answered each in tum by Cavett
One such query was, "Do you answer all
your fan mall personally?" and Dick re·
plied, "Gosh no, I hardly have time to
write iL"
Tony Converse, like Cavett. a former
actor and Yale graduate (they knew each
other on campus). will produce The Dick
Cavett Show.
Recently Tony and Dick were contrasting
their undergraduate days with today's tur·
moil on campus.
"The only protest we ever had at Yale
when 1 was there," Dick recalled, "was over
the Good Huinor man. He only carried two
He also added, "I missed out on the
sexual revolution going to school wbto I
did. When I went to Yale I believe they
declared a sexual cease fire."
One of Dick's most popular tales also
concerned college life: "I always wore
brown and white shoes," he says of bis at-
tempts t.o gain acceptance from the others
at school. "Actually, they were impracticaJ
Dick Cavett, as ls his wont, answers with
humor quutiofll from the studio aud~11«
in hu new talk-variety .Jeries.
because the white one kept getting dirty."
Converse is planning to bring an element
to the night-time series, "the unexpected."
"We11 be looking for big name people,"
he explains, "and we hope to showcase
them in surprising ways. For example, we're
after Jack Lem.moo-to play the piano. I
understand he plays quite well.
"We'U be going for the right combination
of guests in what we hope is a theme for
each program. We won't even mind if they
disagree with each other."
Whoever the guests are, Cavett may ~
counted on to do his homework, the better
to know them, studying what his staft' has
researched for him and adding that knowl-
edge to whatever be may already know of
Cavett always comes to a show well
prepared, though the spontaniety of a Ca-
vett show is genuine.
Dick Cavett, star a.nd /to8t.
Except when he bas previously known
his guests, he will usually be meeting them
for the first time while on camera. There
are never any pre-telecast rehearsals ~
tween Dick and his guests. NQ snobbery
intended. It just makes fot a better show.
And it would be difficult to do in any
case because of Dick's wort habits. He
watches more television than one might
expect. particularly the late night talk shows
(:Johnny Canon is a close friend), reads
avidly and is a movie and theatre buff--a
routine that keeps him abreast of just about
everything he might need to know. It all
leads to late bed times and be is therefore
not an early riser .
(It's Dick's story that he once fell asleep
in front of his 1V set, woke up and saw
a strange-looking creature emitting a weird,
high sound. At first be thought it was a
Martian. .. Theo," be says, .. I tealiz.ed it
was only Tmy Tim.")
By late afternoon be bas carefully studied
notes pre~ by bis staff about his guests
and he's oft to the studio, usually on foot,
and carrying a kind of duftlebag jammed
with the paraphernalia of bis trade-notes,
newspapers, magazines, books.
No one bas ever seen him with the man
he so often speaks of~usin Norm.an.
One assumes he is fictitious but Dick isn't
Norman, Dick has said, wanted to protest
the war in Vietnam by burning bis draft
card but he lacked the courage to do iL
"So," says Dick, "be boiled iL"
Only rarely does anyone sec the titular
head of Daphne Productions, the produtjoa
firm for "The Dick Cavett Show."
Daphne is the Cavetta' French poodle.
IS a
I it
' iL
MAY 29
For morning and afternoon
listings, please see DAY·
tor your convenience, are
the day's movies. All sta·
tions reserve the right to
change programming with·
out adunce notice.
t:OO 0 (C) ..,...... Dlwn" (dnm1) '56
-=Mhur Kennedy. Betta St. John.
t:JO D .,.ldi, Wldt and ....-.."
(dram•) '37--Randolph Scott, Irene
D "1"lle &I of St. Mist" (drama)
'4'-Mldlael O'Shea, Anne Blxter.
12:00 g ·"Sofll• ID Ton" (comedy) '35
-MH West.
1Z:JO m "Whlt..U.~ (musical) '43 -
Sonja Henle. "Fla• of St••....,.
(idventure) '51--Richard Dtnninr.
