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1969-05-26 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa
,_ I ' ,. * * * * * * ':ti "* ' ' n reat a e.,. ' ' a • stronau s ·. Moon Next 4 of ·Mesa Falllily Stop After 1Perf ect Trip Flee 59~000 Fire Mesan, 74, Struc~ by .. Car, l{ille.d An 'elderly Costa Mesa man struck by a car that police said laid down 80 feet of &kidmarks died early .Sunday, four hours after the accident near a west.side street Intersection. . James o . Bell, 74, of I'll W. Wilson Sl, ''iluftered fractures of both tega, mUlUple lacerations and other injuries when hit'oo Wilson Street just west of Monrovia :Avenue. Motorist Glenn A. Montgomery, 24, of 2223 Pomona Ave., Costa Me5,@_. told Of· 11169 County Traffic 1968 SO Death ToU 77 ficer David Hayes be first saw tbe victim about 50 feet ahead and could ,not stop in time. Bell was knocked out or his shoes by the Impact. . Montgomery was not cit.ed, but traffic investigators today are still studying reports of the fatal accident, which oc- curred .as tbe victim crossed busy Wilson Street at.an angle outside a cross walk. Witnesses said Bell WB!! awake and talking, although in great pain at the scene of the 8;55 p.m. accident, but he died at 12 :57 a .m. at Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital. Funeral sirvices for Mr. Bell will be held Wednesday at 2 p.m. in the Bell Broadway Mortuary Chapel, with in· terment in Harbor Rest Memorial Park. He leaves three sons, Joe, <1f San Bemardin<l, Jack, of Concord, Wendell, of Redwood City, and four daughters. They are Mrs. Jimmie Ferguson, of Costa Mesa, Mrs. Dora Garcia, of La Habra, Mrs. Evelyn Desond, or San , Mateo and Mrs. Louise Reeves, of Texas, as well as 16 grandchildren and six greal- grandchildren. Man Beaten Up, At Bolsa Chica Bolsa Chica State Beach rangers found · a severely beaten and cut man on the beach near the Bolsa Chica Gun ·Club early Saturday morning. The victim, who identilied himself a!I Tommy Williams. 48, of Artesia, was covered with blood and had deep cuts in his righl,lower ear and a U.o· and a hall Inch gasb'under the chin. HunUngton Beach police officers in- veSUgating the incident said the man was too'lncoherent to describe bow he was at- tacked. He was transferred to Huntington lntercommunitY Hospital where be is still recovering. Four Portlwi.I Stores Strock by J?ire Bombs POl\TLAND. Ore. (UPI).-Saboteurs hurled fire bombs a1. four stores in nol'lhe..t Portland late Sunday nlghl. Damage at one store was estimated at 1100,000. Police arrested four Negro teenagers, three of them juveniles. Robert E. Andcpon, i9, Portlamt, wu booked on a dlarge aL.au.empted anon with ball aet at $10,000. '!'he other lhree, includln& a 1&-,..,-.-ld<girl, were !'Aken Into custodt Q1 Curfew violation charges. • Drug Rap Jails Son of Attorney A Newport Beach attoi-ney's son was jailed early today on suspicion o( po.ssessioo of dangerous drugs and drunken driving, after his car ran off the rc>aqw ay...in Costa Mesa and smashed into a tree. . Eric G. Smedegaard, 19, ol .i718 Port Abbey Place, was released on )lis own recojnlsanoe by Joo,I Donald Dungan shortly after 9 a.tn., police said. He was ordered to •Ppear June S In Harbor Judicial District Court for ar· raignment. Police said Sroedegaahi and a 17-year- old companiqn who was released to hls parents pending acUon by juvenile au..thoriUes 'Vere arre.ated at the scene of the 2:35 I.pi. traffic acci~ent. Patrolman Gene rJOrden and Bob Amol9 said· lhe Oraqe-Coast, College .student'1.car Wl\S'804lhl:lound on National ~vtnl,16 @1 Senate Str~when it smashed the parkway tree and lai!>ckH it !lawn-. lllveotlpton claim' Ibey found four red capsules wraPped io.tinfoll Inside the car after Smedepard bad been placed under arrest on suspicion of driving while in- toxicated. 4 of Mesa Family Fwe $9,000 .Bedroom Blaze By ARTHUR I\. VINS!!J; ~ Of ""' O.lty f'llel ...., A_ sleepy boy who mumbled something about a fii,e was credited today with arousing his Costa Mesa family ln time to escape Sunday night, shortly before a $9,000 blaze raged through a bedroom ad· dition. Frantic firemen who arrived on the scene at 197llh Fullerton Ave., smashed their way through doors nailed shut from lhe inside, fearing the occupants were trapped. Mrs. Arlene Davis, her mother and two of her four boys had already fled, but it was too late to save the family parakeet which perished in its cage. "The people were very lucky, they could just as easily be dead today as alive," said Cost.a Mesa Fire Department lnspector Kenneth Blakkan. Inspector Blakkan aaid the blaze is still under investigC\Uon today, but added there ts~ no ' reaaon to ·think it Was anything but accidental. "Just about everything in the house is gone, although · the structure can ·be repaired if they want to BO to that ex. pense," he said . • _ Damage to the structure itseU was estimated at $8,000, with contents making up the remaindet" ol the $9,000 blaze, first reported at 11 :37 p.m., ac<:ording to Blak· kan. Fire Department spokesmen did not know which of the boys, Darrel, 15, Duane, 13, Doran, 12, and Danny, II, were at home <ll' which one sleepily men- tiooed he suspected a fire. HUNTINGTON MAN SHOT IN YARD While washing a glass door in tbe backyard of bis Huntington Beach home on Saturday morning, Warren J. Johoeon felt a strange itch on his left shoulder blade. He went inside 8nd took off his shirt and T-shirt to find out what caused it. Theq he looked Oil the floor end found the culprit, a .~aliber buUet, Its tip sliihUy dented from ~ercing both garments. HunUngton Beach· p:>Uce theorized that the bullet may ·have been a -stri1 shot fired by seme boys hunting ducks near Johnson's home at 6942 Marilyn Drive, Hl!fltinglon Beach. ' ABORD THE USS PRINCETON (AP) -The Apollo 10 lunar explorers landed safely on earth today, ending a 700,(1()(1.. mile space voyage which cleared the way for an American moon landing attempt in July. I Air Force Col. Thoms P. Stafford and Navy Cmdrs. John W. Young and Eugene A. Cemon -back from an eight-day flight that included a descent to within 9.4 miles of the moon -splashed into a calm South Paclfic within view o! this' prime recovery ship. "Would you tell the medical officer. to relax?" Stafford r'!dioed from the Ap:>llo 10 capsule. "We are' in great shape." Their spacecraft, dangling beneath huge orange and white paracbut.es, came into view of television CGQiiru •board this helicopter carrier several minutes before it hit the water. Waiting rescue helicopters gahled radio contact with the spacecraft almost im· mediately after -it passed through a l.hree- minute blackout period which started at the height of its burning re-entry into the earth's atmosphere. "We should be right on top of you lf you're down there," Stafford called. The spaceship, landing in n e a r darkness, hit the water only about three miles from the recovery ship, whose lights flashed in the semidarkness. Helicopters Immediately hovered over the fioating capsule and swimmers drop- ped into the inky water to aid the crew. Minutes later the word came from the astronauts : They were safe and well and anxious to get aboard the ship. Apollo 10 made the hottest, fastest and riskiest. plunge ever back into the at· mosphere of earth. After its service module -containing most of the oxygen and electrical sup- pUes -was jettisoned, the small com· mand ship quickly picked up speed as it flashed toward the earth at the end of its 246,000.mile lrip home from the mooon. 11ie spaceaart reached 24,694 miles an hour just before slicing into the upper (See APOIU>, Page 2) · Skull Fossil Unearthed· ' Laguna Excavation Find to Undergo Dating ~tudy l , By RICllARD P;NALL Interest In the area. ot "" o.u, '"" s1'" Tomehak and his students chiseled out a Excaval.ion for a sea$ide home In the reinalns of a young man abouL five Laguna's plush Irvine Cove sector has · feet aM four i.oches tall weighing a'bou1. unw111ed a alrull and bonel believed to ; l:IO poundt,,J>Olllbly "" 1;.iian, . · be at Jent several hundred )'Ul'.t. old. Thi J>ones were abouL fiVe feet beneath Dr. Jooepb Tomcliak, antbiopqlogy pro-lht earth's audace on the slope ~I ·a bluff lessor at ()tango ~ College, worlled above the beach. The ok!lll wall fJClng with students dwing ~ the weekend ~ down and the bone! • !fere nearby. <llrtfuHy remove the old skull ond booe Tomehak ond hlJ lludents chlsltd out a bll• (pr lludy. bloclc ol earth contallllng the slrull •to Tomehak said tliey will be llOl1l lo N!ltlOve tt.lnlacl. UCLA lM radiometric (carbon 14) daUng The boDe.S inc:luded ribs and cervical to determine if the fiod'ls slgnlficant. 1lftd thoracic verttbrae add other bits. A UCLA scientist.ti a~ recently charcoal lump and a piece of bark or thlt a •olruJI uncovered In Lall\W Beach IC81her ,...... wtOt the bones ~ with 3S years ago is roll(hly l?,000 yean old, lhell Jragrflenta. posalbJy 1119N'· The ' delermlnallon..,. -.!~below the. find II a c,meni ,.. man's appearance on lhis cootinent 4;000 tainlng wiU that will be part of the home to s,ooo· )'tlU'I ear.nu thari any previous being construct.ed lOr. Leonard Morris of find. It .. 1so stimulaltil anthropological Laguna Beach. ' . ' ., The skull found in 1933 ln Laguna by W. Howard Wilson, 22711 Vista Del Sol, Three Arch Bay, was located at what is • now 265 S1.. Ann's Drive. Wilsotr and Edward H. Mlrrlrle· were digging for artifacts in the bank of a road cut at the time. The skuU, first thought lo he male and then ea id 'to be femaJe, is similar to that or CnJ.magnon man f63sils found in a French cave. Dr. Loula '-4elkey, internationally noted· anthropologist, ask~ to take Wilson's find to UCLA for daUng. He dllCOYered the okltlt known human rtmain9 in ALrJe1. They are believed to be more than two mllljoo yearaJ>ld. . . Leaky bu contended that band as-es found In the callco Mou.ntalna of C&IUQ!nli ml&hl be I0,000 years old. • • . ' MONDAY :.t.FTEllNOON, ~AY 2' fl969 • • Righi on .Target "''' ......... APOLLO MAKES NEAR PERFECT PACIFIC SPLASHDOWN Astronuat11 C11paul• ~11nds Ni•r Pago P11p, J Miles From Carrier ,, Berkeley Hassle· Marc~Silideuts-~op . Demands, Raise 'Issues' DAVIS, Calif. CUPI) -Student leaders of a march on the Capitol to demand withdrawal of National Guard troops from Berkeley fuday dropped "demands" in favors or "raising certain issues." The march on the sa.cramen·to statehouse originally had been planned to demand Gov. Ronald Jl.eaean lift the state of emergency in the university city and withdraw troops and police forces._ Mllltants Sei Up New Park-Page t The governor lifted restrictions on parades and assemblies and the curfew in Berk<!ley early Sunday and withdrew many of the troops, but he refused to end the state of emergency and left 200 na4 tional guardsmen to· seal off "People's Park." Bruce Riordan, spokesman for the In· ner Campus March Committee, said the change in strategy was not in reply to Reagan's action but "just a tactic." ''We're not asking far a confrontation,'' he said. But Riordan said the' first lasue the students will raise is "the removal of troops and the lifting ol the emergency." Upwards of a thousand students -the march comm"tee bOpi!d fer 10,000 - gathered for a. Iii-block mUcb · in Sacramelilo oodlng with a rally at ·the Capitol lo heir II speakers tncludin& Dr. * * * Bishop Assails Governor Reagan As 'W a1· ~6nger' BERKELEY (UPI) -Episcopal Bishop C. Kllmer 'Myen described Gov. Ronald Reagan SuridaY as a. "war · monger" and "the otil Who has unleashed . the dogs of war in Berkeley." The blsbo{>·of the Clllfcimla~c11ocese, in a statement tread at a •chapel service at Berkele)I'• Paclilj: School ol Jlell&lon, . said Reagin was "the' same governor who adYOCated paving over ot: Vietnam.''· "He ls a War monger bi Soutbealt-Asta arid be is a war monger In CaHforrila," Mym said. "The. system of violence which sp,lwns. ~sons Jlke the iov.etn0t of Ca!Ucrnla Is all of one.piece." • Tiie-~n: ;prelliw. uttd< thal 0 every true AmerJcan. every ··honest . patriot, deniand· that', the Natlooal Guard be wllhdnnm f<0m Berttl•J; that 'the · univerltty rt,ellfm )ti, lllDi1il 'iD!qrilJ In thl& 1aituallon; , tut the use. of un- • necosilry' '""' on the 1)Al't of poll<e of·;, lli:ri lihd 4t1iUll' rsllerKll be Jlilbllcly • ~ lliil puobhed,.lllol lile -1e'• part be f"" bock lo tbO people." • Linus PauJing, twice winner r1 the Nobel Prize in chemistry and now on the f•culty of lbe University of Calllornla f'I San Diego. . Riordail aaid "at 1tast a "'11111 deJqa. ilon" of students ts expeded ,_ all nbie. campuses of UC, all II state coDea:es and a number ·of private schools Ind jwllor 'colleges. Al\long the early arriva~ at• Davis Sunday was a cootingent of 350 studepts from UC Santa Barbara: "We want to emphasize thi.s is a leql, non-violent. p&ceful march,'' Riordan said. "It is legal in that we bave,a pelmit to mardl, a permit lo rally·and a permit lo use loud speaking equll"1'ent." He said, other jssues to ~ rajsed over the violent coWootaUon reilultlng from the Berkelty street colooy's lrana!Qrlllao lion of a UC<>wned vacant lot~ a park" are: · -Negotlalion ol r<turn of "Pooples Park" to the people of Berkeley. -Am...ty. !or au those 'auested. . . -"Political respoMlbility for the oc- cupation of Berkeley." Riordan saJd P:ie rally also will take up "the prob~ ol police eaCen ond en- couragement ol a law eufwau.Ot tn- vesUg~~--tm llCidemlc comm _. ond cltY piyment . ...-.. " Students came: to s;t.amento from Dav~ and i1elirllf c:am In tbe S.n , Francisco -Bay area 1 in caravlDI of chartered buses and prl-. vohlc)a. j . ' Weaili~· u you'r< looklog· lot a break In the weather, loot somewhere else. Locally Tuesdar morning will· still be overcast -apd t~ a.fterboqla. bright and sb1N with Diiie lflDI>' erature' ~·atteraUon. __. ' -.... -- ' , • • 0 -·-~~~~~~_;,~.:..;.;.;_~.;..;,.-"";;..,..::.-'-"~.;..~...;;.;_~~-":...;·~--::.;..,..;.;.;;.;.;_~~~ ..... ' ' ....................................... ________ -"'!' ________ ~------~~~---- • .. -- Huge LA Turnout Seen Soothlag a Bo"frietad Wemdy Ducomb of Danville. Va., newly crowned Mill USA, chanlles expression rapidly as sbe talks tb.i:iepbone ID her boyfriend following her win in student at University of North .CaroliNi, was com- plaining that he w<SUldn't get to see her much dur- ing her reign. She managejl. to soothe him. la-ti, Fla. Her boyfrien<J, Walker Long, a 1st Spaee Sha~e 01.d Fashwned Way Proves Best SPACE CENTER, Houaton (AP) -The Apollo 10 -shaved In apace for 1he !Int llme Sunc1a1. No American .-had tried It 'before. •'\ve """'·aoltlni wbe"' we coold bare- ly Mand ouraelves men for awhile," ~A. Cernlll aald u hll i.amm-· -chlnl appeolOd on colcr tole- -fnlm spoe., '1'he IPI'" agency had spent thonaancl1 ol dollan teyln( -afully to develop a power razor. Experts had uld the shorn bristles would Doat around In the weighUes.mess cl space. No ruor ever made, It off the =a fellow astronaut bought a safety razor in a drug store and gave It to the Apollo 10 men. So Ceman, 'lbomas P. Stafford and John W. Young shaved 1he rqular way and bad no problemL "After speodlng a lot of money on rpechanical shavers -which always manage to leave ,the whiskers Dying · around the atmosphere -somebody finally came up with the Idea of using a ruor and brusbless shaving cre&IJI," Young reported wlth dead p·a n seriousness. "You rub ·tt on and it keeps the whisken when )!OU shave it off," Young conUnued. 11Put It in a towel and dispose of it Ind you eDd up clean shaven." Many astronauts have complalned about their itchy beards bothering them in spaCe. • When they broke out the shaving equip- ment Sunday, Stafford only hinted at what they were doing, calling it a scientific experiment Sugar Hotel Alpha Victor Echo." The f!nt i<tten ol Jbe 1a$ fiW> WO<'ds ljiell "8'H,A-V·E." * * * * * '. ~ . • Ul"t T ..... 19 FORMER CHILD ST.AR DIES Co ]!__. Ch '..£. Harbour Resi dent Mitzi Grffn No mpllluents to e1=-· ---------· · . . Child Movie Sta r Astronauts' M~als Lousy , SPACE CENTER. Houalon (UPI) - The Apollo JO utronaulx, who carried lbe ritOlt varied mew 0£ any American 1~ on \heir elghwtay voyage to 1he mooft. today brought aome It back un- touched. . A.tronautl Thomas P. Stalford, John W, Young and Eugene A. Cernlll eteaped the lttll unuplaJned space DIUlell wbleh stzuclr: the Apollo I and Apollo t crews, but they said their 1ppeUtes were dulled by 1he hydro(en gas In their drinking water. • Hoftver, the.Ir mild stomach dlscom· fort WU not expected to keep the astrmaulx from celebratlni Jbetr "'turn with a sauuge and ew "breakfast'' aboard the USS Princeton, the prime """""l' ship. They also planned to cap off Ute return celebration later with 1 1Uce of the huge ~lr:e created by the Princeton's bakers for the occasion. Dr. Char1e8 E. Berry, the astronauts' chief physician, Hid ~.arller Stafford, Young and Ceman 'reported lakln( medication (Lom.atil) to help feUeve t.be mild dllcomlort cauJed by 1he gas. Other DAILY P/lOT ~ ..... ·ti,, ........ --__ ,.__ spacemen also reported similar pro- blems. Space Agency officials said the astronauts' drinking water,' which Is drawn from a (uel cell, is saturated with hydrogen gas. A method designed lo separate the gas from the water by spinning a bag of water did not work in space and scien- tists wert unab)e to devise an alternative procedure before the flight ended. The Apollo ID larder, probably the most appetizing carried by an American space crew, included 60 freeze·drled rehydratable food items plus one "wet- pack" meal for each crew member each day. The "wet-pack" meals consisted of foil wrapped packages of beef and potatoes, ham and potatoes and turkey chunks with gravy. · , The freeie"ried items, ~tored in special bags, were reconstituted by ad· ding water and knea!ling. To eat, the astronauts cut the top of the bag and squeezed out the food . Menu itetns during the voy&Jle included peaches, fruit ~kt8.il, spaghetU and meat sauce, shrimp cocktail, chicken stew, pea BOUp, Wna salad, pineapple fruitcake and baUna puddinc. . For midnighl '°"'lls tho 1Slton0uls a1 .. carried oJoni both white and rye breld. and lubu al ham and chjcken salad for sandwiches. Mitzi Green , 43, Dies of Ca11 cer Private funeral services were held to- day for Mitzi Green, a chiid actress of the 30's, who died Saturday In her Hun· tington Harbour home, a victim of cancer. ·Miss Green, 48. achieved stardom wilh her movie role of Becky Thatcher op- posite Jackie Coogan as "Tom Sawyer." She was known for her talent for song and mimicry iind performed In musical comedies long after she. made her final appearance as a child star. Her last musical comedy appearance was several years ago, when she starred in "Gypsy" in Las Vegas. An avid sportswoman, Miss Green held the women's world record for catchlns a 2101h.-pound blq,ck marlin. She is survived by her husband or 26 years, prQducer Joseph Pevney or the home, 1~9 Edgewater Lane : a daughter, Jan. 21, and three sons, Joel, 24 ; Jefr, 17 and Brian Jay. 14. Also surviving are her molher, Rosie Green, and a brother, Harry, both of New York. Teachers Reject .Lo'v Wage Boost - "f:l "f:l tf Teachers of the Ocean View School I Fight for Maydr's Office to . Set Vote _Record t blaek · ~ .,. ' Y ortY, steppinl up the ptCe of hil cam-~-~·l)avt '-""'° .Brl<lley ' palp, cha.._ecl anew U1al Bradley II IUP. From Win loriieot ahead by marglne nngt:ol from five to 15 ported by black militants and antlpollc1 pe;rcent, but with Yorty picking up sup-elements. Bradley, a Policeman 21 years, LOS ANGELES -6 bn!bhll filltt for the mayor's or~ between .a maverick Democrat and a NegrO ex-policeman Tuetdly was eajiecl<d to brio' the greatest voter turnout 1fi the history or America'• ;tblrd IVJut)!lty. port In 1he closinc days of 1heJ)ampalgn. denies il · The Don Muchmore Poll reported today Bradlty has accused Yorty of running a that Bradley led '(orty 53 to 36 percent, corrupt administration In which five <>I Seeking. 1 ijtlrd ~m is Mayor Sam Yotty, 09, who baSJ\:t let his status as a reglsjend Democrll ltoi> him from buck- In& itbe party's' orpnliallon and en· dor•inl Rlchud Nixon. Hit challenger Is ctty Cooncllman Thomu Bradley, 51, who launched a poliUcal career after 21 years in the Los Angeles Police Department. Bradley wants to cap it by becoming the city's Won't Quit Court . with 11 percent und~. his commissioners have been indicted .on The 15 percent lead compares to a 11 charges alleging misconduct in office. percent edge Bradley bad In a Yorty replied that the majority Of the Mucbmort poll.the Drst weU in May. He commissioners be appointed to » surveyed 175 people ln 1 poll completed mlniSter many clty facilities hive done Saturday. good jobs. 'Ille Field Poll, relWed Thunday, put City Clerk Ru Layton pndieted • Bradley ahead u percent to 11 percenl r<eord 1umoo1 Tuesilay o1 between'° and with 19 percent undecided. 'Mlat SW'Ve)' 'IS percent of the city's 1.27 mlll.ion showed Yorty trailing by 17 percent two voters. The previous rec«d was 66 per- weeks earlier, cent in mayoral primary last month. James Ray's • Parvin Case Contrived, Bid for New Justice Douglas Claims From Wlre Services NEW YORK -Supreme Court Justice William ,0. Douglas has said privately that an Internal Revenue Service in- vestigation of the Albert Parvin Foun- dalioo was a "manufactured case" ln· tended to force him from the beoch, the New York Times reported today. The Times said the charge was con- tained in a let.er dated May 12 that Douglas sent Albert Parvin, multimil- lionaire Los Angeles. businessman. Parvin heads the foundation of which Douglas was president and a director un- til the Supreme ·eourt justice resigned the positions, which pa1d an aMual salary of $12,000. last week-. ' The Tlmes, in a Los Angeles dispatch, said Douglas, reached In Washington , had declined to comment on the contents of the letter in qliestion. The report said Parvin had made some of the foundation's records available to the newspaper "t'o show that nothing the foundation has done is in any waf wrong." _ . . IRS agents have been hlnduct1ng their investigation for three yean. Agents also have reportedly examined some of Doug1as' own files in Wuhington in con- 3 Toro Marines HUI·t Serious.ly When Hit by Car Three El Toro Marines were seriously l1urt Sunday morning when they were struck by a car as they tried to start a ·stalled motor cycle on a dark Newport Beach highway . • One of tbe three, Rex Burton, 20, suf- fered head Injuries. Burton was pushing the cycle carrying Paul V. Tracy, It, and. Harry Booth, 22, doWn Jamboree Road near the Back ·Bay Bridge at 2:05' a.m. All three are sta· tioned at El Toro. 'Jlhe cycle swerved into the outside traf- fic lane into the path of a car driven by Albert Aver, 44, 2440 Bayshore Drive, Newport, officen said. His car skidded for 81 feel before hit· ting the cycle, according to the police report. All three men were thrown to the pave· ment. Tracy and Booth s u f t e r e d abrasions and cuts. They were listed in sr.tisfactory condition today at Hoag Memorial Hospital . Burton had severe head cuts and a serious concussion. He is under intensive care at the same hospital. aides said. Officers said investigation is continuing into the crash. Aver was not cited. nectkm with the probe. "The strategy is to get me oU the court," the Times reported DoUglas' let· ter said, "I do not propose to bend to any such presaure." Doug:lN llllJOW)Ced his resignation from the foondalloo last Friday, citing the "heavy work load~' \mpoeed by the po.sis as his reasons for quitting. In Los Angeles today, the chairma n of Parvin-Dohrmann Co., criticized a Se- curities and Exchanee Commission in- vestigation and told . stockholders Jt wasn't justified. Delbert Coleman said the investigation, and the suspension twice of trading ln tile firm's stock on the American Stock Ex- change, 1has placed· a "cloud" over the company and camed the value of its stock to drop severely. Yet he said the hotel supplies company has cooperated fully with the SEC and conducted its own sludy of charges against it and is aware of no wrongdoing "of any consequence." "I am completely confident that this situation will not cl\ange, no matter how long tbe investigation c o n t i n u e s , ' ' CQleman said. He siid the SEC staff may be "contradicting their own precepts" by having ''thrown confusion intq the market for our stock." He Slid the firm plans chan1es lo . I create a new unaae. Fire Becomes Real H eadaclie It wasn't much of a fire, but the con- fusion it caused was doi,ynrigbt painful. A couch began smoldering late Friday night in the Corona del Mar apartment of Sharon Thomas, -308 Carnation Ave. While firemeri driaed the sofa out- doors and doused it, a neighbor, Lesli~ Griffh1, who lives upstairs, ran from her home and bumped her head "on something," she told flremen . Only lhe couch aul(ered damage in the Thomas Woman's apartment, but Miss Griffin suffered a two-ipch cut on her forehead. A friend took her for stitches at Hoag Memorial Hospital. Stolen Plane Down MILDENHALL, England (UPI) -U.S. Air Force officials said Sunday there Willi a "slim" chance Sgt. Paul Meyer, 11. survived when the Gl30 transport plane he stole and tried to fly home crashed io~ to the sea Friday. Trial Denied MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) -James Earl Ray, admited ~assin ol civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther KJng Jr., was denied a new trial today. Judge Arthur C. Faquin Jr., held that tht evidence showed Ray had voluntarlly and in good faith entered 1 guil(y pl.et. to the slaying. Under Tennessee h1.w, the judge held, such a plea -precludes a mo- tion for a new trial, for postconvictioo remedies or an appeal. faquin, who succeeded the late Judge W. Preston Battle in the case, further held that Ray waived all rights to file a motion for a new trial or for an appeal. He ordered Ray returned to the. state penitentiary at Nashville to continue serving his 99-year tenn. Rogers Declares Efforts to Aid Russ Relations TEHRAN (UPI) -Secretary of State Willlm P. Rogers told the opening ses,,lon of the Central Treaty or£anization (CEN- TO) conference today the United States .. intends to pursue all prudent efforts to Improve relations with the Soviet Union." Rogers warned that Washington• Moscow dlscu.ssions orf the Mideast and other matters. "do not mean that the non- Corrupunist world can relax i t s vigilance.'' • Rogers said the world situation is bet- .ter than when CENTO was fonned in -t9SS. • "Today we live in a more hopeful world," he said. "It could be, as Presl· dent"Ni.J:on has said, that we may be moving out o[ an era of confrontation into an era or negotiation. We hope so·and we are dOing our best to make it so." SOVIET PRESS HAILS APOLLO MOSCOW (UPI) -The Soviet press reported in detail on the homebovnd flight of the Apollo 10 moon astronaut.I today and praised their skill and sense ol humor. Pravda, the official newspaper or the Communist party, said that "the""-pollo 10 having completed its mission , Is flying to the earth. ''There e.re lhree courageous men on board who showed presence of mind, skill and a sense of humor under complicated conditions of their long spaceflight." the pro(es!!Or didn•t !BY a "M'onl about that. Now if I may be permitted a "·ord, 1'11 like 10 UH: it in behalf of my own otock of men's trousen here ln-ihia atot"fl. 1 I I f I ' I I ---CA' lfOIMIA -.. OllAHGI CG'o$1 l'U&llSHlf<IO COMl'ANY -----~ ...... -Dlstrlc( t.u.oLe(I ihuful>~·down on an ad -FroM Page l . mlni11lratlon proPosal wl'tielrwoo\d in- c~asc the salaries-of low wage-teactler-& and leave others at present levels. APOLLo ... -fiUlte to give you sOmethlng to worry about wl1e11 you get dres1ed tomortow mominll· Or n(ternoon; a1 the ca&e niay· be. to Fleebfe, ''have been condi: tioned by previous n1ilitary Aervice to step off witl1 tl1e left fool. Tbu1 a n1an 1"ho in· 1tinctively -start• ·l1i1 forward motion witl1 1be left foot i1 uncon1clou11Iy obeying. hi1 peer&.'' We catr)'....lhc_inotLpoJ>ll)ar ___ --- t. ! : •, a.-.rt H. w.94 .............. l'Wllllltf ..... ~ VIOt,......... ............ Mwttt . ' T~Mte' K•t•il ·-T"-'9•• A. MMtflhl11t -·--c;;. .. MINI ..... , a... i1rt1I ......, ...ur m• """ .. ..,.. ...,.....,. .._.. ... , ........ _ llW#A Ila IMCfll .... ....... I limits of earth's a:mosphere . The cone-shaped apaceship's blunt end · glowed 1 Dery nd 11s atmospheric fric· lion heated lhe .outside of the craft to ..... than 5,000 dqnes. The crew remained a comfortable 80 degrees \ as they withstood forces 6.7 times that o1 ·sravity. At 2t,OOO feet, a fqrward he1t shield flipped away and two drogue parachute.s poppei! out of the polnlecl end ol the · spacecraft slabllldog Ila fall. Momeots laler thl'ee pllot poncbulfi popped out, dr1Aln« 'behind !hem lh• hup main J>Vachµtes. The m1ln paraChutte · bkloslomed. above• t h e sptefCl'lft IDd alOWtd \ta fleeting descent to D miles Pe!' hour. The utronaull cfri(tod lhrougb the dawning 11<)' fer II•• minutes before l1ndlng 1enUy on the ...... Apollo 10'1 ...... try WU 14 .milOI an hour filte't' thin the return last De<:ember ol Apollo I, tho one prevt.,,o .-..rbli Hahl ApoUo 10 came In d&aa!Y, lnlteld ol "skipping" N did ' ApoUo I. Apollo to •L!o come r- rurt.her out fn 1pace, alrM:e lhe moon w1s more distant from the earth lh1n during Apollo I. · The Ocea n View Teacher's Association (OVTA) said th e offer wou ld in ef£ect represent a salary cut for teachers in the upper salary ra:nge since il does not take into consideraUon increases in lhc cost of llvlng. The administration propOaal, they said, nn1ounted to a 7.3 percent raise for teachers at the lower end or the salary range. · Supt. Clarence Hall said the plan was on ly .a statement ol the district's salary phllosopliy. "We are· $lill ln the negoUallng stage and we have not reached an Impasse. Ne.it.her 1\de has . taken a hard Une on anything." he said. Parents' Day Slated In Valley Wednesday Wednesday bu been proclaimed. Pare:nt Volunteers In ,Ecfuc1Uon Day In Fountain Volley by Mayor Robert SchwerdUeger. RecoinlUon Is given to volunteer help glvelf" b}'""1>1renu: to the fountain Valley SthOOI bisttlcl Board of Thlsl~ hu lrom music boosters to cl~lting drlves. ! We'-ve just receivetl some i11£or1no1ion in a confidential b11lle1in from the lnstitule of A~plied Leaming, and it's too goo1l to 1>a88 up • Accordlllfl to Aclrnoy K. _fleoble, head prof....,r of p1y· cholof!Y . ot Sodpick Colle@'!, every man unconicioo1ly re.- veal• Ills political Jean1.ngs iu tl1e morning wl1e11 he ie put- tinfE hi1 trousen on. If ho pub hio left log in !int, fltran~ly enough that'••· 1uro •il!D thal be 11 a polllic:al conformi1t. Thl1 ...... polilicol leanln& 110n1etime1 allo 11 evident in llMl way a man 1tep1 off tho curl) when eroaalJI#( the 1treet. '' l11ny lndividu1Ja, '' acconling The man 'vl10 poh bil right leg into hl1 troueen fint, on the other hand. 11 ''.flaunliD8 the rules.'' He i• a political no..-nformi1~ oeerolly ttbel· li11f1 oplnot lite foree1 of order and cutlom. You imi1 wonder how a ~n wonld put OD hlo pub if ho ~ '1 received any military lralnln& al all . Unfortana1oly, brand1. Cot'bin Slacks, Major Slacks and Varela Sl•cb in -various wool fabri~ and wool hlei;td•, ranging irom $27.50 up to 140. We also carry wuh !lacks froo1 Cactus Casual1 and from Barris, in Perm• Preued fabrics ·at from $8 10 $12.95. We have a great ae)eclion and I can't think o{ a better lime to come ~ for yotll' new summer alacb. l 'can only think of one.0th· er thing lo· add. Do yoa. iito" bow to 1aee..· tify a poli1kal'middle-of.th.,. roader? Well, be mu•t be the oDo who pub both f .. i in hlo trou1en -at the Hme Ume.. Jack Bidwell • al 3467 Via Udo, ripl •here you furn ofr' Newport Blvd, lo· p to Udo hie, at Lido Theater, Froo parldq at nor of 1lott. l'bono 673-4510. Cooyrl~t 1969, Joek Bidwell. · I \ -. - Hun-tin gton Beaeh I > I vor. 62, NO. :12s, l SECTIONS, 38 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CA[IFORNIA MONDAY, ~y 26, '1969 ' :rEN CINTS u se e an ' " 1 ,_~ 'I ' \ "" ,, j • NASA l'tle!ft APOLLO 10 AST RONAUTS DRO"P iNTO PACIF IC AFTEirSUCCWFUL MOON VOYAGE ~n "!"~rget: Thomas sia:Hord, Johri" Young, Eugene Cernan (from left I Bishop Assails Backers of Councilmen Governor R eagan As 'War Monger' B'last Valley Recall Try , BERKELEY (UPI) -E p lsc op a I Bishop C. Kilmer Myers described Gov. Ronald Reagan Su~ay as a "war monger" and "the ooe who has unleashed the dop of war in Berkel.ey." The bishop of the CaWornia diocese, In "' statement read at a chapel service a\ Berkeley's Pacific School of Religion, said Reagan was "the aame governor who advocated paving over of Vietnam.'' "He is a war monger in southeast Asia and he is a war monger Iii California," Myers said. "'111e system of vkllence which spawns persons like the govern or or California is all of one piece." The outsp>ken prelate .asked that "every true American, etrery honest1 patriot; demand that the National Guard • be withdrawn from Berkeley; tha.t the university 'reclaim Its moral integrity in this sJb.Jation; that the use of un- necessary focce on the part oi: police of- ficers and deputy sheriffs be publicly castigated and punished, that the people's park be given back to the people.'' EUle rly Mesan K illed by Auto; Accident Probed An elderly Costa Mesa man struck'by a car that police said laid down 80 feet of sk.idmarks died early Sunday, four hours arter the accident near a westside street. intersection. James O. Bell, 74, o[ 878 W. Wilson St., suffered fractures or both legs, multiple lacerations and other injuries when hit on Wilson Street just west of Monrovia Avenue. By TERRY COVU.LE Of tllt O.Hy Plitt ilefl The latest deveJopm_ent in Fountain Valley's recall baWe is the i.ssUlµJce or a four Jlllli. ~ ·~~'NI Ibo recall movement and ootnning aceomplish- ments ol the three ci&) councilmen °ander fire fnm recall bacieta. Publiabed by the F.ciuntaln valley Citizens for GoOd Government, the door ment labels the recall movement nothing more than a struggle for power, and reprints two newspaper editorials de- nouncing the recall. 'llle document ap- peared late last week. A list ol accomplishments points to the benefits brought to the community " by Mayor Robert Scbwerdtfe(ir and Coun- cilinen Donald Fregeau and JOlepb Cour· reges, all largels of the recall movement. Recall backerf flave charged that the three men have coosistently ignored the expressed desiz:es of . the p e op I e , especially concerning the size of lots in SeoeJc lllarJcets " NEW YORK {AP) -The stock market, wiUr investors reported cautious and awaiting developments, c I o s e d almost even today. (See quotations, Pages 28-29). t.fotorist Glenn A. Montgomery, 24, of 2223 l'omoni Avr,co·si:a-Mcsa, told Of. - planned developments. The new letter states that lot size as such has never b e e n changed !ron:t F~ountain Valley 's standard <ll 7,ZOO """" feel and .lba pi,aoed d~velopo ment coocept has been In use lot lllOIJ. than five years. It also poiqts out that 5,COJ square foot tots were apllmed for the Green VaBey de\'elopment before all the controversy was launched over the 5,000 square foot lots In the Larwia Tract. ·Recall backers have asked for an ab.solute minimum Jot size of at least 6,000 square feet In any single fam1Iy resldence-.area. Usted as members "of the Fountain Valley Citizens for Good Government are Fred ASbley, Jois_eph R. Callens, Mrs. Helen DUte, Robert· Moss, Mrs. Karen Ackley, Mrs. Ann ldcCuland, John Glllllimd and Mrs: Shirley Pulford. The letter was mall~ to Fountal~ Valley residents Who Were ,asked to rut out an attached post card If they bad signed the reCall petition.and desired to have their name now removed from thaf petlUon. • Opponents of the recall ask residents to spare the city of the damage a recall election will do its reputation and ask that the issue be seUled in the rriunicipal election next April. -• -~ , . Ill or 0 0 Moon Next Stop After Perfect Trip ABORD THE USS PRINCETON (AP] -The Apollo 10 lunar explorers landed safely on earth today, endin¥ a 700,000- mlle apace voyage which cleared the way for an American moon landing attempt in July. Air Force Col. Thoms P. St.afford and Navy Cmdrs. John W. Young and Eugene A. Cernon _. back from an eight-day flight that included a descent to within 9.4 mlles of the moon -splashed into a calm South Pacific within view of this prime recovery shlp. "Would you tell the medic.al officer to relax?" Stafford rad.i~ from the Apollo 10 capsule. "We are in great shape." Their spacecraft, dangling beneath huge <lrange and whlte parachutes, came into view <ll television cameras aboard this helicopter carrier several minutes before it hit the water. Waiting rescue helicopters gained radio contact with the spacecrlift almost im- mediately after it passed through a three· minute blackout period whlph started at the height of its burning re-t!nlry into the earth's atmosphere. "We should be right on top of you if you're down there," Stafford called. .. • • ' • UPI,.__. APOLLO MAK ES NEAR PE~FECT PACI FIC SPLASHDOWN A1trona ut1' Cep1ule Landa Near P-.o PaF,·3 Mil es From Carr~r Douglas Says Parvin Case Manufactured • From Wlre Services NEW YORK -Supreme Court Justice William 0-. Douglas bas said priv1tet1. that an Internal Revenue Servk:e in. vestigatioo ol the Albert Pll'Vin Foun- . I I The spaceship, 1anding in n e a r darkness, hit the water only about three miles from the recovery ship, whose lights ffashed In tjie ,.,.ldarknus. Holiceptww·-... ly -.... ~e noatlng:capsule .11'.'d swlmn .... 1;1. !reir----' pOd Into the Inky water to aid the cmJ. " Minutes later the word came from the astrOnauts: 'I'be1 w:ett nfe anCrwtn ind anxious lo get aboard the ship. ' • dation was a "manufactured ca.M" tn-o r----ii"" ed'1o-forcc1ilnrfrom t1ii &Ddi, Oil"---< New York Times reported today. Apollo 10 made the hottest, fastest and riskiest plunge ever back into the at· mosphere of earth. After tt.s service module -containing most of the oxygen and electrical sup- plies -was jettisoned, the small com· mand ship qu1ckly picked up speed as it flashed toward the earth at the eD4;f of its 246,000-mile trip home from the mooon. The spacecraft reached 24,694 miles an hour just before slicing in~ the upper limits or earth's atmosphere. The cone-shaped spaceship's blunt end glowed a fiery red "as atmospheric tric· tlon heated the outside of the craft to more than·5,000 degrees. The crew remaJned a comfortable 60 (See APOU.O, Paee Z) Roger s OeclMes- Efforts to Aid Russ Relations Tbe Times Wd the ch&rse w11 con- ~Woed iD a Jeter daled llaJ ~tllat Doug!M oeol Albert Parvin, mulUmil· li°""ire Loo Angele< bus'-man, Parvin heaa& th'e foundation ol whlcti Douglas was president and a dlrector un. UI the Supreme Court.justice resJgned tbe positions, Which pald &1 aMUal salary ol SIZ,000, last week. The Times, in a Los Angeles dilpatctit TEHRAN (UPI) -Secretary of State Said Douglas, reached in Washington, had Willim P. Rogers told the opening session declined to comment on the contents of of the Central Treaty Organization (CEN-the letter in question .· . TO) conf'erenct today the United ~tates The report said P1TVln had made tome ''intends to pursue all prudent ef!orts to of the foundation's records available to improve relaUons with the Soviet Union.'' tbe newspaper "to show that nothing the Rogers warned that Wash in It Q n. foundation has done is in any way_ Moscow discussions on the Mideast and wrong." · other matters "do not mean that the non· IRS agents have been conducting their . Commualst world can · re!u i t s lnvestigatjon for three years. Agents also vigilance.". · . have reportedly examined some or Rogers said the world situation i! bet-Doo~las' own files in Washington in con- ter than when CENTO was fOrmed in neeUon with the probe. · Tea ch ers Rej· ect 19ss. "T":; .~~·iw is to gedet ~~.1oa, the "Today we-live In a more hopeful court, "IC Ttihe)I report &l\l\l6 as let· world," he said. "It could be, as Presi· ter said, "I do not propose to bend to anY, Low Waoe Boost dent Nil:on bas said, that we may be such pressure." O moving out or an era or C<lllfrontatloo.tnto Douglas announced his resignation Teachers or the Ocean View School an era of negotlaUon. We hope so and we from the foundation last Friday, citing District turned thumbs down on an ad· are dotng our best to make it so." the "heavy work load'' imposed by the ministration proposal whlch would in-posts as his reasons for quitting. In Los Angeles today, the chairman of crease the salaries of low wage teachers Saigon Aide DQuhts Parvin-Dohrmann Co., criticized a Se- and leave others at present levels. curities and Exchange Commission in. The Octan View Teacher's Association vestlgation and told stockholders it (OVTA) said· the offer would In •!feet Early U.S. Pullout wasn't justified. · represent a salary cut for teachers in the Delbert Coleman said the investi1a1ion, upper salary range since it does .not take SAIGON (UPI) -South Vlelnam's and Ow suspeJJSion twice of trading in the into conslderaUon increases in the coet of def~ mlnlster, Nguyen Van Vy, said firm's stock on the American Stock Ex· living. . tonight he did not think the replacement change, bas pl&eed a "cloud" over the 'Ibe adminislraUon proposal, they s3.id, of Amttlcu 'units by Sooth VietD&mese rompany and caused ·the ·value of it.I amounted to a 7.3 percent raise for units couSd be&in before 1970 and that he stock lo drop severely. teachers at the lower end ot the salary had recommeoded the drafting of 17· Yet he said the hotel supplies company range. ' year-old youthl 1n South Vietnam. Supt. Clarence Hall said the plan was Vy'a statement on troop ttpl.loement has cooperated fully with the SEC and only a stalement !JI the disjricl's salary seemedJo_...uadlct stateme.u mac!< by ,...,,,,__c~s.._oo_u_G_LAB_,_Pa=re_z> __ ·, philosophj. . . President Nguyen V~!Ll'l!i~~reoail4'·---'¥:1----~ are slill-in-4he-.-J1egotiati11g sl11ge---meuli1CJ "rijiliCement of 1011M1 0 de 1911 County Traffic IHI :s;:: and we have not reached an impa.R. American units by South V~tnamese • r-• Neither side hu laken a hard line on forces could begin b)' the last montbl of _.,_,._._ --.. ---nttn1r·Ton ficer David Hayes he first saw the victim about 50 feet ahead and could not stop in lime. • Bell was lpx>Cked out of his shoes by the Impact. Mohtgomei-)' was not cited; ooi traffic Investigators today are st..lltt-~tudying reports of the fatal accident, which OC· curred·as the victim crossed bu\)' Wilson stree\ at an angle out.side a crou walk. . Witnesses said Bell .was awake and talkiftl. afthougti In· great pain at tbe- scene ot •lhe 1:56 p.m. accident, bu\ he died at 12:S7 a.m. at Cost.a Mesa r.itemorial Hospital. Funeral services for Mr. Bell will be held Wednesday al 2 p.m. in the Be.11 Broadwafu Mortuary Olapel, with in- terment Harbor !test Memorial Park. He leaves three IOl'IS, J oe. of San '* Bernlrdlno, Jock, ol ~ Wencldl, Of RedwoOcl City, 'lnil four daUi/iton," They ar< Mrs. Jlrnrllle 11........,, ot ~ Mesa, Mn. pora Garcia, or La Habra, M·rs. Evelyn Desond, of San Mateo ahd Mrs. Louise Reeves, of Tuas, as wtD as 18 grandChildren and aix grea~ grandthildren. • ' _....YPUT~~'-"- 'IN$PECT FACl!L"T -Framed by strte( baniciade;;~ Robert Schwordtleger 'and Mrs. Juanita Solorzano discuss Droltd that bas llltcd wrinkles from lace ol Foun1Jn VaUey's Colon!&. juaroz. Only minor details remain before completion of $1S3,000 projecl. l anything," he said. 1969." New Jaurez Faee Mexican Colo ny's Roads Paved One of the oldest sections Or Fountain Valley completed a face lifting last week. Wrinkles in the race of Colonia Juarez were straightened with the# paving of .Calle Madero.-Calle lndependencia and t'tnco de Mayo. City workera also completed ln- llall-ti I complete HWfl' ll)'aletn (ilnt lllr Ille .-y), IOd .. placemenl ot I M-.0:i Old, 111Uqueted Wltlr"llDes; , 'hialf cOit GI The project wu. !tiilhl1Y more than ,JJ;53,(l)O~ apllt thrM • way1 belwetO Ute coloey311denta, tho e1t7.ll!d re<1or11 rundto 'fmn, the dep0rtJ)>erit ·of Houstnt and Urt>111 Atroirs •(ffUD), City olrlclall r""'" tyt enl1 ii\lnor cl .. 1111)> work "'rains to cornp1de' tho • enUre proj'°l.· _.._ -... • Final touchea were put on the asphalt pavlng or the colony's .three east-west str<ets last Friday. The atreel pcrtioo was Ute leut ._.slve (fll,700) pert ol tbe project, but broqht the lf'•tesl noticeable cltaqe. Previoaaly Ille okl tract, bu\11 about: 1127) 0wu ltdlmoui Jor Ill crocked ,~ *-dbl 'IUW ~.,... for'tlle flri\' t1me, eo1on11 :r ..... ~ w111 .11ne pa-..! for •katel and ma and can .... 't rllt Ute lcu ol f' tin! every llJne' they enter the ma. ~ than MO -ta .•m 'benefi( nim Ute project "blch .... Cill••ftor bt Coundbn111 · J~ Coamies• and" residents ol tlle ColortJ. Weatller U you're looking for a break ltt the weather, IOOk somewhere else. Locally Tueoday momlng -.UI, lllll .be overcast and the afternoon bright and shiny with lltUe temp. erature alteration. INSW E TODAY Whot "'°' good on Ul<vtafon dwring the lat ·~OJ<m1 c~ iii RU:k Du Brow. ""' hir lde.s of tome of the betttr JAolot. . Page 30. · . ....... ,, ... =--=.· . ~ , ~, 11 ........ C'"9lflllll JN1 tt (Miits • ~..... • ~ »t tiittll .._ n.u ........... 11.,.... .... ........ ,.,. .............. a ..... IJllT....._' • ,~ ..... """"'"' .. ......._. n ..... • .............. It .......... ti ""41,,.... ".._. 1• -....... .. -.. 1 • \ • • I l I • Sl!EING THE .SIGHTS -Floyd "Bud" Bellllto of Huntington Beach municipal staff (right} poinla Ollt dty's plans for cllK>elopment of llkcre central part to Mn. Canil Bickley and Malcolm Findley of fed- DAILY"""" ....... eral government's Department of Housing and Urban I5evelopment (HUD). Clly hopes to gel fed- enl Nnds to help buy park lands at Goldenwesl Street and Talbert Avenue. DVD Team lmpect• Beach Waiting for U;S. Word on Park Purchase City off1dlll in Hunttngton Beach ex-Orange County," said Belsito. pect 'to·lmow wltbtn two montha If.federal CurreqUy, the city has a $2 million park! bond before the people, but fiilure rundl wU1 be aval1abte for purcbue .of _ of tbt bood would not,ellmlnat.e lbe cen. the · city's prop)sed central park at tral park, said Belsito. Goldenwest Street and Talbert Avenue. "It· would delay improvement .or the Last Friday two representatives from site,'' explained Belsito. ''but we are h De H rv1 presently able to match federal funds for t e partment ol ouslag a.,.. Urban acquiSlfion of the land". Group Drops 'Demands' in Berkeley Case DAVIS, Ca!U. (UPI) -Student leaders ot a march on the Capitol to demand withdrawal of NaUooal Guard troopt from Berkeley today dropped "dem&l)dl" : in favors of "raising certain laluet." The march on the Sacramento statehouse originally had been planned to demand Gov. Ronald Reagan lift the state or ei;neraency Ir. the university city and withdraw troops and pollce fortts. Development (HUD) inspectea ' the 88-Residents · of Huntington Beach will acre ~te by air and on foot. They will vote on the park bonds June 3. The bulk Milita nts Set Up New Parll:-P11e 4 report their findings this wefk. of that bond issue is for more Ulan 30 The governor lilted restrictions on Cost of the land a,..,uisitlon Is set at smaller park sit.es the city hopes to ., d I d b II · t parades and assemblies and the curfew •1.4 million. nie city ho...-federal 1 .. _ .. ~ eve op an uy, as we as 1mprovemen •will lde hall r-IWWi of the central park. in Berkeley early Sunday and wltbdrew prov about , or fl'Ot,000, under Huntington Bucb already owra about many of lhe troops, but he refused to end the ·open apace land Procram· 3S of the prdposed central .park's a the state of emergency and lett 200 na- Admi.ni.strative AMislant Floyd "Bud" acres, includin& an 11-acre parcel on the tlonal -ruardlmen tc. seal off •(People's Belsito said the two HUD repraentatlves northeast comer of Goldenwest Street Park.'' told ·hlm It would take about two months and Talbert Avenue where the new Bruce Riordan, spokesman for the Jn. before offlclals in Wubln&\On make a library will be built overlooking ont of ner Campus March Commlttee, said the df'CisSoo on the loen. the Illa. change ·in 1trategy wu not in reply to The pm>Ol!Jd porl< ailUpreadL!o.botb "~t·•..-~·-lha~till-Rlllu'a-Mlloo-bul-"jwlt-o-tacli°"' ~t of Goldenwft:t 'Street and ' lncludes und~v'elO}iW," llJl'l B61afto, wM· addtd "We're ~ aaking fpr a confrontal,ion," 't'firol Dltural lakes; that it represented a fine opportunity for he said. , . Development pJans call for a. ·new the city to provide its residents with their But Riordan said the firs~ .issue Lhe -··-···-····-------..... - Huge!LA 1Turnout Seen .Fig~t _fo_r: May,or' s Qllice to Set .Vote Record ' ""-Wire Suvb-1 Ing the party's _,anizaUon lilnd en-percent. but witb Yorty picking up sup- 1.08 ANG!LIS -A bruliing f_lghl for dorsfng Richard Milon. port in the closing days of the campaign. the mayor'• olUce be.t,w~ a mave,rlck ms challenger Is City Councilman The Don Ptiucbmore poll reported lodaJ Democnt aod a Nqro ex-poUatman Thomas Bradley, $1, ·who launched a that Bradley led Yorty S3 to 36 percent, _ T"•edaY_.!!N ~~ IO~b<!ol~tbe polilloal_.._--al11r,ai..y ..... 1n the Lot with tt percent undecided . gr"tiil' vorert:umout In the hi.story of Angeles Police Department. Bradley The___.__15 percent lead compares to a ll America's third largest city. wants to cap it by becOming the city's percent edge Bradley had in a a.eking a third term la Mayor Salli ttnt black mayor. Muchmore poll the first week in May. He • Yariy, 59, who hQn't let his statu.s as a 1 Various polls have shown Bradley surveyed 675 people in a poll completed rflllale<ed ~stop him from buck· Ahead by marlJ!nS ranglna from five to t1 ~turday. The Field Poll, released Th~ay, put Br.adley ahead 43 percent to 38 percent with lt percent Wldecided. That survey showed Yorty trailing by 17 percent two ~·eeks earlier. No Compliments to Chef- Astrop~uts' Meals ~usy SPAl:E CENTE!i, H...-(UPI) ..,. The Apollo 10 utronauta, wbo carried the mOlt varied menu of any American ,_,.... on lhelr el&bt.i&y Yaj'qe io the -· today broufhl -" liack-1111-touched. Aatronautl Thomas .f. Stallard, Jolin . W. YOW!( and Eupne A. Cernan.llClped the, lllll unexpiam.I IJ)llce,nauaea wbtch struck the Apollo I and Apollo I crews, but they said their appeUtes ~ dulled by the hydrogen gas in their drinking water. However, their mild stomach discom- fort was not expected to keep the ast.rooaut.I from eelebrattnc the.ir return with a ~&e and egp "brukfUl" ........ P .. e J APOLLO ... '~ . . aboard the UBS Princeton, the prime recovery abip. They a,IJo planned to cap off the return celebr1Uon later with a slice of tbe huge cake created by the Princeton's baken: for the occlaion. Dr. Charin E. Berry, the astronauts' chief phyalclln, aaid earUer Stafford, Youna and Ceman reported taking medlcaUon (LomaUJ) to help relieve tho mUd discomlort caused by lbe gas. other spacemen also reported similar pro- blems. . Space' Agency oWclals aald the astronauts' drlntlng water, which is drawn from a fuel ctll, is saturated with hydrocen gas. · A method deaigned to separate the gu from the water by spinnln& a bag or water did not work In space and scien- tists were unable to devise an alternative procedore before the night ended. degrees u they withstood forces 6:7 ~Apollo 10 larder, probably the most Umea lhat of gravity. appetizlng carried by an American space At Jt,000 feet, a forward heat shield crew, included 60 f r e e z e • d r. i e d flipped away and two drogue t>arachutes rehydratable food Items plwi one "wet- popped out of the .pointed end of the pack" meal for each crew member eich spacecraft, stabilizing its fall. day. . · Moments later three pilot parachutes The "wet-pack" meals consisted of foil popped out, dragging behind them the . wrapped packages of beef and potatoes, ~uge main parachutes. The main ham and potatoes and turkey chunks with parachutes blossomed above \he gravy. · spacecraft and slowed Its fleeUng detCent The frebe-drled items, stored in to 22 miles per hour. The astronauts special bags, were reconstituted by ad- drifted through the dawning sky for five ding water and kneading. To eat, the minutes before landing gently on the astronauts cut the top of the bag and ocean. squeezed out lhe fob:!. Apollo IO's te-enlry wu 14 miles an Menu items d1Uini the voyage included hour faster than the return laSt peaches, fruit cocktail, spaghetti and December of Apollo 8, the one previous · meat sauce, . shrimp J cocktail, chicken moon-<>rbit fight. Apollo lO came in stew, pea .soup, tuna salad, pineapple directly, instead of 0 sk!pping'.' as did ffllilCake and banana pudding. Apollo 8. Apollo 10 also ;;;<•".;-m~e;;;,.lro~m~-d.F':'or"=mldnl~'J'·ihLiOacks the astronauts further-out-in~cr.stnc-f"1¥ ffioon was also carried along · both white and rye more di1tant from the earth 'lban durin& bread and tubes of 'ham and chicken Apollo 8. # salad for sandwiches. Yorty , stepping up the pace of h.is cam. paign. charged anew that Bradley is s~p ported by black·mllltant!i: and antlpolice elements. Bradley, a policeman 21 yea rs, denies-it. Bradley has accused Yorty of running a corrupt administration in which five of his commissioners have been indicted on charg~ alleging. misconduct ln office. ·Yorty replied that the majority of the commissioners he appointed to ad- ministei many city facilities have done good jobs. City Clerk Rex Laytqn predicted a record turnout Tuesday of between 70 and 75 percent of the city's t.27 mlllion voters. The previous record was &6 per· CC41I in mayoral pr~ary last month. 5 Persons Hurt In Huntingto!l Highway Crash Five persons were Injured in a two-ear collision Sunday afternoon on Pacific Coast Highway, east.of Warner Avenue in lluntington Beach. Police said a car driven by David M. Kenpedy, 48, Lakewood. struck another car driven by Marilyn Wagner, 41 , Compton. v•hen the \Vagner car at.- tempted to make a U-turn on Pacific Coast Highwa y al 5:17 p.1n. Sunday. T\1·0 young fem ale passengers were ejected from the \Vag ner car and are listed in serious condition today al Hun• tington lntercommunlty Hospital. A third young girl, also a passenger in the 'Vagner car, remains in satisfactory con· dllion at the hospital. · Seriously injured were N a n c y McPherson, 15, and Denise Brink, 14, and in satisfactory condition is Angela Simms, 14, all of Compton. Mrs. Edna P-1. Kennedy, 49, Lakewood, and Mrs. \Vagner were both treated and· released with minor injuries, according to police reports. • libr.,,..huildiAI· Uaen.~w.W.Way.a,. fNcwc.-owa;i.ark.-« major proportions. __ . stuct_eny w!)l .ra_ll_e ii "~ r'!.moval of and camptnc fldlities, tennll courts, ball ln addition to lhe library site, the city Lroops·1nd the WUng of Ule emerainC:y." '- fields, and hWag areas over hilly terrain. also owm Huntington 'Lake on the west upwards of a thousand studenls -the "It will reprtlellt4De of the few cen-side of Goldenwest street, whlcb was march committee hoped for 10,000 - Lrll parks developed by any cily ln deeded to the city by a developer. gathered for a six-block march In Harbourite Mitzi Green, Mu8ical ActreSs, Buried Private funeral services were held to- day for MilJJ Green. a ch.lid actress o( the 30'1, who died Saturday In her Hun· tlngton Harbour home, a v.lctlm of canctr: ' Miss Green. 48, achieved stardom with her. movie roJe .of~ Becky Thatcher op- posite Jackie Coogan u "Tom Sawyer.'' She wu known for her talent fcir aoni and mimicry and performed in musical coriledie!I long alter abe made her final appearance u a child atar. Her la!lt muaic&l comedy appearance was several years aio, when abe starred in "Gypsy" In Lu Vegas. , An avid sportswoman, Miss Green held the women's world record for catching a 2101\·pound black marlin. She is survived by ~r husband of 21 ' DAllY PllOT ll:olttri N. W•ff PN11rftnl 11'111 MUIMr Jw.• II. c.:,i-.r • ~lcw """"*' tnd G IMtltter n-., k., .. a Eailor ' Tho111~ A. M,,..r,.hirie ~IEdll., Al'Hrt W; l1t11 Wil ie,,. 11,1, AMOdMt ~-... lwclt £CllMr Ci.., l'•llr ................ Offk. lot Stt. Sheet •M.ti,,, Aillr-1 ,,0 , 101 1f0. tJMt --~ htcfl: "" """' ............ ,. L= ~ •m-,' .&-r "'-' ' _, .. _ yW"s, producer Joaeph Pevney of the . home , 17069 Edgewater Laoej a daughter::, Jan. ~I. and three sons, Joel , . 24 ; Jeff, 17 and Brian Jay, 14. A1ao survlvin& are her mother, Rosie Green, and a bfOther, Harry, both of New York. FORMER CHILD STAR DI ES Harloour R•-Mltzl GNOn ........ P•te J . l)OUGLAS •.• coodUdM ~ Jts own Study of charges aaaln~ it 'and ls aware of no wronedolng "ol any consequtnet. It • • '1J am completely conrldent that lhl• sltu1tloo wlll DOI dlanp. i>o matter bow. long the lnV11U1ation c o n t l.n u e"s , ' ' COitman l&!d. He llld the SEC 111111 may lie "contradictlnl their own _., by havinl "thrown confllllon Jnlo lho martot foe our •toct.'' . He slid the llrm plans Chall(" to create a new im•&t• ... Sacramento ending with a rally at the Capltol to hear 11 speakers Including Or. L_lnus Pauling, twice winner of the Nobel Prize. in chemistry and now on the faCulty of the University of California at San Diego. Riordan said "at least a small delega- tion" ol studenta la expected from all nine campu~ UC, all II aLate colle&es and a nwnDU of prlYate 'achoolJ and junior colleaes. Among the early arrtvals at Davia Sunday wu a contln1ent of 2M studentJ from jJC Santa Barbara. "We want t6 emphasiie thls ls a legal , non-violent, pe.cetul march," Riordan sdt-••1t LI legal'. in that we have a permit to march, a permit to rally and a permit to ·use loud speaking equipment." He sald other issues lo be r aised over the violent confrontation r.WUng from the Berkeley strett colony1s transfonna- tion of a UC.Owned vacant lot into a park '"'' -Negotiation of return of "Peoples Park" to the people of Berkeley. -Amnesty for all those arrested. -"Po11Ucal responslbllity for the oc· cu~tlon of Berkeley.'' Man Beaten Up At Bolsa Cl1ica Botsa Chica State Stach rangers found a severely beaten and cut man on the beach near the Bolsa Chica Gun Club early Saturday mornin(I. The victim, who Identified himself as Tommy Wllllams. 48, or Artesia, was covered with blood and had deep cull In his right lower ear and a two and • hall inch sash under fhe chin. Huntington Beach poUce officers tn- vestigaling the Incident said the man was too incoherent to describe how he was at- tacked. He was transferred to Huntington lntercommunity Hospital where he is still recovering. HUNTINGTON MAN SHOT IN YARD While •ubln& a 11aa door 1n the bacl:yani ol his lluDtJnaton Belch home on Slturday inomlnl, Warren J. JohnlOn felt a strange Itch on hil left lhould.er blade. - He went lnaldt and took of! h111 lhl.rt and T-lbtrl co find out what cou..a It. Then hi looked on the floor and found the culprit, • .2ka11ber bullet. !ta Up sllsJ1Uy deni.t lnllll plereiq botll 1armtnts. lllmlillfon -police -that the bollal IDO)' hlvt -a atray - 11":d 11r -"°" bunllnc c1uca _,. J ....... 'I llofne II ltO l6rlly!I Drive, Huntlngt.o•lleach. ' • I '-· J. Htrf9fl l'1tt!1 PASSERSBY AID VICTIMS FOLLOWll!IG TWO.CAR CRASH ON COAST HIGHWAY Sunday Afternoon Accident NHr Yf1rner Avenue lnlur11 Fiv1; Thrff H~spita.lizltd .. There's a right ll1e professor ditln't !ay a "·ord about tha1. New iI I 1nay be 1)crmi11ed a wo~ I'd like to 11sc it in behali of ::ny o"·n 11tock of men'• trousers l1ere in this slore. and. a wro~g way to put on you~ pants: We carry t11e· mo11t popular I bate to give you 10mething '•to Fleeble, '""have been "condi· brand•. Corbin Slacks, ~tajor to worry !'bout when you' get tioned' by pi'evioua military Slack& a11d ';nrela. Slacks irt dressed tott1orrow mom.inf(. aervice~ to tlep off with the variou11 "'·ool fabric>!' and wool Or afternoon, 11 the co;.e n1ay left foot. Thu1 a man .wlto J.n· blends. ran~ing fro111 827.50 be. atinclJvely 1tart1 bis {orwaM up to.840. We also carry w~Ji We've ju1t Teceived· eome fl\dlion with the left foqt i11 1!1lack11 froo1 Caarua C.a1u al1 and i11lorruation lit • confidential unconsciou1ly oh eying. hi1 f ro111 Harris, U1 Pernta Pressed bulletin from 1be ln1tltu1e of peen.'' fabric• at fron1 88 lo Sl2.95. Applied Learnlq, and it'• too nie man who pull hi.a riaht We have 8 gT"eot eeleetion saod lo pau up. leg inlo ·hl1 trou"'" lint, on and 1 can't think of a beti..r Aceordbae: to Aclmey K. thf other hand, i1 '4llaUntlng .lime to conie in Ior voor new Fleeble, hoed P"1f-r of pSJ" the naleo." He i1 ~ political •umruer •lack•. · chol017 at Sedpiek Collep, non-.formbt, -111 rebel· I eua Oa.ly think of one oth- eTery man aneoiueloul1 ,... llDf! •l!"l"'I the fo....,. of order er thinl to add. -1a hla polilleal leanl... In and C111tom. · Do you lmow bow 10 iden- the morn!nl when he Ii pat> Yoa .. 1 wonder how a·,,..n Lily a polltleal mldd.....,f-th.,. tin• hl1 tro.a..en on. "WOUld" pat on hi.a pantt If he roader? Well, J1e mt11t be the _,.If he ala hl1 le_(t lfll In hasn't ,_jTed any military one who puta bo1h feet in his J 1rst, atnn~ 'f enoqlliliit'1-a -..rahJl.q •t~•ll UnfOl!fa""ae.l:!'·..J..trou1era at the same time. •11r:e 1lp 1ha1 he 11 a polltlcel ' • 00~:m:.;., politlal 1ean1.., Jack Bid well IO-limM &loo Is evident In the way a man 11ep1 off the curb when crouln~ the 1tree1. "M•a1 indlvldaala," aecordlq at 3467 Via Li~ npl where you lurn of! Newport Blvd. lo II" 10 Lido l1le, al Lido Thea1er. Free parldq-"' rear of atore. Pbone673-4510. Copyripl 1969, lack Bidwell • .. ' I ... SALUTE TO COLORS -Navy color gua~ Naval Reserve Surface Divis- ion !Qst national ensign smartly while officers o! Voyagers Yacht Club salute. VYC «eremooies were held at the club's third story headquarters on Via Lido. NEW SEASON AT BYC -Junior officers-at Balboa Yacht Club start "Old Glory" on its way to maSthead as officers, members and· guests iStand.,at at- tention during club's OJ)eltlnt Day ceremonies; Jwior officers are 'JlfY Lawr· ence, cOmmodore; ruck Jeniiess, vice com.nod.ore, and Gordon Johnson, .rear commodore. YACHTS ON PARADE :--Led by the power yachts from Sbark bland Yacht Club, fully dres.ed boau from seven Newport Har1l9r yacht clubs parade lhrou~ th• harbor under th<! sponsorship or the Association or Newport Har· bor Yad>t Clubs. The event highlighted Opening Day ceremonies. ti....,, tlrf H , 1169 Gm•• Para&le le .-:NewshOy , Y ac~tClubsOpen ~ &st~Bat. Fathom Race ·Decided by: Handica l • . With CeMbration Jacll llOlllle'• 11 • m e t er They •• ...,, -CLASS B -('!) , .NomboJ 1'11 Dnt lo llcbh In Dua-Plial Ra« · Yule • -· NllYC; 11 8dlot. Yat<ht<Cllilb'• ~ ·~A .,..(!) lnltmltuo, Suderllnr,Klrk•Poolt. C -thor Huntinllon :IO-F1tfiom Salllcla, Tcm Corliel~ NHYC : • JlCYC. • All ol the yacht clubl In Newport Harbor -which are ...... ol!lclally cloled -.,.. now open for the season followin( 11 joint .. 1ebtation ' and pond• SalurdJy. Sh ol the aven clubl which form the Aa«=i1tion o f • Newport Ha-YllCht Clubs held the "opening day" or seuon opening ceremonies, clima1ed by a gala parade of yachta led by Shark lsl.00 Yacht Club power fleet. 1be day started with a breakfast and fb.g· raising ceremonies at Voyagers Yacht Club in the club headquarters on Vla Lido. Al .-i South Shore Sailing club held • ribbon cutting ceremony, nag raialng and dedication of its n e w clubhouse on W. Coast Highway. , ,Balboa Yacbt Club Ind 8ahil. Corinthian Yacht Club, bOth -of which are under remodeling and COOJtruction handicspe held the customary flag raising rites at their respective clubs which are next door to each other on Bayside Drive. Lido Isle Yacht Club held ii! , Race Sunday, 1lol wu W1&ble (3\ ·pre I u d'e; Jtm Lin-. • ~ c -Brava, Jti,~ -day ....._i. at to.aaye her llanclJcap time for derman, BYC. : JloPlt. NHYC· (I~ n0on, folloncl, by open bouae Cius A handlcop honors. Wtuiams 1<-&anpl;.NllYC; (Z) a11ic:k aw,c;.,. 11 , I) !0< l!ll'!'b-_ . H-.P,wlnner In ClasrA --hloiora. llmldo;BYC; OpenJnc ~and club,...,,. -.... JW•llln1.'.• Columbia.SO . · . , ~·o-cii s..-~·ri.-. evolved !rGm • ser~pla JI !rom Bahia Cor-Sun' dherg· Did<; °"'"'· BYC· • ---Mid· ~-yaqhl· ~.Y&e!>I Cl\!b. 6scudeto, . . v,,_ n, ..... .._ •""~ ~ uiuilly cli>sed aDallier ~ilmbla IO satled by (I) Qelena, Vince · lqorilha. 'Did Valdes, '""g ..._. W' · Ra ~c-(4) Arribo :"'1<: . ls bein(_carried Yacht Club;,,. tif..:d. _,..,~, ·JPS : Ce n;...;,., eve. . ':< on in Califomil ~ a Winner in Class B was Don 1 , ; 1 MORF -(l} ~· 'It ~ o . I celebration Ayres Jr. 's new Ericson-ti , .Ed Sundberg or Lol_~eles AlllOne, VYC; ( .J) ~ •· d':1ftn8 the IPf of-the Y~at · Firebrand from N e w po' r t . Yach.t Club defei,hjcl : three quaciouJ Craij ~ • 1 t e.J 'o Virtuall? Sou t be r n Harbor Yacht Club. J.ohn chaJlengers Saturday in a sud-LBYC· \3) '1'Jt'lit u ·AMY Califonila clU cMrJ .on Cazler's K-40 Atar~ BYC was den death race fCI' the Wall Morhl~nd, NHYC; {t.) tJi.I,' ·regatta -and aoclaJ activities runner-up·. EIDot Harbor ch a I I~ n g. e Joe K&Jtenbach, cBYb;'.J,5) ~winter. Cbiack .Glasgow's J.A(l Im-TrophY,. The race .was sailed In Goldilocks, Eddie Arn d, petuoua from. BYC· was the . Cal~ •1~ps .. , . . . . BCYC. . • · Class C winner, Bob Smitll'• The.c)fljjlnal. ~llenge, was -~·lllmito .llMOj 0-Ko-Mo Fak:on, BYC was ""ond and · by Long Beach Yac!il Club CJ;ASS A,._, Cl) ~~ll · • Jack .:f'1'• Bran., NHYC with N~ Scott's Miteb-Spirit, AleP(Mter-··~· T k T' ti ·~bt ... Erieloo-= ;kip-. ~ ~=.l!""'~"~ 80~111811!1f Ai.u.iil11T, a es I e . ~by Red :Llpsinld, NHYC . Cabrlllo · Beai:li Yacht Club, Allon Puckett, BYC; (I)~· K"'Eo-Mo, sklppend by. · wu the 'Cluo D •winner, and Rfchard l!mllh bt Pleiide. John c..ier, BYC. < ~ Rich Deoelm o! Kin( llorbor !ollowed by Swiss Navy (Cal-for 'Huntingtoii 1lalboOr Yacht CLASS' C· -(1) Imp.I"'": Y1chfClab.., the -o! II), Diel< Deaver,. and Mike · Club. · · · (Z) Brava. the Vkitor,,'CIUI ln•ilatlonal Hinh'• ~ Volante II. The final l'elllb : CLASS D-(I) Volante, Ill: Reptta sailed 1t KHYC BYC. l. Sundowner, Ed Sundberg, Ei:one, Andy MacDmald, Saturday and Sunday. There Was a fleet prolest in LAYC. KHYC ; (3) Pinata, RUey. 6 De:leltn defeated 20 com-MORF and winners could not 2. Bewitched, Norman Scott, Bissell, IJYC. petilorl whiCh converged on be aMounced unUl the protest LBYC. MORF -(t) Dolphin; (I) the Redondo Beach port from i5 resolved. 3. Solitaire, Bob Young. Seaquaclous; (3) Kilo. 'l'8m San Diego to Fresno. The BYC presented trophies Sun-CBYC. BuUer, BYC; (4) Cepheus. regatta w a 1 sailed in light day night to winners of the 4. Pleiades, Richard Smyth, Dean Durgan, BCYC; (5) wind1 and thick haze. previOUJ two 66 Series 1'8ces. HHYC. Aloha II. Glen Reid, SSSC. , 3 days only!· Marine report: SAVE NOW ON FISHING GEARI SAYE $21 6' spin rod a11d Mitchell #324 spin rffl Reg. 12.99 NOW 10.99 '< •od· la .atca.d.a..d. boJ. ..................... of.a .......... w:tu... SAVE $31 Foremost -roc1 a11d 5Htli . lend #750 l'ffJ Reg. 17.99 NOW • • .p,:·;·· ... . . ,if f SAVE $31 51/2' spin cast rod andl'ffJ Reg. 10.99 NOW 7.99 lod h .. tchod ood bol· oncad to c:oe10ilkwi t 111 ntl •-bodylolxo#606 '"'· , SAVE$31Faro•ori ,. rod nd , .... #MJ ml c-bo Reg. 16.99 HOW SAVE$3!Splorod .. and qolck #220 spin ,..., ca•bo '' Reg. 19.99 NOW . • 16.99· Rodh _ _,_ anc:ecl te ...r for .,-. r .. ... of ft111u•• ., llldlwfdnl rods . ta l4ltllfr.., fl1hor19n'••••ds ...... _ .... _ SAVE $5 09.., Fore•ost 6'/J' rod alMI Mltc ..... #306 spla calf rHI c-bo ' 14.99 bol 1--.ly --,_.,,,, 250 ,.. ol 15 ... 13.99 hol IMt ch-plotod bro. ..... Cap dip 250 , "'Of 6T" ....... Reg.' $7 NOW 5.66 f_.,..,....., Reg. 6.99 New 5.66 fOll __ t/....,.. ..... • Reg. 29.99 NOW 24.99 .................... ,cec1 ' .. '*' -,.. .._....a. WI._ •aid.4 ....,...., pl.a Ilk 9"" for exc•'-cro••lncf Gflllf....., .W -C-1Jyo 400 ydL of 10 ....... UKE IT .. , atARGE ITI CANOGA PARK FULI.:ERTON • ..... ydL of 36 ... _ • HUNTINGTON BEACH LAKEWOOD ' Reg. $8 NOW 6.66 - faro•o•t 3 lb. Dacroi- --~yostwr .... phi, Mt 12.99 NEWPORT BEACH VENi'URA • • ............ "-!' ___________________ _.. __ ~--------~~--...... ------~~~~~·-·-- $IO Million ' :i : ........ e.1 :f... .,. · :x. David Kelley of Bal, • • boll lalani! baS been · i promoted to loan offi. ·~ cer in the real estate : , Joan department Ol Un· \ 10n Bank's 0 r a'D g e CC<lnty regional bead .• , of6Ce. He joined the . pbank in U6ll as a sales . npnsentatlve. • I . . ,1m1t on ··- ' COMP.LETE P.RINTING SERVICE ·• --Forms I ...,. lrwftilfions ~· Poat.,. :e H-o,..ns e · Lottorhoods • 8u1ineu Cards ·-... e Tickth PILOT PRINTING .. 642-4321 2211 w .. 1 llolbN Boulevard, Newport B•i<h .. - ' "' .. S1'REO SENSATIONJ Tiie celorful soun~, or · :.,.., .... o..._ COUJlty. M..stc . RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM - • ' • • From Fashion Island, Newport Beach ' • • , . -A· . . • • -.. ..... , -""O.Clilo =---==----~ - ' I 1 ----~-·~--'• I " ...... lllr2'1M Mll.'l'Pn.Or • ' ., l • • • • 11!111' ..... "" .............................................................. "!"'~, ............................... ~ ...... -............ -.. ~.-.-.-.-.~.-.-.-.~.c-:.,:-r:-----:-:-:--r: .. ·-.~~~~~~~--·'·""" .. • .... ~ ... ~·-~~·· ............ ···""·'• ......... ~.. .. ······ ........... •'• .~ . . " . . PREMIERE -Dick Cavett,' above, makes his re. tum to the television ~·. tonight, on Cbannel 7 at 10 p.m. in the 11Dtck C:avett Show:• It is a tbrice-weeltly talk·varlety show with guem Truman Capote, Liza Minelli, Candice Bergent and James Corum tentatively scheduled for tonight. TELllVISION VIEWS Critic's Choice • Of TV Season By RICK DU BROW HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -Wbat televliion pro- grams are we likely to remember from the last'yeer or so.! In the eotertainmel'.I! field, I don't think we'll recall too many on the· basis of achievement. But there were some shows of exceptiogal note, and I think that as good a place as any to start is with ABC-TV's "The Thanksgivipg Visitor," another bee1tliful fictiooal representation of ,jhti boybood-. memories of Truman Capote. 'l1rl.s hour was a se- quel. to another Capot reminisce,uce, "A Christmas Memory." - I THINK we will also nmember from lhe last year the CBS-TV broadcast ol Barbra Streisand'• hugely attended con<:.ert in Central Park. Her wW. ardry was supreme again. . We will also recall, perhaps, the numerous out· standing productions of "NET Playbouse," offered by National Educational Televmon. And there waa a wmderfUlly topical, barbed, yet good,nlltured, musical-comedy one-!lbot by an aH-Negro cast: "Soul," on NBC-TV. It was ~ood for the &Ou!. EASILY THE BEST senes of the year was a short.run British imJK'!"l: on CBS-TV, 0 The Prilon-- er," starring Patrick M~ whose previous series, ''Secret Agent,•• was also tbe best "hen it was on the air. "The Prisoiler," it turned out. was an Orwellian horror-fantasy about an intellilent man held e11ptive in a seemingly serene ancl' auWt- ban, yet mysterious, village with a curious Diluey• land fiavor. And how's your town? .. · "The Prisoner," by the way, will be rerim on CBS-TV beglnning this Thursday, and it is worth catching. . "NBC Experiment in Television"· also turned out an hour worth remembering: "Color Me German." This was a drama set in Germany, focusing on a young Negro man, son of a black American G.I. -who is no longer there -aild a white Gennan woman, wbo la. In addltlon."'fo· the young man and his motlier, a third ·principal, was tile boy's black uncle, a teacher on. a visit from Amerie11 who is thinking about settling ln Germany because be has had It with the civil rilibt.. &truggle. AMONG THE performances one will remember from the past television year, surely none will sur- pass those of Geraldine Page in "The 'Thanksgtv ... ing Visitor," and Miss Streisand in her Central Park hour. But there were brilliant contenders. Charles Ahlman, fc>r instance, was the ~senCe of pure Americana in CBS-TV's "S~' River." And Sean Connery and Paul Scofield were aplenclld in NBC..TV1s "Male of the Species," a ~ntempori. ary tale -very well done -of a young woman'• experiences with three older men . BILL COSBY gave a performance of signillc- eace and brllliance as the narrator of a shattering doc:wnentary, the fir&! bour of CBS-TV's "Of Black America" series. Among other things, the initial broadcast dealt with the Image of tbe American Negro created by the movies. Few running performances in the past year \vere as memorable as those of that gentle, long baired fellow named Tiny Tim, who was descrloed as "a lost Ji tbograpb by Toulouse-Lautrec." Some of his charm faded when be suddenly got dressed up for guest shots and became a bit too natty and ohowbiz -but wbo will forget those first months 'when his undeniable Innocence, combined with hls ukulele and falsetto siJWinl of old songs, made bbn a national craze? 1 Dennis tlie Menace I I ' ii •• -.. ·~"'••u r-110 \ I • "l M llJJIDlll .. -. -. I DON"'T" '°'°""'• tiUSTUH 5&JT10N1-USIJA&,.L Y I Jrill:YUM 60 TO L.UWCN ""1'~1 PERKINS .. ·JUDGE PARKER TUMBLEWEEDS , I .' • (fl . . 1 -... .... [I .~ • 1;1 • • • • ' I\ : .I MUn AND JEFF GORDO MISS PEACH • - I WllV ... IT'S llOllMTll HIMP. IHE HANGMAN! - • By John Miles uo."' ... -(C) (IO) ""' Ounpltf. a.., __ (C) (30) .............. (Q('O)stwt'• rutllt tft t l11 T.,W, Phil f..W al!d Slit RtllfY, 8 THE SIX O'CLOCK MOVIE * "WHO WAS THAT LADY?" Part I. DEAN MARTINI D • ra.a Mtlllr. ._. W• l'iat 1..1111'" hit I (comM)') '60- lOftf Curtis, Du1t M1rtln, JIMt L1lJl1. ·~ 0 Cll!Bll!IJ -... f"'' ("C) 160)-Ml)IOf YMJ tM Ttm Bradlty ,..,. QllllfiOlll phi~ In 11, vltwl11. m ,., car. tc> <30> M .1111111. ·-(Q (30) II})(]) ........ (Cl ........ .., (30) ''Skllftl. .. finl p.rt of I ..... thowin1 llOW *11111 CM lll both 1111 tnd fun. hi· lfrllctor DrM 5-ytht IKultnt11 lundtf!lllUI tldlnlquta. OJ lit! Cl6ll' ... lite ,,., Ill ""' -(C) l :JCI 11 ICNIC Nt1111 l'lcl (C) (60) m I lwt LKI' (30) QI YIJl&I tt tll1 Iott. ti IM 1tt (C) (60) W*"'<CJ •,C''ti ... -~ ... S. AW..il6ol ... . "' ...... ·-·-· witll UI• H1 .... rtttr Wll'ftl', TM Tlrrifn' tnd Cll'OIYll Hest• ,.,. ton!lln1 Sllldburt'• I"*• po1t1Y and IOlllL ii) c-kll ' Cl.i.t• l:lOUllt())""''' "" (Cl (30) B Wlel ..,.,. IC> (30) "r~ t11r1 Pottc11d Muko." a (fl) m Ill,_ """ «1 (30) ,.1nJi1 1nd Of, Roal diltllll pl1na for 111 lmllltdi•tt w.ddln,; Norrn1n tills on stMn; lAw "*. Dr. Miies hit 11otJ; Srt. W1IW 11Msu Dr. Mila tllat tlMtl It. I Wl rJl nt for L .... arNSI: I dit- traU(frt llita fiats Dr. Raiut. QI MllY l tlflll (C) (90) C!t h• .. YMI Liii (C) (60) UJ n MMllc.tl Chllrt t:IO 8 ....... 1F1 CO (30) "'"~·~!\'°~ '69-SllWltt Granl'r, Lois Nitti• ton, Dini .. Wynter, Joseph C..111· pa111n1, Katy Jurldo. ..... .....,. ..... c... ... stM (C) (60) RoD1rt Taylor a 111111 of honor u Ursull ThltU. Alll Dn'1. Jtdlt blltlll, ht cnn.. Adl11 Wiit. M1raueritt Pima t~ Wllllfm SNl!w ftllnd !ht '"real"' D II}) m Ill nt ...... (C) . @) "A,ldt to Yt1111111tt." Tht bountJ hunltri i.arn !hit Jlm1I Dtvld Is w1nltd for murdtr In t town ctllld H1l1'1 Landini. (lij fD llack J1111t111I (C) (60) A T'V m11uin1 dl'+'Oltd ta Nriro cu1tu11. petto 11roblems ind blaclHll'hill 1et11ionshlps. ~y Harold Le Doux " lil .............. (t) m Chli.,.. (30) ''Vole.II from th• r.ommunity," A report on th• adlvitlts of tht CttlZlna Coinp1n•· tory Educttioll Achi!IOJJ Cofnlllltttt.. 19 Cl) M111 fr1n1 UNCLE (C) el Lt lruj1 M11dlta By Tom K. Ryan 'I I, I t:JO 11 r..i" AHn 1e> (30) . Qt (JJ ll)l!I-(C) m .... I.• ... -(C)'(!O) 7 .. 8CIS --(C) (30) ., ......... 1 W•llw """""· 10<0 8111 (I)..., ...... (C) (!O) 0 lnlltt (t) (50) trfhlO 8"'""utt, riftrtfil fi)ol tnd Mel Tonnt pit. for1111r World Middl•ll&flt ai.nt-(A) pion, talla on ..._. tfllapr, Die l lrtr. Jn t lO·round lltlit It_,. 1J m """ (C) (&cl) •!&ht tllmlllltbi bout Mt to tlr ttll!i(ht from ""' Y~'I Mtdl• Sctu1rt G1rdtn. m p...,d (C) (30) ll11ti111 Rush and Joltn Fortytht 1uest. . 0 ctJ """" _, """"""' I.Kt, st.rrln1 Ootit OtJ tnd Au H1rr!1101L mEnt1111 WI.._ t1111....,. Ult (30) "Rtc0Uectlon." Ala11 Wttts ditWUU tht lndilJI ldH thlt Miii h11 fMIOtten wbo or wtllt ht ii by id llltifyln1 himltrt' "itlt •it Inell· vldu1I "*'nilitJ, which ii onlJ • m1sk tor plaJilll t tod•I rolt. ' Ill()], ... ~ .... (C) cmc..-1 WllN (C) Ill--(C) 0 DICK CAVflT SHOW * Candy Bercen. TrwMn Capote, James Coburn, Liu Minnelli. D IHI (]) Ill PREXIE>t "'' "" fftttt S111W TC> (60) Humorist Did: C.vttt, whost t1rller-in·tht·-- momln1 allow hu Men nolllkltttd IOI' an Emmy, bka on the d'lortll ol nl1htti111t host thrtt times. • wte1t (MO!IOIJS. TutSdl)'I tnd Frio dtJS) tl 10:00 PM. TOllJ!rt't ,,., mitft show l•hlr• Tru1111n C.pot1, li11 Minn1lll, tandkt Btrrtn 1nl JIJllll Coburn. 111-(C) (lO) f· 7iJCllJQl~C1nt •1 (C) (IO)TWD r lolltbtl hMlbilly •rotf!M1 turl llltlr 103·)'111'·ofcl -1ICle °"' "' tctlfl& dl4llltJ Flltut Hllll" IOI' 1 llountJ al!ll .,,. tht money • optft t llloon ln Ood&t CitJ. (A) f1!l rnmllJS. ...... -~ (C) (90) KC£T CO'ltfl tM Ninth AnllUll lllltitutt lot TMCHrl by tti. Loi Anplll P~l)tic Sodlb·lnitilut1. e MlrillM ~_1 ..._ lf-.M (C)(30) 10'".JOft[IHCijuTllAfll (C} (60) A u.i.i ., r"ibniidcat al this marnln(1 pro-pnn·D/lnn, Go Homt. JttnnM la lfllm thlt futufld tht 14 tlllMlfl vltittd by htt pnit doc thlt •t· · ctndldatel tor Los Anlllts' n""" tacb tnythinl ind •llYOA• I• Ulll· autJd Junior Col1ttt Botrd II form. (R) Tnisttn alld tht 1ix fi11111sb tor LA.'1 Botrd of Edut1tlon. , 'IOU WERE EXPECT IN~ MAYBE, BUFFALO t>ILL? •• ,, ,, r· ,1 II l/H<WI TlltJ/lndltr (t) (60):)'0!' Sim Yorty 1JMI Council· min Tom Bradley trl lrrttm.wtd 1tp1r1te!J bJ 111Wsm1n TOM llddln on th• M of 1 V1fJ lmportlnt Loa QI NM (C) (30) Bin Joh~t. a> flli.t Clrm1 Anpla llllJOI'"!'-ftct. 11:00 II D a II mm" ... (C) . --· -~ • By Gus Arriola By Mell -THMfMll(T M/\l<N l'IOM WHO ~M>.YJl THAT CLAIM• a IHI mm n.-""""" <C> • (bil) "Fni/n V1nu~' Wltfi l.;.,.... 8 Mr .. H"*-d m Den1'I O'CH111r (C) m Truttl t r c..e.-.. (C) (30) ·ID,.,,, II•• (60) ID Movie "Helldlld·lfiollr Hullt" (mfll•ry) 'Js-.:..-.nthonJ Steil. · fD lnnmtltn1 (30) "CIMmHuml- neJC1 nc1," Dr. Rlth1rd Brenntman ind runts clemoMIBIJ chtmielllf IHI(]) ID l1J a 00 ,.., CCl· lit mwt equipmtlll, Wllthtr ob--tl:JO II Mttlt: (() "1lll tt.r.'1 Mlltti" ufYltion equipment and athtr Pftld· (comtdJ) '53-Sit AIK Gulnnm. ucts usiftc chemical Mllrt tytltms. D 9' (I). T~ipt Slllw (C) m ""'11 a .... .,. M MJ ...... Cdrt ... a .. CJ~IU....0'""-""' llfl in1· ll'llWI llld hlln I m1) '41-RIJ Mllllnd, .,._,. ToOll. 0 IHI (]) Ill "" '""" !Cl 0 NtnMI Dlll111 ltl Ckcu ft) (60) A profrlm of top 1tb tram l/lt n..t tdition Of thl 111tertllnmtnl 1pecbcl1 for dil1dr111 of in 1ps.. Mhllf Godf,., 12:00 D """: "'fiwl Cll:t1 tt Hiii" ii host ind 1bo ,.-lormt with his (dr1m1) '5~n~lt Brtnd, hort1 Goldlt. CllOJI it111 IPPttf· ln1 1rt 1nim1I tr1!111r Gunthm' ,. Gtb1l·Willlam1; Ro11n1, the Qottn lZ:lO 8) AdlM ~Ire: Blut, Whitl ol ll1l1nt1; tht F1Jln1 ~Gt01111; tlil end Perfect. Hereottit: the Kini Ch111ts Troupe; th• B1rduttt tn:iup1 of trampolln· 1:0011 s,.-1n1 fmty ltl tsb: tht Follf Brizlo1 down tcf; the Lirtddroms hl&h wire unlcrtl· lsU: alld thl MkktJ .W.lek Chimps. Vetmn rin11T1•tllf Htrold DN ... (C) .. Ronk lnnGUllW thl 1cts. 1:15 • Merit: ..,... Clf l'llflt J~·· (Tr1mt) '57-l11 J, Cobb, 0 Mlllitl $ MMt: "Fhl Mlllt II M14111"'1" (mystery) '63 -5op1111 Lor111, ArlthonJ PtrlllM. Git Youns. 1:208 C..•1111"1 B11l111in lolrl (Cj TU ESD A Y DAYTIME MOVIES l:IO D "A NiCW'T• """.,..,... (mys- ltry) '4Z -t ri•n lhtffl4, Lorett• YJUnJ. • ' in, hi .. " (comtd)-) '53 -Mitzi Garnor. Wlllllm Lundlp rt. U.'0011 "fll"IMI ef Mlldortdl" (wtsf• 1rn) '49 -JJmm, (!liton. Ruuell H1)'d1n. lZ:lCI m "AlllPl!IJ' Upritinl" (wuttr11) 'Ji-John WIJfll. "T11i11 If Ewlb:" (dr1ma) S2.-'Y1l1rl1 Hobson. 2::0CI ID "'Clktt ltWn" (Wtsltfn) '5&- .iOhn Smith. Kint TtylOr: 1:00 Cl .., .... a Stir'" (c:omldJ) 'II -No1111111 Wisdo m, J11n1 L1vtrldl. t :JI D"""' TM t ... " (cofl'lldy) '4l ...::trM MlcMDrTtJ, Marr Mark 4:30 . (C) "Irr If !IHI w..• (wttt11n) '51 -Fttd Mldlh1rr1J, • fC) ""!-A-. .. ..... · Jo1111 Erbon. • • JOB PRl)'ITING e PUBLIGATIONS e NEWSPAPERS , • Ov11ity "'l11fl11t t ntl 01p1nd1il• $1..,it• 'f1t 111;1r• tht11 1 Q11trl1r' .f •, C.ntury. PILOT PRINTING n11 waT WIOA an. - \ \ I I I . I •I I. I I I ! - Teltty'1 ·Fhlal VOL 62, NO. "125, 3 SECTIONS, 38 PAGES ORANGE coLiNTv: CA(lFoRNIA • • t,40NDAY, .MAV 26, "1969 TEN CENTS • u se e an • • I . . I • .