2:00 GI "1111 Rialrt Hind of tltt D1¥1r'
(drama) '63 -Aram Katcher, Lisa
3:00 II "'Stlp Frlafd" (mystery) '50-
Jane Wyman, Mar1ene Dietrich, Mi·
chael Wiiding,
4:30 II "Tin Story" (comedy} '60 -
Jane Fonda, Anthony Ptrlnns.
6:00 1J 1lt 111 Nt'ft (C) (60) Jeny
R @ID Huntlty-lrinlt.y (C) (30)
Sttw Alleft Sliow (C) (90)
Leslie Uuams, Jennifer Warren, Pat
Paulsen, Mason Williams, The First
Edition and John Hartford guest. fJ Six O'Clocl Mowit: (C) .. ,_,
s.ldlet" (western) '52 -Tyrone
Power, cameron Mitchell.
11 5n (C) (60) hr Cents (C) (30)
a.blan (C) (30)
II'" lrttfln (C) ~s NIW? (30) "Science
Fare." Second of three programs
illustrating scientific methods· and
princip:es for 100nr people.
ti> u" Color Pin Esta Pitt (if)IPLM Nns (C)
l:lO 1· DIC Ntwtemca (C) (60) I Lowt LKJ (30)
VOJI... ID ~ lottoM of tilt
S..~(60) QJ 6 Huntt.,·lrlnkltJ (C)
fil) tor Yout llOMY (30)
"Clothinf the Family.''. Louise Bock·
man talks abold ways of stretchln1
the fam!J.t clothing dollar. la Cf) W a;, News (C)
7:00 R C1S Ewnlna Ntw1 (C) (30)
Walter Cronkite .
I Whit's MJ Une? (C) (30)
Pmwonl (C) (30) 00 Hi&ll ..... Wild {C) ,..,.., tilt lllitlf (30) "Al·
peuio Practice in a Piece." follow· inc a miew of the dotted qUlrt«·
note, Frederick Noad turns his at·
tention to arpeglo technique in
a carulli study.
8 Cl) lkHIW• ....,
8' Tne Mwtlltllft (C)
EIJOrta• No .. (C)
t:OO IJ 9 Ci) CIS 11lmdlJ llewll: 10:30 D ..._.., DaJ Cllenm: (C)
(C) il'f an111 Iott t9 liclW" (ldven· "nM left Hind ., hr (d1111n1)
ture) '62-Jock Mahoney, Mute ·s~umphrey Boprt, Gene Tier·
7:30 moned to India to help sne the """ (C) (30) Bill Johna. Dana, Leo Gordon. Tarzan is sum· 1·
e Kai Kan Presents lives of thousands of elephants and • If '" •"' Pr.w.t (C) (30) * ANIMAL WORLD is about to be submer1ed behind ,.._ Cer11t11
other animals whose valley home 1•n Klrtcpatrlck h?sts.
"Struggle for Survival" • new dam. (Rescheduled from hltldit lHt
t1QtOO An1 .. 1 Wortd <C> (30) ;f ~6Jmn1s 1s r ....... n:001rJ1.nm""" (C)
The dimln1shln1 herds of wild ani· (~ (60) Dietl Cavett, Juliet Prowse. . Uan Cltlb (C)
mals In Africa are shown IS they ~ The Fifth Dimension and Mlreillt lhwlt: "1111 KM 11 Al..r
run fr~e in their chan1in1 environ· 1 Mathieu guest. ( rama) ·~ane Clark Robert
ment. Bill Burrud de$crlbes the 1 fil) F..ture (30) Horton. '
plight of the Amboseli (Jame Re· ~ rin ,.... f7' ...a rT'I (C) serve in Kenya, where once·prollfic 9:30 D @ 00 m °"'"' (C) (30) WI UlJ ~ ~ ~ liJ .....
herds of alraffes, elephants, lions, 'Tummunlt;y Relations -DR·17.'' 11:30 8 Mowtr. (C) "Amt._. It Te ...
leopards, cheetahs and other anl· Durinr an lnterdepartment confer-f1M I•" (western) •53 _ John
mals are slowly falling victim to enc:e on community relations, • Hodlalt John Derek
Africa's chanflng times. Ne1ro police qfflc.er and his white 8 ID @ m T•iil-t .. (C) D a;, O.iel '°"' (C) (60) collea1ue disc.over they are both Miwii: "An ....... 11._.
"Jonah." Josh Clements (Jimmy ruilty of prejudice. (R) ury?" (co~'42-Ray Miiiand.
Dean) becomes the reluctant op-0 News (C) (30) I @CJ) JMJ lilllep (C)
ponent of a professional boxer m HlctrwtJS of AroaJ (C) (30) Doa.tli '* (C)
when Josh's inherited slave, Jonah Produced by the OhiO State Hirhway ,.
(Yaphet KottD), refuses to fllht. (R) Patt0I this film is a. shocking look 12:15 '?, ~.:;: <fJ( I Died) ,5;_~
@ (]) (D Tht n,ina NH (C) II) 12 O'Cloclt Hip (60) Palance, Shelley Winters. I Lost in Space (C) (55) at murder on the h11hway. II rama •
( ) "Ttie Boyfriend." Sister Ber· fill Wmlnpn In Rtwiew (C) (30) 12:30 m Action Thtltrt: "Mission In
trille, 011 leave from the con· 1 10:00 D ta @ m Dufl M1rtiw (C) Morocco."
friend who ~hinks he was responsi· Luise, Florence Henderson. Shecky tiii••ltJ. hla.thl lolfd (C)
vent. runs into an old boy· (60) Dean's 1uests are Dom De· t:OO IO Ntwt (C)
b!e for El~ie Ethington b~mln1 Greene, Morgana King and Avery f1'911 tilt l11licle Out (C)
Sister Bertnlle. (R) Schreiber. (R)
&.Million $ Movie: (C) "l ... nd B m ..... (C) (60)
lirtlle lost". (adventure) '57-John l s.sp... Tlltatre (C) (60)
Wayne, Sophia Loren. O Manftal Dillon (30) IB = ~r_:n;,)enas (C) (30) '. @ CII H Takes 1 T1lfof (C)
fil) l1ldl Penptetive (30) Journal· fil) Tllatrt 1ut (30) Hal Marien·
ist Don Wheeldin explores racial thal hosts.
1:15 R Movie: ''TIM Wd>" (suspense)
'V -Vlncent Price, Edmond O'Brien.
1:30 m 71 Sanlt Strip
Z:OO 0 ColOt'Hll (C) "On the Thresh·
old of Space," "Sierra Baron," and
tensions in Pasadena and surround· ii) Mwn1 2:30 m All""l&ttt SM: "Winter Meet·
in1 communities. j (D PU$p0rt to Trml (C) in1" and "Hell's Kitchen.'' il)Newtfa ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1:00 1J t8 (j) DEBUT Tiie Pritontr (C)
(60) "The Arrival." A kidnapped
man, recently resianed fnim a hlfh ·
ly confidential but unspecified job,
sufferln1 a blackout and amnesia,
awakes in a mysterious village
where he has freedom of movement
but cannot leave. (Repeat of former
fJ @ {])El) l1lat "'' (C) (30) "Just Donald and Me ind Jerry
Makes Three." When Ann's neiah·
bor. • Ruth Bauman. aoes home tO
mother, her husband Jerry latches
onto Ann and Don-constantly. (R) m MtWY Sriffln (C) (90)
fil) NET P'llytlou•. (C) (60) "Every·
man." A modem production of
medieval morality play. In a series
of simple scenes. backed with 1
jau score, the play tells the story
of man's journey through life.
ii> Pmlllft!
1:25 11 WOlldtrful World of $pert (C)
1:30 D ta 00 m Ironside (C) (60) '°ht Obvious case of Guill" Chief
Ironside refllllS to believe chtum·
stantiltl eVidnce that an old friend
muroered her husband. Anne Baxter
and Warren SteYens 111est.