• ' NAU. """6 APOLLO 10 ASTRONAOTS DROP l NTO •ii>ACI FJC AFTER SUCC.ESSFUL MOON VOYAGE , On Target: Thomas Stiifford, J ohn Young, Eugene Cei-n,n:(from ' left) Bishop Assails . Governor Reagan As 'Wa r Monger ' BERKELEY (UPI) -Episcopal Bishop c. Kilmer Myers described Gov. Ronald Reagan Sunday as a "war monier" and "'lhe one who has unleashed the doj;a of war in Berkeley.'" The bishop of the c'allfomia diocese, in 1 stalement read at a chapel service. at Berkeley's Pacific Sclx¥11 of Religion. &aid Reagan was 0 the same governor who advocated paving over ol Vietnam." "He is 8 war monger in Southeast Asia and he Js a war monger in CalifonUa," Myers said. ~'The ~Stem. of violence which apawtls persons like the governor of CaliforNa is all o£ one piece ... The outspoken prelate asked th(lt .. every true American, every hc;'nest pat.riot, demand that the National Guard be withdrawn •from Berkeley ; lhat, the universil)t reclaim its moral integrity In this situation; lhat the use o( un- neceuary force on lhe part o( police of· ficers and deputy sheriffs be publicly castigated and punished, that the people'• part be given back to ~ people." Elderly 'Mesan Killed by Auto; Accident Probed An elderly Costa Mesa man struck by a car that police said laid down 80 feet of skidmark.s died early Sunday, four hours after the accident near a w.estside street Intersect.ion. · • James O. Bell. 74, of 878 W. Wilson St., suffered fractures of both legs, multiple lacerations and other injuries when hit on Wllson Street just west of Monrovia Avt?nue. P.totorlsl Glenn A. Montgomery, 24, of 2223 Pomona Ave., Costa Mesa, told Of. Jiit IO Couoty Traffic Doalh Toll 1111 77 ficer David Hayes he first saw the victim about 50 feet ahead and .could not stop in tlme. BeU was knocked ou,t of his shoe! by the .lmpacL Montgomery was not cited, ~but traff_ic investiplOJl toqay are still studying re~rts of the fatal accident. which oc- curred as the victhn crossed busy Wilson Street at an ~ngle outsi& a cross wait. Witneaes said Bell was awake and lalklng, although in great pain at 'the scene of the 1:55 p.m. accident. bUt be die(! ' at 11:57 a.m. at 'Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital. Euneral services for Mr. Bell will be helil Wednesdsy ·at 1 p.m. in .the Bell Broadway Mortuary 0.pel, with in- terment ln Harbor 1\eat MemorlaJ Park. -He leaves three IOllS, Joe, .o(. San l!ernanllno, Jack. of Concord, w..ieu. o[ Redwood City, and four daughters. • They are Mn. Jimmie Fergusoo, ol Costa Mesa, Mrt. Dora Garcia, of La Jlatra, Mrs. Evelyn Dre9ond, ol San M ateq' arxf Mn:~ Loul.e· Reevel, of Tens, u wtlf 1111 grandchildren and slx grut,.. (l"IJlddlildnm. · I • • .. i Backers of· Councilmen Bfust Valley Recall Try By TERRY COVUJ.E planned developments: ot "' Oe+tJ''"" sfllff The neW' letter ·states .. that lot ·all.e~as The latest ·devek>pment in Foarit&in such ·his-never-b_ k n· changed from Valley's recall battle is· ~ 1-uance o( Fountain . vauey:S' standard of· 7i20Q a c ~~· .. , '" die "r<wl ~.-Jr.and, •. :,lhlt,~_--· ,,. ..... , .~~ . ~dJ pl '" .,_ ·-liliiAii--~ movemeii"(' l • IC()Om iau-..__ Ulan five yean. -.~ ;.... """"" I:"' u! '!::":~ii-~· ll also poinls out tbaf s;ooo square loci! Publlllled hy the F-.m valley lota .,..... apjiroved for ~ Green Vllley Citizens fol Good Go\ien&bdlt, the docu. -developfntplt before all the .controversy merl.t labels the recall movement nothing was .launc:bed o~er the 1,000 square foot tb -.. M ..... "f and lots m the Lmrm Tract. mor~ an a ..... "'6&".. or ~ • Recall backers hAve asked for an _,reprints .two . ~ editorials de-ablolute mininiunt lot size of at least nounang the recall Tlie document ap. , • DOI I t in any sin•'• lamlly peared late last week. u, square ee a- A list of MX001pliahmonta pelnls to 'the realdenc:e "°" benefits brought to the community by Usted ., _members· oC . the ·Fountain Mayoi' RObett Schwe~ and Coan-V.alley CltJEns lorGood GOvernment are cilm-·Donald'Frepau nl J-eour: Jl'rod Alhley. Jooepb R. Callens, Mn. ..P.--:' all tirpts of the ~ ....-it. Helm Ditto, Robert M~. Mrs. Karen· Recall b8Ctm haft cbarpd that ibe Ack]ey, Mn. Ann Mi:Casland, -Jobn tbnie men have cooslst<illly ~ the Gilliland and Mn. Shlrley Pulford. expn!Sled desii'es of Ibo p e 0 p le • The lett.r w., malled to Fountain especially concerning the size of lots in Valley reSJ.dents '!Ito were asked to. fill -out an attlicbed poet card U they had -----------Signe<! the recall petition .and delired to Stoek llf•rkets have their name now removed Crom that NEW YORK (AP) -Tho stock market, with investors reported cautious and awal£ing developments, c l o s e d almost even ~, (.See quotations, Pages 21-29). -' ~-of the recall ask mtdenta to spare the dty al the damqe a recall eledim will do i1I reputation. and ask !bat the ;...,e be settled In Ille municipal election nert April • "INSPECT FACELI FT -Framed by street barrlNdf,• )layor llolitrt • Schwerd!leger and Mn. Juanita Solonano == tb1U11s lifted wrtftliies !rem face of F"!'ntln Valley's ~ uaru. Oily rnlnor details remain be!ore completion of $153, ~. . :i; . ... . .. .. '· • ' .,. .. .. . ,or • Moon Next \ -Stop · After. Perfect Trip ABORD THE USS PRINCETON (AP) -The Apollo 10 lunar ei:plorers landed safely on earth today, ending a 700,000- mile space voyage which cleared the way fOr an American moon landing attempt in July. ' Air Force Col. Thoms P. Stalford and · Navy Cmdrs. John W. Young and Eugene A. Cernon -back from an eight-day fllght that inCJuded a descent to within 9.4 miles of the moon -splashed into a calm South Pacific within view of lhis prime • • • . . . ' ' ' recovery ship . "Would you tell the medical officer to relu?" Stafford radioed from the Apollo 10 capsule. "We are in gual ~" APOLLO MAKES NEAR PERFECT PACIF IC SPLASKoowN Astronauts' C•,.ule liandt Neer Pqo P•go, 3 Miies From Carrier Their S]>l«<ial~ dangllng beneath tiuge orange and whtte parachutes, came into view of television caineru aboard this helicopter carrier eeveral minules before it hit the water. ' W aiUng reacue heticopters gained radio contact witb the spacecralt almost tr... mediately after tt passed through a three-- minute blackout period which started at the height ol 1\1 burning re.entry Into tbe earth's atmoephere. "We should be• right on top of you if you're down there," Stafford called. The spaceship, landing in n e a r darkntu, hit the water only about •three miles from the recovery Dip, whose Douglas Says Parvin Case Manufactured From Wire Services NEW YORK -Supreme.Court.Justice William O. Dooglas has Aid prlvllel1. that ·an lnterhal Revenue Ser:vice tn- lighta n.hed In Ille ,""'1i4arl;nw. ~-:1111i!lftdl'~...,,-- ';-vestigation of the Albeit Parvl• Faun- 1·1 daOon ' wq a -''manuftetured cue" tn-;.~!':ri:=:::.~ ~· ' 1...ied.to 1or0t 1D 1-Ibo bench, tbo Minutes .... wn ,wnelrom the _, 'lllOt.,..... "'· .... w.n and -R__,.,..._ -.-.. ,--,b--1--- anxlous to set 1-.i .... tblp. ogers ec ares Apollo 10 mad• the hott.ot, fastest and riskiest plunie ever back into the al· E££ A"d mospliere of earth. ·Orts to 1 After its setvice module -containing most of the Oxygen and electrical sup- plies -was jettilOned, the small com- mand shlp qulckty Picked up speed as it flashed toward the earth at the end of its 246,000-mile trip borne from the mooon. ·The spacecraft reached 24,194 miles an hour just before slicing into the upper llmtts of earth's a:mospbere. • The cone-shaped spaceship's blunt end glowed a· fiery red as atmospheric fric- tion heated the 'OUlslde of the craft to more than 5,oo;> degrees. • The crew ·remained a comfortable 80 IS.. APOUO, Page Zf Teachers Rej ect Low Wage Boost Te'achers of ttie Oce8n View School , District turned thumbs down on an ad· ministration proposal which would in- crease the salaries of low wage teachers and leave others al present levels. The Ocean View Teacher's Association (OVTA) said the offer would in effect represent a salary cut for teachers l.n I.he Russ Relations TEHRAN (UPI) -Secretary of State Wlllim P. Regen told the opening 1tSSlon of the Central Treaty Organization (CEN· TO) conference today the United Slates "lntendl to pursue all prudent ~orts to Improve relaUons with the Sovkt Union." Rogers warned that Was h Ing t'o n • t-joscow discussions on the Mldea11t and other matters "do not mean that the non- Communlst world can relu i t 1 vigilance." Rogers iald· the world 11itultion ii bet. ter than when CENTO was formed in 1955. - "Today we live in a more hopeful world,'' he said. "It .could be, as Presia dent Nixon has Said, that we may be moving out of an era ot·conf~talloP into an era of negotiation. We hope IO and we are doing our best to, make It so." Saigon Aide DouJits Early U.S. Pullout upper salary range since it does not take SAIGON (UPI) -South Vietnam's into consideration increases in the cost of defen1e minister,. Nguyen Van V.y. +Ilk! Uving. Joolght he did not tblnk the replaceineut The administration proposal, they said, of Ametican ~ by South V~ amounted to a 7 .3 percent raise for units could be&ln before lt70 and that he teachers at the Jower end of the salarY had recommended the drafting or 17· range. • ¥ear-old )'OUtbl In South Vleti\am. Supt. Clare~ Hall· said the plan was Vy'• Ratement on troop replacement only a statement of the dJJtrict's salary seemed tcrcontradlct atat.erneml made by· philosophy. Ptaldeal Npyen Van Thieu-_.ur. "We are st.ill In the .negotiating stage Thieu uid · "~ of 1iame and wa have not reached an impasse. American bnitil by_,__~ ~ Neither side has takena bard line on • forca could becJn b1 the lul -of anytblng," he said. 1969." '· • New Jaurez .. Fa~e • ' . Mexican Cown y's Roads Paved . • \ l -New Yort '!'Imes~ todoTo Tbe Thnn uid the charge w11 cnn- talnild , Jn I lfW dated Illy J2 that Douglat sent Albert Parvin, mullimll· liona.ire Los Angeles businessman. ParVtn heads the foundstlon of whicli Douglas was Pi';ent and a director un. W the Supreme justice resigned Ute positions, which d an annual salary of $12,000, last week. The Times, In a •Loi A11iel<1 dllpa~. uid Douglas, reached In WaabJn«ton;had declined to comment on the contents of the letter in question. 'Mle report said P arvJn had made aome of the foundation's records avaJlab}e to the newspaper "to show that oothlng the foundalion has done is in any way wrong." IRS agen·ls have been conducting theit investigation for three years. Agent.I also have reportedly examined some of Douglas' own files in Washlngtori In con-nectlon with the probe. · ''The strategy is to get me off the court," the Times reported Douglas' let. tel-said, "I do not propose to ·bend to anY. si:icb pressW'e." · Douglas announced his resipation from the foundati on last Friday, cltln1 the "heavy work load" imposed by the posts as his reasons for ciuttling. · In Los Angeles today, the chairman of Parvin-Dohnnann Co.. criticized a Se, curlties' and Exchange Commluion in- vesti~ation and told stockholders !t wasn t justified. · Delbert Coleman said the investlpllon, and the suspension twice of lradln& in the firm's stock on the American Stock Ex· change, bu placed a 11cloud.'1 over the company and caused the value of. lb stock to drop oevmly. Yet he said the hotel supplies company baa cooperated fully with tM SEC and -!See DOUGLAS, Pip I) • 0r .. _-• ~-- • w .. tller ff you're looking for a break 'Jn the weather, look somew1?qe elee. Locall)> Tueodiy mornlne wW still be overcUl aiid the lrtemoon bright and lhiny with litUe jemp.. erature 'alteraUon. INSmE TODA"Y What """ good on tel<vidon _during the last 1won1 Cqlumn· Ut Rick D&4 Brow ha.I hf.I N'Jtas of .rotl'tt of the t.ltttt,. thouis. Pao• so. ....... ,,,..,.. ... ,~. ·• -....~ .. -~ ----: f;:,~"l.~ ' '=1 ':&f.::r" n.a t:."' :r-·: :r::........ = ...... ,:r '1 T....... . p... .... ,,....... 'I ....__ ii ...... -~ "--·= ... M.m. UC-. lt ... .. ~ ~''· • • • .. SlllNO THI SIGHTS -Floyd "Bud" Belsito of H11ntinKton Beach mullicipel staH (right) points out city's p1an~ for develcipment ol &kcre central park to Mrs. Carol Bickle)' an4 Malcolm Findley of fed· DAil Y PILOT_, ...... - tr al covemment's Department of Housihg and Urben DeV11lopment (HUD). City hope; lo get fed· era! tw!dJ to help buy park lanils at Goldenwe&t street and Talbert Avenue. - ~~~~~~~~--~~ HllD Teena Inspect. Group Drops Beach Waiting for lJ.S. 'Demanm' in Word on Park ~chase Berkeley .Case Cit; olllclata In llwilln&1oo Beach\.. ped,to know wtthlii two moaths il federal funds will be &Vlillable for pun:lwe of the · citY•s proposed central park al Goldenwest Strtet and Talbert Avenue. Last Friday two repruenlaUves from .the Department of Housing and Urban Development. (HUD) inspected the aa. acre site· by air and on foot. They will report their findings this week . • · Cost of the land acquisition is set at $1.4 mllllon. The city hopes federal funds will provide about half, or f70t1QIXI~ under -Ole Open space land program. Administrative Asslltant Floyd "Bud" Belllto 8'ld ~ two HUD ~raentatlVes told him it would fake about two months before olflciala In Wublngton make 1 dtodsloo an the ioan. Tile p~'alto sprud1 to both aldel al est -and Includes two natural lakes. :... . -0...........,i ptons call for 'l new llbmJ' ""1ldlllg "tbert, watorw1Y1, plcntc and camplnc fociUUes, lelloll courll, ball fields, and hiking areas over hWy terrain. "U will represent one ot the (ew ctn· tral parka developed by any city in . Orange County," said Belsito. Cumntly, !be clJ.y hu a $1 mUlioo porloJ bond beloro the people, but follure of the bond would not eliminate the cen· tral park, said Belsito. "It would detax: Improvement of the site," explained Belsito, '1but we are prtsenUy ~~le to match fedtral funds for acquisition of the land". · DA VIS, Cali!. (UPI) -Student leiidert ol a march on the Capitol to demand withdrawal of Nalio1 nal .Guard troops rrom Berkeley today dropped "demands" in favcn of '"ralslnt ctrta1n Wuea." The marclt on ·the Sacramento •~ ortclnally bed ·been p\aflnod to demand Gov. Ronald ·-Rea11n llrt the atate of emeraency 1n the unlver1lty city and withdraw troops.and police forces. Residents of Huntington Beach will vote on the park bonds June 3. The bulk \ MUltu&a Set Up New Park-Pqt 4 of that bond issue is for more than 30 The aovernor Wted . restrlcti.ona on smallef park sites the city hopes to develop and buy, u well as improvement parade• and uaemblies and lhe Lcurfew of the central part. in Berkeley urly Sunday and wilhdrew HunUngton Beach already owns about · many of the troops, but hi refuted to end 35 of the proposed central park's 88 the slate ol emerpncy and left 200 na- iacr-t ..... 1..M .... an ta.acre Na.""" 1 on the Uonal euardlmen tc. seal off "People's ~ ~-~--Por•." nortbealt comer of Goldenwest Street • · and Talbert Avenue where the new Bruce Riordan, spokesman for the l~ library will be built overlootln& one of ner Campus March Committee, aakl the !be i.ua. • · · chlnct In -tecY wu DOI In reply to · "u·s oilo·ohbe r.w .,... thlfalte lllill IWa(an'a a,c1Jo1> bul "iual a tadic." undeveloped," said Belsito, .who added "We're not uk1nc for a confrontaUoo ,''· that It represehted a fine opportunity ror he said. · . , .·, lht city to provide its resident; With their But Riordan said the fltlL ilsue. the own part ot•major·proportlons. . 1tudtnta .wut.raiae-ia..~~ rtmoval of In add.IUon to the library site\ the city troops and lhe lifting of lbe emer1ency." also owns Huntington Lake on the west Upwards of a thoUSlnd students -the side of Gddenwest Street, which wu march committee. hoped for 10,000 - deeded to the city by a developer. gathered for a six-block march In Sacramento ending with a rally at the Harbourite Mitzi Green, Musical Actr~ss, Buried .Capitol to hear 11 speakers includln& Dr. Linus Pauling, twice winner ol the Nobel Prize in chemiltry and now on the racuJty ot the U:nlver1lty of California at San Dlea;o. Riordan said "at Just a small delega- tion" of students is upec:ted from all nine campuse1 ol. UC, all 18 at.ate colleges and a number of private schools and junlon:QJleaes. Amon& the early arrivals at Davis Sunday wu a contiJl&ent of 250 students from UC Santa Barbara. Private: funeral services were held to- day for Mild Green, a child actress of the 30'1, who died· Saturday in he.r Hun. tlngton Harbour home, a victim of caneu. MW Green, 48, achJeved stardom with her movie tole · ot Becky Thatcher op- posite Jackie Coogan as "Tom Sa~.'' Sbe was known for her talent for song and mimicry and performed in musical comedies long after she made her rtnal appearance u a child slar. , Her Jal& muaical comedy appearance was several years ago; when she starred in "Gypsy" ln Las Vegas. . An avid 1POrlawoman, Miss Green held the women's world record for eatch.lng a 210*-·pound black marlin. She 1J survived· by her husband of 26 OAllY PllDT ~ANGI CO.-.Sl l"lllllSHlNG COMl'AN\' '~ R•lliert H. W.n ·'"""~ Mil ,,.,lftt Jack •• e...-.., Vlee.l'rnlilllll Ind Genlrti --.U 'BMtt K11Yil '"" n-A. M11r,tii~1 ~·--Al\Mrf W, li't11~ Wilt!t"' f111~ "'~· ~8~ r:oi• Clly 1!1111« . , • .,..... IM&l OHke Jlt9 ltlrt Sfrttf 'l1f•fll~1 Alll'tt11 P.O. It• 1'0, 91641 ---........-i 1McJ11 un .,,.., .. _,. 1ev...,.;, GIM ... I --t..., J1tt9t l-IMC\! nt F...t A .. ft\lt ---~ years, producer Joseph Pevney or the home, 17069 Edgewater Lane; a daughter, Jan. 21, and three sooa, Joel. 24; Jeff, 17 and Brian Jay, 14. AJso surviving are her mother, Ros.le Gretn, and a brother, Harry, both of New York. FOllMIR CHILD STAii DIES Harbour Resident Mlhl Green _, f're"' Pqe 1_ "We want to emphasize lhls la a lqal, non.violent, pea~ul nlareh," Riordan said. "It l! legal in that we have a pennlt to march, a permit to rally and a permit to ~ loud speaking eqWpment." He ukt other issues to be railed over the violent confrontation resulting from t.he Berkeley· street colony'• transform•· Uon of a UC.Owned vacapt 19.t Into a park are: -NegoUatlon of relum of "P~ples Park" to the people of Berkeley. -Amnesty for all Ulose arrested. -"PoUUcal responsibility for the oc- cupation of Berkeley." Man Beaten Up At Bolsa Chica Bolso Chica Stal< Bt<ch '"llll"' found a severely beaten and cut man on the bMch ne.ar tbt Bolla OUca Gun Club "'11' Sotun!ay mornln&-The victim. who kientirled himself as TCJl!l!TI.)'. l!Uliams; JI, QI Jf1rlo,_wu .. coVired" wllh blood and bad deep cuts in h11 rlsht lower ear and 1 two •n9 a· hall inch gash under !be cl>ln. • HunUngton Beach police officers ln- vestigaUng the incident said the man was too incoherent to describe how ht wu at- tacUd. Ht was tranaftrrtd to HunUngton Intartommunlty Hospital whero bo Is 11tUI recovering. HUNTINGTON MAN SHOT IN YARD DOUGLAS ... Wblle wubina 1 alus door In lht -• file~ al bia HWlllnl\oll Beoch home conducted Jtl own study of charges liolnl( It and II aw.,. ol no wroydolna ... ,ol. any conleQl*ICt·" \ "I am completolJ confident 11111 thll lltuatioo will not ""-' no mall« how lone tbe lnvestlptton c on t I n u e 1 , • • Coleman raid. Ho uJd !be SEC Ill!! may be :•contraiuct1nc their own ~" by hlvlnc "thrown """"''°" Into the market for our stock." H• uld !be !Inn pl1111 changes to create a new tmaa:e. ----------~ on Saturday morning, Warren J. Jobnlon felt a otranp Itch oo hJa !di shoulder blodt. . lfo-wtnt inllldt onc!Tcm Olf hll llhlil ond T..tilrl to find out whit callltd K. Thon bo look<d "" !be lloot Ind (OWld !be culprl~ 1 .D<:allber bollol, 111 Up slJchUy dented rrom plon:Jnc bolb pnnenta. ffiJntJncton e .. ch po11co U-bed thl1 tho bullet may hive been a stray 11hot flred· by '°'"" boyo hunlln( dvcb nur JbhMOll'I home II eta Mlrilyn Drive, Huntington Btach. -w I Fight for .... *'.I StO'Vicff ayo~• Office to Set Vote Record Lal ANGEI,ES ~ A brulilng f.;\J! for the llnlyOl''I oftlce betwetn a maverick Democrat ud a Nfll'O u..polictman Tuesd11iy Jias expected to bring the greatest voter turnout Jn the hlstory of America's thlrd largest city. 6eekinc a third term Is Mayor Sam YOri.Y.~5', ":bo ha.sn':t. JetJaia;..status as a ncil\oiod Dlo>oet'l lllop ~ ftom buck· I inc the party'•· otganhation and en- dorsing Richard Nixon. His challenger la City Couoollman Tbomu BrlCUey, $1, who launched. 1 polltical career after 21 years in the Los AngeJes Police Department. Bradley rwaats to ca p it by becoming the city 's first bltek mayor. Va.rlOUI Jiilll•. have shown Bradley ahed 111 marsm ranlinc from !lyl to II . l . • percent. but with •)'orly picking up sup. port in the cloaing days ol lhe campail;n. The Don Muchmore poll reportod teday 11111 Bradley led Yorty s.I to 36 percenl, -with Jl percent undecided. The 15 percent lead compares to a 11 p e r (! e n t· edge Bradley had ln a Mucbmort poll the first week In May. lie sumyod 1t5 people In a poll completed Saturday. No ·Compliments io Chef- 'Ibe1Fiekl PoU. releaaed 1Tbursd.ay, put Brodley ohud 41 peM,nl to 38 percent .. Ith 19 percent undecided. Thllt !UMY 6howed Yorty trailing by 17 percent two weeks ear.lier. Yorty, stepping up the pace of his cam- paign, charged anew that Bradley 11 aup- portacl by blaek mllltanll and onllpollce elements. Bradley, a pollceman 21 years, donlll t~ Astr9liatits' ;Meals ~usy . -' . .. Br1dley has accused Y arty ol runn1o& a corrupt admi.nistraUon ln which five of his comm1saioner1 have been indlcted on charl" alleging mi!COnduct In offte<. Yorty replied that thti majority of th• comml.ulonen he appointed to . ad· minister many city faclliUes have done gCJOI) jobs. • SPAC& CENTER. How1to1r (UPI) - Tho Apollo to utrooaall, wbo-!be molt varied minu of an,y American sf)IC<Crew on fhelr etpl-day wyiip to the moon, Wd.1y broUtlit tome lt Mck· un- touched · "' • .. Asll<>Muta ~ P. Stafford, •ohn W. YOW11 Ind EupDo A. Cel'Jlan escapod the still unuplalnecl -nauoea which struck the Apollo-I and .Apollo I crews, but Ibey said their 'oppetileo wote dulled by !be bl'drocml cu In tbelr ~g water. • .... However, thllr ml1d ~ dllcom- fort wu not flPICted 'to keep " the -.ita from~ their ..turn with a ....... Uc! .... "breUfut" "* * ' *'' From P.P 1 A'POLW ... degrees as they withstood forces 6.7 tlma that of gravity. At 14,000 feet , a forward heat shield flipped away •nd twe> drOfUe parachutes popped out of the pointed end of the spacecraft, stabilizing its fall . Moments· later three pilot parachutes popped out, dragging behind them the huge main parachute.. The main parachut'es blos.somed above t he spacecraft and slowed its fleeting descent to 22 miles per hour. The astronauts drifted thi-ou1h the dawning sky for five minute! before· la~dlng 1ently on the ocean. Apollo IO's re-entry was 64 miles an hour faster than the return last December of Apollo t, the one previous moorHlrbit flghL Apollo 10 came in directly, instead of "skipping" as did Apollo 8. Apollo 10 also came from further oat in 1pace, since.the moon waa inore illatant from !be earth tllon during Apollo I. • • iboanl the USS Prlncetoli, Ibo p<1me recovery ship. 1bey also plaMtd td' cap otf tbe return cetebrotlon liter wilh 1 llico ol !be hiiie cake created by lhe Princeton's bakers for the occulon. Dr. Charles E. Berry, the utronauta' ... chtef' peymclA!ll ·said oarll•r Stafford, Y ounc ond Com.. repOrtecl taking mecUcatlon (LomoW) to belp re!Jeve the mlld dlacomlOtl couaecl by tbe ps. Other spocemon oloo ._.tee! almllar pro. blema. · Spoce lol'N'Y ollfdalo oald the utrooauts' drbikln& water-1 which is 4riwn from a fUel cell, ll 11tur1ted with hydrogen gu. A method designed to separate the gas from the water by spinning a bag of water did not work In space aitd scie.n- tlJ:ta were unable to devise an alternative procedure before !be lllght endod. The Apollo 10 larder, probably the most appetizjng carried by an American space cttw, included IO lr.ee1e·drled rehydratable food Items plw one "wet- p&ck'1 meal for each crew member each day. The "wet-pack" meals consisted of foil wrapped packages of bee( and potatoes, ham and potatoes and turkey chunk1 wlth gravy. • The freeze-Oried ilems, ·stored in special bags, were recoruiti tuted by ad- ding water and kneading. To eat, the astronauts cut the top of the bag and squetzed out the food. Menu items during the voyage included peaches, fruit cocktail, spaghetti and meat sauce, shrimp cocktail, chicken stew, pea soup, tUQL salad, pineapple fruitcake and banana puddlng. For midnight snacks the astronaul!! abo carried along both .white a.nd rye bread and tubes or ham and chicken salad for SJndwiches. City Clerk Rex Layton pr<dlci,.i a record turnout Tuesday.of between 70 and 75 percent of the city'• t.27 mlWon • voters. The previous record was M per- cent in mayoral prlmai'y last month. 5 Persons Hurt In Huntington Highway Crash Five persons were Injured in a two-car collision Sunday afternoon on Pacific Coast Highway, east of \\'arner Avel}ue in Huntington Beach. Police said a car driven by David M. Kennedy, 48, Lakewood, struck anOther car driven by Marilyn Wagner. 41, Compton, when the W.agner car al· tempted to make a u·-turn on Paclfic Coast Highway at 5:17 p.m. Sunday. Two young female passenger'S were ejected from the Wagner car and are listed in serious condltlon today at Hun· lington lntercommunity Hospital. A third young girl, also a passenger in the Wagner car, remains in satisfactory con· dltlon at the hospital. Seriously injured were N a n c y McPherson, 15, and Denlse Brink, 14, and ln satisfactory condltion is Angela Simms, 14, all of Compton. Mrs. Edna M. Kermedy, f9, Lakewood, and Ml'!!. Wagner were botp tre8 ted and released With minor Injuries, according to poUco reports. • l· ' A. I. M•rrt ft "~''-PASSERSBY AID VICTIMS FOLLOWING ~AR CRASH,Olil COAtT HIGHWAY Sund•Y Afternoon Accldtnt NHr Warner Avenue Injures Five; Three Hospitalized There's a_ right ·· . . the profes15or dicl11't say a "·~rd aboul that. and .. a . wrong ~ay t':> Now if ·1 may be p_ermilted a word, I'd like to 11ae it in b;eb~f of my OWi\ l (OC"k of ruen'1 trousers l1ere in this A tore. put on · y~ur pants We cµrry the n1oet popul1r brantl1. Corbin Slacks, i\tajor I ·hate·1...-wi.vej0u i0nieihi111 lo ·worry about wben r8u pit draeed tomorrow moruln~. Or afternoon, •• the \Cite n1ay be. . We've ju1t re~lv.ed 10me Information in a confidential bulletin r ... m the :1nat11u10 ol Applied Loami..,, and it'• too good 10 puo op. According lo Acluaoj K. . Fleeblo, head prof_, of pay· eholOfl' al Seclgwlck eon- ' every mu uneoaeciomly re- ...,1a blo political J....i,,p in the momlaf whoa be la pal· tl..i bla troaoen oa. · U he p1111 bla left' i.,. ID.. lint, ·~ eaeap tlaet'a a 1ure alp lhal he la a pollu...l conlormlaJ. This oame p<illtleal leanln@ @nmelimet alto it evidenl io the · wey a man 1tep1 oU 1he f''1 rh when croHln~ the 11met. ''Many lndifl:du1lt1, '' accordtn1 " lo Fleeble, "ho,ve been condl· llOnod 1!1 pnvloa1 military oernee to atep oU with the loft foot. ThU a man who in· 11inetl"'I)' · 11U1a. hi• forward motion wllh the loll fool I• ancouciou1ly obeyi n·g hit peet°I·'' The man who pula hla r!pt lq lnlo hit trousen flnt, on the other band, i1 ''flauntlq tho raleo.'' He io a polltl .. l non<0nfermi1t, -...tly rebeJ. llDf! aplaat lhe for<>ea of order and ca11om. Y 011 may wonder bow a mtin would pal OD hla -'8 If he bun.'1 Noel...t uy mllltHJ 1n1aii.s •• a11. _u.1....-i1. lack! and Varela Slacks In variou1 wool Iabf.ica and wool blendo, ran(!ing from 827.50 up to S4-0. ·we also carry w11J1 tilacke from Cac111s Casuals and fro,m Harrip., in Perma Pressed IohriC• at from $8 to $12.95. We have a great 1electlon end I can't think ol a better tjme to come in !or your new 111mmer slack.a. · I, can 011ly think o( one oth• er thlnil to add. Do you know how to iden. tlfy a political mlddle-of·the- roilder? WoU , ho must be 1he , one· who pull both. feet in hio _ trouaera at lhe aame tl-. Jack Bidwell .i 3467 Via Lido, r!pt wh.,_ )'!>D iam off · Newport Blm IO p IO Lido I~ ln Lido ThMter, F""' parklllfl at -· of otor<!. Phone 67545 I 0 . Copyrlpt 1969, Jack Bidwell. I ' .. .. l • Saddlehaek ; EDITION VOL 62, NO. '125, 3 SECTIONS, 38 PAGES se e Do;wn tlae Mission Accidents Hurt Two Cyclists SADDLEBACK PARK -Two motorcy- cle riders were seriously injured Sunday in' accldents on lhe cycle trails in Irvine . Ranch's Saddle back: Park north of Tustin. California Highway Patrol oflicen said Shelby Cline, 24, of Orange suffered in· jured arms, legs and facia1 cuts and bruises when his cycle fell as he swerved trying to avoid another. I Ru5sell E. Bllfkett, 16, of Hawthorne. suffered severe head injuries when he · Joet control of his bike while racing, caus- ing siveral cycles to ensh, some on top of him. • Too JHIU!h Arademk? SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO -America might be made better if more emphas.is were placed on teclmical and vocational education rather than academic subjects, said Ken. Walker, president of the San C1emente-Capistrano Valley Board of ReaJtors. · In a statement made during Realtor .Week, Walker-said tha\ the over em- phasis on :academics ii turtling some youngsters awe)' from liC:bool early and creaUng problems for 10Ciety, Such YoWlglten would like and would benefit fr"Pm vocaliooal training. :• .Resfpatlon Studied CAPISTRANO BEACH -Trustees of the Capistrano Unified SchOOJ District', meeting tonight at 8 o'clock in district ~artera, will consider the resigna- tloft Of board member Marvin Bandoli and possible appointment of Robert D. Hurst to fill his unexpired tenn. Hurst defeated Bandoli in fhe April &ehool board elections, and would have liken bis place on the board July 1. Jn hll letteT of resignation, Bandoli iod.itat· fl<\_ that because of Jong range decisions to be made within the next few weeks, h.i1 former opponent should have a voice arid a vote. e Park Probe Studied SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO -An ap- praisal of the 18-acre San Juan Capistrano Junior High School will cost the city at least $1,350. That is the low bid ·submitted by Robert Harri.son, a Newport Beach appraiser, for the job. City councilmen meeting tonight al 7 o'clock in city ball will consider the Item. The city has been eying the purchase of tlie site from the Capistrano Unified School District for a new civic center. e Viejo Lunrh Slated MISSION VIEJO -Women of the Mission Viejo Recreation Cen~r .have scheduled a potluck luncheon at the c&iter for noon Wednesday . UCI Hears Of Beatings At Berkeley By THOMAS FORTUNE OI .. 0-lft Plllt SWf ... Students and the UC ln'ine campus student activities adviser today voiced allegations of mistreatment, verbal in- digniUes and actual pby11ieal beatings at the hands of lawmen followiDg their ar· mrts in Berkeley last week. The strongest indictment of police was given by Neil Malmberg, the UC! ac- tivities adviser, Malmberg told 500 among 3,500 UCI aludmti who attended a campus-wide meetmg for which clas5es were dismissed: "We were made to lie face don on bot · asphalt and told not to move· a muscle. We were called 'Cfteps' and 'Scum' We were told to say 'Yes Sir.' Student Philip True and others were beaten with a blackjack, he claimed. "l was there for 26 hours and not ~llowed a plione call," be continued. The several student speakers and Malmberg, a deancut a pp ea r·I n g administration aide, told of being trapped while orders were given to disperse and herded helplessly togethe• wllh 4Sl others in a mass arrest. They were Charged with failure to disperse aod up.lawful 'assembly, but said One person in the same crowd who tried lo dial!'l'lf as ~red wu chp&ed with etcajle. • .:l'1lo UCl CQOUligt;nl _, .. -po bad alter'PIO ... ~ put 11P by Ciw>- ·cenor Daniel G. A1clriCh' Jr. to eecure their re1eaie on boocL Tiley are, beinr represented by an attcrney nmr. · One girl student. Stacy Widclieomb, a freshman fro m Corona de! Mar, told of "·absolute fear," and "hysteria" at Santa Rita Rehabtlitation Center. "It doesn't matter in Berkeley whether you are long-haired, short.haired or freaky-looking," she sald. "YOU are not safe. }J long as you look civilian you are !he enemy ot police," obe asoened. Vice Aides Tell What They Saw Of Nude Dancer Santa Ana vice investigators today relived their beer sippihg nights at the Apartment A-Co-Go as the obscenity trial of Laguna Beach bottomless queen Carol Cybulski entered it! final stages. Renewed qu esUoning of officers who charged the Laguna entertainer wilh lewd conduct and indecent expOsu.re after watching her controversial all-nude caper on the mirrored ministage of th·e west Santa Ana tavern centered on exactly what the officers saw as Miss Cybulski posed with one leg on the sLage railing aod the other on a mirror. Officer Thomas Abdee.f testified t,llat he saw Miss Cybu\!kl lnclude that popular feature ln her show stopping performance on at least four occasions. Assembly OKs Tidelands-Bill, ~nd he emph.aalJed, under close ques· tioning by defense attorney Berrien Moore , that he "had pretty av~rage vision and was In a posltlon to see everything." Sends · to Senate And what the-officer nw led to Miss CylNlsld being booked Immediately on concluskln of her torried number. She has been charged by several officers on 10 such occasions • A tidelands access bill has passed the It is expected that the six--man, 1ix· ·Assembly in Sacramento and gone on to a woman jury ··will retire later today to state Senate committee when! It died last consider their verdict on the cbscenlty year. counts filed against the 32-year-old en. Assembly Bill 94.1 has moved into the tertainer. Senate Committee on Governmental Ef-They wllJ carry with them to the jury flciency which some have dubbed "the room the vivid memory of an Apartment graveyard commitree." A-Go-Go routine that Mhs Cybulill stag. A legJslatwe counsel's digest of the. bill eel espec.l&lly for their edificaUoo last states that It prohibits any city or COUD.ty week. from aJlll)r'O\'ing a subdivision map for a The ~I adjoUmed at that lime to the subdivision fronting on the coutllne \· Westminster Boulevard bar &o watch a "which does not provide or have routine tha\ hu been coodtmned in available reasonable access lrom public testimony as ''lewd, obscene and plainly highways In llJ!d below !he O<dlnary hllh· !Ulhy." water mark". Miss CylJUlak1 ls one ol. more lhan 20 A city or county may appnve a lract allegedly boUomJeu entertaloen who are map without access provided 1 t being p.......a.d by the dblrlct at-de~rmtnes acctss to.the public, UdeJands tomey'• offlce 1 In · an ,aoti-bottomlea is i.vallable within 11a rtUonable. dl'iye.,. ., r .-dl8t.a~" ol. u.e· subdivision. · __ • ..;·-·-··_.,_· ------- Acceu may be by highway , foot trail, blk;e trail; horSe trail or other means. The bill I! aull»<ed by Sen. Robert J . Lqomanlno (II-Ojai). • • In Orange County 1 C'OQlro\leny over county abandonment of Salt Creek Road lo Lquna Niguel Cori>· ii currently In SUperior Court lllliaUOD pending I ruling. • SteeJc 1'1.,.lceU • NEW YORK (APJ -Tb« alock nwtet, -in•-.._... Cllltlous and' awaliln( *"""°""tr, c 1 o 11 d • ·-.... lnday, (5ee quotatloas, Paces-). • • l . . ORANGE COUNTY, tALIPORNIA --MONO'A Y, MAY 2f, ·19.., • • • Ill or ' ' T-..~.:n...· ...,..T . ) -. 1'.i.:s ... - JEN CENTS • ·- () Moon Next Stop Mter . P erf~ct :Trip ABORD THE USS PRJNCE:nlN (~· -The Apollo 10 lunar uplorera landed safely on earth today, ending a 'ro0,000. mile space voyage ~hich cleared the way for an American moon landing attempt in July. Air Fon:e Col. Thoms P. Stalford~ ancl ' Navy Cmdrs. John W. Young and~ A. Ceman -back. ln>m • an Oigl,t-day lllght that included • deacett In within u miles Of the moon-splalbed into a calm South Pactnc within vtew of thi.s prime recovery ship. I . "Would you tell the medical offieer to DAii. Y PILOT lllff ...... CHANCELLOR ALDRICH ADDRESSES 'CAMPUS MEETING ON BERKELEY SITUATION , ,.,.mb.ra ff UCI Contingent Claim ~•Y Were t,\i•treatN by Police By RICHARD P. NALL Ot Iii OIMf PllM ll•tt ExcavaUon for a seulde home-in Laguna's plual1 Irvine 'Oive sector bas un.earthed a skull and bones believed to be at least several hundred years old. Dr. Joseph Tomehak, anthropology pro- fessor af Or..,P ~ eoue,., worked with students during the weekend to carelully remove the old skull and bone bits for study. . • ·Tomehak said \hey Will be sept to UCLA for radiometric (carbon 14) dating to determine if the find is significant. UCLA · lcientiltl announced recently that a skllll uncovered in Laguna Beach 35 years ago la roughly 17,000 years old, possibly more. TM determination set man's appearance on this continent 4,000 to 5,000 years earlier than any previous find. It at.so sllniUlated anthropologicaJ interest in the area. · Tomehak and his student,, chiseled out a the remains"of a young man about five feet and four inches tall, weighing about 120 pounds, possibly an Indian, The bonet were abOut five feet beneath t!)e earth's surface on the slope of a bluff above the ·beach. The skull was· facing down and the bones were nearby. Tomehak and his atudenll chisled out a block of earth containing the sk;ull to remove it intact. The bonei included ribs and cervical and thoracic vertebrae and other·blts. A charcoal lump 8nd a piece of birk or leather were with the bones along with &bell fragi;llents. · J ust be.law: the find is a cement re-- ta.ining wan that wUl be part of the home being constructed for Leonard Morris of Laguna Beach. The skull lpund in 1933 in 1..agu., by W. Howard Wilson, 22711 Vlata Del Sol, Three Arch Bay, was located at what is now .2'6 ,.$< •• Aml'.•-Prl"'° ,WU,On and Edward H: Marl'!ne were dlqinB for arUfacts tn the bank of a toad cut at the time. • The skull, first thought to be male and then said to be female, is similar to that o( Cro-magnon man fossils found in a French cave. Dr. Louis Leakey, internationally noted anthropologist, asked to take Wilson's find to UCLA for dating. He diJcoYertd the oldest known human rem&lu in Africa. They are belle;ved to be more than two million years old. 1 · Leaky bas contended lhat hand axes found in the · Calico Mount..ilna o( CAllfornia might be .0,000 year1 ok:I. Man Sentenced in Kidnail . ··~ ·... . .... .. . . . ..... . ..... _ .. ··..-· ...... ·r~ Of. Laguna .Officer's. Wife nlu!" Slafford radioed from Ille Apollo ~ :j 10 capault. ••we are ln er-t lhlpe ... Tbelr spacecrift,. ducJinl -• huge orange and white par~. came into View of television cameras" lbolrd this helicopter carrier MVeral miDutel before it bit the water. IW.tuiig rescue hellcopler> galned radio contact wilh the spacecraft .-Im- mediately ifter II possed lhroup I - minute blackout period which started at the height of lls burning rHn1l'y Into the earth'a atmosphere. "We shoUid he rlghl on ·top .of. you H you're down there;" Stafford called •. · The spaceship, landing in n e • r darkneu, hit the water only about three miles frim\1 the recovery ah.Ip, whoa llghis fl81hed . In !he semidar- Hellcopten Immediately· •hoverod • .,. tbe floating caJ>IUle IJ!d nrim~ drop- ped Into the Inky water In aid the.....,.. Mlnutea later the word came ff'Olll' tbe astronauts: They were safe0 and we.11 and ..mu. In gtt aboard !he ablp. . Apollo 10 made the bot.teat, fastest and riskiest plunge ever back into tbe at. moophel< of earth. After its service module -containing most· or the ol)'gen and e~cal •P- pliea -was jettiSoned, the small com- mand ship quickly picked up speed • it f1aahed toward !he earth at the end <i Ill 246,000..mile lrlp home from the moocm.1 The spacecraft roached 21,111 m1la an hO<Jr just· before lliclnc-lnto the. upper limits of. eartb'• acrar.pbere. . .The..~.~'.•.~lt!!\t~ . glowed a fiery red as atmolpbenc me .. tlon heated the outside of the craft to .. ' more than 5,ooO deirets'. l (See APOLLO, Pap Z) ' -Bishop Assails A casta Meta man arrested alter being aCCUMCI of attackinllJid -kidnapl!lg a Laguna Beach police officer's wile must spend three years on probation !or his Way address were ·heJd~off ·at gunpoint -ror mor€than-an hatir·~Ol"e the eroor-- finally SW'l1!ndered. The crew i'emaJned a comfortable 80 I .----------.. I .0r.... C•Mt --T convlcUon on reduced cbarges. .: Superior c.ourt J Lldge James F. Judge Governo1· Reagan BERKELEY (lJ,PI) - E p.i s co p 1 1 today aentenced Mlrvin Edward Alex- Bishop C. 'Kilmer Myf!rs described Gov. ander, 29, of 2'100 Petmson Way to from Ronald Reagan Swlday as a •"war ont: to 10 yeara in staU prison on the mooger" and "the one w~ ha1 unleashed recuced counl and then tmmedlately thi dogs of war in•Berkelef." sus-nded the sentence~· But he warned · The bishop of !be California di...,., ln •· ,. PolJce reporta: indicated that the angry Alexander struck Mrs. Carter· with the barrel ol his gun and alao uaaulted a neighbor. ' CHARGERS DUE ON UCI CAMPUS a st.alement rod at a cba.pel service at Alexander mat he mU8t not carry Ber•el<y'• Pacific School of · Jl<Uglon, firearms during his pn>i>aUon period nor SAN DIEGO (UPI) -The San Diego said Reagan •was "the same governor should he acain in any way bring b1.s. Charprs of the Ame'tk-.n J'ootball wtio advocated· plv~ over cl vittnun." aafue to the attention of autbt:wf(iea. II hold "He 1o' 1 waMnollg<r in 5o<JtbeU1 Alia Alexander, fresh lrorn a 9'klay Deport.-~~ tlt1a =-~mn.""']i° and he is I Wit moocei in·Clillf~" ' ~of Correc:Uons ,~Y ~t ~e court .. WU annc.uncfd omctaUy ·¥· / " ~ei;:1:;!.'~t': :;:::· 1 ~~~J: *'.'i!eafr1~bbyl!:~'. , .. '11»~!~~:1::~, Of ~I0'1> an ol onil~Jil""'·~ ~: 1--·-' a ~11\0 -tiMr. ·~•eoe.. j r0c' ~In' . ""',~ jnllle ·ailled',;llia( '~~-".fyr,111!.=J:!.;~, rtpOrt 1111' 1J Ille •. ~r ' "every true American,.,_, -, ~ ·•blcb..detailod · ,..,,...,, r · vattrans art ~ly 11. · ' - potrlot, demaJxl lhat,~' N l Guard dllClioo 'Jilsl J•. I ol Jlln. Dift,CtrUr, 'K~wn the leam will remam be withdrawn Iron> i Ulk the' 26, fronil bor ·ilome .,. m V~ St, In ~: JO. ·· :r , , • unlvmlly rtclalm Iii mftl tall'll1 In ' Colla ~.1f. ~~~ M ·'lbl · 11e1a their .......,, tlt1a litm!Joo · othat Ille -at un-• · Olfk!tl . --' n. camp In • .... M pott fin . nec111117 I..,;. m 5"'po11Ce of· J "i"IAll;'~ ~~=-=· bat -M--·lllil ' Ileen and deputy ............. I ~,._r-~-.' ' -----··--:-io!!,••il • castllated and punlllle4. 1111~'1 i ~f ., _, .-. Jc..r lo .<... .n l • • , ·• ' . 1 • ., I . part be given boct In lhe,Nlt.~ · "'), '~ ~ · ¥'"-,.,.._, · ' • • Weatllel'. If you're looldq for a break.ht tht wt.atber, look BOIQt!~ 'elle. Locally Tueldly ~. will otlll be overcast and the aftemooD bright IJ!d ahlny wllh Dille temp- erature alleraUon.. · .. I , . -. I ••Y .... OT ~ San 'Joaquin Votes on 1st Override ··-V ... of the S.. Jooquln E-.,Y lchool DbVlct wiU 10 to the poU. Tuu- day-wltb tho ,...11mon111 that divide -vcW'a • ...,..-. n\ey•n be mJC.Wned over their PoCkl!t- -wltlle II the Nnlt lime wlllllng to do Illa .... lo< tltelr JOUoC cbildna. How tile lltJ ol Wlf of CGll!cl-II decldld by ,_ lndMduala " 111 determlnt wbethtr a 'J'S.cent tax tncrease reqtBt gets the better than 50 percent majority needed for passage. Some 11,107 citizens 111! eli&ible to vote.· Polls will be open rrom 7 a.m. unUI I p.m. thrwghout Mlaloo Viejo, Leisur< World, ln'hle, El Toro Ind I pll'I ct Tustin. This is the first tu override election in the school district's 71-year history. "we're itillinl the ranks now,''.llid SapL Ralph Gita. In all tho ,... of Orange County, only the tiny Trabuco School Dislrkt wilh 40 studerltl hM not found it necessary to ask IG< a IChool tu eledion. At 11, San Joaquin Ill old In years, bul It has GDly just recently begun tb grow. Five years ago, San Joaquin schools were attended by only 900 cbUdren. Eorollment now stands at 1,200 puplb and 1' apeded to rbe to 12,000 students in three yean, the term of the override lax. With new housing developmtnll coming In all the time, the !Chool dlstrl.ct is much lin the young children it seeks to educate._ .U is rro'fln& up rapidly and . each yearit geta more upensive. Tbe n.ce.111 would ra11e the 1enera1 ~ tu rate from IU5 to 12.0I per $100 ol lll!ll!d vahlltioo.1be tqt.al tu rate with bond repayment is $3.3&. Dlllrlct olllclaJs ·say tbey expect lhe school board will levy ooly about 20 cents of the 'II cenll permlalble nm year ii the tu o..mde jlaaeJ. Bid OpCning Set On Aliso Beach Park Proposal Bids will be O(iened June 2 for the park- h\I and _food and beftl'ap eoneession at """' Beach p~ In South Locun•· County aipervilon plan to award the franchise June 10. The P"QPG!UCt, coatnd ~ !« a eon- lribulioa of '10 perant of lbe .,.... Ule.s ill food md ~-.,, 1'fll~ on lhe _.ill~ i. !DlleJllld to Ifie CoiintY. It ii exUmated that ~ county will net $9,000 annually from lbe francl1j..,, ao- cordltt& to Flllh District Superv!Jor Alton E . .Allen. . Parking feea augeated are 7S cents for week days and SI on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. Both beach and lnlud parking loto wlll be uWlzed. Tbe fnllchise wiU be operated on!)' during tbe 4UJ!1mer month! from June 14. to Sepl<mbtr 21, tho "'!"\'•cl ~ea, wllh lbe · txceptloo of aome holiday weekends. Al lhe same time, aupervl.oon decided to bokl a public hearJ.nc June 11 on the pn>pOled Aliao lleach Ocean F11blng Pier. . Two cooceplll bave be<!n npne"por..,.ed b)I Fen.r-Dmand and A-lalaa Of Su · Dietl>. 'll>e e1t1m-c<0t la 1219.llO. ,,,. flnl cone.pl <alls for •·•loot lq pier with a conceaton IDd rtlb'OOl'n building 11 lbe land NM. The other la for a llMoot pier wilh a lleplnlle .....,_ building. . - llalh dallpll -piers :IO f..t wide equipped wltb lilltllnr. drlnklng fountains aod other -Ilea. Begin~aval Maneuver MANILA CAP) -Forly.cli wanhtps lffl(n lllx SEATO nallonl today began Ei- erdle Sea Spirit. 11 daya of naval ,,_,,,.. ID MIQl!a Bay and lbe Soulh China .... .-------~---- P ~llY Pl l OT • Sootl,aing • B8flfriend VPIT ......... Wendy Dascomb of Danville, Va., newly crowned Miss USA, changes expre1~on rapidly as she talks by telephone to her boyfriend folfowing her win in Miami lleech, Fla. Her boyfriend, Walker Long, a student at University of North Caroli'na, was com· plaining that he woaldn't -get to see her much dur- ing her reign. She mana1ed to soothe him. ,,,.._ ,Pqe I APOLW ••. Mesan Killed by Auto; decrees as U., witbltood· forcts fi. 7 times tbat of aravtty. !.I 11,000 feet, 1 forwlfd beat lhleld flieped· away IDd two drocue pandwW J>Ol>pOd out ol tho . poioled end of tho spocecnft. llOblUllng 1111 1111. Police Probe Accident Momm!J later lhree pilot plrochules Ao elclerly Colla ,lfesa man llruck by a popped out, dnggln( beblnd them lhe car tbat police said lold dowa II fool of huge main paracbutea. Tbe main 1kidrnarb died early Sunday, four hours. parachutet bloe,lorned . above t b e ifter tbe accident near a westaide atrtet 1_.it and stciwed Hs flefUn1 ducent lni.r-tlon. to D mil .. per hour. The allrooau~ JamM 0, Bell, 7f, of I'll W. WUloo SI., drtfted through the dawning sty for five auffered fractures or both legs, muWple rninu&ea before landing 1enU;y on the lacerltiona and other injuriea when hit on ocean. • Wlllon StreOI just west of Monrovia ApoliO ·iO's re-entry was M miles an Aven1,1e:. 1. hour Cuter tban the return last Motorllt lilenn A. Montgomery, 14, of Deoember of Apollo 8, the one previous ZZZS PomoDI Ave., Coeta Meu. told Of. moorfOrbil fight Apollo 10 came in •• ,......__ · directly, lmtead of "skipping" u di,.. • J);.U, -r;:a,::rc IMS Apollo 8. Apollo 10 also came from 77 further out in spac;i, 'Since the moon was more distant from the earth than dW'ing Apollo 8. The. most Important hours of Apollo lO's eight days in space came during its 61 houn: of orbit around lbe moon. Stal· ford and ceman 'flew the fragile Junat Jander to within ff,000 feet al. die mooo'1 sifilace,_ proyj_ng t~ moon _ machine's design And gilhering vital data about the austere hmar site where A~lo 11 will at· tempt lhe rint landi.,. * * * ficer David Hayes he first saw the victim about 50 feet ahead and could DOI stop In tune. Bell was knocked out of tus shoes by senator Prop0ses '.fax WASllINGTON (AP)~ Sed. Cltnton P. Andenon (J).N.M.), ptopoo>d today a temporary excess war profit tu on cor· porate income as an alternative to e~ lending the surtaJ Dn personal income. ;No Compliments to Cl1ef- Astrof1auts' Meals Lousy lhe lmpoct. - Montpnery WU not cited, but traffic lnvellJc1lon today ore lliU studying nports ol. the fatal accident, which oc.. curred aa the vlcUm croaaed busy WU.On • Street at an fnlle oui.aide a. ctosa walk. Wltneues aakt Bell wu awake .and lalkl"I. allhough In put pain at lhe stene of the 1·:55 p.m. accident, but he died at 12:57 a.m. at Costa Meaa . Memorial HOflpital. Funeral services for Mr. Bell will be beld wedneiday at 2 p.m. In lhe Bell Broadway Mortuary Chapel, with in· terment In Harbor Rest Memorial Part. He leaves three sons, Joe, of San BemardiDo, Jack, of Concord, Wendell, of Redwood City, and four daughters. They are Mrs. Jimmie Ferguson. of Costa Mesa, Mrs. Dora Garcia, of La Habra. Mrs. Evelyn Dcsoncl, of San Mateo and Mrs. Louise Beeves, of Texas, u well as JI grandchildren and six great· gr1ndcbildren. ,, . Planne.rs ·Study Cluster Project A .propoood ff-unit cluster·lype housing devolopn\enl proposed for LllWI&'• Boat CW-will be comldered toolght al a plOnnlnt comm1illon atudy aealon.• SPACE CElfJER, Houslon (U~I) - 'lbe Apollo 10 utronauta, who carried the Ill09t v1ried menu of any Amerltan 1paeec;rew on P*r eight~.,. voyqe to the moon, tod11 brought 80mfl it blck un- Tile developmen~ ~ by..,.,..r Bernard Sy!ID, hu "been opposed by raklents ol. the area on the grounds It from the water by spinning 1 bag of wOuld aenerate -addltional traffic and water did not wOrk in space 1nd sclen· parkin& problem&. tists were unable to devise an alternative A1IO under eonlldt!r1Uon Will be county procedure before tile flight ended . Road Department dedlllon on the pollltioo The Apollo 10 larder. probably lhe most of a ro.d alignment through the area. appetw.n, carried by an American sp1ce The arei(under consktft'aUon consiSts of touched. • Car IH•trlet Salary Dispute • , . ears Showdown By UCX CHAPPELL Of .. ....,,, .... .Miff A salary ahowdown between teacher• or tbe CjlplJtrano Unified Scltool Ditlrict llld lhe 8"'lf1! of. Tnlaleu . moy come tonfpl II tbe t o'clock board meeU,,. II diJtrlct bsg 1,.mn. Tbe cool......UOO, wltl<b has surloeed alter montha ol ""'el salary oa!Qlla- tions, fuvolved an est.IQ\ated $225 per teacher dJHertnce between what teachers are asking and what tbe tehool board wiU give. , Negotiations had been deadk>cked following the board's ftnal oiler of a $250 """" lhe board salary -and • S73 increue in medk!al insurance payment. to pay only the tucber's in- surance. Teachen requested a '200 increase at lbe botlom of lite pay ICale Ind ·l40ll iJl. creue Ill lbe top of tbe pay scale - teachu1 now eam a minimum of M,500 and a maximum oC $13,000. They also asked that the district pay all medical in· surance cosU for the emploJes family, a hike ol about ~. The negotlltb:ic team repreeenUng the school board unJlaterally ended further meetings with the trustees latest offer at an emer~ meeting Tbund1y. However, the teachen council said it could not accept tbe offer and demanded that another le!lion be held. The trilstees tum has agreed and 1et the meetm, for 3,45 p.m. tooay. Should deadlock mJUlt at the aftemoon meeting, the lelcber1 have thrte poaslble """'"' " action opeo to them. ·~ Robert Moo, pruldenl ct lhe CaplJlrano Unlfied EmpJoyes Aslocl.aUon. He Aid teachers could consider withhokiinl ntracurricular services, lhlt individually and voluntarily teachers could take sick· leave, and thlrd, they could write letters to inflilentlal people. Moe claimed that the incre.ases.aougbt by the teachers would fall well wtthln tbe 5 perooit guidelines alk>wecl in the p-o. posed achoo! budget for next school ytar. He said that the trustees proposal amounts to about a 3 percent increase. "This 11 why wt are so adamant, t}:le money ' is there. The health insurance item can be·handled by a special tu th1t is legally open to the board ," Moe said. "Thi! ii why I feel the board his not negotiated in 1ood faith, the fUndl are available, the channel! are open to pro- vide these benefits. "We 11 teachers have voluntarily said Golf Clubs Taken From Laguna Car A '350 set of golf clubs were taken rrom the car ot 1 Laguna Bt1el1 dentist Sunday. · Police aaid the club! were removed from the trunk 9f a car owned by Dr. Robert F. Ott, 237 Liaw>'! Ave., while II wu parked at 2$10 S. Co.it Highway. In anothr Slll)day !>w'gliry, Ernest J. Helm, '102 MclQrlght Drive~ reported_ the theft of a bedspread, a pillow and a telescope .• Police recovered. the it"ems from a cave on the belch. War on Po~erty 'Chief Rumsfeld Sworn In we would accept higher teathln1 loads, that wt would come to school at 7:30 (a.m.), a r1tber early hour tor . a ~ fessional, all be<:ause the override did fall. "Tben for lhem to tum arowxl mt not even givt UJ 1 rather menial cost of U.. in1 increase I! kind oC like 1 Up in thl lace," Moe concluded. Do11glas Says Parvin Case Manufactured From Wirt Services NEW YORK -Supremt Court Justice William 0. Douglas has said privately that an Internal Revenue Service ill* vestigation of the Albert Parvin Foun- dation was a "manufactured cMe" in· tended to force him from the bench, the New York Times reported today. The Times said the charge was con- tained in a Jeter dated ~lay lJ th.It D91Jglas sent Albert Parvin. multimil· liooaire Los Angeles businessman. Parvin heads the fowx:lation of which Dou:glas was preskleih and a director un· tit the Supreme Court justice resigned th• positions, which paid an aMual salary· of ,12,000, last week. ~ TimtS, in a Los Angeles dispatth, said Douglas, reached in Washington, bid • declined to comment on the contents of the Jetter in question. The report said Par.Yin had made some or the foundation's records available to the ne_wspaper "to show that nothing the foundation has done is in iany w1y wrong." IRS agents have been conducting their inv,estigation for three years. Agents also have -reportedly examined some ot Douglas· own files in Washington in con- nection with the probe. ''The strategy is to gd me off the court," lhe Times reported Douglas' let· tel said, "I do not propost to bend to l1f/ such pressure." • Douglas announced his resignation from the foundation last Friday, citing the "heavy work load" imposed by the posts as his reuons for qu itting .. In Los Angeles toc:11y, the chairman o.f Parvin-Dohnnann Co., criticized a Se- curities and Exthante Commission in· vestlgation and told stockholdtrs it wasn't justified. Delbert Coleman sald the investigalion, and tbe suspension twice of trading in the firm's stock on the American Stock E%· change, has placed a "cloud" over the company and cause<! the value of its stock to drop severely. Yet be said tht hotel supplies compeny has cooperated fully with the SEC and conducted its own study of charges against it and is aware of no wrongdoine "ol anx consequence." "I am C01J'!plelely confident th&t this situ1tion will not change, no matter how long the investlgatlon c o n t i n u e s , • ' Coleman said. He so.id the SEC staff may be "contrldicting their own p~pts" by having "thrown confusion into the market for our stock." Ht said the finn plans changes ta create a new image. Astronauts Thomas P. Stafford, John W. Young and Eugene A. Ceman escaped the still unexplained space naUJea which struck the Apollo 8 and Apollo t crews, but they said their appetites were dulled by tbe hydrogen .Jas In tbelr drinking water. crew, included to freeze.dried 6.21 IC?'el above Riddle Fle.ld. 1be fint . rehydratable food items plus one "wet· · phase would be 20 units. WASHINGTON (UP1) -Don 1 l d pack" me.al for each crew member e1cb City plannen will also consider a Ult Rumsfeld, foi'mer Illinois congressman However, their mild stomach diicom- fort was not expected to keep the astronaU.ts from celebrating their return with a. sausage and eggs "bre:altfast'' aboard the USS Prioceton, the . pi:lme recovery ship. · They also planned to cap off the return celebration later with a slice of the huge cake Cl1!ated ,by the 1>rinceton'I bakers for the occulon. Dr. ctiarlts E. Berry, the astronauts• chJ<f pbylklln, uld earlier Stafford, Young and Ceman reporied taking m~Uon {LomaUI) to help rellevt the mild ~fort ~•u...i by lhe ·~· Otllir spacemen allO reported slmllai pro- blems. • day. variance and lot split soucbt by Emll\Uel wu swom in tod1y 11 new dimtor of the The "wtl·pack" meals con.mted of foil Weiner to conduct • telmston nlel and war on poverty-1 post President Nixon Stoleu_elane Down - wrapped packaies of beef and potatoes, repair business at 2133-2147 IA.gun& Can-described at "ot vtry great importance" MILDENHALL; England (UPI) _U.S. ham and potatoes and turkey chUnks wilh ~ =item to be considered -ms in his administration. -Air Force ·ofDclaJs said Sunday there was gravy. ............ Rumsfeld, 3', took the OI~ of office a "slim" chance Sgt. Paul Me.yer, 23, The freeze.dried items, stored in an application , by Lynn ·Muir and from Judp ArlhUr· F'cklin1 ot ttit U.S.'. si.trvived 'wl\fn the Cl:a<I lia~port pl-.ne Asaoclates to build four howlet: on five circuit court « apphls for the Dlstrtct of he stole and. tried to, fly borne cr&!heit in· special bags, were reconstituted by ad· \otl ln Arch Beach Heights. Columbia. t lh Frid diug water and kneading. To e1t, the :-------....;; _______________________ _:0,..::::_' .:"::•~=8Yc:· _____ _ astronauts cut the top of the big and \ squeezed out the foOd. War in Biafra Demos' Topic There's a right "tJ1e,profel!IM»r didn't say a word abo'ul thal. Now il I niay be permitted ii. word, I'd like tO nse it in beball or' m7 own llock of . men's trousers here in thl1 store. . JK~ I. C1rley .\llc.t ,,....,. .... ~· """"" n.-1 KM"il .... ·--1"~~-=i11•~-- Space Agency ·• officials sajd the utronauta' ~ water, which ls dmrtt fnlm 1 'fllef cell, ii Aluraled'wltb -.b)l~U-.:._ "Biafr1, Fqocten Wu"' will ~ the topic of a Wedneadly meeting of 0.. Sooth Coast Democratic Club. The meeting Is acheduled for 8 p.m. at lhe Loguna Federal buildlng, ZIO Oce1n Ave. and a wrong way to on your pants put I liale to give you .omething to Fleeble, ''ha•e been eondi· to ~·on-y •bout when r ou pt tioned by -pre'fiouS ml\l&ary_ dreA&ed tOmorrow m~--:-lel'Viee to step off lri:lla' th Or aflernoon, •• the ~•• may left foot. Thu1 a man who lni. • be. • otinctl..,Jy llartl hit forwOl'd We carry lhe most poJfUlar brands. Corbin Slacks, Major J.cko, 111d V•rela Sloejoa in - viuioa"a wool fabric• and wool blend•, "'""ing lroru $27.50 '1P to S4-0. 'We,al11a carry waob 1lacb from C.ctnfl Casuals and from BaJTifl. in Perma P reHed f1brie1 •\ from ~ fo $12.95, ......... " ... ---"' -'• ....., __ ' _,,J .. ,. • •tlf. r-..t At1. "'Jllfllf .... ""''"'' PA h • "'· 92&12 . . ~ ......... . .... c.-.... 1 ......... ~ ......... ~J tftl ""' ...... ......... ..... "" IMca: ... -- A method designed to atpar1te the 1as Legion to Honor Laguna Of fice1·s ' Laguna Be111ch police offker1 David M. Avers and Lile S. Schtamlln1 are to be honor1d by lhe American Logion for !heir rescue Qf a 1Apn1 lDID Jrom a burnlnr bufldinc. ~ c.mltllDder Les Cbalham ol Post m wlll ...-tho A.-kan t:.o11on "Vlfor Medal" to both Gft'ktrl tor '1outstandlng -... and action". 1be June I cere1nony wlU-bet:ln at 7 p.m. al Lqlon Hill, 3M Lq!Oll SL PoU.:. Otld Harry Lobn>w will aaalll In the ,.._1111on. The offic<n lald tbelr llvea on lhe line on April I to .....,.. Ear17 Wtlclt, na 0ceao. Woy from hll bttmfnc lj>ll'ltnent. Scltrlmllq pt Wild! part way out of tile • bu!Wlng and coll..,...r °''"""" by _ -Avera lllllllapd to pull bis fellow officer ..., Welch lhe nil ol lbe WIY to ..retr. •• 01vid A. Munro, club president, and Dr. Boniface L Obishert. a Biafran and member of the UCLA history depart- ment, will be. the speakers. Oblshere w1s formerly a aenlar lecturer in the En11Jsh department of the University of Nigerla. Dr. C.rl Hufbauer, lcctvrtr at UCJ, will moder•te the diacusslon. Sidewalk Art Show on Friday Tbe Lquna Beach Chamber of Com· merce will spomor a sidewalk art show of lbe -ks of locol utllll on Memorl1I Jloy, The !bow wlft be held on Part Avenue bet....., South Onlst ill&bwlY 1od Glenneyra -from t a.m. to 1 p.m. Rqlstnllon wtp be on a lint como, flr1I served bub. TnlG<matlon m•Y be obtained from lhe cbambtr, ttf.1011. _Councilmen llft>ed 1111 week lltat tile •bow coulcl be lleld ~ the chontber sponsor..t II Ind btaurance • .. Clbtalned. , --------_.__ ________ _ Wf:'ve ju1t received eo~ motion "'Ith the left . foot i1 iu(orn1ation i11 • confidential nneon1eiou1ly obe7in1 bi1 bulletin from the ln11itute of peen.'' Applied Leaming, and it'1 loo The man who putt hii rilht l!'>Od to p111 up. leg into hlo lrodlel'li lint, ob Accordinit to Acknoy K. the othu band, i1 "flau.nllq Fl..,ble, bead profeo11arof p1y--~ rul ... " Re i1 1 poHtielll chology •t Sedgwick Coller~ · non...,,,,ormi..; -...ur nhel- e•ery man OftCOllKiousJy 1'& ~.apiD'1t .. e foreet Of order ,.eo], h io poUtlcal leanlnp in and emtom. ' the morning-when .be ifl f'Ut· You may ~-onder how a~~ llnlf hl1 Iron""" on. would ·.,..._ Jaio pai.11 If he U he polo blo left I~ In h11111'1 ,_,,..,.. .. y talll&ary n .. i, •lranl!Olt enough that'•. tnlalns ol .n, u.iort•ytely, w~. Lave • greai selection and I can't think of 1 better tltue to come iil for "\'Our new · .1n riamer 1Jack8. • ~ can only think of "one oth- tt thiq to add. Do yoa bow how IA> 0iden. Illy a political .middl.,..f-th.,. roadcrP. 'Well, he must be the' one who pato both feet ia hlo troue.tt •t tbe aame time. an"' lip that he i1 1 poUdeal ' . . 00~1:"'.':!;. poUtical leaning Jack Bidwell 10methna 11.,, i1 e.-ident In •• s.61 ~ .. Udo, riP~ wlaere 7M tam oil lhe "'IJ' • man 1tep1 off the ·Newpwt BM. te p to Lido lile, ot Udo Thea..0.. rurh when cro1oln11 the otf'Mt. F.. P"'klnf at,... er 11ore. l'lloae 61s.4SIO. "Maay lndl•ldaa11," accordlaf C..,.yr!pt 1969, Jaek Bhhn!ll. ' . - • VOL 62, NO. ·12s, 3 SECTIONS, 38 PAGES u se e Down the Mission Trail . Accidents Hurt Two Cyclists SADDLEBACK PARK -Two motorcy· cle riders were .seriously injured Sunday in accidents on the cycle trails in Irvine Ra~'s Saddleback Park north of Tustin. California Highway Patrol officers said Shelby Cline, 24, of Orange suffered in- jured arms, legs and facial cuts and brui.ses when his cycle fell as he swerved trying to avoi.d another. 1 RusseJI E. Burkett, 16, of Hawthorne, suffered severe he.ad injuries when he lost control of his bike while racing, caus- ing several cycles to crash, some on top ol him. :e Too /llN4'h Academic:> SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO -America might be made better if more empha.si.? were placed on technical and vocaUonal education rather than academic subjects, said Ken Walker, president of the San Clemente-Capistrano Valley Board cf Realtors. In a statement made during Rea1ter Week, Walker said that the over em- . phuis on ·academies is turning IOme younpten away froDJ school early and creating problems for -i.ty. Such youngst.en would like and would benefit from vocational training. :e Reslfll'Otl•• St11dled CAPISTRANO BEACH -Trustees of the Capistrano Unified School Diatric,, meeting tonight at 8 o'clock in di.strict headquarters, wlll consider the iesigna· tion of board member Marvin Bandoli and possible appointment. or Robert 0. Hurst to fill his unexpired term. Hurst dekated BarKioli in the April school board elections, and '1ould have taken his plice on the board July 1. In his Jetter or resignation, Baodoli indicat· ed that because of long range decisions to be m·ade within the next few weeks;- hls fQrrner opponent should have a voict and a vote. ·• Park Probe Studied SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO -An •J> pralsal of the 18-acre San Juan. Capistrano Junior High School will cost the city at least $1,350. That is the low bid submitted by Robert Harrison, a Newport Beach appr{liser, for the job. City councilmen meeting tonight at 7 o'clock in city hall will consider the item. The city baa been eying the purchase of the site from the Capistrano Unified School District for a new civic center. e Vit!fo Lunch Slated UCIHears Of Beatings ' At Berkeley ' By MOMAS FOI\11JNE Of -. O.ltt ...... St'" ... Students and the UC Irvine campu1 student activities adviser today voiced allegaUons of mistreatment, verbal ~ dignities and actual physical beatings at the bands of lawmen following their ar· rests in Berkeley last week. The strongest indictment of poUce was given by Neil Malmberg, "the UCI ac_· tivilies adviser, Malmberg told ~ among 3,500 UC! students who •ttendeo! ~ campus-wide meeting for which classes were: dismissed: "We were made to lie race down on hot asjlhalt and told not to move a 'muscle. We were called 'Creeps' and 'Scum' We were told to say 'Yes Sir.' Student PhWp True and others were beaten with a blackjack, he claimed. "I was there for 26 hours and not allowed a·pt.one call," he continued. The several student speakers and .. Malmberg, a cJeabcut a pp e a r I n i administration alde, to!d of being trapped while orders were given to disperse aDd herded helplessly together with 480 others in a mas,, arrest. They were charged with failure to disperse and unlawful assembly., but said ooe .~ in ~ samt crowd ·~ tried to dlsperto OS onlered was dwted with escape._ _ , Tlle UC! canting~ wu !teed on ban alter ltOO was~ pa •P by CbaD- cdlor Daniel G. ~· Jr. lo IOCU ... their ....... .. boiid. They "" ' being represented ~ an attorney now. One girl student, ~ Wkkllcomb, a freshman from CorOna del Mar, lold GI "absolute fear," and "hysteria" at Santa Rita Rehabllitatioo Center. "It doesn't matter In Berkeley whether , you are long-balrid, abort.-haired or freaky-looking," she said. "You are not sate. As long as you look civilian you are the enemy of police," she asserted. Vice Aides Tell ~hat They Saw Of Nud~ Dancer Santa Ana vice investigators today relived their beer sipping nights at the Apartment· ~.(}o.Go as the obscenity trial of Laguna Be.etch bottcinless qUttD Carol Cybulski entered lt.s final stages •. Renewed que!tiorllng of officers who charged the Laguna entertainer with lewd conduct and indecent exposure after watching her controversial all·nu<l.e caper on the t;nlttored mini.stage of tfie west Santa Ana tavern centered on exactly v,.ilat the officers saw as Miss Cybulski MISSION VIEJO -Women of the posed with one leg on the stage ralJing i1ission Viejo Recreation Center have and the other on a mirror. scheduled a poUuck luncheon at the 1 Officer Thomas Abdeef testiHed that he center !or noon Wednesday. saw Miss·Cybulald include that popular feature In her sllbw stopping perfonnance on at least f111.1r occasions. Assembly OKs ' Tidelands Bill, Sends to Senate A Ude.lands access bill has passed the As.w:mbly in Sacramento and gooe on to a state Senate committee where it died last · year. Assembly Bill 941 has moved Into the Senate Committee on Governmental Ef· ficiency which •some have dubbed "lhe gr11veyard committee." And be emphasized. under close ques- tioning by defense attorney Berrien Moore, that ht ''bad pretty average vision and Was in a posiUoo .to see ___ _._ .. evg, ....... And what tht officer saw 1ed to Miss Cybulski -being booked lmmedillely OIL.. • conclualop of her toni<d mantle'. She bu been charfed by several olfic:en on ID sud> oc:caslOOI. It_ ts, expected that the · s!1-mm, 1ix- woman jury will relll< later lodly ., consider thtir verdict on the ob8cenily counts filed qairtst the 31-ytar..old en· tertainer. They will carry with them to the jury room the vivid memory of an Apartment A-Go<lo roollne that Misa Cybulski stag. ed especilllf for lhefr ediflcatlon last ' ' • . . . t.O!DAY,.MAY 26, l .. ~, •• " an. v/ • 1. 1., DAILY 'ILOT lt9ft ....... CHANCELLOl.l ALDRICH ADDRESSES CAMPUS MEETIN~ ON BERKELEY Sl(UATION , MM>llol-1 ol·UCI Conllngont Cloim They W.re M!Jtre1tocl by Pollco . . ~ . . ' :.i·~~k~Ij FJ;~il tJh~~~th~d ;~ , ' ~ ' Laguna Excavatwn Find to Undergo Dating Stfl,dy By RICHARD P. NALL Of .. IM!!IY '*' Mtff ExcavaUon for a aeaaide home In Laguna's plush lrvlne Cove sector has unearthed a skull and bones believed to be at least several lwndred years old. Dr. Jo.teph Tomehak, anthropology pro- fessor at Orqe ~t College, worked with students during lhe .. weekend to carefully remove the old skull and bone bib for study. Tomehak said they will be sent to UCLAJor .radiometric (carbon 14) daUng to determine if tbeJiod is significant UCLA scientists announced recently that a skull uncovqed in Laguna Beacll 35 years ago is rougb:.ly 17,<m years oJd, possibly more. The detenninaUon set man'ii appearance on this continent 4,<m to 5,000 years earlier than any previous find. It also stiniulated ,anthropological interm. in the area. Tomehak and his: stuaents chiseled out a the ren'iaina cf a young man about five feet and four inches tall, weighing about 120 pounds, possibly an Indian, The bonea were about five.feet beneath· the earth's surface on the slope of a bluff above the beach. ·The skull was facing down and the bones were nearby. Tomehak and his students chlsled out a block of earth containing the skull to remove it intact. The bones'lncluded ribs and cervical and thoracic vertebrae and other bits. 'A charcoal lump and a piece of bark or leather were with the bones along with ahell fragments. • Just bekrw the 800 b a cement re· tainlng wall that will be part of the home being constructed for Leonard Morris of Laguna Beach. Tbe null found In 11133 In.Laguna by w. Howard WillOft, 22711 Vista Del Sol, Three Arch Ba)', was located at what is oow 255 st. Ann's Drive, W"tlson and F.dward H. Marrine were digging for artifacts in lhe bank of a road cut at the lime. The skull, first lhou&ht to be male and then sai{S to be female, ii similar to that ;.'re~~=~n man f~ found in a Dr. Louil Leakey, Internationally noted anthropologist, asked to take Wilson's find to UCLA for dating. He 'discovered the oldest known human remains In Africa. They are believed to be more than two million years old. . Leaky bas contended that , hand axes found In the Calico Mountains of California might be 40,000 yeah old. OArL.Y PILOT t•"""' DIGGING FOR SKULL Tomcll1k Uoftl, Denni• Smith . . Man: Sent~n~ed in Kidnap Of Laguna ~fficer's Wife Bishop Assails Governo ... Reagan ·. A Costa Mesa man arrested after being accused ·of attacking and kidnaping a Laguna Beach pollct officer's wife must si>tnd lhree years on probati9R ,for his convlcUcnoq reduCed charges. Superior Court Judge James F. Judge BERKELEY CriPIJ -E p Is cop i I today sentenced Marvin &:!ward Atex. Blshop-C. Kilmer ~Yers described1Gov. ander, 29, of 1700 Pettrson Way to from Rooald Reagan ·Sunday as 8 "war 001:: to JO years in state prison on the i:rionger" and '1the ooe who ha1 unleashed the do~?' war in Berkeley." recuced COWlt and then immedialel,y ' Woy address ... ,. hold GI! 'I\. gunpoint !or more than an hour beRri the crook finally surrendered. Police reports indicated thal. the angry .Alellander ,UVCk Mr1. ~~lth the barrel ol his gun and allo arlJlted a neighbor. •. '-,- A legislative counsel's digest of the bill states that It prohibits an)' city or county from approvlng a subdivision ~p for a subd~ lronting . on the COISUlne ••which does not provide or have available reucoabie access from public hi&l>w•Y• lo lond below !he ordinary blgb- water mirt". -k. ' 'lbe panel adjourned at that lime to the Westmjmt<r BouleHnl bar lo watch 1 rautlnethalhubeenc:oadomnedln tMimony .. "lewd, -.... plllnly filthy." '[be ptsrl<l:P of the Calilorqia di~. in suspended I.be sentence. But he warned' .. statement read at a chapel service al Alexander lhat he must not carry Berleley'• Pldflc School of Reli&l<lll; fire8J'l11> durilrg bis probaUon period nor CHA.RGERS DUE (JN UCI CA.MPUS A clly or ....rty lMJ' ,_. 1 Incl map without access Pf09ided it det<rmlncs llCCfll lo II>< public ,lidellndr b available wlthJn '1a rusonable distance'' or the subdivision. Accw. -be by highway. root trail, bike trill, horse trail or other means. Tho blil 11 autborod'by S<ll. -I. t.a1omarsioo (R-Ojai ). ' · ' Jn Orange County a controVtrsy over county abandonment of Sall ~k Road to Laguna Nil\lel Corp. is currently in Superior Court l1Ug1Uon pending a ru~. • -~- Mia Cybubld ft -GI ...,. than 10 ollececfl1 bottunl,.. Olllel1.l!Renwlloore being ~ bf the clllric:t •t. lomey's ollkie in 1n 11a11-...1as drive. NEW YORK. (AP) -The stock marbl. with in•OllOn r-1<d Clllllowi and awaltinc develOpmenta. c Io 8 e d •!most even today. (See quotaUoos, Pages21.11). • I • ----·-· .. ~ ~:....~ ~---' ,111d RMtan wu .. the· same goivemol' should he •glin ttn any way bring his wbo ad¥00a14kl p&vinc over oe Vietnam... name Lo tbe aUenllon ol authorities. "Ht is a war lJlOlller"ln Southe.ut Alia ~1"'.'.~',::;, ~,.;'Yi(l:<!~b,_~ 1r¥f1 be is a war mottger in Callfon:i\I,'" ........ Ul au-. te1 Mym said. "Tllo system GI violeoce 111111Un1 hlpplly. . wblclhpo--like tbi &0""'°' He had earlier been·descrlbed by Judie of catlfomia ls all Of one pieqe...'.' Robert> Gardner• 11a,time bomb" Alter' Tllo outspoken prelale asked lhAt the cri\J1lnll q>url jurlat eumioed police• "ev.ry lnle American, overy honest report< whi<h <\!~led fJe.widel'• ab- potrfot, dl!rnand tllat the NIU0111I Gwin! duelfo;in last Jlll. 4 ol ~· DiaDe Carter, be withdrawn from BerllOiey; lhal 1he • 21, from her home al W Yk:torio St.,, univel'llly rec:lllm its monf lntqrllY In Cotto Mou 1o hll °"" residel1ct' • Ulla lltuation; tllat die' , -GI un-I Olr.,.,... llld Ale"nder 11t!iel!ed Mr<o necuaary for«"' the'*"el,,.._ a(, ~.tilt,•~• GI Lquoa ae.dl ofll~r flcm Incl deputy ~ bl lllilllotJ. ~ Corj«, af\er he dr,lllld ~ ~ <ll!ligaled and puni&bed, lliial !IJ'I P,ooi*~ :j lo thelioml • ' I • ' paik be pve1I back lo the peopft. • ' OllJcers who raced lo !he Petenoli ' aj . . ..... ,, .... -~ .-.... " -· ~ • ~-·~-- ~, " . -~ ... -,,.. • •• . N.Y •. Sto$8 JEN eENTS - 0 0 Moon Next Stop Mter · Perfect Trip ABORD THE USS PRINCETON. (API, -Tbe Apollo 10 ltinor eiploren IIOdod safely "' earth today, ending a 700,000. mile space voyage which cleared the WI'/. for an American moon landing atttmpt ID July. Air Foree Col. Thoms P. Stafford ml Navy Cmdrs. Johll W, YOWlll ml E1lpM A. Ceman -back from an eight.daJ Oight tllat Included a dO$COlll lo wilhlo t .C miles of the moon -spluhed into a calm South Pacific wllhlo view ol tbis prime recovery ship. "Would you· 1eu !he medicll omcer to relax?" Stafford radioed from !he Apollo IO capsule. "We are to fl?eol "1ope. • Tbelr spacecral~ danglln1 . -.Iii huee orange and white paracbtil.a, came into view of televtslon cameru aboard this helicopter carrier several mlnuta befort it bit the water. Wafting rescue helicopttrs gained radio contact with the spacecra(t a1mott tm- medlltely ajler It passed through a tbree- mlnule blackout period wblcb ·-at !he lieigbt " itHuminl l'e<!lilrT lnlo the earth's, aUnospbete. "We should be rlght on top ol )'GU ll )'GU'r< down there," Stal/ord callod. 'lbe spacesbip, landing ia n e 1 r darkness, bit tbe water only about three miles from !he recovery ship. .- lights flasbed In the semldlrknesa. llellcoptera immedialely hovered .,.. the Ooating capsule and awirnmfn drop- ped into the inky water to aid the cmr. Mlnut.el later the word came from the astronauts: 'Ibey were safe and well and anxious to get aboard the ship. Apollo 10 made the hottest, futest and riWest plunge ever back Into the at. mosphere of e.arth. Alter Its service module -containlnit mO&t of the oxygen and electrical sup. plies -wu jettiM>ned, the small corn- ma.11d 11hlp quickly picked up speed ai it flashed toward the earth at the end of Us 246,000.mile trip home from the mooon. 'lbe spacecraft reached 24,fl4 miles an hour just befort sUclng' into lhe upper limits of evth11 .tmolpliere. Tbe cone-shaped opacesblp'• blunt end - glowed a fiery red as atmospheric frico Lion heated the outside of the cralt to more than S,000 degrees. The crew. remained f comlortlble IO . (See APOLLO,, P11e Z) 'ft'.eadler ff you're looklni.for .• break In tbe "weatber, loot somewhere else. Locally Tueodoy mornlog wlli llill be overcast' arJd the afternoon bright and ohlny with liWe temp- erature alteration. . ' INSmB TODAY ::J .,_. . -n --.. ......... ,... . ............. .tt ,..._ •1t =-=.. : __ .. -.. I• it • -17 .. --. • ) ·wzazer· 77 ) ~ l .I . I • .. --.. -.. ---..... ·~~~~=================:-:-=='.""'""::-::::::::::=i=======-=~-:-=--:-~...,..,~--.~...,,. ~ -----·---------;,..------~--~ ... -............ -. -... I 0-.Y Oii.Of,, ,_ l SanJoa<Jttin \ . : . . Votes:on 1st ()\;erride Volen..,•~,Jli<. 5'11,JQ!!!ll!lnJ!;~ipen\a.ry School umrid 1lill &• lo 1he polls Tlles- dl.Y with the eeotlments that divtde school vOt.ers E'f•yn.e. They'll be COidl 111id over thelr pocket. book wbile at tbe ume t1rne "ant1ng to do !be beot I« their YoUoC chllilNn. ' -the Ill( "' .... "' -Is deddod lir moot , lodiY!duall ·w 111 detmntne wbelblt a Tkent tu lDcreaR request gets the better lhan 50 percent majanty needed for passage. Some 16,107 citiuns are eligible to YGle. Polls will be open from 1 a.m. until I p.m.·throughout •Mission Viejo, 4tsure World, Irvine, El Toro tnd 1 part ol T'usUn. This is the first tax override election ia the schoo.I district's 71-year history. "We're joUllng·the ranks now," u.id-Supl Ralph Gates. In all the rest of Orange County. only the Uny Trabuco School District with 40 sn,~ts. has not found it necessary to ask r« a M:bool tu electien. Al 71, San Joaquin bold bi yean,.but ll bu only just recently begun .. grow. Five years ago, San Joaquin schools were attended by only 900 children. Ellrallment "°" stands at 1,200 puplb and ii expected to rise to 12,000 students in three years, the term of the override tax. . With ne~ housing development& coming In all the time, the school dlstricfls triucti like the young children it seeks to educ1te. It is growing up rapidly and uclt year it gets .more er.pensive. 'Ibe h-<:eots would .raise the g~ral purpaoe tat tale !ram ft.35 to fZ.08 per SRO of messed valuation. The tota1 tu rate willl -~yment b 12JI. Districl olllciab say lhey 6IJ'lCI the school bolrd·1ri0 ltvy only about 20 cents ai Ille n centa pennisslble nm yw il Ille tu aventde pasae.. Bid Opening Set On. Aliso Beach Park Proposal Bids will be opeiled June 2 for the park· Ing and food and beverage ~ssion at AU.0 Beach Park In Sooth Laguna, County supervisors plan to award the franchise June 10. Tl>e 'Jll'Opoted contract calls far a con· tr1buUon of. JO percent'·of the groa: tiles of .fOOd Md beverqes. BJddJJic wW be. on •Ii<! pe._iage ·"' J>ll'tlnc , ... 4o .. pald to the couaQr. __._ ._ ~.;.... , , " It ia utlmaled that Q>e county will net $9,000 aMually from lhe franchises, ac- cording to Fifth DiJtrid Superviaar Alloa E. Allen. . Parking fees suggested are 75 cents for week days and-il on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. Both beach and inland parking lab will be uUllzed. The franchise will be operated oob' during the swnmer months from June14 to September 28, the contract specifies, with the exception or some holiday weekend!. -. - At the :same time, supervisors decided to bold a PubDc heartni June 18 on the proposed Aliso Beach Ocean Fbhlng Pier, Two concepts have been prepared by Ferver-Dorland and Aaoclales of San Diep, The estimated -b '319,lllO. The first .,_ eall1 far a 4116-loot long pier with a conceuion and restroom building at lhe land base. The other Is for a IOO-foot pier with a aeparate restroom bu1Jcth1g. ~ designs show piers 20 feet wide equipped willl lightlng, drinking fountains and other necessities. Begin Naval Maneuver MANILA (AP) -Forty-six warships from six SEATO nations loday began Ex· erdle sea Spirit, 12 days of naval maneuvers in Manila Bay anti the South China .... DAllY PILOT QM.NO• COi.it ..UIM.'llHIMO CCIMP.t.HY l:•~rl N. W114 .. .......... ~ .... • Jec.k .. ewi.., S..Othlllfl a BOflfrierad • Wendy Daacomb of Danville, Va., newly cn>wned Miss USA. cbaneea u:pression rapidly as she talks by telephaae to her boyfriend folfowlng her win in• MiaJ!Di Beach, Fla. Her boyfriend , Walker Long, a student at University of North Can>llna, .was Com· plaining that he wouldn't get to sae her much'Alilr· 1ng her nlign, She managed to soothe hjm, ... ...... P .. e J APOLW .•• decrees aa IJley withstood forces 6.7 timea that of P.avlty. At 14,0IO feet, a !or..ard heat' shield flipjJed away and two drogue j>ll't<huta papped out o/ the pointed end al 1he -alt, atabllbhic Us fall. Motneda 1alor -pllat paiacbula PGi!Ped out, dragiq behind lhem the bop ·ma1n paracbutes. Tbe main paracliuka -aba.. t h e spa<eCrafl and alawed Ill fleeting descent to II ihllu per hour. nie astronauts drifted tbrouib the dawning sky for !Ive ~ before !\_rMling gently on the ..,..., Apollo !O's ' re-entry WU 64 miles an how: faster than the return lut ~ of Apollq 8, the one previous mooD«bil fight. Apollo 10 came in din<tly, lnllead al "skipping" as did ApoDO· I. Apollo 10 al.!O came from further out in ~. since the moon was more distant from °l!_ earth than during Apollo 8. The most important hours of Apollo tO's 'eight days in ·space came during Its 61 hours ol ori>k aroun1Mhe moan. siaf. ford ind Cernan flew tbe fragile lun•r lander to 'wUbin e 1ooo feet of the moon's sur(Bcl!!. ~ -J.he moon ~·a design and ratherinc vital data abQut t&e •usleR-lunar Ille where Apollo 11 wUJ al· tempt the fint landing. * * * Mesan Killed by Auto; . - • Police Probe Accident . An oldetly ~Mesa man ~b7 a car that police said laid ...... 