0 loliRI (C) (90) Tom Harmon
and Mickey Davies are ringside for
a. lO·round heavyweifht bout be·
tween Ken Norton and Bill McMur·
fJ (i1) Cl)&) hwitdttd (C) (30)
"S.manthe on the Keyboard." Sam
tries to le1m to play the pleno
the mortal way and runs Into tn>ll·
ble. (R)
QJ R• for Your Uft (C) (60)
hlch . of these places
would you rather
Let Lewis with 53 ,..,. experience In the
hospftlillty field--traln you •t home or dend
ct.ues In Loa Anples •• • -.. --·L. ....
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utlve housekeepers, social d irectors, apartment
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ing your name, age. phone and •ddress to:
7080 Hollywood Bl'Vd., SUite l·1928
Los Angeles, Callfomla 90028
Approved for Veterans' Tntinin
ti.se 17
MAY 30
For morning and afternoon
llstings, please see DAY·
for your convenience, are
the day's movies. All sta-
tions reserve the right to
change programming with·
out advance notice.
1:45 G (C) ""FGft Wortll" (western) '51
-Randolph Scott. David Brian.
7:30 a (C) '"Wlldfl,... (western) •4r-
Bob Steele.
1:15 G (C) "Bunclerf»irdl" (drama) '42
-Gene Tierney, Preston foster.
t:OO U .. R•nieft 111 Reno" (drama) '51
-Mark Stevens, Pero Dow.
9:30 II (C) "Red Pony" (drama) '49-
Robert Mitchum, Myrna Loy. m ''Viva Z.,.bl!" (drama) '52 -
Marlon Brando, Anthony Quinn.
9:45 D (C) "fine, Pants" (comedy)
'so.-:.6ob Hope, Lucille Bill.
11:30 a (C) "Tlabtr Jedi" (adventure)
'54-Stertin1 Hayden.
12:30 m "Tiit ~n1 Mia Pil8Ji•"
(musical) '47-Betty Grable. "l1lat
H11111 ;irf" (drama) '47 -Shirley
2:00 m "Escape In tllt Sun" (dra.ma)
'"57"-John Bentley, Vera fusek.
3:00 B <C> ""llltlt CrJ" (ldVtnturt) ·~~1n Heflin, Aldo Ray. a <C> "Siu ., ,.....,. Cldvtn·
ture) '54-P1ulttte Godd1rd, Oeora•
4:00 11 (C) "Purault tf tllt Cm _..
(adventure) '57-Pettr Finch, John
r v r "" 1 ~ r.
6:00 II TM 111 Ntwl (C) (60) Jerry
@@D Huntlty-lrtn~ (C) (30)
Stewt Allen Sllow (C) (90)
mmy Tyler, Norm Crosby and
Dave Barry 1uest. Frances Faye
visits Steve 1nd sines 1 few son1s. 0 Sil O'Clock Mowlt: (C) "DI
!teolld ThM Arond" (comedy) '61
-Debbie Reynolds. Andy Griffith.
Steve Forrest.
11 Spy (C) (60)
Callfomil Scltnce fair· (C) (30)
1hlight presentation of annual
California Science fllr from Cali-
fornia Museum of Scltnce and In·
dustry, representlna the work of
junior and senior hi&h students.
I labM11 (C) (30)
(f) Merv ;rlffln (C)
Whafs N-7 (30) "Science
Fare." Final proaram with Geocae
Fishbeck illustratlna scientific meth·
ods and principles for youna peo-
@II Un c.lo!' Para Est. Piel
G)lPUI News (C)
$:30 I KNIC lhwservfce (C) (60) I L.owt l.ucy (30)
Voya11 to tllt lotto. of Ult
S.. (C) (60)
HIGH SOCIETY CR/ME-Farley Granger comes to the
defense of Jessica Walter when she is accused of the murder
of her hard-drinking, playboy husband in "Ordeal," a drama
on NBC's The Name of rhe Game, Friday at 8:30 PM.
May 30.
ntE DAILY PILOT. TV WEB<, MAY 2-4, 1969
9 CJ) NutseJ-lrtn.i., (C) critic of the Washinaton Evenlna m Cblln,. (60) "ESEA Enrich· Star; and Poet James Dickey, a
ment Proaram, Part II." Tucher consultant to the Library of Con·
Fred St. Cyr of ·t111 109th Street «!!SS.
School conducts a lanauaae lesson OJ NodlU T11M1tin
fOf more cap"ble students. 9:00119 Ci) CBS Fnd.y Movie: (C) I (I) @I) @D News (C) ''Wbttl ~ Boys Mfft t11t ;iris"
7:00 CIS Evtlllnl Nt'#S (C) (30) (musical) '65 -Connie Francia.
lter Cronkite. Harve Presnell, Sue Ane lanadon. IJ WMt's My Une? (C) (30) Wally (!
Bruner hosts. Playboy After Dart (C) (60) CD P.....,cl (C) (30) Allen Ludden uah Hefner's guests are Sally lhosts.~ CIM• ., .. _ .... (C) Marr, Marvin Worth, Pete Barbuttl, _....._ Pat Henry, The Committee, The
Mayberry RfD (C) Byrds. Marvin Gaye.
atrican Wat (C) ~ (jj) CI) a> Judd for tilt Defeue
7:30 ~~· ~~Witt> Wiid W--A (C) ( ) (60) "The Law-and·Order Blues." "°' ·--. -Judd otters an unusual theory in ( ) Aay Patterson, former world his defense of an AfriCln official
heavyweiaht champion, portrays a accused of homicide. Brock Peters
homesteader whose farm is threat· euests. (R)
tned by a hleh·powered land syndi· fJi) Speculation (60) "Can High
cate. West and Gordon Investigate Culture Be Savedr' Or. Keith Ber-
the case. (R) wick discusses culture and financial 0 m Hip Cllaparrel (C) "North realities In Los Angeles with music
to Tucson." Victoria learns that a critic Martin Bernheimer, composer
man (Kevin McCarthy) whose life David Raskin and 1rt director of
she saved is comlne to kill her hus-the Marl! Taper Forum, Gordon Dav-band. Jack Elim also iuests. (R) ·c1so
I •-(C) I n. ..._.la SeMt (55) @II Esbleres 34
(i7J (]) E!) Ltt'a Make I Deal •
i [30) Monty Hall hosts. 9.301 News (C) (30) Ted Meyers
Miiiion $ Movie: (C) ''Women of 12 O'Clocll Hip (60)
aw" (suspense) '64-Glna loll<>-• festival en M1drid
brlalda, Sean Connery. 10:00 0 9 Ci) @D Tht Saint (C) (60)
I Trvtll or CollSlqutnces (C) (30) ''The Paper Chase.'' The Saint Is hrTJ Muon (60) involved in the world of espionage
PROllERE n.. City Wdcbers when he follows a defecting civil
( ) Art Seidenbaum and Charles servant carrying secret papers into
Ch1mplin co-host a new KCET se· East Germany.
ries focusing on Los Aneeles life. IJ ~News (C) (60)
Reeular segments include: "Behind Cil aJ Dick Cmtt (C) (60) the Unes"-a talk with the orig· Dick enjamin, Paula Prentiss, Stir·
inator of a local news story: ''The lin1 Moss, and the New York cast
flick of lnterest"-film clips and of "You're a Good Man, Charlie
auests from a major motion pie-Brown" guest.
ture; "Outraee" -a platform for 0 MllSll1I Dillon (30)
dissent; and "Watchlna Out"-un. EEl R&D Review (60) "A Conversa·
covering somelhin& unusual in tion With Dean Wooldridge." Dr.