10 foot <II 1""1rw\s died early Sunday, 1-baun after the accldea.t near a Wf:staide atreet lnlenectlon. James o. Bell, 74, al 818 w. w~ St, IU!!md fractures al both lep, mulilple ~ratJona and other injuries 1J'hen hit on Wlllon ~Street just west of Monrovta Aveni.II! Motorist Glenn A. Montgomery , 14, of ms Pomona Ave., Costa Mesa, told Of. I• C..ty Tralflc IMI .. llealll Toll 77 ficer David Hayes he first saw the viclim about SO feet ahead and could not stop in time. . Bell was knocked out or his shoes by Senator Proposes Tax .f.ASHINGTON (AP) -Sen. Cltnton P. .(Menon (0.N.M.). pra)>i\sed 1.oday a temporary excess . war prollt tax on cor'· poratt income as an altemaUve to ex· tendin1 the aurtu on personal lnCi>me. the Impact. Montgon)erf WU pot cited, but traffic lnveatlpton today .,. lllll studying · report& ol. the f1tal accident. which oc· curred • the victim ~ busy Wlllan Street It an .angle oullkle a cross walk. Wltneues said Bell WU ,i.wake and talking,· althaUp in ·great pain at the scene. Of the 1:55 p.m. accident, but he died at 11·:57 a.m. at CGsta Mesa Memorial Hospitll. FuneraJ eervices ror Mr. Bell will be held Wednesday It 2 p.m. in the Bell Broadway Mortuary Chapel, with in· terme.nt in Harbor Rest ·Memorial Park. He leaves three sons, Joe, of San Bemardlno. Jack, of Concord, Wendell, of Redwood City, and four daughters. They are Mrs. Jimmie Ferguson, of Costa Mesa, Mrs. Dora Garcia, of La H~bra, Mrs . Evelyn Desond, of San 1wfateo and Mrs. Louise Reeves, ol Tex.is, as well as ti grandchildren and six great- grandchildrtn. i . ' . . Planners Study Cluster Project N.o Compliments to Chef-. . A proposed 44-unlt cluster-type housing development proJJC>1!4 for. Laguna's Boat Clnyon will be considered tonight at a planniDg commiasloo study session. • Ast~nauts' Meals -Lousy -The deve.klpment1 ~ by engineer Bernard Sylsn, bu been apposed by residenta o/ the area· on )he graands it from the water by spinning a bq: or would 1,nerate additional traffic and water did not work in space and sclen· parking problems. tills were unable to devise an alternative Aleo under consideration will be,COUnty pr~ure ~ore.~ flight ended. llDad Department dectflon an the paoltlan C•po .Dl1triet Salary Dispute Nears Showdown • I By JACK CHAPPELL • Ge .. ~ l"lllt .SI ... .A salary showdown between teachers of the Capistrano Uoilled Schaal llbtrict and the Board of Trustees may come tooight at the I a'clact board meellq at diltitct~ ' The ...rronu&n. 'wbtcb· bas surfaced after m•tha ol. secret· salai'y necoli• ·uena, invoived an estimated ms per teacher dlffel'i!nce between what teachers are askJng and what the school board will give. Negotiations had been deadlocked following the board's final offer of a $250 across the board salary increase and a $73 increase ia medical insurance paymenta to PIY only the teacher's In- surance. Teachers requested a $200 inc rease at the boUom of the pay scale and $400 in- cr~ase at the top of the..JllY scale - teachers now earn a mlnlmwn of $1,500 and a maximum of $13,ooo: They also asked that the district pay all medic al in· surance cost.s for .tbe employes family, a h(ke « about IMO. The nqoti!ll!ll team represenilng the school board unilaterally ended further mettlnp wilh the trustees late.st offer at an emergency meeting Tbursday. However, the teacbera council sald It could not accept the offer and ,demanded that another session be held. The trustees team has agreed and set the meeting for 3:45 p.m. today. Should deadlock result at the afternoon mceUng, the teachers have three possible courses of action open to them, said Robert Moe, president of the Caplstrano Unified Employes Association. He ,saJd teachers could C<lllSider witbboldlng ulracurricular servlc,., that individually and voluntarily teachers could take sick leave, and third, they could write lettert to.influential people .. Moe claJ.med that the Increases sought by the teachers would fall weU within the 5 percent guidelines allowed in the pro. posed acjlool budget foi next School year. He said that the trustees proposal amounts to about a 3 percent increase. "This is why we are so adamant, the money is U>ere. The health insurance item can be handled by a spfcial tax that is legally open to the board," Moe said. "This is why I feel the board has not negotiated in good faith, the funds are available, the channels are open to pro- vide these benefits. "We IS teachers have voluntarily said Golf Clubs Taken .... ., From Laguna Car A $350 set of goU clubs were liken from the car of a Laguna Beach dentist Sunday. <Police said the clubs were removed from the trunk of a car owned by Dr. Robert F. Ott, 237 Laguna Ave., while it was parked at 2610 S. Coast Highway. In anot.hr Sunday burglary, Ernest J. Helm, 102 McKnight Drive, reported the theft of a bedspread, a pillow and a telescope .. Police ~vered the i\em.s from a cave w the beach. • we would aceept hJgher teaching load!, that we would com! to school_ at 7:39 (a.m.), a rather early hour for a pro- fessional , all because the override did tau. '"lben for them LO turn around and no& even &tva ~ a rather meniaf cost of ~ ing 1ncre ... b •klnd al lite a slap In tho f1et," Moe concluded. Douglas S,ays Parvin Case Manufactured From Wire Services NEW YORK -Supreme CoUrt Justice William O. Douglas has said privately that an Internal Revenu~ Service io- vestigation of the AJbert Parvin Fouzi.. dation was a "manufactured case" in- tended to force him from the bench, tu New York Times reported today. The Times said the charge was con· tained in a let.er dated fl.fay 12 that Douglas sent Albert Parvin, multimil- lionaire Los Angeles businessman. Parvin heads !he foundation of which Douglas was president and a director un. til the Supreme Court justice resigned the positions, which paid an annual !alary of $12,000, last week . ~ Times, in a Los Angeles dispatch', said Douglas, reached in Wa.shingtqn, bad declined to comment on the contents of the le;lter in question. The report said Parvin had made som.e ~f tPe foundation's records available to the newspaper "io show that nothing the foundation has done is in any way wrong." fRS agents have been conducting thelZ. Investigation for three years. Agents also have reportedly examined some oJ Douglas' own files in Washington in con- nection with·the probe. "The strategy is to get me off the court," the Times reported Douglas' let- ter said, "I do not propose to bend to any such pressure." Douglas announced his resignation. from the foundation last Friday, citing the "heavy work load" imposed by the posts as his reasons for quitting. In Las Angeles today, the chalnnan ol Parvin-Dohrmann Co., criticized a Se- curities and Exchange COm.mission in- vel!tiga~oo and ipld stockholders it -· 1 justified. ' · DelbUt cOiem{ln said the investigation, and the suspension twice of trading in the finn's stock on the American Stock Ei~ <:hange, has placed a "cloud" over the company and cause<,; the value. of• its stock to drop severely. Yet he said the hotel supplies company has cooperated fully with the SEC and conducted its own study of charges against it and is aware of no \ff'Ongdoinc "of any consequence." '"I am-completely confident that this situation will not change, no matter how long ibe investigltlon c o n t i n u e s , ' ' Coleman said. He srJd the SEC staff ma1 be "contradicting their own precepts" by having "thrown confusion into the market for our stock." • SPACE CENTER. Hooston (UP!) - The Apollo 10 utronluta, who carried the most varied menu of any American s~w on tbelr" elcht'.d•Y voyq:e to. Ille rri>aD; ~y bfou&hlaamt k back un- touched. . Astronauts Thomas P. Stafford, John Tiie AjioUo.le lardOr, probably the mast or a road alignment through the area. appetizlna carried by an American space The area under conskle:raUoo consists of cttw, included eo freeze. d r I e d 6.21 acres above Riddle Field. The flllit War oil Poverty Chief Rumsfeld Sworn In He said the firm plans. changes to _ create a new image. W. Young and Eugene A. Ceman escaped· the sUll unexplained apace nausea which struck ·the Apollo I and Apollo I aewa. but they sald their 1ppetites were dulled by the hydrogen gas in ·their dttnktng water. · However.,,. their mild .stomach di.scorn· fort was not ·expected to keep the astronauts (rcim celebrating their return with a sS:u11ge and eggs "breakfast'' aboard the USS Princeton, the prime recovery ship. • They ibo plloned to cap all the ret.rn celebration later with a slice of the huge cake tteated by the Princeton's bakers for the occaaion. ~ , rehydratable food items plus one "wet-phase would be,20 units. WASHINGTON (UPI) -Don a 1 d pack" meal for each cttw member eacb City planners will also consider a use Rumsfeld, former Illinois congreuman day. variance and tat split saught by Emanuel was sworn In today u new director ar tbe Stolen Plan!{ Down The "wet-pack " meals consisted of foil Weiner to conduct a television sales and war on poverty -a po.st President Nixon wrapped packages ot beef and potatoes, repair buainess 1t 21U.2147 Lapna Can· described as ''ol very great importance" MILDENHALL, England (UPI) -U.S. h and ta•-· and t ~ h k 10· yon Road in his adminiatratibn. Air Force officials said Sunday thert wu am po ~ ura"'Y c un 1 w ~· A third ·,·•·-lo be -·idered --• f Id the th I I gravy u:..u .. .,... ..vo .... ~" Rums e , 36, took oa o o lice a "slim" chance Sgt. Paul Meyer, 23, The. 1 -·-"-L an appUcation by Lynn Muir and (rom Judge Arthur Fickling of the U.S. survived when the C130 transport plane · re~ ed items, stored In Associates to build roor houses on five circuit court ol eppeala: for ~ Olitrlct of he stole and tried to fly home crashed ·in- speclal bags, were reconstituted by id· lots in Arch Beach Helght.s. Columbia. to the sca1 Friday. dlng water and kneading. To eat, the _______ _;: ______ _c.:_c.:_c.: ____________ c;_:.:,:_~::;:c_ ____ _ astronauts cut the top of lhe bag and squeezed out the food. War in Biaf ra Demos' Topic There's a right the :prof~sor.didn,t 11y a wonl ahou1 that. Now if I m•y be permitted Dr. ((!!aria E. Berry, Ille astronauts' chief ~ .. said '"'lier Stallard, YOU$ and Ceman reported lUfna medication (LomaUI) to help relieve tbt mild ~fort'C:luaed py the gas. Other spacetaU' •allo reported similar pro-"Biafra, forgotten War" \\'ill be· the bltnis. loplc of -a Wednesday meeting of the ~d a wrong way to , put on your pant~ • word, 1,d like to 1l8C it in behalf of· ~1 Ol\-n &UH;k of lnen's tioneerl!I liere iit. th.ii 11lore. Space •rw!f otticial5 said the South Coast Democratic Club. • Vlcit,........., ... o.tfll MINte• n.... k-nl -astronauts• -drinking water, wldcb-is--The meeting is sched uled for 8 p.m. at ~w:.!nror:n ~.fuel cell, is saturated with the Laguna Federal build ing. 220 Octan I . bate to give you &0me1;hing to worry about when yOU ~t dressed 1on1orrow mo~. Or afternoon, as the caae may We .,.;.,.y· tho moo• popular to FloebJe,.~baYe been oond!0 brand•. Corbin Slacka,....Major tioned by p-lono mlUtary Slack. and V •tela Slacka in eerviee to •teP off w1ila the nrioot w,oo1 fabrjc1 and' wool loft foot. ThDI a man wito In· blendo, ran,tring from 527.50 1linetively Stm:t• hi1· forrward Up 10· S40. We al.O carry waill motion widi the left fool i1 @lac~ from Cae101 Cuuals· and 11neonM:iously obey r ft g h i1 from Huris, tn Perm a ~ ·--.,..... A. M•rl'hl•• -·-"\••:"' :::,.•II . "" - .. ,±_,,_ ~SP • pa. • Ave . A method desicned lo separate the gas Dl.vld A. Munro, ctub pre!ldent, and Legion to Honor Laguna Officers Laguna Buch police officers: David M. _Aveni and Lee S. Schramling are to be liOnared bJ Ille American Legl6n 10< lllelr rescue ol I Lquna man from a burning bulklitli • . Commaader Lei Ohatblm of Post 2221 will ~the -an Lts!lll "V.i<>r l\ledlll''1111 llo!ll <llll<ien !or "outmndlng COUf'N9 d 'ictloo... . ,. ni0 Jtmt I ~ will begin at 7 p.m. It 1AclOn Hall, 314 Lqlan SI. Police Chief flatT)' La~ will ualsl In !lie ~-n.. amc.... laid lbtlr lives an tlie line an April I to .._.. &arty Wddl, 1781 Ocean Way from bb bUrninl apartmenl Scbramlin& tJ01 Welcb port way wt af1be bulldlni and collapaed .._ by -.. Aftrtl _.ta pun bb fellow al!icer and Walch tlie rut ol tbt way to aaf ety. ~ I Dr. Boniface 1. Obi&here, a Biafran, and merober ol the UCLA history depart- ment, will be the speakers. Oblshere was formerly a ~or lecturer In the English department or the University of Nigeria. Dr. Carl Hufbauer, lecturer at UCI, ·wll1 moderate the-discussion. Sidewalk Art Show on Friday The Lquna Beach Chamber ol Cam· merce wlll lpon90f a-ak!ewtilk art show ar tbe WO<ks al local artlita an Memorial !lay. The"'°" will be lleld qn Park Aven .. bet....., South Coal ,HJcln<ay and Glenneyre Strett '-t a.m. to 7 p.m. llqiltnlkln wtB be ao a Ont come, llnt --· -ln!armalkln may be al>laloed tram tlie ahamber, 4"-1011. Councilmen ....... lut -that U..-~ COO)d be held H the chamber -"' It and lnsuranco WRS obtained. be. ' We!ve just recei·red eome iulormallon i.n a confldentlal bulletin from the Institute of Applied Learning, and it'• loo poJJ to pus Up. According to Ackney K. Fleeble, bead prof.,...... of p1y- chology at Sedgwick Collqe, e\'ery man unconldomly re- -11 hla poUtieal leuinll" in the morning when he 11 pat• Lina his IJ'Claeen on. U he palo hla left leg In lint, ,....,.1y.....,.. ... t'a a •ore alp that he lit a polllleal conform.i1t. · ' Thlt aame poUtieal lean!"' aometl-aloo la endeat la the -r • maa atepo off the """" when UOMIDjl the ei...,t. "Many indlndaah," aecording I 1' • ' ' P"""'· fabric• at from S8 to, $12.95. The man who pi•ta hi1 right We have a grelit eeleetion lt11 inlo hie trouter1 tint, on and I can't think of • better the other hand, f~ ''flaunting tiDie lo .eome in ior TOur Mw the rulM. '' Be i1 • political tu.mm.er 11acks. · uon-c:oafornalat, aeuetlv· ~I-I can only think of one olJ>. ·ling aplut the fo..,.,. of order or thing ID add. and ~m. • Do yon' lfioow how lo 1c1e ... y.,..may ,..,nder how a m'n llfr a .p.\Jltlcial miildloof4'. woql! Rl!l~~I~ panta}( 0he ~?·TeU, be mall he tlie hunt recei any military one who pall J,oih f....i in lll9 tralnhtg al a]), Unlort-ly, ·troneen It tlio •-~ ·Jack Bidwell at 3467 Vla Udo, rip• •here yoa him oU Newport Bin\· "' p "' UdO I~ at tl'de n-..... r-paikhog at -,of atott. l'Loue 6.'f3.4S·lO. Copyright 1969, Jaek BJd,..,11. , . • ,. I . , -------'''--------------'--~ ' - LA .Mayor's Race Brings Out Voters FTflll WlR Servlctt . LOS .ANGELES -A bruising fight ror the mayor's office between a maverick Democrat and a Negro ex-policemal'I Tuesday was expected to bring the greatest voter turnout in the history of America'• ttµrd largest ci~ Seeking a lbird term ls Mayor San} Yorty. 59, who hasn't let his status as a registered. Dtmocrat stop him from buck~ ing the party's organization and en- dorsing Richard Nllon. Mond!1, M11 26;J'l69 L 'c !S< ""' ~~ DAILY PIL°!, f ~ilent Majority Prevails at U CI • The 11Jent student majority has SPoken ·i1 th6 ballot box and F""'8ndo "Ferdy" -Mas.simino 1s Lhe new student body pte.si· Mal 'al uc·1rvrne. . " . M(Uimlno, talJ, handsome scholar- athlete, defeated acUvlst Peler Herman i,n-a runoff elecUoo Friday 806 votea to 591. Maasimino's running mate for student body vie~· president, Jim CotUried, also was elected with 831 votes to Dan Mayfie~·, SSS votes. body preold..t tbe -bofon, ..... !be wfnnert In 1 field o( eJai,L The eltction outcome portendi that ac- tivl1t students again next year wtll have _ to operate outaide the student body government. Activtm did win aJx ol 17 ltudent senate aeat.s voted en but are con- siderably short of mllllerlng a majority on the 24-studeqt aenatt:. His cballefieer is City Councilman Thomas Bradley. 51, who launched a political career after 21 years in the Les Angeles Poliee Department. Bradley wants to cap tt by becoming the 'city's lint black mayor. MOLTEN LAVA SPEWS l'ROM FISSURE AS KILAUEA VOLCANO SPUTTERS Sciontilta Watching Volconic Action' on 'Big l"-nd' After Wookond Fireworks Oisplay EarUer, Claude ·Dorais, the third member ol the Masslmlno team1 was elected student body aecttlary, They will take office for the school year begiMlng next fall with Massimino IUC- ceeding Ron Ridgle. 4 Massimino, 20, ii a jwUor with a beUe£. than B grade averqe in a pre-med eur-- riculwn. The 1ix-Coot, al~ student also ls a water pok> star and wu invited to the . Olympic team trlining camp last summer but dJd not make it. to Mezico City. Various polls have shown Bradley ahead ~y margins ranging· Crom five to '15 percent. but with Yorty picking up _sup. port in the closing days of the campatgn. The Don Muchmore poll reported today that Bradley led Yorty 53 to 311 percent. With 11 percenl undecided. The 15 percent lead compares to a 16 p e r c e n t edge Bradley had In a Muchmore poll the first week in May. He 11urveyed 675 people in a poll completed Saturday. The Field Poll, released Thursday, put Bradley ahead 43 percent to 38 percent with 19 percent undecided. That IUl'Vey 5howed Yorty trailing by 17 percent two weeks ear.lier. >1 Yorty, stepping up the pace or his cam· paign, charged anew that Bradley is sup- pcrted by black militants and antipolice element& Bradley, a policeman 21 years, denies il Bradley has accused Yorty of running a conupt, administration in which five of his commissioners have been indicted on charges alleging misconduct in office. Yorty replied that the majority of the commissioners he appointed to ad- minister many city facilities have done good jobs. City Clerk Rex Layton predicted a record turnout Tuesday of between 70 and 75 percent of the ·city's 1.27 million voters. The previous record was 66 per- cent in mayoral primacy last month. HUNTINGTON MAN SHOT IN YARD While washing a glass door in the backyard of his Huntington Beach home on Saturday morning, Warren _J. Johnson felt a strange itch on his left shoulder blade. He wtnt Inside and took oU his shirt and T-shirt to find oul what caused it. Then he looked on the floor and found the "Culprit, a .22-caliber bullet, its tip slightly dented from piercing both garments. Huntington Beach police theorized that the bullet may have been a stray shot fired by some boys hunting ducks near Johnson's home at 6942 Marilyn Drive, · Huntington Beach. Revenge • Hawaiian Volcano Quiet • After Violent ·Outburst HILO, Hawaii (UPI)-Kllaoet volcano fumed and emitted gases SUnday nJght but was basically quiet alter an e.ruptlon spewed lava as high as ZOO feet in the air and formed an interrupted curtain of fountains over a two-mile path. However, Dr. Howard Powers, scientist in charge of the U.S. Geological Survey's volcano observatory, said the "Ult" of pressure at the top of the volcano was rising, indicating another eruptive phase James Earl Ray Loses Appeal For New Trial MEMPHIS, TeM. CAP) -James Earl Ray,, admited assassin of civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., was denied a new trial today. Judge Arthur C. Faquin Jr., held that tht evidence showed Ray had voluntarily and in good faith entered a guilty plea jo the slaying. Under Tennessee ~w. the ~dge be.Id, such'a:..plea precludes a mo- tion for a new trial, for postconviction remedies or an appeal. • Faquin, who succ!eecled the late Judge \V. Preston Battle in the c.ise. further held that Ray waived all rights to file a motion for a new trial or for an appea l. He ordered Ray returned to the state penitentiary at NJshville to continUe ierving his 99-year term. could be In the making. No one was injured during the 111-hour eruption which began before dawn Satur· day, but the chain of Craters Road, the main road in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, was dam'aged i!! two _places. The Ainahou Ranch Road was cut off by lava ' and a new parking lot, althoiigh ap- parenUy Int.act, was left unusable because it was surrounded by lava. Daniel J. Tobin, park supervisor, i"° dicat.ed "Jt would be some time before visitors will have the opportunity to see the area of the latest eruption since the chain of craters road was so badly damaged. Tobin said until the road is repaired and there is available parking space, he cannot allow traffic into the area of the latest eruption and the previous one which ocrorred Feb. 22_for SS hours; als• causing damage to the road. Hawaiians living on the Island of Ha~aii, 200 miles southeast of Honolulu, say Madame Pele, Hawaii's goddess for fire and volcanoes, will neftr allow the chain of Craters Road to remain intad because it passes over grounds thaC they consider to be sacred. Tobin had recently returned from a trip to regional park headquarters in San Francisto to seek emergency funds for redoing approximately three miles of the chain o[ craters road which was destrofed during tbe February en1ption. It was estimated it would cost about $800,000 to make the repairs lrom the Fe~ eruption. on Obispo Flash Laguna Girl Spells Down Pil.ot Reporter-Finally , Note to psychoanalysts: If Laguna Beach's Sandra Winieski, the 13-year-old spelling whiz from Thurston Intermediate School, ever develops a hanpp of unknown origin. check her reaction. to speUers from San Luis Obispo Junior !Ugh School. Miss Wlnieskl, who handily won the Orange Cmmty spelling bee: earlier this year, this month barely missed taking the tiUe in the first. statewide spelling bee ever held. · · She wu edgtd out in the Sacramento contest by Laura Stroube, 13, an eighth· grader from San Luis Obi&Po Junior IUgb. 'AGED' SPELLING CHAMP CONSOLED IN DEFEAT Winner Winlukt SympothfHt With Reportor Vin11I The significance of all this is that Fri· day night it almost happened again. In the fourth renewal of the annual mostly-for-fun spelling bee between the Orange County press corps and the coun-· ty champ, Miss Winieski ouUasted Arthur Vinsel, Costa Mesa city editor of the DAILY PILOT -but only barely. lt took the diminutive 13-year-old Laguna school girl 21 tough round> of spelling to knock off Vinsel. And here's the punch line. Vinsel, when he was a •aeventh-grager at San Luis Obispo Junior High School, out!pelled all of his peers and the tougher compeUUon ofrom the eighth and ninth grades to become school champ of the same !jChool which this year produced the state cham· pion. -' In Friday night's contest, held under auspices of the Orange County Press Club at the club's regular Friday evening '"J'GIF" session at the Royal Roman Inn, Santa Ana, aeven professional newsmen took on the cotinty champ. With Vick Knight, assistant superln- tendenl of ~iacentia Unified School Diltrict-(aod of the countywide spelling bee) u wordmaster. San· dra, the su r speller, knocked of£ sis: of them in the first six rounds. It appeared that the contest was going to be a rerun of three previous ape.Uing bees hi which the county's grade school champ easily defeated the "pros:" But Vinsel warmed to hi!I work and stood ofr Mis!I Winleski for 20 rounds. Vlnsel's undoing came with the word "fM)ikilothermaJ'' (il means cold-blooded, like a snake). Miss Win.ieski missed ·it. too, but under the rulea was alklwed to attempt one more word before being' declared out o£ contention. She sti«essfully spelled "pronunciation" and the contest wu over in the 21ti rou1ld -~ any prw club reiresentatlve ever bas been able to lland up againsl a county champ. 'The winner I& the daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. John Wlnieski of 420 Linden Ave., Laguna Beach. Her achoo!, acc:ording to rules o( the counly_ IChoola' eontm. will be bolt next yea! for the countywide.spelling bee.' Winner of that contest \hen will go on to the state spelling bee which wu flrsL held this year and was patterned after the coni,st orlg\nated in Orange. County by Assistant Supt. Knight. ' • Hillcrest Park ..... • Turnout in the runoff election Friday was a heavy 40 percent of the 3,500 cam- pus students. He wu born In Argentina, but baa tiwd in Fullerton since the age of" •tJ. Massimino now livea in a campus residence hall. Quiet Sunday Despite Youths Hillcrest Park In Fullerton, scene of , disturbances and arrests over the past several weeks, was quieter Sunday although an esUmated group of 400 youths took over a high spot tnown as North Hill for several hours. Police, both in uniform and plain clothes, carried out a steady watch on the congregation from noon until park closing at 10 p.m. There were no incidenls. Earlier, ornce.rs arrested Brian M. French, 18, of Fullerton, and jailed him on charges of carrying a concealed weapon. Police claim he was carrying a .22-caliber rifle and had a concealed .22· automatic pistol on his person. Two weeks ago, 19 we~ arrested In the park after a battle in which police were struck with bricks, bottles and rocks while attempting to arrest a man on drunk charges. ; The park was completely closed the following Sunday, May 18 but open to the public again this weekend. Leading the Sunday North Hill crowd were members or Students for a Democr.~tic Society (SDS) at Cal State, Fullerton. Most of the hippie-types Ielt tbe park at d~sk, police reported but they told of· ricers Uiey would meet again next Sll!Jd, at tlie same l>la,et. • . , Also on the ballot was election of supreme court justices. The trio of James Heyne, Bruce Mills and Roger King, all of whom l06l In bids for student Berkeley Hassle ·His platform was to try to addeve a balance between all studlot elementl and not to push biJ1 own Ideas m atudenta bl.it to ll)' to draw oul tbeln. Mar~hing Students Drop Demands, Raise 'Issues' "DAVIS, CaiU. ,UPI) -Student leaden of a march on the Capitol to demand withdrawal of National Guard troops from Berkeley today dropped "demands'' in favors of "raising certain issues." The march on the Sacramento statehouse originally had been planned to demand Gov. Ronald Reagan lift the state of emergency in the university city and withdraw troops and police forces. Militants Set Up New Park-Page 4 The governor llfted restrictions on parades and assemblies· and lhe curfew in Berkeley early Sunday and withdrew many of the troops. but he refused to end the state of emergency ·and left 200 na· tionaJ guardsmen tu seal of( "People's Park." Bruce Riordan, spokesman for the t"" ncr CaJijpus March <;ommiltee, 51!1~ the cp.ange Ill strategy was not in reply to Reagan's action but "just a tactic." "We're not asking for • contronfttion," tlt1Dlitr • ' I ,. •. But l\k>nfan Nld the flnt laue !lie students will ~ la '"the mnoval 'of troops and the llfting of the emergency.• Upwards of a tbolllalld ltudeob -t11t march committee hoped for 10,000 - gathered for a six-block march ht Sacramento ending with a rally at 'the Capitol to hear 11 speakers Including Dr. Linus Pauling, twice winner of the Nobel Prize in chemistry and now on the faculty of tbe University of California at San D!ego. Rior.dan said· "at least a small deteg.,. tion" of student. ls expected bun all nine campuses of UC. all 18 state colleges and a nwnber of private ICboola and junior colleges. Among the early arrivals at Davis Sunday wu a coot.ingmt ol 1:.o students from UC Santa Barbara. '.'W~ want lo emphasize tltia ii a ltpl. non-violent, peaceful marth," Riordan said. "'It ts legal in that we have a pemtt O>marcb, a permit to rally and a pmnfl ~ ... loud speaking oquipmmL • This girl can type 90 words a minu.te. And can't get a lob. She's weak in Mr second longuoge. English. It's o weakness thot con close o lot of doors too lot of Mexlcon·Amerlcons in Southern Colifornio. Bot it's not impossible to ov9rcome. The state's East Los Ang•les Servke Center is working on the problem. They asked us to help: And we asked our employHS. So now, volunteers from the Gos Company ore teaching o Service C.nter·sponsored cour,._s, In English. Gi_ying their time ond obllifta. The program 'hos 90f'l• beyond English classes. It now jncludeS speciol,tutoring for people with speci61 problems (like the 18·y90r·old.wno ne-9ar learned to read or write). And a study grovp to help job- hunte" peas their pre-employment tests. And dn·the-iob secretoriol, training for the glrlt who ~k ot the Center. ~ I , . , \ ' • The S.rvice Center then helps people who hove I completed tkese courses to find jobs. lt'f the kind of pr~r ·m that helps P90PI• who ore willing to \lllOl'k to help them1elve" ~. no mistake, it is rd .work. Bot the Servke Center st.ud.nts aren't cornplolning. They how o goal. (Tltey wont th.Ir rightful place 0 1 con- tributing members of our communtty.) We're proud of the work .. --.. Gos Compony people do ot the Center. And. the woy we figure It, the whole community benefits. We're Investing In'-row.· I • --------·-0~---•'--·-·--J-:....,_. _____ ;:_._,;:..:·~-~~;:.;....;._:;..a~"'"=-:.;;;;.;..-iiiii&R10:..;o;;miiiiziii'illll?ll? .. 1Pl97•F•Fil7•-11111•)•2•2•'oli?•••••- 1 --=·"=l ' . • ' ' ~ ~ ..... Dalir ,. ... ltaltl For,24 years France's state-own~ ed railways paid a retirement pen- 1ioil io ~rHi Etienvr•. Then a cu- rious 1clerk figured Madame Etien- vre was 1.09 years old. A court or-- dered the lady's daughter, now 71, of Dragulgnan to pay back the pen· alon she collected since her moth-- er'• death In 1944-all $22,000 of it plWI a $200 fine. • Vivien Sue Shi•ld s, 20, who is el'• pecting, bas tll.e perfect maternity dress: her judge's robes·. Mrs. Shields, o! Indiana's Hamilton County Superior Court, is Indiana's only woman judge. Her husband is Attomey Willl•m Shl•Jd1. · • • Monoq, flO' itr. 1M Sinatra Tie 'To Mob ster, RFKProhed ' NEW YORK (UPI) -FT111k Sinatra denied Sundly that be bad ever apokea to then Atty. Gen. Robert F. Ken.oedy Jn an effort to get favorable treatment for Moe Gianeana, who a national maiaztne idf:o. tified n boa of the Chk:alO mob. Life magazine Mid Sunday that the FBI bugged a 1961 conversation in the Armory Lounge in Chlcago between Giancana, the alleged mobiter, and his courier, Johl'I Formosa. According lo the tranocrlpt of the bug- ging pubUshed in Llle, Formosa quotod Sinatra as telling him "Johnny, I took Sam's (one of Glancana'a names) name and wrote it down and told Bobby Ken- ~y: This is my buddy. This is what I want you to know, Bob." According to the Life nport, Fortno1a also said to Glancana, "between yau and J, Frank saw Joe Kennedy thne different times-Joe Kennedy, the father." Gi.ancana and Formosa were reportedly discus!ing a Nevada gambling casino, whose principal owner at the time was Sinatra. Life said that what U anything Sinalra told Kennedy apparently bad no effect atnce Kennedy put Giancana at tbe top of the list of Justice Department targets in Chicago. • -* r,•• '~mm•t Pressure' Laird Def ends U.S. War Tactics' WASHINGTON (AP) -Se<mary of Qefenee Melvin R. Laird has spoken out trt wpport of U.S. battleli<ld tactics In Vlel!Wn, wbldi DemocraUc criUcs say cauae oeedleu loss of American lives. "It's alway1beea9W'1oal,to keep the muirnum PfUIUte on the enemy coo- aiatent with the lowest po 11 I b I e casualtl!!!.'' Laird said Sunday, adding that U.S. oommanden coatinue under iq- •lnlclions lo carry out this policy. Laird, I Republican COll,!RSll111n from Wisconlin before President Nixon ap- pointed him defense chief, outlined his view in an interview before he boarded tiis airplane for a week-long North Atlan- tic Treaty Organization planning con· ference in Brussels and London. Battlefield tactics have come under mounUng criticism from Democratic leaders since the to.day batUe in which Gls drove North Vietnamese oU Dong Ap Bia 1'1ountain in 11 assaults that cost some 50 American lives. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy CD-Mass.), called th~ battle "senseless and ir· responsible" in a Senate speech last week and his stand \Vas supported over the v.•eekend by Senate Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield and Sen. George S. McGovern, 0-S.D. Mansfield said Sunday the United States is jeopardizing progresa: in the Paris peace talks by escalating the war through ezpanded military pressure creating an "act-react syndrome." l! to bring our troops home." . Laird'• position and that or the generals is essentially that • cutback in U.S. "spoUing operatio03" would invite heavier casualties by relinqulshlng to the enemy the initiative of when, where and bow to strike at passive U.S. positions. A Pentagon statement contended that small-unit pat.rolling and recormaissance, and battalion-size operations w b i c h result, i•are not, in ract, offensive opera- tions but are an active defense aimed at delaying or altering enemy plans." It is the Nizon administration 's position that, as the Pentagon put it, "casualties have been a product of enemy offensive actions rather than of U.8 or Soulh Viet· namese armed forces actions." * * -ti U.S. Launches . 2 New Dri ves lt ga~eds Reached in Las Vegas, where he is perfOrmtng at Caesar's Palace. Sinatra 5aid "1 have been aCCused and credited with doing a lot of things that never hap- penecl. I cannot make comment on any oonversaUon to which I was not a party. Hc>Wever, no auch conversation took place· between me and any member of the Kennedy family." BERKELEY MILITANTS TURN NEW LOT INTO "PEOPLE'S PARK" Some Plantied TrMs and Flow•rs; Oth•rs Roastied Ma rshma llow, "What we ought to do Is not so much apply pres&ire in Vietnam as to instead apply pressure in Paris,'' the Montana senator said . SAIGON (AP) -The U.S. Command today announced two new American of· fenslves in South Vietnam 's northernmost provinces and said they were aimed at "capturing or destroying enemy forces, material and in.stallations." • Thii giraffe at Madi&on'1 Vila.I Park Zoo isn't really ·3ticking his tonQlU! out at tlw! cameraman. Tht long·nec1'- td natiVe of Africa is mtrtly stretch- ing from tail to 10ng1#t to get at some grau offered b~ a zoo visitor. Later 1n tl>e conversation, Giancana Is quoted u saying, "Well one minute he tells me this and then he tells me that • • • one minute he says he talked to Roberl and the nezt minute he says he hasn't talked 1'.o him. So be never did talk lo him. lt'a a lot ol (ol>scenity)." New People's Park Taken; "That is where peace Is goinR lo be made, not on the battlefield." Mansfield made the comment on CBS' "Face the Nation." The two new drives have accounted ror 142 North Vietnamese soldiers killed since they began, one 13 days ago. the other 11 days ago, U.S. headquartm said. U.S. C8.'1Ualties were put at 28 killed I and )34 -wounded. • The "monster" banged against Another Airliner Makes Cuba Stop No Police Action Follows McGovern praised Kennedy Saturday for speaking out "in protest against a tn1Jy senseless slaughter" and added, "The only way to end the wa r in Vietnam The command said announcement of the operations were withheld for security reasons. the door with its hard white heed, waking Mrs. Marion Fauld•r of Purley England and then scuttled oU intO the dark. "It looked like something from outer space. My husband took a quick look at it, but he wouldn't go near it," she said. Tbe. police rescued the Faulders from a hedg .. bog with a yogurt carton jammed over his mouth and eyes. • Frtd Aldit, 61, of Calcton, England, Savt'd aU. hts lift to buy an J f btdroom hou.!e · on the sea to give childrtn from poor 11omes a vacation. "It's t~ happit1t day of my life," Aldi.! 1aid · as the first contingent of 20 ·youngsters arrived at the house that cost him almost $20.· • 000. He said 200 children will have JO days at his new seaside homt by the end of summer. • The gas man in Barrow·in Fur- ness, England took Mrs. Agn.1 Scott's me.ter six months ago, promised to bring it back at lunch time and disappeared. Since then Mrs. &ott, 61 , has bad to cook over an open fire. "They kept sa-y- ing they would send somebody, but they never did," she said. A gas company spokesman said she would get a new meter "within the next few days.'' • The Field Magazine o! London gays· gardners recenUy have sub- 1nitted three potatoes said to re. semble ex-Frenclt Premier Charles De Gaulle. MIAMI (UPI) - A Northeast Airlines jet with 20 persons a'ooard was hijacked over North Florida today and diverted to Qiba. The plane was Northeast flight S en route from Miami to Kennedy Airport in New York City with 14 ~er.a and a crew of siJ: a.board. ' The Federal Aviation Administration <aald tba pilot, T.ed Connon of Miami, fadloeil·1rom the vlclnlty ol Jac-e, Fla., that he was being hijacked and was turning the Boeing TJ.7 back to fly to HB.vana. .. It was the 27th hijacking o( year, and the 17th ti a U.S. commercial plane. Ten foreign airliners have been hijacked this ;ear. BERKELEY (AP) - A new ''people's park" has been hoed and planted without disruptions in Berkeley, seene of major police and National Guard actions. Some 200 persons took over a vacant lot Sunday over a tunnel installed by Bay Area Rapid Transit District. Two police cars passed but did not sop, in contrast to earlier action when the Na- tional Guard wa s called to help local of· ficers after "street people '' planted grass on a lot owned by the University of Caliromia. Guardsmen were summoned when a riot developed as the "people" tried to block erection of a fence around the pro- perty, which the university had intended to use as an athletic field. Sunday, however, most guardsmen had been wilhdrawn from Berkeley to nearby armories. In S~cramento, Gov. Reagan said there Beatie Wel~ome? Canada Studies Lennon's Cas e TORONTO (UPI) -Beatie John Len- non, bearing a glft of acorn., for Prime Minister Pierre Elliott· Trudeau, has an immigration bearing today on whether he will be able to 11t.ay in Canada. Lennon, his.wife Yoko and her S.year· old daughter Kyoko Oew here last night from the Bahamas, intending to travel to Montrtal lo cooduct a "lie· in." Jmmlgralion Department officers de- tained them at Toronto Internationar Airport 21h hours before allowing them to proc~ for tbe night to a downtown hotel. A spokmnan for the Toronto district of the Canadian Immigration Department 1aid lhe Lennom were det&ined because there was some question about their ad- mlsaability. Lennon ~ his wife have been denied entry into the United States because of a recent conviction for possession of mari- juana in London . The couple said they intend to go to ~lontreal for a week Jong lie.in. They had planned the ceremony for the Bahamas but Lennon said it was too hot there and too far from thelr first choice, the United States. The "'lie-In" was invented f n Amsterdam by the Lennons after their recent maniage. They \ spend from JO a.m. to IO p.m. each day 1n bed as part of their ~ampaign for peace. Rains Dous.e Newport. (Fla.) I I Three Waterspouts Sighted No rth of Marathon Ctllltorido ( c ... to1 TM UM1! '"'"'311t ~I tMI wtll .......... """"' ll'f ... .,_, """ ....,,... .......... W\ftft _,_ ....,.. 1 ,. '' 1rMn.. t•rs "'""· ., ..... v ................ ._,,,,. ,._.. ~.11 ..... ,. ..... ,, ..... .,._ •••=•••• ~-n .. -. n. ...,., ,.,,......Ill,. ..... '2J -·-· Sw11, M-, T hie• -..... fli.fl ....... ''"'-4.t ·-· "'"' ..,. ............... 1:1t •·"'· e.t ,lrlt _.. ............. t ;U •·"'->.• S..... ... ,. .......... U::rit ,,lft. I.I ...... "'"" ••••· ...... •:Jf '·"'· ... -.i .... flS e,lft. M" 1:• •·"'-IYI' ,,_ l !U •.no. Mh J:U •,Ill. ••• la-'•• Mtlf l'ltil O. Mii' 11 ,,11119 • .Ill,. II JUl'lt JI Mll4I .. ""'"" --... "" "' .. .., P!WCfl " ... l'lto!IOfl -..,. •ltl'IOvtfl -MY dllll¥ ani111ion. - Yllltd f""" Nrlt fl tfle 11iMr M~ '"" 19 "°""""' ..... E"'"'"'· '°""" wo;.i., ~ _..,111ffoit ffttrrM Ill ~.. t1";> -llltf' HIHf'I t(l'OM ft'l4I au,,,,.,, ,,,,.. -·~'-...... •lflli.d -"' cl Mtr•"-1ld two f\1-1 ~ --""'""' _.._ fll """-"""· Wiii Ii>! 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" " " .. ~ !I 1 •• " " ,. ., IN 11 " ~ ~J 7t 4J 31 .. u '' ., " " .... -~' ,. ;. 71 IJ .. » " " >M U H l t ·'' ,, J) At 11 .u l l ,. " .. 71 j j .. . n ~ ~ '1 '~ 1' A .... .. .. It St .ti 7t 1: .it IM 74 .. .. was no timetable for total withdrawal of guardsmen. Some 200-250 remained s:amped at the controversial park site. A nighttime curfew and ban on public gatherings was lifted Sunday for the first time since trouble erupted May 15. Reagan said troop withdrawal depends on the validity of a threat to bring in thousands of persons to Berkeley Friday to protest use of the guard. A spokesman for the demonstrators, Laura Dertz, said a "state-wide C1>n· vergence" was planned Friday. Establishment of Lhe new park followed a memorial service for James Rector, who was fatally woondtd during the original "people's park" disturbance. ' CO NG ANNOUNCE TWO-DA Y TRUCE SAIGON (UPI) -The Viet Cong's liberation radio announced today the Communists will observe a ta-hour truce for Buddha's birthday Friday -one day longer than the allies' cease.fire. The South Vietnamese government two weeks ago called for a 24-hour standdown fer the occasion and U.S. headquarter• said American troops would comply. One of the offensives, Operation Lamar Plain, was launched May 16 by hundreds of paratroopers from the U.S. 10\st .Airborne Division in jungled foothills 45 miles" :south of Da Nang. It is aimed at taking pressure off the important provincial capital of Tam Ky, around which there has been heavy fighti ng in recent weeks. The U.S. Com· mand said 113 North Vietnamese and 26 paratroopers have been killed, and 102 paratroopers wounded. In the second drive, about 1,000 U.S . Marines from the 3rd Division are chtck• ing an area north-northeast of the aban· doned combat base of Khe Sanh about 18 miles east of the Laotian border and 10 miles below the Demilitarized 1.one. · iftt feel very safe and secure in our Maverick, little as it is . It really holds the road. My husband bought it for me as a shopping car, but ever'} morning , he says, well I guess I'll take the Maverick to work today.,, ? " L 4.-- 6'! w•nttd a car and fonllgn cers ai. hard 10 lhc. so my b1011'1ar ••Id Mawrtct wu coming, and I .. 1-.:s. It'• • gl'Nl car to ... m to drive wHh. You ctn pall' It •nd drlYt • IO .... II)'. I rMlfy loW lt.4Jit WIMS-kit. ~J .. , ,.._Yott FORD ~ 1{eMllf'I Mllkt', North ~on. N.Y. ~8:11 'Jt'"i~ ~ .. , ..... ~ . " ,..:Tf ;;'/.;. ?, Ai< 10~"" ., ~· .. • ~ :J ·" ·' · .. "r.;.rtdt u.pa coming cnrw to Joot at It. 1119 --nfaM: lhl"M .. etopped. w. ............. com- PMY· E'*YOI• lft t1111 ~ ..,. tor ......... ~ HktobllcrtlOOltndimcn.'9 -. """*" ~. SUltz. .,_. l'wt. .... .,... •MM ela*2•"• sseetsl1f Niii ,..._.., ...... ,.... ,... .... -.....: wMI .......... ...., aoc...i ................. ,. ...... """'"'I...,.: •041.-.111 ~ ..... _. .... ..... • USED CAR SHOPPERS: Ford Dealers:@-llseCI C8l'I are the best you can get I ·. • \ -. - • • • • Arr tists' ' • 6et~ ; DAILY PILOT· ....... W a.. ..... TOUR STOPS -Busy with plans for a tour of artillts' studios on satur· day, J une 7, AffiUatOll, Laguna Beach Art As.sooiatii>n GGllery, take , Afllllates, who are wtiling to fty ·everythtng, --from hobo parUes to auctlons for Laguna Beech Ari AssoclaUon Gallery's benefit, now have a ~ oC artiats' studio< on the drawl.ng board. Mrs. Murat· BoYle, wbo or!ilnally suggesWd the tour, became Its cbairman, and Mrs, Hovey Cox, enthusiastic about lhe plan1 offered to co-- chair the June 7 event. 1 Six-outstanding artists will open their sludies, exhibit their works and demonstrate their techniques to the many visitors Saturday afternoon from 1 to~ p.m. ·Many olber.1 are getting into Ille picture, Including Gin Scout ,'l'rooP 981, Jed by Mls. Thorntgn Boswell, wbicb will assist durln~ the 2 to • p.m. refresment period in the ~ery, and many donors incl uding Laguna _Nur· sery, Langlois' Fancy Foods, Macres Fio'rist, Dr. and Mrs. Nonnan Ntxon, the Meosrs. and Mm ... Eugene Nowlen and Harry "Packer, the Pottery Siikk, Cottage restaurant, Victor Hugo Inn and the Mmes. l!amson Chapin, Geo,ge Carpenter and D. C. West. Many chairmen \\(Orking behind the sceoes include the Mrqes. Fn:d· erick Atcheson, studio hostesses; Edwin Myers, gallery hostesses; Daniel Geary, tee.; Cox ~ Zachary Malaby, tickets; Carol 'Eaton, poster distri· bution : John S. Grier, music, and William Fl. Bruggere1 publicity. Oth~rs ~ Miss Sally Shattuck, poster design; George Cunningham~ vol unteer drivers, and Mr •. and Mrs. Rodney Wright, tour direction signs. . Tickets are $2.50 per person and may be purchased in advance by, calling the gallery, 494-6531. Mrs. Cox, 494-3387 or Mrs. Malaby, 494-4494. They also may be'purchased at each studio entrance. TRANSPORTATION Visitors are urged to use their own cars for the {our and direction maps will be furnished. However, limited free transportation will be pro.vid· ed. to those who need it, and a bus will be available, leaving from ithe gal· lery at 307 Cliff Drive. Persons needing transportation, must make reserva• tions in adva.Dce. Artists op<uing tlleir studios for the tour include Mr. and Mrs. Ruth Salyer, Rog.,. Kuntz, Lou Rankin, Mogens Abel, Vincent"Farrell and Romeo Reyna. Kay Kinney will exhibit in the gallery. . In Mr .and Mrs. Salyer's home, 2317 S. Coast Highway, there are two completely separated studios for the two oll and acrylic artists to work in. along with a view overlooking an Oriental garden and the sparkling Pacific Ocean. Their home is filled with an outstanding collection of painting_s and art objects. Mrs. Salyer (Ruth Osgood) is pre6ident of Laguna School of Art and Design where she also teaches~ KUNTZ STUDIO The light-filled studio of Roger Kuntz, 483 Jasmine, has been a· con· stanUy changing gallery for the paintings and sometimes amusing and satisfying assemblages and -sculptures created by the artist who has won countless pril',e<, awards and fe!owsllips and bas· bed many ooe-man show• and exhibits tn the country. . • Rankin'• studio, 1719 Laguna Canyon Road, will be a must for sc:uip- ture lovers who always seem !& pause part;culariy loog at the. artists'. booth in the Festival of Aris. Rankin's forte ls interpreting animals in. cement, wire and glass with s trong clean lines. Farrell's studio 2260 S. Coast Highway, ls •J'OCl'!l flooded with light and filled, with arrangements ot. still lifes and brlghl canvases. This at~ mospbere is one which most people visualize when they hear the term artist's studo. ROMEO REYNA Reyna's 560 Bluebird Canyon Drive studio is as colorful and as varied as the·sculptor, painter and weaver himself. The garden boasts an aviary and pot coflection, and throughout the house Romeo 'blends wild and vivid colors to set off his preColumblan art, 11\exican folk art and co!lectioo of fellow Laguna artists. Up in the hills, perched on the edge 6f1 a canyon at 990 Meadowlark Lane, Mogens Abel, the wood IC'Ulptor's home, is built on a series of levels. An exhibitor in the Festival of Arts ~r 22 years, his n1ain theme is wildlife fiwes whicb are carved in agales~ d~. JEAN coic, "4f4.M66 1 time out to visit some of the artisU: on the tour. 'lbe teami.que of stain- ed gla,. is demonstrated by Kay Kinney to Mrs. Daniel Geery and Mrs. Edwin Myers (above, lei! to right). Miss Kinney, a Festival of Arts exhibitor for the past 20 years, will not open her studio for the tour but will work all afternoon on one of her stained glass creations in the gal- lery, 307 Cliff Driveo Watching Laguila sculptor Lou Rankin (below, a t left) at work are Mrs. Robert Cotterell president of Affiliates, and W. M. MacKay, president of !.eg'""l Beach Art Association. Rankin's stuqio, located at 1719 Laguna Canyon Road, will feature the many sculptures for which the Festival of Arts artist is famous. Meanwhile (below at right, left to right) Mrs. Rodney Wright and Mrs. Frederick Atchesori pay a call on potter, weaver and sculptor Romeo R-eyna in his colorful studio, 560 Bluebird Canyon Drive. Other artists 'opening their studios and showing their collections and techniques are Mr. and Mrs. William Salyer, OOs and acrylics: Roe:er Kuntz, oils and assemblages, Mogen< Abel. wood caJ"Vl!C, llJ!d' Vincent Farrell, oil and acrylics. Tickets for the 1 to 5 p.m . tour are $2.50. They m ay be obtained by call- ing the gallery, 494-6531; .Mrs. Zachary Malaby, 494-4-llH or Mrs. Hovfy Cox1 494-3387. . Miss Kinney will not exhibit in her studio "but ·instead will work on one of her exc111ng stained ~lass ~-·for to!lr guests to wat<h as they sip coffeor tea and"hear pi,ano mtisic of Mrs. John S. Grier Jn the gallery,· ,,.....y, JMt 16, IMf I. ""' ti ' . • Dearth . of Timely .lnformatio·n Worth Shot · •• a DEAR ANN LANDERS : Last week oor 3-year-old 110T1 got the mumpJ. The first thin& the doctor asked was, "Has your husband had the mumps ?" I asked ~ nie and he couldrt't re.member '° 1 called my mother-UHaw. She said, "How am I suppooed lo_ know whal happened 30 yw• ago?~o of my boys hid mU!ll~· but J don't kr\!)w U It wm Bennie and Louie or Louie and Izzy." I called Louie. He said he had lhe mumps and be-though! Bennie bad them too, bat he wasn't posllivt. So. the doctor 1ave my husband a ahot. He was sick as a dog for a half a day. Yesterday Iuy called to say he be1rd ANN LANDERS ~ • • Bennie was sick from a mumps shot and &Sked. "Why did he take it'! Bennie had the mumps when I did." Please telt mothers eVerywhere that they can save lhe'lr kJds a lot of trouble by keepln1 a record ol who had whaL ~Thank yoo. -ZYGEZUNDT DEAR ZV : Right you lrt. Bat dOft't be too lt1rd on your motber-ln-111'. Better --1o--·-.. -·1 *· . D~R ANN LANDERS : loly llller, who Is !be .mother of Uiree dorllng ehlldren, hu him aclln& 1wfully loWt ol late. Ruth lalU I 10t ..... than ahe UKd lo and mucll of her con..,...tlon mok" no serl.lt. Her husband told me tn con- fidence that Ruth hat been going to two docton: and neither one knows about the other. I'm bcglnning io put the pl- together since he mentioned hia concern about the nwnber of pllla she takes. ' J strOOJly suspeCt Ruth l1 1etting some iort of "prescript.ton only" drug from both doclora and that abe Is hopped up from · loo mu<h SIUff. oin !his be d111geroua! Whal ibould bt dooe abool ft? -MRS. NO NAME DEAR ANN: Does I.he local newspaper office open the letters to you and then send them all togelher in a large en- velope? Or do you receive llie letters uoopened? I guess what I really want to know is lhil: Do the people who wort!; In the newspaper office, of say Ute ArkaMas GauUe, see lhe An'n Landers mail before you do'! -NEEDING ANONYMlTY DEAR MRS.: Tbl1 CAN bt daqe,...... DEAR NEEDING: All mall addreued Lite ~et)'· AIM leoliJrt. Yoar 1l1ter is•'t· to Alla L 1 1 der1 11 fornrded to me -. Ille -...... la Jeot>a!db-tq ..,. "8llll '°' iuyk i.r Ute. Jllilll'a ._...i. II ii • federal o11 .... loo 1 .. llabud ·~"' leltpllooe -dtclor .... ~ .,.. k ....... -.ated It ... 111'"" Min of Ille ...... AM l llape -party. '°' win •ra:e Mm to do 10 at net. Jt -W bt t m.U.r of Ult ud dt1dl. CONFIDENTIAL TO IS THE TIME the Arm NO \V!..: Jn my~opinion -ho. lt· is a wl~ person who knows when to seii'e-an o~ portunity. It Is a wifer one still who knows when to forego an advantage. ' . ''Tlte Brtde'I Glide,". Amt l.bdtn' boolJet, an1witrs tc11me of t.M molt fre- quently asli:ecl qut1Uoo1 abe.lt wedclAl.p. To ttttlve yhr k(Gfl)' of I.Jilt eom- prtbtn1lft pidt, write to Alla Loden, In care"'of thl1 new1paper1 enclolll1 a loog:, Hlr·addretiH, ltlinped ea..,. ud JS CHiii la toin. Ami Ladttt wlU bt clod lo Mlp ,... wllll )'tllr )l<obltm~ Seftd diem lo llet la • .,. ol !lie DAILY PILOT .......... • 1eH-addrt11ed, it.amped 1;.11vetope. I I I • •• ,.---------i -~· .-';; DAILY PILOT Sher·rie Wilson Weds In . Baptist Church Honeymoohing in Carmel, Monterey and San Francl1co are Claude J. Makin Jr. and his qride, the fol'Jller Sperrle Lynn Wffson. The couple exchanged wedding vows and rings before the altar of the FirSt Baptist Church of Costa Mesa during . evening candlelight rites .solemnized by the Rev. Dr. P. G. NeumaM, Parents of the bridal couple are Vice Ma)l)r and Mrs. Robert M. Wil· son of Costa Mesa and Mr. and Mrs. Claude J. Makin of El Toro. The ne\v liirs. Makin was escorted to the altar by h1er father, and was gowl)ed in a silk organza camelot style dress enhanced with venise ,lace " on the bodice. Her silk illusion veil Was caught to a headpiece Of matching lace, and in her bridal bouquet were white daisies; carnations ·and mini&· ture v.•hite roses. t.1iss Nancy Stein was maid ol honor and in_ the bridal party were the Misses Carol Johnson, Debbie Ellingson, Colleen King and Mn. ·James ENrin, the bride's sister, all of Costa Mesa. . Harry Dunn of Garden Grove performed the duties of best man and ushers were Warren· Sheppard, Costa Mesa; Barry ,Kennedy, Santa Ana; Envin and Randy Wilson of Costa Mesa, brother of the bride. · The church .was decorated with· pedestal boquet.s o( white and pink daisies, pompon chrysanthemums a~d gladioli and the c'e~moriy was err banced with music by Mrs. Clay Gnswald and Mrs .. Marvln Ownbey. Pink and white flowers and wedding bells graced the church recep- tion hall when the newlyweds received 200 guests. Assisting with hostess d)J.!ies were Mrs. Brian Ellingson of C9S"! Mesa, Mrs. Robert qordon of Corona del Mar and Miss Judi Dokter of BelUlower ... . Special guests were Mrs. Ida Wilson of Tacoma, Wash., and Mr. and ~ Mrs. David Spies of Palm Springs, the .bride's grandparents. ~ The new Mrs. Makin, a graduate of Costa Mesa High School, attend· ed Orange Coast College. Her husband, a graduate of Toms River High School , New Jersey, attended Santa Ana College. Santa Ana will be the newlyweds' address when they return from their honeymoon. MRS, Cl,AUDE J. MAKfN JR. Carmel Honeymoon " "''"'•' -· ' , • Candlelight NJJpfials . Linda Hay Says Vows !Jihled candlCI OoaUn1 In .. Jndoor pool ... -tbe Garden Grove Commw>lty , Olllrdl cmtnr tbe weddJnC -lltdlill ~ llary Hoy and Allin Cbirles U.0· rlion. -Tbe,coup!O elClwlpd YOWi and-rinp lo ear~~ CllldlellPI rita .... ., Ibo Rev. Harold 1-tmo aad tbe Rrtollobert~. Preeent f o r the ro. " u-ciwl&e ..... Mr .• ..a 'Mn. James M. Hay ot MisAoo Vie-• . Jo, portnla of the bticle, ..... Mt and Mrs. Robert T. Mor- rison ol Garden G r o v e , parenls ol the brlclelTO"m. The new 'Mrs. Morrison selected a Victorian style 'dot- led swiss over Silk taffeta gown. Lace arid buttons trim- med the fitle4 J>odice and full skirt and lace edged ~ 10. foot train. A headpiece '1l organdy and lace bel•fllF.lllk ilhlsloo veil, and comj>lelin(' her ememblt wu a hllltPY of wh1te baby J'Oll!:S, stephano- Ua and baby's ~realh. Matronol"-..... Mn. Gfeq Bunch ud bridesmaids were •Miss Sharon Kelly_. Miu Sue Carson, Mn. James Pyne, Miss JeniJ M~ ailler of the bridegroom, a?Cf MiSs San: dra Hay, sister of the bride. Jamie Wallace ... as flower g'trl. Yellow dotted swiss organdy gowns were worn by all the at-...... 1'11 ... tendanls and eacb carried a MRS. ALLAN C. MORRISON """'"::;;i""'mm=""""'""' ______ "'" _____ .,...basket of daisies. , Mission Bay Honeymoon Ebel/ Section Ga·rdeM 'Expert Booked . ~·. . ' 1 ome~ 8nd . Garden i Seclion members 1 ot 1the Newport Beach Ebell Club will hear a talk by Clyde Wampler. presi- ) F dent of Superb Decor ltlC., -r•next Wednesday. " The section chairn1an, 1'1rs. fl Ray Nielsen, will open her r Newport Beach home for the a meeting which will include a noon luncheoo. \Vampler will open his talk on the care of established I landscaping with a n in- tJ troductk>n of a new hybrid 11, ~rmuda grass called Sant.a -r Ana. Writer Invited Concluding the year {or th e Col. William Cabell Cbaptet, Daughters or the American Revolution, will be a luncheon meeting next W~ay • in tt1'e Stuft Shirt testauranl. ·Featured will ·bl': M r s • Donrella BQyle, .author, ·whm;e topic will be Has the Amef)can Reyolµtionary War Been Neglected in Our Text· books? Rollowing luncheon and a 'brief bu siness , session, Mrs. Selah Reber, regent, and Mrs. Bruno· Norman, vice regent, will recap ·tne' 'oAR Con- tinental Congress which took ,)llace in W4Shington, O.C. Peering Around RECENT visitors in Sant.a Sheraton Hotel, Pasadena. Barbara and guests at the MISS SUSAN Staaf, ditught-Biltmore Hotel we.re Mr. and er of ~1r. and Mrs .. C. R. Staaf Mrs. R. W. Larkin and Mr. of Balboa received a bachelor and Mrs. H. 1.. ·Smit.Ii, all of . of art.! ~gree · from Queens NewpOrt Beach. College, Charlotte, N.C. Miss • Staal served · as publicity l't1RS. STEll.A , Ryms:za of chairman and historian of Westminster, grand. tegent of Kappa Della sorority. Court Angelus 8$5, .will host the biennial conference of the California State Court Of Catho lic D B·u g h t e ts of America in the HuntingtOn Business, Pleasure · Combin.ed , John Mulvey aUended the -:------------------- bridegroom as beJt man and guests were seateCi by Pyne, Ron Roberts and David and Douglas Eulberg, cousim of the bridegroom from Col- orado. ·The newlyweds r e c e i v e d guests in the garden of the bride's parents' home, where the guest register w a s circulated by Miss Joy West. After a honeymoon trip to Mission Bay in San Diego. the coople w i 11 establish thl':ir firSt home In Garden Grove. The new bride. a graduate of Magnolia High School, at- tended Orange Coast College and now is enrolled in a businw school. Luncheons Predominate Club Calendar Filled Three eve s have been luncheon at 11 a.m. in the placed on the alendar to pique Newport Beach home of Mrs. the interest members of Ralph Irwin. the Mesa Ver publican Republican women Women 's Club. throughout the county are an- Next Wednesqay Mrs. O'Dell ticipating a spring fash.ion Allison, New Port Beach, show in the Disneyland Hotel will host at meeting at 10 a.m. June 3, which will ha ve as featuring Mrs. Ba r b a r a honorary chairman ti-t r s • Bunker, president of the Ronald Reagan . Orange County Republican .. Mrs. Robert F. Jenkins. and Women, F e d e r a t e d , as Miss Alyce Sumrall w i 11 speaker. represent the Mesa Verde club 111rs. Bunker will discuss the as models. Recipient of a Green Thumb. award in 1968 from the Women's Huntington Vlew P•·Branch of Women's Farm and ">Garden As.sociation, he also ., was cited by the Fountain "Valley Boy Scout Troop 317. 't:. .. .,,.... Mrs. George Buccola, state ·assistant seqet.ary. .w..1·11 ~ • describe the Southern Cot1ncil ' meeting which took place in Santa Barbara recently. Travel.~ Revie\..tea · World tra ve ler and photograph er-journalist Y..trs. Wyn Sargen~ of Huntington Beach will be guest spnker for the meeting tomorrow of the Allrusa Club of Newport Harbor, Costa Mcsa·Newport Beach. IMmaculate Heart -cOl!!ge Alumnae Association's Orange County Chapter will instaU new officers during a dinner meeting Wednesday, May 28, in the Riviera' ,re9taurant1 South Coast Plaza. Her husband, a graduate of Bolsa Grande High School, also attended OCC and now iS serving in the U.S. Air Force at March Air Force Base, Riverside. Associates Installing recent National Republican Tickets for the show, lherp- \Yomen 's Coo fer t-{Ice in ed See America First, are Washington, D:Q.,. which in-available from Mrs. Calhoun eluded a ieception 1~ the S~all, club presldent, 54!}.. White House and banquet 1420, or Mrs. Williani F. Hall, honoring Mrs. Richard Y..t. Nix-548-6846. on and daughters, 'riiiOiiiOiiiOiiiOiiiOiiiOiiiOiiiOiiiO;;j r.. ' The spe&ker earned his LANDSCAPE ARTIST Clyde W•mpler . t bfchelor of science . degree ~·from Pennsylvania S t a t e ceremonies d u•r I n g the 1' Ul\iversity and his ma!lers 'meeting will be Mrs. Raymond •'degree .from the University of H M Nielse will be ,.PeMsylvania. ermes. rs. . n 1' He has taken turfgrass . installed as chamnan for the '--courses at UCI and presently T third year and Mrs. S. E. is specializing in landscaping Driggs will begin her second at the University of Calltomia, year as recOrding secretary. 1Rlverside. Wampler al.so has C~hostesses: will be the ;, Written and published articles Mmes. Wallace Scott, Cecil <.on the culture of plants. Shipman, c. L. Fortner, L. 8 . ~ C on d o ct I n g installation Colby and Leon Rudd. . . ·- ,, ' '· • ' • ' • • • ~ , The prettiest summer 'dos' • • .. • get a head st9rt with a la Maur budget penn 8.88 SCJS$0R WIZARD cvr ..... 2.50 ~ Shampoo and set •••••••• (Man., T-. and Wed. only) • • ' •• W• 1ptdalli• in rhe CON of W ion wif1, NO APPOINTMINT NICIUAIY $3 . • A musical program In- cluding the song ''This ls Your Heritage-," wrltteri by Mrs. Ral.ph Tandowsky and Mrs. Ralph Pruden • will b e presented by Mrs, Ta[ldowsky and Mrs. John S. Kerr. Hostesses will be the Mmes . Dlright M. Roberts, E. W. Crumley, Nofman~ J o h n Hopwood and Josejih Ray. Ward Belmont Grads Gather The Fullerton borne of Mrs:- Jobn P. Hamshaw will be opl':ned for the spting luncheon of the ·Ward ·Belmont Alumnae Assocl1Uon next Wednesday. Famous recipes of Ward Belmont will be diStributed during the 11 1.m. event, 1c· cording to Mrs. Wilhelm Bodine of La Canada, presi- dent. Area women assisting with the luncbeon are the Mmes. Dorothy Ellington 1tieyers and ,James F. Simons, both. of Newport Beach. ReservaUons may be made by calling Mrs. Hamshaw, 871- 6Q56. Mesa Rebekah Every first and thin! Tuei- chy of the month members of Mesa · Rebekah Lodle uaernbld'bi Qdd Fel!ow_1_Hall, Costa Men., It l •p.m. Mrs. Sargent , a f0rruer teacber and aulhor w h o travels with her son Jmy. recently appeared on the "Today'' and "Merv Griffin" television shows. Her most re· cent travels took her to Cen- tral Borneo, wherti she and her son lived with the native tribes. . Mrs. Judd Sutherland, presi- dent, has announced that guests are welcome and in- vllaUons have been extended io other Altrusa Clubs' in the county . The scholarship chairman, Mrs. Floriene Launt, will in· troduce the recipient of the 1919 scholarshlp for Orang!! Coast College during the even· ing. 'Mle Villa Novi restaurant , Newport Beach, will be the seltlq for !he gathering, which will begin with a social hour at 6:30 p.m. Dinner reservations may be made by calling Mrs. Don Dungan, 548-4609, or Mrs. Sutherland, 547-6124. BE FREE OF' FACIAL 1-lAIR FOREVER •.•• LET US S'HOW YOU HOW EASY IT IS 'rO REMOVE EXCESS HAIR WITH ~ODl"H ELECTROLYS IS, MEDICALLY APPROVED,•• SA.1'E, P'A5T, GENTLE. CALL 644-2800 TO CONSUL 'r W1TM OUR LICENSED T ECHN ICIAN , IH OUllt BEAUTY SALON , ROBINSON'S • ' ' . . Members will be welcomed by Mrs. James Capasso, outgoing president, during the 7 p.m. gathering. Accep ting new responsibilities will be the Mmes. John Ornes, presldent; John Zickgraf of Costa Mesa, vice president; Donald An- dert, secretary; Frank Wins- low. treasurer; Charles Stine of Newpon' Beach, ways and means chainnah, and Alex· ander Burnett, po b 11 city cha irman . Anyone ·interested in at· tending may contact Mrs. Capasso. .. The final meeting for thl': season is being planned by Eastbluff Phi Iha rmo n l e 4ssociates, a women's C{)m· mittee of the Orange County Philharmonic SoCiety. Mrs. John Ahreris will open ,her house next Wednesday at 11 a.m. for the business meeting and inslallation.,New leaders wtll be the Mmes. David Duff, chairman: Donald J .. Winter, vice chairman; Luncheon will follow the l1 business session, to be 8Uved un~ the supervision of the hoipltallty chairman, Mrs. James Woodin. The following day, members wW ' either for bridge and ' . WH(> PAYS Many questions arise '\W~en planning a we'dding. Send now for "How to Plan Your Wedding" Guide. Send 25c in coin to P .0. 8 o :1 388, HunUngton Beach, Calif. ~. YARN PSYCHIATRISTS Th1t'1 u1! J1nt bring u1 H11t y1fft th1t'1 111 twi1t1d up ind ti9ht with knoh ........ II he¥e the pett1r11 1lr1i9hf1111d end fit for 1oci1ty in 0111 fre1hrte11f, The KNtT WIT Phon- 545·2112 SOUTH COAST PLAZA lower M•ll Aero•• from Woolwerth'1 lrhtol•i the Sen Di•90 frwy. Me.so Seniors COl'TA MW Richard Grabow and Warnerl':;::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=;i~=====~==~ P. Bordler, secretaries, and l; Community Recreation Cen- ter at Oran1e County Fair- grounds is ~the scene of ac- tivity when Costa Mesa Sen- ior Citizens meet at. 11 a.m. every Tu~y. , - . Overeaters Every Monday at1 I p.m. members gather !n ·Andenoa School auditorium, Wtstmln.; st er, for meeUn.:1 f!4 Over· eaters Anonymous. 'G.u eat a are welcome to ~ . Arthur Andressen. treasurer. Following the meeting will be a musical inte rlude presented by Miss Harriet Wood, harpist, and a salad luncheon. TERRIFIC VALUES iND.oF.SCHOOL·YIAR . --~ STOCK-RIDUC.TION 0 • S-Alf 25 % OFF ALL REGULAR STOCK (l11:ce,tln1 Swtmw••r .\ H•fery} SPORTSWEAR DRESSES SHIFTS SKIRTS SftOES BLOUSES JEWILRY • • SUGGESTIONS FOR THE WELL GROOMED BRIDE Now th•t you 've found Jhe perflCI match, select one of our eicclusive Matchmates• to seal the bargain. Priced as sets, available individually. Clockwise from upper letl:Tradltionals in 18 karat gold, S7•.50. Three diamonds in 1• karat gold, $325. Seven diamonds In teitured t• karat gold, $250 . Five diamonds in 1t11n finish 14 karat gold, $450. Center: Trio setiocludes three ~iamond solltair• •nd ma1chln9 wedd ing bands. 5525. • r I • '1 J , I I I I I 1 • Newport Barhor. EDITION ' ' ' .. T.•'ll•,.-8• Fhd . -- VOL 62. NO. ·12s, 3 SECTIONS. 3~ PAGES .ORANGE COUNTY, ~RNIA ,. . MONDAY,.MAY 26', I~ TEN CENTS . ·U se APOLLO MAKES NEAR PERFECT PACIFIC SPLASHDOWN Astronauts' Capsule Lands Near Pa90 Pago, 3 Mlln ·From Carrier Chambers Peeked Newpor.tCity Workers Win Pay Hike, Benefits By JORN VALTERZA Of lllt, ~ly r lJIM Si.rt Newport Beach city em,pldyeS picked the city-council chambers Saturday morn-.g to see their salariea boosted b·y more than ' percent. council on the 0 in pr:lnclple" apProVal ol the salary aod 'ia.4uran.c e ~ mendations. . ~.. Robert Sl>ollga propjlllOCf the approval. • CouocllmAn Howard R*'5 WU abaent durtq the lw<>hour ri>onllll( meeting. Moon Next Stop Mter . ' . . ' Perf ec~ Trip ABORD THE USS PRINCETON (AP) -The Apollo 10. lunar uplcnn landed safely on earth today, ending a 700,000- mlle space voyage which cleated the wa1 for an American moon landing attempt in July. Alr Force Col. Thoms P. Stafford and Navy Cmdrs. John W. Youn& and Eugene A. Ceman -back from an eight-day flight that Included a deacent to within 9.4 miles of the moon -splashed into a calm South Pacific within view of this prime recovery ship. "Would you tell the medical officer to relax?" Stafford radioed from the Apollo 10 capsule. "We are in great shape." Their -aft, dangliJ>g beneath huge orange arid white parachutes, came into view of television cameru aboard this helicopter carrier &everal minutes before it hit the water. Waiting rescue helicopten gained radio contact with the spacecraft almost in'i· mediately after it passed through a three- mlnut.e blackout period wbich started at· the helpt of it. burning r'Hntry into the earth's atmosphere. "We should be right on top of you i! you're down there,'' Stafford called. Tile opactlblp, 1andlna ID o e I r , .. . ' ... 4',,.. ~i • -. . . Ill .()· -. . ! ' ' I ' I . ' 1'he ethployes sat quietly while delalls or the $5.6-rnillioo wage and lnsurlDce package won approval, with. the only gnunbllng coming from one councilman, Paul J. Gruber. TbO Oli!y Salaries otlll to be firmed up are -of the coundl-Oppointed, top. level, administrative postL Tboee will be ironed out in uecuttve pers>nnel sessioos, the cowicfl agreed. UCI Group Claim Police Called Th.em 'Scum' ' ' . ' The COUDcil unanimously ~ccepted City Ml.Dager Harvey L. Hurlburt's salary recommendations and a new plum -an expanded, clty.funded. llwrance package. The proposed salary packqe con- stitutes more thail half of the proposed city bud&et of aboot $10.8 million which will be adopted before July I. O>uncil salary approval came after ope show or dissatisfaction from Councilman Gruber, who termed proposed raises for several top-level posilioris '•tot a 11 y absurd." Before concurring with the council's approval he pro~d a substitute motion that would l)Ot have given raites to seven department heads. The posts which Gruber wanted to stay the same in pay were the assistant city manager, general -services director, marine safety director, public works street superintendent, librarian, person· nel analyst and persoonel officer. -, His substitute motion drew a split vote a£ tbe six councilmen present, followed by a strong defense of the officials af- fected by the propo.ul from Hurlburt, who said In terms of man houn worked the department heads are the lowest paid on the city rolls. · ••you can come down here on an average weebnd and see many of them worting on tbelr own time/' he said. · Gruber tben voUid with the rest of the Steele /lf•rlcets The total salary package amounts to a 5 percent, across-Ole-boafd rwe 8long with Iner..,.. in certain po.!Uoos. Those average 1.8 percent. The one proposal which drew much support from employes waa a new in- surance PJICkage offering $100-deduct.ible medical and dental care with premiums paid by the city. Since 19fi0 empkiyes paid their own premiums for a group Insurance program which many had attacked as inadequate. Maternity benefits also are included in the new' p&cli:age, a request submitted primarily' by police personnel who coo. stitute the youngest segment of employe rolls. · The 9 a.m. meeting wu ireceeded'by a last-myiute 8tSSion between emplofe association representatives and Hurlburt to resolve several minor issuea. . E m p Io ye s' representative Jack Beckwith termed the session a "very fruilful meeting." He told the council employes were ,enerally pleased with the salary and ne!it {flCOmmendaUons. • darkness, hit the water only about three, rnllea from the recovery ship, whose lights flashed in the semidarkneM. Helicopters immediately hovered over the floating capsule and swhnmera drop- ped into the Inky water to aid the crew. Minutes later the word came from th~ astronauts: They were safe and well and anxious to get aboard the ship. Apollo 10 made the hottest, fastal aod riskiest plunge ever · back into the at· m09phere of earth. After Its service module -contalnlng most of the oxygen and electrical sup- plies· -was jettisoned, 1he small com~ mand ship quickly picked up speed aa it flashed toward the. earth at the end of its (flee APOLW, Pase I) Rezone ,Action May Lead .To Massive Lido Hotel By THOMAS FORTUNE °' .... .,..., ...... lhlff Students and the UC lrvtne campu11 atudent activiUes adviser. today voieed allegations of mi.stre11tment, verbal in· dignities and actual physlcal beatings at the hands of lawmen following their ar~ mb in Berkeley last·week. 'lbe strongest indictment of police. was given by Neil Malmberg. the UCI ac~ tiviUes adviser, Malm~ri: told 500 among 3,500 UCI students who attended a campus-wide meeting for wbich classes were dismis~ed: "We were made to lie face down on hot upha1t and told not tp move a muscle. We were called 'Cr.eeps' and 'Scum' We were told to,say•'Yes Sir.' Student Philip True. and others were beaten with a blackjack, he claimed. "I was there for 26 hours and not allowed a pl1one can," he continued. The several student speakers and Malmberg, a, cleancut appear l n g administration atde, told of being trapped while orders were given to disperse and herded helplessly together with 480 others In a maU arrest. · . NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market. with inveslors reported caulious They wert charg~ with . failure to dispene aod unfiwfill assembly, but said one per.set:1 in the same crowd who tried to diSperse BS ordered was charged with and awaiUng develupments, c Io s e d • almost even today (See quotation.s, By JEROME F. COLIJNS In order for the hot.el develapment to escape. P 21-29). ' . N ~ tMch~"ty""" 11~ toni ht e:noompuii: the Elks.. Lodge and The UCl contingent was freed on bail -·,-----__ e~ a c:ounc I --Berksblre'1.~nptained •. Jbe 1fter@!O. ~nonally_~~l! ~l Chan- Or ... e "'-u& are expected to take tl1e !l1'it step toward hu ltru<tw'O would have to bridge een-ceJJor Daniel G. Aldrich Jr. ·to iecu..,· ......, what could be the development of a ge masrive, multi-millb:l dollar boteJ com· t.ral Avenue. Approval for the air rlgbl.s their releue on hood. 'Ibey are being Weadter 1£ you·re looking for a br'eak In the weather, look somewhere else. Locally Tuesday morning will still be overcast and the artemooo _bri#lt and shiny with lillle temp- Ulture alteration. INSmE TODAY w11at -aood .,. ter.tri.!!on during the•l0$t 1ecuont Column-- Mt Rick Du Brow Mt hil ~O! a/ 1ome o/ thf better 1hows, Yag .... 30. ...... ,, (ti.,.,_._ t <lfftMll' at.JI .,_. . <,__., 11 Dellfll MeftC• It ........ ,.,. . aa1111tlliEa ad ·J1 ·---u ..,._ n ... ~~" ~ ,. • I pies in the Udo Sbopl area. would haw to come from the council. represented by an aUomey now. On the. agenda is a request to reione a CouncQ!nen aaJd they 1greed with the One girl,. student, Stacy Wlddicomb, a smalt:btock of commercial property off need to rezone &it. Bay Udo alte -the freshman from Corona del Mar, told of Newport Boulevard, just below the 3700 block of N""ewport Boulevard _ but i•absolule fear," and "hysteria" at Sanla Arches Overpass. , Rita Rehabilitation Center. 'The site is now occupied by the Bay they emphasi~ that O?ly that iasue "It doesn't matter In Berkeley whether Lf1o ofiice buldln& and a florist shop. would be considered at ,this Ume. you are long-hatred, · short-haired or Helena Famularo, owner of the. pro-Fleming prestnted councilmen draw· freaky-looking," she said. "You are no~ perties, wants the rezoning so she can go l.ngs of the propo&ed ultimate develop-safe. As long as you look civilian you are bigh-rise with a new hotel on the site. ment. Prepared by Willaon and Williams the enemy of pollce,"-she asserted. The preoent c;.1 zoning llmltl building ear... de! Mar on:hil<cU, the drawing; Malmberg said he went 14 Betuley heighta to 35 feet. Mrs. Famularo wants abowed four to fJvHtary structl.lreS on witn no feeling on the PeopJe'a f'ark It chang4Cf to C-0-H, a tpeclal delipaUO!> both aides of C-al Avenue. U.Ue. He accocnpanied the student.' to that woold pmnlt 1 height of 'It feet. The ftnt noon provided opace for auto 1ather toformaUon for the UC! canipus. Cooncllmen. at their WI lludy-, parldng which Fleming lafd would be Malmberg "Id the JIOOP got;a.tpte o[ tndicated they favor the re:mnin&. wbJch t•a~tic." Drt~ In *1' worda, w~t'wii11So\~ei""tm~ .f~ lit· representaUve1 of Mrl. Famularo aaid would not PN'k tbC!lit own earar .""There rived. 'nley rented a car~ be said, and might,be only I be&lnniog. , ,, ' . w~bo <!l'10flll ~.'' he~· . ' black,stucl.;ot Johlr,Klng was .ddv.¥1 '"'!lh It~. aid rmltor ~ ~ 1 Councl,tman Paut~J Gruber jald· city ' white tluifent Karen Rci91 m1the rMt Ing, ·on icqulaltion of tJie Elu Lodge action tonllbt "mull' be based only on seal )"Ith him. . . , building acnios Central Avenue from the the -"'!-·1or the Bay Udo "lt l>e<•l\l'l apparent i• were. being Bay Lido .U. and m pooaible purchue of property." lie aald 111y-futwo dec1'1°"' loUo-.Hd bf the BerRiey pigs ' -lhlt't Derb:hlre's Restamant next to the. Elks on alr=ts over ceQtra)· Avenue must the name t u.e now!' M11lmberg saJd.,' Lodge. be "wei ...,., -r cam.lly." He alleged that the 8l'OllP ""'t:' It also depenctl -and heavily-on the Hll ..,....i.·~ ~n ovd,made ·to '-et l>ut of the car~ Ill · • clty•1· a-a-af<·ripll over Ctn-FJI Hirlll-addod: • ; • , Jej ~-lly Olanl>uillW by wtlce: Ira! Av..ue, 'flllch cltadlndl at the well "Hip.rile at the ~': afle ._i.f • ~t:p,i{lll a ,oddY'w~ Oil tabli Lido-... bastn and ti -uMd prh>-nol be objeclfonable -Jl-.,jlldi'\!;--. fit~-lilun ef clpally aa a parkinc area. block 1QJOn11'1 vlew,,. ' lbUle m a back room at 1he I -.... ~----------------'-~- D'~Y rH.OT ......... SOUND AND FURY-AT UCI. ~AILS TO'ARDUSE'POOCH Pvp T.akM Mia ·-··Durl111 Campus c°""'""" • Bcr~eley police staUon," accordlJli to Malmberg. cul RGERS · D,VE ON UCf CAMl'US He daimed the charge was driv ing 1 stolen car unUJ a policeman round a car rental ..,..m..t in bis pocRL . • SAN DIEGO (UPI) -·The San Diego 1n the mass imot that~ latot> Charim of the American Footbo}I in ·the week, M$lllerl uld, the UCI Loque will hold their i--,_ g"'1p WIS Jailed.·"°"' with ... ~ OI\ mer !raining thla ,..1 at UC ~II thei~~..-... ..,......IJOl!l '~ ,_.....-.it alllclallv .toc1.o1. : mted .,.. '.lo' ·•-"' wai -··-' ,a nie. camR i t'1/CI """''Jilli (i;Rllllljtlhe mailman-"•_ .. ,.. • · l ~at'~ Ch ·' _._.. . , . -~··r~~' '1 .. , ..... w. •rver ~ -, '(I ,thloflt '.'hay~.sllown ·'Wli memben.1SOme3~esllf";~,lo l!lllvenlty • staff can! w 1ot COit. ~ .rtPol't July 11 •od the ,. Nllmbell said, _.1bat. that. would have v.ettnM 11'8 duc.J"Jy t,. · , been p1t.tU1 unlalf. t-.yea 1o to 1eod ,; A spo~an aald Ill< taam '!ill ,..,.., little "'°" crodlblUIJ'." J in tralnina ualll AllJI. 111. Mlaa Wlcldliornt> ~-· ; ".Joi! 'l'llt Chal1IOI> Ila>\ held their Wilf ~ In Berlltley Nally p11 ~ _. camp in ft"""1dlclo for tho !>UI ; 11'9 ......... :y.,.._~ •. ywt, but~ "'-r=.= ~wlth-"""""°~~<llW ~ _Gillmll"ll!d,lllo tom -. ...,.Alli~~'! ev;rJ1dcloiirq. faqllU..., ,, • I The mind jual ........... ii.. . • • • I I " ' I DAIL y PD.GT N San Joaquin Votes on 1st ----- Override V.un ol !ht San Joaquin Ele;..;,,tarY School Dillricl will .. to the polls ....... day wltll the ... -that divide ICbool votus e~bere. "ntey'U be conceroed over their pocke~ bool:'whlle at the woe limo wanting IO do tllo best for lhelr ""'" ehlldrell. -the tug ol war ol .....-II decldld by· -lndlv(duall w 111 determine whelhtt a 7J..cent tu lncreaae request gets the better than 50 perctnl majority needed ror passage. Some lf,107 citizens are eligible to vote. ·Polls wDl be open from 7 a.m. unW a p.m. ll>r<>ul)ioul Mlalon Viejo, Leilure World. !nine, El Tani and a put al TmtlD. p -UI the llnt tu override eleellm ln the ocbooi -·· 71·,..r hiltory. "We!te JolDlnC the nnb now," Aid SUpt. Ralph Gala. ID .all the -ol Orqe County, only the u..,. Trobuco Scllool Dillricl will! 40 ·-bu not fOWld tt _,.,,. to a.st fat a odiool tu eledlon. Al 71, San Joaquin II old In yean, but It has only Just recenUy beC1m to """. Five yoan qo, San Joaquin lcllooll were 1t&lnded by only toO cblldre:n. Dlrollmenl -lllaftda at l,lllO puplla and 11 apoded to rlle to U,000 lludenta .. . . . ~ieti111 ot ·Old Age _Dr-ug Rap .Jails Son of Atto.~~~y A Newport Buch attornty11 .IOb WU jailed early today oo ouaplclon of pg111rrklrt el danttrOUI drutl aod dnmkm drlvl'I, after hil car ran off Ille ---"'8d1ray.Jn.Cos1' M ... and amubed Into . • tree. ' Eric G. Smedegurd, lt, ol. 1711 Port "'bbey~u.· P"."l'!P'ioe-was relwed oa ~""l' ., llf Juclp Donald Dlils•n -........ pc>lk\e -sald. , 1 He wu Clrdllw:I to appear .. June I in -J11dldal Dialrlct Couri let tr• ra.lgnmenl Nice said Smedegaard and a 17-year- • old compeolon wbo was released to hi• parents pendint acUon by juvenile authorities were arresttd al tbe acene of the 2:35 a.m. trafn~ accident. Patrolman Gene Norden and Bob Arnoid' oald the orange Cout Collep studeot'a car was 10Uthbound on National Avenue at Senate Street when It smashed lbe partway·troe and knocked 11 down. lnvmlplon claim they found four red capoules wrapped In tinfoil Inside lbe ear after Smedepud bad been placed wider arrest. on suspicion of driving while in· toxicated. Chivalry Goes Too Far; Newport Y.outh Arrested Defendln& 1 woman might be gallant some times, but a YOWll Newport Beach tna11~arr1ed it a bit too far ,5undlJ' IQOl'J}o Ing, police ,oald, lftd ~ up In Jail for It. From .P .. e 1 Police answered neighbors' complalnt1 ol a loud party In the early morning hours at 1840 W. Balboa Boulevard and started to brtak up the affair. In -,....., the lmn al the override tu. ' -·"--.. deve~ll comlne In all Ille -, Ille llCbool dlalrlc:t II much like· Ille YOUllC cl>lldren It -u to educale. It II gowifte up rapldlj' and • eadl ,..r·ll geta . ....,, upenalve. It finally 11apj,-i, Street end, supported by re!· ,ting plegl, .~t ID!ft Street In Lido Alea collapsed over t.b~ weekend. Clly work en said· fenced street end J!089il no clonier to .onybody but fisb. Several months ago, pilings gave way and portion of street end hit the bay. Saturday, the whole thing went. F'Orrner Western Canner> building is on the left. City ii rxwi pondering what to do about the mess. APOLLO •.. 211,ooo-m110 trip h•m•rfrom the mooon. The spacecraft reached 14,1194 miles an hour just before allclng into tbe upper limits of earth's atmc;.,pbere. '.fbey took one young girl into custody to check her age, and before offlcerl could iDtervtew her, a male friend of the Jlrl allegedly opened the police car door and ran interference for her as she fied. Polict arrested Ron Jay Chamberlain, %1, 307\\ ·33Jii St., Newport Beach, and booked him on charges of obstructing an officer . '11>e' n:eentr wWld raise Ille ieneial l"ll'P* tu ralo from IU5 lo II.Ill per $100 fl Ul!ll!d Valuation. '!be total tu- nle Wub bond~ 1111::., llilb1it olfldall .. , they upocl Ibo llCllool -.i wlll lrq only about :Ill centa ol Illa 7S _, permllllbla DUI yur II the la--• GOP Chairman Morton to Join Newport Session Repub1iea11 N a t I o n a I Oommltee Chalrmlft RD(en C. B. M-wilt join other GOP leaders for private lllks in Newport Beach Tuesday: · Arnone those atlendlng the closed rOoOtlngs will be Sen. George Miirphy of Cdftlrnll i Sen. Paul Fannin, Arizcnl ; -11 oJeclod Rep. Sany~. Jr. ol Los Anplel and Rep. BoltWU-of San -Diego.