Southern California. Albert Hibbs talks with one of @II Novefa America's leading scientific schol·
I 00 e li'9I r:c'I ft\ PREMIERE n... Job ars 1bout his work in finding the
: ~~IOU '..., n laws of physics that explain man as avldlon Sllow (C) (60) The accent
is on youth-youn1 performers and a machine.
youn1 sounds-on this new variety tll Merlan•
series hosted by John Davidson. 10:30 G Mowle: (C) ''ltadlllead" (ad·
Mireille Mathieu. Rich Little, Aimi venture) '53-Tony Curtis. Frank
MacDonald, Cass Elliott. Bobby Lovejoy. .
Morse, and Ruth Buzzi are just a 0) News {C) (30) Bill Johns.
few of the celebrities who will auest @II fallaste Corazon
on the series throughout the sum· 11:00 I au a> m m News (C)
mer. Uars Club (C} m Hazel (C) (30) Movie: (C) "Pandora and tllt
Cl) Luetdtl (C) llf Dutdu11an" (fantasy) '52-
1:25 g Woncltfful W0tld of Sport (C) Awa Gardner, James Muon.
a:JO a 9 Cll '°Mr l'ytt <C> c3o> @ cv @ oo a CiJ """ <t> (!Omer and Sereeant Carter, in Hof· 11:30 II Movie: (C} "The Coldtft Bladt"
lywood to participate In a Marine (adventure) '53 -Rock Hudson.
Corps movie, become pi1eons for a Geor.i! Macready.
foreign film star who must find an I QJ 00 m Tonl&ht Show (C) American husband in order to re· · Movie: "Silver Lode" (western)
main in this country. {R) ' -John P!tne, Dan Duryea.
0 @ 00 m The Na•t of tlle fJ (ii) Ci) W Joey Bishop (C)
111111 (C) (90) "Ordeal.'' Dan Far· Qj ())Friday Show
rell tries to prove the innocence 12:15 fJ Movie: (C) "Tb• SU Cllase"
of a woman who has C()nfessed to (adventure) 'SS-John Wayne, Lana
murderin1 her husband and is Turner.
awaitine execution. Jessica Walter. 12:30 G) Action. Theatre: "Betrayed Wom·
Lloyd Bochner. Martha Hyer and en."
Farley Granier euest. (R) 1:001· 0 News (C) I Across Ille Stftn Sees (C) (30) Counby Music (C)
Mm ;rlffln (C) (90} from Ille lnsict. Out (C)
Rvn for Your Uft (C) (60) 1:15 Movie: "Tokyo Joe" (drama) '49
A Convtnation Witll RM Ser--Humphrey Bo1art.
lln1 (30) Rod Serline discusses tele· 1:30 I n Sltnset Strip
vision as a literary medium witli a 2:00 Co111111unitJ Bulletin Board (C)
panel of writers and critics. Joinine 2:30 . All·Nitflt Show: "Lydia" and
him are Bernie Harrison. television "My Dream Is Yours."
, a
~ .. '' in
MAY 31 _ ..
',1 < l I~ N I • J C
..... (C) Curt Gowdy Ind Tony Ku.
bek call the action between the !.~~(C)
5*UJ Matllel Detroit Tiaers and the Suttle Pilots
&bldlo di PMrt YlfPI at Suttle.
l:JO 111~-~~C) u-.. IU':t':, Qlllt <C> • Fll'tlltlc (C) : ........,.." (drama) '43
(C) "All 81b1 and -tulse Rainer.
t e Seven Saracens" and "At IJ @ CJ) OJ .._. .. , (C) Paul
7:0019 (j) Im..,,._.. ...... Sword's Polot." Revere and 1J1rtt · l indS1y_ co-host. l'iter Menhall hosts. I Cllltarra m Ewa ........ ~ (C)
Mr. Wllltbolle (C) . 10:00 ~ (j) TM Aldllt S11ow (C) ID llue ..._ Tllutrt: "Golden 7:25 llvt Ut nit 0., (C) Cl)Q) Jon., to Ult C.· Gloves Story." 7:30 s--Se..... (C) w t1M £artll (C) 1:00 8 ft (j) MoltJ Diet (C) u m m u.tallld •r1c1 <C> a Movie: <t> ... Uffl .. 111r <•est· Mlvle: TiPtiq s......... <•d· ' Wcirrd of Insects." Mlcropho· em) '44-.loel McCrea Linda Dar-venture) '44-John Wayne, Susan
toaraphy is employ,ed for • cloff · nell. ' Hayward.