-dlolnnlft ol the ·GOP .. Conimlional Campaign ~- The poUUcal parleys ""' expeded lo W. place al the Newportor Inn. NaUonal Committee chairman Morton and the others are gathering in Newport. lllld a GOP opol<esman, "lo dilCllal with promlneit .,... boillness and comnmnlty • =-~~~tbeH-f "Newport -Crowds . . ·~ "t' Enjoy Beaches DAILY ... I.OT .... .,. .... 0'0-11 ~-~ ... ~-~n;;~~_O"-''~ llpo~ting Seas~n _ jen,fllb and larp wov.. over the-Ucl by"Sbark llland Yacht Club power squadron, yachts from New· •llbnd. Seventeen.,.,_ needed,.... port Beach yacht club,·parade around the harbor Sunday, signaling culnc. 111....,U. oald. the opeoillg o! tl>e boating seasoo. Additiooal pictures and stcry on A lolal ol ll0,000 perlOlll WU the Boating Page 27. w..nnd ·buchcrowd eatimaW, amonc -''~·~--"~-"-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- ,_-.. o1 IUrfera eoJoylng lbe om -trooble-lroe IUli1ne upcout from Ille Nwporl pier in llx montbl. 'Ille ....... beat IUl-flne spot flnally WIS opened lo turfing enthualuta !all Friday alter -ol ....._.used quu-an-lint: I Scores of persona received daubs of arnmoata fnr Jellyflah llln&•, lifeguards said. . 'Die surf averaaed four-feet in height on S.turdl)' and t.&ree feet Sunday. D~ll Y PllOT CMU.NOi (Ot.11 PUllt»llHO C~A.H'I' . ae .. f'f N. 'We.4 _ .. _ Wine Thrown, Customer KiCked in· Store Fracas Three w.ould-be cusiomers slapped a woman ~·atore manqer and·il~ another patron of the Newport Beach shop ~ l!l(>l'llin&, then left I pool 0£ wine 111 their wake. Polloe oald the lncldenll began shortly after mtdoichl Sunday mornll1I Vlberl lbe thm entmd lbe Stag Liquor Store, Ill~ mess. police said. Another member of the trio threw another half. gallon at Pelcham, then the lh~ began kicking him. Manager Carmen Randau o lnterventd and one of the three slapped her. Then all three assailants ran out, officel'J said. J,,t l. C•ley ~,,.,,.... .... ._ .. ""-.. ---.. Tllffl•• K"'rl Newport Boulevard. · ~~:.:":.:!~i:!l~~'U'-. .cdM_lligh Slates _ a.raid Pelcham, 22, of Huntington Booch ·-Th·~~iil· J,,.... '· Celliat --CW, .. ,.., .......... ~ 0""1I ,2211 'We•t ltn..• le111,.,,,4 M1lll11tM4reu 1 r.0.1 •• 1111. •16•J ...... __ ,_ °"'"' """"· .......... ---.. ... ., .......................... -. _._ __ _._ ......... _ ...... -·-~ .... -·---...... ,..,..." ........ .. ............... °""~ ......., ~ ........... trll .... .... "'4-........ '-"' .... -_ .... ..-.c ......... . •. r •s:·~ . 111•1 ..,...111 er_ • .., •• , ... ,~ .... c-... ...... w .. . -......... ....... -.... l AWilfteU • .. ........ .... _.I SQlfldK;I ........... _,. _._,,_.._, _ ....................... ..... .... Clllil -. Cll1""111t. .....,,..... "" ,.,... 11.a .........,., 11'1' ""'" ., ... _,.., ....._. •• " II ... lln -llll't· ' asked him u he was goTngto clean up the Concert at OCC Monkey Business Bugs 'Gorilla' Dlspleased gorlllas can often be relied upon to ta~law lnlo Uteir own hairy hands, but no( the one who telephoned Newport Bach poli ce Sunday with a complaint. The official gmter al Th< Zoo In Coropa dtl Mar had 11 .. In his eye and water. frorri an u.Ungulllher IOl.klOC the rest of> ls bodJ after an unprovoked at.- tack. . Jama B . .Parku, 16, of Tustin, said lie was WO&:tlng ln his usfial capacity In his gorilla suit at the ofl'beat drive-In .-.si.urant on Pacific Coast Hl&hway ot MacArthur Boulevard whtn a car car .. rytna: severe! patrons drove up. ''Hey Gorilla, come here, .. one of the ,...ths called. Parker aald he ctlumphed ovtr In true prbNlte llyle; •t which llme lbe big game hunters optntd up with a nre ti· UnguWier lftd then fled . • The Corona del Mar HJgh School con· cert choir-will present Ralph Vaughan- \VUllams· "Dona Nobis Pasem" at 8 p.m. Wednesday at Orange Coast College. DonaJd Haneke, instructor Ef>r the vocal music department. will co~ct the 71).. voice choir. - Tickets will be available at lhe door. Prices are Sl !or ad~tts aod 75 cents for students. Tbe proceeds go towar.d music !'<holarahlps. OCC Health Forum Slated at Estancia "Yout Health and How to Kee.p It," Is the topic,-In Ille Orlftle Coast Collea• Health Forum. loolghl at Estancia H11h School-- Guest speaker at the 7:30 p.m. ses&ion will bt •Dr. John Palmer Miller, pruldenwlect. of the !loaf Hospilal medical 1i.rr. • AU intereat.ed members Of the publk are Invited to hear the free lecture. • • The cone-ehaped space.ship's blunt end . Assembly OKs Tidelands .(Jill,_, Sends to Senate · glowed a /lery red. as atmospbuiC fric· lion heated the outslde of the craft to more lhan 5,000 degrees. A tidelands access bill has passed the Assembly In S•cramento ~dgon'e on to a state Senate com~ill~ where It died last year._ Assembly~lll ?41 h~s moved into the Senate Committee on' Governm~lal Ef- ficiency which some ha\'.e dub~ "tbe graveyard committee." A legislative counsel's dige.st.of the bill states lhat It p~hibits any city or county from approVini a siibdlvisloii map for a subdivision fi=ontlni on · the cOastline "which 'does not provide or have available reasonable access from public highways to land below the ordinary high- water mark.'.' .. A cily or counly may approve a tract map without · access provided i t determines acceSs to the public tidelands Is available within "a reasonable distance" of the subdlvlSlon. Access may be by highway, foot trail, bike trail, horse trail or other means. The bW Is authored by Sen. Robert J. Lagomarsino (R-Ojai). In Orange County a controversy over county abandonment of Salt Creek Road to Laguna Niguel Corp. is currently in Superior Court litigation pending a ruling. fusion it caused was downright painful. Open House Set At Marine Safety In conjunction with National Beach Safety Week, Newport aeach cilizel\S will have a Chance this week to see bow their Marine Safety Department operates. Open house will be held at the Llfe Guard Station, adjacent to the Newport Pier, from 2 to 4 p.m. every day. A film will be shown on riptides and rescues, according to lifeguard Logan Lockabey. nie crew remained a comfortable 80 degreea 11 they wUhstood for~ 6.7 times lhat of gravity. At 24,000 feet, a forward heat shield flipped away and two drogue µarachutes popped out of the pointed end of the spacecraft, stabilizing its fall . Moments later three pilot parachutes popped out. dral(lng behind them the huge main · parachute.. The main parachutes bloS10med above th e spacecraft and slowed its fleeting descent to 22 miles per hour. The astronauts drifted through the dawning sky for five minutes before landinC 1ently on the ocelft. Apo.llo JO's re-entry was '4 miles an hour faster than the return last December of Apollo I, the one previous lllOOIHl1'bit fight. Apq_llo ~o came in directly, instead of "skipping" u did Apollo I. Apollo 10 alao came from further out in-.space. since the l'lloto was more· distant !rom lhe earth than during Apollo I. -· · The most important hours of Apollo IO's eight daya in si>tce came during Its 61 hours of orbit around the moon. Stal- ford lftd Ceman flew tbe fra&lle lunar lander to within 49,000 feet of the moon's surface, proving lbe moon machlne's design and gathering vital data about the austere lunar site where Apol.lo 11 will at· tempt the first landing. Fire Beq>me$ i Real Headache It wun't much of a fire, but .the con· A cooch began smoldering late Friday night in the Con>na del Mar apartment or Sharon Thonw, 30I Carnation Ave. While firemen dragged the sofa out· doors and doused it, • neighbor, Leslie Griffin, who lives upstairs, ran from ber home and bumped her bead "on something," she told firemen. Only lhe couch suffered damage in the Thomas woman's apartment, but Miss Griffin suffered a two-inch cut on her forehead. A friend took htr for sULches at Hoai 11enlorlal Hosplta.1. · There's a right and put a on wrong -way _to y.our pant~ ·-rliaie lo give you ;o111etb:lng to wori-y about when you pt <I ressed tomorrow mornln,:. Or afternoon, as the caM: nlB.y he. · We've just received aome inlormalion in .-cOnfideutial l111lleti11 from the Institute of A1>plied LA:arning, and ii'1 too good lo pass up. Aceording to Ackn.ey K. F1eeb1e, head profeAtor of p1y· r.hology at Sedgwick Colle!!". eftrY man u.ncontcioully Te- veals bis flOliti~al leanlnp in the moming when be i1 put· tine his trooAert on . to· Heeble ''ha•e..,been: condi .. • • tioned by prevloua mlUtary eervlee to •tep off with' the left foot. Tboa a lium l'bi> In-. atiuciively atarla bla forwar<I , motion with the left foot la uncon11eiou1ly obey In I hit peen.~' · The mw "'ho-pal~ his right IOI! into bia u-ouaera f~I, cl'n tJ1e other hand, i1 ''flau:ntbtg lhe mle1.'• Ile is • poUdeal. non-eonforml51, ~tly rebel- ling apinat the,foreeo of ordtr and CIUIOBI.. . You may wonder bow • man wonld pot on hit _JMllllA If he bun't -fteel...i aay military lralnlag at OU. Unlort•Woly, Off1eers claim Chamberlain scuffled briefly with two patrolmen ·as they ar- rested him and shouted obsceniti es "an lhe way to the station." 3 Toro Marines Hurt Seriously When Hit by Car Three El Toro Marines were seriously hurt Sunday morning when they were struck by a car as they tried to start a stalled motor cycle on a dark Newport Beach highway . • One of the three, Rex Bu rton, 20, sur. fercd head injuries. Burtoo was pushing the cycle carrying Paul V. Tracy, lt, and Harry Booth, 22. down J.amboree Road near the Back Bay Bridge at 2:05 a.m. All three are sta. tioned at El Toro. The cycle swerved into the outside trar. fie l.aot into tbe_patb of a car driven _by Albert Aver, ff, 2440 Bayshore Drive, Newpon, officers said. His car skidded for 81 fee t before hit- ting the cycle, acrording to the police report. All three men were thrown to the pave- ment. Tracy and Booth s u f f e re d · abrasions and cuts. They were listed ·in sa.ttsfactory condition today at Hoag • Memori~ Hospital. Surton had severe head cuts and a serious concussion. Ht ·is under Intensive care at lht same hospital, l'Pdes sald . ...,__Offl~ll ~Id lnvest.lgation is continuing Into.the crash. Aver was not cited. Mariners Library Sprucing Up Set lttariners Library Is going to be pret· tied up. Newport Beach Public Works Director Joseph T. Devlin said today the city plans to spend about $6,000 to enclose the library'r patio area. The work, to be completed by July 30, Jncly,des construction, of windows along lbt top ol the p&t.ki Wall and roof\ris ove r the pl.tl.o 'Jt'(ajnd the tree. 'Lights and doors wru also be installed, Devlin said ' the profetaor didn't say • word about }that. Now 'if l may be permitted • "·of"dJ rl like to nae ii in behaU of my own ·1toek--of men'a trou.en here in thia store. We .carry lhe mo11t popular brands. Corbia-Slacks, Major Slaeb anl! Varela Slaeka ia nrion1 wopl fahri<:! and wool blends, ranging frem !27.50 up to MO. We oleo carry waoh elacks from C.Ctm C..1ual1 and Crom Barrie, in Perina P.re•d fabrie1 at from 88 10 112.95. We-ha•e • Ffft eelection .and I can't think of a better tfm.e to eeme in (or yoW" new mm.mer slack8.· I caa only think ol one oth· er thins-to add. Do yon know ho,. to iden- lify a P<'lilleal mlddl&<>f-tb.,. .....,.? -Well, be mn1t be the •nio who. puts horh 'eet in hla trousers 11 the HDte liine. -U be poll bis left-les In fint, 1tranJrely enough that'a a 1nn'.I 1tgn that be it a political confonni1t. • · This .. .,, .. political leaning aome1.ime1 abo i1 evideDt in the way • man 11ep1 off the'· ttrb wh en cro1sf~ the 11~1. ''1'la11y luciil'i~ual1,'' aceordin11 Jack Bidwell ) at 3467 Yla Lid<!, riPt when>, you tom off Newport Bml. l9 go to Lido lale, •t Udo Theater, F-puldng at ...,. of ato .... Phone 6734510. Coprriltit 1969, Jacl< Bld,.-OU, __ ..... ________ ~ • I " I j I I I I I • . . Toasts Raised to GernerGtJS Support Honored and thanked for their financial .. upport were pa. Irons ao4 patronesses of the lilUt annual Empire Debutante Ball, which will be presented,in the Newj>orter Inn, Friday, June 20. Hosting the champagne buffet yesterday in the Dover Shores home of Mr. and Mrs. Van E. Parker were members of tho sponaoring organization of the b~, Harbor Key .• Guesla were greeted by Jolrs. Homer )loward, party chair· man ao4 Mn. Jobn Wright. Also In the receiving lli\e !"ere Mrs. SteWart Petenen, ball chairman and Mrs. J. O'Hara Smith, Harbor K.ey president. Serving as bartenders were Howard; Smith, Evan Priclwd ao4 Louis Pratt. The Spanish motif of the home was enhanced by floral ar· rangementa of gold, green and red. Centering the buffet was a gil4ed tree, tied with tulle flowers, ribbons and replicas of white . doves. Honored iuests included Ors. and Mmes. Norman Nixon, Hugh J. Plumb ·Jr., Louis A. Gottschalk and George A. Peck; Robert Guggenheim and Edward W. Schumacher and the Mmes. ~rt ·Bogen, Bertine Treat, Ruth Sparling,,Artbur G. Coons, Catherine Carll and Thomas A. Barnard. Others are tJie Messrs. and Mmes. Dana Latham , Thomas R. Rutter, George M. Pullnian Lowden, Ladislaw Reday, Wil· liam Moseley Jones, Robert S. Bardin, Montgomery H. Johnson, D. A. Strauss, R. S. Callender, Price I. Mccuiston, Walter Bur- roughs, J. E. T. Rutter, Paul Nissen , Hal Lehman, John \Vayne and J: Thomas Callaway. Still others are the Messrs. and Mmes. John Macnab, Har- vey D. Pease, Carl Neisser, Christian Ebsen, Kenneth F. Cham- pin, M. D. Bogen, Leslie Hwnphreys, Flave B. Gibbs, Ch8rle5 W. Hostler, Cornelius M, Van Miltonberg, Lindsley Parsons, Wright and Jay Gould, Honorary patrons and patronesses are Drs. and Mmes. Daniel G. Aldrich Jr., Tom Robinson and Norman Watson, the Mmes. R. L. Bacon, Bing Starr and George Michaud ao4 the Messrs. and Mmes. Norman Anderson, Harry Babbitt, Bur- roughs, Andy Devine, Arthur R. 1w1cKenzie, 0. W. Richard and Robert Weed. --"'---~ Ba l'~prnc~~eea~soenefit-the-orange-county-ehild-Guidance· Center, a low-fee psychiatric clinic aiding disturbed children. BEA ANDERSON, Editor .....,,...., )6..tNf II P• tt GRATITUDE EXPRESSED -Mrs. Louis . Pratt (s~.from left)., member of. the Empire Debo- tante Ball committee, welcomes ·and ',thanks patron& and pationeoses fOl thar ,_,,.,. aupport. Tout. . · b1li the success of the, for\hcomlng gala are (left tO',tlglrt)-0, W. Richan\ anCI Mr. ao4 Mrs. Charles W. 'HOltler, who were among honored guests at a cbnlipagne buffet yesterday. . . " ' •• .... Ernp.lre 'bebutantes · . Beg.in Party Series The ~ries, <>f p~rties, .which traditionally preface a presentatl0n to .society, has begun· /or Empire debutantes. Finl ·on the list was a dance in Mesa. V_erde Country Club which waa hooted by Dr. and Mrs, Bei:ton Elton Elson for her debutante daughter, MiJs· Karen Lynne Balley ao4 Mr. and Mrs . Roy Jefferson Allen for their 4ebutante daughter, Mits LaoRoyce Jay A)len, Playing fQUSlc for danc;ing was the Mlddle Class, a five-piece combo, and serving fruit punch wer~.cbaperones, Mr. and Mrs. Roy June and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pratt,' members of the ball, committee and their husbands. • Also entertaining debutantes and their escorts were Mr. and Mrs.'" Murray Chotiner who chose a pool , barbecue and dance party as the bill of fare when they opened their Dover Shores home for the event. Assisting were Mr,~Mrs. Forrest'Edwin Hart,· Mr. ao4 Mrs. Wal· ter Harris White and Mr,.aDcl Mrs. Leroy Jack Men4,0za. Their debutante daughters are the Misses. Marta Mueller ·CbOtlner, SUsan Margaret Hart, Mary Christine White and sue Anne Mendozl. , • . .. Chaperones, again ball committee members and husbands, were Mr. and Mrs. J. O'Hara Smith ao4 Mr. ao4 Mrs. Pratt. Other debutantes are the Misses Nan<;y Su.e Bergeson, Keny Lee Hill, Lisa Marie Laughlin, Christine Joeleen· Martin, Marilyn Kathleen Peck, Karen Lynne Puterbaugh and Paula Lou.ise Sprague. Other guests were Christy Orstad, Bonnie McDonald, Anne Peterson, Maggie Sharkey, Marsha Bowman, AD.qe ·Foss, Karol Dean, Jean Bush, Nancy Stanton, Sue Ogilvie, Nickki Bretr, Joy De Ron, Ginny Howell , Tra- cey Kahan and Laura '.J'ed.esco. Concluding the guest list of ihe fln,t party were Sl!uen Malkowski, Tom McLaughlin, Bob Kuehn, Gordon McCollom, SaJly Fi1her, Kim Ho .. terey, Jay Sullivan, Sandy Somers, Nella Gould, 'Kathi Taylor, Steve Am- llng, Becky Gatzaniga, Sue Barnes, Joanne Cieri, Kimberly McDanial , Carol Carver, Kristi Schliter, Mark Swqf!ont, Mitchell 'Stice and Martin, Clifton, Marion and SharOn .Adams. '1 < • -HOW NOW, BROWN COW?.-Dick Hatur ls ready to start . --tbe<barbec11....a1-Empiredebulantes-Cleft to rigbt)~lbe MiSses MJTY Christine White, Marta Mueller Chotiner, Su- san Margaret Hart ao4 Sue Anne Mendoza oelect choice cuts of lteak. However, this 11cow'~ was· not fired up dUrlng , the barbecue party for "cot-ups." Also attending were Pam Tyler, Npncy Hoover, Wendy Johnson, Jeanette Spencer, Nit1 Silvers, Pat June, 'Ginger >Jf;>ee, Wendy Franke. Lesli~. @en, Christine Purling, Steve Warner, Richard Warner, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald McNichols, Mr. ao4 Mrs. Jolm-Mestyanek, Paul Franke, Joe K. Kincaid Sr. and Norman Howan\. · · Dearth of Timely l~forniat.ion Worth a DEAR ANN LANDERS ' Last week our J.year~ld !on ,got the mumpa. The nm thine the doctor a.skid was, "Hu rour hulband bad the mumps!" I'asked s.n. nie aDd be couldn't remember eo I ciDed mf mother-in-law. She uld, ·"How am I 111ppoood lo -what happened 30 yean qoT'Two or my ~shad mum~s. but I don't know U It WU Bennie aod • Louie or Loi.tie and Jny." l e1lled Louie. He aald he had the mumps Ind he thought Bennie hod them too, but he wasni poelUvt. So, the doctor 11\lf. my huabaod I lhtJt. lie WIS aict &I • doe !O< • half • day. Ytlltnla, Izzy tailed lo uy he bean! I ANN LANDERS ~ Bennie was tdCk from a mumps tbot and asked, ''Wlly did he take It? Bennie had the mumin when J did." PleaJe ltD mothen everywhere that they can uve their kids 1. lot 'ot troulHe by keeping a Acord ol who bad what. Thank )'OU. \ . -ZY oEZlimYr DEAll ZV: JUchl yea ort. Jllll doo'I be too brd oe ,._ motJtet.ta.llw. Better . ' -._, lo ilaft -.,i 1 1llol M dldll1 late. DEAR ANN LANDERS' My abler, who 11 111e mother or throe darling chlldml, hal\bffn acUng aw!ally 10011 or late. Huth talb 1 jot ...,.. than &be used . to and much of her convusation mikes no 1tn1e. Her hulband 'told me ln con- !ldenco that Hutb·has betn 101n1 lo two doc.ton and neither ooe knows •bout the -· I'm bellMiJll to put "the pl- • .. t.cetber since he menUoned bil cooc:mi about the number or pills &be tat ... -• •tronaly IUlpect Ruth ii plliq - IOrl or "prescription only'' dJ:llC !rom both docto!ll Ind that she Is bopped • up !rom too much lluU. Can this he danierous? What should he done •boul It! -MRS. NO NAME DEAR MRS.' Tllb CAN be daq.,.... Like VtfJ. Abt foolld. V1111 llAer ln'I lluUq lM docton bit ... J•••··· 1q iltr tot~ aid .,.)'he w lie. -·· .............. tdtplloae -- aid talorm ldas ti Ille -· AM I .... 1" will orp ldm,.IO .. ,. II -. II CDll!d "' • -ti ur. ... - \ Shot • the Arm 1n . , . . . DEAR ANN! Dod>the local newspaper olflce open• Ibo -. lo yoo and ·then ,.nd them Ill toptber in a latp ea- velope? Or do 1'JOI receve ~ letters unopened? I ..-.mat I re.uy wsnt lo llnow ii !Illa: Do•lhe -le who work In lhe new1paper"offlce1 of aay the Arkansas CazeUe, see the Ann Landers mail· before you dol -• _ '.. -NEEDING ANONYMITY DEAR ~EDING1 All IQ!l!I oddre1oed ti Ml L a .-iii e r 1 ta fernrded 11 me ••IP Biid. It la I ........ efft1M lo la- loolltu!ly -1 llllir' oddreued lo ' . -JNIY· . CoNFiDEN'l'IAL TO is· THE TIME ' NOW?: In my oplnlon -no. It Is a wise pe.rlOIS who know1 wbrrr to teiie an op. portµnity. It lr a ~ wiser one still who • ~S' when to 1ort10 an adtantaae. "TM, Bride's Guktt," Au Ludtn* beokkt, HIW.en HIM tf UM mtM , .... quea1ly uiled 91et11eot •boll -p. Tt recd'°''' f9W Cop)' ef dd1 """" "'°"st"" pWe, wrhe .. Au .J..aden. l1"e'art of tWJ lleWiplptf, uclerdq I Jone, aeU.flddrfned, 1\1.mped avdopl: andll«.UlacoiD. AU' Llollero will k alod lo lotll> Y'" wiU. your pnblem1. Stncl' dlem:a &e Mt hi are of the DAILY PILOT. enc:lell1 ~ a aeU-tddrt1aed,..1taJnped eD'.·~lipe. I ,.. I ! • " I -. -. . . ' DAILY PlLOT Sherrie Wilson Weds In Baptist Church JJoneymooninJ in Carmel, Mooterey and San Francisco are Claude J . Makin Jr. and his bride, tbe\fonner Sherrie Lyna Wilson. The couple exchanfed wedding vows and rln•• before tbe altar o! Ille First Baptist Church o Costa Mesa during evening candlelight rites solemniz ed by the Rev. Dr. P. G. Neumann. · Parents ol Ille bridal couple are Vice Mayor and Mrs. Robert M .. Wll- son of Costa Mesa and Mr. and Mrs. Claude J, Malr:ln o1 El Toro. The new Mrs. Makin was escorted lo the afa:r by her father, ~d w4s gowned in a silk organza camelot s»'le Clress enhanced ~th VWH lace on the bodice. Her ~ilk illusion. ,veu wu c.aught. t~ a beadp.1ece of ma~g lace, and in her bndal OOUq\uU wer~ wbite daisies, carnations lnd mint a. ture white roses. , Mi ss Nancy Stein was maid of,bonor and in tbe brldal.i.rty were the Misses Carol John~n, Deb~je Ellint~. Coll~n Kine and .Mn. James Erwin the bride's sister, all Of Coeta Mesa. , 1 • · Harry Dunn of Garden Grove performed the duties of belt' man and ushers were Warren Sheppard, Cotta Mesa; Barry Kennedy, Santa A!Ja; Erwin and Randy Wilson of Costa Mesa, brother ol the bride. Tb e church was decorated_ with· pedestal boquela o(, while and pink daisjes, pompon chrysanthemums ~nd. padloli anif the ceremony waa ,°'" hanccd with music by Mrs. Clay G~ald and Mrs. Mar'Yln, Ownbey. Pink and white flowers and wedding bells graced t,lle church receP: tion hall when the newlyweds received._700 guests. Assisting with hottlss duties were Mrs. Brian Elllniiob of .Costa' Men, Mt•· Robert Gonion of . Corona de\ Mar and Miss Ju4JP.<?<tet;'o! ~ower. . ' , Special guests were Mrs: Ida Wilson of Tacoma, Wa1h.1 and Mr. a~d Mrs David Spies of Palm Springs, the bride's grandparents. · The new Mrs. Makin, a graduate of Costa Mesa High School, attend· ed. Orange Coast College. Her husband, a graduate of Toms River High School, New Jersey, attended Santa Ana College. • Santa Ana will be the DP.Wly-weds' address when tbe·y return tiom their honeymoon. l • ' MRS. CLAUDE J. MAKIN JR, C•rrMI Honeimoon ·--··· ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Candlelight Nuptials ·Linda Hay Say.s Vows Ugbted candles noattng tn an· indoor pool graced the Garden Gro.ve ,Community Church during the weddJnir ceremony unltinC Linda Miry Hay and AUaft ChJr1es MOc· rison, ' · • The couple exchansed ~" and rings tn ' wly evening candlelight rites read by the Rev. Harold Lffstma and the Rev. Robert Schuller. Present for the ~, w ex. change were Mr: and Mrt. James M. Hay of Mission Vie- jo, parents ol the brlde;-and Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Mo,...· riJOn of Carden C r o v e, parents of the J>ridegroom. 11ie new .Mrs. Morrison selected a Vlctorjan style. dol· ted swiss over si\,k: taffeta gown. Lace and buttODS trim- med the fitted bOdlce and full skirt and lace ·edged ttie. ·10. foot train. A headpiece of. organdy .and lace held her slltt illusion veil, and completing her ensemble wa1 a nosegay of white baby rosts, slephano- tis" and baby 's breath. Matron of honor was Mrs. Gregg Bunch and bridesmaid.!! were Miss Sharon Kelly, Miss Sue Carson, Mn. James fyne,. Miss Jani! Morrison, sister cf the bride~ and MW Sa?l4 dra Hay, slster·of the bride. Jamie Wallace was flower gll'I. Yellow dotted swiss organdy gowns were worn!iLalL~.! a1·-.. _ .. _ ·-_ ·-_ ·~ - •-----------------.... tendants and each carried a .\IRS. J.'l tA!ilr.MORR\SON LltnwoM P'lttt9 E~ll Sect ion ""' basket of daisies. Mission Bay Honeymoon John Mulvey attended the - . Garden · Expert Booked Writer Invited .. · Peering Around bridegroom as best man and guests were seated by Pyne. Ron Roberts and David and Douglas Eulberg, cousim of the bridegroom from Co~ <Jrado. Luncheons Predomina te ·HOllle and Garden Section members of the Newport Beach Ebell Club ·will hear a talk by Clyde Wampler, presi- • dent of Superb J)ecQr In c., 11 next Wednesday. . ' . t' The section chai rm an. Mrs. t Ray -Nielsen, will open her Newport Beach home for the ~meeting which will include a noon luncheon . Wampler Will open his talk on the care or establishOO ., landscaping with a n in-t. troduction of a new hybrid s-Bennuda grass called Santa ~Ana. Recipient of a Green Thumb award in 1968 from the Women's Hun tington View r Branch of Women's Farm and Garden Asrociation, he also r was cited by the Fountain t Valley Boy Scout Troop 317. ,1: The speaker earned his ~ bachelor of science degree -~·from PennsylYania St at e . :University and his masters '...degree from the tlrfiversity of ;:Pennsylvania. i: He ha! taken turCgrass courses at UCl and presently is specializing In landscaping at the University of Cali.fomia, ; Riverside. Wampler also has ~written and published articles ., on the cultur e of plants. t · Co n d u c l l n g installation • • I • •• ' " " • ' • ,~ tJ Concluding the year fOr ibe RECENT -viJltors in Santa Col. William Cabell Chapter,, Barbara and guests at the Daughters ol the AmerJcan. 'Biltmore Hotel were Mr. and . Revo\Ulio~ ;'..:.1:.1:"" Mrs. Ii. w. Larkin and Mr. :.,ee~t iiltlrt'lallunmt. ' iD4 !,!rs. JI. L. Smith, au of Feat~ -wlll ,H M~I 1 lfrirport Beach, DonzelllBoJtiti.:athor •• w~ .. STE"'A R f topic will be Hat t b e · MN!: . """' ymsza o Amei:lca'n ~olationary Wat -. Westm1ns~J grand r~:1ent of Beep Negl~ in Our Text· Court, An.1etus ~. will hosl bcioks, -. , · the. ,btenrual conferimce of the Sheraton Hotel, Pasadena . MISS SUSAN Staaf, daught· The newlyweds received f M "d Mr c R St r guests in the garden of the er o r. ,au s. ,.· · aa , bride's parents' home, where ~~ ~~ receiY841 ~ the guest register w a s College, ~':i~~·.C~ • circulated by Miss Joy West. staaf served as , pubtCity ~t.er a ho_neymoon trip to chalrm1r1 and . hlltoria? ~•of· M1ss1on B~y in San ~lego, ~e Kappa Delta so~. '-' <;ouple w 1, 11 estabhsh their • . f first home in Garden Grove. FoU01tU., tlfPcheOn ind a cal~a State. Court or brief business t session, Mrs. CM!'i0)1c ? au g·h t e r:a of . ~ Selah Reber, regent, and Mrs: Amenca 1n the HunUngton Bruno Norman, Yiee regent, will recap the DAR I Con· . tinentaf COogress WhlCh toolr ·place in Washington , D.C. Business) Pleasure The new br:ide, a gradu ate of Magnalla ~gh School, at· tended Orange Coast College and now is enrolled.t Jn a business school. Her husband, a graduate o( B<Jlsa Grande High School, also attended OCC and now is serving in the U.S. Air For~ at March Air Force Base, Riverside. ..,,_ LANDSCAPE ARTIST Clyde W!mpler ·ceremonies d u r i n g the meeting will be Mrs. Raymond Hermes. Mrs. Nielsen will be inst.ailed as chairman. for the third year \and ?.1rs. S. E. Briggs will begin her second year as recording secretary. C:O.hostE!$@S will be the f\1mes. Wallace Scott. Cecil Shipman, C. L. Fortner, L. B. Colby and Leon Rudd. Mrs. George Buc()Qja, st~te usiftant,1 ~' w 111 discribe the SOOthern Council meeting wbidt took place 1n Santa Barbara recently. A musical program in - cluding the soni "This Is Your Herlfage,"· ~tten by Mrs. Ralph Tandowsky snd Mrs. Ralph Pruden will b e presented by Mrs. Tandowsky and Mrs . John S. Kerr. Hoettss'5 will be the Mmes. Dwight M. Roberts, E. W. Crumley.. Norman, John Hopwood ond Joseph Ray. Ward Belmont Grads Gather The Fullerton home of Mrs. !ravels ombined • :..Im_maculate Heart eoneie Alumltae Asaociation's Orange County Chapter. will install World tr ave I er an new officers during a dinner photographer-journali1t Mrs-, meeting Wednesday, May 28, Wya Sargent of Huntington in the Riviera testaurant, ·Beach will be guest speaker South Coast Plaza. · for the meeting tomorrow of Members will be welcomed the Altrusa Club of Newport by Mrs. James Capasso, BHarbohr, Costa Mesa-Newport outgoing president, during the eac · 7 p.m'. galbering. Mr·s. Sargent, a former / AcceP.tlng ne'll teacher and author w h o responsibilities will be the travels with her son Jmy, Mmes. John Ornet. president; recently appeared on the John Zlckgraf of Costa Mesa, "Today'' and "Merv Griffin", .vice pMldent· Donald An- television shows. Her most re-dert, secretary; Frank Wlns- cent travels took her tp Cen-low, ~rer; Charles stine Ira! Borneo, where she and her of Ntwpor( 84!1cb, 'Ways and son lived with the native mean:s chairman, and Alex- 1ribes. ander Burnett, p u b 11 c I t y JMrs. Judd Sutherland, presi· chairman . Oent. ' has announced that Anyone interested In at· guests are. welcome and in-tending may contact'. Mn. vitation.• have been extended Capano. to other Altrusa Clubs Jn the Associates Installing The !inal meeting for the s~ason is being planned by Eastbluff Phi Iha rm on i c Associates, a women's com· mittee of the Orange County Philharmonic Society. Mrs. John Ahrens will open her house next Wednesd8y at 11 a,m. for the business meeting and installation. New leaders }will be the Mmes. David Duff, chairman; Donald J. Winter, vice chairman; Club Calendar Filled ' , Three events have been lunche<>n at 11 a.m. in th~ placed on the calendar to pique Newport Beach home of Mrs. the interest of members of Ralph Irw in. the Mesa Verde Republican R epu b 11 c an '"om en 'Vomen's Club. throughout the county are an- Nezt Wednt3day Mrs. O'Dell ticipating a spring fashio n Allison, Newport Beach, s_how in the Disneyland Hotel will host at meeting at IO a.m. June 3, which will have as featuring Mrs. Ba r b a r a honorary chairman M r s • Bunker, president of the Ronald Reagan. l Orange County Republi can Mi-s. Robert F. Jenkins and Women, F' e d e r a I e d , as r.tiss Al yce Sumrall w i 11 speaker. represent the Mesa Verde club Afrs. Bunker will discuss the as models . recent National Republican Tickets for the show. them· Women's ConUrertce in ed See. America First, are Washington1 D.G., which in· available from Mrs. Calhoun eluded a reception in the Sumrall, club president, 54!l- White\ H...,. one!, banliuet !'"" M William F Hall .-_-r-: 'MN, or rs. . , hO!lOrijlc-'Jlic~d M1ix· 54U84&. on !'11!1 d8Ujhttra. , .!;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; L~ will !ollow · . e busJnU&,aesalon, .to be efj under 'Ule .Uperv~. ••:Ith<! h~a!l\Y:. .c , Mrs. J~ :Waodln. Jl'l\e following 111emben wnr .1•tM:r for' ..._, ge and p 4 • WHO PAYS ··' lifany questions arise. when planning a wedding. Send now for "How to Plan Your Weddin&" duide. Send 25c lit coin to P.O. Box 388, HunUngton Beach, Calif. 92611. YARN · PSYCHIATRISTS ~-•f's 111! Jw1t brift9 111 tll1t .... ,,. tll1t't .11 twi1t•il ur ... tiijlhf witll k11 oh • , . w•'I ll•~t tlle p1tt1r11 1tr1i9hf•n•d •11d fit for 1oc:i1ty i11 on• *'•1im1nt. The KNIT WIT !Jhon- 5~1-21 1 2 I . SoUTH. COAST PLAZA ' Lo"•r Mill Acr11111 fr111111 Woolw•rth'1 ,lri1tol•t th• S.11 Dl•to frwy. COSTA MISA John P. Hamshaw will be opened for the spring luncheon of the Ward Belmont Alumnae· Association nett Wednesday . Famous recipes of Ward Belmont will be distributed during lhe 11 a.m. event, ac- cording to Mrs. Wilhelm Bodine o( La Canada , presi- dent. county . . The scholarship chairman, Mrs. Floriene Launt, will in· traduce the recipient Of the. 1969 scholarship for Orange Coast College during the even- ing. Mesa Senior• Communiti Recreail0n Cen- ter at Orange County -FaJ.r. grounds is the scene of ·ac~ tlvliy when ~tt Mesa Sen· ior Cltizen1 meet at~ll a.m. every Tuesday. Richard Grabow and Warner li;;EEEEEEEEE:= p, Bordler, secretaries, andli Area women asslsting \Vlth the luncheon are lhe Mmes. Dorothy Elllngton Meyers and James F. Simons, both ol Newport Beach. Reservations may be made by calling Mrs. Hamshaw, 871· 6056. • Mesa Re beka h Every first Jpd third Tues- day of the month members of f\fesa Rebekah Lodge assemble in Odd FelloWs Ha11, Costa Mesa, at 8 p.m. The Villa Nova restaurant, Newport Beach, will be the setting for the gathering. which will begin with a socfal hour at $:30 p.m~ . Dinner reservations may be made by calling Mrs. Don Dungan, $48-4609, or Mrs. Sutherland, 547-6124. F~~. ~~~wid;~8-~ ••. , I'. ll•pp•11in9 on TV, re•d TV I WEEIC -Oi1ltibw1,d will! tJ,• S•f11rdty •dHioR of tke DAILY ' PILOT, Ove reater.• Evl!!"y Monday 1t I p.m. members rather In Anderson~ School auditorium, Westmln- ster, for meeclnp ol Over- eaters Anonymous. G u e s t s are w~lcome to attend. Arthur Andreasen, treasurer. Following the meetlnf will be a musical Inter ud e presented by Miss Harriet Wood, harpist, and a salad luncheon. TERRIFIC VALUES -&NO.OF.SCHOOL-TEAR STOCK REDUCTION : ~._/ .i \ ~ The prettiest summer 'dos' get a head start with a BE fREE O F FACIAL HAIR FOREVER •••• SAlf 25% OFF -- < J . •• • •• • La Maur budget perm 8.88 SCISSOC WIZARD QJT,.," 2.50 SMmpoo .nc1 Mt •••• ·~ • • (Mon., 1'-. and Wed. only) w ............ Cl99 "' ............ " NO APPOINTMINT -T $3 flUl.l.ltLLTOf' °''' ....... c..-. • .. ...,,...,,Gi-oo HUt1Tllf81'0frt aau;tt H\l!lffMltfl Ctlllff ai.noor.~ "IW'ftLLT llACtt , •• ltltfld """-·•u.n11 • • LET US SHOW YOU HOW EASY IT IS TO REMOVE EXCESS HAIR WI TH MODERN ELECTROLYSIS , MEDICALLY APPROVED,,• SAFE, FAST 1 GENTLE. CALL 644-2800 TO CONIUL.T WrTH OUR . LICENSED TEi::HNICIAN, IN OUR BEAUTY SALON, '- ROBINSON'S -------- ALL REGULAR STOCK ( l•c.,tlrtt Swlm~r & H•lwy) SPORTSWEAR DRESSE S SHIFTS SKI RTS BLOUSES SHOES JEWELRY • ·~ • • 'suGGESTIONS FOR THE WELL GROOMED BRICE Now that you've IOllOd lhe perfect mat ch, select one of oll r exclusive Matc hmates• to seal lhe bargain. Priced assets. ava11able lndividually. Clockwise from upper left: TradiUonals In 18 karat gold, S7•.so. Three ~lamonds In 14 karat gofd, ~25. Seven diamonds In textured 14 kara1 gold , $250. Five diamonds In stain finish 14 karat gold, $450. Center: Trio set Includes three dlarriond 1olltalra and matching Weddin'g bands. $5.,25. SLAVICK'S Jew.i.t• ~ir.c:• 1917 18 F•1hion ltl•nd Ntwport lt•c:h -4'4'4 · 1 )10 • Ytw Clltl'f9 A~t WClulM -••llkM)llrkt:e, M•,ltr Cll•rtt. - 011•11 MonG1y, FriG•v ""til f tJO p.111 • ' • ( ·I . ' -·· + • • l .+ • •• r ' ..,.=-:o--=-::---:-----:,-:-. -co-;==-~---~.~ -,---. . ~ • .. -, Costa Mesa TedaY'• l'lwal • N•Y Sioeb' VOL 62, t'fO. ·rzs, 3 SECTldN~._l.8 PA~ES • CV.NGE COIJNTY, CArlFORNIA, . . • MONDAY, ~AY 21i, 1969 ;TEN CENTS r 'U , I I ' . Moon ·Ne~t Stop After 1Perf ect Trip ABORD THE USS PRINCETON CAP) -The Apollo 10 lunar explorers landed safely On earth today, ending a '100,000. mile space voyage which cleared the way for an American moon landing atteDlpt in J uly. Air l'orce Col Thoms· P. Stafford and N'avyCmdrs. John"'W; Young arid Euge ne A. Ceman -back fro.m an eight-day flight that included 'a i:lestent to within t .4 -miles of the moon -· sPibbed Into a calm· Sbtlth Pacific within view of this prime _..,.ship. ~'Would you tell the .m.edical officer to relax?!' Stafford radiOed 'from the·Apollo 11 Capsule. uwe are iii grelt shape .... Thelr spacecraft, dangling beneath huge or.nee and·white parachutes, came into view of television cameras aboard this helicopter earner several minutes before it hit the·water. Waiting·rescue helicopters gained radio contact with ~ spacecraft almost iJD. mediately after it l"""d through a tbree- mlnute blackout .period which alarted at the belgbt of Hs burning re-entry Into the earth's atmosphere. "We should be right on lop of yw U you'r.e down there," Stalford called. Tbe ipaoeship, landing ID n t a r ' .. - FIREMEN SCRAMBLE TO DOUSE COSTA MESA. BLAZE ,Fl•.m•s Erupt W:hl le Family Dozes, But AJl .E1upe 4 of Mesa Eamilr, Flee $9,000 Bedroom Blaze darkness, hit the water only about three miles from the recovery ship, whose ,lights flashed in die semidarkness. Helicopters immediately hovered over the floating capsule and swimmer• drop- ped ihto the inky water to aid the crew. By AR'l;JWR.R. VINSEL O! 11'11 0.11)' 1"11•1 $1111 A sleepy boy who. mumbled something about a fire was credited to$y. wi th arousing bis Costa Mesa family in time to escape Sunday night, shortly before a $9,000 blaze raged through a bedroom ad· tion. . Frantic ftreme.n who arrived on lhe iie at 19711h Fullerton Ave., smashed their way through doors nailed .6hut from the inside, fearing the occupants were trapped. Mrs . Arlene Davis, her mother and two o( her f.our boys had already fled, but it was too late lo save the family parakeet which perished in its cage. ,;The people were very lueky, they could -just as easily be dead today as alive," said Costa Mesa Fire Department Inspector Kenneth Blakitan. tnspeclot Blak);an said the blaze'.is still· under investigation today, but , added there is uo reason to think il, was anything bUt a~dental. ' "Just about uerythlng In Ute house is gone, .although the structure· can be repaired ,if they want to go to that .ex· pe.DSe, .. he 'said, ' Damage to' the structure 'itsell was . estimated at $8,000, with contei:its m·akin w.-.tliea- 11 you're lOokiN: for a break in the weaWer:.· IOOk somewhere else. Locally Tuesday morning will .UU.. be overcast · amt the afternoon bright and shiny with little temp. erature alteration. ' INSmE .TOD.\Y · J . . . \Vhat WGI• good on teleoUion d"ring tlle last sea!on1 Colufim. ist Rick Du Brow 'ha.t his ldtat of •ome· of the better 1how1. -Page 30, " •• .. • .... ..... .... .. " • ,. •• up the remainder of the $9,000 blaze, first reported 8.t 11:37 p.m., according to Blak· kan. InVestlgators said the older model home 'has six doors, several of which were nailed shut from th, Wide, leading a~ first to ·fear the Davis family · was trapped. · ' Fire Department spokesmen dill not know which of". the boys, Darrel, 15, Duane, 13, Doran, 12, and Danny, 11, were at home or which one sleepily men· tioned.he suspected a fire. Nf:9~ said they believe ,the Jamlly is staying with a relaUve until they can get resetled. -' . Minutes later the word came from the astronauts: They were safe and well and ~xious to get aboard the ship. Apollo 10 made the hottest, fastest and riskiest phmge ever back· into the at- mosphere of earth. Alter its service module -containing most ·of the oxygen and electrical sup- plies -was jettisoned, the small com- mand ship quJckly picked up speed as it flashed toward the earth at the end of its (See APOLLO, Page Z) 74-year-old. Mesan_ Dies ' ' .. . After Befug Hit by Auto An elderly Costa Mesa man atruck by a car ljlit poUce ·said Wd doWn IO' !Oet of skidmarks dted earl)' Suriday, fouf hours after the acciJtent neat,. weatikle ,net intersection. Jar!tes O. Bell, 74, .of 878,W. Wilson St., suffered fractures of both legs, multiple Jaceratioos and other inJuries when !pt on WUson Street just west of MonrOvia Avenue. Motorist Glenl'J. A. Montgomery, 24, or 2223 Pomona ~·• .. Costa ¥esa, told Of. '"' llGul!: Tn111c 11a IO Defi~. Tt!I 77 . Fleeing Youth Leaves EVidence ' licer DOvid Haya be lint aa• the victim· An Upland youth walling with three aboal IQ feel.-and bould,aot atop,Jn bo~ies to be aeorehed by Co&ta Mesa tJme ' Police for drugs allecedly tried to eocape Beil ..... Uocked oul-of 'bla ' ahoes by · e~ly SUnday, but was caught •fttt a 'IO-U.. Impact. · · . )'ard dllb, leavlng 1 lrall of evldenct. Montpmcry wu not cli.d, but'11"11fic Lorry J. Coon, II, wu COUghl by ln...Uplon loflay' are still ll\""1lnC Patrolman John S-back\ and booted reP!Jril ol the !alal occlden~ wMcb ..,. Into Costa. M"a-cily Jail on IUipiclon of curied "' the ""'I"" cm.ied liuly Willon _..,Ion of dangerou.o drugs and marl- StreeUl.an.ang!O ~ 1.<n111 wilt. -Juano. · --· WilnesS&~ Bell wu i"Ue-and -Poltce u.id Coon"was a paaenger In-a talking, altliough in ~ pain at the car stopped on Harbor Boulevard -at scene ol the 1:$$' p.m. accldenl. bul be Wareboule !load for an 111.,.cl traffic died at 1J:57 a.m. at #Cotta Mesa vlolGkm, but Officer Sloneback also Memorial Boapltal , · • • found auapected mirijuana ..eds on the Funeral oer•lcel for Mt, flell will be llocii'boarn.. • held Wodnelday at I p.m.• ill the Bell · He und 1be occupinll-to -·to Broodwar Mortuary o.a~. with In· ..-..i they aid, 1a·o-ra and a tirment m Barbor Rm Mtmorlaf Pork. cheCk of 1111 trail b1Tnell up a leather He leaves three IOM, Joe, of San pouch d. IUlpected marijuana; a hand Btrnardlno, Jact1 ot concord, Wendell, of rolled ci&areUe and a red pill ... y • ' , \ . . -~-LL .. -. . () < " ' • • .......... , ., • J ; t • · • ' • , , • ·• Dt-ILY "11.GT·stafl.. ...... . . ' ' . ' . . . ' . . CHANCEttOR ·ALORICH ADDRESSES' CAlilPU$ MEHJNG1 ON .BERKELEY :Slt UATION' ..-; Members of UCI Contlngoilt 'Cl1lm"ihiy Wero liMliil'ff'"4llly 'PoHC.' .-· • : · ' 0 •,..,;.. ;. '·~~~ ~ ... ,,._.,..N ~ ! :; 0 ..,,.. \ ',#." ,j'1:~\ '\\. •l · 6\• A r~ 'l ;., ~ *'-~.Ji!o' '.l ffiJf!""· , " '. · ·t· IJ.-P t-. 'f . Berkele.y Beatw~s '.6h~~g~~ • · UCI Group Ckiim Police-t~ 1hem 'Scum' ' ' By THOMAS FORTUNE Oi' ""' o.11r "r'" ,,.., Students and the UC Ii'vine campwi 11tudent activities adviser today voiced allegations of mistreatment, verbal ~ dignities and actuaJ. physical beatings at the hands of lawmen following their ar~ ieSts F&r!re il(liit wen:-, The strongest in41ctment of police was given by Neir Malmberg, the UCI ac· tivities aQvtser, ·Malmberg told 500 ·among 3,500 UCI students who attended a campus-wide meeting f~r which clasSes were dismissed : "We were made to lie race down on bot asphalt and told not to move a muscle. We were called 'Creeps' and 'Scum' We were told to say 'Yes Sir.' Student Philip True and others were beaten with a blackjack,~ he'1 'cl~ed. "l was there lor 26 hours and not allowed a plione call," he c6ntinued. The several student speakers and Malmberg, a cle&ncut appeari n g administration aide, told of being trapped ·while orders were ·giveo tcrdisperse and herded helplessly together with 480 others in a mass arrest. They were charged with failure to disperse and unlawful assembly, but said one person in the Same er~ l"ho trl~ to disperse as ordered wu ~led with escape. ~ . 'Ille UCl•contingent wls freed on bail after $900 was personally put up by Chan- cellor Daniel G. Aldrich Jr. to secure their release on bond. They are being represented by an attorney now. · One girl slu<\mt .. S!acy Wlddlcomb, 1 freshman from Corona de! Mar, told of "absolute ~e~r." and ~'hy.terta" at Santa Rita Rehabilitation Center. · "It doesn't matter in Berkeley whether you are !orig-haired, short-haired or freaky·looking," sbe said. "You are not safe.~ Jong as yoµ look civilian you are the enemy of police," she asserted. Malmberg said he ' webt to Berkeley wilh no feeling on the People's .Park issue. He accompahied, the students to gather informatiq_n for the UCI campus. Malmberg aald'Ule gnljip got a taste 41 what was to cdm• when, they first ar. rived. They rented a car, he slid, alkl black stµdeot John Kina was ·driving with white · itudent Katen 'lloos ID" the Jront seat with him. .. "It became appaf<!'I , we . ......, being IQllowed by •the Berkeley.pip ~ lhaL'a th<i namer Ut11 now/' ·Malmberapid ... He aUeged -thal'tt\e groyp wr-a pullfl!I over, made.to set.out of Utt car, hamblf· ed.azulgenerall)o.menhandLed l!Y ~·· King waa.puLin a.palldy wacon ancl talltn. a"ay where he. "'unde)'Went tw,o hours of physical ....,. In a back loom at 'the SCRk llf•Jceu llEW YORK CAP) -~ atock market, wUh lnvedon rtpOrt.ed CM1Uous azicL awalll,ng de>(ejopmehta, cl " ~ d almost even today. (See quotaUana, Pages2149). I 1 • <DAILY 1'91.o:T-...,.-,.._ soui.iq ANll 1FuRv AT :u c 1 FA1Ls To AROUS i 'POCicH Pup T1kH· Hl1 Elon Durl"I Cempua C-1! .. . ' . . ' " 'I ' . ' Clum sy" Thiev~ . . ' ~nt ~pering I A-noise maiiad'zn<thanlc-- ~· Tllottison 'ouWlle bis CC!Ota Med '-•arli' f0da1{.blilil,... niiliic-111 blo tan, poUce .aaid.' '' ' ~ dunk and ejau.,. of l900 ~ ol -. ' tools lzrt large he"TboJ ~ 1'!"-" running out of lhe reai<!lnce at lll•AllMlt Pia<:<, acconlln& to Patrolman • RlldJ Malik. '· · ' Tltlt.., who bungled lbe job -Of· • U11i lhe bifJ box out ol ~'1 ~ !""'k· PJ!Z:W in , 1111 dthftlf, 'had . alroedy Oed the --. .:-r I ,, I 11 ' i I • • " ' ,. Ml.Y I'll.OT c - 2 'Missing' • Boy Hikers FoundSaf~ ~A lfound 'and ilr search for two mW· Inc l""°"..id Orange Coonty bo)'s ended today when • patrolling sherllf's deputy round them Ploddlni alq In the mouo- tainous Starr .Ranch area. Tbt )'aWlgsten were reported well and unloJured wben picked up about hallway bellreen O'Neill Park and the U.S. F-.Y ll<rvlce's Clarlso ftre ll1W'd llla- tion oo the Ortega lilghway. She.riffs Captain James Broadbe:ll said Hany L. Ferguson, of tl& Calle Vista Torito. San Clemente and Robert F. l.awm ol lll015 N. Olive St., Santa Ana, •1 both JI, were dropped off SaturdaL;r O'NeW Park by Fe,.._•; ,. Adelbort. '!be 'bop p1uned lo camp ... rnlPt at the I""' and -their _ta. al • pAdil<nnlDod locatloo on Or te ·I• llichft1 II 4 p.m. Blady. · When _they bad uol arrived al the . ~ llQinl ~later, the pmn!a ailed the Sl>Or1!1'1 olllce •. '!be dlsla .... of the piopolOd bike from the park lo the °"'fa HillbWIJ' apol WU .. _ •ilhl miles alrUne and, probably II up and down," Capt. B..adboll said. The Sbertfr1 search and rucue team, equipped with bloodhounds and marlne C0<1'I bellcopl4n, were conductlni ID In· ~-GI the area-,. -· .[ p,.... P-.e l APOLW ••. 211,-b'ip bome from the ....... '!be _.a r.adl<!I M,111 m111a ... hour J1lll --l1kllll Into the upper limits of eartb'• ltJDOlllhere. . . 'lbe <Ol1Hbaped opaeolblp's bhml end ·-• llery red u atinooploerlc -lion boated the oulllde of the craft lo. more *""' 1,ooe cttrrees. ~ crew remained a comfortable 80 dep:ees as they withstood for<e1 1.7 times that of gravity. At 24,ooo f .. t, a forward heat shield llipPed away and two dl'oeue l>lflChutu popiied out of the pointed end of the • _..,alt, stablllztng Its fall M-liter three pilot parachutes popped out, c1r.,g1ng behind them the huge main parachutes. The main parachute. bloMomed above t h e spaceo:Alt and slowed ill D.e!inl -to Z2 miles per hour. The utroDautl drifted through the dawning sky for five minutes bel0<e landing gently on the ocean. Apollb lO's re-entry WIS 64 mil~ In hour -than the notum , ~t December GI Apollo I, the one lft\'bd m~ll Tijhl -Apoll"O IO canie . in dlrectly, tnmod of "skipping" u did Apollo 8. Apollo IO also came !rom further out In space, alnce the moon wu more distant from the earth than durin& Apollo I. The 1ll06t important hours of Apollo I011 eight days in space came durinl ill 61 houri of orb~ around the IllOOll. Stlf. r...i aod Ceman flew the fragUe hmar I-lo within 49,000 feel of the_., mace, proving the moon machine'• delfp aod 11theiin1 vital data -the a--Ille whm Apollo 11.wtll.av tempi the ftrll landln1. Fire Becomes Real Headache It .wun't much of a .fire, but the con· A <ouch bepn llDOkiertnt late Friday nllbt In Ille Cor:ona.del Mor 1portment of Sbaroa 1'iom,u, IOI CamaUon Ave. While firemen dnQed the Iola aut- doonr and douaed II, a nellhbor, LesUe Griffin, who llvl.?I Upstalrs, ran from her home and bmnped her held "on sori!ethin1," she told firemen. Only the couch ourfered damage In the Thomu woman's aputment, but~Mw Grtma lllffered a lwo-incb cut on her !or.head. DAllY PllOT OflAlolOt to.t.Sl '11all ... t ... (OMPAM• "•Mri H. W•M ~-~-- ------------ ' ' ' . • ' ~ DA .. YP-..T .......... Q..ai.,t "tf~~rk Doomed . , . . l ; . . . . J • App1'0¥ed Furn!lure sbOp, one of oldest stores !n Costa ·Mesa, will 100n be razed by owner John H. Deane to make way for brand cnew build·. ing and. expanded service. Present store, built 28 years ago at 21.&9 Harbor mvd., hM ,Ileen familiar slgbl to city resldentsc ' . Man. Sentenced in l)idllap ' Of Laguna Officer's Wife A Coots"'"' man orreated alter being · ~led ' of" attacking aJ1d kldnaplng a ·~ Beach pOllce officei''a wife must .pend three yea.rs on probtUon for his ' coovlcl1on an r>duced charges. ·8-ior·Courl ·J;.i.e Jamea F. Jucice 1<J • • .... \ tooay oentfn<ec1 Marvin Edward Alea- andet, II, GI ·siliti Pei.raon Way lo from .0. lo 10 Yur.i In stale prllon on the recuced count and then immediately SUipended the oentence. Bui he warned Alul!lder that ·he. mull not carry firearms during his probaUon period nor should he agaiit ' in any' way bring bis name to the altenUon of authorll!ea. .\Jex.and.er, frllSh from a tf)..day Depart· men! of Corrections study left ·the courl smilfnr lllPllilY • •· He bad w:lier beoll described by Jud&• Robert Gardnfr U "a;Ume bomb" after the crlmtO,al court, 1.ri.t eumlned police reportt: which aetaUed~ .Alexander's ab- duction 1ait Jan. 4 of.Mn. Diane Cart.er, 26, from her home at SS3 Victoria St, Costa Mesa to his own rtsideoce. Offlcefs said A.Je:s:ander atticked Mrs. Carter, the wife of i.aiuna Beach of:ticer Kenneth Car.tu I after' lie dragged her' m. to the home. Officers who raced to the Peterson Way addtull were held off at gunpoint for more than an hour before the crook finall)'~SWTende.red. Police reports indicated that lhe an&?Y Aleu.oder struck Mn. Carte11 with tt>e barrel .of his gun ·and ~ISO aauulled a neicbbor. Where Are Girls? IJu Triangle? Developer Seeks Rezoning for 4 partments ' R1qa1R1 fGr ttll)1.blng Crom raoailll Tbt property I& l30 Paularlno Ave., II are up for dlscusslon, several for apartments projects, and lwo from ap- plicants who wa.nt to teach music al born•- 17.1 ..., of ._.. for apartmenll and now ID1*I for lnltltuUooal aod recre• commercial ven-lo pepntll lo tfldl Uonal .,.. end olnile faml1,y home pl_, and ICC01'dlon in private homes are devel~t but the appllcant wants 1 . One-item, a request by Robert W. Beardsley, of 1927 Wallace Ave., to oon- vert 1 two-car garage into an apartment., resultiDg in three units and two gara.get in an M duple:r zone, hi likely to fail . . ' ' . op ror dflcu>OIOO tonight by the Costa chaiilo roe apartmenll w bualneu. "'°',Planning Co(nm1sllon. '1be UrR ,... was Ktablt&had when a , -tmpnSllve In ecope of,requeslS In ,.w-abandoned plan-for a hospli.1 waa In &bl 7:30 p.m. sess.lon ls an appllctlion by effect. whlle tbe rtmalnder of the land ii Ptannlng Department aldet iruJ~I Ille pn~ aay Beardsley bu already dooe"lb• a)\eratloo and auuest denial of Ptopiel' Investment Co., to mane 17.5 • set for 11-1 cle>elopment. _. la, tht ~Wed ~en Triangle , Althou&l.1" maltir in1J be'bdd ·ever, -GI Ille cfly. ..-Jhe Ital[ .bu -ed Its danlal ,,,. p1an111nr -million 11111. bold ' end, 1n .ract, a ,.t..,. to R·\ ..ru., 'ror ~the requ0i·u lllllt•td IJ)' dia city the entire ll'fll since the hospital will noc. · his permit appUceUon and Corthwllh legal action .,a1n11 him. siaf~ pending linmlnent compleUon or a tie bultt. ' current land use study in ~ area. A number of zone tlcepuon permjll They suggest that the project as It ha! been dooe is a fire haiard. Douglas Says Parvin Case Manufactured Fro.m Wire Servlcts NEW YORK -Supreme Court Justice Willlam O. Douglas has said privately that an Internal Revepue Service in· Ve!li&aUon of the Albert Parvin Foun- ilatlon was 1 "(l'llnufactured ca.Se" in- tended to force b1m from the bench, the New York Times reported today. The Times said the charge wu con· taioed in a Jettr dated May I2 that Douglas se.nt Albert Parvin, mulUmil· llonalre Los Aojjeles buslneslimao. Parvin beadl the foundation ol which Douglas WIS presldeot and a director un- Ut lhe Supreme Court justice resigned the positlonl, which piid an annual salary of '12,000, lut week. The Times, in a Loi Angeles dispatch, aaid Douglaa, reached in Wuhington, bad deeUned to comment on the contents of the letter In question. The report said Parvin had made some or the foundation 's records available to lhe newspaper "to show that nothing the foundation has done is in any way wrong." IRS agents have been conducting their lnvesU,atlon for tbret years. Agents also have reportedly examined some of Douglas' own files in Wuhingt.on in con- nection with the probe. "The strategy ls to get me off the court," lhe Times reported Douglas' let- ter said, "I do not propose to bend to any such preuW'e." Douglas announced his resignation from the foundation last Friday, citing the "heavy work klad" imposed by the posts as his reuons for quitting. In Los Angeles today, the chainnan of Parvin·Dohrmann Co .• criUciied a Se- curities ind E:s:change 1 Commission in· vestigation and told stockholders it wasn 't justified. Delbert Coleman said the investigation. and the suspension twlct of trading in the .M.eets Tonight Council UJ Get Revised . . ' . Y o~th Festival Plan A revleed plan for a aiant' foupi ' 900 W. ltth St., to slage a series of etcht- festlval In AUIUI&, dltcuaion of ::a bicycle hour bicycle marathons· June 28 and each marathon ptOpOled for July, and· Saturday in July. streamlining of 1he .cJty beauUfic1Uon Vice Mayor Robert M .. Wilson toda' commlllee w91 lie dillCUJled tonfaht by asked lo ,.t t1i" !natter straight about his the Colta Meil City Council. vote 1t last weet's city council meeting Tbe 7:30 p.nL speCiaJ meetin& will be on a~ beauty salon io the Bethel held 'in " C!lllfermet room behind city Towers retirement center. @undl cbaml>era, lfnce the, planolng Mn. Gract..Krueger, a resident of the cmnmfllion wl!I be roeettng In rqu1ar apartinent diveloptl)Ollt al Ill W. 11th lellkla. .·~ •. st., WIS refuaed a perm.it on a 3 to 2 volt A·aipobamu for the city clert'i office and the vice mayor was incorrectly said today tbal "llDJlam H. Tappen, ol reported lo have been .,a1n11 it. s.n Via Lido, Newport j!each, planned to "f,.. notblnr at aU wrong with 1~· submit a new plan for a mUlic fativtJ . Willon observed today, pOOiting out that auaested last week. it wu the maydr, not the vice mayor wtw> The m"9ical event promoter wanll to · joined. Councilman George A. Tucter in stage the affair at the Oran&e County backing Mrs. Krueger. Fairgrounds the weekend of Aug. 91 but Rev. L. E. -Salverson said 1 week ago· councilmen frowned 1 weei aao on.bi! ID-tie wµI apPeal the decision against teWng iUal two-day. proposal. Mrs. KrUeger ope'rate in an unrentable Dlacuasion will '1ao involve a au.g. secnad floor apartment, to benefit aome gut.ion by Boy &:Out leader J!Jn Roee, of et¥rJy residenta who aren't so spry • No C~mpliments to Chef- Astronauts' Meals Lousy ' ,SPACE CENTER, Houston (UPI) The ApoUO 10 astronauts, who carrled1tht most Varied menu or any ~rican spacecrew on their eight.day voyage to the moon, today brought some it back Un· touched. .A method designed to separate the I" from the water by splnniD& a bq of water did not wOrk In space: ind scien· ti_sts were unable to devise an alternative procedure before the fiight ended. . 1 firm's stock on the American Stock Ex· tions Fishinu for Beauty Entrants ~~::ni,b~J1~:~-·~~~~u~v~r t~~ ~tronauts Thomas P. Stafford, John \Y. Young and Eui~ne A. Cernan escaped the still unexplained space naU!ea which struck the Apollo'"I and Apollo t crew!, but they said their appetites were dulled by the hydrogen gas in their drinking water. The Apollo 10. larder, probably the most appetizing carried by an American space crew, included 60 ·freeze· dried rehydratable food items plus one "wet~ pack" meal for each crew member each day. q stock to drop severely. Plenty of -· cod and other oea We coinmodlU.. wll1 be an band foe. the an- nual Costa -.Newpon Harbor LI.ans Club FIJll FiJ: boll certain two-Teaed moraels are so far In short ~- Only foor &irll have eotered the beauty contest for the b11 June I to' I solrte in . Colli. ii'!' Jlai:k, _..slol to Sieve • Penin, cbalrman GI tbal e-. Two lil1eo will be up for rrai>I this year' !Illa Mermaid and Miia <Josta Meta, with 1 June S deadline for &irll ag- ed 11 to 21 to o1p up roe the evenl Jodging 11 ocheduled S&lurd&J June 7, at 3 p.m., ind each atrl wll1 be given a bathing llUll for the occulon, with the winner henelf rtcelvlnr a wardrobe worth several hundred dollars. Vet he said the hotel supplies company Glrla from ~ Orange County has coopera.ted fully with tfle SEC and n1ay compete for the Mlss "Menna.id title, conducted its own study or charges Perrin says, liiifMlilCosta,w-wiu~~q:ainst"it-and~ls--aware-of no-wrongdoing selected as the local entrant with the "of any consequence." highest judging score. . Interested girls may cont.act Perrin at hll. Bay View Employment Agency In Newpcirt "Beach, "for delails on how to OCC Health Forum enter the double-UUed beauty contest. Sl d E • eompc11t1oo so far 1nc1oo.s Dianne• ate at sta~c1a Roos , I&, Coron• 'del Mar High School, Patricia Manrets, 17, !luntlngloo Beach High SchOOJ.: Sue Platte, 21, 'W'bo Uves in Orange and work• in Costa Mesa, and Georgia Boydston, II, Orange Coa!I College. "Your Health and How to Keep It," is the topic in the Orange Coast College Health Forum, tonight 1t Estancia High School. ' ' ·Bottomless Dancer s Guest speaker at the 7:30 p.m. session will be Dr. John Palmer Miller, president.elect of the Hoag Hospital medical staff. All interested members of the public are invited to bear the free lecture. ' ' However, theU: mild stomach discom· fort W'as ·not bpected lb keep the aitronauUfrom celebrating their retUTn with a sausage and eggs "breakfast" aboard the USS Princeton, the prime recovery ship. ~They also planned to cap off the return celebration later with a alice of the huge Cake created by the Princeton's bakers for the occasion. Dr. Charles E. Bury, the astronauts' chief physician, said earlier Stafford, Young and Cernan reported taking medication (Loinatil) to help rtlleve lhe mild discomfort callied by the gu. Other spacemen also reported ii.mllar pro- blems. Space Agency officials said the astronauts' drink.inf water, which is drawn fr'om a fuel cetr, Is saturated with hydrogen gas. · The "wet.pack '\ meals consisted of foil wrapped pacJcag~s of beef and polat~s. ham and polatoes and turkey chunks with gravy. CdM High· Slates Concert at OCC nie Corona del Mar High School con- cert choir will present Ralph Vaughan- Williams' 1'Dona Nobis Pasem" st I p.m. Wednesday at Orange Coast College. Donald Haneke, instructor for the vocal music department, will conduct the 70- voice choir. Tickets will be available at the door. Prices are $1 for adults and 75 cents for students. Tlie proceeds go toward music scholarships. . ' Tr~l in Last Stages There's a right the profeSAor didn't say a word about thaL Sanla. Ana vice laveatlp~ today ftllvad lbllr beer lippln(' oilh1I at the A'f,artm.m ~ u Ill< ebecsafV trial of Lqum --Carol A-Go-Go routine that Miss Cybulski stag- ed e.specially for their edillcaUon last week. a on Now if I may be permitllld • word, rd like lo nte it in · heluiU of my own oi.oe'k of men'• tromen here in tJU.1 store. J•clt l. c.,1.., __szblllski eatmd 111 final ..... -ReoeWed queittootnc of oflleln Who The panel adjourned at that time to the Westminster Boulevard bar to watch a routine tha\ has been condemned in testimony as "lewd, obscene tnd plalnly filthy." and p_ut wrong _._way to your pants ' I bate lo give you tomethin.8 to Fleeble, "ba•e been concll• tloned by prevloa1 military 8U'Vice to etep oil with the left foot. Thus a man who in· etinctl vely 1lArt1 bis forward motion witlt the left foot i1 uncon11ciouely obeying hie We cany the mo!l J'Oflular brando. Corbin Slacu, Major ·Slaclu and Varela Slacu in variou1 1'·ool fabrics and wool blend•. raniring from ~27.50 up to S40. We also carry wash elafk• fro1n Cactus Cae nal• anfl from Harris, in Pen11a Prased fabrice al from ll8 lo $12.95. ltliat ,,. • ....., .... o--.1 ..._. ..... .. 111•11'1•1 K .... ;1 ·-T\•ll'l•t A. Mtt•,~ift• "'!" .......... .,.. __ l)O Wei• l•y Strttl Mti•11t Alilr11t1 P.O. 111 I S•O. t1•?• • 'Ofllmr ...... charred the Lquna -with le"1 conduct and Indecent espooure after watching her controversial all-nude caper on the mirrored mlni.stq:e of the west Santa Ana: tavern ~ntered on e1aclly \\'hat the officers saw as Miss Cybulski posed with one leg on the atage _railing and the other on a mirror • Officer Thomas Abded lesUfled that hi saw "'""' Cybulski Include -that popular featurt in her show 1toppln& performance on at least foor occulons. And be emphulzed, under close quao: Uenin& by delense atl«ney Bcrrlin M..,., that be "bad pretty ,,..,..,. vision and was ln a l)O!!Uon to lff. everything." And "111\) the ofllcer saw led to Miss Cy®lskl beinc -lmmedl1tely Oil conclusion of her torried number. Sbe has beJF.n cha11ed by .... ra1 ofOctn on 10 such occasions. rt la npectfd that the 1b-m1n, slJ •• • woman Jury will mu. later today ro coolider th<lr verdict on the obaceolty ....,.. !Ued .,a1n11 the 12-yeaM>ld eo- le11a!Mr. Tllq will carry with .th<m to the jury tooin the vivid memocy ~an Apartmtol Miss Cybulski is one. o! more than 20 allegedly bottomless entertainers who are being prosecuted by the district at· tomey's office in an apli·bottomless drive. Vandals Strike At Mesa Church v andala snapped off three automobile radio antennas outside the f'lrlt B1ptllt ClJill;h GI Colla Mesa durlllfl Sund1y nlpf ~' then hurled one throu&h I sanctulr')' wtodaw tite a spear. "Luckily, ., the .Loni would have It, th< anteoma feO'lnlo an empty pew, but II narrowly mlJlfd ManblD and Phyllis Wllius," said Rn. Hareld Lundtll. A IJ'OllP GI wwatli_., Including Co.Ill Mtaa Ponce Sgt: Jim Green, ran out ot11ie cburd1 'II SOI M.,,,olia SL, but the vandals bad fl<d , "EverYboey oays II can, happen here," commented Rn. Lundtll 1Dd17, "boll II ls happenlna 'l\tre," ' - • -· ' .,. -------------------------·----~--~-__. . ......-.. - to worry about when you ~t dreaed tomorrow mofuiu,a:. Or afternoon, ae tl1e cate n1ay be. · We'"e jul!I received aome iufomtation in a confidential bulletin from 1be lnetitute of App lied Learning, a11d it'~. too good 10 puo up. According 10 Ackney K. Fleeble, &..d pn>leoaor ol pay· chology at Sedpick Col1- e11ery man uncomcioualy "'" •eolo hio poUlieal leuinp in the momlng whee be i1 pal• tin• ht1 troaee.n on. If he pau hl1 left leg iA flriJI , etrannly enou~ tha1'1 1 1are •ll!D 1ha1 be II a i>olitlcal conform.J1t. Thia aame political 1....tniJ 1ometimea abo 11 evident in the way a man 1tep1 oU the et1rb when ...,..1..,. Ille _,, "Muyofndl.Waah," according • ' peen.'' The man who pot1 hi1 ri1ht les into hit troUfen rll'lt, OD lhe ,olher hand, 11 "_Daunting the ......... " He ii • pelltial no ....... tormlaL _.,. ....Lel- lfug apin11 tit• fon:ea of order and ca1tom. Y 011 may wonder how ' man would pal on bia panta If be · h11a't reeei...d any mllltary b-ainiag a1 an, Unfortunately, We ha-ve a great eelection and I can't thiak of a better lime 1o com~ In for your MW 1nmmer 1Jack1. I can only think of one oth· er thing to add, Do YoO bow ho,'W to lden· Illy a poljtical mid_dl...,f-lhe- roader! Well, be mn•I be lhe one who puts both feet in h t1 trou@en at the same time. JacK. Bidwell • at 5467 Via Lido, npl whcnt yoa ln.'11 of/ Newport l11.;a. ,. p 1o .Udo bl<>. a1 ,Llclo Theater. F..,., perking llt IMI' of 11o'n" Plaooe 673-4510. Copyript 1969, Jaelt Blc!Wel , , ' MOLTEN LAVA SPEWS FROM F ISSURE AS KILAUEA VOLCANO SPUTT·l'RS Scient ists Watching Volcanic Act ion on 'Big lal•nd' After WMk.tnd Fireworks Displ•y Sum mer Session S ig nups Slated Registration for summer classes ·rang- ing from dog obedience to baby ballet begins at 9 a.m. Wednesday at the \Vestminster Parks and Recreation Department, 8200 Westminster Ave. Other coo rses include guitar lessons, dancing; golf, children's choir, cooking, tennis, swim nastics, oil painting, judo, aikido, hunter's sa fety an d marksmanship, \1rrestling and gym- nastics. Further jnformation about the summer classes is available by calling the depart- ment office at 893-4511. Valley Man Ne'v Water Engineer The new district engineer for the Orange County Water District is a 34· year-old Fountain Valley man, James Coffer. ·,. Coftcr /ills the post vacated by Langdon Owen who earlier moved up to the position of secretary.manager of the district. • Coffer has been senior engineer in the rlistrict for two years and prior to that served 10 years in Sacramento as an engineer on the State Water Project. He "'as senior engineer on the project when he left Sacramento for Orange Coonty. Husak in E. Germany PRAG UE (UPI) -Gustav I-lusak, Czec hoslovak Communist parl.y fir~t secretary, flc\v to East Germany today on his third visit in two weeks on fence- mending trips to nations which helped the Soviets invade his country last su1runer. Revenge 1lawai~n Volcano Quiet After Violent .Outburst I ' HLLO, Hawaii (UPI)-K.llauea V<llcano fountain s over a two-mile path. fumed and emitted gases Sunday night However, Dr. Howard Powen, scientist but was basically quiet after an eruption in charge of the U.S. Geological SUrvey'1 spewed Java as high as 200 feet in the air volcano observatory, said the "tilt" of and fonned an interrupted curtain of pressure at the lop of the volcaII() was ~ · rising, indicating another eruptive phase Gisler Progress . Repo11 Scheduled A progress report on the new Gisler in. tennediate school will be presented to the Huntington Beach City School District Board of Trustees at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in the library of Dwyer School, 1502 Palm Ave. Gisler School is scheduled for com- pletion sometime in July. 1t will join Dw yer School in serving the district's s.eventh and eighth grade students. Trustees will also hear a progress report on the district's a pplication for state funds to aid in the approaching school year. Beach Hi gh Board T o Conven e Tuesday Huntington Beach Union High School District lruslces meet at 7:l.> p.m. Tues-- day in the Westminster High School cafeteria, 14325 Golden \Vest St. Included on the agcn~a arc items con- cerning a special adult education class and rental of classrooms for summer school. could be in the making. No ooe.was injured during the 18-hour eruption which began bef<lre dawn Satur· day, but the chain of Craters Road, the main road in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, was damaged in two places. The Ainahou Ranch Road was cut off by lava and a new parking lot. although ap- parently intact, was left unusable because it was surrounded by Java. Daniel J, TOOin, park supervisor, in- di cated It would be SOme time before visitors will have the opportunity.' to see the area of the latest eruption since the chain of craters road was sO badly dam3ged. Tobin said until the road is repaired and there is available parking space, he cannot allow traffic into the area <lf the. latest eruption and the previous one which occurred Feb. 22 for 55 hours, also causing damage to the road. Hawaiians living on the· island of Hawaii, 200 miles southeast of Honolulu, :say fi.1adame Pele, Hawaii 's goddess for fire and volcanoes, Will never allow the chain ()f Craters Road to rernain intact because it passes over grounds that" they . consider ta be lirtlCred. 'tobin had recently returned from a trip to regional park headquarters in San Francisco to seek emergency funds f<lr r edoing approximately three miles of the chain of craters road which was destroyed during the February eruption. It was estimated it would cost about m.ooo to make the repairs from the February eruption. on Obi spo Flash Lag una Girl Spells .Down Pilot Reporter-Finally Note to psycho-analysts: If Laguna Beach's Sandra Winicski; the 13--year-old spelling whiz from Thurston Intermediate . School, ever develops a hangup <lf unknown origin, check her reaction to spellers from San Luis Obispo Junior lligh School. Miss Wini eskl, who handily won the Orange Coonty spelling bee earlier this year, th.is month barely missed taking the title in the first statewide spelling bee ever held. She was edged out in the Sacramento contest by Laura SLroube, 13, an eighth- grader from San Luis Obispo Junior High. 'AGEO' SPELLING CHAMP CONSOLED IN DEFEAT Winner Wlnle1kl. Symp•thit.e1 With Report1r Vln1el - The significance or all this is that Frf. day night it almost'happened again. In the fourth renewal ()f the annual mostJy-for-fun spelling bee between the Orange County press corps and the.coun- ty champ, Miss Winieski outlasted Arthur Vinsel, Costa Mesa. city editor <lf the DAILY PILOT -but only barely. It took the diminutive 13-ye.ar-old Laguna school girl 21 tough rounds <lf spelling to knock off Vinsel. And her«:'s the punch line. Vinsel, when he Was a seventh-grager at San Luis Obispo J unior High School, outspelled all of his peers and the tougher compeUUon from tbe eighth and ninth grade1 to become school champ of the same school which this year produced the state cham· pion. · In Friday night's contest, held under ··auspices ol .the Oranjje County Pr.,. Club at the club's regular Friday evening "TGIF" session at the Royal Roman Inn, Santa Ana, seven professional newsmen look on the coonty.champ. With Yict Knight, assistant superJrt- tendent ()( the Placentia Unified School District (and """*' ol the countywide spelling bee), ~ting as W<lJ'dmaster, San- dra, the super speller, knocked <lff six ()f them in the int six rounds. It appeared that the contest was going lo be a rerun at three previous spelling bees in which the c0t.mty's grade school champ easily defeated the ''pros." But Vinsel wanned to hls work and stood off M.lss y.'inieskt for 2Q rounds. Vinsel's undoing came with the word "poikilothermal" (it means cold·blooded1 like a snake). Miss Winieski miSM!d jt, too,. but under the rules was allowed to attempt one more word before being declared out of conttnUon. She successfully spelled "'prommclaUOo." and the coot.est was over In the 21st round -longest. any prea club n!preeentaUve ever bas been able to iland up •&alMI a county champ. The winner Is the dau&llt.r ol Mr. and Mrs. John Wlnieski ()( 420 Lioden Ave., W8UJUI Beach. Her school, according lo rules of the county echools' cont.est, will be host next year for the countywide llJIOlllJli bee. Winner cl tbal OOllleSI then will IO on to I.be slate spelling bee which was first held thls year and was patterned after the coolest originated in Orange County hr AMls\ant sup1. J:lnighL Seven Held In School Vanda1ism s. .... ..,,., , 1o is ~ old, race I juvenile charpa loday IOUowtnc a ram- pase ol vand&llsm Sµnday In which they dtd an estimated \'5,000 damage to Rancho Alamitos Jllih Sebool In Garden Grove. The rlotoua actions look plKe -. 12:30 and 2 p:m. and centered on the cafeteria, snack bar, girls' Joeker room and Sirls' gymnasium, pollco aald. Ofllcers said the boyt ...,. plcUd up within an hour aftu the vandalism fri>m deacrlptiona stven by peno111 wbo had seen them lea,. the school. They had amaahed a window lo get lnlo the cafeteria. There, they threw three doi.en eggs against walls, scattered food <lver the noor and destroyed practically all the !ood In refrigerators and stcrage areas. Two cash registers were smashed, win- d<lws broken and door bandies battered loose with hammers, Olficeni &aid. The boya then moved to the girls' locker room, entering by breaking another wind<lw. Lockers were broken open and clothing and books scallered around the room, Warmlng up to their work, the vandals then sprayed lire exllncuiabers on the floor and w~lls and used the fire hose to flood the adjoining gymnaaium Ooor. The boy1, wbo refuaed to ~Y why they destroyed the school property; were tem- porarily released to their parents pending juvenile court action. Criminal pro- ceedings will be up to the county pro- bation deparlmenl Under state law, parents of the youngsters can be held liable for the cost of the damages. School ()ffici.als said it would take at least ZS man hours to clean up the mess. Children's Play Injures Parents Three chlldr.en, playing in a parked pickup trllck on a steep private driveway in Orange, re.leased the emergency brake of the vehicle allowing It to slip backward and pin Uleir parents against the fence. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Calmelat <lf 18171 Bigelow Park in county area near Or- 8nge were injured. Cllmelat 31, suffered ·major injuries to his legs and chest and his wife, Sylvia, 26, miDor hurts. California Highway Patrol offic.en said their daughter Barl>ara, I, playing in the truck with Jake, 7, and Sylvia, 3, released the emergency brake. The children were not injured . M-, M11 26, 1969 ~ OAILY PILOT 3 :4.ctlvlst Defeate d Silent Majority ' Prevails at U CI , \,,. alien! lludenl majority has spol<en at \he ballot boi: and Fernando "Ferdy" Milllmino ls the new student body pres!· dent at UC Irvine. . MU&lmlno, tal l, handsome scbolar- athlete, defeated activl!t Peter Herman Hillcrest Park Quiet Sunday Despite Youths Hiiicrest Park In Fullerton, scene o( disturbances and arTests over the past several weeks, was quieter Sunday although an estimated group ()f 400 youths took ()Ver a hlgh spot kndwn as North Hill for several hours. Police, both in unUonn and plain clothes, carried out a steady watch <ln the congregation from noon until park closing at 10 p.m. There were no incidents. Earlier, <lfflcers arrested Brian M. French, 18, of Fullerton. ind jailed him on charges of carrying. a concealed weapcin. Police claim he was carrying a .22-caUber rifle and had a concealed .22· aut:cimaUc pistol on his person. Two weeks ago, 19 were arrested in the park after a battle in which }Kllice were struck with bricks, botUes and rocks while attempting to arrest a man on drunk charges. The park was completely closed the following Sunday, May 18.but open to the public again this weekend. Leading the Sunday North Hill cro\vd were members of Students for a llem()C!'atic Society (SDS) at Cal State~ Fullerton. Most ()f the hippie-types left the park al dusk, p<>lice reported but. they told of- fi cers they would meet again next Sunday at the same place. OV School Trustees Hold .Special Meet A special meeting ()f the Ocean View School Oisrlcl Board <lf Trustees bas been scheduled for 7:30 o'clock tonight in the district board room, 7992 Warner Ave., Huntington Beach. Among items to be d~ssed are a priority !i)'Stem for State Aid allocations and a ·progress report oo. the Harbour View School site. ' , I I In a runoff elecllon Friday 1116 ..... lo 591, Massimlno's l'llMlng mate J()f' student body vice president, Jim Gottfried, al.lo .was elected wtlh 128 votea to Dan Mayfleld'a 565 vot<a. Earlier, Claude Dora11, the third member <lf the Maulmlno team. wu •lecled studenl bodY secret.ar)'. They will take olllce for liie ochool yeat beginning next fall with Maulmtno wo- ceeding Ron llldgle. Turnout in the nmoU electbl. Frklay was a heavy 40 percent of the S,508 cam- pus students. Also oo the ballot was election or supreme court justices. The trio ot James Reyne, Bruce Mills and. Roger King. aD of whom lost In bld.s for -I body president the week before, were the winners in a field of e.lghl The election outcome portends that ac .. tivist students again next year will have lo operate outside the student body; government Activists dld win aix of 17 student senate seats voted on but are coo .. siderably short of mustering a majority <ln the 24-student senate. Massimin<l, 20, is a juni<ll' with a better than J3, grade average in a pr&med cur .. riculum. The six-foot , almost-~poond student alSCI is a water pc1lo star and was invited to the Olympic team training camp last summer but did not mike it to Mexico City. He was born in Argentina, but bas lived In Fullerton since the age ol 13. Massimino now Uves in a cam~ residence ll.all. • His platform was to try to achieve a balance between all student elements and not to push his own ideas on students but to try to draw out theirs. Junior Teen Qui) Officers Named · The Westminster Junior Teen Cluti, sponsored by the city's Recreation and Parks Department, has elected new ()[ .. {icers to bead summer and ran teen ac- tivities. New <lfficers are Dave Hess, presldent:1 Jess Wilson, vice-president; Core e Mooneyham, treasurer, and Bvalao Canonge, aecretary. Dances and other activities for thl! summer begin June 20 and will C011linue every Friday night through Aug. ZZ. ; . This ·girl can type 90 words a niinu.te., And can't-get a iob. She's weak In her HCond longuoge. English. It's a weakness that con clOH a lot of doors too lot of Mexican-Americans In Southern California. ·The Service Center then help1 people who hove..,~ completed these courses to find jobs. It's the kind of program thot helps people wko But it's not Impossible to overcom.. The stote'a I East Los Ang•IN Service Center is working on the problem. They. asked us to help. And we asked our employ"'· So now, volunteers from the Gas Company ore teaching o Service C..nf.t.r·spMsored course in Engli$h. Giving the.ir time a nd abilities. · · The program hos gore ~ond English cl oases. It now iiicludfi &pec:iOl.tutoring for people with s~10r problems (like the ' . 18·y9ar·old who never learned to r99d or write}. And a slucjy. groop to nelp job- ~hunterspa1\their~cerfiploytnen1 tests. And~on·tl'Ht-job secretarial training 4or :~ glrlS.~ Wotk Of ·t~ ~enter. .. \ ~ ~-,~w-:;w --.· ' ' • or• willing to work hard to help lhemselve .. And. no mistake, if is· bard work. But the S.rvk• center students aren't complaining. They hove/ o goal. (They wont their rightful place os con· tributing members of our community.) 1 We're proud of the work Gos Company people do at 6 the Center. And, the way we figure It, the whole community benefits. _ . 99§ . We're lnwstlng in tomorrow. • 'lo! ·---.... lc-Mol W .. o.lff ~ iUlfl For 24 years France's state-own-- ed. railways paid a retirement pen- sion to 'Mari• Etienvr•. Then a.cu· rious clerk figured Madame Etien. vre was 109 years old. A court or• dereCi the lady's daughter, now 71, of Draguignan to pay back the pe~ sion she collected since her mot~· er's death in 1944-all $22,000 of 1t plW! a $200 fine. · • Vivian Sut Shields, 20, \Vho is ex· peeling, has the perfect maternity dress: her judge's robes. A1rs. Shields o( Indiana's .Hamilton Co1.µ1ty'Superior Court, is lndilf,na'.s. oqly woman judge. Her husband 1s Attomey W{l llam Sh ields. • I 1MoflGl7• • .,. .. '"' Sinatra Tie • To Mohst~r, RFKProhed NEW YORK (UPI) -Frank Sln1tra denied Sunday that he had ever spoken &o then Atty. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy ln aa effort to get favorable treatment for Moe Glancana, who a national maguine iden· lilied as boss of the ChJeago mob. , Li!e magazl.ne sa1d Suoday that UMl FBI bugged a 1961 conversa~ in ~ Armory Lounge in Chicago between Giancana, the alleged mobster, and· hla courier, John Formosa. According to tbe transcript of the 00,. ging published in Life, Formosa quoted Sinatra as telling him "Johnny, I took Sam's (one of Giancana'1 names) name and wrote It down and told Bobby Ken· nedy: This is my buddy. This Is what 1 want you to know, Bob.'" According to the Li!e report, Formosa also said lo Giancana, "between you and l, Frank saw Joe Kennedy lhree different times-Joe Kennedy, the father.'' Giancana and Formosa were reportedly discussing a Nevada gambling casino, wtlOse principal owner at the time was Sinatra. Life said that what il anything Sinatra told Kennedy apparenUy bad no el!ect since Kennedy put .Giancana at the top of the list of Justice Depru1.ment targets in Chicago. tll"I T1~1 ~lffmmum Pre11ure' Laird Def ends ' U.S. War Tactics W ASHJNGTON (AP) -Secrdary ol Defense Melvin R. Laird has spoken out In lllj>pOrt ol U.S. batUeOeld tacUcs In V~tnam. which DemocraUc critics say cause needless 1ou of American lives. "lt'1 aJways been our goal to keep the marimwn pres,,ure on the enemy (00- sistent with the lowest p 0 I I I b l e casualties," Laird said Sunday, adding that U.S. commanders conUnue under in- structions to carry out this policy. Laird, a Republican congressman [tom Wisconaln belore President Nb:on ap- pointed him defense chief, outlined his view in an interview before he boarded his airplane for a week-long North Atlan. tic Treaty Organization planning con- ference in Brussels and London. Battle.field tactics have come under mounting criticism from Democratic leaders since the Jo.day batUe in whlch Gls drove North Vietnamese off Dong Ap Bia A.lountain in 11 assaults that Cost some 50 American lives:· Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D·Mass.), called the battle "senseless and ir· responsible" In a Senate speech last week and his stari'd was supported over the weekend by ·Senate Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield and Sen. George S. McGovern, D-S.D. Mansfield said Sunday the United States ls jeopardizing progress in the Paris peace talks by escalating the war through expanded military pressure creating an "act·react syndrome.'' Is to bring our troops home." Laird 's position and tha! or the generals is essentially that a culback in U.S. "spoiling operations" would invite heavier casualties by relinqLi.i.shing to the enemy the 1n1Uatlve o! when, where and how to strike at passive U.S. l)OS.illons. A Pentagon statement contended · that small-unit patrolling and reconnatssance. and battalion·size operations w h i c h result, "are not, in fact, o(femive opera- tions but are an active defense aimed at delaying or altering enemy plans.'' It is the Nixon administration's position that, as the Pentagon put it, "casualties have been a product of enemy offensive actions rather than of U.S or South Viel· namese armed forces actions." * * * U.S. Launches 2 New Drives ' 'Against Reds Reached in Las Vegas, where he is perfonnlng at Caesar's Palace, Sinatra said "l have been accused and credited with doing a lot''of things that never hap- pened. I cannot make comment on any conversation to which l was not a party. However, no such conversation took plaei! between me and any member of the Kennedy family." BERKELEY MILITANTS TURN NEW LOT INTO "PEOPLE'S PARK'' Some Planted Trees and Flowers, Oth1r1 Roa1ted Mar1hmallows "What we ought to do is not so fuuch apply pressure in Vietnam as to instead apply pressure in Paris," the Montana senator said. SAIGON (AP) -The U.S. Command today anoounced two new American of· fensives in South Vietnam 's northernmost provinces and said they were aimed at •·capturfng or destroying enemy forces, material and installations." This giraffe at Madison's Vila.s PaT"k Zoo isn't reaUy sticking his tongut out at the ca~raman. The long·neck.- ed native of Africa ts merely stretch,. ing from tail to tongue to get at so1ne grass offered by a zoo visitor, Later in the conversation, Giancana is quoted as saying, "Well one minute he tells me this and then be tells me that • • • one minute he says he talked to Robert and the next minute' he says he hasn't talked lo him. So he never did talk lo b.im. lt's a Jot of (obS«ltity)." New People's Park Taken; - "That Js where peace Is going to be made, not on the battlefield .'' Mansfield made the comment on CBS' "Face the Nation." The two new drives have accounted for 142 North Vietnamese soldiers killed since they began, one 18 days ago, the olher II days ago, U.S. headquarters said. U.S. casualties were put at 28 .killed and 13-1 wounded. • The ''monster" banged against Another Ah·liner Makes Cuba Stop No Police Action Follows . McGovern praised Kennedy Saturday for speaking out "Jn arotest against a truly senseless slaughter" and added, "The only way to end the war ln Vietnam The command said announcement of the operations were withheld.for security reasons. the door with its hard \vhite bead, waking Mrs. Marion Fauldtr of Purley, England and then scuttled off into the dark. "It looked like something from outer space. ~1y husband took a quick look at it, but he wouldn't go near it," she said. The police rescued the Faulders f rom a hedge-hog with a yogurt carton jammed over his mouth and eyes. • Fred Aldis, 67, of Calcton, England, sa~d all his lif e to buy an 1 l bedroom house on the sea to give childre1t from poor homes a vaca tion. "It's the happiest day of my life," Aldis t' said as the first continge11t of I ~ 20 youngsters arrived at the ' hbuse that cost him almost $20.· 000. He said 200 children toill have 10 days at llis new seaside home by tile end of s11mmer. • 'The gas man in Barrow·in Fur· ness, England took Mrs. Agnes Sc.oft'• meter six months ago, promised to bring it back at lunch time and di sappeared. Since then Mrs. Scott, 61 , bas bad to cook over an open fire. 0 They kept say .. ing they would send somebody, but they never did," she said. A gas company spokesman said she would get a new meter 1'\\'ilhin the next few days." • The Field l\1agazine of London. says gardners recently have sub. m..itted three potatoes said to re. semble ex.French Prernler Charles De Gaulle. MIAMI (UPI) -A Northeasl Airlines jet with 20 persons aboard was hijacked over North Florida today and diverted lo Cuba. The plane was Northeast flight I en route from Miami to Kennedy Airport in New York City with 14 passengers and a crew of six aboard. 'The Federal Aviation Administration said the pilot, Ted Connors of Miami, radioed from the vicinity of Jacksonville, Fla., that he WM being hijacked and was turning the Boeing '127 back to fly to Jiavana. It was the 27th hijacking of year, and the 17th of a U.S. commercial plane, Ten foreign airliners have been hijacked this year. BERKELEY (AP) -A new "people's park" has been hoed and planted without disruptions in Berkeley, scene of 'lnajor police and National Guard actions. Some 200 persons took over a vacanflot Sunday over a tunnel installed by Bay Area Rapid Transit District. Two police cars passed but did not sop, in contrast to earlier action when the Na· tional Guard was called to help local of. ficers after "street people" planted grass on a Jot owned by the University of California. Guardsmen were summoned when a riot deveioP.!!d as the "people,.' tried to ~block erect.iOO of a fence around the pro- perty, whicli .. the university had intend to use as an athletic field . Sunday, however, most guardsmen had been withdrawn from Berkeley to nearby armories. ln Sacra1nento, Gov. Reagan said there Beatie Wel~ome~ Canada Studies Lennon's · Case TORONTO (UPI) -Bealle Jahn Len-- non , bearing a gilt of acorns for Prime J\.1inister Pierre Elliott Trudeau, ha5 an tmrnlgratlon hearing today on whether he \\'ill be able to stay in Canada. Lennon. his wife Yoko an<I her 5-year· old daughter Kyoko flew here last night from the Bahamas, intending to travel to Pi1ontreal to conduct a "lie-in." lmrnlgralion Department officers de· tained lhent at Toronto International Airport 2'h hours before allowing them to proceed for the night to a doY:ntown hole I. · A spokesman for the Toronto district of the Canadian Immigration Department &aid lhe Lennons were detained because there was some question about their ad- missability. Lennon and his wife have been denied entry Into Lhe Unlted States because or a recent conviction for possession of mari- juana in London . The couple said they intend to go to f\1ontreal for a week long Ile-in. They had planned the ceremony for the Bahamas but Lennon said it was too hot there and too far from their first choice, the United States. The "lie-In" was invented In Amsterdam by the Lennons after their recent marriage. They spend from IO a.m. to 10 p.m. each day in bed as parL or their campaign for peace. Rains Douse Newport (Fla.) Three Waterspouts Sighted North, of Marathon,. Calltonda Coaatal Tiit \lllHI INll"lll"' U.111 ctwdt Wiit bl fGI..., i.ot't ... !flt UllNI ... ,.,. ~ llllllftlrM, ....... _,. er!y, I tt 1$ t"'9h. ToMy-s flllfl. iS ~ ... Y•~• . ..,,_,..,_ ,.,_. ffll'l'I I Miii .t .... I lllw llf ft, ln- tllllf ,.,,....""-"'--7J " ... Tiii -"" ~IWI -Q.6 "° ~ Sutt, Moott, Tllfu -lftlll'ld """ • . . .. f ;» •·"'-'-' ·-Jllrd .................. l ~m 1,...,, •.t it~t 11 ........... ., .... •!H 1,m, i;' ~ .... • ........... 111• ._..... l.J _..., lllefl ........ •1»•·"'-S,4 ,,._, rt,. t :at it.ti\. .... tlJI 1 ...... ....... """ J ·lj ··'"· .. " '~" '·""· ..... l*'I 0. Nl'W 1'"'-1 G. ,_., J1 J11"' ' J~111 ,, J11111 n 11.S, Su111mar11 Miid to •••'II Mtlhtf -11\t rult Ill '"'Wdi-.t ... """" INllJ, •lfllouotfl \11'111-lllY dlHIY «Ondtt'-·~ \lillld I,.... Pflrb ftl fl'll 11-t Mid- ... lo 1111rtl'ienl N..-E"'ltnd. S.... Wlllelf IU!twecl --\11i'loi'I ft\lfTl!Oll 111 oflwl'wltt ti..r -ltwl' """"' ~ ""' _,rY, n...W ··~" -· lltfllfll flOl'fl! "' .\W••lllOfl 11111 two fllllMl c"""" ..,.,_ -111111 ""1111 llf Slll'rlf'M,,_ ...... ~ .. "" "~ ~. s.v-11 hlMet , ....... '"'" ...... .....,, \J "'"" -· "' ........ l".tlrft lffU. Hwwf r11'1'1t 1111 Oft '"""'""'' Fie, •~I «Nl'felil llGl'lf 11'11 llllt1'll fl1ellk Col1l 1nd In !ht Norffll.t1t J~ IMOtltllM wltll wM trtflflo Mil .. ,._.,., ~ llc:lllY ....... .,..,_,.. • ..,.. lf<ll .. "" '*"""" GrHt Pi.Int t<'ll , "'-lvwwt' Mlulu1 ... I Vt!"I"• 1111 Tl:ll l P111tt.11'0i. •nd mt Ct rol!...,_ Temperat11res M!•~ law l"rK, Albu•~rw. " " Al\Cl'lllf111t u " At1-"'• " " &.k .. ll>e\<I " M 8IStN1r~ " " eo1., " .. OM ... " " ·" CJ\lt -" " .Ol Clnc1..,,.~ " " C~e!1M • " .~r;-...,_ • " Ciel Molnn " " De'l<t1ll " " ·" Eu Mt .. " ... Fort Worlfl " " ·-" " Htlel\fl " ,, Hl)l'IG!Uhl .. n Hou-1T011 " " 1(.,.,,, CflY " •• l., Vftn '"" " l o. A'!Nhtt " ~ Ml1m! '' " M!1w1u~ff' " " Ml~-ollt .. " Ntw Or~•l'lf " " N"" V1rt " " NOf'lll ltlti. .. .. "" ... " " ""'"" " ., P•i.o ltdb~' .. .. "911~11 " .. --'" .. ·-.... " .. "' ..... , ... .. " .. lt111C1 Clly .. .. litlld '"'" " " ·-" " -· " .. St. LIU1' .. " S.Urwtl " ~ 1111 L.it• C.ltl' " .. Slit Oil.-" ~ ... II "1'9f1C!to .. .. Mft1• .. ,..,. .. D ... ,. .. " ·" ·~·"" " " •• TJ\tt1t1<1I "' " W•Vlll!flOI H ~ was no timetable for total withdrawal of guards men. Some 200.250 remained camped at Uie controversial park site. A nighttime curfew and ban on public gatherings was lifted Sunday for the first tim e since trouble erupted May 15. Reagan said troop wilhdi-awal depend! on the validity of a threat to bring in thousands of persons lo Berkeley Friday to protest use of the guard. A spokesman for the demonstrators, Laura Dtirtz, said a "state-wide con· vergence" was planned Friday. Establishment of the new park followed a memorial se rvice for James Rector, who was fatally wounded during the original "people's park" disturbance. CONG ANNOUNCE TWO-DAY TRUCE SAIGON (UPI) -The Viet Cong's liberation radio announced today the Communists will observe a 4S.hour truce for Buddha's birthday Friday -one day longer than the allies' cease-fire. The South Vietnamese government two weeks ago called for a 24-hour standdown for the occasion and U.S. headquarters said American troops would comply." One of the offensives, Operation Lamar Pia.in, was launched May 16 by hundred! of paratroopers from the U.S. IOlst Airborne Division in jungled foothills 45 miles south of Da Nang. It Is aimed at taking pressure off the important provincial capital of Tam Ky, around which there has been heaVf lighting in recent weeks. 'The U.S. Com· mand said 113 North Vietnamese and 2S paratroopers .have been killed, and 102 paratroopers wounded. In the second drive, about 1,000 U.S • Marines from the 3rd Division are check· ing an area north-northeast of the aban· doned combat base of Khe Sanh about 18 miles east of the Laotian border and IO miles below the Demilitarized 7.one. · 991 feel very safe and secure in our Maverick, little as it is. i'T • It really holds the road. My husband bought it for me as a shopping car, but every morning, he says, w~ll I guess I'll take the Maverick to work today.,, - ' -- "EYWJbOdY kllP' oaring <Mf' IO k10k "' 'thnted a car and foreign ems .,.. "Wt bougtd: ... ~ ... 9llCOnd .i It. The other' night .,.,.. tal9 hard to fix.. So mr broth1r 1ald. car "'*' a trM tell on CM Import. Maverkk wu comll'lg, ahd I waited. Mawr1ck l)tndtlll btOlr end ,.. a'°Pl)td. Wt ltoUQhl we htd com- II'• a great car to lttm to drlw with. ·.o1Jcl tnd _,. on tht "*1 wa.t I PlftY• E'ltf)'OM In cur ntighbofhood · hit a bump M ._ alMil' car tt .... uys tor tht prioe' M'a Wlbtfltwblt. You ~n pMI: ft Ind drlv. tt '° .,... II)'. 1,..1ty 5oY9 lt.'9 gM'la CH# • MOUnt:lln.. ~ ·-... ·---Nt"1 .... """' out -?d ,. .. iM w... ....... a-ii. ...... """ MIL ~ J.. 6ttllz, °""' l'wtl, ~ 'lloot ___ ..... _,, ""· "*k °"*'· °"""41u!• &~hf!, VIWM"""""' Y•' • FORD $1995* ••••:t •'• w , .............................. lft<cWe: ................ H CMI ........... : .... ,..... ••• It ....... I.,;•• 1p:1 rtlllon ......................... USED CAR SHOPPERS: Ford Dealers '®-Used.cars are the best you can getl -.-• • • - 'Tlud'• Biiii' I Cl .1 C-'it.: eaver m . ,uua. Panthers. Deny It OAKLAND (UPI), ~ A spolt"'1llll !or the Blade Panther porty llai denltd reparts from Hav1n1 thlt Eldridge Cleaver, i fqlUve Wanted by ~ FBI, II biding out In the Cuban eapltal. 11 Tbat 's bull ," th e spokeomu sald'. 'IEldrldge sald befcn be left he would he bt the black community sW'- l'Ol!Dded by guns. He sald he w~ never going ~ to prttion." • ffuUOn, 17, Wll killed. Cleaver wu cbargtd with -ul(Jnd llie llate ,.,...ed bis parole fnm 111 earlier prison -.... for·-~ 00 grounds be tiad llrurmS In hi., possession and associated with per30llS of bad repulaUon. I I Scientist Stages ABM - Call-a-thon llAll.Y '11.0f G Long Voyage Off To Ro ug h S.tar t ' ~ SAFI, Mon>cco (uPI) Thor Heyerdahl's reed boot Rlffered a broken rudder and the crew was upset ~ O<asfck the first day wt Oii their f tl'anUc voyage, a visitor the vessel re~d todoy. Despite perfect s a 11 I n g weather and calm watm, both long oars used to steer the soggy boat snapped on the start of its f.,000-mlle trip ,to the Americas, J acques Artaug, a· French pY,bli.sber, said. He accompanied the boat IJ It left North Africa Sunday. Artaug aatd one sailor was "l don't want to spoil your fun, but l tJjlnJt the woman behind every successful man i.& behind >'°" right now." aeaver, 13, "minister of i.n- fonnaUoo" for the Black Panthers, -t IUlderpwod last'Nav. %7, tbe day be was due lo surrender ht San Fran- cisco for r<turo \o San QueoUo Prison for parole violaUon. The FB[ listed him as an "armed and extremely dan- gerous" fligttive. uP1 ,........,. seasick and the ·otbers were lleyerdabl. a Norwegian, BOUND FOR AMERICA -An"~laist Thor discouraged by the steerm· g organized the exped!Uoo "' BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) --">"' o· •-.. ble. N d Heyerdahl's papyrus boat "Ra" is heJped along by uuu prove the Egyptians and uclear physicist E w a r d Heyerdahl, leader of the p•-• · Id ha Ttller says his national .. call· a breeze Sunday seven hours after Jeaving the oceanic expedition, replaced "'.-11CWl3 cou ve cros,s. a-thon" with newapaper ex· At!a:iltiC port of Safi, Morocco. Heyerdahl and his six a the oars with a makeshilt rud· ed the AUantic, intentionally. ecutives and editorial writers man international crew hope to prove his theory der and raised a stabilizing or otherwise, and· discovered to promote the antiballlstlc that North Africans could have sailed to the Amer· sail I.hat suceeeded in moving the Americas %,000 years Pastors Read Names Of Vietnam Victims The lelf-etyled au t b or · revolullonary was RPOrted to have been 8lell 1n a number of dtlel, including New Yor~ l)llpatcbes from Hava na SatUrday aid, cteaver was bJd1ng oat there, avoiding pul>liclty and muain( "' make al'lf' statements to newsmen . missile system Produced icas in similar reed boats 3,000 years ago. the boat well. t>erore Columbus. "some nice discuuklM." r-'==-==::..::.:.:::.::=.:.:::.:.:.:~=:...=:!:.:-____ _:::_::=-=::.------==::..::==:::..--- The Nobel lauroate maooed hts home telephone for 10 hoors throuRh Saturday night In individual talks with many of the 1, 700 newsmen he bad mailed invitations to call. •••••••••••••••• • FOXBORO, Mae;. !UPI) - Four clergymen stood on the old v.-ooden bandstand, its green paint cracked and flak- ing. The 2ti5-year~d town commoo. was nearly deserted. Their voices grew hoarse, barely audible in the tepid spring air, as they read the names of the 35,000 Americans who have died in the Vietnam war. l When night fell Sunday, they continued to read, by Oa9tlight: 14 names a minute, every 30 minutes a prayer. • D. Witter, Financier, Dies at 81 ''Thomas Allen JoMson, Alhens, Alabama. "Dermis O'Connor, San "Leonard James Carter, Winthrop, IDinols. "J<im Charles Cavanaugh, Chicago. Then they pra yed: "Almighty God, our fallber and the fattier of the whole family cl. man, guide us as we memorialize these men lost in the Vietnamese war. ''Be with u.s too as a nation as we seek ever to renew our coounilmert to the agents of peace aod good will arnoog men. Guide our leaders and the President of tbe9e United states and the members of Congress 'as they seek to reconcile a divided nation and a warring world. "Hear our earnest prayer for peace and understanding in his nam e who is the prince of peace and for the sake of thy c hi Id r e n everywhere. Amen." Cleaver's attorney, Charles Garry o( San Francisco, said he did not know ll Cleavtt was in Havana so he coo)d neither cooflnn nor deny the ~. "li the state of Calilornla would rescind its order sen- ding him back to jail and permit him to stand trial for the April shootout, he would come back," Garry said. The attorney referred to a gun batUe In Oakland in April, 1968, between policemen and several Black Panther 1. Cleaver was wounded and another party member, Bobby Sudan Coup Puts Left In Power .Few came to listen to the BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - He said he talked wtth mort than 20 in the first few hour!, but did not discus5 the details of the talks In his project designed lo bring views of the ABM system p r opone n ts be.fore the public to counter slroog ·Opposillon. Teller, regarded by many a! father of the hydrogen bomb, said in an interview during the call·a·thon that development of the Safeguard ABM System could be the first step in an arms control pact witb the Soviet Union. "It is a political judgment whe~r by going ahead with Safeguard it will become more or less probable for the Russians to agree," Teller aald. "U Russlana see that we are developlng it ourselVes they might be more anxious to come to an agreemenl" • • • • • HOLIDAY AHEAD at El Rancho: the supermarket where the price is right! A big weekend .ushers In California living at its ~inest ••• a time that calls for hospitality •• e good food, chilled drinkl!I, plenty of anackl, and a good time to be had by •II I Let your good times begin at El Rancho ••• where there really is a difference! •,--~~---~--~~~~~ • • .1 .1 • • .1 .1 .1 .1 • • • I I I SAN FMNCISCO (UPI) - Financier Dean W i t t e r , founder of the nationwide in· vestment firm which bears his name, died Sunday at the University of California Medical Center after suffering a masmve heart attack. He was 81. four clergymen, Who began A leftist government was in- roading at 2 p.m. and did not stalled in Sudan SwMlay after finish until early today, which, an apparenUy bloodless coop because of a new state Jew, is by a group cl cok>oels. being celebrated as Memorial The officers overthrew a ROBBER GOES 0 FOR TWO WASHINGTON (U PI) -A • • • ,• The noted sportsman started the business with e ~ g h t employes in 1924 and watched it grow to a firm with 64: of- fices and 4,000 employes. He asrumed the title of honorary chairman or the board in 1968. Day in Mas.uchusetts. civilian regime beaded by More than IO hours later, President Ismail el Azhari and they continued to read by Premier Mohammed A • flashflight and a !~inch yellow Mahgoub and vested supreme candle -their voices crisper power in a NatiooaJ Revoftr . and more powerful in the cool tionary COuncl1 beaded by Col. night. Jaafar al Numairi, the army A small cluster of 52 persons said in a broadcast. r.emained and each said he ~ council banned public would stay until the last name gatherings, closed all banks, was read. Every hour a train suspended newspaper publica-. clattered across a nearby tres-Uon, amulled the 1§1 pro- tie, its whistle mournful in the visional conSUtution, a n d crisp New England darkneM. dissolved the cablnet <ind the "This is not• .......,-t," said ,... """""' constituUooal a s s e m b I y • few months ago District of Columbia oo.e.. began re-e quiring poaengers IQ pay tbe exact fare so bus drivers e would not haV< to Wr)' ch.,.e and be prey for rob- bers. e Swwiay a man boarded a bus; pulled a gun and robbed • the driver of his own . wallet. Then he did the same to a • passmger. But the driver and his pa.uenger were one u p : e Neither wallet had money in it. He was a native of w·ausau, Wis., and graduated frcm the UniversityofC a Ii f orn i a, where he teci:ived h i s bachelor of science degree in 1909. He was captain and stroke on the California crew and from 1920 until 1962 serv- d starter and referee of the Rev. Walter Sobol of 'St. Airports were '._closed b~t Mark's Episcopal Church in a .'.::!:::=.....::::.::..:=:_:::=========~I brief opening statement. "This is a vigil in tlae course t every import.ant crew n the Oakland estuary. Boy Decapitates 'feach er in Rage TAIPEI, Taiwan (UPl)- C how Chen-lung, 17, was s~enced to 15 years in jail today for, decapitatiilJ his mathematics teacher wtth an ax in a fit of anger over being disciplined. of whicb we expect to offer the prayers of th9' church for the American men who have died in Vietnam and to identify ourselves with the suffering that-their· families go through ," ~e said. "If there are any here today who intend to use the vigil for purposes other than this, they break tbe spirit of our intent, wh ich is merely to solemniu and hallow the occasion of these war dead and to re-equip ourselves to be Instruments of peace in God's world." • Because we don't fly from Orang~ Cou~~ PSAcanSBYe you$5.64 round trip to San Francisco. Orange County fares ere higher now except on PSA. That's because we don't fly from there. Conelder Instead L A..San Francisco for $13.50 plus tax each way. 900 fllghts a week. All Jets. Lowest air fares. C&ll your tr.V.S agent. 4nd save a little eomethlng. PSA gives you a lift. • INTEREST DAY ·IN ta DAY ·OUT NO BANK CAN MATCH m · NO SAYINGS •d LOAN ASSOCIA TIOll CAii: BEAT ITI • ASSETS OVER $4211,000,000.00 • MUTUAL SAVINGS· A N D L.OAN A•eO C tA T I O N CORONA D£L MAR 21167 l'ateo.t~"'-·eore.. Dll Mror,c.111.l:lQS --Ql.IOIO • • 12 oz. cans 'CASE OF TWEPfT't·fOUR •••••••••••••••••• 2.99 El Rancho.Yodka Ill Prool Quart ••• 4.59 ••• Big value in half-gal. at 8.88. El Rancho Gin .... 90 ,........ $3.85 Quart • , . 4.85 ... Save more on half.gal. at s:sa. El Rancho Tequila s1vE1 $4.89 s•h Quart ••. 5.89 ••• Use Island lnn l\1argarita mix. EL Rancho Scotch 16 l'roof s5,79 5tll Bottled in Scotland • , , for EI Rancho and you! Mix or match ••• same size ••• save 105~ by case. For first.of-the.-1vcclc menus! Pepper Steak .......... J139 Ready for grill or skill et! lb. Mini· Hams • ............... ' . Comhu.sker., • boneless, fully cooked Braising Ribs , .......... 49· c Enjoy the hearty flavor of beef. I~ • Quarts no deposit CASE Of TWEIVE .................. 3Jt May Wine ........... rifth .... ,...... ~1.59 Dudenhoefer ••• light and dry and de1icioust Soft Drinks .... 12 ... c..... 12 s1 Springfield ••• f}avors to please all palates? Chianti Wine .......... Qu111 ........ ~1.98 Spaletti • e • true Italian heartiness ••• ao drY ! Jacques Bonet Champagne '1.99 For that festive touch! Extra Dry, Pink, Spark- lin$ Burgundy or Co1d Duck! ••• quart. Fo r the holiday ·weekend! Mixed Huts ........... ~~.~' .......... 69; Laura Scudder's Party Mi.x , , • save 20c ! S ck C ck Nalisco 39~ . na ra ers .................. .. :I our choice of 39C varieties ••• wide tho ice! M 'fM' F...,n 4$1 . argan a 1x .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. "' . l!!lland Inn ••• makes mixing so very simple I Fresh Lemons ......... r.·~ ........ : 19;· So juicy .,. use fresh juice for sparkling flavor. Pen & Quill Dips ................. 3 "'s1 Variety to make the holiday complete. 6-oz. ctn. El &ncho M4rkeu will be cZ..e4 Mav. 30, Memorio.I Dau P·rice.1 fn effect Mo'll., Ttte1., lVed., Jiau t6, 111 !8. No 1alu to dcaler1. • • • • • • • . ., • • • r l8AR.y PJLO'l' ...... ~ PAGEJ .. T he New Chie f Just iee 1· . . .... . . . :.. . President Nix011'1 choice of Wanen E. Burier u his nominee for Chief Justice has won appnwaf from all part& of the political ·~· , TbiJ b In part due to the fact this b .DOI a pollllcal or personal ClOQY appointment. Bufier'1 b a Jud!cjli 5 ent, made by the President on tb,e s!rensth · r's stTOng 13-year record on~e U. §.Court ot ' for the Distiict·of Columbia. . Judge Burger's vigorous dissents a prtdomtnlnt· . Jy liberal bench indicate tliat be ely w1l1 help to ohlft Ille balance of the Supreme Court. He can be ex· pectec1 to .start to move Ille high court away from Its actlvist role under Earl Warren and toward a less wide. ranging Interpretation of the CO!lstitutlon! 'rbls trend probably will continue as Nixon replaces the resigned Abe Fortas, and as others, 1ucb as Ju .. tice William O. Douglas, retire as expected in the rea- sonably near future. 'The new Chief Justice, U he is confinned as ex- pected, will not readily lend himself to labeling as ei.ther conservative or liberal. His record and speeches indJ .. cate be is conservative where inteJpretation of many areas of Jaw are concerned, but liberal on civil rights in a nation professing liberty and justice for all. He' bas deplored judicial opinions which have upset the reasonable balance between collective need and the Individual right in a system of ordered liberty. On this score he said in a dissenting opinion. 11Guilt or moo. cence becomes irrelevant in the criminal trial as we flounder in a morass of artificia1 rules poorly conceived and often impossible of application." President Nixon 's choice of a judge of Burger's solid character and sound philosophy should help to en· hance public confidence in the Supreme Court, shaken as it bas~n by the Fortas-Wolison episode. The Congress can further that restoration of public confidence, not only in the Supreme Court but in all courts, If It will ,_ pus 5-te Bill ll08, embod,m, COIJ\Prohllllin Judlclal nfDtm lncludin( fall dlaelolure of outlldo tneorne. . 50~Yeai-Miracle at UCLA In the midst 'lll..all the campul ~Ji'~ abllit• by dissident 'Sludenfa and laculiy, It's lli otder to•~ and offer an appreclauvo tip of t!le hat'to l/CLA'1· ao; ' '· years of service. ' Starting as a ama11 provlnclli "ao0th,.... branch'" of UC, Berkeley in ,1919: UCLA 11ecanie a folll'year tn- sUtutlon in UU, then In 11121 moved to•Westwoocl from lt.s Uny Verm<inl Avenue calnpus. , The wne J111!Ce of pow'tb bas ·continued until 11111 year UCLA 1w 2t,CJP01ull-tlme 1tudentJ and.JO.~ more taking extenalon course1, · ~ It.s 1,800 !~ty members in n departments and, 58 research unlta Include mally'~ the most dlstineuJah· ed name1 in a wide range of educational dllclplines. Student bodies and facultl"" mlibt well".rellect on the fact that the past generations often glibiy coo- dernned as ''irrelevant" created all thli. . · The l~agecly la Iha~ a litue minority' Of .1tildent1 and faculty appeans willing to rill destroying· fb-1n- stiwtioo1 111erely on w)rlm-wlth neither the plans nor the means to "'!'lac" them with anything half ·'"' good, · much less better; 1 Radicals on campus and reactionaries oft campUs. · now on a collision . course, could in the ,<ftd deny th~ wonders of •· UCLA educatlonli opportunity to their . own and future generations. "!'bis cannot be pmnltted . to happen. · On the contrary, we should all be helping to "'!'» duce the UCLA miracle at UC, lrvlne-.in 25 yean In- stead of,l50. Phrase DelU*.• More Tpn ,,It ~~~~ Save8 Trouble . Consequences of Coaliti~n :oi.K~si:~ :· ::· ·-· .,_ ... . . M·ost 'Problems' . ' Are ·Misnamed ~ASHINGTON -A couple ·of . . cel'!lC! ~of varloql elemenla are T~~.:·fi!>i>dfby Democratic United States senators have 1•. ~\~ .m ~ balanced form r , '!'Y ••• ,, • ~.,, ... • l• ·; tt can hardly be a verbal accident thai suddenly desisted in their att.acb ~ Ga ~ aa ' a . provillOrlaf body unW more most of our major "problems" are called President Nixon for . aping Ptesident perinaneat •rfat.gements 'can be let up. by ~actly thelf bppcisite names. Jolmsoo'a Vietnam policy. 'lbe ~ II WaiiJl.:bi u · 1arciCu to have a 1'11>-We have'the so called '1yoiith;, problem are myslerious but are apper<lllli ' . , •. ,,. ~ ......._,,. •• ,.., •• ••-,-•-wbicb is not a p b'-~ · th t ·" related to the belief of the JeDalors, Gore ' Forus. t-rM"'::"". ~ , ~~"";;.'~~~ti: m:,:war -ro n::iu Ul you a 4lll, of Tennessee and ClnlrCh of l<W'M>, .tllat-.1. • ·• ·~··" '"'":"'""~i '""""""' ~ ond ~lief 1 : -~a J>n?h1em of older ne: they are ask- ard "---nUon DIDN'T nt>li ·o1• ~ .. -= lell'l91NCI are~......, -Y _. , ........... tng us to bealme,·anc1 quietly, more ra-(and the threat) of war persists in the Nilon · is ??,oving tow · 8 ~ •·THE .AUJANCE !'·rl'~J; l'... va~->tiDPoriantJy.'Wlth whether ,,.0: ' .... 11!""6• f coluQ¥lllt-9ti1htllhu know ir tional, m9re flexible, and more humane world, hanging over us like a cloud that f:~~ ~:r necess&D' p ~ -troond becausemili~ ~:·~.; pOsaJS~~,· s£ated ·m~ Eligl~ ·m 1'i0«1h he· dklii!t_open ~)flllil:' · ·· · '·· '; ·For there i11 llttle youth can do about ~ can deluge the entire globe, rendering This, ey sup~. was -the ~:·'wu 1 1D both the tary ~·· .• Vietnalllf~·or In South V~ .Lady,does.yourb1wh.andlaktyoq'with world until we change. _"Victors" and "victims" equally meaning behind Ni>oo's otherwise aolld --a dlsml1 and costly falluleMit . .Dm l!"l':""'""ct'· 'lb!l'la undauhledl~ °"" hl!ll .. .his connnliGG trt,.1'11 mt, •hy ·The same · j> ·largely true of. the deyaataled. commilment against a disgubed defeal in alliance wu to have been. "\bt ~)';~Ilia· !_iii~·~ ~= ·e:J.i!. i:::-.i;!'~-= !:!,:!,";. '"Negro" proQ<m -whi<b, as every We call diseases by their syo>ptoms. Vietnam.·Jt .ls useful. therefore,. to·-ex· gow,mment, which would ?ke IJVlr -..._,, . WliY,~w~~f,ttelt i ., i P.!¢t1Jt:-ofi married mai-alteod. i.... edn.-'popen-t~l~Aledl-11"-•-knotowsos,lvi..eail'is.'"hla·~;· Youthth reBb<:l lhk·on ·iu~ a symptom of -adult amiottheideaoCacoaUtionpemment y ..... -,tn the general ·~ Ber'·-~\;;t"''N~'ind~ CID' 'Wl!U Y ~-now brhc --aa. u°:'ltWe-uu....-...am _. apa Y-· ac m1 tancy~isasymptomof In Ill·~ forms as ooe cl~~ !:':.)!!J"rf!i~ ol~ ~:. ·~· -• ~ a !tr.: ~·~·· ~,T!U. ilQl oely·-..;.,..,.,.. ~': l)l"":•~t ~.~~-of~ wbite1 wbito bigotry. Poverty is a symptom of pbruef: ~ deNdes more Ui&H It _ ~1 , .. ··"'r .. ~ ., ~·. _ "'~ ._-the~ --1$. .. Qo uvet ihelr _,n,..r-·• -~~ _ !' __ percen m'altiistlibution -Of '•irteome· and· ap.. ~ Tbe ,\meri<an public Ir being Jn fact, never 1-~.whllt -no.Wbb !"· .. !lqulli llr , hiMlilndt the tn>uble of hllvi IQ·klil· ·°'· racial cooil1ICt ~ portunities.·War Ir• sympt.,. l>f·P"'I'""' ., f~ on the coallllod ""°' Is """"10llly ·accepted in the western 111111.' • '. • \I · -. • · llleln (!O!lby • ng · ovmuiiht. driven ' anarchY ·'limong nati6ns: And I • --, • ' l 'sdie. ii\~ ~ semment. HIDOi A coallUon-a~ ...... pnjatnt ' ·~ bbr 1..ttn. l'i:... ~ <111' • tin . . . -!\ ~ many peoplt merely want to suppress the . . - IF wi ARB GOING inSo • coalilloo as' hu\ao-ktti of eftr e liito a eoau., North Vletnam lelll6 ls Oii the "1 "' l'f'lll' ~· ~~:.r~~ ~ i!-·'" ~E "POVERTY" PROBLEM tails ¥! symptdms, fafsely imagining that theri!ljy tt is Wldentood in North Vmam we ticn with anJ members 1be present ~ dtreat if tbat ts U.,_ 1'0I ; Utt ~e England. f=&n apot tv~n so-call-. ~ same calegCl'y. It ili··Mt 'i }irotlleli\ ()f -.._ they a1e· getting rid of"the disease, when . may 81 ~ concede that every pD'pOll 1Mi5.mwat-tl South Vietnam, although Nuon Administratlm wishes '° take. ed "btac't stars" _ itari IO far away Uie poor, for most of therD: di4 no~ wi~ they are 'OOly makirig it worse. · for ,.bich 35,000 Americans baTe ·Joet. ~ -.....,.r· does In fact cootaio . their liihl hasn'I yet reached . ._' htglyputthemselv .. th>reandeBMOtd<I'" .... • lheir ti.., _has Ileen frustrated 8ncl the ma.t at'the>,llplticanl poUUoal, 50!'ial ' THE IDEA OF A ~lion government Yyu'd have io w,ii t",700 years 10 ~ much lbowt their pliglil.:1t·l1 a ~i.m· · CON".IJC!US Silll .that the good ~ whole J:>!J~ • has ~n a ghastly ~-religious eJen:ie.nu of the highly or any other macical fOrmu;!• doel nq& tqe.m wltll the naked eye.· . ~ f:be more afflueijt fiftdln~ ~ ~n: o~,. must l~gin with the r1~t use of wi>rds - mistakt. Na.on gives no Sign that be-buys v~. Vietnam life except for the appeal much to the more, asWte students Are you sure you want to .~ an , ti: '!Clety for the lt;:IS f~~ate· ""~-~~· '. becawre if we call things 'by the wrong thal nunonty NLF. of the Vietnam wir. Among these Ls eCultve? 'nit Prtr;e ~ be tlX sac:rtftoe Virtually Powei'les1 to htlJ! ,tbt.mselv'ts. . ward, ~ w.e are blinded by our verbal To begin wjlh. ~ present South Viet· ~t Hanoi wants to do ls to drive the J)ouglas Pib, who has spent eight yian ol mur,h.. of y~ ~ ltlture. )ifl)St, ·Then we Jia"'.e ·'the ~Ve'i'#,tl_ "w~~· · delusions-itncf.• cannot take ~alistie step! nam goyerJ)IDeat Is ,man. nearly a CCfill-~ncan "puppets'' ~rom power and Utere, and ta recognized as a factual and people now work only 40 ~ J. ":etk or . problem, whk:h ~ na1_Jy ,i.,"~set". prq... to correct. the evils in society; Justice lion than ai1ytblng that would.'~f !+lace them with tts owe sel,J),f puppets. · dispassionate · analyst. In his l~test Ital, but e~ecuUves -90 'they Clf,irp. -blern. As Harina!f.' Arendt wd ~tly,' ·must end Jn deeds, but it must start with under the ~ idea _of ~ ·--It" is . repqrted that there is a ~ Jn analy~il (War, Pe.Ce, and the Viet Cong, pUt in 54 hOun 00 the jo&. -lirg~le war haS~~~-~' j~ ·~the prWef ~~()f words. lion. lt contains a , ,dozen different Hanoa Whlch favors a genuine cOallUon Ml,,saehuseU. Institute of Technology conceiva~le, becapse ~·~.hCl',long~! ~--And ·even the word "pr'Ciblem" is not elements ln the social and politk:aJ spec.-government in somewhat the same sense Press) Plke foreiees a .I rad tl a I WBA? II tt thet bebta:• to YOU which fed. pollllclil charige. · 1 • • '.'" lhe right one to describe the troubles in t.nun, represenlaliTt m.~ degree of as aa this tenn is understood in Am!"ca disengagement with the Nt.f fighting for other people 111e more often than you do? · each ol these areas _ they afe .. defi· pereent of the population. Tb& opposing and Europe and as a new gambit to Its life in ever lessentng degree as far )'our name. • · But ~ATIONS haye no:t found -cienci~" like the deficiency diseases National IJberatioa FJ:onl represents at rep1ac_e military with politic~ action. But ahead as 1980. Hanoi win change its Women, a new study has found, .Jppear bttcause·pity have po~.rookell for _. ~ • ·~ m~ 'be noutiShed bf our Jovgig· ~ most 15 percent of:tbe.w~t;Qn ... , . there 1' as )'et no sign that this fl'OUP. h~s strategy and "1radually· the Wat will to need less aleep than mui, and people-genuine substitute ~ farce tn ~fi. eem, or any systematic "soluti6n" is Hanol'stdeaofacoalitionlstokid:out gained the~. lf It has, this I! fade." · tn,tbeir 70'1 require less than those In ternaUooal affairs, anil "io· the c"oncept bound to 'fall. the Thieu-Ky government and set up a one of. the llQft!ta revaled to Church and For the.longer run. Pike.concludes that tb!ir &O's. Some '11 pen:ent of. lbose. · • ...... · · new one on bebaH of Its phony organiµ. .Gore. thert eventually will be 1 confeder1Uon tdrveyed slept less than the lradltional .. ~ ~1 «-'. tion proclalmed during the TET offensive of f~ Jncl~ding Ncx:th vtetnom, ~I boun a olghl, and five percenl xaid . ' 'The' ·c ; . . h' a 'A Jast year and called the Vietnam Alliance THE AMERICAN and European idea of South Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, ml· they iverapd nine 1ioun or more. o· rn .. ·e in mer; ~a of National, De111ocratic ,and Peace a coaliUon 1ovemmenl Ir that the ac-. possibly IODleday, Thailand. Fire breaks out, In some Amerlcu · ' · . ~ · .. "'-' home '1'ery 49 seconds. . · · ' . Teaching Reading With ITA . . By ELMER WELLS Edacidoe . News Servlct Wben the #-symbol ,lnltisl Teachlnii Alphabet (I.ta.) was !Int lnlroduced to the United Slates· about fl v e years ago u ·a readtiJg-teaehlng .tool, it received much newspaper .and magaztne publicity. Whal'• the status of l.t.a. today? Dr. J. R. Bloct, cha'irman of the Psyehok>a Department, H o f s t r a University, Hempstead, N.Y., who has eumined ovu SO research projecta com- paring the use of l.t.a. with the COO· 'lmtinnal 'alP!W>el, reports the following: .. -THE LT.A:. ~PBABET, which ha1 been used b)' over 500,000 tyku In learn- ing to'l'Ud. worts as well or better thaa the lr~luvtl ABC's. -'l"blft are· t.t.a. cl&SlleS in every lllalo, and-ln·~_-CanadllD province. -Tm . .,..-of all U.S. school tlYlleml 111,. at leasl ooe I.I.a. class. -~W- --One out of every 10 chiklrtn in New York wa." enrolled in l.t.a. classes this put fall . -At present. there are more than 1,000 titles of school books printed In i.t.a. IN ~G ON the 50 studies ln- volVJnl niare. ~ 25,000 children al a· cOst tn eiceu or-1 mWion, Block, in an article in a ~t l.t.a. Bulletin, pubJ.bb. ed b)', lnltisl Teaching Alplulbet Public&·. tiom, Inc., polnta out that few educational · innovations can clatm as much research oveJ'b u loug a period or time. He com· me.hf.s: ''U the evidence on hand Is not con· vlncing, addltlonal evidence will not con- vince." J!kK:t clatms the research shows th11t molt children learn to read more easily '"°1 the u1e or the l.\.a. alphabet One of the reasons is that J.la. bu • separate mbol ror uch of the 40 sounds in the language, This ellmlnates much cl ainflllioo assodaled with the a. letttt alphabet in lrylng to put the 1ym· bo1s witb eourxts. BECAUSE THEY don't have to slru(· g1e with c:ootiadldlcm and .coofullng ' • oound symbola. LLa. -·-to Uh lcbool bolter, learn to mid -. ...U.. write ... ,. ll«lel llllJC 1Jt1 -the)' can~~,.. port; Btoct 111)'1 thst ltilcben a11o n]IO<t Chit~· .••. tbe ,child:ren'1 bebrf1ar ln LL.a. pwpo reflocl ~ -ol lllf· -. lndepeadenl behllvlor. and ~ poolUve atUtudea toward schools." In a separate ·report, I 'n'V o 1 v Ing Bethlehem, Pa.,,sthoola where I.ta. 1ot its start in the U.S. in -1913, Mrs. Elizabeth Everett.· reading adjustment te~cher, said that \here has been a 57 percent drop in the number ()f children who need remedial reading in grldts one through six. The drop Is 75 percent In Ibo third grade. OF OOURSE, there Is some resistance to i.t.a. Although fe&r1 that cblldie:n would have difftculty . shifting to the 1'1!1\Jlar alphabet have proved unfotinded1 somt ~crlllca argue'"Uat &ains made ~y i.t.a. "wash out" by the fourth or fifth grades. Block argues, however : "Let us 1Up. jJcllll! that there· ix lbsolut<ly no effecl beyond grade two, no matter what we do. My question would be, then, if dUldren are reading and writing more aDd if they are enjoying school m<n durln& lhe first two years, isn't that enough?" Dear Gloomy Gus: ~ Bsrry ColdWllar Jt-aiid Trida,Nluo wtll .....,. Iii! kilmil a d1DlllT thal wm bold Illa Ka>-' ned1 clan al ba,JI • -II. J, B. Qu9tablt noiables: ":i'be . Ol)IY, In-. ' teresting thine that can happen ln a swtss illl · • bedroom Ja "suffoCatiOb by a feather mat . .' -w· am San:iyan has wrttt~'n of himself' tress." -F1lm writer Dalton Trumbo. as the one AmMican-~ writer. for 'New beJp for an old_ problem: About SS bis people ()f some 31&1000. There 11.re of the lop 100 U.S. indult(taJ <:Otpot_ations several times that number of.Cornl1h folk tiave. set up programs to rehabWtate . scattered round the world, and A. L. ak:obol"' emplo~ It pays economically, ' ltolne, the distinguished Cornish for such emp~ am:ag~ _two to three historian ('"The Eliubethans,"· etc.) "Cousin Jacks." They spread through the times u -much 1beenteeiim u other plans to .be . their voice not only in Mother Lode, into Nevada, even to the workers. America but elsewhere. We have heard quicksilver' mines of New Almaden, in · ' much about the 1rlsb in 'America, the .Santa Para county. All of it was a Jqng ' SEX ON THE WING: Chimney iwlfts, Welsh, Scots, the Scandinavians, Dutch way from lhe little peninsula at the ex~ except when •leepiq « ha\chlng their and German Jews .. But ~1e w"--· treme southwestern tip of Britain runnin" gJI. l!pelld most " their· u... aloft. ~-· ·-f the Ri • 'Ibey often even court and mate while 1n names m Penspargo, Penballow, Tre-rom . ver Tam~r into qe Atlantic, flllht. . maine, tbenowetb; and Kllligrew ·amGl'll or Wesltrn. Ocean. with Land s End and 1IM crlpplerc Wbat dioe.,. ~s 11;,.n, olhen, tiovl ·aoi'W jl '~i-ti'< Sdlly Isles bel"!nd· And a long way. more pain to more of the earth'• people pton bef0rt, · : ,. ~. · -· too; ff9m the river valleys, important lhan any other ailment tn human hlltory? sources of china clay, where Arthurian Expert. say tt is. ,probably arlltrllio, "BY TllE, POL OR PEN, Ye may legend aJ¥1-lales ,of piracy abounded, and ~ cum:ntly affectl at least 17 mllUoo know most Cornlahmen." We ftnd tldl ln' whert the he:rrlni aJ'(I mackerel towns of Americans. an obviously tPedalizid hbtofy: -''The Penzance and Newquay produced some or No water, no weddinc: Because .ol 1n Cousin Jacks: the ·Comllh in America:" Britain's [inest sailors. - old Hindu proverb which decrees that But maybe not to· speclallzed. For tbe The ,poor tin n)iners were intrigued 9wnerahlp ol a deep well ls one of the re-author eatimates there may be 3,000 ot with the idea of emigraUOn in the mid- quilites or a IUCCe&Sful marriqe, a pro-t,000 Cornish namta in San Frqcisco 19th Century. which sent the Ttevaskis'1 ioc..,i dlVQibt . 11&11 reduced : I b e and Saciam<nto each. Oakland bas.some Klttoa and others. most or them "Coos!~· matrimonial rate In portionl of Jridia. Jn "rare •birds'' amonc Cotnish names -Jacks" into the caldr?n of America, and ene province aJone ' J,000 ~ ban ncb as Tnca, Pt!npraze. Prout and to many other pat1I of the world . Rowse, ~ned mal'.J''1P' UoW.. the rains. ciellew. 'lbere' are hundreds of Rowes the Cornishman's Saroyan, will follow rttm'n. , . · • · and Richards around. Jr only a fraction this bOok with others on the Cornish In tl'Oll'l'IL RBllEilBnJNa, "Tbeft'a cl·W. pote,,µa! readenhlp placa ''The Australia, New Zealand, South Africa Ind on1J a 1tigbl difference belwe<1> keeplq · Cousin Jacks" on Ill bookshelves. A. L. Canada, )'Nf chin up and atktinc your netk'oat, Rowse will liave 1 rilce seller here, and l»ut tt'1 worth knowing." · , that doesni even toucll .the comlderable I llou!ehold tips' Mother, are ·your C<lmish Plllllllations In, l'flll1l0Ylv1Dla, aeilhbon 1a11:1ni behlnil ,......bad aboul Mlchigon,".Wyom!n1, Moritana, Colorado thal clul1, --~... and~. 1!'11111 up lo YoUr bad yri Well, new •M..U, minlng.rq!ons, -· lncludiq -are avallable· -l>rllht Cold. California, ,II> whml Comlsb U. rnillera ........ _ '"" ... llllJ lillle. ' •. ,._,, .. , ..... ·-~· -If ,.. -lllt Cllllllll ..... , "" c..... .. ~ ., --~ '11'1111 """" A: ~ ...... ~ ..... , ..... ,,_ • ,....,n_..us on a Ji'riday. Allor ..-nr -be .... ta arwallll· u. · jhel!r into ,,.,_, !..-Wltd1d oometlmesir...ttn~-" on brooms. It ii tlllOd IOcli ·to be lion <Ml Fell, 29. If I filllbone gats lluck ln your lhn>at. pall ;our· till toe and tt will come OllL ll, was IL L. Namn who -.,.;i; ~-....... tlas It-always molntls·one . of ~er• lbatlnc hands .•• came d u r I n ,1 tbO Gold Rusll period. . Coniirli miners formed a union at G•ui Valley eortY In, the mid- 19th C.Qtury. 'f'lie ~ llltlt-'12 ia\i' two · serlou< , Wikel and a arut deal QI turbulm:t thert, espe¢'11y when mine =-'tried to lmpn scab labor, cbiellf CORNISH MINETIS wer1 c a 11 e d wm1mn Ho1a •---B 11 Gee,..e ---. Dear George: 1 was always told that a girl will not respect a boy who gets fmh . with her. So I ntver.gel l'resh with a glrl and I lulve found this Is true. Unfortun.rtely, J am now D years okl and whiie a lot ol g1rl.a n!spect me they don't ever date me.~ should I do? • o. .. 00n, DON WtU. for 1 !tarter. you c1n quit taking·• lo< <>I -b ldvlce from advice-cotumnlsls. Whadda wt - J • • \ Draft .Ref:Orin . Pl.an. Offers New Fairness emotional burdens that alwl)'s lffUd lhooe just reaching lduJ1hood. It llmp!y ts not healthy to have youtba spend MVea. or their most formative ~ odl<il\lN to heal the system. It is porticilllrlt' wtiellltly when «>liege .... be&!, 11·.,., ot!>ers.do not. 'l1lla subjects tbe .-ldnl cla9S to justified resentments, .and-the college class to volatile self~ and IUilt r .. 11ng •. ' . _Happy Birthdµy,.¥ ogi/ By I. M. llOVD ln c.ards, ''trump" started out u "trhnnlia" ••• BEl'ORE TIDJi Year eocb:, we ought to noto K's the eoojeMial o!·lhe catdler's mitt. Enctly 100 yun qOi a Mr. Allilon al the CioclmlaU Reda '!"' • the first bueball utther lo wear 1 glave ••• NINE OUT OF 11 lllhles ar. ,.Id to women • • • SOMJ:'l'IDNO ELSE never completely apilJned ta.why a mari "ho" <Olll<! In from Ibo cold usually atandi with hii bai:lt tO the firepllCO whlle a woman geoerliJy .I .... the !lames wtlh her h-oulalrtldled ••• NO SNAU can crawl backwards. · DEEP FREEZE-"Never HY cHe!" 'Jba.t ls the molto « i small groypi ·of citizens known Id the C?yonics. It ii their will lbelr bodi<S be at.o.ed In deep freeze chamben after Ibey -dead. In the hope wben medical science dilcovera MW cures Ibey c:an be delrooted to la).e ~t. nienl At Jul report, 11 palienla had been fiozen in such a fuhkm. Topic arNlel because a customer wants to know the whereabouts of said body lo c k e r store11ou.w. oruy 1<now or 11>r<e. one 1n California's Orange county, anotber1 in Pboenilc, and a lhlrd '"' .Long Island. CUSTOMER SERVICE: Q. "When 1D1 twin sister and I were Jn coilege, the boys used to loll around the lawn, and u .we would go dawn the slepa, they'd aay, •Hubba. Hubba!" How oli:I am I?" A. How about age 43, ts that cbe! • • • Q. "WHOSE PICTURE is oo the •t0,000 bill?" A.. Never PW one Gf thole, but the bandbook al hind -Cbld Jmtlce Qwe ••• Q. "WJIA.T DO YOO TlllPllt or Salvador Dali's I elf.por1flil'" A. suppose ~ ml&bl be liver trouble, but al . ' course l'iii .Doi a doCI~ . . . ' Then Fred Said ~odby~ , ··~-- • i ·L;turr from n~n . ar• ,~lco1tul. ;t:!ormol.lv:willn.•~J!Wr l"IOH•O< l!I ~00.tq91df or r.p. T,,_ irlQhl to COlldeoN lelteri w,1 /ii rpacc Prhnlrily, It was .dl!fer<nt -lhal 'lo llaett wu enough. Secoodly, It did not and could not he made lo go last """"lh to IUll moot people.' U you Wll1lod 1 gully Utile machine that -·1 mind ..,.. paths and llUtude ll1d handled like 1 l!rW!!. !00! YJ< i:g:v1jr WU !Qr J.OU. If you want neck·anapplng acceleration; ti') I pony-car. or eliminate libel• ii rttcn,td.' All , •tellffl "'"'* l!ldudc .If'"""'" ·...s NADER'S criUCJsm WU real enough, I~~ addrtu, but ftatllNI maw ,,,, t.oo. However, the car be attacked 'rU J tuU"~f!ld on f'equ1st if rufflciqt rta-not the car that dltd. In 1965 that rear , '°" ta ~mt. · . . . 1 end was changed. Independent rear .t~ Psycbo1oatcal Stl,)dy of Social Issues. suspensJon doesn 't seem to binder t . • ..... ~ 1 Mercedes-Benz and a few others. Why l !ht.,.l1tur Printed htrt if nctrP.t-didn't r.u s""'•k up! Wher. 0 ,. .. td fto1n o much. !ongt1", more detailed ~·· ~,. 1statcv;ent ,ift rebuttal to Arthur R. Corvair'& defen1e. Jeftim'.r article, "How Much Con Wt In my ~on, Nader's attack was jusl TP' II AN, ucellent parallel . to the ·Boo.st-IQ-and Schokuttc Athitw-· wllat"'GM wanted -an e1cuare \o t¥e ·lhe ~·and perrill&s who •trike J!l!nt~" i'!1.tht win(f!1' ia.s.iu of Harvard car off the market. When I told people we sWiUfy Ind then diappear. E<t:ucolional Review -on article ' :What 'llMln.do tre need to mivince us wltich set off a storm of controVersy 'were -getting a '89 last November, they .. •tbli. lll!ltl ol warflft W upon the GmO"fl educators. · said they tmueht the car had been Mt•. ffllp LolilofllllJI, "" 11'11111 ... the opportunily .. ·te1eh' rudllll ..... tho 1 "Open Court Fowwl1Uoa Series." Il hu been 1 rewardlll( ad d<JlllW yw ,,. both my Finl Gl'lden _. 1111. ,,,,, hive Jeariiod lo ?tad, wdte ind opell m1tulll lhallllllll'.Ti1Vd Gn<Jei.t WOl!ld he~llle tO llckle. ~ 11 l ..tum to my room euly....,, my lunch period I 1111 flooded by NC)llllU, . . "May t come in and wrttt 1 ICory'?" ot t•t'd like to Copy that poem cut of my reader." 0 l'M F.'IPEqALl.V delliJ!tec( be<luat moat of ~ req• ·are from boJt, who cgenerilly ""'"" ..... ieol 'lboul l)Y. 1Jt1 up lbe\r free lime !or IUCl\ llllllen. Needlesi to llf, "l\h ll>e. -lilld< sldlls Ibey have ltuned ""1 1pplled, 11111 dua. scored higher on· lhe Slulord Rt1dlng Achiev~eni t e I t I than 1111. other First Graden' I've taught. It's bee.n a great year! ';l'bal)Ur · ANNE'.M<CLUllG . w~..-ld! WU11we ·Jlave to be muged 1 ' ~Editor ~ued two years before. Why? in<CM;.'Wn·homes befare we come lo out : · Because Chevrolet st..........1 advertiaina it ' -! . • • I ..,.,.... ·~ , . Wllooo ScbOoJ ...... .;.....•e ,.. to.~.--·-am,,...,.... ....orva r Lover two yean before_. __ )'oo see, Virgini1, in Open Cou7t 's "' ttxUX>ok J)l'b!Ul· ·r. --Y('l:I _...... ... oe ~ . . 1965 Ford came·om. with aomelhing c11l· 1,;9 compohy with o rtaditig program ~)Jlted !b' ~ crimlDl.I and handcuff . · T " the .Edi tot: ' ed Muatang and GM' wanled to get into for all 'elementary grades. Select'KHts .tbt.polict ,.m m 1cW1-tr:Yinc to protect · I thlri'k a wOrd from a· Corvalr nut ls the pony<ar business. from Jlterdture repl(&ce Um.Ue~b- tll\.U•wtU. U IMDl·tbt 1awbrelll:ez:·hit nOW a.J>Propriate. Just what or who killed · \t f11 revolves around a thing called ulory 'readers. TM program jntegrole1 Z1llU.'. .!lbninlte· "3eee kooks and you the COrvlir! secause I love the lltUe car. money. reading, wrUing, ipelling and compo. Wll.•e·a stronc America. and because I own two and becailse DIANNE TRUDELL sition instead o/, teaching tMm ~ ! •" \t S. G. UNDINE everyone bas bee>. uklng .'me the orotely. This school ··tiff"· teac:Mrs ~ •' aforestated question, I believe I am E:Erial .. •€fa•att have tried the(.program ot.ri:c 1chool1 at.eiel •8ftferetteea qu4llpfld to spc:ak. . ift Ntt0p0rt-Me.sa, two in Ocen Vitia, • '·'1 : • • '· · U~Vocally, General Motors did it. ' To the EdltOr: three in Westminster, and toith Lap ~.tbtiEd.ltcr: " , • To1 be "sUre, ·Ralph Nader helped and Lwou~like to thank lhe Newport·Meaa na. schools' remedfa.Z reading gr'OUJM. •Mi behaVioral• ICientiats, ft believe Ccrvliir·~tted two unforglvab1e sin!. · t/nifled SChoo. 1· ~let and my principal; ' ' . .....;.Uifdr *""-.la specifyin1 U.. hereditary 1---'-----"-----'-----''----'C..:....-'-'-------'-------a•.,mwMs « intelligence are: unwar· nded! by the pr.emit 1111e or llcientilic °'IWlodle·~ memhen al the Council al lbe Society.fir the P.yd!ologlcll study ol ~ ljoc;l8' ,Joouu, w~ believe thll ouch ~la '1111}' . "'·' terjoullY misin-~ .~· ·in · their ap-~to llOcill'policy. . '?be!~ al · !oor decad.., al ......... .,,~ .............. ieMJIY ~;.t..;~ .~~ale ~ mltll:ed "·«fif.· ~lln lnlelJlgep wt llCO<,. when ~~· ... •nn.ii;n umple al 'llhlles ijid·)' . 111iat>f1· equally elell' II tllll· ~ .. --lhll \l!t!dl'IO u.;·~ lhlt l1ldl dlf. f~' are'hmate . ' . .. ' AM•fttCA.'& tA~!l•ST ,AMILY· Cl..OTHINe CHAIN Now · reduced to •• .. Terrific opportunity £or you women who love the smat.t· neis of our.3-piece.knits! -~-=St=u=nn=l~ll,g collectio~. o'-'l.:.fu:::ll:.·~---88 fasliioned d0tible.knit wools ill\l'Orted from Italy.and Brlt~h Hong Kong ..• slim skirts, graceful shells and beautifully detaUedjackcts. Perfect suits for holiday weekends; vaCations, town ' . . doing> end perfectly beauti· f <Yr m\sses . a.nd . MJ/~ • ' ful buys at this lowered price! Navy, gQKI, turquoiseor peach;tones;sizcs 8 to.18, H~ to 24ll in group. , . Ol'IN ·~ "i11 to 5 . . S'-NDA.Y. • . " • . -.. : j ' I ! • , ... . ' ' • ! . I ' I .. . I l I • l I • • l I i • • ' ' • ' ' I ' ' • l i • ' \ • I . ...., ~ .. • • • • .. .J . ' ....... -,. ... I DAJl.Y Pll.Gr JJ Bla:es Set Police, Firemen • • ............ -.. ..... . J140 Million n ·udget Surplm Seen r . I t1f•'tw•1 fttell e_..,., -·.., this lln't sta .. ~ .Reagan's year. The dlstricts must rely ~ fiP.f..:1)\~-Republlclna.lltd -for'"°"' bdp from the · with lboul 11.S billion this estfmated toc1ay lhe stale will _,,,.. ""' tildlll callJ f°' IU on pnll'trlY tas,. for the bull: Se~k 'Firehugs' hive• bad&et owplul of about Of the pro~ ti• mlll1on ;:;Jiliiniiii.ii;;ii,;im;iilii;e ;iiald~ccm;;;pared;;;;;;;;;;of;;tbdr~;i 11D<I;;;;;"";;;'°';;;;;;;';;;;;;;;;; ~ .. to ... 11 1140 mlll1on In the comlnc ftOI inllflon cl a w 1 ----in-by~ 10 Ph.d-.. ---wllldt tu-wblcb-.ld&Qto HOLLYWOOD (UPI) - Plllnclolhes details of police ud 11remO. roamed the rum capital early today ln search of a firebug who has tind1ed blues al 11 business houses in -nl«h!!. Damage is estimated at olmost 125<).000. Hollywood Bouievard aUJ<d damage e s timated at 1100,000. Another 1100,000 flno OC• CUJTt?d FridJly in an olllce I! building on Sunset Boulevard. ~. Firemen said m<W of the ; i blues occurred ln early or ~. mid-evenine. 1111 ~··$ ,, -- want """" -help. laJpQen When thl;y rut out ~"'!::': =..:... ~' their. lu fonns In April 11'/0. IUI lhe llale' ....._ The -l40 million would he • -.... .. let\ ..., to the foUowtas ,..,. Jome 311, the end of lhe cumnt Lui ... 1c, lhe' llesiiil!ncU llacel ,..,, will he about the dWrrnan of the ~ aame u Gov. lleapn's ... Edini!M Committee said he perb !..-st earlier In the ~ to vlr1ually douhle year. . Reagan's school aid boolt. The Ragan ldmlnimalloo "I doo'l -r lltal ii • 01.d Worl.d . Me~iterra"".!1r' , ,Span.uh Furniture OVER $1•.000 INVENTORY TO CHOOSE FROM DICOIATOU CAIKILLATIOH and llTURHS PROM MODIL HOMIS Authorities haven't . l he slightest Idea what t h e arsonist's motives might be. nie-n .... in-the-vicinity of -'Foruotten' the famous intersection of O pi.-to lsale Ill aew qute; er ~ the lloll f-toclay -llvinc lft sum," chalrman V I c I o r "*"tiaa ol -mud> will.lie Vrpll!1, said. ·-... -..,.. ... ,--'lbere ii ........ --..... -.. by IChool --lhe ALL UAND NEW DICOllATOU De:SAM HOUll ON DIS,LAY Items as fOllows : Gorgeous 8 ft cuslom qullte4 ~wilii se~te J.ol>,se pillows with lieaV:r'oat trin).decOr· and matcblng chair, 3 malchll>g oat occasional tables, (2) 58" tall decorator lampl, hanging chain swag lamp!I In wrought iron, an 8 piece king size master bedroom suite In pecan panelled Mediterranean style with top qualily 15 yr. warranty Iring size mattress le box springs. Sponbh decor dining set, etc. Hollywood Boulevard and Vme Street have been set at six of. fice blulding, two banks, two bole1s and an auto.qency. Most of them s'tarted inside the buildings, but a few were set in trash piles oo the outslde. There were seven fires Thursday night, three Friday and one Saturday. Saturday's fire at t h e Potamkin Chevrolet agency OD 'LSD' Baby Hospitalized WJllTl'IER (UPI) -A ytu1g mother and a man were arrested Sunday on charges of endangering the life o( a child and possession ol dangerous drugs alter the mother's one-- year-old daughter was treated at a hospital for the effects of I.SD. Pliyllda<o al Norwalk Com- munity HQIPital notified sheriff's deputies after the baby was brought in for treat~ meot. Arrested were Mrs. Pamela J . Hofl, Ill, and llomly Bourllon,22. Pbyliclans said the ~ glr~ llachelle llrJllll, ... Jo satllfact.ry oonditloo. Deputies Aid the bllJy IJ> parslly accideDWly swallow-ed the I.SD plll. ' I .. , .. ' ' . .. I · r .... { i 1 f • Gl's Papers Scrutinized PORTERVllLE, C a 11 f • (UPf) -1be Army has granted a 20-day ieave ez. tensioo to a Porterville soldier who bu beea on furlou,gb dur· Ing mosl of his service time. Officials at Fl Ord aaki the Anny wanl.Eci more time to scrutinize the papers of Pfc. Richard G. Beaty, 21, who says be was lost by the Army for 15 mooths. Beaty said he was given a 31).day leave in November. 11167, and never received orden to report back to duty. Fight Injures Priest, Women HOLLY'wOOp (UPI) -A priest and sil: 'Y.PWC women suffered minor injuries early l!mday When I flgl>t eiupted at a cOffee home operated in a dlUrcb wtlidr was ooce a llollywood ni&!>t club. ,,,. Rev. Anthony Clatto Did be and the young women ..,..._ed by1poopof Per-' who earlier bad been ae:ted lo,.leave a social fimc- tlla 11 the coffee house. ~· Marathon Mutiny Trial Over Protest Near End M121wldle, lawmakers · -to the A-.bl)o ud -dwnbers ror the 20th G" I IL--h d ""'1t of the 1989 -ion. 1be Ir .£ WI e Assembly la -to -deblte cm the Reqan ad-Onto Freeway· rnlnlstraUon's tll.23 b 1111 o rt • budget Tu.,d1y, bul . LOS ANGELES (AP) -A Democrlla have lbnatened to lf.)'Ur-<>ld girl was pabed blodt -unW n Is cut by from 1n overpaso outo the oearly .. milllon. 5anta •Ana Freeway, p!ike The Democrat.I 8J'e ~ said today . Cynthia PoOi"1I to U11 the budgol cul Altuwino ..-..i mulili>le demand U I blrp1niq tool -When ohe !ell Sui> ror • greater hand in writing • ~Y. Motcnsts awei •ed to FT. ORD (AP) -'Ibe Rochester refuted defense whatever tax reform measure . avokl her and there were ...., .. out of the leglalaQn --tralllc llc-marathon mutiny trial for 14 c]aiml the rtocUde was this year, aod for more school cidentt 11 a result. • of 27 San Francisco PreskUo · I "'· aid. Police a aid Stella stockade prisoners who staged unsanitary w t 0 inadequate • ................ 11 ... ,... •• $1nl.00 =~o:~IFICI _ $698.00 .., ... c. .... t , ........ ldiaily T._ Auul ... 11 -Ncw~alliSf to Cafff. ~ ..... I r•••.tr _ ... F•rtait•re At Harbor Blvd. a sitdown ..,,..est last Oct. 14 and unrepaired plumbing. Reagan set aside $ 1 0 I Aliamartno, 11, and George .,..... million ta \he new budlJ!l for ·~ ~.25, wert booked on 1144· New-it 9L.e..I ,._ ~--Iv appeand nearing an end lo-When tollels and drains w.... additiooal stale aid to 9Cbool$ sU.piCJon of assault with inlentF .,,,... ....,.... --_, day. stopped, ii wu by prlaooers in the coming year, but DlAll!' to conimit nmr<ler. E)'"'Y nitht "HI 9 -Woll.. Sat. & Sun. 'tll 6. The tr i a 1 began eight who atoct i-olls ol. toilet papuf_.::..:::.:::::::::!.!:=:.:::~::!.....!:..::-::~~~~--....!!~~=====~==~=======!' weeks ago and was in recess and other objecta down draim, for one week. The prosecution Rochester said. and defense now are lftSeD-Another former guard told ting reb<Jltal wltneaes. the court "the prisoners aeem- In an effort to speed the ed to run the stockade rather proceedinp, an o v e r t i m e than the guard&." ....ion wu held !all Saturday Spec. 4 W11llam E • fe.i111rlng ~11...,; · by a Brid(elord test I I I e d 1 former Stoctide ·Jlllard ·w b o disclpl1ne ~ rau1led said a ,,.-lbol to ,death from 1n -....1n the prlal Oct. 11 by -JllWd JIOl>UlsUml. The -bu responded~ •ID orders. . claimed lhe stocklde waa Pvl. BlClmd ''lltilii:h Wu ovmrow<led. ''one of tbll\blUer .......... ~ ' InotbertactlniUbfSaturday, Spec. 4.Will&ldl L. '°'tzM, a Negro guatd aUI be U· 20,\0ldtM.eo.lbliCl'Olla· perienced no r•clal ominalloa; ll.o~li es I e r.,ad, dlacrlm1nlllon II ibe llloctade milted he_, Jlk'e llie-.:, <SQept. from ·~ w!io daota. · ~ ,,• , J~ • called him MD'WIL • ITS SPRING! it's verve I it's instant coior with 75c PLUS SHAMPOO•-"'".......,, $111 A~D SET , • ..,. 1 ,.... SI.Ml · If,, Fri. • Sat. · Sun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • $3.00 llo119 h.1, t rltt) 'Vhen Spring puts verve in your life, we put it into your hair! 'Vithour new comb-able, bhlsh-able dos. And with.ciurcolorihitjus'trinsesm. and "takes" while we set your hair. It's marvelous Roux Fanci-full tllat • rolon in.st.u1U7-t.hen 1hlJIS1W)Cle .t 'llll'hen Joa wish! • uMS no rienmde. needs no at~! • coven cnt. "1nebel dd b&ir. t.-. bleached hair! Caot1 ~Calif. Caota Moao.:.,.CITif. ---···.:--. .........,~~ --· • ... • MEN'S SPORTIM~·. LIGHTWEIGHT SPORTCOATS, AND BLAZERS . Diam~ polyestor Ind c:cttons, r1yo~ bleads, •• pl-lookmg two and th= but1Dn models In ""!Y plaids and chocks. Single and double breasted ·bi.-1n IOlid ......_ Wtth rwo-1ns1<1e- _,. pockeb. Regalari md longs.. -Al.TllATIOHS INCWDlll ·1_9ss Comp. value'~ MEN'S HALL-PREST• worsted look DACRON• AND AVRii!' SLAC~S Tri-Lob41 Dooron polvt&rgives this 6 rayon blend• ridr...,_ ud col<>< 8 8 shading that meinbles wool wonted, yeti~• machine-washable for ideal __._..With double 1-xn back podels, pleated bmerwaislhaad., ...i otherexpens1 .. 1-11194 Comp. valtU 19 AL1WllO tO IUct INSIAM UNOTH At NO CHA101 -. Costa Mesa, 1611 Newport 81~d., at 11th MEN'S HALL·PREST9 W~LK · SHORTS IN PLAIDS, SOLIDS -395 Amazing .. law. P.rice Lots of value. loll or appeal in these pama~ nCT\tly preucd combed cotton and polyester walk shorts .•. wide selection of bright plaids and .solid poplins. &It loop mode~.;,.,. l!9 to 12. E OPEN 11to5 SUNDAY .. • -. ... V•lley, Clllf. S..taAM, C.Af. 1Bt ,,... ,.lrY ... flt~(~ ~...-n _ Garden .'Grove .-. 12372 , Gerden . Grove . Blvd • 4 ,,,. ....... 11. \l'lli.. c:-...r --· • • DAILY I'll.OT f 1 START YOUR EASY llVJNG THIS SUMMER WITH GREA1' VALUES FROM PENNEYS MEMORIAL DAV M9NE¥-5-A->IE-RS~t----O- Women's and girl's nylon :z:ip iackets . Women's venatile quick-dry shells corM 1n misses si.zes S.M-L in OIL assort• menl of pastels just right for all sports wear! 3.88 Girl's unlined nylon shells, quick dry- ing, in assorted colon ant perfect for all sports in sizes S.M-L (7·14). 2 66 • I / Special Buy! Terry velour :tank.tops aiiCI , .. shells~ •• cooll -21s5 Tab home an arpiful of tlw allr- ti'M tank tops and shells of 100% cotton terry velour for texture 111..,..I. Haw them in smashing sotids or pert 1tripel in ~ m. s.M-L Great price ••• grear · jamaicas for girls! . Sit• 2-6X 88c . SI-7·14 $J These 'alwaY.s in' ca"on lamaicm have elastic back ityling, and come in a gr9Uf -anartment of solids and prints! . j • \ Great price • on .our misses denim stretch . pants na-.·:I " • 2.99 Collect -•ral pairl of these beaut!· fully basic nylon/cOtton denim stmch pants In r>tNf, faded blue, white and green in misses sizes 8.:J.8. ~utifully low Pemey prices, tool , · · Special ~uy on bea~h towels •.. 1.99- Jacquard wecm beach towels that look like they casl 111\!(h more! Get an armful for summer in colors from mild to wild! LIKE IT ••• Cl:IARGE IT! Beach Accessories Your Choice ••• 97c • No.n's and '¥tO!Nn's sunglasses fiom Italy • Swim caps In 6 styles ... 1 size fits all •leach bags in 12 styles ••• rubberii8d • leach caps to match beoch bogs • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • ' ! . I. \ 1 • .. .. .. .. .. ..... -. ---. J• IW\.Y ,llOT D-• Polat Harbor For The Record Electronic Balloting Modern Noah Saves Marine Animals l.Ndl. 1t:lS •·""- C_.• ~ l(llffMJ c-. c...t1 ,_.,,.. s Du Golf .... ~ Clult. '"' 0.-etu B JACK -··p-. --·-·-l bl"t....i.t • ..__ •• _. ... w .. -...t.A -,_...Oft-ft, c... ...... ,,,., • ..II\. p e ' ' '-Dl'\.r ~ ............ "" mar n e ..-.·~ '-'Ill:' -·-ever ~u ........ -- MC*OAT H""'lll9kwl 11-" RolMY Cll*. """'-Of .. O.lfr PUlt ..... wilb I.be Depar1mM of Fish the <>ranee Coast. -.. .... "-w"""' 1temw...i. l"V ....,. D •~A POINT I ··• G•-"ll'~y --·~ a -·tt-~ ,._._...... (I ~ lltOlllL Mwlll .... &e«fl. 11:15 1\.1'1 -ft I .-z,1U .,.,,.... WUl;ll '"-"'' c."':.:'t.n~~,,.,::-c.!.·!i"Reet .. ~ kedl North L,_ ,...., SANTA ANA -'l1le "most modern version d Noah .uct "We have rescued 1 large of hi mucking in the ... -1, 1'oll .._,_ IMI~ CMll ~ C-lt'Y Clutl, 1•1'1 complete and extensive 8C-the Ark_ thousands of Dana number of creen abaJone, mud U UJe Waler CQeS down. o t;:::;,1 ~ ••llad e1K_.,1n, <><~ HW1tiftltot1 lhKh. 11 ,_. cumulation or information on Point Harbor marine animals blJCk abalone and tome. pink 1\u'nfl' aa1d. E,....,.., ,,.. 1M. 11oc.cic E1e<.· .. • are belng rescued by the abalone farther olI shore. We Many times Ute animals ~ ,,,.., ~-.,,.. .. C.I• i r• arraage electronic voling systems ever californ.la Department of Fiab have found loblten 1n i.rae may look nearly dead by the ~· ~~;~IM••I _, 1...-1o1.rv gathered ln Caliroml.a " has and Game. oumben also." he said. tbne ~let, to them. but ~ <=-'• ~ w_,,.· c ... c. .. = ~~ses ·---····-'led b t•· 0r w1lh ell .... ... ...... · "' w. ;..,. $1.. c.11 ..-.. ,,,. ...... I.Ja.._ ~·• ~· ................. Y 1io:: ange constru on of the Turner said that whUe the • IQID u W!f'/ are ........--ID f"c:::..,!;'•~.,!~ T~·.1": Coonty Voting Syste.ms Talk $22.S mll~kln harbor, three Dana Harbor area has in the clean Ilk water, they perk UP., *"""'',...,. ....... we1""""' .... 1 » o•ANOI! l~~:;:, 1':st:0• 1" • 1 Force, according to tas~ force basins of about 150 acres total past been harvested "quite Tu.mer II.id. •.m. ...~1 1....-. N6 "· MAY u Chairman Cecil J. Marks. CSF Names are Individually darn.med up heavily" the area is very good "We have reeelvtd a great • Allhoueb 1pprecllted "'"" our 1t1ndpoiot, the arance ot the public tnto Ille coa- suuctlon arr:a would ' aot be appreciated by I he con· structlon company," !Umet said. MAL AllllCMI HEARING AIDS c:~ ~~ Hitt ,..,. N-' SA~'::.,."""'!'°.!11'tE~~~ .. ,1!'..:'t 1be task force, suge5Led by and. drained so ear\_b moving (or the species and they do oumW olj nquiries by_citiz.ens 11W1~ c.I• 61.tM. • ,.m. tbltfltl!M~a-t\. equipment may excavate the very well thue. and groups wantina: to know if Tuno•Y El$E1.E.-«..tEJl:l: ~ "'·· ~· ., County .Clerk William ~· St p . ·---... "' · l.~·~....,~~-"~d~'-~'"~.__;;__ __ _J~!!!!!!! c-.ei ,..,., £..-c1Ut1. J-"• s. a ,...... ..... ~ ~ MMtio Johll and •PJ:>ted by county T f -FoDow up investipticm on ..-.3 UIUI ,__.,, 1n1-A111. lit! f . CON! Hl911WI.... ...... f,,_ M.. 111/jJ ~p ~._. <* .,_;.,_ ~ 1<t bas op 10 ~ The marine anlfnals suCh 8S the ._-i .. ..u .... show that eo.-...i ~. '' -. ,,,,_~ 9"" Y•nrt, C.I•. -yr-•.....,. • """lo"· _., .. .....,,.,... ..... '6 cwnc~ .. c~ ~ '::,.~ GllEbt-GOll.ICA. a..,1n 11. .• 1'. .. met 17 timel. • • abalC>Det loh\W, eels. aad fish about 50 to IO percent Gf Jht -----.en,.""'· K.·~~ ... tMt.-'~--·~~~.~~~ · ::~rs<lf..~.~P.-~!! ___ ~TON Dr. ,John wauld be ltfl high. dry and animals rescued and C:•••• ,_. Eo:M-c1t,ot1, ear• 111111a11 k.art.. .-uvevotingl)'stemlinae-Brown M.aili: il ~-dellll·by .~.wa&en. .• ~~~ ''Any • • Jtftf Rell .. ••""· )MS~ l lW.. McFAJtLA!ID-f41CUU.N. ~ ..... tion." •'"-.l.-:-an --•.1 """'-po if nut for tbe elforti: of their more tbla tbBt would be AM~flttCA"'S c"'• Me91. 11 -n,., "'a......,,. cw ... ,,,.,.. o. UJC\:uo.um -.u .... .-1 --=-•:-' .-1.... -.-1 .. 1• • ,_ Cd• .-,.. • .,.,,., .. ~~"" ~ Cf~i i.. "-~ ~ J .. a..,,.. \nc1uae the Votroruc System in ~• wuu "i-=" '• in u r rescurers.. abaft avua.ge," he laid. -Goll _. .,._, t1•1t W•Jllll:L ftao>lif ..... llw1I. JUv 'de -·-~•_., . ··' Hi""-·....,_....t -...,, ki..1 .... ; ... said••---Gel ~ onw. c.sn Mn-. · ttuNTll4!ANAS. ..._ w .. n. "' ers:i , IBM ~ ............ an ternaUonal ~•\ions, has been .,_..,....... game-wardens 'uc ~~ u.:: ·-- c :~fl . _. ,,,., 1c:1w ... i. c~. vm• 1l0f\.!o w • ..., _, ~ .t... 11, o1 Los Angeles, N a t I o n a 1 named Outstanding Professor wade into :he nlud as the -;;ell=ort=~"~·~as;;;,~far;;;,u;;::;;~he;:i.-o,:;; ~. lSM E. c.e~1 "',_.v, '11G1 E. ••-•Mt~ t111111 °' ...... D tavote in Ventura OJbie water recedes p'ck t the r c..-611 w•. 11 :10 • .111. vouNG-llOS.S. F,... P .• 11. " 1)111 a • • of the Year at Cal State . • 1 ou .. ""'" ... *' &Nd\ ""°"" Club. ~ $bkl'tov s1.. Wfttmff'<ltet , fl~ System 111 Oakland and the anuna1s, count and measure '""'""' s-clffl c-,.., c1ut1. :iooe k .. •-,, ,,'"",.,',·...,"'-• .. '~',-'""""'-. A VM Printomatic s-·... in Fullerton. all, and then tr .... .,...,... them to h im ........ Hl.lro!IMIOll l~«A. 11:U ,.,_.. .....,!""' • P ETER~OHG, MkMel G .• u. el' Orailge durin' the November He was chosen by a facully a new localion where the O range Coast's Most Comleto N=~.~:..,•..=m:r,,.:;~·,.":1'~ :,,~ '!. :i::-:· M.":'411. 1~ General~ . commitlee, which based its beasties are transpl~ed. 1b5 ........_ i:-11111 v.1...,. · St John. 1n :suggesting the selection on t e a c h i n g One small basin has already PRINTING SERVICE Dect h I\' otltts LAUB HOFF ARBIJCllB • WELSH "' _ _...., U7 E. 1'1111 St.. Colla M ... -BALTZ MORTUAIUl!ll C..-dd Mar OB..- C.U M... Ill "°' BELL BROADWA'I MOR1'1ARY 111 Bnadw•J, Celta Mea LI 1-WS DILDAY BR01'11ERS BulhlC-Volky M_,. l'ltll Bea .. Bmt. Badlitto• BelU W.Tnl PEEi ,A."81.Y COLONl.U. FUNERAL BOMB --& ... W .... ' 1 F -..-S WfD llOntJAltT '--, ••m S..Oe 2 .... SH1111'9 llOl'l\IAllY 1f7 '-k II....,__ UI ... 1T11.An~~1n.o. J.-s J., task fotce study last Sep.-been comp' letely drained and 11. o1 ,,. E • .._ $1. ~ J111ic. "'" be told . bat performance research ac 1L et 3u E, 11ttt s1 .. boll! at cor.•• tern r supervisors t • • the animals transplanted. Now ...... tile Coleman Electronic Vote tivity and professional ac· the game wardens are scour· 1 E01$CO-..JONE$, 1tobert o .. 12. o1 r ,,,. ~ °"""" .1nd su..n J., 31. Tally System the county ww livities. ing a larger ~acre area for :11$:!.~~ orn.. 11c1t11 el' owns and uses has been Mason was the first member animals trDpped there. YOAK-McMANUs,. ~ H •• 10. " .. , outgrown. "The animal life is typical Shlll1t11r OttYe _, u """ A .. "· of "II was designed to handle of the college's Po I J t I ca I or that which would be found lt'ID CO'lllMllt•I Aw., blllll ol C:osl1 · d .. MeY. 300,000 votes and our tallies science epartment, Joining in a near shore, rocky reef MAY 1• are now running well ovex the staff in 1960. area," said Charles 1-Tumer, KAZEl..WORTM--WEI.. TO ... ~ T • 400,000," St John advised. 3', f//f en "•"'-"" T1tooiwncr Olt.t. H 'd lhe Col .~. YIMl'lw• -.....s.ra11 L~ ... of 11711 e saJ eman s3 .. Kom v.,. • ..,. .... Nurit1rt1• 8Ndl. could be used in conjunction k.AZMAREK-t.EDK>. Ant'-" H .. w. with a new system the task al 1'122 o.slll•e. Wn""IM!e<' •lld e.-1., u. o1 ,.., BeH•11 or1 .. e, force might recommend, and ...... C, G.rdl'll Grawe. th · f GUEITIH-(;UV. Frink D .• It, of ,,., e SUperv1SOr5 approve, or FIDwk -!><lrll'IY L . u, o1 m h e. purchase in the future . 1"" "" b11t1i "' Colt• _,., Pwtarks said criteria for judg· 811:U8AkER-M.KFARLAHO, Lvl<t 0 ., • fl. 111 i.m c11i. Portoi., c.,1dr-ing the various s y s t e m s 8Ndl _, •""' M .. 'M. 111 a w. 11111 studied is now being finalized $1., C""• Mew. I I OAWSOH---RICH. H1ro1o1 aK n . ot 2001 and a comp ete report woo d cr1t1 o..m. He-.POrl auct1 •"° be presented to the board 1(11!11ftin O.. "5. ol 2dl1 A~ 0r1w. Miv.1o11 v;e1o. soon. fl5HER,,_.ELT. WIU1rd 8 ., .... of JOIMJ 1..0I (•bll'°' Cour1, Fa.mlli" V111e<y llld Ger•" 8 .• JI, ol 7U H. ~I Ave,, WHI C.....ln1. DO®LAS.-WITT, c111rle:i. w .. 25 ..... LT..a. F .• 11 , botll ol 161M,,., W. "Ocel n F,..,,.I, Newpor'I 8e1c11. kUT$CH-SOUUl.E$, ll:k l'l<ltd (,, 17, ol 1'1 13th SI., Apt, l. 5'•1 Br•th INI 5....., A., U, of 15.J Sol/Ill Ave. 11, Los A"l!elH. $CHNE10Ell:-0EHLMAM. 511nlrY P , 2'-ot 26U flden Ave .• Apl, B lr>d Narw;v E .• 21. ol 1100 PeltrSOll W•Y, ~I, 2211. bD!1'I ol (0$11 M.....,, DOHM--OFFllTT. 01 ... id A .• 11, al 50•! DUl'lb9t INI Sll<v I..., 21 . o! 61'7 N•" Clrci., bctll ol HvntiMIOtl ....... MA.T lS ilSNEROS-loPEZ, Ron•lo M., 10. of 1051! l•b>n Aw., Founlt ll'I Vali.v •"" Vkl<Y C., 26. of 110:! M, E"'lli1~ St., s...ta ....... SCHERTZER--MILLER . Ch1•ln W, n , ol '!Sil w. AOriM w1v, !>•11111 An• •"" JudY A,, tt, of 2211 Hlfbor 111...0., 1.#1. G-T, Costa MeY. FA.lK-FELlX, .... , E,, 2J. ol , .. ,, Dl'lis Sf., '#ef.ll'IWM!'r Ind JIM! A, 71. of 11111t Mllll$IOM .......... ~·"'· O'l!IRIE~A1ilt1$0M, J-f .• lf, el' Moll $11(rln. ,.,UI,.. lllCI A""•el L,, M, of ~ OtM'IOl'ld, 61~ t•!•""· TOMJACK-JoiEIMEll, Tl>Dfnll 1..., 13. ol llln ,,...IMa Of'M, Apt, S, 0..,1 Plll!'lf and lt\1111 E ~ 7G, ol l3ln M11111 Ori ... , 0.... l"Dlnl. J AltAMILLD-8ALOEllA1. Nev1res, ll, ol Ulrl (hfllml St. IP'lll 5.onlo• c .• lll. ot 14172 Chesl!'lul sr •• too•~ or W1!$...,ln1ter, Law School Joins.With Pepperdine SANT A ANA -An Orange Coonty law school has decided to merge with Pcpperdine College. The union or tile Orange University College of I.alt in Sant.a lina with the · Los Angeles institution will be an· nounced 'l\lesday at a Disneyland Hotl!I kmcheon. Congressional and s t a t e legislators and a number of county judges aod attorneys are expected to be present at the noon meeting. The new merger will give Pepperdine a third campus. A 200-acre site at Malibu was tecently purchased by the school lfeading th~ list or luncheon speakers will be Dr. Bill Teague, vice president of Pep- perdine and a member of lbe Orange University College of Law 's board of advisors. County Planners OK Two Irvine Rezones SANTA ANA -Two Central The ov.·ner is \\'. 8. Hellis, a Irvine Ranch area rezone peti-former Irvine C om pa n y lions. held up unlil the Board manager. The developer is of Supervisors approved the Will iam G. Church. Newport guideline gentra1 plan study o( Beach civil engineer. the area stand approved by More than 10 rezone re- Lhe county Planning Com· quests have been delayed pen- mission today. ding completion or I.he 9<klay The flnll, a rezone from general plan study of the 7,f.t&- agicu1turaJ to residenLial use acre Central Irvine Ranch ·of 197 acres owned by the area approved l&n· v.'eek by Annstrong Orange Ranch and supervLSO rs. KIRKPATRICK'S RCA .. ANNOUNCING Solid State* Trans Vista® RCA Color TV llUD IEWfOl 1970 AT Al UHELIEYIBLE LOW PRICE Enjoy an exerting new high in Color lV performance with RCA's new Solid-State color TV chassis! New fully Solid-state VHF-UHF tuners, newly.designed Automatic Fine Tuning with microscopic integrated ci rcuit, advanced new cofor brilliance and solid state dependabil;iyf Contemporary Swivel Consolo fOf extra convenience. TlfE l.lmDBERQ • lllodeol QU46.J. '23" dilC. 295-.a pktalra ·--- Nitta Brothers lw been sent Also approved by planrilng on its way to c o u n t y commissioners was u s t &Upervisors for acUon. variance for a 359-space 1be property is located. on mobile home park .on the the southwest side of Robert rorthwest side of Jeffrey Road Aftnue near CUlver Driw. between the Santa Fe tracks The second wu a similar ~ Robert Avenue. Swing into '70 with RCA New Vista Color. TV Portables rezone of 49 acres on the Petitioners for the ust northeast side of the Santa Fe variance are Bruce E. Nott Railway tracks, northwest of and Nev.·e11 E. Fait. both of _Jeffrey _Road. Newport Beach. ·-- The only medication that Gets to a Major Cause of Hemorrhoid& Now! Most complete 3-way relief! Th1$ import1nl development In hemorrhoid l1t1tmeftt comt~ to }'Cl.I alter five ,as of sc1en11fic lfld clinbl te$tinc, Not only does Counttmotd• wor~ by ltu1nin1 .... fat.I!!!! bl ........ -... __ ...... -... .. _ _, .... -. .. ~ prodlcl-......... . ..... .,,. " ThrillD•--~ with OSSJt ,. 01111 Cov11t1n1old pls to • 111jor CIUSt of Mrnol- --... ~1 ... -1rritJUoc lwlnt d oct. Hiit's -.111 hospital lofay tu ts dottofs ~demonstrated th1t ... ~ CounlllllOld """"'" lalion 111 1\h DSSJO penet11tt$ ill minulu to the top of the recl1I aru to solten the $lool lfllf east fhe bowel lllO'll!IT'ltnl. ii is this UlllQUt K fion IN\ clots M> mucil lo makt 111h1r1I he1lin1 pouiblt. So, if you li'll with the pain n ftar of rtanint miner htrnoohold lroublu, 1et ltmperary relief witti rntd"ICllft-ltSted Countemoid. Actu1lly, uwd as directed. Coull- le1noid offm tht most complel( l·••Y r11111 you can set wiltlol.lt I prescription II witholl MWttiJ. In 'l1inlm cteam or supposllorits. At Ill dftlC COUlllttS. 'l-ol~ ..... - E•ioY .ttte bffuty of RCA c.ry-.-ound cob'n' .• , fam. ~AdrMnoed21,.500-.olt chasls, Sold a. CDklr Stao- biltmr, 1.-VHF fti. tunine. b.lilt·lin VHF/UHF 9nlennes. Comp.et ceMMt. .....,, ... ~hncn... ~ 'niE URSNll!'ra•MooNI DMl7 lV6t..lCR ... a.pktw9 Prices start al s27gg5 ~ RCA Victor Soles& s...i.. Preview '70 at KIRKPATRICK'S 11 wn..-A ... Sloca1"4 2760 EAST COAST HIGHW.t.Y e 673.JHO e COlON.t. Dll. MAii. • • •• ' >,' mini-slwrts and mUJ,riff-t<rps , .. I SIGHT-SEEING SEPARATES $ any for . You1J be a beautihil sight inihortershorts to show more of your lively legs, and a midrif-top to bare y0ur middle. The cotton shorts in solid colors ••. wcstcm.s io white-stitching-trimmed denim$ ••• regular style. in a linen-texture .•. both with zip.By and pockeb. The midriff-tops of Dacron9 polyester and cotton voile, io summery prints. Shorts, sizes6to 14. r .,,,, me. JO to 36. MISSIS' SIZU 01'£N SUNDAY . 11 to 5 ~ I I , I • • .. I Cost• Mm, 1601 Newport Blvd., at 161b ._.. G-twt-1un Gen1 .. o,..;, 11N . • ' " • • • I • !1otdlty, Mot 26, 1969 DAllY "LOT JJ . GOP, Dems Change Club Names w Reflect White ·House • WASHINGTON (AP) a..iubllclnl ud Oemocr•ll In I bit al clublmaolhJp have .......i their major fund rW1nl ~ lo ..nect the dwia• In tht WhUe Hoose. Cootributors of $11000 to· the Republlean CMlle are now ~ Utlod lo llHll>benhlp In a """P called RN .wodat.s. 'lbe RN stands for Ricltard Nixon, of course., the GOP's new man ln the White ROUM!. On the Democratic slde, gone ls the President's Club for Sl,000 donors which flourished during Ly n d o n Johnsoo 's days in office. This club's successor is the Na- tional Democratic Sponsor's Club . ...•. ~pu1>00in .. spokesmen-say RN Associates -it replaces 'he out4·power Republican Asssociates -is worth UtUe in , be .. ms lo .-be..., per!oaps an RN lapel pin, ~ meetfnl, or an invitaUon lo a White House party. • •• Republican spok e smen decline to give the number ol members in their Dew club. The GOP has yet lo decide whether to grant membership to 2,700 diners who attended a fund raisfaa: benefit las\ May 2 at $1,000.• plate. . Going, Going, Gone Another .Repubiican1 aroup called the Booster's Club has a membership of at least 1,000 members and is being ex· panded. This organization. was originally created by • ~ R e p u ii Ucon Coqrealoool CampaJcn Commillee lo raia funds for GOP challengers running against Democratic incumbents. The only thing Sp. 4 James Pearson manages to keep dry as he crosses deep stream in Mekong Delta is his weapon. Pearson, from Jackson, Tenn., is with Company 4. of the 9th Division's 2nd Bat- talion, 60th Infantry. Southerners Pleased With Biirger Choice Humphrey Says Nix.on. ·Task Easier WASHINGTON (UPJ) -In a crucial con~est for President .Nixon's con· "Wallace votes" in his cam- servative southefl) supporters ·paign to win southern· border cooteod he fmally expre~ states, Nixon had made an at· tiis true political philosophy in ray of conservative-appearing nominating Warren E. Burger, pledges that appealed to · 1 ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) _ a "law and order" judge, as bipartisan segment or the eR-H·~~ u u ,..._ ~ chief justice of the Unjted ti.re South. :-'~ ::----~ "; States. Nixon had sprinkled his paign wu entangled in the This behind·sceiies speeula· "law and order" vote-retllng C'Ofltroversy over Johnson ad- tkln carrie in stronger tenns trail with specific bids for lhe minlatration Vietnam policy, than the public statements of South's fa vor, such as hil says Preskkllt Nixon. now is approval souther n con· public disapproval of the idea able 'to deaJ with Ho Cbi MJnh gre.ssional leaders made after of busing children to achieve without the constant attention the President announre:t his racial balance. of Communist China and the choice last week. There was widespread con· Soviet Union. ,.. Throughout the Republican stemation, therefore, when And Humphrey &aid lht administration's first ! Our Dr. James E. Al,len Jr., bombkJc -which WU one of months in df)ce conservative , form-:r New York state school the ..__ilsuel of •tbe • .. Ni:ron sup~_became Ni:r· SUfl;'l'~~~t ~ '!. the troveti1 _,?"iftly .... been on apologiltl and, finally, N~; natJon •,lead.mg busl_nf acJ. resp on r J li·f e -more than on critics ~use of · a pro:.. ro:ca!e, · ~as ~ed com-· a~ dK"Jar kitplna the 1 cession of appojnbneflts and rruss~ooer ol ~tion. · North Vietnlmeee in the wai. decisions they d..ld not like. nus, ippear~lO be • 180-The foniie"f vice . -i.dent .Swedes Build ,. •.t. ! _ iU.l" Fo1·ce For Biafra degree..,tum f<S" A man the · "~ r.-:-S o u t h • s conServative ma.. said iD an mterview that Red }Orities bad looked to 'save Chin• and Hthe: soviet UDion their c o-a c &p l ot lbe are 11\Cft CODCfll"Md. with ueb n,;gbl>orbQOd ~I :'l!:ih.ir~ ba~ . , Brandishing tbei Burger "In other words," said noinfnation as vindication ol "In other .words," II.id their support of N~ his .H ... pliey, "Ho Chi lllnh,llill coillpoi(ners "!"' ··~ lo ~-In •~ N~• with ·~ reconcile the A 11 «!~II •P:. up \llllliiil"C ...,.., •"'" • ""' poinlment with Nixon's .'lfta. two bl& brothlrt Rarfai It Th · _ Heh oillor eyeball ill'~ e1r answer: .,g lip-acroa tbe border be~~ STOCKHOLM (UPI) pointment was Simply' 1 Soviet ·union and Cb 1_• •-,· S1'edi'sh p.iiols flying tiny mistake that occwrect during .