look at the Insect world. Phll Carey I Plttlrn for Uvt111 a Mewie: (C) "Anwtlud" (west·
narrates. (R) ta Ettrdat 1 Utlld ern) '53-Cbartton Heston, Jack
Ca•Pll IH8lt 10:30 m()}latllu/Slpenla1 (C) Palance. ea.,_ Pwelile . 00 8' Underdq (C) m llevlt: "'8111p Dia" (drama)
• Mlllq tile Molt of MablritJ · : "fiOw 11Mf forwtr" (dr1· ;~ry Grant, Dourlas Fairbanks ~= !~::: ~ (C) ::'~ '34--Gary Cooper, Carole Lorn· IJr. Mari ..
00 tm Sllper Six (C) (fiJ (])@ faatlsllc f11r (C) ...... flrCllS Hla'llaMs (C) ~ lralc (C) fie Tiiie A...... 1:30 9 CJ) ne lAIM Rlllpr (C) lft Cl) aJ Cltper (C), • Ci111Mdla f:OO TIM lift StdetJ (C) AiiMiii • Colttllo ClftMns (C) 11:00 • feeture . Mewte: "'Sip of tlle Crea"
T• of Wells farp (ff) Cl) aJ Ceorp of t1M -(drama) '32-fre<trlc March, CllU· llJ Slturdly MlttMe: "Danaerous (C) dettt Colbert.
Jouml and ''Voodoo Island." A..-d n11trt: "Dauahter of the I eor...t lltatn: "Iron Sheriff." 1:30 II CJ) lqs lnar/Roacl bn· West" · Qlltlt for Advtntwt (C)
.. r (i 11:301 Qt{Ji n.. twallolds (C) ~JO . Dial 'M' ftr MUtic (C) Father I til 00 · Cool Mce..I (C) @ &J Merlan latMlltaid rman J. O'Connor welcomes l1lJ CJ) CaJIMr (C) ( Dick 1.t hosts. auests Georre Wein and The New·
llowle: "Co•ndl•" (ad· • Mowie: (C) "111• a.,.. et port All·St111 and Huch Masekel1
venture) 'SS-D1n1 Andrews, Linda tatlt• ltft" (western) '53 _ and his quartet.
Cristal. Guy Mad'--Frank ' --a-I ~ CfJ I ll'lldld . ._.,, """'":'' · See UM USA (C)
&altla IOID (C) 3:00 Dna111 bJ Dtslp (C)
t:OO • ID 00 t1'b Tiie fliltltHtl (C) • Satllnllf Doable flltlrr. ''The Mwir. ......,_ Die T11111" lchwayman" and "Torpedo Alley."
(adventure) '60 -Scott Borland, 12:00 II a Ci) Slaamnl (C) fJ Mewle: "IUll" (adventure) '51
Erika Peters. U @ @ fm Majer l.eqle .._. =Errol Rynn, Dean Stocllwell.
I :"'c.1er ,.. &ta .....