- Swroisb planes ha\'e fonned a the organization r:J. the new 11ley've Cot bi.ger nth to fey Biafran air force and raided administration while the and more danetroua thinp to federal Nigerian air b~s tn President's attention w a s face and greater inlereltt the past three weeks, lbe diverted . . • than Ncrth and South Viet- Sl.ockbolm newspaper Ex· Men speeifically, they said nam." pressen reported today. the President picked the most Humphrey voiced approval Gapt. Gari Gustaf v on trustworthy men be could find of the President's statement ol Rosen, who new some o{ the for cabinet posts and then Vietnam policy, but said Nixon first mercy relief £lights into "commissioned" them to be "is going to be in trouble" Biafra in the opening !ltages of their "own men" and make over domesti c prob I em s the civil war, mastermiDded their own decisions. "unless he reverses his field." the new air force under the That was described as the "I think President Nlxon code name Blafra's Baby. the situation in which Robert H. and his Administration ha\o·e report said. Finch, secretary of the depart· misjudged the urgency of the Nigerian war communiques ment of health, education and domestic crisis -1 mean lhe have disclosed air i-aid s welfare, chose Allen without danger of it." Humphrey agaimt federal fields in the first checking political con-termed the budget for past two weeks but neither siderallons. domestic p r o g r a m s in· side has reported how much This occurred while the adequate. damage was dme the Nigerian President's attention w a 5 The pattern of violenct' on air force ol Soviet-bu i It drawn to the conduct of the the campus. Humphrey wd, bombers and MIG fighter s. Vietnam war. the Paris talks, ''is only just a transfer of the Von Rosen has smuggled fJscal crises and other things, pattern ol violence fro1n whal five Swedish-built MF 198 Nixon 's southern supporters was the ghetto violence a little trainers, converted to carry 12 contend. while ago. rockets apiece, into Biafra and Those who previously felt "Now that can be transfel"- set up IO ail"!trips in the the President was neglecting red back into the ghetto im- Biafr-&1--0ekl jungle for them, his true "mandate" can look mediately and with grave Expressen said. towai:d more consistency in dqers. And I think Mr. Nix· The singI~gimi propeller the future, say the· Nixon on's budget is inadequate ... 1 planes, with a "'ing span of 24 boosters: think the sense of urgency 15 ft"et, 4 incftes. have a top, In addition to the Burger ap-not there. J. think M kno'tll•s speed of 190 miles per )1(0" in poi.ntment they cite White what the (Ids'. art. but I don't a dive, seat two perSCllS and HOW«! Jnoves toward cl~er beUeve thqe is·the feelina you require a runway of f40 feet to political lialsons since Rep. have to move as rapidly as J take oU at 1.270 pounds top Rogers C. 8. Morton (R·Md.), believe we have to." weight. was Installed as new national Jn m• ... ""'" his' statement on Swedish law prohibits lhe ~ Sale Of Sw-&:.:.L. -:t:.i.n-• ........l. party chairman. Vietnam, Hw:nphrty said, Nil~ cuJllli .. ..._. 7 r;-The President has 1S!iped on ''actually said noOUng new. to "'·arring natkxls. V 0 n a bigger poUtical role to Harry ·But it wU a new man that Rosen's W..Fl9Bs "''~Id lo Dent , a Conner aide ol Se:n. sB.id' it, ahd the timing was a French company 1 ~ Strom Thurmond (f\..S.C.), tortuiloos'). in lhat it ea.me verted them to warp anes auu Thurmond is widely credited alter tbe .qiationa1 Llberation then shipped them l 0 with having a crucial role in Fr!m! I~ its ID-point set· Libreville, Gabon. from w~ Nixon's nomination· and elec-tlement pl.h indicating "some they were fknm to Biafra, Ex· lion. movement on their Sflrt." pressea said. '';Oi0i0iOiOiOiOi0i0i0i0iOiOiOiOi0i0i0i0i0i0iOiOiOiOi0i0i0i0i0i0ooi;;;;;;;;;;;;~j The newspapu said !hell Biafran air ~·s ·misaion was K> knock out the Nigerian bomben ·wbich fly regular raids from redE!"&I bases again.st rebel soldiers,.outposU and 90meUmes villages.· The BWran raiders approoch their targets al low level, never higher th8n !00 f .... Von Rosen. 60, new ror Etruopia ·in t935 a g a in 1 t Atussollni's air force and ln 1939 he became Ml oCficer ln the Fimim air force figliinfl: lhe Soviet Unioo. Expressen djd not aay wPo was paykw hi"" for the Biafra's Baby pro. iect. YES MAM We do have the largest stock of SHAG CARPET • at the lowest prices! DON'S CARPET SHOP IJ._.. ........ ...._S.-.1 426 SOUTH N , ORANGE ----- • Waohlngton. R e p ubUcan.s periodically crtilcbed t h e DemocraUc Preli.dent'• C1ub .. ying thll Ill members tend to fare Mt· t<r In dtaltnas with the aovemme.nt than others. A GOP, spobimao odded auto center that the 1a.,..1 part of the porly'• -.,... per· --..... '""" people""" live leas thul ftOO. 1e.\t IAILT llo1-1UOAT • ·-· --·~·- ,.,. >11 ... t1•'' lf.J~l ... ,,. 1ft-l4 ll-15l >1• . , .. , ,.,..11 tT.15\ $11 '·'' .,.1s l'-'n . ,. .... 1;._,, tLJSl ......-..... ,. ........ -~• . AUTO AIR COIDITIOIERS • • bELUXE AUTO AIR CONDITIONER lWIN JET AUTO AIR CONDITIONER • T.,,·ifi·Squirrr\.Case 81011 en; • Famo111 Yori: Cumprns.ir • 360• .~ir Vohtmr Contml 99 PLUS INITALLATION • Automatic Cl111c-h Pro\·illr1 Lo11· Con Opera1i.,n .fJ..Ll.JUJ.u.Ju.tllJCOU•ONUJ.u.JUJ.u.JUJi-lo AUTO AIR CONDITIONER SERVICE SAFETY SPORT AUTO AIR ~ONDITIONER 214~!-: ~i~:~~'::~o~~~~crs. Horizontal ., ~-9 9 : ~~=~:ta~~!,;~~~~s:~ol Switch and Vertical · · "" • Dual Control louvers, Horizontal • Custo_m ~folded Plas1ic CasC " 11m1wno• and Vertical WI llSllYI THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIU BRAKE RELINE J2.99 lExce-pt Disc Brakes) -·~·--f-. ............ ,.... ...... . • bplKc widl ..,.... ... .. • Otdc. ~-bnlt• l)'lllrlll • lntpec:• 1JQM rl'tllirlcn •*' rrontwi.tbm1-• llC..m COUPON VALID THIU/ MAJ& I•) AUIUllfr,OIL & LU• SPECIAL I 'u"" ·~·-.-.. ...... ti&. • ..., ......... -· ...... lt'lllMI'&......,. .... ::-& ...... • lllJlll'd • ...,. tk•arf COL'IO~ V.YJO THAL! I STAlmAIDi Dim MUFRD 5!t .... -Most Fords.C~PI~ ORIGINAL EOUlfMl!NT REPLACOIE)ft TYPI (1'-c COC/PON VAUO t1Jl(1 ll'A1'&-J I THESE SPECIALS• GOOD AT THESE LOCATIONS ONLY WESTllllSTU BUW ~ARI BUEllA PARK COSTA IESA · SAITA All 1 . . 15440 llACH ILYD. , .......... • 891-2018 UIS LINCOUI AYf. Al Yllhy Yltw 82 .. 5800 • • !301 "'\Cl! ILYD. "' '"°l"'lelor 523.3040 • • • 2200 HAllOI ILVD. At W-.. 548-2082 • 1400 IDl- At ...... 546-7112 • .. • • l J I • I I J I ' JJ DAILY PILOT 6 En sign Students All 'A's' The Horace Ensign School, Newport Beach, has announc· ed the names of students plac- ed on the Honor Roll for the third quarter. Students must earn eight honor points, with an A equal to three points and a B equal to ooe point , and must have at least satisfactory citizenship grades in all subjects. Stoden~ earning all A's were: Eighth grade: Bartoa Beek, CbarleS Glazier, Clark Pothoff. ,Seventh grade: Vicki Call, Richard Hamm . and Pat . Lawther. Students from the eighth grade named to Ute honor roll : AIM Andl'W'I. 0.y Anthony, Nfk~I 8•11. Cynll'tlt lhc:Mtt, 81r1on Beek, G<M .. ttnwno, Siiiy Bemu1, 0.11' B~ 1(-Bl11'1r'ette, C11hw Brit· "~1 . Lori 8,,_,., la Burt.1, kon C1-H, J11'1 C4inlt'~, Chrl~lllle Cllr'k, Brian Cc*1s, C1rl1 Coltey, Roberf I COnn. Sun Dovie, 81rblr1 Dunn, OeO. ble Dt.IM, J1rne1 E111d<. Lori Elltl11. 11111 Fr•nklln, Ct.rlts GlltMr, 01n Gribble, Cindie HI!\, Ma,ry HI,,.!, !1111 H•ldb!"lnk. Lil He1wr, Robert Hon. d9nhot, ,..._rk Hlnsruow Con1l1nct Hlnllon. Clllly Hak1 K(ng HUINIM, Oouo1ll John-. Mike Kelllr, 8111 Lellfl. P1lrlcl1 Lr/fl1, Vivi.In 1. .... ~u, !11th 1.U\'lnf1,, I.Ill M.logli-, l!lrld Mii~. Te<TY Moore, Anne Mor,_, E. C. Mutll.,., M1ureen Murplw, Sieve Mnra. Stulrt Nakn Mlrll'11 P•I,,., t.lwi Pend~ton, Cl1rii: Polholf, Mlfllrn Rel\lle, Jennifer Rot!lt, J-R~ Tom SHrleSt. ChrlS11e SllaDl!t W~ SITllth, K1rl Tllltl, Ga,., TllO!'M JOHDh T11o1N11, P1trki. r.._ K1r1 VO!' H-n. Ellen W•lk ... 1 . K"rt Welu. Del'llie Wundertlch, .._.,1i. W\lmll'I, Mlrlll'!I Y1rdleY, P-Yodff, BeVerf'I' Y-. StuClenf1 ''°"' tiw wvenlh or1de n1med fO the h-roll: RClbln Adlllr, Tom Al~n, Joir Anthanr, Sus~ !11thrlclr, Ton I Bed:wlth, Jloe';QWllne llerflll rd, Ran 8!1liKlt,: N1ncy !latila. Brlvlt Bvsl\, Vlrtl 1.•U, Ann C1!e1, Dqug Ch.lrd, P1fty C111ve1, Terry Cline. Rulll CIUQa. S!ICY Cod'lr1n, . Teri Cr11Q, Oebr• De K1lt1, LN Oldl.en1, l)'tldan Oldle\I, Joh!> Olck,y, Krl1 Oorlut. Jen. n~ Fr1U•, J1ne Fem1ld, 5colt Flff R~l'l Fr1nllie, !lonnlt G1ge, Vicki Gile. • 8everlr Gross. J9n Gonn1n M.11.., Gvtlklll, Joe Guy, Tim H.ernlll, Altll•rd H1mm. CYnthl1 H1nd, Julie HokOl'l'lb, Carrlfle Harrodll. Robin HumptirJes, Kinn J11per, J-1 Jiiison, Andrtw J-1, R.Clbln J-1. Le1lle Jordan, A. G. K1w1mur1, KlmbfrlY Kay, K1tlly Kell\I, Mlr~rel Ket"r, Ter111 Kt!noer, Vl>le!'i. Knoit. S!l'l!Nn\e KCll>lm.tl, R.~ laneien, P11 L1wtller, K1t~r Lile, Julie LDh,...11.o Lindi L..-d, 1Mrlh1 l.rnn. \l•~rle L~an, Debbie McC1bl!, Ka•en MC.Doug.II, M1r;arel M•lt, T I rn Mlrl~. Dad! Mlroll, Stephen Mii· ,_,, Holly Montgomery, Tom MorR. Frank Naca.Jdy, Lori. Nelton, 01n1 "-bl, La11r1 Nlcl'lol1, Lori Nld1oh. Molly O'Connor. R1ndr P 1 Im er . P11T11l1 P11'1(1r, t.1...,_ Pitt, J1n lleKf, Tim ReQln, Autumn Rel.,,,11'1, K•l~v IUle\I, L""'lle R.oblnlOll. Tom Slfliq, Clift SMn!1 l!ldb Sll!lon, 0."1d ScolKe, Lvnn ~llf;jll• Gln1 Slm1<ln1, Collv ~~~: 'w~~~\lh~rl21~H~\I~~ t..urho Sl'l\I.,_, Mllltu SDl!ncer, 5\nln T1ut.. C1nd\I unoer. 01vld U-•· Kent \IOl"tilnkl~,C41•¥ Wiiker, J1d Whetltl".L 0.llD!I Wl1tllm1, K1t1w Y•tes. t'llrlQt YCIUl'lll. Pens Same In Space CAPE KENNEDY, FI a . (AP) -American astronauts and Russian cosmonauts use the same -ballpoint pen, a model that uses a nitrogen· pressurized refill cartrid,e lo pennit the ink to Flow evenly in weightlessness. .. Cosmonaut Alexei Lconov received several pens as a gift last August during a space meeting in Vienna, Austria. Lat.e:r, Russia's Razno ex· port _trading firm ordered 100 pens and 1,000 refills frorii the manufacturer, Fisher Pen Co. ol. Van Nuys, C81if., and received the same 40 per cent quantity discount on the $3.98 'pen and $1.SO refit! that is given to the National Aeronautics and S p a c e Administration. YOU KNOW YOUR CHILD WILL LEARN TO SWIM AT BLUE BUOY Aa4S._,_ ...... , ....... ~ 1-.A-.f .. 546-1• - I· .., ~ -. ---·------------···-- In this age _of· raucous, .kidney-jolting· sports cars, is there a. place for a roadster that. offers brilliant performance with comfort? The Mercedes·Benz zsos·r at right costs something between seven thousand and ten thousand dollars. depending on options, state and local taxes, and the like. That's twice tt\e price of tt\e most common little foreign sports cars you see darting along U.S. highways and byways. And it's somewh ... t higher than· such kindred spirits as Porsche, Jaguar XK-E and America's owr\ for· miditble Corvette Stingray, Jn fact, looking at it anott\er way, that compact, solid little Mer- cedes-Benz two-seater in the~photo graph if every bit as expensive as the biggest, fanciC5t. most loaded, six-pas- senger Cadillac You can buy, The obvi6us question is, is it :worth it? Answer: that i:lepends not only on what the car offers, but also, to an important degree, on whether or not you are the kind of person who appre- ciates what ihe-car offers. The sports car for grown-ups If you are out to prove you are the hottest-blooded swinger on thr block, look elsewhere. The 2805L is conceived, de- signed, and built as a civilized sports car. A car for grown-ups who want all the pleasures of sports car driving- and none of the privati ons. Descendant of the World Champion M erced"es-Be nz JOOSLR, the 2805L is one t~oroughbred sport- ing machine that isn't stark or hard- .riding or cramped. That doesn't make you pay for soul-stirring performance .with ringing ears and stiff joints. Nor does it look like a rocket- ship-or a hoked-up, striped-up fugi· live from a racetrack. It is sporty. But it is deliberately unflashy, restrained. The car will never embarrass you, whether you are keeping fast company in a road rally-or arriving at the por- tico of the White House. Concluded Road & Tra ck after putting the 2805L th.rough blistering tests: ''For those who have less than $10,000 to spend, and value finesse, pure quality and drivability more than jazzy looks, it is alone in the.Held." If the idea of such a spOrts car intrigues you, take a few minutes more to savor the details. Superb-handling The fun and safety of superb h"andllng is what a sports car is all about. So here are the facts. But brie8y, since superb handling is what 1his sports car goes beyond. YoU enjoy the leech-like road· ability of racing-type, all-indepe"dent s uspension with co il springs and heavy~uty shock absor~. Unequal- lcngth' A·arms and an.tl-sway bar up Mercedes-Benz thinks so. ! Wil/r 1J1t addition of the opliona/, all"•t«I hardtop (A"batie), tht UOSL convtrliblt btco mt• 11n lnstanl closed tporfs car. front. low-pivot swing axles and trail· ing arms at the rear. Although the 2805( stands a mere yard and a half high, it bestrides the narrow road like a colossus. Its 581/t-inch track is five inches wider than a Porsche, eight inches wider than an x·K-E. "Fully controlled, power drifts are this car's bag in the corners," confides Motor Trerid. Yo u stop with' the awesome ease and authority of massive, lO·inch caliper-type disc brakes at every wheel. (Standard on all Mercedes- Benz motor cars.) · You're blessed wittl precise, "feel-of· the· road," recirculating-ball- type steering. Turning radius: tighter th.in a VW .'iB~g." Optional power s teering : "The best avililable any- where"-Road & Track . H eart? A sophisticated, single overhead-cam, 6500-rpm~ngine with Bosch 6-plunger fu~ injection and 7- mLin-beAring crankshaft-built arid bench·tl'sted for 60 n1inHfes to cruise above 100 mph on Gennany's .auto- bahns for hours on end without grief. Summary: Some tigers will outdrag you from Oto 60on a straight- away. But few, if any, will get around you on the corners-and almost noth· ing will beat you {rom ~ Gown to O at a stoplight. (A nice, grown-up's victory.) "Fantastic" limousine ride And now, the big differenct . In searching for words to praise the almost si nful livability of the ZBOSL. experts tend to grope upward toward the same adjectives. ''The ride, over all sorts of roads, is fantastic," says Road & Track, simply. ''The Limousine Sports Car," rhapsodizes Motor Trend. "For a car that performs so well in the handling department, the 280SL has a fantastic ride ... comfort is everything and more thaQit is inmany']uxury sedans.'' The reason for thi~ unsport~ manlike sports car ride, aside from the ingenious· suspension: orthopedic physicians with sympathy for your backbo"e hdped contour the seats. Also, patient Me:n::ede!·Benz: engineers have '""'"the seat springs to.the car's suspensio.n movements-to cancel thousands of tiny, tiring trem~rs every mile. -.# Utter calm The 280Sl replaces the raucous bellow of most sports cars with a hum. You can actually converse with yo~r passenger in normal tones. · Doggedly probing with stetho- scopes, engineers tracked down and winnowed out irksome harmonic vi- brations in the drive train-even in the 90-mph range. "We don't know of a sports car that is as quie t overall," reports Road & Track. Room with a view Inside, the 280Sl is propor- tiontd for everyday adults, not acro· bats. In a direct comparison with Oil Porsche, a Corvette, and an XK-E, Road & Track's experts una.nimously rattd the 280SL the most comfortable. . And what a. panora~a of the world I ''The" SL is perhaps the only sports car that gives a commanding d.rivlng position and view of the rOOild," says ROlld ~ Trock. "It's not a very low car, andi:s tall glass areas, rela- tively 1ow beltline and visible comers ~ake it one of the most maneuverable traffic cl.rs we've ever driven ... " Amenities The cockpit is lavishly Gnished ln rugged MB Tex or (optional) rich lealhe.r-including, of course, the in· terior of the glovebox and the ""derp •ide of the d .. h. Oetp-twist ~ 'ts hand·fitted to tile eoor ana-han,.;: mission tunnel. There are separate controls to help you and your passenger adjust climate at various portions of your re-, spective anatomies. A remarkable lever at tt\e driv- er's fingertips performs four functions. Less showy, perhaps, than four extra dash buttons-but far, far handier. Give the 2805l a quick once- over yoursclf. Flip up the trunk. Nine I cubic fet?t of luggage space, and a cour-\ tesy Ught-. finger the wood trim. Real walnut, not plastic. Open the door.f ' Chromed on the edges. Gose it. Ka-' chunk. , (P.S. Yes, you can. order a re-· ~ 1. ·tracting antenna. Yes, you can order.J auto1n11tic shift. And so on.) -I A shrewd investment Finally, the zsoSl is b,,_uilt with'" uncompromising cilre.to be:a long-; lasting investment. The body is not bolted into be-l ing, like that of an ordinary car, but1 •solidified by thousands of welds. After 50,000 miles or so, you may begin tol 1,wonder if your 280SL will ever rattle.! (If you do hear something, check fol'., an object you have misplaced.) No plastic toy, this one. Unconventional? Defiantly so.1 Mercedes-Benz does not build conven- tional cars-and never will. European delivery brochure Stop in.to arrange a fest driv~' -and, if you plan to vacation in Eu- rope, to pick up an overseas Qelivery brochuie. (Or clip coupon now.) What, better sport than to tame your new SL1 on the Bat-out autobahns and Alpine curves of its native habitat7 Other models to ponder: 250 Sedan-an unflappable road car with superb handling and braking. JOOSEC 6.3 Sedan-''Merely the greatest sedan in tt\e world"-, RoAd & Track. .... ~ ...... ' ............. . . ' • • • Merttdrs-Btnz of North @ , • Arr,.·•rA, Tnc. • :Jil'fl Slirilmon• lmporh l11c. -: •JlO W•1t W1rn1r Aw1. • 1 i111t1 A"'•· C11if. 92707 • : Plea•' send m• your new' Europt;1n 0.. : • livery brochun, complete with w01k-• : 1httt for compuUng my .avinp. : • • • • ..... • • • • A00f;[55 • • STAiTI "' • ........................... CCapJd&li1 1..,, Mm:ed...ltru.of Hirth 4etria. IM. Jim Slemons 'Imports, Inc. i2ow. WarnerA:venue,Santa:>\na,California927o7Phone:714·S46-4M4 - ' • • I p • n ~ • ~ - t l • '• J -' '"I ,. , ,_ !l'.J :h" ' 1-, ·-1 ••, er ,.1 •• 1 o~ ' '" n- •• u- ry la t. 5C ne ,,. nd :ly •• .. • • --. -. • • • • • -. • • . -. • '" ··~ - I' I ' 1 ,,,. ' ' su11A11!0• ~MMONIA 21-1)'° DOD C8J ODD C8J ~~~ • Wide •e110rtmenl J~clodn $1.39, 6-g~. g.ardtn gun or 2().pl. fertilizer p.n; $1.49, 2 cu. fL bag Pl•nter Mix; Set of 12 deeontive red bricUi Sulph•te of Ammoni• in 20..lb. h•g; White Rock in 3 1i1a, 60-Jb. bag; 2-pL waterin1 ean; 60-lh. bag Top Soil; Redwood Ladder Trelllii 1~ Liquid F~rtiliztr. Low priced at Seen! ' G11rdfn Shop • \ 1nttr1or SUPER COLORFAST 'LATEX FLAT ' Moodot, May 26, 1%9 DAILY PILOT J~ ""-- I ---··· --THINK SEARS FOR :·; -· ,,_. l '' • • ,pa 'Oii\1 ' ' ........ TOPSOIL NATURAL ' ., . I . , .. ' '' Nee.ds ' ' •, D D $9.99 Flower Ornamental, Lawn or Dichondra Food SAVE $2! 799 •Sein bt1lquality fer- 1iliser1 formulated for your lawn or pr. den needs •Cover up to 2500 1q. ft . G11rdm Sb,P/1 -Al•orled Lu1h Hardy·-·-··69e"'U. Evaper1lf~e Ja.aiPer1Siaru.bs Cooler'Pad1 · ' ~ LewPrie• '10 ..... 444 , , r!Jr ' ' • Bon;,.ood, c,,_, NaD1, blue or 11'8'D Tama. U oe Sear• Revolving Charge -·. Fib~r11.ti1 M-eah·· Window Screens Your Choice 122 • GiTet bndacapn new e}Gi tei:qent wiQI n;· fre1lai•1.' eTcr1rttn · be1uty )-ov Choice Sl.19, 2UJ6.i n.:__99e 11.39, 28x:J2.in-99~ $1..39, 28xM-in._99e '$J.S9, JOs36.in._99c l'IM•W•r·Ht11tint Dtpl. • l8x36-in .• 24x36·in. --and 30x30-in. size~ •Sturdy metal frames Other Sise Screens priced from 1.66 lo 2.66 H11iltli11g Alatrria/1 Drpt. G•.,/,• Shop 2 :for the Price of l! Latex Interior or House Paint • Regular '4.99 SAVE 50%! 2 49 -e Buy one gallon at relular priC. and get aecond gallon FREE!· •Self-priming Acrylic L~ttx Houoe Paint or Super Color· • fHt Interior Lotex , •Both painu are· q'lick-drying P11ittl D1p1. Exceptional Savings! Hand Tool Assortment Regular $~.49 to $2,69 'l(our Choice • $1.44> T"'·O Alufflinum "C" C11;p1 • 11.99 Wire Sleel Bru&h • $2.19 Arc.Joinl 6-in. Plien • Sl.99 Adjuatahle Cnft1m1n.Noar.1e • 12.69 Stanly 16-0r. Hammen • 12.29 Sharp Catlin& Gna Sbearr • . .\nd many mo re to cbooae from fl•riu·•r1 D1p1. ' Prices Effective Monday, May 26th through Thursday,· May 29th. Quantities Are Limited ••• Shop Early! Bi1 40..lb Bae of Concrete 1'1ix 2 hag•$} • •For fillin~ crack11 In fou-nd1tiod&, side· w1lk1 and patio are1s •Limit of 20 hags to cu11omer. HurTY i,n! Bui/Jing ftf11ttrial1 Dtpt. 8 1.09 Sear11 l\lercury Light Swi1che1 S !l VE :9o/t l e .Quir:t mercurr !'!Witches e >ldeal for 1ic.k roomir, bedroonia., nunery •Easy to install .•. ivo· ry color. Buy1everal! Elrrtrin1/ Dtpt. --- For Top Quality at Lo"f Prices • • • You Can't Do Better Than Sears! . . . • ~--------------------------~----------------------, I -,MIC TA 11-4400, 521-1530 ll AQflf GI 3-3911 ~ -.iqt .. 5-0.12.1 ""°WE 11-4262 SANTA l'f -9.ueill I VAllFt l'O 3-8'61 , 984-2220 I CAHOCIA ,._ 340-0661 GUNtWI Cl! 5-1004, 0 4-1611 Ol'\'MllC & IOIO AN IMJll l'OllCN4 ED 2·1145, NA 9·5161 ; YU 4-6751 SANTA -..cA EX 4-'>711 VW19NT Pl 9-1911 I Cll"1l'IQI Nf 6-2581, NE 2·5761 HOll'IWOC1D HO 9·59'1 -·637-2100 MNl'A AHA JCI 7-3371 SOUTH COAST ,WA 540-3333 I coYt1A "'4611 1NGL1WOOO OJJ a.2521 ,_MU 1-3211, a 5-1211 I I ToeANC1 5'2-u11 " -- --- - --- ------ _ .;. __ ---- -Sears ----·------------ - - - -' "SatlafactlonGuarantffdorYour~ladc". --a-ca Shop6~1ghltMonclcrythrough Saturday 9:30 A.M.1o 9:30 l'.M. ,. • ' 14 DAILY ,llOT Mondiy, M11 26, 1969 " Always at Sears ... Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money B ·ackl ( Fun-Loving Beach To. Sears • , ,.... Uae Sears Revolving Charge .....::: . , ' .. :f . l't ' ;, o\ " ' • ' J I . i I ·> -· -.. -'I \ - .' ~ " s 1 ---·"--.. "'"". ,-····· . . . . . '·" 4·911_., - ' I --~'---L ---~ · --·-. . ... • • •a • • ,. ·~·· ..\. ...,,. .. Children's Suits in Sun~Bright Colors ---SAVE 34'1o! '2.99 Little Girl1' Swim1ni11 9 7 Splash-happy iank awes llllde of comfortable stretch fabric. For the "Little Dipper" in sizes S·M·L SAVE 209'0! '2.49 Little Boy•' Stretch Trunks O....suing waist trunks in choice of two styles. Bright IU!lfast colors. Si~•• small, medium and large. W,t:!;.· ~,.,,. .. • . . -- Hooded~ylon Beach Jacket. 3 to 7 l" ea. Girla' One/Two-Piece Swim1nilo Boy•' Stretch Boxer Trunk• Were 13.49 to $4..99 In Spring 1968 C111101 Huge array of srylt1 in stretch }97 Styled with full or front 167 nylon.cotton and Orlon•acrylics panel su pporter. Drawstring ... in solids, tU'ipes and novclry waisr. Concealed coin poc· prints. Sitts 7 to 1-4. kct. Solid s and prints in e~tterSwim Suit 12.9 7 ~ii.es 6 to 12. Girla' Nylon Whaler Jacketo Zip liont wiih dmntrin& hood }97 Boy1', Student•' T-Shlrto Short sleeve T-shirt styled 8 7 C wit h chest pocket. Bri'ght ind pocket!. Briaht Summer col- on;. Sizes 7 to 14. . . . '~·· .,.,,,.. . . Summer-solid.s. Sizes 8 to 18. s .. •ing'n value! Cons tructed for Long Wear! Cotton Duck Deck-Shoes- SAVE $1! Regular $4.99 97 pr. • Circnllr vamp oxford with durable duck uppers •Sponge rubber cuahion inaole , • : arch support •Popular colon Including n1vy;brown, green and light blue • t\vailable in men '1. hoys' and )'Onths' sizes ·1 ''!f. ~ ! .• . ! • , .I *' ' t• * '• • DAaY PILOT JI Always at Sears • • • . Satisfaction Guaranteed or .Your,-Money Back . Vycron, polyester fiberfill. non- . •' allergenic-odorle1i. Washable. i l S21.99Slceping 8ag34x80-in .. 16.88 1588 l"lf. ' ' t:¥ ~·· . I i I": . ~ I". j ( •• I • f ¥1 Was '34.99! Folding Table t "';!. ~"f Tablt has seats atcached to seat 4 2 3 88 t-¥.; grown people comfortably. Folds 10 ,.. t I 33-in.:xl4!1.!-in.size.ArSears! f.¥: '19.99 Alum inum lee Chest ·' . • .,... . I~~ : 'Jl. ~ j ' • .· t 1.¥: ( ' -lf,! ' ' . ' . ! \ r l ·~·l ; I I t ~· " ·:~ l~#-1 I , j ' " !] I '101. i ~,. 7~ ~, CUT•s.1i 1488 All aluminum for durability. Fiber- g lass i nsulation. Built-in bottle open- er and drain. 22xl 3x 16".Slftnow! ~l Ted Williams' Air Mattress '<:4 I: :, J • V:'a! !15 , •• CUT $7.12 · lt't ~ Rubberized nylon air mattress. Sep- j ' 1 :i.rate mecal valves for pillow and ~: .. ¥ ' body. 36x86-inc hes. Gi ant ~ye. 788 . \ \ \ 72x36x141h 0 1neh Aluminum Cot Regular S.8.99 Alwnii:iuio cot bu green' carWas cmcr. plastic upa on legs. Save· $2 now 11 Sears! Sears Insulated Water Cooler Wuta.99 CUT'4.ll Exterior and interior iooldcd of tovBh hi· im-leakproof Jin· car polrerhylene. 3· gallon size. 1'ed Williams' Lantern S3.99 Marine Tollet Save SI 2 97 Whice plastic seat Zinc· placed 5teeJ frame. Use boating, camping. WM'2J CUT '8.12 Chrom. doable mantle laa.te ro withliuuwLMany handy uses. Sne nowu:Sean! .2-TrayTackle Box Regular 497 $6.49 Scyrene. 16 com.paranenr!, 14-in.J: 7 -ln.:s: 7~in. Sea:rS , 1*~· :it-* ~-*-·_:*-~ lf T.:>i;·~ .~:· ;, ; , ;~. 1'! i ... ~ ~-_.___ -.. ' ~'-' ............ ~ ... -~---· CT-~ Ql~ SAVE s1 on ·Sears Easi-Load Camera Kit Regular $9.99 99 • Kit includes camera, film, cube and b11tterie1 ... • Takes slideo, color or black and white prints. Save! SAVE '16.62 NOW! Easi-Load Camera Regular '6.So 2988 . • Jutt dfop in the eui·load «•rt• -r.idpo·aim •nd 1hoot ~ • Eleelrie •Y• •ulomatically •d· JuMt thutter ror eDet ll&hting '57.95 Easi-Load Camera with Case CUT '30.07! Super 8 Movie Camera Was '99.95 88 .... • U1es SO.ft . 1uper 8 film in plaatie cartridge . • Dela.xe foldin1 piatol grip • Manad 3-1aoom •.• 11 to 3Smm •Reflex •iewing with adju1table eye piece . I SA VE '10~11! Sears .Super 8 Movie Cameras R~lar49~ $59.99 ' ' Aok Ahont Sears ,4488 Convenient Credit "!!J: 0 Save $13.07 ,,,_ e Automatic tleciria •J• thuutr • light lodie.tor; film J! In· Fut eolor F:2.8 Len1 die11or . •·Zone foeualnc In brlgbl fnme • R~ex w1ew1 .. andlrO, •1 l •A.ao. .. Regular 15.99 ·Fishi~g Outfits ~fr . l ' :¥ I I i' f :'fr l ~·1 .. Your Choice ·99 Spinning Combination •Ree l hat internal cam fo r hail nile.a1e, coll1p11ible handle e 1Tubular tpinning rod. 6•/2.f1. long. 2-piece. Cork gri11 Spin Casting Combination •Raged cast 1luo1inum frame t reel, anodized ca1e:Pu§h bul• •,' .¥' ·100 thumb lever control '; e Light action ~ubular11pin r ' casling rod, 2·pc. 61h·ft. long -__! .-•\: _--. ·'' .... .... ~ .,.,. . ' \•.• . . ..... . ... . . .7.:• FOR PRE-'·:n '" •• l\l.EMORIAL • ' 1.... DA, vALUEs in -''f~.A """' ~ .tewflnder m1ue a.PoWn "D J L · .,------~---------~------------~-------~-------~-, I -rMK TA ~400, $21.;s30 11 MON11 GI 3.:1911 IOHO ........ HE 5-0121 PICO Wt M262 WllA " -9.u«l11 yAllfr ro 3.9461 , 984·2220 I CANOGA PAl!C 340.0661 GUH0.\11 Cl! 5·1004, a 4·4611 OlYMllC l.,IOJO AN 8·5211 l'OMOHA !D 2·11"5, NA 9-5161, vu 6-6751 SANTA MONICA EC 4.6711 Yal!OHT n 9-1911 I «llll•-NE 6·2S81 , NE 2·576 I HOllYWOOD HO 9-5941 OIANOI 637·2100 SANTA ANA JO 7-3371 SOUTlt COo\ST Pl.AV. 540-3333 ,1 cov1NA 966-0611 INGlEWOOo 01 e.2s21 •ASADINA MU 1.:1211, El 5.;211 I I lOllANCI! 5'12-1511 " - ----~ ... "'.";.. - - - - -"'!' - - - - - --·-Sears - -- - - ---- - ------ - - -- -' ._ "Satisfaction Guaranteed or'YourManeyBadc" -·••" -• Slitp"INllhl:t Moold111.._.li.s.turday 9'.30 A.M. to 9:~ P.M. " . -• • • , , I I l' I· '. I ' , I • ~ . • Jf DolllV PILOT -.0,, Mq 26. 1969 For Top Quality at Low Prices • • • '69.98 Crystal Chandelier Fixtures • 5-light 22-inch diameter •Fine efuhed crfsutl hurricane shades •Chrome-plated chain, canopy SAVE 120! Bronze antf Cl')'9tal Chandelier SAVE 15! on 4 Light Crystal Chandelier Regular $79.98 5 9 88 Cm glw cups plus 48 ays- tals, white candles. 21 ~in. spread 2().in. height Regular$U98 l 988 12-in. diameter spread, 12-io. height Florentine white. ~-in. diameter glass bobesches. Gallon Plants Regnlar99•to•1.19 7 9c ColorfuIFucbsios Adds .. color to your home ••• brightens gardens, land- &capes. Indoor Philodendron Popular indoor vine. Adds c:olor to your living room. • Colorful Gardenia Evergreen white flowering shrub. Blooms profusely. Beauii£ul Hibiscus ' Colorful uopical splendor with lush green foliage. With the ease of growing. 4988 Ask about Sean Convenient Credit Plans SAVE 13! on 5 Light Chandelier Fixture• Regular$19.98.l 688 Hurricane shades, simulated etched glass (4·in. x ~-in.) Brass plated metal parts. -Jo )~ • -• You Can't Do Better Than Sea-rs r S Pre-Memorial Day ., \ \ SAYE S2! Oil-Base House-Trim Paint Regular $7.49 544 Dries to a. betutifu1 med. ium gloss fioisb. Resists fading. Buy now. Regular $8.99 Latex Semi-Gloss Enamel Save Sl.55 744 Jcleal for kitchens, bath· rooms, woodwork, fwni- turc and toys. I S6.99 Latex Concrete Floor Patio Paint Save $!.SS 544 Applies euilf wilh brush or roller. Use on wood or meuL Buy now and uve. SA VE $100 Now! l·HP ASMEPaint Sprayer Re<"lar ' 18988 $289.99 . $314.95, l \AJ.HP Sprayer 214.88 $344.99, 2-HP Sprayer 244.88 $4.29 Latex Redwood Slai1nn ____ ,.2,,99 Sl.49 Tirpolen Be Drop Cloth 6x9 for 11 79c White Latex Bathtub Caulk · 49c California Latex Home Pai1>t 3,89 Acrylic Latex Flat Pain .89 Spray Pain 9c • ...... ..... •'' -...: ~'' " ..... .. . ,, .:f.:· FOR PRE· ·:~\'\ I . . .... MEMORIAL I DAY VALUES ,}'J . .,..__::...";L:. -- mr.u::a.~~~i · ,,.-. cm Sears Is Headquarters For A 60 lb. Bag Redwood Compost Regular '2.99 } 8,.,_ AtJ id~ plantiog medium aod • 1<>U conditioner. Improves soil ·- te1t11tt. loag lutina. Regular '2.49! Garden Bark YOU SAVE 24%! }8,., Protects plants from summC!r's • t hear and winttr's cold, Otters ~ weed growth. Save at St-an! 1 • "------------------------·-BUENA PARK EL MONTE LONG BEAOi ' I I CANOGA PARK GLENDALE OLYMPIC & SOTO I I COMPTON .' HOLLYWOOD ORANGE ~ COVINA INGLEWOOD PASADENA fc s '----------------------~~--"SatlsfpctlonG.uaranteed o~YourMoneyBack" "' ~ • M"dor. May 26, !%' DAILY PILOT J . ' r rShop at S·ears a·nd Save Mo ·re! Quantities Are Limited! Be .Early! Ask Aboul Sein Comenienl Credi! Plana GUARANTEE , ,ntb jul OtW IMMlt If one gallon ra:ib to cover ceed450 tq. ft. wht.n •pplled 1!,Uir111 :bto.:ngb additioaal per pllon. ,,. u diti 0 OC' if J'Oll vre-1int to corrad the 0011 ~ P ( d ohe nurcbl:!9 pr1c~ fer, !"I 11n 1· -•. ··. . . . ·:,r"t JUNE Outstanding Low Price! Sears Interior Latex Flat or House Paint YOUR CHOICE 89 ' Gallon California House Pain! Glides on smoothly over sound painted swfaces, covers similar colon in one coat Dries t0 bug. free sheen in 30 minutes. Your choice of colors. Interior Acrylic Latex FJat Covers in just one coat. Cling~ to brush or roller1 flows on with exceptional smoothne.S!. Wash- ab le finish. lo decorator colors. ii . ::=-t;F "i ' , . • CB[_,.. .......... ~., ... . t'Y'}i'""'"""'""""" r .All Your Garden Needs • 1 ~gnlar '2.99! Peat Moss Sa"e Al Scars! 2 77 Prevents weed growth and holds surface moi sture. f\{a,kes ground easier to v.'Ork. 70-Jb. bag. Terrific Value! Inside Peel Slat Bamboo Sean Low Price 211 f\lany Jecoruive tacJ, Jdeal for &Uden. pat· ios or homes. 6i:t).fr. Lasting Protection ! Big 25-lb. Box Snailgo Peller. Regular $5.49 399 . Attracts and kills soeils and slugs. Use in flov.·· C"r garden or lawn. ··-----------------·-------, PICO at Rimpau SANTA FE SPRINGS VALLEY .. _ I POMONA SANTA MONICA VERMONT at Slauso n SANTA ANA SOUTH COAST PLAZA 1 fl s=-=i TORRANCE . ·~~ -----·--------------~-' 18 w.aouuc<••oco. Shop 6 Nights Monday through Saturdoy 9:30 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. • • ' Separately '47.76 44-Piece Tool Set Sl i! 2999 Includes J /4 and 3/8-in. drive sockets, metal tool box and accessor ies. '----F' Ir a Craftsman Hand Tool Ever Breako, Sears Will Replace It FREE l'r---Craftsman hand tools are > uncon4itionally guaranteed to give complete satisfacr tio n or rerurn for free re1 pla.cC"ment. Th is 8'J1lr:tnECC!1 does not apply to hand tools used in rental service. \ ' SAVE 530! Sears Craftsman Complete 94-Pc. Mechanics' Tool Set •Includes 3/8 a.nd I/2-in. drivo ratch· ·Separalely '90.42, ets,h0Ll1 witl1 'lQuick-Release''hutton 5 9 9 e 1/4, 3/8 and l/2-in. drive socket• and 9 accessories; sl1ort l1ox·end, con1 l)ina· 1io11 nnd i ~nitio n '''rcncl1 es • H c3 ,·y·du1y tool l1ox t:1 ncl mucl1 i11ore .\sk .\hout Sea rs Convenitnt Credit Plan Separately 110.01 5-Pc. Torch Kil '2.19 Utili1y Tool Box wilh Troy 118.99 Craftsman Commercial Box Save 13!· Craftsman 2-Drawer Tool Box SAVE Sci! 591 Includes 4 most popular a~cessoties plus ca.sc. Shop at Sears now and save $4! SAVE 177 19o/o! Deep-drawn steel with baked enamel fini sh and canti lever tra1•. SAVE $31 1599 Our mott rug.cl rool box for plwnben, elccuicians, .mC"chanics. Save S3! Rti;ular $19.50 1599 Ideal fot mechanics, repair- men. Heavy.gauge ateel. Two deep drawers. SA VE s5 to $13! St·ar·!-i ()11c1lit\· • • Craftsman Power Tools Your Choice S42.99 Sander ... \Vi th dua.l action.100% ball bearing motor develops ·1/2-HP 4,400 SlrOkC'S min. #2240. . 539.99, 1/4-lnch Drill No-load speed, 19l0 RPM moror develops up to 1/2· HP. Ball bevings. #1126. 536.99 Power Planer... $34.99 Hand Saw ••• ~fotor deve lops 3/8-HP. Circular model with l Y.c· 25,000 RPM. Planes path HP motor. No load blade 1 Mi·in. wide. Two fences. speed 5000 RPM. #2768. #2)02. • _o ' • ' ·1 I • -· I • • l l . • . •• I' • ! II DAILY ~LDT • ---I Sale Prices End Thursday, May 29th! Quantities Are Limited! Sears · First uality ' S-T-R-E-T-C-H l .. Panty _/:· A .. ~,. Hose · ~ Stock up Now at this Low Price: c • }"'irst q·ualjty !ilretch nylon mesh panty hor;e •Fashioned with nude heel' • I,n Sun&et, mocl1a and bare -beige •Proportioned sizes ••. in petite, average and tall •Stock tlJl now at tli is lo\\·. low price! •Blue • l\'ory •Green •Charcoal e Olive BrO'\\'ll SAYE '6 to '9! • • .. • Travel-Worthy Courier Luggage R•.,olor S%5.98 10 ~5.98 s 19 to$ 3 7 !:!.i.98 Co1n1l'.li~ Ca•"-.,.---~1 9 .. M.98 Th rT:t Suher !3 7 &28.98 21·inch Weekcn 23 . :?8.98 f.01npa11 ion C118 S23 843.98 26-i nch l?ollma 136 ~2i.98 Aui.chc, 3-t n. 1hlc k 122 J.98 T1o1·0 Suiter !.16 S:Z!l.98 At1nehr. 5-in. th ic k..__124. . . Cool and Leisure-~ovin~ lnsta:qt Z1p-ons Semational Value! e Zip-ap for eool ehore time or loungiq: ••• look frnht erisp all daj lon1 •..Popular 1klmmer 1tyJe with hold-all poeket1. Perky &ticebed eollar •Machine wa1blible colton 1ailcloth In dtlinte print!. 1unny '°Iida • Si1a null to n1n large Fashion-Right, Color CoordinatcJ ' Lovely Lace Intimates Natural or Contour Cup in Nylon Lace Bras • \ 111azing Valt1 e! s2 • ~ylon Lycra• 1paiidex po'\'trnel 1lrtlch frame, nylon )ace cup• • Natunl eup 34 lo 38 8 and C cop • Conlour eup with Wonder-ril pol ye1ter 32 1036A and Bcup • Pink, gn:en. Al10 in whilt SAVE 20%! l\Ialching Lacy Long Leg Panty Regular S_5 397 • Sl1cer n)lon and ipandex po wernel • 1\~lon lice lined front panel and leg band.9. C.:oncraled J•rtefl •rink. green, white. S.l\f.(. • • Use Sears Revolving Charge I For Top Q.uality at Low Prices . Se~s Alk Aboul · Sears Con,1enie11l Credit Plans 899.95 Scientifica ll y Dr;.i ~ned Sears-0-Pedic Foam Latex or lnnerspring·Mattress •Deluxe (._in. di111ple.1op ·roam latex 1nattress for superb sleep· ing co1nfort. Q11ilted top, contour conformin~ e Firm in'nerspring mattress .•. 1000 coils in full size. 680 coils in twi11 size. P11ff quilted top for luxuriou11 surface softness $99.95 Matching Posture-Mare Foundat io ns, e:i'c:I S69 S259.90 Queen Size Ser, Mattress Plus Foundatio n l!l 99 $349.95 King Si ze Ser, Mattress Plus 2 Foundations 8279 , .. //, . ' .,; Garment Bag Assortment Your Choice! •\'our choice of the following: jumbo 16 solid or clear front· 8 1uit bag, 14 pocket puoe lilt, 12 pocket shoe fil e , ' •Quantities are limite<l ••• 110 l1urry to Sears while they la st! ,• • , • • M....,, M'1 26, l'Hfl OAILV Pl1DT It You Can't Do Better Than Sears! Sears Vision Bath Carpets and Rugs 1497 a Conu rncL<d o!SO% 0.Ponl Nr. R Ion and 50% Avitco• nron pl e S e:·~Sl8.96 •Securi~Ttt haclcin~ (or cu1bion x • I . &0rt Ju"'ury ind 1k.ld-mi&t1nce C•rptl • f.an be macbino wnhM •nd 825.98, 5xS.ft _____ l 9.97 Sl '.i.91J, 4~6-ft 11.97• 32.98, :ix IO.ft 28.97• $34.98. 6JfJ0fl 9.97' ·~rec:,i1 I Order Siics Q dried or clc111ed with ttJQ1•r rull 1h11t1puo • Ea.s)' 10 cnt, n1e11ure ind lnttall •.. jufl rollow pattern. instruc· titln~ •!\tiny decorator rhootc from color1 lo Re.,.Jar13.99 297 2lxS6-ln. Both Ras $3.99, 2l:cU.in. Contour Ra,___J.97 $5.49, 24x42-in "·' 7 S2.99StandudUdC.... 2.47 SS.49T1nkConr 47 • , ~--------------~----------------------------------, I -, ... TA M<IOO, 521-4530 11 MOH1I GI 3..1911 IOHG lfAQt HE 5.0121 ~ PICO WE 8-4262 • • SANTA ff SPllNGS 9.u«ll·l VJJJlf PO 3-8461, 914-2220 I ~ P• :MO.o661 GUHDAU OI 5-1004, 0 4-4611 OlTMPIC & SOJO AN a..5211 POMONA ED 2·1145, NA 9-5161, YU 6-6751 SANTA MONICA EX 4-6711 VBMONT Pl 9·1911 I ~NE 6-2581, NE 2·5761 HOUYWOOD HO 9-5941 • OllANGf 637-2100 SANTA ANA Kl 7..1371 SOUTll COAST l'lAZA 540.3333 I covtlA \166.o611 INGIEWOOO OR 8-2521 PASAD&IA MU 1-3211, fl S.4211 I I TOIWfCI! 5'2°1511 "'~ -----... ------------mt-·--Sears - -- -- -- - - - ---- - - - - - - -' "Satisfaction Gvarante•d or Your MoneyBadc" · --'"""..,.. oo. Shop 6 Nlgl)ts Monday through Saturday 9:30 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. - ' '1 • " If DAILY r lLOT Monday, M01 26, l 'Jff Always at · Sears . ·• .. ----Gre~ se_ars ALU!TA'J'.E POMeoger Tire Guarantee Tread Life Gaaranlee ~~1 AUfaiJ. iues ae me tinl,tttulli.tl8 f!Olll ilOrtnal tOld iw.rd1 or def«!.$ ill amrrid Cit ~p. ,. ............ fu .... lilecl • cn,p.i ut:m1 WW&..YmO..~ nail p!llliCIUl'C!I ... DO dluwc. fa AM: d fJ.ihlft. i•~ l~ die tiu, 1epl11ee lt c:ltatailll culr die proportloe r:l QlrftDC rqiaW 1rJlinc prim plm fed. enl Im. T• lhlt ~· .......... ,\nllaLle et Sean Tread WeaM!at Ga..antee Gaaraareeil ,\gala.tr Ttttd '"""'" Sor How Loq: The awnbtt o( momlil llpt!CiGcd. ftat ~ 'r.D JM Jt1 a. chaoge £or tie Wt, rrp.lice ic. t hataini tH c:arttot tC'.!111.111 Rllirut prb J>hlf Fmen.J b ciw Ta: ku tie following a&. JOW';l!IU: ilonllooGu,_,,., ....._ Uto2.C 77 to 3? Steel Cord. Radial Tires Aak Yonr·Sean Tire Salesman Aboa&Tbeml 3~? e Built lo out.Int imd <tut perform Orig· inal equipment 1hocb ••• fit moat con • Yo u get increased , handling control, i mprol'ed ride, smoother riding • Fit mosc. can FREE Shock Ab- t0rberTestatSain ••• No Obliplionl -- ' E....,. Se"" Tin Pureb11e JneJude!; e FREE Cboc:k of Your Wheel Alipunent e FREEAlhlato Tiro Rollltion Eftl'J S,OOOMileo eFREEA!htote Tin Mounting ·or ~'trade-In Price '23.9~ GuadDteed 36 Months I• • Belted construction (Nylon carcass pins two Fiber Gia,. belta) for greater 1tability, superior high •peed penormance and .. rer·bandling • Reinforeed tread area greatly reduce• tread 1quirm •Wide tread re&u!~ in more road contactforguper1tarts.1top1 and cornering · e Patented interlocking tread design produces thousands or biting edges for maximum powe r SAVE '30! Regular '199.95 16988 Atk Aboal Sein Comoniont Cnid.it Plans • Thmno•tat anltlmatically main\lin• the tempenture yon .. 1.ect • Thref>!!peed air flow control •Two 4-way a<ijustable louven for peneet dnMree 1ir circulation • H1ndaome chrome pl1ted !roni-penel 6-Volt 12·Month Gu1nnlee Fits r.foat 6-Volt Can 699 ~ !<o.U Y"dl.Tn6e-l• I 95 6.S0.13 Tubele. n1 .. 11wa11 PlmSl.56F.E.T. And Old Tin SIZE :=.:. IS rC~ Tv.beleM Bbekw.U. ' 6.50xl3 23.95 IS 18.95 1.56 6.95xl' :U.95 IS 19.95 1.13 7.35xl4 26.95 IS '%1.95 1.17 7.75xl4 28.95 SS 23.95 L95 8.2Sd4 31.95 IS 26.95 2.18 8.55xl4 34.95 IS 29.95 2.46 ~1s 22.95 SS 17.95 l.S% 7.7Stl5 28.95 SS 23.95 L99 Tabelea WhitewaU. .. 6.$h.13 26.95 IS 21.95 6.95.l• 27.95 SS 22.9$ SS :N.9$ 7.7Sxt( 31.95 SS 26.9$ SS 29.95 8.SSx!.' S7.95 SS 12.9$ S.60d5 25.95 SS -7.75d5 31.95 SS 26.!IS &.2SxJS 3'.95 15 29.95· 8.55d5 J'l.95 1$ 12.95 12-Volt IS.Month·~ Fill Moay 12-VoltC... l.S6 1.13 L87 1.95 1.18 .2.46 w L99 uo w Expert Installation Amiable Whr llialt Coodr Failure? Soon B• 1 e.u.,. ror !""'7 Car, E"'1 Baclpt! FREE r.-..i No oi.. lipt.in! ' .~----------------------------------------------~--, BUENA PARK EL MONTE LONG BEAOI PICO at Rimpau SANTA FE SPRINGS VAUEY · I CANOGA PARK GLENDALE OLYMPIC & SOTO POMONA SANTA MONICA VERMONT at SlaUJOn I I COMPTON HOLLYWOOD ORANGE SANTA ANA • SOUTH COAST PLAIA I , _ ~ - - - - -~<!..~~ ---.."!.S.:8: •• --ISearsl. - ---~=~-------------' "Satisfaction Guaranteed orYourMoneylac:lt" ___ ... Shop 6 Nights Monday through Sotvrc1cry 9:30 A.M. to 9:30 P .M. • .. \ ) - Phil ha Installs in TWi O Octaves • rmon1c , TO STARBOARD ·-Heeding the neweot group of the Huntington 1!arbour Pbilharmonic Committee will' be (left. to rigb!) Mn. A. B. Hel1>old, vjce president; Mrs.· Gabriel Felix, pre<ldent,. and Mrs. Joiln Sw~ey, ~lir.ei:· 'The new group, comp'rised <if i.4 members, w!lj ~ tli,ir ~asm to the continuance of good ·· mu9c in <m,ml' <;:Ounty by slJWOlting the Pbilbarmoolc SQcie!y. • . ~ :....r, ; . '·- It was a lovely sunlit day when tbe Huntington Har· bour Philharmonic Committee• gathered in the Beach Club for a poolsiide lnsta4ation of new officers. Adding to the noon meeting was the announcement of a new group formed to contribute its support to the Orange County Philharmonic, the Starboard Group. Presented during the luncheon was the new board of directors, c:omprised of the Mmes. Dallas Moran 111 1 chairman; John Silver, vice chairman; Robert Helfer, secretary, and Claude Jones, tre:asurer. Serving as ways and means chairman will be P.frs. William Ekberg, whose duti., will iDcJUde organizing the committee's annual Christmas Panlde of Lights, boat parade and the Grand Marshal Ball. Other aRf)Ointed chairmen include the Mme~John Swain, publicity; John Perry, historian ; Willi E. Harrison, cor\tinuance fund; Lloyd G. Fuglie, coo dina· tor; Lester Erickson, membership, and C. Robert Hulr bard, parliamentarian. l!eading the new Starboard Group will be the Mmes. Gabriel Felix, president; A. B. Herbold, vice president; Harry Riegal, secretary, and John Sweeney, treasurer. Also serving the new group will be the Mme~. Tony Albanese, coordinator; Tony Furianl, social ch¥. n; J . DOn Hartfelder, mel'l,lbershlp ; Raymond ~a 'l'•Y•. and means: Paul ·weeger, parliamentarian, and Louis • .z\·mmerman Jr., continuance fund . . ' Heading the established groups will be the M111es. William P. Uniack, Admiralty ; R~chard Da'vies, ~ri· n'a , and George T. J. Hersh, Islander. Serving as Grand Marshal of the 1969 Chri • boat parade will be Harry Palmer. ' JODEAN HASTINGS, 642-4321 .....,,, MIT M. 1"' I '"' fl \ INTO THE 'sw1M -~g .. new pr.es!· dedll of the groups which comprise the Hun· ~ Jlarbow' Phllllarmcni~, COlnmlttee, sporiogr of the 811111181 Christmas boat p~e are (left to rigbt1 the Mmes. RiCbard Davies, · Marina gtoup; George ·T• J. Hersh, Islander; William P. Uniack, Admiralty, and Gabrtel Felix, Starboard. ' ON .THE R:1sE ;_ Installed during the pool- side luncheon were directors' 'of the board of the HWltington Harbour Philharmonic Coqu:nitt~. ln charge of the Christmas ctuise of Lights, tlie annual boat penide and next year's Grand Manha! Ball will be the Mmes. Dallas Moran III, 'John Sil_ver, Jack Swain, C. M. Jones and. William Harrison . • . . o ·earth of Timely l.nformation Worth DEAR ANN LANDERS : Lasl week our S.year-old '°" p the mumps. The ftrst thing the doctor asked was, "Has your husband had the mumps?" I asked Ben· nle and he couldd't~memeer sot called • my mothtr-ln-Jaw. She aald, "How am I suppooed to khow what happened IO years ago! Two ol my boyf had mumpe, but I don't know if ll Was BHnit and Louit or Louie and !Dy." t caUed Lottie'. He said. he had the mumps and bt thought Btnnle bad them loo, bul he wun~ IJO'iJ"'· So. the dootor 1••t my husband a sbOt. He wu lid: 11 •dot for a hall a day. Y esterd.11 my atUed to HY he heard ANN LANDERS Bennie was sick trom a mumPB shot ud asked, "Why did he. talce It ? Bennie had lhe mumps when I dl4." Please teU mothers eft!')'Whe.rt that they can seve their kJds a lot ol trouble by keeping 1 record ol who bad what. Thank you. -ZYGEZUNDT DEAR ZV: Ncht )'OI lff. Bu.t don't .e too bani on )'1JllT modttr-ln-1.n. Better . --- -lllall lo""'" ....i..i. dot'• 4lcl•~ ..... DEAR ANN LANDERS: My llJW, who ii !he mother cl three dorlln& • children. hat been ocllac o1iluUy gooty or lite. Rutb t&lU a lot more than ahe Wied to anq much. of btt • converNUOn makes no tense. ad husband tokl me ln con- fidence that Ruth baa been going to two docton ond n<Itber .,.,. know• about the othet'. J 'm beginning to Put the plects tofetber since he mentiootd hls conctrn about the ~ber or pHls she takes. I stroogly ibspect Ruth ls gettuig some sort •ot "prescription only" drug Jrom both doctors and that she Is hopped up from too much stuff. Can this be dW!jerous? What should be. done about Jt! . -MR.r.NO NAME DEAR MRS.: Tblt CAN .. dange,..1. Uke very. Also fooll sh. l'our 1111.er isn't llll'Ulg lbe doc.ion but sbe Is jtepartlli-tac ~r btaltll ind maybe her life. RaU.11 bubaod_ 11toukl tt:lepbone eacb doctor ad lo""° 11bn ol IM olber. Aad l bop< ~ tt10 wge blm &o do to tl on«. U ctald be 1 matier of life and deat~. ' s·hat • a DEAR ANN : Does the local newspaper ofDce open lhe letters to you and then send them all tolether in a large en- velope? Or do you receive the letters unopened ? I l\lell what I really want to know is thil!: Do the people who work in the newspaper dffke, of say lhe Arkansas Gazette, see the Mn Landers mall before )'OU do! -NEEDING· ANONYMITY DEAR NEEDING: All mall addrultd ·io An.a La 1dtr1 I• forwarded kt lie uoopentd. It 11 • federal ottuse to l:n· ttnllon1t11 opeo t tettt:r lddm.m to anollM:r' party. CONFIDENTIAL TO IS THE TtME the Arm • • . NOW?: Jn my oplnlon -no. It la a wile person who ~WI when to •iu ID oP- portunlty. It. ls a wiser one still who knows wben to loreao an advantage. "The Bnde'• GMlde," Au • ·adMI.' beo':W:t, .... en tome ti U.. melt ffe- qoeall)' ulled qHlllool •--~ To rtcefvt yMlr copy If W. eta prebeml .. plde, "'11a la ... i.-.. In ttre fl SIM 1tw1p1per, eeelMlq: a loo(, .. tt-. _,.. ...... ............ -. • AuLMdenwtU .. sl"'IOlolp,_ wllk yev pr<Mem. Ind .... la Mr It cart ti tH DAD..Y PILOT, ftdtmc a aell·tddrtued, 1Lllmped en.ve&ope. : I \ \ • • & OAIL. V PILOT • Snerrie Wilson Weds • • In Baptist Church Honeymooning in Carmel, Monterey and San Francisco aTe Claude , J . Makin Jr. and his bride, the fo'l"er Sherrie Lynn Wilson. 1., The couple exchanged.wedding vows and rings before the altar of the First Baptist Church of Costa Mesa during evening candlelight rites solemnlzed -by the Rev. Dr. P . G. Neumann. Parents of the bridal couple are Vice Mayor and Mrs. Robert M. Wil· son of Costa Mes~ and Mr. and Mrs. Claude J. Makin of El Toro. • The new Mr~. Makin was escorted to the altar by her father, and was gowned iq a silk orga~ camelot style dress enJtanced with .\r'enise lace on the bodice. Her silk illusion veil was cauglit to·I headpl~t ot matching lace, an~ in her brid,al bouquet were white daisies1 cprn~t1ons and mini&· " ture white roses . .\ . · • \ Miss ~ancy Stein was maid of honor and #D tht tifidal .,eartY were the ?\~isses Carpi Johnson, Debbie Elllrigson, Colleen Kirlg ai;aa Mrs. James Er.in. the \ride'• sister, ~II of Costa Mesa. ' ) Harry\Dunn of Gard~n Grovi"performed ~e dµties of tie1t ·man and us e!s w~re Wa:rren Sheppard, Costa M~sa ; sa·rry ~ennedy,\Santa Ana; EJm. arid 1l3ndy Wlllf?n of Costa Mesa(° brother of \he bride. . The 1churCh was d..~orated with peC\festal boqu.*. Of whlte and pink dais es, pompon chrysanthemums and gladioli and the ceremony was tn~ hanced with music by ~rs. Clay Griswald and Mrs. Mitv)n Ownbey . Pink and white flowers ,and wedding bells graced the church nic~p- 1 tion hall when the newlyweds \ received, 200 guests. 'AssisUbg with hostess ·· duties were Mrs. Brian Ellingpon of Costa Mesa, Mrs. RObert Gordon of . Corona del Mar and Miss Judi Dokter of Bellflower. ' Spec',al guests were Mrs. J.da"Wilson of TBcoma, Wasb.1 and Mr. and ., Mrs. Davi~ Spies of Palm SjJrlngs, ,tJlf brid'''s grandparent&. \ · The· new Mrs. Makin, a graduate of Costa Mesa High Schoo~ attend· ed Orange eoast College. ·~~ \ Her hUsband, a gradilate of Toms River High School, New Jersey, Candlelight Nuptials I , Linda Hay Says Vows attended Santa Ana College. Santa Ana will be the newlyweds' address when they return fro1n MRI. CLAUDE J. MAKIN JR. • ;,,- ,. f .. ~ ,. , •• ' th~ir hooeymoon. · 'j ' .. •• • •'· ,~;~ Jl . . , f • • ... ~ -:·The prettiest summer 'dos' ; · get a head ·iltart with a •' • La Maur budget peu un 8.88 SCISSO~ WIZA"P CUT.,. •• 2. 50 ,».,. Shelnpoo and set • • • • • • • • '-(Mae.. r-..i W.L only) .,,., ···1111 .. -. ........... NO ~-1 NIC•WY .,,. • " . ---v Oa11r IC..- . $3 Co,,...j H-r,,,_, • The Fulletton home of Mrs. John P. Hamlhln• will be ooenecl for the sprinc luncheon ol the Ward Belmont Alumnae AS!ociaUon pelt Wednesday. J'amoua Nlclpea of Ward Belmont wlll be distributed durinl the 11 a.m. event, ac· cording to Mrs. Wilhelm Bodine of LI Canada, presl· dent. Aru women 111l1tlni with the lu1'Cheon ,au tbt Mmes. Dorothy EllinltOn Meyers and James F. STmona, both ol Newport Beach. ReaervaUons may be made by calllnt: Mrs. Himahaw, 171· llOl<I. ... Mesa Rebekah ... Every tint Md third Tues- day of !ht lllOOth members ol ·Mqa '·Rebekah Lodge · assemble iil .Odd Fellows Hall, Costa Mesa, at 11!.m . ON ·THE TUBE FOi' +fl• b••f 91114• t• wtl•t'1 h•,p•nh11 •11 TV, r.•11 TV .WliK -.!iitrlbuf•ll with tit• S•t11rd1y •4ilifi•!' •f ~. DAILY PILOT. BE FREE OF FACIAL. HAIR FOREVER•••• L.£1" US SHOW YOU HOW E1'SY IT IS TO REMOVE EXCESS H1'1R WITH MODERN ELECTROLYSIS , MEDICALLY APPROVED.,, SAFE , fAST, GENTLE, CAL\. 6A4-2800 TO CONSULT WITH OUR ucutsm TECHNICIAN' '" CUit auurv SALON, Mesa Senior• Comrtiunl{y Recreation Cen· te~ at Oranse County Fair· grou nds iJ the scene o( ac- ti vit'y when Coata Mesa Sen· ior Citizens meet at 11 a.m. every Tuesdl)'. Overeater• Every Monday 1t I p.m. members gather In Anderson School auditorlwn. Westmln· sler, for meetings « Over· eaters Anonymous. G u e 1 t • are welcome to attend. Associates Installing TERRH=tc VALUES END.OF-SCHOOL· YEAJI STOCK REDUCTION SAlf 25% OFF ALL REGULAR STOCK (1•"'91ftl lwltnWMr • HMtery) SPORTSWEAR DRESSES SHIFTS SKi~TS SHOI~ ,BLOUSES JEWILRY Club Calendar Filled SUGGE'STIONS FOR THE. WELL GROOMED BRIDE Now that you've found the perfect match. selecl one of our eicelusive Match mates• to seal lhe bargain. Priced as sets. available Individually. Clockwise from upper lefl:Traditionala in 18 karat gold. $74.50. Three diamonds in 14 kar,1 gold. $325. s.even dismonds In textured 14 karat.gold. $250. Five diamonds in &lain finish 14 karat gold, $450 . Cen1er: Trio set includes three diamond solitaire and matching wedding bands, $525. SLAVICK'S Jewtlffs ~ince 191 7 18 Feshion lslencl Newport 8e1ch -644.1110 ·' ,._ CM•t• Aa:OIO!ll Welcome -••n11Nntf'k1rtl. Ml1!9" Cl\lrp, - ........... 171411 ~MlllM:N *"""'"" C..llr w ,._., m 0nt1 ....... , llA(IJ '"""" ....... ,.. 11oor ..... n1J ''-::-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..Jll...~~~-=o:•:•":_:M:·":':''~·~":;':':'~':'':a~·~·•:•~·~··~·~~~~-' ·-·. ~ ~. ... • • ' • ..-------, . • i • ( Horoscope tll6f ..... 1111 " ""':':... ......... .-., . . ·-Forget Details pitture:; k •t Pee s •· Sagittarius: TUESDAY MAY 27 By SYDNEY OMAIU\ ARIES (~.J(·Apr~ 11): Accetlt .. """ )'Gii rdate to olllen. Be ~..... ol public relationl. Check ·delalls. Give ottenUon. to ..... document. One wllo ls lmpodal to .yoo makes lllllllUal reqil<.11. Be receptive. TAURUS (April ID-M•Y i!O): Avoid the semaUonal. Choose accepted procedures. 8 e aware, alert. But save in- novaUons for another day. l\!ember of opposlLe s eix shares a burdeo. • GEMINI (May It.June %0): t;ood lunar aip«;t loday coin cidCf. With roroanoe, success in crea.~vt acUvlty. Grun in- dicated. Your ideas jell; there is profit based on practlcai use of ideas. 1 CANCER (June 21.July 22 ): hint° from C-...._. RelaUve .-ho .mates dtmand.s ls well......in,. VIRGO (Aug. 23-S<ol. %1): Get dd of burden which ts not your own. Plug holel which have been wasteful. Tlchten security. You have tometbing woith prot"'"lilg. Know lhls - and act like k. LIBRA (Sei>t %1 -Oct. 22): Cycle high.-, You can success- fully take tnlilatlve. Pre11s for new cootacta. Empliashe pio- neering me.thods. Don1t fur ta.king a chance on your own abilities. SOORPIO (Oct JS.Nov. 211 : Remain in bac~graund . Answers come from within. Pennit youraelf to be quiet. Obtalo needed pr iv• c y. Realize today discretion is essential Don't tell au you know. SAGmAllllJS (Nov. 22- Doc. %1): lllten.Uled aoclol 1<· •' UvUy lndi<Bled. Be srodoUI • .. n<1 diJplay ,...._ o1 hllm«. '1 Merwru • • • • • · You can make friends todly and Influence people. Leavt detalls to olhen. E o Joy The lett.er M .at the boI «Ike , creative reiaulJon. ol the Meta lienifles &bat tba:. CAPRICORN (Dec. :a.Joo. cumnt motion )lidure _..,. 19): Accent on ambiUons1 hll been rited for tn1ture au. presUge, slandinl In com· dltncel, Pll'tntaJ .diacreUoo· ad- munllJ. Nothing__ ft>Uwu to-vised. day -all the way or nothing. Outline goals. Be reallsllc. . ., Check details connected wilh S&id movie 1Chedu1e illcludeo 1 special project. ' pair of thrtllers, BulllU and S... AQUARIUS (Jon. 20-Feb. -Y· Sine Mc:Queen ls lo l8h Emphasis on journey !!'!Ji!~~ of the !~\Bun 1 associated yrlth \\I a cat I'° n, ::1f. . ls the ti~ ~~ ut recreation. 1Give full play to the 1~-le His ~nchmen_jaro intellectual curiosity . A s k O,ul~ Qav and Clint Wallr.et. . 1 "--obta. ' I qu~UVIE:i -'"' a~rs. I \ I PISCES (Feb.~t-Mardl 20)' --i v \ I 1. Money of mate, w.artner 'il \ri ,,.. eryiasame etter M'1'1n I spolllgl\t. Your pPUll)' to be\>< well cllsp yed, wllh the .,;,y diplomatic tR seriSltive area 1s' same iJ1lerpfetauoo_. down at t!)e accented. Be sure you are~aet-Ltdo.,Tbere you will enjo1 ~ . • PrUiie ti Milt Jeu -flut ting what you pay for -de-Mayerllq: M.aaie s -t a ma_nd guarantee. assumes the role of Miss~. B., as ·originally depicted in the novel by Muriel ~park. GOOD LUCK AGAIN -If the past is any indication of the future, Costa Mesa Senior Citizens Club will have another successful year under the leadership of J\i rs. Jessie Rider, who accepts two good luck horseshoes from Keith Van Holt director of recreation. The club recently elected Mrs. Rider to a second term aS presiderit. Check: with older Individual. Heed voice of experience. Con- centrate on...:;ecqrity. Build on solid base -applies especially to home and family. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): News of success in in- vestments due. Turn o n cnann. Bring forlh innate sense of showmanship. Obtain Members Omar Sharif,, Catherine Re. freshed Deneuve · and James Mason present I fonnidable trio to Cit-. . ry the $ory " M.,..u.i .. ii The lilting strains of "Ge~ unfolds the Mqry of a Crown Seniors Keep Busy New Slate Takes Over Another active yea r is ahead for members of the Costa h1esa Senior Citizens Club, \~ho recently elecled and in- stalled their fifth slate of of- fi cers. J\.1rs. Jessie Rider, elected for a second term as presi- dent. v.•ill be asaisted by the J\.1mes. Edy l he Thorensen, \•ice pr·esident; May Buckland, scc:retary: Arnold 0 I s o n , treasurer: Carrie Lincoln . cor· responding secretary: Emma Hall. historian and parliamen- larian, and Geor ge Pratt, aud- itor. lnstallalion ceremonies were conducted by Mrs. \Yanda Rinaldis Tell News Of Troth A dinner party in the home of l\1r. and Mrs. Thomas Jay Bryan of Costa Mesa was the occasion for the announcement of the engagement of Jan runa!di and Thomas Jay Bryan Jr. The news was revealed by l\lr. :.ind J\.1rs. Roy J. Rinaldi of Santa Ana Heights, parents of the future bride. J\.fiss Rinaldi will graduate In June from Corona del Mar High School and plans to at· lend Sa1. Diego Slatt College. Wri ght. Recreation Depart- ment coordinatDr and Joe Lin- coln . past vice president of the senior citizen club, and a traditional candle I i g ht i n g ceremony concluded the for- malities. The club meets every Tues- day from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Community Recreation Center in the west gate or the Orange County Fairgrounds. ~1embers enjoy pot I u ck s , cards, trips and tours, and newcomers are welcome. Anyane wishing information about the free club may call the Costa Mesa Recreation Department, 334-5303. At CdMHS she is a member 1 of the senior honorary society <ind is listed on the honor roll. JAN RINALDI Jun• flri~• Iler fionce, son of the Bryans. is a graduate of Costa Mesa High School, Orange ----------- Coast College and UCL where he was captain of the baskel· hall team. He attends the Universi ty of Sa n Diego · Law School. The couple plan to be mar- ried June 28 in St. Joachi m's Catholic Church, Costa Mesa. Cord Playing 'Programmed' Teach your~lf bridge "'ilh the help of a new learning ·system. I\ patented device called the Automatic Dealer deals out 40 programmed teaching hands. Used in conjunction with the seU-teaclier, one, two. three or four persons can learn 'lo play the game or better their abiti=- ly. The manufacturer says with lhis system you can learn at your own pace. st.art at your ow n level and learn as much as fast as you want. "You can learn l1ow to play better than 90 percent of the hridge players in the coun· try," them an u r a ct u re r claims. FV Friends Schedule Luncheon New officers of the Friends of the Fountain Valley Library were installed by an old lriend -Mrs. Dorise Jesko, former librarian -this morning, in Li'~ Chinese restaurant, Hun- tington Beach. Newly elected officers IJ'l· elude the Mmes . James Dick, preSident ; Curt Burnett, vice president; Lorrin La~me.rs, recording secretary; Clarence s t e w m o n , corresponding secretary; Joseph DI t.n, treasur~r, and Joe Geiscb, auditor. 1.1rs. Arthur Colgren, social chairman, was in charge of luncheon arrangemenls and assisting were the ~lmes. Robert Cardinal, Dick and Burnett. "BETTER CARPET CLEANING for BETIER CARPm" o REWHITENING • ORIENTALS • WATER DAMAGE Phone SH·YAL 847°1678 FO•Mll INSTIUCTOI NATL CHEMICAL CO • ..:J Rites Planned ting to Know You" will echo Prtnce in Austria in tbe lllOs. the theme of a membership coffee sponsored by the Hun- tington Beach Branch of American Associ&tion o f University Women. Members are · invited to Mr. and Mrs. Abraham N. of Beloit College, WisconSin bring qualified prospects and \\'ecksler of Chevy Chase, Piifd. and has done graduate work: al cruising South attend tbe affair which will have announced the engage-San Francisco state College. !ake place at a p.m. tomorrow, ment of their daughter, Margo H!'!r finance is a graduate of On a 28-day Discovery Cruise along the west coast ~7 ~~~W'i~afr:nT=~~ home Ann, w-•-ier lo J~•lhan Orange Co 00t and San Fra-of South and Central Amer1·ca are Mr. and Mrs. ...... ~ ~-..., ,,.. Eligible ,.fltwcomers in tbe Arnold Showst.ack, son Of or. Cisco Slate colleges and al· Herbert M. Ford of Balboa Island. Ports of call for area also are invited to aUend, and Mrs. Nathaniel Showstack. tended a semester on Cha~ the SS M~nterey include Mazatlan, the Galapagos and aOdiUonal information of NeWport Beach. man College's Seven Seas Islands, Lima, Guayaquil, Balboa, Taboga Island may be obtained by calling d campus. and -Acapulco ••• 030 The coople pla to man-y1--"---------=:...:::::.:::?:::::=:::·c.._~-------------M~rs':.. ~T~abo~r,~~~7~:_· __ June 15 in Chevy VChase, and then make their home in California. Miss Wecksler is a grad1,1ate Insight Offered Campus Insight 1969 will be offered by the M a r i n a Democratic C I u b of Seal Beach during a forum begin- ning tonight. First speaker will be a representative of the United American Students. T h e meeting will begin at I In the Seal Beach City Hall. Speaking on Monday, June 23, will be a representative of the Young Americans for Freed-Om. Campus organiza tions In· vited to participat.e include th~ Black Student Union, Students for a Democratic Society, American Federation of Teachers, and the Victory in Vietnam Association. The forum is open to the public. Bacteria Killed \Vatcr sh~uld be h<>ller than 140 degrees Fahrenheit to destroy bactefia on soiled clothing or houseblld textiles. THE N·E·W LQQK HAIRSTYLING * * by the area's TOP STYLISTS! SPECIAL I CASCADES $14.95 YIYIANI WOODAii C!SMmcs mallie'6 WIG & IEAUTY SALON 541-3446 21t-D'917"1..,_ Hlll&Af'N SQUARE COSTA MIM • Reprdleu of how much you need to loae ••• Starti~ Monday, May 26th and throuah Wedne1day, May 28 ••. anyone will receive 5 vi1it1 free with any of Gloria Manhall'a re1111lar proara1111 ( reaardleu of how little you need to lo1e). LOSE · 10 INCHES WITHIN THE FIRST 10 VISITS ';TO Ba.Md aa.our ac"'1&1 recorda ~ •• our aven1• ptlron loees 10 inchct within UM Int 10.;,;,ta from hip&, waist, thi1hl, tummy a11d anm. Tbd tumJD¥ hi )'VUJ'on 'bNuliful' ..U.,. you can be ••• ndil talt• 10 little til:ma you P1mperyOW1itlf •l Gloria Marshall'• ••• "'k:binr tbe'po(itMh udiDcbm "fldaaway" throuib the UH ot the modem metbodl and~ lhat Mvimade Gloria M&nhall tbe wodd'a larpli. owned md opt:l'at.d &pni control ~y•t.em (26 b:dicmsbl Califotma alone), No 1lzwnU0111 eun::iM ••• we. .,. 11ot a IYfll· No 1tlriaQoa UC. ••. no dnip or pilll. At Gloria MNdWl'a you'll lCIH more inchei And poandt tor leumane), '"udi !tu, than' you would PIY foi any oU.. propam-.nywhen. C.I • MW (tr a rrw _,. •l"t 41lri•1 whJd YM wiU •tmlly 11111 an .r .... .,.a.liwl WW..,. rallm., .......... t .. for t lK· lroeie facial C!Mlhwt .... Na cf.am, M MU,.tS.... Call toP1. GLORIA l!IARSllALL •111: • ""Tell Ull tJ:ie dtas lite you want to wear, and weil tell -you how mant visita it will take and luaftnke jn, writirl.1 ttllt YoU will reaCb. your g~l. in fact. &O abeolutely positive are W11 that you will obtain your pbjective, lhat 81 stated in "ow--pllinnteie, we will e'Yftl .Jet you have FREE OF CHARGE, any and all lurlher visits. until you reach yeur pl, It'a J)Oli&M a.M\ln.nOI ihatWe-back up our ,uanntee 1003. IJ~~"'«.1[J1JlaMha/t ~~u:~.~N!!2~~.!! r.v-,,,.~,,,_.....,,,_ ~ ~ NEWPORT BE'ACH-430 Pacific: Coast Hwy (:.::':.,~~> 642-3630 SANTA ANA-l840 West 17th Street-543-9457 S1Jon1 Also In: Anehaim, Bewerly Hiii•, Covina, Crenlhaw, Downey, Glendale, Ukewood, Loni Beech, New.port &,tch, North Hollywood, Ontario, Pa11den1, San Diego, S1nt1 Ana, anta larblra, Sunland, Tan1na, Torrence, Wa1tchester, Whlttt.r ••• Al" Fresno, Sin JoM, Sacr•ment Sunnyvale and Walnut CrHk, Callfornl.. (c) Copyright 1969 Glo a Mar1hall Mgl. Co., J·11c. r; Story-wise, Balli& Js about 1 San Francisco police detective who really gets involved in a political murder and .is ensnared in · the attaching web of. crim• and intrigue. That's Mc:Quetn,, along with Robert Vaughq· and Jacq~eline Bisset. • Sam Whiskey delves Into 1 post.Civil War plot to steal gold from the U.S. mint. Angie Dickinson Is the doll with the OeaJ to scrounge the bullion. The Prime of Min Jean Brodie focuses ~ on a school teacher at a girl's school il'I Edinburgh, Scotland. She is somewhat of an unconventional individual and is driven by egoi!m and a distorted view of romance! Well, she not onlJ drags through two love 1ffairs., but she , plots to involve her adoring young girl students in her bedside manners. Now yOllll know. . 1\1ayerlln1 reveals a tragic romance w~th this Prince who is tired of many girls and fina1l1 finds the one and only_ But tbl Emperor will not bear of a mar· riage, so the 'pair of Joveri realize they cannot beat n>yal protocol and head for the hill~. COMING : Jerrt Lewi! ID Hook, IJne A-' ... SlDker, witlt Peter Lawford and Anne Fran. cis. A yarn 'about a guy wbe goes on a spending spree wbe1t told of immlnent death and th9n learns he L9 going to live, i• debt! Plus PerKfulam (P..1), · a murder yarn starring George Pappard. MESA MATINEES open thO new wtek of films with a pi"tview showing at one o'clock In the afternoon on Wednesdays. Look for PenctulaliJ plus. Hoek, lJlte ADd Slaker to starL another. new film Week at the Me.w Wed. nesday •t I :00 p.m. the pro- tr•ms begin with f r e e refreshments. FREE PASSES to the M.., .. lhe Lido will be moiled lodoy to J. L. Overby, 1815 Tuolln, Cooll Mesa: Ei W. Ziemu, 1311 r.. Balboa Blvd., Balboa ; R. G_ Hom. 151 D•hllo Pl., c:o,,.,a 4't Mar Ind E. E. Uncbel, Ill Via Lido Noni, Lldo l.llo. Maybe you wtll .. od eyur name hire one week nal 100ftt and then you, tao1 win tie .n. ·• the "*" of "P\cturt Pteblt tll; tee I One {Um tl the lJdo Cir tlJlii Meu. t .1 ' ---------------------- T IW\,Y PILOT Angels' Disaster • Reminds Rigney of Sitting Down on the Job The most exciting play in besebell, the steal of home, brougllt fans to their feet in Cleveland Swlday. afternoon when cart\vheeling Russ Snyder of the Indians was tagged out h~ere by a relaxed looking Seattle catcher Jerry McNertney. It was a double steal attempt. ~lcNertney took the throw from second baseman Tommy Harper, who had tagged out his runner. Halos .B~ck Home Again Aft er Worst\ Road Trip \ I 1\1 I,' I ll was the earl,y part ol the 111111 ~ ball\"" lot ~ ctn lbtke up rlcbl now. No 11ague baseball seuon and already noun. ~~ '!i:"' ::.,~·bits and pieces Bul dering in the depths o! the Natloatl U ,.: ,..1 Ill ~ In the right p~s. League cellar was a team called the New uu 1n.1 jipaw pui:&\e, we can 1et cut of York Giant&. this." A member of Iha! club recalls that tbe Aa ,-11 Mickey• McDmnolt and a Giants (who later mom the~ frtnchlle rwmtior ol the play.,. point out, when to San· Francisco) I01112 o! their lint IS you IOI In t slump IJb• Ulla, ev"'1biol games. And as Late as August they were and everyOPt teerm to go bad. 13 pm1s off the pace being tel by t!>t "Oaually -will make 1 mllltke Brooklyn Dodgen. -drop a ball or 90IJletblng -and you'll BasebalJ buffs will pick up Bill score four « Ove nma. But no one bu Rigney'• story there aOO tell you bow the done that for us oo this trip," McDermoU Giants went on to win the pennant and says. • ~ ~ lose tbe World.series ..• one of the most . "Yet we-go" aloog ftll, then make one dramatie turnabouts in sports history. milta.ke ~ kllle. In my 25 yean with E~ yeara later Rlgney is remind· baaeball 1''1' never been through a strull: like this." \ '"'"'"''.*'"'""'""*"" WHITE WAS H e<I of that tale. Perhaps he is even given hope by it as he brings his slumping Angtls back to Anabe.im today ror a homestancl. His Halos are just baet from a IO-game all·losing ro3d trip, which was roncluded Sunday afternoon by a 10-0 thumping in Detroit's Tiger Stadium. It's the first time an Angel team has been winless on a road trek in the club's eight.year existence. In fact, Rig says he has never un- dergone an experience to match what has transpired since takeoff from LA International Airport on May 15. And that includes the 1951 season. "'I just can't get a spark into this team," he says. "More than anything else I'd like to have someone wllh a bot bat. But no one's hitting." Asked if he planned to shake up the team before Tuesday's series ~with Cleveland, Rigney says, "there's not a Mickey was on the '49 , Red Sor team that trailed New York by 11 games Jn August, then W(\1131 ol 38 but lost tbe flq on the last weekend. Rigney opined that his outfit could eaal· ly have been 5-S instead of 0.10 for the swing through ·New York, Boston and Detroit Ae review of those losses baeb th.at observation. The Angels were sailing along nicely for 31h innings Sunday·. Then Rudy May threw· a ehangeup to Willie Horton. Willie ripped it into the lefUield stands fer one of three Tiger homers and the flood gates 1,1.·ere open. Rigney's group was throttled on three hits, giving them St for their 10 games on the road. They scored 15 times on the trek •.. an average of l.5 runs per game. They averaged 5.1 bits per contest. CALIP:OltNIA 111 r II AIOINr lb ·~" Pr!~'f D Frtto.1 ii ·-· -· Sltrlaoo lb Rodr!vllfl 3ti E91n c M•Y I> Flot!« P 0.Yl llllo pit Cl1rt1; 1> Wr!lfll p JCll'!llSOll rf Tote I camer"I' Otrrou • • • ' . . • • • ••• .. ' ••• ' . ' ' .. ' .. ••• ••• ' .. • • • • • • ' . ' . . ' O•TltOIT Ill Pr 11 M 1 $tanlevss '$01 1 0 McAullHt 2b • I I 1 OKltll111rf l l1• OWoods lf 2 010 0 W, l'oMOllff l 2 2 ! IPrlc;mc 201 1 OC•.t/lltl llO I OF ........ n ('2 110 OTr-v;1 s11101 ONortl'!NP Cf 'l i lt OWffflb •!t i •MeUln p 1 1 21 0 Hlll9r p O I O I • • • Tofil 3' 1~ 12 I 000 000 --.0 000 6ll oo .. -11 Gurney in 4 th Row Emphasis · on Drivers As Indy FieM All Set Mexicans Sc or e Stunning W in Cool Yancey Beats Devlin Mich., and Roger McCluskey of Tucs:on, Ariz., took the fifth and sixth spots. -. ' , Aussies Out of Davis Cop On 10-footer INDIANAPOLIS CAP} -The emphasis is back on the drivers for this \year's In- dianapolis 500, with A. J. Fayt driving from the pol6•posilion for a record fourth victory in the Memorial.Day race. ... The turbine car, which came close to ":inning the last two years, and part of the ~·s mtemational flavor dbappeared Sunday as the starting field of 33 cars McCluskey is driving one of the Untt cars entered by owner-driver Foyt. George Snider of Bakersfield, put t h • other car in the 15th Starting spot to give the team a 3-for-3 record. MEXICO CITY (UPI) -Australian Davis CUp Captain Harry 11opman tried JJIYdiologieal warfare and a pair of .teenq:ers, but neither worked. As a reult , ~ is out of Davis cup Contention lcrr the first time since 1937. . • Mexico, carried along by the brilliant play of 2S-year-old Rafael Osuna , defeated Hopman's team 3-2, wilh Osuna wmn1ng the decisive fifth malcl1 from Bill !k>wrey on Sunday, 6-2. 3-6, 8-6, 6-3. Osi.Jna, who had wliipped· Ray Ruffels oo Friday 'and who teamed \ol-'ilh Vicente Zarazua to win Saturday's doubles. had to fighl off oot only Bowrey in the final, but also stand up to temper tantrums on the court by Hopman. who berated ~he of· ficials, and by the Australian players in Benvenuti 2-1 Cl1oice To Whip Tiger Tonigl1t NEW YORK (A P) -Nino Benvenuti, e world middlev.•elght champion, was ~ a i.t fa vorite to whip 38-year.ald Tijer ol Biafra in a nontitlf! 10- fi&ht tonight that ,could earn the irtn ... a ahol at Bob F06t.er's light vyweight tllle. n,er, the former middleweight and kbl beaY}"ftlCJ>I king who loot the t7S- divisicn crown &o Foster on· a pnl>""""" knockout. is very ani:ious to a· return crack at the only man to him out. Benvmuil, 31, handsome and rich', and --olll~ as a gun slinger iri European- tiade western movies, has f'xpressed in· fien:st in moving up against Foster and Oto TV T onight Chenne l, 9 , 7 p.n1. a poalble purse of S!50,000 to ,000. But ht may not be as enthusiastic now watchlng<'the towering, hard-hitting ~--.... ,r. _demolish rugged, ~ment-jawed y enda!J in the fourth round of a title tight at West Springfield. turday afternoon. Tbe J 1 Italian consider$ the ~ ~.w..•,,;• ttsl [er his light heavyweigbt He'• 1etUna a guarantee ol sso,ooo be takel the tesl at Madison Square ~*".· 1lger, who will be 40 on Aug. 14. ·u colkct 135,000. JllnvenutJ, In his lut middlew,IWrt Litle folo-oa Dec. Jt. whipped Don Fulltncr a lkoundtr ll San RMIO, lttly. '?!pr 111111 ill t vory tough and oppone.nt," said 8envem1ti. J am eonfldent J wUI btat hJm. Then tee wblit 'I next·· at could tither be the mo"'c up agaiJ}st Foster or pos sibly a fourlh mid· dleweight title fighl with Emile Grifrith. The 161).pound division champion ex· pects lo weigh about 165 pounds for Tiger. The stocky. muscular African figures to weigh close lo the agreed 163· pound limit.' Gibson Blanks Sour Dodgers- LOS ANGELES (..\P) -Bob Gibson. last year's most valuable player in the National League and winner of the Cy Young Award, finally has sh ut out Lhe Los Angeles Dodgers. · The big right-hander struck out nine. allowed just six hits and belted a pair of singles Sunday as he pilched the St Louis Cardinals to a 4--0 pasting of the suddenly inept Dodgers .. It \\'as the fourth lime in six games that the crew of Dodger ~tanager \Vt1!l Alston had been i;hul out. lie stacked hlli starting hneup Sunda.v v.·ith eight left· handed hitters in order to break the string but to no avail . IT. LOUii LOS ANQEL•S t •oQ< " J1V"' 2fO; ...... ,.,...,. 10 "·J-» McC•.....,. ( ,.., rl "''""l" ., G•HO' D •••llbl •11•11111 i 111 c •• w1_11 •••• Sl'l~ff111fr11! •I l l 11•10.-.l!i ct 1 1 I •11)1'1llffc •o t JIJ!Fltlti.!1 J te •IJI Sudrltlll\~ •t 1 •OOOL~"'"' o O •f O O l1_,., •I I l l )0(0.lffft 1 I t I Mel~•~ a o o o J ~llff .,ii I I 0 Moor>!!..-a e e 1 p_,..1~11~ I 0 I 1>11l~f'I-• 0 0 0 Glll:N"i.IMI> J'll l I o 1'•11 •T11t1• ntt 001 roe oou -• 00000&000-• the s t a n d s , \\•ho got Into raging ;1rgun1ents with 3,000 roaring P.1exican fans. At one poinl, Osuna had to go lo the publ ic address microphone and plead for qu iet. Hopman. wllo saw his team lose the cup to the United States in December, J1ad gambled in lhe doubles with two teenagers, John Alexander and Phil Deni. Osuna and Zarazua disposed of them in straight sets Saturday, Joaquin Loyo ~iayo, an 18·year-old. :;hared the singles load with Osuna, but lost both his n1atches. bowing to Ru ffels 6·3, 4·6, 6-~. 10-8 on Sunday to give th e Au ssies a 2-2 tie in matches <ind set up tile explosive Osuna·Bowrtfy final. In th e tension·fllle<l thi rd se1. \\'ith t.he 1natch tied 1·1 and Osuna fighting his way lnlo the lead. the court h•liCe threatened lo erupt in riot. Ruffels almost got into a rist fi ght with a group of fans. "\Ve·re not going to Jose· ii this way," shouted Ruffels from the stands aft er a line judge called 80\1'rt'y for foot faults three times. Fans shouted insults. and Rulfels shook his fist in a fan's face and another fan angrily shoved Rurrel s' fist a\vay. Only Osuna 's appeal over tbe public ad· dress.. syste~-1he-thunderous bOOTng. and tiisSlrig l"rOtTI lhe st8iid s al l he Australians. "llopman knows that v.•hcn I get mad I can 't play well. and that's the only reason he did all lhat out on the court, and it's the reason he told hi s players l-0 act like tha t. ll's just psychological warfare, that's all," said Osuna. . Dan Gurney ol Costa Mesa made the fourth row in his EaglHtock block Ford. ATLANTA CAPl -Berl Yancey can was completed. quit worrying aboul faltering under This year's only turbine entry qualified pressure on the pro gplf tour. at J56.44D miles per hour, four m.p.h. tie doesn't have to \\'Orry much about slower than any ether car, and ll was on. paying his bills. either. Jy a matter of time unt.il it was bumped In contrast, STP magnate ~y Granatelli of c.hica(fO, got only three~ his 11 entries in. 1be Lotuses were among the STP cars. Yancey nevf'r wavered Sunday in the from the field. pressure-packed finish of the Atlanta Foyt won the pole with a speed of Classic Golf Tournament, sinking three J7<f.568 m.p.h. . clutch put ts i.hat gave him a $23,000 The nwnbe:r of foreign drivers In this paycheck. year·s race shrank to t•w o when the 'I'he former \Vest Point Cadet, "'ho suf. builder a n d designer of the Lotus cars, reed a ner\·ous breakdown at the Colin Chapman of Britain, withdrew the ac.:idcmy. rammed home a 10--foot birdie last of the Lotuses, driven by Jochen putt on Lhe 181.h hol e of the final round to Rindt of Austria and 1966 Indy winner tie Australla's Bruce Devlin. Graham Hill or Britain. They made no Yancey1"011ed in another JO-footer for a qualifying attempts. birdie on the first hole of a sudden death ''It's tragic, I t.hink ," said Hill. "Lotus playoff, with Devlin knocking in a six-put so much time into these cars." foo1cr. Denis Huln1e of New zealand and Jack Then Ya11Cey ci()sed out the batlle in Brabham of Australia are the only the second extra hole 1rith a se ven·footer foreign drivers in the race. for a birdie lhat he said left him "feeling Chapman said the Lotuses we~ llke a mllliooalre." withdra wn because of concern over the Rnuns ·'"" ..,fnlno• all•r ~ur>da'(s UMI rounc1 safety of their wheel hubs. • In the ""nan!• c111~11c Goll fournamenr. F 0 y t , surprised at winning the pole Andretti. Granatelli's main hope, demolished another LotU! laat week when a hub broke olf and switched to an older car with a Brawner Hawk chassis a n d turbo--dlarged Ford engine. Foyt, whooe car also is turbo-Ford powered. looked forward to the Frkiay race with the observatlpn that "Mario will flght you Ull the end. He's worse than me." "I didn't think I had a chance for the pole until Mario quali!ied at 169," Foyt said. Carlos R~news Dash Rivalry 11er1 Yance~. su.ooo 1'~9.t.9-171 eruc• o.-.~n. 1u,100 11.6f.ff.ff-2n &aturday despite trouble in hi$ ear's ex-MOOF.STO (UPI ) _ John Carlos, the Garv P1•1t"". M.oo 11•7Q..U.l(l.....t1' haust system, ·said, "With a little lady 8 •UCf (•8mPIOll, S5,410 .,.......,)-1/9 dWppOlnted hero or the California Grltt son"'" 1•.1• 71""1•1..U-290 luck we're in go00 shape.'• Relays, renews his n'valry w1'th Cbtrlte Pet11 ervwn. u.1• •~1•11-7IO I b t GRro-Knudson, ~.1eo ,,.11.,.1.11-2• He was joined in the ront row Y wo-Greene this week in the rtrst &Mull Ken· lko Clwl•ln. Jl.l'l'll •9-n.n .11-111 time pole siller Mario Andrelli and nedy G·--tt n--keley and he can't llotl E•kk"°"• l2.MI t9.ff.1l·ll-?n au""" DC:J. O•~ s11r.n. l2 ... 1 1•.t.9.12.,i,1-111 defend ing champion Bobbf Unser. An· wait. :;~ ~~11if:11 .:;~~:!;:::;:~ _dretti • ..lrom.'NazareUJ, P..a .•• Qu1Ufied l.n -Carlos won the-100 meter duh...in.JOJ ""'' w~11, u.•11 ___ ..».u.n.u-m--i69"'.BSJ-fn.p.h. a nd-UMCr;-~oo---the ·220· in 20.4and lticliiiid San Josi l o"' Welsktil, t:!".01? -• 1~11 n ~ N • d · ho f ,._ Div• 1o1~ ... n.on 1110.1J:,,::21. querque, .~-1 ., river, w won rom uic State's 440-yard relay team to a 31.7 vie· J•<~v c~p1!. 11."7 •' 11..-1.1 ...... m third spot last yea r. had a 169.683. ,....., ln the Cal Rela ys Saturday and be'• MMk!<' lllrbu, 1.11'11 10 IS"6t·11-ZU ' ho fed ..,,; ' H••~kl H..in1r.o. u.~fs 11 n.7'-11-~ The second raw drivers, w pos down for a similar assignment at L1o<>e1 Het11rt, 11.tes 71-61·1~1)-lta s....-1, of 168 mp h are led by Mark Berkeley Saturday It•~ Floyd. l 1,21S ?•·ll-11·~286 ~ • ' ., • L•<•v Hin~. 11.1u 11.1 .. 11.t.•-• Donohue of ?ifedia, Pa., a highly regarded Carlos wat voted the Cal Relays• r"..;'E~1;1;, 11\·~1~1 ~! :t~:~~:: Indy rookie with an Ivy League and outstanding performer. although there T<>n>ttw ...... o~. 11 "'I ,, 10.1 .. 10--ia. sports car background. were any number ol athletes who just u ~~~195~~'.°';i1~1 ~!:~;::~~ Vclerans Gordon Johncock of Hastings, well could have been given the award. • Bowl ers Open F ir e .at Kona Tonight The west"s premier bowling e\•ent , Ro- na Lanes' W e s t Coa:st b1atch G a m e ElimlnaUons. begins Ill! nin1h annual 14· week ruo tooight al tbe 46-lane Costa ~1esa bowling house. A field oC 120 of Southern California·s finest bowlers -Including four former tourney champions -begin ac:Uon this c\"cnlng &t 9.., No bowler has ever "·on the touma· mrnt 1wo years in a row so most tyes tonight wiill be · 011 · defending champ l..amar Ktek of Rest'da. Two-Umt king Bob Ramln.!1 (1961 ancl '64) is in the fleJd, :ilong wlth ex-tft1ist'! Roy Wilson, Corin ~tesa , and Bill Guyett, Anaheim. The tournament offers compeUUoo each ltlonday nJghl at 9 unW the final round September l. Each bowler in the starting lineup will roll four games every l\londay night unUI everyone has mile<! 28 games , at which point the field 1,1.·ill be s.li~ in half. Then it'll be pared to th<' top 16 nfter 36 games and finally to four for the Sep- fember I raltoCf. The Elims champ v.·i\l thm ntetl lhe wirmer of a similar touma· ment bel:ig staged at L&L Castle Lanes 111 Sah Froocisco. Prhtt money will exceed $7,000. Kon11 [ICT\ttl'l1 manager and tourname nt originator Dick Stocfn er ~ays this year's ----·------------------- EUms should be the best ol all. · "Whal. makes lhi$ year'' tourney such an attraction ls the great depth of strength all through the fiekl ," he says. "\Ve've got guys in the tournament this year lfho are technically 'rookies' here bul they're all really flne bowlers -like Art Goddard of Arcadia, Roland Alex- ander from LA and Ron Singennan of Gardena.'' Singerman and Alexander, Stoeffler ad· ded, were Lwo of a haU-<krten keglen who maintained a 200 avuage in the LA All.: 1St.ars Leagut. Singerman ls leading the California Stale Muters Lo~ament being held th Frtsno. ••As rar as t'm concerned, UN 11 the best flek1 the Elims bu tv• Md ," Stoe.f· Cler summed up. , ...... ~ ''" IJPb lttmlrn, AMl'teMI 1"2 BIR Gvrftt, U'l ......... nu 11....., ..,_, s.nt1 ,,,,. • 1,.. Bob lt.llf'!f"l, ~ lt'M ltllotl IM ..... W.ttnli!etrlt l'Nt lellK11...,,...~ lttl It.If Wl!Mn, Clltl M-1... l.amtf" K~ ltatdl Orange Cout Aru Entrants COSTA MEIA -L«TV ~1lllv, Jlfll fwlf>t. AL Hlll'I~ •• 1.,. Wlllorl. l<rer:I ....... ~ Nldt. $1Jt,a l,., l<CUHTAIM VALLf't -I(.,. Dlllllln. .JM Mlftl• llr, Jtft Fltllllrilrn. a111 LMll. HUNTINGTON •~CH -Wtl}y M1luo, LAGUNA lfACtt -t ill l'"utlf!I. WlrllMIMSlEI. -Llfry !(I ller, l'"r .. 1.lctlllt. ~ ""'"'· Jwrr • .....,..,.. ~ 9111""· • ; • -------·-·· • • ------~--~~---••----·---·-~-··-·---•-•r•"_,,_,_,,,_,_•=-·-•-•$-·~•~•$-•--·~· -· -----~-··· ~. ------·---------r----•":-----•··---~ ' • ONLY TAKES ONE -Coota Mesan George Regan proves you don't need two arms to l'i"Y go!!. He shot a 94 receotly and he's been playmg the game °"'"'" ,...,. ......... for only a y.,, An avid -Jer, Reran ......S In the JW range. Lite any olher go!ler, lie complainJ about his chip -. and. pidlhii. Amazing Triumph • One-arm Golf er Shoots 94 By EARL GUSTKEY Of""~ ........... A goUer who generally plays a round in about 100 strokes is one who would have \. a handicap of IODlt:thing In the neighborhood ol 30. But when George Regan of Collla Mesa broke 100 at Costa Mesa Country Club last week, he bad to sunnount m«e than his stroke handicap. He has one ann. • lt was the latest in a series of ama%lng trium~ for Regan, who has been playin}' the game for only a year. The 94 he poaJed at OdCC's ·6,000-yard Mesa Linda course means he's chopped nearly 50 slrokes off his game aince be 'first showed up at the clob. , doesn't have now. "I 1Wini rtgbl-blnded 11111 at lhe mo- ment my club bits the ball I can Lake my right band oil lhe club 1111111 bu very fil. tle'elleet m Ille lllchl ol the ball. You can' do lllol wllb Uie lift band. ''Bui be doesll'l leel --nrinl· ing that 1t'ay IO he's Und1ni: up there like a npbandtr aod dolnc quite well, I must say. lie-' play al all when he first came here and ,now look at him - almost so atiotel better than be .... " Regan has the same complainta about bis game as any othet weekend swinger. "My c b 1 p ibots a r e ll:illinc me," he repcrts. "My putting is trratic but thal'a only because I doll't cmcmrato enough. My !airway shots .,. the best put ol my eame -l hit a fairly lllralpt ball. parUc:ularly for the put couple of . weet;s.'1 armed aoU:erT O.vidlon Indicated It was bad eoougb without the DAILY PILOT finding out about IL "So now he's t.eilin& the newspapers about it, eb?" Davidian laughed. "Well, lbil ii lolnl lo cost blm a couple ol drmb." He w a 1 aaked. if Regan oeedled him about looing alter lhe maleh. "After the match? Li.st.en. the match wu two weeU qo and I IUll haven'' heanl the Wt ol II. "But in all seriousness, if I had to be beaten by a one-armed golfer, I'm glad It was George. I've known him for 25 years and What he h&s done in golf-with hiJ handicap should be an inspiration to any- ooe. He's a fine man." Sports In Brief -· ... , 7:(>. 1_'16_, ___ = __ ...,.. __ D_Al_LY_Pl_Lor_ .. u..._ ..... , Cinderella .~a ~ings Fae~ Bishop Amat in CIF S~mi~ ,-.,. fJIF Ne• Tl!Je \ i . Rolling Hills' Big Skein At Stake Ag+st Tars \ \. I For -Pat Wll.Mlll ol Newport with his flil' plly u lhe Tttano ouilcored H-llJ&h ISdlool and Gai:y Hardesty Newport, If.I, Jn alnglu. o1 RGlllng wu., lhe chess game begins. Haroesty says his ouUit bu better 'Ibe two schools will aettle the CCF· depth and is stronger than lut year's I ... ICboalo t-ebampiolllhip Tues-juggomaut. day aftemoon at IDS Angeles Tennis But be abo adds that Newpcxt ls the Club. toughest team his club has met this year. 11 ataru 1\ 2. !fe ~ Newport Hubor's &b Ogle Rolllnc Hilla, the def'~: champion, ~), 'Twgh, very tmpressJve and will put up a ff.tame 1;f1D Slf'i!ll aaainst '"nleir doubla turns are the heart of Nnport Harbor, includin( a victory eyer their attack," he adds. h S&llors in early season hostilities, Wllloa indicated he feels his club can 1511-12\!o. upend the KlocJ>IM It's 1rooic that last ytM it WU defen-"Jt'1 a matter d p.slting the right. aq ebamplon Newport going Into the players tn the rf&llt ]lOlltlorw and then finals with llolltng Bllll with a u....,. gelllhg mu1mum e!!<Jl'I out ol tbem," victory all:eln IDd an euly te&80D win uys WHlon. ovtr the TILMls. 'Ille dlampo moved Into lhe linail with 1 II IHI' win ovu Santa Mooi<a In the oemill while Newport Harbor WU barely tqueal<ing by Ar<adia, IH3.' The Sailors poaess a 22-1 reccrd t bl 1 year to Rolling Hilll' 22-0·mark. 1ac11n1 the Rollin.I Rllla outfit is Jtff Austifl, • aeruor who 1s rated No. 4 in 1&- and-uoder clrd• In Soutbem California. However, it.I tpe Titana' No. 4 singles pilyer that W1ilon COllllden the key lo tbt match. ' Paul Vodak was inatrumeotal in t b • Rolling HUis win over Newport earlier AOLLHt• 'l:ILU IS\.\ Saftlli Mlllkt 12Ylo lS" N .. pt. Ht ..... ll\.lo Z1 S1nl• ,,.,,.. 1 1 (11..._, City I 1 Cll!Wf° Cltr I 1 Lec111..,. I 1 L .... 1lllfir I ' Mornfn11l41 I • M•rnlno&l4• I 6 (1'118s Vt .. • I t ,.1 ... v.-. I 1 Tol'l'tnct I 1 Ttn'tlKI t 1 C111vtr CltY I 7 L111rin1¥ I t Mlnln8tldt I t P11N Vwi'm I 7 Ttrnf!H o 111 $tftlli Mllllta I H Mllltw.Jle 6 If-It a .... 1rty Hlllli I~ 211'1 """ Motile• 'llo Korney Posts AA Triumph In Drag Meet ~ ., Norwalk drapter driver Steve Korney dme bil m-.. to vlclory salu!Qy nltibt In Orange County lntemttlonal Raceway's AA-cas eliminator feature ""'" Attaining con.siatent quick starts from the line 1n hll machine, be potted vie· tories over fa~orltea: John Lanbatdo of Sherman Oaks and Ron Bizio of · Bellllow<r. Loinbllrdo's Corvette roadster recorded low elapoed Ume and top ·~ 1tail or I.II and 111.11 mph. -0.W del Ms·ll•dlelded ••••• Tiie .... will lie JIQld 11 B fl b op Amil 111111 --Ille ~ -·-·-·ltb-... --...... 1 ... ,_ -ot - ~~MA OIL 11\Alt '° 0. Drird• c l~ II Euell 11 w... la ...... " " " " • • ' • • , • • • 1 • ' 115ttOP AMAT ...,..,.. ' ·= -·-E1trM9 ,_ ....= Irvine's MVP Nod Awarded To Loara Ace Keith Marshall~ League cbam· pion Loera was Damed Player of the Year on the coechea' all-league buebaU team. "I had a heart attack about three years ago and the doc told me it was time to start finding some sort of regular ez- ercise so I started playing J:OU,'' saya the SS-year-old Costa Mesa liquor store owner. "I waa really looking for something to ·&because I'd been a pilot for years and the doc told me I couldn't do that any more because or the rapid changes of aJUtude." Regan can poke the ball about llO yards ·oil the lee. His 94 round came on the shorter of CMCC's twO' courses. On the Loi Lap course, 900 yards kqer than the Mesa Linda, bis l>est: ii a credltable 105. Yarbrough Wins 600; Fred Barnes of Long Beach ocorecl bis liltb lllralgl>t Soutb<m Calllomla vlctory In in~ ~ car racing. He logged a 9.11 11111 HO.II lo willp La•all H-r in lhe lut heal 0r"'18• Coast ....,. first-team picks were Tom Boyle ol. Fountain Valley, Reit Snyder of ConJna del Ml1', Bill 1>-11 and Chuck Loaeth of Eataocla and Dan Clark of Colt.a Mesa. '"'""'· SC... Staftllllfll', Lotr1 .... ,,.,.. LM9M .... ,_ ... ' • c c• .. "· ''· ''· . "· - An Orange Coast area resident since 1941, Reagan lost his left arm ln 1135. "'!be biggest thing I bave lo acquire ii pat;enc<. I can' denlop mucb pow<r ., I have to bit a strligbt ball. I can get on the green with the average player." Bruins Set for Omaha 1be roster for OCIR's second annual "Fumty ear 500" satun1ay ...,,...... lhe 30 mark Olj'.t:r tbe weekend with the ad- ditm of Costa Meu.'1 Steve Bovan. Vlr!Q, ~ 5-tz. LHrt loYlt, FV -·""" Powolll, E1i.nc1e •• .. " .. "· "· "· ''· "· "· ''· ... .. .m ,,, .. , .... ,,., "l was in the Marines at the time in Rhode Island and was involved in a truck.car smashup one night and Jost the arm.'' Despite his physical handicap, golf is cne of two recreational outlets Regan pursues. He's a 150-average bowler, too. CMCC pro Ted Dorius is constantly a n1 a zed at Regan's golf progress, despite the fact Regan has !purned hts advice. "I've tried to get George to st.and up to the ball like a lefthander ~ use a backhand stroke with his right arm. This would give him a follow-through which be Regan'a wife, Berniet, currenUy has an edge in matd>el pitting lhe two but Regan ii clottna the gap. "She shoots about 100 or 10$ and I've beaten her once. But I'm improvlna: and 1·n pass her one of these days." It was suggested to Regan that further improvement on hls part might reault in two-armed players ducking him. One such victim h Red Davidaon, a 44- year-old Costa Mesa coottactor and a 16- handlcapper. Jle&an lrtmmed h I m recenUy; 105-36--69 to 9&-16-IO. What's it Ute to be beat.en by a ooe- CHAJILOITE -Lee Roy Yarbrou1b, taking complete charge after mechanical troubles llruck dOllVD h4 challenger1, cruiled lo an easy victory Swlday In lhe World 600 Stock Car rece before a crowd of 75,000. The 30-year-old Mercury team driver, getting his lhlnl major ,.,.,..-.ay victory of the sealOl'I, left by p1ane shortly after the race for Indianapolis wbt.re he will alul tbe Memorial Day 500 In lhe lhlnl row in a turbocharged Eagle Fore!. Rustlers Tie for Ninth Yorborough. w-share ol a IJOt .000 purse, totaled $30,07 includin1 lap money, toot command of the longest event in stoct car racing at the 162nd lap of the 400-lap chue. and never relin- quiabed iL • In Stat-LlC Spike Test LOii ANGELES -UCLA's baseball team has earned Ill lint trip lo lhe col· -1,P.-ld.oeritt.o!_Qrnalu, Neb. The long 1969 junior college trp and field season, which began bier to January on the indoor circuit, drf:W to a close Saturday night in windy Modt:!to at the state meet, bu\ Golden West College's J im Seymour and Don Shields will con- tinue training for two more big ~ts. SeymolD' and Shields llCOftd all .i ...._,.. Gokfen West'• 18 polnts at Modato to give the Rustlen a Ue for nlntb place in the state compeUUon and lbef are now guMing for the United SI.ales Track and Field Federation 'diamplomhipo, ID Le>' ington, Ky., and an all-star meet June 28 In Mexico City. . The two RU!tler stars failed in their quest of winninl state championships. but they sUll led Golden Welt lo Its blgbest finish ever in the Callfoml.a Junior College championship. Thole 11 poinll """"1 by Seymour and Shields ""' enouah lo lie with Loi Angeles Qty ColJete, wblc:h a weelr: earlier walked away wilh the SOuthem California UUe. Merrill Coli<fe of Oaklood won the Nie UUt. u eipected with M PolntJ and M!t a national 440 relay r"!COtd of 40.4 In the process. SmamenlO Ci,l.Y Colltge war aecond In the meet with 44 points. • , The Bruins capt.wed-a beith in the na-s.,moor loot lhe MO 1-tJte Utle tlonal tournament S.tunlay hy edglng, to •~-·1 ... ~ »-•--a -'lanll Clara, 2-1, in 10 lnAinp In the -~-~ -~ ., ·-NCAA district I finail at sawtelle Field. 'r.ie two were a:tven 52.1 clockinp after UCLA scored a 7-5 win at Santa Clara runnln}: down the stretch stride for Friday in the first game of the bf:st.of- stride. u.r.. diltrlct linail. "Jim jull<ll<ln't do u well in the wind PinclH'unner Roy Coltoft """"1 on u lhe otber kid," oald GWC ...:b Tam Jab Mollna'a\llcrtfioe llJ In ~ bottom Noon, "and be WU l'Jll outleued at Ille ol the IOtb tnnl\'l lar the 8Niol Wlnninl tape.,. run. "The wind really bolbered the ru....., -u bad lo -. ... Ran Wbllne!' ..., rans.Lt ln \he open nic1" , ·. In the Liii blgl>a Seymour ran bis lblnl lllralgi>t It! 11111 WU glven fourtll plact. "It wo a maaa finlah and tt • ., tm.. possible lo pick out lhe top .,i-. - we'll lib lhe i..tb," Nocm oalJI. "jlm 1ot -bed lllrt, but lbeo -Sltlxll u ....i lo place." Shleldl, who WU -1""911 out of ::~.=,~~~,:: t h I ~d bellind Eu! Las An .. lea' llleve ._. and Contra eo.ta:o Al Cowul on the balb of lewr m-. Two mi-at M and Ol!f bad dlorl at H cool llbltldl the gold medll. Golden Welt'• 440 rel11 team mmed up Iii flnt haodoU and flnilbed Int, -~----- • BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -Gary Hall, a -Garden Gme htcb llChool -and lilV<I' medallol in the tWI Ol)'mplcs . will enroll at 1ndlana UbiVlrllty nut fal, it was aMOUDOed toclof. Hall ~ -in lhe 400-met<r tndhldllai medle1 belllnd lndlalll~ a.rile IDckoox. • • PROSPECI', lty. (AP) -MJcley Wrlgi>t _, her 11r11 tllt Ladles Ptof-.J Goll Aaoctaltoo- SW>dly In a tbrtlllna -th pllfoff with htt old friend and rt•al, Bel'1 lllwil of Spart1111bur1, S.C. n-.e two vttuana ,..... Ued at even par 218 alter M holes ol regulaUon play lo the Bluegrus InvttaUonal held at the Hun- Ung Creek Country Club. But Mias Wright, who won the tourna- ment In lllM and 1117, dropped a trtcky :hree-foot downhill p u t t for a par four after Miss Rawl1 had three-putted from 30 feet for a bottY on tbe first estra hole of the playoff. Driven will be gunning for fl,400 in ba- sic pune and bonus money. Last yur's Winner, Charlie Allen of Glendora, took home $2,700. The race derives I ls "500" moniker from the fact that '500 extra Is paid lo lhe elapoed Ume winner ol each ol the llral tine rounds ol compeUtlon. Graod pril: motorcyclea and 1ldecars will race for cub and championship polnil ne1t Sunday on OCUI'• U-mile road race course. Major League Standings NAnONAL LEAGUE Eut DIYht• AMERICAN LEAGUE Eul~ CIUCAGO PITl'SBUllGH ST. LOUIS W L Pet. GB 29 15 .819 i BALTIMORE 21 20 .514 20 It .... 7" BOSTON n DETROl'r 9 w L Pet. 32 13 .711 2' If .ISO 21 17 .561 GB 31> 7% Cltrtl, COIT• IMSt Mlntllll, L.Mr1 Wo1wt1gn, 1..Mr1 Otfff1, FV L.o1t1t1. EsllftCll Omet. Mltl'IOllt Ono!S. FV litl'lrY, ,,.,....11. FlllOcf, Ma1noll1 . ..... .. w .... C4M WltM, C4M Cll,_111n, .. Wt!Ur, LO.WI Wllktt, MHntn1 OF ., OF UIH ...... ,_ ' ' ' " .. .. " OF OF OF ® r " ·' ''· "· ''· ''· "· "· "· ''· '" "· '" .... .... IH)~ IMI ... .. .... .... ..,, ..,. .... .... .... ,,. 1969 .... Amab NEW YORK Pll1IAllELPHIA MONTREAL 18 2Z .450 1r·2~1 1-NEW YORK ·-·IO· :M-.461 11'0- II 27 .289 15 WASHINGTON CLEVELAND 20 2$ ,!ff. t2 10 2' .m An.ANTA w .. 1 DMoloo "' 13 23 17 LOS ANGELES SAN FRANCISCO CINCINNAn HOUSTON SAN DIEGO 23 19 20 19 21 24 17 29 .6'7 .S75 .541 .511 .461 .370 171> Wat DfvblOI MINNESOl'A 23 11 .SIO OAKLAND 21 17 .5S3 111 KANSAS CITY 20 II .411 · 4 CIUCAGO 17 11 .418 4 SEATTLE ., 19. 21 .475 4% CALIFORNIA ' II \a .211 11 .... .,.. .... ~ M~I f.a, lftw Yllft l•I K._ arr J. w1111in.• 1 ... '°" ,, Clllc• • Dttl"tll It. C'Wllln'lll • Setttt. l. Clntlft I hlttrnwt .. Olk-. --- AUTHOIUZID 'ULL Siii.ViCE AND l'ARTS '~ ALL IMPOllTID AUTOMOllLES -. J'M WIST COAST Hl9KWAT -lllWl'Olt llACH MJ.Mtl ll40-1tM -· M6 e Aum!MllAUT -....... ~ ..... llARI hoior, W. A Sorotce ~885 .. A¥1ilabl• w/Autama& TrtnanlaioD 90L1I SIAL USID CMS I • PllllST Sll.ICT10N OF USID ll'OllT CAH IN SO.UTHllJI ~ ------~---·· .. ·· I I - • IWl.Y I'll.OT -~·-- .. \ ;,, SPLISH-SPLASH -This is one o'f th~ latest designs .~l· in 'off-the-road vehicles wbicfi wijl be\ on diiay at .~ the first NaUonal dff-Road Equipment & acing r lc.i Show at the Ana4eim Conventioh Center. J e 6-8. Ci!lled the Mini Boot, the . , •n\musby terrain that would a lesser design. \ < 105 Slaow If p for Drills Homemade Equipment Is Featured New Estancia Grid Coach Beginning F~om .Scratch Preparlltlons are b e I n g made for the first National Who will comprise the varsi· Off·R~d Equipment and Rae· There b a new coach and a new system at Estancia High School where coach Phil Brown has 105 football aspirants out for spring drills for the varsity, junior varsity and sophomore· teams. The Est,ancla • .hopefuls will be drilling five days a week and wrap up the session June 7. ~wn expressed satisfac~ tton with the turnout. "We've spent the last month and a hall rounding up all the pro- spects we could find in school," ~ys Brown. Hi's also rounded up a COU· ple more coaches to go with his present staff. Gary Carr, an aasistant coach at Mission Viejo High, and Paul Pedigo, an assistant at Loyola High, have been ad- ded to Brown's staff of Dave Knott, Pat Conley, Roger Clark, Art Perry, Jim Pierto, John McGee and Keo Millard. ty staff ~ not been decided. ing Show at the Anaheim The offensive formation in ConventiOn Center June 6-8. Brown~s"'1lind for the Eagles is the pro-set. Homemade vehicles will be Right now· the· EstaT¥;1a the featUred presentation at coa~ staU ~· p4~ tryipg the sbow1,but new four-wheel to find Out juit who t~y haVe. drive machines, trial bikes With ncJ contact alloweii i11 the a~d a s~. dragster that can spring it's a matter of finding hit too mph in 30 feet will also the athletes who appear to be display~ have the talent to get the job The show will also serve as done. t~i.ickoff for the Baja 500, an . . . oft-road chaniplonship race Be~, Brown, Pearce -Join Relay Meet f ield ln~1v1dually) Brow~ says_ his over rough Mexlcan terrain to candidates are starting ·rrom be· held June 10. Jnspectian of scratch:-·-Ole vehicles in the race will be "I've seen some promising held at the Convefuion Center speed, ~t I'm hesitant to startini at 9 a.m.· Saturday, n a m e :~One at ttUs point J~ 7. . because ··we're. starting from Hours are from 5 p.m. to 11 the bottom," bi4ays. p.m. FT'iday, June 6~ 11 a.m. The turnout is-predominant-· to 1) p.m. the followiug day Jy sophomores ·and Juniors. and 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. for Sun- The athletes are working day, June 8. Three more world-class ath- letes have mailed their entries ftr the 30th annual Coliseum- CflnjptOi'i InVJta.Uonal----Uack and field meet Saturday even· ing, June 7, at Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum. Middle distanceman Wade Bell, former University of Oregon ace, steeplechase nm· ner Kerry P.urct, who com· pe~ for University of·Tnas, El PasO, and high jumper Reynaldo Brown, Compton High School phenom, have all joined the rapidly growing lineup of standouts for the Coliseum-Compton meet. Bell set American collegiate records for 800 meters (1 :4S.O) and 880 yards (1 :4e.1 in 19117, then placed seeond in1he U.S: Olympic final .team 80G-meter trials after winning the Na- tional A.A.U. meet in 1:45.S. Bell had the misfortune of becoming ill just before lhe ftOO.meter competition in the Olympic Games at Mexico Ci· ty last fall and could not perform at his best. However, Baseball's Top Ten he has beertt'running the mile in his early outdoor· ap- pearances this ~aspa and -already bas-run ~er 4:05. stricUy·on techniques ai1d f19!-_ Admission Is $2 for adults dalfl.entals.. · ~nd $1 for children U to 16. Pearce, the Austlau'an whli who won the NCAA in 8:S0.8 for UTEP last year, holds the national collegiate f r o s h record and recently set a meet mark ti 8:47.6 at the 'west Coast Relays in Fresno. Crowd-pleasing Kerry hopes Auto Rac e Pact Signed For Rive r side Racewav ol to break the Coliseum-.A maio· r-w road race h•• d th f Co t eel d f ..... -an e irst two phases of a mp on m recor 0 been adde,d 'to the rac1·ng fare I t · d 8 •• 2 set b 01 I t ong-erm improvement 'linan-:.>11. • Y ymp c ve eran of Western America with th e cing program has been com· George Young in the 1968 in-signing of a ne\f IO.year con-pleted according to Lawrence vitaUonal. tract by ,Jtiverside Interns· H. LoPatin, president of Brown, wbo Is windiog up a tlonal Raceway and the ·Na· Michigan Int er n at ion a I i.pectacular prep career next Uonal AssoCiation for s •-• s~··ay I th • Ir d ..,.;A ~.. I OC, mon , 1s a ea Y a two-time Car Automobile Racing According to Richter, In state prep high jump cham-(NASCAR). previously reported plans for pion and placed fifth in I.he The contract provide. s for a • · 01 · 7 11 Riverside s improvement pro-ympics at --074. 400-mUe Grand National late gram, the road course will be He had previously done 7~:Y4 model stock car road race an-redesigned to include a wide in high school competition and nually beginning June 14, 1970. sweeping tum that replaces set an all·time peak for It also afflnns the long-stan-part of its J.l·mile straight.a- schoolboy leapers at 7-3 in the ding d a t .e in January fqr the way, and permanent grands· final 'men's team tryouta at Motor Trend-Riverside 500, tand seating for more than South·Lake Tahoe. one ol 'the nations $100,000 20,000 spectators will be Brown, who also starred as stock car events. erected. ..... 11 center on the Tarbabes' The new race will revive the Equipment for this con- undefeated (30--0) CIF cham-Golden State 400, a NA.SCAR struction project is already on rionship basketball team, h?.s Grand National race held in the site and work on the track cleared only 6-10.lh this year, November of 1963 that was will begin no later than to- hut hopes to raise that geverol won lly Dare I Dieringer. When d · . •-nl ay. notcHes in the upcoming state s'6 .. ing Willia G. France, Previous plans to build a 1.$- meet when he goes for hi s President ·of NASCA:tt com-mile tir~val have been thtrd straight win. mented, >'our group is very defmitely suspended. In last year's Coliseun1· proud 'to be expanding lts ,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o;;;;;;:;;,I Compton event, Ed Caruthers Grand National program in 1I MATIOMAt. L•.t.OUI won at 7-11/4 and -Brigt,la1n California by adding' a" second ,...,.... :;:' •.: ·~.~:" I'd. Young's Ed Hanks' was se(Otld race at ruverside. ~ c. J9nH. MY .o 1" st s. .»• at 7~Vt. -The signing of the long-tenn H • .....,,,.,,. .t.11. w ua " si ·311 Brown's coach al Compton contracL by France and Les ....,..., "f'ltl. l1 lXI 24 ., .l!O ""',klhrllOll. c 111 ••. :19 1a1 :11 .SI .l47 • Jl1gh, W.ilfu! Williams, thin.ks i~ jtichter, P r,J:.s id en t of M. .1--. Mt1. ,. 1u '1 41 .:Mi \vlll take that kind ol elevation ·Riversid e Intemauona·· I M. ,,.,,,, ....... ., 1111 26 &1 .Df "'· ..,, AU. u 1n 2S s1 ·"' IQ piece high aj:ain and pro-Raceway. coincides with the =:; c~ ;: ~~ : r, ~ n1ises that Reynaldo will· be closing or a multimillion dollar s"'""' ""-:tt 1u 21 ., .n& J'f'ady after jumping in the transaction that makes l. ,,_, c~ ~ w.,_ Kous-slate meet that same ar-Michigan I n l e r n a t i o n a I '°"' 121 ~. &tfl -"rlllldKo. 111 le.moon. S~way, Inc. a controfting P~ Clllcw.M, Mi c..ca. Att,nta, R~t!d seat ticktla (or the stockholder jn the Rfverside fl It ..... ..._ Al'lwlll, fl &anla, Cll~ -'· meet, priced at $5, $4, and $3, operation and signaled the , .... c1i~ •;..~ 511~~0• o 1c-. are available at all mutual start ol a $3. million con- :n1 ~t. c1nc5"N11, :n1 c. J_.. ticket agencies, Wallichs sttuction program at the ,... Yortc. :111 L •· Clftc;ltwMlt1. '1' P.fusic City .Stores, 1 h e RaCf:way. #tt:C....,, kn ~--... ''· c li fl' Com ' ....._ o sewn o tet, puU<'ket The agreement b e t w e e n .llltnW""1. ~=:. 1.•i s,_, m:tlets, and the Coliseum-P.1 i ch I g an Jntematilonal Attwn. ,.. 1.eooi 1a~. s.n ci. Ct>mpton Invitational Meet or-Speedway and Riverside was ~ ':~~~~~,.~.:"" 7-I, fice , 44e6 California Place, appoVed~ by the boards or AMl.IUCAN t.uoua Long Beach. directon of both companies .. ...,..., c• 0 Al • It .. ct. •-;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;~ll C:...W, Miii. lo! ne 25 5' ..ltl 11 ''" it--. 1.t. 4$ 1n " st .m ~t, IJll, .0 IU ,.. .U .bt C.IW. Oil. ' • 31 IU ,a '• .JM c. ,_.,. CM. a1 IU .... .Jn ._, fll.V, u~ 1n H s.i .Jn """"*-'" IM. JI' lSS fl.,,_4'_J/O IUffMr. Clet, :JI '1• ts •I "1 ........... 1. &I 14 ,, c ."f H, MM Wltfrl, >t 'IJ lf M -'" """" "'· .... \.!!J 11 lo! ,,.. ~ "-"t,. WMll.....,_ 111 ~ -. t.tOllo Ill I. J~ 0... -'" ,, "~ lltll-. 1!1 ................ 111 .......... .... .,.... It. ............ --· ,... """" ., "· ,.. ....... ldl A~ ............ ~- * SALES -Tl\AlNING * ,.OflSSIOfrlAL TllAtNI ... IN U.LllMANSMI, e Moiar11 S1l11 T.Ch'f'i!11; e S1l11 "1yeltelo,y e Effactive COmtm111lc'4tf0111 ' Mr. A• ,_.-. a 111, ..... ,.., .. , Dfrtcter C•l1 for h1forma 011 l Fre• Aptilittla Tail 1&1.11 TUI.MIN• 0, SOU1"UN CALlfOINIA 16J1· "· ....... ,, ........ ,.. -AH SAl"l!CC. INSURANCE for special GOOD STUDENT DISCOUNTS on your Family Auto Insurance Bob Paley INSURANCE 4,. I . 17th It . COSTA MllA. Sea Kings ,Hon.or Stars Snyder Top CdM Athlete -. ' .I- < -•. COMPLETE CUSTOM . . . BRAKE OVERHAUL FOR YOUR CAR! ... d?~c:::z::::a~~ Q)l \ We install new bonded linings, rebuild all wheel cylinde'rs, resu rface brake drums, bleed a nd refill brake system, repack front wheel bearings, install new front grease . seals ..• m.orel * • • Most Fords, Chevrolets & American compacts * Volkswagen and molt other American cars 34.88 FULLERTON CANOGA PARK NEWPORT BEACH VENTUR A ,. ................ ,., .. ., A. Cl ....... .... ~ tt1 Y11111" ..... I. ... -. .. ..,,.__ ---835-2351 ,. .. ,-, -'lfF Qlllrnw, --... •• ,,, -----... -------------- _·_64_z_•_soo __ _,, -BUENA PARK (?..':"v':"11 ) CHULA VISTA HUNTINGTON BEACH • " • -------------------------------- ' \ ------· -----------------------------,,1~=--------------------------· -·· ~---~---· --------·---·--'=""",_.,. ... \ • SALUTE TO COLORS -Navy color guard from Naval Reserve Surface Divis- ion hoist national ensign smartly while officers of Voyagers Yacht Club saJute. VYC ceremonies were held at the club's third story headquarters on Via Lido. NEW SEASON AT BYC -Junior officers at Balboa Yacht Club start "Old Glory" on its way to masthead as officers, members and ·guests s tand .at at- tention during club's Opening Day ceremonies. Junior officers are Jay IA.wr- ence, commodore; Rick J enness, vice commodore, and Gordon Johnson, rear commodore. • ' •• . -• ... YACHTS ON PARADE -Led by lhc power yachts from Shark Island Yacht Clu b, fully dressed boats from seven Newport Harbor yac~ clubs parade throu gh the harbor under the sponsorship or th e Association ot Newport Har· bor Yacht Clubs. The event highlighted Openi ng Day ceremonie s. ... DAILYPUr G••a .Parade Jock Blllllo'1 U·m tte r They were: CLASS 8 -(I) ~ -llnl lo lbdlb In ._ PolDI -Yule 6 Morlan. NHYC;_l!! 8dloo Y • c b I Club's ltcht· CLASS A -(I) lntmnmo, -rttoc. Xlrli ... Poole, 9T1l ·wuther HOllllogloc »-Fatbom Salada, Tom Corllett, NHYC: Ii BCYC. ;1 ~ Suaday, but wu unable (S) Prelude, Jim Lin· CLASS c -Brava. J ~ · All ot the y .. bl cluba In operu,,, cJ>Y cmmooJa at lo UVA her lnmdlcap time fot" duman, BYC. 11<pn, llHYC; !I) !!!iJ!!""oto:. Newport Harbor -whlcb ar• noon, followed by open houaA • Clau A·baadlcap booon. Williams Ii SUlnjlt, NHYc:.(I) <:buck ~i.-, . C:• ) never officially ck>led -are for guests. HandJcap wlnoer In Class A r~ ltt !mti.b, BYC.'1· now open for the aeason Opeqln( day and clul"''""'" "" .Blll•Bar&'• Columtila.W Ct.Ami -(1) .S!rili,,. following a Joint .. 1ebnUon mloaloniq rttes evolv.cl '1ml Sen,1111 ,n from Bahia Cor· Sundberg 1licll oe.-. BYC: l. and psrsde Satunlay. ,......,, and mldwut yaclll ~ Yacht Club. Escudero, Volm!le Ir; ~ HJrsb. i Sis of the,..,. cluba which clubs whlcb are usually~ anOlhe! Colµmbj• 50 salJec! by (I) Htleno, ~ Arrlllt:lt. form the AlsocU.U.0 0 f "clurln& tbt•wlil\el' months. Dlck Valdes, Loni Beach wm· s Race FYC: (4) Arrtl>a, Smlli1 .. Newport Hart>or Yeclit Clubs ' The eullom ls')>etn( curled · Yacht Club wu thkcf. Thorne, BYC. ' • ,., held the ''opening day" or 00 in SouUiem CallfGrnll u a Winner in Cius 8 was oOn , MORF -('l) -Dolphin ·; .. ason open,lng ceremortles. season opeplng cdebr.,UOO Ayres Jr.'1 new Ertcsoo-0 ~Sundberg ol Los Angel" llone VY~· ( 1-) " climaxedbyfgalaparadeof dut1111thelllrinlolthe.Y~· Flrebnlld. fr<rn N~wp:ort \'aclll Club def,.ted three "'a<tOO.,er • •ote·l]ilU yachts led bY Sbark Island VlrWally ab ·sou t b •f~" Harbor ~-~I JObn challenlm Saturday m I oud· llBYC• (I) . II MilJ: \ YaCht ClubpoWer,neeL California duh. carry on ~er'•' Atari, Yc;,asr den !leath. race for the Wall Morbl~nd NHYC· '(4)'·.~· The day started will\ • regatta and ·,..i.i ~vltiea nneMIP llW<>I ~ Cb• l~n .g • Joe K1Menbacb 'CBYC 1i b~ak!ast and flag ril C throughout the wihter. Chuck ~llO:'J'S V:40 Im-Tr®hv.·~Jace was · ed in I Goldilocks, Eddie. A 'r a·~ d : ceremonies at V0111en Y t 1 from ~YC was the ca1¥ sl?VP.S· .BCYC. . · , , ".! Club in the club headqu ' s K K M Ci:US C ..,tnner.\Bob Smith's The briaiq~ll challenge was ' DHltll& ~ .ae-. 'in Via Lido. O• O• 0 Filcon, BYC was second and by Long Beach Yacht Club CLASS;A.-(I) ~I) At noon South Shore Sailing Jack Hogan's Brava, NHYC with Norman ~·s· Bewitch-Spirit, Alexander • W~, club beld 1 ribbon cutting T k T•t} wu th1rcf. ed. Theothercball<ogenwere SDYC: (Si SalacU.. \, , 'i:ttemony, flog \alslJll and \ 8 CS 1 C Odin, an ~ skip-Bob YOW1i In Solitaire for CLASS B -(I) A!m._;p, yedicati.., ol Its n ew pered. by·Rod' LlpPold. NHYC iF"brUlo Beach Yachl Club, Allen Puckett, BYC; (::;:) ·, c\Jubhouse on Coast KOKC>Mo,m ~ 1 wu the Cl-. D winner, iu>d Richard Smith In Pleiades Jolln Cazier, BYC: Higbway. . lllcb Dmlon Killl· llalt>or followed by S11118 Navy ·(Cal-I for l!untington ·Hlfbour Yacht CLASS C -(I) Im , ' Balboa Y~t ub •'!fl l Yacbt Club tbe Wtnntr of 29), iDlck· Dea¥tr, and Mike Club. (2) Bra.va. flahla Corinthian Yacht Club, 'the Victory Cla,. Invitational Hinh's Cal~ Volante II , The final resuls: CLASS D -(1) Volonte: (I): both « which are uDder Regatta sailed at KHYC BYC. 1. Sundowner, Ed Sundberg, Exooe, And y Macllooald.: remodeling and coostrucUon Saturday and SW'ldly. There was a Oeet prOl.est in LAYC. KHYC; (3) Pinata, Riley " handicapa beld the cus~ [)eze\an defeated to com· MORF and winners could not 2. Bewitched, Norman Scott. Bissell.. LJYC. nag raising rites at their peUtors which converged on be announced untll the protest LB!YC. MORF -(1). Dolphin; (J) respective clubs which are the Redondo Beach port from is resolved. 3. Solitaire, Bob YOW1g, Seaquacloos; (3) Kilo, Tonsi next door to each other on San Diego to Fresno. The BYC pruented trophies Sun-CBYC. Butler, BYC; (4) Cepbeu1, Bayside Drive. regatta w 11 sailed in light day nleht to winners of the 4. Plelades, Richard Smyth, Dean . Durgan. BCYC ; (S) Lido Isle Yacht Club held its winds and thick hue. prevloua two 16 Serles ncu:. HHYC. Aloh• II, Glen Reid, SSSC. • I I • " "+! • SA VE $5 011 Mr Forhlost 61/1' rod allCl ·Mltcffll•#306 spla castl'ffl c-bo Reg. 29.99 NOW 24.99 Rod ;:.· .W..cihecl ft b9tonc.d· to cemir'rft ,.. .....,,. ..t. l..t -..... , ~ pbwi••'~ O!S' for u--. a•'flincl•..t ...... wW -Copadl,. ~,... "' 10 .. - Ul(l IT ••• QtAlQE m CANOGA PARK FUI t FRT ON 3 days only! Marine report: SAVE N'OW ON FISHING GEAR! SAYE $21 6' spl11 rod ud Mltcffll -#324 spl11 l'ffl Rog. 12.99 NOW 10.99 .............. doodbo~ ................. "' .. ....... lli •:"'"'°"- • :SAll$31 Pora•ost rod ·aad Seal• . Ind #750 ,_,. Reg.17.99NOW 14.99 bel ""'_, _ - Cap1dl)l 1'0 ,a ef U .. - SAYE $31 51/2' 1pl11 cast rod ••dl'ffl Rog. 10.99 NOW 7.99 lodlt-"daodbof. - llMllll to co:ia II•• 1 I full oh:::clwww ...,,. Zebc:o#606 •• ' SAVl$11Fera•11t ,. rod ...... #60 reel c-bo I• 16.99HOW 13.99 .... ._ ••=• ·plotecl -....,c,1*fi2'0 ,....,,. .. _ ' SA YE $31 Spl11 rod and q11lclr #220 1pl11 rHI c-llo Reg. 19.99 NOW 16.99 ltod ii iaotdt1d .... ..... anoad ......... _ -o1 ..... . . , ....... , .• to..+ldy.iy fl .... ••'• llffds' Fot •••• ...... .. • llw tlr',_... Reg. $7 NOW 5.66 F011 17' ...... Rog. 6.99 HOW 5.66 fGI .......... ...... HOW6.66 FoN111o~t 3 llJ. Dacroli9 polyester 1IHpl11·11at 1aa9 0. FOii I e• Ill pli; ...... Dia .. pof)1 111 ....... 1111' ...... ... ......... titan. .. HUNTINGTON BEACH LAKEWOOD NEWPORT B EACH VENTURA . ' \ \ I I ' 1 • • l_ • • • • • .. • ' ' • • ' • • • • • • •• • • • • I • . : ; I • • • .. 'I !j •• .. • • ' I •• r • • • .. .. I •• ... • : I •• •• .. : ! • ,1 •• :j .. •• ' I • • . : II ' I il • .. • • • • :.:.:-:.:~ tl'llOt $t6. Million· Limit on COMP.LETE . P.RINTING: SERVICE Business Forms • Lettarhe1ds lnvit1tlons • Business C1rds Posters • Menus Haute Or9an1 • Ticket1 ' PILOT PRINTING 642-4321 2211 Wast 81lbo1 Boulev1rd, Newport .Beach Grove Firm ' Tells Prof it Air Industries Corp .. Carden Grove, reported net earnings for the nine months coded March 31 of $459,000, tqual to 30 cents a share. For the co rresponding period last year, the company had nel earnings of $945.SSI, or 63 cents a share. Sales for the current nine months were $7.273,014 against $9.998,650 in the prior year period. For the third quarter ended h1areh 31. net ea r n in gs amounted to $153.433. or 10 cenls a share on sales or $2.122,432 , co1npared with net earnings of $277.055 or 18 cents a share on sales of $3.655.084 in the similar quarter a year ago. -1 t..:_ .. 51-EREO . SENSATION! :i ~ Tiie oolorful sounC: or Orailge County Music .,. i ' • • • • RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM From Fa.shion Island, Newport Beach • ' I ' .. • • ' . -- Ul"I ~ Zellerbach Plans 3-2 Stock Split . ' I THE NEEDLE IS MIGHTIER THAN THE PEN, And Qte ma" who know1 lU&t how to tum ~e phnise to g~t the 01t ou' of the barb i4 AILY PltT column! Ut SucJnev Harri&. He ""' ,,..,. coll<d the modem·dOl/ Henry Mencken . If you'tt ready for hi$ ttse of the ad4 adjective and thought· provoking prose io give J10U Che nudl, ... if. you tom1t\ td find something to thint about in what yoa rtad , , -if t/OU havt 0 1fme of humor, you b e 1 o n g with readtr1 who delight in teUing oihtrs whet "'Sud said'."' in one of ihe '1ation'1 most • quoted coLum·m . Some Sample Barbs Recently Thrown By Sytlney Harris: "One of the highest paid fobs In America consists of st1nding up in front of 1 mlc- rophon•, sep1ratin9 the good r•cords from the · bad ones -and playing the bi d ones." "It's sad but true that Whi1e alcoholics are the best argument for abstinence, so many_ abstainers are equally effective ar- gument.fo r a little drink now and then." Arbitrary Insurance Cancellations . Probed SAN FRANCISCO -Direc- tors of Crown Zellerbach Corp . have declared a J.for-2 split of the outstanding shares of com-"Most of th• so-call9d 'incomp1tibility' In mon stock of the corporation. m1rri19• springs from the f1ct th•t to The split will be effected most meo,. sex is an act; whil• to all with a SO percent stock · • distribution on or about June 4. ;women:,,lt is an emotion. And this differ· n. to Common stockholders Of " «ince ih attitude c-.n lie ~ridgH only bf record at the close of bu.siness 1 lov•. '' \VASHJ NGTON (UPI) -A cancellations. \.l.·oman fil ed a $3S insurance claim for a cigarette bum and got a visit from the agent. He wanted to check her clothes The woman whose ·closets were checked told Hart: "It sounds like somebody needs psychiatric care, but it is not me." closet. Anothtt woman told Hart Her closet? The agent ·s that State Farm cancelled her home office told him thal "the insurance because of her bad way things were slacked in drinking and driving habits. the closet was a sure·fire way The woman romplained she to tell whether the head of the never had an accident and house n e-e de d psychiatric didn 't drink. What is more, care." she said : "The insurance· Then there \vas t h e agent who liv'es in her town is clergyman "'ho couldn't get one of the town's heaviest insurance from the Farn1 drinkers and drives like there . Bureau f\.1utual Ins. Co., Jef- is no tomott0w." fcrson City, Mo., because he Mrs. J ames f\.1. Hoo,·er. said the company told him Auslin, Texas. said she was "You have so angered the cancelled by lhe An1erican citizens in your area by rilin g Ho me Insurance Co.. New suil against a carnival for York City, after she separated operating gambling games from her husband . that if you were involved in an According to Mrs. Hoover, accident ,· even if it was not she y.·as told "I'd drink and your own fault, a local .jury drive dangerously" as a· result on June 10. The directors also declared a quarterly cash dividend o{ 60 cents per share on the com- mon stock outstanding before the stock split. This dividend will be paid on July I to com- mon stockholders or record on June 10. The board announced its present intention to pay cash dividends on the corpo ration 's common stock at an aMual rate of $1 .60 per share, equivalent to an annual divi- dend rate of $2.40 per share on the pr esent I y outstanding shares of common stock. It represents a 9 perctnt in- crease over the present rate ol $2.20 per share. Airline Plans Hotel \1'ould rind against you." or her marital problem . The charges are excerpts Said Mrs. Hoover: "I'm a " LO~G B~~CH (~) :-- from the files of the Senate non-Orinker and the depai1tirc Amencan Atrhnes says 11 wtll Antitrust and ~1onopoly sub-of my husband y.·as a bless-operate . the 411-_room hotel committee. which op ened ing." now being fashioned from hearings \V e d ,n e s d a y on ----------staterooms in the fonn er lux- <irbitrary policy cancellations ury liner Queen Mary . by insurance companies, The The airlines's hotel and subcommitte:e is chn,!r'ed by restaurant subsidiary, Sky Sen. Philip A. Hart (D-Mich.). Chefs, will operate the hotel The committee investigalion a o d e I g h t s p e c I a I t y centers on M.r. and ft.1r s. restaurants when thf' shi p Gerald Huey, Stafford. Va., opens to the public next year. 11hosc insurance was not The city of Long Beach tcnewcd by the Roya l lndem-bought the 34-year-<>ld ship in n11y Insurance Co., New York 96 d City, because .of "personal I 7 an expects 3.S million habits within your household ." visitors each year after the refurbished, docked ship opens Harl's investigation h as in 1970, brought a rash of com plaints from irate policy holden who can l understand thi reuoning behind some insurance policy Keup Picked . Douglas Keup Of Santa Ana _ has been named assistant regional operations o(!lce:r wilh Security Pacific N1lional B..ink's regional dfice in Newport Beach. Green Gi1;1nt Earnings Told MINNEAPOLIS -Green Giant Co. reported record saJes of $181,94.1.32$ for the fiscal year ended March 31 - a 2. 4 percent increase over sa1 .. of 111'1,Ql.075 for the comparable period a year ago. The company reported um- lnp of 14,1911,970 1 ... the !bcal year. compared to earnlnp of 18,289,487 for the same period 1 yur ago . "The sole difference between a 'dedica- ted crusader' and a 'nosy reformer' con- sists in our agreement or disagreement \Vitb his objectives." ''The most explosiv• combin•tion In th• world consists of sincerity added to ignorance." "\Vhenever I am the recipient of an ex- ces.sively hearty handshake, I suspect 1\1r. Muscles is tryin g to se ll so1nething, hide fiOmething, or prove something." Check. The Editorial Page For · This Signature Help . You ~ind Latest Quotables Created By • It'll The 'The Needler' · For His Col- umn, the A Regular Feature of DAILY PILOT • Your Hometowri D1ily Newsp1per Appointed an assistant cashier, he will assist In the administrallon o( operation!'! at 3S Securily PacifJc braoches ranging from the Capistrano Valley to Catalina lsland. B•11k M•-ser Raymond W. Haas has been appointed vice president and manager for the new Laguna llills office, Lei sure World, of Newport Na· tional Bank. Earnings per sha~ we.re Sl.71. compared lo $2.21 for l the previous year. ._ __________________ ,., ' . .. ! ·- .. I .:" I l ' • . I , I ' Celebrate With ·Flfi·ng ew Ce» lo rs ' - ' I 1Fl"g fQr'---·· \ \ t \ ... \ 1' \ \ \ • I \ MEMORIAL DAY Delp Yourself Delp The • • • MAY 30th FlAG DAY ••• JUNE 14th INDEPENDENCE DAY • • • JULY 4th LABOR DAY ••• SEPTEMBER 1·st Boys~ Clubs / Fly a new flag at your home or office during this . patriotic season. Here's an offer that 'lets . you save money and help your Boys' Club, too. Participating in this public service offer are the Boys' Club of the Harbor Area, Boys' CI u b of Huntington Beach and Laguna Beach Boys' Club. Here's ho·,.,. you . can help them and help yourself. Just order this beautiful deluxe flag kit, at a fraction of its retail value, and get as a bonus 1 a Calif9rnia state .flag -all deliver· ed to your door by Boys' Club representatives or mailed directly to your home in ' time for holiday use. Order N.ow At A_ny of Four Boys" Club Headquarters HARBOR AREA !CENTRAL IRANCHI 594 Cettt• Street Co$ta Mna, Calif. Phone 548·9387 HAHOR AREA IUl'Pl!R IAYI 2131 Tnthl AY .. ue CottoM.,.,c.flf. l'hotle MZ-1172 HUNTINlHON HACH IOTS' CLUI llfY ... _ H ...... oo-.,Cellf. ....... 51 .. 9411 LA•UNA HACH IOYS' CLUI 175 -C-H!pw.y ~·-.Coll!. -Pl10111 494-ZSlS • Use mail order coupon below and send it directly to club heodquarters neorod you. Your flag kit •nd bonu• II•!• flog wift be dettvered or moiled diroetly to ygur home or office. Or you can pick them up in peroon •I the Boys' Club hHdquartors • in your area. , -_ Piel l!p Y~ur Own _Flag .Kit and Get This Fcee Gift 50.STAR UNITED STAn5 FLAG - 3'' Ct pll't FlllWaMtlfillJ.,. 5 root Ill UOotttatr.w,ft,-'11 ...... '-I:· ct .. ~ ••••• _..,,. c.nlbo.d ..... mtoa. . Holiday Bonus: High Quality 12 by l 8-inch California Stele Flag • ,----------------. I I I I Ju1t c;lip out thi1 m1·il ord1r coupon i nd fill it eut. S1nd, elong with cheek or money order, to the Boys' Club htecfquerter1 ne1r11t you. Meke chtcks pey1ble to "Boys' Club." Pl-Hiid me .................. AmeriCGO ""' lolts ot $1.99 per ldt. I lfftdentoM I wfl recel•e os o ltotw.y bOMll • c.Rtenim 1Nt9' .... wfth eoclrl kit. ' I N1 me ..................................................................... .' ........•...... -..•. .: ... -···-· I Street Addre1•···-·········-·······-·-······:-··-····-~·····-·-·······--··-··· I City ......• ·-··-················-··-···············-···--················Zip:··························· • I I I I I I I I Phone .... ·--·--··········--------····Enclosed i\ $ ... - ....... ·-·-·····-··--·-········· ' I -._ I This 1p1ciel holicl•y offer is • public setY1ct of the DAILY PILOT ind tht Boy•' I Clubs of the H1rbor Arte, Hunt in9ton 8e1c;h •nd•UgUn• ltech. I I • • ----------------- • ITHIS 11 !oCTIIAL DICAI. 11111 Free Decal Whil1 they 1 .. 1. the a.Y,• Clu~• offer ~ fllll •peel•~ lroe 9llt ••• • d.cel of th• Amtrle111 ~9 Ilk• +ho•• you '" eYerywhere on car wind1h~ld1, hom°• encl offict wlnclow1, ot ewn •n th• f1m1ly boet. Vi1it tht loys' Cfub n••,..lt ycta lphone for hqurs of operet;on1 . luy e lle1 kH : 9ot tM·decel me. Supply of d1cel1 T1 llmlt1d. Hurry. · l I ' • . ' ' • . \ • """_. ............ ~_,,~_,, ..... ~.._.--~~~~~~~~-:--~"-'."'.~~~:--~~::"".""~~".".'"".-~--:"."'.'"-:-:'.~~~::-;-;~~----------~---••" ....... ,, ••••••• ,,..._ .. , ... ,, •••"•'''• ,,o.•••~:x • .. •·:"'oO ,,..,,,,,,,,,., •••• ,.,~ ••• •<I ''''''''" I•+\'' ••O o••'••o•o•••••• "'''4 ''''''''''•• . ' . . . . . . . ' . 1 · \ . I I I I I PREMIERE -Dick Cavet~ '8bove, makeo his f!'" tum to !he U!levilian ..nens, torught, on Chahnti 7 at 10 p.m. in the ~Diet cavett Show." It is a lllrice-weetly talk-variety show with guests Truman CsJ>ote Liza Minelli, Candice Bergent and James Cobun: tentatively scheduled for tonight. " TELEVISION VIEWS Critic's Choice · Of TV Season By RICK DU BROW · HOU. YWOOD (UPI) -What television pro- grams .,,, we likely to remember from Ille last year or so.! In the enlertairunent field, I don't think we'll recall too many on the basis of achievement. But there were some shows of exceptional note, and 1 think !hat as good a place as any to start is with ABC-TV's "The Thanksgiving Visitor," another lleautlful fictional representaOoo of Ille boyhood )nemories of Truman Capote. This hour was a se- quel to another Ca pot reminiscence, "A Christmas ,Memory." 1 I THINK we will also remember. from the 1ast lvear the CBS-TV broadcast of Barbra Streisand's hugely attended concert_ in Central Park. Her wiz· ardry was supreme again. 1 We will also recall, perhaps, the numerous out- standing productions of "NET Playhouse," offered by National Educational Television. And there was e. wooderfully topical, barbed, yet good-natured, musical-Comedy one-shot by an all-Negro cast: 1'Soul," on NBC-TV. lt was good for the soul EASILY THE BEST series of the year was a Mort-run British import on CSS.TV. "The Prisoo-- er," starring Patrick McGoohan, 'Whose previous series, 11Secret Agent," was also the best wben it was on the air. 11The Prisoner,11 it turned out, was an t>rwellian horror-fantasy about an intelligent man held captive in a seemingly serene .and subur- ban, yet mysterious, village with a curious Disney- land flavor. And how's your town? "The Prisoner," by the way, will be rerun on CBS-TV beginning this Thursday, and it is worth catdling. "NBC Experiment in Television" also turned out an hour worth remembering: "Color Me German." This wa.s a drama set in Germany, focusing OJI a young Negro man, son of a black American G.I. -who is no longer there -and a ' white German woman, who Is. In addition to the young man and his mother, a third principal was the boy's black uncle, a teacher on a visit from America who is thinking about settling in Germany because he has had it with the civil rights struggle. AMONG THE performances one will remember from the past television year, surely none will sur· pass those of Geraldine Page in "The Thanksgiv- ing Visitor," and Miss Streisarid in her Central Parle hour. But there were brilliant contenders. Charles Aitlman, for instance, was the essence of lure Americana in CBS-TV's "Spoon Rivet." An Sean Connery and Paul Scofield were splendid in NBC-TV's "Male of the Species," a contempor- ary tale -very well done -of a young woman's experiences with three older men. BILL COSBY gave a performance of signi!ic- r ance and brilliance as the narrator of a shattering documentary, the first hour of CBS-TV's "Of Black America" series. Among other things, the initial broadcast ·dealt with the image of the American Negro created by the movies. Few running performances in the past year were as memorable as those of that genUe, long haired fellow named Tiny Tim, who was described as "a Jost lithograph by Toulou se-Lautrec." Some of' his charm faded when he suddenly got dressed up for guest shots and became a bit too natty and showbiz -but who will forget those first months w1len his undeniable iMOCence, combined with bi.a ukulele and falsetto singing of old songs, made him a m.tional craze? De1anis the 1tf~e ' • l MllOIW LOl6 I' • - • ---·--- - PERKINS JUDGE PARKER MOON'MUWM$;. ' . , , .... TUMBLEWEEDS MUn AND JEFF GORDO MA~c1~ ]AASo~ \>EAl(S ! -·· • • ------4 ~-~ ----------- • ly Scmnclen andOveNJClrd 6000.' tM,,. >, Sil\OF A iiUSH MYSEilF/~· .SO «.&TS MOVE ALOH<i I 1 ly John MDes l!Y Harold Le Doux MONDAY MAY ZI i .r ~"1 ·~r. D11npll~. \. 1:00. "• •ti .... (Cl (60) ~"' 0111"''""""""' (C) (3 ___ ... (<)(90)-'• \ 1~ .. .,. tllJ T1)'1or,, Pb\I f ·~1 i'' .. ..,. I 0 THL 1 SIX O'CLOCK MOVIE * "W\O WAS ~HAT LADY?" Part I. DEAN MARTIN! •• ra.a ........... fr.I LNf'I" l'lrt I (tollllldy) '6G- fOllJ CUrtlr. Dun lll1ttin,, Mott ....... Ill lllBlllJ -......... (C) llOfTIJal' YortJ •!Id To111 Bl'ldlt7 .,..... qutstioM phoMd 111 by Nnrs. m ,., c.11 (C) {30) Art Junes. • -(C) (30) IHICIJ.., ..... !Cl m WW'• .... , (30) "'Slili11r.• first p1rt of 1 Mrles thlwin1 lwlW Ulllll can lit both Sll'I and fun. In· 1tructot Cyt'lll s.a,ttM Illustrates fuM1me~ ltdlnlqu.. IE u. c... ,_. r..u Pill l!l l1lll -(C) 1:30 D llllC ........ (C) (60) m 1 1.w1 L»cr (30) ID v.,. • be lltt•• .r uw Sell (C) (60) Ol (i) ............. (C) m Cllal•fM (30) "\lolca ffOlll tllt CoiltmunttJ." A ~ 1111 ttie adMU11 of tit• Cttlnftl Colnpensl· IOIJ EdllCltiol AIMIOIY Commlttu. 1:so e a oo Hlf•'• L•cy 1~ (30) ' a lelM v.,.,. 1t> (30) "f'lo. tllr• ,..._Clfd lilulco." o lffl rn m-""' (C) (lO)Aii•rW W Dr. Rossi dlsc!ISI Pia• for 111 l111medi.t1 wedd!na; Nonnan tlllb otf Stmn: l n 1~• of. Milts hjs story: Sil W1tk• 1dYIS1:S Dr. Mllu t.111t thtr. It I •arr1nt tor Lew's 1r1tSt; a di,. l11111ht Ril1 Ylsits Dr. RosJi. m Marv Criltill (C) (901 ID b1 tw Y11r Ul1 (C) (60} en ..... 0nart t:OO. -... (Cl (30) n 9(1) Ill• --(e) ... .., s.c..I ..... (ll'!Ylftry) '6t-Sttw1rt Gnn111. lob NtHI• • to11, O.n1 ~r. JoMph tam· Pfntllt, KltJ Ju{1do. ·--·--"" fiirs (C) (60) Robert T.,lor It 1uest of IKlnor IS Ursula Thim. Al•• Df'lke, Jld.ll lltlllnt, Pit O'Brien, Ad1m Wut, ll1rfllllit1 Pim• 1nC Win lam Sh1lner attend ·ttlo "roast.'" o <!?! rn m"' °''"'" "' (li:I) 'A Rldt te Vtn1411noe." Th1 bot.lnty hunters learn that Jemll DtYld 11 ,wtnttd tor murde1 In I town called Hile'• Lindina. (R) ED Ille* Jollmll (C) (60) A 'IV m11ulnt dl!Wltd to Nt110 cuJtura, t:lletlo prob1111\S end bl•ck·whitt reltllonshlPL QI (I) llt• fN• UNCl.1 (C) fl! La lri41 Mlldlta t:JO • fa.a, Aff•ir (C) 130) a Cll 111 m-(C) !!!~~~~17:00 IO cas [1111i111 News CC> (30) W11ter Cfonki1t. 10:00119 (j) carol Burnett (C) (60) ID lillJ Cr1hl111 C1uAd1 (C) (60) By-Ferd Johnson AW-you BOTH AGRo oD! I! ,c.=:~r O ll•i111 (C) (60) Nino Benvenvti. Marth. Raye ind Mal Torme 1uest. IDfllltr World Middl•elt:ht Cham-(Rl pion, t1kn on 1etar1n sluuer, Die 0 OJ H (C) (60) l i191. In I 10-l'CMN'ld ll&hl hUyY· IWS nllftl tllmlnetlon bout set to eir tonllht from New Volt's M1di1Dn fJ DICK CAVm SHOW Squire Gardtn. m r ...... d 1C> 130) e1r11111 RIM and John fors)'the 1uest ID 00 Monday Movie: "Mldnllftl lacl," stlrrinr l>ofis Day and Ru Harrboft. fD ~ Wi•111 ind Moctern Lif• (30) "Rtt0lllt!io11." Alan Watls dlscune1 tht Indian idu that man has foreotten who or whit he Is by idenllfrlnl trimlllf witll llis i~i· ~idua! penon111lty, which ls only 1 mash for pl1yin1 o toeial rolt. Oj ([) f1•ilJ Afllir (C) a;, c..'1 WerW (C) ED t.... Hint (C) * Candy Bergen, Truman Clpote, ;ames Coburn, Liza Minnelli. 0 G,j)@ CD PREMIERE Th•Dlci C.--ett Show (C) (60) Humorist Dlclr: Gavtlt, whose ear!iei·ln·tlle-season mornina show his been nomlnaled lor an Emmy, takes on the cho1t1 or nighttime host three times • week (Mondays, Tuesdays and Fri- days) 11 10:00 PM. Tonight's pr• miut show leatures l rurnan C.polt, Uta Minnelli. Candice S.r1cn ind James Coburn. 0 Ne'n (C) (30) a f 7:30 8 9 W , ...... (C) (50) Two loutllli" hiUblllr llrotWs tur. lhair 103·)"ar-old uncte om to lltlin1 dep uty festus Htff'CI for a bountJ and ust the ~ to Optn • saloon ED I SJIC1lt I Ser ind tilt C.mll Eduati911 SctlM (C) (90) KCET c.ovell the "inth Annual lnslitut• for Te1thrrs b1 lht Los Anttlu Psycl!Mntlytlc SOc.letJ·lnllilutt. ly Tom K. Ryan YOU WERE El(PECTING MAYBE, BUFFALO Bl LL? " ,. •' I f r~ 'Ii. ~l!ST,MOST I~ PIQON IM!lt CUAT!O IN 1HI! IHTIRE ~151MY O~ 'THI! ~ 1\1>!0 61i'ICE 'l)ll! OAWN OF ecDiaieD TIME . ' I ' ' --- "' ' ,. By Gus Arriola By Melf -NII> 'llil!U AR&NT MAHV l'&OPl.E WHO ~ Mf'.~ THAT Cl.AIM. (!) M1ri1n1 in Dodie City. (R) . . lO:lO fJ IJ,IC1l~ITtmpo (C) (60) A ~. m_ I _D1'11m ti Jt•n.~11 (t) .<~ 1eb1G11dta1t of this' momln1's pro· D1mn·Djmn. Go Ho_me. Ju_n['_rt is gram that 1e1tured the 14 1unoH vl!lled bJ. he r aen11 c!oa: lllfl ~I· cindidttes tor Los An1eles' new!y t1cll1 1nytMn1 anlt-Jinfone '' uril· created Junior Collt19 8011d of torm. (R) • 'I • { Trustees ind !hi six finalists lor O 11f1cw1 ~Y1rtyi1rac11.; Ct1 l.A.'s Bo11~ ol Education. (60) M1yor Sam Yorty and Council· 0) Nns (C) (30) Bill Johns. m111 Tom Br1ill1y 111 lntervlewld 1111911!1IJ b}' ntwS/Tlan Tom Rlddin on the ne of 1 very import1nl Los Anae1es ma~rallJ llCI. -ll:OO·B B 0 a> mm Nun (C) 1 n @m m n. Avena•n 1c1 . (60) "ifoin Ytoos -With Lowa.'~ 0 Alfred H1ltlltot• m lhlnald D'Connlf tC) m !nlttl ff CoMtcutncn (C) 1ao) • ..... -(60) ID Mll'lit: "Hundred·Hour Hunt'' (mystery) 'lS-Anthonr Steel. il'!Hil@OO ~ 00 •m <CJ Gil lnfllYlliou (30) ~Ch1mlluml· neKence.• Or. Richard Brem11m1n 1nil guests clemorlSlrllo themia llJ lit 1~1 ~uiprnent, wultler ob-11:30 S llo'lit: (CJ "Thi Horu:'s lloutW' selYltion IC[UIP!Mflt 1nd other Prod-(comedy) '58--Sir Alec G111nneu. \Ids usina chemic.al ~a:ht srsterns. ,,,..,. rri Q ._l~fDToniftil Show (C) 0) N1wtlt 0 Mewl•: "SI [Wil, Mr Lon" (dr•· m1) '48--Ray M1ll1nd, Ann Todt. D (ll'J rn m 1.,., Bishop (C) 1:00 0 m I IPIC!!J I Hiafllilhts 11 !flt llnclln1 lrttlltn W llmu• l lliley C:ifm (C) (60} A pro1ram of top 1tls from the "'west ~ilion or lh1 tnter11inment spectacle for ctlilllren of 1!1 agu. Arlhu1 GodfreJ IZ:DO D Mowit: "Fift Giles lo H ... ls-host ind 11$11 ptrlorms with his (drama) '5 9-Nevill1 B11nd, hora Goldie. Cl1cus 51.an appear · lril a1e 1nim1I lrainer Gunttier Gebtl·Willl1ms: Roa:an1. the Queetl lZ;lO ID Action Theatrt: "Slue, \llhlt1 ol 81 l1noe: !hr Flyina Gaonas; the and Perfect" t1eiptlis: th e Kina: Charles Troupe; th1 81fdulle troupe of lr1mpolin· 1:00 O Spetkln1 fret11 (Cl l:sts; the four Bririos clown act: lh• lindstroms high w1r1 1111icycl· O Nnrs (C) ·-· bts; 1nll the Mickey Antal'~ Chimps. Veteran ringmastu H11old Ron• 1nrM1u11tts th1 acts. l :lS 0 Movie: ''Tht Gtrmtnt Junp" (drama) '57-Lee J. Cobb. 0 lrlmion S .-e.it: "Fiv1 llilfs lo lhln111!r (mJStery) '63 -Sophit lo11n, AnthonJ Ptrliin$, Gil Youna. l:ZO O Co111munity l ull1b• INrd (C) TUESDAY DAYTIME MOVIES Jn1 Pal!lfl" (comed~) ·~3 -Mitzi G1ynor, Wl!lltm l undlcan. 12:00 0 "M1111Ltl ol H1ld01•do" (wlsl· Im) '49 -Jimm1 fll1ion, Ruu.!I H•)'den. 12:)(1 m "Allqh111.f llp1isin1•· {westem) '39-Johtt Wayne. ''7111" If Evtnb .. (dr1m1) SZ-Valt1l1 Hobson. 1:00 fJ "A Nllf!l To -........ Crm· ltfY1 '4Z -Bl'Mn Ahtme, Lo1ttt1 \'oun1. 2:00 CD "Sllosl TMln .. ("estun) 'S~ JOhn Smitll. ll tnl ltYlor. l:OO 0 "'Jllllw t Sllr" (comedy} 'fit -Normtn Wisdom. June l1~1rlck. t:)CI 0 "fin Ytl\ Ttn" (comtdJ) '41 -f1H MtcMurr.,, 11111 lltrlin. 4:30 6 IC) "Dty II tllt B1d111•" {western) '58 -rlfd MacMu111y, 8 (C) ''Dml MIMI tltt Shtltll'· Jolin (riuon. • e JOB PRINTING • PUBLICATIONS e NEWSPAPERS -' Qu11ity ,,intint •"' o.,. .... lrtl. s.,,.iu for ....,.. ttri1• • 011tt1t •f • Ce11l••Y· 2211 WIST U.UOA ILYD. NIW.rolf l l ACH ' ' • • • I • " I• " ol • I ' • ,, ; • '~ddl~ of the ·N~ht' . Superb Sub' Bright.em Mesa Drama I . 8y TO~! BARLEY -gully Gl'lhlm I'" Ille Of .... .,.,., ~ ..... W1CIDDY lmpreuloQ. \II (act, It was good to watch those lhat he wasn't carryinl the aterlfng Costa Mesa Civic 0i_,etsty script around wkb Players 50ldier on through him: It all I~• Dlbnl as their demanding "Middle ol he s~y spa\ °""Ille role the Night" Satunlay night and ol Jeny Klnfllloy, Ille JeWh visibly shake of( that bitter buiinessrnan Wboee deep lo\le mid-week blow -1 the loss or for a &irl YOWll enoucb to be \leading man David Paul, in-~Is daughter divldet at1 em· ju red in an automobile ac-bitters bOth fm:nWes. ~. cid ent. He looked for all the world Ojtvld Paul tumselt would be lf he were absent mindedly the first to say that his large carrying a radn& procram shoe$ in this demanding Pad-around with bim ind he'd dy Ch ayefsky v~rje had been glance al it now anil tbea with more than competenUy filled that look of mild airprbe so by liap Graham. And our own natural ta a 5 3·· y e 1 r • o 1 d impression was that t h e lovesick ~eo who'd beta magnificent Graham did a scanning the H~ Part dam sight better job, script in form when a bnsuws tom· hand, than many a leading mitment (or a Io r I e o u 1 man of our e~ieooo who'd blonde beauty) interrupted had weeks oc' rehearsal under him. his belt. Which brings us to that very ,1 ... Disneyland's Big " ...... Memorial Day .... '. Weekend ..:··~/' ' Celebration A DI SNEYLAND EXTRA AT REGULAR PRICES Open 9 AM to I AM Disneglg11d BEST PICTURE OF TllE YEAR! I WINNER &ACADEMY AWARDS "Ml90UIOllTm•.,.. A .,_ W , ..... ~'' *-'- M 11¥ ''" T ................ "' Uk ·~ ...... .,. ........ ..... ..... w...,..... c..t.. ---,,...., at1111 S.N,..,. ........ ~'1'19 .... C•t. ,._. CMc ,......,.., °' ..... (-If ,. .. ,........., c.te MIMI. 'Ml CMT Ttw ~llUl~\H'., •..• r·· ·tu' Orll'llM TIW GLrl ............. \ •• ,,.._.~ T lit """"'*" ... , . . .. • .,JtefwiiJ Tl\9 t l*" .. , ......•.• ,ltl\' ~~ Ttte o.u.111w ••••••• i .. ·•.,._ ·cwr.i., TM Glr! ,rtW •.••. \..,._,, 0.rl~ T1'll ~ ............... T-TINt TN~ .............. Kt¥1r!~ TN Klllll .lllNr ... ,.,,,,,.,,.rty CM•tl Tl'llo Wldoiw ........... ,,, •••. Jlll ~~rl't' Tiit ...................... si.lrlrt i 'IDol 1oreeous blonde, Tb ere 11 Smith, and a perfonnance whlcb was not one whit in- ferior to tbal ol the lr<meo· dousty able tUnd-ln. ,,. the strl .-a 'to llled her toWly ..-~ •uaband ol equal ~ In favor ol wbal she fee)s to be true love, albeit with • much older ..... she is ablolutely IUJ>Ub. DESPERATION ' Miu Smith completely cap. tu...i and Portrayed the mlnd- boggllng divlsloh and despera- tion that Chayefsky Injects in· to this exacting role. Her scenes with Gi'aham are memorable for the undoubted ability or both to project to the audieoce (and we were a member of an enraptured group Saturday night) the sheer joy and inward tumult of their unusual but never bizam liaison. And she mastmully handled the frustrations and searching self analysis called for by her meeting with Kevin Conroy, the husband who fails to see, by virtue of the very qualities which his young wife has found to be repugnant, bow he has failed~ her. He has neglected to provide Jove in it! room. • • . . fullest sense and Miss Smith And it was l(wun t !t M_r .. gets across the· footlights in a Paul?) a .}!•jlpY ·endiiig m way that impressed us the,, mo~~,,... one. tumult and di!traction that his. ro • lead-footed overtures aeate. · • · ilodr,.;"' "Let's go somewheres ror· .1:·.1 ·M -aina beer and talk this over." Let -· that be the epitaph of this un- fortunate character. Our first duty, as we saw it. Tryouts Set was to ensure that full and Auditions for the musical deserved homage was paid to 'melodrama "Ten Nigh.ts on a the gifted Graham and the Bar Room Floor" will. be held splendid Miss Smith. Our se-Ttursday ··bf the Forum XI cond duty' is to say !hat !hey · Theater ·In Lon1 Beach. and a good supporting cast A cul d ·111" oldeo women, brought to this Chayelaky play sh: old« -· '"° younger a lll!ter that it didn 't, to our men Dd: cine teen-age girl is mind, quite deserve. requirtd,.ac®f'ding to director II is no! a bad plot bu! !hen Charles Grllwn. The· lryoull It is not a good one. Given the wilt be hekl at a p.m. same outline, and we believe The meSOdrama also will in· we know our own abilities, we elude vauCleville acts, to be could do much more with this auditioned June 5 and 6 at 8 very potent germ than Mr, p.m. All tryouls will b:e held al Chayefsky did. In short, we Ille. theater, on the filth noor let.I that the author tailed to of Morgan Hall, l3S Locust adequately capJlalLze oa many Ave., Long Be1ch. Crossword Puzzle FOR RE LE ASE MON DAY, MAY 26, 1'&' ACROSS 1 Us@ful quality ' Garmt nl panrl 10 In good physk al .sh1pt 14 ----ho! l S Through ~try p1rt of l!. Having wings 17 Hiiv t a mttliog o! lht mind s IS Fruit 20 M•lt anim al 21 Wtapon hand It 22 Mtdittr- 'rant•n VtSStl 23 Cour•gt 25 Leave off 2& Opt rltt d a glider 2• Part or a bulldln g 31 80.,,,Hng ..... Jl Arcturus or Aldtb1r<11n: 2 words 37 Movt aim lrssly lS Not 1el11ed l• Futur r 40 Pompous 4Z Vlol1tt d 111 accep ltd • .standard 41 Cavily .\4 P1.1ts in tht rarth 45 Un it or capacity 4• Rhylh111ic1I sw ing 50 Ptrftcl 51 Cale au ·-· 53 Grudgt brarrrs 57 Driven away: 2 words 5' Brought forth &O Brsidts bl lsratl city OZ Kill: In form at &l Albtrta's Rtd -·- &4 U.S. ball- isti c mi ss il e '5 Supp!t- mt nl1ry DOWN 1 Moby·Oiclr:'s pursuer 2 Lill aceous plant ) N1tivt of Centr1I Afdc an Republic ~ Douglas fir 5 Partof a golf COUISP ~ Understood: Z words 7 Broadly elliptical S Fissure ' T101t: Comb. fo1m 10 ftodtnls 3 • ' 11 PliiUSiblt t•cuse 12 NllfO W roads ll Pu t up l• Put forth 21 Secrtlfd 24 Atfhonso XII was ont 25 Grtal ·-· 21> Tony-: U,S. ill ustralor 27 Sw1n ge111.1s 21 Thomas .... Edi son 2' Wash out JD Malir less di lficul t 32 Coll t gt subjt tt: Abbr. 31 Canad a's Sti 1tr1- Pt1rra11 Ct ll\ff 34 Pulled to pltcrs 5120/&, 35 Help 3& Communists 38 Noun suffl • 41 Fierct wi ld 1ndi111 dog 42 Ltttrr 44 Theater section :i ~~r~~!.!~amt 41 Real !Sla te document 41 Mor! rt · Ct11\IJ 4• PtQitt nli1r1 ltSldfnt Slang 51 l1 1ttr body In Scotla 11d 52 Africa: Cor11 b. forrt1 54 Toward lhr iftou th 55 Su rf ix 5~ Nuclt ttf SS Mr. Col t 59 Miss Lill It 1l ll I ~ -,.--.. I~ I •>~ I i· I •' l>'•• 6" g &. Fil~·-~College e •&@§1114!1 Onw-ClllMll-I rosmmT MO OMI UNDO a-.~ .. ·~ . 11 ADMmll THIS IN•A•I-Eve Show St.m.MS MINT. AU SIA.TS THIS No. 2 p M. I 61AM 12.tllll Cont~S~ From • , .,:.i -Fii'f'so,.,,.H coasT ~~~ ~lAZATHllATln: COflMAillM SM DMco frNW1y It Bristol • 546-2711 ACR.ES OF .FREE PARKING WE ARE PROUD TO PRESENT THE ACJDEMY AWARD WINNER BEST FOREIGN FILM Th• Two Part Production of LH Tohtoy's T(C ICQLOI -, J & IDT SUl'POITINe ACTOI .IA.Cl ALlllTION [ij$J,j~!e ··~ 0-(QfW~•CD ~ e St•rts W.clnesd•y • NIGHTLY 7:01 Ii t :35 AT l16ULAI PllCIS 3'\Vlnnerof Academy ,t\wards! · • •UCH, .~T· 11.U .. !.-IUHTll•OIOTO-N •UCH • -7·9•0l Anne Heywood and Richard Cnnn• in · This is. a robnryp1~re. • • [<; ' ii-W~ ·PEACE ' ,. ' ~~ l·· l \, . I -, -·-------.. ----,--.. ~· _,. ~c1tANO .11..,.. or flAf'OltOW 111EATM·7Allt1tc ~·-u• Of ntE I -.JIO{IM(CI IT ITS ~ 'WU IAl.l AS TllOUWIO$ 0Mt0 THI: ENTIRE '1tdiue:TION OF "WAit AND PEACE,. WILL IE SHOWN IN TWO rAllTS. EACH ,,..T WILL IE SHOWN FOil ONE WEEI!.' PART 11;:;:::::::.:.. STARTS MAY 21st SCHIDUW Of l'IRIOlMANCIS . W1•••rt• M'f' 21 • ,, •• ·•·• •• {. •••• ., .• .-....... ••• l :tl .... .........,,, .. ., tJ •.•.•.• l~ ••••••••••••••••••• •:tt .... ,,....., M.., 2) • , , • , , , , , , , , ••• , , •• , • , 6tJI & I l iH p.-. ............... 14 •••••.••••••••.... 1: .... il .. ll:tt p.111. s....,, M.., 21 .:~ ••••••••••••••••• 12•1M1JM:H ,,111. M~ M., J•· ••• , , , • , •••• , • , .••••.••••• , • , , l 1H p.111. ,.,....., M.., 27 •• , , , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••'••••'I ' l:ft '·"'· • .r ~ '~l!Ul'Cl.:S-1-SlllSSl&'.tlC:. "--..81111£1111l•TE•ttk..:. MIMS RU~ = INDS: TUIS. • 'SID'f: "tlea.J~ AS 'ooLUtf'' I . \ ' ' 1 1 .. -·~ IUll'IYPIC~S('l,A.-1 -~an4 A•-GMl•l~ ... 1111 -.."'-f~"--•VM_.....,,.._ ---°'"°""""" t A.UltaY~ .. _.,,. -----r-~ __ v1.-q~r1IM9 1--·-,,;,,,•-I ALSO---. . . Marcello Mastroianni PamelaTimn "Klas 1he .Dt.httr llhelll" .... ~~. , ;•, ., ·~.' wlrfl G'"'f9 r.,,.,.. .. "PENDULUM" Starts Wtdneid1y '•lllft c ....... ~ ........ J ' .. \ ' --~ I I ·-~ ------·· ..-...,, ..... __ ...,..____,,-.... , .... _, ...... _ -, • .. • __........~-·•.•• -··=-••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••u•1":'"' .. ,.,., .,,.,., ••••·••••••••••••••••{<••,••r.·"·"".-:,•-•·'·"'11'1'·"'"'''"~""•''"""•'· •• ,,,,,..,_"°"'"""""·~·'-"·'=::::m'"'"'""""'"'-..... ------:----~--~ LEGAL NOl1CI . Roon1ful of Pairs 1-1iss Shirley Cooper holds up nine lingers to indicate the number of sets of twins enrolled at Hilldale School in Springfield, Mo. The nine sets of twins range in age from 5 years old to 12 years old. Miss Cooper is also a twin and her sister teaches in an· other Springfield school. Feels ABM Win Sure Dirksen Believes Safeguard Senate Backing GrO'WS WASHINGTON CAP ) After weeks of selling. the Ni1on administration n o w believes it has the com· mltments necessary. f o r Senate approval of t h e Safeguard antimissile system. Senate Republican Leader Everett M. ·Dirksen said in an interview he is confident "the votes will be tliere·· when the Issue comes before the Senate, possibJy ne1t month. LEGAL NOTICE Althougtt Dirksen said he knows of two switches among Republicans who came out early against ABM but have had second thougttts, h e declined to mention a n y names or to deal in numbers. He declined also to name any of those who had switched from the uncommlUed column lo the administralion side. "This is a delical.e matter and rm not going to put anybody on the spot," Dirksen said. 1 ' The ad m I n 1 s lration's previous poll showed 4 4 senators committed to vote for Safeguard, but 46 comm ilted against. That meant it needed six more ·votes, plus that or Vice President Spiro T . Agnew. who can vote only if there is a tie, II alt senators answer a call coll. But the Senate scldorn marshals all of its members ror such votes. Illness or prior commitments Often keep some ·av.·ay. If a couple of GOP op- ponents found il convenlent to be absent, the administration would regard that action as satisfactory. Senate Democratic Leader f.·Jike ~tansrield of ~tontana seemed to have some such situation in mind when he said in a weekend interview that if the administration puts on pressure it could win by a margin o! one to three votes. Despite Mansfield's corr-· tention that this might be a Pyrrhic victory -worth less than it cost -the ad· 1ninistration·s attitude appears lo be that it will take any kind of victory it can get. Mansfield has opposed ABM . Sen1 Richard S. Schweiker fR-Pa.), an ABM critic. said in a Pennsylvania ' broadcast Sunday he had felt some White House pressure to change his stance but "it has been within bounds and quite reasonable" so far . "I suspect it will get a little bit holler as the June deadline rolls around,'' he said. Sen. Hugh Scott, the assis· Lant GOP Leader and a Safeguard backer, ~id no one would dare to try to put pressure on most Senators. He said he would be a little happier politically if he were on the "anti" side. He reported 6,000 letters opposing ABM and only a few hundred supporting it. But he said lhc situation could change. itlosqtiitos No P1•oble111 $53 l\'Iillion f 01· Futile Figl1t I \VASI-l lNGTON (AP) -The Federal govemment spent $53 million over lhe past five years to stamp out a yellow fever-carrying mosquito only to decide the insect wasn't all that dangerous and probably could not be eradicated anyway. Although there had not been a case of ye\lo'v fever reported ln 40 years In tht' United States. the progran1 v.·as begun in 1964 lo prevent the possibility or any future outbreak and to e n d the migration of lhe Aedes Aegypti mosquito to Lalin America. From a modest $3 milllon start in 1964, the U.S. an· limosquito program grew to $16.S million in 1968. It jumped more than $8 million in fisca l l!IG6, alone. In last year·s governmental economic squeeze this figure was cut back lo $6,9 million . 1''ormcr President Johnson Fires Rage In 1\Jaska, Losses High ANCJ!ORAGE. A I ask a l UPI l -Ffilest fire~ burned out of contrOI in south central Alaska during !he w~kend as dry wtather and record high temperatures prevailed in the area. • A forest and brush fire erupted on the outskirts or An- chorage Sunday and a I ,SOO. acre blaze near Soldotnn on the Kt.nai Penin!lula south of here destroyed three homes an d threatened the Union Oil gas fiekl . Fire!! also broke out near Polnl ~1cKeniie, across Cook Inlet from Anchorage. and At \Vnsllla, north of Anchorage In the ~l a t;anuska Valley. A bureou of Land ~1anage n1cnt spokesman &aid there v.·ere as many 3S 300 men fiihtlng Ute blaze 41t Soldntn11. lht biggest of the v.·cekend Ure!. ' \ asked for $905.000 for fiscal 1970. but the new Republican administration decided to junk the program altogether, ef- fective June 27 . "Using the existing eradica· tion methods, C1>ntinuation of the program would have re· quired hundreds of millions of dollars in future U.S. ex· penditurcs \Vithoul any real assurance of success," Nixon officials said . At its peak. the program had more lhan 300 federa l employes. most in the Com- municable Disease Center in Allan~. Ga. There \vere thousands of others employed in Texas, Alaban1~. Georgia. Florida. South Caro Ii n a, Hawaii, Puerto Rico end the Virgin lslanrls under federal con· traCts to state or terrltorinl health departments. But in spite of the S53 million expense and I he thousands of man hours that \1•cnt into a program aimed al preventing a disease unkno,vn In th.is country for four decades. t.bere "'ere those who defended the project. Fonner director Dr . James V. Smith, said the program's value is "probably in relation to our commitments to South and Central America." Officials say pre"enlion of an outbreak here was a "secondary" obj e c I i v e . although the Aedes Aegyp:i was generally referred to ;n budget outlines only as ,;a car. rier of yellow fever.'' The ch.ief ai'm , officials now say, was to prevent migration south. Another officia l described thl! program as "sort of good neighborly thing" to South :'Ind Central America where some countries have complained thal the pest was con1ing from the United Sla tes and infesting their areas. Italians Will Pav . ~ . To 'U 11lean' Tower R0~1E !UPI\ -The llali;i11 to injections or concrete lo ac· government Is ready to p:iy complish the sanie effect. more than $5 million to ktep Several years ago a French tourist, who had Imbibed wilh the Leaning Tower ol l'l5a a bit loo much slrong lt.alian from leaning too far. ' wine, decided to do hi.c; own But not just yet. untilting early one morning. The public works comn1ittce He hooked one end of a cha1n of the Clamber of Deputies to the tower and the other :o \Vedne:sday approved a $5 the rear axle of his Muto in an million grant for anti-tilt attempi to jerk the tower \VOrks. straight But bclore the 1noncy cnn be Instead he jerked the rellr spent, someone has to come axJc out of his auto -and up with an acctptlb1~t .. spent lhe <fly sobering up In roc stabilizing tbe tower. lhe Pis.a jail. which has been leaning ror all Prof. Ugo Coloonetti. prtgj- but the: first 10 of i1s i9$ year•. dtllt emeritus of the National In 1965 the governnttnt Restatcb Council, said In 1964 authortzcd ao international that a strong 1u1t of wind competition for proposals on cGuld blow down Ute tower any tho be!t way to shore up lhe day.' Prof. Llvlo Tttvisan of towtr. None has bet.n 1dopttd the University o( Plse, n ytl. member of tht aun•elllnnce Suggestion.• have rnngcd rommiss1on for lhe tower, ii from freezing the ground more worrltd lhal cracks underl'tt'ath lhe tower to make might appt>ar in !he 50{1 .sufC ~n't Ult any further erwnd around the tower. - DAILY PILOT WA,.,T ADS HOUSES FOR SALE Gener1r 1000 ==:......---WATER FRONT NEWPO.RT BEAr P1-ulx1bl>' never aealn 1vlll \ you !lnd such a FA AS- TIC VALUE wilh all that this 0Uen1! ! PIER ani:l BOAT SUP~! Bu,y this du. plcx rumisbed or not with ~ llnle as lOCW QO\•N. 1.#M 7fA financing aJailablt:, SU· PER SllARP! ! Ca1·pcts and drape1&! Double g a r a ii e! \Valk to all shops, but jw;t slip out of 1Jcd and raJI In the 1vater or climb In your boat! An UNBELIEVABLE VALUE al only $59.g;;Q. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 2790 Harbor Blvd. at Adarns ~5-9491 Open 'Iii 9 P~I -DELUXE DUPLEX T\VO BEDROOMS EACJI UNIT. Dining roon1, Forc~d alr heat and built-in electric kitchen. All ne1v carpets. completely redecorated ln al\cl out. Divided single gar- 11.gcs, \\'ell landscaped fro11t yard. separale rear yards. TOP VALUE AT $27.500. \\lith financing' available. Evt-nings Call 5-15-87'2:: 2 HOMES 1 LOT EASTSIDE. EXL~llcnt eond\.. lion. 3 Bdrms, hard11·ood floors, fireplace. shake roof, dining room. large kitche n with eating area PLUS se~ arate 1 bedrom furnished rental. ALL fOP.. 0 N L '{ $28,950. COATS lo WALLACE REALTORS 546-4141- (0pon E-i-1 Barrett Realty presents Ex1;)usively Ours Ne1v Baycrest listing. Spark. ling adulf occupil.'d -t bdrm 3 halh hQme situated on a 11uif't s11-cct \\'ilh parli·like i;ctting. Formal dining roon1, unusual mother.in-law bd11n & bath. Fee simple. Call Jor appointment to see. Hi05 \VcstcHU Dr, NB 645-5200 LOVELY CAMEO SHORES Enjoy spectacular private beaches plus canyon & ocean viC'IY from this immaculat11 3 Behm. home. priced vrry lo1v at $62.500. Call for app't. \~"all er Haa~" ..,.... Coldwell, Banker & Co. 550 Newport Center Dr. Newport Bea'Ch. caliL 833-0700 644-2430 UPPER BAY Oltlrr:: BH faQirl~· hon1<' wi!h laq:;r play yard & located on benullful Bay View Street. Qi\·ncr moving East & will sell VA or Fl!A financing. $22,500 Ne-" It Vl<folia 646-Hl 1 OWNER'S LOSS 'YOUR 0 GAIN, Nt'ar nl.'w fully RECONDIT IONED Gove~ ' men! '°"l)()l;stll11kln In CMla Me§n. Bii;: 2 .~!Ory, full pric. S28,9.i0. Only $1250 full dn pyinnt. w11h low Int VA loet1 for Tl()r).Vl"~ or Yr la. CALL ~\O.lljl for full dctallt. ltt"rltngr ltc<1 l Eslnlc (*" C\!Cll). $20,950 • WOWI "Appll' Pie" orrlr1·. 1\lng 11IX.. cd bt-drootn~. dl:'f'itm kllcho f'ft. bu ll! • in appli&.ncef.. ll11nd.!IOffif' fttt aek ~. s.prinkl1•1"!1. boitT i:tlltt'. ,...,,.,. TARBELL 29SS H1rbor TREES -TREES Surround rhl!! older homt v./huer llv. nn.-• twt .. 1f. llrs, ldc11t ror rcmotltlrh:.: I: •Prue111'f U9· I ~"'ORTfN CD. 1701·A \\°11•h·l1 U Or., N[) it12.rm1 - ' ; 1'1Cll'IQY, 11111 a.. l'N>' ·---'•000 HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSE$ FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSIS FOR.SAL & .M9.U~.!1.S~JF~O~Rt.JSA~L~l ,;H~OU~Sl~S1'~0~R!JSA~L~~~~~~~==l~!~~~~d .a l,OOOGenoral .'r·.,,,,,u,lfll J ~•I .•, ,. -•I U• ,'-r•I .,. ~~r~I~· 1000 ~ INdt l2IO tluntl.--1 Duster Here's one that t1 Ug- ured very e~. 3 bed- room, 2 bat.hi on a quiet st.re«:L $21,500 ~ $1,300 down -'F-HA in- cludes new carpets. , Walk To shopping and all 1 c boo o I s from this sparkling clean t)ast- sJdo, !><auty. 3 lldnns, or 2 4· den. Only $24,- 500 -~1ove in with 10% down. ~trike Here's one rright. down the middle. Custom de- signed with brick front 3 bedrooms, 2 deluxe bath&. Covered llutsido entertainment area - Choice Newport Hgts. location---$33,500. 10% moves you in. Curve You can't miss on this one! 3 Bedroom on ex- tra lar~e Jot. Tree-lined . ·~le down:- $1".62 . pays all.-Bct: ter call noW. . · -----~· ·--·-•, ' · Sin'gle 1n lo9ely Newport S h ores. Community witb t(!llnis, poql and rec. area near your door. 3 Bedrooms, 2 balhs,.5 years young- $26,900 -Can be seen /,Oday: $ DbU'file'"" ~ '2 Houses on large easl- side Jot near new park. A home & income too. Completely remodeled new kitchen, nc\v bath, iie\v carplits & drapes. Delightful N e w p o r t Heights area. $29,500-- 10'70 down. Triple J ust a step home to thiS dandy Mesa Verde 5 Bedroom, 21Ai bath, 2 Story, Bright s hi n y kitchen so ideal for large family; Priced under market·at $33,- 950, Bases Loaded? Then try this big, big ~fesa del Mar 5 bed- room on for size - Sparkling clean, low traffic street. Great area for kids and pets. Giant :sized yard for boat, trailer or pool.- $37,950, • .Mo'llle. Run Scbre a four • bagger On this College Park beauty. 3 Bedroom + family room and an added room with bath for rnother or teen-agei. -Bcayti(u( sOlar heated pool. Ahvays spotless, can· ·be seen anytime. $33.500. Grand ·s1am Touch every base and you'll &ilpreciate this 4 Bedroom. 3 bath in gJorioUs Harbor High- lands. O'Mler is leaving for New York and will give June 15 posses- sion -It's outstand; ing and only $55,500. Ct1tdl @-.>\''·; "'~,\ ·OFRCES 27f0 HAllOR 546-2313 1700 NEWl'OU 646-7171 • w .... Sefttrntn 10 THE: RE:AL "'-. t:STATE:RS .,~~ JS ll M·'. li "l 1-·..a,..ts-R-· ~~=f ~ .... t:~~~'=nJP.ttooiut.1t".!~ I GIY'ND CLO lnG-Unn I: 'i:i~~=~ .. i: : .. 11:-'""'~~aki= I CHOICE PROPERTY rir-:Ch~~~r, ~.~!""~~_I!' , . "'/~. ~ \'~"' "' i •) ditlonal biideoo&N1 plUf ~ with Mlllt·tna. V.Clo. 54G-l'l20 Pl v\e 1JOm .1lbaJ .... -.-. ........ --RANC~O CA CUESTA has only!; homes botha. Laree '"""'" llvtnt TARBELL USS Harbor • WOULD YOU BELl !!VE $105,000 F.P.I Pt~:c...;;.., 3·r~ mtr ~ -plete ..,m,,.. led.""" ?itode1' ue o,Pen lfor, you to touti .room With dramatfe-mirror-• blt.ncl' with ttesh pabit for kitcbtn ctnt•r. UJCl'tded • IO'AM lo 7;J>M. 1 & ~'Sfol'Y\'3 ,& 4 ~· ~~\'! ~=t:: General l OC>q Sf~LER WILL FINANCE AT 7'%1 extra charm, Widow wW ~= ==:: room homei with 2 8r 3 bl lu. fctlssion qe '29150 with a• low in-•a kBOA BA y PROPERTIES trade down.~ 15Cil» haadleL '° p.a ~ ~ Wd.Y tile or shake, rqof, !i~laces, co~U! t..,;.t FHA Joan to be ... -Hal Plnchln & A"oc. ,. ponell"' dt•-drivewa~s, he~vy rough qut,b!?ams, bu1lt· ......., · IOI McFaddon Place, Newport !lo•ch 3900 E. c.ui Hwy, m-09'J ,.. "°"table, 4 ...., , ins,.f3miJy .& dining 100_ ms. ··•t 'the, Newport Oc••n Pier FO}l. aale ar-kue: Neer bdn:m wUb ~ '\ 673-7420 · '73-9117 ... ~ .. de ..... -Wg• -wilft ... qmdo Suc)l ~ beautiful prl~e 'range • · •• $24,995 I _ _ '--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ V111'ao-Privato beach, pOol. wardrobe ....... s batl>I J ,to~$84;200 • wilh .VJ\. or COnventional -----------~ clobliius., slip avallal>I<. ..,,_l l<i,OOOfull~ ll.of,acjiig.aS low as;iO.% down. 80'/b:.,.. . °'""'" C~• Ga"'r•I 1000 GWral 1000 tOOt! tq. It, '&tba, 2 BR. -bas 110.000 Jn ..U-0. ~ • ·90% JoallS' af'7.2,%. Each 'illcteecling unit • Largut , !ittplaoe, pa~o, cuport, .. ~ -a~ • ~~ "l"l~• so l'ako ad•antag"' •t 111.,.. 5 ·IA YCREST. W1te a "'"' ,,,.m lO =.;'."';.,0':,., ~J; '" fixtures, -.prices. ' ) m .E. 17th . t. ' . MOVE iN I ..... nd ,, ... $115 ... mo; '•!' . HORRY! , 64M494 $7 6,500 Then MOVE Into tll'I' or nnt ,..,-1y !>00 ..,. mo, This Spantsh" hacienda 1s a 4 ~rn 2 bath hbme. Availabll! now. ~ or ~ ' lovely fam1IY home with a tarl'c lot htts YoU know 52IKiH9 • week:enda tl't I-~=--~-"::'.:-·. •· : f 1 1 gorgeous'.~ room, hijh your neighbors without liv. m..M54 LIST your ,....rt)' · 1 ,'. RAlfCHO lA CUESTA -. "Fot A Wlso lley'" • JilEY.'JIORT ~Spanish~'!!;~: \;!,:" m"'.Soo .. me lot with -c-,-=,-de=--Sa--c-1 s;:.'t :;:1c1;;.. o h'Brookhurst •• J.itlont• ., ... 96 .. a~ Colesworllly & (~ HEIGHTS Set>arate • DINING ,,,.m, ruir. 64Z-9T.lO Ev". M3-l1120 • US-f.· ,1..,.1 lklll · '. Hont1.;.1.n 8'ach , , , GI LOAN •1•• Iring.tile family n>0m, e KBIHEDY THROUGH ,.. Secluded master bedroom Lot + Back Ba.y view. New YOUR 182.00 mo. --.. room and sun)<. 'bedrovm 3 bath. 1>xl2j' lol, ' • ' No qualifying, assume en tub, 4 Spacious bedl'OOJTlJI UGLY DUCKI.J~G, Jet us rooin tor boe.t &. trailer. REAL TOR MEMllR 4 BEDROOM ~' HEIGHTS AREA ·FHA/VA · Here is tile k>ast exiwrui;ive · · 4 bedroorD b ome in 'the ,_ __ _..,lo f whole Ea.Stside • Newt>ort Urgent "-a r a st Heights area. Huge master sale •• Owner agrees bedroom, family ~m. 2 ·to pay th• points. On baths, large yard for child· conventiorial financ· ren and pets, and access ing, can save $1500. for boat or trailer. Out of Home is located in area owner says he will pay MESA VERDE & r ... points, so you can buy with fleets pride-of-owner• GI NO DOWN, or FHA small ship by its neat c~ down. Full price only $24,500. dition. FHA/VA down "'W~s~Ll,-"HOME is only $1~. Will soil: EVERY 31 MINUTES fast so call now. . Walker & Lee -9521 •r ~' 204.1 ~estclill or. ID- 64S-7711 . Open Ev°'. -• POUNDING SURF is only s!eps away from this 3 BR 2 bath CORONA DEL 1\1AR heme located on Dah- lia Street (above big Cor- ona), $37,500 RmCIRPEI ~EALTY WHY TAKE LESS? If bayfront with boats and \Vater Iront living is your choice, then by al! means see this four years young, 3,000 sq ft custom built ex· ecutive home. Has dock for 60 ft. b:>a.t and in the area Man.icllt'ed grounds sur- rounding this· 4 bdrm golf course singl.e story. Dramatic view ol the murse from formaJ din- ing room, kitchen &. pa· tio. Top condition throughout, $66,950 with assumable 6% loan. 3036 Java Rd. ''I'·.:. 1\ "·r' ··1,''" It'' ' .. . . . ' ' . '" 54<1-5990 EASTSIDE DUPLEX 2 modern 3 bdrm homes on large Eastside lot. Live in one ·& rent the other twin. Full pric-e just $31,500 110% down OK> Newport ot Victori1 646-8811 Newport •• Victoria o[ up 1o hall million dollar 1,...,~~~~!'!'!"!""'" .. 1a1e., • v.t priced at1 • ATIENTION $139,500, -The excitint: de- 646-8811 tail' lo.e vai"" "' pri"'· • y A.CHY OWNERS We welcome your inspection. 40, Private dock adjoins prop. 2025 W. Balboa, NB erty. Cape Cod style home U Paint & Save 675--6000 Eves. 642-4692 bas huge living room cver- Big family home • large ~ Jonial 5 BR with Anthony pool. family room & dining room. N~W"1Y ~ sq ft. walking dlstan<'e tp Mesa Verde Country O\ili! Owner relocati,ng out of area-must sell! 546·5880 john macnab CORONA HIGHLANDS High on a hill, speetacular 180' ocean vie\v from all ma. looking water. OJzy den w,ith used brick fireplaee and 4 large bedrooms. For appoint. ment call IOHl\I I Ol \O\ . . c ... tinema thabel LLEGE REALTY l~Adar!Kat ~C'.11. jor rooms of spacious 4 bed· 645-030, 3 J'l)()m, J~i i?ath, fa.,nilY room, I =-:-;-;---:;--;:;~;-:-:-:;--: ~~~'~'.n bunt "°"''' mooom Easlside 2 BR 1 \1 BA l,EA,SE I OPTION ~~I OR 7 SELL: Lovely 4 bdnn home in ex- ' • (7.1~) 642-823~ 901 ~YCf Drive. Suile 120 Newport Beach clusive Back Bay area. New New Listing carpets, drapes & shutters, ,E;s-tra, extra sharp 1 bdrm Custom built gold medallion OJndominium Brand new on home. Del piso tile entry, 2 lhe marker, unusually _large covered patios. $52.500. bedroom, Adults only. 646-3255 (l!Uf--JEAN SMITH, ~ ,..,ssao 400 E. 17th, Costa ?-.1esa OLLEGE REALTl ~ Adlrrls: II H•IW.- Coric!JH1iinip $11,SOO $14;~ ~. 6~% available $2000-down. Call Oscar 642-1771 eves. 646-0927 Own- er/Agt. INVESTORS $19,950 4 BR & lam m., Owner pre- fers to lease back at Sl.85 for period of year. Rand Realty 645-2340 96' ON OCEAN BL VD. SACRIFICE C.rolUl dot M"'· Faot.,tio view of ocean &. harbor Owner moving East will take ~ewport Heic)hts li&'hts; French Nonn. beauty $62,500 for lovely 5 bdrm 3 BR 2 bath, hardWOOd noor, w/tree &haded, walled gar- Baycrcst home ""ith beam· fireplace, dbJc garage. EX-de11. Loan at 6%% int. may ro ceiling in living room. lSTING 5%% LOAN. $29,500, be assumed. Call for app't I-furry for this one. We lls-McC.1rdle, Rltrs. WALKER Rlty 675-5200 Amold & Freud 1810 ·Newport m''" c.M. THE ATRIUM 388 E. Ji lh St., C~1 548-77'29 any1ime i;;•al~=to~"~===~6'6-=;77~55~1 l=:.r,;:;~~~r.1 By Ivan Wells'. Unique '4. bdrms, 3 baths & family BAYFRONT APT. n>Om , S"pecb v;ow, $17,<SO PENINSULA PT. Vista Del Lido. Pier & slip Roy J. Ward Co. Best \!alue~ 3 Br. heme on available, Enclosed garage, rBaycrest Office) soxioo• lot. Enjoy beach liv. $21!,500. 1430 Galaxy . 646-1550 iQg! $42,500 Gtorge•Williamson "6'/~ GI ASSUME" 4 BalbCN Real Estate Co. Realtor bedrooms, 2 baths, family 700 E. Balboa Blvd., &!boa 673-4350 Eves. 673-1564 room, lireplace el e cl r i c 673-4140 ., kltchen. 2~ yrs old 223 White Elepl\llnb ? For DruJy Pilot Want Ads Dial &12-5678 for RESULTS month pays. Boggs Rcaity !J62.<637 Gerieral • 1000 General S©\\~M.-.!Gr.~s· ~olve a Sim:J)Je Scrambled Word Punle fo r a Chuckle 11co1,0 •1· Cl' I I A fommor ""wbolf, H• •-::::~-~-=· :::·:::·=·~__, re!L~ yndou' of WhHliller'1 r. niu11ler sto tng up. e's - f'KURIEE 1hi•-. s-~& , .. ,-,.-.,--.., ..... ,.-. llrj-1 .. "-l•to ... -- ' "" ... flll"9 ...... - -• you dl'l'llop from ... No. 3 b.low. I e r::w.~ I' I' r I' I' I' I' I' r l I I _G,...[;f-....,.,;}".__._l _..I _.I_.· jH1sj I I I I I · J 1000 • • SCRAM·LEl:t ANSWER IN CLASSIFICATION 960CI I 11 6% Joan. do you want and 3 elepnt baths in our help change this .. For oonpl "-1ta Real Estate 64&-4414 Huntl_._ a..ch/ 'll t cl " ·-· ,,... clean up & rep&ll' Call us. ~ ........ cp·en bea m cea ngs, mos ex: USl\•e --..... • ''B"R"l"G"H"T"""'&;-;;;C"'H"E"E'"Rft.'F"U"L·I Fount•ht V•l'-Y b rick fireplace hard~ $16.500. ~. cl ho Listi-S.rv&ct wood tl90rs, art stqdio, WE SELL A HOME Duplex. osetoocesn, s p.. ... or gUest room ,. boat or "VERY 31 MINUTES Costa Maso llDO Pmtr: 2 Bdnn,. '"'"· Xlnt e , C. V. trailer acces.'I. ivy cover-,.. cond patio sundeck over-COLSTAD't: <d paUol-ted'mNew· wa· lke·r & Lee W.pr,..O,IXXlFum: REAlTOR ~oJ&hu? Th••"" 2043 w .. tcliJf nr. Three/Fam/Pool 335SR:v:;; ~!""" ~ 419-A Ma1 .. StrMt 4 BEDROOMS PLUS! This one is better than new. all el~ kitchen, 15x23 covered patio, big room addition ab o v e garage, swedish fire~ place, looks like a model home. 100% .. financing available to vets; or small ·down FHA. Hurry, it won't last. HERE'S YOUR DOLL HOUSE It's got to be thl! cute&t house on the market w:lth 2 big bedrooms and t...den, built in kitchen, fireplace, wall to wall carpet. 