.. P'lctlrt (C)
Rallbew 1'ieltrt (C)
J:308Mewie: "11tt Kittles • Old
MICDoalld't f-" (comedy) '57 -Marjorie Main, Parker Fennel!y. m coaor nutr• <C> "Beast ot
llOilow Mountain." 8' Tl'MI UM World (C) m Qtlltt for Adventlre (C)
4:00 I W•&'Oll Tl'lfn (C) • Silwer Wilp (C}
• S. tM USA (C)
4:30 I The Outdoonaan (C) Outtr U•its
• lf9nc:e
• Raiabow Tbllh (C)
5:00 8 AIJ.Mer,iclll Colllp SIMlw (C) ~) U lft Aude•ic (C) Fairfax, Bin·
nlng and Marshall hl"1 schools
compete. U Clla•pioftlhlp lowtl111 (C) Ted
Hoffman and Bud Hom vs. Ray
Bluth and Don Glover. 0 @ Cl)'(!) AIC't Wide World or= (C) II lnnov:':,~C) (R) 11 futtio1.socc.r
5:30 I Ralpll .,, (C) (R)
• KNIC Newtemct (C) Ctl*ttJ lilllardt (C) Kaye
. Ballard auests. (R)
I TwillOt lone
The 11111 frtm UNCl.f (C)
TIM N• Sound (C)
Rainbow Quest: Sonas of travel
are featured as Sonny Teny and
Brownie MGGhee Join host Pete
@m Acrlcttttare USA (C)
'T.he. New Christy MJnstrels at l:he Zoo'
The New Olriat)' Minlttola and the DOW
Loa Aqela Z.00 haw IQlll!Mbiq in com-
mon. Tbey'D botb be featured in an hour-
Iona · coJorcut apedaJ. OD KTIV-'"lbe
New auiaty MimtreJI st the Z.00,.. at
7 PM' Sunday OD Cbannel 11 . The m IU1'
and pit wbo comprile tbe "~" take
their hilbly-uainecl '¥0ka. happy ouflOial
penonalidea. comedy and bouncy beat to
the Oriftltb Part Z.00.
Produc:ecl by Hal Pama and directed. by
Oeoqe Brewer, the apecial ia a .60-minute
musical .Wt to "funland" by bi~ OD
foot and amooda-moYina tram.
Ani¥iq at the mo OD bicycles, with in-,
stn.unenta• strapped to their bacb, tbl
''Mimtn!la" open the llWamlly .......
ment 1>9ckqe with "OIWD a~" before
boudina a tram· for a lea tirina tour1
Altboqb • murical hiahllpta include
"Oaiuy auu, ................... .,,.,.. ..
"Preacher and ii. Beu" at the bear pita,
there's .. Talk to the Anim..,-at the popular
"children'• mo" area, aad die loaatlaw
tal'Otite '"SIM"8ndolll," pldorlDld ~ a
ecenic bland-lab rqioa.
1'bil Lancl Ia Yoar lmd," -oJary
Glory," "Oh Susanna" lad Mfoday" are
DOt ,,........ by the pedormen, wbo -ao Chroulb a whimsical w, .. Alice .. -.
taurant," u 1beJ feed tbe lllWI seals, eJo.
pbaDta and pnirie .,... .
And before the "Mimtrm" apin take
to tbe6r bit.-and ride bapplr away, the
cram mat. tbrouab tbe mo'• birdland -r ·~· four Cc•1•IM11•tl ilcdam, peDlldn
~ .... aalllnlly, .... ....., llldonel. .
DUAL 1019·
• World·~ aullNNltlc !\Ir~ table has wwy defvlce ,..tur•
fOr WPetlallw pertwmance e
acctalmed by audloplllles ev•rv·
wtlerel &oeats dynamlcally IMll-
anc:ed 11rm 111lth rdJust·b~ coon· •-loh• e m,ulw 1Y>·lb. pt••· tH • Pt'KIM cuJn9, • 6% Ylrl·
o11et1 ,.,,,._ .... S14t.411
• How does ..... "' VE atodl up aealnllt
Ille o!Mr llgl\Mracll'
cartrldQtll on IOdlV"•
m.trttett e HIFllSt.-
Re•lew cometl'M 11\em a II fOr !Ow.fore• track·. ln9 nlllty, a!W re•
Ille MVI! N...-r
.... $74.fll EMPIRE Royal Grenadlen.
Litt Price: $1,213.IO
• e 1 ..... ~ MlcroP'oH
...... 1.H .. Cw1 ....
• ,... ........... Fem FOi ...ci . e Pert•I• • • . ._..._ lltCWM
~ Co•c.-t Hell 9wiltt D~ t-lc Speaker
Recorder and
I Do not confuse with
i:,leybeck only" Mechi11e1I