2 patios, double garage. Immaculate -Ready to be lived in. WOW! WHAT A VIEW Built right on top or a mcuntain with a view you won't believe. 4 btod· rooms, high beam ceil- ings, deluxe kitchen, sun deck, a beautiful home only 4 years old. Asking $37,500 DO YOU WANT TO SEU YOURS! THIS SPACE AVAIWlf ••• FREE DON'T WASTE YOUR VA GET A DUPLEX 2-two be d room units completely furnished with income of $3,800.00 every year. Full nrice is only $32,450, with no down peytnenL I SHARP 4 BEDROOM NEW AREA With all built-In kitchen designed expN!ssly for the lady ol the house. Pink appliances. pi n k tile. J.Jis and her baths; 2 patios, one orl living room. the other oft the kitehen. Seller anxious -Nam~ your terms. 3.HOUSES· POOL EASTSIDE COSTA MESA Located on one; bilge lot -Utree separate hoU&e& with pool. call it • trt- pJex if you want. but whatever you call it, you'd better see It. UVE 0 RENT· BUILD All on t.he aamc 'l)rop- ert,y. Uvl! In the h~. rent the se~te ha.Che· Jor apt. with kltehen & bath. buOd en the ad-joining vacant klL Tota.I price $30.900 everytbin.r: completely t"CCk-contt'd, except the vacant loL . arr~..--- Dr•• County's L1rge1t 2'3 Erl7th St. 14' 4tM • 646-nll. . Open Eves. Immaculate ASSUME VA LOAN Which rnia.ns we a.re offering Weskliff . '1230 Huntington Beech a love(y 3 BR, l'll bath 53Ml74 -· with fam rm, .and a HOME • R-2 loL Ex<el HAPPY HEART swimming pool at a price Westside. 3 BR 2% ba, room , you will hardly bclleve, tor f ot 5 Ulrlta. 549-1623 will Jcve this cute 3 l;drm Call Us To See: eves. 1% bath with built-in& Larae BURR WHITE, Rltr. ::.: ~ """:;. "= 2901 Newport Blvd., N.B. Irvin~ 1238 low interest GI loan. Arq-) 675-4630 Eves. 673-4159 MAGNIFICENT V"°on % ac. one can a.uume -&:itb low . . ' OWNER. _ 2 BR on quiet 3 min/UCI. 4 Br, tam rm. down. banJo st. Attached gar. easl-· $49,500 by-ownr. 833-2616 TRADEWINDS RL TY . ly converts to extra room. 1 847-8511 • blk to new park. 2 blks to Eastbluff 1242 EVERYTHING IS' 81 G I 17th St. shopping. Huge e NEW BLUFFS e HERE! ·BIG finlshed 1xmut : fenced yard on' paved lll~ey, 2 Br. 2 Ba spUl level. Many roo!", 4 BIG bc:l.rms, covered New carpet, 220 wiring, t m feature alI' elec patio & a GIGANTIC it- dispt>Sal, lots of tile~ $18,500. ~~. 01..owest maf~t & lease: ~ar ahaped lot. Not1he 1589 San Bemardl.l'IO Pl., hold MUsr SELL BY pnce & not the inteftlt CM• <lff 16th between Santa owN£R Call Dick . Dyer rate, $35,IXXI gets t h i I Ana & TUSttn MS-.3993 5334456 ~xt 401 r 673'..Sm beautiful Premier Home DtERGENCY SALE 0 ' with 51,4 % loan. Rex L. VACANT THE BLUFFS • Fashionable Hi:idget Rlty 847-2525 4 BR. "bath. Cornet lot """".'. 2 otory, 4 BDRM, 2 TRANSFERRED Cost 'l30JCOO. Sacrillce for. ,bath, fully carpeted ·" $2& ;oo 31£i7 K · Lane nr draped. Frp!c. Pool, patiO, Must sell 4 bdrm bome. car. Tttal's right 5\4% il)tcrcst, Fair-vi~ A: &e:i-546-iSso bltns. $32,500. Call aft 6 pm pets, drapes, larie lot.room 3 bdrms. w/vJ Carpeting, · · • & knsd. * 644-0816 for boat Ol" trailer GI w $109 P.l.T.I. good area, close to all BEAUTIFUL 4=5 Bedroom, 2 FHA terms. 0.nJy $23,!XX» ~ ~ schools, cburches &. shop-slOry, loved family Mme. Coron• del Mir 1250 better check this lone. ~ ping, Matute neighborhood Many extras. Priced right. ---MUTUAL REAL TY j with tall, tall trees & big ·Jm ,E. 'l2nd SL, O.t. Open-GRAND PREVIEW 842.1418 anytime • eve1 & W'lcnds. 548-5003 DelightJul executive home, I --"';"'°=,;,'"';'---I l.ot. Full price s~O~Ts BY O\VNER 3 BR Homes. 2-too beautilUl to leave, but DIVORCE & E. side, 2-W. side. Very lrg owner · has tftn trans. & Marine HJ Schodl, '10' corner • WALLACE transferable loans 514-6~%. must st;ll. 'Thou,ghfully P1;an-lot \\'/block fence, 3 Ip BJJ1. . -REAL TORS Nei;:d C83b. 548-1059 ned & 1mmaculatc in every fix.1.1' farn rm ~ < * BY OWNER-POOL. J detail. 4 BR., family fl!l· w_.I terms or caab to's%:% loan. S4M141-wet bar: m•U': Bdnn. 1'lli BRASHEAR REALTY topen EWfling&), , BR. crpts, drps, X·Lrg LR. 17 w/cozy frplc. Leeds of 847-8531 Eves 541.2442 -!~'"'!!~~"!!"!~~~I Low ma!nt yrd. $30,500, cupboarda, closet space i;a-• - 4 BEDROOM * 646-21195 * ·m & ,_ kitci>. plU5 lge, ASSUME 5%% LOAN • cut~ 2 BR HOUSE, fpl. formal diiting rm. OPE~ DAILY Sall 6y owner. Nr 20th &. • $67,900 6112 SununeJ;'dale MESA DEL MAR ohnge,n.,..642-7800 ' DeL•ncy RHI Elt•lo' NrM•adowl.arkgo"-.., E ""'Y livil"' on a quietl ~.:V..==642-=mt======I 2828 E Coaat Hwy CdM Corner 2 stocy, 4 BR & POol ; .... ~ "" · • w/ m8J1Y extras. Owner • street. Beautiful ash panel-M D I M 1105 673.3no leaving state. Flexible tine. ling in living & family room, eta • ar NEW LISTING Bkr <213J GE l-&'68 built • In•, 1;rop100" nl o' 4' BR 2 BA/LOW DH C.rolUl Highland•; 0' ea" , OPW HOUSE large back yard. Asking only , view; J BR. 2 Ba. You own Very attrac 6 yr old" 2 atry 4 ! $27,950 -good financing. the land. Full price $44.IXXI. 1 BR ul-d ' e. Nr i , 1860 Newport Blvd .• Of to existing buge 6% GI loan. CORBIN MARTIN _rg on c wa 64°39-E ''' 1655 $202/ incl"' ---& -Ideal heh. Nu erpta, dip& I: Rltr. .,... UJ ve. · mo irues ....... es Realtors, PilllJt WW trans( . Lache.nmyer i"', Frplc. cpts, ,,,,. etc, 3036 E, Coast Hwy, CdM 00nbi. "' -i. = ~ $28.500. Owner.la.gt, 675-1662 club. Owner movil'lg oot of • =========l """"~~~~iii"'"iiil area -great buy at ~.~ Mesa Verda 1110 DUPLEX ·\'l&-1965. 81131 E~. H& Near Horbor Hi Vacant 3 BR & farn nn, newly painted interior & exterior, built·in kitchen, dbl lrplc, extra lg bdrm, w/w cpts/drps. S31,9SO EZ terms. PWC 546-5440 4 BEDRM. 2 BATH- $22,5001 Attractive brick patio ~ith gu fired BBQ. Secluded rear living room, f.lreplace. Family room. Built-in kitcfr. en. Prime area. a40.1720 TARBELL 295S Harbor 3 BR 2 bath home, comer lot 130xl80 -add 5 more units. Drive' by 1545 Santa Ana Ave. then call ilania llralty 642-6560 -----,.----3 Bdrms, 2~i baths eacll OWNER'S 3 BR 2 be.Ua. Nice ' ASSUME 514 Loan. Live Jn 1600 Sq_ Ft. 3~ yrs. old. cll!an horiie. Assume 5" 9' spaciou.s 18!X' sq. ft. 3 BR, 2 $64.500 FHA I~ .. ;22.500. .Pi:nt.. • ,.,. BA, Family rm, Ranch Orange Coait ·Property $120/mo. 19802 Isthmus Ln., home. Near goll oourse. 332 Mm-gµ,erite 673-8550 HB , $33,0C(). Owner. * 54S-0094 CLENMAR home, 2 stoey, 3 4 B~.PACE.SE:ITER on lrg, 1,N v Est NEAR THE BR, tam rm.. 2. bath POOL. quiet ccmer lot. Rm for OCEAN 3 BR, J1h""ba, den. 2 Frplc, patio, ni;w ~ tn. boat, ttlr, etc. Lots of Palos frplcs, J ~s. brick, ,;kte. $33.950. 962-2008 aft 6 Verde ·stone. Must ~! be am/ceiUng1, cnanning PM " $35,900 51,1. on ht, 546-()353 home or use as Duplex, orl=========•I MOVING East-Owner must build 2nd horrle on big lot Huntington sell! ,f BDRM, 1% BA. B)otr 673-~10 Harbour , 1405 Close to schls, s h P ' g • SHORECLIFF 3 BR, 2 BA. . ,\ churches. $23,900. * 5'16-7308 QulC?t tree llnl!d area by the WA~ONT -by o;er : , 3 BR, 2 BA, PACESETl'ER, sea. Fee simple, Access to ,i 4 B:;-cl~ ~$1 .. :" newty decorated insi~. By beaches. Under $50,000. By ~ ;,~ on n:n cbannei ' owner, prlnc only. . o-.vner. 6n.-.3681 , large 3· Br. 3 'ea., dock, • $32,9"";,0 * 5404681 OWNER . Open Dail)'. View-$110,cMb. O:lnaider lease/op- Beaul. 2 Br1 2 BA. +,den. lion. ~ Coll!JI• Park_ lllS s:is ""''· Cd!\!. 673-4869 , s Bl,t & den, hwd flrs. cov B•lboe Pe nintull .1300 L•guna Ml~h 1705 . NEWPORT 11E'GHTS patio, blk wall . ci?se to ** MONARCH BAY '** ' "hool•l•hoP•· 126,900. By 2 BR, convt den_ > '-it : Ownr 545-3945 CHOICE DUPLEX ba's, din rm. lge llv rm. 1 3 BR 2 bath.· dl!n, 2 frplcs. F?r ~lmef!t, incoi;ne or Looking out. to ~ cptJ/drps, bit-ins, aUey ac-Newport B•ach 1200 hve 1n. 3 Br.J 2 ha., & 2 .-~en patio, fenced_ ·.~., cegs for boa I & trailer. '-I ba o block W gou" ~.., DAVIDSON A I NEWPORT TOWERS ""· · 00 Th;,, horn• hu Uqulsjte · · ea ty Beach. $45,000 chamWn decor. By ownm-. 546-5460 Eves. 548-8584 Landmark or the Ne1vpc:irt .- NO DO\V'N TO VET! Skyline, 8 stories or brealh. '1 (;) ~ · $6.SM. 499--2349 CharmJlfg 2BR home. oom-takioi bay ·" 9(:e~ _viewing: • .,,.. 31h ACRES pletely renovated on large from· luxunoos 2 BJ_l;-2 BA~ 'I i · A'-l T Y Undeveloped lalxl Qty of E}S corner lot. \Vorkshcp, ~~v::~ ap!:;bt!~ Near NB Post Ofc. 646-2414 'Laguna. 9 Blks. ·to J>i:ach. db!e sl. entry tor boa.t, trlr · Ocean views. Sbaukf divide atorage. Only $21,000 Rltr top deck J¥rldng. Therape1.1. into 13 lots . Price S40 Im• 646-8226 tic. pool & boot doeks. Open LldO lsll ' 1351 29% Dn. A ~at deeper': ' i ''MEREDITH GARDENS." 4 daily, Sale or leaac. 3!21 .W. -l\tISSION RL1¥ 494o013f bedrooms. Split level. 3 Coost){lghWa.y,_714: 6'2-2202 $SAGO DOWNI . . , baths, lamlly room. ?.love ..OPEN DAlLY 3 Bdnn 2 Bath Ll"o Isle Il\tMACt.rl..ATE qJSI'OM ! right in, owner 1o11ill help 10M1 to 2PM ho B &. njoy all bdrm & den, wet bu, 1. fine.nee with 10% down! 3 bedroom, dinlng room me. u,y now, e breat•h'lakln& vle'tf Make otter. BoggS Re(\lt,y Built~lni, large lot 5l,jDc)·~E!{L'f:x'iNC Decon.tor'• patio. i so oo ~' $28,!lCO. 629 St James Rd; . , • •dcwfi ~ owner will ~ "3 BEDROOMS" 2 baths, Ainold If Freud, Realtors 3400 Via Udo ' $7U83t) . balance ·i.i ~" I• covered pa.do, owner will 2 BEDROOM , fixer1 upper $43,500. Pmtm . Re a I t fi~ with -10% down. BEACH HOME. w~ fo the Balboe lsleod ~ 1355 oo,...1m Full prl~ $2!) 500 or makb beach. Low down. Available , 4 • · LOVEL'i l l;i BJ\. fully fUt!i oUer. ~. . B 0 a e S June 1st. $24,50!) Call for b So. t.aauna.-0.:iean \t>U • R<alty, details, P.ERROrl REAiirY 316 Ru y Fl'Plc. "'°'"'1"'1· petlo, 64Z..tn1 Cbarmitw Jam liv rm with sundeck. WNk ·to bclt 6 HAWAII BOUND. Must !lcll beamed ctlliile, bOaut b'plc, shops. Wood p&nel~ my Park Udo Condo. 2 BR pan den + family rm, se-Cl':tllngs. $23,900,. Call , NOW'S ~E. -TIME FOlt ~QUICK CASH THROUGH Ii. DAILY PILOT WANT •AD ' 2 be., irplc., pool $28,500 di.ded l*tlo• Elc.oclknt'cnnd.1 :'13;;:';,=;;;-::2394;:::-::::==:-=;;;"iil Low doWn. 0 w n I A· Ct • Just <PI to bay and aa.nd)'1SlrPm view, newtr CUit i 646--0732. ' beach. DRIVE BY Br. 8IJil at e.~xcbil h l•• BLUFF$ -Bay View/on ma--, ctu.000 efQUJ;&•t 5-.t l'I J.,; Jor .,... belt. 3 lit. 3 Ba. n1EN CALL: • • <&1-nn ,..._ ~':"k';i' ~~s.crlt": SALISBURY 'a-'""u='-"'---'-... -.,"'"· ,-,,-""-,.., '4fi,SOO. 644-4265 ~ R&ALT\' toWn. tht. DAILY PllO'r CLIFF HAVEN HOME 67:M900 oaa!l\<tl """°"' -2 'BR.. 11,i Ba. CO\!eml 1;111.llo. 315 M~ Ave., Balboa It. mooey, time A: t1!ort. Clean. 411 Snua }farbor Rd. DoWllt Owneri -543-693:i DAILY PDm \fAN'I' ADSI .. ----.. ..:• __ - - -. ------~--------~-- • • • \, ' • " ' I •-1• DAILY PILOT M<ndq, -.,. 26. 1909 , Jilmii~OiuL:ijiiRiEE~NTi'iAU!::=::::--::1rk~~ ... TALS ~INtALS UAL ISTATI UAI. ISTATI .IUJINISS .... H...., Unfvmllhed Apll. fumlJiod .ARI!.. U..fv~ ·-.1 -•I flNANCIA\. # • 1705 N•--•---• -4100 Coste ,,._. 5100 1-., , omr '4l!l0 , ~ ":;:m;;tc;;;;~itr;~ -,....., ~ ••-.;.Cos-'-to_M_•_..•---~ ' ' -~ 6100 -~ 6300 11, A C..,00. llO'xlllO': I;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;:;:;;. wk Nill< ...... booue: -'ble BIB $30.00 • up HARBOR MART'fii9NT VIW LOT ~TE ' ().1 or M·I _, $4,000 dn. 4 ...,_,., 3 balloo uni..... • Day, ...... moolh. · HOUSE ...,.NOY SU,,L Y flkr· 615-C581: Gt--'1161 Rn. lahfd. Yearly .. S37S/month. •Studio A Blch. Apt.I. GREENS ROUTI sh 0 w n by appoinlme.'nt • Incl Ullll le Phone ae.rv. Primo Westside location Excelltot bulldlnc a!t. for (No Selli,.: lnYOl'l'lld) AENTALS PleaK call Mr, Arthur. 1 • Mald SeMce. TV 1vall 12 Unit.a, 2 Bedrooma each custom bome.·Locat.d ln c:t. Excellfnt &neome .jar few Housel furnished 8o & Ilea h e Now c;.i. I< e... BACHELOR UNFUJiN. -...... , lirable .,.. o1 Lquna. boun ---~or Y -C 2316 N._rt Bl•d. 548-9~ ..__m $110 · Nicoll< landao;opod 110,000. SUblolt t er.m 1. ..,.-•-). Re""'-A col· lbtfltals to Share 2005 le1lty, Inc. nv 100% Occupied ~ ·-____ _.-• 901 Dovtr Dr., NB 51.lHc 126 * V.111• ~om~ Apts. Al-50 AYAILABLE ,, SJ.36,000 Stuart 1 Robblrw J\.elltori 5ect1nc JI1U1-=7, ltom com op-or laitY-to ahare our ~~ _ Eves, &42.:J.287 Costa Mesa a Mwe1t A mott I • 2 Is 3 BDRM., Cill: Jlm O>bb ertted dllpeneen Jn O:.t& lowly 3 Bi' ~· Kit priv 6' =~ luxurious. fu.rn. 1 & 2 BR. Heated Pools, Q:UlctCare 1 ft.2 l.DT Lla\IDa &.di. CQ) Mes& A aurroundlaiir art&. ""' •wuhlns. $1.IXI r· Nice loc, apt.I. Adulta only. No pets. C.enter, Adj. to Shopjllne _ aq,. n, .Nr beach A lhopa: We ee:t., route. ,(Handin CM. &b-3167 AtANAGINGincomepropef"b' 1760PomonaAvt.,Justaouth No peta allowed· , $20,000. Owurr {1JC) name bran'd' 'candy &: ' Whlddv•; W•nt? Whoddye Got? I "'""··•~ t •-t of '"tb s• -n -I "--36.>2254 «write D.uy Pilot snacka), ,$1450 Cub requiro-JRt. 26 wantf. roommate s a .... , .... .,.. ... a ""'' -':-;;;;;"====== ~•vv i-""terson ~&:¥. at nar Box ¥-321 , Q•\lh cood mo J> and nice Give w; a call. , . ~ bor & Adaroa, O>sta Me.a · ed. For penonaJ interview apt w/pool. w,., \\1e'll n\ane.ge, yo11 rest. Newport Blach 4200 l'!!!J!l!l!!J!!!!!i546-03~~70-!i!!!!!!!!!'J C-2 planl. 16 apts or 3> unit in o,.ta~l uoo,' Ol<nd SPECl.Al CLASSIFICATION FOR NATURAL llORN SWAPPERS $1SN.tlon•I oomate PROPERTIES WEST I~ tn!?tel, remodel pr~1eot ~e···u1"~--I mom· . Spoclol Rohl ' 5 LI--S tlMOI -S bucks •ULEI -Al) MU&T INCLUOE 1028 Bayskie Driw SINGLE YOWlf Adulta Lu:ic-LARGE Bachelor~ -c r p t 1\, ~ for bualneu bargain. uci-to na ~te nc., 5015 1 }ll Rent! 31aft! 673-ll66 Newport Beach ury prden apt• with c::oun-drps, blt-1.ng, 00 pew, ~l '!!!!!J!!!~!!!!!i!!!l!!!~!!!!!!!!!~J '~536-3552===j======: E. bnpertal Hwy., Downey, 1-Whlf -1ww f9 trHt. '-'Nlltot Y9'I -I 1111 trtlllt. 675-4130 try club atmosphere and Mendou. sc:;..5421 I~ _Cal_•:· ~902<1==~=~-I .~YOUA ,._ .,,.,.. ........ ...... 11M1 of ..SVlrtlllnlo N_,i U.och 2200 ~~~!'!!'!""~~~I romploto privacy. SOUnt =======:oj<-·2 BR units l mile lnlm Acr-6200 FRIGID AIU ......OTHINO. FOii 6ALR -TR,AOE$ ONLY! "' BAY CLUB APTS. lrvlno at Newport a •• ~ 5200 Dim>eylaood. 148."10. Terrtlk JET ACT,.IOf'I PHONE 642.J67t FOR LEASE · -Beaulilul OCEANFRONT-LoWly 3 BR, 16th Newport Beach. ~" flnanclJlc. $37 Baytront 4 Br. hou se 2 BA + Family Room. $375. (Il.f) 645-0550 I A'ITRACTIVE 3 ~ 2 "-$256/ 6,L~'TOO ht TD, ' ...a..i. ... ,_ U in _._.. II To Pl1eie Your Tr.Ur't P•radlM /44 w/docl<. Summor. ru>tol " 833-al!7 """-• -mo., n Int • "' SOUTHERN CAL .... -. m · .,_ MESA VERDE will oomJdcl. year lcasc.1-=========~IYEARLY rental, Oceanfront. elec bit-ins, w/w cpl$, drps, accelen.Uon cost.. Income the 1uteat in the~ FAIRWAY LOT •-,1 loca. llon. 642-4062.. Un iversity Pork 3237 ,..wly fumiahed 2 Br. trpk,•IOP'lnbo.ichl24Con $504/ono.). nlf" owner apl CATTLE RANCH !O Frlal<lalns do·lhe Want· lnd111•••• '°"""" """ yrly Jse. 675-55<H 7Sx131' lot. CO.ta Meaa-Npt Approximah!Jy 360 acres of ,cl 41J, 30 mill. waahen. F1nd dal. income';.,.'? submii DOVER :Ts : ·~ f r1° n 1 YEARLY Leue-3 Bdnn. &. ~1~~":'~~ no~~~ \YATERF.ft.ON.J', upper, . 3 RJcy. 64fl..6666, SU-2221 level to rolliqJ land in River. ou.t how euy it ii to OW11 to owner M2-4n5. :=:· 70' rPrivate ' = ~~e~ ~t~~ :::: $2'1S. mo 615-lS24, 644-4234. ~~~.1~~~. coo~ Business R•nt•I 6060 :: ~ ne:m_ ne:.. ~G~nta Ana, 3 BR. 3 ·BA, lam-din rm., ·$1500. mo. on yrly l11e. all electric kitchen. double STEPS 10 heh, mod 2 Br, "11 £?5-Zl51 Jftllflre t A pk 1y Tustin, Oranp, Anaheim covered patio, finished gar- 213/780-5013 or 213/78; oven, table top stove; near bit-ins, frp!C, beam celg. ========= STREET FRONTAGE ot ~s. ~ , o Coln•O Matlic age, dishwasher, laundry, I~· yrly .,. pe•· c-•· ·-0 "" h Bl·" 1._ Sq Ft. water. This lll Wondrrful ,_1 _,_,_,_ UCI. shopping center, Sao "41• ' ''" -.,..... n --rac vu ...,,,, ...... c sp,· .. uuo:n Trade tq Coron• ~el Mir 2250 BR, 2 Ba + convt den + fam nn, dbl gar., gar&ner . furn. $32S mo yrly be. Days I 6f2.;3582, ' e v e i 61J.2.J57, '""""" Huntington BeaCh 2400 ALL Mobile Home. ideal for couple or · one person. S150 mo. 644-al33 aft 5: 30. Summer Rent•l1 2910 ly. 642-.3400 East Bluff 5242 hlodel ho ki al I . . country wilh easy acceaa. EqulPmMt,· Inc, for trlr car or ? ? 531-5250 Diq:Q Fwy., pam .It poo~ me e or lOIUJ'., HAI 2600' ol frontage oo pav-233C~ W. Valencia 1---''--'----Weekends or weekdays after · 4250 e NEW DEL:UXE 'e Rltr., etc. <Bet. Katella and ed road. wiil sell or trade 5 p.m. By OwDer 833-2027 Coron• chi M-r 3 Br. 21,.t ba apt, for lea'.le . ~errltos) s 1 g n s..~pd.,: $11'.m. per acre, For .1urther Fullertol}. 7,lf: 525-7833 TOWNHOUSE 3 Br. 2"' ba. OCEAN side Hwy. 2 Br, Incl. spae, m,str. suite, din $250 mo. l0850 Beach Blvd. infonnation ca I I Glenn CANDY SUPPLY Beaut. appt'd. Priv, patio. lrplc, w/w ,.....ts, walk to rm. & dbl glrage, auto. • 636-4l20 • Thompoon, ROUTE pool! ; nr, bay, Val $32,~; _, 1n..... , orT.O.,car,camperor .•. , shops & bch. Adulta, no door opener avail. Pool "& WISll to rent 20 x 60' SJ?Rce Eckhoff & Assoc,, Inc. ~-...-.·or Fllll Tlmel Owner ~ NEW, 3 Bednn 21 Bath, Den pets. 540-3864 rec. area. Nr. Catholic Wt catering business. 213: 1818 w. Chapman Ave, Excellent Income for few hrs. 1-~.°'""====~.,.- Elec. Kit. Fencd Yd. C}'pt., I ""=========-I Church &-sc~ & Corona 79l)..G344 or R. Hohm, 901 Orallle Calif. weekly work (day1 or eves) 58 CHEVltOLET V-8 Drapes, Pool Membership. Huntington Buch 4400 de\ Mar High. Foolhill, LaCana.da -541·2t:i21, Eves-~ S3S-6127 refllllnc le collecting money WORTII $250. M ...... "Cal. ltmmt (2J.3", ·,ii"u""'o2 $300., • ONLY $260 • from coin operated dispen. TRADE FOR MOTOR- QUIET & BEAUTIFUL 837-871 Anilg'os Way, N.B. Office lentil 6070 Laaiuna Beach &en ·In C.osta Mesa & sur-CLEqFEQUALVALUE Adults only, 2 Br, ulil pd. ======~==;j--;:-;-::;-;:;-;:-':::-::-:::7'-'l 7 ACRES W/ roundin&: areu. No aelllng, 9684614 Pool, S200. AillO single $150. Corona ~•I .Mir 5250 L'AGUNA BEACH PERMIT IH.andles name brand citndy HAVE: 'rl inbkl Cabin 3250 3238 Corona del Mair 2 BR, 2 Ba + convt den + o:-; FO"-" •• ....,.."._ Adjacent subdiviS&on one .....,,,_.. F . he-• _11 1 •, _,. 17676 Cameron. 847-2125 tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~--~·1 Air Conditioned TO KEEP HORSES 1. .6Raclrs). $1650 total cub Cruiser, trtr, 200 hp V-8, tam rm. dbl gar., gardener FURN 2 bdrm apt, ~'" .-.:.nu.co mile E of b W ·-" .... "' .... cv. orpe!'IOnaJm~:.-... ......... ey, aps ~ ... J.p. Balboa Beach Units. · ... .,,. Desk spaces available ID • wy, U ••ow. view in your Area, &end WANT: Eq. in bse, Jot, in-- 2 f furn. S325·1n9 yrly lse. Days Downtown Htg Beach. Avail ~.,, $42 000. J,i ........ '" hi.I lit trust =~ !u c;;;::r 6'12-3582, e v e s. 673_2457, June ht. Call 536--2877 neweet citiot bWldinc at ' --.. name, ~ & phone nwn-come prop, 546-2011 m--0635 n, prime location In downtown ~ ~ ~: =.a ~ to: l2 M·l abops in 2 tilt-up . 315 E. ·Balboa mv., Balboa ~~--~--~-·I Garden Grove 4610 Laguna Beach. Air coa:lf. ' · R0l1I'E DEPARTMENT" bldgs on· Placentia, C.M. BR. 2 BA. !be fenced yd. 2 BR., cpts, d~pes, .stove. ON TEN ·A~ tlcmed,. carpeted. beautitul FOR Sale or will trade for P .O. Box 2938, Value $1SO <m. Trade part Gardener & util included. Ga.rage. 1 Child OK. $195 SINGLE Young Adults Lux-1 &: 2 BR. Furn .r. Unfunll papeled putttkminc. Two Orange Co. income. 2llt A. Anaheim, Ca.Ufomia 92804 for propert).. Balance? 'Avail 6ns. $350 Mo, 1.10., lease. 534-7558 ury garden apta with coun-Frplcl / prlv. patios/Pool!: en!rancel: Fnmtap OD so ~ l!£met near RanchD *LITE MANUFACT* Call owner 548-lS42 *64Z--020'7* 2 &: 3 ·aDRM houses. $250. try club atmosphere and TennlJI. Cofttnt1 Bkfst. put. Forest Ave., ~ Jeadl to Cali.fonna ll4-684-1300 Need man to handle manu-Mo·-pa•~nts , __ ~· to up. !of c Le od.Qevidence complete privacy. SOUTH ting gret>n. ~unclpal .~ lotL $50 f ctuti dept ,_ mold ,... ""' .. .., .. uo:\.I * 2 BR apt, idp!I 6. Nr Broker 675-6044 BAY CLUB APTS. 13100 900 Sf.a Lane, CdM 644-26ri per month tor IJllC... ~ Lak~, ·. ,62,02 a ng .wr ed , hair to bath easily wilh · =~ 312 3.1,rd S.t .. NB. !=========I CHAPMAN Ave., Garden and chairs tYallable tor $5 pro:lucts. Start immediate-Hoyer Hydrolic Wt ($575 ..,,.r-.... Grove ITI4) 6J6..3030 · IMacAJ'Qlur nr Coast Hwy) · · ' ly, Exp not nee, will train. w). Trade for chai~ an- Leguno Nlguel 3707 J~~!!f!JilJ!!i!\!" ~-~II =::-•=I• "i;:°'i: llAKE·T!LSINORE NaOonal =pe. 115,000 in. ti...,, rutu. 5<6-9358 · /lCN f AL::i HouMS Unfurnished k;onorol 3000 LOOKING FOR A CHANGE We have e 3 Bedroom and a l .f Bedroom for iease at $180 1 with built-Ina, carpcla and . drapes, Do 9-ti l e Garage, Fenced. Call: • WE SELL A HOME , w:ik~~M&Ui:;~ ' EXEC residence .. _ 3 Br. 2 Laqun• a .. ch ,. •-. •10s 1s~: ~~.2 Bbft:;:·2 2 ~ All utillt!M Paid ucept 20. AAw!c'ili, li:aUrihii_"'walnut ~e:!n~ ~ ~ ~ Dupleit, top toe. Newport BL, bltns, d sh w hr. · .'-I'~•, 1 to Sid b . telept.one. ' tree&,wtdi rtifJo~)treet tront. ..,,ual •ha"r· of p-•rtsww"'•h aeach; 2 BR. & l BR. Val, crpf/drp. Beaut view $300. 2 BR, near .beach,· view, sp· art"· Drp •&· Yc-s!~eNO"ClrhUigd. DAILY PD.DI' {lie,~-~ to dis-,·;:_,.,, 'tur •• 12 •. 000 w... $41,500. Take late model car 83&-5750, 542--12.lS avail Jun, Ju1, 4\lll .. Vecy-· s p.... 0 c 222 FORE.S"r AVENUE ~1..-m~· ex~~\+terins. ·~ re n "• or&. T.D.'s for equity. Near new Autonetlcs nice. $295 mo • .f94..4925 or pets. Avail Ju1y 1st. LAGUNA BEACH "'-~ Pl'!"f. rtotn,ooo TrY 16% tnm'e per year. For a,ppt Newport Bea h Rlty fi?S.1642 New 2 B'"', ~BA $2'25. ''N~l~CEL=~y~·F=u-r-n.~2~B=R~,~,~.BA~l1 i..,.,~~~210. Call after 6 pm. .....l·-'· ~ ;_ ~(; .6% loan phone 213: 433-4468 Ext. 100 D I r--'ta M f °' $175 yrly, gas/wa(er pd. AU · ..-•. -..M FOr' ~ri .'IDtdn1~Uon call HARDWA "E up ex, >.-<m esa; or Beach, golf, pool prlvileges 5. 538-2095 ' PRIVATE nuu:_ ,,·' I{ \V ''S an f"'A more unilB, Coastal area as Avail Ju~ 15., No pets. Huntington .Buch 5400 VI~~ ~._._r.,,m .:J..;a .. ·: _ _: '1 STORE far as Manhat1an Beach, 644-4700. --~!l;lllTI • ---., nc. • FORTIN co. 642-5000 ~========·I Din• Poo"nt · 4740 Secretarial st?rvlce, air con. 1818 w "Cha · A H B h -Exc1"ti"n11 L·v· " · pman "'· unt1n-eac 1101·• w"'1tl1tt 0r .• NB San Clemente 3710 -SP_A_Cl_O_US __ 2_B_R_'_•_Lrg_ In ncw··apts.':111 ~=:. 2 =~c:m~k Blct:. ~~~~~~ 8000 sq_ ft~·;~ shopping TRADE equity in '65 Ford CUS'T0}.1 3 BR 2 bath patio, enclosed gar. AdullS bedroom _ 2 bath. 230 E. 17th Street center. Lots or parking. Good Country Squire Waa;on for cpts/drps.Seaview only. Show anytime. $140 to $195 Costa.Mesa· 00-1485 . will has been built overcash&:eeonomycary,"Orth $260/mo. 403 E. San Juan 496-3670 Swim . pool sau OFF1CE SPACE WANTED, Exch .... l ·R. E . 6230 period of· 44 yein_ Fin. $300l400. Call 538-8669 or •:is Tha~ Van &: '59 Sta· 1ion waaon. $150 v • 1 u e ea.ch. TRADE for power tools, oxy-acet outfit, or marine hardware. 546-1031 Six Unit-apartments, High. land Pk. 7 yrs old., bullt- im. air-cord, cpfs, drp11. Will trade 1 ror lot in ach Cities. 213-~1210 TRADE Sallboa: . Value $300, good condition, Far pool table, dirt bike, or oflice equipment. Call: 545-5107 Lake Armwtiead waterfront free & clr, $50,000 val. Pa-., cific PalisadC1 ocean w Jot. free & clr, $27,500 val. Want: Income. Bkr. 5e77ll San Clemenle Income 2 stores -2 lots 2 olficcs 2 Apts • Will take TD'1 or smaller property, Make oil· er. Call _ 494-3262 P/U truck, sailboat, cadil- lac w/air, & CB radio. Want: Van w/wndws,. if possible. Boat, gas dryer or ? call aft 6 pm. 66«1n JOO ACRES, clear. $35,000 Equity, Wantinoomepro~ erty, Please submit oUers • Art Giovinetti, Realtor 673-7420 16 Prime income unill in choire loc.; xlnt renlal rec- ord; $75,000 equity. Trade up fur units pr ? ? BOYD REAL TY 675-59Jo 4 Units Yucca Valley, eood year-round income. Will lrado for house or trailer + cash for S18,000 eq, Bal owing $10,090. 675-6937 Duplex, Balboa Penlnlula. 3 Bdrm. & 2 Bdnn., value $47,500. Trade equity for T.D.'s. &: ! ? 7~ F.clinger 842-4455 or 541}.5140 Open Eves. (Il4l 544-t294 ~ RENTALS recre&~ roo~ gym, na, sales rep. building produclB p,' . . ...;.. 'Probl ., a..U. 1 _633-__ 754-'1·------ RENTALS Apts. Unfurnished General Electri<.Applianoc•. oo ""'""'to !lOO "I ft. nr • ope.,, em, BRASHEAR REAL TY "* Apll. Fuml1hed Adufl• only. Orange Co. A Ir Port M~7~-853~l~~Eveo~~-~536-~2!23~1.~*""!!!!!~*•!!!!!!•*•!!!!!!~*~!!!!!~*~l!!!!!!!!!!!il General ' 5000 Lo I" ht A . w/ph:lne answel'lllg &: C0111t..+o-coast BEAUTY Shop. Leue with Newport Beach Rlty 67S.1642 RMAL execu. 3 BR. 2 BA. Enter over water + heated pool. P\ne fountains, prv. court yrds. Beautif ly , landscp'd & lighted. $325. 673-7449 General 4000 --------mp llJ er pts. '""tarial..,,,,.. "'ailabJe. Computer Motching option to ..... Fullj, equip. BUSINESl ...., ANNOUNCEMENTS • RENT • 16102 Spriogdalo Sl Call D. Moffat 213, IJ66.3122. ped. 4 be<lroom -· 2 FJNANCl~t .;. ond. NOTICES HOLIDAY PJ.AZA 3 Room1 Furniture Phone 592-542! !lofODERN" Spacious., pro-Exc ban a:eyour"OON'T bath!. like' new. Bkr . J,:•;, "!''r" · • " ' .,. DELUXE. spacious l-8drm. e.10. $25 & UP fessionaJ oHices for rent on WANT" tor 10methlng )'OU 6t2-6l15 "· ; ~ W ·:...... _ _. . .r:150 Personals 6405 Furn. apt. $135 Plus util. ~ Santa Ana , 5620 Mo. basis. Avail 8/1/69. want. 'Can attept 5 more "' ,~ ) r 1----------1 Heated pool. Ample parking Month-To-Month Rcnlals Contact Mr. Lapp, Downoy clients. Maney to Loin 16129 ti·,"' ~"(·.,.. · FREE! No children -No pell WIDE SELf!trlON * 2 BR. 2 BA Garden apts. EXCELLENT 12 Very clean. Adu1!.s prel S & L Assoc, Mis51on Viejo. Call !or appointment lat le 200 loans for ''-'.lck , . $ ,000. no.le MI. from bch, bet. 2 shop'g I ctn. 4 BR, 2 BA, nfccl. yd, , w/w cptg, fpl. Glenmar. $250 mo. Lease. Alt 6 P!\I 963-45<! 1965 Po~ CM Appliances &: TV'1 avail. 54&.IS2S 837-4911 o. D. ''Bill" Cole cu:h. Bomiw on yo "'"' Oll Joca.l·:mott\lllfi, .interest $100. 1 Br front duplex, HFRNoc~·~·~Re"°o"t'.,, 3345 NE\VPORT BLVD. Real Ettate Couna:elpr,. perty eq without d~~ ~ payable mellthly at ll:W WW Basic Bo•fing Classes garage. Avail -now. Broker r w•'-' .... ,. w ,.. I 548-4841 ~1: no~n · sell note fJ. •20%•\dilc.\1Unt Offered to the public 534-6980 517 \V, l9th, CM · S48-348l i..oast1 5700 Offices suitable for Com-. · ~ yqur low interest 1st ~ and wW .buy back,· At full by the Balboa Pow,. 90. J Br, fenced yard aU util pd, Avail by qreemcnt. : &oker. 534-6980 1568 w. t.,nclll. Anhm 77~00 m.ercial, Medical, ))(Jntal R. ~ W ..____.__ _ ,,. .. ,. AJso buyers for 2nd TDL nl 1n 18 , Ttus will Sq d . $130. l Br. nicely furn. util Ocean front Apls Air-cond., crpts, elevator ~ att.-.. ~ ll"'IV Sattler Mortpp eo tnc.. · ue mos. er ua ron starting pd. Close lo beach. Broker $122.50 l Br, good loca.Uon. . .. 35c PER SQ Jo'T SelVing Harbor Area ·20 ·>1"· 31.eld ~.5,~ fn1. in J8 mo's. 7 P.M. Monday June 5.14-698() All ulil pd. Avail 6/5. S4l-5032 OR 61s-2464 URGENTLY 'WANTED 3 or 336 ·E. 17U. St Fi.na~al s tat c m_..en ts 2, NewpOrt H 3 r b 0 r Broker 534-6980 New • Deluxe 4 Bedroom, GI/FHA tract '"~"2ln ~~ .. ...,... available. Wlile to•!kix 1464, y •t Cl b 720 W 1 ACCOUNTANT wishes to ex-house ,,_. .,.........., .... Newport _Btlch, C&lit. acu . u , es Cost1 Mesa 4100 $145. 2 lge Br, l ~ii Ba. RIO (714)536.4616 change services for ofUce * 714:894-4743 * "NEW 2nd LOANS ,AR.I-~~~~----Bay Ave., Ne~rt .;..;.c......:..c.:.:..:; ___ .;..;._I refrig, new cpts &: drps. (714) 536-1487 space, airport area, NB. BUSINESS nd RANGED" Top ca&h for RESPONSIBLI-; party wanlc; Beach. En r o 11 at $!25: LARGE l·Br .. clean. Bkr. S34-69IKl I •=co.,.==.----\Vrite Daily Pilot Box M-• aeuoned 2Bh $5,IXXI 2nd Mortgage for oWn class. For additiOnal quiet: adults. Beaut. furn. REAL ESTATE 329• FINANCIAL .r.1• .~, •k . residence, Laguna Beach. Nr. mkrs. Washcrfdryer, Cost• Mesi 5100 Gen•r•I --r.. 494-8456 ifter 6 P.M. information p h D·D e • 2 Br, garage. relrig. garage: 1920-0 Wallace. CM. --------N.B. STUDIO. SP a c Io us, 8u1. Opportvniti• 6300 DESlGNER.BUILD~ A.NNOUNCtMENTS 67S-0467 or 673-1855. 1 BR, new, beaut f\u'n. .ltlo. 10 VERY .f.'lean 3 BR 2 baths, Rent1ls W•nted 5990 furn, panelOO w/ lav tac. Business ~tlon ~ r;quJp. and· NO.TICES LICENSED M $l50 ACIW l 2220-newly 'pa I n1t e d, Wfw . Will sublet mo to mo. MAN &: WIFE, cook & Estab, 10 yn. &!boa • • El~cn. 645.~1 ~~-Y· carpt'!IS, drapc11, 2~~ car COLLEGE Prot & wile want 642-9657 waitress team for complete Island. 673-5500, eves Found (FrH Ads) 6400 Spiritual Readings, advice garage. Mesa Verde area. lococc 2JBr f~ aApt cl1ose~o1 DELUXE Office in Costa contro~ o1 kiteben a: diniilg 673-l55t on all matters, llB s. El Avail li/15. Broker SM-6980 , osta Mesa 3100 1 BDRl-1 furn apt. laundry, UX}/mo. AgL 5'16-4141 , unc ~ ug • r10.: 1500 t (33<) A' rm 111 Newport ·Beach ==="""'~--~-FOUND KEYS . park. Camino Real, San Oemente edults. 687 Victoria, Apt 4. pool & air cone!. Call or Mesa, sq t · tr restaurant Call Mr Gaynor FOSTER'S Freeu: 11 t ore, . : vie tng 492-9136. JO AM-10 PM FREE RENTAL SERVICE S48-.fil38 LARGE 2 BR, 2 BA, 2 sty, \\Tile; R. s. Bidleman. cond. Crpts & drps. 548-6751 days 675-4200 ar' eve 11 high traffic loC nr hi 11ehol, lot ot Wet Seal, 17~h St., SPECIAL $2 READING bit-ins. cpt.c; & d r P s. Laney College, 10001 3rd 300 Sq. Ft. Office .. A .... ~,. I•• p I• a'' n t park &-lake. Relirlll&". ~a Mesa. Identify & A • oT example, S bedrOOm• 2 baths $225.00 per mo, can REDECORATED Upstain 2 ~~~1~~~1 \•1elcomc. $ 15 0. A~, Oakland, Cali!. (4I5) CX>STA MESA 646-2130 ........v"'I'°-"'-· ..... .. 633--MOO claim ttract1ve Expert bdrm apt. $150. Appt only. ...........,,,. ..... .-. YOUNG WOMAN * 646-6001 * 834-5740 BUSINESS Services in cen-"Bffr Bar-Sant• Ana MEN'S bifocals tortoise shell dancer will teach you all 2 BR • 2 BA Studki. Drapes, OOCl'OR'S family needs Industrial Prop. 6080 traJ Orange Co. f-.e-tar'-'. Full price $3000, frames. Vic. bvine & latest ste,.. Cal! A~-" SUMMER Rental Bach Apt. l Adult. Util. pd. No Pel."i, $75 month 548-8328 ""lio. Adults. <2131 592-5m J ...... ..... \"alout c M 64' -·~ ''" home N.B. or CdM, uly ls1. . telephone answering, direct * 675-3131 * ·Y ' • • .-o:uo. 213: 591-4538 1·10 PM _0_r_54_8-tl30 __ 1 ______ 1 3 or bdr & den yearly, $250 Ml· LEVEL kl~ in Prime mail, mimeograph. etc. WANTED: olf-ule liquor E'OUND L.adies prescription ========= ' ORANGE COUNTY'S DELUXE 2 Br studio, crpls, lo $300. 673-3001. Mfg area. 1571ili x300 with 2 Well established Con 'd lfcenae, Oran-County, sun glasses. Near beach in Announcements 6410 Nice 2 Br. $140. drps, pool, preter 1 child ===""'""'~..,---,-I bdr hse & 2 car gar. 865 \V. ' si er .. ~ Laguna 494-3908 I LARGEST 1613 Santa Ana Ave, over 10 yrs. 64&-0-100 WANTED 3 Br. home in 17lh St Costa Mesa Call merger. Would be good base Call: &12-8139 • * TIIE COIN CHEsr· M2 7279 543-8572 Nwpt vi<a about June 15th. (213) 861_7660 · for insuran~, mutual funds DOG, Mixed w Ith English * ' -or cvrs. REDECORATED 2 BR. blt· lo $350 mo. Xlnt refs. 213: or bookkeeping. Bro k e r Money W1nted 6350 Seller, Vic. Old Newport & Rare coillll, sets, mall acc. Mo....,CELLO DIAL dlm:t 642-5678, Charge Ins, refrig, new crpts, drps. 249--3006 aft May 27th. Commercial 6015 tn4) 6+6-4144 15th st. 642-3848 tion, etc. 741 S. Coast,, La. , 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 1 n 11 yoor ad, then sit back and No pets. 56-0760 ONE BDRM Unfurn Apt. for WOOD Working shop,~ sq WANT $10,000 AT 10"/• guna. Bch, 494-5585. ll'OI WNHOUSE. OlOOSe from listen to the Phone ring! SPLIT Level 3 Sr. 2% Ba. employed lady up t 0 fL Good ioc:ation, small ti). Substanl1al client will gUar-Lost 6401 SERVICE DIRECTORY 1' resale homes from $1400 RENTAL)> Crpts, drps. bit-Ins. No $110/mo. 64~ FOR LEASE vestment required. Wrlte antee. Call Attorney 547.SJ79 ~~------- dow .... ,., I -======~""'°". = 3 Mo female puppy small n. 2..J & 4 BRs, adult or .. LApts. Unfurnished pets. 2885 Mendoza ............... . 3100 sq fl 1:"8.!)lgC ffidg. on P:O· Box P 487 Daily Pilot DAll.Y Pll.OT WANT ADS! black & tan. ~~ German flimily 1 e c t i o n s. OPEN Rooms for Rent 5995 Harbor Blvd. ~ double doon, 'HOUSf!: DAILY 1 • 5 PM at Cost1 M... 5100 Cost• Mesa 5100 . . $6CKl Per Month. Broker Bus. Opporfunftles QOO&us. Opportunities 6300 s~pherd. &U-l292 ltl Yorktown .. acro.q from 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. ROOf\1: for ~nt, nice quiet 675-6591 491-7161 'eves. ~~~~~iiiii~~iiiii~~iiiii;iiiiii~~~~ Po-ols ,. •• Dub llowe 4 or call 541).llS] home. Woriung P e:,so n. • '-°'·=-='"-----'~= for sale or l'l'lllal Wanna-Kitchen privs. 642-4~ C-2 00 x 177. 1 BR house A ·tior\ Herltap Real Estate. HOME-Like. pkg. tel., TV. -comm'I. bldgs. $28,700 $4,IXXI .WAll'JB) CONSTRL!'110N JUST COMPLETING sso mo.+ food il ,...d. lalt •do. ""' 1<;; 11.000 dn. ba1. Bdrm. .carpets, dnpes, .. Linden Pl. C.M. Ll s-.8207 6% 557 Pltuner CM. &f6.149'J ~nqWly , decoraled, , fl e 11 r :J eves. _ !, llChooll,. church & Mopping puait Home. 5991 150'xl50' COAST BL v D. ~~.;~~1 :~'t.:;;i. ';.\~.':':: HARBOR HEIGHTS our HAVE A >ACANCY will CORNER. oomm<reiol bldg. _, give loving care to Indy or + duplex. Sec owner 20S4 S. • nn SIA~_ 3 bt. l1l5-New man ifl my Jlcenro::I home, Coast H"'Y· Laguna Beach. • ~~ ~ LUXURIOUS 2 & 3 BEDROOM APTS . c M ""7206 4'1-..m l' cpta, drps. gar. Jal A last · · area . .,.,..,... l;oO<";,-.,-......,,.,-~--'" d ·' J•"'•; "'··--•· 5 FORSa l e-C hoicecom-1'"UI eposit. ~ _...,., Misc. Rent1ls 999 mc-ial Joos ~m ·~.ooo. !Aeenl' 6.f&..7171 , • F1repl11tt1 • SJ)llcl,ous cabinets D ·:-r1u _. '.B;R; prap, po.*:. ~ta.. , : ~i=~~~er master • ~:!r~~ut1~ttlerli CARPORT &. storage locker ania Realty Co. 64~ 'dJt!:s, •love, ntfrlc. "Troillcal bedr'OOntS Vl(.inily La Salle & Mil!&ion, I d t . I R t I 6090 1,IM'ttine for adulta.·1 Blk to • 2 BathrnorM •Balanced power llving C.M. $5/mo. 545-5271) n us r1• en I !~Pl-$lrb. rM-4180 e Central forced •Enclosed parklni: GARAGES for rent. Costa FOR lease Laguna Nigut.l, ARTISTIC unfurn 2 BR air heatine • Carpett A: drapes Mesa.. Near OCC. $2{1 pu qff San Diego f'wy at Crown rduplx, encl paUo. hr llDl'H. mo. 962.SOOO Vallty,~ ne1v commercial I r•NO peta.. fl5(). 6'75--2942 &fl 4 lndU5trisJ units. Della Eloo. S BDRM C!liJtom home, Back ~ Income Property 6000 tric. Days • 331-1400. E~s .• ...._ Fom rm, • i... HARBOR HEIGHTS O~I' Money Machine ~:i,~ ""'°"'"" , rm 01-flplo. ""'· Mo. Look at this l11Vt'5tment: nee in N.B. $95. Yard sp. Rcnl1.l Maneccr--Mn. Chrislicnsen cam-~ 1 B 11 d I I -" •••3-• bilClJiliV& J:lomt f BR, 2 """n.:ia u n ti n av .... ....,.... ·-· lBA. bfbl ~rn. O\'l'1I A 100':0 location Det.r 17th FOR lea1e 9c n new ind~ r~· .. J:BI mo. SlW56.'I 31 t7~ Cinnamon Ave., Costa Mese gtfttt Ir N~ Blvd. The trial bklc~ m' -.. ft. l'39 tenant pays YoU S400 moolh· l.tom-<Ma CM. rJS.9017 J;,. Verde 3110 (1 block wnt of Harbor Blvd. ly, $35,950 full price. OwncrJ.===='=====· 2 blocb IOGlb ot the San Dlcao Frffwa.y) will CAJTY first trust deed. Lott 6100 I t)t. tmJ, 6 2 Bl. eloc bh-l"'.ood tttum. Good Joeatlon. 1'-"'""------- .bil • cflabwuher. Bel( kicli,. Good bulldlna. o.u Mr. :a /\DJ. 10~: nX>m tar ll tJ,67i; Will maim IOIM famU7 l\t'l'ulcr or Mr. Ferguson ·un1tt1. 333 £;. 21st St., Colt.a r\'m:Y hl»P>'-J.M. $225 or Iv PhoM ~103' t(l(fay, S.l&.2313 hteAA. Owner ifM..MT2 eve. '4tion. ())me A dik"lm DfiPLEX $55.000 6~~ in-M-1 lot. good C. ?if_. b:aOon. .....,...,,.~, C: te.m1. 514 Funleat, CdM. 50 •x aoo. Baraafn Jl3,500. ontr. S. <!f hwy. 675-GQ.t.t Broker. Solllvan MM161 .t • ' CANDY SUPPLY ROUTE Man or woman to restock new type cOin dis- pensers with high qualily package candy products. NO SELLING! DEPENDABtf PWOll CAii EARN UP TO $800.00 A MOOH Part or lull time positions needed In thia area. Requires car, exchange of re(erences, $1450 to $2990 cash, 11t<ured by !nvenlory and equipment. Write for personal • Interview, giving phone number, to: STRATEGIC fWCHJSES DEPT. 25 500 Solltll Ertoy • Stllte 629 A Dallas, Te-75201 5 PEOPLE WITH AN OVERWEIGHT PROBLEM For research weight reduc. ina program to establish sta· tilitics ror rapid permanent weight loss. conducted by qua.lilied physlcaJ culturlsts. Applicllllta must be a mini· mum of 25 poUnds over- weight, have transportation I-not CUlTently under Doc- tor's cue. All Inquiries com- pletely oonfldtntiaJ. Weight control "'search now fonn. ................ ASK FOR MRS. TIIOMAS 531.,\412 CALL Ron Wood for a good ma.uage 11 the YMCA. :ml Urrlvenity Dr.. Npt Bch. 60-8990 « ~7214 COUPLES, singStg; lorll':ly! New In area! Join the IWlng to fun • pleasur. • 63.5-9291 • SAVE $$ton stJt 2 )T tntm. benhlp Holiday Heellh Spa. P!1 Pt:r. 61$-8507. * PLANE Tickel. L.A. to Fruldurt Gennany, July 131.h. $1«!. 54&-3829 Appli•nc• Repain Ports 6510 SUPREME Appliance Re. pair. Refrig, 1"8.Shi?n, dry. ens. Toa\. 546J363, 547-6691 e AUI'OMATIC WASHER REPAIRMAN ........ lo bysltting 6550 CHILD care, fend yard, lur>ehes. Vic Warner Ir. Sprindale, :'.B 846-0839. Olll.D Care in my home. vie Beach Bl\'d & Warner, HB. Xlnt cnre. 847-lal WILL watch children in my home days. Fountain Valley IU't'IL. 96U956. Brick, Mlsonry, etc. 6560 BUILD, Remodel, Repair Br;ck, block, concr •te,; apntry, no job too amall Lie Contr. 962-6943 Corpontorlng 6.190 I CARPENTRY MINOR REPAIRS. No Job , Too Small. Cabtnet fh p.r-o ages & o t h e r cabthets. !54&3175, U no ananw:r leawi mat at 646-23ft', IL . 0 , 1 Andet'IOn REPAIR. Part1tiona, SmJ.11 RenlOdel, etc. Nile or day, &aat C..11 KJi;N 54M679 ~SOC!< IT TO 'EM! -'-------------'------------u --''~-''"'"'""""'"--'~:cl ...... _·....!,....;'----""------------ -I -· Mor rt. 1'6'1 • ,..,;._ 'llllll'll:!:!OAIL~Y -!!!!i!!M! SlltVICI DIUCTOlY SIRVIC~ DIUCTORY JOIS & llMPLOYMINT JOIS I IMPLOY~ JOIS 1 IMPLOYMIN'I; JOIS & IMl'l.OYMINT JOIS & IMl'L --a •NT = lrfl C..J •••• ~ --.......... . .... l;lolp w-. Mon not Hoitt w--. -noo ""'• w-. Mon nao Hot,_,..,. _1llO..:,.. WMlod,. nOo Hel'."'."-:Hp""'.".W':"' ... -"-""".'""" ___ , .... w-,-I IUIPAlllS. .<LTEllATIONS ""'1oln. -I nllll-w.,,_ ,. w.n-7 ~~-I.Qr-~ Zlec. .....,. cleanla'a . lfRl4 S unwlll lt'tWIM • 1 14 ""' ~~ •• mobile ~UGH ES NOW HIRING * -~-~=~ ri.iiiliiiNG liieAJR llWPOIT MOTOllOME CORP. NEWPORT llACH • • * \ • !lo lob "° ....u No~ Interviewing NUile C-, Cw-· -" * M>JUf e * ILICTRICIAHS hb established a oew ptu. lb MoldlrW l>epartmen~ Immediate open!• are available Jar uptrieneecl ptn0nntl1 with tbermoeef tn.n&ft'r mold eJ:perit.Dce.i We need : ~ ;;;;;;;;x~. Wok .... ~ ~ .. ,, " 6'10 CLOTHING *MILL MIN ~-p;r_,._ ·· SALESMEN * CAltPINTIRS can -<> e ,lBT "°'Frio>-. lie, * CAllNIT MAKERS • Concm. ti( -• .., . = ri::m--LADIES. SHOE * WILDIRS eonc .. te It b1k top uwq. 'f! GINlllAL HILP ,...,, Don, _, s.Wt"!I 69!60 SALESMEN * LINOLIUM MIN *CON~_., -. * CARPIT MIN It )k;.' Cooaele uW.... ·~ • Al~ F1JL1, TIME . I • SUl'IRVISORS I .• -s•TUP M~N 1•' MAll'ITENANcl! PhlllJ-c.m.nt. ·--.. Cliotom -.-.,._._ &t6-"4l6 If. )'Oll have btt:n, :°! [ • cusroM PATl()S • .. * bntd to worldlw th ,......,. .. _ It remove1 Alterotlon1 ilG-5IU the ""'" dlen'"'- Slala Lie.·-N<o~ """"!''"· 20 1l'L eicp. -be. ,... wtlJ en. COfttroctws 662«! Upholltory "'° jO)' the exetlleht oppor-tunlUies aad company benefits a&red \'\& tbl!1e pomtlom. I"-'==~--..;.;;'-' I ADDrnl>NSUPAIRS l2Yl<OSKl'S Olst. Ubol. BJWl)IUNG. ., ~ Cratsmaneldp i>-la•c It P-r ,~oo~ 6:,IB~ Appt,; In ..,_ ooty "Kftrhere.Bdls. etc. __.. ... ,..,._.. InttrvitWt Mt :ean U PM U.'4.lt -..... ..t. .IOIS A IMl'LOYMINT #1 FASHION ISLAND A It 'B OOllSTRUCl'IOlf 1121 -QI ..... w-. Mon 1llOO : "' llewporter 11!11 O..rtlmo . Doy Shift Eloellf:nt r r 1 nae ~filll, life inainnoe, paid holJdl.ys, etc. • .&PPLY IN PERSON 3121 Nowpert BM!. Coito' Meu, Collf.-• -S • (Doys I NIF11l MEN •1 Ol'lltATDltS I ! r ~ are On all ahU't&. Am in penon or mend ,.. awne to: HU~HES NEWPORT BEACH rlr56-4Ml* ~ REAL F.st:tte ~ wuta ADDITIONS, r • m o4 «, ...,. --w.n lmbwn • iur111111rumr • ........... get othu local/lrm.c.DAM 'orei<11-KITCHEN STAFF ' llUOIWUllUU ,...,.,.., Then ca 11 1r,,. 642<ll22. 'If a """D, 847-2476 DECK HANO, wants to 1bip ~ 15 !>rifting Service . 6637 ;~t~'ll~~· Call Cooks, S'-W•nf, DESIGN ll<'aflln(, electn Holp1r1, olc, rneeh P/C layout •'dttall-Job Wented Udy 7020 For sood men, top aalar)', ing, Ken Sr. 875-1191 __ _;.;..;.;.o,:•...:c=..;..;c;:.: MC\lrity, advancement Fine TRAINED Mothen: Helper, health prccram. .... 66IO looldng for Summer job, . Tele- likea chlldttn, w 111 t n 1 Mr. Oscar Zink worker. Gd. s w i rn mer. Executive Old, between IDoy1 a NIFlll APPLY IN PERSON RBJBBU. llf 151 E. Coo1t Hi9hwoy NoWjiort-... .,, OCA PAIT TIME ANTHONY'S 6%0 1,948 Write: Dana Ottinwakl 9 AM·ll AM or 2 PM-4 PM POSITIONS AVAILABLE P.O. Box 279, Ml Plouan~ 644-1100 DRAFTSMAN SENIOR HELP WANTED Utah. 84617. Ph' 801' M-nt ~' . INTERMEDIATE ....-. Rd'L avail. 'ULL Olt PART TIME DRAFTSMAN The Best, coe:tt: no more!" Experieoced M&Urtenance -t Landscaping Cradua~ Horticulturist MOTHER'S AID, SUMMER $ ' ~~~m~1:4ffl 3.25 HOUR ·<:r~:~ ln ~ dd WORK EVES, 6:30 'IO 10:30 PM_ WE NEED 2S MEN TO START WORK IMMEDIA- TELY. NO E:tPERIENCE NECESSARY AS WE TRAIN YOU. EVES. PRACTICAL NURSE. We need ten part time Send re.swne or call collect Avail. day or ntte. Local .... "'"°"' men and five fUU time David N. Leslie AWN IROS. men immediatel.)r. No ex· Wllllam L. Pettira &: Aasoe, TOP STARTING PAY LADY With Exper. would like HouAeworic by the Day. 9 to 4 $1&". 836-8344 perlenoe nee. 5657 Wilshire Blvd. GordonorJ s..-i1 _....,.. ..... _ •. CALL 547.7712 Loo An&eln. calil. 90036 For Interview ""1 Mooday Exp, Lie. Reul Temu PHONE 64M203 =M'i'•·'i·~·:;Sa;;;t;;;.;.,...-.;Mr::;;:. :;;Gold:;:: 1 .. -... 213 ... , _ _. __ ,.._• I and Tue:ad-.y. Ask tor Ml'-E L ECI'RONIC Technician James. ;I. -~cu~,.,~.,...-~ ... -wn--1 WORKING Wtte needs~ ~: ~c ~ ~2 Se;~~~~.rat;be Domootlc Holp 7035 n4-12.11 Maintenance, Licensed . Ing woman Thurs. or Fri., 4 related duties tor a srowlns ~-crrt.,~. ~mer. ..'..'~. --ou," I 548-4!m/66--2310 aft 4 or I Hn., ocean apt. Hunt.. test equipment mamdac-.::ic.u. ~""' JfWILW' Bch. ~nces nqulred. turer in Coat& Mesa. Good tires, ha~~~.~· Must *Busboy . (Doyl) Apply In Porson · I Dick's Ganlenlng·Rel. 536.-lm& after 6 p.m. salary & excellent op-be irl~ndJi, nea~ have ~ Area 1 yn. Comm1, re1i· __ ....,, --~ ,...;,,..a 1,._.,._ d tlal-cl ~--• "-n n.,1.-.a-.1.-....., ..,.....,,,.;ty for ambitious, in-....,.;A '=~u. ~ .. ._ .. .,.. • en , ean-ups. 642-0473 ~5" AUe ... ,,. ..... "6"'-.r .....,....... ood -•·•--t d Empoyer Pays Fee dustrlou~ man. Send brief I uwup.;e or a Yance- • EXPER Jrpanese l.OS-BE.16 ... SA547..Q395 work history It peraonal ment.ApplybtwnS.Uam, RE'UIEN'S CU'dener Complete auvlcie. .... detail.I 'to D&ily Pilot · Box FAIR ENCD SER~ 2490 Free eatimate. Call 5«)..1!32 =.!t.~ M-328. Fajzwie'W ~. CM. -1 r;..:,.:;."":.~ .. Far Eut -...-Assisl1nt elliil COCO'S LRa"•· 6'5-193l ..... Holp Wontotl, Mon 7200 OPPORTUNITY! 1555 w ....... "'. .MOW It WEED. Labor by u ...... , Cott• Mu• capable College s.-i.. PART·Time !ry .-_ Top l'lllo-.r" 1 .......... 1uteot,11ow>c . · 61>-7185. &,; PM-.-. =--..!': = s:~ ~ Retail "'""" experience. ~ .;-' :-THE NEWPORnR INll AP~ Gudeni!r • .P"' c.-. ........ 8 hrs. ~or nJ&ht shift. Paid vac, We tnJa. 6111 er pail: time -ranl .....,,., r... ~· · """' etc. Xlnt °"""'· c.n Mvtvol 'Fund ..... I_ killoila~~ .... ~~-~-~~··;~;=';::~--_.,_Call. "!J9' ---~w.. for ....... M2-l520 -· ,._ ... --..., Two aood ?Mn needed u -• Jtancho San -~·" Inc. ;AJ..'S Gardenlns Ser v tee Goll CcNl'ie ..,, ~ ~ QISH MACHINE Npt e. 1$)3 Westcllft 6cz.&m doormen. Good startln& ..U.. Lawn rnaintemnoe, ~ 1!021 Cu!Vtt" Rli. riar 'tJCI · e OPERA TOR SA. 1212 N. ~ ary, frinre benefill. Ing • clean upe. 646-3629. --· 8J3.0112 -Union acale. Hoepttal, w-t. M'l.mJ --==:'='~·~==--·• Telepho!V! APANESE ......... Comp! iuru11urum ~.medical, dental plan. * SALESM~N * M>". UWI• or Mr. Ross aerv. EKper, dependable, •-.UUUnAMIUl-'plW,vacatJon. over time PBY. <Part nine) 644-1100 free esL ~ . ..1',I • , <-f • ~r, bl peraon, With car. Leads furnished. 11 AM to 5 PM -UP Specialilt! Mov· 4.JO.l -~ ahift:.ti~ Pl,}' • . , Work any foui" hours and • Ing, edging, odd job* • and ~ cmditioas. . H,*1rd'1 R .. t•ur•nt a---SlOO. ...,. week & ONE. Alert u P ho I 1 t ere r Reuonahle, 5M95S MANNINGS, INC. .«m'w. Coast Hwy, NB uP:OO att. s ... PM tor int. ~~':;!PPl' =:n10 ~·Rd, (~World) EXP~ING Carpet 6 5+i-m94 898 W. 16th St N.B. "'•ullng 6nG I:.quna HUls !37.J.m.4 Houledeanine tinn, needl SERVJCE station salesman, (comer 18th • Monrovia)" GENERAL HAULING , DELIVERY IOY-two good men to •tart June "'""\mechanical ''P ,ruLL TIME OR AP-. GENIRAL HELP.ER 1st. A rui opportuol\y lat dH!n.ble. SaJ..,, .l com· PRENTICE WW tn.in rl&ht &. CLEANUP MUST eE'DEPENQ~ r:l1ht peraon. No exp. nee. ml&skm.. Sundays oU. Apply man. Must' be )'OW'lg and $12 per load. Apply 3 to 4 P.M. -We~· It you want a real in penon. Pfilter Union cle&n cul App: Al's 66, 5lG all l & wkend1. lliange Coast P1astics tuture 111 the .t er v Ice Service, zus Harbor Blvd., E . Balboa. Blvd. Newport tiAULING, paintinl', odd ·850 W. Uth St, C.M. bwlnels. call 549-2425 bet. Costa Mesa Beach , Jobs. Hleclng .. You name It EXP'D MACHINIST-s.s PM. STOCK CLERKS ruu. TIME, day man. Ex· We do it? &t2.3.19IJ (Cbucker) 2 Preclaiol'.l cean-suPERVLSOR to $650 scso. per month to atatt. No pr. prefd. Apply: ttAULING, General, Top, dole tolerance. , Heavy experience in plant experience Deeded, Monday MATTHEWS UNION SERV. trim, remove tref:!JI A 831-14TI or 492-4938 prodUction. Resume requ.ir-ttlnl Frid1¥. O&ance to ad. 3928 E. Cout Hwy. Cd M. hc!dges. Blg John 642-4030 Nipel Pt!noMeJ. Aaency :!: M~~ ~ vance. Write: Bax M-&li The EXPER. liquor ·,tore lilies i:ARD/pr. clnup. RemG\'e 2fAll1 Getty Road N~~2770 est ., Daily Pilot. tlerk, Oexibl.e hours, salary treea, ivy, dirt, tractor back Lquna Niguel • DOORMAN open. bondable. 100 N. hoe, ........ 962--07'5 JANITORS SERVICE need• "".'\VICE STATION PAltKING AnND'T Coast Hwy. Lquna Boe I nd H 11-good liable ---..need HELP. Two men full time, C ••n· Up • •u ".. • re • ~r"-"" experienced. one man tar 1"UlJ. or part tlme, day or eve. SERVICE ab.don attendant. $10 pei: load. ~S!S men to work put time ill eraveyard ahift. NO phone lie. Callt. driver. Neat ap-exper., full time, eves. =="='====== I Santa Ana area. M~ have ca.Us. Riainn.o, 19th • pea.ranee, rtfi. Call 544-1700, Union StaUon, Santa An.a • Housec:JNnlnt 6735 car &: telephone, Wnte Box N~ Blvd c M ext 5M 4 to 6 p.m. Palisades Rd, Santa Hts. ,..__..'"'-"-=--"-"' M.63Q DAILY PILOT ··~· " . • ==·======.;:_:======= CARPETS, Windows,. On, OLDER man night leCUl'ity NurMry S•les $500.00 Help W•nttcl, Men 7200 Hein Wan~. Men 7200 etc. Res or Comc'L Xlnt clerk, small hotel. Police or Exp. l'!Qu.ired, matul'e' per. work Reas! Refs. 548-4lll O:unmluioned 0 ff 1 c e r son. Call Dan. MuchantJ background Impeccable Personnel Agt'ncy, 200 West. lronlnt 6755 choracter. m...10 cll!f llr., N.B. 6'!>2710 --'"-------• •··~mbto EXPERIENCED lull tlm• IRONING done in my home; ,__ '1 man to maintain automatlc $1.25 Hr. Br In I own e NlQttt Shift Fonm.n lawn aprtNder • y 1 tem 1 , hangtts, please. 5t0-22U 54U830 5&1688 er 6"-2937 J•nfforl•I' 67'0 SERVICE station attendants, COOK WANTED. App I y --------all ahl1ta oprn. Call er apply b e t we e n 2, 5 0 d I e • a WALLS. Windows, flocn. ~-~ ~~ :-u Rettaarant. 212 E. 11th st., carpets. Commerclal 6 · • 'flY, CM residential. Dally, ~ NB. 541-3252 KEl'fNEL""'""'=-.-.....,-----~JS. and/or Mo. 897-7350 HELPER. for cabloet .mp. •Must Uw in LacuM Beach. FUil or part time. &Ga«> ' Apply in pef'IDno SPCA; Popsrhontl"9 Sat or Sun betw 9 AS. I_, .....,.. c..,.. Road l·P-•_ln_tl_"9~----6&50-' "t'v~ -DRY a&Nll!G -·d. PAINTING Int 'c Ext l..oWat --= 'Operators, 1 PftWtl. silk. coc~ ~ ni.iq 1n1. can 5!1-.. u.. wool • comb l n at Ion. , Sadafadicm gUar. Free est. Atrro Upholsterer fw abop 541-8560 , Jim Weeki' 613-1166 in Hntg. Bel\. De GudJe I: --.-: • ...,.LABORER===---I Soni CU. 53Mi561 For 11ndtcape COlllll'Uctlon PAINTING, Paperlnfr 16 yn Whit. n-a. .. --? 546-3429 In Harbor .llU. lJc ' bond-====:-=-==-==-========.-1 ... Rell fUm. 642-2356 . • H\lp Woritod, Mon 72llO Help Wonlltl, Mon 7200 * GOOD Pa I n t I n 1 A •· ;;::-~-;:::::;:;;:;;;;;;;:::::;;:;:;;;;;:;~::;:;;;;~· ;;;;;;:;;;:j I ftuanable prk.u. lD yr in 1 .............. P Al.NTING • maintenance. illterklr • exterior. ReuoM.ble rate.. MS-3115 e INT -EXT, ANY SIZE JOB. Xlnt work. n!b, tr. Cit. JIM &C-t669, &ISJ'lG ~T. exp. Palnta1', no -LoW prk:n! Steve 54M5tt ,._..,. Ropolr - ePAIOI PLASTERING. All -nee .......... c.n -· Plvmlol"!I PWMBING REPAIJl DRAIN CLEANING ~ or 511)..ntt IOAT MF6. * MOLD SHOP FOREMAN *MILL MEN . * BOAT CARPE~ERS * TOUCH UP MEI'! * GEL COATERS *ENGINE MEN TOP WAGES · t,ppiy lo Pan .. HARIOUI YACHTS 151'2 6old .. Wed Cl1cl• WESTMINSTiR, CALIFORNIA • ACCOUNTING SR. COST ACCOUNTANT '•rforfll c:o11tr•c:t c:o1t •••IY'il oltll prop•r• 1j114c:l1I lob c:e1t re,.ort1, t11i1t 111 pl'Op•r•tio11 of ll'let1thly op• tf•tillf 1ttt.1J1•11tl, 1J1•i11t•l11 co1t recor41 011 ,.,.. 1tr11ctlo11 111 ,,.,,,,, Jobi for ctplttll1ttlo11 11po11 coft'lplttio• tM pr•p•r• o.,..rllot4 011tfytl1 hr 111t I~ ov•rllttd r1to 11e9ofi•tlo111 with 90¥tr"'"•ttt tulll· tott. Will tl10 de 1,..e11I ''"''fl" •• r•q11irM b1 ft'ltlllftfllpf, DttrN I• Ac:c: ... 11fillf tM 1•v•rtl Yllfl ••pt rit111• •• cotf oc:Cfllt1f111t w!lh •11•wle49~ of t••t{lt!Mllf co11tr•ct1. COST PROPOSAL AD~INISlRATOR Will b• r•1po111ibl1 fer the Dl"'r•ti•ll of •-pl•tt coif prepo11ll fer m•l•r 0119lllitrl11t elitllf•• t rt4 11tw b•1i1et1 fr°"' ~bforlc1I 41t• or tlrtwl11t11 lt1- ·c:lll4i119 1t1t.tnellt of worli: tN cotf 11•rr1fi¥1t. Mutt be ••f1triet1c:M 111 111 flht111 of cost f1ropo11I ''IP• •rtffo11 from r•ceipt of lltfQ to co11tr1cf1 •w1rtl. Coll19• ,,,,.. 1rid , •• ,,., v••rs 011perle11c. l1· , q11irM . . Sit. BUDGET ANALYST Wiii k '"'°"'Ible for 4••110,r"• •-,111,.. •M jtfnellfl"t 101t d1f1 1M Wtet ,..,_,.., P•tl~11 11, ...... 11 ...... ,. •• , •j.d ...... ,1.1 ,,.(.,u .... '·" their tel•fiN•h:f,., ,1111 f.Mi"' fD11111INM111h t lld r•le 1ft1IV1it• Sithld be f1111 ill1r wtlti PElllT cett 111.ttiM•. comjHlltor tkliei~-•'N effl'ce 111echl11e1. PloooeMncl .............. lutl .... Hlory history lo LEE KILLlY ' (714) 546-. m Harbor IMI., CMlo Meu, Collf. Mlaal• S)WIM DMalan l1lDTI: IESEAllll ' CXlPllQRATIDN A DMllon of Ille ~' ' ~Oolp. ; A s E M B L E R 53MIN AU.. WORK BACKGROUNDS ~CCEPrED LARQE COMPANY EXPANDING IN ORANGE OOUJ<TY TOP PAY 1.c.~eo. --,,......,. .... APPLY IN PErtSON Part time It full time, even. .,., .,.,. .... _ only .... p1y 11ter 3 ,.... PENNEY'S FIVE CROWN~ FASHION ISLAND RESTAURANTS 10 AM to 5 PM ' 38QI. E. Pacific Coast Hwy. I Mondl.Y thru ~ O>rona det \J.t:ar · \1 ·-1'fo Phone Calls Please All student posftioris tmed. Soc:olrlty Guord $390.00 Eoua! opportuolty employtr Unilarm1 flU'Tllshed, do not * * CAJTY cuna, caD Dan, Mer--"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I cbants i>el'80Me:I Apncy, - -.3 Westclltt Dr., N.8 . ......,,, BOYS 10 .14 Carrier Routes 9Pen . for • Lquna Beach, So. Lo.&una DAILY Pllm "2-'321 SERV. ST. SALESMEN : l'ull time, araveyard lhlft. Are 25 Molder. ~at ln ·~ ,,....... and handwriting. Apply 2590 Newport B!vd., C.M. ' Credit Mt•· lo $150.00 PROOF OPERATOR EXPERIENCED Unllod Collf<lmlo lonk· · Poaldon available for new La.iuna Hil1a Lei- 1ure WOJ'ICI of6ce of New. port National Bank. 4 to 5 )Tl. exp. In credlt work. Call Dan. Merchants Personnel Agency 2043 West- clill Dr., NB. &tS.mo WANTED, Men for lite EX~ERIENCED auembly, warehouse 1i TELLERS We •w !mn*"9te ... lot •tJ f e ,, I with • ••• •• oC -,..._ I• ..... \ .... IDMhl~IS ' '\ A VARIAN iMISIDWtY 2122 ~lcholJ.. am. (Adj. Or-C.. , Airport) . Irvine, Caltf. 92'14 (No phone calll,pleue): An ..... opOOliuol!>' e~M-F -AJaau1 'TRAINEEs FOR SUBMINIATUllE ASSIMILY OPERATfONS HUGHES lhipptnc duties. 887 w. l6th For appointment call ~ St N..8. Calif. Mr Hau· or Mr Stqpdlll ~ --.ll"-1o"'1"'o""w"'•"'n"'ted=, "". == REC:.DNIST. V/OIMft 7400 Youne, lood phone voice. Nl!WPORT llACH · 500 SUptrior Awnue Newport Beach, Calli. ii---------type 411 -50,.'l-4 p.m. Beach * ~IC.Al. ASmSTANT * area. $350,.• Ca 11 'Doris, Ma~ P"'edlatrtcl ex-548-Tf96 . 1 perle""' prilemd. Front l ARGUS AGENCIE.S Equal""°"""'"' empioytr : Positions are avail-ti.u:k ottlce Send resu • M • F ' • -··· Pllo""' 1869 c Nowport Blvd .. ct.!· """'""'"""''!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I able ln the entry·level =~etc to ~ t SARAH COVENTRY bai1' 1 I iii ti f Dis -··-y.w~ room .., opentnp for "'11 or port EXPERIENCED : c ass ca on o.. · vn.n..r-J:>n w• time aa1q. Min. ale 18. ,. perlence. V....,... open1np. Pleuant,wmlt. m inw.t. m • TELLER • assemble!'. These jobs Full time + p/tlme eves. deliwrlel. For tnterneW ' d Be..-cb DrQtl')' Servtce, 900 oill SMM)614J 831--4'149/ EXPEltlENCED ' lea to later oppo~· w. 1ru .. st, CM. -847-8950 • • !unities In . machine DREAM Job .. ~,..., Im-BEAlmCIAN , • 'PROOF ) portant job u wife • to work full tb:nt Colta Mesa OPIRATOll e 1 building, Inspection, mottwr • Mnt • wkly 11a1on. Paid Vatatlons. etc. or material control. paycheck. 544-3854, 636--34111 No cllentete r.qulrod.new UNITID CALll'OltNlA HOUSEKEEPER -Good cndl ·wtlC!Omtd.. ·call BANK Previous mechanical cool<. All ....... -548-9919 • "'"'1555 * or electriclt assemlr·ll'SMAR""'=T.;....,s;:,..o,rta::o:;,..".,::"'-,Sh>p= E XPERIDJCEO chainide dent.al ualstant tor aeneral practice ottlee, 'La au n a -5. clay/wk. '94.ml 3G2t Ho ..... llvd. • ,(0.t•,.,. ~:!GU ly experience requir· needs attr salealad,y, 8 time. Mn. Jeffus 67S-2870 ed. Company paid b e n e f I ta lncludlng prolit sharing, com· prehensive medical a o d hospitalization coverage for employ· e .. and dependent.. INTERVIEWS ' 9 A.M.-12 NOON MONDltVS, TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS And FRIDAYS XEROX Machine ConditiOnlng Center IRVINE INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX 11691 JAMIOREI ROAD lltVINE !qutl OJ>portunlty Employer Ma. F \ Holp Wonted, Mon 7200 Holp Wonlecl, Mon. 7200 Equal ._wnllY emplo,yer 'Atlantic Research 1. OPENINGS IN Administration , &, M1111facturing Operations e MANUFACTUR.IN6 EN&INEER wltt; e11:r.,rl•11~ i11 1IHl1r 1111.tr.,.lc er tn1ch111lc•I 111•11u 1ctiiri119 1t1tfhod1. e SENIOR. ESTIMATOR. to pr1p•r1 co1t e1fht11te1. ,e SENIOR PLANNER. to determi11e de1lt11 f1•ll- blUty, . e MATERIAL REQl.flREMENTS ANALYST t. lirl•r· prtt 11'11t11i1I 11\d ,roce11 1peclfic1tlo111. e FOREMAN MACHINE SHOP to 111p1rvl1e pro· tluctlon of mh1Ue •"' oth1r 11re1pace · lttmt. e EXPERIMENTAL MACHINISTS •ilti nperie11ce i11 ptofoli,o anJ l i t •rflcle f1brlc1tlo11. e A.SSEM1ILERS 1'1" fe1ec:tro111c1 to atttlPllbl• 1ri4 l11rt1U alec.trlc1I er 1l1ctr.11ic eDftl,..flMtf 1114 111b111111'1blie1. • e ELECTlllONIC TECHNICIAN "A". bperieflcM 111 UHF/VHF corrlftl11tilc1tle11t 1114 FM/FM tel11netry. e PlllODUCTION INS,ECTOR t,_ ,.rfor111 1P11ecft111i· cal ltMMb1y oM l111-,roco11 l111,..tle11. e TECHNICAL WllTElt to writ. ,ropo11I, 1...I t1c"11}c1t p1p•t1. e kEHO TYPISTS "A" to tyP• ,,.-,.,111 from h1ndwPlffe" co,y ltypl119 •'"4·60 WpMI. ' • ~ECHNICAl P!Jll.ICATIONS COORDINAJOk to tffllf Ill tll p"'4wctt111 enll 1ll111!11lttr1tive ''"'• ti•111t •f P11bllc1Hoe Dt,t, • MAIL CLEklC tci: ••rt ertll dellv1r C.llf•111l1 o.r1 • .,.. u, ..... r•~t.1lrff, . SEAMSTRESSES E:xp··---aton to WW n&llV\bYd,e boat ct1lhioDI • • canYUI Jll'O" I ducts. T0p wases, pd boH- dayo. VIC&-IDs. Xlnt ---....,,,, Jack Cole co., 1163 Pl&oea. tia Aw., Cll. ~ • WOMAN·EXPEJUEl'1CED for GIFr SALES. Apply South Coo1I DrUt · 3333 Bristol """"-* RECEPTIONJST a Admlttlfll' clerk, put time. ... ~"'"'1.'" .. tor .... vil t ~ 113 I Hospital .1 Newp°ott Beach. · * COOK * :PM 1bift, for nurainc home. ~ ,..,,_,Apply, ....... Beach Nuninl Ho me -EXf'D Wail:reNes tor c:otlie •hop • -ioom . ..,,., In penon aft I pn.S. lbn, Bayside Im Rntamut, SI E, O:ut Hwy, NB. COMPANION to live-In tor youna: lady with sllaht bo- ·•I-MUil ~ ....n.Dt dr!wr. """' alt! 25 " 31.. Gaod·-.call~ ~. youn1 , at- --Apply-11'1'. Maverick, 1121 N- Blvd., C.H. ' DINTAL OF"CI . ............. ........, I LITE ON.nine Bay fra n t I Tr&ller. ILIJ, • bn ..... Own .......... '1311 • 1' Cont•ct Employrn•nt Office -17141 541'-IOlO WAJTR..tSS&9 WANTED Sea Shanty ae.tmnnf . I -630 Ll4o I'll Dr, !QI -1 SlilllPOO GIRL llll Herllo• llvd., Colle M .. o wttll llcewo l7>"100 I Mk n .. 1oA.nn e ~P•rt f TtiM. •VI-s;uo ·per bollr' .. ' Stu'L Qwr 21. Cd I l\Wll, .... 30. ~ ' -.•-Loa .... . -1. $1.75 .... 11111 ! e HOTEL IWll. ---(--'"''""on.cs. I • ...:u... . QINTAL AUaiTliit I I Nl<I .... --MATUQ 11-lor 11 IO i llllft In SAWYER llOll!l. CIDMM'I» '' ··---------------·--·-· ------------___ ........ --=~----------~----·------ ' • -~--...,.---:-:--,--,.-~-~..,--,;:---.,-----.,.----""'."'---;-....,.----;---:-·--------~------~-·--------- J I ' ' tw, W..... ltolp Wlftlod 1_w= .. ::;•::;•'----'7_400_ w-7400 -*TELETYPE OPERATOR Slw:lu1d maw multiJIO board, PBX. and haw two~ prtvate Une mt· perlezx:t. 10 AM to 6:3' Pll ohllt. * PBX OPERATOR Must be experienced on multiple bo&rd, PBX and Ute~. 1:30 PM to 10: 00 PM &hilt. COLLINS RADIO CO. 19700 JamborM Rood Newport BMch Equ.aJ. opportunity employer iJR6Bm y llHDlD •• • Clerb • Typists • Repro Typists • Secretariel • Keypunchirs • PIX Open. • Assemblers Work-&whoro you wantl llQERIM PWOllNR SERVICE 445 E. 17th St. Costa Mel•, Calff. 642-7523 1-------- 133 DOVSR DRIVE NEWPORTBE.\Oi 603i"ll Stcyt!Old ™·to $5.10 Olr Newport Beach • -.,. .... ....,, \IEPI' So. Santa -Secly/Trnte •••••• ..., !:PF Oruae Acdl Clerk • • • • • • S«IO APf' LonsBeadl Order Desk • • • • • • ;500 EPF tocuna Gtnoral olli<e •• to 1415 APF Santa Ana Geni Olflce .. • • to $42S EPJ' ,...,...._ S«relary •••• to $41S EPF ---°""" -.tol'\60 ll EPF --"" Gld hi •• to $5.10 EPF H-Badl Gb! Friday • • • • 1375 APF (bra M) Cocta Mesa Secl)l.Jo l450. llEP•', llO<F Mature Woman, No. Newport Rttpt • . • •• • • • to $500 CRF Laguna ..... Sedy •• $500 %EPF, %CRF LagunaArea * • EPF, employer ..,.i.. • APF, applicant .... ... • CRF, company """-"' 'J. c. "'"""' Co. Fublon latand Newport Beach Hu openin&s for WAnRESS Full Time Experience nectssary. Competl---•tandbw brentflta tncJ11 ........... _ . • ~YIN PERSON l OAM to9 PM lllonda:r thnt Friday J. (. PBlllEY co. * 24 Fuhlan ltlond An equal opportunil)I em...,.. * * , SHARE AN INTERESTING AND PROFITABLE CAREER with som e of th e nicest .g uys you'll ever meet • • • • , , B e ca u • e of our conUnued crowth and fllture espansion plaDI , we are In need ot young men and women. to . enlarle our execuUve 1 IDlllOC~t •tolf. Two yew of col· le&• prtferre<l- Tbat'a o~ need. 'Now, wbat'a youn? Perh•PI\ 11'1 security, a goOcl saJ1111, 1 aubotilnllal medical..utgl. cal family \Jll'OgnD>, life instinnce,_ poUI •acallona, promotional oppor· · tunlly AND an unusually geDSqtD 1haring of prollu. We'll gladly 1 w a p lheae for your abWUea and ctll ii a deal Yqii,'ve probably read POOlrl' like thli before, BUT •• , we just don't know h<>w elae lo say II,. a· cept; come in and conVince your· sell. You'll be glad you did. call in person 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Far West Servi~ Inc. 1672 Reynolcla. Santa AMI, Calif. 1714) 540-9ff2 An· equ1l opportunity employer. (Snack Shops, Coco's, Reuberu, Reuben E. Lee and Wu Ben's Beatauranb ) ---. ------.. ------ H•lpW-HolpW•nted Women 7400 Womin 7400 EXPERIENCID • ESCR~-. S&CR&TARY P o• t t Ion lmmediatel,y avallabie · for a Typllt auk to wort in ,our E• crow Deputment Exper- ience preferred. 1 abilit ies r::10Hmitei'> agepcN "' Ill ....,.~ ,,.,..._., ,,...i....i 1MErt \"\ Dr..........,Dni-r ArchitoCtur•f Corona del Mar artt. AdmlnlstrotW. . Tralnte to $IOO Mui\ have decree. Fleld S.rvlco Rop.to~. ...... ..._ ........ ebet', caf ftlrrdlhed. Se .. •m•n $600 , ·Plus Commission Potential SU to $2(),000. StoroMo ..... r Trainee $600 Mlllt be marrled. aome retail experience prefer- red. Xlnt oppty! Auto MochMic To$1IO-k C:O.ta Mesa &reL Auto Ront•I Ma,....r Trainee Must be bondablt. Dispatcher $UO No experience necessary, Ml.Lii: be 11!-ble. B<11nch Mo.._, Tr• .... $450 Excellent opportunity for Yo'Jn& man! Cho"'lcol Tr•l- $2.55 hour Orarige Councy Alrj,ort area. Appll•-lnst•ller $2. hour PUBLIC NOTICE DKOIATOI GOS CANCB1ATION Of 1 r UllllllT APAmliNlS s,. ... ' ........... _ fftlllrl . AIL UAND NEW ' ...,... ..... ,,_. ' ...................... -~-•lbli -.1;-..·-;;~-.~;: 'I' ,,.,.~-· ~~ ..................... .. ,_ " .............. . .......... ~···· ...... -.t11 ........... , A decorat6r dream house on display r 3 rooms of gorgeoos S~ish furniture (~s reg. $129 ,OO , . SACRIFICE • • • • • • S39f 1tO IM:lflff M. ldQUtuO -WE CAAln' outt CWM A.CC'll. . mm· RJRNITURE 1844 lewport Blvd.~-,, Qolh Mesa .oDIJ lwtry """''Tl t-Wtd., Sat. A S.O.. Tll 6 ' . -------------------- SAVE ll's OF SSSSISS T .. ""9 Down Bulldlngll Everything -CJo.IVEN TH E BUILDING • to.,.. ... .--fw -N&W STORE II (Controc:tw W•nts to Build lmmodl•tol~ SPA7:~o;; ,~~":~~EA • Game Sets • DlniQg rm set! • Bedroom sets • Living room •el! • Comer units ables • Lamps • Recliner chairs • Dec- o Uve Spanish chairs e Bullet w/chlna to , Mediterranean • Pictures • Wrought I I , No d-n -t•nns to mMt yoUt' budget - bonk fine; MHlor ·ci..,,.; .... al Aniorlu. \ \ or Store CM,... • This S.le Por Stock onfHond Only • . ' Pl1nos & Orpns 1130 MIKOll•noous l600 ./RENT NEW •• MIXED BAG •• I010 SPINET PIANOS Homehold and per a o a a I Jobt Men. Wom.-7500 STEEi,, comp&fl¥ rdetUl6I ~peOpr =h items, includ!n& Honeywell JOBS & EMPLOYl)UiNT Office Fumlturo surplus · office fllmlture. Hieland Strobe with battery * DRwE~S . * • ru .. • Desk• • Cbaln, , ~t~ ~~~ \!"" ... ~ No o:----i.-nee M~AN'S 712-l450 HAMMOND ORGANS s.tooll, polaroid swlrWU cam- -...... ~ • New guarantee el'tl, maple chest and mirror, Ntceuary! lB30 s. Anaheim Blvd., in • Liberal -.erms case and bowline ball, lull Muat have dean Ca1i1ornla Anaheim Calorwslde S.A. 8-3'1, C2, A·lDO's, M-100'•, wig and cue, m.,&e bed drtvbW reoi:rd, Apply L. Freeway at Katella) L.100'1 from •••••••••• S695 frame, dishes, bed spread, YELLOW CAB CO. Office Eaul-nt 8011 In CORONHAMAMODNDEL MAR rug, bin! "'I•, utem!1', and 186 E. 16th SL .;f; other items, ~ Parll: A Ye., Costa >le'." ADDRESSOGRAPH 2854 E. Coast Hwy m893<l Laguna Beacl>. - A<1-.1nr Asency • w/aupplles. 11..m WE'RE Dock ;,, our new * AUCTION * PRODUCTION store. Bia c.eiebratioo • Bi&: * ARTLSr * G1r1p Si le 8022 CLOSEOSale. u:: w:: aortr;~ Exp'd. pzUduetion artist for UT of c:ooso1e Pian-Newport Beach a 1 enc Y, VANITY $20 Olttt o t os at savings to ••• '.'' $400 Auctions Friday 7:30 p.m. M111t have ~ncy ex_. drawers, nr. new S22.50. CLOSEOtrr ot Baldwin over. Windy's Auction S.m perience and be well wned ~~Y bed $1!. Pll,ypen $8. aae planoe: at savtrws to p-49 Behind Tony'• BJdc, Mat'l in all phues. ol ad pro-Duunc table, ~· $25. 4 a.C>SEOUT of 1968 Org 2075u: N CM•~ - di.action. Send resume to Box Spaniah hand-ca.rved chn. at aavtncs to •••••• , •• • n ewpoprt, - M.., Dally Pilot. 126. Dinott. l.chn $25. Sola No down oac, syn to • PLATE MIRRORS $3. 3 bar stools S6 ea. Stoves WARD'S BALDWIN Sl'UDIO 6'x16"x18", 4'.~',6' UNFURN .Ht. telephone & & dryers. gas & elec. 18'19 Newport. CM &U-84&4 RA TI AN clearilng~~.~ couple to Wedgewood, Univ. O'Keete HAMMOND -St.ein~ ~·,. DAVENPORT BED manage U ~ 3 Br Apts &: Kenmore. Beds. agte & , -... in the F.ut Bluff Area ol dble $20 &: $35 Cold t $75 maha • nevi A 11-1 plum u-i;,,. &: Small Chair, 3-Pc Newport Beach. lJ t e refrtg $20 _ ;35 ~lonaJ of all mak:ea. Best buys Sn seet:. Except Qua1. Kardex maintenance 4 cleanlng. we ha' $28 R.tci1ne $25 So. Calil. rla:bt here. &: Misc Stuff, rent to cbildren.. Complete ~~m sofa &: k:Jn&r coU~ SOIMIDT MUSIC a>.. 115 Dtamond', B.L resume to Bax M 861 Dally table $42, Cabinet $6.50. Gun ~~ ~ FUU. ~t~ tune-up • Pilot rack $20. Se Hable Espanol. equip 6 mo ~ old $1100, ~ (C) NEEDED The Ga.rage 1550 Superior H' Fl & St t2lO Snap.on air chisle A: Impact ExMJXIUV demand-cttaled CM 646-9188 ' I• •NO wrench $235, Compl. Jet Interviewing Man. thru Fri. I a.m. to 5 p.m. Eq,uaI opportunity employer !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,. UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK . PieUe appl,y at our New-"°" Center Branch. S50 Newport Oentv Dr., New.- port Beach. Santa Ana ~·· Trude Drlwr $2. hr Experienced, responsible ni tea call b' . FISHER a.il'-cond'l.ng equip I: stock te tor , represe~ 4 PC aectional, foam *** Zl> l't!Ceiver, $l!iO Otbtr miscell. Call afL tatlws. &!noe customers m cushlon<1 $50,' 2 end &: 1 col· Garrod 80 lab turntable, 5 PM 89'1-4837 SECRETARY ·I· isl.04620 per month ($536-$651 Recommended lor July 1, J9!!B) CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH New position In the Ma- rine Safety Department -IOOwpmlhort· hand, 50 wpm typing. 3 years recent full time ex· pertenee in advanced clerical and 1tell0gl'&phlc work. App'ly, before 5 jl.m., Friday, June 6, 1968 to I.he Penonnel ·Of f ice, 3100 Newport Blvd.. Newport Beach ..,,...,, GBIRAl PRODUCTION Apply In porsan THE HARTlfY CO. 1987 Plact:nUa Aw. Co&ta Meaa MW me A6BtCY Seely/Legal or Extc to SliiOO Secty/Penoloitd •••• to $575 Secl)l/AdmtnJstn-•• $515 S141 E. Cont Hwy C-dolMor 0'241 FEMALE 1 of 4 choice areas. Act at fee tabJe $21) 2 table lamps Sony 500-0 tape recorder, 21"==0-,C-""---~1 onoe, i: all •far interview. $15. Can def. '493-4708 Fisher XP-6B •peak er s, OZARK'S Hickory cblpa tor LOf•I S.Cret•ry ~ BRUSH. S!l-4918, GARAGE SALE Rick, 494-m? :-= ~-'t.oi~ ~ Mutt ba!:~ellent FOOD WAITERS 336~~~'1nUElft?' T1peRecorder1 8220 ~':ii; :,Z ~ lldlla, good background &: WAJTRESSES HIDE ABED, De 1 k, ./ · TAPE Recorder, new 209 W. Carlton. On~ Party Plan Mer LunchA:~inner typewriter, rt.fri&en.t.Dt :_o11emak. lM. cuaette, Cal 91761 Secl)l/Boaf "" .... to $SOO l!qtlol _, .... .,, --_ .. ..,,...,,.,. Secretary ••••• ••••••••• $500 ~=~~~~== Aceto...,...._······ le ssoo TEWR BAINEE $ecyt/Marlna ··-····· $5(11) Girt Friday •••••••• to $500 Girl Ftt/R<cpt .... to $450 Will train -slrl for Equip Control Ok •• to IOI Teller/N.,. -wortt. Receptionist • • ••• •• •• • $G5 Some-MJrldnc ~ ....... /Emnda ........ $400 and '1Plnr -........... ,, ----.... $380 Good ·"'°"""' condltlonl/ Rocpt/Stock B1tr .... $3?fO bentllta. EICrow Tra.i:oee, • • • •• • ,$350 Clerk Typist • • • • • • • • • • '325 Seely /Legal ............... . 410 w. Cou:t ~ Newport Beach 646-3939 LEGAL SECRETARY WORLD SAV!llGl! • LOAN 292 So. Coul Hwy ' Lquna Beach MAKE YOUR auusTMAS MERRY with 1 semi-part time job. Fpy, lun, no a · per. nee., no invat « deliwrleL Mutt be OVl'r 11. Ph. SARAH COVENTRY for appt. 54&-7122 or ,.,..., e HOSIWES • $600 + Cor .FELICIANO'S $12.SO eadL "2-80.t th . al! ~ta. S65 ---Do~ug~h~bai-,---I For nationally advertiaed 1617 WestcliU Dr., (original cost $U)). 830-0791 Pool -"-line.Exp er I enc e N rt .,, ___ ,_ Annllant.e1 1100 F'lt ...... ewpo .DCAUI .l.;.!:, Miscell•neous 8600 1 er prefen-ed. WESTINGHOUSE Fu 11 y $3$ Socty/Pvrch Schaol•lnstrucHan 7600 automatic portable PARTY GoODS Call 8llJ-3681 $47S Educational \!acltion 4th dish.washer, Hold 16 place e Silver flatware e CoUee 9'8" JEFFERY D a I e APPLY IN PERSON ~ Bea=ty ~~~ enders , •• Sr Citizens Otil. ; .. t~~ 3 0 cype:~~ 2 11~· tims • Champagne foun-surfboard, $75. Ottlee desk coat 10 Iesaon typing Sehl. ·-.... w e, talns • Pi.shes e Tables &: $25. REUBEN E. LEE 151 E. Pacific Cit Hwy excellent opportunity! Trlal Lesaon. 173 Del Mu fonnlca top. Very excellent chain New-,.. BMch L I •--et condition. $75 Firm. ~ . ...... . 0:• ..;-:,._:rv C.M. 543-2859 AtrroMATIC w.....,.. ' '>'· United Rent All Mloc. Wanted VOICE preparation 1 or de S85 or Best oiler. no W. 19th St., Costa Mesa 1610 Typist FM Pd. $476.67 Keypunch ()per popular or c11a'cal ainging. 548-7C27. no H 1 a: h I and, 645-0760 A top Co. la loolliiw 1or a to $4» Bea:inner t b r u advanced N.B. LAW Ubrary W loan. Retir-younc 1al wtth pod typinc Requin!s 6 mos. exper. • training. &U-5512, 494-9340 akilla wbo can a1ao balldJe Retail Clerk ....,ERCHANDISE fOR NORGE automatic Washer, ing attorney will 1 o an phones and CUltomers, CaD ''" late model, xlnt cond. library consU!ting o! full Loraine, Mitchan~ """°"' Glrl Fri SALE AND TRADE 145. * 847-8115 Pacllic and Cal. n,port.,., ne1 Actncy, 2043 Westcll.ff from $400 Fumlture 8000 WHIRLPOOL ps dryer, la~ Cal. Digest, U.S. C.ode and Dr., N.B. 645-2110 {alao fee Newport B e a c h II.ft&. model, x.lnt cond. misc. Ca.lll. codes. etc. to WANTED We need quality (no junk pleaae). Fumlture, col or 1V'1, atereos. appliances, tools and office equipment TOP CASH IN 30 M.lm*s! PACIFIC SAVINGS bu an opening for a Jepl .ae- tary, Should type minlmum 70 WPM a: taiJI! lbartband at a mlnlmum cl 80. For an apopintrnenl call S23-553Z Mr. RockoU. jobs) Tremendous poltntlal! SPANISH Retumed rrcm $9). 847-8ll5 qualified counsel. M. A. CREDIT GIRL i ---..,H=o~s=-m==-s=--·11 35 =·~;;r :!tllul ::1"-"":::.: •• ~,.;; Ant1q... 81101=~=155=-'=· ~2219=F~or1una-___,. ,,,NB_. Expmenced, must be over offices in Newport Beach. include! beautiful 9 6 • • DIAMOND Tilfaey wedding 531-12'12 * 89M.6.$ $WE BUY$ PACIFIC SAVINGS •nd LOAN Equal opportu.nUy employer • WAITRESS• Some retaD credit ex:perienoe ,..,.,.....-40 Houn • - salary plus bnefls. Law1011'1 Jewelers, Huntirvfon Cent- er. Huntinrton Beach. 2l APPb' in penon to Mn. Escrow s.cty quilted 90fa & Jove 1eat. ANTIQUE Coll. Item, 1850 set. 1 ct. perfect, flaw!~, Baker aft 1 pm, $400 3 SpanS&b oat decorator Victorian much & chair, have ai>prt $3XIO, sac $.575. The FISHERMEN N ~ ..... ,_ __ _. tJo.blea, swai: or table lamps, comp l ct e I y restored. Diamond pierced eani.ngs I n _,..,, __ , o .... ...,n,...,.... , n.e --· wall placque. king, queen. ~ pendant to match, T.W. 1 ct. 317 Ocean Blvd., Girl Fri to or full size bedroom suite $250. 613-3EOO GENERAL OFF1CE, part Huntincton SN.ch $400 complete ind box springs. Sewing MachlMI 1120 REFRIGERATOR. a 0 fa , . lime. Girl 21-35. Knowledp Opport·-•tu •-1 ..... -"th ,._ Lam•na Beach area. -.. t-linens • -·· •. u.. hi l .., .. .., -~ .. , •y ...... u~, • .. 1969 SINGER with zig.zag & oven,~ chair, Scott .. I $ FURNITURE $ APPLIANCES c.1., lV'-P'l•11•'-St11••'• I ri1c1 or H•1111 hll CASH IN JO MINUTES • 541 -4531 • of accounts receivable and perlenoe 1D u1ea and Jmow. Polley Wr iting lamps. Spanish oak 6 pc walnut conllOle~ but· cof\llOle, beds, washer, nusc. WANTED: Rear door lor '59 Hillman H111ky Sta. Wqon, oo.<689 ADVERTISING Apply in person Ii~ shorthand helpful. 20 ltdge of cenel'IJ office work. Typf1t to $400 dlnlngat ap!!_Jlri=nr:e.ool.sew~ ton boles. des~ etc .. $5.25 items. 425 Heliotrope, CdM Hour week. Mon-Fri. Apply: References., Pleut call 49&. 1 hour day tor congenial ..--+i-w.> ........ Secretary/ RBIDEll f, Ill: WOOD LIGHTING CO. 40IO 1440 !or appolnOnenl "°" FOR ONLY $399. pi down. mo. or $.10.00 cuh. 526'616 2 NEW 3 •peed bik.,, I .,_ hi IKn ~ campus Dr., Newport $4 99 t'!ek t of man'• & l woman's, $30 ,..,.e nery< etc. Beach. 5t6-BJ1 HOUSEKEEPER & child CwfomerAccountlng ,,.·le pe~~t OK., '"'wi ll Mu1lc1l Inst. 1125 each. 224 20th St Apt D, B kk 1 '1 E p iii C H"--11 · 51.i: ~A·-~ N B TWO Bridgeport Mills Jn rea! 00 eeper > • K c st wr SEWING inachblt opera-. .,.,.., "' m, • ~· Aul1l•nt $347 --1o 1or-·•-• ale. >Jib DR•~• s--~-Blue,~·--·,.-·--,..· =-=--=-='.'."'. ~ nd N___. •-ch Private mom a: b&lh. Ref.s. ·No typ•·ng _..,,,_.. -..-.. ".......... ... .. ....,. ti&'....., ...... 1•3 5vuu co lllon $3500. Takn .__,....., -• Traineejobaavatlab l e . .~ .. ~u"'U Century F'UmJture, 97 72 eriud.Complete. power mowers; bothofthem.545-71.54 Responsible, top lewl *CONVALESCENT AIDE. Ea;.-n as )'Oll !tam to :_~ w/ periodic raises. F inance Typlst$347 Garden Crow B lvd., * 548-1334 * Klng-0-Lawn, Homko, =~===:;;:===I posltlan for shArp, ,.... Aubt lad> d""ng .......,.... becomt a hl&hly paid ail LICENSED Shampoo Girl 4'1<5 wpm Gmltn Grove Dally !().$, B FLAT Martlnlq11< Oarlnet CnJtoman. All xlnt. 12>-f75, FREE TO YOU charge 9lrl. Must have tion. Live ln 5 days. To $300 sellANNa..,..,.A ;.,..,, ...... .......,. ... .,. and PART Time Recep-Clerk f ypl1t $332 Sat l0-6, Sun U-5 Come S7tl or best otter. Xlnt cond.t;;,.......i;i;i'7i;:;;-===:::--:: 1----....:._c....:..:__1 llent klll Incl mo. ~ 45 ·• o d ln or call m 4l 530-5240 84&-1494 BARGAIN! Membenhlp in DARLING PUPPIES. 4 wkl e x:C9 _ _. 1.._ __ ~I Ill • *HOUSEKEEPER -OOY. 861W.18th St. tlonbt. Top pay. Newport -......~n:· I 0 op.. MOVING-House f u l NewportBeacbTennb:Club. old, Cocker Poodle T-"-. shorthanu; n.nu • e PANJON !or-••-rouple _ Colla Maa. sa.3464 Beach area. Call 6f2..6857 _, .... u..,.., ......... f ... ~, •• .._ u111 u-·--· =..::;,;,::;.~~,..;,.,=-.....,-T plst ~ $325 fumiture. Pnrdl, den, liv, Plano. • Orpns 1130 ••IN you pay transfer ee. S36-0.TIO 5127 -"l'W: .. ,.. ~r Lkoein,klogorshortterm.o-~ u •uAGER, ._WOMAN1.oran1wertn1 Y "~ din•~~ rm• -&IZ-3t17aft3pm -c II --~-(n41 "~ -· ~ IO .... 30 --~· . . FREE kitte-2 ··--· ' -a .-r-r•. Apply mWJ. bmineu in Harbor lt:l'Ylce open.tor. full or 'WPJ.TI. 1 Lamps, trplc eqwp., antique GULBRANSEN * POOL tABLES ~ calico. ~ b ;;'ken '42-n10. HOMEMAKERS 547-«ll ~ General lt'l.'nt&rial A put time, atta1ioan I: evtL Addreitotraph marble top litnry table, OR.GANS Custom .. antique _ modern ~ .. 5127 s.c. Eng, Tee Pl!. ~ R-ptlonlst $411 -Pirc ._, req'd. 841-«m Opor. ~ .......,. bock <ha I r1 · WURLITZER .....,, SPORTS '100" ,-,,.,.,...·~~~...,_,_.:;.;c 1 Top co. tn bet.Cb area it ldolr;-Refined, top level Nt!'WpOl't Salary open. Send ~ ,;;;:;;::;:=====-II SS wpm. fine firm Jardlneet, pictures. etc. PIANOS & ORGANS • cn4.1 636-2'130 iu pm • 6 Kitte~ btautlM a wb. iJW lcJlr .ee. wH°' SoOcf akDll Beach co. Pkuant atmoa-to: P.O. Box 537 Balbol., .lobe Men, Wom.. 7500 t>.ntal A•tlltanf 1>15 1 Irvine Ave., NeWpOrt ' Pla1'e A Orpr11 Railed ·DIAMOND --1.ti ..... set 2 o1d. Will Jove children. am e,.-r. Up, Call Lenine, ~-Call ~. 546-SC.O Ca!U p~-.~-1 Tralnen lll:'Mft Beach EVER.YrnING IN MUSIC c·-T w ..::;,-,..~"-~·Jess SCS-8993 5126 ~ --.-..... u,..,.. ..... ,y ,___,.,___..He .a.::.. · ~··,..' ~1 -650 ·. 5 FLUFFY Jrilten11, various ~~ .. ~ Em~~, Cashior/Hcnl•u Employment =:i:.:i:-N:: s.;;;n.;;....-;o:-"~ii Beach Mus'1c Center m::.,,,-hom<olars ••• _ •• r:!!! for n•w ~ Calm fee job&) 212> So. Main. Santa Ana Alllatance perienoe necesaary. Ex:· Twin box aprine & matt. FOR Sale' Balboa v .... Club .__... 5126 AITIU!3I • llo>w. E"'d SECRETARY Experltn«d Ai>PI> COASTAL AGINCY "°""" -lly! flll. RoU·a·way bed PJ. M be-•1 ·~ -~ .• -3 ASSTD Kltte"'-Calico MANNINGS,. INC. A member o1 ..,_.. s ma 11 map I e fin I 11 b Factory Sales & Service em ••• p. ~. ._,"r lk. · coddalls. Sm. dhnr boiale, Shorthand nectasary, IOCJle El Toro Rd. CLela\n World> I Fiie Clerk ;p.w Dally U noon 'UI 9, Sat 9-S pa)'ll tranafer fee. 2219 b gr/white 8 Mn! old, to O:lll. AJet\ nea~ pkuant. lite bkkJ>I, Beach area. t..quna Milli 837-llD.4 ~~ ~nc~ S.em1tre11 =~:i:· ~ S 1740t Beach Blvd., (Hwy 39) Fortuna, NB. 644-1557 good OOmea. 646--0338 5127 m-.Tm &11·1477 or m493& SEEKIJ'fG amllltioul couple to $125 hr Oak Dinette Set l~ ml. So. San Diego Fwy. Qua\jty king bed, quilted. ADORABLE kitten!!, twl111., DRAPERY WORKROOM NJaue:I Penonnel Apney MEDICAL OfflCE aces 45 to ·ss. u uaistant Ttlmmer/Helper Never-Mar-._ 4 chain $58. Huntlnctnn Beach 847.U complete, WlWlt'd $98: worth MN/8F, .,.!,:!ka. Eutb~u!!; Exptritnotd 6 tratnees. 2fdl Getty Road men in Jee complex. Man to $tU hr Danish ~rn tksk $25. e SPECIAL PURCHASE e S251J. Aft 5 or wknds 8f1.()t()6 .-,·.,·,,,-=,,",..-~--,....:~=••1 Apply in Pft'IOll. Laguna Ntpet Exptrtenced in rtteptionllt must M.w tndde l'*intina Dbl bed, headboard, White WURL ITZER PIANOS '°'Sack Mixer, electric 5 PUPPIES, weaned •nd Arm.stroll& A~. Irvtne -~~i-=~.,---1 ~ . .,.. lnclud1-medical in. + .. -~-tor ho ~~ Teller $UO + Q... .... exp_ Salary $500. Mo, never-mat lop $7. Alt • \Vhlle they tut! Completfl P.fobile unit noo """J fle\V mes. '-""'11' 2 yn, banlOng or savtnc A =---===· =Call=-6'6-3903-=,..-..,.....,.. Submit reaame I: ref&. Box p.m. '546-1452 $945 Walnut con.soles e ~ e a.poo mother. 545-5441 5127 loan exp, required. Pll&lh BABYSI'ITER. Want 1 d: p 880 ~ Pilot. OOMBINAnON desk· chest, now ·••••·· .. ·• ·•••• ... $699 HOUSEHOLD -W a• be r, DOUBLE bed. box sprinr I beach ollice1, M Loralnt, Walld,. dmt&noe from Jolin TECHNICAL JDuath.tof'. ex· maple $45. bcellent cort-plus bench marble tablet. dinette, BR mattreu. Call 6'7>-0141 aftff Merchants ~ 20ll R. Petttwon Sehl, HB. S plodtd vtnt, 9them&Ucl, dltton. fi73-52J2 $195 Spinets, all film. Mbc 'Items. '6Q...t614 6 PM Sn& YSITI'ER -TuH. A Wt1tclilf Dr., N.B, ~ boys for nmmer ara\on. 4 Or1ho ~ and eom-1. tinisbes •.. trom $549 to SS'l'9 ,. 'TIS ~·-• ~· • ALL White kitten, ... ,.....1 for 'nlD'I. 10 AM -S PM. 2 IO\. wb. noon to approx 2 pm. rot.rdaL J\11.1 time: « part SEELY Sin&le llrm m.attrea plus bench •• ....,tca1 ~-· ~~ .. ~•• Bal. ,_. -• EXPERIENCED 9C-fl023 '"'-·. _ _ • I: box spfinp $25. Excellent T • ,,. "'--Opc!ntrw 'bout I~ lst black spot on i.e.d, ftmale. ~ -•~· req. *COUNTER GIRL* -.. ~ • .,, -·-'""' ~• =•1 • ·•~ w.wo ~7834 5126 m.4211 EXPSIUINCZD Teller ml lllANAGER; tllx. ap1., a.ta """"ton. ••~ Gould Mu•ic Compony ,_,,., v_, RY a..&\KING Pft'WSI eo.:..oc =WlltW ~ Piattorm Stimo. S111:curitJ Ilea Co 111-,-1 e t-e malD-HOUSEHOU> lumiahings: 2IM5 N. P.fain; SA MT-ofitl O~OND Solitaire W@ddll'lg 1 YR old brov.-11 Dutch rabbit - f'lqllll"'d 1Uk. wool • a:im-FAllt.WAY a.l!AHEltS Padlle Natloaal Bank. temnct A~ Uv, Dla. 8c'hm. TV, etc. «I e Pl N'O RENTALS eet t.w apprl $775, adJ ~ 5121 ' _La_,. ... ,_ S4Mnl -.en ~· CaJ--a bili t ies 11tU ... 1.at-.67;.1U0J ~SPECIALS• 12Sii<Ub.67;.41ll •MONTH old blad< ~ 5IWl5lO -1101l'lk£U>Llt A COOK -<llllTIMllO CI Jl limi t e() Qualll)lll!twbod.qullted. * Lowu$7.9lpermo. POOLTthl<"'8, xnlt ..... poo puppy._stS-4032 512! !wioofJiCiJiae.i;;in1twii;;i;:yw;;oman~~ J ~!.':'~ .... ~-=)Oak.. Tala ft.Ill nsp. All adulta. Af'r Manacer tcr u unit compltte, Wll.llld $38: worih R«:ntal appl)a to Purd'lu!! w/\l.We 1lmnil top. $'15. 644-5/8" PINE boards. 86C w. ~ , -· ii. ·-----= oi>ta. ,,...d wt ""· epi agen c;y im AA• ... -. 841-Gould Music coinpony t11t1. _, !Bib .... c.M. S/28 a. for HS sr-t. w1Clll typ. . • , , . , """" '154113.. q akilb of o w, IO WPM OPERATORS pret 64&-8222 411 E. 17th Street SOFA • Oalr, new, never "V'W N', P.tain, SA 647.(16b SINISLE Membtrahip In NB TR.EE Pupp~1 -Sm. breed. I 1'tlt ,..wdHn. Call Lora.int, Merchants SPD:. MAOt. Ste,.ty. Tep HOUSE a.EANING Sult. 224 ued. Mab pl'fet. 543-aJZi SACR.tnCE, new Gulbra~ Tennll Oub $7!X). includes 6334984 (0ra111t) I lrw: 4 •I ...... 1 dq ...... Pel•11».1Aj:eney,20QWll&. i-Y· Cl'mt Mflr. 64~ f RRS SAT. ONLY Costa~ 642-1471 orflC.J059 ~ onJ¥. .en Master Conmle J'l&no. tra,.r~fee m-3222 aft 6 FEMALE black ~ Slame• H" . .;;a.;....;. ..... =-...,_=_as...;.. __ ...-.;;dlll=-'°'-·.;.· .;..N;;;Jl.;;....;.MW=m-'".;.-ow toam b' RdliLTS __ •.::...:847:::..UZ::::...:*:..__...l:•!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.' ._...:80CX:::::=..!rr:!...!TO::'....'EM.:::::..' _ $595, Aft 1:15. 4f0.7ld Whtie Mpha,nb:t Dltne4·llne kitten. 675-0158 . 1700 ' • --~- ----------- \ • ------_, ·~..._ --'------------~--'----..... ·----~...._ ___ -~- ' ,; Full pow11, c:ond. NCI· .T. F•ct1ry air, . rin9 at lw1b1, y 1'461 395 " " . . . . , " -. :· q ,. :· ~·: .. --~· -. . ~· . : . . : . ; :' • . . . • . ~~ : . -~ • .. t.·• . : . : :!.l . • . ; ; . •• ,. -· •' ' ·: :~ ----~~~--~ ' I I I I . ' ' ' ' I I • • • • • ' ' . • ' . . .. __. • . . or · I , Fro~. Starujard Oil Corripa11,y of California,--·a -siJtie.s,· .of magn··ificent fu'll- co.Zor seen.es , of Calif o'rliia. A dociimented/kistorr ofyo¢rGolden' s~(;[,te. Ideal for ,fra .miT?,g; for binding; for-teaching children their: California,.h·eritage. . . " . -. ' . ' . \ . ... " I .; ,, ~ 0 I• _. !• • • ·;I, I ·. ·, • ~-! • -· . '' Different sets weekly-42 scenes in all! An old leg~nd said there · was a land "very near to the terrestrial paradise"; a land ruled. by a· beautiful Queen called Calafia. This legendary land beccl_me fact. First settled'.in 1769, exactly 200 years ago, we. know .this land today as California! To commemorate California's Bicentennial, Standard Oil Company ' ---' ' ' .. ' ' • • • -,--·~ -· of canfornla is giving away free-·with purchase-a beautiful series of .original wat~rcolor prints of historic California ~ites . There 'll be different sets weekly-42 scenes in all. Print size 12 by 16V2 inches. Start your collection today. It's your Golden State ... your California. From Standard Oil Company of California. ,. Free with purchase AT CHEVRON DEALERS STANDARD STATIONS (in California) -· • L T 1 5 a rt *?t ...... = s s 5 7' ) ----,. .:-:.:.:..:. . ....:..:.. ~. -:::.. •• & ---------·----- \